STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, tOS HNGBItES, CAIi. itOS ELiLS, CAli. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH 18951902 IN THREE VOLUMES VOLUME I GENERAL WORKS PHILOSOPHY RELIGION SOCIOLOGY PHILOLOGY NATURAL SCIENCE USEFUL ARTS PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1907 71 . I Contents Page BOARD OF TRUSTEES - iv PREFACE - - - v How TO USE THE CATALOGUE - - x SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION CATALOGUE AUTHOR INDEX - - v.3 SUBJECT INDEX - - v.3 in Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Original Board of Trustees First Meeting, March 12, 1890 JAMES B. SCOTT, President W. N. FREW, Secretary H. C. FRICK, Treasurer K. Q. BINGHAM J. S. LAMBIE R. B. CARNAHAN REUBEN MILLER E. M. FERGUSON GEORGE A. MACBETH H. P. FORD WILLIAM McCALLIN W. J. HOLLAND DAVID McCARGO G. L. HOLLIDAY W. H. McKELVY J. F. HUDSON ROBERT PITCAIRN J. B. JACKSON H. K. PORTER A. F. KEATING S. H. SHANNON Board of Trustees January i, 7907 W. N. FREW, President ROBERT PITCAIRN, Vice-president J. F. HUDSON, Secretary JAMES H. REED, Treasurer WILLIAM BRAND WILLIAM METCALF, Jr. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON M. E. O'BRIEN D. L. GILLESPIE H. K. PORTER GEORGE W. GUTHRIE CHARLES L. TAYLOR GEORGE A. MACBETH E. R. WALTERS P. A. MANION J. C. WASSON A. W. MELLON JOHN WERNER IV Preface The Board of Trustees of me Carnegie Library of Pitts- burgh was organized in 1890. The following year permission was obtained from the city to erect in Schenley Park a central building dedicated to its purposes, to be followed by the erection of branches in other parts of the city. As this first structure approached completion, the work of the Library proper began early in 1895 with the organization of a staff under the leadership of Edwin H. Anderson and in November of that year the Library was opened to the public with a col- lection of about 16,000 volumes. A dictionary catalogue listing about 9,000 volumes of the collection had been prepared in pamphlet form and was ready for distribution at the formal opening of the Library to the public. A second impression of this, with slight corrections, was quickly supplied. Since that time no catalogue in book form, attempting to cover the whole of the Library's collec- tions, has been issued. A decision was soon reached, how- ever, to issue regular monthly bulletins of additions to the Library and these began to appear in April 1896. The next year a department of printing was created and not only the Monthly Bulletin but also the cards for the regular card catalogues of the Library, including those of the branches as established, were issued in printed form. The composition was by linotype and the metal was preserved in the form of type so that lists and catalogues of various kinds might be printed from time to time without incurring the cost of re- setting the matter. These type-forms have been used in the making of a number of such lists. In 1902 a decision was made to issue in book form a Clas- sified Catalogue of all the books in the Library. The collec- tions had grown rapidly and at that time numbered about 145,000 volumes, among which were included many dupli- cate copies made necessary by the popular character of the work of the Library and its organization of branches. A number of elements conspired to bring about the de- vi PREFACE cision at that time to proceed with the printing of this cata- logue, the most potent of which was the fact that a new and more satisfactory type-face had been determined upon for use in entry words and call numbers in all the catalogues of the Library after July I, 1902. Thus the type which had until that time been used in printing the catalogue cards and the Monthly Bulletin might be used once more for a book cata- logue and then melted down. Because of the change of type only those books in the possession of the Library previous to July 1902 could be included. Subsequent additions would form a supplementary catalogue or a series of supplementary catalogues. It may, perhaps, as well be stated here that the first of these supplements is already in type forming two vol- umes which are to be issued as soon as they can be got off the press after the three volumes comprising this, the first Classi- fied Catalogue in book form of this Library, have been issued. The five volumes combined will make a complete catalogue of the Library to January I, 1907, grown by that time to 242,000 volumes. The use of the old linotype matter made it desirable that few changes should be attempted. Some careful revision was necessary, however, because in the years which had elapsed since the work of printing the catalogue cards had begun, it was inevitable that inconsistencies, and some inaccuracies, should have accumulated. It was not deemed practicable to make all the changes and corrections that were thought de- sirable. In classification practically no revision was made through the first five main classes of books and in the last five only such changes were made as seemed most urgent, except in the classes Natural science and Useful arts. There the classification was altered and expanded considerably in con- sonance with the work of the Institut International de Bibli- ographic at Brussels. Annotation has been a marked feature in catalogues and lists made by the Library from an early day in its history and it was felt that additional descriptive and explanatory notes to many of the titles in this catalogue would have greatly en- hanced its interest and value, but because of the time and labor involved in their preparation few annotations were PREFACE vii added in the earlier parts of the work and none whatever were added in the fiction list. Such notes as were already in type for certain titles were used; other titles needing it no less re- main without this feature. The great desirability of these helps has been more strongly felt as the work proceeded and in the latter portion thereof the practice has been so altered that many new notes have been added to titles in the classes Fine arts, History, Travel and description, and Biography. The general arrangement of the catalogue is in agreement with the divisions of the Decimal Classification, now in rather common use in the United States, of which a brief synopsis is given on page XII of this volume. Individual biographies, however, are arranged in one alphabet and filed under the name of the subject. Likewise books on history, and on travel and description, although assigned numbers in accord- ance with the regular classification, are arranged in a special way by being placed together under the name of the country treated. At the end have been added full author and subject indexes. It is perhaps unnecessary to state that of course the catalogue does not show the" entire resources of the Library \ upon a given subject, since it does not list specifically parts /" of a book treating a particular subject. Entries of that char-/ acter are to be found only in the card catalogues of the Library. Moreover it was not the intention to make a bibli- ography, therefore many details commonly inserted even in library catalogues w r ere here omitted, the object being to make a simple catalogue for public use as a finding list. The complete remodeling of the main structure origin- ally erected for the Library and opened in 1895, together with the building of very large additions thereto, brought about conditions that have greatly retarded the preparation and issue of this catalogue. These may be the more clearly realized when it is understood that not only the processes of cataloguing and proof-reading, but also all those of composi- tion, presswork and binding have been accomplished without the employment of other agencies than the Library's own facilities within its Central Library building and have been carried on continuously during the course of that reconstruc- tion and enlargement mentioned above. To offset the incon- Vlll PREFACE venient delay as far as possible for the public, the classes or parts of the catalogue as they came from the press have been issued in pamphlet form and may be bound up into complete volumes by those possessing all the parts. Generous acknowledgement is due the Board of Trustees for its broad and liberal support of the whole work of the Library. And beyond that statement it is only fair that there should be singled out for personal mention the President of the Board, Mr W. N. Frew, and the Chairman of the Com- mittee on Administration, Mr George A. Macbeth, both of whom in all the affairs of the Library have given of their time and strength without stint, thereby making such a task as this possible of accomplishment. To Edwin H. Anderson, the former Librarian, belongs the credit for the inception of the work and the conduct of a large share of it. He saw through the press the first four parts of the catalogue, covering the classes General works, Philoso- phy, Religion, Sociology, Philology, Natural science and Useful arts. In this he was ably seconded by Miss Henrietta St. B. Brooks, to whom as chief of the Catalogue Department at that time he committed the immediate supervision of the work. Under her were issued the first two sections. Upon leaving the service of the Library, she was succeeded by Miss Margaret Mann, who has carried the work to its completion. To Miss Mann especially and to her corps of assistants generally should be given hearty recognition for the success- ful accomplishment of a difficult task in the midst of other heavy duties and under physical conditions that have been most trying the reconstruction of the building having been carried on all about them as they worked. Of her immediate staff two have done work of so special a character that it calls for notice. These are Miss Irene Stewart, who has re- vised and edited the copy for printing, and Miss Marion A. Knight, who has revised the classification, making changes and expanding classes where necessary. The Department of Printing and Binding, under the effi- cient management of Mr William H. Schwarten, has suffered heavily from the same conditions that have so hampered all departments of the Library and is deserving of high com- mendation for the results achieved. PREFACE ix These acknowledgements would not be complete without a mention of Miss Mabel A. Frothingham, who as Editor of Library Publications has read all the proof, except that of the first three classes, with an eye both to general form and to specific details after it had passed the usual proof-readers. Further a spirit of cordial cooperation throughout the staff has added many helpful touches here and there, small in them- selves, but great in a way that I am unwilling to leave without recognition. ANDERSON H. HOPKINS, 21 February 1907. Librarian. How to Use the Catalogue The entries in this catalogue are arranged according to the Decimal Classification, a system by which like subjects are brought together and related subjects are grouped in an order more or less logical. For a synopsis of the classes see page XII. To find a book by a known author first consult the author index in volume 3. This index contains the author's name, titles of his works, call number of each work and reference to the volume and page of the catalogue on which the full entry will be found. The call number opposite each title is the sym- bol to be used in calling for the book, and should be copied exactly. If the work is in more than one volume, the volume wanted should be specified in addition to the full call number. The titles and call numbers for works of -fiction are not in- cluded in the author index; there the author's name only is given, with a reference to the list of fiction, where the full en- try will be found. Call numbers preceded by the letter "r" or "b" designate books in the reference collection which are not loaned for use outside the Library. These books, as well as all others in the Library, may be consulted freely in the Refer- ence room. The letter "j" prefixed to a call number indicates that the book is in the Children's Department. The author in- dex includes anonymous titles, names of societies and institu- tions, and titles of all periodical publications. To find the given resources on a general subject or class the synopsis on p. XII of vol. I may be consulted. Only the broad classes are outlined here, but the table serves to show at a glance the scheme of arrangement followed in the cata- logue and furnishes a key to the main classes of literature. A more direct way to find books on a particular subject is to consult the subject index in volume 3. The number following the subject is the class-number standing for that subject and shows its relative location on the shelves for example, all books on chemistry will be in class 540. The page number HOW TO USE THE CATALOGUE refers to that place in the catalogue where the books on the subject in question are entered and where the call number for individual works may be ascertained. Fiction has been filed after the general class Literature, vol.2, p. 1722. Description and travel is grouped with the history of the country treated. Biography, both collected and individual, has been placed after the general class History, vol. 3, p.27o8. For individual biography 92 has been used as the class number. Errata for each volume will be found at the end of the volume. Synopsis of Classification Class Volume and page ooo General works i : i oio Bibliography i : i 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 Class Volume and page Library economy i : 30 General encyclopedias i : 40 General collections i : 42 General periodicals i : 42 General societies i : 50 Newspapers i : 50 Special libraries Book rarities i : 55 500 Natural science ........... i:575 510 Mathematics ............ i : 588 520 Astronomy ............... i : 595 530 Physics .................. i : 611 540 Chemistry ............... i : 644 550 Geology ................. i : 682 560 Paleontology ............ i : 726 570 Biology ................. i : 735 580 Botany .................. i : 768 590 Zoology ................. *'79Q 100 Philosophy i: 59 600 Useful arts i: 837 no Metaphysics 1:62 120 Metaphysical topics i : 63 130 Mind and body i : 64 140 Philosophical systems i : 72 150 Psychology i : 72 160 Logic 1:81 170 Ethics i : 83 180 Ancient philosophers i : 100 190 Modern philosophers i : 102 200 Religion i : 108 210 Natural theology i 120 220 Bible i 128 230 Doctrinal theology i 159 240 Devotional. Practical i 175 250 Homiletic i 183 260 Church. Institutions i 188 270 Religious history i 203 280 Churches and sects i 221 290 Ethnic. Non-Christian...! 247 610 Medicine i : 851 620 Engineering i : 888 630 Agriculture i : 980 640 Domestic economy i : 1002 650 Commerce. Business i : ion 660 Chemical technology . . . . i : 1033 670 Manufactures i : 1090 680 Mechanic trades i : noo 690 Building 1:1105 700 Fine arts 2: 1119 710 Landscape gardening. . . .2: 1145 720 Architecture 2:1153 730 Sculpture 2 : 1201 740 Drawing. Decoration. . .2: 1218 750 Painting 2: 1239 760 Engraving 2 : 1292 770 Photography 2 : 1298 780 Music 2:1313 790 Amusements 2 : 1413 300 Sociology i: 264 800 Literature 2: 1438 310 Statistics i : 279 320 Political science i : 289 330 Economics i : 319 340 Law i : 389 350 Administration i : 417 360 Associations. Institutions..!: 449 370 Education i : 465 380 Commerce i : 505 390 Customs. Folk-lore i : 529 400 Philology.. 1:555 410 Comparative i : 556 420 English i : 558 430 German i : 566 440 French i : 568 450 Italian i : 569 460 Spanish i : 569 470 Latin i : 570 480 Greek 1:571 490 Minor languages i : 571 810 American 2: 1459 820 English 2:1512 830 German 2 : 1639 840 French 2: 1656 850 Italian 2 : 1676 860 Spanish 2 : 1682 870 Latin 2 : 1684 880 Greek 2: 1697 890 Minor languages 2 : 1713 Fiction 2: 1 722 900 History 2: 2068 910 Geography and travel 2 : 2084 920 Biography 3 : 2708 930 Ancient history 2: 2116 940 950 960 970 980 990 Europe 2: 2154 Asia 2:2335 Africa 2: 2380 North America 3:2411 South America 3 : 2679 vOceanica. Polar regions.. 3: 2688 General works oio Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHER; monthly. 6v. 1882-84 qroio 647 Continued by "Book-lore." BIBLIOGRAPHICA; papers on books, their history and art; quarterly. 3v. 1895-97 qroio 6473 v.3 contains a general index. No more published. BOOK-LORE; monthly. 6v. 1885-87 qroio 663 Continuation of "Bibliographer." BOOKMAN literary year-book. 1898 roio 6631 BOOKMART; monthly. 8v. in 5. 1884-90 qroio 66313 No more published. BOOKWORM; an illustrated treasury of old-time literature; monthly. 7v. 1888-94 roio 66312 No more published. BULLETIN of bibliography, v.i-date. i897-date qroio 687 BURTON, John Hill. Book-hunter oio 695 CAMPBELL, Frank. Theory of national and international bibliography, with special reference to the introduction of system in the record of modern literature. 1896 roio ClS CLEGG, James, comp. International directory of booksellers, and bibliophile's manual, including lists of the public libraries of the world. 1899 roio 55! Bibliographical works of reference, p. 3 13-344. DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. Bibliomania; or, Book-madness. 1876 qroio 054 ELTON, Charles Isaac, & Mary Augusta. Great book-collectors. 1893. (Books about books.) oio 56 FIELD, Eugene. Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 1896 oio F45 "Field conceived the volume as recording the talk and recollections of a collector of mature years, looking back fondly upon the passions of his life and passing them on to his fellows with modesty, but withal a conviction that he who makes two bibliomaniacs to grow frenzied where only one was mad before is a benefactor to the human race." New York tribune. GENTLEMAN'S magazine library; ed. by G. L. Gomme; Bib- liographical notes. 1889 oio G29 GROWOLL, Adolf. American book clubs; their beginnings and history, and a bibliography of their publications. 1897 roio G94 LANG, Andrew. The library. 1892 oio L23 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY LIBRARIAN, by James Savage ; monthly. 3v. in 2. 1808-09 roio L68 No more published. LITERARY year-book. Y.I-S. 1897-1901 roio L74 MAXWELL, Sir Herbert Eustace. Rainy days in a library. 1896 oio M52 MERRYWEATHER, F. Somner. Bibliomania in the middle ages. 1849 roio M63 POWELL, G. H. Excursions in Libraria; retrospective reviews and biblio- graphical notes. 1896 roio P87 The same. 1896 oio P87 Contents: The philosophy of rarity. A Gascon tragedy, I4th century. A shelf of old story-books. The pirate's paradise, 1740. A medley of "Memoirs." With Rabelais at Rome, 1536. The wit of history. POWER, John, comp. Handy-book about books. 1870 roio P874 ROBERTS, William. Book-hunter in London; historical and other studies of collectors and collecting. 1895 oio R53 ROGERS, Walter Thomas. Manual of bibliography. 1891 roio R6i ROUVEYRE, fidouard, ed. Connaissances necessaires a un bibliophile; accompagnees de notes critiques et de documents bibliographiques. lov. in 5. 1899 roio R78 SLATER, John Herbert, comp. Library manual; a guide to the formation of a library roio 863 SLATER, John Herbert. The romance of book-collecting. 1898 oio $63 Contents: In eulogy of catalogues. A comparison of prices. Some lucky finds. The forgotten lore society. Some hunting-grounds of London. Vagaries of book-hunters. How fashion lives. The rules of the chase. The glamour of bindings. The hammer and the end. UZANNE, Louis Octave. Bouquinistes et bouquineurs; physiologic des quais de Paris du Pont Royal au Pont Sully. 1893 oio U3S Studies of the open-air booksellers and book-lenders and their stalls along the Paris quays, with some account of the history of the trade. WHEATLEY, Henry Benjamin. Prices of books; an inquiry into the changes in the price of books which have occurred in England at different periods. 1898. (Library series.) oio WS9 BRUNET, Jacques Charles, comp. Manuel du libraire, avec supplement. 8v. 1860-80 roil 683 DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. Library companion. 2v. 1824 roi i DS4 A general bibliography, descriptive and critical. It gives special atten- tion to old and rare editions. Dibdin's bibliographical work was severely criticised in contemporary reviews, which pronounced it in- accurate and misleading, and it is largely as bibliographical curiosities that his books retain interest to-day. DUCLOS, 1'abbe, comp. Dictionnaire bibliographique, historique et critique des BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS 3 livres rares. 3v. 1790 roil D86 "Cet ouvrage auquel Cailleau passe pour avoir travaille, est tout entier de Duclos." Qucrard. GRAESSE, Johann Georg Theodor, comp. Tresor de livres rares et precieux, avec supplement. 7v. in 8. 1859-69 qroi i G;6 WATT, Robert, comp. Bibliotheca Britannica; or, A general index to British and foreign literature. 4v. ^824 qroi i W32 012-013 Bibliography of individual authors BAKER, William Spohn. Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. 1889 qroi2 W27 CORNELL UNIVERSITY Library. Catalogue of the Dante collection presented by Willard Fiske. 2v. 1898-1900 qroi2 D23 v.i. Dante's works. Works on Dante (A-G). v.z. Works on Dante (H-Z). FISH, Daniel, comp. Lincoln literature; a bibliographical account of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. 1900 qroi2 L7I KOCH, Theodore Wesley. Growth & importance of the Cornell Dante collection. 1900. qroi2 D23k Reprinted from the "Cornell magazine," June 1900. KOCH, Theodore Wesley, comp. Hand-list of framed reproductions of pictures and portraits belonging to the Dante collection of Cornell university. 1900. (Cornell university. Publications.) qroi2 D23k Bound with the above. LINCOLN, Abraham. Catalogue of Lincolniana; a collection of engravings, litho- graphs, books, eulogies, orations, pamphlets, etc. relat- ing wholly or in part to Abraham Lincoln. 1902 roi2 L7ic MINER, William Harvey, comp. Daniel Boone; a contribution toward a bibliography of writings concerning Daniel Boone. 1901 roi2 B63m OSWALD, Eugen, comp. Goethe in England and America; bibliography. 1899. (English Goethe society. Publications, no.8.) roi2 Gsso Reprinted from "Die neueren sprachen," Marburg. PHILADELPHIA Free library. Bulletin, Nov. i898-date. v.i-date. i898-date qroi2 P49 v.i (no. i -4). Descriptive catalogue of the writings of Sir Walter Scott, by John Thomson. Descriptive catalogue of the series of works known as the Library of old authors, by John Thomson. Indexes to the first lines and to the subjects of the poems of Robert Herrick. Some notes on the bibliography of the Philippines, by T. C. Middle- ton. Issued irregularly. These four numbers are all that have appeared up to August 1902. SCOTT, Temple, comp. Bibliography of the works of William Morris. 1897 roi2 Mgi SHEA, John Gilmary, comp. Bibliography of Hennepin's works. 1880 roi2 H44 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES SHEPHERD, Richard Herne, comp. Bibliography of Carlyle; a list of the published writings of Carlyle, 1820-1881. 1881 .' roi2 21 Bibliography of Coleridge; a list of the published and privately-printed writings of Coleridge; enl. by W. F. Prideaux. 1900 roi2 C68 Bibliography of Dickens; a list of the published writings of Dickens, 1834-1880. 1880 roi2 D$5 Bibliography of Ruskin; a list of the published writings of Ruskin, 1834-1879. 1879 roi2 R8g Bibliography of Tennyson; a list of the published and pri- vately-printed writings of Tennyson, 1827-1894. 1896. .roi2 T295 SPRINGFIELD, Mass. CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Cromwell list; notes for the study of Oliver Cromwell and his times, with special reference to Arthur Paterson's novel "Cromwell's own," together with various other writings relating to the life of the lord protector. 1899. .roi2 C8g WINSHIP, George Parker, comp. Cabot bibliography, with an introductory essay on the careers of the Cabots, based upon an independent exami- nation of the sources of information. 1900 roi2 Cn UNITED STATES Library of Congress. Preliminary list of books and pamphlets by negro authors; comp. by Daniel Murray. 1900 roi3 U25 014 Anonyms, pseudonyms BARBIER, Antoine Alexandre, comp. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. 4v. 1872-79 roi4 623 GUSHING, William, comp. Anonyms. 1890 qroi4 C93a Initials and pseudonyms, ist-2d ser. 2v. 1885-88 qroi4 C93 HALKETT, Samuel, & Laing, John, comp. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. 4v. 1882-88 qroi4 Hi6 015 Bibliography of special countries AMERICAN catalogue, 1876-1900. v.i-6. 1889-1900 qrois ASI ANNUAL American catalogue, i889-date. v.4~date. 1890- date qrois A6i BENT, W. pub. London catalogue of books, 1800-1827. 1827 rois 644 BIBLIOGRAPHIE de la France; ou, Journal general de 1'im- primerie et de la librairie; weekly, v.i-date. i8io-date. .qroi5 647 BOWKER, Richard Rogers, comp. State publications; a provisional list of the official publica- tions of the several states of the United States, from their organization, v.i. 1899 rois B66s v.i. New England states. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES 5 BOWKER, Richard Rogers, & Hickcox, J. H. comp. United States government publications, July i, i884-June 30, 1890. 1891 qrois B66 Reprint of the appendix of the "American catalogue," 1884-90. CARDIFF FREE LIBRARIES, Cardiff, Wales. Catalogue of printed literature in the Welsh department. 1898 qrois CIQ CATALOGUE annuel de la librairie franchise, 1893-1898; redige par D. Jordell. 6v. 1894-99 rois C27 Continued as "Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie franchise," rois CZJT. CUMULATED index to the books of i898-date. v.i-date. i90O-date qrois 91 ENGLISH catalogue of books, 1835-1900. v.i-6. 1864-1901 . , qrois 64 ENGLISH catalogue of books; annual, :892-date. v.s6-date. :893-date qrois E64a v.s6-64, 1892-1900, bound with the "Annual American catalogue" for the same years. GROWOLL, Adolf. Book-trade bibliography in the United States in the I9th century, to which is added A catalogue of all the books printed in the United States with prices and places where published annexed, published by the booksellers in Boston, January 1804. 1898 rois G94 Contains sketches of some American bookseller-bibliographers, including Henry Stevens and Frederick Leypoldt. HAIGHT, W. R. comp. Annual Canadian catalogue of books, 1896. v.i. 1898. . . .rois Hi4a Supplement to his "Canadian catalogue of books." Canadian catalogue of books, 1791-1895. v.i. 1896 rois Hi4 HEINSIUS, Wilhelm, comp. Allgemeines biicher-lexikon; oder, Vollstandiges alphabet- isches verzeichniss der von 1700 bis 1893 erschienenen biicher welche in Deutschland gedruckt worden sind. I9v. in 26. 1812-94 qrois H42 HILDEBURN, Charles Swift Riche, ed. Century of printing; the issues of the press in Pennsyl- vania, 1685-1784. 2v. 1885-86 qrois H54 v.i. 1685-1763. V.2. 1764-1784. Amplification of his "List of the publications issued in Pennsylvania," giving full descriptions of titles, with collations, of books, pamphlets and broadsides. Contains an autograph letter from the author. List of the publications issued in Pennsylvania, 1685 to 1759. 1882 qrois H54l A preliminary list, giving only short titles, with the name of the printer, and the date of issue, amplified in his "Century of printing." Ms. annotations by Isaac Craig. HINRICHS, J. C. pub. Verzeichnis der im deutschen buchhandel neu erschien- enen und neu aufgelegten biicher, landkarten, &c. v.ioo- date. i893-date qrois H$6 v.2o6-date title reads "Hinrichs' halbjahrs-katalog der im deutschen buchhandel erschienenen bucher, landkarten, &c." HODGSON, Thomas, pub. London catalogue of books, 1831-1855. 1855 rois H66 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES KAYSER, Christian Gottlob, comp. Vollstandiges biicher-lexicon. v.i-3O, in 24. 1834-1900. .qrois Ki4 LE SOUDIER, H. pub. Bibliographic franchise; recueil de catalogues des editeurs frangais. 6v. 1896 ................................... roi5 L64 The same. Ed. 2. lov. 1900 ........................... qrois L64b Memorial de la librairie franchise; revue hebdomadaire des livres; complement de la Bibliographic franchise, i896-date. v.3-date. i896-date LORENZ, Otto Henri, comp. Catalogue general de la librairie franchise, 1840-1899. v.i- 14. 1867-1901 ........................................ rois L87 v.i-4. 1840-1865. v.s-6. 1866-1875. v.7-8. Table des matieres, 1840-1875. .9-10. 1876-1885. v.i i. Table des matieres, 1876-1885. v.iz. 1886-1890; redige par D. Jordell. v.i 3. Table des matieres, 1886-1890; redige' par D. Jordell. v.i4. 1891-1899; redige par D. Jordell. LOWNDES, William Thomas, comp. Bibliographer's manual of English literature; new edition by H. G. Bohn. 6v. 1869 ............................. rois Lg6 The same. 5v. in 4. 1858-64 ............................. rois L96b NIJHOFF, Martinus, pub. Sciences, belles-lettres et arts dans les Pays-bas, surtout au 196 siecle; bibliographic systematique. v.i. 1895.. ..rois N34 v.i. Linguistique, histoire litteraire, belles-lettres. PUBLISHERS' trade list annual, v.12, 16, 18, 20, 22-date. i884-date ........................................... qrois REFERENCE catalogue of current literature, 1894-1898. 3v. 1894-98 .............................................. rois REPERTOIRE bibliographique de la librairie franchise, i9OO-date; redige par D. Jordell. v.i-date. i9Oi-date. .rois C27r Continuation of "Catalogue annuel de la librairie franchise," rois Ca7. ROORBACK, Orville Augustus, comp. Bibliotheca Americana; catalogue of American publications, 1820-1852. 1852 ...................................... rois R68 SAMPSON, Frederick Asbury. Bibliography of Missouri authors. 1901 ................. qrois Si9 Reprint from "Encyclopaedic history of Missouri." STEVENS, Henry, comp. American books with tails to 'em; a private pocket list of the incomplete or unfinished American periodicals, transactions, memoirs, judicial reports, laws, journals, legislative documents and other continuations and works in progress supplied to the British museum and other libraries, by Henry Stevens. 1873 ................ rois $84 TRUBNER, Nicolas, comp. Bibliographical guide to American literature; a classed list of books published in the United States during the last 40 years. 1859 ....................................... rois T77 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 7 UNITED STATES catalog; books in print, 1899; ed. by G. F. Danforth and M. E. Potter. 1900 qroiS U2532 016 Bibliography of special subjects Many other bibliographies, forming parts of books, will be found noted with the books, under the subjects of which the books themselves treat. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Catalog of "A. L. A." library; 5000 volumes for a popular library selected by the American library association and shown at the World's Columbian exposition. 1893. .ro:6 ASI Published by the United States bureau of education. BEST reading, ist-4th ser. 4v. 1877-93 r i6 646 v.i ed. by F. B. Perkins; v.2-4, by L. E. Jones. BOWKER, Richard Rogers, comp. Publications of societies; a provisional list of the publica- tions of American scientific, literary and other societies, from their organization. 1899 roi6 B66 BRITISH MUSEUM. Subject index of the modern works added to the library, 1891-1895. 1897 qroi6 675 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library. Bibliographical contributions; ed. by Justin Winsor. v.i, no.i2; v.2, no.22, 31-37; v.3, no.38-5i; v.4, no.52-53, in 2. 1881-98 qro:6 H33 Partial contents: v.i 3. Lane, W. C. comp. Dante collections in the Harvard college and Boston public libraries. Woodberry, G. E. Notes on the ms. volume of Shelley's poems in the library of Harvard col- lege. Weitenkampf, Frank, comp. Bibliography of William Hogarth. Potter, A. C. comp. Bibliography of Beaumont and Fletcher. Gross, Charles, comp. Classified list of books relating to British municipal history. Lane, W. C. & Bolton, C. K. comp. Notes on special collec- tions in American libraries. Weeks, S. B. comp. Bibliography of the historical literature of North Carolina. Morgan, M. H. comp. Bibli- ography of Persius. Albee, L. R. comp. The Bartlett collection; a list of books on angling, fishing and fish culture in the Harvard college library. v.4. Potter, A. C. & Bolton, C. K. comp. Librarians of Harvard college, 1667-1877. Brown, W. G. comp. List of portraits in the various buildings of Harvard university. HASSE, Adelaide Rosalie, comp. Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government; a contribution toward a bib- liography. 1899. (United States Documents office.) . . roi6 U25 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. Five thousand books; a guide to the best books. 1895.. ..roi6 Li3 NEW YORK (state) Library. Bulletin; bibliography, v.i-date. i895-date roi6 N26 v.i (no.i-ao). Guide to the study of Whistler, by W. G. Forsyth and J. L. Harrison. Reading list; colonial New England, by M. C. Wil- son. Select bibliography on travel in North America, by C. W. Plymp- ton. Reading list on the history of the i7th century, by G. F. Leon- ard. Selection of reference books for the use of cataloguers in find- ing full names. Reading list on Japan, by H. K. Gay. Reading list on Venice, by Helen Sperry. Reading list of out-of-door books, by H. H. Stanley. Reading list on the Netherlands, by E. G. Thorne. Reading list on renaissance art of the i$th and i6th centuries, by A. S. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY Ames and E. P. Andrews. Reading list on history of latter half of 15th century, by Etheldred Abbot. Best books of 1897, with notes. Fairy tales for children, by F. J. Olcott. Index to subject bibliog- raphies in library bulletins, by Alice Newman. Reading list on Rus- sia, by A. L. Morse. Illustrative material for nature study in primary schools, by C. W. Hunt. Bibliography of biography of musicians, by A. L. Bailey. Best books of 1898, with notes. College libraries of the United States; contribution toward a bibliography, by Hugh Wil- liams. Reading list on house decoration and furnishing, by E. E. Miersch. v.2 (no.2i~3o). Best books of 1899, with notes. Bibliography of do- mestic economy, by R. K. Shaw. Reference list on Connecticut local history by C. A. Flagg. Bibliography of New York colonial history, by C. A. Flagg and J.T.Jennings. China and the Far East, 1889-99, by Margaret Windeyer. Reference list on Maine local history, by D. B. Hall. Best books, 1900, with notes. List of a $500 library recommended for schools. v-3 (no.3i 32). Monopolies and trusts in America, 1895-99, by Fanny Borden. Biography for young people, by B. E. Hyatt. NEW YORK (state) University Extension department. Syllabus, no. 1-71. 3v. 1892-98 roi6 N26i no. 1 8, 45 wanting. SARGANT, E. B. & Whishaw, Bernhard. Guide book to books. 1891 qroi6 824 SONNENSCHEIN, William Swan, comp. Best books; a reader's guide. 1894 qroi6 S6g Reader's guide to contemporary literature; ist supplement to Best books. 1895 qroi6 S6gr STEVENS, Benjamin Franklin, comp. One thousand English books in handsome bindings recom- mended for the English portion of an American home , library. 1874 roi6 884 016.01 Bibliography of bibliography JOSEPHSON, Aksel Gustav Salomon, comp. Bibliographies of bibliographies; chronologically arranged, with occasional notes. 1901. (Chicago, Bibliographi- cal society. Contributions to bibliography, no.i.) . . . .roi6.oi J44 OTTINO, Giuseppe, & Fumagalli, Giuseppe, comp. Bibliotheca bibliographica Italica; catalogo degli scritti di bibliologia, bibliografia e biblioteconomia pubblicati in Italia e di quelli risguardanti 1'Italia pubblicati all'estero. Sv. in i. 1889-1901 qroi6.oi 031 PETZHOLDT, Julius, ed. Bibliotheca bibliographica; kritisches verzeichniss der das gesammtgebiet der bibliographic betreffenden litteratur des in- und aus-landes, in systematischer ordnung. 1866 roi6.oi P46 VALLfiE, Leon-, comp. Bibliographic des bibliographies, avec supplement. 2v. in i. 1883-87 roi6.oi Vl6 016.05-016.07 Bibliography of periodicals and newspapers ANNUAIRE des journaux, revues et publications periodiques parus a Paris; public par H. Le Soudier. v.i8, 22. 1898- 1900 roi6.o5 A6i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOK RARITIES BOSTON Public library. List of periodicals, newspapers, transactions and other serial publications currently received in the principal li- braries of Boston and vicinity. 1897 qro:6.O5 664 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Catalogue of periodicals and newspapers. 1899 roi6.os C2i CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB, comp. List of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston, corrected to Jan. 1901. 1901 roi6.os C43 STEIGER, Ernst, comp. Periodical literature of the United States of America, with index and appendices. 1873 qroi6.O5 S8i UNITED STATES Library of Congress. Union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publica- tions currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia. 1901 qroi6.o5 U25 JAMES, Edmund Janes, & Loveless, M. J. comp. Bibliography of newspapers published in Illinois prior to 1860. 1899. (Illinois state historical library. Publica- tions, v.i.) roi6.O7 Ji6 UNITED STATES Library of Congress. Check list of American newspapers in the Library of Con- gress. 1901 ; qroi6.07 U25 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the library; comp. by E. H. Blair. 1898 roi6.O7 W8i 016.09 Bibliography of book rarities CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH. Descriptive list of some old books and mss, some fine edi- tions and fine bindings and some books on printing, exhibited Nov. 5-Dec. 31, 1896. 1896 roi6.O9 C2i QUARITCH, Bernard, comp. Catalogue of the monuments of the early printers in all countries, offered for cash by Quaritch. 1888 roi6.O93 Q 1 ^ Contents: Germany and the Low countries. Italy. France. Spain, Portugal, north and east Europe, America and the East. England. ROSENTHAL, Jacques, comp. Incunabula typographica; catalogue d'une collection d'incu- nables decrits et offerts aux amateurs a 1'occasion du cinquieme centenaire de Guttenberg. 1900 roi6.O93 R72 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of books in the library printed in England, Scot- land and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad, 101640. 3v. 1884 roi6.094 B75 GOLDSMID, Edmund, comp. Complete catalogue of all the publications of the Elzevier presses at Leyden, Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, with introduction, notes and appendix containing a list of all works, whether forgeries or anonymous publica- 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RELIGION tions, generally attributed to these presses. 3v. in I. 1886-88. (Bibliotheca curiosa.) roi6.O94 Gs8 HARSNETT LIBRARY, Colchester, England. Catalogue. 1888 qroi6.O94 HSI Life of Bishop Harsnett, p. 5-34. RENOUARD, Antoine Augustin. Annales de rimprimerie des Aide; ou, Histoire des trois Ma- nuce et de leurs editions, & supplement. 2v. 1803-12. .roi6.O94 R34 Bibliographical sketch of the Aldine press at Venice; tr. and abridged from Renouard's Annales de rimprimerie des Aides, and revised and corrected by Edmund Gold- smid. 3v. in i. 1887 roi6.O94 R34-b GROLIER CLUB, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated and painted manu- scripts, together with a few early printed books with il- luminations. 1892 roi6.0Q6 GQ3 Bibliography of mss, p. 57-64. KRISTELLER, Paul. Early Florentine woodcuts, with an annotated list of Florentine illustrated books. 1897 qroi6.O96 K42 016.178 Bibliography of tobacco BRAGGE, William. Bibliotheca nicotiana; a catalogue of books about tobacco, with a catalogue of objects connected with the use of tobacco in all its forms. 1880 qroi6.i78 B68 016.2 Bibliography of religion HURST, John Fletcher, comp. Literature of theology; a classified bibliography. i896..roi6.2 Hgs DORE, John Read. Old Bibles; account of the early versions of the English Bible. 1888 roi6.22 073 STEVENS, Henry, comp. Bibles in the Caxton exhibition, 1877; or, A bibliographical description of nearly 1000 representative Bibles in vari- ous languages, chronologically arranged. 1878 roi6.22 884 WRIGHT, John. Early Bibles of America. 1894 roi6.22 W93 Early prayer books of America. 1896 roi6.264 W93 Bibliography, p. 428-480. BOWERMAN, George Franklin, comp. Selected bibliography of the religious denominations of the United States, with a list of the most important Catholic works of the world, as an appendix, comp. by J. H. Mc- Mahon. 1896 roi6.28 B66 SMITH, Joseph, bookseller, comp. Bibliotheca anti-Quakeriana; or, A catalogue of books ad- verse to the Society of Friends. 1873 qroi6.289 865 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOCIOLOGY n D'OOGE, Benjamin L. comp. Helps to the study of classical mythology for the lower grades and secondary schools. 1899 roi6.29i D73 Under each mythological name and legend are given references to books and magazines, subdivided as they consider the subject from the stand- point of art, religion or literature. Contains a list of books indexed, a table of contents and a very full index. Helpful for both teachers and students. 016.3 Bibliography of sociology BOWKER, Richard Rogers, & lies, George, ed. Reader's guide in economic, social and political science. 1891 roi6.3 B66 ARMOR, William Crawford, comp. Scotch-Irish bibliography of Pennsylvania. 1896 roi6.325 A73 UNITED STATES Library of Congress. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to the theory of colonization, government of dependencies, protectorates and related topics; comp. by A. P. C. Grif- fin. 1900 ro:6.325 U25 FAIRCHILD, Mrs Mary Salome (Cutler), & Lord, I. E. Scientific study of philanthropy, with Outline of study and bibliography. 1898 qroi6.33 Fi5 Being a reprint from the "American journal of sociology," v.3, 1898. MAROT, Helen, comp. Handbook of labor literature. 1899 roi6.33 M39 Offers the more important literature of the labor question, under specific headings, with author, publisher, price, etc. Particular attention has been given to government publications and pamphlet literature. In the annotations valuation of the books has been generally avoided, the notes simply explaining more fully than the titles, the contents of the books. The periodical literature, which is very important, has been omitted, as it is already covered by Poole's index and its continuations. Contains a list of labor periodicals. COLLEGE SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION. Bibliography of college, social, university and church set- tlements; comp. by Mrs C.W.Montgomery for the College settlements association. 1900 roi6.33i C6p SAWYER, Ellen M. comp. Bibliography of works on taxation in the State library of Massachusetts. 1898. (Massachusetts State library. Special bulletin.) roi6.336 827 UNITED STATES Library of Congress. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to trusts; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin. 1900 roi6 U25 Bound with other pamphlets. The same. Ed. 2 enl. 1902 qroi6.338 U25 PENNSYLVANIA State library. Catalogue of law books; issued under the supervision of G. E. Reed, prepared by W. W. Chisolm. 1899 qroi6.34 ?39 TOWER, Charlemagne. Charlemagne Tower collection of American colonial laws. 1890 qroi6.34 T65 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOCIOLOGY FOSTER, William Eaton, comp. References to the constitution of the United States. 1890. (Economic tracts.) roi6.342 F8i BROOKS, Robert Clarkson, comp. Bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions. 1901 roi6.352 677 Published originally, with a slightly different title, as v.i, no. i of "Municipal affairs." This, the zd ed., was issued as v.$, no.i of the same periodical. GROSS, Charles, comp. Bibliography of British municipal history, including gilds and parliamentary representation. 1897. (Harvard his- torical studies.) roi6.352 G93 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York Library. Books on education in the libraries of Columbia university. 1901. (Library bulletins, no.2.) qroi6.37 C72 HALL, Granville Stanley, & Mansfield, J. M. comp. Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education. 1893 roi6.37 Hi7 "The work is so comprehensive, and the result of such painstaking labor, that it will be found of great value to every student and reader in the broad field of pedagogics." Science. MONROE, Will Seymour, comp. Bibliography of education. 1897. (International education series.) roi6.37 M83 Does not include text-books nor references to articles in periodicals. UNITED STATES Education bureau. Publications, 1867-1890, with subject index. 1891 roi6-37 U2S Reprint of chapter 35 of the Report of the commissioner of education for 1888-89. AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING ASSOCIATION, comp. Bibliography of manual training. 1898 0)16.371 ASI WILSON, Louis N. camp. Bibliography of child study. 1898 roi6.372 W76 Appeared in the "Pedagogical seminary," v.s, p.54i-s89. UNITED STATES Library of Congress. List of books, with references to periodicals, on mercantile marine subsidies; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin. 1900. . . .roi6.38 U25 UNITED STATES Documents office. Bibliography of United States documents relating to inter- oceanic communication across Nicaragua, Isthmus of Panama, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, etc. 1899 ror6 U25 UNITED STATES Library of Congress. List of books and of articles in periodicals relating to inter- oceanic canal and railway routes; comp. by H. A. Mor- rison. 1900. (56th cong. istsess. Senate. Doc. no.59.) . .roi6 U2$ Contents: Nicaragua route. Panama, Darien, and the valley of the Atrato routes. Tehuantepec and Honduras routes. Suez canal. Contains, as an appendix, a revised and enlarged edition of the "Bibliog- raphy of the United States public documents relating to interoceanic communication," issued by the superintendent of documents. Bound with other pamphlets. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCIENCE . 13 016.4 Bibliography of language TRUBNER & CO. Catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the principal languages and dialects of the world. 1882 roi6.4 T77 BRAUNHOLTZ, Eugen Gustav Wilhelm. Books of reference for students & teachers of French; a critical study. 1901 roi6.44 ^71 016.5 Bibliography of science CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Catalogue of the Phipps scientific collection. 1893 roi6.5 C2I ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, comp. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-1883. v.i-12. 1867- 1902 qroi6.5 R8i v.i-6. 1800-1863. v.7-8. 1864-1873. v.9-11. 1874-1883. v.i 2. Supplementary volume. SCUDDER, Samuel Hubbard, comp. Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries, including the transactions of learned societies in the natural, physical and mathematical sciences, 1633-1876. 1879. (Harvard university Library. Special publications.) roi6.5 843 UNITED STATES Coast and geodetic survey. Bibliography; descriptive catalogue of publications re- lating to the Coast and geodetic survey, 1807 to 1896, and to U. S. standard weights and measures, 1790 to 1896. 1898. (Special publication no.2.) roi6.5 U25 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Catalogue of electricity. 1895 roi6.823 21 Bound with its "Catalogue of fiction." SCHMIDT-HENNIGKER, Friedrich, comp. Elektrotechnikers litterarisches auskunftsbuch; die littera- tur der elektrotechnik, elektricitat, elektrochemie, elek- trometallurgie, des magnetismus, der telegraphic, tele- phonic, blitzschutzvorrichtung, Rontgen-strahlen, sowie der acetylen- und carbid-industrie der jahre 1884 bis 1900. 1900 ro:6.S37 S35 BOLTON, Henry Carrington, comp. Select bibliography of chemistry; first supplement, 1492-1897. 1899. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.) roi6.54 C42 The bibliography which this supplements, forms v.36 of the Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. There is a second supplement covering academic dissertations from 1492 to 1897, which forms v.4i of the same set. Both of these are in the Library, call number, rso6 S66m. MARGERIE, Emmanuel de, comp. Catalogue des bibliographies geologiques. 1896 qroi6.55 M38 UNITED STATES Geological survey. List of the publications of the survey. 1898 roi6.S5 U25 The same. 1900 roi6.55 U25l IRON CITY MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Manuscript catalogue of the library of the society.. ..qroi6.578 128 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF USEFUL ARTS DECAISNE, Joseph. Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. Decaisne. 1883. . . .1-016.58 D35 > JACKSON, Benjamin Daydon, comp. Guide to the literature of botany, including 6000 titles not given in Pritzel's Thesaurus. 1881. (Index society. Publications.) roi6.58 Ji2 KEW GARDENS. Catalogue of the library of the Royal botanic gardens, Kew. 1899. (Kew gardens. Bulletin of miscellaneous in- formation, additional series.) roi6.58 K23 WHELDON, John, comp. Botanical catalogue. 1886 roi6.s8 W6i DEBY, Julien, comp. Bibliography of the microscope and micrographic studies; being a catalogue of books and papers in his library. v.3. 1882 qroi6.589 D3S v.3- Diatomaceae. BIBLIOGRAPHIA zoologica. v.3-date. iSpS-date roi6.59 847 Published as a supplement to "Zoologischer anzeiger." UNITED STATES Entomology division. Bibliography of the more important contributions to Amer- ican economic entomology. pt.i-S, 7, in 3v. 1890- 1901 roi6.S95 U2S v.i, pt.i-3- The more important writings of Benjamin Dann Walsh and Charles Valentine Riley; comp. by Samuel Henshaw. v.z, pt-4-S- The more important writings of government and state ento- mologists and of other contributors to the literature of American economic entomology; comp. by Samuel Henshaw. v.4, pt-7- The more important writings published between Dec. 31, 1896 and Jan. i, 1900; comp. by Nathan Banks. 016.6 Bibliography of useful arts HAFERKORN, Henry Ernest, & Heise, Paul, comp. Handy lists of technical literature; reference catalogue of books printed in English from 1880 to 1888; to which is added a select list of books printed before 1880 and still kept on publishers' and jobbers' lists. 1890-93 ro:6.6 Hi3 SZCZEPANSKI, Fritz von, ed. Bibliotheca polytechnica; a classified catalogue of all books, annuals and journals published in America, England, France and Germany, including their relation to legisla- tion, hygiene and daily life, 1889. v.i. 1890 roi6.6 899 PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, Philadelphia. Catalogue raisonne of the medical library. 1857 roi6.6i P39 UNITED STATES Surgeon-general's office. Index-catalogue of the library; authors and subjects. 1st. ser. i6v. ; 2d ser. v.i-6. 1880-1901 qroi6.6i U25 WARING, Edward John, comp. Bibliotheca therapeutica; or, Bibliography of therapeutics, chiefly in reference to articles of the materia medica. 2v. 1878-79. (New Sydenham society. Publications.) . .roi6.6i5 W22 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Catalogue of the library, June 1000. 1900 roi6.62 ASI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF USEFUL ARTS 15 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Catalogue of the library. 1866 roi6.62 124 INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Library catalogue, 1890 roi6.62 1247 BARNETT, Claribel Ruth, comp. References to the literature of the sugar beet, exclusive of works in foreign languages. 1897. (United States Agri- culture, Department of. Library bulletin no.i6.).. .qroi6.63 ^25 CLARK, Josephine A. comp. Reference list of publications relating to edible and poison- ous mushrooms. 1898. (United States Agriculture, Department of. Library bulletin no.2O.) roi6.63 U25 HASSE, Adelaide Rosalie, comp. List of publications of the U. S. department of agriculture from 1841 to June 30, 1895, inclusive. 1896. (United States Agriculture, Department of. Library bulletin no.9.) roi6.63 U25 THOMPSON, George Fayette, comp. Index to authors, with titles of their publications, appear- ing in the documents of the U. S. department of agri- culture, 1841 to 1897. 1898. (United States Agricul- ture, Department of. Bulletin of the Division of publi- cations, no.4.) roi6.63 U25 The three preceding pamphlets are bound together. Index to literature relating to animal industry in the pub- lications of the Department of agriculture, 1837-1898. 1900. (United States Agriculture, Department of. Bul- letin of the Division of publications, no. 5.) roi6.63 T38 UNITED STATES Agriculture, Department of. Catalogue of the periodicals and other serial publications, exclusive of U. S. government publications, in the li- brary of the U. S. department of agriculture; prepared under the direction of J. A. Clark. 1901. (Library bul- letin no. 37.) roi6.63 U25c List of publications relating to forestry in the department library. 1898. (Library bulletin no. 24.) roi6.63 U25 Supplement to the general index of the agricultural reports for 1877 to 1885, inclusive roi6.63 U2S Bound with the above. UNITED STATES Experiment stations office. Some books on agriculture and sciences related to agricul- ture published 1896-1898. 1898. (Circular no.38.) . .roi6.63 U253 BOWKER, Richard Rogers, comp. Handy list of American publishers, as entered in the Amer- ican catalogue, 1884-90. 1890 roi6.6ss B66 CASPAR, Carl Nicolaus, comp. Caspar's directory of the American book, news and station- ery trade. 1889 qroi6.6ss C2S HOE, Richard March. Literature of printing; a catalogue of the library illustra- tive of the history and art of typography of R. M. Hoe. 1877 roi6.6S5 H67 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FINE ARTS LEE, John W. M. comp. Bibliography of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company, 1827 to 1879. 1879 roi6.6s6 L53 GARC.ON, Jules, comp. Repertoire general, ou dictionnaire methodique de biblio- graphic des industries tinctoriales et des industries an- nexes, depuis les origines jusqu'a la fin de 1'annee 1896; technologic et chimie. 3v. 1900-01 qroi6.66 Gi7 v.i. Introduction et avertissement general. Notice sur les sources bibliographiques du dictionnaire. Tables. v.2. Accidents de fabrication. Kermes. v.3. Laboratoire. Zinc. 016.7 Bibliography of fine arts HESSLING, Bruno, pub. Verlagskatalog. 1899 qro:6.7 H49 HIERSEMANN, Karl W. comp. New series of catalogues [no. 108-115] ', the fine arts; books and prints on sale by K. W. Hiersemann. 1893 ,roi6.7 HS2 ILES, George, ed. Annotated bibliography of fine art. 1897 qroi6.7 122 Contents: Painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration and illus- tration, by Russell Sturgis. Music, by H. E. Krehbiel. LEWINE, J. comp. Bibliography of i8th century art and illustrated books; a guide to collectors of illustrated works in English and French of the period. 1898 roi6.7 L67 016.72 Bibliography of architecture BATSFORD, Herbert, comp. Reference books on architecture and decoration, with hints on the formation of an architectural library. 1895. .boi6.72 631 BOSTON Public library. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construc- tion and decoration in the library, Nov. 1, 1894. I&94- qboi6.72 664 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH. Catalogue of the J. D. Bernd department of architecture. 1898 boi6.72 C2i COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York Library. Catalogue of the Avery architectural library; a memorial library of architecture, archaeology and decorative art. 1895 qboi6.72 C72 LIVERPOOL, England Free public libraries. Hand-list of books on architecture in the Reference de- partment. 1894 . boi6.72 L74 Hand-list of books on the decorative arts in the Reference department. 1899 boi6.72 L74 Bound with the above. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MUSIC 17 016.78 Bibliography of music BECKER, Carl Ferdinand, comp. Systematisch-chronologische darstellung der musikalischen literatur. 2v. in i. 1836-39 qroi6.78 636 Die tonwerke des 16. und 17. jahrhunderts. 1855 qroi6.78 B36t BREITKOPF & HARTEL, pub. Verzeichniss des musikalien-verlages von Breitkopf & Hartel. 1875 ro:6.78 672 BURNEY, Charles. Catalogue of his library; sold by auction, June 1814. 1814 roi6.78 693 The prices at which the books were sold are given in ink on the margins. ENGEL, Carl, comp. Descriptive catalogue of the musical instruments in the South Kensington museum. 1874 qroi6.78 E6$ ENGEL, Carl. Literature of national music. 1879 roi6.78 63! "A reprint of an essay published in instalments from July, 1878, to March, 1879, in The Musical Times of London, [v.ig]. It is to be commended to the student of folk-music as an aid in the most diffi- cult feature of his study the procurement of evidence and authori- ties." H. E. Krehbiel. FORKEL, Johann Nicolaus, comp. Allgemeine literatur der musik. 1792 roi6.78 F7/ HANDBUCH der musikalischen litteratur. 6v. in i. 1818-23 roi6.78 H23 MATTHEW, James Ebenezer. Literature of music. 1896. (Book-lover's library.) ... .roi6.78 M47 RIANO, Juan Facundo. Critical and bibliographical notes on early Spanish music. 1887 roi6.78 R38 Bibliography of fine arts Miscellaneous GAYLEY, Charles Mills, & Scott, F. N. comp. Guide to the literature of aesthetics. 1890 roi6.7oi 625 NEW YORK (city), PUBLIC LIBRARY. Handbook of the S. P. Avery collection of prints and art books in the New York public library. 1901 roi6.76 N26 SINGER, Hans Wolfgang, camp. Sammlung Lanna Prag; das kupferstichkabinet wissen- schaftliches verzeichniss. 2v. 1895 roi6.76 S6l LOWE, Robert W. comp. Bibliographical account of English theatrical literature, from the earliest times to the present day. 1888. . . .roi6.792 L95 "Deals with theatrical literature: the wider field of dramatic literature being touched upon only when in direct connection with theatres or actors. Thus the mass of critical and speculative Shakspearean liter- ature is excluded; and plays find no place in my scheme except where there is published with them historical or critical matter." Preface. i8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE WESTWOOD, Thomas, & Satchell, Thomas, comp. Bibliotheca piscatoria; a catalogue of books on angling, the fisheries and fish-culture, with bibliographical notes. 1883 roi6.799 WS7 016.8 Bibliography of literature COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York Library. List of books chiefly on the drama and literary criticism. 1897. (Publications, no.i.) qroi6.8 72 DIXSON, Mrs Zella (Allen), comp. Comprehensive subject index to universal prose fiction. 1897 roi6.8 D64 This work by the associate librarian of the University of Chicago is an arrangement into an alphabetical subject list of works of fiction, foreign as well as English, which are founded on fact, historical, physi- cal, psychological or moral. It does not, however, include works founded on fact where the facts have been so misrepresented as to mis- lead rather than to inform the reader. GAYLEY, Charles Mills, & Scott, F. N. Introduction to the methods and materials of literary criti- cism, the bases in aesthetics and poetics. 1899 016.8 025 Contents: Nature and function of literary criticism. Principles of art. Principles of literature. The theory of poetry. The principles of versification. "For libraries and for all students of the subject it will prove an in- valuable book of reference. This is an age of bibliographies, but we need more bibliographies prepared, as this is, by specialists who are competent to estimate, classify, and report on the books listed. The plan here pursued involves a discussion of methodology, statement of problems, subdivision of topics, and a classified and annotated bibliog- raphy under each of the general heads." Nation, 1899. INDIANAPOLIS Public library. Finding-list of books in the classes of poetry and the drama, literature and polygraphy. 1891 qroi6.823 124 Bound with other pamphlets. BROWN UNIVERSITY Library. Catalogue of American poetry; duplicates from the Harris- Anthony collection in Brown university, to be sold at auction, April 10-12, 1901. 1901 qroi6.8i 678 FOLEY, Patrick Kevin, comp. American authors, 1795-1895; a bibliography of first and notable editions, chronologically arranged. 1897. . . .roi6.8i F7I STOCKBRIDGE, John Calvin, comp. The Anthony memorial; a catalogue of the Harris col- lection of American poetry, with biographical and bib- liographical notes. 1886 qroi6.8i S86 WEGELIN, Oscar, comp. Early American fiction, 1774-1830; a compilation of the titles of American novels written by writers born or residing in America and published previous to 1831. 1902 roi6.8i3 W43 HODGKINS, Louise Manning. Guide to the study of igth century authors. 1898 ro:6.82 H66 Contents: Scott. Lamb. Wordsworth.- Macaulay. Coleridge. Shel- ley. Keats. Byron. Thackeray. Dickens. Mrs Browning. Brown- ing. Tennyson. Rossetti. Eliot. Carlyle. Ruskin. Arnold. Irv- ing. Bryant. Hawthorne. Emerson. Longfellow. Whittier. Holmes. Lowell. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE 19 JAMES, Charles Canniff, comp. Bibliography of Canadian poetry (English). 1899. (Vic- toria university library. Publications, v.i.) roi6.82i Ji6 BATES, Katharine Lee, & Godfrey, L. B. comp. English drama; a working basis. 1896 roi6.822 831 GREG, Walter Wilson, comp. List of English plays written before 1643 and printed be- fore 1700. 1900 roi6.822 G86 BOSTON Public library. Catalogue of English fiction and books for the young. 1893 qroi6.823 664 BOWEN, Herbert Courthope, comp. Descriptive catalogue of historical novels. 1882 roi6.823 B66 BROOKLINE, Mass. Public library. Catalogue of English prose fiction, Jan. 1895. 1895. . . .roi6.823 677 The same, Jan. 1901. 1901 roi6.823 6770 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Catalogue of fiction; authors, titles. 1895 roi6.823 C2I Catalogue of fiction, including folk-lore, mythology and juvenile books. 1895 0)16.823 C2I Catalogue of French books. 1895 ro:6.823 C2I Catalogue of German books. 1895 roi6.823 C2I These four catalogues are bound together. CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH. Catalogue of English prose fiction. 1898 roi6.823 C2i6 GRISWOLD, William MacCrillis, comp. Descriptiv list of novels dealing with ancient history. 1895 roi6.823 G93de Descriptiv list of novels dealing with the history of North America. 1895 roi6.823 G93d This is the peculiar spelling adopted for a time by the author. Descriptive list of British novels. 1891 roi6.823 G93 Descriptive list of international novels. 1891 roi6.823 693 Descriptive list of novels dealing with American city life. 1891 roi6.823 G93 Descriptive list of novels dealing with American country life. 1890 1-016.823 G93 Descriptive list of novels dealing with life in France. 1892 roi6.823 G93 Descriptive list of novels dealing with life in Germany. 1892 1:016.823 G93 Descriptive list of novels dealing with life in Italy. 1892. . roi6.823 G93 Descriptive list of novels dealing with life in Norway. 1892 roi6.823 G93 Descriptive list of novels dealing with life in Russia. 1892 roi6.823 G93 Descriptive list of romantic novels. 1890 roi6.823 G93 The above 10 pamphlets are bound together. HARTFORD Public library. Author-list of all novels, short stories, selections and humor- ous works, also of all other books added during 1892. 1893 roi6.823 H32 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEOGRAPHY INDIANAPOLIS Public library. Finding-list of books in the classes of English prose fiction and juvenile fiction. 1892 ......................... qroi6.823 124 NEW BEDFORD, Mass. Free public library. Catalog of English prose fiction, Aug. i, 1895. 1895. .1-016.823 N26 SALEM, Mass. Public library. Class list no. i ; fiction. 1895 .......................... roi6.823 Si6 SAN FRANCISCO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Classified English prose fiction, including translations and juvenile works. 1891 ............................. qroi6.823 S22 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Catalogue of German fiction. 1897 ................... roi6.833 Caic KLEMMING, Gustaf Edvard, comp. Sveriges dramatiska litteratur till 1875; bibliografi. 1863-79 .......................................... roi6.839 K3i BOSTON Public library. Catalogue of the Spanish library and of the Portuguese books bequeathed by George Ticknor to the library. 1879 .............................................. qroi6.86 664 MEADER, Clarence Linton, ed. List of books recommended for a high school classical li- brary by a committee of the Michigan schoolmasters' club, 1897 .......................................... 016.87 MS5 The same. 1897 ...... ................................. roi6.87 016.9 Bibliography of geography and history Bibliography of geography BOUCHER de la RICHARDERIE, Gilles, comp. Bibliotheque universelle des voyages; ou, Notice raisonnee de tous les voyages anciens et modernes, avec des ex- traits. 6v. 1808 .................................... roi6.9i 865 MILL, Hugh Robert, comp. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographi- cal books for reference and reading, with classified lists. 1897 .............................................. roi6.9i M68 RITCHIE, John, comp. List of the books in the English language on travel, ex- ploration and mountaineering, published within the year ending Aug. 31, 1897. 1897. (Boston scientific society. Occasional publications, no. 2.).. .................. . .roi6.9i R49 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Classified catalogue of the library to Dec. 1870. 1871. . . .roi6.9i R8i UNITED STATES Library of Congress. Alaska and the northwest part of North America, 1588- 1898; maps in the Library of Congress; comp. by P. L. Phillips. 1808. .... ................................. . . roi6 U2S Bound with other pamphlets. List of maps and views of Washington and District of BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HISTORY 21 Columbia in the Library of Congress; comp. by P. L. Phillips. 1900. (56th cong. ist sess. Senate. Doc. no.i54.) roi6 U25 Bound with other pamphlets. List of maps of America in the Library of Congress, pre- ceded by a list of works relating to cartography, by P. L. Phillips. 1901 qroi6.9i2 U25 Bibliography of history ADAMS, Charles Kendall. Manual of historical literature. 1889 ro:6.9 A2I INDIANAPOLIS Public library. Finding-list of books in the classes of biography, history and travels. 1890 qroi6.823 124 Bound with other pamphlets. 016.942 Bibliography of English history ALLEN, William Francis, comp. Reader's guide to English history, with supplement extend- ing the plan to other countries. 1898 roi6.942 A42 GARDINER, Samuel Rawson, & Mullinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of English history. 1894.. ..roi6.942 Gi7 GROSS, Charles, comp. Sources and literature of English history, from the earliest times to about 1485. 1900 roi6.942 G-93 A systematic survey of the printed materials relating to the political, legal, social and economic history of England, Wales and Ireland. Scotland, except as she influenced the course of English history, is omitted, because in the period considered her government and institu- tions were entirely foreign to those of England. Material which is worthless or obsolete is omitted, and most space is devoted to original sources. Many brief explanatory and critical notes increase the value of this work which the London "Athenaeum" (1900) considers "second to no bibliography of national history in the world." JOHNSTON, William Dawson, comp. Annotated titles of books on English history published in 1897-1899. 3v. in i. 1898-1900 .qroi6.942 J37 016.97 Bibliagraphy of American history BIBLIOTHECA Americana; a catalogue of a valuable col- lection of books and pamphlets illustrating the history & geography of North & South America and the West Indies ; on sale by A. R. Smith. 1874 roi6.97 647 BOON, E. P. Catalogue of books and pamphlets principally relating to America. 1870 roi6.97 663 BRINLEY, George. Catalogue of his American library, with index. 6v. 1878-93 roi6.97 675 CLARKE, (Robert), & CO. pub. Bibliotheca Americana; catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1893. 4v. in 2, 1876-93 . . . . -. . ..-.. . : ;,; ^.; ,'. ...*. . roi6.97 CS3 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN HISTORY DEANE, Charles. Catalogue of the private library of Charles Deane; com- prising a collection of rare Americana, including early voyages and discoveries, to be sold at auction, March 1898. 2v. in i. 1898 roi6.Q7 D34 A pamphlet, giving the prices realized at the sale, is bound with the catalogue. FIELD, Thomas Warren. Catalogue of his library. 1875 roi6.Q7 F45 Collection of books relative to the American Indians. GEORGE, (William), SONS, pub. New World book list. 1900 .roi6.97 GSI Annotated sale catalogue of Americana. GRIFFIN, Appleton Prentiss Clark, comp. Bibliography of American historical societies. 1896. . . .roi6.97 G89 From the annual report of the American historical association for 1895. GROLIER CLUB, New York. Catalogue of early printed books relating to America, ex- hibited at the Grolier club, 1888. 1888 roi6.97 G93 HARPER, Francis Parego. Bibliotheca Americana; priced catalogue of a remarkable collection of scarce and out-of-print books relating to the discovery, settlement and history of the western hemi- sphere; offered for sale by Francis P. Harper. 1901. .roi6.97 H28 LARNED, Josephus Nelson, ed. Literature of American history; a bibliographical guide in which the scope, character and comparative worth of books in selected lists are set forth in brief notes by critics of authority. 1902. (American library associa- tion annotated lists.) qroi6.97 L32 "Sources," p. 1-20. LECLERC, Charles, comp. Bibliotheca Americana; histoire, geographic, voyages, archeologie et linguistique des deux Ameriques et des lies Philippines. 1878 qroi6.97 L49 PERKINS, Frederic Beecher, comp. Check list for American local history, reprinted with addi- tions from the bulletins of the Boston public library. 1876 ' roi6.97 P43 SABIN, Joseph, comp. Catalogue of the books, manuscripts and engravings be- longing to William Menzies of New York. 1875. . . .roi6.97 Sue Dictionary of books relating to America. v.i-2O. 1868-91 . .ro:6.97 Si i SMITH, John Russell, comp. Bibliotheca Americana; a catalogue of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, engravings and engraved portraits illustrating the history and geography of North and South America and the West Indies, on sale by J. R. Smith. 1865 roi6.97 S6s STEVENS, Henry, comp. Bibliotheca historica; or, A catalogue of books and manu- scripts relating to the history and literature of North and South America. 1870 roi6.97 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF UNITED STATES HISTORY 23 Catalogue of the first portion -of the collections of rare books and manuscripts relating to the history and litera- ture of America, sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. 1881. (Stevens's historical collections.) qroi6.97 $84 Includes "Lot 1269, Mr Henry Stevens's Franklin collection of manu- scripts and printed books," p. 159-176. Historical nuggets; bibliotheca Americana; or, A descrip- tive account of my collection of rare books relating to America. 2v. 1862 roi6.p7 S84h TERNAUX-COMPANS, Henri, comp. Bibliotheque americaine; ou, Catalogue des ouvrages rela- tifs a 1'Amerique qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a 1700. 1837 qroi6.97 TSI WRIGHT, James Osborne, comp. Catalogue of the American library of S. L. M. Barlow. 1889 qroi6.97 W93 GAGNON, Phileas. Essai de bibliographic canadienne; inventaire d'une bib- liotheque comprenant imprimes, manuscrits, estampes, etc. relatifs a 1'histoire du Canada et des pays adjacents, avec des notes bibliographiques. 1895 qroi6.97i Gi3 WRONG, George McKinnon, & Langton, H. H. ed. Review of historical publications relating to Canada, 1896- date. v.i-date. i897-date. (Toronto university. Studies in history.) qroi6.97l W94 UNITED STATES Library of Congress. List of books relating to Cuba, including references to col- lected works and periodicals; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin, with Bibliography of maps, by P. L. Phillips. 1898. (56th cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no.i6i.) roi6 U25 Bound with other pamphlets. List of books, with reference to periodicals, on Porto Rico; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin. 1901 qroi6.972 U25 Bound with the following. List of books, with references to periodicals, on the Danish West Indies; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin. 1901 qroi6.972 U2S 016.973-016.977 Bibliography of United States history GRIFFIN, Appleton Prentiss Clark, comp. Index of the literature of American local history in collec- tions published in 1890-1895. 1896 roi6.973 G89 "This index supplements that contributed by the compiler to the Bulle- tins of the Public. Library of the City of Boston, and published in 1889 as a volume of the Bibliographies of Special Subjects of that in- stitution." Preface. LUDEWIG, Hermann Ernst, comp. Literature of American local history. 1846 0516.973 L97 SPARKS, Edwin Erie, comp. Topical reference lists in American history, with lists in English constitutional history. 1900 016.973 873 Th'e same. 1900 roi6.973 S73 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HISTORY MISCELLANEOUS WINSOR, Justin, comp. Reader's handbook of the American revolution. 1893. .roi6.973 W7Q "An admirable little guide-book for the use of students of the Revolu- tionary period of our history. Beginning at the time of the first dis- contents with British rule, the author indicates where the best in- formation on each point is to be gathered." C. K. Adams. FLAGG, Charles Allcott, & Jennings, J. T. comp. Bibliography of New York colonial history. 1901. (New York (state) Library. Bulletin; bibliography, no.24.) roi6.974 59 GILMAN, Marcus Davis, comp. Bibliography of Vermont. 1897 qroi6.974 G42 GRIFFIN, Appleton Prentiss Clark, comp. Bibliography of the historical publications issued by the New England states. 1895 roi6.974 G8gb Reprinted from the "Publications of the Colonial society of Massachu- setts," v.3. PENNSYLVANIA State library. Check-list of Pennsylvania county, town and township his- tories, 1794-1892. 1892 roi6.974 ?39 THOMSON, Peter G. comp. Bibliography of Ohio, with prices at which many of the books have been sold since 1860. 1880 qroi6.977 T38 Bibliography of history Miscellaneous GUIGARD, Joannis, comp. Bibliotheque heraldique de la France. 1861 roi6.929 Gg6 GOODRICH, Arthur L. Topics on Greek history; intended for use in secondary schools. 1898 roi6.938 G62 List of authors and their works, p. 5-8; "Historical fiction, tales, poetry and drama relating to ancient Greece," 52. Presents a full and systematic scheme for the study of Greek history by the topical method, each topic being accompanied by ample references. CORNELL UNI VERSITY Library. Catalogue of the historical library of Andrew Dickson White. 2v. in i. 1889-94 qroi6.94 C82 v.i. The Protestant reformation and its forerunners, v.a. The French revolution. GETCHELL, Merle Smith. The study of mediaeval history by the library method. 1897 roi6.94 G33 A series of references to the historical literature relating to the middle ages, arranged by periods. QUARITCH, Bernard, pub. Catalogue of medieval literature, especially of the romances of chivalry and books relating to the customs, costume, art and pageantry of the middle ages. 1890 qroi6.94 Qi8f FORSTER, F. Kritischer wegweiser durch die neuere deutsche historische litteratur, fur studierende und freunde der geschichte. 1900. ..<.,,,.,,,,,,;../.. ;,;.,....... ; : roi6.943 F?8 LIBRARY AND SALE CATALOGUES 25 WENCKSTERN, Friedrich von, comp. Bibliography of the Japanese empire; being a classified list of books, essays and maps, in European languages, re- lating to Japan, published from 1859-93, to which is added a facsimile-reprint of Leon Pages Bibliographic japonaise. 1895 qroi6.95 Wsi UNITED STATES Library of Congress. List of books relating to Hawaii, including references to collected works and periodicals; comp. by A. P. C. Grif- fin. 1898 roi6 U25 Bound with other pamphlets. List of books, with references to periodicals, on Samoa and Guam. 1901 qroi6.996 U25 017 Library and sale catalogues Classed catalogues BIRMINGHAM, England Free libraries. Catalogues of various branches of the Birmingham free libraries. 1890-97 roi7.i 648 BOSTON Public library. Annual list of new and important books added to the li- brary, selected from the Monthly bulletins, i8o6-date. v.i-date. iSgS-date qroi7.i B64a Bulletins, Oct. i867-date. v.i-date. :87i-date qro7i.i 664 v.i, no.2 wanting. Finding list of books in the West End branch, Jan. 1896. 1896. .;............ qroi7.i B64f BUFFALO LIBRARY. Finding-list of books and pamphlets, Aug. i88s-July 1896. 3v. in i. 1885-96 roi7.i B86 v.i. History, politics, biography, geography, travel and anthropology. v.2. Belles-lettres, with language, bibliography and general reference books. v.3. Science and arts, philosophy, religion, social science (except poli- tics) and local history. CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Classified catalogue of the books, except fiction, French and German. 1895 roi7.i C2i Supplement, no. i. 1898. ENOCH PRATT FREE LIBRARY, Baltimore. Finding list of books and periodicals in the branch libraries, July 1895. 1895 roi7.i 65 ERIE Public library. Finding list. 1900, roi7.i 74 KRUPP'SCHE BUCHERHALLE. Biicherverzeichniss. 1899 roi7.i K42 LOWELL, Mass. City library. Bulletin, Oct. i896-date. v.i-date. iSgo-date roi7.i Lgs MILWAUKEE Public library. Systematic catalogue. 1885-86 qroi7.i M72 26 LIBRARY AND SALE CATALOGUES MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. Public library. Class catalogue and author index. 1898 roi7.l MQ4 NEVINS MEMORIAL LIBRARY, Methuen, Mass. Catalogue. 2v. 1887 qroi7.l N25 NEW YORK (state) Library. Bulletin, additions, no. 1-4, 1891-96. 3v. 1891-97 qroi7.i N26i NEW YORK (city) PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bulletin, i897-date. v.i-date. i897-date qroi7.i N26n NEWARK, N. J. Free public library. Finding list; 2d supplement, books added 1893-1896. 1896. .roi7.i N26 OSTERHOUT FREE LIBRARY, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Class catalogue and author index. 1889 roi7.i 029 The same; first supplement, 1889-1895. 1895 roi7.l O29c PENNSYLVANIA State library. Catalogue. 1873 roi7.i P39 pt.i. Law books and state papers, pt.a. Miscellaneous books. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Public library. Monthly bulletin, v.i-5. 1895-99 qroi7.i ?97 SALEM, Mass. Public library. Bulletin, v.i-5. 1893-1901 qroi7.i Si6 SAN DIEGO, Cal. Free public library. Finding list, 1895. 1895 roi7.i S2I SCRANTON, Pa. Public library. Finding list of the circulating department, Jan. 1893. 1893 qroi7.i S43 The same; first supplement, Aug. 1894. J 894 qroi7.l 843 Bound with the above. BOOK-PRICES current; a record of the prices at which books have been sold at auction, Dec. i886-date. v.i- date. i888-date roi7-3 863 Index, v.i-io, 1887-1896. 1901. DAUZE, Pierre, comp. Index biblio-iconographique, 1894-1898. 5v. 1895-1901. .qro 17.3 D28 v.3 5 title reads "Index bibliographique." No more published. LIVINGSTON, Luther S. comp. American book-prices current, i895-date. v.i-date. 1895- date roi7-3 L74 SCOTT, Temple, comp. Book sales, 1895-1898; a record of the most important books sold at auction. 4v. 1896-99 roi7-3 $43 No more published. VOYNICH, W. M. & Edgell, M. A. A first list of books offered for sale. 1898 roi74 V39 Contents: Americana before 1550. Americana after 1550. Asiatic presses. Bibles and Testaments. Chess. Condemned and burned books. Cookery. English books before 1640. Music. Occult sciences, palmistry, etc. Poland. Reformation and reformers. Early printing before 1500. Early printing from 1500 to 1525. LIBRARY AND SALE CATALOGUES 27 018 Library and sale catalogues Author catalogues ASTOR LIBRARY, New York. Catalogue and supplement. 5v. 1857-66 qroiS.i A85 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of printed books. 8iv. 1881-1900 qroiS.i 675 The same; supplement, nv. 1900-05 qroiS.i 6755 GRIFFIN, Appleton Prentiss Clark, comp. Catalogue of the Washington collection in the Boston Athenaeum, with the inventory of Washington's books drawn up by the appraisers of his estate, and the later history and present ownership of those not in the Athe- naeum collection, by W. C. Lane. 2v. 1897-1900 roiS.i G89 v.2 is the index, compiled by F. O. Poole. LENOX LIBRARY, New York. Duyckinck collection, v.2 '. roiS.i L6i LONDON LIBRARY, London. Catalogue and appendix; comp. by Robert Harrison. 2v. 1888 qroiS.i L82 Appendix contains lists of contents of long sets and of works printed by societies. Report and List of books added, 1887/88, 1890/91-1893/94, 1896/97, 1898/99. 1888-99 roi8.i L82r Report for 1896/97 and 1898/99 wanting. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Pittsburgh. Catalogue; comp. by G. E. Appleton. 1866 roiS.i M6s MICHIGAN State library. Catalogue; United States documents, state documents, for- eign exchanges. 1898 roiS.i M66 MILWAUKEE Public library. Finding list of the circulating department; author list, May 1896. 1896 qroiS.i M72 PENNSYLVANIA State library. Catalogue, with supplements for 1860-61. 1859-62 roiS.i ?39 The same, 1878. 2v. 1878 qroiS.i P39I The same, 1859. 1859 .roiS.i ?392 SCRANTON, Pa. Public library. Author list of books, Aug. 1894. 1894 qroi7.i 843 SYDNEY, PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Current supplement to the catalogue, for 1896-98; reference department. 1899 qroiS.i So8 UNITED STATES Library of Congress. Alphabetical catalogue; authors. 1864 qroiS.i U253 Catalogue of books added, 1866-1869. 3v. 1868-70. . . .qroiS.i U253C UNITED STATES War department. Alphabetical list of additions made to the library, May i884-June 1891. 1891 qroiS.i U25 28 LIBRARY AND SALE CATALOGUES DALY, Augustin. Catalogue of the literary and art property gathered by Augustin Daly; to be disposed of at public sale March 1 9th, 1900 and following days. v.2. 1900 qroi8.2 Di7 v.2. Books. FRENCH, Frederick William. Catalogue of the collection of dramatic and literary auto- graphs of the late Frederick W. French; to be sold by auction May 2-3, 1901. 1901 roi8.2 F92 Catalogue of the collection of modern etchings and engrav- ings, rare old mezzotint portraits, miniatures on ivory, water colors, original drawings and oil paintings; to be sold by auction May 10, 1901. 1901 roi8.2 92 Catalogue of the library of Frederick W. French of Bos- ton; sold by auction April 23-25, 1901. 1901 roi8.2 F92 These three catalogues are bound together. IVES, Brayton. Catalogue of his collection of books and manuscripts; com- prising early printed books, Americana, illustrated French books, works of standard authors, classical manuscripts, missals and books of hours; to be disposed of by auction March 5-7, 1891. 1891 qroi8.2 133 The prices which the books brought at the auction are marked in the margins. PHILES, George Philip, comp. Bibliotheca curiosa; catalogue of the library of A. J. Odell. 2v. in i. 1878-80 qroi8.2 ?49 BECKFORD, William. Valuable library of books in Fonthill abbey; a catalogue of the library, sold by auction 1823. 1823 roi8.3 B36 BOUTON, James Warren, pub. Catalogue of typographical rarities and literary treasures, 1889. v.84. 1889. roi8.3 665 BROCKHAUS, Friedrich Arnold. Vollstandiges verzeichniss der von der firma F. A. Brock- haus in Leipzig 1805-1872 verlegten werke. 1872-75.^018.4 676 LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. comp. General list of books in various branches of literature, pub- lished and for sale by Longmans, Green & co. 1896.^018.4 L83 McDONOUGH, Joseph, comp. Catalogues of second-hand books, no.92-iO7. 1894-95. . roi8.4 Mi4 MACMILLAN & CO. comp. Bibliographical catalogue of Macmillan and co.'s publica- tions, 1843-1889. 1891 roi8.4 M2I 019 Library and sale catalogues Dictionary catalogues ADVOCATES LIBRARY, Edinburgh. Catalogue of the printed books, with supplement. 7v. in 9. 1863-79 qroig. I A24 LIBRARY AND SALE CATALOGUES 29 BIRMINGHAM, England Free libraries. Catalogue of the reference department, 1869 roig.i 648 The same, 1875-79 roig. i B48ca The same, 1880 roig.i 6480 The same, 1883-1890 qroig.i B48cat BOSTON Public library. Index to the catalogue of books in the upper hall. 1861 . . qroig.i 6644 The same; first supplement. 1866 qroig.i 66441 BOSTON ATHENAEUM LIBRARY. Catalogue, 1807-71. 5v. 1874-82 qroig.i 664 BROOKLYN LIBRARY, Brooklyn, N. Y. Analytical and classed catalogue. 1878-80. qroig.i 677 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH. Catalog of books. 1895 roig.i C2i CLEVELAND Public library. Alphabetic catalogue of the English books in the circulat- ing department. 1889 qroig.i Cs8 EDINBURGH Public library. Catalogue of books in the lending library. 1891 roig.i E28c Catalogue of books in the reference library, with supple- ment. 2v. 1891-94 roig.i 28 GUILLE-ALLfiS LIBRARY, Guernsey. Encyclopaedic catalogue of the lending department roig.i Gg6 JERSEY CITY, N. J. Free public library. Alphabetical finding-list, with ist-ad supplement. i8g3. .qroig.i J28 LEWISHAM, England Public libraries. Catalogue of the lending department of the Perry Hill branch library. i8g6 roig.i L67 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library, i863~i8g3. i8g3 qroig.i L82 NEW HAVEN, Conn. Free public library. Supplement to catalogue part i, 1892-1895. v.i-2, in i. i&94-g5 : qroig.i N26 NEW YORK (city), YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- CIATION Library. Catalogue; circulating department, July igoo. igoi.. ..qroig.i N26i PASSAIC, N. J. Free public library. Alphabetic catalogue; authors, subjects and titles, Nov. i8gs. i8gs roig.i P28 PEABODY INSTITUTE, Baltimore. Catalogue of the library. 5v. i883-g2 qroig.i P33 The same; second catalogue, v.i-6. i8g6-igo2 qroig.i ?33S REYNOLDS LIBRARY, Rochester, N. Y. Reference catalogue. 1898 qroig.i R37 30 LIBRARY ECONOMY WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library, v.i-7. 1873-87 roig.i W8i .1-2. 1873. 3- 1873-75. .4. 1875-78. .5. 1878-81. .6. 1881-84. .7. 1884-87. BOHN, Henry George, comp. Catalogue of books. 1841 roig.4 659 020 Library economy AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Library tracts, v.i, no. 1-4. 1900-02 ro2O v.i (no. i 4). Why do we need a public library? How to start a public library, by G. E. Wire. Traveling libraries, by F. A. Hutchins. Library rooms and buildings, by C. C. Soule. HESSE, Leopold Auguste Constantin, (pseud. L. A. Constantin). Bibliotheconomie; ou, Nouveau manuel complet pour 1'ar- rangement, la conservation et I'administration des bib- liotheques. 1841 ro2O H4& MAIRE, Albert. Manuel pratique du bibliothecaire. 1896 ro2O M26 SPOFFORD, Ainsworth Rand. Book for all readers; an aid to the collection, use and pre T servation of books, and the formation of public and private libraries. 1900 020 76 The same. 1900 ro2O $76 WORLD'S LIBRARY CONGRESS. Papers prepared for the congress held at the Columbian exposition; ed. by Melvil Dewey. 1896 ro2o W89 Reprint of part of the Report of the commissioner of education for 1892/1893. DANA, John Cotton. Library primer. 1899 020.2 Dig The same. 1900 ro2O.2 Di9 Considers the subject of library management for the small library. Covers selection, buying and care of books, cataloguing, binding, mending, etc. Contains signed articles by well-known library workers. There are several useful bibliographies, and lists of reference books and periodicals for a small library. DENVER Public library. Public library hand-book. 1895 020.2 043 The same. 1895 ro2O.2 043 PLUMMER, Mary Wright. Hints to small libraries. 1894 ro2O.2 P72 The same. 1898 ro2o.2 P72h The same. 1902 ro2O.2 P72h2 GARNETT, Richard. Essays in librarianship and bibliography. 1899. (Library series.) 020.4 Gi9 Contents: Address to the Library association. Public libraries and their catalogues. The printing of the British museum catalogue. -The past, present and future of the British museum catalogue. The British museum catalogue as the basis of a universal catalogue. Introduction LIBRARY ECONOMY 31 of European printing into the East. Paraguayan and Argentine bib- liography. The early Italian book trade. Some book-hunters of the 1 7th century. Librarianship in the I7th century. The manufacture of fine paper in England in the i8th century. On some colophons of the early printers. On the system of classifying books on the shelves followed at the British museum. Subject-indexes to transactions of learned societies. Photography in public libraries. The telegraph in the library. On the protection of libraries from fire. The sliding- press at the British museum. On the provision of additional space in libraries. Preface to Blades' "Enemies of books." Sir Anthony Panizzi. John Winter Jones. Henry Stevens. Sir Edward A. Bond. CENTRALBLATT fur bibliothekswesen; monthly. v.i4- date. i897-date 1-020.5 32 The same; beihefte. v.7~date. :897-date qro2O.S C32b v-7. Milkau, Fritz. Centralkataloge und titeldrucke. Heiland, Karl. Die Lutherdrucke der Erlanger universitatsbibliothek, 15181523.- Bauch, Gustav. Geschichte des Leipziger fruhhumanismus, mit besonderer rucksicht auf die streitigkeiten zwischen Konrad Wimpina und Martin Mellerstadt. v.8, in 2. Hartwig, Otto, ed. Festschrift zum funfhundertjahrigen ge- burtstage von Johann Gutenberg. v.7 lacks heft 19. LIBRARY; monthly, v.i-date. i88o-date ro2O-5 L683 Beginning with v.n, Dec. 1899, this magazine is issued quarterly. LIBRARY association record; a monthly magazine of libra- rianship and bibliography; ed. by Henry Guppy. v.i- date. i899-date qro2O.5 L6823 LIBRARY chronicle, sv. 1884-88 qro2O.5 L682 No more published. LIBRARY journal; monthly, Sept. i876-date. v.i-date. 1877- date ro20.5 L68i General index, v.i-22. 1898. v.i has running title "American library journal." LIBRARY notes; improved methods and labor-savers, June 1886-1898. 4v. 1887-98 ro20.S L68 Issued irregularly. No more published. LIBRARY world; a medium of intercommunication for libra- rians; monthly, July iSgS-date. v.i-date. i899-date. .ro2O.5 L6822, PUBLIC libraries; a monthly review of library matters and methods, v.i-date. i896-date qro2O.5 P$8 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFERENCE. Transactions and proceedings of the second international library conference, held in London, July 13-16, 1897. 1898 qro2O.6 124 ADAMS, Herbert Baxter. Public libraries and popular education. 1900. (New York (state) University. Home education bulletin no.3i.). .ro2i A2I Bibliography, p. 239-264. GREEN, Samuel Swett, comp. Libraries and schools. 1883 ro2i.3 G83 Contents: The public library and the public schools, by C. F. Adams. The relation of the public library to the public schools, by S. S. Green. Libraries as educational institutions, by S. S. Green. The public library as an auxiliary to the public schools, by R. C. Metcalf. The relation of libraries to the school system, by W. E. Foster. A plan of systematic training in reading at school, by W. E. Foster. WISCONSIN Free library commission. Biennial report, i895-96-date. v.i-date. i896-date ro2i.8 W8l 32 LIBRARY BUILDINGS VERMONT Library commissioners, Board of. Biennial report, i895-o6-date. v.i-date. i8g6-date ro2i.8 27 022 Library buildings BURGOYNE, Frank James. Library construction, architecture, fittings and furniture. 1897. (Library series.) 022 Bgi Lists of illustrations of libraries which have appeared in the "American architect," "Architect," "British architect," "Builder" and "Building news," p.3i5-326. CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Allegheny, Pa. Specifications and conditions of submitting bids for the erection and completion of the Carnegie free library . . and music hall building, Allegheny,, Pa rO22 C2I CLARK, John Willis. The care of books; an essay on the development of libra- ries and their fittings, from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century. 1901 qro22 C52 Mr Clark says in his introduction, "From my special point of view books are simply things to be taken care of; even their external features concern me only so far as they modify the methods adopted for ar- rangement and preservation." From this standpoint he traces the methods adopted by man in different ages and countries to preserve books and manuscripts and to make them accessible to others. His investigation includes the position, size and arrangement of the rooms in which these treasures were kept and the progressive development of fittings, catalogues and other appliances. The volume contains 156 illustrations, many of them full-page plates, admirably executed. "A work of... real learning and scholarship." Athenatim, 1901. POOLE, William Frederick. Organization and management of public libraries. 1876. . . .ro22 P79 Being v.i, chapter 25 of "Public libraries in the United States," pub- lished by the United States bureau of education. Bound with the following. Remarks on library construction, to which is appended an examination of Mr Smithmeyer's pamphlet entitled Suggestions on library architecture, American and for- eign. 1884 ro22 P79 Report on the progress of library architecture, and resolu- tions of the American library association, 1882, concern- ing the building for the Library of Congress. 1882.. ..ro22 P79 Bound with the above. SMALL, Herbert. Handbook of the new Library of Congress, with essays on the architecture, sculpture and painting, by Charles Caffin, and on the function of a national library, by A. R. Spofford. 1897 022 $63 The same. 1897 ro22 863 025 Library administration BONFORT, H. Das bibliothekwesen in den Vereinigten Staaten. 1896.... 025 B62 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION 33 CRUNDEN, Frederick Morgan. How things are done in one American library ro25 C8g A series of articles on the St. Louis public library, which appeared in the "Library," v. 11-12, 1899-1901. FOOTE, Elizabeth Louisa. The librarian of the Sunday school; a manual, with a chap- ter on the Sunday school library by M. T. Wheeler. 1897. .025 F74 Bibliography of descriptive lists of approved books for Sunday school libraries, p.8i. MACFARLANE, John, of the British museum library. Library administration. 1898. (Library series.) 025 MiS SHURTLEFF, Nathaniel Bradstreet. Decimal system for the arrangement and administration of libraries. 1856 qro25 56 RICHARD, Jules. L'art de former une bibliotheque. 1883 ro25.2 R3Q AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs. 1895 qro25.3 ASI The same. Ed. 2. 1898 qro25.3 ASI! BRITISH MUSEUM. Rules for compiling the catalogues in the department of printed books in the British museum. 1900 ro25_3 675 CUTTER, Charles Ammi. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. (United States Edu- cation bureau. Public libraries in the United States, v.2.) ro27 U25 v.2 DEWEY, Melvil. Library school rules. 1894 qro25-3 Simplified library school rules. 1898 qro25.3 Contents: Card catalog. Book numbers. Accession. Shelf list. Cap- itals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting. HASSE, Adelaide Rosalie. United States government publications; a handbook for the cataloger. v.i. 1902 qro25.3 H34 v.i. The government at large; the constitution, statutes, treaties. LINDERFELT, Klas August, comp. Eclectic card catalog rules. 1890 qro25-3 L7I PERKINS, Frederic Beecher. Rational classification of literature for shelving and cata- loguing books in a library. 1882 ro25-3 ?43 Bound with the following. San Francisco cataloguing for public libraries. 1884 rO25_3 P43 QUINN, John Henry. Manual of library cataloguing. 1899 ro25_3 CJ35 SYDNEY, PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Guide to the system of cataloguing of the reference library, with regulations for visitors, etc. 1898 qro25-3 SgS BROWN, James Duff. Manual of library classification and shelf arrangement. 1898 ro254 678 34 HISTORY OF LIBRARIES DEWEY, Melvil. Abridged decimal classification and relativ index. 1894. . 0)25.4 Decimal classification and relativ index. 1894 qro254 DSI RICHARDSON, Ernest Gushing. Classification, theoretical and practical, with an appendix containing an essay towards a bibliographical history of systems of classification. 1901 025.4 R4I New York state library school association alumni lectures, 1900-1901. ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. International catalogue of scientific literature; report of the committee, with schedules of classification. 1898. .ro25.4 R8i O'CONOR, John Francis Xavier. Facts about bookworms; their history in literature and work in libraries. 1898 025.8 13 BLADES, William. Enemies of books. 1888 025.9 651 The enemies enumerated by Mr Blades are: fire, water, gas and heat, dust and neglect, ignorance and bigotry, the book-worm, bookbinders, collectors, and servants and children. 027 History of libraries BRITISH library year book; a record of library progress and work; ed. by Thomas Greenwood, 1900/01. v.i. 1900.. ro27 675 CLARK, John Willis. Libraries in the medieval and renaissance periods. 1894.. - 2 7 52 EDWARDS, Edward. Libraries and founders of libraries. 1864 ro27 31 FLETCHER, William Isaac. Public libraries in America. 1894 2 7 F^3 The same. 1895 ro27 F63 FLINT, Weston, camp. Statistics of public libraries in the United States and Can- ada. 1893. (United States Education bureau. Circu- lar of information no. 201.) rO27 F64 GENTLEMAN'S magazine library; ed. by G. L. Gomme; Lit- erary curiosities and notes. 1888 027 G29 Contents: Bookmaking and bookselling. Libraries and book clubs. Bibles, prayer-books and devotional books. GREENWOOD, Thomas. Publit libraries; a history of the movement and a manual for the organization and management of rate-supported libraries. 1894 027 G8s NORRENBERG, Constantin. Kooperation verschiedener bibliotheken, [and] Oeffent- liche bibliotheken in Amerika. 1896 ro27 R37 Bound with the following. REYER, Ed. Entwicklung und organisation der volksbibliotheken. 1893 . . ro27 R37 HISTORY OF LIBRARIES 35 UNITED STATES Education bureau. Public libraries in the United States; their history, con- dition and management. 2v. 1876-91 ro27 U25 Statistics of libraries and library legislation in the United States. 1897 ro27 U25s Chapters from the Report of the commissioner of education, 1895-96. WILSON, James Grant. World's largest libraries. (Hoffman library lectures.) ... .027 W?6 The same. (Hoffman library lectures.) ro27 W76 MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Pittsburgh. Annual report, 1871-1873. v.24-26, in I. 1872-74 rO27.2 M63 QUINCY, Josiah, 1772-1864. History of the Boston Athenaeum, with notices of its founders. 1851 qro27.2 664 JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY, Fairfield, Iowa. Photographs and description of the Jefferson county library, Fairfield, Iowa, erected by Andrew Carnegie, 1896 qro27.3 J23 BIRMINGHAM, England Free libraries. Annual report of the committee, 1862, 1868-69, 1871-72, :874-date. v.i, 7-8, 10-11, i3-date. i862-date 0)27.4 648 BOSTON Public library. Annual report of the trustees. v.2-date. i854-date. . . .0)27.4 B64a v-3, 6-1 1, 13, 16, 19, 24-25, 27, reports for 1855, 1858-63, 1865, 1868, 1870/71, 1875/761876/77, 1878/79, wanting. Hand-book for readers in the library, containing the regu- lations of the library, an account of the catalogues, a bibliography of special subjects, list of indexes to peri- odicals and other information. 1890 0327.4 B64h Proceedings on laying the corner-stone, Sept 17, 1855. 1855 0)27.4 664 BROOKLINE, Mass. Public library. Annual report of the trustees, i86s/66-date. v.9-date. i866-date 0)27.4 677 12, 37, reports for 1867-69, 1894, wanting. BUFFALO, N. Y. Library. Annual report, i895-date. v.6o-date. i896-date 0)27.4 B86 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Public library. Annual report of the trustees, i882-date. v.25-date. 1883- date 0)27.4 Ci4 v.a6 29, 31, 3334, reports for 188386, 1888, 189091, wanting. CARNEGIE INSTITUTE, Pittsburgh. Carnegie fine arts and museum collection fund; constitu- tion and by-laws of the board of trustees, together with Mr Carnegie's letter and deed of trust 0)27.4 C2ic Bound with Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Ordinances and by-laws. "Founder's day, i897-date. i897-date 0)27.4 C2if Accounts of the Founder's day exercises of Carnegie institute, beginning with the second anniversary (1897) of the dedication of the building. The first anniversary, in 1896, was celebrated very informally, and no printed description was issued. Beginning with 1899 the title reads, "Fourth [Fifth, Sixth, etc.] celebration of Founder's day at the Car- negie institute." For information concerning the dedication of the building in 1895, see "Dedication souvenir" and "Presentation of the library to the people of Pittsburgh," under Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. 36 HISTORY OF LIBRARIES CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH. Dedication souvenir. 1895 ro274 C2I Ordinances and by-laws 0327.4 C2ic Presentation of the library to the people of Pittsburgh, with a description of the dedicatory exercises, Nov. 5, 1895. 1895 r0274 C2ip CREDLAND, William Robert. Manchester public free libraries; a history and descrip- tion, and guide to their contents and use. 1899 0327.4 87 EDWARDS, Edward. Free town libraries; their formation, management and his- tory in Britain, France, Germany & America, with notices of book-collectors and of the places of deposit of their surviving collections. 1869 0327.4 31 ENOCH PRATT FREE LIBRARY, Baltimore. Letters and documents relating to its foundation and organization, with the dedicatory addresses and exer- cises, Jan. 4, 1886. 1886 ro274 E6$ HARTFORD Public library. Annual report of the executive committee, i895/i896-date. v.s8-date. i896-date 0327.4 H32 JAMES BLACKSTONE MEMORIAL LIBRARY, Branford, Conn. Exercises at the opening, June 17, 1896. 1897 qro274 Ji6 JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY, Chicago. Annual report, i895~date. v.i-date. :897-date qro274 J35 KRUPP'SCHE BtlCHERHALLE. Bericht der Krupp'schen biicherhalle iiber das betriebs- jahr 1899/1900-1900/01; mit anlage, Die verwaltung und einrichtung der biicherhalle. v.i-2. 1900-01 qro274 K42 LANGFORD, John Alfred. The Birmingham free libraries, the Shakspere memorial library and the art gallery. 1871 0327.4 648! LENOX LIBRARY, New York. Annual report of the trustees, 1870-1894. v.i-25, in I. 1871-95 0327.4 L6i LITHGOW LIBRARY, Augusta, Maine. Lithgow library and reading room; history and descrip- tion ro274 L74 LOS ANGELES, Cal. Public library. Annual report, v.i-date. i889-date 0327.4 L8g NEW HAVEN, Conn. Free public library. Annual report, v.i-date. i887-date 03274 N26 NEW YORK (city) Free circulating library. Annual report, 1887-1900. v.8-2i. 1887-1901 0327.4 N26i v.i i, report for 1891, wanting. Consolidated with the New York public library, Feb. 25, 1901. NEW YORK LIBRARY CLUB. Libraries of greater New York; Manual and historical sketch of the New York library club. 1902 ro274 N26i2 READING AND AIDS 37 OGLE, John J. The free library; its history and present condition. 1897. (Library series.) 027.4 Oi7 Treats of British libraries only. PRATT INSTITUTE, Brooklyn, N. Y. Report of the library, :8o6/97-date. v.i-date. i8g7-date . . 0)27.4 P88 PROVIDENCE, R. I. Public library. Annual report, :882-date. v.s-date. i883-date ro274 PQ7 13, 15, 17, reports for 1887-90, 1892 and 1894, wanting. ST. LOUIS Public library. Annual report, 1869/70-1896/97. 23v. in 2. 1870-98 rO274 Si4 Reports for 1876/1877, 1878/1879-1879/1880, 1889/1890 wanting. SMALL, Herbert. Handbook of the new public library in Boston. 1895 027.4 64 SPRINGFIELD, Mass. CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Annual report, i86s/66-date. v.s-date. i886-date ro274 876 v.7, 910, reports for 1867/1868, 1869/18701870/1871, wanting. STEVENSON, William Marshall. Carnegie and his libraries. 1899 qro274 884 Reprinted from the "Presbyterian banner," v.86, Aug. 10, 1899. ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY. Trustees' report, 1894. 1895 rO27.5 122 NEW YORK (state) Library. Annual report, i892/93-date. v.76-date. i894-date ro27.5 N26 PENNSYLVANIA State library. Report of the librarian, i888-date. i889-date ro27-5 P3Q UNITED STATES Library of Congress. Report of the librarian, i897-date. i897-date ro27-5 U25 Report for 1900/01 contains a manual of the constitution, organization, methods, etc. of the library. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial volume of the State historical society of Wis- consin; exercises at the dedication of its new building, Oct. 19, 1900, with a description of the building, ac- counts of the several libraries contained therein and a brief history of the society; ed. by R. G. Thwaites. 1901 qro27.5 W8l NEW YORK (state) University Extension department. Traveling libraries. 1901. (Bulletin no.4O.) ro27.6 N26 Contents: Field and future of traveling libraries, by Melvil Dewey. Summary of traveling library systems, by Myrtilla Avery. HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library. Report of the librarian, i896-date. i896-date ro27-7 H33 DUNNING, Albert Elijah. Sunday-school library. 1884 ro27.8 D92 028 Reading and aids ABBOTT, Lyman, ed. Hints for home reading, with suggestions for libraries by G. P. Putnam. 1892 028 Ai3 Contains priced lists of suggested selections of 500, 1000 and 2000 vol- umes of the most desirable and important books. READING AND AIDS ATKINSON, William Parsons. On the right use of books. 1880 028 A87 BALDWIN, James. Book-lover; a guide to the best reading. 1895 028 BIQ BALDWIN, James, comp. Guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. 1895 ro28 Bigg BROOKINGS, Walter DuBois, & Ringwalt, R. C. ed. Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics. 1896 ro28 677 Bibliography of debating, by A. B. Hart, p. 41-47. CALLER, Mary Alice. Literary guide for home and school. 1895 028 13 Contains general suggestions on the reading of young girls, and outlines a ten years' course in literature for girls from seven to seventeen; there are also lists of historical novels illustrating the whole course of English and American history. COUNSEL upon the reading of books, with an introduction by Henry Van Dyke. 1900 028 C83 Contents: History, by H. M. Stephens. Memories and biographies, by Agnes Repplier. Sociology, economics and politics, by A. T. Hadley. The study of fiction, by Brander Matthews. Poetry, by Bliss Perry. Essay and criticism, by H. W. Mabie. A short list of references precedes each chapter. CRUMP, John F. Witchery of books. 1900 028 C89 FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. Great books. 1898 028 F25 Contents: Great books. John Bunyan. Shakespeare. Dante. Milton. The imitation of Christ. FOSTER, William Eaton. Libraries and readers. 1883 ro28 F8i Contents: Some hints on right reading. Correction of aimless reading. The specializing of reading, for general readers. "Current litera- ture" and "standard literature." Securing the interest of a com- munity. What may be done at home. How to use a library; a rudi- mentary chapter. Books and articles on reading. GIBSON, Laurence M. Handbook for literary and debating societies. 1898 rO28 G37 References at the end of each article. HOFFMAN, Charles Frederick. The library a divine child. 1893 028 H67 HUMPHREYS, Arthur L. The private library; what we do know, what we don't know, what we ought to know about our books. 1897 028 H92 IRELAND, Alexander, (pseud. Philobiblos), comp. Book-lover's enchiridion. 1883 028 128 A treasury of thoughts on the solace and companionship of books, gath- ered from the writings of the greatest thinkers, from Cicero to Ruskin. KOOPMAN, Harry Lyman. Mastery of books; hints on reading and the use of libra- ries. 1896 ro28 K37 Annotated list of books on the subject of reading, p. 197-203. READING FOR THE YOUNG 39 LARNED, Josephus Nelson. A talk about books. 1897 028 L32 An address by the author of the "History for ready reference," to the students of the Central high school, Buffalo, N. Y. LEYPOLDT, Augusta H. & lies, George, comp. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. 1895. .qroaS L67 Lists of books on various subjects, chosen by specialists, and furnished with descriptive and critical notes. In addition to these lists are a list of periodicals and hints for girls' and women's clubs. MATSON, Henry. References for literary workers. 1893 roaS M47 MATTHEWS, Brander. Home library. 1883 028 M47 Chapters on the buying and owning of books, on fiction, on book- binding, etc. RAFFETY, Frank W. Books worth reading; a plea for the best and an essay towards selection, with short introductions to many of the world's great authors. 1899 028 Rl4 RICHARDSON, Charles Francis. Choice of books. 1885 028 R4I RIGHT reading; words of good counsel on the choice and use of books, selected from the writings of ten famous authors. 1902 028 R45 List of authors: Sir Arthur Helps. Carlyle. Isaac D' Israeli. Emer- son. Schopenhauer. Ruskin. j. C. Hare. John Morley. Lowell. Frederic Harrison. ROWTON, Frederic. How to conduct a debate; a series of complete debates, outlines of debates and questions for discussion, with references to the best sources of information on each particular topic; revised by W. Taylor ro28 R8i SHAYLOR, Joseph, comp. The pleasure of literature and the solace of books. 1898. . . .028 S53 Prose extracts from ancient and modern writers. WINCHESTER, Caleb Thomas. Five short courses of reading in English literature, with biographical and critical references. 1892 ro28 W77 028.5 Reading for the young BUFFALO, N. Y. Library. Class-room libraries for public schools, listed by grades, to which is added a list of books suggested for school reference libraries. 1902 ro28.5 B86 BURT, Mary Elizabeth. Literary landmarks. 1893 028.5 694 Guide to reading for the young. The volume contains many ingenious illustrations designed to fix in the pupil's mind the story of literature, and at the end is a carefully selected list of 700 books. CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH. Graded and annotated catalogue of books for the use of the city schools. 1900 ro28.5 C2I 40 GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS FIELD, Mrs E. M. The child and his book; some account of the history and progress of children's literature in England. 1891 028.5 F45 GRISWOLD, William MacCrillis, comp. Descriptiv list of books for the young. 1895 rO28.S Go,3 HARDY, George E. ed. Five hundred books for the young. 1892 028.5 H26 The same. 1892 ro28.5 H26 HARTFORD Public library. Boys' and girls' books in the library. 1895 rO28.5 H32 LAWRENCE, Isabel. Classified reading; books for the school, the library and the home, with a full bibliography of education. 1898. .ro28.5 L42 PRENTICE, May H. comp. References to books in the Cleveland public library, in- tended to aid the third grade teachers of the Cleveland public schools. 1898 028.5 PQI The same. 1898 0)28.5 PQi Published by the Cleveland public library. SARGENT, John Frederick, comp. Reading for the young, with supplement for 1891-1895 by M. E. and A. L. Sargent. 2v. in i. 1890-96 qro28.5 S24r The same. 2v. 1890-96 qro28.5 524 WISCONSIN Libraries, State superintendent of. List of books for township libraries of Wisconsin. 1901 . . ro28.5 W8i The same. 1902 ro28.5 W8il 029 Literary methods AUTHOR; a monthly magazine for literary workers. 3v. in i. 1889-91 r029 A93 No more published. BOOTH, William Stone, comp. Notes for the guidance of authors. 1900 029 663 Brief chapters on the preparation of a manuscript, submitting a manu- script to a publisher, copyright, forms of agreement, proof-reading, proof showing corrections, and other helpful suggestions to persons not accustomed to the ways of publishers. Compiled for the Mac- millan co. WALSH, William Shepard, comp. Authors and authorship. (Literary life.) 029 Wi8 WRITER; a monthly magazine for literary workers, v.i- date. i887-date ro2Q W93 Contains articles on subjects of particular interest to writers, especially those doing newspaper work of any kind, advice to aspirants to the profession of literature, lists of magazine articles interesting to liter- ary workers, and descriptions of practical helps and conveniences. 030 General encyclopedias AMERICAN annual cyclopaedia and register of important events, 1861, 1864. v.i, 4. 1862-65 qro3i Continued i876-date as "Appletons* annual cyclopaedia and register of important events." GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 41 APPLETONS' American cyclopaedia, ijv. 1883-84 ....... qro3i A64 APPLETONS' annual cyclopaedia and register of important events, i876-date. New series v.i-date. :886-date. . .qro3i A64a Title of earlier series reads "American annual cyclopaedia and register of important events." CENTURY cyclopedia of names. 1894 .................... qro3i C32 The same. 1895 ........................................ qro3i C32C CHAMPLIN, John Denison. Young folks' catechism of common things. 1886 ........ r jo3i C3Sy CHAMPLIN, John Denison, comp. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 1894 ........ rjo3i C35 CHANDLER'S encyclopedia; an epitome of universal knowledge; ed. by W. H. Chandler. 3v. 1898 ......... qro3i C36 COLUMBIAN cyclopedia. 32v. 1897 ....................... ro3i C72 INTERNATIONAL cyclopaedia, isv. 1895 ................ qro3i 124 INTERNATIONAL year book; a compendium of the world's progress in every department of human knowledge, i898-date; ed. by F. M. Colby and H. T. Peck, v.i- date. i899-date ..................................... qro3i 1248 JOHNSON'S new universal cyclopaedia. 4v. 1875-78 ....... qn>3i J3S The same; ed. by C. K. Adams. 8v. 1893-95 ............. qro3i J35u The same; new ed. by C. K. Adams; revised and enl. by Rossiter Johnson. I2v. 1902 ....................... qro3i J35U2 Title-page of the edition of 1902 reads "Universal cyclopaedia and atlas." CHAMBERS'S encyclopaedia. lov. 1901 .................. qro32 C35 ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 25v. 1878-89 ............. qro32 62 American supplement. 4v. 1893 ................ qro32 E62I HAZELL'S annual for iSgo-date. v.5-date. iSgo-date ...... ro32 H38 v.6, 7 and 9 wanting. PENNY cyclopaedia, with ist supplement. 29v. in 16. 1833-51 .............................................. qro32 P4i QUILTER, Harry, ed. What's what. v.i. 1902 ....................... . ......... ro32 Q32 A new kind of encyclopedia, more for reading than for reference. It covers a wide field and in spite of inconsistencies, curious omissions and lack of proportion, it contains some interesting and worthy ma- terial. REES, Abraham, comp. The cyclopaedia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences and literature. 45v. 1819-20 ......................... qro32 R28 WILKES, John, of Sussex, England, comp. Encyclopaedia Londinensis. v.i-io. 1810-11 ........... qro32 W72 ALLGEMEINES lexicon der kiinste und wissenschaften. 2v. 1767 ................................................. >33 A43 BROCKHAUS, Friedrich Arnold, comp. Konversations-lexikon. I7v. 1892-97 ................... qrc33 676 HUBNER, Johann, comp. Reales staats- zeitungs- und conversations-lexicon. i757-.ro33 H88 MEYERS kleines konversations-lexikon. 3v. 1892-93 ..... ro33 M6sk MEYERS konversations-lexikon. v.i-date. i893-date ---- qrO33 M6$ 42 GENERAL PERIODICALS LAROUSSE, Pierre Athanase, comp. Grand dictionnaire universel du IQC siecle, & 2 supple- ments. I7v. 1865-90 qro34 L33 040 General collections COTGREAVE, Alfred, comp. Contents-subject index to general and periodical litera- ture. 1900 rO4O 83 EVENS, William. Scrap book compiled by William Evens qrO4O 95 Miscellaneous clippings collected by an old Pittsburgh musician. FLETCHER, William Isaac, ed. "A. L. A." index; an index to general literature. 1893. . . .qro4O F63 The same. 1901 qro4O F63a 050 General periodicals Indexes ANNUAL literary index, including periodicals and essays; ed. by W. I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker, i892-date. v.i- date. :893-date qroso A6i CUMULATIVE index to a selected list of periodicals, 1896- date. v.i-date. i897-date qroso Cgi DIETRICH, F. comp. Bibliographic der deutschen zeitschriften-litteratur. v.i- date. i897-date qro53 057 The same; supplementband, bibliographic der deutschen rezensionen, i9OO-date. v.i-date. igoi-date qro53 0573 INDEX to the periodical literature of the world. See Review of reviews. Annual index of periodicals. POOLE, William Frederick, comp. Alphabetical index to subjects treated in the reviews and other periodicals to which no indexes have been pub- lished, prepared for the library of the Brothers in unity, Yale college. 1848 . ...roso P79a The germ of Poole's invaluable "Index to periodical literature," com- piled when the author was a student at Yale. He himself says of it, "My work, though crude and feeble on its bibliographical side, answered its purpose, and brought to me the whole body of students for a kind of help they could not get from the library catalogues, nor from any other source . . . The little book is now a curiosity in more senses than one." A second edition, with six times the amount of matter contained in the first, appeared in 1853, and was incorporated later into the well-known "Index" of :88a. POOLE, William Frederick, & Fletcher, W. I. comp. Index to periodical literature; and supplements, 1802-1896. 4v. in 5. 1888-97 qroso P79 The same; abridged edition covering the contents of thirty- seven important periodicals, 1815-1899, by W. I. Fletcher and Mary Poole. 1901 qroso ?79i AMERICAN PERIODICALS 43 RfiPERTOIRE bibliographique des principales revues fran- gaises; redige par D. Jordell, i8o8-date. v.2-date. 1900- date qroS4 R3S REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Annual index of periodicals & photographs, iSpo-date. v.i-date. iSgi-date qroso R36 v.2-4 title reads "Index to the periodical literature of the world." v.s-date title reads "Index to the periodicals." 051 American periodicals AMERICAN eclectic; or, Selections from the periodical liter- ature of all foreign countries; ed. by Absalom Peters and others; bi-monthly. 4v. 1841-42 rosi Asi22 No more published. AMERICAN monthly review. 4v. in 3. 1832-33 rosi Asi23 No more published. AMERICAN monthly review of reviews. See Review of reviews. AMERICAN notes and queries; weekly. 8v. 1888-92 rosi Asi2 AMERICAN quarterly review, Mar. i827~Dec. 1837. 22v. 1827-37 '. roso ASI No more published. AMERICAN review; a Whig journal; monthly. i6v. 1845-52. .rosi ASI v.n-i6 title reads "American Whig review." No more published. AMERICAN review of history and politics; ed. by R. Walsh; quarterly. 4v. 1811-12 rosi Asi3 No more published. AMERICAN Whig review. See American review. ANALECTIC magazine; containing selections from foreign reviews and magazines; monthly, Jan. :8i3-June 1819. v.i-13. 1813-19 rosi AS3 v.6-8 title reads "Analectic magazine and naval chronicle." APPLETONS' journal of literature, science and art; weekly and monthly. 26v. 1869-81 qrosi A6s No more published. ARENA; monthly, v.i-date. i89o-date rosi A68 ATLANTIC monthly, v.i-date. i8s8-date rosi A88 Index, v.i-62. 1889. BAY state monthly. See New England magazine. BOOK buyer; a summary of American and foreign literature; monthly, v.i-date. i884-date rosi B63b BOOK news; monthly. v.i6-date. i897-date qrosi 8631 BOOK reviews; monthly, v.3-9. 1895-1901 rosi 6632 No more published. BOOKMAN; illustrated literary journal; monthly, v.i-date. i89S-date qrosi 663 BOSTONIAN. See National magazine. CALIFORNIAN; a Western monthly magazine. 6v. 1880-82 qrosi Ci3 Oct.-Dec. 1882 title reads the "Calif ornian and overland monthly." No more published. CANADIAN magazine of politics, science, art and literature; monthly, v.i-date. i893-date rosi Ci6 44 AMERICAN PERIODICALS CANADIAN monthly and national review, Jan. i872-June 1882. 2iv. 18/2-82 rosi Ci67 No more published. CENTURY illustrated monthly magazine, v.i-date. 1882- date rosi 8431 Being v.23~date of "Scribner's monthly." The same. v.36-date. iSgo-date 051 8431 Being v.s8-date of "Scribner's monthly." CHAP-BOOK; semi-monthly, gv. 1894-98 qrosi 36 No more published. CHAUTAUQUAN; monthly, v.i-date. i88i-date qrosi C4I CONSERVATIVE review, v.i-date. i899-date rosi C?5 CONTINENTAL monthly, devoted to literature and national policy, Jan. i862-June 1864. v.i-5. 1862-64 rosi C76 COSMOPOLITAN; monthly, v.i-date. i886-date rosi C83 CRITIC; weekly. New series, v.i-date. i884-date qrosi C88 CURRENT literature; monthly, v.i-date. i888-date qrosi C93 DAGUERREOTYPE; a magazine of foreign literature and science, comp. chiefly from the periodical publications of England, France and Germany; semi-monthly, Aug. 7, i847-Apr. 17, 1849. v.i-3. 1847-49 qrosi Di4 DIAL; monthly and semi-monthly, v.i-date. i88i-date. . . .qrosi 053 ECLECTIC magazine of foreign literature, science and art; monthly, v.i-date. i844-date rosi 25 v.i 32 begins a new series, and title reads "Eclectic magazine and monthly edition of the Living age." EMERSON'S magazine and Putnam's monthly. See Put- nam's monthly magazine. EVERY Saturday; weekly. I7v. 1866-74 qrosi 95 In Nov. 1874 this was incorporated with "Littell's living age." FORUM; monthly, v.i-date. i886-date rosi F79 Index, v. 1-32. 1902. FRANK Leslie's popular monthly. v.44-date. i897-date. . . .qrosi F87 GALAXY; semi-monthly and monthly, v.i-24, in 25. 1866-77. .rosi Gi4 Publication ceased with v.2$. Incorporated with "Atlantic monthly." GRAHAM'S magazine; monthly, Jan.-June 1851. v.38. 1851 . . qrosi G77 GRANITE monthly; a New Hampshire magazine devoted to literature, history and state progress, v.i-date. 1877- date rosi G78 GREAT round world; a history of our own times for boys and girls; weekly, v.i-date. i896-date rjosi G82 The same. v.3-date. iSgo-date josi G82 HARPER'S new monthly magazine, v.i-date. i8so-date.. ..rosi H28 Index, v.i-8s. 1893. The same, v.ioo-date. looo-date 051 H28 HARPER'S young people; weekly and monthly. 2ov. 1880-99 qrjosi H28 The same, v.2, 17-18. 1881-98 qjosi H28 v. 16-20 title reads "Harper's round table." No more published. HESPERIAN tree; an annual of the Ohio valley; ed. by J. J. Piatt. v.i-date. looo-date qrosi H48 "Editor's aim has been to offer to the public in this annual a magazine of literary miscellany in prose and verse comprising original stories, sketches, essays and poems the contributors to which should be native AMERICAN PERIODICALS 45 to or identified . with the Ohio Valley. . .with reproductions ... of pic- tures and drawings, as well as works in sculpture, by artists also native to or identified with our. . .valley." Editor's note. HOURS at home; monthly, nv. 1865-70 1-051 H83 No more published. ILLUSTRATED American; weekly. 25v. 1890-99 qrosi 122 v.22 23 wanting. . No more published. INTER ocean curiosity shop, 1880-1892. v.3-15. 1881-93.. .rosi 12481 Publication ceased with INTERNATIONAL monthly; a magazine of contemporary thought, v.i-date. igoo-date rosi 12482 INTERNATIONAL monthly magazine. SY. 1850-52 rosi 1248 No more published. INTERNATIONAL review; bi-monthly. I4v. 1874-83 rosi 124 No more published. KNICKERBOCKER; or, New- York monthly magazine. v.i-6o. 1833-62 rosi K34 March 1844 wanting. LAND we love; monthly, May i866-Mar. 1869. v.i-6. 1866-69. .rosi L2I A general literary magazine published in the South and specially devoted to Southern interests. It contains considerable material relating to the Civil war. The LIBRARY; weekly, March loth-Sept, ist, 1900. v.i, no. 1-26. 1900. Pittsburgh qrosi L68 No more published. LIPPINCOTT'S monthly magazine, v.i-date. i868-date. .rosi L73 LITERARY digest; weekly. v.i2-date. i896-date qrosi L74id LITERARY world; monthly and semi-monthly. v.9-date. i878-date qrosi L74I LITTELL'S living age; weekly, v.i-date. i844-date rosi L74 Complete index, v.i-ioo. 1891. LITTLE folks; monthly, v.i-date. i899-date rjosi L74 McCLURE'S magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i893-date rosi Mi3 MIDLAND monthly. v.8-ii. 1897-99 rosi M67 Publication ceased with v.n. MISCELLANEOUS notes and queries, with answers; pub. by S. C. & L. M. Gould; monthly, July i882-date. v.i- date. i884-date rosi M73 v.i6 title reads "The grand man; notes and queries." v. i7-date title reads "Notes and queries and historic magazine." MUNSEY'S magazine; monthly, Oct. iSgi-date. v.6-date. i892-date rosi Mg6 Prior to October 1891 this appeared as a weekly publication. NATIONAL magazine; an illustrated monthly, v.i-date. iSgo-date qrosi 664 v.i-3 published as the "Bostonian." NATIONAL magazine; devoted to literature, art and reli- gion; ed. by Abel Stevens and James Floy; monthly. I3v. 1852-58 rosi Ni5 No more published. NEW England magazine, v.i-date. i884-date rosi 633 v.i-3 published as the "Bay state monthly." NEW-ENGLAND magazine; ed. by J.T.Buckingham and others; monthly, July i83i-Dec. 1835. 9v. 1831-35. . .rosi N26i2 Continued as "American monthly magazine." 46 AMERICAN PERIODICALS NEW Englander. s6v. 1843-92 1-051 N26l Index, v.i 19. 1862. v.44~s6 title reads "New Englander and Yale review." Succeeded by the "Yale review." NEW YORK review; half yearly and quarterly. lov. 1837-42. .rosi N26 No more published. NORTH American review; bi-monthly and monthly, v.i- date. i8i5-date rosi N45 NOTES and queries and historic magazine. See Miscellane- ous notes and queries. OLD and new; monthly, uv. 1870-75 rosi 023 No more published. OPEN court; a monthly magazine, v.3, no.2-date. 1889- date qro5 1 026 OUR day; a record and review of current reform; ed. by Joseph Cook and others; monthly, v.i-8. 1888-91 .. .rosi 0327 OUR monthly; a religious and literary magazine. 4v. in 2. 1870-71 rosi 032 OUR young folks; monthly. 9v. 1865-73 rjosi 032 OVERLAND monthly, v.i-date. i868-date rosi 033 Discontinued from Jan. 1876 Dec. 1882. PENN monthly magazine. I4v. in 13. 1870-82 rosi ?39 No more published; v.i4 consists of one number only. The PHILISTINE; a periodical of protest, printed for the Society of the Philistines; monthly, v.i-date. 1895- date rosi P49 PUTNAM'S monthly magazine. i6v. 1853-70 rosi P99 No more published. title reads "Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly." REVIEW of reviews; monthly, v.i-date. iSgo-date. qrosi R39 v.i 6 date title reads "American monthly review of reviews." RIVERSIDE magazine; monthly. 4v. 1867-70 rjosi R52 No more published. ST. LOUIS public library magazine; monthly, Apr. i897~Nov. 1898. v.4-5. 1897-1900 qrosi 814 A continuation of the "Bulletin of the St. Louis public library," under which title the first three volumes were issued. No more published. ST. NICHOLAS; monthly, Nov. i873-date. v.i-date. 1874- date rjosi 814 Index, v.i-21. 1894. Index, v.i 27. 1901. The same, v.i-date. i874-date josi Si4 SCRIBNER'S magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i887-date rosi 843 The same. v.27-date. looo-date 051 843 SCRIBNER'S monthly, v.i-date. i87i-date rosi 8431 v.23-date title reads "Century illustrated monthly magazine." The same. v.58-date. :899-date 051 8431 SOUTHERN literary messenger; monthly, Jan. i837-June 1864. v.3-36. 1837-64 qrosi S72 Pts. of v.32 & 35 wanting. v.i 2-1 3 title reads "Southern and Western literary messenger and review." WIDE awake; monthly. 37v. 1875-93 rjosi W67 Incorporated with "St. Nicholas" in Sept. 1893. WORLD'S work; monthly, Nov. iox>o-date. v.i-date. 1001- date qrosi W8p YOUTH'S companion; weekly. v.57-date. i884-date qrjosi Y42 ENGLISH PERIODICALS 47 052 English periodicals ALL the year round; a weekly journal; conducted by Charles Dickens, April 30, i859-March 30, 1895. 76v. 1859-95. -qro52 A4I After March 30, 1895, this publication was discontinued and the maga- zine incorporated with "Household words." ANGLO-SAXON review; a quarterly miscellany; ed. by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. lov. 1899-1901 qro52 A58 No more published. ANTIQUARIAN magazine & bibliographer; ed. by Edward Waif ord ; monthly. I2v. 1882-87 ro52 A63 v.8-12 title reads "Walford's antiquarian magazine and bibliographical review;" v. 11-12 are edited by G. W. Red way. No more published. ARGOSY ; monthly. 75v. 1866-1901 roS2 A6g No more published. BELGRAVIA; monthly. 98v. 1867-99 ro52 639 Publication ceased with June 1899. BENTLEY'S miscellany; monthly. 64v. 1837-68 ro52 844 No more published. Incorporated with "Temple bar." BLACKWOOD'S Edinburgh magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i8i7-date ro52 651 General index, v.i-so. 1855. BRITISH and foreign review; or, European quarterly journal. i8v. 1835-44 ro52 6756 No more published. BRITISH quarterly review. 83v. 1845-86 ro52 675 No more published. CHAMBERS'S Edinburgh journal; weekly, v.i-date. 1833- date qro52 C35 v.33-date title reads "Chambers's journal." CONTEMPORARY review; monthly, v.i-date. i866-date. .ro52 76 CORNHILL magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i86o-date ro52 C82 COSMOPOLIS; an international monthly review. I2v. 1806-98 ro52 C83 No more published. DARK blue; monthly, v.i-5, no.i, in 4. 1871-73 ro52 025 No more published. DUBLIN university magazine; monthly. 96v. 1833-80 ro52 D8s v.9i-96 title reads "University magazine." v.96 consists of two quarterly numbers. No more published. EDINBURGH review; quarterly, Oct. :8o2-date. v.i-date. i8i4-date. ro52 28 General index v.i 20. 1813. General index v. 21-50. 1832. General index 80. 1850. General index v.8i 110. 1862. General index v. in 140. 1876. ENGLISH illustrated magazine; monthly, i883-date. v.i- date. i884-date qro52 64 FOREIGN quarterly review. 37v. 1827-46 ro52 F76 No more published. FORTNIGHTLY review, v.i-date. i86s-date ro52 F79 FRASER'S magazine; monthly. io6v. 1830-82 ro52 F88 No more published. 48 ENGLISH PERIODICALS GENTLEMAN'S magazine; monthly, I73i-May 1868. I38v. in 221. 1806-68 1-052 G2Q General index, 1731-1786. 2v. 1818. General index, 1787-1818. 2V. 1821. Complete list of plates and wood-cuts, 17311818. 1821. V-3O, 1760; v.po, pt.i, Jan. -June 1820, wanting. The same, new ser. June i868-date. v.i-date. i868-date . . ro52 G2pg HOUSEHOLD words; a weekly journal; conducted by Charles Dickens, igv. 1850-59 ro52 H83 Continued as "All the year round." HO WITT'S journal of literature and popular progress; ed. by William and Mary Howitt; weekly. 3v. 1847-48. .qro52 H86 In 1849 incorporated with the "People's journal" and continued as "People's and Hewitt's journal." IDLER; monthly, v.i-date. :892-date ro52 Ii4 ILLUMINATED magazine; ed. by Douglas Jerrold; monthly. 4v. 1843-45 qr052 122 No more published. KNIGHT'S penny magazine. See Penny magazine. LEISURE hour; weekly and monthly, v.i-date. i852-date. .qn>52 Ls6 Index, v. 1-25. LITERATURE; ed. by H. D. Traill; weekly. 9v. 1898-1902. . qro52 L;4 United with the "Academy," Jan. 18, 1902. LONDON magazine; or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer. v.i-54. 1732-85 ro52 L822 General index, v. 1-27. 1760. v.s~i6 title reads "London magazine and monthly chronologer." LONDON quarterly review, v.i-date. i853-date ro52 L82 LONDON review; quarterly. See Westminster review. LONGMAN'S magazine; monthly, Nov. i882-date. v.i-date. i883-date ro52 L83 MACMILLAN'S magazine; monthly, Nov. i859-date. v.i- date. i86o-date ro52 M2I MONTHLY review, v.i-date. i goo-date qro52 M86 MURRAY'S magazine; a home and colonial periodical; monthly. lov. 1887-91 ro52 M97 No more published. NATIONAL review; monthly, v.i-date. i883-date ro52 Ni55 NATIONAL review; quarterly, igv. 1855-64 ro52 Ni5 No more published. NEW review; monthly. I7v. 1889-97 ro52 N28 No more published. NINETEENTH century; monthly, v.i-date. i877-date. . . .ro52 N36 NORTH British review; quarterly. 53v. 1844-71 ro52 N45 No more published. NOTES and queries; weekly, Nov. i849-date. v.i-date. i8so-date ro52 N47 -Index v.i-12. 1856. v. 13-24. 1862. -Index -Index -Index -Index -Index -Index -Index v. 25-36. 1868. v. 37-48. 1874. v.49 60. 1880. v.6i-72. 1886. v. 73-84. 1892. v. 85-96. ONCE a week; July 2, i859-Aug. 29, 1874. v.i~3O. 1859-74.^052 025 FOREIGN PERIODICALS 49 OUTLOOK in politics, life, letters and the arts; weekly, v.i- date. iSgS-date qro52 032 PALL Mall magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i8Q3-date roS2 Pi8 PENNY magazine; weekly. i6v. in 15. 1832-46 qro52 P4i v.i5~i6 title reads "Knight's penny magazine." No more published. PUNCH; weekly, July-Dec. 1896, i8o8-date. v.m, H4-date. i896-date qro52 PgS QUARTERLY review, Feb. i8o9-date. v.i-date. i8io-date. .ro52 -General -General -General -General -General -General -General -General -General ndex ndex ndex ndex ndex ndex ndex ndex ndex v.i 19. 1820. v.2i-39. 1831. v.41-59- 1839- v.6i~79. 1850. v.Si-99. 1858. V.IOI I2O. 1867. V.I 22 139. 1876. v.141-159. 1885. v.i6i 180. 1895. RETROSPECTIVE review. i8v. 1820-54 ro52 R36 Not published between the years 1829 and 1852. SCOTTISH review; quarterly, v.i-date. i883-date ro52 842 SPIELMANN, Marion Harry. History of "Punch." 1895 052 875 SPIRIT of the public journals, 1797-1801. v.i-5. 1799-1802. . .ro52 875 Annual selections, chiefly prose, from the contemporary newspapers and other publications. STRAND magazine; an illustrated monthly, v.i-date. 1891- date ro52 889 TAIT'S Edinburgh magazine; monthly, v.n-12. 1844-45 .. qroS2 Ti4 TEMPLE bar; a London magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i86i-date ro52 T28 Index, v. 1-99, 1860-1893. TIME; a monthly miscellany. 23v. 1879-90 ro52 T47 No more published. UNIVERSAL review; ed. by Harry Quilter; monthly, May i888-Dec. 1890. 8v. 1888-90 qro52 U25 No more published. UNIVERSITY magazine. See Dublin university magazine. WALFORD'S antiquarian magazine and bibliographical re- view. See Antiquarian magazine. WESTMINSTER review; quarterly and monthly, v.i-date. i824-date qro5 For changes in title and numbering of volumes see Boston Athenaeu catalogue, v.s, p.3297. WORLD, by Adam Fitz-Adam; weekly. 4v. 1753-56 qro52 W89 Edited by Edward Moore, who wrote 61 out of 210 numbers. No more published. "My design in this paper is to ridicule, with novelty and good-humour, the fashions, follies, vices and absurdities of the human species which calls itself the World, and to trace it through all its business, pleasures and amusements." Editor. Among the contributors to the "World" were Lord Lyttelton, its pro- jector, the earls of Chesterfield, Bath and Cork, and Horace Walpole. 53~55 Foreign periodicals DEUTSCHE rundschau; hrsg. von Julius Rodenberg; month- ly, v.i-date. i874-date ro53 048 Generalregister, v. i 40. 1885. Generalregister, v.4i 80. 1896. 50 NEWSPAPERS UBER land und meer; allgemeine illustrirte zeitung; weekly. v.49-54- 1883-85 qro53 Ui2 REVUE des deux mondes; bi-weekly, 656 annee-date. v.132- date. i895-date qrc>54 R37 REVUE politique et litteraire, revue bleue; weekly, series 4, v.7-date. i897~date qro54 R37 r NUOVA antologia di lettere, scienze ed arti; semi-monthly. v.i69-date. ipoo-date ross N52 060 General societies BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Year-book, 1893/94, 1898/99-1899/1900. v.6, 11-12. 1894- 1900 ro6i 677 ESSEX INSTITUTE, Salem, Mass. Bulletin; monthly, quarterly and semi-yearly, i86o-date. v.i-30. 1870-98 ro6i 84 No more published. Proceedings, and communications, 1848-1870. 6v. in 3. 1856-71 ro6i 84? v.,4-6, "Proceedings" and "Communications" have separate title-pages. No more published. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and transactions, 1882-1894, igoo-date. v.i-12, lo-date. i883-date qro6i R8i v.i 2 contains a general index to v.i 12. HUME, Abraham. Learned societies and printing clubs of the United King- dom. 1847 ro62 H92 070 Newspapers, journalism BOURNE, Henry Richard Fox. English newspapers; chapters in the history of journalism. 2v. 1887 072 B65 BUCKINGHAM, Joseph Tinker. Specimens of newspaper literature. 2v. 1852 ro7i 685 COOPER, Charles Alfred. An editor's retrospect; fifty years of newspaper work. 1896. .070 C78 DANA, Charles Anderson. Art of newspaper making. 1895 070 Di9 GRANT, James. Newspaper press; its origin, progress and present position. 3v. 1871 ro7o G78 v-3 title reads "The metropolitan weekly and provincial press." HARTMANN, Martin. The Arabic press of Egypt. 1899 079 H32 List of newspapers and periodicals that have appeared or are now (1899) appearing in Egypt, p.52-86. NEWSPAPER DIRECTORIES 51 HILL, Ashbel Fairchilds. Secrets of the sanctum; an inside view of an editor's life. 1875 1-070 H55 HUDSON, Frederic. Journalism in the United States, 1690-1872. 1873 071 H88 PERRIN, William Henry. Pioneer press of Kentucky, from the printing of the first paper west of the Alleghanies, Aug. n, 1787, to the establishment of the daily press in 1830. 1888. (Filson club. Publications.) qro7i P44 RITENOUR, John S. Journalism as a profession. 1899 070 RSI First published in the "Forum," .25. Newspaper directories HUB BARD'S newspaper and bank directory of the world. v.3. 1883-84 ro70 H87 PETTENGILL'S newspaper directory and advertisers' hand- book for 1877, comprising a complete list of the news- papers and other periodicals published in the United States and British America. 1877 ro7i ?46 REMINGTON, Edward Pym, pub. Annual newspaper directory, 1901-02; a list of all news- papers and other periodical publications of the United States and Canada. 2v. 1901-02 ro7i R333 REMINGTON BROTHERS, pub. Newspaper manual; a catalogue of the newspapers of the United States and Canada, 1892. v.6. 1892 n>7i R33 ROWELL, (George P.) & CO. pub. American newspaper directory, 1873, 1895, 1898, 1902. v.5, 27, 30, 34- 1873-1902 qro7i R79 WILLING, James, pub. British & Irish press guide. v.22-date. iSgs-date ro72 W7S 071 American newspapers AMERICAN manufacturer; weekly, v.12-13, no.28, in i. 1841-42. Pittsburgh qro7i Asi2 United with the "Pittsburgh mercury" to form the "Pittsburgh post." AMERICAN weekly mercury, 1719-21. v.i-2. 1898 qro7i A$i Republished in facsimile by the Colonial society of Pennsylvania. BOSTON evening transcript; daily, Nov. i, i89S-date. 1895- date qro7i 664 CHICAGO times-herald; daily, Nov. 5, i895-date. i89S-date. . qro7i C43 GREENSBURG, Pa. Farmers' register; weekly, June 21, 1799- Apr. 24, 1802. v.i, no.5-v.2, no. 153, in I. 1799-1802 qro7i G84 v.i, no.6-n, 13, 34-35, 43, 47, 82-86, 93; v.2, no.m, 140, 146 wanting. HARPER'S bazar; weekly, v.i-date. i867-date qro7i H284 v.2-32 wanting. HARPER'S weekly, v.i-date. i857-date qro7i H28 52 AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS ILLUSTRATED news, New York; weekly, v.i-2, 110.48. 1853 qro7i 122 INDEPENDENT; weekly. v.48-date. i8o6-date qro;: 124 INDEPENDENT balance, by Democritus the younger; wtek- ly, Apr. 16, i8i7-May 13, 1818, May i6-June 13, 1821. v.i-2, no.s; v.S, no.6-io, in i. 1817-21 qro7i ?3Q v.i, no.i6, 25, 37, 46; v.2, 110.2; v.s, 110.9 wanting. Bound with the "Pennsylvania farmer." INDEX of Pittsburgh life; weekly, Oct. 6, iooo-date. v.6- date. igoo-date qro7i 1242 NATION ; weekly, v.i-date. i86s-date qro7i Ni5 NEW-YORK daily times, May 9, i854-Nov. 29, 1896. v.3, no.824-v.46, no.i4i27. 1854-96 qro7i N26d v.3, no.824-825 title reads "New- York evening times." v.7, Jan.-Aug. 1858, wanting. Sept. 6, i857~Nov. 29, 1896 title reads "New- York times." NEW-YORK daily tribune, Jan. i, iSso-date. v.i8-date. i859-date qro7i N26it "New-York tribune," Nov. 67, 14, 1857; Dec. 3-5, 7-9, n, 19, 1857; July 17, 19, 21, 26, 27, 28, 1858 bound with v.7~8, Sept.-Dec. 1858, of the "New- York times." April 10, i866-date title reads "New- York tribune." Index to the daily Tribune, 1876-77, 1880-88, i89O-date. i876-date ro7i N26i NEW YORK, Evening post; daily. v.93-date. i894~date. .qro7i N26e NEW-YORK mirror; a weekly journal. v.i6. 1838-39 qro7i N26 NEW YORK, Sun; daily, July i, i884-date., no.3O5- date. :884-date qro7i N26s OUTLOOK; weekly. v.48-date. i893-date qro7i 032 PENNSYLVANIA farmer; weekly, Aug. 26, i8i2-Sept. I, 1813. v.i-2, no.2, in i. 1812-13 qro7i P39 v.i, no.35, 39, 42 wanting. PENNSYLVANIAN; daily, Nov. 13, i846-Dec. 30, 1850. v.28, no.47Oi-v.35, no. 6977, in 4. 1846-50 qro7i P399 May-Dec. 1849 wanting. PHILADELPHIA, North American; daily, Feb. 6, 1877- Apr. 26, 1878. 1877-78 qro7i P49 Runing title reads "Philadelphia North American and United States gazette." PHILADELPHIA, Press; daily, Jan. 4, i8s8-date. v.i, no.i3i-date. i8s8-date qro7i P49P Dec. 1117, 1866; Feb. 6, 1877 Apr. 22, 1878, wanting. July 5, i88o-Feb. 2, 1885 title reads "Philadelphia press." PHILADELPHIA, United States gazette; semi-weekly, Apr. 7-Dec. 8, 1813. v. 13, no. 1 238-1308. 1813 qro7i P494 Imperfect. PITTSBURG bulletin; a weekly journal, Nov. 9, i895-date. v.32-date. i896-date qro7i P67b PITTSBURGH chronicle telegraph; daily, Jan. 2, i884-date. i884-date qro7i P674 Formed by the union of the "Pittsburgh morning chronicle" and the "Pittsburgh evening telegraph." PITTSBURGH commercial; daily, July i, i864-Feb. 14, 1877. v.i, no.24O-v.i4, no. 134. 1864-77 qro7i P67c On Feb. 15, 1877, the "Pittsburgh commercial" united with the "Pitts- burgh gazette" under the title "Pittsburgh gazette-commercial." AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS 53 The same; weekly, Nov. 9, i867-Oct. 31, 1868, 1869, 1872, 1875. v.5, v.6, no.9-v.7, no.8, V.Q,, no.8, v.i2, no.8-v.i3, no.7, in 4. 1867-75 qro7i P67co PITTSBURGH, Daily advocate and advertiser; Oct. 18, 1839- Nov. 6, 1840. v.8, no.i6-v.9, no.32. 1839-40 qro7i P67dai The Pittsburgh "Weekly advocate and emporium," Nov. 13, 1840 Jan. 29, 1841; and the "Pittsburgh gazette," Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 18, 1840 are bound with the Pittsburgh "Daily advocate and advertiser." PITTSBURGH, Daily commercial journal; Dec. 3i-April 23, 1846, Jan. i, i848-April 30, 1849. v.4-5. 1846-49. .. .qr 071 P67d PITTSBURG daily dispatch; Aug. 9, i847-Dec. 1850; Jan. i855-Jan. 1863; Jan. i864-June 1864; Nov. 4, i895-date. i847-date qro7i P67di Nov. 4, iSgs-date title reads "Pittsburg dispatch." PITTSBURG daily news, March 16, i896-Jan. 8, 1901. igv. 1896-1901 qro7i P67n No more published. PITTSBURGH, Daily Pittsburgher; Jan. 3, i84O-Oct. 28, 1840. v.i, no.2ii-v.2, no.142, in i. 1840 qro7i P67da PITTSBURGH evening telegraph; daily, Apr. 16, i873-Dec. 31, 1883. 1873-83 qro7i P67te United with the "Pittsburgh morning chronicle" to form the "Pittsburgh chronicle telegraph." May 6, i876-Dec. 1883 title reads "Pittsburgh telegraph." The same; weekly, Mar. 27, i847-Mar. 22, 1848, Apr. 17, i875-Aug. 21, 1880. 1847-80 qro7i P67te2 Mar. 27, i847-Mar. 22, 1848 title reads "Pittsburgh telegraph;" Apr. 17, i875~Aug. 21, 1880 title reads "Pittsburgh weekly telegraph." PITTSBURGH, Der freiheits freund; daily, Dec. 10, 1844- date. i844-date qro7i P67f May 8-Dec. 13, 1847, 1849, Jan.-June 1850, Mar. 28-July 19, 1853 want- ing. Dec. i844-Nov. 1845, Dec. i847-Dec. 1848, July-Dec. 1850 title reads "Der freiheits freund und Pittsburger beobachter;" May 1851 Mar. 1852 title reads "Der tagliche freiheitsfreund;" July i86o-Dec. 1864 title reads "Der freiheits freund und Pittsburger courier;" Feb. 1901- date title reads "Volksblatt und freiheits-freund." The same; weekly, July 2, i852-June 29, 1866, Jan. 3, 1873- June 27, 1890. 1852-90 qro7i P67I2 July i8s2-Sept. 1860 title reads "Der freiheits freund und Pittsburger beobachter;" Oct. i86i-June 1866, Jan. i873-June 1890 title reads "Der freiheits freund und Pittsburger courier." PITTSBURGH gazette; daily, July 30, i833-date. v.48, date. :833-date qro7i P67g Aug. i834-Dec. 1835, Apr. i2-Oct. 31, 1836, July i837-Oct. 16, 1839, Feb. 25, 1 84 1 -July 23, 1844 wanting. The "Pittsburgh gazette" for Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 18, 1840 is bound with Pittsburgh, "Daily advocate and advertiser," v.8-9. The "Weekly gazette" for Jan. i -March 18, 1868 is bound with v.82-83 of the "Pittsburgh gazette." The "Pittsburgh weekly gazette" for Jan. i-June 28, 1873, is bound with v.88 of the "Pittsburgh gazette." Various titles read "Pittsburgh daily gazette and advertiser," "Pittsburgh daily gazette," "Daily Pittsburgh gazette," "Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal." On Feb. 15, 1877 the "Pittsburgh commercial" united with the "Pitts- burgh gazette" under the title "Pittsburgh gazette-commercial." Feb. 26, :877-date title reads "Pittsburgh commercial gazette." PITTSBURGH, Iron city and Pittsburgh weekly chronicle, Nov. 27, i84i-Nov. 19, 1842, Jan. 5, i853-July 26, 1854. v.i, v.i2, no.6-v.i3, no.40, in 2. 1841-54 qro7i P671 54 AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS PITTSBURG leader; daily, Nov. 4, iSps-date. v.47, 110.146- date. iSgs-date qro;i P6;l PITTSBURGH mercury; weekly, July 9, i8i2-June 24, 1815; July 4, i8i7-June 15, 1824; July 5, i826-June 3, 1828; Jan. i, i835-Aug. 31, 1842. v.i-3, 6-12, 15-16, 23, 110.1183- v.3i, no.27, in 10. 1812-42 qro7i P67me United with the "American manufacturer" to form the "Pittsburgh post." PITTSBURGH, Morning chronicle; daily, Feb.^6, i842-Sept. 29, 1883. 1842-83 qro7i P67m July i, :848-Sept. 16, 1849, Mar. 29, iSss-Feb. 10, 1856, May 8, 1856- Feb. 7, 1858, Aug. 12, i863-Feb. n, 1864, Feb. i-Aug. 31, 1868 want- ing. Oct. 17, i8si-Sept. 29, 1883 title reads "Pittsburgh evening chronicle." United with the "Pittsburgh evening telegraph" to form the "Pittsburgh chronicle telegraph." PITTSBURGH post; daily, v.i-date. i842-date qro7i P67 Formed by the union of the "American manufacturer" and "Pittsburgh mercury." PITTSBURG press; daily, Nov. 4, iSgs-date. v.i2, no.3O5- date. i895-date qro7i P67p PITTSBURGH, Saturday dollar chronicle, Aug. 27, i8so-Dec. 28, 1861. 1859-61 qro7i P67s PITTSBURG times; daily, Nov. 4, i895-date. v.i6, no.259- date. i895-date qro7i P67t PITTSBURGH times; weekly, Nov. 8, i837-Nov. 21, 1838. v.7-8, in i. 1837-38 qro7i P67ti PITTSBURGH, Weekly mercury and manufacturer; Sept. 10, i842-July 19, 1845. v.i, no.i-v.3, no.46, in 3. 1842-45 . . qro7i P67w POULSON'S American daily advertiser, June 2, i8i9-Dec. I, 1819. v.48. 1819 qro7l P86 PUBLIC opinion; weekly, v.i-date. i886-date qro7i P$S REMARQUES; a home news-magazine; weekly, Sept. 1, 1900- Feb. 23, 1901, Sept. 13, i9O2-Jan. 28, 1905. v.i, 4-5. 1900-05. Pittsburgh qro7i R33I Discontinued. ROWELL, (George P.) & CO. pub. American newspaper directory, 1873, 1895, 1898, 1902. v.5, 27, 30, 34. 1873-1902 qro7i R79 SATURDAY evening post; weekly, Oct. 14, i826-Dec. 29, 1832. v.5, no.272-v.i2, no. 596, in 2. 1826-32 qro7i 825 title reads "Atkinson's Saturday evening post." The TICKLER, by Toby Scratch 'em; weekly, v.2, no.i8-v.3, no.14, in i. 1809-10 qro7i P39 v.2, no. 23, 27, 45, 47-48 wanting. Bound with the "Pennsylvania farmer." UNIONTOWN, Pa. Genius of liberty; weekly, Apr. 25, 1872- Dec. 27, 1900. v.68-96. 1872-1900 qro7i U253 v.69, no.3o, 32; v.7O, no.n; v.7i, no.24, 47; v.75, no. 8; v.79, no.4, 28-31; v.96, no-32 wanting. The UNIVERSE; an illustrated weekly newspaper for young people and busy men and women, v.i, pt.i-4, in 5. 1898- Feb. 16, 1809 rjo7i U25 No more published. WASHINGTON, (D. C.) Daily morning chronicle, Nov. 21, i867-Sept. 5, 1870. v.6-8, in 6. 1867-70 qro7i ENGLISH AND GERMAN NEWSPAPERS 55 WASHINGTON, (D. C.) Daily national intelligencer, Feb. 12, i836-March 30, 1867. v.24-67, in 38. 1836-67. . . .qro7i W27da Jan. i838-Sept. 1840 wanting. WASHINGTON, (D. C.) Daily union, May i, i846-March 6, 1847; Aug. 20, i848-May 13, 1849. v.2, 4-5, in 2. 1846-49. . qro7i W27 WASHINGTON, (D. C.) National intelligencer; tri-weekly, Jan. 15, i8i8-Dec. 29, 1853. v.19-54, in 16. 1818-53. .qro7i W27n Oct. iSip-Nov. 1829 wanting. 072-073 English and German newspapers ACADEMY; monthly and weekly, v.i-date. i869-date . . . . qro72 Ai6 In Jan. 1902 "Literature" was incorporated with the "Academy" under the title "Academy and literature." ATHENyEUM ; weekly, v.i-date. i828-date qro72 A86 GRAPHIC; an illustrated weekly newspaper, Dec. i869-Dec. 1870,. Jan. igoo-date. v.i-2, 6i-date. :87O-date qro72 G79 ILLUSTRATED London news; weekly, May i842-date. v.i- date. i843-date qro72 122 LONDON, Evening mail; semiweekly, Nov. 2-5, 1792, Oct. 23, i793-Apr. 8, 1795. 1792-95 qrc>72 L82I LONDON, Times; daily, Jan. 2, i87i-date. i87i-date qro72 L82 Jan. i892-Oct. 22, 1895 wanting. PALMER, Samuel, pub. Index to the Times newspaper, April I, i873-date. v.4O- date. i877-date ro72 Pig SMITH'S index to the leading articles of the Times, for the five years ended Dec. 1900. pt.i ro72 S66 pt.i. Proper names (places excepted). SATURDAY review of politics, literature, science and art; weekly, v.i-date. i8s6-date qro72 825 SPECTATOR; a weekly journal. v.5-date. i832-date qro72 874 v.26, 1853; v.32, 1859; v.36-43, 1863-1870, wanting. Die NATION; wochenschrift fur politik, volkswirthschaft und litteratur, Oct. 6, igoo-date. v.i8-date. igoo-date. . . . qro73 Ni5 090 Book rarities GOSSE, Edmund William. Gossip in a library. 1893 090 G6g Contents: Camden's Britannia. A mirror for magistrates. A poet in prison, Wither. Death's duel. Gerard's Herbal. Pharamond. A vol- lume of old plays. A censor of poets, Winstanley. Lady Winchilsea's Poems. Amasia. Love and business. What Ann Lang read. Cats. - Smart's Poems. Pompey the Little. The life of John Buncle. Beau Nash. The diary of a lover of literature. Peter Bell and his tor- mentors. The fancy. Ultra-crepidarius. The duke of Rutland's Poems. lonica. The shaving of Shagpat. LAWLER, John. Book auctions in England' in the I7th century (1676-1700). 1898. (Book-lover's library.) 090 L4I 56 BOOK RARITIES ROBERTS, William. Rare books and their prices, with chapters on pictures, pot- tery, porcelain and postage stamps. 1896 nxjo R53 DRAPER, Lyman C. Essay on the autographic collections of the signers of the Declaration of independence and of the constitution. 1889 qropi 079 LECOY de la MARCHE, Albert. Les manuscrits et la miniature. (Bibliotheque de 1'en- seignement des beaux-arts.) 091 L49 MADAM, Falconer. Books in manuscript. 1893. (Books about books.) 091 M23 List of books useful for the study of manuscripts, p. 175 181. BRITISH MUSEUM. Facsimiles from early printed books in the British museum; selected pages from representative specimens of the early printed books of Germany, Italy, France, Holland and England. 1897 qro93 675 DUFF, Edward Gordon. Early printed books. 1893. (Books about books.) 093 D87 APPIANUS, of Alexandria. Delle gverre civili et esterne de Romani, aggiuntoui alia fine un libro del medesimo delle guerre di Hispagna, non piu ueduto. 2v. 1551 rc>94 A64 The imprint is In \'inegia, in casa de' figlivoli di Aldo. CAXTON, William. The golden legend; ed. by F. S. Ellis. 3v. 1892 qrc>94 29 This is the seventh of the publications of the Kelmscott press and was set up from a transcript of Caxton's first edition loaned by the Cam- bridge university library. It has a woodcut title, the first one designed by William Morris, and two other woodcuts designed by Burne-Jones. CLUVERIUS, Philippus. Introdvctionis in universam geographiam, tarn veterem quam novam, libri VI; accessit P. Bertij Breviarium orbis terrarum. 1677 1*094 C62 The imprint is Amstelodami, apud Elzevirios. GROTIUS, Hugo, and others. Dissertationes de studiis instituendis. 1645 1*094 G94 The imprint is Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. HERODIANUS. Historiarum libri 8, Graece pariter & Latine. 1524 .ro94 H47 The imprint is Venetiis, aedibus Aldi. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Manuscripts and early printed books bequeathed to the Long Island historical society by S. B. Duryea. 1895. .qro94 L82 LUTHER, Martin. Etliche schone trost, schriffte des ehrwirdigen Herrn Doc- toris Martini Lutheri; so er an den durchleuchtigste, fiirsten un Herrn Hertzog Joannes, churfiirsten zu Sachsen, gottseliger gedechtnis, und an andere seine herrn und gute freunde gethan, sehr trostlichen zu lesen. 1547 ro94 L98 MATURANTIUS, Franciscus. De componendis carminibus opusculum; Nicolai Perotti BOOK RARITIES 57 Sypontini De generibus metrorum; Eiusdem De Horatii Flacci ac Severini Boetii metris; Omni boni Vicentini De arte metrica libellus; Servii Mauri honorati gram- matici Centimetrum. 1512. Venetiis 1-094 M48 Six commentaries upon metre and verse making, a fine example of the typography of the Venetian press in the early i6th century. Contains marginal annotations in manuscript. Printer unknown. MIRANDULA, Octavianus, comp. Illustrium poetarum flores, collect! & in locos communes digesti. 1553. Lugduni 1-094 M73 Latin poems. Of interest chiefly as a specimen of early printing. Type is mostly italic. Contains an index and is bound in the original stamped calf. Printed by Tornaesius. WAGNER, Bartholomseus. Hundert alldachtiger gottseliger vund catholischer lehr- reicher ausslegungen oder predigen uber alle sontag- liche und feyertagliche evangelien dess gantzen jahrs. 1607 qro94 Wi3 Sermons for each Sunday and feast day. An example of early i/th century printing. DAVENPORT, Cyril. English embroidered bookbindings. 1899. (English book- man's library.) 095 029 CONWAY, Sir William Martin. Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the isth century. 1884. .096 76 Contents: History of the woodcutters. Catalogue of the woodcuts. List of the books containing woodcuts. HUMPHREYS, Henry Noel. The illuminated books of the middle ages, illustrated by Owen Jones. 1849 qro96 H92 Account of the development and progress of the art of illumination as a distinct branch of pictorial ornamentation, from the 4th to the I7th centuries. The illustrations, printed in colors and of the size of the originals, were chosen from the most beautiful mss of the period. POLLARD, Alfred William. Early illustrated books. 1893. (Books about books.) 096 ?76 QUARITCH, Bernard, pub. Facsimiles of choice examples selected from illuminated manuscripts, unpublished drawings and illustrated books of early date. v.3. 1890 qroi6.94 Qi8f Bound with his "Catalogue of medieval literature." SHAW, Henry. Handbook of the art of illumination as practised during the middle ages, with a description of the metals, pig- ments and processes employed. 1866 qrQ96 S53h In early ages monasteries were the schools of art, and these beautiful ex- amples of the work of the monks, still extant, in the illuminations of both religious and profane books, are evidences of their skill and patience. The art died out soon after the birth of printing. This volume exhibits, in facsimile, some of the richest work in this line. Illuminated ornaments selected from manuscripts and early printed books from the 6th to the I7th centuries, with descriptions by Sir Frederic Madden. 1833 qrcxjo" 853 TREDWELL, Daniel M. Monograph on privately illustrated books; a plea for bib- liomania. 1892 qrc>96 T7I 58 BOOK-PLATES WYATT, Sir Matthew Digby. Art of illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times, illustrated by borders, initial letters and alpha- bets, selected & chromolithographed by W. R. Tymms. 1860 qroo6 WQ7 M., T. of New York, contp. Witty, humorous and merry thoughts roo/j Mil This and the following book are examples of minute size and typog- raphy. Each is accompanied by a magnifying glass. STOKES, (Frederic A.) CO. pub. Smallest English dictionary in the world roog S87 097 Book-plates ALLEN, Charles Dexter. American book-plates, with a bibliography by E. N. Hewins. 1894 097 A42 BOWDOIN, William Goodrich. Rise of the book-plate; an exemplification of the art, from its earliest to its most recent practice. 1901 097 B66 Bibliography, p.27~44. Chief value lies in the reproduction of some hundreds of selected exam- ples of book-plates, new and old, classified by countries. Contains also a chapter by Henry Blackwell on the study and arrangement of book- plates, and a register of the more important recent American designers and engravers of book-plates. CASTLE, Egerton. English book-plates; an illustrated handbook. 1892 097 C27 Bibliography, p. 233-239. FINCHAM, Henry Walter. Artists and engravers of British and American book plates; a book of reference for book plate and print collectors. 1897 qro97 F49 Contains the names of about 1500 artists and engravers of book-plates, with lists of the plates executed by them. Gives also the approximate date of each plate and a copy of the artist's signature. Illustrations of many of the plates are given. HAMILTON, Walter. Dated book-plates, with a treatise on their origin and de- velopment. 1895 qnxj7 H2I French book-plates. 1896. (Ex-libris series.) 097 H2I Bibliography, p.345-35. LABOUCHERE, Norna. Ladies' book-plates. 1895. (Ex-libris series.) 097 Ln LEININGEN-WESTERBURG, Karl Emich, graf zu. German book-plates; an illustrated handbook of German & Austrian exlibris v 1901. (Ex-libris series.) 097 Ls6 Bibliography, p.497-so2. SLATER, John Herbert. Book plates and their value. 1898 097 $63 Contents: A survey; introductory and historical. Systems of classifica- tion. Noted engravers of English plates. American plates. The principles of valuation. Alphabetical list of some of the most noted book-plates, arranged under their owners' names, with the prices realized at auction for the same. Philosophy 100 General works RENAN, Ernest. The future of science ; ideas of 1848. 1891 100 R33 HARRIS, William Torrey. Introduction to the study of philosophy. 1894. 102 H29 ROBERTSON, George Croom. Elements of general philosophy. 1896 102 R53 BALDWIN, James Mark, ed. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology, giving a termi- nology in English, French, German and Italian, v.i. 1900 qri03 619 v.i. A- Laws. 104 Essays CLIFFORD, William Kingdon. Lectures and essays. 1886 104 58 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York. Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education. v. i-date. iSgd-date riO4 C72 v.i. Wilde, Norman. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. Kant, Immanuel. Kant's inaugural dissertation of 1770. Hertz, J. H. Ethical system of James Martineau. Brandt, F. B. Friedrich Eduard Beneke. v.2. Luqueer, F. L. Hegel as educator. MacVannel, J. A. Hegel's doctrine of the will. Cole, L. T. Basis of early Christian theism. Jones, A. L. Early American philosophers. v.3. Washington, W. M. Formal and material elements of Kant's eth- ics. Hyslop, J. H. Syllabus of psychology. Marvin, W. T. Syllabus of an introduction to philosophy. v-4. Grif fing, Harold. Sensations from pressure and impact. Lay, Wilfrid. Mental imagery. Thorndike, E. L. Animal intelligence. Dearborn, G. V. Emotion of joy. v-5. Dexter, E. G. Conduct and the weather. Breese, B. B. On inhi- bition. Franz, S. I. After-images. Woodworth, R. S. Accuracy of voluntary movement. v.6. Clews, E. W. Educational legislation and administration of the colonial governments. v.7. Spencer, F. C. Education of the Pueblo child. Dyke, C. B. Eco- nomic aspect of teachers' salaries. Chamberlain, W. I. Education in India. Hubbell, G. A. Horace Mann in Ohio. v.8. Deahl, J. N. Imitation in education. Reeder, R. R. Historical development of school readers. Thorndike, E. L. Notes on child study. DRESSER, Horatio Willis. In search of a soul; a series of essays in interpretation of the higher nature of man. 1897 104 D8ii Contents: Laws and problems of the human mind. Has man a soul? Absolute being and the higher self. Individuality. Reincarnation and receptivity. The unity of life.- The religious aspect of the new thought. Spiritual poise. Soul-growth. The perfect whole; an essay on the conduct and meaning of life. 1897 104 D8i Voices of freedom, and studies in the philosophy of indi- 59 6o PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS viduality. 1899 104 DSlvo Contents: Voices of freedom. The new thought. The philosophy of activity. The freedom of the will. An interpretation of the Vedanta. Is there an absolute? The ideal attitude. Individualism and the social ideal. Voices of hope, and other messages from the hills; a series of essays on the problem of life, optimism and the Christ. 1898 104 D8iv JAMES, William, b. 1842. The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy. 1897 104 Ji6 Other essays: Is life worth living? The sentiment of rationality. Re- flex action and theism. The dilemma of determinism. The moral philosopher and the moral life. Great men and their environment. The importance of individuals. On some Hegelisms. What psychical research has accomplished. "Anyone who has met with either of Professor James's treatises upon psychology is not likely to let the grass grow under his feet before making acquaintance with any other obtainable writings from the same witty pen... But the general public, that part of it which is interested in the religious questions of the day without going so far as to read formal treatises, must be advertised that in the collection of essays here offered them, the Harvard Professor of Psychology, one of the most acute and versatile of American men of science, has come for- ward into the lists as a champion of religious faith against agnosti- cism. He has called his book 'Essays in Popular Philosophy' because he has written without technicalities so as to appeal to a wide audi- ence." Spectator, 1897. ORSTED, Hans Christian. Soul in nature, with supplementary contributions. 1852.. .riO4 Oi5 Life of the author, p. 7-22. PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Publications; series in philosophy, no.i, 3. 1890-99 riO4 P39 no. i. Fullerton, G. S. On sameness and identity. no.3. Fullerton, G. S. On Spinozistic immortality. RITCHIE, David George. Darwin and Hegel, with other philosophical studies. 1893. .104 R49 Contents: Origin and validity. Note on heredity as a factor in knowl- edge. Darwin and Hegel. What is reality? Note on logical neces- sity. On Plato's Phaedo. What are economic laws? Locke's theory of property. Contributions to the history of the social contract theory. On the conception of sovereignty. The rights of minorities. ROYCE, Josiah. Studies of good and evil; essays. 1898 104 R8is Contents: The problem of Job. The case of John Bunyan. Tennyson and pessimism. The knowledge of good and evil. Natural law, ethics and evolution. The implications of self-consciousness. Some observa- tions on the anomalies of self-consciousness. Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature. Originality and consciousness. Meister Eckhart. An episode of early California life, the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento. Jean Marie Guyau. ROYCE, Josiah, and others. The conception of God; a philosophical discussion con- cerning the nature of the divine idea as a demonstrable reality. 1897. (University of California. Publications of the Philosophical union.) 104 R8i Contents: Royce, Josiah. The conception of God. Mezes, S. E. Worth and goodness as marks of the absolute; criticism. Le Conte, Joseph. God, and connected problems, in the light of evolution. Howison, G. H. The city of God, and the true God as its head. Royce, Josiah. The absolute and the individual. "A model of calm, judicious, respectful polemic writing." Independent, 1897. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 61 SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich Ernst Daniel. Monologen; Eine Neujahrsgabe; Die Weihnachtsfeier. 1869. (Bibliothek der deutschen nationalliteratur.) 104 834 SETH, Andrew. Man's place in the cosmos, and other essays. 1897 104 849 Other essays: The present position of the philosophical sciences. The new psychology and automatism. A new theory of the absolute; a re- view of Bradley's "Appearance and reality." Mr Balfour and his critics. Originally written as criticisms of the leading contributions to philoso- phy from 1891 to 1897. 105 Periodicals JOURNAL of speculative philosophy; ed. by W.T.Harris; quarterly, 1867-1888. v.i-22, in 16. 1867-93 rl 5 J46 MIND; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. v.i-date. i876-date rios M72 The MONIST; a quarterly magazine, v.i-date. iSgo-date. .rios M82 PHILOSOPHICAL review; bi-monthly. v.9-date. looo-date. .rios P52 109 History of philosophy BAX, Ernest Belfort. Handbook of the history of philosophy. 1888 109 633 ERDMANN, Johann Eduard. History of philosophy. 3v. 1892-93 109 72 v.i. Ancient and mediaeval philosophy. v.2. Modern philosophy. v.3. German philosophy since Hegel. An outline of the book, by H. C. King is appended to v.3. HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the history of philosophy. 3v. 1892-96 109 H4i HOFFDING, Harald. History of modern philosophy; a sketch of the history of philosophy from the close of the renaissance to our own day. 2v. 1900 109 H67 LEWES, George Henry. Biographical history of philosophy. 1891 109 L67 Written with the purpose of proving, as its motto from Goethe implies, that "man is not born to solve the problem of existence;" yet its bio- graphical character gives it a peculiar human interest. The predomi- nance of this interest, however, obliges the author to omit a multitude of details, for which he refers his readers to "more comprehensive his- tories previously published." MAURICE, Frederick Denison. Moral and metaphysical philosophy. 2v. 1890 109 M49 v.i Ancient philosophy. First six centuries. Mediaeval philosophy. v.2. i4th century to the French revolution, with a glimpse into the ipth century. MERZ, John Theodore. History of European thought in the 19th century, v.i. 1896 109 M63 v.i. Scientific thought. SCHWEGLER, Albert. History of philosophy in epitome; tr. fr. the first edition 62 METAPHYSICS of the original German by J. H. Seelye; revised fr. the ninth German edition, with an appendix by B. E. Smith. 1899 109 841 UEBERWEG, Friedrich. History of philosophy. 2v. 1891 109 Ui5 "It covers the whole ground of the history of the development of philo- sophic ideas, was written by one of the most eminent interpreters of philosophic thought, and has been translated with rare fidelity and skill." C. K. Adams. WEBER, Alfred. History of philosophy. 1897 109 W37 no Metaphysics ARISTOTLE. Metaphysics; literally tr. fr. the Greek by J. H. M'Mahon. 1896 no A7I FISKE, John. Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution. 2v. 1894 IID F54 By no means a mere reproduction of Spencer's philosophy, but an inde- pendent exposition of evolutionism, showing originality, especially in regard to social evolution and the relation of religion and science. HAMILTON, Sir William. Lectures on metaphysics and logic; ed. by H. L. Mansel and John Veitch. 4v. 1874-77 no H2I v. 1-2. Metaphysics. v.3-4. Logic. McCOSH, James. First and fundamental truths; a treatise on metaphysics. 1889 no Mi2 ORMOND, Alexander Thomas. Basal concepts in philosophy; an inquiry into being, non- being and becoming. 1894 IIQ O28 "The purpose of this work is to propose a certain modification of the Hegelian system, suggested by studies in philosophical theology. The modification cuts pretty deep, being no less than the identification of Being and Spirit, two of the primary categories of the Hegelian logic . . .Two things are specially urged in it. . .one the idea that personality is essential to being, the other that Nothingness has a sort of reality." Nation, 1894. PEARSON, Karl. Grammar of science. 1892. (Contemporary science series.) .. no P35 Contents: The facts of science. The scientific law. Cause and effect; probability. Space and time. The geometry of motion. Matter. The laws of motion. Life. The classification of the sciences. The same. 1900 no P35g Contents: The facts of science. The scientific law. Cause, and effect; probability.- Space and time. The geometry of motion. Matter. The laws of motion. Life. Evolution (variation and selection). Evolu- tion (reproduction and inheritance). The classification of the sciences. Bibliographies at the end of each chapter. POWELL, John Wesley. Truth and error; or, The science of intellection. 1898 no P87 "Depths of metaphysics are here sounded where one may as well frankly confess it is very difficult to follow the thought. In its reading the question constantly presents itself how far this difficulty of comprehen- sion is due to one's own incapacity to grasp such subjects and how far to the writer's obscurity." Literary world, 1899. METAPHYSICS 63 RICKABY, John. General metaphysics. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy.) no R43 SCHLEGEL, Friedrich von. Philosophy of life, and Philosophy of language. 1866 no 833 KANT, Immanuel. Dreams of a spirit-seer, illustrated by dreams of metaphysics ; tr. by E. F. Goerwitz, ed. by Frank Sewall. 1900. (Phi- losophy at home series.) in Ki2 "That the 'Dreams of a spirit-seer' was a humorous critique aimed chief- ly at the philosophers of his day, using Swedenborg as a convenient, because non-combative and comparatively unknown mark for his blows, is now generally conceded." Preface. ROYCE, Josiah. World and the individual; Gifford lectures; ist-2d ser. 2v. 1900-01 in R8i v.i. The four historical conceptions of being, v.z. Nature, man and the moral order. SPENCER, Herbert. First principles. 1894 "3 $74 Contains the general principles which underlie the author's "System of synthetic philosophy." Commonly accepted as the ablest and most systematic exposition of the philosophy involved in the theory of evolution. ILLINGWORTH, John Richardson. Divine immanence; an essay on the spiritual significance of matter. 1898 117 122 BALFOUR, Arthur James. Foundations of belief. 1895 120 619 The author exhibits his own views in comparison and contrast with that system of thought variously known as agnosticism, positivism, or empiricism, but which he calls naturalism, and describes as the doc- trine "that we may know 'phenomena' and the laws by which they are connected, but nothing more." He intends the book for the general reader rather than the specialist in philosophy. BOWNE, Borden Parker. Theory of thought and knowledge. 1897 121 B66 "A serious, able, logical work. . . The best introduction we know to the problem, 'What should we think about reality.' " Pedagogical seminary. ' LADD, George Trumbull. Philosophy of knowledge ; an inquiry into the nature, limits and validity of human cognitive faculty. 1897 121 Li3 ORMOND, Alexander Thomas. Foundations of knowledge. 1900 121 028 Contents: Ground-concepts of knowledge. Evolution of the categories of knowledge. The transcendent factor in knowledge. JANET, Paul. Final causes. 1892 124 Ji7 MOMERIE, Alfred Williams. Personality, the beginning and end of metaphysics and a nec- essary assumption in all positive philosophy. 1895 126 M8i MENDELSSOHN, Moses. Phadon; oder, Ueber die unsterblichkeit der seele; Jerusalem;, oder, Ueber religiose macht und Judenthum. 1869. (Bibliothek der deutschen nationalliteratur.) 128 M6i 5 64 MIND AND BODY JOHNSTON, Charles, of the Bengal civil service. Memory of past births. 1899 129 736 By a believer in reincarnation, who holds that it is possible for us to recall, if we will, our past states of existence. 130 Mind and body CARUS, Paul. The soul of man; an investigation of the facts of physiological and experimental psychology. 1900 130 24 A large section of the book is devoted to an anatomical and physiologi- cal study of the brain, well illustrated. The author also considers the philosophical problem of mind, some of the investigations of ex- perimental psychology, (hypnotism, dreams and hallucinations, sug- gestion and suggestibility, etc.) and the ethical and religious aspects of soul-life. WALDSTEIN, Louis. The subconscious self and its relation to education and health. 1897 130 Wi6 BAIN, Alexander. Mind and body, the theories of their relation. 1892. (Inter- national scientific series.) 131 Bi6 CARPENTER, William Benjamin. Principles of mental physiology. 1891 131 Caa TUKE, Daniel Hack. Illustrations of the influence of the mind upon the body in health and disease. 1872 ri3i T83 132 Mental derangements BINET, Alfred. Alterations of personality; tr. by H. G. Baldwin. 1896 132 648 BUCKNILL, John Charles, & Tuke, D.H. Manual of psychological medicine, containing the history and treatment of insanity. 1862 ri32 685 BURTON, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy. 1891 132 695 ESQUIROL, Jean fitienne Dominique. Mental maladies, a treatise on insanity ; tr. fr. the French with additions, by E. K. Hunt. 1845 rI 3 2 E84 HARRISON. George Leib, comp. Legislation on insanity ; a collection of all the lunacy laws of the United States to 1883, also laws of England on insan- ity, legislation in Canada on private houses, and important portions of the lunacy -laws of Germany, France, etc. 1884 ri32 H29 HOLLANDER, Bernard. Mental functions of the brain; an investigation into their localisation and their manifestation in health and dis- ease. 1901 132 H72 An analysis of eight hundred cases of brain disease, including many of interest to lawyers as well as physicians. DELUSIONS, WITCHCRAFT, MAGIC 65 LINCOLN, David Francis. Sanity of mind ; a study of its conditions and of the means to its development and preservation. 1900 132 L/i "Works on the prevention of insanity," p.i67-i68. "Discussion of how the health of the mind is lost and how it may b recovered. . .pays less attention to remedying than to preventing such mischief .. .[Author] treats mind and body as interdependent as well as coexistent, and believes that, where there are not marked anatom- ical changes. . .the pulsation in the nervous functions depends upon the fuel supplied to the engine of the mind ... Volume is small, un- technical, and clear." Nation, 1901. MACPHERSON, John, M. D. Mental affections ; an introduction to the study of insanity. 1899 132 M22 MAUDSLEY, Henry. Body and mind; their connection and mutual influence, specially in reference to mental disorders; with psychologi- cal essays. 1890 132 M48 Responsibility in mental disease. 1892. (International scien- tific series.) 132 M48r The same. 1890. (International scientific series.) ri32 M48r MERCIER, Charles Arthur. Sanity and insanity. 1890. (Contemporary science series.). . .132 M63 RIBOT, Theodule. Diseases of memory; an essay in the positive psychology. 1893. (International scientific series.) 132 R39 TUKE, Daniel Hack, comp. Dictionary of psychological medicine, with the symptoms, treatment and pathology of insanity. 2v. 1892 ri32 T83 WILSON, George R. Clinical studies in vice and in insanity< 1899 ri32 W76 Detailed studies of cases of insanity, especially those induced by alco- holism. WINSLOW, Lyttleton Stewart Forbes. Mad humanity; its forms, apparent and obscure. 1898 132 W/9 The author aims to show that the increase of insanity, which has been of a progressive nature for many years, is real and not apparent. He believes that this increase is due to alcoholic indulgence. He com- pares the condition of the insane as it existed a century ago with what it is at the present time, draws attention to the more common forms of mental disorder and gives a large number of examples. Technicalities and all legal and medical considerations of the subject have been avoided. 133 Delusions, witchcraft, magic ASHTON, John. Curious creatures in zoology. 1890 133 A82 A compilation, mostly from the old Greek and Latin authors, describing fabulous and mythical animals and monstrosities mentioned in tradi- tion and folklore. AUBREY, John. Miscellanies upon various subjects; with Hydriotaphia; or, Urn burial, by Sir Thomas Browne 133 A collection of curious delusions, omens, portents and kindred super- 66 DELUSIONS, WITCHCRAFT, MAGIC BUCKLEY, James Monroe. Faith-healing, Christian science and kindred phenomena. 1892 133 B8s Contents: Faith-healing. Astrology, divination and coincidences. . Dreams, nightmare and somnambulism. Presentiments, visions and apparitions. Witchcraft. Christian science a^id mind cure. CARPENTER, William Benjamin. Mesmerism, spiritualism, &c, historically and scientifically considered. 1877 133 22 CROOKES, Sir William. Researches in the phenomena of spiritualism. 1871 133 C8p Reprinted from the "Quarterly journal of science. DENDY, Walter Cooper. Philosophy of mystery. 1845 ri33 042 ENCAUSSE, Gerard, (pseud. Papus). The Tarot of the Bohemians; the most ancient book in the world ; tr. by A. P. Morton. 1892 133 E62 ENNEMOSER, Joseph. History of magic ; tr. fr. the German by William Howitt; to which is added an appendix of the most remarkable and best authenticated stories of apparitions, dreams, etc., se- lected by Mary Howitt. 2v. 1893 133 65 FAIRFIELD, Francis Gerry. Ten years with spiritual mediums. 1875 133 Fl6 FLAMMARION, Camille. The unknown. 1900 133 F6i Contents: On incredulity. On credulity. Of telepathic communications made by the dying, and of apparitions. Admission of facts. Hallu- cinations, properly so called. The psychic action of one mind upon another. The world of dreams. Distant sight in dreams. Premoni- tory dreams and divination of the future. GOOD, Arthur, (pseud. Tom Tit). Magic at home; a book of amusing science; tr. by Professor Hoffmann. 1891 133 G62 Free translation from the French; rules for scientific recreation and sleight-of-hand performance. The same. 1891 ri33 G62 Magical experiments; or, Science in play. 1894 : 33 G62m GOULD, Charles. Mythical monsters. 1886 qi33 G73 HAMMOND, William Alexander. Physics and physiology of spiritualism. 1871 133 H22 HARTMAN, Joseph. Facts and mysteries of spiritism, with a sequel. 1885 133 H32 HOME, Daniel Douglas. Incidents in my life. 1863 133 H75 HOOKER, Worthington. Lessons from the history of medical delusions. 1850 ri33 H77 HOPKINS, Albert Allis, ed. Magic; stage illusions and scientific diversions, including trick photography. 1897 133 H78 Bibliography, p.537-sso. The same. 1897 ri33 H78 In the first few chapters many of the best illusions of Robert Houdin, Heller, Herrmann and Kellar are explained. "Ancient magic" takes DELUSIONS, WITCHCRAFT, MAGIC 67 up the temple tricks of the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman won- der workers, as well as a number of automata. Chapters follow on Science in the theatre, Photographic diversions, etc. HOPKINS, Nevil Monroe. Twentieth century magic, and the construction of modern magical apparatus. 1898 133 H78s KINGSFORD, Mrs Anna (Bonus), & Maitland, Edward. The perfect way; or, The finding of Christ. 1890. (Occult series.) 133 K27 LANG, Andrew. Book of dreams and ghosts. 1897 133 La3 In his preface Mr Lang says: ".The chief purpose of this book is, if fortune helps, to entertain people interested in the kind of narratives here collected." He does not discuss the scientific theories involved, he only states the case and lets each reader draw his own conclusions. There are many instances, new and old, and the book is interesting, whether one believes in ghosts or not. LELAND, Charles Godfrey. Aradia ; or, The gospel of the witches. 1899 133 L$7 While pursuing the study of Italian folklore, the author obtained from an Italian "sorceress" this gospel of a religion of which Diana is the goddess and her daughter Aradia the female Messiah. It sets forth how the latter was born, came down to earth, established witchcraft, and then returned to heaven. Various incantations and ceremonial forms are also included. Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling. 1891 qi33 L$7g MACKAY, Charles. Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions and the mad- ness of crowds. 2v. 1852 133 Mi7 v.i. Mississippi scheme. South-Sea bubble. The tulipomania. The al- chymists. Modern prophecies. Fortune-telling. The magnetisers. Influence of politics and religion on the hair and beard, v.a. The crusades. The witch mania. The slow poisoners. Haunted houses. Popular follies of great cities. Popular admiration of great thieves. Duels and ordeals. Relics. MASSEY, Gerald. Concerning spiritualism 133 M45 Contains also A tale of eternity, and other poems. MATHER, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible world; an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New-Eng- land; to which is added a farther account of the tryals of the New-England witches, by Increase Mather. 1862 133 M46 MATHER, Increase. Remarkable providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonization; with introductory preface by George Offor. 1890 133 ^469- A reprint of a collection of superstitious narratives showing the state of public opinion in the seventeenth century, and the implicit faith which then existed in the power of the invisible world to hold inter- course with man. NEVIUS, John Livingston. Demon possession and allied themes; an inductive study of phenomena of our own times. 1896 133 N25 "Bibliographical index," p. 439-459. OWEN, Robert Dale. The debatable land between this world and the next. 1872 133 034 Footfalls on the boundary of another world. 1865 ri33 034 68 PALMISTRY PARISH, Edmund. Hallucinations and illusions; a study of the fallacies of percep- tion. 1897. (Contemporary science series.) 133 P23 ROBINSON, William E. JSpirit slate writing and kindred phenomena. 1898 133 R$5 "Owing to the fact that the author has for many years been engaged in the practice of the profession of magic, both as a prestidigitateur and designer of stage illusions for the late Alexander Herrmann, and has also been associated with Prof. Kellar, he feels that he is fitted to treat of clever tricks used by mediums." Preface. SACHS, Edwin T. Sleight of hand ; a manual of legerdemain. 1900 133 Si2 SARGENT, Epes. Scientific basis of spiritualism. 1891 133 S24 SCOTT, Sir Walter. Letters on demonology and witchcraft. 1874 133 843 SULLY, James. Illusions; a psychological study. 1893. (International scientific series.) 133 895 WHITING, Lilian. After her death; the story of a summer. 1897 133 W64 A tribute to the memory of Kate Field. 133.5 Astrology AMES, Mrs Eleanor Maria (Easter brooks),- {pseud. Eleanor Kirk). Influence of the zodiac upon human life. 1894 133-5 ^.51 Astrological. Details the characteristics of those born under the differ- ent signs of the zodiac. BUTLER, Hiram Erastus. Solar biology; a scientific method of delineating character, etc., from date of birth. 1899 133.5 897 LILLY, William. ^ Introduction to astrology; also a Grammar of astrology and tables for calculating nativities, by Zadkiel. 1898 133-5 L-7I SEPHARIAL, (pseud, of W. Corn Old). New manual of astrology. 1898 133-5 $47 133.6 Palmistry ALLEN, Edward Heron-. Manual of cheirosophy. 1894 J 33-6 A42 BENHAM, William George. Laws of scientific hand reading; a practical treatise on palmistry. 1901 133-6 643 CHEIRO, (pseud, of Leigh Warner). Guide to the hand 133-6 C4ig Language of the hand. 1897 133.6 C4I GALTON, Francis. Finger prints. 1892 133.6 Gi5 HENRY, Edward Richard. Classification and uses of finger prints. 1901 133-6 H45 This little volume gives a full and precise illustrated account of the the- ory and practice of Mr Henry's now accepted system of finger-print identification. HYPNOTISM, PSYCHICS 69 OVIES, Blanca, countess de. Psycho-palmistry key; a series of lesson talks on palmistry, soul science, mental science, occultism, and palmistry of the Bible. 1900 133.6 O33 SAINT-GERMAIN, C. comte de. The practice of palmistry for professional purposes. 2v. 1897 qi33-6 813 134 Hypnotism, psychics BINET, Alfred, & Fere, Charles. Animal magnetism. 1896. (International scientific series.). .. .134 648 BORDERLAND; quarterly; ed. by W. T. Stead. 4v. 1894- 97 qri34 863 No more published. A periodical devoted to the investigation and discussion of psychic phe- nomena with the object of showing that they are worthy of more serious consideration than they have yet (1894) received. FLOURNOY, Theodore. From India to the planet Mars ; a study of a case of somnam- bulism. 1900 134 F6/ Embodies the results of five years' investigation of a Geneva medium, whom the author calls Helene Smith. The phenomena attending this woman's trances are extremely curious. Prof. Flournoy has studied them patiently and intimately, and he states his conclusions with candor. FREER, A.Goodrich-, (pseud. Miss X). Essays in psychical research. 1899 134 FQI Contents: Psychical research in the Victorian era. Haunted houses. Another theory of hauntings. On the faculty of crystal' gazing. The fc divining rod, or the faculty of dowsing. How it came into my head, the machinery of intuitions. Hypnotism. Obsession, or the impera- tive idea. Holywell, the Welsh Lourdes. Saint Columba, the father of second sight. GURNEY, Edmund, and others. Phantasms of the living, by Edmund Gurney, F. W. H. Myers and Frank Podmore. 2v. 1886 134 G97 Under this title is embraced all transmission of thought and feeling from one person to another by other means than through the recog- nized channels of the senses, apparitions being included in the cases described. HART, Ernest. Hypnotism, mesmerism and the new witchcraft. 1896 134 H3I HINTON, Charles Howard. Scientific romances, ist-2d ser. 2v. 1886-96 134 H57 v.i. What is the fourth dimension? The Persian king. A plane world. A picture of our universe. Casting out the self. v.2. The education of the imagination. Many dimensions. Stella. An unfinished communication. HUDSON, Thomson Jay. Law of psychic phenomena. 1895 134 H88 JASTROW, Joseph. Fact and fable in psychology. 1900 134 Jzi Contents: The modern occult. The problems of psychical research. The logic of mental telegraphy. The psychology of deception. The psychology of spiritualism. Hypnotism and its antecedents. The natural history of analogy. The mind's eye. Mental prepossession and inertia. A study of involuntary movements. The dreams of the blind. 70 HYPNOTISM, PSYCHICS LANG, Andrew. Cock Lane and common-sense. 1894 134 Discusses various psychical phenomena, including spiritualism, appari- tions, ghosts, second sight, witchcraft, telepathy, etc. "The book is neither an advocate for the reality of the marvellous nor a consolation for the sceptic." Nation, 1894. MASON, Rufus Osgood. Hypnotism and suggestion in therapeutics, education and re- form. 1901 134 "Emphasizes the increased scope of the mental factor in the treatment of disease, and the specific opportunities afforded by hypnotic sugges- tion in this respect. . .[Combines] much that is reliable and suggestive (and still more that is interesting), with much more that is questiona- ble." Dial, 1901. Telepathy and the subliminal self; an account of recent inves- tigations regarding hypnotism, automatism, dreams, phan- tasms and related phenomena. 1899 134 M45 MOLL, Albert. Hypnotism. 1890. (Contemporary science series.) 134 M79 "Probably the best general survey of the subject." American journal of psychology, 1897. The same. 1898 134 M7gh PODMORE, Frank. Apparitions and thought-transference. 1895. (Contempor- ary science series.) 134 P73 Studies in psychical research. 1897 134 ?73S Contents: Spiritualism as a popular movement. Physical phenomena of spiritualism. Spiritualism and psychical research. Poltergeists. Madame Blavatsky and theosophy. Experimental thought transfer- ence. Telepathic hallucinations.^-Ghosts. Haunted houses. Premo- nitions and previsions. Secondary consciousness. Impersonation, obsession, clairvoyance. Attempts to estimate the value of the work done by the Society for psychical research, and sketch the conclusions reached at the present time (1897). QUACKENBOS, John Duncan. Hypnotism in mental and moral culture. 1900 134 Q 12 A consideration of the value of hypnotic suggestion in the training of degenerate or vicious children, and in work in reformatories and pris- ons. The author is a physician, but this is written for the general public. SAVAGE, Minot Judson. Psychics ; facts and theories. 1899 134 826 Accounts of ghosts, spirit rappings, trances, dreams, etc., with a chapter on the present status of psychical inquiry. SIDIS, Boris. The psychology of suggestion; a research into the subcon- scious nature of man and society. 1898 134 856 SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. Proceedings, i882-date. v.i-date. i883-date r 134 867 TUCKEY, Charles Lloyd. Treatment by hypnotism and suggestion ; or, Psycho-thera- peutics. 1900 134 T8r Authorities, p.4-$. Former editions published under the title "Psycho-therapeutics." 135 Sleep BIGELOW, John. The mystery of sleep. 1897 135 647 PHYSIOGNOMY. PHRENOLOGY 71 MACNISH, Robert. Philosophy of sleep. 1850 1-135 M2i MANACfilNE, Marie de. Sleep, its physiology, pathology, hygiene and psychology. 1897. (Contemporary science series.) 135 M32 Bibliography at the end of each chapter. SEAFIELD, Frank, (pseud, of Alexander Henley Grant). Literature and curiosities of dreams. 2v. 1865 ri35 843 List of the principal authors, treatises and opinions cited, v.i, p. 15-33. 136 Mental characteristics. 137 Temperaments ELLIS, Havelock. Man and woman; a study of human secondary sexual charac- ters. 1898. (Contemporary science series.) 136 53 GALTON, Francis. Hereditary genius. 1892 136 GlS MACDONALD, Arthur. Girls who answer personals, a sociologic study of young women. 1897 ri36 Mi4 First edition published under the title "Abnormal woman." Bibliography, p. 246-250. RIBOT, Theodule. Heredity; a psychological study of its phenomena. 1895 136 R3Q STEWART, Alexander, F.R.CS. Edin. Our temperaments ; their study and their teaching. 1887 137 884 "I have endeavoured to provide a practical guide by which observers may know the temperament of anyone by looking at him, and be en- abled to associate with it certain mental qualities and traits of charac- ter." Author's preface. 138 Physiognomy. 139 Phrenology DARWIN, Charles. Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 1892 138 D26 LAVATER, Johann Caspar. Essays on physiognomy. 3v. in 5. 1810 qri38 L38 MANTEGAZZA, Paolo. Physiognomy and expression. (Contemporary science series.) . .138 M34 WARNER, Francis. Physical expression, its modes and principles. 1893. (Inter- national scientific series.) 138 W23 BAIN, Alexander. On the study of character, including an estimate of phrenology. 1861 .- 139 Bi6 FLOURENS, Marie Jean Pierre. Phrenology examined. 1846 r 139 F67 FOWLER, Orson Squire, & Lorenzo Niles. Self-instructor in phrenology and physiology; revised by Nel- son Sizer. 1889 139 F84 SPURZHEIM, Johann Kaspar. Lectures on phrenology ; ed. by A. T. Story 139 877 72 PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS 140 Philosophical systems FROTHINGHAM, Octavius Brooks. Transcendentalism in New England. 1886 141 Fp7 HOWISON, George Holmes. Limits of evolution, and other essays illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal idealism. 1901 141 H86 Other essays: Modern science and pantheism. Later German philoso- phy. The art-principle as represented in poetry. The right relation of reason to religion. Human immortality, its positive argument. The harmony of determinism and freedom. HYDE, William De Witt. Practical idealism. 1897 141 HQO Contents: The world of sense-perception. The world of association. The world of science. The world of art. The world of persons. The world of institutions. The world of morality. The world of religion. "Its practical aim precludes the discussion of ultimate metaphysical problems, and confines it to those concrete aspects of philosophy which lie closest to the common concerns of men." Preface. SURSUM corda; a defence of idealism. 1898 * 141 896 WATSON, John. Schelling's Transcendental idealism ; a critical exposition. 1892 141 W32 LANGE, Friedrich Albert. History of materialism and criticism of its present importance; tr. by E.C.Thomas. 3v. 1892. (English and foreign phi- losophical library.) 146 L24 Biographical notes of Lange, v.i, p. 9-16. PLUMPTRE, C.E. General sketch of the history of pantheism. 2v 147 P72 v.i. From the earliest times to the age of Spinoza. v.2. From the age of Spinoza to the commencement of the ipth century. ROMANES, George John. Mind and motion, and Monism. 1895 147 R6$ INGE, William Ralph. Christian mysticism; considered in eight lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. 1899. (Bampton lec- tures, 1899.) 149 124 PREL, Karl du. Philosophy of mysticism. 2v. 1889 149 Pgi v.i. Science, its capability of development. On the scientific impor- tance of dreams. Dream a dramatist. Somnambulism. Dream a physician. v.2. The faculty of memory. The monistic doctrine of the soul. RfiCfiJAC, E. Essay on the bases of the mystic knowledge. 1899 149 R26 150 Psychology ABERCROMBIE, John. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investiga- tion of truth ; adapted to the use of schools by Jacob Abbott. . 150 Ai4 The text of Abercrombie's "Treatise of the human mind," with the exception of two articles, which were published in the original edition. PSYCHOLOGY 73 AMERICAN journal of psychology; quarterly; ed. by G. S. Hall. v.i-date. i888-date 050 ASI BALDWIN, James Mark. Fragments in philosophy and science ; essays and addresses. 1902 150 A selection from papers contributed to various journals during a period of fifteen years. The majority are on psychological subjects. Handbook of psychology. 2v. 1890-94 150 v.i. Senses and intellect. v.2. Feeling and will. Mental development of the child and the race ; methods and processes. 1897 150 Bigm Social and ethical interpretations in mental development ; a study in social psychology. 1897 150 619 A continuation of the studies in psychology begun in "Mental develop- ment in the child and the race." The author has endeavored to make it available for use in universities in connection with courses in psy- chology, ethics and social science. The story of the mind. 1898. (Library of useful stories.) 150 8195 "Literature," p.233-236. Short and easily understood. BALDWIN, Joseph. Elementary psychology and education; a text-book for high schools and a manual for teachers. 1899. (International education series.) 150 6195 It uses many happy devices in the way of illustrations and diagrams to help in making an inventory of the mental processes and in familiariz- ing beginners with technical terms. BOWNE, Borden Parker. Introduction to psychological theory. 1897 150 B66 BRYANT, Sophie. Educational ends; or, The ideal of personal development. 1887,. 150 684 A discussion of the ethical and logical ends of education, from the standpoint of philosophical idealism, concluding with the establishment of the ultimate unity of the two ends. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY. Studies, v.r. 1893-99 qriSO Ci3 v. i.. Notes on the development of a child, by M. W. Shinn. CALKINS, Mary Whiton. Introduction to psychology. 1901 150 Ci33 Bibliography, p.492-so3. Designed as a text-book. Author is (1901) professor of psychology in Wellesley college. COMPAYRfi, Gabriel. Intellectual and moral development of the child, v.i. 1896. (International education series.) 150 C73 DEWEY, John. Psychology. 1891 150 DSI Contains numerous bibliographies. DEXTER, Thomas Francis George, & Garlick, A.H. Psychology in the school room. 1899 150 052 DRUMMOND, W.B. The child; his nature and nurture. 1901. (Temple primers.). -ISO D&4 List of references at end of book. "Little book gives no more than it is indispensable that every mother should know; the information is good and wise, both as regards the physical care of the child and still more its moral and intellectual up- bringing." Nation, 1901. 74 PSYCHOLOGY FORBUSH, William Byron. Boy problem ; a study in social pedagogy, with an introduction by G. S. Hall. 1901 150 75 Contents: Boy-life. By-laws of boy-life. Ways in which boys spon- taneously organize socially. Social organizations formed for boys by adults. Some suggestions as to how to help boys. The boy problem in the church. A directory of social organizations for boys. A list of books and pamphlets about work with boys. A reading course on the boy problem. A sensible, practical discussion of the problem, not taking up the ques- tion of home training. GROSZMANN, Maximilian P.E. A working system of child study for schools. 1897 150 Gp4 HALL, Granville Stanley, & Ellis, A.C. A study of dolls. 1897 150 Hi7 Bibliography, p.. A psychological and historical study of dolls; the relation they bear to child-life, their educational influence, and value in indicating character development. Based upon the answers obtained from 800 circulars sent to parents and teachers. HALLECK, Reuben Post. Psychology and psychic culture. 1895 150 Hi/S HARRIS, William Torrey. Psychologic foundations of education; an attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. 1898. (In- ternational education series.) 150 H29 "Education needs a psychology that will show how all activities, whether individual or social, react on children or men so as to develop them." Preface. HASKELL, Ellen M. ed. Child observations, ist ser. v.i. 1896 150 H33 v.i. Imitation and allied activities. HERBART, Johann Friedrich. Application of psychology to the science of education. 1898. .150 H46a Text-book in psychology. 1891. (International education series.) 150 H46 H5FFDING, Harald. Outlines of psychology ; tr. by M. E. Lowndes. 1896 150 H67 English version of the work of a prominent Danish psychologist. HOGAN, Mrs Louise E. (Shimer). Study of a child. 1898 150 H68 A mother's record in diary form of the first seven years of an ordinary boy's life. HOLBROOK, Reginald Heber. First principles of the science of education. 1901 riso H6Q Paper read before the Pedagogical section of the Academy of science of Pittsburgh, Dec. 10, 1901. HOPKINS, Mark. Outline study of man. 1878 150 H78 JAMES, William, 6.1842. Principles of psychology. 2v. 1893. (American science se- ries ; advanced course.) 150 Ji6 "A brilliant and suggestive work. Author is not an experimental psy- chologist. As a whole, the volumes are for advanced students, but the chapters on 'Habit' and 'Memory* can be enjoyed by every reader." Psychology. 1893. (American science series; briefer course.) 150 Ji6p Based on his "Principles of psychology." About two-fifths of this book are either new or rewritten. Omits the polemics, history and pure PSYCHOLOGY 75 speculation of the advanced work. Directly available for the class- room or the general reader who has some elementary knowledge of the subject. Talks to teachers on psychology, and to students on some of life's ideals. 1899 150 Ji6t Most of these articles were published in the Atlantic Monthly, v.83. Includes the substance of lectures given in Cambridge (Mass.) in 1892. Practical, popular, and entirely free from technicalities. KROHN, William Otterbein. Practical lessons in psychology. 1895 150 K42 KULPE, Oswald. Outlines of psychology based upon the results of experi- mental investigation. 1895 150 K43 LADD, George Trumbull. Elements of physiological psychology ; the activities and nature of the mind from the physical and experimental point of view. 1894 150 Li3e Outlines of descriptive psychology; a text-book of mental sci- ence, for colleges and normal schools. 1900 150 Li3o Philosophy of mind; an essay in the metaphysics of psychol- ogy. 1895 150 Li3 Psychology, descriptive and explanatory. 1896 150 Li3p LANGE, Karl. Apperception ; a monograph on psychology' and pedagogy. 1898. . 150 L24 LE BON, Gustave. The crowd; a study of the popular mind. 1896. (Crim- inology series.) 150 L47 McCOSH, James. Psychology, the cognitive powers. 1886 150 Mi2 Psychology ; the motive powers, emotions, conscience, will. 1887 150 Mi2p MAKER, Michael. Psychology. 1890. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy.) 150 Mas MARHOLM, Mrs Laura Hansson-. Studies in the psychology of woman. 1899 150 M3&3 MARION, Frangois Henri. Legons de psychologic appliquee a 1'education. 1895 150 M38 MERCIER, Charles Arthur. Nervous system and the mind; a treatise on the dynamics of the human organism. 1888 150 M63 MIVART, St. George. Nature and thought; an introduction to a natural philosophy. 1882 150 M75 MORGAN, Conway Lloyd. Psychology for teachers. 1898 150 M8g Contents: States of consciousness. Association. Experience. Percep- tion. Analysis and generalization. Description and explanation. Mental development. Language and thought. Literature. Character and conduct. MUNSTERBERG, Hugo. Psychology and life. 1899 150 Contents: Psychology and life. Psychology and physiology. Psychology and education. Psychology and art. Psychology and history. Psy- chology and mysticism. The author, who is professor of psychology in Harvard university, says 76 PSYCHOLOGY that the controlling thought of his book is the "separation of the con- ceptions of psychology from the conceptions of our real life... that psychology is not at all an expression of reality, but a complicated transformation of it." OPPENHEIM, Nathan. The development of the child. 1898 150 026 The work of a children's physician. Thoughtful and suggestive to mothers and teachers. Mental growth and control. 1902 150 O26m A practical and readable book which lays down some definite principles for the guidance of the intellectual life. OSTERMANN, Wilhelm. Interest in its relation to pedagogy; tr. under the auspices of the Society for the comparative study of pedagogy; ed. by E. R. Shaw. 1899 150 029 PEREZ, Bernard. L'education morale des le berceau. 1896 150 P42e A treatise on the development and training of character, based on a psychological study of the growth of the emotions and the will. L'enfarit de trois a sept ans. 1894 150 P42en First three years of childhood. 1888 150 P42 PREYER, Wilhelm. Mental development in the child. 1894. (International edu- cation series.) 150 P93m Mind of the child. 2v. 1890-92. (International education series.) 150 P93 pt. i. Senses and the will. pt.2. Development of the intellect. Traces 'the development of the senses in the order of their unfolding, the growth of the notions of space, time, and casuality, the advent of language, the development of self-consciousness. The book has a val- uable introduction by Dr W. T. Harris. "Among all the nearly fourscore studies of young children, printed by careful, empirical, and often thoroughly scientific observers, this work the fullest, and on the whole the best." G.Stanley Hall. PSYCHOLOGICAL review ; bi-monthly, v.i-date. 1 894- date, .qr 150 Pg7 Each volume contains the Psychological index; a bibliography of the lit- erature of psychology and cognate subjects for the year. The same; monograph supplements, v.i-date. i895-date. . .qriso P97m v.i. On sensations from pressure and impact, by Harold Griffing. Association, by M. VV. Calkins. The mental development of a child, by K. C. Moore. A study of Kant's psychology with reference to x the critical philosophy, by E. F. Buchner. v.z. Problems in the psychology of reading, by J. O. Quantz. The fluctuation of attention, by J. P. Hylan. Mental imagery, by Wil- frid Lay. Animal intelligence, by E. L. Thorndike. The emotion of joy, by G. V. Dearborn. Conduct and the weather, by E. G. Dexter. v.3. On inhibition, by B. B. Breese. On after-images, by S. I. Franz. The accuracy of voluntary movement, by R. S. Woodworth. A study of lapses, by H. H. Bawden. The mental life of the mon- keys, by E. L. Thorndike. The correlation of mental and physical tests, by Clark Wissler. RICHMOND, Wilfrid John. Essay on personality as a philosophical principle. 1900 150 R42 ROBERTSON, George Croom. Elements of psychology; ed. fr. notes of lectures, 1870-1892, by C. A. F. R. Davids. 1896. (University extension manuals.) 150 RS3 PSYCHOLOGY 77 ROOFER, Thomas Godolphin. "A pot of green feathers," a study in apperception. 1892. (Teachers' professional library.) 150 R68 SANFORD, Edmund C. Course in experimental psychology, v. i . 1898 1 50 822 v.i. Sensation and perception. Bibliography at the end of each chapter. SCHOFIELD, Alfred Taylor. The unconscious mind. 1898 150 836 List of books quoted, p. 419-423. SCRIPTURE. Edward Wheeler. The new psychology. 1898. (Contemporary science series.). .150 84311 Thinking, feeling, doing. 1895. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) 150 843 Elementary work, first book in the English language on the new psychology, based exclusively on experiment. Special attention to practical applications in every-day life. Copiously illustrated. .SHINN, Milicent Washburn. Biography of a baby. 1900 150 855 Careful study by a trained observer of the development of a baby, day by day, from birth to the end of the first year. "Full of very acute observation^, and exhibits a real genius in interpret- ing all the signs of a baby's slowly developing mental life... A book which, whether for pleasure or for profit, no mother and no psycholo- gist can afford to be without." Nation, 1900. SNIDER, Denton Jaques. Psychology and the psychosis; intellect. 1896 150 867 SPENCER, Herbert Principles of psychology. 2v. 1895. (Synthetic philosophy, v.4-5-) 150 874 STERRETT, John Douglas. The power of thought. 1896 150 883 -STOUT, George Frederick. Analytic psychology. 2v. 1896 150 S88a Manual of psychology, v.i. 1899. (University tutorial series.) 150 888 An introductory study of psychology made from the genetic standpoint. The order followed is that of the successive stages of mental develop- ment. The earlier stages of the growth of the mind are demonstrated by reference to the mentality of animal life. The phases through which the ideal construction of self has passed are illustrated by com- parison with the mental condition of the lower races of mankind. Contains an outline of the scope of psychology. SULLY, James. Children's ways; being selections from the author's Studies of childhood ; with additional matter. 1897 150 S95c "Prof. Sully has extracted from his large volume a smaller one. . .written in popular language. . .so that it now is possible, by the light of 'Chil- dren's ways,' for every parent of intelligence to observe for himself the growth of mind in his own family." Academy, 1897. Human mind ; a text-book of psychology. 2v. 1892 150 Sg^h Contains numerous bibliographies. Outlines of psychology. 1893 150 895 The same. 1884 riso 895 Studies of childhood. 1896 150 8955 Bibliography, p. 5 15-5 17. "Not a complete treatise on child psychology, but merely deals with cer- tain aspects of children's minds which happen to have come under my notice, and to have had a special interest for me." Preface. 78 PSYCHOLOGY On the ways and works of children from birth to sixth year. Valuable to intelligent amateurs in child study. The teacher's handbook of psychology, on the basis of "Out- lines of psychology." 1897 150 "References for reading," p. 58 1-582. TAYLOR, Albert Reynolds. The study of the child; a brief treatise on the psychology of the child. 1898. (International education series.) 150 T2$ Bibliography, 1-215. THORNDIKE, Edward Lee. Human nature club ; an introduction to the study of mental life. 1901 150 T39 "References," p.23o-23i. Ingenious introduction to psychology, in the form of a story or dialogue. "The psychological matter is well-grounded, suggestive, discriminatingly used and clearly set forth." Science, 1901. Notes on child study. 1901. (Columbia university. Con- tributions to philosophy, psychology and education, v.8, no.3-4.) 150 T39n TITCHENER, Edward Bradford. Experimental psychology; a manual of laboratory practice. v.i in 2. 1901 150 T52e v.i, pt.i. Qualitative experiments; student's manual, v.i, pt.z. Qualitative experiments; instructor's manual. Bibliography, v.i, pt.2, P-43O-433. Outline of psychology. 1897 150 T.<>2 "My aim in writing this book has been to present in brief outline and simple form the methods and most important results of experimental psychology." Preface. Primer of psychology. 1902 150 T52p References at end of each chapter. TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Studies; psychological series, v.i. 1898 qriSO T63 v.i. Lane, W.B. Space-threshold of colours and its dependence on con- trast phenomena. TRACY, Frederick. The psychology of childhood. 1897 150 T67 "Published sources of information," p. 162-167. WOOD, Henry. Studies in the thought world; or, Practical mind art. 1896. ..150 W8s WUNDT, Wilhelm. Grundziige der physiologischen psychologic. 2v. 1893... 150 Wc>6g Outlines of psychology. 1897 150 Wg6 ZIEHEN, Theodor. Introduction to physiological psychology ; tr. by C. C. Van Liew and O. W. Beyer. 1899. (Introductory science text-books.) . .150 ZS9 151 Intellect HIRSCH, William. Genius and degeneration. 1896 151 H6i Contents: The limits of insanity. The psychology of genius. Genius and insanity. Degeneration. Influence of education upon genius. Secular hysteria. Art and insanity. Richard Wagner and psychopa- thology. LOCKE, John. Philosophical works. 2v. 1892 151 L75 "Locke's authority as a philosopher was unrivalled in England during SENSE PERCEPTION 79 the first half of the eighteenth century, and retained great weight until the spread of Kantian doctrines. . .His spiritual descendant, J. S. Mill, indicates his main achievement b'y calling him 'the unquestioned founder of the analytic philosophy of mind'... His own position... was not consistent, and very different systems have been affiliated upon his teaching." Dictionary of national biography. Versuch iiber den menschlichen verstand; aus dem eng- lischen iibersetzt. 3v. 1795-97 risi L75 LOMBROSO, Caesar. Man of genius. 1891. (Contemporary science series.) 151 L8i "Proposition. . .that genius is a mental disease, allied to epileptiform mania and in a lesser degree to the dementia of cranks, or mattoids, as he calls them; so that, far from being a mental perfection, it is a degenerate and diseased condition." Nation, 1892. RUSH, James. Brief outline of an analysis of the human intellect. 2v. 1865. . .151 R8g 152 Sense perception ALLEN, Grant. Colour-sense, its origin and development. 1879 152 BONNIER, Pierre. L'orientation. 1900. (Scientia; serie biologique.) 152 662 Brief study of the faculty which enables us to define the direction of ob- jects in space with regard to our own position. The treatment is main- ly physiological. CLIFFORD, William Kingdon. Seeing and thinking. 1890 152 C$8 DOWNS, James P. pub. Quickness of perception. 1891. (Memory library.) 152077 Contents: Nature of perceptive powers. Quickness and accuracy of sight. Quick and accurate hearing. Mental stimulus in games, by E. W. Hassler. Games as factors in education, by C. N. Ironside. GOBLET, H.F. Theory of sight. 1869 ri52 G54 HALLECK, Rueben Post. Education of the central nervous system. 1896 152 Hi7 Contains a chapter on "How Shakspere's senses were trained." MACH, Ernst. Contributions to the analysis of the sensations; tr. by C. M. Williams. 1897 152 Mi6 "The most noteworthy characteristic of Professor Mach's 'Contributions to the analysis of the sensations'. . .is the point of view by which they are inspired, rather than the facts therein recorded or the results reached. It is the point of view prominent in the writings of Helm- holtz and insists upon the essential unity of the underlying aspects of sensations and their causes." Dial, 1897. 153 Understanding BINET, Alfred. Psychology of reasoning; based on experimental researches in hypnotism. 1899 153 648 RIBOT, Theodule. Evolution of general ideas ; authorized translation from the French, by F. A. Welby. 1899 153 R39 "Aim... is to study the development of the mind as it abstracts and 8o MEMORY generalises, and to show that these two operations exhibit a perfect evolution." Preface. 154 Memory COLEGROVE, Frederick Welton. Memory, an inductive study ; with an introduction by G. S. Hall. 1900 154 C68 Bibliography of authorities consulted, p.353~36i. DOWNS, James P. pub. Eye and ear memory. 1891. (Memory library.) 1540776 The mastery of memorizing. 1891. (Memory library.) 154 077 Contents: The processes of memory. Development of the memory. Hints on legal study, by W. R. Baird. Remarks on Bible memorizing, by Bishop Vincent. Suggestions to students, by W. A. Dunning. Hints on general study, by G. F. C. Smillie. Memory and thought. 1891. (Memory library.) 154 D77m Contents: Nature and processes of thought. Relation of memory and thought. Development of thought. The abuse of Ihe memory, by R. L. Wakefield. The memory and the will, by E. W. Hassler. FULLER, Henry H. Art of memory; a comprehensive and practical system of memory culture. 1898 154 Fp8 GREEN, Frederic William Edridge-. Memory and its cultivation. 1897. (International scientific series.) 154 G8a HASSLER, E.W. & Young, Ermentine. ^ Memory training of the young. 1891. (Memory library.) .... 154 H34 KAY, David. Memory, what it is and how to improve it. 1895. (Interna- tional education series.) 154 Ki4 LOISETTE, Alphonse, (pseud, of Marcus Dwight Larrowe). Assimilative memory; or, How to attend and never forget. 1899 154 L78 MILES, Eustace Hamilton. How to remember without memory systems or with them. 1901 154 M68 "Reference books," p. 266-267. PICK, Edward. Lectures on memory culture. 1899 154 P54 156 Intuition. Reason McCOSH, James. Intuitions of the mind inductively investigated. 1893 156 Mi4 MARSHALL, Henry Rutgers. Instinct and reason; an essay concerning the relation of in- stinct to reason, with some special study on the nature of religion. 1898 156 M4I MIVART, St. George. The origin of human reason; an examination of recent hy- potheses concerning it. 1889 156 M75 LOGIC 81 157 Emotions GROOS, Karl. Play of man ; tr. by E. L. Baldwin. 1901 157 693 "Scientific treatise on sport and pastime. . .The author includes in his term the playful activity of the sensory apparatus in feeling, tempera- ture, taste, smell, hearing and sight; the playful use of the motor ap- paratus, and the playful use of the higher mental powers... The clos- ing pages are devoted to the relation of play to pedagogics." Sci- ence, 1901. McCOSH, James. Emotions. 1880 157 M 14 MARSHALL, Henry Rutgers. Pain, pleasure and aesthetics ; an essay concerning the psychol- ogy of pain and pleasure, with special reference to aesthetics. 1894 157 M4i "Mr. ISiarshalFs theory of pleasure-pain will have to be reckoned with by future writers on psychology. Briefly, it is that pleasure and pain are not sensations, neither are they emotions; but 'differential quali- ties of all mental states, of such nature, that -one of them must, and either of them may, under proper conditions, belong to any element of consciousness.' " Educational review, 1894. MOSSO, Angelo. Fear; tr. fr. the Italian. 1896 157 M93 RIBOT, Theodule. Psychology of attention. 1896 157 R39 Psychology of the emotions. 1897. (Contemporary science series.) .157 R3Qp STANLEY, Hiram Miner. Studies in the evolutionary psychology of feeling. 1895 !57 S78 159 Will ALEXANDER, Archibald, Ph. D. Theories of the will in the history of philosophy. 1898 159 A37 RIBOT, Theodule. Diseases of the will. 1896 159 R39 SNIDER, Denton Jaques. The will and its world ; psychical and ethical. 1899 159 867 160 Logic BOOLE, George. Investigation of the laws of thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. 1854. .160 663 CLARKE, Richard Frederick. Logic. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy.) 160 C$3 COPPfiE, Henry. Elements of logic, designed as a manual of instruction. 1858. . .160 C79 "References," p. 4-5. JEVONS, William Stanley. Elementary lessons in logic. 1888 160 J3ie Continues, notwithstanding numerous additions to the literature of 82 LOGIC logic, probably the most useful book for beginners. Peculiarly free from the illustrations by which the science has often been degraded to a sort of systematic intellectual trifling. Logic. (Science primers.) 160 J3I Principles of science. 1892 160 J3ip May be taken up with advantage after the "Elementary lessons" by those who wish to advance to the higher problems of logic. The first chapters are comparatively uninteresting; they are followed by an ex- cellent exposition of the principles underlying scientific generaliza- tion and discovery; illustrations are drawn from many and diverse modern triumphs of science. LOTZE, Hermann. Logic ; ed. by Bernard Bosanquet. 2v. 1888 160 Lo.2 MILL, John Stuart. System of logic. 1893 160 M68 Marked a new epoch in the literature of logic, especially by its luminous exposition of the methods of experimental inquiry, and its interesting illustration of these in the achievements of modern science. MINTO, William. Logic, inductive and deductive. 1898 160 M73 READ, Carveth. Logic ; deductive and inductive. 1898 160 R25 RICKABY, John. First principles of knowledge. (Manuals of Catholic phi- losophy.) 160 R43 SIDGWICK, Alfred. Use of words in reasoning. 1901 160 $56 Contents: The nature of reasoning. Description and ambiguity. The leading technicalities of formal logic. Summaries. "This book is at once a criticism of formal logic, deductive and induc- tive, and a course of instruction in regard to how formal logic should be used. . .It has great value for the student at the period when he is forming his habits of investigation; it offers the professional logician a number of discussions conducted with. . .fairness and. . .authority." Nation, 1901. THOMSON, William, abp. Outline of the necessary laws of thought ; a treatise on pure and applied logic. 1892 160 T38 Contains a chapter on Indian logic by Max Muller. WATTS, Isaac. Logick; or, The right use of reason in the enquiry after truth. 1797 r:6o W33 WELTON, James. Logical bases of education. 1899 160 Wsi WHATELY, Richard. Elements of logic. 1843 n6o W59 CARROLL, Lewis, (pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). Symbolic logic, v.i. 1897 164 C23 v.i. Elementary. No more published. MACFARLANE, Alexander. Principles of the algebra of logic, with examples. 1879 164 Mis SIDGWICK, Alfred. Fallacies; a view of logic from the practical side. 1890. (In- ternational scientific series.) 165 Ss6 ETHICS 83 170 Ethics DESJARDINS. Paul. Le devoir present. 1892 170 046 "Created a sensation in the thinking world of Paris. ..While the critics were still diagnosing over the pamphlet as a theory, a small band of men, avowing the same convictions as Desjardins, proceeded to test it as a practical truth. They enrolled themselves into a 'Union for mor- al action,' which had for its object to associate together without regard to religious or political beliefs, all serious-minded men who cared to work for the formation of a healthy public opinion, for a moral awaken- ing, and for the education and strengthening of the modern decadent or enervated will power." Warner's "Library of the world's best litera- ture." DRESSER, Horatio Willis. Book of secrets; with studies in the art of self-control. 1902. .170 D8ib Contents: The secret of success. A secret of evolution. The secret of adjustment. Social adjustments. Secrets of the age. A Christian secret. Another secret. The secret of pessimism. The secret of work. The art of health. The secret of self-help. The secret of action. A vital secret. A personal letter. The secret of character. Spiritual laws. A soul's message. The power of silence; an interpretation of life in its relation to health and happiness. 1898 170 D8l ELIOT, Charles William. The happy life. 1896 170 47 EVERETT, Charles Carroll. Ethics for young people. 1893 170 95 Intended for minds advanced beyond childhood, and likely to be inquisi- tive about the reasons why duty should be done. Adapted therefore to introduce such minds to the science of ethics. GENTZKEN, Friedrich. Tractus ethico-physicus de affectibus humanis. 1722 ri7o G29 GILMAN, Nicholas Paine, & Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a fine art. 1892 170 642 Contents: Oilman, N. P. Laws of daily aonduct. Jackson, E. P. Char- acter building. "These two books... were both adjudged a prize offered by the Ameri- can Secular Union for a book to aid public school teachers in giving moral instruction to their pupils apart from religious doctrine. The authors are both friendly to religion, though not obtruding it either as a speculative foundation or as a practical motive of morality." J '. C. Murray. GRIGGS, Edward Howard. New humanism; studies in personal and social development. 1900 170 G89 Contents: The scientific study of the higher human life. The evolution of personality. The dynamic character of personal ideals. The con- tent of the ideal of life. Positive and negative ideals. Greek and Christian ideals in modern civilization. The modern change in ideals of womanhood. The ethics of social reconstruction. The new social ideal. The religion of humanity. HARALD, H.J. Knowledge of life; a contribution to the story of religion. 1896 170 H24 Contains chapters on "Why women should legislate, and the evils of the old system," and "Arguments against woman's rights." HARDWICKE, Henry. Art of living long and happily. 1895 170 "The author believes that the pursuit of happiness and of health may be reduced to an art. Suggestions as to the best methods to be followed 84 ETHICS are embodied in chapters entitled: Happiness should be systematically pursued. Happiness derived from books. Cheerfulness." * LARNED, Josephus Nelson, ed. Multitude of counsellors ; a collection of codes, precepts and rules of life from the wise of all ages, with an introductory essay on the ancient and modern knowledge of good and evil. 1901 170 L32 Selections, nearly all ethical in character, from philosophers of all times and countries, from the Egyptian Ptah-hotep to Emerson and Thoreau. LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. Map of life; conduct and character. 1899 170 1*48 "The subject of this book, although nowhere explicitly stated, is in ef- fect, 'How to make the most of life.' " Dial, 1899. "Its strength lies rather in practical observations on conduct than in close investigation of the theoretical grounds of morals." Athenaeum, 1899. MacCUNN, John. Making of character; some educational aspects of ethics. 1900. .170 Mi4 Contents: Congenital endowment: its nature and treatment. Educative influences. Sound judgment. Self-development and self-control. MARDEN, Orison Swett. Architects of fate; or, Steps to success and power. 1896 170 M37 A later edition is published with the title "Rising in the world; or, Architects of fate." Character the grandest thing in the world. 1899 170 M37c This little book points out. with a free use of anecdotes, the underlying traits of strong character. The secret of achievement. 1898 170 M37S Success; a book of ideals, helps and examples for all desiring to make the most of life. 1897 j 170 M37s Winning out ; a book for young people on character building by habit forming. 1900 j 170 M37w Biographical sketches of successful men and women of obscure parent- age who attained fame through personal effort and ambition. MOSER, Justus. Patriotische phantasien. 2v. 1871. (Bibliothek der deutschen nationalliteratur.) 170 M76 QUIGLEY, Dorothy. Success is for you. 1897 !?o Q3is The way to keep young. 1897 170 0,31 SEWARD, Theodore F. Don't worry; or, Spiritual emancipation, the scientific law of happiness. 1897 170 851 Little book of helpful suggestions from the religious standpoint. It started the "Don't worry" movement. SHELDON? Walter Lorenzo. Ethical Sunday school; a scheme for the moral instruction of the young. 1900 170 854 TRINE, Ralph Waldo. Character-building thought power. 1899 170 T74C Greatest thing ever known. 1898 170 T74g In tune with the infinite; or, Fullness of peace, power and plenty. 1897 170 T74i What all the world's a-seeking; or, The vital law of true life, true greatness, power and happiness. 1899 170 T74 Service to others the foundation of any life worth living, is the author's creed. ETHICAL ESSAYS 85 WASHINGTON, Booker Taliaferro. , Sowing and reaping. 1900 170 W27 Amplified from several of his "Sunday evening talks to students" at the Tuskegee institute. 170.4 Ethical essays BOSANQUET, Bernard. Civilization of Christendom, and other studies. 1893 174 ^64 Contents: Future of religious observance. Some thoughts on the tran- sition from paganism to Christianity. The civilization of Christen- dom. Old problems under new names. Are we agnostics ? The communication of moral ideas as a function of an ethical society. Right and wrong in feeling. Training in enjoyment. Luxury and refinement. The antithesis between individualism and socialism philo- sophically considered. Liberty and legislation. BOWKER, Richard Rogers. Arts of life. 1900 170.4 B66 Contents: Growth. Foreword. Firsts and lasts. Of education. Of business. Of politics. Of religion. The end. BRADFORD, Ampry Howe. Art of living alone. 1899 170.4 B68 BRYANT, Sophie. Short studies in character. 1894 170.4 684 BUSHNELL, Horace. Moral uses of dark things. 1893 170.4 696 "Few will read these pages without being instructed. None but* uncom- mon minds can read them without being enriched by the thoughts that will help them to live more trustingly and bravely. The value of the book consists not in its philosophical but in its practical character." Nation, 1869. CRAIK, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). Sermons out of church 1 70.4 C86 Contents: What is self-sacrifice? Our often infirmities. How to train up a parent in the way he should go. Benevolence, or beneficence? My brother's keeper. Gather up the fragments. DYMOND, Jonathan. Essays on the principles of morality, and on the private and political rights and obligations of mankind. 1894 170.4 Dog GARRISON, Wendell Phillips. Parables for school and home. 1897 JI7O.4 Gi9 HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert. Human intercourse. 1892 170.4 Hig Graceful discussions of the rights of the guest, friendship, love, mar- riage, and much else. The author rightly deems that life owes much to the thoughtful and just cultivation of the social feelings. The quest of happiness. 1897 170.4 Hioq "Happiness, as the word will be understood in the present volume, means that degree of satisfaction with our existence which, in spite of minor vexations an.l disappointments, makes us willing to go on living as we are now living without any important change." Chapter i. HILLIS, Newell D wight. The investment of influence; a study of social sympathy and service. 1898 170.4 Hs6i Man's value to society; studies in self-culture and character. 1897 170.4 Hs6 86 ETHICAL ESSAYS HOLLAND, Josiah Gilbert. Concerning the Jones family. 1891 170.4 H72C Every-day topics, a book of briefs; ist-2d ser. 2v. 1888-93. -170-4 H72C v.i. Culture. Literature and literary men. Criticism. The popular lec- ture. Personal dangers. Personal development. Preachers and preaching. Christianity and science. Revivals and reforms. Christian practice. The church of the future. The common mo- ralities. Woman. Woman and home. Amusements. The tem- perance question. Social intercourse. Town and country. The rich and the poor. Politics and political men. American life and manners. .a. Religion and the church. Art. Literature. Certain virtues and virtuous habits. Education and industry. Town and country. About woman. The curse of pauperism. Temperance. Domestic economy. Social facts, forces and reforms. Matters of domestic concern. M iscellaneous. Gold-foil hammered from popular proverbs. 1895 170.4 H72g Contents: An exordial essay. The Bible. Patience. Perfect liberty. Trust and what comes of it. The ideal Christ. Providence. Does sensuality pay? The way to grow old. Almsgiving.- The love of what is ours. The power of circumstances. Anvils and hammers. Every man has his place. Indolence and industry. The sins of our neighbors. The canonization of the vicious. Social classification. The preservation of character. Vices of imagination. Questions above reason. Public and private life. Home. Learning and wis- dom. Receiving and doing. The secret of popularity. The Lord's business. The great mystery. Lessons in life; a series of familiar essays. 1895 170.4 H72 Contents: Moods and frames of mind. Bodily imperfections and impedi- ments. Animal content. Reproduction in kind. Truth and truthful- ness. Mistakes of penance. The rights of woman. American public education. Preverseness. Undeveloped resources. Greatness in little- ness. Rural life. Repose. The ways of charity. Men of one idea. Shying people. Faith in humanity. Sore spots and sensitive spots. The influence of praise. Unnecessary burdens. Proper people and perfect people. The poetic test. The food of life. Half-finished work. The same. 1863 ri7O.4 H72 Plain talks on familiar subjects. 1895 170.4 H72p Contents: The popular lecture. Hobby-riding. The elements of per- sonal power. The social undertow. Fashion. Working and shirking. Work and play. Cost and compensation. Art and life. JORDAN, William George. Kingship of self-control. 1899 . . . '. 170.4 J42 Contents: The kingship of self-control. The crimes of the tongue. The red tape of duty. The supreme charity of the world. Worry, the great American disease. The greatness of simplicity. Living life over again. Syndicating our sorrows. The revelations of reserve power. LUBBOCK, Sir John, baron Avebury. Use of life. 1895 170.4 Lg6 Contents: The great question. Tact. On money matters. Recreation. Health. National education. Self -education. On libraries. On reading. Patriotism. Citizenship. Social life. Industry. Faith. Hope. Charity. Character. On peace and happiness. Religion. SANGSTER, Mrs Margaret Elizabeth (Munson). Life on high levels; familiar talks on the conduct of life. 1897 170.4 822 SHELDON, Walter Lorenzo. An ethical movement ; lectures. 1896 170.4 854 SIDGWICK, Henry. Practical ethics. 1898 170.4 856 Contents: The scope and limits of the work of an ethical society. The aims and methods of an ethical society. Public morality. The mo- rality of strife, The ethics of religious conformity. Clerical veracity. Luxury. The pursuit of culture. Unreasonable action. "For ourselves we may say we have found Professor Sidgwick's dis- THEORY OF ETHICS 87 courses extremely helpful and extremely illuminating. . .He is clear- beaded, obviously very much in earnest, yet not without humor, and above all markedly judicious, almost painfully careful to see all round his subject and to give every point of view its due weight." Acad- emy, 1898. SMILES, Samuel. Duty, with illustrations of courage, patience and endurance. 1880 170.4 S64 SOCIETY OF ETHICAL PROPAGANDISTS, ed. Ethics and religion ; a collection of essays. 1900 170.4 S67 Contents: Ethics and religion, by J. R. Seeley. Freedom of ethical fel- lowship, by Felix Adler. The ethical bond of union, by Felix Adler. Ethical religion, by W. M. Salter. The true basis of religious un- ion, by W. M. Salter. The scope and limits of the work of an ethi- cal society, by Henry Sidgwick. Ethics and theology, by G. von Gizy- cki. The communication of moral ideas as a function of an ethical society, by Bernard Bosanquet. The aims of ethical societies, by Les- lie Stephen. The ethical movement defined, by Stanton Coit. The position of an ethical society, by J. H. Muirhead. STEPHEN, Sir Leslie. Social rights and duties. 2v. 1896 170.4 S82 v.i. The aims of ethical societies. Science and politics. The sphere of political economy. The morality of competition. Social equality. Ethics and the struggle for existence. v.2. Heredity. Punishment. Luxury. The duties of authors. The vanity of philosophising. Forgotten benefactors. WAGNER, Charles. Courage. 1894 170.4 Wi3 For young people. Treats of obedience, simplicity, faithfulness, manly honor, etc. ; full of stimulation and practical suggestion. Youth. 1893 170.4 Wi3y Reviews influences affecting young people to-day; written with high moral purpose, clear analysis of good and evil forces and enthusiastic belief in humanity. INTERNATIONAL journal of ethics; quarterly, Oct. 1800- date. v.i-date. iSgi-date ri7O.S 124 170.9 History of ethics LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. History of European morals. 2v. 1894-95 1 7-9 L4 v.i. The natural history of morals. The pagan empire. The conver- sion of Rome. v.2. From Constantine to Charlemagne. The position of women. "The work is very scholarly, and may be read with profit by every stu- dent. It is, however, subject to one criticism. In dealing with the ecclesiastical phases of the period, the author cannot resist the temp- tation to indulge in innuendoes and sarcasm. A little less contempt or pity for the religious zeal of the early monks, and a somewhat larger allowance for the turbulence of the times, would have im- proved the work." C. K. Adams. 171 Theory of ethics BOYD, James Robert. Moral philosophy. 1859 171 B66 "References," p.n. COOK, Joseph. Conscience, with preludes on current events. 1899. (Boston Monday lectures.) 171 C77 D'ARCY, Charles Frederick. Short study of ethics. 1895 171 024 88 THEORY OF ETHICS DICKINSON, Goldsworthy Lowes. Meaning of good ; a dialogue. 1901 171 "Attempt to present in dialogue form, shaped on the Platonic model, something of the jangle of contemporary philosophising. . .The char- acters comprise, among others, a chronic pessimist, a biologist, a util- itarian, and the host who acts as moderator. . .The criteria of Good are examined instinct, the general course of Nature, current con- vention, pleasure." Academy, 1901. HARRIS, George. Moral evolution. 1896 171 H2g< To establish the harmony of personal and social morality with the facts of evolution. JANET, Paul. Elements of morals. 1884 171 Ji7e The theory of morals. 1894 171 Ji7 KANT, Immanuel. Critique of practical reason. 1889 171 Ki2 Metaphysic of ethics. 1869 171 Ki2m KEDNEY, John Steinfort. Problems in ethics; or, Grounds for a code of rules for moral conduct. 1900 171 Ki$ "Thoughtful and admirable. . .both critical and constructive, positive on the one hand, yet broad and impartial in tone. The real subject is the attainment of morality as freedom the problem of Kant... The author holds the cheering view that physical science will ultimately justify on its own plane aesthetics, religion, and morality." Spectator, 1901. McCOSH, James. Our moral nature; a brief system of ethics. 1892 171 Mi3 MACKENZIE, John Stuart. Manual of ethics. 1897. (University tutorial series.) 171 Mi8 "Its design is to give, in brief compass, an outline of the most impor- tant principles of ethical doctrine so far as these can be understood without a knowledge of metaphysics." Preface. MARTINEAU, James. Types of ethical theory. 2v. in I. 1891 171 M4J MILL, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. 1891 171 M68 Contents: General remarks. What utilitarianism is. Of the utilimate sanction of the principle of utility. Of what sort of proof the prin- ciple of utility is susceptible. Of the connexion between justice and utility. MORLEY, John. On compromise. 1891 171 Contents: Of the possible utility of error. Intellectual responsibility and the political spirit. Religious conformity. Realization of opinion. MUIRHEAD, John Henry. Elements of ethics. 1897. (University extension manuals.). ..171 Bibliography, p. 257-259. PAULSEN, Friedrich. System of ethics ; ed. and tr. by Frank Thilly. 1899 171 P32 The first part surveys moral philosophies from Greek times to the pres- ent. The second reviews the fundamental questions of ethics, answer- ing them in each case. The third defines virtues and duties. Modern pessimism, hedonism, and Nietzscheanism, suicide, temperance, and the life of necessity are among the subjects discussed. "The book has the singular merit, in a treatise on moral philosophy, that it can be made use of for the conduct of life. There are treatises more systematically worked out from a single point of view, but we do not know of any that brings larger insight to bear on the life of the present day." Athenaeum, 1899. STATE ETHICS RICKABY, Joseph. Moral philosophy; or, Ethics and natural law. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy.) .- . 171 R43 ROYCE, Josiah. Religious aspect of philosophy ; a critique of the bases of con- duct and of faith. 1900 171 R8i SCHURMAN, Jacob Gould. The ethical import of Darwinism. 1893 171 839 A clear and interesting exposition of the difficulties connected with the explanation of moral life on the common theory of evolution. SIDGWICK, Henry. Methods of ethics. 1893 171 856 The same. 1893 r 171 856 SMYTH, Newman. Christian ethics. 1894 171 866 SPENCER, Herbert. Principles of ethics. 2v. 1893-95. (Synthetic philosophy.) ... .171 874 "References," v.i, p. 563-572; v.2, p.482-487- Specially designed to illustrate the laws of evolution in the sphere of man's moral life. STEPHEN, Sir Leslie. Science of ethics. 1882 171 882 SULLIVAN, W. R. Washington. Morality as a religion; an exposition of some first princi- ples. 1898 171 895 "A plea for a reconsideration of the Religious question, and an inquiry as to the possibility of reconstructing Religion by shifting its basis from inscrutable dogmas to the unquestionable facts of man's moral nature." Preface. SUTHERLAND, Alexander. Origin and growth of the moral instinct. 2v. 1898 171 896 "Main contention. . .is that the moral sentiments arise in the family life, whence they slowly filter into the sphere of positive law, which orig- inally aimed, not at justice, but at the preservation of some sort of social order. The moral sentiments in their turn are developments of the sympathetic emotions which are engendered by the family, and these owe their growing strength to the fact that they most effectu- ally minister to the preservation of the race. . .Mr. Sutherland's no- tion of biological history is . . . Spencerian rather than Darwinian." Nation, 1898. THILLY, Frank. Introduction to ethics. 1900 171 T36 Contains many bibliographies. WUNDT, Wilhelm. Ethics; an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life. 3v. 1897-1901 171 Wc)6 v.i. Facts of the moral life. v.2. Ethical systems. v.3- Principles of morality and the departments of the moral life. 172 State ethics BALCH, George T. Methods of teaching patriotism in the public schools. 1890 172 Bi8 BREWER, David Josiah. American citizenship. 1902. (Yale lectures on the responsi- bilities of citizenship.) 172 873 Contents: Obligations of citizenship. The maintenance of a good char- 90 STATE ETHICS acter a primary obligation of every citizen. Service a responsibility of citizenship. Obligation of obedience. The duty of striving to better the life of the nation. DOLE, Charles Fletcher. The American citizen. 1893 j 172 D6g Facts about the government of our country and our social institutions, and also illustrations of the moral principles which underlie the life of civilized man. "Books for reference," p.3i7~320. Citizen's catechism ; revised by many eminent sociologists. 1897. (Our country series.) 172 D6gc Presents in simple and compact form, by the question and answer meth- od, the leading principles of United States government and citizen- ship. Young citizen. 1899 JI72 D6gy "Intended as a reader for the school and home, and aims to encourage 'the warm ethical and patriotic feeling, which moves instinctively with the growing consciousness of the child, that right and wrong are in- volved in politics.' " Nation, 1899. ELLMAKER, Elias E. Revelation of rights. 1847 172 53 EVERETT, William. Patriotism; an oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard college, 28 June, 1900. 1900 172 95 FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb. Reden an die deutsche nation. 1871. (Bibliothek der deut- schen nationalliteratur.) 172 F44 HOBSON, John Atkinson. Psychology of jingoism. 1901 172 H6s A vigorous and uncompromising denunciation of the jingo spirit, particu- larly in its manifestations in connection with the war in South Africa. KELLOGG, Alice M. comp. Flag day in the schoolroom; a collection of fresh material for celebrating Flag day or any patriotic occasion. 1901 172 Ki6 LIEBER, Francis. Manual of political ethics; designed chiefly for the use of colleges and students at law; ed. by T. D. Woolsey. 2v. 1875 172 Lop MacCUNN, John. Ethics of citizenship. 1896 172 Mi4 Contents: The equality of men. Fraternity. "The rights of man." Citizenship. The rule of the majority in politics; A plea for the rule of the majority, "The tyranny of the majority." Party and political - consistency. Elements of political consistency. Democracy and char- acter. Some economic and moral aspects of luxury. RUEMELIN, Gustav. Politics and the moral law ; tr. by Rudolf Tombo ; ed. by F. W. Holls. 1901 172 R83 "The learned author'^ argument is that politics has an ethical code of its own, and that it is by no means. always subject to the moral law which governs individuals. . .The editor's introduction and scholarly annotations greatly increase the value of Ruemelin's striking essay." Educational review, 1900. WELLS, Amos Russell. Citizens in training; a manual of Christian citizenship. 1898. (Our workers' library.) 172 W49 Published by the Society of Christian endeavor. Gives outlines for political reform campaigns, Sunday and Fourth of July observances, temperance meetings, and training classes in citizenship. WAR AND PEACE 91 War and peace ADVOCATE of peace; monthly, iSgy-date. 1898- date qri72 A24 AMERICAN advocate of peace; quarterly; ed. by C. S. Henry. v.i, no.i-3, 8. 1834-36 1-172 DQQ Bound with other pamphlets. ANITCHKOV, Mikhail. War and labour. 1900 172 A 59 "Goes round about his subject instead of tackling it directly; he gives a great deal of information, statistical and other, upon war and labour, tariffs and corporation, wages and capital, closed frontiers and inter- national tribunals, but his theorisings from his facts are dreamy and lacking in genuine grip... If M. Anitchkow can be said to have a panacea at all, it is free frontiers." Spectator, 1900. DYMOND, Jonathan. Inquiry into the accordancy of war with the principles of Christianity. 1892 172 D99 The same. 1835 ri72 D99 FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF. Memorial and address of Friends on military exactions. 1837. .ri72 099 Bound with other pamphlets. GRIMKfi, Thomas Smith. Address on the truth, dignity, power and beauty of the prin- ciples of peace and on the unchristian character and influ- ence of war and the warrior. 1832 ri72 H34 GROTIUS, Hugo. On the rights of war and peace; an abridged translation by William Whewell. 1853 172 694 Grotius was the founder of the science of international law. This is an abridgement of his great work which was first published in Latin in 1625, with the title, "De jure belli et pacis." REFLECTIONS on the nature and dignity of the enterprise for establishing universal and permanent peace. 1834 ri72 099 Bound with other pamphlets. TRUEBLOOD, Benjamin Franklin. The federation of the world. 1899 172 T77 Bibliography, p. 154-162. "The aim of the discussion is to show that the nature of man and of society is such as to indicate that a general federation of the face ought to exist, that war ought to be abolished, that the whole of humanity must move together in harmonious cooperation if it ever fulfills its destiny." Preface. WORCESTER, Noah. Solemn review of the custom of war. 1829 ri72 099 Bound with other pamphlets. 173 Family ethics ABBOTT, Jacob. Gentle measures in the management and training of the young. 1871 173 Ai3 CLARK, Mrs Kate (Upson). Bringing up boys ; a study. 1899 173 C$2 92 FAMILY ETHICS COX, Mrs Maria Mclntosh. Home thoughts; ist-2d ser. 2v. 1901-02 173 Cn Appeared first in the New York Evening post. Essays full of thoughtful comment and wholesome advice to those who care for the happiness of family life. "Children as our judges," "Wives as partners," "Etiquette of family life," "Music as a family bond," "Comradeship of husbands and wives," are representative chapter headings. DU BOIS, Patterson. Beckonings from little hands; eight studies in childlife. 1895. - T 73 D8$ HARRISON, Elizabeth. A study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. 1895 173 H2Q Talks by the principal of the Chicago kindergarten college; extremely suggestive and helpful to thoughtful mothers and teachers. HIPPEL, Theodor Gottlieb von. Ueber die ehe. 1872. (Bibliothek der deutschen nationalliter- atur.) 173 Hsg HOARE, Mrs Louisa (Gurney). Hints for the improvement of early education and nursery discipline. 1821. Pittsburgh 073 H64 HORTON, Robert Forman. On the art of living together. 1896 173 H8i JACKMAN, Mrs Ellen R. How to organize round tables for mothers' associations ; with outlines for child-study. 1896 173 Ji22 Contains several bibliographies. JACKSON, Mrs Helen Hunt. Bits of talk about home matters. 1895 173 Ji2 Hardly treats of etiquette, strictly speaking, but of home relations and the courtesies of life. MALLESON, Mrs W. I. Notes on the early training of children. 1898 173 M29 MASON, Charlotte M. Home education; a course of lectures to ladies. 1899 173 M44 MEYER, Bertha. Aids to family government; or, From the cradle to the school, according to Froebel; tr. fr. the German by M. L. Hoi- brook. 1879 173 M6s Contents: The beginning of education. The care of the body. Mental developement. Moral developement. Froebel's system of training. The kindergarten. Kindergarten material. At home. The rights of children and the true principles of family government, by Herbert Spencer. One hundred hints and suggestions to parents concerning family government. PENN, William. Fruits of a father's love 173 P39 POULSSON, Emilie. Love and law in child training; a book for mothers. 1900 173 P86 Bibliography, p.8. PROUDFOOT, Mrs Andrea Hofer. A mother's ideals; a kindergarten mother's conception of family life. 1897 173 ?97 SHERWOOD, Mrs Mary Elizabeth (Wilson). Amenities of home. 1881 173 S5S BUSINESS ETHICS 93 STETSON, Mrs Charlotte (Perkins), afterward Mrs Oilman. Concerning children. 1900 173 S&4 TRUMBULL, Henry Clay. Hints on child-training. 1893 173 T77 WARE, John Fothergill Waterhouse. Home life, what it is and what it needs. 1864 173 W22 WINTERBURN, Florence Hull. From the child's standpoint; views of child life and nature; a book for parents and teachers. 1899 173 W79 Nursery ethics. 1899 173 W79n "Intelligent and sympathetic papers for parents." 174 Business ethics AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Code of medical ethics. 1879 ri74 ASI ASHTON, John. History of English lotteries ---174 A82 History of gambling in England. 1898 174 A82h CARNEGIE, Andrew, and others. Success and how to attain it. 1895 174 C2i Contents: West Point; its purpose, its training and its results, by P. S. Michie. Some inside views of the gubernatorial office, by A. H. Rice. Military law, martial law, and the suspension of the writ of Habeas Corpus, by J. W. Clous. American diplomacy, by F. W. Seward. Politics and the duty of the citizen, by T. F. Bayard. Architecture, by Montgomery Schuyler. Is electricity energy or only matter? by Albon Man. Brains and muscles; their relative training and development, by W. A. Hammond. The electro-magnetic tele- graph, by A. B. Cornell. Wealth and its uses, by Andrew Carnegie. Banking and currency, by H. W. Cannon. Roads, by F. V. Greene. The postal service of the United States, by T. L. James. CATHELL, Daniel Webster. Book on the physician himself and things that concern his reputation and success. 1895 174 C28 CLARK. Francis Edward, and others. Our business boys, by F.E.Clark; Art of good manners, by Mrs S. D. Power ; Business openings for girls, by S. J. White. 1809 174 C52 COBBETT, William. Advice to young men on the duties of life. 1851 ri74 C63 FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. The paths of duty; counsels to young men. 1896 174 F25 GIBBONS, James, cardinal. Ambassador of Christ. 1896 174 036 HALE, Edward Everett. What career? papers on the choice of a vocation and the use of time. 1893 174 Hi5 HARDWICKE, Henry. Art of getting rich. 1897 174 Has Tells how fortunes have been made from ancient days to the present time, discussing particularly some modern fortunes, and suggesting methods of doing business and investing money. It is not stated whether the author successfully practiced the "art" himself. 94 SOCIAL ETHICS HUBBARD, Elbert. Message to Garcia; a preachment. 1899 174 H8/ Appeared in the Philistine magazine, March 1899. MANN, Horace. Few thoughts for a young man. 1887 174 M33 MATHEWS, William. Getting on in the world. 1892 174 M47 Essays on success and failure, physical culture, self-reliance, aims, methods, manner, economy of time, money, overwork, etc. PARKHURST, Charles Henry. Talks to young men. 1897 174 P24 PITCAIRN, E.H. ed. Unwritten laws and ideals of active careers; essays. 1899 174 P66 Contents: Ambassadors, by Sir Edward Malet. The House of lords, by Lord Monkswell. The House of commons, by Sir Reginald Pal- grave. The royal navy, by C. C. P. Penrose-Fitzgerald. The British army, by J. F. Maurice. Royal engineers, by J. J. M. Innes. Royal artillery, by D. O'Callaghan. The clergy, by W. B. Trevelyan. The judges, by Sir Herbert Stephen. Barristers, by Augustine Birrell. The medical profession, by R. B. Carter. Vice-chancellors, by A. A. Leigh. Schoolmasters, by J. E. C. Welldon. Boys at public schools, by G. G. T. Heywood. Banking, by J. H. Tritton. Musicians, by J. A. F. Maitland. Art, by G. F. Watts. Architects, by Alfred Waterhouse. "The editor obtained, from a score of representative men, a written account of the special code of honor and special ideal of achievement by which his profession is governed. . .In some ways disappointing, yet contains much of great general interest." Spectator, 1900. STRONG, Josiah. The times and young men. 1901 174 892 A practical and simply stated philosophy of life, both social and in- dividual. It is written in the hope of fixing in the minds of young men some fundamental principles as to the right course of life. STYRAP, Jukes. Code of medical ethics, with remarks on the duties of prac- titioners to the patients and the obligations of patients to their medical advisers. 1878 ri74 893 THAYER, William Makepeace. Aim high; hints and helps for young men. 1895 J 74 T34 WALLACE, Henry. Letters to the farm boy. 1900 174 Wi7 Sensible, helpful papers on life and conduct. The author says, "I know how the farm boy feels; for I have experienced his isolation, his fears, his hopes, his ambitions, his lack of experience and knowledge of the world, and hence I know his need of a kindly, sympathetic friend." WINGATE, Charles Frederick. What shall our boys do for a living? 1898 174 W78 176-177 Social ethics NATIONAL PURITY CONGRESS. Papers and addresses; ed. by A. M. Powell, v.i. 1896 ri76 NiS ALGER, William Rounseville. Friendships of women. 1868 177 A3Q ASHMORE, Ruth, (pseud, of Mrs Isabel (Sloan) Mallon). The business girl in every phase of her life. 1898 177 A82b Side talks with girls. 1895 177 A82 TEMPERANCE 95 BUSS, Frances Mary. Leaves from her note-books; being selections from her addresses to the girls of the North London collegiate school. 1896 .-. 177 696 COBBE, Frances Power. Duties of women. 1888 177 63 DICTIONNAIRE historique des anecdotes de 1'amour. Sv. 1832.^177056 FINCK, Henry Theophilus. Romantic love and personal beauty. 1887 177 F49 The same. 1887 ri77 F49 GENLIS, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de St. Aubin, comtesse de, afterward Marquise de Sillery. Lemons d'une gouvernante a ses eleves. 2v. 1791 ri77 G29 GREY, Mrs Maria Georgiana (Shirreff). Last words to girls on life in school and after school. 1894. - 1 77 G88 HALE, Edward Everett. How to do it. 1895 JI77 His The same, and How to live. 1900 JI77 Hish Chapters written in familiar style on "How to talk," "How to read," "How to write," and various other things that young people some- times dread to do because they are not sure just "How to do it." HAWEIS, Hugh Reginald. Ideals for girls. 1897 177 H36 HOLLAND, Josiah Gilbert. Titcomb's letters to young people. 1893 177 H72 KEDDIE, Henrietta, (pseud. Sarah Tytler). Papers for thoughtful girls 177 Ki5 NORTON, H. E. A book of courtesy. 1900 177 N46 Discusses courtesy and discourtesy in their practical, every day bear- ings, illustrating with anecdotes and poems striking examples of each, under such headings as international courtesy, practical jokes, respect to inferiors, owning a wrong, etc. Suitable for young people. PARKHURST, Charles Henry. Talks to young women. 1897 J 77 P 2 4 SPURGEON, Charles Haddon. John Ploughman's pictures; or, More of his plain talk for plain people. 1896 177 S77J John Ploughman's talk ; or, Plain advice for plain people 177 877 STARRETT, Helen Ekin. Letters to a daughter, and A little sermon to school-girls. 1899. .177 879 THAYER, William Makepeace. Womanhood; hints and helps for young women. 1895 177 T34 178 Temperance AMERICAN TEMPERANCE UNION. Report of the executive committee, 1843-1847. Sv. in i. 1843-47 .' ri78 ASI BRITISH AND COLONIAL TEMPERANCE CONGRESS. Papers and reports of the congress, London, July, 1886. 1886. .ri78 675 BUCKNILL, John Charles. Habitual drunkenness and insane drunkards. 1878 ri78 685 7 g6 TEMPERANCE CALKINS, Raymond. Substitutes for the saloon ; an investigation made for the Com- mittee of fifty under the direction of F. G. Peabody, E. R. L. Gould and W. M. Sloane. 1901 .* 178 Ci3 Bibliography, p-389-391. Author maintains that the saloon is the poor man's club, that its hold on the community is explained by the fact that it satisfies the thirst for sociability as well as the thirst for drink. Assuming that no ef- fective attack can be made upon the saloon which does not take into account this satisfaction of the social instinct, Mr Calkins discusses the various possible substitutes for the saloon, agencies like lunch- rooms, coffee-houses, missions, settlements, etc., estimating the pros- pects for their successful competition with the saloon. COLOGAN, W. H. & Cruise, Sir F.R. Catholic temperance reader. 1900 178 C72 "One of the best, most moderate and most convincing books of the class ...should find a place in protestant schools and families as well as catholic." Nation, igoo. CYCLOPAEDIA of temperance and prohibition. 1891 qri78 C97 An exhaustive work from the prohibition standpoint, though written with the aim of making an authoritative rather than a partisan pre- sentation. Most useful to students of the liquor question. DEMOCRITUS, Christianus. Vitae animalis morbus et medicina suae vindicata orgini dis- quisitione physico-medica. 1711 ri78 C66 Bound with Cohausen's Dissertatio satyrica. DEWEY, Edward Hooker. Chronic alcoholism ; its radical cure. 1899 178 DSI FINCH, John B. The people versus the liquor traffic. 1887 178 F49 GOUGH, John Bartholomew. Sunlight and shadow ; or, Gleanings from my life work. 1881 . . 178 G73 GRIER, J. Lecture on the use of intoxicating liquors. 1844 ri78 G&9 GUSTAFSON, Axel Carl Johan. Foundation of death ; a study of the drink-question. 1885 178 698 Bibliography, p.513-577. HORNADAY, William Temple. Free rum on the Congo. 1887 178 H79 KEELEY, Leslie E. Non-heredity of inebriety. 1806 178 Kis KOREN, John. Economic aspects of the liquor problem; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty under the direction of H. W. Farnam. 1899 . 178 K& Bibliography, p.3i3-322. McKENZIE, Fred A. Sober by act of Parliament. 1806. (Social science series.). . . .178 Mi8 A statement of the actual results obtained from liquor laws in various parts of the world, with the object of estimating the value of legis- lation in promoting temperance. MADDEN, John. Shall we drink wine? a physician's study of th.e alcohol ques- tion. 1899 178 M23 "Aims to give the evidence from an entirely judicial standpoint, but his deductions are those of an extremist, and are not free from prejudice. ...Detailed account of alcohol as a stimulant is of the utmost interest, forcibly presenting the modern belief... that the well-known effects commonly termed 'stimulating' are hardly so at all in any true sense, TOBACCO 97 being due almost entirely to blunting of the feeling of fatigue, and 'paralysis of the critical judgment' ... On the whole, there is much potential influence for good in the book, and it deserves wide read- ing." Nation, 1900. PARK, William Hector, comp. Opinions of over 100 physicians on the use of opium in China. 1899 ri78 P23 PITMAN, Robert Carter. Alcohol and the state; a discussion of the problem of law as applied to the liquor traffic. 1877 178 P66 REID, George Archdall O'Brien. Alcoholism ; a study in heredity. 1901 178 R29 Traces the causes of intemperance on purely scientific lines and sug- gests a remedy. ROWNTREE, Joseph, & Sherwell, Arthur. Temperance problem and social reform. 1899 178 R79 Authorities, p. 594-597. Considers the question of temperance legislation in its relation to the general social problem; the causes that create intemperance, and the possible counteracting influences, with a resume of present conditions. WINES, Frederick Howard, & Koren, John. The liquor problem in its legislative aspects; an investigation made under the direction of C. W. Eliot, Seth Low and J. C Carter. 1897 178 W78 The three men under whose direction the investigation was made formed a sub-committee on the Committee of fifty to investigate the liquor problem. The same. Ed.2. 1898 178 W7&1 The second edition contains a new chapter on "The operation of the New York liquor tax law," (the Raines law), and brings down to date the observations on the South Carolina dispensary system, Massa- chusetts liquor legislation, and Pennsylvania liquor legislation. WINSKILL, P. T. Temperance movement and its workers, with an introduc- tion by F. R. Lees. 4v. 1892 qi78 WORLD'S TEMPERANCE CONGRESS. Temperance in all nations; history of the cause, with papers and discussions of the World's temperance congress, in Chicago, June, 1893; ed. by J. N. Stearns. 2v. 1893 178 T.I Historical. v.a. Proceedings of the congress. Tobacco BARTHELEMY, Auguste Marseille. L'art de fumer; ou, La pipe et le cigare; poeme. 1845 ri78 627 BLONDEL, Spire. Le tabac; le livre des fumeurs et des priseurs. 1891 qri78 656 CEFALENO, Angelo Melissino. Dissertazione sull' azione e sull' uso del tabacco. 1793 ri78 CS9 Bound with other pamphlets. CHASE, B.W. Tobacco, its physical, mental, moral and social influences. 1878 ri78 C38 CLINGMAN, Thomas Lanier. Tobacco remedy. 1885 ri78 C59 98 TOBACCO COHAUSEN, Johann Heinrich. Dissertatio satyrica physico-medico-moralis de pica nasi sive tabaci sternutatorii moderno abusu & noxa. 1716 ri78 C66 CONCERNING cigars; how to select them, with A word about "clays." 1-178 C59 Bound with other pamphlets. DISSERTATION on the use and abuse of tobacco in relation to smoaking, chewing and taking of snuff. 1720 ri78 C59 Bound with other pamphlets. A DOCTOR'S fallacy on smoking and smokers, by one who smokes. 1857 "78 627 Bound with other pamphlets. EVERAERTS, Gilles. Panacea ; or, The universal medicine ; being a discovery of the vertues of tobacco taken in a pipe, with its use both in physick and chyrurgery. 1659 ri78 95 HAMER, John, comp. Smoker's text-book. 1866 ri78 Hi9 JAMES I, king of England. A counter-blaste to tobacco. 1885 178 Ji6c Essayes of a prentise in the divine art of poesie; with A count- erblaste to tobacco. 1869. (Arber, Edward, ed. English reprints.) ri78 Ji6 JENKINSON, Alexander M. comp. Whifflets. 1897 178 J25 A collection of poems on tobacco. LAWRENCE, Mrs Margaret Oliver (Woods), (pseud. Meta Lander). Tobacco problem. 1886 178 L42 MAGNEN, Jean Chrysostome. Exercitationes de tabaco. 1658 ri78 M2S MELLER, Henry James. Nicotiana; or, The smoker's and snuff-taker's companion. ,1833 ri78 Ms8 The same. 1834 ri78 Ms8n PAULLI, Simon. Commentarius de abusu tabaci et herbae thee. 1681 ri78 P32 REYNOLDS, Thomas. Counterblast. Fifty-four objections to tobacco, to which is appended fifty medical opinions on tobacco smoking. 1876. (Smoke not.) .ri78 R37 ROGERS, J. Smyth. Essay on tobacco, a brief history of that plant and its effects on the human constitution. 1836 ri78 R6i SNUFF and snuff-takers. 1846 ri78 59 Bound with other pamphlets. STEINMETZ, Andrew. Tobacco ; its history, cultivation, manufacture and adultera- tions. 1857 ri78 S82 - THATCHER, Mrs Harriette Noel-. The fascinator; or, The knight's legacy; an essay on the re- sults of the use of tobacco. 1871 ri78 T33 OTHER ETHICAL TOPICS 99 THUS think and smoke tobacco; a rhyme, I7th century, with drawings by G. W. Edwards. 1891 q78 T43 TOBACCO talk and smokers' gossip; an amusing miscellany of fact and anecdote relating to the "great plant" in all its forms and uses, including a selection from nicotian literature. 1884 ri78 T$4 TOBACCO talk, by an old smoker. 1894 n;8 627 ' Bound with other pamphlets. VENNER, Tobie. Briefe and accurate treatise concerning the taking of the fume of tobacco. 1650 ri78 C$9 Bound with other pamphlets. 179 Other ethical topics ERNST, Harold Clarence, ed. Animal experimentation ; a series of statements indicating its value to biological and medical science. 1902 179 76 The statements of various remonstrants to the proposed law for further restriction of vivisection for medical and biological purposes in Mass- achusetts. GURNHILL, James. Morals of suicide. 1900 179 G97 By an avowed Christian socialist who approaches suicide as a symptom of sin and misery beneath the surface of society. Analyzes statistics from Morselli's well-known work and classifies the causes of suicide as disclosed in 100 cases "just as they came," from newspaper reports. Author looks to Christian therapeutics for the cure of suicide. JACKSON, Abraham Willard. Deafness and cheerfulness. 1901 179 Jrz Contents: A prefatory word. Unconscious deafness. Early experience of deafness. Social afflictions. Business embarrassments. Pathos of deafness. Helps and consolations of deafness. Higher consolations. "Mr. Jackson's object in writing this little book is to induce a habit of cheerfulness in those who are suffering from the infirmity which has pressed so heavily on his own life. . .To many who enjoy approximate- ly perfect hearing, this account of the sorrows of deafness from a sen- sitive and imaginative sufferer will be a startling revelation, and will open for them new avenues of sympathy The book can safely be commended to the deaf and their impatient friends." Nation, 1901. HARDEN, Orison Swett. Cheerfulness as a life power. 1899 179 M37c MORSELLI, Enrico Agostino. Suicide; an essay on comparative moral statistics. 1882. (In- ternational scientific series.) 179 Mg2 PHILANTHROPOS, pseud. Physiological cruelty ; or, Fact v. fancy ; an inquiry into the vivisection question. 1883 179 P49 SALT, Henry Stephens. Animals' rights considered in relation to social progress, also an essay on Vivisection in America, by Albert Leffingwell. 1894 179 Si7 Bibliography of the rights of animals, p. 105- 132. TODD, John. Student's manual. 1882 179 TSS TOO ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS TRINE, Ralph Waldo. Every living creature; or, Heart-training through the animal world. 1899 179 T/4 180 Ancient philosophers BUSSELL, Frederick William. The school of Plato, its origin, development and revival under the Roman Empire. 1896 180 Bp6 "What Mr Bussell has published in the present volume might be best described as a series of essays treating this great subject as exem- plified in its historical aspect by the philosophies of Greece and Roman Imperial times." Academy, 1896. FERRIER, James Frederick. Philosophical works, v.2-3. 1883-88 180 F42 v.2. Lectures on Greek philosophy. v.3. Philosophical remains. WINDELBAND, Wilhelm. History of ancient philosophy. 1899 180 W78 Bibliography, p.38s~388. CHWANG-TSZE. Chuang Tzu, mystic, moralist and social reformer. 1889 qi8i 47 DAVIES, John. Hindu philosophy; the Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna, an exposition of the system of Kapila. 1894 181 D3i GARBE, Richard. Philosophy of ancient India. 1897 181 Gi7 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Theological and philosophical works; tr. fr. the Greek by J. D. Chambers. 1882 181 H47 LEGGE, James, ed. Life and teachings of Confucius; with explanatory notes. 1895. (Chinese classics translated into English.) 181 LS4 Contents: Preliminary essays: Of the Chinese classics generally. Of the Confucian analects. Of the Great learning. Of the Doctrine of the mean. Confucius; his influence and doctrines. The classics: Confu- cian analects. The great learning. The doctrine of the mean. Indexes. Legge (1815-1897) was professor of Chinese at Oxford and devoted many years to the study of Confucius. MULLER, Max. Six systems of Indian philosophy. 1899 181 M95 MYER, Isaac. Oldest books in the world ; an account of the religion, wisdom, philosophy, ethics, psychology, manners, proverbs, sayings, refinement, etc., of the ancient Egyptians, as inscribed upon monuments, papyri and other records. 1900 qriSr Mox) "Mr. Myer's work contains fifteen chapters, of which seven are devoted to the description of the papyri inscribed with moral precepts, such as the instructions of Kaquemna, Ptah-hotep, Ani, and others; seven to the description of the Book of the Dead and to subjects which are intimately connected with it. . .and one to moral precepts of the Ptole- maic and Graeco- Roman periods." Athenaeum, 1900. VIJNANABHIKSU. Samkhya-pravacana-bhasya ; or, Commentary on the exposi- ANCIENT PHILOSOPHERS 101 tion of the Sankhya philosophy; ed. by Richard Garbe. 1895. (Harvard oriental series.) qn8i V32 Text is a transliteration of the Sanskrit. VIVEKANANDA, Swami. Yoga philosophy; lectures on Raja Yoga, also Patanjali's Yoga aphorisms. 1896 181 35 BENN, Alfred William. Philosophy of Greece; considered in relation to the character and history of its people. 1898 ' 182 843 BURT, Benjamin Chapman. Brief history of Greek philosophy. 1896 182 694 FAIRBANKS, Arthur, tr. First philosophers of Greece, an edition and translation of the remaining fragments of the pre-Sokratic philosophers, with a translation of the more important accounts of their opinions contained in the early epitomes of their works. 1898 182 Fi6 GOMPERZ, Theodor. Greek thinkers ; a history of ancient philosophy ; tr. by Laurie Magnus, v.i. 1901 182 G59- "The first volume. . .treats of the Pre-Socratics. . .[Prof. Gomperz] does not confine himself to the exposition of systems, but endeavors to re- place the Greek philosophers in the intellectual environment that fos- tered them. He... traces the development of popular and mystic re- ligion, orphism and the belief in immortality, studies the progress of ethical reflection and the growth of purer moral ideals in poets and historians, and brings out more fully than has hitherto been done the contributions of Greek medicine to the creation of the scientific and philosophic spirit." Dial, 1901. ZELLER, Eduard. . History of Greek philosophy to Socrates. 2v. 1881 182 Z45 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. 1895 183 D62 GOD LEY, Alfred Denis. Socrates and Athenian society in his day. 1896 183 GSS ZELLER, Eduard. Socrates and the Socratic schools. 1868 183 Z45 GROTE, George. Plato and the other companions of Sokrates. 3v. 1867 184 G94 v.i. Speculative philosophy in Greece before and in the time of So- krates. General remarks on the earlier philosophers, growth of dialectic, Zeno and Georgias. Life of Plato. Platonic canon as recognised by Thrasyllus. Platonic canon as appreciated and modified by modern critics. Platonic compositions generally. Apology of Sokrates. Kriton. Euthyphron. Alkibiades, i and a. Hippias major, Hippias minor. Hipparchus, Minos. Theages. Erastae or Anterastae, rivales. Ion. Laches. Charmides. Lysis. Euthydemus. T.a. Menon. Protagoras. Georgias. Phsedon. Phardrus, Symposion. Parmenides. Theaetetus. Sophistes. Politikus. Kratylus. Philebus. v.3. Menexenus. Kleitophon. Platonic republic, abstract. Republic, remarks on its main thesis. Republic, remarks on the Platonic commonwealth. Timseus and Kritias. Leges and Epinomis. Other companions of Sokrates. Xenophon. PATER, Walter. Plato and Platonism. 1895 184 P2Q 102 MODERN PHILOSOPHERS ARISTOTLE. Niconiachean ethics. 1893 185 Ayi GROTE, George. Aristotle; ed. by Alexander Bain and G. C. Robertson. 1880. . . .185 GQ4 WALLACE, Edwin, ed. Outlines of the philosophy of Aristotle. 1887 185 Wi7 ZELLER, Eduard. Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics; a translation from Zel- ler's Philosophy of the Greeks, by B. F. C. Costelloe and J. H. Muirhead. 2v. 1897 185 Z4S PATRICK, Mary Mills. Sextus Empiricus and Greek scepticism. 1899 186 P29 Accompanied by a translation from the Greek of the first book of the "Pyrrhonic sketches" by Sextus Empiricus. "Authorities consulted," p.6-?. PHILO JUD^US. Works ; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 4v. 1855-94 186 PSI The same. 4v. 1855-94 r:86 PSI AURELIUS ANTONINUS, Marcus, emperor of Rome. Meditations; tr. with notes by Meric Casaubon, and ed. with an introduction, appendix and glossary by W. H. D. Rouse. 1900 188 A9am The introduction contains a biographical sketch of the author. Thoughts; tr. by George Long. 1889 188 A92 Contains a sketch of Marcus Aurelius and a chapter on his philosophy. CAPES, William Wolfe. Stoicism. 1880 188 Ci8 EPICTETUS. Selection from his discourses, with the Encheiridion 188 E6gs Works; his discourses, the Enchiridion and fragments; tr. by T. W. Higginson. 2v. 1891 188 69 ZELLER, Eduard. Stoics, Epicureans and sceptics. 1892 188 Z45 The same. 1870 n88 Z45s GARDNER, Alice. Studies in John the Scot, (Erigena) ; a philosopher of the dark ages. 1900 189 Gr8 "His greatness, as Miss Gardner says and shows, lay in this, that he was a spiritualizer as against the materialists and traditionalists of his time, a free-thinker as against the 'musty schoolmen' who followed him; a soldier of the Lord and of liberty, standing alone for prin- ciples which nobody but himself apprehended, and which it was left for far-distant ages to develop and popularize. As such he claims our respectful remembrance." Nation, 1900. MAURICE, Frederick Denison. Mediaeval philosophy, from the 5th to the I4th century. 1870. .189 M49 190 Modern philosophers BOWEN, Francis. Modern philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. 1894 190 B66 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHERS 103 ROYCE, Josiah. Spirit of modern philosophy. 1896 190 R8i Contents: Periods of modern philosophy. Rediscovery of the inner life; from Spinoza to Kant. Kant. Fichte. Romantic school in philoso- phy. Hegel. Schopenhauer. Rise of the doctrine of evolution. Nature and evolution. Reality and idealism. Physical law and free- dom. Optimism, pessimism and the moral order. 191 American philosophers HODDER, Alfred, (pseud. Francis Walton). Adversaries of the sceptic ; or, The specious present ; a new in- quiry into human knowledge. 1901 191 H66 Contents: Metaphysics of the specious present: The dilemma of scepti- cism. The specious present. Self-transcendence. Insufficient rea- son. The unity of consciousness. The testimony of consciousness. Ethics of the specious present: The morality that ought to be. The morality that is. The part and the whole. The unit of ethics. "Brilliant and incisive criticism of some widely prevalent views of Pro- fessor Royce and Mr. Bradley. Dr. Hodder poses as a philosophical skeptic, and is a valiant champion of the moment of experience, the 'specious present," beyond which nothing is certain, either in meta- physics, logic, or ethics... In spite of reservation ... [his] book may be recommended to all who have a taste for dialectical discussions and excellence of style, as one of the most stimulating and enjoyable that have appealed to the philosophic public in recent years." Nation, 1901. McCOSH, James. Realistic philosophy. 2v. 1890 191 Mi4 192 English philosophers BACON, Francis. Physical and metaphysical works. 1876 ri92 Bi3p Works. 2v 192 613 v.i. Philosophical writings, (including an English translation of the Novum organum). v.2. Literary and religious works, (including the History of the reign of Henry VII, and the Essays). Life of Bacon by William Rawley, v. i, p.35-s8. "Philosopher, statesman, and man of letters, whom Izaak Walton called 'the great secretary of nature and all learning.' To Bacon, the liter- ature of philosophy is indebted for the impulse he gave to scientific inquiry by his powerful and eloquent exposition of its methods in his 'Novum Organum' and 'Advancement of Learning,' while literature in general owes acknowledgment to him for his popularization of the essay. While his scientific treatises created a revolution in the do- main of philosophy, and, as Macaulay says, produced a vast influence on the opinions of mankind, it is 'in the essays alone that the mind of Bacon is brought into immediate contact with the minds of ordin- ary readers.' The essays are the observations and deductions of a great intellect occupied with the problem of human life, and actuated by the desire to disseminate prudential counsels in its direction and guidance. Their wisdom, their pithiness of style, are unapproached in English literature." G. Mercer Adam. BERKELEY, George. Works; ed. by A. C. Eraser. 3v. 1871 192 645 v.i-2. Philosophical works, v. 3. Miscellaneous works. BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, viscount. Works. 4v. 1841 ri92 B6i Partial contents: v.i. Life of the author. Reflections upon exile. Remarks on the history of England. i5 194 French philosophers COMTE, Auguste. Cours de philosophic positive. 6v. in 3. 1892-94 194 C73C Positive philosophy. 2v. 1893 ri94 C73p The same. 3v. 1896 '. 194 C73 COUSIN, Victor. Du vrai, du beau & du bien. 1898 194 C84d Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good; an appendix on French art. 1893 194 C84 DESCARTES, Rene. The Method, Meditations and selections from the Principles of Descartes. 1897 194 045 Contents: Essay on Descartes by John Veitch. Discourse on method. Meditations on the first philosophy. The principles of philosophy. HOLBACH, Paul Henri Thirty, baron de. System of nature; or, The laws of the moral and physical world. 4v. 1797 ri94 H6g For a time wrongly attributed to Mirabaud. LfiVY-BRUHL, Lucien. History of modern philosophy in France. 1899 194 L66 Bibliography, p.483-494. Beginning with Descartes the author considers the representative French philosophers since the opening of the iTth century. He also gives much space to men who are not usually grouped with the philoso- phers "by profession," such men as Pascal, Renan, Diderot and Rousseau. Religion 200 General works 201 Philosophy of Religion ABBOTT, Lyman. Evolution of Christianity. 1894 201 Ai3 ALLEN, Grant. The evolution of the idea of God; an inquiry into the ori- gins of religion. 1897 201 A42 Contents: Christianity as a religious standard. Religion and mythol- ogy. The life of the dead. The origin of gods. Sacred stones. Sacred stakes. Sacred trees. The gods of Egypt. The gods of Israel. The rise of monotheism. Human gods. The manufacture of gods. Gods of cultivation. Corn- and wine-gods. Sacrifice and sac- rament. The doctrine of the atonement. The world before Christ. The growth of Christianity. Survivals in Christendom. BASCOM, John. Philosophy of religion; or, The rational grounds of religious belief. 1804 2OI 628 BUNSEN, Christian Karl Josias, freiherr von. God in history; or, The progress of man's faith in the moral order of the world. 3v. 1868-70 201 B88 CAIRD, John. Introduction to the philosophy of religion. 1889 201 Cl2 CALDECOTT, Alfred. Philosophy of religion in England and America. 1901 201 Ci29 COE, George Albert. The spiritual life ; studies in the science of religion. 1900 201 C6s The psychology of religion and some of its important bearings on the practical side of religious life and work. GAMBLE, Eliza Burt. The god-idea of the ancients; or, Sex in religion. 1897 201 Gi6 GOULD, Sabine Baring-. Origin and development of religious belief. 2v. 1892 201 G73 pt.i. Polytheism and monotheism. pt.2. Christianity. HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the philosophy of religion; together with a work on the Proofs of the existence of God. 3v. 1895 201 H4I JASTROW, Morris. Study of religion. 1901. (Contemporary science series.) . . . .201 J2I Bibliography, p.399'415- With- the purpose of developing a method for the study of religion Dr Jastrow traces in Part i the history of the study itself and criticises the leading systems of classification and the important definitions. Part 2 devotes itself to a consideration of the factors involved in reli- gious study, ethics, philosophy, mythology, psychology, history and culture. Part 3 discusses some practical aspects of the study. KALISCH, Marcus Moritz. Path and goal. 1880 201 Ki2 1 08 DICTIONARIES 109 McCOSH, James. The method of the divine government, physical and moral. 1883 201 Mi4 MANSEL, Henry Longueville. Limits of religious thought. 1859. (Bampton lectures.) 201 M34 MARTINEAU, James. Study of religion. 2v. 1888 201 M43 MULLER, Max. Introduction to the science of religion. 1893 201 M9S "Intended as an introduction to a comparative study of the principal religions of the world." Preface. PFLEIDERER, Otto. Philosophy of religion on the basis of its history. 4v. 1886- 88 201 P48 SABATIER, Auguste. Outlines of a philosophy of religion based on psychology and history. 1897 201 Sil STARBUCK, Edwin Diller. Psychology of religion; an empirical study of the growth of religious consciousness. 1899. (Contemporary science series.) 201 879 "First notable attempt on any large scale to study statistically such phe- nomena as conversion, and to correlate them with other phases of mental evolution. . .Shows with scientific clearness that such a reli- gious manifestation as conversion has its normal place in the mental and physical changes in adolescence, and is a deep-seated social phe- nomenon." Dial, 1900. STERRETT, James Macbride. Studies in Hegel's philosophy of religion. 1890 201 883 Appendix: Christian unity in America and the historic episcopate. TYLER, Charles Mellen. Bases of religious belief, historic and ideal; an outline of re- ligious study. 1897 201 T97 WILLIAMSON, W. The great law; a study of religious origins and of the unity underlying them. 1899 201 W75 Interpretation of religious origins from the standpoint of theosophical teachings. 203 Dictionaries ABBOTT, Lyman, & Conant, T. J. comp. Dictionary of religious knowledge for popular and pro- fessional use; comprising full information on biblical, theological and ecclesiastical subjects. 1885 qr2O3 Ai3 BENHAM, William, comp. Dictionary of religion. 1891 r2O3 643 BLUNT, John Henry, comp. Dictionary of doctrinal and historical theology. 1892 qr203 B57d Dictionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties and schools of religious thought. 1892 qr2O3 657 HOOK, Walter Farquhar, comp. Church dictionary. 1896 r2O3 H77 i io ESSAYS LEE, Frederick George, comp. Glossary of liturgical and ecclesiastical terms. 1877 r2O3 LS2 List of works consulted, p. 3 1-39. M'CLINTOCK, John, & Strong, James, comp. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical litera- ture. I2v. 1894-95 qr203 Mi3 SCHAFF, Philip, comp. Religious encyclopaedia, based on the Real-encyklopadie of Herzog. 4v. 1894 qr2O3 829 SMITH, Sir William, & Cheetham, Samuel, ed. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. 2v. 1880-93 r2O3 S66 204 Essays ABBOTT, Lyman, and others. The new puritanism, with introduction by R. W. Raymond. 1898 204 Ai3 Contents: The new puritanism, by Lyman Abbott. Puritan principles and the modern world, by A. H. Bradford. Beecher's influence upon religious thought in ^England, by C. A. Berry. The theological prob- lem for to-day, by G. A. Gordon. The social problems of the future, by Washington Gladden. The church of the future, by W. J. Tucker. Retrospect anc outlook, by C. A. Berry. The descent from the mount, by Lyman Abbott. ALBREE, George. Things of the kingdom. 1881 204 A34 ALLEN, Alexander Viets Griswold, and others. Message of Christ to mankind; the William Belden Noble lectures for 1898. 1899 204 A42 BARROWS, John Henry. Christianity the world-religion; lectures delivered in India and Japan. 1897 204 826 Bibliography, p.3Si-4o6. BARTOL, Cyrus Augustus. Radical problems. 1872 204 628 Short essays upon religious subjects. BEECHER, Henry Ward. Lecture-room talks. 1870 204 637 New star papers; or, Views and experiences of religious sub- jects. 1859: 204 B37n BELLOWS, Henry Whitney, and others. Christianity and modern thought. 1891 204 641 Contents: Break between modern thought and ancient faith and wor- ship, by H. W. Bellows. A true theology the basis of human progress, by J. F. Clarke. The rise and decline of the Romish church, by Athanaes Coquerel. Selfhood and sacrifice, by Orville Dewey. The relation of Jesus to the present age, by C. C. Everett. The mythical element in the New testament, by F. H. Hedge. The place of mind in nature and intuition in man, by James Martineau. The relations of ethics and theology, by A. P. Peabody. Christianity; what it is not and what it is, by G. W Smith. The aim and hope of Jesus, by Oliver Stearns. BRYANT, William McKendree. Life, death and immortality, with kindred essays. 1898 204 884 Contents: Life, death and immortality. Oriental religions. Buddhism ESSAYS in and Christianity. Christianity and Mohammedanism. The natural his- tory of church organization. The heresy of non-progressive orthodoxy. Miracles. Christian ethics as contrasted with the ethics of other religions. Eternity, a thread in the weaving of a life. Four of the essays have appeared in the Andover review and the Uni- tarian review, and the last, "Eternity," in book form. COMBS, George Hamilton. Some latter-day religions. 1899 204 73 Contents: ^Jstheticism. Theosophy. Otherism. Faith cure. Pessi- mism. Agnosticism. Materialism. Spiritualism. Liberalism. Mor- monism. Christian science. Socialism. COOK, Joseph. Occident, with preludes on current events. 1884. (Boston Monday lectures.) 204 C77 CRAUFOR-D, Alexander Henry. Christian instincts and modern doubt; essays and addresses in aid of a reasonable, satisfying and consolatory religion. 1897 204 C87 Contents: Some advice to agnostics. St. Paul in the third heaven; a glimpse of the religion of the future. "Watchman, what of the night?" The unwisdom of secularism. The present state of religious thought in Great Britain. "The point of view from which I write is that of absolutely free but distinctively Christian thought." Preface. DEARMER, Percy, ed. Religious pamphlets. 1898. (Pamphlet library.) 204 D34 Contents: Septum hereses, by John Wiclif. Supplicacyon for the beg- gars, by Simon Fish. Monstrous regiment of women, by John Knox. Second admonition to the parliament, by Thomas Cartwright. Epi- tome, by Martin Marprelate. Pappe with an hatchet, Almond for a parrat, by Tom Nash and John Lyly. Reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to church, by Robert Parsons. Looking-glasse for lordly pre- lates, by William Prynne. The letany, by John Bastwick. One sheet for the ministry, by Richard Baxter. Concerning the rule, by George Fox. Letter to a dissenter, by Lord Halifax. Shortest way with the dissenters, by Daniel Defoe. The wolf stript, by Charles Leslie. The abolishing of Christianity, by Jonathan Swift. Second letter to the Bishop of Bangor, by William Law. Fifth letter on the subject of the Catholics, by Sydney Smith. Seventh tract for the times, by J. H. Newman. DONALD, Elijah Winchester. Expansion of religion. 1896 204 071 DRUMMOND, Henry. The new evangelism, and other addresses. 1899 204 084 Other addresses: The method of the new theology, and some of its ap- plications. Survival of the fittest. The third kingdom. The problem of foreign missions. The contribution of science to Christianity. Spiritual diagnosis. ESSAYS and reviews. 1861 204 84 Contents: Temple, Frederick. Education of the world. Williams, Row- land. Bunsen's Biblical researches. Powell, Baden. On the study of the evidences of Christianity. Wilson, H. R. Seances historiques de Geneve. Goodwin, C. W. On the Mosaic cosmogony. Pattison, Mark. Tendencies of religious thought in England. Jowett, Benja- min. On the interpretation of Scripture. EVERETT, Charles Carroll. Essays, theological and literary. 1902 204 95 Contents: Reason in religion. The historic and the ideal Christ. The distinctive mark of Christianity. Kant's influence in theology. "Be- yond good and evil" (Nietzsche). Naturalism and its results. In- stinct and reason. The devil. The poems of Emerson. The "Faust" of Goethe. Tennyson and Browning as spiritual forces. The philoso- phy of Browning. H2 ESSAYS GLADDEN, Washington. Burning questions of the life that now is, and of that which is to come 204 G45b Contents: Has evolution abolished God? Can man know God? Is man only a machine? What is the use of prayer? Is death the end? Who is Jesus Christ? Are the gospels fairy tales? Where is the kingdom of God? HAMILTON, Gail, (pseud, of Mary Abigail Dodge). Stumbling-blocks. 1864 204 H2I HERFORD, Brooke. Small end of great problems. 1902 204 H46 Contents: The small end of great problems. The unseen things the most real. On belief in things which cannot be proved. The mystery of mind. The verifications of mind. The bugbear of the unknowa- ble. The reality of revelation and authority. The human heart of God. The foreordination of God. The healing forces of God. The world's debt to Christ. Anything new in Christianity? All things beginnings. The veiled life in man. The mystery of goodness. The mystery of, pain. Life on the line of least resistance. One of the meanings of great catastrophes. Immortality, whether we wish for it or not. The nearness and reality of the heavenly world. The inspira- tions of science. HILLIS, Newell Dwight. Influence of Christ in modern life; a study of the new problems of the church in American society. 1900 204 Hs6 HUTTON, Richard Holt. Aspects of religious and scientific thought. 1899 204 H97 Appeared first in the Spectator. A series of essays showing the present status of opinion in regard to the problems presented by the conflict of religion and science. LE GALLIENNE, Richard. Religion of a literary man. 1895 204 LS4 MABIE, Hamilton Wright. Life of the spirit. 1809 204 Mil MERRIMAN, Mrs Helen Bigelow. Religio pictoris. 1899 204 M63 "Among our books we have a 'Religio medici' and a 'Religio poetae,' but not a Religio pictoris, yet it may be well that the painter should set forth the faith that is in him, because from the nature of his call- ing he has some special advantages for dealing with the deeper prob- lems of life." Introduction. MILMAN, Henry Hart. Savonarola, Erasmus, and other essays. 1870 204 M7I Contents: Savonarola. Life of Erasmus. The popes of the i6th and 17th centuries. Clement XIV and the Jesuits. Newman on the develop- ment of Christian doctrine. Relation of the clergy to the people. Pa- gan . and Christian sepulchres. Originally appeared in the Quarterly review, and are partly historical, partly controversial, attacking the doctrines and practices which the leaders of the Tractarian movement were then [1846-1856] trying to en- graft on the Church of England. "It is his [Milman's] extensive learning, his vigorous style, his pictorial brilliancy, and, above all, his power of conveying in a few sentences a vivid and correct impression of character and events which have cre- ated his fame... The first two [essays] in the volume are excellent sam- ples of his pen." Athenaeum, 1870. MORISON, James Cotter. The service of man; an essay towards the religion of the future. 1887 204 M89 PARKER, Theodore. Views of religion. 1894 204 P24 ESSAYS 113 PATMORE, Coventry Kearsey Dighton. Religio poetae, etc. 1898 204 P29 "Twenty-three short essays many of them rather sermons than essays on such topics as 'Peace in Life and Art," 'Ancient and Modern Ideas of Purity,' 'Emotional Art,' 'Conscience,' 'Distinction' .. .To the aver- age reader the book must be nothing but the vainest speculation and the dullest theory. Yet, in many ways, it is one of the most beautiful and notable works in prose that have appeared in recent years... The subjects with which these essays deal may be grouped under three heads: religion, art, and woman." Athenaeum, 1893. PFLEIDERER, Otto. Evolution and theology, and other essays; ed. by Orello Cone. 1900 204 P48 Other essays: Theology and historical science. Luther as the founder of Protestant civilisation. The essence of Christianity. The notion and problem of the philosopny of religion. The task of scientific theology for the church of the present. Jesus' foreknowledge of his sufferings and death. The national traits of the Germans as seen in their religion. Is morality without religion possible or desirable? Free from Rome! QUINT, Alonzo Hall. Common-sense Christianity; articles selected and arranged by W. D. Quint. 1897 204 Qa8 Contents: Church and pulpit. The law and the gospel. Home and the family. Lessons from life. Appeared first in the Congregationalist. SCHERER, Edmond. Melanges de critique religieuse 204 832 Contents: La crise de la foi. De 1'inspiration de 1'Ecriture. Ce que c'est que la Bible. Du peche. Conversations theologiques. L'apoca- lypse de Commodien. L'Angleterre aux prises avec la critique re- ligieuse; Sterling, Froude, Newman. Joseph de Maistre. Lamen- nais. La correspondance de Lamennais. Le Pere Gratry. M. Veuil- lot et le parti catholique. M. Taine ou la critique positiviste. M. Proudhon ou la banqueroute du socialisme. M. Ernest Renan; le ra- tionalisme et 1'histoire. L'exposition des tableaux d'Ary Scheffer. SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich Ernst Daniel. Ueber die religion. 1880. (Bibliothek der deutschen na- tionalliteratur.) 204 834 SMITH, Henry Boynton. Faith and philosophy. 1886 204 864 STEPHEN, Sir Leslie. An agnostic's apology, and other essays. 1893 204 882 Other essays: The scepticism of believers. Dreams and realities. What is materialism? Newman's theory of belief. Poisonous opinions. The religion of all sensible men. WARD, Mrs Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Struggle for immortality. 1890 204 W2I Contents: What is a fact? Is God good? What does revelation reveal? The struggle for immortality. The Christianity of Christ. The psychical opportunity. The psychical wave. WESTCOTT, Brooke Foss, bp. Lessons from work. 1901 204 Ws6 Contents: The position and call of the English church. Christian doc- trine, the spirit and method of studying it. The condition and the mode of revelation. The intellectual preparation of candidates for ho- ly orders. The study of the Bible. The lesson of biblical revision. The revised version of the New testament. Biblical criticism and so- cial problems. Fellowship with Christ the rule and the message of the Christian minister. Prayer the support of foreign missions. The double witness. The prophetic call of laymen. Our creed and life. Temperance. Life. Organization of industry. International concord. Expenditure. Our attitude towards war. The empire. Progress. 114 PERIODICALS WISEMAN, Nicholas, cardinal. Essays on various subjects. 3v. 1853 204 W8i v.i. Two letters on some parts of the controversy concerning the genu- ineness of i John v./. Catholic versions of Scripture. The parables of the New testament. The miracles of the New testament. Let- ters to John Poynder upon his work entitled "Popery in alliance with heathenism." Authority of the Holy See in South America. A paper on ecclesiastical organization. The fate of sacrilege. On prayer and prayer-books. On national holydays. Essay on the minor rites and offices of the church. Ancient and modern Ca- tholicity. The actions of the New testament. T.2. The Hampden controversy. Tracts for the times. Froude's "Re- mains." The high church theory of dogmatical authority. Angli- can claims of apostolical succession. The Catholic and Anglican churches. The Anglican system. Protestantism of the Anglican church. Unreality of Anglican belief. Position of the high church theory at the close of 1847. The fourth of October. v-3. Papers on history, antiquities and art. Pope Boniface VIII. St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Brief account of the council held at Con- stantinople, 1166. On the writings of St. Ephrem. Account of a recently discovered Christian inscription. Remarks on Lady Mor- gan's statement regarding St. Peter's chair. The Roman forum. Christian art. Spanish and English national art. Superficial trav- elling. Italian guides and tourists. Religion in Italy. Italian gesticulation. Early Italian academies. Sense v. science. 205 Periodicals AMERICAN journal of theology; ed. by the divinity faculty of the University of Chicago; quarterly, v.i-date. 1897- date r2OS ASI AMERICAN quarterly observer, July i833-Oct. 1834. 3v. in 2. 1833-34 r20S ASIZ In Jan. 1835, united with the Biblical repository. ANDOVER review; a religious and theological monthly. v.i-ip. 1884-93 r2 5 ASS ASSEMBLY herald; monthly, v.i-date. i8Q9-date r2OS A84 BALTIMORE literary and religious magazine, monthly; conducted by R. J. Breckinridge and A. B. Cross. 7v. 1835-41 1-205 B2i v.2, 4 missing. Continued as "Spirit of the igth century." BIBLICAL repertory and Princeton review; quarterly, v.24- 27. 1852-55 r205 647 Running title reads Princeton review. BIBLICAL repository; quarterly. Jan. i83i-Oct. 1850. 3ov. 1831-50 : r205 84732 General index, v.i-2i, 1831-1844. 1845. v.s-8 title page reads Biblical repository and quarterly observer. v.9-24 title page reads American biblical repository. v.25-30 title page reads Biblical repository and classical review. No more published. Elaborate original and translated articles for the theologian and biblical student. BIBLICAL world; monthly; new ser. v.i-date. i8g3-date. .r2O5 64733 Continuation of the Old and New testament student. BIBLIOTHECA sacra, and theological review; quarterly. v.i-date. i844-date r2O5 6473 Index to v.i-i3. 1857. Changes in the title of this magazine are described in the Index volume. PERIODICALS 115 CALVINISTIC monitor; monthly, July-Aug., Dec. 1839. v.i, no. i, 2, 6. 1839 qrzos W$6 Bound with Western Presbyterian herald. CHRISTIAN advocate; monthly. I2v 1823-34 T205 C46i Continuation of the Presbyterian magazine. No more published. CHRISTIAN advocate; weekly, v.63-69. 1888-93 qr2OS C46l2 CHRISTIAN examiner and theological review; bi-monthly. v.i-8s, in 36. 1824-68 r20S C4S9 v.6-35 title reads Christian examiner and general review. v. 36-62 title reads Christian examiner and religious miscellany. v.63-8s title reads Christian examiner. CHRISTIAN observer, conducted by members of the Estab- lished church; monthly. 77v. 1802-1877 r2OS C4S No more published. v.75-77 title reads Christian observer and advocate. v.2i, which was to be an index volume, was never issued. CHRISTIAN remembrancer ; monthly and quarterly. 56v. 1841- 68 r2os C4S94 No more published. CHRISTIAN spectator; monthly and quarterly. 2Ov. 1819- 38 r205 C4593 v.i 1-20 title reads Quarterly Christian spectator. No more published. In 1839 united with the American biblical repository. CHURCH and the world; quarterly, v.i -3. 1872-74 r2O5 C468 CHURCH at home and abroad; published monthly by order of the General assembly of the Presbyterian church. 24v. 1887-98 r205 C46 No more published. CHURCH quarterly review; Oct. i875~date. v.i-date. 1876- date r205 C4682 CRITICAL review of theological & philosophical literature; quarterly, v.i-date. iSgi-date r2O5 C88 ENGLISH review; or, Quarterly journal of ecclesiastical and general literature, igv. in 18. 1844-53 r2O S 64 No more published, v. 19 consists of one number only. GOOD words; weekly and monthly, v.i-date. i86o-date. . . .r2O5 G62 JOURNAL of sacred literature; ed. by John Kitto and others; quarterly. 4ov. 1848-68 r2O5 J46 v.i-u were edited by John Kitto. v. 15-38 title reads Journal of sacred literature and biblical record. No more published. JOURNAL of the Society of biblical literature and exegesis; semi-annually, June, :88i-date. v.i-date. i882-date. . .r2O5 J466 v.p-date title reads Journal of biblical literature. LITERARY and theological review; quarterly. 6v. 1834-39 r2OS L74 No more published. MERCERSBURG review; quarterly. 43v. 1849-96 r2o5 M63 v.i-4 published bi-monthly. v.iS contains an index to the first 18 volumes. v.26-43 title reads Reformed quarterly review. METHODIST magazine; monthly, 1818-1828, 1834, 1839. v.i- n, 16, 21. 1818-39 r2os M64m From 1829 to 1840 title reads Methodist magazine and quarterly review, and the review was published quarterly. Continued as the Methodist quarterly review. Called in Poole's index the American Methodist magazine. Ii6 PERIODICALS METHODIST quarterly review. 3d ser. v.i-date. 1841- date r205 M64 Continuation of the Methodist magazine. Beginning with sth ser. v. i title reads Methodist review, and the issue is bi-monthly. MODERN review; quarterly. 5v. 1880-84 T2OS M?6 No more published. MONTHLY religious magazine; Jan. 1844- Feb. 1874. Siv. in 38. 1844-74 r205 M86 v. 15-24 title page reads Monthly religious magazine and independent journal. v.43-44 title page reads Monthly review and religious magazine. v-45-Si title page reads Religious magazine and monthly review. Continued as the Unitarian review and religious magazine. NEW Princeton review; bi-monthly. 6v. 1886-88 r2O5 Na6i A continuation of the Princeton review. No more published. NEW world; a quarterly review of religion, ethics and theology. 9v. 1892-1900 r205 N26 No more published. NEW YORK observer; weekly, Aug. 4, i832-Dec. 28, 1865., no.3i-v.43, no.52, in 18. 1832-65 qr2os N26i2 OPEN church; quarterly, Jan. i897-Sept. 1899. 3v. 1897-99 r 2OS 026 No more published. PITTSBURG recorder; weekly, Jan. 25, i822-June 13, 1823. v.i-2, no.2i, 1822-23 r2os P67 PRESBYTERIAN; weekly, Feb. 16, i83i-Dec. 25, 1834. v.i-4, in 3. 1831-34 qr20S P9223 PRESBYTERIAN and reformed review; quarterly, v.i-date. i8ox)-date qr2O5 Pg22i contains an index to v. i-io. PRESBYTERIAN magazine; monthly. 2v. 1821-22 r2O5 P922 Continued as the Christian advocate. PRESBYTERIAN quarterly review, June, i852-March, 1857, July, i8s8-Oct. 1866, Jan. i868-Oct. 1871. v.i-S, 7-15, 17-20. 1853-71 T205 P9222 v. 12-17 title reads American Presbyterian and theological review; v.i8-2o, American Presbyterian review; v.i-ao is so called in Poole's index. Continued as the Presbyterian quarterly. PRESBYTERIAN review; quarterly. lov. 1880-88 r2O5 92 Continued as the Presbyterian and reformed review. PRINCETON review; new ser. bi-monthly. I4v. in 10. 1878- 84 r205 P95 A continuation of the Presbyterian quarterly. Continued as the New Princeton review. QUARTERLY register and journal of the American educa- tion society. 'i5v. 1829-43 r2O5 Qi9 v.4-is title page reads American quarterly register. No more published. QUARTERLY review of the Evangelical Lutheran church, v.i- date. i87i-date r2O5 Qi92 Title page of v.8-date reads Lutheran quarterly. Continuation of the Evangelical review. "SALVATION"; a new evangelical monthly, v.i. 1899 r2O5 Si8 SPIRIT of the i9th century; ed. by R. J. Breckinridge; monthly. 2v. 1842-43 raos S75 No more published. Continuation of the Baltimore literary and religious magazine. COLLECTED WORKS 117 SPIRIT of the Pilgrims; a monthly magazine. 6v. 1828-33. -r2O5 8759 No more published. SUNDAY magazine; monthly, v.i-date. i86s-date qr20S Sg5 UNITARIAN review and religious magazine ; monthly, Mar. 1874- Dec. 1891. 36v. 1874-91 r205 Uas v. 27-36 title reads Unitarian review. A continuation of the Monthly religious magazine. No more published. WEEKLY recorder; a newspaper conveying intelligence, under the heads of theology, literature and national affairs, July 5, i8i4-June 28, 1815. v.i. 1814-15 qr2O5 W42 WESTERN Presbyterian herald ; weekly, Sept. 21, i837-Nov. 7, 1839. v.6, no.45-v.8,, in i. 1837-39 qr2OS W$6 v.8 title reads Protestant and herald. v.6, no.47, 51-52; v. 7, no. 2-4, 6-8, 11-16, 20-21, 23-25, 27-30, 39-40, 42, 45-46, 52; v.8, no. i, 3-8 wanting. 206 Societies. 207 Seminaries BARROWS, John Henry, ed. World's parliament of religions. 2v. 1893 206 B26 History and proceedings of the parliament of religions held at the World's Columbian exposition in 1893, with the papers written by the various representatives. GREEN, Samuel Gosnell. Story of the religious tract society for 100 years. 1899 2 6 G83 MILDMAY CONFERENCE. Report of addresses, 1896. 1896 206 M68 GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, New York. Dedication of Hoffman and Eigenbrodt halls, May 30, 1900, with addresses r2O7 G2Q PENNSYLVANIA BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Minutes of the anniversary, i84O-date. v.i-date. 1840- date r207 v-52-59, 6 1 missing. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Theological seminary. General catalogue. 1829 r207 WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Allegheny, Pa. Annual catalogue, 1845/46, 1860/61, 1901/02. 3v. in 2. 1846- 1902 r2O7 Volumes for 1845/46, 1860/61 are bound with pamphlets marked T974.88 69. 208 Collected works COUPLAND, William Chatterton, ed. Thoughts and aspirations of the ages; selections from the religious writings of the world. 1895 208 C83 DANA, John Monroe, comp. Wider view; a search for truth. 1899 208 Dig Selections in prose and verse on various religious subjects. DEWEY, Orville. Works. 1896 208 Biographical sketch of Dewey, by M. E. Dewey, p. 9-12. Ii8 HISTORY OF RELIGION DICK, Thomas. Complete works. QV. in 3. 1848-50 r2o8 DS4 v. 1-3. On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge. The philosophy of a future state. The philosophy of religion; or, An illustration of the moral laws of the universe. v.4-6. The Christian philosopher; or, The connexion of science and phi- losophy with religion. On the mental illumination and moral improve- ment of mankind. An essay on the sin and the evils of covetousness, and the happy effects which would flow from a spirit of Christian beneficence. v.7-9. Celestial scenery; or, The wonders of the planetary system dis- played, illustrating the perfections of Deity and a plurality of worlds. The sidereal heavens and other subjects connected with astronomy. The practical astronomer. IRVING, Edward. Collected writings; ed. by Gavin Carlyle. 5v. 1864-65 208 Ia8 v.i. On the word of God. The parable of the sower. Missionaries after the Apostolical school. Ordination charge. Historical view of the Church of Scotland before the reforma'tion. Notes on the standards of the Church of Scotland. v.2. John the Baptist. The temptation. Homilies of baptism. Homi- lies on the Lord's supper. v.3. On prayer. On praise. On family and social religion. Dis- courses delivered on public occasions. v.4. Miscellaneous discourses. v.s. The doctrine of the incarnation, opened. The church. On the gifts of the Holy Ghost. PALEY, William. Works. 6v. 1830 208 Pr8 v.i. Memoirs of Paley, by G. W. Meadley. Natural theology. v.2. A view of the evidences of Christianity. Tracts. v.3. Principles of moral and political philosophy. v.4 Horae Paulinae. The young Christian instructed. Clergyman's companion. v.5- Sermons on public occasions. Sermons on several subjects. Tracts. v.6. Sermons on various subjects. TAYLOR, Jeremy. Whole works; with a life of the author and a critical ex- amination of his writings by Reginald Heber. lov. 1854-61 208 T25 v.i. Clerus Domini. Office ministerial. Discourse of friendship. Rules and advices to the clergy. Life. Indexes. v.2. Life of Christ. v.3. Rule and exercises of holy living and dying. v.4. Sermons. v.s. Episcopacy. Apology for set forms. Reverence due to the altar. Liberty of prophesying. Confirmation. v.6. Real presence of Christ in the sacrament. Dissuasive from popery. v.7. Unum necessarium. Deus justificatus. Letters to Warner and Jeanes. Golden grove. Hymns. v.8. Worthy communicant. Supplement of sermons. Collection of offices, v.p-io. Ductor dubitantium. 209 History of religion ADENEY, Walter Frederic. A century's progress in religious life and thought. 1901 . . . .209 A23 Contents: Introduction. Leading minds of the century. The Oxford movement. Religion and science. Biblical criticism. The imma- nence of God. The decline of Calvinism. Changed views of redemp- tion. The future. Social questions. Preachers and preaching. Lit- erature, art and recreation. HISTORY OF RELIGION 119 BRINTON, Daniel Garrison. Religions of primitive peoples. 1897. (American lectures on the history of religions.) 209 675 CAIRO, Edward. Evolution of religion; the Gifford lectures delivered before the University of St. Andrews in sessions 1890-91 and 1891-92. 2v. 1899 209 Cii The first lecture contains a general statement of the problem, and the next six are devoted to an explanation of the principles upon which the author bases his view of religion and its history. The rest of the book is confined almost entirely to the development of the Jewish and the Christian religions. CLARKE, James Freeman. Events and epochs in religious history. 1894 209 C53 Contents: The catacombs. The Buddhist monks of central Asia. The Christian monks and monastic life. Augustine, Anselm, Bernard, and their times. Jeanne d'Arc. Savonarola and the renaissance. Luther and the reformation. Loyola and the Jesuits. The mystics in all re- ligions. George Fox and the Quakers. The Huguenots. John Wes- ley and his times. DORCHESTER, Daniel. Problem of religious progress. 1895 209 D73 EDKINS, Joseph. The early spread of religious ideas especially in the far East. 1893. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 209 28 Contents: The prae-Mosaic origin of the book of Genesis. Primaeval monotheism in China and Persia. The philological history of the names for God. How religious ideas spread in the ancient world. Polytheism in China. The moral ideas of the Chinese. Early spread of the belief in a future state. JEVONS, Frank Byron. Introduction to the history of religion. 1896 .209 J3I Contents: The supernatural. Sympathetic magic. Life and death. Taboo, its transmissibility. Things taboo. Taboo, morality and re- ligion. Totemism. Survivals of totemism. Animal sacrifice; the altar. Animal sacrifice; the sacrificial meal. Fetishism. Family gods and guardian spirits. Ancestor-worship. Tree and plant wor- ship. Nature-worship. Syncretism and polytheism. Mythology. Priesthood. The next life. The transmigration of souls. Mysteries. Eleusinian mysteries. Monotheism. The evolution of belief. "The work is intended primarily for students who require an introduc- tion to the history of religion, but will also, it is hoped, prove inter- esting to students of folk-lore and anthropology, and to the wider circle of general readers." Preface. .LANG, Andrew. Making of religion. 1898 209 L23 Partial contents : Anthropology and religion. Crystal visions, savage and civilised. Anthropology and hallucinations. Demoniacal posses- sion. Fetishism and spiritualism. High gods of low races. Theories of Jehovah. MACKINTOSH, William. Natural history of the Christian religion; a study of the doc- trine of Jesus as developed from Judaism and converted into dogma. 1894 209 Mi8 RELIGIOUS systems of the world. 1892 209 R32 RfeVILLE, Albert. Prolegomena of the history of religions. 1884 209 R36 TAYLOR, Henry Osborn. W ' Ancient ideals; a study of intellectual and spiritual growth from early times to the establishment of Christianity. 120 NATURAL THEOLOGY 2v. 1896 209 T25 T.I. Egypt, Chaldaea and China. India. The Buddha. Iran. Greek beginnings. Homer. Greek principles of life. Greek art and poetry. Greek philosophy. Later Hellenism. The genius of Rome. The republic as influenced by Greece. v.a. The empire; the public hope. The empire; the spiritual change. The empire; philosophy and religious revival. Israel; deliver- ance and consecration. Israel's spiritual growth. Messianic prophecy. The Psalter. Wisdom and the law; later Judaism. Christianity; the synoptic presentation. The gospel of John. Apostolic interpretation. The Roman world and Christianity. UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION. Universal religion: a course of lessons, historical and sci- entific, on the various faiths of the world, by a corps of specialists in Asia, Europe and America; ed. by Ed- mund Buckley. 1897 qr2O9 U25 Contains numerous bibliographies. Being v-3 of "Progress." 210 Natural theology ARGYLL, George Douglas Campbell, duke of. The philosophy of belief; or, Law in Christian theology. 1896 210 A69f> Contents: Intuitive theology. The theology of the Hebrews. Christian theology. Christian belief. Reign of law. 1868 210 A6o/ The same. 1868 r2io A6g BOEDDER,^ernard. Natural theology. 1891. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy.). .210 Bs8 CAIRD, John. Fundamental ideas of Christianity; the Gifford lectures. 2v. 1899 210 Ci2 Memoir of the author, by Edward Caird, v.i, p. 9-141. v.i. Natural and revealed religion. Faith and reason. The Christian idea of God. The relation of God to the world. The origin and nature of evil; the Augustinian theory. v.2. The origin and nature of evil; the theory of negation or privation, the predominance of sense over spirit, the theory of free will. The possibility of moral restoration. The idea of the incarnation. The idea of the atonement. The kingdom of the spirit. The future life. FISHER, George Park. Manual of natural theology. 1893 210 F53 FISKE, John. Through nature to God. 1899 .210 F$4 Contents: The mystery of evil. The cosmic roots of love and self- sacrifice. Tne everlasting reality of religion. This little book is the natural sequel to two previous works of Mr Fiske "The idea of God, as affected by modern knowledge," and "The des- tiny of man, viewed in the light of his origin." It seeks "to solve the tremendous mystery of evil so as to give man a fuller sense of his high calling and a firmer assurance of the infinite wisdom and be- nignity." It shows the range and power of love and self-sacrifice, and emphasizes the religious lesson which nature teaches. The second part is, with slight changes, the Phi Beta Kappa oration delivered at Harvard university, Tune, 1895. Its original title was "Ethics in the cosmic process." GUYAU Marie Jean. The non-religion of the future, a sociological study. 1897. .210 Gop Contents: Religious physics. Religious metaphysics. Religious morals. DEISM AND ATHEISM 121 Dogmatic faith. Symbolic and moral faith. Dissolution of religious morality. Religion and non-religion among the people. Religion and non-religion and the child. Religion and non-religion among women. The effect of religion and non-religion on population and the future of the race. Religious individualism. Association; the permanent ele- ment of religions in social life. Theism. Pantheism. Idealism, ma- terialism, monism. HUTCHINSON, Woods. The gospel according to Darwin. 1898 210 HQ/ LAING, Samuel. Modern Zoroastrian. 1898 210 Li6 The author condenses many facts of the material and moral world, obtaining as a result a single general law of mutual antagonistic prin- ciples which he terms "the all pervading principle of polarity." PALEY, William. Natural theology; or, Evidences of the existence and attri- butes of the Deity. 1817 r2io Pi8 The same. 1837 r266 M76 Bound with Moffat's Missionary labours in southern Africa. The same. 1830. (In his Works, v.i.) 208 Pi8 v.i SEELEY, Sir John Robert. Natural religion. 1886 210 845 TIELE, Cornelis Petrus. Elements of the science of religion; being the Gifford lec- tures delivered before the University of Edinburgh in 1896 and 1898. 2v. 1897-99 210 T45 v.i. Morphological. v.2. Ontological. "Prof. Tiele is a strong believer in the doctrine that there are laws of development applicable to religion, and that they are special forms and conditions of laws which are applicable to the human mind in general. The whole object of his volumes, as he expressly states, is to show that between pure science and true religion nothing but perfect and abiding harmony can prevail." Spectator, 1899. WALLACE, William. Lectures and essays on natural theology and ethics; ed. by Edward Caird. 1898 210 Wi7 Biography of Wallace, by Edward Caird, pref. p-7- 40. "Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow in 1894 and '895, " p.i-zio. 211 Deism and atheism BONHAM, John M. Secularism; its progress and its morals. 1894 211 B62 BOWNE, Borden Parker. Philosophy of theism. 1887 211 679 FISKE, John. Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. 1895 211 F$4 "Earnest contention that evolution culminating in man is absolutely in- explicable except as the expression of divine purpose... A feature of the discussion. . .is the justification of an anthropomorphic conception of God." Andover review, 1886. FRASER, Alexander Campbell. Philosophy of theism; being the Gifford lectures, ist-2d ser. 2v. 1895-96 2ii F88 The same. 1899 2I i F88p "The work on its first appearance (1895-96) made a profound im- pression as a masterly. . .vindication of the reasonableness of natural religion, and the few years that have passed since then have not suf- 122 DEISM AND ATHEISM ficiently altered the aspects of thought in the philosophical world, to make any reason why its arguments and its eloquence should be less cogent or less welcome to-day (1899)." Spectator, 1899. HARRIS, Samuel. Philosophical basis of theism. 1899 211 H2p HOLYOAKE, George Jacob. English secularism; a confession of belief. 1896 211 H75 INGERSOLL, Robert Green. Works. I2v. 1900 r2i i 124 v.i. The gods Humboldt. Thomas Paine. Individuality. Heretics and heresies. The ghosts. The liberty of man, woman and child. About farming in Illinois. What must we do to be saved? v.2. Some mistakes of Moses. Some reasons why. Orthodoxy. Myth and miracle. v.3- Shakespeare. Robert Burns. Abraham Lincoln. Voltaire. Liber- ty in literature. The great infidels. Which way? About the Holy Bible. v.4. Why I am an agnostic. The truth. How to reform mankind. A Thanksgiving sermon. A lay sermon. The foundations of faith. Superstition. The devil. Progress. What is religion? v.5- Six interviews on Talmage. The Talmagian catechism. A vindica- tion of Thomas Paine. v.6. The Christian religion. The Field-Ingersoll discussion. Col. In- gersoll on Christianity. Rome or reason? Is divorce wrong? Di- vorce.- Reply to Dr Lyman Abbott. Reply to Archdeacon Farrar. Is corporal punishment degrading? v.7. My reviewers reviewed. My Chicago Bible class. To the Indian- apolis clergy. The Brooklyn divines. The limitations of toleration. A Christmas sermon. Suicide of Judge Normile. Is suicide a sin? Is avarice triumphant? A reply to the Cincinnati gazette and Catholic telegraph. An interview on Chief Justice Comegys. Reply to Drs Thomas and Lorimer. Reply to Rev. John Hall and Warner Van Norden. Reply to the Rev. Dr Plumb. Reply to the New York clergy on superstition. v.8. Interviews. v.9. An address to the colored people. Indianapolis speech. Speech nominating Blaine. Centennial oration. Bangor speech. Cooper union speech, New York. Indianapolis speech. Chicago speech. Eight to seven address. Hard times and the way out. Suffrage ad- dress. Wall street speech. Brooklyn speech. Address to the 86th Illinois regiment. Decoration day address. Decoration day ora- tion. Ratification speech. Reunion address. The Chicago and New York gold speech. Address to the jury in the Munn trial. Closing address to the jury in the first Star route trial. Opening address to the jury in the second Star route trial. Closing address to the jury in the second Star route trial. Address to the jury in the Davis will case. Argument before the vice-chancellor in the Russell case. v.i i. Civil rights. Trial of C. B. Reynolds for blasphemy, address to the jury. God in the constitution. A reply to Bishop Spalding. Crimes against criminals. A wooden god. Some interrogation points. Art and morality. The divided household of faith. Why am I an agnostic? Huxley and agnosticism. Ernest Renan. Tol- stoy and "The kreutzer sonata." Thomas Paine. The three phi- lanthropists. Should the Chinese be excluded? A word about ed- ucation. What I want for Christmas. Fool friends. Inspiration. The truth of history. How to edit a liberal paper. Secularism. Criticism of "Robert Elsmere," "John Ward, preacher," and "An African farm." The libel laws. Rev. Dr Newton's sermon on a new religion. An essay on Christmas. Has freethought a con- structive side? The improved man. Eight hours must come. The Jews. Crumbling creeds. Our schools. Vivisection. The census enumerator's official catechism. The agnostic Christmas. Spirit- uality. Sumter's gun. What infidels have done. Cruelty in the Elmira reformatory. Law's delay. Bigotry of colleges. A young man's chances to-day. Science and sentiment. "Sowing and reap- ing." Should infidels send their children to Sunday school? What would you substitute for the Bible as a moral guide? Governor Rollins' fast-day proclamation. A look backward and a prophecy. DEISM AND ATHEISM 123 Political morality. A few reasons for doubting the inspiration of the Bible. v. 12. Tributes and miscellany. v.i2 contains full index. IVERACH, James. Theism in the light of present science and philosophy. 1900 211 133 LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2v. 1893 211 L4& "The author defines his purpose as an attempt to trace that spirit which 'leads men on all occasions to subordinate dogmatic theology to the dictates of reason and of conscience, and, as a necessary consequence, greatly to restrict its influence upon life'. . . The author traces the declining sense of the miraculous; the aesthetic, scientific, and moral developments of rationalism; the spirit of persecution; the seculariz- ation of politics; and the industrial history of rationalism." C. K. Adams. MELLONE, Sydney Herbert. Leaders of religious thought in the nineteenth century. 1902. . .211 M59 Contents: Light on the way. John Henry Newman. Newman's "Gram- mar of assent." James Martineau. What is religious experience? Forms of agnosticism and positivism. The agnosticism of Herbert Spencer. Robert Browning. Summary. MERRILL, William Pierson. Faith and sight; essays on the relation of agnosticism to theology. 1900 21 1 M63 NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Menschliches allzumenschliches; ein buch fur freie geister, mit anhang. 2v. in i. 1878-79 211 N33 OWEN, John. Evenings with the skeptics; or, Free discussion on free thinkers. 2v. 1881 211 034 v.i. General causes of skepticism. Greek skepticism. Sokrates and the Sokratic schools. Post-Sokratic skepticism. Hebrew and Hindu skepticism. v.2. Two-fold truth. Relation of Christianity to free-thought. The skepticism of St. Augustine. Semi-skepticism of the schoolmen: Erigena; Abelard; Aquinas. William of Ockam. Raymund of Sabrieude. The plan here adopted of discussions in the form of dialogues inter- spersed with essays, enables the author to introduce the many differ- ing views, to which he is inclined by his comprehensiveness and his independence of thought. PAINE, Thomas. Age of reason; an investigation of true and fabulous the- ology; ed. by M. D. Conway. 1899 211 Pi6 "Paine's confession of faith is simple. He was an ardent Deist believing in a God who created the world, and who is known to mankind through the world which he created. Nature was Paine's Bible, and science its only interpreter. ..Surely these were not startling precepts. At the end of the eighteenth century, Deism had long been known both in France and England. . .Paine's language was not shaped for conciliation. He spoke with the brutal freedom of a reformer. ..He wrote in clear, strong English which the people could understand; and he wrote as one of . them. . .Here was his originality and here his power. ..The shriek which went up when The Age of Reason was published has echoed and re- echoed unto this day. Its cause was partly horror, partly ignorance, but chiefly fear." E. Sedgwick. PEARSON, Karl. Ethic of freethought. 1887 211 P35 Contents: The ethic of freethought. The prostitution of science. Mat- 124 THEOSOPHY ter and soul. The ethic of renunciation. The enthusiasm of the market-place and of the study. Maimonides and Spinoza. Meister Eckehart the Mystic. Humanism in Germany. Note on Jacob Wimp- feling. The influence of Martin Luther on the social and intellectual welfare of Germany. The kingdom of God in Munster. The moral basis of socialism. Socialism in theory and practice. The woman's question. Sketch of the relations of sex in Germany. Socialism and sex. ROBERTSON, John Mackinnon. Short history of freethought; ancient and modern. 1899 21 1 R54 RYLANCE, Joseph Hine. Christian rationalism; essays on matters in debate between faith and unbelief. 1808 211 Rp; Contents: On free thought. On reason and faith. On inspiration and infallibility. On the racking doubt. On existing dissensions between science and religion. An historic foothold for faith. SAUNDERS, Thomas Bailey. Quest of faith; notes on the current philosophy of religion. .1899 211 825 Discusses the aspect of the question whether and how far faith in the existence of a God may be justified, as it stands at the close of the igth century. SCHURMAN, Jacob Gould. Agnosticism and religion. 1896 211 839 "Full of thought, provocative of thought, clear in style, and pertinent to present day intellectual and spiritual needs." Outlook. SETH, Andrew. Two lectures on theism; delivered on the occasion of the sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton university. 1897 2ii 849 WARD, James, b. 1843. Naturalism and agnosticism; the Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Aberdeen, 1896-1898. 2v. 1899 211 W2i WENDLING, George R. Ingersollism from a secular point of view. 1883 211 212 Theosophy BLAVATSKY, Mme Helene Petrovna (Hahn). Isis unveiled; a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. 2v. 1886 212 854 The secret doctrine; the synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy. 3v. 1893-95 r2i2 6543 v.i. Cosmogenesis. v.2. Anthropogenesis. v.3. Index*. HARDING, Burcham. Brotherhood, nature's law. 1897 T2I2 H2$ SINNETT, Alfred Percy. The occult world. 1895 212 S6i SOLOVYOFF, Vsevolod Sergyeevich. Modern priestess of Isis; (Mme Blavatsky). 1895 212 S68 THEOSOPHICAL review; monthly; ed by Annie Besant and G. R. S. Mead. v.26-date. I9oo-date r2i2 T34 RELIGION AND SCIENCE 125 213 Creation. 214 Providence BASCOM, John. Evolution and religion; or, Faith as a part of a complete cosmic system. 1897 213 628 JEVONS, Frank Byron. Evolution. 1900. (The churchman's library.) 213 J3i "Object. . .is to raise the question: If we accept the theory of evolution as true in science, how should it modify the thought and action of a man who wishes to do his best in this world?" Preface. LE CONTE, Joseph. Evolution; its nature, its evidences and its relation to re- ligious thought. 1895 213 L4Q McCOSH, James. The religious aspect of evolution. 1890 213 Mi4 SAVAGE, Minot Judson. The religion of evolution. 1886 213 826 TEFFT, Benjamin Franklin. Evolution and Christianity; or, An answer to the develop- ment infidelity of modern times. 1885 213 T26 BRUCE, Alexander Balmain. Moral order of the world in ancient and modern thought; the Gifford lectures of 1898. 1899 214 682 KIDD, John. On the adaptation of external nature to the physical condi- tion of man. 1852 r2i4 K24 215 Religion and science BEALE, Lionel Smith. Life theories; their influence upon religious thought. 1871. ..r2i5 634 BURROUGHS, John. The light of day; religious discussions and criticisms from the naturalist's point of view. 1000. 215 694 "My polemic, so far as it is such, will be found, I hope, aimed more at theology than at religion." Preface. CECIL, Hugh Mortimer. Pseudo-philosophy at the end of the igth century, v.i. 1897 215 C3i v.i. Mr Kidd's Social evolution. Mr Drummond's Ascent of man. Mr Balfour's Foundations of belief. No more published. An attack upon the books indicated in the list of contents. "He is one who must be reckoned with as a clear thinker, a cogent reasoner, a lucid and accomplished writer." Academy, 1897. DALL1NGER, William Henry. The Creator and what we may know of the method of crea- tion. 1887. (Fernley lecture, 1887.) 215 Di6 DRAPER, John William. History of the conflict between religion and science. 1893. (International scientific series.) 215 079 DRUMMOND, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world. 1897 215 084 126 RELIGION AND SCIENCE HUDSON, Thomson Jay. Divine pedigree of man; or, The testimony of evolution and psychology to the fatherhood of God. 1899 215 H88 HUXLEY, Thomas Henry. Science and Christian tradition. 1894 2I 5 Ho8s Contents: Prologue. Scientific and pseudo-scientific realism. Science and pseudo-science. An Episcopal trilogy. The value of witness to the miraculous. Possibilities and impossibilities. Agnosticism. Ag- nosticism; a rejoinder. Agnosticism and Christianity. The keepers of the herd of swine. Illustrations of Mr Gladstone's controversial methods. Science and Hebrew tradition. 1894 215 HgS Contents: On the method of Zadig. Rise and progress of palaeontology. Lectures on evolution. The interpreters of Genesis and the inter- preters of nature. Mr Gladstone and Genesis. The lights of the church and the light of science. Hasisadra's adventure. The evolution of theology. KINSLEY, William W. Old faiths and new faiths. 1896 215 K27 Contents: Science and prayer. Science and Christ. Science and the life beyond. "Science and prayer" has been published separately in the Chautauqua reading series. LAING, Samuel. Modern science and modern thought. 1898 215 Li6 Contains a supplemental chapter on Gladstone's "Dawn of creation" and "Proem of Genesis," and on Drummond's "Natural law in the spirit- ual world." "There is nothing new about Mr. Laing's opinions, nor is any novelty claimed for them. The new thing is that a Scotch politician and man of business turned seventy should employ his leisure moments in com- piling and publishing a popular handbook of Agnosticism." Academy, 1885. LE CONTE, Joseph. Religion and science. 1874 215 L49 MORRIS, Herbert William. Present conflict of science with religion; or, Modern scepti- cism met on its own ground. 1875 r2i5 M9i PRESSENSfi, Edmond de. Study of origins; or, The problems of knowledge, of being and of duty. 1887 215 Pg2 "I shall be truly happy if this book... do something to dispel the fatal misconception that science and conscience, liberty and religion, are incompatible." Preface. ROMANES, George John. Thoughts on religion; ed. by Charles Gore. 1899 215 R6$ Contents: The influence of science upon religion. Notes for a work on a candid examination of religion. The two essays of Part I were written some time before 1889 but were not published before the author's death (1894). The "Notes" were among his unfinished papers. Show a tendency from a position of unbelief to one of belief in the Christian revelation. SHALER, Nathaniel Southgate. Interpretation of nature. 1893 215 852 Scientist's survey of latest results in science; candid and hopeful, point- ing toward ultimate harmony between religion and science. SHIELDS, Charles Woodruff. Religion and science in their relation to philosophy. 1875. .. .r2is S55 WHITE, Andrew Dickson. History of the warfare of science with theology in Christen- FUTURE LIFE 127 dom. 2v. 1896 215 W63h The same. 2v. 1896 r2is W63h In his preface the author emphasizes the point that in his opinion the struggle is between science and theology, not between science and religion. "Considered alone as a popular presentation of modern views upon the great scientific questions of the day the work deserves to be widely read; but its value is greatly increased by the light which it sheds upon the development of opinion and the clearness with which it estab- lishes the contrast between the fruitful methods of science, and the unfruitful ones of theology in the domain of nature." Popular sci- ence monthly, 1896. Warfare of science. 1893 2I S W63 218 Future life ADAMS, Charles Josiah. Where is my dog? or, Is man alone immortal? 1892 218 A2i CHARLES, Robert Henry. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life in Israel, in Judaism and in Christianity; or, Hebrew, Jewish and Christian eschatology from pre-prophetic times till the close of the New testament canon; the Jowett lectures for 1898-99. 1899 218 C37 Contains several bibliographies. FISKE, John. Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 1895 218 F54 "Given the origin of Man as a derivative being, as of a genus belonging to the Catarrh ine family of apes, to ascertain his destiny: this is the problem to which our author addresses himself. It is the thesis upoli which he addressed the famous Concord School of Philosophy, when the question of immortality was there under discussion; and his essay is now published in this little volume." Nation, 1884. Life everlasting. 1901 218 Fs4l The Ingersoll lecture on the immortality of man, Dec. 19, 1900. The argument is on the lines of evolution, inferring from what man has already become that the logical next step in his progress is the at- tainment of the life everlasting. HUDSON, Thomson Jay. Scientific demonstration of the future life. 1895 218 H88 JAMES, William, b. 1842. Human immortality; two supposed objections to the doc- trine. 1898 218 Ji6 McCONNELL, Samuel D. Evolution of immortality. 1901 218 Mi3 ROYCE, Josiah. Conception of immortality. 1900. (Ingersoll lecture, 1899.).. 218 R8i SAVAGE, Minot Judson. Life beyond death; a review of the world's beliefs on the subject, leading to the question as to whether it can be demonstrated as a fact; with an appendix containing some hints as to personal experiences and opinions. 1899 218 S26 SHALER, Nathaniel Southgate. The individual; a study of life and death. 1900 218 S$2 "The reflections of a geologist and naturalist approaching old age upon human life and death not at all however those of a typical geologist and naturalist, but one of marked peculiarities; a sharp observer, 128 BIBLE who has evidently always been much interested in individual men and women... Book is interesting throughout. Many of its multitude of suggestive ideas light up this thing or that by the side of the road enchantingly." Nation, 1900. STEWART, Balfour, & Tait, P. G. Unseen universe; or, Physical speculation on a future state. 1894 218 884 WHEELER, Benjamin Ide. Dionysos and immortality; the Greek faith in immortality as affected by the rise of individualism; Ingersoll lec- ture on immortality, 1898-99. 1899 218 W6i 219 Analogies CYCLOPAEDIA of nature teachings; a selection of facts, ob- servations, suggestions, illustrations, examples and il- lustrative hints taken from all departments of inani- mate nature. 1896 r2i9 C97 220 Bible Text BIBLE. Whole. Die Bibel; das ist die ganze Heilige schrift des Alten und Neuen testaments nach Martin Luthers iibersetzung, mit bildern der meister christlicher kunst; hrsg. von Rudolf Pfleiderer. 3v. 1895 qr22O.5 B47bib v. 1-2. Altes testament. v.3. Neues testament. Die Bibel; oder, Die ganze Heilige schrift des Alten und Neuen testaments nach der deutschen uebersetzung Mar- tin Luthers r220.5 647 Bible in Arabic qr22O.5 B47a Biblia; das ist die Heilige schrift Altes und Neues testaments; nach der deutschen uebersetzung Martin Luthers. 1743 qr220.5 8473 A copy of the first edition of the famous Saur Bible, the first Bible printed in America in a European language. For a full history of this book see Wright's "Early Bibles of America," chapter 2. Biblia Latina. 1477. Niirnberg qr220.4 647! A rare example of early printing by Antony Koburger, one of the famous German printers. In double columns, 51 lines to the column; the initials of all the books done by hand in colored letters; bound in the original oak boards, covered with pig-skin and brass knobs. This is the second edition, the first being printed in 1475 and the third in 1478. For a fuller description see Quaritch's Catalogue of typographical monuments, r6ss.i Qi8. Biblia; oder, Die ganze Heilige schrift; verdeutscht von Martino Luthero. 1683 r22O-S B47bi Biblia sacra polyglotta; textus archetypes versionesque prae- cipuas ab ecclesia antiquitus receptas, necnon versiones recentiores Anglicanam, Germanicam, Italicam. Gallicam et Hispanicam complectentia; accedunt prolegomena auc- tore Samuele Lee. 2v qr22o.5 BIBLE 129 Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis, Sixti V jussu recogn. et Clement VIII auctoritate edita, accedunt perpetui G. S. Menochii commentarii. 8v. 1755 T22O.4 847 The same T22O.4 B47b Title-page missing. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New testaments T22O.5 647 h Sunday-school teacher's edition. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New testaments with the apocryphal books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin vulgate by John Wycliffe and his follow- ers ; ed. by Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden. 4v. 1850 qr220.4 B47W List of manuscripts, v.i, p. 39-64. Holy Bible translated from the Latin vulgate; the Old testa- ment first published by the English college at Douay, 1609, and the New testament first published by the English college at Rheims, 1582. 1849 220.4 H75 Holy Bible, tr. out of the original tongues ; being the version set forth in 1611 compared with the most ancient authori- ties and revised, 1881-1885 ; newly ed. by the American re- vision committee, 1901. 1901 T220.5 B47ho The American revision committee have incorporated into the text the changes they preferred in the revision of 1885, which were rejected by the English committee, and have made many other changes in that version with the hope of adapting it for more general use. Riverside parallel Bible; being King James's version ar- ranged in parallel columns with the revised versions of 1881 and 1885. 1884 qr220.5 RS2 Sacred books of the Old and New testaments; a new Eng- lish 'translation, with explanatory notes and pictorial illustrations, v.3, 6-7, 10, 12, 14. 1898 Q22O.5 6475 Polychrome edition. v.3. Leviticus. v.6. Joshua, v.;. Judges, v. 10. Isaiah, v.i 2. Ezekiel. v.i 4. Psalms. La Sainte Bible; revue sur les originaux par David Martin. 1890 220.5 847 La santa Biblia, que contiene el Antiguo y el Nuevo testa- mento; version de Cipriano de Valera. 1878 qr22O.5 6475 Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian: arranged and edited as an introduction to the study of the Bible by E. T. Bart- lett and J. P. Peters. 3v. 1886-94 220.5 B47sc v.i. Hebrew story, from creation to the exile. v.2. Hebrew literature. v.3. Christian scriptures. General works BALDWIN, James. Old stories of the East. 1896 J22O 619 BENNETT, William Henry, & Adeney, W. F. The Bible story retold for young people. 1898 J22O 643 BIBLE stories for young people. 1894 J22O 847 Contents: The sacrifice of Noah, by W. E. Griff is. An ancient court- 130 BIBLE ship, by Katharine Crooks. Esau selling his birthright, by J. R. Pax- ton. Jacob before Pharaoh, by J. F. Hurst. Making bricks in Egypt, by John Hall. Little Samuel, by W. M. Taylor. David and Jonathan, by H. C. Potter. Esther and Ahasuerus, by R. S. MacArthur. The nativity, by C. H. Parkhurst. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me," by M. E. Sangster. Peter walking on the water, by J. M. Lud- low. Mary in the garden, by J. H. Vincent. BIBLE stories; in simple language for little children J22O 6473 FOSTER, Charles. Story of the Bible told in simple language. 1877 J22O F8i FRAZER, James George, comp. Passages of the Bible chosen for their literary beauty and in- terest. 1895 220 F8p MEYER, Johann Friedrich von. Bibeldeutungen. 1812 r22O M6$ PEAKE, Arthur Samuel A guide to biblical study. 1897 220 P34 Contains a bibliographical appendix, and a chapter on the books most useful to the student of the Bible. ''Intended for those who wish to make a systematic study of the Bible . . .its purpose is to indicate the methods which should be employed, and the problems to which attention should be directed. As it is not designed for scholars, it is untechnical in character. . .and will, I hope, meet the need of beginners." Preface. TRUMBULL, Henry Clay, and others. Hints on Bible study. 1898 220 T77 BRIGGS, Charles Augustus. The Bible, the church and the reason. 1892 220.1 674 List of the chief modern authorities who hold the modern critical views, p.236-247. Biblical study; its principles, methods and history. 1884. .220.1 B74b Contents: The advantages of biblical study. Exegetical theology. The languages of the Bible. The Bible and criticism. The canon of scrip- ture. The text of the Bible. The higher criticism. Literary study of the Bible. Hebrew poetry. The interpretation of scripture. Bib- lical theology. The Scriptures as a means of grace. Catalogue of books of reference, p.429-488. General introduction to the study of Holy scripture; the principles, methods, history and results of its several departments and of the whole. 1899 220.1 B74g CHADWICK, John White. Bible of to-day. 1891 220.1 C34 CLARIDGE, Richard. Tractatus hierographicus; or, Treatise of the Holy scrip- tures. 1893 . . .220.1 Csi FARRAR, Frederic William, dean, and others. The Bible and the child. 1896 220.1 F25 GLADDEN, Washington. Who wrote the Bible? 1898 220.1 G45 Gives in compact and popular form the principal facts on which scholars now generally agree concerning the literary history of the Bible. LADD, George Trumbull. What is the Bible? an inquiry into the origin and nature of the Old and New testaments in the light of modern biblical study. 1894 220.1 Li3 LIAS, John James. Principles of biblical criticism. 1893 220.1 L68 BIBLE 131 RISHELL, Charles Wesley. The higher criticism; an outline of modern biblical study. 1896 220.1 R49 Written to furnish a concise answer to questions frequently asked con- cerning the higher criticism. Its province is not therefore to discuss and weigh, but to report the facts. Nevertheless, the careful reader will find the principles stated upon which the opponents of the critics proceed in their refutations." Preface. SANDAY, William. Inspiration; lectures on the history and origin of the doctrine of biblical inspiration. 1896. (Bampton lectures.) 220.1 821 SAVAGE, Minot Judson. Beliefs about the Bible. 1883 220.1 826 WILLIAMS, M. B. Among many witnesses; a book for Bible students. 1891 220.1 W74 ZENOS, Andrew Constantinides. Elements of the higher criticism. 1895 220.1 Zsi 220.2 Concordances CRUDEN, Alexander. Complete concordance to the Old and New testaments. 1870 qr220.2 C89 STRONG, James, comp. Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, showing every word of the text of the common English version, together with a comparative concordance of the authorised and revised ver- sions ; also brief dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek words of the original, with references to the English words. 1901 qr220.2 892 YOUNG, Robert, 1822-1888, comp. Analytical concordance to the Bible. 1893 qr22O.2 Y39 220.3 Dictionaries BROWN, John, of Haddington, comp. Dictionary of the Bible. 2v. 1811 T22O.3 878 DAVIS, John D. comp. Dictionary of the Bible. 1808 T22O.3 031 ENCYCLOPAEDIA biblica; a critical dictionary of the Bible; ed. by T. K. Cheyne and J. S. Black, v.i-3. 1899- 1902 qr22O-3 E62 HASTINGS, James, & Selbie, J. A. ed. Dictionary of the Bible, dealing with its language, litera- ture and contents, v.i-4. 1898-1902 qr22O-3 H34 "The work is on the whole a great advance upon the dictionaries of the past Smith's as well as others and deserves a hearty welcome from all Biblical students. At the same time the limitations which beset especially the New Testament articles and those upon Biblical theol- ogy must be recognized as seriously impairing the value of the work, and this is the more to be deplored because its very freedom in other parts seems to guarantee its scientific character, and this gives weight to all its articles. It is cause for lasting regret that a work so good 132 BIBLE in many respects should in other respects fall so far short of the ideal of a modern Bible Dictionary." Nation, 1898. SMITH, Sir William, comp. Dictionary of the Bible. 4v. 1890-94 T22O.3 S66 WINER, Georg Benedict, comp. Biblisches realwcerterbuch, zum handgebrauch fur studi- rende, candidaten, gymnasiallehrer und prediger. 2v. 1847-48 T220.3 W;8 220.5 History of the Bible BEARDSLEE, John Walter. Bible among the nations; a study of the great translations. 1899 220.5 634 BERGHAUER, Johann Thomas Adalbert. Bibliomacheia; das ist biblischer feld-zug und musterung vieler jammerlich-verfalschten Bibelen. 1746 T22O.5 845 A satire on various Protestant translations of the Bible. COPINGER, Walter Arthur. The Bible and its transmission: an historical and biblio- graphical view of the Hebrew and Greek texts, and the versions prior to the reformation. 1897 qr22O.5 79 A sumptuous work containing 27 photographic facsimiles. "The object has been to give a general idea of the condition of the texts and the mode of their transmission, to briefly describe the more im- portant MSS., and to specify the printed editions of the whole Bible, Hebrew, Greek and Latin, in every age, and the vernacular versions prior to the Reformation." Preface. KENYON, Frederic George. Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts; a history of the text and its translations. 1898 220.5 Ki9 Bibliography, p. 28 1-283. RANYARD, Mrs Ellen. The book and its story; a narrative for the young. 1855. .r22O.5 Ri9 A history of the Bible, containing many interesting details of its transla- tion and circulation. Contains also a history of the British and foreign Bible society and the work it has accomplished. SMYTH, John Paterson. How we got our Bible. 1899 220.5 S66 220.7 Commentaries BIBLE. Whole. Holy Bible with an explanatory and critical commentary by bishops and other clergy of the Anglican church; ed. by F. C. Cook. lov. 1891-95 T220.7 H7S v.i. Genesis to Deuteronomy. v.2. Joshua to I Kings. v-3. II Kings to Esther. v.4. Job to the Song of Solomon. v.5. Isaiah to Lamentations. v.6. Ezekiel to Malachi. v.7. St. Matthew to St. Luke. v.8. St. John to the Acts. v.g. Romans to Philemon. Hebrews to Revelation. Known as the "Speaker's commentary." BIBLE 133 CAMBRIDGE Bible for schools and colleges; ed. by J. J. S. Perowne. v.6-7, 9-15, 17-21, 23-53. 1894-98 7220.7 14 v.6. Joshua; ed. by G. F. Maclear. v.7. Judges; ed. by J. J. Lias. v.p-io. Samuel, I and II; ed. by A. F. Kirkpatrick. v.u-12. Kings, I and II; ed. by J. R. Lumby. v.13-14, in i. Chronicles; ed. by W. E. Barnes. .15. Ezra and Nehemiah; ed. by H. E. Ryle. v.i 7. Job; ed. by A. B. Davidson. v.iS-ip. Psalms; ed. by A. F. Kirkpatrick. v. 193. Psalms; ed. by A. F. Kirkpatrick. v.2O. Proverbs; ed. by T. T. Perowne. v.2i. Ecclesiastes; ed. by E. H. Plumptre. v. 23-24. Isaiah; ed. by John Skinner. v.2S. Jeremiah and Lamentations; ed. by A. W. Streane. v.26. Ezekiel; ed. by A. B. Davidson. v.27. Daniel; ed. by S. R. Driver. v.28. Hosea; ed. by T. K. Cheyne. v.29. Joel and Amos; ed. by S. R. Driver. v.3o. Obadiah and Jonah; ed. by T. T. Perowne. v.3i. Micah; ed. by T. K. Cheyne. v.32. Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah; ed. by A. B. Davidson. v.33. Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi; ed. by T. T. Perowne. v.34. Maccabees I; ed. by VV. Fairweather and J. S. Black. v.35. Matthew; ed. by Arthur Carr. t v.36. Mark; ed. by G. F. Maclear. v.37. Luke; ed. by F. W. Farrar. v.38. John; ed. by Alfred Plummer. v-39. Acts; ed. by J. R. Lumby. v.4o. Romans; ed. by H. C. G. Moule. v.41-42. Corinthians; ed. by J. J. Lias. v.43- Galatians; ed. by E. H. Perowne. v-44. Ephesians; ed. by H. C. G. Moule. v.45. Philippians; ed. by H. C. G. Moule. v.46. Colossians and Philemon; ed. by H. C. G. Moule. v.47- Thessalonians; ed. by G. G. Findlay. v.48. Timothy and Titus; ed. by A. E. Humphreys. v.49. Hebrews; ed. by F. W. Farrar. v-so. James; ed. by E. H. Plumptre. Peter & Jude; ed. by E. H. Plumptre. v-52. Epistles of John; ed. by Alfred Plummer. v.53- Revelation; ed. by W. H. Simcox. HENRY, Matthew. An exposition on the Old and New testament, with prac- tical remarks and observations. 5v. 1761-63 qr22O.7 H45 HURLBUT, Jesse Lyman, & Doherty, R.R. Illustrative notes; a guide to the study of the international Sunday school lessons, 1897, 1899. 1896-98 220.7 Hgs PELOUBET, Francis Nathan, & Mrs M.A. Select notes ; a commentary on the international lessons, 1896- date. v.22-date. i895-date T22O.7 P38 The same, i9Oi-date. v.27-date. i9OO-date 220.7 ?38 SPENCE, Henry Donald Maurice, & Exell, J.S. ed. Pulpit commentary. STV T22O.7 874 v.i. Genesis. v.2-3. Exodus. v.4. Leviticus. T.S. Numbers. v.6. Deuteronomy. v.7- Joshua. T.8. Judges. Ruth. v.p. I Samuel. II Samuel. v.ii. I Kings. v.i 2. II Kings. v.i 3. I Chronicles. 134 BIBLE v.14- II Chronicles. v.iS- Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther. v.i6. Job. v.17-19- Psalms. Proverbs. Ecclesiastes. v.22. Song of Solomon. v. 23-24, Isaiah. v.25-26. Jeremiah. Lamentations. v.27-28. Ezekiel. v.29. Daniel. v-30. Hosea. Joel. v-3i. Amos to Micah. v.32. Nahum to Malachi. v-33-34- Matthew. v.35-36. St. Mark. v-37-38. St. Luke. v.39-40. St. John. v. 41-42. Acts. v.43. Romans. v.44. I Corinthians. v.45. II Corinthians. v.46. Galatians. Ephesians. v-47. Philippians. Colossians. v.48. Thessalonians. Timothy. Titus. Philemon. v.49. Hebrews. James. Peter. John. Jude. v.$i. Revelation. 220.8 Special topics BENNETT, Sir James Risdon. The diseases of the Bible. 1896. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.8 643 BOLTON, Gambier. Animals of the Bible. 1901 220.8 B6i BOWEN, Francis. Layman's study of the English Bible considered in its lit- erary and secular aspect. 1885 220.8 B66 Contents: The Bible as an English classic. The narratives of the Old testament. The parables of our Lord; the gospel narrative. The philosophy of the Bible. The poetry of the Bible. The history con- tained in the Bible; the character and the institutions of Moses. BULLINGER, Ethelbert William. Figures of speech used in the Bible explained and illustrated. 1898 qr220.8 B8; Author finds 217 figures of speech used in the Bible. He defines each of these, quotes the Bible passages in which it occurs, and interprets its meaning in each instance. DRYSDALE, A. H. Early Bible songs, with introductions on the nature and spirit of Hebrew song. 1890. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.8 D8s FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. The Bible, its meaning and supremacy. 1897 220.8 Fas FORBES, John. Symmetrical structure of scripture; or, The principles of scripture parallellism exemplified in an analysis of the Decalogue, the Sermon on the mount and other passages. 1854 220.8 75 BIBLE 135 GILLESPIE, Charles George Knox. The sanitary code of the Pentateuch. 1894. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.8 G4I "Chief authorities," p. 8. GROSER, William Howse. Scripture natural history; the trees and plants mentioned in the Bible. 1895. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.8 Goj HART, Henry Chichester. Scripture natural history; the animals mentioned in the Bible. 1888. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.8 H3I MOULTON, Richard Green, and others. The Bible as literature. 1896 220.8 MQ4 MOULTON, Richard Green. Short introduction to the literature of the Bible. 1901. . .220.8 Mg4s "Mr. Moulton's work for the literary study of the Bible has been as suc- cessful as it has been brilliant and enthusiastic. . .In order to give the Bible its rightful place in life there is, as Mr. Moulton says, one thing still left to do read it. To read it understandingly and as literature is the habit Mr. Moulton would build up, and to study this little book, and to read the Bible in its light, is the best possible way to lay the basis for that habit." Educational review, 1900. WILLIAMSON, George Charles. The money of the Bible. 1894. (By-paths of Bible knowl- edge.) 220.8 W75 "Authorities," p.p. 220.9 Biblical geography and history ARMSTRONG, George, comp. Names and places in the Old and New testament and Apocrypha with their modern identifications; revised by Sir C. W. Wilson and C. R. Conder. 1895. (Pales- tine exploration fund. Publications.) T22O.9 A73 An index to all names and places mentioned, with references to the passages in which they occur. The modern names are given with notes and the identifications adopted are those to be found on the map published by the society. BAHR, Karl Christian Wilhelm Felix. Symbolik des Mosaischen cultus. 2v. 1837 220.9 615 BALL, Charles James. Light from the East; or, The witness of the monuments; an introduction to the study of biblical archaeology. 1899. . .q22O-9 621 "The work of an acknowledged authority., .gives, in popular form, a collection of archaeological material, sumptuously printed and illus- trated, and arranged in a somewhat bewildering fashion. The book is not written with any apologetic purpose; the facts are left to speak for themselves." Saturday review, 1899. BIBLE atlas and gazetteer. 1862 qr220.9 647 BIBLE children J220.9 647 BROOKE, Stopford Augustus. The Old testament and modern life. 1896 220.9 677 CONDER, Francis Roubillac, & Claude Reignier. Handbook to the Bible; a guide to the study of the Holy scriptures, derived from ancient monuments and modern exploration. 1890 220.9 74 i 3 6 BIBLE DAWSON, Sir John William. Egypt and Syria, their physical features in relation to Bible history. 1892. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.). .220.9 D33 DAY, Edward. Social life of the Hebrews. 1901. (Semitic series.) 220.9 ^334 Contents: The time qf the judges. The time of the monarchy. ENGEL, Moritz. Die losung der paradiesfrage. 1885 r220.Q 63 FRIEDERICH, Ferdinand. Symbolik der Mosaischen stiftshutte. 1841 220.9 F94 GRAY, George Buchanan. Studies in Hebrew proper names. 1896 220.9 G8i HILPRECHT, Herman Vollrat, ed. Recent research in Bible lands, its progress and results. 1896 220.9 H4i Contents: McCurdy, J.F. Oriental research and the Bible. Bliss, F.J. The mounds of Palestine. Hilprecht, H.V. Explorations in Baby- lonia. Sayce, A.H. Research in Egypt. Hommel, Fritz. Discoveries and researches in Arabia. Ward, W.H. The Hittites. Mahaffy, J.P. Early Greek manuscripts from Egypt. Ramsay, W.M. New light on the book of Acts. HUNTER, Henry. Sacred biography; or, The history of the patriarchs; to which is added the history of Deborah, Ruth and Hannah, and also the history of Jesus Christ; a course of lectures deliv- ered at the Scots church, London- Wall. Jv. in 3. 1803. .r220.9 H94 HURLBUT, Jesse Lyman. Manual of Biblical geography. 1887 Q22O.9 HQS JACOBS, Joseph. Studies in biblical archaeology. 1894 220.9 J J 3 KEIL, Carl Friedrich. Manual of biblical archaeology. 2v. 1887-88 220.9 Ki6 KING, James, of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Recent discoveries on the Temple hill at Jerusalem. 1891. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.9 K26 KITTO, John, ed. Pictorial Sunday book qr22O-9 K3i Memoir of Kitto, p-3-6. KNIGHT, William. The arch of Titus and the spoils of the Temple. 1896. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.9 K34 MACLEAR, George Frederick. Class-book of Old testament history. 1899. (Elementary theological class-books.) 220.9 Mip. NEUMANN, Wilhelm. Die stiftshutte in bild und wort. 1861 220.9 N25 OORT, Henricus, & Hooykaas, Isaac. Bible for learners. 3v. 1892 220.9 025, v.i. Introduction. Generations before Moses. From Moses to David. v.2. From David to Josiah. From Josiah to the supremacy of the Mosaic law. v.3. Narratives of the New testament. OLD TESTAMENT 137 PETERS, Karl. King Solomon's golden Ophir; a research into the most ancient gold production in history. 1899 220.9 P45 RIGGENBACH, Christoph Johannes. Die Mosaische stiftshiitte. 1867 Q22O.9 R45 Authorities, p. 3-4. RULE, William Harris. Oriental records. 2v. 1877 220.9 R86 v.i. Monumental; confirmatory of the Old testament scriptures. v.2. Historical; confirmatory of the Old and New testament scriptures. ST. CLAIR, George. Buried cities and Bible countries. 1892 220.9 $13 SAYCE, Archibald Henry. Fresh light from the ancient monuments. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 220.9 $27 "Higher criticism" and the verdict of the monuments. 1895 220.9 SCHICK, Conrad von. Die stiftshiitte, Der tempel in Jerusalem und Der tempelplatz der jetztzeit. 1896 220.9 Bound with Neumann's Die stiftshiitte in bild und wort. SCHRADER, Eberhard. Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old testament. 2v. 1885- 88 220.9 S37 SMITH, George, 1840-1876. Chaldean account of Genesis, from the cuneiform inscrip- tions. 1880 220.9 S64 THOMPSON, Sir Edward Maunde, and others. Bible illustrations; a series of plates illustrating biblical versions and antiquities. 1896 220.9 ^38 The same. 1896 T22O.9 T38 YONGE, Charlotte Mary. Young folks' Bible history. 1880 J22O.9 Y2Q YOUNG, Dinsdale T. Neglected people of the Bible. 1901 220.9 36 Contents: Isaac. Laban the Syrian. Simeon and Levi. Caleb and his perpetual youthfulness. Saul and the witch of Endor. Barzillai the Gileadite. Obadiah. Gehazi and his modern representatives. The Rechabites. Ebed-Melech. Mark. Barnabas and his winsome disci- pleship. Aquila and Priscilla. Apollos. Onesiphorus and the memo- ry of his kindness. 221 Old testament Text BIBLE Old testament. Bible stories; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1899. (Modern reader's Bible.) J22I B47b Each period of Bible history is represented by its most important stories, told in the language of Scripture, altered only by omissions. An in- troduction and notes to each section weave all together by indicating briefly the bearing of each story on the general history. Select masterpieces of Biblical literature; ed. by R. G. Moul- ton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 221 647 138 OLD TESTAMENT Twenty-four books of the Holy scriptures; tr. according to the Massoretic text, after the best Jewish authorities, by Isaac Leeser. 1897 r22i 647 Vetus testamentum Grsecum ex versione septuaginta inter- pretum. 2v. 1665 1221.4 &47 General works ABBOTT, Lyman. Life and literature of the ancient Hebrews. 1001 221 Ai3 BEALE, Mrs Harriet Stanwood (Elaine). Stories from the Old testament for children. 1899 J22I 634 The writer has told the well-known stories of the Old testament in a simple way, that children may understand and enjoy them, leaving the moral to be deducted by the reader. BUTLER, James Glentworth, ed. Bible-work; Old testament, gv. 1892-99 qr22i 697 Genesis to Exodus, chap. 12. Exodus, chap. 12. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. .3. Joshua. Judges. Ruth. Samuel. i Chronicles, n. i Kings, i- ii. 2 Chronicles, 1-9. .4. Psalms, 1-72. .5. Psalms, 73-150. .6. Job. Proverbs. Ecclesiastes. Song of Solomon. .7. i Kings, 12-22. 2 Kings. 2 Chronicles, 10-36. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther. Isaiah, 4 chapters. Jeremiah, 18 chapters. v.8. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Lamentations. v.9- Ezekiel. Malachi. CHURCH, Alfred John. Stories from the Bible, ist-2d ser. 2v. 1890-91 J22I C46 DRIVER, Samuel Rolles. Introduction to the literature of the Old testament. 1897. (International theological library.) 221 D82 GLADDEN, Washington. Seven puzzling Bible books; a supplement to "Who wrote the Bible?" 1897 221 645 Contents: Judges. Esther. Job. Ecclesiastics. The song of songs. Daniel. Jonah. GOODSPEED, George Stephen. Israel's messianic hope to the time of Jesus; a study in the historical development of the foreshadowings of the Christ in the Old testament and beyond. 1900 221 G6a Selected bibliography, p.289-299- OTTLEY, Robert Lawrence. Aspects of the Old testament. 1897. (Bampton lectures.) 221 031 POLLARD, Josephine. History of the Old testament, in words of one syllable. 1888. .J22i P76 RIEHM, Eduard Carl August. Messianic prophecy; its origin, historical growth and relation to New testament fulfilment. 1891 221 R44 SMITH, William Robertson. The Old testament in the Jewish church; lectures on biblical criticism. 1895 221 S66 DAVIDSON, Samuel. An introduction to the Old testament; critical, historical, and theological. 3v. 1862-63 221.1 029 OLD TESTAMENT 139 GREEN, William Henry. General introduction to the Old testament; the canon. 1898. .221.1 G83g 'Treatises consulted on the canon," p. 15-1 7. "The traditional as opposed to the modern views of the canon of the Old Testament. . .deserves the attention of those who would hear both sides... Dr. Green's statement that he treats his subject 'not theologi- cally but historically,' is quite true as to the form of treatment. But we do not know of any biblical scholar whose critical conclusions seem more controlled, however unconsciously, by a theological theory." Outlook, 1898. McFADYEN, John Edgar. Messages of the prophetic and priestly historians; the writings of the historians of the Old testament, ar- ranged so as to distinguish their principal sources, and freely rendered in paraphrase. 1901. (Messages of the Bible.) 221.1 Mi$ "Books of reference," P-349-352. SMITH, George Adam. Modern criticism and the preaching of the Old testament; eight lectures on the Lyman Beecher foundation, Yale university. 1901 221.1 864 Contents: The liberty and duty of Old testament criticism as proved from the New testament. The course and character of modern criti- cism. The historical basis in the Old testament. The proof of a di- vine revelation in the Old testament. The spirit of Christ in the Old testament. The hope of immortality in the Old tesament. The preaching of the prophets to their own times, with some account of their influence upon the social ethics of Christendom. The Christian preacher and the books of wisdom. WEIR, Thomas H. Short history of the Hebrew text of the Old testament. 1899 221.4 W45 "Authorities consulted," p.4. MOZLEY, James Bowling. Ruling ideas in early ages and their relation to Old testa- ment faith. 1896 221.6 M94 Lectures: Abraham. Sacrifice of Isaac. Human sacrifices. Extermi- nating wars. Visitation of the sins of fathers upon children. Jael. Connection of Jael's act with the morality of her age. Law of retalia- tion. Retaliation; law of Goel. The end the test of a progressive revelation. The Manichsans and the Jewish fathers. MARCHANT, John. Exposition on the books of the Old testament. 1745 qr22i.7 M37 MOULTON, Richard Green. Literary study of the Bible. 1896 221.8 M94 "Deals with the Bible as literature, without reference to theological or distinctively religious matters, or to the historical analysis which has come to be known as 'the higher criticism.' " 221.9 History and biography AGUILAR, Grace. Women of Israel. 2v. in i. 1895 221.9 A.28 CHEYNE, Thomas Kelly. Jeremiah; his life and times. 1888. (Men of the Bible.) . . .221.9 C42 "In the portrayal of the character of Jeremiah, and of the history of his inner life, Prof. Cheyne has. . .succeeded unusually well. His wide reading serves him with many side lights, such as the striking parallel between Jeremiah and Savonarola with which the volume ends." An- do-ver review, 1889. i 4 o OLD TESTAMENT DEANE, Henry. Daniel; his life and times. 1888. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 ^346 Bibliographical note, p.3. Popular study of Babylonian history as related to the Jewish captivity. DEANE, William John. Abraham; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 0343 Bibliographical note, p.3~4- David; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 ^34 Bibliographical note, p.3~4. Joshua; his life and times. 1889. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 D34J Bibliographical note, p.3-4. Samuel and Saul; their lives and times. (Men of the Bi- ble.) 221.9 D34S Bibliographical note, p. 3. DRIVER, Samuel Rolles. Isaiah; his life and times and the writings which bear his name. 1888. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 D82 Bibliographical note, p-3-4. "Clear and judicious sketch of the history of Israel and Judah in the time of Isaiah, as well as of the prophet's ministry, and a chronolog- ical analysis of the text of the prophet without regard to the tradition- al order of the chapters." Athenaeum, 1888. FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. Minor prophets. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 Fasm Brief popular studies of the personalities and messages of the 12 lesser prophets. Solomon; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 F2S Brings out clearly the details of Solomon's reign, concluding with a full analysis of his writings and of the legends connected with his life. GEIKIE, Cunningham. Hours with the Bible. 6v. 1894 221.9 ^28 v.i. Creation to Moses. v.2. Moses to the Judges. v.3. Samson to Solomon. V.4. Rehoboam to Hezekiah, with contemporary prophets. v.5. Manasseh to Zedekiah, with contemporary prophets. v.6. From the exile to Malachi. List of authorities, v.i, p. 7-15. GIGOT, Francis E. Outlines of Jewish history from Abraham to our Lord. 1897. .221.9 G38 Prepared specially for the use of Roman Catholic theological students. LANG, John Marshall. Gideon and the judges; a study, historical and practical. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 L23 Bibliographical note, p.4. MILLIGAN, William. Elijah ; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 M6g RAWLINSON, George. Ezra and Nehemiah; their lives and times. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 R23 Bibliographical note, p. 3-4. Isaac and Jacob; their lives and times. 1890. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 Bibliographical note, p.3. Follows Scripture narrative closely, supplementing it with information about countries and customs. Lives and times of the kings of Israel and Judah. 1889. (Men of the Bible.) 221.9 Bibliographical note, p-3-4- OLD TESTAMENT 141 Moses; his life and times. 1887. (Men of the Bible.) . .. .221.9 R23m Bibliographical note, p.3~4- SMITH, Sir William, ed. Old testament history, (to 400 B.C.). 1894. (Student's Scripture history.) 221.9 S66 TOMKINS, Henry George. The life and times of Joseph in the light of Egyptian lore. 1893. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 221.9 T59 Studies on the times of Abraham 221.9 Tsgs WHYTE, Alexander. Bible characters. 3v. 1899 221.9 W66 v. i . Adam. Eve. Cain. Abel. Enoch. Jubal. Noah. Ham. Nim- rod. Terah. Abraham. Lot. Sarah. Isaac. Esau. Rebekah. Ja- cob. Joseph. Aaron. Miriam. Moses. Moses the type of Christ. Pharaoh. Balaam. Joshua. Achan. v.2. Gideon. Jephthah and his daughter. Samson. Ruth. Hannah. Eli. Samuel. Saul. David. Jonathan. Nabal. Michal, Saul's daughter. isolomon. Solomon, and a greater than Solomon. The Queen of Sheba. Shimei. Joab. Absalom. v.3. Ahithophel. Mephibosheth. Barzillai. Heman. Jeroboam. The disobedient prophet. Rehoboam. Josiah. Elijah. Elisha. Naaman. Job. Jonah. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar. Bel- shazzar. Esther. Ezra. Sanballat. Nenemiah. 222 Historical books HARPER, Henry A. Bible and modern discoveries. 1895 222 H28 BIBLE. Old testament. Pentateuch. Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch, with the fragments of the Jerusalem targum. 1862 222.1 6471 Contents: Genesis. Exodus. William Tyndale's five books of Moses, called the Penta- teuch; a verbatim reprint of the edition of 1530, com- pared with Tyndale's Genesis, of 1534, and the Penta- teuch in the Vulgate, Luther and Matthew's Bible, with various collations and prolegomena, by J. I. Mombert. 1884 qr222.i T96 Biographical notice of Tyndale, p. 17-53. BISSELL, Edwin Cone. Pentateuch; its origin and structure. 1892 222.1 849 BRIGGS, Charles Augustus. Higher criticism of the Hexateuch. 1893 222.1 674 CARPENTER, Joseph Estlin, & Battersby, George Har- ford-, ed. Hexateuch, according to the revised version, arranged in its constituent documents, by members of the Society of historical theology, Oxford; with introduction, notes, marginal references and synoptical tables. 2v. 1900. .qr222.i C22 v.i. Introduction and tabular appendices. v.2. Text and notes. GREEN, William Henry. Higher criticism of the Pentateuch. 1896 222.1 G83 MacDILL, D. Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch defended against the 142 OLD TESTAMENT views and arguments of Voltaire, Paine, Colenso, Reuss, Graf, Kuenen and Wellhausen. 1896 222.1 Mi4 WHITNEY, Mrs Adeline Button (Train). The open mystery; a reading of the Mosaic story. 1897 222.1 W6$ BIBLE. Old testament. Genesis. Genesis; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 222.1 B47g DILLMANN, August. Genesis critically and exegetically expounded. 2v. 1897.. 222.1 D$8 DODS, Marcus. Book of Genesis. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.1 D67 FISKE, Amos Kidder. Myths of Israel; the ancient book of Genesis, with analy- sis and explanation of its composition. 1897 222.1 F54 LUTHER, Martin. Creation; a commentary on the first five chapters of Gen- esis. 1858 T222.I L98 SCHRADER, Eberhard. Studien zur kritik und erklaerung der biblischen urgeschichte, Gen. cap. i-n ; drei abhandlungen, mit einem anhange, Die urgeschichte nach dem berichte des annalistischen und nach dem des prophetischen erzahlers. 1863 r222.i 837 WORCESTER, Elwood C. Book of Genesis in the light of modern knowledge. 1901 . . . .222.1 W88 Lectures delivered Sunday afternoons in St. Stephen's (Episcopal) church in Philadelphia. Devotes most attention to the Flood. BIBLE. Old testament. Exodus. Exodus; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern reader's Bible.) 222.1 6476 CHADWICK, George Alexander, bp. Book of Exodus. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.1 C34 KELLOGG, Samuel Henry. Book of Leviticus. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.1 Ki6 WATSON, Robert Addison. Book of Numbers. 1894. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.1 W32 BIBLE. Old testament. Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern read- er's Bible.) 222.1 B47d DRIVER, Samuel Rolles. A critical and exegetical commentary on Deuteronomy. 1896. (International critical commentary.) 222.1 D82 HARPER, Andrew. Book of Deuteronomy. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.1 H28 BLAIKIE, William Garden. Book of Joshua. 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.2 652 BIBLE. Old testament. Judges. Judges; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern reader's Bible.) 222.3 847 MOORE, George Foot. Critical and exegetical commentary on Judges. 1895. (In- ternational critical commentary.) 222.3 ^87 OLD TESTAMENT 143 WATSON, Robert Addison. Judges and Ruth. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.3 W32 BLAIKIE, William Garden. First and second books of Samuel. 2v. 1898. (Exposi- tor's Bible.) 222.4 652 BUDDE, Karl. Books of Samuel; critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors exhibiting the composite structure of the book. 1894 qr222.4 B8s SMITH, Henry Preserved. Critical and exegetical commentary on the books of Sam- uel. 1899. (International critical commentary.) 222.4 $64 BIBLE. Old testament. Kings. The Kings; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern reader's Bible.) 222.5 647 FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. First and second books of Kings. 2v. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.5 F25 BIBLE. Old testament. Chronicles. Chronicles; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 222.6 C46 BENNETT, William Henry. Books of Chronicles. 1894. (Expositor's Bible.) 222.6 643 ADENEY, Walter Frederick. Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) . .222.7 223 Poetical books BIBLE. Old testament. Poetical books. Biblical idyls; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern read- er's Bible.) 223 647 Contents: Song of Solomon. Ruth. Esther. Tobit. CHEYNE, Thomas Kelly. Job and Solomon; or, The wisdom of the Old testament. 1893. .223 42 Contains several bibliographies. Critical and exegetical study of four of the books of the Old testament, viz. Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiasticus and Ecclesiastes. BIBLE. Old testament. Job. Book of Job; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern read- er's Bible.) 223.1 647 EWALD, Georg Heinrich August von. Commentary on the book of Job, with translation. 1882. .223.1 Eo6 WATSON, Robert Addison. Book of Job. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 223.1 W32 BIBLE. Old testament. Psalms. Hexaplar Psalter; the book of Psalms, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English in six parallel columns. 1843 qr223.2 647 The Psalms and Lamentations; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 2v. 1898. (Modern reader's Bible.) 223.2 647 BARTON, William Eleazar. The Psalms and their story; a study of the Psalms as related 144 OLD TESTAMENT to Old testament history. 2v. 1898 223.2 627 v.i. From the exodus to the exile. v.2. From the exile to the advent. BYTHNER, Victorin. Lyra prophetica Davidis; sive, Analysis critico-practica psalmorum. 1679 r223.2 699 CHEYNE, Thomas Kelly. Origin and religious contents of the Psalter, in the light of Old testament criticism and the history of religions. 1891. (Bampton lectures.) 223.2 42 CLOKEY, Joseph Waddell. David's harp in song and story; a history of the Psalms. 1896 223.2 C6i EWALD, Georg Heinrich August von. Commentary on the Psalms and Lamentations. 2v. 1880- 81 223.2 96 MACLAREN, Alexander. Psalms. 3v. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 223.2 Mig v.i. Psalms, 1-38. v.2. Psalms, 39-89. v.3. Psalms, 90-150. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. An index to the Psalms. 1892 r223.2 U25 VAN DYKE, Henry. Poetry of the Psalms, for readers of the English Bible. 1900 223.2 Vi8 WITHER, George. Exercises upon the first psalme, both in prose and verse. 1882. (Spenser society. Publications, v.34.) T223.2 W82e Peprint of the edition of 1620. Consists of a metrical translation, several readings of the psalm accord- ing to different interpreters, an exposition of its meaning, meditations in verse, and a short prose paraphrase. Preparation to the Psalter. 1884. (Spenser society. Publi- cations, v.37.) qr223.2 W82 Reprint of the edition of 1619. Study and exposition of the Psalms, discussing their authorship, titles, poetry, doctrine, etc. WITHER, George, tr. Psalms of David translated into lyrick-verse, by George With- er. 2v. in I. 1881. (Spenser society. Publications, v.3i- 32.) T223.2 W82p Reprint of the edition of 1632. The poetical translation of each psalm is preceded by a short argument, and followed by a prayer or meditation. BIBLE. Old testament. Proverbs. Proverbs; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern reader's Bible.) 223.7 ?97 HORTON, Robert Forman. Book of Proverbs. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 223.7 H8i BIBLE. Old testament. Ecdesiastes. Ecclesiastes, and the Wisdom of Solomon; ed. by R. G. Moul- ton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 223.8 647 OLD TESTAMENT 145 BRADLEY, George Granville. Lectures on Ecclesiastes; delivered in Westminster abbey. 1898 223.8 B68 COX, Samuel. Book of Ecclesiastes; with a new translation. 1899. (Ex- positor's Bible.) 223.8 C8s RENAN, Ernest. Cohelet; or, The preacher; tr. fr. the Hebrew, with a study on the age and character of the books of Ecclesiastes 223.8 R33 ADENEY, Walter Frederic. Song of Solomon, and the Lamentations of Jeremiah. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) 223.9 ^.23 RENAN, Ernest. Song of songs; tr. fr. the Hebrew, with a study of the plan, the age and the character of the poem 223.9 R33 224 Prophetical books BIBLE. Old testament. Prophetical books. Daniel and the minor prophets; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 224 B47d CORNILL, Carl Heinrich. Prophets of Israel; sketches from Old testament history. 1895 224 C82 EWALD, Georg Heinrich August von. Commentary on the prophets of the Old testament. 5v. 1875-81 224 96 HITZIG, Ferdinand. Die zwolf kleinen propheten. 1863 r224 H63 KIRKPATRICK, Alexander Francis. The doctrine of the prophets; the Warburtonian lectures for 1886-1890. 1897 224 K28 MAURER, Franz Joseph Valentin Dominik. Commentarius grammaticus historicus criticus in prophetas minores. 1840 r224 M49 SANDERS, Frank Knight, & Kent, C.F. The messages of the earlier prophets; arranged in the order of time, analyzed, and freely rendered in paraphrase. 1899. (Messages of the Bible.) 224 S2im The messages of the later prophets; arranged in the order of time, analyzed, and freely rendered in paraphrase. 1899. (Messages of the Bible.) 224 821 Contains prophecies of Ezekiel, Obadiah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Neheniiah, Ezra, Joel and Jonah. SMITH, George Adam. The boo"k of the twelve prophets, commonly called the minor. 2v. 1898. (Expositor's Bible.) 224 864 v.i. Amos, Hosea and Micah, with an introduction and a sketch of prophecy in early Israel. v.2. Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah I-VIII, Malachi, Joel, Zechariah IX-XIV, and Jonah; with historical and criti- cal introductions. 146 NEW TESTAMENT SMITH, William Robertson. The prophets of Israel and their place in history to the close of the 8th century B.C. 1897 224 S66 BIBLE. Old testament. Isaiah. Isaiah; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1898. (Modern reader's Bible.) 224.1 847 Book of Isaiah in Hindustani. 1842 224.1 663 MITCHELL, Hinckley Gilbert Isaiah; a study of chapters 1-12. 1897 224.1 M74 "Books and authors cited," p. 9-14. SAYCE, Archibald Henry. Life and times of Isaiah; as illustrated by contemporary mon- uments. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 224.1 827 SMITH, George Adam. Book of Isaiah. 2v. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.) 224.1 $64 v.i. Chapters 1-39. v.i. Chapters 40-66; with a sketch of the history of Israel from Isaiah to the exile. BIBLE. Old testament. Jeremiah. Jeremiah; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 224.2 647 BALL, Charles James. Prophecies of Jeremiah; with a sketch of his life and times. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 224.2 621 BENNETT, William Henry. Book of Jeremiah; chapters 21-52. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) 224.2 643 Forms a supplement to Prophecies of Jeremiah, by C. J. Ball, in the same series. KEIL, Carl Friedrich. Prophecies of Jeremiah. 2v. 1873-80 T224.2 Ki6 BIBLE. Old testament. Ezekiel. Ezekiel; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. (Modern reader's Bible.) 224.4 647 SKINNER, John. Book of Ezekiel. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 224.4 S62 Bibliographical note, p.s-6. FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. Book of Daniel. 1895. (Expositor's Bible.) 224.5 F 2 5 "Authorities consulted," p.9-i2. MITCHELL, Hinckley Gilbert. Amos; an essay in exegesis. 1893 224.8 M74 MOORE, Thomas Verner. Prophets of the restoration ; or, Haggai, Zechariah and Mala- chi ; translation with notes. 1856 r224.g M87 SIMPSON, William. The Jonah legend; a suggestion of interpretation. 1899 224.9 S6i 225 New testament Text BIBLE New testament. Bible stories; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1899. (Modern reader's NEW TESTAMENT 147 Bible.) J225 B47b Gospel, epistles and revelation of St. John; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1898. (Modern reader's Bible.) 226.5647 Historical New testament; the literature of the New testa- ment arranged in the order of its literary growth and according to the dates of the documents; a new trans- lation, ed. with prolegomena, historical tables, critical notes and an appendix, by James Moffatt. 1901 225 647!! New testament in the original Greek; revised by B. F. West- cott and F. J. A. Hort. 1895 "25.4 847 New testament of our Lord Jesus Christ; published for Samuel Williams, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church, Pittsburgh. 1881 r286 6473 Novum testamentum Jesu Christi. 1781 T225-5 647 St. Matthew and St. Mark and the general epistles; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1898. (Modern reader's Bible.) 226 847 St. Luke and St. Paul; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 2v. 1898. (Modern reader's Bible.) 225 847 Variorum edition of the New testament, with renderings and readings from the best authorities; ed. by R. L. Clarke and others. 1881 r22S-5 6473 General works AUGUSTINE, St. The Sermon on the mount expounded, and The harmony of the evangelists; tr. by William Findlay and S. D. F. Salmond. 1873 225 A92 BEYSCHLAG, Willibald. New testament theology; or, Historical account of the teach- ing of Jesus and of primitive Christianity according to the New testament sources. 2v. 1896 225 646 BURTON, Ernest de Witt, ed. Records and letters of the Apostolic age; Acts, Epistles and Revelation arranged for historical study. 1895 225 695 BUTLER, James Glentworth, ed. Bible-work; New testament. 2v. 1892 qr22S 697 v.i. The fourfold gospel, the four gospels consolidated in a continuous narrative. v.a. The Acts. Epistles. Revelation. DAVIDSON, Samuel. Introduction to the study of the New testament, critical, exegetical, and theological. 2v. 1894 225 D2Q FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. The Herods. 1898 225 F25 "Authorities and books consulted," p.335-*36. The messages of the books; being discourses and notes on the books of the New testament. 1897 225 F25m FIELD, Frederick. Notes on the translation of the New testament; being the Otium Norvicense (pars tertia). 1899 r225 F45 148 NEW TESTAMENT GLOAG, Paton James. Introduction to the Johannine writings. 1891 225 G$i GODET, Frederic. Introduction to the New testament, v.i-2, pt.i. 1894-99. --225 GSS v.i. Epistles of Paul, v.z, pt. i. The collection of the four gospels and the gospel of St. Matthew. GOULD, Ezra Palmer. Biblical theology of the New testament. 1900 225 G73 POLLARD, Josephine. History of the New testament, in words of one syllable. 1888 J225 P;6 REUSS, Eduard Wilhelm Eugen. History of the New testament. 2v. 1884 225 R36 SALMON, George. Historical introduction to the study of the books of the New testament. 1888 225 817 STEVENS, George Barker. Johannine theology; a study of the doctrinal contents of the gospel and epistles of John. 1899 225 S84J The theology of the New testament. 1899. (International theological library.) 225 884 This work is neither apologetic nor controversial. It seeks to expound, not to defend. It sets forth, in systematic form, the doctrinal con- tents of the New testament according to its natural divisions. Brief explanations of the mode of treating certain portions of the New testament, with respect to which important critical differences exist among scholars, are given in the chapters introductory to the several parts of the work. There is a select bibliography (4p.) which com- prises the most important recent literature of the subject. Author is now, (1899), Dwight professor of systematic theology in Yale uni- versity. VINCENT, Marvin Richardson. Student's New testament handbook. 1893 225 V34 Word studies in the New testament. 4v. 1890-1901 r22S V34 v.i. The synoptic gospels. Acts of the apostles. Epistles of Peter, James and Jude. v.2. The writings of John; the gospel, the epistles, the apocalypse. v-3- The epistles of Paul; Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. v.4. The Thessalonian epistles. Epistle to the Galatians. The Pastoral epistles. Epistle to the Hebrews. List of authors and editions, v.i, p. 15-23; v.2, p.3-5; v.3, p.3-7- LIGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber, bp. On a fresh revision of the English New testament. 1871. .225.5 L69 225.7 Commentaries LANGE, Johann Peter. Commentary on the Holy scriptures; New testament; tr. by Philip Schaff. v.i-7, 9. 1872 qr225-7 L24 v.i. Lange. J.P. Matthew. v.2. Lange, J.P. Mark. Oosterzee, J.J. van. Luke. v.3- Lange, J.P. John. v.4. Lchler, G.V. Acts. v.j. Lange, J.P. & Fay, F.R. Romans. v.6. Kling, C.F. First and second Corinthians. v.7. Schtnoller, Otto. Galatians. Braune, Karl. Ephesians. Philip- pians. Colossians. NEW TESTAMENT 149 v.p. Lange, J.P. & Oosterzee, J.J. van. James. Fronmueller, G.F.C. First and second Peter. Braune, Karl. First, second and third John. Fronmueller, G.F.C. Jude. MEYER, Heinrich August Wilhelm, ed. Critical and exegetical hand-book of the New testament, nv. 1887-95. (Bible students' library.) r2257 M6s v.i. Meyer, H.A.W. Gospel of Matthew. v.2. Meyer, H.A.W. Gospels of Mark and Luke. v.3. Meye v.4. Meye v.s. Meye v.6. Meye v.7. Meye v.8. Meye H.A.W. Gospel of John. H.A.W. Acts of the apostles. H.A.W. Epistle to the Romans. H.A.W. Epistles to the Corinthians. H.A.W. Epistle to the Galatians and to the Ephesians. H.A.W. Epistles to the Philippians, the Colossians, Phile- mon and to the Thessalonians. v.g. Huther, J.E. Epistles to Timothy and Titus. Lunemann, Gottlieb. Epistle to the Hebrews. Huther, J.E. General epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude. v.n. Diisterdieck, Friedrich. Revelation of John. Binders title reads Meyer's commentary on the New testament. NICOLL, William Robertson, ed. Expositor's Greek testament, v.i-2. 1897-1900 r2257 N32 v.i. The synoptic gospels, by A. B. Bruce. The gospel of St. John, by Marcus Dods. v.2. Acts, by R. J. Knowling. St. Paul's epistle to the Romans, by James Denney. St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, by G. G. Findlay. Authorities consulted, v.i, p. 58-60. Contains Greek text. SCHAFF, Philip, ed. International illustrated commentary on the New testa- ment, by American and English scholars of various evangelical denominations. 4v. 1890-91 qr225.7 829 v.i. Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. v.2. Gospel of John, and the Acts. v.3. Epistles of Paul. v.4. Catholic epistles and Revelation. SCHMIDT, Paul Wilhelm, & Holtzendorff, Franz von, ed. Short Protestant commentary on the books of the New testa- ment. 3v. 1882-84 225.7 835 225.9 History and biography ABBOTT, Lyman. Life and letters of Paul the Apostle. 1898 225.9 Ai3 BARNES, Arthur Stapylton. St. Peter in Rome and his tomb on the Vatican hill. 1900 Q225-9 625 "He has not only set before his readers the Catholic tradition as to St.. Peter's connection with Rome, but he has given us the best account in English of that wonderful building, or group of buildings, old St. Peter's, which stood beneath the site of the mighty basilica of Bra- mante and' Michael Angelo." Spectator, 1900. BAUR, Ferdinand Christian. Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ, his life and work, his epistles and his doctrine. 2v. 1875-76 225.9 632 CONE, Orello. Paul; the man, the missionary and the teacher. 1898 225.9 74 "To be commended for the light it throws upon the beginning of Chris- tianity and for its lucid analysis of the character, work, and thought of the greatest and most problematical personality of the apostolic age. The complete indexes of subjects and passages enhance the value of the book for reference." 150 NEW TESTAMENT CONYBEARE, William John, & Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 2v. in i. 1894 225.9 76 FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. Life and work of St. Paul. 1893 225.9 F2S FOUARD, Constant, 1'abbe. Saint Paul and his missions. 1899 225.9 F8a "The best life of St. Paul in English by a Catholic writer." American Catholic quarterly review, 1895. GEIKIE, Cunningham. New testament hours. 1894-97. 4v 225.9 G-28 v. i. Gospels. v.a-3. Apostles, their lives and letters. v. 4. St. Peter to Revelation. GIGOT, Francis E. Outlines of New testament history. 1898 225.9 G38i Companion volume to his "Outlines of Jewish history," and like that intended for the use of Roman Catholic theological students. GILBERT, George Holley. The student's life of Paul. 1899 225.9 638 Index of literature cited, p.279. GOODWIN, Frank J. A harmony of the life of St. Paul, according to the Acts of the apostles and the Pauline epistles. 1895 225.9 63 HAUSRATH, Adolf. History of the New testament times; the time of Jesus. 2v. 1878-80 225.9 H 3 5h History of the New testament times; the time of the apostles. 4v. 1895 225.9 H35 IVERACH, James. St. Paul; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 225.9 ^33 Bibliography, p.3- LACORDAIRE, Henri Dominique. Saint Mary Magdalene. 1900 225.9 Li2 Author, a Dominican friar and member of the French Academy, at- tempts to identify Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany. LEWIN, Thomas. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 2v. 1890 qr225_9 L67 MACLEAR, George Frederick. Class-book of New testament history. 1897. (Elementary theological class-books.) 225.9 MIQ MATHESON, George. Spiritual development of St. Paul. 1897 225.9 M46 MEYER, Frederick Brotherton. Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ. 1897 225.9 M6s RENAN, Ernest. Saint Paul. (History of the origins of Christianity.) 225.9 R33 SMITH, Philip. New testament history. 1892. (Student's Scripture his- tory.) 225.9 S6s STALKER, James. Life of St. Paul 225.9 S781 The two St. Johns of the New testament. 1895 225.9 878 NEW TESTAMENT 151 226 Gospels and Acts BIBLE. Neu> testament. Gospels. Holy Gospels; with illustrations from paintings by the Italian, Flemish, German and French masters of the I4th, I5th and i6th centuries; notes on the pictures by Eugene Miintz, and a chronological and biographical list of the painters. 2v. in I. 1900 qr226 647 BARROWS, John Henry. Seven lectures on the credibility of the gospel histories. 1891. .226 Ba6 Binder's title reads "The gospels are true histories." BENNETT, Edmund Hatch. Four gospels from a lawyer's standpoint. 1899 226 643 BRUCE, Alexander Balmain. Parabolic teaching of Christ; a systematic 'and critical study of the parables of our Lord. 1899 226 882 CARPENTER, Joseph Estlin. First three gospels. 1890 226 Caa GARY, George Lovell. The synoptic gospels, with a chapter on the text-criticism of the New testament. 1900. (International handbooks to the New testament.) 226 C24 Bibliography, p. 17-18. ''The books of the New Testament are treated as a literature which in order to be understood must be explained, like all other ancient literatures, in accordance with the accepted principles of the grammat- ical and historical interpretation." General preface to the series. CONE, Orello. The gospel and its earliest interpretations; a study of the teaching of Jesus and its doctrinal transformations in the New testament. 1894 226 C74 Gospel-criticism and historical Christianity; a study of the gospels and of the history of the gospel-canon during the second century, with a consideration of the results of mod- ern criticism. 1891 226 C74g HALL, Thomas Cuming. Messages of Jesus according to the synoptists; the discourses of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, ar- ranged in the order of time, and freely rendered in para- phrase. 1901. (Messages of the Bible.) 226 Hi7 "Important synoptic literature," p. 233-236. HAWKINS, Sir John Caesar. Horae synopticae; contributions to the study of the synoptic problem. 1899 r226 H36 TOLSTOI, Lyof Nikolaivitch, count. The gospel in brief. 1896 226 Ts8 WILKINSON, John Herbert. Four lectures on the early history of the gospels. 1898 226 W73 226.1 Harmonies of the Gospels BIBLE. New testament. The four gospels in one narrative. 1890 226.1 647 152 NEW TESTAMENT BROADUS, John Albert, ed. A harmony of the Gospels in the revised version. 1898. . .226.1 675 CALVIN, John. Harmonia ex evangelistis tribus composita Matthseo, Marco & Luca, commentariis Johannis Calvini exposita; euisdem in Johannem evangelistam, commentarius. 1572 qr226 Ci4 EPHRAEM SYRUS. Fragments of his commentary upon Tatian's Diatessaron; ed. by J. R. Harris. 1895 r226.i E68 ROBINSON, Edward, 1794-1863. Harmony of the four gospels in English according to the common version; with notes by M. B. Riddle. 1886. . . .226.1 R54 The same. 1886 r226.i R54 STEVENS, William Arnold, & Burton, E. D. A harmony of the gospels for historical study; an analyti- cal synopsis of the four gospels in the version of 1881. 1898 226.1 8846 226.2 Matthew BROADUS, John Albert. Commentary on the gospel of Matthew. 1886. (American commentary on the New testament.) r226.2 675 GIBSON, John Monro. Gospel of St. Matthew. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.) 226.2 G37 GORE, Charles. Sermon on the mount; a practical exposition. 1897 226.2 G66 MORISON, James. Practical commentary on the gospel according to St. Matthew. 1899 r226.2 M89 SCHAFF, Philip, ed. Gospel according to Matthew. 1882. (International re- vision commentary.) 226.2 S2 TRENCH, Richard Chenevix, abp. Exposition of the Sermon on the mount; drawn from the writings of St. Augustine; with an introductory essay on Augustine as an interpreter of scripture. 1886 226.2 T72 226.3 Mark BIBLE New testament. Mark. The gospel according to St. Mark; the Greek text with intro- duction, notes and indices; ed. by H. B. Swete. 1898 226.3 647 BADHAM, Francis Pritchett. S. Mark's indebtedness to S. Matthew. 1897 226.3 614 "The object of this work is to prove that S. Mark is generally posterior to S. Matthew." Preface. CHADWICK, George Alexander, bp. Gospel according to Mark. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.) .. .226.3 C34 GOULD, Ezra Palmer. Critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel accord- NEW TESTAMENT 153 ing to Mark. 1896. (International critical commen- tary.) 226.3 G73 MORISON, James. Practical commentary on the gospel according to St. Mark. 1892 r226.3 M89 RIDDLE, Matthew Brown, ed. Gospel according to Mark. 1899. (International revision commentary.) 226.3 R-43 WEIDNER, Revere Franklin. Commentary on the gospel of Mark, embracing the version of 1611 and of 1881. 1881 r226.3 W44 226.4 Luke BIBLE New testament. Luke. The gospel according to Luke, in Greek, after the Westcott and Hort text; ed. with parallels, illustrations, various readings and notes, by Arthur Wright. 1900 qr226.4 647 BURTON, Henry. Gospel according to St. Luke. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.). ..226.4 ^95 GODET, Frederic. Commentary on the gospel of St. Luke. 1870 r226.4 G55 PLUMMER, Alfred. Critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to Luke. 1896. (International critical commentary.). .. .226.4 P? 2 RAMSAY, William Mitchell. Was Christ born at Bethlehem? a study on the credibility of St. Luke. 1898 226.4 Ri8 RIDDLE, Matthew Brown, ed. Gospel according to Luke. 1882. (International revision commentary.) 226.4 K.43 226.5 John ABBOT, Ezra, and others. The fourth gospel. 1891 226.5 Ai2 Contents: The authorship of the fourth gospel, external evidences, by Ezra Abbot. Internal tokens of authorship in the fourth gospel, by A. P. Peabody. Internal evidence for the authenticity and genuine- ness of Saint John's gospel, by J. B. Lightfoot. ABBOTT, Lyman. An illustrated commentary on the gospel according to St. John, for family use and reference. 1888 226.5 Ai3 AUGUSTINE, St. Lectures, or tractates on the Gospel according to St. John; tr. by John Gibb and James Innes. 2v. 1873 226.5 ^.92 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. St. John iii, 16, &c. in the languages and dialects in which the society has printed the Holy scriptures. 1888 T226.5 875 CLARKE, James Freeman. Fourth gospel; the question of its origin. 1886 226.5 53 154 NEW TESTAMENT DODS, Marcus. Gospel of John. 2v. 1899-1900. (Expositor's Bible.) 226.5 v.i. Chapters i-n. v.2. Chapters 12-21. GODET, Frederic. Commentary on the gospel of John with an historical and critical introduction. 2v. 1893 226.5 &S4 GREGG, David. Studies in John's gospel; the gospel of Christ's deity. 1891. .226.5 G86 JACOBUS, Melancthon Williams. Notes on the gospels; critical and explanatory; John. 1858 T226-5 Jl3 MAURICE, Frederick Denison. Gospel of St. John; a series of discourses. 1888 226.5 M49 MEYER, Frederick Brotherton. The life and light of men; expositions of John, 1-12 226.5 ^65 MILLIGAN, William, & Moulton.W. F. ed. Gospel according to John. 1899. (International revision commentary.) 226.5 M69 PEYTON, William Wynne. The memorabilia of Jesus, commonly called the gospel of St. John. 1892 226.5 P47 THOLUCK, August. Commentary on the gospel of John. 1859 r226.5 T37 "The most important commentators on the gospel," p.45-55. 226.6 Acts CALVIN, John. Commentarii integri in Acta apostolorum. 1573 qr226 Ci4 Bound with Calvin's Harmonia ex evangelistis tribus. HOWSON, John Saul, Sf Spence, H. D. M. ed. Acts of the apostles. 1883. (International revision com- mentary.) 226.6 H86 LUCKOCK, Herbert Mortimer. Footprints of the apostles as traced by Saint Luke in the Acts. 2v. 1897 226.6 L97 A sequel to "Footprints of the Son of man." RAMSAY, William Mitchell. St. Paul the traveller and the Roman citizen. 1897 226.6 Ri8 Practically a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, so far as that book exhibits the career of St. Paul, the development of Christianity and the extension of the Christian religion in the Roman Empire. STOKES, George Thomas. Acts of the apostles. 2v. 1897-98. (Expositor's Bible.) .. .226.6 887 ZELLER, Eduard. Contents and origin of the Acts of the apostles, critically in- vestigated, with Franz Overbeck's introduction to the Acts, from de Wette's handbook. 2v. 1875-76 226.6 Z45 226.9 Lord's prayer GLADDEN, Washington. Lord's prayer ; seven homilies. 1899 226.9 45 NEW TESTAMENT 155 227 Epistles BEET, Joseph Agar. Commentary on St. Paul's epistles to the Ephesians, Philip- pians, Colossians and to Philemon. 1895 r227 838 CALVIN, John. Commentarii in omnes Pauli Apostoli epistolas, atque etia in Epistolam ad Hebrseos; adjunximus ejusdem authoris commentarios in omnes canonicas epistolas. 1557 qr226 Ci4 Bound with Calvin's Harmonia ex evangelistis tribus. CONE, Orello. Epistles to the Hebrews, Colossians, Ephesians and Philemon, the pastoral epistles, epistles of James, Peter and Jude ; with a sketch of the history of the canon of the New testament. 1901. (International handbooks to the New testament.) . .. .227 C74 The work is intended for Sunday-school teachers and superintendents, and Bible students in general, and gives more prominence to the re- sults of critical study than to the details. Presents the views of ad- vanced biblical scholars. DRUMMOND, James, b. 1835. Epistles of Paul the apostle to the Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, Romans and Philippians. 1899. (International handbooks to the New testament.) 227 D84 The author is [1901] principal of Manchester college, Oxford, and the book, like others of the series, is written from the Unitarian stand- point. ELLICOTT. Charles John, bp. St. Paul's epistles to the Philippians, the Colossians and Phile- mon (Greek and English text) ; with a critical and gram- matical commentary. 1888 r227 52 LIGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber, bp. Dissertations on the apostolic age. 1892 227 L69 Contents: The brethren of the Lord. St. Paul and the three. The Christian ministry. St. Paul and Seneca; the letters of Paul and Seneca. The Essenes. Reprinted from Dr Lightfoot's published commentaries upon St. Paul's Epistles. Saint Paul's epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon; a re- vised Greek text with introductions, notes and disserta- tions. 1897 T227 L6p Dissertations: The name Essene. Origin and affinities of the Essenes. Essenism and Christianity. MACLAREN, Alexander. Epistles of St. Paul to the Colossians and Philemon. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.) 227 Mi9 RICKABY, Joseph. Notes on St. Paul; Corinthians, Galatians, Romans. 1898 227 R43 Father Rickaby is a member of the Society of Jesus, his book being issued with the approval of Cardinal Vaughan. STEVENS, George Barker. Messages of Paul; arranged in historical order, analyzed, and freely rendered in paraphrase, with introductions. 1900. (Messages of the Bible.) 227 $84 Contains epistles to the Thessalonians, Galatians, Corinthians, Romans, Colossians, to Philemon, the Ephesians and the Philippians. 156 NEW TESTAMENT Messages of the apostles; the apostolic discourses in the Acts and the general and pastoral epistles of the New testa- ment arranged in chronological order, analyzed and freely rendered in paraphrase. 1900. (Messages of the Bible.). .227 S84m "Books of reference," p. 257-258. BEET, Joseph Agar. Commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. 1883. .. .r227.i 638 GORE, Charles. St. Paul's epistle to the Romans ; a practical exposition. 2v. 1899-1900 227.1 G66 v.i. Chapters 1-8. v.2. Chapters 9-16. HORT, Fenton John Anthony. Prolegomena to St. Paul's epistles to the Romans and the Ephesians. 1895 .227.1 H8i MOULE, Handley Carr Glyn. Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.1 M94 RIDDLE, Matthew Brown, ed. Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 1896. (International revision commentary.) 227.1 R43 SANDAY, William, & Headlam, A. C. A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 1896. (International critical commen- tary.) 227.1 S2i BEET, Joseph Agar. Commentary on St. Paul's epistles to the Corinthians. 1895 T227.2 838 "Ancient authors quoted," p. 17-18. DODS, Marcus. First epistle to the Corinthians. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.). .227.2 067 ELLICOTT, Charles John, bp. St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians (Greek text); with a critical and grammatical commentary. 1887 227.2 52 BEET, Joseph Agar. Commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. 1807. ..r227.4 638 "Ancient authors quoted," p.2i-23. ELLICOTT. Charles John, bp. St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians (Greek text) ; with a criti- cal and grammatical commentary and a revised translation. 1889 T227.4 ES2 FINDLAY, George Gillanders. Epistle to the Galatians. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.4 F49 LIGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber, bp. Saint Paul's epistle to the Galatians; a revised Greek text with introduction, notes and dissertations. 1900 r227-4 L69 Dissertations: Were the Galatians Celts or Teutons? The brethren of the Lord. St. Paul and the three. RAMSAY, William Mitchell. Historical commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the GaJatians. 1900 227.4 An introduction of 234 pages treats of the history of Galatia and its social, political and religious condition in the time of St. Paul. NEW TESTAMENT 157 ELLICOTT, Charles John, bp. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians (Greek text) ; with a critical and grammatical commentary and a revised translation. 1884 -. r227_5 52 FINDLAY, George Gillanders. Epistle to the Ephesians. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.5 F49 GORE, Charles. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians; a practical exposition. 1898 227.5 G66 LIGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber, bp. Saint Paul's epistle to the Philippians; revised Greek text with introduction, notes and dissertations. 1898 r227.6 L6g Dissertations: The Christian ministry. St. Paul and Seneca. RAINY, Robert. Epistle to the Philippians. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.) ... .227.6 Ri6 VINCENT, Marvin Richardson. Critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon. 1897. (International critical commentary.) 227.6 34 DENNEY, James. Epistles to the Thessalonians. 1899. (Expositor's Bi- ble.) 227.8 D43 ELLICOTT, Charles John, bp. St. Paul's epistles to the Thessalonians (Greek text); with a critical and grammatical commentary and a revised trans- lation. 1880 T227.8 F.52 Pastoral epistles of St. Paul (Greek text); with a critical and grammatical commentary and a revised transla- tion. 1883 T227.8 E52p PLUMMER, Alfred. Pastoral epistles. 1900. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.8 P72 Epistles to Timothy and Titus. AYLES, H.H.B. Destination, date and authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1899 227.8 A97 BRUCE, Alexander Balmain. Epistle to the Hebrews; an exegetical study. 1899 227.8 682 EDWARDS, Thomas Charles. Epistle to the Hebrews. 1898. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.8 32 MILLIGAN, George. Theology of the Epistle to the Hebrews; with a critical introduction. 1899 227.8 M6g List of books referred to, p. 17-20. WESTCOTT, Brooke Foss, bp. Epistle to the Hebrews; the Greek text, with notes and essays. 1892 r227.8 Ws6 MAYOR, Joseph Bickersteth. Epistle of St. James; the Greek text with introduction, notes and comments. 1897 . rzzj.g M54 PLUMMER, Alfred. General epistles of St. James and St. Jude. 1899. (Ex- positor's Bible.) 227.9 ?7 2 158 APOCALYPSE HORT, Fenton John Anthony. First Epistle of St. Peter; the Greek text with introduc- tory lecture, commentary and additional notes. 1898. .227.9 H8i Includes only chapter i and the first 17 verses of chapter a. LUMBY, Joseph Rawson. Epistles of St. Peter. 1893. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.9 L97 BIBLE New testament. John. Three epistles of John, translated into Delaware Indian by C. F. Dencke. 1818 T227.9 647 English and Indian text. ALEXANDER, William, abp. Epistles of St. John; twenty-one discourses, with Greek text, comparative versions and notes chiefly exegetical. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 227.9 ^37 WESTCOTT, Brooke Foss, bp. Epistles of St. John; the Greek text with notes and essays. 1892 227.9 Ws6 228 Apocalypse BENSON, Edward White, abp. The Apocalypse, an introductory study of the Revelation of St. John the divine; a presentment of the structure of the book and of the fundamental principles of its interpreta- tion. 1900 q228 644 BLEEK, Friedrich. Lectures on the Apocalypse. 1875 228 654 CONTEMPLATION of the first eight chapters of Genesis, con- taining the history of the antedeluvian world and man's creation; also a sketch from the Revelations. 1883 r228 C76 Running title is Alpha and Omega. IRVING, Edward. Prophetical works; exposition of the Book of Revelation; ed. by Gavin Carlyle. 2v. 1867-70 228 128 MAURICE, Frederick Denison. Lectures on the Apocalypse. 1885 228 M49 MILLIGAN, William. Book of Revelation. 1899. (Expositor's Bible.) 228 M69b Revelation of St. John. 1886. (Baird lecture, 1885.) 228 M69 Bibliography, p. 15-19. REID, William James. Lectures on the Revelation. 1878 228 R3i ROBERTS, Robert. Thirteen lectures on the things revealed in the last book of the New testament commonly known as "Revelation;" shewing their bearing on the events of history and on those mightier events of the near future to which they have all been leading. 1880 r228 RS3 TRENCH, Richard Chenevix, abp. Commentary on the epistles to the seven churches in Asia, Revelation, 2-3. 1897 228 DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY 159 VAUGHAN, Charles John. Lectures on the Revelation of St. John. 1882 . .228 V23 229 Apocrypha ;, BIBLE Old testament. Apocrypha. The apocalypse of Baruch; tr. fr. the Syriac and ed. by R. H. Charles. 1896 ; 229 6474 A composite work believed to be contemporaneous with the chief writ- ings of the New testament. It was written by orthodox Jews as an apology for Judaism, and an attack upon Christianity. Assumption of Moses; tr. fr. the Latin 6th century ms., the unemended text of which is published herewith, with the text in its restored and critically emended form; ed. by R. H. Charles. 1897 229 647 Ecclesiasticus; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1896. (Modern reader's Bible.) 229 23 BIBLE New testament. Apocrypha. Apocryphal gospels, acts and revelations; tr. by Alexander Walker. 1890. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 229 B47ap BUDGE, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis, ed. History of the blessed Virgin Mary, and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at; English translations. 1899. (Luzac's Sem- itic text and translation series.) 229 685 "Translations of two curious and interesting works, which, though styled 'Histories' by the Syrian translators, manifestly belong to the very- large section of Syriac literature which contains the Apocrypha of the New Testament." Preface. 230 Doctrinal theology ABBOTT, Edwin Abbott. The spirit on the waters; the evolution of the divine from the human. 1897 230 Ai3 "The aphoristic style was deliberately adopted in order to repel all but those who are genuinely interested in the subject for its own sake and who find both in the world and in the Bible very serious obstacles to intelligent and sincere faith. . .For them alone the author has attempted to state his reasons, independently of miracles, for worshipping God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and for accepting, in the fullest spiritual sense, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Atone- ment, and the Divinity, of Christ." Preface. ABBOTT, Lyman. The theology of an evolutionist. 1897 230 Ai32 A companion volume to the "Evolution of Christianity" and "Christianity and social problems." It endeavors to indicate the direction in which modern thought is looking and ought to look for the interpretation of spiritual life. ALLEN, Alexander Viets Griswold. Christian institutions. 1897. (International theological library.) 230 A42C Contents Historical survey. Apostles, prophets, teachers. Presbyters, bishops, deacons. Age of transition. Ignatian episcopate. Theories regarding the origin of the episcopate. Christian ministry in the sec- ond century. Age of Cyprian. Monasticism in its relation to the 160 DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY episcopate and to the Catholic church. The Greek church; nationality and the episcopate. Episcopate and the papacy. Organization of the churches in the age of the reformation. Catholic creeds. Doctrine of the Trinity; its place in history and its relation to human progress. Historical significance of the miracle. Life of the spirit; doctrine of the atonement; relation of the divine to the human. Person of Christ in modern thought; difficulty with the miracle; Anglican and German theology. Baptism. Development of principles which affected the cultus. Christian cultus. Lord's Supper. Continuity of Christian thought; a study of modern theol- ogy in the light of its history. 1895 230 A42 ASKWITH, E. H. Christian conception of holiness. 1900 230 A83 BOARDMAN, George Nye. History of New England theology. 1899 230 857 "The present work had its origin in a series of lectures prepared for an elective course in Chicago theological seminary. . .The aim... is to trace the 'new divinity," formerly so called, in its development through the century between 1730 and 1830, through its Berkshire and Hopkinsian eras, to its final form as New England theology." BRADFORD, Amory Howe. Age of faith. 1900 230 B68 Contents: The age of faith. The conception of God. God interpreted by fatherhood. The basis of optimism. Brotherhood. Suffering and sorrow. Sin. Salvation. Prayer. Punishment or discipline. The im- mortal life. The teacher for all ages. BRIGGS, Charles Augustus. Whither? a theological question for the times. 1889 230 874 Using the Westminster confession as a test of orthodoxy, author exam- ines various departures from this standard in the Presbyterian churches. Last two chapters discuss the question of church unity. BRISSET, George, lord of Gratence. Apologie; ed. by Edmund Goldsmid. 1884. (Bibliotheca curiosa.) r23o 675 BRUCE, Alexander Balmain. Kingdom of God; or, Christ's teaching according to the synoptical gospels. 1896 230 682 CLARKE, James Freeman. Common-sense in religion. 1890 230 C53 Essentials and non-essentials in religion. 1897 2 3 C53e Contents: Faith and belief. Christ and Christianity. The Bible. The church and worship. Christian experience. The future life. Steps of belief; or, Rational Christianity maintained against atheism, free religion, and Romanism. 1890 230 C53S CLARKE, William Newton. An outline of Christian theology. 1894 - 2 3 5370 Discusses the sources of Christian theology, which the author declares to be Christian revelation, man and the universe, the Christian conception of God, man, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the divine life in man, and finally, things to come. In its spirit the book is reverent, thor- oughly devotional, but wholly candid. Its first paragraph contains the keynote ot the whole work: "Religion is the reality of which theology is the study." What shall we think of Christianity? the Levering lectures, 1899. 1899 230 CS37 Contents: The Christian people. The Christian doctrine. The Chris- tian power. COTTERILL, Henry, bp. Revealed religion expounded by its relations to the moral DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY 161 being of God. 1884. (Bedell lectures.) 230 83 Contents: Fundamental principle of the science of theology. Relation of this principle to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Redemption of man the complete exponent of the principle that love is the being of God. CRANE, Frank. Religion of to-morrow. 1899 230 C86 The author believes in the doctrines of evangelical Christianity, but also believing that the common ideas concerning them contain much error he here attempts to separate the false and artificial from the true and real in modern theology. His fundamental proposition is that "reli- gion is the personal influence of God." D'ARCY, Charles Frederick. Idealism and theology; a study of presuppositions; the Donnellan lectures, 1897-98. 1899 230 D24 DOLE, Charles Fletcher. Theology of civilization. 1899 230 D69 "I believe that the time for religious controversy has passed. We have reached a point, through the labor of many thinkers, where we can now see the harmony of views that once seemed to be contradictory, and can therefore offer a broad and fresh interpretation, both ethical and uplifting, and more satisfactory to the conscience and to the intel- leTct than any previous interpretation." Preface. FEUERBACH, Ludwig Andreas. Essence of Christianity. 1893 230 F43 FISHER, George Park. History of Christian doctrine. 1896. (International theo- logical library.) 230 FS3 GARDNER, Percy. Exploratio evangelica; a brief examination of the basis and origin of Christian belief. 1899 230 Gi8 "Partly it is negative, or rather, critical, for it discusses with the mer- ciless logic of history the basis of traditions on which, in the mind of the plain man, Christianity rests: partly it is constructive, or, rather, reconstructive, for it attempts to replace that basis, found un- trustworthy, by another in the heart and moral ideals of men." Academy, 1900. GAR VIE, Alfred E. Ritschlian theology, critical and constructive; an exposi- tion and .an estimate. 1899 230 Gi9 GERHART, Emanuel Vogel. Institutes of the Christian religion. 2v. 1894 230 631 GLADDEN, Washington. How much is left of the old doctrines? a book for the peo- ple. 1899 230 G4S Contents: Belief in God. How the worlds were made. What is the supernatural? What is the Bible? Is there a personal devil? What do we inherit? The doctrine of the Trinity. The word made flesh. How Christ saves men. Predestination. Conversion. The meaning of baptism. The significance of the Lord's Supper. The hope of immortality. The thought of heaven. GORDON, George Angier. New epoch for faith. 1901 230 G6$ Interpretation of present day religious conditions, taking the ground that the whole trend of religious development during the last quarter of the ipth century has been toward freer and fuller faith. GREG, William Rathbone. Creed of Christendom; its foundations contrasted with its superstructure. 1878 230 G86 162 DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY HARNACK, Adolf. History of dogma. 7v. 1895-1900 230 The last volume contains a general index. What is Christianity? lectures delivered in the University of Berlin, 1899-1900 ; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 1901 230 H28w HERRMANN, Willibald. The communion of the Christian with God; a discussion in. agreement with the view of Luther. 1895 230 H47 HUTTON, Richard Holt. Theological essays. 1895 230 H97 Contents: The moral significance of atheism. The atheistic explana- tion of religion. Science and theism. Popular pantheism. What is revelation? Christian evidences, popular and critical. The historical problems of the Fourth gospel. The incarnation, and principles of evidence. M. Kenan's "Christ." M. Renan's "St. Paul." The hard church. Romanism, Protestantism and Anglicanism. HYDE, William De Witt. God's education of man. 1899 230 H99g Outlines of social theology. 1895 230 H99 ILLINGWORTH, John Richardson. Personality, human and divine. 1899. (Bampton lectures.)'. .230 122 Contents: Development of the conception of human personality. Analy- sis of the conception of human personality. Development of the con- ception of divine personality. Analysis of the conception of divine personality. Moral affinity needful for the knowledge of a person. Religion in the prehistoric period. Religion in pre-Christian history. Jesus Christ the divine and human person. Notes. JONES, E. Griffith-. Ascent through Christ; a study of the doctrine of redemption in the light of the theory of evolution. 1900 230 J39 KAFTAN, Julius. The truth of the Christian religion. 2v. 1894 230 Kn v.i. The origin of dogma. The development of theology. Orthodox dogmatics. The breaking up of ecclesiastical dogma. The judg- ment of history. v.z. Knowledge. The primacy of practical reason. Criticism of the tra- ditional speculative method. The proof of Christianity. KING, Henry Churchill. Reconstruction in theology. 1901 230 K26 The questions most fully discussed are the influence upon theology of modern science, miracles, evolution, and the historical and literary criticism of the Bible. KUYPER, Abraham. Encyclopedia of sacred theology; its principles. 1898 r23O K44 In the original this work consists of three volumes. This translation contains the first 53 pages of v. i of the original, and v.2 entire. MACPHERSON, Rev. John. Christian dogmatics. 1808 230 M22 Bibliographies at the beginning of each section. A systematic presentation in methodical order, of all the leading doc- trines of the Christian faith from the standpoint of a moderate Cal- vinism. The history of dogma and the biblical element are included only when necessary for the clear and intelligible statement of the doctrine. MARTINEAU, James. Seat of authority in religion. 1891 230 M43 Dr Martineau holds that in the moral intuitions, in the response of the soul to all spiritual excellence higher than its own, is the seat of authority in religion. Studies of Christianity. 1891 230 M43S DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY 163 MEAD, Joseph. Works. 1672 qr230 MSS "Life of Joseph Mede," p.i-34. MOHLER, Johann Adam. Symbolism; or, Exposition of the doctrinal differences be- tween Catholics and Protestants, as evidenced by their symbolical writings. 1894 2 30 M76 Author was a German Roman Catholic theologian, professor at Tubin- gen, and after 1835 at Munich. This is his chief work. MORGAN, John Vyrnwy, ed. Theology at the dawn of the twentieth century ; essays on the present status of Christianity and its doctrines. 1901 230 M8o, "Made up of many brief contributions of men of ability and prominence, who represent a large variety of opinion . . . Though the themes con- sidered are principally doctrinal, they include a few of a practical character, as 'Divorce and Re-Marriage," 'Religious Condition of the Anglo-Saxon Race,' etc. It is the progressive rather than the con- servative element that is represented in the book." Dial, 1902. MULFORD, Elisha. Republic of God. 1893 230 MQS ORR, James. Progress of dogma; the Elliot lectures, delivered at the West- ern theological seminary, Allegheny, 1897. 1901 230 O28p A general survey of the growth of dogma. The first six chapters deal with the early period of development, the seventh with the middle ages, the eighth with the Reformation, and the last two with modern developments. Mr Orr defends dogmatic teaching in general, and his book supplies a corrective to present day tendencies toward the re- jection of dogma in every form. The Ritschlian theology and the evangelical faith. 1897 230 028 "Literature on the Ritschlian theology," p.272-276. PFLEIDERER, Otto. Paulinism; a contribution to the history of primitive Chris- tian theology. 2v. 1891 230 ?48 v.i. Exposition of Paul's doctrine. v.2. History of Paulinism in the primitive church. ROBERTSON, Archibald. Regnum Dei; eight lectures on the kingdom of God in the history of Christian thought. 1901. (Bampton lectures. 1901.) 230 R53 "In the opening lecture, Dr. Robertson briefly discusses the idea of pur- pose at the root of the problem of life; then he proceeds to trace the varying conception of the Kingdom of God as set forth in the Old and New Testaments, in St. Augustine, the medieval theocracy, and so on to modern ideals, thought, work, and life." Contemporary re- view, 1902. SABATIER, Auguste. Vitality of Christian dogmas and their power of evolu- tion, a study in religious philosophy; tr. by Mrs Em- manuel Christen. 1898 230 Sn SAVAGE, Minot Judson. The passing and the permanent in religion. 1901 230 826 Contents: Religions and religion. Theologies and theology. The uni- verse. Man. Bibles. Gods and God. Saviours. Worship. Prayer. The church. Hells. Heavens. The resurrection life. The distinguished Unitarian divine here tries to disentangle the essen- tials of religion from the non-essentials which the changing theories of man in different ages have imposed upon it. SCHAFF, Philip. Theological propaedeutic; a general introduction to the 164 . GOD, TRINITY study of theology, exegetical, historical, systematic and practical; a manual for students. 1896 230 829 Contains a selected list of the best books in all the departments of a theological education, which have appeared in English, with a few books in other languages, by S. M. Jackson, p.539-596. SLICER, Thomas Roberts. One world at a time ; a contribution to the incentives of life. 1902 230 863 Contents: The sceptic. The agnostic. The believer. From the Sermon on the mount to the Nicene creed. Why do Christians differ? What is it to believe in Christ? "A cold and intellectual religion." "A difficult religion." Does Unitarianism "pull down and not build up?" What has been built up. How religion may be taught. The passage from traditional to personal religion. % STRONG, Josiah. The next great awakening. 1902 230 892 Contents: The supreme need of the world. The law of spiritual quick- ening. The kingdom of God. The social laws of Jesus. The social teachings of Jesus not accepted. The social teachings of Jesus applied will bring social healing. The social teachings of Jesus applied will bring spiritual quickening. TOLSTOI, Lyof Nikolaievitch, count. Christian teaching. 1898 230 T8 TULLOCH, John. Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the I7th century. 2v. 1874 230 T83 v.i. Liberal churchmen. v.2. Cambridge Platonists. "Gives the best account of the Cambridge Platonists and their fore- runners." TYRRELL, George. Hard sayings; a selection of meditations and studies. 1900. .. .230 To8 In these meditations Father Tyrrell of the Society of Jesus illustrates and presents anew some of the fundamental principles of the Roman Catholic faith. WILHELM, Joseph, & Scannell, T.B. Manual of Catholic theology; based on Scheeben's Dogmatik. 2V. l899 230 W>2 v.i. The sources of theological knowledge. God. Creation and the supernatural order. v.2. The fall. Redemption. Grace. The church and the sacraments. The last things. 231 God, Trinity AUGUSTINE, St. On the Trinity; tr. by A. W. Haddan. 1873 .231 Apa BARROWS, John Henry. I believe in God, the Father Almighty. 1892 231 626 BREWER, Ebenezer Cobham, conip. Dictionary of miracles. 1889 r23i 673 CLARKE, William Newton. Can I believe in God the Father? 1899 231 CS3 Lectures delivered at the Summer school of theology of Harvard uni- versity, 1899. DENISON, John Henry. Christ's idea of the supernatural. 1895 231 042 GORDON, Adoniram Judson. The ministry of the Spirit. 1896 231 G65 CHRISTOLOGY 165 HARRIS, Samuel. God, the creator and lord of all. 2v. 1896 231 H2p Self-revelation of God. 1899 231 H2gs LAMBING, Andrew Arnold, comp. Come, Holy Ghost; or, Edifying and instructive selections from many writers on devotion to the third person of the adorable Trinity. 1901 231 Li8 LYTTELTON, Arthur Temple, bp. Place of miracles in religion; the Hulsean lectures for 1891. 1899 ' 231 L99 PAINE, Levi Leonard. Critical history of the evolution of trinitarianism and its outcome in the new Christology. 1900 231 Pi6 "Aim has been first to ascertain the exact historical truth concerning this most important chapter of Christian theological thought, and next to state all the facts thus gained with the utmost candor, sincerity and freedom. ..Conclusions contain no a priori dogmatic element; they are wholly drawn inductively from history itself." Preface. Author is (1900) professor of ecclesiastical history in Bangor theologi- cal seminary. PIKE, Granville Ross. The divine drama; the manifestation of God in the universe. 1898 231 Ps8 "A book of marked originality and merit. The appropriateness of its title lies in the primitive idea of the word "drama" more than in the modern. Not a divine spectacle, but a divine activity is its theme... In its adjustment of the new lines of thought to the old landmarks it is thoroughly modern in spirit and expression, and profoundly spiritual in idea." Outlook, 1898. The first section of the book deals with theology proper, the second is anthropological, the third is sociological and the fourth is devoted to eschatology. SAVAGE, Minot Judson. Belief in God; an examination of some fundamental theistic problems, with The intellectual basis of faith, by W. H. Savage. 1884 231 826 SUPERNATURAL religion; the reality of divine revelation. 2v. in I. 1875 231 S9S 232 Christology ANDREWS, Samuel James. Life of our Lord. 1891 232 ATONEMENT in modern religious thought; a theological symposium, by Frederic Godet and others. 1900 232 A88 Series of articles contributed to the "Christian world" by Godet, Har- nack, Sabatier, Abbott, Gladden, Munger, Farrar, Fremantle, Adeney, Campbell, Cave, Dods, Forsyth, Home, Horton, Hunter and Snell. BEECHER, Henry Ward. Life of Jesus the Christ. 1871 Q232 837 BERNARD, Thomas Dehany. Songs of the holy nativity. 1895 232 645 Contents: As recorded in Scripture. As in use in the church. BRIGGS, Charles Augustus. Messiah of the apostles. 1895 232 B74m Messiah of the Gospels. 1894 2 32 674 166 CHRISTOLOGY BRUCE, Alexander Balmain. Humiliation of Christ in its physical, ethical and official as- pects. 1895. (Cunningham lectures ; ser. 6.) 232 B82h "I purpose in the following lectures to employ the teaching of Scripture, concerning the humiliation of the Son of God, as an aid in the forma- tion of just views on some aspects of the doctrine of Christ's person, experience, and work, and as a guide in the criticism of various Christological and Soteriological theories." Preface. With open face; or, Jesus mirrored in Matthew, Mark and Luke. 1896 232 682 "These popular sketches of the spirit and teaching of our Lord, as ex- bited in selected scenes from the Evangelic Records, are the overflow from severer studies meant to meet the want of professional students of Scripture." Preface. The last chapter sets forth for the instruction of children, in the form of a historical catechism, the main facts concerning Jesus. CLARKE, James Freeman. Life and times of Jesus as related by Thomas Didymus. 1892 232 C53 COYLE, John Patterson. The imperial Christ. 1896 232 C8si Sketch of the author, by G. A. Gates, p. 7-63. The spirit in literature and life. 1896 232 C8s CROOKER, Joseph Henry. Different New testament views of Jesus. 1891 232 C&j DIDON, Henri. Jesus Christ. 2v. 1891 232 D$6 DORNER, Isaak August. History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ. 5v. 1861-63 2 3 2 ^73 EDERSHEIM, Alfred. Jesus the Messiah. 1898 232 27} This is an abridged edition of Edersheini's "Life and times of Jesus the Messiah." Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 2v. 1896 232 27 The same. 2v. 1886 r232 27 Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah; the War- burton lectures, 1880-1884; with two appendices on the arrangement, analysis and recent criticism of the Pen- tateuch. 1885 232 27? FAIRBAIRN, Andrew Martin. The place of Christ in modern theology. 1897 232 FiS F.ARRAR, Frederic William, dean. Life of Christ. 1895 232 F25 List of authorities, p.3i~32. The same r232 F2S FORREST, David W. The Christ of history and of experience 232 78 FOUARD, Constant, 1'abbe. Christ the son of God; a life of Christ. 2v. 1899 232 F82 Authorities, p.2i-2S. Work of an able Roman Catholic priest, with a preface by Cardinal Manning. GARRETT, Alexander Charles. Philosophy of the incarnation. 1891. (Baldwin lectures.) 232 Gio. CHRISTOLOGY 167 GEIKIE, Cunningham. Life and words of Christ. 2v. 1894 232 G28 The same. 2v. in i. 1895 232 GaSc GILBERT, George Holley. First interpreters of Jesus. 1901 232 G38f Study of the New testament revelation of Jesus Christ. Revelation of Jesus; a study of the primary sources of Chris- tianity. 1899 232 G38r Student's life of Jesus. 1898 232 G38 GORDON, George Angier. Christ of to-day. 1896 232 G6s GORE, Charles. Incarnation of the Son of God. 1898. (Bampton lectures.) 232 G66 GORE, Charles, ed. Lux mundi; a series of studies in the religion of the incar- nation. 1890 232 G661 GRISWOLD, Rufus Wilmot, ed. Life of the Saviour by the poets and painters. 1845 r232 G93 HALL, Charles Cuthbert. Gospel of the divine sacrifice. 1898 232 Hi7 Interpretation of existing evangelistic beliefs. HOFFMAN, Charles Frederick. Christ, the patron of all true education. 1893 232 H67c Gospel of youth in the God-man. 1895 232 H6/ HUGHES, Thomas. Manliness of Christ 232 H8g INNES, Alexander Taylor. The trial of Jesus Christ; a legal monograph. 1899 232 124 KEIM, Theodor. History of Jesus of Nazara freely investigated in its con- nection with the national life of Israel. 6v. 1876-83. . . .232 Ki6 LANGE, Johann Peter. Life of Christ, a complete critical examination of the ori- gin, contents and connection of the Gospels. 4v. 1872. . . .232 L24 LEE, Gerald Stanley. The shadow Christ; an introduction to Christ Himself. 1896 232 L$2 The author's theme is the connection between Moses, Job, David and Isaiah, and Christ. LIDDON, Henry Parry, canon. Christmastide in St. Paul's; sermons. 1893 232 L68c Divinity of Christ. 1894. (Bampton lectures.) 232 L68 Passiontide sermons. 1895 232 L68p McKENZIE, Alexander, D.D. The divine force in the life of the world. 1898. (Lowell Institute lectures.) 232 Mi7 ORR, James. The Christian view of God and the world, as centring in the incarnation; being the Kerr lectures, 1890-91. 1897. .232 028 PAYNTER, Henry M. The holy death; a critical exposition of all that is told us in the New testament concerning the trial, condemnation and 168 CHRISTOLOGY death of Jesus of Nazareth. 1883 232 P33ho The holy life, comprising all that is told in the Gospels concerning Jesus of Nazareth. 5v. 1886-89 232 ?33 v.i. History of Jesus' life until he entered upon His Judrean ministry. v.a. The facts of Jesus' Judaean ministry. v.3. Jesus' Galilaean ministry down to the close of His 3d circuit. v.4. Closing months of Jesus' Galilaean ministry. Y.S. Jesus' Peraean ministry. The holy resurrection; a critical exposition of all that is told us in the New testament concerning the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. 1884 232 P33hol The holy sorrow; a critical exposition of all that is told us in the New testament concerning the sorrow in Gethsem- ane. 1884 232 ?33h PRESSENSfi. Edmond de. Jesus Christ; his times, life and work. 1887 232 Pp2 The same. 1887 r232 Pg2 PROUDFOOT, Mrs Andrea Hofer. Child's Christ-tales J232 Pg7 RENAN, Ernest. Life of Jesus. 1896. (History of the origins of Christian- ity.) 232 R33 Written from a sceptical standpoint similar to that of Strauss. Renan considers Jesus only an extraordinary man, the highest moral re- former the world has ever known. This is a new and very carefully revised translation from the twenty-third and final French edition. The same. 1896. (History of the origins of Christianity.) . . .r232 R33 The same. (History of the origins of Christianity.) 232 R33l RHEES, Rush. Life of Jesus of Nazareth. 1900 232 R38 "Books of reference on the life of Jesus," p.273~3o8. "It is avowedly a study rather than a story, and as a companion to the reading' of the gospels it seeks to answer some of the questions which are raised by a sympathetic consideration of those narratives. These answers are offered in an unargumentative way, even where the questions are still in debate among scholars." Preface. SAVAGE, Minot Judson. Talks about Jesus. 1881 232 826 SCHWARTZKOPFF, Paul. Prophecies of Jesus Christ, relating to His death, resur- rection and second coming and their fulfilment. 1897. . . .232 839 SEELEY, Sir John Robert. Ecce Homo; a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. 1894 232 845. STALKER, James. The Christology of Jesus; his teaching concerning himself according to the synoptic gospels; Cunningham lec- tures, 1899. 1900 232 S78c Life of Jesus Christ. 1880 232 878 STAFFER, Edmond. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1898 232 879. STRAUSS, David Friedrich. Life of Jesus critically examined; tr. fr. the German by George Eliot. 1892 232 891 MAN 169 TAYLOR, J. Life of Jesus Christ, likewise the lives of the apostles and antient writers. 1818 r232 T25 Includes a life of John Huss, p. 234-272, and a life of Jerome of Prague, p.273-299. THOLUCK, August. Light from the cross ; sermons on the passion of our Lord. 1869 232 T37 VALLINGS, James Frederick. Jesus Christ, the divine man; his life and times. (Men of the Bible.) 232 Vi6 Bibliographical note, p.3~4- "Every effort has been made to present the physical and social environ- ment briefly, yet accurately, in the light of modern research. In this connection the archaeological and geographical labors of the Palestine Exploration society have been largely drawn upon, and the most re- cent records of travel." Preface. VAN DYKE, Henry. Gospel for a world of sin. 1899 *. 232 Vi8 WATSON, John Maclaren, (pseud. Ian Maclaren). Life of the Master. 1901 q232 W32l Published first in McClure's magazine, v. 14-16, Jan.-Nov. 1900. A series of homilies on the life and character of Jesus, not a critical study. Colored illustrations. The upper room. 1895. (Little books on religion.) 232 W32 WEISS, Bernhard. The life of Christ. 3v. 1892-94 232 W46 WENDT, Hans Hinrich. Teaching of Jesus; tr. by John Wilson. 2v. 1897 232 W$i WOODS, Francis Henry. The hope of Israel ; a review of the argument from prophecy. 1896 232 W86 233 Man BRADFORD, Amory Howe. Heredity and Christian problems. 1895 2 33 B68 CAILLARD, Emma Marie. Law and freedom. 1899 233 Ci2 Contents: The law of liberty. The relation of choice to freedom. The Christian ideal of liberty. The limits of nature. Transcendentalism and materialism. Appeared first in the Contemporary review. CHAUNCY, Charles. Five dissertations on the scripture account of the Fall and its consequences. 1785 r233 C4i MERRIAM, George Spring. Chief end of man. 1897 .' 233 M63 Contents: Our spiritual ancestry. The ideal of to-day. A traveler's note- book.--Glimpses. Daily bread. MULLER, Julius. Christian doctrine of sin. 2v. 1885 233 M95 PHIPPS, Joseph. Original and present state of man. 1876 233 ?S2 170 SALVATION WESLEY, John. Doctrine of original sin according to Scripture, reason and experience, in answer to Dr. Taylor. 1817 r233 234 Salvation ANDERSON, John, of Pennsylvania. Scripture doctrine of the appropriation in the nature of saving faith. 1875 234 AS4 CLARKE, James Freeman. The Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin; an essay. 1890 234 C53 COPINGER, Walter Arthur. A treatise on predestination, election and grace; historical, doctrinal and practical. 1889 234 C79 Bibliography, apx.p.i-2i6. EDWARDS, Jonathan. Careful inquiry into the freedom of the will. 1804 r234 31 The same. 1790 1*234 E3ici MARSHALL, Walter. The gospel-mystery of sanctification opened in sundry practi- cal directions, to which is added a Sermon on justification. 1875 234 M4i NEWMAN, John Henry, cardinal. Essay in aid of a grammar of assent. 1898 234 N28 OLMSTEAD, Dwight Hinckley. The protestant faith; or, Salvation by belief. 1897 234 023 PENTECOST, George Frederick. Grace abounding in the forgiveness of sins ; five sermons. 1896 234 ?4i ROBBINS, Wilford L. Essay toward faith. 1900 234 R53 "Modest, unpretending little book. Small in bulk, it is charged with spiritual meanings, and its style is as excellent as its thought. It is, in effect, an effort to show to the faithless that the attitude of faith in the unseen perfect Good is reasonable and wise, and to brace up those 'fearful saints' whose spiritual courage is faint and low... It would be difficult to find a wiser help to the inner life than this sug- gestive little work." Spectator, 1900. 235 Angels, Devils, Satan ASHTON, John. The devil in Britain and America. 1896 235 A82 Bibliography, p. 340-363. Account of demonology and witchcraft; compiled from original sources, and containing many cases of witchcraft never before republished. With reproductions of old' engravings. CARUS, Paul. History of the devil and the idea of evil, from the earliest times to the present day. 1900 '. q235 C24 The same. 1900 qr235 C24 History and analysis of the conceptions of evil among the various nations of the earth, discussing prehistoric devil worship, the beliefs of the Accadians, Persians, Jews, Brahmans, Buddhists and early FUTURE STATE 171 Christians, the demonology of the middle ages, the Inquisition, witch- craft, and the history of the devil in verst and fable. Valuable chiefly as a compilation and comparison of material and for its numerous illustrations. JOLY, Henri. Psychology of the saints. 1898. (The saints.) 235 J3& WHATELY, Richard. View of the scripture revelations respecting good and evil angels. 1856 r235 W$9 236 Death ALDEN, Henry Mills. Study of death. 1895 ". 236 A35 "A beautiful meditation on immortality not an argument but a clear, deep emotion a message of a living universe and a divine love." Critic, 1895. ARNOLD, Sir Edwin. Death and afterwards, with a supplement. 1897 236 A75 SMYTH, Newman Place of death in evolution. 1897 236 S66 237 Future state ALGER, William Rounseville. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life. 1889 237 A3 CREMER, Hermann. Beyond the grave. 1886 237 87 FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. Eternal hope; five sermons. 1892 237 F25 Contents: What heaven is. Is life worth living?. "Hell," what it is not. Are there few that be saved? Consequences of sin. Brief sketch of eschatological opinions in the church. GLADDEN, Washington. Practice of immortality. 1901 237 G45 The author's idea is summarised in this quotation from the sermon: "Suppose we stop speculating about the immortal life and begin to practise it... You know well enough what kind of life it is that ought to continue; live that life." GORDON, George Angier. Immortality and the new theodicy. 1897. (Ingersoll lecture.). .237 G6$ HILLIS, Newell Dwight. Foretokens of immortality. 1897 2 37 Hs6 Contents: Foregleams of immortality. Immortality and life's withheld completions. Christ and immortality. The witness of great men to immortality. HOGG, James, publisher, comp. Wider hope; essays on the doctrine of future punishment. 1890 237 H68 Contents: On the supposed scriptural expression for eternity, by Thomas De Quincey. Future punishment by J. H. Jellett, John Tul- loch, William Arthur, J. B. Brown, John Hunt, R. F. Littledale, Ed- ward White, George Salmon, E. H. Plumptre, Henry Allon, J. H. Rigg, T. R. Birks, D. Gracey, A. J. B. Beresford-Hope, W. B. Rands and J. E. B. Mayor. Eternal hope, by F. W. Farrar. Ionian me- tempsychosis, by Francis Peek. Mercy and judgment, by F. W. Farrar. Bibliography, p. 409-436. 172 CREEDS SEARS, Edmund Hamilton. Forcgleams and foreshadows of immortality. 1890 237 843 Revised and enlarged edition of "Athanasia." WELLDON, James Edward Cowell. The hope of immortality. 1898 237 W48 238 Creeds, catechisms BEVERIDGE, William, bp. Church-catechism explained, for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. 1704 r238 646 BURN. A.E. . Introduction to the creeds and to the Te Deum. 1899 238 692 DE WITT, John, and others. Ought the confession of faith to be revised? 1890 238 DSI EVANS, Llewellyn J. and others. How shall we revise the Westminster confession of faith? 1890 238 DSI Bound with De Witt's Ought the confession of faith to be revised? FORD, Paul Leicester, ed. The New-England primer; a history of its origin and devel- opment, with a reprint of the earliest known edition. 1897. (The book lovers' library of early American litera- ture.) r238 F76 Appendices: Reprint of the New English tutor. Reprint of Roger's Ex- hortation unto his children. Cotton Mather's Plea for catechising. Clarke's Saying the catechism. Reprint of the Holy Bible in verse. Bibliography of the New England primer. Variorum of the New Eng- land primer. JACOBS, Henry Eyster, ed. Augsburg confession; tr. fr. the Latin in 1536, by Richard Taverner, with the variations of the English transla- tions, directly or indirectly dependent thereon, by H. E. Jacobs. 1888 r238 Ji3 LUTHERAN CHURCH. Book of Concord; or, The symbolic books of the Evangel- ical Lutheran church; ed. by H. E. Jacobs, v.i. 1882. . .r238 Lo8 v.i. The confessions. MACLEAR, George Frederick. Introduction to the creeds. 1898. (Elementary theological class-books.) 238 MACLEAR, George Frederick, & Williams, W.W. Introduction to the articles of the Church of England. 1895. .238 MITCHELL, Alexander Ferrier, & Struthers, John, ed. Minutes of the sessions of the Westminster assembly of di- vines, while preparing their directory for church govern- ment, confession of faith and catechisms, 1644-1649. 1874. . .238 M74 MORRIS, Edward Dafydd. . Theology of the Westminster symbols; a commentary on the confession of faith and catechisms and the related formularies of the Presbyterian churches. 1900 238 M9I CREEDS 173 NEW-England primer, to which is added the Assembly of di- vines and Mr Cotton's catechism r238 N26 The same, to which is added the Assembly's Shorter cate- chism r238 N26p NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Presbyterian faith; proposed revision of the Westminster standards; Dr Briggs's appointment vetoed; proceedings of the General assembly at Detroit. 1891. (Library of Tri- bune extras.) qr238 N26i Bound with the following. Presbyterian issues; the General assembly of 1892; revision and Dr Briggs. 1892. (Library of Tribune extras.) qr238 N26i Bound with the following. Presbyterianism and creed revision; the General assembly of 1890. 1890. (Library of Tribune extras.) qr238 N26i PALMER, Frederic. Studies in the theological definition underlying the Apostles' and Nicene creeds. 1895 238 Pig PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES General assembly. Constitution containing the confession of faith, the catechisms and the directory for the worship of God; with the plan of government and discipline. 1839 r238 P92 SCHAFF, Philip. Creeds of Christendom. 3v. 1884-90 238 829 "Of these volumes, the first contains the historical narrative, while the second and third contain the text of the creeds, both in the original language and in translation. The first, therefore, is to be regarded as a history of Christian doctrine, while the others are an embodi- ment of the doctrines themselves. In the second volume are to be found the Greek and Latin creeds, with translations; in the third, the Evangelical Protestant creeds." C. K. Adams. WARFIELD, Benjamin Breckinridge. On the revision of the confession of faith. 1890 238 DSI Bound with De Witt's Ought the confession of faith to be revised? The significance of the Westminster standards as a creed. 1898 238 W22 An address of 36 pages delivered before the presbytery of New York, Nov. 8, 1897. WARNER, Beverley E. The facts and the faith; a study in the rationalism of the Apostles' creed. 1897 238 W23 A careful study in the light of the facts of history and the results of scientific investigation, of the faith as set forth in the Apostles' creed, and an answer to those who assert that Christianity is not in accord with science. WESTCOTT, Brooke Foss, bp. Historic faith ; lectures on the Apostles' creed. 1900 238 W$6 WILLARD, Samuel. Compleat body of divinity in two hundred and fifty lectures on the Assembly's shorter catechism. 1726 qr238 W73 "Catalogue of the author's works," p.gis. "First folio published in America." Allibone. 174 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY 239 Evidences of Christianity ANDREWS. Samuel James. Christianity and anti-christianity in their final conflict. 1899. .239 A$6 Contents: Teachings of the Scriptures respecting the antichrist. The falling away of the church. Tendencies in our day preparing the way of the antichrist. Reign of the antichrist. Summary and con- clusion. ARNOLD, Matthew. God & the Bible; a review of objections to "Literature & dogma." 1893 239 A75 Contents: The God of miracles. The God of metaphysics. The God of experience. The Bible-canon. The fourth gospel from without. The fourth gospel from within. The same. 1 898 r239 A75 Literature & dogma; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. 1893 239 A75l The same. 1898 r239 A75l BRUCE, Alexander Balmain. Apologetics; or, Christianity defensively stated. 1895 239 682 BUSHNELL, Horace. Nature and the supernatural as together constituting the one system of God. 1891 239 Bo6 BUTLER, Joseph, bp. Analogy of religion to the course of nature. 1893 239 697 The same. 1863 r239 697 Works; ed. by W. E. Gladstone. 2v. 1896 239 B97w v.i. Analogy of religion. v.2. bermons. CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois Auguste, vicomte de. Genie du christianisme 239 C39g The genius of Christianity; or, The spirit and beauty of the Christian religion. 1884 239 C39 Contents: Mysteries and sacraments. Virtues and moral laws. The truths of the Scriptures the Fall of man. Continuation of the truths of Scriptures objections against the system of Moses. The existence of God demonstrated by the wonders of nature. The im- mortality of the soul proved by the moral law and the feelings. Gen- eral survey of Christian epic poems. Of poetry considered in its rela- tions to man. Of the marvellous; or, Of poetry in its relations to supernatural beings. The Bible and Homer. The fine arts. Philoso- phy. History. Eloquence. The harmonies of the Christian religion with the scenes of nature and the passions of the human heart. Churches, ornaments, singing, prayers, etc. Tombs. General view of the clergy. Missions. Military orders or chivalry. Services ren- dered to mankind by the clergy and by the Christian religion in general. Biographical sketch of the author, p. 23-42. "An inefficient production from the point of view of serious argument . . .A masterpiece of literary art." Encyclopaedia Britannica. CHRISTLIEB, Theodor. Modern doubt and Christian belief. 1895 239 C46 COOPER, Samuel M. Evidences of Christianity. 1839 r239 C78 FISHER, George Park. Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 1896 239 F$3g Manual of Christian evidences. 1892. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) 239 F53 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 175 FOX, James J. Religion and morality; their nature and mutual relations his- torically and doctrinally considered. 1899 239 F85 General bibliography precedes the introduction and brief lists follow the chapters. Dissertation for the doctorate in theology at the Catholic university of America. HODGE, Charles. What is Darwinism? 1874 r239 H66 PALEY, William. A view of the evidences of Christianity r266 Mj6 Bound with Moffat's Missionary labours and scenes in southern Africa. The same. 1830. (In his Works, v.2.) 208 Pi8 v.2 RAWLINSON, George. Historical evidences of the truth of the Scripture records. 1885. (Bampton lectures.) 239 R23 THOMSON, William, abp. ed. Aids to faith; a series of essays, being a reply to Essays and reviews. 1862 239 T38 Contents: On miracles as evidences of Christianity, by H. L. Mansel. On the study of the evidences of Christianity, by William Fitzgerald. Prophecy, by A. McCaul. Ideology and subscription, by F. C. Cook. The Mosaic record of creation, by A. McCaul. On the genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch, by George Rawlinson. Inspiration, by E. H. Browne. The death of Christ, by William Thomson. Scripture, and its interpretation, by C. J. Ellicott. WRIGHT, George Frederick. Scientific aspects of Christian evidences. 1898 239 W93 Contents: Limits of scientific thought. The paradoxes of science. God and nature. Darwinism and design. Mediate miracles. Beyond reasonable doubt. Newly discovered external evidences of Christian- ity. The testimony of textual criticism. Internal evidences of the early date of the four gospels. Positive results of the cumulative evidence. WYNNE, Frederick Richards, and others. Literature of the 2d century; short studies in Christian evi- dences. 1891 239 W99 Authorities, p.2. 240 Devotional and practical BROOKS, Phillips, bp. Best methods of promoting spiritual life, and A communion address 240 677 BROWNE, Sir Thomas. Religio medici; Letter to a friend; and Christian morals. 1892 '. 240 B8in The same; with Urn-burial and other papers. 1862 240 B8ir BUNYAN, John. Works, with an introduction to each treatise, notes and a sketch of his life, times and contemporaries; ed. by George Offor. 3v. 1858 Q24O B88 v.i-2. Experimental, doctrinal and practical. v. 3. Allegorical, figurative and symbolical, (including Pilgrim's progress). i;6 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGY CHILD'S catechism, to which are added a serious address to chil- dren and some important verses on various subjects. 1809. Pittsburgh r24O C43 FfiNELON, Frangois. Spiritual letters; letters to men. 1891 240 F35 Spiritual letters; letters to women. 1894 240 F35s GLADDEN, Washington. The Christian way; whither it leads and how to go on. 1877 240 G4S MARTINEAU, James. Hours of thought on sacred things. 2v. 1888-96 240 M43h WARD, Mrs Humphry. New forms of Christian education; an address to the Uni- versity hall guild. 1898 .'240 W2i FULLER, Thomas. Holy and profane states; with account of the author 241 FgS PENINGTON, Isaac. Letters. 1828 241 P$g TAYLOR, Jeremy. Holy living and dying. 1891 241 T25 TOLSTOI, Lyof Nikolaievitch, count. Life 241 Ts8 My confession, and The spirit of Christ's teaching 241 Ts8m My confession, My religion, and The gospel in brief. 1899. .241 T58m2 My religion. 1884 241 TsSmy Another translation has the title "What I believe." AUGUSTINE, St. Confessions ; ed. by W. G. T. Shedd. 1885 242 A92 The same; tr. by J. G. Pilkington. 1876 242 Ag2co The same; ed. by Temple Scott. 1900 242 A92CO2 BAXTER, Richard. Saint's everlasting rest. 1847 242 633 BOYD, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, comp. To meet the day through the Christian year. 1889 242 B66 KEBLE, John. Christian year, with meditations from H. P. Liddon. 1887. .242 Ki5 MEIKLE, James. The traveller; or, Meditations on various subjects written on board a man of war, to which is added Converse with the world unseen. 1815 r242 M$7 Life of the author, p. 156. PASCAL, Blaise. Pensees. 1858 242 P27p Appendices: Lettre de Pascal sur la mort de son pere. Extraits de quelques lettres a Mile de Roannez. Priere pour demander a Dieu le bon usage des maladies. Preface sur Le traite du vide. De 1'esprit geometrique. Difference entre Fesprit de geometric et 1'esprit de finesse. De 1'art de persuader. Pensees sur 1'eloquence et le style. Discours sur les passions de 1'atnour. Discours sur la condition des grands, 1652-1653. Entretien de Pascal avec Sacy sur Epictete et Montaigne. "Vie de Pascal, ecrite par Mme Perier," p. 5-37. Thoughts, letters and opuscules. 1893 242 P27 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 177 PATMORE, Coventry Kearsey Dighton. The rod, the root and the flower. 1895 242 P2Q Epigrams and short paragraphs upon religious and philosophical subjects. PUSEY, Edward Bouverie. Spiritual letters; ed. by J. O. Johnston and W. C. E. New- bolt. 1898 242 PpS Chiefly letters of advice with regard to the trials of the spiritual life. THOMAS A KEMPIS. Of the imitation of Christ. 1887 242 T37 WELWOOD, Andrew. Meditations representing a glimpse of glory; or, A gospel dis- covery of Emmanuel's land. 1824 r242 Wsi ZSCHOKKE, Johann Heinrich Daniel. Meditations on death and eternity. 1863 242 Z83 Meditations on life and its religious duties. 1863 242 Z83m Stunden der andacht, zur beforderung wahren Christenthums und hauslicher Gottesverehrung. 8v. in 4. 1890 242 Z83S BAXTER, Richard. Call to the unconverted to turn and live r243 633 BOOTH, Mrs Catherine (Mumford). Papers on aggressive Christianity. 1891 243 663 DEANE, William John. The Christian's privileges. 1891 243 034 FABER, Frederick William. Creator and the creature; or, The wonders of divine love. 1857 243 Fi I Growth in holiness; or, The progress of the spiritual life. 1854 243 Fug GUTHRIE, William, 1626-1665. The Christian's great interest. 1815 r243 Go8 Memoir of the author, p.3-$6. MILLER, William Haig. Mirage of life. 1866 r243 M69 SPURGEON, Charles Haddon. According to promise; or, The Lord's method of dealing with his chosen people. 1887 243 877 WILCOCKS, Thomas. Kostlicher honigtropfen aus dem felsen Christus; oder, Ein kurzes wort der ermahnung an alle heilige und sunder. .. .r243 W7I WITHER, George. Paralellogrammaton. 1882. (Spenser society. Publica- tions, v.33.) r243 W82 Reprint of the edition of 1662. Exhortatory epistle addressed to the three nations of England, Scotland and Ireland, drawing a parallel between their sins and those of Judah and Israel, and warning the people to a timely repentance. AIDS to the devout life. 1898 244 A28 Contents: "The pilgrim's progress" and the life divine, by John Brown. "The imitation of Christ," by F. D. Huntington. The "Holy living and dying," by A. H. Bradford. Browning's "Saul," by H. W. Mabie. Keble's "Christian year," by Henry Van Dyke. Reprinted from the "Outlook." ASHWORTH, John. Strange tales from humble life, ist-4th ser. v.i-4, in i. 178 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 1865-70 244 A83 True stories of experience among the very poor in an English manu- facturing district. CANTON, William. W. V.'s golden legend. 1898 J244 17 "Stories of the saints and hermits, of the old abbeys and minsters, of visions and miracles, and the ministry of angels," as told to little "W. V." Throughout these tales there lingers a touch of quaintness and strong imaginative feeling truly mediaeval. CHARLES, Mrs Elizabeth (Rundle). Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time, and Sketches of the United Brethren of Bohemia and Moravia. 1865 244 C37 Tales and sketches of Christian life in different lands and ages. 1866 244 C37t COLLINS, Mrs Jane Spear (Taylor). Emma's triumph. 1891 r 244 C7i The same. 1891 244 C7i COMENIUS, Johannes Amos. The labyrinth of the world and the paradise of the heart; tr. by Count Liitzow. 1901 244 C73 "Founded on the world-old conceit that imagines the world as a city and man as a pilgrim, who beholds and examines it... Of all allegorical tales, the one that bears most resemblance to the 'Labyrinth' is the 'Pilgrim's Progress.' " Introduction. ERASMUS, Desiderius. Colloquies; tr. by N. Bailey; ed. with notes by E. Johnson. 2v. 1878 244 71 "He composed this work partly that young persons might have a book to teach them the Latin language, and religious and moral sentiments, and partly to cure the world, if possible, of the abuses and supersti- tious devotion of which the monks were the authors and abettors. He is not so well known to the public by any of his works as by his 'Colloquies.' They abound in wit and taste, biting satire and elegant criticism, and contain very good descriptions of life and manners." A. R. Pennington, in his "Life and character of Erasmus," FERRAR, Nicholas. Story books of Little Gidding; the religious dialogues recited in the Great room, 1631-2. 1899 244 F4i Sketch of the author, by E. C. Sharland, p.8-40. The community at Little Gidding was formed about 1626 by Nicholas Ferrar, the members being his relatives. No vows were taken, his aim being only the organization of a family life on the basis of putting devotion in the first place among practical duties. The^e quaint reli- gious dialogues, interludes, etc. were compiled by Ferrar to be re- cited by the community on church feasts and holidays. GASPARIN, Valerie (Boissier), comtesse de. Under French skies. 1888 244 Gzi Tales and sketches of French peasant life from a semi-religious point of HEPWORTH, George Hughes. Hiram Golf's religion. 1894 244 H4S JACOBUS de VORAGINE. Leaves from the Golden legend; chosen by H. D. Madge. 1899 244 Ji3 Biographical sketch of the author, p.7-8. LUTHER, Martin. Table talk. 1890 244 LgS Life of Luther, by Alexander Chalmers, p. 25-97. HYMNOLOGY 179 MUSINGS and memories. 1874 244 MoS REIFSNIDER, Mrs Calvin Kryder. True memory, the philosopher's stone, its loss through Adam its recovery through Christ. 1896 244 R3I SCHABALIE, John Philip. The pilgrim soul; or, Dialogues between the pilgrim soul and Adam, Noah and Simon Cleophas. 1838. Pittsburgh 244 829 SHELDON, Charles Monroe. John King's question class. 1899 244 854 "This little story... was first read to my own Sunday evening congrega- tion... Every Sunday a list of written questions was handed me by the young people and during the week I put them into the chapter of the story read at the next Sunday evening service.. .There has been no attempt... to give long, complete, exhaustive answers to wise, theo- logical, or deeply philosophical questions." Preface. WALTON, Joseph, of the Society of Friends. Footprints and waymarks. 1894 244 Wigl WALTON, Joseph, of the Society of Friends, comp. Incidents and reflections. 1888 ; 244 Wi9 245 Hymnology AUSBUND, das ist schone christliche lieder. 1751 r24S A93 BENSON, Louis F. ed. Best church hymns. 1899 245 644 BIBLE Old testament. The whole Book of psalms in metre, with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church. 1806 .r2O4 C73b Bound with the Book of common prayer. BLAGDEN, Silliman. Some poems to the praise of God. 1893 245 852 BROWNLIE, John. Hymns and hymn writers of the church hymnary. 1899 r245 B82 BROWNLIE, John, tr. Hymns of the Greek church, with introduction and notes. 1900 245 682 CHARLES, Mrs Elizabeth (Rundle). Voice of Christian life in song; or, Hymns and hymn- writers of many lands and ages. 1872 245 C37 CHRISTOPHERS, Samuel Woolcock. Hymn-writers and their hymns 245 C46 Considers many of our familiar hymns, their origin, the circumstances under which they were written, their character and influence. DUFFIELD, Samuel Willoughby. English hymns; their authors and history. 1894 245 D87 Latin hymn-writers and their hymns. 1889 245 087! Bibliography, p. 416-445. ERSKINE, Ralph. Gospel sonnets; or, Spiritual songs. 1793 r24S 78 GREATRAKE, Laurence. Harp of Zion. 1827 r24S G82 HAVERGAL, Frances Ridley. Poetical works. 1896 245 H3S i8o HYMNOLOGY H ORDER, W.Garrett. The hymn lover: an account of the rise and growth of English hymnody 245 H79 HUNTER, Rev. William, comp. Select melodies, comprising the best hymns and spiritual songs in common use. 1858 r245 Hp4 HYMNS in Dakota for use in the missionary jurisdiction of Niobrara. 1879 r245 HQ9 JULIAN; John, ed. Dictionary of hymnology. 1892 r245 Jsi Sets forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and na- tions, with special reference to those contained in the hymn books of English-speaking countries. Contains biographical and critical notices of their authors and translators, and historical articles on national and denominational hymnody, breviaries, missals, psalters, etc. LOUGHRIDGE, R. M. & Winslett, David, comp. Nakcokv esyvhiketv; Muskokee hymns. 1880 r24S L92 LUTHER, Martin. Luther as a hymnist; comp. by Bernhard Pick. 1875 2 45 Biographical sketch of Luther, p.g-zg. Translations of Luther's hymns. MARCH, Francis Andrew, comp. Latin hymns with English notes. 1874 245 NEU und vollstandig eingerichtete anweisung, zu denen hierin- nen stehenden geistreichen psalmen und liedern r24S PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. Nuevo himnario de las iglesias evangelicas. 1885 r245 Pg2 SCHAFF, Philip, comp. Christ in song; hymns selected from all ages. 1879 245 829 Bibliography, p.g-io. SCHLETTERER, Hans Michel. Geschichte der geistlichen dichtung und kirchlichen tonkunst, in ihrem zusammenhange, mit der politischen und socialen entwickelung, insbesondere des deutschen volkes. v.i. 1869 r24S S34 Hymnologische quellenwerke, v.i, p.s63~s69. SELBORNE, Roundell Palmer, earl of. Book of praise from the best English hymn writers. 1891 245 846 SPIRIT of praise; a collection of hymns, old and new r245 875 WINKWORTH, Catherine. Christian singers of Germany. 1869 245 W78 WITHER, George. Haleluiah; or, Britans second remembrancer. 3v. in i. 1879. (Spenser society. Publications, v.26-27.) r245 W82 Reprint of the edition of 1641. Collection of 273 hymns, VVither's best work as a religious poet. Hymnes and songs of the church. 1881. (Spenser society. Publications, v.3O.) r245 W82h Reprint of the edition of 1623. "Great part of this collection consists of metrical paraphrases -of the Psalms and Song of Solomon, but there are also some hymns the in- spiration of which is due to no one but Wither himself." Ward's "Eng- lish poets." RELIGIOUS ART, VESTMENTS, ETC. 181 246-247 Religious art, vestments, etc. EVANS, Edward Payson. Animal symbolism in ecclesiastical architecture. 1896 246 94 Bibliography, p. 343-349. HULME, Frederick Edward. History, principles and practice of symbolism in Christian art. 1892 246 Hgi MALE, fimile. L'art religieux du XHIe siecle en France; etude sur 1'iconographie du moyen age et sur ses sources d'inspi- ration. 1898 qr246 M28 "Index bibliographique," p.5i5-5i9. PfiRATfi, Andre. L'archeologie chretienne. 1892. (Bibliotheque de 1'en- seignement des beaux-arts.) 246 P42 Bibliography, p.8. TYRWHITT, Richard St. John. Art teaching of the primitive church, with an index of sub- jects, historical and emblematic 246 T98 The teaching of the primitive church as reflected in some of the ancient relics and monuments of Christian art up to the time of the first Italian renaissance. Contains a useful chapter on Lombard art and an index of historical and emblematic subjects of sacred art. BARRETT, William Alexander. Flowers and festivals; or, Directions for the floral decora- tions of churches. 1868 r247 626 BLOXAM, Matthew Holbeche. Companion to The principles of Gothic architecture; a brief account of the vestments in use in the church prior to, and from the reign of Edward VI. 1882 247 656 PUGIN, Augustus Welby Northmore, comp. Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume. i868...qr247 Ps8 SEYMOUR, William Wood. The cross in tradition, history and art. 1898 qr247 852 Bibliography, p.2i-3o. STOKES, Margaret McNair. Early Christian art in Ireland. 2v. in i. 1894. (South Ken- sington museum art handbooks.) 247 S8/ Contents: Illumination. -Irish scribes on the cgntinent. Metal-work. Sculpture. Building and architecture. Chronological table of exam- ples of Irish art. 248 Personal religion BABCOCK, Maltbie Davenport. Thoughts for every-day living. 1901 248 Bri BLACK, Hugh. Culture and restraint. 1901 248 851 The subject is the old conflict between Hebraism and Hellenism, self- repression and self-expression, the ascetic ideal and the aesthetic ideal. "Not many books on ethical questions show such a breadth of sympathy with divergent views; and it is not often that we find one which, while free from casuistry, supplies its readers with such wholesome guidance for the direction of their own practice." Nation, 1901. 182 PERSONAL RELIGION CHARBONNEL, Victor. Victory of the will; tr. by Emily Whitney. 1899 248 37 An argument for living an individual life and developing one's own per- sonality by means of its inner power and its free will to live. DALE, Robert William. Laws of Christ for common life. 1898 248 Di6 DOLE, Charles Fletcher. Religion of a gentleman. 1900 248 D6g "Not of the superior and critical kind... His terms are taken in the modern and democratic sense; by 'gentleman' he means any young man who aims to know and do the right and the religion he recom- mends is a life and not a convention. His ruling ideas are those of his own time and not of former ages, and he urges them in a manly and kindly way which leaves small room for objection." Nation, 1900. DRESSER, Horatio Willis. The Christ ideal; a study of the spiritual teachings of Jesus. 1901 248 D8i DRUMMOND, Henry. The ideal life. 1898 248 084 Memorial sketches of the author by Ian Maclaren and W. R. Nicoll, P-i-45- GOULBURN, Edward Meyrick. Thoughts on personal religion. 1888 248 G73 JOHNSON, Elias Henry. The highest life; a story of shortcomings and a goal, in- cluding a friendly analysis of the Keswick movement. 1901 248 J36 A thoughtful discussion of some of the aspects of Christian living. MARTINEAU, James. Endeavors after the Christian life. 1895 248 M43 MEYER, Frederick Brotherton. The secret of guidance. 1896 248 M6s MILLER, James Russell. Life's byways and waysides. 1895 248 M69 Making the most of life. 1891 248 Mogm NATT, George Washington. Plain sermons on personal religion. 1867 248 Ni5 NEWBOLT, William Charles Edmund. Religion. 1899. (Oxford library of practical theology.) . . . .248 N26 PARKHURST, Charles' Henry. Sunny side of Christianity. 1901 .248 P24 Contents: Love in the heart versus phosphorus in the brain. Love as a theory and love as an experience. Acquiring the love lesson. Love considered as a lubricant. Loving, a means of knowing. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Kurtzer begriff deren nothwendigsten gebetteren eines catholischen Christen, worinnen enthalten morgens-, abends-, mess-, beicht- und communion-gebetter; ver- fertiget von Matthaeo Vogel; nebst einem zusatz deren tag-zeiten, litaneyen, bett stunden, und aller andachten welche das jahr durch begangen werden. 1760 r248 R6s SAVAGE, Minot Judson. The religious life. 1885 248 $26 PREACHING 183 SEWARD, Theodore F. School of life; divine Providence in the light of modern science. 1894 248 851 SMITH, Mrs Hannah (Whitall). Christian's secret of a happy life. 1888 248 864 250 Homiletic LIDDON, Henry Parry, canon. Clerical life and work ; sermons. 1895 250 L68 Contains sermons on Bishop Wilberforce, John Keble and E. B. Pusey. WATSON, John Maclaren, (pseud. Ian Maclaren). Church folks; practical studies in congregational life. 1900. .250 W32 Contents: How to make the most of a sermon. How to make the most of your minister. The candy-pull system in the church. The mutineer in the church. Should the old clergyman be shot? The minister and the organ. The pew and the man in it. The genteel tramps in our churches. Is the minister an idler? -The minister and his vacation. The revival of a minister. Appeared first in the Ladies' home journal. CROSS, Jonathan. Five years in the Alleghanies. 1863 1*253 C8g Account of the author's experiences as a colporteur for the American tract society in West Virginia and western Pennsylvania in the forties. 251 Preaching BEHRENDS, Adolphus Julius Frederick. Philosophy of preaching. 1890 251 638 ' BROADUS, John Albert. Lectures on the history of preaching. 1901 251 675 , Contents: Specimens of preaching in the Bible. Preaching in the early Christian centuries. Medieval and reformation preaching. The great French preachers. The English pulpit. Bibliography, p. 236-241. BROOKS, Phillips, bp. Lectures on preaching. 1893 251 677 GREER, David H. The preacher and his place. 1895 251 G8s JEFFERSON, Charles Edward. Quiet hints to growing preachers in my study. 1901 251 J23 McCONNELL, Samuel D. Sermon stuff. 1888 , 251 Mi3 Fifty-five sermon outlines, by an eminent preacher. PATTISON, T. Harwood. The making of the sermon; for the class-room and the study. 1898 251 ?3i RUSKIN, John. Letters to the clergy on the Lord's prayer and the church, with replies from clergy and laity; ed. with essays and comments by F. A. Malleson. 1896 251 RSg TUCKER, William Jewett. Making and the unmaking of the preacher; lectures on the Lyman Beecher foundation. 1898 251 T8i Contents: Preaching under modern conditions. The making of the > 184 SERMONS preacher by education. The unmaking process. The preacher and his art. What the preacher owes to the truth. What the preacher owes ' " to men. The pulpit and the church. The optimism of Christianity. ' r-3 VAN DYKE, Henry. The gospel.for an age of doubt; Yale lectures on preach- ,-;'- "' ing, 1896. 1896 . v 25/'Vi8 In these lectures Dr Van Dyke has sought to point out what to preach rather than how to preach. _, WATSON, John Maclaren, (pseud. Ian Maclaren). The cure of souls; Lyman Beecher lectures on preaching, 1896. 1896 .'.. i . '-. //. .. . .251 W32 252 Sermons \ < ADAMS, John Coleman. Leisure of God, and other studies in the spjrituarevolution. 1895 '.,:.",.' 252 A2i ADLER, Liebman. Sabbath hours; thoughts. 1893. (Jetyish publication so- ciety of America.) :...'. 252 A23 ALEXANDER, Archibald, 1772-1851. . Sermon delivered at the opening o^the General assembly of the Presbyterian church in the 'United States, May 1808. 1808 ^ .". r26s Ri7 Bound with other pamphlets. v. ANNAN, John Ebenezer. '; ' Sermons, doctrinal and practical. 1863 252 A6i Memoir, p. 5-26. BEECHER, Henry Ward. Plymouth pulpit sermons. 4v. 1892 252 637 Sermons. 2v. 1868 252 6375 BOSSUET, Jacques Benigne, bp. Oraisons funebres. 2v. in i. 1879 252 664 Oraison funebre de Henriette Marie de France, Henriette Anne d'An- gleterre, Maria Therese d'Autriche, Anne de Gonzague de Cleves, Michel le Tellier, chancelier de France, Louis de Bourbon, prince de Conde, Pere Bourgoing, superieur de 1'Oratoire, Madame Yolande de Monterby, Henri de Gornay, Nicolas Cornet. BRACE, Charles Loring. Short sermons to news boys, with a history of the forma- tion of the News boys' lodging house. 1866 252 667 BROOKE, Stopford Augustus. The gospel of joy. 1898 252 6772 Sermons on various subjects. BROOKS, Phillips, bp. Sermons; ser.i-& 8v. 1893-97 252 6775 v.i. Sermons. v.2. Candle of the Lord, and other sermons. v.3. Sermons preached in English churches. v.4. Twenty sermons. v.s. Light of the world, and other sermons. v.6. Sermons. v.7. Sermons for the principal festivals and fasts of the church year. v.8. New starts in life, and other sermons. "Behind the literary excellences. . .is a practical acquaintance with the weakness and strength of men's souls not acquired in the study and not often possessed by popular preachers." Academy, 1891. SERMONS 185 BROWN, Matthew. Discourse delivered in the Presbyterian church, Washing- ton, Pa., on the occasion of his resigning his charge of that congregation. 1823 r26s Ri7 Bound with other pamphlets. BURTON, Nathaniel Judson. In pulpit and parish; ed. by R. E. Burton; Yale lectures on preaching. 1896 252 By^ Funeral addresses delivered at the funeral of the Rev. Dr. Burton by Timothy Dwight and others, p.ii-28. COLLYER, Robert. The life that now is; sermons. 1890 252 71 CONTEMPORARY pulpit, Jan. i884-Dec. 1893; ist-2d ser. 2ov. 1884-93 252 C;6 Indices to the ist-2d ser. 2V. 1888-93. Contains sermons, outlines of sermons and expositions by distinguished English clergymen, besides articles on church life in different Eng- lish towns, sermon notes, etc. COPLEY, Josiah. Gatherings in Beulah. 1878 252 C79 DAU, William Henry Theodore, ed. "I am the resurrection and the life ;" a book of funeral ser- mons by Lutheran pastors. 1899 252 D27 DRUMMOND, Henry. Stones rolled away, and other addresses to young men, delivered in America. 1899 252 D84 DWIGHT, Timothy. Thoughts of and for the inner life; sermons. 1899 252 097 FARRAR, Frederic William, dean. The fall of man, and other sermons. 1893 252 F25l Saintly workers; five Lenten lectures. 1892 252 F25s The silence and the voices of God, with other sermons. 1892. . .252 F25 FOXELL, W. J. God's garden; Sunday talks with boys. 1896 252 F8$ HAMMOND, Henry. Workes. v.i. 1574 qr252 H22 v.i. Collection of discourses. Life of the author by John Fell, v.i, p. 1-56. The date on the title page is a misprint for 1674. HODGES, George. The battles of peace; sermons. 1899 252 H66b Christianity between Sundays. 1892 252 H66 Heresy of Cain, sermons. 1894 252 H66h In this present world; sermons. 1897 252 H66i The same. 1897 r2S2 H66 One day in seven; a sermon, Advent, 1889. 1889. (Calvary church tracts, no.7.) 252 H66o Path of life. 1900 252 H66p Contents: Facing the dawn. The passing of opportunity. When Christ came. The Christian minister. The Christmas message. Redeeming the time. The social Epiphany. The conviction of sin. Repentance. The grief of God. The renewing of the mind. The indifference of the saints. The resurrection of the dead. Beyond the grave. The Holy Spirit in the church. The ten lepers. At Decapolis. The Christian in controversy. The lawyer's two questions. Continual thanks. 186 SERMONS Purpose and the lesson of the Bible ; a sermon, Epiphany 1890. 1890. (Calvary church tracts, no.8.) 252 H66o Bound with his One day in seven. HUNTER, Rev. William, ed. Original sermons by ministers of the Pittsburgh, Erie and western Virginia conferences of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1850 r252 Hg4 JENNINGS, Obadiah. Discourse delivered upon the occasion of the death, and con- taining an account of the extraordinary exercises, of David Acheson, who died August ist, 1826, in the I3th year of his age r26s Ri7 Bound with other pamphlets. JONES, Jenkin Lloyd. Jess, bits of wayside gospel. 1899 252 J4I Search for an infidel ; bits of wayside gospel, 2d ser. 1901 252 J4is The ist series has the title, "Jess." JOWETT, Benjamin. Sermons; biographical and miscellaneous. 1899 252 J47 Contents: John-Wycliffe. Ignatius Loyola. John Bunyan and Benedict Spinoza. Richard Baxter. Blaise Pascal. John Wesley. Arthur Penrhyh Stanley. Canon Hugh Pearson. Leon Gambetta and Arch- bishop Tait. Prof. Henry Smith. Prof. T. H. Green. Statistics and faith. Church parties, (with addition on Charles Dickens). The church, past, present and future. War. Courage. Ecce, quam bon- um! Servants. Christmas and New Year. Sermons on faith and doctrine; ed. by W. H. Fremantle. 1901 252 J47s "The most notable fact as to Jowett's doctrinal position is that he lays very little stress on the Church system of worship or that of dogma. . . God and immortality were all in all to him... the image of Christ is dominant in the preacher's thoughts." Preface. The sermon subjects include evolution, natural religion, some non-Chris- tian faiths, the authority of Christ, prayer, friendship and immortality. KINGSLEY, Charles. Good news of God; sermons. 1892 252 K27 Sermons for the times. 1890 252 K27s The water of life, and other sermons. 1897 252 K27w LAWRENCE, William, bp. of Massachusetts. Visions and service. 1896 252 L42 LETINS, Constantin. Theologia concionatoria. 2v. in i. 1790 r252 L65 LIDDON, Henry Parry, canon. Easter in St. Paul's; sermons on the resurrection. 1895 252 L68e Sermons on Old testament subjects. 1893 252 L68s Sermons on some words of Christ. 1895 252 L68 McCOSH, James. Gospel sermons. 1890 252 Mi4 MANGASARIAN, Mangasar M. A voice from the Orient; a series of sermons. 1885 252 M32 MASSILLON, Jean Baptiste, bp. CEuvres choisies, accompagnee de notes et precedee d'une tude sur Massillon, par Frederic Godefroy. 2v. 1868. ...252 M44 Petit careme. 1879 252 864 Bound with Boussuet's Oraisons funebres. SERMONS 187 MUNGER, Theodore Thornton. Character through inspiration, and other papers. 1897 252 Mo6c Other papers: Rest through humility. Nearness the secret of power. How to live in the world. Character as four-fold. Pity as wisdom. Reigning and serving. Freedom of faith. 1893 252 A book of sermons, with a prefatory essay of 40 pages on "The new theology." Lamps and paths; sermons to children. 1889 J252 MURRAY, Andrew. Absolute surrender, and other addresses. 1897 252 M97 NEWMAN, John Henry, cardinal. Parochial and plain sermons. 8v. 1891-96 252 N28p Sermons bearing on subjects of the day. 1891 252 N28 PEABODY, Francis Greenwood. Afternoons in the college chapel; short addresses to young men on personal religion. 1898 252 P33a Mornings in the college chapel; short addresses to young men on personal religion. 1896 252 P33 POTTER, Henry Codman, bp. Sermons of the city. 1881 252 P8s PUNSHON, William Morley. Lectures and sermons. 1873 252 PgS ROBERTSON, Frederick William. Sermons preached at Brighton 252 R53 SAVERY, William. Discourses delivered at meetings of the Quakers. 1806. . . .r252 826 SMITH, William, 1727-1803. Discourses on public occasions in America. 1762 r252 S66 The same. 1759 r252 S66d Dr. Smith was provost of the "College and academy of Philadelphia," and some of these discourses are on subjects suggested by his posi- tion. Others are on patriotic subjects, such as a thanksgiving sermon on the fall of Louisburg, an address to the colonies at the opening of the campaign of 1755, a letter to a clergyman "on the frontiers of Pennsylvania" concerning Braddock's defeat. SMITHSON, William T. comp. The Methodist pulpit, South; (sermons). 1859 252 S66 SPURGEON, Charles Haddon. Messages to the multitude. 1892 252 77 Bibliography, p. 301-306. Sermons. 4iv. 1874-95 2 5 2 ^775 v.i-7 contain sermons preached in New Park street chapel. v.8-41 contain sermons preached in the Metropolitan tabernacle. STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn, dean. Sermons for children. 1893 J252 578 Sermons preached before the Prince of Wales, during his tour in the East, 1862, with notices of some localities visited. 1873 252 8785 VAN DYKE, Henry. Sermons to young men. 1898 252 Vi8 A new and enlarged edition of "Straight sermons." i88 CHURCH INSTITUTIONS AND WORK WATSON, John Maclaren, (pseud. Ian Maclaren). Ideals of strength. 1897 252 W32i Mind of the Master. 1896 252 W32 Sermons emphasizing the words of Jesus rather than later developed creeds, as the substance of Christianity. WILLIAMS, Rev. Samuel, of Pittsburgh. Discourse preached on the occasion of the death of Maria E. Denison, in the First Baptist church, Pittsburgh, Sept. 27, 1846. 1846 T252 W74 WOODSIDE, Nevin, and others. Years of the Lord's right hand; sermons, addresses by friends and ministers of other denominations, reports, letters, &c., delivered at the thirtieth anniversary of the ministry of Rev. Nevin Woodside. 1897 252 W86 254 Celibacy LEA, Henry Charles. Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church. 1884 254 L44 "The subject is traced in different countries with extreme care, and the work is enriched with a great variety of interesting and valuable notes. Though the book was written from a Protestant view, it has no con- troversial character; indeed, in spirit it is as admirable as it is in scholarship." C. K. Adams. 255 Deaconesses BANCROFT, Jane M. Deaconesses in Europe. 1889 255 B22 ROBINSON, Cecilia. The ministry of deaconesses. 1898 255 260 Church institutions and work STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn, dean. Christian institutions; essays on ecclesiastical subjects. 1890 260 578 Contents: Baptism. The Eucharist. The Eucharist in the early church. The Eucharist sacrifice. The real presence. The body and blood of Christ. Absolution. Ecclesiastical vestments. The basilica. The clergy. The pope. The litany. The Roman catacombs. The creed of the early Christians. The Lord's prayer. The council and creed of Constantinople. The ten commandments. ABBOTT, Lyman. Christianity and social problems. 1896 261 Ai32 The object of the book is to make some application of Christ's teachings to the social problems of our time. BRACE, Charles Loring. Gesta Christi; or, A history of humane progress under Christianity. 1900 261 667 BROOKS, Phillips, bp. Influence of Jesus. 1894 261 677 CHURCH INSTITUTIONS AND WORK 189 CHURCH sociables and entertainments. 1898 261 C46 Suggestions for new ways of raising money, for salable articles to make for church fairs, and devices for making these occasions entertaining as well as financially profitable. COMMONS, John Rogers. Social reform and the church, with an introduction by R. T. Ely. 1894 261 C73 Contents: The Christian minister and sociology. The church and the problem of poverty. The educated man in politics. The church and political reforms. Temperance reform. Municipal monopolies. Pro- portional representation. EDE, W. Moore. Attitude of the church to some of the social problems of town life. 1896. (Hulsean lectures, 1895.) 261 26 Contents: The function of the church in the work of social reform. The problem of the unemployed and the duty of the church. The homes of the people. The attitude of the church towards the vices of our towns. "The lectures are not the speculations of a theorist." Bishop Westcott in Prefatory note. ELY, Richard Theodore. Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays. 1889 261 573 A reprint of essays giving a forcible statement of the attitude of the church toward social problems, with suggested principles and plans for social reform. The social law of service. 1896 261 57 The author, who is well known as a distinguished social economist, here states what the Bible means to him, and what he considers to be the application of its teachings to the relations of the social classes. GIBBONS, James, cardinal. Our Christian heritage. 1889 261 636 GLADDEN, Washington. Applied Christianity; moral aspects of social questions. 1898. .261 G45 Contents: Christianity and wealth. Is labor a commodity? The strength and weakness of socialism. Is it peace or war? The wage- workers and the churches. Three dangers. Christianity and social science. Christianity and popular amusements. Christianity and popu- lar education. Practical consideration of pressing social questions from the standpoint of a liberal Christian minister. The Christian pastor and the working church. 1898. (In- ternational theological library.) 261 G4Sc "It is not wholly a matter of methods and machinery. . .but it is a study of the life of the church as it is manifested in the community where it is planted." Preface. Ruling ideas of the present age. 1895 261 G45r An attempt at the interpretation of some of the intellectual and ethical movements of the present day. This essay took the Fletcher prize at Dartmouth college in 1894. JUDSON, Edward. The institutional church; a primer in pastoral theology. 1899. (Hand-books for practical workers.) 261 J49 LOOM IS, Samuel Lane. Modern cities and their religious problems. 1887 261 L85 Contents: The growth of modern cities. The social composition of American cities. The threat of the cities. Christian work in London, the Church of England, Dissenting churches, Other movements. The McAll mission. Suggestions regarding Christian work for our cities. MATHEWS, Shailer. The social teaching of Jesus; an essay in Christian sociol- ogy. 1897 261 M47 Contents: Man. Society. The family. The state. Wealth. Social ECCLESIASTICAL POLITY life. The forces of human progress. The process of social regen- eration. "A clear and forcible essay on Christ's attitude toward society." Out- look, 1897. MEAD, George Whitefield. Modern methods in church work. 1897 .................... 261 M55 "The modern church has waited long for such a book as this, because it has waited for the facts which the book reports. Its cardinal merit is that, while it sets forth what ought to be, it describes what has act- ually begun to be." Outlook, 1897. "Rich in suggestions of practical methods actually in successful use by churches in all parts of the United States." Dial, 1897. MILLER, John Bleecker. Leo XIII and modern civilization. 1897 ...................... 261 Mop PEABODY, Francis Greenwood. Jesus Christ and the social question; an examination of the teaching of Jesus in its relation to some of the problems of modern social life. 1900 ................... 261 P33 Contents: The comprehensiveness of the teaching of Jesus. The social principles of the teaching of Jesus. The teaching of Jesus concerning the family. The teaching of Jesus concerning the rich. The teaching of Jesus concerning the care of the poor. The teaching of Jesus con- cerning the industrial order. The correlation of the social questions. SHAIRP, John Campbell. Culture and religion in some of their relations. 1871 .......... 261 852 STRONG, Josiah. New era. 1893 ............................................... 261 892 Discusses the contributions to civilization made by the Hebrews, Greeks, Romans and Anglo-Saxons; the widening influence of Jesus, popular discontent, the problems of the city and country, and the separation of the masses from the church. He urges the necessity of new methods, of co-operation and personal contact, above all, of enthusiasm for humanity. Religious movements for social betterment. 1900. (Mon- ographs on American social economics.) ............... 261 $92r Discusses the nature, origin and results of the change which is taking place in religious methods, outlining some of the new activities as they are illustrated in the so-called institutional church of our large cities, the Young men's Christian association, the Young women's Christian association, and the Salvation army. WARD, Julius Hammond. Church in modern society. 1889 ......................... 261 W2i 262 Ecclesiastical polity BARNES, Albert. Trial of Albert Barnes before the synod of Philadelphia, Oc- tober, 1835, on a charge of heresy preferred against him by George Junkin ........................................... r262 625 The way of salvation, a sermon; together with his Defence of the sermon, and his Defence before the second presbytery of Philadelphia in reply to the charges of George Junkin. 1836 .................................................. T202 B25W COOKE, R.J. The historic episcopate; a study of Anglican claims and Methodist orders. 1896 ............................... 262 C78 HOOKER, Richard. Works. 2v. 1890 ....................................... 262 H77 Life of Hooker by Isaac Walton, v. i, p. 3-82. PUBLIC WORSHIP 191 HUNTINGTON, Frederic Dan, bp. Personal religious life in the ministry and in ministering women. 1900 262 Ho4 MANNING, Henry Edward, cardinal. The eternal priesthood 262 M33 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. Form of government, the discipline and the directory for wor- ship r202 PQ2 WHITGIFT, John. abp. of Canterbury. Works; ed. by John Ayre. 3v. 1851-53. (Parker society. Publications.) 262 W64 .v.i-2. Defence of the answer to the admonition, against the reply of Thomas Cartwright. v-3. Defence, (continued). Sermons. Selected letters. Biographical memoir of John Whitgift, v.3, p.5-23. 263 Sabbath, Sunday BLAKELY, William Addison, comp. American state papers bearing on Sunday legislation. 1891. . .r263 652 EARLE, Mrs Alice Morse. Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1893 .263 17 "Good history, based on solid fact and told with much humor." Academy, 1892. HESSEY, James Augustus. Sunday; its origin, history and present obligation. 1889. (Bampton lectures.) 263 H48 MELLON, Thomas. The Sunday question. 1883 263 Msg 264 Public worship, ritual BAIRD, Thomas Dickson. Inquiry into the privilege and duty of the Christian church in the exercise of sacred praise; and An examination of An apology for the Book of Psalms by Gilbert M'Master. 1825 r264 Bi6 CALENDAR of the Prayer-book; with an appendix of the chief Christian emblems from early and medieval mon- uments. 1888 r264 Ci3 CHRISTIAN worship; ten lectures delivered in the Union theological seminary, New York, in the autumn of 1896. 1897 264 C45 Contents: Hall, C. C. The principles of Christian worship. Allen, A. V. G. Primitive Christian liturgies. Smyth, E. C. The Greek liturgies. Tiffany, C. C. The Roman liturgies. Jacobs, H. E. The Lutheran liturgies. Rupp, William. The liturgies of the reformed churches. Huntington, VV. R. Book of common prayer. Pollok, Allan. The book of common order and the directory for worship. Boardman, G. D. Worship in non-liturgical churches. Hastings, T. S. The ideal of Christian worship. Several of the chapters contain bibliographies. CLARKE, James Freeman. The Christian doctrine of prayer. 1890 264 53 13 i 9 2 PUBLIC WORSHIP \ COMMON PRAYER, BOOK OF. The annotated Book of common prayer; an historical, ritual, and theological commentary on the devotional system of the Church of England; ed. by J. H. Blunt. 1895 qra64 C73an Army and navy prayer book. 1865 r264 C73a Published in Richmond by the Diocesan missionary society of the Protestant Episcopal church of Virginia. Contains "A prayer for the president of the Confederate states." The Book of common prayer according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal church of America. 1806 r264 C73b Book of common prayer according to the use of the United church of England and Ireland. 1853 r264 73 The prayer book, interleaved with historical illustrations and explanatory notes arranged parallel to the text, by W. M. Campion and W. J. Beamont. 1898 r264 C73p COXE, Arthur Cleveland, bp. Thoughts on the services; an introduction to the liturgy. 1888 264 C85 The same; ed. by Cortlandt Whitehead. 1000 264 C8st GASQUET, Francis Aidan, & Bishop, Edmund. Edward VI and the Book of common prayer; an examination into its origin and early history, with an appendix of un- published documents. 1891 264 G2I KINSLEY, William W. Science and prayer. 1893. (Chautauqua reading circle liter- ature.) 264 K27 LUCKOCK, Herbert Mortimer. Studies in the history of the Book of common prayer. 1882 264 L97 Contents: The Anglican reform. The Puritan innovations. The Eliza- bethan reaction. The Caroline settlement. MAURICE, Frederick Denison. Prayer-book considered in reference to the Romish sys- tem, and Lord's prayer; sermons. 1893 264 M49 NEALE, John Mason. Essays on liturgiology and church history; with an appen- dix on liturgical quotations from the isapostolic fathers. 1867 r264 Ni7 NEALE, John Mason, & Littledale, R.F. tr. Liturgies of Ss. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostom and Basil, and the church of Malabar. 1869 264 Ni7 NEW JERUSALEM, Church of the. Liturgy for the New church, also hymns and songs. 1878. ..r264 N26 WHITTINGHAM, William. A brief discourse of the troubles begun at Frankfort, 1554, about the Book of common prayer and ceremonies. 1846 r26 4 W66 Reprinted from the black-letter edition of 1575. WILSON, Harry. Why and wherefore? simple explanations of the ornaments, vestments and ritual of the church ; adapted to the use and customs of the American church. 1897 r2O4 W76 SACRAMENTS 193 265 Sacraments GREATRAKE, Laurence. To Alexander Campbell r26s Ri7 Campbell (1788-1866) was a theologian of the Baptist denomination and was at one time settled in western Pennsylvania. He was finally ex- cluded from fellowship with the Baptists and formed the sect called Campbellites. He took part in numerous religious controversies, one of which called out this pamphlet by Greatrake. It is written in an- swer to Campbell's review of his (Greatrake's) letters to Campbell. Bound with other pamphlets. LAMBING, Andrew Arnold. Sacramentals of the Catholic church. 1892 265 Li8 PAYNTER, Henry M. The holy Supper; a critical exposition comprising all that is told us in the New testament concerning the Supper in- stituted by our Lord. 1882 265 ?33 PHIPPS, Joseph. True Christian baptism and communion 265 P$2 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES General assembly. Report of the committee appointed to draught a plan for dis- ciplining baptized children. 1812 r26s Ri7 Bound with other pamphlets. RALSTON, Samuel. Brief review of a debate on Christian baptism between John Walker, a minister of the secession and Alexander Camp- bell, a Baptist minister, in a series of letters, now addressed to the United Presbyterian congregations of Mingo Creek and Williamsport. 1823 r26s Ri7 SPIRAGO, Francis. Catechism explained; an exhaustive exposition of the Christian religion, with special reference to the present state of society and the spirit of the age; ed. by R. F. Clarke. 1899 265 $75 Roman Catholic manual containing a system of private devotions and an exposition of the Apostles' creed, the Ten commandments and the sacraments of the church. WALKER, Rev. John, & Campbell, Alexander. Debate on Christian baptism. 1822 r265 Wi6 The WITNESS; published by Samuel Williams; monthly, v.i. 1842-43. Pittsburgh r26s W82 266 Missions ARMSTRONG, E. S. History of the Melanesian mission. 1900 266 A73 History of the work of the Church of England in the New Hebrides, Solomon, ana other islands of Australasia, inaugurated in 1841 by Bishop George Selwyn and continued by Bishops Patteson, John Sel- wyn and Wilson. BALDWIN, Stephen Livingston. Foreign missions of the Protestant churches. 1900 266 Big States some of the principles which underlie the missionary work of Protestantism, discusses the methods by which this work is managed 194 MISSIONS from the home side, and gives brief outline summaries of the work of the various churches engaged in missionary enterprise. BAPTIST home mission monthly, v.ip-date. i8p7-date qr266 6229 BAPTIST missionary magazine; monthly. v.77-date. 1897- date r266 622 BARNES, Lemuel Call. Two thousand years of missions before Carey, based upon and embodying many of the earliest extant accounts. 1900. .266 625 Selected bibliography, p. 455-485. The same. 1900 r266 625 BARROW, A.H. Fifty years in western Africa; a record of the work of the west Indian church on the banks of the Rio Pongo. 1900. .266 626 BLISS, Edwin Munsell. Concise history of missions. 1897 266 655 Bibliography, p. 313-318. The same. 1897 r266 6550 BLISS, Edwin Munsell, comp. Encyclopaedia of missions. 2v. 1891 qr266 655 Covers two general departments, the origin, growth and work of mis- sionary societies, and the countries in which the work is carried on. Includes also a gazetteer of mission stations, biographical sketches of missionaries, a list of Bible versions, maps and statistical tables. BONAR, Horatius, ed. A cry from the land of Calvin and Voltaire; records of the McAll mission. 1887 266 B6i CADDELL, Cecilia Mary. History of the missions in Paraguay. 1896 266 Cn CAMPBELL, James R. Missions in Hindustan; with a description of the country. 1852 r266 Cis CENTENARY CONFERENCE ON THE PROTESTANT MISSIONS OF THE WORLD. Report of the conference held in London, June 9-19, 1888. 2v. .266 C3I Missionary bibliography, v.i, p.48o-538. CHARLES, Mrs Elizabeth (Rundle). Early Christian missions of Ireland, Scotland and England. 1893 266 C37 Contents: St. Patrick. St. Columba. lona and England; St. Aidan, St. Hilda, St. Colman, St. Chad, St. Cuthbert. Missions of Ireland and England in Europe; St. Columban. St. Boniface, apostle of Germany. St. Margaret, queen of Scotland. CHESTER, Samuel Hall. Lights and shadows of mission work in the far East; the record of observations made during a visit to the southern Presbyterian missions in Japan, China and Korea in 1897. 1899 266 C42 CHOULES, John Overton, & Smith, Thomas. The origin and history of missions. 2v. 1844 qr2(56 C4S CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY, pub. History of Christianity in India, with its prospects; a sketch compiled from Sherring, Smith, Badley, and re- ports. 1895 266 C4S MISSIONS 195 CLARKE, William Newton. Study of Christian missions. 1960 266 C$3 CLOUGH, Emma Rauschenbusch-. While sewing sandals; or, Tales of a Telugu Pariah tribe. 1899 266 C6i Contents: A history not written in books. Ancient mother-worship. Christianity and the gurus. From Nasriah to Christ. Battle-ground for two religions. The power of Christianity. "References," p.3ii~3i4. COUSINS, George. Story of the South Seas. 1894 266 C84 Bibliography, p. 6. COUSINS, William Edward. Madagascar of to-day; a sketch of the island, with chap- ters on its past history and present prospects. 1895. . . .266 C843 "Can be ... recommended to any one who wishes to get a few simple facts about the great African island, its nature and inhabitants, its his- tory, and especially the growth of Christianity within its borders. The author is a missionary of many years' standing, obviously familiar with his subject. He writes in a calm, sensible way, and in particular his judgment of political and religious conditions is surprisingly fair." Na- tion, 1895. CROIL, James. Missionary problem; a history of Protestant missions in some of the principal fields of missionary enterprise. 1883 266 C88 DENNIS, James Shepard, comp. Centennial survey of foreign missions ; a conspectus of the achievements and results of evangelical missions in all lands at the close of the nineteenth century. 1902 r266 D43 A statistical supplement to the author's Christian missions and social progress. DENNIS, James Shepard. Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions, v.i-2. 1897-99 266 043 Bibliography at the end of each lecture. D'ORSEY, Alexander James Donald, comp. Portuguese discoveries, dependencies and missions in Asia and Africa. 1893 266 074 Contents: The Portuguese in Europe and Asia. The Portuguese mis- sions in southern India. The subjugation of the Syrian church. Subsequent missions in southern India, with special reference to the Syrians. The Portuguese missions, with special reference to modern missionary efforts in south India. "Authorities," p.379-384. DOWNIE, David. The lone star; the history of the Telugu mission of the Ameri- can Baptist missionary union. 1893 266 077 ECUMENICAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE, New York, 1900. Report of the ecumenical conference on foreign missions, held April 21 to May I, 1900. 2v. 1900 r266 25 Bibliography, v.z, p.435-462. EELLS, Myron. History of Indian missions on the Pacific coast, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. 1882 266 32 A history of the missions from 1834-82. Tells of Marcus Whitman's journey and its consequences. 196 MISSIONS ELLINWOOD, Frank Fields. Questions and phases of modern missions. 1899 266 52 Contents: Present hindrances to missions, and their remedies. Reflex influence of foreign missions on the Christian church. The foreign mission board a university of beneficence. The place of higher educa- tion in missionary work. Medical missions. The faith element in mis- sions. Faith in one's star and faith in God. A Buddhist doctrine of salvation by faith. Ancient Hindu doctrine of sacrifice and the gos- pel of Christ. Napoleonism in America. The regeneration of Mexico. The dawn of Hawaii. The acquisition of the Spanish colonies from a missionary standpoint. An Anglo-Saxon alliance in foreign missions. FISKE, Daniel T. Faith working by love; as exemplified in the life of Fidelia Fiske. 1868 T266 54 FOREIGN missionary chronicle; containing the proceedings of the Western foreign missionary society, and a general view of the transactions of other similar institutions, v.4-9. 1836-1841 T266 F;6 FOREIGN missionary of the Presbyterian church; monthly, June, i879-Dec. 1886. v.38-45. 1879-86 r266 F;6; v.38, nos.3-5, 7 missing. GAMMELL, William. History of American Baptist missions in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. 1850 r266 Gi6 GORDON, Andrew. Our India mission; a history of the India mission of the United Presbyterian church, 1855-1885. 1888 266 G65 GORDON, M.Lafayette. An American missionary in Japan. 1893 266 G6s8 "As a means of informing the average person exactly what protestant missionary work in Japan is, this is equal to a barrel of sectarian literature." Nation, 1893. GRAHAM, John A. Missionary expansion since the reformation. 1899 266 G77 HALLO CK, William Allen. The venerable Mayhews, and the aboriginal Indians of Martha's Vineyard; condensed from Rev. Experience Mayhew's history printed in London in 1727, and brought down to the present century. 1874 r2 66 Hi8 HAMILTON, John Taylor. History of the missions of the Moravian church during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 1901 266 H2I "Essentially a reprint of portions of the History of the Moravian church published by the author in 1900." HAYDN, Hiram Collins, ed. American heroes on mission fields; ist ser. v.i. 1894 266 H37 Contents: The march of four hundred years. John Eliot. David Zeis- berger. Thomas Smith Williamson. Mr and Mrs Spalding. Titus Coan. Mrs Clarissa Chapman Armstrong. Robert W. Logan. Adoniram Judson. George Dana Boardman. HECKEWELDER, John. Narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808. 1820 r266 H39 "A full and undoubtedly faithful record of all the details of the Mission, its wonderful success and its appalling destruction." Sabin. Of great value for the early local history of Pennsylvania. MISSIONS 197 HERVEY, George Winfred. Story of Baptist missions in foreign lands, from the time of Carey to the present date, (1793-1884). 1885 266 H47 HODDER, Edwin, ed. Conquests of the cross; a record of missionary work throughout the world. 6v qr266 H66 HODGKINS, Louise Manning. Via Christi; an introduction to the study of missions. 1901. . . .266 H66 Bibliography, p.237-244. A brief outline of the history of missions from the apostolic age to the end of the i8th century. Issued under the auspices of a committee representing the Women's boards of missions of the United States and Canada. HOLCOMB, Mrs Helen H. Men of might in India missions ; the leaders and their epochs, 1706-1899. 1901 266 H69 Contents: Bartholomew Ziegenbalg, 1706-1719. Christian Frederick Schwartz, 1750-1798. \Yilliam Carey, Joshua Marshman and William Ward, i793-837- Henry Martyn, 1806-1812. Gordon Hall, 1812- 1826. Charles T. E. Uhenius, 1814-1838. John Scudder, 1819-1855. John Wilson, 1829-1875. Alexander Duff, 1830-1863. John An- derson, 1837-1855. Robert T. Noble, 1841-1865. Isidor Loewenthal, 1855-1864. Samuel H. Kellogg, 1864-1899. Bibliography, p.2. HOPKINS, Saleni Armstrong-. Within the purdah; personal observations of a medical mis- sionary in India. 1898 266 H78 Contents: Within the purdah. In the zenana homes of Indian princes. Heroes and heroines of Zion. Conclusion, by G. F. Hopkins. A vivid description of the servitude, ignorance and great needs of the native Indian women. The "purdah" is the curtain which separates the "zenana," or women's apartments from the rest of the house. HUC, Evareste Regis. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 2v. 1897 266 H88 Author was a French Catholic priest, who went to China in 1839, learned the Chinese language, and labored there as a missionary. A journey to Tartary and Thibet, where he penetrated to the sacred city and had many curious and interesting adventures, has been described in his book "Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China." He wrote also a work on "The Chinese Empire." The Encyclopedia Britannica says, "These works are written in a lucid, racy, picturesque style which has secured for them an unusual degree of popularity." HUMPHREY, S.J. Eschol; a cluster from mission lands. 1893 .266 Ho/j Contents: Maharajah Dhuleep Singh. Four memorable years at Hilo. Evangelism in the Pacific. The story of Niwe. Missions and the skeptics. An evening with an old missionary. A visit to the Dakotas. The genesis of a windmill. Talamas-mic-o. Two catastrophes. Is it a waste? JACKSON, Sheldon. Alaska and missions on the north Pacific coast. 1880 266 Ji2 JENNINGS, Obadiah. Sermon delivered in the Second Presbyterian church, Pitts- burgh, on the occasion of the organization of the mission family, lately sent by the Board of trust of the Western missionary society to the Ottoway tribe of Indians. 1822. .r265 Ri7 Bound with other pamphlets. LAWRENCE, Edward A. Modern missions in the East; their methods, successes and limitations. 1895 266 42 Covers China, Corea, Japan, India, Turkey in Asia, etc. 198 MISSIONS LEONARD, Delavan Lavant. A hundred years of missions. 1895 266 L62 Review of the growth of missions all over the world during the nine- teenth century. Missionary annals of the igth century. 1899 266 L62m LIGGINS, John. Great value and success of foreign missions. 1888 r266 L69 A compilation of testimony in favor of missions by distinguished diplo- mats, travelers, army and navy officers, naturalists, explorers, English viceroys and governors in India, etc. LONGRIDGE, George. History of the Oxford mission to Calcutta; with a preface by E. S. Talbot. 1900 266 L84 LOSKIEL, George Henry. History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. 3v. in i. 1794 r266 L8g LOVETT, Richard. History of the London missionary society, 1795-1895. 2v. 1899 r266 L94 List of authorities at the end of each chapter. LOWE, John. Medical missions, their place and power. 1886 266 L95 LOWRIE, John Cameron. Manual of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian church. 1868 r266 L96 MACDOUGALL, Donald. Conversion of the Maoris. 1899 266 Mi47 McDOWELL, W. F. and others. The picket line of missions. 1897 266 Mi4 Contents: David Livingstone by W. F. McDowell. A. M. Mackay, the hero of Uganda, by J. T. Gracey. Ion Keith-Falconer, pioneer in Arabia, by A. T. Pierson. Sia Sek Ong by S. L. Baldwin. J. K. Mackenzie, medical missionary to China, by J. M. Bingham. J. M. Thoburn by W. F. Oldham. Mary Reed by M. L. Ninde. Polynesian missions; John Williams, John Hunt, by W. H. Withrow. MACKENZIE, W. Douglas. Christianity and the progress of man as illustrated by modern missions. 1897 266 Mi8 McLEAN, A. A circuit of the globe; a series of letters of travel across the American continent, through the Hawaiian republic, Japan, China, the straits settlements, Burma, India, Cey- lon, Australia, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Scandinavia, France and England. 1897 266 Mig Gives an account of the various missions, their status and the work being accomplished in the countries traversed. MACLEAR, George Frederick. History of Christian missions during the middle ages. 1863 266 Mi95 The Christianizing of Europe, 340-1520, A. D. MARSH, Dwight W. The Tennesseean in Persia and Koordistan; scenes and inci- dents in the life of Samuel Audley Rhea. 1869 r266 M4I Rhea was at Oroomiah as missionary to the Nestorians and Kurds, 1851-65. MISSIONS 199 MAXWELL, Mrs Ellen Blackmar. The bishop's conversion. 1892 206 M53 MERRIAM, Edmund F. . History of American Baptist missions. 1900 266 M63 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Missionary society. Annual report, 1891-1892, 1897-1898. v-73-74, 79-80, in 2. 1892-98 r266 M64 MILLER, Mrs M.A. History of the Woman's foreign missionary society of the Methodist Protestant church. 1896 266 M6g The MISSIONARY herald; containing the proceedings of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions; monthly, v.19, 21, 23, 92-date. i823-date r266 M74 MISSIONARY review of the world; monthly, v.n-17, 2O-date. i888-date r266 M743 MOFFAT, Robert. Missionary labours and scenes in southern Africa. 1846. . .r266 M76 MONTGOMERY, Henry Hutchinson. Foreign missions. 1902. (Handbooks for the clergy.) 266 M86 Contains bibliographies. "A comprehensive view of the present condition of mission work in all parts of the world... Each leading chapter has its bibliography. The value of the book for the clergy should be great." Spectator, 1902. MOTT, John Raleigh. Evangelization of the world in this generation. 1901 266 Mg4 Bibliography, p. 21 1-234. NOBLE, Frederic Perry. Redemption of Africa; a story of civilization. 2v. 1899 266 N38 v.2 contains a chapter on Negroes. "Principal authorities," v.z, p.82i-832. PAGE, Jesse. Amid Greenland snows; or, The early history of Arctic missions 266 Pi4 PEERY, R. B. The gist of Japan; the islands, their people and missions. 1897 266 P36 Treats chiefly of mission work in Japan. PIERSON, Arthur Tappan. Crisis of missions; or, The voice out of the cloud. 1886. . . .266 PS7C Miracles of missions; ist-4th ser. 4v. 1891-1901 266 ?S7 Modern mission century viewed as a cycle of divine working; a review of the missions of the nineteenth century with ref- erence to the superintending providence of God. 1901 266 PS7m Seven years in Sierra Leone; the story of the work of Wil- liam A. B. Johnson, missionary of the Church missionary society, 1816-1823. 1897 266 PS/S POWERS, Laura Bride. Missions of California; their establishment, progress and decay. 1897 266 P87 "This little volume might well have gone forth to its destiny, known as 'A plea for the Missions.' That interest might be aroused in behalf of these decaying heirlooms ere it becomes too late, I have endeav- ored to tell their tale of ascendency and ruin, hoping thereby to enlist sympathy in the cause of their restoration and preservation." Preface. 200 MISSIONS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. Annual report of (he board of foreign missions, 1838, 1899/1900. v.2, 63. 1839-1900 r266 ?92 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Domestic and foreign missionary society. Triennial sermon before the Board of missions ; triennial meet- ing of the Board of missions ; triennial report of the Board of managers ; reports of standing committees , recognized auxiliaries, missionary bishops, etc., for the year ending Aug. 31, 1898. 1898 r266 P97 RANKIN, Melinda. Twenty years among the Mexicans. 1875 266 Ri9 Personal experiences of a pioneer missionary, 1852-71. SCUDDER, Mrs. Frances Ann Rousseau. Nineteen centuries of missions; a handbook primarily pre- pared for young people. 1899 266 843 SHEA. John Gilmary. History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. 1855 266 853 SMITH, George, b. 1833. Short history of Christian missions from Abraham and Paul to Carey, Livingstone and Duff. 1897 266 864 SPEER, Robert Elliott. Presbyterian foreign missions ; an account of the foreign mis- sions of the Presbyterian church in the U. S. A. 1901 266 874 STEWART, Robert, missionary. Life and work in India ; an account of the conditions, methods, difficulties, results, future prospects and reflex influence of missionary labor in India, especially in the Punjab mission of the United Presbyterian church of North America. 1899. .266 S8$ STORROW, Edward. Protestant missions in pagan lands; a manual of missionary facts and principles relating to foreign missions through- out the world. 1888 266 S88 STORRS, Richard Salter. Addresses on foreign missions delivered before the Ameri- can board of commissioners for foreign missions, 1887-1897. 1900 266 S8862 STOTT, Mrs Grace. Twenty-six years of missionary work in China 266 S886 STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. The student missionary enterprise; addresses and discussions of the 2d international convention of the Student volun- teer movement for foreign missions, Feb. 28-Mar. 4, 1894; ed. by M. W. Moorhead. 1894 r266 893 THOMPSON, Augustus Charles. Moravian missions; twelve lectures. 1883 r266 T37 "History and general characteristics of what has been in many respects the most remarkable missionary enterprise of modern times. A well written book and very readable." Protestant missions; their rise and early progress. 1894 266 T37 MISSIONS 201 TRACY, Joseph. History of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions. 1842 r266 T67 TUCKER, Henry William. English church in other lands; or, The spiritual expansion of England. 1899. (Epochs of church history.) 266 T8i Bibliography, p.6-7. UNITED BRETHREN. Act of incorporation and stated rules of the Society of the United Brethren for propagating the gospel among the heathen r266 U2Sc Bound with Concise account of the present state of missions. Bericht der directoren der Societat zur ausbreitung des evangeliums unter den heiden. 1842 r266 U25b Bound with the following. Bericht der Heiden-societaet zu Bethlehem, Pa. 1846 r266 U2$b Concise account of the present state of the missions of the United Brethren, commonly called Moravians. i8oi..r266 U2$c Directoren bericht von unsern indianer missionen, fur die jahrliche versammlung der Heidensocietat, den 2iten August 1863. 1863 r266 U25m Bound with the following. Missionary manual and directory of the Unitas Fratrum or the Moravian church. 1880 r2(56 U2Sm The same. 1892 r266 U2Sm2 Proceedings of the general meeting of the Society for propa- gating the gospel among the heathen, 1864-1900. 87th- I27th general meeting. 1864-1900 r266 U25 Proceedings of the 99th iO2d, H2th-ii4th, n6th, I2ist-i24th general meetings are missing. The i25th, i26th and i27th general meetings were all held in 1900. Review of the foreign missions of the Moravian church, July I, 1871 to July i, 1872; with special reports from the missions in Canada and Kansas. 1872 r266 U25m Bound with Missionary manual. WALSH, William Pakenham, bp. Christian missions; six discourses delivered before the Uni- versity of Dublin; the Donnellan lectures for 1861. 1862. .266 Wi8c Heroes of the mission field 266 Wi8 Contents: Apostolic and early missions, the first three centuries. St. Martin of Tours.- Ulphilas, apostle of the Goths. St. Patrick and his followers. St. Augustine in England. St. Boniface in Germany. Anschar, the apostle of the north. Adalbert, missionary and martyr amongst the Sclavonians. Otto, the apostle of Pomerania. Raymund Lull, philosopher, missionary, martyr. Francis Xavier, missionary to the Indies and Japan. Eliot, the apostle to the Indians. Hans Egede, the apostle of Greenland. Christian Frederic Schwartz. Modern heroes of the mission field. 1882 266 Wi8m Contents: Henry Martyn, India and Persia, 1805-1812. William Carey, India, 1793-1834. Adoniram Judson, Burmah, 1813-1850. Robert Mor- rison, China, 1807-1834. Samuel Marsden, New Zealand, 1814-1838. John Williams, Polynesia, 1817-1839. William Johnson, West Africa, 1816-1823. John Hunt, Fiji, 1838-1848. Allen Gardiner, South America, 1835-1851. Alexander Duff, India, 1829-1864. David Livingstone, Africa, 1840-1873. Bishop Patteson, Melanesia, 1855-1871. 202 MISSIONS WARNECK, Gustav. Outline of the history of Protestant missions from the reformation to the present time. 1884 266 W23 WATSON, Andrew. American mission in Egypt, 1854-1896 .266 W3i History of missionary work in Egypt carried on by the United Presby- terian church in North America. WEST, Maria A. The romance of missions in the land of Ararat 266 Ws6 "A contribution to missionary literature that will have a wide circu- lation and many eager readers. The author presents us with a series of over two hundred pen-and-ink sketches, in a style that is simple, vivacious and charming; the reader's curiosity is spurred, and the in- terest sustained to the close... It is remarkable to find in it so little use for the pruning knife." Baptist missionary magazine. WESTERN missionary magazine; monthly, v.i, no.g, v.2 no.3-4, 6, 8, 10, in i. 1804-05 r266 Ws6 WHEELER, Mrs Crosby H. Missions in Eden; glimpses of life in the valley of the Eu- phrates. 1899 266 W6i WILDER, R.G. Mission schools in India of the American board of commis- sioners for foreign missions. 1861 266 W7I Fifteen years' work for the American board at Bombay, Ahmednuggur, Satara, Kolapoor, Ceylon, Madura, Madras, etc. The chief aim of the book is to gather the most important facts, incidents and results in the history of the mission schools. WILDER, Robert Parmelee. Among India's students. 1899 266 W7ia WILLIAMS, Rev. Samuel, of Pittsburgh. Rev. William Knibb, missionary to the island of Jamaica; comp. from an address by Rev. S. Williams r286 6473 Bound with other pamphlets. WOLFF, Joseph. Journal; in a series of letters to Sir Thomas Baring; con- taining an account of his missionary labours, 1827- 1831 and 1835-1838. 1839 r266 W83 Joseph Wolff was the son of a Jewish rabbi. Converted to Christianity, he became first a Roman Catholic and then a Protestant. For eight- een years he traveled as a missionary through uncivilized parts of Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. WOMAN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, pub. Historical sketches of the missions under the care of the Board of foreign missions of the Presbyterian church. 1897 r266 W8$ WYLIE, Andrew. Sermon delivered in the Presbyterian church, Washington, Pa., September 2, 1823, on the occasion of the designation of Ludovicus Robbins to the work of a missionary to the heathen and to the office of superintendent of the mission among the Ottawa Indians; to which is appended the ad- dress and instructions of the Board of the Western mis- sionary society, delivered to him on that occasion. 1823.^265 Ri7 Bound with other pamphlets. YOUNG, Robert, of the Free church of Scotland. Modern missions, their trials and triumphs. 1882 r266 Y3Q RELIGIOUS HISTORY 203 267 Religious societies DOGGETT, L.L. History of the Young men's Christian association, v.i. 1896 267.3 D67 v.i. The founding of the association, 1844-1855. "General and association literature," v.i, p. 186-191. ILLINOIS YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. Twenty years; a sketch of the work of the State executive committee of Illinois Young men's Christian associations, from 1880 to 1900. 1900 267.3 122 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Jubilee of work for young men in North America. 1901 267.3 Y36 Contents: A report of the jubilee convention of North American Young men's Christian associations, June 11-16, 1901. Reports of the com- memorative services of the Montreal and Boston associations. A world survey by countries of the association movement. BACON, Leonard Woolsey, & Northrop, C. A. Young people's societies. 1900. (Hand-books for practi- cal workers.) 267.6 Bi3 "Literature," ^.253-259. Two parts, "historical" and "practical," the former including accounts of Lend-a-hand clubs, the King's daughters and sons, the Young peo- ple's society of Christian endeavor, and kindred societies: the latter treating such topics as, types of constitution; constituting of a young people's society; form of constitution; the working of a young people's society; conventions; federation, etc. 268 Sunday schools BLACK, Israel Putnam. Practical primary plans for primary teachers of the Sunday- school. 1898 268 BSI "Helpful books," p. 183-198. BREWER, Abraham- Titus, and others. How to make the Sunday school go. 1897 268 673 INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. The World's third Sunday school convention held in Lon- don, July nth to i6th, 1898. 1898 268 124 TRUMBULL. Henry Clay. Sunday-school; its origin, mission, methods and auxiliaries. 1896 268 T77 Bibliographical index, p.s8i-392. WELLS, Amos Russell. Sunday-school success; a book of practical methods for Sun- day-school teachers and officers. 1897 268 W49 270 Religious history ALLEN, Joseph Henry. Christian history in its three great periods. 3v. 1889-91 . . . .270 A42 v.i. Early Christianity. v.2. Middle age. v.3. Modern phases. 204 RELIGIOUS HISTORY BENNETT, Charles Wesley. Christian archaeology. 1898 270 643 Contents: Archaeology of Christian art. The archaeology of the consti- tution and government of the early Christian church. The sacraments and worship of the early church. The archaeology of Christian life. Literature of Christian archatology, p-588-599. DRUMMOND, James, b. 1835. Via, veritas, vita; lectures on "Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form." 1895. (Hibbert lectures.) 270 D84 FERGUSON, Henry. Four periods in the life of the church. 1894 2 7O F38 FISHER, George Park. Hi?tory of the Christian church. 1894 2 7 F53 Notes on the literature of church history, p.(>ji-6y^. HORTIG, Johann Nepomuk. Handbuch der christlichen kirchengeschichte. v.i, 2 pt.2. 1827-28 270 H67 "Literatur," v.i, p.7-z6. v.2 was completed by J. J. I. von Dollinger. KURTZ, Johann Heinrich. Church history; authorized translation by John MacPherson. 3v. 1888-89 270 K43 v.i. Introduction. History of the preparation for Christianity. His- tory of the beginnings. History of the development of the church during the Graeco-Roman and Graeco-Byzantine periods. History of the German-Roman church to A.D. 911. v.z. History of the Germane-Romanic church, 911-1294. History of the Germane-Romanic church, 1294-1517. Church history of the i6th century. v-3. Church history of the I7th century. Church history in the i8th century. Church history of the igth century. LEA. Henry Charles. Studies in church history. 1883 270 L44 Contents: The rise of the temporal power. Benefit of clergy. Excom- munication. The early church and slavery. "These three essays, the first of which was published in a less amplified form in the North American Review, are a presentation of facts de- signed to show how the Church, in meeting the successive crises in its career, succeeded in establishing the absolute theocratic despotism which diverted it so strangely from its spiritual functions." C. K. Adams. McCLURE, Edmund. Historical church atlas. 1897 qr27O Mi3 MOLLER, Wilhelm. History of the Christian church. 3v. 1893-1900 270 M 76 v.i. A.D.i-6oo. v.2. Middle ages. v-3. Reformation to 1648. Contains many bibliographies. v.3 was largely the work of Dr Kaweran. "There is no other book equally useful to students in giving a view of the development of church history as a part of the general course of human knowledge." Nation, 1892. PARSONS, Reuben. Studies in church history. 6v. 1896-1901 270 P26 v. i. Centuries 1-8. v.2. Centuries 9-14. v. 3. Centuries 15-16. v.4. Centuries 17-18. v.s-6. Century 19. \Written from the Roman Catholic standpoint. ST. JOHN, Wallace. Contest for liberty of conscience in England. 1900. (Chicago university. Divinity studies, no.i.) r27O 814 Bibliography, p. 147-153. RELIGIOUS HISTORY 205 SCHAFF, Philip. History of the Christian church, v.i-4, 6-7. 1892-94 270 829 Apostolic Christianity, A.D. i-ioo. Ante-Nicene Christianity, 100-325. .3. Nicene and post-Nicene Christianity, 311-600. .4. Mediaeval Christianity, 590-1073. .6. Modern Christianity The German reformation. .7. Modern Christianity The Swiss reformation. SOHM, Rudolf. Outlines of church history. 1895 270 S68 STEARNS, Wallace Nelson. Manual of patrology; a concise account of the chief persons, sects, orders, etc., in Christian history, from the first cen- tury to the period of the reformation. 1899 270 879 Contains bibliographical references. USENER, Hermann Karl. Religionsgeschichtliche untersuchungen. 3v. in 2. 1899.... 270 U28 v.i 2. Das weihnachtsfest. Christlicher festbrauch, schriften des aus- gehenden mittelalters. v-3. Die sintfluthsagen. VASCOTTI, Claro. Institutiones historiae ecclesiasticae novi foederis. 2v. 1873. .r270 V22 270.1 Apostolic age BARTLET, James Vernon. The apostolic age; its life, doctrine, worship and polity. 1899. (Ten epochs of church history.) 270.1 627 BAUR, Ferdinand Christian. Church history of the first three centuries. 2v. 1878-79. .270.1 632 BRIGHT, William. Some aspects of primitive church life. 1898 270.1 674 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS, bp. of Caesarea. Ecclesiastical history. 1851 r27o.i 93 FARRAR, Frederick William, dean. Early days of Christianity. 1882 270.1 F25 FISHER, George Park. Beginnings of Christianity, with a view of the state of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. 1893 270.1 F53 "The author has three purposes in view: first, to give an account of the ancient world, including heathen and Jewish society; second, to ex- amine the New Testament doctrines from which our knowledge of the Christian religion must be derived; and, third, to discuss the most important topics connected with the life of Christ and the apostolic age... It represents extensive study of the best literature on the sub- ject, is without parade of learning, and is written in a style at once clear and refreshing." C. K. Adams. FOUARD, Constant, 1'abbe. Saint Peter and the first years of Christianity. 1899 270.1 F82 "In the rapid development of English (Roman) Catholic literature, great attention has been paid to the Prince of the Apostles.. .These works for the most part, however, have a special end in view. They are controversial in character.. .This work, then appears at a happy time in its English form, and crowns our Petrine literature with the pages of peace. Controversy is not found in the body of the work. . .Vivacity, brilliancy at times, pervades the entire volume." American Catholic quarterly review, 1893. 206 RELIGIOUS HISTORY McGIFFERT, Arthur Cushman. A history of Christianity in the apostolic age. 1897. (Inter- national theological library.) 270.1 Mi6 Dr McGiffert is interpretive rather than argumentative, and the chief value of his book is in his interpretation of Paul. The Outlook says: "It might almost be said that Dr McGiffert has re-discovered Paul." MILMAN, Henry Hart. History of Christianity to the abolition of paganism in the Roman Empire. 3v. in 2 270.1 Mji "One of the early works by which Dean Milman laid the foundation for his literary fame. It now stands as a fitting introduction to the more mature and more famous 'History of Latin Christianity.' In style it shows the author's well-known qualities, and it is marked by his equally well-known freedom from bondage to the traditions of the church." C. K. Adams. MOXOM, Philip Stafford. From Jerusalem to Nicnea; the church in the first three cen- turies. 1895. (Lowell lectures.) 270.1 M-432. ABINGDON ABBEY. Accounts of the obedientiars of Abingdon abbey; ed. by jfi- R. E. G. Kirk. 1892. (Camden society. Publications, n.s. v.Si.) 274.2 Ai4 Specimens of the financial accounts of nearly all the principal officers of the abbey from 1322 to 1479, including those of the treasurer, kitchener, chamberlain, lignar, sacristan, gardener, pittancer, infirm- arer, refectorer, etc. ATTHILL, William. Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the collegiate church of Middleham, in the county of York; with an historical introduction and incidental notices of the castle, town and neighbourhood. 1847. (Camden society. Publications, v.38.) 274.2 A88 BAYNE, Peter. Chief actors in the Puritan revolution. 1878 274.2 633 Contents: Three centuries ago. The transition period, James I. The Anglo-Catholic reaction, Archbishop Laud. Henrietta Maria. Charles I. The Covenanters, Charles II and Argyle. Montrose. Milton. Sir Henry Vane. Oliver Cromwell. Clarendon. "Published originally in the Contemporary Review. The chapters are RELIGIOUS HISTORY GREAT BRITAIN 215 studies founded on the most recent researches, and are admirable spec- imens of judicious, incisive, and well-sustained criticism." C. K. Adams. BEDE. Ecclesiastical history of England; also The Anglo-Saxon chronicle; ed. by J. A. Giles. 1900 274.2 637 "Life of Bede," p. 6-23. Bede covers the period from Caesar's invasion to 731. "It is no exaggeration to say that with respect to the period of English history treated by Bede in the latter portion of this work, three- fourths of our knowledge are derived from him, and that most of what we find on the same subject in later historians is merely a reflection or qualification of what they themselves found in his pages . . .Of scarcely less importance than Bede's History, even for the peri- od of which he treats, and of yet greater value in that it extends to a much later period is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which brings us down to the year 1154." Gardiner & Mallinger's "Introduction to the study of English history." BLACKSTONE, Sir William. Reply to Priestley's Remarks on the fourth volume of the Commentaries. 1773 r274.2 PQ4 Bound with Priestley's Remarks on some paragraphs in Blackstone's Commentaries. BURNET, Gilbert, bp. History of the reformation of the Church of England; ed. by Nicholas Pocock. 7v. 1865 274.2 693 "The original history, while it had many of the characteristics of a great book, abounded in errors and crudities. These it has been the editor's effort to clear away, and his work is a monument of critical industry and learning." C. K. Adams. BYINGTON, Ezra Hoyt. The Puritan in England and New England. 1897 274.2 699 CAMPBELL, Douglas. Puritan in Holland, England and America. 2v. 1892 274.2 CiS v.i. Introduction, the people and institutions of the United States. The Netherlands before the war with Spain. Revolution in the Neth- erlands, (1555-1585). England before Elizabeth. Elizabethan Eng- land. English Puritanism. v.2. The Scottish kirk and its influence on English and American Puri- tanism. The English in the Netherlands, (1585-1588). The invinc- ible Armada. England after the Armada. The Brownists, or Sepa- ratists, the Baptists and the Quakers. King James and the Puritans. War in the Netherlands, (1588-1648). The Netherland republic. The Netherland republic and the English commonwealth. The Neth- erland republic and the United States. The Scotch-Irish, the Puri- tans of the South. "A work which has commanded attention to the influence exerted by the Dutch on the development of ideas and institutions in the United States, and which has done so with good effect, though with some exaggeration." J. N. Lamed. CAPES, William Wolfe. English church in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, (1272-1500). 1900. (History of the English church, v.3.) . .274.2 Ci8 "Canon Capes' method is rather to describe the period in a series of brilliant essays than to give a strictly consecutive narrative of events ...The chapters on the Clergy and Parish Life, on the Monasteries, Friars, and Pilgrims, and the closing essay on the influence of the Church on social life, are. . .delightful reading, full of quaint anec- dotes and records which Canon Capes has unearthed among contem- porary chronicles." Outlook in life, 1900. CLARK, William, b. 1829. The Anglican reformation. 1897. (Ten epochs of church history.) 274.2 C$2 216 RELIGIOUS HISTORY GREAT BRITAIN COBBETT, William. History of the reformation in England and Ireland, in a series of letters 274.2 C6j COLLINS, William Edward. Beginnings of English Christianity; with special reference to the coming of St. Augustine. 1898 274.2 C7i Contents: The Romano-British church and Celtic Christianity. The be- ginnings of English Christianity. The Welsh church and the Eng- lish. The English church and the Roman. The English reformation and its consequences. 1898 .... 274.2 C7ie Contents: The reformation of the English church. Romanism. Puri- tanism. Sectarianism. Appendix of documents. Appendix includes, Form of license to preach granted by Queen Mary; The true meaning of the title "Supreme governor"; the Act of su- premacy; The adoption of the Roman missal, etc., by the English Romanists; the Bull of deposition against Elizabeth; Later modifica- tions of the bull "Regnans in excelsis"; "A declaration of the sen- tence and deposition of Elizabeth"; King James I's oath for recusants; a Directory of church government; the Millenary petition; Richard Baxter's prayer book, etc. FURNEAUX, Philip. Letters to Blackstone concerning his exposition of the act of toleration and positions relative to religious liberty in his Commentaries. 1773 r274.2 PQ4 Bound with Priestley's Remarks on some paragraphs in Blackstone's Commentaries. GASQUET, Francis Aidan. Eve of the reformation; studies in the religious life and thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIII. 1900 274.2 G2I Contents: The revival of letters in England. The two jurisdictions. England and the pope. Clergy and laity. Erasmus. The Lutheran invasion. The printed English Bible. Teaching and preaching. Parish life in Catholic England. Pre-reformation guild life. Mediaeval wills, chantries and obits. Pilgrimages and relics. GEIKIE, Cunningham. The English reformation; how it came about, and why we should uphold it. 1879 274.2 G28 "An essay rather than a history. It is, however, a strong presentation of the Protestant side of the Reformation. The book is argumentative rather than judicial, and is written from the Church-of-England point of view. It is interesting and forcible, but it should be regarded as a plea rather than a decision." C. K. Adams. HALE, William Hale, ed. Domesday of St. Paul's of 1222; or, Registrum de visita- tione maneriorum per Robertum decanum, and other original documents relating to the manors and churches belonging to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, Lon- don, in the I2th and I3th centuries. 1858. (Camden society. Publications, v.69.) 274.2 Hi6 HALL, Thomas Cuming. Social meaning of modern religious movements in Eng- land; the Ely lectures for 1899. 1900 274.2 Hi7 Contents: The beginnings of Methodism. The Methodist movement. England's condition and the Evangelical party. The Evangelical party and social reform. Radicalism and reform. The broad church move- ment. The high church reaction. The social significance in general. Bibliography, p. 28 1-283. RELIGIOUS HISTORY GREAT BRITAIN 217 HUNT, Rev. William. English church, from its foundation to the Norman conquest, (597-1066). 1899. (History of the English church.) 274.2 English church in the middle ages. 1895. (Epochs of church history.) 274.2 INNES, Arthur Donald. Cranmer and the reformation in England. 1900. (World's epoch-makers.) 274.2 124 "The real subject is the movement, not the man, despite the title of the series. . .The three great points in any life of Cranmer which aims at exceeding the compass of a personal biography are, first, the arch- bishop's policy towards Church and State in the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Mary; secondly, the lasting seal which he impressed upon the Church of England; and thirdly, the conflicting views of his public character which have been formed by Romanists, Anglicans of the High Church party, and Evangelicals of all parties. Mr. Innes keeps each of these matters before him in his accurate and thoughtful essay." Nation, 1900. JACOBS, Henry Eyster. Lutheran movement in England during the reigns of Hen- ry VIII and Edward VI, and its literary monuments. 1891 274.2 Ji3 The same. 1891 r274.2 Ji3 JESSOPP, Augustus. Before the great pillage; with other miscellanies. 1901 274.2 J29 Contents: Parish life in England before the great pillage. The parish priest in England before the reformation. "Robbing God." The cry of the villages. The baptism of Clovis. David and Jonathan. Adam and Eve. Cu Cu! Moles. More than half the volume deals with the mediaeval parish history of England. The rest of the book consists of miscellaneous papers, the two entitled ''David and Jonathan" and "Adam and Eve" being hu- morous accounts of two pairs of tortoises. LAW, Thomas Graves, ed. Archpriest controversy; documents relating to the dissen- sions of the Roman Catholic clergy, 1597-1602; ed. fr. the Petyt mss. of the Inner temple, v.i. 1896. (Cam- den society. Publications, n.s. v.56.) 274.2 L39 MACLEAR, George Frederick. Conversion of the West: the English. 1897 274.2 Mi9 MAITLAND, Samuel Roffey. Essays on subjects connected with the reformation in England. 1899 274.2 M27 Contents: Puritan veracity: George Joye, Anthony Dalaber, Thomas Greene, John Careless. Puritan style: John Bale, Bishop Ponet, Bartholomew Traheron. Puritan politics: John Knox, Bishop Ponet, Wyat's rebellion, The duty of subjects to their rulers generally, Re- specting Queen Mary in particular, The Spaniards, The change of religion. The Puritan palinodia; the "Harborough" for faithful sub- jects. The ribalds: Thomas, lord Cromwell, Act of six articles. Bishop Gardiner and the king. Bishop Gardiner and Paget. Bishop Gardiner and Bishop Bonner. Bishop Gardiner; his popery. Bishop Bonner's cruelty. MASON, Arthur James, ed. Mission of St. Augustine to England, according to the origi- nal documents;' a handbook for the thirteenth centenary. 1897 274.2 M44 Complete collection of authentic documents relating to Augustine's mis- sion, from the works of Gregory and Bede, with translations and explanatory notes. Contains also four essays by different writers on the "Political outlook of Europe in 597"; the "Mission of Augustine 218 RELIGIOUS HISTORY GREAT BRITAIN and his companions in relation to other agencies in the conversion of England"; the "landing-place of St. Augustine, with a map"; and "On some liturgical points relating to the mission." OVERTON, John Henry. Evangelical revival in the i8th century. 1898. (Epochs of church history.) 274.2 O33 Bibliographical note, p. 5. Contents: John Wesley. George Whitfield and others. Methodism and evangelicalism. The evangelical clergy. The evangelical laity. Litera- ture of the revival. Results of the revival. Opposition to the revival. The doctrines of the revival. The evangelical revival compared with other movements. PERRY, George Gresley. History of the reformation in England. 1898. (Epochs of church history.) 274.2 ?44 "Authorities," p.6-7. PRIESTLEY, Joseph. Answer to Blackstone's Reply to Remarks on the fourth volume of the Commentaries. 1773 T274.2 PQ4 Bound with the following. Remarks on some paragraphs in Blackstone's Commentaries relating to the dissenters. 1773 r274.2 Pp4 SEEBOHM, Frederic. Oxford reformers; John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More. 1896 274.2 845 STEPHENS, William Richard Wood, dean. English church, from the Norman conquest to the accession of Edward I, (1066-1272). 1901. (History of the English church, v.2.) 274.2 883 "Sound in its information and just in its general conclusions. . .provides in a very convenient form an abundance of help towards the realisa- tion of one of the most critical periods in the political and ecclesiasti- cal history of our country [England]." Spectator, 1901. STRYPE, John. Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion, and other occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's reign; with an appendix of original papers of state, records and letters. 4v. in 7. 1824 274.2 92 Bibliographies at end of v.i and v.2. "Strype's lack of literary style, unskilful selection of materials, and un- methodical arrangement render his books tiresome. . .but to students of ecclesiastical and political history of England in the sixteenth century the vast accumulations of facts and documents of which his books con- sist render them of the utmost value." Dictionary of national biography. WAKEMAN, Henry Offley. The church and the Puritans, 1570-1660. 1897. (Epochs of church history.) 274.2 Wi4 Authorities, p.6. WRIGHT, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed. Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monasteries; ed. fr. the originals in the British museum. 1843. (Camden society. Publications, v.26.) 274.2 W93 Composed of letters to Thomas Cromwell and others from abbots and bishops, from Cromwell's agents, from the royal commissioners appoint- ed to examine the monasteries, and also various documents, all between 1528-1558. Most important for the religious history of the time. RELIGIOUS HISTORY GERMANY 219 Germany GOULD, Sabine Baring-. The church in Germany. 1891. (The national churches.). . .274.3 G73 LINDSAY, Thomas M. Luther and the German reformation. 1900. (World's epoch- makers.) 274.3 L?2 Bibliography, p. 293-296. "He gives us much less of dogmatic theology than might be expected, and much more of the popular culture which existed in Germany at the close of the Middle Ages ... According to Dr Lindsay's plan, a large part of the space is devoted to the different orders of society, peasants, burgesses, knights, and nobles, to the national character of the Lutheran revolt, to the effect of Luther's marriage on popular opinion concerning sacerdotal celibacy, to the superstitions which were prevalent in the i6th century, to Luther's educational views, and to the reformer's home life. He shows at all points familiarity with Luther's own works, whether theological or popular, and has formed his judgment at first hand." Nation, 1900. WILLIAMS, Edward F. Christian life in Germany, as seen in the state and the church. 1897 274.3 W>4 Other Countries of Europe MACLEAR, George Frederick. Conversion of the West: the Slavs. 1879 274 Mip SLOANE, William Milligan. French revolution and religious reform ; an account of eccle- siastical legislation and its influence on affairs in France from 1789 to 1804. 1901 274.4 $63 SMITH, Richard Travers. The church in France. 1894. (The national churches.) 274.4 $65 LEA, Henry Charles. Chapters from the religious history of Spain connected with the inquisition. 1890 274.6 L44 Contents: Censorship of the press. Mystics and illuminati. Endemonia- das. El Santo Nino de la Guardia. Brianda de Bardaxi. MEYRICK, Frederick. The church in Spain. 1892. (The national churches.). . . .274.6 M6$ EDWARDS, Charles E. Protestantism in Poland ; a brief study of its history as an en- couragement to mission work among the Poles. 1901 274.7 31 KRASINSKI, Valerian, count. Historical sketch of the reformation in Poland, and of the influence which the scriptural doctrines have exercised on that country. 2v. 1838-40 274.7 ^41 MACLEAR, George Frederick. Conversion of the West: the Northmen 274.8 Mi9 DITCHFIELD, Peter Hampson. The church in the Netherlands. 1893. (The national churches.) 274.9 063 List of works relating to the history of the church in the Netherlands, p. 3 88-38 9 . MARTYN, William Carlos. The Dutch reformation. 1868 274.9 M43 220 RELIGIOUS HISTORY AMERICA Asia LYALL, Sir Alfred Comyns. Asiatic studies; ist-2d ser. 2v. 1899 275.4 v.i. Religion of an Indian province. On the origin of divine myths in India. Influence upon religion of a rise in morality. Witch- craft and non-Christian religions. Missionary and non-missionary religions. On the formation of some clans and castes in India. The rajput states of India. Our religious policy in India. The religious situation in India. v.2. Letters from Yamadeo Shastri. On the relations between the state and religion in China. "The golden bough, a study in com- parative religion," (a review). Origins and interpretations of primitive religions. Natural religion in India. History and fable. Permanent dominion in Asia. SMITH, George, b. 1833. The conversion of India, 193-1893 275.4 $64 America BACON, Leonard Woolsey. History of American Christianity. 1897. (American church history series.) 277 Bi3 "Traces American Christianity from the Spanish conquest down to the present time We welcome the volume as a concise, and apparently scrupulously accurate, summary." Outlook, 1897. CARROLL, Henry King. The religious forces of the United States, enumerated, classified and described on the basis of the census of 1890; revised Jan. i, 1896. 1893. (American church his- tory series.) 277.3 23 COBB, Sanford Hoadley. Rise of religious liberty in America; a history. 1902 277.3 C63 Contents: The American principle. The old world idea. Colonial be- ginnings. Church of England establishments. Puritan establishments. Changing establishments. The free colonies. Colonial bishops. The period of the Revolution. Final settlements. "Authorities," p. 17-20. DORCHESTER, Daniel. Christianity in the United States to the present time. 1889. .277.3 073 STRAUS, Oscar Solomon. Religious liberty in the United States. 1896 277.3 Sgi ADAMS, Charles Francis, b. 1835. Massachusetts; its historians and its history. 1893 277.4 A.2I BLISS, William Root. Side glimpses from the colonial meeting-house. 1894 277.4 655 FORD, David Barnes. New England's struggles for religious liberty. 1896 277.4 F?6 LETTER from a gentleman in Boston to George Wishart, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, concerning the state of religion in New-England. 1883. (Clarendon historical society. Reprints.) 277.4 L6s Reprint of the edition of 1742. The same. (In Clarendon historical society. Reprints, v.i.) roo6 Csi v.i WALKER, George Leon. Some aspects of the religious life of New England, with CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS 221 special reference to Congregationalists. 1897. (Carew lectures, 1896.) 277.4 Wi6 JAMES, Charles Fenton. Documentary history of the struggle for religious liberty in Virginia. 1900 277.5 Ji6 "Orderly and animated presentation of one phase of early ecclesiastical history in Virginia, based directly on the original records. The suc- cession of documents gives a beautiful exhibition of historical evolu- tion the feeble beginnings, the steady progress, and the complete triumph of a glorious principle." American journal of theology, 1901. BROWN, Hubert William. Latin America. 1901. (Students' lectures on missions, Princeton theological seminary, 1901.) 278 678 Contents: The pagans. The Papists. The patriots. The Protestants. The present problem. "Books of reference," p. 285-289. A course of lectures on the religious development and needs of Latin America, delivered at various theological seminaries with the purpose of awakening an interest in missions in Mexico, Central and South America. The author has been for years a Presbyterian missionary in Mexico. 280 Christian churches and sects ARNOLD, Matthew. St. Paul & Protestantism, with an essay on Puritanism & the Church of England, and Last essays on church & religion. 1883 280 A7S The same. 1898 r28o A7S CARPENTER, William Boyd. Some thoughts on Christian reunion. 1895 280 C22 HENSON, Herbert Hensley. Godly union and concord ; sermons preached mainly in West- minster abbey in the interest of Christian fraternity. 1902. . .280 H45 Canon Henson advocates the admission of dissenters to the communion of the Anglican church and the recognition of the authority of the nonconformist ministry. HUNTINGTON, William Reed. The church-idea; an essay towards unity. 1899 280 H94 SCHELL, William Gallis. Biblical trace of the church proving we are near the end of the world, with a dissertation on false teachers. 1893 r28o 832 SCOTT, Walter. Messiahship; or, Great demonstration. 1859 280 843 281.1-281.4 Apostolic church APOSTOLICAL constitutions; ed. by James Donaldson. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 Cs63 Bound with Clemens Romanus" Clementine homilies. ARNOBIUS, the elder. The seven books of Arnobius adversus Gentes; tr. by A. H. Bryce and Hugh Campbell. 1895. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 A75 222 APOSTOLIC CHURCH AUGUSTINE, St. Letters; tr. by J. G. Cunningham. 2v. 1872-75 281.1 Ap2 On Christian doctrine, and other papers; tr. by J.F.Shaw and S. D. Salmond. 1873 281.1 Ap2o Contents: On Christian doctrine. The Enchiridion. On the catechising of the uninstructed. On faith and the creed. Writings in connection with the Donatist controversy; tr. by J. R. King. 1872 281.1 AQ2w Contents: On baptism, against the Donatists. Answer to letters of Petilian. On the correction ot the Donatists. v BENSON, Edward White, abp. Cyprian, his life, his times, his work. 1897 281.1 644 Bibliography, p.6ai-62S. CLEMENS Romanus. The Clementine homilies. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 563 CLEMENT of Alexandria. Writings; tr. by William Wilson. 2v. 1867-83. (Ante- Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 C$6 CYPRIAN. Writings, with the writings of Novatian, Minucius Felix, etc.; tr. by R. E. Wallis. 2v. 1868-1884. (Ante-Nicene Chris- tian library.) 281.1 CgS GREGORY THAUMATURGUS. Works of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexan- dria and Archelaus; tr. by S. D. F. Salmond. 1882. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 G86 HIPPOLYTUS, St., bp. of Portus. Refutation of all heresies, and Writings, with Fragments of writings of 3d century; tr. by J. H. Macmahon and S. D. F. Salmond. 2v. 1868-69. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 H59 v.a is bound with 281.1 128 v.a. IRENvEUS, St., bp. of Lyons. Writings; tr. by Alexander Roberts and W. H. Rambaut. 2v. 1868-69. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1128 JUSTIN, St., surnamed the martyr. Writings of Justin and Athenagoras; tr. by Marcus Dods and others. 1867. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 J53 KRUGER, Gustav History of early Christian literature in the first 3 centuries. 1897 281.1 K42 Contents: Primitive Christian literature. Gnostic literature. Literature of the church. Contains many short bibliographies. LACTANTIUS, usually catted Lucius Ccelius (or Caelius) Firmianus. Works; tr. by William Fletcher. 2v. 1886. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 Li2 v.2 includes The testaments of the twelve patriarchs, and Fragments of the second and third centuries. LITURGIES and other documents of the ante-Nicene period. 1883. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 L74 APOSTOLIC CHURCH 223 MENZIES, Allan, ed. Ante-Nicene Christian library; additional volume. 1897 q28i.i M6a Contents: Gospel of Peter. Diatessaron of Tatian. Apocalypse of Peter. The Visio Pauli. Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach. Testa- ment of Abraham. Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena. Narrative of Zosimus. Apology of Aristides. Epistles of Clement, (complete text). Origen's Commentary on John, books i-io, and Commentary on Matthew, books 1-2, 10-14. METHODIUS, St., bp. of Patara, and others. Writings of Methodius, Alexander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexandria, and several fragments. 1883. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 M64 ORIGEN. Writings; tr. by Frederick Crombie. 2v. 1894-95. (Ante- Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 Oa8 Life of Origen, v.2, p. 2 5-40. PURVES, George Tybout. The testimony of Justin Martyr to early Christianity; lec- tures delivered on the L. P. Stone foundation at Prince- ton theological seminary, in March, 1888. 1889 281.1 P98 SCHAFF. Philip, ed. Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church; ist ser. I4v. 1887-99 q28i.i 829 v.i. Confessions and letters of St. Augustin, with a sketch of his life and work. v.2. St. Augustin's City of God, and Christian doctrine. v.3. ST. AUGUSTIN: On the Trinity, Doctrinal treatises, Moral treatises. v.4. Writings against the Manichaeans and against the Donatists. v-s. Anti-Pelagian writings. v.6. Sermon on the mount, Harmony of the gospels, Homilies on the gospels. v.7. Homilies on the Gospel of John, Homilies on the first Epistle of John, Soliloquies. v.8. Expositions on the Psalms. v.9. ST. CHRYSOSTOM: On the priesthood. Ascetic treatises, Select homilies and letters, Homilies on the statues, Homilies on the Gospel of Saint Matthew, v.i i. Homilies on the Acts and the Epistle to the Romans, v 12. Homilies on the Epistles to the Corinthians. v.i3. Homilies on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thes- salonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon. v.i4. Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews. SCHAFF, Philip, ed. The teaching of the twelve apostles; or, The oldest church manual, the Didache and kindred documents in the original, with translations and discussions of post-apos- tolic teaching, baptism, worship and discipline. 1890. .r28i.i 829 "The Didache literature," p.i4o-is8; 297-320. SCHAFF, Philip, & Wace, Henry, ed. Select library of Nicene and post-Nicene fathers, 2d ser; tr. into English with prologomena and explanatory notes. I4v. 1800-1000 q28i.i S20S v.i. Eusebius: Church history, Life of Constantine, Oration in praise of Constantine. v.2. Socrates, Sozomenus: Church histories. v.3. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus: Historical writings, etc. v.4. St. Athanasius: Select works and letters. v.$. Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic treatises, etc. v.6. St. Jerome: Letters and select works. 15 224 GRECO-RUSSIAN CHURCH v.7. S. Cyril of Jerusalem: Catechetical lectures. S. Gregory Nazian- zen: Select orations. v.8. St. Basil: Letters and select works. v.p. St. Hilary of Poitiers: Select works. John of Damascus: Ex- position of the orthodox faith. St. Ambrose: Select works and letters. 'v.n. Sulpitius Severus: Works. Vincent of Lerins: Commitory. John Cassian: Works. v.i a. Leo the Great: Letters and sermons. Gregory the Great: Book of pastoral rule, and selected epistles. v. 13. Gregory the Great: Selected epistles. Ephraim Syrus: Selections from the Hymns and Homilies. Aphrabat: Select demonstrations. v. 14. The seven ecumenical councils. TATIAN. Writings of Tatian and Theophilus, and The Clementine recognitions; tr. by B. P. Pratten and others. 1883. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 T23 TERTULLIAN. Five books against Marcion; tr. by Peter Holmes. 1868. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 T3if Writings, with the extant works of Victorinus and Com- modianus. 3v. 1884-95. (Ante-Nicene Christian li- brary.) 281.1 T3i WRITINGS of the .apostolic fathers; tr. by Dr Roberts and others. 1867. (Ante-Nicene Christian library.) 281.1 WQ3 Contents: First epistle of Clement to the Corinthians. Second epistle of Clement. Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians. The martyrdom of Polycarp. Epistle of Barnabas. Epistles of Ignatius. Epistles of Ignatius, after the Syriac version. The martyrdom of Ignatius. Epis- tle to Diognetus. The Pastor of Hermas. Fragments of Papias. Spurious epistles of Ignatius. 281.5-281.6 Oriental churches BURKITT, Francis Crawford. Early Christianity outside the Roman Empire; lectures delivered at Trinity college, Dublin. 1899 281.5 691 FORTESCUE, Edward Francis Knottesford. Armenian church founded by St. Gregory the Illuminator; a sketch of its history, liturgy, doctrine and ceremonies. 1872 281.6 F79 Appendix is a translation, by S. C. Malan, of the Confession of faith, and the Rite of holy baptism. 281.9 Graeco- Russian church DABOVICH, Sebastian. Preaching in the Russian church; or, Lectures and ser- mons by a priest of the Holy orthodox church. 1899. .281.9 Dn GREEK CHURCH. Book of needs of the Holy orthodox church, with an appendix containing offices for the laying On of hands, done into English by G. V. Shann. 1894 281.9 G82 HEARD, Albert F. Russian church and Russian dissent, comprising orthodoxy, dissent and erratic sects. 1887 281.9 H38 List of books consulted, p.?-g. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 225 HORE, Alexander Hugh. Eighteen centuries of the orthodox Greek church. 1899. .281.9 H79 MOURAVIEFF, Andrew Nicolaievitch. History of the church of Russia. 1842 281.9 M94 NEALE, John Mason. History of the Holy eastern church. SY. 1847-73 r28i.9 Ni7 v.i-2. General introduction. 7.3-4 Patriarchate of Alexandria. T. 5. Patriarchate of Antioch. ROMANOFF, H.C. Sketches of the rites and customs of the Greco-Russian church. 1868 281.9 R66 STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn, dean. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. 1884 281.9 878 "For the purposes of a student of general history this is the most use- ful of Dean Stanley's works. It not only has to do with a subject of very considerable importance, but it possesses the rare charm of a graceful, scholarly, and eloquent method of treatment. It is one of the few ecclesiastical histories that every genuine student of the Middle Ages will find himself interested in reading." C. K. Adams. TOZER, Henry Fanshawe. Church and the Eastern empire. 1897. (Epochs of church history.) 281.9 T67 "Authorities," p. 5-6. 282 Roman Catholic church ADDIS, William E. & Arnold, Thomas, comp. Catholic dictionary. 1893 r2 8 2 -^22 ALLIES, Thomas William. Formation of Christendom. 4v. 1897-98 282 A43 v.i. The Christian faith and the individual. v.2. The Christian faith and society. v.3. The Christian faith and philosophy. v.4. As seen in church and state. A Roman Catholic study of the first few centuries of church history. "Mr. Allies has published a third edition of his able work... The author is well known for a width of learning., .conspicuous when he was still an Anglican clergyman, and his piety and sincerity have con- tributed to make his treatise one that can be perused with profit and pleasure." Athenaeum, 1897. ALZOG, Johann. Manual of universal church history. 4v. 1889-95 282 A47 v.i. To 700. v.2. 700-1303. v.3. 1303-1648. v.4. 1648-1878. "The most important of Roman Catholic authorities on the general his- tory of the Church. It is put forth with the official imprimatur, and it is regarded by high authority as a book without a rival. The author was one of the most influential of German professors of ecclesiastical history... In his labors of preparation Dr Alzog made use of Protes- tant and infidel, as well as of Roman Catholic, authorities. . .The work is not free from dogmatism, and it not unfrequently puts forth views which will startle the Protestant reader." C. K. Adams. AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records ; quarterly, i884-date. v.i-date. i887-date r282 ASI BALMES, Jaime Lucio. European civilization; Protestantism and Catholicity com- pared in their effects on the civilization of Europe. 226 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1850 282 B2i Sketch of the author, p-7-12. The author, a distinguished Spanish ecclesiastic of the first part of the igth century, gives us the Roman Catholic view of the question. COURCY, Henry de, & Shea, J. G. Catholic church in the United States. 1856 282 C84 CREIGHTON, Mandell. History of the papacy during the reformation. 5v. 1887- 94 282 87 v.i. 1378-1418. v.2. 1418-1464. v.3-4. 1464-1518. v.S- I5'7-J527- FAIRBAIRN, Andrew Martin. Catholicism: Roman and Anglican. 1899 282 FiS Contents: The churches and the ideal of religion. Catholicism and the apology for the faith. Catholicism and religious thought. Catholi- cism and historical criticism. Reason and religion. Cardinal Manning and the Catholic revival. Anglo-Catholicism: the old and the new. "The foundations of belief." Some recent English theologians. Oxford and Jowett. Appeared first in the Contemporary review. FIFTY reasons why the Roman Catholic religion ought to be preferred to all others r282 F46 FOSTER, Frank Hugh. Fundamental ideas of the Roman Catholic church, explained and discussed for Protestants and Catholics. 1899 282 F8i GOFFINE, Leonhard. Christkatholische handpostille; oder, Unterrichts- und er- bauungsbuch. 1889 q282 Gs6 GREGORY, William. Trial of Antichrist, otherwise the man of sin, for high treason against the Son of God tried at the sessions house of truth. 1830 r282 G86 An indictment of the Roman Catholic church, in the form of a state trial. The pope is charged with high treason against the King of Heaven, for usurping his supremacy, titles, power, etc. The indict- ment goes back to the year 606, and historical events are brought for- ward to support the charge. Legal phrases are used and the idea of a court of justice is maintained throughout. LEA, Henry Charles. History of auricular confession and indulgences in the Latin church. 3v. 1896 282 L44 v.i-2. Confession and absolution, v. 3. Indulgences. LfiPICIER, Alexius Maria. Indulgences; their origin, nature and development. 1895 282 L62 "A doctrinal exposition of this point of Catholic teaching, viewed in con- nection with other tenets of our creed and the perpetual practice of the Church." Preface. LYONS, Daniel. Christianity and infallibility; both or neither. 1891 282 L99 MILMAN, Henry Hart. History of Latin Christianity. 8v. in 4. 1893 282 M7I "To the student of the middle ages this work is second in importance only to that of Gibbon. . . Has received the heartiest commendation of so prominent a Catholic as Cardinal Newman. Of especial excellence is the . . . account of the establishment and growth of monastic institutions and . . . orders. Worthy of note, also, is the struggle between the pope and the emperor in the time of Gregory VII. In chap. 8 of v.8 is a skilful account of Christian architecture. Of the numerous works on the history of the church in the middle ages this ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 227 will generally be found at once the most readable, the most impartial, and the most satisfactory." C. K. Adams. "I know few books more delightful and more instructive to read than Milman's 'History of Christianity.' And none better discharges the work of a guide, both to the original authorities and, what we cannot neglect, to modern German writers." . A. Freeman. MIVART St. George, & Vaughan, Herbert, cardinal. Under the ban; a scientist's heresies condemned by the church; a correspondence between Dr St. George Miv- art and Cardinal Vaughan. 1900 282 M75 Accompanied by two articles by Dr Mivart on "Some recent Catholic apologists" and "The continuity of Catholicism." MORRIS, John, ed. Troubles of our Catholic forefathers related by themselves, ist-3d series. 3v. 1872-77 282 Mgi v.i. Mother Margaret Clement and the Carthusian monks. Imprison- ment of Francis Tregian. Father Tesimond's landing in England. Father Richard Blount and Scotney castle. The Babthorpes of Babthorpe. St. Monica's convent in war, pestilence and pov- erty. The Venetian ambassador's chaplain. The Southcote family. The Tichbornes of Tichborne house. v.a. Life of Father William Weston, S.J. Fall of Anthony Tyrrell. v-3- An ancient editor's note book. A Yorkshire recusant's relation. Father Richard Holtby on persecution in the north. Notes by a prisoner in Ousebridge Kidcote. Mr John Mush's life of Margaret Clitherow. Father Pollard's recollections of the Yorkshire mission. NIPPOLD, Friedrich. Papacy in the iQth century. 1900 282 N36 Being a part of Nippold's "History of Catholicism since the restoration of the papacy." "General outlines are firmly drawn, and represent the Roman Churc'u, and more especially the Papacy, as profiting by every revolution of the century, but indirectly, by availing itself of the several reactions that have succeeded the several revolutions. . .The criticism is a sharp and generally an effective one on the popes, the Roman Curia, and the Jesuit order. It can hardly be objected to as religiously partisan, for it is almost entirely political. . .Ably and carefully written, but disfig- ured by a too splenetic manner in some parts." Nation, 1901. OCHINO, Bernardino. The tragedy; reprinted from Bishop Ponet's translation out of Ochino's Latin manuscript in 1549; ed. by C. E. Plttmptre. 1899 282 Oi3 Severe indictment of the Church of Rome by a i6th century Italian. "Apart from the question of Milton's possible debt to it, the work is in itself interesting, both as 'a rattling party pamphlet' and as showing to those who have even a slight acquaintance with modern phases of the secular conflict between Rome and not-Rome how very little change has come about in the positions taken up either by the attack or by the defence." Athenaeum, 1900. O'GORMAN, Thomas. History of the Roman Catholic church in the United States. 1895. (American church history series.) 282 Oi7 PASTOR, Ludwig. History of the popes, from the close of the middle ages; from the secret archives of the Vatican and other original sources. 6v. 1894-99 282 P28 "Authorities," v.i, p.n-4S; v.3, p.p-39; v.s, p.n-45. "While as little of a party history as could possibly be expected, Profes- sor Pastor's work is still too much of one to rank among examples of genuine scientific research, or to achieve any special distinction save that of a most useful guide to the contemporary literature of its sub- ject, published and unpublished." Richard Garnett. "A fair-minded and learned work." English historical review, 1893. 228 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH PENNINGTON, Arthur Robert. The church in Italy. 1853. (The national churches.) 282 List of works consulted, p. 491-494. RANKE, Leopold von. History of the popes, i6th & I7th centuries. 3v. 1891 282 Rig "Professor Ranke is a Protestant, but he carries forward all his work with such fairness and impartiality as to command the general, if not even the entire, respect of his religious opponents. . . As a portrayal of the interior policy of the Church, and of the course that led to the reaction against the Reformation, these volumes have no equal. The distinguishing characteristic of Ranke is the deep in- sight with which he penetrates to the very bottom of affairs, and brings the causes and springs of action into the light." C. K. Adams. REEVE, Joseph. History of the Christian church. 1851 r282 Rz8 RENAN, Ernest. Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought and culture of Rome on Christianity and the development of the Catholic church. 1880. (Hibbert lectures.) 282 R33 SCHERER, Edmond. What is Catholicism? tr. by T. A. Seed, with an introduction by R. F. Horton. 1900 282 832 In a series of letters addressed to a suppositious "Monsieur le Cure," Scherer attacks the Roman Catholic system as a centre of reaction. SHEA, John Gilmary. History of the Catholic church within the United States. 4v. 1886-92 qr282 853 v.i. 1521-1763. V.2. 1763-1815. v.3. 1808-1843. v.4. 1843-1866. v.2 title-page reads Life and times of John Carroll. SPALDING, James Field. The world's unrest and its remedy. 1898 282 873 An exposition of Roman Catholic doctrine. SYMONDS, John Addington. Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction. 2v. 1887 282898 Bibliography, v.i, p. 7-9. The same. 2v. 1898 r282 898 THOMPSON, Richard Wigginton. Papacy and the civil power. 1876 282 T3& Contains many short bibliographies. "Not an ultimate authority, but the best easily accessible sketch of the subject of which it treats. It is hardly judicial in character, but is rather a powerful indictment of the temporal policy of the catholic church." C. K. Adams. The same. 1876 r282 T38 THURSTON, Herbert. Holy year of jubilee; an account of the history and cere- monial of the Roman jubilee. 1900 282 T43 TUKER, M. A. R. & Malleson, Hope. Handbook to Christian and ecclesiastical Rome. 4v. in 3. 1900 r282 T83 v.i. Christian monuments of Rome. v.2. Liturgy in Rome; feasts and functions of the Church, the cere- monies of Holy week. v.3-4. Monasticism in Rome. Ecclesiastical Rome. ANGLICAN AND PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH 229 VIVIAN, Mrs Olive (Walton), & Herbert. Romance of religion. 1902 282 V3S Contents: The miraculous little doctor, (the Santo bambino). The dance of the Seises. A strange Mount of Olives. The masked men of Tus- cany. A city of nunneries, (Ghent). Where women never speak. The votaries of eternal silence. Miraculous images. The Holy week procession in Seville. The passion procession at Murcia. Our Lady of Luxemburg. An opera in a cathedral. The pardon of S. Anne d'Auray. The black virgin of Roc-Amadour. The hermits of the Sierra Morena. The marvels of Montserrat. The fancy dress pil- grimage of Walcourt. The night of the Redeemer at Venice. The holy house of S. Ignatius. The holy coat of Treves. The church of Servia. Easter in Bulgaria. The religious dance of Ethiopia. Cere- monies at Constantinople. Descriptions of some interesting religious ceremonies and institutions, most of them connected with the Roman Catholic church. WARD, Wilfrid. William George Ward and the Catholic revival. 1893 282 W2i AMERICAN Catholic historical researches ; quarterly, v.i-date. i884-date r282.os Asi2 v.i-4 title page reads Historical researches in western Pennsylvania, principally Catholic. v.s-6 title page reads Documents relating to the history of the Catholic church in the United States; comp. by M. I. J. Griffin, v. I 2. AMERICAN Catholic quarterly review, v.i-date. 1876- date qr282.os ASI General index, v. 1-25, 1876-1900. CATHOLIC world; a monthly magazine of general literature and science, v.i-date. i86s-date r282.os C28 DUBLIN review; quarterly, v.i-date. i836-date . T282.O5 D8s The MONTH; an illustrated magazine of literature, science and art. v. i-date. i864-date T282.O5 M86 V.2O-43 title reads The month and Catholic review; v.44-date title reads The month; a Catholic magazine and review. 283 Anglican and American Protestant Episcopal church BENTON, Angelo Ames, ed. The church cyclopaedia. 1886 qr2&3 844 BLUNT, John Henry. Reformation of the Church of England. 2v. 1882-92 283 657 v.i. 1514-1547. V.2. l547-l66a. CHURCH almanac, 1876-1880, 1895, 1900. v.46-50, 65, 70, in 3. 1875-99 r283 Asi2 v.6$, 70 title reads American church almanac and year book. The CHURCH eclectic; monthly. v.6-date. i879-date r283 C46 CHURCH review and ecclesiastical register; monthly and quarterly, Apr. i848-Jan. 1860, Apr. i863-Jan. 1867, Jan. i88s-Dec. 1887, Apr. i889-Oct. 1890. v.i-12, 15-18, 45- 50, 53-59, in 26. 1848-90 r2&3 ASI v.ii-12, 15-18 title reads American quarterly church review and ecclesi- astical register; v.45~46 title reads American church review; v.47-59 title reads Church review. COLEMAN, Leighton, bp. The church in America. 1895. (The national churches.). ... .283 C68 230 ANGLICAN AND PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH CROCKFORD'S clerical directory, 1901; a statistical book of reference for facts relating to the clergy and the church. 33d issue. - 1901 qr283 C88 CRUTTWELL, Charles Thomas. Six lectures on the Oxford movement, and its results on the Church of England. i8oq 283 C8g "A very fair review of the religious movement of the last three-quarters of a century. The writer is a just, clear-sighted observer and student, and a devoted adherent of the Anglican policy of comprehension." Spectator, 1899. CUTTS, Edward Lewes, comp. Dictionary of the Church of England. 1889 r283 CQS CUTTS, Edward Lewes. Parish priests and their people in the middle ages in Eng- land. 1808 283 CQS DIX, Morgan, ed. History of the parish of Trinity church in the city of New York, v.i-2. 1898-1901 q283 D64 v.i. 1697-178.3. V.2. 1783-1816. Bibliography, v.i, p.488-498; v.2, p.333-336. DIXON, Richard Watson. History of the Church of England. 4v. 1884-93 283 0648 v.i. Henry VIII, 1529-1537. v.2. Henry VIII, 1538-1547; Edward VI, 1547-1548. v.3- Edward VI, 1 549-1 553. v-4. Mary, 1553-1558. DURRETT, Reuben Thomas. Historical sketch of St. Paul's church, Louisville, Ky., pre- pared for the semi-centennial celebration, Oct. 6, 1889. 1889. (Filson club. Publications.) qr283 094 ENGLAND, CHURCH OF. Official year-book. [v.2o]-date. iooi-date r283 644 ENGLISH CHURCH UNION. Annual directory, 1895 r2 83 64 FREEMAN, Edward Augustus. History of the cathedral church of Wells, as illustrating the history of the cathedral churches of the old foundation. 1870 283 Fgi Outline of the history of the bishopric, the growth of the various church offices, etc., combined with a sketch of the cathedral's archi- tectural story. The only illustration is an historical ground plan. GOODMAN, George. The church in Victoria during the episcopate of Charles Perry, first bishop of Melbourne. 1892 283 G62 GORE, Charles, ed. Essays in aid of the reform of the church. 1898 283 G66 Contents: General lines of church reform. The position of the laity in the early church, by R. B. Rackham. The principles ard condi- tions of the Scottish establishment, by Lord Balfour. Church and state, by H. S. Holland. Self-government of the church, by Arthur Lyttelton. Legal and parliament possibilities, by Mr Phillimore. Parochial church councils, by H. J. Torr. Reform of patronage, by C. Y. Sturge. Pensions for the clergy, by the dean of Norwich. The increase of the episcopate, by W. S. de Winton. ---Church reform and social reform, by T. C. Fry. The position of the laity in the American (Protestant Episcopal) church, by the bishop of Vermont. Relation of the laity to church government in the province of South - ANGLICAN AND PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH 231 Africa, by J. W. Williams. Functions of the laity in the Scottish (Episcopal) church, by T. N. Speir. The constitution of the church of Ireland, by R. T. Smith. On ecclesiastical tribunals, by Mr Phillimore. On the government of the Anglican churches in Canada, New Zealand and Australia. HARCOURT, Sir William Vernon. Lawlessness in the national church. 1899 283 H25 Reprinted from the Times. HAVERSTICK, Alexander C. Churchman's ready reference. 1900 r283 H35 A manual of information concerning the tenets of Christianity, espe- cially those of the Anglican and Protestant Episcopal churches. A full index makes it a practical work of reference. HOTCHKIN, Samuel Fitch. Early clergy of Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1890 283 H82 LIVING church annual, 1883-1886, 1892-1893, 1897-1899, 1901. v.2-5, 11-12, 16-18, 20, in 5. 1883-1900 r283 L74 v.5, 1886, title page reads Living church annual and clergy list quarterly. v,n, i892-v.2o, 1901, title page reads Living church quarterly. MacCOLL, Malcolm. The reformation settlement examined in the light of history and law. 1899 283 Mi38 "Canon MacColl is a practised and energetic controversialist, and it is impossible to read his new volume without admiration for his skill of fence and his sturdy adroitness of attack... It is a clever and pene- trating criticism of many modern fallacies, political, historical, reli- gious, and it is a criticism which boldly carries the war into the ene- my's country." Literature, 1899. "As a first-class fighting defence of the High Anglican position, we rec- ommend the book, more especially as there is not, from the first page to the last, one word of bitterness, and nothing but appreciation of the labours and merits of Nonconformists." Methodist times. McCONNELL, Samuel D. History of the American Episcopal church. 1897 283 Mi3 MALLOCK, William Hurrell. Doctrine and doctrinal disruption; being an examination of the intellectual position of the Church of England. 1900 283 M29 Author is a Roman Catholic whose object is to show that the new criti- cism of the Bible puts a new face upon Protestant authority. He first explains and exposes the theories of authority as held by the different parties in the Church of England and then sets forth the Roman Catholic theory as the only true and satisfactory one. OVERTON, John Henry. The Anglican revival. 1897. (Victorian era series.) 283 033 The church in England. 2v. 1897. (National churches.) 283 C33c "Authorities," v.2, p.423-439. PERRY, William Stevens, bp. ed. Historical collections relating to the American colonial church. v.i-3. 1870-73 qr283 v.i. Virginia, 1650-1705. v.2. Pennsylvania, 1680-1778. v.3. Massachusetts, 1676-1785. T.2 title-page reads Papers relating to the history of the church in Pennsylvania. Historical notes and documents illustrating the organization of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. 1874 PERRY, William Stevens, bp. History of the American Episcopal church, 1587-1883. 2v. 232 PROTESTANTISM 1885 v.i. 1587-1783. V.2. 1783-1883. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Church calendar. 1902 r283 Pp7i PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH General convention. Journal of the proceedings, 1892, 1895, 1898. 3v. 1893-99 . .. .r283 ?97 Journals of the general conventions of the Protestant Episco- pal church, 1785-1835; ed. by W. S. Perry. 3v. 1874. . .r283 P97J v.i. 1785-1821. V.2. 1823-1835. v-3. Historical notes and documents. SATTERLEE, Henry Yates, bp. New testament churchmanship and the principles upon which it was founded. 1899 283 825 "An attempt to differentiate between church principles as set forth in the New Testament itself, and church principles as they appeared at the time of the Reformation, in the mediaeval setting and interpreta- tion of the Church of Rome." Preface. SEABURY centenary handbook; a comprehensive sketch of the facts relating to, and the results of, the consecration of Dr Seabury as the first bishop of the American church, by an Edinburgh layman. 1884 283 843 SPENCE, Henry Donald Maurice. History of the English church. 1900. (Temple primers.). . .283 S74 STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn, dean. Historical memorials of Canterbury. 1875 283 878 Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey. 2v. 1882. . .283 S78h The same. 3v. 1887 r283 S78hi TIFFANY, Charles Comfort. History of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. 1895. (American church history series.) 283 T45 Bibliography, p.i6-24. TRACTS for the times by members of the University of Oxford. v.i-2. 1839-40 r283 T67 For contents see contents book, p. 114; kept at the reference desk. VAIL, Thomas Hubbard. The comprehensive church; or, Christian unity in the Protestant Episcopal church. 1883 283 Vi3 WAKELING, George. Oxford church movement; sketches and recollections. 1895.. 283 Wi4 WARD, Wilfrid. William George Ward and the Oxford movement. 1890 283 W2i WHITTAKER'S churchman's almanac; Protestant Episcopal almanac and parochial list. 44th, 48th year. 1898- 1902 r283 W6s 284 Protestantism CORWIN, Edward T. History of the Reformed church, Dutch, the Reformed church, German, and the Moravian church in the United States, by E. T. Corwin, J. H. Dubbs and J. T. Hamil- ton. 1895. (American church history series.) 284 C83 CALVINIST 233 ENGLAND Council of state. Ordinance appointing commissioners for approbation of publique preachers. 1889. (Clarendon historical society. Reprints.) qr2$4 64 Reprint of the edition of 1653. HARNACK, Adolf. Thoughts on the present position of Protestantism. 1899. .284 H28 LILLEY, J.P. The principles of Protestantism; an examination of the doc- trinal differences between the Protestant churches and the Church of Rome. 1898 284 L6g 284.1 Lutheran GOOD, James Isaac. History of the Reformed church in the United States, 1725-1792. 1899 284.1 G62 JACOBS, Henry Eyster. History of the Evangelical Lutheran church in the United States. 1893. (American church history series.) 284.1 Jl3 Bibliography, p.9~i6. JACOBS, Henry Eyster, & Haas, J.A.W. comp. Lutheran cyclopedia. 1899 qr284-i Ji3 A summary of the chief topics comprised in the doctrine, life, customs, history and statistics of the Lutheran church. KRAUTH, Charles Porterfield, tr. Augsburg confession, with the additions of the German text incorporated; together with the general creeds. 1868 284.1 K4ia KRAUTH, Charles Porterfield. Conservative reformation and its theology. 1875 284.1 K4I RUOFF, Frederick. Geschichte der ersten deutschen vereinigten evangel. Protest, gemeinde zu Pittsburgh, Pa., anlaszlich ihres hundertjahrigen jubilaums, 1782-1882. 1882 r284.i R87 Contains interesting pictures of Pittsburgh. With autograph letter by Frederick Ruoff. TITZEL, John M. and others. A history of the Reformed church within the bounds of the Westmoreland classis. 1877 284.1 T54 284.2 Calvinist CALVIN, John. Institutes of the Christian religion. 2v 284.2 Ci4 KUYPER, Abraham. Calvinism. 1899. (The L. P. Stone lectures for 1898- 1899.) 284.2 K44 Contents: Calvinism a life-system. Calvinism and religion. Calvinism and politics. Calvinism and science. Calvinism and art. Calvinism and the future. 234 HUGUENOTS 284.4 Waldenses BOMPIANI, Sophia V. Short history of the Italian Waldenses who have inhabited the valleys of the Cottian Alps from ancient times to the present. 1897 284.4 B6i "The story of the persecutions of the valleys Dauphine and Savoy, and in Calabria, can never lose its interest; but so much has been done in modern times to elucidate it that there is no excuse for the reiteration of the old fables which identify the Waldenses with Vigilantius and the Leonistae." Nation, 1897. 284.5 Huguenots BAIRD, Charles Washington. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. 2v. 1885. -284.5 Bi6 Describes briefly the attempted settlements in Brazil and Florida and the colonies established in Acadia, Canada and the New Netherlands. The greater part is devoted to the consequences of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and the history of the refugees, with short genealogical notes concerning some of their descendants. BAIRD, Henry Martyn. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. 2v. 1895. .284.5 6167 "An excellent account of the Protestant movement in France from the accession of Francis I, in 1515, to the death of Charles IX, in 1574. The work is written with a judicial moderation too often wanting in the writings of both Protestants and Catholics. But, while the work is judicial in its tone, and is entirely free from all attempts at what would be called fine writing, the narrative is not without genuine spirit." C. K. Adams. Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2v. 1886 284.5 Bi67hu Huguenots and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 2v. 1895 284.5 Bi67h POOLE, Reginald Lane. History of the Huguenots of the dispersion at the recall of the edict of Nantes. 1880 284.5 ?79 SMILES, Samuel. Huguenots in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, with Memoirs of distinguished Huguenot refu- gees, and A visit to the country of the Vaudois. 1893. .284.5 S64h "Authorities," p. 13. The Huguenots; their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ireland. 1867 284.5 $64 Huguenots in America, by G. P. Disosway, p. 427-442. STAPLETON, Ammon. Memorials of the Huguenots in America, with special reference to their emigration to Pennsylvania. 1901 ^84.5 S?g Sketches the history of the Huguenots in France, their colonies in vari- ous parts of the world, and, in particular, their emigrations to Penn- sylvania. The book is of special value to the genealogist. WEISS, Charles. History of the French Protestant refugees, from the revoca- tion of the Edict of Nantes to our own days. 2v. 1854. . .284.5 W46 v.i. History of the French Protestants from the promulgation of the Edict of Nantes by Henry IV, to its revocation by Louis XIV. Ref- ugees in Brandenburgh. Refugees in England. Refugees in America. v.2. Refugees in Holland. Kefugees in Switzerland. Of the establish- ment of the refugees in Denmark, Sweden and Russia. American Huguenots. Authentic documents. PRESBYTERIAN 235 284.6 Moravian HAMILTON, John Taylor. History of the Moravian church, or the Unitas fratrum, or the Unity of the brethren, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 1900 284.6 H2i Bibliography, p.5-8. REICHEL, William Cornelius, ed. Memorials of the Moravian church, v.i. 1870 r284-6 R29 No more published. RITTER, Abraham. History of the Moravian church in Philadelphia, from its foundation in 1742 to the present time, (1856). 1857. . .284.6 RSI The same. 1857 r284.6 RSI SCHWEINITZ, Edmund de, & Schultze, Augustus. Moravians and their faith; revised by J.T.Hamilton. 1900. (Special Moravian publication fund committee. Leaflet, no.2.) r266 U25b Bound with United brethren. Bericht der Heiden-societat zu Bethlehem. 285 Presbyterian ALEXANDER, Gross. History of the Methodist church, South, the United Pres- byterian church, the Cumberland Presbyterian church and the Presbyterian church, South, in the United States, by Gross Alexander, J. B. Scouller, R. V. Foster and T. C. Johnson. 1894. (American church history series.) 285 A37 ALLIANCE OF THE REFORMED CHURCHES HOLDING THE PRESYBTERIAN SYSTEM General council. Minutes and proceedings, i88o-date. v.2-date. i88o-date r28s A43 Title-page of v.s-date reads Proceedings. BREED, William Pratt. Presbyterianism three hundred years ago. 1872 285 672 CHEESEMAN, Lewis. Differences between old and new school Presbyterians. 1848 r28s C4i CRAIGHEAD, J. G. Scotch and Irish seeds in American soil; early history of the Scotch and Irish churches and their relations to the Presbyterian church of America. 1878 285 C86 The DIVINE right bf church government; wherein it is proved that the Presbyterian government by preaching and ruling elders in sessional, presbyterial and synodical assemblies, , may lay the only lawful claim to a divine right according to the Holy scriptures, by sundry ministers of Christ with- in the city of London. 1844 r28s 064 HAYS, George Peirce, and others. Presbyterians; a popular narrative of their origin, progress, 236 PRESBYTERIAN doctrines and achievements. 1892 285 H37 List of authorities, p.2i-22. Chapter on the United Presbyterian church was written by Dr W. J. Reid of Pittsburgh. HETHERINGTON, William Maxwell. History of the Church of Scotland from the introduction of Christianity to the period of the disruption in 1843. 1851. .r28s H49 HOWARD, George Broadley. Rise and progress of Presbyterianism. 1898 285 H84 MILLER, Hugh. The headship of Christ, and The rights of the Christian people. 1882 285 M69 MILLER, Samuel. Presbyterianism; the truly primitive and apostolical con- stitution of the church of Christ. 1840 r28s M6g OGILVIE, J. N. The Presbyterian churches, their place and power in mod- ern Christendom, with a chapter on the Presbyterian churches in the United States, by A. C. Zenos. 1897 285 Oi7 PLUMLEY, Gardiner Spring, ed. Presbyterian church throughout the world. 1874 r28s P7I ROCKWELL, J. E. Sketches of the Presbyterian church, containing a brief summary of arguments in favour of its primitive and apostolic character and a view of its principles, order and history. 1854 285 SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF General assembly. Directory for family worship. 1880 r28$ Reprint of the edition published by Benjamin Franklin in 1745. Bound with Westminster assembly's Directory for the publick worship of God. WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY. Directory for the publick worship of God; agreed upon by the Assembly of divines at Westminster, with the commission- ters from the Church of Scotland. 1880 r28s Ws6 Reprint of the edition published by Benjamin Franklin in 1745. Form of presbyterial church-government and of ordination of ministers; agreed upon by the Assembly of divines at Westminster, with the commissioners from the Church of Scotland. 1880 .r285 W$6 Reprint of the edition published by Benjamin Franklin in 1745. Bound with the above. 285.1 Presbyterian church in America ALLEN, Richard Howe, ed. Leaves from a century plant; report of the centennial cele- bration of Old Pine street church (Third Presbyteri- an), Philadelphia, Pa., May 29, 1868. 1870 r28s.i A42 ARCH STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Philadelphia. History of the Arch street Presbyterian church. 1883 r28s.i A66h Manual of the Arch street Presbyterian church. 1860 r28s.i A66 PRESBYTERIAN 237 BIRCH, George W.F. Our church and our village. 1899 r28s.i 646 Contents: History of the Claysville Presbyterian church. Biographical sketch of Rev. Thomas Hoge. Reminiscences of Claysville, Pa. BLAIKIE, Alexander. History of Presbyterianism in New England; its introduction, growth, decay, revival and present mission. 2v. in i. 1881 r28s.i 652 BRIGGS, Charles Augustus. Presbyterian church against C. A. Briggs; amended charges and specifications as delivered to Dr Briggs by the mod- erator in open session of judicatory, Nov. 9th, 1892. 1892 r28s. i 674 Presbyterian church against C. A. Briggs; argument of G. W. F. Birch, of the prosecuting committee. 1892 r28s.i 674 Presbyterian church against C. A. Briggs; argument of J. J. Lampe, of the prosecuting committee. 1892 r28s.i 674 Presbyterian church against C. A. Briggs; Dr Lampe's re- ply to objections filed by Professor Briggs under sec- tion 22 of the Book of discipline. 1892 r28s.i 674 Presbyterian church against C. A. Briggs; objections pre- sented by Mr McCook to the motion to strike out charges IV and VII from the amended charges and specifications. 1892 raSs. i 674 Presbyterian church in the United States of America; argu- ment of J. J. McCook, of the prosecuting committee. 1892 r28s. i 674 The above six pamphlets are bound together. CENTENARY memorial of the planting and growth of Presby- terianism in western Pennsylvania and parts adjacent. 1876 r285.i C32 Contents: Life and labors of John McMillan, by D. X. Junkin. Re- ligious history; early revivals, the "falling work," lay-helpers, etc, by Aaron Williams. Educational history; colleges, academies and female seminaries, also the history of the Western theological seminary, by J. I. Brownson. Missionary history, domestic and foreign, with bio- graphical sketches of missionaries, by E. E. tswift. Ecclesiastical his- tory, organization of presbyteries and synods, with notices of the ear- lier ministers, by S. J. M. Eaton. Pittsburgh in the last century, with the early history of the First Presbyterian church, by W. M. Darling- ton. The secular history, its connection with the early Presbyterian church history of south western Pennsylvania, by James Veech. Ad- dress, The future in the light of the past, by S. J. Wilson. CHARTIERS PRESBYTERY, Pa. Centennial pamphlet, containing addresses delivered at Char- tiers and North Buffalo, in the U. P. presbytery of Char- tiers, 1875. 1876 r285.i C38 CROCKER, Zebulon. Catastrophe of the Presbyterian church in 1837, including a full view of the recent theological controversies in New England. 1838 r28s.i C88 List of publications on the Unitarian controversy, p. 298; list of pub- lications on the New Haven controversy, p.299-3OO. DONALDSON, Alexander. History of the churches in the Blairsville presbytery; pre- pared at its request and read before it in Blairsville, Janu- 238 PRESBYTERIAN ary 28th, 1874. 1874 r28s.i 071 EATON, Samuel John Mills. History of the presbytery of Erie. 1868 raSs.i 19 ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION, Harris- burg, Pa. Centennial memorial, 1794-1894. 1894 r28s.i 64 GILLETT, Ezra Hall. History of the Presbyterian church in the United States. 2v. 1864 285-1 G4i "Authorities," v.i, p.p-ia. HODGE, Charles. Constitutional history of the Presbyterian church in the United States. 2v. 1839-40 r285.i H66 V.I. I705-I74I. V.2. I74I-I788. HUNTINGDON PRESBYTERY, Pa. Historical memorial of the centennial anniversary of the pres- bytery of Huntingdon, held in 1895. 1896 qraSs.i Hg4 MURPHY, Thomas. Presbytery of the Log college; or, The cradle of the Pres- byterian church in America. 1889 qr28s.i M97 "Sources," p. 14-17. Log college, established in 1725 in the presbytery of Philadelphia, was the first institution in America for the education of Presbyterian ministers, and the germ from which Princeton college sprang. This history gives names and dates Qf the organizations, church edifices and manses, pastors, elders, seminaries, and notable events con- nected with the presbytery from the first. NEVIN, Alfred. Churches of the valley; or, An historical sketch of the old Presbyterian congregations of Cumberland and Franklin counties, Pa. 1852 r28s.i N25 OSMOND, Jonathan. History of the presbytery of Luzerne, Pa. 1897 r28s.i 029 PATTERSON, Robert Mayne. American Presbyterianism in its development and growth. 1896 285.1 P3i PITTSBURGH, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Manual of work and organization. 1887 r28s.i P67 PITTSBURGH SYNOD. Records of the synoo of Pittsburgh, from its first organiza- tion Sept. 29, 1802, to Oct. 1832, 1870-1872, 1874-1881. 1852- 81 r28s.i P674 1876-1881 title reads Minutes of the synod of Pittsburgh. In 1881 the synod was dissolved and became part of the synod of Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH, THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Dedicatory services of the new edifice, with some account of the history of the church. 1869 r28s.i P67d PRESBYTERIAN banner; weekly, i863-date. . .qr285.i P922 v.63-64, 67-68, 76, 82 wanting. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN PENNSYLVANIA. Minutes of the annual sessions (3d, 7th, uth-i2th, I4th- date) of the synod of Pennsylvania, 1884, 1888, 1892- 1893, i895-date. :884-date r28s PRESBYTERIAN 239 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. Constitution; its standards subordinate to the word of God. 1000 T285.I PQ2C Contents: Confession of faith. The larger catechism. The shorter catechism. The form of government. The book of discipline. The directory for the worship of God. Constitutional rules. Acts of the General assembly. General rules for judicatories. Presbyterian reunion; a memorial volume, 1837-1871. 1870. .r28s.i PQ2p Records; embracing the minutes of the presbytery of Philadel- phia, 1706-16; minutes of the synod of Philadelphia, 1717- 1758; minutes of the synod of New York, 1745-1758; min- utes of the synod of Philadelphia and New York, 1758- 1788. 1841 r28s.i Pp2r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES General assembly. Acts and proceedings, 1790 and 1791. 1791 r28s.i P92 Addresses delivered at the centennial celebration, Phila- delphia, May 24th, 1888. 1888 r28s.i Pg2ad Addresses delivered at the quarter-century anniversary of the reunion of the Old and New school Presbyterian churches, held in Pittsburgh. May 23, 1895. 1895 285.1 Pg2a The same. 1895 r285. i P92a Addresses: The fundamental doctrines of the Presbyterian church, by F. L. Patton. The influence of the Presbyterian church upon other churches, by H. M. Booth. The growth and future of the reunited church, by W. H. Roberts. Digest compiled from the records of the General assembly of the Presbyterian church and of the late synod of New York and Philadelphia of their acts and proceed- ings; with a short account of the missions conducted by the Presbyterian church. 1820 r28s.i P92d Minutes, 1821-1828, 1848-1849, 1853, 1866-1867, 1870-1872, 1874- 1877, 1879-1882, 1885-1890, 1892-1897. 1821-97 r285.i P92m Report of the Assembly's committee on the revision of the confession of faith; adopted in session at Portland, Oregon, May 27, 1892. 1892 T285.I ?92re PRESBYTERIAN popery; animadversions upon the decision of the last general assembly of the Presbyterian church re- specting the third congregation, Philadelphia. 1814 r285.i Pp222 PRESBYTERIANISM, the revolution, the declaration and the constitution r28s. I PQ224 Extract from the Southern Presbyterian review. REDSTONE PRESBYTERY. Minutes of the presbytery of Redstone; from the organi- zation, Sept. 19, 1781 to Dec. 1831. 1878 qr28s.i R27 SLOAN, D. H. ed. History of the presbytery of Kittanning, with its churches and schools. 1888 r28s.i $63 SMITH, Joseph, 1796-1868. Old Redstone; or, Historical sketches of western Presby- terianism. 1854 r28s.i 865 The same. 1854 285.1 865 16 240 PRESBYTERIAN SWOPE, Gilbert Ernest. History of the Big Spring Presbyterian church, Newville, Pa., 1737-1898. 1898 285.1 809 THOMPSON, Robert Ellis. History of the Presbyterian churches in the United States. 1895. '(American church history series.) 285.1 T$S Bibliography, p. 11-13. ' WASHINGTON, Pa. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sermons, addresses and proceedings connected with the completion of the twenty-fifth year of the pastorate of Rev. James I. Brownson in the First Presbyterian church, Washington, Pa. 1874 r285.i W272 WASHINGTON PRESBYTERY, Pa. History of the presbytery of Washington. 1889 r28s.i W27 WEBSTER, Richard. History of the Presbyterian church in America until 1760, with biographical sketches of its early ministers. 1858. . .r285.i W38 Memoir of the author, p. 11-43. WILSON, Joseph Miller, ed. Presbyterian historical almanac and annual remembrancer of the church, v.2. 1860 r28s.i W76 WINES, Enoch Cobb. Conversation becoming the gospel of Christ; a farewell ser- mon preached in the church of Upper Ten-mile, March 27, 1859. 1859 r285.i W78 Bound with the following. Historical discourse commemorative of the Presbyterian church of Upper Ten-mile, Pa., delivered March 29, 1859. 1859 r28s.i W78 285.3 Cumberland Presbyterian STEPHENS, J.V. The causes leading to the organization of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. 1898 285.3 $83 Bibliography, p-5-9. 285.4 United Presbyterian HARPER, R.D. Church memorial, containing facts connected with the Asso- ciate and Associate reform churches previous to their union as the United Presbyterian church. 1858 ^85.4 HzS PITTSBURGH, FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Quarter centennial anniversary of the installation of W. J. Reid as pastor, April 7th, 1887. 1887 ^85.4 P67 REID, William James. United Presbyterianism. 1892 285.4 R3 1 SCOULLER, James Brown, comp. Manual of the United Presbyterian church of North America, 1751-1887. 1887 r285-4 S43 CONGREGATIONAL 241 285.5 Reformed Presbyterian REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Memorial volume; covenant renovation by the synod of the Reformed Presbyterian church in North America. 1872 285.5 R28m Reformation principles exhibited by the Reformed Pres- byterian church in the United States 285.5 ^^S SPRAGUE, William Buel. Annals of the American associate, Associate reformed and Reformed Presbyterian pulpit. 1869 285.5 $76 The same as v.g of Sprague's "Annals of the American pulpit," except that the latter contains also annals of the Lutheran and Reformed Dutch churches. 285.6 Minor Presbyterian sects BROWN, Rev. Thomas. Annals of the disruption; consisting chiefly of extracts from the autograph narratives of ministers who left the Scot- tish establishment in 1843. 2v. in i. 1878 285.6 B8i MACKERROW, John. History of the Secession church. 1854 T285.6 Mi8 HISTORICAL notes relating to the Pennsylvania reformed church; ed. by H. S. Dotterer; monthly, May 1899- Apr. 1900. v.i. 1900 qr285-7 H62 Xo more published. 285.8 Congregational CONGREGATIONAL quarterly; Jan. i859-Oct. 1878. 20v. 1859-78 r28s.8 C74 No more published. contains an index to the first 10 volumes, v.2o, to the last 10. DUNNING, Albert Elijah. Congregationalists in America; a popular history of their origin, belief, polity, growth and work. 1894 285.8 092 WALKER, Williston. History of the congregational churches in the United States. 1897. (American church history series.) 285.8 Wi7 .Bibliography, p.g-ij. 285.9 Puritanism BACON, Leonard. Genesis of the New England churches. 1874 285-9 813 "The author's aim was first of all to search out the causes and courses of events in the old world by which these New England churches were brought into being. The present volume brings the pilgrims to Ply- mouth and follows them through 10 years of their settlement at that place." New Englander, 1875. 242 BAPTIST 286 Baptist BAPTIST CONGRESS. Proceedings of the Baptist congress (2d-date), i883-date. i883-date r286 622 Proceedings of the 3d congress wanting. Title page of v.2 reads Proceedings of the second annual Baptist autum- nal conference. BENEDICT, David. General history of the Baptist denomination. 2v. 1813 r286 843 BRUMBAUGH, Martin Grove. History of the German Baptist brethren in Europe and America. 1899 re86 683 Sect commonly known as the Bunkers. CATHCART, William, ed. Baptist encyclopaedia ; a dictionary of the doctrines, ordinances, usages and general history of the denomination. 1881 qr286 C28 DAVIS, J. History of the Welsh Baptists, 63-1770. 1835 r286 031 FALKENSTEIN, George N. History of the German Baptist brethren church. 1901 q286 FIQ Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-German society,, where it appeared with the title, "German Baptist brethren, or Bunkers." GREAT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, Uniontown, Pa. Exercises commemorating the I25th anniversary of the Great Bethel Baptist church, Nov. 1895. 1895 r286 G82 KURTZ, Henry, ed. Brethren's encyclopedia, containing the united counsels and conclusions of the Brethren at their annual meetings ; tr. and arranged, with notes. 1867 r286 K43 LAMECH, & Agrippa. Chronicon Ephratense; a history of the Seventh day Baptists at Ephrata, Lancaster county, Pa. 1889 r286 Li8 NEWMAN, Albert Henry, ed. Century of Baptist achievement. 1901 286 N28c Thirty chapters by as many different contributors. There is first a survey of Baptist history before 1801, then chapters on English, Scotch and Welsh Baptists in the ipth century, followed by sketches of Baptist conditions in the different sections of the United States, in Canada and in Australia. There are also chapters on the mission- ary work of the society, on its newspapers, periodicals, educational work and contributions to literature, its pulpit and the movement of its theological thought. NEWMAN, Albert Henry. History of the Baptist churches in the United States. 1894. (American church history series.) 286 N28 Bibliography, p. 11-15. PENNSYLVANIA BAPTIST CONVENTION. Annual reports (i7th, 34th, 36th-37th, 4Oth-4ist, 44th, 46th- 47th, 49th-68th), for 1853, 1861, 1863-1864, 1867-1868, 1871, 1873-1874, 1876-1895. 1853-95 r286 P39 40th-62d reports, 1867-1889 title reads Pennsylvania Baptist general association. 63d-68th reports, 1890-1895 title reads Pennsylvania Baptist state mission society. METHODIST 243 PITTSBURGH BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Minutes, i839-date. i839-date r286 P6/4 PITTSBURGH, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Directory, 1872. 1872 r286 P67d PITTSBURGH, FOURTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. Annual, 1884, i887/88-date. i88s-date r286 P6; Approximate religious statistics in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, 1884. 1884 r286 647 Bound with other pamphlets. Calendar for the week, April 5, iSgi-date. iSgi-date r286 P67O Continuation of Our church messenger. Directory, 1875, 1883, 1892, 1894-1895, 1900. 1875-1901 r286 P67d Directory for 1900 contains Synopsis of reports of the annual meeting held Nov. 13, 1900. Bound with Directory of the First Baptist church, Pittsburgh. Our church messenger; weekly, Nov. 10, i888-March 28, 1891. v.i-3, no.2i, in I. 1888-91 ?. .r286 P67o Continued as Calendar for the week. Report of the investigating committee in the case of the Rev. Dr. Pearson. 1877 r286 647 Seventy-fifth anniversary of the First Baptist church, now the Fourth Avenue Baptist church, 1812-1887. 1887 r286 647 Contains manuscript notes and clippings. Bound with other pamphlets. PITTSBURGH, UNION REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH. Members manual, containing a sketch of its origin, the declar- ation of faith, church covenant, rules of order and discip- line, and list of members. 1854 r286 8473 Bound with other pamphlets. SACHSE, Julius Friedrich. German sectarians of Pennsylvania ; a critical and legendary history of the Ephrata cloister and the Dunkers. 2v. 1809-1900. (Religious history of Pennsylvania, v.2-3.) . ..qr286 Si2 v.i. 1708-1742. V.2. 1742-1800. The same. v.i. 1899. (Religious history of Pennsylvania, v.2.) q286 Si2 SCHROEDER, Gustavus Wilhelm. History of the Swedish Baptists in Sweden and America. 1898. .286 838 VEDDER, Henry Clay. History of the Baptists in the middle states. 1898. (Baptist history series.) 286 V24 Short history of the Baptists. 1891 286 245 Contents: The primitive church. The persecuted church. The evange- lizing church. WILLIAMS, Rev. Samuel, of Pittsburgh. Reply to Lectures on the nature, subjects and mode of Chris- tian baptism by J. T. Pressly. 1853 r286 6473 Bound with other pamphlets. 287 Methodist ANNAN, William. Difficulties of Arminian Methodism. 1861 287 A6i 244 UNITARIAN BUCKLEY, James Monroe. History of Methodists in the United States. 1896. (Ameri- can church history series.) 28? B8s Bibliography, p.n-is. The same. 2v. 1898 287 B8sh Bibliography, v.i, p.9-'3- Title page of the 2 volume edition reads "History of Methodism in the United States." MARSDEN, Joshua. Poems on Methodism, embracing "The conference," and "American Methodism, a plea for unity," by William Hunter. 1848 r28; M4i METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Manual for the members and preachers within the bounds of the Pittsburgh annual conference. 1836 T2&J M64 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH General conference. Journal of the general conference held in Brooklyn, 1872; ed. by W. L. Harris and G. W. Woodruff T2&7 M646 PITTSBURGH, FIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH. Closing services, May, 1892. 1892 r2&7 P67 SIMPSON, Matthew, bp. A hundred years of Methodism. 1876 287 S6i SNELL, Frederick John. Wesley and Methodism. 1900. (World's epoch-makers.) .. .287 S67 STEPHENS, David Stubert. Wesley and episcopacy. 1892 r2&7 883 STEVENS, Abel. Centenary of American Methodism, with a statement of the plan of the centenary celebration of 1866, by John M'Clintock. 1865 r287 S84C Memorials of the introduction of Methodism into the east- ern states. 1848 r287 884 WESLEY, John, & Charles. Minutes of several conversations between John and Charles Wesley and others. 1770 r287 W$S With autograph letter by T. B. Sargent. 288 Unitarian ALLEN, Joseph Henry. History of the Unitarians and the Universalists in the United States by J. H. Allen and Richard Eddy. 1894. (American church history series.) 288 A42 Bibliography of Universalism, p.253-254- Our liberal movement in theology; chiefly as shown in recol- lections of the history of Unitarianism in New England; with sequel. 2v. 1892-97 288 Contains chapters on Parker, Channing and Hedge. Ten discourses on orthodoxy. 1889 288 Discourses: Orthodox theory of Christianity. General objections to or- thodoxy. The Trinity. Deity of Christ. The vicarious atonement. Depravity of human nature. Eternal punishment. Scripture infalli- bility. History and position of orthodoxy. Liberal Christianity. MINOR CHRISTIAN SECTS 245 ALLEN, Joseph Henry, and others. Unitarianism; its origin and history. 1895 288 A42U Contents: Early Christian doctrine, by J. H. Allen. Christianity from the 5th to the isth century, by A. P. Peabody. Unitarianism and the reformation, by S. C. Beach. Unitarianism in England, by Brooke Herford. The contact of American Unitarianism and German thought, by J. H. Allen.- The church and the parish in Massachusetts, by G. E. Ellis. Early New England Unitarians, by A. P. Peabody. Channing, by G. VV. Briggs. Transcendentalism, the New England renaissance, by Francis Tiffany. Theodore Parker, by S. B. Stewart. Unitarian- ism and modern literature, by Francis Hornbrooke. Unitarianism and modern biblical criticism, by James De Normandie. Unitarianism and modern scientific thought, by T. R. Slicer. The law of righteousness, by George Batchelor. The relation of Unitarianism to philosophy, by C. C. Everett. Ecclesiastical and denominational tendencies, by Grin- dall Reynolds. BARROWS, Samuel June. A Baptist meeting-house, the staircase to the old faith, the open door to the new. 1890 288 626 CLARKE, James Freeman. Orthodoxy, its truths and errors. 1897 288 C$3 HALL, Edward Henry. Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church. 1891 288 Hi; HEDGE, Frederic Henry, and others. Unitarian affirmations; seven discourses by Unitarian ministers. 1895 288 H39 Contents: The universal and the special in Christianity, by F. H. Hedge. The Bible, by J. F. Clarke. God, by A. P. Peabody. Jesus Christ, by Brooke Herford. Man, by G. W. Briggs. The church; the society which Jesus gathered, by Rufus Ellis. The life eternal; heaven and hell, by S. R. Calthorp. LLOYD, Walter. Story of Protestant dissent and English Unitarianism. 1899 288 L75 "Principal authorities consulted," p. 11-15. SAVAGE, Minot Judson. My creed. 1887 288 826 Our Unitarian gospel. 1898 288 8260 Religion for to-day. 1897 288 S26r Fourteen sermons preached to Mr Savage's New York congregation. 289 Minor Christian sects TYLER, Benjamin Bushrod, and others. History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ, and the Evangelical association, by B. B. Tyler, A. C. Thomas, R. H. Thom- as, D. Berger, and S. P. Spreng, and Bibliography of American church history by S. M. Jackson. 1894. (American church history series.) 289 T97 Each article is preceded by a bibliography. JENNINGS, Obadiah. Debate on Campbellism, held at Nashville, Tennessee, in which the principles of Alexander Campbell are confuted and his conduct examined. 1832 r28g.2 Ja6 "Memoir of the author," p. 5-27. 246 MINOR CHRISTIAN SECTS NEW-CHURCH review; a quarterly journal of the Christian thought and life set forth from the Scriptures by Eman- uel Swedenborg. v.i-date. i894-date ^89.4 N26 NEW JERUSALEM magazine; monthly, July-Dec. 1870; Jan. i887-Oct. 1893. Old ser. v.43; new ser. v.n-i;. 1870-93.^289.4 N28i Index, 1827-1872, v.i-44. 1882. v. 17 contains index for new ser. v. 1-17. ODHNER, C. Theophilus. Brief view of the heavenly doctrines revealed in the theo- logical writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. 1897 289.4 Oi4 PARSONS, Theophilus. The infinite and the finite. 1872 289.4 Pz6 The Swedenborg doctrine. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. Angelic wisdom concerning the divine love and the divine wisdom. 1885 289.4 S97an Angelic wisdom concerning the divine providence. 1892 289.4 $97a Apocalypse explained according to the spiritual sense. 6v. 1890-97 289.4 $97ap Apocalypse revealed. 2v. 1883-87 289.4 S97apo Arcana caelestia; the heavenly arcana. lov. 1882-92 289.4 S97ar Compendium of his theological and spiritual writings, with a life of the author. 1853 qr289_4 S97c Delights of wisdom pertaining to conjugial love. 1892 289.4 Four leading doctrines of the New Church. 1892 289.4 Heaven and hell. 1885 289.4 Miscellaneous theological works. 1892 289.4 S97m True Christian religion. 1892 289.4 S97t BARCLAY, Robert, 1648-1690. Apology for the true Christian divinity. 1675 289.6 823 Views of Christian doctrine held by the Society of Friends. 1882 289.6 B23v BOWDEN, James. History of the Society of Friends in America. 2v. 1850-54. .289.6 B66 EVANS, Charles, comp. Friends in the I7th century. 1885 289.6 946 EVANS, Thomas. Concise account of the Society of Friends 289.6 94 Exposition of the faith of the Society of Friends. 1878 289.6 940 HAZARD, Caroline. Narragansett Friends' meeting in the i8th century; with a chapter on Quaker beginnings in Rhode Island. 1899. .289.6 H37 PENN, William. Collection of his works, to which is prefixed a journal of his life. 2v. 1726 qr289.6 P39c A key opening the way to distinguish the religion of the Quakers from perversions and misrepresentations 289.6 ?39 Bound with his Rise and progress of the people called Quakers. No cross, no crown 289.6 P39n Primitive Christianity revived in the Quakers. 1857 r289.6 P39P Memoir of Penn, by James W. Brown, p.7-6i. Rise and progress of the people called Quakers 289.6 P39 NON-CHRISTIAN 247 Select works, to which is prefixed a journal of his life. 1771 qr28o..6 SEWEL, William. History of the rise, increase and progress of the people called Quakers. 2v. in i 289.6 851 SPEAKMAN, Thomas H. Divisions in the Society of Friends. 1896 289.6 874 EADS, H. L. Shaker sermons, scripto-rational; containing the substance of Shaker theology. 1879 r289.8 Ei2 YOUNGS, Benjamin Seth. Testimony of Christ's second appearing, exemplified by the principles and practice of the true church of Christ, published by the United Society called Shakers. 1856. .r289.8 41 OAHSPE; a new Bible in the words of Jehovih and his angel ambassadors. 1891 qr289.g Oi I ROBERTS, Robert. Christendom astray; or, Popular theology shewn to be un- scriptural, and the true nature of the ancient apostolic faith. 1897 289.9 RS3 Originally published as "Twelve lectures on the true teaching of the Bible." TCHERTKOFF, Vladimir, ed. Christian martyrdom in Russia; an account of the members of the universal brotherhood of Doukhobortsi now migrating from the Caucasus to Canada. 1899 289.9 T26 Contains a chapter and letter by Leo Tolstoi. 290 Non-Christian BARROWS, John Henry. Christian conquest of Asia; studies and personal observa- tions of oriental religions; the Morse lectures of 1898. 1899 2 9 B26 CLARKE, James Freeman. Ten great religions. 2v. 1894 290 CS2 FAITHS of the world. 1882 290 Fi7 Contents: Brahmanism, Buddhism, by John Caird. Confucianism, by George Matheson. Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta, by John Milne. Religion of ancient Greece, by William Milligan. Religion of ancient Rome, by James MacGregor. Teutonic and Scandinavian religion, by G. S. Burns. Ancient religions of Central America, by J. M. Lang. Judaism, by M. C. Taylor. Mahommedanism, by J. C. Lees. Chris- tianity in relation to other religions, by Robert Flint. FRADENBURGH, Jason Nelson. Fire from strange altars. 1891 290 F8s Contents: Religion in the land between the rivers, (Babylonia and As- syria). The gods of the Phoenicians. The faith of the pharaohs. GREAT religions of the world. 1901 290 G82 Contents: Confucianism in the nineteenth century, by H. A. Giles. Buddhism, by T. W. R. Davids. Mohammedanism in the nineteenth century, by Oskar Mann. Brahminism, by Sir A. C. Lyall. Zoroas- trianism and the Parsis, by D. Menant. Sikhism and the Sikhs, by Sir Lepel Griffin. Postivism, its position, aims and ideals, by Fred- eric Harrison. Babism, by E. D. Ross. Jews and Judaism in the 248 NON-CHRISTIAN nineteenth century, by M. Caster. The outlook for Christianity, by Washington Gladden. Catholic Christianity, by Cardinal Gibbons. GROSS, Joseph B. Heathen religion in its popular and symbolical develop- ment. 1856 r20O G93 HOWARD, Eliot. Studies of non-Christian religions. 1900. (Non-Christian religious systems.) 290 H84 Contents: Pagan or heathen religions. Brahmanism or Hinduism. His- torical and southern Buddhism. Religions of Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan. Mohammedanism or Islam. The MESSAGE of the world's religions. 1898 290 M64 Contents: Judaism, by Gustav Gottheil. Buddhism, by T. W. R. Davids. Confucianism, by A. H. Smith. Mohammedanism, by. George Wash- burn. Brahmanism, by C. R. Lanman. Christianity, by Lyman Ab- bott. Reprinted from the Outlook. Sympathetic, intelligent expositions, each by an authority on the subject of which he treats. They are marred neither by hostile criticism nor by uncritical sentimentalism. MULLER, Max, ed. Sacred books of the East; tr. by various Oriental scholars. v.i-47, 49. 1879-1900 r29o Mgs v.i, 15. Upanishads. v.2, 14. Sacred laws of the Aryas. v-3, 16, 27-28, 39-40. Sacred books of China. v.4, 23, 31. The Zend-Avesta. v.s, 18, 24, 37, 47. Pahlavi texts. v.6, 9. The Qur'an. v.7. The institutes of Vishnu. v.8. Bhagavadgita, with the Sanatsugatiya and the Anugita. Dhammapada. v.i i. Buddhist Suttas. v.i2, 26, 41, 43-44. Satapatha-Brahmana. v.i3, 17, 20. Vinaya texts. v.ig. Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. v.2 1. Saddharma-pundarika. v.22, 45. Gaina sutras. v.2$. Laws of Manu. v.29-30. Grihya-sutras. v.32, 46. Vedic hymns. v-33. Minor law-books. v.34, 38. Vedanta-sutras. v.35-36. Questions of King Milinda. v.42. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda. v.49. Buddhist Mahay ana texts. PAINE, Levi Leonard. Ethnic trinities and their relations to the Christian Trinity; a chapter in the comparative history of religions. 1901 290 Pi6 "Compares the Christian Trinity with the ethnic trinities, to the for- mer's partial disadvantage; views the Bible as a purely human collec- tion of imperfect writings; regards the wonder-stories attaching to the birth and death of Jesus as deserving no credence; assigns to Jesus a purely human nature; and... denies to Christianity any supernatural character whatsoever . . . Professor Paine's study of the various ethnic trinities is of great value." Nation, 1902. Written during the author's professorship of ecclesiastical history in the Bangor theological seminary. PURCHAS, Samuel. Purcas his pilgrimage; or, Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discovered, from the creation unto this present, in four parts, v.i. MYTHOLOGY 249 1614 qr2QO PgS v.i. A theological and geographical historic of Asia, Africa and Amer- ica, with the ilands adjacent. No more published. TYLOR, Edward Burnett. Primitive culture. 2v. 1889 290 Tgj "His productions are clear in style, rich in learning, and methodical in arrangement. The doctrine of the survival of culture, the bearing of the use of directly expressive language and of the invention of num- erals on the advancement of early civilization, the place of myth in the early history of the human mind, the development of the animistic philosophy of religion, and the origin of rites and ceremonies are some of toe subjects that receive treatment at his hands." C. K. Adams. 291 Comparative and general mythology COX, Sir George William. Introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folklore. 1883 291 C8si Discusses the principal classical myths in connection with their early Aryan prototypes, the cosmical origins of which are indicated and explained. Mythology of the Aryan nations. 1887 291 85 "A book that no one who pretends to speak with the slightest authority on the subject of general mythology can afford to neglect. The author adopts, in the main, the theories first promulgated by Professor Max Miilller, and, by elaborating them, shows that the epic poems of the Aryan nations are simply different versions of the same story, and that this story has its origin in the phenomena of the natural world." C. K. Adams. DE KAY, Charles. Bird gods. 1898 291 Da8 Traces the worship of birds in the ancient religions of Europe; showing how many myths and legends, and even existing customs and associa- tions have their origin in a far-distant bird worship. FRAZER, James George. The golden bough; a study in comparative religion. 2v. 1894 291 F8g An attempt to explain the rule of succession to the priesthood of Diana at Aricia. It throws light on some obscure or neglected facts in primitive religion, especially in the early religion of the European Aryans. GOBLET d'ALVIELLA, Eugene, comte. Histoire religieuse du feu. 1886 r29i 654 A consideration of the part played by fire in the development of theolo- gy and mythology, and in the various religious observances of primi- tive peoples. HEWITT, James Francis Katharinus. History and chronology of the myth-making age. 1901. . . .291 H49 Contents: The age of pole star worship. The age of lunar-solar worship. Solar worship. "It is the history of the various and consecutive series of year-reckon- ings calculated by the dominant races, who ruled the growing world, in their attempts to learn the laws of time measurement, which is the principal subject dealt with in this book." Preface. KASTNER, Jean Georges. Les sirenes, essai sur les mythes relatifs a 1'incantation, suivi de Le reve d'Oswald; ou, Les sirenes, symphonic drama- tique. 1858 250 MYTHOLOGY KEARY, Charles Francis. Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo-European races. 1882 291 LANG, Andrew. Custom and myth. 1885 291 L23 Contents: The method of folklore. The bull roarer. The myth of C o- nus. Cupid, Psyche and the sun-frog. A far-travelled tale. Apollo and the mouse. Star myths. Moly and Mandragora. The Kalevala. The divining rod. Hottentot mythology. Fetichism and the in- finite. The early history of the family. The art of savages. Essays upon a variety of folk-lore topics, written in a popular and high- ly agreeable style, in which the anthropologic, as opposed to the schol- astic and linguistic method of research is advocated, with illustrations drawn from the comparison of widely diffused customs and tales among primitive peoples. Magic and religion. 1901 291 L23ma Contents: Science and superstition. Theory of loan-gods; or, Borrowed religion. Magic and religion. Origin of the Christian faith. Ap- proaches to Mr Frazer's theory. Attempts to prove the Sacrean crim- inal divine. Zakmuk, Sacaea and Purim. Mordecai, Esther, Vashti and Haman. Why was the mock-king of the Sacaea whipped and hanged? Calvary. The ghastly priest. South African religion. "Cup and ring," an old problem solved. First-fruits and taboos. Walking through fire. "Largely a criticism of Mr. J. G. Frazer's position in... The Golden Bough, with special reference to Mr. Frazer's theory of the origin of religion, and of the belief in Christ's divinity." Spectator, 1901. Modern mythology. 1897 291 L23mo Contents: Recent mythology. The story of Daphne. The question of allies. Mannhardt. Philology and Demeter Erinnys. Totemism. The validity of anthropological evidence. The philological method in anthropology. Criticism of fetishism. The riddle theory. Artemis. The fire-walk. The origin of death. "A reply to Mr Max Miiller's 'Contributions to the science of mythol- ogy.' " Preface. Myth, ritual and religion. 2v. 1899 291 L23m LETHABY, William Richard. Architecture, mysticism and myth. 1892 291 L6s A collection of some of the most general symbolisms of old architecture, particularly those which reproduce the phenomena of the outer world. MULLER, Max. Contributions to the science of mythology. 2v. 1897 291 M95 MURRAY, Alexander Stuart. Manual of mythology. 1892 r2gi M97 The same. 1873 291 M97m Greek and Roman, Norse, Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian myths. PHILPOT, Mrs J. H. The sacred tree; or, The tree in religion and myth. 1897. . .291 PS2 VIGNOLI, Tito. Myth and science; an essay. 1882. (International scientific series.) 291 V32 Contains a chapter on Dreams, illusions, etc. WHITE, Catherine Ann. Student's mythology. 1895 r29i W63 The same. 1895 291 W63 292 Greek and Roman mythology BALDWIN, James. Old Greek stories. 1895 J292 619 MYTHOLOGY 251 BECKWITH, M.Helen. In mythland. 1896 J2Q2 636 BULFINCH, Thomas. Age of fable; ed. by J. L. Scott. 1898 292 6873 Greek, Roman, Eastern and Scandinavian myths. The same; ed. by E. E. Hale. 1894 292 687 This copy is kept in the Children's room. The same; ed. by E. E. Hale. 1894 r292 687 BURT, Mary Elizabeth, & Ragozin, Mme Z. A. ed. Herakles the hero of Thebes, and other heroes of the myth. 1900 J292 694 CAMPBELL, Lewis. , Religion in Greek literature; a sketch in outline. 1898 292 Ci5 Bibliography, p.s-6. COX, Sir George William. Tales of ancient Greece. 1891 292 C8$ DWIGHT, Mary Ann. Grecian and Roman mythology. 1882 292 097 DYER, Louis. Studies of the gods in Greece at certain sanctuaries recently excavated; lectures given in 1890 at the Lowell institute. 1891 292 D98 "The chief service of the book is that it combines, as no other readily accessible work does, recent German speculations in comparative my- thology with the more tangible results of those excavations at Greek shrines that have renewed the science of archaeology, and indeed, of all classical antiquity, for this generation." Dial, 1891. FIRTH, Emma M. Stories of old Greece. 1894 J292 F$2 FRANCILLON, Robert Edward. Gods and heroes; or, The kingdom of Jupiter. 1896 J292 F86 GAYLEY, Charles Mills, ed. Classic myths in English literature, based chiefly on Bui- finch's "Age of fable." 1898 292 G2$ A cyclopaedia ot classical mythology, adapted for use as a school-book. Prefaced by a concise statement of the question of origin and distri- bution involved in the study of myths, with a review of various ex- planations. With maps, and a commentary giving literary references, historical and linguistic notes, and interpretations. Has excellent index. The same. 1896 r292 G25 GUERBER, Helene Marie Adeline. Myths of Greece and Rome. 1893 292 GQ$ Relates myths in popular style, bringing out influence on literature and art by quotation, references and pictures. The same. 1893 r292 G9S HARRISON, Jane Ellen. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature. 1882 292 Contents: Cyclopes. Laestrygones. Circe. Descent into Hades. The Sirens. Scylla and Charybdis. "Appendix of authorities," p.2i^-2ig. Miss Harrison's aim is to show the Greek artists' ideas of the Homeric , legends, and her method is to give a prose version of a Homeric myth and introduce descriptions of its different existing representations whether on gems, vases or wall painting. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales for girls and boys; a second Wonder- 252 MYTHOLOGY book J2Q2 H36 The same qJ292 H36t The pygmies, The dragon's teeth, Circe's palace and other Greek myths charmingly retold for children. Wonder-book for girls and boys J292 H36wo Wonder-book, Tanglewood tales and Grandfather's chair J2Q2 H36w HOLBROOK, Florence. 'Round the 3 r ear in myth and song J2Q2 H6g The same r J2Q2 H6g KEIGHTLEY, Thomas. Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy; ed. by Leonard Schmitz. 1896 292 Ki6 KINGSLEY, Charles. Heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. 1880 rJ2Q2 K27 The same. 1897 3292 K27 Contents: Perseus. The Argonauts. Theseus. Binder's title reads "Greek heroes." KUPFER, Grace H. ed. Stories of long ago, in a new dress. 1897 J292 K43 The same. 1897 rJ292 K43 Greek and Roman myths told for children in a simple fairy tale style. Following many of the stories are standard poems bearing directly on the subjects. Illustrated. LARNED, Augusta. Old tales retold from Grecian mythology in talks around the fire. 1876 J292 L32 LOWELL, D. O. S. Jason's quest. 1893 J292 L95 Story of Jason's search for the Golden fleece. NIEBUHR, Barthold Georg. Greek hero-stories; tr. by Benjamin Hoppin. 1879 J292 N33 The same. 1879 r J292 N33 Contents: Voyage of the Argonauts. Stories of Hercules. The Herak- leidae and Orestes. PRATT, Mara L. Greek myths. 3v. 1896 J292 P88 v.2-3 title page reads Myths of old Greece. RUSKIN, John. Queen of the air; a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. 1893 292 R89 SEEMANN, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. 1881 292 845 SHAHAN, Thomas Joseph, ed. Book of famous myths and legends. 1901. (Young folks' li- brary, v.6.) J292 852 Contents: The golden touch, The paradise of children, The three golden apples, The miraculous pitcher, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Argo- nauts, by Charles Kingsley. The Odyssey, by A. J. Church. King Arthur ana the knights of the Round Table. Childe Horn. The story of Beowulf. Rip Van Winkle, by Washington Irving. Selec- . tions from Ossian. Glooskap the divinity; an Indian myth, adapted by Charles Welsh. MYTHOLOGY 253 SMYTHE, E. Louise. Primary reader; old-time stories, fairy tales and myths retold by children. 1896 J2O.2 S66 STEUDING, Hermann. Greek and Roman mythology & heroic legend. 1901. (Tem- ple primers.) 292 884 Bibliography, p. 124-125. ZIMMERN, Alice. Old tales from Greece. 1897 J292 Z6s Contents: The beginning of the world. Stories of Argos. Stories of Corinth. btories of Athens. Stories of Thebes. The Argonauts. The story of Heracles. The story of Troy. The return of Odysseus. The house of Tantalus. These are stories taken directly from Greek authors, mostly from the poets, and the book is intended to be used as a reading book in schools. 293 Teutonic and Northern mythology ANDERSON, Rasmus Bjorn. Norse mythology. 1891 293 AS4 "Perhaps the most convenient summary we have of the body of North- ern mythology. As such it is not only interesting, but valuable. The author believes in the essentially indigenous characteristics of the Teu- tonic and Scandinavian myths, and also in their marked moral superi- ority over the mythology of Greece and Rome." C. K. Adams. BALDWIN, James. Story of Siegfried. 1896. (Heroes of the olden time.) J293 619 The same. 1896. (Heroes of the olden time.) r J293 Big Nibelungenlied and Siegfried myths woven into a continuous and inter- esting narrative. BRADISH, Sarah Powers. Old Norse stories. 1900. (Eclectic school readings.) J293 B68 FOSTER, Mary Hammond, & Cummings, M. H. Asgard stories; tales from Norse mythology. 1901 J293 F8i GRIMM, Jakob Ludwig. Teutonic mythology. 4v. 1882-88 293 Ggi One of the best collections of Teutonic mythology and folk-lore, dis- cussed from the side of comparative linguistics, and valuable for reference to all students of folk-lore. The English translation is re- garded as even better than the original. GUERBER, Helene Marie Adeline. Myths of northern lands. 1895 293 G95 KEARY, Annie, & Eliza. Heroes of Asgard; tales from Scandinavian mythology. 1893 2 93 The same. 1900 293 LARNED, Augusta. Tales from the Norse grandmother, (the Elder Edda). 1881 J293 L32 LITCHFIELD, Mary E. The nine worlds: stories from Norse mythology. 1899 J293 L73 "References," p. 162-163. MABIE, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. 1894 J 2 93 A charming little volume of the weird, grotesque and deeply significant myths of our forefathers. 254 BRAHMANISM, BUDDHISM PRATT, Mara L. ed. Legends of Norseland. 1894 J 2 93 P88 RAGOZIN, Mme Zenaide Alexelevna. Siegfried, the hero of the north, and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons. 1898. (Tales of the heroic ages.) J2Q3 Ris The same. 1898. (Tales of the heroic ages.) rJ2Q3 Ri$ RHYS, John. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom. 1898. (Hibbert lectures, 1886.) 293 R38 Author says little about the "origin and growth of religion," but con- fines himself to the investigation of the extant vestiges of Celtic myth in order to discover what the ancient Celtic religion was in its latest form. "An epoch-making book, even though but few of the theories advanced should win their way to a place among scientific certainties." Acad- emy, 1888. STERN, Herman I. The gods of our fathers; a study of Saxon mythology. 1898 293 S83 THORPE, Benjamin, comp. Northern mythology. 3v. 1851-52 293 T4i v.i. Northern mythology. v.2. Scandinavian popular traditions and superstitions. v.3. North German and Netherlandish popular traditions and super- stitions. A valuable and comprehensive work by an eminent English scholar. Volume i includes an English rendering of the fables and myths of the eddas. Volumes 2 and 3 contain a selection of the principal later traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany and the Netherlands. The field of Germanic mythology from the earliest times to the present is thus covered. WAGNER, Wilhelm. Asgard and the gods; the tales and traditions of our north- ern ancestors, a manual of Norse mythology; ed. by W. S. W. Anson. 1894 J293 Wi3 294 Brahmanism, Buddhism ACVAGHOSA. Discourse on the awakening of faith in the Mahayana; tr. fr. the Chinese by Teitaro Suzuki. 1900 294 Ai8 Acvaghosha is the philosopher of Buddhism. His ^treatise on "The awakening of faith" is recognized by all northern schools and sects as orthodox and is used even to-day in Chinese translations as a text book for the instruction of Buddhist priests. AIKEN, Charles Francis. Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha and the gospel of Jesus the Christ; a critical inquiry into the alleged relations of Buddhism with primitive Christianity. 1900 294 A29 Bibliography, p.325-344. "Treatment is in three parts, first, a discussion of the relation of Bud- dhism to the antecedent Brahminism; second, the presentation of the system itself in its historical development, containing a chapter on Buddha's life from the earliest and most trustworthy sources; third, an examination of the alleged relations of Buddhism with Christiani- ty." Dial, 1901. BEAL, Samuel. Buddhism in China. 1884. (Non-Christian religious sys- tems.) 294 634 BRAHMANISM, BUDDHISM 255 BERRY, T.Sterling. Christianity and Buddhism; a comparison and a contrast. (Non-Christian religious systems.) 294 B45 BH ATTACH ARYA, Jogendra Nath. Hindu castes and sects. 1896 294 646 Contains a chapter on Buddhism. The author, himself a member of one of the most aristocratic Brahman castes, discusses first the nature and origin of castes and then studies them in detail, and the sects in the same way. Students of Indian civ- ilization will find his book both useful and interesting. Intended for the scholar rather than the general reader. CARUS, Paul. Buddhism and its Christian critics. 1897 294 C24 DAVIDS, Thomas William Rhys. Buddhism; a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama the Buddha. 1894. (Non-Christian religious systems.) . .294 D2gb Buddhism, its history and literature. 1896. (American lec- tures on the history of religion.) . . . '. 294 D2gbu Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the history of Indian Buddhism. 1882. (Hibbert lec- tures.) 294 029 DOWSON, John. Classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geogra- phy, history and literature. 1891 r294 077 EDKINS, Joseph. Religion in China; brief account of the three religions of the Chinese, with observations on the prospects of Christian conversion amongst that people. 1893. (English and foreign philosophical library.) 294 E28 GEDEN, Alfred Shenington. Studies in eastern religions. 1900. (Books for Bible stu- dents.) 294 G26 Contents: Brahmanism and Hinduism. Buddhism. Jainism. GRIFFIS, William Elliot. Religions of Japan, from the dawn of history to the era of Meiji. 1896 294 G89 LILLIE, Arthur. Buddha and Buddhism. 1900 294 L6p MITCHELL, J. Murray, & Muir, Sir William. Two old faiths; essays on the religions of the Hindus and the Mohammedans. 1891. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) 294 M74 MULLER, Max. India; what can it teach us? lectures before the University of Cambridge. 1896 294 M95 Contents: What can India teach us? On the truthful character of the Hindus. The human interest of Sanskrit literature. Objections. The lessons of the Veda. Vedic deities. Veda and Vedanta. OLDENBERG, Hermann. Buddha, his life, his doctrine, his order. 1882 294 023 RAMABAI SARASVATI. High-caste Hindu woman ; with introduction by the Board of managers of the American Ramabai association. 1901 294 Ri7 Ramabai is a gifted Hindu woman who has accepted Christianity and 17 256 JUDAISM given herself to the uplifting of the women of India. She is (1902) principal of the Sharada Sadan, a secular school for the high-caste child widows of India. The school is supported by American funds. SIMPSON, William. Buddhist praying-wheel; a collection of material bearing upon the symbolism of the wheel and circular movements in cus- tom and religious ritual. 1896 ............................. 294 S6i Books referred to, p. 301-303. WARREN, Henry Clarke, tr. Buddhism in translations. 1896. (Harvard oriental series.). ..294 W24 Translated from the palm-leaf manuscripts of Ceylon and Burma, writ- ten in Pali, a language very similar to Sanskrit. Aims to present in English different Buddhist ideas and conceptions. Contains selec- tions on the Buddha, the doctrine and the order and secular life. WILLIAMS, Sir Monier Monier-. Brahmanism and Hinduism; or, Religious thought and life in India as based on the Veda and other sacred books. 1891 ................................................ 294 W74b The first edition was published under the title, "Religious thought and life in India." Buddhism in its connexion with Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in its contrast with Christianity. 1890 ................ 294 W74 The author combines scientific accuracy with a popular style, presents from the standpoint of a believer in Christianity a comprehensive survey of Buddhism from its origin to most recent times, and is qualified for his work by life-long study and much travel. Hinduism. 1894. (Non-Christian religious systems.) ....... 294 295 Parseeism JACKSON, Abraham Valentine Williams. Zoroaster, the prophet of ancient Iran. 1899 ...... ........... 295 Ji2 Bibliography, p. 11-15. OLDENBERG, Hermann. Ancient India, its language and religions. 1896 ............... 295 023 Contents: The study of the Sanskrit. The religion of the Veda. Buddhism. 296 Judaism AMERICAN Jewish year book; ed. by Cyrus Adler, Sept. 5, i899/i900-date. [v.i]-date. i8o9-date ................ r 296 AS I BAUDISSIN, Wolf Wilhelm Friedrich, graf von. Jahve et Moloch ; sive, De ratione inter deum Israelitarum et Molochum intercedente ; dissertatio inauguralis. 1874 ...... r2o6 632 BUDDE, Karl. Religion of Israel, to the exile. 1899. (American lectures on the history of religions.) ........................... 296 685 BURTON, Sir Richard Francis. The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam. 1898 ..................... q2g6 695 CHEYNE, Thomas Kelly. Jewish religious life after the exile. 1898. (American lec- tures on the history of religions.) ......................... 296 C42 DARMESTETER, James. Les prophetes d'Israel. 1895 ............................. 296 D25 Contents: Les prophetes d'Israel. De 1'authenticite des prophetes. JUDAISM 257 Coup d'oeil sur 1'histoire du peuple juif. L'histoire d'Israel et M. Renan. L'histoire d'Israel et M. Graetz. Race et tradition. Joseph Salvador. DRUMMOND, James, b. 1835. The Jewish Messiah; a critical history of the Messianic idea among the Jews from the rise of the Maccabees to the clos- ing of the Talmud. 1877 296 D84 List of authorities, P-393-395. EDERSHEIM, Alfred. History of the Jewish nation after the destruction of Jeru- salem under Titus. 1896 296 27 Standard work by a Jewish scholar, written shortly after his admission to the Scottish Free church. ERRERA, Leo. Russian Jews; extermination or emancipation? tr. fr. the French by Bella Lowy. 1894 296 E77 FLEURY, Claude, 1'abbe. Manners of the ancient Israelites; enlarged by Adam Clarke r2g6 F63 FREDERIC, Harold. New exodus; a study of Israel in Russia. 1892 296 F8g GRATZ COLLEGE, Philadelphia. Publications, v.i. 1897 296 G8i Contents: Memoir of Hyman Gratz, by Moses Dropsie. President's re- port. Additions to the library. Synopsis of lectures. Lectures. Italian Jewish literature, by Sabato Morais. The history and future of the text of the Talmud, by Marcus Jastrow. Jewish physi- cians and the contributions of the Jews to the science of medicine, by Aaron Friedenwald. The Psalms and their place in the liturgy, by K. Kohler. HIRSCH, Samson Raphael. The nineteen letters of Ben Uziel; a spiritual presentation of the principles of Judaism. 1899 296 H6i Biographical sketch of the author, by Bernard Drachman, p.g-34. HOSMER, James Kendall. Story of the Jews. 1893. (Story of the nations.) 296 H82 ISAACS, Abram Samuel. Stories from the rabbis of the Talmud. 1893 J296 129 JACOBS, Joseph. Jewish ideals, and other essays. 1896 296 Ji3 Other essays: The God of Israel; a history. Mordecai; a protest against the critics; a review of "Daniel Deronda." Browning's theology. The true, the only and the complete solution of the Jewish question. Jehuda Halevi, poet and pilgrim. Jewish diffusion of folk-tales. The London Jewry, 1290. Little St. Hugh of Lincoln. "Aaron son of the devil." Jewish history, its aims and methods. JEWISH encyclopedia; a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature and customs of the Jewish people; ed. by Isidore Singer, and others, v.i-3. 1901-02. .. .qr296 J3I7 v.i. Aach-Apocalyptic literature. v.2. Apocrypha-Benash. v 3. Bencemero-Chazanuth. JEWISH 'quarterly review, Oct. i889-July, 1890, Oct. i897-date. v.2, lo-date. iSgo-date r296 J3i KELLOGG, Samuel Henry. The Jews; or, Prediction and fulfilment. 1887 : 296 Ki6 KUENEN, Abraham. Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish state. 3v. 1882-83. .296 K43 258 JUDAISM LAZARUS, Josephine. Spirit of Judaism. 1895 296 I_44 LAZARUS, Moritz. Ethics of Judaism; tr. fr. the German by Henrietta Szold. v.i-2. 1900-01 296 L444 LUNDIUS, Johann. Die alten jiidischen heiligthiimer, Gottesdienste und gewohn- heiten fur augen gestellet in einer ausfuhrlichen beschrei- bung des gantzen levitischen priesterthums. 1722 qr296 L97 MAGNUS, Katie, lady. Outlines of Jewish history from B. C. 586 to 1890 A. D.; revised by M. Friedlander. 1890 296 MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL. Menasseh Ben Israel's mission to Oliver Cromwell ; being a reprint of the pamphlets published to promote the re-ad- mission of the Jews to England, 1649-1656 ; ed. with an in- troduction and notes by Lucien Wolf. 1901 qr2g6 Contents: Introduction; The return of the Jews to England. The hope of Israel (1652). To His Highnesse the Lord Protector of the com- monwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, the humble addresses of Menasseh Ben Israel (1655). Vindiciae Judaeorum; or, A letter in answer to certain questions propounded by a noble and learned gen- tleman, wherein all objections are candidly and yet fully cleared (1656). These interesting pamphlets by the Jewish theologian and statesman are printed in facsimile, not in photographic reproduction, but set in types similar to the original. The editor's introductory essay is a new study in the light of new facts. Illustrated with three portraits of Manas- seh Ben Israel. MIELZINER, Moses. Introduction to the Talmud. 1894 296 M67 Contents: Historical and literary introduction. Legal hermeneutics of the Talmud. Talmudical terminology and methodology. Outlines of Talmudical ethics. Appendix contains a key to the abbreviations used in the Talmud and its commentaries. MILMAN, Henry Hart. History of the Jews. 3v. in 2. 1893 296 M71 "A popular presentation . . . striving to bring together into readable form the results reached by the best scholarship of the day. . . A civil and military, rather than a theological history of the Jews." C. K. Adams. MOOREHEAD, W.G. Studies in the Mosaic institutions. 1896 296 M87 Aims to stimulate interest in the study of the Mosaic institutions and to prove that Judaism and Christianity bear to each other the relation of prediction and fulfillment. MORRISON, William Douglas. Jews under Roman rule. 1890. (Story of the nations.) 296 Mgi PENNELL, Joseph. Jew at home; impressions of a summer and autumn spent with him. 1892 296 ?39 Contents: In Austria and Hungary. In Austrian Poland. In Russia. "Gives the impressions of a summer and autumn in the portions of southeastern Europe where Jews. . .congregate. The picture is a repul- sive one... Mr. Pennell seems to be honest in his delineation and de- scription of this type of Jew, and his little book is a valuable contribu- tion to the literature of the subject." Critic, 1892. PETERS, Madison C. Justice to the Jew; the story of what he has done for the JUDAISM 259 world. 1899 296 ?45 Shows that Jews have always been prominent in sciences, in literature, art and statesmanship. Also aims to fix the responsibility of the Drey- fus affair. Author is (1899) pastor of the Bloomingdale church, New York city. PHILIPSON, David. Old European Jewries. 1895. (Jewish publication socie- ty.) 296 ?49 Contents: Early settlements of Jews in Europe. The institution of the Ghetto. The Ghetto in church legislation. The Judengasse of Frank- fort-on-the-Main. The Judenstadt of Prague. The Ghetto of Rome. The Russian Ghetto. Effects and results. The Ghetto in literature. REMY, Nahida. Jewish woman. 1807 296 R33 Contents: Antiquity. Christian idea about woman and marriage. Ish and Ishah. Temperament and Talmud. Biblical women. Jewish queens. In the dark middle ages. More light. Practical culture work. Sarah Copia Sullam. The mother. The sacred language. Apostates. The daughters of Daniel Itzig. Art among Jewish wom- en. Jewish authoresses. Jewish benefactresses. The modern Jewess. Register of names. "Works of reference," p. 264. ROBERTSON, James, b. 1840. Early religion of Israel as set forth by biblical writers and by modern critical historians; the Baird lecture for 1889. 1896 296 R54 RULE, William Harris. History of the Karaite Jews. 1870 296 R86 "A sect among the Jews which rejects the traditional law as it is fixed in the Talmud, and recognizes only the Pentateuch or five books of Moses as binding." Century cyclopedia of names. RUSSELL, Cyril, & Lewis, H.S. The Jew in London, a study of racial character and present- day conditions; two essays prepared for the Toynbee trus- tees, with an introduction by Canon Barnett and a preface by James Bryce. 1900 296 Rgi "Its two young authors. . .are connected with Toynbee Hall. . .The vol- ume proper consists of two essays by these workers in the East End, who treat the Jewish question from different points of view. . .A map of East London. . .showing by colour the proportion of the Jewish pop- ulation to other residents, street by street, in certain quarters, is of considerable significance. . .An excellent contribution to an important subject." Athenaeum, 1900. SCHECHTER, S. Studies in Judaism. 1896 296 831 Originally published in the Jewish quarterly and the Jewish chronicle. Contents: The chassidim. Nachman Krochmal and the "Perplexities of the time." Rabbi Elijah Wilna, Gaon. Nachmanides. A Jewish Boswell. The dogmas of Judaism. The history of Jewish tradition. The doctrine of divine retribution in rabbinical literature. The law and recent criticism. The Hebrew collection of the British museum. Titles of Jewish books. The child in Jewish literature. Woman in temple and synagogue. The earliest Jewish community in Europe. SCHULTZ, Hermann. Old testament theology; the religion of revelation in its pre-Christian stage of development. 2v. 1895 296 838 STUBE, R. ed. Jiidisch-babylonische zaubertexte; herausgegeben und erklart. 1895 r296 SQ3 26o JUDAISM TALMUD. New edition of the Babylonian Talmud, English transla- tion; original text ed. by M. L. Rodkinson. v.i-i6, in 14. 1896-1902 qr2g6 Ti6n .1-2. Tract Sabbath. 3. Tract Erubin. 4. Tracts Shekalim and Rosh Hashana; Hebrew and English text. 5. Tract Pesachim. 6. Tracts Yomah and Hagiga. 7. Tracts Betzah, Succah, and Moed Katan. 8. Tracts Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or Semahoth. 9. Tracts Aboth (Fathers of the synagogue), with Aboth of R. Nathan, Derech Eretz, Rabba and Zuta. 10. Tracts Baba Kama. .11-12. Tract Baba Metzia. .13-14. Tract Baba Bathra. .15-16. Tract Sanhedrin. Talmud; tr. by Joseph Barclay. 1878 296 Ti6t Treasures of the Talmud, compiled from the Babylonian Talmud; tr. by P. I. Hershon. 1882. r2p6 Ti6t Wit and wisdom of the Talmud; ed. by M. C. Peters, with an introduction by H. P. Mendes. 1900 296 Ti6 TOY, Crawford Howell. Judaism and Christianity; progress of thought from Old to New testament. 1891 296 T67 WALDSTEIN, Charles. Jewish question, and the mission of the Jews. 1894 296 Wi6 Contents: The Jewish question. The mission of the Jews. The social position of the Jews in the middle ages and modern times. The influ- ence of the Jews upon the civilization of the middle ages. Hebraic societies. Money and the Jews. Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu and the WHITE, Arnold. The modern Jew. 1899 296 W62 Author was Baron de Hirsch's representative in Russia, and has had oth- er exceptional advantages in the study of his subject, and he gives many useful facts and suggestions. With the exception of the statis- tics relating to the Russian Jews these chapters are now first pub- lished. WILKINSON, John. Israel my glory; or, Israel's mission and missions to Israel. 1894 296 W73 WINES, Enoch Cobb. Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews. 1855. .. .296 W78 WISE, Isaac Mayer. Judaism; its doctrines and duties. 1872 296 W8ij Selected writings; ed. by David Philipson and Louis Grossmann. 1900 296 W8i Contents : The law. Moses, the man and the statesman. The Wander- ing Jew. The sources of the theology of Judaism. The outlines of Judaism. The apologetics of Judaism. Aphorisms on ethics. Re- formed Judaism. Paul and the mystics. Union. Establishment of the union of American Hebrew congregations. The congregation. The rabbi. An appeal for a college.--Address at opening of Hebrew Union college. Women as members of congregations. Letter to a gentleman who with his family wishes to embrace Judaism. Biography of the author, p. 1-112. Author was a leader of Jewish thought and activity in America during^ the latter half of the igth century. The founding of the Hebrew union college in Cincinnati was largely due to his efforts, he being its first president, from 1875 until his death in 1900. The biography which precedes the selections was written by two of Dr. Wise's pupils. MOHAMMEDANISM 261 WOLF, Simon. American Jew as patriot, soldier and citizen; ed by L. E. Levy. 1895 296 W83 The same. 1895 1296 W&3 A large part of the book is devoted to lists of Jewish soldiers in the Union and Confederate armies during the American civil war. ZIRNDORF, Henry. Some Jewish women; tr. fr. the German. 1892 296 Z68 Contents: From the Apocrypha. The Graeco-Roman period. The Tal- mudic age. 297 Mohammedanism ARNOLD, Thomas Walker. The preaching of Islam; a history of the propagation of the Muslim faith. 1896 297 A75 List of authorities, p. 373-383. History of Mohammedan missions. ATTERBURY, Anson Phelps. Islam in Africa; its effects, religious, ethical and social, upon the people of the country. 1899 297 A88 A study of Mohammedanism by the pastor of the Park Presbyterian church, New York. He takes the middle ground between those who view Islam as wholly an imposture, and those who claim that Moham- medanism is a sort of preparatory school by which such countries as Africa may be successfully brought to an ultimate civilization. HAINES, Charles Reginald. Islam as a missionary religion. 1889. (Non-Christian re- ligious systems.) 297 His Books consulted, P.T-II. HUGHES, Thomas Patrick, comp. Dictionary of Islam. 1885 r297 H89 JESSUP, Henry Harris. The women of the Arabs. 1873 297 J29 Intended as a memorial of the early missionaries in Syria, with a record of the work done for the women and girls of the native races. A "Children's chapter," comprising more than one-third of the book, contains an account of child life in Syria, and some oriental stories and nursery rhymes. KORAN. Coranus Arabice, recensionis Fliigelianae, textum recognitum iterum exprimi; curavit'G. M. Redslob. 1881 297 K38 Koran; or Alcoran of Mohammed with explanatory notes from Savary's version, also preliminary discourse by George Sale- 1891 r297 K38 Selections from the Kuran; by E. W. Lane. 1879 297 L23 MUIR, Sir William. The Coran; its composition and teaching and the testimony it bears to the Holy scriptures. 1896. (Non-Christian re- ligious systems.) 297 M95 POOLE, Stanley Lane-. Studies in a mosque. 1893 297 P79 A collection of essays treating some phases of the Mohammadan re- ligion. "The pleasant style of the writer, together with his wide study of the literature of his subjects, combine to make the whole a readable and valuable book." Academy, 1883. 262 MORMONISM SMITH, Henry Preserved. The Bible and Islam; or, The influence of the Old and New testaments on the religion of Mohammed; being the Ely lectures for 1897. 1897 297 864 SMITH, Reginald Bosworth. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 1875 *. 297 S6s STOBART, James William Hampson. Islam & its founder. 1895. (Non-Christian religious sys- tems.) '. 297 S86 TISDALL, William St. Clair-. Religion of the Crescent. 1895. (Non-Christian religious systems.) ; 297 TSI 298 Mormonism KELLEY, William H. Presidency and priesthood. 1895 2 9& Ki6 KENNEDY, James Harrison. Early days of Mormonism. 1888 298 Ki8 The same. 1888 r2g8 Ki8 MAYHEW, Henry. Mormons; or, Latter-day saints, with memoirs of Joseph Smith. 1851 r298 MS4 PATTERSON, Robert, of Pittsburgh. Who wrote the book of Mormon? 1882 q2oS ?3i Reprinted from Crumrine's Illustrated history of Washington county. SCHROEDER, Albert Theodore. Origin of the Book of Mormon, re-examined in its relation to Spaulding's "Manuscript found." 1901 r2g8 838 Produces evidence to prove that the Book of Mormon is a plagiarism, its distinguishing features being identical with those of a romance en- titled "The manuscript found." This romance was written by Solomon Spaulding, and while in the keeping of a prospective publisher, Robert Patterson of Pittsburgh, was stolen by one Sidney Rigdon, of early Mormon fame. It is asserted that Rigdon then showed Joseph Smith the stolen manuscript, and from it the Book of Mormon was compiled. For further evidence see Samuel Williams' "Mormonism exposed," (rapS W74> and Robert Patterson's "Who wrote the Book of Mor- mon?" (qzgS PSI). SEIBEL, George. Mormon problem; the story of the latter-day saints and an expose of their beliefs and practices. 1899 r298 845 SMITH, Joseph, 1805-1844. Book of Mormon. 1888 qr2o8 S6s The same. 1874 298 S6$b Doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter- day saints, containing the revelations given to Joseph Smith. 1890 298 S6sd Pearl of great price; a selection from his revelations, transla- tions and narrations. 1888 298 S6$p TALMAGE, James Edward. Articles of faith; lectures on the principal doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day saints. 1899. . .298 Ti6 WILLIAMS, Rev. Samuel, of Pittsburgh. Mormonism exposed r298 W74 MINOR NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS 26.3 299 Minor non-Christian religions BUDGE, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. Egyptian ideas of the future life. 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldsea, v.i.) 299 685 DAVIES, Edward. The mythology and rites of the British Druids, with an- cient poems and extracts, with remarks on ancient Brit- ish coins. 1809 qr299 031 DOUGLAS, Robert Kennaway. Confucianism and Taouism. 1899. (Non-Christian reli- gious systems.) 299 075 JASTROW, Morris. The religion of Babylonia and Assyria. 1898. (Handbooks on the history of religions.) 299 Jai Bibliography, with annotations, p.7O7~738. The same. 1898. (Handbooks on the history of religions.) . .r299 J2I KING, Leonard William. Babylonian religion and mythology. 1899 299 K26 LEGGE, James. Religions of China; Confucianism and Taoism described and compared with Christianity. 1880 299 LS4 PETRIE, William Matthew Flinders. Religion and conscience in ancient Egypt. 1898 299 P$6 Contents: The historical conditions of religions. The popular religion of Egypt. The discordances of Egyptian religion. Analysis of the Egyptian mythology. The nature of conscience. The inner duties. The outer duties. RENOUF, Peter Le Page. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. (Hibbert lectures.) 299 R34 SAYCE, Archibald Henry. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illus- trated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. 1891. (Hibbert lectures.) 299 827 SMITH, William Robertson. Lectures on the religion of the Semites; ist ser. 1894. (Burnett lectures.) 299 S66 Subject is the religion of the group of kindred nations which includes the Arabs, Hebrews and Phoenicians, Aramaeans, Babylonians and As- syrians. Present series discusses some fundamental institutions, par- ticularly that of sacrifice, to which half the volume is devoted. ULLMANN, Karl. De Hypsistariis, seculi post Christum natum quarti secta, com- mentatio. 1823 , r299 U2j The Hypsistarians were a religious sect living in Cappadocia in the 4th century A. D. Their belief was a singular mixture of paganism and Judaism. WIEDEMANN, Alfred. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. 1897 299 W68 "Wisely throwing aside any attempt to portray, as a whole, either the Egyptian Pantheon or the Egyptian creed, he has compressed into a volume of 300 pages, an account which leaves little to be desired, of the Egyptian religion as it affected the daily life of the people." Academy, 1897. Sociology 300 General works BASCOAl, John. Sociology. 1887 300 628 HENDERSON, Charles Richmond. Social elements; institutions, characters, progress. 1898 300 H44s The social spirit in America. 1897. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) 300 H44 Contents: Home-making as a social art. Friendly circles of women wage-earners. Better houses for the people. Public health. Good roads and communication. The first factor of industrial reform; the socialized citizen. What good employers are doing. Organizations of wage-earners. Economic cooperation of the community. Political re- forms. Social spirit in the state school system. Voluntary organiza- tion of education. Socialized beauty and recreation. Charity and cor- rection. Social spirit in conflict with anti-social institutions. Institu- tions of ideals; the ancient confederacy of virtue. The appendix contains bibliographies on the subjects of the different chapters. A description of what modern civilization and altruism are doing to spread cleanliness and strength, mental, moral and physical, among all classes of society. 301 Theory BAGEHOT, Walter. Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of natural selection and inheritance to political society. 1890. (International scientific series.) 301 Bi5 BASCOM, John. Social theory; a grouping of social facts and principles. 1895. (Library of economics and politics.) 301 628 A study of the phases of progress offered by our own and by English society, considered under the headings of Customs, Economics, Civics, Ethics, and Religion. This work is independent of the author's pre- vious work entitled "Sociology" and is designed more for the general student than the specialist. CROWELL, John Franklin. Logical process of social development; a theoretical founda- tion for educational policy from the standpoint of soci- ology. 1898 301 C8g GIDDINGS, Franklin Henry. Elements of sociology; a text-book for colleges and schools. 1898 301 G37e Inductive sociology ; a syllabus of methods, analyses and classi- fications, and provisionally formulated laws. 1901 301 G37i Contents: The elements of social theory. The elements and structure of society: The social population. The social mind. Social organization. The social welfare. 264 SOCIOLOGY 265 Principles of sociology. 1896 301 G37p Bibliography, p.423-442. Theory of socialization; a syllabus of sociological principles, with references to the third edition of "The principles of sociology." 1897 ., 301 G37 HARRIS, George. Inequality and progress. 1897 301 H29 "I contend that inequality always has been and always will be the con- dition of progress." Author's introduction. HERBERT, William. World grown young; record of reforms, 1894-1914 301 H46 An elaborate description of a Utopia realized through the efforts of a benevolent English millionaire who, having accumulated a fabulous fortune, proceeds to restore society to its original state of youth, health and innocence. HOBSON, John Atkinson. The social problem ; life and work. 1901 301 H6s Contents: The science of social progress. The art of social progress. "Intended as an informal introduction to the science and art of social progress. Its plan is, first, to show that political economy, whether of the older or newer type, does not and cannot handle successfully the social problem; and, secondly. . .to examine in a tentative and in- troductory way some of the main questions which go to make up the problem of social progress for example, the rights of the individual and of property, the rights of society as a maker of values, social distribution accoiding to needs, and so on until the author arrives at his ground principle of social distribution 'from each according to his powers, to each according to his needs.' " Athenaeum, 1901. KIDD, Benjamin. Social evolution. 1895 301 K24 At the end of an able review in the Political science quarterly, Decem- ber, 1894, Prof. Franklin H. Giddings says: "Altogether, then, Mr Kidd's book is a curious mixture of truth and fallacy. But it is an interesting book, and stimulating. It will make a great many people do more serious thinking in sociology than they have ever done before." Holds that moral progress has no rational sanction and that the evolu- tion slowly proceeding in human society is not primarily intellectual but religious in character. MACKENZIE, John Stuart. Introduction to social philosophy. 1895 301 Mi8 MACKINTOSH, Robert. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd; the appeal to biology for human guidance. 1899 301 Mi84 Contents: Comtism, with some scattered parallels. Simple evolutionism; Spencer, Leslie Stephen. Darwinism, or struggle for existence. Hyper-Darwinism; Weismann, Kidd. MALLOCK, William Hurrell. Aristocracy and evolution; a study of the rights, the origin and the social functions of the wealthier classes. 1898. . .301 M29 "The word aristocracy here means the exceptionally gifted and efficient minority, no matter what the position in which its members may have been born, or what the sphere of social progress in which their ex- ceptional efficiency shows itself." Preface. NASH, Henry Sylvester. Genesis of the social conscience; the relation between the es- tablishment of Christianity in Europe and the social ques- tion. 1897 301 Ni4 "The book is more than a tacit protest against the materialistic ex- planation of history. . .The pages glitter with bright sayings, and there are many attractive passages." Dial, 1897. "My aim is to show how the social question strikes its roots into the 266 SOCIOLOGY soil of that Mediterranean civilization in which antiquity summed itself up, and out of which modernity issued." Author. PAYSON, Edward Payson. Suggestions toward an applied science of sociology. 1898 301 P33 PEARSON, Charles Henry. National life and character. 1894 301 P35 Contents: The unchangeable limits of the higher races. The stationary order in society. Some dangers of political development. Some ad- vantages of an enhanced national felling. The decline of the family. The decay of character. ROSS, Edward Alsworth. Social control ; a survey of the foundations of order. 1901. (Library of economics and politics.) 301 R73 Partial list of authorities cited, p. 443-448. After considering the individual's contribution to social order, viz. sym- pathy, sociability, sense of justice and of resentment, the author takes up the social factors, public opinion, law, belief, education, custom, SMALL, Albion Woodbury, & Vincent, G.E. An introduction to the study of society. 1894 301 S63 SNIDER, Denton Jaques. Social institutions in their origin, growth and interconnec- tions, psychologically treated. 1901 301 S67 Contents: The secular institution. The religious institution. The edu- cative institution. SPENCER, Herbert. Principles of sociology. 3v. 1892-97. (Synthetic philosophy, v.6-8.) 301 S74P References at the end of each volume. Social statics, with Man versus the state. 1893 301 S74 Study of sociology. 1891 301 8745 Explains the scope of the science, its. utility and method, and gives some of its more important general principles. SPRAGUE, Franklin M. Laws of social evolution; a critique of Kidd's Social evolution. 1895 301 876 STUCKENBERG, John Henry Wilburn. Introduction to the study of sociology. 1898 301 893 TARDE, Gabriel. Les lois de 1'imitation; etude sociologique. 1900. (Biblio- theque de philosophic contemporaine.) 301 Ti9l Social laws; an outline of sociology. 1899 301 Tig WARD, Lester Frank. Dynamic sociology. 2v. 1883 3Oi W2I "The ablest systematic treatise in English on Sociology. Superior to Comte or Spencer. The author, however, is biased by grossly mater- ialistic views of Christianity. He should be read with constant refer- ence to works like those of Fremantle and Westcott." /. R. Commons. WRIGHT, Richard J. Principia; or, Basis of social science; a survey of the subject from the moral and theological, yet liberal and progres- sive stand-point. 1876 301 W93 ESSAYS 267 302 Compends HOLT, Henry. Talks on civics. 1901 302 H74 "Authorities," p.iz-i3. Attempts to make young people realize that social institutions are evolved, not made outright, and that they will be vitiated or destroyed by ignorant treatment. Particular attention is paid to discussion of money, land-tenure and taxation, also to spreading a just conception of contract as a preventive of labor troubles and private breaches of faith. WRIGHT, Carroll Davidson. Outline of practical sociology, with special reference to Ameri- can conditions. 1899. (American citizen series.) 302 WQ3 Contains many bibliographies. 303 Encyclopedias BLISS, William Dwight Porter, ed. Encyclopedia of social reform. 1897 Q r 3O3 655 Bibliography of bibliographies in social reform, p.i43i-i432. LALOR, John Joseph, cd. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy and of the political history of the United States. 3v. 1888-90 qr303 L44 "An invaluable work of reference, well up to date, articles in alphabeti- cal arrangement, from a few lines to elaborate special treatises. Nearly thirty leading American authorities are among the contribu- tors in special subjects." Bowker & lies' "Reader's guide." 304 Essays ABBOTT, Lyman. Rights of man; a study in twentieth century problems. 1901 304 Ai3r Contents: The conflict of the centuries. -The growth of democracy. Political rights. Industrial rights. Educational rights. Religious rights. The American democracy. American domestic problems. American foreign problems. The perils of democracy. Safeguards. The goal of democracy. Bibliography, p.p-n. ASHLEY, William James. Surveys, historic and economic. 1900 304 A82 Partial contents: On the study of economic history. The history of Eng- lish serfdom. The Anglo-Saxon "township." The beginnings of town life in the middle ages. The Tory origin of free trade policy. The commercial legislation of England and the American colonies, 1660- 1760. American smuggling, 1660-1760. The Canadian sugar combine. American trusts. The economic atmosphere of America: "the Ameri- can spirit." Jowett and the university ideal. 45 essays and book reviews, most of which have appeared in journals and reviews from 1890 to 1900. BASTIAT, Frederic. CEuvres choisies; ed. by A. de Foville 304 629 BAX, Ernest Belfort. Outlooks from the new standpoint. 1891. (Social science series.) 304 633 Contents: The orator of the human race, (Clootz). The decay of pagan thought. Liberalism v. socialism. The curse of law. A socialist's notes on practical ethics. The economical basis of .history. Individual rights under socialism. Marriage. Courage. The practical signifi- cance of philosophy. 268 ESSAYS BOSANQUET, Bernard, ed. Aspects of the social problem. 1895 304 6643 Contents: The duties of citizenship. The children of working London. The protection of children. The position of women in industry. Marriage in east London. The industrial residuum. Character in its bearing on social causation. Old pensioners. Pauperism and old-age pensions. The meaning and methods of true charity. Some aspects of reform. Origin and history of the English poor law. Some con- troverted points in the administration of poor relief. Returns as an instrument in social science. Socialism and natural selection. The principle of private property. The reality of the general will. These essays were written by B. Bosanquet, H. Dendy, M. M'Callum and C. S. Loch. Essays and addresses. 1891. (Social science series.) 304 664 Contents: Two modern philanthropists, (Moore and Leclaire). Indi- vidual and social reform. Some socialistic features of ancient socie- ties. Artistic handwork in education. On the true conception of an- other world. The kingdom of God on earth. How to read the New . testament. The philosophical importance of a true theory of identity. On the philosophical distinction between knowledge and opinion. BOSANQUET, Mrs Helen. The standard of life, and other studies. 1898 304 6641 Other studies: The burden of small debts. Klassenkampf. The lines of industrial conflict. The psychology of social progress. The education of women. The industrial training of women. Little drudges and troublesome boys. An apology for "false statements." A hundred years ago. Two thousand years ago. BROOKLYN ETHICAL ASSOCIATION. Man and the state; studies in applied sociology. 1892 304 677 Sociology. 1893 304 6773 BUXTON, Sydney Charles. Handbook to political questions of the day. 1892 304 698 Author's plan is to set forth the main arguments for and against the leading questions of English domestic policy, leaving the reader to come to his own conclusions. He begins with home rule, has chapters on "church and state," on education, on the various reforms such as electoral reform and shorter parliaments, on the land laws, the liquor traffic, "taxation of ground values," etc. The same; with supplement. 1892 304 B98h Contents of supplement: Old age pensions. Elementary education. Sale of intoxicating liquors to child-messengers. Intoxicating liquor laws. CAIRNES, John Elliott. Political essays. 1873 304 Ci2 Contents: Colonization and colonial government. The revolution in America. International law. Fragments on Ireland. Our defences; national or a standing army? Thoughts on university reform apropos of the Irish educational crisis of 1865-6. Present position of the Irish university question, 1873. CARNEGIE, Andrew. Empire of business. 1902 304 C2ie Contents: The road to business success. The A. B. C. of money. The common interest of labour and capital. Thrift as a duty. How to win fortune. Wealth and its uses. The bugaboo of trusts. Anglo- American trade relations. Business. Steel manufacture in the United States. The cost of living in Britain. Oil and gas wells. The three legged stool. Railroads past and present. Iron and steel at home and abroad. The Manchester school and to-day. What would I do with the tariff if I were czar? The same. 1902 r 304 C2i Most of these chapters appeared originally in magazines. Gospel of wealth, and other timely essays. 1900 304 C2I Contents: How I served my apprenticeship. The gospel of wealth. The advantages of poverty. Popular illusions about trusts. An em- ployer's view of the labor question. Results of the labor struggle. ESSAYS 269 Distant possessions, the parting of the ways. Americanism versus imperialism. Democracy in England. Home rule in America. Does America hate England? Imperial federation. CHAPMAN, John Jay. Causes and consequences. 1808 304 C36c Contents: Politics. Society. Education ; Froebel. Democracy. Gov- ernment. Frank but optimistic treatment of the evils of American politics and so- cial life. Practical agitation. 1900 304 C36 Contents: Election time. Between elections. The masses. Literature. Principles. Conclusion. "An attempt," the writer says, "to follow the track of personal influ- ence across society." The first three chapters are taken up with discussions of political reform, the fourth chapter with contemporary journalism. The results of these discussions are then summarized in the chapters called "Principles." DEAN, George Alfred. Fallacies and tendencies of the age. 1871 304 D34 ESSAYS on the spirit of legislation in the encouragement of agriculture, population, manufactures and commerce; tr. fr. the French. 1800 r3O4 84 These essays gained the premiums offered by the CEconomical society of Berne, Switzerland, for the best compositions on this subject. FARRAR, Frederick William, dean, and others. My brother and I; selected papers on social topics. 1895 304 25 Contents: Farrar, F. W. Am I my brother's keeper? Hughes, H.P. Christ the greatest of social reformers. Ely, R.T. The church and the world. Cable, G.W. The negro question. Gustafson, Axel. The world's drink problem. Gladden, Washington. Is labor a commodity? Behrends, A.J.F. The Pauline doctrine of the sword. Hughes, H.P. Gambling. Riis, J.A. The problem of the children. Mitchell, H.G. Redemption of the slums. GLADDEN, Washington. Social facts and forces. 1897 304 G4S Contents: The factory. The labor union. -The corporation. The rail- way. The city. The church. Attempts to seize only salient points and emphasizes tendencies affecting conduct and character. Social salvation. 1902 304 6453 Contents: Religion and the social question. The care of the poor. The state and the unemployed. Our brothers in bonds. Social vices. Public education. The redemption of the city. "References and suggestions," p. 237-240. HADLEY, Arthur Twining. Education of the American citizen. 1901 304 Hi2 Contents: The demands of the twentieth century. Our standards of political morality. Government by public opinion. The formation and control of trusts. Socialism and social reform. The relation be- tween economics and politics. Economic theory and political morality. Ethics as a political science. Political education. The relation be- tween higher education and the public welfare. The direction of American university development. Fundamental requirements in school education. The use and control of examinations. Yale prob- lems, past and present. HALE, Edward Everett. Addresses and essays on subjects of history, education and government. 1900 304 His Contents: What will he do with it? The leaders lead. Democracy and a liberal education. The professor of America. What is the Ameri- can people? The education of a prince. The results of Columbus's discovery. Puritan politics in England and New England. The Pil- grim Fathers. The people's battle. The contributions of Boston to American independence. R. W. Emerson. The state's care of its children considered as a check on juvenile delinquency. Public amuse- 270 ESSAYS ment for poor and rich. The colonization of the desert. New Eng- land nationalism. Wealth in common. The ministry to a ward. HAND, James Edward, ed. Good citizenship. 1899 304 H23 Contents: The general functions of the state, by H. Rashdall. Of demo- cratic government, by A. L. Lilley. Of the municipality, by G. L. Gomme. Of capital, by J. A. Hobson. Of labour, by J. A. Hobson. The housing of the poor, by J. E. Hand. Old age pensions, by G. L. Gomme. The poor-law, by J. T. Dodd. Factories and workshops, by Mona Wilson. The treatment of criminals, by W. D. Morrison. Christian socialism and local government, by G. W. E. Russell. The nation's duties to the empire, by W. P. Reeves. The obligation of civil law, by H. S. Holland. The church and civilisation, by F. E. Powell. The progress of morality in the relations of men and women, by J. M. Wilson. Women in social life, by Mrs R. C. Phillimore. The work of a ladies' settlement, by E. M. Portal. Women's work on vestries and councils, by A. E. Busk. The obligations of social service, by T. C. Fry. The churchman as a citizen, by Canon Bar- nett. The economic duty of the consumer, by J. Carter. Citizen- ship in poets, by Ronald Bayne. Art and the commonwealth, by A. G. B. Atkinson. HARRISON, Jonathan Baxter. Certain dangerous tendencies in American life, and other pa- pers. 1880 r304 Hap Other papers: The nationals; their origin and their aims. Three typi- cal workingmen. Workingmen's wives. The career of a capitalist. Study of a New England factory town. Preaching. Sincere demagogy. HART, Albert Bushnell. Practical essays on American government. 1894 304 H3I Contents: The speaker as premier. The exercise of the suffrage. The election of a president. Do the people wish civil service reform? The Chilean controversy; a study in American diplomacy. The colonial town meeting. The colonial shire. The rise of American cities. The biography of a river and harbor bill. The public land policy of the United States. Why the South was defeated in the Civil war. HODGES, George. Faith and social service; lectures before the Lowell institute. 1806 304 H66 The same. 1896 r304 H66 HUXLEY, Thomas Henry. Evolution and ethics, and other essays. 1894 304 H98 Other essays: Science and morals. Capital, the mother of labour. Social diseases and worse remedies: The struggle for existence in human society, Letters to the "Times" on the "Darkest England" scheme, Legal opinions respecting General Booth's acts, The articles of war of the Salvation army. KELLY, Edmond. Evolution and effort and their relation to religion and politics. 1895 304 Ki7 Contents: The conflict of science and religion. Perfectibility of man. Determinism. Determinism and the evolution of love. Determinism and courage. Religion; the historic view. Religion; the scientific view. The church and the state. Municipal . misgovernment. The problem of pauperism. Problem of socialism. The problem of educa- tion. Party government. Summary and conclusion. Protests against laissez-faire attitude, and holds that human progress is dependent on conscious effort. Contains a specially valuable chapter, "The problem of education," which advocates the establishment of an endowed newspaper. LODGE, Henry Cabot. Historical and political essays. 1892 304 L76 Contents: William H. Seward. James Madison. Gouverneur Morris. Why patronage in office is un-American. The distribution of ability ESSAYS 271 in the United States. Parliamentary obstruction in the United States. Parliamentary minorities. Party allegiance. LORIMER, George Claude. Christianity and the social state. 1898 304 L87 Contents: A gospel according to Zola. The clergy and social reform. Other states and the social state. Religion and social evolution. The conservation of the individual. The socialistic salvation. Corpora- tions and co-operation. Time and taxes. The crime against humanity. The redemption of childhood. The social value of liberty. Passing of the war-god. MOORE, J.Howard. Better-world philosophy; a sociological synthesis. 1809 304 M8? Contents: The problem of industry. Blunders. The social problem. Egoism and altruism. The preponderance of egoism. The social ideal. The derivation of the natures of living beings. Race culture. Individual culture. NORDAU. Max. x Conventional lies of our civilization. 1884 304 N43 Considers every social, political, economic question of the day, giving the condensed result of the investigations in all fields of thought, and combining these with much of the striking original thought to be expected from the author of "Degeneration." POBYEDONOSTSEFF, Konstantin Petrovitch. Reflections of a Russian statesman. 1898 304 P73 "The difficulty of pronouncing the name of the Procurator of the Holy Synod of Russia... has not prevented him from becoming a marked figure throughout the Western European world, standing as he does for the ultra-Russian doctrine in Church and State, and for the persecution of all Jews, Dissenters and infidels.. .Madame Novi- koff seems to think that the book... may be described in brief as a study of the decline and fall of Parliamentary government. But it is a great deal more than that... The author writes on Churcff'and State, on 'the great falsehood' (by which he means the doctrine of the sovereignly of the people), against trial by jury, on the press, on public education, on Authority, and similar topics." Athenaeum, 1898. POTTER, Henry Codman, bp. The scholar and the state, and other orations and addresses. 1897 304 P85 Contents: The scholar and the state. Character in statesmanship. The scholar in American life. Scholarship and service. The heroisms of the unknown. The relations of science to modern life. The rural re- inforcement of cities. Christianity and the criminal. A phase of social science. Nobility in business. The ministry of music. The gospel for wealth. The Christian and the state. The higher uses of an exposition. A hundred American years. The life-giving word. The significance of the American cathedral. "They are addressed in some cases to the clergy, but in the main they appeal to all conscientious citizens, and their burden is the increasing importance of our public duties." Nation, 1897. -RICHARDSON, Sir Benjamin Ward. Health of nations; a review of the works of Edwin Chad- wick. 2v. 1887 304 R4i v.i. Biographical dissertation on Edwin Chad wick. Essays, political and economical, including "Practical remedies for intemperance." Essays, educational and social. v.2. Sanitary and preventive of disease. Prevention of pauperism and poverty. Prevention of crime. ROOSEVELT, Theodore. American ideals, and other essays. 1897 304 R68 Other essays: True Americanism. The manly virtues and practical poli- tics. The college graduate and public life. Phases of state legisla- tion. Machine politics in New York city. Six years of civil service reform. Administering the New York police force. The vice-presi- 18 272 SOCIOLOGY PERIODICALS dency and the campaign of 1896. How not to help our poorer brother. The Monroe doctrine. Washington's forgotten maxim. National life and character. Social evolution. The law of civilization and decay. The strenuous life; essays and addresses. 1900 304 R68s Other essays: Expansion and peace. Latitude and longitude among reformers. Fellow-feeling as a political factor. Civic helpfulness. Character and success. The eighth and ninth commandments in poli- tics. The best and the good. Promise and performance. The Ameri- can boy. Military preparedness and unpreparedness. Admiral Dewey. Grant. The same. 1902 304 R68s2 This edition contains five additional essays entitled Manhood and state- hood, Brotherhood and the heroic virtues, National duties, The labor question, Christian citizenship. SMITH, Goldwin. Essays on questions of the day. 1894 304 864 Contents: Social and industrial revolution. Utopian visions. The ques- tion of disestablishment. The political crisis in England. The em- pire. Woman suffrage. The Jewish question. The Irish question. Prohibition in Canada and the United States. The Oneida com- munity and American socialism. WOODS, Robert Archey. English social movements. 1895. (Social science series.) 304 W86 Contents: The labor movement. Socialism. University settlements. University extension. Social work of the church. Charity and philan- thropy. Moral and educational progress. 305 Periodicals AMERICAN journal of sociology; bi-monthly, July, :895-date. v.i-date. i896-date raos A$i AMERICAN SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Journal of social science, v.i-date. :86o-date r305 A5I2 Contains the Transactions of the American social science association. FISHER'S National magazine and industrial record, June, :84S-Nov. 1846. v.i-3. 1846 r305 F53 v.2 contains an index to the first and second volumes. JOHNS Hopkins university studies in historical and political science; ed. by H. B. Adams, v.i-date. i883-date r305 J3S v.i. Local institutions. v.2. Institutions and economics. v.j. Maryland, Virginia and \Vasnington. v.4. Municipal government and land tenure. v.s. Municipal government, history and politics. v.6. History of cooperation in the United States. v.7. Social science, municipal and federal government. v.8. History, politics and education. V.Q. Education, history and politics. v. 10. Church and state. Columbus and America. v.n. Labor, slavery and self-government. v.12. Institutional and economic history. T.I3. South Carolina, Maryland and Virginia. v.i 4. Baltimore, slavery, and constitutional history. v.i 5. American economic history. v.i6. Anglo-American relations, and Southern history. v.i 7. Economic history, Maryland and the South. v.i8. Taxation in Southern states; church and education. v.ip. Diplomatic and constitutional history. Colonial and economic history. JOHNS Hopkins university studies in historical and political science; ed. by H. B. Adams, extra volumes, v.i-date. SOCIOLOGY COLLECTED WORKS 273 i886-date 1305 JaSs v. 5, 19 wanting. v. i. Levermore, C.H. Republic of New Haven. v. 2. Allinson, E.P. & Penrose, Boies. Philadelphia, 1681-1887. v. 3. Brown, G.W. Baltimore and the igth of April, 1861. v. 4. Howard, G.E. Introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States, v.i. v. 6. Brackett, J.R. The negro in Maryland, v. 7. Willoughby, W.W. Supreme court of the United States, v. 8. Nitobe, I.O. Intercourse between the United States and Japan, v. 9. Vincent, J.M. State and federal government in Switzerland, Blackmar, F.VV. Spanish institutions of the Southwest, v.n. Cohn, M.M. Introduction to the study of the constitution. \.I2. Andrews, C.M. The old English manor. v.13. Scaife, W.B. America; its geographical history. v.i4- Scaife, W.B. Florentine life during the renaissance. Weeks, S.B. Southern Quakers and slavery. v.i6. Hazen, C.D. Contemporary American opinion of the French rev- olution. v.i7. Lord, E.L. Industrial experiments in the British colonies of ^ North America. v.i8. Adams, C.K. and others. State aid to higher education. v.20. Hollander, J.H. Financial history of Baltimore. v.2i. Callahan, J.M. Cuba and international relations. v.22. Levasseur, Emile. The American workman. MELIORA; a quarterly review of social science. I2v. 1859- 1869 raos Ms8 No more published. STATESMAN'S year-book, 1869-1870, 1879, 1886-1892, 1895- 1897, i8Q9-date. 6th-7th, i6th, 23d-29th, 32d-34th, 3&th annual publication-date. i869-date r 305 S79 306 Societies. 307 Teaching AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Annals, quarterly, v.i-date. iSgo-date r3o6 ASI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHARITIES, COR- RECTION AND PHILANTHROPY, Chicago, 1893. Sociology in institutions of learning; ed. by A. G. Warner. 1894 r307 124 308 Collected works ADAMS, John, 1735-1826. Works; ed. by C. F. Adams. lov. 1851-65 ..r3o8A2i Life of John Adams, by C. F. Adams, v.i. Volumes 2 and 3 are devoted to the autobiography, the .debates in the constitutional convention, a dissertation on canon and feudal law, and the independence of the judiciary; volumes 4, 5 and 6 to a defence of the constitution, the discourses on Uavila, and letters on govern- ment; volumes 7, 8 and 9 to official letters, messages and public papers; and volume 10 to correspondence. Contains a very complete index. BEECHER, Henry Ward. Patriotic addresses in America and England, from 1850 to 1885, on slavery, the Civil war and the development of civil liber- ty in the United States ; ed. with a review of Beecher's per- sonality and influence in public affairs, by J. R. Howard. 1891 308 637 274 SOCIOLOGY COLLECTED WORKS ELAINE, James Gillespie. Political discussions, legislative, diplomatic and popular. 1887 308 B 52 CALHOUN, John Caldwell. Works; ed. by R. K. Cralle. 6v. 1888 308 Ci3 v.i. A disquisition on the government, and A discourse on the con- stitution and government of the United States. v.2. Speeches, 1811-1837, (including chapters on state rights, and the Bank of the United States). v.3. Speeches, 1837-1841, (including a chapter on state rights). v.4. Speeches, 1841-1850, (including a speech on the slavery question). v.5- Reports and public letters, 1811-1846. v.6. Reports and public letters, (including chapters on state rights). CHURCHILL, Lord Randolph. Speeches, 1880-1888; collected by L. J. Jennings. 2v. 1889. .308 46 v.i. Landlord and tenant. The prelude to coercion. The beginning of coercion. Irish land legislation. The Parnellitcs and the liberal party. Mr Gladstone's foreign and Irish policy. Parliamentary procedure; the cloture. Egypt and England, 1883. The true mean- ing of home rule. Financial reform. The radical party. Trust the people. The desertion of Gen. Gordon. England and Egypt, 1884. The government of failure. Mr Gladstone's errors. Extension of the county franchise. Liberal redistribution schemes. Conserva- tive clubs and newspapers. The Primrose League; England and India. Russian aggression. Mr Gladstone's policy in Ireland and the East. The ministry of many policies. Political life and thought in England. Lord Ripon's policy in India. The true con- servative policy. The agricultural labourer. Liberal dissensions and policy. State parties in 1885. Disestablishment. Irish policy o 1 the consf-vat'VP mr'y 188= *6 v.2. The proposed abandonment of Ulster. The union party suggested. Mr Gladstone's home rule bill. Causes and objects of the union. Conservative policy in Ireland. Policy of Lord Salisbury's first ministry. The new conservative policy. Resignation as chancellor of the exchequer. Perils of the union party. On his resignation. The battle of the union. The revolutionary party in Ireland. Na- tional expenditure. Economical ferocity. Departmental extrava- gance and mismanagement. Our navy and dockyards. Economy in the public service. Mr Gladstone's later policy. The revolu- tionary party. Fair trade. The strength of the union party. Home rule. Cost and condition of the British army Local gov- ernment in England and Ireland. Reformed local government for Ireland. The government of Ireland; public expenditure. Politi- cal and social problems. Expedition to Suakim. CLAY, Henry. Life and speeches. 2v. 1843 r3o8 C54 The same; ed. by Daniel Mallory. 2v. 1844 r3o8 CS4l CLEVELAND, Grover. Writings and speeches. 1892 308 C">8 Contents: Speeches and letters accepting nominations. Inaugural mes- sage, 1885, and speeches at Buffalo and Albany. Civil service reform. Taxation and revenue. Centennial and anniversary celebrations. To farmers' organizations. To commercial and business associations. To religious and charitable organizations. Addresses before professional bodies. On educational and patriotic questions. To political clubs and organizations. Speeches in political canvasses. On some social and economic questions. The character of Washington. The Coinage of silver. On pensions, and to soldiers' organizations. The Indian prob- lem. The public domain. Some notable vetoes. Characteristic mes- sages. Estimates of public men. The maintenance of national honor. Miscellaneous recommendations. Thanksgiving proclamations. Let- ters and speeches of a personal nature. COBDEN, Richard. Political writings. 1886 308 C63 Contents: England, Ireland and America. Russia. 1836. 1793 and 1853. SOCIOLOGY COLLECTED WORKS 275 A letter to Henry Ashworth. How wars are got up in India, the ori- gin of the Burmese war. What next and next? The three panics, 1847-8, 1851-1852-1853, 1859-1860-1861. First two, written in 1835-36, are the remarkable pamphlets which prac- tically opened the career of the great English free trader, and contain the substance of his whole policy; "1793 and 1853" is a protest against the fear of a French invasion after the rise of the second empire; "What next and next?" concerns the Crimean war; "Three panics" is on national defence. COX, Samuel Sullivan. Eight years in Congress, 1857-1865; memoir and speeches. 1865 r3o8 C85 CROMWELL, Oliver. Letters and speeches, with elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. 3v. 1885-86, (Works, v.6-8.) 308 C8g The same. 3v. in 2 308 CSgle The same. 4v. 1897 r3o8 C8g "The chief strength and the greatest value of the book are in the orig- inal papers here collected, many of which were now for the first time published. Carlyle professes to write for no other purpose than a mere elucidation of the text, but he has so far exceeded his profess- ions as to frame the most powerful argument in behalf of Cromwell ever written." C. K. Adams. EVERETT, Edward. Orations and speeches. 4v. 1892-95 308 95 v.i. The circumstances favorable to the progress of literature in America. The first settlement of New England. The first battles of the Revolutionary war. The principle of the American constitu- tions. Adams and Jefferson. The history of liberty. Monument to Harvard. The settlement of Massachusetts. Importance of scientific knowledge to practical men, and the encouragements to its pursuit. The working men's party. Advantage of scientific knowledge to working men. Colonization and civilization of Africa. Education in the western states. The Bunker Hill monu- . ment. Temperance. The Seven years' war the school of the Revo- lution. The education of mankind. Agriculture. Eulogy on Lafayette. The battle of Lexington. The youth of Washington. Education favorable to liberty, morals and knowledge. The battle of Bloody Brook. v.z. The boyhood and youth of Franklin. Fourth of July at Lowell. American manufactures. Anecdotes of early local history. The western railroad. Anniversary of the settlement of Springfield. The importance of the militia. The iTth of June at Charlestown. Harvard centennial anniversary. The settlement of Dedham. The cattle show at Danvers. The Irish charitable society. Improve- ments in prison discipline. Superior and popular education. The Boston schools. The importance of the mechanic arts. Reception of the Sauks and Foxes. Dr Bowditch. Fourth of July, 1838. Education the nurture of the mind. Festival at Exeter. Accumu- lation, property, capital, credit. Importance of education in a re- public. The settlement of Barnstable. Normal schools. Open- ing of the railroad to Springfield. The Scots' charitable society. John Lowell. Dr Robinson's medal. British association at Man- chester. University of Cambridge. Royal agricultural society at Bristol. Agricultural society at Waltham. York minster. Lord Mayor's day. The geological society of London. The Royal academy of art. Royal literary fund. The agricultural society at Derby. Reception at Hereford. Saffron Walden agricultural so- ciety. Scientific association at Cambridge. The Pilgrim fathers. University education. The new medical college. The famine in Ireland. Aid to the colleges. Eulogy on John Quincy Adams. The Cambridge high school. Second speech on aid to the colleges. American scientific association. The departure of the Pilgrims. Cattle show at Dedham. The ipth of April at Concord. The Bible. v.3. Battle of Bunker Hill. Opening of the Brattle House. Cam- bridge high school. The Ottoman Empire. The birthday of Wash- 276 SOCIOLOGY COLLECTED WORKS ington. Conditions of a good school. Beneficial influence of rail- roads. The husbandman, mechanic and manufacturer. Treatment of animals. Effects of immigration. Festival of the alumni of Harvard. Education and civilization. Dinner to Thomas Baring. Progress of agriculture. The death of Daniel Webster. Coloniza- tion of Africa. Abdul Kahaman. Discovery of America. Stability and progress. The Pilgrim fathers. New Hampshire. Vice-presi- dent King. Peter Chardon Brooks. Dorchester in 1630, 1776 and 1855. Boston school festival. Launch of the Defender. Ab- bott Lawrence. Vegetable and mineral gold. Daniel Webster as a man. Reception at Philadelphia. Mr Dowse's library. The uses of astronomy. George Peabody. Obituary notice of Mr Dowse. Memorial of the Franklin family. Academical education. The statue of Warren. The importance of agriculture. Charitable in- stitutions and charity. Dedication of the public library. Dedica- tion of Crawford's Washington. Presentation of the cane of Wash- ington. Recollections of Turkey. Washington abroad and at home. The Fourth of July. v.4. The character of Washington. Cattle-show at Springfield. The New York state inebriate asylum. Agricultural society at Danvers. Minot's Ledge light-house. Eulogy on Thomas Dowse. Frank- lin the Boston boy. William Hickling Prescott. Henry Hallam. Latin school prize declamation. Power's statue of Webster. Alex- ander von Humboldt. Rufus Choate. Daniel Webster. Union meeting at Faneuil hall. Washington Irving. Eliot school-house. Henry D. Gilpin. American expedition to the Arctic sea. Sani- tary convention. Vindication of American institutions. Inaugura- tion of President Felton. Everett School-house. Flag-raising in Chester square. The call to arms. Daniel Dewey Barnard. The Questions of the day. "E pluribus unum." Nathan Appleton. Fiftieth anniversary of graduation. The i2th Massachusetts regi- ment. Agriculture as affected by the war. Dinner to Prince Na- poleon. The causes and conduct of the Civil war. Cornelius Con- way Felton. The Army of the Potomac. Opportunities of Har- vard students. Female education. The duty of crushing the rebel- lion. The demand for reinforcements. The Irish regiment. Nathan Hale. Inauguration of the Union club. United States naval academy. Harvard college in the war. The education of the poor. National cemetery at Gettysburg. Aid to east Tennessee. * The navy in the war. Russia and the United States. Josiah Quincy. The administration of President Quincy. The duty of supporting the government. The sailors' home. Reception of Cap- tain Winslow. President Lincoln. Masachusetts electoral college of 1864. The relief of Savannah. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Complete works. lov. 1887-88 r3o8 F8/ FREYTAG, Gustav. Politische auf satze. 1897 308 F$4 HARRISON, Benjamin. Speeches; a complete collection of his public addresses from Feb. 1888 to Feb. 1892; comp. by Charles Hedges. 1892 308 H29S Biography of Harrison, p.7-8. Views of an ex-president; Benjamin Harrison's addresses and writings on subjects of public interest since the close of his administration as president of the United States ; comp. by M. L. Harrison. 1901 308 H29> Partial contents: The development of the national constitution. The colonial charters. Legal aspects of the controversy between the Ameri- can colonies and Great Britain. Early attempts at union and the union de facto. The confederation. The institution of state govern- ments. The status of annexed territory and of its free civilized in- habitants. Musings on current topics. Some hindrances to law re- forms. Illinois inheritance tax cases. The obligations of wealth. Military instruction in the schools and colleges. At the Republican ratification meeting. Compulsory dishonesty. SOCIOLOGY COLLECTED WORKS 277 JAY, John, 1745-1829. Correspondence 'and public papers; ed. by H. P. Johnston. 4v. 1890-93 F308 J22 v.i. 1763-1781. V.2. 1781-1782. v.3. 1782-1793. v-4. 1794-1826. JEFFERSON, Thomas. Correspondence, and miscellanies. 4v. 1829 r3o8 J23C Jeffersonian cyclopedia; a comprehensive collection of the views of Jefferson, classified and arranged in alpha- betical order; ed. by J. P. Foley. 1900 qr3o8 J23J Writings; ed. by P. L. Ford. lov. 1892-99 r3o8 J23 v.ip contains an index. LINCOLN, Abraham. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and John Hay. 2v. 1894 308 L7i Speeches; comp. by L. E. Chittenden. 1895 38 L7is McKINLEY, William. Speeches and addresses. 1893 308 Mi84 MACKINTOSH, Sir James. Miscellaneous works. 3v. 1846 r3o8 Mi8 v.i. Dissertation on the progress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the i7th and i8th centuries. On the philosophical genius of Lord Bacon and Mr Locke. A discourse on the law of nature and nations. Life of Sir Thomas More. A refutation of the claim on behalf of Charles I to the authorship of the Iconbasilike. Memoir of the affairs of Holland, 1667-1686. v.2. Review of the causes of the revolution of 1688. An account of the partition of Poland. Sketch of the administration and fall of Struen- see. Statement of the case of Donna Maria da Gloria as a claimant to the crown of Portugal. Character of Charles, first marquis Corn- wallis. Character of George Canning. Preface to a reprint of the Edinburgh review of 1755. On the writings of Machiavel. Review of Mr Godwin's Lives of Edward and John Philips, &c. &c. Review of Rogers's poems. Review of Madame de Stael's "De I'Allemagne." Discourse read at the opening of the Literary society of Bombay. v.3. Vindicae Gallicx; a defence of the French revolution and its Eng- lish admirers, against the accusations of Edmund Burke. Speeches. The same. 1854. (Modern British essayists.) 308 Mi8 MADISON, James. Writings; comprising public papers and private correspon- dence; ed. by Gaillard Hunt, v.i-3. 1900-02 r3o8 M23 v.i. 1769-1783. v.2. 1783-1787. v.3. 1787. Journal of the Constitutional convention, v.i. MILL, John Stuart. Dissertations and discussions, political, philosophical and his- torical, sv. 1874-82 308 M68 v.i. The contest in America. The right and wrong of state interference with corporation and church property. The currency juggle. A few observations on the French revolution. Thoughts on poetry and its varieties. Professor Sedgwick's Discourse on the studies of the University of Cambridge. Civilization. Aphorisms; a frag- ment. Armand Carrel. A prophecy. Writings of Alfred de Vigny. Bentham. v.2. Coleridge. M. de Tocqueville on Democracy in America. Bailey en Berkeley's theory of vision. Michelet's History of France. The claims of labor. Guizot's essays and lectures on history. Early Grecian history and legend. v-3. Vindication of the French revolution of Feb. 1848, in reply to Lord Brougham and others. Enfranchisement of women, by Mrs Mill. 278 SOCIOLOGY COLLECTED WORKS Dr YVhewell on moral philosophy. Crete's History of Greece. A few words on non-intervention. The slave-power. Utilitarianism. v.4. Thoughts on parliamentary reform. Recent writers on reform. Bain's Psychology. Austin on jurisprudence. Plato. -Inaugural address delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb. i, 1867. Y.S. Endowments. Thornton on labour and its claims. Professor Leslie on the land question. Taine De 1'intelligence. Treaty obliga- tions.- -Maine on Village communities. Crete's Aristotle. L'avere e 1'imposta. Explanatory statement of the programme of the Land tenure reform association. Speech on land tenure reform, May 15, 1871. Advice to land reformers. Speech on land tenure reform, Mar. 18, 1873. The right of property in land. MOLTKE, Helmuth, graf von. Essays, speeches and memoirs; tr. by C. F. McClumpha and others. 2v. 1893 308 M8i v.i contains "Holland and Belgium in their mutual relations with each other since their separation under Philip II, until their re-union under William I," and "An account of the internal state of affairs and of social conditions of Poland." MONROE, James, 1758-1831. Writings; including a collection of his public and private papers and correspondence now for the first time printed, v. 1-6. 1898-1902 r3o8 M83 v.i. 1778-1794. v.2. 1794-1796. v.3. 1796-1802. v.4. 1803-1806. v-5. 1807-1816. v.6. 1817-1823. PAINE, Thomas. Writings; ed. by M. D. Conway. 4v. 1894-96 308 Pi6 v.i. 1774-1779, (including Common sense, and The American crisis). v.2. 1779-1792, (including The rights of man). v.3. 1791-1804, (including papers on the French revolution). v.4. The age of reason, and other papers. PHELPS, Edward John. Orations & essays of E. J. Phelps, diplomat and statesman; ed. by J. G. McCullough. 1901 308 ?48 Contents: The Bennington centennial. Chief Justice Marshall. United States Supreme court and the sovereignty of the people. Law as a profession. The relation of law to justice. Law of the land. Inter- national relations. Farewell to England. Samuel Prentiss. Isaac F. Redfield. The Monroe doctrine. Equitable estoppel. The constitu- tion of the United States. The choice of presidential electors. Bryce's "American commonwealth." The Bering sea controversy. The age of words. Memoir of the author, by J. W. Stewart, p-7-is. ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Oeuvres. v.i, 4, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18. 1817 r3o8 R77 v.i. Discours sur la question; Si le retablissement des sciences et des arts a contribue a epurer les moeurs. Discours sur cette question; Quelle est la vertu la plus necessaire aux heros, et quels sont les heros a qui cette vertu manque? Discours sur 1'origine et les fondements de Pinegalite parmi les hommes. Discours sur 1'econo- mie politique. v.4. Julie; ou, La nouvelle Heloise, quatrieme partie. v.8. Lettre a M. d'Alembert, sur son article Geneve, et sur le projet d'etablir un theatre de comedie dans cette ville. Narcisse. Les prisonniers de guerre. Pygmalion. L'engagement temeraire. Les muses galantes. Le devin du village. La decouverte du nouveau monde. Fragments d'Iphis. Fragments de Lucrece. Dictionnaire de musique, (A Mus). Quatre lettres a M. le president de Malesherbes. Les reveries du promeneur solitaire. Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques. v.i6. Correspondance. v.i8. Correspondance. SEWARD, William Henry. Works; ed. by George Baker. 5v. 1887-90 308 Ssi v.i. Biographical memoir, (to 1849). Speeches in the Senate of New STATISTICS 279 York. Speeches in the Senate of the United States. Debates in the Senate of the United States. Forensic arguments, (including the de- fence of William Freeman). v.2. Notes on New York. State papers. Official correspondence. Pardon papers. v.3. Orations and discourses, (including the speeches on Lafayette and O'Connell). Occasional speeches and addresses. Executive speeches. Political writings.- General correspondence. Letters from Europe. Speeches in the Senate of the United States. v.4. Memoir, (1849-1861). Orations and addresses. Biography of De Witt Clinton. Political speeches. Speeches in the Senate of the United States. v.$. Memoir, (1861-1872). Diary or notes on the war. Selections from diplomatic correspondence. Occasional speeches and miscellaneous papers. SPARKS, Jared. Reply to the strictures of Lord Mahon and others on the mode of editing the writings of Washington. 1852 r3o8 873 SUMNER, Charles. Works, isv. 1875-95 r 3o8 895 TEMPLE, Sir William. Works. 2v. 1720 qr3o8 T28 v.i. Life and character of Sir William Temple. Observations on the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Miscellanea. Memoirs. v.2. Letters. Introduction to the History of England. The second volume was edited by Dean Swift. TILDEN, Samuel Jones. Writings and speeches; ed. by John Bigelow. 2v. 1885 308 T46 WASHINGTON, George. Writings; ed. by W. C. Ford. I4v. 1889-93 r 3o8 W27 " 'The father of his country' is to be found entire in these volumes, which cannot be read without increased admiration for Washington, and without a sense of obligation to his latest editor." Nation, 1893. Writings selected from the original manuscripts, with a life of the author by Jared Sparks. i2v. 1834-37 r 38 W27s With newspaper clippings and ms. annotations by Judge Veech. v.i consists of the life of Washington by Sparks; v.2, of official letters on the French war, and private letters before the Revolution; v.3-8, letters and miscellaneous papers relating to the American revolution; v.9, correspondence from 1783-1789, with illustrative documents; ii, correspondence from the beginning of his presidency to the end of his life; v.i 2, speeches, messages, proclamations and addresses. WEBSTER, Daniel. Works. 6v. 1854 308 W38 The same. 6v. 1851 r3o8 W38 Biographical memoir of the public life of Daniel Webster, by Edward Everett, v.i, p. 13-160. 310-319 Statistics For Registration and vital statistics, see 614.1 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications: quarterly. :888-date. v.i-date. i889-date r3io ASI LONDON. STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Journal; quarterly, May, i838-date. v.i-date. i839-date. . .r3io L82 title page reads Journal of the Koyal statistical society. -General index, v.i-is. 1854. -General index, v. 16-25. l &>3- -General index, v.26-35- 1874. 280 ALMANACS General index, ^.36-50. 1889. These indexes are bound in two volumes. Jubilee volume, June 22-24, 1885. 1885 raio L82J MULHALL, Michael George. Balance-sheet of the world for ten years, 1870-1880. 1881. ..r3io Dictionary of statistics. 1892 qr3io The same. 1899 qr3io Industries and wealth of nations. 1896 r3io Progress of the world in arts, agriculture, commerce, manu- factures, instruction, railways and public wealth, since the beginning of the igth century. 1880 r3io RUGGLES, Samuel Bulkley. Reports of S. B. Ruggles, official delegate from the United States to the International statistical congress at The Hague in 1869. 1871. (42d cong. 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no.7.) 11466 SMITH, Richmond Mayo. Science of statistics, v.i. 1895 r 3 10 S6s v.i. Statistics and sociology. YOUNG, Edward, b. 1814, and others. Report of Edward Young, William Barnes and Edwin M. Snow, official delegates from the United States to the 8th session of the International statistical congress held at St. Petersburg, Aug. 1872. 1874. (43d cong. ist sess. House. Ex. doc. 289.) ri6i5 Contains accounts of the seven preceding congresses. BONAR, James. Malthus and his work. 1885 312 B6i Presents Malthus's contributions to political economy, and traces his influence upon recent economic thought. Reviews his critics. MALTHUS, Thomas Robert. Essay on the principle of population. 1888 312 M29 "Although more or less anticipated, like most discoverers, Malthus gave a position to the new doctrine by his systematic exposition, which it has never lost... It was accepted by all the economists of the Ricardo and Mill school, and Darwin states (Life, i. 68) that Malthus's essay first suggested to him the theory which in his hands made a famous epoch in modern thought... In his own time, Malthus's theory was ex- posed to much abuse and misrepresentation." Dictionary of national biography. MEYERS historisch-geographischer kalender, auf das jahr 1898. 1898 r 3 i4 M65 Almanacs ALMANACK Hachette; petite encyclopedic populaire de la vie pratique; edition simple pour 1899. 1899 ^14.4 A44 AMERICAN agriculturist year book and almanac, 1898, 1900. 2v. 1898-1900 r3i7.3 A5I2 No more published. AMERICAN almanac, v.i-32, in 17. 1830-61 ^17.3 ASI AMERICAN almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial and political; ed. by A. R. Spofford, 1882, 1887. v.5, 10. 1882-87 T3I7.3 A5I24 ALMANACS 281 AMERICAN farmers' almanac, 1830; arranged after the system of German almanacs, by C. F. Egelmann. 1830 ^17.3 A5I23 CHRISTIAN almanack, 1826 ^17.3 C86 Contains a gazeteer of American missions for 1826 and a description of Pittsburgh. CONFEDERATE States almanac, 1862. 1862 ^17.3 122 Bound with Illustrated family almanac. CRAMER'S magazine almanack, 1819, 1823, 1825 ^17.3 C86 The almanac for 1823 is called "Cramer's Pittsburgh almanack." Industries of Pittsburgh, marriages, deaths, etc. Similar to the Pitts- burgh magazine almanac, but larger and more inclusive. FARMER'S almanac, 1820 ^17.3 C86 FRANKLIN almanac, 1825-1826, 1828. 3v. in i. 1825-28. Rich- mond, Va r 3i7-3 F87Q FRANKLIN magazine almanac, 1820-1821 ^17.3 F87 The almanac for 1820 is imperfect; the title for the issue of 1821 is Franklin almanac. Contains miscellaneous historical and geographical sketches, among others, a description of Pittsburgh and its vicinity in 1820. ILLUSTRATED family almanac for the United States for 1861. 1861 , ^17.3 122 JEFFERSON almanac, 1829. 1829 ^317.3 F879 Bound with Franklin almanac. LOOMIS'S magazine almanac, 1835-1836. v.i-2, in I ^17.3 Ws6 Almanac for 1835 contains a biographical sketch of Zadok Cramer, who set up his Pittsburgh press about 1800. The almanac for 1836 is called Loomis's Pittsburgh almanac. NATIONAL almanac and annual record. 1863-64. v.i-2 ^17.3 Ni5 igTH CENTURY almanac; a complete calendar from 1800 to 1900, with the principal events in each expired year. 1884 r 3 i7. 3 N36 PITTSBURGH almanac, 1863-1875, 1879. 1862-78 . ^317.3 P67 1863, published by J. P. Hunt; 1864-74, 1879, published by Henry Miner; 1875, published by S. C. Hill. PITTSBURGH leader almanac, v.2. 1873 ^17.3 P67l PITTSBURGH magazine almanac, 1822-1824. ^17.3 F87 Bound with Franklin magazine almanac. The almanac for 1824 is called the Pittsburgh almanac and is bound with Cramer's magazine almanack, "3'7-3 C86. Contains stage roads leading from Pittsburgh, presiding justices of the courts, dates and places of the yearly meetings of Friends, etc. PITTSBURGH post almanac for i896-date. v.i-date. 1896- date ^17.3 P67a None published for the years 1897, 1899 to iqoi. PITTSBURGH press almanac. i895-date ^17.3 P67al TRIBUNE almanac comprehending the Politician's register and the Whig almanac, i838-date. i868-date ^17.3 T73 VIRGINIA almanac, 1823; calculated by Joshua Sharp. 1823 T3I7.3 F879 WEEKLY telegraph edition of the British almanac. 1898 ^14.2 W42 WESTERN farmer's almanac, 1827-1829, 1832-1834, 1836. v.i-3, 6-8, 10, in i. 1827-35 r3i7_3 Ws6 v.i title page reads Farmers' & mechanics' almanac. v.i-3 bound with Cramer's magazine almanack, ^17.3 C86. Curious lists of stage routes leading from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, to Detroit, Buffalo, Morgantown. Wheeling, etc. Also annual lists of marriages and deaths in Pittsburgh. 282 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES WHIG almanac and politician's register, 1845, 1847-1850, 1854. 1844-53 ............................................ r3i;.3 W62 WHITAKER'S almanack, i870-date. v.2-date. iSog-date ..... ^14.2 W62 WORLD almanac and encyclopedia, i894-date. v.i-date. i894-date .......................... ................ ^17.3 W8g Statistics of the United States D1STURNELL, John, comp. United States register or blue book for 1862. 1861 ........ ^17.3 063 GANNETT, Henry. Building of a nation; the growth, present condition and re- sources of the United States, with a forecast of the future. 1894 .................................................. 317-3 Gi6 Mainly statistical. A miscellaneous collection of maps, diagrams, fig- ures and comparisons bearing upon the political, financial and indus- trial history of the United States. SCRIBNER'S statistical atlas of the United States, by F. W. Hewes and Henry Gannett. 1883 ...................... qr3i7-3 843 SEYBERT, Adam. Statistical annals of the United States, founded on official documents, 1789-1818. 1818 ........................ qr3i7-3 Ssi UNITED STATES Statistics bureau. Statistical abstract of the United tates, 1879-1899. no. 2- 22. 1880-1900 .................................... T3I7-3 U25sta nos.2-8 will be found in the sheep bound set of congressional docu- ments, nos.igas, 1978, 2030, 2108, 2198 and 2392. United States census reports UNITED STATES Census office. Statistical view of the population of the United States from 1790 to 1830; furnished in accordance with resolutions of 26th February, 1833, and 3ist March, 1834. 1835. (23d cong. ist sess. Senate. Doc. 505.) ................ qr3i7-3 U25s UNITED STATES Census office. (3d census: 1810.) Aggregate amount of each description of persons within the United States and the territories thereof, agreeably to act- ual enumeration made according to law, in 1810. 1811 ............................................ qr3i7-3 U25C3 Series of tables of the several branches of American manu- factures, exhibiting them in every county of the Union, so far as they are returned in the reports of the marshals, and of the secretaries of the territories in the year 1810; with returns of certain doubtful goods, pro- ductions of the soil and agricultural stock. [Compiled by Tench Coxe.] 1813 .......................... qr3i7-3 U25C3S Forms the third part of a "Statement of the arts and manufactures of the United States." UNITED STATES Census office. (4th census: 1820.) Census for 1820. 1821 .................................. q r 3i7-3 U25C4 UNITED STATES Census office, (sth census: 1830.) Fifth census; or, Enumeration of the inhabitants of the CENSUS 283 United States, 1830; to which is prefixed a schedule of the whole number of persons within the several districts of the United States taken according to the acts of 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. 1832 qr3i7-3 U25C5 The above contains the three parts mentioned in the following: "The printed results of the fifth census are contained in a large folio volume of 163 pages; but the report was so badly printed that it was republished the same year by direction of Congress under the im- mediate supervision of the Secretary of State. The two reports were bound together in one volume, and were preceded by a statement of the population of the several districts of the United States at the censuses of 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, by counties, followed by a re- capitulation by districts." UNITED STATES Census office. (6th census: 1840.) Census of pensioners for Revolutionary or military serv- ices, with their names, ages and places of residence, as returned byihe marshals of the several judicial districts, under the act for taking the sixth census. 1841. . .qr3i7-3 U25c6p Compendium of the enumeration of the inhabitants and sta- tistics of the United States,' from the 6th census, with an abstract of each preceding census. 1841 qr3i7-3 U2Sc6c Sixth census; or, Enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States, as corrected at the Department of state in 1840. 1841 qr3i7-3 U25c6 UNITED STATES Census office. (7th census: 1850.) Digest of the statistics of manufactures according to the returns of the seventh census. (35th cong. 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 39.) ro84 Mortality statistics of the 7th census of the United States, by J. D. B. De Bow. 1855 ^17.3 Report of the superintendent of the census for Dec. i, 1852, and report for Dec. i, 1851. 1853 ^17.3 Binder's title reads Abstract of the seventh census. Seventh census of the United States. 1853 q r 3i7-3 U2SC7 Statistical view of the United States; a compendium of the 7th census; comp. by J. D. B. De Bow. 1854 ^17.3 U25c7c UNITED STATES Census office. (8th census: 1860.) [Final report of the 8th census.] 4v. 1864-66 qr3i7-3 U25c8 v.i. Population of the United States in 1860. v.2. Agriculture of the United States in 1860. v-3. Manufactures of the United States in 1860. v-4. Statistics of the United States (including mortality, property, etc.) in 1860. Preliminary report on the 8th census, 1860, by J. C. G. Ken- nedy. 1862 T3I7.3 U25c8p UNITED STATES Census office, (gth census: 1870.) Compendium of the gth census compiled under the direction of F. A. Walker. 1872 T3I7-3 U25cgc [Reports, final volumes.] 3v. 1872 qr3i7-3 U25CQ v.i. Population and social statistics. v.2. Vital statistics. v-3. Wealth and industry. Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the gth census, 1870; comp. by F. A. Walker. 1874 qr3i7-3 U25cQs UNITED STATES Census office, (zoth census: 1880.) Compendium of the loth census. 2v. 1883 ^317. 3 U25cioc (, CENSUS [Reports, final volumes.] 22v. 1883-^8 qr3i7-3 U25cio Contents. AGRICULTURE. Report on the productions of agriculture, embracing gen- eral statistics and monographs, v.3. ALASKA. Report on the population, industries and resources of Alaska, by Ivan Petroff. In v.8. BUILDING STONES. Report on the building stones of the United States, and statistics of the quarry industry for 1880. In CEREALS. Report on the cereal production of the United States, by W. H. Brewer. In v.3, p.37i~553- CHEMICALS. Report on the manufacture of chemical products and salt, by W. L. Rowland. In v.2, p.gSs-iozS. COAL. Coals of the United States. In, p.6o3~796. COKE. Report on the manufacture of coke, by J. D. Weeks. In v. 10. COTTON. Report on the cotton manufacture of the United States, by Edward Atkinson. In v.2, p.937-957- Report on cotton production in the United States, by E. VV. Hilgard. v.s-6. DEFECTIVE CLASSES. Report on the defective, dependent and delinquent classes of the United States, by F. H. Wines. v.2i. FACTORY SYSTEM. Report on the factory system of the United States, by C. D. Wright. In v.2, p.S27-6io. FLOUR. Report on flour-milling processes, by Knight Neftel. In v.3, P-555-582. FORESTS. Report on the forests of North America (exclusive of Mexico), by C. S. Sargent, v.p and portfolio of plates. GLASS. Report on the manufacture of glass, by J. D. Weeks. In v.2, P.IO29-H52. ICE industry of the United States, by Henry Hall. In v.22. IRON. Iron ores of the United States. In v. 15, p. 1-601. Statistics of the iron and steel production of the United States, com- piled by J. M. Swank. In v.2, p.729-goo. MACHINE TOOLS. Report on machine tools and wood-working machinery, by F. R. Hutton. In v 22. MACHINERY. Report on the manufacture of interchangeable mechanism, by C. H. Fitch. In v.2, p.6i 1-704. Report on wool and silk machinery by Knight Neftel. In v.22. MANUFACTURES. Report on the manufactures of the United States; general statistics and monographs, v.2. MARINE ENGINES. Report on marine engines and steam vessels in the United States merchant service, by C. H. Fitch. In v.22. MEAT. Report on cattle, sheep and swine; supplementary to enumer- ation of live stock on farms in 1880, by Clarence Gordon. In v.3, p.9Si-in6. MINING INDUSTRIES. Report on the mining industries of the United States (exclusive of the precious metals), with special investigations into the iron resources of the republic, and as to the cretaceous coals of the Northwest, by Raphael Pumpelly. v. 15. MINING LAWS. United States mining laws and regulations, and state and territorial mining laws, with local mining rules and regulations. v.14. NEWSPAPERS. History and present condition of the newspaper and per- iodical press of the United States, with a catalogue of the publications of the census year, by S. N. D. North. In v.8. PETROLEUM. Report on the production, technology and uses of petroleum and its products, by S. F. Peckham. In v. 10. POPULATION. Statistics of the population of the United States, v.i. POWER. Report on the statistics of steam- and water-power used in the manufacture of iron and steel during the year ending May 31, 1880, by Herman Hollerith. In v.22. Statistics of power used in manufactures, by Herman Hollerith. In v.2, ^487-525. PRECIOUS METALS. Statistics and technology of the precious metals, by S. F. Emmons and G. F. Becker. v.i3. PRICES. Report on the average retail prices of the necessaries of life in the United States, by J. D. Weeks. In v.2o. PUMPS. Report on steam pumps and pumping engines, by F. R. Hutton. In V.22. SEALS. Report on the seal islands of Alaska, by H. VV. Elliott. In v.8. SHIPBUILDING. Report on the ship-building industry of the United States, by Henry Hall. In v.8. SILK. Report on the silk manufacturing industry of the United States, by W. C. Wyckoff. In v.2, p.9oi-935- CENSUS 285 SOCIAL STATISTICS. Report on social statistics of cities, by G. E. Waring. v.iS-ip. STEAM ENGINES. Report on the manufacture of engines and boilers, with a review. of the principal types of engines for manufacturing purposes, by C. H. Fitch. In v.22. STRIKES. Report on strikes and lockouts occurring within the United States during 1880, by J. D. Weeks. In v.2o. TOBACCO. Report on the culture and curing of tobacco in the United States, by J. B. Killebrew. In v.3, p.s83-95o. TOOLS. Report on the manufacture of hardware, cutlery and edge-tools, also saws and files, by C. H. Fitch. In v.2, p. 705-727. TRADE UNIONS. Report on trades societies in the United States, by J. D. Weeks. In v.zo. TRANSPORTATION. Report on the agencies of transportation, including the statistics of railroads, steam navigation, canals, telegraphs and tel- ephones. v.4- VITAL STATISTICS. Report on the mortality and vital statistics of the United States, by J. S. Billings, v. 1112 and portfolio of plates. WAGES. Report on the statistics of wages in the manufacturing in- dustries, by J. D. Weeks. In v.2o. WATER-POWER. Reports on the water-power of the United States; statistics of power and machinery employed in manufactures, v. 1617. WATER-SUPPLY. Report on the water-supply of certain cities of the United States, by W. G. Elliot. In v.i?, p.sos-788. WEALTH. Report on valuation, taxation and public indebtedness, by R. P. Porter, v.7. WOOL. Report on wool manufacture in all its branches, by G. W. Bond. In v.2, p.957-o84. UNITED STATES Census office, (nth census: 1890.) Abstract of the eleventh census, 1890. 1896 ^17.3 U25cua Compendium of the nth census. 3v. 1892-97 qr3 J 7-3 U25ciic [Monographs, by J. S. Billings.] 3v. in 2. 1894-95. q r 3 I 7-3 U25ciim v.i-2. Report on the social statistics of cities in the United States. Vital statistics of New York city and Brooklyn, covering a period of 6 years ending May 31, 1890. v.3. Vital statistics of Boston and Philadelphia, covering a period of 6 years ending May 31, 1890. Other monographs, except one by Dr Billings on Vital statistics of the District of Columbia and Baltimore, are incorporated in the final re- ports. [Reports, final volumes.] 25v. 1892-96 q r 3i7-3 U25cn Contents. AGRICULTURE. Report on the statistics of agriculture in the United States. In v.n. ALASKA. Report on population and resources of Alaska, by R. P. Porter. v. 10. BLIND. Report on the insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind, by J. S. Billings. v.2i. CHARITIES. Report on crime, pauperism and benevolence in the United States, by F. H. Wines, v. 18-19. CHEMICALS and allied products, by Henry Bower and Henry Pemberton. In v.i6, p.275-3o8. CHURCHES. Report on statistics of churches in the United States, by H. K. Carroll. v. 7 . CLAY PRODUCTS. In v.i6, p.sos-54i. COKE, by J. D. Weeks. In v.i6, p.343-356. CRIME. Report on crime, pauperism and benevolence in the United States, by F. H. Wines, v. 18-19. DEAF AND DUMB. Report on the insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind, by J. S. Billings. v.2i. EDUCATION. Report on education in the United States, by J. H. Blod- gett. In v-9. ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES in the state of New York, by A. R. Foote. In v. 16, p.23o 272. FARMS. Report on farms and homes: proprietorship and indebtedness, by G. K. Holmes and J. S. Lord. v.2o. FISHERIES. Report on statistics of fisheries in the United States. In v. ii. FOREST INDUSTRIES, by G. A. Priest. In v.i6, p. 593-645. GAS. In v.i6, p.699~725. GLASS, by J. D. Weeks. In v.i6, p. 31 1-340. 286 CENSUS GLUE, by R. VV. Powell. In v.i6, p.37?-38o. INDIANS. Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the United States (except Alaska), v.6. INSANE. Report on the insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind, by J. S. Billings. v.2i. INSURANCE. Report on insurance business in the United States, by C. A. Jenney. v.4~5. IRON. Iron and steel manufacture, by W. M. Sweet. Cast iron pipe industry. Wrought iron and steel pipe. Locomotives. In v. 16, p.383- 501. IRRIGATION. Report on agriculture by irrigation in the western part of the United States, by K. H. Newell, v. n. MANUFACTURES. Report on manufacturing industries in the United States. Pt. t. Totals for states and industries. Pt.2. Statistics of cities. Pt.3. Selected industries, v. 14-16. MINERAL INDUSTRIES. Report on mineral industries in the United States, by D. T. Day. v.i. MORTGAGES. Report on real estate mortgages in the United States, by G. K. Holmes and J. S. Lord. v. 17. NEWSPAPERS and periodicals. In v.i6, p. 649-695. PAUPERISM. Report on crime, pauperism and benevolence in the United States, by F. H. Wines, v. 18-19. PETROLEUM. Refining of petroleum, by J. D. Weeks. In v. 16, p.359-373- POPULATION. Report on population in the United States, v.8-9. SALT. In v.i6, p. 579-589. SHIPBUILDING. In v. 16, p.545-575. TEXTILES. Principal textile industries in the United States; Wool man- ufacture, by S. N. D. North. Cotton manufacture, by Edward Stan- wood. Silk manufacture, by Byron Rose. Dyeing and finishing tex- tiles, by P. T. Wood. In v. 16, p.3-236. TRANSPORTATION. Report on transportation business in the United States. Pt.i. By land. Pt.2. By water, [including transportation by express companies], v. 12-13. VITAL STATISTICS. Report on vital statistics in the United States, by J. S. Billings, v.22-25. WEALTH. Report on wealth, debt and taxation-, by J. K. Upton, v.2-3. Special census report on the occupations of the population of the United States at the nth census, [by W. C. Hunt]. 1896. (52d cong. 1st sess. House. Mis. doc. 340.) qr3i7-3 U25cnsp "These statistics constitute a part only of the discussion and general tables relating to occupations, which will appear in Part II of the Re- port on Population." Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon results of the eleventh census by Henry Gannett. 1898 ...^317.3 U2Sciis UNITED STATES Census office. (i2th census: 1900.) Bulletins of the I2th census, no.ia, 4-246. 1900-02. . .qr3i7-3 U25CI2 Bulletins 1-3 were issued for routine official requirements and not for general distribution. no. 105, 168-174 missing. Census reports, v.i-io. 1901-02 q r 3!7-3 U25ci2r Contents. AGRICULTURE. Pt.i. Farms, live stock, and animal products. Pt.2. Crops and irrigation, v.5-6. MANUFACTURES. Pt.i. United States by industries. Pt.2. States and ter- ritories. Pt.3-4. Special reports on selected industries. v.7-io. POPULATION, v. 1-2. VITAL STATISTICS. Pt.i. Analysis and ratio tables. Pt.2. Statistics of deaths. v.3~4. WRIGHT, Carroll Davidson. History and growth of the United States census, prepared for the Senate committee on the census. 1900. (s6th cong. ist sess. Senate. Doc. no.194.) ^17.3 WQ3 CENSUS 287 Special states HOYT, Edmund S. comp. Maine state yeaVbook; annual register for 1871, and legisla- tive manual for 1870. 1869 T3I7-4 H86 MASSACHUSETTS Census, (1875). Census of Massachusetts, 1875; prepared under the direction of C. D. Wright, v.i-3. 1877 ^317.4 M45 v.i. Population and social statistics. v.2. Manufactures and occupations. v.3- Agricultural products and property. v.4 was published as the 7th annual report of the Bureau of statistics of labor, r33i M4$6 v.7. Compendium of the census of Massachusetts, 1875; comp. by C. D. Wright. 1877 ^17.4 M4SC MASSACHUSETTS Census, (1895). Census of Massachusetts, 1895. 7 V - 1896-1900 qr3i74 M4Sce v.i -4. Population and social statistics. v. 5. Manufactures. v. 6. The fisheries, commerce and agriculture. v. 7. Social statistics and general summaries. VIRGINIA Convention, 1850-51. Documents containing statistics of Virginia, ordered to be printed by the state convention sitting in Richmond, 1850-51. 1851 T3I7.5 V34 Contents: Statement showing the number of patents issued annually from the Virginia land office, from Jan. i, 1840 to Oct. 31, 1850, and the amount of acres of land patented. Statement of the number of persons paying taxes on land, slaves and other property, 1850. Statement showing the value of the lands and lots in the counties and districts of Virginia, under the assessment of 1850. Statement showing the amount paid out of the treasury in each year for con- vict slaves, from 1800 to 1850. Statement of expenditures of the commonwealth for the year ending Sept. 30, 1850, divided among the counties, cities & towns. Statement of taxes assessed for each county, city and town, and the amount on each subject of taxation for the year 1850. Table showing amount of tax that would be payable by each county, city and town, under the recent assess- ment of lands at the rate of taxation now prescribed by law. State- ment shewing the amount of taxes assessed for each county, city and town, for the years 1790, 1800, 1810, '20, '30 & '40. State- ment shewing the average value of lands per acre, for the years 1800, 1820, 1840 and 1850. Statement shewing the value of all the real estate and personal property in each of the counties, cities & towns, taxed in 1849 and 1850. Tables shewing the number of free white persons over the age of twenty years, in Virginia, who cannot read and write, the number of free white, free colored & slave titheables in 1830, 1840 and 1850. Statement shewing the number of white males & white females over twenty-one years of age, in Virginia. Report of the second auditor in relation to the internal improvements to which the state has contributed by subscriptions, loans and appropri- ations. Statement shewing the appropriations made by the last Gen- eral assembly to works of internal improvement. Statements from the governor relative to the unfinished improvements in which the state is interested. Report of the second auditor in relation to the number of poor children sent to school, and the number of schools in the state, and what portion of the literary fund has been loaned to colleges, academies, &c. Statement of the second auditor shewing the debt, liabilities & resources of Virginia, to April i, 1851. Statement of causes pending in the court of appeals at Lewisburg, 22d Oct. 1850. Statement of causes pending in the court of appeals at Richmond. Abstracts from the reports of the clerks of the court of appeals and of the circuit superior courts of law and chancery for the years end- ing 3oth August, 1838 to 1849. Statement of the number of justices of the peace in Virginia, from 1830 [to 1850]. 19 STATISTICS OF OTHER COUNTRIES INDIANA Statistics bureau. Annual report (ist-6th), 1879-1884. 1880-85 1317.7 124 Third annual report, 1881, missing. Beginning with the report for 1885-86 issued biennially. * Until 1883 called Bureau of statistics and geology. Biennial report (ist-date) of the Department of statistics, for the two years ending :886-date. iSSj-date ^17.7 124 IOWA Secretary of state. Census for 1880, and the same compared with the findings of each of the other states, and with all former enumer- ations of the territory now embraced within the limits of the state of Iowa; with other historical and statisti- cal data. 1883 r 3i77 125 Appendix: Register of the territory of Iowa. Register of constitutional conventions. Register of the state of Iowa. State institutions. Binder's title reads "Historical and comparative census, 1836-1880." Statistics of other countries SWEDEN Statistiska central-byran. Bidrag till Sveriges officiela statistik; utrikes handel och sjofart for ar 1894, 1895. 2v. in i. 1895-96 qr3i4.8 S97 WEST African year-book, 1901. v.i-date. i9Oi-date r 316.6 W $6 CANADA Agriculture, Department of. Statistical year-book of Canada, 1892-1893, 1897, 1899-1901. 8th-9th, I3th, I5th-T7th year of issue. 1893-1902 T3I7.I Cl6 UNITED STATES Cuban census office. Census of Cuba, bulletin, no. 1-3. 1900. (War depart- ment.) T3I7.2 U25 no. i. Total population by provinces, municipal districts, cities, and wards. no.2. Population by age, sex, race, nativity, conjugal condition, and literacy. no.3- Citizenship, literacy, and education. Report on the census of Cuba, 1899. 1900. (War depart- ment.) T3I7.2 U25r UNITED STATES Porto Rico census office. Census of Porto Rico, bulletin, no. 1-3. 1900. (War de- partment.) T3I7.2 U25C no. i. Total population by departments, municipal districts, cities, and wards. no.2. Population by age, sex, race, nativity, conjugal condition, and literacy. 00.3. Citizenship, literacy, and education. Report on the census of Porto Rico, 1899. 1900. (War de- partment.) T3I7.2 U25re NEW ZEALAND Registrar general's office. Statistics of New Zealand for the year iSgS-date; with statistics of local governing bodies. i899-date Qi"3i9-3 N26s NEW SOUTH WALES Statistician's office. New South Wales statistical register for 1897 and previous years; compiled from official returns. 1898 qr3i94 N26n "The thirteen parts which this volume comprises have already been issued separately." Preface. Statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia, 1897/98-1809/1900. 7th-8th issue. 1898-1900 ^19.4 N26 POLITICAL SCIENCE 289 Wealth and progress of New South Wales, 1897-8, by T. A. Coghlan. nth issue. 1899 ...................... ^19.4 N26w YEAR-BOOK of Australia; ed. by Edward Greville, 1900-1901. I9th-20th year. 1900-1901 ........................... ^19.4 21 HAWAIIAN almanac and annual, iSgS-date. 24th year-date. :8o8-date 320 Political science KELLY, Edmond. Government; or, Human evolution, v.i. 1900 ............. 320 Ki7 v.i. Justice. "It has been deemed advisable to publish the present work on human government in two parts the first of which, under the sub-title of Justice, deals mainly with fundamental problems of theory; the second under the sub-title, Individualism and collectivism, will deal with prob- ably the most practical issues of the day." Preface. LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. Democracy and liberty. 2v. 1896 .......................... 320 L48 The same. 2v. 1899 ...................................... r32O L48 "The title selected for this book does not give a very clear intimation of its contents, which embrace a discussion of the effect of universal suffrage on representative institutions and on liberty; the limits of State interference; Socialism and Socialist political economy; Church and State; popular education; woman suffrage; the eight-hour move- ment; divorce; Rousseau's theories; the Australian ballot; the ref- erendum, and a host of other questions about which public interest is aroused in different parts of the world, and which together may be regarded as forming the network of problems affecting Liberty woven by the tireless loom of Democracy. On nothing which the author discusses does he fail to throw some light, often very brilliant. His clear and interesting style gives attraction to the driest topics, and his impartiality of manner disposes -you to accept his verdict, even when it is directly opposed to all your preconceptions and preju- dices." Nation, 1896. LILLY, William Samuel. First principles in politics. 1899 .............................. 320 L/i LORIA, Achille. Economic foundations of society. 1899. (Social science series.) .................................................. 320 L87 NORDHOFF, Charles. Politics for young Americans. 1875 ...................... J32O N43 "A good book for the first elements of the subject. Written as letters to his son. From the standpoint of free trade and gold standard." Bowker & lies' "Reader's guide." PROAL, Louis. Political crime. 1898. (Criminology series.) .............. 320 Pg6 Treats of "crimes perpetrated by governments for alleged reasons of state, and by politicians for alleged reasons of expediency or for political advantage." The teachings of political leaders, churchmen, and moralists are examined, and the author tries to analyze the general sentiment of society, as it has been historically manifested at different times and places. A first attempt, conceived in the modern spirit, to establish as a true induction the ancient conviction that "righteousness exalteth a nation." ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Petits chefs-d'oeuvre. 1894 .................................. 320 R77p Contents: Discours sur cette question, Si le retablissement des sciences et des arts a contribue a .epurer les nweurs. Discours sur 1'origine 290 THEORY OF THE STATE et les fondements de 1'inegalite parmi les hommes. Du contrat social. Jugement sur le projet de paix perpetuelle de M. 1'abbe de Saint Pierre. Mandement de M. 1'archeveque de Paris, portant condamna- tion d'un livre qui a pour titre, Emile; ou, De 1'education. J. J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, a Christophe de Beaumont, archeveque de Paris. J. J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, a M. d'Alembert sur son article Geneve dans 1'Encyclopedie et particulierement sur le projet d'etablir un theatre de comedie en cette ville. Quatre lettres a M. de Malesherbes, contenant le vrai tableau de mon caractere et les vrais motifs de toute ma conduite. Le Levite d'Ephraim, en quatre chants. SALTER, William Mackintire. Anarchy or government? an inquiry in fundamental politics. 1895 320 Sl7 SCHULTZ, Frederick W. Politics and patriotism. 1895 320 838 Bibliography, p. 24-25. SEELEY, Sir John Robert. Introduction to political science. 1896 320 845 These lectures enforce the view that "the right method of studying political science is an essentially historical method, and that the right method of studying political history is to study it as material for political science." SIDGWICK, Henry. Elements of politics. 1891 320 856 The same. 1897 320 8560 WOOLSEY, Theodore Dwight Political science. 2v. 1889 320 W8? v.i. Doctrine of rights as the foundation of a just state. Theory of the state. Practical politics, v.z. Practical politics, continued. "Divided into three parts oi unequal length, the first of which. . .deals summarily with the nature of justice and the analysis of rights... The second is concerned with the theory of the State... The third and by far the larger portion of the work deals with the more practical aspect of the subject in an historical summary of the distinctive types of government as they have been realised in actual life... The work is of real value. . .a solid and trustworthy and comprehensive text-book." W. W. Capes, in the Academy, 1878. 320.1 Theory of the state AMOS, Sheldon. Science of politics. 1892. (International scientific series.). ..320.1 Asa BLUNTSCHL1, Johann Kaspar. Theory of the state. 1895 320.1 657 "This book is for the Modern State what Aristotle's 'Polities' is for the Ancient. It cannot be too highly praised, both for its historical and philosophical insight. It presents the State as the outcome of social and economic forces, and in this regard its discussion of social classes is especially able and important." J. R. Commons. BOSANQUET, Bernard. Philosophical theory of the state. 1899 320.1 864 CARYL, Charles W. New era; presenting the plans for the New era union 320.1 C24 Utopian scheme, devised by the author, for a model city, built and operated on a system of cooperation, where well paid employment may be provided for all classes of labor. GIERKE, Otto. Political theories of the middle age; tr. with an introduc- THEORY OF THE STATE 291 tion by F. W. Maitland. 1900 320.1 G37 List of authorities, p.63~77. GRAHAM, William, of Belfast. English political philosophy from Hobbes to Maine. 1899. .320.1 677 Contents: Hobbes. Locke. Burke. Bent ham. J. S. Mill. Maine. HOBBES, Thomas. Leviathan; or, The matter, forme and power of a common- wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. 1881 320.1 H64 .Reprint of 1651 edition. LOCKE, John. Two treatises on civil government; preceded by Sir Robert Filmer's Patriarcha. 1887 320.1 L7S M'KECHNIE, William Sharp. The state & the individual; an introduction to political science, with special reference to socialistic and individu- alistic theories. 1896 320.1 Mi7 MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat, baron de. Esprit des lois, livres 1-5, precedes d'une introduction de 1'editeur, et suivis d'un appendice contenant des extraits de Montesquieu, et des notes explicatives, par Paul Janet. 1892 320.1 M8se Spirit of laws. 2v. 1892-94 320.1 M8S Memoir of Montesquieu, by J. V. Prichard, v.i, p.ij-26. "This celebrated work was first published in 1748... and within little more than a year it went through twenty-two editions and was translated into nearly all the important languages of Europe. The great object of the work was to show, not what laws ought to be, but how the diversities in the physical and moral circumstances of the human race have contributed to produce variations in their political establishments and municipal regulations." C'. K. Adams. MORE, Sir Thomas. Utopia. 1894 320.1 M88 MULFORD, Elisha. The nation; the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. 1891 320.1 M95 "This book had its beginning in a purpose to represent the nation in its moral being; to assert this moral being in its true position in poli- tics; but the aim has been throughout, as the conception widened to define in their relative and positive character those principles which are the ground of political science. . .The book may thus serve to in- dicate, perhaps, in some measure the sources of the power of American institutions in the formation of character." Preface. RITCHIE, David George. Principles of state interference; four essays on the political philosophy of Herbert Spencer, J S. Mill and T. H. Green. 1891. (Social science series.) 320.1 R49 ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Social contract; or, The principles of political rights. 1893. -32O.I R77 WALTHEW, George W. The philosophy of government; a treatise on the fundamental characteristics of man as exhibited in his relations to the state, and the ultimate form of civil government certain to result therefrom. 1898 320.1 Wi9 Includes "The government of cities," p. 182-197, and "Charter of the city and county of San Francisco," p. 199-207. 292 FORM OF STATE W1LLOUGHBY, Westel Woodbury. Examination of the nature of the state. 1896 320.1 W>6 320.4 Essays BELLOC, Hilaire, and others. Essays in liberalism by six Oxford men. 1897 320.4 641 Contents: Belloc, Hilaire. The liberal tradition. Hirst, F. W. Liber- alism and wealth. Simon, J. A. Liberals and labour. Philliraore, J. S. Liberalism in outward relations. Hammond, J. L. A liberal view of education. Macdonell, P. J. Historic basis of liberalism. GREEN, Thomas Hill. Lectures on the principles of political obligations. 1895. . .320.4 G83 Reprinted from the author's Philosophical works, v.z. POLLARD, Albert Frederick, ed. Political pamphlets. 1897. (Pamphlet library.) 320.4 ?76 Contents: Sexby's Killing no murder. Halifax's Rough draft of a new model at sea. Halifax's Cautions for choice of members of Parliament. ' Arbuthnot's Art of political lying. Steele's Crisis. Swift's Thoughts on the present state of affairs. Bolingbroke's State of parties at the accession of George I. Swift's Drapier's letters, no. 4. Junius's let- ter, no. i. Junius's letter to the Duke of Bedford. Junius's letter to the king. Burke's Thoughts on the cause of present discontents. Burke's letters on a regicide peace, no.3. REVOLUTIONARY tendencies of the age, their cause and their ultimate aim. 1897 320.4 R37 Discusses some present day political and economic problems, especially the tendencies of modern democracy. 320.5 Periodicals AMERICAN journal of politics; monthly, v.i-date. 1892- date r32o.5 A$i v.6-date title reads American magazine of civics. CITIZEN, published by the American society for the exten- sion of university teaching; monthly, March i895-Aug. 1898. 4v. 1896-98 qr320.5 C49 No more published. POLITICAL science quarterly, v.i-date. i886-date T32O.5 P76 General index, 1886-1900, v.i-is. 1901. YALE review; a quarterly journal of history and political science, May i892-date. v.i-date. i893~date T32O.S YIJ 320.9 History of political science JENKS, Edward. History of politics. 1900. (Temple primers.) 320.9 J25 "Useful authorities," p. 157-1 58. POLLOCK, Sir Frederick. Introduction to the history of the science of politics. 1897. . .320.9 P76 321 Form of state BROUGHAM, Henry Peter, baron Brougham and Vaux. Political philosophy. 3v. 1849 321 677 v.i. Fundamental principles of government. Absolute monarchies of the East. Effects of absolute monarchy. Government of China; FORM OF STATE 293 Japan. Government of Russia. The feudal system. Constitutional monarchy. The French monarchy. The Germanic empire. Ger- man kingdoms. Papal states. Sicily and Naples. Petty princi- palities. Lombardo-Venetian and Sardinian kingdoms. Spanish and Portuguese monarchies. Danish and Swedish monarchies. v.2. Of the nature of aristocracy in general. Of balances and checks. Progress and changes of aristocracy; oligarchy. Foundations of aristocracy in the nature of things, natural aristocracy. Of party. Vices and virtues of the aristocratic polity. Of the feudal aristoc- racy. Mixed aristocracies, Poland. Governments of Greece, Athens. Italian governments, municipal constitutions and aris- tocracy. Government of Venice. Italian governments, Venetian terra firma. Mixed aristocracies, Hungary. Constitution of Rome. Reflections on the Roman constitution. Governments of Greece, Sparta. Government of Genoa. Italian governments, Milan. Government of Florence. Lesser Italian governments, Pisa, Bologna, Sienna, Lucca, San Marino. Swiss aristocracies. v-3. Of the nature of democracy in general. Origin of democracies. Natural limits of pure democracies. Extension of democracy; proper federal principle, improper federal principle, Roman polity,, representative principle. Origin and history of representation. Qualities of representation. Modifications of the representative principle; those only affecting the mode of election, restraints upon the right of voting. Canons of representative government. Appli- cation of the representative principle, foundations of mixed gov- ernment. Exercise of popular power. Virtues of the democratic polity. Vices of the democratic polity. Of religious establish- ments. Provincial and colonial establishments. Nature and origin of mixed government. Virtues and vices of mixed government. Ultimate tendency of mixed government. Reserved powers of the people. Government of England; its structure in the Anglo-Saxon times, Anglo-Norman monarchy, foundation of its present consti- tution, the Plantagenets, the Tudors, the Stuarts, commonwealth, restoration, the Stuarts, revolution. Constitution of England. Government of the United States. Government of France; repub- lic, consulate, empire, restoration, existing constitution. Consti- tution of Holland and Belgium. Government of Switzerland. FISKE, John. American political ideas. 1885 321 F$4 Contents: The town-meeting. The federal union. "Manifest destiny." HEARN, William Edward. The Aryan household, its structure and its development; an introduction to comparative jurisprudence. 1891 321.1 H38 McLENNAN, John Ferguson, & Donald. The patriarchal theory, based on the papers of J. F. McLen- nan; ed. and completed by Donald McLennan. 1885 321.1 MIQ BADEN-POWELL, Baden Henry. The Indian village community, examined with reference to the physical, ethnographic and historical conditions of the provinces; chiefly on the basis of the revenue-settle- ment records and district manuals. 1806 321.2 814 Origin and growth -of village communities in India. 1899. (Social science series.) 3 2 i-2 6140 GOMME, George Laurence. The village community, with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain. 1800. (Contempor- ary science series.) 3 21 - 2 GS9 The author's special object is to prove that the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Britain must have helped in the fashioning of British institutions. MAINE, Sir Henry Sumner. Village communities in the East and West. 1889 321.2 Ma6 Contents: The East and the study of jurisprudence. The sources of Indian law. The western village-community. The eastern village- 294 REPUBLIC community. The process of feudalisation. The early history of price and rent. The effects of observation of India on modern European thought. Addresses to University of Calcutta. The theory of evi- dence. Roman law and legal education. "It is not only written in the judicious spirit always characteristic of the author, but it is also the fruit of special study and observation." C. K. Adams. SEEBOHM, Frederic. The English village community, examined in its relation to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of husbandry. 1896 321.2 845 ENGLAND Public record office Inquisitions and assessments relating to feudal aids; with other analogous documents, 1284-1431; prepared under the super- intendence of the deputy keeper of the records, v.i. 1899 qr32i.3 64 MAITLAND, Frederic William. Domesday book and beyond; three essays in the early his- tory of England. 1897 321.3 M27 Contents: Domesday book. England before the conquest. The hide. "Particularly valuable. . .The best analysis of the contents of Domesday . . .Throws much light on the early history of the manor, on feudalism, classes of society, land tenures . . . Presents a new theory regarding the origin of boroughs, and shows that the hide contained 120 acres." Gross's Sources and literature of English history. WHIBLEY, Leonard. Greek oligarchies, their character and organisation. 1896... 321. 5 W62 FIGGIS, John Neuville. Theory of the divine right of kings. 1896 321.6 F46 Bibliography, p. 9-14. 321.8 Republic BORGEAUD, Charles. Rise of modern democracy in old and New England. 1894. (Social science series.) 321.8 663 BRADFORD, Gamaliel. The lesson of popular government. 2v. 1899 321.8 B68 The author has devoted more than thirty years to the study of our in- stitutions, and of the popular government of other nations, and believes that a republic is the form of government which secures the greatest good to the greatest number, but that there must be some modifica- tions and readjustment of the machinery unless we are to end in a military despotism. One practical step which he has long advo- cated is to allow members of the cabinet to occupy seats on the floor in both houses of Congress, with the right to join in debate on matters relating to their respective departments. BROWN, WJethro. The new democracy; a political study. 1899 321.8 879 Contents: The present theory of representative government and democ- racy. The real defects of democracy. The Hare system, with special reference to its application in Tasmania. The referendum. The study of history in relation to the problem of character. The problem of union; the argument for federations stated and exemplified. The new Australian constitution. Some opinions of Australian leaders on the commonwealth bill. BURNETT, Edmund C. Government of federal territories in Europe. 1898. (Brown REPUBLIC 295 university. Papers from the historical seminary.) 321.8 893 Reprinted from the Annual reports of the American historical associa- tion, v.8, pt.i. Outlines fundamental characteristics in the government of European fed- eral dependencies, that is, subject territories which are not component pans of the federation. Among others, the dependencies of the early Grecian leagues, the territories of the Swiss confederation, of Italy and the Netherlands, and the federal territory of Alsace-Lorraine are treated. CLEVELAND, Frederick A. Growth of democracy in the United States; or, The evolu- tion of popular co-operation in government and its results. 1898 321.8 58 DEPLOIGE, Simon. The referendum in Switzerland, with a letter on the referen- dum in Belgium, by J. van den Heuvel. 1898. (Studies in economics and political science.) .321.8 D43 Bibliography, 9.315-322. FREEMAN, Edward Augustus. History of federal government in Greece and Italy. 1893. .. .321.8 F9I GARRAN, Robert Randolph. The coming commonwealth; an Australian handbook of federal government. 1897 321.8 GlQ GIDDINGS, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire; with studies of psychological, eco- nomic and moral foundations. 1900 321.8 G37 Contents: The democratic empire. The ethical motive. The psychology of society. The mind of the many. The costs of progress. Industrial democracy. The trusts and the public. The railroads and the state. Public revenue and civic virtue. Some results of the freedom of women. The nature and conduct of political majorities. The destinies of democracy. The relation of social democracy to the higher educa- tion. The popular instruction most necessary in a democracy. The shadow and substance of republican government. The consent of the governed. Imperialism. The survival of civil liberty. The ideals of nations. The gospel of non-resistance. The same. 1900 T32I.8 G37