THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE ENGRAVED WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF THE ENGRAVED WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. FROM 1755 TO 1820. TO WHICH IS ADDED >l)ort Biographical >fcetclj of eaclj BY EDWARD HAMILTON, M.D. F.L.S. &c. LONDON : P. & D. COLNAGHI AND CO., 13 & 14 PALL MALL EAST. 1874. All Rights reserved. LONDON: JOHN STRANGKWAYS, PRINTER, Castle St. Leicester Sq 111 Library INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. THAT the art of engraving in mezzotint should have attained its highest state of perfection whilst Sir Joshua Reynolds lived and painted was a most happy coincidence. It would seem as if the artist-engravers, contemporaries of Sir Joshua, stimulated by the extraordinary power of the painter's brush, had been enabled to surpass their art for the purpose of faithfully transcribing, in all their entirety, the pictures they imitated, as if the very genius of Reynolds had guided their hands ; for the works of art of these engravers are as much masterpieces in their way, as those of the great Artist himself, and have contributed in no small degree to spread and perpetuate his reputation. Thus they delineated with wonderful truth and reality not only the expression and the grace, but even the characteristic peculiarities of the master's touch, rendering their works so eminently pleasing and attractive : the effect more resembles painting in mezzotint than engraving, for with what subtle power are reproduced the lines, the forms, and the texture of each part of the picture, and yet how bold and for- cible is the whole ! If we take, for instance, the print of Lady Elizabeth Keppel, engraved in mezzotint by Edward Fisher ; Mrs. Musters with her dog, by J. R. Smith ; Miss Jacobs, by John Spilsbury, the: prize engraving of the year ; Lady Taylor ; Lady Harrington ; the Duke of Leinster ; Master Bunbury ; and many others, all different, yet all as true and as perfect as it is possible to be ; what striking examples we have before us of the power of this art ! Such works as these delight us for their extreme beauty, and astonish us by their wonderful exactness to the original paintings ; and we may well understand Sir Joshua Reynolds exclaiming, when he saw a fine engraving after one of his pictures by J. McArdell, ' By this man I shall be immortalized !' 3017897 vi Introductory Remarks. To possess such works is to live with Reynolds and his times ; to study them is to nourish and improve the taste ; while at the same time we are led to regret that this art, as then practised, should have passed away with the men who brought it to such perfection. The great and increasing interest in these fine mezzotint engravings, and the extreme beauty and rarity of many of the plates (e. g. a proof of the Duchess of Rutland, and one of Lady Bamfylde and Mrs. Pelham, sold in July last for the large sum of 480 guineas}, has been the inducement to publish this Catalogue, in order to furnish a record of the great artist- engravers of the last century, and their works after Reynolds. Four separate Catalogues of the Engravings after the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds have been published at different periods. The first, in 1794, was entitled, A Catalogue of Portraits, &c., engraved from Pictures painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Kt. London : Printed for W. Richardson, Castle Street, Leicester Square, and sold by W. Clarke, Bond Street, and W. Todd, York. This gives merely the name of the sitter, that of the engraver, with the date of publishing, and a few occasional remarks. Many of the names, both of the sitters and engravers, are misspelt, and some of the prints even misnamed, which is the more remarkable considering the short interval between Sir Joshua's death and the publication of the Catalogue. The second Catalogue was published in TJie Selections from tJte Gentleman's Magazine, vol. iv. ( 1 8 1 1 ), and was en- titled, Prints after Sir Joshua Reynolds. This is almost a reprint of Richardson's Catalogue, with the addition of the prices at which the engravings were originally published ; these prices ranged from 2s. 6d. to 30^., according to the size and state of the plate. The third Catalogue was published by Edmund Wheatley, Panorama House, Leicester Square, entitled, A Descriptive Catalogue of all the Prints, with the Engravers Names and Dates, which have been engraved from Original Portraits and Pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. 1825. This is nothing but a reprint of the Catalogue of 1794, without any corrections. The fourth Catalogue is entitled, A Catalogue of the Introductory Remarks. vii Portraits painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Kt. Compiled from his Autograph Memorandum -books, and from printed Cata- logues, &c. By William Cotton, Esq. London : Messrs. Long- man & Co. 1857. Although this is professedly a Catalogue of the Portraits, it gives also the names of the engravers, the dates, and the possessors of the pictures ; but it reproduces, unfortunately, the misprints of its predecessors, so far as the names and dates of the different sitters and engravers are concerned. In the present Catalogue many of these misprints have been corrected ; a short biographical sketch of each individual sitter is also given, and a full description of the engraving, with the date (when possible) and size, for the purpose of facilitating recognition, as it unfortunately was the custom with many of the early possessors of the best impressions to cut off the margin and close-frame them. The proper designation of the engravings has also been given : for example, Lady Eliza- beth Ancram of the old Catalogues is actually Elizabeth, Countess of Ancrum ; Lady Maria Cadogan is Mary, Lady Cadogan ; the Hon. Lady Anne Stanhope is Anne, Lady Stan- hope, &c. &c. The dates referring to the painting of the pictures are taken from the published list of Sir Joshua's pocket-books in the ' Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds, by C. R. Leslie and Tom Taylor/ which contains a vast amount of information connected with the pictures, &c. The present possessors of the engraved pictures have been ascertained from catalogues kindly lent from the different collections of Petworth, Althorp, Woburn, &c. &c., from the printed Catalogues of the British Institution and Royal Academy, and from various private sources ; but as some of these pictures change hands from time to time, correctness in every case cannot be vouched for. There are some fine works of which no traces have been discovered : such, for instance, as the picture of the Countess of Derby, which, judging from the engraving, must have been a map lificent one. The Catalogue is divided into three heads, in alphabetical order, for the greater facility of reference. viii Introductory Remarks. Part I. Male Portraits. Part II. Female Portraits. Part III. Miscellaneous Subjects. The Portraits are described in three sizes, viz. lialf-length, i. c. head and shoulders and to the waist. Three-quarter length viz. the figure to the knee and below. Whole-length when the entire figure is displayed. In giving the engravers' names, the engraver who prepared the original plate is designated by capital letters. The only abbreviation used is mezz. for mezzotint. This Catalogue comprises also a list of these engravers, with a short sketch (as much as can be gleaned) of the lives of each, taken chiefly from Kiinstler's ' Lexicon/ Bryant's ' Dictionary of Painters and Engravers,' and Redgrave's ' History of English Painters and Engravers,' &c. As far as is at present known, there exist about 2000 authenticated pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Tom Taylor, in the preface to the ' Life and Times,' &c., estimates them at between two and three thousand. Of these pictures, 524 were engraved by the most eminent engravers, and of the original plates, copies have been executed to the number of about 151 by other hands, making in all 675 engravings. In producing these plates, no fewer than one hundred and three engravers were employed. In compiling this work I am greatly indebted to the kind assistance of Messrs. COLNAGHI, who have enabled me to inspect personally every engraving which I have described ; to Mr. REID, Keeper of the Prints of the British Museum, Mr. A. GRAVES; and many others. To Mr. TUCKER (Rouge Croix\ of the Heralds' College, who most generously placed his services at my disposal in working out the genealogy and history of many of the originals of these portraits, my thanks are especially due. This Catalogue does not include any of the smaller works of S. W. Reynolds, nor the continuation of the same by Mr. Graves. 6- THE ENGRAVED WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. FROM 1754 TO l82O. PART I. PORTRAITS. MALE. ALBEMARLE, GEORGE, THIRD EARL OF, K.G. Born, 1724; succeeded his father, 1754; Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Cumberland at the battle of Fontenoy, 1745 ; was at the battle of Culloden and took the despatches announcing the victory to London ; Commander- in-Chief at the reduction of the Havannah, 1762 ; a Privy Councillor and a Knight of the Garter; died in 1772. His next brother was Augustus, the famous Admiral, created Viscount Keppel. Half-length, in uniform; cocked hat under his left arm, sash over his right shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1762. Size, i2 x 10 in. A copy of the above by C. Spooner, 12 J X 9i ; also a small 8vo. Picture painted in 1759. In the possession of the Earl of Albemarle. AMHERST, SIR JEFFERY, K.C.B. Born, 1717 ; second son of Jeffery Amherst, Esq., of Riverhead, Kent ; entered the Army, 1731 ; Aide-de-Camp to Lord Ligonier at the battles of Rocoux, Dettingen, and Fontenoy ; Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in North America from 1758 to 1764; captured Louisberg, Fort du Quesne, Niagara, and Ticonderoga, which led to the conquest of Canada ; made Governor of Virginia, 1763; created Lord Amherst, 1776; made a Field Marshal, 1795. Died, 1797. Half-length, in armour ; right arm leaning on a staff; hand to face, which is in half-profile, looking to his right; his left hand gloved; before him a helmet and a plan of the city of Montreal; in the distance his troops are passing the rapids of the St. Lawrence in boats. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1766. Size, i6| x i2| in. A copy of the above, somewhat smaller, by R. Purcell, with "R. P." in the corner of the map, and " Montreal " on the map. An octavo by Harding, copy of Purcell's, dated 1790. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of Earl Amherst. B The Engraved Works of ANSON, GEORGE, LORD. The great Circumnavigator ; second son of William Anson, Esq., of Shugborough ; born, 1697 ; on his return from his celebrated voyage he was made Rear- Admiral of the Blue and a Lord of the Admiralty ; in 1747, com- manded the Channel Fleet and captured six French men-of-war ; in same year was created Lord Anson of Soberton ; First Lord of the Admiralty in 1751. Died, 1762. Three-quarter length, in the naval uniform of the period ; looking to the right ; right hand on hip, left hand resting on an anchor ; in the distance a ship saluting. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1755. Size, 13! X 11 in. There is another print of the same, looking to the left, somewhat smaller. Picture painted 1755. In the possession of Sir G. Bowyer, Bart., M.P. ARMSTRONG, JOHN, M.D. The author of the "Art of Preserving Health, and other Poems ;" born at Castleton, N.B., 1709 ; appointed in 1760 Physician to the Army in Germany ; in 1771 he made the tour of Italy with Fuseli ; he was the friend and companion of Reynolds and of the literati of the day. Died, 1779. Half-length ; wig and white cravat ; three-quarter face. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1770. Size, i2f x 10 in. A small octavo from same plate by T. Trotter, 1782. Picture painted 1767. In the possession of the Marquess of Bute. ASH, JOHN, M.D., F.R.S., F.S.A. A well-known Physician, to whose exertions Birmingham owes its Hospital; he founded the Eumelian (Greek for Ash) Club, which held its meetings at the Blenheim Coffee-house in Bond Street, and was frequented by all the literati of the day. Too close an application to his profession affected his intellect ; he recovered by intense application to mathematics. He died in "Brompton Row, Knightsbridge, 1798. Whole-length, in his doctor's gown ; sitting in an arm-chair, holding in his hand the plan of the Birmingham Hospital, which is seen in the dis- tance ; behind the chair is a statue, with a child at its foot, inscribed " Benevolentia." Engraved in the dotted manner by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1791. Size, 2if x 13! in. Picture painted 1789. In the Hospital at Birmingham. ASHBURTON, LORD, with COLONEL BARRE and LORD SHELBURNE. John Dunning, born at Ashburton in 1731 ; he rapidly rose at the Bar and was Counsel for John Wilkes ; made Attorney-General, 1767 ; created Baron Ashburton and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1782. Died in 1783. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Baring, and sister of Sir Francis Baring, Bart. COLONEL BARR, or BARRY. The son of a grocer at Dublin and a Sir JosJma Reynolds. soldier of fortune ; he was with Wolfe when he was killed on the heights of Abraham at the taking of Quebec, and received a severe wound in his face, which much disfigured him; became M.P. for High Wycombe; was a fluent and daring speaker, and a great friend of Lord Shelburne's. Reynolds painted him with the wounded side from the spectator. LORD SHELBURNE. William Fitzmaurice Petty, afterwards ist Marquess of Lansdowne ; born in 1737 ; succeeded his father as Earl of Shelburne, 1761, and in 1763 was placed at the head of the Board of Trade ; he was Foreign Secretary under the Marquess of Rockingham ; and a short time Premier after the death of that nobleman ; created Marquess of Lansdowne, 1784. He was a great lover and patron of the Arts. Died in 1805. Three-quarter lengths, in a group. Lord Ashburton sitting in his robes ; Colonel Barre in plain dress standing by his side, one hand on the table ; Lord Shelburne sitting in the robes of the Garter, with his face turned towards the others. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM WARD. Size, 26 X 18 in. This engraving is usually called " Portraits of the Baring Family," which is a misnomer. Picture was painted 1782. In the possession of Lord Northbrook. ASHTON, THOMAS, D.D. Fellow of Eton College; Rector of Saint Botolph's, Bishopsgate Street, Died 1775, aged 59. Half-length, standing ; in clerical dress, front face, holding a Bible. " Hie est aut nusquam quod qucesimus" Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, 1 1 X 8| in. A copy of the same, octavo, by I. Spilsbury, 1770. Picture painted 1768. In the possession of Captain Ashton, Leamington. AUBREY, SIR JOHN, Bart. Educated at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford ; M.P. for the County of Buckingham ; went the foreign tour ; 1782 appointed a Lord of the Admiralty ; one of the Lords of the Treasury from 1783-9. Died when Father of the House of Commons, March 1826. Three-quarter length, standing ; right arm on table ; steel buttons on the coat ; draped curtain ; landscape in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1788. Size, 17 x 135 in. Picture painted 1787. At Dorton House. BANKS, JOSEPH, F.R.S. Afterwards Sir Joseph Banks, the great Naturalist and Traveller ; born in London, 1743 ; after leaving Oxford, in 1766, he went to Newfoundland ; he afterwards, in conjunction with Dr. Solander, accompanied, as Naturalist, Capt. Cook on his first voyage ; President of the Royal Society, 1777 ; created a Baronet, made a Knight of the Bath and a Privy Councillor, Trustee of the British Museum, &c. He died in London, 1820. Three-quarter length, sitting ; left arm on table ; right hand leaning on the arm of chair ; coat trimmed with fur ; on the table is a globe and other objects. Engraved in mezz. by W. DICKINSON, 1774. Size, 17! X 135 in. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of the Family. The Engraved Works of BARETTI, JOSEPH. A native of Turin; born, 1716; friend of Dr. Johnson; tutor in the Thrale family ; he was much esteemed by the literati of the day ; in a broil in the streets he stabbed a man who had assaulted him ; he was arrested and tried for murder, but acquitted ; was made Secretary for Foreign Cor- respondence to the Royal Academy ; author of an Italian and English Dictionary, and " An Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy," &c. Died, 1789. Half-length, sitting in his chair reading, with the book held close to his face. Engraved in mezz. by J. WATTS, 1780. Size, 15! X 13 in. There is a small copy of this engraving by C. Hardy, dated 1 794. Picture painted 1774. In the possession of Lady Holland. BARKER, JOHN, Esq. A well-known London Merchant, and Governor of the London Assurance Company. Died in 1787. Whole-length, sitting at a table (on which is a richly embroidered cover), with a plan of Ramsgate Harbour in his hand ; inkstand, &c. In the back- ground is a view of the Harbour. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1786. Size, 22| X 14! in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of BARRINGTON, GENERAL JOHN. Second son of John Shute, first Viscount Barrington ; he was a Major- General in the Army and Colonel of the 8th Regiment of Foot ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Florentius Vassall, Esq. (his eldest son succeeded his uncle as 3rd Viscount). He died in 1764. Oval ; half-length ; right haad resting on a table and holding a letter. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1757. Size, 13 x ioj in. Picture painted when Colonel Barrington, 1757. In the possession 01 Viscount Barrington. BARRINGTON, SAMUEL, Admiral of the White. Fourth son of John Shute, first Viscount Barrington ; became a dis- tinguished Naval Commander. Died unmarried, 1800. Half-length, in naval uniform, looking to his right. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD EARLOM, 1780. Size, 13^ X io| in. Also a coarse line engraving, larger. Picture painted 1779. At Greenwich Hospital. BARTOLOZZI, FRANCIS, R.A. The celebrated Engraver ; born in Florence, 1786 ; died in Portugal, 1815. Vide his life in List of Engravers. Half-length, in a coat trimmed with fur ; looking to the left, with left hand over right arm. Engraved in mezz. by T. WATSON, 1783. Size, 13 X io| in. Another by R. Macuard, with pencil in right hand, 1788. Also a small oval by J. G. Haid. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of the Earl of Morlcy. Sir Joshua Reynolds. BARRY, SPRANGER. A celebrated Actor ; for a time the rival of Garrick ; born, 1719 ; died, 1777. Half-length, looking to the left. Engraved in the mixed manner by E. HARDING, 1776 ; octavo size. Picture painted 1758. BARWELL, MR., AND HIS SON. A member of the Indian Council ; secretary to Warren Hastings. Whole-length, sitting at a table in his library, his son by his side, taking a pen from his father's hand ; a dog at his feet. In the background a draped curtain and books. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON. Size, 27! x 19! in. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of Major Banvell. BATH, WILLIAM PULTENEY, EARL OF. Son of Wm. Pulteney, Esq., of Misterton, Leicestershire; in 1714 he was appointed Secretary of State, which he resigned in 1717; he became the political antagonist of Sir Robert Walpole, and edited, conjointly with Bolingbroke, a paper called the " Craftsman," the object of which was to annoy Sir Robert ; this caused a duel between Pulteney and Lord Hervey, for which he encountered the anger of George II., and his name was erased from the list of Privy Councillors ; he was however induced, in 1742, to accept a peerage, and was created Earl of Bath, &c., and as Walpole truly wrote to the King, " If your Majesty can once bring him to accept a coronet, all will be over with him ; the changing multitude will cease to have any confidence in him." He married Anna Maria, daughter of John Gumley, Esq., of Isle- worth. He died in 1764. Three-quarter length, sitting in his robes ; his right hand resting on a stick. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1758. Size, I2f X 9f in. Picture painted 1757. In the possession of Lord Northwick. BEATTIE, DR. JAMES. A Scotch Poet and Philosopher ; born at Laurencekirk, N.B., 1735 ; educated at Marischal College, Aberdeen, at which University he held the Chair of Moral Philosophy and Logic. Visited London in 1771, and sub- sequent years ; became the friend of Reynolds, Johnson, and other cele- brated men of the day ; was the author of the " Minstrel," " Essay on Truth," " Elements of Moral Science," &c. He died in 1803. Three-quarter length, in his doctor's robes, with his " Essay on Truth " under his arm. The figure of Truth is driving away three demons. In relation to this picture, the demons are supposed to be portraits of Voltaire, Hume, and Gibbon. Goldsmith said to Sir Joshua, " How could you degrade so high a genius as Voltaire, before so mean a writer as Beattie? Beattie and his book will be forgotten, but your allegorical picture, and the fame of Voltaire, will live for ever, to your disgrace as a flatterer." Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1775. Size, 16 X I2f in. A small one, in the dotted manner, by F. Bartolozzi, and a variety ot small copies without names of engravers. Picture painted 1774. In the possession of the Misses Glennie. BEAUMONT, SIR GEORGE, Bart. The distinguished amateur Artist and Patron of Art ; born at Dunmow, in Essex, 1753 ; he took an active part in the establishment of the National Gallery, to which he bequeathed his collection. He died in 1827. Half-length ; oval ; three-quarter face ; white cravat ; hair powdered. Engraved in mezz. Size, 13^ X io|in. Private plate. No engraver's name. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Sir George Beaumont, Stoughton Grange. BEDFORD, FRANCIS, $TH DUKE OF, with his Brothers, LORD JOHN, afterwards 6TH DUKE, LORD WM. RUSSELL, and Miss VERNON. Sons of Francis, Marquess of Tavistock, who was killed by a fall from his horse (vide Tavistock), and the beautiful Lady Elizabeth Keppel, Mar- chioness of Tavistock. Lord William, crouching in the corner, was mur- dered by his valet, Courvoisier. MlSS VERNON was afterwards Countess of Warwick. ( Whole-lengths ; the Duke of Bedford as St. George, with his sword drawn, killing the Dragon ; Lord John standing near ; Lord William crouching ; Miss Vernon, as " Sabrina," in a white dress. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1778. Size, i8| X i6 in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of the Earl of Jersey, at Middleton. BELGIOSOSO, COUNT. The Imperial Minister at the Court of St. James's. Half-length, looking to the left ; powdered hair ; pigtail ; braided coat (white uniform) ; an order hangs by a ribbon from his neck. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1779. Size, 13^ X lof in. There is another engraving from same picture, face and figure smaller, in a square, by J. Jacobe". Size, 13 x io in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of the Family, BLACKET, SIR WALTER, Bart. Born December, 1707; was Sir Walter Calverley, of Calverley, York, 2nd Baronet; m. Elizabeth Orde, natural daughter and sole heiress of Sir W. Blacket, and took the name of Blacket ; M.P. for Newcastle and Mayor of the city. He died in 1777; was buried at Kensington, and afterwards removed to Calverley. His estates are now possessed by J. T. Wentworth Beau- mont, Esq. Three-quarter length, standing in his civic robes, over an elaborately ornamented dress ; a wand in his right hand ; column and curtains in the background. Engraved in line by J. FITTLER, 1780. Size, 6| x 5J in. Picture painted 1760. In the Infirmary at Newcastle. A replica, painted 1777. In the possession of Sir W. Trevelyan. Sir Joshua Reynolds. BLACKSTONE, SIR WILLIAM. Born 1723 ; author of the well-known " Commentaries ; " educated at Charterhouse and Oxford ; appointed Vinerian Professor at Oxford, 1758 ; made Solicitor-General, and subsequently a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in 1780. Half-length, in an oval ; in wig and gown as a judge. Engraved in line by J. HALL. Size, 5 X 4 in. At the bottom of the plate are the Arms, supported by Cupids, and medals on each side. Proofs of this engraving are extremely rare. Picture in the possession of Sir Robert Peel. BOOTHBY, GENERAL SIR WILLIAM, STH BART. Of Broadlaw Ash, county Derby ; entered the Military Service ; became a Major-General and Colonel of the 6th Foot. He died in 1787. Half-length, in uniform ; looking to his left ; hair unpowdered. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1782. Size, 13! X io| in. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of Sir Brook Boothby. BOOTHBY, SIR BROOK, ;TH BART. A minor poet ; one of the literary circle of Lichfield, of which Miss Seward, Dr. Darwin, and Miss Edgeworth formed a part. Married Susanna, daughter of Robert Bristoe, Esq., and had one daughter, Miss Penelope Boothby, whom Sir Joshua painted, and who died young. Half-length ; nearly fulL.face ; a wart on the nose ; frilled shirt ; lapelled coat, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1797. Size, 13! X io| in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Sir Brook Boothby. BOSCAWEN, THE HON. EDWARD. Admiral of the Blue ; second son of Hugh, Viscount Falmouth ; born, 1711 ; entered the naval service, and attained great distinction ; was in the action off Cape Finisterre, 1747 ; Commander-in-chief in India, and received the thanks of Parliament ; commanded the expedition to N. America, 1758, and took Louisberg in 1759 ; in the same year won a great victory over the French fleet in the Bay of Lagos, for which he again received the thanks of Parliament. He died in 1671. Whole-length, in naval uniform, standing on the sea-shore, with his hat in his right hand ; shells, &c. on the sand ; ship in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1757. The same reduced to three-quarters, with an anchor. Size, 185 X 13! in. There is another engraving, three-quarters length, with the hat on. Another standing by an anchor, with " Ob Patriam pugnandij" in one corner, " Off Cape Breton, 1758;" in the other, "Five French ships taken and burnt, 1759." A variety of small octavos. Picture painted 1755. In the National Portrait Gallery. The Engraved Works of BOSWELL, JAMES. Of Auchinleck ; born in Edinburgh, 1740; author of the "Life of Dr. Johnson," "Tour to the Hebrides," &c. After studying at the Scotch Univer- sity he travelled on the Continent, and on his return to London, in 1763, was introduced to Johnson ; he became very intimate with and accompanied him, in 1773, in his famous tour of the Hebrides ; in 1783 he was called to the English Bar. Besides the works mentioned he wrote many political and other pamphlets, and an account of Corsica, with a memoir of General Paoli. Died, 1795. Half-length, in the dress of the period ; powdered hair, and white cravat. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1786. Size, 13^ X 11 in. Picture painted in 1786. In the National Collection. BOURKE, DEANE JOSEPH, D.D., Archbishop of Tuam. Second son of John Bourke, ist Earl of Mayo ; succeeded his brother as 3rd Earl ; married, 1760, Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir Richard Meade, Bart., and sister of John, ist Earl of Clanwilliam. Three-quarter length, sitting at a table, in the canonicals of an Arch- bishop. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1784. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted .in 1784. In the possession of Countess Mayo, Palmers- ton House, Kildare. BOUVERIE, MASTER JACOB. Afterwards Viscount Folkestone and 2nd Earl of Radnor ; son of the Hon. William Bouverie, created Baron Bouverie and ist Earl of Radnor, and Harriott, only daughter of Sir Mark Pleydell, Bart. ; born 4th March, 1750. Whole-length ; a boy in a Vandyke dress ; full face ; left hand in vest ; rosettes on shoes ; landscape in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1757-8. Size, J3 X 9! in. There is a print, the reverse way, by the same engraver, I2 x 9 in. ; and a small octavo by Brookshaw. The picture was painted in 1757. In the possession of the Earl of Radnor. BOWER, ARCHIBALD. Formerly a Jesuit ; became Protestant, and was made Librarian to Caroline, Queen of George II. ; he wrote the Roman portion of the " Universal History." Died in 1766, aged 83. Half-length, looking to his right, with a folio in his right hand. Engraved in mezz. by J. FABER, 1758. Size, 7\ X 6 in. The picture was painted in 1758. In the possession of Mr. Anthony, King Street, St. James's. BRADDYL, MASTER THOMAS. Son of Wilson Braddyl, Esq., of Conyshead Priory, Lancaster. Whole-length, as a youth ; large white frill ; leaning against a large urn ; hat in right hand ; hair curling over forehead ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1785. Size, 17^ x 14^ in. Picture painted in 1784. In the possession of Baron Lionel de Rothschild. Sir Joshua Reynolds. BROWN, MASTER. The son of Mather Brown the Painter. (?) As " A Contemplative Youth." Half-length, sitting ; in a landscape ; his hands on his knees ; face turned upwards. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES H. HODGES, 1786. Size, loj X 8f in. Picture painted in 1785. In the possession of J. Tollemache, Esq. M.P. BUN BURY, SIR THOMAS CHARLES, Bart. (Known as Sir Charles.) Succeeded his father, the Rev. Sir William Bunbury, Bart., in 1764 ; M.P. for Suffolk; married, 1762, Lady Sarah Lennox, daughter of Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond, from whom he was divorced in 1776. Oval ; half-length ; in a loose dress, trimmed with fur. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1768. Size, II X 9 in. On the print, " ALt. 27, 1768." Picture painted 1767. In the possession of Sir Charles J. Bunbury Bart., Barton, Suffolk. BUNBURY, H. W. The well-known Caricaturist of the last century ; second son of the Rev. Sir William Bunbury; born, 1750; married, 1771, Catharine, daughter of Kane William Horneck, Esq., Captain of the Royal Engineers. Half-length, as a youth, holding a portfolio ; spotted waistcoat, buttoned near the throat ; landscape and trees. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN BLACKMORE. Size, I2| X 9! in. Picture painted 1766. In the possession of Sir Charles J. Bunbury. BUNBURY, MASTER. Henry Edward, second son of Henry William as above ; succeeded his uncle, Sir Thomas Charles, in 1821, as 7th Baronet. Three-quarter length, sitting in a landscape ; front face ; his hands resting on his thighs. Engraved in mezz. by FRANCIS HAWARD, 1781. Size, 135 x 11 in. Proofs of this very fine engraving are rare. Picture painted 1780. In the possession of Sir Charles J. Bunbury. BURGHERSH, JOHN, LORD. Afterwards nth Earl of Westmorland; General in the Army, G.C.B., G.C.H. ; a distinguished officer in the French war, and afterwards eminent as a diplomatist ; Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Prussia ; married, 1811, Priscilla Ann, daughter of the Hon. William Wellesley Pole, after- wards Earl of Mornington. Died, 1859. Whole-length, as a boy in white frock, with black hat and sash ; running, with right hand and arm raised ; landscape, &c. Engraved in the dotted manner by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI. In some of the early impressions of the print, 1788, the name is spelt " Burghersht." Size, 9i X 7j in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of the Earl of Jersey, at Mid- diet on. The Engraved Works of BURKE, EDMUND. The great Orator and Statesman ; born in Dublin, 1730 ; educated at Trinity College, and came to London about 1750; he projected the "Annual Register," and for many years wrote the greater part of it ; Private Se- cretary to the Marquess of Rockingham; entered Parliament in 1765 ; he especially distinguished himself in the debates on the American question, and in his two great speeches on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings ; he was an able political writer ; he retired from Parliament in 1794, and died at Beaconsfield 1797. Oval ; half-length ; in half profile, with a black ribbon round the neck. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 13 X io| in. Another, a large oval, by Benedetti, 1791. Another, a square, looking the reverse way, by J. Hardy, 1786. Another, an oval, with " Bellendenus de Statu" on the prints, by J. Jones. A small oval by C. Knight, 1781. The picture painted 1766. In the possession of Sir Robert Peel. There are repetitions, in the possession of Mrs. Burney, of Sir Edward Kerrison, of the Hon. G. Fitzwilliam, and of E. Haviland Burke, Esq. BURKE, RICHARD. Son of the above ; a young man of great promise, whose death, August 2nd, 1794, at the early age of 36, was a severe blow to his father, who never recovered from it. Half-length ; front face ; looking down. Engraved in mezz. by W. WARD, 1795. Size, I2 X io| in. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of Earl Fitzwilliam (1860). BURNEY, CHAS., Mus. Doctor, F.R.S. Author of the " History of Music ; " father of Mdme. D'Arblay ; born at Shrewsbury, 1726; he was a pupil of Dr. Arne ; for nine years Organist at Lynn, in Norfolk; returned to London in 1760, and soon gained a great reputation ; his house in St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, was the resort of all the literati and men of talent of the day ; in 1806 he received a pension of yx>L Died in 1814. Whole-length, in his doctor's robes, with a roll of music in his hand. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1781. Size, 7j X 6 in. Picture painted 1781. In the possession of Mrs. Burney (Widow of Archdeacon Burney), Lewes Crescent, Brighton. CAMDEN, CHARLES PRATT, LORD. Born, 1713 ; 3rd son of Sir John Pratt, Chief Justice of the Court Of King's Bench ; he rapidly rose to eminence at the Bar ; was appointed Attorney- General, 1757 ; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1762 ; created Baron Camden, 1765 ; Lord Chancellor, 1766; President of the Council, 1782 ; created an Earl, 1786. He died in 1794. Whole-length, standing in his robes ; left hand supporting a large book ; right hand resting on the back of an arm-chair. Sir Joshua Reynolds. \ \ He began sitting to Reynolds in 1764, when Chief Justice of the Com- mon Pleas. Engraved in line by J. BASIRE, 1766. Size, i8 x 13? in. A copy of the above by S. F. Ravenet, 1766, 18 X 13^ in. ; another, I2j x io in. ; one by J. G. Haid, I2 x 10 in. ; and a small 8vo. by T. Cook. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of the Duke of Grafton. CAMDEN, CHARLES PRATT, LORD. Whole-length, sitting in his robes as Lord Chancellor ; his right arm resting on a table; folios under the table. Engraved in mezz. by J. G. HAID. Size, i8| x 14 in. Picture in the possession of the Marquess Camden. CAMDEN, CHARLES PRATT, LORD. Whole-length, standing in his robes, holding the Magna Charta in his hand. Engraved in mezz. by INIGO SPILSBURY, 1766. Size, i8| x 13! in. Picture painted 1766. In the Guildhall, London. CARDIFFE, JOHN STUART, LORD. Born, 1744;- afterwards 4th Earl and 2nd Marquess of Bute; son of John, 3rd Earl, the famous Minister, and Mary, daughter of Lady Mary Wortley Montague. Lady Bute was created Baroness Mount Stuart. He. succeeded his father in 1792; created Marquess of Bute, 1796; married, 1st, Charlotte Jane, eldest daughter of Herbert Windsor Hickman, 2nd and last Viscount Windsor ; and 2nd, Frances, daughter of Thomas Coutts, Esq. Died at Geneva, 1814. Oval ; half-length ; looking to his left ; coat open ; white cravat ; frilled shirt front ; embroidered waistcoat. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1777. Size, 145 x 12^ in. The picture painted about 1776. In the possession of the Marquess of Bute. CARDROSS, LORD. David Stewart Erskine, afterwards 6th Earl of Buchan ; born, 1742; married, 1771, Margaret, eldest daughter of William Fraser; he placed a tablet to the memory of Thomson the poet in Richmond Church ; he was the friend and patron of Burns. Half-length, in a Vandyke dress and collar ; head turned towards his right shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by J. FlNLAYSON, 1765. Size, 13! X n in. The picture painted in 1764. In the possession of the Family. CARLISLE, FREDERICK HOWARD, STH EARL OF. Born, 1748; created a Knight of the Thistle, 1768, and installed Knight of the Garter, 1793; married, 1770, Margaret Caroline, daughter of Granville Leveson, Marquess of Stafford. 1 2 The Engraved Works of Whole-length, when young, in a Vandyke dress ; leaning on his staff ; right arm bent ; hand to his hip ; over his left shoulder a cloak ; in his left hand, hat and feather ; legs crossed, right over left ; to his right is a large dog sitting, looking up ; to his left, two trees. Engraved by JOHN SPILSBURY, 1762. Size, i6f X 14 in. This engraving gained the first premium in 1762 from the Society of Arts. A small octavo by B. Richards. Picture painted 1761-62. In the possession of the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard. CARLISLE, FREDERICK HOWARD, STH EARL OF, K.T., K.G. Whole-length, in the robes of the Order of the Thistle ; descending some steps, with a dog by his side ; on his left, arches in a garden ; on his right, hat and plume of the Order. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM WARD. Size, 25! X 15! in. Picture painted 1769. In the possession of the Earl of Carlisle. CATHCART, CHARLES, QTH BARON. Born, 1721 ; served as Aide-de-camp to the Duke of Cumberland at the battle of Fontenoy, 3rd April, 1745, where he was severely wounded ; attained the rank of Lieut-General ; created a Knight of the Thistle ; for some time Ambassador to the Court of St. Petersburg. Died, 1776. Three-quarter length, in uniform, with breastplate ; a black semilunar patch over his right eye, of which he was very proud ; on his right is an arch ; on his left, a curtain ; a balustrade in front. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, 12^ x 9f in. There is also a copy of the above, reduced, by R. Houston, 1770. Picture painted about 1762. In the possession of the Earl Cathcart. CAVENDISH, LORD JOHN. Fourth son of William, 3rd Duke of Devonshire ; a member of the Government under the Rockingham and Shelburne Administrations. Died, 1796. Half-length, in an embroidered waistcoat ; looking to his right ; three- quarter face. Engraved in mezz. by JOSIAH GROZER, 1786. Size, 13! x lof . Picture painted in 1768. In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. CAVENDISH, LORD RICHARD. Second son of William, 4th Duke of Devonshire ; an Eastern traveller and virtuoso. Died, 1781. Three-quarter length, looking to his left ; his right arm extended, resting on a stone ; left hand on his hip ; in the distance, the Egyptain desert with the head of the Sphinx. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1781. Size, i8| x 13! in. This is a very fine work of the engraver. Picture painted 1780-81. In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. Walpole says : " One of the best, if not the best, of his works." Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 3 CHAMBERS, SIR WILLIAM, R.A. The celebrated Architect ; born at Stockholm, 1726 ; visited China in his early youth ; having been employed by George III. to plan the Kew Gardens, he adopted the Chinese architecture, and built the Pagoda in these gardens ; afterwards appointed Architect to Somerset House ; planned the Royal Academy Rooms there ; one of the originators, with West, Cotes, and Mozer, of the Constitution of the Royal Academy ; waited on the King in person with his petition to adopt it ; made a Knight of the Polar Star. Died, 1796. Three-quarter length, sitting ; left arm on a plan on a table ; right hand holds a pencil to his mouth : face turned to his left ; from a window a view of Somerset House ; to his right a curtain. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1780. Size, 17! X 15 in. There is another engraving in a square, half-length, looking up, a pen in the right hand, a book in the left, by S. W. Reynolds, 1794. Size, u X 7l in. And a small oval of the same by F. Collyer, 1785. The picture was painted 1780. In the possession of the Royal Academy. CHAMIER, ANTHONY, M.P. One of the Under-Secretaries of State, and one of the original Members of the Literary Club, instituted 1764, with Reynolds, Johnson, Burke, Nugent, Topham Beauclerc, Bennet Langton, Dr. Goldsmith, and Hawkins. Three-quarter length, sitting at a table ; left hand in his waistcoat ; the right holding a paper ; on his right an inkstand. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM WARD. Size, 17! X 13! in. The picture painted 1766. In the possession of J. Chamier, Esq. * CHARTERIS, HON. FRANCIS. Afterwards 6th Earl of Wemyss ; born, 1723 ; 2nd son of James, 4th Earl. His brother, Lord Elcho, fled into France after the battle of Culloden, and was attainted ; the title remained, after the death of the 4th Earl, under penal statute ; on the death of Lord Elcho (presumed 5th Earl), without issue, Francis inherited as 6th Earl ; married Lady Catherine, daughter of Alexander, 2nd Duke of Gordon. Died, 1808. Half-length, looking over his right shoulder ; open coat ; black cravat ; frilled shirt. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON. Size, 103 x 9 in. Picture painted c. 1765. In the possession of the Earl of Wemyss, Gosford, Haddingtonshire. CHAUNCEY, NATHANIEL. A virtuoso. Half-length, in a square ; full face. Engraved in the mixed manner by CAROLINE WATSON. Private plate. Size, 5 1 x 43 in. Also a small 8vo. of the same. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of the Chauncey family. * Bromley, " British Portraits," gives Reynolds as the painter of Col. Francis Charteris engraved by Houston. The Colonel was tried for his life for a rape, and died in 1732. Reynolds was born 1723, and could only have been 9 years of age when the Colonel died. 14 The Engraved Works of CHOLMONDELEY, GEORGE JAMES. Born, 1752 ; son of the Hon. and Rev. Robert Cholmondeley, 2nd son of George, 3rd Earl Cholmondeley ; appointed Receiver-General of Excise. He was married three times: ist, to Marcia, daughter of John Pitt, Esq., of Encombe, Dorset ; 2nd, to Catherine, daughter of the late Sir Philip Francis ; and 3rd, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the 2nd Viscount Sydney, by whom he had Frances Sophia, married to the Rev. J. C. B. Riddell. Half-length ; three-quarter face ; powdered hair ; white cravat ; looking to his left. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1790. Size, 17^ X 13! in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of C. H. Cholmondeley, Esq. COKE, MASTER, AS " YOUNG HANNIBAL." Thomas William, son of Wenham Roberts Coke and Elizabeth, daughter of George Chamberlayne, afterwards Denton, of Hillesborough, Bucks ; the well-known and popular Mr. Coke of Holkham ; created Earl of Leicester and Viscount Coke, August 1837 ; married, 1775, ist, Jane, daughter of James Dalton, Esq. ; 2nd, 1822, Lady Anne Amelia Keppel, daughter of Wm. Charles, 4th Earl of Albemarle. Died, 1843. Three-quarter length, as a boy, in a Roman dress ; front face ; his right hand on a sword. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES TOWNLEY, 1792. Size, n x 9 in. Picture painted circ. 1760. In the possession of Mr. Cassels. COLMAN, GEORGE. The Dramatic Writer and Scholar ; born at Florence, 1733, his father being the British Minister at that Court ; educated at Westminster and Oxford ; he adopted the profession of the Law, which he soon abandoned for literature ; he wrote (1761) the Comedy of the "Jealous Wife," followed by the " Clandestine Marriage," and several other plays. Lord Bath and General Pulteney left him considerable legacies, and he purchased the Theatre in the Haymarket, which he conducted till he was struck by paralysis, and died in 1794. Half-length, sitting; right hand in his coat; left arm resting on some books, the hand to the face ; on his right an inkstand, with a pen in it. Engraved in mezz. by GUISEPPE MARCHI, 1773. Size, 15! x 14 in. Proofs before letters are rare. A small I2mo. copy of the above, by N. Schiavonetti. Picture painted in 1769; exhibited in 1770. In the possession of the Earl of Mulgrave, for whose grandfather it was painted. CONWAY, HON. GEORGE SEYMOUR. Seventh son of Francis, ist Marquess of Hertford ; born in 1763 ; married Isabella, daughter of the Hon. and Rev. George Hamilton. Half-length, when a boy, in Vandyke collar and dress ; cloak over left shoulder ; glove on right hand ; looking to his right. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1771. Size, i8f x 13! in. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Marquess of Hertford. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 5 CORNWALLIS, CHARLES, 2ND EARL OF. Born, 1738 ; educated at Cambridge and entered the military service ; he distinguished himself in the American war, but, owing to unfortunate circumstances, he and his army were made prisoners at Yorktown ; in 1786 appointed Governor-General of India, and Commander-in-Chief ; in 1791 took Seringapatam ; on his return to England created a Marquess and appointed Master-General of the Ordnance; Viceroy of Ireland in 1798, during the rebellion in that country ; sent to France as special Ambassador in 1802, and signed the Peace of Amiens ; a second time Governor-General of India in 1804. Died at Ghazepoor in 1805. Small oval, in uniform ; white cravat ; full face ; hair unpovvdered. Engraved by CHARLES KNIGHT, 1780. Picture painted as Lord Cornwallis, 1782, according to Sir Joshua's pocket-book ; but he also sat in 1761 as General Cornwallis. In the possession of the Marquess Cornwallis. CRAWFORD, JOHN, Esq. Half-length, sitting ; left elbow resting on a table ; hand to his chin. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER. Size, I2 X iof in. Also an octavo copy of the same. Picture painted 1 789. At Crawford Lodge, near Cults, N. B. CREWE, MASTER. Son of Major-General Richard Crewe, second son of John Crewe, Esq., M.P. for Chester. Whole-length, as a boy, in the character of Henry VIII.; front face ; legs apart ; Garter on left knee ; hands in his girdle ; two spaniels at his feet. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1776. Size, 17! X 135 in. Picture painted and exhibited 1776. In the possession of Lord Crewe, Crewe Hall. CUMBERLAND, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF. Uncle of George III., second son of George II.; wounded at the battle of Dettingen; Commander-in-Chief at the battle of Fontenoy; defeated the Scottish rebels at the battle of Culloden. Died, 1765. Half-length, in uniform ; sash over left shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1760. Size, lof x 9 in. Another by C. Spooner. Size, 17! X 14 in. Another, 8vo., by James Watson. An oval octavo by F. Ryley. Picture painted 1758- In the Royal Collection. CUMBERLAND, HENRY FREDERICK, DUKE OF. Brother of George III.; born, 1745; di e d > J 79- Whole-length, in his robes as Knight of the Garter ; holding hat and plume ; on the right a column ; on the left landscape, with Windsor Castle in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1774. Size, 24^ x i$i. Picture painted 1773. In the Royal Collection. 1 6 The Engraved Works of GUST, RT. HON. SIR JOHN, Bart. Third Baronet ; succeeded to the estates of his uncle, Viscount Tyr- connel ; M.P. for Grantham ; made Speaker of the House of Commons, 1761 ; sworn of the Privy Council, 1762 ; married, 1743, the daughter of Thomas Payne, Esq., of Houghton-on-the-Hill. Died 1770, and was suc- ceeded by his son ; created Baron Brownlow in 1776. Whole-length, in his robes as Speaker ; embroidered coat with steel buttons ; a roll of paper in right hand ; left to hip ; on his left is a paper entitled "The Speech of the Speaker of the House of Commons, &c." Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1769. Size, 23 x 15 in. Picture painted 1767. In the possession of Earl Brownlow, at Belton House, Lincolnshire. DALKEITH, CHARLES WILLIAM HENRY SCOTT, EARL OF. Born, 1772; succeeded his father in 1812 as 4th Duke of Buccleuch and 6th Duke of Queensbury; married, 1795, Harriet Katharine, youngest daughter of Thomas, ist Viscount Sydney. He died in 1819. Whole-length, when a boy, in a Vandyke dress, leaning on a slab on which is an owl ; a spaniel dog sitting with his paw up, snarling at the bird ; landscape ; sun setting behind some trees. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1778. Size, i8| x 14 in. Picture painted 1778. In the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch. DARTMOUTH, EARL OF. Vide LEWI SHAM. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM (or DAVISON). Of Muirhouse. Half-length, front face ; right hand in the buttoned coat ; ruffle at wrist ; left ami slightly bent. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1793. Private plate. Size, 13^ x lof in. Picture painted 1792. In the possession of the Family. DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH, /JTH DUKE OF. Born, 1720 ; married Charlotte, Baroness Clifford, only daughter and heiress of Richard, Earl of Burlington ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1755. Died, 1764. Three-quarter length ; with Star and Ribbon of the Garter ; right hand up to breast, left touching his sword hilt ; ruffles at wrist. Engraved in mezz. by J. FABER, 1755. Size, 12\ x 9f in. A small oval of the same. Picture painted 1755. In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. DEVONSHIRE, WILLIAM, STH DUKE OF. Born, 1748 ; son of the above ; succeeded his father, 1764; married, ist, Georgiana, daughter of John, Earl Spencer; and 2nd, Lady Elizabeth Foster, widow of Thomas Foster, Esq., and daughter of Frederick Augustus, 4th Earl of Bristol. Died, 1811. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 7 Half-length, collar of coat turned up, and buttoned to the throat ; to his right, a column ; to his left, trees in a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1776. Size, 13^ X io in. The proof impressions are fine and rare. Picture painted 1767. In the possession of Earl Spencer, Althorp. DILETTANTI SOCIETY (No. i). Portraits of Lord Mulgrave (holding a glass), Lord Dundas, Lord Sea- forth (holding up a gem), Hon. C. Grenville, Charles Crowle, Duke of Leeds, and Sir Joseph Banks. Engraved in mezz. by C. TURNER. Size, i8| x 14! in. Picture painted about 1773. In the possession of the Dilettanti Society. DILETTANTI SOCIETY (No. 2). Portraits of Sir Watkin W. Wynn, Mr. (aftenvards Sir John) Taylor, Mr. Payne Gallwey, Sir W. Hamilton (criticising an Etruscan Vase), Mr. Richard Thompson, Mr. Stanhope, and Mr. Smith of the Heath. Engraved in mezz. by W. SAY. Size, 19! X 14! in. Picture painted about 1778. In the possession of the Dilettanti Society. DODSLEY, MR. ROBERT. Bookseller and Poet. Died at Durham 1764, aged 61. Half-length ; front face. Engraved in line by S. F. RAVENET. Small octavo, prefixed to his works. Another, oval, by R. Grainger. Picture painted 1760. DORSET, JOHN FREDERICK, 3RD DUKE OF, K.G. Ambassador to the Court of Versailles. Died, 1799. In coat, with Star and Order of the Garter. Engraved in mezz. by S. W. REYNOLDS. Size, 12 X 10 in. Another, without the Star, by the same engraver. Picture painted 1769. At Knole. DOWNE, HENRY PLEYDELL DAWNAY, F.R.S. 3RD VISCOUNT. Born, 1727 ; Lieutenant- Colonel of the 2$th Regiment of Foot, which he commanded at the battle of Minden ; he was mortally wounded at the head of his regiment at the battle of Kempen, near Wesel, October 1760. Half-length, in uniform, looking over his right shoulder ; black neck- cloth ; a stormy sky, with clouds. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER. Size, lof x 9 in. A small octavo of the same. Picture was painted in 1758. In the possession of Lord Downe, Bel- grave Square. D 1 8 The Engraved Works of DRUMMOND, ROBERT HAY. Created Bishop of St. Asaph, 1748 ; Bishop of Salisbury and Archbishop of York, 1761. Three-quarter length, sitting in his robes as Chancellor of the Order of the Garter ; his left hand holding the Royal purse ; right arm resting on the table. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1764. Size, 13! X io in. Picture painted 1764. At Bishopsthorpe. DUNCANNON, FREDERICK, VISCOUNT. Afterwards 3rd Earl of Bessborough; born, 1758; married, 1780 Henrietta Frances, daughter of John, Earl Spencer. Died, 1844. Half-length; powdered hair ; three-quarter face ; white cravat and waist- coat ; a column on his left. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1785. Size, 14! X iof in. Picture painted about 1780. In the possession of Earl Spencer. DUNDAS, RIGHT HON. HENRY. The celebrated Statesman, afterwards Viscount Melville; born, 1740; son of Lord Arniston, a Scotch Judge. He was successively, Solicitor-General, 1773 ; Lord Advocate and Keeper of the Signet ; Privy Councillor and Treasurer of the Navy, 1782; Secretary of the Home Department, 1791; Secretary of War, and created a Viscount, 1794 ; First Lord of the Admiralty in the second Pitt Administration ; impeached by the House of Commons in 1805. Died in 1811. His countrymen erected a monument to his memory in his native city of Edinburgh. Oval ; half-length, looking to his right ; as Lord Advocate of Scotland, in wig and gown ; lace bands. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1783. Private plate. Size, I2g X iif in. Picture painted in 1777. In the possession of Mr. Dundas of Arniston. DUNNING, JOHN. Born at Ashburton, in Devon, 1731 ; studied for the Bar, and became celebrated as Counsel for John Wilkes ; Solicitor-General, 1767 ; raised to the peerage as Baron Ashburton, and appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in 1782. Died, 1783. Oval ; in a Counsellor's gown, wig, and bands. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1787. Size, 8 x 6| in. ANOTHER, whole length, sitting in his robes. Engraved in the mixed manner by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1790. Size, i6f X i3i in. The latter the same as in the picture with Barre" and Lord Shelburne. Vide also ASHBURTON. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Lady Ashburton. DYER, SAMUEL, F.R.S. A well-known Scholar and Mathematician of the time ; he was at one time supposed to be " Junius." Died, 1772. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 9 Half-length, in profile ; fur cloak ; left arm and hand resting on a book ; one finger of the right hand on a paper on the table. Engraved in mezz. by GUISEPPE MARCHI, 1773. Size, 15! X 13! in. The picture was painted in 1770 for Edmund Burke. Was in the possession of the late Lord Colborne. EDGECUMBE, GEORGE, 3RD BARON. Created, 1789, Earl of Mount Edgecumbe; married Emma, only daughter of John Gilbert, Archbishop of York ; he entered the Naval Service, and attained the rank of Admiral of the Blue. Died in 1795. Half-length, in naval uniform ; left hand and arm up to breast, right arm and hand extended ; in the distance, ships in a gale. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1761. Size, 13^ X io| in. Another, a copy, in stipple, by T. Cook. Picture painted in 1761. In the possession of the Earl of Mount Edge- cumbe. EDGECUMBE, HON. RICHARD. Son of the above; born, 1764; succeeded his father as second Earl, 1795. Three-quarter length, as a boy, sitting on a bank, on which his left arm rests ; his head resting on his hand. Engraved in mezz. by W. DICKINSON, 1774. Size, 13^ X iof in. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of the Earl of Mount Edge- cumbe. ERROLL, JAMES, I3TH EARL OF. Succeeded his grand-aunt, Mary, Countess of Erroll, 1747. He was son of Anne (niece of Mary) and William, Earl of Kilmarnock, who was beheaded in 1746. Lord High Constable of Scotland ; officiated at the Coronation of George III., 1761, and forgot to take off his cap when the king entered : on apologising for the omission, the king entreated him to be covered, as he con- sidered his presence at the ceremony a most particular honour. Died, 1776. Whole-length, with his staff of office ; in his robes, over an embroidered coat ; to the left, his coronet ; on his right a balustrade. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1763. Size, 24^ X 14! in. Some of the prints are inscribed, "Take him all in all, We ne'er shall look upon his like again." Picture painted 1762. In the possession of the Earl of Erroll. ERSKINE, THE HON. THOMAS. Born, 1750 ; 3rd son of the 5th Earl of Buchan ; having first served in the Army and Navy, was called to the Bar 1778 ; he was counsel for Tom Paine and for Admiral Keppel ; Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales ; made Lord Chancellor of Great Britain in 1806, and created Baron Erskine. Died 1 7th Nov. 1823. Three-quarter length, right arm leaning on a table, the two hands together ; to the right books on shelves, half concealed by a curtain ; to the left, ink- stand and papers. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1786. Size, 175 X 13! in. Picture painted 1786. In the Royal Collection. 2O The Engraved Works of ESDAILE, SIR JAMES. Alderman of Cripplegate Ward ; Sheriff of London, 1766 ; was Knighted in that year, on presenting an address to the King on the birth of the Princess Royal and the marriage of the Princess Caroline with Christian VII. of Denmark; Lord Mayor, 1778. Died, 1793. Three-quarter length, sitting in his robes as Lord Mayor, with the insignia of his office. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1793. Size, 17^ X 14 in. Picture exhibited 1789. In the possession of Mr. Graves of Pall Mall. FAWCETT, GENERAL SIR WILLIAM, K.B. A distinguished Soldier ; served under General Elliott in the Seven Years' War, and was Aide-de-camp to the Marquess of Granby ; Governor of Chelsea Hospital ; translated into English the "Reveries of Marshal Saxe;" Born, 1728; died, 1804. Three-quarter length, standing in uniform, with Ribbon and Star of the Order of the Bath ; left hand in the pocket of his waistcoat ; right hand leaning on stick. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WARD, 1801. Size, 17! x 13! in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of FERGUSON, ADAM, LL.D., F.R.S. The eminent Historian and Moral Philosopher ; born, 1724 ; Professor of Natural and Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; Author of " History of the Roman Republics," and many other works. Half-length, sitting, with pen in right hand. Engraved in stipple by J. BENGO, 1790. Size, 4^ X 3i in. Also a small octavo, prefixed to his works. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of FITZ WILLIAM, WILLIAM, EARL. Born, 1748 ; succeeded his father, 1756, as 4th Earl in the Irish and 2nd Earl in the English Peerages ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1795 ! married, ist, 1770, Lady Charlotte Ponsonby, daughter of the Earl of Bessborough; and 2nd, Louisa, 4th daughter of Viscount Molesworth and widow of William, ist Lord Ponsonby. The Earl died in 1833. Half-length; three-quarter face; powdered hair; white waistcoat and white cravat. Engraved in mezz by J. GROZER, 1786. Size, 14 X io| in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of the Earl of Zetland. FLETCHER, SIR ROBERT. Colonel in the East India Company's service ; Knighted, Dec. 1763 ; and died at the Mauritius on his way to Madras, 1777. Half-length, oval ; in uniform ; face half turned over his right shoulder ; epaulets. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1774. Size, 13 x io in. There is another engraving, same size, the reverse way. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Earl Fitzwilliam. Sir Joshita Reynolds. 2 1 FOOTE, SAMUEL. The eminent Dramatist and Actor, born at Truro, Cornwall, 1721 ; edu- cated at Worcester College, Oxford ; intended for the Bar ; he soon dissipated his means, became an actor, and made his first appearance as Othello without much success in 1747 ; he opened the Haymarket Theatre and appeared as a humorous imitator of well-known characters, and afterwards appeared in his own farces with considerable success; he met with an accident in 1766, and broke his leg so badly that it was obliged to be amputated ; on recovery the Duke of York procured for him a patent for life of the Haymarket Theatre ; he wrote a great many dramatic pieces, many of them full of wit and humour. Died at Dover, 1777. Half-length, standing ; leaning on his stick ; hands crossed ; figure slightly bent ; an embroidered waistcoat ; he is looking up to his right. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN BLACKMORE, 1771. Size, i6J x I2| in. Picture painted 1767. In the possession of the Duke of Newcastle. FORBES, SIR WILLIAM, Bart. Of Pitsligo ; an eminent banker ; he, in conjunction with Sir James Hunter Blair, founded the first banking establishment in Edinburgh; born, 1739 5 succeeded as 6th Baronet, 1743. Sir Walter Scott, in his notes to *' Marmion," says, " he was unequalled,' perhaps, in the degree of individual affection entertained for him by his friends, as well as in general esteem and respect of Scotland at large." He was of considerable literary abilities ; was a member of the Literary Club with Johnson, Reynolds, Garrick, and Burke ; wrote the life of Dr. Beattie ; married Miss Hay, daughter of Sir James Hay, Bart. Died in 1806. Half-length, with Ribbon and Order ; coat open ; high collar ; frilled shirt ; powdered hair ; looking to his right. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WARD. Size, i6| X 13! in. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Sir J. Stewart Forbes, Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire. FOX, THE RIGHT HON. CHARLES JAMES. The celebrated Statesman : 3rd son of Henry, ist Lord Holland ; born, 1749 ; educated at Eton and Oxford; M.P. for Midhurst ; on the fall of Lord North, 1 782, was appointed one of the Secretaries of State ; opposed Pitt during the whole of his Administration; in 1806 appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, but died in the same year, aged 57. Three-quarter length, standing ; face turned towards left shoulder ; coat buttoned to the top; right hand on some papers; "Bill for the better Regulations of the Affairs of India," on the table; a column and curtain behind. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1784. Size, 18 x 13! in. Another by the same, dated 1796. The proofs of the plate of 1784 are rare. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of Lady Holland, Holland House. 22 The Engraved Works of FOX, CHARLES JAMES. When a youth, with Lady Sarah Bunbury and Lady Susan Strangways. Three-quarter length, with a paper in his hand ; by his side is Lady Susan, offering a dove to Lady Sarah, who is leaning out of a window of Holland House ; to the right, the gardens. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1762. Size, 245 X i6| in. Proofs of this fine engraving are rare. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of Lady Holland, Holland House. GARRICK, DAVID. The celebrated Actor; born, 1716; accompanied Samuel Johnson to London; he first appeared at Goodman's Fields Theatre in 1741, in the character of Richard the Third, and achieved a great success ; married, 1749, the famous danseuse, Mademoiselle Eva Maria Viegel, who took, by order of the Empress Theresa, the name of La Violette. In 1776 he sold his share in Drury Lane Theatre for 37,ooo/., and his last appearance was in the same year in the character of Don Felix in the " Wonder," for the benefit of the Theatrical Fund. Died in 1779, and was buried with much pomp in Westminster Abbey. Reynolds painted at least six portraits of him, and, independent of the mezzotints after Sir Joshua's portraits, there are no fewer than twenty-two other engravings after Zoffany, Gainsborough, Dance, Pine, B. Wilson, A. Vandergucht, Hudson, A. Pond, T. Worledge, &c. IN THE CHARACTER OF KITELEY. Half-length, face turned towards his right shoulder ; Vandyke collar ; cloak over his right shoulder ; the left hand seen. Engraved in mezz. by J. FlNLAYSON, 1769. Size, 135 X iof in. Proofs are rare. Picture painted 1768. In the Royal Collection. BETWEEN TRAGEDY AND COMEDY. Garrick leaning back with comic expression, being forced on by Comedy with her laughing face and holding a mask ; while Tragedy, with severe countenance and uplifted arm, endeavours to restrain him. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1769. Size, 19! X 15! in. A copy by C. Corbutt, smaller ; and another, still smaller, by the same. It has also been copied by other engravers. Picture painted 1762. In the possession of William Angerstein, Esq. GARRICK, DAVID. Half-length, in a square, with a paper inscribed "Prologue;" sitting at a table ; hands together, with the thumbs raised and meeting each other ; ruffles at wrists. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1779. Size, 13^ X n in. There is a unique impression in the Buccleuch Collection before the word " Prologue" was inscribed on the scroll. Size, 12 x 10 in. A copy by R. Laurie, 1779, inscribed " From the latest picture;" and another by C. Corbutt. Another, a medallion, inscribed "To the Lovers of the Drama," by Letton. Sir Jos/ma Reynolds. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of the Duke of Bedford, Woburn. Another, purchased at Mr. Thrale's sale by Dr. Burney, is in the posses- sion of Mrs. Burney. Lord Lansdowne has another. GAUTHIER, MONSIEUR. Oval ; in cap and loose dressing-gown ; head inclined over the left shoulder. Engraved in line by S. FESSARD, 1752. Size, 14 X 9% in. Picture painted 1752. In France. GAWLER, JOHN. Attorney-at- Law. Half-length, sitting ; front face ; leaning on his right arm ; the hand holds a pen. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH, 1777. Size, 13! X n in. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Mr. Bellenden Ker. GAWLER, JOHN BELLENDEN, and HENRY. Sons of the above ; the first became Captain of the Guards, the second a Barrister. Three-quarter length, inscribed " The School Boys ; " a dog between them ; one holds" a portfolio. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1778. Size, 12 X 11 in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Mr. Bellenden Ker. GEORGE III., His MAJESTY. Of forty-two engravings, only three are after Reynolds. The King dis- liked him, and sat to him unwillingly ; his favourite painters were Gains- borough and West. Whole length, sitting in his coronation robes, with sceptre in right hand. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1781. Another of the same, by THOMAS WATSON. Picture painted 1779. One in the Royal Collection ; another in the possession of the Royal Academy. GERMAIN, SACKVILLE, LORD GEORGE. Afterwards Viscount Sackville ; third son of the ist Duke of Dorset ; born, 1716; entered the Army, and distinguished himself at the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy; made a Lieutenant-General in 1758; his con- duct at the battle of Minden brought him to a court-martial, and he was sentenced to be dismissed from the service. Lord Bute restored him to his position, and in 1775 he was made Secretary of State for the Colonies ; created a Viscount in 1782 ; took the name of Germain in 1770, on succeeding to the states of Lady Germain. Died in 1785. He was at one time considered to be the author of " Junius's Letters." Three-quarter length ; overcoat lined with fur, under which is a breast- plate and buff jacket ; hair powdered ; his right hand on his sash, which is 24 The Engraved Works of tied round the waist ; his left hand, gloved, holds the hilt of his sword and his right-hand glove ; to his left, his charger. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1777. Size, 13! x io| in. Picture painted 1759. At Knole. Mr. W. B. Stopford has a replica. GIBBON, EDWARD. The celebrated Historian ; born at Putney, 1737 ; educated at West- minster and Oxford ; in 1773 he went to Italy, and while standing among the ruins of ancient Rome he conceived the idea of writing his famous work, "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;" on his return to England he was elected M.P. for Liskeard ; in 1778, when war was declared between England and France, he drew up the famous " Me"moire justificatif," in answer to the French manifesto. Died in London in 1794. Half-length, in an oval ; small octavo ; three-quarter face, looking to his right ; powdered wig ; white cravat and frilled shirt ; below, a figure (Gibbon) standing surveying the ruins of the Coliseum, with two medallions : one, the Wolf suckling Romulus and Remus ; the other, the Roman Eagle. Engraved in line by J. HALL, 1780. Another, the reverse way ; below, Gibbon contemplating modern Rome ; on one side a view of the Coliseum, on the other the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter at the Capitol. Dated 1781. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of the Earl of Sheffield. GLOUCESTER, PRINCE WILLIAM FREDERICK OF. Afterwards 2nd Duke of Gloucester; born, 1776 ; son of Henry, Duke or Gloucester, and Maria, previously Countess of Waldegrave. Whole-length, as a boy, in a Vandyke dress ; hat and stick in his right hand. Engraved in mezz. by CAROLINE WATSON, 1784. Size, \\\ X 6 in. Picture painted 1780. At Trinity College, Cambridge. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Poet, Historian, and Dramatist ; born, 1728 ; the friend of Johnson and Reynolds ; immortalised as a novelist by the " Vicar of Wakefield ; " as a poet, by the " Deserted Village ; " as a dramatist, by " She Stoops to Conquer." Died in 1774. Face nearly profile ; in a cloak trimmed with fur ; right hand holding a book ; a finger between the leaves. Engraved in mezz. by GuiSEPPE MARCHI, 1770. Size, 15! x I2 in. Also small ovals, by G. Walker and others, prefixed to his works. The picture was painted 1 768. One at Knole, another at Woburn Abbey. GOWER, GRANVILLE LEVESON, 2ND EARL. Born, 1721 ; married, ist, 1744, Elizabeth, daughter of Nicolas Fazerkeley, Esq. ; 2nd, 1748, Lady Louisa Egerton, daughter and co-heir of Scrope, ist Duke of Bridgewater ; 3rd, 1768, Lady Susannah Stewart, daughter of Alexander, 6th Earl of Galloway. The Earl, when Lord Trentham, was M.P. for the City of Westminster, 1747; for Lichfield, 1754; afterwards Sir Joshua Reynolds. 25 Lord Privy Seal, Lord Chamberlain, and Lord President of the Council ; K.G. 1771 ; and created Marquess of Stafford in 1786. Died, 1803. Three-quarter length, in his robes ; left hand supporting the Royal purse ; right holding his robes ; three-quarter face. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1762. Size, 13! X n in. The picture was painted 1761. In the possession of the Duke of Sutherland. GRANBY, JOHN, MARQUESS OF Born, 1721 ; son of John, 3rd Duke of Rutland ; entered the Military service, raised a regiment of foot in the Rebellion of 1745, and was present at the battle of Culloden ; he attained a great reputation as Commander-in- Chief of the British forces under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, and was present at the battle of Minden, 1759; after the peace, in 1763, he retired into private life ; married, 1750, Lady Frances Seymour, daughter of Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset. He died in 1770. Whole-length, in armour, with overcoat ; head, which is bald, uncovered ; his horse by his side, on which his left arm is leaning ; he is looking to his right at a battle in the distance ; a negro on his left attends to his charger. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1760. Size, 2i| x 18 in. Picture painted 1756. In the possession of the Duke of Newcastle. GRANBY, JOHN, MARQUESS OF. As above. Half-length ; head uncovered ; leaning against a column ; in uniform ; breastplate underneath the coat ; right hand resting on his sword, left hand on his sash ; a battle in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1760. Size, 13! X n| in. Another in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, 12^ X 9! in. A copy of this by C. Spooner, and another by R. Purcell, 125 X 9g in. Picture painted 1760. One in the Royal Collection, another in the possession of the Earl of Aylesford. GRANTHAM, THOMAS PHILIP, 3RD LORD, afterwards EARL DE GREY, with his Brothers, FREDERICK JOHN, and PHILIP. Sons of Thomas, 2nd Baron, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and of Mary Jemima, 2nd daughter and co-heir of Philip, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, by Jemima, Marchioness de Grey, sister and heir-presumptive of Annabel, Countess de Grey. Frederick John became Lord Goderich, afterwards Earl of Ripon. Philip died young. Three boys ; one standing with his right leg on a stone, his brothers in front of him, playing with two dogs ; in a landscape. Engraved in stipple by T. CHEESMAN, 1791. Size, 13! X 9 in. The picture was painted in 1788. In the possession of Countess Cowper, Wrest Park. E 26 The Engraved Works of HALDANE, ROBERT. Of Geneagles, Perthshire ; a Captain in the service of the East India Company. Three-quarter length, leaning on a staff; his right arm resting on his left hand ; finger pointing ; ruffles at wrists. Engraved in mezz. by G. CLINT. Size, 17! X 13^ in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Earl of Zetland. HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM, K.B. Born, 1730; his mother was the nurse of George III.; he became dis- tinguished for his taste in the Fine Arts ; was appointed, 1764, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Naples, which post he held for 36 years. His magnificent collection of antique vases was purchased by Parliament for the British Museum. He died in 1803. Whole-length, sitting ; looking up to his left ; in velvet dress, with the Ribbon and Star of the Order of the Bath ; ruffles at the wrist ; knee- breeches, and buckles to shoes ; his left arm resting on a table, on which stands an Etruscan vase ; another vase, much larger, stands at the foot ; he holds a book, his " Campi Phlegraei," with both his hands ; in the distance, a view of Vesuvius. Engraved in mezz. by H. HUDSON, 1787. Size, 22 X 14! in, There is another engraving in line, no name, from another picture ; half- length ; coat trimmed with fur, star on the coat, ribbon underneath ; right hand to the waistcoat ; looking to his left. According to Sir Joshua's pocket-book, Sir W. Hamilton sat twice : once in 1777, and again in 1784. Picture painted in 1777. In the National Collection. HARE, FRANCIS. " The Hare and many friends." Married a daughter of Dr. Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph. In a fur coat ; full neckcloth ; looking to his right. Engraved in mezz. by S. W. Reynolds, 1804. Size, 13^ X iof in. Picture painted 1775. In the possession of Augustus Hare, Esq. HARE, MASTER FRANCIS G. Son of the above. Three-quarter length, as " Infancy ; " a child in a white frock and black sash ; in a landscape ; right hand and arm raised and pointing. Engraved in stipple by RICHARD THEW, 1790. Size, 5! X 4f in. The picture was painted in 1788 ; formerly in possession of Sir John Dean Paul, Bart.; subject of a lawsuit in 1869; sold at Christie's, in 1872. Now in the possession of H. L. Bischoffsheim, Esq. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 2 7 HARGRAVE, FRANCIS. An eminent Lawyer; Editor of the "State Trials;" born in 1741; died in 1821. Half-length ; buttoned coat ; high collar ; frilled shirt ; nearly full face. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1793. Size, 20 x 13! in. Also an octavo copy of the same. Picture painted in 1787. In the possession of the Society of Lincoln's Inn. HARRIS, SIR JAMES, K.B., afterwards IST LORD MALMESBURY. M.P. for the borough of Christchurch ; her Majesty's Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the States-General ; born, 1746 ; the only son of the Author of "Hermes;" educated at Winchester, Oxford, and Leyden ; appointed, in 1767, Secretary of Embassy at Madrid; suc- cessively Minister at the Courts of Berlin, St. Petersburg, the Hague, and Paris. Died, 1820. Three-quarter length, sitting ; holding a letter in his right hand ; looking to his left ; Ribbon and Star of the Order of the Bath ; left hand and arm on table. Engraved in the mixed manner by CAROLINE WATSON, 1786. Size, 1 2^ x 9! in. One of her finest works. Picture painted in 1785-6. In the possession of the Earl of Malmesbury. HARRISON, SIR THOMAS. Chamberlain of London and Receiver-General of the Land Tax ; knighted, 1752, with the Lord Mayor, Recorder, and Sheriffs, on presenting an address to the king on his return from visiting his German dominions. Died at Bath, 1765, in his 65th year. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in his Alderman's dress and wig ; velvet coat ; white cravat ; knee-breeches ; left hand on the arm of the chair. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1765. Size, 13! X n in. Picture painted 1758. In the possession of Archdeacon Harrison. HASTINGS, WARREN. Born at Churchill, near Daylesford, 1 733, his father being the Rector of the parish; educated at Westminster; he went out to India at 17 as a writer; in 1767 he was appointed Second in Council at Madras; in 1771, appointed President of the Supreme Council of Bengal ; in 1786 he returned to England and was impeached for high treason : his trial lasted nine years. Died in 1818, having lived to see his plans for the security of India success- fully carried out. Three-quarter length, sitting ; right hand on a table ; left hand on arm of chair ; dark coat with embroidered waistcoat; knee-breeches ; drapery, &c. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1777. Size, 15! X 13 in. Picture painted in 1766. In the possession of Lord Northwick. 28 The Engraved Works of HAWKSWORTH, JOHN, LL.D. Born, 1715 ; son of a watchmaker at Bromley. Died 1773, it is said from elation at being offered 6ooo/. (an immense sum at that time) for the " History of Cook's Voyages," with those of Byron, Walker, and Carteret. Half-length, writing; sitting at a table; pen in right hand; coat trimmed with fur ; left arm bent ; hand in waistcoat ; curtain draped ; bookshelves with books. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1773. Size, I2f X \o\ in. Another, octavo, by J. Hall, 1773, prefixed to the "Adventurer." Picture painted in 1773. 1 tne possession of Mr. Graves, Pall Mall. HEATHFIELD, GEORGE AUGUSTUS ELLIOTT, LORD. Born, 1718 ; son of Sir Gilbert Elliott ; educated at Leyden ; entered the Army and was wounded at the battle of Dettingen ; in 1759 he raised the first regiment of light horse ; in 1775, Commander-in- Chief in Ireland, and afterwards Governor of Gibraltar ; defended that fortress in the famous siege from 177910 1783. Died, 1790. Three-quarter length, in uniform ; standing with the keys of the fortress in his hands ; cannon and mortars near him ; the Straits of Gibraltar in the distance. Engraved in the dotted manner by RICHARD EARLOM, 1788. Size, i6| x 13* in. Picture painted 1787. In the National Collection. HERBERT, MASTER HENRY GEORGE. Born, 1772; succeeded as 2nd Earl of Carnarvon in 1811 ; married, 1796, Elizabeth Nelly, daughter of Colonel Dyke Acland of Paston, Somerset. Died in 1833. As the "Infant Bacchus;" hands on a basket of grapes; two panthers by his side. Engraved in mezz. by J. R. SMITH, 1776. Size, i8| X 13! in. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of the Earl of Carnarvon at High Clere, Hampshire. HERTFORD, FRANCIS SEYMOUR CON WAY, MARQUESS OF, K.G. Viceroy in Ireland, 1765 ; Lord Chamberlain, 1766 ; married, 1741, Isabella, daughter of Charles, 3rd Dyke of Grafton; created, 1750, Viscount Beauchamp and Earl of Hertford ; and Earl of Yarmouth and ist Marquess of Hertford, 1793. Died, 1794. Half-length ; star on coat, which is trimmed with fur ; the coat has a lappet, which reaches to the shoulder ; powdered hair. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN WATTS, 1786. Size, i2| x io| in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of the Marquess of Hertford. HERVEY, THE HON. AUGUSTUS JOHN, Captain R. N. Colonel of Marines and Commander-in-Chief of her Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean ; became at the death of his uncle 3rd Earl of Bristol. Died, 1779. He married privately, in 1744, Miss Chudleigh, known afterwards Sir Joshua Reynolds. 29 as the Duchess of Kingston, from having contracted a bigamous marriage with the Duke of Kingston, for which she was tried and convicted. Three-quarter length, in naval uniform ; left arm resting on a cannon, with plan of a fortification in his hand ; right hand holding a sword ; ships in the distance attacking a fortress. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FiSHER, 1763. Size, 13^ X 12 in. Picture painted 1762. In the possession of the Marquess of Bristol. HO ARE, MASTER. Henry, only son of Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart., F.R.S., the Historian of Wiltshire, by Hester, eldest daughter of William, ist Lord Lyttelton ; born, 1785 ; married, 1802, Charlotte, only daughter of Sir Edward Deny, Bart. Died, v.p., 1836. Whole-length, as a child ; white frock ; holding a spade ; a barrowful of flowers on his left ; a dog on his right ; his straw hat on the ground ; landscape, &c. Engraved in the dotted manner by CHARLES WILKIN, 1789. Size, 9r X 1\ in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of Sir Richard Hoare, at Stour- head, Wilts. HOOD, SAMUEL, LORD. Son of a clergyman at Thorncombe, Devonshire ; born, 1724 ; became an Admiral in the Navy ; was with Sir G. Rodney, and commanded the Africa; after the celebrated victory over the Count de Grasse, April I2th, 1782, he was created Lord Hood ; elected, 1784, M.P., for Westminster, in opposition to Mr. Fox ; in 1793 he took Toulon and Corsica ; created a Viscount and appointed Governor of Greenwich Hospital, 1796. Died, 1816. Bromley, in "British Portraits," mistakes him for his brother, Alexander Hood, afterwards Lord Bridport, another distinguished Admiral; also painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Three-quarter length, in naval uniform ; leaning on a rock ; head turned over his right shoulder ; hand holding a paper ; two ships engaging in the distance ; clouds and smoke ; rocks to right. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1783. Size, 18 X 13! in. Picture painted, as Lord Hood, in 1783. In the possession of Lord Bridport. HOPE, HENRY E. Of Amsterdam ; younger brother of Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, an eminent Lawyer. Three-quarter iength ; sitting ; right hand holds a pen ; left arm leaning on a table, over which is a rich cloth, with paper and writing materials ; from a window is seen a landscape, with trees ; to the right, a curtain draped. Engraved In mezz. by C. H. HODGES, 1788. Size, 14! X iif in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Family. 30 The Engraved Works of HOWARD, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR GEORGE, K.B. Of the Effingham branch of the Howards ; Privy Councillor ; Governor of Chelsea Hospital ; Governor of Jersey ; M.P. for Stamford ; a Field Marshal, and Colonel of the ist Dragoon Guards. Died i6th May, 1796. In an oval, in uniform ; curious effect of light on his sash, which is tied round his waist, on what appears to be a breastplate under the uniform coat. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1760. Size, 12 X 10 in. The same plate altered to Sir G. Howard, LL.D. Picture painted (as General Howard) 1758. At Arundel. HUGHES, ADMIRAL SIR EDWARD, K.B. Son of Edward Hughes, Esq., of Hartingfordbury, Herts ; he served over fifty years in the Navy ; was at Porto Bello with Admiral Vernon ; at Louis- berg with Boscawen ; at Quebec with Sir Charles Saunders ; and was Com- mander-in- Chief in the East Indies. Died, "full of years and honour," I7th January, 1794, aged 77. Whole-length, in uniform, with Star and Ribbon of the Bath ; right hand holding a staff and letter, " on His Majesty's Service ; " a fort and two ships in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1786. Size, 22^ X 15 in. Picture painted 1786. At Greenwich Hospital. HUME, SIR ABRAHAM, Bart, F.R.S. Son of Sir Abraham Hume of Wormley-Bury, Herts ; succeeded his father, 1772; was the well-known Virtuoso and Fellow of the Royal Society ; he attained a great age. He had two daughters, co-heirs : one married Lord Farnborough, and had no issue; the other married, 1810, John, ist Viscount Alford and Earl Brownlow. Sir Joshua Reynolds left in his will, " to Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, the choice of my Claude Lorraines." In an oval, looking to his left ; powdered hair ; white cravat ; white waistcoat ; coat half open. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1783. Size, 13! X io| in. Private plate. Another by C. H. HODGES, 1791. Size, 11 x gf in. There were two portraits painted, one in 1783, the other in 1789. One is in the National Gallery, the other is y% the possession of Earl Brownlow, Ashridge Park. HUNTER, JOHN, F.R.S. The celebrated Surgeon ; born, 1728 ; apprenticed to a cabinet-maker ; went to London, and became Anatomical Assistant to his famous brother, Dr. W. Hunter; in 1760 he was appointed Staff-Surgeon, and served at Belleisle and in Portugal ; in 1767 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society and Surgeon to St. George's Hospital; in 1776 he was appointed Surgeon Extraordinary to the King. His fame as a Comparative Anatomist is world- wide ; his Museum was purchased by the Government for I5,ooo/. and transferred to the College of Surgeons. Died, 1793. Half-length, sitting ; face looking up ; left elbow resting on a table ; hand to his chin ; a pen in right hand ; book with anatomical drawings and part of skeleton, &c. on table. Engraved in line by WILLIAM SHARP, 1788. Size, i6 X 18^ in. Picture painted in 1785. In the possession of the College of Surgeons. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 3 1 HUTCHINSON, RIGHT HON. JOHN HELY, LL.D. Secretary of State in Ireland ; son of Francis Hely, Esq. of Gertrough ; took the name of Hutchinson in right of his wife, heiress to her uncle, Richard Hutchinson of Knocklofty ; called to the Bar in 1748 ; M.P. for Lough- borough, 1759; and afterwards for Cork, 1761; Secretary of State and Keeper of the Privy Seal for Ireland, 1777 ; obtained a Peerage for his wife as Baroness Donoughmore. Three-quarter length, sitting ; laced bands ; right hand and arm on table ; left hand resting on his leg ; inkstand and papers on table to his left. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1778. Size, 16 X I2 in. Picture painted in 1777. In the possession of the Countess of Donough- more (1867). JAMES, SIR WILLIAM, Bart. F.R.S. The Hero of Fort Goriah ; Conqueror of Angria, the great Indian pirate ; Commodore in the East India Company's service; created a Baronet, 1778; a Fellow of the Royal Society; one of the Governors of Greenwich Hospital ; one of the Elder Brethren and Deputy-Master of the Trinity House ; one of the Directors and Deputy- Chairman of the East India Company ; M.P. for West Looe. Died, 1785. Three-quarter length ; in naval uniform ; right hand on anchor, holding a scroll, as drawing of a fort ; left hand to his side ; white cravat and frill ; ruffles at the wrists. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1783. Size, 15! X 125 in. Also a small oval, half-length, with arms, engraved in the dotted manner by Ridley. Picture painted in 1780. In the possession of Sir R. Levinge, Bart. JENYNS, SOAME, Esq. Only son of Sir Robert Jenyns ; born, 1704 ; M.P. for Cambridge ; Com- missioner of the Board of Trade ; Author of various poems ; a " Free Enquiry into the Origin of Evil," &c. Died, 1787. Half-length, left elbow resting on a table, the hand up to the face ; white cravat ; lace ruffles ; books on table to his left. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1776. Size, 12^ X loin. Also a small oval, with emblematic figures below, engraved by J. Heath, 1789. Picture painted in 1757. In the possession of George Jenyns, Esq. JOHNSON, SAMUEL, LL.D., &c. The famous Lexicographer, and one of the most distinguished of the men of letters of the i8th century; born at Lichfield, 1709; educated at Pem- broke College, Oxford ; came to London in 1737, in company with David Garrick ; in 1747 commenced his English Dictionary, for which he received I575/. : it was published in 1755. I n J 7^2 the King granted him a pension of 3OO/. ; in 1773 he went to the Hebrides accompanied by Boswell, an account of which he published; in 1781 he completed his "Lives of the English Poets." Died in 1784. Three-quarter length, sitting in an arm-chair, covered with chequered 32 The Engraved Works of stuff; a pen in his right hand; a table before him; his left hand on a paper; on the table an inkstand and a volume of his Dictionary. Engraved in line by JAMES HEATH, 1791. Size, 6f X 5 in. Another, octavo, by J. Baker, 1791. Another in the dotted manner; no name of engraver. Size, 7f X 5f- in. Picture painted 1756, and afterwards presented by Sir Joshua Reynolds to Boswell. It is now in the possession of Charles Morrison, Esq., 93 Harley Street. JOHNSON, DR. SAMUEL. Half-length, in loose dress, without his wig ; eyes nearly closed ; hands raised and bent in a peculiar manner ; on a pedestal of a column are some books, and an inkstand with a pen in it. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 16 x 13 in. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Duke of Sutherland. There is a duplicate at Knole. JOHNSON, DR. SAMUEL. Half-length, seated ; full face ; in wig and brown coat ; a heavy expres- sion, as of pain, in the face. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DOUGHTY, 1784. Size, 15! X 13 in. Another, oval, with pedestal and two figures at base, by J. Cook, 1787. Size, i2 x 8| in. Another, in the mixed manner, by W. Hall. Size, 6| X Sg in. Also a number of small ovals engraved for his different works. Picture painted 1773, for Bennet Langton. Now in the National Gallery. There are repetitions of this portrait in the possession of the Marquess of Bute and of Mr. Massingburd ; one was painted for Mrs. Thrale, which was sold at Mr. Watson Taylor's sale, 182-1, for 493 guineas. JOHNSON, DR. SAMUEL. Oval ; half-length ; holding a book in both hands close to his face. Engraved by J. HALL, 1787. Size, 6| X 4| in. Another by J. FITTLER, A.R.A. Size, 6| x 4 in. A circle prefixed to his Dictionary, by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI. Picture painted 1775. In the possession of the Rev. T. Rooper; duplicate was in the possession of the late Bishop of Ely. JONES, SIR WILLIAM. The celebrated Orientalist, Lawyer, and Indian Judge; born, 1743 ; edu- cated at Harrow and Oxford ; he was private tutor to Lord Al thorp, after- wards Earl Spencer ; made a Commissioner of Bankruptcy, 1776; appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of Bengal, and knighted ; embarked for India 1783. Died in India, 1794. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 33 Half-length ; three-quarter face ; white cravat ; right arm resting on a pedestal, holding a book in his right hand ; coat with fur lapels. Engraved in line by J. HALL, 1782. Size, 6| X 4f in. In this engraving the hand is not seen. Another, in stipple, by J. Heath, 1799. Size, 5^ x 4.3 in. With the hand holding a book. Picture painted 1768. In the possession of Earl Spencer. KEPPEL, HON. AUGUSTUS. Born, 1785 ; second son of William Anne, 2nd Earl of Albemarle ; he adopted the Naval profession, accompanied Lord Anson round the world, and attained the rank of Admiral in 1762 ; in 1778 he commanded the Channel fleet, and on the I2th July attacked the French fleet off Ushant, but without any decisive result. Sir Hugh Palliser, second in com- mand, preferred a charge against the Admiral ; he was brought to a court martial, and honourably acquitted ; his counsel were Dunning, Lee, and Erskine ; he was raised to the peerage as Viscount Keppel in 1782, and died unmarried, 1786. One of Sir Joshua's earliest friends and patrons, and his whole-length portrait, as Captain Keppel, established the painter's reputation. Mason says, " A figure so animated, so well drawn, and all its accompaniments so perfectly in unison with it, I believe never was produced before by an English pencil." Whole-length, in naval uniform, bareheaded, walking on the sea-shore ; his right arm and'hand extended ; left hand on his sword ; a stormy sea on his left ; high rocks on his right. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1759. Size, 18} X 14 in. Picture painted 1753. In the possession of the Earl of Albemarle at Quiddenham. KEPPEL, HON. AUGUSTUS. As above. Three-quarter length, right hand holding a walking-stick ; cocked hat under left arm ; lapel of his uniform coat turned over on the left side, and buttoned to waistcoat ; left arm bent, hand resting on hip ; the waistcoat plain, not embroidered ; the sea in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1760. Size, 13! x n in. Another, altered ; a telescope in right hand ; left on hilt of sword ; waist- coat embroidered ; ships engaging in the distance. No name of engraver. Size, 13X9! in. Picture painted about 1760. In the possession of the Duke of Bedford, at Woburn. Another in the National Portrait Gallery. KEPPEL, HON. AUGUSTUS. As above, when Admiral of the Blue. Half-length, in uniform ; front face, looking to his right. Engraved in mezz. by W. DOUGHTY, 1779. Size, 15! X I2| in. Picture painted 1779. In the National Collection. Tom Taylor states that there are no fewer than nine portraits of Admiral Keppel said to be from the hand of Reynolds. 34 The Engraved Works of KILDARE, JAMES, EARL OF. Only surviving son of Robert, igth Earl ; created, 1746, Viscount Leinster; 1761, Marquess of Kildare ; 1766, Duke of Leinster; married, 1746, Emilia Mary, daughter of Charles, Duke of Richmond. Died, 1773. Three-quarter length, in his robes ; left hand holding a scroll ; right hand extended. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, iaf x <)l in. Picture painted about 1755. In the possession of the Family. KINGSLEY, W., Esq. Major-General and Colonel of " Kingsley's Foot," so distinguished in the campaign of 1759 ; made Governor of Fort William, N.B. Died, 1768. Half-length, oval ; in uniform, with a breastplate ; three-quarter face. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1760. Size, 13! X io| in. Another of the same, the plate reduced. Also a small oval, by R. Hancock. Picture painted in 1760. LAMBE, PENISTON, WILLIAM, and FREDERICK JAMES. The three sons of Sir Peniston Lambe, Bart., 1st Viscount Melbourne. PENISTON was M.P. for Herts, and died unmarried. WILLIAM became 2nd Viscount, and Secretary of State under Lord Grey, and afterwards First Lord of the Treasury. Died, 1848. FREDERICK JAMES, afterwards Lord Beauvale, distinguished as a diplomatist, succeeded as 3rd Viscount. Inscribed, " The Affectionate Brothers ; " the eldest sitting, supporting the youngest boy in a hat and feather ; the other standing with one foot on a stone. Engraved in mezz. by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1791. Size, 13^ X 9! in. Picture painted in 1790. In the possession of the Dowager-Countess Cowper, at Wrest Park. LAWRENCE, STRINGER. One of Clive's heroes ; a Major-General, and Commander-in- Chief in the East Indies. Born, 1697. Died 1775, aged 78. Whole-length, standing by the side of his tent ; a stick in his right hand his sword in his left ; in the distance a view of a fortress, with cavalry, &c. Engraved in the dotted manner by E. A. EZEKIEL, 1761. Size, 19^ x I2| in. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart. ANOTHER, half-length, in an oval, with breastplate ; looking to his left ; powdered hair. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON. Size, 13 X ioj in. A copy of this by R. Purcell. Picture painted 1767. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 35 LEE, JOHN. A most popular Lawyer ; one of the Counsel for Admiral Keppel ; he returned the fee of iooo/. which the Admiral sent him, only asking for a portrait, which Reynolds painted for him ; he was Solicitor-General in 1786, and Knighted. Three-quarter length, sitting in an arm-chair, in wig and gown, with long lace bands ; his right hand on the arm of the chair ; behind is a curtain, with books, &c. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES, 1788. Size, 18 X 13! in. One of his finest works. Picture painted 1786. In the possession of C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. (1867). LEGGE, HON. WILLIAM. Second son of William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth. Born, 1757. Died, 1784. Half-length, in an oval ; as a boy, in a Vandyke dress ; cloak over his right shoulder ; left sleeve slashed ; front of dress slashed ; looking to his right ; fair hair. Engraved in mezz. by I. SPILSBURY, 1764. Size, iif X 9 in. An octavo copy by N. Salway. Picture painted in 1763. In the possession of the Earl of Dartmouth. LEINSTER, WILLIAM ROBERT, 2ND DUKE or, K.P. Born, 1749 ; succeeded his father in 1773 ; married, 1775, Emilia Olivia, only daughter of George Usher, Lord St. George. Died, 1804. Three-quarter length, sitting in a chair ; right arm on a paper on a table ; left arm resting on arm of chair ; hand to the waistcoat ; coat trimmed with fur ; knees crossed. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DIXON, 1775. Size, i8 x 13^ in. Proof impressions of this fine specimen of mezzotint engraving are rare. Picture painted in 1774. In the possession of the Family. LELAND, THOMAS, D.D. Librarian of Trinity College, Dublin. Died, 1785. Half-length, in an oval ; in canonicals ; wig and bands. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1777. Size, I2g X 9g in. Picture painted in 1776. In the possession of Captain Farrer, Gutha- lougha (1860). LEWISHAM, GEORGE, VISCOUNT, K.G. Born, 1755 > succeeded his father, as 3rd Earl of Dartmouth, 1801 ; married, 1782, Frances, daughter of Heneage, 3rd Earl of Aylesford He was M.P. for Plymouth, 1773 '> f r th e City of Stafford, 1783 ; President of the Board of Control ; Lord Steward of the Household ; called to the House of Lords during the lifetime of his father. Died, 1810. Oval, half-length ; as a youth, in Vandyke dress ; left sleeve slashed ; cloak over right shoulder ; dress not slashed ; front face ; dark hair over the forehead ; looking to his left. Engraved in mezz. by I. SPILSBURY, 1764. Size, iif X 8 in. Picture painted in 1763. In the possession of the Earl of Dartmouth. 36 The Engraved Works of LIFFORD, RIGHT HON. JAMES HEWITT, VISCOUNT. Born, [709 ; an eminent Barrister ; Judge of the Court of King's Bench ; Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, 1767 ; created Baron Lifford, 1768 ; and Viscount, 1781. Died, 1789. Whole-length, sitting in his robes ; his left arm resting on a table, on which is the mace. Engraved in mezz. by ROBERT DUNKARTON, 1790. Size, 23^ X i6| in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of Lord Lifford. LIGONIER, JOHN, EARL OF. He served in all the wars of Queen Anne, under the Duke of Marl- borough ; made prisoner at the battle of Laufeldt, 1747 ; presented to Louis XV., and was soon released ; created Viscount, 1757, and Earl, 1766 ; Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces, and Field Marshal. Died 1770, aged 91, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. On horseback ; staff in right hand ; horse rearing ; army in background ; battle-field, supposed to be Dettingen, on which he was knighted under the Royal Standard. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1760. Size, 21 x 18 in. Another, octavo, in the dotted manner, by J. Collyer. Picture painted 1760. In the National Gallery. LOCKHART, JOHN, Captain R.N. Afterwards Admiral Sir John Lockhart Ross, Bart., 6th Baronet ; born, 1721 ; succeeded his brother, 1780; assumed the name of Ross on suc- ceeding to the property of his uncle, General Ross; made Admiral, 1779; highly distinguished himself when in command of the Tartar; his action with seven French privateers, in 1759, was substantially rewarded by the merchants of London and Bristol ; he assisted in the relief of Gibraltar. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Dundas of Arniston, Lord President of the Court of Session. Died, 1790. Three-quarter length, in uniform; left arm across the body, supported by the right hand, which holds a staff ; the fore-finger of the left hand points to a ship in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1766. Size, 13^ X 11 in. Picture painted 1762. In the possession of Sir Charles Ross, Balnagowan Castle, Ross-shire. LOUGHBOROUGH, ALEXANDER WEDDERBURN, LORD. Eldest son of Peter Wedderburn of Chesterhall, a Lord of Session, generally known in Scotland as Lord Chesterhall ; brought up to the English Bar; attained great reputation as a lawyer; born, 1733; called to the bar, 1757; was M.P. for Richmond, in Yorkshire; appointed Solicitor-General, 1771 ; Attorney-General, 1778; Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and created Baron Loughborough, 1780; Lord Chancellor, 1793; created Earl of Rosslyn, 1801. Died in 1805. Three-quarter length, sitting in his robes ; his arm resting on the arm ot a chair ; a paper in his left hand. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1786. Size, 18 x 13! in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of the Earl of Sheffield. Sir JosJma Reynolds. 37 LUCAN, CHARLES BINGHAM, LORD. Sir Charles Bingham, M.P. for the County of Mayo ; created, 1776, Baron Lucan of Castlebar, and Earl of Lucan, 1795 ; married Margaret, daughter and sole heir of John Smith, Esq., of Cannons Leigh, Devon ; by her he had four children, two of whom, Lavinia, Countess Spencer, and Anne (died unmarried), were painted by Sir Joshua. Half-length, in the dress of the period ; powdered hair ; face turned to the left. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1787. Size, 13 X io| in. Picture painted 1780. In the possession of Earl Spencer. LUCAS, CHARLES, M.D. An Irish Physician ; he was compelled to leave Ireland on account of his political principles ; came to London ; was regarded as a martyr to liberty, and eulogised by Dr. Johnson ; he edited, 1758, Swift's " History of the Last Four Years of the Reign of Queen Anne ;" he was afterwards M.P. for Dublin, and a statue erected to his memory is in the Exchange, Dublin. Died in 1771. Half-length, in a wig, bands, and gown ; holding a scroll with a Latin inscription (thesis for his Doctor's degree) in his hand. Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL, 1756. Size, io| X 8f in. Picture painted 1756. In the possession of the Earl of Charlemont. (?) MACPHERSON, JAMES, M.P. Editor of " Ossian ;" born at Kingussie, 1738; died 1796. Dr. Johnson treated him as an impostor, and would not believe in Fingal or Ossian. Oval ; half-length ; dress trimmed with fur ; a roll of paper in his right hand ; looking to his right. Engraved in stipple by J. K. SHERWIN, 1775. Size, 7 X 6 in. A copy of this engraving by W. Bond. Size, 7| X 6 in. Picture painted 1772. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. MALDEN, VISCOUNT, and LADY ELIZABETH CAPEL. Children of William Anne, 4th Earl of Essex. Viscount Maiden, born 1757, became 5th Earl ; a D.C.L. and F.S.A. ; took the surname of Coningsby. Died, 1839. Lady Elizabeth married John, 3rd Earl Monson. Whole-lengths. Lord Maiden stands in a Vandyke dress, with a stick in his right hand ; his sister is sitting, holding a wreath of flowers in her left hand ; a basket of flowers at her feet ; left arm rests on a pedestal, on which is a vase ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by C. TURNER. Size, i8| X Hi in. Picture painted in 1768. In the possession of the Earl of Essex, Cashio- bury. 38 The Engraved Works of MALONE, THE RIGHT HON. ANTHONY. Born, 1700; eldest son of Richard Malone of Baronston, County West- meath. He became, like his father, one of the brightest ornaments of the Irish Bar; M.P. for Westmeath ; appointed Prime Serjeant, 1740; Chan- cellor of the Exchequer for Ireland, 1757 ; but was removed in 1760 ; married Rose, daughter of Sir Ralph Gore, Speaker of the House of Commons. Died, 1776. Three-quarter length, sitting in his robes, with a long wig and long lace bands ; his right arm rests on a table ; a roll of paper in his hand. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1779. Size, 18 x 13! in. Picture painted 1774-5. 1 tne possession of Mrs. O'Connor. MALONE, EDMUND. The well-known Commentator of Shakespeare ; nephew of the above ; born, 1741 ; son of Edmund, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Ireland, who was second son of Richard Malone ; educated at Trinity College, Dublin; called to the Irish Bar, 1767 ; devoted himself to literature : 1790, published an edition of Shakespeare ; 1795, exposed the imposture of the Irelands; one of Sir Joshua Reynolds' executors ; published a Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Life of Dryden, and a Biographical Sketch of the Right Hon. William Windham. Died, 1812. Half-length ; powdered wig ; holding a book in his right hand. Engraved in the dotted manner by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1787. Size, 3f X 3 in. Another, without the book, by C. Knight, 1791. Size, 5 x 4 in. Picture painted 1786. In the possession of the Rev. W. H. Rooper. MANNERS, LORD ROBERT, Captain R.N. Second son of John, Marquess of Granby, the famous General ; he com- manded the Resolution frigate, and was killed in Lord Rodney's action, April 1 2th, 1782. Whole-length, in uniform ; short cravat ; frilled shirt ; his right hand resting on an anchor ; left arm bent, hand resting on his hip ; in the distance some line-of-battle ships. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1783. Size, 23! x 15^ in. Picture commenced in 1782. In the possession of the Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle. This portrait was painted after Lord Robert's death, and finished in 1784. MANSFIELD, WILLIAM MURRAY, IST EARL OF. Born at Scone, 1705 ; fourth son of Lord Stormont ; educated at West- minster and Oxford ; called to the Bar, 1731 ; Solicitor-General and M.P., 1743; Attorney-General, 1754; Lord Chief Justice of England and Baron Mansfield, 1756 ; created an Earl, 1776. Died 1793, aged 88. Three-quarter length ; front face ; sitting in his robes and wig as Lord Chief Justice ; on his right a table, with inkstand and papers. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1787. Size, i6| x 13! in. Picture painted 1785-6. In the possession of the Earl of Mansfield. Sir yos/ma Reynolds. 39 MARCHI, GUISEPPE. Born in Italy ; brought to England by Reynolds ; became his pupil and assistant, and afterwards a celebrated mezzotint engraver. Nearly profile, with a turban and fur waistcoat. Engraved in mezz. by INIGO SPILSBURY, 1761. Size, lof x 9 in. Picture painted 1760. In the possession of the Royal Academy. MARKHAM, WILLIAM, D.D. Master of Westminster School; Bishop of Chester, 1771 ; Archbishop of York, 1777. Died, 1807. As Dr. Markham ; half-length, with a book in his hand ; gown and bands. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER ; his last engraving. Size, n J X 9r in. This plate was found among Mr. Fisher's effects after his decease. Picture painted 1759. MARKHAM, W., D.D., when ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. Three-quarter length, standing ; in full canonicals ; column and curtain behind ; holding his cap in his hand. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1778. Size, i8J x 14 in. Picture painted 1777. At Christchurch, Oxford. MARLBOROUGH, CHARLES SPENCER, 2ND DUKE OF, K.G. Married, 1732, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Lord Trevor; a Brigadier- General in the Army ; commanded a Brigade of Foot Guards at the battle of Dettingen, 1743 ; Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in Germany, 1758; and died of fever in the same year at Miinster, in Westphalia. Half-length, in uniform ; engraved breastplate ; ribbon and star ; looking to his right ; black cravat. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1758. Size, io| x 9 in. Picture painted 1757 (unfinished). In the possession of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim. MARLBOROUGH, GEORGE, 3RD DUKE OF, and FAMILY. The group consists of George, 3rd Duke, sitting in Court dress ; Caroline, his Duchess, standing in the centre, her right hand touching the Duke's left arm ; by the Duke's right stands George, Marquess of Blandford (afterwards 4th Duke), his hand on the Duke's shoulder, at his feet a dog ; on the left of the Duchess, Lord Henry ; next to him Lady Caroline (afterwards Lady Clifden), looking to her sister, Lady Elizabeth ; in front of the Duchess, Lady Charlotte, holding a mask, and Lady Anne (afterwards Countess of Shaftesbury), drawing back with a frightened expression, and grasping Lady Elizabeth's dress ; an Italian greyhound at her feet, and a spaniel ; a statue on a pedestal, an arch with a draped curtain, &c. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES TURNER. Size, 29! X 20^ in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim. This engraving does not belong to the dates specified in this Catalogue ; but being a fine specimen of one of the well-known mezzotint engravers of the last century I have included it. 4O The Engraved Works of MASON, REV. WILLIAM. Prebendary of York ; born, 1725 ; educated at Cambridge ; author of " Isis," and other poems ; made one of the King's Chaplains, but was dis- missed, owing to his advocacy of freedom for the American Colonies ; he wrote, under the name of " McGregor," the heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers ; he was a good amateur artist and art critic, and gave Sir Joshua Reynolds the easel which is now in possession of the Royal Academy. Died in 1797. Half-length, holding a roll of paper in his left hand. Engraved in mezz. by W. DOUGHTY, 1779. Size, 15! X 13 in. Another engraving by JAMES WATSON. Picture painted 1779. At Pembroke College, Cambridge. MILBANKE, RALPH. Afterwards Sir Ralph Milbanke, 6th Baronet ; brother of Lady Melbourne; married, 1777, Judith, daughter of Sir Edward Noel, Viscount Wentworth, and by whom he had an only daughter, Anna Isabella, who married (Jan. 1815) the celebrated Lord Byron. Half-length, oval; laced coat; open waistcoat ; three-quarter face ; looking to his left. Engraved in the dotted manner by J. MACUARD, 1785. Size, 4 X 3.^ in. On the plate, " Jos. Reinold pinxt." Picture painted 1779. I n tne possession of the Family. MOIRA, EARL OF. See RAWDON. MORPETH, GEORGE, LORD. Born, 1773 ; succeeded as 6th Earl of Carlisle, 1825 ; father of the well- known Statesman ; Lord Lieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire, and a Knight of the Garter; married, 1801, Georgiana, eldest daughter and co-heir of William, 5th Duke of Devonshire. Died, October 1848. Half-length, in an oval, as a boy ; long hair; large shirt collar; looking to his left. Engraved in mezz. and in line by THOMAS TROTTER, 1787. Size, in line, 13! X iof in. ; in mezz., 13^ X iof in. Picture painted in 1786. In the possession of the Earl of Carlisle at Castle Howard. MUDGE, REV. ZACHARIAH, D.D. Prebendary of Exeter ; Vicar of St. Andrew's, Plymouth ; author of an ingenious Essay for a New Version of the Psalms. Reynolds' earliest friend. In canonicals ; his right hand to his chin ; book in front. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1790. Size, n X 9 in. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of Lady Chantrey. ANOTHER, in reading cap ; three-quarter face ; plain dress ; right arm resting on a book on a table. Engraved in mezz. by R. DAWE. Size, n X 8| in. A smaller one by the same, in an oval. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 41 MUDGE, JOHN, M.D., F.R.S. An eminent Physician at Plymouth ; son of the above ; he improved the construction of the reflecting telescope. Died in 1791. Half-length; turning over leaves of a book ; velvet cap. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1790. Size, 13! X iof in. Another, by WILLIAM DICKINSON. Size, 13^ x iof in. Picture painted 1752. In the possession of W.Mudge,Esq.,Buckland,near Plympton, Devon. NEWTON, THOMAS, D.D. Bishop of Bristol and Dean of St. Paul's ; born at Lichfield, 1704 ; educated at Westminster and Cambridge ; published, 1749, an edition of Milton's "Paradise Lost," and "Paradise Regained;" in 1750, his "Dis- sertation on the Prophecies;" Bishop of Bristol, 1761 ; Dean of St. Paul's 1768. Died, 1782. Three-quarter length, in canonicals ; holding a square cap in his hand ; in the background a view of St. Paul's. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1773. Size, 16 X I2 in. Also a small quarto in line from the same engraving. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of the Archbishop of Canter- bury, Lambeth Palace. NORTHUMBERLAND, HUGH PERCY, EARL OF, K.G. Sir Hugh Smithson, Bart. He married Lady Elizabeth Seymour, daughter of the Duke of Somerset ; succeeded as Earl of Northumberland in 1750 ; created Duke of Northumberland in 1766. Half-length ; three-quarter face ; in the robes of the Garter, with the collar; powdered hair. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1762. Size, 19! x 14! in. The same plate reduced. Size, T2| X 10 in. Picture painted 1759-60. In the possession of the Duke of Northumber- land. OMAI. An Otaheitan Chief, brought over by Captain Furneaux. Whole-length, in an Eastern dress, with turban ; naked feet ; an Eastern landscape. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JACOBS, 1777. Size, 22| X 15! in. Picture painted in 1776. In the possession of the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard. ORLEANS, Louis PHILIPPE JOSEPH. The famous Egalite" ; born, 1747 ; father of Louis Philippe, King of the French ; he voted for the death of Louis XVI., and was present at his execution ; he was himself guillotined in 1793. Sir Joshua said he never saw a man stand so well, wholly unoccupied, as the Duke of Orleans. Whole-length, in Hussar uniform ; his right hand holding his busby ; a black attendant holds his horse ; to the right, in the distance, a castle. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH. Size, 24 X 17! in. Picture painted 1786. Burnt at Carlton House. G 42 The Engraved Works of PAINE, JAMES, AND HIS SON. One of the founders of the Society of Artists ; a well-known Architect. Three-quarter length ; the father sitting ; the son leaning over him, looking at an architectural drawing. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1764. Size, 16 x I2| in. Picture painted 1764. In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. PATERSON, JOHN. City Solicitor ; clerk to the Irish Society, and clerk to the Commissioners of the Land Tax ; he was Page to the Earl of Stair in 1715 ; his grandfather was the last Archbishop of Glasgow ; he was one of the pall-bearers at Garrick's funeral. Died 1789, in his 85th year. Half-length, sitting ; in powdered wig, white neckcloth and frill ; coat with ornamental buttons and loops ; holding in his hand, a plan to raise 3oo,ooo/. to complete Blackfriars Bridge, redeeming the toll, and embanking the Thames. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1777. Size, I2g X io| in. Picture painted 1777. PEMBROKE, HENRY, IOTH EARL OF. Born July, 1 734 ; married, 1 7 56, Elizabeth, second daughter of Charles, 2nd Duke of Marlborough ; Lieutenant-General in the Army. Died, 1794. In military costume ; black cravat over white one ; sash over left shoulder ; right arm bent, hand on the hilt of his sword ; battle in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DIXON, 1772. Size, i6f x 13 in. Picture painted 1768. At Wilton. PEMBROKE, HENRY, loth EARL OF, with ELIZABETH, COUNTESS OF PEMBROKE, and their Son GEORGE, LORD HERBERT. The Countess sitting ; a turban on her head ; her left hand holding the left hand of her son, who has a book in his right hand. The Earl in same costume as the first, standing by his side. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1773. Size, 13! X I0j in. Picture painted 1772. At Wilton. PERCY, THOMAS, D.D., Dean of Carlisle. Born, 1728, at Bridgnorth, in Shropshire; educated at Oxford ; Chaplain in Ordinary to the King ; Dean of Carlisle, 1778 ; Bishop of Dromore, 1782. Author of " Percy's Relics," " Hermit of Warkworth," &c. Half-length, in a velvet cap ; gown and bands ; face turned to his left ; holding a parchment volume marked " MSS." in his left hand. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1775. Size, 13^ X io| in. An octavo, in the dotted manner, from the same ; no name of engraver. Also a small oval octavo. Picture painted 1773. Formerly in possession of W. Seward, Esq. Sir yoshua Reynolds. 43 PITCAIRN, WILLIAM, M.D., F.R.S. Born, 171 1 ; Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1750; President, 1775-84. Died 1791, aged 80. In his gown as President of the College of Physicians ; two buttons visible on his coat ; curled powdered wig ; four stars on the gown on the left shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES. Size, 13^ X io| in. Proof impres- sions are very rare. Picture painted 1777. In the College of Physicians, London. PORTLAND, WILLIAM HENRY CAVENDISH, 3RD DUKE OF. Born, 1738; a distinguished Statesman in the time of George III. ; twice Prime Minister ; married, 1766, Dorothy, daughter of William, 4th Duke of Devonshire. Died October, 1809. Three-quarter length, sitting in a chair ; his right hand to his cheek ; left holding a paper inscribed " India Bill ; " on the table some bronzes and books ; in the distance columns of an arcade. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN MURPHY, 1785. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of the Duke of Portland. POTT, PERCIVAL, F.R.S. An eminent Surgeon; born in London, 1713; surgeon to St. Bartho- lomew's Hospital; 1 749 ; John Hunter was one of his pupils ; inventor of many useful surgical instruments ; he wrote several professional works. Died, 1788. Three-quarter length, sitting ; a powdered wig ; looking to his right ; hands on the arm of his chair ; knees crossed ; on his right is a table with papers and books. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES TOWNLEY, 1784. Size, 17! x 14 in. Also a small oval, head and shoulders, by Heath, 1790. Picture painted 1784. At St. Bartholomew's Hospital. RAWDON, LORD. Francis Rawdon, a distinguished and gallant Soldier, an eloquent and popular Statesman; born, 1754; son of the Earl of Moira, to which title he succeeded in 1793. He entered the army in 1771, and highly distinguished himself in the American war ; became Adjutant-General and a Brigadier ; on his return was created, 1783, Baron Rawdon ; in 1794, as Major-General, he joined the Duke of York in Holland ; in 1806 was Master-General of the Ordnance, and in 1812 Governor-General of India, which he held for ten years ; in 1816, created Marquess of Hastings ; in 1824, Governor of Malta ; and died on board the Revenge in the Bay of Baia?, 1825. He married, 1804, Flora Muir, Countess of Loudon in her own right ; and on his death- bed requested that his right hand should be cut off and preserved till the death of the Marchioness, and then buried with her : this request was com- plied with. Whole-length, in uniform ; his cocked hat and sword in his right hand ; left arm raised, the forefinger touching the chin ; the drapery of a tent attached to a tree ; in the distance a battle. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1792. Size, 24 x 15 in. Picture painted 1789. In the Royal Collection. 44 The Engraved Works of REYNOLDS, REV. JOHN. Fellow of Eton College ; Canon of St. Peter's, Exeter ; uncle of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Died 1758, aged 87. Three-quarter length, sitting in a high arched-back chair with checked stuffing at the back; in canonicals; his handkerchief under his hands, which are crossed together ; curtain ; books and shelves. Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL. Size, 12^ X 9! in. Picture painted 1756. At Eton College. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA, P.R.A., F.R.S., LL.D. The greatest of English portrait-painters ; born at Plympton, in Devon- shire, in 1723; he early showed a talent for drawing; at 17 he came to London and became a pupil of Hudson, a well known portrait-painter, under whom he studied for two years ; owing to a quarrel with Hudson he returned to Devonshire and commenced painting portraits on his own account, but soon went back to London, and again returned to Devonshire in 1746, summoned there by the last illness of his father. In 1749 he made the acquaintance of Captain Keppel, and sailed with him to the Medi- terranean on board the Centurion, and afterwards visited Italy, where he stayed, studying the old masters, till 1753, and on his return to England at once took the position to which his talents entitled him, and became the principal portrait-painter of the day, perhaps the greatest England has pro- duced. He was the first President of the Royal Academy, founded in 1768, and in that capacity he delivered his well-known discourses. He continued to exercise his profession in full vigour till 1790, when his eyesight suddenly failed him. He died at his house in Leicester Square, February 23rd, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral on the 3rd of March, 1792. Half-length ; three-quarter face ; a loose cloak thrown over the shoulders ; his right hand on a portfolio. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 16 X 13 in. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Dilettanti Society. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. In cap and gown ; right hand holding a paper ; left hand to his waist- coat ; white cravat ; frilled shirt. Engraved in mezz. by C. TOWNLEY, 1777. Also another of the same, in the dotted manner, by J. K. Sherwin, 1784. Size, lof X 9| in. Picture painted in 1775. 1 the Gallery at Florence. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA, as President of the Royal Academy. Three-quarter length ; in cap and gown ; left hand resting on table, on which is a bust of Michael Angelo ; right arm bent ; hand to hip. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1780. Size, 17^ x 14! in. Picture painted 1780. In the possession of the Royal Academy. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 45 REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Half-length, with spectacles, and lines from Seneca on the prints. Engraved in the mixed manner by CAROLINE WATSON, 1789. Size, I2f x 10 in. One smaller by the same engraver. A copy by G. S. Facius. Another in mezz., date 1799. Size, iif X 9! in. No name of engraver. Picture painted 1789. In the Royal Collection. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Half-length, with left hand shading his eyes ; in his right hand a palette and brushes and maul-stick. Engraved in mezz. by S. W. REYNOLDS, 1796. Size, I2| x 10 in. Picture in the National Portrait Gallery. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Half-length ; three-quarter face ; high coat collar ; powdered hair. Engraved in mezz. by CAROLINE KIRKLEY, 1795. There are no fewer than eighteen portraits of Sir Joshua Reynolds painted by himself. RICHMOND, CHARLES LENNOX, DUKE OF. Born, 1733 ; succeeded his father, 1750. He was at the coronation of George III., and carried the sceptre and the dove; was Ambassador to France in 1765 ; Secretary of State in 1766 ; Major-General of Ordnance in 1782. Died, 1806. Three-quarter length, in velvet embroidered dress ; star and ribbon ; left hand on hip, arm bent ; right hand resting on a table ; ruffles at wrist. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1760. There is a copy of this entitled " Marquess of Rockingham." Picture painted 1760. In the possession of the Duke of Richmond. ROBERTSON, W., D.D. The celebrated Historian ; born, 1721 ; author of the " History of Scot- land," " History of Charles V.," " History of America," &c. ; President of the University of Edinburgh in 1762. Died, 1793. Three-quarter length, sitting in his canonicals ; a pen in the right hand ; left arm resting on arm of chair ; to left a table, with books, papers, and inkstand ; a draped curtain at the back. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DIXON, 1772. Size, i8| x 14 in. Another, prefixed to his " History of Scotland," by J. Hall, octavo, oval, the reverse way. Another, octavo, by W. Walker. An oval, half-length, with emblematical figures, by T. Holloway, 1787. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of 46 The Engraved Works of ROBINSON, RICHARD, D.D. Archbishop of Armagh ; Primate of Ireland. Richard, fourth son of William Robinson and Anne, daughter of Robert Walters, Esq., of Cundale, York; went to Ireland in 1751, as first chaplain to the Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant, and was made Bishop of Killala in that year ; under the Duke of Bedford, as Lord Lieutenant, he was translated to the Bishopric of Kildare ; and in 1765, under the Duke of Northumberland, elevated to the Primacy ; nominated Lord Almoner and Prelate of the Order of St. Patrick ; in 1777 created Baron Rokeby of Armagh. Died unmarried, 1794. Half-length, in canonicals ; sitting at a table turning over the leaves of a quarto volume before him ; his back to the spectator ; head turned over his right shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1765. Size, 13! X 11 in. Picture painted 1765. At Christchurch College, Oxford. ROBINSON, RICHARD, D.D. When Primate of Ireland. Three-quarter length, in a long coat ; wearing his hat ; a stick in his right hand ; landscape in the background. Engraved in mezz. by J. R. SMITH, 1775. Size, 17! x 14 in. Picture painted 1772. In the possession of Lord Rokeby. ROCKINGHAM, CHARLES WATSON WENTWORTH, MARQUESS OF, K.G. Born, 1730; succeeded his father, 1750; the celebrated Statesman ; in 1765 become First Lord of the Treasury ; owing to the view he took of American affairs by repealing the Stamp Act, and declaring the right of Great Britain to tax the Colonies, he retired in 1766 ; after the fall of Lord North, in 1782, he was again called to the head of affairs, but died July ist in the same year. Three-quarter length, in the robes of the Garter ; holding a scroll in his right hand ; coronet and plume on the table before him ; portfolio and books under the table ; column and curtain in the background. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1774. Size, 23! X i\\ in. Another, reduced, same plate. Another, by WILLIAM DICKINSON. Size, 17! x 135 in. Another, oval, by B. Killingbeck. Another, oval, octavo, in dotted manner, by J. K. Sherwin. Picture painted 1774. In the Royal Collection. Another at Wentworth. RODNEY, ADMIRAL SIR GEORGE. Born, 1718; son of Captain Rodney, Commander of the King's Yacht; educated at Harrow till 1 2 years of age ; was a Commander under Admiral Hawke in 1747 ; Rear- Admiral in 1759 ; created a Baronet, 1764 ; defeated the Spanish fleet under Langara, off Cape St. Vincent, 1780; obtained a glorious victory over Count de Grasse on the memorable I2th April, 1782, for which he was created Baron Rodney. The result of this victory was the Sir Joshua Reynolds- 47 Peace of Versailles, 1783. Died in London, 2ist May, 1792. Supposed to be the founder of the celebrated manoeuvre of breaking the line. Three-quarter length, in uniform ; under a rock ; right hand resting on an anchor ; embroidered waistcoat ; sea in a calm. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1778. Size, 14 X u in. Another engraving, as Admiral of the White, by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1780. Size, 15! x I2f in. Another, a small oval, by T. Tomkins, 1781. Another, with a star, as Lord Rodney. Size, 12^ X 9g in. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. A replica in the Royal Collection. ROGERS, CHARLES, F.R.S. Principal Officer of Customs ; a well-known collector and dilettante of the day ; he lived at the Custom House, in Lawrence Pountney Lane. Half-length, oval, looking to his right ; coat trimmed with fur ; he holds a paper in his right hand. Engraved in mezz. by W. WYNNE RYLAND, 1778. Size, 8 X 6f in. There is another, an oval, by Cooke, prefixed to his book of prints in imitation of drawings. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of W. Cotton, Esq. ROMNEY, ROBERT MARSHAM, 2ND BARON, F.R.S., LL.D. Born, 1712 ; President of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce ; married, 1742, Priscilla, daughter of Charles Pym, Esq. Died, 1793. Whole-length, in his robes ; holding a letter in his left hand ; his right on a paper on the table, on which are his coronet and writing materials ; column and curtain. Engraved in mezz. by J. FlNLAYSON, 1773. Size, 23^ X 15 in. A small oval of the same by J. K. Sherwin. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Society of Arts. ROTHES, JOHN, EARL OF, K.T. Lieu tenant- General in the Army, and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Ireland ; succeeded his father as 8th Earl, 1722 ; married, ist, 1741, Hannah, daughter of Mathew Howard, Esq. ; and 2nd, Miss Lloyd, daughter of Mary, Countess of Haddington, by her first husband. Died, 1767. Three-quarter length, in his uniform ; star and ribbon ; breastplate ; sash round waist ; lace coat ; his right hand on sword ; battle in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted in 1763. In the possession of the Family. 48 The Engraved Works of RUTLAND, CHARLES MANNERS, DUKE OF, K.G. Born, 1754 ; son of the famous Marquess of Granby ; succeeded his grandfather as 4th Duke, 1779 ; a great lover of the fine arts ; he gave Sir Joshua I2oo/. for his " Nativity," an enormous price at that time. Died 1787, when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, aged 33. Whole-length, in his robes, with wand of office in his right hand ; plume on the right ; landscape on the left. Engraved in mezz. by W. DICKINSON, 1791. Size, 24! X 15! in. Another by Charles H. Hodges, 1791. Picture painted 1782. Burnt at the fire at Belvoir, 1816. SACKVILLE, LORD GEORGE GERMAIN, VISCOUNT. Vide GERMAIN. SAUNDERS, SIR CHARLES, Admiral R.N., K.C.B. One of Lord Anson's Lieutenants ; a friend of Keppel's, and went by the nickname of " Yellow Jack ; " he fought gallantly while in the Yarmouth, 1747 ; made an Admiral in 1756; commanded the fleet in the expedition against Quebec, 1759 ; and assisted at the capture of that city by General Wolfe, on the heights of Abraham ; was made First Lord of the Admiralty, 1766. Died in 1775. Three-quarter length, in Naval uniform ; his right arm and hand resting on an anchor ; his hat under his left arm ; left hand on the hilt of his sword. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, 13! X io| in. Another of the same, reduced, inscribed " Vice-Admiral of the Blue." Size, I2 X 9! in. Printed for Henry Overton, at the White Horse without Newgate. Sir Charles first sat to Sir Joshua as Admiral Saunders. The plate was altered after he was made a K.C.B., and has the Ribbon of the Order of the Bath across the waistcoat. Size, I2 X 9! in. Picture commenced in 1760, as Admiral Saunders; he sat again, 1765, as Sir Charles Saunders. In the possession of the Earl of Albemarle. SECKER, THOMAS, D.D. Bishop of Bristol, 1734 ; of Oxford, 1737 ; and Archbishop of Canterbury, I 737- This well-known divine was born at Sipthorpe, in Nottinghamshire, in 1693, and was educated to become a Dissenting Minister, but altering his views he took Holy Orders, and was appointed Chaplain to the King and Rector of St. James's, Westminster, and afterwards as above. Died in 1768. Half-length, oval, in his canonicals ; front face. Engraved in the mixed manner by C. TOWNLEY, 1797. Size, 3^ X 3s in. Another, by H. Meyer. Size, 4f X 3! in. Another, by W. Hall. Picture painted 1765. At Lambeth Palace. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 49 SERGUIS, PRINCE and PRINCESS GAGARIN, with their CHILD. He was Commandant of Moscow, and died in England in 1786. Half-length, standing; the child is sitting on a cushion on a table; hands to its mother's neck ; the Princess is placing a gauze scarf round the body of the child ; the Prince is to the left. Engraved by CAROLINE WATSON, 1785. Size, 6% X 4s in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of SHARPE, W. JOSHUA. An eminent Conveyancer. Died, 1787. Half-length, seated ; one hand resting on his thigh, the other supported by the table, on which are papers and an inkstand ; " a calm, bland, sagacious face ;" coat buttoned to the throat ; powdered wig ; a curtain, with books on shelves ; on a deed on the table is written, " Draft Conveyance, W. Peach and others, to Sir Ed. Hughes." Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES, 1786. Size, 17 x 13! in. Picture painted in 1785 for Sir Edward Hughes. In the possession (1854) of Mrs. Vulliamy. SHEFFIELD, JOHN BAKER HOLROYD, LORD. Born, 1735 5 created Baron Sheffield of Dunmore, 1781 ; Earl of Sheffield, 1816; married Lady Anne, daughter of Lord North, 2nd Earl of Guildford; he was known in the literary world as a writer on Political Economy. Died, 1821. Half-length, in his robes ; hair turned back and powdered ; white cravat ; he is looking to his left. Engraved in mezz. by J. JONES, 1789. Size, 8j X 7 in. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of the Earl of Sheffield. SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY. The eminent Statesman, Wit, and Dramatist ; third son of Thomas Sheridan of Quilca, Ireland ; educated at Harrow, and became a student of the Middle Temple, but was never called to the Bar ; he attained great celebrity as an orator, especially during the impeachment of Warren Hastings ; was M.P. for Stafford, and afterwards for Westminster and Ilchester ; he was appointed Treasurer of the Navy and a Privy Councillor ; he purchased Garrick's share of Drury Lane Theatre on that actor's retire- ment ; he married the beautiful Miss Linley, Sir Joshua's " St. Cecilia." He wrote " The Rivals," " The Critic," and " The School for Scandal," which still retain their popularity. Died in 1816. Three-quarter length ; right hand, gloved, resting on a table, on which is a bundle of papers and an inkstand ; coat fastened by two buttons. Engraved in line by JOHN HALL, 1791. Size, 18 x 14 in. There are many small copies of the above by C. Turner and others. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of Lord Kinnaird, Rossie Priory. H 50 The Engraved Works of SHIPLEY, DR. JONATHAN. Bishop of St. Asaph, 1769 ; educated at Oxford. Died in London, 1788. Oval ; front face ; in canonicals. Engraved in mezz. by J. R. SMITH, 1777. Size, I2f X 9f in. Another, octavo, prefixed to his works, by T. Trotter, 1792. Another by Scorodomow. Picture painted 1776. SMITH, JOHN, D.D., F.S.A. Master of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge ; Lowndian Professor Astronomy ; Chancellor of Lincoln. Half-length, in wig and robes. Engraved in the mixed manner by G. S. FACIUS, 1797. Size, 135 X i if in. Picture painted in 1765. SMOLLETT, TOBIAS, M.D. The Historian and Novelist ; author of the " History of England," "Court of Humour," " Plays and Poems," c. Born, 1721. Died at Leghorn, 1771. Engraved in line by S. F. RAVENET, 1777. Prefixed to his " Plays and Poems." Picture painted in 1776. In the possession of Mr. Smollett, Bonhill, Dumbarton. SPENCER, GEORGE JOHN, 2ND EARL, when LORD ALTHORP. Whole-length, in a Vandyke dress ; long hair ; leaning on left elbow on the pedestal of a column, on which a curtain is draped ; his right hand holds a book ; landscape with trees. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES TOWNLEY, 1800. Size, 17 X 13! in. Picture painted in 1776. In the possession of Earl Spencer. SPENCER, LORD HENRY and LADY CHARLOTTE. Children of George, 3rd Duke of Marlborough. As the " Young Fortune-tellers," in an Italian landscape ; the boy in a Vandyke dress ; his left hand in the right hand of his sister, who is telling his fortune. Engraved in stipple by JOHN JONES, 1791. Size, nf x 9^ in. Another by J. K. Sherwin. Picture painted in 1788. In the possession of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim. STANHOPE, HON. LINCOLN. Second son of Charles, 3rd Earl of Harrington ; born, 1781 ; became a Major-General in the Army and C.B. Died, 1840. Half-length, when a child ; white frock ; black sash ; sitting in a land- scape ; holding a drawing in left hand ; pointing to it with right. Engraved in mezz. by T. PARK, 1788. Size, i2j X n in. Picture painted in 1787. In the possession of the Earl of Harrington. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 5 1 STANHOPE, HON. LEICESTER. Third son of Charles, 3rd Earl ; born, 1784 ; married, 1831, Elizabeth, only child of W. Green, Esq., of Jamaica; succeeded, 1851, as 5th Earl of Harrington. Three-quarter length ; a child with a drum ; white frock ; blue sash ; right hand holds the drumstick ; in landscape. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1789. Size, 7f X 6| in. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of the Earl of Harrington. STERNE, REV. LAWRENCE. Author of the " Sentimental Journey," " Tristram Shandy," &c. ; born 1713; educated at Cambridge. Died, 1768. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in a wig and gown ; right elbow on table, hand to face ; forefinger to forehead ; left arm bent ; hand to hip ; knee- breeches ; on table are papers and inkstand ; a ring on the little finger of left hand. Engraved in mezz. by E. FISHER. Size, 13! X log in. Another by the same, reduced. Size, 13 X 10 in. Another, prefixed to his sermons, by S. F. Ravenet, 1761. Also an octavo by A. Wivell. Picture painted 1760. In the possession of the Marquess of Lansdowne. STEWART, ANDREW. M.P. for Lanarkshire. Oval, within a square ; half-length ; powdered hair and pig-tail ; white cravat ; three-quarter face ; dark dress. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1762. Size, 13 X n in. Picture painted in 1761. In the possession of the Family. STRAFFORD, W. WENTWORTH, 2ND EARL OF. Son of Thomas Wentworth, Baron Raby, created Earl of Strafford for his services in the campaign under Marlborough. William, the 2nd Earl, married Lady Anne Campbell, daughter and co-heir of John, Duke of Argyll. Died in 1791. Half-length, in his robes ; embroidered coat and waistcoat ; looking to his right : right hand holding his coronet. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1762. Size, lof X 9 in. Picture painted in 1761. At Wentworth. STRAHAN, W. King's Printer and M.P. for Malmesbury. Born, 1715. Died, 1787. Sitting ; nearly full face ; powdered wig ; a book in his right hand ; fingers between its leaves ; left arm resting on the chair. Engraved in mezz. by J. JONES, 1792. Size, 14 X io| in. Picture painted 1783. In the possession of E. S. Strahan, Esq. 52 The Engraved Works of TARLETON, COLONEL. A Cavalry Officer ; one of the heroes of the American War ; served under Lord Cornwallis ; " as vain as he was brave." " The exploits of Tarleton and his legion are still remembered in the South." He wrote " Com- mentaries on the Campaign in the Carolinas." Whole-length, bending forward ; both hands holding the hilt of his sword ; left leg resting on a dismounted cannon, on which lies a standard ; to his right are two horses' heads, with a soldier holding the bridle. Engraved in mezz. by J. R. SMITH, 1782. Size, 24! x 15! in. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of Wynn Ellis, Esq. TAVISTOCK, FRANCIS, MARQUESS OF. Son of John, 4th Duke of Bedford ; killed by a fall from his horse, 22nd March, 1767. Three-quarter length, sitting ; left arm resting on a table, hand raised to his face ; right arm bent, hand on right knee ; coat trimmed with fur ; embroidered waistcoat ; knee breeches. On the table is a bronze statue, still at Woburn Abbey ; by the side a salver, with books and prints ; behind a curtain ; light clouds on the left. Engraved in mezz. by J. WATSON, 1767. Size, 165 X 135 in. Picture painted 1766. In the possession of the Duke of Bedford, Woburn. TEMPLE, EARL, K.G. Richard, eldest son of Richard Grenville of Wootton, M.P. for Andover bom, 1717 ; became a distinguished Statesman, and Lord Privy Seal, in the beginning of the reign of George III. His opponents nicknamed him "Squire Gawky." Married Anne, daughter of Thomas Chambers of Hanworth ; suc- ceeded to the Earldom on the death of his mother, Countess Temple, 1752. Died, 1779. Three-quarter length ; powdered hair ; in his robes ; embroidered coat ; left hand on the table, on which is a sword and plume, and despatch-box, on which is written " Earl Temple, Stowe ; " right arm bent ; hand to hip. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1778. Size, 17^ X 14 in. Picture painted in 1776. In the possession of the Duke of Buckingham. THOMAS, JOHN, D.D. Bishop of Rochester ; Dean of the Order of the Bath ; Dean of West- minster. Three-quarter length, in his robes of Dean of the Order of the Bath ; wig and bands ; holding a scroll in both hands ; a view of Westminster Abbey in the background. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS PARK, 1788. Size, 17! X 13! in. An octavo size of the above print, engraved in the dotted manner by Joseph Baker, 1796. Picture painted in 1787. In the possession of the Earl of Ellesmere. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 5 3 THURLOW, LORD. Edward, son of the Rev. Thomas Thurlow, Rector of Ashfield, Suffolk ; born, 1732 ; educated at Cambridge ; called to the Bar, 1754 ; Solicitor-General, 1770; Attorney-General, 1771; Lord Chancellor, 1778-1792; one of the most powerful supporters of Lord North. Died at Brighton, 1806. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in his robes as Chancellor, with mace, &c., on the table to his right ; his hands resting on the arms of the chair. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1788. Size, i6| X 13! in. Picture painted 1781. In the possession of the Marquess of Bath. TITCHFIELD, MARQUESS OF. William Henry Cavendish, son of William Henry, 3rd Duke of Portland, the distinguished Statesman; succeeded his father as 4th Duke, 1809; a F.R.S., F.S.A. ; Lord Lieutenant of Middlesex ; born, 1768 ; married, 1795, Henrietta, eldest daughter of General Scott of Balcomie. Died, 1854. Whole length, when a youth, in a landscape ; Vandyke dress ; a stick in his right hand ; left arm bent ; hand to front of dress ; left leg advanced ; rosettes in shoes ; a large tree behind him. Engraved in mezz. by T. JEHNER, 1777. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of the Duke of Portland. TOMKINS, MR. The great Caligrapher of his day. Half-length, holding a paper in left and pen in right hand ; table and inkstand. Engraved in mezz. by C. TURNER, 1805. Size, 12 X 9i in. On the engraving it is stated that this is the last portrait exhibited by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of the Corporation of London. TOWNSHEND, RIGHT HON. CHARLES. Grandson of Charles, Viscount Townshend ; born, 1725 ; early distin- guished himself as an orator in the House of Commons ; Paymaster of the Forces under Lord Rockingham in 1765, and Chancellor of the Exche- quer in 1766, under Lord Chatham. It was he who proposed the fatal resolution of taxing the Colonies, which occasioned the American War. " Vain, ambitious, witty, and eloquent." Died September, 1767. Half-length, in an oval ; in a loose dress ; three-quarter face, turned to his left. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DlXON, 1770. Size, 14^ x io| in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Marquess Townshend. TOWNSHEND, GEORGE, IST MARQUESS. Born, 1724 ; a Field-Marshal and Colonel of the 2nd Regiment of Dra- goon Guards ; succeeded his father as 4th Viscount ; godson of George I. ; married, 1751, Lady Charlotte Compton, daughter of James, Earl of Northampton : she brought into the Townshend family upwards of 250 quarterings, including the Royal one of Piantagenet. The Viscount was 54 The Engraved Works of created Marquess Townshend, 1787 ; he was present at the battles of Dettingen, Fontenoy, Culloden, and Laufeldt, and at the siege of Quebec, which surrendered to him as Commander-in-Chief after the death of Wolfe. Died in 1807. Whole-length, in a suit of armour, half covered by an ermine cloak j bareheaded ; right hand rests on a table ; a battle in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by C. TURNER, 1806. Size, 24! X Ht in. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of the Marquess Townshend. TOWNSHEND, .LORD JOHN. Second son of George, Marquess Townshend. Half-length, the face turned to right shoulder ; single-breasted coat, high collar, fastened by two buttons ; white neckcloth. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1787. Size, 17 X 13! in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Marquess Townshend. VERNON, LORD. George Vernon, of Sudbury ; took the name of Venables in 1728; created Lord Vernon in 1762. Died in 1807. Half-length; high collar to coat, which is fastened by two buttons ; white shirt frill ; from a window is seen a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by GEORGE CLINT. Size, I2| X ioj in. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of Lord Vernon. WALDEGRAVE, JAMES, 2ND EARL, K.G. Born, 1714; succeeded his father as 2nd Earl, 1741 ; Governor and Privy Purse to George III. when Prince of Wales, and of Prince Edward, Duke of York ; married, 1759, Mary, second illegitimate daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, by whom he had three daughters. Died of smallpox, April 1 762. His widow married H.R.H. Henry, Duke of Gloucester, and was the mother of the late Duke of Gloucester and the Princess Sophia. Profile, half-length ; star and ribbon of the Order ; white cravat ; bag wig. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1762. Size, 14 X u in. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of the Countess Waldegrave, Strawberry Hill. WALES, GEORGE, PRINCE OF. Afterwards George IV. Whole-length, full face ; in the robes of the Garter ; his left hand on his sword. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1790. Size, 24 x 13! in. Picture painted 1789. In the Royal Collection. WALES, GEORGE, PRINCE OF. Leaning on his favourite charger ; in his right hand a drawn sword. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES. Size, 19! X i6g in. Another, by F. HAWARD, 1793. Size, 19! X i6| in. Picture painted 1782. At Brockett Hall. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 55 WALPOLE, HORACE. Born, 1717,' youngest son of Sir Robert Walpole, the celebrated Minister; succeeded his nephew as 4th Earl of Orford, 1791 ; celebrated for his literary pursuits ; author of the " Castle of Otranto," " Anecdotes of Painting," &c. His greatest pleasures were in literature and the fine arts ; he formed the famous collection at Strawberry Hill, and established a private printing-press, from which his various works were printed. Died March, 1797. Three-quarter length, leaning on a table, on which are writing materials right hand up to his face ; laced ruffles ; left arm bent ; hand to hip. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1757. Size, rif X 10 in. Another, octavo, by B. Reading, Also an oval, octavo, with a view of Strawberry Hill, 1797. Picture painted 1756. In the possession of the Marquess of Lansdowne. WARTON, JOSEPH, D.D., F.R.S. Born, 1722; Head Master of Winchester School, 1766; author of "Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope," " The Works of Virgil in English Verse," &c. ; he was one of the original members of the Literary Club, and one of the signers of the famous " Round Robin " to Dr. Johnson on the Epitaph to Oliver Goldsmith. Died at Wickham, Hants, of which he was Rector, February 23rd, 1800, aged 78. Half-length, in gown, wig, and bands ; right hand shown. Engraved in mezz. by J. R. SMITH, 1777. Size, 13! X u in. Picture painted 1776. At Trinity College, Oxford. WARTON, REV. THOMAS. Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Oxon ; Professor of Poetry at Oxford, and Poet Laureate ; author of " History of English Poetry," " Triumph of Isis," and many other works. Died at Oxford, March 2ist, 1790, aged 62. The Rev. G. Huddersford, after the death of Warton, chalked on the walls of the College, "The glorious sun of Trinity is set, And nothing left but farthing-candle Kelt." * Half-length, sitting ; left arm resting on the arm of his chair ; white cuff with studs. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES H. HODGES, 1785. Picture painted 1784. In the University Galleries, Oxford. WEDGEWOOD, JOSIAH. The great English Potter; born at Burslem, 1730; died at Etruria, in Staffordshire, 1795. Small oval ; half-length ; nearly full face. Engraved in stipple by W. HALMAN, 1783. Size, 4g X 3l in. Another, oval, by Humphrey, 1796. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of the Family. * Alluding to the author of the " The Elements of General Knowledge," which were called at Oxford "The Elements of General Ignorance." 56 The Engraved Works of WHITBREAD, SAMUEL. P'ather of Samuel Whitbread the distinguished Member of the House of Commons. Died 1 796, aged 76. Three-quarter length, sitting ; right hand on table, on which is an ink- stand ; powdered hair ; coat fastened with one button ; white cravat, and white waistcoat. Engraved in mezz. by S. W. REYNOLDS, 1803. Size, 13! X u in. Picture painted 1786. In the possession of the Family. WHITEFOORD, CALEB, F.R.S., F.S.A. A well-known Wit and Wine-merchant ; Secretary to the British Com- mission for the treating of peace with America, 1782. Half-length, looking to his right ; white cravat, and fur coat. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1793. Size, 17^ X 13! in. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of the Family. WILLIAMS, MR. In the catalogue of Sir J. Reynolds' works, in " The Selections from the Gentleman's Magazine," there is this name described as a whole-length, engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN. No date. I can find no record of this engraving in other catalogues, or in any col- lection : a Mr. Williams sat to Sir Joshua in October, 1757. WILMOT, SIR JOHN EARDLEY. A very eminent Lawyer ; became Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas ; he is said to have twice refused the Chancellorship ; one of his daughters married Sampson, Lord Eardley. Half-length, front face, sitting in a chair. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI. Size, 7| X 6| in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of Mrs. Culling Hanbury. WINDHAM, RIGHT HON. W. The eminent Statesman ; born in London, 1750; M.P. for the City of Norwich ; Secretary of War under Pitt for seven years ; also Secretary of War in the "Administration of all the Talents." Died, 1810. Three-quarter length, in powdered wig ; high-collared coat ; white cravat ; lower part of the coat buttoned ; a curtain behind. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1793. Size, 17^ X I3i in. There is also a reduced copy of the same. Picture painted 1791. In the National Gallery. WOODWARD, MR. HENRY. The Actor and Comedian. " His face, for all its regular and handsome features, the moment he spoke, beamed somehow with irresistible mirth, and seemed to carry a laugh in every line." T. T. He died from a fall at Covent Garden in 1771. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Half-length, in a Vandyke dress ; slashed sleeves ; his right hand holding a mask ; in the background a curtain. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, io| by 9 in. Another, by Charles Townley. Another, small oval. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. WYNN, MASTER. Afterwards Sir Watkin W. Wynn, 5th Baronet; born, 1772; married, 1817, Lady Henrietta Antonia, daughter of Edward, Baron Clive and Earl Powis. Died in 1840. As the Infant ST. JOHN, sitting, holding a cup, into which water is flowing from a rock ; a lamb by his side. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1776. Size, 15! X 12^ in. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Sir Watkin W. Wynn, Bart. YORK, H.R.H. FREDERICK, DUKE OF. Second son of George III. ; born, 1763 ; died, 1827. Whole-length, in his robes ; left hand on his sword. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1790. Size, 24 X 15 in. Picture painted. 1788. In the Royal Collection. YORKE, MASTER PHILIP. Afterwards Lord Royston, lost in a storm off Lubeck ; son of Philip, 3rd Earl, who was the son of Charles, second son of the ist Earl of Hardwicke. Whole-length, as a child, with a robin on left arm ; in front of him a dog, sitting and looking up to his face ; in a landscape. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1788. Size, 9! X 73 in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Earl of Hardwicke. PART II. PORTRAITS. FEMALE. ABINGTON, MRS. Frances Barton, the celebrated Comic Actress ; married Abington, her music-master. She made her first appearance at Drury Lane in 1755, and in Ireland, 1759; returned to Drury Lane, 1765 ; her chief characters were Widow Belmore in " The Way to Keep Him," Lady Teazle in the "School for Scandal" (she was the first actress who played this part), Beatrice in "Much Ado about Nothing," Charlotte in the "Hypocrite," Roxalana in the "Sultan," and the Comic Muse in the "Jubilee." Her taste in dress was so exquisite that she was often consulted by ladies of the highest rank. She died in Pall Mall, 4th March, 1815, in her 84th year, and was buried in St. James's Churchyard. Whole-length, as the COMIC MUSE, in a white-flowered dress ; head inclined ; right hand by her side, holding a mask ; left arm resting on the pedestal of a statue of the Comic Muse ; trees and landscape. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1769. Size, 24! X 15 in. Rare. A proof of this fine engraving sold at Christie's, February roth, 1873, for 3 1/. los. Another, a copy of the above, reduced to three-quarter length, by J. Wilson. Size, 12^ X 9f in. Picture painted 1764-5. At Knole. ABINGTON, MRS. Half-length, in an oval ; in a cardinal cloak trimmed with lace ; looking to her left ; left hand clasping the right. Engraved in mezz. by ELIZABETH JUDKINS, 1772. Size, 135 x io| in. Rare. A proof before letters sold at Christie's, February loth, 1873, for 2 5 /. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of ABINGTON, MRS. As ROXALANA in the " Sultan." Half-length; the face and part of the figure appearing from behind a curtain, which she is pulling aside with her right hand. Engraved in the dotted manner by J. K. SHERWIN, 1791. Size, 8f X 7i in. Picture painted 1782. At Herringfleet Hall. Sir Joshua presented her 60 The Engraved Works of with this picture, which she had great difficulty in getting out of the hands of Sherwin. Sir Joshua Reynolds painted five portraits of Mrs. Abingtcn, three as above. Another as Miss Prue, in " Love for Love," engraved by S. W. Reynolds (picture at Earl of Morley's, Saltram) ; and another as Lady Teazle, not engraved. ANCASTER, DUCHESS OF. Mary, daughter of Thomas Panton, Esq., who, Walpole says, was a "horse jockey:" he was, however, a gentleman by birth, and keeper of the King's race- horses at Newmarket, with a salary of 5oo/. per annum. She married, 1750, Peregrine Bertie, 3rd Duke of Ancaster ; was appointed Mistress of the Robes to the Queen in 1761. Whole-length ; left arm on a pedestal, on which is her ermine robe ; left hand to face ; right hand holding her sash ; a tree on her right ; the sea with ships in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DixON. Size, i\\ X I4 in. A proof impression sold for 25/. at Christie's, February i6th, 1873. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of the Marquess Cholmondeley. ANCASTER, DUCHESS OF. As above. Half-length, oval ; sitting at a table, resting on her left elbow ; hand to her face ; a long tress of hair falls over her right shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1758. Size, io| x 9 in. On some of the early impressions the date is misprinted 1756. Another of the same, by JAMES WATSON. Another, three-quarter length, with a book in her right hand ; resting on her left arm and hand, by C. Spooner. Picture painted 1758. In the possession of the Countess-Dowager Clare. ANCRUM, COUNTESS OF. Elizabeth, only daughter of Chichester Fortescue, Esq., and grand- daughter of Richard, ist Lord Mornington ; married, 1763, William John, Earl of Ancrum, afterwards 5th Marquess of Lothian. Half-length ; front face, slightly turned to her left ; a rolled handkerchief round her neck. Engraved in mezz. by I. SPILSBURY, 1771. Size, 13^ X n in. Another by J. Dixon. Size, 13? X log in. Another by J. Wilson. Same size. These two appear to be copies from Spilsbury's engraving. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of the Marquess of Lothian. AYLESFORD, COUNTESS OF. Lady Louisa Thynne, daughter of Thomas, ist Marquess of Bath ; married, 1781, Heneage, 4th Earl of Aylesford. She died in 1832. Three-quarter length, white dress ; arm leaning on the pedestal of a pillar ; three columns, one square ; landscape in the distance. Sir "Yos/ma Reynolds. 61 Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1783. Size, i6| x i2 in. Proofs of this fine engraving are very scarce. A fine impression, proof before letters, sold for 62 guineas at Christie's, February 8th, 1874. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of the Earl of Aylesford. BACELLI, GIOVANNA. A famous Danseuse ; mistress of the 3rd Duke of Dorset ; it is said she danced at Paris, wearing the Duke's Garter as a bandeau. Half-length, oval ; her face turned over her right shoulder, with a mask before it ; vine-leaves in her hair. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1783. Size, I2 X 95 in. Picture painted 1782. At Knole. BADDELEY, MRS. SOPHIA. An accomplished Actress, a fine Singer, and a very beautiful woman ; made her first appearance as Ophelia. " As a singer, whenever pathetic ex- pression was necessary, she stood unrivalled ; " her manner of singing and acting " Sweet Willy O," in the " Jubilee," created an immense sensation ; she also acted Mrs. Beverley, in the " Gamester," with great success ; she suffered severely from a nervous disorder, and through this became a con- firmed opium-eater. Died at Edinburgh, in her 43rd year, July ist, 1786 : some say, from an overdose of this poison. Half-length, oval ; pearls in her hair ; earrings of pearls ; a black ribbon round her neck ; caressing a cat, which she holds in both hands. Engraved in mezz. by E. WELSH, 1772. Size, I2| x 10 in. Picture painted 1771. BAMFYLDE, LADY. Catherine, eldest daughter of Admiral Sir John Moore, Bart., K.C.B. ; married, 1776, Sir Charles Warwick Bamfylde, of Poltimore, county Devon, M.P. for Exeter, who was assassinated in 1823 ; her son was created Lord Poltimore. Whole-length, her left arm resting on a pedestal, by the side of which grow some lilies ; a lock of hair over her right shoulder ; a string of pearls hanging from head-dress over the same shoulder, and looped to the front of her dress with a flower ; the right hand points downwards ; trees and land- scape. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1779. Size, 23^ X 14! * A proof before letters of this very fine and rare engraving was sold at Christie's, loth February, 1873, f r H7^- ', and another in July, same year, at Sotheby's, for 130^. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Lord Poltimore. BARRINGTON, THE HON. MRS. Elizabeth, daughter of Florentius Vassal, Esq. ; married General the Hon. John Barrington, 2nd son of John Shute, ist Viscount Barrington. Half-length, oval ; resting on her left arm ; a string of pearls in her hair, another at her waist ; dress lined with ermine. 62 Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1758. Size, io| X 9 in. Another, a copy, octavo, reversed, without the pearls at the waist. Picture painted 1758. In the possession (1864) of Viscount Barrington. BASTARD, MRS. Anne, daughter of Thomas Worsley, Esq., wife of Mr. Bastard of Kitley, M.P. for Devon. Died, 1765. Half-length, oval ; nearly front face ; pearl earrings ; pearls in her hair ; in a light cloak and quilted dress, with four bows down the front. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, 9! X 9 in. A copy, reduced, by C. Corbutt. Another, reversed, by R. Brookshaw. Picture painted 1757. In the possession of J. P. Bastard, Esq. BEAUCHAMP, VISCOUNTESS. Isabella Ann, daughter of Charles Ingram, loth Viscount Irvine ; married, 1776, Francis, Viscount Beauchamp, afterwards 2nd Marquess of Hertford. Half-length ; her hair in curls falling over her shoulder ; a black lace scarf covers her right forearm. Engraved in stipple by W. NUTTER, 1790. Size, 8^ X 6| in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Mr. Meynell Ingram, Temple Newsome, Yorkshire. BEAUCLERC, Miss ELIZABETH. Daughter of Mr. Topham and Lady Diana Beauclerc ; married, 1787, George Augustus, Lord Herbert, afterwards nth Earl of Pembroke. Whole-length, a circle ; as Una, sitting in a wooded landscape with the lion by her side ; hands on her lap ; a long tress of hair over her right shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1782. Size, 12 in. diam. Another, a circle, engraved in mezz. by W. DICKINSON, 1792. Also a small octavo, reversed. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Lord Normanton. BEAUMONT, LADY. Margaret daughter of John Willes, Esq., of Astrop, Northamptonshire ; married, 1778, Sir George Howland Beaumont, Bart., the well-known patron of the Arts. Half-length, oval ; in a black mantilla ; three-quarter face, looking to her left ; a white kerchief over her neck. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1780. Size, 13! x io| in. A proof before letters was sold at Christie's, February loth, 1873, for 25 guineas. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of Sir George Beaumont. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 63 BERESFORD, THE HON. MRS., with the MARCHIONESS TOWNSHEND and the HON. MRS. GARDINER. Daughters of Sir William Montgomery, Bart, of Magbie Hill, Peebles. ELIZABETH married July, 1773, tne Hon. Luke Gardiner, afterwards Viscount Mountjoy. ANNE married, 1773, George, 4th Viscount and ist Marquess Townshend. BARBARA married, 1774, the Hon. John Beresford, second son of Marcus, ist Earl of Tyrone. Whole-lengths, adorning the Term of Hymen ; Lady Townshend in the centre, Mrs. Beresford on her right, and Mrs. Gardiner on her left. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1776. Oblong size, 27 X 2 if in. This fine engraving is rare. Picture painted 1775. In the National Gallery. Presented to the nation by the late Earl of Blessington, the son of the Hon. Mrs. Gardiner. BERKELEY, COUNTESS OF. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Drax, Esq., of Charborough, Dorset ; married, ist, Augustus, 4th Earl of Berkeley, and 2ndly, Robert, Earl Nugent. Half-length ; hands crossed, leaning on a book ; cloak trimmed with fur. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1757. Size, lof x 9 in. Another, by R. Purcell. Size, ii| X 9f in. Picture painted 1757. In the possession of Lord Lansdowne. BILLINGTON, MRS. Actress and Singer ; daughter of a German musician named Weichsell ; her mother was a singer at Vauxhall ; first appeared at the Haymarket in a concert for her mother's benefit ; married Billington, 1782; appeared in 1786 as Rosetta in " Love in a Village," and established her reputation as a singer ; in 1794 she went to Italy ; her husband died at Naples in 1797 ; she married 2ndly, Monsieur Floressajat, son of a banker at Lyons, and purchased a pro- perty near Venice. Whole-length, as St. Cecilia ; face upraised ; a book in her hand ; cherubs around her, one about to place a wreath on her head. Engraved in mezz. by W. WARD. Size, 25 X i6| in. Another in stipple, no name of engraver. Size, 23! X i6| in. Picture painted 1787. Is now in America. BINGHAM, THE HON. ANNE. Youngest daughter of Sir Charles Bingham, ist Baron Lucan, and sister to Lavinia, Countess Spencer. Half-length, sitting ; in a large straw hat, which shades the upper part of her face ; hair over shoulder; her dress fastened with three buttons on each side ; a black band round her waist clasped by a buckle ; long gloves. 64 The Engraved Works of Engraved in stipple, in red, by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, R.A. Size, 8| X 6i in. There is another by the same, inscribed " Annette." Picture painted 1786. In the possession of Earl Spencer. BLAKE, MRS. Annabella, daughter of the Rev. Sir William Bunbury, Bart., and sister to Sir T. Charles Bunbury ; married, ist, Patrick, afterwards Sir Patrick Blake, Bart. ; and 2ndly, George Boscawen, Esq. Whole-length, as Juno receiving the cestus from Venus, who is resting on a cloud, with two doves ; a peacock at her feet. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DIXON, 1771. Size, 24! X 15! in. Picture painted 1768. In the possession of Sir H. Blake, Bart., Ashfield, Suffolk. BONFOY, MRS. Anne, daughter of Richard Eliot, M.P. for Cornwall; sister of Edward, ist Baron Eliot of St. Germans, and wife of Captain Bonfoy, R.N. Three-quarter length : head turned to her right ; a pearl in her ear ; a veil falling over right shoulder ; a string of pearls on her left side fastened with a bow to her dress; right hand bent and holding up the dress; the left hanging by her side ; landscape and trees ; sea in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1755. Size, 13! X iof in. Another by R. Purcell, as " Lucinda," in a room with a curtain. Size, I2| X 9l in - Another by C. Corbutt, misspelt " Bomfoy." Picture painted 1754. In the possession of Earl St. Germans, Port Eliot. BOOTHBY, Miss PENELOPE. Daughter of Sir Brook and Lady Boothby ; born in 1783 ; died 1791. Three-quarter length ; a little girl, sitting in a landscape ; front face, with mob cap and black ribbon; white dress ; black sash; arms folded ; a mitten on her right wrist. Engraved in mezz. by T. PARK, 1789. Size, iif X ioj in. The picture was sold at Phillips', May 185 1, to Mr. Windus, for 290 guineas. Sold at Christie's, March 1859, for 1 100 guineas, to its present possessor, Earl Dudley. BOSVILLE, Miss JULIA. Second daughter of Godfrey Bosville, Esq., of Gunthwaite, Yorkshire ; married, 1780, William, 3rd Viscount Dudley and Ward. Half-length ; three-quarter face ; her right hand to her cheek ; the elbow resting on a table ; pearls in her hair and at waist ; lace scarf over shoulders. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1775. Size, 13^ X io| in. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Earl Dudley. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 65 BOUVERIE, HON. MRS., and her CHILD. Harriott, daughter of Sir Everard Fawkener ; married Edward, second son of Sir Jacob Bouverie, who was raised to the peerage, in 1747, as Lord Longford and Viscount Folkestone. Whole-length, sitting ; the child in her arms putting aside her veil ; a dog at the foot of the pedestal ; a large vase behind. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 2o| x i8| in. Picture painted 1769. In the possession of Mr. Bouverie, Delapre" Abbey. BOUVERIE, MRS., and MRS. CREWE. Mrs. Bouverie as above, and Frances Anne, only daughter of Fulke Greville, Esq. ; married, 1776, John Crewe, Esq., of Crewe Hall, M.P. for Chester, created Baron Crewe, 1806. Three-quarter length, sitting under a tree ; gazing at a pedestal, on which is an urn ; on the pedestal is inscribed " Et in Arcadia ego" Engraved in mezz. by GUISEPPE MARCHI, 1785. Size, 195 X 16 in. Picture painted c. 1779. In the possession of Lord Crewe. BOWLES, Miss. Afterwards Mrs. Palmer ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bowles, friends of Sir George Beaumont. For a pretty anecdote of her and Sir Joshua, vide Tom Taylor's " Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds," vol. ii. p. 134. Whole-length, as " Juvenile Amusement ; " a little girl sitting in a land- scape caressing a dog ; a curious effect of the sun's rays through the trees. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM WARD, 1798. Size, 14^ X io| in. Proofs of this fine engraving are rare ; a proof before letters sold for 40 guineas at Christie's, loth February, 1873. There is another engraving, reduced from the above, by C. Turner. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Sir Richard Wallace, Bt. M.P. BROUGHTON, LADY. According to Sir Joshua's pocket-book, a Lady Broughton first sat in 1765. This must be Mary, wife of Sir Brian Broughton Delves, 5th Baronet, and daughter of Thomas Hill, Esq., of Tern, Salop. In the pocket-book of March 1768, July 1769, and June 1772, Lady Broughton is again sitting. Sir Brian died in 1766, and was succeeded by his brother, the Rev. Sir Thomas Broughton, who married, 1768, Mary, daughter of John Wicker, Esq., of Horsham, Sussex. The engraving was published in 1770 ; it is probable, therefore, that it represents the wife of Sir Thomas. Whole-length, in a white flowered dress ; a long plait of hair over her shoulder ; standing by a pedestal, on which is a bust of a child ; her left hand supporting a book with engravings ; a port-crayon in her right hand ; behind, on her right, a large urn. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1770. Size, 24^ X 14! in. Another, three-quarter length, holding a crayon, by J. WILSON, 1771. Size, I2| X 9f in. Picture in the possession of Sir H. Delves Broughton. K 66 The Engraved Works of BRUNSWICK, AUGUSTA, PRINCESS OF. Sister of George III. ; married Charles William Frederick, Duke of Brunswick. Head and shoulders ; three-quarter face ; dress trimmed with ermine ; a tiara in her hair. Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL, 1764. Size, 185 X 14 in. Another by R. HOUSTON ; and another, half-length, by P. Corbutt. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the King of the Belgians. BUCCLEUCH, DUCHESS OF, with her DAUGHTER, LADY MARY SCOTT. Lady Elizabeth Montagu, daughter of George, Duke of Montagu ; married, 1767, Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch. She died 1827. Vide MONTAGU. Whole-length, sitting on a bench under a tree ; her left arm encircling her child ; two dogs, one of them jumping up on her knees ; a curtain draped over the tree ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1775. Size, 24^ X 14! in. Proofs of this fine engraving are rare ; a proof sold for 40 guineas at Christie's, April 1873. Picture painted 1774. In the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch. BUNBURY, LADY SARAH. Fourth daughter of Charles, and Duke of Richmond ; married, 1762, Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, Bart., from whom she was divorced, and subsequently married General the Hon. George Napier, and was the mother of the two illustrious Generals, Sir William and Sir Charles Napier ; she was one of the bridesmaids to Queen Charlotte, and, report says, might have been Queen herself, as she refused the addresses of the King, who was much in love with her. Whole-length, sacrificing to the Graces ; kneeling on a footstool, before a flaming tripod placed before a pedestal, on which is a statue of the Graces ; a kneeling attendant behind (supposed to be her great friend Lady Susan Strangways) pours wine into a flagon. Mrs. Piozzi, in her memoirs, says " she never sacrificed to the Graces ; her face was gloriously handsome, but she used to play cricket and eat beefsteaks on the Steyne at Brighton." Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1766. Size, 23^ x 14^ in. Proofs of this fine engraving are rare ; a proof sold for 27 guineas at Christie's, loth February, 1873. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of Sir Charles J. Bunbury, Barton, Suffolk. BUNBURY, MRS. HENRY. The " Little Comedy " of Goldsmith. Catharine, eldest daughter of Kane William Horneck, Captain Royal Engineers ; wife of Henry Bunbury the Caricaturist. Three-quarter length, sitting at an open window ; left arm resting on a table ; hand to her chin ; landscape in the distance. Sir Jos/ma Reynolds. 67 Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1778. Size, 165 X 13 in. Proofs and early impressions of this engraving are very fine, and becoming scarce. There is a copy of the above by T. Blackmore. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Sir Charles J. Bunbury, Bart. CADOGAN, LADY. Mary (not Maria, as in the old catalogues), daughter of Charles Churchill, Esq. ; married, 1777, Charles Sloane, 2nd Baron Cadogan, from whom she was divorced in 1796. Half-length, sitting ; her hair powdered, with a veil over it ; handkerchief crossed over her bosom ; bands of black ribbon on sleeves, and black sash ; her right arm rests on the pedestal of a column ; a bouquet of roses in her lap. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1787. Size, 13! x io| in. Picture painted 1786-7. In the possession of CALLANDER, MRS. Of Craigsforth. Half-length, sitting ; left arm resting on a table ; hands in lap, right in left ; curls over each shoulder ; ermine-lined cloak. Engraver's name not known. Size, 13^ X 9 in. Picture painted 1772. CAMPBELL, Miss SARAH. Daughter of Pryse Campbell, Esq., of Cawdor Castle, Nairn, N.B., and Stackpole Court, Pembroke, M.P.for Cromartie. She married, 17 82, Thomas Woodhouse, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Three-quarter length, standing ; high head-dress ; plait of hair over her right shoulder ; left hand and arm hidden by her dress ; right arm and hand to the front ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1778. Size, i6| X 13 in. Picture painted 1778. In the possession of Mr. Campbell, of Cawdor Castle. CARLISLE, MARGARET CAROLINE, COUNTESS OF. Daughter of Granville Leveson, ist Marquess of Stafford ; married, 1770, Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle. She died in 1824. Three-quarter length, standing ; her right arm across the stump of a tree ; a rose in her hand ; cloak lined with ermine ; a plait of hair, entwined with a ribbon, falls over her left shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1773. Size, 17! X 14 in. A fine proof impression sold at Christie's, loth February, 1873, f r 2O ^- Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard. 68 The Engraved Works of CARNAC, MRS. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Rivett, Esq., M.P. for Derby ; married General John Carnac, who directed by his will that his brother-in-law, James Rivett, should take the name of Carnac. Whole-length, standing in a landscape between two trees ; head-dress of feathers ; her left hand holding up her dress ; she is looking to her left. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1778. Size, 23! X 15! in. Proofs of this fine engraving are very rare, and sell for 40 to 45 guineas. A fine impression of the print was sold at Christie's for 23/., April ist, 1873. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Sir Richard Wallace, Bt. M.P. CARPENTER, LADY ALMERIA. Daughter of George, Lord Carpenter, afterwards Earl of Tyrconnell. Died unmarried, 1809. Half-length, oval ; face turned to her left shoulder ; lace head-dress, which falls in front ; black ribbon round the neck, on which is a single row of pearls ; a cloak trimmed with lace. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1768. Size, 13^ X lof in. Picture painted 1768. In the possession of the Hon. Captain Talbot arpenter, Kiplin. CATHCART, LADY, and her CHILD. Jane, daughter of Lord Archibald Hamilton, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, seventh son of William Douglas, created 3rd Duke of Hamilton ; married, 1753, Charles, gth Baron Cathcart. She died at St. Petersburg, where her husband was Ambassador, in 1770. Three-quarter length, sitting, with her child on her lap ; a veil over her head ; an Italian greyhound by her side ; the child holds a cap. Tom Taylor, in " Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds," states that it is her daughter, afterwards Mrs. Graham, the subject of the beautiful picture by Gainsborough ; but on the print is inscribed " Lady Cathcart and her Son." Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON. Size, 12^ X 9f in. Picture painted 1755. In the possession of Lord Cathcart. CHAMBERS, MRS., afterwards LADY. Miss Catherine Moore, wife of Sir William Chambers, R.A., the cele- brated Architect. Half-length, in a Woffington hat, which shades the upper part of her face ; a ribbon round the neck ; black laced cloak ; laced bodice ; earrings. Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL. Size, io X 8| in. Another by C. Corbutt. Size, 12$ X 10 in. Another by C. Spooner, the reverse way ; and an oval by R. Hancock. Picture painted in Paris, 1752. In the possession of the Family. Sir JosJma Reynolds. 69 CHOLMLEY, MRS. Anne Jessie, third wife of Nathaniel Cholmley, Esq., and daughter of Lennard Smelt, of Langton. - Three-quarter length, sitting ; dress trimmed with ermine ; lock of hair hanging over her left shoulder ; a necklace of pearls ; ornament at bosom ; her right arm rests on a pedestal ; hand to cheek ; looking to her right ; on her left a landscape, with trees, &c. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, 13! X 11 in. There is a reduced copy of the above by C. Corbutt. Another, octavo, by T. Blackmore ; and another by C. Spooner. On the prints the name is spelt " Cholmondeley." Picture painted 1761. In the possession of Mr. Cholmley of Howsham Hall. In Sir Joshua's pocket-book for May, 1761, Mrs. Cholmley is a sitter. T. Taylor, in his " Life of Reynolds," in a note, p. 201, vol. i., says, " This is the sister of Peg Woffington." Mrs. Cholmondeley does not appear to sit till 1765, at the earliest. CHOLMONDELEY, Miss. Hester Frances, youngest daughter of the Hon. and Rev. Robert Chol- mondeley ; married, 1783, William Bellingham, Esq., Secretary to the Right Hon. W. Pitt, and M.P. for Reigate, created a Baronet 1796. Lady Belling- ham died in 1844. Whole-length, a little girl carrying a dog in her arms across a brook ; her naked feet in the stream. Engraved in mezz. by GUISEPPE MARCHI. Size, 17! X 14 in. Picture painted 1767. In the possession of the Rev. John Buchanan Rid- dell, Harrietsham Rectory, Kent. Mrs. Riddell was Miss Frances Sophia Cholmondeley, daughter of George James, eldest son of the Hon. and Rev. Robert Cholmondeley. Vide CHOLMONDELEY. Part I. CLINTON, LADY CATHERINE PELHAM. Daughter of Henry Pelham, Earl of Lincoln, son of Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle ; married, 1801, William, Viscount Folkestone, afterwards 3rd Earl of Radnor. She died in 1804. Whole-length, when a young girl, in a cap and black sash ; right arm extended, feeding poultry, in a landscape ; left hand holding up her apron. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1782. Size, 18 X 135 in. Proofs of this fine engraving are very scarce. Picture painted 1781. In the possession of the Earl of Radnor. COCKBURN, LADY, and CHILDREN. Daughter of Rev. Francis Ayscough, Dean of Bristol ; married, 1769, Sir James Cockburn, Bart., M.P. for Peebles, great-uncle of the present Sir Alexander Cockburn, Bart., Lord Chief Justice of England. Whole-length, as " Cornelia and her Children," sitting ; one child on right arm ; another looking over her left shoulder ; naked baby in her lap ; on the right a pillar draped with a curtain ; a macaw on the pedestal ; centre, a landscape with light clouds; left, a curtain; "Reynolds pinxit" on the drapery. Engraved in stipple by C. WILKIN, 1791. Size, 17 X 13^ in. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Sir James Hamilton, Portman Square. COLLIER, MRS. Miss Gwynn ; married Captain, afterwards Sir George Collier. Half-length, as " Coelia lamenting her dead Sparrow ; " pensively looking down on the dead bird, which lies on the table, on which her right arm rests ; a rose in her bosom. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, uf X 9! in. There is another by RICHARD HOUSTON. Size, I2| x 10 in. As " Chloe lamenting her dead Sparrow," with lines from Catullus. Another of the same, engraved by Graham. Size, I2g X 9s in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of Sir W. W. Knighton. COMPTON, LADY ELIZABETH. Daughter of Charles, 7th Earl of Northampton ; married, 1782, Lord George Augustus Henry Cavendish, afterwards Earl of Burlington. Died 7th April, 1835. Whole-length, front face ; a chain and locket round her neck, falling to her bosom ; her right arm resting on a low wall ; left arm under her dress ; she is resting on her left leg, right slightly bent ; sandalled shoes ; land- scape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1782. Size, 23! X 15 in. Picture painted 1780-1. In the possession of Lord Chesham. CORNWALLIS, COUNTESS. Jemima, daughter of Col. James Jones ; married, 1768, Charles, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquess Cornwallis, the hero of Seringapatam. The Countess died in 1779 of exhaustion, produced by excessive nervous anxiety on account of the absence of the Earl in the American War. Three-quarter length, sitting, with a book in her hand, with a pensive expression ; on the right, landscape, trees, and mountains ; on the left, a pillar with the stems of two trees. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1771. Size, 13! X 10$ in. Another ditto, octavo, by R. Laurie. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Marquess Cornwallis. COVENTRY, COUNTESS OF. Barbara, 4th daughter of loth Lord St. John of Bletshoe ; married, 27th September, 1764, George William, Earl of Coventry, as his second wife ; his first wife being Maria Gunning, the great beauty, who was painted in 1758 and died 1760. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 7 1 Three-quarter length ; her right arm resting on her robes ; the head turned over the left shoulder ; ornament on bosom ; her left hand crossing the right wrist ; sky with light on the right. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, i8| X 14 in. Another, a copy of the above, by J. DIXON, reversed. Size, I2| X 9i in. Another copy, reversed, by SPICER. Size, I2j X 9! in. Picture painted 1764-5. In the possession of the Earl of Coventry. CREWE, MRS. Frances Anne, daughter of Fulke Greville ; married, 1776, John Crewe, Esq., afterwards Lord Crewe. Whole-length, as " Ste. Genevieve," sitting reading ; her right arm supporting her chin ; left hand holding her book ; a dog at her feet ; a lamb plucking a bough on her left ; five lambs lying on right ; landscape with stream and mountains in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1773. Size, 20^ X 19 in. A very fine work of the engraver, and scarce. Picture painted 1772. In the possession of Lord Crewe, Crewe Hall. CREWE, Miss EMMA and Miss ELIZABETH. Sisters of John Crewe, Esq., afterwards Lord Crewe. ELIZABETH married Dr. Hinchcliffe, Bishop of Peterborough. EMMA died unmarried. Cotton says she was Mrs. Cunliffe Offley ; she was Emma, daughter of John Lord Crewe. Three-quarter length ; one leaning on the right shoulder of her sister, who is holding a basket of flowers. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DlXON. Size, i8 X 14 in. There is an engraving, copy of the above reduced, entitled " Miss Crieuse and her Sister," by R. Brookslaw. Size, I2f X 9? in. Another, " Miss Cruse," by J. Paul, the reverse way. Picture painted 1766. In the possession of Lord Crewe. CROSBIE, VISCOUNTESS. Diana, eldest daughter of Lord George Sackville Germain, Viscount Sackville ; married, 1777, John, Viscount Crosbie, afterwards 2nd Earl of Glandore. Whole-length ; front face ; body slightly turned ; her right hand holding up her dress ; left arm and hand extended ; pearls in the hair ; a tree on her left ; landscape and trees in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1779. Size, 23! x 14! in. This fine engraving is scarce ; a fine proof, with arms, sold for 23^ guineas at Christie's, April i, 1873. Picture painted 1778-9. In the possession of W. Talbot Crosbie, Esq., Aidfort Abbey, Co. Kerry, Ireland. 72 77ie Engraved Works of CUMBERLAND, H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF. Lady Ann Lutterell, daughter of Simon, Earl of Carhampton, and widow of Christopher Horton, Esq. of Calton Hall, Co. Derby ; married, 1771, Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, 4th son of George 1 1. The Duchess died in 1803. Whole-length, resting on her right arm, with hand to the side of the face ; left arm by her side ; bracelets on wrists ; hair falling over the left shoulder ; right leg slightly bent ; on her right, a .pillar and curtain ; on her left, trees in a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON. Size, 24^ X 15 in. Another very fine work of this artist, proof impressions, sold for 2o/. at Christie's, February 10 and April 8, 1873. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Lady Wilmot Horton. DAMER, THE HON. MRS. Anne, daughter of the Hon. Seymour Conway, the distinguished General and Field Marshal, and brother of the ist Marquess of Hertford ; married John, eldest son of Joseph Darner, Earl of Dorchester, of Milton Abbey. She was an amateur Sculptor of considerable talent. Horace Walpole left her Strawberry Hill for her life. Three-quarter length, standing ; hands together ; round the neck a black ribbon, to which is attached a locket ; a long plait of hair falls over each shoulder ; a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1774. Size, 13! X iof in. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of Col. Dawson Darner. DASHWOOD, LADY, and her SON. Mary Helen, daughter of John Graham of Kinross ; married, 1760, Sir Henry Watkin Dashwood, Bart., of Kirklington. Half-length, sitting, with child on her knee ; his right hand up to his mother's face ; his other arm extended ; her chin touching his cheek. Engraved in mixed manner by C. H. HODGES, 1784. Size, I2| X 9f in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of Sir Henry Dashwood. DAVIDSON, Miss SUSANNAH JANE. Daughter of James Davidson, a merchant of Rotterdam. Died in 1767, aged 20. Half-length, sitting ; holding a lamb, with a wreath of flowers in her hand ; pearls in her hair and at her bosom. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DixON. Size, I2f X 9! in. Private plate. The plate was destroyed by order of her parents after her death. Proofs before letters rare. Picture painted 1763-4. In the possession of the Family. Sir Jos /ma Reynolds. 73 DAWSON, LADY ANNE. Daughter of Thomas, Earl of Pomfret ; married, 1754, Thomas Dawson, Esq., created, 1770, Lord Dartrey, and, 1785, Viscount Cremorne. Lady Anne died 1769. Three-quarter length, in the character of Diana, a crescent moon as an ornament in her hair ; holding a spear in her right hand, with the arm extended upwards ; she rests on her left arm, and with her left hand caresses a hound ; pearl bracelets ; a girdle round her waist ; landscape in the background. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1754. Size, 13^ X n in. ANOTHER, inscribed " Cynthia," with four lines ; in the distance the sun setting, and hounds tearing Actaeon. Engraved in mezz. by R. PURCELL. Size, I2f X 9f in. Picture painted 1754. In the possession of Lord Cremorne. DELMfc, LADY BETTY. Daughter of Henry, 4th Earl of Carlisle ; married, 1769, Peter Delme', Esq. ; and 2ndly, 1794, Capt. Charles Gamier. She died 1813. Whole-length, sitting at the root of a tree ; the left arm encircling her children ; the boy in a Vandyke collar and striped waistcoat ; the girl in a white dress, nestling to him ; at their feet a Scotch terrier ; landscape in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1779. Size, 23! x 15! in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Henry Delme', Esq., Cams, near Fareham. DERBY, COUNTESS OF. Elizabeth, only daughter of James, 6th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon ; married, June 1774, Edward, I2th Earl of Derby. She died 1797. Whole-length ; her right arm resting on a pedestal, on which is a female statue ; to the right sits a macaw ; she holds with both hands a wreath of flowers, which falls from the pedestal ; head-dress, ribbon and feathers. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1780. Size, 23^ x 14! in Proofs of this very fine engraving are rare. Picture painted 1779. Supposed to be destroyed. DEVONSHIRE, GEORGIANA, DUCHESS OF. Daughter of John, ist Earl Spencer ; married, June 1774, William, 5th Duke of Devonshire. Whole-length ; feathers and pearls in her hair ; right hand on the balus- trade ; left hand holding up her dress ; a tree on her left : landscape with statue to her right. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1780. Size, 23^ X 155 in. Proofs are rare ; sell from 25 to 30 guineas. Picture painted 1779. ^ n tne possession of Earl Spencer. L 74 The Engraved Works of DEVONSHIRE, GEORGIANA, DUCHESS OF, with her DAUGHTER, LADY GEORGIANA CAVENDISH. Three-quarter length ; sitting on a sofa playing with her daughter ; the child with both arms raised ; the Duchess with right arm and hand raised ; a vase to the right ; a curtain to the left. Engraved in mezz. by GEORGE KEATING, 1789. Size, 15! X 12 \ in. Picture painted 1786. In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. DUNCANNON, VISCOUNTESS. Henrietta Frances, 2nd daughter of John, ist Earl Spencer; married, 1780, Frederick, Viscount Duncannon, afterwards 3rd Earl of Bessborough. Died, 1821. Half-length ; hair turned back and powdered ; no head-dress ; curl over the right shoulder ; white handkerchief covering her neck ; nosegay of flowers on her bosom ; a landscape, with trees and water. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1786. Size, 14 x n in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of Earl Spencer. ESSEX, COUNTESS OF. Frances, daughter of Sir C. Hanbury Williams; married, 1754, William Anne, 4th Earl of Essex. The Countess died 1759. Half-length ; fur cloak ; left hand and arm raised ; five bows in the front of her dress ; laced sleeves. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, lof x 9 in. There is another engraved by R. Purcell. Size, 1 2| X 9! in. Picture painted in 1755. In the possession of the Earl of Essex, Cashiobury. FENHOULET, LADY. Anne Day, wife of Peter Fenhoulet, Exon of the Guard, Knighted at the Coronation of George III. She sat for her portrait when Miss Day. Half-length ; in a white Woffmgton hat, with muff, and nosegay in her bosom ; the face half in shadow. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, 105 x 9 in. Another by R. Purcell, as " Miss Day." Size, 12 x 9J in. Another, with 6 lines underneath ; and a small oval by Hancock. Picture painted 1760. Was in the possession of the late Thomas Baring, Esq. FISCHER, Miss KITTY. A famous courtezan ; daughter of a German Staymaker ; married, 1766, J. Norris, Esq., son of the member for Rye. She died 1771, " a victim to cosmetics." Reynolds painted seven portraits of her. Half-length, sitting, as Cleopatra dissolving the pearl ; her left hand holds Sir Joshua Reynolds. 75 a vase, into which she is about to drop a pearl, which she holds in her right hand. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER. Size, n x 8$ in. Another by Richard Houston. Picture painted c. 1760. In the possession of the Earl of Morley. FISCHER, Miss KITTY. Three-quarter length ; leaning on her crossed arms ; front face ; a letter lies on the table ; round her throat a necklace of four rows of pearls. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON. Size, I2j X 9f in. On the letter is " My dearest life, Jan y . i, 1763." Another engraving in mezz. by R. Purcell. Same size. On the letter, " My dearest life, 1759, June 2." Picture painted c. 1759. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. FISH, Miss CHARLOTTE. Daughter of a London merchant. Three-quarter length, sitting ; necklace of one row of pearls ; spotted dress, with black mantilla ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, I2 X 9f in. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of H. L. Bischoffsheim, Esq. FITZPATRICK, LADY ANNE. Eldest daughter of John, 2nd Earl of Upper Ossory ; born February 10, 1774. Died unmarried. As " Sylvia ; " whole length in landscape ; stepping over a brook ; her feet naked. Engraved in the dot manner by JOHN JONES, 1792. Size, 12 X 95 in. Picture painted 1791. In the possession of Lady Lyveden. FITZPATRICK, LADY GERTRUDE. Second daughter of the Earl of Upper Ossory, and sister of the above. Died unmarried. A little girl sitting on the ground, her feet naked ; a bunch of grapes in her lap, on which are placed both her hands. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH. Size, 13! X iof in. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of Lady Lyveden. ANOTHER, standing on a hill with hands before her ; white handkerchief across her shoulders. Engraved in mezz. by John Dean, 1780. Size, i6| X I2f in. Another, inscribed " Collina, the little Mountaineer." A flower is growing by her side. Engraved in stipple by JOHN JONES. Size, 12^ X 9f in. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of Lord Castletown. 76 The Engraved Works of FITZWILLIAM, LADY CHARLOTTE. Daughter of William, 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam ; married, 1764, Thomas, ist Lord Dundas. Half-length ; feathers and pearls in hair ; a ribbon hangs over her left shoulder ; pearl earrings ; right hand holds up her dress to her bosom ; a pearl ornament on dress at shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1764. Size, lof X 9 in. There is a small copy of the same. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Earl of Zetland. FORDYCE, Miss. Afterwards Mrs. Greenwood ; sister of Mr. Fordyce the banker. Oval ; playing the guitar, with music-book to her right ; a veil over her head ; striped curtain, &c. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1765. Size, i2f x 9i in. Another, a copy of the above, by C. Corbutt. Picture painted 1762. In the possession of the Earl of Morley, Saltram. FORTESCUE, LADY. Anne, 2nd daughter of John Campbell, Esq. of Calder, N. B. ; married, 1752, Matthew, 2nd Baron Fortescue. She died in 1812. Three-quarter length, sitting ; resting on her right elbow ; hand up to her face ; a veil over her left shoulder, and attached to her dress in front ; land- scape with trees. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1757. Size, \2\ X 9g in. Also an 8vo. the reverse way. Picture painted 1757. In the possession of Earl Fortescue. FOSTER, LADY ELIZABETH. Second daughter of Frederick Augustus, 4th Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Deny ; married, ist, J. Foster, Esq. ; and 2nd, William, 5th Duke of Devonshire. Half-length ; white dress ; black waistband ; a large collar of spotted muslin. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1787. Size, 8| x 6| in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. GALLWEY, MRS. PAYNE, and CHILD. Philadelphia, daughter of General de Lancey. Died 1785, aged 27. Half-length ; carrying her child on her back ; her right hand holding the child's left ; trees, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1780. Size, 13 x n in. Proof impressions are scarce ; a proof sold at Christie's, March 17, 1873, for 387. Picture painted 1778. In the possession (1857) of Lord Monson. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 77 GIDEON, LADY. Miss Maria Wilmot ; married Sir Samson Gideon, afterwards Lord Eardley. Half-length, oval, in profile ; high head-dress ; pearls in hair ; an orna- ment on her shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by T. WATSON, 1771. Size, 13^ X uf in. Picture painted 1769. In the possession of Mrs. Culling Hanbury. GLOUCESTER, MARIA, DUCHESS OF. Vide WALDEGRAVE. GLOUCESTER, PRINCESS SOPHIA MATILDA OF. When a child ; lying down; her arm round a poodle-dog, on which her head is resting. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1775. Size, i2| x lof in. Picture painted 1774. In the Royal Collection. GORDON, DUCHESS OF. Jane, 2nd daughter of Sir John Maxwell, Bart. ; married, 1 767, Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon. Half-length, in a ruff; with chain and locket and one row ot pearls round her neck. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1775. Size, I2 x n in. There is an engraving by the same, the reverse way. Picture painted 1774. In the possession of the Duke of Richmond. GORDON, FRANCES. Vide INGRAM. GORDON, Miss FRANCES ISABELLA. Daughter of Lord Wm. Gordon, 2nd son of the 3rd Duke of Gordon, and the Hon. Frances Ingram Shepherd, daughter of Charles, gth Lord Irvine. She died unmarried in 1831. When a child ; five cherubs' heads in different positions. Engraved in the mixed manner by P. SlMON, 1789. Size, n| X 9 in. Proofs are rare. Picture painted 1787. In the National Gallery. GREENWAY, Miss. Elizabeth, daughter of John Greenway, Esq., of Portsmouth, Keeper of His Majesty's Stores; married, 9th January, 1771, the Hon. James Napier, Lieut.-Colonel of Marines, 3rd son of Francis, 5th Lord Napier of Merchistoun. Half-length, seated, looking up to her left ; a long lock of hair falling over her left shoulder ; her left arm resting on a cushion ; hands clasped together. 78 The Engraved Works of Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, n| x 9 in. Another, by Richard Houston. Size, 12 J x 9g in. Another by C. Corbutt. Size, 12 X 95 in. An 8vo. by the same, and one by T. Blackmore. Picture painted at Portsmouth 1773-4. GREVILLE, Miss, and her BROTHER. Son and daughter of Fulke Greville, Envoy Extraordinary, in 1776, to the Elector of Bavaria, and Minister to the Diet of Ratisbon. She married, 1776, John, afterwards Lord Crewe. Whole-lengths, as Hebe and Cupid. She is holding a vase, with flowing robes and sandles ; he, as Cupid, is standing on a stone by her side, looking over her right shoulder ; on the right a tree, with roses climbing up the stem. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1760. Size, 16^ X 13! in. ANOTHER, of the lady only, by C. CORBUTT, inscribed "Miss Graville." Picture painted 1760. In the possession of Lord Crewe. In consequence of a quarrel with his son, Mr. Greville cut the Cupid out of the picture, and a tripod stands in the place. GWATKIN, Miss. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gwatkin (Theophila Palmer, the niece of Sir Joshua Reynolds) ; afterwards Mrs. Lowther. Three-quarter length, as a girl, sitting (inscribed " Simplicity ") ; head turned to right ; face in profile ; in a lace cap ; white dress ; black sash ; her hands in her lap ; fingers turned upwards. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI. Size, 8 X 6f in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession (1869) of John Lucas, Esq. HALE, MRS. Mary, second daughter of Colonel Challoner; sister of Anne, Countess of Harewood ; married General Hale. Whole-length, as Euphrosyne, in "L'Allegro;" her left arm extended; her right hand holding her dress ; bouquet in her bosom ; accompanied by girls playing musical instruments. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, 24^ X 14! in. An octavo copy by C. Corbutt. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Earl of Harewood. HALLIDAY, LADY JANE. Lady Jane Tollemache, daughter of Lionel, 3rd Earl of Dysart ; married, 1771, John Delap Halliday, Esq., of the Leasowes, Salop; and, 2nd, 1802, G. D. Perry, Esq. ; and died the same year. Whole-length, walking, in a landscape; face turned to the right shoulder; hair waving in the wind, with a bandeau of pearls ; left arm extended ; right holding up her dress. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1779. Size, 23^ X iSs in. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of J. Tollemache, Esq. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 79 HAMILTON, LADY. Emma Hart (not Lyon, as in Cotton's Catalogue) ; wife of Sir W. Hamilton, Ambassador to Naples. Chiefly noted for her connexion with Lord Nelson. She was the daughter of a servant of the name of Hart. After being reduced to great distress, was exhibited in London by a Dr. Graham, a notorious charlatan of the day, as the goddess Hygeia, covered with a transparent veil ; married Sir W. Hamilton, 1791, who took her to Naples, and she became a great friend of Caroline of Austria. It is said that by her advice Prince Caracciolo was put to death ; but this she denied. She died near Calais in 1816. Half-length, as a Bacchante ; face turned over her right shoulder ; her finger to her mouth, with a smiling expression. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1784. Size, 9f X 8 in. There is an impression the reverse way in the British Museum, without lettering. Picture painted 1783, when Emma Hart. In the possession (1857) of S. Chamberlayne, Esq. HARTLEY, MRS. ELIZABETH. The Actress ; born in 1751. Her chief characters were Jane Shore, Queen Catherine, Lady Macbeth, Olivia, Cordelia, and Desdemona ; left the stage 1779, and died at Woolwich 1824, aged 73. There is no truth in the story told by Cotton of her having been drowned at sea. Three-quarter length, with her child as a youthful Bacchanal ; in a land- scape ; the child sits on her right arm, which is supported at her hip ; her left hand holds the child's right wrist. Engraved in mezz. by GuiSEPPE MARCHI, 1773. Size, i8 X 14 in. Another, in stipple, by G. Nutter, 1801. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of J. Bentley, Esq. There is a repetition, bought by Colonel Fulke-Howard at Lady Thomond's sale for 290 guineas. HARDINGE, MRS. Lucy, daughter of Richard Long, Esq., and widow of Mr. Stanley : married George Hardinge, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., of Wadham College, Oxon ; M.P. for Old Sarum, and Justice of the Peace for Brecon, Radnor, and Glamorgan. She died at Hawstead House, Suffolk, 1820. Three-quarter length ; in a landscape, with trees ; head-dress of ribbon and pearls ; a loose scarf over her shoulder ; she is patting a dog. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1780. Size, i6| X 13 in. This fine engraving is rare. Picture painted 1778. In the possession (1872) of the Marquess of Clan- ricarde. HARDWICKE, The MISSES. Vide YORKE. 8o The Engraved Works of HARRINGTON, COUNTESS OF. Jane, daughter and co-heir of Sir John Fleming ; married, 1779, Charles, 3rd Earl of Harrington. Died, 1824. Whole-length, in a white dress ; head-dress of feathers ; curls falling over her neck ; holding a wreath of flowers in her left hand ; her right holds a scarf, which falls from her waist ; landscape, with trees and flowers. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1780. Size, 28f x i$g in. A beautiful work of this engraver. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of the Earl of Harewood. HARRINGTON, JANE, COUNTESS OF, with her CHILDREN, LORD PETERSHAM and Hon. LINCOLN STANHOPE. Three-quarter length, sitting ; looking up to her son, Lord Petersham, who is standing by her side on a stone balustrade ; she holds him with her right hand ; the other child is seen behind her ; a column, with drapery and landscape. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1789. Size, uj x 9 in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Earl of Harrington. HARRIS, Miss FRANCES. Daughter of Sir James Harris, afterwards Lord Malmesbury ; married Lieut.-General Sir Lowry Cole, G.C.B. Whole-length ; a girl in a white dress ; her right hand patting a dog, which is sitting looking up in her face ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1791. Size, 17^ x 14 in. Picture painted 1789. (According to Bromley, this is the last picture which Sir Joshua Reynolds painted.) In the possession of the Earl of Darnley. 'HASTINGS, LADY SELINA. Daughter of Theophilus, gth Earl of Huntingdon ; died at the age of 22, in 1763, on the eve of her marriage with her cousin, Captain George Hastings. She was one of the Earls' daughters who bore Queen Charlotte's train at her coronation. Half-length, leaning on her folded arms ; pearls in hair ; a plait of hair falling over right shoulder ; a bouquet of roses in her bosom. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1761. Size, 11 x 9 in. There is a copy of this by C. Spooner. Size, I2| X 9g in. An 8vo. by the same. Picture painted 1760. At Donnington Park. HERBERT, LADY ELIZABETH, and SON. Daughter of Charles, 1st Earl of Egremont ; married, 1771, Henry Herbert, created, 1780, Lord Porchester ; 1793, Earl of Carnarvon. Whole-length, sitting on the ground ; her left arm resting on a stone ; her little child caressing her chin with his hand. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 8 1 Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1779. Size, 17! x 13! in. A proof before letters of this fine engraving sold at Christie's, April i, 1873, for 92 guineas. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of the Earl of Carnarvon. HERBERT, LADY HARRIET. So called her name was Henrietta Antonia, not Harriet daughter of Henry Arthur, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, created Earl of Powis 174.8 ; sister and heir to George Edward, 2nd Earl of Powis; married, 1784, Edward, 2nd Lord Clive, created Earl of Powis 1804. Through her the Powis estates passed to the Clive family. Three-quarter length, in a white dress ; looking over left shoulder ; spotted scarf ; she is pulling on a long glove over the left hand and arm ; landscape, with trees and water. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1779. Size, i6| x 13 in. Picture painted 1777 ; in the possession of the Earl of Powis; was altered after it was engraved, a large hat being substituted for the head-dress. HOPE, MRS. Anne, wife of William Hope, Esq., of Amsterdam . Three-quarter length, sitting ; right arm resting on the pedestal of a vase of flowers ; large white muslin cap with black ribbon ; a black silk mantilla falls over each arm ; hands clasped together on her lap. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES, 1788. Size, 14} X iij in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Family. HOPE, MRS. Mary, wife of John Hope, Esq., of London. Died June, 1767, aged 25, at Brook Hall, Northamptonshire. Half-length, sitting at a table ; on her head a turban, tied under her chin ; brocaded dress ; left elbow rests on a book ; hand raised to her neck ; a string of pearls hangs from her finger, and is looped to a rose at her bosom ; right hand on book ; from an opening to right, a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1765. Size, \i\ x 9! in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Family. HORNECK, MRS. Hannah, wife of Kane William Horneck, Esq., Captain Royal Engineers. She was called " The Plymouth Beauty." Half-length ; a lawn veil over her head, under which her hair falls to her waist ; left hand to her face ; leaning on a book. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1761. Size, io| X 9 in. Another, in mezz., enlarged, showing the right hand, and inscribed " The Plymouth Beauty," is by R. Purcell. Size, \i\ X 9s in. Picture painted 1759. In the possession of Sir C. J. Bunbury, Bart. M 82 The Engraved Works of HORNECK, Miss CATHARINE. Eldest daughter of the above. The " Little Comedy " of Goldsmith. Vide MRS. HENRY BUNBURY. HORNECK, Miss MARY. Second daughter of Captain and Mrs. Horneck. She married Colonel Gwynn. The Horneck family were great friends of Oliver Goldsmith, and after his death this lady, " his Jessamy bride," had the coffin reopened and cut a lock of hair from his head, which she preserved till her death. Sir Joshua left her at his death "her own portrait with a turban." Whole-length, sitting on the ground, in a Persian dress, with a turban and sash ; left arm resting on the pedestal of a column. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD DUNKARTON, 1778. Size, 17! x 13! in. Proofs before letters are scarce. A proof sold at Christie's for 24 guineas, February loth, 1873. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Sir C. J. Bunbury, Bart. HOWARD, LADY CAROLINE ISABELLA. Daughter of Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle ; married John, 1st Earl of Cawdor ; died 1848. Whole-length, when young, sitting in a landscape ; cap and black mantilla ; right arm extended to a vase of flowers, from which she is plucking a rose. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1778. Size, i6| X i2 in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of the Earl of Carlisle. HUDDESFORD, MRS. Wife of Mr. Huddesford, the son of the President of Trinity College, Oxford. Half-length ; cloak trimmed with fur ; the face half turned to the spectator; a black dog (the head only) looking up at her. Engraved in mezz. by H. MEYER. Size, 10 X 8f in. Picture painted 1778. Was in the possession of the late Mr. Anderson, Coxlodge Park. HUME, LADY. Amelia, daughter of John Egerton, Bishop of Durham ; wife of Sir Abraham Hume, F.R.S., 2nd Baronet. Half-length, sitting ; three-quarter face ; spaniel in her lap, black man- tilla ; white skirt ; hair curled. Engraved in mezz. by E. EDWARDS, 1795. Size, u| X 9i in. Private plate. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of Earl Brownlow, at Ashridge. Sir J 'os hi i a Reynolds. 83 HYNDFORD, COUNTESS OF. Jean, daughter of Benjamin Vigor, Esq., of Fulham ; married, 1756, John Carmichael, 3rd Earl of Hyndford. Half-length, sitting ; pearl earrings ; pearl necklace, with a bow at the back of the neck ; dress trimmed with lace, and large lace sleeves ; she is holding a shuttle, on which she is winding thread from a ball in her lap. Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL. Size, II x 9 in. On a pillar in the corner of the engraving is inscribed. "Jane, Countess of Hyndford, 1757." Picture painted 1757. In the possession of Sir W. Carmichael An- struther, Bart. INGRAM-SHEPHERD, HON. FRANCES. Daughter of the loth Lord Irvine ; took the surname of Shepherd from her mother; married, 1781, Lord William Gordon, second son of Cosmo, 3rd Duke of Gordon. This engraving is commonly called " Lady Frances Gordon." Half-length, oval ; front face ; Pompadour head-dress ; ribbon in hair with bow in front ; a black domino cloak. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1780. Size, 13! x n in. This very fine engraving is scarce. A proof sold for 59 guineas at Christie's, April 8th, 1873. Picture painted 1779. At Temple Newsome. INGRAM-SHEPHERD, HON. ISABELLA ANN. Vide LADY BEAUCHAMP. IRWIN, MRS. Wife of General Irvvin. Half-length, oval ; front face; leaning on her arms, which are crossed in front of her; hair combed back and tied with a black ribbon ; white sleeves ; nosegay in her dress. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, io| X 8 in. An octavo by the same, in a square. Picture painted 1761. Was in the possession of the late Marquess of Hertford. INCHIQUIN, COUNTESS OF. Vide MARY PALMER. JACOBS, Miss. A well-known Singer, pupil of Mrs. Crouch. She performed and sung as one of the Graces in Hoare's opera of " Dido." Three-quarter length, sitting in a chair ; face nearly profile, looking to her left ; hair turned up with pearls ; a single row of pearls as a necklace ; bouquet of flowers in her lap. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN SPILSBURY. Size, 17! X 14* in- 84 The Engraved Works of This fine engraving obtained the premium of the Society of Arts for 1761. Proofs are very rare; one sold for 40 guineas at Christie's, February loth, 1873- There is another engraving of the same, 8vo., by Richard Houston, 1762. Picture painted 1761. In the possession of the Marquess of Hertford. JAMES, MRS. A Mrs. James sat, according to the pocket-book, June, 1759; but Mr. Reynolds, grand-nephew of Sir Joshua, states that Sir Joshua informed him this was a fancy portrait. As a Madonna, looking over her left shoulder ; a veil over the back of her head. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN BLACKMORE, 1759. Size, 14 X io| in. Picture painted 1759 In the possession of JOHNSON, Miss. A model. A girl sketching ; standing leaning against a slab; in profile ; left hand holds a sketch-book, which is supported by her waist ; in right hand a pencil. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1796. Size, 9! x 7f in. Picture painted in 1782. In the possession of Baroness Burdett-Coutts. JOHNSTONE, LADY CHARLOTTE. Daughter of George Montagu, ist Earl of Halifax ; married Colonel John stone. Three-quarter length ; head turned over right shoulder ; long plait of hair over the same ; dress trimmed with ermine ; pearl necklace ; two pearls as an earring ; right arm bent to hip ; sash round waist ; curtain to her right. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1760, Size, I2| x 9! in. Another, a copy, is by C. Corbutt. An octavo by the same. Picture painted in 1760. In the possession of the Family. KAUFFMANN, MARIA.ANGELICA, R.A. Born at Coire, in Switzerland, 1741 ; came to England in 1766, and obtained considerable success as a portrait-painter ; was one of the original members of the Royal Academy. She was deceived into a marriage with the valet of Count Horn, who, having stolen his master's wardrobe and credentials, assumed his name and character ; she was subsequently divorced, and married, at the age of 62, Zucchi, a Venetian painter. She died at Rome in 1807. Half-length, oval ; sitting ; a string of pearls and a tiara in her hair ; a lock of hair falls over each shoulder ; she is holding a drawing in her right and a crayon-pencil in her left hand ; a buckle on her right shoulder ; the dress trimmed with fur. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1780. Size, 93 X 8 in. Another, in a cloak trimmed with fur ; the hands not shown. Engraved in line by E. MORACE. Size, 9 X 7i in. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Earl Spencer. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 85 KEMBLE, Miss FRANCES. Sister of Mrs. Siddons ; afterwards Mrs. Twiss. Half-length ; hair dressed with a ribbon ; frilled lapel ; black dress ; in a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by J. JONES, 1784. Size, 13 X lof in. Another, with two Cupids supporting her name on the print. Another, with an ornament of flowers at the bottom of the plate. Another, in a white dress, by the same engraver. Size, 13 X lof in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of G. A. F. Cavendish Bentinck, Esq., M.P. A replica in the possession of Colonel Clifford. KENNEDY, Miss POLLY (or JONES). " One of the Phrynes of the day." Vide " Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds," vol. i. p. 395. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in a rich dress trimmed with ermine ; a Persian sash and flowered underskirt ; her right hand and arm raised, holding a handkerchief ; pearl earrings. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1771. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of Sir C. J. Bunbury, Bart. KENT, MRS., afterwards LADY. Mary, daughter of Thomas Wadsworth, M.A., Presbyter; wife of Sir Charles Kent. Whole-length, sitting on the ground ; her right arm resting against a tree ; head-dress of ribbons and pearls ; ornament at bosom ; her left hand holding the end of a Persian sash, which is wound round her waist ; land- scape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. DEAN, 1779. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of KEPPEL, LADY ELIZABETH. Third daughter of William Anne, 2nd Earl of Albemarle, K.G. ; "one of the ten bridesmaids to Queen Charlotte; married, 1764, Francis, Marquess of Tavistock, who was killed by a fall from his horse, 1767 ; she died of a broken heart a year after her husband's death. She was the mother of Francis, 5th Duke, and John, 6th Duke of Bedford ; and also of Lord William Russell, who was murdered on 6th May, 1840, by his valet, Benjamin Francis Courvoisier, executed for his crime. Whole-length, decorating a Term of Hymen ; in her bridesmaid dress of magnificent flowered satin ; a black attendant holds a wreath of flowers ; at the foot of the column is a burning censer ; a curtain is draped over a tree, and falls in folds behind her. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER. Size, 23 X 14 in. One of the engraver's finest works. Fine proofs are scarce. Picture painted 1761-2. In the possession of the Duke of Bedford, Woburn. 86 The Engraved Works of KILDARE, COUNTESS OF. Emilia Jane, daughter of Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond ; married, yth February, 1746, James, 2nd Earl of Kildare, created, 1761, Marquess of Kildare, and 1766, Duke of Leinster. Three-quarter length, sitting at a table, leaning on her right elbow ; hand to face ; a veil on her head ; pearl earrings ; bracelets of the same ; a row of pearls falls across her bosom from right to left ; her left hand holds a book ; sleeves looped up with pearls ; figured underskirt ; from a window a view of trees in a landscape ; curtain on her right. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1754. Size, I2| X 9% in- Picture painted 1754. In the possession of the Duke of Leinster. LASCELLES, MRS., and her CHILD. Anne, daughter of W. Challoner, Esq., of Guisborough ; married, 1761, Edward Lascelles, Esq., M.P. for North Allerton ; created, 1796, Baron Harewood of Harewood in the county of York. Three-quarter length, sitting ; resting on her left arm ; her right hand holds her child's foot ; the child, nearly naked, is lying on her lap with both arms raised, playing with its mother's hair ; column draped ; landscape with trees. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1765. Size, 17 j X 14 in. Another, copy of the same by C. Corbutt. Size, 13! X io| in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Earl of Harewood. LEE, LADY ELIZABETH. Daughter of Simon, ist Earl Harcourt ; one of the ten Earls' daughters who supported the train of Queen Charlotte on her marriage, 8th Sept. 1761 ; married, 1763, Sir W. Lee, Bart. Whole-length, sitting ; her left arm resting on her ermine cloak ; hand to her face ; right hand in her lap, holding some flowers ; a flowing robe falls over the seat ; trunk of tree, with branches, at the back. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1766. Size, 20 X 14 in. Another by James Watson. Picture painted 1765. At Hartwell. LEINSTER, DUCHESS OF. Emilia Olivia, daughter of St. George Usher, Lord St. George ; married, 1775, William Robert, 2nd Duke of Leinster. Oval ; face nearly profile ; white dress ; hair plain, without any ornament. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1780. Size, 13 X io| in. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of the Family. LENNOX, LADY SARAH. Vide BUNBURY. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 87 LENOX, MRS. ARABELLA. A literary lady. She had apartments in Somerset House, which she was obliged to vacate in 1773, to make room for Sir W. Chambers' new building. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1792, for the edition of Harding's Shakespeare. She sat for her picture in 1761. LESLIE, LADY MARY. Daughter of John, gth Earl of Rothes; married, 1771, Charles, 3rd Earl of Portmore. Whole-length, kneeling by a raised stone slab, on which is a lamb encircled by her arm ; in her right hand a bouquet of flowers ; sheep and lambs by her side ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by I. SPILSBURY, 1766. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Countess of Rothes, Leslie House, Fife, N. B. MACKLIN, MRS. and Miss, and Miss POTTS. Wife and daughter of Macklin the printseller and publisher. Miss Potts married Mr. Landseer, and was the mother of the late Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Whole-lengths, in a fancy picture, entitled " The Gleaners." Miss Potts is the young lady carrying a sheaf of corn ; Mrs. Macklin is sitting spinning, with a Newfoundland dog by her side. Miss Macklin is feeding poultry. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1788. Size, 17! X 13 in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of Mrs. Gosling. MAGIL, Miss THEODOSIA. Only daughter and heiress of R. Hawkins Magil, Esq. ; married, 1765, John Meade, 4th Earl of Clanwilliam. Three-quarter length, sitting on a garden-seat ; left arm resting on arm of seat ; hand hanging down ; right hand holding a book in her lap ; head- dress with pearls ; string of pearls looping up a white sleeve ; on her left a large vase, with roses climbing up the pedestal. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1765. Private plate. Size, 13^ X ii in. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of the Earl of Darnley. MANCHESTER, DUCHESS OF, with her Son GEORGE, VISCOUNT MANDEVILLE. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Dashwood of Kirklington ; married, 1762, George, 4th Duke of Manchester. Whole-lengths, as Diana and Cupid. She is leaning forward ; her right arm extended, stealing the bow; her left hand holds a spear ; Cupid lying at the foot of a tree ; landscape, with trees, &c. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1766. Size, 24! X i6| in. Picture painted 1766. In the possession of the Duke of Manchester. The Engraved Works of MANNERS, LADY CATHERINE MARY. Daughter of Charles, 5th Duke of Rutland; married, 1800, Cecil Weld, 1st Lord Forester. As a child j head and shoulders ; on the head a large cap. Engraved in the dot manner by T. GAUGAIN, 1785. Size, 7 X 6| in. Picture painted 1784. Burnt at Belvoir Castle, 1816. MANNERS, LADY LOUISA. Lady Louisa Tollemache, sister of the Earl of Dysart ; born in 1745 ; married, 1765, John Manners of Grantham ; became Countess of Dysart in her own right, 1821. Whole-length, standing by a pedestal, on which her left elbow rests ; hand up to the face ; hair falling over her left shoulder ; right arm by her side ; her hand holding the end of a Persian sash, which is tied round her waist ; column draped ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1779. Size, 23^ X 15 in. Another, engraved in the dot manner, by C. Knight, 1806. Size, i6| X lOj in. Picture painted 1779. In the possession of Mr. Tollemache, Peckforton. MARLBOROUGH, DUCHESS OF, with her Daughter, LADY C. SPENCER. Caroline, only daughter of John, 4th Duke of Bedford ; wife of George Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough. (Vide also RUSSELL.) Three-quarter length, sitting ; her face to the spectator ; holding at arm's-length her child, who has on a coral necklace ; her arms stretched towards her mother. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1768. Size, 15! X I2| in. Another by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1769. Size, 17 \ X 13! in. Another, a reversed copy of the above, by H. Fowler, 1768": the child called George, Marquess of Blandford. Size, 12 j X 9! in. Picture painted 1768. In the possession of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim. MATTHEW, MRS. Wife of the Rev. Henry Matthew, minister of Percy Chapel, Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury. Mrs. Matthew was a great friend and patroness of art and music. Flaxman, in return for many favours, decorated her parlour in Rathbone Place with models of figures in niches ; Oram painted the window in imitation of stained glass. Whole-length, in a landscape ; a string of pearls over her right shoulder, looped at the bosom and continued to left side ; left arm bent ; hand to her hip, the palm outwards ; a dog gambols by her side. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1780. Size, 23^ x 15 in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Wynn Ellis, Esq. The picture was sold at Lady Thomond's sale for 47 guineas. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 89 MELBOURNE, LADY. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Ralph Milbanke, Bart.; married, 1762, Sir Peniston Lamb, created, 1770, Baron Melbourne. She died in 1816. Half-length, sitting; head-dress, with pearls; a lock of hair, entwined with pearls, falls over her right shoulder ; right arm resting on table ; dress lined with ermine. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN FINLAYSON, 1771. Size, 17! X 135 in. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Rt. Hon. W. Cooper- Temple, M.P. MELBOURNE, LADY, with her SON, the HON. PENISTON LAMB. As above. Whole-length, sitting ; she holds the child, who is putting his anns round her neck ; to the left a cradle ; to the right a curtain draped ; landscape, with trees in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1775. Size, 24! x 15 in. Another of the same, three-quarter length ; a circle the reverse way ; in- scribed "Maternal Affection ;" engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1780. Picture painted 1771. At Brockett Hall. MEYER, MISS. Daughter of Jeremiah Meyer, R.A., the enameller and miniature-painter; one of the original members of the Royal Academy. As " Hebe," standing on a cloud ; face turned over the right shoulder ; supporting in both hands the beaker and chalice ; an eagle at her side, with outspread wings, holding a thunderbolt in his claws. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JACOB, 1760. Size, 22j X 14! in. Scarce. A fine proof, with margin, sold at Christie's, April I, 1873, for 45/. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of Baron Lionel de Rothschild. MOLINEUX, LADY ISABELLA. Second daughter of William, 2nd Earl of Harrington ; married, 1768, Charles William, Qth Viscount Molineux, afterwards Earl of Sefton. Half-length ; head-dress of pearls entwined in a gauze veil which falls over her left shoulder ; string of pearls across her bosom. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 13! X n in. An octavo, copy of the above, by R. Laurie. Picture painted 1770. In possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. MONCKTON, THE HON. MARY. Daughter of John, Viscount Galway ; married Edmund, 7th Earl of Cork. Died 3rd May, 1840, aged 94. Whole-length, sitting on a stone bench ; right arm resting on a pedestal, N 90 The Engraved Works of on which is a vase ; forefinger of the left hand to the corner of her mouth ; a spaniel at her feet ; landscape, with trees and river. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JACOBIQ, 1779. Size, 24 X 14! in. Proof impressions are rare. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Mr. Monckton, Finesshade Abbey, Northamptonshire. MONTAGU, LADY ELIZABETH. Daughter of George, Earl of Cardigan and Duke of Montagu ; married, 1767, Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch. Half-length ; ribbon round her neck ; an ornament of three pearls at her bosom ; a scarf over her right shoulder and over left forearm ; her right hand over her left Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL. Size, \o\ X 9 in. Picture painted 1759. In the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch. MONTAGU, LADY CAROLINE. So called ; properly, Lady Caroline Montagu Scott, 3rd daughter of Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, and Elizabeth, daughter of George, Duke of Montagu; married, 1803, Sir Charles Douglas, who succeeded in 1810 as 5th Marquess of Queensbury. Whole-length ; a little girl in a black cloak, large bonnet, with a muff ; a robin perched near her ; a dog sitting on her right, looking up at her ; in a wintry landscape. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1776. Known as " Winter." Proofs are very rare. A fine proof before letters, full margin, sold at Christie's, March 17, 1873, for no/. A print, April 1873, f r 2 3^- Picture painted 1776 ; exhibited 1777. In the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch, at Dalkeith Palace. MONTAGU, LADY ELIZABETH and LADY HENRIETTA. Daughters of George, 4th Earl of Cardigan and Duke of Montagu. Lady Elizabeth married Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch. Lady Henrietta died unmarried. Whole length ; Lady Elizabeth sitting ; front face ; left shoulder un- covered, over which is a girdle ; her left arm resting on a pedestal ; her right hand on the shoulder of her sister, who is kneeling by her side. Engraved in mezz. by H. MEYER. Picture painted 1757, and exhibited 1763. In the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch. MONTAGU, MRS. Daughter 01 Matthew Robinson, Esq., of West Layton, in the county of York, and of Horton, in Kent; sister to Lord Rokeby; married Edward Montagu, Esq., of Denton Castle, Northumberland, grandson of the ist Earl of Sandwich. She was born in 1726, and studied under Conyers Middleton, the celebrated divine and critic ; she published an essay on the " Writings and Genius of Shakespeare," in answer to the objections of Vol- taire ; she also assisted Lord Lyttelton in his " Dialogues of the Dead." Sir Joshua Reynolds. 9 1 She was equally distinguished for her beauty and taste for literature, and established a literary society known as the " Blue Stockings," of which she was the queen. On every May-day she gave a feast of roast beef and plum pudding to the chimney-sweepers on the lawn at Montagu House, Portman Square. She died August 25, 1800. Half-length, sitting ; face nearly in profile ; in an elaborate brocaded dress ; her head-dress a small hat, tied under the chin with a black hand- kerchief ; hands crossed on her lap ; column and drapery behind. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1776. Size, i/f x 13! in. The proofs of this fine engraving are rare. A proof before letters sold at Christie's, April 10, 1873, for 28 guineas. An 8vo., head and shoulders, in Harding's Shakespeare, by F. Barto- lozzi, R.A., 1792. Another, small oval, in the " Monthly Mirror," 1798. Picture painted circa 1775-6. In the possession of Lord Rokeby. MORANT, MRS. Painted when Miss Goddard. Married John Morant, Esq., M.P. Sitting, looking to her right ; black ribbon round her throat ; bow with a pearl at bosom ; a cloak trimmed with ermine over her left shoulder, falls in folds on the right side of the chair ; left arm resting on a table ; a volume of Milton in her right hand. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES TOWNLEY, 1771. Size, 13! x roj in. Private plate. Picture painted 1760. In the possession of Mr. Morant. MORDAUNT, MRS. Charlotte, daughter of Sir Phil. Musgrave, Bart., of Eden Hall, Cum- berland ; married the Rev. Charles Mordaunt of Massingham. Half-length, in an oval ; three-quarter face ; a gauze veil entwined in her hair falls over each shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1776. Size, 13 X iof in. Picture painted 1774. In the possession of Sir Charles Mordaunt, Bart. MORRIS, MRS. Henrietta, daughter of Sir P. Musgrave, of Eden Hall, Cumberland, and wife of John Morris, Esq., created a Baronet in 1806. Half-length, sitting ; head-dress of two feathers ; resting on her left elbow ; hand up to her face ; dress trimmed with ermine ; the hand and arm throw a shadow on the neck and throat. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1776. Size, 13 X lof in. Picture painted 1775. Sold at Christie's, 1873, to i ts present possessor, Mr. Wentworth Beaumont, for 36oo/. MORRIS, Miss. Daughter of Valentine Morris, Governor of one of the West India Islands. She appeared at Covent Garden as Juliet in November, 1768, and fainted from timidity ; she never appeared again on the stage, and died of consumption, May, 1769. As "Hope nursing Love;" whole-length, sitting: knees bent; arm 92 The Engraved Works of resting on a bank ; Cupid in her lap, pressed to her bosom ; her left arm holding his right hand ; his quiver lies at her feet. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1771. Size, 195 X 14! in. A small oval of the same, engraved by Francis Bartolozzi, 1784. Picture painted 1768-9. In the possession of the Marquess of Lansdowne. MUSE, Miss. Half-length, in a flat straw hat ; a cap at the back of her head ; two rows of pearls as a necklace ; a gauze handkerchief over her chest, with a bow. Engraved in mezz. by J. FABER, 1755. Size, lo X 9 in. An 8vo. copy, the reverse way, by P. Corbutt. Picture painted 1755. In the possession (1860) of Mr. Norton. MUSTERS, MRS. Sophia, daughter of Mudd Heywood, Esq. ; mother of John Musters, who married Byron's first love, Mary Chaworth. Miss Burney says : " The present beauty whom our children may talk of is a Mrs. Musters, an ex- ceedingly pretty woman, the reigning toast of the day." " She was most beautiful, but most unhappy ; and it is to her that a gentleman at a ball handed a glass of chalk and water, with an apology, saying, ' Chalk is thought to be a cure for the heartburn ; I wonder whether it will cure the heartache ? '" Whole-length, leaning forward, gathering lilacs ; her face turned to her left ; sash round the waist ; a dog at her feet, looking up. Steps and balus- trade to the left. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1779. Size, 24! x 14! in. The proofs of this fine engraving are very scarce. A proof before letters sold at Christie's, March I7th, 1873, for io8/. Picture painted 1778. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. MUSTERS, MRS. As above. Whole-length, as " Hebe," pouring wine into a chalice, from which an eagle is drinking ; clouds, &c. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES H. HODGES, 1785. Size, 23! X 14! in. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of John Musters, Esq., Colwick Hall. NORTHUMBERLAND, COUNTESS OF. Lady Elizabeth Seymour, daughter of the Duke of Somerset ; married Hugh, Earl of Northumberland. Whole-length, in her robes, holding her coronet. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1759. Size > l8 X 135 in. Another, reduced, by the same. Size, 13X9? in. Another, head and shoulders, in robes. Engraved in mezz. by Edward Fisher. Size, 19^ X 14! in. Another, reduced, by the same. Size, I2f X 9! in. Picture painted 1759. In the possession of the Duke of Northumberland. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 93 O'BRIEN, Miss NELLY. This famous courtesan and beauty was painted by Sir Joshua at least four times in different attitudes. She died in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, in 1768. Three-quarter length, sitting, with a white poodle in her lap ; her hands crossed ; face in shadow from a flat Woffington hat ; her dress, muslin over a quilted petticoat ; black lace mantilla ; pearl necklace. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES PHILLIPS, 1770. Size, i6g X 125 in. Fine impressions are extremely rare, the plate having been injured after a few copies had been struck off. A proof before letters sold at Christie's, Feb. roth, 1873, f r 53^- los - There is a reduced copy or the above mezz. by Samuel Okey. Size, I2f X 9g in. ; and an octavo copy, printed for John Bowles. Picture painted 1760. In the possession of Sir Richard Wallace, Bt, M.P. O'BRIEN, Miss NELLY. Three-quarter length ; face in profile ; her right arm resting on a vase ; a column and curtain to the right. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DlXON, 1774. Size, 18 X 14 in. Scarce. A proof sold at Christie's, April, 1873, for 6$t. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of Lord Clifden. O'BRIEN, Miss NELLY. Three-quarter length ; front face ; in a white dress ; a necklace of one row of pearls ; pearls in her hair, and pearl earrings ; left arm resting on a pedestal ; bracelets on her arms ; a ring on the left hand ; on the side of the pedestal is a figure with a bunch of grapes. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON. Size, 18 x 13! in. An octavo copy by the same. There is also a copy of the above by J. Wilson, with the hair slightly altered. Size, 17! X 13! in. There is a reduced copy of this engraving by C. Spooner. Size, 1 2f x 9! in. And an octavo by the same.j Picture painted circa 1760. In the possession of Lord Northbrook. OLIVER, Miss. Daughter of Alderman Oliver Three-quarter length ; holding a drawing in her left hand ; the arm resting on a pedestal of a column ; right hand on lap, holding a porte-crayon ; a plait of hair falls over her right shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by GUISEPPE MARCHI, 1769. Size, li| X 9! in. Picture painted 1768. In the possession of 94 The Engraved Works of PALMER, MARY. Eldest daughter of John Palmer, Esq., of Torrington, Devonshire ; niece of Sir Joshua Reynolds; married, 1792, Murrough O'Bryen, 5th Earl of Inchiquin ; created, 1800, Marquess of Thomond. At the death of Sir Joshua Reynolds she came into possession of many of his fine portraits, &c., which were after her death sold at Christie's, in May, 1821. Half-length, in a turban ; front face ; black ribbon round her neck. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DOUGHTY, 1777. Size, 13! X n in. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. PALMER, Miss. As above. An oval ; in hat and feathers. Engraved in mezz. by JOSEPH COLLYER, 1785. Octavo size. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of Mr. W. J. S. Morritt. PALMER, THEOPHILA. Younger sister of the above ; Sir Joshua's " Offy ; " married Robert Lovell Gwatkin, Esq., of Cornwall. As a girl she sat for many of Sir Joshua's fancy subjects : for example, the " Strawberry Girl," " Girl reading Clarissa," " Girl with a Muff," the " Comedy," in the Garrick picture, &c. Half-length, sitting ; a handkerchief folded over her neck, with bow in front ; cloak over shoulder ; glove on left hand ; arm resting on a pedestal. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1777. Size, 133 X io| in. Picture painted on her marriage in 1776. In the possession (1867) ot Mr. J. Reynolds Gwatkin. PARKER, HON. MRS. Theresa, daughter of Thomas, ist Baron Grantham ; married, 1769, John Parker, Esq., of Saltram, created Lord Boringdon. She died in 1775. The Parkers were intimate friends of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Whole-length, standing ; face in profile ; her right arm resting on a pedestal, on which is a vase ; her left hand across her right forearm ; in a woody landscape. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1773. Size, 24! X 14! in. Picture painted 1772. In the possession of the Earl of Morley, Saltram PELHAM, MRS. Sophia, daughter and heiress of George Aufrere, Esq., of Chelsea ; married C. Anderson Pelham, Esq., Recorder of Great Grimsby, created, 1794, Baron Yarborough. He took the name of Pelham on inheriting the estates of his great-uncle, .Captain Pelham. Mrs. Pelham died in 1786. Whole-length ; in a flowered dress ; her left arm supports a sieve to her side, from which she is feeding poultry and pigeons ; farm-buildings, &c., in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON. Size, 24^ x 14! in. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 95 Private plate. The light shade of ink with which the impressions are printed was singular and accidental. Proofs of this engraving are extremely rare. A fine impression sold at Sotheby's, 1873, for i68/. Picture painted circa 1770. (In Sir Joshua's pocket-book for July, 1770, Miss Aufrere is a sitter, and Mr. Pelham.) In the possession of the Earl of Yarborough. PEMBROKE, COUNTESS OF, with her SON. Lady Elizabeth, 2nd daughter of Charles, 2nd Duke of Marlborough ; one of the most beautiful women of her time ; married, 1756, Henry, loth Earl of Pembroke. Three-quarter length, sitting ; her son George Augustus, afterwards nth Earl, stands by her side with a book in his hand; in the background, a pillar draped with a curtain. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DixON, 1771. Size, i6f X I2g in. There is an engraving of the head and shoulders only, by Elizabeth Reynolds, only one impression being taken from the plate ; in the collection of the Duke of Buccleuch. Size, 7f X 5g in. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Earl of Pembroke, Wilton House. PENN FAMILY, THE. Children of Thomas Penn, Esq., of Stoke Pogis, "the wealthy sovereign of Pennsylvania," and Lady Juliana Penn, 4th daughter of the Earl of Pomfret. Whole-lengths. Four children in a landscape ; one (Louisa Harriet) gathering grapes ; a child (John) handing a bunch to the baby (Granville), sitting on a pedestal, supported by his elder sister (Juliana) ; a turban lies on their right ; to the left, a draped vase on a pedestal. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES TURNER, 1819. Size, 19! X 14! in. Picture painted circa 1764. In the possession of W. Stuart, Esq., Aldenham Abbey. POTT, Miss EMILY (or BERTIE, or COVENTRY). Northcote says, Miss Emily Coventry, a courtesan of the day. Whole-length, as Thais, in white drapery ; a flaming torch in her right hand ; left arm extended upwards ; the royal palace (Persepolis) burning in the distance. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1792. Size, i6f x ioj in. Picture painted 1781. In the possession of Mr. Tollemache, Peckforton. POWELL, Miss HARRIETT. An actress of considerable repute ; married Kenneth Mackenzie, 7th Earl of Seaforth. Three-quarter length, in the character of Leonora in " The Padlock." Dress lined with ermine ; pearls in hair ; a goldfinch perched on her left hand. 96 The Engraved Works of Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON, 1770. Size, 17! X 13! in. Another, reduced, by Elizabeth Judkins, 1770. Size 12^ X 9f in., with verses. Also an 8vo. copy by the same. Picture painted 1769. In the possession of POWLETT, LADY CATHERINE MARGARET. Second daughter and coheir of Harry, 6th and last Duke of Bolton ; married, 1787, William Henry, Viscount Barnard, afterwards Earl of Darling- ton, Marquess of, and subsequently Duke of Cleveland. She died in 1807. Whole-length, as a young girl, sitting ; her left breast, and arm on which she rests, bare ; her right hand caressing a greyhound lying at her feet. On her left a rose-bush, with trees in the distance ; on her right, masonry, draped with a curtain. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1778. Size, 18 X 135 in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of the Duke of Cleveland. PRICE, LADY CAROLINE. Daughter of George Carpenter, Earl of Tyrconnell ; married Uvedale Price, Esq., of Foxley, afterwards created a Baronet. She died July, 1826. Half-length ; hair frizzed and powdered ; dress with lapel and buttons ; white handkerchief crossed over neck and chest. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1788. Size, 13^ x io| in. Picture painted 1786. In the possession of the Family. PRICE, Miss. Daughter of Uvedale and Lady Caroline Price. Whole-length ; a little girl, with her hands crossed ; in a landscape, with lambs ; on the right a pedestal, surmounted by a vase ; on the left, lambs and trees. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 13! X n in. Another, a copy of the same, 8vo., by R. Laurie, 1771. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of the Family. QUARRINGTON, MRS. " A beautiful woman, with Guido-like expression." As " St. Agnes ;" with lamb and palm-branch. Engraved in line by T. CHAMBERS, 1787. In the possession of Rev. J. Buchanan Riddell. ROBINSON, MRS. Mary Darby, daughter of an American trader, a protegee of Hannah More. She married at fifteen a profligate attorney. She first appeared on the stage as Juliet, and "took the town by storm;" afterwards as Imogen and Ophelia. In the character of Perdita, in the "Winter's Tale," she attracted the attention and won the heart of the Prince Regent, which her unscrupulous Sir Joshua Reynolds. 97 husband made the most of, and she left the stage. Her reign did not last long, and an annuity of 5oo/. per annum was settled upon her by the Prince. She was a woman of some talent, and wrote a book of poems. Died at Englefield Green, 1800. Half-length, as Perdita ; black hat and feathers ; hands crossed ; a black ribbon round her neck ; powdered hair ; a white lace handkerchief over her shoulders. Engraved in the chalk manner by W. DICKINSON, 1782. Size, io|x8| in. A small oval, by T. Burke, prefixed to her poems. Another by C. H. Hodges, 1784. Picture painted 1781. In the possession of the Marquess of Hertford. ROBINSON, MRS. As above, as "Contemplation;" seated by a rock on the sea -shore, looking down. Engraved in the mixed manner by WILLIAM BIRCH, 1787. Size, 5X4! in. Another by the same, with her name. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of Sir R. Wallace, Bart M.P. RUSSELL, LADY CAROLINE. Only daughter of John, 4th Duke of Bedford ; afterwards Duchess of Maryborough. Three-quarter length, sitting on a garden- seat ; a Blenheim spaniel in her lap ; necklace, a single row of pearls ; pearl earrings ; a string of pearls looping up her sleeve ; nosegay at bosom ; landscape, with moonlight and clouds. Engraved in mezz. by J. McARDELL, 1755. Size, 12^ x 9f in. Another, a copy, by R. Purcell. Size, 12 x 95 in. Picture painted 1754. In the possession of the Duke of Bedford. RUTLAND, DUCHESS OF. Lady Mary Isabella, youngest daughter of Charles, 4th Duke of Beaufort; married, 1775, Charles Manners, 4th Duke of Rutland. She died 1831. Whole-length ; head-dress with feathers ; leaning on her left arm ; left hand holds her sash ; ermine cloak over left shoulder, falling to the right side ; white kerchief round her neck ; right arm by her side ; left leg bent ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1780. Size, 23! x 15^ in. Proofs of this fine engraving are very scarce. A proof sold at Sotheby's, 1873, for i8o/. Picture painted 1779. Was destroyed by fire at Belvoir Castle, 1816. ANOTHER, sitting, three-quarter length, with a book in her hand. Engraved by J. K. SHERWIN, 1791. Size, i6 X 13! in. Picture painted 1790. In the possession of the Duke of Beaufort. ANOTHER, three-quarter length, as "The Vestal," in a white dress, sur- rounded by figures. Engraved in the dot manner by P. W. TOMKINS, 1796. Size, 18 X 14 in. The picture is in the possession of Mr. Cox, Pall Mall. o 98 The Engraved Works of ST. ASAPH, LADY SOPHIA. Third daughter of Thomas, ist Marquess of Bath ; married, 1734, George, Lord St. Asaph, afterwards 3rd Earl of Ashburnham. She died in 1791. Whole-length, sitting, with her knees bent under her, playing with her child, who is lying on his back on a cushion, with his head from her. Engraved in the mixed manner by J. GROZER, 1792. Size, I2g X 9! in. Proofs of this engraving are very scarce ; 25 only having been struck off the plate. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of the Earl of Ashburnham. ST. AUBYN, LADY. Elizabeth, daughter of W. Wingfield, Esq.; married, 1757, Sir John St. Aubyn, M.P. for Cornwall, who died in 1777. In 1782 Lady St. Aubyn married John Baker, Esq. Half-length, sitting in a chair ; in a figured dress. Etched by Miss Catherine St. Aubyn, 1788. Size, 9! X 8 in. Picture painted 1765. In the possession of the Rev. J. Molesworth. SALISBURY, COUNTESS OF. Lady Amelia Mary, daughter of Wills, ist Marquess of Downshire ; married, 1773, James, 7th Earl of Salisbury. She was burned to death at the fire at Hatfield House, 27th Nov. 1835, aged 85. Whole-length, in a landscape ; pulling on her glove ; a spaniel plays in front of her, holding a part of her dress in his mouth ; her dress, looped back, shows a white petticoat. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1781. Size, 24 x 15* in. Proofs are rare ; one sold for 42 guineas, loth Feby. 1873. Picture painted 1781. In the possession of the Marquess of Salisbury, Hatfield House. SCARSDALE, LADY CAROLINE, and her SON, the HON. JOHN CURZON. Daughter of Charles, 2nd Earl of Portmore ; married, 1751, Sir Nathaniel Curzon, created Baron Scarsdale in 1761. She died Feby. 1812. She sat to Sir Joshua as Lady Caroline Curzon. Three-quarter length, sitting ; embracing the child, whose arm is round her neck ; full face. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1762. Size, 13! x \\\ in. Another, a copy of the above, reduced, by J. Paul. Size, I2| X 9 in. Another, a small octavo, by Eliz. Judkins. Picture painted 1760. In the possession of Lord Scarsdale. SCHINDERLIN, MADAME. A German Singer. Oval ; with cap and muff ; black mantle. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1777. Size, 13! X io| in. Proofs of this engraving are very fine and rare. Picture painted 1775, as " The Coquette." At Knole Park. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 99 SEAFORTH, MRS., and CHILD. Inscribed, " Lady and Child." Three-quarter length, sitting, in a landscape ; the lady with hat and feathers ; the child in her lap, looking up to her face, and touching her chin with his hand. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1787. Size, 18 X 13! in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Mons. Wilson, Brussels. SEFTON. Vide LADY ISABELLA MOLINEUX. SHERIDAN, MRS. Eliza Ann Linley, the beautiful and accomplished Singer ; she was com- monly known by the name of "The Saint;" married Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the distinguished statesman, wit, and dramatist. Whole-length, as " St. Cecilia," sitting on a low stool playing the organ ; children on her right, singing. Engraved in mezz. by WM. DICKINSON, 1776. Size, 18 X 14 in. Another, an oval, engraved in the chalk manner by Thomas Watson, 1779. Size, 12 x 95 in. Another, in a circle, smaller, by W. Dickinson. Picture painted 1775. In the possession of the Marquess of Lansdowne, at Bowood. SIDDONS, MRS. The celebrated Actress. Sarah, daughter of Roger Kemble, born at Brecknock, 1755 ; commenced her career as a singer, but soon devoted herself to tragedy, in which she has never been surpassed ; she married Mr. Siddons in her i8th year, and made her first appearance in the character of Portia in 1775 ; she retired from the stage in 1812, and died in 1831. Whole-length, in the character of the Tragic Muse ; seated in a large chair ; left arm raised, with the elbow resting on the arm of the chair ; a tiara on her head ; a long plait of hair falls over each shoulder to the waist ; strings of pearls round her neck, looped at the bosom ; her foot on a stool supported by clouds ; on the hem of her dress is the name of the painter and the date, 1 784 ; behind the chair stand two emblematical figures of " Crime " and " Remorse." Mrs. Siddons herself says, " I walked up the steps and instantly seated myself in the attitude in which the Tragic Muse now appears." Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS HAWARD, 1787. Size, 22 X 15! in. The original picture was bought by M. Calonne, sold to W. Smith, Esq., M.P. for Norwich, and purchased from him by the Marquess of Westminster. A replica, formerly in the possession of M. Desenfans, is now in the Dulwich Gallery, and another is in the possession of Sir Richard Harvey, Bart. SMITH, LADY, and her CHILDREN. Charlotte, daughter of Sir Francis Blake Delaval, K.B. ; married Sir Robert Smith, M.P. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in hat and feathers, and black lace ioo The Engraved Works of mantilla ; right hand gloved ; left raised, one finger to the face. The two little girls are holding their brother on their shoulders ; landscape. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1789. Size, i if X 9 in. On the print are two lines in Italian from Vicenzo da Filicaja. Picture painted 1787. Exhibited, 1817, by Sir Henry Smith, Bart. SPENCER, LADY CHARLES. Mary Beauclerc, daughter of Vere, Lord Vere, and sister of Aubrey, Duke of St. Albans ; married, 1762, Charles, 2nd son of Charles, 2nd Duke of Marlborough. Three-quarter length, standing by her horse's head, in a riding-habit ; her left hand by her side holding her hat ; right arm round the horse's muzzle. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1776. Size, 17! x 14 in. Another, reduced, by Edward Fisher. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Lord Churchill, Cornbury Park. SPENCER, LADY CHARLES. As above ; half-length ; a black spaniel dog in her arms. Engraved by J. POTT. Size, 13 X log in. Another, copy of the above, by J. Finlayson. An 8vo. by R. Brookshaw. Picture painted 1766. In the possession of the Duke of Richmond. SPENCER, MARGARET GEORGIANA, VISCOUNTESS, and her DAUGHTER. Daughter of the Rt. Hon. Stephen Poyntz, of Midgham, Berks ; married, : 755> John Spencer, created, 1761, Viscount Spencer, and 1765, Earl Spencer. Three-quarter length, at a table, on which stands her daughter, whose left arm is round her mother's neck ; the mother is clasping the child with both arms ; a dog is on the table, sitting with its paw touching the dress of the child ; to left a curtain and column. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1770. Size, 17 J X 13! in. Another, copied from the above, the reverse way, by J. Paul, 1771. Size, 1 8 X 14 in. Another by C. Corbutt. Picture painted 1769. In the possession of Earl Spencer, Althorp. SPENCER, MARGARET GEORGIANA, VISCOUNTESS. As above ; half-length, sitting in a Persian dress ; a band round her forehead ; resting on her left elbow, the hand to the chin, the forefinger on the cheek. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1772. Size, 13! x n in. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of Earl Spencer, Althorp. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 101 SPENCER, LAVINIA, COUNTESS (when VISCOUNTESS ALTHORP.) Eldest daughter of Charles, Earl of Lucan ; born, 1762 ; married, 1781, George John, Viscount Althorp, who succeeded as 2nd Earl Spencer, 1783. Half-length, in a large straw hat, which half shades the face ; hair falling in curls over her shoulders ; white kerchief crossed on her neck ; black band round the waist ; landscape and trees. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZJ, 1783. Size, 8| X 6| in. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of Earl Spencer, Althorp. SPENCER, LAVINIA, COUNTESS. As above ; half-length ; front face ; hair turned back, slightly powdered ; in a frilled hood, passing under the chin and tied' with pink ribbon ; a muslin handkerchief crossed over the chest ; cloak trimmed with fur. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES, 1785. Picture painted 1784. The engraved picture was bought at the Mar- chioness of Thomond's sale, in 1821, by John Wansey, Esq., of Walthamstow; and is now in the possession of his Son-in-law, Dr. Edward Hamilton. There is another at Althorp. SPENCER, THE LADIES- CHARLOTTE and ANNE. Daughters of George, 3rd Duke of Marlborough. LADY CHARLOTTE, born 1769; married, 1797, the Rev. Edward Nares D.D., Regius Professor at Oxford. LADY ANNE, born 1772, married, 1796, Cropley Ashley, 6th Earl of Shaftesbury. Three-quarter lengths ; two children, one holding a mask. A part of the large family picture. Engraved in the chalk manner by SCHIAVONETTI, 1790. Size, 9^X7! in. Another, the reverse way, by C. Turner ; another, by A. Zaffonati ; and another by the same, entitled " The Ghost." Picture painted c. 1780. At Blenheim. STANHOPE, LADY. Ann, daughter of Francis Blake Delaval, of Seaton Delaval, M.P. for Andover ; married, ist, the Hon. Sir William Stanhope, K.B., son of the 3rd Earl, and brother of the celebrated Earl of Chesterfield ; and 2nd, to Captain Morris. Whole-length, standing ; her right arm resting on a table, on which are works of art, busts, &c. ; a porte-crayon in her right hand ; her left holds a roll of paper ; a long plait of hair falls over her right shoulder ; landscape in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1767. Size, 24! x 145 in. A copy of the above, reduced to three-quarter length. Size, 12^ X 10 in. Also an 8vo., by the same. Picture painted 1765-6. In the possession of io2 The Engraved Works of STANHOPE, HON. MRS. Miss Eliza Falconer ; married the Hon. Henry Fitzroy Stanhope, 2nd son of William, 2nd Earl Stanhope. " She was one of the fashionable beauties of the day, and spoke the Epilogue at Lady Craven's private play." Three-quarter length, as " Melancholy," in a moonlit landscape ; resting her right elbow on her knee, the hand to the face. The moonlight falls on her head and upper part of her figure ; the rest in shadow. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1783. Size, 18 X 13! in. This fine engraving is rare. A proof in the first state sold for 60 guineas at Christie's, April i, 1873. Picture painted 1782 ; exhibited, 1785. In the possession of Lord Normanton. STANHOPE, HON. MRS. As above. Three-quarter length, as " Contemplation ;" sitting in a white dress, her arm resting on the chair ; she is looking up. Engraved in the mixed manner by CAROLINE WATSON, 1790. Size, iif x 8^ in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Mr. Butler Johnstone. STRAFFORD, COUNTESS. Lady Anne Campbell, daughter and coheir of John, 2nd Duke of Argyll ; married, 1741, William Wentworth, 2nd Earl of Strafford of the new creation. Half-length ; a string of pearls in her hair, which falls in a plait over her right shoulder ; pearl earrings ; two rows of pearls on a black ribbon as a necklace ; cloak trimmed with ermine over her right arm. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1762. Size, io| X 8| in. A copy of this engraving by Spicer, reversed. Another by Johnson ; size, lof X 8| in. ; reversed, and entitled, " Lady Anne Campbell." An 8vo. by R. Brookshaw. Picture painted 1759. At Wentworth. TALBOT, COUNTESS. Lady Charlotte, daughter of Wills Hill, ist Earl of Hillsborough; created, 1739, Marquess of Downshire ; married John, ist Earl Talbot. She died 1804. Whole-length, in a long robe and gauze scarf, taking a vase from a flaming tripod ; in her left hand is a chalice ; in the distance a statue of Minerva ; columns and curtain. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1782. Size, 23^ X 155 in. Picture painted 1781. At Ingestrie Hall. TAYLOR, MRS., afterwards LADY. Elizabeth Gooden Houghton, daughter and heir of Philip Houghton of the Island of Jamaica ; married John Taylor, F.R.S., of Lysson Hall, of the same Island. He was created a Baronet September ist, 1786. His portrait was painted in the group of the Dilettanti, (No. 2). Sir Joshiia Reynolds. 103 Three-quarter length ; in a landscape ; head-dress of feathers ; a striped muslin dress ; scarf over the shoulders ; right arm bent, left hand holding up her dress. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1783. Size, 16 x I2f in. Proofs of this fine engraving are rare. Picture painted 1782. In the possession of Lord Leconfield; Petworth. TOLLEMACHE, HON. MRS. Anna, daughter of David Lewis, Esq., of Malvern Hall ; married the Hon. Wilbraham Tollemache, afterwards 5th Earl of Dysart. Whole-length as Miranda, with Caliban at her feet. The shipwreck in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1785. Size, 24 X 14! in. There is another engraving of the same lady as a girl. Vide ROBINETTA in Part III. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of J. Tollemache, Esq., Peck- forton Castle. TOWNSHEND, VISCOUNTESS. Anne, daughter and coheir of Sir W. Montgomery of Magbie Hill, Co. Peebles ; married, 1773, George, 4th Viscountess Townshend, created Mar- quess Townshend Oct. 1787. Whole-length, in a landscape ; her right arm resting on her ermine cloak, placed on a pedestal ; left hand holding her robe. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1780. Size, 23! X l$| in. Picture painted 1778. In the possession of the Marquess Townshend. TRAPAUD, MRS. Wife of General Trapaud, who, when a subaltern, stopped the runaway charger of George II. at the battle of Dettingen, when he was carrying the King to the French lines. Half-length ; looking to the right ; a string of pearls in her hair, which falls over her left shoulder ; a Persian sash round her waist. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER. Size, iif X 8| in. Another, a copy of the above, by Inigo Spilsbury. Picture painted 1755. In the possession of TURNER, MRS. Miss Wombwell, first wife of Charles Turner of Glints. Three-quarter length, standing ; hair falling over her right shoulder \ right hand holding up her dress ; left arm and hand across her waist ; curtain draped, and landscape. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL. Size, I2| X 9! in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of Mr. Graves, Pall Mall. 1O4 The Engraved Works of WALDEGRAVE, COUNTESS. Maria, natural daughter of Sir Edward Walpole ; married ist, 1759, James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave ; 2nd, 1766, William Henry, Duke of Gloucester. She was the mother of the three Ladies Waldegrave, of the late Duke of Gloucester, and of the late Princess Sophia of Gloucester. Half-length, in profile ; a gauze turban on her head, the end falling over her left shoulder ; figured dress. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES McARDELL, 1762. Size, 14! X 115 in. Another, reduced, by R. Houston. Size, 12 J X 9! in. Another, by James Watson. Picture painted 1759. In the possession of the Countess Waldegrave. WALDEGRAVE, MARIA, COUNTESS, with her DAUGHTER, LADY ELIZABETH LOUISA. Half-length, sitting, drawing an ermine cloak round the child, who is nestling in her lap. Engraved in mezz. by RICHARD HOUSTON. Size, 17 X 14} in. Another, reduced, by T. Watson. Size, I2| X 9f in. And octavos, by C. Corbutt and J. Wilson. Picture painted circa 1761-2. In the possession of the Countess Wal- degrave. WALDEGRAVE, MARIA, when COUNTESS-DOWAGER. Three-quarter length, a black veil over her head ; black dress, with buttons ; sitting, bending forward ; looking upward ; her left arm on her knee ; hand up to her face. Engraved in mezz. by J. FlNLAYSON, 1773. Size, 17! X 14 in. Picture painted 1764. In the possession of the Duke of Cambridge. WALDEGRAVE, LADY ELIZABETH LAURA, LADY CHAR- LOTTE MARIA, and LADY ANNA HORATIA. Daughters of James, Earl Waldegrave. LADY ELIZABETH LAURA married her cousin, George, Earl Waldegrave. LADY CHARLOTTE MARIA married George, 4th Duke of Grafton. LADY ANNA HORATIA married Admiral Lord Hugh Seymour, whose grandson is the present Marquess of Hertford. Sitting, in white dresses, round a table. Lady Charlotte is winding a skein of silk, which Lady Elizabeth holds. Lady Anna is at tambour work. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN, 1781. Size, 22f X i8| in. Private plate. Picture painted 1780. In the possession of the Countess Waldegrave. " My picture of the young Ladies Waldegrave is doubtless very fine, but it cost me 800 guineas." Horace Walpole's Letters. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 105 WINYARD, Miss. Daughter of General Winyard. Half-length, sitting ; holding a scroll ; cloak trimmed with fur ; sash round her waist ; right arm resting on a pedestal. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES FINLAYSON, 1771. Size, 17! X 13! in. Picture painted 1766. In the possession of General Buckley. YORKE, THE LADIES AMABEL and MARY JEMIMA. Daughters of Philip, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, and Lady Jemima Campbell, only daughter of John, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane. LADY AMABEL, born 1751, married, 1772, Alexander, Lord Polwarth, created Baron Hume, and became Countess de Grey in her own right on the death of her mother, Baroness Lucas, Marchioness de Grey. She died 1833. LADY MARY JEMIMA married, 1780, Thomas, 2nd Lord Grantham. She died 1830. Two young girls in a landscape ; the elder holding a dove in her right hand ; her left holding up her dress, which is trimmed with ermine. Her younger sister is leaning forward, a dove in her right hand, the left cover- ing the bird . A flowing scarf round her neck ; flowered under-petticoat ; a dog is jumping up by her side ; pedestal with a sphinx, adorned with a wreath of flowers ; trees, &c. Engraved in mezz. by EDWARD FISHER, 1762. Size, 17! x 13! in. Another, by the same. Size, 17! x 14^ in. This engraving has been described in the Catalogues as "the Misses Hardwickes : " they were grand-daughters of the Lord Chancellor Hardwicke: the family name is Yorke. There is an engraving of the elder girl, a single figure only, reversed and reduced, size, 13 X 10 in., inscribed, "Watson." In the Buccleuch Collection. Another of the younger girl, entitled " Protection," engraved by J. Ogborne, 1763. Size, 7f x 6| in. Picture painted 1761. At Wrest Park. PART III. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS. AFFECTIONATE BROTHERS, THE. Vide LAMB, Part I. ANGELS' HEADS. Vide Miss GORDON, Part II. AGE OF INNOCENCE. Whole-length ; a little girl sitting on the ground, in profile ; hands up to chest ; bare feet ; landscape, with castle in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1788. Size, 8J X 7 in. Picture painted 1787. In the National Gallery. Bought by Mr. Vernon, in 1844, for 1520 guineas. ARIADNE. Half-length, in an oval ; face turned to right shoulder ; hair blown by the wind ; scarf over left shoulder. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DOUGHTY, 1779. Size, i2f x 9! in. Picture painted 1778. In the possession of Lady Ashburton. There is a print in the Buccleuch Collection of the same, inscribed " Madame Ricardi Circassienne," engraved by W. Ward. BACCHANTE. Vide LADY HAMILTON, Part II. BANISHED LORD, THE. Probably a portrait of White the Pavior ; half-length, front face, in a loose dress, with beard, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1777. Size, 13! x 11 in. There are some small heads of the same. Picture painted 1776. In the National Gallery. io8 The Engraved Works of BEAUFORT, THE DEATH OF CARDINAL. From Shakespeare, "Second Part of Henry VI.," Act III., Scene 3. Engraved by CAROLINE WATSON, 1792, for Boydell's Shakespeare. Size, 19! X 143 in. Picture painted 1791. In the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. There is another in the Dulwich Gallery. BIRD, THE. A girl sitting on the ground, with a smiling, surprised expression, holding a bird, which is covered by her hands ; a cage to her right ; trees and land- scape to her left. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1786. Size, 9! X 7i in. Picture painted 1785. At Knole. Another, in the possession of Mr. Strange, formerly belonged to Mr. Rogers. BIRTH OF BACCHUS. The Nysaean Nymph resting on her left arm, sitting on the ground, squeezing the juice of a bunch of grapes into the mouth of the child, who is lying on his back with arms raised ; the goat Amalthaaa on her right ; land- scape and rocks. Engraved in mezz. by L. SAILLIER, 1788. Size, li| X iof in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Mr. Mainwaring. BOY WITH A BOOK. I can find no engraving of this, nor any record except in the Catalogue published in 1811, which states that it was engraved by C. H. HODGES. BOY EATING GRAPES. Half-length, nearly nude ; effect of light on the face ; a basket with grapes on a table. Engraved in mezz. by I. SPILSBURY. Size, I2| X 9! in. Picture in the possession of BOY IN A VENETIAN DRESS. Three-quarter length ; in black velvet dress with buttons ; full collar ; hair over forehead. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1778. Size, 12^ x 9! in. Picture painted 1777. At Knole. BOY READING. Half-length, sitting ; front face, with an earnest expression ; holds a paper in both hands ; a pen in his right. Engraved in mezz. by G. KEATING. Size, 8f X 7| in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of J. Tollemache, Esq., M.P., Peckforton. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 109 BOY WITH CABBAGE-NETS. Three-quarter length ; front face ; his sister seen behind him with her arm on his right shoulder ; he holds in his hands, which are crossed before him, a staff, on the top of which are some cabbage-nets. Engraved in mezz. by CHARLES HARDY, 1803. Size, 12 X 10 in. On the margin below are the arms of the Duke of Dorset. Picture painted and exhibited 1775. At Knole. CCELIA LAMENTING HER DEAD SPARROW. Vide MRS. COLLIER, Part II. CAPTIVE, THE. A repetition of the " Banished Lord," from a picture in the possession of the Earl of Durham. CARTOUCHE. Three-quarter length of a figure In armour ; front face ; grey hair ; shield and spear in right hand. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN. Size, I2| x 9i in. In the possession of Lord Crewe, Crewe Hall, Cheshire. CHILDREN IN THE WOOD, THE. Whole-length ; the two children, one sitting against the stem of a tree ; head falling on breast ; a robin perched on the right shoulder, another in the ivy of the tree ; the other child lying asleep on the ground ; landscape ; in the distance the figures of the robbers. Engraved in mezz. by JAMES WATSON, 1772. Size, I2f x log in. Picture painted 1773. ^ n ^ e possession of the Rt. Hon. W. Cowper- Temple, M.P. ANOTHER. Half-length ; the two children, one with the arm round the neck of the other, who has some blackberries in her hand ; a robin by her side. Engraved by C. CALDWELL. Size, 10 X 8 in. Picture formerly in the possession of Mr. Vandergucht. COLLINA. Vide LADY ANNE FITZPATRICK, Part II. CONTEMPLATIVE YOUTH. Vide MASTER BROWN, Part I. CONWAY CASTLE. The Castle in a landscape ; in the distance a high mountain, with clouds Engraved by W. BIRCH, 1790. Size, $J X 3i in - 1 10 The Engraved Works of CORNELIA WITH HER CHILDREN. Vide LADY COCKBURN, Part II. CUPID AS LOVE. Three-quarter length ; nearly nude ; face in shadow. Engraved in mezz. by W. SAY. Size, 14! X iif in. Picture in the possession of G. P. Anderdon, Esq. CUPID AS A LINK-BOY. Three-quarter length, in a beggar-boy's dress, with a link in his hand ; old houses in the distance. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1779. Size, 13! X iof in. Picture painted circa 1778. At Knole. CUPID AND PSYCHE. "Cupid lying on a couch asleep; Psyche bending over him with a lamp in her hand. Engraved in mezz. by W. SAY, 1816. Size, 19! x i6 in. Oblong. Picture in the possession of CUPID SLEEPING. Lying on clouds ; resting on his left arm ; an arrow in his right hand ; quiver to his left. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1778. Size, i2| x n in. Another, in the chalk manner, by the same. Picture painted 1776. In the possession of Lord Carnarvon. CYMON AND IPHIGENIA. Iphigenia, almost nude, lying asleep in a landscape ; Cupid leading Cymon, who holds a staff in his left hand, through the trees ; rays of the sun through the trees overhead. Engraved by FRANCIS HAWARD, 1797. Size, 19^ x 17 in. Picture painted 1789. In the Royal Collection. DESIGN. A figure resting on a cloud, holding a scroll, on which is written "Theory of Painting ;" the points of a drawing-compass on the head ; left arm resting on a cloud, hand to face. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER. Size, i6J X 15! in. Oval. The picture on a ceiling at Somerset House. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 1 1 DIDO, DEATH or. Dido lying on a couch placed on a funeral pile ; the right arm extended ; on her left a female is throwing herself with extended arms upon her ; a half figure of an angel emerging from a cloud ; in the distance is a galley on the sea. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER. Size, 285 X I7f in. Picture painted 1781. In the Royal Collection. DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA. A nobleman of Athens, a disciple of St. Paul. In an oval ; looking up, with a fine expression of veneration ; hands to breast. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JEHNER, 1776. Size, 83 X 7f in. Picture painted 1775. In the possession of John Bentley, Esq. EDWIN. Half-length ; a boy in a loose dress, hair over forehead ; the right side of forehead, cheek, and half the nose, in strong light j shadow over both eyes ; deep triangular shade under nose ; neck in shadow ; light on upper part of dress. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES. Size, 12 X 9! in. Picture in the possession of FELINA. Whole-length of a girl, kneeling ; in her arms is a half-grown cat, squeezed tight to her chest ; full face, her eyes on the cat ; landscape and rocks. Probably another portrait of Offy Palmer. Engraved by J. COLLYER, 1790. Size, n| X 9i in. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Lord Normanton. FORTUNE-TELLER, THE. A young girl, with a laughing, shy expression, supported by a youth in hat and feathers. He holds out her hand to a gipsy, who is telling her fortune ; landscape in the distance. Engraved by JOHN KEYSE SHERWIN, 1784. Size, i6| X Hi in. Picture painted 1772. At Knole. A replica was bought at Lady Thomond's sale for 252 guineas, by Col. Fulke-Greville Howard. FORTUNE-TELLERS, THE YOUNG. Vide SPENCER, Part I. GIRL DRAWING. Vide Miss JOHNSON, Part I. 1 1 2 The Engraved Works of GIRL WITH A MUFF. Probably a portrait of Miss Theophila Palmer when young. Three-quarter length, oval, front face, with a muff. Engraved in mezz. by J. JEHNER. Size, 8f x 7f in. Another, same size, by J. Raphael Smith. Picture in the possession of the Marquess of Lansdowne. GIPSY-BOY, A. Three-quarter length, standing ; his hands crossed before him ; front face ; smiling expression ; in a waistcoat without a coat. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES. Size, 14! X 12 in. Picture at Knole. Sir Joshua Reynolds only painted the head, the rest of the figure is by Richard Westall, R.A., from his younger brother, W. Westall. So stated, upon the authority of John Jackson the portrait-painter, on the back of a proof impression of the engraving in the Buccleuch Collection. GIRL WITH A KITTEN. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in a large straw bonnet ; face in shadow, except the lower part of nose and mouth, and side of cheek ; a black scarf over shoulder and round the waist ; white dress ; holding a kitten in both hands ; curtain and landscape. Engraved by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1787. Size, 8 x 6| in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of Lord Normanton. Another was sold at Christie's, March i, 1873, f r I2 5 guineas. Now in the possession of John Heugh, Esq. GIRL LAUGHING. She is leaning with her arms on a pedestal, smiling ; a bandeau in her hair. Engraved by J. F. BAUSE. Size, iif X 9^ in. Another by G. Baldrey. Picture in the possession of Mr. Salting. GIRL WITH A LAMB. Portrait of Miss Searle. Half-length, oval ; she is tying a ribbon round the neck of a lamb, the head resting on her knee. Engraved in mezz. by ELIZ. JUDKINS, 1775. Size, 13! X n. Another of the same by G. Dawe, 1801. Picture painted 1773. In the possession of Mrs. Ford. GIRL READING "CLARISSA." Entitled "Reflections on reading Clarissa." Another portrait of Miss Theophila Palmer when young. She was twelve years of age when this portrait was taken. Oval ; three-quarter length, sitting in a large arm-chair ; her elbow on arm Sir Joshua Reynolds. \ 1 3 of chair ; hand to forehead ; right hand holds her book ; hair combed to a knot at top of her head, with a bow ; face in profile. Engraved by G. SCORODOMOW, 1775. Size, uf X Qg in. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of John Heugh, Esq. GUARDIAN ANGELS. Half-length ; a child asleep in the lap of an angel child ; another encircles the two in her arms. Engraved in mezz. by C. H. HODGES, 1786. Size, uf X io| in. Picture painted 1785. In the possession of the Duke of Leeds. HANNIBAL, YOUNG. Vide COKE, Part I. HOLY FAMILY, THE. Whole length ; Joseph, Mary, and the Child, with the Infant St. John. Joseph and Mary are sitting by the side of a wall, the Saviour between them ; St. John, with staff and banner, stands by Joseph's knee ; landscape, with mountain in the distance. Engraved in line by WILLIAM SHARP, 1782. Size, 2i X I7f in. There is a small one of the same, for Macklin's Bible. Picture painted 1788. In the National Collection. HOPE NURSING LOVE. Vide MISS MORRIS, Part II. INFANCY. Vide HARE, Part I. INFANT ACADEMY. A boy (nude) sitting before an easel, on which is an oval canvas ; another child sitting for her portrait, nude, with the exception of a large cap and feather ; on one side of her a child, with hand raised, is placing the feather in her cap ; on the other is a child wrapped in a gauze veil, only her head visible ; curtains, columns, &c. Engraved by FRANCIS HAWARD, 1783. Size, 12 x 9i in. Picture painted circa 1783. In the possession of the Right Hon. W. Cowper-Temple, M.P. INFANT BACCHUS. Vide HERBERT, Part I. 1 1 4 The Engraved Works of INFANT HERCULES, THE. A child lying in its cradle strangling snakes, surrounded by various figures. Engraved in mezz. by J. WALKER, 1792. Size, 16 x 13! in. Picture painted 1788 for the Empress Catherine. In the Imperial Gallery at St. Petersburg. ANOTHER, the child in the cradle only. Engraved by C H. HODGES, 1793. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of Lord Northwick. INFANT JUPITER, THE. A child (nude) sitting on a rock ; front face ; an eagle with outstretched wings above him ; thunder-bolt in his right hand ; a goat at his feet. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1778. Size, 18^ X 13! in. Picture painted 1776. Destroyed in the fire at Belvoir Castle. LADY WITH A LAMB. Vide Miss JANE DAVIDSON, Part II. LEAR, KING. Half-length, looking up ; with long grey hair ; cloak lined with ermine. Engraved in mezz. No name of engraver. Size, 12 J x 9i in. There is a small line engraving by W. Sharp. Size, 6| X 5 1 in. LESBIA. A little girl sitting with a dead dove in her lap ; a cage to her right. Engraved by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, R.A. 1788. Size, 8 x 6f in. Picture painted 1786, At Knole, MACBETH, SCENE FROM. Act IV. Scene I. Macbeth and the Witches. Engraved by ROBERT THEW for the Boydell Shakespeare. Size, ?3f X 17? in. Picture in the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. MASK, THE. Vide the LADIES SPENCER, Part II. MATERNAL AFFECTION. Vide LADY MELBOURNE, Part II. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 115 MERCURY. Three-quarter length, holding a purse. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1773. Size, 13! x iof in. Picture painted c. 1770. At Knole. MORNING AMUSEMENT. Whole-lengths ; six young ladies ; five seated round a table in the open air ; one reading, the others making lace ; one sits apart ; a dog asleep to the right ; landscape, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1796. Size, 23 X 18 in. MOSES IN THE BULRUSHES. A child lying on white drapery in a cradle among bulrushes ; arms raised. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1786. Size, 14 x iof in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of the Duke of Leeds. MUSCIPULA. Three-quarter length ; a little girl in a cottage, holding a mousetrap in both hands ; a cat on table to her right ; from window, landscape and cottage in the distance. Engraved by JOHN JONES, 1786. Size, II X 9! in. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of Lord Lansdowne, OLD MAN READING. Engraved in mezz. by VALENTINE GREEN. This engraving is in Catalogue of 1811, but not in any collection to which I have had access. OLD MAN. Half-length, with a long scroll in his hand ; grey hair and beard. Engraved by J. OKEY. Size, 12^ x 9! in. The picture was burnt at Belvoir. OLD WOMAN. Engraved by JAMES WATSON. This engraving is in Catalogue of 1811 but I can find no trace of its existence. OXFORD WINDOW. THE WEST WINDOW OF THE CHAPEL IN NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD. I. A general view of the entire window, with the dispositions of the different subjects. Engraved in stipple by R. EARLOM. The painting on the glass was executed by W. Jervais. 1 1 6 The Engraved Works of 2. The separate divisions of the Centre Window. a. An Angel resting on a cloud, contemplating the Cross, which is surrounded by a Glory. Engraved in stipple by G. S. FACIUS. Size, i6| X 15! in. Picture in the possession of the Duke of Portland. b. The Nativity of our Lord. The Infant lying in a manger, sur- rounded by the Virgin, Joseph, the three Marys, and angels. Engraved in stipple by G. S. FACIUS. Size, 14} X 103 in. Picture was burnt at Belvoir Castle, Oct. 6th, 1816. 3. Two divisions on the left of the centre. a. A Shepherd Boy sitting on a stone ; face turned upward. Engraved in stipple by G. S. FACIUS. Size, 23! X 15 in. b. Representing Shepherds perceiving the Star in the East. Portraits of Sir Joshua Reynolds and W. Jervais. Engraved in stipple by G. S. FACIUS. Size, 23! X 15 in. The Picture at Cambridge. 4. Two divisions on the right of the centre. a. Representing a Woman and two Children as Pilgrims, one holding a torch. Engraved in stipple by G. S. FACIUS. Size, 23! X 18 in. b. A Shepherd Boy with a Dog, standing by a fallen column. Engraved in stipple by G. S. FACIUS. Size, 23! x 13 in. The Picture is in the possession of Earl Fitzwilliam. 5. The inner part of the window in seven divisions, representing the Seven Cardinal and Christian Virtues, viz.: TEMPERANCE. A whole-length of a female figure pouring water from a vase into a cup. FORTITUDE. Whole-length ; the figure of Britannia, with the lion at her feet. FAITH. Whole-length ; a female figure with right arm upraised, holding a cross in her left. CHARITY. Whole-length ; a female figure, holding a child in her left arm ; encircling another child with her right ; whilst a third clings to her. HOPE. Whole-length ; a female figure, both arms raised, gazing with a bright expression at a glory in the sky. JUSTICE. Whole-length ; a female figure, holding the scales in her left hand, the arm raised above the head ; the sword in her right by her side. PRUDENCE. Whole-length ; a female figure, looking intently into a mirror which she holds in her right hand; in her left is the caduceus. They are all engraved in stipple by G. S. and J. G. FACIUS. Size of each, i8| X Hg in. The separate pictures were bought at the Marchioness of Thomond's sale, in 1821, for 35657., by Lord Normanton, in whose possession they still remain. PLYMOUTH BEAUTY, THE. Vide Miss HORNECK, Part II. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 117 PUCK. A little naked boy seated on a mushroom ; flowers in right hand ; both arms raised. . Engraved by TEFTOLINI and SCHIAVONETTI. Size, 9 X 7 in. A larger engraving of the same by Heath. Size, 14 x io in. Picture in the possession of Earl Fitzwilliam, who bought it at Samuel Rogers' sale for 980 guineas. RESIGNATION. Probably a portrait of White the Pavior. An old man, with beard and moustache, sitting in an arm-chair under a column, in a loose dress lined with fur ; right arm and hand on table, with books, &c. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1772. Size, 17^ x 14 in. Picture painted 1770. In the possession of Mr. Cox, Pall Mall. RESURRECTION, THE. Christ rising from the tomb in bright glory ; staff in left hand ; flowing robe ; the Roman soldiers falling and flying in amazement. Engraved by JOHN JONES, 1796. Size, 2of X 14! in. Picture painted c. 1784. In the possession of the Bishop of Durham. RICHMOND : VIEW OF PETERSHAM MEADOWS. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN JONES, 1800. Size, 223 X 17! in. Picture painted c, 1785. Was in the possession of the late T. Baring, Esq., M.P. ROBINETTA. Portrait of the Hon. Anna Tollemache when Miss Lewis. A young girl, sitting in a landscape, with a robin on her right shoulder ; left arm resting on a bank ; right hand touches the beak of the bird. Engraved by JOHN JONES, 1787. Size, \o\ X 9 in. Picture painted 1786. In the possession of Mr. Tollemache, Peckforton. Another in the National Gallery (Peel Collection). ROXALANA. Vide MRS. ABINGTON, Part II. ST. AGNES. Portrait of Mrs. Quarrington ; looking up, with expression of adoration ; palm branch in left hand ; lamb by her side. Engraved by T. CHAMBERS, 1787. Size, 13! X iof in. Another, engraved by Bettelini. Picture painted 1789. In the possession of Rev. J. Buchanan Riddell. 1 1 8 The Engraved Works of ST. CECILIA. Vide MRS. SHERIDAN, Part II. ST. JOHN. Whole-length, sitting on a bank ; right arm raised ; left hand holding the cross ; lamb by his side ; a beam of light from the right. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER, 1784. Size, i6| X 14 in. On the prints, " I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness." Picture painted 1783. In the possession of Sir Richard Wallace, Bt., M.P. ST. JOHN, THE INFANT. Vide MASTER WYNN, Part I. SAMUEL, CALLING OF. Half-length, looking up ; right hand and arm raised ; left across his chest. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1783. Size, 13 X lof in. Picture painted circa 1782. In the possession of Lord Darnley. SAMUEL, THE CHILD. Whole-length, kneeling ; hands raised in prayer ; face looking up. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1788. Size, i6| X 13 in. Picture painted 1788. In the Dulwich Gallery. SAMUEL. In an oval ; half-length ; kneeling ; praying. Engraved by DELATR^, 1784. Size, 12 x 9! in. The same, small, by C. Knight, 1784. On the print, ' Speak, Lord ; Thy servant heareth.' The picture in the possession of Lord Normanton. SCHOOLBOY, THE. Three-quarter length ; front face ; holding a large book in both hands and under right arm. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DEAN, 1777. Size, 14 X io| in. Picture painted 1777. In the possession of Lord Warwick. SCHOOLBOYS, THE. Vide GAWLER, Part I. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 1 9 SHEPHERD BOY, THE PIPING. Three-quarter length, in a smockfrock ; head turned over right shoulder : shepherd's dog looking up to him ; landscape and sheep in the distance. Engraved by J. BARNEY, 1788. Size, 9^ x 8| in. Another, by I. Spilsbury. Picture painted 1787. In the possession of Sir G. Phillips, Bart. SHEPHERDESS, THE CAREFUL. A girl kneeling ; front face ; lamb in her arms. Engraved in mezz. by ELIZ. JUDKINS, 1775. Size, io| X 9 in. Picture painted 1774. In the possession of SHEPHERDESS, THE STUDIOUS. Whole-length ; a girl sitting in a landscape, reading ; a book in her lap ; white dress ; a basket by her left side ; behind, a lamb nibbling leaves ; on her right another lamb ; in the distance, sheep in a landscape. Engraved in mezz. by JOSIAH GROZER, 1784. Picture painted 1784. In the possession of SHEPHERDESS, THE YOUNG. Whole-length of a girl sitting, with a crook or staff in her hand ; naked feet ; lambs, &c. Engraved in mezz. by J. GROZER. Size, i6| X 13! in. Bought at Lady Thomond's sale by Colonel the Hon. Fulke- Howard Greville. SIMPLICITY. A female, sitting, in white dress ; a scarf over her head, which falls over her right shoulder ; a bunch of grapes, with vine-leaves, in her lap. Engraved in mezz. by S. W. REYNOLDS, 1800. Size, iif X 9f in. The prints inscribed " Simplicity." Picture in the possession of SIMPLICITY. Vide MlSS GWATKIN, Part II. SLEEPING CHILD, A. Lying on its left cheek ; head thrown back ; chest and arm bare ; knees up ; strong light on upper part of body, face, and pillow. Engraved in mezz. by WILLIAM DOUGHTY. Size, 15! X 13 in. Picture in the possession of the Earl of Aylesford. 1 20 The Engraved Works of SLEEPING GIRL, THE. Three-quarter length, sitting, in a landscape ; head resting on right arm and left hand. Engraved by JOHN JONES, 1790. Size, 105 x 9 in. Picture painted 1788. In the possession of the Marquess of Lansdowne. SNAKE IN THE GRASS, THE. A lady reclining ; bosom bare ; right arm raised ; hand across her face ; Cupid looking up on her right ; snake on the bank to her left. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1787. Size, 20 X 14 in. Another, reduced, by the same. Another, by W. Ward, 1802. Size, 17! X 13! in. Another, reduced, by H. Dawe. Picture painted 1786. One in the National Gallery (Peel Collection) ; another in the possession of Baron Lionel de Rothschild. STRAWBERRY-GIRL, THE. Portrait of Theophila Palmer when young. Three-quarter length ; a little girl ; handkerchief folded round her head, with the border over her forehead ; bow fastening dress in front ; hands crossed at waist ; from right arm hangs a strawberry -basket ; rocky landscape. Engraved in mezz. by THOMAS WATSON, 1774. Size, I2| X 11 in. Proofs and prints of this fine engraving are rare ; a proof sold at Christie's, April 8, 1873, for 60 guineas j a print for 20 guineas. The engraved picture, painted in 1773, is in the possession of Lord Lansdowne. The picture belonging to Sir Richard Wallace has the hair over the forehead. There is also a repetition of the latter in the possession of Mr. Chance. STUDENT, THE. Three-quarter length, sitting ; in a kind of Vandyke dress ; looking at a drawing, which he holds with both hands. On the table is a cast of the " Recumbent Hercules," and a porte-crayon. It is supposed to be a portrait of Master Brown. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1777. Size, 13^x11 in. Picture painted c. 1776. In the possession of Lord Warwick. SYLVIA. Vide FlTZPATRlCK, Part II. THAIS. Vide EMILY POTT, Part II. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 121 UGOLINO, COUNT, and his FAMILY, IN PRISON. The Count sitting, his countenance expressing despair ; hands clasped ; cloak trimmed with fur ; on his right knee leans his youngest child, looking up piteously into his face ; to his left, another son supports his dying brother ; the eldest son stands behind him, his hands covering his face. The light is thrown into the prison from a barred window. Engraved in mezz. by JOHN DixON. Size, 24! X 19! in. Picture painted 1773. At Knole. UNA. Vide Miss BEAUCLERC, Part II. VENUS AND CUPID. Venus lying on a cushion, in a landscape ; bracelet on her arm ; Cupid peering through the bushes. Engraved in mezz. by J. COLLYER, 1786. Size, 17 x I3f in. Picture painted circa 1785. In the possession of Lord Castletown. VENUS CHIDING CUPID. Venus lying on a cloud, with arrow in her right hand ; Cupid stands before her, with left hand and arm to his face ; in his right hand is a scroll with letters and figures. Engraved in stipple by FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, 1784. Picture painted 1771. In the possession of the Earl of Charlemont. VIRGIN AND CHILD. (MADONNA COL BAMBINO.) Three-quarter length ; the Virgin sitting with the Child on her lap ; her right hand to her breast ; a book on a table to her left. Engraved in mezz. by J. RAPHAEL SMITH, 1791. Size, i8 x i3g in. Picture in the possession of Lord Leconfield, Petworth. >f)ort account of tfje afcotoemameD AND A LIST OF THEIR WORKS AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. ALBANESI. An Italian engraver settled in London. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is An oval of the Prince of Wales. Copied from the plate by C. H. Hodges. BALDREY, RICHARD. Engraver and draughtsman ; born 1750 ; practised his art for some time at Cambridge^ chiefly in line engraving. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lord Rawddn (head only), 1784. A Girl leaning on her arms. The same as " A Girl laughing." BARTOLOZZI, FRANCIS, R.A. Born in Florence, 1 730 ; son of a goldsmith ; he learnt the art of engraving from Joseph Wagner, in Venice, and became celebrated as a worker in all the different forms of engraving and etching, but chiefly in the dot manner, or stipple ; his skill as a draughtsman was very great ; he died at Lisbon in 1813, having held the appointment of Superintendent of the National Academy in that city. His works, chiefly in stipple, or the dot manner, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, are Angelica Kauffmann, 1 780. Charles Burney, 1781. Lavinia, Countess Spencer, 1783. Venus chiding Cupid, 1784. Edmund Malone, 1787. Lord Mansfield, 1787. Lady Elizabeth Foster, 1787. Girl with a Kitten, 1787 Lord Burghersh, 1788. Lord Thurlow, 1788. Master Yorke, 1788. Lesbia, 1788. Mrs. and Miss Macklin and Miss Potts, 1788. Hon. Leicester Stanhope, 1789. Jane, Countess of Harrington, with her Children, 1789. Lady Smith and her Children, 1789. John Dunning, 1790. Dr. John Ash, 1791. The Affectionate Brothers, 1791. Miss Emily Pott as Thais, 1792. Dr. Samuel Johnson. Sir John Eardley Wilmot. Hon. Anne Bingham. Miss Theophila Gwatkin. Mrs. Arabella Lenox. 124 The Engraved Works of BARNEY, W. WHISTON. Engraver; a pupil of S. W. Reynolds. In 1805 he joined the army, and served with distinction in the Peninsula. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is The Piping Shepherd Boy. BASIRE, JAMES. Born in London, 1730 ; went to Italy, and made drawings in Rome after Raphael ; became eminent as a line-engraver ; was appointed engraver to the Society of Antiquaries 1760, and Royal Society 1770; he died in Great Queen Street in 1802. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Lord Camden, 1766. BAUSE, JOHN FREDERICK. Born at Hull, 1738 ; died at Weimar, 1814. His only work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is A Girl leaning on her arms, 1 784. BENEDETTI. An Italian engraver. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Edmund Burke, 1791. BENGO, J. Nothing is known of this engraver. His only work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Adam Ferguson, 1790. BIRCH, WILLIAM. An English engraver, both in mezzotint and the dot manner. He pub- lished his own engravings, and lived at No. 2 Macclesfield Street, Soho. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Mrs. Robinson as "Contemplation," 1787. Conway Castle, 1790. BLACKMORE, JOHN. An English mezzotint-engraver ; born in London, 1740. His engravings were effective and well drawn ; he died about 1780. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Mrs. James, 1759. Samuel Foote, 1771. H. W. Bunbury, 1776. Miss Greenway. Copy, after J. Watson. Sir Joslma Reynolds. 125 BROMLEY, W. Born at Carisbrook, Isle of Wight, 1769 ; apprenticed to Wooding the engraver, and gained considerable celebrity in this country. His only work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Baretti. 8vo. After J. Watts. BROOKSHAW, RICHARD. Draughtsman and mezzotint-engraver ; born about 1736. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are chiefly copies after other engravers. Mrs. Anne Bastard. After James McArdell. Master Jacob Bouverie. 8vo. After McArdell. Miss Greville as Hebe. 8vo. After McArdell. Miss Emma Crewe and her Sister, with a basket of flowers. After J. Dixon. Lady Elizabeth Montagu. 8vo. After McArdell. Mrs. Turner of Glints. After McArdell. Countess Waldegrave. 8vo. After J. Watson. BURKE, THOMAS. Born in Dublin, 1746 ; a pupil of Dixon ; died in London, 1815. Engraver in the chalk and dot manner and in mezzotint. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Mrs. Robinson as "Contemplation." Oval. After Birch. CALDWELL, JAMES. Born 1 739 ; pupil of J. K. Sherwin ; he engraved in the dot and line manner. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is The Children in the Wood. CHAMBERS, THOMAS. Born 1724 ; was employed chiefly by Alderman Boydell ; awarded a pre- mium by the Society of Arts in Paris ; member of the Incorporated Society of Artists ; elected an Associate-Engraver of the Royal Academy, 1779 > ne worked chiefly in line, and from distress and want of success drowned him- self in the Thames in 1789. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Mrs. Quarrington as " St. Agnes," 1787. Line. CHEESMAN, THOMAS. One of Bartolozzi's best pupils ; worked chiefly in stipple. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Lord Grantham and his Brothers, I79'- 126 The Engraved Works of CLINT, GEORGE. Born in Brownlow Street, Drury Lane, 1770 ; the son of a hair-dresser ; became an eminent artist and engraver, and it is said that no mezzotint engraver ever gave the touch of the painter so truly as he ; he engraved many fine works, particularly the Kemble Family, actors, &c. ; died in 1854. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lord Vernon. Robert Haldane. COLLYER, JOSEPH. Born ih London, 1748; pupil of Anthony Walker ; he engraved a great many portraits, both in mezzotint and stipple ; awarded a premium by the Society of Arts in 1761 ; elected an Associate-Engraver of the Royal Academy, 1786; Portrait-Engraver to Queen Charlotte; Master Warden of the Sta- tioners' Company ; died 1827, aged 80. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Dr. Newton, Bishop of Bristol, 1782. After J. Watson, 1773. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Small oval. 1784. After V. Green. Sir Wm. Chambers. Small oval. Miss Palmer, 1785. Venus and Cupid, 1786. Felina, 1790. 1785. COOK, J. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lord Camden 8vo. After Basire. Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1787. Mr. Charles Rogers. 8vo. After Ryland. CORBUTT, CHARLES, otherwise RICHARD PURCELL (which see). His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are chiefly copies from other engravers. Mrs. Anne Bastard. After McArdell. Mrs. Bonfoy, misspelt in his plate, " Bomfoy." After McArdell. Princess Augusta of Brunswick. After McArdell. Lady Almeria Carpenter. 8vo. After James Watson. Mrs. Chambers. David Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy. After Valentine Green and Thomas Watson. Miss Fordyce. After J. Watson. Mrs. Hale. After J. Watson. Miss Greenway. Lady Charlotte Johnstone. After J. Watson. Mrs. Anne Lascelles. After J. Watson. Georgiana, Viscountess Spencer, and Daughter. After J. Watson. Waldegrave, Countess. After J. Wat- DAWE, PHILIP. A mezzotint-engraver ; natural son of a City merchant ; articled to Henry Morland ; he worked also under Hogarth as an engraver. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are A Girl with a Lamb. After Elizabeth Judkins, 1 806. Dr. Zachariah Mudge. The Snake in the Grass. A reduced copy after J. Raphael Smith. Sir Joshua Reynolds. \ 2 7 DEAN, JOHN. Born 1756 ; he was a pupil of Valentine Green, but did not reach his master's excellence; commenced engraving about 1775 ; his works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are all in mezzotint ; died, 1798. Mercury, 1773. Master Wynn, 1776. Doctor Leland, 1777. The Schoolboy, 1777. Cupid sleeping, 1778. Boy in a Venetian dress, 1778. Cupid as a Link-bey, 1779. Lady Elizabeth Herbert and Son, 1779. Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, 1780. The Bird, 1786. Moses in the Bulrushes, 1786. Mary, Lady Cadogan, 1787. The Calling of Samuel, 1788. Cartouche, DELATRE, JEAN MARIE. Born at Abbeville, 1746 ; came to London in 1770, and worked under Bartolozzi ; he engraved many subjects in the chalk and dot manner. His only work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Samuel, 1784. DICKINSON, WILLIAM. Born 1746 ; became very eminent as an engraver ; was an excellent draughtsman ; awarded a prize by the Society of Arts, 1767 ; some of his works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are of the very highest order : for example, Sir Joseph Banks ; Dr. Percy ; Diana, Viscountess Crosbie ; Elizabeth, Countess of Derby ; Lady Taylor, &c. He retired to Paris, and died 1823. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Mrs. Pelham, 1770. Mr. Barvvell and Son, 1772. Sir Joseph Banks, 1774. Dr. Thomas Percy, Dean of Carlisle, 1775- Jane, Duchess of Gordon, 1775. Mrs. Sheridan as " St. Cecilia," 1776. Lady Charles Spencer, with her horse, 1776. Soame Jennings, Esq., 177^ Richard, Earl Temple, 1778. Diana, Viscountess Crosbie, 1779- Countess of Derby, 1 780. Duchess of Leinster, 1 780. Lady Melbourne, 1780. Sir George Rodney, as Admiral of the White, 1780. George III., 1781. Mrs. Robinson as Perdita, 178?. Lady Taylor, 1783. Lord Robert Manners, 1784. Charles, Duke of Rutland, 1791. Dr- John Mudge. DIXON, JOHN, A mezzotint -engraver of the latter part of the last century; born in Ireland, 1740 ; he was a painter as well as an engraver; studied under West, in Dublin, and was originally a silver-plate engraver, but obtained his reputation from his mezzotints, in which he showed great taste and genius ; he was a member of the Incorporated Society of Artists in 1766; he mar- ried a lady of large fortune, and afterwards only followed his profession as an amusement ; lived near Ranelagh, and kept his carriage. He died at Kensington, 1780. 128 The Engraved Works of His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Emma and Miss Elizabeth Crewe, 1767. Hon. Charles Townshend, 1770. Miss Susannah Jane Davidson, 1770. Mrs. Blake, 1771. Elizabeth, Countess of Pembroke, with her Son, 1771. Henry, Earl of Pembroke, 1772- Dr. Robertson the Historian, 1772. Miss Nelly O'Brien. 1774. William Robert, and Duke of Leinster, 1775- Duchess of Ancaster. Countess of Ancrum. Countess of Coventry. Copy. Lady with a Lamb. Count Ugolino. DOUGHTY, WILLIAM. Born 1775 ; artist and engraver ; a native of York ; gained considerable reputation as a portrait-painter ; he was introduced to Sir Joshua Reynolds by Mason the poet, and became his pupil for three years ; went to Ireland, but did not succeed ; returned to London, married a servant-girl, and sailed for Bengal ; the ship was captured by the French and Spanish squadrons, and he was carried into Lisbon, where he died ; he is best known as a mez- zotint-engraver, and not as a painter. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Mary Palmer, 1777- Rev. William Mason, 1779. Ariadne, 1779. Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1784. The Sleeping Child. DUNKARTON, ROBERT. Born 1744 ; artist and engraver ; a pupil of Pether ; gained the premium of the Society of Arts in 1762 ; commenced as a portrait-painter 1768-9, in which he did not succeed ; he then took to mezzotint engraving, in which he became very eminent, chiefly in historical subjects. His engravings after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Horneck, 1778. Lord Lifford, 1790. EARLOM, RICHARD. Born 1743 ; son of the vestry-clerk of St. Sepulchre's, London ; a pupil of Cipriani ; one of our most distinguished mezzotint engravers, chiefly celebrated for his engravings after Claude de Lorraine, called the " Liber Veritatis," and also for his famous mezzotints after two pictures by Van Os and Van Huysum. He lived for a long time at the corner of Fleet Street and Chancery Lane, and died at a great age in 1822. He also engraved in the dot and mixed manner. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Admiral Barringt on, mezz., 1780. Lord Heathfield, mixed manner, 1788. The West Window of New College, Oxford. EDWARDS, EDWARD, A.R.A. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Lady Hume, 1795. EZEKIEL, E. A. An English mezzotint-engraver of the last century. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Major-General Stringer Lawrence. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 129 FABER, JOHN, called " the Younger." Born in Holland ; came to England with his father when three years of age; as an engraver he was considered second only to John Raphael Smith; he engraved a great number of portraits, the " Beauties of Hampton Court," after Kneller and many others. His works in mezzotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Muse, 1755. William, Duke of Devonshire, 1755. Archibald Bower, 1758. FACIUS, GEORGE SIGMUND and JOHN GOTTLIEB, Brothers. Engravers; born at Ratisbon, 1750; they studied at Brussels, where their father was Consul ; they came to England 1776, and were employed largely by Alderman Boydell. Their works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are John Smith, D.D., 1797. The different compartments of the Window at New College, Oxford. FESSARD, S. A French engraver. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Mons. Gauthier, 1752. FINLAYSON, JAMES. A mezzotint-engraver and draughtsman ; born 1730 ; he followed his art with great success, but his portraits and other subjects are rather black. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, all in mezzotint, are Lord Cardross, 1765. Mr. Garrick in the character of Kiteley, 1769. Lady Melbourne, 1771. FISHER, EDWARD. An eminent mezzotint - engraver ; born in Ireland, 1730 ; was originally apprenticed to a hatter ; his works are much esteemed for their delicacy and exactness. Died in London, 1785. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, all in mezzotint, are Hon. Augustus Keppel, 1759. William, Duke of Cumberland, 1760. Lord Ligonier, 1760. Lord Mount Edgecumbe, 1761. Lawrence Sterne, 1761. Earl of Northumberland, 1762. George, Earl of Albemarle, 1762. Earl Gower, 1762. Captain Hervey, 1763- Sir Thomas Harrison, 1765- Mrs. Mary Hope, 1765. Lady .Sarah Bunbury, 1766. Lady Elizabeth Lee, 1766. John Armstrong, M.D., 1770. Hon. Seymour Conway, 1771. Miss Morris, 1771. Marquess of Rockingham, 1774. Lord Cardiffe, 1777. Viscount Downe. Lady Elizabeth Keppel, Mar- chioness of Tavistock. Countess of Northumberland. Lady Charles Spencer. A reduced copy. Mrs. Trapaud. Dr. Markham. His last work. S 130 The Engraved Works of FITTLER, JAMES. Line-engraver ; born in London, 1758 ; appointed Marine Engraver to George III.; he engraved also many fine works after De Loutherburg, &c. ; elected an Associate-Engraver in 1800. Died at Turnham Green, 1835. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Sir Walter Blacket, 1 780. Dr. Samuel Johnson. FOWLER, W. Born 1768 ; brought up as a carpenter at Winterton in Lincolnshire. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is The Duchess of Marlborough, with her Son, the Marquess of Blandford, 1768. After J. Watson. The original engraving by James Watson is, "The Duchess with her Daughter, Lady Caroline Spencer :" Fowler substituted " The Marquess of Blandford." GAUGAIN, THOMAS. Born at Abbeville, 1748 ; came to London, and was a pupil of Richard Houston ; he engraved in the mezzotint and dot manner ; died about the beginning of this century. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Lady Catherine Manners as a Child, 1785. GREEN, VALENTINE. Born, 1739, at Hales Owen, Shropshire; he was apprenticed to a solicitor, but soon abandoned law, and placed himself under a line-engraver at Wor- cester ; he came to London, and commenced mezzotint engraving about 1761 ; in 1766 he exhibited his mezzotints, very original in their treatment, which gained him considerable reputation ; he was one of the first six Associate-Engravers of the Royal Academy ; was appointed Keeper of the British Institution in 1805, which office he held till his death in 1813. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, all in mezzotint, are Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy, 1769. Francis, Duke of Bedford, and his Brothers, 1778. Lord Dalkeith, 1778. Miss Sarah Campbell, 1778. Lady Caroline Howard, 1778. Lady Jane Halliday, 1779. Lady Harriet Herbert, 1779. Lady Louisa Manners, 1779. Lady Betty Delme, 1779. Sir William Chambers, 1780. Sir Joshua Reynolds as President of the Royal Academy, 1780. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, 1780. Jane, Countess of Harrington, 1780. Duchess of Rutland, 1780. Countess of Salisbury, 1781. The Ladies Waldegrave, 1781. Lady Elizabeth Comptoii, 1782. Lady Talbot, 1782. Countess of Aylesford, 1783. Old Man Reading. (?) GROZER, JOSIAH QAMES, according to Redgrave). Born in England, 1755 ; an eminent engraver both in the mezzotint and stipple manner ; died about the beginning of the present century. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1 3 1 His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Death of Dido, 1782. Lord Loughborough, 1786. Infant St. John, 1784. Studious Shepherdess, 1784. Master Braddyl, 1785. Viscount Duncannon, 1785. Design, 1785. Earl Fitzwilliam, 1786. Mrs. Seaforth and Child, 1787. Age of Innocence, 1788. Miss Frances Harris, 1791. Lady Sophia Sc. Asaph, 1792. Miss Johnson, 1796. John Crawford, Esq. RAID, JOHN GOTTFRIED. A German portrait-painter ; born at Augsburg, 1730 (according to Nagler, 1710) ; came to England, and was employed as an engraver by Alderman Boydell ; returned to Germany, and died in 1776. His only work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is A portrait of Lord Camden. HALL, JOHN. Born at Wivenhoe, near Colchester, 1739 ; became a pupil of Ravenet ; was employed for some time painting on china at Chelsea ; on the death of Woollett was appointed Historical Engraver to the King Among other works he engraved the Battle of the Boyne, after West. Died in 1797, in his fifty-eighth year. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Dr. Hawksworth, 1773. Copy. 8vo. Edward Gibbon, 1780. Small 8vo. Line. In an oval. Sir William Jones. 1782. Dr. Johnson, holding a book to his eyes, 1787. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1791. Line. Dr. Robertson. HALMAN, WILLIAM. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Josiah Wedgewood, 1783. HANCOCK, ROBERT. Born in Staffordshire ; was employed for some time to paint on porcelain at Battersea, and afterwards in Staffordshire ; he saved sufficient to live independently, but lost the whole of his money by the stoppage of a bank ; he then took to engraving in mezzotint and drawing portraits in crayons. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lady Fenhoulet. 8vo. After J. McArdell. Major-General Kingsley. 8vo. After R. Houston. HARDY, CHARLES. A mezzotint-engraver of the latter part of the last century. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Edmund Burke. After J. Watson. 1786. Joseph Baretti, 1794. Boy with Cabbage-nets, 1803. 132 The Engraved Works of HAWARD, FRANCIS. Born 1759 ; student in the Royal Academy in 1778 ; made an Associate- Engraver in 1783 ; soon became eminent ; his early works were princi- pally in mezzotint, but he afterwards adopted the mixed style of Bartolozzi. His engraving of Master Bunbury, of Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse, and of Cymon and Iphigenia, are magnificent specimens of his work. He died in 1793 in Lambeth Marsh, near the turnpike, where he had lived for many years. His engravings after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Master Bunbury, 1781. Infant Academy, 1783. Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse, 1787. George, Prince of Wales, 1793. Cymon and Iphigenia, 1797. HEATH, JAMES. Born 1757 ; a pupil of Collyer ; was elected Associate-Engraver 1791 ; appointed Engraver to the King in 1794 ; known for his engravings of the Death of Major Peirson after Copley, and the Death of Nelson after West. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Percival Pott, head and shoulders, 1790. Oval, 8vo. After C. Townley. Dr. Johnson in his arm-chair. Puck. George III. in his robes. 8vo. HODGES, CHARLES HOWARD. Painter and engraver ; lived many years in Holland, particularly at Amsterdam and the Hague, and is there considered as a Dutch artist. He was one of the most celebrated portrait-painters of his time as well as an engraver, and his works, which are very numerous, are remarkable for the artistic and life-like manner in which they are treated. He drew several portraits in black chalk ; and was also eminent as a mezzotinter. Died at Amsterdam 1837, aged 63. His engravings in mezzotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lady Dash wood, 1784. Rev. Thomas Warton, 1785. Mrs. Musters as " Hebe," 1785. Lavinia, Countess Spencer, 1785. Master Brown, 1786 Joshua Sharpe, 1786. Guardian Angels, 1786. Mrs. Hope of Amsterdam, 1788. Henry Hope of Amsterdam, 1788. Sir Abraham Hume, 1791. Infant Hercules, 1793. George, Prince of Wales, with his favourite Charger. Boy with a Book. Edwin. HOLLOWAY, THOMAS. An eminent English engraver ; born, 1748; appointed Historical Engraver to the King ; distinguished by his engravings after the Cartoons of Raphael and the illustrations for Lavater's "Essays on Physiognomy." Died at Cotteshall, near Norwich, 1827. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Dr. Robertson. Small 8vo. 1787. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1793. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 133 HOUSTON, RICHARD. A miniature-painter and engraver in mezzotint ; worked in London, where he gained great celebrity ; he was of dissipated habits, and for many years was an inmate of the Fleet Prison. It is said that Houston died in 1775, but this is evidently wrong, if the same artist engraved the plate of the " Samari- tan " in 1794. Bryant does not mention the date of his death. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are General Barrington, 1757. Charles Spencer, 2nd Duke of Marl- borough, 1758. Hon. Mrs. Barrington, 1758. Mary, Duchess of Ancaster, 1758. Marquess of Granby, 1 760. William Kingsley, 1760- Lady Selina Hastings, 1761. Miss Jacobs, 1762. Dr. Robinson, Archbishop of Armagh, 1765. Miss Powell as "Leonora," 1770. Miss Greenway, 1775. Kitty Fisher. Copy. 1783. Hon. Francis Charteris. Mrs. Collier. Copy. Lady Cathcart (with McArdell). Maria, Countess Waldegrave. Reduced copy. HUDSON, HENRY. A mezzotint-engraver of the last century. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Sir William Hamilton, F.R.S. &c., 1787. JEHNER, JOHN. An English mezzotint-engraver of the last century. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Dionysius Areopagita, 1776- Marquess of Titchfield, 1777. Girl with a Muff (Miss Palmer). JONES, JOHN. Born in 1740 ; an eminent engraver, both in the mezzotint and the dot manner. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are very numerous in both manners, and some are very fine ; he was the father of the late George Jones, R.A. Died about 1 8 10. Redgrave says, 1797. This eminent engraver does not find a place in Bryant's " Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. ' Dr. Pitcairn, 1778. Lord Hood, 1783. Sir Abraham Hume, 1783. Right Honble. Charles James Fox, 1784 & 1796. Mrs. Tollemache, 1785. John Barker, 1786. James Boswell, 1786. Honble. Thomas Erskine, 1786. Sir Edward Hughes, 1786. Muscipula, 1786. Lord John Townshend, 1787. Charles, ist Earl of Lucan, 1787. Robinetta, 1787. Lady Caroline Price, 1788. Sir John Aubrey, 1788. Lord Sheffield, 1789. George, Prince of Wales, 1790. George James Cholmondeley, 1 790. Duke of York, 1790. The Sleeping Girl, 1790. Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte Spencer, 1791. General Lord Rawdon, 1792. William Strahan, 1792. Mr. Davison of Muir House, 1792. Lady Anne Fitzpatrick, 1792. Sir James Esdaile, 1793. Francis Hargrave, 1793. Rt Honble. William Wyndham, 1793. Caleb Whitefoord, 1793. The Resurrection, 1796. Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick. 134 The Engraved Works of JACOBE, JOHN. A German mezzotint-engraver ; born in Vienna, 1733 ; visited London for improvement, and scraped a few plates ; on his return to Germany he engraved a great variety of subjects. Died, 1797. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Omai, 1777. Hon. Mary Monckton, 1779- Count Belgiojoso. JUDKINS, ELIZABETH. Lived in the second half of the last century; she worked chiefly in mezzotint. Her engravings after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Harriet Powell. Copy from Richard Houston, 1770. Mrs. Abington, 1772. Girl with a Lamb, 1775. Careful Shepherdess, 1775. Lady Caroline Scarsdale. Small octavo copy after J. Watson. KEATING, GEORGE. A mezzotint-engraver of the second half of the last century ; born in Ireland ; engraved many works after Morland. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, with her Daughter, 1789. Boy Reading. KILLINGBECK, B. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are The Marquess of Rockingham. 1782. Oval. After E. Fisher. The same plate altered, hair darker, and dedicated to Earl Fitzwilliam, 1789. KIRKLEY, CAROLINE. I can find no mention of this engraver ; probably the sister of Kirkley, " Sir Joshua's man." She engraved Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1795. KNIGHT, CHARLES. Painter and engraver. He engraved only one work after Sir Joshua Reynolds, viz. : Samuel, 1794- LAURIE, ROBERT. Engraver and printseller ; he received a premium for an invention in mezzotint engraving which facilitated working the plate in colours. Died about 1804. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Price, 1771. Svo. After J. Watson. Garrick, 1779. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 135 McARDELL, JAMES. One of the most eminent of the mezzotint-engravers of the last century. He was born in Dublin, 1710, and died in London, 1765. He was a most indefatigable worker, and his engravings, which are very numerous, are for the most part very fine, particularly those after Rubens, Vandyke, Rem- brandt, and Reynolds. He was a great favourite of Sir Joshua's, who said that he should be immortalised by him. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lady Anne Dawson, 1754. Countess of Kildare, 1754. Lord Anson, 1755. Mrs. Bonfoy, 1755. Doctor Lucas, 1756. Countess of Berkeley, 1757. Admiral Boscawen, 1757. Lady Fortescue, 1757. Horace Walpole, 1757. Master Bouverie, 1757-8. Earl of Bath, 1758. Mrs. Horneck, 1761. Earl of Strafford, 1762. Earl Waldegrave, 1762. Countess Waldegrave, 1762. Countess Strafford, 1762. Princess Augusta of Brunswick, 1764. Lady Charlotte Fitzwilliam, 1764. John Lockhart, R.N., 1766. Lord Cathcart, 1770. Lady Cathcart, 1770 (with Houston). Lord George Germain, 1777. Thomas Ashton. > James, Earl of Kildare. John Reynolds. Earl of Rothes. Sir Charles Saunders. Mrs. Ann Bastard. Mrs. (afterwards Lady) Chambers. Countess of Essex. ^ Lady Fenhoulet. . Lady Elizabeth Montagu. Mrs. Turner. MACUARD, ROBERT SAMUEL. Draughtsman and engraver ; born in 1751, and became one of Barto- lozzi's best pupils. Died in 1792. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Ralph Milbanke, 1785. Francis Bartolozzi, 1788. MARCHI, GUISEPPE. Born in Rome ; he was brought to this country by Sir Joshua Reynolds; became his assistant and pupil, and lived with him, with a short interval, till his death ; he afterwards devoted himself to engraving. Died in London, 1808. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Oliver, 1769. Oliver Goldsmith, 1770. Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley and Child, 1773- George Colman, 1773. Samuel Dyer, 1773. Mrs. Bouverie and Mrs. Crewe, 1775. Miss Cholmondeley. MEYER, HENRY. Nephew of Hoppner the R.A. ; born, 1782; pupil of Bartolozzi; he engraved in the dot manner and also in mezzotint. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Mrs. Huddesford. 1 36 The Engraved Works of MURPHY, JOHN. Engraver and draughtsman ; born in Ireland, 1748 ; his works arc fine and brilliant. His engraving after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Henry, 3rd Duke of Portland, 1785. NUTTER, WILLIAM. Draughtsman and engraver ; born, 1754 ; a pupil of J. Smith ; he prac- tised engraving in the dot manner. Died, 1802. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Viscountess Beauchamp, 1790. Mrs. Hartley and Child, 1801. OKEY, SAMUEL. Engraver ; he practised chiefly in mezzotint, and reached considerable excellence ; he received premiums for engravings from the Society of Arts, both in 1765 and 1767. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Nelly O'Brien. Copy, after C. Phillips. Old Man with a long scroll in his hand. PARK, THOMAS. Born about 1750 ; engraver in mezzotint. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are The Hon Lincoln Stanhope, 1788. Dr. John Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 1788. Miss Penelope Boothby, 1789. PAUL, J. S. A mezzotint-engraver of the latter part of the 1 8th century. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Lady Scarsdale. Copy reduced from James Watson. PHILLIPS, CHARLES. Born 1737, and from 1765 he engraved many fine works in mezzotint. His engraving after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Nelly O'Brien, 1770. An unfortunate accident happened to this plate after a few impressions had been taken off, and in endeavouring to remedy it the plate was injured ; hence fine proofs of this engraving are extremely rare. POTT, J. An engraver of the latter part of the i8th ce'ntury. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Lady Charlotte Spencer, with a dog. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 137 PURCELL, RICHARD. A mezzotint-engraver; born, 1736 ; a pupil of J. Brooks; came to Lon- don, and led a life of dissipation and amusement, being very witty and an entertaining companion; he got into debt from his extravagance, and for a long time engraved works under the signature of " C. & P. Corbutt." He died in London, in great poverty, about 1765. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are chiefly copies of the engravings of other masters, viz. : Stringer Lawrence. Marquess of Granby. Lady Fenhoulet. Elizabeth, Countess Berkeley. Countess of Essex. RAVENET, SIMON FRANCIS. Born in Paris, 1706 ; came to England, 1750 ; much employed by Boy- dell ; his engravings are of a first-rate order, are finished with great care, and are famous for their colour and brilliancy. He confined himself entirely to line engraving. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lawrence Sterne, 1761. Small 8vo. prefixed to his Sermons. Lord Camden, 1766. Copy. Mr. Robert Dodsley, 1777. T. Smollett, M.D., 1777. READING, B. An engraver ; practised in London between 1770 and 1790, chiefly in the dot manner ; and his works are printed in red. His only contribution to the engravings after Sir Joshua Reynolds is a portrait of Horace Walpole. A copy after James McArdell. REYNOLDS, S. W. Born in 1774 ; pupil of Charles H. Hodges ; commenced his career as landscape-painter ; was a distinguished mezzotint-engraver ; became cele- brated particularly for his engraving of the famous " Chapeau de Paille " of Rubens, now in the National Gallery. He died in 1835. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds of the latter part of the last, and early part of the present, century (this catalogue .does not include his works after Sir Joshua on a reduced scale, over 300 in number, published in the middle ol this century), are as follows : Sir William Chambers, 1794. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1796. Francis Hare, Esq., 1804. Sir George Beaumont. Duke of Dorset. RYLAND, WILLIAM WYNNE. Born in London, 1732 ; pupil of Simon Francis Ravenet ; he went to Paris, studied design under Bouchet, and was also a pupil of J. P. Le Bas ; returned to England after five years' study in Paris, and was soon after appointed Engraver to the King. He engraved chiefly in the chalk manner (lines com- posed of dots, which he introduced into England). He received a pension of 2OO/.; in 1782 he was charged with forgery, found guilty, and executed in 1783. His only work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is a portrait of Charles Rogers, I77O- T 138 The Engraved Works of SAILLIER, Louis. Born in France ; came to this country, and was employed chiefly by Alderman Boydell. His work in mezzotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds is The Birth of Bacchus, 1788. SALWAY, N. An engraver of the last century. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Princess Augusta of Brunswick. 8vo. After McArdell. Hon. W. Legge. 8vo. After I. Spilsbury. Viscount Lewisham. 8vo. After I. Spilsbury/ SCHIAVONETTI, LUIGI. Born at Bassano, 1765 ; he was a painter and engraver, a friend and pupil of Bartolozzi. Died in 1810. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Ladies Charlotte and Ann Spencer, 179- Puck. SCORODOMOW, GAWRIL. A Russian engraver ; he studied in London under Bartolozzi, and en- graved in the dot manner ; obtained great reputation, and died at St. Peters- burg, 1792. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Girl reading "Clarissa." SHARP, WILLIAM. Born in London, T 748 ; the son of a gunmaker ; apprenticed to Barak Longmale ; his first essay as an engraver was on publicans' pewter pots ; he became one of the most celebrated of our English engravers, and Reynolds offered to make him an Associate of the Royal Academy, but he refused, as he considered that his position entitled him to be elected Royal Academician. This resulted in a coolness between those two eminent men. He confined himself entirely to line engraving, and his two works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, viz. John Hunter, F.R.S., 1788, The Holy Family, are fine examples. The latter was considered at the time by competent judges to be inimitable. Only a hundred proofs and a few impressions were taken off, when Bartolozzi declared he could improve the plate: he nearly rubbed out all the lines and converted it into a dotted engraving. Sharp died at Chiswick, 1824. SHERWIN, JOHN KEYSE. Born in Essex ; his father being a cutter of wood-pins for ship building ; he became a pupil of Bartolozzi, and gained the gold medal of the Royal Academy for the best drawing ; was appointed Engraver to the King after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 139 the death of Woollett ; was always in pecuniary difficulties, and died in 1796 in extreme poverty in the " Hog in the Pound," at the corner of Swallow Street, Oxford Street. His works, both in mezz. and stipple, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, are as follows : James MacPherson, 1775. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1784. The Fortune-Teller, 1784. Mrs. Abington as Roxalana, 1791. Duchess of Rutland, 1791. Marquess of Rockingham. Small Oval. Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte Spencer. Copy. SIMON, PETER. Called the "Younger;" born in London, 1750; he engraved chiefly in the chalk and dot manner ; employed by Alderman Boydell for the Shake- speare Gallery. Died, 1810, His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Miss Frances Isabella Gordon as Angels' (Cherubs') Heads, 1789. SMITH, J. RAPHAEL. Son of Thomas Smith ("The Smith of Derby") landscape and miniature- painter ; born, 1750 ; was apprenticed to a linen-draper, which business he soon forsook for art ; he became one of the most eminent of English mezzotint-engravers, and was appointed Engraver to the Prince of Wales ; he was of a kind and amiable disposition, much disposed to gaiety ; he often assisted his relative, G. Morland, in his pecuniary difficulties ; he engraved 150 plates. Died, 1812, at Doncaster. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, some of them the finest examples of mezzotint engraving, are Hon. Ann Darner, 1774. William, 5th Duke of Devonshire, 1776. Master Crewe, 1776 Master Herbert, 1776. Lady Caroline Montague, 1776. Mrs. Montague, 1776. Mrs. Mordaunt, 1776. Mrs. Morris, 1776. Dr. J. Warton, 1777. John Gawler, 1777. Madame Schinderlein, 1777. The Banished Lord, 1777. The Student, 1777 Miss Theophila Palmer, 1777. Dr. Markham, when Archbishop of York, 1778. The Master Gawlers, 1778. Lady Catherine Powlet, 1778. The Infant Jupiter, 1778. Mrs. Carnac, 1778. Anthony Malone, 1779. Count Belgiojoso, 1779. Mrs. Musters, 1779. Hon. Frances Ingram, 1780. Lady Beaumont, 1 780. Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, 1780. Mrs. Payne Galway and Child, 1 780. Lord Richard Cavendish, 1781. Colonel Tarlton, 1782. Sir William Boothby, 1782. Lady Catherine Pelham Clinton, 1782 Giovanna Bacelli, 1783. Hon. Henry Dundas, 1783- Sir William James, 1783. Hon. Mrs. Stanhope as "Melancholy," I783- Joseph Bourke, Archbishop of Tuam, 1784. Lady Hamilton, 1784. The Snake in the Grass, 1787. Madonna col Bambino, 1791. Dr. Robinson, Archbishop of Armagh. Philippe Egalite, Duke of Orleans. Hon. Mrs. Spencer as " Contempla- tion." The Calling of Samuel. 140 SPICER, JOHN. A mezzotint-engraver of the last century, little known. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Barbara, Countess of Coventry. After J. Watson. Lady Strafford. Kitty Fisher. SPILSBURY, INIGO. An English engraver and printseller ; born in 1733 ; came to London in 1760; lived in Russell Court, Covent Garden; he soon became very eminent as a mezzotint-engraver. Died, 1795. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Marchi, 1761. I Countess of Ancrum, 1772. Lord Camden, 1766. Boy eating Grapes. Lady Mary Leslie, 1766. SPILSBURY, JOHN. A printseller and mezzotint-engraver ; lived in Russell Court, Covent Garden ; brother of Inigo Spilsbury ; he took the prize at the Society of Arts for the best engravings of the years 1761 and 1763 ; he was for some time drawing-master at Harrow School. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Miss Jacobs, 1761. The Earl of Carlisle. Premium, 1763. Hon. W. Legge, 1764. Lord Lewisham, 1764. A Shepherd Boy, 1788. SPOONER, CHARLES. Born at Wexford, Ireland ; apprenticed to J. Brooks ; came to London and worked as a mezzotint-engraver under McArdell. Died in London, 1767. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Mary, Duchess of Ancaster. Lady Selina Hastings. Copy of the plate by R. Houston. Nelly O'Brien, after James Wilson's plate, which was a copy of J. Watson's, with the hair slightly altered. THEW, ROBERT. Born, 1758 ; was apprenticed to a cooper, and served in the Northumber- land militia ; settled at Hull, and engraved shop-bills ; got an introduction to an engraver in the chalk and dot manner; chiefly employed by Alderman Boydell. Died at Stevenage, Herts, 1802. His only contributions to the engravings of Sir Joshua Reynolds are The Portrait of Master Hare as "Infancy," and Macbeth and the Witches, engraved for the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 141 TOMKINS, PIETRO WILLIAM. Born, 1760 ; a pupil of Bartolozzi ; engraved many works of merit in the chalk and dot manner ; appointed Engraver to Queen Charlotte. Died, 1840. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Sir George Rodney, 1781. Duchess of Rutland as a Vestal. TOWN LEY, CHARLES Son of the Rev. J. Townley, Head-master of Merchant Taylors' School ; painter, draughtsman, and engraver ; born in London, 1746 ; lived some time in Rome and Florence, where he painted miniatures ; on his return to London he became very famous as a mezzotint-engraver. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Mrs. Morant, 1771. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1777. Percival Pott, 1784. Hannibal, 1792. Dr. Seeker, Bishop of Bristol, 1797. George, Earl Spencer, 1800. Henry Woodward, the Comedian. TROTTER, THOMAS. A mezzotint-engraver of the latter part of the last century ; born in Lon- don ; the son of a clergyman. Died, 1803. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lord Morpeth, 1787. Dr. Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1792. TURNER, CHARLES. Born at Woodstock, 1773 ; made an Associate -Engraver R. A., 1794 ; brought into notice by Alderman Boydell, and soon became distinguished as an engraver in mezzotint, particularly by several plates of Turner's " Liber Studiorum." His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Mr. Tomkins, 1803. The Penn Family, 1819. The Marlborough Family. The Dilettanti Society, (No. l). Viscount Maiden and the Hon. Elizabeth Capel. WARD, WILLIAM. An eminent engraver in mezzotint ; lived in the latter part of the last century and the early part of the present ; he engraved many plates after his brother-in-law, George Morland ; he was also an Associate of the Royal Academy. His brother was the famous animal painter. Died, 1826. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, all in mezzotint, are very fine, and consist of Richard Burke, 1795. Miss Bowles, 1798. Anthony Chamier. Earl of Carlisle in his Robes. Lord Ashburton, Col. Barre, and Lord Shelburne, in one engraving. 142 The Engraved Works of WARD, WILLIAM JAMES. Son of the above; became eminent as an engraver; he died insane, 1840, aged 40. His only contribution to Sir Joshua Reynolds's engravings was The Infant Hercules. Single Figure. WALKER, JAMES. Born, 1743 ; son of a captain in the merchant service ; a pupil of Valen- tine Green; appointed Engraver to the Empress Catherine in 1784, and lived in Russia for 17 years. Died in London, 1808. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Dr. Robertson. The Infant Hercules. The large engraving. WATSON, JAMES. Born in Ireland, 1740 ; became very eminent as a mezzotint-engraver; he engraved a great number of Sir Joshua Reynolds's works ; the first dated 1760, and the last 1779. Died, 1790. Charles, Duke of Richmond, 1 760. General Howard, 1760. Marquess of Granby, 1 760. Lady Charlotte Johnson, 1760. Andrew Stewart, 1762. Charles James Fox, Lady Sarah Bun- bury, and Lady Susan Strangways, 1762. Lady Caroline Searsdale, 1762. Mrs. Cholmondeley, 1762. Mrs. Irwin, 1762. James Paine and Son, 1 764 Robert A. Drummond, 1764. Barbara, Countess of Coventry, 1765. Miss Fordyce, 1765. Mrs. Collyer, 1765. Sir Geoffrey Amherst, 1766. Duchess of Manchester, 1766. Marquess of Tavistock, 1 767. Sir Charles Bunbury, 1768. Duchess of Marlborough, 1768. Lady Almeria Carpenter, 1768. Sir John Cust, 1769. Mrs. Abington as the Comic Muse, 1769. Edmund Burke, 1770. Samuel Johnson, 1 770. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1770. Hon. Mrs. Bouverie and Child, 1770. Lady Isabella Molineux, 1770. Miss Price, 1770. Viscountess Spencer and Daughter, 1770. Countess Cornwallis, 1771. Children in the Wood, 1772. Dr. Hawksworth, 1773. Earl and Countess of Pembroke and Son, 1773. Countess of Carlisle, 1773. Duchess of Buccleuch, 1773. Dr. Beattie, 1775. Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol, 1775- Miss Bosville, 1775 Admiral Sir George Rodney, 1778. Hely Hutchison, 1778. Mrs. Henry Bunbury, 1778. Mrs. Sheridan, 1779. An Old Woman. Miss Greenway. Miss Polly Kennedy. Mrs. Hale. Mrs. Lascelles. Nelly O'Brien. WATSON, CAROLINE. Born, 1761 ; instructed by her father, James Watson ; soon rose to emi- nence ; appointed Engraver to the Queen ; died in Pimlico, 1814. Her works are particularly clear and fine, both in mezzotint and in the dot manner. She also combined both, which process is particularly excellent in bringing out the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Her portrait of Sir James Harris and Mrs. Stanhope as " Contemplation " exemplify this mode of treatment. Duke of Gloucester, 1784. Prince Sergius, 1785. Sir James Harris, 1786. Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1789. Hon. Mrs. Stanhope as "Contempla- tion," 1790. Nathaniel Chauncey. Sir Joshua, Reynolds. 143 WATSON, THOMAS. An eminent engraver and printseller ; he rose very rapidly in public estimation; his works are few, as he died in 1785, at an early age. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds, all in mezzotint, are few compared with those of his relative, James Watson, but they are of the highest cha- racter, and are James, Earl of Erroll, 1770- Lady Broughton, 1770. Lady Gideon, 1771. Viscountess Spencer, I77 2 - Resignation, 1772. Hon. Mrs Parker, 1773. Mrs. Crewe as " Ste. Genevieve," 1773. Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumber- land, 1774. Duchess of Cumberland, 1774- Lady Melbourne, 1775. Princess Sophia of Gloucester, 1775- Hon. Mrs. Beresford, LadyTownshend, and the Hon. Mrs. Gardiner, 1776. John Paterson, 1777. Warren Hastings, 1777- David Garrick (Prologue), 1779- Lady Bamfylde, 1779. Mrs- Hardinge, 1780. George III., 1781. Miss Elizabeth Beauclerc, 1782. Francis Bartolozzi, 1785. Countess Waldegrave. Reduced. WATTS, JOHN. Mezzotint-engraver of the last half of the i8th century. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Joseph Baretti, 1780. Francis Seymour, Marquess of Hertford, 1786. WELSH, E. No account of this engraver. His work after Sir Joshua Reynolds is Mrs. Baddeley, the Actress, 1772. WILKIN, CHARLES. Born in England, 1750 ; he worked chiefly in the dot manner ; in 1771 he was awarded a premium by the Society of Arts. Died from the effects of an accident, 1814. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Master Hoare, 1789. Lady Cockburn and her Children, as "Cornelia," 1791. WILSON, JAMES. Engraver and draughtsman ; born, 1735 > died, 1780. His works after Sir Joshua Reynolds are Lady Broughton, 1771. Reduced, after Thomas Watson. Nelly O'Brien, after James Watson. LONDON: Printed by JOHN STRANGEWAYS, Castle St. Leicester Sq. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. Ktl/tivtu FEB 1 6 1989 0! at MAY 1 6