SUGAR A Popular Treatise ALLEN RAY KAHN $2.00 NET PUBLISHED BY U, S. SUGAR PUBLICATIONS CO. 108 WEST SECOND STREET Los Angeles, California U. S. A. 1921 Copyright, 1921 by ALLEN RAY KAHN OEPT. Press of Kingsley, Mason & Collins Co. Los Angeles. California Table of Contents Preface 5 Sugar Consumption and Production 7 The Carbo-Hydrate Sugar 9 Saccharum Officinarum 11 Beta Vulgaris 13 Beet Sugar vs. Cane Sugar 15 Sugar as an Energy Producer 17 Popular Sugar Chemistry 18 Cane Sugar Manufacture 20 Sugar Refineries 24 Beet Sugar Manufacture 27 - ~ ^ OOLERS (Temp 10-12 C) OLD PRESSES 1, -h i , , C C( ^OLD SAGCH ARATE CJ COI COLD WASH ' |Sugarl4%| 1 ,D WASTE B X.... 6.0 Bx....6.0 Sug.. 0.7 Sug... 0.9 , HEATERS^ (Temp 85 C) HOT PRESSES HOT SACC * IARATE CAKE | HOT WASI TTf-vnn rrr CTI? 1 |Sugarl2%| HOT WASTE Rx 8 Ex.... 4. 5 ISug...0.05 bug... 0.2 , 1 C C SACC* MI SACCK MI I ARATE To Sewer XER ARATE LK Sug 3 9 ~* To Limm S of Diffusion Juice Wash Water from Carbonation Presses 47 XII Some Hints on Sugar Beet Culture Beet Seed: The younger the seed the greater the germinating principle. Two-year-old seed is not as good as one-year-old. Beet seeds are stuck together forming what is called a "seed ball." Beet seed balls usual- ly contain two or three seeds, but sometimes as high as seven. Beet seed contains a plant- let composed of a number of cells, and is filled with starch, albumin, etc., for its growth while underground. After the plant puts forth root and secures a firm hold in the ground it commences to grow above the sur- face, and by absorbing carbon-dioxide from the air, manufactures its own food. Since the outer coating of the seed is fre- quently hard, it is well to roll the seed be- tween boards. This manipulation separates one seed from another. It is also well to place the seed in water for an hour or so before planting. Sugar Beet Roots: Beta-Vulgaris (the sugar beet) requires two seasons to reach full ma- turity. The first year the root is developed and sugar accumulated; the second year is the seed bearing season. The highest sugar content is reached at the end of the first year. The sugar is made then and stored up. The production of seed during the second year is at the expense of sugar stored the first year. 48 It naturally follows that sugar beets are sliced after one season's growth. Beet roots that have short, small necks are the most desirable, since they contain the most sugar. To produce such a beet ground must be well worked, and not too compact. The more abundant the leaves the more sugar in the beet. Leaves under no circumstances should be stripped. If the ground is not plowed in the proper manner to permit the air to penetrate proper results cannot be ob- tained. The soil should be of such texture that but little resistance will be offered to the passage of the roots; and where sub-soil is so compact as not to permit the passage of water, it should be improved by drainage. It is advisable to rid the soil of the weeds by hand, rather than with the hoe, the first ten days. Beet roots when fresh and in good condi- tion contain very little glucose, but if mutil- ated, glucose will form, causing proportional loss in sucrose. The well known authority, Lewis S. Ware, in discussing beet culture states: "In Ger- many, where less weeds exist than in any other country, nevertheless hoeing after thin- ning is repeated five and even more times. Hoes should not penetrate too deeply. Hoe- ing has for a general effect the development of the leaves, which development results in a greater formation of sugar, but should be continued only until the root has attained its full growth. If continued after full growth, hoeing would cause the leaves to grow larger, but at this period sugar is in- creasing in the root and the growth of the leaves at the same time has an opposite ef- fect. Leaves at this time are large and num- erous enough anyway to smother the weeds by keeping them from sun and air." 49 Dr. J. K. Greisenegger, of the Czecho-Slovak republic, has been experimenting with the ques- tion of which beets yield the best results, those planted north and south or those east and west. These experiments have been watched with con- siderable interest and were spread over con- siderable area in order to ascertain rather defin- ite data on this question. Where air and mois- ture were at a minimum and where other con- ditions remained about equal it was ascertained that beets planted in rows running from west to east produced the best sugar content. They produce the largest number of beets, the highest sugar content and also the best leaves. The very opposite results were obtained with rows planted north and south. Then another ex- periment was made with rows running north- west to southeast and northeast to southwest. These rows again showed a medium output or a lesser content than east and west and a better output than those north and south. It was also ascertained that where the planter was obliged to plant them diagonally to the merid- ian, preference should be given to rows planted from northeast to southwest. The fallacy that sugar beets injure the soil has not only been exploded states "Field and Farm," but just the reverse has been found to be the fact. It is true that sugar beets take out of the soil the same elements that are removed by other crops, but in slightly different propor- tions. But, as has been stated, a large part of these mineral elements is in the top, which, if kept on the farm and fed to livestock, should be returned to the soil in the form of manure, so that in the end but little plant food is perma- nently removed from the soil by the beet crop. Experience in all sugar beet countries has dem- onstrated that larger crops of grain can be grown after beets than after any other crop. This seems to be due to the excellent condition 50 in which the soil is left by the beet crop and to the depth of the root bed occupied by the beet roots. It is not apparent that sugar beets add to the soil any fertilizing material, but the fibrous roots left in the ground when the beets are harvested improve its physical condition. 'The Department of Agriculture figures show that beets were the only crop in the United States to show a gain in value in 1920." This remarkable return says the Broderick, Cal., "Independent," was due to the high contract price for beets which was out of all proportion to the selling price of sugar at harvest time. It speaks well for the sugar factories that they would carry out their contracts under conditions prevailing and illustrates in a striking manner the value of a contract crop which protects the farmer against violent fluctuations of the market. 51 Sugar beets and beet. sugar: acreage and production in 1918-1920. [Figures for 1920 are based upon returns made before the end of 'the season and are subject to revision.] State and year.* -Fac- tories jn opera- tion. Sugar made. Aver- age ex- trac- tion.' Aver- age sugar con- tent.' Beets worked in factories. Aver- age farm price of beets per ton. Area of beets planted. Area har- vested. Quan- tity worked. California: 1920 1919 Num- ber. 11 10 13 17 15 14 9 6 7 17 16 16 5 4 4 5 5 5 18 18 16 5 4 4 12 11 10 99 89 89 Short tons.* 163,700 131,172 122,795 302,700 193,890 191*880 64,600 26,159 44,682 167,500 130,385 127,979 87,500 60,870 63,494 55,700 31,864 35,476 153,200 101,025 105^794 25,100 10.636 13,*5S 89,600 40,450 55,492 1,109,600 726,451 760,950 Per cent. 15.79 16.30 14,62 12.77 11.71 14.07 12.97 13.29 13.66 13.30 12.63 14.38 12.38 10.99 14.01 12.35 10.93 12.19 11.40 11.12 11.69 12.49 10.07 14.29 12.48 11.95 13.59 12.99 12.34 13.64 Per cent. 17.90 17.87 17.03 15.83 13.62 16.10 16.08 15.48 16.57 16.21 14.57 16.61 15.70 13.14 16.05 15.66 14.15 15.74 15.41 13.87 15.29 15.92 13.16 16.29 15.72 14.27 15.95 16.06 14.48 16.18 Acres. 123,500 107,174 100)684 221,500 182,616 125,882 .55,600 30,331 32,306 145,200 123,375 114,976 72,000 59,113 42,746 46,800 30,909 32,547 112,700 103,247 81,7>7 23,200 12,100 12,400 81,500 43,590 50,752 882,000 692,455 594,010 Short ton*.* 1,037,000 804642 845,728 2,370,000 1,656,113 1,363,277 498,000 196,847 326,.979 1,259,000 1,032,018 890,238 707,000 554,100 453,266 451,000 291,583 291,064 1,304.000 908, 122 905,064 201,000 105,578 93,467 718,000 338.554 408,423 8,545,000 5,887,557 5; 577, 506 Dollars. 13.62 14.17 9.95 11.88 10.85 10.02 12.09 11.00 10.00 9.99 12.52 10. 08 11.94 10.90 9.96 9.22 12.75 10.03 11.66 10.97 10.01 10.47 12.02 10.00 11.34 11.08 9.86 11.63 11 74 10.00 Acres. 135,700 129,500 120,900 253,600 236,300 142,000 57,600 53,700 37,700 173,400 166,100 134,500 78,900 64,800 44,600 44,300 37,100 36,100 116,100 109.700 90,100 29,000 16,200 14,900 89,900 77,000 68,900 978,500 890.400 689,700 1918 Colorado: 1920 1919.. .... 1918 Idaho: 1920 1919 . 1918 Michigan: 1920 1919* 1918 Nebraska: 1920 1919 1918.. Ohio: 1920 1919 1918 . Utah: 1920 1919 . 1918 Wisconsin:' 1920 1919 1918 Other States: 1920 . 1919 1918 United States: 1920* 1919< 1918 * Acreage and production of beets are credited to the respective States in which the beets were made into sugar. * Based upon the weight of the beets. * A short ton is 2,000 pounds. 'Including beets and sugar from 1,500 acres in Ontario, Canada, 1920, and 850 acres inl919 ' Bureau of Crop Estimate! 52 AMERICAN BEET SUGAR FACTORIES Their Beet Cutting Capacity, Names of Corporation and Operating Officials Alphabetically Arranged by States and According to Factory Location CALIFORNIA Alameda Sugar Co., ALVARADO: C. H. Crocker, Pt., San Francisco; P. C. Drescher, V.-P., Sacramento; E. R. Lilienthal, V.-P., San Francisco; G. E. Springer, S. & T., San Francisco; F. R. Haas, Purch. Agt., 351 California St., San Francisco; Ray S. Stewart, Supt. Capacity, 800 tons daily. Non-Steffens. Anaheim Sugar Co., ANAHEIM: A. R. Peck, Pres.; L. H. Multer, Secy.; J. A. Purduyn, Purch. Agt., Sixth and Spring Sts., Los Angeles; D. Jesurun, Supt.; A. C. Berry, Asst. Supt.; B. Lawrence, Chief Chem.; Edward Stark, Agr. Capacity, 1200 tons daily. Non-Steffens. Union Sugar Co., BETTERAVIA: P. C. Drescher, Pres., Sacramento; E. R. Lilienthal, V.-P., San Francisco; C. H. Crocker, V.-P., San Francisco; G. E. Springer, S. & T., San Francisco; F. R. Haas, Purch. Agt., 351 California St., San Francisco; F. H. Johnson, Mgr.; J. R. Rogers, Supt.; T. McFarland, M. M.; W. Montgomery, Chief Chem.; J. L. Harris, Agr.; A. J. Hebert, Chief Engr.; J. T. Avington, Office Supt. Capacity, 1200 tons daily. Equipped with Steffens. ^ American Beet Sugar Co., CHINO: H. R. Duval, Pres., N. Y. City; Robert Oxnard, V.-P., San Francisco; H. T. Oxnard, V.-P., N. Y. City; E. C. Howe, V.-P. and Genl. Mgr., Sugar Bldg., Denver; C. C. Duprat, S. and T., 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City; C. R. Hays, Purch. Agt., Sugar Bldg., Denver; J. D. Barry, Local Mgr. (See Oxnard, Cal.). Capacity, 1100 tons. Non-Steffens. Also see Colorado and Nebraska. -Santa Ana Sugar Co., DYER STATION: J. Irvine, Pres.; S. W. Sinsheimer, Genl. Mgr.; E. M. Smiley, Mgr.; F. L. Klentz, Supt. (controlled by Holly Sugar Corp.). Capacity, 1200 tons. Steffens. , Holly Sugar Corporation, HUNTINGTON BEACH: Ex. Offices, Boston Bldg., Denver, Colo.; A. E. Carleton, Pres.; S. W. Sinsheimer, V.-P. and Genl. Mgr.; Remsen Mc- Ginnis, Secy.; J. Doheney, Sales Mgr.; M. J. Beausang, Purch. Agt., Boston Bldg., Denver, Colo.; C. A. Johnson, Mgr. ; G. J. Daley, Genl. Supt. ; C. A. Bullen, Genl. Engr. ; G W. Miles, Supt.; R. J. Prescott, Local Purch. Agt. (also 53 see Dyer Station and New Delhi, Cal.). Capacity, 1200 tons. Steffens. Also see Colorado. Sacramento Valley Sugar Co., HAMILTON CITY: Wm. Lacy, Pres.; Edgar Baruch, V.-P. and Genl. Mgr., Los Angeles, Cal. (Not in operation during 1920, but raising hay, grain and livestock on extensive scale on own land.) A. M. Gelston, Local Mgr. Capacity, 700 tons. Non- Steffens. Los Alamitos Sugar Co., LOS ALAMITOS: Senator W. A. Clark, Pres., Butte, Mont.; J. Ross Clark, V.-P.; H. C. Lee, V.-P., P. E. Bldg., Los Angeles; E. C. Hamilton, Mgr. ; G. Strodholf , Sales Mgr. ; K. V. Bennis, Supt. ; Wm. C. Poe, Chief Engr.; Frank Norton, Asst. Supt.; Wm. Loranger, M. M.; W. B. Ladd, Chief Chem. Capacity, 900 tons. Steffens. x Spreckels Sugar Co., MANTECA: Executive Office, No. '2 Pine St., San Francisco; J. D. Spreckels, Pres.; A. B. Spreckels, V.-P. and T.; W. H. Hannam, Secy.; H. P. Howard, Sales Mgr.; K. I. Dazey, Purch. Agt.; F. E. Sullivan, Genl. Mgr.; J. F. Taddiken, Chief Engr., No. 2 Pine St., San Francisco; S. E. Miller, Local Mgr. (Same officials for Western Sugar Refinery, San Francisco, Cal.) (Also see Spreckels, Cal.) Capacity, 1200 tons. Non- Steffens. American Beet Sugar Co., OXNARD: (For Corp. offi- cials see Chino). Fred Noble, Mgr.; H. E. Zitkowski, Genl. Chem. ; F. C. Zitkowski, Supt. ; Joseph Sailer, Genl. Engr. ; A. B. Westfield, M. M. ; F. R. Bachler, Chief Chem. ; C. H. Weaver, Cashier. Capacity, 3000 tons. Steffens. Southern California Sugar Co., NEW DELHI: (Suburb ' of Santa Ana.) (Owned by Holly Sugar Corp.). J. Rose, Supt. (see Huntington Beach). Capacity, 600 tons. Non-Steffens. Spreckels Sugar Co., SPRECKELS: C. L. Pioda, Res. 'Mgr.; E. M. Bergh, Supt.; W. B. Adams, M. M.; A. Boyd and J. Dios, Asst. Supts. ; L. A. Kemper, Chief Chem.; Geo. Scott, Agr. Capacity, 4500 tons daily (world's largest). Steffens. (See Manteca, Cal.) ^Alameda Sugar Co., TRACY: (For Corporation officials see Alvarado, Cal.). Ray S. Stewart, Supt. Capacity, 500 tons. Non-Steffens. COLORADO Great Western Sugar Co., Exec. Offices, Sugar Building, DENVER: C. S. Morey, Chm. Board of Dir.; W. L. Petrikin, Pres.; W. D. Lippitt, V.-P. and Genl. Mgr.; C W. Luff, Secy.; H. J. Miller, Purch. Agt.; W. L. Baker, Sales Mgr.; R. M. Booraen, Consultor; Edwin Morrison, 54 Genl. Supt.; M. D. Thatcher, Treas. (Pueblo); N. R. Mc- Creery, Dist. Mgr.; Geo. M. Shaffer, Asst. Genl. Supt.; W. A. Mitchell, Asst. Chief Engr.; S. J. Osborn, Genl. Chem. ; H. Mendelson, Chief Agri. Factories in Colorado, Montana and Nebraska, which see following: Great Western Sugar Co., BRIGHTON: C. L. Castleton, Jr., Mgr.; H. A. Harbeck, Supt.; H. A. Johnstone, M. M.; F. W. Cowell, Trav. Engr.; J. F. Hume, Cashier; C. E. Houston, Agr.; W. C. Henry, Chief Chem.; C. S. Scott, Trav. Chem. Capacity, 1000 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., BRUSH: H. C. Giese, Mgr.; O. M. Cummer, Supt.; J. B. Lackner, M. M.; R. M. Par- sons, Trav. Engr.; C. M. Good, Cashier; H. C. Giese, Agri. ; L E. Jeffery, M. M. ; P. Koller, Trav. Engr. Capac- ity, 1100 tons. Holly Sugar Corp., DELTA: S. W. Sinsheimer, Genl. Mgr.; E. M. Drummond, Genl. Supt.; Irvg. Sinsheimer, Supt. (Exec, office, Denver, see Huntington Beach. Cal.). Great Western Sugar Co., FT. COLLINS: D. J. Roach, Mgr. ; F. Klingenberg, Supt. ; E. A. Franklin, M. M. ; J. F. Rasmussen, Trav. Engr.; Byron Albert, Cashier; H. H. Griffin, Agri.; E. J. Matteson, Chief Chem.; J. A. Bair, Trav. Chem. Capacity, 2150 tons. Industrial Sugar Co., FT. LUPTON: Chas. Bliss, Pres.; Doctor R. E. Jones, S. and T.; E. F. Ogborn, Genl. Mgr.; R. F. Walker, Genl. Auditor (Exec, offices, Barclay Block, Denver) ; H. J. Klinge, Supt. Capacity, 600 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., GREELEY: W. S. Garnsey, Jr., Mgr.; C. H. Criswell, Supt.; H. Howard, M. M.; I. E. Gilbert, Cashier; H. Timothy, Agri.; A. H. Edwards, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1050 tons. Holly Sugar Corp., GRAND JUNCTION: (See Hunting- ton Beach, Cal.). F. G. Holmes, Mgr.; E. M. Drummond, Genl. Supt.; R. M. White, Supt.; C. M. Phelps and T. E. Gardiner, Asst. Supts.; S. Gourley, M. M.; H. S. Saxton, Chief Chem. Capacity, 700 tons. American Beet Sugar Co., LAS ANIMAS: (See Chino, Cal.). Frank Noble, Mgr.; W. F. Caton, Supt.; Harvey Morris, M. M.; E. B. Cowan, Chief Chem.; R. G. Dobbins, Asst. Cashier. Capacity, 1000 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., LONGMONT: F. A. Wilson, Mgr.; F. S. Treadway, Supt.; E. Vosburgh, M. M.; J. F. Rasmussen, Trav. Engr.; J. B. Hitt, Cashier; R. M. Barr, Agri.; E. K. Huleatt, Chief Chem. Capacity, 2350 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., LOVELAND: H. Scilley, Mgr.; Sam Mooney, Supt.; E. J. Nugent, M. M.; F. W. Cowell, Trav. Engr.; C. L. Atkins, Cashier; H. Scilley, Agri.; V. V. Hartman, Chief Chem Capacity, 1950 tons. 55 American Beet Sugar Co., LAMAR: Frank Noble, Mgr. Capacity, 500 tons. (Did not operate in 1920.) American Beet Sugar Co., ROCKY FORD: Frank Noble, Mgr.; E. H. Gerecke, Asst. Mgr.; W. J. Kellogg and C. A. Allen, Supts.; W. A. Park, Chief Engr.; S. J. Kelso, M. M.; I. W. Reed, Chem. Capacity, 1800 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., STERLING: C. E. Evans, Mgr.; R. C. Welsh, Supt.; George Walters, M. M.; R. M. Parsons, Trav. Engr.; J. C. Rece, Cashier; C. E. Evans, Agri. ; G. W. Atkinson, Jr., Chief Chem. ; P. Roller, Trav. Chem. Capacity, 1050 tons. National Sugar Manufacturing Co., SUGAR CITY: F. K. Carey, Pres.; F. J. Carey, V.-P.; E. L. Burke, Secy., Baltimore, Md.; John H. Abel, Genl. Mgr. and Purch. Agt., Sugar City; H. B. Coggeshall, Supt. Capacity, 500 tons. Holly Sugar Corp., SWINK: E. W. Stevenson, Mgr.; E. M. Drummond, Genl. Supt. Capacity, 1200 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., WINDSOR: J. R. Clark, Mgr.; William Barber, Supt.; E. B. Taylor, M. M.; J. E. Rork, Cashier; E. C. Walter, Agri.; C. B. Millen, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1150 tons. Great Valleys Sugar Corp., DENVER: S. R. Fitzgerald, Pres.; A. F. Lyster, Chief Engr.; F. F. Gazelle, Genl. Supt. Will erect plants at Ault and Lafayette, Colo. IDAHO Utah Idaho Sugar Co., Executive Offices, SALT LAKE CITY: Heber J. Grant, Pres.; Thos. R. Cutler, V.-P.; W. A. Wattis, Managing Dir.; Merrill Nibley, V.-P. and Asst. G. M.; W. T. Pyper, Secty.-Treas. ; W. Bert Robin- son, Asst. Secty.-Treas.; T. Geo. Wood, Pur Agt.; B. R. Smoot, Gen. Supt.; J. H. Gardner, Consulting Supt.; M. W. Ingall, Consulting Engr.; W. Y. Cannon, Chief Engr.; H. B. Whitney, Mgr. Indust. Relations Dept.; E. G. Titus, Dir. Agri. Research; Frank Ingalls, Trav. Chem.; S. H. Love, Sales Mgr. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., BLACKFOOT: B. R. Smoot, Gen. Supt.; C. B. Rackstraw, M. M.; H. Greenwood, Chief Chem. Capacity, 800 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., IDAHO FALLS: H. A. Major, Supt.; E. J. Whitson, M. M.; L. E. Pearson, Trav. Chem. Capacity, 900 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., SHELLEY: J. M. Gaddie, Supt.; J. R. Peterson, M. M. ; L. E. Pearson, Trav. Chem. Capac- ity, 750 tons. 56 Utah Idaho Sugar Co., SUGAR CITY: D. Scalley, Supt.; J. R. Peterson, M. M.; J. C. Keane, Chf. Chem. Capacity, 900 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., Executive Offices, OGDEN, Utah: A. H. Lund, Pres.; D. E. Eccles, V.-P.; J. Quinney, Jr., Secty.; Fred G. Taylor, Gen. Mgr.; H. A. Benning, Asst. Gen. Mgr. ; N. A. Lockwood, Consulting Engr.; F. H. Ballou, Chief Engr.; Chas. Giddings, Purch. Agt. Amalgamated Sugar Co., HURLEY: B. O. McCullock, Supt.; Geo. Hunt, M. M. Capacity, 700 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., PAUL: H. W. Taylor, Supt.; A. Drussell, M. M. Capacity, 600 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., TWIN FALLS: A. Thomas, Supt.; I. Fairbanks, M. M. Capacity, 800 tons. Beet Growers Sugar Co., RIGBY: J. H. Hawley, Pres.; A. G. Goodwin, V.-P.; Geo. E. Hill, Secty-Treas. ; A. W. Gabbey, Asst. Secty-Treas.; J. F. Featherstone, Gen Mgr.; E. C. Caneck, Supt.; T. S. Kanen, Chief Agric. Capacity, 800 tons. Idaho Co-Op. Beet Sugar Co., TWIN FALLS: Contem- plate erection of factories at Filer and Hansen, Idaho. Preston Sugar Co., WHITNEY: E. A. Nickerson, Pres. In course of construction. (Removed from Corcoran, Calif.) ILLINOIS Chas. Pope, RIVERDALE: E. R. Hatch, Secty.; Chas. Pope, Mgr. Office, 208 North Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Capacity, 500 tons. IOWA Iowa Valley Sugar Co., BELMOND: W. C. Tyrell, Pres.; C. T. Fenton, V.-P. and G. M.; A. L. Luick, Secty.- Treas.; L. L. Putnam, Asst. Gen. Mgr.; W. H. Adams, Supt.; R. E. Stevenson, Chief Engr. Capacity, 600 tons. Northern Sugar Corporation, MASON CITY: H. A. Douglas, Pres.; S. W. Ladd, V.-P.; S. A. Hill, Secty. Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. At Mason City: W. H. Baird, Gen. Mgr.; W. E. Groom, Asst. Secty.-Treas. ; E. C. Moore, Chief Agric.; A. R. Finley, Supt. Capacity, 1200 tons. Iowa Sugar Co., WAVERLY: C. G. Edgar, Pres.; De- troit; A. W. Beebe, Mgr.; J. M. Booth, Supt.; J. B. Smith, Agric.; E. F. Cramer, Asst. Capacity, 600 tons. INDIANA Holland St. Louis Sugar Co., DECATUR: See Holland, Mich., for Corporation Officials. B. F. Arendt, Gen Supt.; 57 J. H. Cormody, Mgr.; F. R. Gordon, Asst. Supt.; James Westveld, Chief Chem.; Walter Beane, M. M. Capac- ity, 800 tons. KANSAS Garden City Sugar & Land Co., GARDEN CITY: A. E. Carleton, Pres.; J. Stewart, V.-P.; F. A. Gillespie, Secty- Treas. ; E. Stoeckley, Gen. Supt. and Purch. Agt. ; J. Ort- man, M. M.; H. Edminston, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1000 tons. MICHIGAN Michigan Sugar Co., Executive Offices, Union Trust Bldg., DETROIT: Chas. B. Warren, Pres.; Geo. B. Merely, V.-P.; F. R. Hathaway, Secty-Treas. At Saginaw, Mich. : W. H. Wallace, Gen. Mgr.; J. Dooley, Gen. Supt.; C. W. Orton, Purch. Agt. Michigan Sugar Co., ALMA: Jotham Allen, Mgr.; Guy V. Lockwood, Supt.; E. E. Brown, Asst. Supt.; Wm. Dast, Chief Engr.; H. C. Hines, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1400 tons. Michigan Sugar Co., BAY CITY: Eugene Fifield, Mgr. Capacity, 1400 tons. Michigan Sugar Co., CARO: L. R. Stewart, Mgr. Capac- ity, 1200 tons. Michigan Sugar Co., CARROLLTON: F. D. Ewen, Mgr. Capacity, 900 tons. Michigan Sugar Co., CROSSWELL: Fred Harvey, Mgr. Capacity, 750 tons. Michigan Sugar Co., SEBEWAING: W. M. Smith, Mgr. Capacity, 850 tons. Columbia Sugar Co., Executive Offices, BAY CITY: John C. Ross, Pres.; N. R. Wentworth, V.-P.; E. W. Cressey, Secty.; Henry A. Vallez, Gen. Supt. Columbia Sugar Co., BAY CITY: T. C. Carpenter, Supt.; Wm. Large, M. M.; A. J. Laporte, Chief Chem.; L. B. Tompkins, Chief Agric. Capacity, 1500 tons. Columbia Sugar Co., MT. PLEASANT: O. J. McEwan, Mgr.; E. T. Oberg, Supt. Capacity, 1000 tons. (Also see Paulding, Ohio.) Continental Sugar Co., BLISSFIELD: See Ohio for Cor- poration Officials. J. S. Eckart, Supt.; H. A. Tuttle, E. G. Kienbaum, Victor Beebe, Asst. Supts. ; Noble Zinser, Chief Engr.; F. C. Mitchell, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1000 tons. Holland St. Louis Sugar Co., General Offices, HOLLAND: G. J. Diekema, Pres.; C. T. Wright, V.-P.; C. M. McLean, Secty.-Treas. ; C. M. McLean, Gen. Mgr.; S. R. McLean, 58 Local Mgr.; C. J. McLean, Supt.; Frank Price, Asst. Supt.; J. S. Van Joren, Chief Chem.; Wm. Burt, M. M. Capacity, 500 tons. Owosso Sugar Go., General Offices, OWOSSO: Chas. W. Brown, Pres. Pittsburgh; E. Pitcairn, V.-P., Pittsburgh; Daniel E. Crane, Secty-Treas. ; Chas. D. Bell, Gen. Mgr.; F. E. McConnell, Purch. Agt. Owosso Sugar Co., LANSING: Geo. L. Walt, Mgr.; S. Oberg, Supt.; A. Gillis, Chief Engr.; H. Schreiber, Chief Chem. Capacity, 800 tons. Owosso Sugar Co., OWOSSO: Wm. H. Demuth, Supt. Capacity, 1300 tons. Independent Sugar Co., MARINE CITY: Thos. L. Handy, Pres.; C. W. Handy, V.-P.; Geo. W. Handy, Treas.; F. S. Handy, Secty.; Ira H. McKinney, Mgr.; D. L. Smith, Supt.; J. Goulette, M. M.; J. E. Kemp, Agric.; Theo. Koenig, Cashier. Capacity, 600 tons. Menominee River Sugar Co., MENOMINEE: J. W. Wells, Pres. ; John Henes, V.-P. ; Frank L. Brown, Secty. ; G. W. McCormick, Gen. Mgr.; A. Ludwig, Supt.; C. F. Lamb, M. M. Capacity, 1200 tons. Mt. Clemens Sugar Co., MT. CLEMENS: J. Davidson, Pres.; J. E. Davidson, Secty.-Treas., Bay City; W. M. Streit, Mgr.; 0. F. Kaiser, Supt. Capacity, 600 tons. West Bay City Sugar Co., WEST BAY CITY: M. J. Bialy, Pres. and Treas.; A. D. Bialy, Secty.; F. P. S. Kelton, Supt. Capacity, 900 tons. MINNESOTA Minnesota Sugar Co., CHASKA: H. A. Douglas, Pres.; Geo. A. DuToit, V.-P. and Treas., Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred C. Hicks, Secty.; Louis E. Flink, Mgr.; R. L. Bowman, Supt. Capacity, 800 tons. MONTANA Great Western Sugar Co., BILLINGS: W. H. Hogarty, Mgr.; H. S. Barringer, Supt.; H. Scherer, M. M.; B. W. Morrison, Chief Engr.; E. L. Gutberlet, Chief Chem.; J. T. Davis, Trav. Chem.; C. F. Ridley, Cashier; John Meyer, Agric. Capacity, 2000 tons. NEBRASKA Great Western Sugar Co., District Office, SCOTTSBLUFF: E. Simmons, Asst. Gen. Mgr.; H. W. Hooper, Asst. Gen. Supt.; N. C. Chatfield, Asst. Chief Engr.; A. M. Gregg, Trav. Engr.; C. C. Crawford, Trav. Chem.; A. H. Heldt, Chief. Agri. Great Western Sugar Co., BAYARD: C. B. Turner, Mgr.; R. J. Bristol, Supt.; D. L. Kussy, M. M.; J. H. 59 Zisch, Chief Chem.; H. V. Towner, Cashier. Capacity, 1000 tons. American Beet Sugar Co., GRAND ISLAND: (See Chino, Calif., for Corporation Officials.) A. J. Denman, Mgr.; F. L. Mehring, Supt.; A. T. Wilson, Chief Chem.; R. R. Mehring, M. M. Capacity, 500 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., GERING: A. M. Ginn, Mgr.; V. I. Daniels, Supt.; R. P. Gookins, Chief Chem.; W. T. Warren, M. M.; R. McDonald, Cashier. Capacity, 1100 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., MITCHELL: C. S. Campbell, Mgr.; E. E. Durnin, Supt.; Floyd Powell, M. M.; M. K. Hollowell, Cashier; R. I. Babbitt, Chief Chem. Capac- ity, 1000 tons. Great Western Sugar Co., SCOTTSBLUFF: A. M. Ginn, Mgr.; Henry Schmode, Supt.; Stephen Morrison, M. M.; Geo. Goldfain, Chief Chem.; E. H. Clay, Cashier. Capac- ity, 2000 tons. NEVADA Lahontan Valley Sugar Co., FALLON: B. C. Hubbard, Pres., St. Louis, Mich.; Albert W. Black, V.-P., Bay City, Mich.; Chas. Cave, Treas., Indianapolis; Wm. Kremers, Mgr.; Fred Hinze, Supt. (This factory has been idle for a number of years, but will probably operate with increased capacity, either the season of 1921 or 1922.) Present capacity, 500 tons. OHIO Continental Sugar Co., Executive Offices, TOLEDO: C. S. Edgar, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.; E. H. Cady, V.-P.; F. T. Sholes, Secty.; J. F. Thompson, Purch. Agt.; W. H. Neidig, Chief Engr.; E. Durkee, Chief Chem. (Factories at Findlay and Fremont, Ohio and Blissfield, Mich.) Continental Sugar Co., FINDLAY: W. E. Weller, Supt.; A. B. Krentel, Chief Chem. Capacity, 900 tons. Continental Sugar Co., FREMONT: E. McClenathan, Supt.; B. A. Klapka, Chief Chem. Capacity, 600 tons. Columbia Sugar Co., PAULDING: (See Bay City, Mich., for Corporation Officials.) J. A. Scott, Mgr.; H. C. Pety, Supt.; E. Girard, M. M.; W. M. Krause, Chief Chem. Capacity, 900 tons. Ohio Sugar Co., OTTAWA: F. H. Hubbard, Secty. and Mgr.; S. O. Kerr, Chief Agri.; E. F. Wolfe, Supt.; Roy Stahl, M. M.; W. A. Deeds, Chief Chem.; S. I. Nepp, J. O. Knutson and D. A. Hebert, Assts. to Supt. Capac- ity, 600 tons. Toledo Sugar Co., TOLEDO: (Controlled by Michigan Sugar Co.) F. L. Carroll, Mgr.; M. J. Kirk, Supt.; J. Kelton, Chief Engr. Capacity, 1500 tons. 60 UTAH Utah Idaho Sugar Co., BRIGHAM CITY: (See Idaho for Corporation Officials.) A. C. Pearson, Supt.; Thomas W. Lee, M. M.; J. T. Roberts, Chief Chem. Capacity, 750 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., CORNISH: (See Idaho for Corporation Officials.) S. Christensen, Dist. Mgr.; C. E. Hogge, Supt.; R. B. Lewis, M. M.; J. P. French, Office Supt.; H. E. Hatch, Agri. Supt.; P. Barrett, Chief Chem. Capacity, 600 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., DELTA: Wm. Varley, Supt.; J. Gardiner, M. M.; E. A. Miller, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1000 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., ELSINORE: C. R. Wing, Supt.; J. R. Middleton, M. M.; R. 0. Daniels, Chief Chem. Capacity, 750 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., GARLAND: F. W. Hilliard, Supt.; H. C. Hart, M. M.; L. B. Morely, Chief Chem. Capacity, 900 tons. Gunnison Valley Sugar Co., GUNNISON: (Executive Offices at 532 Clift Bldg., Salt Lake City.) W. Harvey Ross, Pres.; Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Chairman of Board; O. H. Egge, Direc. and Conslt. Engr; L. Holman, Secty. ; G. G. Light, Supt.; Frank Clegg, Asst. Supt.; Wm. Conner, M. M.; Walter E. Smith, Chief Chem.; J. O. Anderson, Agri. Capacity, 600 tons. Pioneer Sugar Co., HOOPER: B. Y. Benson, Pres., Logan, Utah; C. G. Patterson, Secty.; C. D. Adams, Supt. Capacity, 400 tons. Layton Sugar Co., LAYTON: E. P. Ellison, Pres.; D. O. McKay, V.-P.; R. E. Allen, Secty.-Treas.; James E. Elli- son, Mgr.; T. Sass, Supt. Capacity, 600 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., LEWISTON: S. Christensen, Dist. Mgr.; I. J. Clark, Factory Supt.; E. N. Rogers, M. M. ; H. G. Spencer, Chem. ; H. Ezra Hatch, Agri. Supt. Capacity, 800 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., LOGAN: F. W. Hunter, Supt.; Wm. Laughlin, M. M. Capacity, 700 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., LEHI: David Hodge, Supt.; L. Taylor, Asst. Supt.; J. Triniman, M. M.; J. P. Bush, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1200 tons. Peoples Sugar Co., MORONI: G. E. Browning, Pres.; N. G. Stringham, V.-P. and Gen. Mgr.; J. Grant String- ham, Secty.-Treas.; N. P. Sorensen, Supt.; G. E. Kirk- ham, Asst. Supt.; John Hardy, Foreman; F. Beckstrom, Foreman; K. M. Draper, M. M.; M. H. Jamison, Chief Elec.; F. D. Yearance, Chief Chem. Capacity, 400 tons. 61 Amalgamated Sugar Co., OGDEN: E. Sebelov, Dist. Mgr.; C. E. Hogge, Supt.; J. F. Yearsley, M. M. Capac- ity, 1000 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., PAYSON: E. Brown, Supt.; E. C. Petrie, Chief Chem.; C. E. Drake, M. M. Capacity, 750 tons. Springville-Mapleton Sugar Co., PROVO: Jesse Knight, Pres.; W. Mangun, V.-P.; C. R. Jones, Mgr. Capacity, 350 tons. Amalgamated Sugar Co., SMITHFIELD: Wm. Baer, Supt.; Amos Brown, M. M. Capacity, 700 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., SPANISH FORK: T. E. Edwards, Supt.; C. N. Jacobson, M. M.; E. T. Cluff, Chief Chem. Capacity, 1000 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., WEST JORDAN: Y. Foote, Supt.; E. A. Miller, Chief Chem. ; H. K. Bytheway, M. M. Capac- ity, 750 tons. WASHINGTON Utah Idaho Sugar Co., NORTH YAKIMA: (Not in oper- ation during 1920.) Capacity, 750 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., SUNNYSIDE: C. V. Halliday, Supt. Capacity, 750 tons. Utah Idaho Sugar Co., TOPPENISH: R. L. Howard, Supt.; J. D. Allmondinger, M. M.; E. H. Young, Chief Chem. Capacity, 750 tons. WYOMING Great Western Sugar Co., LOVELL: Chas. F. Johnson, Mgr.; H. Sandman, Supt.; H. Fletter, M. M.; J. W. Ken- dall, Chief Chem.; C. F. Johnson, Agri.; A. A. Tinn, Cashier. Capacity, 600 tons. Sheridan Sugar Co., SHERIDAN: (Controlled by Holly Sugar Co.) S. W. Sinsheimer, V.-P.; and G. M.; J. D. Mclntyre, Supt.; 0. V. Mumaugh, M. M. Capacity, 900 tons. Wyoming Sugar Co., WORLAND: J. M. Eccles, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.; C. E. Kaiser, V.-P.; M. Browning, Treas.; A. C. Lighthall, Secty. ; Frank Kaspar, Supt. (Executive offices, Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah.) Capacity, 600 tons. WISCONSIN Chippewa Sugar Refining Co., CHIPPEWA FALLS: M. Hottolet, Pres.; A. P. Mann, V.-P.; J. S. Lawson, Secty.- Gen. Mgr., 428 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.; J. A. Brooks, Mgr.; R. E. Pospisil, Supt. Capacity, 600 tons. 62 Green Bay Sugar Co., GREEN BAY: J. H. Taylor, Pres.; A. J. Tippler, V.-P.; J. Kittel, Secty.; W. B. Rose- vear, Gen. Mgr.; C. H. Hine, Factory Mgr. Capacity, 600 tons. Rock County Sugar Co., JANES VILLE: James David- son, Pres.; J. E. Davidson, Secty.-Treas., Bay City, Mich.; W. B. Davis, Gen. Mgr.; A. W. Robbell, Supt. Capacity, 700 tons. U. S. Sugar Co., MADISON: J. S. Lawson, Pres.; J. G. Kremers, V.-P.; J. A. Schulte, Secty., 428 Grand Aye., Milwaukee, Wis. ; A. E. Johnson, Factory Mgr. Capacity, 600 tons. Wisconsin Sugar Co., MENOMINEE FALLS: J. K. Far- ley, Sr., Pres., Chicago, 111.; Dean Farley, V.-P. and Gen. Mgr.; E. 0. Eckland, Secty. and Gen Supt. Capacity, 600 tons. For a complete list of Louisiana sugar facto- ries including names of officials and data cover- ing amount of cane ground and sugar made, etc., the reader is referred to the "Year Book of the Louisiana Planters' Association," 407 Caron- delet St., New Orleans, La. For a complete list of the sugar factories of the world, the reader is referred to the "Sugar Annual," published by the "Journal des Fabri- cants de Sucre," 3, Rue de Richelieu, Paris, France. 63 SUGAR REFINERIES OF THE UNITED STATES American Sugar Refining Co. Earl D. Babst, Pres.; S. Stubbs, V.-P. ; A. B. Wollam, Treas. ; E. T. Gibson, Secty. ; H. A. Niese, Consultg Refiner; Howard Dalton Consultg. Engr.; E. C. Grether, Eqpt. Engr., 117 Wall St., New York. Refineries at Boston. Capacity, 2,000,000 Ibs. daily; (2, "Reserve" 3,000,000 Ibs., and "Spreckels," 2,- 000,000 Ibs) ; Jersey City, 2,000,000 Ibs., Brooklyn, 4,500- 000 Ibs., Chalmette, La., 3,000,000 Ibs. and Baltimore, which is under Const. Arbuckle Bros. W. A. Jamison, Managing Dir., 71 Water St., New York City. Refinery at Brooklyn, New York, John W. Scott, Gen. Supt. Capacity, 2% million Ibs. daily. California Hawaiian Sugar Refining Co. W. M. Alex- ander, Pres.; P. Welch, V.-P.; W. H. McBryde, Secty.; Geo. M. Rolph, Gen. Mgr.; D. B. Gray, Pur Agt., 230 California St., San Francisco, Calif. Refinery at Crock- ett, Calif. A. M. Duperu, Mgr.; Paul Caster, Asst Mgr.; Martin Tost, Supt.; Uno Hartman, Consultant; L. L. Edmunds, Chief Engr.; H. C. Welle, Chief Chem. Capac- ity, 4% million Ibs. daily. Colonial Sugars Co. John Farr, Pres.; James H. Post, Treas.; T. A. Howell, V.-P.; W. J. Vreeland, Secty., 129 Front St., New York City. Refinery at Grammercy, La.; Chas. N. Wogan, Gen. Mgr.; D. G. Jackson, Gen. Supt.; T. R. Wilson, Pur. Agt. Capacity, 1% million Ibs. daily. Federal Sugar Refining Co. C. H. Spreckels, Pres. ; L. L. Clarke, V.-P.; A. H. Platt, Secty.; P. J. Smith, Treas.; P. L. Wooster, Purch. Agt., 91 Wall St., New York City. Refinery at Yonkers, New York. Louis Spreckels, Mgr.; Walter Spreckels, Asst. Mgr.; Chas. Graham, Chief Engr. Capacity, 4% million Ibs. daily. Godchaux Sugars, Inc. Chas. Godchaux, Pres.; Ed. God- chaux, V.-P.; Jules Godchaux, V.-P.; Paul L. Godchaux, Treas.; Emile Godchaux, Secty., 221 Godchaux Bldg., New Orleans, La. Refineries at Reserve and Napoleon- ville, La. Capacity, 800,000 Ibs. daily. Henderson Sugar Refining Co. Wm. Henderson, Mgr. Dir.; Adam Gambel, Mgr.; B. E. Michel, Sales Mgr., 749 South Peters St., New Orleans. Refinery at New Orleans, C. J. Gambel, Supt.; R. Caster, Chief Engr. Capacity, 600,000 Ibs. daily. Imperial Sugar Co. I. H. Kempner, Pres.; G. D. Ulrich, V.-P. and Gen. Mgr.; J. Vickerman, Secty.; E. 0. Gun- 64 ther, Treas., Sugarlands, Texas. Refinery at Sugar- lands, Texas. B. H. Varnau, Supt. ; R. L. Lavender, Chief Engr. Capacity, 800,000 Ibs. daily. McCahan Sugar Refining Co. Manuel Rionda, Pres. ; B. B. Rionda, V.-P.; H. B. Young, Secty.; W. J. Craig, Treas., 101 South Front St., Philadelphia. Refinery at Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas Kavanaugh, Gen. Mgr. 1% million Ibs. daily. National Sugar Refining Co. James H. Post, Pres.; Thomas A. Howell, V.-P.; G. A. Bunker, Secty.; H. F. Mollenhauer, Treas. Refinery at Long Island City, New York. J. Henry Leinau, Supt, Yonkers, New York; War- ren H. Kipp, Supt. Capacity, 3,000,000 Ibs. daily for Long Island City. Capacity, 2,000,000 Ibs. daily for Yonkers. Pennsylvania Sugar Co. G. H. Earl, Jr., Pres.; S. F. Houston, V.-P.; J. A. McCarthy, Secty-Treas. Refinery at Philadelphia. V. H. Hoodless, Supt.; F. McGuire, Pur. Agt. Capacity, 2,000,000 Ibs. daily. Revere Sugar Refining Co. A. W. Preston, Pres.; D. P. Thomas, V.-P.; F. J. Tilden, Secty.; J. W. Damon, Treas., 15 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Refinery at Charleston, Mass. H. E. Worcester, Supt.; E. Lowe, Asst. Supt.; C. W. Febbetts, Chief Engr. Capacity, 1,500,000 Ibs. daily. Savannah Sugar Refining Co. B. A. Oxnard, Pres. ; N. B. Lane, V.-P.; W. S. Pardonner, Secty-Treas. Refinery at Port Wentworth, Savannah, Ga. B. O. Sprague, Mgr.; Alex Ormond, Engr. Capacity, 1,500,000 Ibs. daily. Warner Sugar Refining Co. C. M. Warner, Pres.; G. E. Warner, V.-P.; C. B. Warner, Treas.; A. L. D. Warner, Asst. Treas.; R. M. Bell, Secty.; J. R. Pels, Purch. Agt. Refinery at Edgewater, N. J. E. W. Gerbracht, Mgr.; Arthur Gerbracht, Supt.; A. Glaus, Chief Engr. Capac- ity, 3,000,000 Ibs. daily. Western Sugar Refinery John D. Spreckels, Pres.; A. D. Spreckels, V.-P.; W. D. K. Gibson, Secty.; W. H. Hannam, Mang. Direc.; F. E. Sullivan, Gen. Mgr.; K. I. Dazey, Purch. Agt., 2 Pine St., San Francisco. Refinery at San Francisco, Calif. C. J. Moroney, Mgr. ; N. E. Dole, Supt.; J. F. Taddiken, Chief Engr. Capacity, 2,000,000 Ibs. daily. 65 HAWAIIAN SUGAR FACTORIES Manager's Name. Name of the Factory. Name of Island Post Office Address. J M Ross Hakalau Plantation H \WAII Haklao \V. H. Campbell. T 1 Scott Hawaii Mill Co Hilo Sugar Co.. Hilo Hilo C. C. Kennendy. K. S. Giendruni. Win. Pullar.. . FJ. E. Conant J. Atkins Wight.. Jhon Hind Geo C. Watt . . . Robt Hall ...... R. H. Bryant. . . J. C. Searle H.H. Renton... E. Madden .... A. Horner A. Ahrens Carl Wolters . . . J Watt Waiakea Mill Co Honokaa Sugar Co Honomu Sugar Co Kona Development Co. . . Halawa Plantation Co Hawaii Mill & Plant Co . Kohala Sugar Co . i Niuli Mill Plantation.. ' Puakea Plant Co . Puako Plantation Union Mill Co Kukaiau Mill Co j Kukaiau Plantation j Pacific Sugar Mill Hutchinson Sug. Plant, Co.. ! Olaa Sugar Co. Ltd ' j Hilo Honokaa Honomu Kelakekua Kohala Kohala Kohala Kohala Kohala Kohala Kohala Kukaiau Kukaiau Kukuihaelo Naalehu Olaa J. T. Moir Geo McCubbin... A Lid gate | Onomea Sugar Co j Kaiwiki Sugar Co Hamakua Mill Co .. Onomea Ookaa Paauilo A. Smith... W G Ogg Paauhau Sug. Plant. Co ! Hawaiian Agr. Co Paauhau Pahala C. McLennan .Jas Wesbter . . . W. Stordat G H Faiivhild i Laupahoelioe Sugar Co I Pep^ekeo Sugar Co ; McBryde Sugar Co ; Makee Su'arCo KALJAI Papala Pepekn Eleelp Kealia J. Fa sot ,L R Meyers... C R Wilcox : Waimea Sugar Mill Co i Kilauea Sugar Plant. Co . . Koloa Sugar Co Kekaha Kilauea Koloa Ed. Broadbent F Weber Grove Farm Plantation . Li hue Plantation Co - Lihue Li hue GT* "R \vflWlt ir Gav & Robinson Makaweli B. D. Boaldwin. H. P. Faye .... Jhan Chalmers Ah Ping- ....... 1 fir^o Gibb Hawaiian Sugar Co. Kekaha Sugar Co . . . . . Kaeleku Plant. Co.. Ltd.. .. Kipahulu Sugar Co ... Olowalu Co MA'UI Makaweli Waimea Kaeleku Kipahulu Lahina L. Weinzheimer. H. A. Baldwin. F. F. Baldwin.. H. P. Penhallan James (iibb . Pioneer Mill. Co.. Ltd ; Main Agricultural Co . . : Hawaiian Com. iV Sugar Co. J Wailuku Sugar Co. > Honololu Plantation Co , OHAU Lahiua Paia Pmmene Waifuku Aiea G. F\ Renton. . G F Renton . A pok a a Suga r Co . . Ltd . . ' Ewa Plantation Ewa F^wa J. J. Dowling... Andrew Adaine. S E Wooley ; Koolan Agricultural Co. . . . ( Kohuku Plantation Co Laie Plantation ...,...... Hauula Kahuku Laie H. W. Goodale. Fred MHVIV. . . . . 1 Waialua Agricultural Co; . .' Waianae Co. i*' Waialua Waianae G Chalmers Waimanalo Sugar Co Waimanalo E. K. Bull . ; Ohau Sua'ar Cci. . Waipahu LOUISIANA SUGAR FACTORIES NAME P.O. ADDRESS NAME P. O. ADDRESS Barton, Mrs. E. H. Barton Belle Helene Co-Operative Sugar Co.Be e Helene Evan Belle Co., Inc. Belle Alliance Miles Planting & Mfg. Co. McCall Noel. R. E. McCall Barton, Jr., C. C. Clover Ridge P. & M. Co. Folse, L. N. Gay Planting Co., Inc., A. H. Gay P. & M. Co., The E. I. Greenfield P. & M. Co., Inc. Sunshine Rosedale Whitecastle Plaquemine Plaquemine Plaquemine Blanchard Planting Co. Dugas & LeBlanc. Ltd. Glenwood Planting Co., Ltd. Godchaux Co., Ltd., The Leon Himalaya. Inc. Kessler & Folse Lula Company, Inc. Oakley Mfg. Co., Inc. Prejean, S. Robichaux Co., The E. G. Aleman Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Elfert, Robert Martin Sons, Inc., R. C. Simoneaux, Aurelien Jefferson Syrup Co. Chats worth Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Gianelloni, S. J. Catherine Pltg. & Mfg. Co , Ltd. Devall Pltg. Co., Inc. Hill, George Tallieu Paincourtville Napoleonville Napoleonville Tallieu Klotzville Belle Rose Avoca Belle Alliance Taffieu Belle Alliance Labadieville Albemarle Plattenville Cottonport Burtville Burtville Lobdell Chamberline Port Allen Murrell P. & M. Co., The G. M. Old Hickory P. & M. Co. Soniat, L. M. Supples' Sons Pltg. Co., The J. Slack Bros. Spiller Sugar Co. Strange, W. G. St. Gabriel Sugar Co., Inc. Wilberts Nfyrtle Grove P. & M. Co. Adams & Sons, G. G. Anzelmo, Tony Desobry, L. H. Landry, Stephen Richard, Oscar Songy, Edouard Sitman, Geo. W. (Receiver) Jefferson P. & M. Co. Billeaud Sugar Factory Lafayette Sugar Ref. Co. Youngville Sugar Factory Beadle & Bros., Wm. ' Bayou Goula Hohen Solms Dorcyville Bayou Goula Rosedale Bayou Goula Whitecastle St. Gabriel Plaquemine Whitecastle Plaquemine Plaquemine Sunshine Sunshine Plaquemine Burtville Waggaman Broussard Lafayette Youngville Broussard Kahao, M. J. ?"'" Laws, Harry L. C.nclare Levert Pitg. Co.. The Auguste Mark McWilliams Pltg. Co.. The J. Plaquemine Milliken. Estate Mrs. D. A. Chamberlm Poplar Grove Mfg. & Ref. Co. Port Allen Westover Pltg. Co., Ltd. Kahns Glynn Planting Co., Ltd. Glynn Board of Control (State Penitentiary) Jeanerette Loisel Sugar Co., Ltd. leanerette New Iberia Sugar Co., Ltd. Morbihan Pharr & Sons, Ltd., J. N. Olivier Teche Syrup & Canning Co., Inc. Jeanerette ,Vida Sugar Company Loreauvtlle Lewis, John B. Jeanerette Conque Bros. Lariviere, L. Barker & Lepine Godchaux Co., Ltd., Tr* Leon Gheens Realty Co. Lafourche Sugar Ref. Co. Lagarde Co., Ltd., The C. Laurel Grove Company Levert-Morvant Pltg. Co. Libby & Blouin, Ltd. Lockport Central Sugar Ref. Co. Lower Lafourche P. & M. Co. Mathews, C. S. Price, Mrs. Andrew Carencro Broussard Lafourche Cng. Raceland Gheens Thibodaux Thibodaux Thibodaux Thibodaux Lafourche Cng. Lockport Lockport Mathews Thibodaux Roger Co., Ltd., The Ernest Waverly Sugar Mfg. Co. Roth & Lagarde Deer Range Pltg. Co., Inc. Plaquemines Sugar Co., Inc. Alma Plantation, Ltd. Central Louisiana Sugar Factory, Ingleside Sugar Co., Inc. McCrea Planting & Mfg. Co. Meeker Sugar Refining Co. Shirley Company, Inc. Blouim Co., Ltd., The L. A. Hymd, Stanislas Landeche Co., Ltd. Milliken, Estate Mrs. D. A. Dubourg, J. B- (Lessee) Hymel Bros. P. & M. Co. Keller & Co.. L. Laurel Ridge P. & M. Co. Longview Sugar Co. Miles Pit& Mfg. Co. Salsburg Refining Co., Ltd. St. Joseph P. & M. Co. Uncle Sam P. & M. Co. Union P. & M. Co. Waguespack, Felicien Waguespack & Haydel Waguespack P. & M. Co. Thibodaux Thibodaux Thibodaux Myrtle Grove Dalcour Lakeland Inc.Valverda Lakeland McCrea Meeker Bunkie Luling Luling Killona Killona Welcome Central Hester Lagan Remy St. Patrick Lauderdale Feitel Union Mt. Airy St. Patrick Oubre Mary & Tuma Richard & Voltr Roy, Henry St. Cyr, J. T. Singleton, Geo. L. Chauffe & Bros., R. Levert-St. John, Inc. Smedes Bros.. Inc. Belleview Plantation Co. Berwick P. & M. Co., The O. D. Burguieres Co., Ltd. The J. M. Centreville 'Company Columbia Sugar Company Clausen, Estate Jacob Danos & Sons, L. Uelgado, Succession of Isaac Forsyth, Jr., L. Franklin Sugar Ref. Co. Home Place P. & M. Co. Foster, J. W. Laws, Harry L. Lyon Company Moreira, Schwan & Moreira Oak Bluff P. & M. Co. Oaklawn Sugar Co. Argyle-Crescent Co., Inc. Ashland P. & M. Co.. Ltd. Barrow & Duplantis Cocke R W Washington Rosa Leonville Opelousas Arnaudville St. Martinville Levert Cade Franklin Foster Louisa Centreville Franklin Foster Patterson Jeanerette Baldwin Franklin Glencoe Franklin Baldwin Berwick Centreville Franklin Franklin Houma Houma Ellendale Webre-Steib Co., Ltd. Roussel, Octave Caire & Graugnard Champagne, A. & I. E. Godchaux Co., Ltd., The Leon Graugnard & Reynaud Golden Star P. & M. Co.. Ltd. San Francisco P. & M. Co. Songy Pltg. Co., Ltd. Burch. Mrs. E. Haas, W. D. Crockett & Weil Devilliers. Mentor St. Patrick St. Amelia Edgard Edgard Reserve Lions St. Patrick Lions Wallace BarLck Opelousas Opelousas Crescent-Magnolia P. & M. Co. Marmande, Ltd., Estate of B. McBride & Chauvin (Lessees) McCollam, Edmond McCollam & Cocke Minor, Estate H. C. Moore Pltg. Co., Ltd., The J. T. Shaffer, John D. Terrebonne Sugar Co. Erath Sugar Co. Rose Hill Co.. Inc. Vermillion Sugar'Co. Rnard of Control < State Penitential Minerva Theriot Ellendale Ellendale Ellendale Houma Shriever Ellendale Montegut Erath Abbeville Abbeville v") Aneola *~^"l SUGAR FACTORIES MUNIOPAUTY PROVINCE Bacolod-Murcia Milling Co. 3f-nalkafqr> fs (- i-e Compania Azucarera De Bais Canlaon Central Calamba Sugar Estate Bearer Cia. Azucarera de la Carlota TDe-fo'fefna Central Hawaiian-Philippine Sugar Co. Isabela Sugar Co., Inc. Camancy Sugar Factory Ma-ao Sugar Central Co., Inc. Mindoro Sugar Co. Muntinlupa Sugar Factory North Negros Sugar Factory Nueva Apolonia Sugar Factory Pampanga Sugar Development Co.. Palma Central .Pampanga Sugar Mills _ , , . , 7*#/7*y*rV < ro x- ZVv>/> rtrrr Saint Louia Oriental Sugar Factory San Antonio Central San Carlos Milling Co. San Isidro Central Talisay-Silay Milling Co. Talisay Central _ r V/ 1 TO f/e s frit ' line Ho La Castillana Canlubang aiatagan Kabankalan La Carlota Bago Silay Isabela Isabela Pulupandan San Jose" Muntinlupa Manapla Vallehermoso San Fernando Hog ^el Carmen **>-~rarr,<>nJo, Manaoag La Carlota San Carlos Kabankalan Talisay Negros Occidental Negros Oriental Negros Occidental Laguna Negros Occidental Negros Occidental Negros Occidental ^ro^Occidental Negros Occidental Negros Occidental Negros Occidental ttegros Occidental Mindoro Rial Negros Oriental Pampanga Negros Occidental Pampanga Pangasinan Negros Occidental Negros Occidental Negros Occidental Negros Occidental Negros Occidental Hamilton McCubbin R. E. Wright Carlos Young F. . Greenfield Jose, de la Vina y Cru Jose Escaler Salvador Serra Antonio Urquijo J. N. Kruseman Juan Vidaurrazaga Emilio Gaston PORTO RICAN SUGAR FACTORIES Aguirre .Salinas Central Aguirre Co. Alianza Camuy Central Alianza, Inc. Ana Maria, Bayaney Anasco Arecibc Ana Maria Sugar Co. Central Bayaney, Inc. Belvedere Bocachica Rojo Juana Diaz Sucesores de Bianchi S. V. Hennay G. Cabrera Cambalache Arecibo Central Cambalache Co. Canovanas Carmen Loiza Vega Alta Loiza Sugar Company Carmen Centrale Cayey Coloso .Cayey Cayey Sugar Company Sucesores de Bianchi Columbia -Maunabo Famauzzi, Verges & Riefkoht Constancia. Constancia 'Toa Baja .Ponce Comp. Azucarera del Toa Saurl y Subira Corsica Rincon New Corsica Centrale, Inc. Cortada Sftf Fajardo Fortuna Santa Isabel Humacao Fajardo Ponce Santa Isabel Sugar Company Comp. Azucarera El Ejemplo Central Eureka, Inc. Fajardo Sugar Company South Porto Rico Sugar Co. Guanica Guanica South Porto Rico Sugar Co. Juanita Juncos Bayamon Juncos Central Juanita, Inc. The Junco. Central Co. Lafayette Los Canos Arroyo Arecibo Sucrs. C.yJ.Fantau*zi Central Vannina Machete ' -Guayama Comp. Azucertr. Central M.chete Mercedita Ponce Sucesion de J. Serralles Mercedita Yubucoa Yubucao Sugar Co. Monserrate Manati Federico Calaf Pasto Viejo Pellejas Plata Playa Grande Plazuela Humacao Adjuntas San Sebastian Vieques Barceloneta Central Pasto Viejo, Inc. Pellejas Sugar & Coffee Co. Plata Sugar Company Benitez Sugar Company Plazuela Sugar Co. Progreso .Puerto Real Rochelaise JRuftu Carolina - Vieques Mayaguez Guayamlla Ccntnl Victori.. Inc. Succettioade Enrique Bird Mayaguez Sugar Company, Inc. Mari?Mercado e Hijos San Francisco Guayanilla Lluberas Hermanos San Vicente Vega Baja Rubert Hermanos Santa Barbara Santa Juana & Juyuya Development Co. S. A.' de Sucreries de St. Jean Santa Maria Vieques Ch. Le Brun Seller Triunfo Camuy Naguabo Soller Sugar Company Garzot & Fuertes, Inc. Vannina Rio Piedras Central Vuoiiu CUBAN SUGAR MILLS ,*,4>2~H A-~f~ r T3jtA~.rru-f#/f NAME LOCATION OWNER ADDRESS MANAGER Almeida, Hatilln AltoCedra San'Luii Macarne Federi^oAlmeidV*'' West Ind. M.S. Co. Lorraine (b) 4, Stgo Obrapia 19, Havana Federico Almeida J. Hanselman America Contranuestre Federico Almeida Lorraine (b) 4, Stgo. Federico F. RosUlo Atlantic TanamoBay Atlantic Fruit Co. Sama, Oriente Cueto C. A. Cen. Baguanos Holguin Gabriel Maurino. Belona Marimon Cia. Az. Cen. Belona Banco Espanol Havana Jose Marimon Borjita .DosCamino* S. A. Ing. Cen. Borjita Marina 1, Santiago L. de Hechavarria Boston Banes United Fruit Co. 131 State St., Boston H. Harty Cacocum Cacocum Cia. Az. Cen. Cacocum O'Reilly 11, Havana Juan de Larrea. CtaaiiutBavat) San German Miranda Sugar Co. Bayate LM. A. Evans Cape Cruz Mot. Cape Cruz Co. 138 Front St., N.Y. G. R. Buchanan Carmen Chaparra Puerto Padre C. A. Cen. Carmen Cuban Amet. S. Co. Banco Nac. 518, Hav. Robins Bldg., Havana Jose G. Menocal Ralph B. Wood Colorado. Confluente Omaja Guantanamo Colorado Sugar Co. Confluente Sugar Co. 449 Federal St. Botton Madrid. Spain Manue! Orta Cupey Cupey West Ind. M. & S. Co. Obrapia 19. Havana M. R. Abbey Delicias Puerto Padre Cuban Amer.S. Co. Robins Bldg., Havana Ernesto Brooks DosAmigo* Ermita SB- Campechuda Ermita Guantanamo Guantanamo Nicolas Castano Ermita Sugar Corp. C. A. Oriental Cubana Guantanamo Sugar Co. Cienfuegos Ermita Marina (b) 38, Stgo. Guantanamo M.Gonzalez F. S. A. Chateauviex Antonio Arias Wm. Robertson Isabel Media Luna Beattie&Co. Manzanillo R. H. Beanie Jobabo LosCaao* Jobabo Guantanamo Compania Cubana Guantamo Sugar Co. 52 William St., N.Y Guantanamo C. R. Stuntz H. R. Muschelt Madrazojibacoi Manzanillo Manati Cia. Az. Jibacoa Manati Sugar Co. O'Reilly 11. Havana Marraqu* Bldg., Hav. M.B.deMarchena ReginoTruflin Marimon Macurijes C. A. Oriental Cubana Marina, baja, 38, Stgo. Antonio Arias Miranda Miranda Miranda Sugar Co. Bayate L. M. A. Evans Monona Guantanamo Luis E. Simon Guantanamo Luis F. Simon NewNkjuero Oriente Niqueto Xavier New Niqucro Sugar Co. Cia. Az. OrienteS. A. 100 Broadway, N.Y. Hartmann (b)IOStg. Ricardo Narganes Elmo J. Miller Palma Palma rito Palma Soriano Miranda Miranda Sugar Co. Palma Soriano Bayate Rafael Aguirre L. M. A. Evans Preston Preston NipeBayCo. (U.F.Co.) 131 StateSt, Boston F. W. B. Hogge Rey Rey C. A. Cen. Rey, S. A. Royal Bank 3 14. Hav. JuanRimMaT Rio Canto Romelie Salvador, B RioCauto Guantanamo Manzanillo Cuban-Can. Sug. Co. Sues. Mackinlay Brooks God wall. MaceoyCa. RioCauto Guantanamo Manzanillo George T. Walker Francisco dePando Ramon D. Escobar San Antonio San Ramon Guantanamo San Ramon Sucrs. Luis Redor St. E. Montluc, Fr. Manzanillo M. A. Labarraque Genaro Fernandez Santa Ana Santa Cecelia Santa Lucia Aura Guantanamo Santa Lucia Columbia Trust Co. Santa Lucia Co. Lorraine (b) 4, Stgo. New York Chy Tte. Rey 11, Havana Francisco Anza Hector Hagef W.Dunn ^%. M ^ 9F??4 %"$;%&&**" 7 J^T* a /-n N ' Y ' G.Nasi Sofia Bayamo Sucrs. J.Alsina Ap. 76, Manzanillo JuanAlsina Soledad Guantaaamo Guantanamo Sugar Co. Guantanamo Jos. McCracken Tacajo Tacajonr.Anrilla Tacaji Sugar Corp. 112 Wall St., N.Y. G. G. Trowbridge Teresa CeibaHMca Cen. Teresa Sugar Co. Obrapia 23- A, Havana James R. Biggar Union San Lots Cia. Az. Santiago Ap. 151, Santiago Jose Rousseau YagMiibti Omaja Cia. Az. Y.gwubo. Holguin Eugenic B*rbero Yara Yara Sugar Co. Carlos Mendieta. Martinez Lufriu TTa -n CV y* /Tf *? *. fft* * f* c &rotr<+. (r Sdwfc n-a. Camaguey Prorioc* Adelaida Moron Cia. Az. Adelaida Oncios 22. Havana L.FaIlaGutrr Agramoote Florida Cia.Az.Vertentes S. Bernardo 127, Cfgs. Carlos Alvarez Algodooe* Guayacanes Cen. Algodones. S. A. Royal Bank, Havana Isaias Cartaya Baragui Baraji. Jules Godchaux M.Gomez 444, Har. E.P.Cobb Camagiiey Piedrecitas Ga.Az. Camaguey O'Reilly 11, Havana Ramon L. Quinones Ospedes Cespede* Perez y Gonzalez Ospedes Vicente Gonzalez CiegodeAvila Cia.Az.C.deAvua Aguiar 71, Havana L. Octavo Divino. Cunagua Moron Am.SugarRefin.Co. Amargura23,Har. Antonio G. Mendota Elia Elia Elia Sugar Co. Cuban Tdg. Co., Har. M. J. Amezaga Estrella Sierra Morena Cia. Central Azucarera M. Gomez 518. Hav. Domingo Leon. Florida Honda P. A. Sug. Co. (Atkins) Obrapia 19, Havana H. J. B. Baird Francisco Sta. Cruz del Sur. Francisco Sugar Co. 112 Wan St, N.Y. LeandroJ.Rionda Jag Obrapia 38, Havana Luis E. Quiros Jeronimo Martinto Lesmes Pascual N ombre de Dies Guines C.A.Cen.N.deDios Royal Bank 519, Hav. S. Izquierdo N. S. del Carmen Jaruco Cia. Az. P. F.Castro Mercaderes 36, Hav. P. C. Andreu Nueva Pax Los Palos Occidente Quivicin C. A. Central Occident B.N. 316, Havana Portugalete Providencia San Jose Lajas Guines Manuel Otaduy Cia. Az. de Guines San Ignacio 72, Hav, Cuba 76, Havana Vicente Goicoechea A. R. de Blanck Rosario Aguacate Henhey Corporation Manz. Com. 364, Havana Ramon Pelayo San Augustin Quivicin San Antonio Madruga C. A. A. Gomez Mena Manz. Gomez, Havana Manuel Gomez Mena Toledo Mamma Cia. Az. Central Toledo Mercaderes 21, Hav. Manuel Aspuru Matanzas Province Alava Araujo Banaguises Manguito Cuba C. S. Corporation Cia. Az. Cen. Araujo Barraque Bldg., Hav ;Bi N. 316, Havana Antonio Zubillaga Felix Risech Armenia Bolondron Central Armenia Co. Marina 22, Havana Juan S. Olano Australia Buenaventura Taguey Grande jagoey Grand* C. A. Ing. Australia Cia. Az. Buenaventura O'Reilly 11, Havana Jaguey Grande Mario Paez Carolina. Coliseo M. Flores Pedroso Coliseo F. Femindez Conchita Cuba Dolores Union de Reyes Pedro Betancourt Jovellanos Cuba C. S. Corporation Cen. Cuba Sugar Co. Melchbr Gaston Barraque Bldg., Hav. Aguacate 110, Hav. G.yCalzada,Vedado Alonso Alzugaray Arturo Bernal Aurelio Martinez Dos Rosas Cardenas Hires Sugar Co. New York E. L. Poole Elena Ceiba Mocha Jaen, Oteira y Hnos Independencia 80, Mat. A. Oteiza Espana Perico Calimete lost Lopez Rodriguez C. A. Cen. Esperanza Obispo 135, Havana Mercaderes 36, Hav. AlfredoAldereguia C. de la Rosa ^speranza Feliz Cuba C. S. Corporation Barraque Bldg,, Hav, Abelardo Padron Flora Guipuscoa 'Guira de Macuriges Hato Nuevo Cen. Cuba Sugar Co. Sobrinos de Arocena Aguacate 110, Hav. Hato Nuevo, Marti Antonio M. Ronco Ramon G. Arocena Jesus Maria Limones Benavides Limonar Mat.-Amer. Sugar Co. Jose I. Lezama Obispo 7, Havana Empedrado 6, Havana Bauduy Laine Socorro Garbayo Loft Macagua George W. Loft New York Luisa Mercedes Por Fuerza Limonar Mercedes Calimete Cuba C. S. Corporation La Paz Sugar Co Barraq'ue Bldg., riav. Reina 105, Havana Antonio Carrillo Juan Pademonte, Pr. Porvenir Cidra Wenceslao Xagundo Calimete Wenceslao Xagundo Progreso Puerto Reglita Cardenas Arcos de Caaasi Perico Laurentino Garcia Jos6 Avendano ]ost Lopez Rodreguez Ap. 42, Cardenas Inquisidor 22, Havana Obispo 135, Havana M. Bardiales Jose F. Cartava Septimo Sardinas San Cayetano San Ignacio Cidra Agramonte Cia. Az. San Igracio S. A. Agramonte Victor Mujica S J Bautista Arcos de Canasi San Vicente Jovellanos Cuban Com. &. Ind. Co. B. N., Havana Placido Alonso Santa Amalia Coliseo Garcia, Mdez. Co., L. Coliseo Laurentino Garcia Santa Gertrudis Santa Rita Santo Domingo Saratoga Socorro Soledad Tinguaro Triunfo Banaguises Baro Uni6n de Reyes Limonar Pedroso Jovellanos Perico Limonar Cuba C. S. Corporation Cia Az. Caobillas Cen. Cuba Sugar Co. Cen. Cuba Sugar Co. Cuba C. S. Corporation Cuba C. S. Corporation Cuban Amer. Sugar Co. Hdos. Vda. F. Sotero Barraque Bldg., Hav. B. Nac. 405, Havana Aguacate 110, Havana Aguacate 1 10, Havana Barrague Bldg., Hav. Barrague Bldg., Hav. Robins Bldg., Havana Limonar Francisco Bemal Joaquin G. Guma Gerardo Gutierrez J. Magin Tarafa G. B. Symes Alfredo Fernandez J. W. Caldwell A. Mesa Prieto Triunvirmto Union Cidra Agramonte Frank J. Peterson Manz. Gomez 514, Hay. Ramon Orrantia Santa Clara Province Adela Remedies Zarraga y Ca. Royal Bank, Havana Enrique Alvarez Altamira Zulueta Espinosa & Arango Remedies Jose Maria Espinosa Andreita Cia. Az. Andreita Oficios 22, Havana Cabaiguin Cabaiguin CUL Ac. Cabaiguin Apar. 26, Cabaiguin C. Rguez, Morini CUBAN SUGAR MILLS (continued) NAME UXATTON OWNER ADDRESS MANAGER Santa Clara Province (continue^ Caracas Caracas A.-C. Esutes Corp. Aguiar 106, Havana Theodore Brooks Caridad Carmita Vega Aha Gerardo Machado Ap. 2446, Su. Clara Angel Perez Lopez Cieneguita Abreus Cia. Az. CieneguiU Oficios 22, Havana Juan Roman Constancia Consuncia Cuban-Amer. Sugar Co. Robins Bldg., Havana Alan B. Bailey Consuncia Encrucijada Constancia Sugar Co. B. Nac. 209, Havana J.Escobar Corazon de Jesus Covadonga Dos Hennanos ^Sagua la Grande Carreno Cruces Juan Amezaga y Cia. S. A. Cen. Covadonga Dos Hnas. Sugar Co. Ap.8,SagualaGde. Mercaderes 36, Hav.. Obispo 7, Havana Ignacio Aguirre AJeio A. Carreno A. E. Marti Dos Hermanos El Salvador Palmira Caw Rodrignez Monni Acea 95, Cienfuegos Oscar Berrayarza Fe Salamanca Central Sugar Corp, Horter Bldg., Havana H. A. Herbert Fidencia Placetas C. A. Cen. Fid. D. Leon M. Gomez 514, Hav. Francisco Quinone* Hormiguero Juragua Julia, La Lequeitio Cienfuegos Taguayabon Lequeitio Hormiguero Sugar Co SU.C. Sugar Co., L. Hdos. Hnas. Pester Cuba C. S. Corporation Hormiguero Obispo 5, Havana Taguayabon Barraque Bldg., Hav. Elie L. Ponvert S. C. Murray R. de Biscuccia A.G