\ 3 IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORI A COMPENDIOUS SYSTEM O F jratftcal AND DIVIDING OF LAND: CONCISELY DEFINED, METHODICALLY ARRANGED, AND FULLY EXEMPLIFIED. THE WHOLE ADAPTED TOR THE EASY AND R E G U L A K, INSTRUCTION OF YOUTH, IN OUR AMERICAN SCHOOLS. CO M PILED BY ZACHARIAH JESS, SCHOOLMASTER IN WILMINGTON. Copp iRigtjt gtcurefi according to ILato. W / L M / N G TON: PRINTED BY BONSAL AND NILES FOR THE COMPILER, 1799 PREFACE- AS the Treatifes heretofore publhlied on Surveying, are deficient in examples, whilft they treat large ly on the theory ; the defign of this publication is, to fup- ply fchools with a fyftem, exemplified with practical illu - ftrations, fufEcient to give the learner a competent know ledge of this ufeful fcience. To avoid fwelling the work, and increafing the price, I have omitted giving a defcription of the inftruments ufed in furveying ; as they are better underftoodby infpe&ion, with a little initru&ion from the teacher, than by any defcription given of them. 4 I have chofen a fhort, mechanical method of explaining and exhibiting to view, the dependencies and proportion al properties of triangles, in order to meet the ideas of the learner, in the moft eafy and nmple manner. /This I have found to be more ufeful to them, than any thing I have before feen. I have not enlarged on the geometrical method of de termining the Area of Maps, as it is not to be depended nj for although it may appear true, upon demonftrable IV PREFACE. principles, I have found by experience, that as many dif ferent ways as a map is marked into triangles and trape ziums, fo many different areas it will generally gjve ; but I have inferted a fufiicient number of examples to {how the method, which may anfwer fome purpofes : fuch, as for inftance, a man to determine, nearly, the quantity of land in his own fields ; arid thefe I have done in perches, and tenths, as coining neareft to the truth and the larger the fc ale the better. The calculations by difference of latitude and depar ture, are generally made in chains and links, as being more eafy and accurate,' than' in perches, 'and tenths neverthelefs, for the fake of fome variety, and advantage of thofe who prefer the latter, I have given fome exam ples calculated in perches, and tenths j and it will evidently appear, by i'nfpe'&ion; that the numbers to be multiplied, tire larger j and as it is cuftomary, in^this method, to re- ]e& the fecond decimal figure, it cannot be fo accurate one tenth of a perch fquare, being equal to 6 J fquare links. ' H The method of bringing chains into perches, is very eafy : four perches being one chain; therefore, multiply the chains by 4, and the product will be perches, and the contrary. , > EXAMPLES, I. In 37.56 chains, how many perches ? 37.56 x 4 = 150.^4 perches. The anfwer, PREFACE. v. %. In 150. 24 perches, how many chains ? 150.34 -r- 4 as 37-56 chains. The anfwer- Note. Thefe two examples prove each other. Perhaps fome may obje& to the uniform mode I have adopted, in finding the meridian diftances. I know that ibme ufe other methods ; but I apprehend there^is none more eafy, than the one I have chofen. And as I have found by experience, that a variety of methods, to pro duce the fame eflfeft, contribute more to confufe, thin in- ftru& the learner, I have adhered to the one general mode. Should this work merit another edition, any hint for its improvement, will be gratefully received, and duly attended to, by z, y E s s. IV PREFACE. principles, I have found by experience, that as many dif ferent-ways as a map is marked into triangles and trape ziums, fo many different areas' it will generally gjve ; but I have inferted a fufiicient number of examples to fliow the method, which may anfwer fome purpofes : fuch, as for inftance, a man to determine, nearly, the quantity of land in his own fields ; arid thefe I have done in perches, and tenths, as coming neareft to the truth and the larger the fc ale the better., The calculations by difference of latitude and depar ture, are generally made in chains and links, as being more eafy and accurate, than in perches, 'and tenths ; neverthelefs, for the fake of fome variety, and advantage of thofe who prefer the latter, I have given fome exam ples calculated in perches, and tenths j and it will evidently appear, by i'nfpe'&ion; that the numbers to be multiplied, are larger ; and as it is cuftomary, in-this method, to re- ]e6l the fecond decimal figure, it cannot be fo accurate one tenth of a perch fquare, being 'equal to 6 ~ fquare links. ' , . The method of bringing chains into perches, is very eafy : four perches being one chain; therefore, multiply the chains by 4, and the produft will be perches, and the contrary EXAMPLES, I. In 37.56 chains, how many perches ? 37.56 x 4 = 150.54 perches. The anfwer. PREFACE. v. 2. In 150. 24 perches, bow many chains ? 150.34 -f- 4 = 37-56 chains. The anfwer* Note* Thefe two examples prove each othert Perhaps fome may objeft to the uniform mode I have adopted, in finding the meridian diftances. I know that fome life other methods ; but I apprehend there is none inore eafy, than the one I have chofen. And as I have found by experience, that a variety of methods, to pro duce the fame effeft, contribute more to confufe, than in- ftruft the learner, I have adhered to the one general mode. Should this work merit another edition, any hint for its improvement, wiU be gratefully received, and duly attended to, by z. y E s s. CONTENTS. SURVEYING, Pagel Geometry, ibid. Geometrical Definitions, _ 3 Pofitions, _ . _ jo Problems, l7 Projeftion of the Lines Sines, Tangents and Secants, 39 Of Guriter's Scale, - 43 Of Logarithms, . 51 Trigonometry, 63 Right Angled Trigonometry, 65 Oblique Angled Trigonometry, 80 Heights, _ _ 90 Diftances, , 98 To find the Content of Land Geometrically, 100 To make a Map from the Field Notes, 1 1 8 To find the Content of Land, by Calculation, 125 Demonftration, 134 To make a Map from Difference of Lat. and Dep. 138 Inacceffible Boundary, 144 Off-Sets, 153 Divifion cf Land, 163 To make a Map on a Circle, * 177 Interfetions, 188 Atlraaion, 200 Variation, 204 To enlarge or diminifli Maps, 206 To Survey with the Chain only, 208 r &J"K{tf 5*2 $*& *&* *& $"*& '^** T ^fe^!! tjt*T ts*r *fc> 53Bg8SBSS3B^9E3B3Byu3DgBgBaE^9B SIGNS Ufed in this Work. L f X A S. Co-S. T. Co-T. Sec. Co-Sec > Stand3 "Degrees, Minutes, An Angle, More; or, Addition) Multiplication, Equal to, Divilion, Lefs; Subtralion ? A Triangle,, Sine, Co-fine, Tangent, Co-Tangent, Secant, Co -Secant, Proportion ; as a . Square-Root. THE PRINCIPLES O 7 SURVEYING SURVEYING. SURVEYING is the art of delineating and cal culating the content of land, in acres, roods and per ches, and confifts in a knowledge of geometrical definiti ons and problems. GEOMETRY. GEOMETRY is the fcience wherein we confider the pro : perties of magnitude. G E O M E- B GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS, USEFUL fN SURVEYING, I. A Point is the fmalleft fpace that can be affigned, as t A * a. A Line is the neareft diftance between two points, ind 15 confidered without breadth or thicknefs, as A B. 3. Lines equally diftant from each other, -^ ^ __ jg In all their parts, are called parallel lines, as V ABandCD. J C - D 4. The inclination, or opening, between two lines, which interfeft in a point, is . called an Angle, as the open ing between the lines AB and AC ; the angle is gene rally reprefented by three letters, thus BAG, the mid- die letter being at the .angular point, or place of inter- fe&ion, which is always conlidered to be the centre of p, circle, B 'C 5. When one line {lands on another, fo as to incline neither way, it is a perpendicular, as the line AC, on the GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS. 3 Uric DE, and the angles on each fide of the perpendicu lar, are right angles. D A Circle is any diftance taken in the compares, with otle point fixed, and the other carried round, and the line described thereby, is called the circumference. 7. The Diameter of a circle is a line which divides ic into two equal parts, as A B. 8. The Radius of a circle is the diftance taken in the compaffes to defcribe it, and is half the diameter, as AC* 9. A Semicircle is either fegment of the circle, made fry the diameter, as AGB, 6r AFB. ID. A Quadrant is half a femicircle, and is contained between half the diameter, and a line perpendicular there to, drawn from the centre of the circle, as CG. r 4 GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS. ii. A Chord of a circle is a line which divides the circle into two unequal parts, as DE, and it is a chord to both fegments of the circle, as DFE and DGE. 12,. A Circle is actually, or fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called Degrees, and each degree into 60 equal parts, called Minutes; and thefe into feconds, &c. 13. An Angle is fo many degrees, as lines drawn from the centre of a circle, include thofe parts of the circle, thus BAG is an angle of 30 degrees ; becaufe the lines, AB and AC, drawn from the centre of the circle, include 30 parts of 360, and it is called an acute angle, becaufe GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS. 3 }t is lefs' than 90 degrees, and BAD contains 90 of thofe parts, and is therefore an angle of 90, and is called a right angle, becaufe AD is perpendicular to AB, and DAE contains no of thofe parts, and is an angle of no degrees, and is called an obtufe angle, becaufe it is great er than a right angle j confequently CAE muft be 130 and an obtufe angle. V \ 14. A Superfices is a plain, bounder! tv any number of Hnes ; but the feweft number which can inclcfe a fuperfL ces, are three, and it is called a triangle, as ABC, and it is a right angled triangle, becaufe it has one right angle. GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS. and the fide AC oppofite the right angle, is called thfc hypothenufe, and is always the longed ; the other two are called the legs ; the upright one BC the perpendicular, and the other, AB, the bafe. B 15. All triangles which have not one right angle, are called oblique angled triangles, whether all the angles be acute, as ABC, or one angle obtufe, as DEF, GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS. 1 6. Any figure of four fides, is called a quadrilateral figure ; and if the oppofite fides be parallel, it is called a parallelogram ; and if all the fides be equal, and angles right, it is called a fquare, as ABCD. 17. A parallelogram, whofe oppofite ftdes are equal, and angles right, is called an Oblong, as EFGH. GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS. H 1 8. A parallelogram of equal fides, and angles oblique, is called a Rhombus, as ABCD, and it is equal to the right angled parallelogram AJJLF- A , ,B D F C E < 19. A parallelogram whofe oppofite fides are equal, and angles oblique, is called a Rhomboides, as GHIK, and it is equal to the right angled parallelogram GHLM. M GEOMETRICAL DEFINITIONS, g ao. % Any quadrilateral figure, that is not a parallelo gram, is called a Trapezium, as ABCD, and is equal to the two' triangles made by the bafe AC, and perpendicu lars D e and B g. ai. The complement of an angle, is what it wants of 5)0 degrees. 22. The fupplenient of an angle, is what it wants df 1 80 degrees. 33. The angles, in every triangle, are equal to tw TRICAL POSITIC 7. In t right angled triangle, if the bafe and perpendi cular be equal, and the hypothenufe be bife&ed at right angles, and die bifefting line continued, it will divide the right angle into two equal angles, each 45 degrees, and the acute angles at A and C, are each 45 degrees, and the four angles make 180 degre GEOMETRICAL, POSITIONS. 15 8. In a right angled triangle, as DEF, if the perpen dicular be longer than the bafe, and the hypothenufe be bife&ed at right angles, the bife&ing line will interfetl the perpendicular, fo that the upper end (cut off by this bife&ing line) will exa&ly reach from the place of in- terfeelion, as at G, to the extreme end of the bafe, as to D ; thus the lines DG and FG, are equal in length, and becaufe the bafe DE, and perpendicular FE, are un equal in length, the acute angles at D and F are unequal, and the greateft angle will always be oppofite the lougefc fide. And as DG and FG are equal, the angles GDF and FDG are equal, by pofition 7th. 16 GEOMETRICAL POSITIONS. A 9. In an oblique an gled triangle, as ABC, if all the fides be equal in length, the angles will be equal in quan- t ity , and each 60 de grees, making in the whole 1 80 degrees, as in the oppofite figure: jo. If the fides of a triangle be unequal in length, as GHI, the angles will be unequal in quantity, and the greateft angle will be oppofite the longeft fide, and the leaft angle oppofite the fliorteft fide, as in the following* %urej the three angles taken together, making two right? angles, or iSo degrees. i H ii. If two fides of a triangle be equal in length, as the fides DE and FE, in the following figure, are equal, then' the angles oppofite thefe equal fides, will be equal, viz.' the angles at D and F, are equal to each other. E GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS* T PROBLEM L O draw a line parallel to a given line AB, at any diftance, as at C. RULE. Take, with a pair of compaffes, the neareft diftance between the point C, and the line AB, and with that di ftance, and one foot of the compaffes in the line AB, as as at A, defcribe an arch, as at D ; then from the point t, draw a line to touch the arch at D, and it is done. G D \ B A PROBLEM IL To bife&, or divide a line into two equal parts, R U L E With any diftance in the compaffes, greater than half e given line AB, and one foot of the compaffes in A't D i8 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, defcribe the arch CD ; with the fame diftance, and one foot in B, crofs the former arch in C and D, draw the line CD, and it is done. D PROBLEM in. To raife a perpendicular on a given line, as AB, from the point E. RULE. With any convenient diftance in the eompafies, and one foot in E, make a point on each fide, as at c and e ; their open the compaffes wider, and with one foot in c, defcribe an arch, as at F ; then with the fame extent, and one foot in e, interfeft the former arch at F, draw EF, and it is" done. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. \ B PROBLEM IV. To ere& a perpendicular, on the end of a given line, as AG. RULE. With any diftance, as from A to C, in the compaffes, and one foot in C, defcribe a circle, fo as to touch the end of the given line in A ; from where that cuts the gi ven line, and through the centre C, draw a line to cut the circle, as in B ; from B, draw the line AB, which witl be the perpendicular required. "i v /f X c \ \ \ i L '* ^ ZQ GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, Or, With any convenient diftance in the compaffes and one foot in the end of the line, defcribe an arch as FB, fet off the fame diftance from B to E, with one foot in E, defcribe an arch at G, and with the fame diftance' turn one foot over to F, and defcribe an arch to cut th e former in C ; from C to A, draw a line, and it is done. C If \ B PROBLEM V. From a point, as at C, to let fall a perpendicular on the line AB. RULE. With one foot in C, defcribe an arch to cut the given line AB ; with one foot in each place of interfe&ion, de fcribe arches at D, and from C to D, draw a line, and it is done ^ for C e is perpendicular to AB, as was required, QEJOMETRICAL PROBLEMS I B PROBLEM VI. From a given point C, to let fall a perpendicular on the end of a given line AB } at B. RULE. From any point in the line, as at F, with the diflance FC, defcribe anarch atE ; choofe any other point in the line, as at D, and with the diftance DC, interfeft the former, arch in:J^ ', join CE, and it is done as required. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, G A B PROBLEM VIL To make a right angle at B, on the line BA. RULE. re& the perpendicular BC, and it is done. Or, On the point B, and with the chord of 60 degrees in the conrbaffes, ^efcribe an arch, on which fet ofF 90 degrees from the line BA to C j then draw BC, and it is done. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 23 C """, \ PROBLEM VIII. To make an angle equal to any number cf degrees, fup- pofe 42 30 /. RULE. With the chord of 60 degrees in the compafles, on A defcribe ah Arch from the line AB, and from that line lay 42, 30 ' on the arch to D ; then through the point D, draw AC, and it is done. D 24 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. To meafure an angle, take the chord of 60 in the com'- pafles, and with one foot in the angular point, make an arch from line to HBC ; then take the arch in the compaffes, apply it to the chord, which will fliew the degrees ; thus the preced ing angle will meafure 42 30'. PROBLEM IX. To make an obtufe angle, equal to ioi ao/. R u L.E. With the chord of 60 degrees in the compaffes, on B defcribe an arch, on which from C, fet off 60 degrees to G, and from G, 42 ao/ to D ; draw BD, and it is done* o V GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 25 PROBLEM X. The angles and hypothenufe given, to find the legs. E X A M P L E. The hypothenufe 1 2, i perches, the angle opposite the bafe 54 30^; confequently the other angle 35 30^ by pofition ad. page lOj the bafe and perpendicular are re quired. R u L E. Draw the line CB, and on C, by Problem 8, make an angle equal to 35 3O/, draw CA ; take in perches in the compafles, from a fcale of equal parts, and fet it from C to A ; then (by Problem 5) from A let fall the perpendicular AB ; then the perpendicular AB, being taken in the compafles, and meafured on the fame fcale, will be 70.25 perches, and the bafe CB, 98.5 perchesj as required. j5 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. PROBLEM XL The angles, and one leg given, to find the hypothenufe^ and the other leg. EXAMPLE. The angle, oppofite the perpendicular 33 15'; the bate 274 perches, to find the hypothenufe, and perpen dicular. RULE. Draw CB, equal to 2,74 perches, from a fcale of equal parts ; upon B, eredl a perpendicular, by Problem 3 ; and on C, make an angle equal to 33 15' by Problem 8; draw C A, and where it interferes the perpendicular, wilt be its length; then the hypothenufe CA, meafured on the fame fcale, will be 3217.6, and the perpendicular BC, 179.6 perches. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. ay PROBLEM XII. The hypothenufe, and one leg given, to find the an- glesj and the other leg, EXAMPLE. The perpendicular 69 chains, hypothenufe 150 chains j the bafe and angles are required. RULE. Draw the bafe, and on B erel a perpendicular to A, equal to 69, from a fcale of equal parts ; from the fame fcale, take 150 in the cdmpaJGfes, and with one foot in A, let the other fall on the bafe, as at C ; then the bale, ta ken in the compaffes, and applied to the fame fcale, will- be 133, and the angle ACB, meafured on the chord of 60 degrees, (by the note to Prombem 8) will be 27 23'; confequently the other angle 62 37 /, by pofition 27 page JO. 33 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. PROBLEM XIII. The legs given, to find the angles and hypothenufe. EXAMPLE. The perpendicular 980 perches, the bafe 690 perches; the angles and hypothenufe are required. RULE. Draw the bafe equal to 690, and the perpendicular equal to 980 perches, from a fcale of equal parts ; then from the extremities of the bafe and perpendicular, draw the hypothenuie AC, which being meafured on the fame fcale, will be 1 198 perches,* and the angle at C, meafured on a chord of 60, (by note to Problem 8) will be 54 51' -, the other angle 35 09', by pofition ad. B GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 39 *Note. Two fides of a right angled triangle being given, the third may be feund by the fquare root in arithmetic, or extracted by the logarithms as hereafter. The fum of the fquares of the bafe and perpendicular, is equal to the fquare of the hypothenufe ; and the difference between the fquares of the bafe and hypothenufe, is the fquare of the perpen dicular; and that between the perpendicular and hypothenufe, is the fquare of the bafe: thus, in the preceding example, the fquare of 690, the bafe is 476100; and the fquare of 980, the perpen dicular is 960400 : their fum is 1436500, the fquare of the by- pothenufe, the fquare root of which is 1198, the length of the hypothenufe in the fame meafure that the bale and perpendicular are. , Again : If from 1436500, the fquare of the hypothenufe, be taken 476100, the fquare of the bale, there remains 960400, the fquare of the perpendicular, its fquare root is 980, the length of the perpendicular ; and from the fquare of the hypothenufe, take the fquare of the perpendicular, the remainder is 476100, it* fquare root is 690, the length of the bafe, which is exemplified in the following example, where the bafe is 6, perpendicular 8^ and hypothenuie 19. *o GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. PROBLEM XIV. The angles, and one fide of an oblique angled triangle given, to find the other fides. EXAMPLE, The angle BBC 101 25', CBD 44 42'; confequently the other angle 33 50' (by pofition 3, page n) and the leg BC 76 perches, to find the fides CD and BD. RULE. Draw BC equal to 76 perches ; on B make an angle equal to 44 42,', and on C an angle equal to 33 53': the place of interfe&ion will determine the point D ; then BD being meafured on the fame fcale, will be 43.2, and 54.5 perches, as required, I D 76 PROBLEM XV. Two fides, and an angle oppcfite to one of them given, to find the other oppofite angle, and third fide. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 31 EXAMPLE. The fide BC 106 chains, BD 65 chains, and the angle at C 31 49', to find the angle at D, and fide CD. RULE. Draw the line BC, equal to 106 chains, from a icale of equal parts ; make an angle on C y equal to 31 49'; take 65 chains in the compafles, and with one foot in B, lay the other on the line CD in D ; then the angle B, be ing meafured on the chord of 60 degrees, will be 2,7 28', consequently the other angle 120 43' (bypofition 3, page 1 1) and the fide DC 56.9 chains, on the fc ale of equal parts. PROBLEM XVI. < Two fides, and their contained angle given, to find the ether angles, and third fide. EXAMPLE* The fide BC 109, BD 76, and angle CBD 101 30* , to find the other angles, and fide CD. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. RULE. Draw the line CB, equal to 109 chains or perches ; BB ^6, from a fcale of equal parts, making an angle on B, equal to 101 30' j' join DC, and apply it to the fame fcale of equal parts, and it will be 144. 8, and the angle at I), meafured on a chord of 60 degrees, will be 47 3^', and the angle on C, 30 58', as required. D 109 PROBLEM XVII. The three fides given, to find the angles. EXAMPLE. The fides EC 105, BD 85, and CD 50 chains or per ches, to find the angles at B, C and D, GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 33 R U L E> Draw the line BC, equal to 105, from afcale of equal parts ; take CD, 50 in the compafles, and with one foot on C, defcribe an arch at D ; then take BD, 85, in the compafles, and with one foot on B, interfe& the arch at D, join BD and CD j then the angle at B, being mea" fured on a chord of 60 degrees, will be 28 C 53 7'; confequently the angle at D, pofition 3. 4', and at 98 49', by B I0 5 PROBLEM XVIII. To defcribe a circle about a triangle ABC, or through any three points not in a direct line. RULE. Bife& any two of the triangle's fides, at right angles, And where the bife&ing lines interfeft, is the centre of the circle, as atD, the diftance from which, to one point of the triangle, and carried round, will be the circle rev Quired, GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, PROBLEM XIX. To find the centre of a circle. RULE. With any radius, and one foot in the circle, as at Aj defcribe an arch, as CBD ; then with the fame radius, and where the arch cuts the circle, defcribe another arch as CAD, and through the points of interfe&ion, draw the line CDG ; in like manner' draw another line as EFG, which- will interfeft the other line in the centre of the circle ; for each of thefe lines, if continued, will be a diameter to the circle. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 35 C .- PROBLEM XX, To make a right angled parallelogram, whether a Iquare, $r an oblong. EXAMPLE, The fides AB and CD, each 7 qhains 20 links ; ths perpendiculars AC and BD, each 5 chains 40 links. RULE. Draw AB equal to 7. 2 chains, from a fc ale of equal parts ; on B ere& a perpendicular equal to 5.4 chains then with AB in the compaflfes, and one foot on D, de- 36 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, fcribe an arch at C, and with BD in the compaffes, with one foot on A, interfe& the former arch at C j join CA and CD, and it is done. chains. D 7.20 chains. B PROBLEM XXI. To make a Rhombus. EXAMPLE. Let each fide of the Rhombus be 6 chains, 35 links, anct perpendicular height 5 chains, 80 links. RULE. Draw AB and CD parallel, at the diflance of 5 chains, 80 links; then take 6.35 chains in the compafles, lay it from C to D, with one foot in D ; let the other fall in the line AB at B ; turn over to A, join the feveral corners by lines, as in the figure, and it is done* GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 3.7 , 6.35 ch. 6.35 chains. PROBLEM To make a Rhomboides. xxn. EXAMPLE. Let the lines AB and CD, be each 7 chains, 64 links ; AC and BD, each 5 chains, 35 links; perpendicular height 4.85 chains. RULE. Draw AB and CD, parallel, at the diftance of 4.85" chains ; take 7.64 chains in the compaffes, andfet it from C to D ; take 5.25 chains in the compares, and lay it from D to B ; make BA equal to CD ; join the feveral corners by lines, as in the figure, and it is done. 7.64 chains. D 7.64 chains, .gS GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. PROBLEM XXIII. To ma];e a Trapezium. EXAMPLE. Let ABCD be the boundary lines ; the bafe AC 64.4 perches; the perpendicular Bb 13.6, and Dd 37.3 per ches ; the firft perpendicular from A 18 perches, the 2,d from C 14 perches. RULE. Draw AC equal to 64.4 perches j then 18 perches from .4., raife a perpendicular equal to 13.6 perches ; and 14 perches from C, raife a perpendicular equal to 27.2 per ches, on the oppofite fide of the bafe AC ; join the feve- ral boundary lines, as in the figure, and it is done. 3D GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 39 PROBLEM XXIV. To divide a given line, as AB, into any number of qual parts, fupp'ofe 7. RULE. From the point A, draw the line AC, making any an gle with the line AB, and from the point B, draw BD, parallel to AC ; then with any convenient oulance in the compafies, on the lines AC and BD, and from the angu lar points, turn over on each as many times, lefs ene v than the. divifions ; join the fevcral points, and the line is divided as PROJECTION PROJECTION OF THE LINES OF SINES, TANGENTS, AND SECANTS* ON THE PLANE SCALE* *. TTT I T H any convenient radius, defcribe a femi- * * circle ADBC, and upon the centre C, raife trie perpendicular CD, which will divide the femicircle into two quadrants AD, BD ; continue CD to S ; and upon B raife the perpendicular BT ; then draw the lines BD and AD. 2. Divide the quadrant BD, into 9 equal parts ; then will each of thefe be 10 degrees, which may be fubdi-- vided into fingle degrees and minutes, if the radius be large enough to admit. 3. Set one foot of the compaffes in B, and transfer each of the divifions in the quadrant BD, to the right line BD; then is BD a line of chords. 4. From the points 10, 20, 30, &c. in the quadrant BD, draw lines parallel to CD, till they cut the radius CB j then is the line CB, divided into a line of Sines. PROJECTION OF THE LINE OF SINES, &c. 41 5. From the centre C, through the feveral divifions of the quadrant BD, draw lines till they cut the tangent BT; fo will the line BT become a line of tangents. 6. Set one foot of the compafles in C, extend the other to the feveral divifions 10, 20, 30, &c. in the tangent line BT, and transfer thefe extents, feverally, into the line CS ; then will the line CS be a line of fecants. 7. Right lines drawn from A to the feveral divifions 10, 30, 30, &c. in the quadrant BD, will divide the radius CD into a line of fines. 8. Divide the quadrant AD, into 9 equal parts ; and from A transfer thefe divifions, feverally, into the line AD j then is AD a line of chords. PROJECTION 41 PROJECTION OF THE LINE OF SINES, &c. B O F GUNTER's SCALE. WHILE the reader is perufmg the following, it will be proper to have a Gunter's Scale be fore him. Gunter's Scale has on it thefe feveral lines, viz. I. Sine Rhumbs, marked S. R. is aline which contains the logarithms of the natural fine of every point and quarter point of the Mariner's Compafs, figured from the left hand toward the right, with i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, to 8, where is a brafs pin ; and, where it can be done, thefe are divided into halves and quarters. 3. Tangent Rhumbs, marked T. R. alfo correfponds to the logarithm of the tangent to every degree of the faid compafs, and is figured I, 3, 3, 4, at the centre, where there is a pin; and from thence, toward the left hand, with 5, 6, 7 : it is alfo divided, where it can be done, into halves and quarters. 3. The Line of Numbers, marked Num. contains the logarithms of the numbers, and is figured thus : near the left hand it begins at I, and towards the right hand is a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; and then i is the mid- 44 OF G U N T E R's SCALE. die, at which is a brafs centre pin, going ftill on 2, 3, 4* 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 at the end, where there is another centre pin; the firft one may be counted for i, or 10, or 100, or 1000; and then the next 2 is accordingly a? or 20, or 200, or 2000, &c. Again ; the firft I may be reckoned I tenth, or I hun dredth, or i thoufandth part, &c. then the next 2 is 2, tenths, or 2 hundredths, or 2 thoufandth parts, &c. fo that if the firft i be efteemed i, the middle i is then 10, and 2 to its right is 20 ; 3 is 30 ; 4 is 40 j and 10 at the end is 100. Again ; if the firft one be 10, the next 2 is 20; 3 is 30, and fo on, making the middle i now 100 ; the next 2 is 2OO; 3 is 300; 4 is 400, &c. and 10 at the end is now loco. In iike manner, if the firft i be efteemed i tenth part, the next 2 is 2 tenth parts ; and the middle i is i$ and the next 2 is 2, and 10 at the end is now 10. Again ; if the firft i be counted i hundredth part, the next 2 is 2 hundredth parts ; the middle i is now 10 hun dredth parts, or one tenth part j and the next 2 is 2 tenth parts ; and 10 at the end is now but one whole number, or integer. As the figures are increafed or dimmifhed in their va lue, fo in like manner muft all the intermediate ftrokes or fubdivifions be increaied or dimmifhed > that is, if the firft i be counted i, then 2 on the right of it is 2, and each fubdivifion between them now is one tenth part, and fo all the way to the middle i, which now is 10, the Qr G U N T E R's S C A L E. 45 next 2 is 20 ; now the longer ftrokes between one ar4 % are to be counted thus, n, 12, where is a brafs pin; then 13, 14, 15 j fometiraes a longer ftroke than the reft, 1 6, 17, 1 8, 19, 20, at the figures; and all the fliorter ftrokes between the longer, are now each to be counted two tenth parts from the mi4dle i to the next 2, now 20 ; from whence the longer ftrokes between the figures are units, thus, 21, 22, 23, &c. to 3, which now is 30, and thefhorter ftrokes each between them, now is one tenth part of an integer ; from 3, each fhort ftroke or divifion, is one tenth part of an unit. Again ; if i at the left hand be 10, the figures between it and the middle I are common tens; and the fubdi- vifions between each figure are units ; from the middle i to 10 at the end, each figure is fo many hundredths j and between thefe figures, each longer diviiion is 10 > from the middle i to 2, each lefs divilion is 2 units ; and from 2 to the end, each fliorter divifion is 5 units. From this defcription, it will be eafy to find the divifi- ons representing any given number, thus : Suppofe the point reprefenting 1 2 is required ? Take the divifion at the figure i, in the middle for the firft figure of 12; then for the fecond figure, count 2 tenths, or longer ftrokes, to the right hand, and this laft is the point reprefenting 1 2, where is a brafs pin. Again ; fuppofe the number 22 is required ? The firft figure being 2, take the divifion to the figure 2, and for 46 OF G U N T E R?s SCALE. the fecond figure 2, count 2 tenths onwards, and that is the point reprefenting aa. Again ; fuppofe 1728 is required? For thefirft figure i, take the middle i ; for the fecond figure 7, count on wards as before, and that is 1700 ; then for' the third fi gure 2, count 2 tenths from the laft, and it reprefents 1720; laftly, for the fourth figure 8, eftimate 8 parts out of 10 of the next fmaller divifion, this point reprefents 1728. Required the point reprefenting the number 435? From 4 in the fecond interval, count towards 5 on the right hand, three of the large divifions, and one of the fmaller, and that will be the divifion expreffing 435, and the like of other numbers. All fra&ions in this line muft be decimals ; and if they be not, they muft be reduced into decimals, which is ea- fily done by extending the compaffes from the denomina tor to the numerator ; that extent will reach from I in the middle, to the decimal required. EXAMPLE. Required the decimal fra&ion equal to -J- ? Extend from 4 to 3 ; that extent will reach from i in the middle to 757 = .75, the decimal required, towards the left hand ; and fo of any other vulgar fraction. OF GUNTER's SCALE. 47 MULTIPLICATION, Is performed on this line, by extending from I to the multiplier ; that extent will reach from the multiplicand to the produl. Suppofe it is required to multiply 16 by 4? Extend from i to 4 j that extent will reach from 16 to 64, the produft. DIVISION, Being the reverfe of Multiplication ; therefore extend from the divifor to i ; that extent will reach from the di vidend to the quotient. Required to divide 64 by 4 ? Extend from 4 to i ; that extent will reach from 64 to 16, the quotient* PROPORTION, OR THE RULE OF THREE, Being performed by Multiplication and Bivifion, there fore extend from the firft term to the third; that .extent will reach from the fecond to the fourth. EXAM P L E. If the diameter of a circle be 7 inches, and the circum ference 32, ; what is the circumference of another circle, the diameter of which is 14 inches ? 4 3 Or COUNTER'S S C A L Extend from 7 to 14 ; that extend will reach .from vk to 44, the circumference required. In like manner, may any other proportion be worked. To find the fuperficial content of a board, plank, &c. Extend from I to the breadth ; that extent will reach from the length to the fuperficial content. EXAMPLE. Suppofe a board or plank 15 inches broad, and 27 feet long ; required the content I Extend from I to I foot 3 inches ; that extent will reach from 27 feet to 33.75 feet, the fuperficial content. Or, Extend from 12, inches to 15 inches, &c. The folid content is found by extending from i to the breadth ; that extent will reach from i to a 4th number . and from i to that 4th number, will reach from the length to the folid content. EXAMPLE. L What is the content of a fquare pillar, 21 feet 9 inches long, i foot 3 inches broad on each fide ? The extent from i to 1.25, will reach from 1.25 to 1.56, the content of i foot long. Again j the extent OF G U N T E R's S C A L E. 4 tf from i to 1.56, will reach from the length a 1.75 1033.98, or 34 feet folid. EXAMPLE II. Suppofe a piece of timber 1.25 feet broad, .56 foot deep, and 36 feet long ; required the content. Extend from' I to 1.35, that extent will reach from. 56 to .7 ; then extend from i to .7, that extent will reach from 36 to 25.2 feet, the folid content. The line of Sines, marked Sin. begins at the left hand, and is figured thus : i, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. to 10 ; then 20, 30, 40, &c. to 90, ending at the right hand, where is a brafs pin, here, and in all lines under it : thefe figures are called Degrees. The line of verfed fines, marked V. S. begins at the right hand, againft 90 on the fines, and from thence fi gured towards the left hand thus : 10, 20, 30, 40, &c. ending at the left hand, about 169 ; each of the fubdi- vifions, from 10 to 30, are 2 degrees, and from thence to 90, it is fingle degrees j and from thence to the end, each degree is divided into 15 minutes. The line of Tangents, marked Tan. begins at the left hand, and figured to the right, thus : I, 2, 3, &c. to 10, and fo on to 20, 30, 40 and 45, where is a brafs pin, juft 5* OF G U N T E R' s SCALE. under and even with 90, in the line of ftnes ; from thencft back, it is figured 50, 60, 70, 80, &c. to 89, ending at the left hand. Where it began, at one degree, the fub- divifions are as the fines. The line of Meridional Parts, marked Mer. begins at the right hand, and numbered 10, 30, 30, to the left hand, where it ends at 87 degrees. This line, with the Hne of equal parts, marked E. P. under it, are ufed to gether, and only in Mercator's failing. The upper line contains the degrees of the meridian, or latitude, in Mer cator's chart ; and the lower, the equator, and contains ^he degrees of longitude* OF LOGARITHMS. O F LOGARITHMS LOGARITHMS are a feries of numbers, by which the work of multiplication may be performed by addition, and divifion may be done by fubtra&ion ; for, if the logarithm of any two numbers be added together, the fum will be the logarithm of the produ& : and if the logarithm of the divifor be fubtra&ed from the logarithm of the dividend, the remainder will be the logarithm of the quotient : and if the logarithm of any number be di vided by 2, the quotient will be the logarithm of the fquare root of that number. And if the logarithm of any number be divided by 3, the quotient will be the loga rithm of the cube-root of that number. To find the logarithm of any number lefs than 5 figures. EXAMPLES. To find the logarithm of 7. Look in the table for the number 7, in the fide co lumn, and : againft it is .84510: this number being but one figure, the index to the logarithm is o. OF LOGARITHMS. To find the logarithm of 79. Look in the table for the number 79, in the fide column, and againft it is .89763 ; I being the index, becaufe the given number has two figures. To find the logarithm of 763. Look for 763 as before, againft which is .88^52, the jndex being 2, becaufe the given number has three figures. To find the logarithm of 7634, Find the three firft figures, viz. 763, in the fide column as before, and the fourth figure 4, at the top of the page ; thenoppofite 763, and under 4, is .88275, to which pre fix the index 3, becaufe the given number has four figures. To find the logarithm of five figures, or more. Suppofe 76345. Find the logarithm of the four firft figures, as before, which will be 88275 ; ta ^ e tne difference between this lo garithm, and the next greater, which is 6 ; then fay, if jo give 6, what will the remaining figure, viz. 5, give ? thus, If 10 . . 6 : : 5 . . 3, the fourth number is 3, which, added to the former logarithm 88275, gives 88278, to which prefix the index 4, becaufe there are five figures, and it gives the logarithm of 76345, viz. 4.88278. To find the logarithm of 763458. Find the logarithm of the four firft figures, as before, viz. 88275, Or LOGARITHMS. 53 Take the difference, as before ; then fay, if 100 gives 6, what will the remaining figures, viz. 58 give ? An- iwer 3 ; which, added to 88275, makes 88278, to which prefix the index 5, and it gives the logarithm of 763458 to be 5.88278. Note. The index figure is always one lefs than the number of figures in the given whole number, whether a decimal be an nexed or not. Tp find the logarithm of 763,458. Find the logarithm, as before, the fame as if the figures were all whole numbers ; then, becaufe there are but three figures in the integers, prefix the index 2, and it gives 2.88278; for the logarithm of 763.458, the fame as in the preceding example, only in the index. To find the number anfwering to any logarithm of four places of figures. What is the number to the logarithm 3.77342 ? Look in the column under o, and there the next lefs lo garithm will be 7705, oppofite to 593 in the fide column, then look directly acrofs the page, and the exact logarithm will be found under 5 at the top, which annex to 593, makes 5935, the number required. Note. When the exact logarithm is not found, it is ufual to take the next lefs, or neareft, which is exact enough in common bufincfs. 54 Or LOGARITHM S, To find the number anfwering to a logarithm of 5^ or more places of figures. What number anfwers to the logarithm 4.59632 ? Take the difference between the next lefs logarithm, and the given one ; alfo the difference between the next lefs and greater logarithms ; then fay, as the difference between the next lefs and greater logarithm, is to the .difference be tween the numbers anfwering thereto, (with a cypher an nexed for every unit the index figure is more than 3) fo is the difference between the next lefs and given loga rithm, to the corre&ion fought, which added to the num ber anfwering to the neM: lefs logarithm, gives the num ber required. What is the number anfwering to the fol lowing logarithm ? 4.59632 given log. 4.5962,7 The ncarefc lefs log. is 59627 its num. =39470 The next greater do. is 59638 =r 39480 Difference. n 10 As ii . . 10 :: 5 . . 4f f , which call 4.6; and ad ded to 39470, makes 35474.6 the number fought, MULTIPLICATION BY LOGARITHMS. R U L E. To the logarithm of the multiplicand, add the loga rithm of the multiplier j the fum is the logarithm of the produdud. Or L O G A R I T H M S.- CASE I. to fnd tbe producl of two whole or mixed numbers. Multiply 76, log. = 1. 88081 % 45, = 1-73^39 Produft 4104 = 2.6132:0 Multiply 76.4 log. = 1.88309 By 5.4 = 0.73239- Product 41^.56 = 2.61548 CASE 2. When both or either of tbe faflors are less than unity, RULE. When the figure next to the decimal point is part p an unit, the index is 9 ; but if it be o, the index rnuft be 8 ; and as many cyphers as are annexed to the point, fo many units the index mud be lefs than 9; fo that the number of cyphers annexed to the decimal point, and in- index figure, taken together, muftmake 9 ; and in adding thefe logarithms, ten muft be rejected, if the index figure-s amount to ten. Multiply 76. log, = 1.88081 By 45- = 1-73*39 Produd 4104. 3.61330 56 Or L O G A R I T H M Multiply 3.72 log. = 0.57054 By .00064 = 6.80618 Product .0023808 SB 7-37672 Multiply 59.4 log. = 1.77415 By .000031 = 5.49206 Produft .0018414 c= 7.26621 DIVISION BY LOGARITHMS. RULE. From the logarithm of the dividend, take the logarithm of the divifor, the remainder is the logarithm of the quo tient. In fractions, obferve the fame rule as given in multipli cation ; and when the index figure of the divifor is greater than that of the dividend, 10 muft be borrowed, as it was rejected in addition. Divide 4104 log. = 3.61321 By 54 = 1-73^39 Quotient 76 log. = 1.88082 Divide 410.4 log. = 2.6132? By 5.4 = 0.73239 Quotient 76.0 = OF LOGARITHMS. 57 Divide .008215 log. = 791461 By ,031 = 8.49136 Quotient .265 == 9.42325 Divide .0023808 log. = 7.3767^ By 3.72 = 0.57054 Quotient .00064 log. =a 6.80618 Divide 59.4 log. = 1.774*5 By .000031 5,49209 Quot. .0001915 = 6.28206 Note. In the indices here, I borrowed ro, in the fame manner as it was rejedled in Addition. (See Multiplication.) To EXTRACT the ROOTS ly LOGARITHMS. The logarithm of the given number, divided by 2, quotes the logarithm of the iquare-root of that number, and divided by 3, quotes the logarithm of the cube-root of that number. EXAMPLES. What is the fquare-root of 324? Log. of 324, is = 2)2.51054 Root is 18, its log. is = 1.25527 i 5& O r L O G A R I T H M S. What is the cube-root of 10648? 10648 log. = 3)4*02736 Root is 22, log. == 1.34243 To fnd the Root of a Decimal Fraction. For the fquare-root, add 10 to the index before it is divided ; and for the cube-root, add 20, &c. What is the fquare-root of .001849? .001849 * ts *S' is 7.26694 Add 10 2)17.26694 Root .043, its log. is = 8.63347 What is the cube-root of .125? 5, its log. is == 9.09691 Add 20 3)29.09691 Root is .5, its log. = 9.69897 To fnd the Logarithm of tbc Sines, Tangents, and Se cants, belonging to any number of Degrees and Mi nutes* RULE, OF LOGARITHMS. 59 RULE. If the degrees be lefs than 45, feek them on the top of the page, and the minutes in the left hand column marked M, againfl which, in the column fignifted at the top with the propofed name, (land's the fine, tangent, or fgcant required ; but when the degrees given, be more than 45, feek them at the bottom, and the minutes in the right hand column, marked M, againft which, and over the propofed name, ftands the fine, tangent, or fee ant required. Obferve, that the degrees at the top, and minutes in the left hand column, added to the degrees at the bot tom, and minutes in the right hand column, always make 90 ; hence, if a fine be looked for, the co-fine or comple ment will be found in the adjoining column* Obferve the fame of tangents and fee ants, EXAMPLES. Required the logarithm fine of 28 37'? Under 28, and oppofite 37', in the left hand column, as above, and under the word Sine^ ftands 9.68029, the logarithm of the line of 28 37', as required. Required the logarithm tangent of 67 45'? Find 67 at the bottom of the page, and 45' in the right hand column, oppofite to which, and over the word. Tangent, ftands 10.38816, the log. required. o OF L O G A R I, T H M S. The logarithm of any number of degrees above 90, is found by fubtrafting the given degrees from 180, taking the logarithm of the remainder. To ftnd the Degrees, Minutes^ and Seconds, to any gi^ gen Logarithm* Find the degrees and minutes correfponding to the neareft logarithm, which is exaft enough for common bu- fmefs ; but if feconds be wanted, they are thus found : take the difference between the given log. and the next lefs ; alfo between the next lefs and greater ; then fay, As the difference between the next lefs and greater log. Is to 60"; So is the difference between the next lefs and given logo To the feconds required. But if they be required to a given log. co-fine^ then fay, As the difference between the next lefs and greater log. Is to 60"; So is the difference between the given and next greater *?g< To the feconds required. EXAMPLES. Find the degrees, minutes, and feconds, correfponding to the logarithm fine, 9.61405. OF LOGARITHM 3. 6s Next greater log. 9.61411 Given log. 9.61405 JJextlefs 9.61382 Nextlefs 9.61382 29 Difference. 23 As 29 . . 60" : : 23 . . 48", to be Annexed to the degrees and minutes correfponding to the next lefs log. gives 24 1 6' 48", as required. Find the degrees, minutes, and feconds, correfponding to the logarithm co-fine 9.43x97. Next greater log. 9.43323 Next greater log. 9.43323 Next lefs 9-43278 Given 9-43-97 45 Difference. 26 As 45 . . 60" : : 26 . . 34", to be annexed to the degrees and minutes correfponding to the next lefs log. gives 74 1 6' 34", as required, To find the Logarithm Sins or Co -Sine, for Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds. Find the logarithm to the degreees and minutes ; take the difference between this and the next greater, if a fine ; but jf a co-fine, the next lefs ; then fay, As 6o// Are to this difference ; So are the given feconds, To the correction, to be added to the firft logarithm, if a fine ; but fubtra&ed, if a -cc-fine. 62 O LOGARITHMS, EXAMPLES, Required the logarithm fine of 24 i6 ; 48'' Next greater log. is 9.61411 The log. of 24 1 6', is 9.61382 29 As 60" . . 39 : : 48" . . 23, to be added to 9.6138:^ gives 9.61405, the log. of 24 16' 48", as required. What is the logarithm co-fine of 74 16' 34"? The log. of 74 16' is 9.433^3 Next lefs, is 9-43278 45 As 6c" . . 45 : : 34". .26, to be taken from 9.43323, leaves 9.43297, the log co-fine of 74 i6'34", as required. TRIGONOMETRY, TRIGONOMETRY, PLAIN Trigonometry, is the art. of meafuring plain triangles, by comparing fides and angles together by known anologies ; whereby three things being given a fourth may be found, on condition that one of them be a fide : to do which, right lines are applied to the arch of a circle, deicribed on the angular point, viz. A chord is a line that divides the circle into two une qual parts, and is a chord to them both, as DH is the chord of the arches DH and DAH. 2. The fine of an arch, is a line drawn from one end, or termination of the arch, perpendicular to the radius, or it is half the chord of twice the arch , fo that. RS is the fine of the arch AS, and SZ the co-fine : thft fine and co-fine making a quadrant, or 90. 3. A verfed fine, is that part of the diameter contained between the fine, anil the arch, as RA and RGD r and is the verfed fine of SHD, or DEP its equal. 4. A tangent of an arch, is a line drawn perpendicular to one end of the diameter, juft touching the arch, as AT is the tangent of the arch AS, and HG the co-tan gent: the tangent and co-tangent making a quadrant, or 90, 6 4 TRIGONOMETRY. 5. A fecant of an arch, is a line drawn from the cen tre through the circumference, until it cuts the tangent, as CT is a fecant of the arch SA, and GC the co-fecant, meeting the co-tangent : , the fecant and co-fecant alfo a quadrant, or 90. RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. TH E folution of the feveral cafes in Right Angled Trigonometry, depends on the following Pofition, which ought to be well committed to memory, and, by comparing it with the annexed figures, clearly underftood by the learner, before he prooeeds. POSITION. In every right angled triangle, If the hypothenufe be made the radius of a circle^ the other two fides, or legs, will be, each the fine of its oppofite angle. If either leg, including the right angle, be made the radius of a circle, the other leg will be the tangent of its oppofite angle, and the hypothenufe the fecant of the fame angle. The foregoing Pofition, accurately compared with the following figures, will be more ihftrudive, than lengthy demonflrations. 66 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. \ Tag. [ G B RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY*. 67 ^** Radi ms. \ . When the hypothenufe is made radius, then the bafe is the fine of the oppsfite angle C ; and the perpendicular, a fine of the oppofite angle A. When the perpendicular is made radius, then the bafe is tangent of the oppofite angle C, and the hypethenufe a fecant of the fame angle. And when the bafe is made radius, then the perpendicular is tan- gent of the oppofite angle A, and the hypothenufe a fecant of the fame angle. When the angles, and one fide are given, to find either, or both the other fides ; then either fide may be made ra* dius ; and each, in rotation, to prove the work. RULE. As the name on the given fide, Is to the fame fide ; So is the name on the fide required, To the fame fide. 68 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. When two fides are given, to find the angles j then one of the given iides muft be made radius. RULE. As the fide made radius, Is to radius ; So is the other given fide, To the name upon it. CASE i. The Angles and Hypotbenuse given, to fnd the Legs* Given, the hypothenufe, 12,1 perches ; the angle, op- pofite the bafe, 54 30' ; consequently the other angle, 35 3 0/ > ty pofition a, page 10. For the conftru&ion, fee Problem 10, in Geometry. C RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 69 By making the Ease Radius^ it will be y To find the perpendicular BC. As fecant [ A 35 30' 10.08931 Is to the hypothenufe 121 2.08278 So is tangent [ A 35-3 9-^53-7 11.93605 ,10.08931 To the perpendicular BC 70.26 1.84674 To find the bafe AB. As fecant |_ A 35 30' 10.08931 Is to the hypothenufe 121 2.08278 So is radius 90 10.00000 12.08278 10.08931 To the bafe AB 98.5 J-99347 By making the Perpendicular Radius, it will to, To find the perpendicular BC. As fecant [ C 54 30' 10.23605 Is to the hypothenufe 121 2.08278 So is radius 90 10.00000 12.08278 10.23605 To the perpendicular BC 70. 26 1.84673 70 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. To find the bafe AB. As fecant [ C 54 30' 10.23605 Is to the hypothenufe 121 2.08278 So Is tangent [ C 54-30 10.14673 12.2,2051 10.23605 To the bale AB 98.5 1-99346 By making the Hypotbenuse Radius ', it wilt To find the perpendicular C. As radivij 90 10.00000 Is to the hypothenufe 121 2.08278 So is fine [ A 35 30' 9-7 6 3<>5 11.84673 IO.OOOOO To perpendicular BG 70,26 1.84673 To find the bafe AB, As radius 90 10,00000 Is to the hypothenufe 121 2.08278 So is fine [ C 54 30" -9.91069 11.99347 IO.OOOOO To the lafe AB 98.5 EIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 71 BY GUNTER's SCALE. All proportions, where fecants are not in them, may be worked by Gunter's fcale ; the extent from the firft to the third term, will reach from the fecond to the fourth -, thus the laft radius. i. Extend from radius 90 to 54 30', on the line of fines ; that extent will reach from the hypothenufe 131, to the bafe 98.5, en the line of numbers. 3. Extend from radius, 1035 30", on the line of fines ; that extent will reach from the hypothenufe 121, to the perpendicular 70.2,6, on the line of numbers* C AS E 2 & 3. The Angles, and 'one Leg given, to find tbc HypoiLe* nuse, and other Leg. The angle oppoli'te the perpendicular 33 15', and the bafe 274 perches, are given, to find the hypothenufe and perpendicular. For the conftru&ion, fee Problem n, in Geometry* 2, RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY; By making the Base Radius, it will bc^ To find the perpendicular AB. As radius 90 10.00000 Is to the bafe 274 2.43775 So is tangent [ C 33 15' 9.81666 12.25441 IO.OOOOO To the perpen. AB 17*9.6 2.25441 To find the hypothenufe AC* As radius 90 10.00000 Is to the bafe 274 2.43 '77 5 So is fecant [ C 33 15' 10.07765 12.51540 IO.OOOOO To the hypothenufe 327.6 2-51540 By making tie Perpendicular Radius, it mil be, To find the perpendicular AB. As tangent [ A 56 45' 10,18334 Is to the bale BC 274 2.43775 So is radius 90 10.00000 12.43775 10,18334 To perpendicular AB 179.6 2.25441 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 73 To find the hypothenufe AC. As tangent [ A 56 4$' 10-18334 Is to the bale BG 274 2.43775 So is fecant [ A 56.45 10.26099 12.69874 10.18334 To hypothenufe AC 327.6 2.51540 By making tie Hypotbenuse Radius^ it mil To find the perpendicular AB. As fine [A 56 45' 9.92135 Is to the bafe BC 274 * 2.43775 So is fire { C 33" 15' 9-739 o 12.17676 9.92235 To perpendicular AB 179.6 2.25441 To find the hypothenufe AC. As fine [ A 56 45' 9.92235 Is to the bafe BC 274 2.43775 So is radius 90 IO.OGOOO 12.43775 To hypothenufe AC 327.6 3.51 540 L 74 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY, i BY G U N T E R. Extend from 56 45', to 33 15', on the line of fines; that extent will reach from 274, the bale, to 179.6, the perpendicular, on the line of numbers. Again ; Extend from 56 45', to radius 90, on the line of fines ; that extent will reach from 274, the bafe, to 3^7.6, the hypothenufe, on the line of numbers. CASE 4 & 5. The Hypotbenuse, and one Leg given? to find the An gles, and other Leg. Given the perpendicular, 69 chains or perches j the hypothenufe 1 50, to find the angles and bafe. For the conftru&ion, fee problem 12, in Geometry. KIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 75 By making tbe> bypotbenuse Radius^ it To find angle C, As the hypothenufe 150 2.17609 Is to radius 90 10.00000 So is the perpendicular 69 1.83885 11.83885 2.17609 To fine [ C 27 23' 9.66276 To find the bafe BC. As radius 90 10.00000 Is to the hypothenufe 150 2.17609 So is the fine [ A 62 37' 9.94839 1 2. i 2448 IO.OOOOO To the bafe BC 133.2 2.12448 By making the Perpendicular Radius , it will be, To find angle A. As the perpendicular 69 1.83885 Is to radius 90 10.00000 So is the hypothenufe IO 2.17609 12.17609 1.83885 To fecant [A 62, 37' 10.33784 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY, To find the bafe BC. As radius 90 10.00000 Is to the perpendicular ($9 1.83885 So is tangent [_ A 62 37' 10.28568 12.12453 IO.OOOOO To the bafe BC 133.2 2.12453 BY GUNTER. Extend from 150, the hypothenufe, to 69, the perpen dicular, on the line of numbers j that extent will reach from radius 90, to 27 23', angle C, on the line of fines* Extend from radius, 90, to 62 37', angle A, on the line of fines; that extent will reach from 150, the hypo- thenufe, to 133.2, the bafe, on the line of numbers. CASE 6 & 7. The Legs given, to find tbe Angles and Hypotbemisc* Given the perpendicular, 980 perches ; the bafe 690^ to find the angles and hypothenufe. For the conftru&ion, fee problem 13, in Geometry. RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. A By making lie Base Radius, it will bc^ To find angle C As the bafe 690 Is to radius 90 3.83885 IO.OOOOO go is the perpendicular 980 3.99123 To tangent [G 54 ci' 12.99123 3.83885 10.15238 & RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. To find the hypothenufe AC, As radius 90 10.00000 Is to the bafe 690 2.83885 So is fecant [ C 54 51' 10.33979 13.07864 10.00000 To the hypothenufe 1198 3.07864 By making the Perpendicular Radius^ it mil To find angle A. As the perpendicular 980 3.99123 Is to radius 90 10.00000 So is the bafe 690 3.83885 12.83885 2.99133 To tangent [A 35 9' 9.8476* To find the hypothenufe AC, As radius 90 10.00000 Is to the perpendicular 980 3.99123 So is fecant [ A 35 9' 10.08743 13.07866 10,00000 To the hypothenufe 1198 3.07866 RIGHT ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 79 BY G U N T E R. The extent from 690 to 980, on the line of numbers, will reach from radius 45, to 54 51', on the line o tangents. The extent from 33 9', to radius 90, en the line -of fines, will reach from- 690, the bafe, to 1190, the hypo- thenufe. The work to the preceding cafes being all fet down ; and as a good knowledge of Trigonometry is the bales o the Mathematics, an example in each cafe, with their anfwers, is annexed, for the benefit of the learner. 1. Given the hypothenufe, 2,50 perches or chains ; the angle oppofite the bafe, 54 30', to find the bafe and per pendicular. Anfer; the bafe 203.5; perpendicular 145.2* 2. Given the angle oppolite the perpendicular 33 15% the bafe 325, to find the hypothenufe and perpendicular. Anfwer; the hypothenufe 388.6; perpendicular 213.1. 3. Given the perpendicular 91 ; the hypothenufe 170, to find the angles and bafe. Anfwer; the angle oppofite the perpendicular 32 22'; confequently, the other angle 57 38', (by pofition 2, page 10) and the bafe 143.6. 4. Given the bafe 787 ; the perpendicular 890, to find the angles and hypothenufe. Anfwer; the angle oppofite the bafe, 41 29'; confe quently, the other angle (by pofition 2, pa^e 10) 48 31^ and the hypothenufe n88. OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY, POSITION. IN all plane triangles, the fides are in direft propor tion to the fines of their oppofite angles ; and the Contrary. When the angles, and one fide are given, to find the ther fides, or either of them. RULE i. As the fine of the angle oppofite the given fidey Is to the given fide ; So is the fine of the angle oppofite the fide required, To the fide required. When two fides, and an angle oppofite to one of them, *re given, to find the other angles and fide, RULE 2. As the fide oppofite to the given angle, Is to the fine of the given angle ; So is the other given iide, To the fine of its oppofite angle. Then find the fide (if required) by Rule iv OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. Sx CASE i. Two Angles, and one Side given, to fnd the other two Sides. The angle BDC 101 25', and CBD 44 4*', and the fide BC 76 perches given, to find the fides CD and BD ; confequently, (by pofition 3, page n) the other angle is 33 53'- For the Conftruftion, fee problem 14, in Geometry. D To find DC, As fine fupplement of angle D 101 25' 9-99*3* Is to the fid BC So is fine B To the fide DC 76 44 4V 54*53 1.88081 9.84720 11.72801 9.99132 1.73669 M 82 OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY, To find BD. As fupplement of fine [ D 101 25' Is to the fide BC 76 So is fine I C 33 53' To the fide BD 43- 9.99133 1.88081 9.74625 11.62706 9.99132 By GUNTER. The extent from the fupplement of [ D = 78 35', to B 44 42, y , on the line of fines, will reach from the fide C 76, to the fide DC 54.53, on the line of numbers. The extent from 78 35 ; , to [ C 33 53', on the line of fines, will reach from the given fide 76, to the fide BD 43*23, on the line of numbers. C A S E 2 &? 3. Two Sides, and an Angle opposite one of them given^ to find the other Angles, and third Side. The fide BG 106, and BD 65, and the angle BCD 31 49' given, to find the other angles, and fide CD. For the conflruftion, fee problem 15, in Geometry. OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. "83 JNote When the given angle is obtufc, the required angle will be acute ; but when the given angle is acute, then it is Tome- times doubtful, whether the required angle be qbtufe, or acute, and ought to be determined by drawing and viewing the figure, before further procedure ; Of by this general Rule. Square each fide ; then, if the fquare of the fide oppofite the re- cjuired angle, be more than the ium of tke jquares of the ther two fides, the required angle is obtufe ; it they be even, the angle is right; and if the fquare of the fide oppolite the re quired angle, be lefs than the fum of the i on t ^ ie ^ ne ^ tan * gents'. The extent from 47 32', to 78 30', on the line of fines, will reach from 109 to 144-8, on the line of numbers, C A S E 6. Ibe Sides given, to find the Angles. The fide BC 105, BD 85, and CD 50, given, to find the angles BDC, BCD, and CBD. OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 87 RULE. Divide the triangle into two right angled triangles, by letting fall a perpendicular from the point D, which will divide the bafe BC, into two bafes of unknown lengths, viz. BA, and CA. Then fay, As the fum of the bafes B A and CA, Is to the difference of the fides BD and DC ; So is the fum of the fides BD and DC, To the difference of the bafes BA and CA. Then to half the fum of the bafes BA and CA, add half their difference, and the fum will be the greater baft; BA ; and from half the fum, take half the difference, and the remainder will be the lefs bafe CA. For the conftru&ion, fee problem 17, in Geometry. D The fides /BD 85 1CD 50 Sum 135 5 Diff. 35 88 OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY To find the difference of the bafes. As the fuhi of the bafe BA and CA 105 2.03119 ts to the difference of the fides BD & CD 35 1.54407 So is their fum. 135 21.13033 3.67440 To the diff. of the bafes BA and CA 4)45 1-65321 22.5 To half the fum, 52.5, add half the difference, 22.5, the fum is 75, the greater bafe B A, and fubtrafted, leaves 30, the lefs bafe CA. By rigbt angled Trigonometry^ to find the dngles* To find [ B. As the bafe BA 75 1.87506 \ Is to radius 90 10.00000 So is the hypothenufe BD 85 1.92942 11.92949 1.87506 To fecant [ B 28 5' 10.05443 To find [ C. As the bafe CA 30 1.4771 4 Is to radius 90 10.00000 So is the hypothenufe CD 50 1.69897 11.69897 To fecant [ C 53" 8' 10,22185 OBLIQUE ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. 89 By po/ition 3, page n, ang. C 53 8 -f 28 5', ang. B = 81 13' 180 = ang.BDC 98 47', the feveral angles required. BY GUNTER. The extent from 105 to 135, will reach from 35^45, on the line of numbers. The extent from 85 to 75, on the line of numbers, will reach from radius to 61 55', on the line of fines, [ BDA. The extent from 50 to 30, on the line of numbers, will reach from radius to ang. ADC 36 59', on the line of fines. Annexed to benefit tbe Learner. 1. Given the angle B DC 100, and the angle DCB 54, the l(5g BD 2,2,0 perches, to find the other two legs. Anfwer; BC 267.8, DC 119.2* 2. Given the fide BC 365, and the fide AB 640, the angle BAG 26, to find the other fide and angles. Anfwer ; the fide AC 808.7, an?, at C 50 14', B 103 46'. 3. Given the fideBC no, AC 80, and their contained angle 102 30', to find the other angles and fide. Anfwer ; the greater angle 45 58', the lefs angle 31 32', and the third fide 149.3. 4. Given the fide BA 88, BC 54, AC 108, to find the angles. Anfwer ; the leaft angle 29 49', next greater 54 07', and the greateft 96 04'. N O F HEIGHTS Note. The feveral figures in Heights and Diflances, are drawn by the principles of the preceding Geometrical Problems. PROBLEM I. Te find the Heigbt of a perpendicular Qbjeft, at one Station, on a Plane. A STEEPLE. f The angle of altitude 53 degrees, Given -j Diftance to the foot of the objeft, 85 feet, (.Height of the obferver's eye, 5 feet. RULE. By Cafe I, or 2,, in Right Angled Trigonometry, find the perpendicular ; to which add 5 feet, the height of the obferver's eye, and it makes 1 17.8 feet, the height of the fteeple required. The work in this, and the following problems, is omitted, to exercife the judgment of the learner in the preced ing rules, A -*-. 85 feet. O F H E I G H T S. 91 PROBLEM II. To find the Height of a perpendicular ObjeEl, on the Top of a mil, from the HilFs Foot. r Angle to the bottom 48 30', Given \ Angle to the top 67, (.Diftance to the bottom, 136 feet, RULE. By Cafe I, .Oblique Trigonometry, the angles and one fide being given ; thus, the angle to the top, 67, its com, plement is 23, the angle at C ; then the difference be tween the two altitudes, is 18 30'; and of courfe the angle ABC 138 30', by pofition 3 ; hence the height of the objeft will be found to be 1 10.5 feet. And by Right Angled Trigonometry, the height of the hill may be found :o be 101,8 feet, and depth to the perpendicular diftance f the objed 90. 1 2, feet. rACB 23, Angles \ CAB 18 30 (.ABC 130.30. PROBLEM From tie Top of a Hill, to find the Hclgbt of a per pendicular Object, at the Foot thereof. O F HEIGHTS. rAngle to the foot of the objed 55 15', Given \ Angle to the top 31 15 V t Diftance to the foot of the objed 250 feet. JZote. By the fame Cafe, as the laft Problem, the height of the ebjea will be found to be 119 feet; the horizontal diftance, P.s-AE, 142.5 feet, and height of the hill 205.4 feet; from the height of the hill, take the height of the objeft, leaves 86.4 feet that the hill is above the objeft. f ABE 34 45' CAB 24, BCA 121 15', LECA 5 8" 45 '. The adding and fubtra&ing thefe angles, are omitted, to try the judgment of the learner. PROBLEM IV. To take lie Height of an inaccessible ObjcEl^ on a Plane^ at two Stations. rAngle at the neareft ftation to the top 55, Given < Stationary diftance 87 feet backwards, (_ Angle at the fartheft ftation to the top 37. RULE. By Cafe i, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, find the diftance from either itation, to the top of the objedl ; from the neareft is 169.4 feet ; from the fartheft is 230.6 feet ; then, by Right Angled Trigonometry, the height of the objed will be found to be 138.8 feet. OF HEIGHT S. 93 Angles -^ f ACD 53, BCD 35*, AGB 18, LABC 135. PROBLEM V. Let BC be a pole 100 feet high, and broken off as at D, fo that the part broken off, viz. DC, will reach from the top of the flump to A, on a plane 34 feet from the bot tom or foot of the pole. Required the length of the part broken off? RULE. In the right angled triangle ABC, the bafe and perpen dicular are given, to find the angles ; and by Cafe 6 and 7, Right Angled Trigonometry, the angle ACB will be found to be 18 47', and i8 4 7 / 90 =71 13' CAB; then by pofition 8, page 15, interfe& BC, in the broken place at D; then, by pofition n, page 16, AD and CD being equal, their oppofite angles muft be equal ; therefore, ACB 18 47' CAB 71 i 3 / = DAB 52 26'; then, in the right angled triangle ABD, the angles and bafe are given to find the hypothenufe AD 55.77 feet, the part required. (See the following figure.) 94 OF HEIGHTS. C A D B PROBLEM VI. Jo take tbe Height of a perpendicular Objefl, on a illy at two Stations, from a Plane beneath it. rFartheft ftation, angle to the bottom 21, ~. j angle to the. top 35, j Stationary diftance 104 feet dire&ly forwards, LNeareft ftation, angle to the top 48 30', RULE. By Cafe I, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, find the di- ftanoe from the fartheft ftation to the top of the objeft, OF HEIGHTS. 95 viz. 333.6 feet ; then by the fame, the height of the ob- je& will be found to be 86.45 f ee ' Note. The addition and fubtradion of the angles, are omittei, to exercile the judgment of the learner. Angles f ACB 13 30' BAG 35.00 DAG 14.00 DAE 21.00 ADC 1 11.00 ABC 131.30 104 PROBLEM VIL To fnd the Length of an ObjeEl 'which stands obliquely on a Hill, at two stations, on a Plane beneath it. rNeareft ftation, angle to the bottom 36 30', angle to the top 44 30' Given -^ Stationary dJftance, 104 feet backward, I Fartheft ftation, angle to the bottom 24 30', angle to the top 32. RULE. By Cafe i, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, find the diftance from either ftation to the top and bottom of the object, as from the neareft to the top 254.7 feet, and to the bottom 207.4 feet ; then by Cafe 4 and 5, "the length of the objel may be found to be 57.15 feet. ^6 OF HEIGHTS. TACB 12 30', to find BC 254.7 feet, Andes J ADB J2 ' to find BD 2 7'4 feet, 1 CBD 8, to find the length of the objeft 57.15 I feet. 104 feet. B E PROBLEM VIII. To find how high a Person at Philadelphia, must be raised into the atmosphere, and how far the Sight must extend, to see London / the Distance being 51 De grees, on the Rotundity of the Earth, and the Dia meter of the Earth 7964 Miles. RULE. From right to left, draw a line, to reprefent the earth's diameter, on which defcribe a circle with the chord of 60 ; from the centre, raife a perpendicular, and where it cuts the circle, will reprefent Philadelphia, as at A, from which lay off 51 degrees, to reprefent London, as at B ; from the centre, draw a line to B, and on the point B, raife a perpendicular to interfeft the former at V ; then, in the right angled triangle CBV, the angle VCB 51, and bafe CB 3982 miles, are given, to find the hypothnufe "' OF HEIGHTS. 97 CV, from which, take the earth's femidiameter, leaves AV 2345 miles, the height required ; and VB, 4917 miles, is the diftance the fight imift extend, to fee London. Note. The operations the fame as Cafe r, Right Angled Trigo nometry. Philadelphia.^ OF DISTANCES, O O F DISTANCES, PROBLEM I. LE T A and B be two houfes on one fide of a ri ver, 393 perches afunder ; and a tower at C, on the oppofite fide of the river, which makes an angle at A, with the line AB of 53 20' ; and at B, with the line BA of 66 20'. Required, the diftance from the tower to each houfe ? , /To A 308.8 perches * (.To 6270.5 perches Rote. This is performed by Cafe i , Oblique Angled Tri- gonometry. A 393 perches. PROBLEM II. Let B and C be two houfes, and an obferver at A 353 perci es from B, and 230 from C, finds that they make an angle at A of 70. The diftance between the houfes is required? OF DISTANCES. 99 Ans. 277 perches, Note. This is performed by Cafe 4 and 5, Oblique Angled Trigonometry. PROBLEM III. Let D and C be two trees in a bog, and an obferver at AandB 113 perches afunder, finds, that when at A, the tree at D mate an angle with the line AB, of 100 ; and that at C, makes an angle with the line AB, of 36 30' and when at B, the tree at D makes an angle with the line BA of 49, and that at C of iai. Required the diftance thefe trees are afunder ? Anfwer 232.5 perches. Note. By Cafe T, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, find the di- flance from either ftation to each tree, as from B to D 216 perches; and to C 175.6 perches j then, by Cafe 4 and 5, find their diftance apart. D C B TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, GEOMETRICALLY. PROBLEM I. To find the Content of a square Piece of Land. RULE. Multiply the bafe into the perpendicular, and if they be in chains, divide the product by 10, for acres ; and multiply the remainder by 4, for roods, and by 40 for perches ; but if in perches, divide by 40 and by 4, for acres, roods and perches,, as in the fubfequent example. EXAMPLE. Let ABCD A be a fquare field, and each fide 7 chains 29 links. Required the content, and to lay down a map by a fcale of 10 perches to an inch. Chains. Perches. 7.29 = ' 29.16 7.29 = 29.16 A. 5,3.1441 4)0)85,0.3056 4)21 10 P. R. 1,25764 40 A. 5 i 10.3056 P.. 10,30560 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 101 D G A. R. P. Ans. 5 i 10.3056 Both ways the fame. PROBLEM II. To find the Side of a Square, when the Content is given* RULE. Reduce the given content into perches, and take the fquare root thereof for the tide required in perches, which reduce to chains. EXAMPLE. Required to lay out a fquare piece of ground, which (hall contain 12 acres, 3 roods, and 16 perches, and to lay down a map'thereof by a fcale of 2,0 perches to an inch. A. R. P. Given area 12 3 16 4 5 1 40 2 Perches. Chains. v/2056 = 45.34 = 11.33-1, one fide required, (See the above Figure.) loa TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. PROBLEM III. To find the Content of an Oblong Piece of Ground. RULE. Multiply the length by the breadth, and divide as in Problem i. EXAMPLE. Let ABCD be an oblong piece of ground 7.2,5 chains long, and 4.37 chains wide. Required the area thereof, and to lay down a map by a fcale of 20 perches to an inch. Chains. Length 7.25 Breadth 4.37 Perches. 29.00 I7-48 4)0)50(6.9200 4)12 26 P. 3A. oR. 26P. P. 26592000 A. R. P. Anfwer 3 o 26.92 ; both ways the Tame, B TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 103 PROBLEM IV. The Content of an Qblong Piece of Ground, and one Side given) to fnd the other Side, RULE. Divide the content in perches, by the given fide in per ches ; the quotient will be the fide required in perches. EXAMPLE. Suppofe a ditch 7.25 chains long, by the fide of which it is required to lay out a piece of ground that fhall con tain 3A. oR. 36.92?. the breadth from the ditch is re quired ? A. R. P. 3 o 36.92 4 12 4 p p. Given fide = 29)506.92(17.48 = 4-37 chains. Note. The two laft: Problems prove each other. (See the laft Figure.) PROBLEM V. To fnd the Content of a Rhombus, or Rhomboid?!* RULE. Multiply the length into the breadth, smd divide as in Problem i. 304 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, EXAMPLE. Let ABCD be a piece of ground, in form of a Rhom bus, or Rhomboides, whofe bafe AB, is 1 1 chains, and perpendicular height 10 chains. Required the oontent ? Ch. Bafe ii Perpendicular 10 Acres nlo Per, 44 40 4lo) I76JO 4)44 Acres n Anfwer* A PROBLEM VL To find the Content of a Triangular Piece of Ground* RULE. Multiply the bafe, by half the perpendicular? Or, half the bafe by the perpendicular; Or, take half of the product of the bafe and perpendiU cular j then divide as before. "TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, 105 EXAMPLE. Let DBG be a triangular piece of ground, thebafeBC 12.38 chains, and perpendicular CD 6.78 chains. Re quired the content ? Ch, Bafe 12.38 i?er. 3.39 A. 411.9682 4 ,78728 40 P. 31149120 Ch. l Bafe 6*19 Perp. 6.78 S3 41.9682 Ch. Bafe 12.38 Perp. 6.78 41.9682 fqt*;, chains; Anfwer 4 A. oR. 31.4912?* If the bafe and perpendicular be taken in perches, i ill produce the D C io6 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. PROBLEM VII. The Content of a Triangular Piece of Ground^ and the Bass given, to find the Perpendicular. RULE. Divide the content in perches, by half the bafe in per ches ; the quotient will be the perpendicular in perches. EXAMPLE. Let BC be a ditch 12.40 chains long; by which it is required to lay out a triangular piece of ground, that ihall contain 4 A. iR. joP. Required the perpendicular? A. fc. P. Area 4 i 10 4 40 C. P. - P. C.L. | bafe 6.20 == 24.8)690(27. 82=6.95 -J perpendicular. (See the laft figure.) PROBLEM VIII. . To find the Content of a Trapezium. .RULE. Multiply the fum of the perpendiculars into the bafe, and take half the product for the fquare meafure, and di vide as in Problem i, TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE. Let ABCD be a field, in form of a Trapezium ; the bafe AC 1 6.10 chains, the perpendicular B b 3.40 chains, and D d 6.o chains. Required the area ? Note. Bb 3.25 chains from A; and Dd 5.75 chains frqm C. Ch. Ch. Ch. Perpens. 6.80+3.40=10.20 16.10 Per. 40.8 their fum. 64.4 ) 164,2200 =-1)2627.52 82.1100 = 1313.76=8 o 33.76 PROBLEM IX. To jind the Content of a Field, bounded by four Sides, two of which are parallel, but unequaL RULE. Multiply the Turn of the parallel fides into their perpen dicular diftance ; take half the produ6l, and divide as in Problem i. toS TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE. Let ABCD be a field, and the parallel fides AD and. BC refpe&ively 7.20, arid 12.25 chains j and their pen pendicular diftance 15.40 ehainso Required the area? Ch. Perpendiculars 4 ^^ Sum of perpen. 19.45 Perpen. diflance. 15.40 P. 77.80 61.60 .149-765 = ABCD is equal to ABEF, r D A 3R. E P R O B L E M X. Sides of a Triangle, find their contained Angle given, to find the Area. TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LANQ. ioj> : RULE. As radius, Is to the log. of the two fides ; So is the fine of the contained angle (or its fupplement to 1 80, if obtufe) To the log. of the double area. EXAMPLE. In the triangle ABC, the lines AB and AC refpe&ive* ly, are 16. and 10.12 chains, and their contained angle '30 degrees. Required the area, As radius 90 10.00000 . ~, TAB 1 6 1.20412 Is to the fides So is fine of the angle 30 9.69897 11.90827 10.00000 To double area 1)80.96 1.90827 P: 7,680 ,Area 4A. oR. 7?. (See the following Figure.) no TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, G B r. The area, and two fides of an oblique angled triangle given a to find the third fide. Invert the preceding Rule, thus : As the product of the given fides, Is to radius ; So is the double area, To the fine of their contained angle. Then, by Cafe 4, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, find the third {ide. PROBLEM XI. To find tbe Area of a Circle, or an Ellipsis* RULE. - Multiply the fquare of the circle's diameter ; or the product of the longed and Ihorteft diameters of the Ellip- fis, by .7854, for the area. Or, fubtraft 0.10491 from the double logarithm of the circle's diameter, or from th' Aim of the logarithms of thole elliptic diameters, and the remainder will be the logarithm of the area. TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. n* Note. In any Circle, the Diameter multiplied \ , - f produces the circum. Circumfer. divided j^ 3 ' 14 59 1 quotes the diameter. EXAMPLE i. How matiy acres are there in a circle of one mile di ameter. Ch. i mile = 80 80 6400 .7854 A. R. P. Sqr. Ch. 5026.5600 = 502 2 24-96 Ch. 1 i-93 Log. of diameter 80 j 3.80618 0.10491 Log. of area 5026.5 3-7 01 ^7 Area 5O2.A. 2.R- 24?- as before. (See the following figure.) TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, EXAMPLE 2; Suppofe a circle of 100 perches diameter, is inclofed with a wall j and near the middle of this inclofure, is an elliptical Mi pond 10 perches long, and 5 wide. Re* quired the length of the wall, coHtent of the inclofure^ and area of the pond Diameter 100 Multiplied by 3.14159 The circumfer. 314.15900 perches* Or take 314.16, as in the former example, the content of the circumference = 49 A. oR. 14?, Elliptic TO FIND THE CONTENT' OF LAND, Elliptic diameters -I P. ID i.ooooG 5 . 0.60897 1.69897 0.10491 P. 1.59406 Area of the pond 39.27 PROBLEM XII. The Area of a Circle given, to find the Dlam- RULE. To the logarithm of the area, add 0.10491, and h:i? the fum will be the logarithm of tile diameter. Or, divide the area by .7854, and the iquare root o the quotient will be the diameter. i u TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE. Required the radius of a Circle, to inclofe one acre of ground ? A. P. I B= 160 au3O4i$ 0.10491 i)^393 The diameter ^14.37 1.15451 Log* The radius 7.135 Anfwer. PROBLEM xm. To lay out an Oblong Piece of Ground, so that tit Length shall bear a given Proportion to the Breadtb* TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 115 RULE. As the lefs number, Is to the given area in fquare perches-; So is the greater number, To the fquare of the longeft fide ; (the fquare root o which will be the longeft fide in perches). AND, As the greater number, Is to the given area, in fquare perches j So is the lefs number, To the fquare of the fhorteft fide ; (the fquare root of which, will be that fide in perches.) EXAMPLE. Let it be required to lay out an oblong piece of ground to contain 864 acres, and the breadth to bear the fame proportion to the length, as 3 does to 5. 864 acres = 138240 perches. a As 3 . . 138240 : : 5 . . ^230400 s 480 perches, the length required. $ the D A is 5 . . 138240 : ; 3 . . ^82944 am 288 percb breadth required. es C B lie. TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, PROBLEM XIV. To lay out an Oblong Piece of Ground^ so that tb? Length shall exceed the Breadth, by a given Differ ence* RULE, To the given area, add (he fquare of half the differ-' nce ; and to the fquare root of their fum, add half the difference, for the length j and from that fquare root, take half the difference, for the breadth, EXAMPLE, Required to lay out an oblong piece of ground, to con tain 47 A. aRo i6]p. and to be 80 perches longer than wide. 47A. VR. i6P. ~ 7616 perches. 1600 40 x 40 = 1600 -x/9216 == 96 Add and fubtra^b half diff. 4 D r f Length Anfw ' {Breadth 56 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 117 PROBLEM XV. To make the proper Allowances for Roads, ^c. In laying out new lands, it is cuftomary to snow 6 acres to every 100, for roads. The land, with this al lowance, may be called Gross ; and with this allowance, dedu&ed, it may be called Neat. RULE. The grofs, divided ~) , 6 f quotes the neat ; The neat, multiplied J y \ produces the grots. EXAMPLES. 1. How much land muft be inclofed, to have 850 A. 2,R.' 2oP. neat. 40)20 4)^-5 .. ;J Acres. 850.625 x i. 06 =901.6625 as 9QiA. 2R. ^6P. Anfw. 2. How much neat meafure is there in a tra.,61 of 901 A. aR. 2 6 P. grofs ? 40)26 4) 2.65 1.06)901.6625(850.625 t= 85oA. 2R. 2oP. Anfwer . Thefe two examples prove each other. Any quantity of land may be laid out, or incloied, in the form of p Square By Problem II. " Page icr i Oblong, T fide given IV. * 1 proportion given,, XIII. ' | dhT. of Ij2\&Bear. given, XIV. Triangle, the bale given, VII. I Circle, XII. 103 114 116 106 115 >i8 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. P R O B L E M XVI. To Map a Survey, frovi the Field Notes % and find tfo Content thereof. RULE. Draw a line on the paper, to reprefent the firft meri dian ; put N at the top, for North ; S at the bottom, for South ; E at the right hand, for Eaft ; and W at the left hand, for Weft ; (for, in making, or viewing maps, we always fuppofe to face the North) then, in a convenient place, make a point in the line, for the firft ftation ; lay the ftrait edge of the Protra&or to the line, with the cen tre mark to the point ; turn the arch of the Protraftor Eaft or Weft, as the bearing is j and from the North or South end of the Protraftor, as indicated by the bearing, prick off the degrees mentioned; then, through this point, draw a line from the firft, on which lay the firft diftance, and through this laft point, draw a line parallel to the firft me ridian : to this fecond meridian, and at the end of the firft diftance, lay the Protra&or as above faid, and fo pro ceed from ftation to ftation, and clofe at the place of be ginning. Then difpofe the map into triangles and trape ziums ; meafure the ftveral bafes and perpendiculars, on the fame fcale that the map was laid down from ; find the content of each triangle and trapezium, by the pre ceding problems, and their fam will be the area of the rnap. TO FIND, THE CONTENT OIF LAND, EX-AMPLE i. Required to lay down a Map of 30 Perches to an inch, from the following Notes, and find the .Content. Beginning at a done, corner of A B's land ; From thence, N. 43 I E. 10.51 chains, to a flake; thence, S. 54 -JE. 14.2:0 chains, to a fapling, corner of CD's landj thence, S. 49 \ W. 13.45 chains, to an oak tree ; thence, N. 43 J W. 13.75 chains, to the place of beginning-* Ch. Per. N. 43 |E, 10.51 = 42.04 S. 54 \ E. 14.^0 = 56.80 S. 49 \ W. 13.45 = 53- 8 N. 43 i W. 12.75 = 5 li Perches. Perpendiculars J ^5-4 66.4 Bafe 7.5 1)4980.0 double area, 4,0)349^0 (See the following figure.) 120 TO FIND THE CONtENT 6* LAND* N X A M P L E 2. The fallowing Nctes are propofed to lay down a Map of 40 perches to an Inch, and find the Content, Ch. Per. 1. S. 40 W. 17.50 = 70. 2. N. 45 W. 221.25 = 89* 3. N. 36 E. 31.25 = 125. 4. North 13.60 = 54.4 5. S. 81 E. 4^.50 = 186, 6. S. 8* W. 34.25 - 137- Weil 3M5 130.2 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, . In Practical Surveying, it is neceffary to particularize etfe- ry corner, and on whom each line bounds ; which, to avoid prolixity, I omit in this treatiie. In the following Maps, I fliall number the bafes of the Several triangles and trapeziums. I 3 4 Bafes. . 108.3 . 125. . 1 66. 233. Perpeii. 58. 92. IT. 91. t no. j JDouble Area* 6281.4 11500.0 1826.0 46833.0 1)66440.4 4,0)3322,0^.2 * Area R 4)830 20 A. 207 2 2oAnfwer, tO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE 3. The following Notes are propofed, to lay down a Map of 40 Perches to an inch, and find the Area; Chains. Perches I. N. 75 E. 13.70 ._,, 54-8 a. N. 2,0 A E. 10.30 '.-. _ 41.2 3- Eeaft 16.20 -- 64.8 4- S. 33 i w. 35-30 ^^. I4I.Z 5- S. 76 w. 1 6.00 . . .. 64.0 6. North 9,00 ~ ^. 36.0 *]. S. 84 w. 1 1. 60 ^. 46.4 8. N. 53 i w. 1 1. 60 ^ 46.4 9. N. 36 IE 19.20 76.8 10. N. 22 14,00 - : 56.0 11. S. 76 | E. 12. OO ^. 48.0 12. s. 15 W. 10.85 _^ 43-4 13. S. 16 1 w. IQ.I2 =ss 40.48 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 123 Bafes. i. 59- 9-} 86.0 Pel-pen.' Double A.rea, ,33-51 29.9 > 35- 4787.90 2065.00 49-3 1 40.0 \ ."803^.00 *T J 3,6.3 1906.75 26.0 2236.00 20.0") 42. 2 J 7003,7* 44-0 6212.80 7- I4I-3 8. 85.6 *7->5 ^35^_- -1)34603- *7_ 4)43^2^~ Acres io8~o 21 Anfw. EXAMPLE 4. Required to lay dot\rn a Map of 20 Perches to an Inch, from the following Notes, and find the Area. Ch, Perches, I. S. 62 W. 7-57 a- 3-*S 2. N. 43 *W.' 5.89 ^ 23.56 a. North 5.82 ==, 23.28 7 4- N. 33 JW. 8.83 35.33 *> N. 48 E. 4.81 = 19.24, 6. N. 12 E. 4.66 =55 l8.64 7. R 62 |E. 5.27 -a 2T.o8 8. S. 6 | E. 5.60 -a 22.40 Q- S.' 40 4 E. 5.87 = 23.48 s 10. Eaft 6.54 20.l6 II, North 5,52 5= 22.08 12. N. 68 * E. 2.io s= 12.40 T 3- S. 30 E. 7.90 aa- 3I.6O 14. S. 23 x W. . 8,80 = 35.20 S. 31 IF, 6-42 == 25.68 16, S, ^-o W, 8,40 = 33,6o N, 44 W, 7,04 -a 28,l4 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LANJX, This figure js tnrn'd up-nde down Safes. Perp. Double Area 52,0 j 21,01 22,2 J 2246,40 4, 43,4 8,5 368,90 5, 73,o I 26,0? . 35H,30 6, 59,2 ? 24,4? 2812,00 j 23, 1 $ 7> 46,0 20,7 ? IQ73,4 8, 35,7 25, i 896,07 9? 35)2 1 8SJ 985,60 i) 14340,05 4)0)71710.02 4)179 10 Acres 44 3 loAnfw TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, B Y CALCULATION. THE foregoing method of dividing a map into Tri angles and Trapeziums, although it appears to be demonftrably true in theory, it is not to be depended on in pra&ice, where accuracy is required ; for a map may be fo divided feveral ways, and will generally give as ma ny different areas ; therefore I fhall not enlarge upon it here, but proceed to fliew how the true Area may be found, by difference of latitude and departure. DEFINITIONS. 1. Meridians are North and South lines fuppofed to pafs through every ftation, parallel to each other. 2. .The difference of Latitude, or Northing or South ing of any line, is the diftance that one end of the line is North or South from the other Thus in the annexed fgure . N B 126 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. Suppofe N S to be a meridian line, pafllng through the point A, of the line AB ; then is AD the differenpe of latitude or fouthing of the line AB. 3. The Departure of any line, is the neareft diftance from one end of a line to a meridian palling through the other end ; thus DB is the Departure or Wefting of the line AB, Reverfe this line, and call it BA ; then will BCbe the Difference of Latitude or Northing of the line BA, and CA the Departure or Eafting of the fame line. 4. That meridian which pafies through the firft Ration, is called the firft meridian. / The meridian diftance of any line, is the diftance there of from die laft meridian. POSITION. In every furvey, which is truly taken, the fums of the Northings and Southings will he equal ; and the fums of the Eaftings and Weftings will be equal. For, if I depart from any place, fuppofe A, in the an nexed figures, it is evident, that when I return to the fame fpot, I iriuft have made as much Northing as Southing, and Eafting as Wefting, let my traverfe be ever fo irregular. (See the following Figures.) TO FIND THE CONTENT G-F LAND, ffo :ake out of the Tables of Latitude and Defr. the Difference of Latitude and Departure, ans\. to any Course and Distance. R U, L E. If the integral number exceeds t not 100, it is found iil ttie right and left hand columns, marked Dis't. And if the degrees be lefs than 45, they are found at the top of the page j and in the columns marked Lat* and Dep* is TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. the latitude and departure aniwering thereto ; but if the degrees exceed 45, they are found at the bottom of the page, and the latitude and departure in the columns fo marked at the bottom. Then, oppolite to the given di- flance, and under, or over the given degrees, will be ths Latitude and Departure required. And if a decimal num ber be annexed, proceed with it as if a whole number, only obferve, in taking out the difference of Latitude and Departure, to move the decimal point as many figures to the left, as are in the given decimal : and thefe laft numbers, added to the former, will be thofe fought -, but if the diftance -exceeds 100, it muft be taken out at two or more times, and the refults added together.* EXAMPLES. Suppofe the courfe to be N. 34 E. and diftance 14*64 chains. Lat. Dep* Oppofite to 14, and under 34 -|, I find 11.54 7.93 Oppofite to 64, and under the fame deO grees, moving the decimal point two J- 00.52, 0.36 figures to the left, I find J Gives the number fought 1-4.06 8.29 Bearing S. 53 W. Diftance 26.17 chains. Lat. Dep. Oppofite to 26, and over 53 , I find 15.56 20.83 to 17, moving the point two") figures to the left, I find J ' 10 CO > 14 The numbers required, 15,66 2O,of TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 129 Bearing, N. 28 |W. Diftance, 146,8 perches. Lat. Dep, Oppolite to 100, and under 2.8 |, I find 87,67 48,10 to 46, in the fame columns, I find 40,33 22,13 to 8, moving the point one figure 1 i i r i j 5-OO-.7O OO,70 to the left hand, J '' Give, as required, 128,70 70,61 If the given diftance be lefs than 10, and only one de cimal figure, then the difference of latitude and departure may be takn at one view, by finding the two figures in the fide column, as if they were a whole number ; and in taking out the latitude and departure, move the deci mal point one figure to the left. Suppofe the -bearing to be S. 18 |E. Diftance 7,40 chains. Lat. Dep. Oppofite to 74, and under 1 8 |, -moving ") the point one figure to the left, I find J ' " *37 Thus proceed with every Courfe and diftance in the fur- vey, and place the numbers in their refpe&ive columns* in tables ruled for that purpofe, as in the Examples fol lowing. Then add up each column, and if they balance, as mentioned in the preceding pofition, the work is right* But in real pra&ice, it but rarely happens, that the columns of latitude and thofe of departure, will balance on firft being added up, for little inaccuracies will arife, both in taking the obfervations, and in chaining ; to adjuft which, Observe^ s TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, That in fmall furveys, if the difference amounts to- 5 li-nits for every ftation, there mult have been fome error com mitted in taking the farvey ; and the beft way to re&ify it, will be by a re-furvey oil the ground, or at lead fo rmica of it as will difcover the error. But if the differen ces be within thefe limits, the work may be balanced, by adding one half of the differences to the numbers in the lefs columns, and fubtra&ing it from thofe in the greater, in fuch a manner, that the numbers may be altered nearly in proportion to their correfponding diftances, as in the annexed E x A M P L E. i. i i f I .^ ~ cr PJ W r t tef TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. . 131 Having found the .difference of latitude and departure .to every courfe and diftance, .and balanced the columns, if neceffary, then find the meridian diftances, by choofmg Inch a place in the columns of Eaftings or Wettings, as will admit of a continual double addition of the one, and fabtra&ion of the other ; and this will end in o, ,o, or a cipher, if the additions and iubtra&Lons be right ; becaufe there is juftas much added as fubtra&ed, which will be come eafy and familiar by a little pra&ice, and inftru&ion from the teacher. Then multiply each upper meridian cliflance into Its re- ipe&ive Northing or Southing, and place the products in their refpclive columns of North or South area, and half the difference between the fums of thefe columns will be the area of the map, in fuch meafure as the diftances were taken in. As^xemnliued in the folio wing exam ples. I (hall now proceed to find, by calculation, the' area of each of the preceding furvcys. Note. In the following example, the rciu.TT.ic o.Vdfrerenco of latitude and departure, will I on firil ad- addinff UD. E x A M P 1. TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE I. 00 pa OO on vi Ox O vj VJ CO vi O\OJ la 4* w > M p CO vO w o td I $ W w ? u oo p VI . 8 s p* "O M 2 4^ CO r CO CO ^ 2 to o\ r H VI w S o\ p CO p .3 VI 4^ p w O 00 f w OJ K) ^ M g o <^ O vj > OO C^ O " - b P CO . 01 $ 1 Oi o 00 >-< sa OJ 00 vp CO p TO i-,. D THE CONTENT OF LAND. en co NO Os CO OO bo ^i XD CO O f* ^ sb -sJ O **>! O so Os OO so O o co b\ CO CO NO <5 Q- CO co Os Co O CO CO o p o Co P. s o *> . 3 A. TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND, Map of the preceding Calculation* C B G D E M O N S T R A T I O N. Ab or DC, is the eaft departure of the firft diftancq AC ; and AD or bC the north difference of latitude, gh the eafl departure of the fecorid diftance Ch ; and Cg = DE, the Jouth difference of latitude, PO the weft depar ture of the third diftance h"0, and VO = EF the fouth tlifTerence of latitude, OP' the weft departure of the laft ^r p r fc O M CO ON v. "p "M w vT cn Ox CO oc o M 4^ O vj O\ 01 ^ co - H % p* CO OO ^ CA! 00 f r* CO Ox w cn CO o o cs> p I w CO Ox CO CO M g cn O Ox O cn VO Ox OJ ON OO O t-i O *-^x u> 4*. & "V* O <-t b ^J O ^J ^ Jy N> O ^1 o *-^ ^i b. M xo Ox W ? >H vo CO vj p> VD Ox co to cn vj cn 9 4^. CO CO Ox cn * ^J \o O VsJ' *->^ u OO u t^ 3 s IJ ~j o, M oo M ON ON O - ^ Ol M H ^ o- ,*J c I ) Cj N3 r r si to b o* * -4 .-^ C 5 jj M <-> ^* O 4^ O " N ~ "O OO r ^J > ^O -(^ o ^ ^~ - O co ^J p^L '^ ^ 'J-l ^i b o oo -- 0\ -j O ^^1 o <-r\ 4^. ^-4 O i- cp N> 00 4s. O b*. yjK **" *" * b > P t If SN% to w ^M as OO ON ^ o 00 *vj )M ^o CO M ON to 00 NO O M ^J 00 M O OO \o * oo 4^ -^ Ol i H t VD H^ 1 O> V -I to Or cS O V D to OO ft! NO 4 DO u. "oo * ' J ^ TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. To make a Map, from Difference of Latitude and Departure. RULE. i. Draw a meridian line as N S, and aflume a point therein, for the firft ftation, as I, through which draw a line perpendicular thereto both ways, ts WE. 3. Lay the difference of latitude of the firft diftance, from faid point, on the meridian, upward, if Nrth, and downward, if South, as from A to i ; and that of the fe- cond, from i to 2, ; and the third from 2 to 3, &c. 1^ the laft coincide with the firft, it denotes its re&itude. In like manner lay the departures on the line WE, to wards the right hand, if Eaft, and towards the left, if Weft, as from A to i, from i to a, from 3 to 3, &c. as in the annexed figure 3. With the diftance from A to I, on the line NS, and one foot in i, on the line WE, defcribe an arch upward, if North, and downward, if South, as at B, and with the diftance from A to i, on the line WE, and one foot in i, on the line NS, crofs the faid arch in B, the place of the fecondftation; and fo for the ad, 3d, 4th, &c. which joined with lines, will complete the map. MAP TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 139 MAP of tie preceding Calculation* I 4 o TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE III. West Meridian Distance. No. Bearings, Dift N.L.S. L.JE.D W.D W.M.D 52.84' 39-6o N. Area. IN 75 E a'Naof E Enaiiji :3-?c 3-54 13.24 3.60 16.20 187.0536 10.30 9.65 36.00 32.40 347.4000 3' Eaft >33*W 5S 76 W 16.20 16.20 oo.oo 35-3 29.44 19-49 19.49 38.98 16.00 9.00 3-87 J 5-52 54.5 70.02 6 North 9.00 70.02 630.1800 7 8 ~ 9 S 84 W ir.6o 1.20 11.54 81.56 93-1 709.5627 N 5 3|W ii. 60 6 -93 - 9 .2 9 ii2l39 y |in.68 N 3 6f E N22i S 76 E S 15 W Si6|W 19.20 i5-3^ . 11.48 1 00.20 ^d8. 7 2 1541.0.760 1077.8448 10 ii 12 $ 14.00 I2 -93 5-36 .3^6 78.00 66.32" 54-64 2.00 2-75 11.68 0.85 O.I2 0.48 9.69 2.81 2.91 57-45 00.20 63-^7 66.08 57-43 7.4361.56 61.56 4493.1171 22 7y .i 4 59 S. 97.872* 182.3800 2279.1459 A. R. P. Area j 10 : a : 3 a nearly. A.I 10,6985 6 4 R. 2,79424 40 P. 31,76960 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. 141 The EXAMPLE, By East Meridian Distance. <4o | Bearings IN 75 E Dift. 13-70 jN.L.fS. S. E. D JW.D E.M.D N. Area. s. Area 3-54 13 3.; 72.0? 75.6J " 308.2936 aNaoiE 10.30 9-65 3.60 730.3120 3 Eaft .6.0 16.20 95-4B 11168 72.70 4S33*W 35.30 29.44 19.49 2714.0736 5 S 76 W I 1 6.00 9.00 3-87 15.53 57.i8 41.66 221.2866 North 9.00 41.66 374.9400 7 8 S 84 W ii 60 1.20 ci-54 30.12 18.58 36.1440 *^ 3-4- 1 1. 60 6-93 9.29 o.oo 64.3797 176.5624 9 N 36! E 19.20 15.38 11.48 11.48 10 N iE 14.00 12.93 5.36 28.32 33.68 366.1776 tils 76| E I2.0O 3-75 n.68 124.7400 .57-04 12 S 15 W 10.85 10.48 2.81 54.53 5 1.43 568 3304 - St6|;W 10.12 A. 9.69 2.91 48.51 45-6o 470.06 9 5743 R. 57-43 P 61.56 61.56 1920.6653 4I34 ' 3 * |i920.6653 1)2213.9712 A 110,6.9856 4 Area no : a : 32 nearly. i 4 2 TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. EXAMPLE IV, No Hearings Did. N L| S.L. 3-56 E.D. W.D. W.M.D 29.50 N. Area 171.7824 257.7096 361.8176 I 2 3 4 5 S 6* W N43*W 7-3 T c.8 9 6.68 36-18 4-i? 4-05 4.88 4o,a 4428 North 582 5-8 44.28 '49- 1 6 34.04 N35-IW N 48 E 8.83 7.36 4.81 3-" 3-57 30.47 46.90 45-9* 162.5154 6 7 1 9 N JZ E 4,66 4-55 0.96 209.0270 97.9290 44-9 N6z|E 5- * 7 1-43 4.68 0.63 40.30 35-6z S 6|E S 4 of E 5.60 J.8; 5-56 3499 3>36 30.55 a6.'/4 4-46 3-8>- 10 Eaft 6.34 552 3.10 6,54 20.20 iT66 ii 12 North 5-52 2.88 13.66 75.403^ N68-*; E I.J3 i 10.78 ia-3970 7.90 13 S 3 oE 7.90 6.84 3-95 395 o.oo 14 S 23 W 8.8c 8.10 3-44 3-44 6.88 15 1 6 S 3l|E 6.42 5-47 3-35 3-53 0.18 850 W 8.40 7.04 5-40 6.43 489 6.61 1304 '7 N 4 4 W i-7 17-93 az.Si 90-9051 39-39 39-39 30-37 30.37 1439.4840 ?4 46.14 49-7490 13 S 30 F 7.90 6.84 3-95 5To4 341.6156 14 I. SajW S.8c \ 8. ic 3-4^ 50.60 47.16 1 40^.8600 6.4: 5-4' 3-3f 5-5\ it *~ X is 50^ 8.40 5-4 j ** . 183.077" 256.1220 N 44 W 7.0^ A Area 4 I 5.0- 4-3 36. TT 39-3 I t ' * 39-3 L : 3C 3-3 I*. 3^-3 i A R P -, i5 8 2-933 l 63 & g 0% y j CO CO to 25 % ^ teJ Cs O M OJ HfH w Os Ho w i w z eanngs. w Os 00 00 M O SO >T SO i * * Os ^J P t b - + bo ?t H * M Os E^ Os Os ocr 0! UQ O ^ 10 s r 1 M M Os so ia w oo Os VD ^ u> s b o u OO ^ Os X M G TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAND. To find the bearing. As difference of latitude Ha 6.10 0*78533 - Is to radius 90 10.00000 So is departure Aa 10.62 Ta tangent bearing HA 60 07' To find the Diftance. radius 9' IO.OOOOO Is to difference of latitude Ha 6.10 So is fecant bearing Te 10.82 10.45 KL S. 47 E. 28.55 10.47 20.88 LA S. 30 W. The learner fnould fet down all the work in full. TO FIND .THE CONTENT OF LAXD. 15* The difference of latitude and departure being found for the feveral courfes and diftances as above, and the co lumns added up, there will be wanting 5.74 fouthdiffer- cnce of latitude, and 2.8.97 v;; -- departure, to make the columns balance* as before directed-, which are the dif ference of latitude and departure! from L to B ; with which, as in the foregoing examplf, the bearing of LB is found to be 8.78 48 'W. an^t ': ., .-.bains ; then, in the triangle ABL, there qife g'fven the llde LB, and by the bearings of the lines, the! angles ABL 49 57', ALB 58 i8 y , BAL7i,45 / , to find the ether fides; and by Cafe i, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, AB is found to be 2,6.47 chains, whickfet in its proper place, oppofite its bearing, and the fide 'LA 2,3.82, chains, which place oppofite to its bearing ; find the difference of latitude and, departure to thefe diilances, and proceed as before, to find the area of the furvcy, which is 2:44 A. 3^ (See the following figure.) THE MAP. TO FIND THE CONTENT OF LAN0. THE MAP. N O F O F F - S E T S. OFF SETS are perpendiculars meafured froift the angular points of the land, to the ftationary diftance on either fide thereof; to do which, obferve the following R U L E. Rule a table, as hereafter exemplified ; take the bear ing of the line from which ofF-fets are to be made, and from this line make off-fets at right angles to eath angu lar point on either fide > fet the diftance to each off-fet under the head of Bafe, and the diftance of each off-fet ? under that of Perpendicular. Then, to find the area of thefe ofF-fet3$ Set the firftbafe oppofite to ftation I, in the column headed Bafes, and take the firft bafe from the fecond, the fecond from the third, Sec. and fet the remainders, refpeUvely, in faid column ; each of which will be the diftance between the refpe&ive perpendiculars. Then add the firft and fecond perpendiculars together, the fe cond and third, third and fourth, &c. and fet their fums refpe&ively, in the column marked Sum of Perpendicu^ ars. Then each of thefe numbers, multiplied in its re- ipe&ive bafe, will give the double area of the quadrilate ral figure, ad triangle, (by Problems 6 and 9, pages 104 and 107 .X, F O F F-S E T S. Ex A M PL E I. Let A C D E F G H, be the boundary of a field, by Nvhich it is required to lay off a field containing 85 A. 3!*, "3,oP. in form of an oblong, by aline parallel to AI. A 13*90 Chains. K fei \ 'o\ I J3 -90 Chains, Ju O F O F F- S E T S. No. Bafe. Ch. Perp. Ch. Safes. Sum o Perpen Double Area. i 0.00 3.60 6.20 9.60 59-52 2 6.20 6.00 2.80 IO.OC 28.00 3 9.00 4.00 ( 6.00 6.50 59.00 4 15.00 2.50 12.80 7.80 99.84 5 27.80 5-3 2.70 13.30 35-9 1 6 30.5 8.00 8.50 15.00 127.50 7 39.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 '8 46.00 O.oo A. 21,9385 4 Area 21 A. 3R. 30?. 40 P. 30,160^ From" 85 A. sR. soP. Take 21 3 . 30 Area of the off-lets^ -~ . ^ Remains 63 3 30 To be laid off* 40)30 4)3-75 639.375 Square Chains. By Problem 4, page 103, divide thus : 46)639.375(13.90 ch, nearly, from A and I to K and-I^ S. OF OFF-SET EXAMPLE 2. Suppofe a meadow bounded on a brook, as under fneci* feed, the area of which is required? I S I O to *- C^ O H* S ^.4 perches* V5 \r 12.8 perches^ OF O F F-S E T S. 157 T oU>. The ift. perpendicular is fet oppofite the ill. bate, becaufe they form a triangle* . Meafured in Perches*. Sfo:'Bafe P. Bs S.P, DA i o.o 0.0 2.O 5- 10.00 2 2.0 5- 0.5 9.0 4.50 3 2-5 4.0 5 5.2 7.80 4 4.0 1.2 .0 2.4 2.40 5 1.2 5 2.6 1.30 <> 5-5 1.4 3 6.5 9-75 8 7.0 8.0 5-i 5-4 .0 5 10.510.50 10.716.05 No. B. P. B s S.P. DA 9 9-5 5-3 o.o 7.5 oo.oo I o.o 0.0 1.4 0.8 i . i i lo 9-5 9 3-4 6.46 2 1.4 o.S 1.4 1-7 2.38 II 11.4 1.2 .6 2.6 4.16 3 2.tS 0.9 0.9 0.27 12 13.0 1.4 .0 6.4 6.40 4 3- 1 o.o o.o o.o 0.03 T 3 14.0 2.0 10. 20.CO t-3-77 14 16.0 5.0(2.2 9.2 20.24 15 18.2 4-2 2-0 5-3 10. 60 1,88 16 20.2 I.I 1.3 2.2 3.96 17 22.0 1.1 I.O 5.1 5.10 1 8 23.0 4.0 2.0 8.0 16.00 19 25-0 4.0 I.O 7.0 7.00 io 26.0 3- 0.3 3- 0.90 21 26.3 o.o 5-7 3.017.10 4> 32.0 3' 1 Note. 1 "he perpendicular op- $>iso.2a polite the 9th Nation, ex ~ tends to the extreme point; jpo.i i 01.88 and that oppofite the loth. to the neareft point. The Area of the ofF-fets. 91.99 eff-fets on the 9th. ftation oblong. 355.2. are as above. 4,o)44,7 - p. 3.A. 3R. 7?, Anfvver. 355-2 158 OF OFF-SET S. EXAMPLE 3. With ofF-fets on the ad. 4th. and 5th. boundaries* No. Bearings. Diftan. uhuins N. L. S. L. E.D. W. D, i N. 36 f W 30.00 24.04 !7-5 2 N- 5 6 JE 21.60 I2.O'.) I7.g6 3 4 N. 26 J. E. I3-44 12.01 6.00 S. 7 iAE. 18.96 6.02 17.98 _^ 5 S. 26 ^E, 13.46 12.04 6.60 6 S. 45 W. 42.41 29.99 29.99 47-84 48.05 48.05 Area 1152.20855 Square chains* 47.84 O F OFF-SET 159 No. Bafe. 'erpen. Bafes. Sum of Perp. Doublt Area. I 0.00 ' 0.00. 6.10 3. io 18.9100 2 6. io 3.10 4.05 5-45 22.0725 3 10.15 2.35 3-93 5-21 20.4753 4 14.01 2.86 5.12 5.06 25.9072 5 19.20 2.20 2.40 2.20 5.2800 6 21.60 0.00 0.00 O.OO o.OOOO -w li i r I 0.00 0.00 4-20 2.10 b.8200 2 4.20 2.10 3-85 3-40 13.0900 3 8.05 I. 3 7.10 3-*5; 23.0750 4 i5'*5 i*95 3 .8i I -95 7-4295 5 : 18.961 o.oo o.oo 0.00 0.0000 1 0.00 o.oo 5- 1 - 2.05 10.4900 3 5.12 2.05 4.88 3-30: 16.1040 3 IO.OC 1.25 3.46 1.25 4.3*50 4 13-4- o.oo 0.00 o.oo O.OOOO Area of the off-fets, 87.99225 5 Q Map, 1152.20855 A. 124,020080 4 ,080320 40 1 24 A. oR, 3.2i2booP.An* 166 OF OFF-SETS. EXAMPLE 4. Suppofe a water-courfe to be the line between the land* of A and B, asunder fpecined; which they agree to ftrai- ten by a line from the point C to D. Query, which muft pay the other, and for how much land I C OF OFF-SETS, OfF-fets on B to A. Off-fets on A to B* IN Bafe Pr.B's SP D. A. N Bafe Pr. Bs SP D. Av i 0.00 o.oo 1.86 4.14 77004 i o.oo o.oo 2,00 3-85 7.7000 2 1.86 4.142.58 6.52 16.8216 2 2.00 3.85 o. 5 o 6.81 3.4050 3 4 4-44 6.U 2.38 2.86 bs b\ M -4 5-24 7.86 8.7508 12.6546 3 4 2. 5 4.48 2.96 3-S4 1.98 1.46 6.20 6.56 12.2760 5 7.72 5.00 13.7460 5 5-94 3-3 2 1.34 3.32 4-4488 6 9-3 3-7 1.103.70 4.0700 6 7.28 ^7 10.40 1 i o.oo o.oo -57 5-7 3.2490 i 0,00 0.87 0.00 3-79 0.82 1.98 3-79 6-55 3.1078 12.9690 2 3 -57 5.70 6.33 1.16 r.8 7 12.03 14.63 13.9548 27.3581: 3 2.8c 2.76 3-25 7.56 24.5700 4 3.60:8.30 1.67 15.12 25.2504 5 6.05 4.80 3-95 7.18 28.3610 5 5-27 6.82 2 -93 10.20 29.88601 5 IO.OC 2.38 2.82 6.19 17.4558 6 8.20 1. 00 5.98 5.9800 6 12.82 3.81 3-78 14.4018 7 Q.20 I'.lo 2.41 6.22 14.9902 $ 16.60 8jii.6i 3-62 2.84 3.62 10.2808 %) 164.6088 9 14-45 i . . i o.oc 0.00(2.50 4-13 10.32501 82.3044 2 2.50 4.13 2.91 6.91 20.1081 J 5-41 2.78 7.98 25.1370 4 8.56 5.20 3-3 7.6 7 25.3110 5 11.86 2.47 4-34 6-37 27.645$ 6 16.20 3-9 c 5.03 3-9 19.6170 7 21.23 ^296.5006 148.250-5 82.3044 A. 6,59459 4 R, 2,37836 40 R- 15^3440?, . B mufl pay A for 6 A. ^R. 15,1344?, Note. The meafures are taken in chains and links DIVISION OF LAND. PR O B L EM I. "X0 cut off from a Triangle any Part thereof, * by e Line issuing from an angular Point to the oppo-sit? Side of the Triangle. RULE. As the area" of the triangle, Is to the fide the divifion is to fall on ; So is the part to be cut off, To its proportion of that fide. E X A M JP L E. Admit the triangle ABC, to contain 650 fquare per ches, and 290 of them is required to be cut off towards A, by a line iffuing from the point C, on to the line AB, which is 40 perches long. Sq. Pr. Pr. Sq. Pr. As 650 . . 40 : : 290 . . 17.84 perches from A to B. DIVISION OF L A N t. . iCi^ PROBLEM II. 7^ ***/* off from a Triangle, any Part, thereof, i>y & Line running parallel to one of it's Sides* R U L E. As the area of the. triangle, Is to the fquare of one fide the diviflon line is to be on j, So is the area of the part to be taken off, To the fquare of its proportion of that fide : The fquare root of which, will be the length required,' EXAMPLE. Suppofe the triangle ABC to contain 500 fquare per ches, and it is required to cut off 120 towards A, by a line parallel to BC j the line AB bein^ 40 perches and AC 36* 40 X 40 = 1600, fquare of AB As 500 . . 1600 : : 1210 . . -y/S^ = J 9-^ Dearly, the^^ diftance from A DIVISION Of L A & D- ^, f AB . .. AG :: AC .. AD. 1 40 . . 19.6 : : 36 .. 17.64 Perches. PROBLEM III. To cut off, from a Triangle, any Part thereof, by d Line issuing from a given Point in one of it's Sides', EXAMPLE. In the annexed triangle, containing 800 fquare perched AB is 50 perches long, and AC 40, and it is required to cut off towards A, 500 fquare perches, by a line ifluing from the point F, 36 perches from A. RULE. By Problem i, cut off 500 fquare perches, by a line from B to E. AC AE Thus: As 800 ,-. 40 : : 5.00 . . 25. AF AB AE Again, As 36 . . 50 ; ; 25 AO DIVISION OF LAND. PROBLEM IV. To cut off, from a Square, or Oblong, any Part thereof* Let ABCD be a fquare, each fide whereof is 2,0 chains, and it be required to cut off, toward AB, 160 fquare chains, by a line parallel to AB. Note. By Problem 4, page 103, lay off the propofe tity, thus : AB AEorBF. 2o)i6o( 8.0 Chains* D The method of diving land, in other forms, will be {hewn in examples as they occur. EXAMPLE i. Taken in Perches. A Field, bounded as under fpecified, is to be divided into two equal parts, by aline parallel to AD or BC. Re quired the diftance from AB, that the divifionline EFmuft runi DIVISION OF LAN D; Stations. Bearings. Dift. Per. N. L. S. L. E. D. W.D, AB South. 29.6 29-6 BC N. 80 \\ 60.0 10.4 59-i CD N. 39 iW 45-5 34-7 38.6 DA S. 80 E. 89.4 J 5-5 8 7 . : , 45- * 45-1 87.7 87^ Area of the Map ABCDA 2174.62; fquare perches, i \ to be taken off 1087.31 fquare perches. Note. The learner is requefted t>o work all the operate ons in full, in this and the following examples. DIVISION OF LAND. 167 Continue AB and DC, until they inter fet at G ; then tn the triangle CBG, are given the fide CB 60 perches, and by the bearings of the lines, all the angles, viz. CBG 100, CGB 39 30', GCB 40 30-', to find the other re- w VO O Station td o\ r U) CN Oi CO 01 B. CO CO CO CO VI W b s (See the following figure,} DIVISION O F L A N D. 175 B Find the area of IABCI. Stati. Bearings. Dift. N.L. S. L. E. D. W.D. IA N6aJW 59- 27-5 52.3 AB N 19 E 108. I02.I 35-2 BC S 77 E 91. 20.5 88.7 CI s w 109.1 71-7 Area 8722,3 perches. 176 DIVISION OF L A N 15. From half the area of the map, 12192.9 perches Take the above area, 8722.3 perches Leaves lefs than hair Find the area of ICDI. 3470.6 Stati. Bearings. Dift. N. L. S. L, E.D. W.D. 1C N E 109.1 71.7 CD S 27 E TI 5- 102.5 5 3 ' 2 DI S W | 6.6 123.9 Area 652,2.1 ICDI . . CD : : ICNI . . CN 6522.1 . . 115 : : 3470, . . CN I D.6 . 61.193 Perches. To find the bearing and diftance of the diviiion line NI or IN. Sta. Bearings. Dift. N. L. S.L. E.D. WD 1C as before. 109.1 71.7 CN S 27 E 61.2 54-5 27.8 99-5 NI S W 54-6 ' With the difference of latitude 54-6 fouth, and depar ture 99.5 perches weft j the bearing and diftance is found to run, viz. This completes the firft divifion, as required. DIVISION OF L A N D a For the fouthern dlviiion. find the area of Stati Bearings. D.P. NL f S.L. E.D/WD OE Eaft. 40 40.0! EF S 15- J E 76 73-2 2O.3 FG Weil, 70.9 1 70.9 GH N36 VV 47- 3^.0 J27.6 HO | N E I rj5.il 38.2) Area 5270.5 Perches. From 38 A, oR. 16.5?. = 6096.5?. Take the above area % 5-70.5 Leaves 'Find the area of 82,6. Per. Statij Bearings. Dift. NL S.L. r WD 3-^ OH S \V 35-^ HI North. 64.3 64.3 I | & E 2,9.1130.2 Area i 3218, 13 Perches. H0IH . . Ill : : H0VH . . HV 338. 13 . . 64.3 : : 82,6 . . 43.2,4 Perches, A a 3 DIVISION OF LAND. .Find the bearing and diftance from the Well to V. Stati 1 Bearings. Dift.NL 3.L.1E.D. WD OH as before. 35-* 33.a HV North. 43-3.43-2 V S E 8.0 3 8.2 With the difference of latitude and departure of V0, the bearing and diftance of the divifioii line from the Well to the oppofite boundary, is found to run, viz. Which completes the divifioh as required. E X A M P L E. 4. Admit a field bounded, as under fpeci!ied t is to be di vided into three equal parts, fo that each may have the benefit of a well therein, and which bears from the place of beginning A, N. 60, W. 14.35 chains, and is to be the firft divifion line. The quantity in each part, the bear ing and diftance of the other divifion lines are demanded:, Stati Bearings. D. C. N. L. 1 S. L E. D. W. D. AB S 80 W i9-5i 3-39 19.21 EC N 36 iW 16.61 I 3-39 9.82 CD N 70 E 18.90 6.46 17.76 . DE S 63 i E 12.62 5.68 11.27 EA South. 10.7^ 10.78 I Area.3SA. 311. 17?. -5- 3*= i2A. 3R. 32?. BIVISION OF LAND, D R 179 Find the area of QABQ- Stations. Bearings. Diftan. M. L. 3.L. E. D. W. D. OA S 60 E i4-35 7.17 12.42 AB S So W 19.51 3-39 19.21 B0 N E 1 10-56 6.79 Area 8.99 acres. From one third of the map, viz. 12.95 acres. TakeQABQ 8.99 Leaves Find the area o Stations Bearings. Dift. isr.L. 3. L. E. D. W D QB S W 10,56 16,61, 6. 79 BC Ns6^W 16.61 '3-3? 9.82 Co S E ^.83 Area 9.7 3 acres, 480 DIVISION OF LAN p. GBC0 . . BC : : BP0B . . BP 9.73 . . 16.61 : : 3.96 . . 6.76 To find the bearing and dittance of FQ or 0P, Stati. Bearings. Bift. N.L. 3. L.tE. D. I W.D; OB as before. io.fr6i ! 6.79 BP .V 36 4 W 6.76 5-45 | 4.00 P0 N E 5-II |I0.79 With the difference of latitude and departure for is found for the anfwer. runs Anfw. V-Si luli& ^ ^ 4 39 w ( 1 1.93 chains, ij. - 04 ^9 * 9-73 Leaves T0CP 'r= 5.77' Trora Take BP 013 From I of the map = 12.95 iTake?0GP = 5,77 Leaves C0RC = 7.18 acres. Find the area of 0CD0. Sta. [Bearings. Diitan. N.L. S.LJE. D W. D. 0C N.- W. :>.8 3 16.61 CD 1)0 7 70 h 18*90 6.46 17.76 S W 9.39 ' 1.15 Area 7.9 acres, DIVISION OF LAND, 181 c 0CD0 . . CD : : CQRC . . CR I 7.9 . . 18.9 :: 7.18 . . 17.17 To find the bearing and diftance of RQ or 0R. Station Bearings. Diftan N T S I E. D. W. D. oc as before. *.!>: i 16.61 CR N 70 E I 7* 1 / S-&1 16.13 Ro S W 0.70, 0.48 As difference of latitude Is to radius So is departure 96' 8,70 ,48 10.00000 9.68124 9.68124 To tangent bearing 3 9' I have let down the above ftatement, as the departure is a negative number. See page 55 The diftance being found, as before, we have * r CRO runs S o c/ Vv r ? An ^- i OR runs N 3 cJK ^ ^ EXAMPLE 5. Admit apiece, pf land, bounded as under fpecified, is to be divided thus, viz. by a line GI parallel to AB, to iffue !rom the point G, in the line BC 5.45 chains from the ccr- ler 3, and on the line BG to lay off two acres in a paral- t llogran, and cr.lciJate the remainder cut -cfT by 'this divi- .on line GI. j8* DIVISION OF LAND. Again a divifion line to iflue from the point E, to the oppofite boundary BC, and to run parallel to AB, and ano* ther diviiion line to iffue from the point H, in the line CD 4.16 chains, from the corner C, and to run parallel to CB, until it interfe&s the former divifion line. Required the area of each piece feparately. The field notes. Ch. AB N 63 W 5.56 BC N 27 E 18.56 CD S 27 E 10.81 .DE S 6a W 4.05 EF S 51 W 5.00 FA 59 i8'W 5 .03 C o DIVISION OF LAND. it. The Map being made, draw GI as propofed, and on BG lay off two acres, by the pai^allel line RS, which by Problem 4, page 103, will be found to be 3.67 chains near- ,ly from the line BG ; then, AB~ BR = Mi 5.56 3.67 = 1.89 Chains. Now, to find the diftances SI and IF, find the "bearing and diftance of SF. W.D, Stations. Bearings. diftance. 5-3 N. L. S. L. E. D. FA S 59-18' VI a-57 AR N. 63 W. 1.89 5-45 0.85) RS N. 27 E 4.85 24/ SF S. E. 3-i3\ 3*54 4-33 With, the difference of latitude and departure, SF is found to bear S 48 31', E 4.72 chains ; then in the tri- -angle SFI, are given the angles by the bearing of the IHH&, viz, FSI 14 29', SFI 53 4 6 ; , SIF 111 45 /, and the fide SF 4.72 chains, to find the fides SI and IF ; and by Cafe i, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, they are found to be SI 4.10 chains, IF 1.27 chains; then to find the a of ARSIFA, are the following field notes. SI + GS GI 4.10 -f 3.67 = 7.77 Chains. Ch. N 63 W 1.89-1 N 27 E 5.45 j S 63 E 4.10 ^AreaiA, 711, &< S 5iW 1.27 ] S 59.18 W 5 .o 3 J Now IF KF = El AR RS SI IF FA 184 DIVISION OF LAN IX From the point E, let fall a perpendicular on the line GI; then in the right angled triangle VEI, are given the hypothenufe 3 chains, 73 links ; and by the bearings of the lines, the angle VEI 21 45', VIE 68^ 15', to find the bafe VI, i chain, 38 links, and perpendicular VE 3 chains 46 links = GO. GI VI ^ GV =, OE 7-77 *-3 8 6 -39 6-39 chains. To find the area of IGOEI, the following notes ariio from the preceding operations, vis. Ch. IG N 63 W 7.77- ,rea z A. iR. 33! P, -f ILr JN 03 V VV 7-77^ GO N 26 E 3.46 / . OE S 63 E 6.39 f Ar{ El S 5i W 3 .7 3 J BG + GO = BO 545 + 3-46 = 8.91 chains* And BG BO = OG 18.56 8.91 =9.65 chains. From the point H, let fall a perpendicular on the line OC ; then in the right angled triangle HNC, are given the hypothenufe 4 chains, j 6 links, and by the bearings of the lines, the angle NCR 54, and NHC 36, to find the bafe NC, 2, chains, 44 links, and perpendicular N.H^ LO, 3 chains, 37 links. Then OC NC = ON = HL 9.65 2.44 = 7-2H = 7.211 chains. DIVISION OF LAND. 185 To find the area of LOCHL, the following notes arife. Ch. LO N 63 W 3.37^1 OC N 37 E 9.65 , CH S 27 E 4 16 r* Area aA ' 3 R - X 3' 6 * Perch * HL S 27 Wy.aiJ EO LO a- EL ^39 3-37 s= 3-02 chains. CD CH = HD 10.81 4. 1 6-= 6.65 chains. To find the area of ELHDE, the following notes arife Ch. EL N <5 3 W 3 .o:T| LH N 27 E 7.21 I . HD S ^ E 6.65 ,^ Area * A * IR DE S 6 EXAMPLE 6. Suppofe a furvey to be made as follows, viz. AB eaft 20. chains, BC north 18. chains, CD north 30 weft, fo far as will inclofe 120 acres, the north boundary DE, to be due weft 17. chains from the north 30 weft line. Required the diftance on this line ; alfo the bearing and diftance of the clofmg line EA> to include iso-| acres. Note. The propriety of this example being 1 under the head of Divifion, may, perhaps, be doubted by fome ; but the calcu lations are fo nearly allied thereto, that J thought it We. B b 1 86 DIVISION OF LAND. From the point C, clraw Cd due weft 17 chains ; then by Problem 9, page 107, the area of ABCdA, is found to be 33.3 acres ; continue AB, and from the point C, re- verfe CD, to meet AB in the point L ; then in the right angled triangle BCL, are given the perpendicular BC 18 c hains, and the angles, by Pofition 4, page 12, and Po- fition 2, page 10, to find the bafe T*L 10.39 chains? and hypothenufe CL 20.79 chains ; then by Problem 6, page 13, the area of the triangle BCL, is found to be 9.35 acres. ABCDEA ABCdA = AdCDEA 120.5 33.3 as 87.2 Acres. . , f ABCdA + BCLB ALCdA i 33-3 + 9-35 42.65 Acres. Then fay, f ALCdA . . LC : : AdCDEA . . CD LS I 4^*65 . . 20.79 : : 87.2 . . 42.50 Chains '{See the following Map.) DIVISION OF LAND. 187 E D Jb 10.39 From thence the following notes, to prove the work, by calculating the quantity of land thereby inclofed, ar^d to find the bearing and diftance of the clofing line EA. Stati Bearing' D. C. N.L. S. L E. D.W.D. AB BC Eaft. po oo North. 18-00 20. oc f 18.00 CD JN30WJ42 50 36.80 21.25 DE Weft. (17.00 17.00 EA S E| 54.80 18.25 With the difference of latitude and departure of the clo line EA, it is found to run S 18 35', 57 chains, 7^ links, O F INTERSECTIONS. INTERSECTION is the bearings of an objeft from two ftations j the bearing and diftance of the ftations being known, the diftance to the obje& may be found : thence the plan of a field may be taken by interfe&ions? when all the corners thereof can be feen from two ftations, and the area of the field determined by calculations : an example of which follows j the bearing and diftance be tween the two ftations, and the bearings from them to the feveral corners of the field, being as in the following table. The ftations H and I, North and South 28 chains. No. Bearings. HA HB HC HD HE HF HG S8 5 f E S 68 E S 40 No. IA IB 1C ID IE IF Bearings. N42 i E S 82 N73 IG | N 60 E OF INTERSECT! p* N S. 189 By Cafe i, Oblique Angled Trigonometry, find the di" ftance from either ftation, as from I, to the feveral cor ners of the field, thus : To find IA. As fine [ A 70 9.972199 Is to IH 38 ch. 1.44716 So is fine |_ H 8i Q 30' 9.99520 11.44^36 9.97399 To IA 29.47 1-46937 To find IB. As fine [ B Is to IH So is fine [ H 5* 28 85.45 9-89653 1.44716 9.99880 11.44596 9.89653 To IB 35.43 1.54943 (See the following Map.) j 9 o OF L_N T E R S E C T I O N S. THE & A P. H To find ICL As fine [ C Is to IH 60.30 2S 9-93970 So is fine 1 H 65 9.96717 11.41433. 9,93970 To 1C 1.47463 OF INTERSECTIONS. 191 TO find ID 50.45 As find [ D Is to IH So is fine [ H 50.45 58.15 '9.88896 1.447*6 .9.92960 11.37676 9.88896 To ID 30.75 1.4978 To find IE. As fine [ E Is to IH 47 9.86413 38 1.447*6 So is fine |_ H 35-3 9-76395 ii. aim 9.86413 To IE 22.23 1.34698 To find IF. As fine [ F 78 9.9904 IstoIH 38. 1.44716 So is fine [ H 38.30 9.67866 9.99040 To IF 33- 6 VARIATION. It is well known, that there is a Variation in the Neev die, from pointing due North and South ; and this variacL on is continually progreflive. Hence it is, that the bear- ings of lines, taken fome years ago, and the prefent time, do not agree ; therefore, to find the difference between them, or' the true bearing, at the prefent time, Run the line according to the given bearing, and ob- ierve the nearefl dillance between the line fo run, and the corner. Then As the length of the whole line, Is to 57.3 degrees ; So is the faid diftance, To the difference of variation required. X A M P L E, OF ATTRACTION. 205 EXAMPLE. Suppofe a line, fome years ago, bore N. 45 E. di- ilance 20 chains ; and in running this line, by the given bearing, the corner is found 2,0 links to the left hand. Required the bearing at the prefent time, Ag f Ch. Deg. Links. Q , J_ 2,0 . . 57.3. : : 2,0 . . o 34 to be abated* Hence the bearing is N. 44 16 ' E. This rule is fufficiently exa& in common pra&ice, where the bearing and meafure were both true ; but in fome old furveys, there are great inaccuracies : Therefore, the beft way is, after running on the given bearing a conveni- nient diftance, to take the bearing and diftance to the fuc- ceding corner. Then find the bearing and diftance be tween the corners, as taught in Diviiion of Land, and in Jnteri'e6lions 9 T o T O Survey with the Chain only. f A F I E L D fo fituated, that all the angles can be jfjL feen at one view, may be accurately meafured by the Chain only. As for inftance, fuppofe a field, or piece of land, bounded as in the following figure! Then, Meafure from B to G, 6 chains, arid perpendicular thereto meafure a A 2 chains, 20 links, and perpendi cular to BG, meafure c C 2 chains, 27 links, and Be i chain, 14 links; thenCE 4 chains, 21 iinks, and perpen dicular thereto dD, 3 chains, 19 links. Again; perpen dicular to BG, meafure hE 4 chains f 90 links, and perpen dicular thereto gF, 89 links, and hG I chain, 53 links ; then, confequently, h c will be 3 chains, 33 links' j hg be ing rneafured, will be 3 chains, 2,0 links, leaving gF i chain, 70 links. And as each line is meafured, draw it on paper with a pencil, and the feveral angles by the eye, marking each line with its own diftance. This rough draught will greatly aflift the memory in calculating. By the preceding Problems, the area of the feveral triangles, &c. will be found to be- - TO SURVEY WITH THE CHAIN. Sqr. Ch. ABGA 6.6000 BCcB CDEG EFgE FGhgF 3.87 zo | B pmb> a ^ e I07 CEhcG 11.938053 ' 3.117540 = 3 A. oR. I-3.3P. 4 E c fO SURVEY WITH THE CHAIN. By meafuring Ba, and Cd, with thofe already made, a true Map of the field may be conftnl&ed. For BG, being laid down from a fcale of equal parts, and a A, from the fame fcale, it's proper diftance from B, will determine the point A, and the perpendicular cC, will fix the point C ; then with cE in the compares, and one foet in C, de- fcribe an arch, as at E j and with hE in the corapaffes, and one foot in h, interfe& the arqh at E, which fixes the point E, and the perpendicular dD, it's proper diftance from C, determines the point D ; then from, g lay off the perpendicular gF, and draw the lines AB, BC, CD, &c. and a Map of the Field is completed. Admit a ijeld bounded, as in the following figure ; the dimenfions of which are, AB 27 chains, 35 links ; BC 22 chains, 2,0 links; CD 29 chains, 25 links; DE 23 chains, 70 links; andA3i chains, 15 links: The dia gonal BE 38 chains, and EC 40 chains, 10 links ; and from this meafure it is required to make the Map, and jfi nd the area thereof. To MAKE TH E M A P. Draw AB h's proper length ; then, with the diagonal BE in the cempafTes, and one foot in the point B, defcribe an arch at E ^ then take AE in the compafles, and with one foot in A, crofs the former areh, and the place of in- terfe&ion fixes the point E. Again ; take EC, and with one foot in E, make an arch at C; then, with BC, and one foot in B, interfect the arch at C, which fixes that point. Again ; with CD in the compailes, and one foot in C, make TO. SURVEY WITH THE CHAIN. an arch at D ; then, with DE, and one foot in E, inter* fed the arch at D, for the point D. Laftly ; draw lines from point feo point, and the Map is made. Draw the di- gonals, and the Map is divided into three oblique angled triangles. Then divide each of thefe into two* right an gled triangles, by Cafe 6, Oblique Angled Trigonometry thus - - As the fum of B a, and a E 38 Is to the diff. of AB and AE 3,8 So is their fum 58.5 1.767*6 3.34694 *-5797 8 * To the diff.. of B a, and a E 5.85 0.76716 From half the fum of B a, and a E. ig Take half their cuff. f^ Remains the leaft bafe B a 16.08 (See the s. 33 TO SURVEY WITH THE CHAIN. D Then AB 27.35 X 37.35= 748.0325, and Ba 16.08 x 16.08 = 258.5664. From the fquare of AB, take the fquare of B a, leaves 489.4561, the fquare of Aa: the fquare root of which, is 22 chains, 12 links = Aa. Thus proceed with the others, and they will be found as in the figure. Sqr. Ch. Area of ABEA, is 420.28 byProb. 6, page 104. BCDEB, is 756.687 by Prob. 8, page io6. 1 17.6967 s . 2R. 31.473?* F.I N I TABLES o r DIFFERENCE O F LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE;: CONSTRUCTED TO EVERY QUARTER OF A DEG&EE OF THE QUADRANT, AND CONTINUED FROM ONE, TO THE DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED MILES OR CHAINS. WILMINGTON: BY BONSAL AND NILES, FOR ZACHARUH JES TRAVERSE T O. O T ^ e & i 1)e g 1 1 Lat. >eg. Dep. P L>. Oep. Lat. Dep. 1 1 ,0o 0,00 1,00 0,01 1,00 0,01 i 2 2,00 0,01 2,00 0,02 2,00 0,03 2 3 3,00 0,01 3,oo 0,03 3, 0,04 3 4 4,00 0,02 4,00 0,03 4,00 0,05 4 5 5,00 0,02 5,00 ,4 5,00 0,07 .5 6 6,c 0,03 6,00 0,05 6 5 oo 0,08 6 7 7,00 0,03 7,00 0,06 7,00 0,09 7 8 8,00 8,co 0,07 8,00 0,10 8- 9 9,00 0,04 9,00 0,08 9,00 0,12 9 10 10,00 0.04 10,00 _o 1 oj) 10,00 ,*3 10 1 1 I 1,00 0,05 1 1,00 0,10 1 1,00 0,14 1 1 12 1 2,00 0,05 12,00 0,10 12,00 0,16 12 ig 13,00 0,06 13,00 0,11 13,00 0,17 13 M 14,00 0,o6 14,00 0,12 14,00 o,t8 4 I5,co 0,07 15,00 0,13 15,00 0,20 15 16 i6,cc 0,07 1 6,00 0,14 l6,00 0,21 16 J 7 17,00 0,0 7 17,00 0,15 17,00 O.22 17 18 18,00 0,08 18,00 c,i6 l8 )0 0,24 18 jg 19,00 0,08 19,00 0,17 19,00 0,25 19 20 eo,oc >9 ecjco 0,17 20,OO 0,26 20 21 21, CC 0,09 21,00 0,18 21,00 0,27 ~2l 22 22,OO 0,10 22,00 0.19 22,OO 0,29 22 23 23,00 0, 10 23,00 0,20 23,00 0,3 23 4 24,00 0,10 24,00 0,21 24,00 ,3 J 24 25,00 0,11 25,00 0,22 25,00 o,33 65 26 26,00 o,ti 6,00 o,e3 26,00 ,34 z6 27 27,00 0,12 27,00 0,24 27.0O o,35 07 98 28.00 0,12 28,OO 0,9-4 20^00 ,37 28 29 29,00 29,00 29,00 0,38 29 _3Q_ 30,00 -i! 30,OO Q,g6 3_j? _L>39 _3 3' 31,00 0,14 31,00 0,27 3i,oo 0,41 31 32 32, oe 0,14 3C.oo 0,28 ~32,co O j4 2 32 33 33>oo 0,I 4 33,00 0,29 33,oo o,43 33 34 34,oo 34,oo 0.30 34,oo 0^45 3-1 35 36 35,o 36,00 o,.i6 36,00 0.31 3 ; 'co 0,46 o,47 35 36 37 37oo 0,16 37,co 0,32 '37,oo 0.48 38 38,00 0,17 38,00 33 38,00 ,5 38 39 39 co 0,17 39,oe 0,34 39 o,5 * 39 4 40,00 0,17 40,00 0,35 40,00 o,5 2 40 4 41,00 0,18 41,00 0,36 41,00 ,54 42 42,00 0,1 8 42,00 o,37 42,00 42 43 43,oo 0,19 43,00 0,38 43,00 0,56 43 44 44,00 0,19 44,00 0,38 44.00 0,58 44 45 45. oc 0,20 45,00 o,39 45iC ,59 45 46 46,00 0,20 46,00 0,40 46.00 0,60 46 47 47,00 0,21 47,00 c,4J 47,00 o,6a 47 48 48,00 0,21 48,00 0,42 48,00 48 49 49,00 0,21 49,06 o,43 49,00 0,6: 49 5 50,00 O,62 50.00 0.44 50,00 0,65 M t j-j jDrp. LatT Dej). jLar. 1 Dep. LatT B 3 1 9i ifcg- 89-^- Ueg. 8 9 l Deg. 3 t ^.^^ T R A V EjR SE T A B L E. 1' at j 5 5 1 ? 00 5 5 5 5 > 5353 5454 0,24 55.,ooo,24 .24 UP O,22 59,000,26 oy < 60160.000,2? 6 !i6i, 000,27 62162,000,27 63*63,00 0,27 64-64,00:0,28 6565,00 0,28 6666,000,29 67167,000,29 68,68,00 0,30 6969.00 ,3o 70^70,^0 0,3^ 77j 7 i,oo|o,3i 72:72,000,31 / O i >' 76,765 77,77,0 7878,00 79 ! 7 9,oo 8080,00 u. --. 8 3 ! 83, 841*4,00 8.585,00 86&6,oo go'89,oc >' 8 o-,39 0,40 0,4.0 >,4' 0,41 7 ,97,00 o,.i.2 91 9i,oc 00.92,0- 9^94,0' ILat. jUq: I yVoo' ' 4 '' * 53 54,00.0,47 55,000,48 56,00 0.49 .}7,]j5 58,00)0,51 60,00:0,52 611^000,53 6,ooe'54 63.000,55 64,00^0.56 65.000,57 66,000,58 67,oo'o,58 68,oo|o,59 Go. co o,6'i 70.00 0.61 71,00.0,62 72,00,0,63 73,000,64 74,oo,P5 75,00:0.65 78,00,0,68 79,00,0,69 u nnO'lO 81,00:0.71 82,OOJO,72 83,'>jO,7.2 84.00 0,73 8.5 ? oo'o,74 86,000,75 87,000.76 83,000,77 89,0010,78 90.0010,79 977oT)o,79 92,00 o,8>i 93,00 i 94 j 95, i^^_J L*nPn ~ ',6 7 >,6H m 55i oo 56,0.: 57,^' V6| 58 j .59 60 58,99 ^Q.OOO. 6i>j99Jo,8o 6 i,99k 81 6a,99Jo,g^ 6 3 64^85: 65,9910,86; 65 66199 > 8 ^ ^7 67,99^,09 68 68,99 69,^00,92 7,99" 71.990. 7 2 >.90 73,9' 74.99 75,99BO,99j 76 76,991,01; 77 77.00 .02! ->'A ! 69 Z2. ,93 7i 0.94! 72 0,96, ' 77,99 79i<15 80,90 8 5 99 8s?, 99 8-j, 99 86.90 87.90 88,99 9 1,99 92,9 >,8 4 I| 95,99 97,000,85 98,00 o,K6 il 97,9 f , 90 9.9,0 0,43 ]( 99,000,86 wiffisMj II i_^rpi?7 ^JiL)ep>'Lat t! ^^_[Ca^ , SI^'Deg. j|H 9 } ]>g: ,02 7 H .Hji ,u, 85 .13, 86 89 9' 1,22 l 93 :94 ! 95 i 96 &\ 99 ,3-ioo I i)ep VI,!:'-; ft T R A VERSE TAB L K 'II ' 0,O<>ir>,l6|j 9,OOjO,20 T ' 9,Of _._- I :r '-' : f ' .liLr I )Q.cn ^.j(S |r.o< - 4 j 1 i i.oo 0.28 '. 10,90 fee S ' : i6,cc 0,30 12.000,31 re 0.04 15,99?** 16,5 12,Ci 13,000,28 -3i 15.000,33 i6,cc iMolo.^i j! 18,000:39 _ /f _ ,, 19,000.30 I 10,00,0.41 II 18.900.50 __. ^.4 j; 10. cc. '0.^3 1 ^-5,coo ; x4 a6,Cf 28,00)0,49 , ' : i: 28.990,63 .990.65 3i,ooj .- - j "^990,68 ., 30,00 I, 3 J . f /9;7 I 2 I '99,84 , --,99' 7 a j 3*,99,>86 "4 I 33,9 r 34,990,61 I 34,99^,76 II 3499! .99 '79||35.,9 r c i. oo --,.; 6 |i 20. 01 rr.r, -Q 22,990,50 ,55 25,99 *57 26.990.59 _^ 10 0.61 I! 27.0:90. 7.? 9.0.09^.79 - - - J v>^--r.. - | - - - I 36,0^,0,81 I) 36,990,97 ng coc.8; J-5J7.VJ-;-- i; n tyy <3 it >- 2^0 , 9.99.0,87 39.99 iij 4>99, J : 2 (I 4r99 i 89 || 40,99^ ' fl- r94 '-'-' f77 J43 ,4.90^.79 J! 44,99^0,98 46,09^,82 I 46.99 1,^3 , i8, 9 o b,86 48.991,07 ^87 f! 40,99 1,99 D^^Latj] 1,99 Lv. c Ro~De ? . | 885 Dtrg. w 10 42 ? 99Ji,i3 43.59 J -'o 44,9 45,9o|' ,20 46,991,2? 47,99 86 48,9^1,28 40.98 '1.31 DcpJLat. 88J Deg. 3.3 1 1 .90 o,4 , .* o,4( 16,90 ,9? 0,5^ 3. O. 2o.9cjo.64 1,C 22.990,70 2 3-99p,73 - 26; Or .^;.c2 3i,9Cio,s - ,10 1,16 1,10 33,9^ 34,98 35,98 36,9* 37,98 38,98 39-9^ 0-^- 4 o ?0 ^ 42,98 43,98 44,98 45,98 46,98 4^98 1,25 1,28 1,31 1,34 ,37 1.40 1,50 10 IT 12 13 '5 16 18 9 20 21 22 23 24 5 6 27 28 9 .9 3p 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 12 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 49 <*Bfc ABLE. =^-^73^ Deg. C R AVERSE T A B L E. "*)3 U 2 Deg. ' --Si H D ^- 2 lDeR. 2 4 Dee. D Cl S S3 Lai. Dep rrr Dep nb Dep LiT "Be^ ^ 1 1,00 ,3 1,00 <.->,04 1,00 0,04 1,00 0,05 i 2 2,OC 0,07 2,oo, 0,08 2.OO 0,09 ; 2.00 0,10 2 3 3,00 0,10 3,00 0,12. 3, 0,13 3,0 0,14 3 4 4,00 0,14 4,00 0,l6 4,00 0,17; 4,00 0,19 4 5 3, p 0,17 5,00 0.2O ' 5,00 O,2S 4,99 0,2^ 5 6 6,b 0,21 6,00 0,24 5^99 0,26 5,99 0,2 9 6 7 7,oc 0,24 6,99 0,27 6 99 6,99 ,34 7 8 7,99 0,28 7,99 7-99 0,35 7,99 0,30 8 9 8,99 0,31 8,99 ?35 8,99 0,39 8,99 o,43 9 lo 9-99 ,35 9,99:0,39 9.99 0,44 9,Qt, o, 4 b 10 1 1 10,99 0,38 10,990,43 10,99 0,48 io,99 0,53 1 1 12 1-1,99 0,42 11,990,47 ",99 0,52 11,99 0,58 12 13 12,99 0,45 i'^f)~f) 0,51 12,99 o,57 12,99 0,62 13 14 *3?99 0,49 13,990,55 13,99 0,61 0,67 14 15 H,99 0,52 14,99 0,65 14,98 0,72 15 16 15,99 0,56 i ? 99 0,63 0,70 j77 16 17 1 6,99 o,59 16,990,67 16*98 ; 74 il 0,82 17 18 17=99 0,63 17,98 o,79 .17,98 0,86 18 *9 18,99 0,66 18,990,75 18,98 0,83 -18,98 o,9i 19 19.99 f *7 '9-980/79 JLM.8 5 7 19,98 0,96 2! 20,99 0,73 20,980.82 20,98,0,92 20,98 1,01 21 22 21,99 0,77 2i,98o.,86 21,98 0,96 21,97 i, 06 22 23 22,99 0,80 22.986590 22,98 1,00 22,97 1,10 23 24 23,99 0,84 o 23.08 ^3,97 24 2 5 24,98 0,87 24:98 0,98 24,^8 1,09 2 4,97 1,20 20 25,98 0,91 25,98 1,02 25,98 1,13 2 5,97 26 27 26,98 0,94 26,98 1,O6 26,97 1,18 26,97 ^30 27 28 27,98 0,98 27,98 1,10 27,97 1,22 2 7,97 28 2 9 ,8,98 1,01 28,98 1,14 28,97 1,26 28,97 ',3' 2 9 Ji. 29.98 1.05 29.98 1,18 9,97 1,31 1,44 3 1 30,98 1,08 30,98 I,2Z 3o,97 1,35 30,96 1,49 ~^7 32 31,98 1 5 12 1,26 3^,97 1,40 i 5 i o<2 33 32,98 ii5 32,97 i,3 32,97 1,44 32,96 1,58 33 34 33,98 1,19 33 ! 97J 1 >33 33-97 1,48 33 5 96 1,63 34 35 36 34,98 35,98 1,22 1,26 34=97^37 35,97 1 ,4 1 34,97 35.97 1,53 J ? 57 34,96 35,96 1,68 35 36 37 36,^8 1.29 36,97 1,45 36,96 1,61 36,96 ,7* 37 38 37,98 1,33 37,97 1,49 37-96 1,66 1,82 38 39 38,98 1,36 38,97 l ,53 38,96 1,70 38^96 1,87 39 40 39,98 1.40 -39.97 1*57 39,96 ',75 39,95 40 4i 40,98 1,43 40,971,61 40,961,77 4^,95 Ij9 7 42 41,97 1,47 41,97 1,65 41,961,83 41,95 2,02 42 43 42,97 1 9& 42,97 1,69 42,961,88 42,95 2,06 43 44 43,97 i ? 54 43,97 i,73 43,961^92 43:95 2,11 44 45 44,97 1,57 44>97 i 5 77 44,961,96 44,95 2,16 45 46 47 45,97 46,97 L,6l 1,64 45,96 46,96 ijSi 1,85 45,962,01 46,962,05 45,95 46,95 2,21 46 47 48 49 47,97 48,97 I'? i I 1 47.96 ! 48, q6 1,88 1,92 47,95 2 , 9 48,952,14 47,95 48,94 2.30 235 48 49 5 49.97 IiZ4 j) 49.96 ; ,96 49.95 2,18 2,40 \ c: 1 ) (> n. Lai vHt. Oep7;Lar7 JI ~o^\ L.at. J Q 88Deg. 87?- Deg 8 7-1 ^eg. I/ 87-1- Beg. s 9 TRAVERSE TABLE- 35 2 De Lat. Dep -4 Peg. Lat. Dep *i * Lat. )eg. Dep Lat. Dep 19 51 597 ,78 50,96 2,00 5o,.95 2,22 50,94 2,45 51 52 31,97 ,81 51,96 2,04 51,95 2,27 2,50 52 53 52,97 ,85 51,96 2,08 52,9* 2,31 52,94 2,54 53 54 53>97 ,33 53,96 2,12 53.-95 2,36 53,94 2,59 54 55 54,97 ,92 54,96 2,l6 54,95 2,40 5^,94 2,64 55 1 55,97 56,97 55,96 56,96 2,20 2,24 55,95 2,44 2,49 55,94 56,93 2569 2,73 56 57 58 57,96 2,02 ! 57,96 2,28 5?',94 2,53 57,93 2,78 58 59 58,96 2,06 58,95 2 ,3 2 58,94 2-57 58,93 2,83 59 60 19^96 2^.09 59,95 59-94 2,62 59.93 2,88 60 61 60,96 2,13 60,95 2,39 60,94 2^66 60,93 2,93 61 62 61,96 2,i6 61,95 2,43 2,70 6i,93 2,97 62 63 62,96 2,30 62,95 2,47 62,94 2,75 62,93 3,02 63 64 65 63,962,23 64,96J2,27 63,95 64,95 2,51 2 ,55 63,94 6 4i94 2,79 2,84 63,93 64,93 3,12 64 5 66 65,962,30 65,96 2,59 65,94 65,92 3,17 66 67 66,96^,34 66,95 2,63 66,94 2,92 66.92 3,21 67 68 67396)2,37 67,95 2,67 2,97 67.92 3,26 68 69 68,96 2,41 : 6*,95 2,71 68^93 3, J 68.92 3,31 69 7' 69,96 M4 69-95 69.93 3>5 69^9.2 3,36 70 71 70,96 2,48 7,95 2 3 79 70,933,10 70,92 3,4* 71 72 71.96 2,51 7i,94 2,83 71,933,14 71.92 3,45 72 73 72,96 2,55 7 2 ,94 3,87 72/93 3,18 72,92 3,5 73 74 73,95 2,58 73,94 2,91 73,93 323 73=9 3,55 74 75 74,95 2,6- 74,94 2,94 74,93 3,27 74,91 3,6^ 75 76 75,95 2,65 75-94 2,98 75,93 3,3* 75,91 3,65 76 77 76,95 2,69 76,94 3,02 76,93 3,3^ 76,91 3,70 77 78 77,95 2,72 77,94 3,o6 77,93 3,4 77,9i 3,74 78 79 78,95 2,76 78,94 3, 10 78,92 3,45 78,91 3,79 79 8__ 79,95 **Z2 79>.9_4 3iI4 79.92 q-49 70.91 3,84 80 81(80,95 2,83 80,94 3,18 80,92 3^53 80,91 3,89 81 82 81,95 2,86 81,94 3>22 81,92 3^8 81,91 3*93 82 83 82,^5 2,90 82,94 3,26 82,92 3,62 82,90 3,98 83 84 83^95 2,93 83,94 3:3 3.92 3,66 83,90 4,3 84 85 84,95 2 ,97 84,93 3,34 84,92 84,90 4,08 85 86 8 5?95 3,00 85,93 3,38 85,92 3>75 85,90 4,13 86 87 86,95 3,4 86,93 3,42 86.92 3,79 86,90 4,17 87 88 87,95 3, 7 87,93 3,45 8 7,9 e 3,84 87,90 4,2? 88 89 88,95 3,ii 88,93 3,49 OO 00,92 3,88 88,90 4,2-7 89 90 8g,95 3.- 1 4 80, 9; S M3 89,91 3^93 89. QO 4,32 92 9 1 |9,95 90,03 3,57 90,91 3,97 90,90 4,37 9i 9291,94 $'21 9^93 3* >1 9^91 4,01 91,89 4,4i 92 93!92,94 3,25 92,93 3,6.5 92,9! 4,06 92,89 4,46 93 9493,94 3,28 93,93 3,69 93,9i 4,10 93,89 4,5 1 94 95 94,94 3,32 94>93 3,73 4 5 i4 94,89 4,56! 95 96 95,94 3,35 95,93 3 ? 7 / 95,91 4,19 95,89 4,61 96 97 96,94 3,39' 96,93 3,81 96,91 96,894,65 97 98 99 97*94 9*,94 3,46 98,92 3$9 97,9i 98,91 4,27 4,3 2 97,894.70 98,894,75 98 99 100 Kp. &: 90.92 Dep. Lat OQv9i 4,36 Lat. 99,884,80 Dep. 1 Lat. ,00 35 ss 88 Deg. 875- Deg. 87^ Deg. 87! Deg. 3? * T R A V E R S E T A B L L. (.&$* S ~ "3 J Lat. Dep r^ )eg. 3i Dejr. 3|J^ Dep 1? Dep Lat. Dep 1,00 o7o5 1,00 o,c<5 1,00 0,06 1,00 >.o6 i 2 9 OO 0,10 2,00 0,11 2,00 0,12 2,00 1 1 3. 2 3 3, 0,11 ),17 2,99 0,i8 2,99 O.2O 3 4 3,99 0,21 3,99 0,23 3>99 ^,24 3,99 0.26 4 4,99 O,26 4;99 0,28 499 0,31 4,99 '33 5 6 5)99 5,99 >34 5>99 ^37 5,99 39 6 7 6,99 37 6,99 0,40 6,99 -43 6,99 0.46 7 8 7,99 0,42 7,99 M5 M9 I 7,98 0.52 8 9 8,99 M7 8,99 3, .51 8^98 ^,55 8,98 0.59 9 10 9. 99 9,9* >.57 9,08 ^6_i 9.98 0.6^ 10 ii 10,98 ^,58 10,98 0,62 10,98 ^,67 II T o,98 0,72 o 11 12 11,98 0,63 11,98 0,68 11.98 -73 II H 5 97 0.78 o 12 1 q 12,98 0,68 12, 9^ S73 12,98 ,79 12.97 0.85 13 H 13,98 0,73 13,9 13,97 ,85 13,97 0.92 M 15 14,98 ',79 14,98 585 J 4,97 >92 |j 14,97 0.98 16 15,98 1.84 15,97 0,91 15.97 ,98 15,97 1.05 16 17 16,98 0^89 1 6,97 0.96 16,97 ,4 16,96 1. 1 1 17 18 17,98 0,94 17.97 t,02 17,97 .10 17,96 r.i8 18 19 18^98 0.99 1,08 i8,9i5 21,9;' 1,25 21,96 ,34 21,95 1.44 22 2 3 22,97 1.20 22,96 ',3 22,96 ,40 22,95 1.50 23 04 23,97 1,26 23 5 96 1,36 2 3, 9 6 ,47 23,95 1-57 i A 1 2 4 25 1,31 24,96 f,4 s 24,95 ,53 24,9^ L * 04 25 '26 25*96 1,36 25v96 i,47 25,95 ,59 25,94 1.70 26 26,96 M 1 26,96 >53 26,9,5 ,65 26,94 J.77 _ f\ _ 27 28 27,96 i 4/7 2 7>95 i-59 27,95 ,71 27,94 1.83 28 2 9 28,96 T ,5 2 1,57 28,9,5 29t9o 1,64 1,70 28,95 29,94 ,77 83 28.94 29,94 i.9o .96 9 9 3 31 go, 06 1,62 3<>,rx5 1.76 3, 9 4 ,89 30.93 2,03 3i 32 33 3 ',9 6 32,95 1,67 Ilf 5 i,8r 1,87 3 J ,94 3 2 -94 ,95 2,01 31,93 32,93 2,09 2.16 32 33 34 35 33,95 34,95 I'T! 34-94 ',93 1.98 33>94 2,08 2,14 34,92 2,22 2.29 34 35 36 35,95 1*88 35,94 2,04 35>93 2.20 3 f,9 2 2-35 36 37 36,95 '>94 2,10 36,92 2,26 3^,92 2.42 37 38 37,95 i,99 37j94 2,15 37.93 2}3 2 37,92 2.49 38 39 18,95 3 J4 38,94 2,21 38,93 2>38 38,92 2-55 _ / - 39 42 3.2*23 2,09 39*94 2,27 3i9_: a, 44 3_9_,9_i 2.02 / ? 4 1 4,94 *7*5' 40.93 2 ,3 2 40,92 i,5 40.91 2.OO 4i 4 2 2,20 41,93 2 5 38 41,92 2.56 41.91 2.75 4 n 43 42,94 2,2,5 42,93 2 s44 42,92 i ,63 42.91 OO 43 44 43,94 2, 3 43 ^3 2,49 43,92 2.6>9 43-9 1 2,0o 44 45 4494 2,36 44,93 2-, 55 44,92 2,75 44.9o 2.94 45 r 46 47 45,94 46,94 2,41 2,46 45,93'2,6i ; 4 6, 9 2 2, 66 45-9 1 46,91 2,8-5 2.8 7 4?. 90 4^90 3.oi 46 48 47,93 47,92 12,72 47, 9 1 1,93 47.90 3^4 48 49 48,93 2^6 48,9^ 2,78 48,91 2,99 48,90 3,20 49 \ !y *; -~" D^P. 2,62 Lat. $W* Dep. 2 *^ rS 49,9 J [Dep. C^T. 49.89 L^ f ^ Dep. 5s 87 Drg, 86-| Deg. |j 86A Deg. |] 86i Deg. 5 t T R SE TABLE. i C io T R A V E R S E T. A B L E. n c | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 _3o_ 3i 32 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 30 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Deg. Den 0,07 0,14 0,21 49 6$ 7,9 8,9^ 9,9? 12,97 '3,97 4,96 5> ^ J 4 .28 2,9 5,9 6.0 9 9 10,9 12,9 13,9 ij,i 16,9 17,9 18.9 10.9 20 , 9 21,9, 22,9- 23,9, 24>9,' "6,9; ->3,9L 29,^2 30,9 32.9 33,9 34,9 35,9 26,90 379 C 39,j<; 40,85 41,88 42,88 43,88 44,88 4.5,87 46,87 47,87 48,87 49,8( LSI 5iil e g- |8$i 1 0,07 0,22 ,3 ,55 $7 fe 0,89 ',96 i 04 r,i 9 1.26 ,33 ,40 _-4_8 ,56 ,63 !?8 >8 5 93 ,00 ,08 ,15 37 45 5- 59 ,67 >74 ,82 04 ,11 .26 ,33 ,41 48 56 at* l>g. 4| Deg fa, 9 5 7,9 -.9-k io>9 11.91 13,9' i6,9 17,9 18,94 .994 21,93 23,93 24,92 25,92 26.92 2.91 29,91 3 l> ;90 1,0- 0,l6 I 1.99 990,2 ^>39 ,47 ',54 0,78 > ; 86 ^94 1. 10 i, 18 1,26 ,33 ,4 ,65 ,73 ,80 ,88 59 6 ,04 ,20 ,35 3,9 4,98 5,9 8 6,97 7,97 8,97 _^Z 10,96 11.96 12. 9^ '3-9^ 15,9J ^6,94 17,9 i8 s9 3 2 ,93 21,92 22,92 23,92 25-91 26.91 27,00 28.9 ) o ',7 ,59 ,67 ,75 Z,24 2,40 5; ,6^ 1 ^ 33^88 o,Sz 34,83 ,43 30*89 33-9'J 34,89 .._.._. 3^,892,82 35,88 36,89 ,9 I 36 87 37,882,98 37,87 4 1,4 ',57 74 1,82 9 P jo,_88 40,87 41,87 42,87 43,86 I 44,86 45,86 46,86 47,8 5 49. 8 De -, ,3,06 3,3 1141,863 2,98 3o6 39.86 3.37 3 45 3,53 41, 43!% -2 46,84.3.89 47,843 971 48,83 4,06! 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 16 17 18 9 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 09 3 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Drp.ut.nj ' $S'3? TRAVERSE T A B L E. it JBI 3! 1 4 Peg. 4^ Deg. ' -' rtfli Lar. Dep L^TTD e~ - Lar. Dep !| Lat. Dep IP t 5' 50,88 3,56 50,86 3,78 jl 50,84 4.00 1 50,82 4,22 l5 l 52 53 51,87 52,87 3,63 3>7 51,863,85 I) 51,84 5 2 ,85'3,93 j 52,84 4,08 II 51,82 4,i6|| 52,82 4.39 53 54 53,87 3,77 53,854, of > 53-83 4, 2 4 if 53,8i 4>47 54 55 54,87 $584 54,85 4,08 } 54,83 4,32 54.81 t,55 55 56 55,86 3,91 5-85 4,15 55,83 4,39 517.81 4/64 56 57 56,86 3,98 56,84 4,22 5 6,|* 4,47 56,8 ; 4,72 57-86 4,5 37*84 1 57,82 4,55 57,8o 4,80 58 L9 58,86 4,12 58,84 4b37 58,82 4,63 58,80 h 8 9 ,59 fro 59.8,3 321*4 59,82 7 1 59-79 L22 6> eT 6 ,5 4,26 6' ; 83 60,81 4-79 60,79 5,05 61 62 61,85 4,32 4,59 61.81 1,86 61,79 5 j *3 62 63 64 62.85 63,84 4,39 4,46 6^83 63,82 4,6; 4,74 6^81 63,8 4,94 5,02 62,78 63-78 5,22 5,3 6 3 b 4 64,84 4,53 64,82 4,82 64,8 5,10 64.78 5,38 65 66 65,84 4,6' 6^2 4,89 65,80 65,77 5.47 66 67 66,84 4,67 66,82 4,97 66,79 5,26 66,77 5,55 67 68 67,83 4)74 67,81 5,04 67,79 5,34 67,77 5,63 68 69 68,83 4,81 63, 81 5,u 68,79 68,76 5,71 69 70 6o,8_3 4.88 69,81 5,19 69,78 5- '9 69.76 5,80 22. 71 7 ,83 4,95 70,80 5,26 70,78 5,55 70,76 5,88 71 72 71,82 5, 2 71,80 5,34 71,78 0,67 7-^5 5,96 72 73 72,82 5, '-'9 72,80 5,4' 72,77 5,73 72,7.5' 6,04 "3 74 73,82 5, 6 73,8c 5,48 73,77 73-75 74 75 74,82 5,23 74,79 5,56 74,77 5-88 74,74 i,2l 75 76 75,81 5,3 75,79 3,63 75,77 5,96 75,74 6,29 76 77 76,81 5:37 76,79 5.7 1 76,76 6>o 4 76,74 6,38 77 78 ?7,8i 5* 44 77, 7^ 5,78 77,76 6,12 77,73 6,46 78 79 78,8! 78,78 5,85 78,7^ 6, 2;> 78,73 6,54 79 8 . 7Q-8i 5-V* 79,7* 5-93 79.7.^ 6,28 79>73 6,6? 80 81 80,80 5,65 80,7? 6 3 oo 80,7,^ 6,36 80.72 6,71 81 82 81.80 81,75* 6,08 81,75 6,43 81,72 6,79 82 83 82.90 5,79 82,7- 6,15 82,74 6-5 1 82,71 6,87 83 84 83.80 5,86 8 3,77 6,23 83,74 6.59 83,71 6,96 84 85 84,79 5,93 84,7' 6,30 84,74 84,71 7,04 86 6,37 85,7;: 5.75 85,70 7.12 86 87 8^79 6,07 86/7? 6.4.5 86,73 6,83 86,70 7,20 87 88 Ig 7 * 6,17 87.76 6,52 ^7,73 6,90 8^,7 7:29 88 89 6,21 88^76 6,60 88,73 6,93 88,70 7,37 89 .90. 89^.78 6.9-8 80 7,5 6.6- 89 . 7 2(7. f 6 89,60 7,45 9> 90,78 6,35 90,75 6,74 9, 7 2 7,14 90,60 7:54 9 1 92 9t,78|6,42 9',75 6;Hy 91,79 7,22 91,68 7,6'.: 92 93 92,776,49 92,74 6,39 9 2 ,7i 7,30 92, 6S 7,70 93 94 93,776,56 93,74)6,97 93 7 ^ 7,38 93,68 7,7* 94 1 9-5 94, 76.63 94'74 ! 7>4 94,71 7,45 94, 6 7 7 ,8( 95 1 96 95,7/16.70 95-74 7,11 95,7 7-53 95,6' 7-95 96 <7 96,766,77 96,73 7,1Q 96,70 7,61 96,67 ?,oc 97 i 58 97,766,84 97,73 7^2(> 67,7< 7,69 97, 6( 8,12 98 Jl 99 98,766,9* 98,73 7^34 98,60 7-77 8,20 99 9976'6,2i 99- "3 "Dep. 7.41 Lat. 09,69 1 25?.. Lit. 99,f>( |De ,28 Lat >f r^ Q -6 e. 8^- Df'e> ; " 85! De. ij 85! Deg. \ ^ f TRAVERSE TABLE. i 12 5 5 Deg. || s i De*.i| 5 -| D,*. 5 1 De ' C JT ? ^ t^. Den!) Lai. Dep || i at. Uep Lat. Dep. s \ 5 50,8 4-44 5, 75 4,t>~ J,77 4,89 5^,7 J,U 51 52 51,8 4-53 4-76 5 76 4,98 51,7 5,21 52 53 52,8 4,62 5 2 7* 4,85 52,76 5,8 5^,7 5,3! 53 54 53.79 4,7' 53,77 4'94 53,75 5i8 53,7 54i 54 55 .54^79 4,79 54,77 5. 3 54,75 5,27 54,7 5-5' 55 56 55,79 4,88 55.77 5574 5,3^7 55,7 5,6i 56 57 56.78 497 5.22 56,74 5,46 56.7 5.71 57 58 57,78 57. 7 t 57.7; 5-56 57,7 5,8i 58 59 58,7^ 5,14 58,75 ;,4 > 58,73 5,65 58.7 5,91 59 6; ^9-77 5,23 59-75 ?,49 59-72 '? 5 59,7' 6,01 60 61 60,77 5,3* 60,74 60,72 j,8_5 60,65 6,11 61 62 61,76 5,40 6i.74 5,67 6,, 7 5,94 61,60 6,91 6 2 63 62,76 549 62.7. 5^76 62,71 6,04 62,68 6.31 63 64 63,^6 5,58 6 3,7 J fijig 63,68 6,41 64 65 6 4'75 5,6; 64.73 5'95 64,70 623 64,67 6,51 65 66 5,75 6557^- 6,04 65.70 65,67 6,61 66 67 66^75 5 84 66,72 6,13 66,69 6,42 66,66 6,71 67 68 67,74 5r93 67,71 6, 2 '2 67,69 6-52 67,66 6,8 1 68 69 68,74 6 01 68,71 6,31 68,68 6,61 6^,65 691 69 70 69,73 6,10 69.71 6,41 60.68 6,71 6^65 7,oi 70 7 1 7, 7 3 6,19 70,70 6,5> 70,67 6,8: 70.6^ 7.11 7i 72 71,73 6,28 7 I ,7 C 71.67 6.90 71,64 7,21 72 73 72,72 6,36 72,69 6.68 72,66 7,o.) 72,6; 7>3 l "3 74 73,72 6,45 73,69 6,77 73,66 7,09 7363 7,4' 74 75 74,71 6,54 74, 6Q 6,86 74,65 7,19 74, 62 75 76 75i7> 6,62 75,68 6,95 75: 65 7,28 75,62 7^61 76 77 76,71 6,71 76,68 7,05 76,65 7,38 76,61 7,7 l 77 78 77-7 6,80 77,64 7,48 77.61 7,8i 78 79 78,70 6,89 7^67 7 t2 3 78,64 7,57 7 8,6c 7.91 79 8 ^ 7J2s2? 6.97 70,66 7,32 79.63 79,6 8, 'i2 89 81 80,69 7,06 8;>,66 7,4' 8-^S 7<7 6 80,59 8,iu 81 82 81,60 7,15 81,66 8 i,6s 7^86 81,59 8,22 82 83 82,68 7,23 82,65 7-59 82,62 7,96 82,51 8,32 83 84 83,68 7,32 83,65 7,69 S3,6i { ,5 83,5^ 80 , d. *1 Oil 85 84,68 7,4i 84,64 7,78 84,61 8,15 8.59. 85 86 85,67 7,5 85,64 7,8 7 ^5,6 3,24 ?5>57 8 62 86 87 86,67 7-58 86,6^ 7,96 86.60 8 ;34 86.56 8.72 1 87 88 87,6; 7,6 7 87.63 87^9 3,44 87,56 882 88 89 88,66 7-76 88. ! 6s 8^14 8^59 8,53 8.92; 89 <>3 90,6; 3,33 ^0.58 i>.72 9>5-l 9,1%: 91 92 91,65 91,61 8,4^ 91,58 8,82 91,5^ 9,2. > 92 93 92,65 '} 1 1 92,61 8.51 92,57 8,91 92, 5 S 9>3^ 93 94 93/H 8,19 93,6. 8,60 93,57 ),di '93,53 9,42 94 95 U8 94 6 8.69 94.56 , ' : 94,52 9-5^ 95 96 95,63 8,37 95,6 3^78 , 95, 5 b ),20 95^52 9,62 96 97 96,63 8-45 j!96 ; 59 8,88 96,55 :3> 96,51 9,72 .97 98 97,63 8,54 i 97,50 "-97 97 55 >39 97,51 9,82 98 99 98,62 8,63 98,59 3.06 98,54 ,49 98,5 9,9 2 99 1*0 99 62 72 II 99,59 ).i5 II 99,5^ ,,58 99, .V ,<-2 00 't )en. jit. |l DSD. T^ II OenJ Lai. DC;.. ' ' "' ' (3 5 8 5 De^ II 04 J Deg. H ^ Deg. 84^ lieg.ja it C!&K5;====5=^^ 3? D TRAVERSE TABLE. 16 i 18 19 20 2! 22 2 3 24 2 5 26 2 7 29 _3 3i 32 33 34 3,5 S6 37 4 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 6 Peg. Lac. Dep 1,9 3,9* 4-9' 5r9! 6.9! 8$ r, 9 . 12, 9J 14,954 16.91 : 1 9C '9_*9 10,88 ;i.88 2-87 ^7 4,80 5,86 6.8 ,63 >,73 ",94 03 ! 9l 6 ,/8 *99 ,20 ,40 iei ,72 ,82 ? Lat. D 6{- Deg. " 7,85^93 ^,83!3 3 24 1,823,5 2.8, 4,8i 3-55 366 6^4^; 7 5 79'-397 9,7 0,78^,29 2,764,49 3.764560 0.744-9 1 .745,^2 ,73.vii 2-98 3.-98 497 6, ? 9 6 7,9^ 011 >j44 If 3-9.7 -54 0.76 0,87 0,04 J !;__ 12,92 1,42 1,52 ',63 15 90)1,74 16.90 i, 85 17,891.96 18,892,07 i_9,_8_8 2,_^8 20,88'2,29 23,862,61 24,85,2,72 25,85:2,83 28,83|3 ) i6 2fl,8aM.2" 3^8,3,48 32,80:3,59 36,78;4 S "3 37,7714,14 B9',lG 40,764 4 6 JalnkliW 44,73.4 90 46,725^12 47.715,23 r.p. Lat. &&> L)e{vLa . 835 Deg 7-95 894 1 1 0,2,'} 2,980 34 -45 '57 ',68 ^79 10,9.- ii 9 - 12, Q2 13-91 i6.8$ 17,88 ic/87 IV 2 l >47 i. 81 1,92 2u.8 21 !S< 22.8 24^4 2 5 ? 83 s6,8( 27.82 28,8 99,81 30,8 3',7.v8o,35 3-97J-.47 5 9 6 ;0:7i 12.91 14,901,? *5.89|i,8 i7i88j*!r i8..8 7 ! 2 !2; 21, 85:2. 5 < 22,8412,71 23 83X82 24.832,94 25,82 26,81 27,81 3,1? 3>2C 28,803.4 >53 7 4^9j5,29 ^.-685,41 40,07 5,52 47-675,64 48,665,75 4Q,6. La;. Dep. 51 50.72 5:33 50,7 5,55 50,67 5,77 50,65 5,99 53 52 51,72 5,44 51,69 5,66 5167 5,89 5 ',64 6,1, 5 2 53 52,71 5-54 52,68 5,77 52,66 6,00 5*,63 6,23 53 54 53.7| 5,64 53>68 5,88 53,65 6,11 53,63 6,35 54 55 54-7 .5,7? 54.67 5,99 54,65 6.23 54,62 6,46 55 56 55^9 5 85 55>67 6,10 55,64 6,34 6.58 56 57 56,61; 5.96 5^,69 6,21 56.63 5 6 - 6 * 6,7 57 5* 57.681 6,06 57,66 6,31 57,63 $7 57,6 6,82 58 59 58,68; 6,17 58,65 6.42 58,62 6,68 58,59 6,93 59 & i 59,67! 6.27 59,64 6^53 59,6i _6,79 7, 5 67 60,67' 6.38 6,564 6,64 6o 3 6i 6,91 6.). 58 7,i7 67 62 63 6F,66 62,65 6.59 61,63 62,63 6,75 6,86 61,60 7,02 62,60 7,13 61,; 7 62,56 7^9 7,4 62 63 6 4 63,65 6,69 63,6* 6,97 63,59 7,25 63.56 7,, r ) 2 64 65 64,64 6,79 64,61 7 -.08 64:58 7,36 64-55 7,64 6 5 66 65,64 6,9 65,61 7,19 65-58 7,47 65,54 7,76 66 67 06,63 7,00 66,60 66. 57 7,58 66,^4 7,88 67 68 67,63 7,1 1 67,60 7,4 67^6 6 7,53 7,99 68 69 68,62 7,21 68,59 68,56 7'8i 68,52 69 6(^62 JV33 69,58 ._7,62 .69,55 -7,_92 69,51 A*3 ZH 71 70.61 7.42 70,58 7,73 7;54 8.04 70.5. 8,35 71 72 71.61 7,53 7i,57 7,84 7i ? 54 8,15 71,5 8-; 4 6 72 73 72,60 7,63 72.57 7,95 8,26 72,49 8,58 73 74 "3,59 7,74 73,56 8,06 73-52 8,38 73,49 8,70 74 75 74,59 7,84 74,55 8,17 74,5^ 8,49 74, 4* 8 ; 82 75 l 76 75,58 7,94 75,55 8,27 75:51 8.60 75.-47 8,93 76 77 76,58 8,0? 76,54 8.38 76,51 8,72 76,47 9,5 77 78 77,57 8,15 77,54 8,49 77,5 8,83 77, 4 6 78 79 78,57 8,26 78,53 8,60 78,49 8,94 78,45 9,29 79 80 79,56 8.36 "9-13 8. 7l 7 9:4.9 .-r^-/* 79'4 C 9-4 80 81 80,56 8,47 80.52 8,8s 80,48 8oT74 9,52 *8i 82 81,55 8,57 81,51 8,93 8i>47 9^28 8i,43 9,64 82 ; 83 82,55 8,68 2.51 9j4 82,47 9-.4^ 82,42 9,76 83 i 84 83,54 8,78 83,50 9,14 83,46 9,51 Ss',42 8 4 85 84,53 8,88 84,50 9-25 8 4; ,45 9, 62 84,41 9,99 85 86 *A>53 8.99 85,49 9,36 85,4? 9-74 85,4 10,1) 86 87 86,52 9,9 86,48) 9,47 86<44 9,85 86,40 10 ,^3 87 88 87,5? o.ao 87,48 9,58 87,43 9,9 6 87,3s 88 89:88,51 9,3 88.47 9,69 88,13 to, 08 883^ 10,46 89 9 !?> _5.i 9:41 89.47 Q.8o 89.42 LjJ9 89,:^ 10,58 90 9ij9 a 5o 9.51 90.46 9,91 90.42 10,30 9,3'/ 10,70 yT 92J9i-5 9.62 91.45110,02 9 1 ;4 I 10.41 91,3^' 10, Hi 92 || 939*, 49 9^72 92,45 10,12 92,40 10.53 9 2 . 3 6 i' ) ,93 93 Hi 9493,49 9,83 93.4410.23 93,4010,04 93-33 11, -5 94 j 9^:94-. 48 9,93 94, 44: 1 >'34 94.39 10,75 94,34 1 1,17 95 i 9695,47 10.03 95,43 i ,45 05,38 10,87 95-38 I 1 . ii ^ 96 9796 ? 47 i, 14 96,4210,56 96,38 10,98 96,33 1 1,40 ^7 ! 9897,46 10,84 97,42 10,67 97-37 11,09 97.3^ li 52 9 u -99 98,46 10,35 98-41 10,78 98,36 ] I. J 1 j O^, 1 /9 j! 100 99.' 45 ID. 4/i -222.41 10,89 99,36 1 1 32 il 99 Q i t t,7~ ' 1? Dep. Lat. Dep.jLat. 11 jL) e p. L t. 11 Dep. La . . \\ 3 Q 84 Deg. | 8 .v 3 t ItegJ 83^ Deg.|j 83! Deg. OJi i6 TRAVERSE TABLE. *e.U ' P9*La "g 7 J Lat. :>eg cr s? H7T Peg- zLE La . C? ~o 1 ^ Dep Ii ~' 0,99 0,12 0,99 -S'3 0,99 o, 1 3 0,99 0,13 , ' 2 i-99 5 2 4 1,98 0,25 i }9 g ^,s6 1,98 0,2 7 2 2,98 2,98 0*38 -39 2,97 0,40 ' 3 1! 4 3.97 0,49 3-97 5,50 3 5 '97 0,52 3,96 3 -54 4 1 5,96 0,61 4,96 0,63 > 5 76 4.96 5>95 0,65 4,95 5,95 0,81 5 6 1 7 6,95 o } J 8? 6,94 0.88 6,94 091 6,94 >.<54 7 8 7-9-i >97 7,94 1,01 7,93 1,04 7,93 i.t-'t 8 9 895 1,10 8,93 1,14 8,92 8,92 1,21 o 12. 1,22 1.9.6 _.99J. LSI ^35 10 It 77 i 1 10,92 1,34 10,91 1,39 10,91 i'44 io.9(. 1.4^ 1 1 12 11,91 1,46 1 1 ,50 1,51 11,90 i 5 57 ii, 8c 1,62 12 13 I 2. -90 1,58 12,90 1,64 12,89 1,70 12,88 i?75 1 3 II M 10.90 1,71 13,89 i,77 13,88 1,83 '3,8? 1,89 '4 II 15 1.83 14,88 1,89 14,87 '396 -'..02 '5 i6 I 5 ',88 ,95 5,87 2,O2 15,86 2,09 15,83 "-,16 16 17 16,87 2,07 16,86 2,15 16. 8<- 2,22 16.84 2,29 \j o ii 17,86 2,19 17,86 2,27 17,85 2,35 17^84 18 18.85 i,b^ 2,4 > i8;8 4 2,48 18,83 '^.56 '9 ! 2 ^ 19. 8^ L-.44 IQ,8* 2 ?5- 19.8,5 z,6i iSiif 2.7, 20 ii e ' 20,84 i-5G 2 >.83 2 65 2.^.82 2 j74 2^8~l 2,83 21 B2 " 21,8, 2,68 21,82 0,78 *>! 8 1 2j8 7 21, 80 2.97 22 2, 2.80 22. 8e 1,90 22,8, J,oo 22.79 3,^0 2 3 4 i'3 8 2,92 23,81 3,3 2 3-75' 3,13 *3,78 ^; 2 4 24 it ^ 24.8 3>5 24.80 3,i5 2 4 . 79 5,26 2 4' 7 7 ^37 2? II 26 25.81 3,17 25,79 3,28 25,7 s 3,39 25,76 35i 26 27 26,8 3, 2 9 26,78 3-4 * 26,77 26 - .- 3,64 28 27,-0 3,41 27.78 3-53 27,76 3,65 ^774 3,78 28 on 3 5} 28,77 3,66 28,75 3 j 79 28 >7/ j 3>9 1 .V '9:7 ; JA 6 29,76 3,70 29.74 3 .92 4 of) 3'.) 31 3.78 3, 75 3-9 1 3>73 W 3<>,7a 4,18 t"l 31.76 3,90 3 J s74 44 3 I 73 4,18 3 1,71 J <-3 2 32 33 3-1 52,75 33 5 /.? 4-14 32-7-1 3373 i ; 2 9 32,72 33-71 4>44 32 7 c 33,69 44.5 4-58 33 34 4.27 34, 7 2 442 34,7< 4,57 34,68 4,72 06 -I5-V' 1:39 35*7 l 4,54 35,69 4,7 35,67 4,85 36 07 36, ? 7 2 36,7 4,67 36,68 4,83 4-99 37 O f 37,7-. [63 37,7'. 4,80 37-6 7 4,96 37^5 5,17 38 38,71 [ 75 38,69 4,92 38,67 ,09 38,64 5,26 39 4" -> ' / 39-7C flgjjg 5.5 39-66 C,22 39? 63 5? 39 4' 42 *J J ^i 5) 40.67 41,66 5-17 4, 65 41,64 5,35 5,48 41,62 5-^6 41 42 rr 43 ^2,68 3,24 42,66 J 5 43 42*63 5,6i 4 2 i 61 5 8 t 43 44 43/^7 5,36 43, 6 5 3,5.5 43,62 ?>74 43,6o 5-93 44 4-5' 46 44567 ,5,6<> 5,61 44.64 45 5 63 5,1? 44,62 6,00 44,59 45,5?' 6,0 7 ),2O 45 46 ' 47 48 49 46,65 47j64 48,63 5,73 5,2? 5.97 47,62 48,61 6,06 6,18 46,60 47-59 48,58 9,13 6,27 6,40 4^56 48,55 6,34 6,47 47 48 49 .5 9.6-': 6,09 49,6 6.31 49*57 6,53 42,54 6.74 r,o J3 Uep. La. Do- Lat/ 82 f i-e^. Dep. _,at . La-. it 83 D?.g. 82 1 Deg. 82-1- Peg- TRAVERSE TAB L'E, 6,35 88 7,34 89,88,34 222i3 91 9:3 2 9291,31 939 2 :3i 9493,3 n 9 4- , 2 Q 9695,^ 9796,28 997,^j 53998,26; 10099,25: DcpJ & C3w ,33 ,46 ,58 ,7 ,82 ,94 12.07 L.a;. 90,2714,48 91.26^ i. 61 92,26^ 1,74 93.2^!! 1.86 95,23:12.12 96,22)12.24 97,22 :2, 37 9 8,2i;ia,49 99. S" 12,62 DepJLat 90.22 11,88 91.21 92,26 93 3 2- 94,1912,40 9.3,i8 96,17 97,16 98,15 99,14 Dtp. 12,01 12,14 12,27 12.53 12,79 12,92 82^ Deg. 88,19 12,0'C 89.18 lg.14 91,16 9J.M 3.6,' i i 97io 98,10 .03.09 12-.41 12.68 18)81 12,95 13,08 jo '49 LjHf 82! Deg. T R AVERSE T A B L E. IP 8 Deg. IJ m Lat. $ D.ep =- -===s=- 8^- Deg. Lar. iDep !=5=-=9*^| if Lat. J 3ep 1 Lat. D-p I 0,99 >14 0,99 3,14 0,99 3,15 0,99 i 2 1,98 5.28 1,98 1,98 3.30 1,98 3,30 2 3 4 2,97 3,96 1*1 2,97 3>9 6 ^43 o,57 2,97 3,44 ,59 2,97 3,95 0,46 3 4 5 4,95 9,70 4>95 0.72 4,95 o 74 4,94 o 5 ,/6 5 6 5,94 3,84 5-P4 o,S6 5,9.- 0,89 593 ^,91 6 7 6,93 3,97 6/93 1,00 6,92 1,03 6.9^ 1,0.6 7 8 7,92 1,11 7,9 2 1,15 7/91 J ; 1 8 1,22 8 9 8.91 r ,2^ 8,91 1,29 8,9' 1,33 ?r9o 9 10 J$? 1.39 9-9 jli3 9-^9 i-1 8 j9>88 T..52 10 1 1 10,89 1.53 10,89 1,58 io.88 1,63 ii>,8? 1,6 7 i i 12 11,88 1,67 11,88 1,72 1.77 11.86 1,8 S 12 13 12,87 1, 8l 12,87 1,87 i2 ! ,86 1,92 12.85 I. 9 8 13 14 13,86 *,95 13,86 2,01 13,85 2,07 13-84 2,13 H 15 14,851 2,04 14,85 2 J 1 5 14,84 2,22 i ^ } 8c 2,28 15 16 15,84 ",23 15.84 2.30 15,82 15,81 2.43 16 17 16,83 ->3 2 16,83 2,44 16,81 2,5! 16.80 17 18 T ^- Q 2 ,5i 17,81 2,58 17,80 2,66 17,79 2,74 18 19 18,82 2,64 18, 8c 2,81 18,78 2.89 9 20 10,81 2y7_8 19,79 2,87 19,78 2,96 lSb2J 3 o^ 20 2 1 20,80 2.92 2 o !7 8| 3 ,oi 20.77 3> 10 20,76 3,'9 ~n 22 21-79 3,6. 21,77 3>*6 21,76 d> 2 5 21,74 3.55 22 23 22,78 J..2C 22,763,30 3,4 22,73 23 2 3,77 3-34 23,75 344 23' 74 "55 23,72 3^65 24 25 24576 3,48 2 4,74'3-59 3>7 24.71 3,80 25 26 2 5,75 3,62 25,733*73 25.71 3,84 25,703,96 26 27 26.74 3,76 26,7*3,87 26.70 26,6 9 !4,u 27 28 27.73 3-9 27.714,02 27.69 4^4 27,67 4,26 28 on 28^72 4,04 28,704,16 28.68 28,66 4,41 29 30 29.71 M 8 4 ? 3i 59,69 3 o ; 68 4.30 4,45 29.67 30,66 4^43 29,65 3 5 6 4 4.56 IT 3 l 3,7 4,72 3 2 31,69 4i45 31 67 4-<9 3^65 4-7S 31,63 4-87 3 33 32.63 32,66 4>74 32,64 4-88 32,62 5 02 33 34 33,67 4^73 33,65 4,88 33,60 5,7 34 35 34; 66 34.64 5>02 34.61' 5,17 34,59 5 8 32 35 36 35.65 5>ci 35*6^ 5, 1 7 35,6^ 5"32 35>58 5,48 36 37 36,64 5,15 36,62 5.31 36,59 5-47 36.57 5-63 37 38 37,63 0,29 37,61 5,45 5,62 37-56 5,78 38 39 38,62 5-43 38,60 38,57 5,76 38-55 5,93 39 40 39.61 >37 39,55 M.4 39,56 5,91 31,53 6, 8 4 1 40.60 r 7>7l 40,58 5,88 40,55 6.06 4i5 2 6,24 ~4~7 42 $'!, 5,85 4i 57 6,03 6,21 4!,5i 6,39 4 2 43 42,58 S&8 42,56 6,17 42^5<- 6,36 42,50 6,54 43 44 43,5' ^.12 43.54 6,31 6.50 43 49 6.69 44 45 44-56 6^26 44,5 6,46 44,51 6,65 44486,85 45 46 45:55 6,40 45,52 6,60 45,45 6,80 4^,467.0' 46 47 46,54 6,54 46.51 6,74 46.48 6 95 46.457,15 47 48 47,53 6,68 47.50 6,8 47,47 7 5 9 47.44 tw 48 49 5,82 48 } 49 7,3 48,46 48,43 7,45 49 -~ 495! 6 96 7.17 49.45 7^39 49,42 7.6 JjO Dtp LIT. || Dep. i^a,. Uc-p. Lat. Drp/Lat i u SaDeg. |J8iJ Deg 8 1 i Deg. SiABeg. S'c TRAVERSE TABLE. V.VJ.B* 3Sj 8 Deg. 81 Deg. 8i Dejj. *&l Lat. Dep. LaTT Dep. LM. Dep. Lat. Dep. p= c 5 -0,50 7 ,ro 547 7.32 50.44 754 50,41 7,76 5i 52 5 '.49 7,24 51*46 7,46' 51,43 7, 6 9 5*>39 7,9 J 52 53 7,38 52,45 7>6i 52,42 7,63 52,38 8,06 53 54 53>47 7,5* 53:44 7,75 53,41 7,98 53,37 8,21 54 55 5446 7365 54,43 7,89 54,40 8.13 54,36 8,37 55 56 5,46 7.79 55,42 8,04 55,38 8,28 55,oi> 8,52 56 57 6,45 7,93 56,41 8.18 5*6,37 2.43 36,18 8,67 57 58 7,44 8,07 57,4 8,32 57, 3 6 3,57 57, 3i- 8,82 58 59 8,43 8,21 58,39 8,47 58,35 8.72 58^^' 8,98 59 60 9,42 8,35 59,38 8.61 8^87 59;^^ 61 0,41 8,49 60,37 8,7.5 6 >,33 9,U,2 60,29 9.28 61 62 1,40 8 : 6 3 61,36 8,90 61,32 61.28 9)43 62 63 2,39 8.77 62.35 9,04 62,31 9,31 62,27 9.5S 63 64 63.38 8,91 63^4 9,18 63.30 9,46 63,26 9,74 64 65 4.37 9,05 64,33 9,33 64,29 9,6r 64,24 9 3 89 65 66 5,36 9,19 65,32 9>47 65,28 9,76 65,23 10,04 66 67 66,35 9 ? 3 2 66,31 9,61 66,26 9,9 66,22 0,19 67 68 7,34 9.46 67*30 9*76 67,25 10,05 67,21 68 69 8,33 9,60 '68,29 9.9 68,24 68,20 o' 5 o 69 70 _2?3 2 9,74 69,28 60.2,^ i .35 6_0j*9 10,64 TO 7 1 9,88 70,27 10,19 70,22 1 0,49 70,17 0.8 7 2 ''3 0,02 71^5 0.33 7 I.2J JO, 64 71,16 io,95 72 73 2,29 0,1 6 72,24 10.47 72,20 10,79 72,15 11,10 "3 74 .3,28 o.3> 73 -3 10,62 73^9 0.94 73) J 4 11,26 74 75 74,27 0,44 74,22 0,76 74,18 n,<. 9 74,13 11.41 75 76 7.V26 0,58 10,91 75,^7 75,12 11,56 76 77 -6,25 I :, 7 2 76,20 11,05 76,15 11.38 '/6, I c n, 7 i 77 78 77 24 10,86 77.19 11,19 77,1^ 11,53 77 c 78 79 78,23 io,99 78,18 '1-34 78,13 n.68 78,08 I2,02 79 80 79.22 11,13 Z2>17 11.48 79. i< U,82 79,07 1^,17 80 81 80,21 11,^7 8>,i6 11,62 8.1,1.1 IX >97 80,06 12,32 81 82 81,20 11,41 81,15 u 77 81, i> U,I2 8i,o t 12,47 82 83 82,19 1 1,55 82,14 11,91 8 2 , r S 12,27 82,03 I2 S 6. 83 84 13,18 11,69 8 j 13 12,05 83,0^ 83,02 12,78 84 85 84,17 84,12 12 20 84,07 12,56 84.0 12 9^ 85 86 85,16 11.97 85,1 12.34 85,06 12,71 85,00 13,08 86 87 86,15 12,11 86,n 12,48 86,04 12,86 8599 13,23 87 88 87 14 12,25 87.09 12,63 87,0. r 3oi 86, 9 b 88 89 88,13 12 39 80,0* '2,77 HJ, .'i 1^,16 87,9 13,5^ 89 30 89,12 12,53 89,07 i 2,9 1 9_o 13,3 88,9 ig.6 91 90,11 12.66 90.0 13,06 J90,o- ! 3;45 89,9 i3 s g 9i 92 91,10 12^80 9 r J5 13^20 I 90,90 13.60 9^,9 I 4;00 92 93 92,09 12,94 9 2 >-l >3>34 3 9 ! ;9 13,75 9^9 r 4'i5 93 94 93i9 13,08 93. 13.-49 |! 92,9 13,89 92,9 14, 3c 94 95 94,08 13,22 94>~ 13-63 !J93,9 14,04 93,8 14,4^ 95 96 95,07 1 3.36 95> 01 '3,78 1{ 94,9., 14,19 94 ? 8 14.60 96 97 96,06 13,50 96,00 13,9* I 9.5,9 14 34 ji 95,8 T 4,7 97 98 97,5 13,64 96,^ 14.06 it 96,9 14 49 II 5 6 8 14,9 98 99 98,04 13,7$ 97,98 14*21 197 9 14,63 || 97.85 15, cC 99 loo 99 Dep ia-2. Lat. 98,97 Den 24 q^ U 98,C) * '1 if -'--LL. Lat. U Dep 'Lat. i 98. k>} 15,21 lipo 1 c*: , gjl |Dep Lat. J.S 82 Deg." 8iJ Deg. 11 8 1* Deg. || Sii'Deg.la ^Q TRAVERSE TABLE. Q c Q LV^M" 9r Deg. . 9i ^g S 94 Beg. -*&ju D ? 55 Lat7~l>j7 Lat^ Dep Lat. jDe" tir; De p j v>,990,i6 .9c 0,990, it o,9c 0,1 i 2 1.980,31 1.97 0,32 1,97 33 1,97 0,3 2 3 2,960,47 2,9L ,, 4 8 2,96 0.50 2,0( 3 3>9563 3-95 \6; 395 0,66 3,9. 0.6 4 5 4,940,78 4,03 0,80 4-93 0,83 4,93 '>,8 i 5 6 5,92 0.96 5,92 0,99 5,9 J 1,0' 6 7 6*9? 1,10 6,9' M3 6,90 1,16 6,9 c 1,19 7 8 7,9 C 1,25 7,9.^ 1,29 7.89 1,32 7,88 i,3. 8 9 8,8<" 1,4.1 8,88 1.45 8,8* 1,49 8,87 i - 5 n 9 10 9, $8 0,87 1,61 9.86 1,6,5 9,86 1,6, 10 11 ld,i6 10.86 1^77 10,8? 1,82 10.84 1,86 11 12 11,85 i 5 88 11,84 i'93 11,84 1,98 ii,8c 12 13 12, 8^ 2,03 12,83 2,09 12,S-2 2,'j, 12,81 8/20 ! 3 14 13^85 2,19 13,82 2,25 13,8 ! 2,31 i 3 ,8c "3" 14 5 14,8* 2.35 14,8 2.41 14,79 2. 4 8 14,78 2,54 15 16 i*,8o 2,<-Q 15,79 2,57 15,78 2,6 4 1577 ^,7 16 17 167 2,66 16,78 2,73 2,8l i6,; 5 2,88 J 7 18 1-7.7* 2,82 17.77 2,89 i 17 , 75 2,97 17,74 3jO^ 18 19 18,77 2,97 i8 ,75 3,<>5 i8,74 3,14 3,22 J 9 20 19,7/i 3 1 1 3 1 0,74 3-21 19,72 3,30 19,71 *-39 20 21 20,74 3,29 * a 7S 3-38 20,71 3,4*7 20 j7 C 2 1 22 21, 7. 3,44 21,71 3-54 21,70 3,63 21,68 3'7c 22 23 22,72 ' .60 22.70 3'7 22,68 3: 80 22,67 3>9 2 3 23 7 3',75 23,69 3,86 23.6" 3,06 4, of H 26 24,6f 25,68 .'J-9> 4,07 24.67 2j,66 4,02 4,18 24.66 25,6. 4, 13 4,29 24,64 4,40 % B 4 26 27 26,67 4,22 26,65 4,34 26,63 4,46 0j6i 27 28 z7,66 27,64 4, ro 27,6? 4^62 27,60 4^74 28 29 28,6^ IJ54 28,62 4,66 28,60 4,79 28,58 4,9i 2 9 32 9.6? t^2 2,6.1 4,82 M9 59,5 7 5,08 3? 31 o,6c 4.85 30,60 4,98 30,57 5,12 30,55 5^25 31 3 2 5,01 3^58 5, '4 $1.56 5,28 3i54 32 33 2,59 5,i6 3 2 '57 5 3 32,55 5>45 32,52 5,59 33 34 '.;.,"' 5,32 33. 5 6 5,47. 33 53 5>6i 33,5 i 5,76 34 35 34,57 5,48 34,54 5,03 34,52 7,78 34>49 5,93 35 35,56 5,6-! 3 5 >5 3 5 --79 594 35,48 6,10 36 37 $6,554 5>79 36,52 5-95 36j49 6,11 347 ^,73 42,44 5,9 1 42,41 -,10 42,38 7,28 43 44 43j46 6,88 43,43 7,07 43-4 ( 7,26 43,36 7,45 44 45 5.4,45 7,04 44.41 7.23 44,38 7 ? 43 44,35 7,62 45 46 15,43 7,20 45:4 7-39 45,37 7,53' 45,34 7,79 46 47 16,42 7,35 46.39 7-55 46,36 ,/6 -,96 47 48 17,4i 7,51 47,38 7,72 47,34 7 9 2 47'S 1 3. 13 48 49 48,410 48.- 36 7,88 ,09 48,29 ^3 49 ii .52. i, s= 19,3? L)ep. ]a\ 49,35 Dep. V N 4 La., I 49,32 8,25 Dep.lLar. 49,^8 ^47 flp rn 8 1 J>g. 80 5. De<. boi Deg. 8oJ- Deg. of T R A V E R S E TAB I Peg. Lat. jDep. 50,26 8.64 _ _ Lat,_ ,20 fj 50,30 36 -5i, 65,14:10,6 66,1310,77 7 0,08 71,06 72505 73-4 74,02 71,95^30 72,9311,50 73,0212,70 74,9012,87 75,89 13.0 76,87 13,21 8402,97 8583,9 91,89,8 9 2 '9 9391 9492,8 9593* 9694,8 9795,8 9896.7 5997,7 91, 6C 92.64 93^3 sS**< 21 TRAVERSE TABLE. fcOfc aim.. ". ...... .1.1 *.!.!.!. M , , i , ii._w> . ^ ? 2 10 Deg. id$ Dep:. icl Deg. ioj .Deg. $ B, Lar. Dep Lar. i Dep Lar. Dep Lat. Dep S9 , j 0,98 3,17 0,98 3 I O 0,98 3,18 0,98 0,19 I 2 1,97 -35 1,97 3,39 J ,97 3,36 1,96 2 3 2,95 3,52 2,95 3.53 2,95 3,55 0,56 3 4 3,94 0,69 3,94 3,71 3,93 3,73 3>93 o,75 4 5 4,92 0.87 4,9 2 0,89 4,92 3,91 4,9i o,93 5 6 5,91 1,04 5,9 1,07 5,9 1 309 5,^9 1,12 6 7 6,89 1.22 6,89 1,25 6,88 1,28 6,88 7 8 7,88 ,39 7,7 1,42 7,8 7 7,86 r ,49 8 9 8,86 1,56 8,86 1,60 8,85 1,64 8,8 4 1,68 9 10 0,85 i,74 9,84 1,78 9.83 1,82 9,82 1,87 10 1 1 10,83 1,91 10,82 1,96 10,82 2,00 io,8i 2,05 1 1 12 11,82 2,08 11, 81 2,14 1 1,80 2,19 1 1 ,79 2,24 12 13 12.80 2,26 1 / j MI 12,78 2,37 '2,77 2,42 13 14 13579 2,43 13,78 2 ,49 13,77 2-55 X 3,75 2,6 I H ' 15 14,77 2,60 14,76 2,67 H,75 2,73 M,74 2,80 15 16 15,76 2 ;7 8 15-74 2.85 15,73 2,9* ,,98 16 17 16.74 z,95 3.03 16,72 I 6,7c 3.17 17 18 17,73 3" I 3 I 7,7 I 3,20 17,70 3^28 Iy gg 18 18,71 3,3 18,70 3,38 18,68 3,46 18^7 3,54 19 20 19,7 3,47 19,68 3,56 tq,67 19.65 3,73 20 21 20,63 3,65 20,66 3,74 20,65 s',83 20,63 3,9 2 21 22 21,67 3,82 21,65 3,9 21.6'*; 4,01 21,6l 4.10 22 23 22, 6*, 3,99 22,63 4,9 22,6l 4^9 22,60 4,29 23 24 23,64 4,*7 23,62 4:2 7 23,60 4-37 23,58 4-48 24 24.62 4,34 24,60 4,45 2 4,i8 4,56 24,56 4,66 25 26 25,6 4,51 4,63 25,56 4,74 25,54 4,85 26 27 26,59 4,69 26,57 4,80 26,55 4,92 26,53 5,04 2 7 28 27,5' 4,86 27,55 4,98 5,10 u fy - i 27,51 5,22 28 29 28,5^ 5,4 28,54 5 5 1 6 K&i 5-28 j 28,49 5,41 29 30 29,54 52I 8942 5j3_4 29,50 5^7 I! 29,47 5,60 3 gl 35. 5,38 5,5 9 30,48 5, 6 "5 30,46 5,72 32 31,5 5, 56 3I49 5. '69 31,46 5,83 31*44 5,97 32 33 32,50 5,73 32,47 5,87 32,45 6,01 32.42 6 } i6 33 34 33,4 5,9 33,4 6 6,05 33,43 6,20 33,4 C 6,34 34 35 34,4 6,08 34,44 ^,23 34.41 638 34>39 0,53 35 36 3545 6,25 35,43 MI 35,40 6,56 3537 6:71 36 37 36,44 6,42 36,4i 6.58 36,3? 6,74 36.35 6,90 37 38 37,4 6,60 37,39 6,76 37: 8 f 6,92 j 37,33 7-9 38 39 6,77 38,38 6,94 3 8 ,35 7,27 39 4 39-39 6,QS 39<3C 7.12 39,3^ 7^29 39J_ 7,46 .42 4i 40,3 s 7,12 40,35 7,3 40,31 7,47 40,28 7,65 41 42 43 7,29 4,32 7,47 41,30 7,65 41,26 7,83 42 43 42,3 7,47 42,31 7,65 42,28 7,8.4 42,25 8,02 43 44 43,3 7,64 43,3' 7.23 43,26 8,02 43,23 8.21 44 45 44,3 7,81 44,28 8,01 44,25 8,20 44,21 8,39 45 46 4dj3 o |7,99 45,27 8,19 45,23 8,38 45,!. 9 8,58 46 47 46,29 8,16 46,25 8.36 46.21 46,18 8,77 47 48 47,27 8 ,34 47,23 8,54 47,20 <^75 47,16 8,95 48 49 48,26 8,51 48,22 8.72 48,18 8,93 48,14 9,*4 49 $> 49.248.68 Dep. Lat. 49,208,90 Dep.iLat". 49.16 Dep. La7. 2i33 Lar ea 80 Deg. 79!- D ^g' 79? Deg. 79i i^g. aavj TRAVERS ?. 4 * T R A V E R S E T A B L E. 79 8,81 9 10 9,82 9,81 '-95 9,80 1 99 9,79 r.o 4 10 \ i 10,00 2,10 1 . 7 Q 10,78 2,19 10.77 2,24 1 1 12 11,78 2,29 11,77 ^34 11,76 2,39 1 1,75 2,44 12 13 12,76 2,48 12,75 12,74 2,59 12,73 2,65 13 14 '3*74 2,6? 13 5 7 ( r ; 2,73 J 3'7 2 2.79 13.7 1 2,85 14 5 14,72 -2,86 14,71 2,93 14,70 2,99 14,60 3,06 15 16 15,71 3>5 15?6a 3,12 15,68 3.19 15,66 3,26 16 1 17 16.69 l6,67 3:32 16,66 3,39 16,64 3,46 jy 18 17,67 343 17,6,5 3-51 1*7,64 3,59 17,62 3,66 18 i.9 18,6,5 l8,63 18,62 3,79 18,60 3,87 J 9 20(19,63 til 19,6a 3,90 19.6 3QQ It), s ^ 4,7 20 1 20,61 4,01 20.6 4.10 20,58 4,19 20,56 4,28 21 22 21, 60 L,20 21, 8 4.29 21,5(5 4,39 *14 4,48 22 23 ",5 4,39 22,56 4,49 22,54 4,59 22,52 4,68 2 3 C 4 4.58 23,54 4,68 23552 4,78 23,50 4,89 24 :2 4,54 4~7 4,88 24.59 4,98 24,48 5,9 2 5 ! 26 -5.52 4,06 25,5 25}48 5-18 25,46 53 6 26,48 5,27 26,46 5,38 2^,43 5,5 27 28 -7.4.9 5,34 27,46 54" 27,44 5,58 27,41 28 2 9 28,47 5,53 28,44 5,66 28.42 5,78 28,39 5,9 2 9 an '9,45 .5,72 29,45 5'5 29.4; 5,98 52L37 6,11 3 31 30,43 5,92 3074*. 6,05 30,38 ~T8 3,3a 6,31 3 1 32 31.41 6.11 31,39 6,24 3.1.36 6,38 31,33 6,52 32 33 12,39 6.30 32,37 0.44 32,3-1 6,58 32 3 1 6,72 33 34 33,38 6,49 33,35 6,63 33 32 6,78 33,29 6,92 34 34,36 34,33 6. ;8 3 34.30 7-98 34,27 7,13 35 37 35,34 36,32 6,87 7 ,e6 35>3 J 36,20 -.02 722 36,26 7,;8 35,^5 7,53 36 37 38 37,3^ 7> "5 37.27 7,41 27.*^ 7,58 37',20 7,74 38 39 38,28 7,44 38,25 7,61 38,22 7,78 38,18 7,94 39 4 "9- 2 7 7.63 39,23 7,8^> 39s 2c -7,07 39.16 8 A i 9 4 4 1 40,2,5 7,82 40.21 8,ob 40,18 8,17 40,14 8,35 4* 41.23 8,01 41,19 2,19 41,16 8,37 42 43 .1 2 V. ) 8,20 42,1; 8,39 42,14 S,57 42^10 8',76 43 44 $ 3,40 : '"i 43,15 44>M 8,1? 43,'2|8,77 44,108,97 44,06 8,96 44 45 46 45,15 ":" 455 1 2 ' ' 9 7 45, 9,17 49.04 9?37 46 47 46,14 97 46.10 9; l l 46,-^ 937 46,02 9,57 47 4 ; 47i2 r i 4", O^ '-) > 4 ^ 47)- 9,57 46, 9 c 2,78 48 49 48, ic 9,34 48 of. 9j6 48,02 9,77 47,9' 49 1 5 4Q,o8 49.0.1 -N7S 49,00 ^,07 48. '9 j o, ] b fi =~ La-, DP_ Lar.jDc^ LV, "Dep.lLaT." _ fl>. C ! 79 De - --" ">>* r. 78 j Deg. |j ~8-|. Deg- 7-T i} ^-" 3 .,^ v> TRAVERSE T ABLE, 25 &** 5,50,06 52'5i,4 5453,'i 5553,99 5654,97 5755-95 , 5856.93111,07 5 9 57, 9 o|ii ;2 6 6-58 ~ ! " * 9-73 io,H Jo, 3 > i .,49 10,69 10. 6159,88,11,64 62 6b, 86; ii, 83 6361,84 12, 2 6462,82-12.21 6664,79:12,59 6-65.7712,78 6866,75 12,98 69 67, 7 3: 1 3, i 7 7 68.7113,36 1271,68(13,74 7372 3 66,i3 5 93 7473-64, I 4' 12 757 4,ro|I 4 ,31 7 675-6|j4j 7977'55 '5'7 8_l'78,A3ii' 2 5 8280,49 8381.481^84 8.: 82. 46 16,03 8r,8 3 ,44|i6,22 16,60 ,i6,79 [16,98 8886,38 91,89, 3317, So 9090,31 17," 9391.2917,75 9^92.27 i794 9(^4^4 l8',32 ( 9- 9,5, 22 18.51 j 98ft&*oh^?o y7 if-jlB,^ 10098. 1M 19.58 . % 1 79 De 5 'r*** 52' 9 8 4.94 57,89 58.87 60,83 32.79 66.71 67,69 68,67 7512 995 10,14 io.34 'o,53 i73 1112 U-51 11,71 12,10 12,29 12- .49 ,68 12,88 13.27 13.46 7 6 4i3,*5 71,62 "2,6 72,58 14, 5 14.24 44 :i 76,5oji5.22 78^46 !c' 6! ; 42 | i6.oa 81*4116^9 ? 2 >39ji6,39 8^,3316.97 86,31:17,17 88,27 i y (^6 89,25,17775 90,23.17,95 9V9;i^i$4 93,i7i8,53 94-, 16. 18,73 95,1418,92 96.1?. 19. 12 97-i' > ' 1 9,3 1 98,_p_8 '_o_ Dep^L, LaiL, jDcp. I 50,98 io,i_7 5 ' ,96, 53 5 .92!i''"77 | .{,9 >iio.97 J5-88n,i6 56, 06; 11, 36 j ^7--i'n,56 ' 11,76 ,7o 12,l6 62,74 1.4,56 63,72,1*576 64,70- 11,96 65568:13.16 66,66*13,36 57>63 13 56 68,61,3,76 68,59! ig-, 96 6;,,57ji4'.i6 7 -5514-35 7-,53 7i-17 76,4;:, 79,37 8' 3 o 82.3-i|i6,75 8 3 .29| 16 95 8-5,*5i7V35 86, as! 1 7 54 17.7' 88 io|i 7.94 89,1 18.14 :8.34 18,54 9 2,ii| 1 8 s7 4 93,9 18,94 94 ! 7{i9,i4 95 S 5 19, :-i-i 96,04119 54 97, 01 | Ir ; ? 74 9 W . o r ri9.Q4 JD^l^- 78-J De?. ii 50,9 ! 52.8; 53,8 54.83 55-8! 5^,78 57,76 59. 7 a 60,70 61,68 62, 6G 63,64 64,62 65,60 65 ;5 8 67:55 68, 60,51 70. 4( 7 ' , ; 72,4 73-4, r o,39 10. '; ,79 11,0 1,2 1,4 '2,63 13.03 1.4: 2 5 14.4-6 14,65 76,37 80,28 8l,26 2,24 8-3,22 8^18 8^16 ij 88j_' !l 89, 9 957 91.05 93 93-99 91-9: 95-9. 97,95 D p. 15.68 6,90 17,11 17-31 17.72 .'7.92 ,8.12 8,74 19-35 L-v .57 5S 59 61 62 63 66 $7. 68 69 7i 72 73 74 76 77 78 8 i 82 83 84 ;^6 87 S3 26 T R A V E R S E T A B L E. U 12 Deg. j! 12!- Deg. T -> i 1 " '3 Deg. =- -^ Jg^j D^ a g P iLar. |Dep. 1! Lat. D?p. La^. !D?p. La:.. D'-p t?r i 0,98! 0,21 0,98,' O,2l o,98j 0,22 0,98 0,27. ir ! 2 1 ,9^ 0.42 I95 j 3-r2 ^95: 0.43 1,95 >44 2 i 3 2,93 0,62 2,93, v>4 ,65 2,93 0,66 3 4 3.9 1 0,83 3,9/j 5 8 5 3.91 0,87 3,90 0,88 4 5 6 4,89 5,8-7 1,04 4,89 1,06 5,$6 1,27 4 ,fe i ,08 4,88 1^2 i 7 6,85 1,46 6,84 1,49 M 3 1,52 M'S 1,54 7 8 7,83 1,66 7,82 1,70 7,81! 1.73 7,8o 1 ,77 8 9 8, So 1,87 8,80 1,91 8,79; 1.95 8,78 1,90 9 10 9,?8 2.08 9,77^15 .0.76; 2.16 9,75 2,21 10 II 10,76 2,29 10,75! 2.33 i,74. "2f>S'8 ~~^7J 1 1 12 12,74 2.49 11,73 ",5,1 11, 72 1 a>6o fi^e 2,65 12 13 12.73 2,70 1.2,70 2,76 12.69 2,81 i 2 ,68 2,87 13 *4 13.69 2,91 13,63 2.97 13,67 3,03 I 3,6,5 3-S 14 15 14,67 3.12 14,66 3.18 14,64 3,25 14.63 3:31 i 5 1 6 15,65 3,33 15.64 3>39 15,62 3>46 J 5.6i 3,5? 16 17 16.63 3,53 16,61 8.** 16,60! 3,68 *6^j 3,7, r 17 18 17,61 3,74 17,59 3,82 17,57 3 ? 9 J 7,56 397 18 19 18,58 8,95 18,57 4,3 18,55 4,11 18.53 4- I 'y i.9 . 20 19,50 4,16 19,5-1 4<2 4 I9-C3 1 9-5 l 4,41 20 41 20,54 1737 20,52 4,46 20,50 4 55 20.48 4-6? 2 1 22 21,52 4,57 21,50 4^67 4.70 21,46 4,86 22 23 22,50 4,78 22,48 4,88 22,45' 4,98 22,43 23 24 23,48 4,99 23,45 5,09 23,43' 5, J 9 23,41 5,3 r 24 25 24.45 5.20 24,43 5:3 24,41 5.41 24.38 5.52 25 26 25,43 54* 25,41 5,52 25,38 5=63 25.36 5,74 26 2 7 26.41 5 5 6i 26,33 573 26.36 5,84 26,33 5.96 27 28 27.39 5,82 27.36 5,94 2 7, 34 6,ob 6 3 i8 28 29 28,37 6,03 28; 3 4 6,15 28,31 6,a8 28'aS 6,40 2 9 go 29,34 6,24 29.31: 6. 3 7 29,^9 6 49 2,9. s( 6,6 2 30 Si 3, 3 2 6.45 30,29 6,58 30,^7 6,71 i- 3' -, 2 4 6.8a 31,30 6,65 31,2? 6,79 3^24 6,93 3i 5 2 7.06 3 2 33 32,28 6,86 32,23 7,0.0 32.19 7,28 33 I 34 33, 2 6 7,07 33,2.; 7,21 33, T 9 7:36 33,16 7,50 34 '1 35 34,24 7,28 34,2' 7,43 54.17 7,58 34, i/ 7,72 35 36 7,48 35, iB 7,64 35,15 7,79 35,i 7,95 36 37 - r ;6,i9 7,69 36,16 7-85 8,01 8,1 37 38 37,17 7-9 37,i'. 8,06 37,10 8,22 3^,0 8.3 38 39 38.15 8,11 38,11 8,27 38,08 8,44 38,0 8,6 89 39,13 8,32 39.09 8,49 '-^05 1 8 66 8,8 -IP. 4,1 ! 9.56 ! 45,9, 9,76 9^6 45,8 46 47 46-9: ' 9-77 i 46,9. 9,97 46^89 10,17 10,3" 47 48 > 998 if 47-9 ' to, 18 47,86 I0 ,39 47 o !''. 5 48 49 48,9! ! io ; t9|!48,8^ fo, 4 o 48,84 10, 61 48,70 10,8 49 5 49 9' 1 IO -4 C (i 49il< eo. io, 77 16,99 72 : 7-4-, 17,66 74,13 76,08 77,05 7^3 79,00 So.qS 8i: 9 5 82,93 83,90 84,88 85,85 86,83 87,81 .8^,78 19,86 90 *7,88 18,10 ^8,76 5i 52 53 54 5'5 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 r 4 65 66 67 68 69 7 72 ^3 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 2 8 3 84 85 86 87 88 89 20,08 20,30 20,52 2 ,75 20,97 21,19 21,41 21,63 21,85 99 22,07,00 Lat. [^ Q ' 7 ^CS-^ ILJCV, Udl. 1 .-- j< 77^Deg-1<5 | "22* 28 TRAVERSt'TABLE. iSJv **"V iimi i r ni ii i *"'i i^f^ Sf ^- UA BW 1 3 Deg. i -i\ De^-. M Deg. 13! Deg 5 c V p La 1 . Dep. D?n L^. T57p. Lat. 3ep. r 3 ' ^7 0,9 0,23 0,9 O 9. c - 0.9 0,23 0,97 0,2^ i r 1.95 0.4.5 1-95 0,46 1,9; 0.47 1,94 0,48 2 c 2,92 0,67 2,92 0,69 2,92 0,70 2,91 0,71 3 4 0,90 0,92 3,89 '93 0.95 4 c l| i,l2 48-7 l,lj; 4,86 4,^86 1,19 6 i,35 5*84 1,38 5,83 1,40 5,8c 1,43 6 7 6*82 6,81 l,6o 6,Si 1,63 6,80 1,66 7 8 7,8 l,oC) 7,79 1,83 7,78 1,87 7,77 1.90 8 9 8,77 2,O2 8,76 2,oC 875 2,10 8,74 2,14 9 10 9,74 2,25 9*?" 1 2,29 Q-72 2,33 9-7T 2>38 10 1 1 10,72 2,47 10,71 2,52 10,70 2,57 10.68 2,61 11 12 U 3 6 9 2,70 11,68 2,75 11,6? 2.80 n,66 2,85 12 13 2,92 12,65 e ; 9 8 12,64 3.03 12,63 39 1 3 I3& 3 J 5 13,63 3,21 13,61 8,27 13,60 3,33 14 15 4 ,6z 3.37 14,60 3^44 14,59 3 550 14^57 3,^7 15 16 15,59 3,6.) 15,55 3-6; 15,56 #>74 15,54 3,80 16 *7 16,57 3,82 16,55 3>9 1^,53 3*97 16,51 4,04 17 18 ',54 17,51 4,13 17,50 4,20 17,48 4,28 18 19 1851 4 ? ,27 18,49 4,35 18,48 4,44 18,46 4,52 19 oo 19,49 19,47 4,58 19,4' 4.6 7 19,43 4,^5 20 El 20,46 4,72 20544 4,81 20,42 4,9 J 20.40 4,99 21 S2 2I :44 4,95 21,41 5,04 2i,39 5.14 2i>37 5.2^ 22 23 22,41 5,17 22,39 5,27 2 2 , 3 '-j 5,37 22.34 5,47 2.Q 24 ^38 24,36 5,4 ?,O2 24^3 5,5 573 24.31 5,&l 2.^28 5>7 5,94 24 2 5 26 ^5,33 5-85 25,3' 5,96 25,28 6,07 6, 1 8 26 27 26,31 6,07 26,28 6,19 26,25 6,30 26,23 6,42 2 7 28 6,cfo 27,25 6,42 27,23 6,54 27,2 6,66 28 2 9 28^26 6 52 28,23 6,65 28,20 6,77 28,17 6,89 22 6,75 S<),2< 6.88 29, V? 7 oo 20,14 7,13 3 31 0,21 6,97 3 ' 1 / 7.11 30,14 7,24 30,11 7,37 3* 31.18 7,20 3M5 7,33 3^12 7?47 31,08 7,61 32 33 2,15 7,42 32,12 7,56 32,09 7,7 32.05 7,84 33 34 33,13 7,65 33, oq 7,79 33-06 7,94 33,3 8,08 34 35 4,10 7,87 34,o8 8,02 34,3 8,17 34,00 8,32 35 5,o8 8,10 35,04 8,25 35,01 8.40 35,07 8.56 36 37 6,05 8,32 36,02 8,48 36,98 8.64 36,94 8,79 37 38 7,3 8,55 37,99 8,71 37-95 8, '87 37,91 9,03 38 39 8,oc 8-77 38,96 8,94 38,92 9> I <> 38,88 9,27 39 II 9.97 9 -\ 39,94 9-17 39.8o 9 34 39,8? 9,51 40 4 1 0,95 40.91 9.4 4 ->,8 7 9,57 4^,83 9,75 41 4 2 1,92 9,45 41,88 9-63 41.84 9,80 41.80 42 43 2,90 42.86 9.86 42,81 0,04 42^77 O.22 43 44 3 ; 8 7 9,90 43,83 0,08 43,78 10,27 43,74 0,46 44 45 4,8 5 0,12 44,80 0,31 44,76 10,51 44,7i 0.70 45 46 ,35 >54 45,73 10,74 45,68 0,93 46 47 i'so 0.57 46.75 ,77 46,70 io ;97 46,65 1,17 47 48 7,77 0,80 47,72 1.00 47,67 H,2I 46,62 1,41 48 49 8,74 1,02 48,70 1,23 48,65 11,44 47,60 1,65 49 5 r ' 9,72 1,21? 49,6/ 1.46 49,62 11,67 48.57 1.88 5 & q Dep. 77 1 % D-p. %l ijr Lar, Deg. Dep.lLat. 1 & 29 i H TRAVERSE TABLE. c>.uw -- 4 O 14 Deg. K! 14! Deg. '4 -J l>g. || 14? Z**. *j(JVr a py r 3 HTTbep. (I EStTDep. i Lat. Dt-p- !! Lat. 1 > > 5= $: 1 0,97 0*24 || 0,97 0,25 0.97 >2 5 11 6,97 0,25 i 2 1,94' 0,48 (I 1,94 0,49 1,94 ^93 2 3 2 '9 li o 73 [I 2,qij 0,72 2,90 >75 2,90 0,76 3 4 3,88 0,07 II 3,88 o, 9 8j 8*9? IjOO 387 i, 02 4 5 4. 8 5j 1,21 I 4,85 1,23 4,4 1^25 4.84 1,2? 5 6 5,82i 1,45 .5,82 1,48 5,81 1,50 5,80 6 7 6,79; 1.69 6,78 1,72 6,78 6,77 1,78 7 8 7,76| >. 94 7,75 1,97 7,75 2.00 7,74 2, "4 8 9 8,7 3 2, 3 8 PI 8,72 2,22 8,71 2,25 8,70 2,29 9 10 _9.7- JM_g | 9/>9 2,46 9.68 96y '-55 to 1 1 10,67 2,66 l 10,66 4,71 10,65 2,75 10,64 2,8o 1 1 12 11,64 2,90 || 11,63 2,95 11,62 n,6t 3.06 12 13 J18.6I 3-15 ij 12,61 3.20 12,59 3,25 I -j57 3 31 13 H 3,5* 3,39 1 3j < ?7 345 13,55 3,51 T 3,54 3,56 '4 15 4,55 3,63 | 14,54 3,69 14,52 3,76 '4-5 1 3,82 16 5.52 3,^7 ' 1.5- 5 1 3,94 549 4,0; J 5'47 4. '! 10 7 6.50 4,1 1 16,48 16,46 4,26 16,44 4,3? J7 18 7,47 4,35 17.45 4-43 I 17-43 X 7.4I 18 19 8=44 4.60 i 18,42 4,68 18,39 4,76 18,37 4,84 '9 20 9,41 4.84 12?! 8 1 10.36 5.01 19.34 5.0-9 20 21 20,38 5,08 20,35 5, i? ]| 20,33 5. a6 20,31 5-H5 21 22 21,35 5-32 21.32 5,49 ,121,30 5 , 5 i 21,28 5,6o 22 23 22,32 5,56 2?. s 2fi 5,66 | 22,5.7 5,76 22,24 5,86 2 3 24 23.29 5,8i 23,26 5,91 I 2.3, * 4 6,01 23,21 6,11 24 24.26 6,05 24,23 6,15 || 24,20 6,26 24,18 637 ' 2 5 26 25,23 6,29 2,5,20 6,4 I 25,17: 6 51 25-- M 6,62 26 27 26,20 653 26,17 6,65! 26,14 6,76 26,11 6,87 27 28 27,17 6,77 27,14 6,89 |l 27,11 7,01 27,08 7- ^S 28 29 28,14 7,02 28.11 7,14 i 28,04 7,3! 29 30 29,11 29.08 7,38 29,04 7,5' 29,01 ,7^4 30 30,08 "T^ 3> c '5 ^563 |i 30,01 7.76 29,98 7,8o 3 32 3V 5 7-74 31,02 7,88 30,98 8,01 00,95 8, i 32 1 83 32, "2 7.98 31,98 Q 8,26 3 * - 9* 1 8.40 38 ! 34 32-99 8,23 32,95 8 '37 It 3^92 8,51 32, 8S 8,66 34 ' 35 8,47 33.92 8,62 33.89 8'.;/6 338, r 8,9 35 36 34*93 ,7i 34^9 8 86 34,85 9,01 34 81 9,17 36 37 8-95 3 C ^^ 9> T i fl 3.?, 82 9,26 35-78 9,42 37 38 36 ! 87 9,19 ,36,83 9,35 36,70 9.51 36,75 9,6 38 39 37-84 9=44 37,80 9,60 37 76 9 ., 7 6 37-7 9,0 39 .4. 38,81 9,68 38.77 9.85 II 38,73 38,68 10,1 40 4j 39,7^ 9,92 3974 IO , C 9 II 39,6o 10,27 39 '6. 10,4 41 42 4, 75 1 0,1 6 40,71 10,34 4>. 66 10,52 4 ,.,62 iu,6 42 43 4i,72 10,40 41,68 10,58 4 1 *-6j 10,77 10,9 43 44 42.60 10,64 42,65 [0,83 42,60 11,02 42^55 11,2 44 | 45 43,6610,89 43,62 11,08 43,57 11,27 43,5 11,4 45 1 46 44,58 11,32 44,52 rl ^ 2 n,7 46 | 47 45,6011,37 45 55 11,57 45 5 C H 5 77 4,', 4 11,9 47 48 46,5711,61 46.52 11.82 46,4; ia,o2 12.2 4 I 49 47,541! l .,*5 47, 4 r I 2,o6 47,44 12,27 47,3^ 12,4 49 | 5 i c: 48.51112,10 Dep.jLat"." 48,4^ Dep 12.31 Lat. 48,41 EaTT TCF i~7FT "S j & 70 Deg. 75.3 Dc> o- II 75s 1Je S- !! 75i De - eT ^.0* TRAVERSE TABLE. 60 61 6a -;; 65 66 68 69 70 84 85 86 87 88 89 1 9i 92 93 194 ^95 96 ,97 "99 100 14 Deg. 50.46)12,58 5,43 I V-2 ^2,4013.06 53,37 54,34 553' 5MSi4< 57,2? 14,27 58,22 1*4,76 T 5 o;> *5 .24 62,10! /- 68.89 69', 8 6 'M5 ,16.69 r;,i8 I7.J.2 17,06 17,9 ' t8,8 7 71,80 73,74 75^8 76.65 -7.6* 7^,59 79,5* 80,53 01,501 82^4820,56 83,4520,81 84,4221,05 85,39 2t ' 2 9 86.3621,53 7!33li2j 19,35 ! 9 6 > 19,84 20. 8 94,1223,47 95,0923,71 96, 06 2-). 95 .17,0324,19 DepA "at7 ^C^^ : 76 Deg. T 49)4? 5 S4 51,37 52,34 53, 3 ! 54,28 55-25 57',!i 50.12 60,09 I 2, 80 ^,^5 3,54 i3,78 14*03 14,28 15,02 '5,26 6i,o6 l 5-5 l 62/v,75! 7', 72 72,69 7.1 '"'' 16,98 iziaa J 7 ' 7<2 76.57 7K54 78,51 81,42 20 34,32 ,4921 86. 87!23 88,20 89,17 95,95 06.92 18,46 T 8.7t 19,69 19,94 20,18 2621 20 9-* 21,17 21,42 ,66 ,9i 2 id* 22,40 22,65 22.80 91,11 92,0823 94-2 2 3- 94,9824,12 24,37 24,62 De p. 75 rD^, 1 4 1- Drg. Lat,~lTTe^r 49,3i2,77 5, 34 13,* 5',3' 52,28 53,25 54,22 56,15 ,67,12 58,00 '4,27 M',77 '5-02 59,06115,27 6'V'3 I 5,5* 6o -9')|'5,77 61,96 16,02 62.93 16 27 3 9 J 6,5 3 64,8716,78 ' 8 17.53 17,78 18.03 70,6? j8.a8 '8,53 72 J 6Mi8, 7 8 68 74 6 9s7 1 -.1 1 V,'"J ,5.^19-28 74,5 Z 7 -! 3 78.42 20.28 "9,30 -a 8^,3620,78 81.32*1,03 82.2021,28 83,26^1,'" 4,23 11,78 85,3022,03 86,17 8 8, ic 89,07 22,28 '2,53 22,78 3,04 90,04123,29 91,9723.79 92.94 24,04 03.91 24,29 94,8824 .95, 5 96.81 Dep. 24,79 25, "4 ,at. 75 k De g' f^RD^i 12,98 X 3,49 X 3,75 14,00 14,26 49,3 2 50,29 5 ',25 52,22 53,19 54,15 55," 56,09 57,, 6 58 ? c)g 58,99 59,96 15,79, 66,94x6,04 6t,8op6,a 9 62,86^6,, ^W 6 ' 1 64, 7< 15,^2 15,28 '5,53 5 52 53 54 55 56 A 7 5 f 6-5 67 6 2 66 67 63 69 7i 72 73 6 7_A9 ! l7j82 ^I.^slji 7,59 ! 8,5 ,., 71,5618,84! 74 75 j 73,5; T 9 S 35' 76 j 74,46 19,60' 77 | 75,43 '9, 8 6 78 I 76,4020,11 79 77,36 20.37! 80 I 7^ 3Q 20,62 81 79,3o2o,88 82 80.2621,13 83 O j Q 82,20*1,64! 85 83,1721,90 86 84,10^22,15} 87 a H5, 10 :22,4i; 88 I o ,-' * x-I Q ' | j 1 ! V T R A V E R S E T A B L E. ftCB w 1 5 Deq> ; J Si Dag. 154- Lk i|| Deg 5 9 ? t^ L*f, pip. ijAI * Dep. Lit. Dep. Lit. Dep r- ^ 1 >97 o.5 ~~<>i9f o a > 0.96 0,27 0,96 0,27 i 2 l.gig 059 1,03 0,53 i,9j -53 1.0'.! o,; 4 2 3 2,9* ;78 2,89 o,79 8,B^ 0,80 2,Q 0.81 3 4 3,86 1,^4 3>3 1,05 3^.- 1,07 3i i, "9 4 ,5 4j8s ^2o 4.82 1,32 4,*? 1,34 4,81 1,36 5 6 5,8 i,5 5 5.79 5.7^ 1,60 5,77 1,63 6 7 6,7f Mi 6,75 J 5^4 j 1,87 19 7 8 7-73 2,0-7 772 2, IO 7.71 2,14 7,7^ 2,17 8 9 8,4 ' 33 8,68 2 37 8,67 2;41 8,6^ i>44 9 10 9,6t 9> 6 5 2.63 9.64 2.67 96 2.7 ! 10 11 i >^T. ~^5 10,6 i 2,39 r>,6o 2 >94. I .!./i 42 i 2,53 3i47 12,51 3 53 J 3 14 I 3?5 1 1 3?5 I 3.68 13^9 3^74 13-47 3,^ 15 ! 4,49 0,88 *4?47 3 '95 14,45 4,01 14,44 47 15 16 ! 5>45 4 *4 15,44 4,21 15.42 4,28 15,40 4.34 16 17 16,4; 4.4-2 16,40 4,47 4,54 l6 36 4,6i 1 7 iS i',39 4,66 | 17,37 4,73 17,35 4,81 17.3- 4,89 18 19 18,35 4,92 18,30 5tO- 1 18,31 5'^. 1 8 29 516 19 20 10, $3 IQ,3(" 5.26 19.2 " 5,34 19,25 5,43 20 1 50,28 5,44 2.j, 2 f 5'J2 2)^7 5 61 2 ),21 21 22 21,25 5 560 21, 22 5.79 II 21,20 5,8^ 21,17 5,97 9.2 23 22,22 5 95 22, IQ 6,05 22,16 6 ; I 5 22,14 6,24 2 3 2 4 23 18 6,21 23,15 6,3' U 3 , ,3 6 41 23,10 6.5 1 2 4 25 24,15 6,47 24.12 6.58 24: o 9 6 : 68 24/6 6,79 2 5 26 25,1 1 6.73 25,08 6,H4 I H 5 ,"5 6^5 2^,00 7,06 26 27 26,08 6.99 26,05 7.10 jj 126,02 7 22 ^5-99 7,33 2 7 28 Z/, Or 27 oi 7.36 6,gg 7.48 26.95 7,6 28 29 23,o'; 7j5i 27,98 7,63 ! ^7,9,5 7,75 27 91 2 9 32 ?>S^ 7,76 28^5 7,S9 28,91 8,oz 28,^ ~jli 3 -9.94 8,02 29,9; 8,15 29,87 ~8~T8 29,84 8,4. gl 3 2 30.91 8,28 30,87 8,42 30.^4 8-55 30,80 8,69 32 33 31.88 8.54 31,8; 8.68 31,80 8.82 31-7' 8,96 33 34 52,84 8 80 32, 8c 8,94 3 2 7.6 9 "9 32,72 9> Z 3 34 35 33, 81 9,06 33:77 9.21 33:73 9-35 03.69 95^ 35 36 ^4.77 9>3 2 34,73 9,47 9.62 34, 6/ 9'77 36 37 35,74 Q *)8 35,70 9-73 35,65 9,89 3<;,6i i ' 04 37 38 36,71 9,"84 36,6C 36-62 10,16 3 6 57 ' i0 -3 l 38 39 37567 10,09 376 A 10,26 37. >8 10,42 37,54 l -59 39 12 3^,64 10.35 3^59 ! O . , 2 38,55 lojSy 3?j.5r 10,86 4_1 41 39,6o I0.6l 39-5^ 10,/8 39,5i 10,96 39,46 1 iji/j 4 1 42 4, 57 10,87 4 ',5^- 11/-5 4' 4 7 il,22 40,42 11,40 42 43 4 r >53 11,13 41,49 11,31 4^4 ri,49 4i,39 11,67 43 44 4^,50 ^,39 42,4^ 11,57 42,4 1 1,76 4 2 ,35 1 1 -94 44 4/5 43.47 43,42 1 J : 8 4 43.3^ 12,03 43-3 12,21 45 46 44,43 11,91 44,3^ ,2,10 44*33 I*,29 14,67 '2,49 46 47 45,4^ 12,16 45-35 12,36 45.29 12.56 49,24 2,76 47 4.0 46,36 12,42 46,3' 12,63 46.25 12,83 46,20 I 353 48 49 47,33 12,68 47.27 12,89 47,22 1 3;9 47,16 'SsS 49 I 12,94 48,24 13.15 4 8,l8 '3-36 48.12 13,57 5-' I 2 ^ kf: Lar. 'Site Dep Lar, Dep. La. iS 75 Deg. 74i 74-J- Deg. T R A V E R S E T A B n ? 15 Deg. La-. 5 5 2 5<>,23 51,19 ,5654,09 5755, 58 , 56,021 5,0 1 59 13,20 13,46 13$ 14,24 14.49 14,75 5%9i5 58.92 ; < 16,05 6i,82; I 6.56 66]63,75W* 6764.72:17,34 68 ! 65,68 ;i 7-6o 69|d6,^ 8 72 69.55 I8;6 3 70,5 r'M 9 71.48 1 9, '5 Lat. 49, I 5|i3 63 50, MI 3. 90 51,07 14,16 54^04 14.43 53-ooji 4 , 7 o 53-96 M4597 54>9323 9o,m&i 5XM*Jb2i ll 57-8'>i_i6J4 58,8^16,04 59.82 i6 ; 3i 60.7816,57 L^t.-Detn 49,20 13,68 13,94 2,10 14,20 53,06^4,47 543! 1 4,73 54.99 14,99 7572.44; 7<-734<: ] 7774.38: 20, 1 9 20,45 20,71 8i!78,4 :ao S6 8? ! 79,2i 2I j* a R#o,^S*M8 8 4 ;8i,i 4 2l '74 8V8 2 ,ro 22 5 00 8(983:67i*M 6 8885,01 89^5,9: ;23^'3 91 ,'87.9 3:-55 92(88. 8 7 J23,8i 93:89- 9692.73 24,85 9793-6 9894,6 999/j 9:: 9'V$ ?7i 24.33 25.61 62.71 63,68 64,64 65,61 66,57 6 7;5| 68 :<5 o t s,68 69,46 -o. 4 3 19 .a 71.39 16,83 17, 10 i7,3S 17,62 J 7, 18,15 |8,94 19, 4< 3 6 i9'73 19.99 74,2920,2? 75, _ 76,22 77,l8 2 r, 20.78 'J'-J l"":"T. 9^4^ 26., 30 Dep.lLat. 74 3 " DCR. 58;78j",-3" T9-75! l6 -57 6 ,-iji6,84 6i,67-7'.io 63,60117,64 64.5617.9 65,33 l8 ;17 66,4918,44 67,4y|l8,7I 68,42518,97 6 A,38j 19, 44 7,3i|'9'78 72,27120,. 4 20,58 79,n*i,57 8n, 8j2l,83 8 1,04 22,09 82, 0'|z2,s6,| 82.97122,62 || 83, 94 | 2 2,8S I! 8 .5',8 7r 2 3 .' 4 i 86,8 afcy^ 87,80^23,94 88.76 24.20 89.7324,46, 9 ',69^24,72 j 91,65124,99 93^825^1 -,7i 76,13.21,11 77v99|2i3 8 78,0^21,6,5 79,0^121,91 80,94 82,87 8 3>8 84,8 85,76 $6.^ 87,69 89! 6s 9o,5 9^,54 92, ri 9'.}- 4: 94 vH 93,4' 7-' 22.45 22.72 22,98 23,78 2j^05_ a 4, 59 25,39 5,^5 49.00 51,9; 539 ol 5 14, 14,6 56,7 lZi7. 5^7 59- 1) 60,6 61,6. 02.51 63,5 6 4 , 4 ; 65,4 67,?; 68,3.' 69,30 70,2 71.22 72,18 77-96 7S,9s 81,81 8^73 84,70 85,66 86.62 8 7;5 8 8,55 89.5 1 9o,47 91,43 92,40 '5-4 ['o.-j 16^5 16,8 t7 3 17,9 !8 5 '4 9- c 9,2 1 9- C 2J.3 2.;,6 o,9 i.i i<9< 2,2 3V 3-3 3.^2 3,8c 4,16 4-4: 1 - 4 5, a 4 5,52 fnoO 15,05 i| 92,40 0,01 ?-5-9* jj 93 3 6q 6 ; 33 -^46 jj 95, 38 26, 8: 26,72 jj 6,25 L,r" I? Dep, ivT~!i - " 53 5-1 35 56 li 6t 64 65 66 67 68 60 *r *> /I 7 2 73 74 /6 77 7 TRAVERS q u *}'&. TRAVERSE TABLE. 53 54 5 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 6 , 4 65 66 67 68 69 22 7 1 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 7.9 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9_1 92 93 94 95 96 97. 98 99 100 ?y - .. 16,26 57,68 J 6,54 58,64 16, 81 39,60 17,09 ^^,56 1 7;.' 61,52 17,64 62,48 17,92 63, 44 TO T 64,4 *o,i7 6 5,37 T 8,74 7,_2.9 68, 69,21 70,17 73,06 74.02 74^98 75,94 7 '>, lill? *5 19-57 19,85 20,12 20, 4 5 6 7 ,09 20 77, 78,89 79,78 21.22 00 22 8622 21.78 05 ,60 22^88 8 ', 7 '23,43 82,6723,70 83,6323,98 84,5924,26 85,5524,53 86,51 24.81 87,47 25,08 88,44 25,36 8 9,425/>3 9j3 6 59 J ,3226,19 ^,,826.46 93,2426,74 94,2027,01 - ,1627,29 Dep. far 74 -/.--IM2 68,i6 I 9-87 69,12 20,15 7^,0820,43 71,04 72,00 , 7y 72,9621,27 73,92 2T ,55 74.8821,83 75,8422,11 76 8022,39 77,7622,67 79 80,64 81, 82. 6823 60-23,7 5624-,o7 352 84,48 85-44 g6 40 87,36 88,32 89,28 91,20 92,16 94,08 96.00 23,5! 3,79 7 24,35 24,62 24.90 26,02 26.30 2658 26,86 2 7, H 27,42 37,70 12Y9_8 ar.. 16% Deg. Lar, Dep. 48,9- T^ 49,^ .4,77 50,82 >5-.d4 15,61 16,76 1 7,4 54,65 55, 61 56,57 58^9 59--45 60,41 61,36 62,32 63,28 64,24 66,^6 68^8 69,03 ^9,99 70.95 72 ? 87 73,83 76.71 77.66 78,62 79,58 8i!$o 82,46 83.42 84,38 85*33 86.20 88.2. 89,17 9M3 939 6 95,88 17,61 ih%i8 18,46 1 9 ; 3* i9,1*S 20,45 20,73 21, ?9 -- 7 2,72 3,01 3,57 3,86 4.14 4,43 24,90 25,85 6,13 6.41 6,^70 6,98 7,27 7;55 7,83 8.12 8.40 .ll-at. LH Ueo. 48,84 99 : ?ri5,'7 52,67 54,5816, I 5,56 16,14 56.5- 57-45 58,41 59,37 60|33 61,28 62,24 - Jf0 63,9019,0^ 64 % i6|'9,3i 17,00 .20 i >- I 18,15 6V, 1 1 19,60 66,07 67,00 19.89 20, 17 67,99120.46 68,05:20,75 69,9i2i 5 04 70,86121, ?2l j9 74.69522,48 !C ?6/>i *7 * 5 / / 82 83 78,5*|23,63 79 = 4823,92 80,4424,21! ,39*24,50 8 -,35M'7 8 8 83,3t|25>07' 81,2725,36 . \*S*65 86;t8 ! 87,14 82 10 06,23 26,'8o 90,01 91.93 92.88 87 88 89 9 1 92 93 94 - , 95 27,67, 96 27,91 97 28,24! 98 53| 99 23,8g|,oo {^If.at^ ^ TRAVERSE T A B I, E. n cj '7 * Lar. De ? . I 7 .l Deg. Dep. Sr Deo. 17! Peg. "WjJ iJ .1 Dep, Lat. i ,9< > o,9 o,9s 0.30 0.9 ; 0,3 ; 0,9! i 0^3, l 2 1.9 o 5^ 1.01 ^9 1,91 o.6j 1,9^ > 0,61 2 3 2,8; 0,83 2,87 0,89 2,8c 0,9 ^ 2 } 8 0.91 3 4 3,8. 1,17 3-32 1,19 3,8i 1,20 3.8 1,22 4 5 4,7* 1.46 4.7^ 1,48 4,77 1,50 4,7 1,<52 5 6 5,74 1,75 5-73 1,78 5*7* ,1,8.) 5,7 1,83 6 7 6.69 2,05 6,69 2,08 6,6b 2, to 6,6 2> 1 c 7 8 7,6c 2,34 7,64 2.37 7,^i 2.41 7,62 3>44 8 9 8,61 2,63 8.6-: 2,67 8,58 2,71 8,57 2, 7 A 9 10 9,56 2.V2 9*5.5 OyCj 3.QT 9-.5 3-"5 10 1 1 io ,5 3,22 "3,26 io, 49 3,3 ' 10.48 1 1 12 11,48 3.5 l i ,'46 1 1 '4:t 8-6 1 11*43 3$6 12 13 12,43 12,42 3*85 12,40 3^91 1:2,38 39 6 1 3 13-39 4,9 '3,37 1 3*3,5 4,21 13,33 4,27 14 15 M,34 4,39 14,33 4>45 14,31 4,51 14,^9 457 1 5 16 15,29 4 ,t8 1,5,28 4,74 15,26 4,81 15,^4 4,88 16 i 7 16,26 4'9 7 16,24 16,21 16,15 <;,i 1 7 18 17,21 5,26 17, it, 5,34 17,17 5-4 17,1' 54.9 18 19 18,17 5,56 18,15 5,6,3 18,10 18,10 5s 79 1 9 20 19 ; T 3 5*85 19, i' 5 -93 195,17 6,01 J 9,. r 6,10 20 ei 20, -8 6,14 2-t.e/> 6.13 aa,p3 6,3 f 2.), 00 6,4" 21 22 2l ,4 6,43 21,0) 6.52 30.98 6,62 20,95 6,71 22 2 3 21,99 6,7* 2.1,97 6,82 ^1,94 6,92 219 7,0.1 R 3 24 22 95 7.02 22, 9^ 7,12 32,8^ 7 2?. 22,86 7 , 2 "4 2 5 23.91 7,01 23,88 23.84 7,5 2 23,81 7.62 25 26 24,86 7,6- 24,83 7,71 24,8 7.82 24,76 7 -93 6 27 25,82 7 '89 25,79 8,01 25,75 8,12 8,23 27 28 26,7? 8.19 26,74 8,30 a 6, 7 8,42 26,67 8,54 28 29 *7,7^ 8,4-5 8,6, 27,66 8,71 27.62 8,84 2.9 00 28,6.9 .1-iZI 28^65 28.6, O ">2 9 1 5 QO ( JL 31 29,65 9.06 29,61 ~47 9,92 31 4,'-< 1 0,0 6 33 34 32,51 9-94 32,47 10,08 32 ,2 10,2^ 32,38 - ; 37 34 35 33,47 10,23 33:4;- 10,38 : c , 5 " ' 33-33 10,67 35 36 34,4; 0,53 34,32 10,68 34?33 10,83 34. *9 10,98 36 35,33 io,8^ 35-34 10,97 35.2Q 1 1 , ' 3 11,28 37 3' : 36,34 11,1.1 36,29 n.,x7| JI J43 3^> IV 11,58 38 39 37-3 11,40 3 '" - 'j 37.15 1 1 . 7 '^ 37>l4 11,89 39 4_ 38,25 11,69 38,40 u!sc I :? O '-* 3?>i 12 LL9_ 4 39,21 i 1 , 99 3 9 7To 12, l6 tatsa 12, ,lJ 12,45 i,* ' r;6i 4*>,o 42 43 [1,12 I2> 57 41,07 12 ,75 -j't , ) 12,9 , 10.95 13,11 43 44 : 2,0^ t*,86 42, op 13,-^ t3-4 4*991 3>4* 44 45 :3-3 18,16 42,91- I 3;34 42,9; 42,86 13,72 45 s* 46 43'99 3,45 43,9,- '3'6.t i3>^} 43>8> 14-02 46 47 4?95 '3,74 44,^0: 13,94 '4> 13 44, 7^ 4-33 47 o 48 45,9 45,84 1 4,*3 4; 7' '4-43 4>",7' 48 49 0,' 6 r 4?33 46. 8c 1 4,53 46, ;. ' 1 73 46,67 4,94 49 52. :7^ i4 L 6_z 47-7." 47^^ 3>- -1 : -2ll. i 7s~i Lat, D;p. ^il: 7-2' J '^ 7 2l- J %&$ T RAVE R S E T A B L F. =^#D : q >7 91187,0226,61 9287 9826,90 938804 9489,89 97 lex L% & 73~"Deg. ^^ TRAVERSE T A B L 18 49, 45 * 6, 07 50,41 5 i ,3 6 52,31 53, 26 55, l6 58, oj 5^,97 60,87 6 1,8* 62,77 64,67 fij7 68,48 72, -28 74MF 75, 3 76,08 77,04 77,99 4 79,% 85 86 80,84 81.79 6.38 16,69 17,00 17,61 17,92 8 4.43 '5,97 49.38 16,28 5o',33|i6,6o 52,23| r 7,22.. 53, it 1 0,09 so, 40 20.70 > i . a r i 5,8 18,48 ,56,98 f B./Q 19,10 i9,42 j 60,7^,04 6i,73 2 >36 6a,6<< S-===S=^==M5~^j^ 3 < Dk'g. ji 16' Dc->r. cTii Lat,_jDejp. fi Laf . L>epj ^l ; j| PI5[ 16 ? 3^ 17,13 1.93 J ^0,26 j 63,63 20,98 - ? ^;ij. ^^Sp 1 ^' 21,63 66,4%,92 67,43 2M5.1I 68,38 79-^33 72,lP 23,79 24,41 24,72 15^96,-J 2.'-,:^ i -7 22,23 22,55 2 3,' 7 ^3,49 73.o2 1; 43 Mr74 25,37 25/68 88 ."111 8 5-1 92 93 9s . ',;^ 2 9, {) 7 97 192,25 29,97 Jj 92,12 98 iy 3 2, 3 ',28 JJ93 t c 7 99 ;94,'J 7^93 77,^ :x; 78,83 70,7') 26,31 ^ ' I r c ^ C'> ? -2J2O.O2 8l,67 82,6!2 83,57 ft 9 3^ E{ 9", 22 47.56 V^ 7 28,18 87.^37^,81 '"':9,i2 39-44 -9,75 30,06 30,38 i 3 ".oo 4 .' 04. -07 1 at. Beg. 7 'J 53, 1* 54 5 5 55,5 1 7>7.7 18,09 ^8,40 I9 4 19,67 '9,99 60,69 2 C; 3 , 62,5920,94 6 3,54 21,89 -3 ^6,38 52,08,17,6^ 7 ( ',i^3,4S 7V724', 12 73,02'~ 73,97 74'92J5,' 7 25-3'-> 77, 7 6 2X34 79,^626,65 80,61 26,97 -- 27.29 82,5- 27-92 84,40-20,24 Ho. 3 '!-9-5 ; ; ;,^ yijO-i 10.46 3o, 7 3 :, 4 i 57,7^29,^1 59,6620,25 6o,6oieo s 57 62,50-21,^2 63 5 44 2I ? 54 5' 52 53 54 55 65 66 6 7 ' xf ! I 5, -3 4 2 1, 18 69 j 66,29 ^,50 67,2322,82 68, iS 2 ;;, i > 7f .02 7^9^4:75 7^ 73,8625,07 ? ,> 76^20,04!^' 77.65^6,361 H 2 I ?*?,S li i f^8 2 ^ H^irj^^ o 91 Dc-p. CE 7iJ-Deg. 89,01:30,2: 89^96 3 C >54: 0,5 jo,9i (C V,- ' S i 97 75 3M /- I ,, . , ' 7i-V DegJo ;Q =^WW4^ SE TABLE. TRAVERSE TABLE. T R A V E R S E TABLE. / T&T 20 Deg. 20 i Deg. 20 -| Deg. 20? Deg/ 01 P Lar. Dep. L*t, Dep. Lar. iDep. Lat. !)eo K3 l i i 0,94 0.34 0,94 ,85 0.94 ,35 c ,94 1 2 1,88 0,68 1,88 0,69 1,87 0,70 1,87 0,71 2 3 2,82 1,03 2,81 1,04 2,81 ',05 2,81 i, 6 3 4 3,76 1,37 3,75 ,33 3,75 374 1,42 4 5 4.70; 1,71 4,^9 ,73 4,68 *>75 1,77 5 6 5,64: 2,05 5 63 2,08 2,10 5 4j 2,iq 6 7 6,58 a,39 6,57 2,42 6^56 2,45 6,'5< * * o 2,48 8 7,52 2,74 7,51 *77 7,49 2,80 7,48 2.83 8 9 8,46: 3,08 8,44 3.12 8,43 3,15 8,42 3-19 9 10 9,40^3,42 9.38 3<4" 9.37 3,50 3 54 10 1 i 10,34' 3,76 10,32 3,8i 10,30 3,85 10.29 3,9 1 1 12 11.28 4,10 11,26 4,i5 11,24 4,20 J I,22 4,25 12 13 i2.az ] 4,45 12,20 45" 12,18 4>55 u , I u 4.61 13 H '3,16, 4,79 13,13 4,85 13, J * 49 4,96 14 15 I 4,i| 5, J 3 14,07 5,19 14)05, 5,25 14,03 5,31 15 l6 ! 5, 4 ! 5,47 15,01 5,54 14-99 5 60 14,96 5,67 1-6 17 I 5:97, 5,8i 15,95 5,88 15,9 2 5:95 1 5-9 6,02 17 18 16.91 6,16 16,89 6,23 16.86 6,30 !6.83 6,38 18 19 17,851 6,50 17.83 6,58 17,80 665 1 7-77 6,73 19 2O 18,79 6,84 18,76 6,92 18,73 7,00 18,70 7.09 20 21 J 9,73 7,18 19,70 7 27 19,67 7,35 19.64 7:44 21 22 20,67 7,52 20,64 7,61 20,61 7,7 7,7.9 22 23 21,61 7,8 7 21,58 7,96 21-54 8,05 21,51 23 24 22,55 8,2! 22,52 8,31 2 2 ; 4 8 8,4" 22,44 8^5 24 25 23-49 23,45 8,65 23,42 8,76 8,86 25 26 24,43 8*89 9,00 24,35 24^31 9,2i 26 27 25,37 9,23 25',33 9,35 25,29 9,46 25,25 9,57 27 28 26,31 9,58 26,27 9,69 6,23 9 81 26,18 9,92 c8 29 27,25 9,92 27,21 10,04 27,16 10,16 27,12 10,27 29 30 18,19 10.26 28,15 10,38 28,10 10,51 28,05 10,63 _3P_ 31 29,13 1 0,60 29,08 J ,73 29,04 10,86 28,55 i .,98 32 S' 1 , ? 10,94 30,02 11.08 29-97 11,21 29,92 32 33 31,01 11,29 30,96 11,42 30,0,1 11,56 30,86 11^69 33 34 31.95 11,63 31,90 i T ,77 aw H,9I 31-79 12.05 34 35 32^,89 "S97 32,84 12.1 1 32,78 12.26 32,73 12 40 35 S6 33,83 33,77 12.46 33-72 12, 6l 33,66 1 2,?5 36 37 34,77 12,65 34,71 12,8; -4,66 12,96 34.60 '3, n 37 38 13,00 35,6.5 3.15 35,59 13-31 35,54 38 39 36.65 36,59 13,50 36,53 13,66 is',82 39 4 37-59 lfj ^53 111? 4 H' i 37,41 '4,17 -1. 4i 38.53 I 4 ..02 38,47 14.19 SM 14,36 38,34 '453 4i 42 39,47 39?4 14.54 39, 3 4 14.71 39,28 14,88 42 43 40.41 14,71 4, 34 14,88 40,28 15.06 40,21 15,23 43 44 15.05 41,28 15,13 15,41 15,59 44 45 42,29115,39 42,22 15,58 42,15 15,76 42,08 '5,94 45 46 43,2315,73 43,i6 15,92 43,o9 16, 1 1 16,30 46 47 |44'7 16,07 44,09 16,27 44.02 16.46 43*95 16,65 47 48 4^,11^6.42 45,03 16,61 ^14,96 16,8 1 44,89 17,01 48 49 46,>-- 4 :j6,76 45,97 16,96 '45,9 17,16 17.36 49 o 46.98 17,10 46,91 17.31 46.83 17-5 1 .16.76 Dep. Lat. D'p. Lat. IJpp. U>. i.. Lat. ^ 5 70 Deg. 69 J Deg. 69-^ Deg. 69-1 Deg, a'O T R A V E H S E T A B M3J Si 5' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 67 62 * 3 64 65 66 67 68 69 111 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 E 81 82 2oJDeg._ I! 20 l Lat. Pep. I] L 17,79 50,7418,47 51,6813,81 52,62 19,15 53,56*9,50 54,5 55<44 0, 1 4 19,84 20,18 20,86 58,26 21.21 59,2021,55 21,89 22,23 be, 02122, 57 62,96 22,92 63,90 64,84 65,78 16 72 67,06 >8,6o 69,54 70,48 71,4-2 72,36 73,3 74, M 76,12 77,99 24,28 2 4,63 26.68 27,02 ,36 -27,70 77,05 28,05 28,39 4^.7 ( 49,7. 53,4* 54 42 56^ 58,1? 59> 1] 60*98 61,9--' 62,86 63,8- 64' 7* 66,61 67,55 68,4^ 79,43 7>'s 72,24 73 1 ' 74,12 75,99 7/^87 78 ; 8i 1 8.6 9 9^8 ?sL?Si, Lat. I Dep, L E. 43 jr ^ ^^ ^fr , 4 Defr. C '$r 5 ' ' J 7 20,42 22,15 2 2;.)0 7,2,84 2J,54 257 ^5,96 26,30 26,65 27,00 27,34 28,04 2 ,38 28.73 29,07 29,42 48,71 49,64 53,39 54,33 5^2< 5 8 'o7 ,59- ' 59 '9? 6>,38 18,21 18,56 18,91 19.26 19,61 19,96 20,31 20,66 21,01 21,36 22,06 22, 4. Z2. 7 6 64,63 *iJ7 66,50 23,46 23,81 ,86 6^,3^25,57 25 9' 2 -,2526,27 26,6, 72.1220,97 73, "6 27,32 74,06 74,9 ; ?.?>. e 758728,37 28,7 9,7 78.6829.42 9,62 82,43 83-36 30,12 3o, 4 7 30,82 3ii7 32,22 86.03 3*, 59; 9- 87,9033,30! 94 88 84^3,661 95 89,7784 5 OI i 9' J 7' ; 1,371 97 5' 5^ -)3 .54 5, r , 5-5 57 58 59 56_M 2j^26 60 *7,04 t s 1 ^ 48,63' 1 8,42 52,3? *')^\ 53, yo 20.19 IJJ 7 tV > / "~f 60,7^23.03 65 61,7223,38 66 62,6523,74! 6 7 63,5.9*4,09; 68 64,52 24,45: 69 65,4624,801 7 Jft39j*id 71 68iifc*5?6 73 69.2026,22! 7^ 7^,07 26*32 75 71,01 27,^8 77 7-^,94 Z 7,63 7 73^^27,^9! 79 74. 8 28.35' sa, 7j,75 28)7 tNl 76,68 29, ,V 8,> 7';,6 2 29;ii : 03 79 ' 4 93, II: 85 8o,423 c ?-*7, 8G 82'2 9 3V8| S8 83.23 3 ',63^ 89 T R A V ER ?> L K. T R A V E R. S E T A B L E 31 =c De s . II SEnKF.ll 59,55,08 21,14 6o!56,oi 21, 56 6^56,9527786 62J57,88J22,22 63:58,82 22,58 64*59,75 22,94 6560,68.23,29 6661,621*3,65 67,62,55 S4,i 6863,48,24,37 6964,42*4,73 " 35J25>09 7166, 28*25, 44 7267,22 25.80 rn - '26,16 / O 5 *"J !' 7469,0826,52 7570,02;26 5 88 /670.95a7 5 24 7771,8927,59 7872,82*27,95 8274,69.' 28 ^67 8i75'6a! a9 j03 8276,5529,39 8377,49,29,74 8478,42 30,10 86,80,2930,82 8781,22131,18 8882,1631,54 89 83,<>9,3 M9 9_1 8 4, o_a|3B I z.s 9ij*4,96'32,6i 92,85,8933,27 93,86,82 33,33 9487,7633,69 95188,6934,04 96j89,6 2 34,4 Lat. i Dep. I3WI8.4.8 48 ; 46|i8,85 5i 526J i9,' 93 52/1920.30 53,1220,66 54,06,21,02 54,99|2i,38 55^,21,75 57,78'22,47 5^,7222,83 59,6.5 23,20 60,5^23,56 61,5123,92 62,44*24,28 63,38^4,65 64,3^25,01 6jk24i25,37 66,17:25,73 67,1026,10 69, 9 o'27,i8 70,83,27,55 73,6328,63 74.5629.00 75,49|29,36 '6.42:09,72 /7, 3630,08 78,29130,44 89,47 80,15 81,08 52,02 82,95 8^88 5 4 ,8l 56^68 ^561 '8.5434,43 32,26 32,62 32,98 33,34 34>7 345/9 61,41124,19 62,34,24,56 63,27,24,92 64,1025.29 6s . 1 3 ! 2.5 1 66 66,06:26,02 66,99^6,39 67,92^26,75 68,8.3'27,i2 6^.78'27 ? 49 70,71 27. {% 71,6428.22 72,5728,59 73,5028,95 74,4329.32 75536,29.69 76,293* 05 78,i 79,09 8o,a 80.9,5 81,88 82,81 84,67 85,60 86-53 87,46 88,39 1,18 92,11 30,79 3i,iJ 3i, 32,25 32,62 33-35 3372 63,1 6 4, 65.0 65,9 66,8 67,8. 69^6! 7o,5S 72,'45 73 ? 3 5 74,^ 75,2^ 76,10 77-S 78,02 78,95 79 ,8b 80,81 8r, 74 82,66 34'45 34.82 895.3235,18 35,55 35,92 854,' 86,38 87,3 88,24 8-9, i 90,09 91,02 36.28 S 91,05 3fv6f Si 92^8 . Lat. [I D"e P 68 Deg. 24,0 4-4 4,8 ^5>2 55 W '6,3 ;6,6 7-0 7,4 7,7' 8,1 8,5 8,9- 94 0,0 -7 J ,i i',8 2,2^ 2,61 2.98 4.46 4,8, 5,2C 5,57 ",94 6-31 6,69 ,6 a . 45 '^#D^ ?. O G^ 53 54 55 56 57 5* 59 6_I 61 62 6 3 fi* 6 5 66 67 68 69 Z2 7 1 7 2 73 74 75 /6 77 78 79 8 > 8l 82 46 T R AVERSE TABLE. m .!.... II. I II I. i 22 Deg. If 9 10 i 1 ia 13 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2C) 3 l 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 Jfl 4' 42 43 44 45 46 n >93 '37 1,85' 0.75 2,78, 1,12 3?i 1,50 4,64 1,87 5,5 6 , 2,2 6,49 2,6 7,42 3,00 8,34 3,37 io,a 4> i si 12^05 4,87 12,98' 5,24 13.91! 5 62 I *5 8 3| 5,99 15,76; 6.37 16.69! 6,74 17,62 7,12 2 ,40J 8,24, 2 i>33 : g ,6a 22,25' 8,ocj 23-18; 9.37 \*5-3 l ,n 26,-9Jio,8j fe^i4 18,74! n, 6 1 -9,67:1 1. 99 3 ,60! 12. 36 32,4513,1* 36.1614,61 38 94 ! i.^73 39.87' 1 6, ii 40,80 16-48 ,71.16,86 42,65 .17,23 44,50117,98 i6 ? 36^8,73 DrpjLat. 68 Deg. 6,48 17-59 *8,5i 7. 7 J 9544| 7>95 2-,36 8,33 21,29! 8,71 22,2lJ 9,09 2 3,i4i 9 47 24.06} 9,84 25,92jio,6 26,84^0, 98 28.6911 1.74 32,39 i 34,24,14 01 35,1714,39 36,10 16,08 16,66 37 95 38,87 40,72 41.65 42, .57 44,43 45,35 46,2818.9; Dep. ,7,80 18.18 '8, 55 Lat. 6,47 13,86 H,78, 15,71 16.63 9-95 26,79 ii, 10 28,6411,86 29,5612,25 30,4912,63 J 3 2 , 34 13-39 33-26,13,78 -,4,18 14.16 36,03:14.92 36,9615. ;.;i =^^ Deg. 67* fleg. 39,73 44.35 45- ,6, 7 16,46 16,84 17,22 17.60 J 7,99 8',75 46,19 oTTDei. Lat. 0,92 2,77 4,6i % 5 l 6,46 7,3^ T -,v- 3,83 18,44 19.37 20,29 21,21 23.98 24.90 25,82 26,74 27,67 28,59 29,51 30,43 31.35 32,28 33,2o 34-^2 35>97 3^81 38,73 39, ^5 42,42 43,34 45, iy 46 II De,. Dep 39 o,77 i, 16 2.32 2, 3-09 348 4J^5 4.64 5,03 5,80 6,96 7-35 7,73 8,12 8.51 8,8 9 9,28 9,6 7 ! i ! 95| io, 44 | i ,83 U, 2i I 1,60 12,37 12,76 13,15 *3,53 !3,9 2 15,08 15,86 16,24 6,63 17.02 17.40 '7,79 18,18 18,56 '9,34 Lat. 9 10 1 1 12 16 17 18 20 27 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 3 s 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 i& TRA TABLE. TRAVERSE T ABLE. 4$ ^.WAW 3 - 23 Deg. | a^Dejr. 23^ Dee> || 23! Deg. OfJ ^ ^ La-. Den Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. || Lat. Dep. p * v 46,95 19,93 46,86 20,13 46,77 2 ,34 46,68 >5 8 51 5 2 47,8; 20,32 47,78 2, 53 47,6.9 20,73 I 47,6o 5 a 48.79 20,71 48,70 20,92 48,60 MS 48.51 !>35 53 54 49,7' 21,10 49,61 21,32 49,52 53 49,43 21 '75 54 $0,163 2i,49 5^,53 21,71 5,44 l >$3 5 3 34 " 2}1 5 55 56 51,54 22,88 51,45 22,11 2,33 51,26 22, 5^ 56 57 52,47 22,27 52,37 22,CO 1 52,27 2-73 52,17 22,96 57 58 53,39 22,66 53,29 Z2,go 53,19 3,i3 53,9 23,36 50 59 54,3' 23 05 54,21 23,29 54,1 1 3,53 54, 23,76 60 55-23 23,44 23.68 55,02 3,92 54*92 2 4, 16 61 62 56,15 57,07 23,83 56,05 56,97 24,. 8 24,47 55*94 56,86 24,72 55,83 56,75 24,97 61 62 63 64 57,99 58,91 24,62 25,01 57,88 58,80 24,87 25,26 57,77 58,69 25,12 25.52 57,6o 58,58 ^5,37 25,78 64 f\ r 6 5 66 59,83 60,75 25,40 25.70 59,72 60,64 25,66 26,05 59,6i 26,32 60,41 26,18 26,58 6 5 66 c 67 61,6726,18 61,56126,45 61,44 26,72 6i,33 26,98 07 68 6p 62,?9 26,57 63.5 1 26,06 62.48 63,40 26,84 27,24 62,36 63,28 27,11 27,51 62,24 63,16 2 7.39 2 7,79 69 64.44 27,35 64,32 27,63 64,19 27,9' 64,07 28.19 71 65,36 27,74 65,23 28,03 63,11 28.31 64,99 28,59 71 72 66,28 28,13 66,15 28,42 66,03 98,71 65,90 29,00 72 73 67,20 28,52 67,07 e8,8a 66,95 29,11 66,82 29,40 73 74 68,12 5.8.0 1 67,99 29,21 67,86 29,51 67,73 29,8; 74 75 76 6 9,4 29,30 69,96120., 70 68,91 69,83 29,6l 3 o,oo 68,78 69.70 29.91 68,6s 69,^6 75 76 77 70.88 30.09 7,75 34 70,61 30,70 7,48 3l,oi 77 o 78 71,80 30,48 71,67 30,79 7i,53 3!,i 7i,39 31,4! 78 79 72,72 72,58 31*18 72,45 31,5 72,31 U,82 79 1 80 73, 6 4 31*26 73,50 31,58 73,3 6 31,90 73,2* 32,22 5? 81 74,56 31,65 1 74,42 3*>97 74,28 32,3 74>!4 ^2,62 81 8_ 82 75,48 32,04 75,34 32,37 75,20 32,7 75,6 33,03 83 76,40 32,43 76.2.6 32,76 76,12 33' 10 75*97 33,43 R 84 77,32 3282 77,i8 &3>i6 77,3 33 49 76,8.9 .53,83 o _ 8.5 78,24 33* el 78,10 33<55 77,95 77?8 ' 'U, 9 3 05 0/~ 86 79,16 33,60 79,02 33*95 78,87 34,29 78,72 34,64 O- 7 80,08 33>99 79,93 34*34 34^9 79,63 07 00 88 81,00 34,38 80,85 34,74 80. 7. 35*9 80,55 35,44 QQ 9 34,78 8i,77 35,13 81,62 3549 8i,4< 3<,8 4 oy 91(82,85 82,69 35,53 82,54 35,89 82,3^ 36,25 2 9i 83,77 35,56 83,61 35,9 2 83,45 36,29 83,2.9 36,65 o 63 1,67 4,54 2,09 5,45 2,51 6,36 7,27 3^35 8,17 3,77 9,08 4> 1 Q - 9,99 4^61 10,90 5>* !i,8i 5,44 I 2,7 1 5,86 I 3,62 6,20 14,53 6,70 15,4^ 7.12 *6 j3 .5 7,54 IM6 7,95 19,07 8,7v 19.98 9,21 20,89 9,63 21,80 0,05 22,70 10,47 23.6 10,89 25,43 Il',72 26,3. 12,14 27.2^ 12,56 28,1 12.98 29,0 13,40 29,9 13,82 30,8 14,^3 31-7 14.65 345 1 5>49 1^,91 35^4 i6,33 37,2 1^.76 38,1 17,58 39> 1 8,00 39>9 18,42 40,8 18,84 19,26 4^6 19,68 43,5 20,10 44 5 5 ^0,5 i 454 20,93 II De^ Ut. [] "6lfl^g- -o'- Cr 9 to 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 25 26 07 28 2 9 -22 33 33 34 36 37 38 39 42 43 41 45. 46 47 48 49 .52 TRAVERSE TAB L E. 24 Deg. II 2 4 t Peg Lat. i Oep. 46759 47,5 48,42 50,24 51.1622,78 52,07 52,99 23,59 55-73 5' 53 54 55 56 57 5 3 59 60. 61 63 ^ 4 65 66 67 68 69 71 64,86 72 65,78 21,56 [,96 22,37 73 74 76 P 79 86 6,69 7,6o 8,5* >43 1,26 2,17 3, K 4,0, 4<9 6,74 77,6 78,5 Boi 3 < 8i,3 93 94 95 ( >6 97 98 99 atS V- 30 88,6 SHE 66 6,03 6.44 ',84 7',66 8,06 !dz 8,88 9,28 0,10 0,51 o,9i Ml s'ss 3,76 M, J 7 14,98 55'39 }6,20 36,61 ,7,01 37,42 37,83 38,23 39^5 39,4J 39,80 40.2? 40,67 Lat. 47,4* 48,32 49*24 52,88 54 55,6^ 5?44 58,3: 59> 2 6V< 62,9 l)eg. Deo. 1,36 '-77 2,18 2,59 asU 1 2',8o|23',44 ^CjG/o^^B 53.58J24 3,68 54.509 Ha 9-1 55 r 3- 35,73 36.55 36,96 W,38 37,79 ^t<,'>.0 ^8,61 49,02 39,43 39,84 49*66 41,07 Dcp. Lat. 65|'De^ 55, 5 ,8,24 59, 1 5 >' J I ny hf^!*5^J 6> 5>4' ) | a 5>54 67 55 26,13 57,2i;20, 3 26, 54 11 58,12:26,79 ^6,96. Pi 52 53 54 56 58 59 6o,o6|27,37 j! 59,94^7,^3 6^,97 27.78 I 60,8528,05 61,88 28^0 62,7928,61 62 P 6 5 66 67 68 69 70 65,52j29.^6 66,43:30,27 67;34Uo,69 68,253!, 10 69,1631,50 66,29 30,56 ,, 6 7 ,2-.>'30, 9 8 l ' 68,1131,4 69*93'. 3 2 ' 2 4 82,81 83,72 8 4, 63 38, 57 85,54(38,98 86.4539,40 87,36139,81 88,271.40,23 89,18540,64 I 90,09,41,05 7- ; 65 S3j49 73,5633.9' 74,47'34,33 7538 34-7i 76,28,35,11 77s'9,35,55 7 8,o36,cc 79, OI ;3 6 ^ 79,92*36,84 3Zl33. || 8^73|37,6! 37,74 38,15 ^PI_L^_ i 65 1 Deg. %4A^*-9 86,fl7|a97 : 87,18 40, 1 1 88,09^0,0- 89,0041.0^ 89,91 90,81 I Dep. Lat. [j>5^Deg ^'' : i.<9 9 1 9 " H 93 \l 94 95 9 6 97 lOO Its. Q U cr^ TRAVERSE TABLE. 32 25! De?. *ti Deg. = ^- ? ^D^ ^ 4 ^S ^\ #* j ,a . D'-p. Lar. Dep. [.,\\~ Dep. Lat. Dep =5 ^ i 0,91 0,42 0.9'' o,43 0.9' o 43 0,90 0,44 l 2 i.8 j 0,85 u8: 0,85 1,51 o!86 1,80 0.87 2 g 2.72 1.27 2 7 1,28 2,71 1.29 2,7 1 }3 3 4 3,6- 169 3-,6/ 1,71 3^6' 1,72 3: 60 i74 4 r 4,53 i,ir 4*5 2 2,13 4-5 1 2,15 4,5 2,17 5 6 5,4-] 2 54 5,4-' 2-56 5.42 2,58 5 5 4 a,6i 6 7 6 34 2,96 6-33 2,99 6,32 3,i 6,30 3.04 7 8 7,2.5 3,38 3-41 7,22 3>44 7.21 3,48 8 o 8 16 3.80 S'M 3 84 8,12 8,11 9 i > 9,"f 4.23 9,04 4.27 Q-03 4,31 9,01 4,34 10 1 ! 9? 97 4^5 9 95 4,69 9-93 4^74 9,()i 4,78 1 1 .12 -,S, 10,85 1 J !^0 io 5 8i 5,21 12 13 '7'" 5 49 11,7* 5,5,5 1 1,73 5.6o 11,71 5,65 13 14 2,63 12,66 5 97 12,64 6.oq 12,61 6,08 14 1 l 3 5> 6,94 13,57 6,40 13,54 6', 4 6 13,51 6,52 15 1 6 4 ?5 6,76 14,4; 6,83 14,44 6,89 14,41 6 5 95 16 17 5*4' 7,18 15,38 72;5 !5.3i 7,32 15,31 7,99 17 i:' 6 . 3 . 7.61 1 6.2o 7,68 16,25 7-75 l6 : 21 7,82 18 i .. 7j-t5 803 17.18 8 jo 17,13 8,18 17,11 8,25 '9 ?_., 3 ig l^ot; 8 53 1 8,05 8,61 18,01 8,69 20 rt 1 1U<7 18,90 8.96 18,95 9 4 18,91 9?12 21 29 9.94 93^ 19,90 9-3^ 19,86 9,47 19,8, 9.56 22 23 2'>,8 9,81 19,76 2^,72 999 23 24 - >r ,75 10,14 21,73 10,24 21,66 10,30 21,62 I'M 3 24 &5 22 66 22,61 I0;66 22,56 10.76 22,52 10,86 25 ?6 -3'5 ( '' i 5 .99 Z 3j,5 9 11,09 23.47 u,io 23.42 11.30 26 , ^4 47 11,41 244* 11.52 24,37 11,62 24*32 n, 7? 27 28 - VV ^5.3 11.94 25,27 12,05 25- 2 12, If 28 29 25 :2 8 12,26 26,2? 26,17 12.48 26,12 12,6o 2 9 22 2 7.i9 I7.,6 k 27..!' i2 5 8o 27,08 15,92 27,02 13,03 Ji? 3' 18.1 iy,iii 28,04 13,22 27.9^ 3'35 87,98 i3>4 7 3i 3 2 29,00 13.5^ 28,04 13,65 28,88 13! 78 28,82 139^ 32 8u 29,91 13,95 29,85 14,08 29:79 14,21 29,72 14.34 33 34 ;o 8- M-37 3 ;J 7,f/ 14,50 30,69 14,64 30,62 i4>77 34 35 31,7* M>79 31,66 14,93 3 T >59 5>7 31-5? 15'* 1 3 36 ;<2,ijp 15. r 32.56 15,36 32.49 15.50 32,43 15,64 36 37 3.) -5.'.' '.I 64 33,4<> 33-4C 15.93 33-33 16,07 3 l 38 3 4 4 4 (6,06 34.37 16, et 34,30 34> 2 c 16,51 38 39 -55 -35 16.48 35-27 16,64 35.2 16,79 35,13 16,9. 39 4_ 16.90 3 6jt 17.06 36-10 17 22 86*03 17,38 12. 41 *7i6 *7,33 37,oi< 17.49 37,01 15,65 36,9; i/8' 41 42 38,06 7,75 37,9' I 7-Q2 37,91 18,08 37,8 18,25 42 43 38,97 18,34 38.81 18 51 38>73 18,68 43 44 :9,88 'o'6o 39^8c 18,77 39,7' ^,94 39^3 19,12 44 4 /? ^0,7^ I 9 ,OB 4'>,7 <9.20 40,6; 4j5: 19:55 45 47 42; & 19 44 .9,86 41,6 42,51 19.62 20,05 42^42 i 9 ' 5 8o 20,23 42,3 19,98 20,42 46 47 4 K 13; 5'. 20.29 43,4* ;o, 4 8 4332 20,66 43,2 20,85 48 49 44,41 20,71 44.32 20,90 44*23 21,10 44,1 2i,ac, 49 , f . i53* -1,13 45 2'- 21,33 45,1 g 21 j53 4?,O< 21,72 1. 5?- r" ff 8 - Lar. Dep. 64 1 Lar. Deg. T)ep 64^ Lai.' Deg. i->ep Lau 64*. Deg. * TRAVERSE T A B L E. 1 GT 5,46,22 48,03 48,94 4.9,85 50,75 5- ,54 57 51,6624 60 6. 62 6? 64 65 66 6 53 & 22,40 22, 52,57 .5953,4 21^8 24.51 54,38*5.- 55,2825,78 56,19 26,20 ?7,I026,62 !,oo 58,9ih7,47 tSJ7\/7St 59 5 822 7 ,89 _ 60,72^8,32 6861, 63128,74 69,62, 54^29, 16 7J 6 3,44'29,5g 7 l i6435J3, 01 72,65,2530,43 7366,1630,85 74i67, 73i,27 7567,973!, 7 7668.8832,11 7 7 |69, 79:32, 54 7870.6932,96 7971,6033,39 8j2i? ; 8i|73,4i34,23 8274,3234,65 8375,2235,08 8476,1335,50 85(77, 0435,92 86i77,943 6 35 87)78,85 8879-7637 RnHto.66 o*';6i 91182,4738,46 9283,3838,88 93 84,2^ 39,30 94 8 5,'939 5 73 95 86,4 40,15 9687,01 9787,91 40,99 9888,82 41,82 9989,72 41,84 , iof>9o,63 _ iJ7 D> i_ ^ fa 65 T5^ De _57 38_/H 8 1,40 3_^_,^Q IP HM T R A V E R S E TABLE. 3:s ^ p. 26 Deg. 261 Dee. 26 \ Deg. 2 6 \ l)eg. ^j p W 5= Lar. Dep. La.'. Dep L* . Dep. Lat. Dep _&_' i 0,90 0,44 0.90 0,44 0,89 o,45 0,89 0-45 i 2 1,80 0,88 i*79 0,08 1,79 0,89 1,79 0.90 2 3 2,70 1,32 2,69 '*33 2,68 1,34 2,68 x ,35 3 4 3.6o 1,75 3,59 1 ,77 3,58 1,78 3-57 1,80 4 5 4:49 2,19 4.48 2,21 4,47 2,23 4,46 a, 25 5 6 .5-39; 2,63 5,3* 2,65 5,37 2,68 5,36 2,70 6 7 ^---X! 3;7 6,28 3,*<> 6,26 3,12 6,25 8 7>*9 3,51 7,i7 3,54 7,16 3<57 7,14 sle 5 9 8 9 3,9,5 8,07 3,98 8,05 4,02 8,o 4 4,05 9 J 10 8 99| 4*38 8,97 4,42 8.95 4,46 _8,93 4.50 10 1 1 9, by 4.82 9*87 4 87 9.84 4.91 9,82 495 1 1 12 10,79 5,26 10,76 5.31 10,74 5^35 10.72 5,4 12 1 3 11,68 11,66 5,75 ii, 0*3 5.80 ^,61 5,85 13 A or 1 4,35 7.08 14.32 7.14 14,29 7,eo 16 1 7 15,28 7,45 15,25 7,52 15,21 7*59 J 5'i8 7,6,- J7 * / 1-8 .6.18 7,8 9 1.6,. 14 7,96 16,11 8,03 J 6,o7 8.10 18 1Q 17,08 17,04 8.40 17,00 8,48 J 697 8,55 J 9 * :? 20 17.98 8,72 *7*9_4 8,85 17. 4^ 8.92 ^.^j^jOo 20 21 18,87 9,21 18.83 9,29 i8,79 9-37 18,75 94. r > 21 22 *9,77 9,64 19,73 9 73 19,69 9,82 '9,65 9-90 22 23 20,67 10,08 20,63 10,17 20,58 1.0,26 " 23 24 21,57 10,52 21,52 1 0,6 1 2i.48io,7i 21^43 i'-,8o 2 4 25 22,47 1,0,96 22,42 1 1,06 22.3711,15 22,32 !I , 2 5 25 26 23-37 11,40 23,32 11,50 23,2711,60 23.22 11,70 26 27 24*27 11,84 24,22 11,94 24,1612,05 24, 1 1 12,15 2 7 28 25,1112.38 25,06 12,49 25^00 12.60 28 20 26,' 6| 12, 71 26,01 12,83 25,9512,94 25 90 13.05 29 J 3 2^19613,15 26,91 13,27 26,85 13-39 26,79 13,50 _3 31 32 2 7-,86 13, 59 27,80 28,70 il''5 28*6414.28 27,68 28,58 1 395 3* O " 33 29,6614,47 29,60 14,60 29*53 14-72 *9,47 14-85 .33 34 30,56 14,9^ 3'49 15,04 30,^3 15,1 7 3 '*36 15,3 34 35 31*4615,34 3**39 5*48 3 I >3 2 ; 1 562 31.25 15*75 35 36 37 32,3615,78 33,26116-22 32,29 15,92 16,36 32,22116,06 33- 1 1 16,51 33*04 16,20 16,65 36 37 38 39 40 34,1516,66 35- 5i I 7i 35,95jt7.53 34^08 34,98 35*87 16,81 17*25 17,69 34,01 34,9 35,8o 16,90 17.40 33,93 34,83 35,73 17.10 ! 7>55 18,00 38 39 -JL2 41 3^,85 17.9? 36,77 18.13 30.69 18,29 36,61 18,45 41 TT 42 37*75 l8 >4 1 37.67 18,58 37*59 18,74 37.51 18,90 42 43 38.65(18,85 38,57 19,02 38, 4 8 19, 19 3 8 *4 C i9,35 43 44 00.55 19,29 39>46 19,46 39,3 8 19,63 39,29 19,80 44 45 4 , 45 1-9,73 4^,36 19.90 40,27 20,08 40,18 20,25 45 46 20, 1 7 41,26 20,3-5 4i,i7 20,53 41,08 20,7 46 47 42,24 20,60 42,15 20,79 42,06 20,97 4 J *97 21,15 47 48 *X , -^^r 21 04 43,05 21,23 42,96 21,42 42,86 2 I . 60 48 49 44,0421,48 43,95 =41.67 43,85 21.86 43,76 ^2,05 49 ~ i cS 44,9421^ DepJLat. 44,84 "De"p. 22,11 44.75 S 44,65 Dep. [Jr. .Jl . * J Q 64 Deg. 1 63} Deg. 63! Oeg. 63^ l^g' a 8 T R A V E R S E T A B L E. 65 66 6 7 68 6.9 Zil 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ?8 79 8_1 81 82 89 84 85 86 87 88 89 9_L 9 ! 92 93 94 95 96 97 1 Q .56,62 57,52 58,42 59, 3 * 60,22 61,12 62,02 62^92 63,81 64,71 ,,6. 66.-5> >7,4! 68,31 6.9,21 70,11 71,00 71,90 72,8^ 73,70 74,60 75,5 76,40 77,3 78,20 79,09 79,99 80,89 27,62 28,06 28,93 29-37 29,81 30,69 3 J ,5 6 3 2 ,oo 32,44 32,88 33,32 33,75 34, J 9 34,63 35, "7 35,95 36^88 37,7" 38,14 38,58 39,oi a9>4? 8 ',79 39,89 82,69 7 '42 7,86 57,402^,31 3028,75 29,19 45 29 90 59,96 _ . 6o ,86 30,34 30,79 62,6531.03 6 3,54 64,44 6 5,33J3 e ,57 67,1233,46 68,91 69,80 70,70 7 2 ,4 ( , 73:38 74,28 75,1737,48 76,0737,93 76,9(1 77,86 78,75 79,65 34 36 34,8o 35^5 s^rj 36,5) 38,37 38,82 39.27 39, 7 26! U<:p 45,54 46,4323,4^ 52 47,3;r"" :l 48,22 49,11 50,01 5^,9 51,7926,11 53,59*6,56 24 'd 54 M,76 55 25,66 55,36:27,91 62 56,26 28,36; 63 57,i5's8,8i| 64 58,04129,26 6 5 5 8,94'2 9 ,7i 66 60,72 3o,6i| 68 6 1,62' 3 1, 06 69 65,1.9 3 *>86 66,o833,3i 7 66,9733^61 7 67,8734^ ' /i 72 "3 74 "5 76 wu , -o 34,^^1 77 69,6535,11! 78 7^,55 35,56 79 7M4 36^01 80 72,3336,46 81 7 3,2 2 36,9 1 82 74,1237,36 83 759o:38,'26 y 86 //5 v/y o/,- J j 87 78,58 ^9-6i 88 79.4o4,o6 89 O.-^ ^^^'jri e i O 1 ) 56 T R A V E R S E TAB!, E. 2 74 Deg. Lat Dep 0.9 2$ i t ] 35 1,86 4,4 2,33 5,3 2,79 6,1 3.26 7,o 3,72 7,9 4>i9 8,8 4,66 9,7 5,12 10,6 5,59 11,5 6,05 12.3 6,59 13.2 6,98 14,1 7,45 15,04 7.9* 15,9 8,38 16,8 8,85 17,70 9,3i 18,58 9.78 19,47 10,24 2J >35 10,71 21,2, 11.17 22, 12 11,64 as'**! 12,57 24,78 i3 ? 97 2 7 43 28,3, 4-43 4,90 29,20 5'37 309 ,5,83 30,97 6,3" 31.86 6,76 32,74 7,23 33.63 34,.5i 8.'62 36,88 9> 0c > 37,17 9,56 38,05 0,02 38,94 0,49 40,71 1,42 41,59 .88 42,43c .2, -5 c 13.362 2,8. 44, ?. .5 2 3,28 i>ep. J ^a-. 62} Deg. 8 4s TRAVERSE TABLE, **= E=S n P| 2 7 l*g. 5? ~!La . Ueu 57 5V45 4^ 53J47,2* ' " 24,52 24,97 5 6 ( 49,9 ( ' 25,42 59152,5 7120,7V 60153,4627,24 6255,24 64i57<>* 29,06 46,23^3,81 47,12:24,27 48,01124.73 48.902.5,18 49,7825,64 ,5 56726 10 51,5626,56 .52.4527.01 54^3*7,93 56,01:28,85 56.901 Z9 . 30 l)e?. L ' i - 47,24 46,12 ,:5, IH^'S -2 .}.. i il 46,C2 47,01124,47 jj 4P.90 47,9 -N 93 |j -i77i 48,79 5 40 i* 40.0} 45,67 2 5 ,86 5o,56Je6, 51, 4.5126, 1 . M'99'28,63 5?44 52,21 53 io 53-98 55,75 66|58,8i;29,96 67'59 7 3 42 68^0,59:30,87 961,4831,33 ., r _ iW ,. , 7_;62.B9 3M8 0^03 3^05 | 7,63,2632.23 I 63,ia, - _!.... -w.Irtrt Ar\ if r\A.i)\\ f . 0,90:4^.30 50,77199.55 1 7, "9^29,76 675 66l 3 !! > 01 I! ^ 7 '' 5& 8,68o>) 22 I 58. 54 3-- .48 |> 5--4 1 5y-43!3 S94i|5?2c 6 >3 2 : 3^ 6i 6 g.oo'.: ; 2 3 ^ |j ^.i9 A 26,07 26 4 28,87 ^33 z 9 3 - 30-78 2.1 74' 1 65.93:.-3, 6 ' 75,66,83 34 -5 76,67,72,34,50 64,01132,9? !] 63,85:33,25 ? 6-i75^3 = 7i i\ 6^79'33, 8i jj 6 i' 6 4 ; 34 ; ' 66,68 ( 34,34 || 66,53-3^63 67-57|34 5 8 68,45ks fi 6 69,34135,71 797-3935--7 8 7i.>o3o :-u i 8T7 2 - 73(:.7; 82:73^ c6 '37-28 83J73"95;37 6B 8V75-74 ! 38.59 8676, ! '3 : 39- 4 8777,5 2 39:5 88-78,51 8979-3' 67^4 1 !35-9 68,3' : i'^5 . 5 c I 69.1936,02 |f 70,0716 4^ |i 5 '^9 I 40.41 Q' J8o. 19140,86 9 1 !' 9'4 9382,8642,22 t 2,68 43, J 3 13,58 14,40 ' t 5-4 Q 63 Dtg. 94 84,6.5 9 r > 85,54 9786,4; ^3 2 7^,9 7^68 75,57 76,46)31 77,3.4 4 --.29 4 75 it. ai 38.00 38,46 38 92 / ' * * ^ / -j- - t * 72,78:37 S6 || 7--5 1 73: 62 |3- ; 33 U 7: ^" 74,5! 75,4" o 8o,y 8216^ 83,57 85-35 86,23 87,12 880 88,9 Dep 'l^;/^ If 74>< 39 i) "- 39.71 ! 76,1 ^2, 42,58 H-4 1 I4.7 7 8 ; 6 4^i 6 3 78.94141,10 9^834-1^56 8-J.7 2 42,02 :J2 48 83,49 i2. 8338 85,15 86 ^4 86-93 L) H,4 > 43,87 44-33 45:7 Deg. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 7 2 73 74 7*6 77 78 9 57-^5 57-71 t^6j ;.9 5 40,0^ to 5 . io 9' M44 i i q 8i,4 43-3 ( 84, 84,9 85 8 , 87^61 4 6 ! 1 8>J,5_ U6\y( D "'La^. 39 90 77 ii 93 94 96 97 98 99 lOO IS 4^"^ ^'3 -4,-< Hv $8 &.G& TRAVERSE TABLE. J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 2 9 30 32 33 34 % II 3.9 -4JL 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5o 0,88 Deg. Do p. 0.4.7 J i77 2,6,5 3:53 4j4 5-3 6,18 7,06 7,95 10,60 i M 8 ,2,36 '3,24 15,89 16.78 17,66 18,54 20,31 21,19 22.07 23-84 24,72 25,61 26.49 0,94 i, ! 88 2,35 2,82 3*76 4.23 7.51 7,98 9j9. 9,86 io ? ,8o 11,27 ^,74 12,21 12,68 13,15 14. 28,25 29,14 30,02 30.90 32;'67J M,55 15,49 16-43 [16,90 34.43i8,3i 35i3- 3 111? 36,2019,25 37,08^9 72 37-9-20,19 38,85^,66 40,62*2 1,60 cp 2,37 2,84 3,3i 3>79 7,93 8,81 9,69 io>57 n,4^ 12,3: 18,5 32,55 33,4 34,3 42,2 l>o.'Lat. i7,4 17:51 '7,99 18.46 :0 ; 8 3 .3.67 ,at. 2 'L Lai SF^ 1,76 2,64 4,S9 5,27 6,15 7>9 J "9^67 11,42 12.30 14,06 J 4>94 ii>6 17,58 20,21 21:97, 22,85! 2 3>73 24,61 2549 26.36 27,24 28,12 3 6 3i,64 3 3 -39 3M7 40,48 43 94 HlP: Deg. 2.8J Deg % ^P: Lat. 3eo o, 4 8 0,88 0.48 >95 1,75 0.96 M3 ^563 1.44 *;9i 3-51 1,92 2 ,39 4,38 2,40 2 3 86 5,26 2,^9 3,34 6,14 3,37 3,82 7,i 3,85 4,29 7, Be 4,3? 4.77 8,77 481 . 5,25 9,6^ 5,29 5-73 Io '5 2 5,77 6.20 11,40 6,25 6,68 6,73 7; l6 3jl A 7,21 7j63 14,0? 7,70 8,n I 4 , 9 r 8.18 8,59 15.78 8,66 9>7 X 6.66 9,14 Q'54 J 7-.53 Q.6<; 10.02 l8;4l 10, 1O 10,50 19^,29 1 ',58 10,97 20,16 1 1, 06 1 1,45 2l O^ i; ,5^ IJ ;93 21 '92 12,< 2 12,41 22,79 12.51 12,88 23.67 12,99 13,36 I 3t47 13*84 5,43 13,95 14.31 26,30 '4,43. ,14.79 27,1^ 14 9i 28,0^ r 5r39 > 15*75 28,9: 15,87 > 16,22 29,81 16 35 ) 16,70 30,69 'M3 H7.18 S5< 17.32 M8^ 3 83,3' 1^28 18,6 1 '8,76 J '9^9 3.5> <>f 19,24 3 19,56 35, 9^ 19 72 1 2v,04 36,8 J-,2C ) 20.52 3?. 7^ 20,68 7 20,99 38,5 ai,i6 " *M7 39,4, 11-64 ] 21. 95 4",3 ^2,13 : * 2 >43 41,2 ^2,61 ^ 22,90 42,08 23, C'9 ' 23,38 42,96 23,57 123,86 43,84 23. i>5 .Lai. La ; Lteg- 6 i-l- beg 5$ 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 2 3 2 4 25 26 28 29 _3o 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 *o **a^ TRAVERSE TABLE. 28 Deg. at. Jep. 5.03 n i 6,80 7,68 9,45 o.33 2,09 M 8 3,8f 47' 5,6, 6,51 7,3S 2,6 3,5 4,4< 5,3 6,2 8,8 9 > 70,6 2,4 73,2 74, 1 5, 5,9 76,8 77,7 78,5 79.4 8 ,3> 81, 82,11 83,' 3>94 4,4* 4,88 5,35 5,82 6.29 6,76 7,7 :8,I7 284- Deg. Lat. 44,93 8,64 '.9l58 A5 3i39 32,86 33,33 34,74 35,68 36,15 36,62 37,9 37,56 38,03 0^,97 39,44 40.37 40,84 41,78 42.2,5 87,41 42,72 43> 66 8 5,65 45,54 86,5346.0 46,48 88,2946,95 Dep. l at. *&Sft 62 Deg. 46,69 7,5? 43,45 49,33 50,21 52,8 53,73 54,62 55,50 56,38 57,26 58,14 59,9 60,7 62,5 63,4 65, ifi 66,0 66,9, 67,8 68,7 69,5 72,2 73, 1 73,9 74.8 75,7 76,6 77,5 78,4 79 80,1 81,0 81,9 82,8 87,2 88,0 6 if 4,61 5>9 6,o3U48,3< 44,82 45,7o 46,58 7,45 50,09 50,97 5',8< 8,87 9,35 0,29 o,77 1,24 2,19 2,66 3 J 3 36i 4,08 4>55 5:3 5,50 5,97 |645 }6,9* 57>39 38,81 39,29 39,76 4^65 42,13 42,60 437 43,55 44,* 14,49 14,97 15,44 46',39 17,33 Lat. 53,6i 54,49 155,37 56,2 57,12 58.00 5 8,8 [59,76 60,64 ll5J 62, 4( 63,27 65,0; 65,9 66,7- 67,6 68,5, 69,4 70,3 72,0 7^9 73,8 747 75,5 76,4 77,3 78,2 79,0 79)9 80,8 8i,7 83^4 84,3 86^1 87,0 87,8 Dep 5,77 6*72 7,20 7,68 V5 8,63 9,58 ,0,06 ,54 i, 02 ,45 34,36 34,83 5,3i -5,79 36,26 36,74 37>22 37,70 38,17 38,65 39>.'3 40,08 40,56 41,04 42,47 42,94 43,9 C 44?3 8 44,85 45,3c 4^28 46,7^ 47> 4 7-7^ Lat. Deg. I! 6i| Deg. Dep. 45,59 : 8,22 49,10 49,97 50,85 25,49 *5,97 26,45 17,9 52^60 28*^86 29,34 3o,3 3i,z6 *rt* I : S 59,62133,71 60,4933,19 62,25*34,1 64>88j35,5< 65,753 6 .-07 66,6336,56 68*38,37,52 69,2638,00 7o.n'38,JL 8 59 S 5 * sr 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6-> 61 64 65 66 6 7 68 69 70 71,01:38,96 7i,89 ; 39j44 74 75 76 77 7 79 80 81 82 /*?' /,'-'-"' O 73,644=!^ 84 74,5*;40,38| _^ 75,4'4 I ,36 86 76,28 4', 8 5 87 77,i5'42,33 88 j% t o^M 89 79^7 8 J43 5 77 9^ 8i,54'44,73 93 82,4ii45,aij 94 95 84 ' 17 iV^ 85,0446,66 85,92,47 .-14 96 97 9 , ,_- 99 87,67148, loi oo Dep.(Lat. Deg 6,1 * ^L , 5 a ***&& 6o TRAVERSE TABLE. m ?9| M'J2> LatT ^ep 0,87 o,'5'.i 1,74 0.99 2,60 l ,49 347 1,98 4,31 2,48 5,2i 2,98 6,08 3-47 6,95 3,97 7.81 447 8.68 4f)6 9:55 54^ 10,42 5'95 i ^*P 6,45 12jl/; 6 ? 95 13 2 7-44 1389 7,94 14,76 15,6-5 4s 16,50 9,43 17-3^ 9.92 19,1' 10,92 19,97 11.41 20,84 11,91 ai7> 12,41 22,57 12,90 ^344 (3,40 2 4>3' 3' 8 9 25, ib >4 3.9 2^.0', 1 4,81; 26,9 i 5-S 27.7;- ,5,88 28, 6< (6.38 2 9>5- 16,87 3?3i/ 1.747 31. 2< t;j?6 3 2 9 ( / ,8^86 ^86 !9-35 35,6 W~v~ 36,46 10& 38^ 2l)8j 3.9 5 o? 22,33 39-94 22.83 40.81 J 3 3^ 41.6? J3,8'2 42,5i i 4-3 I 43 4 1 '4.81 Dtp. I^a-. 6ol Deg. Q TR E TABLE. igj.nee. 2 9 | Dee U. D x> Lar. Jjrp. 443< ) 5 i l 4,2 25,3: 45, 2 ( 45-1 ^580 45. ic. ^| IO 45,,- i6,'^c 47,0, 26.59 46,8 26,8', 47,8- ' 7 , - ; iS ^7,75 27,29 48.74 27.5 S 48.6 -7.79 49,6i'e8.o7 49,4 ( i-S 2;-, 50.48 28.56 50,3 8,78 5,35 29,0? 52"'* 29.28 ' | x v ' 52,9 3 -27 53-963^53 53-8 ^7? 54,83 3i 02 54.-7 31,26 5,5, *c 31.52 55,4 > ?7 56,57|32,oi 56,4 32,25 5754^*13 ^}<5 ^ 57,3 i - ^ / 58,3132,99 5,i ]3,2. ; 59, '8 33,48 59,9 ,J4--'i 34,47 60.77 34- ^ 61,8 34.96 6t,6_ 35, a 3 61.67 35; 45 6a ,5 35,73 ^54 64,41 35j95 36,44 64,25 3^7- 6^,28 6$,ii 37,*2 66,15 37-42 65-9 37, 7 i $7,02 3792 66,85 ,8.2' 67.89 '67,72 ^.O* " C 68,76 18,9 - 68,59 39, 2< S. 6; 39 39 6.) 4 <9-7 70,5P 39,89 7o,3' to, 19 7', 37 7-Jc ^0,69 72,24 4^7 72,0(5 i i , i '-' '3, 11 4 ',36 72,93 t i,68 73,98 11.86 735**? 2jlo 7 4,8/' is 25 74,67 1 2 fc; 75,7 42,84 75,53 43.17 76,5 ( 43,33 "6,40 t i>6; 77,46 '83^ 43,83 44 -^ 78.14 14- 16 4.66 ^9,2' 14'8i 79,01 5,16 $0,07 79,87 5 5 65 $0.94 4 A 80 80,74 6.15 MI 16,29 6,64 ? 2 ,68 46,78 82,48 7* 1 4 {3.55 17, 2 7 83,35 7,64 !4>4 ^5,29 17,77 48,26 84,22 85,08 8.'6j {6.17 48,75 85 95 9- '7 57,0-1 J -,.. 10.21 ? ! 86,82 F/ n PI . * / 2:2! 6oiDes. 1! 6o-tte K . p. a 6 5 66 67 08 69 71 7 2 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8_> 81 82 83 84 85 86 8 7 38 89 7 99 "' O T R AVERSE T A B L .E. Q u 30 Deg. * --, 1 . D,-T. eg P Laf. Dep. j J - i Uep. s Lat. e. : " 0,87 0.50 ,o.80| i.,so 0,51 'o,B6 "" ~7~ 1 2 i,72 1,00,, 1,01 J , ")2 1,72 1,0 2 s> 3 2,6, 1,50 2.59 5 5 j 2, 5 b I, 5a 2.58 1,53 3 4 3,46 2,00 3,46 2,02 3,45 2 - '-'3 3-44 2,05 4 5 4,33 4,32 a>52 j 4,3* 2,54 4,00 2-56 5 6 5,9.0 3, op 5 1 1 ^ 3,02 5,1? 3. Qr 5,16 3,^7 6 7 6^06 35 6,05 353 6 >3 3^55 6,02 3,58 7 8 6,93 4,00 691 4r>3 6,89 4,06 6,88 4, n 9 8 9 7,79 4^5 7,7? 4-53 77. r 4'57 7,73 4 60 9 10 8.66 5,00 8,64 5 04 8.62 5,11 10 1 1 9,53 5. ,50 9*5 5,54 94% ~5^ ~^4- 5 "pa 1 1 12 to 39 6,00 I ' :> ?37 6-05 10 ?34 ^.09 I 3 1 6. 14 12 13 ll;,6 (\ r,o M>3 6,55 jri,2t 6,60 ?i,i7 6,65 '3 14 U,12 7,00 1 2,09 7,05 12,06 7.11 r 2.oS 7.16 14 15 12,99 12,96 7,56 12.92 7, 6 1 I 2.8'/ '7,67 '5 16 13,86 8,00 13,82 8,06 13,79 8 ix 1 9 ' <7 S 8.18 16 17 14,72 8,50 14,69 8,56 Ms 1 4,6 I 8,69 17 18 '5,39 9,00 15,55 9,07 15*51 Q, 14 1 ^.47 9,20 18 19 16.45 10,41 9-47 16,37 9^64 J6.38 9,71 19 20 L7>3? 1 0,00 17,28 I 7,^3 IO.T5 10,2,^ 20 21 18^9 lojTo 18,14 lo^g 18,09 Jl. OjClfa 1.8,05 ',74 ~2~! 22 19,05 11,00 19,00 1^,08 18,90 11,17 18 ;9 1 11.25 22 03 ^9:92 11.50 19,87 11.59 19,82 II,<57 1 9,7' 11,76 2Q 2 4 80^78 12,OO 90,73 ' 2 .09 eo,68 12,l8 o,6s 12,27 24 21,65 12,50 21,60 i p.- 5 9 21,54 12,69 a i>49< 12.78 2 5 26 22 5<52 13.00 22.46 13,10 22,40 13,20 22,34 [ 3> 2 9 26 2^ 23.38 1 3-5 i t3,3-> 13.60 23.26 13.70 23^ 13,80 ~7 28 84> 2 5 I4)bp 2 4, ] 9 J4,n -4, 1 3 J4.21 24,06 1 4}3 2 28 29 2 5i i 1:14,50 25,05 14,61 24,99 14.72 24,92 14,83 2 9 3 ; -,.o<> 25j9? '55 11 25,85 1 5 2 3 Zr } 7p 15.34 _3 3i !-fo*0 261,7 & 15,62 26,71 ! 5>73 26,64 1 5 S 5 3i 32 ".7. 7 1 iU'00 27,64 1 6 1 2 27,57 16,04 *7,5 16,36 32 33 28,58 16,50 28,51 16.62 28,4; 16,75 28,36 16,87 33 34 7.00 29,37 I 7i*3 2 9,3'> 17.26 29.22 17-38 34 35 go H o 31.10 18.14 3ljoa 18.27 30,0^3 36 37 32,04! 18,50 18,64 31.8; 18,78 31. & 18,92 37 38 32.91; 19,00 4lf3 19,14 3^,74 (9. -29 32,66 19,43 3B 39 33, 77J19 50 33,69 i9> 6 5 33- 6c J 9//9 33-52 i Q<94 39 _4 ' 'L'jfJ M4 - .55 20,15 _4.*^ " 2 *. 7O i i 4 A 40 4> },/;> ii*--j5o 354 2 20,65 35,33 2 ; ; . 0' I 30,96 4i 42 o6. 37 |ai.-o 36,28 21,16 3<>, ID 11.32 42 44 37,24'ii^o 37 5 i4 i 66 2j.b2 3.0,6-5 21.99 43 44 q -5.1 i!22,f'0 38,01 22,17 379 J 37.8i 44 45 '-,5 38,87 22 67 38,7" 32.67 23, -'i 45 . 46 ;,00 39-74 i3? ' 7 39,6; 2 3- 35 39^3 46 47 4O S 7<.> 23, 5 4'>,6o 23.68 4'5 33.85 24.03 47 4* 41.5724.00 41,46 M>' 8 4 1 >3^ s-t ;^> 4 J -,ir 48 49 |2,s i 2 4'5 42,33 24,68 42,22 !4j8? ,; 42, i j 5^'i 49 13,3 e 5->> i cT IVn.'Lat. D^p' Br 43-l^| 2 idi!L4^i97 i>:-V.. l La,. Ij Dep. Lat. tf . 3 Q 60 J , 9 | Dcg. 59! Eteg'll S9i i)e gr Q Q T 11 *}$ <$4 TRAVERSE T A ft L E. **v*. * ? !Ul>*. i| 3 vl De-. 3_i_|_neg. ,|3 Dejr. ^ju D ' r tatv Dep. Si Lar D^pi I n Deo tat. Den p ~"7 o,8< O.Ji II 0,8 0,52 o.8 t 0.52 0,8 -53 A 2 1.7; i 3 l| l,7 J 1,04 !,? I 1,04 1,7 1. 01 2 3 2 ;5' 1,55 2.56 i -.5 6 2,^6 i-57 2,5, 1,58 3 4 3-4;- 2,06 3.42 a. 68 3.41 2 09 3'4 2,10 4 4,! 2,58 4,27 z ,59 4,26 2,6l 4,2. *,6^ 5 i 5,14 39 5' i ? 5 12 3,13 5,1 3.16 6 7 6.oc 3,6i 5 ,9^ ^163 3>66 5,Qu 3,68 7 8 6,8( 4,12 6,84 4M 6,8 9 4,18 6,8c 4,21 8 9 7.71 4,64 7,6c; 4,6; 7,C-7 4,70 7,6, 4,74 9 in _8j57 5-15 8 5 " 5^19 8. co 512 8.5 'i.i6 i-j 1 1 9,43 56~7 T?" 5-71 9-3 5-75 9,3 5,79 1 1 12 1 >,2C 6,18 0,26 10,2 6.31 12 13 11,14 6,7- 11,1 6.'74 n, 6.79 1 1<0 5 ^.84 '3 M 12,00 7 : 21 1 1,97 7-26 11,9 7,0,1 11,9 7 37 14 ! '5 Ifi.Sf; 7.7? 12,8. 7.78 7-84 12,7 789 J 5 16 1 3 / ' '] 24 ,3.6:, 13,6: 8.;;6 13 6 8,4^ 16 17 i, >' K, 7 6 14,^3 8.82 14.49 8,88 M,4t ^,95 '7 18 '5,4 i5,3> 9r34 15,35 9.40 9-4 18 19 16.29 ,9 79 }| i6 ^ 9, .86 16,2 9,93 i6^'i 1 ',0 9 i "' | 1 7, !-> j 17,1-. 17,0 10.4*; 17 1 ,5 20 ,1 S oo 10,85 i i < v 8r; 17,9 10 97 i7 5 t ^I.O 21 aq 18.86 ii, S3 l8,8l 11,41 18, 7( 11.49 1^,7 ' '5 22 23 ^j 7 ' i r ? 8/3 19 5 66 f i-93 19,6 12,02 9,5< 2,1. 2 3 30,57 12 36 if 0,5 a 20.46 x,54 2 :4 fe,6 2 4 r> ^ 21,43 ii,88 21,37 12.97 21,32 13,06 21,2' 13,16 25 26 22 20 'V39 22.2'. 3,58 22,1 ^368 26 27 S3. 1 j 1 Q I 23, oS ! 4 ,OJ 23,02 14.11 22.91 14.2 27 28 14.0: i-4 2 2 3-94 14-53 23,8? 1463 23 8 M,73 28 29 l4,8{ 14 04 B4>79 15.04 24,7? 15,15 24,6. -5-26 2 9 .'' ' ."01.71 1 5 45 ^ r.^ I5> y 5,58 15.67 15 5 5-79 3 31 5 97 26.50 26,4,-. 6,20 26,3 16,31 31 3* '27 43 16,48 27,3 i6,'6o 27,28 16,72 2 7 21 6,84 32 33 17,00 28,2 17,12 28,14 i 7 $4 28,06 17,37 33 34 29,14 29.07 -.64 28,90 i 7,76 l8 v9 J 17,89 34 3-5 }O..K 18^03 29 9' 18.16 29,^4 18 29 29,7. 18.4^ 35 3 ^ 30,86 r8 ? 54 $o,7 18,68 3=7 18,81 30,6 ' -8 ; 94 36 3', 72 19,06 S. 1 ?^ 19.19 $5.5 19,33 31 4^ 9-47 37 38 3*, 57 ^9-57 32,45 32.40 '9.85 S 2 '."* *o,oo 38 39 33,43 J0 9 33,34 20,23 33-2.^ ^0,38 33 it 10.52 39 i- 34,2<; zo,6o 34, a -o,75 34.' ! 2->.gr; 34- c ' 21, ''5 4 ' 4 1 35, 4 21,12 35,05 21,27 34/96 '^42 34-8 2 ~^57 41 42 3 6. or I 1.63 35'9 T 2i>79 35,7' .2,1 42 43 36,86 Z2 ^5 36.7^ 22,31 36^66 2,47 36.5: 2,63 43 44 J7> 2 22,66 37& 2^,83 375- 3-7,4 . 3 r ? 44 43 38,57 43,18 38,47 ^3,34 38.37 3,51 38,27 3,68 45 c 46 19'43 23,69 39^3? 23,86 39,2 4.03 39> ' - 4,21 46 1 47 40,29 J4,2I 40, ii J 4,3^ 40,0- 39,97 4,73 47 O 41,14 24,72 41,04 24,90 I 49: 5,' 5 8 40,8? 5,26 48 49 J2,OG 41 8 9 5,60 41,67 5,78 49 I ~ 42,86 S Uat, 42,7,^ ^5'94 f W-M II IA L.ar. I Dep 6,12 oat. 4 9. . ? 2 6,31 '^r iJep. La:. ?&> 59 *>g. 58|Deg. 1(58^ Deg. 58 V Deg. O &. TRAVERSE TABLE. r.E^ 4,10 7,49 49,19 0,03 5^ ;i,73 )2, 5 8 )3,43 J4 55,12 55,97 'ep. 7,3 27,56 28,09 ,8,62 2 9.i5 29,68 1,80 3=2,33 32,85 2833 36,82 8.5^ 9,3 &0,21 6l,o6 61,9 i 66, i S 7 6-. 84 09,54 70 :Jy 71,24 3,78 74,63 75,48 70,0 78,87 79,72 8i'; 5 4 34,44 34,97 16,56 37,6s 38^68 39j74 40.27 40.8-.) 4', 33 0041,86 42J59 ;2 ; 92 3,45 98 5443, 3943- 15,57 46. 10 47^6 17 69 48,75 49,28 49,81 5 ; 34 ( > 43.13 83,06:52.46 I b*Q #ca* , 4,805^' If g. X'p.lj at. Il 68,50 69 3 70,2 71, "4 73,5^ 74 4 75, 2 7 Til- 76,9^ 77.8i 79,4 ftrji 8 2 ,o, 82.8? 83-73 8-1,57 44,822 ,28 6728,82 46,5' J 29-35 47,3629,^8 30,42 49- 9 C ^0,74 5',59 52.44 53,28 54 ? i3 54,97 55,8s 56,66 6. ',05 60,89 61,74 6e, 5 b 63>43 64,28 65,12 65,97 66, 31,48 .52,02 i3>62 4:68 J5,22 35,75 36 29 36,82 .35 ^7,89 3^,95 39,49 814 41,09 41,62 ,16 43.76 44,29 44,82 45, 5 89 -+6,42 46,96 47,49 i^i3 49- 9 49,63 50,16 ,0,69 52,83 at, 44,70 45,54 46,39 47 48.07 48,99 2,3. 30 5 ( ,45 53, I o ,98 34 55,66 56,51 58,19 59,8838. 60.72 6i>57 62,41 64,10 64,94 27,94 48.48 ^9,01 ^9^55 ,09 30,63 3^7- 33^5 39 34,9 B 35 ? 46 36,00 36,54 377 38,69 39j76 63,2540,30 40,83 4*>37 65s?8 41,91 66,63 67-47 68,31 69,. 6 -ro'88 73',38 74,22 75> 6 42,45 43-5^ 44,^6 44 : 6> 45- 3 45,67 40,21 46,75 47,28 47 -82 91(48,36 6.75 77,5949,a3 78.4449,97 79,88 80, 80,97 82,65 83,5 48,89 50,51 5 ',58 52. 12 52,66 53^9 3.6 4-3-i 53,73 J Deo.TLat' De?. ^O^ 43, 73 44,5^ 46,26 47 48,7^ 49,62 5, 46 94,3 28,13 29,11 29,75 30,29 ,84 3i,38 33, 33,54 53 8 3 34,6s 54,6735,16 55-5 J !35,7o 5 8 ,c3;37 5 33 58.8737^7 62.2440,03 63,7641,65 65,61,42,20 66,4442; 68.07J44-36 71,49:45,9^ 72,334 6 73, '747 74^4*, M 75,694^69 76.53 49,23 77,3849,77 78,22 79-065 79,905^39 80, 74 5 T - 9 3 8 1, 5^ ,';2.47 82. 40 < 3, 0.12 83,2653.56 -3' 24,io i Lat 5i 52 53 54 5,5 56 57 58 59 67 60 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Zi 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ^o O 7 ! 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 !| a ^^e'^ 68 ^ TRAVERSE TABLE. >#3$ 6 c ^U>.'. J33; %*! || 11\ He*- 33! Deg. ?. p LaTT ) IJiLa. , Den. || 1. , Jep. Lit. Pep '^^ (^ ,(-' 5- 0.84 0,55 I '^3 0.55 0,8 0.56 f 1.6 i 9 1,6: 1,10 * ^67 1,10 1,6 I.I 1 2 ? 2 5 1,6? 2,51 1.64 2 }5 C 1,66 2,40 1,67 3 i 3,3 2,18 3,3 : 2,19 3r3-, 2,21 3.,3, 2 f 82 4 5 4 i 2-72 4, 18 *,74 4,17 2,76 4, 1 9 T.- 5 ,4.5 8.36 8.-Jd 8.3 .5,56 10 U 9,2 5-99 9,2_> 6.0? 9^7 6.07 9: 1 , 6,n 1 1 12 10,06 10,04 6,58 10,0 6,62 6,67 12 19 IO 9 C ?M 10,87 7,13 10,84 7,18 10^8 7.2? '3 M 1 1,74 7,62 11,71 11,6; 7,73 1 1,6_, 7,7 g '4 12,51' 817 12,54 8.22 12,5 8,28 12,4 8,3d 15 16 i342 8,71 1 3;3 8 8,77 13,3^ 8,83 13,30 8,89 1-6 17 ,4,26 9,26 14,22 14,18 9,38 i4,i. 9-44 '7 18 15,1 9,80 I 5y^d 9,87 1?,<>1 9,93 10,0, 18 19 '5,93 ,35 15,89 10,42 15,84 10,49 ij>8< 10,56 J 9 tff > 16,77 '6,73 i > 97 i6,6S 1 1 ',04 l6.-\Q ill 20 *i 17,61 1,44 1756 11.51 17,5' i 1 ',59 17,4' . 1,6 21 22 ! 84 1,98 18,4 12, 6 18,35 12,14 l8,2C 2,22 22 23 2,53 ! 923 12.61 19,18 11,69 19,19 .2,78 2 3 2 4 20,13 37 20,07 13,16 20,0 J 13.25 1.9,96 2 4 20.97 3,f)2 20,91 13-71 20! 8 ,-- ! 3 5 So 2-'}7'. '3 ? 8^ 25 26 21, 8l 4.16 2i 3 7-; ivfcjS 21,68 14,35 21,62 26 2 7 22 64 22,5^ 14,80 22,51 14,90 22.45 ! 5 tX 27 28 ^3,48 5> 2 5 23-4* '5-3 ? 2 3 5 3,5 15,45 23 2^ 15.56 28 2 .9 4; 3* 5-79 24,25 i,5 9 24,18 16,01 24,11 16,11 2 .9 3. -5,16 6,34 5-" 16.45 25,0? 16,56 24-9- .6,6- 3-> HI 26,00 6,8e> 25-9 17,00 25,85 17.11 *57^ 17,22 3i -6,84 7,43 26,76 aj$,68 7,66 26,6 i 17,78 32 33 76? 7,97 27,6 18^09 27.52 18 21 27 44 33 34 8-51 8,52 28,4;, 18,64 28.3- 1877 28,2; 18,85 34 35 9,35 9,06 2.9 27 19.19 29,19 29,10 19,44 35 ',!<, 9.61 3? * 19,74 3' 9^7 29,93 1 0,00 36 37 1,0.: 0,15 3,94 20,29 3 ,8 2.0.42 30, 7( zo, 5 6 37 38 I 87 o, 7 o 31,78 10,84 31,65 2 > } 97 31 6 21, IF 38 39 1,7; 1,24 32,6'^ 11,38 3 2 -5 21 -5i 32,43 21,6 7 39 4 3,55 ',79 33, 45 21,93 33-3' 22^08 >2,29 1 4 1 4,3'-; 2,33 34,29 21,48 34, ii j 22,63 34>S 42.78 41 42 5,2:- 2,87 35, 1- 23 o. 35 - 23,18 34.92 tU QQ J U 4 2 43 6.06 3,49 i5-'>6 23,58 -3,73 35,7 3,89 43 44 6,9^ 3,96 36.8. 14,12 36.69 4^9 36,5^ 4,45 44 46 8^58 4,5i 5,? 37,6'- 38,47 ^4,67 25.22 37,5 - 38- ^ 4,84 38^25 5,00 5,56 45 46 47 9-42 <,6o 39'3' 15, "7 5,94 39, 6,11 47 o 48 6 14 6,32 4,"P 6-49 39,9 J 6.67 48 49 i 09 6,69 4091 -.6.87 40,86 7,22 49 5 i.9'< 7,23 41,81 >7,4i 41,69 7.60 41,57 7,78 H J_p" Dep 1 ,^ . Dep -at. U^^.l La . d | 7 i>g- 56|Deg. 56^ Deg. s^r^iT ^ g # (TfVjuL r~---^^g^^^^^^=^55^:^ATj^ TRAVERSE T A B L E. 3 E -' ^= 33 Degr. 33*%* 33* I**- rA De* ~- ^rf La . De t , Lat. D . La. O">. La. i ^- ' ',) >^i < .5 1 42,77 7-7^ 42.65 27,9^ 4 2 -,53 28.15 42.4 28-33 51 52 43,6i ,83, 43,49 28,51 28,70 43-^4 28,89 5 a 53 4i,4; 18,87 +4-32 29,06 44,20 44.^7 29,45 53 54 45 B 9 29,4' 45,16 29,6l 45,03 9,8. 30,0. 54 46, is 29,96 46 o 30,16 45.86 3^,36 45-73 30,5 C 55 5^ 46,97 30.50 46,83 30,70 46,70 46.5^ 31,11 56 57 47,80 31 ,4 47,67 31,2? 47,53 3',46 47,39 $1,67 57 5* 48,64 31,59 48,50 31,80 48,3' 32,01 48.23 32, 22 58 55 4948 32 I.; 32,35 49,20 32,56 49, 06 32,78 59 60 ? 0.32J 32 6K V . I* 32,0,'' 93 59,2i|39.ig 5V, 03 39, '16 71 72 6 ',38 39,21 60,21 39>48 6f>,od 39,74 59,8? 40,00 7 2 73 61,2239,76 61,05 4 i s3 6>,8 7 A 40,29 6), 7 c 40,56 73 74 62,0640.30 61,89 40)57 61,71 4 .,84 61,53 41,11 74 75 62,9040,85 62,72 41,12 62,54 41,40 62,36 I 1 , 67 75 76 63,7414.1,39 63,56 41,67 63,38 63,19 42,22 76 77 64,58141 94 64,39 42,22 64,21 42,50 64,02 42.78 77 78:65,42142,48 65,*3 42,77 65, '4 43, S 64,85 43,33 78 79*66, 25)43, 3 66,07 43,3* 63,88 43j6o 65,69 43,89 79 8 167,09 43,57 66. qo 43,86 66,71 ,66,5? 44-4-' 80 8167,93 44,12 67,74 44, 4* 67,54 44,7i 67,3,5 15, 81 8268,77 44-66 68,58 44,96 68,38 45.26 68,18 15,56 82 83 69,61 45-2 69,4-1 6;. 21 45,8i 69,01 46,1 1 83 8:1 -0,45 45-75 7j2 \ 4^6 70,05 46,36 69,84 46,67 84 85 71,29 46,29 7 1 ,08 46.60 70,88 46,91 70,67 17,2* 85 85 72,13:46,84 71,92 47,15 47,47 71,51 47,78 86 8772.9647,38 8873,8 J47-93 72,76 73,59 47,7o 48,25 72,55 73,3^ 48,02 48,57 7*, 34 73,^7 V8,33 18,89 87 88 8974,6448,47 74,4348,80 74,22 49,12 74, do 4.9*45 89 o >17 C , 48:49, og 75,1749,35 75- ? 4967 74 8? 5-'> 9" 9i 7 6 , 3*149,56 76,10 49,89 75,88 5' ) > i 3 75,66 5^,56 9i 9 2 77,i6 5,'! 76,94 5VH 76,72 50,78 76,5 C 5i, ii 92 93 78,00 50,65 77,77 50,99 77,55 5 l >33 77,33 51,67 93 94 78,83 .51,20 78,6i 51,54 78,16 59.22 94 95 79,67 79,45 52.09 79,22 52,43 78,99 52,7'' 95 96 80,51 52,29 80,28 52,64 80,05 Ji-99 79,82 53,33 96 97 8i,35 5283 81,12 53,i8 80,89 53,54 80,65 53,8o 97 98 82,19 53,37 81,96 53,73 81.72 81,48 54,45 98 99 83,03 53,9 2 82,79 ^4,28 82,55 54,64 82,32 '5," 99 1 <' 83,87 ^4.46 83,63 54>83 83. M9 <5 19 83, iy 55,5^ r ; - ' Dcp. Lat. Dep. La - . 05 . Lat. Dep L >! . ^ j 85 f-j Deg. 5*1 D"g- 5 61 Deg. 56 l Deg. 50 B ? 9 10 ii 2 13 15 16 17 18. T R A V E R SE T A B L E. LjU._,Dp.. 0,83; 0.56 1,66; r jl2 2,49- 3:3* 4, '5 4-97 6^63 7,40 1,08 2,24 s!s6 4*47 5>3 _^*9| 5jl? 9,12 "6,15 9,95 10,78 11,6, 12,44 r 3 , 2 6 14,09 14.92 6,71 *,39 8,95 ^p__-|6_53jii,i8 "21 U7-4 1 'i,74 22 24 B | 26 2 7 28 29 1 9.-. 9 >73 12,30 12,'. 6 13:4^ 13.98 2i>55'i4 ; 54 22,38 j 4 - w io ~j 24, 04^6-22 go 24.8/116.78 31 J25,7^ji7 33 3^ 26.5317,89 33 27,3618,45 34 28,i9: l9 ,0i : 3.5 9 ; i; i9 '"7 36 29> 8 52>,13 37 3 6 72 ,69 38 31.5 2i*-5 39 40 4,9:, 5.79 6,61 7 ; 44 .8.9- 9,92 14,88 i5,7' I6..53 17.36 18,18 1 9, - 1 19,84 2. ; 65 21,49 22,32 23 5 ( >7 24,8^ 25,6^ 26 4- 27,2* 28,10 28 93 29,7! 2,ai 338 3v94 45'' 5 7 6,19 6.75 7^8 957 10,69 11,26 '2 .' 3 8 12,94 14,07 14,63 15,20 15,76 i_6 ? ,88 18^01 '8-57 I9,i4 19,70 20,26 .>.0,82 ^i>39 41 33,99:22 93 42 3482;.s 43 44 36,4824 6 45 10 a/, o^ 2 5 5 16 46 J38,i4 : 25 72 47 138,9626 28 39,7926,84 4 r 12j 4.94' 0,40 577| 3-9 6 6 .-5>i 4 53 7,4 2 ' , r r^\ 9-7 t 0.23 i,7ii 7/36 11 -54! 7,93 12,36 8,50 13,19 9.'>^ I 4oi| 9j63 14 83 ! io,2 . i5,66jio,76 1 6,48^.33 17,3111,89 18,1312,46 18,9513, -3 I 9'78 1 i3-59 20,60 14.16 22.2515.29 23,0815,86 23, 9 o|i6.43 24.72 16.99 26,37118,12 27,20-18,69 28, 02119. 26 28.84119,82 29,67 2 >,39 3 ',492^,96 ,57 9,^4 9,86 J 5-69 '6.4:-! 17,2,5 19, 7 - 21,36 22, it ^5 = 4 26,29 27 9 2,2 2,85 3.42 3,99 456 5,i-3 ;6,*<7 6,84 7,9 8.5,^ 9,i2 9.69 10,26 11.40 '3,68 i4, 2; 14.82 i6 5 53 i: 17,67 18^1 19-38 19-9 i'3.52 21,09 21.66 22,23 22. TRAVERSE T A B L E. o TRAVERSE TABLE. : 3,45 7.3,04 .-, ^ 3 ' Vary 03T '^V Lit. Den ~o,Hi 0.58 1,6 h 1 ? O' 2 . 2 34 4,o( 1.92 4,8 5,6 4>9 7-3 5,zb 8.. 8,9 6,43 .9-74 701 7,6'-' 11,3,-' 8.18 12,17 8,76 12.9f 9 35 13,8 9,93 1542 11.10 16.90 1 1 ,60 17,0, 12,27 [I'l- 12,85 t$,l\ [4.02 2' ',2 1, t 4 ,6, 2l,li 45,19 21,9 '5-77 22,72 16,36 (6,94 ?4.f ^7,5'^ 25,it t8,i, 2 5;9" 18,7 26^8 19,28 27-59 19,86 28 :4 : 10,45 29,22 21,03 30, 'to 21,62 30.84 22,20 31 65 i2,79 32,4! *? 37 ;.J 3 2 *3 95 34, '-9 24 54 34 9 i?,12 3?7 ; ** 7 1 36.5: 26,29 37,3 38, J ^ 26 88 38.96 39^77 M3 4. >./) -9,21 i i s 4 T J ^at. TRAVERSE T A B L E. 71 &?*'%* -Jl*. __Ll I T .I..M._I III m. "^jJf*^ "4 8 ! *5 [teg- 35* c De. .35* !>* 3 T*\ o p 'La f . I)---. Lat, Urn, Lat. Dep Lat. Oep =P ft 5' 41,78 2 9 2 5 41,63 2 Ma 4 1 5 ^9,62 4 ',3' 29,8. 51 42,60 29*83 42.47 30,01 4-2,3;, 30,2^ 4 2 , 2 ' 30,3^ 5 a 5.' r 43,42 30,4 43,28 30.59 43,1,^ *w* 43.01 30,9" 53 54 44, 3, 97 44, ic 31,17 43:9^ 31,36 43,8s 31,5- 54 45, 05 31,55 44:9^ 31,74 44,78 31,94 44,64 32,1; 55 56 45,8; 32 12 4.5,73 32,33 45.59 32,51 45,45 {2,7: 56 57 46.69 32,69 46,55 32,90 46,4) 33,10 46,26 33,30 57 :.4 47,51 33, 2 7 47,37 33,47 47,22 ^3,68 47 5 oy 33,89 58 59 48,33 33,84 48,18 34,05 48,03 34,26 47,8^ 34,47 59 60 49.15 .14,41- 4Q.OO 34.63 lojj[5 .14.84 48.69 6> 61 49,97 34-99 49-8, J5,ai 49,66 35.42 49,5' 35,64 61 62 60 5,793556 51,6136,14 5^,63 51,4-5 3,5,78 36.36 36.00 ^6,58 50,32 k'8j 62 6,3 64 52,43 36,71 52,27 36,91 52,10 87, 16 51,94 37,39 64 65 37,28 53/O 1 " 1 37.51 52,9: 37,7? 5 2 ,7, r 37,9^ 65 54, ( '6 37-*6 53,9 38,09 53,73 3^,*3 53,56 ?8, 5 6 66 67 54,88 38,43 33>67 54,55 38.91 39,M 67 68 55.70 39. 55,53 39,35 55,36 3949 55, '9 39,7, r 68 69 39,58 56,35 39 82 56,17 40,07 56,01 40,31 69 7 - 57,34 4d5 57.16 4). 40 56-00 4',6 f , 56,81 JO 1 ^ 71 58,16 40,72 57,98 l' ; 98 .57,8; 57,6^ 41, ^ 7 i 72 58.98 4i,3o 58,8:. 41,55 58,62 41.81 58,43 42,07 72 73 59,8" 41,87 59,6i 42,13 59)43 42,39 59,^ 42.63 73 74 6.>,&2 42,44 6o 5 43 42,71 60,24 4,97 60^0 43,2,9 74 75 6r,44 43,2 61,25 43,29 61,06 43,55 60,87 43,8. 75 76 62,26 43,59 62,06 43,86 61,87 44.13 61,68 -14 . 4 76 77 63, 7 44,17 62,88 44,44 62,69 44, 7 1 62,49 44,99 77 78 63,89 44,74 63,70 45,o* 63,5 45> 2 9 63,3 45,57 78 79 64,71 45, 3 1 64,5' 45-59 | 64,32 45,88 64,11 16,16 79 8- 6,5.53 45,8 9 6/5.3 a 46,17 65.1-5 46.46 64.0^ 46.74 80 81 66,35 46,46 66,15 4675 63,9"4 47i4 65,74 47,3 2 i 82 67,17 473 66,96 47,33 66, r 6 47,62 6b,5 f ^7,91 82 83 6;,99 47,61 67,78 47,9 67,57 48,20 67,86 4,49 83 84 68,81 48,18 68,60 48,48 68,39 18,78 68,17 84 69,63 48,75 69,41 49,06 6>.20 4936 68,9^ 49,66 8j 86 70,45 49,33 70,23 49,63 70,01 49,94 69,8, 50,2^ 86 87 7! 2 7 49, 9 1 7i, 5 50,21 70,83 5 52 7Q, 61 0,83 87 88 72,09 50,47 71,86 5o,79 71,64 ,51,10 71,42 i,4 1 88 1 89 72,90 5 ' ,05 r,68 51,37 72,46 51,68 71,23 58. oc 89 o > 73,72 5 1,52 73,5 ?T.Q4 73-27 52.26 73-04 2,58 Qo 91 74,5* 52,20 74,-Ji 5 2 5 2 74,08 ja.84 73,85 53, J 7 9i 9 2 75.36 52,77 75,13 53,^> 74,9 53,4^ 74j6( i 3,75 92 93 76,18 53,34 75,95 53,67 75,7 54,01 75,4^ 4>3l 93 94 7 7 ,oe 53>9 J 76,76 54,25 76,53 T4,59 76,25 4^ 94 95 77,8; 54,49 77,5* 54,83 77,34 55 17 77.1' 5.5' 9,5 96 78,64 55,06 78,40 55,4' 55-75 77,9' b 09 96 97 79,4^ 55,64 79,21 55,98 78,97 78,72 667 97 98 So,2& 56,21 80,03 56,56 79,7* 56,91 79,53 7 ,2t 98 99 81, ic 56,78 80,85 57, J 4 8>.6c 57,49 8<>,35 7,84 99 lor, 57-36 8 1, 66 57,7' 81, 4 1 58.07 8i,ifc 8,42 Si , _^_* Dev- Lat. I HDe,). Lat. jj L),,. Lai. O^p. LJ*' , x j JJQ 5 5 Deg. - - 54} Deg. 54iD,g. 1 5 T 74 T R A V E R SE T A B L E> C - 36 Deg. 36* Deg. 36 J)eg. 36^ De. iS F p Lar. ,Dep. Lat. Dep La.. Lie p. JLat. Uen , , 0,81 0,59 0.81 ,59 0,b 59 0,0 o,6 i 2 1,62 i, 18 1,61 1,18 i, 61 1,60 1,20 8 3 2,43 1,76 2,4* 1,77 2,41 r ,78 2, 4 C 1,79 3 4 3,24 2,35 3,23 2.37 3:12 2,38 3,20 2 ,39 4 5 4,05 2,94 4.03 2,96 4,02 a ,97 4.01 2,99 5 6 4.85 3-53 . 4,84 .3'55 4,82 3,57 4,8l 3 59 6 7 5,66 4,n 5,65 4,14 5,63 4,i6 5,6i 4,19 7 8 6,47 4,7o 6,45 4^73 6,43 6,41 4 79 8 9 7,2k 5,29 7.2^ 5,32 7,23 5,35 7,81 5,38 9 10 8.09 5,88 8,06 f.Qi 8.04 50^ 8,0, 5,98 10 11 8,90 ,6,47 8,87 0,50 8.84 6,54 8,8' 6.58 1 1 12 9,7' 75 9<68 7,10 9,^5 96' 7,18 * 12 1.3 10,52 7,64 10,48 7.69 10,45 7,73 I;) ?4 2 .7,78 13 M IJ ,33 8,23 11,29 8,28 -.11,25 8,33 1 J,2^ 8.38 14 2,14 8,82 12,1 8,87 12,06 8,92 ^2,02 A97 15 1 6 12,94 9,40 ifc f 946 12,86 9,52 Ssv 9,57 l6 17 13,75 9,99 13,71 10,05 13,67 10,11 J 3,6 2 10,17 17 1.8 ,4.56 4,52 10,64 447 io,7l 14,4? 10,77 18 19 15,37 11,17 15,32 11,23 15,27 11.30 15.22 19 20 r6^8 n, 7 6 f 6,i3 11.83 16,08 r (.90 '6.03 11.97 20 1 16,99 12,34 16,94 12.42 1^6,8812,49 16.83 12,56 21 22 17,8. 17,74 13,01 17,68:13,09 17,63 22 23 18,61 <3,52 18,55 13,60 18,49113,68 1-8,43 '3,76 23 24 19,42 14-11 19,35 14,19 19,29 14.28 14.36 2 4 20,23 14,69 ao,l6 14,78 20,1014,87 20,03 14.96 25 26 21., Ofl 15,28 20,97 15,37, 20.9015,47 20.83 15,56 26 27 21,84 15,87 . 21,77 15:97 21,70 16,06 21,63 16,15 2 7 28 22,65 16,46 22,58 16,56 2.5i:i6,65 22,44 l6.75 28 2 9 33.46 1705 2 3,39 23^31 '17. 25 23,24 17-35 29 9 4* a .7 17,63 24,19 17,74 24,1217,84 P4-04 !7 9.5 _3_ 31 25,08 18,22 25,00 18.33 24. 92' 18,44 24,84 ^,55 31 32 25,89 18, 81 25,81 25,7219,03 25.64 19,15 32 33 26.7.) 19,40 26,61 19,51 26,53' 1 9,63 26,44 19,74 33 34 27-51 '998 27,41 20.10 27,33 2 ',22 27, 24 20, 34 34 35 28*32 >57 28,23 "0,70 28,1320.82 28,04 20,94 35 36 29*12 21,16 29,03 21,29 28,9421,4? 28,85 21-54 36 37 29,93 2i,75 29,84 ai.fcS 29,74122,01 29,6; 22,14 37 38. 3>74 22,34 30,64 22,47 30.5522,60 3 () >45 22,74 38 39 31,55 22,92 31-45 23 06 31,3523,20 51,25 V3,33 39 3236 23-51 32.26 23.65 0,2.1523,79. 32.05 4i .., 33.1724,10 33,9824.69 33^7 24,^3 3*,96 33.76 M,39- 24,98 32,^5 33, d 5 25,13 4i 42 43 34,79 25,37 34,68 25-43 34,57 25,58 34^45 2 5-73 43 44 35, 6^ 2,, 86 35,4$ 26,02 35,37 26-17 35,26 44 45 3641 2645 36,29 26,61 26,77 36,o( 26,92 45 46 37,1 27,20 36^98 27,36 36,86 27, 5 a 46 47 38^0227,63 37,9 >7,79 3778 27,96 37,66 28.12 47 48 38,83*8,21 38,7' 28,08 38,59 28,55 28,72 48 49 09,6428,80 39,52 28,97 39,39 9,15 39, *t 29,32 49 _5_ 40,4,5 29.39 40,32 40.1929,74 4<',o6 29,92 i c: Uep.iLat. Pep, L. a 't. D-p. La . l>;i.. Lar. ^ 3 54 Deg. 53 1 Deg. 5 3 fT5eg; 53^ l )e g' '^ TRAVERSE T A U L E. > 5 36 De*. || 36! Oegk 36* Deg. ?61 De R . y. r- P Lai. Uep. |j| La-. Lr-n. L,at. )eo. J-,ai. O-p. ~3 * 5' 41,26 29,9* || 4M3 30,16 41,00 3o,34 40,80 30,5 ! 51 52 42,07 30,56 | 4i,94 30,75 41,8- 30,93 41,67 3 1,11 52 53 42,88 3M5 42,74 3i,34 42,60 S'jSS 4f47 3^71 53 54 43,69 3,74 43,55 31,93 43,4' 32,12 43,27 32,31 54 55 44,5* 3 2 ,33 44,3 32.52 '44,21 32,71 44,07 32.91 55 .56 45,3 32,92 45>if 33, 'i 45,o? 33,31 44.87 33,51 56 57 46,11 33,5 45,97 33.7o 45-82 33,9^ 45.67 34> 10 57 5'8 46,92 34,09 -46,77 34,3o 46,69 34,5? 46,47 34,70 58 59 47,73 34,68 47,58 34,89 47,43 3>j,09 4727 35, 3 59 60 4*-54 35-27 48.39 35-48 48.23 35-69 48,08 35,90 60 61 49.35 35,85 49, if 3607 49,4 36,28 48,88 36 50 61 62 .50,16 36,44 50,00 36,66 49,84 36,88 49,68 37,io 69. 6 4 3 50,97 37,03 37,62 50,81 51,61 37.25 37,84 5M< 37>47 38.07 50.4837,69 51.28*38,29 64 65 52,59 52;42 38,44 52,2? 3S66 52,0813^8.9 65 66 53,4 38,79 53,23 39,03 53,05 39.26 52,88]39,49 66 67 .54,2- 39,38 54,03 39,62 53,86 89,85 53,68 40.09 67 68 55,01 39,97 54,84 40,21 54,66 4o,45 54,49 40,69 68 69 55.82 40.56 55: M 40,80 55,47 41,04 55-^9 4 r ,28 69 70 50,63 4 f ,i4 56,45 41-39 ."16.27 41.64 70 71 57,44 4i,73 57,26 41,98 57, () 7 42,23 56,8942,48 7i 72 ,58,25 42,32 58,06 42,57 A7>88 42,83 57,6943,08 72. 73' 59,06 42-,9i 58,87 43,17 ,58,68 43 4* 5.8,49 43,68 73 74 59,87 43,5 59,68 13,76 59:49 44,02 59, -9 4-4-28 74 75 60,68 44,08 6 >,4^ 44,35 60,59 60.0944,87 75 76 61.49 44,67 '61,29 44.94 "61,09 4.5,21 6<>,9<>l45,47 76 77 ^2.29 15 26 62,10 45-53 61,90 45: 8 ? 61, 70146, 07 77 78 63,10 45,85 62,90 46, 1 2 62,7, 46,40 62,50146,67 79 8_ 03,9' 4-, 70 46.43 47,02 63,7' 47-30 63,5 64.31 46,99 63.30147,27179 ; 64,io'47.87 o 81 <>5,53 47 61 65,3* 47,9 65 , i 1 4 ;i8 64,90 4 8 - 46 61' I 82 48,20 | 66,13 .8,49 65,9^ 48,78 '65,7049,06; 82 I 83 b 7,i5 48,'7Q 66,93 f9,o8 66, 72 49,37 66,50 49,66| 83 84 67,96 67,74 49,67 6/;5 2 19,97 67,31 6 0,26j 84 85 68,77 49,96 68,55 50,26 68,33 50,56 68.! j 50,86' 85 86 69,58 50.55 69:35 50,85 6 9,!3 51, J 5 68. 91*51, 46 86 87 70,38 51,14 7, M> 69,94 5', 75 69,7 '[52,05 87 ( 88 7M9 5 J ,73 70,97 52,04 7,74 5 Z 34 70.515^,65 88 89 72,00 52,63 7 1 '54 52,94 7^3' 53 : 2 5 89 9 vp..8i 51.90 72.58 53,22 72 3"; 53,53 72,11 53,85 9 9i 73,62 53,49 73,39 53. 81 73,15^ 54, '3 72,91 54,45 91 92 74-43 54,8 .74-H' 54.4 73,95 54,72 73,72 55,05 92 93 75, a 4 54,66 .75.00 54-99 74w6 55-32 74,5 2 55,64! 93 94 95 76,05 76,86 55, 2 5 55,84 76,61 55.58 75:56 76.37 55,9' 56,51 75,32 76,12 56,14 94 56,84! 95 96 77,67 56-43 77,4^ 56,77 77,17 57,10 76,92 57,44) 96 97 78,47 57. fi 78,20 57,36 77,97 57-,7o 1 77,72 ^8,04' 97 98 /.9,a 57,6o 79 > 3 78,78 18,29 78^2 58,64-98 | 99 S >,C9 58-. 1 9 79,84 .8,54 79,58 58.89 79,32 !9, 2 3! 99 loo 80,90 58.78 80.64 80.30 9.48 8". 13 59.831,00 I 1 <=' Dcp. ..at. Uep. ,ar. Uep. ^at. *" *r b 54 l>g. 53 J Deg> 5 3i ifcg- 53! Deg. a q 76 T A V E R %.te*-^-~^-^*=< EtC S E TABLE. I;'* 37i_^Sl 5 Q L,t. bep r 3 # T R A V E R S E T A B L E. ft.Gft&! ,a . U 5 1 5 2 534 2 ,33 54 5644,7* fi 5947,12 51 90 32 5 d,/ u 34,3' 34 9 * 3..S-51 6'249,5*37-3 r 6350.31137.91 65J51, 9 S9 I2 66J52, 713^7- 671535*4 3 6o!54 5 3i:4 92 6955-- Lat^ 40,60 4t,393i 43 44 5 5 45,37 46,17 4 6 .-96 47-76 7833 S5t> 3 6 49=33 51,74 53: : - 54 ?! ?. P. o ^J92 I! 55JJJ ,36,70,.,- ;l i2,9 573' 73|5^ 74!59 ; [43,93 53 75*59,9' '45, 14 7 6|6i',7o45,74, 7 7 ;6vi9i46,34 7862,2946,94 54 59,7 60 32,08 32,6? ,29 34-5 36 92 ,92 37,53 38,13 943* ? 74 39.- 3 4 39-95 3 i". 134* : 5046 44,79 4 5,4 ' oo fc^SgWku |6_3l l 8i64,69|4 :: '75 8265,49149,35 83 : 66,C949,95 8|'67,o 9 ! 5o,s5 8V6;,B8J5,i5 8(> : 63,685i,76 8769,4^52,36 8870,28152 96 8tf7t*:?g35 62,09:47,21 62,0847,8* 63. o^4S,45 r 75,3" 7696 77,75 7^,54 Till' 49,3i 49^9* 5 53 r )',i4 5 1 ,74 52 96 53,57 5,5 59- 5 .i96> 60,27 60,88 L^T 41.12 4-7 I5,f 7 46A< 47,44 48.23 49 02 5 1,3'. 52. 19 5~,9- 53-7' 54-5^ 5^>:9' 57,7-' 5v-3- 60 .' i. 6^67 62, 4 f. 6*M. b-l,5 64,84 60,40 67,21 68! 7 , 70,37 7 2 ,7^ 73,5i: 74-3^ 7SM2 75 ; 9 76,7 77-4' L), Dep 33-6- 34,28 34,9' ;i5-5 ! 37 35 37,9 C 39, 4 8 39,79 ;i,o* 42,2.1 43 47 1 7, 75 l : ^,37 19,59 JojSi 53, 2 < 53 5 S^ J4,49 ^ .ic. 60,61 V E R SE T A B L E. J)eg i^j . 0,71 ^57 s'3 3r9' 4,7 5,4^ 6,26 7>4 7.8- 8.61 9,39 10,17 10,96 12,52 13,3 14.09 14,87 17,22 .8,0, 18,78 '9-5; 20,3^ J:p. i 87 3,74 5.6- 6 90 0.05 747 8,09 8,72 9,34 9,96 10,58 11,21 12.45 13,^7 14.32 4;,94 16,19 16,81 2I ,91 22,70J!8,05 23.48 34,26 *s8f 26. 6r 28.96 29,74 r.3 32,09 3*,87 33-6,3 34,43 ill . 2 5. 26-15 26,77 28'oi _ .. 19*6 3757 J 988 38,3.5 3 () -5 39< . s H Dq^Lat. S 18.68 19,92 22,41 23,03 -3, 6 6 *G*. L 3 Jv 3,9- 4,68 5,4 6.24 7,o 9-3 4.04 1638 17,16 i?$ 6V8 2! 06 21,84 22,62 2 r -* 4 4, 26,52 28,08 28,8( 29,64 33^53 35,09 36,65 37.4 38,21 1,88 s!i3 3.76 4,3* 5,oi 5,6 3 6,26 7,5J 8.1, 8,76 9-39 10,0] D,6 4 il,2 7 11,85 3,7 4,4< o * 15,65 16,27 16,90 17-53 1 18,78 9 10 1 1 12 13 M '5 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 :i 27 28 29 M $5 3i 32 33 34 35 3 36 37 38 39 '4 _1L> 4 1 6 z6, 50 4i 29 42 9 1 43 54 44 7'45 79 46 42 47 jQ4 48 '67 49 H -52 i at s i l>eg. Q^^ ===ii4O^i T R A V E R S E TABLE. De*. ^*#D3* Lar. 39,7; 42-, 1 1 42,89 43,67 45,23 46,01 47 48:3 49,9' 5"> 69 4 53 31,92 3 2 ,55 33.17 33,8o 34,43 35,68 36,30 36,93 4,6jL79 iL i: 57-38, ,18 61 38>8ij 62 49,1339,43! 63 i -6. 64 0,68 65 66 41,94 67 68 43,19' 69 55'37|44-44i 56,1545,07 56,9.^5,69 57,7* 4A3* 5^,49!46,94j 59,2747,57; 60,0548 20! 6i,6iJ4945 62. 30*50,07! 63 -1715, 7> 63,955 I -.33 65,5115^,58 66,29;53,H 67,0753,83' 67,8554,46 63, 6355^8 69,4! 7i 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 Xo i 82 8 3 84 85 86 88 89 7' > '956;33 ! 9 _* 70,97 7 ',75 72,53 *za 56,96 57,58 58,21 58,84! 74,09^9,46: 74,87160.09 ,7il 97 76,4361,34; 77^162,59 Dep.lLlt. 99 Oo T \t S3 S ^& So T RAVERS K T A B L E. *'&& MMVMBMI TirarauMi **m IBUIJI ^''X*ato9m^*mm*mu*l^amr r *v**>mmm .-> VT^VM^WW^KS^^U ^ ' 3 X ^ V 6* | ^ W J." V '6* 3^2 W 6' J^t. j "o* TRAVERSE T A B L E. 5643,52 5744,3 V 5845 7 59i45,8537,i3 60146.^137.76 6'|47, _ 6248,18139,02 6348,9639,65 6449,7440,28 655.0,51 4 a ,9 ! 6651,2941,54 6752,0742,16 6852,8542,79 6953.5*43 5 4 2 70154^40 44,05 7i55'i844, 68 7255,9545,31 7356,73<45,94 '-y^'C'7 Cllln,./**? 76,59,6.47, 8 3. 77;59, 8 4'48,46 8263,735 x ,6o 83 64,5 52, 23 84165*2852,86 g i5 |66,o6|53,49 86166,8354,12 ^7 6 7,6 I 54,75 1 -.!_, n I 6 r 55^6 45,8<> 56,3346,43 &7.>*7 tf, 71 58,6448,34 59,42 4 S.9 6 J, 19 49,61 0^,96 50,25 61,7350,89 6 2 , 5 5 1,5 2 63,2752,16 64,0451,79 64,82 53,43 6s ,59 54,07 66,3654,70 6 7,!3 J5 34 67-90 68,67 69,45 70,22 54-50 55,3^ 56,13 56,89 57,6(- 5B,4S 59,a- 59^97 60. 44 15=4 47,96 48,6, 49,2, 4 9; 8i 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8> s* &.c TRAVERSE TABLE. i 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 ii (2 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 ? 26 27 28 2 9 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 -1- 4 1 42 40 Peg. Lat. Dep. 0,64 1,29 r ,93 2,57 I.-53 5,36 6,13 6,89 7.66 8,43 9>'9 996 ri,49 75 07 9,00 9564 12,2610,28 13,02^0,93 3-79 n,57 4,55)12,21 12,86 16,09 14-14 14,78 8 >39 15,43 16,07 16,71 43 20,68 21,4518,00 22,2218,64 22, 98)19, V* 23'75J I 9 93 24,51! 25,2821,21 26,05 26,81 27.5 28,34 29,11 29,88 30,6 22,50 378 24,43 0, 7 6 3, 3,82 6,n 6,87 Zi?3 8,4 9,16 10,69 11,45 12,21 0,65 58 3,23 5,Sa 7,n 7,75 9*5 9,69 Io ,34 10,9* 13,74 n : 63 14.502.28 15^2612.92 16,0313,57 16,7914,21 18,3 19,08 19,84 20,6 22,13 22,90 23,66 24,42 25, '9 25,95 26,71 27,48 28,24 29^00 15,51 16,15 16,3 !7,45. 18,09 18.74 19.38 20,03 20 6.3 21,32 ,41.97 22,6l 23,26 9,74 12,17 12 93'iiio4 13,69:11,69 5_ L 2j'i2.99 i6;73|U-29 /'Tt7 A?.yA 18,25^5,59 19,01116,24 20,5317,54 2i,29|i8,i8 22,05118,83 22.81 19.48 2 3 57|2>,i3 24.3'.jjiO.7'a 25,o9J>Ji,43 25,8522,08 26,61 22,73 ^7,3723,38 23 24 3 255 40 Lit. L) 0, 7 C 2,2 3-0? 3,?c 5:3* 6, of 6.8c 7>5J- ,3'- 9-o9 9,8, l6 6; a:4 c 21.2) 21,97 0,65 i-96 2,6j 3.26 3 9 s 4<57 5'J7 7, ; ^3 8.49 9^79 10,44 ii, i 1 1,7,5 12,40 13 06 15 Ql 15,67 l6,32 l6,97 17.62 l8,28 TRAVERSE T A B L E. . 8 3 RUV ^ . 40 De<7. 40 I 0--. ooj Deg. ..._._. ......... f r 3 Lar. L>ep. La . > La i>e*\ Lf O-n. * e ~ 39,07 32,78 38.9'..' 3^95 38.7fc' |3.ia 3^64 33,29 51 5"- i9 83 33,42 39 fe 53,60 3.9>M 'J3*77 39; 39 33,94 52 53 *(>, 34,07 4 > , /A ^ H- a 4 40,3 34,42 40,15 34,6o 53 54 41,3; 34,71 41,21 34,89 41,06 35/J7 40,91 35,25 54 55 42,13 35,35 41,98 3.5-54 41,82 35, 7 2 41,67 35,9 55 56 42,90 36,00 42.74 36 18 42, 5b 36,37 42.4^ 36,?5 56 57 13,66 36,64 43-5 36,83 43,34 3 7,- ' 2 43,18 37, 37 5? 4443 37,28 44^7 57,48 44,1' 37,67 43,94 37,86 58 59 45, 2c 3.7,9* 45,-, 93 38,12 44,86 3 ,3 2 44,7 3^,51 59 6^ 15.06 45,". 38.77 4,5-6" jS 07 45-45 39,17 61 +6.73 39: *l 46Jfc ,39^ 40^8 39,62 46,21 39,82 67 62 17,49 39-85 47-3 2 40,06 47,15 40,27 46*97)^0,47 62 6.3 48,26 48,08 40,71 47,9' 40,92 47,73j4i,n> 63 64 10,03 4M4 48. 8 4 l 35 48.67 4 1 - 5 6 4.8,4841,78 64 65 4-9,79 41,78 4.9 61 42, () o 49,43 42,21 49,2442.43 65 66 50,56 42,42 5o 37 42,6 4 5,i; 42,86 5^,0043,08 66 67 ," 1 . 3 2 43-07 51,14 13 < 2 9 50,95 4,3,5' 50,76 43,73 67 68 52,oo 43; 7 I 5 I ,9 G 43,94 5', 71 44,16 5 1 ,5 l 44-39 68 69 52,86 52,66 44,53 5*, 47 44,8i 52,27:45,04 69 70 53,62 45,0 5 -lll3 45,23 53,23 4^.46 5 3 3 4 5, 6 9 70 7' 54,39 45.64 54,19 45-87 53,99 46, = 1 53>79 i 46,35 71 55,16 46,28 54-95 54,75 46,76 54,5447, 72 73 55,92 46,92 55,7* 47,'i? 55,5^ 47-4' 55,30347,65 "3 74 56.69 47,57 56, 48 47, i 56,27 48,06 56,06^8,30 74 75 57,45 57.24 ^8,4^ 57,03 48,71 56,82^8,96 75 76 )8,22 4^85 58,01 ^"9j ^ i 7,79 49,36 5^,5749,6i 76 77 58,99 49,49 58,77 i9,75 58,55 50,01 58,335 ,26 77 78 .59,75 59-53 5^,4 59,3! 50,66 59,9 ! 5,9^ 78 79 60,52 50' 7 8 65,30 5 ! >4 60,07 51.31 59,85 51.57 79 !b 61.28 51.42 61,06 ,-1.69 60.8-3 5 "'-96 6^.6 i J^2. 2 2 80 81 t) <2 , 'C 52.07 6i,8 5*, 3 4 61,59 5 2,6, , 36 52,87 81 83 62,82 62,59 62,35 53,^5 62,1213,53 82 83 63,58 53,35 63,35 5.^63 63,11 53,90 62.8.^54,18 83 84 53 $ 99 64,11 54 27 63,87 54-55 63,641,54,83 8.4 65,11 54,64 64,87 64,63 64,30 55,48 85 86 6.5,88 65,64 55,57 65,39 55,85 65,15 56,14 86 87 66,65 55>9* 56,21 66,16 56,5 65, Q I 56,79 87 88 67,41 6^16 56,86 66,92 57,15 66,67 57,44 88 89 68,18 57, ' zl 67,93 5^,5 67.68 57,8o 67,42 8y 92 68.01 57,8j 68,60 58,1.5 <>8-44 58^45 68, i^ 58J75 91 69, 7 > 58.49 69 45 58,80 69.20 59,10 ^8,94 ^9,4 91 92 70,4* 59,14 70,2V 59,44 69,96 5.9,75 69,7 60,0^ 92 93 71,24 59, 7 8 7^,9* 60,09 "70,72 60,4 > 7 ; M5 6-), 7; 93 94 72,01 60, 4 z 71,74 60,74 71 48 oJ,.'5 71,21 61,36 94 95 -'2,77 bi,<>6 72.51 Si, 38 72,24 6i,7 : > 7',97 62,01 95 96 73,54 61,71 73,27 62.03 73, t)2 ,3.5 72,73 62,66 96 97 74,3' 62,35 74 -09 02^67 73,76 63.00 73,48 63-3^ 97 1 757 62,99 63,32 74-5 2 63,65 74, *4 63,97 98 | 99 75,84 63,64 75,56 ^3,97 75,28 'M,3 ' 75, ' 64.62 99 loo 76,6- 64.28 76, 3 v 76.04 64,04 75-7^ 65,28 ,00 26 <== Dcp. t at. Uep. HaTT Deo. Lat, Dep.Lat. -"S a 51 50 Deg. 40! Deg. 49*- Deg. 49T ^ e ?- o r' &2S ^'% w& 11 Q 4 9 tfSaMn 48 Deg. ==: W7 ^S ^ ^TRAVERSE TABLE. 8 *v*.VA 4 1 Deg. 41 Ml-. |, 4 i,| Dee. 41? Deg f t - La . O Lat, L> ? u.{|Lai. L)P- Lat. iJ-p P 5 1 3*,4S 33,46 38,34 33, -3 3 8,2r 33,79 38.0 33 ^ 51 5 2 39, 4 .4,12 39.10 34,29 3%>9 e 34,46 38,7 34.6^ 5^ 5'3 40,0, 34,77 39& 34,95 39,6c 35,i 2 39-5 35; 2 S 53 54 40.75 3543 4^,60 35-6o 40,4^ 35,7^ 40,2 J tS 9^ 54 4 I 51 36,08 4i,35 36,26 ^6,44 41,0 36,6, 55 5642,26 36,74 42.10 36,92 41,9^ 37ii 41,78 37, 2( 5 56 37-4 42,85 37.58 42,69 37,77 42,53 j7,9t 57 5%8v77 38,05 43,6i 38,14 43,44 3^,43 432- .58,62 58 44 36 3^,9 44-19 39,09 44,02 39,29 $ 6o! 4 5!a8 .W36 47,11 ,^56 44,94 39 76 liiZl 39,95 "** 61 46.0440,02 4^ 8." 45, 6y 40,42 45,5 40,62 61 62 -46,79 4 68 46,61 40,'S8 46,4441.08 46,26 41,28 62 63:47,5514 *'33 47-37 4^54 47,i 41, 75 47,oo 4 1 >9,'j 63 6448,304' 9-) 4$,ia 42,20 47,93142,41 47 7J 42,Ca 64 65 40,0642,64 48.2:7 42,86 48,68)43,07 48.41 43,28 6.5 66 49,8 1 ;43 .3 49,62 43,5* 49,4343-73 49,2: 43.9 66 67 5', 37 44,18 50,18 44,40 4999 44,61 67 68 51,3244,61 51,13 44,24 50,93 50,7 15,28 68 69 52,0745.^7 51,88 45,49 5 ',68 45, 7 2 51,48 45,95 69 7 52,83;45,9 2 52.63 46 .15 52,43 46.38 52,22 46.6. 7 l 53.5846,58 53,38 46 8. 53,i8 47,05 52,^7 17, 2 71 T8 54,34 ; 47 2 4 54,13 47,47 53,92 47,7 J 53,7^ 47,94 72 73 55*' 9 47,89 54,88 48,13 54,67 48,37 54.46 48,61 73 74 55>85 ; 48,55 55,64 48,79 55,42 49, l! 3 55, 21 49,28 74 75 56,6049,10 56,39 49,45 56,17 49,7 55,95 49,94 75 76 57,3649,86 57*^ 56,92 50>3 6 56,7 50,61 76 77 58,1150,52 57,89 50,77 .57,67 51,02 57,45 51,27 77 78 58,8751,17 58,64 5i 43 58,42 5i,68 58,1^ 5^94 78 79 59,62,51,83 59>4 52.09 59,17 5*r35 5^,94 59.6 79 8 |6.>,38i52,48 60. ir, 52,7? 59,9*. 5 '^ , o i 59. 6H 53.1? 8 > 81 6', 1 3*53 '4 60,90^ 3 ,4 1 6 ,67 53^7 6>,43 53,94 81 82 61,89:53,80 61,65154,07 61,41 5433 61,18 o4,6o 82 8463,4055,11 8564,15:55,76 62,4 63,15 63,9! 54,73 56,04 62,16 62.91 63,66 55 55,66 56,32 61,92 62,67 63,41 36,' 6c CO rf< >.C OO OO OO 8664.9 56,42 64,66 56,70 64,41 5 6 '99 64,16 7,27 86 87)65,66 57^08 65,4* 57,36 65,16 97,93 87 88'66,4ii57,73 66, 1 6 58,02 63,91 i8,3i 65^65 8,60 88 89:67,1758,39 66,91 58,68 66,(56 58.97 66,4q 9,26 89 9 67.92 59,05. 67^67 59,34 67.41 67,15 9,93 90 9168,68 59,7' 68,42 60, co 68.1560,30 07,89 >,6 yi 9 2 69,43 60,36 69,17 00,66 68,90 60,96 68,64 1,26 92 93 70,19 61, oi 69,9- 61,32 69,65 61,62 69,38 1^93 93 94 70,94 61,67 70,67 61,98 70,40 62,29 70,13 2,5/ 94 95 71,70 62,33 71,42 60,64 7i,i5 62,95 7o,8 3,*^' 95 96 72,45 62,98 72,18 63,3 71,90 63,61 71,62 3:9^ 96 97 73,2i 63,64 ."2,93 63,96 72,65 64,27 7^,37 4,59 97 98 73, 64,29 73,68 64,62 64,94 73," 5,26 98 99 74,72 64,^5 74,43 65,28 74> 3 5 $ S* 55,60 73,86 5.92 99 100 75,47 6,5.61 75,1865,93 74.90 56 26 74.61 6,59 oo : -N-* U>cpJ LT&*^= O 43 & AVERSE TABLE. 12 5 7.54 8,22 8,91 9'59 10,96 12*33 3, f > 2 i5,75 17 4 19.6; ^6,9.5 27,6 28,41 29,80 3 5 59 32, o ; , 14,39 5>7 15^6 17, 8 18 50 19,19 19.87 23,3' ^4,67 i6,o4 0.09 29,46 jo,8a 3i?5 2 34,23 32,20 431 Lat. 0.7 v9 ( 3,6 4'3. 5 5,8 6,5 8,7 10, i 10,8 11,6 123 13,06 '5,9 18,86 21,04 21,76 22, 49 23,21 24,6, x 25,39 26,11 26,8 27,56 28,29 29,01 32,64 33 37 34-% 34,8* 35,51 36-2; Depi. 0.69 1,38 2.07 344 t&2 5,51 6,90 6,88 8^26 8,95 11,7 3 7? i?,ai 1790 9,27 9 96 ? 0,6,5 2^34 22,72 2340 4'9 4.78 6'i6 6,85 -7^53 8,22 8,91 9,60 o' 9 8 3>4 3>73 4.42 46^ Deg. 4 iL Deg. o,7s 0.69 1,38 2,1- 3,07 2,89 2.77 3,6l 3>46 4,33 4-5 5o6 4,84 5,78 5>53 6,5 6,22 7.9.- 6.09. 7,95 761 939 8J99 10,1 9.68 io,8.| [ o,37 1 15^ II.O 12,2i v >76 !3> 12,45 13,72 13,1* 13.83 1 6,' 6 '5,90 17,3: 16,60 i8,o< 1 7 20 18,78 17^98 19,50 18,67 20,23 19-36 zo 9^ 20,05 2K6^ 75 22,39 21,4, ^84 12*82 24,56 23.51 25,28 24,30 26 .01 .4,89 *67 C C 25,59 2 7-45 26,28 26. 9 7 28*89 19,62 ^8,35 3034 29,04 31. of -97^ 32.51 [ll?fl 3323 31,81 33,9,5 32*6 34,6: 39 35,40 3,88 36. 12 4,58 Uep. La\ 46.1 Deg. a*32P T R A V E R S E T A B L E. 8c 3 C 43 Deg. 43* De g- 43! Deg. _434 Peg o p * La . D.-P Lat. DCP. Lau_ Dep. L,a Dep r 3 ' 5 1 37,30 34,78 37,i5 34,94 36,99 35,n ^36,84 35,2 5 5 2 38.03 35.46 37,88 35,63 37,72 35,79 37,56 35,<)6 5 2 5- 38,76 36,15 38,60 36,31 38,44 36,48 S 8, 29 36,6.5 53 54 39*49 36,83 39,33 37,'>o 39, J 7 37*17 39.0' 37,3- 54 40,22 37,5i 40,06 37,69 39,90 37,^6 39,73 38,00 55 5<5 40.96 38.19 4, 79 38,37 4",6 2 33,55 4>45 38,7^ 56 57 4 Z , 6 9 38,87 41,52 39>o6 41,33 39,24 41.17 39*42 57 58 42,42 39,56 42,25 39,74 4**7 39 92 4 1,9* 4,l 1 58 59 43>i5 40,24 42,97 4 : '.-43 42,80- 40,61 42,62 4.o,8< 59 60 43 88140.92 43,70 41 11 43,52 41.30 43 34 4i,49 ^ 61 44,61 41,60 44 43 41,8 44,25 41 99 44,06 42,1^ 61 62 45,34 42,28 45, 16 42,48 44>97 42:68 44,79 42,87 62 63 46,08 42,97 45,89 43,i7 45,7* 43,37 45, 5 1 43 57 63 64 46,81 43,65 46,62 43,85 46,42 44.05 *6,a 44,2*. 64 47,54 44,33 47,34 44,54 47,15 44,74 4 6 ,9 44,9c 65 66 48,27 45,0' 48,07 45,22 47,87 45 5 43 47,61 45,64 66 67 49,00 45,69 48^0 45,9i 48,62 46,12 48.41 46,3; 67 68 49*73 46,38 49,53 46 : 59 49,33 46,81 49,12 47,02 68 69 50,46 47> 6 5,26 47,28 50,05 47,5 49>8/| 47,7i 69 70 5*,i9 47,74 ,5^,99 47.96 50.78 48,18 52,57 48,41 7 :) 71 5i,93 48,42 5i,7i 48,65 5',5o 48,87 51,29 49, i* 71 72 52,66 49, 10 52,44 49,33 52,23 49.56 52,, i 49,79 7 2 73 53-39 49,79 53, 1 7 50,02 52,95 50,25 52,7, .50,4^ 73 74 54,12 5o,47 53,9o 50,70 53,68 50,94 53>4^ 5 J , ! 7 74 75 54.8? 51,15 54,63 51-39 54,40 51,63 o4- i; i i >86 75 76 55,58 5 X , 8 3 55,36 52.07 55,13 52,31 54,9c ,52.55 76 77 56,31 52,5' 56,08 52,76 55,85 53, (:0 55,62 33,2 77 78 57,5 53-20 56,81 53,44 56,58 5369 56.34 53,94 78 79 57,78 53,88 57,54 54,i3 57,31 54,38 57,0; 54,6. 79 8 5^51 54*56 58,27 54,81 58,03 55 7 57- 7 v ^.5.32 81 59*24 55,24 59> 0t 55^50 58,76 55,76 5^,5! 56,01 ?I 82 59,97 55,9* 59,73 56,98 59,48 59,23 56,7 82 83 60,70 56,61 60,45 56,87 6>,21 57*'3 59-9^ 57,4 ( 83 84 6', 43 57,29 61,18 57 3 5 6 60,93 60,68 84 85 62,17 57:97 61,91 58,24 61,66 58*51 61, 40 58,78 85 86 62,90 58,65 62,64 58,93 62,3*5 59.20 62,12 59,47 86 87 63,63 59-33 63,37 59,6i 63,11 59 8 9 62,85 60,16 87 88 64,36 60,02 64.10 60,30 63,83 60,58 63,57 60,85 88 89 65.09 6o-,7v, 64,82 60,98 64,56 61,26 64,29 89 2- 65,82 61,38 65,55 61,67 65.28 61,95 65,01 ^2,24 9o 9 1 66,55 62,06 66,28 62.35 66,01 62,64 65,74 b^,93 yi 9 2 67,28 62,74 67,01 63,04 66,73 63,33 66,46 63,62 92 93 68,02 63,43 67,74 63,72 67.46 61,02 67,18 64,3' 93 94 68,75 64,11 68,47 64,41 68.19 64,71 67,9C 65,00 94 95 69,48 64,79 69,20 65,09 68,91 6539 68,62 65,6^ 95 96 7,2i 65,47 69,9* 65,78 69,64 66,08 69,35 56,39 96 97 70,94 66,15 70,65 66,46 70,36 66,77 70,07 57,oi< 97 98 71,67 66,84 67^5 67,46 70,79 ^7,7/ 99 72,40 67.52 72,11 67,83 7 !'si 68,15 71,51 8,46 99 loc 73,M J8.20 72.84 68,52 72, H 68,84 72,24 9,15 oo > SS Ucp. Lat. Dep. Lai. ^at. Dtp. .at. 3*" J Q 47 Deg, 46J Deg. 46i Deg. 461 Dc. TRAVERSE TABLE. &.UW 1 l 44 Dc^. 44 i De^. || 44 5- Deg. || 44 3 C ^e^. 45 "-Dp?. o g f *> L*. D?p. L* . , D-p || L : L)ep. || Lat. Jep La- L>e*> 33 ff 1 1 0,72 0.69 0,7. 0,70 0,71 0,70 || o, 071 0,71 0,71 I ^ 2 1,44 i89 H3 !>4 1-43 1,40 1,42 J ,4l 1,41 1,41 2 Q 2,10 2,--)8 8,15 2,09 2,14 2 I , 2,13 1,11 2,12 2,12 3 4 2.88 1,78 O _ 2.79 2,85 2.80 2,84 2,83 2,83 4 5 3.60 3,47 3,5" 3 49 3,57 3,5^ 3,55 3-52 3-54 3,54 5 6 4*3* 4,17 4,30 4,19 4,28 4,21 4,26 4-22 6 7 5>4 4,86 ^,01 4,88 4*99 4-9 1 4,97 4,93 495 4^9,7 7 8 5,75 5*56 5-73 558 5,7i 5-6i 5,68 5,63 5-66 5-66 8 9 6,47 6,25 6.45 6,28 6,42 6 ,39 6,34 6.36 6,36 9 10 7.19 6,95 7.16 6,9* 7- * 3 6 01 7,io 7,04 7.07 10 1 1 7,91 7,6"4 7,88 7,68 7.^5 7 7i 7,8i 7,74 7.78 7,78 11 12 8,63 8,34 8,60 8,37 8,56 84! 8,5<2 8,45 8.49 8,49 12 13 9>35 9*3 9.31 9'7 9)27 9,11 9>2a 9.15 9,*9 9,19 13 10*07 9,73 10,03 9,77 9-99 9,81 994 9,86 9>9 9,90 14 15 10,79 10,42 10,74 10,47 10,70 10,51 X o 9 65 10,56 to,6i 10,61 15 16 11, 5 l H,li 11,46 ii, 16 11,41 11,21 I i,36 11,26 11,31 11,31 16 12,23 11,81 12,18 11,86 12 13 11,92 !2.O7 12,02 12,02 17 18 12,95 12 5 > 12,89 2.56 12,84 12,62 12,78 12,67 n,73 12,73 18 J 9 13.67 13,20 i3, 61 13,26 13,55 13-32 13-49 13,38 13,43 I 3?43 19 20 i4,'i9 13,89 14.33 13.96 14,26 14 02 14,20 14,08 14,14 2O 1 21 J 4><59 14,65 14,9814,7* 14,91 H 78 i 4j 8 5 14,85 11 22 15,83 15, 2* 15,76 15,35 15,6915.42 i,56 2 J 5*49 15,56 15,56 22 23 16,54 15,9'^ 16,47 16,05 10,4 16.12 16 3^ 16,19 16,26 i6,2<5 23 24 17,26 16,67 <6. 7 5 17,12 16,82 I?-; 4 1 6,9 16,97 16,97 24 2 5 17,98 *7 ? 37 17,91 17,83 17,52 17,75 17.60 17,68 17,68 25 26 18,7 18 06 18,62 18,14 18,54 l8,22 48,40 18,30 18.38 18.38 26 27 19,42 18,76 1 9>34 18.84 19,26 l8,92 19^7 19,01 19, >9 27 28 20,14 19,45 20,06 1 9 54 19:97 19,63 19,89 19.80 19,80 28 2() 20,86 l >15 20,77 20,24 20,68 2 ,33 ^ 60 2 .42 20,51 20,5 29 | 30 21,58 2'>.84 21,49 20 93 21,40 2 1 2: 1 '. 21,2 21 2 30 3 l 22,3,) 21.53 22,21 21,63 22,11 21,73 22. - 11,82 21,92 21,92 31, 1 32 23,02 22,23- 22,92 22,33 22,82 2i,7o 22,53 22,63 22,63 32 1 33 23,74 22,92 23,64 23)54 23,13 13 44 23,23 j 23^33 23,33 33 34 24,46 23,62 24,35 23,72 2 4- *5 23,83 24- D 2 3--94 24, ^4 H, '4 34 35 25,^8 24,3 l 25,07 24,42 24,96 14,53 24,86 24,7 2 4>75 35 36 25,00 25,01 25,79 25.12 25,68 25,23 15)57 2 5,34 25,4^ 15-46 36 37 26,62 2,5,7 f > 26, 51 25,82 26,39 25-93 26,^8 26 05 126,16 26,16 37 33 27.33 26,40 27,22 26,52 27,10 26,63 26.99 26,75 26,8 <2b,8 7 38 1 39 18,05 27,09 27,94 27,21 27,82 27,34 27,7 27.46 27,58 17,58 39 40 28,77 2" ,70 eS.6' 27,9 2 R ^ 28.04 28,4 28.16 28,28 28,38 40 29,49 28,4* 29,37 28,61 29,24 28,74 2 9 ? i 28,86 18,99 28,99 42 30.21 29-!^ 30,08 29:31 29.96 29,44 19,83 29>57 29, 7r 29,70 42 43 30,93129,87 3 >8c 30,00 3^,67 30,14 3-M4 : 3'M 34i 43 44 3 1>5 30.50 31,59 3O,7O 31,38 30.84 3 1*25 3 ^98 31,1 31,11 44 45 32.37 ! 3t,26 3 2 , 2 3 3' '4 32,i-c 3 ',.54 3 1 9 31,68 31*8 31,82 45 | 46 33.0931,95 32,9^ 32,10 3z,8i 32,24 31,6 32,38 3,2,5 3 Z >53 46 47 33,8*31,05 33,67 32,80 33-52 32,94 33'3 33 9 33, 8 33,13 47 48 34 5333-34 34, 3 8 334.9 34,24 33,04 34. S 8379 33,94 33^94 48 49 35-25344 35- I G 34 r 9 3^95 34,34 34,5 34-6,- 34,65 49 1 _5 o_ 3^97j34-73 35-K* 34.80 35,66 35,^5 35 5 35,20 35, 3 f 35-3^ J> ^r ~ D-o.I^t. 11 Dep Lat. D^p. La', jl D L.a . |[ Uep.Lat. ejs S 6 4 i* Deg. SI 453- Dcg 4si Deg. II 45^ Deg- || 45 Deg. Q t *fTfts5s s iisgan TRAVERSE TABLE. 9t |! "?? - 44 1 Oeg. f"f% Jp* II flr* >< II *?*t j K 45 Deg. v, r! i i L*r. |Oe->. (I L, . Jan. || La.-. > P- L L) -o ? 3 5 1 6,69 5 43 36,5,-i 5,59 || 36,38 35,75 11 36,22 35}9" 36,06 6,06 51 7,4> 6 12 37,25 6,29 || 37,09 36,45 (I 36,93 36,61 36,77 6,77 52 53 8,1 a 6.82 37,9 6,98 II 37,80 37,15 37,64 37j3i 37,4> 7,48 53 54 8,84 7,51 38.68 7.68 38.52 ^7,8,5 38,35 38,02 8,18 54 55 9,56 8,21 39,4 3 ,38 39,23 38,55 38,72 38,89 3889 55 56 0,28 0,90 40,11 :.9 .08 39?94 39, a 5 39-77 39,42 39>6 ]Q 60 56 j 57 l,oo 9,6o 40,83 39,77 40,66 39>95 40,48 40.13 4053' 40.31 57 5^ 1,7 0,29 4,55 40,47 j 41,37 40,65 41,19 40,83 41,01 .,1.01 58 50 2,44 0,98 42,26 42,08 4 X ,35 41,90 1 I 54 41.72 59 6- 3.16 U68 42. 9 S 41.87! 42,79 4^,05 ! 42.61 42,24 42 ? 48 42,43 60 61 3-8 2,37 43,69 42,57| 4&5 1 42,76 43, 3* 42,94 43.13 43 13 61 62 4,60 QjO7 44,4' 43,26 44,22 43*46 44, 3 4365 43-84 43,84 62 63 5,32 3,76 45,13 43.96 44,93 44,16 44,74 44*35 44,55 44,55 6 3 64 6,04 4,46 45.84 44,66 I 45,6,5 44.86 45-45 45,06 45,25 64 65 676 5> * 5 46,56 45,36 46,36 46,16 45.96 65 66 7 4 8 45-85 47,28 l6,5 i 477 46,26 46,87 46,46 46,67 ^6,67 66 6-7 48,2. 47,99 46,75 47'79 46,96 47,58 47, 17 47.38 47,38 67 68 4892 47,24 48,7* 47,45 48,50 47,66 48,29 47,87 4 8,oc 48,08 68 69 963 4o 93 494 2 48.15 48.36 49,00 48,58 48,79 48.79 69 o 35 48.63 5 () , I 4 4,?5 49,93 49,06 49,28 49.5 4Q-.5 70 7 1 51,07 49,;^ 50,86 49-54 j| 50,64 49.76 50,42 49r98 50,20 50.20 72 5',79 5,), 02 5M7 50,24 1 5i,35 50,47 51,1- 50,69 5 ,9 J 5 ,9l 72 7S 52,5 50,7! 5,94 52,07151,17 51,84 5^39 51,62 51,62 73 74 53,23 53,o 52,78:51,87 5*,55 52,10 52,33 5-33 74 75 53,95 52,10 53,72 52,33 || 53-4952,57 53)26 52.80 53>3 53,03 75 76 54,6 c* 79 54,44 53^3 54,21 53,17 53-97 535i 53,74 5374i 76 77 78 79 55>3 56,1 54-1* <4,88 55,8 56,59 53,73 i 54,43 1 54,9253,97 55,6354,67 5 6 ,35 ! 55,37 54,68 55>39 56,10 54 21 549i 55,62 54,45 55,15 55,86 54,45 55,15 55,86 77 78 7Q 1 57 5 55 -5" 1 ill 3 .5 5 82 | 57.o6'56 s 7 56,8. 56,32 56,57 56,57 80 | 8 82 58,2 58,9 56,^7 56,96 58,02 58,74 5^52 j 57,22 57,77|56,77 58,4957,47 58^24 57^73 57 7S 9B 57,28 81 82 83 59-7 59,45 57,92 58,18 58,9,5 ,58,43 58,69 .58,69 83 1 84 6 ,4 58,35 60,17 58,61 59,91 58,88 59,66 59, 1 4 59,40 59.4 84 85 61,1 59,05 60,89 59,3: 1 60,63 59,58 60,37 59,84 : 60, I ( 63,10 85 86 61,8 59,74 61,60 60, oi 1 61,3460,28 61,08 60,55 60,8 60,81 86 8 62,5 60,44 62,32 60,71 62,0560,98 61.79 61,25 6.1,52 61,52 87 8 63,3 61,13 63,03 61,41 j 62.7^61.68 62, 5 c 61.95 62, z[ 62,23 88 89 64,0 61,82 03, 7 62,10 1 63,4862,38 63,21 6?., 66 62,9, 89 9 64.7 62,52 64.47 62,80 j 64,10 163.08 6 3,92 63.36 63,64 63,64 22 9 65 4 63,21 65,1? 63,5 63,78 64,63 64,07 64,35 64,35 91 9 66.1 63,91 6,5,9c 64,20 6,5,6: 6448 65,34 64,77 65j (> , 65. '5 92 g 66,q 64.60 66.6 2 64,89 66,3- 65,18 1 66,0. 6 5,47 65,76 65-76 93 i 9 67,6 6.5i3 67, 3c 65,59 1 67,0,5 > 6.5,89 66 7 ( 66.18 66,37 66.47 94 i 9 68,3 65,99 68,0^ 66,29 67.7< .66,59 67,47 66,88 6 7 ,.b 67,18 95 9 69,0 66,69 68,7^ 66,99 ! 68,4- '67,29 67,59 67,88 07,88 96 9 69.7 67,38 69,4? 67,69 69, H 167,99 68 8s 68,29 68,59 58,59 97 -9 7-5 68,08 7 0,2C 68,38 1 69,9^ 68,59 69, 6c 68,99 69j3' 69 30 98 9 71,2 6877 70,9] 69,08 7' ,6i 69,69 7o,3' 69,7 70,0; 70,00 99 i, 71.9 ^9,47 716? 69,78 | 7i, 3c 70.09 II 71,0, 70.40 ,70,71 70.7' jOO I <= D-p Lai. jj Dep Lat. | 1 Do. Lit. II D:tp. Lat. Dep .at. 4K j Q 46 Deg. . || 45 T De g- 1 45i De g- II 45i De g- 45 Deg. a t I a A NOTE. 1 The index of the logarithm of e- very integer number confifting of on- ly one figure is o, of two figures i, of three figures 2, of 4 figures 3 ;be- ing always an unit lefs than the num- ber of figures contained in the inte- ger number. In this table, as is ge- nerally the cafe, the index to the lo- garithnj of every number above 700 is omitted ;yet in the operation muft be prefixed according to this remark ; fo the logarithm of 700 is 2,84510, and of 7000 is 3^84510, and fo of the reft. ATa )le of Logarithms from I to 10,000. No. _Log. No Lo~. No.| Log. jNo j^Qg. |No. ^ Log, j j o.ooooc 21 I.32222~4l 1.61278 61 1.78533; 8 1 1.90848 2 0.30103 22 3424 42 62325 62 79239 82 91981 3 0.47712 23 36173 4-3 63347 63 79934 83 91908 4j 0.60206 2^ 3802 4^ 64345 64 80618 84 92428 t; 0.69897 25 39794 41 65321 65 81291 85 92942 6 0.77815 26 4149^ 46 66276 66 81954 86 93450 7 0.84510 27 43136 47 67210 6? 82607 8 7 93953 8 0.90301} 28 447i6 48 68124 63 83251 o r> oo 94448 9 0.95424 ~9 46240 49 69020 69 83885 89 94939 JO l.OOOOo i 47712 69897 _J>45io 00 95424 ii 1^04139 3* 1.49136 ~5* 1 -70757 7 1 1.85-726 9 1 1.95904 12 07938 5^515 52 71600 72 85733 92 9^379! J 3 11394 1 51851 53 72428 73 86332 93 96848 J4 14613 53*48 54 73230 74 86923 94 9?3 T 3 ID 17607 35 54407 55 74036 75 87506 95 97772 36 20412 55630 56 74819 76 S8o8i 96 98227 17 23045 37 56820 57 75587 77 88649 97 98677 18 25527 57976 58 76343 78 89209 9 99123 ; JO -^7^*75 3 20} 30103 39 40 59*08 60206 59 60 77085 77815 I 9 80 89763 90309 99 100 99564^ 2.000CC^J IWt*?fcJ -t'^T Logarithms from i to 10,000 ^G^M-RtB "3No.| o i 3 3 | 4 51.6 7 r-- 1 "^ 0034? C07 7 r 01J.;, Ol6^' 0203,' 02445, 0285> 0326? 0366; 0406,' 0484. 05231 05614 05994 06371 06744 07114 074.82 07846 53207 08565 10633 10992 H327 1 1 66? 11991 123-20 12646 12969 13290 13609 *3925 14239 14860 15168 -5473 15776 16077 16376 172001 17551 soiMjj |oo8i 7 \\ 01242 OI66I 02077 02490 02893 03302 P373 5o4493 04883 05269 05652 '06032 106408 ' 07151 075IS 07882 ?100 ; ICI 102 103 IO4 105 106 107 108 109 coooo 00432 00860 01284 01703 02119 0253 1 02938 03342 03743 0413, 04532 04922 05308 05690 06070 06446 06819 07188 07555 00043 30475 00903 01321' 01745 02l6v / . 02575 02977 03383 037jh ^0087 005 1 F 00945 31368 31787 0220?. 026l2 0301$ 03822 001 70 00561 00988 014 10 01828 02243 02653 03060 03463 07802 00173 00604 01030 01452 01870 02284 02694 03100 03503 01072 01494 01912 02325 -2735 03141 03543 04727 05"5 05500 05880 06258 06633 07004 07372 07737 00261: 00689 01115 01536 0195 : 02366 0277.' 03181 03583 04766 05154 05538 05918 06296 06670 07041 07408 0777-; 00303 00732 01157 01578 02407 02816 03222 03623 04021 04415 04805 05192 05576 05956 o6333 06707 07078 07445 07800 no in 112 "3 114 "I 116 117 118 19 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 12 9 I 3 133 134 J36 138 04179 04571 04961 05346 05729 06108 06483 06856 07225 07591 04610 04999 ^5385 05767 06145 06521 063 93 07262 07628 34257 04649 05038 05423 05805 06183 06558 06930 07298 07664 04297 04688 05077 05461 05843 06221 06595 06967 07335 07700 07,918 08279 08636 0899! 09342 9691 10037 10380 10721 11059 07954 08314 08672 09026 09377 09726 10071 10414 I0 755 11093 07990 08 3 50 08707 09061 09412 09760 IOI06 1044.9 !?* 08027 08386 08743 09096 09447 09795 10140 10483 10823 11160 11494 11826 12156 12483 12808 13767 14082 0003 08422 08778 09131 09482 09830 10175 10517 10856 01 93 0809-; 08458 08814 09167 09517 09864 10209 ^551 10890 11227 0^135 08497 08849 09202 09552 09890 10243 10585 10924 11260 08171 o 529 08584 09587 9933 10278 10619 10958 1 1 204 FToiO 7 11959 12287 12613 12937 13258 13577 13893 14208 14520; 43>9j 15442 15746 16047 17231 17522 [08243 bSooo 08955 10003 10346 10687 j 11025 1 1361 11694 ' C2'j 12 12678 13640 ^956 145*2 14891 15198 15503 t;,8o6 16997 17580 ^394 11727 12057 12710 1 333 13354 13672 i39 8 8 14301 11428 11760 12090 12418 12743 13065 13386 13704 14019 11333 14644 *4953 15259 15564 15866 16167 16465 16761 1 755 7 34 8 11461 "793 12123 12450 I2 775 13098 13418 13735 14051 14364 ii 060 12189 12516 12840 13,62 13481 14114 14426 11561 11893 12222 12548 12S 7 2 13513 13S30 1445? "594 11926 12254 12581 12904 13226 !3545 13862 14176 14488 147^8 15106 15412 15715 16017 17202 1 7 4-9 3 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 152 154 155 156 Ki I5 l fcx5 -J159 ~T.C':& 14613 14922 15229 15534 15836 16137 16435 16732 17026 17319 14075 i49 8 3 15290 15594 15896 16197 16495 16791 17085 ^7377 14700 15014 I 59 2 7 16227 16524 16820 17114 17406 14737 15045 15351 15957 16256 16554 16850 14768 15076 15381 15685! 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I 5 o 8.24185 9-99993 8.24192 11.75808 10.00007 11.75814 60 5 I 24903 99993 24910 75090 00007 75097 59 2 25609 99993 24616 74384 00007 7439* 58 3 26305 99993 26311 73688 00007 73696 5 1 4 26988 99992 26996 73004 00007 73012 56 6 27661 28324 99992 99992 27669 28332 7233* 71668 00008 00008 72339 71676 55 54 7 28977 99992 28 -..85 71014 00008 71023 53 8 29621 99991 29629 70371 00008 70379 52 9_ 30255 9999* 30263 69737 00009 69745 10 8.30879 9.99991 ^30888 11.69112 10.00009 11.69121 5 ii 3*495 99991 3*505 68495 00009 68505 49 12 32103 99990 32112 67888 00009 67897 48 *3 32702 99990 32711 67289 COOIO 67298 47 14 33292 99990 33302 66697 OOOIO 66708 46 15 33 8 75 99989 33886 66114 OCOIO 66125 45 16 3445 99989 34461 65539 OOOII 65550 44 17 99989 35029 64971 rfbo 1 1 64982 43 18 35578 99989 35589 64410 OOOII 64422 42 19 36131 99989 36143 63857 OOOII 63668 41 . 20 1^36678 9.99988 8.36689 11.63310 IO.OOOI2 n.^3322 40 21 372*7 99988 37229 62771 00012 6278; 39 22 3775 99988 37762 62238 00012 62250 23 38276 99987 38289 61711 00013 61724 37 24 38796 99987 38809 61191 OOOII 6120^: 36 25 393*0 99987 393 2 3 60677 OOOII 60690 35 26 39818 99986 39832 60168 09014 60182 34 27 40320 99986 40334 59666 00014 59680 33 28 40816 99986 40830 5917 00014 5-; 1 84 29 41307 __. 99985 41321 58679 coo 5 58693 3* 3 8.41792 9,99985 8.41807 11.58193 10.00015 11.5820^ 3 3* 42272 99985 42287 577*3 00015 57728 29 42746 99984 42762 57238 00016 57254 28 33 43216 99984 4323* 56768 00016 56784 27 34 43680 99984 43696 56304 00016 56320 26 35 44*39 999 S 3 44.156 00017 5586! 25 44594 99983 44611 55389 00017 55406 24 37 45044 99983 45061 54939 00017 54956 "3 38 45489 99982 45507 54493 00018 545*0 .22 22 4593 99982 45948 540 5_3 oooi 54070 21 40 8.46360 9.99982 8.46386 * *-536 1 5 to. 00018 "53 6 33 20 ' 4 1 46798 99981 46817 53*83 00019 53201 *9 42 47226 99981 47245 5*755 00019 52774 18 43 47650 99980 47669 52331 OOO' 52350 17 44 48069 .99980 48081 5*9*1 00020 5*93* id 45 48485 99980 48505 00020 5*5*5 15 46 48896 99979 48917 5* o8 3 OOO2I 51104 14 47 4930^ 99979 49325 5067 r OOO2I 50696 *3 48 49708 99979 49729 5027 I OOO2I 50292 12 49 50108 09978 5*3 OOO22 49892 II 5 8.50504 9-x997 8 8.50527 11.49473 to. ooo !. n.49495 10 5* 50897 99977 50920 49080 00023 49*3 9 52 51287 99977 51310 48690 OOO2" 48713 8 53 5*673 9997* 51696 483*34 00023 48328 7 54 52055 99976 52079 47921 oo'o^ 47945 6 55 52434 99976 52459 47541 47566 5 56 52810 99975 52835 47l65 00025 47190 4 57 53183 99975 53208 46792 . 0002< 4681- 3 58 53552 99974 5357 s 4642: 00026 464- 2 59 539*9 99974 53945 46055 00026 460 ?! 1 ^ 60 54282 99973 './l^Ot 456 ;2 00026 457** J Co-line- Sine. : ^o-tnng T:n.r. Co-1'ec. Secant. ~*r Degrees [8 Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. a Degrees. "} M. Sine. Co-mie.! ' ang. Co-tang. Secant. Co-fee. 9 rfr O 8:54282 '9-99973J 8.5430;; 11.45692 10.00026 11.45718 60 T M I 5464- 99973 54660 4533 1 - 00027 4535 s 59 i ~ 54999 99973 55027: 44973 00027 45000 58 3 55354 99972 55382 446.1 8 oooiS 446/1.6 5 1 4 5575 99972 55734 44166 00028 44295 56 56054 99971 56083 43 9 1 7 00029 43946 55 6 56400 99971 56429 43572 00029 43600 54 7 56743 90970 56773 43227 00030 43257 53 [I 8 57084 99970 57H4 42886 00030 42916 52 9 57421 _~J?997 - 57452 42548 00030 42579 51 j IQ TI 8-57757 58089 9.99969 - 99968 8.57788 58121 11.42212 4*879 10.0003? 00031 11.42243 41911 5 49 12 58419 99968 58451 41549 00032 41581 48 13 58747 99967 5 8 779 412.21 00032 41253 47 59072 99967 59105 40895 00033 40927 46 15 59395 99966 59420 40572 00033 40605 45 l6 597*5 99966 59749 40251 00034 40285 44 17 6003-; 99965 60068 39932 00034 39967 43 18 6o^4f 99965 60384 39616 00035 3965 1 42 20 6066 8.6^7- 99964 9.99964 60698 8.^1009 393^2 00035 3933 s 11.39027 4 ~ 11.38991 10.00036 21 6128 99963 61319 38681 00036 38718 39 22 61589 99963 61626 38374 00037 38411 38 23 61894 99962 61931 38069 00038 38106 37 24 62196 9996:: 62234 37766 00038 37804 36 25 62496 99961 62535 37465 00039 37503 35 26 62795 62834 37166 00039 37205 34 27 63091 99960 6 3 I 3 I 36869 00040 36909 33 28 63385 99960 63426 36574 00040 36615 32 29 63678 9-99959 63718 36281 00041 36322 ~~3~ 3 8.63968 8.64009 "-3599 1 10.00041 11.36032 64256 99958 64298 35702 00042 35744 2 9 32 64543 99957 64585 35415 00042 35457 28 33 64827 99957 64870 35130 cec43 35*73 27 34 65110 99956 65154 34846 00044 34890 26 35 6539 1 99956 34565 00044 34609 25 36 65670 99955 6571 r 34285 00045 3433 24 37 6$949 99955 65993 84007 00045 34052 23 38 66223 99954 66269 3373 1 00046 33777 22 39 66497 22253 66543 33457 00046 33503 21 40 8.66769 9-99953 11.33184 10.00047 "-3323 1 2O 67^39 9995 2 67687 32913 00046 32961 19 42 67308 9995 2 67356 32644 00048 32692 l8 43 67575 9995 1 67624 32376 00049 32425 17 44 67840 9995 1 67890 32110 CCC49 32160 16 45 68104 9995 68154 31846 00050 31896 15 46 68366 99949 68417 3^83 00051 31633 14 47 68627 99949 686-78 3 I 322 00051 3 J 373 13 48 68886 99948 68938 31062 00052 31114 12 49 69144 99947 69196 30804 00052 30856 11 50 '8.69400 9.99947 8-69453 11.30547 10.00053 11.30600 10 69654 99946 69708 30292 00054 30346 9 52 69907 99946 69962 30038 00054 30093 8 53 ' 7 01 59 99945 70214 29786 00055 29841 I 54 70409 99044 70465 29535 00056 29591 6 55 70658 99944 70714 29286 00056 29342 5 56 70905 99943 70962 29038 00057 29095 4 57 71151 99942 71208 28792 00058 . 2884,9 3 58 71395 99942 7*453 28546 00058 28605 2 59 71638 99941 71.697 28303 00059 28361 I , 60 71880 99940 28060 00059 28120 $ x)-fine. Sine. Co-tang- Tang. Co-iec. Secant. M. CJ 7 ' Degrees, Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 3 Degrees. i9 cs.Ci> "^ M. Sine. 1 Co-fine. Tang. Go-tang. iecant. Co-fee. 1 g ' 3.71880 9.99940 8.71940 11.28060 0.00059 ti. 28120 60 I I 72I20J 99940 72181 27819 00060 27880 59 2 72359 99939 72420 27580 00061 27640 58 3 72597 9993 s 72659 273-;* 00062 27403 57 4 72834 9993 s 72896 27104 00062 27166 56 5 73069 99937 73*32 26868 00063 26931 55 6 7333 99936 73366 26634 00064 26697 54 7 73535 99936 73600 26400 00064 26465 53 8 72767 99935 73832 26168 00065 26233 52 9 73997 9993J 74003 25937 00065 26003 5J JO 8.74226 9-99934 8.74292 1.25708 0.00066 1.25774 .5 ir 74454 99933 745^1 25479 00067 25546 49 12 74680 90932 74748 25252 00068 25320 48 13 64905 9993 1 74974 25026 00068 25094 47 14 75130 9993 * 75199 24801 00069 24870 46 15 75353 9993 75423 24577 00070 24647 45 l6 75575 99929 75645 24355 00070 244-25 44 17 75795 99929 75867 24*33 00071 24204 43 18 76015 99928 76087 239*3 09072 23/35 42 '9 76234 99927 76306 23603 00073 23766 4t 20 8,76451 9.99926 8.76525 1.33475 0.00073 1-23549 40 21 76667 99926 76742 23258 00074 23332 39 22 76883 99925 76958 23042 00075 231 1 7 38 23 77097 99924 77173 22827 00076 22903 37 24 77310 99923 77387 22613 00076 22690 36 25 77522 999-3 77599 22400 00077 22478 35 26 77733 99922 77811 22l8p 00078 22267 34 27 77943 99921 78022 21978 00079 22057 33 28 78152 99920 78232 2J768 00079 21848 29 78360 99920 21559 00080 21639 31 3 8.78567 9.99919 8.78649 1.21351 0.00081 11.21432 3 3 1 78774 99918 78855 21145 00082 21226 29 7897^ 99917 7906 1 20939 00083 2I02I 28 33 79183 99917 79266 20734 0008 : 20817 27 34 79386 99916 79470 20530 0008^ 2o6l4 26 35 79588 999*5 79 6 73 2032- 00085 204T2 25 36 79789 99914 79875 20125 00086 202II 24 37 79990 999 Z 3 80076 1992; 00087 2OO1O 23 3 8 80189 999*3 80276 19723 00087 19811 22 39 80388 99912 80476 19523 00088 I96I2 21 40 8.80585 9.99911 8.80674 11.19326 10.00089 II.I94I5 20 41 80782 9,9910 80872 1912 00090 I92l8 *9 42 80978 99909 81068 18932 00091 19022 18 43 81173 99909 81264 18736 00091 1882- 17 44 8136- 99908 8143^ 1854 00092 I86 3 16 45 81560 99907 81653 1.834- 00093 18440 15 46 81752 99906 . 8184? 1815. ooo9/ 1824 14 47 8194+ 99905 82038 1796 0009; 18056 T 3 48 82134 99604 8253^ 17770 00096 17866 12 49 82324 9990-! 82410 *757 00097 1767 ii 50 8.8251 9.9990 8.82610 11.17390 10.00097 11.17487 10 51 8270 8279' 1720 00098 17299 Q 52 8288 9990 8298- 1701' 00199 8 53 8307 9990 8317 1682 OOIOC 16925 7 54 8326 9989 8336 1663 00101 16735 6 55 8344 9989 8354 1645 OOIO2 1655^ 5 56 8763 99 8 9 8 373 1626 00102 i637c 4 57 8381 8391 1608 ooio;; 1618-; ^ 58 8399 9989 410 1590 0010., 1600^ 2 11 59 8417 9989 8428 J57 1 OOlOf 1582; I ' A ^o 8435 9989 8446 1553 coiof > 1564; & 6 Co.fme (Co-tang Tang. Co-fee. Secant M. Q 86 Degrees, Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 4 Degrees. " ^ M. J Sine. Co-iine.j Tang. !/> JLotang Secant. Co-fee. 1 1 ? o 1 8.8435 9.99894 8. 84464(11. 1553^ 10.0010^ > 1 1. 1 5642 60 fc i 8453 99893] 8464 J 5355. 00107 1546 59 2 847 i 9989 8482 I 5 I 7 OOIO 1528 58 3 8489 9989 8500 1499 CO1O 1510 57 4 8507 99 S 9 8518 1481 OOIO 1492 56 5 8525 9989 8536 1463 OOII 1474 55 6 8542 9988 8554 1446 OOII 1457 54 7 8560 9988 8571 1428 OOII T 439 53 8 8578 9988 8580 1410 0011 1422 52 ^ 9 8595 9988^ 8606 1393 ooli. 1404 10 8.8612 9.99885 8.8624 11.1375 10.0011 11.1387 5 ii 8630 9988^ 86417 1358 OOII I 3^9 49 12 86474 99883 86590 1340 con 1352 48 *3 86645 9988^ 86763 1323 OOII J 335 47 14 86816 9988] 86935 1306 OOII 1318 46 8698- 99880 87106 1289^ 0012 flOI' 45 16 87156 99879 87277 1272; OO12 1284 44 j- 87325 99878 8744- 1255' 0012 1267^ 43 18 87494 9987? 87616 12384 OOI2 12506 42 19 87661 _ 9987- 87785 0012 12338 v 4^ 20 8.87829 9.99876 8.87953 11.12047 10.00124 11.1217 40 " . 21 87995 99875 88120 11880 00125 12005 39> 22 88161 99874 88287 11713 OOI26 11839 38 23 88326 99873 88453 OOI2- 11674 37 24 884.90 99872 88618 11381 00121 11510 36 8865^ 99871 88783 11217 OOI2C 11346 35 26 88817 99870 88948 1.1052 00,131 11183 34 27 88980 99869 89111 10889 0013 11020 33 28 89742 99868 89274 10726 00132 10858 32 29 89304 09867 8 9437 10563 00133 io69< 3J 8.89464 9.9086^ 8.8959} 11.10402 io.ooi3/ 11.10536 3 3! 89624 99865 89760 10240 00135 10 375 29 S 2 89784 9986^ 89020 10080 00136 10216 28 33 89943 99867 90080 09920 00137 T.oo57 27 34 90102 99862 90240 09760 0013? 09898 26 35 90260 9986] 90390 09601 00139 09746 25 90417 99860 9557 09443 00140 09583 24 37 9574 99859 9 7i5 09285 00141 09426 23 O / 90730 99858 90872 09128 00142 09270 22 39 90885 _ 99857 91028 08971 0014- 09115 2l 40 8.91040 9-99 8 ;; f 8.91185 11.08815 10.00144 11.08960 2O 41 91195 99855 91340 08660 00145 08805 I 9 42 9 J 349 99854 9 r 495 08505 00146 08651 18 41 91502 99853 91649 08350 00147 08498 17 "*> 44 91655 99852 9180^ 08197 0014? 08345 16 45 91807 99851 9 T 957 0804-; 0014;, o8i$r 15' 46 9 T 959 99849 92110 07890 00150 08041 14 47 92110 99848 92262 07738 ooifp 07890 13 48 92261 9984.7 92414 07586 00153 07739 12 49 92411 99846 92565 07435 00154 07580 II 5 8.92561 9.99845 8.92716 1.07284 0.00155 1.07439 JO 51 92710 99844 92866 7 X 34 00156 07290 9 52 92859 9984-3 93 1 5 06984 00157 07141 8 53 54 93007 93*54 99842 99847 93 l6 5 933 J 3 06835 06687 00158 00159 06993 06846 I 55 933 01 99840 93462 06538 00160 06698 5 93448 99839 93609 06391 00161 06552 4 S7 93594 99838 93756 06243 00162 06406 3 58 T374C 99837 93903 06097 00163 06260 2 93885 99835 94049 05951 00164 06115 I I 60 04030 99834 94195 05805 00166 05970 4f |, vJo-hne. Sine. ;o-tang- Tang. \ Go-fee. *e'4nt. M. Q 85 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 5 Degrees. T M. biue. Co-"me. Tan?. Co-tang- i; ecant. Go-fee. [ i fc o i 2 8.94030 94174 943 1 7 >-9934 99 8 33 99832 3.94195 94340 94485 1 1 .0 ,805 0566. 05515 IO.OO1 ~j'j 00167 00168 11*05970 05826 05683 60 59 58 3 94461 99831 946 2 g 0537 o [619 0353, 57 4 94603 99*3 94773 05227 00170 Q5397 56 5 94746 9 a 94017 05083 00171 05254 55 6 94887 90028 95060 04040 00172 5 IT 3 54 7 95029 99827 95202 04798 00173 04971 53 8 95170 99625 95344 04656 00174 04830 S 2 9 053 10 99824 95486 04314 00175 04690 5 1 JO 8.9545 9,99823 8.95627 11.04373 10.00177 11.04550 5 ii 9559 99822 95767 04233 00178 04411 49 12 95728 99821 9597 04092 00179 04272 48 *3 95867 99820 96047 3953 00180 04133 47 14 96005 99819 96187 00181 03995 46 9614-: 99817 96325 03675 00183 03857 45 16 96280 99816 96464 3536 00184 03720 44 17 96417 99815 96602 03398 00185 03583 43 18 96553 99814 96739 03261 00186 03447 42 J 9 96689 _98i3 96877 3 I2 3 00187 03311 4T 20 8., 6825 9-99812 8.97013 11.02987 10.00188 11.03175 40 21 96960 99810 97 J 5 02850 00190 03040 39 22 9795 9980', 97285 02714 00191 02905 38 23 97229 . 95808 97421 02579 00192 02771 37 24 ** 97363 99807 97556 02444 00193 02637 36 2 5 97496 99806 97691 02309 00194 02504 35 26 97629 99804 97825 02175 00196 02371 34 27 97762 99803 97959 02041 00197 02238 33 28 97894 99802 01908 00198 02106 32 29 98026 99801 98225 OI 775 00199 01974 3 1 3 8.98157 9.99800 8-98358 11,01642 10.00200 11.01843 3 3 1 98288 99798 98490 01510 C0202 01712 2Q 98419 99797 08622 01378 OO2O3 01581 23 33 98549 99796 9 8 /53 01247 OO2O4 01450 2 7 34 98679 99795 98884 oi n 6 00205 01321 26 35 98808 99793 99015 00985 00206 01192 25 36 98937 99792 99145 00855 00208 01063 24 37 99066 99791 99275 00725 OO2OC, 00934 23 38 991.94 99790 99405 00595 00210 00806 22 39 __93_1 2 99788 92134 00466 OO2I I 00670 21 40 8.99450 9-99787 8.99662 11.00338 IO.OO2t3 11.00550 20 41 99577 99786 99791 00209 00214 00423 19 42 99704 99785 99919 00081 OO2I5 00296 18 43 99 8 3 9978, 9.00046 12.99954 OO2l6 00170 17 44 99956 99782 00174 99826 002l8 00044 16 45 9.00082 99781 00301 99699 OO2I9 10.99918 X 5 46 00207 99780 00427 99573 00220 99793 14 47 00332 99779 553 9944- OO222 99668 13 48 00456 99777 00679 99321 00223 99544 12 49 00580 99776 00805 9'A T 9!" 00224 99419 II 50 9.00704 9-99774 9.009,0 10.99070 1C.OO225 11.99296 1O 00828 99773 01055 98945 OO227 99172 Q 52 00951 997 7 : 01179 98821 C0228 90049 8 || 53 01074 997 7 * 01303 98697 OO229 98926 7 54 01 196 99769 01427 9 8 573 00231 98884 6 55 01318 9?7# 01550 9^45^ 00232 98682 5 56 01440 99767 01673 98327 98560 4 57 01561 99765 01796 98204 0023-i 3 oi68 2 99764 01918 98082 c " 2 j' 98318 59 01803! 99763 02040 9796o 00237 98197 i 0192- 99761 .2 9?8}8 002-59 08077 3 , . ' .1-." ^ , Co-iine. 1 Sine. Jo-tang. Tang, i Co-lec. Secant. ^VT -. */-*. r.; ore* _ l.r :.^ : ^^ - ^^sg^====?=^=i^= =-= 84 Dc-gvees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 6 Degrees. I. ._. ^ M. | Sine. Co-fme. Tang. ^!o-tangj Secant. co-^c.! - *T, ' i 9.01923 02043 9.99761 9976o 9.02162 02283 10.97838,10.00239 97717 00240 10.98076 97 ; IS 6 60 # 59 2 0216} 99759 02404 97596 00241 97837 58 3 02283 99757 02525 97475 00243 977 1 1 57 4 02402 99756 02645 91354 00244 9759 8 5 02520 99755 02765 97234 0024^ 97480 55 6 02639 99753 02885 97^5 00247 97361 54 7 02757 99752 03005 9 6 995 00248 97-43 53 8 02874 9975' 03124 96876 00249 9/7126 9 O20O2 99749 03242 96757 __35i 97008 51 10 9.03109 9.99748 9.03361 10.96639 10.00252 10.96891 5 IT 03226 99747 03479 96521 00253 96774 49 12 03343 99745 03597 96403 00255 96658 48 *3 O345$ 99744 03-714 96286 00256 96542 47 14 03574 99742 03832 96168 00257 96426 46 15 03690 9974i 03948 96051 00259 963 TO 45 16 03805 9974C 04065 95935 00260 96195 44 17 03920 9973 s 04181 95810 . 00262 96080 43 18 0403-: 99737 04297 95703 00263 95966 42 "9 04149 99735 04*113 95587 00264 95 3 5 I 41 20 9.04262 9-99734 9.04528 10.95472! 1 0.00266 10.95737 40 21 04376 9733 04643 95357 00267 95624 39 22 04489 997 3 ' 04758 95242 00269 65510 38 j 23 04603 9x7 ";' 04873 95127 00270 95397 37 24 04715 99725 04987 95^13 00271 95285 25 04828 99727 05101 94899 00273 95172 35 26 04940 99726 0521/1 94786 00274 95060 34 2 7 55-' > 99724 05328 94672 00276 94948 33 28 0516.1 997^3 05441 94559 00277 94836 3 2 29 ___ c _52_75 99721 5553 94447 00279 94725 3 T 3 9-05386 9.99720 9.05666 10 -94334 10.00280 10.94614 3 3 1 05497 99718 05778 9422: 00281 94503 29 3- 0560 997 * 7 05890 94110 00283 94393 28 33 05717 99716 0600 _ 93908 00284 94283 27 34 05827 99714 06117 93887 00286 94173 26 35 5937 99713 06224 93776 00287 94063 25 36 06046 99711 0633^ 93665 00289 93954 24 37 06155 99710 06445 93555 00290 23 f 06264 99708 0655? 93444 00292 93736 22 06372 99707 0666 r 93334 00293 93628 21 40 9.06481 "9799705 9.06775 10.93225 10.00295 10.93519 20 41 06588 99704 06885 93 IT 5 00296 934H I 9 42 06696 99702 06994 93006 00298 9334 38 43 06804 99701 07103 92897 00299 93196 17 44 06911 99699 07211 92789 00301 93089 16 45 07018 09698 07320 92680 00302 92982 15 46 07124 99696 07428 925/2 00304 92876 14 47 07231 99695 07536 92464 00305 92769 13 48 07337 99 6 9: 07643 9 2 357 00307 82663 12 49 07442 99692 07750 92249 00308 9 2 558 II 50 9.07548 9.99690 9.07858 10.92142 10.00310 10.62452 10 076^3 99689 07964 92036 0051 1 9 2 347 9 52 07758 99687 08071 91929 00313 62242 8 53 07863 90686 08177 91823 00314 92137 I 54 07968 99684 08283 91717 00316 92032 6 55 08072 9968, 08389 91611 00317 91928 5 oCi 7 6 9968 1 08495 9^05 00319 9182.1 ' 4 57 08280 99680 08601 91400 00320 91720 3 58 08383 99678 08705 91295 00322 91617 2 59 c8^;86 99677 08810 9.1 j 90 0032^ 9151^: I i, 60 08589 99675 08914 |io86 00325 91411 O ^ 3 r ^o-(ine. Sine. Co-tang Tang. Co-fee. Secant. M. t 83 Degrees, Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 7 Degrees, Sine. Co-fine, Tang. |Co-tang.| Secant. Co-fee. d^v < ? o I 1^08509 08692 9.99675 99673 9.08914 09019 10.91086 10.00325 90981! 00326 10.91411 91308 59 2 08795 99672 09123 90877 00328 91205 53 3 08897 99670 09227 90773 00330 91103 57 4 08999 99669 09330 90670 00331 91001 56 5 09101 99667 09434 90566 033J 90899 55 6 09202 99666 09537 90463 x 334 90798 54 7 09304 99664 09640 90360 00336 90696 53 8 09405 99662 09742 90258 00337 9595 9 09506 99661 09845 9 OI 55 00339 90494 51 10 ii 9.09606 09706 9.99659 99658 9.09947 10049 0.90053 89951 10.00341 00342 0.90394 90293 5 49 12 09807 99656 10150 89850 00344 90193 48 13 09906 99655 10252 89748 00345 90093 47 14 10006 99653 I0 353 89647 00347 89994 46 15 10106 99651 10454 89546 00349 89894 45 l6 10205 9-650 10555 89445 00350 8 9795 44 J 7 10304 99648 10656 89344 00352 89696 43 18 10402 99647 10756 89244 00353 89597 42 T 9 10501 99645 10856 89144 00355 89499 20 9.10599 9-99643 9.10956 0.89044 10.00357 0.89401 40 21 10697 99642 11056 88944 00358 89303 39 22 I0 795 99640 "155 88845 00360 89205 38 23 10893 99938 11254 88745 00362 89107 37 24 10990 99637 "353 88647 00363 89010 36 25 11087 99635 11452 88543 00365 88013 35 26 27 11184 11281 99633 99632 11649 88449 88351 00366 00368 88016 88719 54 33 28 "377 99630 "747 88253 00370 88623 32 29 11474 11845 8815^ 00371 88526 3 9.11570 9.99627 9.11943 0.88057 10.00373 0.88430 3 31 11666 99625 12040 87960 00375 88331 29 32 11761 99623 12138 87862 00376 88239 28 33 11857 99622 12235 87763 00378 88143 27 34 11952 99620 12332 87668 00380 88048 26 35 12047 99618 12428 87573 00381 87953 25 36 12142 99617 12525 87475 00383 87858 24 37 12236 99615 12621 87379 00385 87764 23 3 8 I233 1 99613 12717 87283 00887 87669 39 12425 99611 12813 87187 00388 87575 21 40 9.12519 9.99610 9.12909 10.87091 10.00390 10.87481 " so 4 r 12612 99608 1300^' 86996 00392 87387 jO 42 12706 99607 *399 86901 o393 87294 18 43 12799 99605 86806 395 87201 17 44 12892 9960- 13289 86711 00397 87107 16 45 12985 9960! 1338.,! 86616 00398 87015 15 46 13078 99600 13478 86522 00400 86922 14 47 '3*7* 99598 *3573 86427 00402 86829 13 48 13263 99596 13667 86333 00404 86737 12 49 13355 99595 13760 86239 00405 86645 11 50 9.13447 9.99563 9.13854 10.86146 10.00407 10.86553 10 5 1 13539 9959 1 13948 86052 oc4oc 86461 9 52 13630 99589 14041 85959 004.11 86370 8 53 13722 9P58' 141 3/ 85866 00412 86278 7 54 13813 99586 14227 85773 0041^ 86187 6 55 139*4 99584 14320 85680 00416 86096 5 56 13994 99582 14412 85588 0041 { 86006 4 57 14085 9058 14504 8549' 00419 85915 3 5 8 I4I75 99579 14596 8540' 0042 85823 59 1426^ 99577 14688 853" 0042: 85734 j A. 6 J 435^ 99575 14780 85200 0042 ' 8564* o 5 Co-flue. Sine. fCo-tang Tang. | Co-fee. Secant M. *$ 2 G : Decrees. '?A 24 Artifi and Sec. 3 1 M. Sine. -tan?. Secant. ! Co-.'ec.! Q* IK c' 9.143.''' !8522o 10.00425110.85644' 60 $ ll 1 144451 I -i G ;' 2 85128 004261 85555 59 2 1^535 9957- 1'! ,63 85 37 00428 85465 58 3' 14624 9957 15054 84946 00430 85376 57 14 1 4 7 1 4 99568 1 K , l '"5 8485^ 00432 85286 56 5 14803 99566 ' IPS 6 84764 00434 85197 55 6 14891 99565 84673 00435 85108 54 7 14980 99563- I54I7 84583 004.37 85020 53 8 15*69 99561 15508 844,2 00430 84931 52 9 15157 99S5> 1559 8 84402 00441 84843 51 10 9.15245 9-99557 9.15688 10.84312 IO.C04/.3 10.84755 5 |J 15333 99555 15777 84222 00444 84667 49 12 05421 9955-1 15867 84133 00446 84579 48 S 3 15508 99552 15956 84043 00448 84492 47 14 15596 99550 16046 83954 00450 84404 46 J5 15683 99548 16135 8;86 5 00452 84317 45 16 1577 99546 16224 83776 004.54 14230 44 17 15857 99545 16312 83688 004.55 84143 43 18 159-3 99543 164.01 ' 83599 00457 84.056 42 19 16030 99541 16489 835" OC 459 83970 41 | 20 9.16116 9-99539 9.16577 10.83423 10.00461 10.83884 ~o 21 1620-: 99537 * S f S 16665 or 463 83797 39 ' 22 36289 99535 16753 83247 00465 83711 38 23 3637^ 99533 16841 83159 00467 83626 37 24 16460 99532 1692? 83072 00468 8 354c 36 25 16545 9953 17016 82984 00470 83435 35 26 16631 99528 17103 82897 00472 83369 34 27 16716 99526 37190 82810 00474. 83284 33 28 16801 99524 17277 82723 00476 83199 32 29 16886 00522 81637 00478 83114 3 T - 3 9.16970 9.99520 9.17450 10.82550 10.00^80 10.83030 3 3 1 *755 99518 82464 00482 82945 29 S 3 I7I39 99517 '17622 82378 00483 82861 28 33 17223 99515 17708 82292 00485 .,82777 27 34 17307 99513 17794 8*206 00487 82603 26 35 *739 X 995 l IT 880 8212. 00489 82609 25 99509 179651 8203, 00401 82526 24 37 17558 99507 18051 8194^ 00493 82442 23 38 17641 995 18136] 81864 00495 82359 22 39 17724 9050- 18221! 81770 00407 21 40 0.17807 9.99501 y.i8-o6iio.8i6 y 4[ 10. 00499 10.82193 20 17890 99499 18391 81609 00501 82110 42 *7973 99497 18475 81525 00503 82027 l8 43 180^5 99495 18560 81440 00504 8i945 44 18137 99493 1864^ 85356 00506 81863 16 45 18220 994.92 1872^ 81272 00508 81780 15 46 18-702 99490 18812 81188 00510 8i6o 14 47 18-383 90488 1889^ 81 TO/: 00512 81617 13 48 18465 99486 1897' 81021 0051^ 8153: 12 49 18547 994 8 j 80037 C r; I ( 8i45j II 50 9.18628 9.99482 9.1914^ 10,80854 10.00518 10.81372 10 51 18709 99480 1922$ l*ll\ 00520 81291 9 18790 9947^ i o 3 1 ; So68 00522 GI21C 8 53 18871 99476 1 ( i* r 8o6cf 00 S 2/ 8II2C 7 54 18952 99474 T *" -"' >? ' 80522 005 2 f 8104? 6 55 10033 99472 19561 8043^ 00528 80: 6" 5 5< 19113 1964: 8^35-; 00530 8088- 4 57 99466 1972^ 8027* 06532 8080" 3 5 8 1927-: 9946^ ipSor 8 o i c - 00534 8072; 2 ; 59 l$25\ 99464 1988^ 8cm CC 536 I 1 6o I943J 09562 1997' 80025 0053^ 8056' o < "o-l-ne. Sine. '. o-tang f O-Lc. i^SSSES tecant. ^o^ciSSSS ^V)V 8 1 Degrees. &^* Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 9 Degrees. _M. Sine. ( Jo-fme Tan?. Co-tanpf. c ?er*~i-. 1 Co-fee. -Q z 2 9- J 94 33 19513 19592, 9.90462 99460 99458 9.19971,1 2005^ 20134 O.80029 L 79947 79^5 0.00538 i 00540 00542 0.00367 80487 804081 60 3 58 f * 3 19672 99456 20216 79784 00544 80328. 57 jj 4 5 19830 99454 99452 20297 20378 70621 00546 00548 80249 56 jj So i 70 55 o (3 7 19909; 99450 19988 99448 20459 20540 79541 79460 00550 00552 80091] 54 80012! 53 S 20067 99446 20621 79378 00554 79933: 5 2 o 20145 99444 20701 79299 0055-6 708^51 51 ij To ii .20223 9-99442 20302 99440 9.20782 20862 [0.79218 79 r 3 8 00560 0.79777 79698 5 49 12 20380 99438 20942 7-058 CO5 / )2 79620 48 15 20458 20535 20613 99436 99434 99432 21022 21102 2Il8l 78,78 78898 78818 00564 00566 00568 79542 79465 79387 47 \ 46 1 45 ! 16 20691 99429 2I26l 78739 00570 79309 44 X 7 20768 99427 21340 78659 00573 79232 43 18 20845 99425 21420 78580 00575 79*5,5 42 \ i 19 20922 ; , 99423 21499 78501 00577 79078 4i \ 20 9.20999 9.99421 9.2157810.78422 0.00579 0.79001 40 21 21076; 99419 ' s 21657 78343 00581 78924 39 22 2H53 99417 21736 78264 00582 78847 38 23 21229 99415 2l8l4 78186 00585 78771 37 ! 21305 99413 21893 78107 00587 78694 36 25 21382 09411 21971 78029 00589 78618 35 26 2I45 8 9940 c '22049 77951 00591 78542 34 27 21534 99407 22127 77873 00595 78465 33 f 28 2l6lO 99404 22205 77795 00595 783/0 32 f 29 21665 90402 22283 777H 00598 78315 TO" 3 1 9.21761 21836 9.99400 99398 9.22361,10.77639 22438 775^2 o.oo6oc 0060' 10.73239 78164 ~fo-~ 29 32 2I9I2 993 ;6 22516 77484 0060^ 78088 28 I 33 21087 99394 22593 77407 00606 78013 27 34 220^2 99392 22670 7733 0060 7793 s 26 35 22I37 ( 99390 22747 77253 0061 77863 25 3? 222II- 9038 22824 77177 0061 7778 24 37 22286| 993 8 22901 77099 0061 77714 23 22 3 6l.| 993 s 22977 77022 0061 7763 22 39 22435 993 8 23054 7694 0061 7756 21 40 9.22509 9-/";37 ( , 9.23130 10.7687 10.0062 10.77491 20 41 22583; 99377 23206 7679 0062 77417 19 42 22657 99375 23283 7671 0062 77343 18 43 22731 9937* 23355 7664 0062 7726.J 17 44 22^0^ 9937C 23435 7656 0063 77195 16 45 22878 9936? 235ic 7649 0063 77122 J 5 46 22-M? 9936' 23 5 8' 7641 oo6j 77048 J4 1 47 23025 9936^ L 23661 7633 0063 76975 13 23093 9936: 7626 0063 7690: 12 1 49 993 5< ' 2381: 7618 oo 6 J 7682 II | 5 9.23244 ;-9935' 1 9.23887:12.7611 10.006^: 10.7675^ 10 n 5t 233 t " 9935 > 2396. i 7603 006: 7668; 9 it 52 2339' 9935. 5 2403- ] 7596 oo6i> 76610 8 jj 53 54 234 > 2 353. 9935 9934 t 2411' 3 241 8< i 7588 S 7581 oo6/ 0065 7653* 7646: 6 i 55 2360- 9934 5 2426 1 7573 0065 7639: 5 1 56 2367 9934 4 2433 5 7566 0065 7632 4 jl 57 23*7 ? 9934 2 2441 3 755: 0065 7614* 3 j 58 2382 9^34 D 2448 4 7551 0066 76 1 r 2 I 59 23^9 9933 7 2455 8 7544 oo6f 7610^ I ||r & 60 99335 2463 3 7536 0066 7603; O Or 3~~ Co- : ne Sine. Jo-tan (l i- Ya:ig Co-fee ;Seca 't. M. S &g&* & So Degrees* Artificial Sines, Tang! and^Sec. io Degrees. 3 M. Sine. C.vline. Tang. Co-tang. Secant. Co-fee. ft o 9.23967 9-99-335 9.24632 10.75368 10.00665 10.76033 60 13 I 24039 99333 24706 75294 00667 75961 59 2 24110 9933* 24779 75221 00669 75890 58 3 24181 99328 24853 75*47 00672 75819 57 4 24253 99326 24926 7574 00674 75747 56 5 24324 993 2 4 25000 75000 00676 75676 55 24395 99322 25073 74-^27 00678 75605 54 7 24466 993*9 25146 74854 00680 75534 53 8 24536 993*7 25219 74781 00683 75464 52 9 24607 25292 00685 75393 10 9.24677 ~9^993i3 9-25365 10-74635 10.006 >-] 10.75323 50 ii 24748 993* ' 25437 74563 00690 75252 49 12 24818 99308 255*0 74490 00692 75*82 48 *3 24888 99306 25582 74418 00694 75*12 47 *4 24958 99304 25655 74345 00696 75042 46 15 25028 99301 25727 74273 00699 74972 45 16 25098 99299 25799 74201 00701 74902 44 *7 25168 99297 25871 74*29 00703 74832 43 18 .25237 99294 25943 74057 00706 74762 42 19 25307 99292 26015 739 8 5 00708 74693 4* "^20 9-25376 9.99290 9.26086 10.73914 10.00710 10.74623 40 21 25445 99288 26158 73842 00712 745-55 39 22 255*4 99285 26229 7377 1 00715 74486 38 23 25583 99283 26301 73699 00717 74417 37 24 25652 99281 26372 73628 00719 74348 36 25 25721 99278 26443 73557 00722 74279 35 26 25790 99276 26514 73486 09724 74210 34 27 25858 99274 26585 734*5 00726 74142 33 28 85927 99271 26655 73344 00729 94073 29 25995 99269 26726 73 2 74 00731 74005 3* 3 9.26063 9.99267 9.26797 10.73203 10.00733 *-73937 3 3* 26131 26867 73*33 00736 73869 29 26199 99262 26937 73063 00738 73801 28 33 26267 99260 27008 72992 00741 73733 27 34 26935 99257 27078 72922 00743 26 35 26403 99255 27148 72852 00745 73597 25 36 26470 99252 27218 72782 00747 7353 24 37 26538 99250 27288 72712 00750 73462 23 38 26605 99248 27357 72643 00752 73395 22 26672 99245 27427 72573 o755 73328 21 40 9- 26 739 9.99243 9.27496 10.72504 10.00757 10.73261 20 4* 26806 99241 27566 72434 00759 73*93 J 9 42 26873 99238 27635 72365 00762 73*27 18 43- 26040 99236 27704 72296 00764 . 73060 17 44 27007 99-33 277.73 72227 00766 72993 16 45 07073 9^231 27842 72158 00769 72927 *5 46 27140 99229 27911 72089 00771 72.863 14 47 27206 99226 27980 72020 00774 72794 *3 48 27273 99224 28049 7*95* 00776 72727 12 49 27339 99221 28117 71883 00779 72661 II 50 9.27405 9.99219 9.28186 10.7181^ 10.00781 10.72595 10 51 27471 99217 28254 7*74^ 00783 72529 9 52 27537 99214 28323 71677 0078^ 72463 8 53 27602 99212 28391 71609 00788 72398 7 54 27668 99209 28459 7*54^ 00791 72332 6 55 27734 99207 28527 7*473 00793 72266 5 56 27799 99204 28595 7*405 00796 72201 4 57 27864 99202 28662 7*33 8 00798 72136 3 58 27930 99200 28730 71270 ooSod 72070 2 59 27995 99197 28798 71202 00803 72005 I 60 28060 99*95 28865 00805 71940 'o 5 Co-fine. Sine. Co-tang- Tang. Co-fee. Secant. M. t: 79 Degrees Artificial Sines, Tangii and Sec. 1 1 Degrees. "} M. IJ ""~' *^" " ""i ii^^^iu mini in ii M.. I I |..|.. Hi., m^mmggmigm Sine. Co-line. Tang. |Co-tang-, Secant. Co- fee. ) ^ |r o 9.28060 9.99195 9. 28865110.7 1 1 ^5110.00805 10.71940 60 O li i 28125 99192 28033 71067 oo8o8 j 71875 59 1* 2 28190 99190 29000 7loor 00810 71810 5^ 4 ft 28319 99187 29067 29131 70933 70866 00813 00815 71746 7*681 % 5 28384 99182 2001 779> 00818 71616 55 6 28448 99180 29268 70732 00820 71552 54 7 8512 99177 "9335 70665 00823 71488 53 8 28577 99175 29402 70598 00825 71423 52 9 28641 ... 99172 29468 70532 oo8a8 71359 5 1 10 9.28705 (9.99170 9- 2 9535 10.70465 10.00830 10.71295 5 ii 28769 99167 29601 703 !(, 00833 71231 49 12 28833 99165 29668 70332 00835 71167 48 13 28896 09162 29734 70266 00838 71104 47 14 i8y6o 29800 70200 00840 71040 46 15 29024 99157 29866 70134 00643 70975 45 16 29087 99*55 29932 70068 00845 7091.3 44 17 29150 99152 29998 7OOO2 00848 70850 43 18 29214 99150 30064 69936 00850 70786 4-i J 9 29277 99 747 30130 698-70 00853 70723 4! 20 9.29340 9-99145 9.30195 I9,6965 10.00855 10.70660 40 21 2 ,403 99142 30261 69739 00858 70597 39 22 29466 99140 30326 69674 00860 3* 23 2952 , 99137 30391 69609 00863 70471 37 24 2959! 99135 30457 6 9 543 00865 70409 S^ 25 29054 99-32 3 522 69478 00868 70346 35 26 29716 99130 69413 09870 70284 34 27 29779 99127 30652 69348 00873 70221 33 28 2.9841 99124 30717 69283 00876 70159 32 79 29903 99122 30-82 692 T^> 00878 70097 3 1 3 9.2996': 9.99119 9.30846 10.69154 10.0088 i 10.70034 3 31 30028 99117 30911 69089 00883 69972 29 30090 3975 6902^ 00886 69910 28 53 9->i l - 31040 68960 00888 69849 27 34 30213 9 ; I c :; 3"04 98896 00891 69787 26 35 30275 9 ,106 31*68 68831 00894 69725 25 3* 30336 99104 3 I2 33 68767 00896 69664 24 37 30398 99101 31297 6870- 00899 69602 23 3 r > 30459 99099 3|36; 68639 00901 69541 22 39 68575 00904 69479 2t 46 9-3-582 9.99093 0.31489 10.6851 1 10.00907 10.69418 2O 30643 9909; 3*552 68448 00909 69357 T 9 42 3/o4 99088 11616 68384 00912 69298 18 43 30765 99< ;..-, 31*75 68320 00914 69235 17 44 30826 0908- 68257 00917 69174 16 45 36887 31806 68194 00920 69113 15 46 99078 31870 68130 00922 69053 14 --17 9975 3 '93 3 68067 00925 68992 13 48 31068 99072 6cou 00928 68931 1 2 67941 00930 68871 IT \\ :>" ! jkJiifcS 9.99067 9.32122 10.67870 10.00933 10.68811 1O 51 ' .V249 99064 32185 65815 00636 68750 9 52 j -. l ', l c 90062 32248 67752 00938 78690 8 I K 31370 99 C 59 32311 67685 00941 686 3 c 7 54 3*43 99 C 56 6-62- 0094^ 6 99054 3 2 43f 6756. 0094.^ 685 ic 5 56 5*549 99051 6750: 00945 ; 68451 4 57 31609 99048 32561 67430 0095; 68301 3 58 31669 99046 32623 6737* 0095^ \ 68331 2 3 59 31728 99043 22685 6701 0095- ; 6827: I & 6o 31788 99040 32747 67*5! 3 6821: ^ s Co-fine. Sine. Co-tang Tan";. Secant. M. t a H 78 Degrees. $8 Artificial Sines v Tang. and Sec. 12, Degrees. P 1V1 - bine. Co-line.; Tang. ^lo-tatig- S cant. Co-fcc. = s ^jUW fr o 9.31788 9.99040 9-32747 10.67253 10.00960 10.682-13 ~4o~~i? i 3 l8 47 9903$ 32810 67x90 oo / 6: 68153 59 2 31907 9935 32872 67120 oo -6', 68oyj 58 3 ' 31966 99032 3*933 67067 00968 68034 57 4 32025 99030 3-995 67005 00970 67975 56 5 32084 99027 33057 66943' 00973 67916 55 6 32143 99024 33i*9 66881 00970 67857 54 7 32202 99022 33180 66820 0097.'- 67790 53 8 32261 99019 33242 66758 00981 67739 52 9_ 3 2 3 I( > 90016 3333 66697' 00984 67681 5i 10 9-32378 9.9^013 9-3J365 10.66635 10.00987 10.67622 5 it 32437 99011 33426 66574, 00989 67563 49 12 32495 99008 33487 66513 00992 67505 48 *3 32553 99005 33548 66452 00995 67447 47 14 32612 99002 3360- 66391 06998 67388 46 15 32670 99000 33670 66330 OIOOO 6733 45 16 3*7*6 98997 3373 1 6 269 01003 67272 44 J 7 32786 98994 3379 2 66208 01006 67214 43. 18 32844 08991 33853 66147 . 01009 67156 42 J 9 32j?02 98989 339 '3 66087 OIOII 67098 4i 20 9 32960 9.98986 9-337-i 10.66026 10.01014 10.67040 40 21 33018 98983 34034 65966 01017 66982 39 22 3375 98980 34095 65905 01020 66925 38 23 33133 98978 34155 65845 OI022 66867 37 24 33I9 98975 34215 65784 01025 66810 36 25 33248 98972 34276 65724 OI02& 66752 35 26 3335 98969 3433 6 65664 0103! 666gcj 34 27 33362 9*967 34396 65604 01033 666^,3 33 28 33420 98964 3445'6 65544 01036 66580 32 29 33477 98961 345i6 65484 01039 66523 3 9-33534 9,98958 9-3457' 10.65424 10.01042 10.66466 3 3i 33591 9 8 955 34635 65365 01045 66409 29 3 2 33 6 47 9 8 953 34695 6 53 o5 01047 66352 28 33 3374 98950 34755 65245 01050 66296 27 34 3376i 98947 34814 65186 I053 66239 26 35 33818 98944 34874 651-26 01056 66182 25 S^ 33 3 74 98941 34933 65067 01059 66126 24 37 3393 1 98938 34992 6500^ OIO62 66069 23 38 339 8 7 9 8 .939 35051 64949 01064 66013 22 ' j 39 34043 98936 35111 64889 01067 65957 21 40 9.34100 9.98930 9.35170 10.64830 IO.OIO7O 10.65900 20 41 34i5<5 98927 3522, 64771 01073 65844 J 9 42 34212 98924 35288 64712 01076 65788 18 43 34268 98921 35346 64653 01079 65732 17 44 34324 98919 35405 64595 01081 65676 16 45 34380 98916 35464 64536 01084 65620 15 46 344-3* 98913 35523 64478 01087 65564 14 47 3449 i 98910 3558i 64419 01090 65500 T 3 48 34547 98907 35640 64360 01093 65453 12 49 34602 9800.4 35698 64302 01096 65398 11 50 9.34658 9.98001 9-35757 10.64243 10.01099 10.65342 IO f.i 347*3 98898 358i5 64185 OII02 65287 9 52 34769 98896 35873 64127 OI1O/I 65231 8 53 34824 98893 3593 1 64069 01107 65176 7 54 34879 98890 35989 64011 OHIO 65121 6 55 34934 98887 36047 63953 OIII -} 65066 5 56 34989 98884 36105 63895 01116 65011 4 57 3544 08881 36163 63837 01119 64956 3 $ 35099 98878 36221 63779 OII22 64901 59 35154 98875 36279 63721 OII25 64846 i ; 60 35209 98872 36336 63664 OII28 64791 ^ Br Co fine. Sin. ' o tang- Tang. Co-fee. beca. i, M. g 77 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec* 13 Degrees. "XAW* 1 ^ J Tang. o-tang- c -'' C. j t i S ___ o Q.-vi2of; Tj"> y S 8 7 2"^ 36 33 6 c 60 < X | 3526-., 98869! 36394 63606' 01130 > 'i 3 353^ 8 35373 98867 98864 36509 63548 63491 OII 33 01136 64627 5| 4 35427 98861 36566 63434 C'i i j9 56 5 3548i 98858 36624 63376 64518 55 3553* 98855 3668 1 63319 54 7 3559 98852 36738 63262 01148 64410 53 8 9 35 6 44 98849 98846 36795 _3_68s2 6320:; 01151 5 2 10 it 9-35752 35806 9.98843 98840 9.36909 36966 0.630-;; 63034 LO.OU57 01160 64*94 5 ! 15 14 35860 359J4 25968 98837 98834 98831 37023 37080 37137 62*92! 62863 c 1 1 6 } 01166 01169 64140 64086 6403. 47 ! 46 15 36021 98828 37193 62807 01172 6397^ 45 360/5 9882.7 37250 62750 01175 6392 17 18 *9 , o 1 -J 3.6129 36182 36236 9882^2 98819 98816 37306 37363 37419 62694 62637 62581 0117? 01181 01184 638 7 i 638 i 3 6376,1 43 20 9.36280 9.98813 ,.37476 0.62524 0.01187 0.63711 4 21 98810 37532 62468 01190 63658 39 22 3639^ 98807 37588 62412 or t93 63605 - 3 2, *3 e r- 36448 98804 37644 62356 01196 6355 1 37 24 3650,2 98801 3.7700 62300 01199 63498 93 -.r 37756 62244 OI202 63443 35 26 36607 3/8 1 2 62188 01205 63392 34 27 937 02 37869 62132 OI2C8 63340 33 i 28 36713 9878; 37924 62076 0121! 63287 29 36*66 98786 3-7980 62020 OI2T/1 63234 3 r ~ 3~ 0.36818 9.98783 Sv38o 3 0.61965 9.0:217 0.63181 30 3i 36871 9 8 7 8c 38091 61909 01220 53 1 2'$ 29- 32 36924 98777 38147 6185; 01223 63076 28 133 3697* 98774 3820 61798 OI22 630,4 27 34 37028 9877 3825 6174 C122 62971 35 37081 9876 3831 61687 0,123 62.1 25 r 3^ 37*33 98/6 3836 6i6 3 0123 62867 24 37 3718^ 9876 3842 6 1 5'- 0123 62815 23 38 37237 9875 3847 6 15 2 0824 62763 _3JL_ 9875 3853 6146 ' 21 40 9-37341 9.9875 9-3S58 to. 6 141 10,0124 10,02-659 41 3739: 9874 3864 61-35 0125 62607 42 3744f 9874 3869 6130 0125 62555 ! 43 3749" 9874 3875 6124 CI25 62503 44 3754S 9874 3880 6119 0126 62451 45 37 6oc 9872 3886 6113 0126 62400 15 46 3765; 9 ; 7" 3891 6108 OI26 6234? 14 47 377 1 - 1 . J 9 8 73 3897 6102 0126 6229^ 12 1 148 3775 ~, 98/2 3 / o" 1 0127 6224- 49 ) - 97 ' 6001 01 27 II If 5 9.37058, 9.^87;, i. 10.0I278J. 10 S 51 3799i ' 6o8t< 3 dt28l| 9 [I 52 3796 D 9871 3 5 6075 5 01.8 53 3801 r 9871 3929 f i 0128 a 6198 /' 7 !* 54 3806 2 9870 3 r - 3 6064 7 0129 t 619^ 3 6 j 55 3811 3 9 8 7o6 /' 6059 3 ^ ^ 29 4 6188 5 56 3816 1- 9 8 73 . 6043 ) OT29 7 6183 ' ; 4. 57 38215; v s 604.8 5 0130 D 6178 5 3 58 38266 .. y 6043 i 0130 3 6173 59 38317! 986941 3962 3 6037 7 OI 3 ) 6i6 T & 6 38368 986,; Co-line.! Sine, y\ 3067 7 6032 3 0131 c 616. o !! 13 i Jo-tan a - i a:-.g. C'j-fec. Seca:it. & \Snuu~~ ^==^- l 76 Degrees. Artificial Sine?, Tang, and Sec., I ^Degrees. (Co-ilne. , Tang. (Co-tang. Secant. Co-lec. > 9- 39^77(10. 60323 (0.01310 10.6 r 632 60 '73 1 6*269 01313 61582 50 5 : 'V'9 3.T-5 6c2ls O J T 1 ) 61531 53 5*9 9 C ' ; v ; ' 398^8 60162 0131,-) 61481 57 3^57- ' 39892 60108 01322 61430 56 38620 986^5 39945 60054 61380 55 38670 9867^ 39995 60001 01329 61330 54 3 87 2 1 ; 3 '>" 4.0052 59948 01332 61280 53 38821 (,' ? ' 6 5 40106 4CI yp 59894 59 8 4i CT 3-7 ^ 61179 tY 5 * "38871 9:9*659 7~4o2i2iio.5 97 88 10.01341 10.61120! 50 3-', -' 3 <<,':,-- 40. 59734 01344.1 6; 079! 40 38.97^ 98652 40319 59681 013-48 6rd2g 48 3 ^ o - f 59628 01351 60979 47 9^646 40425 59575 oig'54 60929 4*5 98643 404-, 8 595^2 01357 45 98640 59469 013*60 60;: ;o 44 ~ ' llC 98636 4.0584 5 9 j. 1 6 01364 66^80 3 '/' * 7 98633 40636 59S63 ' 0,367 66730 42 3/3 <; h 'i - - 50311: o 1 3 7 1 41 '/ ' 9.40742 10.59258 1*613 73 10.60631 40 98623 A rf^S 59205 01377 60582 39 98620 40847 59153 01 ?or 60533 -, ** 98617 469-00 59100 01383 60483 3 7 9*614 40952 59043 0138*5 60434 39'' J ; 98610 41004 - 5 8 995 Ol ^.'vC 60385 . 35 39' ; ' 6 - 98607 41057 58943 Cl V';- x 60336 34- 90604 41109 5889! 01306 60287 33 S9.762 4116:, 58839 01 3 or, 60^38 9^597 4.T214 0140-: 60169 3 T 9.39860 '.'.,4126610.58734 ! -'.014.00 10.60140 3 39909 ip 4i3 l8 | 3^62 61409 01412 6009] 6004; 2.9 28 40055 98584 98581 41422! 58578 4i.:i74i 5^5:(' 01416 , 5999- 27 l6 4 "' ( 23 4.1526! 'i"^4.'-J C 1 4.2 2 59896 -5 40152 98574 i-i A -, -J t .O , 01426 59848 *o8on 4 o 2 4 y 9^6c 410-9 5.j >;) t i 41681 5831^ c j 4 3 : 59 DOC 59751 22 4^207 9056^ _..^-^vli 5^67 0:4-5 59703 21 9-4C-345 ~9^;56i 9.41704 10.58216 L0.< 10.59654 20 ' 40394 98558 41836 58164 01442 59606 *9 98555 41887 58X13 01445 5955 s 18 40400 98551 4T939 5806] 17 98548 41990 f'oicj. c;.; 16 9 8 545 4204 1 5 7 9 5 *- V : J j ^9414 15 98541 42093 579 7 01459 5936^ X 4 ,8 53 8 42144 5.7856 c : 46 2 593 lS J 3 3 1 9 s 53 5 42195 5/805 91465 59 2 7 12 4-2 246 754 59222 11 9-40' o.9 s 5 l8 9.42207 10.57703 10.0147.2 10.59175 10 4=8.73 42348 , 57652 PJ475 9 409 2 i 98521 32399 57601 59 C 79 8 40968 98518 5755 C 0148-! 7 4XOl6 985 1 5 42501 57499 014.85 58984 6 41063! oSj'I 42552 57448 01489 5^937 5 41111 98508 42603 57397 C f.;^2 4 41158 98504 42653 5V 347 c :. 4r t, 58842 3 41205 98501 42704 57^96 01499 5 '' 7 9 ei - 2 08498 42755 57245 01502 58748 I 41300 98494 42805 01506 58700 :-r,, : e. Sine. -o-tang. Tang. (io-fec. Secant. M. K^I 75 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 15 Degress. 51 > JV1. Sine. jCo-ime. Tang. jCo-tan^.fS'.-canc. Coiec. ; Cl o i 9.41300 9.9849! 41347' 98491 9.42805] 42856 K*57'V5 57*441 to. ci 5^6 10.587 >;x 60 * 01509 58653 5Q 2. 41394 9848;; 42906 57094 58606 5^ 3 41441 9848, 32957 574 3 01516 58559 57 4 41488 98481 56993 01519 58512 |5 5 41535 984-77 45057 5 6 ->43 0.1523 58465 55 .6 41582 98474 43108 56891 01526 58418 54 7 41628 98471 431 f; 3 56642 01519 0373 53 8 41675 984^7 43208 56792 OI 533 58325 52 9 4172^ 98464 43058 56742 01536 58278 10 9.41768 9.984^ 9.43308 10.56692' 10.01540 10.58232 5 ii 41815 98457 43353 56642 01543! 58185 49 12 41861 98453 43408 56592 01547 58138 48 13 41908 98450 4345 s 56542 01550 58092 47 14 41954 98447 435 8 56492 01 553 58046 46 'I 42001 98443 4355 8 56442 01557 57999 45 l6 42047 98440 43607 56393 01560 57953 44 *7 42093 98436 43657 56343 01564 57907 43 18 42139 ^,98433 4377 56293 01567 47860 42 19 42186 98429 43756 56244- 01571 57814 41 2,0 9.42232 9.98426 9.43806 10.56194 10.01574 10.57763 40 21 42278 98422 ' 43855 56145 OI 57 s j 577 2i 39 22 42324 98419 4395 56095 01581 57676 3* 23 42370 98415 43954 56046 01584. 57630 37 24 42416 98412 44004 55996 01588 575^4 36 25 42461 ' 98409 44053 55947 01591 57538 35 26 42507 98405 44102 5598 01 575 57493 34 27 42553 98402 44151 55848 015^8 57447 33 23 42599 98398 44201 55799 01602 32 29 42644 22395 44250 5575 01605 57-356 3 1 3 9.42690 9.98391 9.4429910.55701 io.oi6o9 ; io. 57310 3 3 1 42735 98388 44548 55652 01612 57265 19 32 42781 9838, 44397 55603 01616 28 33 42826 98381 44446 55554 01619 57174 27 34 42872 98377 44495 555.05 01623 57128 26 35 42917 983/3 44544 55456 01626 570 33 25 36 42962 98370 4-loV- 55408 01630 573' s 24 37 43007 98j'( 44641 55359 01634 5^993 ^ / X *J 2 3 38 43053 98363 44690 55310 01637 56947 39 43098 9 8 3?< 44738 55262) 01641 r /J yOi 21 40 9-43*43 9-9835' 9.44787 10.55-,, t o. 0164410.^68^7 20 41 43188 9835~ 44836 6; 01648 56812 *9 42 43^33 98349 55116 01651 56767 18 43 43278 9834 55067 01655 56722 T 7 44 433^3 9 8 342 44981 55019 01658 5667-7 16 45 4336? 9*33- 45029 5497 J 01662 f f 56032 < 46 43412 9833^ 45078 54V 2.1 01666 56588 14 47 43457 9833 45126 5487-! 01669 5*543 48 43502 983,- 45174 548,26 56498 12 49 43546 08324 45222 '5477 01676 56454 II 50 9-43591 9.98320 9.45271 10.54729:10.01600 10.56409 10 5 1 43635 9*3*7 453*9 54681; 01683 52 43680 3536; 54633 01687 8 53 4372-1 98309 45415 545 8 5 0169: 54 43769 9830^ 45463 54537 01694 56231 6 55 43813 98302 455H 54489 01698 56187 5 56 43857 98299 45-559 54441 01701 56143 4 57 43901 98295 45606 54394 01705 5600* 3 5* 4394^ 9829! 45654 5434 > 01709 2, 59 4399 98288 45702 54298 01712 I 60 44034 .9828.4 4575 54250 01716 *50<5 o 4^ 1 /*/-. "x>-iine. Sine. '.Jo-tang. Tanj. j Gc-fec. bccant. M. 'C 33. Artificial Sines., T and Sec. 16 Degrees. Sine. Co-{iine.[ Tang. jCo-t^ng-. Secant. . r. .Mri Co fee. o j (, 9.98284 9-457.'H .o.J4^o 10.01716 10.55966 I 98201 45797 54203 01719 55922 2 44122 08277 ' 45045 54155 01723 55878 3 44i6< 98273 45892 . 44108 01727 55834 . 44210 98270 . 45940 54060 01730 55790 5 44253 98266 45987 54013 01734 5574'' 6 44*97 9826, 46035 01738 55703 7 44341 9823 46082 539i8 01741 5565 8 '44385 9825,, 46130 53 8 7 C 55^f5 9 44428 98251 46177 53323 OI 74..; 55572 10 9.444.72 9.9824? 9.46224 10 -53776 10.0 1752 io. 55520 n 445*5 982 A 462-71 537* 8 01756 55484 12 44559 98240 46319 53681 01760 55441 13 44602 9823- 46366 01763 55397 14 4464' 98237, 464 r 3 53587 01767 55354 is 4468, 9822- 460o 5354 01771 553H- 44733 98226 46 5 o 7 53493 01774 55^67 17 44-776 98222 4^554 5344' 01778 55224 18 4481 982 1 4660 1 533 75181 10 _4 4 36~ 082; ; 466/+: ; 01785 5313$ 20 ~7*2M 10.33306 o . o 1 7 8 ;o.5595 a t 9820" 53 5 ' o 7 '/ 3 5,3051 22 44991 98*03 55008 1 2 3 453 53 i65 Ol8rc ' 4642! 53' ' 54 >27 i - : ' 3 > ., v- 3 01830 54624; ~) i 3- 454TQ 9816' 4;>53 5^747 01034 5458i i8 33 98162 472-;-, 52701 01838 5453 s 27 24 9815 47346 5*54 01841 54496 26 35 0815% 4739- 52608 01845 54453 25 45589 93151 4743 8 5:56: 01849 544H 24 37 4563^ 98147 47484 52516 0585. 54368 23 45674 98144 4753 52470 01856 543-6 22 39 457 T 6 98140 47576 52424 01860 54284 21 43 V-4575 8 9.98136 9.47622 10.52378 [0.01864 10.54242 2O 4* 98132 47668 01868 54199 ip 42 45843 98128 477M 52286 01871 54157 18 43 45885 98125 47760 52240 01875 54H5 17 45027 98121 47806 52104 01*79 54073 16 45 45969 98117 47852 52148 01883 54031 15 46 46011 98113 4789-; 52102 01887 53989 14 47 ^56053 98 ioc. 47943 5-057 07090 53947 T 3 4 4609 s 98106 4798! 52011 01894 53905 J 2 49 4613^ 98102 48034 5*965 oi8'8 53864) ii ! 5 9.46178 9.9809?; 9.48080 10.51920 i 0.01902 10.53822 10 51 46220 9809^: 48 1 26 01906 5378o 9 5* 46262 98090 48171 5182' 01910 53738 8 53 46303 98087 48217 51783 01913 53 6 97 7 54 46345 98083 48262 51738 0:917 53655 6 55 9807 48307 51692 01921 53614 b 56 46428 9807.' 48353 5*647 01^25 53572 4 57 4646:, 9807^ 48398 5 160; 01920 5353' 3 58 46511 98067 48443 51557 01933 53489 2 59 4635^ 9806; 4848. OI 937 53448 * &> 00 4659^ 9806^ 4853^ 51466 01940 534o6 4 iJ Co- lint. Sine. Co-tan?'. Tanp> Go-iec. Secant. M. g i&QSfr* 73 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 17 Degrees "3 M. _Sine. Co-line* Tan?. )Co-tang. Secant, i Co-fee. r o 0-4659^ 9.98060 9.4853410.51466" 10.01940 10.53406, 60 -^ X 466 35 98056 48579 51421 01944 53365 59 I 2 46676 98052 486.^4 5*37* 0194 53324 5* | 3 46717 98048 48669 5I33 1 01952 53283 57 4 46758 98044 48714 51286 0195* 53241 50 5 46800 98040 48759 51241 01960 . 5 .-2O 55 6 46841 98036 48804 51196 0196,' 53*59 54 7 46882 98032 48849 51151 01960 53118 5 ? 8 46923 98029 48894 51106 oi 97 j 53077 9 46964 98025 48939 51061 10,51016 01075 53036 51 ^ 10 9.47005 9.98021 9,48984 10.01975 10.52995 ii 47045 98017 49029 5097* 01983 52954 4Q 12 47086 98013 49073 50927 01987 52>>i4 48 3 47127 98009 49118 50882 01991 52873 47 47168 98005 49163 5 S 37 01995 52832 46 15 47209 98001 49207 50793 01999 527.7 1 45 , 16 47249 97997 49252 50748 02003 52751 44 17 47290 97993 49296 50703 02007 52710 43 18 4733 97980. 4934* 50659 02010 5 ;6;o 42 19 4737* 97986 50614 02014 52629 4* 20 9-474" 9.97982 9.49430 10.50570 1O.O2OI8 1.0.52588 4o 21 47452 97978 49474 50526 02022 52548 39 22 47492 97974 495*9 50481 02026 52508 33 3 3 47533 97970 49563 50437 O2O3C 52467 37 -4 47573 97966 40607 50$ >3 02034 52427 36 2 5 47613 97962 49651 50348 02 38 42387 35 26 47654 979S& 49696 50304 0:042 52346 34 27 47694 97954 49740 50260 02046 52306 33 28 47734 . 9795 49784 50216] O2050 ; 52266 32 29 47774 97946 49828 50172 02054 52226 31 3 9.47814 9.97942 9.49872 10.50128 10.02058 ;o.52i86 3 3 1 47854 9793 8 49916 50084 0206, 52146 29 47894 97934 49960 50040 ,' 0206'- 52106 28 33 47934 9793^ 50004 49996 0207*" 52066 27. 34 47974 97926 50048 49952 ... 02074 52026 26 35 48014 97922 50092 4'/9 8 02078 51986 25 36 48054 97918 50136 49864 02082 - 5*94^ 24. 37 48094 979*4 50180 49820 02086 51906 23 38 48133 979*0 50223 49776 02090 51867' 22 48173 97906 50267 49733 \ 02094 51827 21 "40 9.48213 9.97002 9.50311 10.49689 (.0.02096 1:0.51787 " 20 4i 48252 97898 503. ,5 49645 02102 5*747 *9 42 48292 97894 - 50398 49602 O21.06 51708 18 43 48 3 r 97890 50442 4955 8 021 10 17 44 48371 97886 50485 49515 02114 51629 10 45 4841 1 97882 50529 49471 02118 15 46 48450 97878 50572, 49428 02122 5^550 14 47 48489 97874 500 jo 49384 02126 51510 J 3 48 48529 97870 50659 02130 12 49 48568 97866 50703 49297 02130 5*432 It 50 9.48607 9.97861 9.50746 10.49254 10.02139 10.51392 "10 5 1 48647 97857 50789 49211 02143 5*353 o 52 48686 97853 5o8 33 49*6? 02147 8 53 48725 97840 50876 4912-; 5*275 7 54 48764 97 8 45 50919 49081 C2I55 51236 6 55 48803 97841 50962 49038 02159 5 56 48842 97 8 37 51005 48995 01163 51158 4 57 48881 97833 51048 48951 02l6; 51119 3 58 48920 97829 5109-2 48908 02171 51080 a 59 48959 97825 51*35 48865 02175 51041 i & ^ 4^91/1 97821 48822 O3I.7P 5 tcio2 : i 15 Co-fine Sine. Jo-tang. la;;-. Co-fee. Secant. M. ^ ..*TS ,_-\ ' Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. i> D grees. & s^. _ t Sine. Co-line. Tang. |Co-tang. - l l .g-! Secant. - F ..".^ r ^^: Co-fcc, =^/J' 3.48998 9.97821 9.51178 10.48822 10.02179 10.51002 60 I 49037; 97817 51221 48779 02183 50963 59 2 49076;' 97812 51264 48736 O2i8t> ^0924 58 3 49115 9^808 48694 02192 50885 57 4 49153! 97804 51349 48651 02196 50847 56 5 4919- 97800 51392 48608 022CO 50808 55 6 49 2 3! 97796 5*435 48565 O2204 50769 54 7 49269 97792 48522 bj2o8 50731 53 8 4/308 97788 51520 48480 O22I2 50692 52 9 4934-7' 977 8 4 51563 48437 642' 1 6 50653 10 9.49385 9-97779 9.51606110.48394 10.032 u 10.50615 50 11 49424 97775 51648 48352 02225 50576 49 12 49462 97771 51691 48309 01220 50538 13 49500 97767 5*734 48266 2233 50500 47 4953V 97763 48224 02237 50461 46 15 49577 97759 51819 48181 C224I 50423 45 l6 49615 97754 51861 4813-, 02246 50385 44 1? 49654 97750 51903 48097 02250 43 l8 49692 97746 51946 48054 02254 5 o 3 o3j 42 *9 49730 97742 51980 48012 02258 50270! 41 20 9 49768 9.97738 9.52031 10.47969 10.0026; 10-50232 40 21 32 49806 49840 97/33 97729 52073 52115 47927 47885 0.2266 02271 50194 39 50156 3 3 23 49882 97725 52157 47?43 02275 50118 37 24 49920 97721 52200 47800 02279 50080 36 25 49958 98717 52242 47758 02283 50042 35 2-5 49996 97713 52284 477*6 02:207 50004 34 27 50034 97708 52326 47674 02292 49966 33 28 50072 97704 . 52368 47632 02296 49928 29 50110 9770 52410 4759o 02300 49890^ 31 3 9.50148 9.97696 9.52452110.47548 10.02304 10.498521 30 3 1 50185 97691 52494 47506 02309 49815 29 32 50223 97687 52536 47464 01313 49777 28 33 50261 97683 52578 47422 02317 49739 ' 27 34 50298 97679 52620 473 80 02321 49702 26 35 50336 9^674 52661 47339 02326 49664' 25 36 50373 97670 52703 47297 0233 49626. 24 37 50411 97666 52745 47255 02334 49589 2 3 38 50448 97662 52787 47213 02338 49551 22 50486 97657 52829 47I7 1 02 343 _. 49514 2'1 40 "T-5^5^3 9-97655 9.52870 10.47130 10.02347 10.49477 20 4i 50561 97649 52912 47088 02351 48439 19 42 4'"' s 9 8 97645 52953 47047 2355 49402 18 43 50635 97640 52995 47005 02360 49365 17 44 50673 97636 53 C 37 46963 02364 49327 45 50710 97632 537 8 4692; 02368 49290 1 5 46 50747 97627 53120 46880 02371 49253 ** 14 47 50784 97623 53161 46839 02377 49216 73 48 50821 97619 53 202 46797 02381 49179 12 49 50858 97615 53244 46756 __ 02385 49142 11 50 "9750896 *.9767o 9-53285 10.467 15 10.02390 10.49104; 10 51 5932 97606 53327 46673 02394 49067 9 52 5 C 97 C 97602 53368 46632 02398 49030 8 53 51006 97597 53409 46591 02403 48993 7 54 5*043 97593 5345 46550 02407 48957 6 55 51080 53492 46508 02411 48920 5 56 511*7 975*4 53533 46467 02416 48883 4 57 97580 53574 46426 024x20 48846 3 58 51191 97576 536*5 46385 02424 48809 59 51227 97571 53656 46344 02429 48773 i 60 5126.4 97S67 ,46303 02433 48736 o Coiinc. Sine. JCo-tang. 'Lang. Co-iec. Secant. M. i Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 19 Degrees. V- \^A, v-- 8 M " Sine. 1 Online "9.51264 9-9756-; Tang. ICo-tafij?. Secant f~t p } mil. < lec. j ^ 9-53697I r.o.4 6303 ' 0.02435 i 0.48736 60 1! i 5<3 or 97563 5373 s 4626. OH37 48699 59 | 2 5 1 33 9755' 53779 46,121 02442 48662 53 3 5'37< 9755- 53820 46180 02446 48626 57 4 SUt' 9755 f - 53^1 46(3- 02450 48589 56 5 51441 9754' 5392 46098 0-455 48553 55 6 51484 9754 53943 4605-7 03459 48516 54 7 51520 9753' 53984 46016 02464 48480 53 8 5*55- 9753 54025 45975 02468 4^443 52 9 51593 97# 54065 4V^5 or.r- 48407 5I _ 10 9.5162 9-97523 9.54106 o.45^ ys 0.01477 0.48371 5 ii 51666 975 H 54147 45853 02481 48334 49 12 5170- 97 5 M 54i87 45813 02485 48298 48 *3 5'73 8 975* c 5422S 4577- 02490 48262 47 14 5*774 975' 54269 4573 1 02494 48226 46 I *5 51811 975 543^9 4.5691 02499 48189 45 id 51847 97497 5435 45^5 02501 4853 44 i? 51883 97492 5439 45610 0250^ 48117 43 18 5 X 9*5 97488 5443 1 4556y 02512 48081 42 T 9_ 51955 97484 54471 4552- 02516 48045 - 41 ! 20 9.51991 9-97479 9-545 1 2 0.45488 0.02521 0.48009 40 21 52027 97475 5455 2 45448 02525 47973 39 22 52065 9747 54593 45407 0253- 47937 38 2 3 5-9/ 97466 54633 45367 02534 47901 3] 24 52135 97461 54673 45326 0253; 47865 36 25 52I7 1 97457 54714 45286 02543 47829 35 26 52207 97452 54754 45246 02547 47793 34 7 52242 97448 54794 45206 02552 47758 33 28 52278 97444 54835 451^5 02556 477." 32 2 9 52314 9743V 54875 45125 02561 47686 3 1 3 9-5^350 9-97435 9.54915 0.45085 0.02565 0.47650 3 3 1 5^5 9743 54955 4545 02570 47615 29 52421 97426 54995 4500 02574 4757 28 33 52456 9742 55^35 4496 02579 4754 27 34 52492 9741- 55=75 4492 0258 4750 16 35 5252" 97412 55 JI 5 4488 0258 4^7 25 36 5256 97408 55155 4484 0259 4743 24 37 5259 9740 55*95 4480 0259 4740 /* , ^3 3 52634 9739 55235 4476 0260 4736 22 39 5266 973,4 55275 4472 0260 4733 3-1 40 9.5270 9-9739 9-553*5 10.4468 10.0261 10.4729 2O 41 5274 973 8 55355 4464 0261 47-6 19 42 5277 9738 5539 4460 0261 3722 iS 43 5^i 9737 55434 4456 0262 4718 17 44 5284 -9737 55474 4452 0262 47 15 16 45 5288 973'> 555*4 4448 0263 4711 15 4 5291 9736 5355 4444 0263 4708 U 47 5295 9735 5559 4440 0264 4704 13 48 5298 9735 5563 4436 0264 4701 12 , 4? 53 02 9734 5567 4432 0265 4697 II 50 9-535 9.9734* 9-5571 2 10.442^ 10.0265 10.46944 i 5 1 535 9734 5575^ 5424 02^6 4690^ * 9 5 2 53 12 9733 5579 1 4420 0266 4687; J 53 53'6 9733 55831 4416 0266 4683< ? 7 54 5319 9732 $5*35 4413 0267 4680, v 6 55 53 2 3 9732 559 K 44o , 0267 4676 ? 5 56 5326 973 1 5594!; 4405 0268 4673 ; 4 57 533 ' 973 1 5598$ i 4401 0268 4669 5 3 58 5333 973 5602? ' 439" 0269 4666, ; 2 \\ 59 5337 973 C 5606- J 4393 0269 4663 3 I & 60 5340 9729 5610- 4389 0270 4659 5 o 6 Co-fine Sine. Go-tang Tang Co-ice Secant. M. 2 K 70 Degrees. 6 Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 20 Degn -} M. Sine, j Co-fine Tang. ^o-.tang. Decant. Co- fee. Q If 9.53405 9-97299 9.56107 10.43893 0.02701 10.46595 60 $ fl * 53440! 07294 561461 43854 02706 46560 5Q II 2 53475 97289 56185 43815 02711 46525 58 3 97285 56224 43776 02715 46491 57 4 53544 97280 56264 43736 02720 46456 56 5 53578 97277 56303 43697 02724 46422 55 6 53 6l 3 97 2 75 56342 43658 0272 46387 54 7 53647 97266 5638* 43619 02734 46353 53 8 53*82 97262 56420 43580 02-738 463 1 8 9 537 l6 97257 56459 43541 02743 46284 51 10 9-5375* 9-97252 9.56498 10.43502 0.02748 0.46249 5 it 53785 97248 5653, 93^: 02752 46 2 1 5 49 12 53819 97 2 4-3 0275" 4618 i 48- 9723* 56615 433.5 K 02762 46146 47 14 53888 97234 56654 43346 02766 46112 46 539 22 9722( 56693 4337 02771 56078 45 l6 53957 9722^ 5 6 73 2 43268 02776 4604-: 44 17 5399 ^ 9722-C 5677* 43220 02780 46009 43 l8 54025 9/ 2 *:; 56810 43*9 02785 45975 42 19 9721C 56849 43* 5 1 0278^ 45941 4* 2O 9.54093 9.97206 9.56887 10.43113 10.02794 0.4590;, 40 21 54*27 97201 56926 43074 02791 45873 39 22 54161 97196 56965 43035 02804 45% 33 21 54195 97192 57004 42996 0280? 45805 37 o 24 54229 97187 57042 42958 02813 4577* 36 e. 5/1263 97182 37081 42QH 028 il 45737 35 26 54297 9717? 57120 42880 02822 45703 34 ^ - 543-2 1 97*7r 42842 02827 45669 33 / 28 / T^> J 1,4 36j 97168 57*97 42803 02831 45635 29 J ~> J 54399 97*63 57 2 35 42765 02 8 37 45601 3 1 30 9-97*59 9-57274 10.42726 10.02841 10.4556 3 o 3! 54466 97*54 573 12 42688 02846 45534 29 32 97*49 5735 1 42649 02851 45500 28 O 33 54534 97*45 57389 426 1 1 0285. 4546 27 34 54567 97*4 r 57428 42572 0286r 4543 26 35 97*35 57466 4253-, 0286^ 4539 25 36 5463* 97*3 C 57504 42496 02870 4536 24 37 54668 97126 57543 4245- 02874 4533 23 3 8 547- 97121 5758i 42419 o287( 4529 22 O 54735 97116 4238 02884 4526 21 ~4~ 9-54769 9.9711 9.57658 10.42342 io.o288(. io.45 2 3 20 4* 54802 9710^ 57696 42304 02893 19 42 54836 9710 57734 42266 02898 45*6 18 43 5486r 9709- 577 7 2 42228 0290^ 45*3 *7 44 54903 9709 57810 42190 0290 459 16 45 54936 9708- 57849 42151 0291 4506 *5 46 5496^ 9708 57887 4211^ 0291 4503 *4 47 55003 97078 57925 42075 0292 4499 1 3 48 9707 57963 420 3 0292 4496 12 49 556' 9706 58001 4199 0293 4403 I I 50 9.55102 .9.9706 9 58039 10.4,196 10.0293 10.4489 10 55*36 97^5 '58077 4192 0294 4486 9 52 97054 58115 4188 0294 4483 8 53 55202 9704 5815: 4184 0295 4479 7 54 97044 5 3 t t i 4180 0295 4476 6 55 55268 973 4*77 0296 4473 5 56 45301 97034 58267 4*73 0296 4469 4 57 5533^ 9703 5830, 4*696 0297 4466 3 58 9702 4165 0297 4463 2 50 55400 9702 5 8 3 8c 41620 0298 4460 I . 60 5543 Co- fine 9701 58418 41^8 0298 4456 O MT I Sine, Jo-tang i ct;^. Co-iec. decant 69 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 21 Degrees. ^.u> - 3M. -^ " Sine. ( - -. r yj^gr 7 " - Tang. ; Go-tang.i Secant. Goiec. f". ! o 9-55433 9^7015 "9.58418^10.41582 0.02985 0.44567 ; i 55466 9701-0 58455 41545 02990 4^-53^ 2 55499 975 584^3 41507 02995 44501 5 8 1 3 5553 1 97001 5853" 41469 02999 4446? 57 4 96996 5856-' 41431 03004 44436 56 5 55597' 96991 5860.6 41394 03009 44403 55 6 5563 96986 58644 41356 03014 4437 54 7 55663 96981 5868," 41319 03019 44337 53 8 55695 96976 58719 41 28'! 03024 44305 S 2 9 55728 96071 58757 41243 03029 44272 5 r 10 9-5576i 9.96966 9.58794 10.41206 0.03034 0.44239 50 i r 55793 96762 58832 41168 03038 44207 49 12 55826 96957 58869 41131 343 44104 48 13 55858 96952 58907 41093 03048 44142 47 14 55891 96947 58944 41056 353 44109 46 15 559^3 96942 589^1 41019 03058 44077 45 16 5595" 96937 59019 40981 03063 44044 44 !7 55988 59056 40944 03068 44012 43 56021 96927 5994 40906 573 43979 42 19- 56053 9692?. 408 6 v 03078 43947 4i 20 9.56085 9.9691,7 9.59" 6 3 10.4083; 0-03083 10.43914 40 21 56118 97912 59205 40795 03088 43882 3? 22 56150 96907 40757 03093 43850 38 23 56182 96903 5^280 40720 03097 43818 37 24 56215 96898 993J7 40683 0^102 43785 36 25 56247 96893 5935^ 40646 03107 43753 35 26 56279 96888 5939 1 40609 03! 12 43721 34 27 56311 96883 59427 4057 03117 4368g 33 28 56343 96878 59466 40534 03122 43657 2 9 56375 96873 . 5953 4049 3 127 43623 3J 3 9.56408 9.96868 9-59540 10.40460 J0.03I 3 2 10.43592 3 3 1 56440 96863 59577 4042 3 T 37 43560 20 S 2 56472 9685^ 4038 03142 43528 28 33 56504 9685; 59651 4034 0314- 43496 27 34 56536 96848 59688 4031 03152 43464 26 35 56568 9684- 59725 4027 0315- 4343 25 36 5659:. 96838 59762 4023 03162 4340 24 37 56531 96833 5979' 4020 03167 4336 23 38 5666; 96828 59833 4016 0317- 4333 22 39 56695 96823 59872 4012 433 21 40 9.50727 "9.9681*. 9-599^ 10.4009 10.0318 10.4327 2O 4i 5^759 9681: 5994 4005 0318 4324 19 42 5679- 9*6808 4001 0319 4321 18 43 5682; 9680. 6oov 399 s 0319 43 1 ? T 7 44 5685, 96798 6005' 3994 0320 16 45 56881' 9679. 6000 C 399 0320 4'-ii/ j r 46 5691- 9678 60130 3987 0321 4308 14 47 5694- 9678 6016' 3983 0321 4305 48 5698c 9677^ 6020; 0322 4302 12 49 57012 9677 6023 3776 0322 4298 IT 5 9.57044 9.9676 9.6027? 10.3972 10.03232 '10.4295 10 5 1 5775 9676 6031; 3968- 0323^ 4292 9 5* 57107 9675" 603. H 39^5' 03243 4289 8 53 5713? 9675 6038^ 3>6u i 03248 4286 7 54 5716^ 9674- 6042^ 3957* 0325- 428 3 6 55 57201 9674 6045 , 3954] 0325^ 4279 5 56 57232 9673" 60495 395. , 0326- 4276 4 57 57264 9673 6053: 3946* i 0326^ 4273 3 58 57295 967 2 ~ 60568 3943 - 0327: 4270 59 57326 9672 60605 3939f 4267 i : 60 573" 9671" 60641 3935S ' 328; 4264 3 6 T*o-iine. Sine. !Jo-tang J Tang. Go-fee. Secant 68 I 38 Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 22 Degrees. Q v - Sine. Co-fine Tang. Co-tang Secant. Co-fee. P G 9-57358 9.96717 9.^0641 10.3935. 10.03283 10.42642 60 < I 96711 60677 39323 0328^, 4261 1 59 2 57420 96706 60714 39286 03294 42580. 58 3 574ji 96701 60750 3^250 03299 42549 57 4 574^2 96696 60786 39214 03304 42518 56 5 57514 96691 60823 39177 339 42486 55 6 57545 96686 60850 42455 54 7 57576 96681 60895 39 10 5 03319 42424 53 8 57607 96676 60931 39069 03324 42393 52 9 57638 96670 60967 3933 0333 s 42362 5 1 10 9.57669 0.96665 9.61004 10.38996 10.03335 10.42331 50 ii 577 OC 96660 61040 3 8 9 6c 04340 42300 49 12 57731 96655 61076 38924 03345 4226c; 48 13 57762 9565 61112 38888 0335 42238 47 14 57793 96645 61148 3885^ 03355 42207 46 15 57824 96640 61184 38816 0336 42176 45 16 57854 96634 61220 38780 03366 42145 44 17 5788, 96629 61256 38744 03371 42115 43 18 579i6 96624 6129: 3870(1 03376 42084 42 J 9 57947 96619 61328 3^672 03381 420 53 ^41 20 9-57978 9 96614 9.61364 1,0.38636 10.03386 10.42022 40 21 58008 '96608 61400 386.? - 339 2 41992 39 22 58039 96603 61436 3*8564 3397 41961 '2j 58070 96598 61472 38528 03402 41930 37 24 58100 96593 61508 38492 03407 41890 36 25 58131 96588 61544 38456 03412 41869 35 26 58162 96582 61579 38421 03418 41838 34 27 58192 96577 61615 38385 03423 41808 33 28 58223 96572 61651 3834 03428 41777 29 ^58253 96567 61687 03433 41747 31 3 9-58284 9.96562 9.61722 10.38278 10.03438 10.41716 3 3 1 58314 96556 61.758 38242 03444 41686 29 32 58345 96551 61794 38206 03449 41655 23 33 58375 96546 61830 3817 03454 41625 27 34 58406 96541 61865 38135 03459 41594 26 35 58436 96535 61901 38099 03465 41564 25 36 58467 9653 61936 38063 03470 41533 24 37 58497 96525 61972 38028 03475 41503 23 38 58527 96520 61008 3799 2 03480 41473 22 39 58557 96514 62043 37957 03486 41443 21 40 9.58588 9.96509 9.62079 10.37921 10.03491 10.41412 2O 41 58618 96504 62114 37886 03496 41382 19 42 58648 96498 62150 37850 03502 41352 18 43 58678 \ 96493 62185 378*5 03507 41322 T 7 44 58708 96488 62221 37779 41291 l6 45 58739 96483 62256 37744 03517 41261 15 40 58769 96477 62291 377 3 03523 41231 14 47 58799 96472 62327 37673 03528 4I2CI 13 48 58829 96467 62362 ' 3533 41171 12 49 58859 96461 623:^8 37602 03539 41141 11 5 9.58889 9.96456 9.62433 10.3756710.03544 10.41111 IO 51 58919 96451 62468 37532 03549 41081 9 52 58949 96445 62504 37496 03555 41051 8 53 58979 96440 62539 37461 03560 41021 7 54 59009 96435 62574 37426 ^3565 40991 6 55 5939 96429 62609 3739 1 03571 40961 5 56 59069 96424 62645 37355 3576 40931 4 57 59098 964191 62680 37322 03581 4090?. 3 58 59128 96413 62715 37285 03587 40872 59 59*58 96408 62750 3725 03592 40842 i 60 59188' 96403 62785 37215 3597 4081- 4, do-fine* j Sine. (Co-tang- Tang. Co-fee. Secant. M. Q -43k WA "' *_ T^^rt.^. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 23 Degrees. ->0 C..UV- q| M. Sine. C >o line. "" ' - Tang. ( ]n-ta ne. Secant. Co-fee. a o 9.59188 9.96403 9.627851 0.37^5 10.03597 0.40812 6 ^5* I 59 - l " 96397 62820 37180 03603 40782 59 2 59247 9 6 39' 62855 37145 03608 40753 58 3 39277 96^86 62890 37110 03613 40723 57 4 .V937 96381 62926 37074 03619 40693 56 5 5V33 6 96376 62961 37039 03624 40664 55 6 59366 96370 62996 27004 03630 40634 54 7 59396 96364 63031 36969 03635 40604 53 8 59425 96360 63066 36934 03640 40575 52 9 59455 96354 63101 36899 03646 40545 5J 10 9.59484 9.96349 9- 6 3'35 0.26865 0.03651 0.40516 5 ii 595M 96343 63170 36830 3957 40486 49 12 59543 96338 63205 36795 03662 40457 48 13 59573 96333 63240 36760 03667 40427 47 14 59602 96327 63275 56725 03673 40398 46 15 16 59661 96322 96316 633* 63345 36690 36655 03678 03684 40368 40339 45 44 17 59690 96311 63379 36620 03689 40310 43 18 59720 96305 63414 36586 03695 40280 42 19 59749 96300 63449 36551 03700 40251 41 20 9-59778 9.96294 9- 6 3484 0.36516 0.03706 10.40222 40 2t 59808 96289 63519 36481 03711 40192 39 22 59837 96284 63553 36447 03716 40163 38 23 59896 96278 63588 36412 03722 40134 37 24 59895 96273 63623 36377 03727 40105 36 25 59924 96267 36343 03733 40076 35 26 59954 96262 63692 36308 03738 40046 34 27 599 8 3 96256 63726 36274 03744 40017 33 28 60012 9625! 63761 36239 03749 39988 32 29 60041 96245 63796 36204 03755 39959 3 1 3 3 1 9.60070 60099 9.96240 96234 9.63830 63865 10.36170 36135 0.03760 03766 10.39930 39901 3 29 60128 96220 6389 36101 0377 1 39872 28 33 60157 9622' 6 393 36066 03777 39 8 43 27 34 60186 96215 6396 36032 0378- 39814 26 35 60215 9621 6400; 3599 03788 39785 25 36 6024; 9620 6403 3596 3793 39756 .24 37 6027 9620 6407 3592 379 39727 2 3 38 6030 9619 6410 3589 03804 39698 22 39 6033 9619 6414 3586 0381 39669 21 40 9-60359 9.9618 9.64175 10.3582 10.0381 10.39641 ,20 41 60388 9617 64209 3579 03821 39612 1 9 42 60417 .9617 64243 3575 03826 39583 18 43 60446 9616 6427^ 3572 03832 39554 17 44 60474 9616 64312 3568 03838 39525 16 45 6050- 9615 64346 3565 03843 3949" 15 46 6053: ^96 15 64381 3561 03849 39468 14 41 60561 9614 6441 * 3558 03855 39439 48 60589 9614 64445 3555 03860 'lOJ-l 12 49 _ 606 1 961 "< 6448: 355 1 0386^ 3938 I 1 5 9.6064^ 9.9612 9.6451- 10.3548 10.03871 10. -WT; 10 51 6067* 9612 645 5 - 3544 0387" 1932 9 S^ 6070^. 9611 6458* 354i 0388: 3929^ 8 53 6073: 9611 6462< 353 s 0388* ft s 5 3926 7 54 60761 9610 6465, 3534 03 8 9: 1 3923 6 55 6078^ 9610 6468 353 1 3 8 9< ) 3921 5 56 6o8ii 9609 6472 3527 39, ) 3918 4 5*7 6084* 9609 6475 3524 039 1 < 5 391 5 3 58 6087^ 9608 6479 3521 039 1( f) 39 12 59 6090. 9607 6482. 0392 c 3909 i & 60 6093 9607 6485 35M _ 0392 7 3906 $ 5 no-line. Sine. Go-tang Tang. Go-iec." Secant. M P 2 L 66 D greees. 40 Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 2,4 Degrees, Q M. " Sine. Co-line Tang. 9.64858 64892 Co-tang.) Secant. mWjj^ Co fee. Jjfe i 9-60931 60960 9.96073 90007 10.35142(10.03927 35108 03933! 10.39069! 60 JL) 35040 59 2 60988 96062 64926 35074 03938 39012 58 3 61016 9605^ 64960 35040 03944 38984 57 4 61045 96050 64994 35006 03950 38955 56 5 61073 96045 65028 34972 03955 38927 55 6 61101 9603 ( 65062 3'4938 03961 38899 54 7 61125 96034 65096 34904 03966 ' 38871 53 8 61158 96028 65130 34870 03972 38842 52 9__ 61186 96022 65164 34836 03978 38814 10 9.61214 9.96017 9.65197 10.34803 10.03983 10.38786 50 ii 61242 96011 65231 34769 03989 38758 49 12 61270 96005 6526^ 34735 03995 48 13 61298 Q599S 6529^, 34701 04000 : .38702 47 14 61326 9599*; 65333 34667 04006 3 86 7 4 46 J 5 61354 9598^ 65366 34634 04012 38646 45 16 61382 95^ 65400 34600 04.018 .38618 44 17 61411 95977 65434 34566 04023 38589 43 18 61438 9597 ] 65467 34533 0.4020 38561 42 19 61466 95965 .6550! 3449> 04035 38534 4i 20 9-67494 9.95960 9-65535 10.34465 10.04040 10.38506 40 21 61522 9595^ 65568 34432 04046 38478 39 22 6155 9594* 65602 34398 04052 3845 38 23 61578 95 4^ 65636 343^4 04058 .38422 37 24 61606 95937 '65660 3433* 04063 38394 36 25 61634 9593 l 65703 34297 04069 38366 35 26 61662 65736 34264 04075 38338 34 27 61689 05920 65770 3423 04080 33 28 61717 959*4 65803 34*97 04086 38283 32 29 61745 65837 34163 04092 ^38255 3* ^~3~ 9.61773 9.95902 9.65870 10.34130 10.04098 10.38227 3 3 1 61800 05896 65904 34096 04103 38200 29 61828 95801 65937 34063 04109 38172 28 33 61856. 95885 65971 34029 04115 38144 27 34 61883 95879 66004 33996 +J+J S S 04121 38117 26 35 61911 95873 66038 33962 04127 38089 25 36 61930 95868 6607, 33929 04132 38061 .24 37 61966 95862 66104 33896 04138 38034 23 38 61994 95856 66138 33862 04144 38006 22 39 62021 95850 66171 33829 04150 37979 21 40 9.62049 9.95844 9.66204 10.33796 10.04.156 10.37951 20 41 62076 95839 66238 33762 04161 37924 *9 42 62104 95833 66271 33729 04167 3/896 18 43 62131 95827 66304 f. t. 33696 04173 3/869 *7 44 62159 95821 66333 3-3663 04179 37841 16 45 62186 95815 6637- 33629 04185 378i4 15 62214 95810 66404 33596 04190 37786 14 47 62241 95804 66437 33563 04196 37759 *3 48 62268 95798 6*47 o 3353 04202 3773 2 12 49 62296 9579 2 66503 33497 04208 37704 11 5 9.62323 9.95786 9.66537 10.33463 10.04214 10.37677 IO 62350 95780 66570 3343 04220 3765 9 52 62377 95775 66603 33397 04225 37623 8 53 62405 95769 66676 33364 04231 37595 7 54 62430 95763 66669 3333* 04237 37568 6 55 62459 95757 66702 33298 04243 3754i 5 56 62486 9575* 66735 33265 04249 375M 4 57 62513 '95745 66768 33232 04255 37437 3 58 62541 95739 66801 33*99 04261 . 3745? 2 59 62568 95733 66834 33*66 04267 37432 I k 6o 62595 66867 33*33 04272 37405 o - < J Co-fine. ~~Sme7~ Co-tang- Tang. Co-ice. 1 Secant. M. P 2% ^ Degrees, Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 25 Degrees. 41 ^ M. Sine. Co-fine. Tang. !lo-t.ing- Secant. Co-fec.j JTJ ? 9.62505! 9.95728 9.66867 io-33*33 10.04272 10.37405 60 % v I 62622 95722 66900 33^00 04278 3737 59 2 ' 62649 -95716 66933 33 6 / 04284 3735' 58 3 62676 957io 66d66 33034 04290 37324 57 4 62703 95704 66999 33001 042-^6 37297 56 5 62730 95698 67032 32968 04302 37270 55 6 62757 95692 67065 .32935 04308 37M3 54 7 , 62784 05686 67098 32902 04314 37215 53 8 62811 05680 , 67131 32860 04320 37189 52 9 62838 95674 67163 32837 04326, 371621 51 10 9.62865 9.95668 9.67196 0.32804 10.04332 10-37*35 5 ii 62892 95662 67229 3277 1 04337 37108 49 12 62918 95657 67262 32738 04343 07082 48 I"- 62945 9565* .. 67295 32705 04349 37055 47 14 62972 95645 . 67327 3 i6 ;73 043^5 37028 46 62999 . 9563'; 67360 32640 04361 37001 45 16 63026 67393 32607 04367 36974 44 *7 63052 9562; 67426 32574 04373 36948 43 18 63079 95621 67458 32542 04379 36921 42 19 63106 95611 67491 3-500 04335 36894 4i 20 9-63133 0.05600 9.67524 10.32476 10.043;! 10.36867 40 j 21 63159 X ' J . ' . 95603 67556 3 2 444 04397 36841 39 22 63186 95597 6-^58- 32411 04403 36814 3* 2 , 63212 9559 1 67622 32378 04409 36787 37 24 63239 955 8 5 67654 32346 04415 36761 36 25 63266 95479 6768; 323*3 04421 3^734 35 26 .63292 95573 67719 32281 04427 36708 34 2~ 533' 9 95567 6775 i 32248 4433 36681 33 28 29 63345 9556' 9555*) 67785 6 7 8 I7 32215 32183 04439 04445 36628 JL 3 9.633^8 9-95549 9.67859 10.32150 10.04451 10.36602 3 3* 32 63425 63451 95543 - 95537 67882 67915 32118 32085 .04457 . 04463 3 6 5,1.9 29 1 : 63478 63504 .6353 1 63557 9-553 1 955 2 5 95519 955 T 3 . 67947 67980 68012 68044 32053 32020 3 1956 04469 04475 0448 1 " 04487 36522 27 36496 26 36469, 25 36443! 24 37 63583 9557 68077 3 1 92 " 04403 ,.36417! 23 38 63610 95500 68 lOy 31891 ^04500 36390! 22 39 63636 5494 6814: 31858 04506 3 ''3 '64' 21 : 40 -0.6366? 9.95488 9.68174 1^0.31826 10.04512 10.36338] 2O 41 63689 95482 68206 31794 04518 3<^3M 19 42 637*5 95476 6823', 31761 04524 18 43 63741 9547< . 68271 3*729 04530 36259 17 44 .63767 68303 3 l6 97 04530 1 6 45 9545 8 68336 31664 04542 3620^ 1 5 46 63820 95452 68368 31632 04548 36180 14 47 6-846 95446 68400 31600 04554 36*54 13 48 6-3874 95440 68432 3'568 04560 36128 12 49 63898 95434 68465 3535 04566 36102! II 5 9.63924 9.95427 9.68497 10. 31503110. 04573 10.36076 10 5 1 ' 63956 95421 68529 3147? 04579 36050 9 52 i 63976 954*5 68561 3*439 04585 36024 8 53 . 64002 954o> 68593 04591 3599 8 7 54 64028 95403 68626 31374 04597 35972 6 55 64054 95397 68658 3*342 04603 35946 5 56 . 64080 9539 1 68690 3*3* 0460 . 35920 4 57 64106 95384 68722 04616 35894 3 58 .6413- r , 9537 s ' 68754 31 246 04622 35868 59 64158 68786 31214 04628 35842 1 'Ji 60 , 64184 M 68818 31182 _ 04634 35816 H 3 Co-fine. "Sine. JCo-tang Tang. | Co-fee. Secant. M. $ C&=^=^=ai l . ..-. gBasamr-Trr-^s - ===*=*=&&&, 640 egreesi Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 26 Degrees. &3*** 3 M - Sine. 1 Co-fine. Tang. ^Co-tang-] Secant. aes-j^-^ Co-fee. I CT ^ 9.64184 9.95366 9.68818 10.31182(10.04634 0.35816 60 3 fl I 64210' 95360 68850 31150! 04640' 3579' 59 2 64^36 95354 68882 31118 04646 35764 58 3 64262 95348 68914 31086'. 04652 35738 57 4 64288 95341 68946 31054' 04650 357*2 56 15 643*3 95335 68978 31022' 04665 3^687 55 6 64339 953 2 9 69010 30990 0467 i 35661 54 7 64365 95323 69042 30958 04677 35635 53 8 64391 953*7 67074 30926 04683 35609 52 9 64417 953*0 69106 30894 04690 5 T 10 9.64442 9-95304 9.69138 10.30862 0.04696 0.35558 5 it 64468 95298 69170 30830 04702 35532 49 12 64494 95292 69202 0470? 355o6 48 *3 *4 645*9 64545 95286 95279 69234 69266 30766 3 734 04714 04721 3548i 35455 47 46 15 6457* 95273 69298 30702 04727 35429 45 16 64596 95267 69329 30671 4733 35404 44 T 7 64622 95261 69361 30639 04739 35378 43 18 64647 95254 69393 30607 04746 35353 42 *9 64673 95248 6942 1 3575 04752 35327 4* 20 9.64698 9.95242 9-69457 10.30543 10.04758 0.35302 40 21 6472.1 95236 69488 30512 04764 35276 39 22 64749 95229 69520 30480 04/71 3525* 38 2 3 64775 95223 69552 40448 04777 35225 37 24 64800 952*7 69584 30416 04783 35200 36 25 64826 95211 69615 30385 047 8 y 35*74 35 26 64851 95204 69647 3353 047 9 6 35*49 34 27 64877 95*98 69679 30321 04802 35*23 33 28 64902 95*92 69710 30290 04808 35098 32 29 64927 95185 69742 30258 04815 35073 3* 3 9-64953 9-95*79 9.69774 10.30226 10.04821 10.35047 3 3* 6497 8 95*73 69805 3*95 04827 35022 29 3 2 65003 95*67 69837 30163 04833 34997 28 33 65029 95^6 69868 3*3 2 o 4 8 4 c 3497* 27 34 65054 95*54 60900 30100 04846 34946 26 35 65079 95*48 69932 3006* 0485 3492 T 25 36 651 Ox 95141 69963 30037 0485^ 348Q6 24 37 65130 95135 69995 30005 04865 34870 23 38 6 5 1 5 f 95*29 70026 29974 0487 34845 22 39 65180 95*22 70058 29942 04878 34820 21 40 9.65205 9.95116 9.70089 10.29911 10.04884 *0-34795 20 4* 65230 95110 70121 29879 04890 3477 19 42 95*03 70*52 29848 0489 34745 18 43 6528 95097 70184 29816 0490 347*9 17 44 65306 95090 70215 29785 04910 34694 16 45 9508^ 70247 29753 04916 34669 15 46 6535^ 95078 70278 29722 0492 34644 14 47 6538* 9507* 70309 29691 0492 346l9 J 3 48 65406 95065 70341 29659 0493 34594 12 49 6543* 95059 70372 29628 0^94 34569 II 50 9.65456 ; 9.95052 9.70404 10.2959* 10.0494 10.34544 10 5* 6548 95046 70435 29565 0495 345*9 9 6550' 95 3<> 70466 29534 0496 34494 8 53 6553 95033 70498 2950 0496 34469 7 54 65556 9502- 70529 2-947 0497 34444 6 55 65,80 95020 70560 29440 0498 34420 5 65605 950*4 2:9408 0498 34395 4 57 65630 9500- 70623 29377 0499 34370 3 58 6565 95001 70654 29346 0499 34345 a 59 65680 94994 70685 293*5 0500 34320 i > oo 657- 94986 707*7 29280 0501 34295 o Si 'Jo- fine Sine. Jo-tang Tang. jCo-fec. Secant. M. 63 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 27 Degrees. OS* M. i Sine. Co-line. Tang. Co-tang- Secant. Co-fee. % o 9- 6 575 9.94988 9.70717 10.29283 10.05012 10.34295 60 $ I 65729 94987 70748 29252 05018 3427' 59 2 65754 94975 70779 29221 05025 3424' 53 3 6 5779 94969 70810 29190 05031 34221 57 4 65804 94962 70841 29159 05038 3419' 56 5 65828 94956 70873 29127 05044 34^ 55 6 65853 54949 70934 29096 03051 34U', 54 7 65878 94943 7935 29065 03057 34122 53 8 65902 94936 70966 29034 05064 34098 52 9 65927 _9493 C 70997 29003 0^070 34073 5i 10 0.65952 9.94923 9.71028 10.28972 .0.05077 1 0.3404.5 5 it 65976 94917 71059 28941 05083 3402,1 49 12 66001 94910 71090 28910 05089 3399V 48 J 3 66025 949^ 71121 28879 05096 33975 47 14 66050 94898 7H53 28847 05102 .3,395 46 '5 66075 94891 71184 28816 05109 33925 45 16 66099 94884 71215 28785 05115 33901 44 i?. 66124 94878 71246 28754 05122 3387' 43 18 66148 94871 71277 1*723 05129 33852 42 *9 66173 9486s 71308 28692 5i35 33827 41 20 9.66197 9.94858 9-71339 10 28661 10.05142 10 -33 8 o 40 21 66221 94852 7*370 28630 05148 33779 39 22 6624^ 94845 21401 28599 05155 3375- 38 23 66270 94839 7*43* 28568 05161 3373 37 24 66295 94832 71462 28536 0516^ 337^ S^ 25 66319 9482^ 71493 28507 05174 33681 35 26 66343 94819 7*524 28476 05181 33657 34 27 66368 94813 7 I 555 28445 05187 33672 33 28 66392 94806 71586 28414 05194 33608 S 2 ^9 66416 94799 71617 28383 05201 33584 3 1 3 9.66441 9-95793 9.71648 10.28352 10.05207 10 -3355 3 3 1 66465 94786 71675 28321 05214 3353 29 32 66489 94780 71709 28291 05220 3351 28 33 66513 94773 71740 28260 0522-, 33487 27' 34 66537 9476- 71771 28229 65*33 3346 26 35 66562 94760 71802 28198 05240 3343 25 36 6658^ 94753 71833 28167 05247 33414 24 37 66610 94747 71863 28137 05253 3339 23 38 66634 94740 71894 28106 05260 3336 22 66658 9473- 7I92.S 28075 05266 33 3 4 21 40 9.66682 9-9472 9-7I955 10.28045 10.05273 10.33318 20 4t 66706 94720 7198^ 28014 05280 33293 19 42 66731 94714 72017 27983 05286 33269 18 43 66755 94707 72048 27952 05293 33245 17 44 66779 94700 72078 27922 05300 33221 16 45 66803 94694 7:109 2789! 05306 33 T 97 J5 46 66827 94687 72140 27860 <>53*3 33*73 14 47 66851 94680 7 2I 7 C 2783'- 05320 33*49 J 3 48 66875 94674 7220J 27799 05326 33 12 5 12 49 66899 94667 72231 27769 5333 33 101 II ^Trq 9.66922 9.94660 9.72262^0.27738 10.05340 10.33078 1O 5 1 66946 9465/1 722';3 27707 05346 3354 9 5i , 66970 94647 72323 27678 05353 333 C 8 53 6699.: 94640 72354 27646 05360 33006 7 54 6~oif 94634 72384 27616 05366 32982 6 55 x 7 ix 9462- 72415 27585 05373 32958 5 56 67066 94620 72445 27555 05380 32934 4 57 67090 946.14 7247' 27524 05386 32910 3 58 67113 9460" 72506 27493 05393 32887 2 59 67137 94600 72537 27463 03400 32863 1 60 67161 94593 72567 27433 05407 32830 O , 5 Co -fine. Sine. Co-iang. Tang. | Co-fee. Secant. M. jj JM 62 Degrees Artificial Sine.-, Tang, and Sec. 28 Degrees. 7 M. Sine. ; Co-fine. Tang. jo-tanp Secant. | Co-fee. 60 ^ 59 I 57 1 56 55 H 54 53 52 51 '! <* i I 3 4 6 8 9_ 10 j IJ 12 15 16 c 67161 67185 67208 67232 67232 67280 67327 _ 6 7374 9.67398 67421 67445 67468 67492 6753V 6 75 2 67586 67609 9-94593 945 8 : 94580 94573 94567 94560 94553 94546 94540 94533 9.72567 72598 72628 72659 72689 72720 T^So 72811 72841 0.27433 27402 27372 2728^ . 27250 272Z:. 27189 __f 7 * 59 10,27128 27098 27068 27037 27007 26977 26^46 26916 2688,% 26856 0.05407 05413 05420 05427 05433 : 05440 05447 05454 05460 05467 0-3203 32815 32768 32744 32697 3267? 32625 9.94526 94519 945*3 94506 94499 94492 94485 94479 94472 94465 .72872 72902 7293 i 72963 92993 73023 73054 73084 73M4 [.05474 05481 05487 05494 055* 05508 055*5 05521 05528 05535 .0.32602 32579 32555 32532 32508 32485 32461 3243 s 32414 3239 1 5 49 48 47 46 45 . j 44 43 1 4o || 24 j 21 [ 20 21 24 26 27 28 29 3 3 1 32 33 34 1 ^ 5 i! $ v -67633 67656 67680 67703 67726 67750 67773 57796 67820 67843 9.94458 94451 94445 9443 & 94431 94424 94417 94410 94404 9-73H5 7320:, 73235 73265 73295 73326 73356 73386 734i<5 73446 10.26825 26795 26765 26735 26705 26674 26644 26614 26584 7c.2'j j ~ 26493 26463 26433 26403 26373 2634: 26313 26283 26253 10.05542 05549 05555 05562 05569 05576 05583 05590 10.32367 32344 32297 32227 32204 32180 32157 9.67866 67*90 67913 6773' 67959 67982 68006 68029 68052 68075 "9768098 68121 68144 68167 66190 68213 68237 68260 6828; ' 943 s 3 943fo 94355 94349 9434 9433 943^ 9-9432 943 * 943 943 9429 9428 9427 9-73476 73507 73537 73567 73597 73627 73657 73747 9-73777 73337 73867 73 8 97 73927 73951 (0.05610 05617 05624 05631 05638 05645 05651 05658 05665 05672 10.32*34 321 10 32087 32064 32041 3201? 31994 31948 10.31902 3 l8 79 3183; 3 1 S i c 3 T 7 3 7 3 l 74c 3 l6 9. j io. 3 f6~ 7 - > 3164' , i fi ^ i 3 J 5 r, r ) 3158 T, , 3 1 55 ^ 3 T *>3 i 3U3 i 3146 8 3144 40 4* 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1O.2622;; 26I9 1 2616; 2613; 2O1O- 2607; 2604; 10.05679 05686 05603 05700 05707 05714 1 05721 > 0572* > 57 3' J 05741 i 20 j ! ^ r 14 |j , > ^.11 94-7 942* V425 7 4c i " 7404" 2398 2595. 50 5* 53 55 I! 58 9.6832* 68351 6837, 6839' 6844 6846 6848 63s > 6853 6855 9.9425 9424 9423 9423 9422 942 0421 9420 94K 9418 9.7407- 7410- 7413' 7416, 7419 7422 7425 7428 743i 7434 7437 1 10.2592 ' 2580 7 2586 > 2583 > 2580 "> 2577 5 2574 5 2571 ( 2568 b\ 2565 5L- 2562 310.0574! 3 0575 3 0576 3 o 57 6( 3 577 4 0578 4 -057Q 4 057-9 41 1~ 0580 5 0581 5 0581 ; r Lf? 6 1 3 1 ' ' 'I 3 . & Co- fine Sine. Co [ Tang. Co-Tec. S^c in' . M. Q 6 1 Degrees. 53 Artificial Sines, Tang, and Ser. 2Q Degrees. 45 'VAV^' \ M. Sine. Co-fiue. Tang. 1 >-t ?' -C'v : ". O-iO!.. p 9-68557 9.9418*! 9-74375 10.25625I0.058l8l0.3l443 60 ' I 68580 94175 74405 25595 31420 59 2 68603 94168 74435 25565 05832 3 T 39' S 8 3 6862:, 94161 74465 25535 05839 5 '375 57 4 686--.E 94154 74495 25506 05846 56 5 61671 94147 74524 25476 05851 31329 55 6 68694 94140 25446 05860 3'3 36 54 . 7 68716 94' 33 74585 254*7 05867 31384 53 8 68739 941 26 74613 2J387 05874 31261 52 9 68762 94H9 74-643 25357 05881 31238 5, 1 TO 9.68784 9.94112 9-7467 -s 10.253- 10.05888 10.31216 5 11 68807 94105 74702 25298 05895 31193 49 12 68829 94098 74732 25268 05902 31170 48 13 68852 94090 74762 25238 05710 3114? 47 J4 68875 94083 7479 * 25209 05917 3^25 46 i , 68897 94076 74821 25179 05924 45 16 68920 94069 74851 25 149 05931 31080 44 17 68942 94062 74880 25120 05938 31058 43 18 68965 : 94C55 74910 25090 05945 3 10 35 43. 19 68987 9.69010 94048 9.94041 74939 9.7496- 25061 05952 10^0990 4 1 20 10.25031 10.0595',: 40 21 69032 94034 74998 25002 05966 30968 39 22 69055 94027 715*38 24972 05973 3945 38 23 69077 94C2C 75058 . 24942 05980 37 24 69100 9401: 75087 05988 39 3 25 79122 94-05 75 "7 24883 05995 308*78 35 26 69144 93998 75M6 24854 0600? 30856 34 27 69167 93991 75176 24824 06009 30833 33 28 69189 69212 93984 93977 75205 75235 24795 24765 06016 06023 30811 30788 3 1 J ~ T69234 9-9397 -9.75264, 10.24736 10.06036 10.30766 3 3 1 69256 93963 75294 24706 06037 30744. 20 69279 93955 75323 24677 06045 30721 23 33 69301 93948 75353 24647 06052 30699 27 34 69323 93 94J 24618 06059 30677 26 35 69345 93934 754U 24588 06066 30653 25 69368 93927 75441 24549 06073 30632 24 37 69390 939 1 ? 75470 2453 06080 30610 23 38 69412 93912 7550 24500 06088 30588 22 39 69434 939 5 75520 24471 06095 30566 21 40 9.69456 9-93 8 9 8 9-7555 f: 10.24441 10.06102 10.30544 20 41. 69479 9389! 75588 24412 06109 30521 19 42 69501 93884 243^5 06116 0040,. ] 8 43 69523 93 8 7 6 7564" 243 X. 06 [24 3047- 17 44 6^545 93869 7567' 24324 06131 ;3455 16 45 69567 93862 7575 24295 06138 3 433 15 46 69589 9385 75735 242 6 \ 06145 3041 T 14 47 69611 93847 7576, 242 ->/ 0(/ ' T 53 3038*, 13 43 69633 93840 75793 2420" o5 1 6n 30^67 12 49 69655 93 8 33 75822 24178 06167 3P345 11 50 9.69677 9.93826 9-75 3 52 10.34148 10.0^)174 3^30323 10 51 69699 24119 06181 30301 9 2 69721 9381? 759 1C 2409- 06189 53 69743 93804 75939 . 24061: 06196 30256 7 54 69765 93797 24031 06203 30235 6 55 69787 93"'8< y 7599^ 2 j.OO'2 06210 5 ., 56 6 : ; ' O 9 93782 * ^ j y 76027 2397: 06218 30191 4 ; 5? 69831 93775 76056 06225 30169 3 5* 69853 93768 76086 ' 23914 06232 30147 59 69875 9376o 76115 23885 0624-0 3012-- i ! & 60 69897 93753 76144 23856 06247 30103 __, "} no-line. Sine. Co -tang Tang. | Go-fee. Secant. 60 D grcee?, Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec, 30 Degrees. * M. Sine. Co-fine. Tang. Co-tang, Secant. Co-iVc. n 5 9.69897! 9-93753 9.7614410.23836,10.06247 10.30103 60 9 1 69919] 93746 69941] 9373 3 76173 76202 238271 62 54 23798, 06201 30081 59 30059 5 8 3 4 69963 69984 9373 1 93724 76231 76261 23769 06269 23739 06276 337 57 30016 56 5 70006 93717 76290 23710 0628^ 299941 55 6 70028 93709 76319 23681 06291 29972 54 7 70050 93702 76348 23652 06298 29950 53 8 70072 93695 76377 23623 0630^ 29928 52 9 70093 93687 76406 23594 0631; 29907 JO 9.70115 9.93680 9.76435 10.23565 10.06320 10.29885 50 ir 70137 93673 76464 2353^ 0632- 29864 49 12 70159 93665 76493 23507 06335 298/11 48 13 70180 93658 76522 23478 06342 29820 47 14 70202 93650 76551 23449 06350 29798 70224 93^43 76580 23420 0635- 29776 45 l6 70245 93636 76609 23391 06364 29755 44 17 18 70267 70288 03628 93621 76639 76668 23361 23332 06372 0637? 29733 29712 43 42 *9 70310 _ 936*4 76697 23303 06386 29690 4i 20 9-70332 9.93606 9.76725 10.23274 10.0639^ 10.29668 40 21 7^353 23599 76754 23246 06401 29647 39 22 7375 93591 76783 23217 06409 29625 38 23 70396 93584 76812 23188 06416 29604 37 24 70418 93577 76841 231^9 06423 29582 36 25 70439 93569 76870 23*30 06431 29561 35 26 70461 93562 76899 23101 06438 29539 34 27 70482 93554 76928 23072 06446 29518 33 28 70504 93547 76957 2304.3 06453 29496 S 2 29 70525 93539 76986 23014 06461 29475 3J 3 9.70347 9-93532 9.77015 10.22985 10.0646? 10.29463 3 70568 93525 77044 22956 06475 29432 29 32 7059 9351" 77073 22927 06483 29410 28 33 70611 935^ 77101 22899 06490 29389 27 34 70655 93502 77130 22870 06498 29367 26 35 70654 93495 77*59 22841 06505 29346 25 36 , 70675 93487 77188 22811 06513 29325! 24 37 70697 93480 77217 22783 06520 23 3 8 70718 93472 77246 22754 06528 29282 22 39 70739 93465 77274 22726 06535 29261 21 40 9.70761 9-93457 9-77303 10.22697 10.06543 10,29239 20 4 1 70782 9345 '77332 22668 06550 29218 19 42 | 70803 93442 77361 22639 06558 29197 i3 43 ? 70824 93435 77390 22610 06565 29175 17 44 70846 93427 77418 22582 06573 16 45 70867 93420 77447 22553 06580 -9 1 3: 15 46 70888 77476 22423 06588 29112 47 70909 93405 7755 22495 06595 29091 '3 48 70931 93397 77533 22467 06603 29069 12 49 .70952 9339 77562 22438 06610 29048 II 5~o 9-70973 9-93382 9-7759 1 10.22409 10.06618 10.29027 10 5t 70994 93375 77619 22581 06625 29006 9 52 71015 93367 77648 22352 06633 28985 8 53 71036 93360 77677 22323 06640 28964 7 54 71058 93352 77705 22294 06648 28942 6 55 71079 93344 77734 22266 06656 28921 5 56 71100 93337 77763 22237 06663 28QOO 4 57 71121 93329 77791 22208 06671 28879 3 58 71142 93322 77820 22180 06678 28858 2 71163 933*4 77849 22151 06686 2883*7 I 60 . 71184 033 C 7 77877 22123 06693 28816 j Co-fine Sine* Jo-tang- Jang. Co-fee. Secant. M. a 59 Degrees. Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sue. 31 Decrees, 47 ,I. 1 Sine, j Co-fine Tang. raas-.c-^rwsasrES-s'.iit ,j ?,-. 2o-tans:.| Secant. Co4*ec| | o 1 <;.7it84 9-9337 9-77 8 /7 0.22123;ro.0.^y3 o. -28816] 60 ^ i 7120", 93 2 99 22094 e6 7 c- 287%! 59 | ,-, 71226 93-9^ 77935 22065 06704' 2S 774 | 5^ 3 7 I 2-17 93284 779 6 3 22037 067 1 'i 753 57 4 71263 93 -7; 77'99>- 22008 0672,;, 28732 56 5 71289 9326^ 78021 21980 0673- iS 7 i-i 55 6 71310 93261 7804-. 21951 o/) 73 28690 54 7 7 ( 33 I 93-53 .78077 21023 06747 i866:; 33 8 93-46 78106 21894 06754 28648 (c ;, 9 7137; 78135 21865 06762 28627 ^ \ 10 9-7 1393 9-93-3 9.7-8163 10.21837 10.06770 10.2860, 5 i ft 71414 933 78192 31808 0677- 2,8586 4'" 1 1 12 7*435 78220 21780 28565 43 \ 93^> ai 75 1 0679: 38541) 4 ' ' 14 7*477 93:00 78277 21723 O^Sor 28523 *.'. \ t ' t IT 71498 93 r 9 2 78306 2169.; c63oS 28502 45 I 16 7 I 53^ 93 l8 4 73334 783^5 OJ66i: 2163- G.V';:'' 0682. 2848-1 38461 " 18 71500 9316 70391 2160' 0683 , 1344C 43 19 7 T 5 8i 93 '> 78.1.1'. 2158- 0683 41 2O 9. 7 i6o2 9-93 r 54 9.78448 10.2155^ 10.06846 I02t ; 2T 7 l622 93 J 46 78476 21524 06854 i 39 22 7*^43 93 1 3 78505 21495 06867 28 J5 '> o "^ ( 7 1 66-4 93'3 l 7^533 21467 o686< 2833''. 37 i: 24 71685 93^3 78562 2-1438 06877 28315 2 1 ) 7'75 93 1 1 5 78590 21410 06885 28295 35 1 26 71726 93 io-. 78618 213*- 06893 28274 34 27 7*747 93 ioc 78647 21353 06900 28253 33 28 71767 93992 78675 213-5 06908 28233 29 71788 93084 78704 21296 06916 2821; y -JO 9.71809 9.9307^ 9.78732 10.21268 10.06923 10.28191 3 ' 3! 71829 93 6 , 78760 21240 06931 28171 27 71850 93061 78789 2I2II 06999 28150 2 J 33 71870 9352 78817 2118- 06^47 28130. 27 !; -14 71891 9304^ 78845 2, 1 1 5 - 0695.. 28119 26 35 71911 93038 78874 2112^ 0696-2 2 8 08-, 25 . 36 7*93- 933 C 78902 21098 06 ; 7 .- 28068 -4 * ; 7X952 9302: 78930 21070 0697? 28048 -18 7'973 9301; 7895' 2I04T 0698 A 28027 22 ' 39 93'; 7898- 21013 06993 28007 21 !; 40 9.72014 9.51299'-, 9.79013 10.20985 10.07001 10.27986 20 4i -72034] 920(;1 7943 30957 07009 27965 19 42 7-55 92983 79?- iopi'J 07017 27945 18 43 72075 9 2 975 7 yioo 20 ,cc 07024 27925 17 44 72096 9296' 77128 20872 07032 27904 16 \ 45 72116 92960 79156 20 344 07040 27884 15 46 7213" 92957 79185 20815 07048 27863 14 47 73157 33944 79 21 3 2078- 07056 27843 1 3 48 72177 9293' 79241 307^5 0706^! 27823 12 49 72198 393$ 79- 6 y 2073 070- i 7-8p2 it fi 50 9.72218 9.92921 9.79397 10.20703 10.0707-; .0.27782 10 I 51 72238 92913 79326 2067^ 07087 27761 9 ii 52 72259 92905 79354 20646 O7095 27741 8 53 722 7 , 92897 f93 20618 0710^ 2772: 7 54 722QC, 9388: 794?<= 205QC C7I11 27701 6 55 72320 9218.- 20562 07!!' 27680 5 5^ 7-340 72-56o 9287, 9286^ 79466 7 01 0*5 2 C ^ "\ A 07126 27660 i 58 7 2 3 3i 9285! 23477 07142 3761$ i 59 72401 92850 7^551 20449 07150 37-5 o/; , 6o 7 i.;;. i 9:^4: 7Q57^ 20421 0713? 37571 O ^i-' ; rfsf- Co-fine Sirft;. Jc-tang Tang* Cc-!'ec. Secant. M. 'o =aaVi .NT :S Decrees. 4$ Artificial Sines., Tang; and. Sec. 32 Degrees, n M - Sine. Co-iine. 1 ang. Co-tangJ vSecant. Go fee. ? o 9.72421 9.92842 9-79579 10.204.21, 10.07158 10.27579 j 1 72441 92834 79607 20393 07166 *7559 5 72461 92.8*6 79635 20365 07174 3 72482 92818 79 66 3 20337 07182 27518 4 72502 92810 79691 20309 07190 27498 5 72522 92803 797^9 2,0281 07197 27478 6 72542 92795 79747 20253 07205 27458 7 62562 92787 79776 20-2.24 07213 8 72582 92779 79804 20196 072.21 27418 9 72602 9 2 7 7 i 79*32 20168 07220 27398 10 9.72622 9.92763 9.79860 10.20140 10.07237 10,27378 ii 72643 92755 79888 20:12 07245 27357 12 72663 92747 79916 20084 07253 27337 13 71683 92739 79944 20056 07261 2 73 1 7 14 72703 92731 79972 20028 07269 27297 '5 72723 92723 80000 2OOOO 07277 27277 16 72/43 92715 80028 19972 07285 27257 17 727*3 92707 80056 07293 27237 18 72783 92699 80084 19916 07301 27217 19 72803 92691 80112 19888 73 C 9 27197 20 9.72823 9.92083 9.80140 10 19860 10.07317 10.27177 21 728*3 92675 80168 1983; 07325 27*57 22 72863 92667 80195 19805 7333 23 72883 92659 80223 19778 27117 24 72902 91651 80251 59749 07349 2.70^8 25 72922 92043 80279 19721 7357 27078 26 72942 92635 80307 19693 73 6 5 2705-8 27 72962 92627 803 3 5 19665 07373 27038 28 72982 92619 80363 19637 07381 27018 29 73002 92611 80391 19609 0738'' 2,6998- 3 9.73022 9,9260 1 9.8041;; 10.19581 10.07397 .xo. 269;; 3 3 1 7304? 92595 80447 29553 07405 26959 . 73061 92587 80474 39526 07413 26939 33 73081 9257< 80502 i 49 8 07421 26-^19 34 73101 9-57- 8053^ 19470 0742 , 26899 35 73121 92565 80556 19442 07437 26879 92 5 r 805-8;. 19414 07445 26860 37 73160 92546 8o6u 19386 07454 26840 38 73180 92538 80642 1935 8 07462 26820 39 73200 9253 80669 T0 33 T 07470 26800 40 9.732 if 9.92522 9.80697 10 - T V3 r 5 10.07478 10.26781 41 73 2 3^ 9251^ 80725 07486 2676* 42 92506 80753 19247 07494 26741 43 73278 92498 80781 19219 07502 26722 44 73 2 9< 924QO 80808 19192 07510 26702 45 92482 80836 191 6'.. 07518 26682 46 73337 92473 80864 19736 07427 26663 47 73357 92465 80892 19108 07535 26643 48 7337- 9*457 80919 1908; 07543 26623 49 7339 6 92441; 80947 19053 0755 1 26604 5 9.7341^ 9,92441 9.80975 10.10025 10.07550 10.26584 7343" 92433 81003 ; 18997 07567 26565 52 73455 92425 81030 18970 07575 2654-: 53 7347- 92416 81058 18942. 07584 26526 54 73494 92408 81086 1891/1 0759* 26506 55 73513 92400 SIIT , 18887 07600 26487 56 7353; 92392 81141 1885^ 07608 26467 57 7355- ' 92384 &n6g 18831 07616 26448 58 | 7357- 92376 81196 i88o/, 07624 26428 i 59 733, 1 92367 81224 3877.' 07633 26400 $ 60 73611 92359 81252 i8-'4f 07641 263*9 g; ' ICo-fme. Sine. Co-tang- TangT Co-lec. Secant. 60 59 5 % 55 54 53 52 49 48 S 45 44 43 42 41 40" 3? 35 33 3 a X II 25 24 23 22 21 1.-. *5 14 7 Degrees. *m Artificial Sines, Ta. and Sec. 33 Degrees. 4$ ^ M. Sine. Vfi;e. fane. (Co-tang- Secant. Co-fee. ' gt fc ~ 9.7361 1 O Q2 " r ' 9.81 252:10.18748 10.07641 10.26389' 60 ^ i 73&T ' 9235' 81279 18721 07649 26370 59 ; 2 7365 9234: 8130"; 18693 07^57 26350 58 3 73^. x 1 81-35 18665 07666 2633^ 57 4 92326 8136- 18638 07674 26311 5<5 5 73708 92318 8139 i86ic 07682 26292 55 6 7372' 92310 8141: 18582 07690 26273 54 * 7 7374 92307 81445 i555 07698 26253 53 8 737< 92293 &1473 18527 07707 26234 52 9228 81500 18500 07715 26215 5 1 10 9-738o, 9.9227 9.81528 0.18472 0.07723 10.26195 50 i r 738^' 9226 81556 18444 .07731 26176 49 12 7384:. 92260 81583 18417 07740 .26157 48 jo 73^3 9225 Si6iT 18389 07748 26*37 47 14 7388^. 9224.! 8163? 18362 o 775 6 26118 46 15 73-; 92235 81666 18334 07765 26009 45. 16 7392J 92227 81693 18307 7773 26079 44 17 7394C 9221' 8172, 18279 07781 26060 43 18 "73?5 ( . 9221 1 81748 18252 07789 26041 42 10 1 ^ / f, 73978 92202 81776 18224 07798 26022 41 20 9-73997 9.921, 9 81803 io.i8iv7 0.07806 10.26002 40 21 74017 9218^ 81831 }8(6 y 07814 25983 39 22 74036 9-2 171 8185? 18142 0782- 25964 38 23 74055 9216 81886 18114 07831 25045 37 24 74074 92161 81913 18087 0783.- 25926 36 25 74093 9215: 81041 18059 07848 45907 35 26 74112 92144 81968 18032 07851! 25887 34 27 74132 92136 1996 18004 o 7 56^ 25868 33 26 74'5i 92127 82023 17977 07873 25849 29 74170 921 iv 82051 17949 07881 55830 3 1 3 9.74180 9.92111 9.82078 10.17922 0.07889 10.25811 3 3 1 74208 9210; 82 to6 17894 07898 25792 29 74227 92094 82133 17867 07906 25773 28 33 74246 92086 8216 17839 07914 25754 27 34 74265 92077 8218 17812 07923 25735 26 35 74284 9206^ 8221 17784 07931 25716 25 36 7433 92o6r 8224 17757 07940 25697 24 37 74322 91052 8227 1773 07948 25678 23 38 74341 0204. 822:- 17793 O7Qs6 25^'59 22 39 74360 9203 82,32 1767. 07965 25640 21 40 9-7437; 0.9202" 9.82352 ic. [764.8 to.o7973 ! io.2562 T 20 41 7439 9201 82380 1762^ 07982; 25602 19 4'j 744i" 9201 82407 1759 799 25583 18 43 7443 6 9200 82434 1756 07998 2556* T 7 44 7445 9199 82462 1753 08007 25545 16 45 7447-r 9108 . 82489 1751 08015 15 46 7449 9197 82517 1748 08024 25507 14 47 745i 9196 82544 '7456 08032 25^8* 48 7453 9 lf ;5 82571 1742 08041 25461 12 49 7454 9105 2595 . 1740 08049! 4545 TI 50 9.7456 9.9194 9.8262^ 10.1737 10.0^058 10.2543.. 10 7458 9*93 8265- 1734 0^066 2541' 9 52 7460 9102 82681 J73 1 08075, 2539! 8 53 7462 9191 8270? 1720 7 54 7464 .9190 8^73f 1726 08092^ 25356 6 55 5* 7466 7468 9190 9189, 8276- B279< 1721 oSjco:- 2533 08109! -531 5 4 57 7470 9188 8281- 1718 o8ii7J 253 oc 3 53 747 1 9187 8284- 1715 2 59 7473 9186 82871 1712 08134] 3526 I P 6o 7475 9185 1710 08143 2524^, __4J 'In-line Sine. Co-tnng Tang. Co-fee. Secant. C_ 56 .Degree*.,. rtificial Sines, Tang, mid See. 34 Degrees. r ^ . Sine. Co-line. Tang. jCo-tang-l Secant. [Co-fee. lh 9,74756 9.91857 9.82899 10.17101110.08143 10.2524^ 60. f I 74775 91849 82926 1707.4 0815. 2522^ 59 2 747'>4 9i.%* 82953 . 17047 oS i6c 2520*. 58 3 74812 9.1*3- 82980 17020 c8i6S 55188 57 4 74831 91823 8300? 16992 ' 08177 25169 56 5 74850 91815 S 335 16965 08185 25*50 55 6 74868 83062 16938 08194 25132 54 7 74887 91792 83089 16911 08202 25*13 53 3 74906 91789 83116 16883 08211 25094 5 2 9 74924 91780 83*44 16856 08219 25076 51 10 5-74943 9.91772 9.83171 10.16829 10.08228 10.25057 50 11 740: 9*763 16802 08237 25039 49 J'2 74/8o 9*755 83225 16775 08245 23020 48 *3 74999 91746 83252 16748 08254 25001 47 J4 75^17 91738 83279 16720 08262 24983; 46 *5 75036 91729 8 337 16693 08271 24964 45 16 75054 91720 83334 16660 08280 24946; 44 17 91712 83361 16630 08288 249271 43 12 75 ( /i 83388 16612 08297 24909) 42 19 75**o 91694 !34 J 5 16585 08303 24890' 4* 20 9-75*28 9.91686 0.16558 10.08314 10.24872: 40 21 75*47 91677 83470 1653 08323 24853: 39 22 75*65 91668 83497 16503 0833* 24835 3* 23 75*84 91660 83524 16476 08340 248; 6 37 24 75202 9*651 83551 16449 08349 24798 36 25 26 27 75221 75239 75258 9*543 9*634 91625 83578 83605 83632 16422 l6 395 16368 08357 08366 08.375 24779 35 24761 34 M742 33 23 75276 91617 16341 08383 24724! 32 29 75294 91608 83686 16314 08392 24706' _ 31 _ 3 9-753*3 9-9*599 9-837*3 0.16287 10.08401 10.24687! 30 3 r 7533 1 91501 83740 16260 08409 24669 29 75349 91582 83767 16232 08418 24650 28 33 75368 9*573 83795 16205 08427 246321 27 34 9*565 83822 16178 08435 24614! 26 35 75405 9*556 83849 16151 08444 24595 25 36 75423 9*547 8 3 3 7 6 16124 08453 24577 24 37 7544* 9*53 8 8 393 16097 02462 24559 75459 9*53 83930 16070 08470 2454* 22 39 _7_547 8 9152* 16043 08479 24522 21 40 9.91512 9-83984 o.i6oi6; I0 . 08488 10.2450^ 20 4* 755*4 91503' 84011 15989! 08496 24486 i 9 42 75J33 9*495 84038 15962! 08505 24467 18 43 7555* 91486 84065 X 5935| 08514 24449! 17 44 75569 9*477 84092 155,08 08523 2443* 16 45 75587 91468 84110 15881 08531 24413 15 46 75605 91460 84146 15854 08540 24395 14 47 75624 9*45* 84173 15827 08549 24376 13 48 75642 9*442 84200 15800 08558 24358 12 49 75660 9*433 84227 *5773 08567 24340 11 50 9.75678 9.91425 9.84254 0.15746^0.08575 10.24322 10 5* 75696 98416 84280 *572, 08584 24304 9 52 757*4 91407 84307 15693' 08593 24286 8 53 7573 2 9 I 3 f / s 8433-! 15666 08602 24267 7 54 7575^ 84361 15639 08611 24249 6 55 91381 84388 15612; 08619 24231 5 56 75787 9*372 84415 15585] 08628 24213 4 57 75 8 5 9*363 84442 15558 08637 24*95 3 S 8 7582 3 9*354 8446 y 15531) 08646 24177 ji 59 75841 9*145 84496 15504^ 08655 241 5V I ' '0 75859 91336 84523 15477 08664 24141 &f ^ Co-fine. Sine. Co-tang- Tang. Co-lie. Secant- M. Q 55 Degrees, Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 35 Degrees. 5i f.'^.W-~ 1 M. Tssrs: :="" Sine. "" He-line. Tang. Co-tan^- Secant. 2-*f=2ES=2 ggT-1 $ Co-fee. 1 ^ * 9-75859 9-9!33 6 9-84523 10.15477 10.08664 10.24141 (So I 75877 91328 84550 15450 08672 24123 59 2 75895 9 T 3i9 84576 15424 08681 24105 5* 3 759 X 3 91310 84603 J 5397 08590 2408 f 57 4 7593 1 91301 84-630 1537 08699 24069 56 5 75949 91292 84657 15343 08708 24051 55 6 75967 91283 84684 08717 24033 54 . 7 75985 91274 84711 15289 08726 24015 53 8 76003 91267 8473* 15262 08734 23997 52 9 76021 ii-51 847^4 15236 __oS 7 4 3 239.79 51 10 9.76039 9.91240 9.84791 10.1520 _, 10.08752 10.23961 5 i i 76057 91239 84818 15182 08761 23943 49 12 76075 91230 84845 I5I55 08770 23925 48 13 76093 91221 84872 15128 08779 23907 47 14 76111 91212 84899 15101 08788 23889 46 15 76129 91203 84923 15=75 08797 23871 45 16 76146 91194 84951 1 5048 08806 23854 44 17 76164 91185 84979 15021 08815 23836 43 18 76182 91176 85006 14994 08824 238-18 42 i? 76200 91167 85033 14967 08833 23800 4i 20 9.76218 9.91158 9.8505 10.14941 10.08842 10.23782 40 21 76236 91140 85086 14914 08851 23774 39 22 76253 91141 85113 14887 08859 23747 38 23 76271 91132 5i4r 14860 08868 23729 37 24 76289 91123 85-66 1483^-: 08877 23711 36 25 76307 91114 85191 14807 08886 23693 35 26 76324 91105 85220 14780 08895 23676 34 27 76342 91096 85247 14753 08904 23658 33 28 76360 91087 85273 14727 08913 23640 2Q 76378 91078 85300 1470 08922 23622 3i 3 9-76395 9.91069 9.85327 10.14671 10.08931 10.23605 3 3 1 76413 91090 85354 14646 08940 23587 29 76431 91051 85380 14620 08949 2356} 28 33 76448 91042 85407 14593 08958 23552 27 34 76466 91034 *5434 14566 08966 23534 26 35 76484 91023 85460 1454^ 08977 23516 2j 36 76501 91014 85487 14513 08987 23499 24 37 765^9 91005 855M 14486 08995 23481 23 33 76537 90906 85540 14460 09004 23463 30 76554 90987 85567 14433 09013 23446 21 40 9.76572 9.90978 9.85594110. 14401' 10.09022 \ io~23428 20 4i 76590 90965 85620 14380 09031 23410 19 42 76607 90960 85647 14353 09040 23393 18 43 7662^ 90951 85674 14320' 09049 23375 T 7 44 76642 90942 85700 14300 06058 23358 16 45 76660 9933 85727 14273 09067 23340 15 46 76677 90924 85754 14246 09076 23323 14 47 76695 90915 85780 14220 09085 2335 r 3 48 76762 90905 85807 14193 09095 23288 12 49 76730 90896 85834 14166 09104 23270 II 50 9.76747 9.90887 9.85860,10.14140 10.091 13 10.23253 10 5i 76765 90878 85887 14113 09122 23235 9 52 76782 90869 85911 14087 09131 23218 8 53 76800 90860 85940 14060 09140 23200 7 54 76817 90851 85967 14033 09149 23^3 6 55 76835 90842 8 5993 14007 09158 23165 5 56 76852 90832 86020 13980 09168 23148 4 57 76870 90823 86046 1 395*i 09177 3 58 76887 90814 86073 13927 09186 2-1111 2 - 59 76904 90805 86100 13900 09195 23096 I : 60 76922 90796 86126 13874 09204 23078 3 QffSg-^ 'Jo-iine. Sine. Co-tan^ Tang. Co-fee. (Secant. AID' 54 Degress, t t Artificial bines, 1 ang. and bee. 36 Degrees. n M. Sine. ^9-76922 I Co-line.! Tang. |Co-tang . Secant. Co-fee. *S jtjJ >rv- 9* ? 6 | 9-9079 9.80126 10.13874 10.0920^ Ho. 2307 60 I 76935 9078 8615 13847 0921- 2306 59 2 7695- 9077 8617 1382 0922' 2304 58 3 7697^ 9076 8620 13794 0923: 2302 57 4 76991 9759 S62 3 13766 09241 2300 56 5 77009 90750 8625 13741 0925C 2299 55 6 77026 9074 8628 13715 09255 22974 54 7 77043 973 86312 13688 0926 2295 53 8 77061 90722 86338 13662 0927?: 2203 52 9 77078 90713 86365 1 3^)35 09287 2292 10 9-77095 9.90704 9.86392 10.13608 10.09296 10.2290 50 ii 77 H2 9069* 86418 13582 0930^ 2288 49 12 77*3 90685 86445 13555 093*5 22870 48 j-. 77*47 90676 86471 09324 . 22853 47 14 77164 90667 86496 13502 9333 22836 46 35 77181 90657 86524 13476 09343 22819 45 16 77199 90648 86551 1344C 09352 2280 44 17 77216 90639 86577 33423 09361 22784 43 18 77233 90630 86603 1339^ 0937 22767 42 19 7725 90620 566 3 o 09380 22750 41 20 9.77268 9.90611 9.8665^- l -' *334^ 10.09389 10.22732 40 21 77285 90602 86683 09398 227*5 39 22 77302 90592 8670,^ i3~9 09408 22698 A 3 23 773*'"' 90583 86736 13264 09417 22681 37 24 77336 90574 86762 13138 09426 22664 36 25 77353 90565 867 8 (/ 13211 09435 22647 35 26 7737 9555 86815 13185 09445 22630 34 27 773 8 7 90546 86842 13*58 09454 22613 33 28 77405 9537 86868 13 1 32 09463 22595 29 77422 86894 13106 09473 22578 3i 3 9-77439 9.90518 9.86921 10.13079 10.09482 10.22561 3 3 1 77456 90509 86947 J 353 09491 22544 29 77473 90499 86974 13026 09501 22527 28 33 77490 90490 87000 13000 09510 22510 27 34 77507 90480 87027 12973 09520 22493 26 35 77524 90471 87053 12947 Q952C 22476 25 36 7754* 90462 87079 12921 09538 22459 24 37 37558 9453 87106 12894 09548 22442 23 38 77575 90443 87132 12868 09557 22425 22 39 77592 90434 87158 12842 09566 22408 21 40 9.77609 9.90424 9.87185 0.12815 10.09576 10.22391 20 1 77626 90415 87211 12789 09585 22374 19 42 77643 90405 87238 12762 09595 22357 18 43 77660 90396 87264 12736 09604 2234.0 17 44 77677 90386 87290 12710 09613 22J24 16 45 77694 90377 873^7 12683 09623 22306 15 46 7 7V i 90368 87343 12657 09632 22289 14 47 777^7 9353 87369 12631 09642 22272 13 48 77744 90349 87396 12604 09651 22256 12 49 7776J 9339 87422 1257? 09661 22239 II 5 9.77778 9-933 c 9.87448 0.12552 10.09670 10.22222 10 5i 77795 90320 87475 12525 09680 22005 9 52 77812 90311 875! 12409 09689 22188 8 53 77820 90301 87527 12473 09699 22171 7 54 77846 90292 87554 12446 09708 22154 6 55 77862 90282 87580 12420 09718 22 1 3?' 5 56 77879 90273 87606 12394 09727 22121 4 57 77896 90263 8/633 12367 09737 22I0 3 3 58 779*3 9025, 87651' 12341 09746 2208- 2 59 7793 90244 87685 12315 09756 220 7 6 1 \l 60 77946 90235 87711 12289 09765 22054 IP 3 Co-fine. Sine. ^o-tang- Tang. Co-fee. I Secant. M. Q 53 Degrees, Artificial Sines, Tan?, and See. 37 Degrees. 53 J?~""V Sine. ) Co-line Tang. Co-tang- Secant. Co-fee. 10.22054 9.77946 9-9 02 35 9.87711 10.12289 10,09765 i 779 6 3 90225 8/738 12262 09775 22037 59 2 77980 90*16 87764 12236 09784 22020 58 3 77997 90206 87790 12210 09794 22003 57 4 78013 90197 87817 I2l8 3 09803 21987 56 5 78030 90187 87843 I2I57 09813! 21970 55 6 78047 90178 87869 I213[ 098221 21953 54 7 78063 90168 87895 I2I05 09832 21937 53 8 78080 9 OI 59 87922 12078 09841' 21920 52 9 78097 90149 87948 12052 05651] 21903 5 1 10 9.78113 9.90139 9.87974 10.12026 10.09861:10.21887 5 ii 78130 90130 SoOOO 12CCO 09870 21870 49 12 78147 90120 88027 "973 0.9880 21853 48 13 78163 901.11 88053 11947 09889 21837 47 14 78180 90101 88079 11921 -09899 2T820 46 78197 90091 88105 11895 09909 21803 45 16 78213 90082 88131 11869 09918 21787 4-; ?7 78230 90072 88158 1 1842 09928 21770 43 78246 90063 88184 14816 '09937 21754 42 19 78263 90053 80210 11790 09947 21737 41 20 9.78280 9.90143 9.88236 10.1 1764 to 09957 10.21720 40 21 782.76 90034 88262 14738 09966 21704 39 o 2 78313 90024 88289 11711 09976 21687 3* 2" 1 90014 88315 i 1685 099^6 2l6 7 I 37 24 73346 90005 88341 11659 09995 71654! -36 25 7^362 89995 88367 11633 ,10005 21638 35 26 7*379 89985 8 83(7.3 1 1607 10015 2l62I 34 27 78395 89976 88420 11580 10024 .1605 33 28 78412 89966 88446 H554 10034 21588 -32 29 78428 89956 88472 11528 10044 21572 3 9-78445 9.89947 538498 0.11502 10.10053 10.21555 3 3 l 78461 89937 88524 11476 10063 21539 29 3 2 78478 89927 88550 11450 10073 21522 28 33 78494 89917 88576 11424 10082 21506 27 34 78510 89908 88603 i T 397 10092 21490 26 35 7*527 89898 862(9 11371 10102; 21473 25 36 78543 89808 88655 U345 1 01 1 2 2T457 24 37 78560 89879 88681 11319 10 I 21 21440 23 38 78576 89869 88707 11293 1013! 21424 22 39 89859 88733 11267 '",10141 21408 21 40 0.78609 9.898.49 9.88759 10.11241 IO.T015I 10.. 2 1.391 20 41 78635 89840 88786 11214 IOl6o 21375 J 9 42 78642 89830 88812 ,1.88 'I017C 21358 18 43 78658 89820 88838 1 1162 ,10l8o 2 I 342 17 44 78674 89810 88864 11136 10190 21326 l6 45 78691 89801 88890 11 110 10199 21309 15 46 78707 89791 88916 11084 IO2Oy 21 293 14 47 78723 89781 8 3 94 :> 11058' 10219 21277 T 3 48 78739 89771 88968 11032! I022<, 21261 12 49 78756 89761 88004 iio6 ! 1023- 21244 11 5 "78772 9.89752 9.89020 i o.i 0980' 10.10248 10.21228 10 5* ' 78788 89742 89046 10954 10258 2 1 2 1 2 9 52 78805 89732 8 973 10927 10268 2II95 8 53 78821 8972. 89099 10901 10271 2II79 7 54 '78837 89712 89125 10875 10288 >.' 21163 6 55 78853 89702 89151 10849 1029$ 2II47 5 56 7 888f 89693 89177 10823 io-;o7 2*131 57 7889,5 89693 89203 10797 10317 21 1 14 3 58 59 78902 78^18 89673 89663 8 9 22C 89255 I0 77 I I0 3 27 10745 10337 2109*! 21082 i . 60 78934 8965; 89281 10719! 10347 21066 J G- Co- Hoc-. Sine. Co-tang L'ang. Co-!tc. >t cant. M. ^ ^Qfe^gg^i^^a w\ VY* , Htt. -' o 9-7 8 934 9- 8 9 6 53J 9.89^1 10. 1071^ ; 10.10347110.21066 60 f I 78950! 8764^ 8',30-j 1069; 1 1 357l 21050 59 ? 7896, 78983 89633) *9335 89624: 8935^ 1066 10641 I 03^ y 1037^ 21 3 3 21017 ! 5 3 57 4 7 8 99V 896 1*. I 89385 io6if r 1038^ 21OOI 56 5 79*5 8960^ j. 89411 10585 } 103^ 20985 55 6 79031 8959, V 8 9437 1056: 1040^ > 2096'; 54 7 79047 8 W 8. \ 89463 1041^ 2C 953 53 8 7906; 8957^ t 89481, 1051 1 1042^ 20 937 9 7907? 8956- j. 89515 10485 1043^ 2092 1 . 5 10 9-79095 9-8955 9-&954I 10.10439^0.1044 10.2090^ 5 II 79111 8954 89567 1043 1345 2088;, 49 12 79728 8953 89593 1040 1046 20872 48 JT 7^ I 4*- 8 952 8961 . 1030; 1047 2085^ 47 14 79160 8951- 89645 1035; 1048 20840 46 15 79176 8950. 8,^571 IO 32> 1049 20824 45 16 79192 8949 89697 T0 3] 1050 20808 44 T 7 79208 8048 89723 1027; 1051 20792 43 18 79224 8947 89749 10251 1152 20776 42 19 79240 8946 89775 IO22S I0 53 20760 20 9.79250 9.8945 9.89801 10.1019 10.1054 10.20744 40 21 79272 89445 89827 1017- 1055 20728 39 22 79288 8943. 89853 IOI4 1056 20712 38 2-. 79304 8942 89879 1012 1057 20696 37 24 79319 89415 89905 1009 1058 20681 / 36 25 79335 89405 89931 !Oo6 1059 20665 35 26 79351 8939 89957 IOO4; 1060 2064-, 34 2 7 79367 89385 89983 1001- 1061 20633 33 28 79383 8937. 90009 0999 1062 206 1 7 32 2Q 79399 8936, 90035 0996 1063 20601 3 r 3 9-79415 9- 8 9354 9.90060 io.o993r 10.1064^ 10.20585 3 3 1 79431 8 9344 90086 09914 1065^ 20569 29 3 2 79447 8933^ 90112 01,888 i666 20553 28 33 79463 89324 90138 0^862 1067^ 20537 27 34 79478 8931^ 9016-4 09836 lo68(^ 20522 26 35 79494 893-. 90190 09810 10696 20506 25 36 795io 89294 90216 09784 10706 20490 24 37 79526 89284 90242 975 8 10716 20474 2 3 38 79542 89274 90263 10726 20458 . 22 _39 79558 89264 90204 0970? 1.0736 20442 21 40 9-79573 9.89254 9.90320 10.09680 10.10746 10.20427 20 41 795% 89244 90346 09654 10756 20411 19 42 70605 19233 1076" 20395 18 43 79621 89223 93V7 09603 10777 20379 17 44 79636 89313 90423 9577 10787 20364 16 45 79652 89203 9044; 09551 10797 20348 15 46 . 79668 89*93 90475 O95 2 5 10807 20332 14 47 79684 8918; 90501 09499 10817 20316 J 3 48 79690 89173 95 2 3 09473 10827 20-501 12 49 797 x s 89162 90553 09447 10838 2028 < 1 1 50 9-79731 9-89152 9.90578 10.09422 0.10848 0.20269 10 51 7974.6 89142 90604 09396 10858 20254 9 52 79762 8,132 90630 09370 10868 20238 8 53 79778 89122 90656 09344 10878 20222 7 54 79793 89112 9068; 093 1 H 10888 2O2O7 6 5 79809 SylCI 90708 09,292 10899 20191 5 56 7? 8 25 8^091 90734 09266 10909 20175 4 57 79840 SjoSt 975' 09241 10919 20l6o 3 58 79856 89071 90785 09215 10929 2OI44 2 59 79872 8yo6o 90811 0.918;, 10940. 20128 I c6 7988- 89050 9083-7 09163 10950 2OII3 O J_ ~ Co-iine Sine. Jo-tang- Tang. Co-fee. Secant. ~M! Q ^' 51 Degrecjr v Artificial Sines, Tang, p.r.TSec. 39 Degrees. 55 ***3 ^7) ,>in$. Co-{i:ie. Tangt 'Jo-t?,Rg- Secant. Co-iec. ~^1F" 9.79887 9.89050 ~9^37 10.10050 10.20113 60 79903 89040] 90863]' 10960 20097 59 2 R 3 799181 3',.C30 9088?) cniif 79934; 9020 90914! 10070 10980 20082 20066 58 57 4 79950 89009 90940 09000 10991 20050 56 5 799 6 5 88999 90966 09034 IIOOI 20035 55 6 79982 88989 90902 09008 lion 20019 54 1 79996 88978 91CJO 1 1 022 20004 53 8 80012 88968; 91043 08957 ;.e 3 2 1,9988 S 2 9 80027 % 5 8 91069 08931 11042 1O073 51 10 9.80043 9.88 48 9.91095 10.08905 10.11052^0.19957 50 II 80058 88937 91121 08879 11063 19942 49 12 80074 91147 08853 11073 19026 43 13 14 80089 80105 88917 88906 91172 01 IyC 08828 p88o2 .11083 19911 11094 19895 47 46 15 80120 88 8:,. 6 91224 08776 11104 19880 45 16 80136 8o836j 91250 08750 11114 19864 44 18 80151 80166 88875 91276 3865! 91301 08724 086 -.;, 11125 19849 43 19834! 42 J 9 80182 88855 01327 18673 1 1 r45 19818' 41 20 9 .8oV^ ;.888.-. 4 - .). 97353 j c. ; i i ^6,10.19803' 40 21 80213 888341 01379 OL'5 : I IIi66 19787 39 22 80228 88824] 91404 "< 5 , 6 11176 19772 73 80244 8881- i43 08576 11187 T 9756j 37 24 25 80259 88803 91456 91482 08344 c: -518 11197 11207 19741 36 19726 35 26 80290 88784 9 r 5 ""? 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M.!$ Co- line Sine. -.o-tang.j 1 ang. Co-iec. Secant. 5B ' Artificial Sines, Tang, and Sec. 43 Degrees. ^ M. Sine. Co-fine. Tang, Co-tang. Secant. Go-fee. =*$tJ'ZF Q * 9.82551 9.87107 9-95444 10.04556 10.12893 10.17449 60 ^ I 8256* 87096 95469 0453 1 12904 I T-T / T 7435 59 2 82579 87085 95495 o455 12915 57421 58 3 82593 87073 9552 04480 12927 17407 57 4 82607 87062 95545 0-4455 12938 ^7393 56 5 82621 87050 9557 1 04429 12950 ?7379 55 6 82635 8 739 9559 6 04404 12961 ^7365 54 7 82649 87028 95621 04378 12972 1 735 1 53 8 82663 87016 95^47 4353 12984 W337 5* <) 82677 87005 95672 04328 12995 *7323 51 10 9.82691 9.86993 9.95698 10.04302 10.13007 10.17309 5 U 82705 86982 95723 ' 04277 13018 1729? 49 12 82719 86970 95748 04252 13030 17281 48 *3 82733 86959 95774 042 2 6 i 13041 17267 47 14 82747 86947 95799 04201 i3 53 17253 46 15 82761 86936 95825 04175 13064 I 7 2 3,9 45 16 82775 86924 95850 04150 13076 17226 44 17 82788 86913 95875 04125 13087 17212 43 18 82802 86902 95901 04099 33098 17198 42 10 82816 86890 95926 04074 13110 17184 41 20 9.82830 9.86879 9-95952 10.04048 10.13) 21 10.17170 40 21 82844 86867 95977 04023 13*33 17156 39 22 82858 86855 96002 03998 *3!45 17142 33 2 3 82872 86844 96028 03972 13*56 17128 37 24 82885 86832 96053 03947 13168 I 7 II 5 36 ^5 82899 8682 j 96078 03922 13*7 17101 35 26 82913 868oc. 96104 03896 13191 17087 34 ^7 82927 86708 96129 03871 13202 17073 33 28 82941 86786 96*55 03845 13214 ^7059 3, 29 82955 86775 96180 03820 i3- 2 5 17045 3i 3 9.82968 9.86763 9.96205 10.03795 10.13237 10.17032 3 3 1 82982 86752 96231 03769 13248 17018 29 3 2 82996 86740 96256 03744 13260 17004 28 33 83010 86728 96281 03719 13272 16990 27 34 83023 8671- 96307 03693 13283 16977 26 35 83037 86705 9633- 03668 13295 16963 25 36 8305' 86694 9 6 357 03643 13306 16949 24 37 83065 86682 96383 03617 *33 l8 l6 935 ^3 38 83078 86670 96408 03.593 *333 16922 22 3^ 83092 8665., 06433 3567 L334J 16908 2T 40 9.83106 9.86647 9-96459 10.03541 10 - 1 3353 10.16894 20 4i 83110 86635 96484 03516 ] 33 6 5 16880 3 9 42 83133 86624 96510 03490 '307* 16867 18 43 83147 86612 96535 03465 133 38 16853 *7 44 83161 866oc 96560 03440 13400 t68 3 (, 16 45 83174 8658,, 96586 03414 13411 16826 15 46 83188 86577 96611 03389 M423 16812 14 47 83202 8656.- 96636 0336.4 *3435 16798 J 3 48 83215 8655^ 96662 03338 13446 16785 12 49 83229 8654;; 96687 03313 13458 16771 II 50 9-83242 9.86 53 c y. y67i2 10.03288 10.l34" r vo.jo;50 10 5i 83-56 86518 96738 03262 ' 13482 16744 9 5 2 832-0 8650? r.6 7 6- 03237 *3493 16730 8 53 83283 8 64;., 5 96788 03212 13505 116717 7 54 83297 8648"! 96814 03186 135^ 16703 6 55 8 33!o 864;?. 96839 03161 13528 166 i'c 5 56 83324 86460 96864 03136 *354 C 166-^6 4 57 83338 86448 96890 031 10 J 355" ; 1666: 3 53 83351 8643^ 9 6 9 J 5 03085 I35&! i66jc 2 59 83365 86425 ,96940 03060 *35~5 16635 I 60 ^337? 86413 96966 334 13587 16622 a 3' 'o-iine. Suit. lo-tang- Tang. () -*ec. C'CHi)t. '>-tan& Secnt Co fee * 9.84177 9.856,3 9.98484 10.0151 10.1430 10.1582 60 } 84190 85681 9850 0149 1431 1581 59 84203 85669 9*534 01466 1433 1^79 58 84216 85657 98560 01440 '434 1578 57 84229 85645 98585 0141$ 1577 56 84242 85632 98610 01390 14368 1575 55 84255 85620 98635 01365 14380 1574 54 84269 85608 98661 OI 33'/ 14392 1573 53 84282 85596 98686 01314 14404 1571 52 84295 85583 9871! 01280 I44t7 1570 9.84308 9.85571 9-98737 IO.O12O' 10.14429 16.1569 5 84321 85559 98762 0123$ 14441 1567 49 84334 85546 98787 01213 1445- 1566 48 84347 85534 98812 on 8i 14466 1565 47 84360 85522 988^38 01162 14478 15640 46 84372 85510 98863 01137 14490 15627 45 84385 85497 9888* OIII2 14503 15614 44 843^8 85485 98913 01087 T45I5 1560 43 84411 85473 Olo6l 14527 1558 42- 84424 85460 98964 01036 14540 1^76 41 9-84437 9.85448 9-9898 O.OIOll 10.14552 10.1556 40 84450 85436 99014 00985 14564 1555 i9 I 84463 85423 99040 00960 14577 15537 38 . 84476 85411 99065 o935 14589 15524 37 84489- 5399 99090 90910 14601 1551 36 84502 99116 00884 146 H 15498 35 84515 85374 99141 .0085-) 14626 15485 34 84528 85361 99166 00^34 14639 15472 33 84540 85349 99191 00809 14651 15460 32 8 4553 8 5337 99217 00-83 14663 1 544^ 3 1 9.84566 9-85324 9.99242 000758 0.14676 0.15434 3 84579 $5312 99267 00733 14688 15421 29 84592 85299 99293 00707 14701 15408 28 84605 85287 f\ 99318 00682 14713 15395 27 84618 fcli 99343 00657 14726 15382 26 84630 85262 99368 00632 I473 8 15370 25 84643 85250 99394 00606 1475 15357 24 84656 00581 14763 15344 2 3 84669 85225 99444 00556 "T4775 I533I 22 _ 84682 8521: 99469 00531 i 47 8S 15318 21 9.84694 9.85200 9-99495 0.00505 0.14800 0.15306 20 84707 85187 00480 14813 15293 *9 84720 85175 99545 00455 14825 15280 18 84733 85162 9957 C 00130 14838 15267 l l 84745 8 5 i 5 c 99596 00404 14850 15255 16 84758 85137 99621 00379 14863 15242 15 84771 85125 99646 00354 14875 15229 14 84784 85112 99672 00328 14888 15216 X 3 , 84796 85100 99697 00303 14900 15204 12 84809 85087 99727 . 00278 149*3 15101 11 9.84822 9.85074 9-9974; 0.00253 0.14926 0.15178 10 84834 85062 9977; 00227 14938 15166 9 84847 85049 9979* 002O2 I495J 15153 8 84860 99825 00177 14963 15140 7 84873 85024 99848 00152 14976 15127 6 848 3 5 85012 99874 00126 14988 151 15 5 84898 8 49 9f 9989^ 00 101 15001 15102 4 84911 84986 99924 00076 15014 15089 3 84923 84974 9994? ooo^ij 15*26 15077 2 84936 84961 99975 00025] 15039 15064 I 84948 ___84948 o.ooooc o.oooooj 15052 15051 O t C'j-iine. Sine. 3o-tang- Tang. '(Jo-lec. Secant. Jal 45 Degrees, - , )cgr Artificial Sines, TangJ. and 3eu.4/;