li NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION BniTED PY GRACE OWEN, B.Sc. PRINCIPAL OK THE MATHER TRAINING COLLEGE, MANCHKSTHR 1 4 '', > * ^/ ' WITH -tlciHt I'LlbSTilATltWfe^ !, S J »» 3 > NEW YORK E. P. DUTTON AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS ym' O xi, DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF MARY ADELAIDE WRAGGE PRINCIPAL OF THE BLACKHEATH KINDERGARTEN TRAINING COLLEGE AND FROEBELIAN SCHOOL, 189I-I906 ) PREFATORY NOTE ^ I ^HE reader will recognize that in the following pages ^ •*■ the authors have approached the subject of Nursery Schools each from a special standpoint — whether it be ' that of the student of psychology, of education, or of the laws of health. Although there has been collaboration ) between the different authors, each is responsible for } her own section only. J I desire to express my grateful acknowledgments to I friends who have kindly contributed valuable advice and "j criticism, and especially to Miss E. M. Wragge and Miss "*£. S. Newman, who have generously devoted much time and care to a revision of the manuscript. I am also indebted to Mr, George Widdows, F.R.I.B.A., for prepar- ing a plan for a group of Nursery Schools, and to Miss Edith Hodsman for furnishing me with details of the equipment of the Darlington Training College Nursery School. GRACE OWEN CONTENTS PAGE Introduction .. .. .. .. .. ii Part I. The Aims and Functions of the Nursery School . . . . . . . . 19 by the editor Part II. The Mind of the Child . . . . 27 BY OLIVE A. WHEELER, D.SC. Lecturer in Education, Manchester University. CHAPTER I. THE INNATE BASES OF CHARACTER II. THE ACQUIRED BASES OF CHARACTER III. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS Part III. The Education of the Nursery School Child . . . . . . • ■ 55 by margaret e. eggar Lecturer in Edocatlon, Manchester University ; and GRACE OWEN, B.SC. Principal of the Mather Training College, Manchester CHAPTER I. THE ENVIRONMENT II. THE child's RESPONSE— (rt) Exercise and Imitation III. THE child's response — {^) Creative Expression Part IV. The Hygiene of the Nursery School 95 BY CATHERINE CHISHOLM, B.A. , M.D. Hon. Physician to the Manchester B.abies' Hospital CHAPTER I. THE CHILD AND HIS DEVELOPMENT II. THE SURROUNDINGS OF THE CHILD III. CONSIDERATIONS AFFECTING DAILY ROUTINE IV. MEDICAL SUPERVISION V. INFECTIOUS DISEASE VI. MINOR ACCIDENTS VII. THE TRAINING OF THE STAFF IN HYGIENE 10 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Part V. The Staff of the Nursery School and '"^"^ THE Training of Superintendents . . 133 BY THE EDITOR Part VI. Notes on Buildings and Equipment 139 by the editor Appendix. The Board of Education's Regulations for Nursery Schools .. .. 152 Index .. .. .. .. ..175 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. A Group of Ardwick Nursery School Children From a photograph by S. Epstein Frontisfiece PACING PAGE 2. The Montes.sori Apparatus, Ardwick Nursery School 68 From a photograph by E. }Vard 3. Play with Toys, Ardwick Nursery School . . . . 78 From a photograph by E. Ward 4. In thk Sandpit, the Rusholme Nursery .. .. 84. From a photograph by E. Ward 5. Dinner-time, the Nursery . . . . 106 From a photograph by J. Porter 6. Cottages Adapted, Ardwick Nursery School . . 142 From a photograph by E. Ward 7. The North Wingkield Infants' School, South Side 144 Architect— George H. Widdows, F.R.I.B.A. 8. The North Wingfiei.d Infants' School, North Side 146 Architect— Giorgt 11. Widdows, F.R.I.B.A. Plan for a Group of Nursery Schools Front cover By George H. Widdo'MS, F.R.I.B.A. i INTRODUCTION By the Editor THE decision to make the Nursery School the foundation of England's system of education is one of far-reaching importance ; and influences, flowing from different sources, have now combined to bring about a practical venture on a national scale. The Nursery School movement has derived its main impetus from a determination to provide healthy conditions and skilled physical care for the childhood of the nation from infancy onwards. It also promises the opportunity of breaking away from the conventional methods of teaching young children, in favour of an education in harmony with our modern knowledge of psychology. Both these influences have been at work, and the Nursery School of the future will, it is hoped, fulfil in itself both these aspirations. Through this new institution we may make practical recognition of the fact that questions of physical and mental well-being are indissolubly connected. It is impossible to hope for normal mental development while the body is ill-nourished and badly cared for. It is equally futile to look for development of the whole nature while attending only to physical needs. The Infant School movement in this countiy arose under the inspiration of Robert Owen, whose faith in the influence of a favourable environment in early childhood was unbounded. In his famous infant school at New Lanark, begun in 1816, he realized much of his hope. The possibihties of improved development resulting from healthy, happy conditions and free activity were abun- , dantly proved. Unfortunately, his followers in England"^ soon forgot his larger aims and methods ; and, indeed, laid a deplorable emphasis on definite instruction given II 12 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION to rows of children seated in galleries, kept in order by a strict, even if kindly, discipline. Since 1852 the educational ideas embodied in the Kindergarten by Friedrich Froebel have been slowly permeating our Infant School system, and a change towards greater freedom of activity and the use of play- occupations for little children has taken place ; but crowded classes, and many unhygienic conditions, have generally prevailed even to the present time. Through philanthropic effort, however, Free Kindergar- tens for children living in crowded slums have sprung up in the large cities of Great Britain. The first was founded in 1900. Working apart from infant schools, they have gathered together children from three to five or six years of age, in groups of thirty or forty ; they have sought to provide for them the best possible environment for healthy development, and to educate through play and contact with nature. They have postponed instruction and looked only for all-round development of mmd and body in an atmosphere of happy companionship. They have stood also for close co-operation with the home, and have always identified themselves with neighbourhood life. Thus, though small in numbers, they have served as practical educational demonstrations for the Nursery School movement, and have been the immediate pioneers of the Nursery School. The establishment of Nursery Schools was definitely recommended by the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education in its Report, pubhshed in 1908, on tlie "School Attendance of Children below the Age of Five." The evidence brought before the Committee showed clearly enough : (i) That the infant schools of the time were unsuitable for very young children, both as regards hygienic con- ditions and mental occupation. (2) That, nevertheless, lai"ge numbers of children would be left all day uncared for, or unsuitably "minded," if they were not allowed to come to school before the ag( of five. INTRODUCTION 13 The success of the Ecoles Maternelles in France, and of similar institutions in other countries, as well as of our own Free Kindergartens, indicated better lines of develop- ment. Accordingly, the committee reached the conclusion that it was urgently desirable that the State should con- tinue to make provision for children under five where it was required, but that this provision must be of an improved kind — designed to secure health, freedom from nervous strain, and happy occupation for all children whose ^ needs could not be met at home. Since 1908 the need for Nursery Schools has been ^ increasingly felt, and has been forcibly emphasized by the war. The institution of medical inspection of school children in 1907 has served to make evident the urgent need of continuous medical supervision during the years y preceding school life. Medical opinion is unanimous in urging that a large proportion of the physical defect noted in children entering school at five years of age could and would have been prevented if medical supervision had been available during the first five years of life. The increase of schools for mothers and infant clinics, diuring recent years, has brought about a decrease in the rate of mortality and the prevalence of disease during the first year of life ; and much helpful advice as to the necessary conditions of a healthy childhood is now available for the mother who is willing to take advantage of it. Nevertheless there is a gap between babyhood and school-life during which no regular medical supervision is universally available, and this entails a serious break in the record kept of the individual child. When it is considered that the rate of mortality during these years is higher than that of any- period except the first year, it is obvious that continued neglect by the State would be fatal to the whole national effort to raise the physique of the people. The Nursery School, open to all children over the 3ge of two, will bridge this gap. By means of it, regular supervision, the prompt treatment of ailment and disease, the necessary attention to right food, clothing, personal habits, and healthy surroundings, are al! made possible. 14 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION It is hard to see how these results can be attained without the help of some such institution, carried on in close co-operation with the home. The Nursery School superintendent derives influence with parents from their knowledge of the skilled care she is giving to their children every day ; the improvement the parents can see wins their appreciation and co-operation. The conditions also of space, fresh air, and scrupulous cleanliness, which are of first importance for young children, are difficult to secure in many homes, but are provided in the Nursery School. It would indeed be disastrous to use the Nursery Schools as an excuse for putting off housing reform, but neither can we afford to wait for them until the housing problem is solved. Rather should the Nursery School be included in every housing scheme, and meanwhile lead the way, by securing for groups of children the healthy condi- tions of life which are the right of every home. The Education Act of 1918 makes possible the estabhsh- ment of Nursery Schools throughout the country. Clause 19 runs thus : " (i) The powers of Local Education Authorities for the purposes of Part III. of the Education Act, 1902, shall include power to make arrangements for : " {a) Supplying or aiding the supply of Nursery Schools (which expression shall include nursery classes) for children over two and under five years of- age, or such later age as may be approved by the Board of Education, whose attendance at such a school is necessary or desirable for their healthy physical and mental development ; and " (6) Attending to the health, nourishment, and physical welfare of children attending Nursery Schools. " (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of any Act of Parliament, the Board of Education may, out of moneys provided by Parliament, pay grants in aid of Nursery Schools, provided that such grants shall not be paid in respect of any such school unless it is open to inspection by the local education authority, and unless that authority are enabled to appoint representatives on the body of INTRODUCTION 15 managers to the extent of at least one-third of the total number of managers, and before recognizing any Nursery School the Board shall consult the local education authority." By inserting this clause in the Act, the country as a whole has shown itself convinced of the importance of taking determined steps to look to the very foundations of the health and well-being of the people. It has per- ceived that all schemes of national reconstruction, of whatever type, are based on shifting sand if the young life of the nation is not sound, healthy, and well-developed during the first critical years. As one effective means of building surely for the future, it has given power to every local authority to provide for itself Nursery Schools in all districts where it would be advisable to have them. The Act does not compel their establishment, nor force the attendance of any child ; but it gives a great opportunity. Given its full scope, the clause must have far-reaching results. It cannot be doubted that the expenditure of faith and energy and money involved will bring great returns. The Nursery School will be a powerful factor in lowering the rate of mortality in young children, in eliminating the many physical defects that so often dog the career through life, and in bringing to all the benefits of improved health as well as the development of good habits, self-reliance, and individuality. ^ It may also serve the wider cause of education. It is not hampered by the traditions of a past generation. It is free to work out its own salvation. It has a new opportunity. If those who are responsible preserve simplicity of spirit and an open mind, it may make an important contribution to our knowledge of education, because it will be a testing- ground of the fundamental educational doctrines of to-day. Moreover, by its insistence on co-operation with the home, its interest in neighbourhood activities, and its constant function of putting the individual family in touch with' the various agencies for child welfare, it will tend to strengthen the movement towards bringing all education 16 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION into closer touch with real life. A Nursery School superin- tendent said recently : " I do not know whether my work begins or ends when my children go home." This attitude is characteristic, and must some day find its way into the schools for older children. We shall need Nursery Schools of various types. Not only in crowded cities, but in country villages, there is need of just such an agency to spread knowledge of the essential conditions of a healthy childhood ; while the value of the work of special schools for the deaf, the blind, and delicate children would be enormously strengthened if Nuisery Schools could be established in connexion with them. The fact that the establishment of such schools is not compulsory on the education authority calls for a deter- mined weight of public opinion in their favour. It is of urgent importance that the inauguration of continuation schools shall not be allowed to delay the establishment of the first Nursery Schools. Such a policy would be un- sound, for the complete success of continued education will depend upon the sound foundations laid in early life. ' There are obstacles to overcome. The difficulty of expense is a great one, for the proposal involves the care of many thousands of children hitherto unprovided for by the State. The right conditions and equipment, though of the simplest character, will bring an increase of the expenditure per head so far considered sufiicient for young children. The staffing will need the utmost care, since inefficiency would bring about the failure of the movement. In the face of these difficulties, the effectiveness of the clause permitting the establislmient of Nursery Schools will depend upon recognition by the public of the urgency of the need, and the clearness of its perception that now is the time to tlirow aside half-measures, and spend un- grudgingly in an unsparing effort to put the feet of the children of the coming generations firmly on life's path. May public opinion not be found wanting ! In many towns education authorities are establishing nursery classes within infant schools. The nuisery clasi INTRODUCTION 17 is a compromise between the babies' class of the infant school and the Nursery School. Children between two and five years of age may be admitted. A classroom with sunny aspect is selected, toys are provided, time-tables are abolished, and a sleeping hour instituted. There is varying success in the attempt to provide a separate playground, special lavatory accommodation, and a high standard of cleanliness. The teacher may or may not be specially trained. All efforts to improve the conditions and management of babies' classes are to be welcomed, and in favourable circumstances nursery classes may help to spread quickly «ome of the benefits of a Nursery School. It must be recognized, however, that in the majority of cases the necessary changes of organization and equipment are exceedingly difficult to carry out in a corner of the premises of an ordinary infant school, and that there is real danger in the too easy acceptance of a compromise. The bringing together of groups of children of the age of two years and upwards will serve to increase rather than diminish the risks of ailment and disease, unless strict attention is given invariably to the adequate provision of skilled care and hygienic conditions. It would indeed be a grievous thing if the policy of establishing nursery classes instead of Nursery Schools were followed in such a way as to result in a gradual weakening of the original purpose expressed in the clause of the Act permitting their establishment, and a failure to achieve anything really fundamental by means of it. To avert this danger, it is urgent that every Local Authority should provide immediately for a few well- equipped and adequately staffed Nursery Schools within its area, in districts where the need is obvious. If this were done during the present year, public opinion would by this means become very much better informed than it now is as to the meaning and possibilities of the movement. There would be a real demand for more, and we should be prepared to launch a larger policy. Then, with the inclusion of children up to six years of 18 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION age, and a steady increase in the number of specially- trained superintendents and assistants available, the Nursery School movement should resolve itself naturally into the transformation of the infant school. The usual infant school period would in this case be slightly shifted. Children from two years of age might be admitted as seemed desirable, and those above nursery school age would be included in junior schools. Instead of the big classes of children as near of an age as possible, we should have smaller groups of children of varying ages, each group so far resembling a large family. Considerable changes in organization and equipment would be necessary, and many new buildings would be required. In view of the extension of the period of education below three and above thirteen years of age however, an ampler accommodation for children in schools must in any case be made. Some of this should take the form of new Nursery Schools care- fully planned for their purpose. In some cases it may be possible, with the addition of open-air shelters, to adapt the whole infant school building and playground to meet the essential requirements of Nursery Schools. Whether the end is to be achieved by this or by some other road, there is need for the adoption of a wisely generous and far-reaching policy, which shall secure the fulfilment of the utmost possibilities of the Nursery School as the foundation of the national system of education. PART I THE AIMS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL By the Editor THERE is a common notion that the Nmsery School is primarily a substitute for home. We feel at once that this idea is not sound when we consider the education of the child of Nui'sery School age in its broader and deeper aspects. The nourishment of mind and feeling as well as of body is naturally supplied by the mother during the first years of childhood. Whether she be inadequate or not, no one can take her place, for the intimacy between mother and child is perfect. Should the fullness of this first relationship fail, the child must be for ever poorer. Therefore, if the Nursery School is merely a substitute for home, it is at best a lame thing. It is built upon a firmer foundation when it is conceived as an extension of home-life ; when it preserves its true organic connexion with the home ; when it understands the special part it has to play in the child's life, and ful- fils that part in close relationship with other agencies for the child's welfare. Undoubtedly it has its part to play. The Nursery School can help both parent and child. In it the children find certain conditions which are helpful to them, con- ditions which are not so fully provided for at home. For instance, the environment of the nursery is planned for children onl3^ whereas at home the arrangements for grovm-up people must preponderate largely over those for children. In the Nursery School, the small fiu^niture, 19 20 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION the choice of pictures and objects of interest, the arrange- ment of these so that everything is within reach, above all the understanding that everything is meant to be ^ handled and used freely by children, give an environment '^nvhich the little child can master and feel to be his own. An important point also is the fact that in the Nursery School it is not one room only in which this may be felt, but in a little series of rooms, including playrooms, cloakroom, and bathroom. Thus the nursery is able to give the children a wider field for the full exercise of their powers ^than is usually possible at home. f* Again, the children find here grown-up friends who have plenty of time to play with them, answer their questions, and wait for them while they slowly learn to perform all the little duties of their daily lives. This is hardly possible in most homes. The intelligent child has more bodily and mental activity between the ages of two and six than can be easily satisfied by the very busy people with whom he lives, most of whom do not understand that what he does, or wants to know, is at all important. The trained and experienced Nursery School superin- tendent has opportunity to provide for the needs of the children, whether it be for physical and mental activity or for a careful training in good habits. f) Once more, the little child in the Nursery School finds himself amongst a number of children of varying ages, some of whom are of the same age as himself. This is a new and valuable experience. Games are the more delightful, and the daily habits that have to be learned, such as washing one's own hands and lacing one's boots, are not nearly so difficult and irk- some when others are sharing the experience. It is often found, indeed, that much that is a real trial when done at home is accomplished with enthusiasm when it is part of the Nursery School routine. This companionship, never- theless, entails individual self -discipline. At'»the same time that he finds so many things to enjoy, such freedom to do what he wants when he wants, the child runs up against the necessity for self-subordination in community AIMS AND FUNCTIONS OF NURSERY SCHOOL 21 life. Thus the growing instinct of self-assertion — healthy in itself — is kept in due check by the absorbing interest of living with other children, and the necessity for the spirit of give-and-take which it involves. These conditions give the Nursery School its opportunity — as distinct from the home. Nevertheless, the function of the superintendent is to work side by side with the home, continuously in touch with the parents and the home-life of each child, letting her knowledge of these guide her in her work and play with the children during Nursery School hours. She will also seek to bring about in each home a corresponding familiarity with the Nursery School, by throwing it open to the parents and welcoming their co-operation. She will seek unity of purpose and of principle with them in dealing with their children. Where this is achieved, the influence of the Nursery School can-i; scarcely fail to be deep and abiding. ^ One fundamental condition of true success must be emphasized from the ,beginning. The numbers of children that can safely anjd profitably be gathered together in a single Nursery Scpool is strictly limited by the need for individual care and an intimate personal relationship between the children and the mother of the group. More- over, it must be remembered that it is harmful for a very young child, coming from a. little family circle, to be introduced suddenly to a bewildering mass of children \1. too large for him to feel as a community. Only when the ** number of children is small also will it be possible to group children of varying ages together, thus reflecting the indispensable condition of family life, which secures that they learn from and help one another in ways that no grown- up person can rival. To make sure of this fundamental ]|*; condition is perhaps the most important practical problem ^ before those responsible for the founding of Nursery Schools over a wide area. It will, undoubtedly, be necessary to face the fact that the conditions at present considered suitable for babies' classes arc in fact unsuitable, and must not be repeated in our Nursery Schools ; that space, staffing, and equipment must be more generously 22 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION provided for. On the other hand, ways may be found of grouping a number of Nursery Schools, each containing thirty to forty children between two and five or six years of age, so that there is some economy in the organization of the whole, while each is carried on under separate management and with its own rooms and equipment and open space unshared. In what ways should the Nursery School endeavour to fulfil its special responsibility ? In the first place, it must prepare and maintain the right conditions for free and healthy physical develop- ment. A life in the open air, space to run about, rooms having a sunny aspect, and suitable arrangements for rest and sleep — these are conditions of first importance. It must secure when necessary, whether directly or by persuasion of the parents, that every child is adequately fed, hygienically clothed, and scrupulously clean. It must train the children in all desirable habits, especially taking time to teach them how to look after themselves as regards washing, dressing, and other personal matters. It must maintain an increasing watch over all symptoms of ailment and disease, and cope vigorously with any physical troubles from which the children may be suffering when they enter the nursery. Training also in right habits of speech and freedom of movement must not be forgotten. Secondly, the Nursery School must provide an environ- ment in which the child shall find food for his growing mind. It is not enough to meet the needs of his physical nature alone, and to leave his active mind without atten- tion. The years between two and six are years during which the child is gathering ideas from his surroundings with amazing rapidity — the memories of this period arc generally tenacious — his mind is constantly occupied with things present to the senses, and he receives multitudes of vivid impressions, the material for later thinking. Therefore it is important that he should be surrounded by an environment, both physical and intellectual, which shall bring to him a rich variety of ideas of a desirabk AIMS AND FUNCTIONS OF NURSERY SCHOOL 23 kind. This is particularly important when the Nursery School is situated in the midst of a large city — perhaps in a slum area. In such districts there is frequently a distress- ing lack of the right material for the child's mind to use. Narrow streets and hard pavements, ill-built houses and drab and meagre home conditions, furnish poor material for satisfjdng his alert and eager senses. A most important aspect of Nursery School work is to meet the child's need here. We must recognize, for example, that every child needs contact with living and growing things. It should, there->f. fore, be considered essential that the Nursery School possess a garden — not merely because it means the possi- bility of being out of doors, but because it is for the child an infinite source of ideas of life, growth, form, and colour, and because it calls out his early sympathies and appeals irresistibly to his whole nature. We are sure also that when free amongst flowers and grass and under the sky, even though it be too often a grey sky, the child is subject to far-reaching influences that we cannot gauge, but which we believe will enrich his personality for life. Not only in the garden, but within the rooms of the Nursery School, the chUd should find many things of interest and beauty to love and appreciate ; things, too, round which his imagination will readily play and find satisfaction. As he grows and develops, his intelligence will also be quickened by stories and conversation, and these must be recognized as an important feature of his mental environment. Simple and beautiful music will afford him another store of impressions which will some day bear fruit. In these and other ways the Nursery School is called upon to enlarge the experience of the children to whom it belongs, and to put them in touch with ample material for the growth of thought and feeling. Again, the opportunity to obey creative impulses that are strong even in early life is of no less importance. A child's ideas demand almost immediate expression in talk, in games, and through materials of different kinds. If 24 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION allowed, he is constantly occupied in all these three ways, and no aspect of his development is second in importance to this. The fostering of the creative impulses means the s^ fostering of life itself, and it is " more life and fuller" ^ that is the need of every child. It is the great responsibility and privilege of the Nursery School to provide him with the means and opportunity to express fully his own ideas and feelings, to help him to acquire more skill as he feels the need of it, and to supply an atmosphere of love and sympathy, which will help the first weak impulses to gi-ow strong and purposeful. 9 Lastly, the Nursery School has much to do with the ^development of social relationships. The child is at the beginning of his social education, and this comes naturally tlirough the daily happenings of his life. He is not yet capable of altruism ; he does not yet understand the demands upon the individual of a life of fellowship, but his joy in activity can be guided into right channels. Generous impulses can be encouraged and habits of con- siderate action formed during this period, and these will surely have their effective influence on that future day when the real fight with selfish impulses must take place. Above all, daily contact with sincere and loving personali- ties brings to the child a real, if dim, perception of what is ideal in character and life. "The new Nursery School movement is largely a health movement, and in all good Nursery Schools close attention is rightly given throughout the day to matters of hygiene. Nevertheless, our concern for hygiene must not be allowed to overshadow the children. We do not want to bring about a spirit of stolid seriousness in Nursery School life. On the contrary, a real spirit of play should pervade the whole. Careless gaiety and bubbling fun are true evidences of the untrammelled spirit, and where these are usually absent there is something uTong — perhaps, it is true, some wrong physical condition, but perhaps also some pressure from the. grown-up helpers that needs to be re- mo\fd, or some lack of unselfish sympathy. The joyous laughter of the children is the sure sign that all is well ; AIMS AND FUNCTIONS OF NURSERY SCHOOL 25 it means health, intelhgence, happiness, and all that is good. No mention has been made of instruction in the Nursery School, because in any formal sense it has no place. No reading, no writing, no number lessons should on any account be required — no object-lessons as commonly known should be allowed, for the time for these things has not yet come. Up to the age of six the child is usually fully occupied in mind and body with learning from actual experience : he is busily taking in ideas from the world about him, he is gaining information by means of his own questionings of grown-up people — he is experimenting with his limbs, his senses, his hands, in a thousand ways. Nevertheless, should he show spontaneously a great desire to learn to write, or read, he should not be thwarted ; yet no special encouragement should be given — for the energy •thus used is diverted from direct experience, of which he can hardly have too much at this period. All tests of progress should be rigidly excluded from the Nursery School. Any tendency to expect a given amount of proficiency in any particular direction should be zealously avoided. The Nursery School has nothing to do with standard results as known in the elementary school, and cannot too carefully guard its privilege in this respect. This does not mean that the child is not learning, nor that progress is not looked for during this period. Im- perceptible though it may seem from day to day, it is unmistakably shown in healthy growth of body, increase of physical control and power of sustained attention, multiplying interests, and happy freedom in creative activity. PART II THE MIND OF THE CHILD By Olive A. Wheeler, D.Sc. Lecturer in Education, Manchester University CHAPTER I THE INNATE BASES OF CHARACTER THE emphasis which modern thought has laid on the inheritance factor in development has made it impossible for educationists to retain the view that the mind of a child is originally a tabula rasa on which impressions can be made as upon wax. Even at birth there are marks on the tablet — the writing, it may be, of imme- diate or distant ancestors. Indeed, the whole metaphor of a wax tablet is fundamentally misleading. It implies that the mind is passive, whereas both in conscious experience and in the realm of the sub-conscious, and even of the unconscious, there is always the whirr of Life. In every child, no matter what its circumstances may be, there is a life urge, a creative impulse towards completeness, which expresses itself in many and varied ways. It is true that Life succeeds through its utilization of environ- ment, but it is not itself passively determined by that environment. It is essentially and unceasingly creative. And those parents and teachers who have to deal with young children, and who desire above all else to co-operate in the great natural processes of growth, would do well to remember at the beginning that within every individual there are at work powerful dynamic forces which can neither be repressed nor ignored wdth impunity. What are these forces ? What are the original and innate tendencies present in a normal individual which 27 28 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION provide the starting-points for development ? They seem to be of two chief kinds. There are, first, the natural appetites such as hunger, thirst, and the sexual appetite. And there are the instincts, such as curiosity and pugnacity, which appear to be distinguishable from the appetites in that they make their appearance in response to specific situations. For example, a baby seizes a spoon and pro- ceeds to investigate it by looking at it, touching it, putting it in his mouth, banging it on the table, and throwing it on the floor ; the instinct of curiosity which is at work appears in response to an external object, namely, the spoon. But hunger, thirst, and the like, appear on account of general conditions within the organism. Both the instincts and the appetites, however, are innate ; that is, they do not arise as a result of experience, but are rather the bases on which development proceeds. The Appetites There can be no doubt that hunger, thirst, nausea, the desire for sleep, and the desire for movement are most important experiences to the little child. Every baby needs food, sleep, and movement to ensure his bodily development ; and his first dawnings of consciousness arise out of these primitive appetites. He learns to know Mother through the mother's breast, that is, through the satisfaction of his earliest organic needs. These appetites rightly interpreted are not carnal : they are not merely bodily : they are Nature's ways of ensuring at one and the same time the physical and mental development of the individual. They are the simplest expressions of the life urge which strives ever for the enrichment of personality. The first principle then that must be insisted on in the organization of a Nursery School is that there should be adequate facilities for the satisfaction of the natural appetites of hunger, thirst, the desire for sleep, and the desire for movement. It is surprising that anyone should ever have expected little children to attend to other occupations when the fundamentid needs of the organism THE MIND OF THE CHILD 29 were left unsatisfied. Yet, until the passing of "The Provision of Meals Act," there was no official recognition of the principle that hungry children could not be expected to profit by their instruction in reading, writing, or arithmetic. And even now teachers have not fully realized the way in which the fundamental appetites direct the powers of attention in these early years. Little children can easily be interested in anything that is intimately associated with the satisfaction of these needs. On this account the lunch in the middle of the morning and the sleep in the afternoon will be important institu- tions in a Nursery School. By having a meal served in school the children can not only be taught how to eat properly, but if the equipment is of the right kind they can learn their first lessons in orderly social co- operation. Some will move the tables in preparation for the meal ; others will carry the little trays of mugs and distribute the plates ; the older ones will pour out the milk for the younger ; and afterwards some will be appointed to wash up. They will thus be gaining manual dexterity - and control of their bodies, they will begin to realize the value of orderliness in home-life, and, most important of all, they will be receiving a training in social service. At the same time they will enjoy their little duties. Practical experience bears out the conclusion that might have been expected from psychological analyses, namely, that children at this stage will be interested in anything connected with the satisfaction of their primitive needs. Boredom usually comes from a failure to see the purpose of the occupation in which one is expected to engage. And so central is the appetite of hunger that the purpose of all duties connected with the provision of a meal is evident even to the limited experience of the two-year-old. The work of the farmer, the cook, the baker, and the milkman, the phenomena of seed-time and harvest, are for the same reason absorbingly interesting. And what is true of hunger is true also of the other appetites that function at this period. They are the centres around which ever- broadening circles of interest can be drawn. 30 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION There is considerable disagreement among modern psychologists concerning the part played by the sexual appetite in the early stages of life. Freud ^ holds that even in babyhood it plays an important part. For example, he affirms that at an early period, before feelings of shame and disgust arise to check natural impulses, children frequently stimulate their sex organs, and find pleasure in so doing. He even goes so far as to regard thumb-sucking as essentially a sexual process. On the other hand, McDougall ^ argues with considerable force and judgment that in normal cases the sexual appetite does not begin to function until about the age of eight years, and even then it is weak and vaguely directed. It is highly probable that Freud's concentration on neurotic patients has made him exaggerate the r61e of sex. The abnormal minority, from the study of whom he obtains his generalizations, may indeed give evidence of the precocious awakening of sex, but in the case of the great majority of little children of Nursery School age the appetite seems to be inoperative. The problem of the minority will of course be a difficult one for the Nursery School superintendent, and its full solution will probably have to wait until psj'Chologists are more certain of their ground, and until education authorities realize the need for the appointment of school psychologists ' as well as school doctors. The one thing that the Nursery School teacher should try to do above all else, is jealously to guard the normally constituted children from the influence of bad example. And she should remember that there is no child more deserving of her pity, and more in need of sympathejt^ic treatment, than the little unfortunate who in these early daj^s shows signs of abnormal sexual development. * The Instincts In addition to the appetites, there are also other impulses ^ Freud, " Thr^ Contributions to the Sexual Tlicory." 19 lo. * W. McDougalT, " Social Psychology." (Supplementary chapter. 19 1 7 edition.) 3 The London County Council has already made such an appoint- ment. THE MIND OF THE CHILD 31 which are innate and which must be taken into account in any serious attempt to understand child hfe. These ^ are the instincts, the ready-made tendencies to know certain objects, and to feel and react towards them in certain ways. For example, a tiny child will sometimes run and hide when he sees for the first time a bear or some other strange animal. This impulse is not the result of experience. He has had no previous experience of the animal in question. But there is within him an inherited tendency to notice the animal, and to feel fear in its presence, and consequently to take refuge in flight. This instinct obviously has a biological value ; it tends towards the preservation of the individual. But what is not quite so obvious is that it has a psychological significance, and that the parent or teacher who treats the child as though the impulse were non-existent is utterly unreasonable. It is one of the springs of the child's conduct, and he will never be understood so long as it is ignored. If he is to be rightly and sympathetically treated, the basis of his character must be sought in these inborn tendencies of his nature. And the recent attempts of psychologists to discover the chief instincts of man are therefore of interest to all who are responsible for the upbringing of young children. According to McDougall ^ man possesses seven primary ' instincts, corresponding to the seven simple and un- analysable emotions experienced by him. These are : Flight, corresponding to the emotion of fear. Repulsion, ,, ,, ,, disgust. Curiosity, Pugnacity, Self-assertion, Self-abasement, The parental instinct, wonder. anger. elation. subjection. the tender emotion. There are also other instincts, such as constructiveness and gregariousness, which are important but not primary ; and there are pseudo-instincts, such as suggestion, imitation, sympathy, and play, which are distinguishable from ^ W. McDougall, " Social^Psychology." 1908, 32 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION instincts in that they are general innate tendencies without distinctive specific emotions. McDougall's work has certainly opened the way for further advances, and more recently Drever ^ has succeeded in evolving a methodical classification of the innate tendencies of man. He regards nausea (McDougall's repulsion) as an appetite, but otherwise gives the same list as McDougall, except that he adds hunting, acquisitiveness, and courtship to the instincts, and experimentation to the pseudo-instincts. With the exception perhaps of courtship and the sexual appetite, all these innate tendencies come into play in the early years which a child normally spends in the nursery or the Nursery School. They are the prime movers of his activities. By inheritance, he starts with tendencies of appetition and aversion towards certain objects or of curiosity regarding others ; under varied conditions he tends to fight, to assert, or to abase himself ; he has natural impulses to collect all kmds of odds and ends, to construct, and to experiment ; and he has innate social tendencies to protect and imitate others and to find pleasure in being with his fellows. These are the bases of his character. It is true that he has in addition general capacities, such as the capacity to have sensations, to retain impressions, to imagine, to reason, and the like ; but these capacities are, as it were, harnessed to his appetites and instincts. He has a general capacity to perceive ; but what he perceives out of all the "booming, buzzing confusion " of the world around him will depend on his native interests. He has a general capacity to learn, but how he learns, whether by lifeless repetition or by experimentation and play, should depend on his natural impulses. At this stage his appetites and instincts should be the directing forces of his development. One of the chief mistakes that educators have made in the past is that they have concentrated on the general capacities. They have tried to teach a child to learn, and to learn those things which the adult thinks valuable ; and they have frequently neglected the powerful innate ^ J. Drever, " Instinct in Man." 1917. THE MIND OF THE CHILD 83 forces which impel the child to attend to some things to the exclusion of others, and to learn by some methods in preference to others. Consequently they have failed, not only in their immediate object, but still more in their training of the child's character. They have failed because they have worked against instead of with Nature. There are two grave dangers which the wise Nursery School teacher will seek to avoid. There is first the danger of over-stimulation, that is, of forestalling Nature ; and it is highly probable that this is the temptation to which the teacher is more likely to succumb. It must never be forgotten that above all else little children need rest and quiet ; they must not be over-excited, but they must be allowed to go at their own pace amid calm and restful surroundings. Formal work is therefore out of place in the Nursery School. There will be teaching, but it should be the kind of discursive teaching associated with home and country life rather than the formal lessons of the conventional school. There is in the second place the danger of repressing natural instincts — a danger the full significance of which many parents and teachers have even yet not realized. " What man is there of you, who, if his son ask bread, will give him a stone ? Or, if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent ? " What man is there who will refuse to satisfy his son's primitive appetite of hunger ? And yet is there no man who, if his son ask a question, will give him a reprimand or even a blow ? Is there no man who will refuse to satisfy his son's instinct of curiosity, an impulse as natural to him as the appetite of hunger ? Are there, indeed, no men who actively repress such natural instincts in their sons by treating them as vices ? The instinct of curiosity, which is one of Nature's ways of bringing the individual into harmony with his physical and social environment, is frequently treated as a defect. The child is called " Meddlesome Matty," is told the story of " Peeping Tom," and is perhaps even punished for the presence of a perfectly natural impulse. 3 34 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Or, take another example : A vigorous child of two will often demand in no uncertain tones to be allowed to ex- periment in feeding himself. " Let me try," he says ; and with persistent, though not always successful, efforts he will endeavour to use his spoon and fork. But there are mothers so over-careful of their furniture and the baby's clothes, that they will frustrate the little one's instinct of experi- mentation, even in the face of loud protests and screams. They will refuse to let him teach himself the valuable lesson of independence, and it may be that they will also cross his temper. WTiat numbers of children have had their develop- ment impeded and their tempers spoiled by their m.others' over-anxiety about furniture and clothes and respectability ! We are only just beginning to realize, largely through the work of Freud and Jung and other psycho-analysts, how great is the danger of the repression of the appetites and instincts — the dynamic forces of the mind — and how appalling are the disasters that result from it. It has been shown beyond all doubt that a powerful impulse or emotion may not cease to exist when it is denied expression. It may be driven into the unconscious, and find for itself surreptitious and indirect modes of expression. For example, Jung quotes the case of an amateur poet, who was extremely irritated on one occasion by the pealing of some church bells. He described them as most unmusical, whereas they were really noted for their singular purity of tone. On investigation, it became apparent that the real cause of the irritation was jealousy of the clerg3^man who was attached to the church in question, and who happened to be a rival poet. According to the usages of civilized society, the jealousy had been repressed. It had not been allowed to appear as such in the poet's consciousness, but it had not been really conquered. And the result was that it expressed itself by the indirect path of unjustified criticism of the church bells that happened to be closely associated with the objectionable clergyman. The powerful impulse did not cease to exist when it was denied expression. Rather it remained as a dark and unsuspected influence, capable of modifying opinions and THE MIND OF THE CHILD 35 conduct, and of interfering with rational judgment. It is not difficult to see from such an example that the un- recognized presence of powerful complexes below the threshold of consciousness tends to mental and moral inefficiency. In some cases it ends in grave mental dis- order. It is by the detailed study of such psycho-neuroses that Freud has been able to elaborate a technique for bringing the suppressed desires back into consciousness. By the analysis of the patient's dreams, and by the method of free association, he has frequently been able to reveal to the patient what the repressed complex is, and thus to put him on the high road to recovery. It is probably true that Freud has exaggerated the role of sex. He has practically assumed that it is the repression of this one impulse that accounts for the conditions of all the neurotic patients whom he has treated. But later workers, using similar methods, have shown that the repression of other powerful impulses tends to mental disorder. Adler has tried to show that the distorted working of the two great instincts of self-assertion and self-abasement are the sources of all neuroses. Dr. Boris Sidis, on the other hand, regards fear as the great cause of disorder ; and his view has received some support from recent investigations of shell-shock cases. For example, a soldier suffering from shell-shock has been known to imagine that he is paralysed and cannot walk. And by psycho-analysis it has been revealed that the symptom is due to an un- conscious desire for a disability which by removing him from the front-line would bring relief from an intolerabe strain. All his life he has been taught to despise cowards, and to suppress primitive manifestations of fear. And in the Army he is surrounded by a public opinion which ranks devotion to duty higher than self-preservation. There are then within him two opposing sets of tendencies — the one urging him to forget himself in his devotion to duty, and the other — the more primitive — tending to self-preservation. He is not strong enough to face the issue and win his way to a real solution ; and so in order 36 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION to avoid the full force of the conflict he consistently represses the manifestations of fear in accordance with public opinion and refuses to recognize its existence. But the primitive forces of self-preservation do not on that account cease to exist. They are driven to find indirect expression in the delusion that he is paralysed. The truth seems to be that the repression of any innate impulse which is suffiiciently powerful may be the source of mental and moral inefficiency. Is there then no place for discipline in the Nursery School ? Must the adult exercise no control over the child's activities ? To assume such a position is to misunderstand the contribution of Freudian psychology. In every individual there will be conflicts between primitive life impulses and the traditions of the society of which he is a member. No one has shown more clearly than Trotter ^ how great is the repres- sive influence of herd opinion, and how inevitable are conflicts to every child born into a civilized society. Con- sequently there must be discipline, but the discipline must be of such a nature as to lead the child to face and solve his conflicts. -*It must not be merely negative. A con- tinual "Thou shalt not " is certain to lead to disaster in one of two directions. If the individual is sufficiently vigorous it will lead to an explosion in which the pent-up forces break through the artificial barriers and express themselves, it ma}/ be, in illegitimate ways. On the other hand, if the organism is weakly, repression will lead to mental ill-health. An unsolved conflict is a point of weak- ness in the mind. Actual disaster may not come, or may only come in adult life when the individual suffers some unusual strain, but there will inevitably result some degree of mental and moral instability and inefficiency. Discipline is needed, but to be of use it must be sym- pathetic and positive. A child is not helped to conquer an unreasonable fear by unsympathetic treatment. Indeed mere reprimand favours repression, and tends to drive the emotional excitement below the threshold of consciousness, where it may attach itself to any object. And the last ^ Trotter, " The Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War." 1916. THE MIND OF THE CHILD 37 state may be worse than the first ; for instead of fear of one object there may result fearfulness in general. A skilful parent or teacher will prevent this by gradually leading the child to see that the fear is unreasonable. His aim"**^ will not be the suppression of the manifestations of fear but rather the solution of the conflict.^ And the discipline adapted to this end must inevitably be positive and deter- mined by the child's interests. The energy exhibited in the appetites and instincts must not be repressed but must be re-directed. For example, we are all familiar with the child who is said to be continually getting into mischief. He hides things that are needed, he breaks things, he dirties himself by playing with coal, he floods the bath- room by playing with water, and he is always doing the wrong thing. Obviously the situation is not met by any number of Don'ts. He must play, for it is one of the fundamental impulses of his nature. And he must be allowed to experiment. The one thing to do is to direct into legitimate and, if possible, useful channels the mental energy exhibited in the so-called misbehaviour. How many times have we not seen the mischievous four-year- old perfectly contented when he is allowed to co-operate in the work of the home or the garden ? Let him shell the peas, and top and tail the gooseberries for the tart, cut out the scones with the cutter, and water the garden, and he will not only be kept out of mischief, but the very energy that would have been anti-social will be deflected into socially useful channels. When he is older, let him have opportunities for group games, let him have a strip of garden to cultivate, pets to look after, and a carpenter's bench on which to work, and let him be encouraged to make things that are needed in the home, and the chances are that his energy will find its outlet in these legitimate ways. The aim of the parent and teacher should always^ be " not to destroy but to fulfil." Re-direction and not repression of the instincts is the key to the discipline of i children. ' CHAPTER II THE ACQUIRED BASES OF CHARACTER THE instincts of man are innate and powerful, but they are not fixed. They are inherited tendencies to know certain objects, to be affected by them, and to react towards them in certain ways ; and quite early they naturally become modified both on their cognitive and motor sides. By association new objects and ideas become capable of exciting them ; and new trains of action and thought take the place of the earlier reactions. For example, the instinct of curiosity is at first only aroused by objects that can be sensed, and that are closely related to the individual's organic needs ; and it manifests itself by their actual manipulation. But the same impulse is at work in the scholar who is seeking to understand an author, in the scientist who is endeavouring to wrest from Nature one of her secrets, and in the philosopher who is striving to gain a satisfactory interpretation of the universe. Images and abstract ideas now excite it, and the mere handling of material objects is no longer its chief expression. The instinct has been intellectualized. It has been pro- foundly modified on the cognitive side, and its direction has been changed in accordance with the life history of the individual in whom it functions. In order to understand little children it is therefore not only necessary to discover what are their appetites and instincts, but it is also necessary to know what modi- fications might be expected to occur through experience. An instinct involves knowing some object, being aff'ected 38 THE MIND OF THE CHILD 39 by it, and proceeding in some course in regard to it ; and development certainly takes place in each of these three distinguishable aspects of experience, namely, in cognition, feeling, and conation. These can be considered separately without misconception, provided that it be remembered that the individual is one, and that consequently develop- ment in one direction interacts with that in others. The Development of Cognition It is little more than a truism to say that at the early stages a child's interests lie altogether in the sphere of sensation. The only objects to which he attends are things that can be seen, heard, tasted, smelled, and handled. At this stage it is perceived objects that excite the instincts with which he is endowed. If he feels fear, it is caused by such things as furry animals, loud noises, and large eyes — that is, by things actually present to the senses. Even his play is at first on the perceptual level. He finds pleasure in shaking a rattle or throwing a ball, in banging a spoon on the table, or dropping nuts into a box. His play at this stage has not that element of pretence which is afterwards its most notable feature. Consequently this is the period specially adapted for sense-training. Whatever differences of opinion there may be concerning the value of the apparatus devised by Dr. Montessori for sense-training, there can be no doubt that she has succeeded, where others before her have failed, in making the educa- tional world realize the advisability of beginning at the beginning. Sense experience comes first, and if the earliest avenues to the mind are not educated the whole cognitive life will obviously suffer. It is therefore imperative that due opportunities should be given for the exercise of the senses in this early period. Dr. Montessori's contribution on this point is funda- mental, but she seems to have- ignored one psychological fact with regard to the nature of the development of later cognitive processes. She has realized that by learning to use his senses with discrimination a child becomes 40 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION capable of comparing and judging — that is, he becomes capable of other cognitive processes than mere perception. Indeed in her view the true aim of sense training ' ' is not that the child shall know colours, forms, and the different qualities of objects, but that he shall refine his senses through an exercise of attention, of comparison, and of judgment." And she has allowed for this development, this transition from the concrete to the abstract, or from sensations to concepts. But her system seems to make no adequate provision for another development that takes place. The perception of objects not only invokes com- parison and abstraction, but it essentially involves reten- tiveness. To recognize an object implies a power of retaining earlier impressions as well as a power of receiving impressions. And a child soon becomes capable of repro- ducing earlier percepts without the aid of sensations. Indeed his general capacity of retentiveness gradually becomes increasinglj' independent of present sense ex- periences. He recalls the past, he reproduces former percepts. Subsequently he begins to combine these memory images into new wholes, and imagination begins - to play its part in his life. Images will now excite the instincts. If he fears, he is as likely to be afraid of ghosts and bogies and other objects created by his imagination as he is of objects present to the senses. Similarly his power of imitation is extended to include the imitation of imagined as well as perceived objects, and he begins to be able to dramatize. For example, he may pretend to be a giraffe or a polar bear and act accordingly, notwith- standing the fact that he has never seen the animal in' question. At first this new power of imagination is indiscriminate, and it therefore obviously needs education. It is of course true that the images which a child possesses may to some extent be determined by controlling his sense experiences. For example, if he is brought up in a suitable environment, he will not be likely to have as his favourite game "playing at being drunk." In general, if he is surrounded by Ij^autiful objects, his imagination will on THE MIND OF THE CHILD 41 the whole be at work on healthier material. But it does not follow that the problem of its training will have been completely solved ; for in the early stages there are at least two directions in which its immaturity plainly manifests itself. In the first place there is a failure to discriminate between what is perceived and what is imagined. For example, a little boy of three who was staying at the sea- side related a long story in which he figured as the rescuer of a drowning lady. His mother tried in vain to force him to acknowledge that it was not true, but he continued to afhrm that it had actually happened, and he invented more and more circumstantial evidence in support of his statement. Probably owing to a misunderstanding of the cause which gave rise to the incident, the mother was considerably disturbed, and eventually punished the child for telling "such a story." The truth is that little children with active imaginations frequently fail to dis- tinguish between what has actually happened and what has only been imagined. There is no intent to deceive, but they have not learned the distinguishing marks of images as contrasted with percepts. Their affirmations that certain impossible adventures have actually happened should therefore not be treated over-seriously. The adult should enter into the story and implicitly assume that it is fun, not by saying so, but perhaps by the addition of amusing details. What is needed is not punishment, but gradual training of the imagination. The tiny child has then to learn to distinguish between what is perceived and what is imagined ; and he also has to learn to control the imaginative processes them- selves. At first his imagination is wild. It submits to no canons ; it obeys no rules ; it is not guided by a dominant purpose. It is like the spontaneous imagination that frequently seems to be at work in an adult's dreams, and is not controlled and purposive as is the creative imagination of the artist. But largely through play, and sometimes through constructive work in drawing, modelling, story-teUing, and dramatization, and through improvisation in rhythmic movement and music, it can 42 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION gradually be brought under control and into closer relation- ship with reality. It seems as though Nature has made, special provision for the training of the imagination by the presence in the mind of the innate impulse to play. This powerful pseudo-instinct is not only one of the means by which a child learns to gain control of his body and his powers of perception and movement, but it also provides the best possible early discipline for the imagination. Through his constructive plays he learns to distinguish between pretence and actuality, and he is led to see the wisdom of suppressing that which contributes nothing to the main purpose. Thus his general capacity to imagine gradually becomes more controlled and more truly creative through the directing influence of one of his most powerful innate impulses. Other powers of cognition also develop in the period of life between the ages of two and six years. In learning to perceive with discrimination a child is continually being driven to compare and judge. He is at the same time learning to speak and to enter into communication with those around him, and in this way he is frequently led to direct his attention to a common element in a group of objects. Thus concepts and explicit judgments become possible. Very soon he gains a number of fundamental abstract ideas of position, of size, of shape, of number, and of time. He knows the meaning of, and can use correctly, such words as up, down, by, little, round, square, one, two, three, yesterday, soon, and so on. The use of words obviously aids the comparison and abstraction necessary for the formation of the concepts. The mother teaching her baby to speak cannot therefore be too exact in her own use of words, nor too careful in testing whether the idea is clear in the mind of the child who uses the corres- ponding term. Exact nomenclature certainly makes for clearness of ideas and lays the foundations for good reason- ing. Language teaching is therefore important in this formative period ; but it must always be remembered that it is possible for language to outrun thought. For example, the learning by heart of creeds and passages of THE MIND OF THE CHILD 43 the Bible, in which a child shows no interest and which he does not understand, will only serve to clutter up his mind — no matter how valuable these may be in themselves. In many cases a habit of substituting words for thought has thus been formed, and eventually language has become not so much an aid to thought as a means of avoiding it. Language is indeed a good servant but a bad master. When a child can observe, compare, and judge it is but a short step to reasoning, that is, to attempts to connect judgments. And a normal child's mastery of logic is almost surprising. Even before he is five years of age he is most acute in the deductions that he draws from given premises. And usually when he is only about three or four years of age he has an extraordinary feeling after casual connexion. He continually asks "Why? " And he is not satisfied with the next link in the chain of casual connexion. He always wishes to push the enquiry one step further back. " Why is the coal-box black ? " asked a little boy of four. " Oh, the ma,n probably made it black so that the marks from the coal would not show," was the reply which he received. "Why is the coal black?" was inevitably the next question. At first no convention nor authority is strong enough to bar the way to this free spirit of enquiry. It is true, however, that this stage soon passes, but while it lasts it will present one of the greatest opportunities to the Nursery School teacher. It is an opportunity which has usually been wasted in the past. The majority of children have been surrounded by adults who were either bored or merely amused by the questions, and who did not realize their full significance. The truth is that the instinct of curiosity which prompted the child at an earlier stage to investigate actual objects is now harnessed to the service of the new power of reasoning and is securing opportunities for its exercise. The questionings must therefore not be repressed, but as far as possible they must be encouraged if the child's cognitive development is to be complete. 44 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION The Development of Conation Man's primary instincts not only develop on the cognitive side, but they are also subject to profound modifications on the motor or conative side. The primitive reactions are soon superseded, but the instincts do not on that account cease to direct the individual's activity. They come into play in some form or other whenever he expe- riences the primary emotions. For example, the emotion of anger expresses itself at first in indiscriminate hitting out in all directions ; but later the blows are definitely directed to the destruction or injury of the object which excites the instinct. At a still later stage words may be found to be more economical to the individual who is angry and more in accordance with the usages of civilized society, and they may therefore be substituted for blows. Acquired bases of character thus come in and help to direct the individual's conduct. Actions which were not innate may by repetition become automatic, that is, habits may be formed ; and these as well as the instincts play a part in the determining conduct at the later stages. Very naturally the habits which are likely to be permanent and effective are those which are grafted on innate impulses, and not those which are artificially imposed on the individual by outside authority. By repetition a child naturally acquires the habit of making certain speech sounds. This is not contrary to Nature, but is rather a fulfilment of her promise ; for every normal child has a natural impulse to speak and to imitate his fellows. He is therefore led to make repeated efforts to do this desirable thing, and his patience is almost inexhaustible. Habits of personal cleanliness, of good table manners, of correct speech, of politeness, of consideration for others, and of truthfulness can all be built on natural impulses. But to attempt to make children form a habit of sitting still, as is done even yet in some infant schools, is to go contrary to Nature. Such a habit will only be temporarily main- tained by undue external authority and at great strain both to the teacher and to the taught. THE MIND OF THE CHILD 45 With the development of the cognitive side of experience other kinds of action also become possible. When a child can form images and concepts, some of his actions will be voluntary and not automatic. They will be preceded by an image or idea of the end to be attained through the action. For example, a child may watch his mother turn a key in a lock and may imitate her, turning the key backwards and forwards without any ulterior end in view. This would be an instinctive act of imitation and would take place almost automatically. But on the other hand he may know that within a locked cupboard are some chocolates, and he may turn the key with the intention of opening the cupboard and getting them. In this case his action would be voluntary ; it would be guided through- out by the image of the chocolates. A further complication may be introduced by the presentation in consciousness of two alternative ends. The child may realize that if he gains the prize he will also offend his mother ; and in this case, before any action takes place, he will have to choose between the two ends — the chocolates, and his mother's approval. His choice will of course depend on the value which he attaches to these ends. If his love for his mother is sufficiently strong, he will decide that it is not worth while to gain the choco- lates. On the other hand if his love is weak, he will not be able to use it to control his appetite. The process of evaluation is then influenced by the power and organization of his feelings. So interwoven are the three aspects of experience, that it is impossible to understand the highest kinds of action without considering the development of the emotional life. The Development of Feeling Acting as a link between the processes of cognition and conation which are involved in the primary instincts are the primary emotions. Every child inherits tendencies to feel fear, disgust, wonder, anger, elation, subjection, and the tender emotion. And gradually the range of 46 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION emotional experience increases as these fuse to yield secondary and tertiary emotions. A little child of two is capable of feeling fear, and subjection, and wonder, separately ; but he does not appear to be capable of experiencing the compound emotion of awe which results from the fusing of these three. If he enters a cathedral, or meets the King or the Pope, his emotional response to the situation is simple compared with the subtle response of the adult. If his own father has great ability, personal magnetism, and European fame he will not feel reverence towards him. He may experience the tender emotion, and perhaps subjection on occasions, and wonder at some of his father's actions, but he will not feel the emotion that arises from compounding the tender emotion, sub- jection, and wonder. His emotional experiences are crude and undifferentiated. " Which colour do you like best ? " asked a teacher of a small boy in the kindergarten of a great public school. " I like blue best, and I like sausages best to eat," was his reply. Subtle and carefully differ- tiated emotional responses to the environment only gradually become possible, and indeed the most subtle of all delay their appearances until adolescence. Although the range of emotional response is thus limited in this early period, a most important development of the emotional life is taking place in another direction. Groups of emotions are beginning to be associated around organiz- ing ideas, that is, sentiments as distinguished from emotions are beginning to be formed. For example, a little child learns to love his mother. This means something more than that he occasionally experiences the tender emotion when she is present to his senses. It means that he has a permanent disposition to feel a whole group of emotions under various circumstances. If he knows that his mother is in danger, he feels fear ; if she is suffering, he grieves ; if she is ill-treated, he is angry with those responsible ; and if she is honoured, he rejoices. A whole group of emotions — fear, grief, anger, joy, and the tender emotion — are thus organized around the idea of his mother. Such an organization enables the individual to control momen- THE MIND OF THE CHILD 47 tary appetites and impulses. At first, when a child is not allowed by his mother to have some desired object, the emotion of anger which he experiences seeks immediate outlet in blows. But later, when the sentiment of love for his mother is less rudimentary, he is able to control the momentary impulse by means of the permanent organization. The sentiments formed during Nursery School age tend of course to be concrete. The kind of abstract sentiments which influence the conduct of some adults, such as hate of oppression, love of justice, of truth, of power, or of freedom will not appear at this stage. The develop- ment of the cognitive side of experience is insufficient. But although the little child cannot yet hate oppression in the abstract, he can, and does, hate the bully. He may not love humanity in the abstract, but he soon begins to love individuals — his mother, himself, his teacher, and his little friends ; and by means of such concrete sentiments he learns the first lesson in controlling his wayward - emotions. He ceases to be the slave of every passing impulse, and some degree of consistency is thus gradually introduced into his character and conduct. " In the growth of character," says Shand, " the sentiments tend,v with increasing success, to control the emotions and impulses ; in the decline of character the emotions and impulses tend, with increasing power, to achieve their freedom."^ The formation of simple concrete sentimerttSj^ is thus the most fundamental development of character that takes place normally during Nursery School age, and it is consequently all important that the right kind of sentiments should be formed. In a strong and mature character the whole emotional life is usually organized under the control of one dominating sentiment, which is thus the means of bringing unity and purpose into all the thoughts and actions of the individual. And the particular master sentiment which co-ordinates all the other tendencies will depend partly on the kind of senti- ments which have been emphasized in early childhood. ^ Shand, " The Foundations of Character." 1914. 48 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION It is indeed fortunately true that there is always the possibility of the appearance at later stages of a new powerful emotion or group of emotions, which will disturb the balance between the sentiments. Many a girl who has been brought up to consider herself as all important has become a self-sacrificing mother through the appearance of new emotions which were sufficiently powerful to bring down the sentiment of love of self from its place of honour. But this type of conversion does not always take place ; and it is not surprising that our competitive educational system, with its prizes and examinations, has turned out numbers of individuals in whom the master sentiment is love of success or of power. What sentiment then ought to be the master sentiment in maturity ? It is not likely that anyone will seriously suggest that it should be love of material prosperity. And yet the way is often thoughtlessly prepared in childhood for the later domination of this sentiment. Many little children are consistently trained to_control^heir ^thoughts an d conduc t by love of material rewards ; and it is there- fore not surprismgThat love of money and aU that it implies should become the master sentiment in adult life. The sentiment which usually seems to have dominated the highest known types of human character is that of self-respect, with its correlative of love of others, or, it may be, of love of God ; and even at Nursery School age prepara- tion can be made for its advent in maturity. What is needed at this stage is not so much dogmatic religious and moral instruction as encouragement and opportunity for the right kinds of feeling and action. And consequently the school must be run from the beginning on co-operative and not competitive lines. Co-operation between children of different ages is most valuable, and on this account it is extremely doubtful whether the Nursery School should be divided into graded classes as is cus- tomary in primary and secondary schools. Little children of six years of age are most willing to help with the babies, and they will display extraordinary patience and powers of sacrifice if they are given some measure of THE MIND OF THE CHILD 49 responsibility. Our public schools have realized the value of co-operation between boys and girls of different ages, and many of their boarding-houses are run on this principle. But, for the sake of ease in the organization of the formal work, we are usually tempted to divide children into sections and stages in such a way that a large measure of social co-operation becomes difficult. In the Nursery School however there is no need for formal work, and consequently there is no justification for forming artificial groups. The natural organization is that of the home, where children of different ages co-operate, and where consequently a more adequate training in character and the responsibilities of community life can be given. CHAPTER III THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS THE main developments that take place in cognition, conation, and feeling during Nursery School age have now been outlined, and there remains to be considered the development that occurs in self-conscious- ness within the same period. The emotions, cognitions, and conations are the experiences of one individual, but this individual only gradually attains to consciousness of self. Of course even before Nursery School age there arises consciousness of the bodily self. By exploration and through pains and pleasures the baby soon begins to distinguish between his own body, in which are localized organic sensations, and other bodies ; but there is at first no real sense of personality. Reflective self-consciousness is essentially a social product, and arises through the directing influence of the social instincts, namely, self- assertion and self-abasement, gregariousness, sympathy, suggestion, imitation, and play. From the first the child is one among others, and his sense of his own personality develops through interaction with those around him. For example, the use of imitation is one of the outstanding features of his life during Nursery School age ; and through it he not only acquires the language and the customs of his people, but he also gains a realization of himself as an agent, that is, as able to do things when he wishes. It is his effort to imitate those around him that first draws his attention to his own inner experi- ences ; and his adoption of a language sanctioned by custom 50 THE MIND OF THE CHILD 51 helps him to analyse those experiences. He not only knows objects — milk, his ball, cows, horses, Mother and Daddy — but after a period of persistent imitation he learns to attend to his own subjective experiences, and he knows that he likes milk, that he wants to throw the ball, that he is going to see the cows, that he is playing horses, or that he is being nursed by Mother. This knowledge of self is in turn used to interpret those around him. He begins to reahze that they also have pains and desires, likes and dislikes, and that they try to do things ; and thus, through an increasing understanding of himself, he acquires an increasing insight into their behaviour. The knowledge of self and the understanding of others thus grow together, each reacting on the other. When his conception of himself is crude, his interpretations of others are also indiscriminate. For example, he passes through a period in which he does not distinguish clearly between men, animals, and inanimate objects. They are all persons with pains and desires and responsibilities, like those which he dimly recognizes within himself. When his milk is too hot he describes it as " naughty," just as he would a person who does not please him. It is only gradually that he learns to distinguish between persons, animals, and inanimate objects, and the comparison necessi- tated for this distinction clarifies his idea of himself.^ Indeed, the developed conception of self is essentially an- idea of a self in relation to other selves and to society in general. This is the reason why true self-respect is not in opposition to, but is the correlative of, the sentiment of love for others. During Nursery School age a child's knowledge of himself certainly increases, but it must never be forgotten that at the best it is very slight. So many impulses come from the unconscious that it is easy for him to be deceived in regard to the motives which prompted him to the per- formance of a certain action. If he is pressed to say why he did such and such a thing, he may make up a reason, ^ This development is dealt with in detail in my book, " Anthro- pomorphism and Science," pp. 112-41. 52 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION not with any intent to deceive, but because the whole incident is unintelligible to him. The truth is that human thought and conduct is much more impulsive and illogical than has usually been supposed, and self-consciousness often represents most inadequately the workings of this impulsive force. Self-deception is therefore easy even to the trained adult. Psycho-analytic methods and especially dream analyses have frequently revealed the fact that it is possible for primitive impulses to deter- mine the conduct of an individual when he is totally unaware of their existence.^ The suggestion has therefore been made, notably by Mr. Homer Lane and Mr. Kenneth Richmond, that teachers should use psycho-analytic methods in school, so that children should really learn to know themselves. This seems to be a dangerous proposi- tion, for an analysis by Freudian methods is as serious to the mind of an individual as is an operation to the body. It should therefore only be undertaken when it is necessary, and then by analysts who have received specialized training in medicine and psychology. What the Nursery School teacher can do is to prevent unnatural repression of primitive impulses. She can avoid the over-repressive discipline which drives them below the threshold of consciousness, where they tend to organize themselves into a sort of secondary anti-social personality. She can know the children under her care individually, and be so sympathetic towards them that they are not afraid to ask her questions on any subject about which they happen to be curious, notwithstanding the fact that the subject raised is tabooed by convention. The one thing she must not do is to encourage premature morality. At first she must rather prevent the full pressure of convention from falling too heavily and too suddenly on the sensitive, developing personality. The morahty of a civilized community must not be imposed on the child by the wholesale suppression of his natural instincts. Rather he must gradually grow into it by facing and solving innumerable conflicts. If this course is followed, 1 Vide case quoted Chap. I, p. 34. I THE MIND OF THE CHILD 53 there will be less danger in adult life of a secondary im- moral personality lurking in the subterranean passages of the unconscious, and consequently there will be greater vigour, purposiveness, and consistency of conduct. In this way, and in this way alone, will there be complete harmony between consciousness and the vast resources of the unconscious. PART III EDUCATION OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL CHILD By Margaret E. Eggar Lecturer in Education, Manchester University AND Grace Owen, B.Sc. Principal of the Mather Training College, Manchester CHAPTER I THE ENVIRONMENT IN these momentous days of reconstruction, when thinking men and women are working towards the ideal of a better social order, founded on fellowship and brotherhood, the nation turns to its children, realizing that the beginning of brotherly love must be in the homes and in the Nursery Schools. The Nursery School has an important function to fulfil, and should become one of the great humanizing forces in the country. Traditionalism has laid its iron hand both on elementary and on secondary education. In the establishment of Nursery Schools the nation has a unique opportunity to break through harmful tradition and to make a fresh start, by bringing the education of its children into harmony with a living and developing philosophy of life. The elementary school has laid too much stress on the value of information, the great public schools on preserving a tradition, the newer secondary schools on preparing for examinations. Perhaps the Nursery School is to play an important part in educating the public to regard the school as a place where the children live a life that is full -of • meaning and value to them, here and now^ 55 56 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Religious Influences How to approach the greatest of all life's experiences with little children is a problem that exercises the mind and heart of every thoughtful parent, as much harm can be done by the well-meaning adult who cannot distinguish between outward form and inward spirit. For its highest and best expression, human life requires an atmosphere of love and trust ; our Nursery Schools must therefore radiate love and trust. " Where Love is, God is," says Tolstoi, To the happily nurtured little child God is no dread Person. He is accepted quite naturally and simply as an unseen Helper. A small boy of four years loved to work in his garden. When asked one day if he had been alone, he answered, " Oh, no ! God was working with me." The Nursery School will need the short morning service of praise and thanksgiving — if only that the little com- munity may realize, however dimly, that each and all are members one of the other. Little direct teaching will be wise or necessary ; but the devotional attitude, the reverent silences, the simple prayers and hymns that are in close relation to childish experience, will afford opportunity for the children to give expression to their religious sense. For the rest, the whole life of the Nursery School will contribute that atmosphere of joy and happiness that is a sure and abiding sign that the spirit of Love is brooding over the children, of whom it is said, " Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Nursery School Routine And how will the five or six hours of the day be spent in the Nursery School ? What childish interests will find satisfaction here ? Will a scheme of those interests be a help or the reverse ? Will a time-table be necessary ? These are some of the questions for which satisfactory answers must be found. Every one recognizes the value and importance of routine EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 57 in nursery life. It tends to create that condition of serenity, order, and peace that is of such inestimable worth in the early years of life. In every child's day there should be certain fixed points, and in the Nursery School these are the times for meals and for sleep ; the rest of the day should be free from the tyranny of the clock. Probably the Nursery School will open a little before nine o'clock to allow older brothers or sisters to leave the little ones on their way to school. After the removal of outdoor clothes, and attention to personal hygiene, there are pets to tend, flowers to arrange, and certain domestic duties to perform. Sweeping and dusting should hardly be necessary at this time in the morning in a well-kept Nursery School. The morning gathering will follow. The children will bring their little chairs to form a circle, and before the simple service of praise and thanksgiving begins, an opportunity will be given for the children to suggest any special subjects for prayer or praise. The service ended, the attendance is recorded, an exercise . much looked forward to by little children, perhaps because the calling over the names every m.orning helps each child to feel his membership, for every one is remembered, even the absent ones. The children's birthdays may be cele- brated by the singing of a special song in honour of the birthday king or queen. A Morning Talk will follow. This can be one of the happiest periods of the day ; if it is so, it is a sure proof that the right spirit of friendliness reigns. There will be the courteous greeting songs, when the children will wish each other good morning and extend a welcome to any newcomer. And there will be the fun of either hearing or telling what has happened since the day before. In an atmosphere of sympathy and understanding there will be much to share. This is the time for introducing any fresh topic of living interest. Formal conversation lessons or picture talks will have no place. A picture — carefully selected — may often be shown for the purpose of crystallizing happy impressions or counteracting harmful ones, but it should not be subjected to formal analysis 58 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION through questions and answers. Little children rarely want to discuss a picture until they have lived with it for a time. Froebel's " Mother-Play Book," in spite of its quaintness, is full of suggestions for the wise use of pictures with little children. The morning circle will be followed by a period of free play with toys, or possibly the Montessori apparatus, indoors or in the garden, until the mid-morning break for milk and biscuits. The preparation for this, the social meal, and the clearing away and washing up afterwards, are all valuable features in the daily routine. In some Nursery Schools the children stay for dinner, and it would be well if facilities for this were provided in every case. The opportunity it gives for social service and social intercourse is too valuable to be lost, though naturally the meal would only be for those whose parents wished them to stay. The excite- ment and bustle of preparing to go to school twice in a day may easily be too great a strain for little children, and the longer period under one control prove a wiser course to follow. These practical activities will take up a good deal of time, but every child will not be engaged in this work every day ; it must be remembered, however, that young children need constant practice while habits are being formed. The last period of the morning will be devoted to games and some quiet activity, as for example a story, painting, drawing, modelling, or play with toys. In the afternoon, after sleep, there will be another short period for free play before the day ends with its good-bye song. This general sketch of a day's work and play leads to the consideration of the advisability of emphasizing some sequence of interests. Any rigid scheme or plan for the day or week is foreign to the whole spirit of childhood. The irresponsible gaiety of the happy child must on no account be repressed by any hard-and-fast system ; elasticity, adaptability, and a readiness to enter whole- heartedly into the fun of the passing moment should characterize the grown-up playfellows of little children, EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 59 And yet some childish interests are so general that to ignore them would be to let the children miss much gladness in their daily life. The main interests of a little child — as of all mankind — are the world of Nature and the world of men around him. No child comes into contact with more than a tiny bit of each. The task of the Nursery School superintendent is to begin with what is familiar to her par- ticular children, and to make this the starting-point for wider interests. No lover of her children would want to follow slavishly another's scheme. Each Nursery School has its special problems and special interests. These will form, as it were, a background to the varied and many activities of the week or month. The children in imaginative play or constructive work will thus enter into the life of the world outside school, and gradually, through action made richer in meaning by the help of illustrative visits, talks, pictures, and stories, experience something of the unity of life. Nature There will be no set lessons, but the children will live as far as possible with nature. School pets, as is well recog- nized, either as residents or visitors, give children much valuable experience. In one play-garden there lived rabbits, guinea-pigs, a dormouse, snails, silk-worms and other caterpillars, and all were tended by the children. Keeping of pets means much careful supervision by grown-up helpers lest the pets should suffer from neglect. A bird-bath out of doors helps the children to make many friends. Where there is a garden, the seasonal changes gather meaning as their effects are watched on the familiar trees and plants ; and sunshine and cloud, wind and rain, frost and snow, are all connected with the children's work. Gathering flowers early attracts a little child. The baby of two will gather daisies with much intentness, and bring them as an offering to a grown-up friend. A little boy whose own home garden was so beautifully kept that no daisies were to be found on the lawn, looked over ■r 60 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION into the next-door garden, where daisies were allowed to grow, and said with intense feeling, " It would be my bestest treat to come into your garden." The temptation to gather promiscuously will gradually be controlled. Arranging flowers in water will be a helpful check until the children learn to enjoy without plucking. When the child is old enough to leave the Nursery School he should have made friends with many living creatures, large and small ; he should have learned to notice and to question what he does not understand, and to have some dim presentiment of the wonder, beauty, and mystery of living things, and of the part he can play in caring for them. Stories Dr. Montessori has been severely criticized for her strictures on stories. This country, so rich in child litera- ture — ^Nursery Rhymes and Jingles, Nursery Tales and Folk Tales — beloved by so many generations of children, finds it difficult to appreciate her point of view. Most would agree that there are few children between four and six years of age who do not love a story, though they do not, by any means, always care for those told to them, and if perfectly free to wander away would often leave the story-teller with few listeners, A story, to a little child, is an intimate experience — he wants to be quite close to the one telling the story, that he may lose none of those vivid touches given by gesture, intonation, or facial expression that help to make the whole story live. He needs to be near that he may feel with all its intensity that quick sympathy which passes from the true story- teller to her audience, for he understands not from words alone. Much can be learnt by taking note of the stories children tell their dolls or their younger brothers or sisters. A story for little children must be brief — a mere outline ; it must be full of action, and the actions must follow one another in swift succession. Description must be of the briefest, and the sentences short and brisk. Every child should have a sure foundation of Nursery Rhyme and EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 61 Jingle. These should be known by heart through constant repetition. Babies of two years find immense satisfaction in pacing round the garden or nursery declaiming " Baa- baa, black sheep," or " Little Boy Blue." Some of Walter de la Mare's poems in " Peacock Pie "^ have been a source of joy to a little boy of three years. He has laughed with delicious merriment over " Three Jolly Horsemen." Only the best is good enough for children ; the wordy stories of many children's books fetter the imagination and weary the spirit. Some children are born story-tellers — if so, they can give great pleasure to others. One small boy of four years could tell the story of the " Three Bears " with so much fun and movement, bringing out all the points with unfailing skill, that a large class of thirty children was held in gleeful attention until the last word. More could be done in allowing the children choice of story-teller and story. Nursery School children do not want a great variety of stories ; they like to hear the favourites over and over again. And this is well, for gradually the phrases and words become part of their vocabulary and the children gain a greater command of their mother tongue. Many of the so-called Nature stories are most unsuitable ; their purpose is to give information under the guise of a story — a thing always resented by a child. But Beatrix Potter, 2 in her inimitable series, has brought countless happy hours to many children and enlarged their sympathy with the animal world. Maud Lindsay, in her " Mother Stories " and " More Mother Stories,"^ is close to a child's interests. "Alice in Wonderland" may not be beyond the intelligent child of five years, but to introduce it too soon is to rob a later stage of its rightful joys. " A Child's Bookshelf," compiled by Lilian Stevenson,^ gives much valuable help on good sources for children's stories. Bible stories are loved by little children if sufficient care is taken in the selection. The vividness of the imagery, the poetic beauty of the language, their concreteness, ^ Constable & Co. ^ Fred. Warne & Co. ^ Harrap & Co. * Student Christian Movement, Chancery Lane, London. 62 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION and dramatic simplicity combine to win for the Bible story a very special place in the affection of little children. But the way in which they are first presented is of supreme importance. Many books published for workers in reformed Sunday schools give helpful guidance in selection and treat- ment, and others, such as Mrs. Houghton's " Telling Bible Stories," ^ suggest ways of using what she calls " The Morning Stories." It is well from the very beginning to introduce the actual words of the Bible. Little children seldom ask for explanations or interpretations, and until they do it would seem true wisdom to read or tell without comment. Sometimes they will spontaneously dramatize their Bible stories. On these occasions it would seem best to stand aside, lest one should mar through mistaken interference what would otherwise have been a reverent representation. The whole question of dramatization of stories is one of some importance. Joyous, immediate representation is often full of childish delight, as, for example, when a little child of three or four years represents ' ' Little Miss Muffet," or " Jack Horner," but the effort to remember longer stories is sometimes too great. When much prompt- ing and suggestion is needed, it is probably a proof that the story is not a suitable one for such young children to dramatize. Difficult Days Stories, friendly talks, nature work, games and play, together with the practical activities of daily life, are all so many ways by which the children may enter into their kingdom. Has the story of " Pandora," then, no meaning for Nursery School workers ? Are there no troubles and difficulties of character and temper encountered in the Nursery School ? Every one knows that there are refrac- tory days in the life of all children when the things they ought to do will not be those they want to do. Little ^ Macmillan. c EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 63 children are very sensitive to weather and to human atmosphere — to physical well-being or the reverse. All have not the advantage of a good heredity, a happy home, or a healthy body, and already, by the third year, undesirable impulses may have asserted themselves, aggravated perhaps by ignorant indulgence or thoughtless neglect. The patience and absolute justice of those in charge, the free and happy environment, the approval or disapproval of comrades of their own age, and the oppor- tunities for suitable activities, will soon enable the healthy child to fit in to the daily routine. It is well to recognize that some of the so-called naughty deeds of children are the outcome of a spirit of pure fun, and must be treated in that spirit. By careful study of her children, the superin- tendent will learn to understand the motive underlying the action, and this will help her to distinguish clearly between the child who is deliberately anti-social and the one who is troublesome for physical or other reasons he cannot help. The principle of consulting the school doctor in cases of constant naughtiness is a sound one. The Nursery School worker needs unbounded trust in the power of indirect influence in the formation of character, and the child needs continual opportunity to practice the art of being neighbourly. Thus the anti-social impulses will gradually be transformed under the influence of count- less positive acts of kindness and goodwill. CHAPTER II THE CHILD'S RESPONSE— (a) Exercise and Imitation. THE education of Nursery School children has so far been considered mainly with regard to the mental environment for which it calls. Let us now turn to the opposite aspect of education — the child's response ; that is, the working of his own active impulses in relation to his environment. It will be useful to recall at this point that a child's spontaneous activities may be roughly grouped in the following way : Those which consist merely in exercising his physical and mental powers, and involve a constant repetition of what is found to be pleasurable. In such activities speech and organized movement take their rise. Second, the simple imitative activities. Direct imitations of sounds and movements have a double effect on the child. He makes discoveries as to his own capacities, and he realizes more vividly the objects of imitation. Through imitative activities he assimilates his environment and masters his powers in relation to it. As a result, he achieves a higher level of activity. Thus, thirdly, accumulated experience, increasing skill, and developing imagination make possible true creative expression. The child may now produce something not directly and entirely derived from his environment, but something new to himself, something that expresses his individuality. The function of the Nursery School is to give ample 64 EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN C5 opportunity for the child to. develop his spontaneous activities on natural lines, to guard against the formation of undesirable habits, and to reverence and foster every true manifestation of individuality. At the present time, many of those who are concerned in the education of little children would seem to be confused between their sense of the importance of helping the child to form the best kind of physical and mental habits from the beginning, and their desire of giving him unhampered freedom of individual development during his earliest years. In their educational practice, teachers and parents may be seen to waver between the desire to use a scientific method, such as that illustrated by the Montessori apparatus, and a comdctjon that nature unassisted can afford the child all the training that he needs in the use of his senses, his speech-organs, and all his physical and mental powers. It is felt that if the latter view be right, ail formal exercises in early childhood are entirely unsuit- able, even if enjoyable — the child should not be invited to exercise himself for specific purposes, as Dr. Montessori advocates. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that bad habits are frequently formed during these years, long before the intelligence of the child can be brought to bear upon them, and that these are of a tenacious character, involving strenuous effort to overcome at some later period. It is important that all who are preparing to take part in the education of the child of Nursery School age should arrive at som^ clear solution of this problem. We know that the age from two to six years is one of rapid growth and co-ordination of the muscles, effecting amongst other things the control of the hand, the adjustment of the eye, the poise of the body, and the use of the organs of speech and hearing. It is also the time when the child is learning to bring all his senses to bear upon increasingly wider fields of experience, with increasing power of dis- crimination. His obvious need is for constant opportunity to exercise himself freely, so that complete co-ordination of various 5 66 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION kinds shall take place, and the impulse to discriminate be strengthened till it becomes a habit. On the other hand it is of importance that the physiological habits thus formed shall make for economy of energy and efficiency in all directions. While he is "making himself," as it were, by exercise and imitation, he calls for an environment favourable to the perfecting of the needed adjustments. We return then to the question : Should this environment be a special one ? It is submitted that this is still a matter for experiment, and that experiments are desirable. Given a faithful adherence to the principle of self-educa- tion — and remembering that the business of the educator is to offer opportunities, not to force the child to accept them — there can be no harm and there may be much good to be derived from the provision of apparatus and suitable exercises designed for specific educational purposes. The Montessori Apparatus There is much in the Montessori method that bears directly on the matter here discussed. The apparatus offers to the child many-sided oppor- tunity. Each piece of apparatus — provided it attracts him — induces repeated acts of discrimination and involves co-ordination of various kinds. The actual effectiveness of this training in any particular case depends on the intrinsic attractiveness of each piece of apparatus, and the strength of the child's impulse to imitate and repeat. Again, as an all-round training, it depends on how far the whole of the apparatus possesses a universal appeal for all children. Evidence on these points is so far conflicting ; but many consider it established that apparatus, the active use of which involves various exercises in sense discrimination, may have enormous attraction for the very young child, because it satisfies strong native impulses. He will readily and spontaneously imitate exactly the method of use shown him and repeat the action, with the result that his power of concentration is increased, and muscular control improved. EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 67 In the Nursery School we have an excellent opportunity of testing the value of apparatus for very young children devised on the principles underlying that of Dr. Montessori. We probably have a better opportunity than in the infant school or kindergarten, because we have the children from the age of two. The Montessori apparatus is emi- nently suited for the period of child-life when the motive of activity is pleasure in the activity itself without reference to an end, although its use develops a sense of purpose. The result of such pleasurable activity is chiefly the acquirement of sense experience and the formation of desirable physiological habits, and belongs to the period when the child is not yet ready to create or to express ideas in more than a rudimentary manner. This stage coincides with the first years of the Nursery School. Some of the apparatus is very distinctly just one step beyond pure baby play — for example, the sound boxes are the baby's rattle elevated to convey not merely attractive noise, but contrasting noises. The piling up of cubes in the steadiest possible position is only a step beyond the joy of piling bricks indiscriminately and immediately knocking them down. Accordingly, at different times, we may show even our youngest children in the Nursery School the Montessori cylinders, the cubes, the buttoning frames, the sound boxes, the rough and smooth boards, even the wooden insets in their frames. We may introduce them, as Dr. Montessori advises, by demonstrating carefully how each piece of apparatus is used, and then we can watch to see whether the child is prompted to imitate and repeat the activity. If he does, it will be worth while to record his mastery of each exercise and his growth in control, speed, and efficiency. If not, we can afford to wait, and indeed must not interfere ; for if a genuine spontaneous response does not take place, the use of the apparatus becomes a formal training of the worst type. Further valuable training in sense discrimination will be received a little later, when the children can delight in matching one thing with another and arranging things in order. 68 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Here the prepared apparatus is helpful because its striking characteristics and simple proportions are a stimulus to the child to begin setting it in order — in the most obviously attractive and easy ways. Wlien he has been shown how to do it, he likes to arrange the oblong bricks so as to make a flight of stairs, to place the rods in order of length, to match a coloured tablet with a coloured tablet, and later to arrange the shades of colour in order from dark to light and so on. This kind of activity suits him, because he has not yet had experiences of life that he can reconstruct in imagination and that he wants to express again. Soon, however, we shall find that instead of arranging the bricks to make a stair, he arranges them to make, perhaps, a steam engine ; the rods he discovers make admirable railway lines, the cubes a fine station. What does this mean ? Surely that the child is now imaging experiences and learning to express ideas through what he does. He has now either exhausted the value of this piece of apparatus, or has passed the stage when it can benefit him. Nevertheless, the habit of attending and discriminating carefully in many directions, his growth in precision and in the handling of objects according to his will, have made his body and mind so much the better an instrument for creative expression. Speech Habits Closely connected with this training in muscular control and sense discrimination is the question of the formation of good speech habits. The Nursery School has an opportunity here which is worth a great deal of study. The period between two and six years of age is the time when help can most effectively be given to the little child towards developing habits of pure intonation and clear enunciation. What can be done to help him ? First, the fundamental conditions of free and healthy habits of speech must be kept in view. These are : (i) Frequent opportunity for physical activity in the open air. This will ensure natural EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 69 healthy breathing. (3) Clear nasal passages. Given these elementary conditions, the problem is one of providing the child with the right sound experiences on the one hand, and giving him opportunity to imitate freely and exactly on the other. Before he can talk the child shows his sensitiveness to sounds, and his readiness to listen. The grown-up person, with his mind full of images and thoughts, is constantly brought up short by his child companion, who calls his atten- tion to all sorts of sounds that he would never have heard otherwise. We cannot but suppose, therefore, that the child is influenced by the character of the sounds he con- stantly hears. Growing up amidst the noisy traffic of modern life, he is incalculably handicapped in this respect. Yet, on the other hand, it must be remembered that every little bit of beauty introduced to him is the more striking by its contrast with his normal experience. Therefore it is worth while to give him beautiful sound experiences, such as the song of a robin, the wind in the trees, or a beautiful human voice. Again, the child's speech is undoubtedly greatly affected by the way in which his eager efforts to learn are met by grown-up people. As a baby, before he can come to the Nursery School, he has been gradually adding to his vocabulary by definite effort. He likes to name more and more things, and his mother likes to repeat the names for him. Her clear enunciation and pure intonation are of importance to him then ; he imitates her, and hers is the strongest influence on his speech habits. But during the Nursery School period the little child is still learning to speak, learning names, and learning the use of language. We can help him : (i) By clear naming and repeated naming, encouraging his spontaneous imitations. {2) By always speaking slowly, distinctly, and with pure intonation, whether in conversation or story. {3) By definite correction of defects. The majority of children in our Nursery Schools need positive training to counteract an unfavourable speech 70 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION environment at home. They may even need correction of defects in speech, young as they are. Miss Margaret McMillan, in her chapter on "Economics and Waste" in "The Camp School, "^ tells how this situation can be met by individual help and definite repeated practice in careful speaking. In ways of this kind we may help the child at a time when he is making the first tenacious habits of speech, and do something at least to forestall and remedy defect. Rhythm Education in rhythm is coming to be recognized as of fundamental importance in human development. The work of Mr. Jacques Dalcroze has awakened teachers to this, and has led them to ask what is the relation of his gospel to the ordinary child going through his ordinary school life. In the Nursery School there is fortunately no possibility of applying any system of training wholesale. But we have to consider all the more carefully what is the meaning of the whole idea, and what is its particular significance for the early years of life. For the physical well-being of the young child we are well assured of the need of rhythmical order in his life. Alternating periods of sleep and activity, food and fasting, the matters of personal hygiene, the daily bath and other healthful habits, depend for their effectiveness largely on the regularity of their performance. The child's physical nature calls for this, and the Nursery SchooFs function is to co-operate with the home in carrying it out. It is indeed generally recognized that the much valued atmos- phere of peace and cheerfulness found in every good Nursery School and home depends largely on the rhythm of the daily round. It is seen, also, that very early in life the child responds to rhythmical sound and movement by unmistakable signs of pleasure and spontaneous imitation. The baby ^ " The Camp School," pubUshed by George Allen & Unwin. EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 71 listens with rapt attention to the ticking of a watch ; he laughs and crows when tossed up and down ; and he is soothed by swinging and rocking and cradle songs ; later, he will move his body, feet, arms, legs in harmony with a musical rhythm. Surely it is for modern education to prove whether a more widespread thirst for beauty, and a finer sensitiveness than has hitherto been thought possible, would not follow from a more careful fostering of the beginnings of appreciation seen in every little child. The perfected habit of listening lies at the base of true expression. We know that every young child of Nursery School age is on the one hand irresistibly attracted by sound, but on the other he lacks the power of sustained attention. The growth of the habit of listening involves the gradual increase of both power and will to attend continuously to sounds heard. It means a self-control of both body and mind that is of far-reaching importance. Dr. Montessori touches these facts in her Silence game, through which she has established an early step in training a child to listen. She has gained evidence of the normal child's delight in exercising his power to inhibit irrelevant noises made by himself in order to hear another's voice with perfect clearness. Her children also bear witness to the repose of feeling which such exercises may eventually engender, provided that silence is produced, not by the tense, conscious inhibition of movements by each child, but through the complete relaxation of hands, feet, and body. It is important to notice that, though the power to be silent and motionless at times is an essential condition in the perfect listener, the little child does not develop his powers of listening through continued immobility. On the contrary, one may expect to find that the child who takes delight in the Montessori Silence game will be one of the first to begin to move body, hands, or feet in harmony with sounds or musical tunes of well-marked rhythm, and to imitate the sounds himself. Thus he spontaneously makes the rhythm his own, learns it, as it were, through his own body. Gradually he may 72 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION acquire a rich experience of tone and rhythm through his growing abihty to listen, receive, and assimilate through bodily movement and imitation. During the Nursery School period this aspect of growth should be remembered. The children's helpers are responsible for two things : 1. To provide favourable conditions for the possible development of sensitiveness to rhythm, e.g. by short periods of quietness, by silence games, by quiet oppor- tunities for listening to simple, good music, both sung and played on an instrument, by giving frequently phrases for imitation, by encouraging rhythmical actions to music — e.g. the imitating of a swinging hammer, or scythe, or the sawing of wood — by helping the children to sing, and by letting them play on simple instruments, such as drums, cymbals, etc. In this connexion also the repetition of nursery rhymes and jingles is invaluable, for the appeal lies more in the sound than the sense. 2. To guard against nerve strain. While the children are healthier and more reposeful for such congenial, simple exercises, it must be recognized that strain and fatigue are very easily induced by too prolonged concentration, and in this case the whole purpose is completely defeated. As in all Nursery School activities, definite aims must be pursued incidentally, and the particular conditions of each child met each day. In many cases it may be found that four minutes materially help the child, while ten minutes may positively harm by inducing over-fatigue. The superintendent only can judge, and must always act as the occasion demands with perfect freedom. Poise of Body and Games of Skill The free physical activity of the little child should bring about not only growth and muscular development, but also a steady increase in the child's power to use and con- trol his bod3^ The time is yet distant when he will become conscious of the need of self-control, and aim at acquiring it ; but when that time comes he should find himself ready, as it were, to be taken possession of by himself,. and EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 73 not with a tliousand unfavourable habits to break off and replace. We owe it to him to give him the opportunity of repeated experiences which will in themselves con- stitute a training, not against his nature, but in harmony with it. Thus, for example, in the matter of poise of body and of the precise handling of things, the child forms habits long before the time when he should receive formal training or correction. In some nurseries it is evident from many signs that the children's energy is growing rapidly, but is running to waste because there is nothing in the circum- stances to induce a real control. Here again the Nursery School has much to learn from Dr. Montessori in her sugges- tions for practical exercises. Then, too, the presence in the play-room or garden of apparatus, such as a narrow plank, a safe ladder, and a rope over which to jump, the use of which involves agility, balance, and physical skill, gives the children valuable opportunities which they seldom miss. Each child may respond differently from his companions to this environment. Uniform development should not be desired, yet no child should lack the normal stimulus and opportunity for self-development. The ball games of the kindergarten, accompanied by simple songs, constitute joyous activities that bring the beginnings of bodily control. Valuable also are simple imitative games which entail repeated rhythmic move- ments — such as the well-known " Did you ever see a lassie ... go this way and that ? " These games are suitable for the youngest children because they require little imagination, and while demanding a certain amount of attention, they offer opportunities of choice of movement to the leader for the time being. Finger Plays It was Friedrich Froebel who invited parents and kinder- garten teachers to reflect on the significance of the little traditional finger plays that have been used and handed 74 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION on from generation to generation by mothers of all nations. Such a one is : " Patter cake, patter cake, baker's man. Make me a cake as fast as you can. Prick it and stick it and mark it with T, And put it in the oven for bab^ and me. Patter cake, patter cake, baker's man, Make me a cake as fast as you can." The little child of three loves to make his hands carry out all the ideas suggested by the rhyme in imitation of the grown-up person who sings it with him. In harmony with this tradition, the kindergarten teacher has adopted a custom of singing with the youngest children numerous finger plays, some old, some modern. The collection by Emilie Poulsson ^ is known all over England and America. If a little child is attracted and delighted when some one sings to him these little plays and shows how his fingers may represent them, then spontaneous imitation follows, and he carefully suits action to word, at the right moment making his fingers obey the suggestion of each line. Thus, when the children hear the delightful story of " Piggy- wig and Piggy-wee," who CUmbed the barn-yard gate to see Dinner waiting not far off, and subsequently went through a tragic experience owing to their greed and hurry, they will take earnest pains to make the unaccustomed little fingers show the big pig, the little pig, the barnyard gate, and represent the exciting history as recounted in verse after verse. It is needless to urge that, without the initial interest of the children, finger plays are completely valueless : as mechanical conformity to the urgent invitation of a teacher they are nothing but sacrilege, an insult to child- hood and the traditional play of mothers with their children. As true baby-plays they have their place both at home and in the Nursery School. ^ Curwen & Co. CHAPTER III THE CHILD'S RESPONSE— (b) CREATIVE EXPRESSION Dramatic Play THE little child of two, three, or four years enters the Nursery School a stranger, unknown to the community of which he is now a member. So far, home and its interests have been the centre of his life, and from the famil}^ life many and varied experiences have been gained, both valuable and the reverse. How to help him so that in the new life the good things of the old are not forgotten, but enriched and made the starting-point of further life, is one of the first problems of the Nursery School. The little newcomer is welcomed, tut all direct suggestion and conscious influence is withheld until the strangeness of the surroundings has given place to a feeling of freedom, and the child reveals himself in play. For through his play much may be learnt of the influence that the home has already brought to bear on his life, of the experiences which have left the most vivid impressions,and of the things which have interested him. It is important that ample opportu- nity should be allowed for the child to re-live his actual experiences. In his play, whether alone or with the co-operation of others, he will express the fullness, or it may be the barrenness, of these early years. Every experience, however, is not of equal value, and when the children come from a neighbourhood in which unde- sirable influences are at work, it is not well to deepen these impressions b}^ allowing the children to dwell thereon in 75 76 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION representative play. And it is here that those in charge can come forward to help the children to emphasize in their games the more ideal experiences which should be the heritage of a happy childhood. There are some who question the wisdom of interfering in a child's free play, considering that organized games are out of place in a Nursery School ; but in this connexion it is well to bear in mind that a group of little children playing together soon feel the need of a just and understanding leader to organize their play, so as to give to each his opportunity, and to suggest fresh fields of thought and action. Y"'"The first organized plays of the Nursery School will naturally spring from the home, the occupations of father, mother, brothers, and sisters. Such homely activities as washing and ironing, sweeping and dusting, the making of bread, the shopping expeditions, the visits to friends, the receiving of visitors, will all be represented in imitative play. Side by side with these human plays there will be the nature plays to encourage and satisfy the child's natural sympathy with and interest in animal and plant life ; weather games also, for snow and rain, frost and sunshine, are experiences too universal and arresting not to be made one's own. In all these the guiding principle must be that the game follows the experience. For Nursery School children the game is a means of expression, and the more creative self-expression is revealed the greater is the educational value of the play. In the light of this principle let us consider two simple representative games, one of human interest and the other a nature game. The following is merely a suggestion of how they might be introduced. Bobby comes to school one morning, beaming with pride and happiness, bursting to tell some important news. Soon all are admiring his new shoes and listening with much sympathy and interest to how, when, and where they were bought. Other children tell of their experiences in the shoe line, and all look at their own shoes, and are led to think of the people who have helped to make them, of the materials and tools used. Has anyone been to a shoemaker's shop ? Mollie's EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 77 father mends shoes. Easily and naturally the suggestion comes, " Shall we play at being shoemakers ? " Then what shall we want ? Leather, nails, and hammer. And how does the shoemaker sit when working ? And can we have a shop and sell the shoes we make ? And may I come to buy a pair of shoes for baby and for Ruth, who is coming to the Nursery School to-morrow ? And so, bit by bit, the game develops, the children adding to it from their different experiences. At this point a song might be sung to the children about a busy shoemaker, such as : " Wand'ring up and down one day, I peeped in the window over the way ; Putting his needle through and through, There sat a cobbler making a shoe. " Rap-a-tap-tap, tick-a-tack too. This is the way to make a shoe ; Rap-a-tap-tap, tick-a-tack too. This is the way to make a shoe." The words and music help to crystallize a common experience, and to give an ideal setting to an everj^day occupation. A set form introduced at the first may easily kill spontaneity, but, coming as the summing-up of the whole play, it corresponds to the universal habit of childhood to repeat in a chosen form what it loves. To expect our town-bred children to represent in play the activities of farmer or woodcutter, life of bird or insect in garden, field or hedgerow, without much careful preparation, is foolish, because so entirely artificial. Although they have no first-hand experience of country life, it is wrong to suppose that the nature game has no place in the Nursery School of our crowded cities. On the contrary, every opportunity must be taken to bring the children into relation with nature. Every Nursery School, it is hoped, will have some garden plot, however unfavour- ably the school may be situated. Let the children have beans, nasturtium seeds, sweet-peas, scarlet runners, and many another friend of the town-dweller. Let 78 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION them be handled and examined. Tell the children that a secret lies hidden within. Prepare the soil with the children, sift and crumble the brown earth till all is smooth and ready for the seeds. Sow some in the soil, and let the children watch their growth. The children can be helped to enter more fully into the wonderful discovery that the seeds have begun to grow by playing a game which may express itself finally in some such words as these : " To the sleeping seeds in the great brown earth Came the sunshine, so warm, so warm, And whispered, Seed-children, drowsy with sleep. Come throw off your blankets and upward creep ; Never fear any cold or wintry storm, Said the sunshine so warm, warm, warm. Then the wee seeds stirred in the great brown earth And crept to the sunshine warm ; And downwards the rootlets bravely went, And upwards the strong green shoots they sent; And they smiled to the sky that o'er them bent 'Neath the sunshine so warm, warm, warm. Here words, music, and movement help to emphasize the slow growth of the plant, and the child's daily observa- tions acquire greater significance. The dominant interests of the day, week, or season of the year will all provide material for games or plays. Certain traditional games, with their marked rhythm and simple action, such as Ring-a-Ring o' Roses, the Mulberry Bush, and Round and Round the Village, appeal strongly to Nursery School children — though, in the writer's opinion, traditional games for the most part belong to a later period in the child's life. Toys A nursery without toys is no children's room. Toys have many purposes to fill in the life of a child, and they can, if wisely chosen, render valiant service. The instinct of curiosity that urges the little discoverer to investigate 3 ./^D EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 79 may find fitting satisfaction through toys, or, on the other hand, if over-elaborate and outside his range of interests, they may act as a drag on his imagination and overwhelm him by their material completeness. Yet, in spite of the universal need, very little considered thought has been given by the guardians of children to this practical problem. The toy market is still dominated by commercial interests ; though there are signs that a new era in toy-making is dawning, and that the feebly made, showy article so easily broken, so limited in possi- bilities, is no longer to crowd the toy-shops. The toys now being made by the disabled soldiers indicate the modern desire for greater simplification and stronger workman- ship. Quality, not quantity, is the accepted line of advance. Confusion of thought and dullness of spirit are so frequently the result of an over-abundance of material things. In one Nursery School, where the children had a great variety of toys and used them indiscriminately, discarding one for another at will, the superintendent noticed that the children were becoming wanton and restless. The sense stimulus appeared to be too great for them to resist the immediate appeal, and they were bewildered by the multiplicity of material. She limited the number of toys from which to choose, she trained each child to put away one toy before taking out another, and found that, very soon, their play showed greater vitality and variety. Children need time for their imagination to play around the concrete symbol, so that wise limitation is a help and not a hindrance to growth. The old nursery rule of special toys for special occasions, e.g. a rainy day, is a further check on a thoughtless liberality. Further, it is well to note that the growing human life has varying needs at each stage of development. The toy that satisfies at the age of two is often unsuitable for a child of four or five years. The Nursery School should provide different kinds of toys to meet the changing demands of growth. There will be toys for the individual child and toys for a group. Partnership in play will widen 80 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION the range of possibilities and present old friends in a new light. No distinction between toj's for boys or girls is necessary or desirable. The complicated mechanical toy with delicately adjusted parts is out of place, though, on the other hand, mechanical devices, e.g. the spring catches of a despatch case, and jointed wooden toys, are very attractive to little children. One would suggest that the grotesque toy, which unfor- tunatety has been so prominent of late years, is undesir- able. There is nothing childlike in the purposely distorted representation of human features. Even the Golliwog, so universally accepted, may be merely a terrifying being on first acquaintance. Yet the toys that provoke genuine fun and laughter must on no account be excluded. It may not be easy, perhaps, to distinguish the comic toy from the grotesque one, but the children themselves, in their spontaneous likes and dislikes, are generally a fairly sure guide. The toys that have stood the test of time are probably the most educational, such as balls, dolls of many kinds (costly ones are by no means necessary), bricks of various sizes and shapes, cylindrical as well as rectangular, strongly made carts and wagons, engines and trucks, familiar animals, a doll's-house, a rocking-horse, picture books, shuttlecocks and battledores, cup and ball, ninepins, hoops and sticks, whips and reins, tops, spades and buckets, boats, drums, and other musical instruments, and simple models of things used in the home and neighbourhood. The things that grown-up people use are full of unexplored and romantic meaning to all children, and in using them for purposes of their own, they claim their kinship with the great world, and learn, little by little, to understand the significance of things and actions. H. G. Wells, in his book on " Floor Games,"^ has remembered what it means to be a child. Many of the ready-made toys in cardboard or paper will not be wanted. Their purpose is transitory. Far Publisher, Fred Palmer, Red Lion Court, London. EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 81 better that these should be made by the Nursery com- munity as the need arises, whether it be for dramatic representation, pageant or procession, or the pure joy of making a toy. Both teachers and children should be makers of toys. Naturally, little ones of Nursery School age are incapable of doing anything but the very simplest constructive work, but they can be happy assistants to parent or teacher, elder brother or sister. This co-opera- tion between the ages is a feature of home-life that should also be characteristic of the Nursery School. The proper housing of toys is of some importance. A play-cupboard or chest of drawers, low and easily acces- sible, is preferable to a play-box. Care for property and orderly arrangement of things can easily become habits. There is no one too young to begin to learn that there is a place for everything and that everything should be in its place. How few grown-up people allow children sufficient time for putting away their toys. Since Froebel invented his series of gifts much has been published on what writers have called ' ' Educative Toys " ; in recent years renewed interest in this subject has been aroused by the appearance of Dr. Montessori's scientifically planned apparatus. Dr. Montessori herself appears to distinguish carefully between what she calls her didactic material and toys, but expounders of her educational method have nevertheless used the term " educative toy " when referring to the apparatus. Strictly speaking, are the Gifts and the Didactic material toys ? The answer is an important, perhaps even a fundamental, one for the Nursery School teacher. The value of the toy is hard to define. If it is admitted that it is a symbol, that its chief value lies in the host of associa- tions that are built up around it, and that it satisfies the ever-changing, inarticulate, emotional life of the child by the countless ways in which it can be used to meet the pressing demands of the moment, then Dr. Montessori's apparatus, with its limited purpose and its strict adherence to the acquirement of a definite technique, would seem scarcely to fulfil the function of toys. Frocbcl's gifts, 6 82 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION in spite of their mathematical implications and elaborate formulae, appear to be nearer to the meaning of a true toy, inasmuch as creativeness is the dominating principle underlying their use, whereas preparation for creativeness, the practice of Dr. Montessori. There is grave danger that the carefully ordered experiences of Dr. Montessori's apparatus, if exclusively used, may unduly limit the child, and so impoverish his nature. Moreover, it may be that ordered experience is the end rather than the beginning of the learning process , in which case the freer use of the age-long simple toys of childhood — as, for instance, those used by Egyptian^ children 2000 B.C., or by Greek^ children in the 5th century B.C. — has an important part to play in child development, and for this no ordered apparatus can be a fitting substitute. Construction The instinct of construction early seeks satisfaction. From the aimless piling of things together the baby soon advances, helped by sympathetic, playful suggestions of older child or adult, to using material for some definite purpose. In passing from this first stage to constructing from ideas there seems to be an intermediate step. For example, a tiny child playing with bricks or reels is at first gloriously content with "hustling things about." He demands no other joy than the exercise of activity. But the material is suggestive, and suddenly, at play one day, 1 " Like all children, Egyptian children loved toys of all kinds. As examples of these may be mentioned the cat with a movable lower jaw, the elephant with his rider, each having movable limbs, the toy dog, hippopotamus, etc., dolls, numerous examples of which have come down to us, tops and balls." (See " Guide to the Egyptian Collection in the British Museum," and cases in the British Museum and in the Manchester Universitj' Museum.) 2 Rattles, whistles, sometimes in the form of animals, drums or tambourines, balls of all kinds and materials, bells ; animals such as the Trojan horse (the forerunner of the Noah's Ark), dolls and their furniture and clothes, hoops, see-saw, swing, toy carts and horses, hobby-horse, boats, kites. (See section in British Museum Handbooks, department of Greek and Roman Antiquities on Daily Life, and " A Companion to Greek Studies," edited by Leonard Wliibley, chapter on " Daily Life," by E. A. Gardner.) EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 83 he will recognize a resemblance between his pile of bricks and some familiar object of his environment, and acclaim it as an engine, a train, or a bridge. The discovery is purely accidental in this first instance, though the helpful parent or teacher who, while playing with him, has given names to his earlier experimental efforts, may doubtless have prepared the way for this advance. Much of a child's early experimental play with objects is destructive. This tendency can so easily be turned into constructive activity, with all its added fun and developing interests, that it seems a pity not to do so. Brick Building There is no doubt that building bricks, sand, and coloured beads stand unrivalled in the affection of little children as constructive material. Of these three, building with bricks is perhaps of the greatest educative value. The variety in the material gives many sense experiences, control is gained by placing the bricks, judgment must be exercised in selecting the most suitable brick for the purpose ; the play constantly gives opportunity for social training, and, lastly, the material is sufficiently suggestive to hold endless possibilities for progress. Building with bricks, and other suitable materials such as reels, corrugated cardboard, match boxes, gas-mantle boxes, in short, boxes of all shapes and sizes, seems pre-eminently to satisfy the special needs of children of Nursery School age. In fact, it would be true to say that it is the one form of really constructive work a child under five years of age is capable of doing ; an intelligent child of five can do much more. The " Play- Work " book by Miss Ann Macbeth gives much helpful suggestion and advice on this subject. The floor makes the best building ground, but the child of four or five years finds the low table and chair more comfortable for some of his enterprises, though in the toil and stress of creation he often returns to lie at full length on the floor. All building materials should be kept in a 84 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION place easily accessible, to which the child is free to go. He can then gather his own store of materials, and soon the children, working either alone or in small groups, will transform the floor into busy railway stations, aeroplane or cotton factories, a crowded thoroughfare with its houses and churches, pavements and bridges. Thus the simple, homely, first building of tables and chairs, cupboards and beds, engines and carts, develops into the more ambitious schemes that require sometimes the greater part of the day for completion. In all this play the children must be free to carry out their own plans and interests, but for the child who has come to the end of his resources, and for the unfortunate child who has no ideas, suggestions from a grown-up play- fellow may be welcome. Much is often learnt by examin- ing the achievements of other children of the group, but any kind of dictated work is entirely out of place-; it demands a power of interpretation far beyond children so young, and, instead of encouraging effort, makes too great a demand on the attention, with the further disastrous effect that the creative impulse itself is overpowered. Sand Play A sand-pile is another of childhood's delights and is a well-known feature of good Nursery Schools. It is best in the garden. One phiy garden has solved the problem of keeping the sand clean by enclosing it in a box with a padlocked lid. This precaution, however, would only be necessary for a small pile of sand. Provided it be sufficiently large, e.g. twenty-eight feet by^'eventeen feet, as in the Stockport Day Nursery, and the sand be turned over from time to time, there is no difficulty. Sunshine and the fresh air keep it perfectly sweet and clean with little fear of infection. Builders' sand, not the fine silver sand, is the more suitable. The latter is useless for modelling purposes. An interesting account of the uses of a sand-pile and its meaning to children is given by Dr. Stanley Hall in his " Story of a Sand-Pile," ^ 1 See " Aspects of Child Life and Education," by G. Stanley Hall. Ginn & Co. EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 85 The hunger to satisfy this impulse is seen in the crowded areas of big cities. The Httle dwellers, with no suitable material at hand, will use the dust of the roadside, or the arid soil of the barren open spaces. Happier far the country child whose mother need not forbid the making of mud pies in a corner of the garden. With Saturday's overall, spades, buckets, and a can of water, never-to-be- forgotten experiences will be given to those to whom a sand-pile may be an unattainable luxury. Bead-Threading There is no need to dwell upon the fascination of large, coloured beads to little children. They are an unfailing source of joy. Their chief constructive value lies, it seems, in the satisfaction they give to that interest in arrangement, which is so noticeable in many children. Here is seen the beginning of an interest in design. At first the little child is content with the joy of threading the beads, but gradually he uses them for some purpose — to make a necklace, a bracelet, a curtain. Another time he may sort them into different colours, shapes, or sizes, or combine them with other materials, as when he uses them to make a flower- bed in his sand-garden. In all constructive work and play the making of things for a definite purpose should be encouraged. Motivation is the secret of all good constructive work ; without it the result is barren and artificial. The Nursery School teacher will exercise her art and intelligence in so organizing the life of the little community that real needs will arise. Self-directed activity, not the task imposed, however kindly, will be the motive force. By closely associating the Nursery School with the daily interests of home and neighbourhood, by providing for the observation of the cycle of the seasons, and in the preparation for festivals, the children will have abundant opportunity for doing things that are worth while. The 86 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Nursery School teacher must entirely free herself from the traditional idea that all her children must do the same thing at the same time. For example, much of the value of the making of a school garden lies in the opportunity it gives for corporate activity and corporate enio3^ment, and there is scope also for individual work. The gardener and every Nurserj' School teacher should be one, can so arrange and direct the work that the youngest can con- tribute something to the making of the whole. The Nursery School helper must be prepared for crudest results and often lightning performance. The slightest resemblance to the original satisfies the little child, and directly that which claimed his attention is recorded he is content. The careful adjustment of means to ends belongs to a much later stage of development. Approval or disapproval by the community of the work done is a helpful sitmulus ; children are very sensitive to the judg- ment of their world. The cheering ' ' Well done \" " Hasn't John made a splendid fence ! " are great spurs to further effort, though the familiar praise, " Clever bo}-," has little to commend it, and is often resented by the child for its patronizing superiority. The question of tools is one of some importance. The pleasure that comes through using real things should not be ignored. Scissors, hammers, saws and rakes, and the like are very attractive, and children of five years of age at least should be given legitimate opportunities for using them, and be shown how to handle them as the need arises. Something has been said in an earlier chapter on the importance of excluding all formal teaching of reading, writing, and arithmetic from the Nursery School. It ma}', however, be noted here that the number aspect of things is so prominent in the life of the community that the child's interest in it is early aroused. Every one is familiar with a little child's love of counting, and many of the traditional baby games and nursery rhymes appeal to that interest. Constructive work and play offer natural opportunities for the little child to gain rudimentary ideas of number and proportion in accordance with his need. EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 87 His ideas of " muchness " and " moreness " will become more defined througli using number for some practical purpose he can understand. Grouping and sharing of play materials will give occasion for using number, as well as the many constructive plays of early childhood — keeping shop, train journeys, and the like. Appropriate material should be within reach of every child when the impulse to construct is manifested ; desire should find expression in immediate action, for it is through following this life urge that the child will gain discipline, knowledge, and power. Devoid of these opportunities, childhood is robbed of one of its rightful joys, and later life is impoverished. Drawing Much has been written on the subject of children's drawings, and the consensus of opinion goes to prove that those of young children are symbolic rather than realistic. Many hold that drawing is necessary for all. Prof. Lethaby further maintains that it seems to be a natural aptitude until it is killed by " careful teaching about its difficulties." The exhibitions of the Royal Drawing Society demonstrate the astonishing diversity and vividness of the drawings of children under six years of age, as well as the remark- able talent displayed by some. From the findings of the Society there appears to be considerable evidence to support Professor Lethaby's view. In which case the Nursery School teacher's role is mainly to provide the necessary materials — soft neutral coloured paper and coloured pastels, white paper and paints, boards and chalks. Light portable easels and boards would be useful in open-air nurseries, where wall space is necessarily limited. As with other materials, so here, there will be the early experimental play. The mere covering a piece of clean white paper with colour is a joyous experience to a child of three or four years ; very soon he will call these efforts a blue sky, a yellow cornfield, a poppy patch. Children should draw 88 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION and paint out-of-doors whenever possible, for their first- hand acquaintance with Nature cannot be too early en- couraged. At the same time it must always be recognized that little children draw principally from memory, and not directly from Nature ; therefore, in drawing as in modelling, the outstanding need of the little child is unhampered opportunity for free expression. Much has already been done in the investigation of children's free drawings, but one would venture to suggest that there is still room for a carefully arranged and dated collection of first drawings. It would be a useful contribution to Child Study ; the comparison of drawings by children of the same age but from different districts, or from different social classes, would give valuable and interesting evidence of the contents of children's minds at this early age, and also throw light on the function of drawing in mind development. The Nursery School teacher will easily recognize the supreme value of studying her children's free drawings. They form a sure guide to the experiences that have arrested their attention. From them she will learn that there are both good and evil influences at work. They will show that childish imagination is stirred by some interest of colour or movement that is beautiful ; given suitable materials at hand, the eager child will register that impres- sion with a sureness, rapidity, and sincerity which a Futurist artist might envy. Criticism of these early efforts will be out of place. The child will turn to parent or teacher for sympathy and appreciation, but the adult must beware lest those first delicate strivings of the imagina- tion are checked by well-meaning interference. It is fatal to creativeness if any feeling of inability to express should enter the mind of the child. A feeling of inhibition has a depressing and paralysing effect ; some sensitive people are hampered for life as the result of unwise criticism during those early years of creative activity. But there is the other side of the picture. It is a deplorable fact that so many tiny children are now taken to kinematograph shows, where they see much that is undesirable, with the result that their minds are stored EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 89 with numberless ugly and harmful impressions. These they reproduce in their free drawings, and many teachers, distressed by what they find, naturally question the advisability of allowing children to give expression to such unhealthy interests. But it is surely better to know what exists, for then there is more chance of counteracting the harmful experiences. To be shocked by the representations would only increase their baneful influence, for it would probably drive the impression back into the subconscious mind, there to work for trouble at some future time. It would be wiser, probably, to allow the child to express freely all that is seething in his mind, and at the same time to provide other stronger interests. In some instances the sympathetic teacher may succeed in putting a different interpretation on the incident, that may direct the impression into a less harmful channel. There is reason to hope, too, that the taste of the nation may be improved if this impulse for expression is given wise direction in the Nursery School, and the good beginning continued in the elementary school. In this way the vandaHsm that covers public buildings, fences, and walls with unsightly drawings may become extinct. It is the custom in many schools to decorate the walls with the best of the children's drawings. This may probably be a helpful incentive to older children, but for those of Nursery School age the interest of the drawing passes with the doing of it. It has been found that children appreciate the drawings of those who are just a stage ahead of them, but this interest is not generally aroused until about the fifth year. Yet, with all this free work, the teacher should not be satisfied unless the children are making progress. There should be a marked difference between the expression work of a child of three and a child of five. At present the Nursery School age is from two to five, but if the age be raised to six, as many hope, there should be a considerable advance in the power of expression during the last year. As the child's own powers increase, so will he look for help and guidance. Then, and not till then 90 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION should the teacher come forward to his assistance. That help should generally consist in encouraging the children to observe more carefully. Children delight in colouring pictures, but when control of the tool is gained, there is no further educational value in the occupation ; moreover, by continual use of a prepared outline freedom in the manipulation of the brush, or pastel even, is lost. Modelling Every teacher of young children will testify to the universal appeal of modelling and drawing as means of expression : one, the oldest of the racial crafts ; the other, one of the essential languages. From rude form to decoration and ornament appears to have been the path of progress in plastic art, from symbolic to realistic repre- sentation the early line of advance in drawing. Assuming a parallel between race development and child development, may there not be some justification in claiming that these time-honoured approaches to creative expression are deeply satisfying to the young child. The yielding material, be it putty, dough, clay, or sand, is most attractive to little hands. At first the child will give expression to his pure delight in activity by pulling, patting, stamping, or rolling the fascinating material, with no thought of representation. Given ample opportunity for this experimental play, the busy, interested child will quickly gain some physical mastery over the material, and be ready for the next stage, the making of some definite object, not from perception, but from imagery. The teacher should watch for this moment. Nothing is too hard or too complicated for the child to attack ; he is daunted by nothing, but ranges the entire gamut of his interests. He will model an aeroplane as readily as a string of beads, a man or motor car as easily as mother's takes or cups and saucers. EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 91 Through achievement he learns to observe with more discrimination, and by degrees to express his ideas more adequately. Like those of primitive man, these early efforts are realistic. No criticism of this early work is needed : it is enough that the children find joy in the making, and that joy is enriched by the sympathy and understanding of others. Progress will be seen in a greater skill in handling the material, and a greater variety in imagery, gradually leading to an attempt to make the model truer to life. An object placed before the children may be a real help, not as a model to be copied, for it is doubtful whether Nursery School children would spon- taneously use it for that purpose, but if before the eyes, it may be referred to and used to refresh and revivify images. For instance, a group of little children, illustrating the nursery story of " Mary, Mary, quite contrary," were noticed to glance from time to time at a watering- pot placed in front of them while modelling their own in clay. The chief fact for teachers of little children to bear in mind is that opportunity for free expression is the insistent demand of childhood. This will not mean leaving the children unguided and unrestricted. It is sometimes good to work with them. At this stage the teacher should have no carefully graded scheme or plan that would restrict the work to any particular models. Her guide must be the interests of the children. If these should centre round beautifully shaped jars or pitchers, it is well, but any forcing of an adult standard of difficulty or beauty would be a grievous mistake. The children in Dr. Montcssori's school make vases in pottery, copied from beautiful Italian models. How far handling and seeing beautiful shapes and forms will help the little child to the formation of standards and values which may influence the whole of life it would be difficult to appraise. The Nursery School age is the age of sense-perception, and it seems reasonable, therefore, to urge the importance of beautiful surroundings and to have faith in their silent appeal. 93 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Musical Expression The child of Nursery School age appears barely to reach the threshold of creative expression in music. That he can enjoy the songs taught him is well known. Whether he would create melodies under encouraging conditions the practice of the past makes it difficult to tell, for little opportunity has been given or even thought of. The idea that the ordinary individual may not only seek emotional expression by interpreting the music of great composers, but also dare to make music of his own, has not yet taken sufficient hold on this generation for its influence to be widely felt in education. The work of Dr. Yorke Trotter and others is helping to break through the heavy sense of impotence which at present inhibit^ a general freedom of expression through music. The fact is, as any Nursery School may discover for itself, that little children delight to express themselves through simple musical phrases invented by themselves. We should see that the children are familiar with this possibility, and foster every tendency to express ideas and feelings in this way. Language The extent to which spoken language is used as a means of expression by little children varies considerably. Vocabulary is greatly influenced by environment. It is a well-known fact that children from cultured homes, as a rule, use spoken language more freely than those from less fortunate homes, probably because they receive more attention, and their efforts greater encouragement. One strong argument against the segregation of large numbers of children under five or six j'cars of age in one room is the consequent repression of speech. Physiologically and psychologically, the Nursery School age is the age of speech development. The initial difficulties of learning to talk are generally mastered by the end of the third year, and during the fourth and fifth years rapid strides are made in the acquisition of language as a means of EDUCATION OF NURSERY CHILDREN 98 communication and as an instrument of thought. Con- ditions favourable for this advance consist in a stimulating environment, a ready listener, small groups, individual attention, and definite teaching of words. In the Nursery School the talking should, for the most part, be done by the children. This does not mean that the adult will never be called upon to read aloud, to recite, to sing, to tell a story, to talk with her children. Indeed listening is an important element in language training. It must be remembered therefore that power in the use of language comes through havmg both something to express and freedom to express it. Hence from the beginning the children must have abundant opportunity for freedom of expression in language. The Victorian precept, " Little children should be seen and not heard," has done much to blight the lives of many grown men and women ; but such experiments as Mr. Caldwell Cook describes in his book " The Play Way," ^ reveal the fact that the English boy has much natural ability for gracious speech. Social Service The democratic impulse in education has revealed itself in the widespread movement towards socializing the school, and here as in other realms a little child shall lead. Much practical help and inspiration have come from the writings and demonstration schools of Dr, Montessori and Professor Dewey. Both educators have shown how the daily tasks of practical life can be made an integral part of a child's education, and Mr. Homer Lane, in the " Little Commonwealth," also proved that the citizens gained mastery over themselves, and formed interests which led to organized thought and action, through their service in and for the community. In the home there are many to be considered, and the busy mother cannot always wait while the children learn 1 " The Play Way," by Caldwell Cook. Heinemann. 94 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION through doing. In the Nursery School there should always be leisure for them to do as much as they possibly can tor themselves. The atmosphere of hurry in many homes, and the bewildering round of activities, give place in the well-organized Nursery School to ordered service rendered to self and others. There are the daily duties of personal care as well as the social demands of the school. Whether it be the care of the rooms, the tending of animals and plants, the laying of the tables for meals, the serving o the food, all these social acts, so attractive to the unspoiled child, will be laying the foundations for the highest form of expression — self-devotion — in later life. Conclusion While we lay stress on all these experiences, let us not forget the value of the long, quiet spaces in the daily hfe of the Nursery School child, when nothing will be required of him, and he is free to run about, watching others at work or play, to lie on the floor or grass, or to wander at large in the garden amongst the flowers. These influences, and many more that the poets of childhood understand, will contribute to the making of the citizen of the better, happier England for which we work and hope— the England yet to be. PART IV THE HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL By Catherine Chisholm, B.A., M.D. Hon. Physician to the Manchester Babies' Hospital CHAPTER I THE CHILD AND HIS DEVELOPMENT FROM the first it has been recognized that the Nursery School must be under careful medical supervision, as in it the physical condition of- the child is the first consideration. It links up the schools for mothers with the elementary schools, and is, to the medical authority concerned with child welfare, a necessary part of a complete educational scheme. The Nursery School provides for children whose homes are inadequate to give training in those regular habits on which health in later years depends. Incipient defects may be detected early in such children whilst under con- stant supervision, and checked before it is too late. The Nursery School has dangers peculiar to itself, and its institution is only justifiable when precaution against those dangers are rigorously adopted. The young are prone to pick up infections at a stage when infections are particularly harmful to them. The fatahty of scarlet fever and diphtheria, according to Dr. Martin, of Stroud, is 200 per cent, greater for children 95 96 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION under five years of age than from five to fifteen years, (See Report of Consultative Committee upon the School Attendance of Children below the age of five.) Not only do these diseases cause many deaths, but the after-effects on those who survive are, as a rule, more serious than is the case with older children. In arranging a Nursery School we must see that the con- ditions provide what is essential to growth, and also that the risk of infection is reduced to a minimum. The medical officer is therefore concerned with : I. The physical development of the child. II. The environment of the child and its daily routine. III. The prevention of disease. The Nursery School provides for the education of the child from two years old to six. No attempt ought to be made in these schools to classify the children according to their age. One child is still a baby at two years, whilst another is so ad- vanced as to be indistinguishable from many children of three. There seems to be a greater approximation to a rather more definite standard at five years of age. But during all the early years development takes place gradually and irregularly. This process must never be forced, and the children of various ages should be grouped together as in a family. Physical Characteristics ol a Child of Nursery School Age The child of two entering the Nursery School should be about two feet eight inches in height, and twenty-eight and a half pounds in weight. He should have a good colour, • with fresh, clear skin, and be able to run about on firm, steady legs. His chest should be well expanded and rounded ; the abdomen should not be over prominent ; his back should be straight, surmounted by a proportionate head, whose circumference should be greater than the chest, and whose fontanelle should be imperceptible. There ought to be sixteen teeth present, and the last four double teeth should be appearing. The whole set of milk- teeth should be complete by the time he is two years and a HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 97 half old. At six years all the milk-teeth should still be present. The permanent set, with the exception of the wisdom teeth, are now in the jaw, gradually pushing the first set upward, and by the end of the sixth year the latter begin to drop out. The permanent set are much better formed when the milk-teeth are not lost early ; hence the importance of keeping the first set in good condition as long as possible. Sense Development Sense development at two years of age is well advanced. The mechanical apparatus of the ear is fully developed. Part of it may be obstructed, as sometimes happens when enlarged tonsils and post-nasal adenoids block the space into which the Eustachian tube opens. In this way is caused much of the deafness existing in young children, or developing during school life. A secondary effect also of these growths is the infection which may travel along the tube from the throat to the ear, causing middle-ear trouble, and later a discharge from the outer ear. The apparatus of the eye is fully developed, but not yet perfectly formed, the immature eyeball being short from front to back. This causes a blurred object to be formed on the retina, and gives the condition known as hyper- metropia. As the child grows, this condition is corrected, but till that occurs the effort to focus in order to see small print or fine work is a nervous and muscular strain. A young child should therefore never be called upon to make such efforts. Where the eyeball, instead of being too short from front to back, is too long, a condition known as myopia is found. This condition tends to get worse rather than better. Such children have prominent eyes, and as they do not sec distant objects clearly, they are specially interested in pictures, reading and writing, and things near to them. These children should be supplied with glasses, and dis- couraged from engaging too much in close occupations. 7 98 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Many young children squint. This is in many cases due to eye strain occasioned by astigmatism — that is, an inequahty of the corneal curvature, which gives the eye muscles extra work to do in order to focus clearly. Squinting may also come on after a debilitating illness. Whenever this symptom is noticed, proper medical treatment should be procured. The high prevalence of eye defects among school children is appalling. Dr. Crowley, in ' ' The Hygiene of School Life," states that approximately one in ten of all children living a city life have some eye defect. It is difficult for any but experts to examine the sight of such young children, but a knowledge of the defects frequently found, and of the contributing causes, would make it possible to avoid the conditions which cause eye strain. It is of importance to realize that, though the apparatus of eye and ear is fairly developed at two years of age, the cerebral developments connected with those organs are still incomplete. The researches of Joseph Shaw Bolton show that marked changes in the cortex are still going on in the early years of life. It has been ascertained that when eye or ear are atrophied the cortex is not so well developed. On the other hand, when abundant stimuli from eye and ear proceed to the brain a fuller development takes place. An education by appeal to hand, eye, and ear is thus physiologically sound for young children. In excess, however, it involves effort and fatigue to the nervous system ; therefore it is important to give to children quiet times during the day, when most of these stimuli are cut off and the whole body is allowed to rest. Speech The- child of two should be able to form words, and be already linking them into sentences. Many, however, find difficulty in correct articulation. For these the - i^ursery School may do much in helping them to correct HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 99 their speech before bad habits are formed. Much can also be done in the early years for children who stammer and stutter by taking trouble with them in the early stages, whether the habit begins with the first attempts at speech, or is acquired later, as sometimes is the case with nervous children. In their case, a regime of fresh air, plenty of sleep, and the correction of all defects, especially of the respiratory organs, are essential. Breathing exercises should be practised as soon as the child can understand them. Short periods of practising difficult sounds will help, and medical treatment in all cases of both backward and nervous children should be obtained. Muscular Movements The muscular system of the body is active at two years of age, and co-ordination in the chief coarse movements of the body has been acquired. Fine movements, how- ever, such as are used in writing and sewing, are not yet obtained, and should not be attempted until five or six years of age. Even then they should only be practised for short periods of time. Thick pencils should be used for writing, coarse needles, cottons, and materials for sewing, and only large stitches (as illustrated by Miss Margaret Swanson in "Educational Needlccraft ") ^ should be taught. Free natural play as a method of exercising the muscles is invaluable. Children, with their natural love for rhythm, enjoy marching and drilling to music, and this helps general bodily development. Only movements involving the large muscles should be practised by young children, and these but for very short periods, for physical exercises, and even organized games, may easily become a severe effort. Educational Ncedlecraft," M. Swanson and A. Macbeth. Longmans. CHAPTER II THE SURROUNDINGS OF THE CHILD THE buildings, heating, ventilation, and equipment of the Nursery School are treated in another section of the book. It seems essential, however, to emphasize one or two points. Daily exercise in the open air is essential for the health of every child. Therefore no Nursery School should exist without a sheltered garden. Where possible the school buildings should be of the open-air type. For the after- noon's sleep, quiet, well-ventilated rooms are necessary, but whenever possible the children's beds should be placed out of doors, with shade and shelter according to the weather. A small room should always be set aside for the isolation of suspected cases of illness, and another room should be available for rest, for children showing signs of fatigue or malaise at any time during the day. As regards the warmth of the rooms, the maintenance of an even temperature should be the chief aim, for children have difficulty in regulating heat production. Also, com- pared with adults, they have a larger superficial skin area, and therefore lose heat from the body more quickly. About 60° F. is a suitable temperature for the rooms. A temperature below 55° F. inside a building causes discomfort ; above 60° F. it causes lassitude. When, however, children are well fed and well clothed, and are acclimatized to an open-air life, even little ones thrive well out of doors all the year round. Suitable food and clothing are in these circumstances a sine qua non. 100 HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 101 The rooms should be large enough to give each child a minimum floor space of fifteen square feet, but in no case should more than thirty children occupy one room. An ideal group would not number more than twelve or fifteen children, for there is a considerable nervous strain on young children when they are associated in large numbers. All toys and apparatus should be capable of being cleaned and disinfected, and should not be painted. CHAPTER III CONSIDERATIONS AFFECTING THE DAILY ROUTINE INASMUCH as the Nursery School is generally con- cerned with the training of the children in good hygienic habits, the method of spending the day must be considered in this section of the book. Bathing The child on arrival must be received and inspected by the superintendent, in order that his general condition may be investigated. It is of vital importance to the nursery- that the first symptom of any illness should be noticed. The cleanliness of the child can at the same time be investigated. Every child of Nursery School age should have a daily bath. The mother ought to attend to this. If the child does not arrive clean at the school, his condition should be demonstrated to the mother, and he must be bathed and washed. A high standard of cleanliness must be maintained, and experience shows that the mothers quickly respond when the superintendent is sj^mpathetic and helpful. The practice which holds in some Nursery Schools of bathing every child, whether it is clean or not, is unfair to the health of the child, as well as demoralizing in its effect ^xi the mother. Mothers are apt to stop performing what has become a work of supererogation. When bathing a child the superintendent should have HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 103 in mind the tendency of young children to take cold. She should always end a bath with a tepid sponge down, and a good rub with a rough towel. The clothes should then be put on quickly. Clothing The question of providing nursery clothes is a conten- tious one. To be constantly altering the number and weight of the garments regardless of the climatic conditions is dangerous to any child. Children do not quickly regulate their temperature to sudden changes. This tendency to take cold is a danger where nursery clothes are provided. The child should not have his or her clothes changed from the many garments the mother often provides into a sensibly arranged dress, and then back again for the journey home. A nursery overall of washable material should, however, be provided for each child. Changes in the quantity and quality of the clothes should only be made according to the state of the weather, never according to the calendar. The mother ought to be shown modern methods of clothing, and the advantage of simple garments. The dangers of tight clothes and the harmfulness of either too many or of too scanty garments should be demonstrated. Woollen garments covering the limbs in winter, and lighter ones, either of the same material or of cellular type, allowing air and sunshine to get to the limbs, should be worn in summer. A vest or combinations covered by a bodice, to which knickers are attached, and a simple upper garment, after the fashion of a gymnasium or pina- fore frock, are suitable for girls. For little boys, combina- tions and suits of knickers and blouse, or coat, are sufficient. The thickness of the material should be varied with the weather. Training in Regular Habits The superintendent should inquire of the mother 104 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION whether the daily evacuation of the bowel has taken place. The Nursery School should train the child in regular habits if the mother has not done so. Much constipation in after life can be avoided by early training. In the case of an unduly constipated child the mother should be given medical advice, or directed where to obtain it. In the management of a Nursery School the lavatory problem often looms unduly large, but it is one which often necessitates careful attention. Most, if not all, children can be trained to be clean by (i) attending to the general health, so that the nervous energy is sufficiently developed and strong enough to control the bladder; (2) attending to local conditions by removing sources of irritation, such as uncleanliness, tight foreskin, thread-worms; (3) training the child to relieve himself at regular intervals, gradually lengthened, until the normal opportunities of the break for lunch, dinner, and after the afternoon sleep are sufficient. If control is not acquired, medical aid should be sought, as it is important to treat such cases early. Care of Teeth The toilet must be finished by teaching the children how to clean their teeth. It is important to provide good tooth brushes, as harm has resulted from swallowing loose bristles. The front and back of the teeth should be brushed, the mouth washed out and the throat gargled. It is difficult for a very young child to gargle, but even the three and four year old children often become adepts. Breathing Exercises Some part of the morning should be set aside for breathing exercises, to be taken whenever possible in the open air. From the earliest days proper breathing should be encouraged, and any obstruction from adenoids or nasal catarrh treated. HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 105 The child should be made to clear the nose thoroiighl}', by holding the handkerchief under the nose with one hand, while with the other hand he pinches the top bony portion of the nose, leaving the nostrils uncompressed and open, at the same time making an expiratory effort. He must also be taught, having shut his mouth, to breathe in through the left nostril by blocking the right, and alternately with the right by blocking the left. In some cases, but not necessarily always, he should breathe out through the mouth. He should repeat these actions several times. He should then breathe in through the right and out through the left nostril, by blocking the left for inspiration and the right for expiration, and vice versa. Food In the middle of the morning the children will arrange their own lunch table with glasses of milk (five ounces) and a biscuit or two. About half-past twelve the mid-day meal will be laid. In some Nursery Schools the children will go home for dinner. It is, however, preferable in most cases that they should stay for dinner. The preparation for the meal and the partaking of it provide an opportunity for training them to wash before meals and to cat decently and slowly ; the daily routine can then be continued more satisfactorily. Further, the dinner can be made a demon- stration to the mothers of the proper preparation and presentation of a meal, and they should always be en- couraged to come and see their children's meal Only such ingredients as the mother could provide at home should be used. Inexpensive foods of good dietetic value, which the mothers often despise, may, with advantage, be incor- porated in the menus as a demonstration of their utility. Dinner should consist of a varied diet of two courses, and always be accompanied by some fluid. Children often do not take enough to drink, and though it is important not to dilute the gastric secretion, especially in cases of dyspep- sia, children need and enjoy a glass of milk or water with or after their midday meal. The fluid should be drunk 106 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION slowly, and the child should never be allowed to wash down the food with it. Between meals children should be encouraged to drink water, but not near the bedtime. Every child should have at least a pint of milk a day, either at home or at school. Two mistakes are often made in institutional diets for children. The meals are too monotonous and the food too soft. A monotonous diet fails to give the stimulation to glandular secretion which is necessary to a delicate digestion and advantageous to a healthy one. The soft diet fails to provide the child with exercise for teeth and jaws. The first part of digestion is performed in the mouth by the intimate mixture of the saliva with the food ; if the food is soft it slips down easily, and in this case the facial muscles do not develop, nor do the bones, and the second teeth are spoilt, having no room to develop properly in a small jaw. If undigested starch, which should have been acted on by the saliva, is passed on to the stomach, the working of the intestinal canal is disturbed. Crusts and rusks are thus excellent for children. Incorporated in the meal there ought also to be some food which will leave some refuse undigested which will stimulate the intestinal canal. If all the food is completely digested the bowel becomes sluggish. For this reason porridge, whole-meal bread, and fruit ought to find a place in a child's diet. Foods suitable for children from two to six are, for Dinner I. Meat — such as lamb stew, beef stew. Or Fish — cod, flounders, haddock, halibut. None of these should ever be fried. Or Vegetable Soup — made from peas, beans, lentils, and fresh vegetables. Scotch broth. Or Egg — soft boiled, poached, or scrambled. With these should be served vegetables — carrots, beets, cabbage, sprouts, onions, potatoes, macaroni, rice. HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 107 11. Pudding — rice, tapioca, bread, sago, light boiled puddings such as ginger and lemon (occasionally), junket, cornflour mould, rice mould, custard — with stewed fruit, apples, prunes, apricots, etc. Some of the dried fruits, properly soaked before cooking, are of excellent food value. Any cabbage given must be very well cooked. Pork, veal, greasy stews should not be given. The courses should be arranged with due regard to their food value and their digestibility. With the soups crusts of bread should be served. A slice of bread would well accompany each dinner. If the children stay for tea, variety can again be intro- duced into a simple meal, as follows : Milk or cocoa, with bread and margarine, butter, honey, or jam. Neither coffee nor tea, however weak, should appear on the table. No definite quantities are here given. Only experience of her family will teach the cook how much to prepare. Children seldom, over-eat if given a simple, nutritious diet. They should be taught to eat what is put before them. Fat, however, is tolerated with difficulty by some children. A wise superintendent will modify the helpings given to the capacity of the child, realizing the importance of the fat soluble vitamine to growth. Sleep After a midday meal the children should be put to sleep in the shade outside, or in a well-ventilated, quiet room. Rough canvas, stretched on a frame, forms a satisfactory couch which can be readily cleaned. The head should rest on a light cushion, and the child should be covered by a wrap. Children should be expected to lie still for at least an hour, and if then asleep should not be wakened. The mothers should be urged to put the children to bed in a well-ventilated room by 6.30 p.m., in order that they may get a long night's rest. CHAPTER IV MEDICAL SUPERVISION EACH child who enters the Nursery School should have a complete physical examination, A record of this should be made and kept. This record should be as simple as possible, but it should show the result of examination on entrance, together with the family history and an account of the home conditions. Each month, if not more frequently, the child should be measured and weighed, and his progress noted. Any failure to gain should be carefully noted by the superin- tendent, and be reported to the medical officer on his visit. Gain in weight does not always proceed regularly. In normal children it is generally greater in autumn than in spring. Gain in height is greater in summer than winter. Sometimes for weeks there may be no gain, and then a sudden spurt is made. A regular gain is, however, more satisfactory. Tables of average heights and weights are appended. These are the tables given by the Anthropological Society as the average of all England in all classes. 1 08 HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 109 Tables of Average Heights and Weights of Children from one to seven years of age, in clothes and uithoiit shoes. BOYS. AGE GIRLS. Height. Weight, Height. Weight. 1 ft. ins. St. lbs. ft. ins. St. lbs. 25^ I 4i I 2 3i I 4 2 cS.l 2 4i 2 2 7 I Hi 2 II 1 2 6 3 2 10 2 3J 3 I j 2 9 4 3 2 8 ' 3 4 2 12 5 3 3 2 II 3 7 3 ^ 6 3 6 2 13:^ 3 10 3 71 7 3 8 3 5i A form is also appended, simply drawn up to show monthly records of height and weight, results of physical examination, and with spaces for periodical observations by the medical officer. On the reverse side is the family and social history. Much more elaborate records may be kept, but it seems advisable to limit the secretarial work as far as possible. In weighing children it is important to see that the scales are accurate. Children should be weighed at the same time of the day on each occasion. The garments must also be similar on each weighing day in those cases where the children are not undressed to be weighed. The school doctor should be available for consultation on any occasion. Routine visits should be paid each week for the examination of new entrants and for the inspec- tion of those who are not progressing in a satisfactory way. The superintendent and her assistants should be con- stantly observing the physical condition of the children, 110 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION and report at once failing health to the medical officer. The healthy child is bright and lively and of good colour. When tired after a certain amount of play he becomes sleepy and quiet. If allowed to play beyond the hour of rest he becomes fretful, irritable, and bad-tempered. Frequently bad temper means nothing but nervous ex- haustion. The child will respond to the stimulation of attractive objects, to companionship of his own age, or that of older people, long after the time when he should normally rest. The result will always be fretfulness and irritability. When this happens once in a way, little harm is done, but, with repetition, the nervous reserve of the child is exhausted, and, his nervous system being in a state of irritation, his rest is disturbed ; little twitching move- ments take place during sleep, the child cries out and has terrifying dreams. When awake, he is either highly nervous, or listless and spiritless ; his muscles are tremulous, and he may develop what are known as habit spasms. For example, he may begin to blink his eyes or corrugate his forehead. Examples of such cases are seen among children who frequent kinemas, and are thus subjected to a treble nervous strain : (i) From the eyes. (2) From the stimulation of many new ideas. (3) From loss of the early hours of sleep. Special expressions of face and hand in cases of fatigue in young children have been described by Dr. Francis Warner. Fatigue may be due either to over-nervous stimulation or to failure of the general physical condition. This failure may be due to lack of nourishment or to the onset of disease. The two diseases which are most often found in the Nursery School of big towns are tuberculosis and rickets. Tuberculosis often causes an appearance of ill-health, characterized by a cloudy complexion and a toxic or poisoned appearance. Sometimes, however, tubercular children look unnaturally bright. Such children are frequently subject to febrile attacks. They lose weight HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 111 and may develop enlarged glands. These latter always call for attention and treatment. Enlarged glands are often affected by the tubercle bacillus, even if originally caused by poisoning from bad teeth, discharging ears, lice in the head, or septic spots. Enlarged glands, even if tubercular, often respond very well to treatment if the primary cause of enlargement is removed, and if the patient is given good nourishment, sunshine, and fresh air. Rickety children are often short, pale, fat, and flabb3', with curved legs, bowed backs, square heads, and prominent abdomens. These children improve remarkably with suitable food, fresh air, massage, and plenty of the proper kind of exercise, graduated according to the weight of their bodies and the state of their bones. The medical officer and the superintendent should be in touch with Schools for Mothers, Infant Welfare Centres, the family doctors of the districts, and the hospitals near, so that proper treatment may be at once secured for any child who may need it. The Nursery School should take children directl}' from the Maternity and Infant Welfare Centres, and should work in full accord with them and their medical officers. The knowledge of the family history thus gained is of great value. The intelligent and careful watchfulness of the superin- tendent of the Nursery School, and her assistance to the mother, who is often at a loss to know how to get her child proper medical advice, and even more at a loss how to follow out the instructions given her, will be invaluable in checking early any defects found by the medical officer. Medical examination, without opportunities for treat- ment either at the school clinic or without collaboration with other remedial agencies, such as dental clinics, hospitals, etc., is of little value. Medical inspection is intended not only to detect hut to prevent disease. In a Nursery School, where the surroundings are healthy and the superintendent and the mothers are intelligent and careful, the work of the medical officer is generally confined to calling attention to incipient defects and indicating where suitable treatment may be obtained. 112 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Family. Address : Name. | Occupation. Employer. Wages. Father Mother Wage- Earning Children Total. Children No. Health. Sex. Age. N Alive. Died or Causes of Death. Stillborn or Miscarriages bex. Age. General Home Conditions General Health of Fa»:ily : HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 113 IS o E M iH a O o o Q Date Date 0( Record. Entered Nursery Left Nursery en 3 O ■> 0) CO rG V V H S ci o ^45 .t: 'o o -a c 3 < en c7} Ml a: Muscular & Skeletal Condition 13 'c ^ s O u .S to a 5 O lU B Q CHAPTER V INFECTIOUS DISEASE THE prevention of infectious disease is one of the most anxious duties of the staff of the Nursery School. After they are weaned little children are very susceptible to infections. The younger the child, the more serious are the after effects likely to be. The immature developing frame will naturally suffer more than the more developed and established organism. A slight attack of measles may leave more serious effects on the small child than a more severe attack on an older child. It is therefore the more necessary that every precaution should be taken — (i) To avoid infection in the nursery ; (2) to stop the spread, once infection has occurred. By infectious disease we mean not only the acute in- fectious fevers, but the catarrhal infections which spread from child to child by the diffusion of micro-organisms, as well as the contagious impetiginous skin eruptions, sore eyes, etc., which are often difficult to cure in poorly nourished children. We must also consider the parasitic infections, such as ringworm, lice, and scabies. It is recognized that children who have the benefit of plenty of fresh air and sunshine are less susceptible than others to infectious disease. This is partly because the children are in a better condition to deal with the infectious micro- organisms, and partly because the fresh air and sunlight tend to destroy micro-organisms. The greatest care must be taken to prevent infected HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 115 children entering the nursery. For this reason the most highly trained person on the staff, i.e. the superintendent, should receive the children each day or be present super- vising her assistants. It is not enough for an unskilled person to be told to report anything she observes to be wrong. Each child must be examined by a trained observer. Here comes in the question as to whether the children should be undressed daily. It is the opinion of the writer that this is unnecessary. The skilled assistant soon notices a child who is sickening. The onset of a rash is in most cases preceded by a longer or shorter preliminary stage in which the child is sickening. In some diseases, as in measles, the prodromal or preliminary stage before the rash appears is the most infectious period of the disease. The superintendent then, whilst the outdoor things are being removed and the overall is being put on, ought to examine the face and neck of the child. If there is the slightest cause for suspicion, the chest ought also to be examined, and the temperature taken. A suggestion of sore throat ought to lead to careful investigation, and complete separation of the child from the others pending developments. Running colds, sore eyelids, any lumps such as suggest enlarged glands or abscesses, sores on hands or feet, ought to be at once attended to, according to the instructions left for such cases by the medical officer, and a very free use made of the isolation room for suspicious cases. It may be necessary to explain that the acute infectious diseases go through the following stages : (i) A period in which the child, after exposure to in- fection, is said to be incubating the disease, and during which he shows httle, if any, sign of illness. This is succeeded by : (2) a prodromal or invasion period, when the child is not well; (3) an eruptive period, when the rash appears ; (4) a convalescent period, during which quarantine has to be maintained. The following are the signs of the onset of the more general infectious diseases : 11« NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Chickenpox Chickenpox has a very slight invasion period. Often the eruption is the first observed sign. Sometimes there is malaise and crossness, and there may be a well marked temperature and headache for a day or two, but this is not usual ; usually the bright red spots on the back, which disappear on stretching the skin, and which contain clear fluid within twelve hours, are the first signs noted These spots come on face, scalp, body, and limbs. They come out in crops, and often the spots, the blisters (or vesicles) and the scabs into which the vesicles dry, are to be seen all at the same time on the body. Smallpox Smallpox, with which bad chickenpox may be confused, is rarely found in a vaccinated Nursery School child. In this disease the invasion period is three or four days, and the signs of illness marked with backache, fever, and vomiting. The spots all come out at once. They appear first on the face and wrist. Diphtheria Diphtheria gives rise to a sore throat, about which the child may complain. He may just sit and look miserable, refusing to swallow anything. The pain, however, may not be great and swallowing may be easy. The glands at the angle of the jaw are generally enlarged and tender. The temperature is raised, but may not be more than 100° to ioi° F., even if the child is very ill. The pulse is much quicker than would be expected, and the child generally looks grey and ill and languid out of proportion to the temperature. On examination, the throat looks red, and on one or other tonsil, or on the soft palate, a grey tough-looking membrane may be seen. Fear of infection is past only when no diphtheria organisms can be found in nose or throat. Some people HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 117 continue to be carriers for a long time, spreading the disease when they themselves are apparently well. For this reason, when infection has occurred, it is usual to examine swabs taken from the throats of all who were in contact with the case. Measles Measles is the disease which shares with whooping cough the odium of causing the most disaster to children of Nursery School age. The onset of both diseases is insidious. They are most infectious in the stage when they are most difficult to diagnose. They are both serious in the way in which they affect the system at the time, and both are apt to hamper the child permanently by the deafness or bronchitis they leave behind. A child in the prodromal stage of measles suffers from catarrhal symptoms, sneezing, running nose and eyes, fever, and a raised temperature. The presence of bluish- white spots on the inner side of the cheeks or lips, known as Koplik's spots, helps to differentiate measles from a common cold in the days before the rash appears. In measles a double rise in the temperature often occurs, and the knowledge of such a possibility should prevent a superintendent being lulled into security. The child, being feverish, and with a cold, may have a temperature of 102° F, This may fall to normal in the morning, only to rise again within twelve hours, and then stay up till the rash appears. On the soft palate and roof of the mouth small red points may be observed a day or two before the rash appears. The rash consists of raised red points, quickly becoming darker and papular, and running into patches, with a crescentic margin. The spots are first observed on the fore- head, round the ears, and on the face. The rash spreads over the body within twenty-four hours. The infection period ceases when the rash is completely gone and all discharges from throat and nose are absent. 118 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION German Measles German Measles is characterized generally by slighter prodromal symptoms. Sneezing is not a marked symptom, but generally occurs. There may be some rise in tempera- ture and malaise. The rash is a brighter red than in measles, but more rose-coloured than in scarlet fever. The differential diagnosis is sometimes difficult. The rash is of a scarlet variety, more punctate than the papular form of measles, but the spots are not so discrete as in scarlet, and the oral triangle or portion of skin round the mouth, which is never affected by a scarlet rash, is affected in German Measles. There are not the crescentic outlines which are present in ordinary measles. The eyes are generally infected, and the glands at the back of the neck are enlarged and tender. The throat may be very sore, and pain on swallowing may be marked, but less than would be expected in a scarlatina of equal severity. Mumps Mumps may only be discovered by the swelling on the side of the face, running from the ear to the angle of the mouth. There may, however, have been malaise for two or three days, and this should be watched for in the case of children who have been exposed to the infection. These latter may show languor, loss of appetite, with fever, and may complain of shooting pains over the side of the face and into the ear. Nose bleeding and pain on eating are also observed. Isolation may cease when three weeks have passed, if the swelling has subsided for a week. Scarlet Fever Scarlet Fever, though a serious disease for the young infant, is not in some respects as harassing to the authorities as is measles or whooping cough. The incubation period is short and the invasion is sudden, the child not being as a rule infectious till it is obviously ill and unfit for school. HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 119 Once infection has occurred, disinfection and segregation for five days ought to Hmit the spread. Unfortunately, the micro-organism is exceedingly resistant and vital, and can be carried in a hundred ways, by books, toys, clothing, animals, etc., and fresh outbreaks after what has been considered careful disinfection have frequently occurred. Moreover, as a mild case can transmit most virulent infection to a susceptible subject, it is of the highest importance to isolate at once any suspicious case. A sudden attack of vomiting, together with a raised tempera- ture and sore throat, must be considered suspicious. The rash appears almost at once (within a day) on neck, chest, shoulders, and forehead. It looks like very fine scarlet points on a pink ground, and always the white area round the red lips presents on a face flushed, but not covered with rash, a typical appearance. If the fingers are drawn along the skin, a white line which lasts a few minutes is produced. The eyes are bright and neither have catarrh nor are they infected. On the first day of the disease the tongue is coated with a creamy fur. Infection is only over when all discharges from the nose, eyes and throat have ceased. Typhoid Fever Typhoid Fever need not entail any description. The sickening child with headache, loss of appetite, furred tongue and a rising temperature, ought in any case to be referred to the medical officer, who would keep the child under medical observation till the diagnosis is made. Whooping Cough or Pertussis The organism in this case is present in the nose and throat, and is spread by the spray from the child's cough. It is astonishing how far such spray can be carried by the air and air currents. It is difficult in many cases to trace infection because of this. The incubation period is from five to fourteen days. The onset begins with a coryza or cold in the nose and 120 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION running at the eyes. There is generally malaise, very slight rise of temperature, loss of appetite, and a dry cough, worse towards night, which, despite the fact that there are few, if any, physical signs in the chest, and despite treatment, gets worse after about seven to ten days. The cough comes on in paroxysms. The child appears quite well, is running about and playing, when suddenly it gets red in the face and begins coughing in an explosive way. Later a characteristic inspiratory spasm with a stridulant whoop occurs. The cough generally ends with a little mucus being brought up. Frequently the attacks are so severe that they end in vomiting and absolute exhaustion. It must be remembered that the whoop lasts long after the infection is over, and may recur with every succeeding cold for some months. Further, a somewhat similar cough occurs in some cases of chronic bronchitis, particularly with inflammation of the bronchial glands. Occasionally a child suffering from pertussis may not get the characteristic whoop, but only have the spasmodic cough. When the little dry cough, so persistent in character, is becoming spasmodic in type, we have the most infectious period of the disease. It is impossible to say with certainty when the child ceases to be infectious. There appears to be no doubt that many whooping children are quite free from infection. It must be remembered that some cases of infectious disease can run their course and the child be back in the Nursery School before the other children exposed to the infection have developed the disease, as in slight cases of mumps, chickenpox, and German measles. Prevention of the Spread of Infection After infection has occurred steps must be taken to prevent the spread of the disease. If the Nursery School is not closed, special precautions must be taken to prevent a second crop of cases being produced by infection from the original contacts. The latter must be most carefully HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 121 watched for early signs towards the end of the period of incubation. The writer has found a modification of the Milnes System of preventing infection very valuable. When an outbreak is expected all contact should be treated by rubbing the neck and chest with eucalyptus oil, and about ten drops should be sprinkled on the overall. It is true that the smell of eucalyptus is disagreeable, but it is clean and fresh and much preferable to a further outbreak of the disease. Those who have become infected from the first case, if their prodromal symptoms escape the vigilant eye of the assistants and come out in a rash, are less likely to affect the remainder who are thus protected. Disinfection of premises, when infectious disease has occurred, consists in the thorough cleaning of the rooms. Where notifiable disease has occurred, the Public Health authorities will act according to their recognized procedure. Schools should be so planned and constructed that there are no places where dust and dirt can accumulate. Chemical disinfection is unnecessary ; indeed, it often gives a fallacious impression of security. A thorough cleansing with soap and water, and the free admission of air and, if possible, sunshine, is the best form of disinfection. Clothes should be disinfected in specially constructed disinfectors, where they can be exposed to the fumes of formalin or sulphur, steam or heat. If it is thought necessary to use a chemical disinfectant, it is useless unless sufficiently concentrated. A spray of one in forty of a forty per cent, solution of formic aldehyde may be used, or three or four per cent, carbolic acid may be washed over the room. Infections are said to be contagious when they can be communicated from individual to individual by direct contact. Many diseases which do not cause acute illness are contagious. Such are many of the skin affections to which children are liable. Any sore place in a child, any 122 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION cut or scratch, is liable to become infected with germs causing suppuration — that is, pustules, boils, or abscesses are formed. If the pus or matter from these is carried either by the fingers or by the nails to another child, particularly if the second child is run down or anaemic, he is liable to contract spots of the same nature. In this way impetigo contagiosa often arises. Only absolute cleanliness, and great care taken in keeping separate the washing materials of each child, and also the isolation of infected children, prevent the rapid spread of this skin affection. Similarly, sore eyes are exceedingly infectious, the infection being carried by towels or by actual contact. The parasitic diseases most often found are the following : Parasitic Diseases Scabies is caused by a small insect which burrows under the skin and causes intense irritation, particularly after the children are warm in bed. This leads to scratching and consequent infection from the microbes, causing suppuration. Between the fingers and in the bend of the elbow and armpit lines are found where the burrow is formed, and numerous pustules result from scratching. Body lice and fleas can be treated by bathing the child and stoving the clothes, but the child is liable to get reinfected at home. Head lice are very often found where the mothers are neghgent. They will often attribute the presence of these parasites to the delicacy of the child. There is no doubt that delicate children seem to be more easily affected, but their presence always means neglect. Nits on the hair are found particularly behind the ears, and are to be distinguished from dandruff by their firm adherence to the hair and their pear-hke shape, attached to the side of instead of encircling the hair shaft. These nits are the ova of the louse, and therefore a sure sign of the presence of lice, and as long as they are there a source of reinfection. HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 123 Washing the head in paraffin or soaking it with sassafras oil kills the nits. They may be removed by combing with a fine comb dipped in hot vinegar, which loosens the material attaching the nit to the hair, or by manual removal. No standard of cleanliness is sufficient which permits a nit to remain. The custom of having the hair bobbed is best for children in the Nursery School. Ringworm is caused by a minute fungus growing on the skin. Spores get detached and infect other places or children. It can be recognized by ring-like patches with raised margins. The rings gradually grow. In the head the spores get into the hairs, which break off and form round bald patches. This disease can be considered cured only when the hairs fail to show the presence of spores. Treatment of ringworm of the scalp is often very tiresome and slow. X-rays seem to be the quickest and most efficient method of treatment in persistent cases. 124 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION TABLE OF INFECTION AND QUARANTINE. Disease. Scarlet Fever Diphtheria Chickenpo: Measles German Measles Mumps Whooping Cough Typhoid Duration of Infection. 5 to 8 weeks. Ceasing when the child is free from discharge of nose or ears or from sore places. 28 days at least 4 to 5 weeks. 3 to 4 weeks. 2 to 3 weeks. 21 days. 6 weeks from beginning of Whoop. 4 to 5 weeks or longer. Date at which School Attendance may be resumed. Not less than 8 weeks from beginning of rash. Not less than 6 weeks, and not then if sore throat or discharge of nose, ears, etc. Swab should be negative three times. When every scab is off. Not less than 4 weeks from beginning. 3 to 4 weeks from beginning. 4 weeks trom begin- ning, if all swelling has been down for a week. 8 weeks. When sufficiently strong. Duration ot Quarantine of Children exposed to infection. 10 days 12 days. 20 days. 16 days. 21 days. 24 days. 21 days. 23 days. CHAPTER VI MINOR ACCIDENTS IT seems advisable that in a book of this type a small space should be devoted to various small accidents which befall Nursery School children, and with which the superintendent will have to deal. Bruises The most common accident will be bruising. Falls, bangs into furniture, or other catastrophes due to unco- ordinated muscular effort or miscalculation of space, will inevitably occur. Bruises are the result of a blow, causing haemorrhage into the soft parts, owing to the breaking of the blood vessels. In the same category are sprains, followed by sudden swelling, such as we get at the ankle, where a twist may cause the stretching, perhaps breaking, of muscular fibres, injury of tendons, and effusion into the soft parts. In all these cases the first step is to prevent, as far as may be, further bleeding and consequent swelling. Bathing the parts with cold water will contract the blood vessels and slow the circulation. The child will probably be frightened. It must be soothed, or its struggles will increase the haemorrhage. For some minutes the parts may be bandaged with a cold water bandage. Gentle massage, administered next day, will help to remove the bruises more quickly. 125 126 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION Cuts Wherever there is abrasion of the surface or any external bleeding, every effort should be made to keep the parts quite clean in a surgical sense. The Nursery School ought to keep a store of lint, gauze, and bandages in a scrupulously clean metal case, scissors, dressing forceps, and some dis- infectant, such as Lysol, and a small bottle of tincture of iodine. When any part is bleeding, it should be bathed with cold water, and any dirt should be washed away. The hands of the attendant should first be carefully washed in lotion containing one per cent, of Lysol. The injured part can then be painted with iodine and a simple dressing of gauze applied. Haemorrhage In cases of serious haemorrhage a doctor should be summoned at once, the child being kept as quiet as possible in the meantime, with the injured limb elevated. Pressure can be applied to the bleeding spot by means of a firm pad placed over clean gauze. Nose bleeding is sometimes troublesome, and the patients and attendants often get very much frightened. Cold water should be applied to the nose and to the back of the neck, the child being placed upright on a chair with head thrown back. It is not often necessary to plug the nose, but if any alum or hazeline is at hand it can be added to water and snuffed up the nose. Sprains Any serious injury, such as a severe sprain, suspected fracture or dislocation, should be treated by giving absolute rest to the part till medical help can be obtained. Burns Bums should be treated with carron oil, or picric acid if that is available. If nothing else is handy, flour may be dusted on, and the part thus protected from the air. HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL 127 Slight burns or scalds are relieved by bathing with a weak alkaline solution. Fretfulness Fretfulness should always be taken as a sign of either illness or nervous overstrain. No undue attention should be given to the fretful child, but opportunity should be afforded for quietness and rest, when it will quite frequently drop off to sleep. Fits Fits may cause alarm. In these the child may have convulsive movements and then become rigid or flaccid. The patient must always be taken away from the other children, and must be prevented from hurting himself. He is very likely to bite his tongue, and should therefore have a thickly folded handkerchief or a cork placed between the teeth, so that they cannot be clenched. Children sometimes become rigid with attacks of temper. Firmness should in these cases be adopted. The child should always be removed from the others and allowed to be quiet after he has recovered from the attack. Foreign Bodies Children often get foreign bodies into some part of themselves. A button, bean, marble, or fruit-stone may become suddenly lodged in the larynx. It is advisable to put the finger as far down the throat as possible to try and hook it out. The irritation to the throat thus pro- duced often causes violent retching, which will be sufficient to dislodge the obstruction. Sometimes, if the child is held by the legs in an inverted position, or its back smacked, the foreign body drops out. If a bead is pushed into the ear, it is better to leave it for a doctor to remove as the drum of the ear is so easily injured. If it is a pea or any vegetable material, it is in- advisable to syringe, as the water may cause it to swell. 128 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION If the object is up the nose, a pair of forceps may enable it to be removed, or sneezing may dislodge it. Dust in the eye will cause great irritation. On no account must the eye be rubbed. If the nose is well blown the dust may come out, or it may get washed out with the tears resulting from the irritation. If the upper lid is pulled over the lower one, the lower lashes may brush it out. If it still remains, the lid may be turned back, by holding the eyelashes firmly — the speck is then seen lying on the inner lining. A corner of a soft handkerchief should be used to remove it. If there is any irritation left, a drop of castor oil put in the eye will cause great relief, especially if a handkerchief pad is put over the eye and firmly bandaged on. Splinters and thorns should be removed by pulling them out. If they are broken off close to the skin, and are just under the top layer of the skin, they may often be removed by passing a needle at right angles just under them, at a sufficient distance from the end to enable a forceps to grasp the released free end, and thus abstract it. In all such cases strict regard must be paid to perfect cleanliness. The needle should be boiled and iodine painted on the injured place to keep the spot as aseptic as possible. Stings Stings of bees and wasps, or nettles, should be washed with hot water ; the sting, if possible, should be abstracted, and a solution of bicarbonate of soda should be applied, or a solution of ammonia can be used. An application of Pond's Extract is soothing after wasps' stings. Dog Bite A dog bite should also be treated with hot water to induce as much haemorrhage as may be. Medical aid should be obtained as soon as possible. CHAPTER VII THE TRAINING OF THE STAFF IN HYGIENE FROM the above account of the child and the Nursery School, it is evident that an adequate training in the bodily care of children must find a place in the curriculum of a Training College for Superintendents and Assistants in Nursery Schools. But the words ' ' school" and " teachers," as applied to the Nursery School, must be dissociated from their old meaning if we are to make our Nursery Schools successful. It is a satisfaction to note that the term teacher is eliminated from the Board's regulations. Experience shows that many who are hoping to take part in the Nursery School movement, even as enthusiasts, continue to hold the idea that they are techni- cally to be teachers, rather than specially trained care- takers of the children. The need of a new term is badly felt: "nurse" connotes sickness or nursing duties, and " teacher" connotes not only mental trainer, but actual instructor. What we want is some one born with the instinct of understanding and the capacity for handling the infant, trained in the bodily care of the young child, and who considers no task too menial and no detail of attendance too unpleasant. Such a woman must be sufficiently trained in physiology and psychology to know the dangers of over-stimulating the delicate, newly developing nerve cells and fibres which arc just learning to co-ordinate muscular action. She must know enough about the desires of child-life, and the need of self-expression, to be able to supply suitable 9 129 130 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION stimuli of sound, touch, sight, smell, and action, and to present suitable material by means of which the child may give vent to his desire for self-expression. The colleges which are training workers are alive to some of these needs, but it is also necessary that they should see the importance of training their students in the handling and tending of these very young children. It seems to the writer imperative that training in some well-regulated institutional nursery or hospital is essential, for the following reasons : I. The Nursery School superintendent and assistant must learn to deal with, not one, but many children, in an orderly and systematic way. Nurseries where the nurse has individual care of one or two children only are of little value as a training school to an assistant who will have to cope daily with, not one or two, but a group of children. In the former case the assistant, having been accustomed to only one or two children, finds it difficult to deal expeditiously and carefully with ten or twelve. II. In hospitals large numbers of dehcate children have to be washed, dressed, tended, and fed in an orderly and methodical manner. It is true that the children in hospital are sick, and it may be urged that we want students trained for the care of the normal child. But women who can tend a sick child can tend a healthy one, and it must be remembered that it is the delicate children who will often gravitate to the Nursery School, III. The training in tidying up the ward, and in the menial work a nurse must do, is invaluable to the Nursery School worker, who will be obliged to do disagreeable tasks, even if well supplied with domestic help. To gain success in a Nursery School the cleanliness must be that of the hospital ward, and the attention to the physical needs of the children that which the most scrupulous mother in a good family gives to her charges. IV. A knowledge of hospital out-patient condition and the signs of incipient ill-health will be a help, and make her a much more intelligent colleague to the school doctor. V. Training in the preparation of infants' food and HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL J31 diets of delicate and convalescent infants is particularly advisable, inasmuch as the Board clearly encourages the provision of school meals in Nursery Schools. It has been urged that these matters can be taught in lectures or acquired by visits to institutions. That is absolutely fallacious. Only the constant repetition of these duties under careful superintendence can be of any value. It is practical knowledge which is needed, and such knowledge can only come with experience. The future superintendent of Nursery Schools should also be in touch with the work which is being done in Schools for Mothers, Day Nurseries and Children's Hospitals, Convalescent Homes, etc., and hospital hfe will be a link between the workers in these different spheres. Her experience will thus greatly help her sociological value in the district in which her school is situated. Both the nurse and the teacher are likely at an early age to get into their own professional rut. A scheme which provides such an admixture of different types has, in hopsitals and training colleges where the experiment has been tried, already proved to be an advantage to both. Nursery Schools, as we have said before, are in the experimental stage. If they are successful they will be of inestimable help to mother, teacher, and the State ; but there are many pitfalls, and their success will depend mainly on the proper attitude of the superintendent. Unless meticulous care in cleanliness of person and sur- roundings is maintained, sickness, and particularly infec- tious disease, will be rife among children, at an age when illness leaves lasting effects. To supply the proper training in the handling of the child, to impress on the student the importance of attention to the formation of regular hygienic habits, to inculcate methods of order and the medical standard of cleanliness, is work for which, at present, only the hospital is available. Efforts should, then, be made to get the hospitals to regard with sympathy the needs of these students, and to open their doors to them for short courses of training. Nursery School students are generally very keen and intelligent, 182 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION and if they also take advantage of the opportunities which hospitals may afford, there is great hope for the future of the Nursery School. The inclusion of these courses of training will in no wise make the nursery superintendent capable of taking the part of the school nurse. The school nurse with a know- ledge of massage will be needed in all the special schools for delicate children, but for other schools a fully trained nurse could be attached to more than one school, and attend to cases of real sickness, such as discharging ears, impetigo, rickets needing massage, and minor complaints which require a nurse's attention. All that is wanted from the hospital part of the superin- tendent's training is practical skill in the handling of the child, capacity to recognize the aihng child, appreciation of the meaning of hospital cleanliness and tidiness, and a friendly appreciation for and recognition of the importance of medical care. PART V THE STAFF OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL AND THE TRAINING OF SUPERINTENDENTS By the Editor. IT is impossible to study the problem of the Nursery School for long without becoming convinced that the most important controlhng factor of the whole situation is the Nursery School superintendent and her helpers. Other conditions may be perfect, but without the right persons to inspire and carry out the work all is in vain. On the other hand, the early stages of the movement have given abundant evidence that the right people can do wonders, even though hampered in a thousand ways by material conditions, and by lack of special training. It is true that success has often been won at too great a cost of health and energy, and the public owe an incalculable debt to the pioneers in Free Kinder- gartens and Day Nurseries, who have sacrificed so much for the cause of little children. Their reward is the recog- nition of the Nursery School as the right foundation for the national system of education. In every sphere of life it is useless to ignore the part that personality plays — nothing can take its place, and nowhere is this more 'Strictly true than in the Nursery School. The first demand on the staff — one and all — is for complete sincerity of character. This is far more important than any special gifts of mind or person. The child must have reason for his trust. Love of little children is a twin I essential; and for all who possess these two qualifications i there is, after suitable training, some place in a Nursery ISchool. On the other hand, there is scarcely a desirable {quality of mind and character or person that a superin- jtendent would not wish to possess, and even feel to be /lecessary for the utmost fulfilment of h«jr ideals. No 133 134 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION native qualifications are too good and no preparation too careful for work in a Nursery School. y Special training is certainly necessary, and should, as regards length of time and quality of work required, be on a level with that of teachers recognized as trained and certificated by the Board of Education. The character of training needed is in many respects different from that of a teacher, but it is important that from the beginning its status should be the same. It is very necessary to recognize the fact that the staff is not composed of teachers in the commonly accepted sense, although it is probable that the most efficient pioneers of the immediate future will come from the ranks of experienced teachers. There is much that the teacher and the Nursery School superintendent have in common, but it is important to realize the difference between the one and the other. The demands on the Nursery School staff are various, and correspond to three aspects of the work : (a) The special care of the children's health, the training in hygienic habits, the maintenance of hygienic conditions. (6) The children's educational development in the wider sense. (c) The work outside the nursery itself — the keeping in touch with the home-life, the necessary visits to clinics, hospitals, and other remedial institutions. All this obviously cannot be done by one person, even for forty children. It is, indeed, important to realize at the outset that there must be at least two experienced and qualified helpers to every Nursery School, apart from young probationers. Whether the nursery be large or small, this requirement is equally pressing, because with young children from two years old and upwards the superintendent may be called off at any moment to attend to an emergency connected with one child. The rest must never be left alone — therefore it becomes necessary always to provide two qualified members of staff. In addition, probationers will be wanted. These may be young girls who are looking forward to a career as a NURSERY STAFF— SUPERINTENDENTS 135 trained children's nurse, and who hope to work eventually either in children's hospitals or in creches or private houses. They should be paid a moderate wage, and receive a practical training from the superintendent. Classes should be arranged for this type of helper, and a certificate or official letter given her at the end of her course if her work has been satisfactory in all respects. Such training for one year or more, according to her age, should give her the right to be recognized as a qualified children's nurse. In a nursery of forty children a qualified superintendent, a qualified assistant, and two such probationers would constitute an adequate staff. It must be remembered, however, that the number of probationers required depends largely on the number of children admitted under three years of age. To look after seven babies of two is as much as one grown-up person can manage ! On the other hand it is possible for one helper to care for more than double the number between three and six years of age. It should be noted also that as the work of the Nursery School staff cannot be restricted absolutely to school hours, special consideration must be given to the need for a break and a rest during the day. Training of the Nursery School Staff The character of the work to be done in the Nursery School determines the type of training needed by a superintendent. If she is to care adequately for the child's health, to be capable of adjusting his conditions to his physical needs, and to train him in all desirable physical habits, it will be necessary for her to make a careful study of the conditions of health in early childhood, and of some of the laws of bodily development. She will also need considerable experience of the best ways of caring for children, and plenty of opportunity of working in good nurseries where good methods are to be learned. Thus a superintendent's training must be thoroughly practical. It will include both practice in Day Nurseries and Nursery Schools, and assistance in out-patients' wards, clinics, and schools for mothers. A period of training in 136 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION a babies' or children's hospital of at least three months' duration is greatly to be desired. Social Studies Social studies that will help to give the superintendent the right outlook can best be made in connexion with the practical part of her work. To visit the homes of the chil- dren of the particular nursery in which she happens to be working, to study the influences at work in the same neigh- bourhood, to assist at the parents' gatherings or mothers' classes, give invaluable training which can be usefully sup- plemented by a good course of lectures on modern social conditions. In this way the student may hope to become efficient as a guardian of the child's health, and at the same time to acquire the outlook she needs with regard to her work as a whole. She will have been able to come to close quarters with many of the most important controlling conditions with which in some form or other she will have to contend in her future work. The training in hygiene, and the study of social conditions in connexion with much practical work, are perhaps the newest features of a course of training leading to an educational calling. Psychological Studies Opportunity will also be needed for simple studies in the psychology of early childhood. For this, again, almost daily contact with children will be necessary. Lectures will be desirable, but will probably prove fruitful in propor- tion to the first-hand experience of the student. The future superintendent will also wish to be put in touch with the best of the educational thought of to-day, and to trace some of the influences of the past. Practical Instruction Several practical courses will be wanted, of shorter or greater length ; for example, simple forms of handwork — interesting to children — also the making of children's garments, plain cookery suitable for httle children, and the keeping of accounts. NURSERY STAFF— SUPERINTENDENTS 137 Very important is personal training in music and rhj'thm and speech, as well as an abundant knowledge of children's games and stories. Gardening and Nature Study Every superintendent should know also how to make a garden and tend plants and flowers. In s3-mpathy with a child's love of nature, she will wish to study animals and plants herself, and thus by her sound if elementary knowledge of some of the laws of life-development, be ready to help her children to find out answers to some of the many questions they may ask her. Literature It will readily be admitted that any course of training that excludes generous studies in literature will prove to be inadequate. Such studies are needed first of all for the enrichment of the student's own personality, for merely professional training is not enough ; also, literature may in the future be her readiest means of securing complete refreshment and renewal of mind and spirit. Again, it will be remembered that every superintendent must learn to be a story-teller ; to meet this demand is impossible unless the mind is first steeped in good literature. Studies in literature then, though mentioned last, are second to none in importance in the training of the Nursery School superintendent. Such a training as that suggested above requires a minimum of two years, the normal time spent by teachers at Government Training Colleges. One-year courses for experienced persons would naturally emphasize the special features of the work in Nursery Schools, and omit the rest. The training of the superintendent of a Nursery School is thus " compounded of that of the nurse, the teacher, and the social worker." At the end of it, if not much over twenty years of age, she should fill the post of a fully- quahfied assistant for some years before bcccming a superintendent, for the post of head is one of serious responsibility, and this should be recognized in every way. 138 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION It cannot be emphasized too strongly that special training should be given to all to whom the management of a Nursery School is to be entrusted. It is desirable to attract women to this work from as wide a field as possible, and to remove all possible barriers from suitable candidates. Courses of training should be made easily available, but should be invariably required. No type of helper corresponding to the supplementary teacher should be allowed to grow up in connexion with Nursery Schools. Such an expedient might be convenient for the moment, but in the long run would prove detri- mental both to the efficiency of the Nursery School and the professional standing of its staff. Given right conditions, it may reasonably be supposed that the call for workers will win a wide response. The movement should have an almost universal appeal to women, and should give scope to varied gifts. To some, the wrestle with physical defect before it has had time to establish itself will appeal most ; to others, the fascination of dealing with the early stages of mind-development. Others again will find satisfaction in the unrivalled oppor- tunity of helping their fellow-women in what is often the hard struggle of family-life, of bringing to them new knowledge, skill, and, above all, fellow^ship, as they fight through the most difficult years. Lastly, it may be hoped that the movement will offer opportunities to women who have gifts for organization. There is no doubt that, as time goes on, the various agencies at work for the welfare of young children will have to be linked together more closely than they are at present. There will be need of trained intelhgence and special gifts and experience in those who are invited to carry out schemes of further co-operation in the future. It is more than likely that the specially trained and experienced Nursery School superintendents, of good general education and with a special bent for organization, will prove to be good candidates for responsible posts in institutions where various agencies for child-welfare are co-ordinated. PART VI NOTES ON BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT By the Editor. chapter i BUILDINGS IT will probably be found desirable to preserve an open mind for the next few years as to the ideal type of building and equipment of the Nursery School. It will be well also to look forward to the need for a considerable variety of type. Differences in type will be determined by the relationship of the nursery itself — that is, whether the particular nursery in question is to be a separate institution or to be closely affihated to some other child-welfare agency, such as a school for mothers, a day-nursery, or an elementary school. Experiments that are already working show three well- marked methods of housing a Nursery School : (i) The Open-air Shed. The Rachel McMillan Nursery School in Deptford is the outstanding instance of this type of Nursery School. Its extraordinary success renders it of all types the best worth consideration. (2) A Number of Cottages thrown into one — with the divisions between their yards removed. A good instance of this method is seen in the Ardwick Nursery School, Manchester. Here, in a dreary but thickly populated factory district, communication is made between four cottages exactly similar to the rest in the same street. By means of the 139 140 NtJRSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION removal of dividing partitions, the playrooms are made to extend from front to back of the building, permitting a through draught of air. The smaller rooms serve as re- ceiving-room and cloak-room. Suitable lavatories are provided in the yard, easily accessible from the house. The long, narrow yard is provided with plants, and the windows with window-boxes. The drawback here is the want of adequate space, but the humble premises, exactly similar to the homes of the children, help to bring about the friendly relation between the nursery and the neighbourhood that is so much desired. (3) The House and Garden. In many of our big towns there are districts which are densely populated by families that live in conditions which make the right bringing up of children an impossibility. In such areas there is an urgent need for Nursery Schools. Fortunately it is not infrequently the case that here and there roomy houses with gardens, deserted by well-to-do residents, remain un- touched, though generally in bad condition. Such houses have served for Day Nurseries and Nursery Schools. Although not situated in the midst of a slum, the Rusholme Day Nursery and Nursery School, Manchester, shows what can be done with this type of premises. The house gives provision for forty children, ranging from a few months to five years of age. The babies' rooms, with bath-room, lavatory, and receiving-room, arc on the first floor. On the ground floor are two play-rooms for the Nursery School, with kitchen and staff-room. An additional cloak-room and lavatories have been added. There is a pleasant garden containing a large grass plot, trees, and flowers ; a good-sized sand-pit (7 feet by 9 feet) is placed in one corner, and a shed for peram- bulators adjoins the house. While it is recognized that adaptations to circumstances must always be made, and that in many cases the ideal equipment will not be forthcoming, it is desirable at this juncture to consider in what kind of surroundings the Nursery School could fulfil its aims most successfully. For convenience we will consider, first, the single Nursery BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT 141 School housed in a separate building, designed to accom- modate forty children, for whom dinner will be provided in the middle of the day. Site The first essential is space. Besides room for the building itself, the minimum space should be sufiicient to allow the children to run about freely. It need hardly be added that when ample space of garden or field is possible, it can scarcely be too generously allowed. The site should also be such that the building can face south or south- east, so as to secure all the morning sunshine possible. Raised ground is an advantage, but steep hills should be avoided. Type of Building Without doubt the new Nursery School buildings should be of the open-air type. Experiments already tried, such as Miss Margaret McMillan's at the Baby Camp in Deptford, London, have shown incontestably that excellent results, as gauged by increases in height and weight and other ways, are obtained when babies and little children live in the open air under suitable conditions, both winter and summer. The success of our open-air schools for delicate children also gives reason for confidence that conditions which are so beneficial to delicate children are likely to yield a far more abundant return in the case of healthy children. From another point of view also the open-air type of building is desirable for a Nursery School. We have maintained in a previous chapter that close contact with Nature is a fundamental need in child development. There- fore the Nursery School should avoid the atmosphere of the shut-away nursery— still more the idea of the class- room. When the children live in rooms which are open throughout their whole length to the garden, they can experience a hving with nature otherwise impossible. When not actually in the garden, they can be dry and warm 142 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION in their open rooms without being away from the influence of Nature. Thus it is urgently to be desired that when new Nursery Schools are built the open-air type shall be adopted, and that so, without delay, the trend of opinion may be in the right direction. Two successful plans have already been tried : (i) The open-air shed facing south, providing rooms having three walls only, with windows or open space about eighteen inches deep along the top of the north side ; all rooms in this case being entirely open to the south. In bad weather screen doors can be pulled across the south side for protection. (2) The rooms in the North Wingfield Infants' School, in Derbyshire, of which Mr. George Widdows, of the Derbyshire County Education Authority, is the architect. Here the rooms are entirely open from the ground upward to the height of an ordinary door, both along the north and south sides, but can be closed entirely or partially on one side or the other at will. This is effected by means of a series of doors running the length of the room on both sides. These doors open outwards back to back, and can be clamped together in pairs. The upper part of each door is fitted with windows, which can be let down when it is desired to shut the doors but to retain complete cross-ventilation. Thus a great variety of adjustment to conditions of wind and weather is possible. There is a broad veranda running along both the north and south sides of the room. Though covered, it does not darken the room, for a north light is secured by means of a continuous skyhght, five feet deep, and above the veranda on the south side is a big dormer window. Heating The question of adequate heating is a serious one. Little children must be kept warm. Active as they are, they spend long periods playing quietly on the floor or at tables. H-. H-HFTK BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT 143 and therefore the problem of keeping the rooms at the right temperature is one which needs careful considera- tion, especially when an open-air type of building is contemplated. The North Wingfield Infants' School solves this problem by providing steam pipes placed under a floor made of concrete slabs two and a half inches thick. A temperature of sixty-five to seventy degrees at the surface of the floor ensures an even temperature above of about fifty-six to sixty degrees. If the feet are warm, a good circulation of the blood is secured, and the cold fresh air brings with it no risk of chill. Plan of Building In planning a building for a Nursery School, provision is needed in some form or other for : {a) A large play-room, not less than forty feet by twenty feet. There should be the possibility of dividing one such spacious room into two good-sized rooms, so that the children of two and three years of age may at times play separately from those of four and five. This room should face the south. {h) A sleeping- room, which need not face south, (c) A small room, ten or twelve feet square, which will serve as an isolation-room when needed, and at other times as a quiet room for any two or three children who may need to be withdrawn from too stimulating companionship for a time. (d) A small kitchen, scullery, and larder. {e) A room for dining and rest for the staff. (/) ' A room for the superintendent where parents can be received. {g) A receiving-room, preferably with sunny aspect, containing washing apparatus. (h) Cloak-rooms, twelve or fifteen feet square, for the children, and additional accommodation for the staff. {i) Lavatories for staff and children. 144. NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION The following considerations are important : (a) The lavatories should be conveniently near receiving-room, play-room, and sleeping-room. {b) The superintendent's room should be near the middle rather than at one end of the building. (c) The kitchen should be near the rooms where meals are taken — that is, one of the play-rooms and the staff-room. (d) The isolation-room should be near the superin- tendent's room. The General Character of the Building In designing a building for a Nursery School one would desire that the whole should give an impression of simple beauty and homeliness. One would wish to avoid the appearance of a bare, straggling barrack, but at the same time any departure from extreme simplicity would give a building out of harmony with its purpose of serving the needs and pleasure of little children. Also it should be remembered that the Nursery School should attract mothers and fathers as well as children. It is to be an integral part of the life of the neighbourhood in which it is placed ; therefore it must be home-like, not suggesting the ' ' insti- tution," so that the very building may help to bring about friendly intercourse between the helpers in the nursery and the parents of the children. The Garden If, as has been said, the children are to feel that they are living with nature, the consideration of the garden is a matter of supreme importance. It is not necessary that it should be very large, but it should afford room for physical activit}^ for flower-beds, for at least one tree not too near the house, and for grass plots. Surely this is not too much to ask of any advanced civihzed community. It is, however, unfortunately true that in our big towns BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT 145 it is at present most difficult, if not practically impossible, to provide a garden in the very situations where Nursery Schools arc most needed. A roof-garden must then be the last resort. In districts where a large park is less than half a mile away, there is an excellent case for placing the Nursery School within it. While it is of first importance that open spaces devoted to public use should not be curtailed, yet, on the other hand, the children would occupy the park only during the hours of the day when it is usually almost deserted, and the returns in healthy physique would be sufficiently great to compensate for the sacrifice of free access to a small but unoccupied portion. In districts, however, where the difficulties are not insuperable, the garden should be one of the first considera- tions. At this point it is advisable to urge the importance of giving a prominent place to the needs of little children in all the new town-planning and building schemes. It will be deplorable if this all-important aspect of reconstruction is forgotten or pushed aside. " Children's Houses " or Nursery Schools which can be used by groups of families will be needed close to the new homes. They should be so near that mothers will be able to watch their children at play without difficulty, and satisfy themselves at times during the day that all is well. They should be situated as far as possible where there are no dangerous streets to cross, and apart from noisy traffic. These matters need consideration while there is yet time. It is difficult to over-estimate the national importance of a wise provision for the needs of little children. u CHAPTER II EQUIPMENT^ NDER this heading must be considered : I. The necessary fixed installations of a Nursery School. II. Decoration. III. Furniture and toys and other movable equip- ment. I. Fixed Installations. Hot Water. It is necessary that both hot and cold water should be available. Preferably a system of hot-water pipes should be installed with taps in kitchen and receiving-room, but failing this a geyser should be provided. A gas stove for heating water in a large vessel, fitted with a tap, is also very useful. Receiving-room. — For forty children it is desirable to fix six washing basins in the receiving-room. Thej^ should not be more than sixteen to twenty inches from the ground. The children will be trained to turn the water on and off, therefore the taps should be easy to manage. It is, however, perfectly satisfactory from the children's point of view if, instead, a stand for jugs and bowls be provided. A basin for grown-up people^ould be added. Two baths suitable for young children should also be provided. Rows of pegs, not more than thirty and a half to thirty- six inches from the floor, and at least six inches apart, should be provided for the children's towels. Sanitary Conveniences. — It is essential that lavatories should be suitably designed. For thirty children between 146 r BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT 117 three and six years of age not less than four should be installed. These should be separated from one another by partitions from three and a half to four feet high. Such an arrangement ensures privacy, and also makes efficient supervision possible. It is important to secure a good and easy flush of water. The height of the seats should range from six to eight inches, with inside diameters seven by nine inches. Even if compromises should have to be made in certain directions as regards equipment, it is most undesirable to start a Nursery School without some such careful provision of suitable lavatory accommodation. Cloak-rooms. — The cloak-room pegs should be at the same height as those provided for towels in the rccci^'ing- room. They should be fixed on stands away from the walls, and the distance between the pegs should be at least twelve inches in order that the clothes of each child may not touch those on the nearest peg. The special necessity of avoiding every possible risk of infection in a Nursery School renders this point important. A separate cloak-room with lavatory accommodation and washing basin will be needed for the staff. Artificial light will be needed, especially in any room available for parents' gatherings. Fixed cupboards are desirable : (i) In kitchen, for groceries, crockery, and cleaning materials respectively. (2) In receiving-room, for towels and cloths. (3) In play-rooms, for toys and play materials. These should be low and easily accessible to the children. (4) In sleeping-room a cupboard fitted on an enlarged pigeon-hole system may be desirable for the purpose of keeping the children's blankets and pillows. Blinds. There should be blinds fixed in the sleeping-room for darkening the room during certain hours of the day. 148 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION II. Decoration The most appropriate wall decoration is plain colour- wash. In some cases a sunny yellow gives the right feeling for a children's room, in others a soft pink. A dado of blue in washable paint, with buff or cream colour above, is cheerful and also economical. One of the most efficiently decorated nurseries known to the writer has soft grey walls. There are screens of a " firmament blue " in this nursery, and the helpers dress in the same colour. No Nursery School superintendent is indifferent to the colour of her walls, and she would greatly desire to be consulted about the decorations of her nursery. The floors are best covered with cork linoleum, of a colour harmonizing with that of the walls. This is durable, easily cleaned, and suitable for little children. It is impor- tant to make provision for daily effective cleaning, as the standard of cleanliness in a Nursery School must be ap- preciably higher than that of the average elementary school. Bare boards need scrubbing at least twice a week, and the labour involved is more than it is desirable to ask. Moreover, the danger of splinters renders bare boards unsuitable for very young children. It must be remembered that a baby of two spends most of his time on the floor, therefore a clean, not too hard, covering is necessary. III. Furniture, Toys, and other Movable Equipment The whole equipment of the nursery should be of simple character. {a) The Receiving-room. — In addition to the fixed equipment already suggested, each child will need some receptacle, a bag or a rack, for his own washing apparatus, including soap, flannel, and tooth-brush. These will be labelled by name or picture in some way intelligible to the youngest child. One or two nursing chairs for the helpers, possibly half a dozen commode chairs for the two-year-olds, besides one or two ordinary chairs will be needed. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT liv which ceases to be recognized will not, as a rule, exceed the amount of the outstanding liabilities at the date on which the school is closed, or on which recognition ceases. 14. The payment of grant and the continuance of recognition is subject to the fulfihnent of the conditions laid down in these Regulations, but if any of the conditions 174 NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION have not been fulfilled the Board may, nevertheless, where there are special circumstances which would justify it, pay such grant as they may think fit instead of withdrawing recognition, or as a preliminary to so doing. 15. If any question arises as to the interpretation of these Regulations, the decision of the Board shall be final. 16. These Regulations come into force as from ist April, 1918, and may be cited as "The Regulations for Nursery Schools, 1919." Given under the Seal of Office of the Board of Education this 5th day of March, 1919. (l. S.) L. A. Selhy-Bigge Secretary to the Board of Education INDEX Adapted houses, 139 Age classification, 49, 96 Anger, 31. 44, 45 Appetites, The, 28 Ardwick Nursery School, 139 Art-appreciation, 89, 91 Bathing, 102 Bead-threading, 85 Breathing exercises, 104 Brickbuilding, 83 Bruises, 125 Buildings, Character of, 141, 142, 144 Plans of, 143, 144, 151 Burns, 126 Centres of interest, i