GIFT OF Felix Piagel AMI FELIX FLUGBL A Grammatical Dictionary of •■•,,■' ■:);■■ the English Language;. :■ (^rammatif^e^ 2Bortert)u^ ber ettglif^ett ^pta^t^ 5)cutf(^ctt in^ (Sngtifc?§c* SiJac^ ben fecjlcn Clucttcn unb mit Sctegen au^ altcren unb neucren ©lafftfern. ©on Scorer am mobevncn ©efammt = ®^mnaflum ju Sei|)jig. 1853, Herrn D« ERNST J. HAUSCHILD, Director des modernen Gesammt- Gymnasium zu Leipzig. C^^^y^.S^ i) X VO X t. ^auptfdd^ltd^ wtU oorti'egenbeg SSSerfd^en etn J^anbbud^tem ^um Stac^fd^lagen fetn, aU§ett bereit, bem gragenben bet oorfommenben ©(^wtengfeiten etne le{d)t suganglfci^e ^(uffldrung ju geben* ©eg^alb bte ol|)t)abett[c^e 2(norbnung be§ ©anjen , hk aud^ ben grammattfd^ mtnber ©efd^utten befdi)igt, ju ftnben, wag er fui^t. @g ftnb bie einjelnen 2Cuf- fd^e ebenfomel bunbi'ge 5!Konograpf)te'n ber efnjetnen ©egenjldnbe; jeber foU feine SSorlage tmmer gleid^ nad^ alien ©eiten l)in beleuc^ten, wag bie gewbl)nlic^e ©pra(^lel)re nid^t ti)nt, tt)rer notl)tt)enbigen ^Cnlage nod^ aud^ nid^t t^un barf* 3nbef treten aud^ biefe gefonberten 2fuffd^e burd^ ii)u wed^felfettigen S5ejtel)ungen fel)r oielfad^ in ben genaueflen tnneren 3ufammenl)ang unb bilben fo grb^ere fDftemattfdlie 3lbl)anblun9en, fbnnen bemnad^ red)t fdglic^ aud^ bem nod^ nid^t eben wdt Dorgebrungenen, felbftftrebenben ©prad^fd^uler em bequemeg ^itUl jur gortbilbung wer^ ben* Unb j|eber£el)rer wtrb ben etnen ober ben anberen 2Crti!el pr^runb^ lage fetner erlduternben S3e[pred^ung maiden, t^n [elbft juc Uebertragung ing @ngltf(^e benu^en unb fo bie lebenbige Uebung mit ber S5elel)rung »ereinen fbnnen* SSJlan uberfet)e bann nur !einen ber gemeinfamen gdben, wel^e ha^ etne ^apitel bem anberen anreil)en» $Dleijt l)aben wir — fd^on um 2B{eberl)olungen ^u meiben — burc^ SSerweife auf anbere 3lrti!el beg SSu^eg in biefem SSetrejf 2Cnleitung gegeben* 2Sem baran liegt, eine @prad^eigent)eit nad^ ii)xm oerfd)iebenfren 9?i^tungen p oerfolgen , ben nbtl)igen ©efammtuberblic! uber irgenb eine (Srfd^einung ju gewinnen, ber laffe eg fic^ nic^t irren, wenn unfere ja^lreic^en (SitaU ii)n (nad^ &bt^i) „{)erauf , l)erab unb quer unb frumm" fuf)ren ] fie foUen ii)n wenigfteng nid^t „an ber 9^afe :^erum'' ful)ren* — ^ie Srjielung cineg oUgemeineren ©tanbpunfteg war fortn)dl)renb unfer t>ornel)mfteg SSeftreben , bk SSer^ gleid^ung mit anberen (Sprad^en — bag ©rquidlidtifte an ber ganjen @prad^lel)re — begt)alb oon fetbjt geboten. 701558 VI SBarum wit: aUt fo oft 2Cet)nlic^!etten unb aSerwanbtfd^often im ©eutfc^en felbft auf Soften ber ftrengen ©orrectf)eit , m ben ©talecten ober tn ber oecaltcten ©prad^e gefud^t, warum wtr namentd'c^ fo f)dufi9 aSibetfleUen angejogen? SDarauf entgegne wieberum eine ©d^nft? fteUe : „Sa6 tft bod^ SSetn oon metnen SSetnen unb ^leifc^ oon meinem gletfc^e!'' (So wenfgfteng i()at fc^on mand^ec k untergeorbnetfte SiJiunbart oft met)r praftifd^e 95ebeutung, aU bk regetred^tefte ©d^utfprad^e* ^ur bie gegebenen Siegeln felbffc finb ung meift bie beften 2(utoritdten ma^gebenb gebtieben* 3n ben wenigen gdUen , wo voiv oon biefen abju? weid^en ung gebrungen fai)en, f)aben wir ftetS burd^ reid^ere S5elege unferer 2(nfid^t bie nbtijige Unterftu^ung ju gebcn gefud^t. ©ie§ war Us fonberg ba ber gall, wo bie ©rammatifer, ale alljuftarre ^^uter, bai fd^ulmeifterten , wa^ Ui hm anerfannteften ©d^riftftellern Idngffc in aVis gemeinen (Sebraud^ gefommen* SSSeit entfernt, jebe Caune beg ©enie'S al6 gflic^tfd^nur fiir ben ernet)men* Stur bttte td^, nid^t ju uberfe{)en, baf etn 2Ber! btefer 2Cn(a9e fur bte mg^ii- [die ©prac^e nod^ nic^t ej:i|ttrt, td^ atfo i)infid^tltd^ be§ ^laneg fetne SSorarbetten oorfanb* Sebod^ letjtete mix ta^ in etnem grbf eren 9Kafs ftabe angetegte franjofifd^e Dictionnaire Grammatical be§ ^errn Dr. ^aufd^tlb t)ter wefenttic^en SSeiftanb* ^i6;)t Derfagen !ann td^ mir e§ fd^lte^U(^, ben geef)i:ten ©bnnern unb greunben, bte tntd^ tn ntet'nem ^atmog aud^ bet btefer 2Crbeit fo ttJo^lwoUenb mt't SRat^ uitb Zi)at unterft6|t, ben l)erjlt(^ften San! i^temtt augjufpred^en* Setpgtg, ben 20* (September 1852* ^a^ bem . ^o . . 2 A, an. fit eg ficfi i)pr Sonfonantm ab, berSBf; in ujiIgarcvf^Drac^e, .ufli* tuic^n \tm granj^fcijcp cct.l^ C. ©ebvau* beS 9lrtif et ?.a; 5)|e^9(i-ttf e/ ctVe^ >«'>«« '^X^xaio e foUeit iirbrtt t^ifo^ftf freii^ i.;]^»eln einjefneg SDtiifl atnief(t)(offen , felbfiftanbtg au8 feiitcr ®atttmg l^eraug^ebcn. 3)tc« itnb 5nict)t« lueitcr t^ut benn aucfc bcv «nb«= fiimmte , wai^venb ber befiimmte nirfjt im JlUijemeinen ]^crau«f)efit, fonbern eiii gc; n>iffee, I'cpimmteg S)ing bcjeirfjiiet. (Wan fiefet , bie Diamen follten beffec §ets ^en: bei- bepimmenbe unb ber nic^t b«= jlinun c n b e 2lrtifct.) 3n ber Slnttjenbung beg 5lrtife(3 a finben mef;rere 2{btvei? cl) u n g e n »om beutfi^en ©cbranctie ftatt. I. JDfi- unbcftimnite 5lrtifet wirb gebvau(i>t: «. ttjo n)tr ben be = ftimmten jn fc^cn )?ftegen; 1. 2Benn man bie 3eit angibt, ivie oft ficij etivaS iuieberl^olt , cber ttjenn man ein SDi a g , ® e n? i (f) t , eine 51 n 5 a f; t bes jetrtinct, fiir iveldK ein gcnjiffer *Prei8 gift ; in te^terem Bade fte^t (inbep minbev gut) mandnnal and) f^e, vd. i. 3). : The surgeon visits me twice a day (par jour). A pin fl day's a groat « year. I pay them six dollars a week. One shilling a pound (rt pair). JDagegen and) : five shillings the yard. @. nod): Accusative, B, II, 1 nnb 2 unb Latinism, E. 2. 93oi- mnn= i^en concreten ®nbftanti»en: he h&A.afever, ahead-ache. Qlcl^nlid) : er l^otte fid) ein en ©djnuf'fen, §og fid) ein gicber jn; eg njirc gteid)fam ein ffies cielleS Uebet l^erauSgel^oben. b. 2Bo h)ir gar feinen 3Utife( fe^cn : 1. 93oi- obftract en aC or t evn : You do all in a great hurry. This argument was of a great force. 93ergl. II, 1. SBir brans d)cn l^ier felten ein. 2. @benfa(l8 cor 3lbfiracten im Jll^eitunggfinne, hjie cinige, etnjag: I liked it for a time. (33ergl. Cela n'a qu' un temps.) Have a care. We had still a regard for Mr. Burchell. — ®o entfianb lai 2(b»erb awhile = einigc 3eit. 3. »Bei *.2lngabe beg @ t a n b e « , @ e n? e r b e g , ber 32 a ; tion 3emanbe«: He is an Englishman, a bookseller. ("Da^cr auc^ bet gamilien= namen ; He is c Russell, i». i. ie anbere itaifer aud)) , unb: Napoleon was Emperor of France. 93erg(. Titles, 2, unb Accusa- tive, B, I, 2. 4. ^ad) 7nany — (^oetifd) fiel^t and) i. 2). e i n nad) m and)): Many a long day. Many a learned man pe- rished with hunger. Many a bolder man than I would tremble at it. I told him many and many a time — (mand) liebe8 aWal). For many a year , down many a quiet street , through many an open window, shall float that old familiar cry — „01d Clo' ! (= clothes.) 5. 3)a no i3or S m » a r a t i » e n fiir 7iot fiel^t (f. No. 4), fo fofgt a babiiitcr, njci^rcnb nad) unferm f e in nie ein 3IrtifeI fte^t ; fo nad) no more, no less, no longer u. f. f^ No less a personage than Mr. Wardle's mother himself. He is no longer a school- master. No such ^eipt aber fetn fol^ (^cr; no jle^t in feincr gen.u>r;nlid)en JBe-- beutnng unb l^at ba^er feinen 2Utifel nad) fid) : There is no such liberty. Soft man ii freilid) anf in ,,n i d) t ein f I d) e v," fo n)eid)t bie g »om ©ng(ifd)en ie bei : )o e I d)) : What boy is this? What a man! i23ert1c^t fid) bie (Jinl;eit »on felbft, fo fann and) im -iluS; rnfe a, ba3 3 e i d) e n ber @iiir;eit , twegs fallen: What misery! What nonsense! 3. JBeginnt ever ober never einen Sa^ (Inversion) , fo jici^t ba« Subject g es n) ij ^ n n d) obne a, loenn ii nid>t ein 31 b= jectic cor fid) pat ober Winter bem Aa Abbreviation. 33cr6 ftel^t: Never brother loved his sister better! (^Sergl. jamais itnb f. noc^ ben le^ten ©a^ unter to Fight.) 3l6ei- : Never was stich a noise about a trifle. 4. 3t» ifc()cn jmei >§ait^U»B6rtern, bie nui- einen SBegriff augniacfcen, ivie cin jufammeiigcfegteS liBovt: He was advanced to the dignity of Duke (jur aCnirbc e i n c g JPIerjogg = «&ergog«tt.nirbe). He procured the degree of M. D. — 5, aScr Part, f. b» III. iDer ®eBraurf> be8 (5in = l^eitlartifeU a » or b en *P htra = (en feio itnb wawy frfKint ein 2Cib€r= fpnid) gu fein , erf/art fi(6 attcv barauS, ba§ man 6ei /ew an « small number, bei 7rtrtwy an a great number 9 e b a c^ t nnb bcmgemdfj confiruirt ^at (constructio ad sensum). (S. iibrigcn^ few unb many a. i. O. nnb »cigt. bie nnter Plural , A, VI. curfitt gebrucften SGBoiter a. i. O. There were a good (= vast, great) many people there. A few books, words, questions. @. ben jtveiten ®a^ unter Which , A, 2. D. aCBieber^otung be8 2Irtifel3 a. 1. 3n bcr ateget traudjt er nicljt tuies berl^olt ju werben, njenn er aud) ju me^rcren @ubflanti»en ge^ort: a little boy and girl. $Da8 ift natiirlicf), ba bie cine gorm ju alien ®efd)Ie(f)tern ^^a^t. 2. 93ei(angen aber bie •Sauvtnjorter »eri ftfciebcne S' or men {a nnb an) vov fief) , fo mu§ man i^n »vteber^o(en : a camel and an ape. ieberbplt. @. Plural, B, 6 unb One, B, 2. We bought a brown and a black coat {= a brown coat and a black one). !l)a= l^er aucfj : I have a five-guinea-piece and a Iwo-guinea-piece , u. b. gt., n>o baS ^nbpantic boi>i)elt f^ef^t. E. ®tc(= lung tton a, fofern fie »om JDentfcfeen abn)eirf)t. 1. ®tef;tiis, so, too, how, however »or einem 51 b j e c t i » , fo tritt ber 5lrtitel a Winter biefe3 ;^ so great a fool; so remarkable a people; too powerful an influence ; how considerable a loss. So noble aji action deserved not such a vile return. SSergl. One, (5. SSci Sutler tritt ber 3Irttfet ofter^ Winter bag 9lb«erb ttici, n)enn e8 vor] einem 3lbs jectii"* fie^t: »iel ein fauler ^otj (aBetg^eit ©af. 14, 1; sergL il. SWacc* 16, 7.) 2. ebenfo tritt a Winter feben 6omV»arati» , ber no »or firf) l^at (f. oben C, I, b, 5) : I have no greater a pleasure. 3. ®ett)i3^n(tc^ auci) bei half., f. b. 4, 2lurf> bei ben abjectioifi^en ^JJronomen siich unb many, unb bet what (f. oben C, II, 2); ^ier fann im !Dcutfcl)en bies felbe aCortfoIge ftatt^aben, n)cnn man nber^au^Jt ben 9lrti(el nacfc m a n ct) fe|t (f. C, I, b, 4): What a beautiful day ! Such a friend. F. 21 u 8 1 a f f u n g son a f. Ellipse, B, I, 1 nnb 6. 3u biefer gaiijen Se^re »om nnbeftimmten Qlrtifet »ergt. The ; aii^ercem Personal, E., 1, (5. Aa lautet 1. meift = a : to baa ; Ma'am ; 2. fettner = u: aam ; 3. in l^ebraifdjen 2C6rtcrn flingt e3 , n?enn eg betont ifi = a : Aaron ; fonfi 4. = a : Isaac. Abbreviation, 2{bfurjung. I. SCBirfs ltct)e33evfurjungeinegaDorteg in @cf) rift nnb 2lugf)jr ad) e, meifl burd) ben 2li)ofiro:p^ bejeidjnct. 2)ie gen>or;nn(tflen gciUe finb : almost fiatt almost. a'nt, a'uU ,, and it, am not, art not, arc not, is not, and if it. 'hove „ above. can't ,, cannot. cou'd ,, could. d'ye ,, do ye, do you. e'er ,, ever. 'era „ them. cu'my 11 enemy. 'gainst •.1 against. gl'me i> give me. he'd n he had, he would. he'll 11 he will. I'd ,1 I had, I would. I'll 11 I will. I'm 11 I am. I've 11 I have. it's 11 it is. let's let us. 4 Abide o' ftvitt of, on. 'scaped „ escaped. shan't „ shall not. stead ,, instead. I' „ to. th' „ the. tho' „ though. thou'dst „ thou hadst, wouldst. 'till „ untill. 'tis ,, it is. 'tvvixt „ betwixt. you're ,, you are. II. Sllj 6 V e V i a t u r c n einc8 SBortcS in ter@c^rift; ntjer i>olt|tanbtgatig= juf^ji-erfun. 1. 3)tefc finb fe^r jal^{= rei(f> unb ivcrbeti aucf) in Stcinfc^riften imb im 2)vu(fc fo attgemein gcbrau^t, me imfer u. bgt., [., ^gt, , u. a. m. , u. f. vo. @D : He was incog: here. He procured the degree of M. D. — Capt. Marryat, R. N. G. C. B., has arrived at New York. @ct6fi bect'iniit: according to Admiral Bluster, K. C. B.'s notion. The P. and 0. S. N. C.'s Admiral (i. e. the Penin- sular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's). 2. a){an(t)C fo((t)e S356i1er toevbennie attSgef c() vieben : fo Mr., Mrs. , id cinige hjcvben [ogar auct) fo »er= fiirjt a u g g c [)j V d) e n , trie man fie fd)vei6t; fo lieji man W)oi;t: he is an M. D. aii ob gcfdjvieben ftanbc: he is an emdi ; ba^er finbet fid) bee @a^ *.„•.♦ not to mention learned M. D's." @o awdii M. P. 3n3eitungen, njo man mit bcm JRaume geijt, tapt man oft and) nodj ben ^unft Winter ben .Riirjungen n^eg , na= menttid) in Qlnnonccn mit bev morbevifcl^cn, fleincn ®d)rtft. 3. 3m UeBrigen f. man ben 5infang jebcg cinjelnen 33ud)fta6cn in einem quten aBinterbudje, nnb unfere 2(rtifef Apostrophe, Apocope, Apheresis, Contraction, Elision. To Abide entfvrid)t einem bentfdjcn 51 b B e r t in ber 33ci-tnnbung : I cannot a- bide to (do it) = ic^ fann nidjt umi^ in, tvie I cannot but. . .. Ablative. 2)ci8 SBer^artni^ biefeS Ia= teinifd^en SafuS bejeid^nen befonbci-8 from, of, by, f. b. About : 1. to be about mit einem 3 m finiti» ifl fafl ganj gleid) mit to be going (f. b.) : They were about to light Absolute. (= in eo esse ut — ). 2. Solgt ntec cin 6ject, fo Bebeutet e3: mit (SfosaS U- ffftdftigt fein: ff/iat are you about? I am about a great piece of work. AboTC, 5rb»ert», junjeilcn aU SIbjecttto = oJJig : My above statement. The above discourse (letter, defiance) ; tS ifl eigents lid) einc Bufammeufe^ung auS ab unb b e n (»erg(. bie a^auifel ^) ; ba^cr f^e^t e3 aud) aU 5lbtterbiak ^inter bem <£ut)= ftantit) : the powers «6ore, bie l^immlis fc^en aJiad)te, f. Adverbial. ®o and): like One above = wie ein xiBerirbifcfceS aSBefen. 3a, bieS 5( b j e c 1 1 » above ttjirb nnn and) fufefiantitjifc^ gefe^t: Since writing the above = OBigeS, baS Dbigc gcfdirteben. SCBdrc eg l^iec ein fubftanti»if(^e8 2lb»erb , fo fonnte c8 nur bebeuten : bag O b e n, ber o b e r c ^J t a ^. Absolute. I. 9lbfot«tc (fetbft = ft ci n b i g c) SB ij r t e r fmb fotd)e, bie an unb fiir fid) einen roHfidnbigen ©inn geben, o^nc einer ergdnijenbcn 35eftimmung ju be- bucfen. 3)aS ®cgent§eil ifi relative. @o gibt e3 befonberS 1. ^tbfolutc unb rt= iat i»c 5lbjectiDe: good, tired, dead fmb abfotut; worth , averse finb re(ati», fie beburfen bee Qlngabc, to i e t> i e I bie (Sa? (^e toert^, to em 3cmanb ab gcneigt ifi: It is worth tAree g%iineas. He is not averse to eating and dunking. 9Jian= d)e5 Qtbjcctio fvinn balb abfolut, balb res latio fte^en: He was a covetous man. He was covetous of praise. @, Adjective, G, 5* 2. 2lbfoluteunb relative 2lb»er = bie 11. Weil, yearly, here fmb abfoint, toa^renb ba6 abwcrbialifdie sennight eincg ergdnienben 3nfa^eg bebarf: yesterday sennight, to-morrow sennight. 3. 9){ins ber toid)tig ifi ber Unterfc&ieb gtoifd)eu abs fotnten imb relati«cn ien, ivetdK tt)iv meifi mit ben @ o n j u n c t i o n e n : alg, ba, narfjbem, ttjeil unc bevijf. auflijfen. ®ie jlei^en wle bie tatcinifc^en ablaiivi ab- soluii, jebocf) ol^iie bevcn 58cf(^rans futigen. a. 2lcti»c: One day, the eldest of the boys having ventured across the threshold, two cupboards ,. . attracted the child's curiosity. The master agreeing, the slave was eman- cipated. The hostess />e?*i.s/i«g' in her first assertion, he was preparing lo leave the room. Properly ."T^ea/nwg- they had but one character. They, literally speaking , fell all the miseries of waul. Having got it copied fair, it was placed over the chimney-piece. 9ielatifie ^ a r t i c i ).n e n finb bagegen fotcfte, luetc^e einen 9tb»er6iat5 cbec 2lbj|ectit> = fa^ euti^alten , unb an \i)x ©ntject t>cr: mittelji cine^ r elati»eu i^ t on o menS obcr ber c&cn gcnannten Sonj;unc = t ion en angefnii^ft ivecben fonnten: A villa abounding with every comfort (= that abounds ober abounded). Some persons saw these images glitteriiigy/'xih gold (= which glittered). We had a lulor, joining good manners to true learning. He passed cheerfully on, taking heed to his footsteps. This is a liistory-piece of Mucins Scacvola, burn- ing his right hand. Having finished his letters, he went to his country-house. ISol understanding what he said , I asked... We are struck by the pro- — Abuse. 5 digious number of stones, not only iemg- printed from , but which are piled iu every corner — o e v f ii r j t e r unb » o I = fer aie(ati»fa§ ncben einanber, iole im Sranjofifdjen. SSergt. Participle, A, I, 2. b. 5lbfo(ute ^afft»e 51}articiiiien finb choaS feftener : ThissaiW, he retired. Or, one dream passed, we slide into a new. This accomplished, he look leave (= bie3 abgemac^t). This scheme thus blotv7i up, I had some thoughts of fairly shipping back to England. The seed having been carefully sown, we now reap a golden harvest. The ceremony. . . having been gone through , we find the machinery is . . . 3)a8 (Subject cineS fo tierfiirjten ®a§e8 mup manc^mal <\\\i bcm ^nfammeni^ange crgdn^t merben , ba man nirfjt fietg bie dngj^fi^fic ©cnauigfeit bcs obarf)tet: ,, Keep the *fon6'« in the]house," I say; „or, being removed, send me . . . a good deliverance" = n?enn fie ^inau«= gefc^afft ttierbcn ... 9i c t a 1 1 w , fiel^en fie bagegcn: A person, not already fl/>/»rii;erf of il — . A liberty.... never before known — . By a power to Ihee unknown Ihou canst never be alone. ©. Parti- ciple, B, 2 unb 3. Abstract, Abstraction, ©in c o n^ c refer Scgriff ifi ein 6 i n j e ( begriff, ein SBort, njclrfje^ ein einjcIncS, gefous bcrteS iTing bcbeutet, bag man mit bett ©innen iva^rne^men fann. @o : tine JJiofe, (Sid)t, StUe, ein 2()?felbaum, ein (Srbbeerbufcf). 3)a3 ®egentr;elt ifi ein 2lbftractum, ber SSegriff, ben man er= ^d(t, tt)enn man tton'einer ganjcn ©attung ba6 a b n i m m t (abfira^irt) ,[ um^ alien (Sinjetnen gemeinf cfc.' ift. ieb jn)ifd)en Soncreten unb 2lbflracten madit fidi bei bem ®ebraud)e;bcr 2(rtifet, beg $lnra(, bc8 One u. f. w. geltenb. Abuse , ber unrid)tige ©ebrand) eineS 5lugbru(fe«, meifi burd) bag ^crfommcn entfd)utbigt. ®o : I should a fled (f. 2. A, 3). It is me {hi?n), »erg{. Reflective I, A, 3 unb Declension. JDIe » u t g d r e n Accent. 2{ii«brurfe : This is Peler his book (= ba8 ift ^ctern fein JBucf; *) , I seed unb bergt. ®. no* Incorrecl. Accent. I. 3)£i- ^ottaccent , bie aSetonung ber rid^tigen @i(be eineS SBors teg. 2Ba^renb im Sranj6rifcf?eii ftttS bie ©nbfilbe eineS SBorteS ben Sion ^at, finbet im @itglifcl)en bieftlfce a)ianuicl)faltigfeit beg 2lccente6 flatt, trie im 2)eutfdKn. ® e- [ c^ r i e 6 e n e 51 c c e n t c , ifie fie im ®iie= d}{fc()en, 3talienifcf)eii u. f. tw. eingefu^vt njDvben, gi6t c8 tiirf)t; balder if^ eg oft f{^tt)ierig, bie rict)ttge JBetonung ju finbcn. 3n 2B6iteit»iic(jevn liat man , «m ben Sen nenben jurecfct juttjeifen, aUerbingg auct) 5tccente angenommen ; atletn im getuo^n; lichen JDntrfe hjerben fie nirf)t ang£tuen= bet. 2Bii- bejeirtjncn im Bolgenbcn ben fee^ tonten 93ocat buret? f c 1 1 e r e n 2)rucf , um bie 22}6rter nict)t ju jerreipen. J. ^lUflcmcincS. 1. gur at(e 2B6r-- tei- b eutf ^ en llifprungeg gift bag bcutfdje ® efe§, ba§ bie @ t a m m f i t & e b e n 2; o n l^at , o^ne Siucfrif^t auf 9301-= ober 9^i(f)s filOen. @o »on bcm^tamme bare : abare unb bareness ; fo ^at ber iS t a m m ben %on in: behold, unwell, along, mis- taken, return, fullness, beggerliness, behaviour, affirmatively, becomingly, acorn {wo oru gleid) ber9iiaci)fi(be =er if^). 2)ag <5ngtifdK ^d(t prcnger, a(g bag 3)eutfrf)e felbfi, an biefem beutfctKU @runb; fa§e feft ; fo entpef;en benn fogar ?lbnjei- d)ungen »on ber beutfd)en Sctonung , na; mentli^ ba , wo unfev 2lccent an] bem ©egenfa^c berul^t; j. *-8. n n gtiicflict) a(g ®egeutl;ei( »on glucflid) ; ^uglifd) abev unhappy «jie happy; eOenfo well unb unwell, unnjoI;t; mistake, ajJip: griff. aCBid man jebort) im ®a$e bnrd) ben Sefe accent (f. H.) biefen ®egeufatj j^enoorfjeben, fo Betont man im (Snglifiten w. u 3). , eg n^eicftt bann atfo ber cngfifcfjc Sefeacceut toom btopcn aBortaccentc ab : — ^ler (Srjl^erjog ^eipt the archduke; im ®egenfa^e reiirbe man aBer fagen : He is uol a Duke, but an Arciiduke. 5tngi nal;mc t»on ber ®runbregc(: @i-nige JiJorfe^morter ne^men ben *^ c c e n t auf fid) , ftatt i^n bem @tamme ju taffen, namentlic^ : after, some, fore ober for (= »or, n idj t atter for = v^ers) , mand^= mat ancfj mis — : fo somewhat, some- thing, aflerwise, forehead, foremen- tioned, forwardness, mischievous, mis- creant; bagegen forgot , forgiven, mis- print, misfortune. 2. Dag aGiberf).Mei ber bentfd)cn 33etonnng ifl bie franjijs fifd)c, wdA)t, o^ne ben §au^^t;, @igenfct>aftg>, Umftanbg; unb ben uKii^en 3a^(n>ortcrn ifl gewo^nlid) bie erfte er @ tamm, bie jiveite bie (Snbuug ; in anbercn SQGortcrn (3eit5, iCev= :^artni^= unb Sinbcnjortern) aber ifl mei; jieng bie jnjeitic ®i(be ber @tamm, bie erf!c nur 'eine iisorfilbc. 3)er>5aujjt5 reget gemvi§ f}Cit alfo a) in ©ubftantiven, 2lbjecti»en', 3lbt)erbicn nnb 9inmera(en bie e r fi e, b) in anberen 2Boi tern bie j »u e i t c ©ilbe ben 3;on. JBcifpiefe ju a) favour, nation, creature, ready, helpless, many; nobly, yearly, very ; twenty, hundred, thousand. 3u b) to arise, to befall, to confess ,Vo engrave, to f9rbid, to re- build, to withhold ( a^n(id> aud) to partake f^att to lake part; take ifl ber Qimn a(;nn4)cii UcbcrftuO f. !}5farm 33, 12. Accent. ®tamm) ; before, within, throughoiil ; because, besides, c. 3fi nun ein SBort fottjo^t ®ubfianti» atg93ert>, oberQlbjectb nnb 3Serb , fo unterfcl)eibet man bie bcibcn a3ebf utungen mei)l biivd) 23 e r f c^ t e b e n; l^eit be8 2lcccnt8: bag ©ubfiantio (ober 2tbjectb) jiel^t ben Sion nac^ »orn (au* tvenn er bafcci »om ©tamme njcgtritt), ba8 93erb njirft il^n nad) |iinten. (go : ibe augment imb to augment, the accent unb to accent, the contract unb to contract, absent itnb to absent (i^crgf. untcn, B, 2, c). 35ei-[e(6e Unterfd)icb bc3 5tccentc8 finbct auct) bet anberen ganj gfelcfe ge= frfjriebeneu SlJcrtern con scrfc^icbcnet 33e= bcutung ftatt : the desert, bie 2Bufie, unb the desert , iaS *-8erbienfi ; August (ber aJionat) unb august, er^abcu (ba^ev bet 9iame Augustus; umgcfe^rt im 3). : 9Iugufl unb 2[uguft; vergf. au(f> im granjofiff^en bie ©cfjeibung in Aout unb Augusle unb im 3taticnifct)en in Agosto unb Augusto) ; to conjure , ®ei|^cr be- fd)\uDren, unb to conjure, Scmanben tbittenb) befd)w6ren. 5l«^uli(^ : notable, n>ic&tig, unb notable , emrig. (93iet fot= c^cr Unterfcbiebe gibt ei im gateinifdjen unbStalienifdicn.) !Dicfe(Sd)eibung]^at je= bod) nidH immer fiatt; oftergl^at: d. ein @ub jtan tio ben 5tcccnt be« 93ei-b be^atten, »cn bem e8 cntflanb : the desire bon to desire ; ober umgcfel^rt : e. ein 93crb l^at fid) nac^ bem 51 cc ent be? v§ au>?two I teS gerid)tct, luoson eSfic^bifbete: to inleresl con the interest. 3)ie3 erffavt fic^ eben au8 bcv ^auj^tregcf, unb bag gefi^atten ber Scgriffe ©tarn m-, a}or= unb 9^a(^filbe erfpart un6 ^iev imb im Sofgcnben minbejleng ein !l)u^enb SJlcgetn anbcrer ©rammatifer, jreld)e n ur ba-3 Sormefle im 2lugc ^aben. 2. »8ci breifitbigen SBortern (Trisylla- bles). D^m SBeitereS ergibt ftd) auS ber ®runbreget ber 5lccent »on almighty, demission , excursive , destructive, endeavour, disappear. 3(uFeibem njirb : a. oft bie er fie i^ilbe betont, fei e8 aud) einc iBorfitbe: absolute, congruent, opposite. If. 3)ic aJiittclfifbc ^at ben 3;on in 2G6rtern mitbcn fremben @nbungcn ado unb ator (f. untcn 3, b) : strappado, tornado, spectator, dictator. 5(u3= nal^mcn: orator, senator, c. Sfoav f)at nad) ber ^au^jtregel bie I e ^ t e ®i(be ben *ikcent, njenn jn? e i 93 o r filben ba»or fiel^en : to disappear, tore-enforce, to recompose ; altein l^ier mad)en bie "Sots fe^wortcr counter-^ inter-, over-', super- unb under- mancfte *2iu«na^men. aBiil^renb in to counterchange , to inter- fere, to overflow, to supersede, to understand bie 9teget beobaditet ifi, fte^t bod) in to counteract, interview, to in- terpret, superfine ber 5[ccent an unrc* ge(md§iger ©telle. Unb man benu^t auc^ biefc llnregefmcipigfeit befieng jur Unters fc^eibung beS (ginneS (n^ie oben B, 1, c): to countercheck — the countercheck ; to interdict — the interdict; to overflow — the overflow ; to underwork — the underwork; fo audj bei 93ielfilbigcn: to counterbalance — the counterbalance. d) granjofifd&er 31ccent jeigt fid) in : magazine, cavalier, fricassee, canonade (tjgl.ado unteri). 3. >8ei » ielftlb i gen 2D6rtern (Polysyllables), b.]^,fc(d)en, bie mei^ralgbrei ©tiben i^aben. 2luf bem ® t a m m e liegt ber Sion in : countersur- prise, animadverting, despoiical, com- municative , seminary, a. 2luperbem oft auf ber 2) r ittle§ ten : notoriety, victoriously (5tccent ber 9JJutterfprac^e). b. 2tuf ber i8 r t e 1 1 e n in ben (Snbungen ado unb ator (f. oben 2, b) : bastinado, emendalor. c. 2luf ber 93 i e r t ( e $ t e n, be= fonbevS nienn bieg eine ber fat. 93 or filben if}; ac, ad, com, con, e, ex, de, di, dis, in, per, pre , re , sub ; allein mit ici^U reid)en 3lugnat;men, tt?o ber 5lccent auf bem ©tamme ober auf ber im S at e i= nifd)en betonten en 9itbe, beS einfac{)en @ti^(e8 be: ftimmt ber @inn (sergt. oben A, 1) ; ben 9iebneraccent lel^rt bie 9t^etorif. 9ieben i^m ifi beim 93oitragc eineS ® e b i d? t e 8 noct) HI. ber 95ergaccent obcr ber \)vD' f D b i f ^ e Stccent ju bcacf)ten , b. 1^. man »evmifcf)e nictn ben ^fang beg ayfetrum — (affe eg aber cbenfottjcnig att^ufel^r »dv= tDalten* ^andimal , ttoijitglid) bei df= teren JDicfctern, «erbrdngt ber a3eigac= cent ben gcm6^ntt(f>en 2Bortacccnt. @o: „I never gave them condign puuishmenl" — wdl^renb man gen^o§n(irf> condign an8; frricfet. IV. S)er Station a laccent ift bie ridUigc 2(nft>enbnng beg fBoxU unb 9^cbc= accented im 3JIunbe ber ©ebitbetcn eineg SSolfeS. @egen i^n »erpo|5t me^r obcr minber V. ber $r£t»in jinlaccent, bie 2lugfprac^c unb ber ^ion , bie gdrbnng ber 9{ebe , hjie fte in cincr cinjetncn @egenb ©ebraud) fmb. ®. Dialect. 3icv biefem l^iite fid? ber 2(ugtdnocr; nod) me^r aber ba»or, feinen ^eimifcfjen 9iational= obcr gar feinen ^Jrotiinj = ^itccent in etne fvembe ©prac^e l;innber ju tragcn , fonft ^c\t cr then VI. ben an g (dnb if d) en Slccent, b. ^. frcnibe2Borte in beutfd)em@en)anbe. to Account: ol)ne 5Pvdi?ofition , »uo loir fiir fc^un : //''/m/ we justly accounted 01/7' chief blessings were not without alloy. @. Accusative, B, f, 2. Accusative. j4 . SormeHeg. 1. aSci igubfiantioen ift er bem Olominatiw fllcic^, n)ie im 5ranj6fifd)en nnb toic aud) in anbercn ®))rad)en oft: the man, ber SDienfd) nnb ben aWcnfdjcn ; the wife, the child. Ueber ben Unterfcfcicb bcibcr f. unten C, 1. — 2. (^benfo bei $ronomcn, t'ie meijlcn v«fi?uUd»en imt who ciuggc= - Accusative. nommen. Take M?*. ^A^>%a/ have you? ®. no(^ Personal, Who, Declension. B. ©cbrand). I. 2tb^dng;ig. 1. 2l(g (Safugbcg Objectg nad> alien acti»en 3}erben. 9iun ift aber oft cin ^-iJcrb im (Snglifdjen actiw , n>d^renb eg i. 2). 9ieu= trum ifl : ba^er fte^t ber 2lccnfati» oft fiir unfcrn 2)ati», unfcrn (Senitio obcr au^ fiir cine iprdj^ofition. a. giir unfern 3)ati» fte^t cr urn fo ^dnftgcr, alg \iectit>) fic^t auc^ nat^ alien *Ur d^ uf i t ion en, f. b., B. a3er= mittelfl einer Sufamnunjie^ung !anu nun cin nnb berfelbe Slccufatio g I e i cf) j e i t i g al« O b j e c t eineg 93 c,r h \\. al8 9t c g i = men einer 5]3rdVofition ftc&en , "mai im iTeutfcfnn ganj ttnmcg(id) ifl. ®o : I loved,\A\i^\\eA at { = xiix[nA)U) , AnA pitied him = I loved him, lau{?hed at him, and pitied him. I am ashamed of the dress which I have so long wo7'n and been satisfied ?vith. Her own spirit enabled her to regain., and even add still more to, her power and consideration among the tribe. {^t\ Marryat, Scott u. 21. fe^r ^dufig.) After having kissed and gazed at her for some time, he turned to me — . (Smollet.) Mr. Pickwick felt at no lime so much disposed to enjoy, and make the most of, the passing^ moment. Those we don't know we do not love or care for, be they father or mother. SSergl. bag Seitenflftrf l^ierju: Passive, B, 2. — 4. ©nblict) fie^t bet 2lccufatio ber Verfcnlic^en 5]3rDucmcu Ha(^ berSnters jection /o, weil biefe eigentlic^ ein niter 3m}jerativ ifi = fiel^e (r>erg(. behold n. look, bie man aurt) ju ben Snterjectionen \^W, "nfe ba3 franjoftfite me voici, le voila »on voir) : lo him ! (55enfo fiel^t ber 3Iccufati» me — aber nur btefer — narf) oh! nnb ah! — ah me! (= o me btefer ©ebrau^ an fic^, iji baS barau8 golgenbe: ti trcvben nun ndmli^ alle S3 e r b 8, tueldje fo tvanjttio fiel^en , a u & t» affile gcbrauc&t: It cannot be helped (bent ifl ni(^t abjul^clfen). I will be obeyed (= je veux elre obei). He was pardoned. You were opposed by me. The fit of her fever was preceded by a great lassitude (= fut precede). He was well served, u. f. f. @. Passive, B. — b. 3m ©ngtifcfien mit 31 ccuf atitt n. tm Deutfc^en mit ® en tti» fte^en: to expect one, Semanbeg :^arren = i^n ernjavtcn ; to remember nnb to enjoy, f. b. n. tiergl. Reflective, II, B, 1, (5. ; to seize a thing, firt) eineg !Dingeg bemddjtigen = ti ergrei- fen ; I pity him, ti jammert mic^ feiner = irfi bebauere ii&n* c. iDer 3lccufati» ftel^t, wo iuir eine ^rdvofition bran; d)en : fo bei to demand., to enter., to smell, to speak, a\i6) to fight ; f, biefe. 2)ag ©egent^eil f.unt, Preposition,C, 2, — 2. ©in bovtietter 2lcc«fati», ol^ne toerbinbenbe ^^rdjiofition, ^efjt nac^ ben SSerben: Semanben fur (StrvaS l^atten, i^n jn (SttvaS crfldren, mad) en u. f. yo. {wit im ^rcinjof. unb i5ta(ien.). •&tcr fie^en i. 5). gewo^nftd) bie ^rdv^ofiticnen aiS, fiir, ju, au8genom= men bei n e n n c n (man nannte i i^ n einen ^ e I b e n ; and) : „er mac^t \xr\S ©rben in feincm bem jebeSmaligen ^va fammcn^ange. iDrefje id) ben englifdjen !Sa| um : The son loves ^/^cyrt/Aer, fo ^et§t bieS : ber @oi^n liebt ben U^ater, totxi nun the son an ber ©telle beg <£ubi jectg, the father an ber beg Obiecteg ttc^t. (So (\w&) in alien r o ni a n i f d) e n ©Jjra= d)en.) 9Jnn tiermeine man a6er nidjt, bap bie Safugformen nu^r 58eftimmt = :^eit u. 3)enttid)f eit ent^ieltcn, a(g bie Safugilcllen. 3m ®egent^eile I — u. fein englifc^eg ^inb hjiirbe burd) einen bo^>pelten 2lccufatio bei bem 3nftTiitit) {Romanos te vincere posse) getaufc^t werben fonuen. JEag Satein abev fliid)tet ^ier ebenitegenUn^ulanglid)! eit fei= ner (Safng f o r m e n ing 5Paf jTl» 1 Unb wenn* gtei* 91 om in at ii\ !Datit) u. siccus fati\) ununtevfd)ieben bteiben , i|i bag (5nglifd»e bod) entf d) teb en befiimms ter, a(g bag Satetnifd)e. — 2lud) in anecs ren (g^jradjen fann nid)t immcr feiie Um= fe§ung ftattfinben, fobafb, n^ic im Sngtis fd)en , Dlominatio itnb 2lcciifatio g(eid)er Borm finb (fo im Dentfd)cn bei Semininum u. 9ieutrum beg Singular u. im plural aller ®efd)led)ter, fo bei bem 91eiitrum ber alten (£t'rad)cn), §. S. bie 9Jlutter liebt bie 5^od)ter. ®efd)ie^t eg bennocfe, fo liegt bie aJ26gIid)feit beg iBerftanbniffeg nid)t in ber r^orm, fonbern im 3ufam = m e n ^ a n g e teg ©anjen : j. 58. bie 3)? aug frag bieJ^a^e, aber bie9iatte fra§ fie nicfct. aCo aber ber 3ufamnicn&ang fein9Jii§i tjerftanbnip juldpt, ba fann au* im @nglifd)en ber 21 c c n f a t i » w o r bag *-K e r b tteten, obfd)on bieg nid)t oft in ber gett«6^nli*en 9Jcbe, fonbern me^r in ge= n.'d^lterem Stt)le — bann aber fel^r l^dns fig unb man^mal freier, alg felbfi i. 5). — gefd)ie]^t : j/rms and the man I sing. A sigh or tear perhaps she'll give. The high road we were soon obliged to leave. Employment, income^ have they none. Our second child, a girl, I in- tended to call after her aunt Grissel. &anblung feibfl augiibt, nid)t fie er; I e i b e t : I love, I call. 3n biefcm ®inne finb aucf) bte Verbs Neuter u. bie Re- flective Verbs acti», n. bag ©egentl&eil ift nun the Passive Slate, f. b. 3n bemfet= ben @inne ftel^t active in ben folgcnben 5lugbriicfen. C. (5in a cti v er 3nf ini; tie beg 5)eutfd)en mu§ im Gnglifdjen buid) ciuen p a f f i » e n erfe^t njevben, fo= balb er t) a f f i « a u f 5 u I ij f c u ift , j. 33. eg ift uid)t ju finb en = eg fann uid)t g e f u n b e n lu e r b e n , alfo : it is nol to be found. — It is much to be feared. This gate is not to be passed through. It is not to be conceived. I ordered the table to be removed. He is not to be blamed., aber aurf> alg ^lugnai^me: he is not to blame; cbenfo auct) : Post-horses were not easy to get. It is a point very diffi- cult to know. Houses to let. 93ergt. to Be, B, 3 u. There is, 3. — 1). 35ag active 5Jartici}? f. unter Participle, A. — ii". 2( c t i » e r Cy e n i t i t>. iBcbeutet ein ©ubftanttw eine -^anblung, fo gibt ber babeifte^enbe ®cnitiw cntmcbcr 1. bie 1^ an= b e I n b e ober 2. bie I e i b e n b e $ e r f n an. ©rfteren «?aUg ift er acttt>, im le^teren jjafftw (man fonnte and) fagen : ©enitio beg ©ubjectg u. ©cnitio beg Ob; jectg); 3. 33. Code's love, ®otteg Siebe, b. 1^. God loves, the loving God, actitt = bie Siebc, bie ®ott i^ at. 5(ber : the love of God, tie ©ottegliebe, bie Siebe ju ®ott, b. ^. God is loved. SBie fd)Dn btcg i^ei; fvnet jeigt, fo bcnu^t man bie bol^^telte ®enitiBform in werfd^iebenem @inne: ben 5J3offeffi» atg acticen ©euitiv, o/aig ).mfft; »en, jfbod) auc6 alg acti»en, §. 39. She was touched with the love of her daughter. Adjective, eigenfd)aftg= ober 236= fd)affenl^citgn)ort. J. 5 r m e t I e «. K 91 r ten ber Slbjectiwe. 1. (Sinfac^c 5lbiectiwe : good , bad , big, old , true, sick, fat. e $artici))ien, bte at« ^Ibjcctitte gc= ftrauc&t irerben : loving, (iefcent, Uthxeidi, jdrttid^ ; a surprising nobleness ; an experienced statesman. ©. Participle, A, FI, u. B, 5. — II. iCerdnberungen bet 2tbifctt»e 1. nact> ® c f * I e ct) t, ?5 a 1 1 u. 3 a ^ I gibt c8 n i d> t : a good boy, ein guter .Rnabc u. einen giiten J?iiaben ; a good woman ; good beer ; good children ; these cherries are good (a(fo ifi good = guter, gutc, gute§, gutett, gutem, = bon, bonne, bons, bonnes). ar a. unmittetbar Ui bcmfcfben (bann nennt man e8 nuA) 2tttribut): an ex- cellent man ; joy indescribable^ ober b. burd) to be bamit cerbunben: This man is honest; our joy was indescrib- able. 3)al^er anc^ ba, luo /o 6£? ju cr; gdngen ift: Come as soon as possible (= as it is p.). Jj}gr. unten, 4. — 2. 2lt« 21 )) ^3 c f i t i n (f* b.) : Frederick the Great. And they were canopied by the blue sky, so cloudless, clear and purely beautiful. 3um %^i\i »om SJeutfdjen abireic^enb ift 5o(genbe8 : 3. 9JJand5e ^Ibs j[ecti»c fonnen n i d) t nnmittelbar hn bem ^au^ttucrtc (ntd)t aU SIttribut, f. 1, a), fonberu nut nadj to be j!e^en (al8 $rdbi= cat) : fo bie mit ber jprdporition a jufam= mengefe^ten, mctdK etgentlid) abcerbiati; fc^e Olcbengarten finb: asleep (= a sleep, tm <©d)fafe), adrift {= a drift, im %xtU Ben), adry, alone (= alone, tm ©tnjels nen, i lui seul, franjof.), afraid, aghast, alike, alive, aware, awake, akin, amiss, athirst, afloat, ashamed; fo and) ba8 re= latise worth (f. unten C, 5, u. Absolute, 1, 1) unb pursuant, gleicfe bem beutfdjen gemdf , ivel*cd aud) nic^t »or feinem .§auv»tn?orte fiel^t (man fagt n3c]^(: „bte8 ^erfa^ren ifl ben ®e|'e§cn gemd^"; aber nid)t: ein gemd^eS SSerfa^ren). (So : The man ivas not afraid of death, aber ntd)t: an afraid man. My foot is asleep; this horse is worth fifteen pounds. 9iuc fetten — Wo e« nid)t gut ju umgel^en trar — ftnbet man fie beim ©ubjlantiw, unb jtoar Winter bemfetben : Imagination works belter upon sleeping men, than men awake (e([iptifd) fur men who are awake). 3c fd)tt)ierigcr biefc 5lbject:tie fic^ mit bem ©ubfiantltj t>erbin= ben, um fo teicj^ter fic^en fie, ttJte ciele, 4. aiS 3J r d b i c a t an(b antereri^ers ben, al3 to be, namcntlidj foId)ec Verbs active unb neuier, wclc^c fagen, ba^ man in einem ^ut^anbc ift, ober i^inein fommt, ober 3emanben in benfelbcn oerfe^t ober i^n bariu gtaubt: alfo nac^ to seem, to appear ; to become, to go, to grow, to get, to show, to make, to render; to esteem, to find, to reckon, to see , to think u. f. w. 2Bir bebiirfen babei meifl bev »erbtnbenben ^Jrd^ofitios nen fiir, al8; ba8 (Snglifc^c ntd)t; e« Idpt fid) aber oft to be baju ergdnjen. JBergl. oben, 2, unb Conjunction, 4, (5. Can a father leave his son alone? He answered my question half asleep, and half awake (w. t. 5).). They found him guilty. His pulse beats /i/g"//. He goes high in the inslep. I 7vish you all happy. He stood firm to his text. His watch cost him dear (tergt. cher). This candle burns faint and dim. This will render him more cautious in future. He carried his employment clear. The people stands clear. His assurance proved false. SBeitere 33eifvie(e f. untcc ben in obiger Sifle curfw gebrurften 33crs ben, u. ttergt. Accusative, IJ, I, 2 u. 5, @., au(^ Apposition, 1, 2. — 5. aCcnn baiJ Stcjectto aU rctneg ^ilbuerb fte^e, f. Adverb, A, II, b. — 6, iDiinber ^dufig ali i, Z). fie^en Slcjectire aU @ubflan = t i 10 e. a. 3m (Singular fiel^en fie nur al9 abfiracte, nid)t als concrete @ubftanti»e, j. 93. the noble, b a 8 @ble; that pure white; the great and the sublime, b a 8 ©rope unb b a 8 ©t^abene; f. bn8 ,,worse" im (efeten ©n^c unter 14 Adjective. There is, 1. — Heroes have cerlainly more of mortal than divhie about iheni. ®o befonfcci-5 m6:i bie Slbjectbe »on 33c(i fernamcn, trenn fte bie @ )) r a di e fcejeic^s nen: He spoke English. French was the language of chivalry and justice. e mit 9lrtifel, n^enn man bie ® ef ammt^e it bc8 (gan= jen) as c 1 f e 8 bejeid)nen iuid : The English have many ships. The Scots may be characterized as industrious, frugal, prudent, hardy, and brave. The Irish are as brave as the French. SBebeu* ten fie nur einige @ i n j e I n e, fo fie^en fie audi alg ©ubftantive, aber cl^ne 5lrtifet: The upper part of the town is inhabited by French. S3ou e i n c r iCcifon feeipt e8 bagegen : An English7«««, a Scotchman, a Frenchman; ebenfo aud) ijcn mef>re = r e n (b e ft i m m t e n) @ i n § e I n e n : many Irishmen, those Dutchmen u. f. to. d. ® d) e i n b a r e 21 u 8 n a 1^ m e n entftel^en tei ben 5lbj:ectiren , bie j u f ci H i g g ( e i d) e S c r m mit einem © u b ft a n = t'x-a l^aben, nnb ba^er aii •§au>^tn)ortcr gefe|t ju fein fdieinen. 2)a^in ge^oren nid)t nur bie 9}of!er=«nb ®ecteni namen (ivie an Italian, the Italians; a German, many Germans; a Presbyterian, the Presbyterians) nnb bie @ i n j e t n e n : the ancients ; the moderns ; a noble — the nobles ; a black ; a native (of Lon- don), the natives : fonbern e. noc^ t5 i e I e anbere, in ben ®rammatifeu n i d) t aufgefii^rte , burd) ben ©ebraufb ju er^ lernenbe. @o ^ei^t brave ta^fer, abet the brave ber ^Pral&Ier unb bie Spra'^terei ; abstract I;ci§t abftract, the abstract bag 5tbftractnm ; coralline , foraUenarttg, the coralline, bag JtoraUennjooS ; in- cendiary, morbbrennerifd), the incen- diary, ber QJJorbbrenner; offensive, an= greifenb, the offensive, ber 5lngriff. — 7. aBann gu einem SIbjectiv) one ttitt , f. unter One, B u. C. @. iibrigenS no^ Figure, (§. C. @teltungbe0 5(bjectito8.a3cn ber altgemeinen 3t e g e f , bag 5lbjectiio » r fein ©nbftantio ju fe^en, gibt eg mel^rere 2lugna^men. 1. Jtommen jnjet, brei , bier (Sigenfd?aftgn>6rter bei einem ^auV'tworte jufammen, fo ftel^en fie i^m gettjol^ntic^er nad), atg SiCX'. a woman modest, sensible and virtuous; a parlour trim and neat ; the long l^st mansion ; f. bie (efeten jn^ei @afee unter Asyndeton. — 2. 5lnc^ ein Qlbjectit, bag ein ( a n g e g !}lb»erb ©or fid) &ctt, tritt gem ]^in = ter: a girl unaffectedly modest., a song heroically bold. — 3, ©benfo, trenn so X)cx bem 31 b j e c t i » nad^briicftid) b e = tont n)irb: a king so powerful. A button is an article so small as to be a very name for nothingness (x^ergt. J, an, E, 1). @o namentlid), njenn anperbem nod) 710 ttor bem ©ubftantiio flel^t. Uebri= gcng f. nod) Enough. — 4. ® r a m m a t \= ifdj e 'Jlugbrucfe treten t^eilg ttor, t^eilg n a ^ : pronoun relative, pronoun per- sonal, pronoun possessive, aber demon- strative pronoun ; verb neuter u. neuter verb; verb impersonal, aber auxiliary verb ; imperative mood , compound words. — 5 J)i c I a t i V e 9ltjectire u. $ar= tici):'ien (f Absolute, I, 1 nnb 11, 3) ftel^en Adjective - fammt i^rem SSeifa^e n a ct) : A villa, or bungalow, abounding with every com- fort compatible xoith the climate of this latitude. The fevers particular to hot climates. cn, ioelctje ans gebcn, >oie fid) Semanb in cinem 3 us jianbe ober bei etner >>^ an b tung sers ^dtt; fo nad) sincere, skilful, steady, zealous, versed, precise, and) nac^ for- tunate, successful unb ben Bcrtuanbten. 5. giu ben Segriff bcr fl r e n n u n g tritt, wie getool^nlid) , froin ein : nacft far, separable, absent, free, secure, evident unb dOnlidben. 6. @ine SScrbinbung cnblid) briidt with au8 (= mit, an) : ba^ |)cr nad) affected, rich, acquainted, satis- fied, content, usual u. bgl. ; aud) ; I feel wroth with them. 7. a)iand)e (5igen= fd)aftgtD6rter l^abcn »erfd)iebene 33ers l^ciltnipmorter nac^ ftd) : fo folgt a«f averse to u.from, na&i ready to \x,for: Ready for battle; ready to teach ; averse from peace; my friend is averse to writing letters, ©clbfl in e i n e m @o§e finben fid) jttci tterfdjiebenc^rd^orttionen : The child did not seem to be more re- served towards her than to others. Adverb, Umflanbgwort. J. ^ors meUcd.' I. 21 r ten beg 3tb»er6. I. II rfpriingli d)e 2lboerb8 fiub here, home, then, now, well, very, not, yes u. a. 2. 3 ufammengefc^ te: some- times, to-day, hereafter, everywhere, windward , homewards. 3» 21 b g c I e i ; tetc: justly, hourly; f. b. Sotflenbe. II. 58 i I bung ber abgeleitcten 2lb= Bcrbicn. a. 3m Deutfcfccn braudtt man bic 2lbjcctit3e and) a(« 2lbtterbicn ; im ©ngs (ifcfcen fe^t man meifl fur bag 2lbvcr6 bie , erbcinnlid); ftcfjigtic^, cefiiglid) (5Pf. 80, 16 u. 18) bci Sutler, ju beffeu 3eit liber^nut-it bie 2lb»erbialform auf =z tiA) gcbrdudjlic^er, als ^eut war (fo : bi'u-fiigti(^ fl. burftig, l^eiligUd), tviirbigs lid>, ftctig(id), gncibiglic!^, enjiglid) ; »ergl. baS 2lbjccti» kinglike, ^oiiig gleic^ ne^en kingly, foniglic^ ; godlike u. godly u* a. 93ei biefcv Sitbung gebietet cibet ber aBo^Uaut nodi folgeiibe ?16 m e i d^un^r gen: 1. SDie ©nbung le nad) einem Sons fonanten tenuanbctt fuf) uur in ly (nic&t in lely) : noble : nobly. ®o nuc^ »on fertile : feriily. 2. 5)ie ©nbnng ue »ev; Itcrt bag e »ov bcm ly : true - truly. @o auc^ whole - wholly (wergf. 1), 3. 5(b= jectitje auf // tuerfeu ein 1 aO: full- fully (Patt fullly), 4. (§in y nad) einem (5on = fonanten mirb tiovbeni /e j« t: bloody- bloodily ; in ©infitOteru fann tS and) bets tel^altcn ivevben : dry -dryly ober drily [day-dayly ober daily, ^icr alfo and) nacft bem SSocat locrnjanbeTt]. 5. 2)ie 21b; i c c t i ti e a u f /y bilben faft nie ein 2lbt»crti burc^ 2(nfc§ung won /y: alfo I'lon heaven- ly, friendly, fatherly n i d) t heavenlily, friendlily, fatherlily ; jebod) finbct ftd) cleanlily, lovelily. ©nglifdje @d)rift; fleUer braudien 6ftcr3 bicfe Slbjectisc felbfl atg 51 b » c r b i e n : He loved her/a- therly. They lived friendly together. 35 er ©d)ulev ift aber fein aJieiftev ! 2)al^er bebiene cr fid) lieber eincr vcrmeibenben Umfd)retbung: j. 93. er forgte fo tidters t i d) fiir un8 = he look so fatherly a care of us; fiatt he spoke friendly = he spoke in a friendly manner ober /o/?e; they lived in a very homely manner, b. Slbcr anc^ im ©nglifdjen iter; ben »iele2lbjecti»e, nanicutUd) beut; fd)en llrftjrungg, a(t gem ein aud) al« 21 b » e r b i e n gebraudit : fo daily, double, enough, fain, fair, full, further, ill, last, like, little, monthly, near, only, pretty, round, scarce, yearly — all, much u. f. n?.; f. b. 5)ictionar^ «. toergt. tinfern 2atifer Ambiguity, I, 4. 2}?and)e berfer= ben l^oben jebod) nod) befonbere^lbwerbien, biebann xot^i aud) eine etiraS anbcrc93e= beutung §aben. ©o gibt eg doubly, fainly, fully, lastly, lately, prettily u. f. f.; aber nid)t fainly, illy, furtherly, littly. @g fkteiben fid) bem@inne nad) j. 58. bie 3(bt>er; bien: even, trtrflid) — evenly, gleidjforj mig ; just, gerabe, eben — justly, gcred)t ; very, fel^r — verily, gen)i§; forward, »or; tDdrtg — forwardly, i^oreitig. 33g(. biefelbe ®t)a(tung im (^vanjofifcften \it\ hauf, hau- tement j has, bassement u« a. c. Uebcr= i^auv>t ifl l^ierbei bev @ t> r a c& g e b v a u d) fel^r JU bea^ten ; nid)t conjebem 3(b= jectiw biibet man ein 3(btterb, oft jiel^t man eine a b » e r b i a (i f d) e U m f c^ r e i b u n g »or: f» Adverbial ; fo \)f\i future fein 3tbs ticrb; man fngtbafitr in future ober for the future, funftigl^in. 93gt. a,5. — 3ufam- mcnfc§nngen braud)t man j. J8. fiir nnfcr » o r g e jl e r n, ii b c r m o r g e n, >w e= n i g ft e n g = lhe day before yesterday; the day after to-morrow ; at least. ®o anc^ fiir unfere ?lJrd)5ofitionaI = 3(b»ers bien; f. Preposition, C, 4. 2Iud) burd) 9S erb en fonnen mand)e2lbBerbiatbcgriffe gegeben toevben : f, to abide, to chance, lo continue, to end, to happen, to go, to join, to like. III. (5 o mp a r a t i o n bc« 2ib»erb f. Comparison, B. B. (Sebraud) bcS^ibtterb. JDie 2(btierbien bejcid)nen einen Ort (where? there), eine 3 c it (when? never), bie 31 rt u. aBeife (how? beautifully), ben Urn fang, ®rab, bie Drbnung (once, long, hardly, fifthly), bie 33 es jai^ ung ober 33 em einung (yes, no, nay, surely) u. f. W (»ie fiel^cn: 1. 2(l« a3cftimmung eineS 2( b j e c t i » ober 21 b = verb — unb l^eipen bann aucft !l) ete r = m i u a t i B g — ober eineS iB c r b : nuite happy ; very soon ; he spoke well. SJiou (affe fid) nun nicbt burd) bag 2)eutfd)e sers leiten, Sibjectio unbSlbwerb ju »crnjed)fetn; man unterfd)fibc j. 93. : biefer ^nabe ifl gut, unb: bicfcr J?nabe fd)rcibt gut = This boy is goot/, aber this boy writes toell. ji3efonberg i»erfiif;rerifc^ fmb ba bie Adverb. 17 bcutfc^en ©iHjertntbc l^inter bem 93crB fein, j. S3.: fciefe JBevge fmbam ^ c d)- jien: these mounlaius are t/ie highest, nt(6t: most highly. @. to Be, A, 1 imb 2. — 2. 3n einjelncn gdUcit braucbt man 2lbi->£tbien alS Stbjectise, ftenn eS fein entfpiedKnbeS ^Ibjectb gibt : fo fcefonbcrg above, now, then. 3)a§ ti^un an* bte beften @cinft|leUer ju ©rjtelunfl gio^n-er ^iirje; alfo jebenfadS Jjraf- tifcft! (nncft gtiednfctier 2lrt: oi rors drd-Qianoi, i] ch'w nohi ;) f. bte angcgefcenen brci unb vergl. Very, B. — 3. Defter ftei^en fie al8 >§ au)) tiu o r tcr : the yes, bag Sawort ; the now, bie ©egennjavt (bag ![)iu) ; we may never see to-morrow = ben morgenben Jtag ; their whereabout, i!^r 2Jufentl;a(t. Between the to-day they live in and the yesterday where- in they began life. They plan the how and the when. (g. nocft Above. SDabei ne&mcn cinige fogar ba« s ber a)Ie^i^eit an: It is anight of wonderful and sur- prising ups and dotvns (= ®ct)ii\t angcbeu , Winter bem SSerb , unb bann am befien ju @ n b e, fonP a6er aucf) ju Slnfang beS ©a^eS: fo to-day, yesterday, to-morrow, daily, weekly. He comes daily to me. I got his letter yesterday. Yesterday I got your letter and to-day that of my uncle, lie is not yet arrived. You must not see her ye^ b. 3n eincr jufammen = gefclten 3eit. 1. ^iet tritt baS 2lb= Serb getDc^nlic^ 1^ inter bag ^ttfgs » e r 6 , fann aber and) i> o r baffelbe, ober an ben ®(btu^, ober enblicb an bie @^3i^e be8 ®anjen fommen. We could easily perceive it. He was suddenly surrounded. This question was lorig and much discoursed of. Well might 1 say .... The Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech. You should 710W think on yourself too ! {Now beftimmt bie 3eit jn think, too l^ebt bag yourself ^erauS — eS fte^t mit^in je? beg an feinem Orte.) 2. (£inb jn^ei ^ilfStierben ba, fo fann bag 5lD»erb l^inter bem erj^en, i^tnter bem jnjeiten (am gen)6i^nlic()ften), ober twieber ju J8e= ginn ober (jnbe beg <£a^cg fiefeen : I should be very well contented with my con- dition. I hope you will gladly be in- formed of this. III. !Die 3n»erfion bc3 5lb»erb l^at im i^o^eren ®tl)le l^ciuftg ftatt : Most deeply do I fear. Jlone on the slope of the mountain it grew. Uebri; geng f. nod) mel^rere einjelne, tote ago, hence, as, so, raiher, now, never, more, how, not, only, then, too, very, yet a. i.D. AdTCrbial. (Sine SSerbinbung mel^re; rerSBorte, bie jur aSefiimmung eineg93erb bient, ^ei^t eine abverbiale Dtcbeng; art; f o : at random, on a sudden, by coach (=jn2Bagen, en carrosse), by chance, long ago, in common, now-a- days; f. Adverb, A, II, c. ©olrfje g3e= fiimmungcn oerbinben fid) ofterS and) mit ©ubpanti^jen : a ship too much by the head, eineortafiigeg ©diiff ; open-air All. entertainments. aSergl. imfer: ber SJiann 5u JRo^, ber $aftor bafelbft (= ber bafige, bortige ^^afior), bie SSorgcinge bas m a ( g u. a. ; eg fmb (SUij^f en icon „f e i n»" ®. noc^ Hyphen, @. Ae, nur QHonoiil^tl^ong , ntcbt !l5i= V^tl^ong. 1. = e: Caesar; 2. =i: cae- sura; 3. = e: Aetna; 4. = a : Maese. Aflrirmati've, bejal^enb, l^et^t ein @ab, wenn er augfagt, ba^ ©ttoag ifi: I have a book ; he speaks French ; bas gegen fagt ein n e g a t i » c r (»eineinenber) @a^, ba^ ©tteag nid)t ift: I have no book; he does not speak French, (gtatt affirmative fagt man a.\\6) positive. @. nod) Auxiliary, ©., Very, A, 2 unb Yes. Ago f. Since. to Agree l^at jtctg to nad) fid), ivenn e8 annel;mcn, einnjitUgen ^ei^t, ioo nnr alfo ben 2tccufati» ober in fefeen: He gladly agreed to the proposal. What did they agree to? We shall agree to all just conditions. 3n anberen 28ebeu= tungen l^at eg in, upon, with, among, f. bag !Dtcttonari). Ai tautet 1. meiflhjica: fain; 2. »or r wie a: fair, hair; 3. = a: raillery; 4. = e : again, said; 5. = i: raisin; 6. in ber unbetonten (5nbung ain tDtca: Britain, captain. to Ail fle^t fou-io^t ).ierf6nlic^ , atg un: ^jerfonlid) : I ail nothing. What ails your eye? I found out what he ailed. Alexandrine , ein 93erg won fed)g Samben , mit ber Scifur Winter bem britten Wu^e: aJJetrum: w-^- -_ ||o_v_v./_. The wintry days grew lang, my tears, they were a'spent, May be it was despair, I fancied was content. @r njirb hjenig gebraudit, meifi nur afg @infd)alte»crg jroifdien fiirjere, fo bap cr einen 9fJu^e))unft gibt, h)ie am @d)lufre ber ©tanjen in Childe Harold's Pilgrim- age. All hjtrb ganj fo bel^anbett, it»ie unfer un»cranbertcg (fettner unfcr beclinirteg) all, b. 1^. 5lrtifel unb $ronomen treten Winter baffclbe ()'. The, E): all my money, ad mein ®elb; all these books, ancbitfca3ud)et; all the money, all bag Alliteration — @elb. ©ciuol^nlic^er fe§en'n?ir freiiic^ Bet „a 11" f e i n e n '21 r t i ! e (, unb f;aufi9 6rau= d)en toit im vgingutar fiir all ,,q a n j/' unb bann mu§ unfer *2irtitet » o r 1^ e r Qi^tn : all Me money , bag ganje @elb ober alUi ®c(b ; all the evening, ber garijc 3l6enb ; all the world, bie ganjc 2Bc(t. 06 aber iifterl^aiuit Me banacfe fiei^t ober nlcbt , bag ricf)tet firf) nacf) bctt allgemeineii 9Jeiie^n liber ben ©ebraud) btefeg 'llxtitdS : f. The, C ; balder nact) bcr bovticien 8. die^cl : F gave over ullJiopes. ^lll horses eal grass or hay. All the horses of my uncle are dead. Unterfc^ieb jtvifc^en all unb ivhole. 1. iBeieincm @o Hect it> brauc^t man all, urn auf bie c i ii j e T n e n ® H c = ber ber DJiengc aufmertfam gu macben : all my family. o^ner ber Orte meint : I have seen the w/tole France (bag Sanb). All France was in a fermentation (= aCtc granjofen). 3. SD'iit bcm nn be jit mm ten 9trtifet farm nur ey/to/eserbunben merben, nicfet all. *Jl n m e r f u n g. Unfer ^(urat a H e bet 3 e i t angaben, im ■Sinne von j c b e r, l^eif t every: er fam aHe %(\<^t (= jeben Siag) : he came every day ; aller jnjei Sfll^rc, every two years ; ader jttjei !lage (= ctncn^Iag um ben anbern), every other day ; ebenfo every four days ober every fourth day. . Alliteratidn, bcr 2(nflang, bie oftcre SBteberfe^r eincg (Sonfonanten furj nac^ einanber, namentlic^ in SSerfen nebcn bem jReime: And then the very rock has rocked, and I have felt it shake unshock''d. No love was left. To lift my love so lofty as thou art (Byron). Behemoth higgesi born (Milton), Unb in ®:priid)5 Ambisuitv. 19 recrtevn: He robs Peter to pay Paul, f. Proverbs. 3)ie SBieber^olung eineg i8 d= calg in gfetcder aUetfe ^eipt Assonance. JBcrgf. nod) Onomatopoeia. Live, vile and evil have the selfsame letters; he lives but ui/ewhora evil holds in fetters. She had no kith or kin (iveber ^inb noc^ «egc(). to Allow, 1. taffcn, eriauben, ge= njal^ren: f. to Cause; 2» jugeben , cin= rdumen, geftel^en; in bciben Jfiebeus tungen i^at eg ben 5tccufati« mit bem Sn^ finitio : We shall not allow him to go out. He allowed himself to adhere to the profession of the Jews. $ af f ii^ : Iflmay be allowed this expression. He feared not to have that expense allowed to him. Alms, eigentlid) ein Plural Noun , je* bod) and) atg Singular gebraudu : The poor beggar hath a just demand of a« Alms from the rich man. Alphabet. @g ^at biefelben 26 !8ud)= ftaben, »ie i. 5). 5)ie 9iamcn treidjeu jum 3:^ei[ som S)eutfd)eu <\h ; e ^ci^t i, ba^cr b, p, d, t : bi, x>'\, i^i/ ti ; jebod) f, 1, m, n, s tt)te i. 2). ®. Letters unb bie einicfnen aSudjfiaben. Ambiguity, aud) amphibology ober equivoke, Snjcibeutigfeit, S^ojjpelfinn eineg 2tugbiudeg. !Diefen \jat man ju mciben unb balder namcntlid? gen an ju cons flruiren; f. Adverb, C— L !Dur* ben 3ufammenbang fc^winbet ber 2)ot= jjclfmn : 1. SOBenn cine gorm — jc nod> t^rer 5lbflammung — jwet ganj »crfd)ie= bene aScbeutungen ^At-. perch, ber SSarf*, von perca, unb perch, bie aJJe^rut^c, »ou perlica, latein. ; to freeze »on frigesco ; a freeze fon zophorus : f. Homograph unb Homonym. @o aud> bci @ontractio= nen rcie au't, f. Abbreviation , Sifte. — 2, 2Co 3)JagcuUn unb ecminin g(eid) fmb : enemy, rival, dancer f. Common ; Fe- minine, C; Epicene.— 3. 2Bo fein Un= tevfdjieb ber 3a^l ifi: people, sheep, means : f. Plural, A, V unb VI. —4. 2Bo cine jjorm mcl^rern aBortflaffen ange; ^ijrt: fo flnb gold, silver, salt (Subjlantio unb 2lbjecti» \ — f. Substantive , C ; all, little, round u. a. 2lbjecti» unb 2tbt»erb — f. Adverb, A, 11, b ; the post unb to post, 2* 20 Amid the spring imb to spring : (Sitbfiantb unb 93erb; absent unb to absent: Slbject. unb SSev6; pish ! unb to pish : Sntevject. unb aSevb ; pop, to pop : 2lbt>ert, Snterj. unb aSevBi like ift mj', 2lb». , ©ubft. unb aSerB , round ift alteS bieg unt) au^evbcm aud) UDC^ 5^rd^ofition. iebcnim Homo- graph , III.— III. ^ei ben unregets m ct ji t g en S3ei-ben, bie fiir ® e g e n ft) ar t unb S3ergangeni^eit gfctd^e i^orm '^abtn (f. Conjugation, III, A) mu§ man luandimat to do ju •§ilfe nc^nten, urn bie 3eit ju bcftimmen. I put my whole trust in, God fcnnte i^cif en : icfe fe^e, aBer auct) : icf) [e^te mein ganjeg 3?ertrauen' auf®ott; iuill man ben Untei-fd)teb an= geBen, fo fe^t man fiir bag 5^refent Sienfe I do put, fill- bag 3m)>erfcct I did put. Amid, f. Among. Among, amongst ( unfec i.n-c»ins jietleg mang con aJJenge). 5) teg ift bagttteitcflcaBovt fiir unter, jiui f d) en: amongst all classes. 3§m jnncidift ftel^t amid , mitten in, mitten u u t e r (Bcibe = parmi, amid au6) mandjmal = da7is, franjof.). ©agegen ftel^t between cber betwixt eigentUd) nur (trie e?itre), tuenn Blcg con jtt>eien bie Siebe ifi (between = be tween , b» I). Bet jttjcen) : between ourselves, unter luig, entre nous. 3l(Uin man BeoBac^tet biefen llnterfd)ieb ntd)t fireiig. ®anj anbercn ©inneg ifi under , unten barunter, = sous, tm ®e= genfa^e ju on , over : under the table. Am'phibrach, Ampliibrach'ys, ber35ergfu§ ^-^ ober-'i--: delighlfiil, amusing; domestic. Amph'imaccr , cin ivenig geBrciucft; licbcr 93ergfuf : -^-, ivie mountaineer, overbear. Anadiplosis, eine Slebeftgur : bie SKieber^otung beg ©djUtitrorteg tineg @a§eg an ber ©fi^e beg nddtften ©a^eg, njobnrc^ baffcIBe natiivlid) ftarf Ijcrt'ors — And. tritt : You left nie but poor — and poor I find you are come back. He retained his virtue amidst all his misfortunes — misfortunes which only his virtue brought ujpon him. 9SergI. ben @d)lui beg 103. <]3f. mit bem Qlnfang beg ncidjften. Analogy, a3erh)anbtfd)aft , 5le]^ntid)« feit ber ^lugfjjrac^e ober ber fSioxU ober ©apilbung. to come unb to gq »or bem folgcnbcn SSerB iucgf alien: J will go ann me. Go light the fire! They would go seek 'adventures. 3nbe^ tdf t fid) l^icr eBcnfoiuo^I etn 2lug'fnll »Dtt to annei^men (analog unferm Bettein ger;en, id) ge:^e fd^lafen, Baben, turncn, fcd)ten, fpagieren, unb bem fcanjiif. aller chercher^ aller se promener, aller ecrire, je viens vous dire u. y. a. 3iBcgcn and aBer f. nod) Asyndeton, ben sorte^ten @a^. 2. (Jg fte^t nicBt, luo eg t. 2). ftei^en m u § , Bei ben 3 a ^ I c n : f. Caixli- nals. A, 3. — 3. (5g fte§t and) for r e t a= tit) en ©d^en: bann BleiBt eg im !X). iueg, ober bag 9{elali» njirb cin 2)emonfltatii5 : This I gave, him from my heart, and which .... WQS all the patrimony I had now lo beslow. Dearly has niy.busband paid for his act of folly iind wickedness, a7id to ivhich- you must Jvnow I never was a parly, (Marryal.) 9J{an Betrac^tet ben abjectioifd^enSSeifa^ mit of a\i relatito unb fdl^rt ba^cr nuc^ relatiw fort: = his act, ivhich was one of folly and wicked- ness , and to which I.... 33ergT. Re- lative, II, A, (5-. — 4. ©tatt and not fiel^t aud) nor, f. b., 3fir. 2. — 5. ajfan f. no^ Comma, B, 1, unb'Bolh, 2. Anglicism Anglicism. Oo ucnnennjir!Deutf(^en einf @tgent^um(icf)feit beg engt. 2lugCrurfg, tie fid} im 2) e u t f d) e n nic^t getiau auf biefelbc 2lrt iuiebcvgeBcn tci^t ; granjofen, Stalienec , 3fiitf[en u. f. f. nennen mtitx bie cngtifcfcen SCenbimgen ^n^lkiSm, bic i^rer ©vvadic frcmb {xnb. ©omit gtbt eg fiic jebeS @pra(ft»oIf anbere SlngliciSi men. giii- unS ifi to fall sick ein Slnglicilm = franf iverben, d§nUd) : in eine JJranf^eit f a U e n ; nidit fo fiir ben Sran= joftn: tomber malade; njol^t at»er fur i^n, wie fur ung to turn sick. Slnberc' Scifpiele: to turn bankrupt; to ride in a coach ober on horseback ; I am cold, wrong, right ; I feel hungry; this dog is deep-mouthed. Sur bie meificn @)3rai d)en ifibic Slugtaffung beg9iclati» ein StngliciSm. 33ei fotcften Sonfiructionen fltaube man aber bie @act)e nid)t al)ge= mact)t, wenn eg i^cipt: bag ifl ein 5tngUcigm ! man gei^e auf ben @ r n n b , warum bie SonPruction fo fei; man fiic^c burc^ • 3ufammenjleUung dr;nlid)er 2(u8briicfe (burc^ 5tnatogi£en) eiuen a ( I g e m c i n en ® ef i(f)tg))un!t 5u getuinnen, unter ben fie fid) bringen laffen* Anglosaxon , f« Etymology, 3. 6. 8. — Slug bem dtteften 5(ngelfad)fifd) fiammen J. ^. bie ^toncmen, befonberS bie i)er= fijntid)en, fammt i^rcr 3)eclindtii>n ; balder l^aben fie aud) fo fel^r abmeid) enbe gcrmen : I : we, thou : you ; nmch : many; who : whom, that : those. lleberl^aui?t — njag bag ©nglifc^e ncd) an Sterion i^at (^Declination, (5onH)aration, Conjugation), tft b e u t f (^ e g aSoUbhit ; f. noc^ Danish. 5Utf bie © ^ n t a t ^ingegcn ^aben f r e m b e ©iprac^cn md(!^'tig eingenjirft. Anomalous, Anomaly, bie griec^i- fdjen 2(ugbriide fur Irregular imb Irre- gularity, f. b. Another f. Other. to Answer \j(\i ben Objectiw batb mit, batb ol^ne to: Answer to this question. He answered my letter (= beantttjorten). %\\\ ber Ic§te ©a^ unter Asyndeton. fDagcgcn; I amused myself with seeing all that was curious = ic^ behifiigte mic^ bamit, 5Uteg ju fel^en. An'tiphrase, Anttph'rasis, ber (Segcnfmn »on bem , mag man fagt — bie Sronic : You are a Jlne man to forget me thus. Antonomasia, Antonomasy: bie bitblic^e Slnn^enbung 1. eineg (5igenna= meng fiatt eineg ©attunggnameng , ober 2. umgefcl^rt. 3u 1 : He is the Cicero of his age = the greatest orator. The Yvtnch Alexander = Napoleou (viz. the Great). They called him fool and !^«wofe. ®o braudit man aflbcfannte Stamen, mie Socrates, Caesar, Apollo, Galo, Salomo, Shakespear, Schiller, fo entftanb bag in me^rere ©prac^en anfgenomment, etwag jronifc^c Cicerone, ©o fmb nad) i^rem 22 Anv Apostrophe. benurfc ben Hiitc»-fd)ieb im "Sinnc fo(- genbet 9}crbinbungcn : without ransom ; without any reason ; without a vestige of shirt collar ; without owe effort. We had some hope still. Is there any hope ? I could not do it for any thing = um ?l(leS in ber 2Ge(t. I was refused jyj'Mo?/^ any reason (]^al&ncqati» ). If we had any fruit, we should give her some (any ^albncgntiw, benn eg ift ju erganjeit : but we have none). Any im aUgcmeinfien @inne — jcber, jebiDeber. Virtue is worth any price. Come at any time and you will be welcome. Anybody can do it.They were sent back without ransom, for they' were too poor to pay any (fie bejal^tten bemnad) f e i n e). 5)a§er bebeittet any oft eine ganje ©attung, some intv eintge ©in J eine bason : She could read awy. English book (= jebeS betiebige). She had some English book (= irgenb ein), nnb • some English books (= einige). SDarin (iegt and) ein ® runb, tDarum in » c r n c i = nenben ©vi|en any f}ef;tt c8 nsirb bann eben baS ® a n J e, nirf)t nur ein 2: ^ e i I bef* felben au«gefd»toffen : She could not rqad any English book. SDagegen i^ie^e: Some E. b. she c. not read = m an rf) e engf. 58udKr. ®. ncd) : Negation, 2 unb 3. Ao, 5)igta^^. 1. = ii in gaol, jc^t aud) jail gefd)rieben. 2, = o in extraordinary ; in nad)bvnrfndKc 3lu«fvradje abet njtrb ba8 a (njtc a) •mitgeft)rod)en; ballet fc^veibt man aud) extra-ordinary) einc2(it2)idre- fi3. 3»veifitbig ijl ao in aiirta, chaos n. a. Apheresi8,2CcgfalX ctneS IBudiflabenS obereinei ©"ifbeju^lnfan g eineS SGBovtcS, meiftbuvdj ben 2ipoftcop]^beicid>net: 'gainst flatt against, 'stead fur instead, 'Change fiir Exchange, a plotftatta complot. !Dev= felbc aCcgfatl am (Snbe bc8 2Bovteg ^ei§t : Apocope: fo t' = lo, thro'= through. Pa imb Grandma\ familiar fur Papa, Grandmama. 9htn f. nocb Elision. Apostrophe. I. 2) t e 91 v o fl r o jj 1& e ober2liuebc: Ah, lady, heed the monitor! 35on befonbercr SaSirfung ift ber Vt6felid)e U e 6 e r g a n g a\xi ber erjd^lenben jRebe * „Inventors are wiser now (than Senefelder). They take care to associate their names with their discoveries." Dickens, Household Words, t. XIII (1852). ©rfinber,*) ©ntberfer ober @tnfiif;rer bc= nannt : a Spencer, Vandyke, Mackintosh, a Brougham, a Sandwich, Wedgewood, a Schomburger; fo aud^ Scheedam, aSranntnjein, nad) ber l^oEdnbtfd)en ©tabt fcineS Urfvrungg (tjcrgt. ^Diorbl^dufer") ; dl^nlic^ bic d}emifd)cn Diamcn nac^ ben 3 c i d) e n : Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. (Sis nenebenfo mi)tl^otogifd)en 9iamen l^atman jel^tben beliebtcn ,,28 a^i jiinbern" (fiatt @tretd» ^ 6 1 J e r n) gegebcn : ,,the vestas," aud) „a wax vesta," unb fogteid) ge^t man aud) njeiter tmb fagt: 'The spurious imitations . . . bring the vestal name into discredit.' (Boz.) lleberl^aujjt bitbct man oft 33erben ober ^Ibjectioe son fol^ d)en (Sigcnnamen: Esculapian = l^eils f u n b i g ; Herculean ; bacchanal, baccha- nalian, bacchic, bacchical u. bacchius son Bacchus ; a night daguerreotyped with painful minuteness — . 3u 2: @in ©at^ tungsnamc ftatt eincS ©igennamenS : Friends, £ludfer , the Canticles = ba« ^D^etieb; the Holy One (®ott ober S^rifiuS) ; the evil One , ber 33ofe = the devil ; Jack Tar. Any l^at ben @inn ber Unbefiimmtl^eit, Sirtgemetn^eit, wd^renb some fldrfer, Vofititter ifi, jwifdien any unb bcm inbi* Dibualifirenben a mitten innefte^t; ba je^ bod) some nid)t ganj fo abfd)Iie§t, me a , fo !ann eS aud) »or ® t o f f namen fte^en, j. S. some paper, ein Slatt, einige JBogen Javier (a paper «idrc bagegen ein (Scfcriftftiid, ein 3ettet u. bergt.). 2)a^ev ^d}t some im gett»6;^nlid)en , bejal; cn = b e n @a$e , any im »erneinenben, ;& atbsernein enb en unb frag en; I) e n @a^e. 3)em 5-ranj6fifd)en gegenuber ift bag il)ev^dttnil8 : a = un; some = quelque ; any = quelconque ; fo a thing =:uue chose; something = quelque chose; anything = c/tose quelconque ober rieii o'ijnt ne; a body, a man = vne per- sonne , un/iomme; somebody = quel- qii'un; anybody=M?J homme quelconque Dber persotine o ^ n e ne. 3)agegen ift nothing ober not anything = rie7i ne, nobody , no man = perso7tne fie. SJian Appear in bic 5[)5ofiroti^c. @o 5. 33. in Byron's Manfred, Act I, Sc. II, mit ben 2Borten : My mother Earth! II. 2)er Slpo^ fivD))^. 1. 2llg Seicfien beg Slugfalleg einjetner 93ocafc, Sonfonanten , ^(Silben : f. Abbreviation , Apheresis , Apocope. 2. im 3ei*cn itS ^offeffii>; f. b. 3. 2luc6 bicnt er, trcnn cinem HOorte uns geh)iJ!^nHd}er 2Beife eine Slexion an; gefe^t tt)ivb, «m biefc »om ©tcimme ju trcnncn : two L's ; he chassez'd, coupez'd, jelez'd, and balancez'd; the he's; two 74's; learned M D's ; he gene''d mademoiselle. to Appear, mit to, n i(^ t mit 6lo§cm £)6jiecti» : This objection appeared to me very odd (important). UebrigenS f. Adjective, B, 4. Appellative, baS ©attunggnjort, ber (5f affenname , alfo eine JBenennung fur bicle gletc^artige 2)inge: fo man, book, house, tree, pen, dear. S)a8 ©egentl^cil ifl ber ©igenname. Proper Aame: George , Drake , Rome, lleber bie 93er= taufcftung beiber f. Anionomasia. to Appoint, f. Accusative, B, I, 2. They appointed him president; he was appointed president. They appointed him to be their guide in that valley. Apposition. I. ©ie ift cin 23e ifa^ ju einem 2Botte, ber i^m ol^ne ^JraiJo; f 1 1 i n unb ol^ne^Jerb jugefetlt wirb. ©0 fie^en: 1. ©ubftantice: My brother, the captain^ = My brother who is a captain. He, my best friend^ died yesterday. Julia— the daughter , the devoted — gave her youth to Heaven. 2. -2{biecti»e. @. b., B, 2. 3lu(^ t»etm aSerb fiefien 2lbjccti»e i5Dfittcn , Bc^ jie^cn firf) bann aber eigcntli* aU 5Brabi= cat ciufg @ubj;ect i\ix\\d : He died esteemed by every one. Her tongue runs very glib = ats [ttjte] eine getaufige. a3ergl. Adjective, B, 4. II. 3m JDeutfdKn fie^t bie '^l^^otltion in gleicfeem SafuSmit bem SSovte, ju bem fie gcl^ort : (erf am mit imfercm tvreunbe , bem 2(rjte) im (§ngli; fc^en natiirltdj nic^t, )vei( ba bie 6afu« mit^rapcfitionengebilbcthjerben, bie man ja anfeblen fiiv entfe^len) j to accept fiatt adjept; to assault f^att adsault; irra- tional unb illegilime jlatt inrational unb inlegitime. Seboct) l^at manned) advance, advantage , tro bag ?5ranj6fi[d)e bequeiner bag d augnjirft. Assonance f. Alliteration. Asyndeton, bie 2Beg(affung beg Sln- bcnjortg, ifi fel^i- l^aufig. Had it not been foryou— ife^U if).. They will have il, he' is an enemy to mankind. A handsome, young, roving, bright-locked gallant. The good old catholic, art-loving, beer- bibbing Munich. ©. ben (e^ten ©a^ uns ter Adjective, C, unb loergt. If, As, That, Though, When, And. 5)ap auc6 ber r e= gelmdpige ©ebraud) beibei- ©^^radien nid)t ftetg iibereinpimmt, f. unter Cardinal, A, 3 unb So, 3. At bejeic^net etgentlidj btc JRu^e (f. fn), fiel^t inbe^ au6.) nad) aSerbcnbei-J8e»uegung ju !Jlngabe ber Otidjtung : to enter at the window ; to come at a thing; he made a blow at me; (hey looked at me; baiter au(^ to laugh at one. ©elten tuirb eg U) e g= gelaffen: ...: ere he arrive («/) the happy isle (Milton). ©. Preposition, E. Attraction: bie 2lugfaffung eineg @a§tf;ei(eg, fo ba^ bann bag njirflid) ®c= fc^te ju jwci terfdjiebenen ©aftgliebevn ge= gogen merben mup. 1. ©o bleibt ein 3) e= monftrati» (ipronomen ober 2lb»erb) to eg unb bag 9te(atio mu^ eg ntit »er= tvetcn: 1 cannot doubt o/ ?y/ bag ganje ^^affitj gebilbct. C. 3m ttjeiteren @inne ^ei^en and) , n?. i, 3)., I can, I may, I must, I ought, to let, to dare (to need) unb auperbem to do ^ilfgtjevben. (S. alle biefe a. i.O. D. 3 m 2lUgemeinen bemerten ttjtr noc6 : I.5ffiennbag)jafflt)e5Parttcipman^er'>)ilfg; Auxiliary Verbs. 25 »erb« mit einem 3nftnitt» sufammentrifft, fo feften ttjtt i. 5D. ben SnfinitiD beffelben a(g aiJarticijj : id) l^abe eg nid)t madden TOotten, foUcn, fonnen, biirfen, m g en , anflatt tc^ l^abe e§ ntctjt madien gettoHt, gcfoltt, gefonnt , geburft u. f. nj. ((5benfo fe^en n>ir beg let^teru Sals leg ivegen n? o r b e n ftatt gettjorben im $afft» ; fritter tterfurjte man faft a U c paffiwen ^Jartictpg fo [mer l^at eg bra d)t, g.eben]: im dialect nod) jc^t.) 5)ag ge^t im (Snglifc^en nid)t: alfo n i d) t : I have not dare do it , fcnbein I have not dared do it. ®. to Dare, ©belts / r fo : 3d) ^aht t§n gc^en I a f f e n : I have let / /i^ him go (nid)t to let), .§ieiju fommt aber, bap betimetfien >§ilfg»erben bag jjaffiue *P a r t i c i )3 f e ^ 1 1 ! 3Kan mup ba^er oft etne ganj anbrc Jffienbung nel^men. ®. bie einjeluen auxiliary verbs a. t. 0» 11. ^es pren bte ^ilfgserben jn nie^rern Snfinis tif en ober" 55artici)?ien , fo braud)en fie nid)t njieberl^olt jii ttievben: I had read and written. We shall depart to-mor- row and return in a week. There is good beef eaten in England , and good wine drunk in France. III. (Sin fc^on Border ge.gangeneg 95erb njirb, nebft feinem 3tibel^6r, narf) einem ^ilfgjeitnjortc oft tt) e ggelaffcn: She acted just as she ought (viz. to act). Be it as it may. He will have me go there, but I can and shall not (go). He must go to her, will he, nill he. Neither Silvertop nor myself had ever been there before; Major Blaze had, @,o namentticfe 1. in 2lntn) or ten, roenn man, ftatt nur yes ober no ju fagen, ein «§t(fgt)erb , befonberg to do fe§t. Are you to go there ? Yes, 1 am. Will you do it? I shall (obeir I will). Read this ! I cannot. Do you love him? I do. Did they laugh at him? No, they did not. @. bag jnjeite ^Beifptel nnter ber Conjunction That unb »etgf. It, C, II, 2.-2. @benfo, wenn inan nad) einer grage anbeutet , bap man etne juflimmenbe 2lntn)ort ernjarte, njo njir „nid)t n)af;r?" fe^cn. You have not been in England? have you ? You have read the newspaper? have not you ? I should like to go to the concert very much, and so would you ; should you not? Uebrtgeng ttjirb biefeg fragenbe 26 Aw - 9tnr;angfel bem »orl^ergel^ent)en @a^c «nt; gcgengefe^t : ift bicfer olfo fccja^cub , fo tcirb €8 serneinenb ; werneint cv felbfi , fo hjiib e8 fcejal^enb, ivie bie SSeifpiete jeigcn. Aw ningt fietS ttitc k: law, lo bawl. Ay, JDigvci))^, lautet !♦ = a: day; 2. the quay, ba6 Ouat ober .^ai) , fprid) ke (c8 vuirb an* key gefcftricfceii) ; 3. bie Sntcrjccticn ay , toet)e ! !lingt = a ; bag bejaBenbe Slboecb ay abet = ai. B. B, :^ct^t be; eg ifl in bet 2lu§fprac^e genau i-iom p ju fci)eiben,.aber aud) nte tcic tb ju frredjen, tvie rt)C^I unfer b in geben, toben, @rbe flingt: bound, pound; lib, lip; robe, rope. ®tumm tfieS'Dor t unbn ad) m: doubt, limb, plumb (wie plomb im gratijijf.),. and) in plumber (n)d§rcnb cS in plomber, franj., lautet) ; jeboc^ f:prid?t man eg in subtile, succumb. Bacchhis, ber SSevgfuf: w__: a house-wife, the flambeau. Bad, fd)kcbt, I;at im ®om))arati» (f(^ted)tct, ((glimmer) worse, im ®u:perla= titt Me Ivors t. {JVorser iji eeraltet unb je^t tabelnSiDevtl^.) Scne ^ii'ttn Sovmen geiten auc^ aB ©teigetung toon emVunb ilL Bar'barism ifi ein fd)led)ter, »evberb= ter, voider 2lugbntcf , ein SSerfto^'gcgen bie 9ieinl;eit ber @^vad)e. ®d if! thro'' a barbarous contraction fur through. to Be , bag nntegetmd^igfte alter Si^xU tDorter: Pres. t.: lam, thou art, he is, we are — . Conjunct, baju : I be ... (I be, thou beest, he be u. f.nj. alg 3nbicdti» ift jWar toevaltet nub Bulgdr, ^nbct fid) jebod) nod) bei 5)idjteni; f. and) There is.) Jmprf. t.: 1 was, thou wast, he was, we were — . Conjunct.: I were, thou were ober werl, he were... !Die jufammen= gefe^ten 3citen mit to /laverlhave been , I had been , I shall have been, I should have been (njie j'ai t5t6). @ein ®ebraud>: J- 9ltg fetbjtftdnbigeg - Be. 93erb: fein, cj:ifiiren, auc^ fiir ©ts ttjag ft i mm en: To be or not to be, that is the question. He is no more. Whom are you for? T/iei-c is, f. a. f. O. 1. Sn fotdicr i.u'dgnanter 93ebeutung nimmt eg and) 5lb»erbien ju fid) : I am well off ( = id) bin wo^l). They were badly off, fie ttjaren iibel baran. SSergt. bagegen : 1 was well, I would be better, look physic aud died (= njenn eg bem @fel ^Wmo^ ifl, u. f.-ftt.) fDafjer and) jebeg ^tit- unb O r t g abverb : 1 am ahvays here. Are you still there about? — to be out with one, mit Ginem jerfalten fein. I am absolutely for her departure. 2. 3m (Sinne son g el^iJren l)ateg ben ^Poffefs f i» (f. b.) bei fic^ : IVhose is this house? It is' my brother's. 3» 3n ben gormen ber iBergangenI;eit ftel)t eg im @inne son g e ^ e n (gteid) bem franjof. je fus, unb bem beutfc^en $ro»iiijiaUgmug : id) tt>erbc iiad) 2)rcgben). 2)ann :^at eg anc^ to — bie ^rd^ofition ber 9lid)tung — bei fid): The physician may have been to Paris or to Vienna and have studied in a hospital for phildren. (gg liegt babei aber immer gteid) ber ©ebanfe mit barin, bafi man wieber juriicf ift. ) Had he been bathing with his clothes on (roar er baben gegangen)? I have been to Mrs. Maddox. 4* SSerbinbet eg nuv ©ubjcct unb ^Prdbicat mit einanber, fc \)^i eg ein ©ubPantis oter ein5tbj[ectit>nad|fid): »gt. ^, a«, C, I, b,3. He is a parson. Is she not happy? — B. 5ltg ^ i t f ^ » e r b. 1 . 3uv a3itbung ju= fammengcfc^ter^eiten : \. Neuter, B, II, — 2. 3ur Silbung beg ^affis, f. b, 3. 2«it einem 3nfiniti» (mit to) nad) fic^ l^ei^t eg fottcn, miiffen, fonnen, ivolten, ttjerben. ^abei ^l)m= flif^e Conjugation, f. Periphrase, XVII. to Become iitfft trie to grow, to gel unfe bie »eitt>anbten 33erbcn im @inne t»on tt) e r b e n : The inhabitants of that country then first became known. to Behold f. Infinitive, A, 4, b unb Accusative, B, I, 4. to Believe :^at bie ^a&)t, bieman glaubt, aber Pegen bie SBallifer bie Sonfonan? ten ju \)^xt ju f^jrec^en : Cot, peiter, tead ftattGod, better, dead unb betfll. 9JJan ^ore ben Dr. Morgan in Smollel's R. Random. 5|}rd))ofitionen merbcn in biefem JDialectc befouberS i^duft^i iveggelaffen : What have you done my hat ( = with my hat)? Brother '^ixt im plural brothers, h?enn eg toirflidje , tetMid)e JBriibcr bebeu^ tet. 3m ijeiftigen, movaUfc^en Sinne ))ie ein 2(Uern>ett6»ort auS trofe box unb match unb to get unb to take unb upon u. bgl., ba eg bie DIatur eincr (Scnjunctton mi^ ber einee 2lbr»erb , eincg ^ronomen , ja eineg @ubftanti» unb )i)erb »cretnt (o^ne ber >§Dmograv^cn unb ber- >»^omDnbmen the but , to but = to abut , the butt , to butlju gebenfeu). il^erfudjeniDir, juHaren, o^ne ©cru(frict)ttgung feiner allertiingg b 1> Ji e 1 1 e n 21 b ft a m m u n g. Urs fpriiinglii^ ip eS eine (Conjunction beg (Segem'a^eg = a ber, all ein, j e^ b ^ unt), nac6 33erneinungen, f o n b e r n. 2Ug foldK ftel^t eg ftetg ju2Infang beg ®a$eg , tvk [onbern, all ein, nie inmitten bcffelben, irie a b e r unb j eb o c& : He is a very good boy, but a little too lazy. He did not write, but draw. 2lug biefcv (Srunbbebeutung beg (S n t g e g e n = fe^eng, teg 2lu snel^m cn*g, 2tug = f d)liepcng (but = be out) Idpt fi* nun mit >§i(fe einer (5Utj.'fe ber ganjc ©cbvaud) uon but ciflciren. 3}ian evwdge im ^cU genben and) immer , bap but ju 21 n f a n g cineg @a§eg |tel)t, alfo aud» immer cinen @a^, hjenn nud) oft eincn »er = fur J ten, na^ fid) :^at. ©g bebeutet: 1. auper, auggenommen, nur n i c^ t {fo ftefit : o § n e — 3of. 8, 27) : We were all there but you (ttdlfidnbig : we were all there, but you were not there). He was the last but one {= aug= genommen (Sinen ; = but there was yet one behind him). Who can it be but he? 2Iug bem ©egenf afee ergibt fic^ : 9iie= manb [onft fann eg fein, a ber er fann eg 28 But. njc^t fein. 33ergt. nod) ben Ic^tcn @ci^ imter Irish. — 2. ^a^ex ^e^t but audi q(' rabeju fiiv ,,a 6 e r n n r n i cf) t" in @d^cn, n;o nict)t jn^ei (etnanber einfdiranfcnbe, tl^eifnjetfe a«f§e6enbe (guB j ectc) cber . Objcctc flel^en, iraS allcvbingg ber gc= it»o^nndic Salt ift, fonbern tvo bafur etn bD^))ette8 5prabicat flc^t , bcffen crftcr3;f;eite6cii ancfe ben jtreitcn invneint: In the fourteenth century the amal- gamation of the races was all but com plete (M'acaulay) = aiUS 2(nbre el^er,a6cr nuv ntcf)t »oIl|itdnbtg. My reflections were anything but pleasant (= buret) ang n ic() t). He was anything but pleased. They are anything but unanimous in their doctrines. f. 16, 5. — 5. (So erfldrt fic^ and) I cannot but, i d) f a n n n i d) t a n b e r 8 , xA) f a n n h i d) t u m :^ i n : We cannot but love him (= njtr fi3nnen nid}t8 2tnberc8 tl;un, fon? bem ro'xx tniiffen jc). I cannot but laugh at his stiffness. SScrgL Infinitive, A, 4, d. — 6. But that ift bebingenb: ivenn n i d) t, h) f e r n n u r n i d) t : We should go to him but that we fear his father ( eg ifi ber gait, ba^ to ir ...).!E)a= f;er ^t^t not but that '{i^^ts^ jugebcnb, e i n r a u nt e n b = n i d) t e t lo a , b a f . . nid)t: We lived in a state of much happiness , not but that we sometimes had those little rubs .. . a(8 »ort»eus genb, abTOe^renb =nic^t, ba^ — ; n i d) t , a\i oh . . . Not but that it was right. Not but that I would assert the contrary. 7. @anj ttie but that ftel^t and) but for. We could have imagined ourselves in a second spring but for the tropical heat which followed us = We could — spring; but we dared not for (= because of) the tropical heat, ^ier ergdnjen TOir eine Diegation, TOd^renb ber ©a^ affirmatiti ifi (tjergt. oben, 2) ; um= gefe^rt taffen jvir bie OJegation fatten: I should not have done it but for you = I should not have done it; but for you / have done it. I would, but for hurling him. But for you, I had been killed (= ol^nc ®ie, o^ne 3^rc «&itfe). 2tuf ganj d^nlid)e 5trt crffdrt fid) ja aud) im t5ran= j6fifd)cu nnb 3tatienifd)en bie 33erneinung im jtueitcn (Siiebe einer ^ergleid^ung : II est plus riche qu'on ne croit = On ne croit pas qu'il soit si riche. Ho trovato pill che io non credeva. iBergt. bei Su= tf;cr : 35ag SBort ©otteS ifl fd)drfer, benn fein gTOetfd)iietbig @d)TOcrt, u. f. nod) Never. — 8. 2Ug einfad)e ©a^toerbinbung = ba^ nid)t ftei^t but nad) to question, to doubt, to fear, to deny nnb bergt., 10 e n n b i e f e n e g a t i » ft c ^ e n : No doubt (no question) but he will do it = man bejTOcifclt e8 »ieUeid)t, ab er er njirb ti ol^ne ^TOcifet t^nn. Fear not but I shall be able to recompense your good offices = 5itrd)tet D^ic^tS ; fonbern* gtaubt , ba^ id) . . . I cannot deny but I found much good by it. It is not quite impossible but he will come, i^ergl. On craiul qu' il nc vienne. fflian gcwinnt in berartigen ©d^en fd)on cine ©rffdrnng, TOenn man nur ein @omma oor but an- nimmt ( ii barf aber n i di t ftel^en , f. Comma) : There is no doubt (,) but he By - will succeed, (ie^e fief) bann iitterfefeen: (SS imtevUegt feincm 3wcifel mtf)v , fcn= bern — . jlej^nti^er aBcife redjtfertigt fic^ ber eft getabelte ®a|:. It is twenty to one but it will happen. 9. @in $rDs nomen fc^cint in but ju liegen , Jrenn man anS tern Dcr^crgel^enben (negatt»en) @afec bqg (Subject .njie'oerfeolen ober barauS ein ncueS entnel^men niu§. 2Bir geBen tS bann buret): ber nic^t ober ttjcldjernidbt: There is none but knows that he cheated her = e§ gifet 9]temanben, ber eg n i c^ t mii^te, f o n b e r n Sebcrmann rceip , bap . . . Not a nook or corner but is of use in housing some useless person = feinc (§de, tein SBinfel ifi unbennfet, fonbern blent,*. (J8 finb l^ier alfo jtrei ®d§e in ein en »eifiirjt, nnb babei ifl bie Sonjuncticn flcl^cn ge- Wieben. ®anj ci^nli^ fieftt „fonbcrn" 2. a)?Df. 19, 3, ju crfidren burcf) : a b e r ttjenn il^n boef) Semanb beriil^rt, f o . . . 9Jtan »ergl. im ^ranjijf. : Quel pays giic la France! (f. ^aufel)ilb , Dictionnaire Grammatical, untcr ixv (Sonjunctinn Que, B, 1—3.) 3u gro^ercr. 2)eutlicfcfeit tritt oftcrS aiiefe nce^ w/iat ^Inju : T/te wild boars suffer no beast with them but tvhat is of their own kind (= auSgenoms men ein fotcfjeS , ba? . . .) SScrgt. cben I, 3, i. — .10. 2luf biefelbe 9trt ergibt fid) bag refatitie 9tb»erb n? o au« but : There is no day almost ( ob«r auc^ there is scarce but he comes to my house = e8 if! f ein 3;ag, two er nic^t fame, fons bern er fiettt ft* Jfben 5;a9 ein. Seldom a week has passed biit he has relieved some indigent person. 11. SSentg Be* barf eg nun, «m ju ber Sibferbtalbebeu- tnngt^nur, btoS, eben,erft"3u gelangen; ber ©egenfafe (baS 2hi8ge= nommenffin) .gibt ftctg bie Sofung. 2)a^ eg nun nief)t ju 3lnf ang beg ®a|ieg ju ftc^en. brau(t)t,.erfldvt fief) eben baraug, baft eine. »crfiir§enbe Snffl'nmengie; ^ung i^tveier ©afee ftattgefunben ^at, f. 9ir. 9." ©cfcon bei ben cbigcn Seifpies len : She does nothing but weep ; We cannot but love him , • liefte fiet) ba^er „nur" anbringen. ®o t Give him but a little of it (= not all , but a little). Be but ruled by me (= not by others, but by - C. S9 me). He was here but just now (= It is true he was here, but not long ago, but just now). The story, is but too true. (We might wish it were not true, but . . .) Eat these fruits but sparingly. @D fie^t but, nur, neben bat, aber: He eats but little , but drinks the more. But be but as good as thou art hand- some. 12. @ubftanti»ifcf) fiel^t eg J. 93. : He was commended with a but (mit einem 2Iber). 13. llnb bap einSBort, njelcfteg fo siele birecte unb inbirectc J5in= njenbungcn madjt, and) alg SSerb; to but, (Sinreben mac^en, gebrau^t wirb, bag ij^ gar nic^t anberg iu erroarten. . By. J. 5lugf?»racf)e. .aScnn man eg betont, l^eiftt eg by, fie^t eg ol&nc 9iad)= iruci: by. B. ©cbrauct). 1. By bes jeic^net bie *)Jer fon, oon roeld^er, ober bagfflfittel, burcb wjetefceg @tt»ag ge= tl^annjirb; balder fief;t eg befonberg nad) einem 5?affi», hjd^renb ivith nad» ac^ t i » e n 33erben fte&t : I sent him the book by a servant. He fell by the sword, by a thrust. He is loved by everybody. 2. By mit einem reflective pronoun bes bentet etnc 2lbfonberun9 = an, fiir (fid)) : There he stands by himself. She walks by herself (all ein). Set this pot by itself (apart). I drank the coffee by itself (ol^ne (Stroag baju ju i^aben). He ate the bread by itself (eitet). SSergf. In, 6. ' . ' €. C, l^eipt se. 2lugfprae^e: 1. = f, tor a, o, u, »or ©onfonanten , unb am (5nbc ber @ilbe : care, cocoa, custom , clear, cry, physic. 2. = fc^arfemf, »ore, i, y unb ae : face, city, cypress, Caesar, 'iugnal^me: in sceptic, sceleton, f, untet Sc, 2. - 3. fan ft eg f "(= z) to suflice, sacrifice. 4. <§duftg = fd) (sh) ocean, delicious. 5. 3n italics nifd)cn 2fiortcrn = tfd^ : vermicelli, vio- loncello. 6. @tumm ifi c in cnaster, Czar, victual. 3n ^Bcjug auf bie Ors t^ograpl^te ifi ju merfen: c fie^t 30 Cacophony nte am @nbc eitieS ein f Ubigcn SBor: Ui ; bafiir ^el)t ck : quick, black, ©benfo flei^cn c unb ck am @nt>e nie wad) Son; fonanten ; bafiir tritt k etn: bank, milk. Cacophony, llefietffang , 3JJipton, cntj^e^t: 1". hutci) Sufammenj^of jireier SSocafc ; f. Hiatus. 2» 2)urrt) 3ufammen= treffen jtoetec gaiij ungleidjarttijcr (Son= fonanten ; btefe^ fiefeitigt oft bte Assimila- tion (f. b.). Walker bejeidjnet cil^ 9JiMg= tone „lhe most hissing, snapping^ clash- ing^' grinding, sounds, that ewer grated the ear of a F'andal:^'^ tcht in scratched, stretch'd; ncht in wrenched; obcr bie Sonfonantcnl&auriing in ben jufammenge; jogenen Gormen : thou strenglhen'dst, au^gefprocfjen : = strengthndst ; thou quick'n'dst imb bergt. 3. 2)urci> allju ^ctufige SBieberfel^r eineS unb beffelben SauteS, namentlicf) bei ^ifc^ern; f. Eu- phony, D. 2)ag fann aud) in nacf)ld[figem ®t^tc tiegcn, unb fc()on Sean *ijau( mag ben englifcfcen Srfjtiftpellern in a3er= meibnng ber@acc^)^onie'nnicf)t ad^u grope ©orgfalt jufc^reibcn. Scbocft — ein beut= fcf^eg D|r rid)te I;icc ni(t)t ju frf)nett. llnangene^m faufefn \. 93. bic »ieleu ©= laute in ber leiclU ju »ermeibenben 33c»:= Binbung : Mr. Perkins's special pro- fession, ©bcnfo bie fief) bvdngenben ©i= imb !D=Iante in : A handkerchief was tied tight roun^ his thigh (Marryat). I Can , thou canst — . I could , thou couldst -.-. 3)ie3 S?er6 'i^at (trie I will, I shall, I ought, I may, I must) iveber 3nfiniti» , iioc^ 513artici». ©iefen 5(ugfaU gu becfen, nimmt man to be able , fdl^ig fcin (ttjaS natiivlicfe auc^ fiir bie njirflidi »orl^anbcneu Sormen I can unb I could ftcf;cn fann): I have not been able, icf) ^abe nic^t gefonnt; he will be able, cr roirb fonnen; I should have been able, i(J) wiivbc gefonnt l^abcn u. f. nj. Slu^cr- bem it»irb in @d^en mit bcm Sonjunctic : ,,ic& indite,., fonnen" bie ^onftvuction umgebrc^t = I could have, hjobei benn nas tiulid; au8 unferm mittm inne fic^enben 3 n f i n i t i ti baS ^jaffiec $ a r t i c i v ttjirb, g. 95. ict) :^attc f(f>reit>cn fonnen = I- could have rvritten. They could have assisted me. We could have borne ail Cardinal numbers. this. Treachery did what force could never have done. ®. noct) ben le^teit ©a^ unter Conjunctive, B, 4, unb »ergt. bie iibrigeu oben genanntcn befectiren iBer* ben. Uebrigeng fte^t can audi son ©eis fiegfertigfeiten : they can read and write, obfrf^on ba ofterg to know bafur eintritt: they know how to write an English letter. Cape ^at feinen ©igennamen in ^\>po= fition, ol^ne of: the Cape Fiiiisterre. *2l«8nal^mc : the Cape of Good hope. Capitals f. Initials. Cardinal numbers, ^au^tja^fen. ^. gov m el leg. 1. ^ie ® runbfor; m e n finb ; one , two, three, foiir, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven (»on two bilbet ficfj twelve); bie Ba^en 13 bis 90 rtjerben »on biefen abgeleitet: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen u. f. «. Uebev eighteen f. nocfc Ordinals, 1. 2)ie r u n b e n 3a^fcn ^aben bic @nbung -ti/ = jig: twenty, sixty, eighty. ai)iebenim.fe(bP|tdnbige Sormen finb hundred, thousand, million, billion u. f. f. 2. 3)ie 3a|>len bfeiben geroij^nlic^ imtierdnbect (im 5)eutfcfeen hjerben fie ^du= fig beciinirt: icti erinnere mid) gnjeier obei- breicr SJienfc^en) ; jeboc^ ne^men fie mand)mal baiJ s be^ Splurat : the ones, the threes ; tens of thousands shall perish (Byron). Rapidly, in twos and threes. . .. swarm in the clolhesmen (lu jnjeien — ). Little knots of .twos and threes. @. nodi hundred unb thousand. IVIilliou, billion, trillion u. f. f. finb (Subs flantioc unb nel^men balder bag s beg $(urat nn: four millions. 3. 3)ic 3 u f ammens fe^ung ber 3al;ren ift »on 13 big 19 ganj voic i. !D. ; von 21 an abcr ft>iicfet man g e Uj 6 1^ n I i d) e r bic 3al^(en fo aug, trie man fie fd)reibt, t>on Unfg nad) redjtg, atfo bie 3f6ncv "oov ben (Sinern : twenty one, forty five, sixty nine. 5)ie 33eij')^iiele jeigen, ba^ and nidjt gefc^t h)irb, (£o= balb inbe^ bic Sa^l 59 nidjt iiberfdirittcn iftrb , fann man bic (Siner aud) tor ben 3e^nern fprcd)en,- unb bann tritt aud jmi- fdicn bcibe, gang to. t. 3). 5llfo hjo^I one and twenty, five and forty, nine and fifty, abcr n i d) t one aud sixty, two aud Case — ninety, unb ni*t three hundred and one and twenty. 4. Diacfe hundred cber, fattg feine ^unberte ba finb, nad> thousand ftei^t fletS and: one hundred and seven; two thousand three hundred and eighty nine; two thousand and eighty nine. 3. a35tc t. 2). fc§t man bcr .Riiije ttjegen and) im ©nglifrticn eft g r 6 p e r e 3n^Ien, ats 9 »Dr ^unbeit, fo bap baS Jlaufenb u6erf(^ritten njivb : eighteen hundred and 6 fly two. 6. ®(eid)erSequemUd)feit ^als 6er Mi man , n>. i. 2). , I>ei fiefannten Sa^reeisaHen au6 bem tjoiigcn ober biefem Sa^r^unberte oft bie 2lnga6c bc8 Sal^r^unbertg tccg unb fefct nur bic Bel^nec unb @tncr, in ber ®ci)rift mit Slpofiroj?^ : in '89 I was at Paris ( = 1789). ®.noc^In,@. ^. ©ebrauct). 1. 3)te 2[n g ab c bcr ©tunbcn gefdjle^t am getco^ulid^ften fo: bei ber » o Men *@tunbe fefet man o\lock jur 3a^t , inbep fann bieS , a(g felbfttterfidnbtici) , and) njegbleiSen : it is one (two, twelve) o'clock. 5)ann rec^net man big mit l^alb nac^ ber »or^er = ge^enben, sollen ©timbe {mit past)-, »on ]^a(b an aber nad) ber laufenben, nad)fien8 erfuKten (mil to); man gibt alfo bis ju ^alb an, tvtet)iel 3eit feit bcm le^ten ©tunbenfc^jage oerftoffen ifi; t>on ^ciib an aber, reicciel 3eit nod) big jum nddiflen ®(orfenfc^(ag ju fierflrei; c^en fiat; j. 33. it is a minute past one, ten minutes past one; it is a quarter past one = ctn iStertcf auf 2; half past one = l^atb jJrci ; a quarter to two = bret aSiertct auf 2. ©ic ba5n)tfd)en Iiegen= ben 5lngaben : 5 aJtinuten fiber ein iBicrtel auf 2 = twenty minutes past one; in 5 5)its nuten l^alb 2= twenty five minutes past one ; in 5 ajiinuten 3 9}iertet auf 2 : twenty five minutes to two; in 5 QJJinuten um 2: five miriutes to two «, f. tv. 2. ®ft einer aBo^^nungSbcjeic^nung fe^t man bic -^augnummer »or ben @trapennamen : He lives ,24, Kingslreet. — Mr. R. IM. Benson, 23, Charlotte Street, Bir- mingham. (93ergt. Ordinals unb Date.) 3. 5Kan braud)t bie a)'tenge5al^Ien aud) aU @ubflanti»e mit ber ©tU^jfc »on gun ship: a seventy lour; three seventy four's (brei@d)ijfet>on74^anoncn iebefi). 2lu§erbcm f. noUt) Fractions. Cause. 31 Case, f. Declension, bie cinulnen Cases, Apposition, ^ier nur no* ein jjaar SSeiffiele , um ?u jetgen , tt)ie febr oft betbe (g^radjen im ®ebraud>c ber SafuS »ou einanber abtt»eid)en. This horse is my cousiji's (m ctn em SSetter), f. to Be, A, 2. We flattered her (i 1^ r), f. Accusative, B, I, 1, a. He is no friend to flowers (»on SShtmen, ber SSIumen), f. Dative, 1. They did it Memselves, f. Reflective, I, A. (It is him ; f.^^^buse). I to Cause = taffen , mit bem Accusa- tive with the Infinitive , unb jiuar mit to Bor bem Snftnitio. I caused the deputies to come in. He would have caused him to be imprisoned. The prince caused I him to be cut in pieces. ba= t)iv oft burd) btc 5lb»erbten etwa, ju = fdllig, DieHeic^t geScn; ganj fo to happen (»gf. lav&ureiv). He chanced lo pass by us. If any man chance to come in. If my letter should chance to be lost — . ©ogav mit to happen »er6unben : The thing may chance to happen (bit 2)'i6gtid)feit breifad) bejeidjnet). @c^en wir fid) ereignen, gcfdjel^en fiiv to chance ober to happen, fo n^irb ber @afe uni^'erfonlid)/ n.Hal)rcnb er ini (5nglifd)cn i? erfonli d) ift {)v'u tei to come). Child ifi im ^llfgemeinen fdd)nd), bc= fonbcrg trcnn c8 fletne, «nt>erpdnbige Jtin= ber (babies, infants) Bcbcutet; anberen gattcS n^ivb eg fotco^ nidnnlid), alg n3eib= lid) gebraud)t, )n)k. enfant im gvanjof. un'ofancmllo im 3ta(ienifd)en. 3m @c; gent^eit fiinbet fid) felbjl bei infant bag ®efd)ted)t benicffid)tigt : f. ben @a§ unter Conjunction, 1. Circumlocution f. Periphrase. Cloth , 3eug , Jlud) , l^at ben reget* mdpigen plural cloths, 3;ud)forten, S^uc^e; Collective. bagegcn ifi clothes (f^ric^ cloze , ^{ei= bung, 2Bdfd)e) ein i^m nur uemmnbteg plural noun. Collective, ©in ® am met; ober 9Ji engetu rt , collective noun ober noun of multitude, fa^t in bee gorm eineg Singular bod^ ben @inn einer 9)ie]^rf;eit in fid). ®o people, dozen, number, infinity, a great many, quanli.ty, circle, society, assembly, faculty, party, gang, pair, couple, swarm. JDicaufein (SoUfctitt folgenten^JBronomcn unb 93erben fie^en 1. im Singular, trenn man bie aiienge alg eine ffliaffe , ein ® an j eg, oi^ne 9iitcffid)t auf bie etnjefnen @(ieber benft: ober 2. im ^ptural, nsenn jebeg einjelne ©tieb ber 9Kcnge mel^r l)tx' tjorge^oben tuerben foU. Unb bieg ifi g c= U) ]^ n U d) e r. SiBeifvicIe : The enemy is stronger than we. -The enemy />wf them- selves in a good posture; The assembly was numerous. The assembly were divided in opinion. The forest has lost its leaves. The company are dismayed. The army lost their leader. The class receives two lessons (bie ganje Jllaffc gemeinfd)aft(id)). The class have to recite a fable (j e b e r @ d) ii I e r e i n= I e I n). The clergy cried down his book as atheistical, though Mey had not sense enough to understand it. Slefinlid) fie^t ber $Iurat nad) everybody: Everybody had eat as much as they covMi. A people have dwelt in Transylvania, who — . @. nod) bie brei Ic^tcn a3£ifi,nele unter Number, 2, unb Den le^ten ©a$ unter Who, A. (go fdf)rt Sutler genjijl^nlid) nad) >$ auf en, 93 oH, Sebermann u. a. mit bem 5Stural fort; fergf. 1. aJJaccab. 1, 26. 37 ; 2, 19; 4, 55 unb 58; 9, 51. 52. 60; q3f 42, 5 ; 78, 1 ; 1. ©iof. 47, 27; untnittetbar mit bem 6ot = lecti» ifi ber ^(ural verbunben: 51jf. 98, 3; 3of. 7, 25 b. 3. %x'm jn bem (Sollec; ti» ein b e ft i m m e n b e r ® e n i t i » $ t u: rat, fo fte^t bag ^erb im Singular, >venn eg fid), fi r c n g g c n o m m e n , auf bag (Sol lectio bejiel;t; bejie^t eS fid) aber auf ben ®eniti», fo fte^t eg na= tiirlid) im ^^lural (3lttraction). The number of the guests was large (nid)t bie ®dfie , fonbern t^re 3 a H "Jai" 9,^^^)- Colon — A great number of my books are lost (nic^t tie 3a^i ifi serlorcn , fontievn tie a3i"id)cr). The number of the people was incredible. A little company of ns were sitting togelher. 3fi ijaffetbc, Vvie oben. -4. lUbcr bie Sovm eme^D6jcc= tcS aU JBefi^eS ciner ScUectbmengc fie^e Plural, B, 5. — 5. SBebeutct ein (^oU tectio eine 2( n 5 a I) 1 SJi c n f c^ e n , fo Um\ barauf atS 9? c t a t i » who fclgen , toenn man eg nU 5p(urat bctracfitet , alfo bie ©injetnen ben'icffid)tigt (f. vhm 2) ; aw ^erbem folgt which. 6. S3et ben @c(l£C= tifg Vifi[ei]t nlfo auf eine @ingnlar = f r m ber 5J f u r a t ju folgen ; bag @ c = gcntl^ ctl lapt ftc^ U^v iro^I auf 9(et(^e SBeife crHaren : Sevenieen-twentieths of this aggregate is imported from the United States. (Boz.) a«an faf t bie 513ru= rat form seventeen-twentielhs alS ein ©anjeg imb fo fotgt ber (Singular bar auf. Colou. @g bient, >uie i.5)., §ur3ufam; menfaffung mei^rerer »orau8gef(t)icfter, pber gur ©infiii^rung mel^rerer nac^folgen^ ber (Sci^e; f. jebod) Comma, B, 1. Colour, biegarbe, l^eif t al6 $(ural: the colours obev a pair of colours, bie f^al^ne. They run away from their colours. 3u a tallered colours (bei Addison) tergl. Singular, 1. to Come. 1. Sm @inne »on iuer = ben flei^t e8 mtt boi?)?cftem 9!ominati»: If I should come a widow. ©0 and) : How came you acquamted with him? He came off conqueror (a 18 ©icgcr). @o i|^ and? unfer fommen itemtirf) ^i(fg= »er(' = »pcrben: ber Jtcller fommt wofl gOBaffer, bie ^Irf-eil fommt nie fertig. 3?gL b. folgenbc unb And, 1. — 2. 3JJit bem SnfiiutiB narf) firf) i^cijjt eg ju ©tiuaS fommen unb if} f}et8 ^erfonficfj, ivdl^renb iv>ir bafur c\t bie un^jerfin- nrt)en gefc^c^en, fid? jutragen, Suge^^en braudjen. Why then came you to be taken prisoner? (2Cie ging'g gu — .) When Income to die — (®o iSei ©ijtl^e: Unb <\U erf am ju flerBen— ). Should this come to pass — . JDcr 3n= finilto ifi ^ier gteid^fam Object, ivie in to come to a possession , to a resolution. 51, ^([hfei't, i)rammiit. 'Bortert. - Comma. 33 3. lleber unfer yciffiBeS ^Jartici)5 bei f m= m en f. Participle, A, I, 2, b. Comma. 3m ®anjen ttjirb ti minber §anftg, a.U im 2)eutfd|en gefe^t. 2)er ^au??tunterfdjieb ift: 3)er ©ngtanber ttie ber Sranjofe Idft e8 oft gwifdien ben eingetnen (Sa§en tueg, bie ju einem ©angen verbunben finb, fe|t eg bagegen l^ilufig innerl^alb beg @a^eg, jioi; f^en bie eingelnen ® (ieb er eineg cin = gigen ©a^eg fiinein. ^. @g bleibt toeg: 1. »or relatisen $ronomtn, bie cinen notl^luenbigen ©a§ einfeis Un , ber nidjt iueggelaffen iuerben fann ; fann er bieg , fo flel^t er nur :parcn= tl^etifc^ babei imb toirb in Sommata ges fd)Ioffen. Sebocft fdjiroanft in biefen MU len ber ®ebraud>. He found many of them , who were as dull as himself, that permitted his assiduities. The honest man who married, nid)t: the honest man, who married. 2. @benfo bei res fati»cn^Jarticil)ien: An old gentle- man hearing my name mentioned, seemed—. 3. ?le^ntid> i?or (5o n jun c= t ion en: If I had them I would throw ihem in the fire. Leain first to command yourself before you attempt to command others. She did it as well as she could. @. no(6 But, 2 unb bie Conjunction That, (§.— 4. aBenn bie Son junction ober bag 9ietati» auggelaffen finb, fo »crfc^metgen bie ®d|e in einanber: alfo fein Comma bagmifdjen. Tell me the news you have received. He told me he had been there. — 3fiber 3tfifc^cns fafe fur J, fo l^at cr, tuie bie 23eift»iele gcigen, and) nad) fid) fein abgrengenbeg Comma ; bei (dngeren fe|t man lieber ein @d}Iuf comma, ber Ueberfidjt njegen, luenn and) corn fein Comma fte^t: But what surprised me most, was, that though he was a money-borrower, he defended his opinion (NB. »or though fein Comma, n)oI;t ober nacb borrower). 5. 9(ug bem cben angegebenen ©runbe ftel^t aut^ fein Comma »or cinem ^ccwsa- tive with the Infinitive. on fciner 5ran : „ba^ id) mctnen Jlobtcn begrabe." a)idnncr unb S'vaucn irerben mit „?ieber" angere= bet: 93. b. meibUd)e 5ovm bi(= ben, f. Feminine, C, unb t)erg(» Epicene. — 2(u(^ atte 2lbjecti»e, ^ronomeii, iJiume; ra(g l^aben fur bie brei ©cfc^ledUer mtr eineSorm: I, we, thou, you, they; my, yours, this, who, any, each finb Hiagcus lin, Seminin unbSleuter; auggenommen finb he mit she unb it, — his mit her unb its unb beren -Hb(eitungen. Ueber ben @es fd)led)tguntctfd)ieb von who, which unb what f. Neuter, A. — 9iatiir(id) gibt eg i\\x6:i 5lbjecti»e , bie il^rem © i n n e nac^ nur mdnnlid) ober nur iveibUc^ fein fijnnen* Comparison. 35 Comparison. ^/. Comparison of Adjectives. aj?an untcrfc^eibct einen comparative of equality \i\ix6) bic 'Si'tsttx- h'\ix\. wk as, so, ober burrf; Qlbjcctbe, to'xt such, get)i(bet — niib ctiien comparative of inequality, burc^ irirflicfce erboVJ3e(t : hot: hotter, hottest; red: redder, red- dest; big: bigger, biggest — (reder unb biger ttjuvben efeev reder [= reader] unb biger cbev biger lauten) ; bagegen : broad: broader, broadest. 2)iefe ^er= bot>t?ctung l)<\t bet ben 2lbjecti»en auf 1 fie IS ftatt: cruel, crueller, cruellest; f. Consonants, 4 unb vgl. bieQlbteitungen : red : reddish ; grit : gritty ; wool : woolly; auc^ Conjugation II, 1, unb im granjofi* fcfien nette, crueile, niienne, je prenne. — II. DIarf) franjofifdjer %xt, bur* umfc{)retbenbe 35 vf e^tu rtcr. 3)ian fe§t im Somijavatit) more, im ©u^ertatic (the) most X)Ox ben $cfitio: malicious, more malicious, most malicious; re- doutable, more redoutable , most re- douiable. — HI. 91 a A rcclc^erSIrt fl e i g e V t fid) nun ein 51 b j e c t i » ? I. 5lUe ©infitbter (pummel e fiir feine Sitbe gerec^net ) gel^en narf) ber beutfd^cu 5(rt. (go cold, wise, large, tall, high u. a. — 2. 2lUe, bie m e 1^ r a(3 jhjei St (ben l^aben, ge^en nac^ ber f r a n J ij f i f dj e n 2trt. ©o mischievous, magnificent u. a. — 3. JDie jn? eifilbis gen ^Ibjectitse tf;eilen fid} in bie bei^ ben Slrten, unb jnjar bifbcn fid) bie, we(d)e ben Qlccent auf ber (§nbfi(bc l^aben, ober fid) auf le ober y enben , gettj6^nltd| nad) beutfd)er 3(rt (fo discreet, gen- teel , polite , able , lovely, mighty) — bie iibrtgen nad) fr an j oftf d) er , nament= lid) bie auf my, dy, ky, ed, id, ive, ain, some, ful , less (iric roomy, learned, handsome, careless). Snbeffen gibt eg l^itr feine entfdieibenbere 9f{egct, a(g ben SBol^tflang; balder bitben fi(^ aud> jene, bie nad) bentfd)er 3trt gel^en fonnen, oft nad) franj6fifd)er , \<\ felbfi einfilbigc ne^mcn bie Umfd)reibung an : man finbct more hungry neben hungrier, most polite neben politest; more wise jiel^t nad)brudg= tiolfer neben wiser; fo: These cliffs are of granit and other most hard material (= imgemein l^art). — IV. Unregcts ma^tg ifl bie ©teigerung »on bad, far, few, good, late, little, much, near, old (f. b.). Ueber bie 91 a (^ fc|ung son most f. Adjective, A, I, 2, c. B. Comparison of Adverbs. 1. ^ier gelten biefetben 9iegetn : soon , sooner, the soonest ; early, earlier, the earliest. — 2. 2)te 2lb»erbg aw] -ly gelten meifi nac^ franj6fif(^er 2trt: wisely, more wisely, the most wisely, llebrigeng f. The, C, 10 unb 11. C. (Sine ncgatitteSom^jaratton, cine 2lbminbevung beg bet SSerfcg, bann dbtx <\\idi bei ©uSjiantbcn unb 2(bjectitoen bie mit SSovfitlicn, iuie a, ab, ad, counter, de, dis, ex, in, inter, mis, over, per, pro, re, sub, trans, under u. f. to. ; J. SB. to abare, abhorrent, adjective, counterlight, lo depart, disquiet, express, ingrateful , lo interfere, lo mishear, to overbear, to perform, proverb, remove, to subsume, to transact, lo undergo, jum Sl^cit fct)on fcrtig mi Satein ober gronjofifdfj iibevgegangen; »crgt. Assimi- lation unb Adjective, A, I, 2. OefterS ))aaren fi(J^ aurf) fotcfje aSorfitteu, hjte in : to disembay, to discompose, unbeknown, counterdisengage , transubstantialion. 3)ic etnjefnen %^nit eincS jufammengcs fei^ten SBorteS nennt man feine Compo- nents. — 2htperbem fe|t man jufammen : I. ©n6{ianti»e, xmb jtrat 1. @ult = fi a n t i y m i t @ « 6 ft a n 1 1 » : the evening-star, moon-shine, a postage label (fjranfomarff) , a butter-flower , a peacock butterfly , a summer's day , a night's train, a crackspeaker, the ship's company, fool's cap ; our Total Eclipse Pic-Nic Party. — 3. SSlxt eincr «)S r d )> o = fition bajwif^cn: master-at-arms, man-of-war, aid-de-camp, doctor in law. — 3. ©ubftanHa mit ^ronomen » ov f i cf) : a he-ass, a she-cat. — 4. ®itB= fiantitt mitSlbjectititoor flc&: black- bird, grand-father, great-grand-mother, a many-feet , a red-letter-day , a red- book. (5le]^ntidj : a Jirst-YAle man-of- war.) — 5. £Wit ^Parttctj) » o v fi d): boarding-netting, blotting-paper, sing- ing-school, — 6. aJitt Snfinitii) wot fid): eat-bee, roast-beef, draw-bridge (under-lurnkey). — 7. W\t 2Ibt>er6 » r ober n a d) flc^ : overfreight, onset, homesickness, evergreen, farside, her almost-equality; a hanger on, a bringer in, a by-slander ober a slander-by, a cast-away. — 8. ^\i $va))ofttipn i)or fid): afternoon, whitsunlide-beer. — 9. 5(u8 aSerB unb 9[b»er6 i\u fnmmengefe^t: a dug-out, a holdfast Composition. (ein ^attfejl). — 10. 3(u8 j U) e i 05 e r 6 8 : , the hearsay. Ueber ben 5|J ht r a 1 jufatn; mengefc^ter @ubftanti»e f. Plural, A, IV. — II. 5[bj;ecti»e (5Partici))iatabjcctitje eingevedjnet) : 1. 51 u 8 jtt>ci 21 b j;ec = titicn: cold-blooded, red-hot, many- coloured. — 2. 2lbj;ectt» (ober 5Par= tici)3) mit ©ubjlautiti »pr ober n a d? fid): blood-warm, blood-thirsty, milk- white; — air-born, air-stirring, air- braving, ale-inspired ; angel-winged, god-like, weather-headed; Afresfi-vjater ^s\\, fnir-tveather fowls; f. Vulgar,!. — 3. 9«it2tb»erb »or fid): overful, homesick, newborn, allwise, lukewarm; An oft-told tale. — 4. Wi'xt S^UJncral »or fid): four-cornered. — 5. Q)lit 5^ r a )) f i 1 1 n n a c^ f t d): the tmheard- o/ decree ; f. Participle, B, 5. — 6. 2(u3 93 e r 6 unb @Mbf!antito: my break- neck travail. — III. ^Jronomcn: 1 . bie i^ e r f 6 n li d) e n btlben mit self ju? fammengefefet bie r e f t e c t i» e n : myself, himself, one's self, yourselves. — 2.ff'^ho, what unb which nel^men ever nad) \\6^ : whoever u. f. f. — IV. 3 n H e n. 1. 2lu5 jjvei 3a^I»r6rtern beflel^enb: four- teen ; the eighteenth. — 2. 3nit bem untrennbaren 2[ b j e c t i w unb 21 b » e r b fold: twofold, tenfold u. f. U). ; f. Mul- tiplication. — V. 33 e r b 8 : J . a)Ht @ u b= ftantito »or ober n a (!^ fid): to blood- let, to backbite, to kilndry, to waylay; to breakfast. — 2. SJJit 2lb j e ct iv »or f i (^ : to blindfold. — 3. QJJit 21 b » e r b : to out-act, to overdress, to newmould. — VI. 2lb»erbien: 1. 2[u8 jn3ei2ib= W e r b i e n : ever-more, whercever, there- abouts. — 2. 2t b » e r b mit 2t b j e c t. (ober ^ronomen) t5 o v ober n a ^ f i d) : every- where, no-where, blindfold, over-much. — 3. 21 b » e r b mit $ r a V f i t i n V r ober nad) fid): without, hitherto. — 4. 2lu8 $ r a p f i 1 1 n unb © u b ft a n = ti»: to-day, overhead, asleep (f. 2. A). — 5. 2[n8 2[ r t i f e t ober 5^ r o n o m i s naUbjecti» unb ©ubflantito: a- while, noways, sometimes, manylimes. — VII. Conjunction en : 1. 2Iu8 2lb»erb unb Conjunction: where- as.— 2. 2tu8 2lb»erb unb q3rdliofi = tton: therefore.— 3» 2ht? jh)et2lb = Concrete » c r 6 i e n : however. — 4. 2(ug 21 b to c r b, ^ra^ofition unb 5|Jarttci)) bejle^t: notwithstanding. — VIII. $rcH?ofi = tionen: 1. 2(u3 2[b»crb unb ^Jrd = ^ofition obcr umgcte^rt: over- against, within, amid; above. — 2. 2tu8 jtoei -itbtocrH: overthwart. — IX. 2(u* bte Sntcrjec tionen fmb man= ni^faTtig jufammtngefc^t: alack, lack- a-day; hey-day, oddsfish, aughbaugh. jiBei att biefer, in ben son «n8 aufgc; fl«Uten toierjig fatten feincSiwegS er= fc^o^fenb bargejlellten gjtannit^faltigfcit fann ba6 ©ngtif^e bot^ nicfjt att unfere ^ufammenf€|ungen nac()(n(bcn : j. 33* 33 u 1 1 e r 6 V b ntdU butter-bread, fonbern bread and butter (NB, n i (f| t butter and bread) ; Jtanonenfutter = food for powder (Marryat) ; fid) tierblutcn = to bleed to death. 2l6ec auct) h)ir fonncn nic^t jebc engtifdjc ^ufammcnfe^img fcucttfidbUrf) njicbeigefecn ; bic« njccbcn mc^ttve ber bet II, 2, VII, 4 unb VIII, gcgebeiien iBeifpieIc jeigen. 3m Uebrigen f. man nod) J, ari, C, II, 4; Preposition, C^, 4; Derivation unb Hyphen. B. The Composition of iheTenses of a Verb, f. Neuter, B, 2, Future, Perfect, Pluperfect, lobe, lohave, shall utlb will. 2lu^erbem Passive, II, A. Concrete f. Abstract. Conditional , b c b i n g t , l^ei^en ®d§e, bic einen untev getDtJTen 93crau8- fe^ungen angenommenen Sail bes 5ei(!^nen. ®ie bcginnen geh.tol^nlid) mit if (f. b.), unless, but (f. b.', ^x. 6 u. 7).— 9Jian<^c ®rammatifeii nel^men ein Con- ditional Tense an : I should love , I should have loved. 5)iefe Sovm fann aUerbingg ben bebingten 5all (I should love) auSbrucfen; oft aber ent^dtt fie aud) bic 58ebtngung (If I should love): fte^t alfo foitjol^t bebtngt, al3 bebingcnb. e It, fobatb ein liB o tat ba* l^inter tiitt: tob^g: begging, begged, oBer he begs; to prefer: preferring, I preferred, abet he prefers. SDagcgen : to roam: roaming, roamed. 3fi eg ein 1, fo tuirb eg and) bann werbo^i^^eft, irenn ber 5lccent n i dH auf ber lefeten ©ilte ift : to travel : travelling, travelled. Ucberl&auV^t bel;nt man biefe 93crbo^)?e(ung oft u6er bie 9iegct aug: man fcfjreiSt j. 93. ou^ worshipping, I worshipped (neben wor- shiping, I worshiped) »on to wor'ship. 95ergl. ubvigeng Comparison , J, I, 3. — 2. a u v t gcgcii 4300 ; iffiijrter ctwa 30,000. Conjunction. 39 en obev n im ^.^affivcn ^Jarticij): taken, laden, broken, risen, swollen — shown, sawn, blown, worn. — 3. !Dur(^ 2) o)3t»etf i-men: fo ^c\t to forget im pass. part. : forgotten unt> forgot; to bid f)Cit I bid iic&en I bade unb im part, bid unb bidden; unb mand)c SSerben 6i(ben il^re Scrmen [oivci^f ve^etmapig , atS tin= veqelmcl§ii} : I learned unt I learnt, I digged unb I dug, lifted unb lift, lighted (gctrcffen) neben light unb lit. — 3Bir gcfien 1^ i c r nuv airgemeinc ®runb= jfigc fur bie aSilbung bcr unvcgefmapigcn S5er6en unb ticrnjeifen im Ucbrigen auf ba^ am (£c6Iuffe b«3 95ud)c§ Iieigegcbene 93 e rs 3 e i d) n i ^» QJtan f ann bie unregelmcigigcn 3eitnji5rter in btei gvppe -^au^tf (vif = fcntrtngen. ^. ©infer mige(e in jlu= fige) 93evSen, b. i. foIct)c, Bei bcnen Sm^-urfect unb v«ffiveS ^cixti- cii) bem Snfinitio gteic^ finb: bie f cftlodctifie ^(affe. ©c : to burst, to cost, to shut, to bid u. to. a.; fic enbcn attc ouf d, t obcr st nacfi eincm 93 o c a I e cber nac^ r, unb finb »erfiirjt (f. Ill, 3). 3)cv Ort^ograt>^ic, widit aber ber 2lu«= ftirarfjc ua6) ge!&oren viuc^ to read unb to beat bnju. (®. b.) 20ic man bcu!£pi?=^ ipetfinn betreffg berSeitangabc wermeibe, f. Ambiguity , (5nbc. !Dic 2. $erf. <£iug. Sm^jerf. nimmt bd biefen 93er= ben bie @nbnng edst, obcr auc^ gar fcine an, ivdl^renb fid) biefetbe 5^erf. beg $^3rafeng auf est encet : thou castedst cber thou cast, buirarffi; thoucastest, bu wirffi. B. 3tt)eiformige, b. l), folcfee, bie 3 m)? c r f . unb ^ a f f. ^P a r t i e i )? g I e i rf) l^aben. 2)ie jal^Ireidjfte .Rfaffe ! fDaju ge; l^oren : !♦ i)ie 93erben auf Id, nd, rd ; fie tteriwaubein bag d in t : to bend : bent ; to build : built. SKit biefen t>erg(. to burn, to dream, to spill, to smell, to dwell, to knock , to mean , to lean. SluSna^me aber mac^en bie auf ind ; fie it>anbe(n i in oil : f. to find, to bind, to wind, to grind, gevner f. to stand, to hold unb to behold. — 2. erben fie »on i^rem ®a$e njeit getrennt (iuie bie ^rdticfitionen »on i^rcm Diegimen ; f. Preposition, F, 2): The reader must excuse an infant of some days old, ?/, when wrapped up in flannel and in a covered basket, and, moreover, fast asleep at the time, he does not ex- actly observe the state of the weather, and the time by the church clock. (23e= ic»cf) Participle, B, 3. — 5. Ilnfcv „5Wai/' ober „fr eitirf)" Idpt fid) nuv burd) Um= fdireibung au«brudcn : it is true (= il est vrai): It is true, his manner of telling stopies was not quite so well , how- ever, we were kind enough to laugh. Conjunctive Mood. A. Sormcl; Iti* 1. 9hn: im$Prafeng ^atbcr Som junctio einc tefonberc Sorm ; er ntmmt ba bie 5P erf on at enbung en beS Snbicativ n i c^ t an , if! affo biivdjgel^enbS bem 3n= ftnitiw glcid) : I love, thou love, he love, we love It. f. f. ©a^er aucft.: I be , thou be; I do, thou do, he do : f, abei- to have. — 2, 3m 3 m ^ e V f e c t ifi bee Soniunctiv fietS bem 3nbicati» glei* , wie aud> oft i. 2).: I remembered, \6) gcbad)te unb id) gebad)te; I did, id) t^at unb id) t^cite; 1 loved, id) ttcbte. Sebod) tt?irft bie 2. «Perf» beS Singular mandimat bag st a6: ihou had, bn :^dttefi. 0lur to be ^at eine U^ fonbere 5orm beg Sonjunctio im 3mtier= feet: I were, thou wert (ober were), he were n. f» nj. — 3. lleber ben (Scnjunctio ber gnture f. Future, A, IH. B. ©ctraud). aBci^renb ber3nbi = cati» eine Stugfage alg fid)er, 5U«er= Idffig, gett)i^, unab^ngig ^in; fteUt , gibt \\t im ©egcntl^eife ber Sons junctiti alg ungenjip, nurgebad)t, a n g e n m m e n , b c a b f i d) t i g t , g es Mjiinff^t, anbefor;tcn, bebingt. 2lng biefcc Diatur beg Sonjitnctiv erfldrt fid) feine Stnwenbimg. @r fie^t, wo eine -§anbs tung a(g eon ciiier a n b e r c n >'^ a n b t u n g a 1^ a n g i g bargcfieUt it»irb ; cr ift fonad) mm einem anberen 3ci(morte ab; pngig. @in nur du^crnd)eg 21 n = jc id) en, gfeid) ben ©tuvmvogein lu^r bem llngenjitter , finb babei bie Son; j u n c t i n e n , bie ben a b ^ d u g i g e n Safe mit bem «§auvtfa^e verbiuben. 2)Jan fagt genjo^nlid), biefe Sonjunctionen regierten ben 3nfiniti». 2)ag ift abei nur einc ber Jliirje njegen bctiebte 9{ebeng= art; ber @runb iiegt tiefer , im SSer^ i^dltniffe beg ganjcn Sa^eg, une ebcn ge= jeigt. S)a^er ftebt ber Sonjmictio aud) ba, n)o bie (Sonjnnction gar nic^t ftel;t (f. If, unb ^ter 9fcr. 1 unb 3) , nnb batjer fte^t ja aud) nad) ein nub bcrfetbeii Soniunction batb ber 3nbicati», balb ber eoitjunctio (f. !^ier 2 b). 35 te einjefnen SdUe, wo ber Soniunctttt gebraudit wirb, finb : 1. 9t a d) @d§en , bie ein © i 1 1 e n , @ r m a I; n e n, 2Bunf*en, a3cfe^len augcrucfett. I would he were here. Take care lest he escape you (lest he go away). — 2. 3n @a^en, bie etncn an gen om me nen Salt, bffonberg auc^ eine ganj attge = meine 2lnna^mc, eine (Sinrdu^ mung, ober eine aSebingnng, bie fitnftig toiettcid)t eintritt, augbrut* fen; i. !D. fie^t ba oft ber 3nbicatit). «.) ®otd)c ®d§e werben getuo^nlid) burd) cine Conjunction eingcteitet, wie if, as if, if but, provided, unless, except, though, as though, whether, however, ivhatever. If he acquire riches — . If he be what I suspect him — . If I roere certain, that he was at home — . As if he were a beggar. Provided he find somebody — . If it do not quite ruin his mental con- stitution. I shall not pay him, unless he come to me. Though you be ill — . Whether thou go or not — . Whatever be thy fortune — . Who knows whether he shall be sound or no. If you shall have hereafter the goodness to forgive me, I hope I shall deserve it. b.) ©ap aber ber Sonjunctitt nid)t won ber (Son= junction a b ^ d n g i g ift , er^etlt baiaug, ba§ nac^ b e n f c I b c n (Sonjuiicttoncn ber 3 n b i c a t i » ftc^t, fobatb n i di t U n g c= ttjifl^ctt ober 3nfunft ju beieid)nen ift. ®o jwar: Ifit /•«!«, when she comes. Consonants. 41 I shall not go out^ ahtti II" it rains uow, I will not go out. 3>wav: I shall go, provided my father have no objection, when I ask his permission; jeboi^ : I shall go, provided my father has no objection. Though his desire was laud- able. aJJan fagt: Tell it whatever it be, aber befttmiiitcc : Whatever is seldom, is praised. — 3. 9)i ancient at ftel^t ber Sonjunctb auc& unab^angig unb baun lapt ftrf) eft, abev itic^t tmmec, ein ivegge fa Ilcner Safe bawor benfcn. Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done u. f. ttJ. (@r= gcinje sorl&ei-: ®ib, ba§.., obcr: JflJtr bitten, ba^.) — 4. So ftei^t and) I /lad unb I J^ere jiatt beg jivcitengutuv I should have, I should be lu f. V». : It were good you did it (angenoinmenev %all, »ergt. 2). If thou hadsl been here, my brother had not died. Could he have kept his spirit to that flight, he had been happy. — 5. SBcnn fiir unfcreu (Sonjunc; rt» ber Snbicatitt ftei^t, f. btefen, B, 2. Consonants. 1. 5)ie m e i fl c n aWit= lauter l^aben eiiien fanften (soft) unb cinen frfjarfen, barten (hard) Saiit, in ber 5(u?fprad)e rocitji ju fcfteiben. @o gebcn fidi) bie $aarc b nnb p, d unb t (bad, bed, pad, bat, bet, pat, but); V unb f (veal unb feel) ; z unb c (3ifd)ev) obei- geHnbcg unb fd)arfcS s (zeal , ceil, seal; desire [soft] unb design [hard]); g neben c, k unb q (guard, card, quart; gid, kid) ; bann bie 3ifrf)ei- j unb g neben ch (George, church; jesi, chest); soft unb hard r (her, ring) ; soft unb hard th (to mouth, the mouth). @anft finb alfo ; b, d, g, j, v, z; f^arf: p, t, c, k, q, ch, f; balb ttjeicb, batb i^avt: s, r, th. JDiefen tie^e fic^ altenfall^ noi) bag fiu mine unb bag I ante h bcife^en (hour, house). 5l(fo gibt eg nur bei bret berStquibcn, bei 1, m, n, einefclc^e®(te= berung nic^t. — 2. ©int^eiten fann man bie Sonfcnanten: a. giacfe ben fte evi^eu; genben (S^jracfjtBerfjeugeu in: Si)); penbudljlaben (labials): b, p, f, m, (w) ; 3 un g enbucftjlaben (Unguals) ober 3 a i^ n bud^f^aben (dentals) : d, t, th, I, n, r, unb bie 3 i f d) c r (hissing sounds) : S, c. ® a u m e n (aute cber ^ e 1^ I taute (palatals cbev gutturals) : k, q unb, tuenn fie nicfet jtfdien, c, g : eublid) bee ^<\\\6)' laut (aspirate) : h. 3 a ^ n = unb S i ^ v en= budifiabe 5ug(cidl iP v, ®aumen= unb 3 a f; n taut x (aug g obcr k unb s cnt- ftanben). b. 9lad) i^ren @ i g e n f d) a ]- ten in: ® tu mm e (mutes): b, p, d, t, k, fctt»te c u. g, tvenn biefe n i ci^ t ^ifd)en ; J^alboocale (semivowels): f, 1, ni, n, r, T, (w) s, X, z, j, aud) g unb c, hjenn fie jifd^en- 93on biefen nennt man I, m, n, r aud) flitffige (liquids), tveit fie (ctd^t mit anberen»erfc&me(jen, u. s, z, j,g,c,x3tfd>er (f. aob.). — 3. 3JZanc^= mat finb and) w unb y •^albccnfiMtanten, f. bicfc Sud)fiaben. — 4. ©in »evbotJ^et; tec Sonfonant (njie dd , tt, ss, gg) be= ttjirft meifi fcftdrfere, fiivjcre 3htgfprad)e beg battorfie^enben JCocaleg : fo in ass, dagger; baraug erflavt fid) bie regeliua= pige iScrbrppefung eineg @"nbbud)fiabcng, njenneibetber2lb{ettung in bie 50ii tte beg SBortcg tomnit: to rob : robber, robbed; red — redder, reddish, to redden. 33gf. Comparison, A, I, 3. — 5. @ine 3ufam= menfe^ung now jhjei ober brei tterf c^ i e = b e n e n Scnfonantentauten in einen mel^rfad) en, gem if d& ten Saut nennt man einen !Doi?peI= ober S^ri^jeli ©onfonanten. Oft aber gibt fd)on ein e i n f a d) e g Sonfcnanten j e i d? e n einen g u f a m m e n g e f e ^ t e n S a u t an : fo c in violoncello; d in soldier; tin nature; bie 3ifdKr j nnb g: Jack, gem; x in axis, exist; z in zechin (f. Homonym, III). 2:ag ®egent^ei( f. unter Digraph, (©infac^en Saut bagegen l^aben c, g, j, d, t, X, z in cat, city, God, hallelujah, to do, Xenophon, zeal.) a. 2)ie meifien S) oi?jjelconfonantcn l^abcn s^^ci 3ei= d)en : bl , br , bs , bt ; cl , cr, cs, cl ; dr, ds; fl, fr, fs, ft; gl, gr, gs ; kl, kr, ks, kt ; Id , It , Is ; ms ; nd , nt , ns ; pi, pr, ps, pt; rb, rp, rd, rt, rl, rm, rn, re, rk, rf, rg, rs ; sc, sk, si, sm, sn, sp, st, sw; tr, ts (qu, hw): b. Qiur ivenige fdjveibt man mit brei S3ud)ftaben : chl, chr, chs ; phi, phr, phs; shr. ^aju fommt nod^ bag 3u fammcntreffen jtrcicr Sonfonanten, bie nur turdj fiununeg e gctrennt finb: wiTes , severes. c. 3; r i )j e t confonans ten finb : scl, scr, skr, spl, spr, str (squ). 42 Construction — 6. 3m 2)£ittfrf)cn W^^i ^er 8aut ber 3ifcf)€v j iint) k (= s), ((e^terer ifl je= i)od) in ^^roainjietler 2lugfpi-adK ba— )bei- Saut beg t, be^ w unb ber Beibeii th. (@nglifd)£'J j, z unbv ftnbet fid) im 3ta(ie= nifc^cn, ih im ©^>anif(f)£ii itnb ^leiigrierfji; fct)en.) IDagegen gibt eS im engU = fcf^en nidit: ben Snut unfereg i, bie 6ei= ben Saute unfereg cb (in od) unb id)) unb ben Saut be8 m. (3)er beg 5 erfdjeint in hats, bites u. bgl.) 2lucl) 2) )) p « f= »"*» 3;ri:tieIconfonanteu l^aben n^iu me§r; fo rbt (evt't) au6^ xiji (in ^erbji), m^ff^ (in : bu [d)rum).'>fft) ; imfer f^ (in fvvec^en, fparen, i"ton®ebitbeten allgemein i(i)p ges fprod)en, nuv v»vo» in j ietl fp) gibt eS nicl}t, njo^t obit unfer ft (in fterben = frf)t) in wisht, matched, witched; f. Caco- phony, 2. Construction. 1. 3m Slltgemeinen ber beutfc{)en afiortfolge fe^v d^nlicf). — 2. Sebod) luerben 9? e tat isfci^e etenfo conftcuirt, vrie >§am?tfa^e, trd'^venb fte im 2). bag iBevb «on »Dvn n^eg anS @ n b e giel^en : j. 39. ber aTJann, n.>eld)er mit meinem SBruber geftern an! am = The man who orru' erf with my brother yester- day ; eg ift atev nod) bieunter Accusative, C, 2 angegebene 2lugna^me ju fceviirffic^= tigen. — 3. ©iei^e iifcrigeng bie cinjelnen 9tebet^ei(e^ bie (Safug, Subject, Absolute, Apposition, Ellipse, luterrogalive, Par- ticiple , Proverb, Reflective, Relative, Inversion; fernec A, an; the; all-, both, half, such; only; too; not; so; nor; but ; to have, to get u. a. to Continue 1. mit 3nfinitit> ober actiwem $artici^ Idpt fid) njiJrtUcfe (= foi-t= fal;ren), cber and) butd) ein ?lb»er6 = fovt, tt»eiter u6erfe^en. He continued to paint (ev matte fott). They continue dancing. @anj fo fle^t to go on unb bag franjof. coniinuer. — 2. 3m ®inne »on fortmdl^ven b tteiben l^at eg ben b ^ )3 e 1 1 e n 9i m i n a t i » (f. b.). T/iis country had continued from early limes the principal ce?itre of Grecian naviga- tion. 93ergt. to Grow, to Get «nb bgt. Contraction. 1. 2)ie»crdnbevnbe3u; f a nj m e n J i e 1^ u n g einer ® i I b e ob. ei- rcg ob. mefrevev SGB ov t e r : fo bag vutgdce - D. zounds aug God's wounds, a-latch f. upon the latch; a-fiejd = in the field; thro' fiir through ; a'n'l fiir is not it n. f. t». in Wednesday (= 1 wcnzda). 3n sicfen aui bem 5)eiitfrfKn ftammenben SBovtern »ertrltt d baS t ober! tf) (unferct l^eutlgenDrtr^ogvajjl^ie): hard, loud, dove, drinker, I had, to do, God. Da'ctyl , ber 3ScrSf«f : - -^^ ober iw^: labourer, mfi'lody, li'berly. Danish : f. Etymology, 4. 5)dntfd)en Urf^jrungg fmb : to cast ttoit fafien, flounder vvn gfljubcr; bic 93orfi(6cn for (= »cr) , mis , a (f. A, *praXH'>riticn) ; bie 9ca(^fi(6en ard (coward)?'le, ly, y, ship unb bie ^ParticiVcnbiing ed. to Dare: J. ms f clbft ilanbi g e8 33a-6 : l^eraugforbern, tro^en, ID a g e n , i^ t§ flets rcgchnd^ig, unb l)at ben Snftnitio mit ^o md) fic^: I dare you to do it. Why do we dare to talk of Benvenuto Cellini — ? I have not dared to go there (t(6 ^ate nicftt l^injuge^en ge= toagt). The lady did not dare. B. 2llS ^ i t f 8 » e r & : b u r f e n , ift e8 j^uar and) regelmdftg, jebod) ift bann fiir ba« 3m= X^erf. / rfwrs^ gebrdu(lUi*cr. (58 ^at ben Snfinit. ;^ n e to nacfj fict) : I dare not complain. I have not dai-ed go there (ic^ ^aht nicf)t ^ingel^en biir f en). Dash, ©ebanfenflric^ im ©a^e. ©♦ ncrt) Ellipsis, A. Date. !Der !Datum in JBriefen ttJttb be= jeic^net : 1. nac^ beutf^er 2trt — ber JE a g » or bem 9)1 on at, i»of»ei Jcfeterer mit of Htfjt, ober 2. farmer, o!^ne 5trtifel unb o^ne of, inbcm bie 3a^l 1^ inter ben 9Jio = natSnamen tritt : the 22J of December 1822, obCJ? December 22. 1822; the 4th of April 1852 ober April 4, 1852. SSet ber jnjeiten Strt fl.^re(t)e man au3 : Decem- ber the twenty - second. SSergl. Car- dinal, B, 2. Dative. 5 r m c 1 1 e 8 unb @ e = brand). 3fi bag iT'atiictterl^dltnip hjirt= lid) ju bejeidjnen , fo gefd)ier;t bic8 burd) to : lo the father, to me, to whom. 2)ic= fen au8brudli (^ en 2)ati» fe§t man aber felt en, ber bIo§e Dbjetttt) (f. b. nub Accusative, B, 1, 1, a) reic^t gettjoi^ns lid) ^in. 2inein man niup to fe|en: 1. ttjenn ber 3)atit) »on einem ©nbfl antic a b ]& d n g i g ifi, ttjo toir i. 2). gehjol^nlid) Dative. 43 ben ©enitiu ober fur, ju, gegen fe^en : ndmlid) nac^ benen, bie einc 93 ertt) anbt= fcfe aft m it Semanbcm , eine greunb = fd^aft gegen, eine D^cigung ju 3e= manbem, eine U n t e r o r b n n n g, cin 3 u= ge^oren unb bergt. bejeid)nen (»erg(. bamit Adjective, D, 2). He is god-father to my child and a relatioji to my friend. How is Miss Virginia , sister to Poor Jack ? He is wa friend to horses (flowers, plays, gaming). I became at last an enemy to mankind (fo nnfere abjectifi; fdKn: Semanbem freunb ober feinb fein; vergf. 1. SJJof. 37, 8; $fafm o, 6). He is a stain to humanity. The very fellows to them (bag ©eitenflud b a ju = berfelben). 2D irb ab er e in gegen; f e i t i g e 8 93er^dltnip auggebriidt, fo ^i^t ber ®enitit» (ober of) , h)ic i. !D. He was always the poor man'^s friend. The enemy of the soldiers. — 2. 2Bcnn ber S^ativ won einem 2[ b j e c t i » abl^dngig ifi : f. Adjective, D, 2: He must be allied to the devil. lie ivas very civil (cruel, generous, kind, open, polite, irue, unjust, etc.) ^0 me. 5l(8 3[n8na§mcn f. like, near, next. — 3. 2Cenn er nac^ einem ber fol= genben 3} c r b e n j^ei^t : to agree ; to an- nounce, melben; to appear; to ascribe unb lo attribute, jufdn'eiben; to beckon, Voinfen ; to communicate, mitt^eilen ; to consign, iibergeben ; to deliver, ein]^dnbi= gen , fagen ; to describe , befdjreiben ; to explain, erffdren; to impute, jurec^nen ; to leave; to mention, ernjdl^nen ; lo ob- serve, bemerfen ; to relate ; to reply, er- ivibern; to represent, worftefien; to re- sign , uberlaffen , abtreten ; to reveal, of= fenbaren , anjeigcn ; to say ; to secure, (i5er=)fld)ern; to seem; to yield. INB.^iic cnrflv gebrudten f. a. i. O. — He thought of means to altribule /o himself all my estate. This proposal Avas communicated to me. What shall I deliver to him from your Grace? The ghost beckoned to Hamlet to follow him. The most innocent things were imputed to me as a crime. I have nothing to reply to his answer. I found it not so as it was represented to me. I was resigned to the wide world. 5lu8na^men fmb nid)t cben ^dnftg: I had consigned him a bag of money. i9ik 44 Days - Your schoolmaster will explain yoti these passages. — ^}ad) anberen , alfc beu mei= ften aSerben fic^t ber btof e Dbjectiw o I; n e to : f. Accusative, B, I, 1, a. — ©iibtirf) 4. mup ^0 gefc^t tverben , ttjcmt ein 2tccu=: fatiw ttor bcm ©atie ficl^t (= JDcim bag nd^ere 06j«ct »or bem entfernteren fte^t). Unb hjaiin bieS ber %aH fei, f. Accusative, C, 5. tnc. fDag fl[utf|Hge, fKt? bem aScvb cng anfd)ltcf enbe SBortdKn it treniit ben 5)atlt» fo unbebeutenb ijon feincm a>er&, baf eg fein ^o notf;ig mac^t: Send it him, nic^t; send it ^o him, @oU jebo^ , in einem ©egenfa^c, ber ^att» betcnt tver= ben, fo fe^t man au(ft nad) it bag to: Send it to h tin, not to me. 9luct) golge einer 3 n » e r f i o n fann to beg a3er= fianbuiffeS ^a(6er erforbert hjerben ; f c : A madman at a mile off would, to the offspring of „a royal line," cause fear and trepidation. (Maxwell.) llet'rigeng treten fur unfern 5)att» ofterS ancf) anbere ^raj^ofitiunen ein, nfg to; My mother never smiled on me. This is to be pardoned only in children (= JJtnbcrn, bei ^.). @. Preposition, C, 2. Days of the IVeek f. The, C, 3. 4. to Declare: lie declared himself an heir. He was declared emperor. He de- clared himself very well satisfied (f. Participle, B, 3, u. Accusative, B, F, 2.) Declension , 21 6 to a n b l u n g ber '!?auj;ts, (5igenf(I)aft« = , ^a^i-, unb g u r h) r t e r. I. 3}cr|'}c^t man im; ter declination etnc 33eugung, iBer- dnbernng ber QBortev fetbf! jua3e= jeic^nungbereafn8ttevr;drtniffe, fo l^at nnr ein cinjtgeg SBort , ndmlic^ who, cine aoUjidnbige iI)ec(tnation : tvhose, whom, freiiic^ o^ne llnterfdjieb beg 3)atio unb 2[ccnfatio nnb beg ©ingufar nnb ^Iwxai. 21uierbcin gi6t eg nod) 1. einen ^?offef = ft»en ®eniti» ber @ubftanti»e: the father's , our friend's , unb 2. einen Dbjectitt ber ^jerfontidjen 5itrmi)r = ter; me, her, him, them. II. 93erftel^t man ater ttntcr ^Declination irgenb cine 2lrt, bie ^afugtjer^dltniffe augjii; Demand. briicfen , fo l^at and) bag ©nglifdjc feine ocllfidnbige ^Declination. 3)enn eg 6ejeic^= net: 1. ben ^fominatio unb ben ID6jecti» buvd) il^re @ t e 1 1 u n g , f. Accusative, C ; — 2, 3)ie iibrtgen ijdilcbuvd) of to, from. !Diefe ^rdi^ofitioncn fiub bie „ber ^nt = fernung ober ber 2lnndl^erung , bnrd) njetcEfe beiben aSegriffc atle aScjics l^uiigen ber ©adbcn unb aBorter auf einan= ber gebad)t Werbcn miiffen" (9JJori§, ital. @)3rad)te;^re). SDal^er ftel^cn bie g t e i; d) en Qjerl^dltnipnjijrter and) in alien ro= manifc^en @>jrad)eu (am genauefien bem @ngttfd)en entf^^redjenb im Stalienifdjen : of = di, from — da, to = a) , ofterg y aud) i. SD. — III. 2l(lein and) biefe 6es // quemen 2lnbcutungen ber gdlle fmb ber familidren unb »u(gdren ®)?rad?e oft nod) jutjiel: fie beclinirt i^duftg g a r n i dj t ober falfd), ba nun einmal bie 2)eclina= tiongformen im 2lllgemeinen nidU jum 2>uvd)t)rud) gefommen finb. @c : It was not 7is they attacked {^aittve, attra = ^irt »on attacked). We understand each other, you aud me (ebenfattg 2lt= traction t>on understand). (S. nod) Who, A, @. JVho have we here (fiatt whom) ? It is me (f. Abuse). @o fe^t man aucb ben Slominatit) ftatt beg Objectisg bcfonberg nad) ben ^rdjjo fiti o nen, bie »on i^rem 9tegimen gctreimt finb: JVho servesi thou under? (Shakespear.) He sees who it comes from. 9^id)t felten aud), hjenn bie $rd))ofitton ba»or|!e6t: To who shall I run ? — I says you roust come with /.' fagt ein Sonjialjle^ between you and /, fogar ein 2lb»ocat., Defective Verbs, 3eit\t)6rter, bencn einjetnc ?5ormen mangeln. (5g fmb au^er ben «§ilfgucrlien I can , may, shall, will, must, ought nod) quoth, to wit, alle im- personal verbs befectiv. Definite Article f. The. to Demand f>at ben Moficu 2rccufat., too tvir einer ^tUdvoHtiou bcbiirfen : n ad) 6t»»ag fragen, urn ©tivag, nm Semanben Demonstrative Pronouns Derivation. 45 an^aUin i'ocxQt. baei fraiijof. demander). He demanded /lei' in marriage (= ct hi- Demon'stratiTc Pronouns, ]^in= jetgenbe j^iirttjovtcv, finb this unb that, f. b. 2)aju fommen noc& bie fettneren yon unb yonder : Yon red cloud ; yonder Alpine snow. ?IucC) the former (| e n c r , bcr erjlgenannte) unb the latter (b I e f e r , bei- Icltgcnnnnte) fte:§en oft fo. !J)a^ aud} bie$voncun§ ber britten *|Serfon pft in b em on fir at ice m @inne fiel^en, f. 6ei Personal, B, 6. — 3m 51 It g e m e is nen ifl ju merfen : 1. SGBtr fe|en oft im= fern Beftimmten Slrtifet aU 2)6 = monfiratti), fo ftel^t the nid)t (f. jes bod) The, C, 12) , eS mug this obcv that bafur etntreten : 33 ci 3 ift ein fitonec ®ar= ten : T/iis is a fine garden. ®ebt mir b a 8 SBucn 2t b » e r 6 i e n : ere — earli/ (unb bavon iviebev the earliness); in — inner ; up — upper, uppish (balder aud^ nnfer xippiQ = ©iner, ber tmmer often brauf [u^\ itf] iff) ; unb von uppish ttjieber the uppishness. 12. ^IbjectiB »on 3 n t e V I c c 1 1 n : lack-a-day : lack- a-daisical. 13. 9t urn era I son 9iu = m e I- a I : four— forti/, fourth. 14. ^xo- no men iion ^Pronomen: my — mine; it — its. 15. 33 e vb toon 3} er6 : to hear — to hearken ; to disjoin — to disjoint; lo drink — to drench ; to fall — to fell ; to rise — to raise ; lo deem — to doom; to lie — to lay; to sit — to set. 16. a5er6 son @u6jtantio: tyranny — tyrannize; a trap ( ober trapan) — to irapan (f. aur& Accent, B, 1, c). 17. as e r t> e n »on 2( b j e c t i » e n : sharp — to sharpen ; verbal — to ver- balize; divers — to diversify (eigentlid) jufammengefe^t f./y). 18. 33 evb en »on 2t b » e r 6 1 e n : in — to inn. 19. 21 b = t»er()ien »on 2lboerbient ere — early ; ever — everly ; out — outwardly. 20. 2lbtocr6tcn von ©ubfiantiio : year — yearly. 21. 3[b ti e v S i en von 21 b j e c t. : noble - nobly. 22. « b s »ertnen »on 9tumevat§: first — firstly; third — thirdly; one — only. C. aCortform in verfd)iebencm @inne, aU ) <£ubftantit> unb a(8 2lbjecti», ober alg : ''^ a3erb unb atg 2lbwerb u, f. w. , gebraud|t|| njtrb* @. Ambiguity, I, 4—, Adverb, r A, II, b. giir bie iibrige aOGortbitbung f. Composition. to Desire, tnit bem 2(ccuf. unb bem Snfin. , tt)ie bitten, l^eifien: You desire we to send you some accounts. — Mr. Brookes desired me to leave off (= er l^ie^, tiep mid) auf^oren). 5Paffi»: I was desired to buy her some gems. Despite, aXi «|3rd).>orition, f. Of, 10. Dcter'iniiiative finb SKdrter, bie einen S3egriff ndf;er bepimmeu, begrenjen : fo ber beftimmte 2(rtifel, bie 9^etattveg, bie 2lbverb§ ; f. Adverb, B, 1. Diaer'esis, bie S^rennung smeicr auf einanber fotgenber 33ccate , alfo baS ©egent^eil von ber Snf^mtmenjie^ung berfetbcn in einen 3) i v^ b 1 1; o n g. i5ft im ©anjen felten (vergl. Jo, 2 , Ji/, 3) unb nod) feltner , fafl nur in Srembtvoitern, iuirb fie burd) bie beiben SPunftc •• bejeid)= net: Madame dc Slacl ; aorial , coad- jutor; bagegcn o^ne a3ejeid)nung in Dia- na, quiet, coiicted, poesy. Dialect, bie ®v*ra(^e einjctncr ®e= genbeii, fofern fte von ber ©dniftfvvac^e, ber ®vrad)e ber ©cbilbctcn beg Sanbe« al^ loeidjt. = fc^on man eg au^ nicfct attjufe^r eerfiirjen barf. ®. nod) Accent, IV, V, Preposi- tion, E, unb Provincialism. @in 9Prij6= d)en beg jiib ifdien 2) iaiccteg : Have you anything to shell {— sell). Sir? Versh the bagsh ! Oh ! vat ish there in it? Oh! vat you vanl?— S' help roe, ifs yoursh. Digrraph, ein 2)o^?v«^J«'<^«"/ eincSSers ftinbung jweicr SBudlftalJcn ju cinem e in = f a d) c n Sante, hjie ea = i, oa = o, gh = g, sh = fd). y4. (ginb bie fceiben 58u(6; ftaben SSocate , fo nennt man eine fofc^c iDerfcinbung and) cinen Mon'ophlhong ((5 i n tanter), im ©egenfafeeju 3)i))^t§ong, f. b. Oft aber redjnen bie ©rammatifer auc^ e i n f a d) e Sante nnter bie 2)i^]^t!^on= gen , fcbalb fie mit jnjei JCocaten ge= fdniebcn ttjerben , foivie fic nmgefe^rt bie= jenigen 2)iv>^t^ongen, bie nnr mit ein em J8ud)fiabcn bejetd)net iuerben, jn ben 3?o= cafen rec^nen. SBeibeg ift falfd) : man l^at bag 3luge fiber i£ad)en beg O^reg — ii6er Saute — entfd)eiben kffen! JCal^er anfe^nlid^c SSerhJirrnng ! @cmip ifi bod) ei in sleight ganj anbercr S^tatur , alg ei in deceit. @6enfo unterfc^etbe man h)ol^( : oil in poiind unb on in four, obcr ou in ragout, ou in coiild, ou in honour. 9Jur in pound ifi ou iDi^l^tl^ong, in ben iibrt= gen angefiil^rten SCiJrtern btoper 3)igrap^. Ei in deceit ifi cbenfon^enig 35i^l^t^ong, atg ic in n? i e o i e t , ou in honour e6en= fon^cnig, alg o ober oe in @ 6 § e , ® o c; t ^ e ; f. Hiatus, 3. — B. 3)ie beiben a3ud)= ftaben fonnen aber and) SJi i 1 1 a u t e r fein, imb bann nennen mx fic einen Sonfos n a n t e n b i g r a )j 1^ / im ® cgenfa^e ju ben 3) W c I confonantcn (f. Consonants, 5), bie einen jufam in en ge fe^ten Saut barfielten: fo ift ch in chord (= kord) nur ein !I)igra^3]^ , in cherry (= isherri) cin3)o)5>?ekonfonant; sc in conscious (= konshus) iji JDigrap^, aber in scale ift c3 Diminutives 47 ein S^oD^jetconfonant = sk. — 3u ^. 33o= cafbigrajjl^en ober SWono^^^t&ongen finb: aa: to baa; ffe: Caesar; ai: fair; ao : gaol; au: aunt; ay: day; — ea : sea, head; ee: free; ei: veine, Seine; eo : people, leopard ; eu : rheiim ; eiv: crew, sew ; ey : prey, key ; — ie : field, friend ; io : nation ; — oa: boat; oe : diarrhoea ; oi: tortoise; oo : poor, stood, d5or, blood ; ou: source, route ; 07v: morrow; — ui: build, juice. ®. bagegen : Diphthong, unb uergl. benfelben Unterfd)ieb bei Tri- graph unb Triphthong. — 3 u /^. (5 o n = fonantenbigrajj^g finb : sc : con- scious ; ch : ache ; gh : Ghent ; ph : philosophy , nephew ; sh : fish ; th : thither; — baju gu unb qu in guard, piquant u. a. 91od) lie^en fic^ atlenfaHS ^te§er (ju J ober B) atle bie 3ufammen= fefeungen red)nen, wo ber eine ber beiben aSudjftaben ftumm ift : »»ie ia in carriage, St in castle, ph in diphthong; fo and): kn, en, cz, bt, mn, mb u. a. 3}gL nod) Division, 2. ^iefe 33ud)ftaben^anfungen en t ft an ben: 1. inbem man l5ic ur = f^jriingnd) e Ortl^ograpl^ic ber alteren SVi^idie beibel^ielt, n3ar;renb bie 5{ug= fi?rad)e ft(^ »ereinfad)te ; — 2. inbcm man bie Drt§ogra)3§ie eineg grembmortg a«fnaf;m , eg aber in ber Slugfyradje »er= anberte (tt)ie conscious ; f. Etymology, 6 unb 9) ; — 3. inbem man bie , nid>t juni bcften gema^lten , Scfejet^en frember Sprad)en einfu^rte, bag u beg Sranjoft= fcfeen: guide, nnb bag h beg 3tatienifd)en, f. Gu unb Gh; ober iiber^auft inbem man 4. bag arme Iateinifd)e 2C(p^abet jnr 28ejeid)nung son Sauten benu^te , bie eg nid)tfannte: ba^er: th (frii^er 0), sh (unfer nod) ungtiid(id)ereg fd)) unb bergf. ©. Letters. Dinii'nutives, 93crf(cinerunggn)6r= tcr, btlbct man turd) bie 9iad)ri(ben kin, T ling, ock, lei, eril = d)en, Icin, ting : j« — ^ ' ' 33. man — mannikin , aJianndien (vergt. CaS^ mannequin im Sranj.), pan — pannekin ; J duck — duckling ; hill — hillock ; river ■' — rivulet ; cock — cockeril ; goose — goosey unb gosling, — mit geringen Sdjttjanfungen ber Drtl^ograp^ic ; f. De- rivation, C. — ®o(d)e aSiJrter ftnb leiber icenlg im ®ebrau(^e unb mair umfdireibt .' and garden , ein -§du§ct)eu imb ein ( /v'^ ^«"- 9Jian faim aber tt»o^t oxx^ bie 48 Diphthong fie gelvoI^nncl)cr buret) little: a lillle house and garden , ein -§du§ct)eu imb ein ®dvt= fcl^r tUfnr= Hctjen SSei-f>iIbnngen »cn 33crnanien I;icrf;er recfjnen, bie a(8 Siebfofung3aug= bnicfe bieneu : Bill ^(\ii William ; Dick = Richard; Jack, Joh, Joe, Jock, Jenny = John ; Joe and) fiiv Joseph ; Fanny = Frances ; Nan, Nancy »on Anne. Diphthong:, bie iBereinigung jhjeier 33DcaUaute in einen gemi[ct)tcn, jufam? mcngefe^ten Saut : ba§ ® egcntl^eil finb bie eirtfadKn a3ccale a, e, o, mandimat audi i, y, u (f. 1), unb bie Digraphs, f. b* 3n ber 9}iitte 5mifd]en ben 2)itif;t]^ongen iinb ben reinen^ccalen fte-^en bie unreinen33o= ca(e : o unb a (and) au, aw, oa gcfd)ric6en); fo in nor, broad, fall, taught, law. 1. 2)ii^§tl;cuge, bie nur mit ein em SSc^ cate gcfd)rie6en trerben: I, y, u: life, fly, cure. — 2» I)i))]&tr;onge, bie mit jwei 95ocaten gcfc^rieben tt)ev= ben : ea, ei, eo, eu, ew, ia, oi, oy, ou, oiv, 711, uy in linealion, sleight, feod, neutral, nephew, filial, oil, oyster, cloud, how, nuisance, buy. — 3* 2)i)3§t^Dngen niit b V c i 3 e i d) e n g e f d; v i e b e n : emi, coil, ieu, iew , iou in beauty , miscel- laneous, adieu, view, bilious. ©. nt»d) Digraph, Triphthong, Division, 6. Direct, gcvabc, im ®egcnfa^e ju jw- direct, f. b. @o gi6t eg ein b i r e c t e g D 6= ject, ben *ilccufati» , im ®egenfn§c jum 5?'nttt> ; bie bivccte 91 e b e : He comes, unb bie b i V c c t e 5 V a g e : Does he come ? f. Interrogative, B, I. Division, bie 5lbt!^eiiung eineS HBorteg am @nbe ber 3eite. 1. (Sin cin = jelner Sonfonant jnjifdjen jnjei 3}ocas len fcmmt jur na d) ften <&i(l)e l^iniiber : de-so-la-tion. *Jlkr x, unb natiirlic^ ck, gilt ate 2)ov»V*c(confonaut unb bteidt bet ber uor^ergepcnben ®itbe : ex-ample, siock-ing. — 2. @tn @onfonanten = bigra^i]^ (f. Digraph, B) iuirb nid)t ges trennt, unb fommt jur nvidfften @itbe: bi-shop , bro-iher. — 3. (5in»erbof Xitlttx (Sonfonant n^irb getrenntt mir-ror, lit-tle. — 4. 3t»ei ^cnfonanten (eine 3)oi5))ctconfonanj) jiuifd^en jwei 93a= Do. eaten irerben getrennt; ftefet jebcd? ein mute tior eincm liquid (f. Consonants, 2, b), fo bteiben fic j u f a m m e n : bas-ket, ta-ble, in-sect ; pu-trid. — 5. 33on b r e i ober »ier Sonfpnanten, bie jufam; men feine ®itbe anfangen fCMineu, nimmt man foi^iete mit l^iniiber, atg ju 5tnfang einei '^'xihi (ober eineg aCortcg) fle^en fonnen : [o parch-ment , hand-some, com-plete. — 6. 2)ie SSocale eineg 3) is }3l;tl^ongen ob. ^Tri^l^t^ongen barf man nid)t trcnncn, ftiot;! nber jwet SSocate, bie getrennt gefjjrodjen VKcrben (f. Diaeresis) : bat;cr finb pound, loud, fain imtl^citbar ; man tf;eift moun- tain , aber nidjt rao-un-tain ; anx-ious, abcr nidn anxi-ous ; mol^t aber re-al, cow-ard, vi-o-let, voy-age , roy-al. — 7. (Sin e i n f a d) e r gonfonant mit fi u m= m e m e n a d) f i di, bitbet f e i n e ® i t b e : alfo n i c^ t ho-me, hou-se, wi-re , wol^t aber: hou-ses, gra-ces. — Ueber bie= fen nuv formett'en Slegetn jie^t bie, ba^ man 8.) jufammeng efe^te 2Corter nad> bem @inne tf^eift, b. 1^. fic in i^re nvf))riinglidKu Si^eite jertegt: an-olher, how-ever , hot-house, ship- owner, Shake-spear, range-ing, change- able, hinge-ing, move-able ; bat;er iver= ben and) 2) e r i » a t i o n 6= u. ^ t e r i o n Ss fitben (f. Derivation, A) abgefe^t, oi^ne einen^l^eil beS @tamme§ mit ]^ i n it b e r ju nc§men : learn-ed, learu-ing, learn-er; Hsh-es. — 51 u g = n at; men: a. 2)ie 3ifd)er c unb g jicl^t man mit l^iniiber : pla-cing, chan-ged, bamit ber tiebc Jgefer gteid) fe^e, ban fie nidU niie f ober g tauten , njie beun iiber- l^au))t ein guter 3:i^eit ber 5lbt§eitung8re= getn nnr ben 3wecf ^at, bie 51 u § f v» r a d) e be« SDorteS n i d) t jn » c r w i f cfc e n : ba= l^er plea-sure neben pleas-ed, pleas-ing. — b. 2)ie an fid) gar ju biirftige 5tbj teitefitbc y nimmt ben te^tcn ©tammbnc^i ftabcn jU fid) l^iniiber: dir-ty, woo-dy, Ihir-sly. to Do. J. g r nt c 1 1 c « : ^refent : I do, thou doest (f. Conjugation, II, 5) ober thou dost, he does, we do u. f. to. 3mt>erf. I did ; yaff. 5)3art. done. B. ® c- braucfc. I. %U f e t b fl fl Sn b i g c 3 aSerb: I shall do like for like. We had Double much to do. That will do. The business is done. — To have done, mit bem act. panic, nac^ fic^ l^eipt: itmcki beenbct:^aben, fertig fetn, aufl^oren* She had done speaking. The bells had done ringing. We should have done reading. II. 2JI3 «$i(fS»er5 bient e3 nur im Present unb Imperfect Tense. 1. ^it bic 5|Sro5 nomen ©tettocrtreter ber ©uBflantbe finb, fo iji to do oft © t e n » e r t r c t e r t'xnti oorouggcl^enben 93er6§ (dl^ntid) j!er;tbag franj. faireu.maiicfimat itnfer m a rt) e n , 1 1^ u n) : I had at first no mind to ride out, but now I am glad I did. ©0 itamentlid^ im jicciten @(iebe einer SSergleic^ung : You write belter than I do. 2)anii nimmt ti auc^ ganj bic Sottfiructton be8 »ertretencn 3Scrb8 an : She laughed at him, but he did not at her. They spoke ill o/us, but we did not of them. @. nD(i> Auxiliary, D, III. — 2. 3n gra9.fa§en, unb jvuar nictjt nur a(g 3 c i c& en ber Stage, fonbcm auc^ juSlufrecftt^altung beg attgcmeinen ®vunb; fa^eS , eg f oUc bag Subject cor, bag Object l^inter fein 93evb tretcn; eg befijrbert atfo bag aScrftanbni^ ; 5* 33. Did the lion AiV/the elephant ifl onfd)auU(^er, afg : Killed the lion the elephant, juo fl^ jn?ei ®iibflantit»c brdngen. Uebrigeng f. noc^ Interrogative, C, II, 4—6. — 3. 3n @d|en , bie mit not »crnetnt ftnb : (NB. n i c^ t hd no, never, ober bei 93 e r n e i = nungen iibcri^au^jt, ttjie eg eft l&eift!) I do not love him. You don't say so ; aber : He reads no book itnb : He never reads a book, neben : He does not read any book. — iDic ^o^ere @*reibart aber befreit fic^ in beiben angegebencn gdllcn ;^dufig»onbiefem gormnjorte : I speak 7xot of features. I know not why. Though thou seesl me not. They seemed not such to me. Unb bei einem anberen«§iTfg = jeitroortc fie^t /o do niefo; nic^t: Do you not be at home ? fonbern: Are you not at home? — 4. 2luct) im getrol^nlicfien <£a^e (o!^ne gragc unb cl^ne not) jiel^t to rfo oft, bcfonberg hti einer (Sntge gens fe^ung, iro hjir b o c& braucijen, a(g 93 er= ftdrfung. Yes, I do love him! 2tm ^dufigjien beim 3mj3erati» : Pray , do some pity take. Do, mother, go with Jl. Sllbrec^t, grammat. 2B6rterb. E. 49 me! (ffiie „ma(J!e'-" tiet Jlinbcvn.) SBe; fonberg au(f) im l^o^eren (2ti?(e: The power which thou dost feel — . In so splendid a manner didihe English people first lake place among the nations of the world. The cold, gray, hoary cliffs of Cornwall give nothing; what liltle they do yield {= bennod)) is violent- ly extorted from them. @. Subject, C, 5. — 5. 3ur SSefeitigung ton i>o^; p elfin n: f. Ambiguity, III. Double. 1. 2Ug mjectitt tritt eg »or 5lrti!elunb^ronomen,Jrenn eg ,,no(^ einmat fo»ieI, = bD)?i?eIt" bebeutet: We paid double the value for it; — double the weight. 93ebeutet eg aber b o ^ )j e 1 1 in anbevem ®inne = a u g jVDci Jll^eilen befle^enb, bojj)3eI= bcutig, jtceibcutig, falf(^, fo fte^t eg, atg gctuol^nti^eg Slbjectic, birfjt sor feinem @ubJ!antio (Winter 2lrtifel unb ^Jros nomen): a double pistol, ein bot)?etIduft= gegSpiftot; a double dealer, ein 5atf<^= WitUx ; f. noc^ The, E. Dozen nimmt ein ©ubflantit) mit ober ol^ne o/nad)fid): a dozen of needles; a dozen gloves, some half-dozen vestas. Several dozen of How-are-you's. During f. While. Diitch, ^oltdnbif* : f. Etymology, 5 unb 11. — 93eifViieIe : to catch »on f ets fen; doom »ott bom; to beseem »Dn bejiemen; to forsake »on »erfaef= fen; Stadtholder u. a» E, ^eipte. I. 2lugf^ra(i^e: 1.5 = I ober ic (in 9)i i n e , 9Jt i c n e) : me, evil. — 2. e = e in 93 e 1 1 : hen. — 3. e = a ober = e in 1^ c r, alfo toie a, f. b. : there ; ift felten ; meifl inSB 6rtern,njo fru^er ae ba= fur^ftanb : f. Euphony, A. — 4. e »or r = (in ftorrig): her, person; balder bie oulgdre 2lugfpra(^e »on certain = sartain ; ttergt. i', u, y. — 5. e, in tons (ofen ©ilben, Jrie fe^r hir^eg i (in ^in); 4 50 Ea Ellipse. decay. — 6. e ttiie bag l^albflummc c in m a ^ en : continent ; »ercjt. a, j, o, u, y. — 7. 2Im @nbe ber aCorter iji e meifi fiumm: love; in @inf ttbtern aber laittet eg = e : he , she ; unb in gricrf>. n. latein. SBortern mancfemat = e : posse, apostrophe. IKit^in lautet e aU langeg ober futjcS t (e, e) ; aU furjeS , alS ^al6= fiummeS ober aU ganj fiunimeS c (e,e, e), aU d (e) , aU o (e). gSergl. bic »erfct)ie= benen Saute beS bcutfc[)cn c in 3efu8 ; aSer§, gem ; 93cr6ot, bitten ; fcelefen, gebet, @ebet. @. auctj nod) bie ©nbungen ed, el, es, est, en, ie unb French. — 8* 5tu«- na^msnjetfe flingt e = a in clerk, = i axiiij in Betonter @ilbe: England, pretty. — 9. @iu j|uinnieg @nb = e mactjt oft, a6er nici^t i miner, bie »or]^er= gel^enbc ®it6e lang: eg i^ bcv gait in Diane (gegen man), plume (afcer pliim), cane, bagegen can, name, face, care, use, haste, strange ; nid)t a&er in love, dove, badge, bottle, anise ; face, obex surface. Oftfie^t eg au^ a.) aU hiofeS ort'§o= gra^jj^if^eg 3ei*cn, bev 5I6fiammung njegen: fo in have, above, live, love; — *.) alg r t ]& e vu f (^ e g 3ei(^cn, b. 1^. atg gingevjeig fuv bic 2Iugfpracf)e (Scfejeicfj'en, rcie II unb h, »eigt. Digraph, (§.) ; fo in singe (g = j), force, bic fonfl sing, fork \ lauten wiirben. — II. 2llg 3Jiittel ber S I e r i n , ber SS e r b i n b u n g , ber 9Ji i 1 b e r u n g btent e »ielfa(^, n)ie i. 35. unb ?5ranj6f. ; f. Plural, A, II; Compara- tive, A, I, 1 ; Conjugation, 1,4 unb 11, 2, 4 unb 5. Ueber feinen aBcgfalt sergl. Ordinal, 3; Conjugation, I, 3; Adverb, A, II, 1 unb 2 — 2)ie 3ufammenfe^ungen mit e f, a. t. O. Ea: I. 2ltg 3) i g r ap'i) tautet eg : 1. = e : a tear ; — 2. = e :Jhead ; — 3. aor r = e: earl; — 4. cbenfatlg »or r=: a: to tear; — 5. = a: vengeance (e ifi bann nur Sefejeicfeen na franjof. 2lrt). — II. 2l(g 5Di))^ti^ong: e bitbet einen SSorfcfelag »or bem a, njte i in ben franjof. SDortcrn fiacre, rien ; alfo = ea cb. ea : Iineation, lin'eament. einem ^ilfg»erb : Throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it {= I'll have). Let us all to our dinner. I must lo him. 2(e^nrid) 1. aJiof. 24 , 58 ; SeremiaS 23, 30 ff. gSergt. nod) to Have, B, I, 3. — b. %U conjugirteg fBitb: They smiled and laughed at him, and he [was, grew) never the wiser. He was seriously injured; one of his ribs [loas) broken, and two severe contusions (were) oa the head. @o Sefonberg nad^ So m:p as ratiijen: You are taller than I (ain). S3ergt. oben, 2, unb bagegen to Do, B, IT, 1. — %evnn beim ® rii^en, bei 93rief= unterfd)r iftcn unb bergt. : Good day (= I wish you — ). Yours truly (= [ am — ). 2ltg Zoaft : Yours ! = your health (Boz). ©. aud) nod) Proverb. c. !Dic ^ilfgcerben to have unb to be »Drjiiglic6 1* in inbirecter grage: I know not what to do (= what I am, I have lo do). — 2. 3n b i r e c t e r 5 r a g e unb im Stugrufe: How many letters? (viz. are there, have you?) What! not one left ! not to leave me one ! — »ergf. Adverbial. — 3. ©el^r oft nad) Sonjunc; tionen f. b., 4, in cerfitrjten 5tbjecti«= nnb 5lbyerbialfd^en ; »erg(. nod) Participle, B, 3. — 4. 3n Ueb erf d) rift en »ott (5at)itetu unb bergt. : Mischief brewing. Under ground, but not yet dead and buried. — 5. ©0 aucft bag ^JJartici)) 6ei«^; His folded flock [being) secure, the shepherd home hies. 2lbfo(ut unb ganj anatog bent oerfiirjten 2tb»erbia(fa^e : Once on the bunder , or pier, I jumped into a friend's Brougham. SBte im 3).; S* 58. @inmat im SSefi^ ber (ltta = belle, mirb ber Scinb nid)t mei^r mei- dien. — 9iid)t aber fonneu bicfe ^i{fg= verben m e g f a H e n in ben j u f a m m e ns gefe^ten 3eiten in relatiwen unb 9i«b enfci^ en, mo fie i. 3). fci^r l^cius fig augbleiben: ,,3J}ein t^reunb, bermir (angc nidit gefd)rieben (r;atte) , m e i t er franf gemefen (mar), befud)te mid) gejlern." (Jbenfomenig in einfad)en 3eilen, wo 4* a^ 52 Emphasis. fie ber '^o^ttt iStijt an^ imterbrurft : ,;Unb enbti*, iuaS ba8 SO^eifie (ifi), fiill' im3 mit beinem ©eific." {^aul ©erl^arb.) — 10. @ine 4?ra^ofition: namentlict) after obev i« Bei^eitatiflatien wie this day fortnight, to-day sennight. cv cinem i?a[fi»en Snfinititt baS 9ie= tatiti fammt bcm •^ilfSwevfe iveg : a blind- ness not to be conceived (= which is not to be c. = imbcgreljlirf)) , f. Participle, A, H, 1. ®tav!c @ai))fcn entl^att jebe ^i- fitenfarte, SirmO; SSviefabreffe unb bcrgL: Mr. Traddles, Esq., 22 Weslslreel, Leip- zig -fj^ Saxony = This letter is for Mr. T., rvho is an Esquire, living in the 22'1. hot/se of the Weststreet in the town of L., situated in the kingdom o/ Saxony. 33gt. nod) to See unb But. JDaS ® egen = tl^eil guv @tti:pfc ift ber ^tcona^m, jum 3;^eit auct) bie ^eri^jl^rafe, f. b. II. 9(ticf)t aU (Jlli^jfe ijl e« ju Be= traditen: 1. iuenn ein SBort nicfct tvic- bevl^olt VBirb , obfcijon c8 trteberl^olt wevben fonntc, obec ireim eg burc& etn anbereS evfe^t irirb : My father , mother and sisters. / love and esteem him ; f. to Do, B, II, 1; Auxiliary, D, II. — 2. 2Denn im ©ngtifdjen cin SSovt n i d) t flel^t, was im JDeutfc^cn ftel^en mu^; fo ble 2lrtif el: I J, an unb The, A, C, 2; Dbev eine ^rci)) ofition, [.Accusative B, I, 2 unb B, II, 1, For 4 unb Absolute 11, 1; obcr bie Son junction *o, ju SSerBinbung beS SSovbevs unb 9iad)fa^cS; f. So, 3. aSgt. and) no* It, C, II, 2. — Ueberl^auvt miiffen ivir l^ier biefelbe 2Cavs nung au8fi)red)en , iuie ju ©nbe beS %x^ tiUU Anglicism : QKan mad^e !eine Stxu: de au5 ben 5lnna]^men »ou (Sttipfenl SBirfttd) nijtl^ig iuivb eiue foIdteStnnal^ine, tt>o mel^rnad) bent ©inn e, a(3 nad);bei- 5 r m einea 2Borte8 conflruivt irovbeu ift. ©0 '^aUn ttiv eine ganj erHedlic^e (5(li)>fe Bei But jur ©rftcirung gebraudjt. ©. ciud) Accusative, B, I, 5, (§. Emphasis, bie Befonbere , nad)brud= ttdje «&ev»or]^ebung eineg 2Elortc3 ober ©ebanfens. 1. Tlan erteidjt fie a. fceim 8e fen burd) ben 9f{ ebe accent, f» Accent, II, ober burd) BefonberS Be? tonenbe 21 u 8 f v r a dj e : »crgl. Jo, 2 ; ^, ««, A; Mj/, By, The, A. SWan BegiBt fidj bnnn , »ie e« bie g e ^ a 1 1 e n e Stebe iiBer= l^auv^t tl^ut (f. Conversation), ber Beviue; meren , fl[ii*tigen 2fugf))ra(^e. ®erab fo ev^eBt fi(i^ ber»utgdr rebenbe JDeutfc^e im 2lffcct jur geBitbeten 2lu8f)?rad>e : „aD e i p @ 1 1 ! " ifi i^m eine ernfifles meinte, l^eiHge ©etl^eurung , ir%enb ec fein: „twep ®ott" gebanfenloS liBeratl ^ineinivirft. — b. 3m ©tijle felBfl Bcjhjedt man tic cm)?]^atifd)e -^ertiorl^fBung burd) fel^r »erfd)iebene aJiittel : burdi »ers fiarfenbeBufci^e, burd) ^dufung »on © tj n* on^men, burd) ^eri^jl^r afe, 21 n = tici^jation, Sncerfion, Dieiteras tion, etU^jfeu. f. tr,; f. biefe 2lrtiM unb Proper Nouns, @. My own child. My prop and staff {^\. 23, 4). It is that reflection I build my hope on (= c'est sur celte reflection que — ). Here it was that the porter kept his watch. Your limbs , they are alive. This it tvas I caused to be done. To the best of my knowledge, information and believe (Surifienflo^fet). I can ride rotmd and around you at pleasure. In itself a thought, a slumbering thought, is capable of years. The world was wide, The populous and the powerful was a lump, Seasonless, herbless, treeless, man- less, lifeless, A lump of death — a chaos of hard clay. 3n bem ©a^e: ,,He well knew that his poor old mother could not be cheerful and he away" fier;t and fcpr fmnig fijr whilst he was. 2. Oft iuirb cin 2Bort mit fflait): b r u d , in einem Bcfonberen ©inne (emphatically, xur' ^^ox);v, par excel- lence) gcBrauc^t. ©o l^eipt Wellington im Sl'Junbc ber Seute nnr The Duke , aU gdBc c8 fd)ier cinen anbcru Duke ueBen tl^m nicftt mel^r. (2(e!^nnc6 TEmpereur = IVapol«^on). ©0 l^eifU her day unb Empire — his day emj^l^atifcf): berSrviutfianb xmb bet (S^efianb. He is quite the genlleraan = ein roa^rcr ©entleman (ber ©entreman comma i! faut). — ,,The first baby ! . . . That baby's acts and deeds for months ! ... He was a baby ! Another and another little stranger have dropped in since then. Each was a baby, but not the baby ! " . . . Empire, mit of, f. Apposition, III. -en l^at a(§ tonlofc @nbfil6e oft ein ftummcS e: garden, /reaten; laut (= e) irtrb eg nac^ ben Liquids (I, m, n, r), fo= Batb bte ccrl^crgel^enbc ©it6e furj ift: women, woollen, bagegen stolen, fallen. Uebet bie$artlci)Jten auf en f. Participle, B, 0. to End by brucft, ganj ttJte ba3 frans jof. finirpar, oft nur einen 2[b»erbiat6e5 griff nu8: enbttd), jufe^t; »ergl. Adverb, A, 11, @. There is so much to see that we end by seeing nothing (= M'^ hJtr ju guter Se|t gar 9iicfet8 fe^cn). to Enjoy, fie^t nur mit Qlccufatio, njci^renb hjtr ,,eine ©acfjc ober eincr §au^t= n^orte unb bie8 tt)lrb won mand)cn ®ramma= tifern getabett , ift aber bei guten 5(utoren Su lefen (»on Baker gebiHigt) : ^ kind enough man (bei Bulwer). OefterS bfetbt auc^ baS 5rbjectitt eor bem ®itbftanti» unb enough tritt Winter bag ®ubf!anlw (nac^ Crombie ) : a large house enough. Captain Oakum is a good man enough (Smollet). He was a good-tempered fellow enough (Marryat). Epicene. 53 to Enter: 1. afg active verb mit bto^em Objectio, ttjal^renb ttjir hti „eins treten" etner ^pra^jofition beburfen: He entered the world and wept (= betreten). — 2. 51(8 91 ef lectio mit !Doi))?etaccus fatio i. ©. to. tt> e r b e n : He entered him- self a soldier. @. Accusative, B, I, 2. Eo: a. 2tr« jDigra)?:^: 1. =e: people. — 2. = e : leopard. — 3. = o : George (e all franjof. Sefejeic^en). — 4. = 6: galleon. — 5. = o: pigeon (tijiebeiS). — b. 5(18 3) i)j]&t^*on9 (au= ttt e8 nur = u : feod. ^reeifxlbig in geo- graphy, theory unb anberen griec^if(^en aBortern. Eon: a.) 51(8 Sirigrat^ = u, nur nacf) 3tf^ern: courageous (»erg(. lou), jebod^ fprid&t man in ge]^a(tener JRebe cou- rageous, a(fo b.) eon a(8£)it>]^t]^ong, trie in miscellaneous, aud) piteous, Ep'fccne, beiber(et ®ef(()(ec^t8. 1. ©o nennt man bie 3;^ternamen, toe((^e bag a)t a n n (!) e n fon^o^t, a(g bag 2B e i bs (ft e n bebcuten : cat , i?ater unb Ra.%t ; pigeon , Glauber unb S^aube ; ass ; »erg(. Common, — 2. '^ai ®egent^ei( bKben bie, h3e(djc fur beibe ®ef(ft(ec^ter vers f(f|iebene SGBorter l^aben : stag ober hart, imb hind cber roe, jufammen =red deer ; horse (stallion) unb mare ; bull — cow ; weather ober ram — ewe , jufam= men = sheep; buck — doe; boar — sow ; dog — bitch ; cock — hen ; gander — goose; drake — duck, — 3. 2Bitt man bei ben epicene bag ®efd|(e*t unterfdjeiben , fo fe^t man v o r fo(^c SBorter im5(i(gemeiuen he ober she^ ober, ttorjiiglifft bei ebleren Sl^ieren, male ober female; ferner bei ji^ieren ttom «&unbegcfd)(e*te dog ob. bitch ; bei mel^reren anberen tt) i ( b e n buck ober doe; bei Seberoie!^ cock unb hen ; nur hd daw, hare unb ass fe^t man aud) Jacky unb bei cat au(^ Tom jur Ji8ejei(ftnung be8 mdnnlid)en ®efc&(e(^te8 oor. 3i8eifpte(e: a he-cat, a male cat, a boar-cat, a Tom cat — unb a she-cat , a female cat ; a male and a female elephant; a he-ass, (a male ass,) a Jack-ass unb a she-ass (a female ass) ; a dog-fox nnb a bitch- fox ; a buck-rabbit nnb a doe-rabbit; a 54 Equivocal — cock-pigeon uiib a hen-pigeon ; au^ ivirb biefe Sejei(f)nung n a ^ gefc^t 6ei : a Turkey-cock unb a Turkey-hen ; a pea- cock unb a pea-hen = eiii ^Pfaul^al^n unb eine $fau^cnne. aSefiimmtere 9tegc(n ba= ruber , tt> e I (^ e 8 bicfcr Unterfc^eibuugS; jvorter man in jebem einjclncn SaUe nef;= men folte, laffen ficfj uict)t auffieUen; bcr (S^iracftgebraud) ailein entfd^cibct, natuv= ltd) abtv mit jleter 9Jucffi(t)t auf bie @ a t; tung eineg J^^iercg: atfo nict)t a buck- cat (a cat is no buck !) ; tiergt. Feminine, C, I, 2. — 4. a}Zand)mat njirb ba§ xvdU. ®ef(i)tec^t and} burdj bie ©nfcung ess he- jeic^iiet: a lioness, tigress, leopardess, aber mtr bet wenigen. SSergl. Feminine, C, 1, 1. — 5. Oft ift aber cine [oWk a3e= fiimmung fugli* ju entbel^rcn, n^enn ndmttd) ber 3ufainmenl§ang fcfeon l^invetJ d^enb beftimmt , fo namentlid) burd) bie ^ronomcn : The panther and her cub. The jaguar advanced /ler head. — 6. Unb n^enn iiber^au^jt auf baS @efd)(cdit u i ^ 1 6 onfommt, fo bel^anbte man ben 3;^ter= ttamen aU 9i cuter: The cat drinks i7« milk {'oqL Child). @o finbet fic^ feminine unb neuter nebcn einanber : The jaguar, itself tired, and not hearing the mews of ^er cubs, retired. Suei^ft tt»irt i»E>^ 3a= guar aU Z^iiv im 5lHgcmetncn, ba^cr f a d| U d> , betrad)tct ; bei bcr ©rUid^nung bcr Sungcn abcr erinncrt man fid) untvilt- fiirlid) feincS ajer^dltniffcg al6 3K utter, balder fiel^t er l^crnad) a(8 JBciblic^. — 7. Snbcfi betradjtet man cbtere, gvc = ^ere, fiarfere, and) jal^ me S^icrc oft im 5ingemeinen al8 mdnntid) cber roeiblid): Give my horse some hay, he must be hungry. A hare sitting in //iO swallows a mouse whole , tastes him in his sto- mach. — lie slits the tongueof a?««^jt/ie, and says , "Now he can talk.'' Bruin rushed upon the boar^ which met hiin at once, and notwithstanding Bruin's great strength, he proved to him that — . 33iel be tebt er , , mc^r v«vfoniftcirt, alS im Sficutcrl ®o fict;cn mdnnlic^ befonberS nod|lion, tiger, elephant, dog, bear, - Etymology. ape, calf, deer, rat, robin, fly, serpent, shark, whale, sheep, swallow, wolf; — ir e i b li d) 3. 23. cat, philomel, stork; batb mdnnlid) , haiii njcibtid) finbcn fi* n. a. ant, bee, butterfly, dove, mouse, fox, lark, goose, nightingale; sergt. Personi- iicalion. Equiv'ocal, e'quivoke foinet a(3 ambiguous, Jmbiguily, f, b. -es :^at ats SPIuratcnbung ein ft u m m e 3 e, iuenn bieS im Singular jiumm ift: name, names; wife, wives. 3iv>i[d)en jU)ei 3 i f ^ e r n tttivb e8 abcr taut = e : houses, hedges, churches. -est: 1. ats ©uvertatitt = ©nbung mit tautcm e: loudest, longest, highest, nearest. @. nod) le , d , 2. — 2. 5lt8 93erbalcnbung l^at eS baS e ftumm : thou lovest; uad) 3ifd)etn natiirltc^ tiberoH iaut, f. es : thou watchest. Etymol'ogy , SEBortbilbungJs lel^re, bie 2Biffenfd)aft, bie ftd) mit (5r= mittlung bcr2Curjcin tmbber5lbftammung bcr Shorter bcfdjdfttgt. 2)te @ti;mo(ogie ciner ganjen (S))rac^e ift bcr 9iac^= njeig i^rcr ©ntftcbung, ©ntn.nd(ung, a3i(= bung — t!^re ® c n e f i 8. 2Bir fijnnen l^ier nur ganj furj anbeuten unb tl^un bie3 nad) Miinnel, Genesis der englischen Sprache (1846j, auf tt3eld)e8 Iel^-reid)e SBerf^en ttjir im Uebrigen werujcifen. 5)a8 ©nglifdie entttjidette ftd) minbec f^ncH, <\U ba? jjranjoftfdjc, benu e3 blieb feibftftanbigcv, unb fdincUcr ats bag !Dcut= fd)c, benn e« geiuann bod) mel^r, atS biefe?, burdi frcmben @inftu^. 1. @ngtanb« llrf)3radje n^ar ba8 Slltbritifc^e, ein celtif(^cr 5)talect. — 2. 9hir »oruberge= l^cnb ]^errf*te (?) , feit 500 n. e^r., ba« 8 a t e i n i f d) e. — 3. gaft gan^ serbrdngt abcr hjarb bag Slftbritifdje burd) bie ®)?ra= die ber (450 n. (5&r.) eingcujanberten 31 n = gelfad)fen. 91(3 man biefe (ju @nbe be3 6. 3a^r^.) mit t a t e t n i f (^ e n ® ud|= ftaben ju fdjreiben begann, belcgte man bie bem fiatein frcmben iawti mit §iem= lid) njiUfurlic^ tmb ungludlid) geujd^Uen 3etd)cn (f. Th, Gh, W). <3)a^er ein guter 5;]^ei( ber 2lu«f)?rad)fd)Uncrig!eiten ! — 4. JDem ^(ngelfdc^ftfcften serhsanbt t«ar Eu Euphemism. bag 35 d n i f cf) e , burdj welctjeg eg fett bem 8. 3a^r^. 6ereid)ert n)avb. — 5. <£)a5U fam (umbaSSa^r 1000) aStetea , irag 9teifc = I u fl i g e ani frcmbcn Sanben, unter anbern au« >§ n a n b , mitbrac^ten. — 6. 9]atur= lid^ erlitten "auct bic alten SSortformen na^ unb nact) mancf|c mitbernbe UrnQt- fiattung* @o twarb ai\§ eallewaega ($farm 55, 26): always; dohler — daughter ; drig — dry ; heane — hen ; hunig — honey ; heah — high ; is — ice ; berSnfinitic ftarf bic @nbung -an ab (unb na^m balder f^ater bafur bag sign to an) : fo bringan, feelan, gelan ; hatian = hale; gereccen = jerk u. f* ti\ — 7. William the Conqueror (1066) befall, a(g ©taatgs unb ®efc(^iftgf^)rac^e bag n o r= mannif^egranjofif^, b. 1^. ein @emif(^ »on JDeutfcfe, @aUif(6 u. Satetn, ^u BrauAcn, vwetctiegfc^onfeit me^rern3a^r= l^unberten ®^3rac6e ber @ebi(beten (Sng; lanb'g war. 2)abur^ ncue ®ereic^erung, auc^ neuc UmSilbung nid)t nur beg 2l(ten, fonbern aud) beg eben erft aug bem Sateis nifc^igvanjofifc^en en^jfangcnen.— 8. Uiis terbe^ fanf bag 2i n g e I f a.c^ f i f c^ e ju einer mipac^teten a3ongi>cact)c unb et^cb fxc^ erfi naci) jtvei big brei 3a!^rl^unbcrtcn mt- ber, naturli jur '^of= unb Sanbegf^rad)e angenommen. — 9. SDiit ber fteigenben 93ilbung, namentli(^ ^tit ©infii^vung ber aSuc^brurferfunfi (1474) fiicg nun au(^ ber @c^a| ber minbefteng cine gehjaltfame Slenberung ber 2lugf))rad)e. 2Iud) baraug erftdrt fid) bic ungemeine 2lbnjeid^ung ber 2lugf^vad)e son ber @d)rift; Ie|terc l^iett bie 5Ibfiammung fur bag 2lugc fefi unb toer^utcte fo nod) groperc Slbwei:: i^ungen. — JDurd) Uebcrfe|ungen aug fremben ©pra^en, burd) ben 2luf» fc^wung ber $£1^ eater, buri^ bie ©in* 55 tranbrung franjo f if^ cr unb nieber^- t an b i f du r gluc^ttinge, burc^ bic ii b e rs fceifd>cn ©rwcrbungen tDurben neuc @(emente fiir 33i(bung unb 3unjad)g ber !S^rad)c geboten, reid)(id) bcnu^t »on ben immer jai^treid)er auftrctenben ©(fiiifts f!eUcrn. — Diac^ ber JReflauration (1660) fam mit ber franjofifdjen 3)i))to= matic au^ bic @ V r « rf) c ^ r a n f r e ic^'8 ftiebcr ju grofem (Sinflug, — 11. bui-]^emigmug ifl eg, njenn bag «&au^tge; fdngni^ ju ©binburg tAe Providence ^eipt! iDag Sei^il^aug l^eift in Sonbon JUi/ Uncle ober Uncle Tom. (3n 5Pari« 56 Euphony. iMa tante — in Set^jjig „fte5en" »ev= ^jfdnbcte ^ac^ett 6eim „i8etter" obec ,;® e B a 1 1 e r" — unb fo (ie^e Tk^ bcr Wfl= ben ber weitttn-jtveigten v^i(ant^ro)5tf(!&cn gSerwanbtfc^aft tcol^t nod) in fiocaU 2Bol^Uauten n?ettev f^jinnen). Euphony, ber 2Bc^iraut ber Sffiortei- obei- @d^e, im @egenfa|e ju Cacophony, f. b. ^. ^ai ©tcefcen nat^ SBo^Uaut 6e= Moixttt namentUdj ciete Umbitbungen bcr attcn ?5ormen: f. Etymology, 6. 2)ic anfangg mit 33jt d}fta&en ubcrfnrUen SGBortcr ttjuvbcn einfadier, man fcefeitigte ben ^iniui (f. b.) , entbe^rlicftc 3[nfang«= unb (SnbsSonfonanten, fdfirierigc (5n^ bungeu , fcefonberS bie ^dufigen aJocalaiig; gdnge, au* bag jiummc e. — ©inige ^eif^ielc: kynincg njirb king; feovvor, feorer = four; Aelfred, thaet, waest = Alfred, that, west; laeg = lay; Ihaer = there ; hwael = whale ; saede = said ; anig = any; niaenig = many; thonne cymeth = then comes ; seglode = sailed ; thone laestan dael = the least deal ; gyf = if; adastriga = dastard ; ebba = ebb ; — (pellis = fell, lege = law ; pieo= fill, full.) aCBie mand) beutfamei-aBinf fitr bic2lu8l>radic ! B. 2)affel6c tl^at man fcei bem i>dter Sleuaufg enommen en, f. Etymolo- gy? 9; — rolundus = round ; regula = rule ; subitaneus = sudden , soon ; a- mita = aunt; colonus = clown; mo- naslerium= minster; magnus = main; casamenlo = casement, ^vd'vfxvoi = an- them ; gum %^t\i nac^ franjcf. 33organg ; f. nod) L, (§., Latin, Greek. C. 2lnbrerfettg fe^te man aucfi ijfterS ncuc 58ud>fiaten (euphonic letters) inbteSBocter : camera: chamber; tener: tender; geuere: gender; nac^ ftanjof, D. aSirfung unb ®e6ot be« 2Co§lIaute8 ifi no(^ ^eute : 1. SDieUS 93erfurjte, ®es mitberte, J8erfd)n)iegene in ber 5(u8 = ft»rad) e; f. bie etnjelnen i8ud)fiaben a. i. D. unb Assimilation. — 2. 5)er 3B e d) = fet ber Duantitdt unb be8 5lccen = t e « : f. Accent, A, 4 ; Derivation, C. — 3. 5)ic aJermeibimg be8 Hiatus, f. b. i. ^(i8 Sauticerben obev ber ein = t r i 1 1 beg e jnjifc^en jn^ei !D=8autcn — f. Ed, 3, ober jnjifdjen jnjei 3ifd)ern : rose — roses; fox — foxes; I wish — he wishes ; f. Es; Plural, A, IF, 1; Conjugat., 11,4. — 5. 3)ie«crbc)3^elung ein= jcfner eonfonanten: f. Consonants, 4. — 6. me^ven Unrcgelmd^igfeiten in a3i(bung ber 5(b»crt)icn, namentlic^ and) bafi man tion 2rbjccti»en auf /y f etn 3lbtterb 6irbet: f. Adverb, A, II, 1-5. — 7. 2)er a[Bcd)fet »on f unb v: f. Plural, B, 3 unb »erg(. bie aBortbilbungen ; the life, the lives, to live, lively ; a calve, calves, to calve, calvish xmb calfish ; aur^ five — fifty; I cleave — I cleft. Smgranjof. fagt man in berg or mens lel^re: „5)te 2lbiecttt)e auf f »crn)ans bc(n bieg im femin. in V." @tl;mos 1 g t f d* genommen tfl e8 u m g e f e 1^ r t : V tvar ber eigentlid)c :8aut: activum = activ ; ba e8 aber aU 2[ u g i a u t ju fdjtcer ju fprcdicn njar, fe^te man bafiir bag fdidrfere f ; foBatb at^er einc ©ilbc, ivenn auc^ nnr etn fiummcg e , bal^inter trat, fel^rte baS t in fein 9ied|t juriid : active, activite. ©anj ebenfo tfi eg im ® n g It f d) e n. 3)te ® r a m m a t i f nimmt bie @a(6e , vuie fic je^t (fertig) ifi, unb fagt balder: „!Dic ©nbung f ober fe ttenuanbelt fid)im5|J(uraf in ves." f. Plural, 11, 3. @tt?motogifc^ gc* nommen aber, b. 1^. bie ®adie fo betrad)- tet, n)ie fte e n t f! a n b e n — ifl eg e6cn u m = g e f e 1^ r t. QJtan l^atte big gegen (5nbe beg 11. Sa^r^unbertg fein V, fonbern nurbag f im cngtifd)en %l\>l)aUtt, fprac^ eg aber jebenfaUg balb mit einem fanften, batb mit einem fci^arfcn Saute , affo fo »erf(^ie= ben ttjie ^eut bag s, th, g u. a. (»ergl. of unb off). 2Ug nun fvdtcr bag v aufgenoms men irarb, bei^ielt man im 2tugtaute ben l^arten Saut = f , fianb er aber nid)t me§r am @nbe, fo toarb er in v ernjeicfct. (Sg tfi auc^ natiirlidier, ba^ aug bove t^tx beev, otg beef n>arb, aug 3Beil>, Saub, Seben, bie beiben Saute ju Unterfc^eibung Ever — jweicr fonfi gl'citficr Sormen: the life, to live; the wife, to wive — ttjdl^renb in gteid^flutttgen Sciffen beibc jutciffig Mteben : wifeless unb wiveless, calfish unb calvish; fo fommt aucb gar noc^ b , ber SW i 1 1 c I = iaut gwifc^en t unb f, i^inju : the proof, the proofs ; to probe, probal ; to prove — fcimmtfid) son probare. Der e n t g e = gengefe^tciyaU ftnbet fi^ glcic^faftg : kuB bcm alten fcic&flfrfien: heafig, ifig ifi heavy, ivy, au8 cleofan — to cleave ge= ttjcrben , bei le^terem fc^r er{id)tlid) be8-- f^alb, mail f oom 2tnfang bcr ®ii6e (cleo- fan) toeg unb an8 @nbc, in ben SluSlaut trat (= cleav). 2tuc6 biefen Salt fapt bie gormenfc^re umgefel^rt auf, ttjenn fie fagt: to cleave l^at im $arttctp cleft. ^itS 33er6 to cleave (cleofan) ifi »er= nianbt mit unfetem „Stitift, flaffcn, ftiif- ten ; €tn ganj anbereg QSerb aber ifi to cleave, unfer fleben; nur jufaHig finb beibe , burc^ bie erttjdl^ntc Umbilbung, gleidier Sonn genjotben (sergl. Homo- graph, III u. Letters) ; auc^ banacfe fragt bie %ovmcnU^xt ber ^eutigen @))rad)e nid)t mebr, fonbetn fagt : to cleave, i* one ju, njenn c8 jur ^ e r a u g 1^ e b u n g bient : Every one of them is my friend. 3n g(ei(!&em @inne fie^t e8 abit an* ab^ tt)ei(^cnb »om Deutfc^en abjectisifcfi, ol^ne etnen ®eniti», njenn ein 33efi^ angcgeben rtjirb : his every movement, jebe feiner SSehJcgungen. The children, whose evert/ whim had been anticipat- ed = bie i?inber, berengertngfie Saune im SSorauS befriebigt — , bie ^inber b e n e n jebe Saune @. no^ All, (S. Evil , Slbjectio unb 5(b»erb ; fcinc Steigerung f. imter Bad. Ew f. Eu. Ewe: biefer oeifitbig in beyond u. a., too y Sonfonant ifi. Eye: biefer Di^jl^t^ong bilbet nur baj aOBort the eye, to eye = i, unb beffen 2(b= teitungen eyelet , eyed = Id ; bagegen njirb bag jioeite e Taut in eyer. F. F ^eipt unb lautet ttj, i. 3).: five, if; nur in of ifi e8 fanfter, = v, jum Unter? fdjteb Don off; fiumm ifi ti fammt bcm 1 in halfpenny, halfpence. @g fic^t oft fur unfer »: father, forgive, full; au(i^ fur b: leaf, life; — f. Euphony, D, 7, unb »ergt. Latin, III. Familiar terms, ^(ugbrucfe, bie nur in »ertrau(tleger, jum Unterfd)iebe toon a black" woman, eine 9?egerin , a black boy, ein 5J?cgerfnabe. lleberl^au^jt metbe man, wo ti^un(id), biefe tio&i immer unfd)oncn *-8ei= fd^c; oft fann man bag ®cfd)Ied)t bur^ (Sc^ung beg 91 a m e n g ber 5|}erfon bejeidjs nen : My friend John ; my cousin Mary. — II. llebcr bie 4Beibtid)en Sormeu bei g ii t Vto r t e r n , 3 a ^ t e n imb 21 b j e c « t i to e n f. Common, @. unb Neuter. Few, ber plural ju little, \. b. @ub= ftantitoifd) : The judicious few and the illiterate many. @, no(^ ben 1. @a^ bei to Figl^ — Relative 11, B, 1, unb aevgt. 3. aJJof. 25, 16: f.nadj ber2Cenige bcr Soi^re/' = na^ ber gcvingeu 5lnja!^I. Few attein §eift: nur njenige; a few ifl ^jofitbcr, = einige (ttctm auc^ ni*t eben v'uU). ®o ifl e8 ein gctraltiger Unterfd^ieb, ch f3 l^ei^t: ,,He paid the tribute of a few tears at this grave" cter cb titan — gaiij uiH?affenb — ^ier « ircglievc eute) ; the dead image (Boz) t. (S. B. : baS t e t> e n b i g e Sben&ilb ; the king fann aU on to knab, to sipple »on to sip. From: 1. (§« bebcutet iimd(J)fi bie ©ntfcrnung, baS ^etfommen, 2Iu§gc]^en » n einem O r t e (bann ift fein ®egenfa§ to, as far as) , ba&er aud) Urfprung, ®runb, Itrfac^c; bann bie 3ett, [eit weldjec fBi'nic^i Bcgann (bann ift to ober till fein ®egenfa§), f. Declension. I come from London, from my uncle. He is from (auS) Paris. From this motive, from hunger. We received letters from them. 2. (58 ]^at eincn acti»en@inn, mdi^renb o/meifl i>affiti fiel^t; balder from = b w r d| , bem by d^nlid) ; of = u 6 e r : I heard /rowj my friend, id) erful^r bur d) meinen Sreunb ; I heard of him, \^ l)i3rs te, erfu^r @ttt)a3 iiber i^n. They had heard reports o/us (u6erun6)/romsome malicious persons. He had not heard one syllable from, or of, any human being in the district. 3. 3iBo fein SWi^s toerfldnbni^ mijg(id) ift, fle^t and) of fur from ; bei mand)en 93erben batb of, battj from : fo bei to absolve, to receive, to borrow, to buy, to purchase. 4, From bifbet aud) me^ircre 5)oj3^et))rdpofi = tionen, b. i^. 3nfainmenfe^ungen mit einer anberen ^Prdpofition, bie bann ab»er= biatifc^en @inn evl^dtt : from amidst the waves (mitten an8) ; from among us, au« nnfrer (D^ttte it? eg; fro7n betivecn the arcades (au3 . . . l^er»or) ; from out her sight; from q//^ the table; it was drawn from out of the very bowels of heaven and earth (l^erauS gejogen an 8 . .),f'om under his cap it, a. 5lel^n= lid) fle^t 2. (S^ron. 32, 30 : con abenb= tt) d r 1 8. @. Preposition, A, 3. — 5. ^a8 t>teonafltfd)e from f. bei Hence. 6. 3J{and)mat b I e i b t e8 aud^ tt) e g : f. Pre- position, E. Banished {from) France and excluded (from) Italy ... (Bulwer.) Future Tenses. /I. ^ormeUed. I. $Da8 Future Tense im gewol^nUs (^ e n ®a^e. 1- First Future Tense : 3)ian fe^t in bcr e r fi e n ^^erfon @ing. u. dJtur. shall, in ben iibrigen will oor ben 3nftnis tiv (ol^ne to) : I shall love, i^ ttcrbe lie= ben, thou wilt love, he will love; we shall Future Tenses. 61 love, you will love, they will love. 2. Second Future T.i 3n ber erfien $erf. ©ing. ii. %{\xx. fte^t should^ in ben anberen would ijor bcm Snftn. : I should love, i6) iuurbe licben; thou wouldst love, he would love ; we should love, you would love, they would love. 3. First and second Preterit Future Tenses: a)Jan fc|t ba8 pass. Parlic. ju bem eifien obet ^ttjeiten gutuv »pn to have ; affo : is' Freterit Future T. : I shall have loved, id) u'erbc geliefct l^attn ; thou will have loved, he will have loved; we shall have loved, you will have loved, they will have loved. 2d Preter. Fut. T. : I should have loved, id) n^iirbe ge; Iic6t fatten ; ihou wouldst have loved, he would have-loved ; we should have loved, you would have loved, they would have loved. II. 3m gragfa^e abcr biaudjt man 6ei fammttid)en ?5utur8 toill nur in bcr britten 5)3evfon, in alien xibrigen shall — atfo nun <\w6:j in ber jweiten: j. 93* You would not have written to him, should you? Should you take a drive this evening, if . . . 2)emna^^: 1. Fut. T. 2. Fut. T. shallllove? should I love? shall thou love? shouldst thou love? will he love? would he love? shall we love ? should we love ? shall you love ? should you love? will they love ? would they love? 1. Pretei\ Fut. T. 2. Preter. Fut. T. shall I have loved? , should I shall thou have loved ? shouldst thou | -s will he have loved? would he shall we have loved? should we shall you have loved? "should you will they have loved? would they III. 5)er Conjunctive Mood ifj bei bcm 1. unb 2. Future T. bem 3nbicati» gleid) (f. oben, 1, 1 u. 2). 3)te bctben Preter. Fut. T. bagegen nefemcn im Sonjnnctiio in al = I en Sperfonen shall obev should: I shall have loved, thou shall have loved, he shall have loved n. f. f.; I should have loved, he should have loved, ihey should have loved. aSeifpiele f. unt. Conjunctive, B, 2, a. IV. 2)ie8 ifi bag Siegelmd^ige; unb ftreng beoSad)tet irirb e3, fobaCb eben nur einfad) bie.3eit auSgebriirft hjerben foU. 3)iit ber reinen 3eitangabc aber \)t^ gnfigt man fid) ^dufig nid)t, fonbern legt ben Diebenbegrijf einer 21 b f i d) t , cine8 SBunfc^eS, SBotlenS, ©otlcng, 33erfi?red)en8, JBefei^IcnS obcr 2) r c ]^ e n 8 in biefe gcrnien unb bann tritt oft shall an bte Stelie con will, unb will an bic ®teQe »cn shall , natrivlic^ mit fies ter gefl^aftung ber eigentlidjen ® runbs bebeutung biefer SBorter: foltcn unb hjptlcn. aSei biefer aJtannidjfaltigfeit ber 3ufammcnfe§ung ergibt fid) benn ider eine gcffel, ba« ifi bem fcfeafenben 3JieiPev ein 2Ber!gcng ju fd)6nerer 93ott= enbung nnb einegreube bem ftnnigen Sefer ! !Davon wirb eine aufmevffame Scctiire balb iibergeugen. 2Bir gebcn nod) ein )jaar aSeifpiele jnr ^rlduterung ber Steget, benn an bie 9{ e g c I l^altc fid) ber Sernenbc fa ! \ shall go to London l^eipt: i^ toerbe nad& S. ge!^en ; I will go to L, aber nur: icfc ttjiU n. 8. g., ifi alfo minber gettji^. You will do this, @ie n? e r b en bag t^un — einfad)e 3f itangabe ; you shall do this, @ie foUen baS tl^un — SSefel^f; you shall have it to-morrow — 93erfpred)en. You shall prove this ! — JDrol^ung. ®o in ber gragc njiebevum will fiatt shall, too n i d) t nad) bcr 3cit , fonbein na* ber 2tb= ]ic^t, bem SBotten in einem barfdjen Jionc gefragt reirb : Will you hold your tongue ? @inen 93orfa^ bejeic^net: Henceforth, Onward shall be our hunting shout. @. nocfe Shall unb Will. B. ®e branch ber Future Tenses. 3m 3(ngcmcinen mit bem 2)cutf(^en iiber= einfiimmenb \ itber ba§ 2d Fut. T. f ubri= gcnS no(^ Conditional nnb Conjunctive, B, 4. lleber bag erfie^utur bemerfen toir aupcr Dbigem no(^: 1. 3Jian »cr = meibet to. i. !D. feineu ©ebrau^ oft nnb erfe^t e3 bnrd) bag fiirjere Present Tense : f. b. — 2lnbver @ett8 fiel^t c« fur ben 3 m :>? e r a t i — bann naturli(^ n\\t shall: You shall absolutelv do it. 62 -fv !Dag ifl jeboc^ cigentU(f> gar fcin Future Tense, fonbeiu you shall ijl baS Present T. = ©iefoUen, unb do bet ba«on artung. 3. 3m 2)eutfd|en briidt bag Sutur oft auc^ eine 'iSal^rf dj e in ti(t) = f e i t aug ; (5c w i r b fcanf fein ; barum !ommt er nid)t. 3m (Sngtifdben mug bann abev bag Present T. fte^en unb bic 2Ba^rfd)einUcf)feit burdj ein 21 b » e r 6, ttiie probably, perhaps, angebeutet toerben: he is probably sick; perhaps he may be sick. -fy, ©nbung »on a}erBen, bte »on 2lb: ject. ober @u6jiant. gebilbct finb unb ein SJiac^en, ^erPellcn (lo render) bebeuten, »om franjof. -fier, tatein. facere : fo »on liquid — lo liquefy, neben to liquidate in njeitevcm ©inne ; torrid — to torrefy; ter- rible — to terrify; to deify; to vivify. 3Son legtercn beiben fe^lt bag Stamms Slbject. ober ®ubftant.; fte finb gleid^ fcrtig bem Sranjcf. entnommen. JDie SSerben a.\\\ -fy bilben oft auc^ icieber an= bere aufficate, fotvie abfiracte @ubfi. auf {ca)tion , ^erfonennamen auf Jier unb Slbject. auf J'c, able^ cal, ive {=. bar)'. fo »on to vivify — to vivificate, vivilica- lion, vivilier, bag :33erebeniie; vivific, vivifi- cal, vivificative; liquefiable; torrefaction; terrific ; deific, deifical, deification. G^cigtje. (yglautet: 1. ivie unfer g (n i * t j !) »or a, o, ii, »or Sonfonanten xmb am ©nbe beg SBorteg; in 2Bortern b c u t [ ^ c n llrfprttngg aud) »or e unb i : gayi gOj RU"i glory, great, dog ; finger, geese, gift. 2. ©onft j if d) t eg »or e, i u. y fanft gteic^ bem J {\vk itat. g in gengi- va), alfo »ute bfdf, son bem ©ummen ber (Stimme begtcitet ; bann bejeidjuen wix eg 0, g: genius, ginger, Egypt. 3. (Stumm ip eg »or h, m, n: night, Genilive. gnaw (togt. cnaster, knee), sign, phlegm ; aw^ aig (Snbbudjfiabe cineg qjarticij) auf inging: singing, ringing. ®. nod) Gh, Gn, N unb Nasal. Gallicism, ein ber franjof. @l?rarf)c etgener, ober im ©ngtifdjen i'^r nadjgebil; beter 5(ugbrucE. iand)e8 auS ber attcn @)?ra(t|c hitoa^xt, ttjaS n?iv »evIoren ober gar burc^ grcmbeg eerbrdngt ober bo5| nur im 5) i a I e c t beiua^rt l^aben ; fo the watch (oertuanbt mtt to watch, nja^cn), toofur toit \li)t au9 bem @riectjifc^;Sateinifc^cn l^afien; horse, wofiir trir ^fexi au3 bem fctirerfU^en paraveredarius gebilbct ! to write (oergt. 9tci]S jeug), buret) fd&r eibcn (scribere) soerbrangt ; fo to leap, to take, to draw (breggen), to forsake, lo look (lugen) u. to. a. aSergf. French, Etymology, Eu- phony. 2. JDag 3«eiflc ^at ftarfe 5(enbe= rungen ber Sorm, oft aud) bcS ® inneS erfa^ren , nur ©injetneS hVitb ganj uncer; fe^rt in ©^veibart (ober 2lugf^ra(6e) unb 33ebcutung, n)ie: inland, inlander, inland- ish, inner, landwind, nestling, stark, hand, finger, back, hammer, hamster, a haudle(bie >§anbet), hall, halt, handiwork, horn, oft, erst, a poodle, a were -wolf, lust, warm, bitter, brown, between (f. Among), gift, allwise, to shine, blind, buttermilk, shoe tt. a. 9iur Bcbcnfe man immer, bap btefc engt. 2Dorter nic^t au^ bem ^ e u t i g e n «& d) beutf(^, fonbern aug bem atten^ieutfcfe famen(f.Anglosaxon), au8 einer SKunbart, bie con ber i^entigen (Sprac^e ungemein serf^icbcn tt»ar. iDa^er fel^en benn freilt^ evening unb SlBenb, child u. SHxii (im ©c^njcijerbialecte gl^ilb, S^itbern), dry unb trocfen (brcid) fagen bie SEBafd^njetber), south Get. 63 unb ©lib, soap unb ®eife, to go unb ge^en, to choose unb erfiefcn, an egg unb ein (Bi, fxd) ni(^t gerabe fo d^nlic^, icie ein (si bem anbern ! Ueber bic orti^ogra^ji^ifdien 2lbweir&ungen beiber Svrac^en »on cinan= ber f. man nod) bag (5nbe ber Qlrttfet : />, F, 0, P, T, y. - 3. aJianc^e beutfdje 2Bbi = ter l^at bag granjof. serbrdngt, fie l^aben fic^ jeboc^ in einjelnen iBerbinbungen er- i^aitcn : berg toid) bem mountain, blieb aber in iceberg ; time (temps) ccrbrdngte tide (3eit), bieg erl^ielt fid) inbep in evening-tide u. a. (felbfi tide and time 1) 4. 2i(g h)ir!lic^e ©ermaniSmen liepe fid) bag bettac^ten, trag ncuere 2tutc= ren, nadjbem fic^ bie ©prati^e gegen bag 3)eutfc^e abgefd)Ioffen , gefonbert, fidi fe(bfi|ldnbig gemacfet, aug unferer <2prad:e aufgenommen ^aben. sg. Etymology, 12. So fatherland, landsman, landwehr, flugelman, the forget - me - not (= le ue m'oubliez pas) , a waltz u. a. -^iel^er liepe fic^ tto^f au^ bag unter ber ^rdi30= fition Of 10, iiber despite, unb bei Impe- rative, A, 2, ©rtrdl^nte red)nen, nur bap Se^tereg \a. ntcfet a(3 etwag erfi neucr = bingg *2(ugenommeneg gelten bavf. 5. ©ermaniemen einer minber crfrculidien 2lrt madjt ber JDeutfcfte, iwenn er fetne ®e= banfen hjortlid), gegen ben engt. (£^5rac6= gebraucft iiberfefet ; j. 33, It freezes me fiir I am cold; What Johnny does not learn, learns John nevermore fiir : An old dog learns no tricks. JDag finb bann njol^t englifdje SGBiJrter, aber il^re '^erbinbung ift unengltfcfe. to Get, 1. i. (S. ». nj erb en, b.]^. aug einem 3»flrtnbc in einen a n b e r e n iiberge^en, xcit lo turn, to grow, to go, lo come, fic^t mtt bojjpeltem 0lomtna = ti» ober mit einem ^ilbjectio ober ^affiwen $arttct)> : to gel quit of one, to get ac- quainted with one. I cannot get clear (rid) of this weakness. 2, S^cbeulet eg taffcn (f. to Cause), fo l^at eg, in ju= fammengefe^ten 3«itcn/ junddjfi fein O b = i e c t unb b a n n bag )5aff. *P a r 1 1 c 1 1> nac^ ficfe, tt)te to have (f. b., Sir. 4). I got my boots made = ic^ be! am meine @ttefeln g e m a d) t. I will gel it done (= ic^ wilt eg f(6on gcmacfit friegen, familiar). Get my pen -knife done. Get this book 64 Gh bound. 2luS etner ©Uipfe, ganj mt bet to see, erftdrt fict) balder: I got him away, I got them home ; get yourself gone (ready). S)iiS ifl gteictjfam aucfe etn actitteS fiaffen, ttJic to cause, franjijf. faire = tn a cb en @ie, ba§ ©ie fort fom; mcit, fertig hjerbcn u* bgt. a)al;er auc^ 3. oon 5P e r f n c n : to get owe f o do a thing = Semanben ju @troa8 bringen, sentiogen : He got the lieutenant to nominate him for the commission. 4. 2)vi8 pass, partic. g-o/ fiei^t :^)leonafiifd} : f. to Have, B, I. Gh, 2)tgvai5§. 1. Urft^rungttc^ fit^t c8 role gti fiiv g, um biefem sor e unb i ben ®aum(aut ju roal^ren (roieghirlanda, tta(« unb Enghien, Berghen, franjof.) ; bann abtx aucfi »or anbercn 33ocalcn: Ghent, burgher, gherkin {axid^ guerkin gef(I)ries Ben) , ghastly , ghosl. 2. 2lm @nbe bet @itbe, h)D eg fiir unfec d^ fiti^t, fxnb ofter3 fceibc S3ud)fiaben jlumm: high, mighty, throughout; ober 3. fie tauten roie f : laugh, rough, tough, enough, to cough ; ober 4, roie k, in hough, shough, lough, auci) (fcfiottifd)) loch gefcbvieben, roie bet unS in ber @eogra:pbie. Gn: 1. aSegtnnt ober fc^Iicpt c« cln aBcvt, fo iji tiaS g ftumm: to gnarl; impugn. 2. Snmitten eineg 2Borte8 tautet ei = gn, n i d) t ngn ro. i. 35. ; magnet (= mag -net, nid)t mang - net), dignity, ligneous. 3. gni fie^t ofterS als 3etd)en be« franjijftfd) =■ italienifdjen SWoniUe : bagnio, seignior (= ital. bagno, signore); d^nttd) champignon. @ettnei- fte^t a\id) gl mit bem mouiUirten Saute : intaglio. to Co, 1. i. @. ». ro erb en, roie to gel, f. b. He went impunished = ci* f am ungefiraft baoon, eg ging i^m fo i^tn; the dog went mad. jlel^e im Segriffe = je vais; / rvas going to ... id> rocllte grabe, flanb eben im ^Begriffe = j'allais. JBgt. to ofTer. He is going to be married. We were going to sup. What was I going to say ? Sle^nli* : iii ge^e baben, tanjcn, ®d)(lttfd)u^ fa^ren, betteln. llebri; geng f. Periphrase, XVII, B. — 3. 7'o go on mit bem actt». ^Jarttc. flel^t njie to Grow. Continue, f. b. He went on reading = et laS fort. Good l^at im (5onH)aratto belter, im (Su):'erlati» the best; ebenfo fein 2tb»erb vjell. Gradation (ober Climax), einc 9iebe= figur: bie ©tetgerung auf= ober abrodrtg bur^ eine Siei^e «evroanbter ober entgegen= gefe^ter 2Iu«bru(fe, ofterS aud) burd) aCie= bcr^orung etnjctncr Shorter, befonberS ber ©onjunctionen , tterfidrft. „If the plot had been unravelled to us byany«M/)er- 7iatural intelligence ; if it had been whispered by a genie, communicated by a dream, or revealed by an angel from on high, we should have been to blame in credj^ng ocular demonstration !" fagt Mr. Concordance , bie flcifc^geroorbene Gradation in SmoUel's R. Random. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells which I have studied haj^le me — The remedy I reck'd of tortured me. — By thy cold breast and serpent smile. By Ihy unfalhomM gulfs of guile, By that most seeming virluous eye, By thy shut soul's hypocrisy ! — etc. .Grccisms, gried)ifd)e aBiJrter ober Sonftructionen ; f. jundcfefi Etymology, 9. SD'ian bilbcte anlhem axii 6vdv/.irog; ana- sarca t>on Aru unb cr«p|; feruer anabasis, phlogiston, andranalomy, pseudograph, zoophyte, physics, Periphrase, Homo- nym, Ellipsis u. », anbcre Jtunftaugbriirfe, roetdie bie tnoberne3GBtffenfd)aft t^eitSbem ©riecibifdjen cntlef;nte, tl^eitS aug gricc^. SBortern nen bifbete. — ®anj roie im @rie= diifdKn fle^t bag act. partic. atg O b i e c t : I cannot avoid repeating, I could not help sjiiiling; it is needless (o attempt describing unb 2lel^nlid|eg. ®. nod) to Chance, Participle, A, I, 3, a ; Plural, A, II, 5. to Grow, roerben, roie to get, f. b. He willfgrowX^nce) a scholar. You grew ashameoof my acquaintance. You will grow sick (fat, big, lean, strong, weary). It grows very cold (hot, lale, light, dear). Qlbcr and) mit info: I find the plate growing into a companion (rote to turn). Gu Ga »or 33ocalen flingt 1. = gw, fos 6alb etn n baoor ftel;t (alio ngu = w^j^;, nafat): language, distinguish; vgl. (>« unb Su. — 2» Slog trie g lautct e« in franjof, 2Bcrtcrn, two bog u nur a\\: jeigt, ba^ ba3 g nicftt jif(t)e (ogf. G/'i) : guide, league, guillotine ; unb eSenfo iro g-M fur unfer to iii^t : guard, guarder = 2Barte, SBdrter. 3)a6er gitt eS auc^ nod^ to warrant nfben to guaranty, toal^ien, ©ettjcil^r kificn. SSc\L ticct) Gaelfs narf) itvit. 2lu8fpvnc6e fxu aSBcIfen; gnise, engl. unb franj., itcit. guisa = 9£Beife; the war = la guerre, itai. la guerra, bie 95Be^r ; the guard, bte SBaite = la garde, la guerite, itfll. la guardia; William = Guillaume, ital. Guglielmo; reward = guerdon (itat. guiderdonc?) ; Guy, engl. unb franj., ital. Guido, 3Scit. Giittnrals f. Consouants. H. H, 9kme: atsh. Saut: 1. SB ie unfer ge^aurf)tc6 1^; fo in bcutfd&en imb flric(^. 2B6rtern: had, hat, head, heat; hymn, hypocrite; aSer nie glU e3 a(8 35 e ^ n u n g 8 jei^en {mt in 8 o 1^ n) : alfo John. 2. 3n lat. u. franj. 2B6rtern, unb uberall, t»o eS nac^ /• fte l&t, ifi // f} u m m : honest, humour, hour, Rhine, rhythme; fo aud> in shepherd = sheperd. @. norf) gh, ch, th, sh,p/i, wk. iDen Saut be8 /* fc^itbert etn nUer(ie6fle« 9Jdt^fel »on aSbron, aurt) in {^(iigeU®ram in atif (®. 468) abgebrurft. Hair, cot lee tit) gencmmen, Hei6t «n»erdnbert; jebc8 -^aar e i n g c 1 n getadjt, nimmt eg bag 5} t u r a I j c i c^ e n an (oergl. Fish). All my hair fell off. Her hair were not yet dressed. I have some grey hairs in my beard (»erein= gelt), ajht (£tng. unb qSiural neben ein= anber : "iMy hair is grey, but not with years, nor grew it while in a single night, as men's have grown from sudden fears." (Byron.) St, «Ut)rc(i;t, gtamnmt, iBJotfert. Have. 65 Half, 1. nimmt 9trtlfer unb $ronomen nad^rirtJ/ tvenn e« bebeutet : bic^atfte won einer @ad^c ; f. A, an, E, 3 unb The, D : half a year, half a bushel of oats, half that price. ®. noc^ ben @a§ mit half a one unter One, B, 1. — 2. ©c; beutet eg aber etn ab g ef c^f of feneg, fiir fid) b e fi e 1^ e n b e g ^ a I b e g, fo flel^t eg njic ein gettjo^ntic^eg 5lbjecti», girifc^en 5(rtife( imb i r f (i c^ e ^albe ©uinea, ein @ e I bs flucf biefeg 9iameng, ju geben; biefe ^iep a //a// guinea (= eine .^albguinea, ba&er a\x6:i a half- guinea gefctjrieben). (Sbcnfo unterfc^nibet ftctj : half my guinea is lost = bte '§d(fte ton ber gang en ®utnea, bie ic^ i^aitt, ifi cerloren ; unb : my half guinea, meine ^Mt ®utnea — me^r l^atte id? nid)t. 33ergf. Double. — 3. (Sbenfaflg n.\ i. 3). fle^t half, wenn eg ein 2(b»erb »or fid) ^at ober njcnn eg felbfi 2lb»erb ifi: a/«// half hour; a halfwitted man. 4. @. nod) Fractions, 2. to Happen = jufdUig, f. to chance : I happened to say it became her. If he should happen to be there (foUte ct etwa . .). My wife and daughters happen- ing to return a visit to neighbour F., found — . The table-talk happened to turn upon your sister. to Have. X^ormeUed. $rdfen8: I have, thou hast, he has, we have — . 3m^erf»: I had, thou hadsl — . (!Da8 llebrtge rcgetmdf ig.) JDiefe gormen gelten aud) alg ©oiijuncttt), tocnn to have .^ilfgs terb ifl ; atg felbfipdnbigeg SSerb aber (f. B, I) ip ber 6onjuncti» beg ^Prdfeng regeU mdfig, atfo I have, thou have, he have — ; g. 93. The Lord have mercy of our souls. B. ©cbrou*. I. 8ifg felbfifidnbis geg aSerb ^eii?t eg :^ aben , befi^en, em^jfangen (mie avoir = recevoir): He has a large estate. He was to have a halfpenny (fottte befommen). Sa^er aud) taffiv : It must be had (= gefi^afft werben). It is not /o6e/, ba to have l^ier eben n i c!^ t ^itfgttetb (f. to Do, B, II, 3) ifl, l^eipt eg : Do not have him ex- cused = taffen ©ie i!^n ficft ntcfjt entfcf)ul= bigcn. 2(uct) fotgt ein ganjer citcn 33eii>ie(e: = 9Tiein 4jaar njurbc mil- vcrfdjnitten ; unb bann fann man ni({)t immet Uffcn ans tuenben. @o : He had his own jest turned upon him in earnest. This prince had his head cut off and his body thrown to swine = eg njurbe bent Siirfien (2tf]^nlic^: er l^atte jnjei $]3feibe unter fi^ crfrf) offen.) 9Jian ncl^me a^tx ein= mat in biefem ©a^c bie $avticiv»g ju had!! Gentlemen may easily fall into such mistakes; but it is a great comfort to have them cleared up (= hjcnn fie @inem aufgeHcirt roerben). 6. 2)cn Snfin. o ^ n e to nel^men bie Stebengarten nad) fic^ : / had as good, ic^ tl^dtc ebenfo gut ; / had better, ict) t^dtc beffer; / had best, [^ tl^citc am beften ; / had as lief, [^ njoHtc ebenfo gem, ic^ l^dtte eg ebenfo gern; I had rather, ic6 mollte lieber, icf> l^dtte eg lieber: — I think we had as good be waiting for him. No, we had better go away than stay here. I had belter not have told it: icfe l^atte beffer (bar an) get^an, eg ni(i^t — . You had best run away. I had as lief g^o as stay. I had rather die than commit such a crime. He had rather be than appear good. JDei 2lnna]^mc 9B a g n e r 'g u. g tu g e I 'g, biefeg had fei aug tvould »etbovben, »ers mag i(!& nidjt beijutrcten, nel^mc »ietme!§r bie aBorte b u (^ ft a b t i ct>, trie ic^ eg ©in= gangg biefer 91ummer in ber Ueberfe^ung ge= t^an. fVould tourbc in ber 1. ^5erfon eincn aB in en, einen SOBunfcfj angeben; in »telen gdtlen aber ift nielmel^r son einem SoUen bie 9tebe, rtjelctKg bent aBoI = ten gerabe entgcgengcfe^t Juirb. aJian »crgteicf|c bie obigen unb fotgenbe ©d^e. Had I not better loose a trifling sum than break my promise = !I^dte ic^ nicftt beffer baran ♦ . . You had best resolve to think of him no more. Cophagus then said, J had better reflect upon his offer. You had even best do according to my direction. (®anj dl^nticfi : What had I best to do? What course had I best to take?) @i-Hdrenb laffen fi(^ fo((f)e ®d^e a\\6!i bnrd) it would be, it would have been aufli)fen ; fo : I think we had as good be waiting = I think it would be (it were) as good to wail for him. He 3te5n(ic6 finbet ftcfi and) : You ivere better take another draught before you depart (fiatt you had better) : nict)t SCBittc, fon= bern 2In ratten cineS 2lnbcrn: (Sic iuaren 6effer baran, — ©ic tl^dten Beffer. 3fl bagegeit »on einem 2B i f I e n bie 9tebc, fo fiel^t au(!^ mxUid} would unb ni(i^t had : j. 93. I rose, assuring her I would rather die than disobey her. (Smollet.) J^ier gafce / had etnen ganj »crf(!&iebenen ©inn. 9iod) mel^r 6ctt)cifen ©tetUn, njo bee 3nftniti» have fdbft auftcitt; beitn biefcr fann nictit au§ i^iV/ loerbotScn fein : er ift ii&m treber fo dl^nlid), tt?tc I had bem I would (Beibc = I'd), nod) trirb will ii6er:§autt a(3 3iiftnitio gefn-audjt (f.Will). ®o in bem ©a|e : I think I might much better have staid in a country where I was esteemed and beloved. @nblid| fagt man and) : I had rather a dish of coffee, than a dish of tea. .§iec ^at had ein Dtjcct f»ei flcft, e8 fann a(fo aud> nidjt fur would fiel^en ; fc^t man biefcg, fo mu§ e8 l^eifien : I tvould rather have a dish u. f. f. — 7. / had like, id) njat nal^e baran = ti fel^rte nid)t Diet, faft, Bcinal&e; l^at ben Snfinitiw mit to nac^ fidj : They had like to have lost their lives (= ils faillirent perdre ...; dl^n(id) he xvas like to die). I had like to have broken my neck. II. To have atg ^ i t f 8 » e r b bitbet bic jufammengefe^ten 3eiten con actiwen imb neuter S3cv6g : I have read, I had had, he would have slept, they would have been. tung („gegen ... w Arts") f. Sofua 8, 9. 12; 17, 9; 15, 11 unb 19, 11; 2. $mof. 26, 35. Her: 1, Objectio ju she, f. Personal, 2. — 2. Her imb hers f» Possessive pro- nouns. Herself f. Reflective, A. Hexameter, ber fc*8fuiitge iBerS be3 ^elbengebid|t3 ber Stiten ; in aSerbinbung mit bem ^Pentameter (ber nie aKein »cr= fommt) bitbet er bag 3jifiidlon, the distich. 3m @nglifd)en f cl^ r ivenig an= gewenbet. Hiat'ns, ©d^ntaut, b. 1^. bad ubellaus tenbe unmittclbare3ufammcntrfffen jweier QSocnle. llm il^n ju »ermeiben, ttjirft man 68 Him 1. ken eiiien SSocat njeg unb fe^t bafut ben 3li3 0fir 0^3^ : d'ye, I'm, she's; [.Ab- breviation. 2. aJian fe|t an ft^itta: an apple jiatt a apple ; f. y/, aw, B, II, sgU oudti Possessive Pronouns, B, II, 2 unb No, 1. — 3. aiJan jiel^t in ber 2lu8f)3vad)e jtoci ©itten in einc jnfammcn: e'er, ne'er = kv, nar. ^al^er gum ^^eit bie unter Euphony, A, errtjcir^nten SSerfitrjungen. JDa^cv ci\\6) mag bie ^t^xifxijii ber 93ocat= bigvvi^jl^en fi^ erltciren : man htf^itit gttjei Sautjei^en 6ci, ftirad^ a6er nur einen Saut auS. ®c entfiant) bie (gdjnjierigfett ber Ort^ogra^jl^ie, baf man einen 93cca({aut mit ben »cvfct)tebenften ^u(fej!aben ((fcreis ben !ann. @o »of aUem bag i: 1, ea fann einen I a n g e n , 2. ae, 3. ai, 4. ay, 5. ee, 6. ei, 7. ey, 8. eo, 9. ie, JO. oe, \\, oi fcnnen ! u r j e unb I a n g e S^Saute icjcic^nen. !X)a nun, au^ec 12. bem e felbft, audi 13, i, 14. y, unb in einjelnen Sdlten fogav 15. o, 16. ia, 17, ui, 18. iiy imb 19. oei to'xt i ffingen fcnnen, [o l^aBen ttjirr efcen nidjt njeniger al8 neunje^n »crf(fiicbene Ort^ogra^l^ie'n eine« Sautes 1 (35er Sfieugviec^e trofte fi(^ alfo fiber ben 3=Saut feineS /, e/, ^, f, «/-, ot,!) aSelegc nad) ber 9tei:^enfoIge ber cbigen 3iffcrn (hjo 2a3eifpiele fte^en, ]§at ba« erfte ein I a n 9 e 3 , baS jweite ein f u r j e 8 i) : 1. sea. 2. aera, caesura. 3. raisin, captain. 4. quay, monday (and) monda geftsrod^en). 5. beef, been. 6. Seine, foreign. 7. key, money. 8. people, pigeon. 9. field, sieve. 10. diarrhoea, oeconomy. 11. Turkois, tortoise. 12. mere, desire. 13. machine, fit. 14. mystery. 15. women, 16. marriage. 17. built. 18. plaguy, 19. Onomatopoeia. 5Den tontofen, unbefiimmten , aber bocfe bem i nal^e fommenben (oft auc^ in ©rams matifen unb aGBorterbud)ern buvd) i be* jeidineten) Sauten ai (ay), ei, ey, eo, oi, ia, uy liefie fidi aid 91r. 20. nod^ ba« a in China, village, orange u. bgt. gugcfeUen. 2)ie neuereOrtJ^ogvav^ie befeitigf iibrigeng aud) mandicn biefer JDigrajj^en u. fdireibt J. 93. nur cesura, economy, njie in alien romanifc^en ®))rac^en. Him, ©bjectic ju he ; f. Personal, Himself f. Reflective, A. Homographs. His f. Possessive pronouns. Hissing sounds f. Consonants, 2, a unb b; Euphony, D, 4. Unter the hiss- ing aspirate »erfie^t man ba« sh (ch). to Hold = Semanben fiir (5t\t)o8 '^aU ten : f. Accusative, B, I, 2 u. 5 unb Par- ticiple, B, 3. I hold pillaging a very great crime. He held himself boimd to Lord R, «Paffi» : These men are held very pretty gentlemen. Homographs, SGBcrter »un glei = c^ e r Drt^ogra))^ie unb oerf^iebener 33ebeutimg (2D o ^ t^ c I g ci n g e r), @. Am- biguity, corgiigtid) Sir. I. — I. Homo- graphs, bie gugleic^ and) Homonyms finb, b. ^. bie aud) g(eid) auSgefurod&en n^erbcn (f. ben fclgenben 'Slrtifet), fmb g. 33, divers (= diverse), mel^rere, unb the divers, bie Jlaudier (»ergl. frangijf. le convent unb ils convent; vous peignez »cn peigner unb »Dn peindre) ; to light, angiinben, to light, treffen; to lighten, er* leidltern, to lighten, leu^ten, bli^en ; I savv^, xi:^ fage, id| fa^ ; I lay, idi lege imb ic^ lag tion I lie; to bear — the bear. II. ®otd)c, njo bie 2lu8fijrad>e cber berStccent einen Hnterfd)ieb l^erfiellen: I read, xi:^ lefe ; I read, id& Ia8 ; I beat, id) [{filagc; I beat, id) fd)lug; to desert, toerlaffen, desert, njuft, the desert, bie aCitftc, the desert, baS ajerbienjl; the gallant, ber ©tu^er, the gallant, ber 3;a))fcre; minute, unbebentcnb, a* miuute = minut pber minjt, eine ajJinute; to pred'jcate, a predicate. @. noc6 "5,2; Th, 4, fottie Accent, I, B, 1, c u. 2, c, — III, aDJanc^mal gel^en ein ^aar «&omogra= )3]^en hix ber flexion au^einanber in »ers fdjiebcne Gormen ; fo finb to lie, lugen, unb to pen, f^reiben,re9clm(S^i3e3}crben, aber to lie, liegen, unb to pen, einfperren, unreqelma^ige. aSergl. Euphony, D, @, — IV, S)a8 ©cgentl&eil bilben aBins ter, n)eld)e bei gteid)er 93ebeutung »ctfd)iebene gorm l^aben fonnen; fo zechin, zeccbin, zecchino, cecchin, sequin ; plane unb platane ; to con unb to cun ; to threat unb lo threaten ; to wake unb to waken; overrode, over- ridden ; I began, I begun ; fol(^e D o))s Homonyms )) elf or in en, wotocn meifi bic eine Beffer ober getrdudjlirfjer , aU bie anbetc ifi, fijnnte man Doubles nennen. Homonyms, aSBorter t»on »erfrf)ieb= ner JBebe'utung, cibex glei^er 2(u8frrac&e (® lei (^flange). I. ®ol(^e, bic aucf) glei* gefc^rieben trerben, f. unter Homograph, I. — U. felu) : fo zechin = zekiii , tshikiu, tshe'keu, tsh'ikan ; china, ^Porjetlan , fa= milivir tshani mtlgefpvo^cn (mit SSers fe^ung bev Saute) ; fo aucfj minule f. Ho- mographs, 11. aSergl* noc^ Emphasis, 1, a. Horse f. Foot. How = tt) i e , in birecter unb inbirecter gfrage unbim SluSruf: How old is he? I know how old he is ; f. Exclamation, As, Like. Hundred unb thousand nefemen a »or jtd?, njenn fie eine c o H e c t i » e 3al^I, eine runbe @umme, nad) ber man ju re^^ nen vPcfit, obci- aud) u n g e f d 6 r ein ^un= bert, etn)a(circa) ein Jiaufenb bebeuten (= une centaine, uu millier). 3n anberen Sattcn fie^t one bacor : I had shot a hundred wild geese. ^ hundred of segars. He has seen a thousand strange animals (= 3;aufcnbe). There are a thou- sand ways of living. 3n bemfclben ®inne flc^t aud^ Der gphtral; The larks in hun- dreds. There are MoM^wnt/* of men in London who live in a similar manner. iBeiSal^regjal^len )jf[egt man one ju I. 69 braucften: He was born in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty three. Hybrid, 3Jt i f dj I i n g , ein }ufammcn= gefe^teS 2Dort, bejfen %^t\U » e r f d? i e b e = nen @)?rad)en entle^nt fmb, njie flowers- de-lis— ]^at6 engtifd), ^alb fcanjofifd). @o fe^t man befonberS bie gried)tfd)e SCorfiCbc anti— , ttjiber, gcgen, an einen lateinifd&en, frangofifdjen ober anberen ®tamm: anti- revolution , anlicourtier, anliamerican. Ober eine englifdie 91ac^filbe an ein Srembujort : tenderling , ingrateful , beautifully, ironical, ^ergt. ba8 llmge= febite ; Latin, IV. Hyphen, ber2lbt^eitung«flric^ am (Snbe ber 3eilc unb ber 93 i n b e ft r i d) in 3ufammenf«|nngen : grand -father, plum-tree, night-scene, swift-sailing, man-of-war. ^dufig Idpt man il^n njeg imb »creinigt bie beiben SGBorter in ein ®anje8 : seveuteen, nightmare, herself, downcast, ober man fc^t fie un»erbunben nebeu cinanber: the ebbtide, a bringer in, a tea spoon. JJommen mel^r ate jttjet 3Borter jufammen, fo finben fid? bie le^tes ren beiben @c^veibarten gemifdbt , atfo : windmill - sails , Avhitsunlide , aber : whilsuntide-beer; high-watermark. 9?e5 fonbevS bient ter JBinbeflric^ auc^ in uji 1 Is furlid>fe(bfigebilbcten 3ufammen= fc|imgen : out-of-London-ish ; we mar- velled at the quarter-of-a-mile-longiv&xu. of luggage-trucks arriving from some out-of-town London in the north. She was a good-tempered , well-spoken, bunch-of-keys-at-her-waist sort of per- sonage. A devil-may-care fellow. A little man with a puffy Say-nothing-to-me, -or- I'll-conlradict-you sort of countenance. (2lrij!oi>'^anifc6e Sdnge!) A touch -me- not-ishness in the walk. 1. 1, i, iBocal, namen* i (ei) , nidit ju »erwec^feln mit J, j. 2lu«f^rad)e: 1. i = ci : fine ; — 2, i = i : fin ; — 70 3. i = I : machiae ; — 4. i ttor r = e obcf ii (f. b.): fir; — 5. i in tonlofen @Uben mt a, e, o, ii, y, ciii furjcr 3= Saut; «orrbmn))fer; algfonfi: digressive, elixir. 2llfo §at»en "nix : ein ci (I) , ein fui-jcS ant) ein tmigeS i (i anb i) , ein biimi :pfeg unb ein ffiic^tigeS i ('i unb i). !Dte ba= niit gebitbetenJDigraiil^cn unb 5)ip^t|>ongcn f. a. i* O. — D r t ^ 9 r a i» T; i f d) e din get: 2lm @nDe etne8 aaSovteS ftel^t n i e i, fonbcrn bafiir y : hilarity, family, happy. 3n ber gtexion aha txitt 1 oft fur y ein : f. r, ©nbe. 2. I, ali 5Pronomen, jletS grcp gef(f)iies f>en ; uBrigenS f. Personal unb Abuse. la lautet in tonlofen ©itkn = ja : filial, ©ctrennt ifi e8 in diamond, diameter. Iambic, ber Sambe , ein SSeigfuf : ^- ober ^^: betray, consi'st; f. norf) Alexandrine. Idiotism, (Sigenl^eit einer ©Vnadje, alfo im ©nglifcfeen bie 5fng(ici8ntcn , im granjofiftficn it« ©atlici^men u. bgf. le. a. 3113 aJiono)5]^t]^ong. 1. = ie (i) : fierce; — 2. = i: mischief; — 3. = e: friend. — b. 21(8 2)it'^t]^ong am @nbc »on ©infitbtern = ei (i): lie. — c. 3ft iaS ie in ber i^lerion awS y ents fianben , fo 6el;a(t ei ben Saut, ben biefea y f^citte: alfo =j in flies, cried, aber = i (tterldngevt au8 y) in studied, — d.^va e^= fi ( b i g ift eg (babei e meiji e, fettner = e 1. in ©u6ftanti»en aufier, bie «on 33ers Ben auf y fommen: flier, carrier; 2. in ben Som^arationSenbungen -ie?- unb -test unb in ber ©nbung -iet/i t>ei ben Dibnungaja^ten (6eibe jiel^t man jebod) and) in i jufammen) : drier, driest, twen- tieth ; — 3. in ber ©nbung -iety: society ; 4. in cinigen einjelnen 2B6rtern, nne fiery, quiet, hieroglyph. leu unb iew lauten tvit u : adieu , to y-iew; ieu aud) = n : messieurs. If: 1. iuenn, njofern, falls, » or an « = -gefc^t, ba^, fronjoftfd) si (ni*t quand; bie? ifl ttjann, ivhen). @8 gibt eine SSebingung, einen angenommenen Ball iect I Imperfect tense. ^ i n t c r bag 93ert) (g r a g ftellnng) : Had I seen you, I should have spoken to you. Man is born free and tvere he born in slavery. — 3. @8 fte^t and) in inbirecten gragen fiir whether (ob) , Jwcld^g bie ge^ firengen ) gebraudjt, ganj nacfe b e u t f d) e r 2(rt : Well, march v)e on 1 (Skakespear.) Talk tve not of these matters! (Bulwer.) MountJi;e our clouds ! (ByronO — jP. ® e b r a u i&. 1. (5r britdt, je nad) ^on unb Sarbung beg ®afeeg, 93 e = fcH, (Smiajnung, aSitte, SBunf* aug. Co away! Go a little aside! Turn over if y. p ! Cive us this day our daily bread ! ( 2)ie »erfd)icbenfte 5lb|!ufung ! ) ®e^r ftarf ifl j. 33. ber ^efel^t : Be gone ! (5r »erlangt nid)t nur, ba^ man (Stwag t§ue, fonbern eg fc^on gct^an l^aben [oil, fd&on in ben banac^ folgenbcn 3u = ft anb iibergegangen (ein foil ! 93gl. unfer energifdjeg: ©till gef djn; icgen! 3>Vi' g e m a d) t ! 51 u g g e t r u n f e n ! — 91 i e = bergefniet! abgebeten! (©otter.) a)g(.' Sefaiag, 44, 28 (5nbe. @. au(^ nod) Future, B, 2. — Ueber bie 5Bcrfldrfung f. to Do, B, II, 4. — 2. 3Kan fe^jt ben Smpes ratio aw^,"! , mit lebenbigercm 3lugbrucfe, ftatt eineg aScbingunggfaljeg mit if; alfo njenbet man ® I e i d) orbnung jiatt Unterorbnung ber ®d§e an: Co there and you will see it. Master them and the ship is ours. Give him au inch and he will take an ell. Imperfect tense : j. 58. : I was, I loved , I spoke. J. S o r m e 1 1 e g ; f. Conjugation, I, A, 5, Conjunctive, A, 2, Ambiguity, III. — B. ® ebrouc^. 3m Impersonal Verbs 2{llgeraetnen mit bem 3)eut[(t)en iibereiiu ftlmmenb ; befonfcer^ auct) aU crjd^IenbeS Jleiife. Oft aber fie^t eS fur iinfer 5|J er = feet, namlid|irennt»DU cincr wollig »ei" gangcnen, abgefcfeloffenen 3eit bie9tebc ifl, t. I), won einer folct;en, in ber wir nirf)t mcl^r ftel^en, con tt?eld)er fein S^eil ubrig ifi; bemnad) Bei yesterday , last night, last week, last month , last year, the twelfth of April 5llfo ganj mt iai Imparfait second itn Sranjcfifcfien (je fus, j'aimai, je re^us). The day be- fore yesterday I was at the theatre (bin i* . .genjefen). @.ubrigcn§nod) Perfect; Periphrase,XVII, B,2; Conjunct,, B, 4. Impersonal Verbs. 1. ^Pcrfon^ I i ^ c (personal) iBerbS finb feline, )^}dA)t atte 3S)3erfonen be3 ©ingular unb beg 5[}fu= rat l^aben. ^ie un)3 er f onlicfc en (im- personal) l^ingegcn finb 93erbcn, biennr im 9^ e u t r u m bet britten $erfon ©ingu; lar jie^en fonnen , : it rains , it snows, lY hails, it freezes, it thaws, it dawns, it betides , it befalls, it misbe- comes , unb bic ni^t attju nioberneu : meseems, methinks. — 2, ^luierbcm n5er= ben and) ttielc ^jerfontic^e 93erbg ofterS nn^jcrfonlid) gebrawdjt: fo I become, id)njerbe — it becomes, tB jicnit. He light the gentleman down stairs ( = '« Ieud5= Me) , — it lights (ober lightens) eg n)et= terteu^tet. — 3» llmgefel^rt jle^cn cin = jelne eigcntUd) unijerfonti^e 3«itn)orter 4?er[cnUd) : it thunders, eS bonnert, — tm ftgurlidjen @inne: the pope thun- dered an ecclesiastical answer against them; balder bcnn andj ijaffio: He has been thundered about , er ift tuc&tig aug= ge[c^otten (vulgar : angcbonnert) ttjon ben. — 4. S)a3 , o^^nel^in nur fdjeinbare, attgcmcinc , blop anbentenbe , Subject it f d H t/ nj. i. 3)., babei oft n? e g : meseems, inir fci^eint, fiatt it seems to nie; me thinks , mid) biinft u. a. ; f. It, C, 1. — 5. 3m @ngtifdjen fte^en oft ^erfonli^e SSerben, two im SDeutfdjen im)3erfonltd)e ftel^en , unb umgete!^rt : 1 am cold , mid) fciert, I am warm, el ift mir])varm ; I dreamt, mir trdumte , I pity him, mid) jammert [einer ; f. nod) lo ail, lo chance, to come, to happen, to like, to repent, to succeed, to want. — Ueber unfere f d) e i n; Incorrect. 71 bar uni?erf6n(i(6 e Sonftruction ht\ 95oraugna^me beg (Subjected f. It, A. — 7. Ueber unfer Snujerfonat ,,ti (apt fi(^" f. There is. In. 1. ©-g bcjetd)uet, iutc «^, 9tu]^c an einem Orte, auf bie grage Ujo? ifi alfo gteid) unferm in mit bem 5Datiw: in the house , in b em «^anfe. — 2. Into bagegen gibt bie 9tid)tung, 33 ewes gu n g n a d) einem Crte an, c^wx bie grage wo^in? entfpric^t fomit unfetm in mit bem2lccnfati» : into the house, in bag ^aug. 2)ief€r Unterfd)ieb wirb , njie mans d)er anberc (f. On) , rft infofern bei @eite gefe^t, bap in and) fur ?'«^o fle^t ; f. ben 1. Sa§ unter Comma, A, 3, unb vergt. 1. anacc. 1,18; 3Jiatt6- 2 , 14, wo i n = \\c^^ Mt; 1. 9Jiof. 49, 29 wo bei fiir ju gcfe^t ifi. — 3. Jt fie^t befonberg »or ©ubftantioen obnc 2trtife(: at cards, at pleasure, at first sight, at table, at dinner; f. nod) The, C, 8; ba^er auc^ ht\ ©tab ten am en: at Loudon, — 4. 5 n fiel^t fowo&l bei 9tamen ton @ t ci b = ten, a(g bei bcnen ber Sanber; eg be= jeidjnct bag Sanb ober bic Stabt bann alg ben einfd)Hepenben Ort: alfo ijt at = a u. in = dans imf^ranjof.; fo : in Eng- land, in cbet at Paris. — 5, iBor anbern artifellofcn SBortern braud)t man in oft in abti erb ia tifd? en ober abftractcn 2tugbriiden, wic in bed = a bed, in good health, in great trouble, in times past, in respect to him, in contempt of her, in token of his friendship, in comparison of. 6. 3JIit einem r c f ( e c 1 1 » e n ^Pronoun fier= bunben i^eipt eg : a n unb f u r (fid)) : Your passion is not in itself illaudable. 93gt. Of, 8 unb ben ©d)Iup iumi By unb To. — 7, In ]^at (wte bag franjofifdie en) oft einc Sal^rjal^l ol^nc ben 3nfa§ „the year" nac^ ficfe: The famous Jesuit Schreiner who discovered first some spots in the sun in 1611, died, I believe, t« 1621. aSgl. Of, 1. Incorrect, nad)ldffig, fe^ter = l^aft, nennt man einen gcgen ffiramma^ tif Ober ©ttradigebraud) serfiopenben 2lug= brud. ®o: What are become of these men? ()latt is), I shall arrive to London (ftatt at). They write me often fiatt they 72 Indelinite Article often write to me. It is now three months ago since he died , ftatt: It is now three months ago that he died, pbcr : It is now three months since he died. @. nod) Abuse. Sube^ l^iite man ji^ toc^, bie gerabe, ebenc, unteugfamc 9iirf)tf(f)mtr grammatifc^er 3Sorbcfiimmung in j e b e m j^attc cdi 3J?afifiab an ben btii^cnben, fc^njitngl^aften, origineHen @ttjf cineS gcs biegcnen (S(^riftfleUer8 ju Icgcn» „®rau, Srcunb , ift aUe Jl^eoric !" 5lnberer ®ett8 a^mc man after auc& nic^t jebe ©igcns tl^umlicfef eit eine3 5(utor« nart), auf ba^ nid&t bev gvobe JJritifec f^n-ec^e: Quod licet Jovi . Indefinite Article f. yi, an. Indicative Mood. X 2)ic Sits bung feinec Tenses f. nnter Conjugation. B. ©ebraucfe. 1. 2Gtc tm 5)eiitfct)cn ; f. Conjunctive, B. — 2. Siiv unfeven Sonjunctiti fiel^t ec tioqitgUcf) nadiben 33er6en be^ ©agenS, aSerfid^crnS: I told them thai I was ill (= hjave). He wrote me word that the affair was. finished. 2)a8 (Sn^iii^t ^dft fictj fier alfo oftjectitjer, jlvcngcr an ba8 SBort bc8 ®^3rec^enben , ol&ne eg , wie un= fer Scnjunctit), einem 3»«ifft Ju unter= fictlen. "M'Dermott has staled that I am a tithe collector and an attorney.'' 9]nit benfen rote (eicfjt, bte6 / am gefce bie 5iu8= fage ju ; aber neiii, Marryat fdr;rtfort: I am no such thing. SSon eiuer ^Jcbten roicb gefagt : „One would think she is asleep." — 3. !l)orf) fann bee Snbtcatiti oftefS n i rf) t ftel^eu , roe tuir i^ii braticfeen : f. Conjunctive, B, 2. — 3m 2lUgemcinen nsirb aber ber Snbicattc l^dufigcr, ber Sons junctto feltjter, al8 i. !D. gebi:aud)t. Indirect, un gerabe, mittelbar, ab f) dn g i g, im ®egcnfa|c ju bircct ; f. b. — l.SnbirccteS 9tegimen nenntman jeben »om 93erb abl^dngigen unb mit i^m burd) etne 5JJrd^3ofition terbitnbenen ^ix%t1inl, alfo im ©nglifc^en aucft ®e= niti» unb !Datit>. — 2. Snbirecte 9tebe brau<^t man , toenn man 3emaiibe8 SBorte nict^t in berfelben (Sonj^ruction roiebergibt, njie er fie gef^rorfjen , fonbern fo , roie ber J&orer fie fa^te, balder auci^ jnit Son* junction en eingeteitet unb i. 35.,, — Infinitive Mood. nid)t abcr im @nglifc&en, l^dufig auc^ in ben 6 n i u n c t i » gefe^t : he told me that he rvas a poor man : er fagte mir, ba^ er ein armer aWann hj are. 9}orbcr inbirecten 9tebe fle^t i. 3). cin Somma, im ©ngJifc^en fann e8 auc^ roegbtciben (f. Comma, A) ; tjor ber birecten 9fiebe flel^t bei unS fietS ctn Solon, im Snglifrfien enttteber bieS ober ein Somma (f. Comma, B, 6). —3. Ueber bieinbirectegrage f. Interrogative, B, I. Inflexible, f. Invariable. Infinitive Mood, bie ®runbform beg aSerb. J. (5ormclte8. ®. jundcbft Conjugation, I.— 1. To mu^ unmittcls bar toor feinem Snfinttto fiel^cn , nicf)t burc^ DIegationen ober fonfi irgenbroie pa= won getrennt roerbcn : It is impossible to tread on the soil of America and not to bless it : — nj. i. 2). , abcr ni(t)t roie im Sranjoflfdjen : de ne pas le benir. 2)as &er roirb j. 95. g e t a b e 1 1 : Her eagerness to again meet her friend (bei Miss Bur- ney). To sit on rocks, to slowly trace the forest's shade scene, this is not so- litude (Byron), 9lu(^ in Dickens, House- hold Words, XII, p. 260 finbet ficft : To mature the germs of natural thought, not to forcibly engraft a conventional set of ideas upon a repulsive stem , was the principle of the Reverend Lucas Sprin- ger, llnb in Marryat's Japhet; I despise you too much to ever wish to be ac- quainted with you. Slel^iilidjeS bei Scott. — aSergl, iibrigenS Preposition, F, 2). — 2. golgen mel^rcre Snftnitirc axx^ tin- anber, fo braudit man to nur beim en fien gu fc^en : I desire you to come and stay with me. Such an ideal of child- like beauty as Lawrence had loved to paint or Chantry iuodel. — 3. QJieift entfvrictft to and) gfeid) nnferem: um J u (pour) , unb braucfct au(b banu niitit ttjicbcr^olt JU werbcu: I come to save, and not destroy. 3u befonberer J^er» or 1^ ebnng ber 3lbfi(fet, be« 93or]^aben« ftel^t bafiir in order to. (S. nod) Vulgar, (§. — 4. aOB e g g e t a f = f e u iu i r b to : a. 9tad> alien Auxiliary verbs (f. b.), aufigenommen / ought (f. b, unb Bfll. ttudj to Be, B, 3 unb to Have^ Initials A, 1). Let theoi go. I can speak. They must stay. — b. Diac^ to behold, to bid, to dare, to discern , to feel, to have (f. b. A, 1) , to hear, to help, to know, to make, to need, to observe, to perceive, to see; (f. ble curft» gcbrucftcu einjetn a. i. £). unb »ii(. And, 1, fotwte Accusative, B, I, 2 unb 5). 9ta(^ i^nen if! ber 3nftnitit> cAi Object anjufel&en. @3 finbet fid) aber aurt) ber 3nftniti» mit /o nad) ben= fetSeti, Befonbev? innactjbrucffic^crer ©ijra^c; unb er mup auf biefe S3erl)8 fotgen, fobatb fie ^affi\5 fiel&en: balder: I saiv him /f^m the race; afccr : He wfl« seen to ivin the race. She bade me write, aber : I was bidden /o write. — c. 9tarf? I had good [better., best, lief, rather) , f. to Have, B, 6. — d. 9(Jad) / cannot but . . . , f . But, o. — e. !Dcr frdf= ttgeren J?iirjc l^aber audi in ?5 r a g e n unb oft (nid)t tmmer!) in 2lu8rufen, tDcnn ber Snftnitic fc^einbar unab^an = gig fie^t, fo ba§ man 'ocxijtx cin 93cr6 ju ergdnjen ^ai ; And why not live and rtc/ with other men ? But why delay the truth? Why, Nature, waste thy wonders on such men? iDagegen : What ! not one left ! not to leave me one ! — 5. Ueber ben @r|"a^ be3 fc^ tcnb en 3nf ini = ti» u. [♦ tt>» bci ben befectitten ifier - b c n f, biefe einjetn. B. (Sebraud): ©te^c 1. Participle, A, F, 2 unb 3, m&i II, 3 unb III, 1» — 2. Accusative, B, 1, 5. — 3. Absolute, II, 2. — 4. Active, C. — 5. Auxiliary Verbs, D, I. — 6. Ellipse, B, 9, a. — 7. to Come, 2; to chance, to go, to happen, to offer, about. C. ® t e t ht n g. 35ap ber Snfinitio nid)t fietS 1^ i n t e V bem 2Botte fiebt, trocon er abl&dngig ifi, jeigen j. 33. bie le^ten 4 @d§e unter Inversion. Initials, gro^e 2tnfang8bu(!6s fi b e n , a«(& Capitals gennnnt. ©ie rters ben wett weniger gcbrau^t, <\\i im 5)eut= fc^en, ndmli^ nur: 1. 3u 93 eg inn eineg @ a ^ e 3 ober einer 93 e r 5 j e i I e ; — 2. balder au(!^ bei Slnful^ru ngen nad) bem Soton ober Sommci ; — 3. hti @t- g ennamen unb bei 5;iteln, bie Bor biefen fie^en: toie King George, Miss Interrogative. 73 Micawber ; — i. ^n ben, meifi tion Proper Nouns abgeleiteten 2lbjecti»en ber SSolfernamen: English, German ; — 5. bet ben Diamen , iBeincimen unb (5igen= fd^aften ber ® o 1 1 1^ c 1 1 : God , the Crea- tor, the Holy Ghost; — 6. ebenfo jur be= fcnberen 5lu3jeid)nung ber ^au)5tfad;cn in Ueberf^r iften, Sudbtitein unb bergt., aud) tool^I bei Sr embttjortern : The British Aluseum; As You Like It (ein (£^afefvear'f(^cg . i. S). InterrogatiTe^ yi. Interrogative Pronouns finb who, which unb what, f. b. 3m Slttgemeinen ifi noc& ju merfen : 3)ie fragenben gurworter ftel^en fletS tor bem 33erb : alfo audb, vocnn fte Dbject fmb. ©ie madjen fonac^ eine bot>»eUe 2lu«nabme: erftenS oon ber un^ ter Subject, C, 1, unb jmeitenS »on ber unter Accusative, C, 1 gegebenen Steget (oergl. C, 3 bafetbfl). 5)a8 bilbet eben ben Untcrfdbteb jttJtfdien ber Srage unb bem gewijbnti^en 2tu3fagfa|e. — B. Inten-ogative Jdverbs finb J. 33. how, where, wheu, whence, whither? C. Interrogative Phrases, grogfdfte. I. (Sie finb entweber b i r e c t , j* 93. What o"' clock is it? ober inbirect, j. 93. He asks what o' clock it is. — II. S^re SB ort fie Hung fann, Joie in anbern 74 Into e r = a n b c r It c^ ) finb 2lrtif el , ^tbtoerb , qpra^ ^jofitionen, (Sonjunctionen, Snterjectionen imb toiete ^Jronomcn. 2lud) bet ben iibris gen Stebet^eiten ift bie aSeugfamfeit gc^ ringer , alg in anberen ©^rarfjen : f. na- mcntlid) Adjeclive , Cardinal , Conjuga- tion, Declension. 2)ie einformigen93eiben (Conjugation, HI, A) fmb fap ganj un* ttjanbelbar, nur bap fie bie ©nbungen ing^ s unb st annel^men. @. / must. Inversion, bie U »t ft e I hi n g, 93 c r = fegung ber (Sa^t^eile aug ber ge= tt>o^nli(^en, einfactj Irgifdjeu 6on= ftruction l^eraug , fo bajj alfo bag 9{egierte » r bag S'Jegierenbe tritt, bag 3ufammens gc^ijrige bur(^ 3)ajn)if(^entrctenbeg ge = tr enn t >cirb n. bgr. @o uamcntlict) im ^l)ixtn (Stifle fe]&r I;diifig , um buret) f u n ft tt U e Orbnung bie ©djonl^eit ober ben 9iacf)brucf ber 9tebe ju erp^en, 93 e i * f).uele: In came Mr. Mennil. Down came my wife and daughters, dresst out in all their former splendour. Dear was his life, hui dearer still his fame. To bed they went. With these and with their victims am I classed ! He , to the surprise of all Europe^ was seized as a slate- criminal. From the Atlantic to the vicinity of the Rhine the Latin has, during many centuries, been predomi- nant, ©efouberg ftarf in»ertirt unb auf ©^annung beg Seferg bererf)net: Yester- day , while walking with an intelligent acquaintance, there advanced , towards us out of the wood, a being that appeared to me a bear in disguise. To beg they are ashamed. — Remain here I cannot. To go to the castle would be madness. — I would essay as I have sung to sing. 3)ie ® e f e § e ber Sntjerfion ju erfc^iJtfen, mupten mir eine dft^etifd|e ©tijlte^re f(l)rei= ben ! aJian fet;e noci? : Dative, (J,, Empha- sis, Proverb, Comma, B, 2; Not, Antici- pation ncbfi There is ; It, C, I, 2; Subject, C ; Accusative, C; Adjeclive, C, 6; Ad- verb, C, II, 2 u. Ill ; Preposition, F unb Possessive Case, bei bem bie 3n»erfion jur gemeinen SHeget gehjorben. lou — lou Uiutet = jo : bilious, na(()3if*c"i nur = o : precious (ogt. Eou u. Ea, 1, 5). Irishisms, bte voin guten ®ebrau(^e abwei^enbeniBefonberl^eiten iu 5(u0fi?rad)e unb2lu8bntc!bei-3i«n. 9iamentlid) fpridjt bag aSolf in Srianb bie 93 o c a I e b r e i t a\ii : to mane, to lave, lo spake, lo plase, bould, ould fiir mean, leave, old u. f. xr}., ober anbert fie in anbercr aBeife : ginile- men, druv {= drove). @tatt s/ioll fe^t bcr gemcine 3re mcifi will : „l'll be clane ruined, your ladyship, 1 will." (Seine Seibinterjection ifi och , och hone, och bother! fein getrcucr^Bcgleiter, fein „dar- lint" ber shillelagh, ©anj ber irifd)en (S^tvic^e angel&orig, alfo in fein er 936= jiel^ung jum icirftic^en ©ngtifd) ifi j. ®. baS Syric^TOcrt: Croni a boo = I will burn. CRur au6 bcm (Jnglif^en t>erberbt ift biefeg : What can ye expect frae an oolie - pig but oolie (= from an oil - can but oil)? Srifrfic (Sigennam en fangen l^aufig mit 0' an (= of, b. \). the son of—): 0' Rourke, 0' Donaghan, the 0' Tooles (Patronymic). Irony f. Antiphrasis. Irregular, « n r e g c ( m d f i g , ifl bic 2lugftracl)e, bie 23ilbnng einer Worm ober Sonfiructton, tDennfie t>on ben allgenieinen Stegefn ivgenb abiueirfjt : f. A, 8 ; E, @., L, a. u. f. f. : Comparison, A, IV; Plu- ral, A, II unb III; Ordinals, 3; Adverb, A, II, 1 — 4 ; Conjugation, III ; Inversion, Accent, III, Ellipse u. f. iu. It, bag Neuter jn he unb she; f. Per- sonal. J. It fann ni^t uberaU ge = branc^t hjerben, mo i. 3), cd fle^t. — 1. JBeibem3ettuiorte fein fe^ennjir „cd" audj inSejug auf mdnntidje unb n)eiblicfee SBiJrter {3P c r f o n e n) : @ « ift meine aJ{ut= ter. ©inb @ie mein greunb? 3^ bin eg. a. 5)afiic !ann it nur bann flel^en , iwenn baburc^ bag nacfcfoTgenbe (Icgifrf)e) @ub = iect anticiv>irt njirb (f. Anticipation unb Emphasis) unb bann ^tijt bag 93erb fletg im Singular nad) it, njeit it felbft Singular ifi: it is, eg ifl unb eg f i n b , n i e it are ; it was, eg war unb eg iv a r e n , n i c& t it were : lt'\s a pity. It was a beautiful day in May. It is my father who has said this. It is those It. 75 women. @o nun audt abniet biefer 2lntici)5ation aud) auf a n b e r e ©erben, a(g f e i n, aug : @ g f om= men Seute ; e g fam ein @(^iff ; eg fanben fid) »ie(e 93u^er. 35ag gebt im ©nglifc^en n i d) t. 3)Jan fe^t enln?eber there fur e g (f. There is), ober man nimmt bag togifd)c ©ubjeet vor, fo bap bag formelle <£ub= ject ,,eg" (bie 5tntici)jation) ganj befeitigt ttiiib : 5. 93. @g l^ingcn eine ©Jenge JBienen an biefem 93(atte : entwebcr : There was a cluster of bees hanging on this leaf, ober beffer : A cluster of bees hung on this leaf, gcrnev gift 3.) nnfer e g a(g @rfa§ I eincg bagettjefencn 2lbjectit», 2lb»erb, 93 e r b ober ganjen @a|eg: bann fiel^t bafiir so : — They are happy and deserve to be so. Of all the ruinous and desolate places this was the most so. Do you think he will come? I hope .90. I thought so (id) bad)te mir'g). Who told you sol Did you say 40.' Do not so again ! — 4. 2Ind) 9(ebengarten, in benen eg a(g unbeflimmt gelaffeneg, a n g e m e i n e g Object fie'^t (fo ba^ eg einen ganjen §ier be= ifrage man bag 3)ictionart). j B. 2(nbrerfeitg fl e ^ t iV oft fiir anbere beuls I fd>e3Borter,alg c g. l.aGBir fe^en fehen „t 8" Si a (6 einer ^Jtfi)) of it ion ; toir ne^men 76 Italian e^ec „baffe(bc" (biefeS); banii fie^t bafur aud) nur it: — ®ib mir metn 33urf> ; id& fann ntcf^t o^nc baffflfcc artciten. Give me my book ; I cannot work wit/tout it. 2Ba8 l^aben ®ie fur bflffclfec 6e= jal^tt? What have you paid /or it? — 2. 2)er ^urje ^albcx fe^en mt abcv oft aucij bie 5^} r ii J) f 1 1 1 n e n an 21 b c e r b 8, 6efonbei-8 an ba, ftatt ,,e$ ober bafs f e 1 6 e " ju nel^men ; f. Preposition, C, 4. ®ot(^e 3ufammettfe^un9cn (ofe man (5ng= Itfc^bur*bic«Pra))ofittonunbi7auf: He grew fat upon it; I heard of it; he kept me from it (fammtti* = b a » o n). She laughs at it; they spoke of it; there are diverse opinions about it; I leapt over it (aUe = bariibcr). He protected us from it (basor) ; you may depend upon it, barauf fannfl bu bid? ttcrtaffen ! He hindered me from it (bavan); What shall I do with it (baniit) ? I slept well after it. ®o aud) : We sent to him about it = barum, be^wegen ; he fell into it = ^inein. @. aud> This, 3, Which, A, 3. — 3. SSc^t. nocf) Anticipation, 2 u. Emphasis, 1, b. — Stu^erbem Dative, @. C. eitipfe son it: I. 3tt8 (Sub = ject. 1. 93ov einigen Impersonal Verbs (f. b., 9fir. 4) : methinks, methought, may be (may hap) , as appears, as follows; she is as like him as can be. — 2. JBei ber @a§in»crfton, b. 1^. tcenn ein SJJebenfa^ »oc feinen ^aui?tfa§ tritt , blclbt e« aU formctleg ©tttject be? '^cint)U ia^iS njcg (ba8 eigentlidje, (ogifdjc ©ubs ject ifi ebcn ber ganje 3?cbcnfa§) ; To gel a great reputation can happen but to a few men. SBte tm fann e8 (namlirf): I can lend you this book). Did they sing? They did (sc. sing; beutf* : ©ie if^a^ ten eg), 5lc^n(i^ : How can you tell? (so.) Italian. Stalien'g grcifiaatcn U- l^crrf(f)ten einfi ben ^anbel jur See: Statlen be^errfcftt no* baS 3tei(^ ber 5;6ne; ba^er fmb in atle moberncn ®l3ra= c()cn itafientfc&e SSJorter libcrgegangen, \oth (^e ber ©j)ra*c bet mufifalif(6en unb ber J?a«fmann8 = aSctt ange^oren. ®o im •^anbet: almarco, al corso , al pari, ginger, discount, uso, endorsement (unb ®i)3)3e), credit, banco, bankrupt, sardine unb sardel, ducat unb ducatoon; — in ber SKufif: al piacere, dal segno, volta, volti, alia zoppa, ritornel, assai, vivace, adagio, soprano mtt bem ^lurat soprani, f. Plural, B, 5; pianoforte; viol, violin, violino, violoncello. 2lu§erbcm aud) in ber a)2alcret unb anberen Jtiinften unb ein* jelnc atttdgltcfee ^lugbriicfe : cartoon, pallet, fresco, arabesk, miniature, profile, (frag- ments of) relievi, torse, Lagoons, piazza, poetaster, burlesk, canto, stanza ; zec- chino , macaroon , vermicelli u. a. IDte © n b u n g e n ma^cn fte meifi fenntUdi. — UeberbieSlugfvradbe itaHenifdJer aCorter f. ?. S3. (7, 5 ; Gn, 3, unb sergt. Gh, 1 unb Gu, 2. Italics, btc (Surfitofc^rift , b* 1^. bie fc^rdgttegenben Sud^fiaben , bie jur befon= beren ^lu^ieii^nung eingetner SBorter (na= mcnttid) grembn>orter) unb ©dfee bienen, babergef^jerrte oberburd)f^o ffenc Drnd ebenfonjenig im ©ngtifdjcn , als im Wranjofifdjen unb Statienifdjen gebrduc^= Iid> ift. a3cif)3iele bietet jebe <£eitc biefe« i8ud)e«» Its f. Possessive Pronouns. Itself f. Reflective, A. -ize, feltner ise, 33erbalenbung, glei*- bebeutenb mit -fy , f. b. , fottjie mit bent franjof. -iser unb bem beutfcfteu =if iven (= madjen): to familiarize, to utilize, to popularize, to nationalize, to demora- lize, to Italianize neben to italianale in gtcid&em, unb to italicise in tterfdjiebenem @inne. @ol(ftc SSerbeu bilben oft and) Sub^antioe auf -ation : nationalization, naturalisation, subtilization. Latin. 77 jr. J, j, 5eipt ja; nid)t ju oerivec^feln mit I, i ; I a u t e t Pet8 n>ie iaS jifc^enbc g, f. b. : joke, joy; trie feeutf(t)e6 i nur in halle- lujah. a)a8 j miri) nie »erbc))tert, fte^t auc^ nicf|t ju ©nbe eine8 2Borte6 ; f. I. K. 3?aa afiei§t, fo ^ei^tkka. (5« lautet trie im 3)eutfd)en = f, nicfct = g!; kind, tosiuk, to sing; kick, gig. iSov n ift e6 ftumm: to know (trie bie anberii ©aumtautc, g unb c). 33te Dxt^a teit»t eg ftumm). SSergl. N, (§. Suriofum ift bie ©ebraucfe getoorbene StuSft^racfce von colonel = ciirnel ! @o toie ^ier aug 1 ein r toirb , fo aiiit) in ber romanifdj* gevmanifdjen 5oim beg fateinifc^en halec: franjof. hareng, ita(. arenga, = herring. '-Cergt. asparagus, bag familiar toie spar- rowgrass unb Birmingham , bag wic Brummagem ftingt! — llcber bie SSers bo^ tie lung beg 1 f. Conjugation, If, 1, Comparison, A, I, 3, unb LI. — L ifi bet toeidjfteSonfonant, ge^t ba^er au* Iei(fet in ben bum|)ffien SJocal, inn iiber , jebod) feltner, a(g im granjofifAen (audj in ben liBrtgen romanifdjen @i>ra= <&en ge^t eg in mel^re anbere ©onfonanten unb UJocale iiber) : a beau , a belle = beau, belle uonbellis; aubade , toie im franjof., »on alba, ber JEageganbrucft ; bagegen ifi eg in alb, alba, bag S^orl^cmb, beibe^alten ; fo an* alms neben bemSran* §i3f. aumone (friil^er almosne) »on elee- mosyna; fell ncben peau »on pellis. iKg(. Latin. Labials f. Consonants, 2, a. Last f. Late unb The, C, 4. Late l^at neben ber rege(md^igen @oms ):taration later unb the latest auc^ latter imb the last; later unb the latest mel^r i. ®. »on fpdter, ber fvatefte, unb latter unb the last me^r = ber te^terc , Ie§tc, duferfte; f. noc^ Demoustrative. Latin, Latinism : f. Etymology, 2, 3, 9. — I. S3eifpiete ber 3) e r d n b e r u n g beg Sate in. im franjof. unb ©ngl. bonilas, bonle, bounty, eleemosynarius, almosnier, almoner. (je^t aumonier) tempus, temps, tense, populus, penple, people, novus, iiieuv, new. (f^jfiter neuf) extraneus, estrange, strange. (etrange) acris, aigre, eager. Cauda, queue, cue. aWan fic^t beutli* bie JtiJrV^ertoanberung beg Sateinifcfeen bur(^ bag 21 1 1 franjofifc^e in'g ©nglifc^e; f. nod? Multiplication. — II. Oft toerben, toie fdjon in obigen aSeif^ieten , ganje @ilben auggefto^cn: penicillum : pencil (= ^pinfet) ; spiritus : spright, neben spirit; palalium : place (u. palace) ; corona : crown ; f. Euphony, B. g3efonber8 ftotf dnberten ^d^ bie oft ge* 78 ■le Brauditeu @tqctinamen: Egidius = Giles, Jacobus = James, Jemmy. — III. 95cr = wanbte Suctjfiabcn, ttoriuggwcife btc Liquids, iDurben nut einanbcr »cv; taufdjt: pignus — pawn; lege — law; pellis — fell ; piscis — fish. er = iaffen, f. Dative, 3: I leave it to your choice (care). I was left to myself. i5ebocf) and) : The anguish I felt left me no rest. His father left him no fortune What is left ?ne now ? 3» i, ©. ». 1^ in^ tertaffen, f. Accusative, B, I, 2: He left his daughter his only heiress. to Let; 1. meifi «§itf8»ei6, mit bent Snfiinit. ol^nc to : Let me know it. i\m [ein iicb man j. 58. cween ft. queen, heofen ft. heaven, gif ft. give, unb fing erfl frcitec an, bem jebcnfallS jhjeifacftcn Saute biefeS f jttjci ticvfdiiebenc 3cic^f« JU gebcn; »ergl. Euphony, D, @. 2)en eigent^iimlidjen bs Saut bejeid)nct man erft feitbem 13. 3a^r^. burcfe th; fru^er l^attc man bafiir jwei au6 bem gebitbetc 3eid)en, eincS fur ben fdiarfen, ba6 anberc fiir ben fauften 8aut. Like. 1. 3Ibjiecti», l&at au§na^m6iBeifc (f. Dative, 2) ben Dbjectio ol^ne to nac^ fid) : The end is like the beginning. @benfo unlike. 2. 5lbtterb bev 33erg(et= d)ung, me as. !Dei: toon manc^en ®vam= matifern angcgebcnc Unterfd)ieb : as fage, ttjag Semanb iB i r f n d) fei , like nur, tt)em cr dl^nlid) fei, tft nid)t begrunbct, ibIc bie 2 erfien SSeif^jielc nnter as jeigen. 33ergt. aud) ben te^ten ®a& untec Vet mit biefem ; The masts bent and quivered like twigs (@mo((et). iJfeilid) fann like nld)t angeben , n) a 6 , [onbevu nur , tu i e Semanb ift, as aber tl^ut b e i b e S. They looked all like dead men. @, no^ How. to Like ^eijit eigenttii^ lieben, gem l&aben ; iBir fc^en aber bafur meifi ge fatten, unb bann n^irb nnfcre ©on? ftruction ber engtifd|en entgegengefc^t : to like f)cit bie 5P e r f n , njeld^er (StwaS angene^m ifi, atS ©ubject, bie ange- ne^me® ad)e atsDb ject; bci„g efa ts ten" bagegen ifi bie ^dufer; few little houses, hjenig Heine •§fiiifcr. Little l^eift nur wjeiitg, unbebeutenb; a little abtr ifl ftdrfei- = @tt»a6, wenn au^ iiirfjt cben »{et. Q^ergl. Few unb Much. LI: 1. JU 2lnfau9 uon (2Baatfcr) ©igennamen = 1: Lloyd, Llewelliu. 2. 2)ie @n b u n 9 // ivirft ein / ab, fobalb bie 2lbteitunggfj)I6en less, ness, ly, ful bal^inter trcteu : skill — skilful ; dull — dulness (jcbod^ auct) dullness gcf^rieben). 3. 2;rttt all oor, oitx/ull i^inter ein SBort, fo serderen fie ein 1, all abet nid^t immcr : alwajs^ alniighty — abe r.allwis e ; hand- ful, dutiful. Sle^nli^ in einjetnen (VdUcn : wic tobefal, toforelel, to fulfil, 3)a8 @egcnftii(f f. Conjugation, II, 1. to Love, flcl^t fehen t. @. t*. to like (f. b.) = gem : I always loved to be at church — . I loved to see them happy. M. HI, l^ei§t unb kutet tt). i. 35. : mamma. 33 e g i n n t ein 325 ort init mn, fo ifi iai m {)umm : mnemouicks ; f. bagegen 3'^. to Make: 1. taffen (f. to Cause) mit bent Snftn. 1^ n c to : He made me stand during the whole lime. — 2. 3m @. ». madden: f. Accusative, B, I, 2 unb 5, Adjective, B, 4 unb Participle, B, 3: Art made him more than ever reserved. A firm will , making death a victory — . Make his secrets ours! We made them l"riends again. Her position made her looked up to by her relations as the head of her family. / am not to be made such a fool as to make me believe that the moon is made of green cheese. I will make you find your legs. You will make yourself miserable. — May. 79 Male f. Epicene, 3. Man unb feine Bufaminenfe^ungen f. Plural, III, 1 unb 2. Man-of-war, in bcr ^erfoniftcation (U b.) tvelbli(§ : The man-of-war sent out y^er boats. Many, ^Uivai ju much, f. b. ^Ht a fte^t e8 — ganj feiner Slbftammung »on ,,mand^" gemdp — <\iS ©ingutar: f. //, an, C, I, 4. 5lu§crbem ifi eS aitd& ®ubfianti\3 unb flcl^t bann nur im 8ingu= tar : f. Few. a .... many: [. ^4, an, C, III. Masculine. J. Masculine Hhyme, ein m d n n I i d) c r, b. 1^. einfitbtger 9Jetm, njic man unb can, away unb decay, hour unb bower, sigh'd unb hide, grave unb brave. ®» Feminine, A. — B. Mascu- line Gender l^aben bie Stamen mdnn(ict)cc ^erfonen unb %\)\txt. llcbrigenS f. Per- sonification, Common, Epicene unb Fe- minine, B unb C. Master, un»erturjt gef^rieben, mirb master gefproc^cn unb bebeutet QJJeificr, Sel^rer, ©ebieter u. f. to. %U %\Ul »cr ^igeunamen fdireibt man Mr. unb fprictjt mister; man brau(^t e« bann auct> nur im ©ingutar, im ^jpturat fefet man gentlemen. ©.Abbreviation u. Mistress. (5^ njirb ni^t, ttjic unfcr'^err, »di- an? berc !XituIaturen gefe^t : nicfct Mr. Doctor, Mr. Professor, fonbern nur : Good morn- ing. Doctor (Professor) u. f. tt). Sebccl) finbct eg fid^ »or 2tmt^ttte(n, r»ic Mr. Justice, Mr. Maire, Mr. Chairman. I May. $rcf. %. : I may, thou mayst, he may — . Sm^erf. %.: I might, thou mighlest obcr mightst u. f. f. 1. 3dfli[(^e. Mine f. Possessive pronouns. Mistress , untierfiirjt gefc^rieben, fpticbtman (x\\i : misiress=^errin, 3)ame u. f. f» 2113 blofien Xitet t>ot 9Tamen (= grau, SJabam) fcbreibt man e8 Mrs. mib fprid)t niTssjs. SScrgt. Master. Modern words, modern construc- tions: wtwt, nengcbilbcte SDorter ober alte, aber in einem neuen®inne gebraud)te SiBorter ; neue, eigent^itmUcije obei- bem J^erfommtidten nur d^nlidie (5onftructio= nen. OJJanc^e foldicrSieuerungen miif fen atlgemein merben, iueil bie Sortfdjritte bev SBiffenf^aften, Jliinfie, gefelligcn SJers fealtniffe neue JBegriffe bringen , fiir bie man bod| aud) Slamen l^aben muf 5 ans bere, uieUeidjt in augenblidlidjer Saime vom 9lutor gebilbetc, ftnb minbec not^ig, Mrs. madien aber bod) mitnnter aud) (SHicf. SSeifpiele: holel, grog, hypocaust, aboli- tionist, autirevolution, fatherland, keep- sake, to yacht, flugelman, guttapercha, guano, to lint, to veto, electro-magnetic, air-speaker, revolver, vesta (f. Antono- masia), 2meS, hjaS mit bem 3) am^^ f ju* fammen^dngt u. a. Monophthong f. Digraph, A. Monosyllable, (5 i n f i t b t c r, aBocter tion nur einer (Silbe, wie : I, you, house, he drenched, I showed. 3)cn ©egenfa^ f. imter Accent, I, B, 1—3. Month l^at ben ©igennamen mit of na^ ft^. ®. Apposition, HI. Moods, afiebetreifen, f. Infinitive, Par- ticiple, Indicative, Conjunctive, Im- perative. Moon, in aUtdgtidjer @^3rad)c al3 0leutei-, in i^oetif^er *]3evfcnification ge= minin (= Sima) : The moon threw her light upon the scene. 35a|ier l^ei^t er aud) the Queen of Night = ber ^onig ber SSl(x6)t. @» Sun unb Personilicalion. More f. Much u. Comparison, A, 11. di flel^t oft al« 3lbjecti», wo tvir ein 2lb = » e r b ju fe^en vPegen : = n d) , twieber. I shall write 07ie inore letter to him {= no(^ einen ^licf). Six more horses were lead after him (= nod) 6 qSfcrbe, 6 we is tere, fern ere ^ferbe). Once more ^eift: nDd)malg; atiy more, nod) wcl^e? not any more, feine me^r, ni(^t me^r. Most f. Much, Comparison, A, II unb Adjective, A, I, 2, b. 2118 5lb j e c t i» ber 31 n J a ^ t — atfo im ^Plural — ^at e8 gewij^nlid) the n i (^ t bei ftd). Most of us. Most sorls of berries. Most of them were born in France. We were visited by the gentlemen in the neighbourhood, most of them our relations. Mount l^at weber ben Jirtifel ttor, no* o/nnd)rtd): Mount Cents, Mount Ver- non, Mount St. Godhard, Mount Etna. 2)agegen pe^t Mountain mit 2rrtifel unb of: The Mountain of the Andes. @.Apposilion,ni. Mr. f. Master. Mrs. f. Mistress. Much — Much, SCngaBe ber 9Jiaffe, f)at im $Iiirat mani/, SIngabe ber 3^1^;!; i»" Gtcmt»aratb 7nore unb im ©iiterlatiw 7/10*^- f. b. unb t»crgl. Liltle. Much ifi .^ronointnali obfr 3n^I=5tl)|ectttt unb 5lb= X)cxh : He has much money , but many children too ; — too many people. Think much and speak liltle, @. auc^ noc^ Very, A, 1. Multiplication. Numbers of mul- tiplication , SSertiictfaltigungSs 5 a 1^1 en, gibt ti nur tttenige, fammttict) lateinifd)£n ®f^>ragcg : single, double u. treble ober triple ; bie iibiigen: quadru- ple, quintuple, sixtuple, octuple, decu- ple, centuple fmb hjcntg , fafl nur in twif- fenfcf)aftlict?en SBerfen im ©ebraud) ; gc; njo^nlidj crfe^t man fie burd) Slnl^cingung Mon-fo/d =. sfaci): fourfold, sixfold, a hundred-fold u. f. fv., aucfe fct)on two- u. threefold fiir double unb treble. I Must, gcinjtic^ untoervinberli(!&e8 aSerb; ift eigent(ict) nur ^refent Senfe, fte^t aber oft nud} nU Smjjerfect, obfctjon c3 mandjc ber >gerren ©rammatifer nid)t leibcn njotlen; ei f)cit bann, fonsie ought, ben mit to have jufammengefe^ten 3nfi= niti» (ter aSergangen^eit) nat^ fid) : Mrs. Filzpatrick must have been ac- quainted with her. Nad John inherited the great qualities of his father, ... the house of Planlagenet ?nust have risen to unrivalled ascendency in Europe {3Iacaulay); i^ier Uepe fic^ ftatt must and) — mit etnja^ »erdnbertem ®inne — might, could, should, would eiufe§en, lauter unbejn^eifcUe 3mpevfect«. 5Ufo nur nid)t „engbriiflig" in ber Uieurt^cihmg, iuenn auc^ ttcrfiditig in ber Slnttjenbung ! 3m lUbrigeu mirt baSSe^Ienbe tourd) shall, unb n^o cieS nid)t au6reid^t, bard) bejfen @t[a^(eute ergdnjt; f. audi to Have, B, I, 2 unb ben 3. Safe unter Accusative, C, 1. nBeifpiel einer umgefe^rten 6on= ftruction : He must have ended his life in poverty = er ^ at t e .... enb en muf fen. Mutes: 1. im engern ©inner f. Con- sonants, 2, b.— 2. 3m weitern ©inne nennt man einen 33ud)flab€n mute cber silent, fobalb er nid)t mit auggefprod^en wirb. 3 e b e r SSudJflabe, q auSgenommtn, ifi in Si. 9lltred)t, (jrammat. Ofiorterl*. Nasal. 81 irgenb einem italic cinmat fiiimm. 55ie8 jcigen fotgenbe Shorter (ber f c 1 1 e iBnc^fiabe ifi ber fiumme): marriage, doubt, cnasler, victuals, yacht, hand- some , Hidepark, formed, life, half- penny, gnat, phlegm, sigh, heir, friend, venison, knee, calf, fusil, mnemonicks, hymn, kiln, reason, psalm, corps, phthisic, Mrs., island, castle, currant, corinth, clothes, pique, guest, seven- night (aud) sennight gefd)riebcn), wrong, Avho, twopence, toward, housewifery (hiizifry), a billet-doux (f. x) , day, rendez-vous. Unb nun ttcHenbg in ^igens namen I 3fliefen fiirg 3iuge, 3n)ergnoten fitrg Of)v: Brougham = Brom , Chol- mondely = chiiraly, Knowles = nolz, Marlborough,Hngdes=uz, AInewick. ®. nod> -cester vrnt Digraph, (§. My, betont, im ©egenfa^e, f)5ric^ my ; fonfi my : This is my dog, not yours. My dog is as pretty as my cat. 35a]^er au^ myself. SJergU By. Uebrigen3 f. Possessive Pronouns. Myself f. Reflective, A unb My. N: SfJame unb Saut ic. i. 5). : nine; f. nodj Nasal. ® tumm ifi eg in ben @n = b u n g en In unb mn (f. bagegen M) : kiln, autumn. 3li ein flummeS n ©nbung beS Snftnitiw, fo bleibt eS au^ in ber g I e y i c n (b. ^. in alien (SonjugationSformcn) fiumm : to condemn, condemning, con- demned ; in ber 3) e r i » a t i n aber (b. ^. in antern 2lb (e ttungen) nurb ba« » laut: fo in condemner, condemnation (f. 2te^nnd)eg unter L). Name : ber n^irflicfte ©igennamc fiel^t mit o/ljabei: The name of Maria. The name of second Calo delighted his ear. @. Apposition, III. Nasal sound. S)en 9iafenlaut ^at n tjor alien ©aumenlauten, alfo »or g, c, k, ch, q, X (nsie in 9lngft , bang, ®ang): uncle, anchor, bank, banquet, lynx, to sing,^lo sink; unterfd)eibe TOcfli sinking = fingsfing , ttnb singing = 82 Near fingsing, ntc&t [ing^ging, iinb singeing (toon to singe) = sin-jing, oT;ne Slafal in bcr eifien ®il6c. Near: 1. Somjjaratb : nearer, @nijer= Iati» : nearest unb next. — 2. 9ta^ near fte^t berC&icctio Balb mtt, batb o^ne ?o : Drawing his chair nearer the fire — ; near to the eye ; the place then nearest lis — ; next to the city ; a(fo tvit i. 2). : na^e ber ©tabt unb nnlje b e I bev @tabt ; »evgt. ^Pf. 88, 4. to Keed Ijat meift ben Snfinitto o^n e to nadf> fid); nur roenn it needs ftreng nn^erfcntirf) ju ne^men ift, b. f). ivenn untet bent it nic^t irgenb fceftimmte ^txio' nen gu »eifte^en finb, fut^t ber 3nfinitt« mit to, namcntUA n^enn fttntet needs nod) ein Object ftcl}t: You need not go there. It needed no more to ruin him (no more ift bag Object ju bem ftreng im= ^jerfonateu it needs). „It needs not g-o there" ifi nid)t fcf)Icct)tevbtng8 un)5erfonlicf), man bcnft bet bem it an bic 5^ erf on, tuelc^e nic^t ju ge^eu bvaurf)t (njtc bei ,,man" = 'I ne faut pas y aller) ; ba"^er fann to niegblcibcn — eg fonnte nber aud) gefe^t njerben. Negation, neg'ative, ©ernetnung, »erneinenb: f. Affirmative. 1, SSoUe Stlegattonen finb not, no, none, never, nor (f. b.), neither, nowhere u. bgt* — 2. ^albnegatito ift any (f. b.) unb fetne 3ufammenfe§ungen anywhere, anything, anybody. — 3. 91act) einct: 9Jegation miifCcn bie ^^tonominalfovmcn buvdjs g an gig l^atbncgatiw fein (?l 1 1 v a c - t i n ber Si c g a t i o n e n) , mfi^renb fie i. 5). beja^enb finb : (5r gab n i e 3 e m a n s b e m @ t n? a 8 : He never gave anytlnng to any one, nidft : He never gave something to some one (il ne donna jamais rien h. personne : ebenfo latcinifc^ unb italienifdi). I could not do it for anything (= fiic OllleS in ber SBeit). He should never see anything. I was refused without ariy reason {o^wt ollett ®runb ; bie 9legatton ticgt in without = there was no reason, franj. sans aucunc raison). ®b aud) in S r a g e n , toenn fl(& ivgenb eine »ernctnenbe 3lntn?ort eintarten ■ Neuter. Xci^t: Will you have anything with nie? Is there any hope? Has anybody hcea here (= personne). 3m !Deutfc6en ifi foldje befrdftigenbe Siegationen^aufung vuIgdrobev»erattet(93avud:6, 36;l.<2am. 6, 7; 5Pf. 140, 11 ; ^iob G, 13; 3. aTfof. 26, 1 ; 4. ajJof. 19, 2 u. befonbcrg 4.3}iof. 16, 15. @o auc^ bet 5) e c i u g : ,,barum, ba^ nun unb n i m m c r m e 1^ r ung riibren fann fein @djabe," unb bei Sutler: „c3 if! ja bod) f ein anberer ni d&t." — „ J?aiin ung bod) fein Job n i d) t tobten." ^. ©eri^arb. Unb jtuei n o H e a3ernei= nitngen biirfen jur SSerfidrfung aud^ im @ngtifd)cn n i d) t nebcn einanber ftcl^en ; fie :^eben einanber auf unb biiben eine 23 c = f al^ung , U). i. 3). : (5't= i»a8 fd&maufen. @. uBrigenS no* Reflec- tive, II, B, 1. — II. 5)ie gufammenges fe^ten 3eiten bet 93erb8 neuter bilbet man m e ifl mit to have, wid ber 93egriff ber <§ a n b t u n g cormaltet : I have been, gone, walked, come, started. 3tii S)cut= f^en jle^t bafur oft fclu (bei Sutler fettner, al6 je^t \ ttgl. ,,n3ir ^ a 6 e n genjan= belt/' 1* ®am. 25, 15), alfo ber Segriff be? 3uftanbe8: id} bin gewefen, ge? gangen , gefonimen u. f. f. To be fie^t im @nglifd^en nur bann, tuenn man fagen »in, ba^ ber auf bie Sil^dtigteit foIgenbe3 «= flanb eingetreten fei unb fortbauerc, fo ba§ mit^in ba« $articit gang abjccs t i tt i f (^ c n ®inn l^at : he has gone l^el^t : er ifl ttjeggegangen , aber he is gone : er ijl gegangen imb ifl nun fort. 3)a^er: He is dead and gone for ever. 5lber: He has gone a great while under an ill report. — I have gone too far ; aber : And — No. 83 ao 't will be when / am gone (wenn t* ^ i n u b e r bin). Those joyous hours are passed away (=r cntjToben). His head %uas sunk upon his bosom (ergcinge : and rested there). — Is she come? — '\\i fic ba? bagegen : She has come twice here (unb ii^ reteber fortgegangen). — iDap in ben beiben Preterite Futures (f. Future, A, I, 3) n ur to have Pel^en fann, \\\ felbfttjerfianblid) ; benn f shall be imb I should be mit bem ^jaffttten^artici^iuaren X^ a f f i tt e Sormen : fo I shall have borne, ic^ roerbc getragen 1^ a b en unb I shall be borne, ic^ werbc getragen njerben; I shall have awaked (actio unb neuter) fann i^eipen: id) n^erbe genjecft l^abcn unb: i^ werbe erwadit fein ; I shall be awaked aber nur : i^ hjerbe genjecEt n^erben (Jjaffiu). Never f. 1. A, an, C , II, 3. — 2. Ad- verb, C, a, 7. — 3. SWandjmal fle^t never so fur ever so : They will not fear to engage the enemy, be he never so nume- rous. (®ebanfc: He will never be so numerous as to be feared by them.) She observed, that, let people be newer so much in the right, there were some folks who would never do them justice (Smol- let). We will tame them be they never so fierce. 3)ie8 never — fon manrtjett ®rammati!ern angefod)tcn — flel^t frdfti= ger, mel^r ijeraHgemeinernb, aU ever, d 1^ n^ t i iti bem frang. jamais. ICgl. anii) But, 7. News ift cigenttic^ Plural noun, njirb aber and) aU ©ingurar gebraud^t : a true news; this news. Next f. 1. Near. — 2. The, C, 4. @« tritt auc^ 1^ inter fein ©ubjlantto : on friday next = next friday. No, fein, 1. fie^t mit, 7ione aber oi^ne ©ubflantiB, njeit e3 anS no one gnfammengegogen ift (»ergt. bem @inne nad) = nul unb point; ber j5orm nait) ifl chaque u. chacuu gang dl^nlic^). ®. None. A'o power in death can tear our names apart, as none in life could rend thee from my heart. 5 r it § c r in ber 91 e g e t, je^t nur felt en fe^t man none audi) »or ©ubftantioen, bie mit einem SSocat anfans gen, unb sermeibet baburc!^ ben «&iatu6 : none effect. SBql. Possessive, B, II, 2. — 84 Nominative @tatt no tritt none auc^ mand^maf ein, inbem ei iei 9iacf>bvu(f3 tvegen t>on feinem @ubftantb g e f eft i e b e n irirb : E mploy- menl, income, have they none = They have no employment, no income. (2le^n? lic^ in @ubbcutfd)tanb : (Sinfommen ^at er f einS.) But of education she had none. — 2. No jie^t fvir not : a) wov Sotn; Vavatioen (loon 5[t»»crbien), mt no less, no more, no longer; ftel^t abet nodj cin SIbBerb »dv bem Som^aratiw, fo fe|t man not: not a?ii/ more, not any longer. -3ttfo: I shall wait no longer obev I shall not wait any longer. SSeigf. ^, (in, C, I,5unbE,2. @o fte^t ,,fein" in$f. fiO, 13. — h) ©benfaUg file not iiac^ whether im jtreiten ©afeglicbe : Resolve whether you will or no. Siibc^ fann l^ier aucf) not ftel^en. Slel^nticf) : Will you do it or no? (!l)opl>eIfvage.) Nbm'inative. JDcv ©cbrauc^ biefcS SaltcS fiimmt ganj mit bcra 3)eutfcOcu; f. noct) Subject itnb Accusative , C , 1. 9luperbem fiel^t bcr bo)3))ette 511 o mis nati» in jwei iJdUcn, tt>o ivir meifi an jweiter @tcHe bcr ^rcHjofitionen ,,al8, ju, fiir" bebitrfen; ncimlici) 1. na* bem 5Jaff ttt bcr SSerbeu, bic im Stctitt eincn bcw«iten 2lccu[ati» regievcn: f. Accusative, B, I, 2. — 2, 9iad) ben 33erben, bie aU ^Jrdbicat ein2lbjecti» l^aben fonncn — f» Adjective, B, 4 — nnb nart) ben il^nen finn»ettt)anbten fann flatt beS 5lbjcctit)8 au* ein (Subftantit* flcfien : He came in a rich man and went out a beggar. ®o t ,,@r !ommt, er fommt ein ^onig — ." $aut ©cr^arb. He com- menced doctor two years ago. He com- menced an author by profession. He died a martyr lo the cause: abfo lutcr 9]ominattx> ; f. Absolute, II, 1 unb As. — 3. Ucbcv ben Nominative with the Infini- tive f. Accusative, B, I, 5. None f. No. (gtc^en fur none feinc beiben %^i\it'. no one, fo ifl bcr @a§ njcit nac^brucfli(t)er; I crouch lo no one, obey no one, respect no one. 5lb|ectit5ifct) : No one hoztse had escaped the general ruin (= fcin einjigeS). Nor. 1. Nor .. nor (mtr bi(i&terifcfe) — obet neither . . . nor = weber . . . no(^ — Number. (ni .. ni). — 2. gur and not im jweiten ©Hebe eineg tterncincnben bem jioeiten ©ubfiantiw ric^ten, ba i^iec bcibe cinanber gletc^ jle^en (bag gtocite tft ber ©teHttertr et er beg er^ ften) : Physics are the science which . . . cber Physics is the science which .... INumeralsi , f. Cardinal , Ordinal, Fraction , Multiplication , Repetition, Date. o. O, ]^ei§t 0. S a u t : 1. 6 = (in 9lote) : no, note, lorn, in unBetonten @ilben tiir; jer : echo, negro. — 2. o = o mit [c^ttja- c^emSlnflang »cn a: (gteirf) bem franjof. o in Rome) not, torrent. — 3. o = lan^ gem u : move. — 4. o = tiefem o mit fiarfem SlnHnng t>on a , ttergf. a : nor, order. — 5. o = o mit 2lnf(ang »cn c = 0/6, ttiie ii: done, some. — 6. o in torn Tofen ®il6en , Bor r wit ein bum)?fe«, ]^aI6fauteg c (in SScrbot), ■cov anbcrn a5urf)jlaben t»ie o {^v. 2) , aber g a n j fur J : actor, confess. — 7. @tumm ijl o ijfterg in ber (5nbung on : to reckon, cotton, pardon, lesson. @g gibt alfo : ein reineg o (o) ; bann mit @ r 1^ 6 ^ u n g beg Sauteg ein o unb ein o mit 5{nflang »on a (0 unb 6) unb ein o mit 3lnf(angBon e (o); mit a?crtiefuug begSauteg:6, (angeg »i ; ein »erflud)tigteg o (o) unb ein fium; meg. — 8. Slugnal^mg'njeife ftingt o no^ tt)ie hirjeg u in : wolf, woman ; trie Objective. 85 wo in one, once ; njie i in women. — iDie Saute 5 u. 6 ftei^en oft fur unfer ei : bone, stone , hoi , row ; 6 au(^ fiir anbere 93o5 cate : love (Siebe) , dove (Slaube) , to rob (rauben) , rod (SRut^c) ; 9 fiir tontofeg e : forgotten, to forbid. — !!Da o ofterg gteis d)e 2lugi>rad)e mit « ^at (o = u) , fo fc^ttjanft auc^ man^mat bie Ort^o = g r a V 1^ i e jtt3if(f)en beiben 33oca(en, jeboc^ ifi o meifi corjujie^en : fo to con unb to Clin, Avhilsuntide unb whitsontide, to pommel imb to pummel , diachylum unb diachylon (Jateinifcftc unb gried)if({)e @ns bung). — 5)ie 5)igra)?]^en imb Dis ^^t^ongen, luelc^c O bitbet, f. a. i. O. Oa, 1. = o : coach ; -^ 2. = o : broad ; — 3. = o : waistcoat, ©etrennt in co- acted u. a. Object , ber ®egcnfianb , auf ben fidj bie -^anbhrng eineg 93erb erftrerft. Dag nal^ere (birecte) Dbject jlelgit im 2(ccufa- tiio , bag ent f ernter'e ( inbirecte) im 3)atir>. ^a biefc beiben Safug im ©ng* tifdjen meijl in cine Sorm jufammenfaUeit, fo nennt man fie aucf) jufammcn ben Objective; bag 3Ceitere f. bei Dative unb Accusative, B, I, 1. Diefetbe 3Ser= fc^meljung jroeier ©^jaltungen in i^rc ^ijl^ere ©inl&eit l^aben njir im Deutfc^en bei: fi(^, f. Personal, B, 5, ein an* ber, eu^, ung, bei toielen (5igen = nam en (granjen, Souifen), auc^ bei ttie« ten^turalen aufn (33Iumen, Stcgein, aJienf^en), ben 35 e r li n e r 5) i a I e c t unb bag Sei)3jiger ,,^^mn" fiir „@ie" ni(i)t ju erttja^nen ! ©benfo im granjofifcben me, te, se , nous , vous ; aud) in ben iibrigen romanifcfeen ©^jradjen. 3m (5nglifd)en aber entfpringt aug bem attgemeincn 3ufammen= fluffc ber beiben (Safug and) eineJJiirjc beg 2lugbrucEg; benn ein unb baffelbe SGBort fann nuntion jmei »erfd}iebenen ifiers ben abl^cingig fein, beren eineg (in anberen @prad)en) ben 3)ati», bag anbere ben 5tc5 cufatio regiert ; eg brauc^t bann atfo nur einmat gefe§t ju twerben, jua^renb eg in anberen ©^radien in »erfd)iebener 5 r m ttjieber^olt toerbeu mup : He loved and served his father = @r liibtc feis nen 93 at er unb btente il^m. He loved 86 Oe and served God. SiU^ec jiel^t elJenfo iu= fammen : 3. 3)Zof. 19, 13. Oe, 2)t9ra)5]^ : 1. = o : doe ; — 2. o : shoe ; — 3. = o : he does. — 4. = c : anioeci ; — 5. = e in oecou'omy unb tt)ie e in oeconom'ic (beffec economy unb eco nomic gef(i^riet»en). ^treifilbig in poem u.a Oeii = fi in manoeuvre, alfo S^iigraj^^ Of, bag 3eic^cn bcS @cniti», nebcn bem 's beg ^JoffeffiW; f. Declension. a)ian bvaudtt bicfe ®eniti»form T 1. SBo !ein SScfi^ angcgcbeniuirb: The chief mountains of Europe; f. Active, E, From itnb By. @o Juirb o/oud& unmittelbar mit finer 3al^vja|itt»erbiinben : The champaign of 1780 (betgt. In). — 2. Scborf) fte^t eS auc6fiattbe8 $offeffi», namentU(^ njo mel^rere @eniti»e jufammenfonmicn : [.Genitive; ferner fcei einem fubfian^ tiioifd) gebraudjten 2lbjecti»; The happiness of the wicked (ntcf)t the wicked'* happiness). 2lUein au^ bei biefen SlbjectiBcn bitbet man mituntcr ben $cffe[fl» : the poor's box , the learued's task. 3. Stu^crbem bient o/ ju 93 e r = binbung eintS Dbevbegriffg mit feinemUntevbegr if fe: f. Apposition, III. — 4. 3ur ^erausiiebung ein= getncr au8 c in erOJi en ge won S)ingen: Of all the men I know he is the most cautious, ^iebei »evfa:^rt abcr bag (^ng^ iifrfje, njcnn »Dn einem 58 efi^e bie JRebe tft, anberS, ciU itnfrc @)3cacfee: a.) aiBiv fc^cn bag «§ a u Ji t n? o r t ber a)lenge, tuoj rang (Sinjelne l^eraugge^oben iuevben, in ben ® e n i t i » ^ I u I- a I (obcv mit » o n) : brei i^rer Sriiber, jtoei »on mcinen 5|i f e vb e n. (Jnglif^ aber fe^t man biefeg ^am^trtjort gfeid) ju itv^a^l unb lapt baun nur bag befi^anjcigcnbc g it r n? o r t im ®eniti» folgen: three brothers of hers ; two horses of mine. Siatiirnc^ jte^en bann auct) bic unio crbnnbenen Oatt bei- tteibunbencn ^offeffi»)3voncung : tvie l^iei- hers unb mine jlatt her unb my. ebeutet c8 »on fclbft (c^nc Slnregunfl »on aupcn), an unb fur fic^: The machine moves of itself. Thy calm clear brow . . . which of itself shows irnmorlalily. SSergt. In, By , To. — 9. (Sn%Ud) ifi of \>on sietcn aScrfi en (f. From unb togt. Preposition, A, (§.) unb 2lbjectitten (f.b., D,l) ah- pnijig. — 10. aC c 9 i3 e I a f f c n mivb of l^ciuftg bet worthy , unworthy, on board, on — side, oft ober and) gefc^t: They are worth a better fate. He went on board a steamer. gemeine^ Pronoun personal: 1. 3m ®. ». man: f. Personal, @. — 2. 5m @. \). S e m a n b , @ i n e r ; bann l^at e8 oft ein 21 b J e c t i » cber ein vaffineS 5P a r = ticiv nac^ fid), ivcfur i. 2). ein rela* tt»er ©a^ fiel^t: He was going to sa- lute my daughters as one certain of a kind reception. There were two ladies... The one selected was the younger (bic ern3ar;(te). He stood like one planet- struck = mie (5iner, ben fein ©djidfat er= reiditl^at; dbniid): nne ein »om 2)onner ©etroffener. Your nature is one formed to wrestle successfully with the world. 2lud) ein ©igennatne wecbinbct ft* bamit: one Vale, ein gchjif fer 33a(e; One Pick- wick , One Gabriel Grubb. 2)icS flibt fdion einigeS Stc^t fiir ba6 Solgenbc, @d)njicrtgerc. (Jfiergt. ctud) bag pronoun T/iat, A, 3). B. 21(8 ©teltttertreter eine8 » o r = ^erge^cnben @ubjtanttt»8: He was a poet and (unb Jtrar) one of the best, I resolve to set up as a gentleman, having as legitimate pretensions to the rank of one (= eincS fcld)cn) as many others. 1. @o befonber^ bei 2(tjiectioeri unb ben bemonfiraticen QJronomcn. Oft aud) im ^PrAbicatc , njcnn bieg bie ®adic genjiffermapen in etnc Slaffe ftellt, tvo ba^r im ©ingular a i>or bag 2lbjectii9 tritt. ®o itn 2. unb 3. ber folgenben @d^e. Dann fie^t meifi i. 3). gar giidjtg bafi'ir: There are two dogs , a black one and a grey one; the black one is my own. Your heart is a good one. Chapter V : — a short one. Your breakfast will be a disturbed one. A Paris winter .... and a Brussels one. From the sublime to the ridiculous there is but one step; and from old clothesmen to old clothes there is but half a one. I think it was in this one {(§ Qif)t these temples t>orl^er). Good hotels and bad ones. This man is wiser than that one. Your former days and your latter ones. A he -goat and two she-ones; f, nocfe ^4, an, E, 2. — 2. SDianc^s mal rertritt one ein n i d^ t tt o r a u a g e = gangencg, aUgcmeiueg, letd>t au« bem 3ufammenbange ju ergdnjcnbeS 2Bort; bann ifl eg genjifferma^en fetbfl ©ubfians 88 One's self ti» ; fo in : any one , every one , such a one ; it is all one to me ; my little ones= children; the great ones of the world (bie ©ro^en). A bad great one is a great bad one. Avaunt, ye evil ones! (= spirits). A knowing one, ein Jtcnner ; a Mt ^icv cSenfo, h>ie in ben obcn (B, 1) ijegeSenen SStifpiefcn; e8 gcl^ort ni^t gum 2lbiccti» (tuic ^crv ©vorfcfcit nuint), foubei-n ju one, ober toielmc^r jubemuntei- one tiei-i^anbcncn @ubpanttt» (man). C. 9lt(^t gefc^t n)irb one 1, t>ei Slbjectittcn , bie fic^ auf cin 21 b fi r a c t u m ober einen © t o f f n a m e n bejie^en : I am going to buy cloth, shall I take black o brown. (NB. ^iec fie^t aber and) nid)t a black or a brown, ebcn tviii eS tin ® t o f f ift.) Swift was born for turbulent times not for cahn. — 2. ^)UA) (Som^cixa' titten unb @uj3cvlati»en: I have two sons: the elder has gone to America aSgf. ben jnjetten ®a^ oben, A, 2. 21 u 8 = n al^m Sif eife: a maiden of forly ami two younger ones. — 3. 2lud) nad) 3 a I; = ten fiel^t ti nirf)t: You have ten dollars, give me ttvo. 2Birb nad) biefen cine 33e= fiimmung nijl^ig erad^tet, fo fe§t man :pev= font. $ronDun« : You have many books, lend me two of them {pretes-tn''en deux, franjof.)* ®o awdi x Should Bombay ever be laid under contribution by a French line-of-battle ship (and one such would be sufficient for the purpose) = unb e i n fo(d)c3 ttjurbe — . golgt ein Slbjectit) auf tie ^a^l, fo erl^eifdjt b i c f e 8 natiir; Iic^ meitv one : I have heard an Italian song, and two English ones. Wlan tiet= geffe jebod) bie sorige Stummer (2) t;icrbei nid)t! Siir bag blope one mup a one fiel^en , iuenn bie unter ^, an, E, 1 unb 2 gegebenen j^ciUe eintreteu: it was as vindictive a one as could well have been resorted to. In the yard of one of those inns , of no less celebrated a o?ie than the White Heart. One's self f. Reflective, A. Only tritt aU 2lbwerb in ber 3fiegel »or ba« aaSovt, iue(d)e8 eS einfd^rdnfen toitt: I only say that — . He did it only for Jest. 3JJanc^maI fiel^t e8 au* b a 1^ i u = ter: 1 only stirred in this black spot, I Onomatopoeia. only lived, ©o namentlid) md) Objecten unb iiberr;au)Jt ba, njo feine 2)ovve(beutig= feit mogtic^ ifl. Oo, 2)igra^j5§; 1. meifi twie 6; poor; — 2. tcv k= u : book, cook, aud) in good, wool; — 3. = 6 nur in door, floor; — 4. = o nur in blood unb flood. 3nje'ifit= big in zoology. Onomatopoeia, cin JJ t a n g lu o r t, einc Worm , beren bloier I* a u t fc^on ben Scgriff beg moxM erhjerft; eine Sou; m a r e r e i , bie ben e= ^en«, aSIafeng, ©aufelng, 3ifd)eng. To whine, to cry, to creak , to screak, to squeak , to scream , to tweedle , to twaddle, to pip , to pipe, fieHcn , po^e, grelte, fd)riac, fdjneibenbe 2aiitt bar; towraul, to brawl, to growl , to yawl, to grumble, to howl, to wow, to pur, to whurr, to snarl, to rattle , to clatter, to croak, to crow, to caw, to groan, to roar, to low, to hum, to murmur, to yawn, to 'grind, to crackle tiefere, ftdrfcre, raul^ere; man l^ore ferner: to knock, a pat, apitpat, ticktack, tittle- tattle, tirwit, squab, squabble, to knoll, to knick, to blunder, to rub, to scrape, to grabble, to stretch, to split, to shrink, torpid (latein.) u. ». a. : „There's music in all things if men had ears !" SSergl. namentlid? nod) btemeiftenSnterjecttonen. — 2. Oft fud)t aber au* ber (Sd)riftpet= (er burc^ befonbere SBa^i unb Orb: nung ber SBorte eine fotdje mafenbe ^arPellung ju erreid)cn. (£o hjirb eine $ut»er;Jlijrnmafd}iue in i^rer iBemegnng bffdiriebcn : The wheels whirl and buzz — OVder — iron leelh play into brass leelh — copper winks at iron — it. f. f. Dbet: „The cruel morning - bell" : "Ding-a-ding- dong, ding-a-ding-dong, it went ruth- lessly, remorselessly, unceasingly, as it seemed/' 9Scrfl(. Alliteration unb Asso- nance. to Order: i. ®. »on tafftn (f. to Cause) mit bem 3tccufatio unb bcm 3nfi* nttb : We have ordered the principal conspirators to be apprehended. Da^er Jjaffit) : The portmanteau was ordered to be brought up. The Americans ordered every British ship of war to quit the ports. Ordinals, bie Drbnunggjal^ren, 1. 2JJaii Silbet fie »cn ben ^au)jtja^Icn buret) bie ©nbun^ ih : four — the fourth ; six — the sixth ; nineteen — the nine- teenth ; hundred — the hundredth; thou- sand — the thousandth ; bci eight fe^t man nuc no(^ ein h an: the eighth (fo njirft ii fd^on hti eighteen fiatt eightteen ein t ab; ticrgt. Adverb, A, II, 3). — 2. @tumme« @nb = e fciUt iaid ttj c 9 : nine — the ninth. — 3. v »cr\»an-; belt fic^ in f, unb y in ie: Ave — the fifth, twenty — the twentieth (tigf. Plural, A, 11, 4 unb f. Ie). — 3. giic : b er crfie, ber jtDcitc unb ber britte ^at man bie unregelmapigen gormen : the first, the second, the third. — 4. 3n jufam = mengcfe^ten Sal^ten ttirb nur bie lc§te3a^t orbina(,n).i*!D.: the twenty first , the seventy seventh , the one hundred and twelfth. — QtDgefixrjt fc&rei6t man fie fo : the 1st, the 22d, the 33(1, the 44tli, 45th u. f. W. — 6. 93ei fteineren^a^len (tjgl. Cardinal, A, 3) f ann man bie @ i n e r v o r bie 3 e ^ n e r fe^en : the eight and twentieth ; natiidic!^ fii\)t bann aur^ one, two, three jlatt first, second, third: the one and twentieth = the twenty first. ®etvD§nIic^et aUt fte^en bie dimx ^inter ben Bel^nern. — 7. ® es brand) unb ©tetlung ber Drbinat; jal^rcn ift ganj nj. i. !D. 9^ur bci 9legens tennamen, in Ueber f (^ r iften unb bergt. fte^en fie :^ inter bem ®ub = ft a n t i » : Lewis the sixteenth = Lewis XVL died. (NB. mit ^Junft ba^interj Other. 89 nid)th)ie Louis XVI= Louis seize.) ^in- ter fofc^en 9^ a m e n treten fie au^b in ben ^Joffcffio: Lewis the sixteenth''s life. ,,Act II, Scene 4." lefe man : Act the second. Scene the fourth, ober auc^ : Act two. Scene four, nj. i. CD. SWan finbet aixit) , ber Jtutje ^alhet: End of Act Second, pl^ne ^Irtifel. llebrigenS f. np(6 : Date unb Fractions. — 8. 9Son ben Or- binal8 first big tenth leitet man 5tb = tterSien ah, anitf Numbers of Quo- tation ( 21 n f ii ]^ r u n g 8 = 3 a ^ I e n ) ge= nannt: firstly, fifthly, lenthly. SQBeiterl^in umfdjreibt man fie burd) abcerbiale 9Ie= bengarten, ttie : in the eleventh place., in (he thirteenth place; fo fann man aud) fd)on fagen: in the first (second n. f. f.) place. First bient auc^ felbfi aii 5lbtterb : First come, first served. Orthoepy, bie 9t ecft tfj^r e dbung , bie Sel^ve tocn ber 2lugfrrad)e : f. Pronun- ciation. 23ucbltaben, tteldje nur gefdjricben ttierben, um bie rid?tige2(u8fprad)e anberer anjubeuten, l^ei§en ort^ oejjif c^e 3et= djen. @o e nad) g unb c: f. E, I, @., Ea, \, 5, Eo, 3 ; ferner u unb h nad) c : f. Gh unb Gu ; cergU auc^ Gn. Orthography, bie JR e d) t f c& r ei = bung, ein befouberS fc^ttierige^ ©a^itet in einer @)5rad)e, bie eine fo ganj anberc fiirbalD^r, al« fiir bag ?luge ift! 3)te beftc Sel^re ift pterin cine bebdd)tige Sectiire. (Sinige 9iegetn attgemeinerer 2(rt — anbere flnb fein ni'i^e — f. unter Adverb, A, II, a, Comparison, A, I, Plural, A, 2, Conjugation I unb II, Euphony, D, Division, Initials, Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Dale, Hyphen, Derivation, Pos- sessive Case, — gh, gn, gu, el, II, sc, sh, sch unb unter ben einjetnen93u(^jta6en be8 2ll)3^abet8. Other l^at, aHeinfte^enb , ben 5)3(urat others unb bie ^cffeffite other''s unb others'', cg bag Participle. p ttcn receplum aurf) in bcr ®c{)rtft aug= fto^t), corps (=cor, franjof. Qlugfjjradie). — P fler;t oft fiic nnfcr ^f , and) fitrf: the pale, panikin, penny, pipe, pepper, to hope, to hop. Pair, geii3ijf;nli(^ fiir ©ingnlar iinb $Ini-a( gifid) , W. i. i), t three pair of gloves. We hired a bed-room , up two pair of stairs. ®. noH) Singular, 1. Palatals f. Consonants, 2, a. Paren'thesis , bie ^lammcrn, (. . .) ober [. . .], ai\ nennt man auci) bag @lngefd)altete, in ben ^tammern ©tel^cnbe „Parenthesis," tt). i.2). SSergt. Ellipse, A. Part flci^t civile a, iuenn eg einen un« 6 e ft i m m t e n 5:^eU, i r g e n b c i n c ft i m ni t e ober benannte^lbti^eis lung einjein l^eraug , fo ftel^t eg mit bem 21 ft if cl: Part of the town was abandoned. Here he wrote .... part, if not the whole, of his tragedy. West- minster is a part of London. Par'tieiple. llcbcr bag ^ovtntllt f. Conjugation, I, A, 3 u. 4 ; iifier ben (§vs fa§ beg ^affitien ^articii? bei ben !Defec= ti»g f. b. einjeln. — J. Active Par- ticiple, g, 33, loving, being. @g if} eon tveit auggebel^nterem ® e b r a u (t>, alg i. 3). 5)a eg an ber 9latnr beg 33erb, be« 21 b j e c t i » unb beg @ n b ft a n t i y t^eit= ninunt (= )> arti cil-Urt — baiter bet 9iame), fo iji eg in breifadjer ^^inft^t ju betrad)ten. I. 2H g veiner %\)(H eis neg 33evb blent eg jur ©erfurgung bev (Sctge. 1. 3tvei gl eid) g eft elite (coocbinirte) (Sci^e locrbeii einanber um tergeorbnet (fubcrbinirt), iubem ber eine ing $avtici^ tritt, njobei bann bie Conjunction e r f )5 a r t n>irb ; anftatt : He sal there and read, fagt man beffer; He sat there reading. !Die Jpauptfac^e iuar fein3)afein, I)afi$en, ber Sfiebens umftanb [bcr nntcrgeorbnete] bag Ses fen; bieg fJel;t ba^er im *|}articip. I stood gazing on the wild forest scenery. ®o oft an* i. 2). — 2. 2)ag act. 5Partic. Dtent ferner jur 93 e v ! it r j u n g von 21 b = j ecti»5 unb Slbserfcialfa^en, b. ^. ijon @d§cn, bic eine JRefatiBfecfttmmung ;5U cinem ®ubj!antb obec JCetb ent^altcn, ^ahd ttjirb baS 9ielattv erfpart. @. Absolute, II, 3, a. !Dn^er fie^t eg and) : a. narf) ben 93ecben , bie ein 2lbjectb aU3 SJvdbtcat ^ahen fimnen, f. Adjective, B, 4, itnb nad) niand)en beret, bie ben 2(cciifativ) mit bent Snftnitb nad) fid) l;aben: (.Ac- cusative , B , 1 , 5 , cibcx niir bann , wenn bie >§anblung al9 b a u c r n b , glett^fam cilS 3 u ft a n b bargeiiellt nnrb ; fcnfi fie^t bet Snftnitit) : f. Periphrase, XVII, B, 1. We saw him joriting a letter = when he was writing, when he was occupied with writing. I saw him standing alone ; aber I saw them part (momentane-^anbfc;.). I find the plate ..groiving into a compauion(aU« malig). A blackbird imitated the crowing of a cock so well that he continually set all the cocks crowing who were within hearing. JCa^er feT;v augbnicf^woU unter= frf)icben : I saw him lying (ttjie er bakg) Avith his head upon his arm , as I had often seen him lie (liegen) at school. — b. Sei ben SerfcS ber iS e id e g u n g , idd n)ir (nac!^ f o m m en) bag jjaffiue SUarttci)? fe^en : cc f am getaufen, geritten, gefal^ven = He came running, riding, driving (il arriva en courant = al8 ein Saufenber). 55a8 ©egenfiucf f. Peri- phrase, XVII , B , 3. — 3. 3ur aSerfiit. 5ung »on @ubfiantittfd§cn, b. 1^. in Sd^en, bic eigentlic^ nur fo»iet alg ein @ubjiantiB augbviicfen , e8 nmfdjreiben. @o a. fiir einen 06 j ectiwf a^, fo ba^ bag 5^artici)) felSfi atg Object fiej>t ; bte§ gefd^ie^t bcfcnberg nad) acti»enS5etbcn, ivo rcir ben 3n ft nit it? fefeen, ber feltner auc^ iin @ngtifd|en fte^f, mit *Seobad)tung be3 obcn, bei 2 a angegebenen Unterfd^iebeg. @. no^ Grecism. iCabet fdHt bic Son; junction that n^eg : I have forbore writing at all (= bag @d)reiben). I could not help laughing ( = icf) !onnte b a g S a d) e n nic^t — ). I cannot omit mentioning au anecdote (= bic ©rwd^nung). We had done writing. I remember making him a Participle. 91 of it. He intended giving a ball. I wish putting my children forward in the world (bag Sortfommen). It is not worth mentioning such a trifling; f. Worth. — 5)agegen mit bem 3nfintti»: I at- tempted to restrai7i their affliction. I have omitted to tell you this. I regret to have left him. He proposes to be in town next week. — b. @benfaHg fitr ben bcutfdjcn3nfiniti» fte^tbag active Q5artici)3 nad) alien $rd = ^ofttionen o^ne 2[ugnai^mc: l^ier ftel^t man beutlid)er nod), alg im SSovigen, bap bag active ^Jarticiv gleidjfam alg Db'^ jectiv beg 3nftnitiv be^anbelt iuirb. ©o nennt man ja au^ im 2ateinifd|en bag ©eritnbium ben beclinirten 3nfini = t'x'o-^ d^nlid^ in faciendo., lateinifc^, en faisant cela , fvanjijf. 33ci-gf. iibrigeng unten III. @o: We prevented theniy)o»i penetrating — . I scruple at refusing it. Without much spelling. By pu- nishing ; they were within hearing; on hearing the melancholy story; in thus judging for myself; after once more silently pressing my hand; in telling ; for pickling; upo7i leaving col- lege. He was incapable o/ forming ex- tensive political combinations. Jfter taking leave. Instead of pursuing the chase he stopped short. On Mrs. fVeller advancing towards him, he appeared to relinquish his intention. 2Ug 2luS = nal^me fii^ren vieic ©lammatifer an, nad) to !onne f ein ^Jartici)) ftel^en, foits bem nni- ber Snfinitiv; anbere geben tt)enigfieng bag ^JJarticip alg ©elten^eit ju. @g ift aber ein gvoper U n t e r f (t| i e b , ob nac^ to bag *P a r t i c i p ober ber 3 n f i s present (= bap tc^ i^m — ). I could not avoid observing the great number or|3nfinitio /o */?/ofition bie 3ftid)tniig an; bee er 92 Participle. (SKan iDiirtc bann siudy el&er nod) fiivr ba8 ©ufcftvintb anfel^cn.) Sophia's horse fell suddenly to prancing and capering The young lady fell to compassionating my case. Many betook themselves to cultivating. Your mind is superior to being governed by prejudices, or to opposing any important cause (= er^a= ben itber). He demanded if I had any objection to giving prayers (= gegen bag 33 e ten). What! he pretends to learning? JDagegcn : We had some letters to write. — c.) @nbficf) f. noevflf. itiiten B, 5. — 2. 2Benn eg ein 21 b « e r b »oi- fic^ \:)(it : A time which is within the memory of men still living. — 3. JDeg gtad)bru(fg Ulbtt (3n»ers fion).— 2(ug bem ^Ibiectiijfmne beg 5Par(ici^ erftart fic^ aui* bie t'erijj^rafiifcfie Son|u= gatton, f. Periphrasis, XVII. SGBo tt)ir aberunfet acti»eg5Particip mit „ju" in ))affi»cm @inne fe^en, ba fann im englifcfcen ntrfit bag ^articij), fonbevn eg mu^ bei-)3afft»e3nf initio fte^en; j,93. cine ni(f)t j n 6 e f cf) r e i b en b eSiebe : Affection not to be described; ein nic^t 3 It wermcibenbcr Srrti^um : an error not ;o 6e avoided; ein teirfjt jU ertra = (jenbeg Ungliicf: a misfortune easy /o be borne. 93erfl(. Ellipse, 11. — »i3on bem abjectbifct)en5Pavtici^ bllbet man audj 2[b»crb«, f.b., II. III. Dag acttuc i^arttctVaTg (xh-- (tract eg (Subfianti«, tvofiir xo'xx njteberbcn Snfinittto braudicn, feftner bag ^IJarttcip , ^duftg abei- and) ein ©ub; ftantia auf =ung (ibentifd) mit bem engt. ing). 1. ©g ftebt foment atg ©nbject, )vie atg Object , aud) nad) ^Crd^ofitionen, »gf. oben 1 , 3 , b. The observing of the rules (SeobadUung). There is something touching in his air (etwag 9M^renbe«). Holystoning is music compared to her play. She insisted upon her landlord's stepping in. Swearing is perfectly un- fashionable. (!Dag @6wiiren = i;u fc^tvo- rcn — ). It was a common saying (bie aU= gemeine 9tebe). I fear his coming (fein Jtommen, [eine 21iifunft). I did not at all see how Strulwell's being a rascal alle- viated my misfortune. The first lieu- tenant's going down below. To prevent the ladies' leaving us He feared the officer's drawing his sword. Upon his leaving the room. He was ignorant of our being so near. Before his wedding. The pleasure of travelling, bag SSen gnugcn beg 9ieifeng, ju reifen. At his ifirst coming. aJian fie^t, eg treten 2lb- »erbg, 2lbjectitig, 5tJronoung unb $offefflt»c @afeg bacor. ©ettner ftel^t bet 3 n f i n i t i » atg @ubftanti» : To err is human , but to forgive divine. — 2. @6enfo erflart fid) aud) bag actioe ^avticij) nacfe there is no. . ., ixi Scjeic^nung ber U n m o g t i d) = f e i t«= eg ift fein . . . , eg Id^t ficfe ni^t ...» man fann nid)t. . . There is no dealing with this man : eg ift fein Umge^en mit i^m , eg td^t ftd) nic^t mit i^m umge^en. There is no reasoning with a fool. There is no telling, whether— man fann nicf)t fagen, ob — . SScrgt. There is, 3. — 3. lleber ben 2lrtifel •oov bem fubftan^ tt\3ifd)en $artici)) gitt baffetbe, tvit bet ab= fii-acten @ubftanti\)g : f. The, C, 8, a. •i^at eg einen ©enttio nad) fid) , fo fiel^t eg m i t 2Irtifel : the leaving of a neighbour- hood ; the original surrounding of Ihc steel with iron. — What boalsful of barbarians went out, amidst the mutter- ing and chanting o/ charms, to the diving for the shells for our handling! But for the culling of the thread .... pearl buttons would wear for ever, y/ pouring forth o/ invectives. 3nbcp (d^t man lic^ bet ben 2lrtifct n?eg unb fe^t l^inter bem $artici)) ben Sad, ben fein U?eib regiert : leaving a neighbourhood ; for washing decks. In leaving these people. Many betook themselves to cultivating the rich vales. iBergl. bag Satcin. : in faciendo hancrem, otit hanc rem faclu. 3a, felbft jweiut tB mit bcm 2trtifcf obcr einein 5Pro; nounflel^t, atfo ©uDfl nn tic ifi, ftnbet fid) bennodj ber Safu8 fcal&inter, ben e8 at? 93 er6 regiert (h)te im 3tal.) : the leaving a neighbourhood. The forming the little channel. My doing anything. Here are many rooms , devoted to the making an article so small — . Why did you consent to my leaving youl The forming the little cup in the middle of the button ... is called counter-sinking. It contributes to my enjoying my new situation. Thy seeking //ie/« is vain and fruitless. Their having given up all hopes. Their taking three bottles each. (StwaS Slel^nlictjeg ill im Satein. : amans patriae unb amaos patriam ; uiib ganj fo fte^t ber 2lccufati» ftatt bc« ©enititj luicfe unferm fubflantitiifc^ 9«f«^t«" 3nfinitt»: dm 3,11: ,,mit Soben bcn <§ ervn/' unb 9iel^em. 13, 27 : „niit au§ldnbifrf)em 2C e i b e t n e ^ m e n." (NB. and) nicf)t auSlanb tfd) et», fonbcrn au^Ianbifc^em, iiber „5fficiber" l^invueg ju bem „gie^men" bejogen !) SBeibe (kafuS nebcn einanber fiuben fid) cbcn= fall6 : „Al>nsgiving takes the place of our workhouse system .... The giving of alms to the helpless is ia Catholic countries a religious office" (= b a 8 51 1= niofengeben — unb: Sllmofenju 9 c b c n). Dickens. ®d jebod) nur bet bem a c t i t) e n ® enitio , nja^renb beim vafli^en of natiirlic^ bleibt, ba mnn biefem n i c^ t , irie bem acti»en , ein Object beigeben fann (f. Active, E) : The singing of birds (the singing birds ^ie^c ja : bie fingenben 35cget) ; the crowing of a cock. ©8 evgibt ft(6 tweiter: 4. 3u einem ^avticip m i t Slrtifel (alfo @ u b j! a n t i ») tritt ein 21 b j e c t i » ; ju einen $cirtici» o 1^ n c 2(r= tifel nur ein 2lb»crb (njeK e« nod) cAi SSerb gi(t) : The ^ne singing of the birds (= ber fd)LVne @ e f a n g). Thinking freely of religion may be involuntary with this gentleman (= grei ^u b e n f e n). That very keeping your temper made me more angry. IV. 3lud) in 3ufammenfe^ungen fiel^t bvig active ^avticij) balb abjecti = » i f d} , aU S3 e ft i m m u n g 8 ttj V t , »ie : a dancing lesson , a swimming Participle. 93 master (fettnet ber 3nfiniti» : a brew- house, a saw-mill), — balb fubfians tivifd), aU ©runbTOort: house- keeping, ship-building. B. Passive Participle, twie loved, been. @cin ©ebraucf) ifi meifl, "m. i. 2). 5. jebod) Passive, B. — 1. 3n jufams mengefe^tcn 3eitcn fann e8 t)om >&ilfSt>erb getrennt nserben: He had ever after that been liberally supplied, — e8 fann i^m aud) woranSge^en: Borne wiih uncovered face on a magnificent gilt bier is the corpse of a woman (Sntjcrfion). — 2. (§9 btent ebenfa(l8 jur S a^to e r!iir = I u n g : f. Absolute, H, 3, b. — 3. @o auf6 mit (Sonjunctionen, f. b. , ^Hr. 4. ff^hen gone, our conversation at supper turned upon our late /nfortunate guest. — 4. ©tatt beg 3nfinttio« fle^t e8 nad) ben oben A , 1 , 2 , a angegebenen SSerben. She imagined her daughter's pockets filed with farthings. 3)a bie8 biejenigen 33etb8 fmb , tveld)e fonft ben 2lccnfati» mit bem Snftnitiw nad) fid? ^aben, fo Ia§t ftc^ l^iec bie ©Uii^fc »on to be an= nc!^men , rtjie wir unter Accusative, B, I, 5 a. (5". gejeigt. SBeitere Seifpiele bieten bie 5trtitet to See, to Hear, to Get, 1, to Have, B, 1, 4, to Make, to Hold, toCome, 1. — 5» ms 2lbjecti» (f. b.. A, I, 4) rid)= tet c8 fid) ganj nad) beffen 9iegetn «ber bie iStellitng: a broken heart; an unlooked- for shock; the unheard-of adventures; a well-known man; in proving every poison knoion. Other similar acknowl- edgements, known to the legal institu- tion (r e 1 a t i » ; fdflt mit 1 jufammen ; »ergl. i. SD]accab. 2, 67 ; 6, 30 ; 9, 42). — 6. ^at ein CSerb jtuei pafficc ^jiartici^jien, fo brau(i)t man nur baS auf n ober en aU 2lbjecttv »or ®ubflanti»en, ba8 ans bere ali Slbjectio nad) ©ubfiantitjen unb a(§ ?|3arttcip in jufammengefe^ten Beiten : fo the drunken men, aber I have drunk; he has melted gold, ev ^at @o(b ges fd)mctit (ober gcfd)moljcn), abec : he has molten gold, er ^at ge f d) m o t jcn e 8 ®olb; he was swelled with pride, — swollen limbs, a s/>oAen language; the language spoke in Bengal. — 7. !I)a8 ^affiTje 5}3artici)) fle^t fogar al8 2lbjccti» in acti»em @tnne: a person well read 94 Partitive (= belefen). ®. oUn A, 11, 3 bag ©cgen^ tl^eit fcaju im JCeutfc&cn. Par'titive. iDog gr an jof i f (!&c l>e= jeicfjnct ben 2:;&eilung§fitm rcgetmd^ig bur(^ etgenc gormen (du pain , de bon paiii) ; ba6 3) e u t f d) c Itcjetrfinet i^n f e I = ten (»om fcepen JEucfte; er Incite fic^ Siatf)6] ,,t§ fdKtiftc ber SBo^me beS ^eclcnben SGB ctnl;" wgl. ®l3r. 9, 5; ^fatm 16, 4; 1. eor» 13, 1—3); ba3 engttfct)c fti'^t, ttJte baS StaHeuifc^e, mitten inne jwifdien beiben. 1. ©8 bejeirt?net ben JJ^cilfinn burc^ of, so?ne nnb anj/ , f. b. He drank of this wine. I tasted of this glass of beer. Will you have some bread o?" some cheese? Give me some bread arid cheese. Have you ani/ beef? Xlnb btefc SSovtcc bienen and) nic^t nur jnr 2lngabe ctneS unbeftimmten Zf)dUS (einei- SUJaff e), foubern and) alS $ t u I- a t b e 8 u n b e ft i ni ni t e n 21 r t i = f e t g (trie toon uu enfant — des enfants, 5tn- gabc bevSDicuge): have you any children? I have some boys. — 2. ®otl aber btog e i n ® i n g bcm anbern gegeniiber gcfiettt rcerben, fo fommt eS eben nur im 2tUgemeinen auf ben SSegriff be8 §auptm6rter , beren erfteJ ein aWcngeivort (a word of quantity) ifl, atfo einen %^i\{ beS jmeiten auSbriidt : a piece of cake, a sheet of paper , a pair of slippers, ahostof railroads, of names, a kind of cloth; f. jcbod) Dozen. — 5. ®(eid)faU6 jjartitiiaen ©inn ^erfect 2;enfe:I had been loved , i^ tvav geliebt morben. 1. gnture JJcnfc; I shall be loved, t(6 h)erbe getiebt Icerben. 2. gnture 3;enfe; I should be loved, id) njurbc ge; liebt icerben. 1. preterit Suture : I shall have been loved, ic^ njerbe geliebt njorbcn fein. 2. preterit future: I should have been loved, id) tt)iirbe geliebt ivDtben fein. — @onjunctit> beS ^ r e f. 2: e n f e : I be loved, ic^ njcrbe ge= liebt, thou be loved, bun^erbefi geliebt — ; beS 3m)5erf. : I were loved, id^ unirbe geliebt. — 3m J) cr ati»: be loved, n?erbe, tt>erbet geliebt. — SSor 2lllem fiitte man fid) »or a3erh?ed)Slung be8 ijaffiwen ^refent %enU n\it bem a c tit en gnture S^cnfc, bie beibc mit id) m e rb e gufammengefegt finb ! 3m acti\jen gutur fti^t id) njerbc mit bcm 3nfi = nit i» : id) njerbe fie ben, I shall love; im ^affiwen $rdfen8 ^c^t i d) m e r b e mit bcm ^aff. ^Partici)): id) »»erbe geliebt: I am loved. @bcnfo : icS tuurbe Ue = Sen: I should love; i (6 njurbc ge = liebt: I were loved. — ff. !Der ®c: Brand) bc« $afriu ift ungel^cuer, ba fcl^r »ielc aScrben actis finb , bie in anbern @);rad)cn 91eutra finb , nnb ba ber SJatii^ nnb 2rccufati» in ber 9tegel nid)t nnter= fd)ieben ttjcrbcn. ^(it bag SSevb im 31 c t i » jiu ei Db jccte, fo be^dtt ti and) im ^a^fi'o bag jweite bci. Berner fann ein won einer *4}r 5^)0 f iti o n abl^dngigeg 2Bort (Subject eineg j) a f f i t» c n ©a^eg wtv^ ben! !Dic ^Prd^ofition tritt bann Winter bag ^affwe aScrb. — 33 e i f p i e I e : It pleases me : 1 am pleased with it. They Penny — showed me a room : I was shown a room. The evil was submitted to (niviit ergaft fief) in baS Uebel !) I wish to speak to him ou a business which he does not like to be spoken to about (etgentUct) : er tie6t c8 nict)t , u6er baffelSe aiiijefpro^ (tien jit werben ! b. ^. er ^at ntcf)t gern, bap man il&m ba»cn rcbe). He tuas refused leave of absence by his colonel. He xvas supposed to be the author of this mis- chief. They shall be made an example of. The windows were looked out often enough. He was denied a christian burial. They were given christian bu- rial. War is spoken of (z= they speak of war). They were never heard of since. He was seen by all of us to do it. She was allowed by all to be com- pletely pretty. They passed us, followed by four persons more (= suivis). For this I was thanked by the chaplain. He was quite happy at being permitted to dispute. 1. a)Jan bilbet, njie bie Sci= ffcielc jcigcn, aucf) auS bem actittcn 2lccufati» mit betn Snfinitit* ci= nen ))affi»cn9tomtnatl»mit bcm 3nfiniti», gleidjfam eincn umgc = fel^vten 2(ccufatiio mit bem 3nftniti» ; f. Accusative , B, I, 5. 9}evgf. Personal, E, 4. — 2. 2lu(t> finbct fK^ bie 3u = fammcujiel^ung jhjeier @a§e , beren cinec ein gctuol^nlir&eS einfaci^eS Subject, entf^jrcrfienb bcm Dbjecte be3 acttiicn ©a= tea , ber anberc abcr ein fo(d)e3 ®ubj[«ct l^at, bag im acttoen na^ ftd^ : f. Participle, A, I, 2 tmb B, 4. We perceived the winds change. I perceived her a little intoxi- cated with the incense she had received. Perfect , bie unbefiimmte 95ergangen= l^eit: I have been, he is come. Ueber bie ©ifbnng f. Conjugation I, B, 2 itnb Neuter, B, 11. JDer ® eb r an * beg $cr= feet entf)jrid)t meijl bem JDeutfc^en. Slug bem beim Sn^jerfect Senfe ©efagten cr= gibt fid) fiir bag perfect bag ®egent§eil : 1. ®^3rict)t man von einer noc^ ni6t g d n } I i d) sergangenen 3eit (»on ber alfo no(^ ein2;]^cil iibrig ifi), fo fiel^t bag perfect: / have written ten letters to-day. He has been here several limes this month, ©ettner fle^t bafi'ir bag Sm- ^erfect S^^enfe : I wrote to-day. — 2. fl^eitt man ben nod> nidit ganj eerfloffencn 3ett= raum in mer;rere 21 b f d) n i 1 1 e , unb fi7rid)tbann»onelnem fd>on »erfloff e= nen2lbfd)nittte, fo fie^t bag Smperfcct : At two o'clock this morning, it rained. — 3. aSei gefd>td>tndjen SIngaben fiei^t bag Sm^erfect, totnn man con t>ergangcnen 5|Serfonen ober ©ac^cn rebet ; jinb fie aber annoc^ corl^anben. 96 Period fo ftc^t bag 5)3 e"r f e c t {Af^niii^ bem 93ott= gen). Napoleon lived several years at St. Helena. 3m Sal^re 1820 tvuvbe man abtv gefagt l^aBen : Napoleon has lived these five years at St. Helena. SDarauS erflcivt fid) bag untev Present Tense, 3, ©cfagte. Pcrfod, bie 93ercintgung mcl^rcrcr rau<^t; fo a twelve-month = a year; at a small expense = cheaply; he will pay you when two Sundays come toge- ther (= never, auf ben 9iimnurme:^rS= tag). ®. Euphemism unb Emphasis. — aJieift ifl eg rein nnUfurlicb unb nur burrf) ben ^wtd bc8 @).n-c(f)cnben IJebingt, ju ©rs rei(t)ung einer fomifdjen ober fidftiqen aBirfung j. 93. , c6 man cine fotcfee llm= fdn-eitning bilbe ober nid)t. JtiMuifd) iP bie llnifd)rei6ung beg 6e!annten (S>?rid)tt)or= teg : 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' — njenn eg l^eipt: 'One member of the feathered creation held in the hand is worth two of the same species in the bush.' (Boz.) 2;ragif(^ malt bei Byron ein 2)dmDn ben trt»ialcn ©cbanfen ,/2lbenbS" burd) folgenbe, feiner 2ln- fdiauung ent^rcdjenbe Umfdireibung aug : When the moon is on the wave. And the glow-worm on the grass; When the wilch is on the grave, And the wisp on the morass : — 5)iefer ®ef>vaud) ber *Perii)^vafe ge!^i5rt ber JR^etorif , ber *Poefie an. 3Jian ^iite fidi, nad) [cld)en 5Perii?l;rafen ju l^afd)en (roie •&err W. Micawber bei Dickens) : bag wirbeine {dd)etlid)e $l;rafenbiefdKrei ! @g gibt aber and) ?Peri)?^rafen , bie burd> bie einfad)e 2B c r tb ilcun g ober burd) grammatifd)e JHcgeln geboten flnb, nja^renb in anbem ®prad)en ein? f ad)e ijormen ^inreid)en. 2)a^in gcl;6rt, bem iDeutfd)en gegenubev, bie Unildjreii bung: I. ber meifien !Dim inut i«5Jl^e = griffe; f. Diminutive;— 11. ber® e; f d)led) t gformen, f. Common, Epi- cene, Feminine; — III. ber (Singulars Periplirase. form bei ben ^ruralSiJoung, f. Singular, B, 1 ; — IV. ber 6 a f u g ; f. Declension ; — V. ber Som)) arifon, f. b , A, 11 ; — VI, ber SBieberl^ olunggs unb VII. ber 2ln fiii^run ggja^len: f. Multi- plication unb Ordinals, 8; — VIII. ab = »erbia(er iBegriffe, f. Adverb, A, II, c; — IX. ber Son {unction ,,jivar/' f. Conjunction, 5; — X. ber mangel n ben gormen einjelner 95erben: f . I shall, will, ought, must, may, can; — XI. beg Sm^jeratit), f. to Let, 1 ; — XII. beg (5o n j un ct t» , f. I may (nj. t. !D. aud> oft); — XIII. ber 3eitcn bei einflufigen93erben, f. Ambiguity, Q. — XIV. f r a g e n b e r ober mit not Berncincnber, aud> gc»tJD]^n= Itdier b e j a I? e n b e r ®a§e, f . to Do, B, H, 2-4 ; — XV. r e f t e c t i » e r 93 c r b e n , f. Reflective, H, @. [XVI. <35en aUen ©i3rad)en gegen fiber gel^ort ^ie^er aud) bie ben meijtcn mobernen @r»rad)cn e{geneUmfd)reibungbeg perfect, $tu; ^jcrfect unb ber guturc Senfeg, fotvie beg ganjcn $affi».] SOSic^tiger aber, atg bieg 5U(eg ifl XVH. ^ie pcrl^F)raftifd>c nen, ttjorin man eben be griff en, womit man grabc b ef d)d f ti g t , tnoijon man ganj in 5lnfvtrud) genommen ift. They were travelling to their home. He was edifying his pupil by long lessons of wisdom from the stars. I am writing letters the whole day. They have been perambulating the streets since early morn. I have been reading ihe whole morning. Britons like (o eat and drink when they are thiukiii". ©o ift eg cine ff^r bejciitnenbe llnterfdieibung : Mad;ime Gogo forbore to scold when he lost (as he was always losing) his pocket hand- kerchief. — 2. ^at)tx n)irb bag 3 m )) e r , Permit — feet bation BffonberS 6et ber (Sleic^^ J e i t i g f e i t jroeier ^anbtungen gebraud>t, b. ti- 6ei fol^en <5anbtungen , »on bcncn bieeineiiDC& fortbaucrtc (unb biefe brurft man eScn burd^ iaS umft^ries 6 e n e Smj^erfect au«) , alS bic anbcre ein; trat. @ona(f> entfprid^t biefeg Sm^erfect bent erfien Snn?crfect beg granj6fif(i&en unb Stallcnifc^cn (j'etais, je vendais, — io era, vendeva), wenn e« neb en bem jtoeiten Sm^erfect fie^t, itm ben 3u= i^anb, bie 3eit abocrbialifd) gu bcjei(i^s nen. 3)em jmcitcn Sm^erfect biefer ©tjrac^en (je fus, je vendis — io fui, vendei) entf^ri^t bann ba« e i n f a c^ e engl. Sm^erfect (I was , I sold). QJian oers gfeic^e: They were waiting for roe at the door when / arrived; — lis m' atten- daient k la porte, quand j' arrivai; — M' aspettavano alia porta quando io arrivai. (@o fc^etben a 1 1 e romanifci^en @)jra(!^en.) — They were singing, when we entered. As I was going to a convent, I gathered my friends around me. When I was in the garden , Louisa was play- ing there. 3. enblic^ flel^eu biefe Gormen fogar in jiaffisem ®tnne, aber nur, wann auS bem 3ufnmmen^angc ffar ifi , ba^ bag Subject nic6t acti» fein !ann: The house is building, bag ^au8 ijt noc& im iB a u e , n)irb cben gebaut. Dinner will be preparing, when you arrive. The un- happy young man was missing. While this ballad was reading (ftdnbe : was read, fo l^ief e bieg : gefefen n) orb en trar, aber nic6t : gelefen tourbe). Some absurd proposal was preparing for appearing with splendour the next day. 35teg ift bag gerabe ©egenfiiicE ju unferm acti»en ©ebtauclje beg ^saff isen $ar- tici^ , f. Participle , A , II , @, — 2)a ein einfacfieg 93erb , ivctdKg ben Uebergang i n e i n e n 3 u ft a n b (alfo: n? e r b e n) aug; brurft, nic^t ocr^anben war , fo fonnte man ni^t to. i. 2). bag Jiaffiue $artici^ fe^cn, ol^ne fd)on ben ttotlenbeten Suftanb anjugcben. !Denn e3 l^ie^c 5. 33. : „The house is buill,'-' n i (t) t : „bag ^aug ttjtrb gebaut/' fonbern: „eg ijt gebaut." JDie Slniuenbung beg ac ti» en ^arttcijjg erftfirt fi(^ bei ben v. neuter Si. mbxt^t, grammat. QSJortnt. Person. 97 eineg Z'^tili baroug, bap man fie ftottber3f{eftecti»abraud)t. ©age i^ einmat: the beef eats well (= laft ft(^ effen) ; this book sells (reads) well (=»erifauft, liejt flc^ gut); they were rough to feel (fit^tten ftdfj rau^ an) ; fo ifl eg bann mir nD(f> ein unbcbeutenber ®(^ritt big ju ber beft*ro(i)enen (Sonfirucs tion. 5tnbercn3;^eilg erfldrt ft* bie* felbe au^ babnrc^, bap fruiter in »or bem $avticti)fe fianb, unb eg alfo atg <£ubftan= ti» (Participle, A, III) gait: The temple was in building. 2lu(6 immobernen .) fe^t: Corporal Trim was in waiting. Your coat is a doing, ©eltner , befonberg au(^ in ber Umganggs fpradje , fe^t man bafiir auc^ being mit einem i? a f f i » e n ^Jartici^j jufammen, unb bann — all's well ! §. 93. What is beirig done to that house ? A new room is being built. Some efforts were even then being made (Dickens). Quadrilles were being systematically got through (2)er= felbe). 5tu(^ bieg servwerfen mandje ©ram* matifer ttjieber (njie Kenyon) tro^ ber beften 2lutoritdten. SKan »ergtcid)e noc^ , tvie flit) bag gransijfif^e in gleidber ^lot^ ^ilft : Le livre est vendu = ift serfauft; ce livre se vend, n? i r b tterfauft, — 4» Ueber to be going., f. to Go. to Permit, laffen, iibertaffen: f. to Cause ; eg l^at ben 5lccufati» mit bem Snflnititi na(^ firf) : He permitted me to read the letter. What! he permitted the letter to be read?! Person. 1. 3)ie brei SPerfenen ber (S^ra^e fmb : bie e r jt e , bic f^redjenbc = I, im ?I3turaI we ; bie jh) eite, bie ange= fjjrorfiene, angerebetc = thou, you; bic b r i 1 1 e , bie befj^ro^enc , bie, ttou tneldjcc man rebet = he, she, it, ^furat they. ((5ngtif(f) : 1. the person speaking = he who speaks ; 2. the person spoken to ; 3. the person spoken of). — 2. 2Bag bie erfte SPerfon befi^t, ^eiptmy, mine — imb njcnn eg mc^rerc 93efi§er flnb : our, ours ; itjag bie jrtjeite befigt : thy, thine — your, yours ; ttjag ber britten ge^ort : his, her, its, hers — their, theirs. SDeiter f. 7 98 Personal. Personal unb Possessive Pronouns. — 3. Ue6er bic gormen ber $ e r f o n c n eineS 33erb f. Conjugation, I. — 4. (Selbfi= »erjidnbli(i& mit§ bie ^erfon beS SSerb mit i^rem ©ubiect ubereinftimmen : I speak, thou speakst, he speaks, they speak. @. Personal, C, @. — 5. ®e^en mel^rere Dcrfc^iebcnc ^Pevfoneu vor^ev, fo ftei^t bag SBerb imSpturah You and he have been present (ni^t has). SSgl. Number, III. Personal. 3)tc Pronouns personal bienen fiatt bcr ®u6fianttBC ju93ejci(^imng ber»crfd)icbenen/'er«o?«*, f. b. — J.^cv^ melteg. ©icjinb, iicben who , bie eins jtgen Shorter, wetc^e nod( cine eigene ^Declination , ndmUd) eine Bcfonbve Sovm fuv ben DSjcctitt unb fccfonbere ^luvaU formcn l^abcn : I — me, thou — thee, he — him, she — her, we — us, they — them. You nnb it l^atien , njic bie ©utfiantitte, 9lomtnatio imb Objectto flteid). SmUebri? gen bectinirt man bicfc ^Pronomen mit of unb to glei* ben ^auvtttjiJrtern. @. An- glosaxon, Ye, It. — B. 3^r @ c B v a u cf) tjl meifl ID. i. 2). 3m SlHgemeinen ifl nocf) gu mer!en: 1* @ie fijnnen cin ^au^ttBOvt aU aSefiimmung ju ficfi nel^- men : ff^e templars are a power and a dominion within ourselves. You .... you HEAP of Infamy! [2)a bic8 nunBtcS in bcr 1. unb 2. $erfon angcl^t, njit aUv in bcrSlnrebc im D. t)ic brittc ^crfon (ftatt you) fefeen, fo miiffcn ujir ofterS au8 bci- abj[ecti»if^en aSejlimmimg cinc5t:ppos, fition madjen. 2Sir fagen j. 33. luo^I: „(eonaflif^ : These cheeses are some of them formed like loaves. SScrgl* nod) Of, 4. — 4. 3m !D. fic^t bcr ®eniti» bet pronouns »orjugU^ » o r befiimmten 3aHen: aQBir ftnb unfer fieben, e« waren i^retr ad)t. 3)ann fe§t man i^n im e. Winter bie 3«^I unb beginnt ben ofition ftcl^t , fo gebraud)t ttjcrbcn ; inbe^ finbet ftd) : He lifted hiin up from his painful bed (n?o him fiir himself ftc^t) u. a. I shall bethink me. I remember me. I did lay me down (fiatt myself). ©. baf[elbe 1. SJiof. 3, 7 unb 22, 8 ; ©))r. 1, 5 ; @ft^. 1, 3 ; ^iob 16, 12 ; ©ir. 3, 29 ; 6, 4 ; 21, 31 ; 37, 22 ; «Pf. 53, 5 unb ijfter. *) 5Den umgefe^rten gall f. Re- flective, I, B, 3, — 6. 5)a8 «Pronomcn bcr britten $erfon fiel^t ttor 9ieUti» = fd^en oft im altgcmeinen ©inne = Seber, wer, ober im ^injelfinne, bcmonflratio = bcr , berjenigc, jebod) nur »on SDt e n f * e n. ©o im Stalienifc^en; fie entttjcber b a » o r , njte im !D., ober i m i »ergl. auc^ S3f. 25, 36 unb 71, 13. a. 3m *) Sutfter brauc^t namlici) mcift „f i(J)" al« 21 c cu f a tiu imt> „\\)m" unb "'?"*"" "^,f 35atio be« 9lef[«cti»8 , wabrenb tjier in bcr f;eutigfn ©pra^^e bet be galle in ben Dbjectio „11 Bei qui, quiconque; »ergt. What, A unb 3pf. 135, 18 a ; @))r. @a(. 3, 12 u. 15, 15. JDieg ifi alfo : C. ^Ui^fe beg ^erf6n= H^en Surtoortg. 2lucfe tjor bem reftec = ti»en SPronomen a(g ©ubicct fdltt eg df= terg toeg : Yourself have done it. Pick- wick addressed the club himself had founded. fDiefer gaft unb ber tjorige treffen jufammen in bem 3Serfe : "Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow," ©. no(^ Ellipse , B , 1 , 4 unb 11 ; It, C. eine fd)etnbare @nii)fc ifi eg, bem S)tutf(t)en gegenuber, baf in 9letati»5 f d ^ e n, bie fidj auf eine c r fi e ober j to e 1 1 c ?13er[on Iiejie^en, bag 5Pronomen ni^t toieberl^olt toirb, todl^renb bo* bag aSerbfi6nac^ bemfelben ti&ten mu§; 77*0?/ who wert ashamed = bu, bie bu 6ef<^dmt toarfl, cber : bu, bic 6e= fctjdmt to a r ; im ^ngtifcfeen b a r f eg aber toebcr l^ei^en : Thou who thou wert a., noc^ : thou who were a. (= Toi qui avais honte ; vous qui aviez honle.) Oh (Cawdor Street), thou ihAl sulliest bright mirrors with ignoble vapours — ! ®anj fo ifi t* auggelaffen: 2. a«of. 6,7.— D. Sur bic ® t e H u n g ber ^jerfonlic^en gurtoortcr getten biefelben 9tegeln, toic bei ben ^au^jttoortern , bie fie eben uertrcten. ®. oben B, 3; fcrner Subject unb Accu- sative, C ; Dative, @, unb Not. E. (§rfa§ unfereg unbcfiimm= ten, attgemcinen^Perfonentoors teg man* 2)afiir flel^t: a man, one (a body, a person), men, people (folks), we, you, they — obcr au(^ bag $ aff i» cineg S3crb. (35ie eingefd&toffenen 2Bottcr tocrben fettncr angctocnbet.) 2lber eg ifi fcinegtoegg gteidbguttig , toeld&er biefec elf ftjccialifirenben 5lugbrucfe fiir unfer alt= gemeineg ,,man" gefe|t toerbe; eg ifi »icts me^r fietg ber @inn }u berucfficfetigen, ber in jebem einjelnen Salle grabe in unferem „man" liegt, ganj toic bei „taffcn," f. to Cause. 2(uicrbem ifi genau barauf ju fe^cn, bap bie nat^folgenb en, fic^ auf „ttton" bcjiel^enben SEBorter auc^ mit bem 2lugbrucEe flimmcn, ber fur „m a n" gcfefet ifi ; eg barf j. 35. nic^t nac^ we (itvoai »on one fotgen; „man reurbe ft 6 Iditerltc&mac^en," nic^t: 7i;e should render owe's self ridiculous! (f» 9(lr. 1 unten) ; bag l^ie^e an g ber Sonflrucs t i n fallen! J^aujjtfdcljlic^ ifi ju un= terfc^ctben: a.) ob unter „man" etnc einjige 5lJerfon, ober mel^rerc eins J e I n e, ober alleSeute im Slllgemeinen ju ttcrftel^en finb ; 6.) ob man fic^ felbfi mit baju redinet ober nic^t. 3)a= raug ergeben fid) benn folgenbc 9iegetn: 1. Sfi nur eine 5Perfon gemeint, fo fon? nen natiirlicft bie ^turalbcgriff e men, people, folks, they nic^t 5SIa^ greifen ; eg blciben alfo no^: one, a man, a body, a person, we unb yow mogti*. 7* 100 Personification. Umftdj felBft au8brurf(i(f) mit einju= f c& I i e ^ c It (fid& ber e i n e n ^erfon glei*? jufietten, i^r ficft nitjufc^tie^en), fe^e man one ober ive: foil bagcgcn ber t, hjelcfoeg bem ^jerfonifictrten 2Borte fceige^ legt ttjirb. 1. JEritt an einem 3)in9c bie ©tdrfe, %f)atlvaft, ober ba3 ©erealtigc, @ d) r c cE li ^ c , 9iau]^e bcfonberS l^erwOr, fo 6etra(^tet man eg al« mdnntic^. 2. 2lt8 njeibti^ bagcgcn, ttjenn bie @a* d|e at8 f^toa^, tetbcnb, em)?fangenb, laxt, fcfjon, erjeugenb bargefieUt njerben fott. enberbe8fiarfen,burrf|5 bring enb en Sic^teS mcinnlirfi ; Me OToon, ba3 fleinere, fein ii^i cms tifangenfte ©eftirn mitberen @(t)ei= neS, irteifelt^ ; fo in attcn 6efanntern (Sjirai (i>cn, bie unfrige auSgenommen ; tAe time, in mdci^tigem gluge a«f 2ltte« ein = ttjirlenb — magculin; the virtue, bie fc^one, Itebtirf^c duell c, ber at= Ui ® ute c n t f J) r i n g t — ttjeibli* ; ebenfo bie 2tUe3 erjeugenbe earth; aud} iaS ©dbiff, the ship, al8 ein tieber ®c= gen^anb ber 9leigung be3 meerbe^err; fc^enbenSnfeCbetool^nerg (fo ifl felbjl man- of-tvar ftjeiblid)). @. btefc 2B6i-ter eins getn. 2Bie earth fiel^t aurf> country unb bie Xiamen ber Sdnber imb S3 6 Her, city unb bie 9famen ber ©tdbtc, aud) church unb bergi* oft weiblid) : England and her navy. — gtiiffc finb fafi immer mdnnli^ ^jerfoniftcirt. (3n Cornwall fagt man aud) : Oh , she is a wonderful mine.) — 3. Jtann nun einc @ac^c au3 »erf(^iebcnen ®eficl^t?»unften aufgcfapt toerbcn, fo gefc^ic^t eS aud^ leidtt, baf serf^iebene ©timmung beS ®emiit^eg fie »erf(^ieben — balb mdnnlid) , balb n3etb= \\6) — oerfor^ert. Unb auperbem fann ein fotc^er 33egriff unbenommcn auc^ no^ a(« 9teutcr 6etra*tet hjerben! fott) 0^ I mdnnli^, a 1 8 «) e i b t i d> betradjtet : Heaven, Providence, Genius, Conscience, Heart, Contemplation, Age, Chaos, Com- merce, Contenimenl, Hope, Vice, Ven- geance, Death, War, Ship, Ocean, Sea, 101 Autumn, Winter, Summer, Happiness, Tree, Lily, Bird, Eagle, Swan, Owl, Raven , Lark u, a. ; j. S. Heav'n his wonted face renew'd. Now heaven in all her gloiy slione and roiler' ,'i3r motions ; kiSef bi.i, ailili'ob. . And Wai' did glut him- self again. War had s,tored, hfr sul- phi^roas tveasuj'es' <=% bii ,5t«:i'',^^furie). 93cipet'', EfiKyroiij ' Provideiice disposes as lY thinks fit (Marryat). 3SieIe anbere ans jiel^enbe 93eift(iete f. in W I u g e t '« ® r a m= m a t i f, aud^ einige bei 5ffi a g n c r, § 266. — B. 2)a nun in ber ^erfonification bie 35 i n g e eben aU belebte , geiftige SBefen, als ^^Jcrfonen geltcn, fo ieibet ^ier audi bag !eine Slnttjenbung , ttjoburc^ fonfi ©a= 6)txi »on 3IJerfonen unterf^ieben ttjerben: fo ber Unterfdjieb ber 5Pronomen : f. who, which; his, its, Neuler,A; au^Possessive Case, B, 1 ; j. 95. The bear, who was sitting still after his dance — . I had a horse who knew me from any other person and manifested ... when I was on his back, his knowledge that he bore a person superior to the others. The good qualities of Christmas, 7^;^o is quite a country gentleman of the old school. aSergL bie 33eif^iete oben. A, 3 unb Epi- cene, 7. Ph, tautet 1. = f : philosophy; — 2. n^ie englifd^eS v in nephew; — 3. = p (bag h fiumm) in diphthong, triphthong, naphtha, shepherd. — 4. ph ift flumm in phthisis (= tisis) , apophthegm. — @e= trennt in atten SBortern beutfi^en llrs f^jrungS: uphold, uphill. Plc'onasm, ^dufung, Ueberfiitte beS 2tu«brucf8, fo bap fe^ter^after aCBeife jttjei* mat JDaffelbe gefagtn)irb ; au^ Tautology genannt; 5. 93. These two soldiers were both equally brave. (S. no(^ Hence , to Have, B, I ; Personal, B, 3 u. Very, A, 4. 3ur JRegel genjorben ifi bie J^leonafiifc^c 51 n t i c i ^ a t i n , f. b. @benfo fie^t neben old oft no^ at: At six years old Mar- garet Fuller could read Latin (= im 211= ter »on — ). SSergt. bie entgcgengefe^tc 3Serfurjung unter Ellipse, B, I, 2. Pluper'fcct, bie aSoroergangen^eit, meiji mit I had, feltner mit I was jufoms mengefe^t: f. Neuter, B, II ; I had beeU} 102 Plural. I had come — I was come. @3 bejeic^net eine ^anblutig , bie BereitS uergangcn irar, el^e eine cinbere Begann. ®thxau(ii hj. im 2). Plural. UeJtr ben9]tuiat 'jcv Q^troali formen f. Conjugation, Collective, Num- ber, -i^m lia«beln nur mtr t>Dm Plural Number of the Subi^tantive. ,A. ^cc- m cites. I. Slcgelmd^tg bilbcter ficf) burrf) Slnfe^ung eine^ s an ben (Singular : the father — the fathers , a tree — some trees ; a strung series of Zs. — II. ^(eine ort^ogtajjl^ifrfie 2tb = toe id) an gen, bur^igangig dl^nltd) ben unter Conjugation, II, Comparison, A, I, Ordinals, 3, Euphony, D, erwdl^nten. 1. 9ia(^ einem 3 i f (^ e r (s, ss, sh, ch, x) St%t man es: glasses, foxes, bushes, churches. Sautet ch afcer tote k, fo fiel^t natiirlid) nut s; aucft l^atte man th nid?t cttoa fitr einen Sifd^I^JUt : monarchs, smiths. @. no* -es. — 2. 5lud) bie mei- ften aCiirtcr auf o itel^men es an: the echoes, cargoes; jcboc^t the volcauos, the dominos ; bie auf to Ijef ommen nur s : the folios, seraglios. — 3. 2)te @nbung fottvfe ijectoanbcit fidj in ves: the beef — the beeves ; the knife — the knives ; (fo and) myself— ourselves). beaten: ^uf, @d)iff, 3){uff, ®tcff, ©c^nujjfen, Stlippi; fc aad^ coifs son coiffe (franjof.), cuffia (ital.) ; »gl. Euphony, D, (5. — 4. y na d) einem ©onfonanten toirb ie (alfo tes): a lady: ladies; na(^ einem S3 o cat aber Bl eifct eS: boys, days; »ergt. Compa- rison, A, I, 2. Snbeji fd)rei6t man neben bem regetrndf igen 5PlaraI attorneys, jour- neys , valleys unb monkeys audi altor- nies, journies, vallies unb monkies. — 5. SJiandje aa8 fremben @)jrad)en entlel^ntc aOBorter ^aben aa^ i^ren fremben ^Jtaral mit ^eritber gebvo*t: fo axis, axes ; aac^ basis , crisis, ellipsis, em- W phasis, hypothesis, parenthesis bertoan* beln ba« is im 5PJurnt in es ; sphinx : / sphinges; magus: magi; triumvir : tri-/^ umviri; arcanum: arcana; automalou'' -^ automata ; datum : data ; encomium comia ; phenomenon: phenomena; genus: genera. !Die« finb S at inig men unb tSreciSmen; nadi bem ?5ran jof. '^at mun von monsieur : messieurs; manteaux unb beaux (neben manieaus unb beaus) ; aa8bem3talienifd)en: bandilto : banditti; virtuoso: virtuosi; relievo: relievi ; soprano: soprani. Oft jie^t baneben bie englifd)c ?PIura(form : fo seraphs unb cherubs neben ben ebrdifcfeen seraphim unb cherubim ; mediums neben media »om tatein. medium ; genius bilbet genii i. @. son: ©^u^gei^er, @cnten, aber ge- niuses i. @. »Dn : talentttoUe aWdnner, @e= nieg; bei un8 tritt oud) noc^ in erf^erem ®inne bie latetn., im lectern bie fvanj.iJi a 8= f^rac^c jur SJerfdlieben^eit ber gorm l^inju. — HI. @anj anregelmd^ig bilben fi* folgenbe: 1. child — children; foot — feet ; goose — geese ; louse — lice ; man — men ; mouse — mice ; ox — — oxen ; tooth — teeth ; die i^at ben re= getmdpigen $Iarat dies i. @. son ^mi= fiem^et , bagegen dice i. @. »on SBiirfel. @*ou bie 2le^nlid)feit btcfer SOSorter mit unfever @))rad)e beatet auf i^re 2lbfiam= mung , anb fte l^aben bie alten gormen be8 atngetfd^fif^en im $(aral ebenfo betoa^rt, toie bie anter II, 5 angegebenenbieil^rigen* SSergl. Anglosaxon. — Brother u. Penny f. a. i. O. — 2, 3)ic SBorter aaf man ^aben im $laral men, toenn bie eng = lifd^e @:prad|e fetbfi fie gafammen; gefe|t l^at : statesman — statesmen; Frenchman — Frenchmen ; woman — wo- men (f)5rid) wimen). @inb fte aber gteidj fertig, jufammengefe^ t aa8 ans b c r n @)3rad)en gefommen , fo ncl^men fie im ^Plurat s an : a Norman : Normans ; Mussulmans ; Germans. — IV. 3n jUs fammengefe^ten SiCortern befommt ba? @runbtoortba8 3eid)en beS 5^ t u r a \, wdl^renb ba8 33eflimmung8toort uns loerdnbert bleibt: an attorney -ge- neral: the attorneys-general; a son-in- law : two sons-in-law ; a man-of-war : the men-of-war ; a mouse-trap : mouse- Plural. 103 traps ; — spoonsful, boatsful. — V^ U n = toerdnbert 6(ei6cn: 1. bic33 oHer= n am en auf e^e: Chinese,(5^iiufe iinb (Bf)i' nefen ; Genoese, Portuguese, the coslume of the Tyrolese ; fo ai\di Swiss ; Maltese j^at abet Malieses. — 2. @inlge ©ubfians tbe, wtil fte colle ctiw if(^ geba^t werben: fo business, fish, deer, sheep people, fowl, fruit, hair; knowledge, progress, income, strength : — Men kill oxen , sheep , deer and even birds and ^sh. Exactness in accounts or business Fish, Hair, Pair, People f. a. uO. ©o ^at Sutler: tobtlidjc ® efdjo^, 5Pf. 7,14, imb ® e f c^ ci f t , ^ a a r , O b fi bvau(J)en toh a^X[{[6) , icenn aud^ nicf|t nc6cn $Ius raf f r m e n : njeif cS ^aar = iceife ^aarc iinbbergf. —3. 35ie al«@ubfittntttte gebrauc^ten 2lbjecti»e unb bte a(S 21 b j e c t i » e gebraut&ten @ ti b fi a n t i » e, 93ergt. unten B, 4 unb Adjective, B, fi. 2lugnal^men: externals, 2(euierti(^= feilen ; regulars, regutdre 3;ru)Ji3en : pri- vates, ©cineinc; initials, 3tnfang8bu(^= ^aben; innocents, Unf^ulbige; com- mons, bic SllUagSfcft, u. a. (£ie laffen fic6 oXi Plural Nouns betrac&ten, trccrn fo= glelA. — V'l. SGBorrer, bie uberl^amjt cber in eincr gewiffen 33ebcutung b t o f i m $ I u = rat t5orfommen, l^eigen Plural Nouns; mandic ftnb aud) im fDentfcfeen nur fo gc* brdud)ti(f), cinjclne ftnben fi^ au^ , aber feltner, im (Singular; hsie arms. 2Iug il^rcc gro^en 9lnja^{ — glugefg ©ramma^ tif gdl^lt beven 900— gcben tuir nur bic ge- tooi^nlicliflen ; bie curfiD gebrurften f. man nod) a. i. O. unb »ergl. Proper Names, B, 1. — yilms, the Alps, annals, bie3nl^rf budjcr, archives, arms, bieSBaffen, ashes, bie 3lfd>e/ (ash = (5fctK,) the Azores ; — Bellows, billiards, bowels; — Cata- combs; clothes, colours, compasses, consols , coppers , ^utfcrgelb ofcer @es fd)irr, costs, colelets, curds; — Deli- cates, drinkables;— Eatables (»gt. IV, 3), eaves, effects, entrails, environs, espa- liers; — Fetters, finances, folks, forces, 3;rui?^3en; furnishings; — Gaitors, gallo- chies, gallows, goods, greens, ©emiiS, gums, gymnastics; — Headquarters; — Incomings, the Indies, intellects, in- trigues = 9ldnfe , italics ; — Letters, bie 323 iffeufdniften, lines, SSrief = biefe 3eilen, literati, ©ete^rte, lungs (= les poumons) ; — Maculatures, manners, 8e= benSart, mathematics, means, measles, morals; — theJNetherlands, news, nine- pins, nut-crackers; — Oats, odds, orgues , Orget ; — Pains, pantaloons, papers, physics, bie Diaturle^re (bagegen ^ei^t physic, bie SD^ebicin), politics, poste- riors; — Reins, relicts ober reliques; ruins = Jlrummev; — Sands, scissors (= lesciseaux), shelves, 9({ega(, snuffers (= les mouchettes) , spectacles (= les lunettes), stairs, stays, suspendors, synonyma; — Temples, thanks, tongs (= les pincettes) , troops , Irowsers ; — Vacancies = gerien, vapours = ©rtffen, victuals; — Wages, waters cber wells, ber ©efimbbrunncn , whiskers. 3m IU= brigen f. b. SBovterbucft. SQBieman nun, h?o n6tf;tg, ben ©inl^eitSbegriff fotc&er SQSorter augbriirfe, f. Singular, B, 1. B. SBefonberer ©ebraud) beg $tJIural. 1. ^ie^er gel&oren jum 3:^eil bic cben befproc^enen Plural nouus. — 2. 2)cm ttcrttanbt ifi ber gall, njo ber plural noc^ cine anbere Jfiebeutung neben ber beS Singular }i<\X'. water j^ei^t ba« aOBaffer: waters, bie SBaffer, @enjdf= fer, aber aud) ber ©efunbbruiinen ; letter, ber 23ud)fiabe, ber SSrief: letters, bic 33ud)ftaben, 33ricfe, aber aud) bic aBiffen; fd)aften; humanity, bic aJicnfdific&fcit ; humanities , bic ©c^ulnjiffcnfdjaften , ^u= maniora ; the iron, bag @ifcn; the irons, bic ©ifcn = geffeln; f. nod> Colour. — 3. SBie in anbern @vrad)en ifi ti e , bie ein aJiaf, ®en)ic&t ober cine 2tnja^t bebcuten, blcibcn im 2). mcifl un»erdnbert, im (Jnglifc^en 104 Positive. jDcrben fit 6a tb ijluraliftrt, Balb nieranbert: two four-tcheel carriages ; a two hundred pound note , the ten thousand pound prize, a two foot rule. @ben[c : my hair- breadth escapes. SSgt. oUn, A, V, 3 unb Substantive , C. — 5. aDBtrD auggefagt, bap m e ]^ r e r e 5l?erfoncn dtwaS b e f i ^ e n, fo fte^t bie Sefeffenc © a (J> c im 5? I u r a (, wenn fic jebev 5Per[on einjein jufommt (Sebein gteic^fam ein (SremiJiar) ; ift ti abtx eine ©ac^e, bie mir ein mat »ors !^anben ifl, bie atte nut einmat, gc meinfc^aftU* Scftlen, fo ftc^t fie im ©ingutar. My dear parents make my happiness the whole study of their lives. My poor mother's and father's deaths. You have done me many kindnesses. He was sincere and affectioned in his friendships (=gcgen f e i n c g r e u n b e; e8 fc^immert ba8 Concrete bitr^ ba3 5lbfivac= turn Ijinburcf)). The gross understand- ings of the Hellenes. They drank to our healths. We had filled our stomachs. The appetites of the consumers, ©o un= terfrf)elbe : We returned to our home = in unferc (gemeinf*aftri(^c) ^eimat. We returned to our homes = in unfre «§ e i s maten {3frf>ocfe), jeber in feinen feetreffen; ben ^eimata o r t. ©o auct) narf) (5 o 1 1 e c = tivcn: The family still resolve to hold up their heads. Mankind wanders, un- knowing his roay. The council were divided in their sentiments. The gather- ing (of the gypsies) was broken up, each gang taking their own way (= gemeins fct)aftri(^en aCeg). 9Jergt. Collective, 2, unb Possessive Case, A, 5. — 6. iX)er 5P(urat bient ferncr, m e 1^ r c r e einjetne ©ingttlare jufammen jufaffen, alfo jur ©a^»erfiirjung. Slnfiatt ndmlirf> ein ©ubfiantito, bag ju mel&rern 2tbj,ecti»en gcl^ort, Bei jebem ju njieber^oten, fegtman eS nur Winter baS U%tt , unb jiDar — weit e« me^rfac^ ju benf en ifi — in ben gplurat: The thirty -sixth and thirty- eighth chapters of Exodus. The Latin is the basis of the French, Spanish, and Portuguese languages. i?ann jeboc^ einc 3i»cibeutigfeit entftel^en, fo »ermei= bet man biefe 3itfammenjte^ung unb fcfet bann entttjeber baS ^au))ttt3ort im©in5 gular julefet, ober gleirf? gum erfien 5tbj;ecti», irci^renb eS bei atten iiSrigen buret) one aertteten n^irb (f. One, B), unb — bie •& a u i) t f a * e — in feeiben SaUen toirb ber 5lrtitet ic iebcrl^ott, um eben bie serfc^iebcnen JDinge ni^t in einS jufammenfUepcn ju laffen (f. J, an, D, 3). The big and little ele- phants tonnte l^ei^en : bie gropen unb bie !(einen ©♦; l^at man aber nur ein en grof en unb ein en fleinen ©. gefel^en, fo fagt man : 1 saw the big and the little elephant, ober: I saw the big elephant and the little one. — 7. 2lbflracta unb ©toffnamen fie^en, wic im JD., gc= iwo^nlirf) nur im ©ingular, fo courage, humanity,— wood, milk; ijfterJjebocb and) im plural, sorjiiglic^ tt?enn bie ser; fd)iebcnen ©injelarten eineS foi^en SSegriffg l^ercorgel^oben tuerbeu fotten. ®o mischiefs, UngJiicfgfdae; griefs, 33efum= merniffe ; wools, silks. The intolerable heats. He found the snows so deep that — . I would have died a thousand deaths rather — . The lives of those heroes were not happy (ttergl. oben 3). Ste^n^ ti*c? ftnbet ft^ in ber beutfc^en Jlauf* manngfprarfie, oft auct> in ben Siatur^ njiffenf^aften. — 5tuferbem f. no^ Pro- per Names. Pos'ltiTC. 1. Positive Degree l^cigt bie (Srunbform eine? 2lbjecti» , im (gtgenfa^e ju Comparative unb Superla- tive; ju best, happier finb alfo bie jpofi* J t^eTryy, if.f*M^/f. Possessive Case. 105 ti»e good, happy. — 2. (Jin ^ o f i t i » c r © a§ ifi fottift aU etn affiimatber, f, b. Posses'siTe Case , au^ Saxon Ge- nitive gcnannt. J. S o r m unb @ t e I = lung. 1. 2Kan Jjejeicftnet i^n buret) em bem aCorte angc^angtca V (^B- n i c^ t nut s !): the man's, beS QJianneS ; the Lord's Supper. 2)ie8 mag urftjriingtic!^ au8 Ais entfianben fcin, toaS »utgdr*) no* jegt gcbrau^tttJtrb, fru^er auit) in ber®(^rift. @o: The Pope qualifies himseU Christ his vicar, jtatt Christ's vicar. — 9lod) bei L. Byron : „Dark. Muchlar his son to the Danube is sped." Unb bei ©cott : This ye may read in Colonel Munro his expedi- tion. 2luc& im neueftcn, XIII. iBanbe ber Household Words (@. 312) : Read good Dr. Borlase his History of Cornwall. gSgt. Abuse. — 2. (5r fie^t jlet? o o r bem @ufcjianti» , ba8 il^u regtert : the man's horse ; my daughter's friend ; those men's children; Jullien's Polkas. — 3t3u= weiten tt)trb er jtuifc^en ein ^Pronomen unb beffen @ubfiantt» eingefd^loffen: ^U Doc- tor Burdock's little pieces. All Mr. Tup- man's earnest entreaties. — 4. (5nbet ein 2Bort (im (Singular Dber ^Ptural) auf cinen 3 i f c^ e r , fo \t%t man nur einen 2l)5ofiro))]^ baran : Charles' hat. My brothers' graves. Marks like flies' feet. 5Kt*t fetten jiel^t jebod^ '* aucfe na* einem 3if^er, aber nur bei @ingu = larformen: Strauss''s and Lanner's Waltzes; at St. James's; Mr. Perkins's profession ; bann tefe man ben 5{pofiroi)]& njic e (In roses), j» 23. : Hard by, where turn'd apart the road To Douglas''s obscure abode — . 3m jpiurat bagegcn taf t man nad) einem 3if(6er ijfter§ fogar no* ben 5ljjoftrop]^ tteg : One of your tenants sons. After two hours walk (f. unten B, 4). — 5. @inb mel^rerc fol^e ©enitiwe »on e in em ©ubs flantio ab^dngig , fo fe^t man ba8 's nur an ben le^ten, njenn ber a3eft| ein ge = mctufdjaftUcfcer ifl, — an jebeS Charles and William's rooms (=ge = metnf(f)aftnrf)e 3immer). John's, Charles', and William's rooms = bie 3immer Solon's , bie itarl'S unb bie 2fii(= l^elm'g. — 6. ©te^t bei bem ©ubfiantie eine Sljjpofitiott ober eine anbere Ses jlimmung, fo befommt biefe, unbnid)t ba3 ©ubfiantit) bag 3ei*en be8 $offeffio: Prince Adolphus Duke of Cambridge''s Palace. The queen of England's children. My father-in-law's will. There is John the footman's coat. My Lord Bishop's spatterdashes. @. bie tefeten beiben ®a^c unter Abbreviation, II, 1. 3fl ber S3ei« fa§ jebo* gar gu lang , fo fe^t man He= ber of , ober l^angt baS V bem erfien ©ubflanttB an , fobalb bie? ein $erfonen; name ifl: The army of Charles John, King of Sweden and Norway. These psalms are David's^ the king, priest and prophet of the Jewish people, ©elten ftnbct man ben ^offeffio na* beutfrtjer 2lrt j tt) e i m a I bejei^net: A spaniel which had been Don Jose''s, his father''s (Byron). You proceeded to my father''s, Copeland's (fagt ein fl e U e r bei Dickens). 93gl. 1. @am. 23, 17* — ^. ® e b r a u c^ be6 5[Joffcffi». 1, ©cfjon fein 9]amc beutet an, bap er einen ^efi^er be= jeicfcne. JDa^er fie^t bei tebtofen 5)in= gen biefe Sorm in ber Steget nt(^t (jeborf) in 3ufammenfe^ungen : a pin's head , a pin's point ; f. Composition, A, 1, 1) ; ^du= fig aber bei abftracten 93egriffen, fo* batb fie yerfonificirt erfcfjeinen: And FreedomPs fame finds wings on every wind. What was the pity''s recom- pense? — The moral's truth. Pleasure's hand. \vl my youth'' s sxxmvatv. An Earth- quake's Spoil. ©. nod) Active, E. — 2. @tatt son einem tt)irHi({|en ©ubjlantic fann er aucft » o n einem a c t i o c n 5)3 a r = tici^j ab ;^dngen:f. Participle, A, III, 1. — 3. 2Benn er fiir unfern !5)atio jlel^e, f. to Be^ A, 2; «gt. ba3 Statienifcfec unb f. jpf. 94, 1 ; 3. SKof. 6, 5; 7, 7 ; SJiatt^. 22, 21 ; L ©am. 9, 20 : au(^ ^t^tm. 5, 5 (bei merben). ©o audi : „2Bir teb en ein 5 eine aber, ttenn Seber fiir fic^ bie junb fterben beS .§errn." — 4. gcrnerfiel^t @a*e befl^t (»gt. Plural, B,5): John, jer bei aSefiimmung ber 3ett, beS 9lau = *) 3(1> erinnere an bie bcru^mte 3nf(^ttft in ben fpiefwirfiern : „Bill. Stumps. His. Mark," 106 Possessive Pronouns. me8, fDU^eS, ^ttt^cS, ® troi^f teS: la less than five minutes' time; a two-year's imaginative task; half-au- hour's bombardment ; one mile's distance; at a minute's warning ; a ten-hour's bill ; we hold them at arm's length. llefctigenS f. noc^ Genitive. — 5. 2Bo er in ter 3f{cget nic^t gcbrau^t ttjerbe , f. Of , 2. — C. 2) a 8 r e g i e r e n b e ^au))tn)ort Blcibt oft njeg: 1. 2Co e8 aw« bem 33or]^evge^enben iric= itxt^oU tverben fofltc : My garden is greater than my neighbour's. @. ben 1. @a§ untev For, 3. 93ergr. ^ic6, 7, 1; 2. SDfiof, 14, 5. ©ott baS ®ubfianti» bur* ein^Jronomen vcvtrctcn it>erben , bann fiel^t of ftatt be? $offeffi« : My garden is greater than that of ray neighbour, — 2. 2le]^ntt(f| Bei ben ^dKen beS >& e r a u 8 = l^ebcnS, irie fie unter Of, 4 angegcBen finb : A horse of the general's (viz. horses). A manuscript of the old clergy- man's. The species is a plausible in- vention of Pennant'' s (viz. inventions). SDIan meinc ja nicftt, ba^ biefer $cffe[fit> »on of ab^dnge! SJon of l^ctngt »ielme^t ba8 im *phirat ju crgdnjenbe SCBort ab, tinb biefeS regiert ben 5|Jcffeffitt. — 3. aCenn e6 cine fid) »Dn fel6|l »erftc^enbe DrtSb ejci^nung ifi, toie house, palace, church, shop (e i g e n t li d) e @ 1= li p f e), befonberS nad) $rdjjofitionen : We were at my uncle's ( — house)", not a Brown's ( — coffeehouse). I left the wi- dow's ( — shop). My friend proposed a visit to Frascati's ; but .... I knew Frascati's , as the French saying is, by heart (ergdnjc gambling house). He went to Copeland's (— fabric). I found him at the bookseller's ( — shop). She goes to St. John's (—church). (So l^ei^t fogarbic UeSerfdirift einer ©rjdl^lung bei Boz: „Monsieur Gogo's," unb man l^at, njie ber Bufammenl^ang fpdter geigt , Pension ju crgdnjen. Posses'sive Pronouns. J. ?5or = mtUti. ® ie jerfaUen in jttjei (Slaffen : aerbunbene, b. 1^. fold^e , bie abjiecti= »ifc6 belm <§au)jtn3orte ftel&en , unb uns \) e V b u n b e n e , bie felbfiftdnbig, felbft al8 ®ubfiantitt fiel^en. I.aSerbunbene {con- junctive possessive pronouns). ^Ht bie crfie SPerfon my, unb (bei mel^rern 23eft§ern) our; fiir bie gttjeite thy unb your ; fiir bie britte : her, his, its, one's unb theirs: ndmlid) his, fein, son einem 33efi^er; her, i^t, »on einer 93 e = fi^erin; its, fein, i^r, toon einem Dieuter; one^s, fein, (il^r) toon einer unbes fiimmten IJJerfon (one) ; theirs son m e 5 = rem Sefigern ober aSefi^erinnen o^m VLn- terfc^ieb* 5)emnad) : the man and his wife; the woman and her child; the bird made iV* nest. The 6e// rang, and its sound was borne towards us. Every thitig finds its level. It was almost im- possible to keep OMc's fooling, ^axx §at atfo 5 2(u8brucfe fiir nnfer i ^ r ju unter= fd)eiben: 1. erdnberi licft ; bie Safug bejeid)nct man burd) of unb to. — B. ® e bra neb- I. Die tiers bunbenen brauc^t man genjol^nlid^ axi^ ba , njD i. 2). ber biofie Sirtifet jurei<6t, ttjeil fic^ ber ©efife sen fetbft serfie^t : He put his pipe into his pocket. She fell on her head. I have cut 7ny finger (= i(^ \:io,U m i d? in ben %. — ). I beg your par- don, id) bittc ©ie urn a^erjei^ung. He plunged in to her relief (=z umfie ju retten, i^r ju ^iitfe). SSgl. %\. 78, 8 ; Serem. 27 , 2. 9^ur augna^mgmeife flel^t aucft im ©ngt. ber bloge Qlrtitet, ttjenn «in bepimmenber Objecti» toor^ergel^t: He held me by the hand. Fleta looked us both in the face. SJergl. Reflective, II, B , 2. — 2. Defter a(g t. 3). ne^men fic oivn jur aSerfldrfung ju ftc&. @o fc^meis 6^i\t ein Jlinb feiner aiiuttec : That is my Potential Mood - own kind mamma! SSergt. no(i^ iinten' II, 1. — 3. Ueter i^rc aSerbtnbxtng mit bempnfiratben $ronoutt3 f. Of, 4, a, @. — 4. ®tc Srauctien nic^t ivicber l^ott ju tterben , iro fie jit nie|)rcni ®ubfian= twenge^oren, auggcnoinmcn beg groBci^n Sfiadibrucfg ivegen: Her mother, brothers and nephews. She deserves our love and our estime. @. nod) Partitive, 5. — II. 2)ie unsertunbenen fte^en ganj fo, n)te t. 3), 1* ©tatt unferer »erf)un? ben en tnuffen fte ftef^en, tnenii bicfe nic&tbeim^aiH)tn)orte, fonbern alS ^rdbicat 6cl fein fieljen, iuie: 2)le8)i8ud) ifi me in (euer, unfer u. u f.): This book is mine, yours, hers, ours — . 3)ie gormen mine unb thine beuten an, bap eS auc& i. 2). eigenttic^ nicf)t btc »crSiin = ben en, fonbern bie a(ten , Bom ®entti» ber ))erf6nltd)cn ^Jronomen {n?ie: ,,®e = b e n ! c m e i n ! ) abgeleiteten (rcie ii^oi »on ifwv)^ artifeltofen Sormen ber uns BcrBunbenen gueignenben giirftorter fmb. JDal^er fagt man and) , befonberS in neuefter S)t'xt'. bie QJieinen, er unb bie ©einen, flatt Q)ieinigen, <2einigen u. f. XV). 3n»erttrte« a3eif)5iel : iMine be a cottage in the vale. -Winter to be f^e^en bafiir oft bie cerbunbenen, aber burct» own »erjicirFten : Whose is this purse? It is my own. (S. audjnod) Of, 4, unb Every. — 2. 3m l^ij^ern @ti)fe fiel^en mine unb thine man^mal, in ®ebi(ftten fiet^ vor SSocaten (SBol^UautS unb Sflac^brucfS ^at^ ber) flatt my unb thy; Mine absent guests. A bee-hive's hum shall soothe mine ear. With thine eye. Thine own heart. Know'st thou not thine and our Sover- eign? 93ergt. None. — C. ©tcttung: ganjber5)eutfc^en gteidi. 3)ieBerbunbencn ober tretcn, fo wie bie 2lrtitel unb bie 5)e= monfiraticg , ]^ i n t e r half, both, all f. b. — D. ac eggetaf f en iuerben fie in ber Umganggfjjra^e bei ber 28ejei(f)nung »on aSerttjanbten (tt)ie in mand)en @e= genbcn!Deutfd)(anbg: ©ater ifi nic^t ju 4?aufe, er ifi mit aJiut tern auSgegangen — ganj tuieSigennamen): Look, this is brother Jack. Uncle is not sick. I have not quarrelled with sister. %u6^ in aboerbialen 9teben8arten, trie at will, XxKxi jc na(J| bem Sufammenl^ange l^ei^t : Preposition. 107 narf) meinem, beinem, fcincm, unfermu.f.f. aBilten, gleirfj un= ferem: nad) SSetieben, ad libitum, franjof. aber : a mon gre , a son gre , \ votre gr6 (= at yowr pleasure). Poteutial Mood, f. Conditional, @. Predicate, bag ^Jrabicat, (.Adjec- tive, B, 1 unb 4. Preposit'ion , 93erl^artni§n)prt. J. Qlrten. 1. (Jinfadje ?Crd)?Dfitipnen finb J. 33. at, by, in, to, for, of, after. — 2. 2lu8 9Ib»erbien (ober abwerbialts fd^en JRebengarten) unb eincr ^rd^jofitiott finb J u f a m m e n g e f c $ t : out of, throughout, without, within, because of, instead of, up to , according to. — 3. !Dopt)e(t>rdi3ofitionen ju au8= briicftidKrer SSejeici^nung gibt eg Ujenige : f. From unb t>ergt. im Sranjof. de chez moi, rfe;yflrlaloi, d'aprSs , d'avec unb bergl. , au(& unfer ,,von . . . Vregen:" !♦ ®am. 25, 5 unb 9; ^f. 7 , 1. Sine d^n? lic&e Siiflc beg Slugbrudg f. unter Hence. (Sin anbercr gatt aber ifl ber unten (F, 2) erwd^ntc: f. bie Ic^ten Sd^e bort. 35ag @d)tt5ierigfle im ®cbraud>eber *Prd^3ofitionen ifi nidn i^r 9{cgimen, nid)t il^re (Sonfiruction, ©teUnng, 2Bieberl^oIung ober 5Iuglaffung — bariiber f. B big F — fonbern eben il&r @e branch, b. ^. bie rid)tigc SB a 1^1 ber $rd))Dritioneu am jcbegmatigcn Orte. 3)iefe ccrrecte 2lntt)ens bung aber ifi — bei ber fo nal^en ®innc«s »ertt)anbtfd)aft manner — fo tt>enig teieftt, ba§ fetbfi ©ngldnber unb englifdte (Sd)rift= fietter l^ierin gefc^tt l^aben (f. Fliigel's unb Wagner's ©rammatif am @nbe beg 2lbs fdtnitteg fiber btc $rd)3ofxtiDnen). ^ier foUten nun f(^Ied)terbingg bie 2B o r t er = b u * e r eine anf ben anerfannt guten ®es braud> gcgrunbete 2lnleitung gcben, no= mcntlid^ iiberatt fagen, rreldie SPrdvofition nac^ einem SSerb, @ubflanti» ober Slbuerb fotge ; fe^r oiet, aber bei bem befc^rdnften 9iaumenatiirnd)uid)t immer genug, bictet bag (fteinerc) 3}ra!tif(%e SBorters bu(^ won Dr. J. G. Fliigel, Hamburg, 1847. 2Ber mel^r tterlangt , bem gibt 2Inti)eifung unb ja^lreid)e iBeif^siete ein 2Berf , bag ft<^ »orjiigUd) ^ i e m i t be* 108 Preposition. f^aftigt ; Melford , cnglifd) = betitfdjeg ^jl^rafeologif c^ eg ^anbnjortcr? 6u(i& u. f. h). Set^jtg, 1852. Uebrtgene f. mon noc^ iaS (Snbe unfcreS QtrtifelS : Ad- jective. — B. 3ebe ^Jrd)?of. regiert ben 2lccufatt»; f. biefen, B, I, 3 unb Declension, III. — C, ® e S r a u eft: tu. i. 2). 1. Dft flel^en aitt m c 1^ r c r e 5^rd)5ori= tionen Bor einem ©uBfiantb: In, and wit/t our country. He walked up to and returned ivith the master of the ce- remonies. Feeling for, or wi(/i them. Some demand on her charily interfered with, and drew from, the pious savings. I had formed so high an opinion of and so strong an attachment to her. 3)aS gi6t, jDcnn aud> nicftt ftets einc fdjone, fo bocft eine furje Sonjiruction. @ie finbet fid) 6ei ben befien unb mobernfien ©(ftriftfiets lern, mogen fie au(i) bie ©rammatifer tabctn. 3m !D. ifi fie, obfcfton ganj tabets log, fc^on beSttjegen fcltner, \vcx\ imfre aScrl^altni^morter nic^t, ttiie bie (Sngli' f(i^en , alle b c n f e 1 6 e n (5afu3 regieren ; f : @3 »arb fur unb tttber ben 33ors fc^kg gefprocften. 91 e ben ober in bcm ^aufe* 93ilber m i t unb o 1^ n e dia1)men ; iinb bergUc bei bem 3ufammentreffcn jreeier @onj;unc = tionen »oif ommt : They are as bad as, e\eu worse than , the fair. They glow like creatures of the mine , with a rich gnome-like splendour, more mysterious than, if not so exquisitely lovely as, the "flying flower." (a3etbe(S(S^ebei Dickens.) aJlan beacfttc |iier, njie in obigen @d^en, bie Singerjeige ber 6 o m m a. — 2. a3e= fanntlicft bienen o/unb to ju Sejetd^nung ber eafu6»er^dttniffe. ®c^r oft mup abcr an(f) eine anber e $rdpofition eintreten, no X. JD. ein bto^er SafuS :^inreicftt : He settled this sum on his daughter (= fe^te fic feiner 3;. auS); f. Dative, (5, — 3. Umgefe^it mu^ niand|mat i. 2). eine ^rd^ofuion jiel&en, wo i. (5. feine ifi: f» Accusative, B, 2 unb Nominative. — i. UnfremitJJJrd^ofitionen jufam- mengcfefet en 21b»erbien: babei, bamit, boran, barein, barin, barau8, bajn, bajtoifc^en, ba* ranf, baruber, barum, ba»on, ba»or, b a bur (ft, bal^inter, bafiir, bagegen; itomit, ttjoneben, ttjo? ran, njofiir;l^iemit, l^inein u.bgt., au^ be8|iatb, begwegen miiffen im (5. oft bur^ eine $rd^5ofition unb ein ^ronomen aufgetdjl werben; fiir ,,ba" tritt bag 5)emonftratit> this (ober and) it) ein, fiir „» o" bag 9ietati» which (f. This, 3; It, B, 2; Which, A, 3): worin = in which; baruber = at it, at this; «)oriiber, at which. 3nbe§ l^at aud) bag @ngl. mand)e foId)e ^rdjjofitionalabvers bien mit here, there, where, bie aber n)ie= ber nid)t atle son jebem ©rammatifer gelobt njecben njoHen : ihere-of, here- by , where - by , there - by ; where- at he grew angry. Where - fore is he come? The ground where -upon I stand is wet. Here -in he is in the right. — 5. $rdj)ofitionen ttjerben oft aucft JU (5 n i u n c t i n c n : fo after, before. Jfter the dance had continued an hour. Before they could proceed. — D. aOBieberl^otung einer $rd^3ofition, bie ^u mei^rern SGBortern gel^ort , ifi nicftt notl^ig : Nothing could make us angry with the world or each other^ It de- pends not on circumstance but consti- tution. I destroyed her not with my hand, but heart. 93erg(. Apposition, 11. — E. (SUiJjfe ber 518rdi)ofi = tion: nid)t ebenl&dufig; f. Of, For, At, From, To unb Ellipse, B, 1, 10; unb »gl. A, an, C, I, a, 1; u. Accusative, B, 1, 1, a, unb British , ©. — F. ® t a n b ber 3Prd:|3 ofitionen. 1. 3n ber JRcgel b i d) t » r iferem 2lccufati» : I went with my brother. According to its command- ments , i^ren ©eboten g e m d ^ ; be- cause of you = Sl^ret tt) e g e n. — 2. 3)ann njerben fie ofterg aucft burcft eingefifto = bene2lb»erbicn ob^Stboerbialien »on i^rem 2lccufati» getrennt : »gt. Con- junction, 1 ; — Ai precisely that age ; in directly an opposite light ; in about a fortnight (= in timcx Bierjel^n flagen); in, she told her Somersetshire friends., the south of France (Boz). At various depths, of from five to thirty feet. We would get through a stage oZ/rom fifleca to twenty miles (einc ©tierfe »on ber Present Tense — Scingc »on 15—20 a)Jciten). A duration of from fonr to five hours. After a f^ambler's life of between three and four years. A population of from four thousand to five thousand. I shook hands and parted with , next to you , the best friend that I ever had. 2Ie^ntic^ aucf): It tastes of I know not what, h). i. 3). SJgl,: II parlait de je ne sais quoi. ^el^nlid) finbet ftcfe bic unbeutf i^c SSecbinbungt iDiefe SSoget nci^rcn ft(^ »Dn im^erbfie reifcnben SSeeren, — 3. ©ie treten iweit i^inter tl^ren SlccufatiB, icenn bie^ fer an bie © )) i ^ e bcS ®a^eg tritt (3n»er= non); bann tritt bie^Prd^jofttion l^inter ba8 SBort, t>on bem fie abl^angig ij!: j411 these Mr. Turps will supply at per dozen. A gentleman whom he had not the pleasure of an intimate acquaintance wi/A. 3eboc^ ixitt fie aud) bann oft »cr il^rcn 3lccufat[» ; am l^aufigften getrennt tvirb fie »on telatt»e« unb interro gati»cn ^Jronomen: What new conquest are you now aiming at? » o 1^ n e 20 Sa^re in biefem ^aufc = I have lived twenty years in this house. His father has been dead these nine years (= ifi tobt). He lived in a floui'ishing condition upon the estate left him by his wife's father who had been dead some years. I have been here these six months (id^ bin nun feit— ). 4. 2lu= lierbem fie^t oft fiir nnfet e in fa d^ eg 5Prdfen8 bag ))eri^l^rafiifdte : f. Peri- phrase, XVII. to Proclaim : f. Accusative, B, 1, 2. The people proclaimed him emperor. He was proclaimed king and soon after publicly crowned. Pron'Sun , f. bie einjelnenj Srajfen : Personal, Reflective], Possessive, De- monstrative , Relative , Interrogative; bann all, both, much, few, any, some, each, every, one, no, other, such. Pronunciation , STuSf^jracfte. SBic eg gefommen, ba§ bie 5[ugfvrac&e tm ©ngU fo bebeutenb »on bee ®d)rift; abfteic&e, '^ahtn "voxx unter Etymology unb Euphony beviil^rt. 3m Uebrigen f. bie einjetncn aSudifiaben unb S3ud)f!aben»erbinbungen, fotoie Digraph, Diphthong, Trigraph, Triphthong, Quantity, Accent, [Homo- nym. — !t)ie 2lugf^rad^c nadjjeinem ge* orbneten ©bfieme ju fiubiren , bettor man in ber ©^jracfte felbfi fdion [einige, nidit gang geringeiJenntni^ l^at, todre ein ebenfo mii^ferigeg, alg unfeligeS SSeginnen. 3)er Sernenbe hjurbe balb mtt @ e nm c fragen, toarnm man benn nid)t tteber bie 5lu6= na^men alg Sfiegetn J^infleHe unb 'bie 9?e= getn al^ 2tu8na§men. SOian ternc anfangg bei jebem2Borte, weldieg in etnem ©les mentarbuc^e ober Sefebu(^e>orfommt, bie no Proper Names 3lugf))ra(f>e efeenfo mtt, wie bic 93ebeutung unb Drt^ogratt^ie (j. 33. child = t f rt) e i t b l^eif t J?inb). ©^on baburd^ trirft man Bei bet n)ad)fenben 3a^t ber f e ji unb f i d) e c gelerntcn SDocter eine SJienge ^Inalogiccn unb nad) unb nad) cin gettjiffed ®t»rad)s tadgefu&l gctuinnen , namentlid) fiir ble ri&tige Sdngc unb Jturje bcr @iI6en unb ben bacon ab^dngenben % c cent. 35a8 aber ifi bie ^auiJtfac&e. ^at man bie gormentc^re unb gtetc^seitig mit berfetben bie gett)6|)nll(ften ©a^rcgeln ukrtDunben, fi) ge§e man nun erft an baS ©tubium ber 2[cccntlagc (eine iDentgjieng uber = fi(i^tnd>e 55arfiettung ^afcen h)tr unter Jccent, I, gegeben) unb bann an ein @e^ bdube ber 51 u 8 f )) r a d) I e ]^ r e felSf^, twie ba6 in SGBagner'g ®rammatif, um »om (Seftil^i jum SSenjuptfcin ju gelangen. Proper Names (oitvpropernouns), ©igennamen. J. 5)ic 2lu 5 f)3 r ad) e berfetften Idf t fid) cbenfonjenig burd) Siegeln befitimmen, aU bie Orthographic bcutfd)cr eigennamen (S^ulje, ®d|ul^e, @d)ultfe unb (Sd)u(j, (Sd)ul^, ®d)u{t8. ©. Mule, (§., LI unb -cester. — /?. 2)en 21 r t i f e t , ba8 3eid)en be« SnbittibuatirirenS , ne^men fie in ber 9teget n i d) t , ba fie an fic^ ft^on 3nbi»ibuen bcjei*nen: Switzerland = b i c . i.iD. @o l^eift cS in einem S3riefe bei Dickens : We are not easily persuaded that the tip of the beloved y4melia's nose is at this moment slightly tinged with blue (ber Srieffdjrei; ber ift ndmlidj im Sanuar in JRom). — 3. SDieauf ®d)iffe, ©ebdube, ®e = mdtbe, 33ud)er imb bergt. iiber = tragenen ^erfonennamen (too fte bann Appellatives toerben, f» b* unb Anlono- masia): the Pluto was lost; the Caro- line ; a Murillo. When I saw the Venus I was wrapt in wonder. ®. aud> Ad- jective, B, 6. — 4. 2Iud} irenn »on me]^= reren iperfonen gleiAcn 9iamen8 gefvro^en toirb, fie^t jur llnterf^ci = bung ber 2lrtifel, namentlid) totxm. ein abjectitiifc^er 93eifa§ ju bem 91amen tritt : the elder Pliny, the Stuarts , the two Belts, the two Scipios, — the three Wolfs (NB. nid)t Wolves!); the Cartouches of London ; sergl. ben le^ten 6]^ntid&en iamBifc^en SKetrum bejeic^nct; bie 2tu5f:>3 rarf)s It^vt l^ingegen, bie bent Sernenben jeigt, er foKe ni(^t God fonbern God, n(c6t know fonbern know augfpreAen, mii^te biefefben ol^ne 3fliirffi^t auf ben Saut, ico^I aber auf bie £i u a n t i t ci t fo bejeic^nen ; The Gods that wanloa m the air know n6 siich liberty. — JDiefen au3 bem Sateini= id)in angenommenen, in unferen 'B\>xaS)tr\ aber teiberfprecfeenben ®ebraud& eineS 3eirf)eng file jujci »erfcf)iebene ©ad^en Knnte man »ermeiben, wenn man in 33er= fen bie betonte @ilbc mit bem 2tccente bejeid^nete (wie mv bei ben einjelnen 33er3= fii§en get^an) : The Gods that wanton in the air, Know no siich liberty. — UcbrigenS toerjiel^en bie @ngtanbcr untec Prosody gerool^nlid) awS) bie Se^rc »on ber 2lu«f)3rad)e unb bem 2(ccente mit. Proverbs, Qpvi^tt>oxtcx — bie SBeiSl^eit auf ber ©affe. Oft fiimmen »erf^iebene (g^jradjen in il^ren @fric^= toertern itberein , oft au^ nidjt* 2)a biefe $ro»erbg t^eifg uralt, t^eit? »iet abges griffen finb, fo finbet fi^ in i^nen man(^e8 Gigentl^iimlic^e beS 2Iu8bru(f« , befonber3 ©ai)3fen, Sntierftonen, au^ oft Sleime ober5IUiterattonen u. 2lffonanjen : Fiercer war, sooner peace. Least said, soonest mended. Handsome is that handsome doeSi Who makes himself a sheep, him the wolf eats up. Man proposes, God disposes. Much virtue in 'if. Beauty is liut a blossom. He makes a mountain of a molehill. The devil was sick — the devil a monk would be : the devil got well — the devil a monk was he. Hell is paved with good intentions (ber 2Beg jur J&ofle ifi — ). §ena8) ®^ric^toorter nacf) @ngtanb ge= »anbert, jeigen brei amiifante Qlrtifet: „Sirings of Proverbs" im 12. iBanbeoon Dickens, Household Words. — Uebrigen* flie^e man nictjt, ttjie §aIb»ocal in ben vorl^ergcl^enbcn 9}o= cat »erf(i)n5immcnb : river, round, star, storm. ®tumm ift e? in Marlborough, Mrs., gcttjo^nticfi auc^ in worsted, ©cine ^intuirfung auf bie tangen SSocate a unb e itnb nuf bie furjen e, i, u, y, fiel^e unter ben aSocalen : a, c, e, i, ii, y . — Jfann e8 auf einen tangen SSocal xn6)t fo einwir fen, fo n>itb e8 fetbfl beflo getinber : warm worn, cure. ®. D. ?5 1 ii g e t , in bet @in= Icitung gum 1. aSanbe be6 fteineren SEBor* terbudjeg, @. XIX f. Rather bejeid)net »or 2lbjecti»en unb 2tb»erbien cinen geringen @rab: ein roenig, etn^aS, jiemtic^ (el^cr..., at 8 nict)t): rather handsome; he is rather inclined, cr moc^te tieber, at* nid)t; man(i|mal fotgt auc& toirfiic^ than: He was rather charitable than otherwise to the poor. — JDal^er the rather = umfo= iiiel&r (f. The, C, 10). — f had rather f. to Have, B, I, 6. Reflective. Reciprocal. 3)a8 ffierl^fittni^ » e ^ = f e t f e i t i 9 e r @intt3trfung be^ei^nen n)ir i. !D. entttjcber nut burc^ f i c^ (im (§. barf aber fcin 91 e f t e c t i » fie^cn !), ober burc^ e i n = a n b e r ; Ie§tre« jertcgt ber (Sngldnber in one another— Di. auit) in each other, maS aber eigcntlicft nur won jttsei 53ecfonen gettcn fott; mitl^in ifi one another = les uns les atitres , each other = Vun Vautre. We love one another (won m e 1^= rercn), ober each other (t>on jtteien). These beasts eat one another (nid)t themselves = ftdj !). They understood each other with difficulty. 5J}tdi)ofi = ti on en treten »or beibe 2B6rter, bet one another ober and) jUjifcftenbcibe: You must be reconciled to one another. They looked one at another, ober at one another (aber nur: at each other). The amusements which the young people shared in each other^s company. — ^oetif^ fiel^t au^ each bo^jUelt : Each turns comforter to each. to Reckon , f. Accusative, B , 1 , 2. I shall reckon it a great favour. I reckon him nothing at all. The two Miss Flamboroughs were reckoned the very best dancers in the whole country. RcflectiTe. I. Reflective Pronouns^ juructfui^renbc $ronotnen. J. ^ o r m e t = tc«. 1. @ie finb: myself, mir, mtc^; ourselves, un8 ; — thyself, btr, bi(i^ ; yourselves, cud* (yourself, . — 2. Sin D. l^at man, bag cine ,,fid)" auggcnommen, feine be= fonbcrcn Sormen, fonbern brauc&t bie ^jcr* fontidien Siirftiortcr. JDa^ bieS im ©. auS; nal^mgtreifc au(& gefd»iel^t, f. Personal, B, 5. Unfer „f i eft" aber !ann, jc nad) ber *^erfon, njoranf eg ftrf) bcjiel^t, fe^r toer^ fc^ieben iiberfc^t ttjerben: himself, her- self, itself, one's self (unbeftimmt), them- selves, yourself, yourselves (^idi) unb, ba eg aud^ JRcci^jrof ifl, and) one another ober each another : He washes himself She washes herself The cat washes itself To wash owe'* self. One should go there one's self. They wash them- selves. Wash yourself, my friend. Wash yourselves , my friends. — They ReHeclive. 113 love each (= one) another. — 3. 3)ie angegcbenen ?5orm£n e r f t d r c n fict| too^l am tiaturlic^Pen, rrenn man (mit Johnson, Lowth unb Todd) self aXi @u6|lantt» 6etra(fttet: my self, mein©elt>fi, meine eigcne SUerfon ; ebenfo : thy self, her self, our selves , your selves ; itself ttiedetc^t »er!urjt an? its self; fo ivitb auc& ber *l}Dffcffi» one's scUfommen flat unb ben nbvigcn %U\&i%i^i\{t : one's self = 3e= manb£3 eigcne ^Jevfon; himself unb them selves lie^en fi(^ bann tfvoa. al8 ein \ux JRegel gemrcbener Abuse anfel^en, mie it is me, it is hitn , it is them; — In ber 33olf «f)3r adfe unb tei dttercn 3tu= torcn finbct ft* nu* in ber %f)<\i nod^ hisself fiQiit himself, their selves flatt themselves. ((S. bag k^te Seifpiet unter Vulgar.) He drank hisselflo dealb. @o fovtmdl^renb tm 3Jiunbe ber beiben Weller im Pickwick. 2lnbverfeit« 'i^at man (na* Tyrwhilt unb Beatlie) self ^ier u6eraU alg 2lbjectt» genommen, unb fo murbe ntlcrbingS himself unb themselves eln= fa(fter erftdrt; aber bann merben jmei neue 5(nna]^men notl^lg: a.) bag ble gors men my, our, thy, your, her nif^t ^offef- fi»V^ronoun«, fonbern au8 ben attenOb= jectitt? tnjn I, we, thou, you, she entftan^ ben feien; — b.) bogbie ^Jtur aliftrung beS 2t b j e c t i » § self {in selves) au3 etner 3eitflamme, mo bic SormenOirbung no* ni*t fo fefi abgef*loffen gemefen fei. 9(t= Ie« bie« jugegeben, mirb bo* bamit bie Sorm one's self no* nt*t erfldrt. 3)tefer eine Q3offefft» one's bejet*net aHjubeut= li* btc ubrigen Sormen au* ais ijoffeffiuc giittTjorter. Werner treten ja au* no*5{bs jecti»e toor self, eben in biefen 3«fammen5 fe^ungen , unb bejei*nen self ali ©ubs ftontio : I would sacrifice my very self. (2t£l)nti* : our royal selves , your royal self, his dear self.) I did it my own self. JDarau? crHdrt fi* au* ber »er= altete — ober menigftenS jc^t getabelte — ®ebrau*, bie britte $evfon na* Sie= fleriwen fotgen ju laffen, menn ba8 ^jerfons Ii*e $ronomen fe^lt; Myself AnM over- heard them say (= meine eigene $erfon l^at — . Shakespear). (5nb(i* fle^t self ou* mit SGBeglaffung beg bajuge; ^origen ^Pronomeng, alfo ivieberum Si. Stibrecftt, grammat. QBSrfetb. atS ©ubftantto. J8on einem aJlanne l^eigt eg : The room inquired after was for baby and self (= himself). B. @ e b r a u * unb @ t e 11 u n g. !♦ @tneg Z^eilS bienen biefe ^Pronounl jur btopen fidrferen^eroor^ebung ber ^IJeifon, unb bann fe^t man fic gtei* 1^ inter btefelbe ober an bag @ube beg ®a^eg (mie moi-meme unb bergl.) : Do you think / myself game ? You should eat yourself. He said so himself. 3)a6er fiel^en fte au* na* ^rdpofttionen a tl e i n, f. Of, 8, In, 6, By, 2. — 2» Slnbern ZffeiiS fiel^en fie atg m i r t ( i * c 91 e f 1 e c t i » e ; bann treten fie alg Object jointer bag aSerb , b. 1^. fie ful^ren bie ^anblung beg ®ub|ecteg auf baffetbe juruct/ fo bag eg j u g I e i * 1 1^ d t i g unb I e i b e n b ift ^ fo bilben fi* bie Reflective Verbs, f. II. — 3. aSei bem 2lccufati» mit bent 3nf initio mirb bag ^erf6nli*c 5)Sronomen in bag reflect ice »ermon= belt; j. SB. 3* mifl ni*t bulben, bag i(^ »on Sebem jum (actatten gema*t merbe : I will not suffer myself to be enslaved by every body (= i* mill m i * ni*t »on Sebem — ). ®. ben 2. in bemfelBen @inne 3Jiattl^. 19, 8. — ®. noc^ Accusa- tive, B, I, l,b u. c. {Q}j}r»biefvan56fifi{)cn t&cher, resoudre, arriver a. a.) — 2. J)teg l^at namentlic^ aucf) ba ftatt, )do im 5). ein repcctitieg ^J^ronomen , im @. aDev ein ))cf[cffitteS fiel^t: ev ^atte fief) ben 5li-m »erle^t = he had hurl his arm (»gT Possessive Pronouns, B, I). — 3. (Sine Umfcfi veibun ij iuirb cftevS notl&ig bet ben rcflfctitjen 93ev6en, bie vwiv vm Verbs neuter bilbeii : j. 58. eu ^at ficfe tobt gcs fallen = he has died by a fall ; er Ifat flcf) fatt gciceint = he has cried enough (cbet etivag ^lel^nlicfeeS). %ux: id) l^abe niic^ miibe gegangen , fagt man jebcd) neben I am tired [fatigued] with walking auc^ : I have walked myself tired, tveil to walk nid)t nur v. n. , fonbern au^ V. a. ijl. Regimen, iciS 9icgictte, b. :§. bai^, n)a8 irgcnb ein SSiCxt nad) fid) X)aben mu^, ber Safiig, bie SPrd^^ofition, ba3 l^arttcip, ber Snfinittw unb bergl. , bie barauf folgen miiffen. Reiteration , 2Bieberl^oIung cineS sorl^erge^enben SBorte?; ifl im 2l(lgemcinen nidjt ncti^ig, ba bie niittevdnberlic^cn 2lrtife(, 2lbj;ccti», ^viMtomen xiberall l^in Vaffen ; bed) ttjirb fte mitunter biirc^ Deut= lidjfeit ober gropercn 9iad)brucf geboten. 3m Uebrigen f. ba3 ©injelne unb Em- phasis. — Relative. to Relate to...: f. Dative, 3. I will relate to you a strange story. This ex- pression cannot relate to my answer. This relates to my son. Rel'ative. I. Uebcr bie velaticen 2(b5 jcctittg, ^JartifiVten u, f. w. f. Absolute.— n. Pronouns relative fmb who, which, that, what — f. b. 3m 2iagemeincn ift nod) ju merfcn : J. ® e b r a u d). © t a 1 1 eineS 3)emonjlratiog fle^t oft ein 9ie= tattu, um eincn ®a§ enger mit bem »or= ^evgc^cnben ju toerfnutn"eii (f a t e i n i f d) c *ilrt); baiter aud) nad) einem Semicolon ober $unfte : I allowed an hour for dinner; which time was taken up — . To which the other added (= iooju). 2tiid) nad) eincni 3(bfafee : All of which is pleasantly absurd. (So fetbji mit 3n»er= fion Id einer iCergIei(^ung : He wished me joy of tha event, than which, he said, nothing could happen more oppor- tunely (= quo nihil . . .). Smollel. 93gl. nod) And, 3. B. Ucber bie ©tettung ber 9tclatiiig f. jund^ft Accusative, C, 3. — 1. ^q\\ feinem 3}erb tvirb bag 9ic(atio ofterS burd) einen cingefd)obenen ®a§ ge? t r e n n t : I published some tracts, which, as they never sold , I have the consola- tion of thinking were read only by the happy few. — A tract vjhich 1 intended shortly to publish. An example of man- liness . . . and active benevolence, which the nobles of any land might be proud to imitate. — 2. Jvcmmt ein 9{etatiB mit einer b e ft i m m t e n 3 « T; t ober mit all, both, many, few unb bergl. jiifammcn, fo fe^t mati eg » o r , ober im @ e n i t i » (of) :^ inter biffe ^ai^lbegriffe: »ergl. Per- sonal, B, 3 : The (horse-) trade is in the hands of Parsee brokers, four or live of wliom keep slables, capable of containing from three to four hundred horses each. He gave me two books, both of tvhich I have read (= bie id) beibc — ). The Parsee community may consist of about fifty thousand , almost all of whom arc engaged iu trade or manufactures. The Parsees, none of whom, even the richest, possesses a painting worth five shil- lings — . Dance music is (in Norway) de- Remember legated to wallers, some of whom per- form Musard's Quadrilles — . I took leave of Mr. and Mrs. Cophagus , both o/j^j /torn expressed their hopes that — . ©. ncc^ ben (e^ten @a^ bei Which, A, 2. C. (§ r U p [ e. Slier O b j e c 1 1 » bei- 3fle= latiioeg fann tucg^iKen: I. a(g Dt'ject cineg nact^folgenben 9Serb; — 2. aU 9ic= gimen eiiicv n a c^ f o 1 9 £ " b e ii $rcHjo= fitioti. 58ei|>ie(e: 1. He grieved for those he left behind (=z luhom he). A fearful hope was all the world contain'd (= all which). So spake (he fair , and parted with a look stenography will not attempt to book {= that steiiography will — ). 2. When any one was found to he ... . one we desired to get rid of — (= of IV horn IV e desired — ). The thing we speak of, is very amusing. — 3. <2te||t abev ber Objectb l§ inter einer $rdi3o= jitton , ober if^ er ®telbertreter cine^ g a n J e n worlierge^cnbcn (S a ^ e § , fo tann er nictjt tregSIeibcn : The book of which you spoke — . lie felt convinced that she was a privateer , which was soon confirmed. 33cx*gr. Which, A, 1. — 4. 9i m i n a t i » c uiib ber ®cniti» tvhose toevben n i (6 1 anSgelaffcn. StnSnal^nignjetfe finbet fid) @(Ui^fe tc§ 9tomm.: j.^^B. She re- minded us of the necessity {tvhich) there was for our immediate parting (Smollet). At her door arose a clatter might awake the deaid{zztvhich7night) (Byron). (£o(= ^e gvei^cit ftnbct befcnbcrS nad) There is fiatt: There is one did laugh in his sleep (Shakespeare). Is there ought in sleep can charm the wise? (Thomson.) In the wind there is a voice shall forbid thee to rejoice (Byron). 2lurf) in tiutijarer 9tebe: 'Tis the dog Mustafa has done it!' (Boz.) ©benfo ld§t Sutl^cr ben Tio- minati^ au^ : 1. STJ^cab. 1, 29: n)eoien ber SGBiit:^crei, bar inn en gef c^ a:^ (= wcU d)e — ). (Ss fmb etnfac^ 2lttractioncn ; man bentt bag Subject bc>^^uptfa^eg mit There is r.oc^ einmni aii Subject be§ cif}- ^^dnfliflcn Sa^c^. ^Jiufier fur bic9(^ad) = ai^mung finb fold)e ®te(len aber feinee^ icegl. — D. llcber bie SSerbalform relati»er @ d|e f. no(&-^sonal, C, unb iiber bie OB o r t f o ( g e in benfciben [. Construction, 2. S. 115 to Remember, f. Accusative, B, I, 1, b unb Reflective, II, B, 1. 1 re- member //<>«, id) ctinnere mic& feiner. They all remembered their affinity. 3)as :^er aud) : I remember her a little girl (Accusative, B, I, 2). Kepetition. Ntanbers of Repetition fmb nur once unb trvice nnb ba§ felten gebraud)te thrice; aflc iibrigen t»erben burd) „times" nmfdjrieben: ihree limes, brcimat ; four times, ciermal ; ten limes, a hundred limes u. f. f. to Repent f. Genitive, (S. to Report f. Personal, E, 4, (S. Rh f. H, 2. Rhyme, ber 9ieim, ifi masculine obet feminine, f. b. — 9ieine 9teime ^eipen perfect, u n r e i n c — alloivable. Se^terc fmb fe^r ^dufig ; fo ftnben fid) gereimt : field », beheld, seen u. men, loved n. moved, high unb silently. 3)a8 fmb nur 3lUitcra= tionen obcr gar nur Ottime fiirg 5lnge, uid?t fiir ba3 Df;r, SJian lefc fie aud& nur nad) ber gem ol^n lichen 5(u«fj5rac^e, nid)t etnja men fiir men, icenn eS auf seen reimt , cber silently fitr silently, njeil eg auf high reimen foil. — Dteimlofe aSerfe l^eifen blank verses. River f. Apposition, ©, Proper Names, B, 1 unb Personification, 2. S feeipt es; tautet 1. = fT, alfo fd?arf; fo ju 2(nfang ber @ilbe unb nac!^ fdjarfen ©onfonunten; sister, so, he eats, makes; — 2. (s) ie f nur in schism imb beffcn 2ltt(eitungen. C/'f'^^^) Scotti^liiism , cine Sl&weic^ung, bie ' , bet engliftt) fpre^enbe ®*ctte in 2tu3= fpracl)e ober 2lu6bntcf ju bringen :pPegt. a3gr. Irish. 3)a8 ® e tr eib e g.S. ^eipt in ©c^otttanb victual obev dead victual. — 5Pvo6en »u(garet fcf)ottif(f|er 2lu3fvraci)e: Whay woan't yau sooffer the waggoneer to meake a penny ? Coom, gel oop, never moind the coplain. (©linnert fe Bon to be erHatcn fid) and) : See the gentleman down stairs (ober home). He had been seeing the king away (= go away, de- part). I accompanied him to the harbour, and saw him on board. to Seem. 1. @8 fle^t mit 35 o V' )) e t ; nominatiB ober mit 3lbiectiBbe= ftimnmng nac^ fitfe , hjie paraitre unb «n= fer f d) e i n en (bcnn \xixx fagen mx^) nidjt : ii fd)eint ivo^ I, fonbern gut): She seems a woman of forty. The slag seemed pressed by the hunters. He seemed highly delighted. — 2. 2lu(=b fnittift e3 fein jprabicat burc^ to be an : He seems to be a ,very proud man. Hub lo be mufi man ergdnjen, nienn to seem 3. eine ab = BerBiate SSeflimmung l^at: Some per- sons who seemed in equal haste. — 4. iDie ^Pevfon, njelc^er tU^isai fd)eint, fiel^t mit to , nic^t mit bem 6(o^n 06j;ec= tiB : It seems to me that he is more knave than fool ; f. Dative, 3. Self, f. ReGeclive, A unb Very, A, 4. Semicolon. JDif«3etd)en flel^t, auper njte i. iD., anc^ : 1. Slac^ einem Idngeren SJorberfn^e, ttjo n)ir ein (Scion fe^en: Though the Miss H. were reckoned the very bes|pd|)ncers in the parish, and understood the jig and round-about to perfection; yet they were totally un- Sh acquainted with country - dances. — 2. Qla^ jebem einjetncn ©a^c einer ganjen @ a § t e i ^ c, ttjo i. 2). ein Somma fti'^t : In this manner T fought my way towards England; walked along from city to city; examined maniiind more nearly; and if >I may so express it, saw both sides of the picture. Sh = fd): shadow, dish ; ju tvcniten in : mishappen, dishearten. I I Shall , thou shall, he shall, etc. I I should, thou shouldst, etc. Sltteg UeBrige fe^It. *2lupei-bem Icgt shall bic 33ebeutung „fo(Icn" oft ab unb briirft nur bic 3u= fmift aixS = twetben; {„shaW^ fore- tells)^ 3)a^cc ttjirb oft cin @rfa§ fixr ben ©innbeS „fonen" not^ig. 5)ajubient: I have tibei- 1 am mit bent ^nfinttiti : f. to Have , B , I, 2 unb to Be, B, 3 ; bann : I am obliged , compelled , ordered , com- manded, auc^ I must: I shall be obliged to go there. It was ordered that nobody should go out = 9ttentanb fodtc aMi- gel^en. I was compelled to do so. aJJancfij mat jeigt jeboc^ bcr Sufammenl^ang , ba^ shall Kid.)t blop bie 3ufunft anjeigt, fons bern feine ® vunbbebeutung l^att Shall I do it or no? — 3n conjunctisi* fcben ®a^cn mit ^tdi l^dtte" ret(t)t meifi bic llmfiellung bcr Sonflructiun l^in : (2ic fatten mtr l^etfcn foUen = They should have helped me. Previously I should have mentioned — . You should have been a hunter. It should have been made = eg l^dtte gcmac^ t ttjcrben , f ( t c n. 3)agegen : It does appear strange /? I that no brass should have been made in " i England till two hundred years ago = gcmacf)t toorbcn fein follte. SDieS ift bcrfelbc llntcrf(f)ieb, ben w'vc Bel I may, 1 , (§. angemertt l)<\ht\\. — SSergt* bie n6rtgen befecti»en >§itf8»erben. 5(upecbem lo Say, 2. She, f. Personal, Epicene, 3, imb He. Happy are the she''s that can number among their ancestors counts of the empire. Ship fann in gen3ij]^nli*er 9lebe aU 9fi cuter ge6rau(f)t iuerben; bcr ©eemann aber unb bcr S)id}ter nel^men cS fietg 0(8 Singular. 117 5 c m i n i n ; fo au^ allc -21 r t c n »on ga]^r= jcugen t f. Personification, A, 2 u. 3. The little ship shot bravely forth on »75 voyage (e6 ift »on ctncm This, (§. Sin'gular , bie ©in^ett , ©injal^I. J. aScimSSerb: f. Conjugation, Num- ber, Collective. — B. Seim ie i. 35., boc^ fann at j^el^en: Smell this flower, smell at this rose. @. Accusative, B, I, 1, c. So: 1. 3n a3ergteicf)ung«fd^en : f. As. 2, So fiir unfer e§, f. ft, A, 3. — 3. llnfer ,,fo" ju SSerbinbung beS S5crber= unb S^iad&fa^eg, hiciht lueg: SBenn @ie mi^ tviuf^en , fo Jverbe ic^ eg fe"^r iibel ne^men = If you disappoint me, I shall take it very unkind. (2lf«nbeton.) 3ebo(% ftnbet fid) so aucfj alS foIc^eS SSinbeglieb, urn bag SSorl^ergc'^enbe jufammen ju faff en = balder, '{cnnt, auf bicfe -3lrt : f. baS ie^tc aSeif^jiet unter As. Sol'ecism, @^r ad; fc§t er; na= mentlid) nennt man fo ben ©cbraud) tter= fliteter SGBorter ober SSBenbungen. 93ergl. Abuse. Some, f. Any unb Partitive. Spanisli, f. junadjfi Etymology, 9; JBeif^jiele : don, duenna, infant, infanta, desperado — finb unioerdnbert; anberc: buoy »on boya ; cheer »on cara ; hurri- cane »on huracan ; familiars ton fami- liares (= Diener ber Snquifition). to Speak: ]. 2Dht blo^em Dbjectiv, wo ivir fagen: „fiir (Sttoai fprec&en": This speaks best my innocence ( — our faith); alfo = bartl^un, betueifen. JDal^er : 2, mit bovpeltem 9lccufati» = 3e= manbcn at 8 ©tmag barfteUen/ geigen, er= flaren : His mien speaks him a gentleman. Spon'dce, ber ©fconbeuS , SSerSfu^ v>cn ji»ei langen ©ilben ober »on einer - Subject. betouten imb einer langcn @it6e: -- ober^-, J. 93. always, nightfall. Still f. Yet. Su lautct toor SSocaTen = sw: to dis- suade, consuetude, suite. 21 u8n airmen ftubcn befonbcrg »or ^ a I b ft u m m e n 3^0= eaten ftatt: suet, sujt, suicide. 33ergt. 6'm unb Qu. Subject. J. ©g fle^t fietS im giomi= natiw; f. b. — B. Ueber bag 2)o))))et = fubject, f./^, A,l,a.— C. @tanbbeg ®ubjectg: in ber aiegel »or bem 93 e r b. Winter bemfetben ftet;t eg : 1, Sn gragfd^en, 2. in Slugrufen: f. In- terrogative unb Exclamation. 3. 3n ben ijarentl^etifd^ eingefd)obencn a{ebeng= arten : said he, quoth he, cried I , an- swered they unb bergt* Sebod) bteibt eg ^ier and) oft » o r bem SSerb. „I protest, papa," says the girl , — . Now, thought we — . Enough, ive shouted. "Keep the stones in the house," / say. "For my part, Sir," he will tell you , "I asked him—". a3ei <7wo^/i jiel^t eg fietg nac^. — 4. 3n @d^en, ioo if ober though n)eg= getaffen ifi : f. b. — 5. SBenn bie Soniunc; tionen never , neither , nor ben @a^ an= fangen (tt). i. ^.) : Nor was he less cruel. Neither is this all my grief; f. Nor, 2 unb J, An, C, n, 3.-^ 6. Oftanc^, iwenn burd> Sntierfion (f. b.) ein Stbjectio ober 2fb»erb an bie (2)?i^e beg ^<\%t% tritt : Here were kept the books, cabinets oi gems, family records — . Yet are there many mysteries connected with the old clothes question. @o f^e^t eg namcntti^ nad) scarce, scarcely, so, yet, still, thus, there, here, such, then, however; vergt. im granjofifdjen bie ©tcttung nad) aussi, i peine unb bergt. >Kommt in eine fot(i^e 3nt»erfion bag t>erftarfenbe to do (f. b., B, II, 4) , fo m u § bag ©ubject l^inter bag 33erb treten : In vain did I retreat. — ®. au^ There is u. Inlerrogalive,C, II.— 7. ©nbtid) fann bag ©ubject i n v e r t i r t iverbcn, too feinc 93ern) edtgtung mogtid) ift; balder tjorjiiglicfe bei verbs neuter unb verbs passive. Nothing of the pathos of a parting can/ by the minutest scrutiny discover. @. ben toorte^ten @a§ bei Cardinal, A,, 2. SubjuDcUve Subjunctive, fo^iel aU Conjunc- tive, f. b. SiibstantiTe, ^auiJtivort, 5)ing= name, y^- Itcbcr 33 itbung unb 93 ev = dnberitng bcr @ubfiantt»c it. f. tu« f. Derivation, Composilion , Diminutive, Epicene, Feminine, Singular, Plural, Declension, aiiiij Initials. — B. Ueber ben ©ebrauc^ be3 Adjective , Participle, Infinitive aU er nur oor anbern oiter. ©0 1. bU meifien (Stabtd (auc^ ?anber=) Xiamen: The London News. Fictitious />;e*^e« china. Chester cheese. Coventry and Swiss watches. A Paris winter . . . and a Brussels one. Her Somersetshire friends. 3)a]^er aud) mit ©dittfe »on watch : „Where is the gold Geneva ?" 2luperbem fe|t man aud) ben ©tactnamcn m i t of bem ©uBfiantio nad) (tcie tm Sranjofifd^en) : the tasteful tapestries o/ Persia, the rich silks of China, the carpets q/'Cabool and Herat, the gold-mounted sabres o/Beloochistan, and the embroidered shawls o/Delhi and Cashmere. — 2. iDie ©toffnamen: an iron grate ; cotton stockings, a black «7/tgown; amber mouth-pieces (53crn= ftetn = $feifeni>i^en); a very salt water (bcmna^ fxnb e3 n i * t jufammengefefete @ubjlantit5e cr;ne Hyphen, obfd)on Tie nal)e baran ftreifen), ?Qtx^{. and) Plural, B, 4, @. unb Of, 7. Uebcr golden unb silken f. nod) Figure. D. Ueber bag ®ubpantio alg 58eifa§ eineS anberen [.Apposition, 1,1. — E. Ueber bie2Iu8laffung ber <^\\\>-~ ftanttoe f. Ellipse, B, 2. to Succeed : 1. ftel^t ganj tt5ie reussir ^jcrfiinlii^, wa^renb unfer gelingen un^erf6ntld> i^. 5)ie Sonftruction ifi ba^er fo, Ujie hti to Like ju dnbern. He succeeds according to his wishes = c3 getingt i^m -. 2. S. @. ». folgen Mt eg ofteir mit, atg o ^ n e ^o : He succeeded to his father in the possession of the estate. Love succeeded to hatred , and revenge to love. General Clinton had succeeded general How&— . Sun. 119 Sucli, f t d) : 1. fann ben 2(rtifct mir nad) fic^ ^aben: such a tempest, sucha state; ba^ci- and): Mr. Such a one = Mr. Such-and-Such. (£. j4, an, C, I, b, 5 unb E, 4. — 2. Oft ifi eiu ganger ® a| won such ab^diigig. a. 3)iefer tcirb nun entroecer burd) that ober butcft «* ans gefnu)?ft, mit bem unter yis, 1, (5. bemcrfs ten Unterfd)iebe ; ent^dlt er nur eine xtiix- Xvot 33efiimmung , fo \\i such as oft and) fo»ieI, aU they who ; f. Personal, B, 6 unb »erg(. Sutlers fo ober ba: QJiattl^. 5, 44 ; aBei«^. ©. 1,11; 14 ,8. 15 ; $Pf. 11, 7. Such as are fond of high life — . Such of them as return — . 1 am not such a fool as to make me believe that, a)obet tann such au(^ Winter fcin Jpan^jtiroit treten, urn fid) bem Solgenben enger anjus fc^Hepen: These tribes regarded each other with aversion such as has scarcely ever existed — . 5lud) tt»irb bcv (Sa§ burd^ 5lu8falt beg 93erb ^erfurat : Such as I are free in spirit, when our limbs are chain- ed. We had such a tempest that the waves overthrew the boat. He made such a noise that nobody could stay in the room. — b. 51ber nt^t nur, hjenn bie beiten ®ci^e gfeicfieg Subject l^aben, tle^t as^ fonbern auc^, njenn bag mit such Berbunbene 2Dort Subject beg jnjciten ©a|eg unrb {gtetd)»iel njeld)ett gtang eg im erflen ©a§e l^at). 2Bir muffen bann ju „bap" nod) ein 5Pro = n m e n gefeUen , um eben jeneg SBort gu oectreten ; j. 33. He proceeded with his nephew in such a manner as gained him the love of all his acquaintances = b a^ biefe ober: auf eincStrt, hjeld)c— . to Suffer, laffen, jutaffen, ge« flatten, f. to Cause. I shall not suffer him to come to me. I have suffered my tooth to be drawn. Will you suffer all the blame to be cast upon you? I was suffered to tell my opinion = man ttefi mic& — . We suffered ourselves to be happy (fe^c di^ntid) , obf(i^on in anberem @inne unb anbcrer Sonflruction, ifi unfcr : „ttjir lie fen eg ung hjol^t fein.") Sun : ijerfoniftcirt ifi pe fDi a g c u t i tt, fonfi 91euter. We observed the sun when it (he) was eclipsed. 3)a]^er l^eift 120 Superlative fie : Kirig of ihe skies, and father of the day (= Jtonigiu, QHuttcr), @. Personi- fication unb Moon. Super'IatiTe. JDaS gormelle f. untcr Comparison unb The, C, 11. — 1. 91t(^t brand) en fott man ben ®u:perlatb, too nur son ^TOeien ble 9iebe ifl; nict) t: He is the best oi the two, fonbern : the better. SDal^er: The real Simon Pure proves the toorse of the two. 5[uc^ biefe ©enauigfcit finbet fi* nicfft f!et§ tieobacfjtct : The slro7igest and most enterprising of the two. — 2. Defter, alS i. ^., folgt ber ®eniti» (of) ju fldrferer ^erau§= l^cbunci nac^ bem @uvertati» , anftatt bag @ubftanti» gteid) mit i^m ju ijevbinben : He is the worst of men. to Supply, fu^jjUren, ergan- gen, l^eift tm grammatif^en @inne: et = was 2Beggct affene^ ober nidjt aSieber^oltea (\.\\i bem 3ufams menHnS« ^tnsubenfen. SlBenn i(^ [age : „We were at my uncle's," fo iji JU fm3))Uren house. 2lm meijien Icifit bie Ellipse ju fu^^jUren, f. b. Syllepsis nennt man eine Sonflruction, bie fic^ me^r nac^ bem attgemeineren @inne ber aGBoctc , oXi na* il^rcr fircngen gorm ri(^tet; fo bie iBerbinbung eineS (5oUecti» mit bem SPhtratj f, auc^ ^, an, C, III. ' Syn'onym, finnttefiu anbt, flnb aCBorter*, beren Sebeutung gteic^ ober bocfi fc^r d]^nli(!^ ifi: fo to match, to equal unb to rivalise ; couple , pair unb brace ; pantaloons, trowsers u. breeches; voyage unb journey. 5)cn Unterfc^icb jTOifdjen folctien SGBdrtern l^at bie ®t;n- ontjmit anjugeben. 3fl bamit etn Un = terfrf)icb in ber Sonftruction »er= bunben, fo l^at aurf) bie Orammatif bas rauf Oiuctfid)t ju nel^men. ©. g. 93. to Cause ; as unb so ; since unb ago ; if unb when; while unb during; yet unb still, ^ergl. nod) Emphasis. Syntax, ©a^Iel^re; bie Sel^re »om @ebraud|e unb ber SSerbinbung ber SDBor? tcr. 35a3 ®egent|eit ift bie Sormenlcl^re (Flexion). Tenses. T. T ^ei^t te. 1. ©8 ^at ben Saut un- feres t , nidit gu verwedjfeln mit b : ten, den; try, dry. — 2. (§8 gifdjt = fd), njenn e8 na^ etner 6 e t o n t e n @i(be »or i mit nad)foIgenbem 93ocal fiel^t: militiae, na- tion ; — 3. jointer s ober x aber , fowie ttor u Hingt ti in biefcm gatte = tfdl) : question, mixtion, nature, virtue. 2lu8 5 n a ^ m e : @8 bel^alt feinen 5: = fiaut, ircnn feltt (S t a m m iv r t biefen fiergt. J&iob 35, 16), Oft abcr ent= f)?rid)t ii auc^ — namentUc^ am ©nb c — unferem f d) orfcn f (p, ff), twa^renb fiir ba8 fanfte f au^ im @ng(. s fte^t : white, tveip, wise, ireife ; hot, l^eip, hose, <§ofc; what unb water, aber was; lot, ?oo8 (fonfl Soop) imb loose, Ui, lofe» Tautol'ogy ifi fcwiet at3 *P(eona8m. to Tell : 1. ttjie to bid fur unfer tafs fen; f. to Cause. — 2. f. to Say. Tenses, bie 3 e i t e n beS aSerb, f. ein= gein a. t. O. giir bie ridjttge 2lufein = anberfolge ber 3eiten gilt bie SKcgef, g I e i c^ e 3eiten mit einanber gu »erbinben ($rdfen« mit 5Prdfen« ober erflem gutur, Sm^jerfect mit Sm^erfect ober gwettcm gus tur , unb bergt.). @. Conditional. JE)ie8 njirb meift flrenger beobad)tet, aUi.'©., ttjo oft eiu^PrdfenS aufbaS 3mi>erfect folgt; g. 33. id) f a g t e i^m, ® te f e i c n frant (an= flatt TO d r e n): I told him you loerc ill (nidit you are ober be). 3u ber (Srgdl^Iung aber finbet mand)mal ein eben fo fdinelter U e b e r g a n g mi einer 3eit in bie anbere flatt, TOie im grangof.: 1 jumped into a friend'sBrougham; and, in twenty minutes find myself on the top of Malabar Hill. Th Th, ^eitit te-alsh. J. 2U«Saut. (S« i^ ein ® = 2awt (fein @-8aiit!) b«n man f))ri(f|t, inbem bie 3un}}c an ben oBcren aSorberjal^nen anftceift : fott er w ei c^ fein, [o tritt nod) baS ®ummen ber (Stimmc ^inju, wie 6ei aKcn [anften aBndjfiaben (d, j = g, V, z = s). @. Letters. — 1. ©anft ifi th: 1. ju 2lnfange ber aCorter nut in ben 1^ du f i g gcbcau(^ten : than, that, those, the, thee, their, there, them, then, this, these, though, thus. — 2. 3n ber SD2 itte, irenn e« jtrifcftcn jnjet as cat en fie^t: father, brother ; [o ond) in worthy, northern; in griecfe. itub Ut. aCiJrtetn ift ti jebod> auc^ l^ier fc^atf : amethist, author. — 3. iBor fl u m - nt e m e : to bathe, to breathe, bagcgen in \iAth, brea//< fd)arf. — 4. 5l(g 3cit = n3ort§cnbung: to smooth, to mouth ; bie glei(^gefd)riebencn 2tbiecti»e unb @ub= fiantine aber ^aben ein fcfearfeg th: smooM, the mouM; f. Homograph, H, unb 5, 2. — 5. JDa8 fd)arfc th in hdith, paM, laM, vaowth, oa^A ttjirb im 5P I u r a t ii) e i dn baths, paths, laths u. [. t». II. Snatten anbercn ^aUen ifi bag th fd)arf (^ Th , th): j. ». r^ank, truM, panMer, Mrough. — III. 9iur iBie t Hingt th in eigen = namen unb in einigen griedjifdjcn SSor- tern : Thomson , Thames ; — asthma ; phthisic (f. Ph), isthmus. — Th jiel^t eft fiir unfer fc ober t : think, than, thunder, thousand, three, the. B. 2lt3 @ n b u n g ber b r i tt e n ^erfon SinguT. anflatt be8 s (he hath , loveth, doth) ifi tS tterattet unb nurnod) im i?oeti= fd)en unb ^jat^etifcftcn ®tl)(e iiblid). Than f. Comparison , E ; But ,3,4. UebrigenS •oerttec^Ste man e8 nid?t mit then. Than ift S o n junc t i on = a(8 (eber benn: cr ift grower, benn id)); then ift ein Slbtterb ber 3ett = bann, bamalg,at6bann, — auc^ ber goIg«= rung = nun , atfo. 1. That, Conjunction = ba^, twirb ijftcr auSgetaffen , atS bieS i. 2). angel^t We find the machinery is much the same as that of the grindiug-mills »ir ftnben , bap — ♦ „Was there an That. 121 explosion?" He says there was. — Further you learnt — youknoto you did — how the sculptures . . . are all con- structed. @o auci) tttenn ber >§ au^tfafe eingefc^altet ift : Your fortune / am now sorry to inform you is alyt^eys- nothing. Seboc^ irirb e8 aui^ fel^r l^dufig n i (^ t toeggctaffen. ®ibt e3 eine Solge an: so ... . that (f. As, 1, a. unb Such, 2), ober eine 3lb|'i(^t, fo barf e3 nicfct n)e9b(eiben : They sometimes pay a visit to the lord of the valley , that he may share in their rejoicing (= bamit, auf bap) ; bann i^at that aud| ein Comma vor ftd). — Uebcr but that f. But, 6. 2. That, pronoun. ^. 5ng b e m o n = ftratitteS ^^^rononn (f. Demonstrative) ^at eg im ^^fuvat those. 1. 93 or ^au^jt; njovtern ^eipt c8 jener: That man, those children; f. This, 2. — 2. 3n SSejug auf ein wori&erge^enbc6 ^au^jticort l^eif t eS berjenige (celui): They had but one character, M«^ of being all equally generous. His actions were those of a fool. Ueber those who f. Personal, B, 6. — 3. 3n biefem Sinnc nimmt e3 ofter« and) ein Slbjectito ober ^tJartici)) ju ftd), wo mx meift eineg relatiioen @ a § e 8 bebiirfen, atfo ganj toie One (f. b., II, A, 2) : The first vestas were larger than those now made (bie je^igcn). In Norway, a custom prevails . . , of bring- ing without scruple any chance guest in addition to those members of the family really invited. All those present lifted up their eyes with astonishment. In the next room, that devoted to jewellery, and that which more particularly con- cerns myself there are fewer persons — tiottcr tmb »erfiirjter 9ftelati\)ia^ nebcn einanber. B. 2Ilg r etatit> e§ *4^ronoun(= njet = c^er) ift e8 un»eranberticb. 1. @6 ftc^t fonjo^I t>on ©adjcn, aT8 son 5]3ers fonen, jebod)nic!^tnad> Cigennamen (nid)t: Charles that was here, foubern who). The men that are here. The question that puzzled the heads of our doctors. — 2. 33ejie]^t ftd) ein 9lelati» auf @adjen unb 5perfonen jugleic^, fo fann cben nur /= 122 The. that, atS bag attgemeinetf , ilel^en. The peasants and ihe houses that we saw — . 3. ®t^\.who^U gvagw ott toorl^er, fo fJe^t bieS nntiittift) iiictit au* Vuiebcr a(8 JKcIatb, fonbcrn man nimmt that ; unb »ro that al8 3) em o n ftr a t i» wov^ergel^t, iiimmt man bann nld)t trieber that atg 9ietati» , fcnbcvn who ober which — alfo gegenffitiger ©rfa^ bev 2lbiuec()^lung ire; gen. Who is the boy Ma/ was here? Thativhich becomes one does not become another. Slicfct fo cingftUct) meibct man bic aCiebevl^oIung »on that, vuenn e3 a(8 (Sonjimction unb aU ^t^ronomen jiifammcn; tvifft. 1 remark that that is a never-fail- ing appendage to these temples (= ba^ ba8). — 4. SSovjuglid) fte^t that and) nad) @ut»etlatit»en unb nad) the same Dtcr the very — . Charles XII. was one of the greatest madmen that the world ever saw. (g, c[\\^ What, A, (5. — 5. S3on einet ^rd^cfition fann that nur bann vegievt tuerben, luenn fie ]^ Intel; b r e i n fier;t : Studies, thathQ has neither head, inclination, nor opportunity to profit by —. 3n> Uebiigen f. man no(^ ff^ho, A, (§. The, bev befiimmte Slvtifet. J. 5lu8 = f)3vad)e: Xai e ifi tontoS, ba^er ^xt man befonberS x>dx 93ocaten nnv ein fanfteg ih ; [oU. the betcnt tnerben, fo bel^ntman baS e ; »gl. J, an, A. — /?. gDrmetteg. The ift unBeranberlid) : the man , the woman, the windows. — C. @ebraud>. The he jeidtnet ein ©injeltvefen, wie a, a6er nid)t ein attgemeineS, fonbevn ein 6 e |l i m m t e 8 ober al8 tefannt angenommeneg. !Da= xaxii ergeben fic^ fclgenbe 3iegeln, jum 3;^eil 2lbnjeid)ungen fom JDentfdjen. 2) e r 2trtifet the bteibt tueg: 1. SSei ©igennamen, f. Proper names. — 2. a3ei 3: i t e I n , f. Titles. — 3. SSei ben 9iamen ber %aQt, 3JJ o n a t e , oft audi ber 3 a ^ r e 6 J e i t e n. He came on sun- day (= dimanche). He . . . was to have a halfpenny on Sunday. At Petersburgh March is frequently attended with showers. Wheu summer reddens and when a\itumn beams. ®. bagegen ben le^ten @a^ unten tci iliv. 9l 3fi ciber ein etnjelnei- S^ag bnrdj eine befonbere Ses ft i m m u n g angege'ben, fo fte^t the. 93g[. Titles, 2, unb f. Date. — 4. 2(ud) 6ei ben 3ettbefttmmungen mit last obev next fiei^t ber 2litifet nur, njenn man nac^s brudlidjer l^ersorl^eben hjilt: ba^er last week, next winter. — 5. ®anj d^nlid) bei O r t g a n g a b e n , Ql b r e f f e n , (5 i ; taten, U eb erf d) r iften unb bergf., ber Jlur^c l^atber. 33erg(. Proper names, B, 1. — 6. ®o bfeibt au(^ bet einigen ©ub|lanti»en, bie ctnen Drt bebeuten, an bencn man fid) ju gewiffen, befannten 3iueden aufjur;aUen bflegt, bee 21 r = tifel nad)5^rd:pofitionen njeg: fo bei change, church, school, market, au^ bei bed. 2Jlan gel^t to school unb ifl at school, um ju lernen; man gel^t to church imb »ertt)eitt at church (ital. a chiesa), fiffi ju erbauen, unb fommt bann from church; we slip into bed and are in bed {a-bed), um ju fc^lafen. @o i^eipt e3 aud) in heaven, ab»erbial. I saw the Bentinck get out of dock, ©ie^t man aber n i di t auf ben 3n) ed be3 SSern^eKen^ an einem Orte, fonbern betrad)tet ben ^Jfa^ eben nur a I 8 D r t (als @ e b ci u t e unb bgl.), fo fte^t ber Slvtif el. Um bie €e^en8= njitrbigfeitcn gu fepen, gel^t man g. JB. to the church. — %\\^ town fiel^t oft ol^ne 5lrtifel, njetm e8 fiir eine fdjon befanntc ®tabt fte^t , entweber fur 8 o n b o n , ober fiir eine bem ®vved)enben na^e lie = genbe, ober feine eigne Stabt, furj njenn e8 ® t a b t par excellence bebeutet, mitl^in fiir ben felbfltterfidnblid&en @igen= namen fte^t (»ergr. ets A^v) : He drove back to town. Since I came to town. How long have you been in town ? A winter in town. Mr. Winkle came out with jokes which are very well known in town, but are not at all known in the country. — 7. 3(ud) bie 9iamen ber a)^aHjciten fie^en o^ne 2trtife(, njenn fie nid)t eine befonbere Sefiimmung ^aben. What had you for supper? Dinner is preparing. — 8. 3)ie a H g e m e i n e ^ts ger , ben 2lrtifel nur bann gu fe^en , wenn eine e in g eine, beflimmte 'Sa&n, ein ©ingelwefcn gemeint ift, gilt auc^ a.) Bei 3lbfiracten, b.) bei ©attungSnamen , c.) bei ©toffnamen. SSeif^iele gu a) -. Hope grasps sometimes at impossibilities. The Thee — hope of seeing him — . They are engaged i in trade (at)»ert)ialtfc^ = en commerce). Grammar treats o\ sentences and of the several parts of which ihey are com- posed. Passion prevails upon his reason. ®o bei fubfiantitjif^ gefe^tem act. panic: Drowning would be happiness and peace. — h.) Horses are very useful. The horses of my uncle are young. SSgt. All. — c.) Rice is the chief food of the Hindoos. The rice they eat is very good. Gold cannot prevail on him. — 9. @ilt ein @ i n 3 c I w e f e n flatt bee ganjen ® attung OragbevBufammeiii^angjeigt), fo fi e 1^ t ter ^Tvtifel. The fox is a cunning animal, r^e reindeer is the horse, the cow and the sheep of the Laplander. The oak. is a fine tree = Oaks are tine trees. 3}ergl. jebod) Singular, 2. — Man itnb woman ftf|>eu aber auc^ fcann ol^ne 2trtifel: Man is the protector oftvoTnan, J/a« laughs, and loves, and thinks, when the Spring comes , with a more delicate expression. — 10. 3Scr (5om)?ava5 1 1 » e n l^eiBt the u m f o , j e , n u v n o (^, ie...befto: The sooner, the better. The better to understand this passage, one thing only is to be observed (urn biefe (Stcltc befio Seffcr ju -). The more he possesses the more he desires (= plus . . . plus). The more a man knows, the more he will find he has to know. ®o aud) : so much the better for you, befio Beffer fur @ie ! The rather , umfo= mt^t. — 11. @vinj di^nlid) fie^^t the sor ©mjerlatiBcn = am, jcbocf) nur 9flad^bntct8 ^alfcer ober luenn eine fpecieUe S3eptmmung babci ftc^t : at the best, aufg iefie, im fceften ga((e. He who retires the soonest. JDagegen : He that read loudest, distinctest and best — . Those who promise 7nost, will be found to fulfil least. @, Most. — 12. 3m ©imic eineS 5)emonii ration fit^tthe cfterg. You are going to London iii the manner Hooker, your great ancestor , travelled there before you (= auf 2(it) The night was concluded in the manner we began the morning. The England to which John had been chased by Philip Augustus , and the Engird from which the armies of Edward the Tird went forth There. 123 to conquer France (Macaulay). ©.Proper names, @. — llcbvigcn3 nergl. nodj ben ©ebraucb be3 unbefiimmteu 2lrtife(3, fertter Possessive pronouns. A, II unb B, 1. — D. iDic aCtebcr^oIung be8 the uit= tecbteibt geivi?^ntic6 , »ergl. y4, an, D, 1 unb 3. — 3u iBer^iitung i>on b ; the Secretary and Trea- surer ware nuv cine. ®anj rote im f^ran- jofifrfjcn unb 2). ^S. auc^ Plural, B, 6. — E. ©tanb beg 2(rtifef3. SSon fetnem gc= n)6^nUd)cn Q3la^c tritt er bei all , both, double, half, [. b. unb »ergl. J, an, E. Thee f. Thou. Their f. Possessive Pronouns. Them f. Personal, A unb B. Themselves f. Reflective. Then , 2lbverb , f. Than. ®ar nic^t felten iinc bei ben befien 2Iutorcn ^e^t ti a\i 5lbjecti»: The then bishop, the then minister, premier, king (o lors ,?«a(/.eiv). In his then state of excitement (Boz). @. Adverb, B, 2. Thence f. Hence. There is, there are (btc^terifcfj aud) there be cnfiir, f. to Be, am-Jlnfang), fle^t tvie unfcr : eg gibt, eg i|t, eg finb; f. Anticipation ; Personal, B, 4. gdngt eg ben ®a§ an — »ie gercij^iilid) — fo fii^t bag @ u b j e c t l; i n t e v bem JBcrb ; logl. Subject, C, 6. There are a great many people there. There would have been a time for such a word. Male primaries and female primaries there be, -...hut there are many , common to both sexes (Boz). (2lbn)e(f)ghing in Sorm unb ci= ftcrn. 0iin: in bet: 2lnrebe an ®ott, im ei-= ;^al&enen ©t^le bee i^oefle nub bgt. braud)t man thou; unb bet cinigen ©ecten, n^te ben Oucifern n. aJietl^obifien, ifl e8 @ 1 1 1 c, Scbermann ju bu^cn (to thou). SSergt. Marryat's Japhet, Ch. 51 — 53, unb baS t>efonbev3 l^odjjl fomlfd) unb auSbrucfSvoU — To. juriicferinnernbe, ct) ar after iflifcfee: „VeriIy thou persuadest me!" a. (*. bc8 SBerfS. Though njtrb ntand}mar, tvie if, au^s gelaffen , uno bann tritt bad (Subject l^ins terS 23er6 : 1 will not give way, should he come armed with all the power of earth and hell. Thousand f. Hundred. Thy f. Possessive Pronouns. Thyself f. Reflective. Titles, 2;itiitaturcn. 1. @tc fie^en ol^ne Slrtifet »or ©igennamcn: Duke Wellington , Lord Byron. The acts of king John, (©o aitd> '- neighbour Flam- borough.) Sebocf) ftnbet ftcf) au^na^mS^ ioeife ber 2lrttfel ba»or, unb emperor, empress , czar , czarina , archduke, archduchess i^aben fletS ben 21rttfet »or fitfe. The Czar Alexander made war against the Emperor Napoleon. @. nod) Saint. — 2. fjolgt auf etnen %\tti cine 93 e ft i m m u n g niit of, fo nimmt er ben 3htifeL The queen of England and the Prince of Wales (cergl. The, C, 3). 2113 2l))^ofition l&inter etnem Xiamen fle^t jeboA einc fotdje 3nfammenfc^ung tvieber o^ne the, nad) franjofifcfeer 2lrt: Victoria, queen of England. 3)urc^ fclc^^e Unterfdjeibung entftel^t ofterS etne fdjone <£d)attirung beg @ti}l8 ; 9tapoteon fagt J. S. im @rile ftolj : I do not call myself Napoleon, emperor of France, hul the emperor Napoleon = ic^ l^ei^e nic^t hlo% 9i. , .Raifer »on 5. (ein 9^ebenbet = %\ttl, ber fletS in ber ©nbungywy: colloquy; b.) in mel^rern cinjelnen, toie biscuit, to build, to buy, conqueror (cergl. 7, a) , victualler (cergl. J, 8), guinea (sergl. Gu ., unb f. nod) Q unb 5m). — 2Begen ber O r t ^ o = 3 r a V 5 i e f . 0, @. Ua unb ue [. Gu, Q, Su unb U, 7. Ui ; 1. = ii: juice; — 2. = li (f. U, 4) : fruit. — 3. f. Gu, Q, Su. — 4. f. U, 7, b. — 3n)eifi{6ig ift e« j.SS. in friijtion. Ultfnia ]^ei§t in ber Qlcccnttel^re bie tc^tc ©iilieeineg SBorteg. Under f. Among, @. Uoy = uoy (urn) : buoyant , (♦ Tri- phthong. Upon f. On. Us f. Personal. Uy = wy : obloquy ; f. U, 7, a unb b. ©etrennt in gluy u. a. 126 V. "V, l^ei^t vc ; lautet n t di t wit unfcr w, fonbern tvk frmijof. v, alfo me cin fa n f = t e 8 , »cu bem ©itmmcn ter ® t i m m e ficgteiteteg f : vinegar. iKergl. vine, fine, wine; file, vile, while, ©tuntm ift eg in sevennight, auct) sennight gefdnicfcen. — V ent[prtct)t unfevcm o: verdict, to veer (ncbeii four) ; itnferem m : Viennese, van ; and) unfevm b : to live, to love, to give; f. Euphony, D, 7. Variation of words fowiet aU Flexion; un«erdnberlicf)e SBortec f. im; tev Invariable. Verb, 3 e i t w V t. llekr feine 5[rten unb 2l6dnbcrungen f. Composition, Deri- vation, -fy, -ize ; — Active, Neuter, Re- flective, Passive, Impersonal, Defective; Conjugation , Conjunctive , Infinitive, Future, Ih ; — Periphrase, XVII; Per- son, Number; Auxiliary; — Accent, I, B, 1; Invariable, ©eine ©tcUung erl)e(lt anS bem ©tanbe be3 Subject unb Object, f. b. ; iibcr feine aLBeglaffung f. Ellipse, B, I, 9. Versification, SScrStJau, 1. Ueter bie einjelnen S3crgfi'i§e, Metre unb Rhyme f. a. i. D. — 2. a)te gemi3fm(t§dufungen: this here ship, that there child (trntgdr) nnb bie bo).^))eIten unb mc'^r a(g boipttelten 93erneinungen in 2)ia- 'lecten unb ganjen ®^ra(ftcn; f. Negation, (5.— B. Very alg 5ibiec tie (jeboc^ nur cor ©ubftantisen): the very moment, that very instant = gerabe in bie fern ^lugeublide; the very devil, bcr Ieib]^af= tigeUrtan; her very breath (= felbfl) ; he is the very picture of his father ( = bag n^al^re, i(i)tc , treuc, lebcnbige @bens bi(b) ; my very self (metn eigneg ©elbfi) ; Wallensleins very name was worth an army (= btopcr SJame). There are my- thical persons, whose very existence may be questioned (beren!£)afcin fctbft). @o finbct fid) and) fogar ber @ u )? e r t a = t i» the veriest (bet ben beflen 5(ntpren) : The veriest wretch of all. Village, mitof; f. Apposition, III. Voc'ative; fo nennt man mandMual, nad) *ilrt beg Satein, ein 3© o r t i m 31 ii g = rufe; eg l^at bann feine befonbere Scvm, fonbern iP nur ber SfJominatit? p^nc 3tr= ti!el : Good day, gentlemen! ©.Apo- strophe, I. Vowels, ©elbf^tauter; eg finb 7: a, e, i, o , u , y , w ; f. b. a. i. O. — 5lu§erbem [.Digraph, Diphthong, Tri- graph, Triphthong unb Consonants, 2, b. ©0 toiclfad) abgeftnft bie cngl. 3SpcaUaute Want. 127 and) ftnb , *) fie ftnben fi(^ alU i. 2)., menigftenS in ben 2)ialectcn nneber: ii iinb a atlevbingg tiitv anndl^crunglircirc. Dagcgen fcl^ren im ©nglifcftcn unf«r furjcg uiib langeg u (93(iidKc, 33iid&er), unfer (angel o (mogen) unb unfev !Di= p^t^ong cu. 33crg(. Consonants, 6. Vulgar, nicbrig, gemein, ncnnt man SCBorter unb 2(u8bntcfe , tote fie nur Seutc ol^ne JBilbnng Braurficn. 1. %vif)xt bie ®(t)ilberung beg ScfjriftpcUcvS bcr 2trt Seute etn, fo ftnbct man in tf;ien Mcbcn ^dufig folcfec 2Benbnngen unb Sor; men; man :§iite ficf) hjol^t, fie na(^ji;= a^men. @intge S3eifi)te(c: to Gdge, to coax, fiddle-faddle, higgledy-piggledy, odds-bobs; ^dnfung sotler ijld g att onen: They ?iever had no chance. Uebertreibungen toie mortiiy = fei^r ^eftig; bloodily = a^fclKufid) ; — ftnn= tic^c i8ilber,tote wop-eyed, iamb's wool; whistle = ^e^fe; fresli-waler ( = griin) — f. b. SSBorterbnd) ; iibcrfcl)weng= lidje ® t e i g e r u n g e n, h)ie our crackest yatches (= our crack yachts); and) Dnomatojjoieta ftnb — toenn frf)on oft titoAi jjUim)? — fel^r teiicBt ; 3 n t e r s jectionen, mei^v ober minber mit ht- t^euernben gliicfjcn untermengt, fmb bie ajfimif unb bei- ^'atl^og, trit»ia(e e : Thumbago fiii- lumbago ; sarlain fiir cer- tain, idear = idea, es = yes, yit =yet; ax = ask , plump fiatt plum u. a- — 3. 33cvnad5ldfftgung bev Declension, f. b, imb Abuse; — 4. ebcnfo ber (lonju = g a t i n , inbem an a tt c mogdc^en ^ers fonen ein s gefe^t mirb : we hears , says they, says I mib becgt. (f. ben Captain Smith in JNight and Morning); inbem (Singular unb plural u. f. w. t)cr= tt)ed)[ett hjcrben : It would be better for every body if they got took up and was brought here! (viz. into prison) — fagt Uriah Heep im David Copperlield ; — There's orders 'gainst it; thern''s all lies = all these are lies ; fo ifi you was Idngft in bie famitidre @on»erfation gebrnngen , finbet ficf) and) j. 33. bei Smollel. — 5. JBcr ben 3nfxniti» fe$t bie sutgdre ©efc^ttjd^igfeit gem bag ^eraltete for to: No one can go for to ask a gentleman to go for to inconvenience hisself (ber Bow Street Officer in Night and Morning; tiergf. bie Sraallbone'fcfce SSerebfanifeit in Marryat's Snarleyyow). @. no(^ f^ery, A, 4. W l^etfit doiible u , toeif au8 ber 93a- einignng gmeier u (ober v) entfianben, toic bie gorm: W, w beutlid) seigt; man fdiuf biefe gorm, rcett bag latein. 2l(i>]^abet fetn entfijrecfienbcg Seic^en fiir biefen Sauti^atte; f. Letters. 3"2tnfang ber Silbe ifl eg (-gatb;) Sonfonant, ju @n b c berfe(ben 95 o c a t ; »g(.Y.— ^. QUg Sonfonant: 2D7an f^jre^e unfer n> (inttjie), febocf) ol^nc bie Si i3))cn gu f rf) ti e p e n , fo entfiel^t »on felbfl ein \x> ntit einem Slnfiang »on u (alfo ein ^aibs tocal), unb unfer „tt) ie" mu§ bann gleid) we Hingen : wind, warm, woman, women, ©tu mm ifi ber Sonfonant w: I. sor r: wring; — 2. »or ho : who, whole; 3. in me&vern einjelncn SfCortern , toie: answer, toward, two, sword, house- wife; auc^ in awry {\ 6:1 \t\ , frnmm), njeil eg aug a unb wry (tigf. 1) jufamniens gefe^t iji. @. nod) Jf^h. — B. Der 9S 0= ca I w ifl blog eine anbere jjorm fiir u, unb fiei^t nur in 5)iV^t^ongen ober Di= gra^^l^en, %x\\>[jii)c\[%in ober Sirigra^j^en : aw, ew, ow = au, eu, ou; f» b. 9?ergl. noc^ Latin, IIL to Want, fte^t fictg )jcrf6nli(^ = b c = biirfen, brand) en, n)d:^renb xo'xx oft bag unvierf6ntid)e : e g f e 1^ 1 1 bafiir fe^en ; bie Scnftruction ifl atfo fo »erfd)ieben wic bei to Like, f. b. If^ou want neither money nor health, you want nothing at all (= toenn eg S^nen roeber an ®elbe— ). *) Sine ganj intcreiTante Ucfceruit* "u'lfite c8 gcwci^ren , fammtlidje 9autc bet BSocflle, t'u flrapOcii/ !l5iV0t';i>iidf"' XriflvavlKii 11116 IrivOt^ongen in eine iafel jnfammcnjufteden , tic gteic^« lante.nten, wenn auc^) noc^ fo t>erfd)ieben gcfc^riebenen , immer neb en cinrtuter. 128 We He who is cold to the beauty of this picture wants taste {= b«m ... flefericfjt eS an ®efc^macf). llebrtgcnS f. I will. We, iptural »on /, f. Personal. Well f. Good. Wh ftjvt^t man hw (X\x9> \ where, whiff. ®. jefeoc^ IV^ A, 2. 3m Srngelfcirtjfifc^en fdjrteb man c« and? umgefel^tt: hwaenne = when, hwaer = where. What. A. %U DUlativ Mt eg im adgemeincit, coUectiwen <3lnne = 1. tuaS, fo ba^ i% ficf) nicbt auf eincn einjel = nen ©egenftanb bejiei^en la§t; bag 5)e= monfliati» liegt gteidj mit bavin, alfo umfa^t what, njie nnfev iDa3 = thai which, ce qui franj., quello che, itatien. (@6enfo comprcrirt, b. ^. jtt>ei SBorter in fid) faffcnb, ifi mandjmat who, f. Per- sonal, B, 6, @.; fo aucfi itnfer tu ev, fvanj. quiconque, itatien. chi.) j. 33. What you say is hut too true (= ceque vousdites). They were satisfied xoith what they had. He consented to do his best in what was allotted as his share. ganblungen), h)al;renb auf when auc^ ba8 $(u))erfcct fotgen f ann (33 o r cergangcnl^eit bcr eincn ^anblung) : As / went along, I met with a friend of mine. tVhen he was gone (= after he w. g.). — 2. SS e g= fallen fann when ju 5lnfange eine8 rc= la t i» en @a^c8: He recollected me the moment he saw me (= when he s. m.). The moment you land , all you have to do is — . How many cursed the moment they believed. I'll go there directly (when) I've finished my breakfast. The first lime she came, 1 was out (= when she camei). Snbefl liefle fid) l^ier auc^ that futiV'liren.' Whence f. Hence. Which, un»erdnbertid)e8 pronoun, ©ebrand). ^. 2118 9t elatiw. 1 . (58 flel§t nur tion @a d) e n , oft and) fiir einen ganjenSa^, nid)t aber »on$erfos nen: He can fry a sole, which is much. Can cook a steak, too, which is more ! — @. Relative, grii^er n>nrbe e8, namentli^ in fcterltd)cr ©vvadjc, auc^ son *Per = foncn gcbraud)t; balder aud) : ,,Our father luhich art in heaven ;" bte Qlmeri; fanev fagcn jebod) : ,^who art in heaven." Ilcbrigen8 f. ncc^ Who, A, @. — 2. 3;er ©cniti'D of which fann fohjopl vor, al8 nad) fcinem ©ubflantto ober 513ronomen flei^en ; l^at bicfc8 aber fclbfl cine IP r a p o= f i t i n » r fid), fo fiefit cr b a ^ i n t e r, \i><\i and) fonfl ba8 ® ew 6]^nlid)cre tft: A quarter of the town, the inha- bitants oftvhich have very little inter- course with the houseliolders of Hano- ver-square (= dont les habitants, franj.). The conversation was kept up for two or three hours , i?i the course of luhich I mentioned the quack doctor. The bom- bardment would destroy the Fort, the crowded houses of which are built up While — lo within a few feet of the ramparts. The Trojans risked several engage- ments , in most of lohich they were victorious ( = dans la plupart des- quels — ). ein fctione^ 33fil>iet f. noi^ Bei Accusative, C, 2, @. unb tgf. Of, 4.— 3. Which fcient jur umfc^reibenben %yx\'- lofung unferer Sprd)Jofitipimlab»er68 (f. Preposition , C , 4). SSergt. ben 2. What, A, @. — B. 3U« 3n = terrogati» frcigt «8 foiDol^t nact) ^5 e r = fen en, al8 nad> @ac&en = welc^, toai fur ein? which man? which way? f. Interrogative, A unb C, II. (58 ifi mins ber atlgemein, at3 what, f. b., B, 2, unb bient balder auc^ jur •&erau8]^ebung einer cinjelnen ®a*e awi me^rernfdjonbe= flimmten (= lequel): Which is the tirst? irelc^er (won biefen) ift ber erpe? Unb jttar !ann ii bann 1.) einfac^ njte im 3). ben ®enitt» nact) fic^ l^aben : which of these boys is the youngest? which of those houses is yours? 5)a aber ^ierbei ber llnterfrfjteb jwifdjen ©ingu = Ur unb ^Jlural manrf)mal nicfet ju erfennen ifi , fo fann man 2.) which un= mittetbar mit bem Subftantitj »eri b tub en unb bvinn bag golgenbe in ben ®cniti» fe|eu; j. 33. Which of my books have you read? fonnte l^ei^en : „njel = ctjeS »Dn metnen SiidKrn," aber aud) „ir c I d> e »on m. 58." 5)a^er [d}eibet man fo : Which book of mine have you read? unb: Which books of mine have you read? @8 ift gang baffelbe , hjag ivir hti Of, 4 au3fu^rlid) gejeigt. @benfo: Which horses of the neighbour's have you bought? iDenn : ^,IVhich of the neighbour's horses" fonnte au* (Singular fein. Jl. 9UDrc(^t, gramnuit, fflorfcrb. Who. 129 While ifi Sonjunctton = w dl^ r enb, folang ali — ; during bagegen ifi ajrdjjofuion = irdl^renb. While the world lasts. „While I have a potato, I will share it with my friend," says the warm-hearted Celt. — During the war; during his childhood. Who , relatl\5e8 unb interrogatice^ ^Pronoun = h) eld) er, » er? J.^ot- m e U e 8. VVho ifi ba^ beugfamfie -SBcrt ber ganjen (S^rad^e; benn e6 pcit fotrol^t eine befonbere Sorm fiir ben ^offeffto : whose, aU ai\6) eine fur ben Objec= tio : who7n — 2ltte8 fowcl^t (Singular, al8 53lurat. (2luc!^ feine »erallgemei= nernben 3ufammenfe^ungen whoever unb whosoever— uergl. What unb Which — jtjerben ijfterg fo beclinirt.) 2lu§erbem biU bet ei nod) ben ©enitio of whom, ben 2)a= tit) lo whom, llebcr bte9Sern)ed)«lung bies fer Sormen f. Declension, III. ^ier nod) einen 2lccufatiio mit bem Snfinitin (au« Marryai's Japhet), ttjorin ber 2lccufati» cevungtiidt ift: Her daughter, whose early history, as Fieta , I had obtained from you, but ivho , I little imagined to be the little girl that you had so gene- rously protected. 3)ian fe^e fiatt be3 fJorenben Somma ein m an who. (a)iag »iettei(^t nur ein 2)rudfel^ter fein.) 9tun nod) ein 93eifviel, iro whoin erfl riditig ali 2lccufati» fiel^t , i^interbrein aber auc^ a(8 Dtominatit) gelten mup : All whom the faculty have given up or are otherwise incurable (Boz). Slel^nlidje 93erfic§e fmb im 5). nidjt aUjufelten. 9lud) which unb /Aaf biirfen nidjt gugletd) al§ SRominas ti» unb Objectir* fte^en , obf(6on i^re &or= men fiir beibeS gteid) finb, traS bei who aber nicfct einmat ber gall ifi. — B. @ es brauc^. 1. (5« fie^t nur con $erfonen ober $erfoniftcirtem, unb jttjar fiete o 1^ n c ^au^tttjort. The officer, who had remained at his post — . Who are you? pray, tell me who you are! — 2. %nt whose gelten bie 9iegeln beS i^offeffiv. (§i tritt bafur aud? of whom ein , welcbeS aber :^ inter fein ©ubfianti© tritt: This is the gentleman in ivhose house (= in the house of whom) I am dwelling. — 3. Uebrigen^ fie^t tohose al8 atelatio 130 Whoh l)dufig aucf) t>on !D i n 3 c n ftatt of lohich : III this silent regio?i , amidst w/iose ninety -seven work -places no human voice ever breaks upon the ear — . And you, ye crags, upon iv/iose extreme edge I stand. @. Personification, B, 2lu^er= Urn Personal, B, 6. — 4. 2)a^ bie 2G i t- b e r ^ t u n g U8 9letati» mit mel^r '^xd- f)tit aU i. 35. unt ert> t etb en fann, getgt J. 33* folgenbc ©tette : George stood .... looking as any other man might look ivhose wife was to be sold at auction, andson sent to a trader (H. B. Stowe). Whole f. All. I Will, thou wilt, he will — . *) 3m= tterf.; I would, llefecr fetn ©efcftcift <\H ^iffgoerB f. Future. — 1. J5)a bemna^ will oft nur hj e r b e n bebcutet, unb jubem befectit) ifl , fo 6rau(J)t man ats @rfa^ : to choose , to wish , to be willing (ur= ft^nmgtirfj baS^artictp »cnwill), to want, to intend, to desire, to please obcr to be pleased, to have a mind; nit^ to offer, to be going, to be about, f. b. (5s tier= flel^t fic6 , bn^ man ntd)t baS cvfte , befie 2Cort aug btefem ^Jovratl^c l^erauSgreift, fonbern feinen e t g e n t tt cf) e n ®inn be; ni(ffict)tigt (njietetSaffen unter loCause, imb man iintcr Personal, E). He chose rather to go to war (er njollte lieber — ). 1 7oas not willing to throw away so much time (= ict) ttjar nidjt gefonnen , — id) hJoUtc ntdit — ). You may go whereever you please. What will you he pleased to drink? — Think twice, you, if you don't want to be crushed. What do you ivatit done ? 3n conj;unctit»ifd)cn ©ci^en mit ,,i rii B a 1 1 e" finbct auc& ^icv bie Um!f^rung ber ©cnfiruction ftatt; 3. 93. id> l^citte lieber fieiben W H e n : I would rather have died. @anj fo fJc^t 1. aJJacc. 16, 22: „ba^ fie i^u woflten ermorbct l^aben" j^att: baf fic i^n l^dttcn er = morben molten; ben llcbergang au8 ber einen (Sonftruction jur anbern bilbet l^ier J. 93. n> li r b c n fill- n? H e n : — @r befanb, bap fie il^n njurben crmorbet l^abcn (icenn fie getonnt ^dtten). JBergt. Can, Shall, May, Must, Ought.— 2. I will X. unb / would (nic&tbIo« U^Hxti, Xo'xt einigc ©rammatifer angeben) fte^cn fiiv ,,'\6) t>ftcge, id) jjftegtc," alfo fitr bie ge; braud)lid)eren Wu^bviicfe : to use, to be wont, to be accustomed. Elephants are employed in every kind of way ; they tvill carry very great loads on their backs, they will draw coaches, and will do as much work as six horses. — She would sit at a window which looked towards a field he zised to cross. He would often threaten to hang them. — 3. 1 would, obcr elli))tifd) would, fiei^tau^ fiir i6:i rtvinfc^te (jevoudrais, je d4- sirerais) : Would I had never seen you! Would to heaven I had passed all my days there! Oh! would it were my lot to be forgetful as I am forgot ! — 4. 9iur feltcn flel)t I will at3 fetbfifidnbigeS 93crb i, @. D. n?oUen (ruofiir eben jene ©rfafemitfet unter 9lx. 1 etntrcten). iDann abcr conjugtrt eS fid) and) regetmd^ig : I will, thou wiliest, he wills; Smfccrfect I willed u.f.nj. immer aber ifteS bcf ectiv. He wills it to be so. To starve or live, as fortune toills it. He vnlled him to be of good comfort. ®o fie^t e8 atS^rd* fens unb fetbfi at8 3nfiniti» in bem @)>rid5tr)Drte : They who cannot as they will, must will as they can. With f. By, B, 1. Worse, Worst, f. Bad. Worth, ein rtlati»e6 SIbjectitJ , f. Ad- jective, C, 5. golgt ein SJerb barauf , fo fiel^t eg im act. $artici» : It is well worth our knowing. It is not worth crying. It is a spectacle worth cowmg" all this distance to behold. X; giamc: eks. Saut: 1. 3u5ht = fang etnc« 9Corte« ftet« aU gelinbeS f, = s ober z: xylography. — 2. @onfl in ber 9teget = ff: axis, tax, Xerxes (= zerkses). — 3. x ifi fanft = gf nur *) 2)ie abturiung won't fur will not i|i n i^) t blue Durfl,u, man finfcct fie .luc^ im bcffcrcn ©t^le. You. 131 in bee 93orfit6c ex-, iinb aucf) ba nirf|t immer: fo in example, lo exist; ni(^t aber in to exhale, to expel, excuse. — 4. = fcJ) , nuc nad) ber betontcn oijarb ober in les yeux, alfo nur. cin ©orfdjlag = i, njic in rlen, Sonien; »ergU U, 1, unb fV, k: fo in you , year. — B. ^Ug ® o c a I ij^ eg nur ein ancereg ^i\^tx\. fitc i, to. i. 51).; eg ^^i baber ouci) beffen Saute : 1. y = I : dry. — 2. y = i: syllable ; — 3. y =*i: myrrh. — 4. y = i : very. — ©o au(^ in ben 5)igra)j]^en unb 2)i))^t]^ongen ay, ey, oy, uy, bie meifl mit ai, ei, oi, ui iiBereinflim; men; f. b. einjeln. — Ueber bie ortl^os grap^ifc^e Jffianbhtng beg y in ie f. Plural, A, II, 4; Comparison, A, I, 2; Ordinals, 3 ; Conjugation, II, 2 ; Adverb, A, II, 4 unb /e, d, 2. — eg ifi l^ier berfelbc gatt, xo'xt Bet ber <^teriong=2Banbrung beg fin V (f. Euphony, D, 7): bie ©acfte ift, ett)moIogif(6 genommen, umgefe^rt ju faf= fen: bag eigentlic^e ^ei^en i TOarb am ($nbe burc^ y »erbrangt, \)\tVit\^i nur TOeil i ju Ileinioar, y bagegen ber fd)rei6enben •&anb am (5nbe einen Beffern JRul^eiJunft ober einen fliici&tigercn ©djttjung gema^vte ; bur* cil^ntictje SSerjiel^ung entfianb ja bie beutfdK £)rtl&ogra))|ie iKaij, Sunt) u. aug Maii, Juuii. Snmitten beg aBorteg aBer tritt bag arf^jriingtic^e i ttieber ein, lioeit jener @runb nun TOegfatlt. I'e (au* y') ifl bie »eraUctc gorm fur you, in frif^er Slnnjenbung aBer no* in ber ^Poefie uno bem l^iJBern @tt)Ie iiBerl^au^jt ; ye gettja&rt bann felBft neBen yoti einen angene^men unb TOol^Uautenben 2Bcd)fel : Aud you, ye mountains, why are ye beautiful? I caiuiot love ye. ^'\vc ifl you frciftiger, aJg bie Beibcn ye. @. ben le^ten iSa^ unter Who, B, 3. 23crfurjt ifi ye in harkee = barken ye ! Yes; xiBer feinen ©ifa^ f. Auxiliary, D, III, 1.— Xlnfer ,,\e(*egnic{)tjur 2lntTOort, fonbern gur ©teigerung, Se< frafttgung im ®a§e bient, ifi ay ober yea (=fogar): He bad cracked many a merry bottle, ay many a dozen in bis lime. The shark discovers .... that somebody is dead, yea, or dying in the cabin. Yet: 1, 5tb»erB. @g 6ejei*net ein* fad) bie 3 e i t (= n d)), still bagegen bie 3eitbauer, bie an^altenbe .^anbs lung ( = annod)). 3n » em einen ben @a|en t^el^t n i d) t still, n u r yet, n^eldjcg bann gfeid) l^inter not, gern aud) ang (5nbc beg raftif(tem JDors terfciicf) bcigegeben ifi unb fic^ ttor mandi anberem burc^ befonbere ©ic^tung unb SSoHs ^dnbigfeit augjeic^net. Pass. Partic. abode. @eite 26. awaked. R., baken. R., hasten, born, gcboren. borne, getragen. beat, beaten, berallen, befal'n. begotten, begot, begun. beholden, beheld, bent. bereft, R. besought, R. bespit, bespilten, R. Present. Imperfect. I Abide I abode • am f. to Be, - awake R., I awoke, a(g v. n - Bake I baked - baste - basted - bear - bore -bear - bore -beat -beat It befalls it befell, befel r beget I begot - begin .beg„,,,beg.„ - behold - bend -bent • bereave - bergfl, R. - beseech - besought, R. - bespit - bespit, R. $Dic unregelmdptgcn 3eittv6rter» 138 Present. Imperfect, Pass. Panic. I bestead I bestead, bested bestead, bested. - bestrewl - bestrowj - bestrewed bestrewn. - bestrewed bestrown. - bestride - bestrode, beslrid bestridden, bestrid. It betides it betid belTd. Ibid I bid, bade bid, bidden. •bind - bound bound. - bite -bit bit, bitten. - bleed - bled bled. -blow -blew blown. - break - broke broken. - breed -bred bred. - bring - brought brought. - build - built built. -burn - burnt, R. burnt, R. - burst - burst burst, bursten. -buy - bought bought. - Can - could f. ®.30. -cast - cast cast. - catch - caught, R. caushi, R. - chide -chid chid, chidden. - choose - chose chosen. - cleave -cleft, clove cleft, cloven.*) - climb R., 1 clomb climbed. - cling I clung clung. - clothe - clothed R., clad. - come - came come. - cost - cost cost. - creep - crept crept. - crow R., I crew crowed. - cut I cut cut. - Dare - durst, R., f. ©. 43. dared. -deal - dealt, R. dealt, R. -dig -dug,R. R., I dung dug, R. -ding R., dung. -do f. @ette 48. - draw I drew drawn. - dream - dreamt, R. dreamt, R. - drink - drank drunk. - drive - drove driven. - dwell - dwelt dwelt. -Eat - ate, eat eaten. -Fall - fell fallen. -feed -m fed. -feel -felt felt. -Bght - fought fought. -find - found found. -flee -fled fled. -fleet - fleeted R., flet. -fling -flung flung. -fly -flew flown. -fold - folded R., folden. - forerun - foreran forerun. - foreshow - foreshowed foreshown. - forget - forgot forgotten, forgot. - forsake - forsook forsaken. - freeze - froze frozen. *) ®. Euphony, D, 7. 184 !Die unregelmdfigen BeittDortet* Present. Imperfect. Pass. Partic. I Geld R., I gelt R., gelt. - get I got got. -gild -gilt, R.*) gilt, R. - g«rd - girt, R. girt, R. -give -gave given. -go - went gone. - grave - graved R., graven. - grind - ground ground. -grow - grew grown. -Hang - hung, R. f. @eite 65. hung, R. '*) - have - hear - heard heard. - heave -hove, R. hoven, R. - hew - hewed R., hewn. - hide -hid hidden, hid. -hit -hit hit. -hold -held held. - hurt -hurt hurt. -Keep -kept R., I knelt kept. - kneel R., knelt. -knit 1 knit, R. knit, R. - know - knew known. - Lade - laded laden. -lay -laid laid. -lead -led led. -lean R., I leant, lent R., leant, lent. - leap. R., I leapt, lept R., leapt, lept. - learn R., I learnt R., learnt. - leave I left left. -lend -lent lent. -let -let let. - lie, i(^ liegc, -lay lain.***) -lift R., I lift R., lift. - light, i(& ixt^t, R., I light, lit R., light, lit. - light, irf) leu^tc, R., I lit R., lit. -load I loaded R., loaden. -lose -lost lost. -Make - made made. - may - might • - f. ®. 79. - mean - meant meant. - meet -met met. Melhinks Melhought — I misshape I misshaped R., misshapen. - mow - mowed R., mown. - must - must - f. @eite81. - Ought f. ®ette 90. - outbid - outbid outbidden. - outride - outrode outridden. - outrun - outran outrun. - outstride - outslrode outstridden. - overbid - overbid overbid, overbidden. - overreach R., I overraughl overreached. - override I overrode overrode, overridden, - overrun - overran overrun *) 3m fciltili4)cn ©iniic meifJ regctmaftifl. **) To hang i. ®. ». Scmanten Hngeii (lobeedrrtfe) ivirti meift te9tlmn6i9 Qcbrrtuc^t, je» bocf) nu(^ untefldma9io (fcei Marryat j. S». mil) bci dltctcit ©4)rift|lenetn). ***) I lie, ic^ lufle, iP rfgclmdSig. S)ie unvegetmdptgen Seitwotter. 135 Present. Imperfect. Pass. Panic. I Pay I paid paid. - pen, td^ fperre ein *) -pent pent. - put - put R.,*quit. -Quit R., I quit quoth -Read -read read. - reap R., I reapt R., reapt. - rend I rent rent. -rid -rid rid. -ride -rode rode (ridden). -ring -rung rung. - rise - rose risen. - rive - rove, R. riven, R. - rot - rotted rot, rotten; R. - rough work - roughwrought roughwrought. - run - ran, run run. -Saw - sawed R., sawn. - say - said said. - see - saw seen. - seek - sought - seethed sought. - seeth R., sodden. -sell -sold sold. - send - sent sent. - set -set set. - shake - shook shaken. - shall - should f. @cite 117. - shave - shaved R., shaven. -shear - sheared shorn. - shed - shed shed. - shine - shone shone. -sh6e - shod shod. - shoot -shot shot. - show (shew) - showed (shewed) R., shown (shewn), - shred - shred shred. - shrink - shrunk shrunk. -shut - shut shut. -sing - sung - sunk sung. - sink sunk. - sit - sat, sate sat, sale. - slay - slew slain. - sleep - slept -slid slept. - slide slid, slidden. - sling - slung - slunk slung, slunk. - slink -slit - slit, R. slit, R. - smart R., I smart R., smart. - smell R., I smelt R„ smelt. - smite I smote smitten, smit. - sow - sowed R., sown. - speak - spoke spoken. - speed -sped sped. - spend -spenl spent. - spell R., I spelt spelt. - spet R., I spet R., spet. - spill R., I spilt R., spilt. - spin I spun spun. - spit R., I spit R., spit. *) To pen, fc^reil'cii, ge^t regelmai 136 Present. I split - spoil - spread - spring - stand - stave - stay - steal - stick - sting - slink. - stride - strike - string - strive - slrow (strew) - swear - Sweat - sweep - swell - swim - swing ^ Take - leach - tear -tell - think - throw - thrust - tread - Under-bid - under-run - under- work - unswell - uphold -Wake ~ wash - wear - weave - weep - wet - will - win - wind -^wont - work - wrmg - write - writhe 2)ie unregetmapigen 3eittvijrter. Imperfect. Pass. Par tic. \ split split. R., (1 spoilt) R., (spoilt.) spread. I spread - sprung sprung. - stood stood. R,, 1 stove R., stove. I staid staid. - stole stolen, stoln. - stuck stuck. - stung stung, stunk. - stunk - strode, strid stridden. - struck struck - strung R., strung. - strove striven. - strowed (strewed) strown (strewn, strewed). - swore sworn. R., I sweat R., swgat. I swept, R. - swelled swept, R. R., swollen, swoln. - swum, swam swum. - swung swung. - took taken. - taught taught. - tore lorn. -told told. - thought thought. - threw thrown. - thrust thrust. - trod trodden. - under-bid under-bidden. - under-ran under-run. - under-wrought R., under-wrought. - unswelled H., unswoln. - upheld upheld, upholden. R., 1 woke waked. I washed R., washen. - wore worn. - wove woven. - wept wept. -wet, R. wet, R. - would f. @. 130. - won won. - wound wound, wounden. - wont wont. R., 1 wrought R., wrought. I wrung wrung. - wrote written. - writhed writhen. 3)rucf »oii a3reitfo»)f unb ^