S54DT6 ^BBBBB R0ADBOOK1 OF THE THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO THE CHAIRMAN AND DIRECTORS OF THE SHEFFIELD AND HOTHERHAM RAILWAY COMPANY. DRAKE'S ROAD BOOK OF THK SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM KAILWAY: WITH A VISITER'S GUIDE TO THE TOWNS OF SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM. BHustrateS by a ftlap aub Engrabings. LONDON: HAYWARD AND MOORE. :: JAMES DRAKE, 52, NEW STREET. SHEFFIELD: WILLIAM SAXTON. ROTHERHAM: j. HINCHLIFFK. 1840. F.KTEBED AT STATIONERS' HALL. BIRMINGHAM : PRINTED BT JAMES DRAKE, 52, NKW-9TUKKT. D CHAIRMAN AND DIRECTORS ^ OF THE J- SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM RAILWAY COMPANY, 5 li. 5 Stljta Volume is, BY PERMISSION, RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER. May 21 tt, 1840. 647044 STANZAS ON THE OPENING OF THE SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM RAILWAY. BY EBENEZF.B ELLIOTT. THEY come! the shrieking steam ascends, Slow moves the banner' d train ; They rush ! the tow'ring vapour bends ; The kindled wave again Screams over thousands, thronging all To witness now the funeral Oi' law-created pain. Behold it, Osgathorpe, (a) behold ! Look down, and cry, All hail ! Skies! brighten into blue and gold, O'er all the living vale ! Pale, liug'ring foxglove ! you, ye trees ! Thou, wood of Tinsley ! tell the breeze, That Hell's dark cheek turns pale ! For Mind shall vanquish time and space, Bid east and west shake hands, Bring over ocean face to face, Earth's ocean-sever'd strands; And on his path of iron bear Words, that shall wither in despair, The tyrants of all lauds. Eternal river ! (6) roaring still, As roar'd thy foamy wave, When first each wild rose-skirted rill Heard moorland echoes rave, Thou seest, amid thy meadows green, The goodliest sight that earth hath seen, Since man made fire his slave. Fire kindling man ! how weak wast thou ! Ere thou hudst conquer' d fire! How like a worm, on Canklow's brow, Thou shrank'st from winter's ire ! Or heard'st the torrent-gathering night Awake the wolf with thee to fight, Where these broad shades aspire ! (a) Osgathorpe, Canklow, Winco, and Tinsley, are hills and woods, poj tions of the scene, (ft) The Don. VI STANZAS. But he whom cold and hunger ban, Whom law and ease belie, Who vainly asks his fellow-man For leave to toil and die, Is sadder, wenker, than wastthou, When, naked here, on Wince's brow. Thou didst the wolf defy ! In vain thou mak'st the fire a slave, That works, and will not tire ; And burn'st the flame-destroying wave, And rid'st on haruess'd fire ; In vain, if millions toil unfed, And Cromptor.'s children, begging bread, Wealth-hated, curse their sire. Fire-kindling man ! thy life-stream runs, Ev'n yet, through sighs and groans ; Too long thy Watts and Stepheusons With brains have fatten' il drones ! O Genius! all too long, too oft, At thee the souls of clay have scoff'd. And sold thy, little ones ! (c ) Sold them to misery's dungeon-gloom, To rapine's menial blow, To beggary's brawl-fill' d lodging-room, Where famine curses wo ; Then to the pest-den'* workhouse floor. To which good Christians send the poor, By stages sure and slow. Butlo! the train ! On! onward! still Loud shrieks the kindled wave; And back fly hamlet, tree, and hill, White steam, and banners brave ; And thoughts on vapoury wings are burl'd, To shake old thrones, and change u world, And dig Abaddon's grave. Eternal river! roaring now, As erst, in earliest years, Ere grief began, with youthful brow, To live an age of tears ; Thou hearVt, beneath thy forests high, A voice of power, that will not die, While mail hath hopes and fears. He, conquering fire, and time, and space, Bids east and west join hands, Brings over ocean face to face. Earth's ocean-sever'd stmnds ; And on his iron rod will bf ar Words that shall wither in despair, The tyrants of all lands. (f) I do not believe that men of genius are less able tlinn other nun to pain their living ; but if they attempt more, they are more liable to failure ; but if they live where men are robbed of three-fourths of their earnings is it ur- pri.ing that they do not thrive? f r Y^r" // / * * / / / / THE ROAD BOOK OP THE SHEFFIELD AND EOTHERHAM EAILWAY. CHAPTER I. HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. THE Sheffield and Eotherham Railway is a monument of the public spirit and enterprise of its projectors of which they may well be proud. Severe was the contest which they had to maintain in the commence- ment of their great undertaking, and flourishing and honourable are the laurels which now rest on their brows. Could we add one floweret to that garland of honour, we should consider we had performed a worthy act. But our aim at present is higher than this. Our object in writing this volume is not to weave a wreath for the railway Company, but to carry out still further their praiseworthy designs. They have done all that Science and Art could teach them, to add lightning to the feet of the traveller. We would now humbly profess that we intend, l>y the aid of Minerva, Apollo, the muses, and all the deities that smile propitiously upon the wielders of the grey goose B I HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. quill, to render his flight still more rapid. This we shall endeavour to do by cunningly beguiling each moment as it flies. Courteous traveller, we lay our volume at thy feet, vouchsafe to make it the com- panion of thy journey. It will give to thy passage a quicker appearance; and, wherein is that less bene- ficial than making it actually more rapid ? What would it avail thee were thy journey performed in as short a time as the head of Bagdad's monarch was immerged in the water-tub of the learned dervish, if that brief moment were crowded, as in his case, with the sorrows and toils of seven long dreary years ? Away, however, with this trifling, and to our task. Attend, then, in the first place, gentle reader, to the following brief Historical Account of the Sheffield and Botherham railway, its origination, its progress and completion, and its subsequent successful operation. The project of constructing a railway between Shef- field and Rotherham was first brought before the public in the month of July, 1834. The principal design of its projectors appears to have been, to render coal cheaper at Sheffield ; and the saving upon which they calculated, was .30,000 per annum. The bill to invest the directors with the necessary powers, was first brought before parliament by lord Morpeth, on the llth of March, 1835. It was strongly opposed by the Duke of Norfolk, a few other landed proprietors, the Canal Company, and the River Don Company. One hundred and twenty highly respectable inhabitants of Rotherham also united with its opponents, and petitioned against it, on the ground that it would probably have the effect of HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. 6 causing the idle, drunken, and dissolute portion of the Sheffield community to flock to Rotherham. The railway Company, however, carried the day, being strenuously supported by the people of Sheffield, and also by the majority of the inhabitants of Rotherham. Upon the committee dividing on the preamble of the bill, two appeared against it, and twelve in its favour. On the 10th of June the committee reported the bill to the House ; and on the 23rd it was read a third time and sent up to the Lords. In the Upper House the Duke of Norfolk's influence proved more formidable ; and on the 27th of July, the advocates of the bill had the mortification of beholding it thrown out in committee by a majority of 7 to 5. Not at all daunted by the failure of their first attempt, the Company were soon in a condition again to take the field. On the 12th of February, 1836, their bill was a second time introduced into the House of Commons ; on the 28th it passed through com- mittee without a division ; and on the 14th of April, having been read a third time in the lower House, it was again launched into the perilous seas where it had previously been stranded. Skilful was the piloting which was necessary in order to steer it into the now not distant haven. Twice it was read without oppo- sition. On the 21st it went into committee. Here all the power of the opposition was brought to bear against it ; and every nerve was strained by its ad- vocates in order to bear it successfully through. Amongst other objections it was urged, that the deed executed by the shareholders in 1834 was invalid, owing to its not including the Greasborough branch, B 2 4 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. for which this was the first time of making application. This compelled the company to solicit time to prepare a new deed ; and with a little difficulty they obtained a postponement of the question until May the 9th. During this short interval, by means of great exertions, the new deed was prepared and signed. At the ap- pointed time the company were again before the com- mittee ; and two days afterwards obtained a favourable decision. Having been reported to the House of Lords the bill was immediately read a third time; and on the 4th of July received the royal assent. Thus terminated successfully the company's parliamentarian conflicts, after having lasted from the llth of March, 1835, to the 4th of July, 1836. By the act then obtained, authority was given to raise a capital of 100,000, in 4,000 shares of '25. each, and 30,000 on mortgage. The works were commenced in February, 1837, at the Brightside cutting. From that time they pro- ceeded rapidly without any impediment, or the occur- rence of any incident calling for remark; and in the month of October, 1838, were deemed in a sufficiently perfect state to authorize the opening of the railway to the public. This event took place en the 31st of October, and was attended with all the pageantry, fes- tivity, and excitement, which is usually manifested on such occasions. Earl Fitzwilliam and a considerable number of the neighbouring nobility and great landed proprietors were present. So also were the Directors of the North Midland railway, George and Robert Stephenson, and many other illustrious individuals interested in the success of this and similar schemes. The order of the proceedings was as follows : a trip HISTORICAL ACCOUKT. from Sheffield to Rotherham at twenty minutes before eleven, which occupied seventeen minutes ; breakfast at Rotherham Court House ; return trip to Sheffield at twelve ; and dinner at the Tontine Inn at five. The history of the railway subsequent to its opening is happily marked by no tragical occurrences, by the relation of which we might give interest to our narra- tive. Monotonous as the strokes of the piston of a steam engine, events have followed each other in re- gularly recurring succession, and few days bear any marks by which they can be distinguished from their fellows. The opening of the Greasborough branch took place on August the 10th, 1839. The following is a brief summary of the traffic on the railway during the first year of its operation. " The number of pas- sengers carried (and that without the loss of life or limb, or serious injury to any passenger) from No- vember 1st, 1838, to October 3lst, 1839, both days inclusive, is as follows: 1838. November, 37,876 ; December, 44 ,6 14. 1839. January, 28,071 ; February, 27,729 ; March, 30,034 ; April, 38,109 ; May, 50,325 ; June, 37,500 ; July, 43,358 ; August, 39,882 ; Sep- tember, 41,801 ; October, 36,076; making a-total of 455,375." The amount of money received for these passengers has been 13,204 16s. 3d. The shares at present bear a premium of from 5. to 6. So much for the past history of the Sheffield and Rotherham railway. Were we disposed to indulge ourselves in a prophecy of the future, very bright would be the colours in which we should paint it ; for we cannot close our eyes to the vast increase of traffic B 3 6 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. which will flow upon this railway, when the sluices of the north and the south are opened into it by the completion of the North Midland line. However justly the inhabitants of Sheffield in general may com- plain of the distance at which the North Midland railway passes their town, the proprietors of the Shef- field and Rotherham railway, have good cause to congratulate themselves that it runs just where it does. In the ensuing session of parliament the company intend to apply for an act to enable them to raise, at such times as they think fit, either by creating new shares or by mortgage, or in both those ways, any fur- ther sum they may require, not exceeding 70,000. The new shares will be offered in the first instance to the proprietors of original shares. Before introducing our reader into the peculiar do- mains of the Fire-King and commencing our description of railway scenery, we shall, in accordance with the plan of our work, devote a chapter to the history and description of Sheffield. SHEFFIELD. CHAPTER II. HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF SHEFFIELD. THE town of Sheffield is situated upon the river Sheaf, near its confluence with the Don, and forms the chief town of the extensive Saxon Manor of Hallam, now called Hallamshire. It is a place of great anti- quity, and derives its name from the river upon the banks of which it is situated. At the time of the Nor- man survey the manor of Sheffield was held by Roger de Busli, and the widowed countess of the Saxon Earl Waltheof, who had been beheaded for entering into a conspiracy against the Conquerer. It was subsequently possessed by the family of De Lovetot. It afterwards descended to the Earls of Shrewsbury, and from them finally passed into the possession of the Dukes of Norfolk. Edward I. granted various privileges to the lords of the manor ; and they in turn released the in- habitants, in consideration of a fixed annual payment, from the feudal tenure by which they held their estates, and thus occasioned Sheffield to become a free town. Cardinal Wolsey after his arrest in 1530, was detained in the manor house for eighteen days, in the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury. Mary Queen of Scots also during her fourteen years' captivity re- B 3 SHEFFIELD. sided, with the exception of a few short intervals, in the same place or in the castle. During the civil war in the reign of Charles I., the inhabitants were in favour of the parliamentarians, and made a feeble effort to retain for them the town and castle. The Earl of Newcastle, however, with a party of royalists, quickly gained possession for the king, placed a garri- son in the castle, and appointed Sir William Saville governor. The Earl of Manchester afterwards sent a force to attempt its reduction, and after a protracted siege, it was surrendered upon honourable terms, and soon afterwards by order of parliament demolished. The town is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence rising out of a spacious valley. It is sheltered on every side, except the north east, by a chain of lofty hills richly clothed with wood. It is nearly surrounded by the rivers Don, Sheaf, and Porter. Over the river Don a stone bridge of three arches was erected, in 1485, and was called the Lady Bridge, from a religious house dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, which stood near it. An iron bridge of three arches has since been constructed over the same river ; and in 1828 an addi- tional stone bridge of three arches was erected, for the purpose of affording an easier communication between the Rotherham and Barnsley roads, and the new corn and cattle markets. The bridge over the Sheaf consists of one arch, and was built in 1769, by Edward Duke of Norfolk. The town extends nearly a mile from north to south, and three quarters of a mile from east to west. The streets in the principal parts of the town have of late been greatly improved, both by the erec- tion of new and handsome shops, and the substitution SHEFFIELD. 9 of modern and elegant fronts. The houses, which are chiefly of brick, and of a somewhat sombre appearance, are intermixed with many of very ancient character. The chief portion of the town is within the angle formed by the Sheaf and the Don, but there are con- siderable ranges of buildings on the opposite banks. Considerable improvements have taken place under the provisions of an act obtained in 1818, by which the town is well paved, and lighted with gas, from exten- sive works at Sheaf Bridge, and those of the New Gas Company, on Blonk Island. The town was formerly supplied with water from springs in the neighbouring hills, by means of private works on Crook's moor ; but the supply becoming inadequate to the increasing de- mands of the town, a company with a capital of 100,000 was formed in 1829, and suitable works were erected. The public subscription Library and Reading room occupies a commodious room in the Music Hall, and is supported by an annual subscription of one guinea from each of its members. A Literary and Philoso- phical Society was instituted in 1822. Its meetings are held in an elegant apartment of the Music Hall, which contains their apparatus, a collection of fossils, botanical specimens, and curiosities from the South Sea islands. There are three public news rooms ; the oldest is in the East Parade, and is supported by an annual subscription of 1. Is. each; another occupies a room in the music hall, and the third forms part of the handsome edifice, called the Commercial Buildings, which has recently been erected in High Street. The Mechanic's Library was established in 1824; it con- 10 SHEFFIELD. / tains more than 2,000 volumes, and is open every evening. The Music Hall is a spacious and elegant building in the Grecian style of architecture. It is situated in Surrey Street, and was erected in 1824 ; it comprises on the ground floor a room for the public library, 38 feet long, and 35 feet wide ; a reading room and saloon, and a spacious room for the Literary and Philosophical Society. The buildings also contain an elegant music room, 99 feet in length and 38 wide, with a well-arranged orchestra, and a handsome saloon, 35 feet long and 28 wide. The theatre and assembly rooms were erected in 1762, and form an extensive building of brick, handsomely ornamented with stone, and having a central portico supporting a pediment, The theatre is generally open from Oct. to Jan. The Town's Trust has arisen from a grant made by one of the ancient family of Furnival, about the year 1300, and consists of property in lands and tenements, shares in the river Don navigation, &c., producing about 1,400 per annum, which is under the manage- ment of twelve trustees, resident in the town, elected by the freeholders, who have been lately incorporated, under the title of the " Town's Trust," or "Sheffield Free Tenants. " The income is applied to the main- tenance of Lady's bridge, the keeping in order the pump in Barker pool, the repair of the church and the highways, the payment of three assistant clergy, and other charitable and public uses. This town appears to have been distinguished at a very early period for the manufacture of articles of cutlery, for which the numerous mines of coal and iron- stone in the neighbourhood rendered its situation pecu- SHEFFIELD. II liarly favourable. Chaucer, in his Canterbury Tales, mentions the " Sheffield Thwytel, or Whittel," a kind of knife worn by such as had not the privilege of wear- ing a sword, for the making of which, as well as the iron heads for arrows, Sheffield had, even then, become celebrated. Arrow heads, indeed, compose the arms or crest of the town. From that time the principal articles manufactured were implements of husbandry, including scythes, sickles, shears, and other sharp in- struments of steel, till the middle of the last century, when considerable improvements were introduced, and great ingenuity displayed in the finer articles of cutlery. The superintendence of the trade was en- trusted to twelve master cutlers, appointed at the court leet of the lord of the manor, with power to enforce the necessary regulations for its protection and improvement. In 1624 the cutlers were incorporated by an act of parliament entitled, " An act for the good order and government of the makers of knifes, scissors, shears, sickles, and other cutlery wares, in Hallamshire, in the county of York, and parts near adjoining;" and the government was invested in a master, two wardens, six searchers, and twenty-four assistants, consisting of free- men only, in number about 600. The master, who, with the other officers of the company, is chosen annu- ally by the whole corporation, on retiring from office, nominates the senior warden as his successor ; but if the latter be rejected by the company, he nominates another member, till one is approved of by the body : the wardens are chosen by the officers of the company from among the searchers for the time being. The master, wardens, and assistants, have power to make 12 SHEFFIELD. by -laws for the regulation of the trade, and to inflict penalties for the neglect of them ; and the jurisdiction of the company, which is restricted exclusively to affairs relating to the trade, extends throughout the whole district of Hallamshire, and all places within six miles of it. By an act obtained in 1814, permission is given to all persons, whether sons of freemen or not, and without their having served an apprenticeship, or obtained from the company a mark for their goods, to carry on business anywhere within the limits of Hal- lamshire. The privilege thus bestowed has been a great means of advancing the trade to its present state of perfection, by affording encouragement to men of genius from every part of the country to settle in this town ; and the competition thus produced has furnished exquisite specimens of workmanship, in the finer branches of the trade, which abound in the show- rooms of the principal manufacturers, particularly in those of Messrs. Rodgers and Sons, and excite the admiration of the spectator. The cutlery trade em- ploys from 8,000 to 10,000 persons. The principal articles are table knives and forks ; pen and pocket knives of every description; scissors; razors; surgical, mathematical, and optical instruments ; engineers' and joiners' tools ; scythes, sickles, and files, of which great quantities are manufactured and exported ; and an endless variety of steel wares, which may be con- sidered the staple trade of the town, though various other branches of manufacture have been subsequently introduced and carried to a high degree of perfection. Connected in some degree with the cutlery, but embracing a great variety of other objects, is the manu- SHEFFIELD. 13 facture of ivory articles ; but the principal branches of manufacture which have more recently been estab- lished, and in which the town has obtained a de- cided superiority, are spoons, tea and coffee pots, candlesticks, and a great variety of articles of Bri- tannia metal, which are made in great quantities, and of every pattern ; likewise silver-plated goods of every kind, among which are dessert knives and forks plated upon stee.1, tureens, epergnes, and services for the table, candelabras, ice pails, urns, and a variety of similar articles, of the most elegant patterns, and of the richest workmanship, which are generally known by the name of, " Sheffield plate with silver edges." The manufacture of silver plate in all its branches, from the most minute to the most massive articles, is also car- ried on to a considerable extent, and has obtained deserved celebrity. The most ingenious and highly finished specimens of cutlery displayed in the principal shops in the metropolis, and in those of the principal towns in England, notwithstanding their being stamped with the venders' names, are manufactured here ; and so highly are the manufactures of this town esteemed, that they are found in every market in Europe, and exported in great quantities to every part of the globe. The making of buttons and button moulds, wire draw- ing, and the refining of silver, are also carried on ; and along the banks of the rivers are numerous iron and steel works, in which the heavier castings are pro- duced, and extensive works for slitting and preparing the iron and steel for the use of the manufacturers : among the manufactured iron goods are, boilers for steam engines, stove grates, (of most elegant design J4 SHEFFIELD. and exquisite workmanship,) fenders, fire irons, and various smaller articles. There are also extensive factories for the weaving of carpets, and of horse-hair seating for chairs. In 1806, a type foundry was estab- lished with considerable success ; and another was commenced in 1818, the proprietors having purchased the business of a house in London : both these estab- lishments are now considerable, and supply type not only to printers in the provincial towns, but to several highly respectable houses in the metropolis. The trade of the town has been greatly facilitated by its advantageous line of inland navigation. The river Don was, in 1751, made navigable to Tinsley, about three miles from the town ; and, in 1815, a bill was obtained for enabling the proprietors of the Sheffield canal to connect the Don, at Tinsley, with the town, by means of a navigable cut, which was accomplished in 1819, thus forming a direct communication with the North Sea. Adjoining the basin of this canal, at the eastern extremity of the town, is a commodious wharf, where vessels can load and unload under cover ; and also spacious warehouses and offices for the transac- tion of business. The basin is capable of containing more than forty vessels of about fifty tons' burden, many of which are constantly arriving from Hull, York, Gainsborough, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, and Thorn, at which last place vessels from London generally unload goods intended for Sheffield. Sheffield's means of railway communication do not as yet extend beyond Rotherham ; but the completion of the North Midland Railway, in the ensuing spring, will at once open to its inhabitants the whole range SHEFFIELD. 15 both of the southern railways, and of those which pass through the manufacturing districts of Yorkshire. We may, therefore, justly look forward to that period as a grand era from which to date Sheffield's accelerated increase in manufacturing celebrity and wealth ; and though some of her more ardent well-wishers might have been desirous that so important a line should have passed nearer to her borders, yet none can refuse to admit the vastness of the advantages she will derive from the line which has actually been selected ; and, we, especially, as retained at present by the Sheffield and Rotherham Railway, are bound to manifest exuberant joy that the whole of the railway traffic of Sheffield, both inward and outward, must necessarily pass along the rails of our fortunate little client. The opening of the Sheffield and Manchester Railway will, it is true, put an end to this boasting ; but six or seven years, we are well assured, will elapse ere the power of steam manages here to twine together the rival roses of York and Lancaster. The market was granted in 1296, to Thomas Lord Furnival ; the market days are Tuesday and Saturday : the former, chiefly for corn, is held in the corn ex- change ; a handsome building, erected under an act of parliament obtained in 1827, by the Duke of Norfolk, on the site of the Shrewsbury hospital, which has been removed. The market for butcher's meat is held in a convenient situation near Newmarket-street; and adjoining to it is the market for eggs, poultry, and butter. The vegetable market, which consists of ranges of shops, is on the outside of the enclosure for the butcher's meat. The fruit market is held on the 16 SHEFFIELD. south side of Newmarket-street ; and the fish market, which is well supplied with salt-water fish on Monday and Thursday, and with fresh-water fish every day during the season, at the back of the Corn Exchange. The fairs for cattle and toys are on the Tuesday in Trinity week, and on Nov. 28th. A cheese fair is also held on the last-mentioned day, in which are sold many hundred tons of cheese from the counties of Derby, Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster. By the act of the 2nd of Wm. iv!,cap. 45, Sheffield has been constituted a borough, with the privilege of sending two members to parliament. The number of voters registered at the first general election under the Reform Act was 3,508, of whom 3,056 polled. The town is within the jurisdiction of the magistrates for the dis- trict, who meet in the town hall every Tuesday and Friday, for the determination of petty causes ; and the Oct. sessions for the West Riding are also held here by adjournment. A court is held every second week, under the steward of the manor of Sheffield, for the recovery of debts under 5 ; and a court of requests every Thursday, for the recovery of debts not exceed- ing 5, of which the jurisdiction extends for several miles round the parish. By the act of the 2nd and 3rd of William IV., cap. 64, Sheffield has been made a polling-place for the West Riding. The Town Hall, a spacious and commodious building, at the foot of the hay market, was erected in 1808: It contains a large and well-arranged room, in which the sessions are held ; and apartments for the use of the police magistrates, the commissioners of the court of requests, and for the transaction of public business. On the ground floor SHEFFIELD. 17 is a prison for felons within the liberty of Hallamshire, with apartments for the keeper. The Cutlers' Hall, in Church-street, in which the business of that com- pany is transacted, and their public meetings held, was erected in 1832. It is a neat and capacious stone building, ornamented with the arms of the company well sculptured ; and contains, besides other offices, three large rooms in front for the transaction of business. On the second floor is a spacious dining room, elegantly fitted up, and ornamented with several well-executed portraits. In addition to an excise office and post office, there is also an assay office, erected in 1773, in order to relieve the manufacturers from sending their silver goods to London to receive the Hall mark. The living is a vicarage, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, valued in the king's books at 12. 155. %id. The patron is the Duke of Norfolk; impropriators, P. Gell, Esq., and M. Lawson, Esq., late M.P. for Thirsk, who have alternately the right of presentation. Three stipendiary clergymen, who are independent of the vicar, and have an income of 250. each, are appointed to assist him by the church bur- gesses. These were incorporated by charter of Queen Mary, and hold certain lands and estates in trust, for the payment of the stipendiary assistants, and for the repairs of the church. They hold their meetings in a room over the vestry room of the church ; and vacan- cies in their number are filled up by vote among them- selves. The church, which is a spacious cruciform structure, with a central tower and spire, was erected in the reign of Hen. I. ; but it has been so altered by repairs, that, with the exception of part of the tower 18 SHEFFIELD. and spire, and a few small portions of the interior, very little of its original character can be distinguished. The chancel contains the first production from the chisel of Chantrey, consisting of a mural tablet, with the bust of the Rev. James Wilkinson, late vicar, cano- pied with drapery, in Carora marble. Many illus- trious persons have been interred in this church, among whom were Mary, Countess of Northumber- land ; Elizabeth, Countess of Lennox, mother of the unfortunate Lady Arabella Stuart; Lady Elizabeth Butler ; four of the Earls of Shrewsbury ; and Peter Roflet, French secretary of Mary Queen of Scots. St. Paul's chapel was erected in 1720, by subscription, towards which Mr. R. Downes, silversmith, contri- buted 1,000 : it is a handsome edifice, in the Grecian style of architecture, with a tower surmounted by a well-proportioned dome, and a cupola of cast iron ; the interior is light, and elegantly ornamented, and con- tains a bust, by Chantrey, of the Rev. Alexander Mackenzie, with emblematical sculpture finely exe- cuted. The living is a perpetual curacy ; net income, 136; patron, the Vicar. St. James's chapel, a neat structure, in the Grecian style of architecture, with a campanile turret, was erected by subscription in 1788 : the interior is well arranged, and the east window is embellished with a beautiful painting of the Crucifixion, by Peckett. The living is a per- petual curacy ; net income, 160 ; patron, the Vicar ; impropriator, Duke of Norfolk. St. George's church, on an eminence at the western extremity of the town, erected iu 1824, is a very handsome structure, in the later style of English architecture, with a SHEFFIELD. 19 lofty square embattled tower, crowned with pin- nacles. The living is a perpetual curacy ; net in- come, 365. ; patron, the Vicar. St. Philip's church, near the infirmary, was erected in 1827, by grant from the parliamentary commissioners, at an expense of 13,970. 16s. ; it is a neat edifice, in the later English style of architecture, with a square embattled tower, crowned with pinnacles. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, 135.; patron, the Vicar; im- propriator, Duke of Norfolk. St. Mary's church, in Brammall-lane, of which the first stone was laid by the Countess of Surrey, in 1826, is a handsome structure, in the later style of English architecture, with a tower and a porch of beautiful design ; it was erected by grant from the parliamentary commis- sioners, at an expense of 13,946. 11 s. 9d. ; the site and the cemetery were given by his Grace the Duke of Norfolk. The living is a perpetual curacy ; net income, 190. : patron, the Vicar. The Park church, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, stands on three acres of land, given by the Duke of Norfolk, near the lofty summit of Park Hill. It is a Gothic structure. and will accommodate more than 1,000 persons. There are five places of worship for Independents, six for Wesleyan Methodists, and one each for Bap- tists, the Society of Friends, Unitarians, and Roman Catholics. The free grammar school was founded by letters patent in the reign of James I., and endowed by Thomas Smith, of Crowland, in the county of Lincoln, with lands producing, in 1603, 30. per annum, which have been since exchanged for lands at Wadsley, pro- "c 2 20 SHEFFIELD. ducing, together with subsequent benefactions, a revenue of 175. 10s. The school is under the control of the vicar and twelve inhabitants of the town, who appoint the master, with a salary of 60. per annum : there are at present about twenty scholars on the foundation, who are gratuitously instructed in the classics. The present handsome school house, situ- ated near St. George's church, was erected a few years ago, in lieu of the old structure in Town Head- street. The boys' charity school, at the uorth-east corner of the churchyard, was established in 1706; and the present school house, a neat and commodious edifice of stone, has been recently erected on the site of the original building : it has an income arising from a benefaction of 5,000 by Mr. Parkins, in 1766, aided by a donation from Mr. T. Hanby, which maintains six boys on the establishment, at an expense of up- wards of 60. per annum, the past masters of the Cutlers' Company being his principal trustees : the whole revenue is about 284. per annum, with which, and annual subscriptions, eighty boys are maintained, clothed, educated, and apprenticed. At the opposite corner of the churchyard is a similar school, in which sixty girls are maintained, clothed, and educated, and afterwards placed out in service: a convenient school house was erected, in 1786, at an expense of 1,500. A school for reading, writing, and arithmetic, has also been established here, in pursuance of the will of Mr. William Birley, who, in 1715, bequeathed 900. in trust for the purchase of an estate, of the rental of which, one third was to be appropriated to the estab- lishment of the school, one third towards the main- SHEFFIELD. 21 tenance of indigent tradesmen, or their widows, and the remainder towards the support of a minister to officiate in the chapel of the hospital. The school of industry was estahlished in 1795, and removed to its present situation in 1815: the huildings, which are upon an extensive scale, and well adapted to their use, were erected by subscription: there are 350 children in this establishment. A Lancasterian school for boys, established in 1809, and a similar institution for girls, established in 1815, are supported by subscrip- tion. National schools, in which 390 boys and 391 girls are instructed, are maintained in connexion with the National Society, which, in addition to a grant of 320. from the district society, has granted 650. towards the erection of the buildings ; and a national school for 400 children has been erected at an esti- mated expense of 700, of which 350. was defrayed by the Lords of tha Treasury, under an act passed in 1833. There are also numerous Sunday schools. The Collegiate School is pleasantly situated in the vale of the Porter, and was opened in August, 1836. It belongs to a company of proprietors, and is con- ducted in conformity with the principles of the church of England. The Wesleyan Proprietary Grammar School, in Glossop-road, is a very large establishment. It has just been finished, and will accommodate 300 boys. The bestowment of a decidedly Wesleyan training was the principal object had in view by its projectors. The Earl of Shrewsbury's hospital was projected by Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, in 1616, and com- pleted, in 1673, in pursuance of his will, by the c 3 SHEFFIELD. Earl of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England. It is amply endowed for eighteen men and eighteen women, who have each a comfortable dwelling; ten shillings per week for each man, and eight shillings for each woman, with an allowance of coal, coats, and a gown annually. The original buildings were recently taken down to make room for the new market place, and the erection of the corn exchange; and a neat range of buildings, in the later style of English architecture, has been erected on the southern side of the town, in the centre of which is a chapel. The general infirmary was first opened for the reception of patients in 1797, and, in a manufacturing town, where so many artisans are continually exposed to accidents, and their health materially injured by the processes of many of the trades in which they are employed, has been deservedly regarded as an object entitled to the most liberal patronage and support. The premises, occupying an extensive site about a mile to the north- west of the town, and guarded against the too near approach of other buildings by the purchase of thirty- one acres of surrounding land, were erected by public subscription, at an expense of nearly 20,000, includ- ing the purchase of the land. They are handsomely built of stone, and form a conspicuous ornament in the principal approaches to the town. In front of the building is a neat portico, ornamented with statues of Hope and Charity, finely sculptured ; and the grounds are enclosed by an iron palisade, with a central gate- way, and a porter's lodge on each side. The internal arrangements are extensive and complete, and the in- stitution is supported by an income arising from dona- SHEFFIELD. 23 tions and bequests, and by annual subscription. Among the principal benefactions are, '200. by the Rev. James Wilkinson, late vicar; 200. by Dr. Browne, under whose auspices the establishment was materially promoted ; 1,000 by Mrs. Fell, of Newhall ; a donation of 2,000, and a subsequent legacy of 500, by F. H. Sitwell, Esq.; and 6,337. 2s. Wd. be- queathed by the late Rev. Thomas Gisborne, who also gave like sums to the infirmaries of Nottingham and Derby. The Botanical and Horticultural Gardens, which were opened to the public in 1836, occupy about eighteen acres of land in the picturesque valley of the Porter. The grand entrance is in Clarkhouse-lane, and is a chaste Ionic structure, adapted to the model of the temple on the banks of the Ilissus, at Athens. The General Cemetery occupies an abrupt but broken and verdant acclivity of Sharrow Vale, and extends over upwards of five acres. It was opened in July, 1836, and is one of the most beautiful establishments of the kind in England. The Cholera Monument is a lofty, slender, and elegant obelisk. It stands in the Claywood cholera burial ground. It was erected in 1834, in memory of those who had been swept away by that terrific scourge. The neighbourhood, which is rich in mines of iron and coal, abounds also with quarries of excellent stone, some of which, especially that at Grimsthorpe, contain many admirable specimens of catamites ; and the coal shale and iron stone have beautiful impres- sions of various vegetable productions. In 1761, two thin plates of copper were ploughed up on a piece of c 4 24 SHEFFIELD. land, called the Lawns, each containing an inscription commemorating the manumission of some Roman legionaries, and their enrolment as citizens of Rome. From the prevalence of iron ore, the waters of Shef- field have a slightly chalybeate property. The Rev. Dr. Robert Saunderson, Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford, and Bishop of Lincoln ; and the Rev. Mr. Balguay, Prebendary of North Grantham in the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, and an eminent disputant in the Bangorian controversy, were natives of Sheffield : and Chan trey, the celebrated sculptor, was born at Norton, a village about three miles from it. Sheffield gives the title of Baron and Earl to the family of Holroyd. DESCRIPTION OF TiiS RAILWAY. 25 CHAPTER III. DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. THE entrance to the Sheffield station is through a substantial and well-designed gateway facing up the Wicker, at the angle of the Barnsley new road and Saville-street. It is intended for passengers only ; the entrance for goods being in Saville-street. On entering the station which is very commodious, a handsome and spacious shed, supported by cast-iron pillars, presents itself. It contains four lines of rails for the engines and carriages, and turn-rails at the end for reversing the position of the engines and carriages. The con- struction of the shed deserves notice, combining, as it does, strength with apparent lightness. A flagged pathway, raised a couple of feet above the level of the rails, renders the step into or from the carriages very easy and convenient. A similar shed is to be built in this station for the use of the North Midland Railway, with waiting room and offices suitable to the wants of the town of Sheffield ; and passengers for Leeds or Derby and all intermediate places, will here take their seats, and proceed to their destination without any change of carriages. Upon issuing forth from our entrenchments, we 26 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. behold, close to the line on the right, the works of Mr. Brownell. Saville-street and the river Don run immediately behind these works, and from the oppo- site bank of the river rises the elegant and lofty chimney of the New Gas Works. The two conspicuous chimneys which are a little more distant belong to the new colliery, which has lately been established by the Duke of Norfolk, and which is working the Yorkshire Silkstone seam, at a depth of 126 yards. A range of lime-kilns, in which the lime is prepared by a process altogether novel, are visible behind the colliery; and ; the prospect is bounded by the verdajit slope of Shef- : field Park, in the midst of which St. John's church is conspicuously situated. Along the high ground on the left runs the new road to Barnsley. It gradually declines away from the railway in the direction of the old road, with which it forms a junction at Pitsmoor Bar. The design of its formation was to avoid the tremendous ascent of Pye Bank, which all who have ever left Sheffield by the north road will not fail to remember. Were our traveller now to look behind him, and had he power by some potent charm to dispel the murky cloud that spreads itself over the landscape, he would obtain a tolerable view of the town of Sheffield ; and would behold the tower of St. Paul's rising proudly in the centre of the picture, and lifting its well-pro- portioned dome and elegant cast-iron cupola far above all surrounding edifices. The prospect speedily opens to a considerable extent on the right. As the eye ranges from the smoke- capped buildings of Sheffield in the rear, to the beau- DESCRIPTION OP THE RAILWAY. 27 tiful turrets of Attercliffe church in advance, it passes over a wide tract of country. Through this spacious valley winds the placid stream of the Don ; but the eye cannot here catch a glimpse of its waters. The sight of this valley, and the park on its opposite acclivity, in which are the ruins of the Manor House, which formed the prison of the ill-fated Mary of Scotland, are well calculated to call up whatever remains of chivalric feeling that may exist in the hosom of the beholder. Perhaps he may apostrophise the mean- dering stream in some such elegiac strains as the following : There, on Reflection's pensive breast, A shade of distant days will rest ; Where near yon ivied tower Thy stream would warble soft and low, Listening to sounds of royal woe, Told to the midnight hour. On thee, with many a tear suffused, The beauteous captive nightly mused, And in thy fleeting wave Saw the light bubble glittering rise, Then break in air," Behold," she cries, " MARY, thy crown, thy grave ! " Other associations of a less mournful character will also rush upon the mind whilst contemplating the valley which now lies before us. This is the famous " Valley of the Don," in which the author of Waverley has laid the scene of Ivanhoe, and with a description of which he opens that enchanting romance. " In that pleasant district," says he, "of merry England which is watered by the river Don, 28 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. there extended in ancient times a large forest, cover- ing the greater part of the beautiful hills and valleys which lie between Sheffield and the pleasant town of Doncaster. The remains of this extensive wood art- still to be seen at the noble seats of "Wentworth, of Wharncliffe Park, and around Hotherham. Here haunted of yore the fabulous dragon of Wantley ; here were fought many of the most desperate batiks during the civil wars of the Hoses; and here also flourished in ancient times those bands of gallant out- laws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular in English song." Such is Sir Walter Scott's descrip- tion of the scene of our present excursion ; and from his account we perceive that the dragon -like monsters that now sweep along it, are not the first creatures of that species that have rendered it famous by their ex- ploits. We cannot here resist the temptation of giving our traveller a description, by the same hand, of a landscape in this valley when it was covered by the forest of Rotherwcod, in order that he may compare it with what meets his own eye as he dashes along it in his steam-borne car. " Hundreds of broad short- stemmed oaks, which had witnessed, perhaps, the stately march of the Roman soldiery, flung their broad gnarled arms over a thick carpet of the most delicious green sward. In some places they were intermingled with beeches, hollies, and copse-wood of various de- scriptions, so closely as totally to intercept the level beams of the sinking sun ; in others they receded from each other, forming those long sweeping vistas, in the intricacy of which the eye delights to lose itself, while imagination considers them as the paths to yet DESCRIPTION OP THE RAILWAY. 29 wilder scenes of sylvan solitude. Here the red rays of the sun shot a broken and discoloured light, that par- tially hung upon the shattered boughs and mossy trunks of the trees, and there they illuminated in brilliant patches the portions of turf to which they made their way." This looks like poetry, but it is doubtless a correct representation of what often greeted the eye of the Saxon swineherd, as he drove his charge towards the castle of his Norman lord. A change, however, both great and surprising, has past over this vision. Forest, and castle, and serf too, have vanished together ; or, if any remnant of Rotherwood remains, it is but the unsubstantial shade of what once bore the name; and if every stone of the keep and the turret has not been thrown down, only suffi- cient remain to attract the gaze of the antiquary, and cause the artist to draw forth his pencil. We would fain pursue this theme ; but, whilst we mourned over the loss of much of what was picturesque and romantic in the England of eight centuries back, we would pour our strains of loftiest panegyric on that spirit of change, which, although it has stripped our land of her beautiful forests, has also operated upon her inhabi- tants, has torn the gorget from the neck of the thrall, has dashed the bow from the grasp of the outlaw, and the spear from the hand of the marauding knight. To the reflections with which we have seen proper to introduce our traveller into the valley of the Don it behoves us now to put a stop : we must apply our- selves to our more legitimate task, of describing the various objects which present themselves to his notice as he sweeps along his iron pathway. 30 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. In the centre of the view we have been describing appear the Park furnaces, throwing forth copious volumes of fire and smoke, by which their position is even more distinctly revealed by night than by day. These furnaces are employed in reducing the argil- laceous carbonates of iron, derived from Tinsley Com- mon and other places adjacent. At present there is but one stack at work, which produces a larger quantity of metal than any other in Yorkshire or Lan- cashire, namely, twelve tons per day when the weather is favourable. The vitreous slag yields 500 or 1,000 per year for mending the roads. The process not only of smelting the ore and running the metal into pigs, but particularly of casting heavy articles, such as im- mense cylinders for conduit pipes, is very interesting, and may at any time be witnessed by the stranger. On the left the prospect is of course contracted, as \ve are proceeding along that side of the valley : Spittal Hill which is a little in the rear, and that of Hall Carr which is somewhat in advance, form the boundaries of vision in that direction. At a distance of not quite half a mile from the sta- tion the line makes a curve to the left. It is not how- ever of much consequence, as it has a radius of fully three quarters of a mile. On the right may now be seen, at a short distance, a white building called Royd's Mill, and a pile of brick buildings which con- stitute the silver refinery of Messrs. Heed and Co. The plantation very near to the line on the left is Hall Carr Wood. * In crossing Hall Carr lane on the level, the fires of the Manor Colliery are clearly distinguishable over the DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 31 tops of the cottages on the right. Attercliffe church then forms the most interesting object in the right hand landscape, and of it we can obtain a very perfect view. This beautiful structure is in the early style of English architecture, and has an embattled tower crowned with pinnacles. It was erected in the year 1822, at a cost of 1 1,700, which was defrayed by a grant from the parliamentary commissioners. It is remarkable for the rich display of heraldic ornament which adorns its windows. The pulpit is surmounted with a curious and effective parabolic sounding board, which was invented by Mr. Blackburn the incumbent, and is described in the philosophical transactions for 1828. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the arch- deaconry and diocese of York, of which the net income is 194. and the patron, the vicar of Sheffield. The old chapel can also be distinguished from the rail- way. It was allowed to fall into a sadly dilapidated state, but it has just undergone very considerable repairs. The white house which occupies so elevated a posi- tion on the left is Woodhill house and was formerly the residence of Colonel Fenton, commandant of the Sheffield volunteers. Brightside lane runs on the right, between the railway and the river Don, and a little beyond it is Attercliffe Forge, an extensive pile of smoky brick buildings. Near the forge is New Hall , now in the occupation of Mr. Sanderson, the American merchant, who is master of the works at Attercliffe. New Hall was formerly the seat of Mrs. Fell, the libe- ral benefactress of the Sheffield Infirmary. The vil- lage of Attercliffe stands upon the turnpike road from 32 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. Sheffield toRotherham, one mile from the former town. Its population is 3,741. The conspicuous windmill which also lies in the direction of Attercliffe Forge is the property of Mr. George Hill ; and near to it there was wont to be obtained an excellent species of cannel coal, with which the Sheffield Gas Works were for a considerable period supplied. Upon arriving at a distance of a mile and a half from Sheffield, the range of hills, which has hitherto rendered our left hand prospect so very contracted, sud- denly opens and discloses the village of Grimesthorpe. The appearance of this village from the railway, when first it bursts upon the sight, is exceedingly striking, and partakes in some degree of the grotesque. The most conspicuous object is the blackened brick build- ing of the Grimesthorpe Grinding Wheel Company ; the village lies beyond, and around it rise high hills, which have been invested with a somewhat romantic air by the extensive quarrying operations to which they have been subjected. The lofty hill in which the excavations appear, and whose bold brow is shaded with wood, is the classic Wincobank, of which Sheffield bards have often sung, and on which, say they, " The golden cheek of eve rests loveliest" But not only has Wincobank been the favourite resort of the poet and the admirer of Nature's exterior garb, but the mineralogist and the antiquarian may also be found wandering thither in search of the objects of their peculiar study. The one finds embedded in the brown sandstone the fossil remains of numerous plants which DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 33 appear to have flourished beneath a tropical sun. The other, ascending to the top of the hill and discovering amongst the bushes and thick underwood faint traces of castrametation, doubts not that he is standing within the sacred limits of a Roman camp ; and, as he looks down from his elevation, can almost see the burnished helmets of the legionaries winding through the valley, and glittering amongst the trees of the revivified forest. The Grimesthorpe and Brightside road is crossed by an iron bridge with stone parapets. A culvert beneath the eastern wing affords a passage for the Baggaley Brook; a small stream which, after washing the western foot of Wincobank, and turning the Grimesthorpe Grinding Wheel, crosses the line of the railway as it hastens to swell the waters of the Don. The village of Grimesthorpe does not continue in view for more than three quarters of a mile. On the right, however, a very interesting view is now disclosed. A somewhat lofty hill appears in advance, and upon its precipitous brow the village of Brightside stands, whilst the waters of the Don wend their sinuous course along its base. The prospect is very picturesque ; but it must be con- fessed that its beauty is in no degree enhanced by the dingy buildings of Brightside Forge, which, standing on the bank of the river, forms one of its most pro- minent features. We now cross a private road by a beautiful stone bridge one which is in fact the only ornamented bridge upon the line, and also the only one that is graced with parapets. The absence of parapet walls on this railway may be considered as one of its distin- guishing features ; and yet it is strange that it should D 34 DESCRIPTION OP THE RAILWAY. have quite escaped the talented engineers of other lines, that were le monstre, in passing over a bridge, to feel at all inclined to make a digression to the right hand or the left, a wall would form but a very slight impediment to his wishes ; and were he, on the other hand, rather inclined to preserve the even tenor of his way, still less would any beneficial purpose be an- swered by the two costly parapets. Perhaps, however, our friends in other parts of the kingdom may not exactly coincide with us in our ideas on this point, and may fancy that a few pounds sacrificed at the shrine of taste are well expended, whatever mere motives of economy might suggest. After crossing this bridge we have a still more interesting view of Brightside, which from our present position has a truly romantic appearance. By looking forward we can per- ceive that the hill on the brow of which it stands, has been divided in order to afford a passage for the rail- way ; but before we enter this excavation we check our speed, and make a halt at the station which bears the name of the neighbouring village. BRIGKTSIDE STATION. THE houses of Brightside stand chiefly on the right of the railway ; but a few appear scattered on the left. The little wooden box which serves for a temporary station-house also stands on the left. The pleasantness of its situation has caused Bright- side to be much frequented by pleasure parties from Sheffield. On every fine Sabbath especially, the sallow arlizan may be seen wending his way thither, to inhale the freshness of the country air, and enjoy the beautiful DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 35 and extensive prospect which the hill affords. The opening of the railway has not been productive of much benefit to it in this respect. Those who, when performing their peregrinations on foot, were com- pelled to confine them within a circuit of a mile or two round Sheffield, can now ride to Rotherham for sixpence ; and the consequence is, that the publicans of Brightside have the mortification of beholding their quondam customers gliding past their very doors to consign to the pockets of the more fortunate retailers of spirits in a more distant town, those gains which they had been accustomed to calculate upon as theirs. That the respectable inhabitants of Rotherham are satisfied with this state of things is more than we should like to assert. Some of them we know had much rather that the draff of the Sheffield pot-houses were emptied into any other place than their once quiet and moral town. Nay, some have ventured to malign even the railway company, and to charge them with breaking the laws of God in opening their railway on the Sabbath as a channel for this polluting stream to pass through. We would ask such objectors what they suppose the consequence would be were all the common sewers in Sheffield closed on the Sunday ? Immediately after leaving the Brightside station, we enter a deep cutting, made through the hill upon which the village stands. This excavation is about three quarters of a mile in length, and frequently forty feet deep. It is crossed by two bridges, the first conveying the road to Wincobank, called Jenkin- lane, across the railway ; and the second an occupa- tion road, in a farm belonging to the trustees of the . E 2 36 DESCRIPTION OP THE RAILWAY. Shrewsbury hospital, and occupied by Mr. Ellis. The stratification of the rock, which is here beautifully developed, is what chiefly demands the attention of the traveller in passing through this cutting. The peculiar character of the geology of the valley of the Don has long caused it to attract the attention of sci- entific men. A paper was read on the subject at the Bristol meeting of the British Association, and it has frequently occupied the attention of the West Riding Geological and Polytechnic Society. Perhaps the following brief statement, as we cannot pretend to enter into detail, will enable the reader to understand the appearances which the sides of the cutting present: At Ickles Hall, which is a mile and a half west from our present position, the Tinsley Park four feet ironstone lies at a depth of fifty yards below the Rotherham red rock. Twenty yards below the iron-stone, there is a thin seam of furnace coal ; and sixty yards lower still, the High Hazles coal, which is four feet six inches thick. Ninety-one yards below this, there is a six feet seam ; and seventy- eight yards below it, we find the Swallow Wood coal, which is six feet in thickness. After this follow the Park Gate seam, or Sheffield Manor coal, Walker's Furnace coal, and the Silkstone seam, which last lies about 440 yards below the Swallow Wood coal. Un- der the river all these beds lie horizontally, the one over the other, but just before they reach the line of the railway, they suddenly rise at an angle of about forty-five degrees, and all except the three last-men- tioned reach the light. Of these strata the railway makes a partial section about the place where the DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 37 Swallow Wood coal bassets out. Were this section made at right angles to the strata, it is evident that it would present one uniform appearance from beginning to end ; but as the angle which it makes with the line of inclination is somewhat less than a right angle, many strata are exposed to view as they successively rise to the surface. Beds of freestone, ironstone, (which may be distinguished by its rusty appearance,) and shale, interspersed with numerous little veins of coal, succes- sively appear and disappear ; but the Swallow Wood seam is the only coal measure of importance that is exposed to view. It is this seam which is at present worked at the pits of Messrs. Chambers, which we shall presently have to pass. W 7 hat was obtained from the cutting was turned to profitable account by the con- tractor, who employed it in burning the ballast in vhich the sleepers are embedded. We must not how- ever neglect to inform our traveller before we conduct him forth from this cutting, that it is in its right hand bank alone that the various strata are distinguishable ; the great inclination at which they lie having rendered it necessary on the other side to shelve off the superior ones, to prevent them from sliding down upon the railway. Thus the one bank affords a pretty correct idea of the inclination of the strata, whilst the other exhibits their order with as much clearness as could be done by a coloured diagram. Towards the close of the cutting, the strata can be seen abruptly to terminate, what is technically termed a fault being made; and immediately afterwards the interesting appearance of their undulation is distinctly perceivable. But per- haps the reader may imagine that we are describing D 3 38 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. phenomena, which can be observed only by a pedes- trian survey of the cutting. We can assure him however that the geological appearances we have de- scribed are so clearly marked, that notwithstanding the rapidity with which his steam car bears him along, a very little attention will enable him to notice them all. Upon issuing forth from the cutting a wide prospect bursts in our view on the right, and a contracted but beautiful landscape is unfolded on the left. The one view embraces the wide valley of the Don, from Black- burn Forge, in the direction of Sheffield, to the Holmes Furnaces near Kotherharn, the glistering waters of the Sheffield canal and the tortuous stream of the Don occupying the centre, whilst Tinsley village and Park form the back ground, and the spire of Plandsworth church rises above the distant trees. The lovely view in the opposite direction extends up the narrow but picturesque valley of the Blackburn Brook, and is beautifully bounded by the noble woods of Thunder- cliffe Grange. The Blackburn Brook rises in the neighbourhood of Chapel Town, and flowing by Mea- dow Hall, here unites its waters with those of the Don. The Grange, as it is elliptically called in the neigh- bourhood, is the seat of the Earl of Effingham. Kep- pel's column, a pillar raised in commemoration of that gallant admiral's honourable acquittal, can just be dis- tinguished peering above the trees of the Grange. The bridge, or rather the viaduct, over the Black- burn Brook, is composed of five beautiful stone arches. It crosses, in addition to the Brook, a private road and the head stream of Blackburn Forge. DESCRIPTION OP THE RAILWAY. 39 We now proceed through the Meadow Hall estate on an embankment twenty feet in height. The rails on this embankment are laid upon cross pieces of kyanized timber ; whereas elsewhere the sleepers are of stone. Running along the side of Kimberworth Hill we make a curve to the right of three-quarters of a mile radius. After sweeping across two private bridges, and admir- ing for a moment the Don winding through the mea- dows on the right, we catch a glimpse of Jordan Dam, washing the very banks of the railway, just as all the external beauties of Nature are hidden from our view by the side of another excavation. Jordan Dam is an elbow of the Don, from which the river Don Company have recently made a new cut to Rotherham. This was done much to the annoyance of the railway com- pany, whose bill was before parliament at the very time that the river company were empowered to make their alterations, and who were compelled thereby con- siderably and injuriously to divert their original line. The new cut is broad and deep enough for vessels of ninety tons burden, and is nearly two miles in length. It extends from Jordan Dam to the Holmes, and thence in a direct line to the vicinity of the Rother- ham bridge. The cutting into which we have now entered, is neither so deep nor so interesting as the former. The stratification of the rock presents a similar appear- ance, but is not quite as well defined. It will pro- bably be observed that the strata here appear to incline in a different direction from those in the Brightside cutting. This, it would appear to us, must either be occasioned by a considerable undulation in the strata, D 4 40 DESCBIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. as they rise from the valley, in a direction paralk-1 with their line of inclination, or must be accounted for by supposing that the curve which we have made since we emerged from the last excavation has caused the railway to form with the ascending strata an obtuse instead of an acute angle. The river Don company's new cut lies on the right, at a distance of only a few feet, but is concealed by the sides of the excavation. The smoke with which the air now becomes redolent, warns us of the proximity of the Holmes Furnaces ; and, immediately upon emerging from the cutting, they burst upon our view, smoking, and flaming, and roaring, at but a few yards' distance on the right. This huge and unsightly temple of Vulcan assumes its sublimest appearance at night, when all surrounding objects are enveloped in darkness, and itself illuminated only by the fitful glare of the flame which it unceasingly throws forth. These immense iron works were founded by Samuel Walker, Esq., in the middle of the last century. This remarkable person, when twelve years of age, was an orphan, without money, and almost without education. In conjunction with his two brothers he established a small foundry ; and, by his talents and industry, eventually rendered it one of the most flourishing in Europe. During the wars with America and France, immense quantities of cannon of the largest calibre were manufactured by him ; and the iron bridges of Sunderland, Yarm, and Staines, and the Southwark bridge, at London, were cast at these foundries. Considerably less business is done here now than formerly ; for, when Peace visited Europe in DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 41 1815, and, waving her olive branch, scattered plenty and prosperity over the nations, she frowned upon those who had forged the engines of war, smote down their proud looks, and of'ttimes scattered their possessions. The Walkers then abandoned the greater part of their works, which have subsequently been divided, and let off to more humble speculators. . On the opposite side of the Ime are the coal pits of Messrs. Chambers. From these the Holmes Furnaces are supplied ; and the brick bridge of one arch, which here crosses the railway, is for the conveyance of the coal and coke to the works. More distant than the Holmes Furnaces on the right are Stubbs' Steel Works, and Habershon's Iron Works and Forge. Holmes Hall, the plain, square brick building, with a somewhat antiquated appear- ance, which presents its back to the railway at a very short distance, is at present a farm house, but was formerly the residence of the noble Earls of Effingham. Here we make our second and last halt. HOXJMES STATION.* BEFORE carrying our traveller further on his way to Rotherham, we must make a short digression, as the Greasbrough branch, which we promised to describe, here diverges from the main line. As this branch, however, is mainly designed for the conveyance of coal from Earl Fitzwilliam's collieries at Greasbrough, * We should anticipate at this station the speedy springing up of a large and populous town. We refer our reader to a pro- spectus, which he will find at page 9 of our advertising sheet, for the reasons on which we ground this opinion. 42 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. and of goods from the canal, and is seldom honoured by the transit of passengers, it will not be necessary to be very minute. The branch to the Greasbrough canal, upon diverg- ing from the main line, approaches Masbrough by a curve to the northwards, and unites with the North Midland Railway at Masbrough-street, near the foot of the hill leading to Ferham, the residence of William Swann, Esq. From this point, as far as the Greas- brough canal, the two railways run parallel with, and close beside, each other. A bridge carries both railways over the Masbrough street. After which they encounter the high ground of Masbrough Common, and pass under Back-lane, and through a cutting nearly half a mile long and between fifty and sixty feet deep, to the brook which separates the township of Kimberworth and Greasbrough. Here, on the left, appear Car House, now occupied by Mr. Singleton, and The Clough, the residence of George Wilton Chambers, Esq. ; and, on the right, the river Don, with Eastwood, beautifully situated on the opposite hill, and Aldwark, amidst the thick and picturesque woods in the distance. The railway now passes over the Rotherham and Wentworth turnpike road by a neat and substantial bridge; and through the lowlands, called Greasbrough Ings, on an embank- ment from fifteen to twenty feet high, until it reaches the Greasbrough canal. Here it terminates; and a basin and wharf have been constructed for loading and unloading goods from the canal,* which commu- * From this wharf, in connexion with the Humber Union Steam Packet Company, goods and merchandise can be shipped twice a DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 43 nicates with the river Don, at a distance of about 250 yards from this station. Uniting with the railroad at this point, Earl Fitzwilliam has formed a branch rail- way to his collieries, which is traversable by the locomotive engines and colliery waggons. On the Greasbrough branch, only a single line of rails has been laid down, as the conveyance of coal is the almost exclusive purpose for which it is designed. We now return to the main line. At the Holmes station, the road from the Holmes to Masbrough, which is called Salter's Lane, crosses the railway upon its level. Upon leaving the station, we have the village of Masbrough very adjacent to us on the left; Rotherham church lifts its lofty spire in advance ; and the valleys of the Don and the Rother display their beauties on the right. Masbrough, in addition to its iron works, can boast of a pottery and a glass house ; and the Don is there crossed by a stone bridge of five arches. The Rother rises in the county of Derby, a little to the south of Chesterfield. After flowing past that town, it waters, during the rest of its course, a lovely vale renowned in soug, and forms a confluence with the Don near the town which we are fast ap- proaching, and for which it has furnished the name of liotherham. The North Midland Railway here crosses the Shef- field and Rotherham line by a magnificent viaduct. The lofty embankment along which it proceeds can be seen stretching up the valley of the Rother, almost week, at the same rate of carriage as to Rotherharn, and without any charge of wharfage or cartage ; and vessels discharging there, can have the cargo delivered in Sheffield the same day. 44 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. as far as the eye can reach. An imposing view is afforded of a considerable portion of this vast work ; when the eye has followed it as far as it can, the mind still runs on, and views it penetrating the huge mountains and spanning the enchanting valleys of Derbyshire. The desecration of this poetic valley by the steam engine, has not been allowed to take place unbewailed by the minstrels of the neighbourhood. " Rother's Rose," sacred to poetry and sentiment, shrinks from unfolding her red blossoms to the gaze of every railway traveller, and blooms not beneath the unpoetic cloud of vapour ; and the poet cares not to have the eyes of a thousand travellers upon him as he wanders through the once secluded glades of his be- loved valley, nor yet to have his divine inspirations mingled with the inharmonious din of a hundred iron wheels. The following elegiac strains would appear to have been poured forth upon a farewell visit to this beauteous, but now to the poet disfigured, vale : How still and silent seems this valley now, Save when, at intervals, some rural sound Breaks on the listening ear. How different far Will all things seem, when on the iron road The whirling steam car, with its waggon train, Shall shoot adown the vale : fire, vapour, smoke, Oft startling the lone wanderer, where e'en now The nightingale enchants the quiet shade. We mourn not, however, the change ; and, were it our's to possess the poet's laurel wreath, rather than impede the progress of such works as this, we would take the proud garland from our brow and cast it into the flames of the locomotive itself. DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. 45 The North Midland Railway strikes off from the Midland Counties Railway about a quarter of a mile from Derby. It first runs up the Derwent valley, from which it emerges near Belper. It then passes through the Amber valley, leaving Matlock six miles on the left. It next enters the Rother valley and proceeds along it past Chesterfield and across the Yorkshire boundary as far as the Sheffield and Rother- ham Railway. Proceeding northward, it passes three miles to the east of Barnsley, and two and a half to that of Wakefield. Ten miles from Leeds it is joined by the Leeds and Manchester Railway, and shortly afterwards by the York and North Midland. It ter- minates at the east side of Marsh-lane, at Leeds, and is there joined by the Leeds and Selby Railway. Its total length is seventy-two miles ; it passes through five tunnels in its course, and is expected to cost at least two millions sterling. The summer of the present year will, in all probability, behold its com- pletion ; and, at the same time, we shall have the happiness of again appearing before our readers as its historian, describer, and eulogist. The view of Rotherham from this part of the rail- way, is beautiful and imposing ; but as it lies directly in advance, it can only be seen by adventuring v the head from the window of the carriage. The church rises majestically on the left of the landscape ; Can- klow Wood clothes the hills which stretch far away on the right ; and, on the beautiful acclivity which forms the centre, rests a considerable portion of the fair town of Rotherham. On the top of the hill the Methodist chapel stands conspicuously ; and not far from it 46 DESCRIPTION OF THE RAILWAY. appears the New Poor House. The mass of the town lies beyond the rising ground, and is consequently in- visible. Canklow Wood, which so beautifully over- hangs the town, is the property of the Duke of Norfolk. On the summit of the hill which it envelopes, a little structure has been erected, on which the name of Boston Castle has been bestowed. From this point the eye can range over a wide tract of country; and the prospect is as enchanting as it is extensive. After crossing the headstream of the Holmes, we cross the river Don company's new cut by a hand- some bridge of three arches, of which the centre one is iron and of thirty-six feet span. Again we cross the headstream, and immediately afterwards the river Don, by a noble wooden bridge of seven arches. This bridge is well exhibited in the view of Ilother- ham, which forms the frontispiece of this volume. Immediately after passing this bridge, we find our- selves beneath the spacious shed of the Eotherham station. As this, however, closely resembles that at the other extremity of the line, a description of it is unnecessary. We have now accompanied our traveller to the end of his locomotive flight. By the potent agency of a little boiling water, he has been whirled from Shef- field to Rotherham. W'e will now assume the more old-fashioned office of the mere topographer, and cause to pass before our reader whatever is most worthy of his notice in the famous and ancient town to which we have now conducted him. ROTHKRHAM. 47 CHAPTER IV. ROTHERHAM. THE town of Rotherham* is situated near the junction of the little river called the Rother with the Don. Baxter has given the true etymology of the name of this stream from the fulness of his Celtic knowledge, Yr Odar, (terminus,) the limit or boundary. There are three rivers of this name in England, and they are all limitary streams. A Roman origin has been claimed for Rotherham. About half a mile higher on the stream of the Don is a rectangular encampment, which has long been known by the name of Temple- borough, or Castle Garth by Templeborough. It is situated on the south bank of the river, a very small space being left between the outer agger and the water. The area is defended by a double agger, the outer line exceeding the inner considerably in height and thickness. The lines are parallel, and the space be- tween the two lines equal, except that it is much * In introducing some few notices of the ancient history of Rotherham, we shall at once own ourselves indebted to Dr. Hunter's estimable work, " The History of the Deanery of Don- caster;" and as this large and expensive work is necessarily in very few hands, we hope our readers will thank us for making more generally known this very small and condensed portion of its valuable contents. 48 ROTIIEKUAM. smaller on the side towards the north. The entrance was on the south, where there was a depression in the work exactly in the centre. A similar depression in the north agger has at present the appearance of having been no part of the original work, but made since the whole plot was given up to the purposes of husbandry. About 300 yards to the west of the camp still higher on the river, is another earth work, but which is probably only a fragment of some larger work, the lines of which have been obliterated by the plough. The form bespeaks it to be the work of a civilized nation, and the Roman Idicia which are from time to time discovered, leave no doubt that it was a work of that people. Pieces of Roman brick-work and pottery are found ; and coins are also sometimes discovered, of which the most remarkable is an Aureus of Vespa- sian. The industrious and generally cautious Horsley has fixed upon Templeborough, as the site of the Morbium of the Notitia. The work of Richard of Cirencester, with its new Roman Itinerary, had not been produced -in the days of Horsley. In that Itinerary we meet with a station called Ad Fines, lying between Ches- terfield, as it is supposed, and Castleford, and this station, till the appearance of that Itinerary unknown to our antiquaries, has been placed near Templebo- rough, and the town of Rotherham is supposed to have arisen out of it. But there are no indications of anything resembling a town in the immediate vicinity of Templeborough. Rotherham, which is more than half a mile from the camp, has no appearance of having been built on a ROTHERHAM. 49 Roman model ; and although the name of Rotherham may appear to be a reflection of Jld Fines, yet it is on the other hand to be considered, that if the Itinerary be not a genuine work, an admirable hint for the name of JLfl Fines was afforded in the glossary of Baxter under the word Rotherham. On the whole as the subject now stands, I would recommend to the good people of Rotherham, to be content with a Saxon antiquity, to which the early foundation of their church and the great extent of their parish justly entitle them. LORDS OP ROTHERHAM. In the times of the Con- fessor, Rotherham was held by Acun, as a manor of five caracutes. It was valued at 4, but at the time of the survey, the value through some cause has fallen to 40.s-. The new lord had one caracute in demesne and eight villains, and three borderers, who had two caracutes and a half; and there was a mill which how- ever yielded no more than ten shillings rent. This, with the church, was Rotherham at the end of the eleventh century. Acun was displaced with the other Saxon proprie- tors, and his manor was given to the Earl of Morton, who had subinfeuded Nigel Fossard before the date of Domesday. The family of Nigel granted Rotherham as a separate member of their fee, to a race of subin- feudatories. One of these was Eustace Fitz John, who received from Henry I., a declaratory or con- firmatory charter of all his lands, in which are named those which he held of the fee of William Fossard. In conformity with this in the Testa of de Nevil!, we find William de Vesci, a descendant of Eustace, E 50 HOTHERHAM. holding one knight's fee in Rotherham, of Peter de Mauley. The posterity of Eustace enjoyed a feudal superiority at Rotherham, till the town and church were given to the monks of Rufford. A branch of the family of de Vesci, bearing the hereditary name of Tilli, disputed with the posterity of Eustace the pos- session of Rotherham. Dodsworth, copying as it seems some ancient piece of evidence, says, " Robert de Tilli was the first conqueror or purchaser of Rother- ham, and from him issued John de Tilli ; and from John, Ralph Tilli, and the same Ralph forfeited and lost his lands of Rotherham, and King Henry, father of King Edward, entered into the same lands and held them as his escheat. John de Vesci in the reign of Edward L, gave all he possessed at Rotherham, to the monks of Rufford. Dodsworth records that, in the answer which the abbot of Rufford returned to the commissioners under the quo tcarranto proceedings of Edward I., it being demanded by what right he claimed assize of bread and beer, tumbrel, pillory, standard of measure, of both length and weight, infangtheof, gallows,* and half the market ; he said he claimed in right of the moiety of the manor of Rotherham, which had belonged to Ralph de Tilli, &c. * In conformity with this we find there is still a field known by the name of Gallow-tree-hill, on part of the common lands of Rotherham. Another kind of capital punishment was in use in Rotherham in the time of the middle ages ; for among the many charges in the hundred rolls against Henry de Normanton, the under-sheriff, was one, that he had taken the horse, value forty shillings, of a certain thief beheaded at Rotherham. ROTHERHAM. 51 For the next two centuries and a half Rotherham was under the peculiar patronage of the abbots and monks of the Cistertian house of Rufford, in Notting- hamshire. To that house the whole church belonged, and as they obtained an appropriation of it, it was served by a vicar as is now the case. All the feudal interests centred there. In the 13th year of Edward I., the abbot of Rufford obtained a grant of free warren in all his demesne lands of Rotherham. Whatever the town of Rotherham might have been previously, it appears that after the Conquest it became something more than one of the agricultural towns of the district, for we find it had a market and fair while still in the hands of the Vescis. Of the origin of this privilege, which was much coveted, and doubtless very valuable in early times, we have no account. It appears to have been a prescriptive right, and may possibly have originated in the Saxon times, when the church of Rotherham was the only place of resort to a wide district, for the performance of the rites of Christianity ; for many are the instances in which we find the meetings for traffic held at the places which were peculiarly sacred to the purposes of religion. Rotherham had unquestionably both a market and fair long before we have any reason to think that Sheffield enjoyed either of those privileges. King Edward I., in the 35th year of his- reign, 1307, granted to the people of Rotherham another market, which was to be held on Friday, and a fair, yearly, at Midsummer. Two years after, another charter was granted for a market and fair at Rotherham, probably on the resumption of the former grant ; for what reason E 2 /2 ROTHERHAM. cannot be discovered, for the market is on the same day, Friday ; the fair however is not at Midsummer, but on the eve, day, and morrow of St. Edmund, and the five following days. This grant was made to Ed- mund de Dacre ; and Dodsworth notices one to the same effect, except that the market was to be on the Monday granted to the abbot of Rufford. With these advantages, situated as it was upon one of the principal high roads of the kingdom, the com- munication between London and Carlisle, being in the line of Mansfield, Rotherham, and Wakefield, popula- tion would flow in upon Rotherham, and it would acquire more definitely the character indicated by the word town in the present use of it. The number of its chantries, the devotion of property to public uses, and the existence of streets possessing distinct appella- tions, all bespeak that Rotherham was, in the middle ages of our history, a place of some consideration, though its name does not appear in our chronicles ; and having no residence of its lord, it affords in those pe- riods very little matter for the topographical historian. The name of Rotherham occurs but seldom in the history of the public affairs of the kingdom. The Queen of Scots rested a night there, in her journey from Bolton to Tutbury; and King Charles I., when a prisoner in the hands of the Scots, was brought from Waketield te Rotherham, and after resting a night, (in the house in High Street, which is now the bank,) was carried to Mansfield. The people of Rotherham zealously espoused the parliament cause ; and the vicar, John Shaw, a most uncompromising partizan, escaped very narrowly HOTHERHAM. 06 when the town was taken by Lord Fairfax, by Iving for three days and nights in the church steeple, while the Earl's forces were in possession of the town. His own published account of his escape, is of a marvellous and almost incredible description. It was on Rother- ham Moor that the people assembled when the first act of hostility in this part of the kingdom was com- mitted, the burning of the out-houses of Sir Edward Rodes, at Great Houghton. This was in September, 1642. The townspeople immediately proceeded to throw up works about Rotherham, and it was settled as a parliamentarian garrison by Lord Fairfax. We may perceive with what enthusiasm the people at large entered into the contest, when it is stated that even the school boys of Rotherham fought against the Earl with courage and pertinacity ; about thirty under- taking the management of a drake, which was planted at the entrance of the bridge, and did considerable execution against the assailants on the hill. The gar- rison fought till all the powder they had was expended, when they yielded the town on what Shaw the vicar calls honourable terms. THE COLLEGE OF JESUS OF ROTHERHAM. The splendid foundation of archbishop Rotherham, is at once the most prominent and by far the most interest- ing feature of its history. Thomas Scott, or as he was afterwards called, De Rotherham, was bom on August 24th, 1423. He says of himself that he was born at Rotherham, and in that particular part of the town where afterwards he planted the college. He was baptized in the church of Rotherham, and lived there till he was removed to King's College, Cambridge. E 3 54 ROTHEBHAM. On the accession of Edward he was nominated one of his chaplains, and as in those days civil and ecclesias- tical offices were often united, he was made secretary to the king, the keeper of the privy seal, and finally, in 1474, lord high chancellor. His ecclesiastical preferments were not less splendid. He was provost of Beverley and of Winghani ; arch- deacon of Canterbury; in 1467, bishop of Rochester ; 1471, bishop of London; and finally, in 1488, made archbishop of York. He died at Cawood, on May 29th, 1500, and was sumptuously interred in his own cathedral. On the feast of St. Gregory the Great, 1482, he laid the foundation of an edifice at Rotherham, which was designed for the foundation of a college ; and on January 12th, 1483, being then archbishop of York, by his own ordinary metropolitical authority, he erected one perpetual college, consisting of a provost and two fellows ; and inducted, by the delivery of a ring, the provost and fellows into the possession of the building he had erected. The description of the site of the col- lege is, a piece of land lying between the river and the Abbot's Close, called the Imp Yard. An imp yard is what is now known by the term nursery garden. Le- land visited Rotherham while still the college was flourishing. He says, " Rotherham is a meately large market town, and hath a large and faire collegiate church. The college was instituted by one Scott, archbishop of Yorke, otherwise caullid Rotherham, even in the same place where now is a very faire col- lege sumptuously builded of brike,* for a provost, * Several small portions of the original beautiful brick work still remain to be seen in the College Inn Garden. ROTHERHAM. 55 V prestes, a scholemaster in song, and VI chorestes ; a scholemaster in grammar, and another in writing." It is presumed to have been one of the first edifices in this part of the kingdom built of that material, as it became a popular saying in the neighbourhood, " As red as Rotherham College." It lived through the attacks which King Henry made upon the foundations of our ancestors ; but it fell never to rise again beneath the act of the 1st year of Edward VI. for the suppres- sion of charities, colleges, and guilds. Its possessions were seized and granted out in parcels to different persons, and the building itself much altered, but still retaining some marks of its pristine character, has at last become an inn. THE CHURCH OP ROTHERHAM. The church of Rotherham is one of the most beautiful in the diocese ; it is in one instance called the 'church of St. Mary, but is more commonly called the church of All Saints or All Hallows. All Saints' day was the feast of dedica- tion at Rotherham, and is still observed as the day on which the Statutes are held. It was erected in the reign of Edward IV., and arch- bishop Rotherham,* whose heraldic insignia of three bucks trippant appears upon it, was, if not the sole * In another place Dr. Hunter says: " The church of Rother hani which appears to have been rebuilt by him from the founda- tion, is itself a fabric of surpassing beauty; and the vestments of his priests, and the utensils for the altar, were of the most costly fabric and the most gorgeous description. A catalogue of them is given by the archbishop himself, and fully bears out this statement. Chalices and cups, basons, crosses, of the richest description ; vestments of coloured velvet and cloth of gold, to the number of more than a dozen, are mentioned. Other persons contributed to give the church an appearance of uncommon splendour. E 4 56 ROTHERHAM. founder, yet a principal contributor to a work, which, without such assistance, was beyond the means of even so extensive a parish; aided by the funds of a wealthy monastic establishment. It is built of the red stone of the neighbourhood. It presents to us a complete model of the ecclesiastical architecture of England in what is perhaps its purest age ; more adorned than in the preceding century, but not with that extreme rich- ness of minute ornament which appears in buildings of half a century later. We enter by a noble porch on the south side, to a lofty and spacious nave with side aisles. The transverse beams of the cross are of the same height with the highest part of the nave ; and at the intersection rises a tall and graceful spire, with pinnacles rising from its base, and accompanying it to about a third of its height, and crockets to the top. The head of the cross is so constructed as to afford private recesses for the chantries * which were founded in the church, and opportunities for processions to the high altar, by having two chapels, one on each side in the angle made by the cross beams with the head of the cross. The chapels are of the same height with the sides within, and the clerestory windows of the nave have others correspondent to them, through which light is admitted to the chancel. The old font, perhaps a relic of the Saxon church, is in the churchyard. There are three stalls on the * The valor of King Henry mentions five chantries in the church, viz., the chantry of the Holy Cross, St. Mary, Our Lady, St. Catherine, and the chantry of Henry Carnebull, who was archdeacon of York, and one of the executors of archbishop Ro therhain. ROTHERHAM. 57 south side of the altar, and a slanting niche may be observed, cut through the substance of a very thick wall, through which a view was admitted of what passed at the altar to persons assembled in the south chancel. The north limit of the transverse beam is separated from the rest of the church by some beau- tiful cancella. Here, as it seems, was the chantry of Hemy Carnebull ; and the large altar tomb against the north wall, with an enriched arch over it, may have been his monument. The church within is well pewed and lighted with gas, and proper regard is paid to its being kept in good order. The Rev. Thomas Blackley, is the vicar ; the Rev. Frederick Blackley, curate ; and the Rev. Mr. Hugile, evening lecturer. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL was founded, as it is said, by Lawrence Woodnett, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, and Anthony Collins, Esq., of London, who, by deed dated September 1st, 1584, conveyed to certain trustees, lands (supposed to be crown lands) at Rotherham, Masbrough, and Brins- worth, together with a building called the town hall, for the purpose of establishing a grammar school ; but it seems that as early as the 3rd of Elizabeth, 1561, the sum of 10. 15s. 4d. was paid to the masters employed in a grammar school out of the profits of the country ; most probably a reserve made on the dissolution of the college. Robert Saunderson, the divine and antiquary, was educated at this school; and perhaps reflects more honour on this institution than any other name con- nected with it. He was born at Sheffield, and removed with his father to Gilthwaite in his early childhood. 58 ROTHERHAM. Charles Hoole, a kinsman of Bishop Saunderson, and one of the most celebrated schoolmasters of his day, M-as one of the masters of this school. The Rev. Benjamin Birkett was for some years master to this school, and, since his death, after a lapse of some time, the Rev. Joshua Nalson, A.M., has been ap- pointed. The scholars have a claim to a fellowship and two scholarships in Emanuel College, Cambridge, founded by John Freston, of Altofts, in turn with other schools, when they are not claimed by the scholars of the school of Normanton. There is also a claim on a fellowship of Lincoln College, Oxford. This school forms part of a building which was erected in 1829, on the site of the old town hall, by public subscription, amounting to near 2,000, and which comprises the library, the newsroom, and the dispensary. This latter ex- cellent institution has been nobly sustained, and per- haps is nowhere much more needed, than in a district where the labouring class are, from the nature of their employment, subjected to many accidents and injuries. This institution, since its establishment in 1806, to the present time, 1839, has afforded surgical aid and medicine to 15,800 afflicted poor persons. Mr. J. Goodall is the resident apothecary and secretary. THE LIBRARY contains upwards of 3,000 volumes of books ; and we dare venture to say, that a more judicious and valuable selection will be seldom found. Miss Turner is the librarian. Opposite to this building is the Court House, a large and handsome fabric, built at an expense of up- wards of 5,000, with a noble court room, in which is ROTHEUHAM. 59 held the quarter sessions, public meetings, &c.; and other spacious rooms, well adapted for the transaction of the great weight of business which, as the centre of the wapentake of Upper Strafforth and Tickhill, has to be disposed of here. HOLLIS'S SCHOOL was founded by Thomas Hollis, who lived at Rotherham, and was buried there in 1663. He was a nonconformist, and placed the patronage of this school in the hands of the minister of the dissenting congregation which was formed there ; he was the principal contributor to the erection of the Unitarian chapel, with which this school is con- nected, and which was built in 1705. Of this chapel the Rev. Jacob Brettel, author of "The Country Minister/' a poem too little known, and other poems and elegant translations, is the minister. THE FEOFFEES' SCHOOL, in the Crofts, was built in 1776. The yearly income of this school is stated to be about 100.; of which, 50. is paid to the master, and the residue expended in providing clothing and books for twenty-eight boys and twenty girls, who are instructed in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Great attention is now paid by the gentlemen who form the present feoffees, to the interest of the children attend- ing this school. Mr. John Mycock is the master, and Mrs. Mycock the mistress. THE BRITISH SCHOOL was built by subscription in 1833, in which education on the Lancasterian system is given to children of such of the labouring class as choose to avail themselves of this means, on payment of a small weekly sum. The schools will accommo- date 200 of each sex. Mr. Sharp is the master of the 60 ROTHERHAM. boys' school, and Miss Eliza Turner mistress of the girls' school. THE INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, at Masbrough, was built principally at the expense of Samuel Walker, Esq., and has, within the last two years, been consi- derably enlarged, and the interior received much tasteful and elegant improvement ; which, together with the advantage of being warmed in winter, by a new apparatus, renders it a most comfortable and pleasant place of worship. With this chapel is con- nected the Independent college, erected in 1795, for the education of ministers of the Independent con- nexion : it has since been enlarged, and is capable of accommodating twenty-five students, who are in- structed in classics, mathematics, rhetoric, and com- position, and attend regular lectures on theology. Dr. Williams was the first president and theological tutor, who was succeeded by Dr. Bennett, now of London, and afterwards the Rev. Clement Perrot. The Rev. W. H. Stowell is now the theological tutor, and highly respected minister of the chapel ; and the Rev. Thomas Smith, A.M., the classical tutor. Some of the most acceptable and talented amongst the minis- ters of the present time, of this denomination, received their education here. THE METHODIST CHAPEL, in Talbot-lane, built in 1805, and since twice enlarged, is a handsome and spacious structure, capable of holding upwards of 1,500 hearers, and is worthy of the highly respectable, influential, and increasing, denomination to which it belongs ; and whose exertions at Rotherham, as at other places, have been crowned with great success. ROTHEHHAM. 61 The present ministers are the Revs. William Leech, James Bromley, and W. H.Taylor. With this, as indeed with every other place of worship at Rother- ham, large Sunday schools are connected. THE METHODIST NEW CONNEXION have a chapel in Westgate, but no regular minister appointed. THE BAPTIST CHAPEL, at the bottom of Westgate , built in 1836, is a small but very elegant structure, in the Grecian style, and is at once an accommodation and an ornament to this end of the town. The Rev. James Buck is minister. Great alterations and improvements have been made in Rotherham within the last twenty years. The streets, which are in many places being widened, are well paved, flagged, and lighted with gas ; almost every house in the town is supplied with excellent water ; the low and old buildings which deformed the High-street and other parts of the town, have, in many instances, given place to good substantial erections, with hand- some fronts ; and it may be reasonably supposed that very few years will find still further and more important improvements and additions effected, called for by and calculated to meet the increased business which the railways must necessarily bring into the town. One striking and considerable improvement we must not omit to mention, namely, the widening of the top of Westgate ; for which purpose from 2,000 to 3,000 was subscribed, and which will now present a spacious entrance, formed of lotty and handsome buildings, of which, the Ship Hotel forms the first and most distin- guished object, supplying, as it does, a striking con- trast in appearance to the old, low, and ruinous, 62 ROTHERHAM. building which lately presented itself under that name. The corn and cattle markets, always considerable, have been rapidly increasing in importance, particularly the latter : within the last twelve months, about double the amount of business was transacted to what was done the previous year. In addition to the numbers of Manchester butchers who have long frequented this market for the purchase of fat cattle, many purchasers from Leeds have lately been present ; and, when the North Midland opens its increased facility of inter- course and conveyance, no doubt corresponding in- crease in numbers may be calculated upon, from this and other places on the line. Perhaps very few places out of London can at times furnish a liner show of cattle than Rotherham market. VICINITY OF ROTIIERHAM. 63 CHAPTER V. VICINITY OF ROTIIERHAM. LEAVING the town eastwardly, on the right of the road leading to Doncaster is Clifton, the elegant mansion of Henry Walker, Esq. ; and a little further on, and on the left of the road, Eastwood House, built by the late Joseph Walker, Esq., and now the residence of James Sothern, Esq. Two miles from Rotherham is Ald- wark Hall, " embosomed in woods, among which the river Don meanders until it retires into, and is lost amongst, the thick foliage of Thrybergh Park," where, three miles from Rotherham, beautifully situated, rises Thrybergh Hall, a handsome Gothic structure, erected by its present possessor, Colonel Fullerton. About one mile to the right of the road from hence, is Ravenfield Hall, the family mansion of the Bosviles, now the residence of Thomas Walker, Esq. Between six and seven miles from Rotherham, the traveller comes to the pleasant and picturesque village of Conisbrough, where the majestic keep of the demo- lished castle arrests the eye ; and where, higher up in the village, the ancient tower of " the church the hill top crowns." Sir Walter Scott, in a note to Ivanhoe, says, " There are few more beautiful or striking scenes 6.4 VICINITY OF UOTHERHAM. in England than are presented by the vicinity of this ancient Saxon fortress. The soft and gentle river Don sweeps through an amphitheatre in which cultivation is richly blended with woodland ; and on a mount ascending from the river, well defended by walls and ditches, rises this ancient edifice, which, as its name implies, was, previous to the Conquest, a royal resi- dence of the kings of England." A barrow in the vicinity of the castle is pointed out as the tomb of the memorable Hengist ; and various monuments of great antiquity and curiosity ate shown in the neighbouring churchyard. Southwardly of the town, on the road leading to Worksop, Mansfield, &c., the band of improvement has been busy, as the elegant residences of South Terrace and South Grove manifest; further on, on the left of the road, is Moorgate, formerly the residence of Samuel Tooker, Esq.; and which, with its beautiful grounds, plantations, &c., then formed the most at- tractive feature the neighbourhood could exhibit : it is now a boarding school. Further on, Boston Castle, a shooting box built by Thomas Earl of Effingham, crowns the summit of an eminence, which affords one of the most splendid bursts of varied and striking scenery which this part of the country, rich as it is in such views, has to show. A little further on is the residence of John Oxley, Esq. On the lower road, southwardly of the town, is the. Broom, the residence of John Boomer, Esq., from whence the road diverges to the left, through Wickerley, famous for its quarries, whence Sheffield is supplied with grinding stones, past Bramley to the charming village of Maltby ; from VICINITY OP HOTHERHAM. 65 whence a foot road leads amongst the quiet of a beau- tifully secluded dell, through which the winding rivulet "wanders at its own sweet will" to Eoach Abbey; and few, indeed, are the lovely spots on this green earth which display a richer diversification of se- questered sylvan beauty, hallowed by its venerable vestiges of monastic grandeur, relics of the olden time, than does this attractive spot, " Where the graceful ivy greenly creeps O'er the grace of hoar antiquity." We return to the town, and pursue the outlet by Bridgegate. Passing over the bridge, on the centre of which stands what was formerly a chapel, but is now the gaol, and over the canal bridge, we come to Mas- brough; a part of the suburbs which sprung up during the rise and prosperity of the iron trade carried on there by Messrs. Walker. Masbrough has to boast being the birth-place of one of our best and most original modern sons of song, Ebenezer Elliott; who, best known by his least distinction of the " Corn Law Rhymer," has poured forth his thoughts in fervid, mu- sical, and glowing strains, which will live while poetry can touch the heart, and when the debatable question, now too much mixed up with his verse, shall have become one of the " things which were." Passing through Kimberworth, the road turns abruptly to the right, and about four miles from Eotherham is the entrance to ThunderclifFe Grange, the seat of the Earl of Effingham; and a little further, on the right of the road, amidst a wood of magnificent oaks, rises a lofty Doric pillar, built by the Marquis of Rockingham, in honour 66 VICINITY OF ROTHERHAM. ot Admiral Keppel ; from hence the road continues to Chapel Town, Wharncliflfe, Wortley, Peniston, &c. Another road, after passing over the bridge, takes a sudden turn to the right, and about one mile from Rotherham, leads to the steel works belonging to Messrs. William Oxley and Co. The extensive works of the Birmingham Tin Plate Company, and the New Park Gate Colliery, belonging to Earl Fitz William, from which, by an extension of the Sheffield and Ro- therham Railway, as shown on the map, coals are conveyed to Sheffield. A little further on, the road passes through Rawmarsh to the Rockingham Works, celebrated for the splendid specimens of china manu- factured there by Messrs. Brameld. One of these, a dessert service, made for his late Majesty, consisting of upwards of 200 pieces, excited general admiration from the beauty of the material, the excellence of the workmanship, and elegance of taste displayed in its production. They have lately introduced a novel article in china bedsteads, which is stated to be under the immediate patronage of her present Majesty. A visit to these show rooms will highly gratify the curious in porcelain ; the best white glaze being considered the clearest and most perfect white that can be imagined. Little more than a mile further is the considerable village of Wath. Here, in his youth, with a shopkeeper of the name of Hunt, lived the author of " The World before the Flood ; " * and here too, the idol of his early worship, she who formed the " starlight of his boy- hood,'' immortalised in his exquisite poem of " Han- nah," resided. * James Montgomery, Esq. VICINITY OF ROTHERHAM. 67 Returning to where this road branches off at Mas- brough, another road, passing Masbrough brewery, Messrs. Singleton and Wingfield, the Phoenix foundry, belonging to Mr. Sandford, the glasshouses of Messrs. Close and Clark, and the Effingham works, belonging to Mr. James Yates, in whose show rooms the visiter will find great variety of beautiful specimens of iron and brass castings in stoves, fenders, c., and in iron- stone china letters for signs and ornaments for deco- rating buildings, of which new and beautiful articles Mr. Yates is the sole manufacturer and patentee. The road passes Carr House, late the residence of William Fenton, Esq., and now of John Singleton, Esq. ; and about one mile from Rotherham is Barbot Hall, the residence of Lord Howard. Of this place a beautiful writer says : * " The site of this pleasant mansion commands a magnificent semicircle of many miles extent. The town, the River Don, Moorgate, Broom, Clifton, Eastwood, Aldwark, and the woods of Raven- field andThrybergh, are all included in the prospect." The village of Greasbrough is about a mile fur- ther, and another mile the entrance to Wentworth Park, a visit to which will afford the lover of magni- ficent scenery a high gratification. The splendid palace-like mansion, the woods, glades, lawn, and waters ; are all grand and striking, and, connected and harmonised, as they now are, by judicious planting, form a magnificent whole, while the cloud-capt height of Keppel's column, the pyramidal elevation of Hoober Stand, and the mausoleum, with its " classic dome," * Rhodes' s Excursions in Yorkshire, &c. F 2 68 VICINITY OP ROTHERHAM. and interior with " richest sculpture graced," give to different points of view a beauty and grandeur rarely surpassed. The west end of the town has been the scene of most striking and considerable additions and improve- ments. Here an elegant chapel has lately been built by the Baptists ; here is the Rotherham corn-mill, the property of'Mr. James Hodgson ; the extensive brewery of Robert Bentley, Esq., who has just erected a malt house en such a scale as to form a considerable archi- tectural ornament to this entrance. Above this rises the New Union Poor-house, built at an expense of upwards of 8,000 ; presenting, from the mass of building of which it is composed and the elevation on which it stands, a most imposing appearance. A little beyond, on the brow of the hill, forming part of Moor- gate plantations, is pointed out as the site of a new cemetery ; a company for the promotion of which de- sirable object is now forming, with every probability of succeeding in their undertaking. Viewed from this wooded eminence, the viaduct, forming part of the North Midland Railway, which crosses the road to Sheffield, forms a fine feature in the scene. It consists of twenty-five arches, including two of seventy-two feet each span over the old river, and is, indeed, a noble specimen of massive architec- ture, which reflects upon Mr. Buxton, the contractor, the highest and most unquestionable credit. APPENDIX. 69 A P P E N D I X. SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM RAILWAY. OFFICERS. DIRECTORS. William Vickers, Esq., Chairman. Mr. John Booth, Deputy Chairman. William Ibbotson, Edward Vickers, William Jackson, Thomas Linley, William Swann, John Spencer, Samuel Jackson, James Roberts, E. I. Heseltine, G. W. Chambers, William Glossop, J G. Clark, George Knowles. Solicitors. Mr. Thomas Badger and Mr. Henry Vickers. (Tho transfer registration books are kept at Mr. Vickor's office, Sheffield.) Engineer. Mr. Frederick Swanwick. Secretary. Mr. Thomas Pearson. Superintendent and Resident Engineer. Mr. Isaac Dodds. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. FROM SHEFFIELD, At 7f, 8, 9, I Of, 11, 12f, a.m. ; and 1, 2J, 3|, 4f, 5|, 6^, 7|, 8, p.m. FROM ROTHERHAM, Every hour from 8 a.m., until 9 p.m. SUNDAYS, FROM SHEFFIELD, At 9 and 10 a.m.; and at l, 2|, 4f, 5|, 6^, 7|, 8, p.m. FROM ROTHERHAM, At 9| a.m.; and at 1, 2, -3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, p.m. The Station Gates will bo closed precisely at thctimes above specified for the departure of the Trains. Parcels for Rotherham may be booked, free of charge, at M essrs. Fishur and Holmes, Nursery and Seedsmen, Market Place, Sheffield. F 3 70 APPENDIX. FROM THE SHEFFIELD STATION. An Omnibus runs on the arrival of each Train, (fare 4d.,) pass- ing the Tontine, Albion, Commercial, King's Head, and George Hotels; and through the heart of the town, up the Glossop Road, as far as the first toll bar, within a few minutes' walk of the beautiful Botanical Gardens, the Cemetery, the Collegiate and Wes- leyan Proprietary Schools, and some of the finest views in the neighbourhood. The Omnibus returns by the same route, to the Sheffield Station, in time for each train to Rotherham. NORTH MIDLAND RAILWAY. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE TRAINS. BETWEEN DERBY AND SHEFFIELD. Departure from Sheffield. 5 30 a.m. 9 15 12 noon. 2 p.m. 6 Arrival at Derby. 7 45a.m. 11 30 2 15 p.m. 4 15 8 10 SUNDAY TRAINS. 6 30 a.m. 9 30 6 p.m. Departure from Derby. 5 55 a.m. 9 15 12 45p.m. 3 15 8 9 a.m. 12 Onoon. 8 25 p.m. Arrival at Sheffield. 8 a.m. 11 30 3 p.m. 5 30 10 15 SUNDAY TRAINS. 9 0a.m. 3 p.m. 5 40 11 30a.m. 5 30 p.m. 8 APPENDIX. 71 BETWEEN LONDON AND SHEFFIELD. Departure from London. Arrival at Derby, Arrival at Sheffield. 6 a.m. 12 30 p.m. 3 p.m. 90,, 3 15 545 1 p.m. 7 45 10 15 8 30 5 40 a.m. 8 a.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8 a.m. 3 p.m. 5 30 p.m. 8 30 p.m. 5 40 a.m. 8 0a.m. Departure from Sheffield. Departure from Derby. Arr. at London. 5 30 a.m. 8 am. 3 30 p.m. 9 15 ., 11 45 630 1 2 noon. 2 30 pjn. 930 2 p.m. 4 30 11 30 60,, 825 5 30 a.m. ' SUNDAY TRAINS. 9 30 a.m. 12 noon. 7 30p.m. 6 p.m. 8 25 p.m. 5 30 a.m. BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM AND SHEFFIELD. Departure from Sheffield. Departure from Derby. Arr. at Birm. 530a.m. 8 a.m. 1015a.m. 9 15 11 45 1 45p.m. 12 Onoon. 2 30p.m. 4 33 2 p.m. 4 30 6 30 60,, 8 25 10 45 SUNDAY TRAINS. 6 30a.m. 9 0a.m. 11 15a.m. 9 30 12 noon. 2 p.m. 6 Op.m. 8 25p.m. 10 45 Departure from Binning. Arrival at Derby. Arrival at Sheffield. 3 15 a.m. 5 40 a.m. 8 a,m. 6 45 90,, 11 30 10 30 12 30p.m. 3 Op.m. 1 p.m. 30,, 5 30 5 30 7 45 10 15 F 4 7'2 APPENDIX. SUNDAY TRAINS. 3 15a.m. 5 40a.m. 8 0a.m. G 45 90,, 11 30 1245p.m. 3 Op.m. '530p.m. NOTE. Passengers maybe booked through between LONDON and SHEFFIELD, and BIRMINGHAM and SHEFFIELD, by the above Trains, ut the respective Railway Stations at those places. Trains run between DERBY, NOTTINGHAM, LOUGEBROUGH, and LEICESTER; and Coaches to and from LEEDS, YORK, &c., (those to and from York, in conjunc- tion with the trains of th York and North Midland Railway). Places by Coaches, in connexion with the North Midland Rail- way, may be bespoken at the Branch Railway Office, iu Euston Square. A Quarter of an Hour is allowed at Derby for Refreshment ROTHEkHAM. MAGISTRATES, PUBLIC OFFICERS, &c. Colonel Fullerton, Thrybergh Park; Henry Walker, Esq., Clifton ; The Rev. George Chandler, Treeton ; T. B. Bosville, Esq., Conisbro ; Thomas Walker, Esq., Ravenfield Park ; and Lord Howard, Barbot Hall, Magistrates and Commissioners of Assessed Taxes. Rev. John Lowe, Swinton ; John Aldred, Esq., Rothcrham ; Com- missioners of Assessed Taxes. Mr. John Oxley, Clerk to the Magistrates, and Commissioners of Assessed Taxes for the Uppi-r Division of Slrafforth and Tickill. Thomas Badger, Esq., Coroner for the County of York. Mr John Bland, High Constable, and Inspector of Weights and Measures for the Upper Division of Strafforth and TickMJl. UNION POOR HOUSE. Mr. Worsley, Governor; Mrs. Worsley, Matron; Rev. J. Hugill, Chaplain; Mr. Joseph II. Turner, Surgeon; Mr. John Barras, and Mr. R. T. Ban-as, Relieving Officers ; John Oxley, Esq., Clerk and Superintendent Registrar to the Union ; W. F. Boyle, Esq., Auditor. APPENDIX. 73 FEOFFEES OF THE COMMON LANDS. (1840.) The Feoffees of the Common Lands of Rotherham, are twelve in number, elected by the freeholders and rate payers. Their income amounts to about 600 a year, which is distributed in charities, doles, coals, &c., &c., to the poor inhabitants, and to the improve- ment of the town; there are at present two vacancies to be sup- plied. The following gentlemen, with the earl of Effinghana, at present constitute this corporate body, viz., Messrs. Benjamin Badger, Greave; Thomas Badger, Thomas Bagshaw, Edward Pagdin, Sen., Henry Walker, C. Nightingale, John Nightingale, William Earnshaw, Robert Bentley. An Act for a Local Court for the recovery of debts, of not more than 15., was obtained on the 29th of July, 1 839. F. Maude, Esq., is appointed Judge, and E. Newman, and W. F. Hoyle, Esqrs., Clerks. ,FOST OFFICE. Post Mistress, Mrs. Wilson. Delivery of Letters. London Letters, 12f noon. Hull ditto, 1 p.m. North ditto, 3 p.m. COACHES, &c. FROM THE STATION. The Times From Doucaster for the nine o'clock Train, return* to Doncaster after the arrival of the three o'clock Train, ex- cept on Sunday, when it leaves on the arrival of the ten o'clock Train. The Commander in Chief From Doncaster to meet the one o'clock Train, returns to Doncaster on the arrival of the six o'clock Train from Sheffield. TJie Retford Coach From the Crown Inn, Retford, on Monday, at 5| a.m. ; Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 8 a.m. ; and Satur- day at 4 p.m. From the Railway Station, Sheffield, on Sun- day at 9 a.m., and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 p.m., in time for Coaches to Gainsbro', Tuxford, Newark, London, and all parts of the South; and in summer time will run daily. The above Coach will pass through Wickersley, Bramley, Maltby, Stone, Oldcoats, Blyth, and Barnby Moor. 74 APPENDIX. The PeUiam- From the Crown Inn, at 5 a.m., through Wickers - ley, Maltby, Tickhill, to Bawtry, Gainsbrough., Louth, Lin coin, &.C., and retums at 8 p.m. The Packet Coaches From the Crown Inn, at 6 a.m., to Thome water side, through Conisbrough, and Doncaster. The Transit From the Crown Inn, at 8 a.m. to York, through Doucaster, returns at 8 p.m. The Eclipse To Doncaster, at 10 a.m., and returns at 4 p.m.. The Louth Mail Through Wickersley, Maltby, Tickhill, Bawtry, Gainsbrough, to Louth, at 9 a.m., and returns at 3 p.m. The London Mail To Doncaster. at 12 a.m., and returns at ^-1 p.m. WATER CONVEYANCE. liiver Dun Company's Wharf Vessels every day to Thome and Hull, &c. Pearson and Co. Vessels in connexion with sailing Brigs, to Slanton's Wharf, London, and with the Victoria, Gazelle, and Yorkshireman Steam Packets. Agent, John Copelaiid, Esq. Hull, Humber, and Steam Packet Company Boats from the Bridge, or Fleck's Wharf, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, to their Wharf, 1, Humber Place, Hull, in connexion with the Wilberforce, Vivid, and Water Witch Steam Packets to Lon- don. William Fleck and Co., Agents. Thomas Smith Vessels to Manchester, Lancashire, &c., every fortnight. Thomas Wright Doncaster Market Vessels with Corn, &c., to Sheffield. John Newlold New Park Gate, Gainsbrough Canal Vessels. ADVERTISEMENTS. CLARK'S METALLIC HOTHOUSE MANUFACTORY, 55, LIONEL STREET, BIRMINGHAM. The above Establishment has been placed by its Proprietor under the sole management of Mr. John Jones, whom that able Horticulturist, Loudon, pronounces to be, in his judgment, "de- cidedly the best Hothouse Builder in Britain," and whose elegant structures have long formed the chief points of attraction in the extensive Botanic Gardens, both of Manchester and Birmingham. The groat and nattering encouragement which Mr. Clark lias re- ceived from the principal Nobility and Gentry of the United Kingdom, during the last twenty years, and more especially since entering into the engagement with Mr. Jones, above referred to, affords thu most convincing proof of the vast superiority of his . Metallic Hothouses and Conservatories over all others ; and the spontaneous testimonials to the same effect, which have emanated from various quarters in which they have been introduced, all tend to establish and confirm the fact. Mr. Clark is also well known as the Manufacturer of Copper Sashes of the most exquisite, workmanship, and which are adapted, not only for the mansions of the opulent but for churches, and all other public buildings ; they have likewise been extensively introduced into the splendid plate-glass windows of the first-rate shops in London, and other largo towns ; for which, indeed, their extreme lightness, combined with great strength and durability, render them peculiarly eligible. ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES YATES, MASBROUGH, Iron antr ttrass jFounBrr. MANUFACTURER OF STOVES, STOVE ORATES, AND FENDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IROET STONE CMIE"A 1LETTIEMS AND FIGURES FOR SIGNS, ORNAMENTS, &c., FOB DECORATING BUILDINGS; AND MANUFACTURER OF EARTHENWARE IN GENERAL. ADVERTISEMENTS. hrl F=l hH s ^ O ^ ^ Q j s fc ^ ^ K) <^ * *, o .5 sc O ~ 9 j^ o ^' ^> 5 Is S ^ ^ Ei '5 5 s .s ri o> 5 announce | o 1C ^4 o 3C celebrated *^ 2 1 ~ s o bi i this comp 3 "S p< inufactured Armorial B T3 5 o -s a _c 5 3 | i "3 1 1 S 6 _s st respectfully ti 15 |H i. 0) r3 O 1 T: assortment of s s o t Services, &c. etc Services, w V i, rO c s ^ M ^ - ^58 **^ ^ "ft OS S o y. ;~ ~ t-J . g 00 ^ 5 ^ H s ^ o C 80 - - Q 3 o ^S ** ^ g U o CO 1 " "EL, o i : ^r* A 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ADAM REN WICK, 62, Central Buildings, Fargate, corner of Orchard St. and 82, Fruit Market, Sheffield. MANUFACTURER OF Wholesale and Retail. Dealer in Brushes, CoopeiT, Furniture, Sieves, Com suul Wire Kiddles, Toys, Turned and Fancy Goods, Hair Brushes, Combs, &c. WILLIAM JACKSON, SHEPFtELD FANCY BRUSHES, Iborg, cr, anD Stationer. Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, &c., IN PLAIN AND ELEGANT BINDINGS. Ledgers, Day Books, tfc., Ruled and Bound to any Pattern. TRACT SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY-. A Parcel from London every Week. W. P. SLACK'S, Commmtai JSoarBmg ^ 10, MILK STREET, DAVID WRIGHT, MANUFACTURER OP A]LlL KIKDS OIF With Glass or Pebble Eyes ; MICROSCOPES, itUaDtng lagged, CFge la^cs, 94, FARGATE, SHEFFIELD. Spectacles and Optical Instruments repaired. Broken Plate Glass purchased in any quantity. a 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. an& 5ccon&=i)an& -Boofe STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, $ PRINTING OFFICE, Gibralter Street, Sheffield, NEAR THE LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL. J. PEARCE AND SON HAVE on hand upwards of Twenty Thousand Volumes of New and Second-hand Books, in all classes of Literature, English and Foreign, which they are offering at very low prices, for ready money. A large stock of Stationery of every description. PRINTING AND BINDING ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PARCELS FROM LOXDOJf TWICE A WEEK. TO FARMERS, GRAZIERS, CATTLE DEAI.EB3, &c EDMUND F. PL ATT, A. S 3S JSff S S IE S !j BED AND WHITE LEAD; SHEET LEAD AND LEAD PIPES; Faints, Oils, and Colours; VARNISHES, DRUGS, AND DRYSALTERY GOODS} WHARFINGER'S COMMISSION AND GENERAL SHIPPING AGENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 11 CROWN INN GENERAL COACH OFFICE, ROTHERHAM. J. SHAW BEGS leave most respectfully to return thanks to the Nobility and G entry for the patronage and support with which he has hitherto been honoured ; and further begs leave to assure them, that no exertion on his part shall be spared to merit a continuance thereof. COMMBRCIAL GENTLEMEN arid others may depend upon that sedulous attention being paid to their comfort, which, with the superior accommodation this Old Established Inn has to offer, will, he trusts, meet with and retain their approval and support. Neat Post Chaise, and good Horses. Funeral Equipages. Lock-up Coach Offices, &c., &c. 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. M OILMEN M-AILIL, ANCIENTLY THE SEAT OF THE EARLS OF EFFINGHAM, AND MOST DESIRABLY SITUATED NEAR THE STATION OF T11K NORTH MIDLAND RAILWAY, AT MASBROUGH, AND AT ITS JUNCTION WITH THE SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM RAILWAY. A LICENCE having been obtained for the purpose of con- verting the above capital messuage with its extensive premises into an Inn, THE PROPRIETOR begs leave to call the attention of Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and other Travellers, on the above-mentioned lines of Railway, to the advantages connected with this Hall, &c., as an Inn, to those whom business or pleasure may call for a few days into this neighbourhood ; combining, as it does, the pleasantness of a country residence, amidst the beau- tiful scenery surrounding Sheffield and Rotherham, with a close proximity to the extensive and rapidly increasing business marts connected with these places. From this Inn (forming part of the projected New Town of Rotherham) the Traveller will reach Sheffield in quarter of an hour; Chesterfield in three quarters of an hour; Derby in one hour and three quarters ; Station near liarnsley in three quarters of an hour ; Station near Wakefield in one hour ; and Leeds in one hour and a quarter, &c., &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. 13 NAG S HEAD INN, MARKET PLACE, ROTHERHAM. J. FLINTHAM, gtarttcntr, florist, autr Begs leave to return thanks to the Public generally, for favours already received in the above lines of business, and hopes by assi- iluitv and attention to merit a continuance thereof. BEEF STEAKS AND CHOPS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Bentleys Entire, Best Beer, and Spirits of the best quality. GOOD BEDS, &C. BUTCHER'S ARMS, CATTLE MARKET, CROFTS, ROTHERHAM. G. DOBB Begs leave to return thanks to Farmers, Butchers, Cattle Salesmen, and the Public, for favours already received, and hopes, by paying every attention to their accommodation, to merit a continuance thereof. Market Breakfast table every Monday morning, extensive Stalling, Grazing for Cattle brougJtt to market, and every accommodation for Farmers, Butchers and Salesmen attending the saute. BLUE BELL INN, M A R K E T PLACE, R T H E R H A M , WILLIAM PERKINS, Begs leave to return thanks to his Friends and the Public gene- rally, for favours already conferred upcn him, and to assure them that no attention on his part to their accommodation shall be spared* to merit a continuance thereof- .Fine Ales, Best Beer, and Spirits of the l/i'st quality. 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. R. ROBINSON, TAIJLOB AUB WOOLLEN BJRAPEM, Rosier, Globn, fee., HIGH STREET, BOTHEIillAItt, invites the attention of the public in general to his new Stock of Goods for the present Season, both in Woollen Cloths, Kerseymeres, Toilanets, and other Novelties, suitable for Gentlemen's Garments, as well as in London Beaver and Stuff Hats, and Children's Caps of the newest patterns and primest qualities, all of which he is offering at the most reasonable prices ; and, having also received his supply of Fashions, (being regularly forwarded from London,) he can assure those who may be pleased to favour him with their orders, that every attention will be paid to give satisfaction, and ensure future support R. R. begs leave to call the attention of Sporting Gentlemen to his superior Leather Small Clothes, Gaiters, and Overalls, made in the most fashionable manner, and on the shortest notice. A large quantity of Plate and Carriage Leathers of the best quality. An assortment of Macintoshes constantly on band. JAMES BOOTH MOST respectfully begs leave to inform Commercial Gentlemen and the Public generally, that ho has taken the above Old Established Inn ; and hopes, by constant assiduity and attention, to merit a share of their patronage and support, assuring them he will have Wines and Spirits of the rery best Quality. ADVERTISEMENTS. 15 F. DENTON, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, HIGH STREET, ROTHERHAWI, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD RINGS, WEEDING RINGS, MOURNING RINGS, WATCH APPENDAGES, ETC. Clocks and Watches expeditiously and accurately repaired. W. H. TAYLOR, COMMERCIAL EATING HOUSE ANQ COFFEE ROOMS, NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION, ROTHERHAM. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Tea, and Supper, supplied on the shortest notice. GOOD BEDS, &o. , ., J. MOWER, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, MARKET PLACE, ROTHERHAM, BEGS leave most respectfully to return thanks to the Gentry and Public generally for their patronage and support ; and hopes, by assiduity and attention, to merit a continuance thereof. Portmanteaus, Carpet Bags, Carriage and Door Mats. A great variety of London Whips, Bits, and Spurs. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OP ALL SORTS OF HORSE CLOTHS, ETC. 16 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ARROW, A NEW COACH TO LEAMINGTON, THROUGH licntltoortij antJ WttarUmU, . (Seven miles nearer than by way of Coventry,) IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FIRST HORNING TRAIN FROM, AND THE LAST EVENING TRAIN TO DERBY, Affording the most direct communication between Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Derby, Burton, Tamwortb, Coleshill, Hampton, Kenilworth, Warwick, and Leamington. LEAMINGTON. FARES. Ins. Out. MERIDEN. MERIDEN 6 4 s. d. s. d. HAMPTON. HAMPTON 5 6 3 6 1 6 1 s. d. s. d. KENILWORTI KENILWTH 1 6 1 3 2 2 6 2 S. d. s. d. WARWICK 1 6 40 5 6 3 6 1 6 1 THE ARROW COACH Leaves Hampton-in-Arden Railway Station for Kenilworth, War- wick, and Leamington, every morning (Sunday excepted), about ten o'clock, after the arrival of the first train from Derby, and re- turns every evening (Sunday excepted), at a quarter before five o'clock, from the CROWN HOTEL, LEAMINGTON, Calling at the Warwick Arms, Warwick, and King's Arms, Kenil- worth, in time to convey Passengers to Derby or Birmingham by the last Train. The most reasonable charge will be made on all Parcels directed to go by the ARROW Coach, together with imme- diate Delivery. CHARLES BLAKESLEY, Proprietor. Post Horses, Chaises, &c., are in readiness on the arrival of Derby Trains, Hampton being seven miles nearer Leamington and Warwick, than by way of Coventry ; this route also affording a view of the beautiful ruins of Kenilworth Castle. Hampton Railway Station, Oct. 1, 1&39. ADVERTISEMENTS. 17 THOMAS WILKINSON AND SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SCISSORS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, AND CUTJLEJRS, 27, HIGH STREET, SHEFFIELD, ( Opposite the Post Office ). SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED PATENT TAILOR'S SHEARS, WITH KRASS OR GERMAN SILVER HANDLES, AND 18 ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAM PARKER, ATTERCLIFFE, NEAR SHEFFIELD, POND FORGE, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURE!! OF Spades and Shovels, all sorts Shod -Tools Grafting Tools Paring Spades Hay Spades Cinder and Dust Shovels Tulip Shovels Stove Shovels, iron and wood handles Stoaking Shovels Crane Chains, all sizes Chain Cables Cart and Plough Traces Back Chains Sacklackle Chain Backhands Cow and Beast Chains Hames Mill Chisels Scrap Anvils Vices, Scrap Iron Oval and Round Frying Pans Lead Ladles Patten Ringi Spade Shafts Waggon Clouts Peal Plates Water Tue Irons Gavelocks Scrapling Irons Navigator's Picks Stone Wedges Sledge and Hand Hammers Stone and Masons' Hammers Blocks, all sizes Tinmen's and Braziers' Tools, all sorts STEEL. Double Shear Single Shear Cast Steel Coach Spring Shear Steel made, Scrap Iron manufactured, SPADES AND CAST THOWELS PLATED AT POND FORGE, ROLLING AT THE SOHO AND POND FORGE MILLS. TIMOTHY SCOTT, PRINTER AND BOOKSELLER, Removed from High-st., To larger Premises a little above the Cutler'* Hall, in CHURCH STREET, SHEFFIELD. ADVERTISEMENTS. 19 THE TEA WAREHOUSE, Established for supplying the inhabitants of Sheffield and the public, with TEAS Of the choicest and most delicious flavours, at the lowest possible price, BY BALLANS AND COMPANY Who beg to inform the public that their whole TIME, TALENTS, AND CAPITAL, are employed in the selecting of TEA. Their customers may at all times depend upon obtaining the best and choicest descriptiom OF CONGOU, SOUCHONGS, NING YONGS, CEE"TEB MAETG-E PEKOES, CAPERS, FLOWERY, OR BLOSSOM PEKOES, HYSONS, YOUHG HYSONS, IMPERIALS AT A SMALL PEOFIT ON THE FIRST COST PRICE. TEA WAREHOUSE, ANGEL STREET, SHEFFIELD. b 2 20 ADVERTISEMENTS. M . BARNES, MANUFACTURER OF SCISSOR KNIVES, PEN AK3 POCKET EIUXVES, No. 13, ALLEN STREET, SHEFFIELD. SHEFFIELD AND EOTHERHAM CHEAP CX.OTHICTG ESTABI.ISHISE33TS. THOMAS WILD, 45, FARGATE, 62, SNIG HILL, ( Opposite the Black Swan,) SHEFFIELD, ALSO TOP OF HIGH STREET, ROTHERHA.M, BfK' most respectfully to inform bis Friends and the Public that be Las ulways a lar^e assortment of New aud Second-hand Clothes, Consisting of Top Coats, Body Coats of all colours, Trowscrs aud Waistcoats, of every description, also a large assortment of WEST OF ENGLAND AND YORKSHIRE CLOTHS, CASSIUERES, FANCY GOODS, WA18TCOAT1KG8, Ifc., In rji-eat rurir/i/. Hats, Caps, Macliintoshc-s, &c., of tbe best manufacture. N.B. MOIHNIKO made to order on tbe shortest notice. Tbe best \Vorkmrri employed. ADVERTISEMENTS. 21 35, CHARLES F. YOUNG, HIGH STREET, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURER OP SILVER AND SILVER PLATED GOODS, AND GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGER. This extensive Establishment and Suit of Kooms, offers to the inspection of the public, A LARGE AND CHOICE SELECTION OF FINE JEWELLERY, Consisting of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S GOLD AND SILVER ENGLISH AND FOREIGN WATCHES, Of the best quality and workmanship, EAK-RINGS, SUITS, &c., &c., &c., SILVER, TEA AND COFFEE SETS, SPOONS, FORKS, 1,-r.. AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN SILVER PLATE. FL.fi.TEB TABLE SERVICES, VIZ: Dishes and Covers, Corner Dishes, Epergnes, &c., to correspond; LARGE and SMALL WAITERS, with rich Silver Mountings and Shields; Tea and Coffee Sets, ; Swing Kettles ; Candlesticks and Branches, and all other articles; Table and Pocket CUTLKIIY in all its branches; Bronze and Or- Molu Table and Chimney Piece Ornaments; Spring Time Pieces; Cabinet Wares ; Fancy articles in Silver, Molher-oi'-Pearl, and Tortoise Shell, &c., Papier Machee and Japanned Trays in extensive variety ; Suspending and Table Lamps, &c., &c. ; Bronze and Steel Mounted .Fenders, Polished Fire Irons, and all other articles in the Furnishing Department. Livery Dies and Buttons, Arms, Crests, and Mottos, &c v Engraved on Seals, Plate, &c., to order. C. F. Y. will have much pleasure in shoiciny his Establishment to Parties passiity through Sheffield, as he trusts it will deserve their attention. b 3 22 ADVERTISEMENTS. GENUINE DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. ROBERT HARDY CONFIDENTLY RECOMMENDS HIS SUPERIOR POLISHING PASTE, for cleaning Brass, Tin, Pewter, German Silver, Britannia Metal, &c., in pots at 6d. and Is. each. PLATE POWDER, for giving a beautiful appearance to Silver, Plated Goods, &c., Is. per box. LIQUID BLACKING, in bottles at Is. and Is. 6d. each; 10s. and 15s. per dozen. ESSENCE of ANCHOVIES, Is. per bottle; 10s. per dozen !!! SUPERB SAUCE, for Fish, Game, Steaks, &c., 2s. per bottle. The superior richness and flavour of this much admired Sauce is unequalled. MARKING INK, for writing on Linen, &c., requiring no preparation, Is. per bottle. CAMPHORATED and other TOOTH POWDERS, Is. per box. LAVENDER WATER, of superior quality. COLD CREAM and LIP SALVE. CHRYSTALLIZED AROMATIC VINEGAR, in ueat stoppered bottles, Is. 6d. each. ADELAIDE PERFUME, for the Handkerchief, in bottles at 2s. and 3s. 6d. each. BRITISH EAU DE COLOGNE, 2s per bottle. EFFERVESCING LEMONADE POWDERS, for the immediate produe 1 - tion of Lemonade, in the highest state of perfection. SEIDLITZ and SODA POWDERS, &c., &c. A supply of the 6nest Wax, Spermaceti, and London Mould Candles, Durham Mustard, Pickling Vinegar, Spices, finest Isinglass, new Almonds, Mulgatawny Paste, genuine Cayenne Pepper, Fish Sauces. Windsor and Fancy Soaps, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Havanna Cigars, German Eau-de- Cologne, &c., &<:. PICKLES, Is. per bottle ; lls. per dozen ! ! ! Patent Medicines and Perfumery. OILS, PAINTS, AND COLOURS. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. AGENT FOB THE SALE OF HOLLAND'S SNOW AND WATERPROOF LEATHER PASTE. Agent to the Celebrated East India Tea Company, For the Sale of their much admired TEAS, in Packets from an OUNCE to a POUND. ROBERT HARDY, DISPENSING- CHEMIST, PTo. 3, CASTLE STREET, SHEFFIELD. ADVERTISEMENTS. 23 ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE SALE OF WINES AND SPIRITS, BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CONDUCTED BY JOHN BOLTON AND COMPANY, (From London,) Wo. 2, Market-street, and 1O2, "West Bar Green, CORNER OF STEELHOUSE LANE, SHEFFIELD. TO THE INHABITANTS OF SHEFFIELD, ROTHEBHAM, AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT OF COUNTRY. We beg to direct your attention to the above Establishment, where you may be supplied with Wines, Spirits, and every article in the trade, of sterling and genuine quality, at the very lowest rates, consistent with our invariable system of payment on the delivery of goods. We do not insert a list of the prices of our articles, but trust to the high celebrity that their price and ex- cellent quality obtain for us wherever they are introduced; and which, since our commencement in Sheffield, in 1829, have secured to us the success and pre-eminence in the trade which we now enjoy, and to which we proudly refer, as a guarantee to those who have not yet paid a visit to our Establishments. We also add, that, in addition to those in Sheffield, we have three of the first Establishments in the trade in London, viz., at 15, Queen's Buildings, Knightsbridge ; 34, King's Cross ; and in the Commercial Road East; and, by the employment of an ample capital, expended with the experience which the conducting of an extensive trade lor more than thirty years must neces- sarily engender, we supply every article in the trade under such advantages to the public as cannot be surpassed by any other firm iu the kingdom. Our British Spirits are rectified expressly for our Establishments, by the tirst house in the trade in London; and our Foreign Wines and Spirits are imported and selected from the finest parcels imported by other merchant*, with such a nice discrimination and judgment, as can only be attained by one who has devoted the greatest part of his life to it, and which department of the trade is managed by one of the partners in the firm, who resides continually in London. We have the honour to subscribe ourselves, Your obedient Servants, JOHN BOLTON & CO. b 4 24 ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN AND WILLIAM RAGG, NURSERY, SHEFFI ELD, SOLE MANUFACTURERS NAPOLEON AND PARAGON RAZORS, OP PRE-EMINENT EXCELLENCE; ALSO, SCISSORS In every variety, from the lowest to the most elegant and costly. ARTIFICIAL TEETH AND GOLD PALATES. MR. ESKELL, SURGEON DENTIST. The loss of Teeth supplied on the improved principle, whether arising from neglect, disease of the gums, or ng; from a single Tooth to a com- plete set, without extracting the roots, or giving any pain, and in every case restoring perfect articulation and mastication. Mr. Eskell assuring the public, that he has brought the science to that state of perfection that the Artificial Teeth are not discernible from the productions of nature, MM! likewise w arranted tn bite the hardest substance without pain or in- convenience; tender and decayed Teeth effectually preserved from further decay, and every case appertaining to his profession submitted to his care, will meet with immediate attention, AT HIS ESTABLISHMENT, 99, Norfolk Street, opposite St. Paul's Church, SHEFFIELD. ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 GERMAN WHEATCROFT AND SONS, NORFOLK ROW, HAVING ENTERED INTO AN ARRANGEMENT WITH THE JUNCTION KAIL WAY C O M P A N Y , Beg to iuform their Friends and the Public generally, that they have put on SPRING -VANS WHICH LEAVE THEIR WAREHOUSE, NORFOLK ROW, Every Evening at Nine o'clock, Anil arrive at Derby for the Morning Trains thereby ensuring delivery in Birmingham at 2 o'clock, P.M. next day, and London the day following. THEIR CONVEYANCES LEAVE BIRMINGHAM DAILY FOR WORCESTER, GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, And all parts of the West. Their Trains leave Birmingham every Morning at a quarter-past Six, delivering early the following Morning iu Sheffield; from whence proceed their Post "Waggons to Barnsley, Wake field, Leeds, And all parts of the North. POST-WAGGONS EVERY EVENING To their Establishment, Buckland-Hollow, FKOM WHENCE PROCEED TO BIRMINGHAM, WORCESTER, GLOUCESTER, BRISTOL, AND ALL PARTS OF THE WEST; And to Leicester, Market-Harborough, Northampton, Iiondon, and all parts of the South. Waggons every Evening for Manchester, Liverpool, &c., as usual. G. W. and SONS beg to remind the Trade of Sheffield, that they are the ONLY CARRIERS who work through themselves, thereby ensuring re- gularity and dispatch, which cannot be relied upon when goods pass through several Carrier's hands. 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE TEA AND GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, 2O, HAY MAREET, SHEFFIELD, 2O, EDWARD BINGHAM, PROPRIETOR. AT this Establishment Families are supplied with strong rich flavoured TEAS, and at Prices materially below those generally charged by dealers in the country, a fact, which if brought to the test of comparison will be readily acknowledged. TEA is an article in which such a variety of qualities and flavours prevail, that great care and nicety is requisite in making selections. A.s quality is the only criterion of cheapness, those who judge by actual value, and not exclusively from the low price at which goods may be advertised, will be induced, on comparison, to give a preference to the STRONG ROUGH BREAKFAST TEAS, and the RICH PEKOE SOU- CHONG, as the most useful Teas in point of strength, flavour, general utility, and sterling value. He has always on hand a large assortment, at such prices as to meet the views of the most frugal. Also a great variety of the most choice and rare sorts of Padrae, Pekoe, Pouchong, Caper, Ouchain, Hysons, &c., &c., at reasonable prices, and which will be sought after by con- noisseurs. The following list is respectfully submitted, as being with respect to quality and price EQUAL TO ANY HOUSE IN THE METROPOLIS:- GKEEN" TEA. Good Strong Twuukey Fine Bloom Fine Hyson Cowslip ditto Fine young Hyson Fine Ourhftin Imperial Hysun Fine Gunpowder Hyson BLACK TEA. Congou, strong, rough body Fine ditto, full body Superior ditto, Pekoe flavour Very strong Choice Pekoe Souchong, full and rich Fine Souchong Lapsang ditto Caper ditto Pouchoug Padrae Pekoe Blossom Orange Pekoe In Coffees he recommends the Demerara and Berbice for strength, and the Mountain Jamaica, Ceylon, Bourbon, audTurkey or Mocha, for fullness and richness of flavour. The proprietor of the above Establishment respectfully cautions the Public against the unsound Teas and Coflees, of which there is so large a proportion, as injurious, and even dear, however low the price- ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 28 ADVERTISEMENTS. BEARDSALL'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL AND COFFEE HOUSE, 32, CHANGE ALLEY, SHEFFIELD. Good accommodation at. hand for Horses and Carriages. WILSON AND SOUTHERN, SOLLY STREET AND WHEELDON WORKS, SHEFFIELD, Manufacturers of SHOE, jBUTCMEB, BJ&EAB, AXD COOK KNIVES, TABLE KNIVES AND RAZORS, By a. particular process; AND GENERAL DEALERS IN CUTLERY. ADVERTISEMENTS. 30 ADVERTISEMENTS. JOSEPH W OLSTEN HOLME, BROAB STB,JET PABK, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURER OF BRITANNIA METAL AND BRITISH PLATE In every variety of pattern, . Of a superior quality, and on the most reasonable terms. The durability of British Plate is greater than Silver, and unite* usefulness and elegance with economy. To Hotel and Tavern keepers, and in sea risks, it offers peculiar advantages. ORDERS FOE EXPOETAT1ON AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. (Snural Drug and Dispensing High Street, (earner of George Street,) SHEFFIELD. G. B. MARGETTS, (SUCCESSOR TO MR. RICHABD HARRISON,) RESPECTFULLY informs the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and Public generally, of Sheffield and its vicinity, that he will be enabled, from extensive alteration! in his Shop, to transact business with dispatch, and dispense Physician* Prescriptions with the greatest accuracy. He also hopes, by selecting genuine Drugs and Chemicals of the utmost purity, from the first houses in the trade, combined with moderate charges, to merit their patronage and upport. G. B. M. begs at the same time to call the attention of those who may favour him with their commands, to the following brief list of select articles: Chemical Apparatus; a large assortment of richly cut Toilet and Smelling Bottles; Medicine Chests of all sizes, upon the shortest notice; Seidlitz, Soiia, and Ginger Beer Powders; highly carbonated Soda Water; Farina's Eau-de-Cologne; Otto, British Lavender; best Gorgona Anchovies; Ham- burgh Leeches; finest Wax and Spermaceti Candles; genuine Sperm and Seal Oil; with every other preparation either for Medicines or domestic purposes. ADVERTISEMENTS. 31 OE" OYSTEE, BOOMS, WATSON'S WALK, SHEFFIELD. PAUL ASHLEY BKGS to return thanks far the support with which he has been favoured, and to announce that his engagements in London enable him to have a daily supply of the Best Native Oysters, direct from the Boats. Those Friends who may favour him with their Orders, can have any quantity sent direct from Town, by informing him three days previous to the time required. Out-doors Is. and Is. yd. per score. I Barrels 6s. and 8s. each lu the Kooms. .Is. 4d. ditto. | Double Barrels. ...16s. ditto. Private Oyster Boom up stairs. Country Orders duly executed. of ac Conn INDIA PALE ALE. This favourite BEVERAGE, brewed expressly for the EAST INPIKS, is strongly recommended by the Faculty in this Country, for persons suffering from Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, &c., and may be drank even by the most delicate, with whom no other Malt Liquor will agree. From the extreme perfection to which this Ale has been brought, to enable it to withstand the effects of an Indian climate, it is divested of every particle idity, and is a most delightful Summer Beverage; and at the table of the noisseur, entirely supersedes Porter and other heady kinds of Malt Liquor. To be had both Drawjht and in Bottle, of P. ASHLEY, 25, London Oyster Rooms, and 26, "Waterloo Wine and Spirit Vaults, WATSON'S WALK, SHEFFIELD. Pints 4s. per Dozen for Cash. Quarts 7s. 6d. ditto, ditto. Bottles and Hampers charged, and allowed for when returned. Wines and Spirits. BURTON AND HOME BREWED ALE. LONDON BOTTLED AND DRAUGHT PORTER, ETC. The Sun newspaper received daily; Bell's Life in London, the York Herald, Sheffield Mercury, and Doncaster Gazette, as soon as possible after publication. N.B. The rooms for the purveying of Oysters are open for Gentlemen to give order*; and the India Pale Ale may be had in draft at 2d. per glass, or lOd. per Quart ; or in Small Bottles at 4d., and Large Bottles at 8d. ; as also the Strong Burton Ale, and home-brewed Beer. 32 ADVERTISEMENTS. HENRY HAWKSWORTH, 31, EARL STREET, SHEFFIELD MANUFACTURER OP JTOiOTEB'S TOOILS, SKATES, BRACES, BITS, GIMBLETS, &.C., &.C., Of every description and superior quality. SPEAR AND JACKSON, STEEL CONVERTERS AND REFINERS, MANUFACTURERS OF SAW, LEDGER BLADES, 'S KNIVES, MACHINE KNIVES, , l(c. DAVY, BROTHERS, having extensive Machinery, are enabled to execute in the very best Style, all descriptions of Planing and Turning, &c. &c. 48 ADVERTISEMENTS. FREE TRADE TEA WAREHOUSE, ESTABLISHED AT THE EXPIRATION OP THE CHARTER OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S MONOPOLY. A. BOOTH, GENUINE TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, (2, Castle Street, bottom of Angel Street,) SHEFFIELD. The Public are supplied with TEAS truly Genuine, selected with much care, and purchased direct as imported. K&~ Coffees Fresh Boasted every 'Week. BEST LONDON VINEGAR. A. PADLEY, No. 33, SOUTH STREET, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURER OF RAZORS, PEN & TABLE KNIVES, &c. THE ONLY MAKER OF THE PERUVIAN STEEL, Which is a highly refined and purified Steel, of a firm and close texture, (admirably adapted for Cutlery). The process by which it is made is known only to himself, none of his late Partners being allowed (nor any of them competent) to assist in mixing the compound for purifying the Step), or sorting it for melting His CorpoiKtr Murk for Razors, Knivrs, &c., is " PERUVIAN." A. P. was of the luie firm, " I'ADI.KT, NOBKIIRK, and Co.," or " GBKFN, PlCKSl.KY, and Co ," Cntltrs, Royal York Works. CAUTION. All imitations of the above Mark, whither by impression, slump, enpraii>(j, mark, or device, (either used or caused to be used,) are illegal impositions on the Public ni.tl u Maud upon Ibc <>ripii>ul M;'K5g^,'a?5E 9 SB, 3 SE 5@ 5& SE -& &S , 2Tea Sealers anU Healers tn Brttts^ Seines, &c. N. B. BRIDE CAKES AND FUNERALS Furnished on the shortest notice. CHARLES SAYLES, VETERINARY SURGEON, CROWN AND ANCHOR INN, MASBKOUGH, Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has taken the above Inn, where he hopes by assiduity and attention to their comfort, to merit a share of their patronage and support. C. S. further informs the Gentry, Farmers, and others, that lie continues to follow his profession as Veterinary Surgeon, and assures them that no exertion shall be wanting on his part, to en- sure a continuance of that patronage which he has already received. NOTTINGHAM HOUSE, HIGH STREET, ROTHERHAM. R. BROWN'S HOSIERY, UVCi,, AMD BABY LINEN ESTABLISHMENT, PATENT STAY WAREHOUSE, &c. &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. 57 JOHN BOOTH, WESTGATE, ROTHERHAM, DEALER IN Stows, jFlags, Slates, CHIMNEY PIPES, CEMENT, &c. BUILDING SURVEYOR AND VALUER. WATERHOUSE AND PARKER, MANUFACTURERS OF iDdWIIE MD PUTTIE) WM! 9 y No. 45, St. Paul's, Birmingham, AND 16, THAVIES' INN, HOLBORN, LONDON. The following articles in Plated or Silver ; Table Services ; Dishes, Water Plates, Tureens, Salts, &c., Epergnes and Plateaus; Liquor, Cruet, Pickle, and Soy Stands; Candle Sticks, and Branches; Bread, Cake, Flower, and Fruit Baskets ; Tea and Coffee Kettles and Urns ; Tea and Coffee Sets, Waiters, and Trays ; Snuffers and Trays, Bottle and Glass Stands ; Toast Racks, Wine Strainers, and Corks; Inkstands, Segar Cases, and Wax Winders ; Communion Services ; Lamps of all descriptions ; East and West India Shades and Branches ; Painted Sideboard and Chimney ornaments. THOMAS ROLLASON, JUN., CUT GLASS MANUFACTORY, CHINA, EARTHENWARE, LAMP, &c., &c., SHOW ROOMS, 24, UNION STREET, (Opposite the Herald Office,) B I E, M I E" <& M A M 9 (For upwards of Fifteen Years connected in the business till lately carried on by his Father in Steelhouse Lane), 58 ADVERTISEMENTS. I IVitolesale anJ. for Exportation. 1 PATENT JOSEPH GILLOTT, 50, NEWHALL STREET, AND GRAHAM STREET, > ,1 Wholesale and for exportation. , Joseph Gillott has been for nearly twenty years engaged in the f. manufacture of STEEL PENS, and during that time has devoted bis o unceasing attention to the improving and perfecting this useful and necessary article the result of his persevering efforts, and numerous! experiments upon the properties of the metal used, has been the con- ~ struction of a Pen upon a principle entirely new, combining all the idvantages of the elasticity and fineness of the quill, with the durabi- ity of the metallic pen, and thus obviating the objections which have hitherto existed against the use of Steel Pens. The Patentee is proud to acknowledge that a discerning public has >aid the most gratifying tribute to his humble, though useful labours, >y a demand for his Pens far exceeding his highest expectations. The following statement will show the estimation in which these Pens are held, and it is presumed will be an inducement to those who desire to have a really good article, at least to make a trial of Joseph Gillott's Steel Pen. The number of Steel Pens manufactured at Joseph Gillott's Works, s as follows : From October, 1837, to October, 1838 : 35.808,452 or 2,984,037 2-3rds dozen, 248,669 gross, 9 dozen 8 pens. From October, 1838, to October, 1839: 44,654,702 or 3,721,225 2-12ths dozen or 31O,1O2 gross, 1 dozen. * t * May be had of all stationers, and other respectable deal< r.- in Steel Pens throughout the Kingdom. The universal celebrity of these Pens has induced certain disre- putable makers to foist upon the public a spurious article, bearing the mis-spelled name of the Patentee and Sole Manufacturer, thus, GILOTT,"by omitting the L: and in some instances the omission of the final T is fraudently resorted to in order to retain the same SOUND as GILLOTT; but observe, none are genuine but those marked in full, JOSEPH OIX.X.OTT. Printed by James Drake, 52, New-street, Birmingham. ADVERTISEMENTS. 59 '"GEORGE RICHMOND COLLIS & co., (Late Sir Edward Thomason's Manufactory,) CHURCH STREET, BIRMINGHAM, MANUFACTURERS OP Qictidts in tlje invest lasses of tf>e Urts, IN GOLD, SILVER, PLATED,, BRONZE, AND OR-DXOLU. IN this Establishment is manufactured GOLD and SILVER PLATE, including Racing Cups, Dinner and Tea Services of various Patterns; COMMUNION PLATE and PRESENTATION PLATE made to description given ; or, if required, a variety of elegant designs furnished for approval ; Silver-mounted Plated Wares of every denomination ; Plated Cutlery upon Steel, Cut Glass, Or-Molu, Candelabra, and Lamps; Manufacturers of Medals in great variety, adapted for Societies and Institutions. Amongst the numerous series of Dies, are the celebrated Dassier Dies of the Kings of England; the Mudie Dies, for the series of grand National Medals, commemorative of the Victories of the late War; and forty-eight Dies, for Medals of the ELGIN MARBLES; also, SIR EDWARD THOMASON'S splendid series of one hundred and twenty large Medal Dies, illustrative of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, and a series of sixteen Medals upon Science and Philosophy, for Societies; Livery Button Dies cut, and the Buttons made ; numerous patent Mechanical Inventions in the Metals, Papier Machee, Brass and Bronze Staircases; manufacturers of tine Gold Jewellery of the most splendid descriptions ; dealers in Diamonds, Pearls, and fine Gems; Diamond Suits made to order, and altered to the present style, or, if required, purchased, and payment full value in cash; English and Foreign Money exchanged ; Old Gold and Silver articles reworked as New. or Pur- chased. Manufacturers of Sportsmen's Fine Fowling Pieces, upon an im- proved principle. Duelling Pistols, Rifles, Air-Guns, and Canes, and Guns of every variety for exportation. Messrs. COLLIS and Co. inform the Nobility, Gentry, and their numerous Friends, that having very considerably enlarged their Works, are now enabled to manufacture the whole of their goods from the raw material to the finish. It will be evident that purchasers will find very considerable advantages in obtaining articles of very superior quality at such moderate prices that none but a Manufacturer could be enabled to supply. Their whole trade being with the consumers, Messrs. C. and Co. feel confident that all persons furnishing, or requiring their goods, will find it of undeniable advantage to pay them a visit, either personally or by letter, rather thau make their purchases from shops that are only the retailers of goods made by the manufacturers, and necessarily sold at a very considerable advance of price. These extensive SHOW ROOMS and MANUFACTORY are situate in Church Street, in the centre of the Town, adjoining St. Philip's Church-yard. The Ware-Rooms contain the Finished Articles for Sale, and are open to all persons of respectability. The fac-simile of the celebrated WARWICK VASE, of upwards of twenty- one feet in circumference, was made in metallic Bronze at this Manufactory. The Copper Bronze Statue of His late Majesty, George the Fourth, upwards of six feet in height, was modelled, cast, and sculptured, at this Establish- ment; as also a Shield in honour of the Duke of Wellington's Victories. These and numerous other works are stationed in separate rooms to exhibit the progress of British Art. Servants are appointed to conduct Visitors over the different Workshops, to whom and to the Work-people, the Visiter is requested to abstain from giving any gratuity. N.B. Mr. George Richmond Collis is Vice-Consul for France, Russia, Portugal, Turkey, &c., with the privilege of granting Passports to persons visiting France and its Dominions. 60 ADVBBTI8EMBKW. PRINTING OFFICE. J. DRAKE, 52, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM, Respectfully solicits the orders of his Friends and the Public in this department of his Business, which shall be executed with dispatch, and in a superior mariner, at the prices affixed. LETTER-PRESS PRINTING EXECUTED IN THE NEATEST STYLE, AND WITH PLAIN OR FANCY LETTER OH GOOD PAPER AND CARDS. Post 8vo. Circular, fly leaf Ditto 4to. ditto ditto Foolscap 8vo. Bill Head Ditto 4to. ditto ditto Ditto folio ditto ditto Address Cards, common size Ditto ditto, large Ditto Third large . . Handbills or Catalogues, Demy 4to. Ditto ditto, Demy folio |{g^ Other sizes and descriptions of work at proportionate prices ; and where a large number is ordered, the price is considerably less. N.B. COPPER-PLATE AND LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING ON REASONABLE TERMS. jj* BOOKS and PAMPHLETS Printed at this Office, and Published in London and in all the Towns in the Midland District, upon advantageous terms. 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. 046 056 080 090 10 076 086 11 12 13 040 046 060 066 070 046 050 076 086 10 050 076 10 6 13 15 030 050 070 090 11 040 066 090 11 6 14 028 044 060 078 094 iy 4to.' 080 096 12 6 14 15 6 ... 15 6 17 116 1 4 166 ADVERTISEMENTS. 61 WORKS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. DRAKE, 52, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM, AND SOLD BY HAYWARD AND MOORE, LONDON, AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS. RAILWAY PUBLICATIONS. Drake's Road Book of the entire Line of Railway from London to Liverpool and Manchester with Views and Maps. Price, foolscap 8vo., 4s. 6d. ; large paper, with engravings, &c. Drake's Koad Book of the London and Birmingham Railway with a coloured Map and Views. Price 2s. ; large paper, willi steel engravings, 4s. 6d. Drake's Koad Book of the Grand Junction Railway with a Map and Views. Price, foolscap 8vo., 2s. 6d. ; large paper, with steel engravings, 5s. Drake's Road Book of the Nottingham and Derby, and Derby and Birming- ham Railway. Price, foolscap 8vo., sewed, Is. ; cloth, Is. Gd. Maps of the entire Line of Railroad, from London to Liverpool and Man- chester with the Time, Fare, and Distance Tables, &c. Price on Canvass, in a case for the pocket, 2s. Tables of the Times, Fares, and Regulations of the Grand Junction Railway. Published by authority. Including, also, the branch traffic, conveyance by omnibuses, hackney coaches, and cars, and all other information requi- site for travellers on this line. Price 3d. ; or with a Map of the Line. 6d. Drake's Railway Sheet of the London and Birmingham, Grand Junction, Aylesbury, Liverpool and Manchester, North Union, Newcastle and Car- lisle, Newcastle and North Shields, Leeds and Selby, London and South Western, Great Western, &c., Railways. Price 4d., in a neat case for the pocket ; on pasteboard, 6d. TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Drake's Picture of Birmingham third edition, greatly improved ; being a concise but comprehensive historical and descriptive account of that place, intended for the use both of residents and visiters, with a Map and twelve Views of public buildings ; and a complete, and the only correct list of the principal manufacturers. Price 4s., bound in cloth. Drake's Map of Birmingham on a sheet of imperial drawing paper. Size of Map, 23 by 20 inches. With a Map of the Boundaries of the Borough, price 3s. 6d. ; or coloured, to show the wards, price 5s. On canvass, in a case, plain, 6s. 6d.; coloured, 7s. 6d. Sold in a neat frame, plain, 8s. t>d. ; coloured, 9s. 6d. The Birmingham Street Director, with a Map. Price Is. in a neat case for the pocket. The Visiter's Guide to Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester. Price Is. 62 ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS NEW WORKS. An Introductory Lecture on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Eye. By Richard Middlemore, Surgeon to the Birmingham Eye Infir- mary, &c. Demy 8vo. Price 2s. A Practical Treatise on the Human Tefth, showing the Causes of their Destruction, and the Means of their Preservation, by William Robertson. Demy 8vo., with plates. Price 7s. fid. extra cloth. The Law and Practice of Landlords and Tenants, with the most approved modern Precedents. By R. Shipman, Esq., editor of " Jones' Attorney's Pocket Book," and author of the " Attorney's New Pocket Book." Demy 12nr.o. Price 17s., cloth. A Stepping Stone to the Law of Real Property : being an elementary Treatise on the Statute of Uses. By H. Smythies, Esq. Royal 12mo., price 7s. , boards. Municipal Corporation Guide. By R. Shipman, Esq. Price Is. A Treatise on the Diseases of the Ey. By R. Middlemore, M.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Birmingham Eye Infirmary. Two thick volumes 8vo., price 35s. boards. 1ST This book has become of standard authority and reference, and is highly commended in all the medical reviews and periodicals in which it has been noticed. Tacts and Observations on Midwifery, in seven sections, embracing som of the most important diseases incidental to females. By J. T. Ingleby, M.R.C.S.L., Senior Surgeon to the General Dispensary ; Surgeon to the Magdalen Asylum, and Lecturer on Midwifery at the Royal School of Medicine, Birmingham. Demy 8vo., 9s. A New Arithmetical Table Book, and Counting House Guide. Price Is. The Monitor's Guide, or the first four rules of arithmetic. Price Is. Drake's Tradesman's Remembrancer, suitable to any year. Foolscap folio, 3s. 6d., half bound. Luckcock's (James) Hints on Practical Economy in the Management of Household Affairs. Sewed, 6d. Luckcock's Family Book of Reference. Sewed, Is. Memoirs, by T. Clark, Juu. Sewed, M. EiTors of the Social System Displayed. By W. H. Smith. Sewed, price Is. A Treatise on the usefulness of Gorse as Winter Feed for Cattle. Price fid., sewed. Washing Books for the useof Gentlemen, 6d. ; Ladies, Od. ; and Families, Is. ACTS OP PARLIAMENT: The Reform Act; The Highway Act; Charter of the Incorporation of Birmingham ; Bread and Marriage Act. BIRMINGHAM ALMANACS: Drake's Birmingham Sheet Almanac, on a. sheet of royal paper, price 8d. Drake's Pocket Almanac and Mer- cantile Diary, price Is. ; ditto in roan tuclr, 3s. 6d. Drake's Midland Almanac and Yearly Advertiser, price, sewed, Is. Drake's Railway Sheet Almanac, price 8d. A Popular and Concise Treatise on the Treatment and Cure of Pulmonary Consumption. By George Bodington, Surgeon. Demy 12mo. BIRMINGHAM: Printed by Jumes Drake, 52, New-street. INDEX TO THE ADVERTISEMENTS. WHICH ABE HERE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE TRADES. SHEFFIELD. BASKET MAKER Adam Renwick, 4 Boarding House W. V. Slack,? Bookbinder W. Siixton,? Booksellers W. Saxt'on, 7 J. Pearce and Son, 8 T. Scott, 18 Brass Founders J. Greaves and Sou, 6 Henry Duk'e, 37 Davy, Brothers, 47 Brewer Bradley and Co., 49 Britannia Metal Goods Broadhead and Atkin, -44 British Plater J. Wolsteuholme, 30 Carrier G. Wheatcroft, 25 Caster of Cutlery A. Badger, 41 China Rooms J Johnson, 3 Clothing Establishment T. Wild, 20 Coffee Houses S. Cams, 'JS J. Theaker, 38 T. Ortton, 40 Confectioner T. Watsou and Co., 46 Cutler T. Wilkinson, 17 Dentist Mr. Eskell, 24 Dispensing Chemist R. Hardy, 22 G. B. Margetts,30 Fancy Repository W. Jackson, 4 Forge Soho Works, 18 German Silver Manufacturer Henry Duke, 37 Grocers E.Bingham,26 T.Watson and Co., 46 A. Booth, 48 Holmes Estate W. Flock ton, 9 Hotel Beardsall's Temperance, 28 Instrument Maker W. and H. Hutchinson, 27 Iron Founders Newton, Chambers, and Co., 39 Davy, Brothers, 47 Jeweller C. T. Young, 21 Joiners' Tool Maker H. Hawksworth, 32 Knife Manufacturers Unwin and Rogers, 5 John Davenport, 6 M. Barns, 20 Wilson and Southern, 28 J. Nowill and Son, 35 W.Nowill, 36 Abraham Dyson, 42 A. Padley, 48 Linen Drapers J. Heppenstall, 34 Atkinson and Brittain, 36 P. Heppenstal!, 40 Locomotive Engine Maker Davy, Brothers, 47 Map Sellers J. Harris, Son, and Co., 49 Millwright Davy, Brothers, 47 Needle Maker S. Cocker and Son, 29 Oyster Rooms P. Ashley, 31 Pearl and Polished Steei Articles John Hardy, 6 INDEX TO THE A.DVERTISEMC Printers Hosier William Saxton, 7 R. Brown, -OG J. Pearce and Son, 8 Hotels and Inus T. Scott, 18 J.Shaw, 11 Ka/.or Makers Holmes Hall, U' J. and W. Ragg, 24 Mag's Head, 13 Gilbert, Brothers, 42 Butchers' Arms, 1'i Saw Maker Blue Bell Inn, 13 John Davenport, 6 Angel Inn, 14 Silver Platers Ship Hotel, 52 C.T. Young, 21 Crown anil Anchor, "<(J W. Bripgs, 34 Iron Founders Spectacle Maker James Yates, 2 David Wright, 7 Iron Merchants Spindle Makers W. Fleck and Co., 10 Whitham, & Co., 43 Jeweller Stationers F. Denton, lu William Saxton, 7 Joiner J. Pearce and Son, 8 Blackmoor, 53 Steel Converters Lead Merchants Spear and Jackson, 32 W. Fleck aud Co , K> Steel Pen Makers Locomotive Engine Maker John Skinner, 5 J. Dodds, 50 Steel Refiners Mason Whitham and Co., 43 J. Booth, 57 Tea Dealers Printers BaJlans and Co., 19 J. Brown, 51 E.Bingham,26 J. Hinchliffe,55 T. Watson, 46 Saddler A. Booth ,48 J. Mower, 15 Wine Merchants Shipping Agents J. Bolton and Co., 23 W. Fleck and Co., 10 T. Wiley, 33 Steel Works Woollen Drapers W. Oxley aud Co., 53 J. Heppenstall, 34 Tailor Atkinson and Brittain, 36 R. Robinson, 14 P. Heppenstall, 40 Timber Yard John Hep worth, 45 G. Gillott, 49 Watch Maker K. Denton, 5 ROTHERHAM, HOLMES, &c. BIRMINGHAM. Brass Founder James Yates, 2 Bookseller J. Drake, 60 Coaches J. Hinuhliffe, 55 Bookbinder C. Blakesley, Irt Glass Manufacturers J. Hinchliffe,55 Chemist and Druggist E. T. Platt 8 T. Rollason, 67 Hothouse Manufacturer T. Clarke, 1 Confectioner Law Stationer E. Sales aud Son, 56 J. Drake, 60 Eating House W. H. Taylor, 15 Foundry C. S. K. Sandford, 51 Harness Maker J. Mower, 15 Printer J. Drake, 60 Silver Platers Collis and Co., 59 Waterhouse and Parker, 57 Steel Pen Maker J. Giliott, 58 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 3m-6,'50 (550)470 A 001 006 498 8