MISTAKES or AS SHOWN BY PROF. SWING, J. MONRO GIBSON, D. D., W. H. RYDER, D. D., RABBI WISE, BROOKE HERFORD, D. D., AND OTHERS. INCLUDING INGERSOLL'S LECTURE ON THB "MISTAKES OF MOSES." EDITED BY J. B. M C CLURE. 'I CHICAGO: RHODES & McCLURE, PUBLISHERS. 1880. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by J. B. MCCLURK & R. S. RHODES, In the Office of the Librarian of congress, at Washington, D. 0. Stereotyped and 1 Tin ted HV OTTAWAT & COMPANT, DOIIOHUK A llKNNEBKRBT, Binders. A religious faith at present BO generally pervades the civilized world that it seems almost amazing that any one should dare speak as Mr. Ingersoll does in his several lec- tures about the Bible. It is this singularity, no doubt, rather than intrinsic worth, which gives any significance that may attach to his words. That the Bible is in the least endangered is out of the question. It is too late now for that. The words herein compiled from good and able men, who have made the great Book, in its early language, import and history, a careful study for long years, will show how futile are Mr. Ingersoll's efforts in parading what he calls the " Mistakes of Moses," etc. Indeed, it would seem that, possibly Mr. I. is guilty of a mistaken identity, for he is severely accused of false assertions and misrepresentations concerning the real Moses. This reminds us of a " mis- take" which was made on a certain occasion by the celebra- ted Archbishop of Dublin, the gifted author of the work so widely known, entitled " The Study of Words." lie was not in robust health at the time, and for many years had been apprehensive of paralysis. At a dinner in Dublin, given by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, his grace sat on the right of his hostess, the Duchess of Abercorn. In the midst of the dinner the company was startled by seeing the (3) 4 PREFACE. Archbishop rise from his seat, and still more startled to hear him exclaim in a dismal and sepulchral tone, " It has comet it has come!" " What has come, your Grace? " eagerly cried half a dozen voices from different parts of the table. " What I have been expecting for twenty years," solemnly answered the archbishop " a stroke of paralysis. I have been pinching myself for the last twenty minutes, and find myself entirely without sensation." "Pardon me, my dear archbishop," said the duchess, looking up at him with a somewhat quizzical smile " par- don me for contradicting you, but it ialthat yvu have leen pinching!" Messrs. Gibson, Swing, Ryder and Herford, of Chicago, and Rabbi Wise, of Cincinnati, whose replies are herein given, are too well known as scholars and divines, to require any introduction to a reading public. Their words are wise and timely, and are put on record in this form to show the weakness of modern infidelity and the stability of Divine Truth. J. B. McCLURB. CHICAGO, April 22nd, 1879. PAGB PROF. SWING'S REPLY 7 The Lawyer vs. The Philosopher Ingersoll's Pro- fessional Proclivities in Making a Part Equal to the Whole .8 Seven Mistakes of Moses Left Oat! Injustice to Hebrew History 10 Swing Puts Himself in ingersoll's Place and At- tacks the Seventeenth Century How it Works 13 Ingersoll's Narrowness Shuts Out God, Heaven and Immortality Infidel Dogmatism ... 15 In the World's Great Freedom of Choice, Ingersoll is Counted Out 18 DR. RYDER'S REPLY 21 Ingersoll's Unfairness Attributes to Moses State- ments not in the Bible 22 His Temporary Insanity occasioned by Heavy Rains Intellectually Submerged in the Deluge Dam- aging Blunders Ingersoll up the Wrong Moun- tain 24 Top-heavy Too Broad a Structure reared on a Too Narrow Base 27 Ingersoll's Inconsistency , . . . 29 lie lias No Poetry in His Soul; ergo, etc. . . 31 Additional Misrepresentations .... 32 Dr. Ryder Propounds a Question .... 34 (5) 6 CONTENTS. PAOH Ingersoll Admits His Sad Need of Inspiration . 35 Ingersoll's "Religion of Humanity" All Right Ex- cept the Religion 37 Dr. Ryder Tells a Little Story for the sake of Illus- tration 39 DR. HERFORD'S REPLY 41 The Ingersoll Paradox 43 Ingersoll's Exaggerations and False Assertions . 43 Dr. Herford's Story of Moses, with an Apt Illustra- tion The Germinal Power of the Pentateuch . 46 The Mosaic Religion of Humanity . . .49 THE JEWISH RABBI'S REPLY 53 DR. GIBSON'S REPLY 61 Ingersoll Betrays His Ignorance .... 62 Harmony of Science and Genesis . . . .63 The Harmony of Genesis and Science Not the Result of Guess-work, but of Inspiration . 67 God 69 Nature TO Man 73 Woman 73 Mistakes Respecting Labor and Death Corrected . 75 The Deluge and its Difficulties Not Universal Ararat originally a District (alas! Ingersoll calls it a High Mountain) Other Deluges . . 70 Faith in Jesus Christ the Essential Factor . . 80 Candor vs. Injustice Dr. Gibson's Pointed Sum- mary 81 WHAT DISTINGUISHED MEN SAY OF TOE BIBLB . 85-96 IHOERSOLL'S LECTURE, Entitled "TiiE MISTAKES OF MOSES," . . 97 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL A3 SHOWN BY PROF. SWING, W. II. RYDER, D. D., BROOKE HERFORD, D. D., J. MONRO GIBSON, D. D., RABBI WISE, AND OTHERS. PROF. SWING'S REPLY. Tins discourse is not spoken regard ing the man, Robert G. Ingersoll, but regarding the addresses which he is deliv- ering and is otherwise publishing. The man Ingersoll is said to be, in his private life, kind, neighborly, humane, and in many ways an example which might be imitated with great profit by thousands who represent themselves as holding the Pagan or the Christian religion. But, were this author and lecturer a mean, wicked man, I should still be bound to consider his thoughts apart from the thinker just as we deal with Bacon's ideas apart from his moral qualities, and the politics of Alexander Hamilton apart from the infirmities of his moral sentiments. The iiitel- CO 8 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. lect of such an individual as the one before ns is a thinking machine. It makes a survey of the religions landscape. Objects strike it that escape yon and me. His eyes are not those of a preacher, not those of a bishop, nor those of an evangelist like Mr. Moody; not those of a moralist like Dyniond or William Penn, nor those of Theodore Parker or Emerson, but they are a vision purely his o\vn, and our task is limited to the inquiry what this peculiar sense dis- covers in our wide and varied world. The Lawyer vs. The Philosopher Ingersoll's Professional Proclivities in Making a Part equal to the "Whole ! We perceive at once that these addresses do not offer us any system of philosophy for woman, or child, or State, and therefore they cannot aspire to be any valuable Mentor to tell each young Telemachus how to live. They are the speeches of a lawyer retained by one client of a large case. Men trained in a profession come by degrees into the pro- fession's channel, and flow only in the one direction, and al- ways between the same banks. The master of a learned profession at last becomes its slave. lie who follows faith- fully any calling wears at last a soul of that calling's shape. You remember the death scene of the poor old schoolmas- ter, lie had assembled the boys and girls in the winter mornings and hud dismissed them winter evenings after sundown, and had done this for fifty long years. One win- ter Monday lie did not appear. Death had struck his old and feeble pulse; but, dying, his mind followed its beauti- ful but narrow river-bed, and his last words were: "It is growing d:irk the school is dismissed let the girls pass out first." Very rarely docs the man in the pulpit, or at the bur, or in statesmanship, escape this molding hand of Lis pursuit. Wo are all clay iu the hands of that potter PROF. SWING'S REPLY. & which is called a pursuit. A pursuit is seldom an ocean of water; it is more commonly a canal. But if there be a class of men more modified than others in language and forms of speech, the lawyers compose such a class, for it ia never their business to present both sides. It is their espe- cial duty BO to arrange a part of the facts as that they shall seem to be the whole facts, and next to their power of pre- senting a cause mast come their power to conceal all aspects unfavorable to their purpose. A philosopher must see and set forth at once both sides of all questions, but a lawyer must learn to see the one side of a case, for there is another man expressly employed to see the reverse of the shield. But few of us are philosophers. "When we wish to exhibit something, we instantly cut off all light except that which will fall upon our goods. If we are to display only a yard of silk, we will veil the sun and move about to find the right position, and then light a little more gas, that the fields, and hills, and heavens may all withdraw, and permit us to see the fold of a bride's dress. Thus all the profes- sions, honored by being called learned, do more or less cut off the light from all things except the fabric that is being- unfolded by their skillful fingers. Men of intense emotional power like Mr. Ingersoll, and men who, like him, have hearts as full of colors as a paint- er's shop, are wont, beyond common, to pour their passion- upon one object rather than diffuse it all over the world. These can awaken, and entertain, and shake, and unsettle, but then, after all is over, we all must seek for final guides men who are calmer and \yho spread gentler tints with their brush. I am, therefore, of the opinion that none of us \ should follow anyone man, but rather all men; should seek that general impression, that wide-reaching common-sense, which knows little of ecstacy and little of despairj These 10 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. ^"Addresses" under notice are wonderful concentrations of wit, and fun, and tears, and logic, but concentrations upon minor points. They are severe upon a little group of men, ttpon literalists and old Popes, and old monks, but they do not weigh and mo;isure fully the religion of such a being as Jesus Christ, nor touch the ideas and actions of the human race away from these fading forms of human nature. huii W Seven Mistakes of Moses Left out! Injustice to Hebrew History. These addresses do injustice to the Hebrew history. A lawyer has a right to be one-sided and narrow when he is presenting the cause of his client, but when he is addressing a public upon a religious, or political, or social question, narrowness in his discourse must be considered an infirmity, or else an act of injustice. These speeches betray either unconscious narrowness or willful injustice. But Mr. Inger- Boll is the embodiment of sincerity, according to those who enjoy his acquaintance, and therefore we must conclude that the cast of his mind is such that it is led hither and thither by that narrowness which belongs no more to a high Calvinist than to a high infidel. If tho lecture upon "Moses" had been more thoughtful, it would have con- fessed that there were several forms of the man " Moses," the historic" Moses," the Hebrew " Moses," and the Calvin- istic " Moses; " and then, after this concession, he might have (assailed the " Calvinistic Moses." .... But if the addresses had been broad, and spoken for that larger audience called humanity, they would have asked us to mark the mistakes of the Moses of Hebrew times and of common history. But they did not dream of this. Stand- ing in the presence of one of the grandest figures of PROF. SWING'S REPLY. 11 tian and Hebrew antiquity, Mr. Ingersoll failed to see this I personage, arid permitted nothing to come upon his field of vision except those sixteenth century theologians who dis- i torted alike the mission of Moses and of Christ, and even of the Almighty. To set forth the mistakes of the historic j " Moses " would not be any easy task. I One doing this would be compelled to ask us to mark the blunders of a leader who planned freedom for slaves; who bore complain- ings from an ignorant people until he won the fame of unu- sual meekness, one who did in reality what infidels only have dreamed of doing living and dying for the people; the mistakes of one whose ten laws are still the fundamental ideas of a State, of one who organized a nation which lived and flourished for 1,500 years; the mistakes of one who divested the idea of God of bestiality and began to clothe it with the notions of wisdom and justice, and even tenderness; the follies of one who established industry and education, and a higher form of religion, and gave the nation holding these virtues such an impulse that in the hour of dissolving it produced a Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles; and thus did more in its death than Atheism could achieve in all the eons of geology. Seven mistakes of Moses left out!-*"* There is, it is true, a time and a place for irony, but after it has done its work amid the accidental of a time or a place, there remains yet much to be studied by the sober intellect and loved by the heart which really cares for the useful and the true. It is essentially a small matter that some poetic mind, some Froissart or some Herodotus, came along per- haps after the reigns of David and Solomon, and gathered up all the truths of old Hebrew tradition, and all the legends, too, and wove them together, for out of such entanglements the essential ideas generally rise up just as noble pine trees at last rise up above the brambles and thickets at their base, 12 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. and evermore stand in the full presence of rain, and air, and eun. Above the brambles and thorn of legend, at which the narrow eye may laugh, there rises up from the Mosaic soil a growth of moral truth that catches at last full sun- shine and full breeze; a growth that will long make a good shadow for the graves of Christian and intidel beneath. The errors of legend are so unimportant that even a Divine Book may carry them. It will thus appear that the method of the addresses is very defective. It is not a wide survey of a two-thousand- year period in human civilization, a period when the He- brews were making imperishable the good of the Egyptians who were dying from vices and despotism, but is only the ramble of a satirist having a sharp eye for defects and a most ready tongue. All the by-gone periods may be passed over in two manners. We may go forth for our laughter or foi our pensiveness and wisdom. Juvenal saw old Rome fuU of dissolute men and women. Virgil saw it full of litera- ture. Tacitus found it not destitute of patriots and heroes; and when Juvenal found the husbands all debauchees, and the wives all hypocrites, there the most calm and elegant historians found the most excellent Agricola, and found a wife of spotless fame in the daughter Domitia. Thus in the very generations in which the lampoons of Juvenal found only vice, behold we see beauty and virtue in full bloom around the homes of Tacitus, and Agricola, and Pliny. Thus all the fields of human thought lie open to the invasion of those who wish to mock, and of those who wish to admire. And beyond doubt when Mr. Ingersoll shall have uttered his last thought over the Mistakes of Moses, some other form of intellect could glean in the same field, and leave covered with the truths of Moses, a nobler and larger tablet PROF. SWING'S REPLY. 18 Swing Puts Himself in Ingersoll's Place and Attacks the Seventeenth Century. How it "Works ! /^Permit me now, in imitation of the style of these addresses, to ask you to look at the seventeenth century: Why, it all drips in blood! Horror upon horrors! The King of Persia put to death some of the Royal family and put out the eyes of all the rest even the eyes of infants. Russia begins her cruel oppression of Poland. Prussia, the hope of Europe,, is desolated by war, which never lifted its black cloud for thirty years. In this wretched century came the massacre of Prague and the forcible banishment of 30,000 Protestant families. Allowing five persons to a family, it will thus ap- pear that 150,000 were driven from their homes and country. Further south, in France, a few years before, 700,000 Pro- testants had been murdered in twenty-four hours. After- ward came the licentious court of Louis XIY.; while over in England noble men and women were being beheaded or otherwise slain in dreadful numbers. The beautiful Queen Mary is beheaded just as the century begins, and Essex is beheaded in its full opening. And in its close France re- enters the scene, revokes the edict of Nantes, and sends into exile 800,000 of her best citizens. Thus dragged along the seventeenth century, as it would seem, bleeding, and weeping, and gasping in perpetual dying. What a picture! Amazing indeed, but narrow and false! I have been thinking only of the "mistakes" of a time. Just look at that century again with a wider survey and a happier heart, and lo! we see in it a matchless line of immortal worthies. There flourished Gustavus, laying the foundations of our liberty; there lived Grotius, writing down the holiest principles of duty ; there we see Galileo inventing the telescope, and beholding the starry sky; there 14 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. sits Kepler finding the highest laws of astronomy; near these are the French preachers, Bossuet, Fenelon, and Mas- silon, whose fame has not been equaled ; there, too, Pascal and Corneille. But this is not all. It is not one-third the splendor of that one epoch, for, cross the Channel, and behold you meet Shakspeare, and Lord Bacon, and Milton, and Locke, and while these divine minds are composing their books, Cromwell is overthrowing despots, and a Republic springs up as by enchantment. Thus the seven- teenth century, which awhile ago seemed only a period that a kind heart might wish stricken from history, now comes back to us as the sublime dawn of poetry, and science, and eloquence, and liberty. ^ The truth is we must move through the present and the past with both eyes wide open, and with a mind willing to know all and to draw a conclusion from the whole combined cloud of witnesses. The author of the addresses does not do this. He does not make a wide survey nor draw conclu- sions from widely scattered facts; and hence, after he has spoken about the horrors of the Mosaic age, or of the church there remains that age or that church emptying rich treas- ures into the general civilization, purifying the barbarous ages, awaking the intellect, stimulating the arts, inspiring good works, elevating the life of the living, by setting before man a God and a future existence. Our Christianity has a Hebrew origin. The sermon on the Mount was begun by Moses. The eloquence of Mr. Ingersoll is much like the art of Hogarth or John Leech, an acute, and witty, and interest- ing art, but very limited in its range. Hogarth was with- out a rival in his ability to picture the " mistakes" of mar- riage, and of a " Rake's Progress," the peculiarity of " Beer Lane" and " Gin Lane"; and his art was legitimate in its PROF. SWING'S REPLY. 15 field, but its field was narrow, and took no notice of the eternal beauty of things as painted by Rubens or Raphael. /After Hogarth had said all he could see and believe about marriage, there stood the holy relation in its historic great- ness, tilling millions of homes with its peace and friend- ship, notwithstanding the mirth-provoking pencil. Thus the ideas of "Moses," and " Church," and "Heaven," and God" lie before Mr. Ingersoll to be pictured by his skill- ful derision, but after the artist has drawn his little Puritanic Hebrew and his absurd Heaven, and has painted his little gods, and has limned his own Papal Heaven and Hell, another scene opens and there untarnished are the deep things of right and wrong,' the immortal hopes of man, and [a Heavenly Father which cannot be placed upon a jester's janvas. John Leech found the weak points in all English high and low life. The fashions, and sports, and entertainments, and the current politics, underwent for a generation the tor- ture of his pictures, his sketches, his cartoons, but the moment the laugh had ended, the homes of England, the happy social life of rich and poor, the learning and wisdom of her statesmen were back in their place just as the sun is in his place after a noisy thunderstorm has passed by. Ingersoll's Narrowness Shuts out God, Heaven and Immor- tality Infidel Dogmatism. This narrowness of survey which marks Mr. Ingersoll's estimate of the Hebrew period and of the human Church, follows him in his thoughts about another life and the exist- o ence of God. He denies that any regard whatever should be paid to a second life. Heaven deserves no consider- ation at our hands. He says in his lecture on the Gods: " Reason, observation and experience have taught us 2 16 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. that happiness is the only good ; that the time to be happy is now, and the way to be happy is to make others so. This is enough for us. In this belief we are content to live and die." Such assertions as these no broadly-reaching mind could make, for the broad mind, not knowing but that there may be a second life, having no positive information on that point, is bound to admit all that uncertainty, and that hope is a most lawful element in that strange mingling which makes up the soul. As Mr. Ingersoll does not know whence / man came, so he knows not whither he goes, and therefore | he must himself stand and permit others to stand in the presence of death as in the presence of a great mystery that, at least, should silence all dogmatism of priest or infidel. The logic of the addresses may be fitted for the common jury, but they are too rude for man who is weeping his way along between birth and death. In some better hour the lawyer forgets his petit jury and addresses the human soul. On the title page of a recent volume he says in substance that: " The dream of immor- tal life has always existed in the heart of man, and will remain there in all its matchless charms, born not of any book or creed, but out of human affection;" and being not born of reason and sense, he can but reject its hope; he is personally above being molded in thought, or action, by such a fable of the heart. In calling such a dream a fable, he is guilty of that very dogmatism which he so hates in Calvin and Edwards, for if Calvin was too certain that he knew God's will, Mr. Ingersoll is too certain that he knows God not to exist. It often happens that the dogmatism (of the bigot must await its exact parallel in the dogmatism /of the atheist. The ideas of a future life and a God are thus in these addresses rudely set aside as though this author had shown the real origin and destiny of the Uni- verse, and had found out the secret of the grave. PROF. SWING'S REPLY. 11 He would pay no attention to the idea of God. He would not be guilty of any worship in this life. He says: "If by any possibility the existence of a power superior to and independent of nature shall be demonstrated, there will be time enough to kneel. Until then let us stand erect." In such language we find only a perfect overthrow of the\ method of the human soul; for the soul has never dared | wait for any such certainty in any of the paths before it. It has always been compelled to build up before itself the largest possible motives and hopes, and then live for them and abide the consequences. It is wonderful that a man who will pluck a violet and draw delight from its tender color and still more delicate perfume, will sternly command the human race not to hold in its hands any flower of im- mortality, lest by chance its leaves may at last wither. If this idea of a future life should at last fail, which seems im- possible, the human heart will be all the purer and happier \ from having held all through these years a lily so sweet and/ eo white. Loo-ic cannot make such short work of the religious sen- o o timents. Mr. Ingersoll says: "If you can ever find a God, just let me know, and I shall kneel. Until then I shall stand erect." What injustice to that delicate form of rea- son, which has moved the world for perhaps 10,000 years I We do not propose to find God or a future life. What the/ world has found long since is the deep hope in a God, and the measureless hope that the dying loved ones of this world' will meet in a land that is better. Nobody has come to the human race to let it know that a God has been found, but many have come to it saying: "My dear children, let us trust that all this matchless universe came from a Creator, and that from him we also came." So many and so holy were these voices, and so responsive was the heart, that upon 18 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. this trust the living and the dying have knelt and have told their longings to the Invisible. The human race has not been haughty. It has been willing to kneel. Its heart has never been stone, nor its knees brass. It lias stood erect in battle where liberty was to be won ; it has been as erect as an infidel when a bosom was to be bared for arrows or bullets, or when the neck was to be unclothed for the fatal ax, but in moments of hope and longing it has bent willingly in hope and prayer. The advice of the Addresses not to kneel until you have reached and handled the Creator, is advice that civilization has always spurned, for it lias woven all its gorgeous fabrics out of delicate probabilities, gossamer threads spun by the heart. Fame, and learning, and art, and happiness are all simple possibilities before each youth. He does not dare say, Make me sure of results, and I will gird myself for the present. He casts himself upon the bet- ter of two possibilities, and is borne along toward an un- known end. Thus has the human race dealt with the inti- mations of religion. It has cast itself upon the better hope, and, being at perfect liberty to espouse Atheism, has always repudiated it as being a paralysis of the soul, and a perfect reversal of the common logic of society. In the World's Great Freedom of Choice, Ingersoll is Coun- ted out ! The world has always been perfectly free to use the form of reasoning which Mr. Ingersoll suggests. No "Westmin- ster Assembly, no Calvin compelled the, human family from Old Egypt to Greece to think the universe had a Creator. The world has always been free to suppose that such seasons as day and night and spring and summer, such creatures as the nightingale and man, such a star as the sun, all came from mud and water and fire, mingling of their PROF. SWING'S REPLY. 19 own accord ; but the world lias had no wide use for such conclusions. Of its own free choice, it has avoided Atheism, and has never made up anywhere a civilization without dis- carding the idea of waiting for a demonstration, and with- out espousing the idea that all noble society reposes upon lofty hopes. Out of beautiful possibilities the soul's gar- ments are woven. It thus appears that the Addresses are defective as guides for any man's life or death. They constitute a bill of ex- ceptions against certain hard rulings in some local and igno- rant courts, but as pleadings in the great tribunal where the whole human family stands assembled, to get the wisest decisions about duty and happiness, and the possibility of there being a God and a second life, the possible value of a hope for the dying they each and all fall far short. They see only the religion of some fanatic, and think it the religion of Jesus or of mankind. They see a God damning honest men, and conclude that is what is meant by Jehovah. They see a Heaven with some little sect in the midst of it, and speak as though they were what is meant by the immortality of man. They note the follies of the Puritans and Papists, and infer that if there were no religion in the world, there v \ would be no bad judgment or bad passions. They fail, too, to mark the delicacy of man's practical logic, which is not iron-like, waiting for the absolute end of all doubt, but which is bending and hopeful, and stands ready forever to found immense motives, and society, and church, and homes upon the greater and better of two probabilities that lie within this world of cloud. They assert the adequacy of earthly happi- ness as an end of being, and fail to mark that earthly hap- piness has always depended upon high morals, and father, and mother, and child, and social life, and all mental de- velopment have found their full meaning, until a warm and 20 MISTAKES OF 1NGERSOLL. broad religion has shed its cheering light. The human race cannot find its supreme good in having a few acres of ground, and in seeing the grass grow, and in hearing the birds sing. These make some days delightful indeed, but man, with his retinue of art, and statesmanship, and morals, and tempta- tions, and virtues, and joys, and sorrows, and partings, and death, demands the assumption of a God, and the expecta- tions of a resurrection from the dust. Under such a temple as society, the foundation must be deep. To those who read or hear these addresses of Mr. Inger- soll, let me say : Hear them, read them if you wish, for they will show you what a sad caricature of Christianity was that which came down to us from the Dark Ages; but, having thus been taught by an enemy, then dismiss the laughter, and look at religion in the widest forms of its doctrine and experience. We are now warned daily not to follow parti- sans in politics, because they will eclipse a country by a little chair in office they will make a village outweigh a continent. These addresses of a talented lawyer warn us equally against trusting the partisans in religion the dim- eyed zeal which makes a Deity as small as their own hearts, a Bible as cold and as hard as adamant; but now, having been taught to shun partisans in politics and in Christi- anity, let us learn to resist one more form of partisan the 'partisan of an atheism and a hopeless grave. Let us at times laugh with him, let us admire his acuteness, let us confess the honesty of his life, but for our guides or ideas in the world spiritual let us seek some mountain of thought where the survey is broader, and tenderer, and more just, from which height no good lies concealed; but looking from which we can see the great landscape of the soul, some of it bathed in light, some of it lying in shadow, but all of it instructive and full of impressiveness. DR. RYDER'S REPLY. DR BTDEE'S EEPLT. IN the commencement of this review of Mr. Ingersoll's lecture upon " The Mistakes of Moses," I wish two things distinctly understood: First, that my controversy is not with the man, but with his address; and, second, that he has the same right to advocate his views as I have to advo- cate mine. On the question of religious liberty we are as one. Furthermore, I do not wonder that certain minds, having passed through peculiar experiences, become thoroughly disgusted with particular forms of theological thought. My only surprise is that more are not. Such material ideas of the Deity as are sometimes put forth in the name of Chris- tianity; such offensive liberalizing as is sometimes applied to the future life, and such thoroughly untenable positions as are sometimes taken as to what the Scriptures actually are, has long been a fruitful cause of infidelity, and will continue to be so as long as they receive the indorsement of any branch of the Christian Church. But intensity of conviction may degenerate into preju- dice, and this prejudice practically unfits one to discuss the subject to which it relates. From what the distinguished lecturer says of himself, of his determination in every ad- dress he makes, no matter what the topic, to denounce cer- tain views, and from the specimen of his work now brought 22 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. under review, I conclude that Col. Ingersoll occupies just this position. While, t'ien, the right to speak one's honest thought is thus frankly conceded, and the provocation to employ strong language in reference to certain theological opinions is also conceded, it will be admitted by all candid minds that cer- tain subjects from their very nature, and from interest which they involve, are to be treated with seriousness and tkirness. If not so treated, the influence of the discussion is almost certain to be harmful. The lecture under notice, though nominally on the errors of a particular character in the Old Testament, is virtually an assault upon all revealed religion, and especially that contained in the Bible. Ingersoll's Unfairness Attributes to Moses Statements not in the Bible. Now, my first position is this: "Whoever publicly attacks the sacred books of the Christian world, and attempts to destroy faith in them, should treat the subject fairly. I re- gret to say that the lecture does not seem to me so to treat its great theme, but is, on the contrary, a conspicuous illus- tration of prejudice and unfairness. No small portion of the lecture is unworthy a reply. There is nothing to reply to. Of fair argument there is a lamentable lack, no incon- siderable portion of the time seems to have been spent in knocking over a man of straw of his own manufacture. If his lecture be regarded simply as an entertainment, it is a success, for the Colonel knows how to amuse an audience as well as the best; but if it were intended to be a fair and able discussion of an important subject, it is not simply a failure, but a failure so obvious as to leave no room for any other opinion. In proof of my statement that the lecture does not treat the topic which it professes to discuss fairly, I offer these specimens as evidence: DR. RYDER'S REPLY. 23 The first specimen is: Attributing to Moses language and statements not to be found in any of his writings. Speaking of Moses, he says : " The gentleman who wrote it (Genesis) begins by telling us that God made it (the world) out of nothing." And then he proceeds to ridicule the idea. But Moses says neither that nor anything like it. The lecturer thus misrepresents the very first sentence in the Pentateuch. What Moses says is, that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." What he created them out of, or when " in the beginning " was, he does not say. The simple thought is that the heavens and the earth were not self-evolved, but were created by the Omnipotent Jehovah. " You recollect," he says, " that the gods came down and made love to the daughters of men," etc. Where does Moses say that? Plenty of that kind of talk is Grecian and Roman mythology, but what has that to do with " The Mistakes of Moses? " " They built a tower (Babel) to reach the heavens and climb into the abodes of the gods." Another of the Colonel's mistakes. The Tower of Babel was not built for any such purpose. From the frequent references of this kind to the gods in connection with the religion of Moses, it looks as if the lecturer was not aware that the Jews were not particularly in favor of idolatry. Again he says: "There is not one word in the Old Testament about woman except words of shame and humiliation. It did not take the pains to record the death of the mother of us all. I have no respect for any book that does not treat woman as the equal of man." It is true that Moses does not record the death " of the mother of us all; " but it is also true that the first account of the burial of any person in the book of Genesis is that of a woman, Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Moses simply i4 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. says of Adam: "The father of us all," "And he died;" and in a similar summary manner are all the other men dis- posed of; bat when it comes to this woman Sarah, a special lot has to be purchased for her, and secured to the family, eo that her remains might not be disturbed; and even now in remembrance of the cave of the field in which she was buried, a certain part of our modern cemeteries is called Machpelah. By the side of this fact how does the declara- tion look that " there is not one word in the Old Testament about women, except words of shame and humiliation?" Suppose I turn the tables npon the lecturer, and say, I have no respect for any book that does not treat man as the equal of woman. My words, if applied to the Bible, would be hardly less libelous than his. His Temporary Insanity Occasioned by Heavy Rains Intellectually Submerged in the Deluge Damaging Blunders lugersoll up the Wrong Mountain. My second specification is that he not only makes Moses say what he does not say, but he frequently misrepresents what he does say. I name these particulars: First, in speak- ing of the flood, he gives the impression that, according to the Scriptural account, all the water that covered the earth and inundated it came out of the clouds in the form of rain. He says: "And then it began to rain, and it kept on rain- ing until the water went twenty-nine feet over the highest mountains. How deep were these waters? About five and a half miles. How long did it rain? Forty days. How much did it have to rain a day? About 800 feet." Now what are the facts? In the verse which precedes the one which says, "And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights," we have this record, Gen., vii., ii. " In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, the 17th day of DX. RYDER'S REPLY. 25> the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." Why did not the lecturer mention this statement of the " breaking up of the fountains of the great deep," which is generally supposed to refer to the upheaval or subsidance of some large body or bodies of land, perhaps to portions of this western continent, and is considered to have been the principal cause of the deluge? Why omit the supposed principal cause of the deluge, unless it was his purpose to make out a case without regard to the facts? * Furthermore, wh.at authority has he for saying that the ark rested on the top of a mountain seventeen thousand feet high, and that the water upon the earth was " five and a half miles deep?" Has he committed the ignorant blunder of confounding Agri-Dagh with the hilly district to which the name was formerly applied? The lofty peak that now bears the name of Ararat has no such designation in Bib- lical history, and it is the name given to it in compara- tively modern times. The Bible record is: "Fifteen cubits upwards did the waters prevail." The Hebrew cubit is about twenty- two inches. If we may trust the conclusions of science, deluges have been no unusual events in the his- tory of this globe. Most of the land, if not all of it, no matter how high at present, has been at some time sub- merged. Whatever one may think about the accuracy of the narrative in reference to the building of the ark and the uses to which it was put, there is certainly no physical improbability in the statement that that part of the earth which was then above water was thoroughly inundated. Again, the gentleman makes merry over what he calls the " rib story," and imagines two persons before the bar of God, one believing the " rib story " and the other denying it The believer of it is accepted by the Judge as belonging 26 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. in Heaven, and the denier of it as belonging in Hell. And this he puts before the public as Bible doctrine as if any man of common sense, whether Jew or Gentile, ever defended eo ridiculous a theory. As a further specimen of this unfair- ness, I present you this: " Do you believe the real God if there is one ever killed a man for making hair oil? And yet you find in the Pentateuch that God gave Moses a receipt for making hair oil to grease Aaron's beard ; and said if anybody made the same hair oil he would be killed." There cold hardly be written a more complete misrepre- sentation and perfect caricature of the whole subject than this. The reference in Scripture is to an anointing oil, to be applied, not simply to the persons of the priests, but to the sacred vessels as well; and, thus anointed, they were set apart for what they regarded as holy uses. But if this cus- tom which Mr. Ingersoll seeks to hold up to ridicule, was simply Jewish, there would be some show or plausibility for talking about it as he does; but he lias not even that to jus- tify his attack. For this custom of using anointing oils in connection with religious services, and sacred persons, and utensils, was common among the idolatrous. nations, and even conspicuous among the rites of the Romans. And even now one often meets with the spirit of the same cus- tom. I do not know whether the Colonel is a member of the Masonic fraternity, but he must have seen representa- tives of that ancient Order pour out anointing oil upon the corner-stone of some building which they were engaged in laying. Why not ridicule that, and why not also ridicule the beautiful custom of that Order of dropping upon the uncovered coffin of a deceased member the little sprigs of evergreen that the brethren bear in their hands as they march around his open grave? It is easy to see that with reference to every such custom, however sacred, one who DR. RYDER'S REPLY. 27 takes the naked fact apart from its associations, may find abundant material for ridicule. But whether a fair-minded man will allow himself to treat any serious subject in that manner, is a question upon which there is no occasion that I should pronounce judgment. Mr. Ingersoll makes a sim- ilar blunder in what he says about the custom of sacrificing doves for the use of priests, since the practice did not exist among the Hebrews until hundreds of years after the event which he seeks to ridicule. Top-Heavy Too Broad a Structure Reared on a Too Nar- row Base. My third specification is, that he treats a particular inter- pretation of the Bible as the undisputed word of God. He assumes that this or that is Bible doctrine because some- body may at some time have taught it, and then denounces the whole Bible as unworthy the respect of mankind. This feature of the address runs through the whole of it. But, in this respect, candor compels me to say his method is that of Thomas Paine in his "Age of Reason," and of a certain class, but not the better class, of so-called infidel writers. Mr. Paine reproved the world for believing what he showed to be unreasonable doctrines, and called upon the people to throw away their Bibles for teaching such sentiments; but it was Mr. Paine, and not the Bible that was in fault, for the doctrines which he shed so much ink to condemn are not taught in the Bible. Mr. Ingersoll's method is precisely the same. If he wishes to hold up to the contempt of mankind certain doctrines that some sect may have believed, or even does believe, let him announce his subject, keep to his text, and go ahead; but to go from pluce to place, exhorting the people everywhere to throw away their Bibles, under the pretense that these represents- 28 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. ticms of his are the undisputed word of God, is simply an outrage upon the Christian piiblic, and unworthy any man who claims to be fair-minded. Mr. Ingersoll's references to the clergy disappoint me. He speaks of them as if they were a set of fools, and does not add that they are all graduates of prisons, and a pack of scoundrels generally. To which gentlemanly references we need only say, that in this slanderous speech he is guilty of the same offense against fairness and good breeding that is committed by any nominal Christian who, either through Windless or perversity, can see nothing good in the services of the distinguished infidels of history, and who, to preju- dice the public against them, resort to the mean subterfuge of misrepresenting their positions, and telling falsehoods about them. If any man, in an address before this com- munity, should treat the writings of Yoltaire as shabbily as Mr. Ingersoll has treated the writings of Moses, and as to that, the entire Bible, the Colonel would have to go out- side the Psalms of David to find imprecations to express his contempt. His references to Andover have, of course, nothing to do with " The Mistakes of Moses," but they relate to an important subject, and are a pertinent illustra- tion of the eminent unfairness of the general address. This is what he says: "They have in Massachusetts, at a place called Andover, ?i kind of minister factory; and every Pro- fessor in that factory takes an oath in every five years that, so help him God, he will not during the next five years intellectually advance; and probably there is no oath he could easier keep. They believe the same creed they first taught when the foundation stone was laid, and now, when they send out a minister they brand him, as hardware from Birmingham and Sheffield. And every man who knows where he was educated knows his creed, knows every argu- ment of his creed, every book that he has read, and just DR. RYDER'S REPLY. 29 what lie amounts to intellectually, and knows that he will shrink and shrivel and become more and more stupid day after day until he meets with death." My personal sympathy with the And over Theological School is not, as you may suppose, very deep and ardent. I respect the generosity and self-sacrifice of the five noble minds one of whom was a woman that founded the insti- tution in 1807, and the aid which it has given to liberal and exact scholarship. On the whole, I do not like the rule to which Mr. Ingersoll refers. Probably many of those in charge of the institution do not. I understand it to be a custom con- tingent upon certain endowments made long ago, and which is observed as a matter of form. But the rule is not fairly open to the objection that Mr. Ingersoll makes against it. First, it simply relates to the theological professors, and does not concern the students. Second, it compels no man to take it who does not wish to. The University says, in effect, we believe in certain doctrines; we desire the instruc- tion of this institution to be in accordance with these ideas. Can you conscientiously teach them? If so, we wish you; if not, we do not wish you. But if you come to us, yon are not compelled to remain, but can go where you will, and when you will, and teach what you please; but so long as 'you remain in the service of this institution we expect you to carry out the purposes of its founders. "What is there in this that is particularly narrow and dementing? But the Colonel repudiates his own positions. He says: " The com- mon school is the bread of life, but there should be nothing taught in the school except what somebody knows; any- thing else should not be maintained by a system of general taxation." Ingersoll's Inconsistency! But, let us inquire, who is to decide "what somebody knows?" Practically, the answer is, the people, or their 80 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. representatives, in school boards, committees, etc. They select the text-books, and they expect instructors whom they engage to follow them, for the text-books are assumed to embody what is true on the subjects to which they relate. "What would the lecturer say of a teacher in one of our public schools who should to-day teach the rejected doctrine that the sun revolves about the earth? "What, but this: turn him out and put some one in his place who teaches the truth which, being interpreted, means, teaches according to the authorized text-books. Why, on the very occasion of the lecture itself, after the Colonel had denounced Andover for pledging loyalty to certain doctrines, and which act he characterizes as so harmful to freedom of thought, he him- self demands of the people whom he is addressing that they will never support a certain form of doctrine, nor give money to aid in building any church in which they are taught. His language is: "I would have every one who hears me swear that he will never contribute another dollar to build another church in which is taught such infamous lies." Mark you, not simply a pledge for five years, but they are never to change their views. My friends, is there no such thing as consistency in belief ? Is one a bigot because he says, This is what I believe, and this, therefore, I defend? Are these men to be ridiculed and assailed, and only those who shirk such responsibility to be held up as patterns and guides? Brethren, I am not speaking of some sophoinoric oration, but about the deliberate thought of a man who has made himself famous in this line of labor, and of whom our townsman who gracefully introduced him said, " a man who does his own thinking, and who thinks before he says." Now, of every such man it is safe to say, he knows that organization is essential to the welfare of society, and is perfectly consistent with liberty of thought. The free- thinkers of this country are organized as well as others; DR. RYDER'S REPLY. 31 and it is their right to be if they have anything to teach or defend. A Christian combination, against which some peo- ple hurl their anathemas, is simply the grouping together of those who have a similar mind and purpose, the better to do this work which they have in common. Of course there has been in connection with some of these denominations a fearful amount of bigotry. When we come to that topic we are quite at home. Bigotry is no friend of ours: we owe him no service. The denomination which this church rep- resents has received from the dominant sects about us a pretty large share of persecution and abuse. But, for all that, we do not propose to follow the lecturer's example and call our brethren hard names, simply because they apply such epithets to us. He Has no Poetry in His Soul ; Ergo, etc. My fourth specification is, that he misrepresents the wri- tings of Moses, and, as to that, the entire Bible, by treating its metaphoric language as literal statements. Think of a man, in this age of light, speaking of the pic- tured representation of the Old Testament in this way: " Thev believed that an an^el could take a lever, raise a / o ' window, and let out the desired quantity of moisture. I find out in the Psalms that he bowed the heavens and came down." I wonder if the gentleman can see anything but mere literalism in this passage? "As the mountains round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth, even forever." Like other nations, the Hebrews have their patriotic, descriptive, didactic, and lyrical poems in the same varieties as other nations; but with them, unlike other nations, whatever may be the form of their poetry, it always possesses the characteristic of religion. Even their patriotic songs are a part of their religion. The Jews have taught the world its devotional poetry. If there is to bo 3 82 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. found anywhere conceptions of the Deity and of the universe more remarkable for their sublimity and grandeur than are met with in the sacred books of the Jews, I know not where to look for them. Certainly when they are compared with the religious poems of other countries, most nearly contem- poraneous, as those of Homer and Ilesiod, they are so vastly superior as to lead to the belief that, if the poets of idola- trous Greece drew their inspiration from human genius and learning, those of Judea had a higher illumination. Additional Misrepresentations. My fifth specification is, that the representation given in the lecture of the Hebrews as a people, is almost wholly in- correct, both as to the work undertaken by them and the effect of that work upon mankind. We have no disposition to shut our eyes to the ignorance, cruelty and superstition of the Hebrew race in the early periods of their history. There was but little in them that gave the promise of a great nation when Moses led them out of Egypt. They were low in the scale of civilization. Many of the things done by them we cannot justify, and we are not required to do so. But what arrests our atten- tion is, that almost from the first they show a gradual im- provement in their condition, and finally reach that proud pre-eminence when Jerusalem became the Athens of its day. There are two points of view from which to judge of the early history of any people: one is, to compare it with that of contemporary nations, and the other is, to compare it with our own time. It is manifest that the former is the proper basis of judgment. Consider, then, as already inti- mated, who the people were that Moses thus led out of Egypt. Reflect that they were but children in intelligence, and that the higher forms of thought had but little influence over them; and that if they were held to the law of duty, DR. RYDER'S REPLY. 83 and organized into a nation, it must be by such material forms and simple customs as they could comprehend. Re- flect, furthermore, that these people had been brought up in the midst of idolatry, and that in leaving Egypt they did not get away from its influences, but that, wherever they went, they were assailed by it; that idolatry was almost the universal form of worship, and that it was a mighty task to educate these people in the doctrine of the one only living and true God, and hold them to it. Reflect, furthermore, that to secure this end much might then be done which, under the circumstances, would be at least excusable, that should not be done now. Fairness requires that we con- sider whether the custom originated with the Jews them- selves, and what was its spirit and purpose. Prominent mention is made in the lecture of polygamy in connection with the Jews, and one would infer from what he says that the custom of plurality of wives originated with them, and that it was a custom peculiar to them. This is his language: "Is there a woman here who believes in the institution of polygamy? Is there a man here who believes in that infamy? You say 'no, we do not.' Then you are better than your God was 4,000 years ago. Four thousand years ago he believed in it, taught it, and upheld it." The facts appear to be these: Polygamy has existed from time immemorial. Even in the Homeric age of the Greeks it prevailed to some extent, and, though not known in republican Rome, it practically prevailed under the Empire, owing to the prevalence of divorce; but in what we call the Eastern nations the custom has been almost universal, being sanctioned by all religions, including that of Mohammedanism. In this regard the Hebrews, to a cer- tain extent, followed the prevalent custom viz: the law of Moses did not forbid it, but did contain many provisions against its worst abuses, and such as were intended to 84 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. restrict it within narrow limits; and, as the spirit of the Hebrew religion advanced the civilization of the nation, the practice more and more fell into disuse, until it finally died out; and in the glimpses of Jewish life which the New Testament gives us, there are no traces of it discernible. Since the Hebrew race the world over, for some 2,000 years, has as much as any other people discountenanced such practices, though still firmly believing in Moses as the prophet of God, it is clear that they do not consider polyg- amy any part of the Jewish system, but a custom permit- ted for a season because so universally practiced by the surrounding nations. Doctor Ryder Propounds a Question. / But just here comes in a question of high importance. If there is nothing in Judaism to exalt woman and every reference to her in their sacred books is one of " humiliation and shame" how happens it that the Jews discarded the custom of polygamy some two thousand years ago, while the practice still prevails among the nations of the East, and notably in Mohammedanism, which, in so many respects, takes the external form of Judaism? The truth is, that great injustice has been done to the real religion of the Hebrews, by both Christians and unbelievers. "We have judged it too exclusively by the Mosaic law, and the mere letter of it at that. Real Judaism is not the Old Testament, but that which has come out of it the result of its growth, and the expansion of its inherent forces. Long before the advent of our Lord the Mosaic law had virtually given way to the Jewish religion, and it is that religion, the spirit of which in the beginning so largely came from the great law-giver himself that has had three thousand years of existence to certify its right to live, and which to-day assigns it a most honorable place among the religions of humanity. And in DR. RYDER'S PEPLT. 85 dismissing this branch of our subject, it seems pertinent to inquire, where did Moses obtain his religious ideas? The Egyptians had reached high advancement in the arts and sciences in the time of Moses, but their degradation in refer- ence to religion is unmistakable. It is said of Moses that he " was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds; " and he was no doubt greatly aided by what he had learned from them, but it seems too evident to admit of discussion that he did not get his religious ideas from that source. Whence came they? But, whatever may be our answer to this question, there can be, it seems to me, but one opinion as to the respect due to the illustrious religious leader who has made upon the race so profound an impression for good. The five specifications now before you cover the evidence we offer of the correctness of our general proposition, viz.: that the address upon " The Mistakes of Moses," is a con- spicuous illustration of prejudice and unfairness. Ingersoll Admits His Sad Need of Inspiration. . Col. Ingersoll uses this language: " Nothing needs inspir- ation but a falsehood or a mistake. A fact never went into partnership with a miracle." " A fact will fit every other fact in the universe, and that is how you can tell whether or not it is a fact." Suppose we test this rule. How about good and evil, truth and error, the mysterious and the evi- dent, divine sovereignty and human freedom, heat and cold, art and asceticism, economy and benevolence, government and freedom, each of which is an undisputed fact, but each two facts that we thus group together no more fit each other than the centripetal and centrifugal forces, which, acting in opposite directions, hold the universe together? My friends, there is a recognizable distinction between the knowable and unknowable. But the line that separates the two is 86 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. not sharply defined. The border land between'them seems sometimes near and at other times very far away. The realm beyond the knowable is the realm of mystery, and out of it come some of the most potential forces that sway our lives. What we call the knowable is those tilings that can be demonstrated can be proved to be true by a prac- tical method. But consider how small a portion of our real life is covered by any such form of real evidence. For neither our affections, nor our tastes, nor our judgments, nor our beliefs, nor our ambitions, nor the higher expres- sions of our moral natures, can be thus demonstrated. They do not in any way depend upon the classification of facts in nature, but are cognizable by our consciousness, and are so widely operative in our daily life, that it almost seems as if what we call the knowable never touches us at all. /" Science has nothing to say about, or to do with, either /morals, religion, benevolence, duty, or inspiration. The Vflources of life, the cause of thought, of affection, passion, hope, and love, are all incomprehensible to science, and Avill remain so till the end of time. "There is no science of the soul, any more than there is a prayer in mathematics.' 1 How utterly, then, does one misapprehend and misstate the real facts of human experience, who teaches that " nothing needs inspiration but a falsehood, or a mistake," and that one is to accept nothing as true which cannot be demonstrated. How much wiser and how much better are the words of St. Au- gustine, when he says: "God exists more truly than he can be thought of; He can be thought of more truly than he can be spoken of." For myself, I reverently believe that the Bible contains a revelation from God. 1 say contains a revelation from God, not that it is in itself such a revela- tion, for the Bible, as such, was not revealed. The inspira- tion that breathes through its pages is of some of the things written, but not of all; the inspiration is rather of the DR. RYDER'S REPLY. 87 . thought, purpose, the leadings of God, than of the letter in which they are expressed. There is, to my mind, no appeal from the words of Christ once satisfied that he uttered the sayings which are attributed to Him in the Gospels, and they are, to me at least, infallibly true, and literally "the words of eternal life." Ingersoll's " Religion of Humanity " All Right Except the Religion. \ The influence of such an address is to completely destroy ' the religious faith which the people now have, and give them nothing in return. It is true Mr. Ingersoll commends to his hearers " the religion of humanity." But what does he mean by it? The answer is, he means simply Atheism, which is virtually the rejection of all religion, since it is the denial of the beinor O f God himself. Now with God o dethroned, the name religion has no further use. What, then, is the religion of humanity to those who deny the existence of God, and leave everything either to chance or in- exorable law? One might infer from the assumption of these Atheistic teachers that free-thinkers are the only people who have any religion of humanity, or who practice it. The general impression made by the Colonel's lecture is that Christians are a bad lot mean, hypocritical, demented kind of folks; and that bright and progressive people, such as " have brains " (though it does not require a large supply of that article to qualify one to ridicule another person's religion) and " do their own thinking," reject all such absurdities as revealed religion, and are governed by some sort of a higher law. Now that this view of human nature, so complimentary and congenial, withal, is "quite taking" is very likely true. One likes to be patted on the back in this way, and be called " progressive," and not hide-bound like those old 38 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. fogies, and stupid theological graduates, and owlish minis- ters, and such sort of folks. But somehow it does not seem to stay upon the public stomach after it is taken. For this is just the kind of talk in which noisy infidels have indulged for the past 300 years. " Christianity is virtually extinct," they say, "and now we are to have a new order of things." But, for some reason, Christianity does not die, ,and the world moves forward in much the old way." truth is, some things seem very well as declamation that utterly elude you when you attempt to embody them in vital forms. As theories they look well, but in practice they are worthless. They are as beautiful as foam and just as substantial. Where are the monuments of free religion? In the struggle for religious liberty in France I recognize the powerful influence of Voltaire; and an advocacy of a true democracy in this country, very few, if any, did more by their pen than Thomas Pe the social position of an angel who will always admit that if another had not pitied him he ought to have been damned? Is it a compliment to an infi- nite God to say that every being He ever made deserved to be damned the minute He got him done, and that He will damn everybody He has not had a chance to make over? Is it possible that somebody else can be good for me, and that this doctrine of the atonement is the only anchor for the human soul? For instance: here is a man seventy years of age, who has been "MISTAKES OF MOSES." 117 splendid fellow and lived according to the laws of nature. He has got about him splendid children, whom he has loved and cared for with all his heart. But he did not happen to believe in this Bible; he did not believe in the Pentateuch. He did not believe that because some child- ren made fun of a gentleman who was short of hair, God sent two bears and tore the little darlings to pieces. He had a tender heart, and he thought about the mothers who would take the pieces, the bloody frag- ments of the children, and press them to their bosom in a frenzy of grief; he thought about their wails and lamentations, and could not believe that God was such an infinite monster. That was all he thought, but he went to Hell. Then, there is another man -who made a hell on earth for his wife, who had to be taken to the insane asylum, and his children were driven from home and were wanderers and vagrants in the world. But just between the last sin and the last breath, this fellow got religion, and he never did another thing except to take his medicine. He never did a solitary human being a favor, and he died and went to heaven. Do n't you think he would be astonished to see that other man in hell, and say to himself, " Is it possible that such a splendid character should bear such fruit, and that all my rascality at last has brought me next to God?" Or, let us put another ease. You were once alone in the desert no provisions, no water, no hope. Just when your life was at its lowest ebb, a man appeared, gave you water and food and brought you safely out. How you would bless that man. Time rolls on. You die and go to heaven ; and one day you see through the black night of hell, the friend who saved your life, begging for a drop of water to cool his parched lips. He cries to you, " Remember what I did in the desert give me to drink." How mean, how contemptible you would feel to see his suffering and be enable to relieve him. But this is the Christian heaven. We sit by the fireside and see the flames and the sparks fly np the chimney everybody happy, and the cold wind and sleet are beating on the window, and out on the doorstep is a mother with a child on her breast freezing. How happy it makes a fireside, that beautiful contrast. And we say " God is good," and there we sit, and she sits and moans, not one'night but for- ever. Or we are sitting at the table with our wives and children, every- body eating, happy and delighted, and Famine comes and pushes out its shriveled palms, and, with hungry eyes, implores us for a crust. How that would increase the appetite! And yet that is the Christian heaven. Don't you see that these infamous doctrines petrify the human heart? And 1 would have every one who hears me, swear that he will never con- tribute another dollar to build another church, in which is taught such infamous lies. 1 want every one of you to say that you never will, direct- 118 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. ly or indirectly, give a dollar to any man to preach that falsehood. It has done harm enough. It has covered the world with blood. 11 has filled the asylums for the insane. It has cast a shadow in the heart, in the sunlight of every good and tender man and woman. ] say let us rid the heavens of this monster, and write upon the dome " Liberty, love and law." No matter what may come to me or what may come to you, lot us do exactly what we believe to be right, and let us give the exact thought in our brains, leather than have this Christianity true, I would rather all the gods would destroy themselves this morning. I would rather the whole universe would go to nothing, if such a thing were possible, this instant. Rather than have the glittering dome of pleasure reared on the eternal abyss of pain, I would see the utter and eternal destruction of this universe. I would rather see the shining fabric of our universe crumble to unmeaning chaos, and take itself where oblivion broods and memory forgets. I would rather the blind Samson of some imprisoned force, re- leased by thoughtless chance, should so rack and strain this world I hat man in stress and straint, in astonishment and fear, should suddenly fall back to savagery and barbarity. 1 would rather that this thrilled and thrilling globe, shorn of all life, should in its cycles rub the wheel, the parent s.ar. on which the light should fall as fruitlessly as falls the gaze of love on death, than to have this infamous doctrine of eternal punish- ment true; rather than have this infamous selfishness of a heaven for a few and a hell for the many established as the word of God! One world at a time is my doctrine. Let us make some one happy here. Happiness is the interest that a decent action draws, and the more decent actions you do, the larger your income will be. Let every man try to make his wife happy, his children happy. Let every man try to make every day a joy, and God cannot afford to damn such a map. I cannot help God; 1 cannot injure God. I can help people; I can injure people. Consequently humanity is the only real religion. I cannot better close this lecture than by quoting four lines from Robert Burns: "To make a happy fireside clime To wiMiiis and wile That's tin- inn- |ulins and sublime Of liuiiiau life." MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL AS SHOWN BY REV. W. F. CRAFTS, BISHOP CHARLES E. CHENEY, CHAPLAIN C. C McCABE, D.D., ARTHUR SWAZEY, D.D., ROBERT COLLYER, D.D., FRED. PERRY POWERS, AND OTHERS. INCLUDING INGERSOLL'S LECTURE ON SKULLS, AND HIS ANSWER TO PROF. SWING, DR. RYDER, DR. HERFORD, DR. COLLYER, DR. THOMAS, DR. KOEHLER, AND OTHER CRITICS. ALSO INGERSOLL'S ORATION AT HIS BROTHER'S GRAVE, TOGETHER WITH HENRY WARD BEECIIER'S AND HON. ISAAC N. ARNOLD'S COMMENTS ON THE SAME. EDITED BY J. IB. CHICAGO: RHODES & McCLURE, PUBLISHERS. 1880. Not satisfied with his recent parade of the "Mistakes of Moses " before the Chicago public (which called forth our first book, entitled the " Mistakes of Ingersoll, as Shown By Prof. Swing and Others"), Mr. I. has since returned and delivered another lecture against the Bible and against his critics, Prof. Swing, Dr. Ryder, Dr. Ilcrford and Dr. Collyer. These last efforts of Mr. Ingersoll have called forth the present volume, in which will be found additional "Mistakes," as shown by Rev. "W. F. Crafts, who is the well-known successor of Dr. Tiffany in Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church; by Chaplain C. C. McCabe, Bishop Cheney, Arthur Swazey, D.D., Robert Collyer, D.D., whose names are all familar to the public; and by Fred Perry Powers, who is favorably identified with Chicago journalism. The " commendable fairness," mentioned by the press, in printing both the "text and replies " in the former volume? requires in this instance, also the text, which is given at the close and which includes Mr. Ingersoll's replies to Prof. Swing, Dr. Ryder, Brooke Ilerford and others. J. B. McCLURE. CHICAGO, May 17, 1879. Entered according; to Act ft Congreen, In the ycnr 1879, liy J. B. McCuriiK & R. S. Rue DES, in the Office of the Librarian of Congresx, at Washington, D. r. OTTAWAV & COMPANY, Printer*. UONOHUK it llKNNtBEURIT, Binders. PAGE. W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY ...... 7 Ingersollism Outlined "Ten Points" instead of " Five " Infi- del Protoplasm '. . . . . 7 First Point in the Ten Sepulchral Hoots of the Ingersoll Owl A Theological Rip Van Winkle .... 10 Ingersoll Mistakes a Part for the Whole Gross Misrepresenta- tions ........ 12 The Great Ingersoll Boomerang How it Works Further Mis- representations Examined ..... 13 Misrepresenting Bible Passages . . . 14 Sun and Moon Standing Still ..... 15 Hell 16 The Present vs. the Future ..... 17 Ingcrsoll's Horrible Estimate of Truth ... 19 The Bible the Best of Books, and Christ the Best of Men . 20 Something New if True Infidelity the Essential Factor in Pro- grcssive Civilization But Coleridge, Win. H. Seward, Bis- marck, and other Great Statesman can not see it Civilization goes only with Christianity .... 21 .Marvelous Power of Time and Circumstance Tragic Effect of Iso-thcrmal Lines Peoria Mud Necessarily the Seventh Heaven as Ingersoll Sees it . . . .24 Law is Ingersoll 's God ..... 26 Liberty and Infidelity What DC Tocqueville Says About it 26 Woman Ingcrsoll's Theory at Variance with Facts . . 27 Ingersoll's Theory of Childhood Some of His Little Stories The Whole Subject Carefully Examined Significant Incident in the Life of Abraham Lincoln .... 28 Ingersoll Says Christianity Fetters Thought The Bible and a Host of Distinguished Men Say Otherwise . . .82 A Cloud of Witnesses ..... 34 Jesus Christ ..... 87 Amazing Ignorance of Infidels Concerning the Scriptures Hume's Ignorance of the New Testament Tom Paine With- out a Bible 8 8 4 CONTENTS, Distributed Ignorance and Concentrated Hatred Probable Cause of Ingersoll's Infidelity . .... 89 The Trutk of the Whole Matter ..... 40 CHAPLAIN MCCABK'S REPLY . . . . .43 The'Famous Chaplain lias a Remarkable Dream He Sees ihe Great City of Ingersollville Which Ingersoll and the Infidel Host Enter And are Shut in for Six Months Remarkable Condition of Things Outside and Inside Happiness and Misery Ingersoll Finally Petitions for a Church and sends for a Lot of Preachers . . . . 43 DR. SWAZEY'S REPLY . . . . . 49 Momentary View of Col. Ingersoll Through the Doctor's Glass The Bible on the Meridian What the Doctor Sees in the Great Book . . . . . . .49 Occultation of Ingersoll's Good Sense General Survey of Deities Scope of Divine Revelation . . 51 The Great Central Figure Absolute Unity of the Bible System 53 The Bible Law of Development vs. Infidel Philosophy . 54 Common Sense View of the Subject How it Eliminates Polyg- amy, Slavery, Etc. ...... 56 More Common Sense The Great Ingersoll Orb Approaching the Nihilistic Belt Nebulae . ' . , . .58 DR. COLLYER'S REPLY . . . . . . 63 Dr. Collyer Relates a Little Story A Book that Cost Mr. Inger- soll the Governorship of Illinois The Volume Philosophically Considered Heavy Blows . . . . .63 Sparks Flying in all Directions Singular Mental Phenomenon Occasioned by $23,000 a Year . . . .64 The Clear Ring of Truth vc. the Dull Thud of the Baser Metal- Potency of Simple Statement The Doctor's Objections to Ingersoll's Talk . . . . . . 67 Putting the Fine Edge on Orthodoxy Taking a Weld with Prof. Swing and Dr. Thomas Borax and Bigotry . . 69 A Touching Illustration Eloquence and Truth Ilavelock's Saints . . . . . . . . 73 Atheism Not an Institution but a " Destitution ! " The True Life '.'.-' 74 FKI-.H. PERRY POWERS' REPLY .... 75 The Sinaitic Code Solvent Powers of the Historic Method Graphic Illustration of the Two Schools ... 75 CONTENTS. 5 Divine Adjustment of the Moral Law Progressive Elimination of Polygamy, Slavery, Etc. Mount Sinai and Mount Calvary 78 Purpose and Potency of the Mosaic Law ... 80 Excessive Wickedness and Proportionate Punishment The Court of Heaven vs. the Couit of Earth . .82 Able Bodied Mendacity and Civilization Love and Obedience 84 Mr. Powers' Pungent Peroration .... 85 BISHOP CHENEY'S REPLY . . . . . .89 How the Question of Forgery Applies to the Five Books of Moses ........ 89 The " Common Ground " of the Contending Parties Logical Po^i'ionof Ezra ....... 91 The Bishop PI anting Signals on the Mountain Tops of History Survey of t'.ie New Moses Air Line .... 92 Termination of ihc Great Air Line . . . .95 Genealogical Reflections, ..... 96 Cutting the Gordian Knot . . . . . .97 The Bishop's Challenge Moses and Ingersoll as Chronologists 99 Mud Calendars vs. Facts Some Sad and Sorrowful Scientific Figuring in the Sand . . ; . . . ' 101 A Mistake of Ingersol), Tom Paine & Co. Corrected Conclusion 103 INGERSOLL'S LECTURE ox SKULLS and his Replies to Prof. Swing, Dr. Ryder, Dr. Herford, Dr. Collyer, and Other Critics, . . 107 INOERFOLL AT His BROTHER'S GRAVE 146 Colonel Ingersoll's Fuueral Oration .... 147 HENKY WARD BEECHER'S Comments on Mr. Ingersoll's Faith, and Funeral Discourse ...... 148 HON. ISAAC N. ARNOLD'S Comments on Ingersoll's Funeral Oration ........ 160 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL AS SHOWN BY W. F. CRAFTS, CHAPLAIN McCABE, ARTHUR SWAZEY, D. D. ROBERT COLLYER, D. D. F. P. POWERS, BISHOP CHENEY, AND OTHERS. ALSO INCLUDING INGERSOLL'S LECTURE IN FULL ON "SKULLS," AND HIS RE- PLIES TO PUOF. SWING, W. II. RYDER, BROOKE HERFORD, AND OTHER CRITICS. W. F. CRAFTS' HEPLY. Ingersollism Outlined " Ten Points " instead of " Five "Infidel Protoplasm. "I WAR with principles, not with men" the motto of Webster in political debates should be the law in all con- flicts of ideas, especially in the realm of religion. It ia not of the person, Mr. Ingersoll, that I speak, but rather of the principles of which he is the most popular spokes- man, and which make up that shallowest, but loudest Jericho book of infidelity's bitter waters which begins in a few tears of pretended martyrdom to love of truth ; spat- ters the mud of epithets upon Christians, while condemn- ing that very vice in a part of the Church in less advanced 7 8 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. ages; babbles shallowly along its little channel about law as an almighty executive, as if the rails that give direction to a train took the place of the engine that draws it; winds very crookedly through the Old Testament, avoiding every passage except those few that can be used for ridicule; plows still more crookedly through church history, shun- ning every part except the unchristian swamps of bigotry and superstition; keeps up the same snaky crookedness in its passage through religion of to-day, hurrying noisily among only the few rocky and marshy places, where it can find the reptiles of superstition and error; passes with great dash of spray along the audacious theory that Christian civilization is the result of anti-Christian forces; plunges with loud roar of waters down its claim that infidelity is the only liberator of man, woman, and child; and still flow- ing within its narrow little channel babbles of itself as an emancipated ocean of untrammeled thought. These characteristics of the brook are the ten points of Ingersollisra. I have read and re-read, carefully, the nine published lectures of Mr. Ingersoll on religious themea, besides hearing the one entitled " Skulls," and every one of them has something on each of these ten points of his fixed and unchanging creed, and not one or all has anything beyond these ten " doctrines" for he often uses the words, " That is my doctrine." "While attacking creeds of the Church he holds and urges all to believe his own unformu- lated but distinct creed, offering in place of the " five points of Calvinism " the ten points of Ingersollism, the latter occurring as regularly in every one of his lectures in this age as the former did a century ago in the sermons of Cal- vinists, which he ridicules for their sameness. / What is this frightful monster that we call "a creed?" / Simply a statement of what one believes. Every man, t unless he is an idiot, lias a creed in which ho agrees W. F. CRAFTS 1 REPLY. 9 with somebody. The only question is to find by " reason, observation, and experience," which is the best. It would hardly be considered bigotry for a scientist to believe a few things as a creed of fixed scientific truths which no progress can ever erase, for instance, the rotund- ity and revolution of the earth, the attraction of the planets upon each other, and scores of other things which every scientist has held for many years unchanged, and is 6ure are unchangeable because proved conclusively. There are some certainties in the science of religion, such as are referred to in the Apostles' Creed, which may, without any greater bigotry, be considered as proved and established. The Christian Church of to-day does not generally insist upon anything further than these few concrete facts of the Apostles' Creed " as essentials " in Christian belief. When Evangelical churches shout their watchword, " In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity," it is as if a company of scientists should say, "On proved facts we will all agree, but in the realms of hypothesis and opinion, we will agree to disagree." But the special point we wish to notice is, that Mr. Ingersoll attacks creed with creed. lie is as bigoted a par- tisan of his own creed as ever called hard names. The very lieart of his creed seems to be the belief that his mission is to destroy the creed of everybody else. It is a suggestive fact that the naturally-gifted mind of Mr. Ingersoll, who declares that godless and soulless mate- rialism is the emancipator and inspirer of thought, should be able, in all the years which these ten lectures represent, to produce but ten ideas, the same ten ideas which made ii]) his earliest lecture, years ago, appearing successively in each of the succeeding lectures, including that of to-day, there being no change save in the cap and bells of his jokes. Heading these ten ideas over and over for as many 10 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. hours in going through these lectures, brought back a ludicrous scene in our college burial of mathematics when fifteen notes of Ploy el's hymn were played dolefully over and over again for nearly an hour, as marching music. In reading these lectures, which arc but ten combinations C3 * and permutations of ten ideas, one is reminded also of tho lecturer's own illustration of the boarding house keeper, who, for years, had no change of diet from hash, for every lecture is the same hash of ten ideas, changed only in . the name and in the order of putting in the ten elements. ARTICLE I. First Point in the Ten Sepulchral Hoots of the Ingersoll Owl A Theological Rip Van Winkle. As in the beet hash of New England the blood red beet predominates and gives color to the whole, so the principal element in these lectures against Christianity is the blood -Of past persecutions by a corrupt part of tho Church, for /which true Christianity has no more responsibility than a / loyal colonel in our war of 1770, or 1SG1, for the robberies ! and crimes of camp-followers or traitors. In every published lecture on religion, Mr. Ingersoll deliberately cites tho acts of tho Benedict Arnolds of the Christian army as repre- senting the Washingtons and Grants. He describes past counterfeits of religion as specimens of its accepted cur- , Tency. It is as if one should attack present astronomers by relating ridiculous stories of the old astrologers, or assail present physicians by quoting the strange practices of tho ancient alchemists. In one lecture a fair representative of all in this respect I found that in forty-three pages only two did not con- tain these stale references to past persecutions, except a few pages given to the trial of Professor Swing, which were equally stale as assailing chiefly abandoned features of W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY. 11 human Calvinism. Past errors and follies of the human Calvinism, human Catholicism, and heathen religions are constantly spoken of as if vital elements of Christianity. Mr. Ingersoll ought to have a hymn to sing at the open- ing and close of his lectures, made on the pattern of that one whose first verse is: Go on, go on, go on, go on, Go on, go 0:1, go on, Go on, go on, go on, go on, Go on, go on, go on, with forty-two verses more of the same, substituting " past persecutions," instead of "go on," which is too progressive for a "go-back" lecture. Mr. Ingcrsoll is a Rip Van Winkle in theology, who seems to have slept ever since the days of persecution. He is a Sancho Panza who assails imaginary foes of his own making, and thinks he has captured the golden helmet of Christianity when he has only secured the abandoned brass kettle of old traditions and discarded superstitions. He is a Falstaff killing the dead Percy of past follies. His lectures bustle with the antiquated and misused words "priests," " dark ages," " witches," " fagots," " religious wars," " church fathers," "damned infants," "martyrs," "gods," etc., as if he were speaking in a heathen land, and also in some dead century. And he uses the past tense so exclusively in his " progressive " lectures that one would suppose English as well as Hebrew had no present tense. It must have been Mr. Ingersoll, in his boyhood, that came from his first hunt crying, "I've shot a cherub," having mistaken an owl for a cherub, because of the wretched pictures of the latter on the old grave stones. Mr. Ingersoll logically destroys some Church owl of the dark ages, and beranse it corresponds with his own carica- ture of the Church thinks ho has dethroned Christianity 12 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL, itself. Like Poe's " raven " who had but one word, " Never- more," Mr. Ingersoll is continually crying in the ears of the present that worn-out strain about abuses which we all condemn, *' Galileo-Servetus, Galileo-Servctus." This ten-idea champion of popular materialism, while talking of progress and condemning those who hold fast to things of the pa;-t, is nevertheless so largely devoted to showing his carefully preserved martyr-mummies from the long-past ages of persecution, that we find Mark Twain's question constantly arising at each new charge against Christianity: "Is he is lie dead?" and we are also tempted to cry out for a " fresh corpse " in place of these very dry and dead mummies of past abuses. To paraphrase the lecturer's own words, we want one pres- ent fact. We pass our hats through the lectures in vain for some present facts against pure Christianity, which he assumes to assail and overthrow. There is far more excuse for Thomas Paine, in an age when the old Calvinistic errors were largely held, and for Voltaire, surrounded by the superstitions of Romanism, misunderstanding Christianity, than for this modern lecturer, who very well knows that the caricatures which he represents as Christianity are very old pictures of its ancient camp-followers. ARTICLE II. Ingersoll Mistakes a Part for the Whole Gross Misrepresen- tations. Article Second of Ingersollism, like unto the first, but with present instead of past tense, is about as follows: Christianity to-day is proved to be false by the present errors and abuses that arc found in some of the churches. Romish superstitions and the errors of those who have grossly misinterpreted the Bible ao a support of slavery, polygamy, etc., are continually used by this champion of W. P. CRAFTS' REPLY. IS " liberty of thought," and " charity " and " brotherhood," as representing true Christianity to-day, whicli is quite as honorable as if a man should attack the principles of med- icine by citing the tricks of quacks. An examination of the hull of the Great Eastern found adhering to the iron- plates of the bottom an enormous multitude of mussels, whose weight is estimated at three hundred tons. The great ship has been carrying on her hull a burden equal to full cargoes for six or eight sailing ships. Suppose I should show you a few of those barnacles as specimens of what the Great Eastern is made of, and then denounce its builders as fools? Mr. Ingersoll is constantly confounding barnacles of some " church " with Christian- ity. Suppose I should take the belts and whips of torture J that are used by Romanists in Mexico and show them in lectures as specimens of the barbarism of Congregational- ists and Methodists? It is certainly most palpable unfair- ness for Mr. Ineersoll to use the word "gods'' indiscrimi- o o nately of heathen and Christian objects of worship, and to employ the words, " The Church," as if there were no false or true, past or present in connection with it, and as if its meaning were as much a unit as " The Moon." So also he unfairly classes all ministers as "priests." It would be quite as fair to speak of all "medicine men," past and present, savage and civilized, under the words, " The Doctors." ARTICLE III. The Great Ingersoll Boomerang How it Works Further Mis- representations Carefully Examined. Far less prominent, but ever present, is the third element in Ingersollism an oft-recurring moan " Infidels to-day are martyrs at whom men cast epithets, but not ballots." The defeated infidel politician appears as regulaiiy and 14 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. revengefully in every lecture (indirectly, of course) as the misanthropic Byron shows himself in each of his poems as the real hero under the various names of " Childe Harold " " Don Juan," " Corsair," etc. lie who cries out against the past for calling infidels by hard names hurls in the more kindly present more anathemas than any other Pope. " You are an infidel." u Tou're a bigot ! Arn't you ashamed to be calling names, you old hypocrite?" In this debate of Mr. Ingersoll's bigotry with the big- otry of the past, a printer might fitly misprint the "pros and cons," " pigs and cows." It is like the English lady who criticised an American friend for saying, at a mistake in croquet, "What a horrid scratch," and when asked what would have been better, replied, "You might have said, 'What a beastly fluke." 3 It is not strange that the people will not elect to represent them in politics, one who so audaciously misrepresents them, as docs Air. Ingersoll in nearly every attempt to declare the belief of Christians. Misrepresenting Bible Passages. , Dr. Ryder, Prof. Swing, and Dr. Ilerford, have abund- antly shown his numerous and inexcusable misrepresenta- tions of Bible passages, to which may be added another more atrocious, if possible, the implication that the perse- cutions of Saul of Tarsus, and the adulteries of Solomon, are a part of the Christian system, and also that Jephthali really killed his daughter as a sacrifice, which the Bible does not declare, nor any Christian believe, and the mis- interpretation of the passage about women keeping silence in the churches, which the Christian Church of to-day con- siders of only temporary force, a command to Corinth, and not to Christendom, no more binding upon us tlum Paul's request that Timothy should bring his cloak that was left W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY. 15 at Troas. It is a kindred misrepresentation to say the assertion that those who tortured the martyrs were the same ones who made the Bible an assertion which his- tory clearly refutes, as the Old Testament was ar- ranged in its present form 388 B. C., and the New Testament was collected as it is at present before the days of persecution by the church began. It is also a misrepresentation, not only of the Bible, out of the common principles of interpretation in every department of literature, to intimate that an explanation of passages as poetic and figurative, is unfair and begging the question. Suppose we should put a literal interpreta- tion upon the tropical figures of Mr. Ingersoll's eloquence, and when ho speaks of the sun's rays " as arrows from the q-.-.ivcr of the sun," declare him an ignorant idolater, who thinks the sun an intelligent being who has caught the passion for archery. Sun and Moon Standing Still. It is equally absurd for him to interpret the poem about the sun and moon standing still by the rules of prose. Mr. Ingersoll also says, poetically: "Think of that wonderful chemistry by which bread was changed into the divine tragedy of Ilamlet." Suppose we should interpret that sentence as fact rather than figure, and say that Mr. Ingpr- 6oll believes that by tho combination of certain liquids and solids in the chemist's retort this marvelous literary pro- duction was created! It would be quite as reasonable as to insist upon absolute literalness in the bold figures of Oriental eloquence and poetry. Mr. Ingersoll also misrepresents the Christian's Sunday in the home, speaking of it as "a day too good for a child to be happy in," saying: " The idea, that any God would hate to hear a child laugh." "We all know (?) that in the 1 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. Christian homes of to-day the smiles and laughter of childhood are strictly forbidden, and any one who smiles in church is carried out by the police (?). Hell. Especially does Mr. Ingersoll continually and grossly {misrepresent Christianity in regard to the conditions by which men are believed to bring themselves to Hell. Hear him: " It is infinitely absurd to suppose that a God would address a communication to intelligent beings, and yet make it a crime, to be punished in eternal flames, for them to use their intelligence for the purpose of understanding /' His communication. Neither can they show why any one should be punished, either in this world or another, for acting honestly in accordance with reason; and yet a doc- trine with every possible argument against it has been, and still is, believed and defended by the entire orthodox world. If I should say ninety-nine in a hundred go down \ to Hell, I should have the support of the entire orthodox world. You can see for yourselves the justice of damn- ing a man if his parents happened to baptize him in the wrong way. Think of a God who will damn his children for the expression of an honest thought!" \ Few, if any, intelligent Christians teach that a man must accept their denominational creed in all its details in order to be saved, as the careless critics of Christianity so often assert, but rather all evangelical Christians repeat the New Testament conditions of salvation, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," and declare nega- tively, not as has been said by Mr. Ingersoll, said by infidels, that all who do not believe will not bo saved, but rather in the words of Martin Luther, " No man shall die in his sins, except him who, through disbelief, thrusts from him the forgiveness of sin, which in the name of Jesus is W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY. 17 offered him." It is the firm of Ignorance and Bigotry that declare that evangelical Christianity teaches that a man can not be saved who does not believe in its statement of the Trinity and its interpretations of the Bible. He also utterly misrepresents the Christian conception of saving faith as ignoring reason and action, both of which it includes, and as resting chiefly on a book or a creed as its end, rather than on the person, Christ. Every church teaches that intelligent faith and faithfulness toward Christ x {not creeds in detail) is the condition of salvation. " Faith," \ says Bishop "Wightman, "believes on competent testi- mony what it could not otherwise know." Or, as Dr. / Arnold says: " Faith is reason leaning on God." Reason/ is the foundation of belief. The Present vs. the Future. Another of the almost countless misrepresentations of religion by Mr. Ingersoll, is the frequent statement that Christianity is wholly devoted to the future, and ignores man's present needs, which reminds us that it was Thomas Paine (?) and not the Bible that said, "Pure religion and unde- filed before God the Father, is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." And you have all observed that the organized societies and benevolences, by which orphans, and the aged, and the helpless, are aided in asy- lums and refuges, were not (?) established by this Chris- tianity which " ignores man's present needs, and devotes itself exclusively to the future." Christian ministers never preach on combining works with faith, or showing charac- ter by conduct, or loving their neighbors as themselves. Mr. Ingersoll declares that a little restitution is better than a great deal of repentance, and we have noticed that when Ingersoll has delivered a lecture or two in our large cities, 2 18 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. those among his hearers who have defrauded others have, at once, begun the work of restitution (?) by sending back the money they had stolen from employers, creditors and customers. (?) Mr. Moody, who preaches repentance as well as restitution, of course (?) has no such results follow- ing his work, as he proclaims the Christianity whose entire interest is in the future life. (?) You smile at this practical test of Mr. Ingersoll's theory, in view of the fact that wo have no record of a single instance where one of his lectures has led to the restitution of stolen property; while such cases are constantly occurring in connection with the work of Mr. Moody and other Christians. Several very notable ones have come under my own immediate notice. It is an equally astounding, barefaced misrepresentation, or to put it in fewer letters, false, when lie states that all of the orthodox religion of the day is Calvinistic. Part of the so-called Calvinistic churches are not Calvinistic in the usual sense of the word, and we had fondly dreamed that there was such a body of Christians as Methodists who are distinctly anti-Calvinistic, and hold the first place in num- bers among Protestant Churches in America. It is also a misrepresentation to say, " Whoever thinks he has found it all out, he is orthodox," for every orthodox pulpit constantly preaches the duty of growth, intellectual and spiritual. Mr. Ingcrsoll declares that Protestants to- day would persecute, as in the past, if they had the power, a statement in which he assumes the role of the prophet, and shows the profundity of his insight into the spirit of Christianity to-day, which binds up the broken-hearted and ministers to the troubled arid sorrowing. It is cunning sophistry to say that every one is opposed to the union of Church and state, because they know that the Church could not be trusted with power, a statement which obtains its force by suppressing the very important fot, that the W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY. 19 Church when united with political power draws into itself unprincipled politicians, and becomes entirely a different body through the opportunities it offers to selfishness and ambition. It is also a misrepresentation to say that " Prot- estants stand up for Protestant persecutors of the past," for all Protestant churches of to-day condemn the burning of Servetus and such acts as much as any one. It is also \ a misrepresentation by holding back half tho truth to tell \ us of that base or mistaken element of the Church that made the rack and not of that other noble element of the Church that was upon the rack, for the martyrs were sel- dom if ever infidels. Ingersoll's Horrible Estimate of Truth. Mr. Ingersoll, in his recent lecture on " Skulls," twice said that truth was not worth a little suffering, that one had better lie or recant than suffer a little pain, or lose a drop of blood. He would " turn Judas Iscariot to his own soul " to save a thumb. This significant item as to his whole estimate cf truth helps us to account for the whole- sale manufacture of falsehoods in his lectures. Mr. Ingersoll's most gross misrepresentation is the habitual custom of telling only one side of a fact, quoting difficult Bible passages but never sublime ones, bad cus- toms of the Church but never good ones, defects in Chris- tians but never excellences. When Mr. Ingersoll speaks of " a lawyer whipping his child for holding back part of the truth," he describes his own partisan and one-sided method, as Professor Swing has shown, attacking Christian- ity as the hired attorney of infidelity, or the hired cam- paigner of the anti-Christian party who is to present only one side. This, too, from a man who claims that infidelity unfetters thought and broadens mind. 20 MISTAKES OF 1NGERSOLL. The Bible the Best of Books, and Christ the Best of Men. Mr. Ingersoll also misrepresents the differences among the various forms of Christianity. All men of broad scholarship of the last and best century who have written in religion, both skeptics and Christians, agree on two things the Bible as the best of books, and Christ as the best of men. So much at least may be said to be indorsed by all scholarship, and when a man rests down upon these two truths as proved and established, and follows them out into the truths to which they lead, he will not be likely to go far astray, for if Christ is confessedly the greatest and best of men, the "Teacher sent from God," then His teachings are to be accepted, and those teachings are the foundations of all essential Christianity; and if the Bible is the best of books, the moral and spiritual guide of man, then its teachings are to be carefully read and deeply regarded, and all who take this book as life's guide book will be led into all truths of Christianity that are funda- mental and important. All Christians, Romanists and Protestants, agree that Christ is the living embodiment and pattern of Christian manhood, and that the Bible, at least, contains the " Word of God." All evangelical Christians agree on that broad and simple platform of the Apostles Creed, and declare not "many," but one way to Heaven, and that not by " believing an incomprehensible creed," but by faith and faithfulness of intellect, will, heart and life, toward tho person, Jesus Christ. Two quotations fairly represent all (the evangelical churches on this matter. Bishop Whipple, an Episcopalian, recently remarked, " As the grave grows nearer, my theology is growing strangely simple, and it begins and ends with Christ, as the only refuge for the lost," Dr. Alexander, of Princeton, a Presbyterian, when W. P. CRAFTS 1 REPLY. 21 dyiag said; U A11 my theology is reduced to this narrow compass, ' Jesus Christ came into the world to save sin- nera.' " Mr. Ingersoll, misrepresents the most familiar facts when he says, " Just in proportion as the human race has advanced, the church has lost power. There is no exception to this rule." It is a fact so familiar that every intelligent child knows it, that Christianity was never so powerful in the world, as to-day never had so many fol- lowers. By the multiplied agencies of church work, six thousand are converted per day two Pentecosts every twenty-four hours. Mr. Ingersoll misrepresents not only the Bible and church history, by leaving out all that would not help his theories, and stating one half the truth, but he also mis- represents the Declaration of Independence as "retiring God from politics," as if the words were not there, "the station to which the laws of nature, and nature's God entitle them," " All men are endowed by their Creator with cer- tain inalienable rights " " and for the support of this declaration, and in a firm reliance upon Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." It is surely infinitely absurd to expect a man broadly and truly to represent us in politics, who so inexcusably and grossly misrepresents us in religion. ARTICLE IV. Something New if True Infidelity the Essential Factor in Pro- gressive Civilization But Coleridge, Wm. H. Seward, Bismarck, and other great Statesmen can not see it Civilization goes only with Christianity. The fourth article in Ingersollism is as follows: " The civilization of this country is not the child of faith, but of unbelief the result of free thought. But for the efforts of a few brave infidels, the church would have taken the 22 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. world back to the midnight of barbarism." How ignorant we have all been! Luther, who led Europe out of the Dark Ages, was not, it seems, a child of faith, but of free thought (?) and Paul also, who brought civilization into barbarous Europe, peopled with savage tribes, as described by Julius Caesar in his Commentaries. The transformation of savage Gaul and Britain into civilized France and England was accomplished by the efforts of unbelief." (?) Long ago, Christianity had a contest with Atheism. Pan- theism, and Culture, as to which was the best civilizer. Christianity selected Europe, and gave the other three con- testants Asia, with several centuries the start. Atheism, or Buddhism, which ignores all spiritual things and devotes itself to the present life, has operated for thousands of years in India. Pantheism, or Brahminism, made its experiment in the same country; and Culture obtained exclusive control of China, ruling both church and state, As a result, in accordance with Mr. Ingersoll's theory, these elements of Ingersollism have developed a lofty civiliza- tion (?) in China and India, given education to woman, torn away the veil of her slavish seclusion, made her the equal of man, treated female infants as honorably as the boys, developed a high morality in the community, and supplied the world with its standard literature, its foremost science, and its chief inveiitions.(?) On the other hand, Christianity came into barbarous Europe a dozen centuries later, caused the degradation and enslavement of women and children, (?) repressed scientific investigation, (?) prevented invention, (?) checked thought, (?) and thus hin- dered literary activity, and, by the barbarism of the Bible, " brought bondage to man, woman, and child " in body and brain.(?) If the facts do not correspond to these legitimate deductions from Mr. Ingersoll's theories as to the effect of W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY. 23 atheistic culture, on the one hand, and Christianity, on the other, upon national life, so much the worse for the facts. Mr. Ingersoll says much against the wars of Christian nations. He forgets that peace societies and arbitration were never known outside of Christianity, and that wars in Christian lands are the gradually disappearing remains of previous barbarism. He talks of science and invention as opening up this era! How does it happen that all this is in Christian rather than in heathen lands? He talks of charity and benevolence of infidels! "Why is it that all benevolent societies are Christian, and that Thomas Paine halls can not be supported? He talks of liberty of speech and thought and government! "Why is it that such liberty is only found in Christian countries? He has much to say of the barbarous age of dug-outs, tom-toms, and wooden plows! Has he not seen in the World's Expositions these very things as representing nations to-day, that have not risen from their primitive degradation and ignorance because Christianity has not yet reached them? As to the relation of the Bible to civilization, Samuel Taylor Coleridge declares that " for more than a thousand jears the Bible, collectively taken, has gone hand in hand with civilization, science, law, in short, with moral and intellectual cultivation, always supporting, and often lead- ing the way." William H. Seward says, "The whole hope of human progress is suspended on the ever-growing influence of the Bible." Bismarck utters a similar sentiment, as quoted in his recent biography: " How, without faith in a revealed religion, in a God who wills what is good, in a Supreme Judge, and a future life, men can live together harmoniously each doing his duty and letting every one else to do his I do not understand." Similar sentiments are uttered by 24 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. the leading statesmen of all lands, the unanimous verdict of statesmanship being that civilization can not be carried forward without Christianity. ARTICLE V. Marvelous Power of Time and Circumstance Tragic Effect ot Iso-thermal Lines Peoria Mud Necessarily the Seventh Heaven as Ingersoll Sees it. The fifth article of Ingersoll ism is, that gods and men are but evolutions of matter and circumstance, the differ- ence between heathen gods and the Christian's God being- the result of a difference in their worshippers, and the dif- ference in men being the result of varying soils and sur- roundings. He says : " No god was ever in advance of the nation that created him." In answer to this last statement, which is true, of course, of all imaginary deities, but not of the One True God, it is only necessary to ask any candid and intelligent man to read the description of God given in the Bible, where both Testaments declare Him to be " merciful and gracious, long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth, but will by no means spare the guilty," and then say whether this God is nothing more than the reflec- tion of the stiff-necked and perverse people who held to this- conception of Deity. The fact is, God as described in the Bible is infinitely loftier and purer than the Jewish people,. or any people of any age. It is still more absurd, if pos- sible, for Mr. Ingersoll to assert that " men are but the- creatures of their surroundings, made what they arc wholly by material causes, such as soil and climate." It is OTIC of the characteristic contradictions of history, such as are found BO frequently in Mr. Ingersoll's lectures, when he asserts that great minds have never been found except in the " lands of respectable winters," with the intimation that no great achievements in art or literature are possible iu warm W. F. CRAFTS' REPLY. 25 Oriental lands. As if Babylon, and Nineveh, and Egypt had not been in early ages the universities of the world. Carlyle must have been very ranch deceived when he declared Job of the Oriental land of Uz to bo the greatest poet the world has known. Mohammed of those warm lands was certainly great, even though wrong, and scores of others, equally eminent, might be mentioned, although, of course,, it is evident that greatness of men or peoples in tropical lands is rather in spite of circumstances than by their help. Mr. Ingersoll in his lecture on "Man, Woman, and Child," speaking of one of these warm countries as the rep- resentative of all, says: "You might go there with five thousand Congregational preachers, five thousand deacons,, five thousand professors in colleges, five thousand of the- solid men of Boston and their wives, settle them all, and you will see the second generation riding upon a mule bare- back, no shoes, a grapevine whip, with a rooster under each arm going to a cock fight on Sunday. Such is the influence of climate." But like most of Mr. Ingersoll's theories, this one is unfortunately the direct opposite of facts. The Sandwich Islands have all these disadvantages of climate, and fifty years ago were plunged in the deepest barbarism,, with all the vices of savage life; but to-day, as all well- informed persons know, they are as truly civilized as any land, with industries, education, protection of life and property, equal to what is found in our own favored coun- try. And this is all due, as King Kalikua said in New York, to the Christianizing of his people. Indeed, Mr. Ingersoll contradicts his own theory as to the dependence of the individual upon surroundings in his lectures on Ilumboldt and Paine, both of whom he represents as becoming great in spite of surroundings that would natu- rally have led in the opposite direction, thus involuntarily recognizing something in man deeper than mere physical evolution. 26 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. The whole absurd theory of individuals and nations being wholly dependent upon soil, and climate, and surroundings for their character, is fairly represented in the following incident: " Pa," said a little six-year old, " what makes me grow ?" " "Why, the bread and potato I feed you with." " Does potatoes make our pig grow, too ?" " Yes." " Then, what makes him be a pig and me be a boy?" That boy's simple question explodes all the theories of evolution. ARTICLE VI. Law is Ingersoll's God. The sixth article of Ingersollism is, of course, this could not be the man. The procession came near enough for me to recognize- some of the faces. I noted two infidel editors of national celebrity, followed by great wagons containing steam presses. There were also five members of Congress. All the noted infidels and scoffers of the country seemed to be there. Most of them passed in unchallenged by tho sentinel, but at last a meek-looking individual with a white necktie approached, and he was stopped. I saw at a glanco- it was a well-known " liberal " preacher of New York. " Do you believe ia the Lord Jesus?" said the sentinel. " Not much!" said the doctor. Everybody laughed, and he was allowed to pass in. There were artists there, with glorious pictures; singers, with ravishing voices; tragedians and comedians, whose names have a world- wide fame. Then came another division of the infidel host saloon- keepers by thousands, proprietors of gambling hells, brothels,, and theatres. Still another division swept by: burglars, thieves, thugs, incendiaries, highwaymen, murderers all all inarching in. My vision grew keener. 1 beheld, and lo! Satan him- self brought up the rear. High afloat above the mass was a banner on which was inscribed: " What has Christianity done for the country?" and anotlier on which was inscribed: "Down with the churches! Away with Christianity it interferes with our happiness!" And then came a murmur of voices, that grew louder and louder until a shout went up like the roar of Niagara: "Away with Him! Crucify Him, crucify Him!" I felt no desire now to enter Ingersollville. As the last of the procession entered, a few men and women, with broad -brim mod hats and plain bonnets, made CHAPLAIN McCABE'S REPLY. 45 their appearance, and wanted to go in as missionaries, but they were turned rudely away. A zealous young Metho- dist exhorter, with a Bible under his arm, asked permission to enter, but the sentinel swore at him awfully. Then I thought I saw Brother Moody applying for admission, but he was refused. I could not help smiling to hear Moody say, as he turned sadly away: " Well! they let me live and work in Chicago; it is very strange they won't let me into Ingersollville." The sentinel went inside the gate and shut it with a bang; and I thought, as soon as it was closed, a mighty angel came down with a great iron bar, and barred the gate on the outside, and wrote upon it in letters of fire, " Doomed to live together six months." Then he went away, and all was silent, except the noise of the revelry and shouting that came from within the city walls. I went away, and as I journeyed through the land I could not believe my eyes. Peace and plenty smiled everywhere. The jails were all empty, the penitentiaries were without occupants. The police of great cities were idle. Judges sat in court-rooms with nothing to do. Business was brisk. Many great buildings, formerly crowded with criminals, were turned into manufacturing establishments. Just about this time the President of the United States called for a Day of Thanksgiving. I attended services in a Presby- terian Church. The preacher dwelt upon the changed con- dition of affairs. As he went on, and depicted the great prosperity that had come to the country, and gave reasons for devout thanksgiving, I saw one old deacon clap his handkerchief over his mouth to keep from shouting right out. An ancient spinster, who never did like the "noisy" Methodists a regular old blue-stocking Presbyterian couldn't hold in. She expressed the thought of every heart by shouting with all her might, "Glory to God for Inger- 46 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. sollville!" A young theological student lifted up his hand and devoutly added, " Esto perpetua" Everybody smiled. The country was almost delirious with joy. Great pro- cessions of children swept along the highways, singing, " We'll not give up the Bible, God's blessed Word of Truth." Vast assemblies of reformed inebriates, with their wives and children, gathered in the open air. No building would hold them. I thought I was in one meeting where Bishop Simpson made an address, and as he closed it a mighty shout went up till the earth rang again. O, it was won- derful ! and then we all stood up and sang with tears of joy, " All hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all." The six months had well-nigh gone. I made iny way back again to the gate of Ingersollville. A dreadful silence reigned over the city, broken only by the sharp crack of a revolver now and then. I saw a man trying to get in at the- gate, and I said to him, " My friend, where are you from?'* " I live in Chicago," said he, " and they've taxed us to death there; and I've heard of this city, and I want to go- in to buy some real estate in this new and growing place." He failed utterly to remove the bar, but by some means he got a ladder about twelve feet long, and with its aid, he climbed up upon the wall. With an eye to business, he shouted to the first person ho saw: " Hallo, there ! what's the price of real estate in Inger- sollville ?" "Nothing !" shouted a voice; "you can have all yon want if you'll just take it and pay the taxes." " What made your taxes so high?" said the Chicago man. I noted the answer carefully; I shall never forget it. CHAPLAIN McCABE'S REPLY. 47 " We've had to build forty new jails and fourteen peni- tentiaries a lunatic asylum and an orphan asylum in every ward; we've had to disband the public schools, and it takes all the city revenue to keep up the police force." ""Where's my old friend, I ?" said the Chicago man. " O, he is going about to-day with a subscription paper to build a church. They have gotten up a petition to send out for a lot of preachers to come and hold revival services. If we can only get them over the wall, we hope there's a future for Ingersollville yet." The six months ended. Instead of opening the door, however, a tunnel was dug under the wall big enough for one person to crawl through at a time. First came two bankrupt editors, followed by Colonel I himself; and then the whole population crawled through. Then I thought, somehow, great crowds of Christians surrounded the city. There was Moody, and Hammond, and Earle, and hundreds of Methodist preachers and exhorters, and they struck up, singing together, " Come, ye sinners, poor and needy." A needier crowd never was seen on earth before. I conversed with some of the inhabitants of the aban- doned city, and asked a few of them this question: " Do you believe in Hell?" I can not record the answers; they were terribly orthodox. One old man said, " I've been there on probation for six months, and I don't want to join." I knew by that he was an old Methodist backslider. The sequel of it all was a great revival, that gathered in a mighty harvest from the ruined City of Ingersollville. [Photographed by Moshet-.] DR. aWAZEY'8 REPLY. 49 DR. SWAZEY'S REPLY. Momentary View of Col. Ingersoll Through the Doctor's Glass The Bible on the Meridian What the Doctor Sees in the Great Book. THE genial, eloquent, sensational, unfair, evasive Colonel Ingcrsoll has come and gone. Nobody has been alarmed. But out of 400,000 people a large audience was found to laugh with him at Moses and the Bible. He eschewed argument altogether. He did not attempt to instruct any- body. He had only a campaign speech to make against God. This article is simply an invitation to any fair- minded doubter to consider the reasonableness of a laugh at the Christian's Bible. Is this book a bad book, or a silly book, just fit for jeer and sarcasm ? Take a common- sense view. In order to do so, it is necessary to take a common-place view, to bring to the foreground that which all assailants like to leave in the background, namely, that the Bible teaches by commandment and Drecept only that which is pure and good. Relating to man's duty to himself, it teaches personal purity, sexual and otherwise; temperance in meats, drinks, opinions and ambition, responsibleness for inclinations, thoughts and actions; a paramount love for the truth; courage and hopefulness in all lawful purposes; self-im- provement, and a cheerful enjoyment of the good things of life. Relating to man's duty to others, the Bible teaches honesty between man and man; restitution when wrong has been done, wittingly or unwittingly; the damnableness 4 50 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. of adultery, seduction, and everything that violates the purity of a family or a person; the forgiveness of injuries; a charitable view of human actions, including patience and forbearance, mercy; the duty of life-long usefulness, kind- ness and helpfulness; a genial temper in social and business- life; obedience to magistrates; and a multitude of minor virtues. Relating to the moral order of things, the Bible teaches that wrong-doing is unavoidably the way of sorrow, and right-doing the way of happiness. These teachings, given not in bald outline, but in fresh and animated pictures and discourses, make up the ethical system of the Bible from the first lesson of the antediluvian age to the last words of the book, which are against whore- mongers, and all makers and lovers of a lie, and in praise of all who are just and good. And, still further, in no- instance is there left on record an immoral precept, or one which impurity, or injustice, or dishonesty, or unkindncss, or selfishness in any form are proposed. There is no mis- take in that direction. Still further, we challenge any assailant to name a virtue, acknowledged to be such by the mass of mankind, which is wanting in the catalogue of Bible virtues. The ethical system is as complete as it ia pure, as comprehensive as it is sound and true, absolutely covering the whole area of man's duty to himself and to- his fellow-man; a system sounding all depths, touching the most delicate fibres of life, and without a flaw or an omis- sion. Its precepts and laws come in their own order, but VThey all appear in the record first or last. The Buddhistic "decalogue" seems to have been in advance of the Mosaic \ in this that it had two commandments wan ting in the lat- ter "Thou shaltnot lie," "Thoushalt not get drunk." But these commandments, although not in our own deca- logue, are written over and over again in the Old Testament as well as the New. And yet once more the moral require- DR. SWAZET'S REPLY. 51 ments of the Bible, are as clear of puerilities as they are of impurity or oblique vision. The Buddhistic decalogue steps right down to a moral weakness of which the Bible is never guilty. " Thou shalt not visit dances nor theatrical representations." " Thou shalt not use ornaments nor per- fumery in dress." Occultation of Ingersoll's Good Sense General Survey of Deities Scope of Divine Revelation. Now the common-sense question occurs whetner a book containing such a system, always teaching men what is good and pure, always warning him against evil, and encouraging him to be a strong, sound, pure, complete man in everything, is worthy of sneers, ribaldry and irrever- ence, even though it were full of unbelievable fables and fantastic ideas of immortality. In what spirit can a com- pany of people shout their applause when a book whose lines of thought aro always leading a man above himself is made the target of sarcasm and ridicule, and the cry is almost in so many words, " Down with the Bible!" Let us go a little beyond the strictly ethical. The general ideas of our Bible about God commend themselves to the best wisdom of mankind. We make no reference now to any sect of theologies, but to the theological atmosphere both of the Old and New Testaments, namely, that God is,, and being the Creator, the life and force of all things, in other words, as our Bible has it, the Living God, superin- tends all human affairs. As a Creator He has not forgotten His work; as a Father He is always mindful of His off- springs; and caring for man is leading him on by a great hope to a great inheritance; that His face is against evil doing, that He smiles on all who strive to be just and good, and that in sorrow and want and temptation He folds to His great heart a righteous and even a repentant man; and 62 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. as the shuttle goes back and forth, knitting into each other the soiled and blood-stained threads, He is weaving there- from a garment of light for mankind; that superstition, despotism, slavery and war are only other names for His patience, while man is learning the great lesson. This is the Bible interpretation of the incomprehensible Cause and Spirit of the universe, that He is alive, and the Father and Friend of man now, and will have some more for him after the years have rolled by. Suppose, now, it be all untrue, is there not something in this dream or conceit that should bring a sigh rather than a sneer from the heart of the unbeliever? The god of Brahmanism is an abstraction without attributes, the great O nothing of the universe. Much the same is true of Budd- hism, only in another way. It has law and virtue, but no V God of love, and asks no trust or faith. The same is true in the unchanging round which knows no spirit above and no hope below, taught by Confucius to his disciples. The religion of the Persians presented a god who had a devil- god for a yokefellow, keeping up the eternal and never- to- be-ended quarrel of good and evil. Our Bible begins with the idea that God is one God, the only and the Supreme, and ends with this one God sending angels down to say to the weary world, " Peace on earth good will to men." Away beyond all the faiths and all the Bibles held sacred by mankind, ours alone declares that man is not an orphan, that good and evil are not eternal antagonisms, in other words, that the Great Supreme is our Father in Heaven. True or false, wisdom has taught nothing more inspiriting or helpful to man. Neither imagination nor credulity has else- where painted a vision so attractive, or out of the " silences " and " eternities," and mysteries, whispered so good a word in the ears of mortals. This idea of lordship and father- hood is not incidental. It runs through every narration, DR. SWAZEY'S REPLY. 63 is implied in every precept, and re-affirmed in every prom- ise. And even if it be beyond proof it makes the whole Bible at least a golden dream. Suppose now one does not take as absolutely and histor- ically true the story of Adam's rib and the woman, or of the fish swallowing a man and throwing him unhurt on the shore, does not the high moral tone of every command and every precept everywhere illumined by [this pure and golden dream, entitle this book to the reverence of man- kind ? And especially since by the common consent the idea of virtue in our Bible goes beyond the many excellent things of Confucius, Zoroaster and the other sacred writers of other religions, and its idea of the " living God " sur- passes in purity and attractiveness, and in consolation and hope, all other religions, is not this purest blossom of the instinct, if you please to call it so, of duty and faith, of inestimable value as the guide and hope of man, even though it were overlaid with ten-fold more difficulties than the most ingenious scoffer can present? Or, if it is not reliable as a guide, is it not worthy of reverence as the proudest achievement of the hungry mind of man ? The Great Central Figure Absolute Unity of the Bible System. Still further, this Bible has for its central, or rather ter- minal, figure a name so remarkable that none but the obscene and profane use it lightly, a man so remarkable that whatever the skeptic may say of Moses or Paul, his tongue would refuse its office should he attempt to catalogue the mistakes of Jesus of Nazareth. Voltaire, Diderot, Bolingbroke, Strauss, Eenan, all speak reverently of this One Man of history. And yet the whole New Testament is built up on the sayings and doings of this Man. And not the New Testament only. The Jewish scriptures, full of errors or not, were full of the ideas of a Messiah, from 64 MISTAKES OF INQERSOLL. Moses to Malachi. And this marvelous man claimed that He was that Messiah. So that the Old Testament, as well, is a record of various forms pointing to this Man. I raise here no question of the truth of prophecy; I simply affirm. that this Man, whose purity and wisdom are so singularly impressive, claimed to be the fulfillment of those old writings, identified Himself with Moses and David and Isaiah, and sanctified the great current of thought which from the mouths of these men flowed along the shores of that elder world. So that to revile the old Bible of the Jews is to revile Him. There is no scholar, orthodox or liberal, believing or skeptical, who docs not identify the phenomenon of Christianity with the phenomenon of Judaism. Out of the soil of Judaic history sprung this purer growth Jesus and the things He taught. I suggest, therefore, that before one joins in the laugh against a religion which was founded long anterior to any other historical records than its own, he pause a little, remembering that this remarkable Man, who has not yet become antiquated, quoted those old books as His Bible, and doubtless had a tolerable understanding of their mean- ing and worth. And, perhaps, if He whose sermon on the mount is yet as fresh in the nineteenth century as though it were uttered to-day, found a vein of precious ore in those books, those same veins may be yet visible in our time. v The Bible Law of Development vs. Infidel Philosophy. I have given, you will perceive, room for a large amount of the unaccountable and incredible in a Bible worthy of reverence. In fact, there is no occasion, except in the peculiarity of some men's minds, to allow so much. There is a passage in the Bible that is descriptive of the kingdom of Heaven, and reads thus: " First the blade and then the DR. SWAZEY'S REPLY. 65 ear, and after that -the full corn in the car." The Bible here gives the key to itself. It is a statement of the law of development, intellectual and moral. An observation of the Bible from the standpoint of this law discovers an answer to the objections that arc just now brought against our sacred Book. Col. Ingersoll and men of his style ofN. criticism (and, I am sorry to say, some preachers, also,) \ quote a verse from Genesis precisely as though the same words, or the same event, were found in the Gospels. 7 They judge an act or a usage recorded in the Pentateuch precisely as though it were found in the Acts of the Apos- tles. They make no allowance for the stage of human progress. They would teach a child surveying before he had learned the multiplication table. They talk about *' skulls " as indicating progress, but God must needs put the same ideas into a skull of the Laurentian period that He does into a skull of to-day. Otherwise, God is worthy of hate. They would preach the doctrine of equality on ] the deck of a man-of-war. They utterly ignore the drill that men and nations need in coming up to their majority. They would suffer the rabble in a court-room to vote down the decision of a judge on the bench. The men who are historically connected with God's order of things must dis- pense with the great schoolmaster experience. Ideas muft spring forth complete, like Minerva. Hafters and j dome must touch the skies the same day the foundation stones were laid. Thosc v aro the ideas with which a certain class of critics approach the Old Testament. If a people are not ripe for a commonwealth, and God gives them a _._ king, God is all wrong. If a people are become a great military camp and Moses proclaims martial law, Moses and - his God are monsters of cruelty. If there are no jails, no way of disposing of prisoners of war, and a gentle servi- tude is the substitute, God is a great slave-driver. If men's 56 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. lusts are so greedy that even the best of them want more wives than one, the patience of God with the slow growth of moral ideas is translated as the establishment of polyg- ,, amy. If a people are so vile and filthy that the beasts are clean and modest in comparison, and God sends an army to wipe them out of being, we are pointed to the white faces of women and children lifted on the crests of the divine wrath! Common Sense View of the Subject How it Eliminates Poly- gamy, Slavery, etc. Common sense, in asking whether the Bible is worthy of confidence would ask whether, as matter of fact, the moral instruction of any period of Bible record was not fully up to the capacity of that period to receive it? It would ask another question namely, whether a divine tuition is dif- ferent from any other, except that it is more skillful? whether, in fact, the critics who compare an old order of things with the highest state of moral development are not demanding that the people under God's training shall be a miraculous people, throwing off prejudices as they do a Winter garment, bearing fruit without any intermediate period of growth and blossom, and, in general terms, upset- ting the every day laws of progress. It is this idealism than which nothing is more irrational which creates a large share of the moral difficulties of the Old Testa- ment. It is the insane or reckless, the idiotic or perverse tenacity with which men demand that the divine teaching must not suit itself to the time in which it was given, but must always be up to the ripest periods of progress, that gives any opportunity for the objugations of men who " can write a better Bible " themselves than ours. The two great charges brought against the Bible are polygamy and slavery. Now, admit that in all stages, DR. SWAZEY'S JWPLT. 57 from the chimpanzee up to Darwin, they are wrong (which \ is by no means clear), are these charges true? The fact that polygamy and slavery existed among the people who I were under drill does not prove it. The fact that there / were laws regulating either of these practices does not prove it. A law regulating the social evil does not prove that the sovereign people who make the laws approve the social evil, but only that, if men and women will go wrong, society must put up some defenses against corruption.\ Common sense inquires whether statutory allowance is an \ indorsement. And if that Remarkable Man, commenting on the divorce laws of Moses, said that Moses gave those laws because the people could not bear any better laws, common sense inquires if the same may not be true of other recognized usages which are below the ideal of an advanced age. And when one rails at the Bible for its ill-treatment of women, the railing is simply gratuitous. I have read the Old Testament more or less carefully for many years, but I do not, at this writing, remember a single word that dis- / honors woman as woman. I have read only a little of Brahminical writings, but I remember a sentence or two about women. "A woman is never fit for independence ;'* " Women have no business with the text of the Veda. _ _ * * * Sinful women must be as foul as falsehood itself. This is fixed law." Whether in the last quotation it ia meant that there is no purification for a bad woman, or what else, I do not know; but I do not recall anything like it in the Old Testament. Educated common sense knows that women among the Hebrews occupied a vastly higher level than the women of all other nations. It is simply \ notorious, that with all the lapses from virtue, the Hebrew women were as white as snow compared with the women of the Gentile world, and honor goes always hand in hand with virtue. -58 MISTAKES OF INGER80LL. More Common Sense The Great Ingersoll Orb Approaching the Nihilistic Belt Nebulae. Common sense demands that in judgment of the moral worth of the Bible, it be taken as a whole. The theory of .all who receive the Old and New Testaments is that they belong together, are so to be interpreted; that one is the beginning, and the other the conclusion, of the one Bible. The one begins in the " Laurentian period," so to speak, and follows man up from a wild nomad to wealth and empire, and the decay of empire; the moral and the civil law blend- ing and running along together for hundreds of years, then separating by the simple explosion of the civil powers. The other takes him after the wounds caused by the explo- sion have partly healed, and puts forth mo/al ideas unen- cumbered by any considerations of the state. The former gave moral laws to the Jew; the latter moral laws to the man; everything from first to last going on as nat- urally as the building of a city, or the growth of a tree. And common sense should inquire how it happens, that, while the great army of scholars who have studied these systems, believers and skeptics alike, have been filled with admiration, a man rises up now and then to vituperate the logic of events and malign the great God because He has not chosen to plant a tree with the branches in the ground and the roots in the air. Common sense naturally asks what the meaning of this bitter outbreak may be. We have no right to men's motives. But this is a phenomenon, the cause of which we have a right to ask, as we would ask the cause of a fall- ing meteor. The Bible is a law and order book. It teaches that one must look out how he pulls up even the tares. j Are we in our historic orbit passing a belt of niliilism, a I time when assassination is reform, and a bad shot at a poor ^ DR. SWAZEY'S 11EPLT. 59 czar, inheriting semi-barbarism and striving with all his might to get rid of the inheritance, is to be lamented? You may bo told that it is the horrid theology of the \ Bible which provokes assault. Common sense remarks \ that, horrid as its theology may be, its sterner features are \ jnst like the thco! -v of nature, namely, a demand for obedience to law a:.ii " the survival of the fittest." It is J nature put into language, the operation of moral causes foretold that is all. If you want a government more just "\ than one which judges a man according to his deeds, good or bad, and takes into account his knowledge and oppor- tunities, why, the thing to do is to rail at nature, at cause and effect, at seed-time and harvest. For while on the better side the Bible theology is more beneficent than nature, on the hard side it is simply unmitigated natural' law. Do the theologians preach that good men will be damned ? Then rail at the theologians, and not at the Bible. In closing this short article, as an addendum, let me ask a question or two for the benefit of all who have a bad opinion of the Bible, as a woman's book or a slave's book. 1. Forget the harem of Solomon, and say why Judaism was a house of refuge for thousands of .Roman and Greek women, many of them of noble birth, for a century pre- ceding the Christian era ? 2. In the same line, squarely, has, or has not, the mod- ern estate of woman been the fruit of Christian (including Judaic) teaching? 3. Did not the Bible first mitigate and finally destroy slavery in the Roman empire ? 4. Did not the Bible destroy slavery in England and America? Charge all the slave-driving you will to Chris- tian men, and give any unbeliever all he claims, and then go down to a last analysis. 60 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. 5. Are not republican institutions, including (as the old republics did not) democratic ideas, directly and palpably the fruit of the teachings of that remarkable jVIan (whom the French infidels called the Great Democrat); whose Bible was the Old Testament, and who told His followers how to amend and finish it by a book called the New Test- ament ? In whatever way these questions may be answered, the man who essays to answer them will find that it is not so easy to eliminate the genius of Moses and Jesus from the genius of the world's movement toward virtue, equality and liberty. TELL the Prince that this (a costly copy of the Bible) is the secret of England's greatness. Queen Victoria. I HAVE always said and always will say, that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers and better husbands. Thomas Jefferson. THE Bible is equally adapted to the wants and infirmi- ties of every human being. No other book ever addressed itself so authoritatively and so pathetically to the judgment and moral sense of mankind. Chancellor James Kent. CHRIST proved that He was the Son of the Eternal by His disregard of time. All His doctrines signify only, and the same tiling, eternity. Napoleon Bonaparte. I HAVE read the Bible morning, noon and night, and have ever since been the happier and better man for such reading. Edward Burke. I DO not believe human society, including not merely a few persons in any state, but whole masses of men, ever has attained, or ever can attain, a high state of intelli- gence, virtue, security, liberty, or happiness without the Holy Scriptures. William H. Seward. [ Photographed by Mekmder. ) DR. COLLYE&a REPLY. DR. COLLYER'S REPLY. Dr. Collyer Relates a Little Story A Book that cost Mr. Ingersoll the Governorship cf Illinois The Volume Philosophically Considered Heavy Blows. I HAVE been told a gentleman went to see Mr. Ingersoll once, when he lived in Peoria, and finding a fine copy of Voltaire in his library, said, " Pray, Sir, what did this cost you?" " I believe it cost me the governorship of the State of Illinois," was the swift and pregnant answer. 1 can not but recall the incident as he stands in the light of his lec- ture. He seems to be saying, '* It is my turn now, and I will do what I can to square the account. I will dethrone / your God to-day amid peals of laughter; blow His being down the wind on the wings of my epigrams. I have those/ about me who will send ray words flying all over the state. I will start a crusade which will shut up your churches some day, silence your immemorial prayers, slay all the hopes that would strive after something more than this momentary gleam between the eternities, make of no account the grand deep truth that ' life struck sharp on death makes awful lightning,' and so dwarf our human kind that when we get man where we want him he shall never again be able to look over the low billows of his green graves, and end the fight by making my own creed good once, for all that Man, God's last work, who seemed so fair, Such splendid purpose in his eyes, Who rolled the psalms in wintry skies, Who built him fanes for fruitless prayer, 64 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. Who trusted God was love indeed, And love, creation's final law ; Though nature red, in tooth and claw, With raven, shrieked against liis creed ; Who loved, who suffered countless ills, Who biu l led for the true and just, Is blown about the desert dust, And sealed within the iron hills." Now, since we first knew Mr. Ingersoll by report, there has been a time when those who can only believe in God as a rather helpless little brother, by no means able to take care of Himself, and in themselves as big brothers, who are bound to stand up for Him, might have felt there was grave danger in such a sight as we have witnessed of a vast array of men and women, some of them it is fair to believe of a thoughtful turn, assembled to hear the last and best word which can be said why God should be dethroned, and His presence and providence numbered among the things that seemed true enough once, but pass away inevit- ably in the process through which we arise from " our dead selves to higher things." Sparks Flying in all Directions Singular Mental Phenomenon Occasioned by $25.000 a Year. He was clothed once in a fine austerity 5 went on his lonely way quite content, to give grave and serious reasons for rejecting what so many of us hold dearer than our life, and was faithful to his instinct and insight, though such ovations as were ever given him as Dr. Dyer used to say of the old abolitionists might take the form mainly of rotten eggs. I know of more than one man, who, in those days, nourished a deep and most tender regard for him, and found something noble in the stand he made for the best a man can do and be, who has to abide so utterly alone. But Mr. Ingersoll, roystering around as the popular advocate of DR. COLLYE&S REPLY. 65 atheism, at $25,000 a year, as the common report goes, is quite another sort of a man. No doubt the laborer is worthy of his hire. Those who run the thing may be trusted to see to that, and a good many of us who stand on the other side may not be much better, according to the old proverb that it is "money makes the mare go." Still, as this always turns the fine edge of our endeavor, and makes us weak for good when we make it at all a matter of barter and sale, so it must be with Mr. Inger- soll, making him weak for what I can not but believe to be evil. lie is no more in such a case than the second batch of reformers in the old times, who argued lustily for a reformation, while still they grew rich on the Church lands. No more than your Archbishop, in the Church of England, arguing on the godliness of tythes and priestly authority. So Mr. Ingersoll, in motley, trying to laugh the deepest and most sacred convictions v of men down the wind under the guise of girding at the Pentateuch (for we must thank him, I say again, for the frankness with which he tells us this is his ultimate aim), is a very differ- ent man to the quiet, manful fellow we used to hear of in Peoria long ago, who won such regard from those who could at all understand him. The man in the ring, whose sole business it is to make you laugh, makes no converts even to rough riding. And so there is ground for neither hope nor fear, as we stand on that side or this, about the advance of atheism, so long as this remains as the best method of its choicest champions. It may make headway with such men as Yoltaire had to handle, and in such times; but this eerious and deep hearted race of ours never did take to this kind of thing, and never will. It is only as the crackling of the thorns under a pot. Nor can this bitter and relentless spirit toward those who differ help the advocates of atheism any more than it doea 5 66 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. the advocates of the faith. Robert Southey says, in a letter to Sharon Turner, touching the contentions of his time between the sects, k ' When I hear the dissenters talk about Churchmen, I feel like a very high Churchman myself; but when I hear Churchmen talk about dissenters, I feel that I am a dissenter, too." It was but the bias of a nature, in which the balances were still true, in favor of the side which was dealt with most unfairly. The plea in the mind of one who could look on botli sides with a calm concern, that the result of fighting over the lamp should not be to put out the light, or of contending over the nature and properties of the spring to soil the water so that no one could drink at it, be he ever so athirst. Lord Bacon says, " there is a superstition in avoiding superstition, when those think they do best who go farthest; but care should be taken that the good should not be purged away with the bad, which commonly happens when this is the method. 5 ' So I think it must be with such violent and utter denunciation as this, which lies within the spirit of Mr. Ingersoll's address. It has pleased a very bright and able man in our ranks to fall into accord with him in many things he has to say, and to show how we also hold this ground. I may be old-fashioned, and unfit for a fair judgment, but I am very much of Southey 5 s mind, and when I hear orthodoxy denounced in such a spirit, I say I agree with Mr. Ingersoll nowhere. Here is bigotry of a new shape, denouncing bigots: and I sway to the other side for very charity, and the desire that the most good pos- sible should be found in any evil, and especially that one should think as well as possible of those who can not see as we do, but are still of as fine and clear a grain, and show as noble a soul of self-sacrifice that uttermost and inner- most proof a man can give that he believes he is right. DR. COLLY ER 8 REPLY. 67 The Clear Ring of Truth vs. the Dull Thud of the Baser Metal Potency of Simple Statement The Doctor's Objections to Ingersoll's Talk. Now, a man who seeks and loves the truth, must be esteemed in every human society; but so far as my own observation goes, the most of our fights and contentions carried on in such a spirit as this I am trying to touch, end in vast clouds of dust and smoke, in which the clear, shining sun of the truth turns blood-red to our human vision. And those who, even with the best intentions, are forever going about, as we say, with a chip on their shoul- der, are likely in the end to be voted a common nuisance. The truth must be told, no matter who gets hurt; the truth, or even semblance of the truth, which smites the man who tells it, and moves his heart so that he has to cry " Woe is me if I preach not this Gospel !" But the truth etill comes to us through clear and simple statements which tell their own story, rather than through denial, denuncia- tion, satire, slang, and appeals to the top-gallery. So Channing thought, and the result is, that his best sermons are simply statements of the truth as it had come home to his own heart and mind. So Parker thought, and reading his life again, just now, I find there is nothing the man longed for so much as that he might be quiet, and just let the truth dome itself in his great fine heart and brain, while he regrets bitterly the evil times that compelled him to take to other methods; and the best work he ever did for the deep, still truth, are statements. So John Wesley thought, when once he struck his shining path from earth to heaven, and his sermons from 1740 to 1780, are simply statements of the ever-growing and ever-brightening truth God is revealing to man. And so even Calvin thought, and his earliest and best utterances are still statements, grim, hard, iron-clinched, but all the same the stern and ices tTie 68 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. inexorable affirmation, made good for all time, that neither priest nor Pope can play fast and loose with the Most High God. Always you find the greatest and best men when they themselves are at their best making statements, exactly as Jesus does in the sermon on the mount. Saying what is in them simply and sincerely, feeling sure, as Coleridge says, that " no authority can ever prevail in opposition to the truth." So Columbus holds himself before the Council of Salamanca, when a new world is in debate. So Stephen- son holds himself before the House of Lords, when he has to answer for his locomotive. So Newton affirms his dis- covery of the law of gravitation ; and Harvey, that of the circulation of the blood. That is the law of all truth-tell- ing in its noblest and best shape, and then the contention, if there is one, is simply the hiss, as Stebbins, of California, said once, when he was speaking in defence of the Chinese, " is simply the hiss the white-hot truth makes when it strikes the black waters of hell." Here, then, is my radical objection to Mr. Ingersoll's talk, apart from his final aim. It is conceived and done in a narrow and most bigoted spirit, by one who claims, above all things in the world, to be free from bigotry. The men of whom he speaks so unworthily are, take them by and large, worthy men. The things in the five books of Moses, so called, on which the fathers based their creeds, are rapidly passing into worthier meanings; and the day is not far distant when the old belief will have rotted down, and be as when an old tree rots, to become the nursing mother of a bed of violets. No man believes in such things any more, who has read and thought to any purpose; and the man who has not done this, had far better believe in the six days' work and one day's rest, rib, serpent, fall, flood, ark, manna, and all the, rest of those wonders, than in Mr. Ingersoll's enormous and most fatal negation of God. DR. COLL YE R 8 REPLY. 69 Putting the Fine Edge on Orthodoxy Taking a Weld with Prof. Swing and Dr. Thomas Borax and Bigotry. Nor is that bad and bitter spirit in orthodoxy now which once found utterance in fire and the axe, as it did in far more ruthless ways in atheism when the goddess of Rea- son was the divinity of France. Orthodoxy, in a free-spoken land like ours, is very civil, indeed, and timid, as I think, almost to a fault, showing just the spirit which is no f sure the ground may not slip from under it any moment; and so far as its finest leaders go edging away from the rocking base, as fast and as far the people for whom those men h:i ve to care will follow. Nothing could be more gentle than the way orthodoxy used Brother Swing. He was no more orthodox than you are. He might not think so, but that's the truth, patent to the whole world. Yet the church to which he was preaching, and the old standbys, as we call them, said, " This is what we are here for, and have laid out our money and time for, and, if you go back far enough, it. is what our fathers shed their blood for. Dr. Swing must be true to his ancient vows, or leave." If Mr. Ingersoll should ever lay out his money, and those of his mind put theirs to it, to build a great hall in "Washington or Chicago for the propagation of atheism, and employ a man to preach to them, and then if this man should depart as far backward from their way of thinking as Brother Swing departed forward from that of the Presbyterians, they will be much more catholic and inclusive than I think they are if they use that man as gently. I do not mention this for proof of my word that ortho- doxy is getting to be very civil indeed, gentle, timid, and even wanting in a proper courage to take care of its own household, if we are to judge from the half-and-half meas- ures they are taking with Mr. Talmadge, in Brooklyn, and the way in which they let him smite them on the mouth. 70 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. Orthodoxy has exchanged the old fetters of iron for silken bands with an elastic base. Brother Thomas, my dear and good friend, has no right to preach in a Methodist pulpit, and in the days I remember, would not have preached in one to this time. There must be a certain concert of opin- ion, capable of being brought within fair lines, or nobody would organize or hold anything. This is the secret of our most happy relation through all these years in this church. We hold together through a large, free, common opinion about certain grand verities. I should injure my own nature if I went over those lines. Yet mm are continually going over them in the orthodox churches. But they bear and forbear, scold a little, fret a good deal, and trust the brother may see things different presently or depart in peace, and then, when there is no help for it, they lift him very gently out of the fold. Nor is the scorn Mr. Ingersoll pours out on these ancient books befitting any man who could feel his way to their heart, apart from any theory of inspiration or the use made of them to hinder human progress. It is the spirit of the Caliph he shows, who, when the question came up what should be done with a superb library, said, "Burn it; what- ever is against the Koran ought to be burnt, and whatever agrees with the Koran is not needed." "With some such narrow vision he would judge these venerable monuments of the most ancient time; make an end of them to human credence; get them branded for worthless in the interests of human reason; and order himself toward them as if an iconoclast, looking over the treasures of the Louvre, should note only what is grotesque or painful, while ho missed what is most beautiful and entrancing, tumble the whole into a heap, and burn it into ashes and lime. Men have misused these books, there can be no doubt of that, and turned some parts of them into bane, which, well used, DR. COLL7ERS REPLY. 71 might bring blessing. So they tell me, there is no place that can match Peoria in its power to tnrn good grain into whisky; therefore, shovel Peoria into the river, and leave the smiling prairies where the grain grows, a waste. Nothing in the world shows a man s limitations so fatally as the play of this power which can not or will not distin- guish between the use and the abuse of things, or will over- look the abiding good because of the transient evil. We tolerate it easily in the child who turns in wrath on the chair against which he has bruised himself; we look twice at the man w r ho does this, and then draw our own conclu- sion. I have been told, on good authority, that Mr. Inger- soll, in his childhood and his early youth, did get badly bruised against these books. Well, the books have to take it now; but is this the sign of a large and a gracious mind? One would think he might have gotten over it before this, and come to understand them better than mere instruments of hurt. I can agree in nothing touching the Bible and the soul's life with- the man who tells me his aim is to damage or destroy the faith of man in God, to the best of his ability; but if this was out of the way, one might not object to his antagonism to the misuse of Moses by those who think they do God service. Still, in any case, I find too much beauty in the books to allow me to touch them with irreverent hands. They arc simply above all stand- ards of value, with which I measure other books outside the Scriptures, in the revelation they make to me of the way men felt their way toward a sure faith in God in those old times, and so grew, in many instances, to be very noble and good at last, and, as I have said, of the way in which they tried to account for this wonderful and mysterious universe in which they found themselves when they had "learned the use of I and me, and said ' I am not what I see, and other than the things I touch.' " Nor would I lose one of 72 MISTAKES OF 1XGERSOLL. the wonders. They all tell us something we want to know about the working of the human mind. That is a very poor and rude matter I treasure in my study; a broken vase of gray clay, with a few fishbone marks on it; but if there was not .another of them in the world I would not exchange it for the Portland vase, for this reason: That on a day, so remote I can not strike it, some poor savage made that vase in my little town, to hold the dust of some one dear to him, put those marks on it for a token of what was in his mind, and then made a little vault and hid it away until the sun of this century should shine on it, and when I hold that vase, I find a trace of the man who had else been lost. There is the faint beat of a human heart lingering in the clay, and a dim remembrance of tears, and the marks, and as if they should open my grave two thousand years from now, and find the white cross still fresh on my coffin, and say, "Tender, loving hands laid that there, let us deal with it tenderly." These rude and half-shapen things in the old books are the clue to the man who made them, and how he felt, and what he thought. I would not spare the least letter out of them, but would scan them in all reverence, let who will scorn them. They all belong to our human history, and it is only their mis- fortune they have ever been misused. They are included in the saying of the great and wise German, that the Bible begins nobly with Paradise, the symbol of Faith, and con- cludes with the eternal kingdom ; and with the grand, sweet word of Thomas Carlyle: "in the poorest cottage there i& one book wherein, for thousands of years, the spirit of man has found light and nourishment, and an interpreting response to whatever is deepest in him. The Book wherein to this day the eye that will look well, the mystery of existence reflects itself, and if not to the satisfying of \ the outward sense, yet to the opening of the inward sense, \jwrhich is the far grander result." DR. COLLYE&S REPLY. 73 A Touching Illustration Eloquence and Truth Havelock's Saints. Of the doctrine advanced by Mr. Ingeraoll, and his pur- pose to have done with the God Jesus believed in, and show reason why we should have done with Him, there is nothing to say if I have not said it steadily these many years. A remark of Charles Hare strikes me forcibly as I read the few words that are said on this matter, in the address, "There is no being eloquent for atheism. In that exhausted receiver the mind can not use its wings the clearest proof that it is out of its element." For when I consider how eloquent Mr. lugersoll has been at times, and the moving cause of it, I can see that he also must answer to this law. He never said grander words than those about our boys, their mighty heart, and utter self-sacrifice, for the noblest ends. But there never was anything done since the world stood, in which the presence of God could be traced, and his power felt more clearly, nor did ever men make such sacrifice with a devouter sense that God wa& within it all, than those most worthy his grand and touch- ing eulogium. " Call out Havelock's saints," Sir Archi- bald Campbell shouted, when hope was almost dead in the great Sepoy rebellion in India. Something must be done,, and done on the swift instant, or there would be more woful (work among the women and children. Call out Havelock's saints, they are sure to be ready, and they are never drunk. They were of the sort that carry a Bible in their knapsack,, and turn to chapter and verse, and sing psalms from old Rouse's version to Dundee and Elgin, and the Martyrs, and nourish their hearts on stories of the way stout battles were fought and grand martyrdoms endured for God among the moors. Call out Havelock's saints, they are always ready, and never get drunk, and they do fight like the very angels. They were but the brothers of the great, simple 74 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. eouls who fought at Ball's Bluff, and in scores of battles beside, while mothers and sisters did the praying for the moment, for they had no time except just to look up and liear that voice in the heart say, " Steady, my boy, steady, jou are of a grand stock, you must tell a grand story. And they told it, and at the heart of it all was God, and a new life for the nation, and in time a new civilization that shall shed its blessing on the whole waiting world. Ltheism Not an Institution but a " Destitution !" The True Life. I have no stones to throw at atheism any more than I have stones to throw at blindness. It can never be more than a very sore and sad limitation, not an institution, but destitution. This Anglo-Saxon nature is not good soil for it: no arguments can make it take hold and grow in us any more than arguments can make roses take hold and grow on Aberdeen granite. !N T or have I any exhortation save this: That as we stand as pioneers of the noblest and fairest faith we can reach, a faith which throws no strands to stay itself on the fall, or the flood, or the manna, or the .sun, standing still, or any of these old wonders, but just fronts the light and drinks it in, we shall grow ever more worthy to prove God's presence in the world, by revealing it in our life, and in the work he has given us to do. There is no argument like that which lies within a sweet and true life which looks to God forever for its inspiration and its joy. Let us be right worthy of our faith. /Then shall this Western Goth, / Bo fiercely practical, so kecu of eye, Find out some day that nothing pays but God. Served whether in the smoke of battle field, In work obscure done honestly or vote For truth unpopular or faith maintained, To ruinous convictions or good deeds, Wrought for good's sake, heedless of heaven or helL FRED. PERRY POWERS' REPLY. 75 FRED. PERKY POWERS' REPLY. The Sinaitic Code Solvent Powers of the Historic Method Graphic Illustration of the Two Schools. CHRISTIANITY, like a fortress on an open plain, is liable to attack from opposite directions. But it is well for the at- tacking parties to remember that columns of argument do not, like columns of soldiers, co-operate when moving in opposite directions. Christianity is not to be disposed of by proving that at the same time it is and is not a certain thing. The " historic method," like every new journal, seems "to meet a long-felt want." It has been clutched greed- ily and employed in every conceivable shape. It proves not only that whatever is is right, but that whatever was was right, and whatever will be will be right. It has been car- ried to a point where it undermines personal responsibility, and with it Mr. Herbert Spencer, in the conclusion of his Sociology, enjoins the reformer and the philanthropist from activity. It eliminates ethical considerations from the mind of the historian. It closes the eyes of society to the vices of its members, and it lays its hand upon the mouth of the judge be fore whom stands a man who, as the result of antecedents, and in the natural effort to harmonize himself with his environment, has committed murder. Now, it is a little singular that this invaluable historic method should be a legitimate weapon against the church, but an illegitimate weapon for the church. If the church is to be allowed to use this weapon freely it will have no 76 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. /difficulty in making a perfect defense for itself, its predeces- I sor and all of its members, no matter how wild or wicked. \The historic method is a solvent in which the inqui- sition disappears, and which at once removes those spots on the robe of religions history, the wars and massacres of the Israelites. I have no disposition to make any such exten- sive use of the historic method as this. But all matters of history are to be studied as historical, not as contempora- neous. And it is in the last degree uncandid for the oppo- nents of Christianity to make the extremest use of the his- toric method when it suits their purpose, and then, in dealing with religions history, eliminate ordinary historic perspective. In this latter particular the enemies of the church are not alone. The Reformation brought in a re- vival of Judaism, and a large section of Protestant Chris- tianity resolutely closes its eyes to the fact that the Mosaic dispensation was given several thousand years ago, and to a nace wholly different in its position from any now existing. The Mosaic dispensation is not the only thing treated in /this way. The directions given by St. Paul to a particular /church at a particular date are constantly appealed to in / the churches as universal law, applicable to all churches and throughout all ages. If a picture with a man in the foreground and an elephant in the background were shown to two savages, one of whom knew something about ele- phants, and the other of whom did not, the former would insist upon it that the artist was a ignoramus for painting an elephant smaller than a man, and the other would con- clude that man was a larger animal than an elephant, bc~ cause lie appeared so in the picture. The former repre- sents a school of atheists who attack the ethics of the Sina- itic code, and the latter represents a school of devout be- lievers who, receiving the Sinaitic code as a matter of rev- elation, feel compelled to defend it as the truth and noth- FRED. PERRT POWERS' REPLY. 77 ing but the truth, and the truth for all times and all places. It is worth while to remember at the very outset what both parties to the war waged over the ethics of the Pentateuch seem disposed to ignore, that what are now denounced as the errors of the Sinaitic code were pointed out more than eighteen hundred years ago by the highest authority rec- ognized by the Christian world. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ used the fol- lowing language: Te have heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a toelh. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil ; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other, also. Matt y., 33, 89. The lex talionis, here repudiated, was not a rabbinical interpolation; it was an integral maxim of the Sinaitic code, as the following words, coming shortly after the Deca- logue, show: And if any mischief follows, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for \jsye, tooth for tootli, hand for han 1, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Exodus xxi., 23-25. Free divorce was another Sinaitic error, so called, and in pointing it out Christ gave us the key to the whole "Mosaic dispensation, as the following passage shows: The Pharisees also came unto Him, tempting Him, and saying unto Him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause ? And He answered and said unto them, Have ye not read that lie which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh ? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What, therefore, God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. They say unto Him, Why did Moses then command Ao give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away ? He saith unto / them, Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put / away your wives ; but from the beginning it was not so. And I say I unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornica- tion, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whoso marri- eth her which he put away doth commit adultery. Matt, xix., 8-9. 78 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL Divine Adjustment of the Moral Law Progressive Elimination. of Polygamy, Slavery, Etc. Mount Sinai and Mount Calvary. The "hardness of heart" referred to is evidently the dullness of the intellectual and moral sense that character- ized the almost savage slaves of the Egyptians when they came up out of Egypt. Instead of imposing on them an ethical system perfectly complete and perfectly unintelligi- ble to them in their degraded condition, Moses, under di- rection of divine wisdom, gave them a moral law which they could understand, and which would develop in them a capacity for something purer and higher. Polygamy was tolerated, not because it was the ideal system; not because the deity of the Hebrews could devise /no other, but because polygamy is the natural intermedi- ate station between promiscuity and monogamy. God ' chose to make a civilized people out of ,the Jews, not by His creative fiat, but by operating .through natural laws of sociology. Indue time, when" "men were prepared for it, the law of permanent and monogamous marriage was pro- mulgated, but it was in advance of public sentiment, as is shown by the fact that when Christ, in the passage above quoted, forbade free divorce, and proclaimed the sanctity of the marital relation, the disciples suggested that if that was the law it was better not to marry. So slavery was tolerated under the Mosaic law. But ser- vitude for a short term of years was substituted for per- manent and hereditary servitude, and the law threw some protection about the person of the slave. The Mosaic dis- pensation is not responsible for a defense of slavery. It tolerated an intermediate state between barbarism and civ- ilization. A fact of vast importance to notice is that this Mosaic system contained within itself the seeds which, when FRED. PERRY POWERS' REPLY. 79> humanity had outgrown the old dispensation, would mature- into a new dispensation so far in advance of human attain- ments, that after nearly nineteen centuries the human race has not begun to catch upon it. Christ expounded the Old Testament references to Himself, beginning with Moses "When Sinai had reduced society to order, and stamped paganism, then Calvary came and appealed to all that was highest and purest in man. Even at this late day there, are not many souls that really comprehend the full meaning of Calvary and whose lives give evidence of that factX When any considerable portion of the human race has- ] received all that Calvary can confer, a new dispensatiojoy may be expected. In this sense the Mosaic dispensation was perfect and complete. As promulgated on Mount Sinai, it was adapted only to a certain low condition of mankind. But it contained a vital principle, which enabled it to expand as fast as civilization advanced. Starting with the Decalogue, it developed the penitential psalms and the noble exhorta r tions of the prophets, and finally the Beatitudes. Begin-\ ning with a catalogue of penalties, it in course of time\ developed sorrow for sin, and at last that love to God which* \ withholds from sin. This system of religion has developed./ faster than civilization has advanced. The Israelites at the foot of Mount Sinai probably knew something of the wrong- fulness of murder, theft and adultery. But, to-day, in spite of great moral advances to-day, nineteen centuries after Christ how much does the human race really know about " hungering and thirsting after righteousness? " Let the foolish declaration that we have outgrown Christianity come from those who have been filled, and who still want something more. The Decalogue is by no means the complete moral code that it is often represented to be, and it would be singularly SO MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. Out of place in a Christian church were it not that, even to-day, and in the United States, there are many persons / incapable of comprehending the Beatitudes which compre- hend all there is in the Decalogue, and vastly more. The seventh command meat does not apply to crimes, both participants in which are unmarried, and the Mosaic law treated the seduction of an unbetrothed bondmaid as a trivial offense, sufficiently atoned for by the sacrifice of a /ram. The seduction of a free maid, if she was not be- / trothed, was atoned for by marriage. It was on account \ of the " hardness of their hearts," their infancy in ethics, that this easy-going statute regarding the sexes was enacted. But Christ said : Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, " Thou shalt not commit adultery;" but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in* Ms heart. Matt, v., 27, 28. The Decalogue said, " Thou shalt not kill," but Jesus Christ added to this as follows : Whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in dan ger of the judgment. Matt, v., 22. The Decalogue forbade the bearing of false witness; it was silent as to ordinary mendacity. In the New Testa- ment this law is extended to cover all untruthfulness. Purpose and Potency of the Mosaic Law. The purpose of the Mosaic law was to start the Israelites on the path of spiritual enlightenment. It was a provi- (sional system, superseded at the right time by Christianity. The sacrifices were fines imposed on the guilty. They were also daily reminded of the existence of God, and the blood pouring from the altar taught the serious nature and fatal consequences of sin as nothing else would. Of course, to a set of modern sophists, who deny the existence of sin, FRED. PERRY POWERS 1 REPLY. 81 the sacrifices are simply meaningless, revolving spectacles; but the man who hasn't studied the subject enough to understand the meaning of the Hebrew sacrifices is estopped from discussing them in public. The barbarities of the Mosaic system form a pet subject of denunciation by gentlemen who have a repugnance to study, coupled with a mania for delivering lectures, when the latter can be done at a pecuniary profit. If a man thinks it just as well to worship the sun or a bull as to worship Jehovah, of course he will regard the penalties denounced against idolatry as tyrannical and barbarous. But no man, unless he has a purpose to accomplish thereby, can shut his eyes to the barrier that idolatry places in the / way of mental or moral progress, or both. The interests of the human race demanded that paganism should be roofed out somewhere, if not everywhere. The promise to Abra- ~ ham, that in his seed should all the nations of the earth be blessed, has been fulfilled, but that has been accomplished only by the most rigorous hostility to paganism among th6 Jews. In spite of all the stern laws of Moses, Israel again and again relapsed into paganism; yet it was an absolute necessity that if what we now know as civilization was even to come, paganism must in some corner of tho world be stamped out, and the way prepared for Christianity. To teach the Israelites what a moral contagion was idolatry, they had to be taught that it was a physical contagion, contaminating everything connected with the idolater. Had not this been done, the Israelites would have remained, \ like all the rest of the world, immersed in the unspeakably unclean worship of Baal and Astarte and Moloch. Cost J what it might, the ravages of the pestilence had to be checked somewhere. 6 83 MISTAKES OF INOEBSOLL. Excessive Wickedness and Proportionate Punishment The Court of Heaven vs. the Court of Earth. Of course, the wars of the Israelites and the annihilation of certain tribes are held to be horrible cruelties bj the sophists of the present day. But we are distinctly told that it was for their extraordinary wickedness that these tribes were exterminated. We are again and again told that it was for the wickedness of the Amalekites that their destruction was commanded. "We get some glimpses of the unmentionable vileness of some of these Canaanitish tribes. The fact was that they were ulcers on the body of the human race which had to be cut out. Possibly the , innocent suffered with the guilty, and possibly there were u no innocent except the infants, whom it would have been no mercy to save after their unclean parents were destroyed. It is probable that the moral taint had so rooted itself in the physical system that, had the children been spared, they would have inevitably developed into adults as unclean as their parents. The passages sometimes quoted to show that Jehovah was vindicative, are passages aimed at sin. The most ample amnesty to the repentant is prom- ised from one end of Genesis to the other end of Revelation. The people who denounce the divine government, as mani- fest in the Old Testament, either deny that there is any such thing as sin, or, which is often the case, they have admirable reasons for being angry because sin is punished. ( The gentlemen who denounce the destruction of Sodom are ^ecessarily apologists for the Sodomists. When malignancy is charged against Jehovah it is im- portant to remember that the presence of five righteous 1 i persons would have saved Sodom. There was only ono righteous person, and not only was he enabled to escape but he secured immunity for his family. Nineveh was FRED. PERRY POWB&& REPLY. 83 spared because the people repented. The Israelites were delivered from their enemies when they forsook their sins. On the other hand Nathan's rebuke to David is a matter of record, and Solomon's licentiousness was punished by the revolt of Jeroboam and the ten tribes, lue statement that Jehovah disregarded distinctions of ricrlit and wrong, or O O O' treated the innocent and guilty alike, or took pleasure in the death even of the wicked is false, and known to be so ' by the persons who make it. The very sentiment of hu- manity which prompts certain persons to denounce the di- vine government of the Jews is found only where Chrie tianity, the legitimate successor of Judaism, prevails. What are denounced as massacres committed by the Israelites were judicial executions performed under the or- ders of the only court in the universe which has perfect in- formation of the cases tried before it, and which is per- fectly free from weaknesses. To object to the judgment one must either show that the condemned were innocent, which at this late day can not be shown, or one must show that the crimes were less heinous than the court held them to be, which is to become an apologist for crimes of every character, some of which are not even to be named. It is also to be remembered that the divine government is the creator of society, instead of the creature of society, as is human government. The former is, therefore, not to be judged precisely as the latter is, even though abstract justice is the same in Heaven that it is on earth. The charge of vindictiveness is absolutely without foundation ; and, by the way, of all the nations known to the Jews the one we might suppose them most hostile to is the Egypt- ian, for it was in Egypt that the Israelites were enslaved and maltreated. Yet the divine command, coming from Moses, was that the Israelites should in no case oppress the Egyptians, and the reason was that they were once so- 84 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. journors in the land of Egypt, the very reason we might suppose v/hy they should .be especially bitter toward the Egyptians. Able Bodied Mendacity and Civilization Love and Obedience. There is a good deal of dense ignorance or able-bodied mendacity in circulation regarding the ethics of the New Testament. Jesus Christ and His apostles upheld neither political nor domestic despotism. But it is a fact which lecturers should understand that civil order is the first stop toward civilization. Despotism is more conducive to civilization than anarchy is. Furthermore, when Paul wrote his epistles the Roman officials suspected all Chris- tians of being hostile to the government, and it was espe- cially necessary that the Homan power should understand by the loyalty of the Christians that He whom they called their king was a spiritual sovereign, and not a rival of the emperor. What Paul at a particular time wrote to a particular church is by no means necessarily a universal law. What / is particularly to be noted is that the exhortations to obe- dience on the part of the citizen, the wife, the child and the servant are coupled with and conditioned on exhorta- tions to the ruler, the husband, the parent and the master, which certain uncandid and irrational persons, some of whom are inside the church and some of whom are outside of it, are careful to ignore. In Ephesians v. 22, Paul com- mands wives to submit themselves to their husbands, but in the twenty-fifth verse husbands are commanded to lovo their wives as Christ loves His church. Now, if the hus- band fulfills his part of the mutual obligation, the wife's submission will not bo of a very mental character. In Ephesians vi. 1, children are commanded to obey their par- ento, but in the fourth verse fathers are commanded not FRED. PERRY POWERS' REPLY. 85 to provoke their children to wrath, bnt to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. In the next verso servants are commanded to obey their masters, but in the ninth verse we read, "And, je masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening, knowing that your Master also is in Heaven; neither is there respect of person with Him." In Hebrews xiii. 17, we read, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls as they that must give account." The command to obey rules is conditioned on the dis- charge of their duties by the rulers. ;ls~ow, in omitting one half of each double command, and i the strength of the other half arraigning Christianity i the ally of domestic and political tyranny, modern "free inought" is accomplishing a great work, is it not? The distinguishing characteristic of " free thought " seems to o o o be that it is thought freed from all subservience to facts. Mr. Powers' Pungent Peroration. Theology has made many, shipwrecks by an excess of a priori reasoning, and by reasoning deductively when the means of reasoning inductively exist. But what is termed materialism is habitually doing the same thing, if it can make a point against Christianity by so doing. The ene- mies of Calvinism have denounced it because it promoted immorality. Yet a severer code of morals would be diffi- cult to find than that maintained by the English Puritans, the Scotch Covenanters, and the French Huguenots, all Cal- /vinists. Would it not be just as rational to judge Calvinism / by its fruits as to judge its fruits by Calvinism? When man has argued from the New Testament that Christianity must be the ally of despotism, and then looks about him and sees that civil liberty is not known outside of Christian lands, and has its fullest development in Eng- 86 MISTAKES OF INGEESOLL. land and America, where Christianity in its simplest forms prevail, and where there are tlie fewest barriers between the human soul and the New Testament itself; when he has argued from the New Testament to show that Chris- tianity is inimical to the best interests of womanhood, and then looks around and sees womanhood honored only in Christian countries, constantly employed by and honored in the church, must it not occur to him with painful force that he is a good deal off the track? x- It would not be necessary to remind philosophers of the fact, but it is necessary to remind sophists that the Jews did a good many things that the Mosaic dispensation is not responsible for, and that it is mere idiocy to hold Chris- tianity responsible for everything done by individuals or associations in its name. The man who can not discrim- inate between the legitimate results of a system, and the abuses grafted on to it by its professed adherents, is plainly unfit to debate philosophical questions. If people made half the effort to understand the Bible that they make to discard it, they wouldn't be so funny as they are now, but they would know more. f THERE are over two hundred passages in the Old Testa- ment which prophesied about Christ, and every one of them has come true. D. L. Moody. IN regard to the Great Book, I have only to say it is the best gift which God has given to man. All the good from the Saviour of the World is communicated through this Book. But for this Book we could not know right from wrong. All those things desirable to man are contained in it. I return you my sincere thanks for this very elegant copy of the Great Book of God which you present. Abra- ham Lincoln, on receiving a present of a Bible. ITEMS. 87 I DEFY you all, as many as are here, to prepare a tale so \ simple and so touching, as the tale of the passion and death / of Jesus Christ, whose influence will be the same after so many centuries. Denis Diderot. THE Bible is the best book in the world. It contains ~> more of my little philosophy than all the libraries I have ' seen. John Adams. (Second President of United States.) AND, finally, I may state, as the conclusion of the whole \ matter, that the Bible contains within itself all that, under God, is required to account for and dispose of all forms of / infidelity, and to turn to the best and highest uses all that man can learn of nature. Chancellor Dawson. THE Bible is the only cement of nations, and the only cement that can bind religious hearts together. Chevalier Eunsen. THE Bible is the Word of God with all the peculiarities \ of man, and all the authority of God. Prof. Murphy. FKOM the time that, at my mother's feet, or on my fa- ther's knee, I first learned to lisp verses from the sacred writings, they have been my daily study and vigilant con- templation. If there be anything in my style or thoughts to be commended, the credit is due to my kind parents in instilling into my mind an early love of the Scriptures. Daniel Webster. THE same divine hand which lifted up before the eyes of Daniel and of Isaiah the veil which covered the tableau of the time to come, unveiled before the eyes of the author of Genesis the earliest asres of the creation. And Moses o was the prophet of the past, as Daniel and Isaiah and many others were the prophets of the future. Prof. Guyot. WE are persuaded that there is no book by the perusal of which the mind is so much strengthened and so much enlarged as it is by the perusal of the Bible. Dr. Melville. 1 1'hotogrnpheJ by Mo>>it-i- ] BISHOP CHENET8 REPLY. BISHOP CHENEY'S REPLY. How the Question of Forgery Applies to the Five Books of Moses. IN looking at almost any object in the world of nature ; round about, it becomes remarkable only from certain points / of view. The cathedral rocks that form one of the glories of tho Fosemite Yalley differ not much from any other great pile of jagged cliffs, except in a certain position, where the great mass of Gothic spires and arches appear clothed with evergreen ivy. Only as you reach a certain point where Profile Notch penetrates the "White Mountains, do you see far up, up on the topmost cliff, the formation of a face cut in the solid gran ite by nature's own chisel. But the case of alleged forgery before us is extraordinary from every point of view, for forgery is generally something which concerns some brief document, something that requires only a signature in order to secure its currency. The longer and more elab- orate the document which forgery produces, the more danger there must inevitably be of its final and ultimate detection. Bat here are five long historic books. They are full of details. They cover vast periods of time. Tiny enter into a variety of topics. Incidentally they discuss not only ques- tions of religion, but of law, of politics, of commerce, even of hygiene medical laws of health. "Was ever forgery com- mitted before or since on such a gigantic scale as this? Moreover, there is no crime that is liable to be so speedily detected as forgery. The man who signs some document with another's name rarely goes down to the grave without meeting his punishment here on earth. Why, only a few weeks ago, the doors of our penitentiary, in the State of 90 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL Illinois, closed upon a prisoner who had affixed the name of another, whose name was better than his own, to a check upon which he had received the money; but only one month intervened as a gap between that crime and the punishment it merited and received. It was a hundred years ago, that Thomas Chatterton, one of the most wonderful men, or boys, I might rather say, that England has ever produced, forged a huge mass of papers, professedly historical, that were dated away back in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The style was that of the monks and chroniclers, which he had imitated with the greatest possible perfection. The references to the customs of tjjat ancient period were such as to avoid detection, and Chatterton, in the precocity of his intellect, and in the versatility of his talent, was without a peer in English literary history. The English literary world re- ceived it as a revelation out of lost centuries. The great scholars of England were deceived. But it only took three years to expose to every eye the fraud that had been committed, and Chatterton, whom Wordsworth called the "marvelous bov." ended his career in a suicide's crave. O, v ' O brethren! who can count the years, who can enumerate the centuries which have rolled over this world of ours since the allege 1 forgery of this man Moses! And yet to-day, after the lapse of centuries, there are more people who believe in that forgery as the genuine work of the man whom God appointed the great law-giver and leader of Israel, there are more people who hang their hopes for time and eternity on this alleged i'raud, and that which has grown out of this alleged fraud the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ than ever before in two thousand years. Am I not then justified in saying that if this be a forgery, which is contained in the five books of Moses, it is the most extraordinary forgery that has ever been committed in the world sinco words BISHOP CHENEY'S REPLY. 91 expressed human thought, or human beings learned to wield a pen? The " Common Ground " of the Contending Parties Logical Position of Ezra. Now, in the first place, I desire to call your attention to certain facts concerning the Mosaic record. In all contro- versies in every department of human thought there are certain points which are regarded as neutral ground. "When our great civil war shook this land from centre to circum- ference and two mighty armies were face to face in the Valley of the Tennessee, the stars and stripes floated in the same breeze that wafted the stars and the bars ; the strains of "'Dixie" and "My Maryland" commingled with 41 Hail Columbia " and the " Star-Spangled Banner :" the ;oldiers of the different armies exchanged such commodi- ties as they possessed, as if they had been neighbors in peace at home. No wonder that finally it came to pass that between these armies there was what is known as neutral ground, on which it was agreed th-.it the soldiers of one side should not lire on those of the other. Now, is there any such ground as that between those who defend what are known as the five books cf Moses, and those who declare they were never written by Moses at all ? Is there any point, I say, in this controversy where the skeptic and the believer can come to stand upon one common ground ? If we can find such a neutral ground as that, it will save us a long, tiresome, profitless debate. Now, such a ground I think we have in the life and his- tory of Ezra, the writer of the book of the Old Testament, which bears his name. It is conceded on all hands that this man was a scribe of the Jewish law after the close of the Babylonian captivity. After the people had returned from the land of their exile into the land of their fathers, 93 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. he gathered into one great collection all these sacred writ- ings that were held by the Jews to be the inspired word of God. No infidel that I am aware of has ever questioned the fact that in this collection of Ezra was contained the five books of Moses. It has been claimed by some of the least scholarly of infidels that Ezra wrote those five books. But that idea was found visionary and was long ago given up by those who opposed the truth of Christianity. But the fact remains that no one, Christian or unbeliever, to-day questions the historic fact that the five books of Moses, as we now accept them, were received as the writings of the lawgiver of the Jewish people when Ezra was at the acmo of his influence after the Baylonian captivity: But they state that it was universally conceded that it was four hun- dred and fifty years before the birth of Christ. In other words, it was admitted that every Jew who returned out of the Babylonian captivity, held these five books to be tho works of Moses, the man of God, twenty-three hundred years ago. The Bishop Planting Signals on the Mountain Tops of History Survey of the New Moses Air Line. We stand, then, without dispute, without any controversy, at this point of time four hundred and fifty years bcforo the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chriot. Now, fix that point in your memory while I attempt, like a civil en- ineer penetrating some wilderness, to plant the signal on some more remote mountain top of history. Now, all the ancient writings, whether Egyptian or Chaldean, cor- roborate the testimony of the Bible that these Hebrews were slaves in the land of Egypt. They also agree that they migrated into Southern Syria, under the leadership of a man who was called Moses a word which meant ' one drawn out of the water." It is also universally allowed at they settled in this new land, which had long before ai dr th BISHOP CHE NET' 8 REPLY. 93 i been promised to their fathers, about the year 1450 before Christ. "We have established then our second date a date which no skeptic has ever called in question. When our great tunnel that brings the pure water of Lake Michigan into every home and household in this city was in process of construction, the workmen began at either end. There was a shaft out in yonder crib, and there was another on the shore, and underneath the waves the two parties of toilers worked toward each other. And so it is with us. We tunnel between our two shafts. The date 450 B. C. and the date 1450 B. C. only one thousand years are to be ac- counted for. Does that seem along period of timeto you? I admit that it does, but not in the history of nations. It is only a trifle more than the time in which you and I are living is removed from the time of William of Normandy, who conquered Harold and the English barons. Now we will cross the sea to the old tower that still recalls the memory of William the Conqueror. We will enter the office of public records, and in that fire-proof vault, guarded as they guard the specie that is gathered into the treasury of the nation, is a book in two huge volumes of vellum. It is known as the " Doomsday Book." In tha / year 108G, eight hundred years ago, remember, William the\ \. Conqueror caused that record to be prepared. It is nearly as old as the five books of Moses, the Pentateuch, was in the days of Ezra the scribe. But not a page of the / "Doomsday Book 5 ' has been lost; not a line has beenV J altered; not a letter erased. Its pages read to-day as they did in this old time when the Norman heel was on the Saxon neck eight centuries ago. The ink is as fresh on the parchment as though that parchment were unstained by age. Do you ask how it is that the record has remained uncorrupted? Do you ask how it is that after all the revo- lutions that have swept over England, after all the changes V 94 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. of royal houses, and the dissolutions of powerful parties,, that that has remained perfectly unaltered? The answer is- a perfectly easy one to give. It is because " Doomsday Book " contains the name of every man, who, in the days of William the Conqueror, owned one rood of English soiL It contains a description of the lands throughout the realm. It gives the boundaries of every great estate, and every old English family must, therefore, find the roots of Us gene- alogy in that old book of the early times of the Norman conquest. It gives the title to every acre of land in Eng- land. Thus, two of the strongest motives that can influence the human mind and the human will, have conspired to guard this " Doomsday Book " with a jealous and tireless- care. The possession of a great name, and the possession of landed property are wrapped up in England in the safety of that one book. Now, exactly the same motives conspired for the preservation, from all corruption, of the five books f Moses. They contain the list of those who came out of Egypt with Moses and entered into Palestine; they gave a description of the land that was apportioned to each and every name. To lose these books, which the Jews ever regarded as a precious treasure, the genealogy of their household to suffer them to be tampered with, was to nsettle the title to every man's field from Dan to Beersheba. If the " Doomsday Book " has survived, uncorrupted> what reason on earth is there to doubt that the Penta- teuch was preserved intact during the thousand years that intervened between the time of Moses and the time of Ezra? But I need not stop here. Ezra, as I have said, was one of! the captives who returned out of exile. But Daniel, long before the time of Ezra, speaks of this law of Moses. He bases his own conduct and his own private character upon it. Daniel brings us a hundred years nearer to the days BISHOP CHENEY'S REPLY. 95 when Moses gave that law to the world. When King Josiah mounted the throne of Judah he found that throno pol- luted by the wickedness that characterized the reign of his father, King Manasseh, and then there came an overwhelm' ing and powerful revival of religion throughout the king- dom. Monarch and subject united in humiliation before God. Numbers of people bowed down before the Jehovah whom they had offended. But, we all distinctly know that the root and the seed out of which this revival sprung was the finding of the copy of the five books of Moses, and / learning there what Moses had commanded against the sin of idolatry. I have reached a point nearer yet to the time of Moses himself. I will hasten on. Termination of the Great Air Line. One thousand and four years before Christ, Solomon regulated the temple service and worship, but he regulated it,, we are distinctly told, according to the law that was contained in the Pentateuch. And we are within four hun- dred and fifty years of the death of Moses. But David refers constantly to the five books of Moses in the psalms. The law of Moses was the foundation on which all the relig- ious character of the psalms of David rest. Before David was Samuel. His entire career pre-supposes the exist- ence of the Mosaic books. But only three hundred and fifty years intervened between Samuel and Moses. Joshua succeeded Moses as the leader of the chosen people. Again and again in his addresses to the people, did he reprove, exhort and encourage Israel, but everywhere on the basis of the books of the law of Moses. Thus, we have link by link carried back this chain of testimony to the very days in which Moses lived. Now we want no better proof than that in the secular history. Suppose the farewell address of George Washington had been made the object of 96 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. / skeptical criticism; suppose that it had been denied that it had been written by Washington, and if I find it alluded to in Mr. Lincoln's address at the monument-raising in Gettys- burg; if I find in ore of his f speeches that President Polk also spoke of it; if t'.iis is true of Mr. Van Burcn, and Mr. Madison before him, and if even John Adams, the suc- I cessor of George Washington in the presidential chair, refers to that address why then, every sensible man will eay that it is the nearest equivalent of mathematical demon- stration that can possibly be given of the genuineness of the document to which I have referred. Genealogical Reflections. Now, I want you to notice again that if these writings were forged, they were forged by men, who even in so doing, blackened the character of their own lineage and an- cestry. It has been well said that a man whose chief glory is in his ancestors, is very like a potato the best part of him is underground. But after all there is no good man who does not rejoice and thank God for the fact when he is able to trace back a long line of God-fearing, pure- living, honest men and women as the seed from whence ho sprang. If I go to work and forge a genealogy for my- self, I certainly will not manufacture one that describes my forefathers as the blackest set of criminals that ever escaped from a penitentiary. No one pretends for a mo- ment that any one but the Jews were those who could have been responsible for the Testament records ; but it they forged it they must have had some motive. Forgers always have a motive. There is something before their minds that is to be gained. But what did these forgers do ? Why they compiled a record of their own family tree, that overwhelmed their fathers with everlasting shame and contempt. They described the ancient Hebrews as besotted BISHOP CHENEY'S REPLY. 97 idolaters in the land of Egypt. When God promised them a land, all their own, flowing with milk and honey when, all that was set before them they were willing to give up all hope of prosperity, all hope of deliverance from slavery, if they might only have that which they sighed for tho fish and the leeks and garlic of Egypt. They arc repre- sented as bowing down to the worship of a calf, which their own hands had made out of their golden ear-rings, and doing that in the very presence of God, displayed upon Mount Sinai, and arc described when they reached the borders of the promised land, when all ifs glory was before them, and its liberty was almost theirs, as being too cowardly to fight the battles that were necessary to gain the possession of their inheritance, till at last God refused to let one of tho miserable, cowardly generation enter the land He had promised to tlieir fathers. Yet all this is forgery, not of the Assyrians, not of tho Egyptians, who were their hereditary enemies ; not of tho Philistines, but themselves the forgery of the Jews them- selves. As though in the dead of night a man should steal out under cover of the darkness to the tombstone of his dead father, and with chisel and mallet in hand try to erase the honorable record of his life, and forge a lying epitaph that made him the vilest scoundrel that ever polluted the earth. Nay, if I commit a forgery on my family record, if ever I try to impose a fabulous family tree on those who know me, I don't think I shall ever trace my line to CaBsar Borgia. Cutting the Oordian Knot. Now again I would like to notice very briefly some of the objections to the credibility of the Mosaic writers. Now, there is nothing easier than to start difficulties on any subject which the human mind can give atten- tion to. Let a child in its tiny fingers grasp a pin and 7 98 MISTAKES OF 1NGERSOLL. get at the silvered side of a mirror, and in five minutes it will do more damage than the most skillful laborer can remedy with the work of many hours. Is it wonderful that the Bible has been made the subject (of repeated attacks ? I no more hope to answer all the objections that can be put against a book such as the book in question, or even the books of Moses I say I can no more hope to answer all these attacks than in this spring- time 1 can hope to pick off every green leaf that starts out upon every spreading tree. It were an easier and more effective way to girdle the tree itself. God girdles the tree of infidelity by revival. , If the record of experience tells any fact in the world, /it is this, that a thousand objections which the head can / see, vanish into thin air when the spirit of God gets hold of a man's heart. Why, there are men here to-night who remember the hour when they found difficulties upon every page of the word of God, when they objected to every principle it propounded, and now look back to the difficulties they used to find there, and wonder how it was possible that they could ever have been troubled by difficul- ties so palpably absurd. They did not study out one by one the replies that might have been made to these objec- tions. When, in June, huge swarms of flies make our city /like the land of Egypt in the days of old, we never under- / take to kill them one by one : half a million of people would not be sufficient for that. But God's west wind blows, and they are scattered. So it is that the winds of God's spirit sweep away the swarms of difficulties that men V find in the Bible. And yet I am prepared to-night to take up two or three of the objections which have been I'.rged against the credibility of the Pentateuch. These objections resolve themselves into two different parts the one to the facts of the history of Moses, the other to the morality of BISHOP CHE NETS REPLY. 99 the acts that are there recorded, or the precepts that are there laid down. I won't have time to go over both branches of the subject The limits of such a sermon as this absolutely forbid it. I speak now of the facts. At some future time I hope to take up the moral portion of it. Now, every time you visit the South Park, you find a place of rest under the grateful shade of an ancient willow. The vast expanse of its gigantic branches, the immense girth of its trunk are the witnesses of its venerable age. If I should take up to-morrow the report of the park com- missioners and find there the statement that they, a-t vast expense, had transplanted that willow tree from the native soil in which it grew to adorn Chicago's pleasure-ground, I should know beforehand that it was false; the very appear- ance of the tree gives the lie to the statement, and if there were any way in,. which I could examine the rings that made up the trunk, I need only count them to have a posi- tive proof of the fact that the statement contained in the report was false. Now, precisely akin to that is the accusation that is often brought against the Book of Genesis. It is said that Moses O O declares that six thousand years ago God created this world in which we are living now. But we only need to count the geologic strata we only need to number the rings of the huge trunk of this earth in order to disprove the statement. The Bishop's Challenge Moses and Ingersoll as Chronologists. Now, in reply to this difficulty, which is so often urged against the Book of Genesis, I want to say one word, and that is, I challenge any man in this congregation I chal- lenge any man in the wide world that has ever read the Bible, to find in any book of the Bible, much less in the Book of Genesis, the statement that the creation of this. 100 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. earth took place six thousand years ago. This Moses, whom Col. Ingersoll thinks was such a blunderer; whose mistakes have been the subject of his jeers and blasphem- ous ridicule, was a more careful man than our Peoria skep- tic thinks. lie certainly was careful not to fix the time at which God created this earth. "Whether that creation took place six thousand or six million years ago, he does not state. lie does say that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." But that is all. All that he asserts is, that matter the substance out of which the earth was made is not eternal; it had a beginning; He did create it. "Well, then, again, the creation of man, equally with that of the world, is made the object of attack. "We are told that the Bible claims that between live and six thousand years ago God placed the first pair of the human family in Eden. But when geologists have dag down into the forma- tions that make up this globe formations which upon mathematical calculation have taken ages and ages to pro- duce they find there the remains of ancient tools, weap- ons, ornaments and utensils that prove that man must have lived in a time far ante-distant to that of Adam. For example, the skeleton of an Indian was exhumed some years ago, while digging for the foundation of the gas-works in the City of New Orleans, and it was alleged by one geologist of that day that it could not have been less than fifty thousand years ago that that man lived. It has been flaunted in our faces that science and religion aro opposed to each other; that the Bible is against progress, and that we all must concede that the Pentateuch is but a tissue of falsehood. Now the first answer I have to give is, that there is not one syllable in the Bible that fixes the length of time 01 man's existence upon this earth. Not one syllable. Moses BISHOP CHENEY'S REPLY. 101 docs not tell us anything about the date that God created Adam .and put him in the garden of Eden. True, we have in the New Testament, in the fjcncalojjv of Christ, a state- O O"' ment of the number of generations from Abraham down to the Saviour; but who knows precisely what is the mean- ing of the term " generations?" The word is used in a variety of senses in the Bible, and it baffles all calculation to deter- mine how many ages intervened between Adam and Abra- ham. The wisest scholars have been perplexed to fix the number of centuries that rolled over the world in that period of time. To say that God placed man upon this earth six thousand years ago, is not quoting the Bible. I want you to remember that. I want you to tell it to the skeptic that picks out genealogical difficulties in the Scrip- ture. It is only repeating the result of calculations in chronology of certain fallible men who, as fallible, were liable to be mistaken. All infi lels do it in trying to fasten upon the Scripture tho blunders of mistaken men. But, as is well known, the tendency of the best geologists in our day is rapidly going away from the old ideas of the vast periods of time in the construction of this earth. Mud Calendars vs. Facts Some Sad and Sorrowful Scientific Figuring in the Sand. It was not very long ago that Sir Charles Lyell, the distin- guished English geologist, calculated from his own stand- \ point the rate at which the mud is deposited in the great \ delta of the Mississippi. By actual figures he reached the astounding calculation that the formation of the delta of O the Mississippi must have occupied not less than one hundred thousand years. And, when down underneath that deposit a skeleton was exhumed, it proved beyond all question that not less than fifty thousand years ago human feet had trod the soft soil of the delta of the Mississippi. 102 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL, But unfortunately for Sir Charles Lyell, American geolo- gists were on his track, and the United States coast survey followed in the pathway where he had been investigating. Gen. Humphrey, of the American army, measured accu- rately the amount of the deposit. He reviewed the figures of the English geologist, and he showed unanswerably that the whole delta of the Mississippi could not have been in process of formation longer than four thousand four hundred years. For many years geologists held that a quantity of pottery that was found some sixty feet below the surface of the soil, in the delta of the Nile, was at least twelve thousand years old. But later investigations deeper down in the same soil came upon some more patterns, which were undoubtedly of Roman origin, and under these, a brick that bore inefface- ably the stamp of Mehemet Ali, a modern pasha. If you have visited Minneapolis, you certainly musthavo been struck by the formation of the banks where the Mis- sissippi has cut its way through the rocks. Above there is layer upon layer, stratum upon stratum of limestone, and beneath them the saccharoid sandstone, white as the sugar from which it derives its name, and soft enough to be cut with a knife, lies in hujje masses. On the bluff overlooking o o the river, there lives, in an immense house, which many years ago was a popular hotel of the ancient city of St. Anthony's Falls, a friend of mine. One day there came to him startling news. Just outside of his premises, in exca- vating for the foundation of a new building, the workmen had struck upon a wooden coffin, and in it they found what was recognized to be, beyond all doubt, human bones. A local geologist, a physician of the state, with some skeptical tendencies, seized upon this new foundation of the an- tiquity of man, and the next day the columns of an even- ing paper of St. Paul contained an article from this gen* tleman's.pen about what countless ages must have elapsed B1SIIOP CHENEY'S REPLY. 103 to perfect that saccharoid sandstone over the coffin, and over that to have put these layers upon layers of rock. The conclusion was, that the chronology of the Bible was utterly a mistake, and that we had, before the days ol Mr. Ingersoll, one of the mistakes of Moses. On reading the article my friend felt at once it was his duty to investi- gate the event. lie found the coffin still unremoved, for it was solidly wedged into the saccharoid sandstone, and small pieces of the bones were scattered carelessly about My friend, whose Christian feeling is only equaled by his profound ability and scholarship, began carefully to examine these relics of pre-Adamite man. Imagine his surprise to find that the coffin which had been made so many ages be- fore Adam was placed upon this earth, was the plank sewer of the old hotel in which he lived, and the bones were those of some innocent lamb, that a careless cook had some time ago flung into that receptacle. I honor geology, but I claim it is yet a very imperfect science, and even with all its im- perfections I liavq yet to find a solitary principle or fact hat geology has laid down that contradicts one word of the five books of Moses. A Mistake of Ingersoll, Tom Paine & Co. Corrected Conclusion. I allude to one more of the Mosaic facts that is assailed by the opponents of the Gospel. It is a difficulty which Mr. Ingersoll recently brought forward in that remarkable production of his, as something which he had discovered; but Bishop Colenso, whom the Church of England some thirty years ago sent out among the Zulus, dwelt upon it long ago, and even before his time, Tom Paine had made it his weapon against the truthfulness of the Pentateuch. It is simply this: \Ve are told that the children of Israel, according to the Bible, were in the land of Egypt, in cap- tivity, two hundred and fifteen years. There went down 104 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. with Jacob and his sons, their wives and children, seventy souls in all. But the Exodus finds in the army of Israel six hundred thousand fighting men, involving a total of men, women and children which could not have been less than two or three millions, and it is declared that such an increase is utterly unparalleled in the annals of history. ur mathematicians have figured it all out to their satis- faction. Now, I want you to observe what a tissue of blunders make up this opposition to this Great Book. First of all turn back to the life of Abraham, the ancestor of Jacob, and you there discover that a Hebrew family did not consist merely of the parents and children. The ser- vants were a part of the Hebrew household, and God dis- tinctly made His commands imperative and unavoidable upon Abraham, that every male youth born in his house should receive the seal of circumcision. He therefore became a participator in the Abrahamic covenant. Nay, more, if he bought a servant he had to be brought into the covenant of circumcision. God insists'upon this, and thus every servant of every Hebrew household became a He- brew, and was reckoned in the family into which he was adopted. Away back in the time of Abraham, if you take up the Book of Genesis you will iind he had so many of these servants born in his own household, that three hundred and eighteen of them, able-bodied men, soldiers, followed him to battle, and when Jacob, in the one hundred and thirtieth year of his age, went down into the land of Egypt the three hundred and eighteen of Abraham's day surely must have multiplied into thousands. The Pentateuch, it is true, gives only the formal list of Jacob's sons, their wives and their children. There is no formal mention of this vast crowd of attendants, who, not- withstanding ns part of the family, must have entered into the land of Egypt with them. Thus, at the very rate of BISHOP CHENEY'S HE PLY. 10> increase that the tables of the census of the United States to-day display, these thousands might have easily amounted to three millions in two hundred and fifteen years. I am not through with this stronghold of the enemies of the Pentateuch v As I study it seems to me that I never knew a ghost to vanish into thinner air. I v/ould like to- know where or how the critics learned that Israel was in bondage in the land of Egypt two hundred and fifteen years. Why, they learned in precisely the way that they learned that Moses said this earth was made just dx thousand years, ago. They have taken up certain genealogies and specula- tions of commentators. They have taken up the calcula- tions of Hales and others, and they have regarded them as infallible. They have never turned to the twelfth chapter of Exodus, and I find there the statement given with pre- cision that admits of no question that the sojourn of the children of Israel in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years: " And it came to pass, at the end of four hundred and thirty years, within the self-same day it carne to pass that all the hosts of the Lord came out of the land of Egypt." Long before that, God had told Abraham that his seed should be strangers in a land that was not theirs, and that they should afflict them four hundred years. And tho Jews so understood it, as shown by the fact that in the New Testament Stephen declares that God told the father of tho faithful that his seed should sojourn in a strange land, and they should bring them into bondage and evil entreat thorn, four hundred years. Now, if but seventy had gone down with Jacob into Egypt, an increase to two or three or even four millions in four and a half centuries would have been no more than what is paralleled by the history of every race on the surface of the globe. In Italy, three hundred years ago, when men were wild over the discovery of Galileo's telescope, there was one philosopher who refused to look through the tube that pierced the vail of the starry worlds, and when he was asked the reason, "I am afraid," he said, ''that I should beli.eve Galileo's theory of the planetary motion." My brethren, look into the telescope of revelation. To know it, to study it, is to find tho very truth of God. INGERSOLL'S LECTURE ON SKULLS, AND HIS REPLIES TO PROF. SAVING, DR. RYDER, DR. HERFORD, DR. COLLIER, AND OTHER CRITICS. REPRINTED PROM "THE CHICAGO TIMES.' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Man advances just in the proportion that he mingles his thoughts with his labor just in the proportion that he takes advantage of the forces of nature; just in proportion as he loses uperstition and gains confidence i:i himself. Man advances as he ceases to fear the gods and learns to love his fellow-men. It is all, in my judgment, a question of intellectual development. Tell mo "the religion of any man and I will tell you the degree he marki on the intellectual thermometer of the world. It is a simple question of brain. Those among us who are the nearest barbarism have a barbarian religion. Those who are nearest civilization have the least superstition. It is, I say, a simple question of brain, and I want, in the first place, to lay the foundation to prove that assertion. / A little while ago I saw models of nearly everything that man has made. I saw models of all the water craft, from the rude dug-out in which floated a naked savage one of our ancestors a naked savage, with teeth twice as long as his forehead was high, with a spoonful of brains in the back of his orthodox head I saw models of all the water craft of the world, from that dug-out up to a man-of-war that carries a hundred guns and miles of canvas ; from that dug-out to the steamship 107 , 108 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. that turns its brave prow from the port of New York, with a compass like a conscience, crossing three thousand miles of billows without miss- ing a tlirob or beat of its mighty iron heart from shore to shore. And I saw at llic sumo lime the paintings of the world, from the rude daub of yellow mud to the landscapes that enrich palaces and adorn houses of what were once called t!ie common people. I saw also their sculpture, from the rude god wi;h four legs, a half dozen arms, several noses, and two or three rows of cars, and one 1 tile, contemptible, brainless head, up t > the figures of to-day, to the marbles that genius has clad in such a personality that it seems almost impudent to touch them without an introduction. I saw their books books written upon the skins of wild beasts upon shoulder-blades of sheep books written upon leaves, upon bark, up to the splendid volumes that enrich, the libraries of our day. When I speak of libraries I think of the remark of Plato: "A house that has a library in it has a soul." I saw at the same time the offensive weapons that man has made, from a club, such as was grapcd by that same savage when he crawled from his den in the ground and hunted a snake for his dinner: from that club to the boomerang, to the sword, to the cross-bow, to the blunderbuss, to the flint-lock, to the cap-lock, to the needle-gun, up to a cannon cast by Krupp, capable of hurling aball weighing two thousand pounds through eighteen inches of solid steel. I saw, too, the armor from the shell of a turtle that one of our brave ancestors lashed upon his breast when ho went to fight for his country; the skin of a porcupine, dried with the quills on, which this same savage pulled over his orthodox head, up to the shirts of mail that were worn in the middle ages, that laughed at tho SO of the sword and defied the point of the spear; up to a monitor lad ia complete steel. And I say orthodox not only in the matter of religion, but in everything. Whoever has quit growing he is orthodox, wh'ethcr in art, politics, religion, philosophy no matter what. Whoever thinks ho has f mnd it all out he is orthodox. Orthodoxy is that which rots, and heresy ii that which grows forever. Orthodoxy is the night of tlic past, full oflhc darkness of superstition, and heresy is the eternal coming day, the light of which strikes the grand foreheads of the intel- lectual pioneers of tho world. I saw their implements of agriculture, from the p!ow made of a crooked slick, ntttached to the horn of an ox by some twisted straw, with which our ancestors scraped the earth, and fro::i tliv.t to tho agricul:ural implements of this generation, that mako it possible for a man to cultivate tho soil without being an ignoramus. ( la the old time there was but one crop; and when the rain did not come in answer to the pmycr of hypocrites a famine came and people fell upon their knees. At that time tliey were full of superstition. They were frightened all the lime for four that some god would be enraged at 8KULL8 AND REPLIES. 109 his poor, hapless, feeble and starving children. J?ut now, instead of depending upon one crop they have several, and if there is nut rain enough for one there may be enough for another. And if the frosts kill all, we have railroads and steamships enough to bring what we need from some other part of the world. Since man has found out some-\ thing about agriculture, the gods have retired from the business of pro-) ducing famines. I saw at the same time their musical instruments, from the tom-tom that is, a hoop with a couple of strings of raw-hide drawn across it /from that tom-tom, up to the instruments we have to-day, that make I the common air blossom with melody, and I said to myself there is a vregular advancement. I saw at the same time a row of human skulls, from the lowest skull that has been found, the Neanderthal skull skulls from Central Africa, skulls from the bushuicn of Australia skulls from the farthest isles of the Pacific Sea up to the best skulls of the last generation and I noticed that there was the same difference between those skulls that there was between the products of those skulls, *- and I said to n:y -elf: "After all, it i.s a simple question of intellectual \ development." There was the same difference between those skulls, the I lowest and highest skulls, that there was between the dug-out and the / man-of-war and the steamship, between the club and the Krupp gun, / between the yellow daub and the landscape, between the tom-tom and/ an opera by Verdi. The first and lowest skull in this row was the den in which crawled the base and meaner instincts of mankind, and the last was a temple in which dwelt joy, liberty and love. And I said to myself, it is all a question of intellectual development. Man has advanced just as he has mingled his thought with his labor. As he has grown he has taken advantage of the forces of nature ; first of the moving wind, then of falling water, and finally of steam. From one step to another he has obtained better houses, better clothes, and better books, and he h-.is done it by holding out every incentive to the ingenious to produce them. The world has said, give us better clubs and guns and cannons with which to kill our fellow Christians. And whoever will give us better weapons and better music, and better houses to live in, we will robe him in wealth, crown him in honor, and render his name deathless. Every incentive was held out to every human being to improve these things, and that is the reason we have advanced in all mechanical arts. But that gentleman in the dug-out not only had his ideas about politics, mechanics, and agriculture; he had his ideas also about religion. His idea about politics was " right makes might." It will be thousands of years, may be, before mankind will believe in the saying that "right makes might." He had his religion. That low skull was a devil factory. He believed in Hell, and the belief was aeon- 110 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. /isolation to him. He could see the waves of God's wrath dashing against the rocks of dark damnation. He could see tossing in the white-caps 'the f.ices of women, and stretching above the crests the dimpled hands of children; and he regarded these things as the justice and mercy of God. And all to-day who believe in this eternal punishment are the barbarians of the nineteenth century. That man believed in a devil, too, that had a long tail terminating with a fiery dart; that had wings like a bat a devil that had a cheerful habit of breathing brimstone, that had a cloven foot, such as some orthodox clergymen seem to think I have. And there has not been a patentable improvement made upon \ f\ /that devil in all the years since. The moment you drive the devil out ( > / of theology, there is nothing left worth speaking of. The moment they . * I drop the devil, away goes atonement. The moment they kill the devil, \heir whole scheme of salvation has lost all of its interest for mankind. You must keep the devil and you must keep Hell. You must keep the devil, because with no devil no priest is necessary. Now, all I ask is this the same privilege to improve upon his religion as upon his dug- out, and that is what I am going to do, the best I can. No matter what church you belong to, or what church belongs to us. Let us be honor bright and fair. / I want to ask you : Suppose the king, if there was one, and the priest if there was one at that time, had told these gentlemen in the dug-out: ( " That dug-out is the best boat that can ever be built by man ; the pattern of that came from on high, from the great God of storm and flood, and any man who says he can improve it by putting a stick in the middle I of it and a rag on the stick, is an infidel, and shall be burned at tho stake;" what, in your judgment honor bright would have been the effect upon the circumnavigation of the globe? Suppose the king, if there was one, and the priest, if there was one and I presume there was a priest, because it was a very ignorant age suppose this king and I priest had said: "The tom-toin is the most beautiful instrument of music of which any man can conceive ; that is the kind of music they have in Heaven; an angel sitting upon the edge of a glorified cloud, golden in the setting sun, playing upon that tom-tom, became so enrap- tured so entranced with her own music, that in a kind of ecstasy she dropped it that is how we obtained it; and any man who says it can bo improved by putting a back and front to it, and four strings, and a bridge, and getting a bow of hair with rosin, is a blaspheming wretch, and shall die the death," I ask you, what effect would that have had upon music r If that course had been pursued, would the human ears, in your judg- ment, ever have been enriched with the divine symphonies of Beethoven t Suppose the king, if there was one, nnd the priest, had said: "That crooked sticks is the best plow that can be invented ; the pattern of that SKULLS AJfD REPLIES. lit plow was given to a pious farmer in an exceedingly holy dream, and that twisted straw is the neplus ultra of all twisted things, and nny maa who says ho can make Tin improvement upon that plow, is an atheist;" what, in your judgment, would have been the effect upon the science of agriculture ? Now, all I ask is the same privilege to improve upon his religion as \ upon his mechanical arts. Why don't we go back to that period to get ) the telegraph ? Because they were barbarians. And shall we go to bar- /\ a barians to get our religion? What is religion? Religion simplj^ \ C embraces the duty of man to man. Religion is simply the science of human duty and the duty of man to man that is what it is. It is the J highest science of all. And all other sciences are as nothing, except as they contribute to the happiness of man. The science of religion is the highest of all, embracing all others. And shall we go to the barbarians to learn the science of sciences ? The nineteenth century knows more about religion than all the centuries dead. There is more real charity hi the world to-day than ever before. There is more thought to-day than ever before. Woman is glorified to-day as she never was before in the history of the world. There are more happy families now than ever before more children treated as though they were tender blossoms than as though they were brutes than in any other time or nation. Religion is simply the duty a man owes to man ; and when you fall upon j-our knees and pray for something you know not of, you neither benefit the one you pray for nor yourself. One ounce of restitution is worth a mil- lion of repentances anywhere, and a man will get along faster by help- ing himself a minute than by praying ten years for somebody to help him. Suppose you were coming along the street, and found a party of men and women on their knees praying to a bank, and you asked them, " Have any of you borrowed any money of this bank ?" " No, but our fathers, they, to, prayed to this bank." " Did they ever get any ?" " No, not ttiat we ever heard of." I would tell them to get up. It is easier to earn it, and it is far more manly. Our fathers in the " good old times," and the best that I can say of the " good old times " is that they are gone, and the best I can say of the good old people that lived in them is that they are gone, too believed that you made a man think your way by force. Well, you can't do it. There is a splendid something in man that says: "I won't; I won't be driven." But our fathers thought men could be driven. They tried it in the " good old times." I used to read about the manner in which the early Christians made converts how they impressed upon the world the idea that God loved them. I have read it, but i t didn't burn into my soul. I didn't think much about it I heard so much about being fried forever in Hell that it didn't seem so bad to burn a few minutes. I love 113 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. liberty and I hate all persecutions in the name of God. I never appre- ciated the infamies that have been committed in the name of religion ! until I saw the iron arguments that Christians used. I saw, for instance, 1 the thumb-screw, two little innocent looking pieces of iron, armed with some little protuberances on the inner side to keep it from slipping down, and through each end a screw, and when some man had made some trifling remark, as, for instance, that he never believed that God /made a fish swallow a man to keep him from drowning, or something / like that, or, for instance, that he didn't believe in baptism. You know ^ / that is very wrong. You can see for yourselves the justice of damning a man if his parents had happened to baptize him in the wrong way God can not afford to break a rule or two to save all the men in the world. I happened to be in the company of some Baptist ministers once you may wonder how I happened to be in such company as that and one of them asked me what I thought about baptism. Well, I told them I hadn't thought much about it that I had never sat up nights on that question. I said : " Baptism with soap is a good institution." Now, when some man had said some trifling thing like that, they put this thumb-screw on him, and iii the name of universal benevolence and for the love of God man has never persecuted man for the love of man ; man hai never persecuted another for the love of charity it is always for the love of something ho calls God, and every man's idea of God is (\ / 1m own idea. If there is an infinite God, and there may be I don't i know there may be a million for all I know I hope there is more than one one seems so lonesome. They kept turning this down, and when this was done, most men would say: " I will recant." I think I would. There is not much of the martyr about me. I would have told them: " Now you write it down, and I will sign it. You may have one God or a million, one Hell or a million. You stop that I am tried." Do you know, sometimes I have thought that all the hypocrites in the world are not worth one drop of honest blood. I am sorry that any /good man ever died for religion. I would rather let them advance a little easier. It is too bad to see a good man sacrificed for a lot of wild beasts and cattle. But there is now and then a man who would not swerve the breadth of a hair. There was now and then a sublime heart willing to die for an intellectual conviction, and had it not been for these men wo would liavo been wild beasts and savages to-day. There were some incn who would not take it back, and had it not been for a few such brave, heroic souls in every age we would have been cannibals, with pictures of wild beasts tattooed upon our breasts, dancing around some dried-snake fetish. And so they turned it down to the last thread of agony, and threw the victim into some dungeon, where, in the throb- SKULLS AND REPLIES. 113 bing silence and darkness, he might suffer the agonies of the fabled \ 9 damned. This was done in the name of love, in the name of mercy, in * the name of the compassionate Christ. And the men that did it are the men that made our Bible for us. I saw, too, at the same time, the collar of torture. Imagine a circle of iron, and on the inside a hundred points almost as sharp as needles. This argument was fastened about the throat of the sufferer. Then he could not walk nor sit down, nor stir without the neck being punctured by these points. In a little while the throat would begin to swell, and suffocation would end the agonies of that man. This man, it may be, had committed the crime of saying, with tears upon his cheeks, " I do not believe that God, the father of us all, will damn to eternal perdition any of the children of men." And that was done to convince the world that God so loved the world that He died for us. That was in order that people might hear the glad tidings of great joy to all people. I saw another instrument, called the scavenger's daughter. Imagine a pair of shears with handles, not only where they now are, but at the points as well and just above the pivot that unites the blades a circle of iron. In the upper handles the hands would be placed ; in the lower, the feet; and through the iron ring, at the centre, the head of the victim would be forced, and in that position the man would be thrown upon the earth, and the strain upon the muscle would produce such agony that insanity took pity. And this was done to keep people from going \ to Hell to convince that man that he had made a mistake in his logic I and it was done, too, by Protestants Protestants that persecuted to the ' extent of their power, and that is as much as Catholicism ever did. * They would persecute now if they had the power. There is not a man in this vast audience who will say that the church should have temporal power. There is not one of you but what believes in the eternal divorce of church and state. Is it possible that the ouly people who are fit to go to heaven are the only people not fit to rule mankind ? I saw at the same time the rack. This was a box like the bed of a wagon, with a windlass at each end, and ratchets to prevent slipping. Over each windlass went chains, and when some man had, for instance, denied the doctrine of the trinity, a doctrine it is necessary to believe in -order to get to Heaven but, thank the Lord, you don't have to under- stand it. This man merely denied that three times one was one, or maybe he denied that there was ever any Son in the world exactly as :>ld as his father, or that there ever was a boy eternally older than his mother then they put that man on the rack. Nobody had ever been persecuted for calling God bad it has always been for calling him good. When I stand here to say that, if there is a Hell, God is a fiend; they say that is very bad. They say I am trying to tear down the institu- 114 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. tions of public virtue. But let me tell you one thing ; there is no refor- ! mation in fear you can scare a man so that he won't do it sometimes, j but I will swear you can't scare him so bad that he won't want to do it. \ Then they put this man on the rack and priests began turning these levers, and kept turning until the ankles, the hips, the shoulders, the elbows, the wrists, and all the joints of the victim were dislocated, and he was wet with agony, and standing by was a physician to feel his- pulse. What for ? To save his life ? Yes. In mercy ? No. But in order that they might have the pleasure of racking him once more. And this was the Christian spirit. This was done in the name of civili- zation, in the name of religion, and all these wretches who did it died in peace. There is not an orthodox preacher in the city that has not a. respect for every one of them. As, for instance, for John Calvin, who- was a murderer and nothing but a murderer, who would have disgraced an ordinary gallows by being hanged upon it These men when they came to die were not frightened. God did not send any devils into their death-rooms to make mouths at them. He reserved them for Voltaire, who brought religious liberty to Prance. He reserved them for Thomas Paine, who did more for liberty than all the churches. But all the inquisitors died with the white hands of pence folded over the breast of piety. And when they died, the room was filled with the rustle of the wings of angels, waiting to bear the wretches to Heaven. When I read these frightful books it seems to me sometimes as though I had suffered all these things myself. It seems sometimes as though I had stood upon the shore of exile, and gazed with tearful eyes toward home and native land; it seems to me as though I had been staked out upon the sands of the sea, and drowned by the inexorable, advancing tide ; as though my nails had been torn from my hands, and into the bleeding quick needles had been thrust ; as though my feet had been crushed in iron boots; as though I had been chained in the cell of the Inquisition, and listened with dying ears for the coming footsteps of release; as though I had stood upon the scaffold and saw the glittering axe fall upon me; as though I had been upon the rack and had seen, bending above me, the white faces of hypocrite priests; as though I had been taken from my fireside, from my wife and children, taken to the public square, chained; as though fagots had been piled about me; as though the flames had climbed around my limbs and scorched my eyes to blindness, and as though my ashes had been scattered to the four winds by all the countless hands of hate. And, while I so feel, I swear that while I live I will do what little I can to augment the liberties of man, woman and child. I denounce slavery and superstition every- where. I believe in liberty, and happiness, and love, nud joy in this world. I am amazed that any man ever had the impudence to try and SKULLS AND REPLIES. 115 do another man's thinking. I have just as good a right to talk about theology as a minister. If they all agreed I might admit it was a science, but as they all disagree, and the more they study the wider they get apart, I may be permilted to suggest it is not a science. When no two will tell you the road to Heaven that is, giving you the same route ?nd if you would inquire of them all, you would just give up trying to go there, and say: " I may as well stay where I am, and let the Lord come to me." Do you know that this world has not been fit for a lady and gentle- man to live in for twenty-five years, just on account of slavery. It was not until the year 1808 that Great Britain abolished the slave trade, and up to that time her judges, her priests occupying her pulpits, the mem- bers of the royal family, owned stock in the slave ships, and luxuriated upon the profits of piracy and murder. It was not until the same year that the United States of America abolished the slave trade between this and other countries, but carefully preserved it as between the states. It was not until the 28th day of August, 1833, that Great Britain abolished human slavery in her colonies ; and it was not until the 1st day of Jan- uary, 18C3, that Abraham Lincoln, sustained by the sublime and heroic North, rendered our flag pure as the sky in which it floats. Abraham Lincoln was, in my judgment, in many respects, the grandest man ever president of the United States. Upon his monument these words should be written : " Here sleeps the only man in the history of the world, who, having been clothed with almost absolute power, never abused it, except upon the side of mercy." For two hundred years the Christians of the United States deliberately turned the cross of Christ into a whipping-post. Christians bred hounds to catch other Christians. Let me show you what the Bible has done for mankind : " Servants, be obedient to your masters." The only word coming from that sweet Heaven was, " Servants, obey your masters." Frederick Douglas told me that he had lectured upon the subject of freedom twenty years before he was permitted to set his foot in a church. I tell you the world has not been fit to live in for twenty-five years. Then all the people used to cringe and crawl to preachers. Mr. Buckle, in his history of civilization, shows that men were even struck dead for speaking impolitely to a priest. God would not stand it. See how they used to crawl before cardinals, bishops and popes. It is not so now. Before wealth they bowed to the very earth, and in the presence of titles they became abject. All this is slowly, but surely changing. We no longer bow to men simply because they are rich. Our fathers wor- shipped the golden calf. The worst you can say of an American now is, he worships the gold of the calf. Even the calf is beginning to see this distinction. 116 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. The time will come when no matter how much money a man has, he will not be respected unless he is using it for the benefit of his fellow. men. It will soon be here. It no longer satisfies the ambition of a great man to be king or emperor. The last Napoleon was not satisfied with being the emperor of the French. lie was not satisfied with having a circlet of gold about his head. He wanted some evidence that he had something of value within his head. So he wrote the life of Julius Caesar, that he might become a member of the French academy. The emperors, the kings, the popes, no longer tower above their fellows. Compare, for instance, King William and Helmholtz. The king is one of the anointed by the Most High, as they claim one upon whose head has been poured the divine petroleum of authority. Compare this king with Helmholtz, who towers an intellectual Colossus above the crowned mediocrity. Compare George Eliot with Queen Victoria. The queen is clothed in garments given her by blind fortune and unreasoning chance, while George Eliot wears robes of glory woven in the loom of her own genius. And so it is the world over. The time is comingwhen a man will be rated at his real worth, and that by his brain and heart. We care nothing now about an officer unless he fills his place. No mat- ter if he is president, if he rattles in the place nobody cares anything about him. I might give you an instance in point, but I won't. The world is getting better and grander and nobler every day. Now, if men have been slaves, if they have crawled in]the dust before one another, what shall I say of women ? They have been the slaves of men. It took thousands of ages to bring women from abject slavery up to the divine height of marriage. I believe in marriage. If there is any Heaven upon earth it is in the family by the fireside, and the famuy is a unit of government. Without the family relation is tender, pure and true, civilization is impossible. Ladies, the ornaments you wear upon your persons to-night are but the souvenirs of your mother's bond- age. The chains around your necks, and the bracelets clasped upon your white arms by the thrilled hand of love, have been changed by the wand of civilization from iron to shining, glittering gold. Nearly every civilization in this world accounts for the devilment in it by the crimes of woman. They say woman brought all the trouble into the world. 1 don't care if she did. I would rather live in a world full of trouble with the women I love, than to live in Heaven with nobody but men. I read in a book an account of the creation of the world. The book I have taken pains to say was not written by any God. And why do I say so ? Because I can write a far better book myself. Because it is full of bar- barisms. Several ministers in this city have undertaken to answer me notably thoge who don't believe the Bible themselves. I want to ask toeae m&L sot ui*u&. - -vJu.' totn *: ot '.sur. SKULLS AND REPLIES. 117 Every minister in the City of Chicago that answers me, and those Vho have answered me had better answer me again I want them to say, and without any sort of evasion without resorting to any pious tricks I want them to say whether they believe that the Eternal God of this universe ever upheld the crime of polygamy. Say it square and fair. Don't begin to talk about that being a peculiar time, and that God was easy on the prejudices of those old fellows. I want them to answer that question and to answer it squarely, which they haven't done. Did this God, which you pretend to worship, ever sanction the institution of human slavery? Now, answer fair? Don't slide around it. Don't begin and answer what a bad man I am, nor what a good man Moses was. Stick to the text. Do you believe in a God that allowed a man to be sold from his children ? Do you worship such an infinite monster? And if you do, tell your congregation whether you are not ashamed to admit it. Let every minister who answers me again tell whether he believes God commanded his general to kill the little dimpled babe in the cradle. Let him answer it. Don't say that those were very bad times. Tell whether He did it or not, and then your people will know wheiher to hate that God or not. Be honest. Tell them whether that God in war captured young maidens and turned them over to the soldiers ; and then ask the wives and sweet girls of your congregation to get down on their knees and worship the infinite fiend that did that thing. Answer! It is your God I am talking about, and if that is what God did, please tell your congregation what, under the same circumstances, the devil would have done. Don't tell your people that is a poem. Don't tell your people that is pictorial. That won't do. Tell your people whether it is true or false. That is what I want you to do. In this book I have read about God's making the world and one man. That is all he intended to make. The making of woman was a second thought, though I am willing to admit that as a rule second thoughts are best. This God made a man and put him in a public park. In a little while He noticed that the man got lonesome ; then He found He had made a mistake, and that He would have to make somebody to keep him company. But having used up all the nothing He originally used in making the world and one man, He had to take a part of a man to start a woman with. So He causes sleep to fall on this man now under- stand me, I do not say this story is true. After the sleep had fallen on this man the Supreme Being took a rib, or, as the French would call it, a cutlett, out of him, and from that He made a woman ; and I am willing to swear, taking into account the amount and quality of the raw material used, this was the most magnificent job ever accomplished in this world. Well, after He got the woman done she was brought to the man, not to see how she liked him, but to see how he liked her. He f 118 MISTAKES OF 1NGER80LL. liked her and they started housekeeping, and they were told of certain things they might do and of one thing they could not do and of course they did it I would have done it in fifteen minutes, I know it. There wouldn't have been an apple on that tree half an hour from date, and the limbs would have been full of clubs. And then they were turned out of the park and extra policemen were put on to keep them from getting back. And then trouble commenced and we have been at it ever since. Nearly all of the religions of this world account for the exist- ence of evil by such a story as that. Well, I read in another book what appeared to be an account of the same transaction. It was written about four thousand years before the other. All commentators agree that the one that was written last was the original, and the one that was written first was copied from the one that was written last. But I would advise you all not to allow your (creed to be disturbed by a little matter of four or five thousand years. It is a great deal better to be mistaken in dates than to go to the devil. In this other account the Supreme Brahma made up his mind to make the world and a man and woman. He made the world, and he made the man and then the woman, and put them on the Island of Ceylon. According to the account it was the most beautiful island of which man can conceive. Such birds, such songs, such flowers, and such verdure! And the branches of the trees were so arranged that when the wind swept through them every tree was a thousand ^lolian harps. Brahma, when he put them there, s^aid : " Let them have a period of courtship, for it is my desire and will that true love should torcver precede mar- riage." When I read that, it was so much more beautiful and lofiy than the other, that I said to myself: " If either one of these stories ever turns out to be true, I hope it will be this one." Then they had their courtship, with the nightingale singing and the stars shining and the flowers blooming, and they fell in love. lma think of it. If a man loves a woman she does not ever grow.old to him, and the woman who really loves a man doc-s not see that he grows old. He is not decrepit to her. He is not tremulous. He is not old. He is not bowed. Slic always sees the same gallant fellow that won her hand and heart. I like to think of it in that way, and as Shakspearc says: " Let Tune reach with his sickle as far us ever he cau ; although he can reach ruddy cheeks and ripe lips, and flushing eyes, he can not quite reach love." I like to think of it. We will go down the hill of life together, and enter the shadow one with the other, and as we go down we may hear the ripple of the laughter of our grandchildren, and the birds, and spring, and youth, and lovo will sing once more upo*n the leafless brunches of the tree of age. BKULLX AND REPLIES. 123 I love to think of it in that way absolute equals, happy, happy, and free, ah our own. But some people say : "Would you allow a woman to vote?" Yes, if she wants to; that is her business, not mine. If a woman wants to vote, I am too much of a gentleman to say she shall not. But they say woman has not sense enough to vote. It don't take much. But it seems to me there are some questions r as for instance, the question of peace and war, that a woman should be allowed to vote upon. A woman that has sons to be offered on the altar of that Moloch, it seems to me that such a grand woman should have as much right to vote upon the question of peace and war as some thrice-besotted sot that reels to the ballot box and deposits his vote for war. But if women have been slaves, what shall we say of the little children born in the sub-cellars; children of poverty, children of crime, children of wealth, children that are afraid when they hear their nuines pronounced by the lips of the mother, children that cower in fear when they hear the footsteps of their brutal father, the flotsam and jetsam upon the rude sea of life, my heart goes out to them one and all. Children have all the rights that we have and one more, and that is to be protected. Treat your children in that way. Suppose yourchild tells a lie. Don't pretend that the whole world is going into bankruptcy. Don't pretend that that is the first lie ever told. Tell them, like an hon- est man, that you have told hundreds of lies yourself, and tell the dear little darling that it is not the best way ; that it soils the soul. Think of the man that deals in stocks whipping his children for putting false Tumors afloat! Think of an orthodox minister whipping his own flesh and blood, for not telling all it thinks! Think of that! Think of a lawyer beating his child for avoiding the truth! when the old man makes about half his living that way. A lie is born of weakness on one ide and tyranny on the other. That is what it is. Think of a great big man coming at a little bit of a child with a club in his hand! What is the little darling to do? Lie, of course. I think that mother Nature put that ingenuity into the mind of the child, when attacked by a parent, to throw up a little breastwork in the shape of a lie to defend itself. When a great general wins a battle by what they call strategy, we build monuments to him. What is strategy ? Lies. Suppose a man as much larger than we are as we are larger than a child five years of age, should come at us with a liberty pole in his hand, and in tones of thunder want to know " who broke that plate," there isn't one of us, not excepting myself, that wouldn't swear that we never had seen that plate in our lives, or that it was cracked when we got it. Another good way to make children tell the truth is to tell it yourself. Keep your word with your child the same as you would with your 124 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. banker. If you tell a child you will do anything, either do it or give the child the reason why. Truth is born of confidence. It comes from the lips of love and liberty. I was over in Michigan the other day. There was a boy over there at Grand Rapids about five or six years old, a nice, smart boy, as you will see from the remark he made what you might call a nineteenth century boy. His father and mother had prom- ised to take him out riding. They had promised to take him out riding for about three weeks, and they would slip off" and go without him. Well, after a while, that got kind of played out with the little boy, and the day before I was there they played the trick on him again. They went out and got the carriage, and went away, and as they rode away from the front of the house, he happened to be standing there with hi nurse, and he saw them. The whole thing flashed on him in a moment. He took in the situation, and turned to his nurse and said, pointing to his father and mother: "There goes the two d 1 liars in the State of Michigan ! " When you go home fill the house with joy, so that the light of it will stream out the windows and doors, and illuminate even the darkness. It is just as easy that way as any in the world. I want to tell you to-night that you can not get the robe of hypocrisy on you so thick that the sharp eye of childhood will not see through every veil, and if you pretend to your children that you are the best man that ever lived the bravest man that ever lived they will find you out every time. They will not have the same opinion of father when they grow up that they used to have. They will have to be in mighty bad luck if they ever do meaner things than you have done. When your child confesses to you that it has committed a fault, take that child in your arms, and let it leel your heartbeat against its heart, and raise your children in the sunlight of love, and they will be sunbeams to you along the pathway of life. Abolish the club and the whip from the house, because, if the civilized use a whip, the ignorant and the brutal will use a club, and they will use it because you use the whip. Every little while some door is thrown open in some orphan asylum and there we see the bleeding back of a child whipped beneath the roof / that was raised by love. It is infamous, and the man that can't raise a child without the whip ought not to have a child. If there is one of you here that ever expect to whip your child again, let me ask you some- thing. Have your photograph taken at the time and let it show your face red with vulgar anger, and the face of the little one with eyes- swimming in tears, and the little chin dimpled with fear, looking like a piece of water struck by a sudden cold wind. If that little child should die, I can not think of a sweeter way to spend an Autumn afternoon than to take that photograph and go to the cemetery, when the maples are clad in tender gold, and when little scarlet runners are coming from SKULLS AND REPLIES. 135 the sad heart of the earth, and sit down upon that mound, and look upon that photograph, and think of the flesh, now dust, that you beat. Just think of it. I could not bear to die in the arms of a child that I had whipped. I could not bear to feel upon my lips, when they were withered beneath the touch of death, the kiss of one that I had struck. Some Christians act as though they really thought that when Christ said, "Suffer little children to come unto me," He had a rawhide under His coat. They act as though they really thought that He made that remark simply to get the children within striking distance. I have known Christians to turn their children from their doors, especially a daughter, and then get down on their knees and pray to God to watch over them and help them. I will never ask God to help my children unless I am doing my level best in that same wretched line. i will U-ll you what I say to my girls^ " Go where you will ; do what crime you may; fall to what depth of degradation you may; in all the storms and winds and earthquakes of life, no matter what you do, you never can commit any crime that will shut my door, my arms or my heart to you. As long as I live you shall have one sincere friend." Call me an antheist; call me an infidel because I hate the God of the Jew which I do. I intend so to live that when 1 die my children can come to my grave and truthfully say : " He who sleeps here never gave us one moment of pain." When I was a boy there was one day in each week too good for a child to be happy in. In these good old times Sunday commenced when the sun went down on Saturday night, and closed when the sun went down on Sunday night. We commenced Saturday to get a good ready. And when the sun went down Saturday night there was a gloom deeper than midnight that fell upon the house. You could not crack hickory nuts then. And if you were caught chewing gum, it was only another evidence of the total depravity of the human heart. Well, after a while we got to bed sadly and sorrowfully after having heard Heaven thanked that we were not all in Hell. And I sometimes used to wonder how the mercy of God lasted as long as it did. because I recollected that on sev- eral occasions I had not been at school, when I was supposed to be there. Why I was not burned to a crisp was a mystery to me. The next morn- ing we got up and we got ready for church all solemn, and when we got there the minister was up in the pulpit, about twenty feet high, and he commenced at Genesis about " The fall of man," and he went on to about twenty thirdly; then he struck the second application, and when he struck the application I knew he was about half way through. And then he went on to show the scheme how the Lord was satisfied by pun- ishing the wrong man. Nobody but a God would have thought of that ingenious way. Well, when he got through that, then came the catechism 126 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. the chief end of man. Then my turn came, and we sat along on a little bench where our feet came wit hm about fifteen inches of the 1 floor, and the dear old minister used to ask us: "Boys, do you know that yon ought to be in Hell ?" And we answered up as cheerfully as could be expected under the cir- cumstances : " Yes, sir." " Well, boys, do you know that you would go to Hell if you died in your sins?" And we said : " Yes, air." And theu came the great test : "Boys" I can't get the tone, you know. And do you know that i how the preachers get the bronchitis. You never heard of an auctioneer getting the bronchitis, nor the wecond mate on a steamboat never. What gives it to the minister is talking solemnly when they don't feel that way, and it has the same influence upon the organs of speech that it would have upon the curds of the calves of your legs to walk on your tip-toes, and so I call bronchitis " parsonitis." And if the ministers- would all tell exactly what they think they would all get well, but keep- ing back ii part of the truth is what gives them bronchitis. Well the old man the dear old minister used to try and show u how long we would be in Hell if we would only locate there. But to finish the .other. The grand test question was : " Boys, if it was God's will that you should go to Hell, would you be willing to go?" And every little liar said : " Yes, sir." Then, in ort'er to tell how long we would stay there, he used to eay: "Suppose once in a billion ages a bird should come fr*m a far distant clime and carry off in its bill one little grain of aand, the time would finally come when the last grain of sand would be carried away. Do you understand? " Yes, sir." " Boys, by that time it would not be sun-up in Hell." Where did that doctrine of II ell come from ? I will tell you ; from that fellow m the dug-out. Where did he get it? It was a souvenir from the wild beasts. Yes, I tell you he got it from the wild beasts, from the glittering eye of the serpent, from the coiling, twisting snakes with their fangs mouths ; and it came from the bark, growl and howl of wild beasts ; it was born of a laugh of the hyena and got it from the depraved chatter of malicious apes. And I despise it with every drop of my blood and defy it. If there is any God in this universe who will damn his children for an expression of an honest thought I wish to go to Hell. I would SKULLS AND REPLIES. 127 Bather go there than go to Heaven and keep the company of a God that would thus damn his children. Oh ! it is an infamous doctrine to teach chattolittlechildren, toput a shadow in the heartof a child to fill the in- sane asylums with that miserable, infamous lie. I see now and then a little girl a dear little darling, with a face like the light, and eyes of joy, a human blossom, and I think, " is it possible that little girl will ever grow up to be a Presbyterian ?*' Is it possible, my goodness, that that flower will finally believe in the five points of Calvinism or in the eternal damnation of man?" Is it possible that that little fairy will finally believe that she could be happy in Heaven with her baby in Hell ? Think of it ! Think of it ! And that is the Christian religion ! We cry out against the Indian mother that throws her child into the Ganges to be devoured by the alligator or crocodile, but that is joy in comparison with the Christian mother's hope, that she may be in salva- tion while her brave boy is in Hell. I tell you I want to kick the doctrine about Hell I want to kick it out every time I go by it. I want to get Americans in this country placed so they will be ashamed to preach it. I want to get the congregations so that they won't listen to it. We can not divide the world off into saints and sinners in that way. There is a little girl, fair as a flower*, and she grows up until she is twelve, thirteen, or fourteen years old. Are you going to damn her in the fifteenth, sixteenth or seventeenth year, when the arrow from Cupid's bow touches her heart and she is glorified are you going to damn her now ? She marries and loves, and holds in her arms a beautiful child. Are you going to damn her now ? When are you going to damn her? Because she has listened to some Methodist minister and after all that flood of light failed to believe ? Are you going to damn her then ? I tell you God can not afford to damn such a woman. A woman in the State of Indiana forty or filty years ago who carded the wool and made rolls and spun them, and made the cloth and cut out the clothes for the children, and nursed them, and sat up with them nights and gave them medicine, and held th<-m in her arms and wept over them cried for joy and wept for fear, and finally raised ten or eleven good men and women with the ruddy glow of health upon their cheeks, and she would have died for any one of them any moment of her life, and finally she, bowed with age and bent with care and labor, dies, and at the moment the magical touch of death is upon her face, she looks as though she never had had a care, and her children burying her cover her face with tears. Do you tell me God can afford to damn that kind of a woman? One such act of injustice would turn Heaven itself into Hell. If there is any God, sitting above him in infinite serenity we have the figure of justice. Even a God must do justice; even a God 128 MISTAKES OF INQERSOLL. must worship justice; and any form of superstition that destroys justice is infamous ! Just think of teaching that doctrine to little children ! A little child would go out into the garden, and there would be a little tree laden with blossoms, and the little fellow would lean against it, and there would be a bird on one of the bows, singing and swinging, and thinking about four liiue speckled eyes warmed by the breast of its mate, singing and swinging, and the music in happy waves rippling out of the tiny throat, and the flowers blossoming, the air filled with perfume, and the great white clouds floating in the sky, and the little boy would lean up against the tree and think about Hell and the worm that never dies. Oh ! the idea there can be any day too good for a child to be happy in ! Well, after we got over the catechism, then came the sermon in the afternoon, and it was exactly like the one in the fore-noon, except the other end.lQt, Then we started for home a solemn march " not a soldier discharged his farewell shot" and when we got home if we had been real good boys we used to be taken up to the cemetery to cheer us up, and it always did cheer me, those sunken graves, those leaning stones, those gloomy epitaphs covered with the moss of years always cheered me. When I looked at them I said : "Well, this kind of thing can't last always." Then we came back home, and we hud books to read which were very eloquent and amusing. We had Josephus, and the " History of the Waldenses," and "Fox's Book of Martyrs," Baxter's "Saint's Rest," and "Jenkyu on the Atonement." I used to read Jenkyu with a good deal of pleasure, and I often thought that the atone- ment would have to be very broad in its provisions to cover the case of & man that would write such a book for the boys. Then I would look to see how the sun was getting on, and sometimes I thougt it had stuck from pure cussedness. Then I would go back and try Jenkyn's again. Well, but it had to go down, and when the last rim of light sank below the horizon, off would go our hats and we would give three cheers for liberty once again. I tell you, don't make slaves of your children on Sunday. The idea that there is any God that hates to hear a child laugh ! Lot your children play games on Sunday. Here is a poor man that hasn't money enough to go to a big church and he has too much independence to go to a little church that the big church built for charity. He don't want to slide into Heaven that way. I tell you don't come to church, but go to the woods and take your family and a lunch with you, and sit down upon the old log and let the children gather flowers and hear the leaves whispering poems like memories of long ago, and when the sun is about going down, kissing the summits of far hills, go home with your hearts filled with throbs of joy. There is more recreation and joy in that SKULLS AND REPLIES. 139 than fir?n from the lower animals? How could you account for a man that would use the extremes of torture unless 3'ou admit that there is in man the elements of n snake, cf .1 vul- ture, a hyena, and a jackal? How can you account for the religious 133 MISTAKES OF INQERSOLL. creeds of to-day ? How can you account for that infamous doctrine of Hell, except with an animal origin ? How can you account for your conception of a God that would sell women and babes into slavery ? Well, I thought that thing over and I began to like it after a while, and I said : " It is not so much difference who my father was as who his- son is." And I finally said I would rather belong to a race that com- menced with the skulless vertebrates in the dim Laurentian seas, that wriggled without knowing why they wriggled, swimming without know- ing where they were going, that come along up by degrees through, millions of ages, through all that crawls, and swims, and floats, and runs, and growls, and barks, and howls, until it struck this fellow in the dug- out. And then that fellow in the dug-out getting a little grander, and each one below calling every one above him a heretic, calling every one who had made a little advance an infidel or an atheist, and finally the heads getting a little higher and donning up a little grander and more splendidly, and finally produced Shakspeare, who harvested all the field of dramatic thought and from whose day until now there have been none but gleaners of chaff and straw. Shakspeare was an intellectual ocean whose waves touched all the shores of human thought, within which were all the tides and currents and pulses upon which lay all the lights and shadows, and over which brooded all the calms, and swept all the storms and tempests of which the soul is capable. I would rather belong to that race that commenced with that skulless vertebrate ; that produced Shakspeare, a race that has before it an infinite future, with the angel of progress leaning from the far horizon, beckoning men forward and upward forever. I would rather belong to that race than to have de- scended from a perfect pair upon which the Lord has lost money every moment from that day to this. Now, my crime lias been this: I have insisted that the Bible is not the word of God. I have insisted that we should not whip oui children. I have insisted that we should treat our wives as loving equals. I have denied that God if there is any God ever upheld polygamy and slav- ery. I have denied that that God ever told his generals to kill innocent babes and tear and rip open women with the sword of war. I have denied that, and for that I have been assailed by the clergy of the United States. They tell me I have misquoted ; and I owe it to you, and maybe I owe it to myself, to read one or two words to you upon this subject In order to do that I shall have to put on my glasses; and that brings me back to where I started that man has advanced just in proportion as his thought has mingled with his labor. If man's eyes hadn't failed he would never have made nny spectacles, he would never have had the telescope, and he never would have been able to read the leaves of Heaven. SKULLS AND REPLIES. 133 Mr. Ingersoll's Reply to Dr. Collyer. Now, they tell me and there are several gentlemen who have spoken on this subject the Rev. Mr. Collyer, a gentleman standing as high as anybody, and I have nothing to say against him, because I denounce a God who upheld murder, and slavery and polygamy, he says that what I said was slang. I would like to have it compared with any sermon that ever issued from the lips of that gentleman. And before he gets through he admits that the Old Testament is a rotten tree that will soon fall into the earth and act as a fertilizer for his doctrine. Is it honest in that man to assail my motive? Let him answer my argument! Is it honest and fair in him to say I am doing a certain thing because it is popular? Has it got to this, that, in this Christian country, where they have preached every day hundreds and thousands of sermons has it got to this that infidelity is so popular in the United Slates ? If it has, I take courage. And I not only see the dawn of a brighter <3ay, but the day is here. Think of it ! A minister tells me in this year of grace, 1879, that a man is an infidel simply that he may be popular. I am glad of it. Simply that he may make money. Is it possible that we can make more money tearing up churches than in building them up? Is it possible that we can make more money denouncing the God of slavery than we can praising the God that took liberty from man ? tf so, I am glad. I call publicly upon Robert Collyer a man for whom I have great r espect I call publicly upon Robert Collyer to state to the people of this city whether he believes the Old Testament was inspired. I call upon him to state whether he believes that God ever upheld these institutions; whether he believes that God was a polygamist; whether he believes that God commanded Moses or Joshua or any one else to slay little children iu the cradle. Do you believe that Robert Collyer would obey such an order? Do you believe that he would rush to the cradle and drive the knife of theological hatred to the tender heart of a dimpled child ? And yet when I denounce a God that will give such a hellish order, he says it is slang. I want him to answer; and when he answers he will say he does not believe the Bible is inspired. That is what he will say, and he holds these old worthies iu the same contempt that I do. Suppose he should act like Abraham. Suppose he should send some woman out into the -wilderness with his child in her arms to starve, would be think that mankind ought to hold his name up forever, for reverence? Robert Collyer says that we should read and scan every word of the Old Testament with reverence; that we should take this book up with 134 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. reverential hands. I deny it. We should read it as we do every other book, and everything good in it, keep it; and everything that shocks the brain and shocks the heart, throw it away. Let U3 be honest. Mr. Ingersoll'a Reply to Prof. Swing. Prof. Swing has made a few remarks on this subject, and I say the spirit he has exhibited has been as gentle and as sweet as the perfume of a flower. He was too good a man to stay in the Presbyterian church. lie was a rose among thistles. He was a dove among vultures and they hunted him out, and I am glad he came out. I tell all the churches to drive all such men out, and when he comes I want him to state just what lie thinks. I want him to tell the people of Ctiicago whether he believes the Bible is inspired in any sense except that in which Shaks- peare was inspired. H >nor bright I tell you that all the sweet and beautiful things in the Bible would not make one play of Shakspcure, all the philosophy in the world would not make one scene iti Hamlet, all the beauties of the Bible would net make one scene in the Midsummer Night's Dream; all the beautiful things about woman in the Bible would not begin to create such a character as Perdita or Imogene or Miranda. Not one. I want him to tell whether he believes the Bible was inspired in any other way than Shakspcare was inspired. I want him to pick out something as beautiful and tender as Burns' poem to Mary in Heaven. I want him to tell whether he believes the story about the bears eating up children; whether that is inspired. I want him to tell whether he considers that a poem or not. I want to know if the same God made those bears that devoured the children because they laughed at an old man out of hair. I want to know if the same God that did that is the same God who said, " Suffer little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven." I want him to answer it, and answer it fairly. Th:it is all I ask. I want just the fair thing. Now, sometimes Mr. Swing talks us though he believed the Bible, and then ho talks to me as though he didn't believe the Bible. The day he made this sermon I think he di I, just a little, believe it. He is like the man that passed a ten dollar counterfeit bill. He was arrested, and: his father went to see him and said, "John, how could you commit such a crime? How could you bring my gray hairs in sorrow to the grave?" "Well," he says, "father, I'll tell you. I got this bill and some days I thought it was bad and some days I thought it was good, and one day when I thought if. was good I passed it." I want it distinctly understood that I have the greatest respect for Prof. Swing, but I want him to tell whether the 109lh psalm is inspired. SKULLS AND REPLIES. 135 I want nim to tell whether the passages I shall afterward read in this book are inspired. That is what I want. Ingersoll's Reply to Brooke Herford, D.D. Then there is another gentleman here. His name is Herford. He says it is not fair to apply the test of truth to the Bible I don't think it is myself. He says although Moses upheld slavery, that he improved it. They were not quite as bad as they, were before, and Heaven justified slavery at that time. Do you believe that God ever turned the arms of children into chains of slavery ? Do you believe that God ever suid to a man: "You can't have your wife ualess you will be a slave! You cannot have your children unless you will lose your liberty; and un- less you are willing to throw them from your heart forever, you cannot be free?" I want Mr. Hcrford to state whether he loves such a God. Be honor bright about it. Don't begin to talk about civilization, or what the church has done or will do. Just walk right up to the ruck and say whether you love and worship a God that estab- lished slavery. Honest! And love and worship a God that would allow a little babe to be torn from the breast of its mother and sold into slavery. Now tell it fair, Mr. Herford, I want you to tell the ladies in your congregation that you believe in a God that allowed women to be given to the soldiers. Tell them that, and then if you say it was not the God of Moses, then don't praise Moses any more. Don't do it. * Answer these questions. The Ingersoll Gattling Gun Turned on Dr. Ryder. Then here is another gentleman, Mr. Ryder, the Rev. Mr. Ryder, and he says that Calvinism is rejected by a majority of Christendom. He is mistaken. There is what they call the Evangelical Alliance. They met in this country in 1875 or 1876, and there were present representatives of all the evangelical churches in the world, and they adopted a creed, and that creed is that man is totally depraved. That creed is that there is an eternal, universal Hell, and that every man that docs not believe in a cer- tain way is bound to be damned forever, and that there is only one way to be saved, and that is by fuith, and by faith, alone ; and they would not allow anybody to be represented there that did not believe that, and they would not allow a Uuitariau there, and would not have allowed Dr. Ryder there, because he takes away from the Christian world the conso- lation naturally arising from the belief in Hell. Dr. Ryder is mistaken. All the orthodox religion of the day is Cal- vinism. It believes in the fall of man. It believes in the atonement. It believes in the eternity of Hell, and it believes in salvation by faith; that is to say, by credulity. 130 MISTAKES OF 1NGERSOLL. That is what they believe, and he is mistaken ; and I want to tell Dr. R}'der to-day, if there is a God, and lie wrote the Old Testament, there is a Hell. The God that wrote the Old Testament will have a flell. And I want to tell Dr. Ryder another thing, that the Bible k-aches an eternity of punishment. want t> tell him that the Bible upholds the doctrine ot Hell. I want to tell him that if there is no lleil, somebody ought to have said so, and Jesus Christ himself should not have said: " I will at the lust day say : ' Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'" It* there \vas not such a place, Christ would not have said: ''Depart from me, ye cursed, and these shall go hence into everlasting fire." And if you, Dr. Ryder, are depending for salvation on the God that wrote the Old Testament, you will inevitably be et-Tnally damned. There is no hope for you. It is just as bad to deny Hell as it is to deny Heaven. It is just as much blasphemy to deny the devil as to deny God, according to the orthodox creed. Ho admits that the Jews were polygamists, but, he says, h.>w was it they finally quit ii ? lean tell 3 T ou the soil was so poor they couldn't afford it. Prof. Swing says the Bible is a poem. Dr. Ryder says it is a picture. The Garden of Eden is pictorial; a pictorial snake and a pictorial woman, I suppose, and a pictorial man, and maybe it was a pictorial sin. And only a pictorial atonement. Ingeraoll's Reply to Rabbi Bien. Then there is another gentleman, and ho a rabbi, a Rabbi Bien, or Bean, or whatever his name i*, and lie comes to the defense of the Great Law-giver. There was another rabbi who attacked me in Cincinnati, and I couldn't help but think of the old saying, that a man got off when he said the tallest man he ever knew, his name was Short. And the fattest man he ever saw, his name was Lean. And it is only necessary for me to add that this rabbi in Cincinnati was Wise. The rabbi here, I will not answer him, and I will tell you why. Be- cause he has taken himself outside of all tire limits of a gentleman; because he has taken it upon himself to traduce American womeu in language the beastliest I ever read; and any man who says that the American women are not just as good women as nny God can make, and pick his mud to-day, is an unapprcciative b.irbarian. I will let him alone because he denounced all the men in this country, all the members of Congress, all the members of the Senate, and nil the judges upon the Bench; in his lecture ho denounced them as thieves and robbers. That won't do. I want to remind him t'.iat in this country the Jews were first admitted to tae privileges of citizens; that in this country they were first given all their rights, and I am as much iu lavor SKULLS AND REPLIES. 137 of their having their rights as I am in favor of having my own. But when )i rabbi so far forgets himself as to traduce the women and men of this country, I pronounce him a vulgar falsifier, and let him alone. Strange, that nearly every man that lias answered me, has answered me mostly on the same side. Strange, that nearly every man that thought himself called upon to defend the Bible was one who did not believe in it himself. Isn't it strange? They are like some suspected people, always anxious to show their marriage certificate. They want at least to convince the world that they are not as had as I am. Now, I want to read you just one or two things, and then I am going to let you go. I want to see if I have said such awful things, and whether I have got any scripture to stand by me. I will only read two or three verses. Does the Bible teach man to enslave his brother? If it does, it is not the word of God, unless God is a slaveholder. Moreover, all the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them *hall yc buy of their families which are wilh you, which they beset in your land, and they shall be your possession. Yo shall take them as an inheritance for your children After you to inherit them. They shall be your bondsmen forever. (Old Testament.) Upon the limbs of unborn babes this fiendish God put the chains of filavery. I hale him. Both thy bondmen and bondwomen shall be of the heathen round about thcc, and them shall ye buy, bondmen and bondwomen. Now let us read what the New Testament has. I could read a great rn and a rebellions son which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not barken unto them, then shall his father nnd his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place. And they s-hall say nnto the elders of his city. This, our son, is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice, he is a glutton and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die, so slialt thou put evil away. That is a very good way to raise children. Here is the story of Jeph- thah. He went oft and he asked the Lord to let him whip some people, and he told the Lord if He would let him whip them, he would sacrifice to the Lord the first thin? that met him on his return ; and the first thing that met him was his own beautiful daughter, and he sacrified her. Is there a sadder story in all the history of tlie world than that? What do j'ou think of a man that would sacrifice his own daughter ? What do you think of a God that would receive that sacrifice? Now, then, they come to women in this blessed gospel, and let us see what the gospel says about women. Then you ought all to go to church, girls, next Sunday and hear it. " Let the woman learn in silence with all subjec- tion ; suffer not woman to think nor usurp authority over man, for Adam, was formed first, not Eve." Don't you see? "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgession. Notwithstanding all this she shall be saved in child- bearing if she continues in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." (That is Mr. Timothy.) " But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God." I suppose that every old maid is acephalous. " For a m;in indeed ought not to cover head, forasmuch as he is the Image and glory of God ; but the woman is the glory of man. For the man is not of the woman, but woman of the man. Neither was the man SKULLS AND REPLIES. 13> created for the woman, but the woman for the man. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husband as unto the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the Church." Do you hear that ! You didn't know how much we were above you. When you go back to the Old Testament, to the great law-giver, you find that the woman has to ask forgiveness for having borne a child. If it was. a boy, thirty-three days she was unclean ; if it was a girl sixty-six. Nice laws! Good laws! If there is a pure thing in this worM, if there is a picture of perfect purity, it is a mother with her child in her arms. Yes, I think more of a good woman and a child than I do of all the gods I have ever heard these people tell about. Just think of this: When thon goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath, delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, and secst arnon the captive a beautiful woman and hast a desire unto her that ihou wouldst have her to thy wife, then thou ghalt bring her home to thine house, nnd she shall shave her head, and pare her nails. Wherefore, ye must needs be subject not only for love, but for conscience sake, and for this cause pay ye tribute, for they are God's ministers. I despise this wretched doctrine. Wherever the sword of rebellion is drawn in favor of the right, I am a rebel. I suppose Alexander, czar of Russia, was put there by the order of God, was he ? I am sorry he was not removed by the nihilist that shot at him the other day. I tell you in a country like that, where there are hundreds of girls not 1ft years of age prisoners in Siberia, simply for giving their ideas about liberty, and we telegraphed to that country congratulating that wretch that he was not killed, my heart goes into the prison, my heart goes with the poor girl working as a miner in the mines, crawling on her hands and knees getting the precious ore out of the mines, and my sympathies go with her, and my symphathies cluster around the point of the dagger. Does the Bible describe a God of mercy ? Let me read you a verse or two. I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh. Thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies. And the tongue of thy dogs in the same. And the Lord thy God will put out those nations before thce by little and little; thon inayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee. But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a. mighty destruction, until they be destroyed. And He shall deliver their kings unto thine hand, and thon shalt destroy their name from under Heaven ; then shall no mau be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them. I can see what he had her nails pared for. Does the Bible teach polygamy ? The Rev. Dr. Newman, consul general to all the world had a discus- sion with Elder Heber or Kimball, or some such wretch in Utah 140 MISTAKES OF INOERSOLL. "whether the Bible sustains polygamy, and the Mormons have printed that discussion as a campaign document. Read the order of Moses in the 31st chapter of Numbers. A great many chapters I dare not read to you. They are too fill hy. I leave all that to the clergy. Read the 31st chapter of Exodus, the 31st chapter of Deuieronomy, the life of Abra- ham, and the life of David, and the life of Solomon, and then tell me that the Bible does not uphold polygamy and concubinage! Let them answer. Then I said that the Bible upheld tyranny. Let me read you a little: "Let every soul be subject to the higher powers the powers that be are ordained of God." George III. was king by the grace of God, and when our fathers rose in rebellion, according to this doctrine, they rose against the power of God ; and if they did they were successful. And so it goes on telling of all the cities that were destroyed, and of the great-hearted men, that they dashed their brains out, and all the little babes, and all the swoet women that they killed and plundered all in the name of a most merciful God. Well, think of it! T4$c Old Testament is filled with anathemas, and with curses, and with words of revenge, and jealousy, and hatred, and meanness, and brutality. Have 1 read enough to show that what I said is so? I think I have. I wish I had time to read to you further of what the dear old fathers of the church said about wo.nao wait a minute, and I will read you a little. We have got them running. St. Augustine in his 22d book says: "A woman ought to serve her husband as unto God, affirming that woman ought to be braced and bridled beti.nes, if she aspire to any dominion, alleging that dangerous And perilous it is to suffer her to precede, although it be in temporal and corporeal things. How can woman be in the image of God, seeing she is subject to man, and hath no authority to teach, neither to be a witness, neither to judge, much less to rule or bear the rod of empire." Oh, he is a good one. These are the very words of Augustine. Let me read some more. "Woman shall bo subject unto man as unto Christ." That is St. Augustine, and this sentence of Augustine ought to be noted of all women, for in it he plainly affirms that women are all the more subject to man. And now, St. Ambrose, he is a good b.>y. "Adam was deceived by Eve called lleva and not I leva by Adam, and there- fore just it is that woman receive and acknowledge him for governor whom she called sin, lest that again she slip and fall with womanly facility." Don't you see that woman has sinned once, and man never ? If you give woman an opportunity, she will sin again, whereas if you give it to man, whenever, never, never betrayed his trust in the world, nothing bad can happen. " Let women be subject, to their own husbands as unto the Lord, for man is the head of woman, and Christ is the head of the SKULLS AND REPLIES. 14t congregation." They are all real good men, all of them. "It is not permitted to woman to speak; let her be in silence; as the law said: unto thy husband shalt thou ever be, and he shall bear dominion over thce." So St. Chrysostom. He is another good man. " Woman," he says, "was put under the power of man, and man was pronounced lord over her; that she should obey man, that the head should not follow the feet. False priests do commonly deceive women, because they are easily per- suaded to any opinion, especially if it be again given, and because they lack prudence and right reason to judge the things that be spoken; which should not be the nature of those that are appointed to govern others. For they should be constant, stable, prudent, and doing every- thing with discretion and reason: which virtues woman can not have in equality with man." I tell you women are more prudent than men. I tell you, as a rule,^ women are more truthful then men. I tell -you that women are more faithful than men ten times as faithful as man. I never saw a man pursue his wife into the very ditch and dust of degradation and take her in his arras. I never saw a man stand at the shore where she had been morally wrecked, waiting for the waves to bring back even her corpse to- his arms; but I have seen woman do it. I have seen woman with her white arms lift man from the mire of degradation, and hold him to her bosom as though he were an angel. And these men thought woman not fit to be held as pure in the sight of God as man. I never saw a man that pretended that he didn't love a woman ; that pretended that he loved God better than he did a woman, that he didn't look hateful to me, hateful and unclean. I could read you twenty others, but I haven't time to do it. They are all to the same- eflect exactly. They hate woman, and say man is as much above her as God is above man. I am a believer in absolute equality. I am a be- liever in absolute liberty between man and wife. I believe in liberty, and I say, " Oh, liberty, float not forever in the far horizon remain not v forever in the dream of the enthusiast, the philanthropist and poet; bu come and make thy home among the children of men." I know not what discoveries, what inventions, what thoughts may leap from the brain of the world. I know not what garments of glory may be woven by the years to come. I can not dream of the victories to be won upon the field ot thought; but I do know that, coming down the infinite sea of the future, there will never touch this " bank and shoal of time " a richer gift, a rarer blessing than liberty for man, woman and child. I never addressed a more magnificent audience in my life, and I thank, you, I thank you a thousand times over. 143 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. \ Ingersoll's Catechism and Bible Class. Nothing is more gratifying than to see ideas that were received with scorn, flourishing in the sunshine of approval. Only a few weeks ago I stated that the Bible was not inspired ; that Moses was mistaken ; that the "flood " was a foolish myth; that the Tower of Bauel existed only incredulity; that God did not create the universe from nothing, that He did not start the first woman with a rib; that He never upheld slavery; that He was not a polygarnist; that He did not kill people for making hair-oil : that He did not order His Generals to kill the dimpled babes ; that He did not allow the roses of love and the violets of modesty to be trodden under the brutal feet of lust ; that the Hebrew language was written without vowels; that the Bible was composed of many books written by unknown men ; that all translations differed from each other, and that this book had filled the world with agony and crime. At that time I had not the remotest idea that the most learned clergy- men in Chicago would substantially agree with me in public. I have read the replies of the Rev. Robert Collyev, Dr. Thomas, Rabbi Kohler, Rev. Brooke Herford, Prof Swing, and Dr. Ryder, and will now ask them a few questions, answering them in their own words : First, Rev. ROBERT COLLYER: Question. What is your opinion of the Bible ? Answer. " It is a splendid book. It makes the noblest type of Catholics and the meanest bigots. Through this book men give their hearts for good to God, or for evil to the Devil. The best argument for the intrinsic greatness of the book is that it can touch such wide extremes, and seem to maintain us in the most unparalleled cruelty, as well as the most tender mercy; that it can inspire purity like that of the great saints and afford arguments in favor of polygamy. The Bible is the text book of ironclad Calvinism and sunny Universal ism. It makes the Quaker quiet and the Millerite crazy. It inspired the Union soldier to live and grandly die for the right, and Stonewall Jackson to live nobly and die grandly for the wrong." Q. But, Mr. Collyer, do you really think that a book with as many passages in favor of wrong as right, is inspired ? A. " I look upon the Old Testament as a rotting tree. When it falls it will fertilize a bank of violets." Q. Do you believe that God upheld slavery and polygamy? Do you believe that He ordered the killing of babes and the violation of maidens ? A. " There is three-fold inspiration in the Bible, the first peerless and perfect, the Word of God to man ; the second simply and purely human, and then below this again, there is an inspiration born of nn evil heart, ruthless and savage there and then as anything well can be. A three-fold inspiration, of Heaven first, then of the Earth, and SKULLS AND REPLIES. 143 then of Hell, all in the same book, all sometimes in the same chapter, and then, besides, a great many things that need no inspiration." Q. Then, after all, you do not pretend that the Scriptures are really inspired ? A. " The Scriptures make no such claim for themselves as the Church makes for them. They leave me free to say this is false, or this is true. The truth even within the Bible dies and lives, makes on this side and loses on that." Q. What do you say to the last verse in the Bible, where a curse is threatened to any man who takes from or adds to the book ? A. "I have but one answer to this question, and it is: Let who will have writ- ten this, I can not lor an instant believe that it was written by a divino inspiration. Such dogmas and threats as these arc not of God, but of man, and not of any man of a free spirit and . heart eager for the truth, but a narrow man who would cripple and confine the hurnau soul in Its quest after the whole truth of God, and back those who have done the shameful things in the name .f the Most High." Q. Do you not regard such talk as " slang ?*' (Supposed) Answer. If an infidel had said that the writer of Revela- tions was narrow and bigoted, I might have denounced his discourse as " slang," but I think that Unitarian ministers can do so with the greatest propriety. Q. Do you believe in the stories of the Bible, about Jael, and the sun standing still, and the walls falling at the blowing of horns ? A. ''They may be legends, myths, poems, or what they will, but they are not the Word of God. So I say again, it was not the God and Father of us all who inspired the woman to drive that nail crashing through ihe king's temple after she had given him that b:>wl of milk and bid him sleep in safety, but a very mean Devil of hatred and revenge that I should hardly expect to find in a squaw on the plains. It was not the ram'a horns and the shouting before which the walls fell flat. If they went down at all, it was through good solid pounding. And not for an in- stant did the steady sun stand still or let his planet stuud still while bar- barian fought barbarian. He kept j ust the time then he keeps now. They might believe it who made the record. I do not. And since the whole Christian world might believe it, still we do not who gather in this church. A free and reasonable mind stands right in our way. Newton might believe it as a Christian and disbelieve it as a philoso- pher. We stand then with the philosopher against the Christian, for we must believe what is true to us in the last test, and these things are not true." SECOND, REV. DR. THOMAS. Question. What is your opinion of the Old Testament? Answer. "My opinion is that it is not one book, but many thirty-nine books bound up m one. The date and authorship 144 MISTAKES OF INGERSOLL. of most of these books are wholly unknown. The Hebrews wrote with- out vowels and without dividing the letters into syllables, words or sen- tences. The books were gathered up by Ezra. At that time only two of the Jewish tribes remained. All progress had ceased. In gathering up the sacred book, copyists exercised great liberty in making changes and additions." Q. Yes, we know all that, but is the Old Testament inspired ? A. " There may be the inspiration of art, of poetry, or oratory ; of patriot- ism and there are such inspirations. There are moments when great truths and principles come to men. They seek the man and not tho man them." Q. Yes, we all admit that, but is the Bible inspired ? A. " But still I know of no way to convince any one of spirit and inspiration and Jod only as His reason may take hold of these things." Q. Do you think the Old Testament true ? A. " The story of Eden may be an allegory ; the history of the children of Israel may have mis- takes." Q. Must inspiration claim infallibility ? A. " It is a mistake to say that if you believe one part of the Bible you must believe all. Some of the thirty-nine books may be inspired, others not; or there may br of mysiery and death. This brave and tender man in every storm of life was oak and rock, but in the sunshine he was vine and flower. He was the friend of all heroic souls. He climbed the heights and left all superstitions far below, while on his forehead fell the golden dawning of si grander day. He loved the beautiful and was with color, form and music touched to tears. He sided with the weak, and with a will ing hand gave alms ; with loyal heart and wiih the purest hand he faith- fuily discharged all public trusts. He was a worshipprr of libeity and a friend of the oppressed. A thousand times I have heard him quote the words : "For justice all place a temple and all season summer." He believed that happiness was the only good, reason the only torch, justice the only worshipper, humanity the only religion, and love the priest. He added to the sum of human joy, and were every one for whom hrdid some loving service to bring a blossom to his grave he would sleep to-night beuealh a wilderness of flowers. Life is a narrow vale between ilie cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry. From the voiceless lips of the unreplying tlea;l there comes no word; but in the night of death hope sees a star aud listening love can hear the rusile of a wing. He who sleeps here, wlr.-:i dying, nvstakiug the approach of death for the return of health, whispered with his la'est breath, " I am better now." Let us believe, in spite of doubt* and dogmas and tears and fears that these dear words are ti tie of ail the countless dead. An* now, to you who have been -chosen from among 'ho many men he loved to do the lasts id office for the dead, we give his sacred dust. Speech can not contain our love. There ,vuc there is no gentler, stronger, manlier man. 148 INGERSOLDS FUNERAL ORATION. BEECHER'S COMMENTS, Henry Ward Bsecher's Comments on Mr. Ingersoll'a Faith, and Funeral Discourse. " The root element of faith is iu the imagination. The tendency of our age, or in certain lines of it, is a rising tendency among the educated to give to the evidence of the physical senses not only greater weight than comes with the imagination, but to deny to the imagination all use except that of producing pleasure. To a certain extent we are indebted for this to the perversion of religious views. The ascetic school ban- \ ished the imagination from religion and made it a mere minion of pleasure and turned the thoughts of men to what are called weightier things. We arc told in the t-erious words of the ascetic teachers that life is too important to trifle away. They have stripped oil' the wings , of the imagination to make quills to write their dull treatises withal. There is also danger from the scientific or materialistic tendencies ot the age, the votaries of which hold that all things must be proven by tangible evidence that the soul is but matter. But taking the mate- rialistic view that the soul is but matter, it is matter so different from or. dinary matter that it is to be judged by entirely diff rent laws. But without taking that ground and adhering as I do to the ground that it is a spiritual matter, the necessity is much stronger lor applying the true principle in dealing with its consideration. "There is a growing tendency towards materialism in the German mind, and this has long been the tendency of the French mind. It has- made inroads into the sturdy old English mind, and it has with ten thousand other immigrants that we could have spared come across the seas and gained a foothold here. But to apply to the imagination tho same rules you apply to things that have no imagination is impolitic, unphilosophical nnd unwise. There arc a great many men who say /with Tyndall: ' If you present God ns a poem I can accept it, but if / you present Him as a fact I resist it; I say there is no evidence: it is not I proven.' There arc realities which can not be proven. No formula can I demonstrate the sentiment of honor; yet honor demonstrates itself, \ and the intellect discerns things by the aid of the imagination that \it can not discern without it. Reasonings ure uo more than spider- y-ebbing*, -j " That which comforts must be accepted as true, although it can not bo roveu by nny direct line of evidence. Take, for instance, the pictures of the Virgin Mary which arc the objects of such veneration to devout BEECHERS COMMENTS. 149 Roman Catholics. They are not really the Virgin Mary; they don't even look like her; but they are a representation of the tenderness of the mother towards the child, and that tenderness is a reality. I, too, hang the pictures in my parlor and in my bedroom, and I, too, am a worshipper of the Virgin. 1 worship the tender, loving spirit of God out of which theology has cheated us. Put that in theology and you would not want any pictorial illustration. So as to ministering angels; I never thought of an angel except with wings. I never saw an angel painted wi h wings that it did not look like an old hen to me. So with ministering angels. The moment you apply to them all that belongs to them that moment you destroy them. ''A French philosopher once said very truly: ' Every body believes in God until you attempt to prove his existence.' Take the existence of the soul in heaven that is a mere question of reason without evidence such as belongs to regulated forms of matter and it is full of obscurities But k-t it hang in the realm of imagination and it is not only the product of Ihe imagination of one man, but of all the nations through the growth of time. It is the imagination that has been reaped and threshed and winnowed and grown into the very bread of life. It is not any poem or notion; it is the work, the final work of the imagination of the human race, speaking all languages, under all governments; it is the result, to which men come that death doesn't stop human life; it goes on unending. " Air. Ingersoll is a man of great merit and power and he has made himself perhaps as widely known as almost any other man in this gen- eration by his contemning of, I will not say religion, but of those views of religion handed down to us by the teachers of Christianity. He has great power of the imagination a flaming wit and has said a great many things, not wise, but by which wise men may profit He has uttered a great many criticisms on the subject of Christianity which are just criticisms, yet taking his views of religion as a whole, they lack completeness; it is a special plea, a fault-finding plea, which sees only one side. Now, while I accord to him the extremes! liberty of discus- sion and disclaim any right to interfere with this liberty, we have a right to whatever of instruction there may be, and I think he can instruct us hy his latest utterance. He has lost a brother dearly beloved, a good man who lived happily with his family and was respected by the com- munity, and at that brother's funeral, Mr. Ingersoll made one of the most exquisite, yet one of the most sad and mournful, sermons that I ever read. " Was ever anything uttered by the lips of man more pathetic ? But wo have not only a hope, we have the certainty we know that if our 150 INGERSOLVS FUNERAL ORATION. earthy tabernacle is lost we have a building not made with hands eternal in the heavens. To us the sweet voice comes under burdens, under sor- rows, in pain, in persecution, in the prison dungeon ihe voice of the spirit and the bride says come and the voice of the whole Church of God cries out to us 'it is real, it is real come; ' and when this noble brother of Mr. Ingersoll felt the touch of death, I don't doubt he felt the touch of God the second time, and saw in the eternal world things which he had counted but shadows here. Even skepticism and that which had been provocative of skepticism in others says when it comes to the death of hope : ' In spite of doubts or dogmas, let us hope that there is a better world.' " ARNOLD'S COMMENTS. Hon. Isaac N. Arnold's Comments on Ingersoll's Funeral Oration. The sad, pathetic, and almost hopeless cry of Robert G. Ingersoll over the grave of his brother has been widely read. It is eloquent with feeling, and shows that his heart is tender and affectionate; and one can not but sympathize with a grief which is not soothed by any hope of a reunion hereafter. He says, speaking of death: "Whether in mid- sea or among the breakers of the farther shore, a wreck must mark at last the end of each and all; and every life . . will at its closo become a tragedy as sad, and deep, and dark as can be woven of tho warp and woof of mystery and death. And Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the hights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry." This, then, is the despairing moan of one of the brightest infidels of our country of one who is doing more to destroy faith in God and immortality than any other! How striking the contrast between such a " wreck," as Ingersoll calls it, and the joyous, hopeful death of a Christian. I have lately been reading an account of the last hours of Sir Walter Scott. As death approached this great and healthy minded Scotchman, be asked Lockhart to read to him. " What shall I read?" said Lockhart. "Need you ask?" said Sir Walter. " There is but one Book." And ,thc words that have comforted the dying and soothed the living for I eighteen hundred years fell gratefully upon his car: \ Let not your heart be troubled. In my Father's house arc many mansions. I go to prepare a place for yon. ARNOLD'S COMMENTS. 151 * Lockhart," were the last words of Scott, " Lockharl, I have bur. a moment to speak to you ; ray dear, be a good man ; be virtuous, be religious! Noihing else will give you any comfort when you come to lie here." Ingcrsoll sadly says over the remains of his beloved brother, "We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry;" and, speaking of his dead brother, he says: " He climbed the hights, and left all superstition far below." If such are the results of "climbing the hights;" if to climb is only to iook into the black gulf of despair, to hear over the grave only the " echoes of our wailing cry," who would not rather stay in the warm valley of faith and hope? I would kindly ask Ingcrsoll, Are not faith and hope better than doubt and despair? And, if so, why make it your life's mission to ridicule, satirize, and destroy the faith and hope of the thousands who find in their religion the only refuge from the sufferings and sorrows of this life? Why labor to make your brother of humanity believe that he is but The pilgrim of a day? Spouse of the worm and brother of the clay, Frail as the leaf in Autumn's yellow bower, Dust in the wind, or dew upon the flower? ******* A child without a sire. Whose mortal life and transitory flre Light to the grave his chance-created form, As oceuu wrecks illuminate the storm. And then To iiight and silence sink forevermorel If these The pompons teachings ye proclaim, Lights of the world and domi-gods ol fame, The laurel wreath that murderer rears, Blood nursed and watt-red by the widow's tears, Seems not so foul, so tainted, and so dread, As the daily mgbtt-hndc round the skeptic's head. Infidelity is indeed the " deadly nightshade,' deadly alike to happi- ness and to virtue. There are exceptions like Ingersoll, who have inherited irom their Christian ancestors natures so generous that their sturdy vinues have resisted the deadly influence. But every blow this modern apostle of infidelity strikes against Christianiiy is a blow in favor of vice and immorality. To the young man whose faith Ingersoll by his wit and eloquence has shaken, I would ssiv, listen to his cry of despair over his dead brother, and compare it with the Christian's triumphant death and joyous hope, and choose the truth. THE AUDIPHONE, GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEAF. An Instrument that enables the Deaf to Hear with Ease through the Medium of the Teeth, and the Deaf and Dumb to Hear and Learn to Speak. INVENTED BY R. S. RHODES, CHICAGO, ILLS. The Audi phono resembles a fan. It is made of a peculiar composi- tion, that, like a telephone diaphragm, gathers the faintest sounds and conveys them, through the medium of the teeth and auditory nerve, to the brain. When in use the instrument is strung, or bent, to the proper tension and its upper edge is pressed against tho ed?e of the upper teeth. See Figs. 1, 2, 3. Fig. j. The Audiphone in its natural position; used as a fan. Fig. 2. The Audiphone in tension ; the proper position for hearing. Fig. 3. The Audiphone properly adjusted 10 the upper teeth ; ready lor use. (Side view.) With ordinarily good upper teeth and auditory nerve the Audiphone gives good satisfaction. With artificial teeth, if they fit firmly, it gives good results. Care should be taken, in all cases, to adjust the instrument properly. Persons not accustomed to hearing articulate sounds, or who. by the use of car trumpets, have become accustomed to unnatural sound, will generally require a little practice before they get the full benefit of the instrument. In all cases the result improves as the instrument is used. Its use also improves the natural sense of hearing. 3 THE AUDIPHONE. FROM PERSONS USIXG THE AUDIPIIOXE. The following testimony is in all respects authentic, and in every instance lias come to Rhodes & McClure, unsolicited. The same is also true concerning the notices " From the Press." " I hear ordinary conversation with ease, and it is a wonder to me every time I use it. Sounds that 1 had not heard 'or years and had quite forg^tim came back distinct. y, and the more 1 use it the better I like it. " ABBIE R. aTEVENS, "Oct. 9, 1879. " Salem, Mass." " I atiend church, hear perfectly six pews from the desk, and can not hear the minis- ter's voice without the Audi/>hone. I go to lectures and concerts, and, in >h"rt. am alive again and a part of the world. Sometimes 1 think my Audiphonr is hewiiched, it works so well. " ABBIE. R. STEVENS." "i)ec. 13, 1879. (Second Letter.] " The Audiphone came O. K. By its aid I am now able to join in general conversa- tion, which I have not been ab:e to do for eighteen years. " H. K. I'AYLOK, " Nov. 21, 1879. " Cleveland, O." u The "Phone at hand ; and on trial even more satisfactory than could be experted at first use. My wife and friends are delighted and enth siastic over it. They are rejoiced that I can hear, and 1 am glad that it no longer requires an effort on their part to eiuib.c me to do so. " E. C. ELY (firm, Reynolds & Ely). " Oct. 4, 1879. " Peoria, Ills." " 114 South T wen' y First Street, Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 15. " Messrs. Rhodes & McC'ure. The Audiphone arrived safely, and I hasten 10 assure you of its perject success for my hearing. In ordinary conversation I can not use it against th eye-teeth as it makes the voice-, too loud, although the Audiphone is scarce y drawn. I entered into general conversa ion with perfect ease, last evening, for the first time for five or six years. A melodeon or piano I hear distinctly at great distances. Reading aloud is also easily heard. My f.uni y and friend-: ar- su rejoiced at my -uccess, and regard the instrument in wonder. My physician is delighted with it, and thinks, as my deafness arose gre itlv from nervousness, that the Audiphone will stimul te the audi- tory nerve, and possibly benefit or restore my sense of'heanng. The terrible strain being taken from my mind gives me such re-t and good spirits that I almost forget my deafness. " Yours very truly, " MRS. F. A. LEX." "Messrs. Rhodes & McClure. The Audiphone. per Adams* Express, arrived all right, and my wife is delighted with it. She has been to the theater and other public entertain- ments, and for the first time in twelve years was she able to hear all that was >ai"d. " Dec. 9, 1879. " H. A. BARRY, 26 Post Office Ave,, Baltimore, Md." "My Audiphone is the wonder of the day. It helps me wonderfully in conversation, "B. H. MJLFORD, ESQ., Montrose, Pa." " My deafness is of long standing, having originated from an attack of scarlet fever more than thirty years ago. The hearing in each e.ir is defective and in one almost com-, pletely impaired. The Audiphone forwarded has been tested in ordinary conversation and also by attendance upon the opera and perfectly subserves the purposes for which it was intended. Nly hearing when using ihe instrument is ;$ acute :ng ihe parties who have determined to use younovention are J udge MCI. orkle. of Calif'Tiiia ; Gen. Boynton. of the Cincinnati Gazette ; and General Mai ki.am, a resident of this city. All of these gentlemen are afflicted with defective heating. " G. W. CARTER. " Nov. 28, '879. Washington, D. C. " I fiii-1 that the more accustomed I become to the use of my Audiphone the better re*ul t* do I obtain, and having been quite deaf for over thirty years I can assure you it ii K r : 't gratification to be able to attend any place whee public speaking is goinu on and hear all th it is uttered by the speakers a pleasure th.it has been denied me nil that time, Nov. a6. 18/9. "JOHN B. SCOTT, New York." PERSONAL TESTIMONY. ft * It answers the purpose admirably. Has created quite a sensation among my friends. "Sept. 21, 1879. " E. K. TEST, Claim Agent, U. P. R. K.," Omaha, Neb." " Your Audipheme to hand. The lady (mv sister) has tried it and finds she can hear now .in rdinai y couversalion which *he can not do without it. I would not part with it for ten times its cost. "W. W.EVANS, " hcpt , 1879. " Grant Locomotive Works, Patcr.-on, N. J." " I procured an Audiphone yesterday and can already hear quite well an ordinary con- versation. " HENRV M1LNES, Cold Water, Alien." " Mu'ic clear in any part of the room. To say that I am gratified would only express moderately hv,w 1 fed. " G. H. PAINE, Freemout, Neb., Sept. 30, 1879." " The Audiphone is a great benefit to me. Without it music is a confused murmur of sounds ; with it 1 can hear ihe different parts as well as I ever c >uKI. " Lec. 6, 1879. " ABBIE WEST, Canton. Ills." "* 1 am sati-fied from experiments which I have witnessed that, excepting instances in wnich th': Auditory nerve i> totally pjralyzed, all the deaf may, by its help, be enabled to hear and intelligently converse. " REV. S. H. WELLEK, U.D., Morrison, Ills." " I have been deaf fjr thirty years, but can now hear distinctly with the Audiphone. "JOHN ATKINSON, * Sept. 19, 1879. " Sec., Treas. and Sup't Racine (Wis.) Gaslight Co." "St. Joseph's Institute, " Fordham, (ne.tr New York City,) Dec. 4. 1879. " On Tuesday, the zd inst., the Audiphone was tested by a number of pupils of the- Instiuite with the following results: "CtcilM Lynch, Hge-l 16. is supposed to have been deaf from birth. It has, however, been remarked tr at she en, Id he.tr very loud sounds and could sometimes distinguish her own n .111- if spoken in a loud tone l.y a person quite close to her. She say-; al-o that she -omi; inies lie. us the strains of (he ori;aii in the chapel, but so far from deriving any pleasure from tl e music the confuted sounds are very di agieeable to her. By the use of the Auoiphone she not only heard distinctly but could repeat almost every word spoken to her. A> she ha- been instructed in articulation and reads easily from the lips it was thought that this knowledge a>sited her. One of the persons present then stood behind her ai d icpe.ucd sevrral words which she readily imitated, thus proving, beyond a doubt, the value of the Audiphone. " Annie I'oohey, ; IR I O E: Conversational, plain $10 Conversational, ornamental $16, $25 and $50 (According to Decoration.) Double Audiphone (for Deaf Mutes, enabling them to hear their own voice) $ 1 5 The Audiphone will be sent to any address, on receipt of price, by RHODES & McCLURE, Agents for the World, Methodist Church Block, CHICAGO, ILL. (Andlphoue Parlors, Adjacent to tho Office.) POPULAR BOOKS PUBLISHED BY RHODES & M C CLDRB TENTH THOUSAND, ii EDISON AND HIS INVENTIONS: * vo. f 17 S pages. Illustrated. EDITED BY J. B. McCLURE. Trice in Cloth, fine, $1.00, Paper (overs, 50 els. Tliis book contains the many interesting incidents, and all ihe essen- tial facts, connected with the life of the great inventor, together with a lull explanation of his principal inventions, including the phonograph, tele- phone, aiid electric light, which are explained by the aid of diagrams. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " FrliK'm find II liirei'tinns" is one of tiie la r est and most entertaining bo">ks that ha< b-eii laid n our table. A glance at the titl^-pag-! as n res us that the book rannoi :ail 10 be Interesting when we ee that it has been compiled by Mr. J. B. M. ciiir-. of ihe well kn iwu (inn of Khndes & McClure. Mr. McOlure has spent nioi.ths in oorresfiondo ice \viili parties wno were acquainted with Kdisuii In his bo h.>od days, mill nl-o wi.h ilio parents of the great inventor, who have fur- iiislieuch a uianuer that they cuu be understood by every one. The Inl< ri,,r. " If Mr Kilis n's h<>ad is not turned by his numerous successes In wonderful discovery and invention, he mu t !!* e a leVel head. Just as the announcement nnives. that ihe electric light is to be tested in the ('ap't')l at Washington, a book Is In'd on our table, entitled " Kd son and his Inventions,' 1 which, as the title implies, rela es in the in, in as wed as his work. It gives many interesting anec- dotes or this odd genius with lull expl millions of the telephone, phonograph, tasiin t'T and la-t. and ier ar>s most im:> irtaiit of all, the results of his electric light riiinipli. Nirner .ii* cms make ii omnar lively easy for e.en the unscien- tiiic lo understand the desenp.ive parts." Editorial in the Advance. This- volume of Mr. McClur/s is one that will interest every reader. It Is a priip ic sketi-h of the incide ts, anecclotes a:id into esting partic-ular.s of his life, lie -i.e- a eleir and conci-e ex:.lan Uion of the telephone, phonograph, and many others of the leading d seoveries. The volume has many illustrations. > ot on I ih'i-e older will rend ii with interest but it is a book full of valuable ins done a -jo d th ng In bringing together so much authentic Infonna Uci Unit relate* to the man and hi* work. Ii is the storv of the patient ov Int. in of e mine talent its dise mriiwmenti and trin ,.phs. with enough of personality to give additional zjsl to the narrativ ;." Chicago Evening Journal. "('resents n an I- t-rr-ating manner (he account of the life of the gieatest Invenlo;' of the present lime." Sorlliwestern Christian Advocate. Sent by inu.it, post t-nld, o rccrit>t of -prlc~ by tho Liberal discount to tUe Trade. 3> THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. S.TII', 'I I-'J