ftc/V JLY isM I EXCHANGE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class ~r< BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN IN THE WAR WISCONSIN HISTORY COMMISSION: ORIOJINAL PAPERS. No. 5 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN S PARTICIPATION IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES Based upon material contained in the Wisconsin Historical Library Compiled by ISAAC SAMUEL BRADLEY LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF THE WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY WISCONSIN HISTORY COMMISSION MAY, 1911 FIFTEEN HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED i? Copyright, 1911 THE WISCONSIN HISTORY COMMISSION (in behalf of the State of Wisconsin) Opinions or errors of fact on the part of the respective authors of the Commission s publications (whether Reprints or Original Narratives) have not been modified or corrected by the Commission. For all statements, of whatever|character, the Author alone is responsible DEMOCRAT PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTER CONTENTS PAGE WISCONSIN HISTORY COMMISSION . . ix BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN IN THE WAR BE TWEEN THE STATES : I. State Publications: Adjutant General .... 1 Governor s Message ... 2 Quartermaster General ... 2 Surgeon General .... 2 Secretary of State .... 2 Shiloh Monument Commission History Commission Soldiers Orphans Home . . 5 Wisconsin Veterans Home . . 5 II. Military Organizations: Grand Army of the Republic . 6 Military Order of the Loyal Legion 8 Soldiers Aid Society . . . 12 III. General Histories . 13 [v] 22599! CONTENTS PAGE IV. Regimental Histories and Reunions: First Artillery .... 14 First Cavalry . . . . 14 First Infantry . . . . 14 Second Infantry . . . . 14 Third Artillery . . . . 15 Third Infantry . . . . 15 Fourth Cavalry . . . . 16 Fifth Infantry . . . . 16 Sixth Artillery . . . . 17 Sixth Infantry . . . . 17 Eighth Infantry . . . . 18 Tenth Infantry . . . . 19 Eleventh Infantry . . . . 19 Twelfth Infantry . . . . 19 Thirteenth Infantry ... 20 Fourteenth Infantry . . . 21 Fifteenth Infantry .... 22 Sixteenth Infantry .... 22 Twenty-first Infantry ... 23 Twenty-second Infantry ... 23 Twenty-third Infantry ... 24 Twenty-fourth Infantry ... 24 [vi] CONTENTS PAGE Twenty-fifth Infantry ... 24 Twenty-eighth Infantry . . 25 Twenty-ninth Infantry ... 25 Thirtieth Infantry ... 26 Thirty-second Infantry . . . 26 Thirty-sixth Infantry . . . 27 Thirty-seventy Infantry . . . 27 Thirty-eighth Infantry . . . 27 Fortieth Infantry . . . . 27 Forty-third Infantry . . . 28 V. iMiscellaneous 29 Scrap-books . . . . . 32 INDEX 33 [ vii WISCONSIN HISTORY COMMISSION (Organized under the provisions of Chapter 298, Laws of 1905, as amended by Chapter 378, Laws of 1907 and Chapter 445, Laws of 1909) FRANCIS E. McGOVERN Governor of Wisconsin CHARLES E. ESTABROOK Representing Department of Wisconsin, Grand Army of the Republic REUBEN G. THWAITES Superintendent of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin CARL RUSSELL FISH Professor of American History in the University of Wisconsin MATTHEW S. DUDGEON Secretary of the Wisconsin Library Commission Chairman, COMMISSIONER ESTABROOK Secretary and Editor, COMMISSIONER THWAITES Committee on Publications, COMMISSIONERS THWAITES AND FlSH [iz] Bibliography of Wisconsin in the War of Secession I. State Publications Adjutant General Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of Wis consin, 1861-70. Madison, 1861-1870. 10 v. O. These contain rosters and historical sketches of the various Wisconsin regiments, lists of killed and wounded, rolls of honor, statistics of enrollment, etc. Annual report, Dec. 30, 1861. 63 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1862. 208 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1863: 337 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1864. 469 p. Annual report, Dec. 30, 1865. 1058 p. Annual report, Dec. 30, 1865. (2nd edition. ) 1268 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1866. 8 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1867. 147 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1868. 34 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1869. 124 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1870. 84 p. The military law of the State of Wisconsin. Passed at the ses sion of the legislature of 1863. Madison, 1863. 24 p. O. Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861- 1865. Compiled by authority of the legislature under the direction of Jeremiah M. Rusk, Governor, and Chandler P. Chapman, Adjutant General. Madison, 1886. 2 v. O. Vol. 1. Cavalry and Artillery. 1st to 15th Regts. Infantry, vii, 829 p. Vol. 2. 16th and 53d Regts. Infantry. Miscellaneous. 979 p. [i] Bibliography of Wisconsin Governor s Message Annual message of the Governor, 1860-1866. Madison, 1860-66. 7 pm. O. Contains comments on the Civil War, slavery, organization of the militia, and other military matters. Annual message of Alexander W. Randall, Jan. 12, 1860. 27 p. Annual message of Alexander W. Randall, Jan. 10, 1861. 25 p. Annual message of Louis P. Harvey, Jan. 8, 1862. 23 p. Annual message of Edward Salomon, Jan. 15, 1863. 25 p. Annual message of James T. Lewis, Jan. 14, 1864. 13 p. Annual message of James T. Lewis, Jan. 12, 1865. 20 p. Annual message of Lucius Fairchild, Jan. 11, 1866. 34 p. Quartermaster General Report of the Quartermaster-General, 1862-1865. Madison. 1862- 65. 4 pm. O. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1862. 7 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1863. 31 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1864. 37 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1865. 29 p. Surgeon General Annual report of the Surgeon-General of the State of Wisconsin, 1862-1865. Madison, 1862-65. 4 pm. O. Annual report, Feb. 27, 1863 [for 1862]. 8 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1863. 14 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1864. 13 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1865. 26 p. In Governor s Message and Documents for 1862 to 1865, respectively. No more published. Secretary of State List of persons, residents of the State of Wisconsin, reported as deserters from the military or naval service of the United States. Madison, 1867. 214 p. O. Same (revised edition). Madison, 1868. 216 p. O. Published by the Secretary of State, in accordance with the provisions, of chapter 57, laws of 1867. [2] War of Secession Alphabetical list of the soldiers and sailors of the late war resid ing in the State of Wisconsin, June 20, 1885. Reprinted from the census enumeration, compiled by the Secretary of State under chapter 161, laws of 1885. Madison, 1886. 387 p. O. Wisconsin census enumeration, 1895. Names of ex-soldiers and sailors residing in Wisconsin, June 20, 1895. Compiled from the returns made by the county clerks to the Secretary of State, as provided for by chapter 161, laws of 1885. Alpha betically arranged. Madison, 1896. xii, 363 p. O. Wisconsin census enumeration, 1905. Names of ex-soldiers and sailors residing in Wisconsin, June 1, 1905. Compiled from the returns made by the county clerks to the Secretary of State, as provided by chapter 45, Revised Statutes, 1898. Alphabetically arranged. Madison, 1906. x,245p. O. Shiloh Monument Commission Wisconsin at Shiloh. Report of the Commission. Compiled by Capt. F. H. Magdeburg. Issued by Wisconsin Shiloh Monu ment Commission, 1909. [Milwaukee.] 255 p. O. With portraits, maps, and illustrations. History Commission Reports Wisconsin in the Civil War. Report of the "Commission for the purpose of devising a plan to provide for the preparation of the history of the Wisconsin soldiers in the civil war," acting under the provisions of chapter 298, laws of 1905. Madison, 1907. 9 p. O. Second biennial report. 1909. 5 p. O. Original papers 1. A view of the Vicksburg campaign. A paper read before the Madison literary club, October 14, 1907. By William Free man Vilas, Lieutenant-Colonel of Twenty-third Wisconsin; Bibliography of Wisconsin -volunteer infantry. [Madison], Wisconsin History Commis sion, August, 1908. xii, 104 p. O. With map and portrait of the author, and "Selected bibliography of the Vicksburg campaign" by Minnie Myrtle Oakley. 2. Capture and escape; a narrative of army and prison life. By John Azor Kellogg, Colonel of Sixth Wisconsin volunteer infantry and Brevet Brigadier-General. [Madison], Wiscon sin History Commission, November, 1908. xvi, 201 p. O. With portrait of author. 3. Three Wisconsin Cushings. A sketch of the lives of Howard B., Alonzo H., and William B. Gushing, children of a pio neer family of Waukesha County. By Theron Wilber Haight, Private, Corporal, First Sergeant, Second and First Lieutenant, U. S. V., in the war between the states. [Madi son], Wisconsin History Commission, April, 1910. xiv, 109 p. G. With portraits and illustrations. 4. The Chattanooga campaign; with especial reference to Wiscon sin s participation therein. By Michael Hendrick Fitch, Lieu tenant-Colonel of Twenty-first Wisconsin infantry. [Madi son], Wisconsin History Commission, March, 1911. xiii, 255 p. G. With six maps. Reprints 1. The Battle of Gettysburg. By Frank Aretas Haskell, aide-de camp to General John Gibbon, and Colonel of Thirty-sixth Wisconsin infantry. [Madison], Wisconsin History Commis sion, November, 1908. xxiii, 185 p. G. With portrait of author and two maps. Same, second edition. April, 1910. xxviii, 192 p. G. Circulars 1. Get. 30, 1909. [Laws relating to, and the work of the com mission.] 8 p. T. 2. March 16, 1910. Inquiry concerning the part taken by women. 6 p. T. [4] War of Secession Soldiers Orphans Home Annual report of the board of trustees of the Soldiers Orphans Home, 1865-66 to 1880-81, 1894. Madison, 1866-82, 1894. 1 7 pm. O. Annual report, Sept. 30, 18C6. 24 p. Annual report, Sept, 30, 1867. 32 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1868. 38 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1869. 31 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1870. 50 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1871. 35 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1872. 58 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1873. 38 p. Annual report, . Sept. 30, 1874. 21 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1875. 18 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1876. 10 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1877. 15 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1878. 18 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1879. 20 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1880. 20 p. Annual report, Sept. 30, 1881. 18 p. Final report, 1894. 25 p. Wisconsin Veterans Home Annual report of the board of trustees, Wisconsin Veterans Home, 1895, 1897 to 1909. 14 pm. O. With portraits and illustrations of the Home. Reports prior to 1897 are included in the Annual Proceedings of the Department of Wis consin, Grand Army of the Republic. Annual report, May 22-23, 1895. 30 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1897. 49 p. Annual report, Dec, 31, 1898. 62 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1899. 78 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1900. 32 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1901. 45 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1902. 39 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1903. 54 p. Annual report, Dec. 31, 1904. 40 p. 18th annual report, Dec. 31, 1905. 47, 33 p. 19th annual report, Dec. 31, 1906. 46 p. 20th annual report, Dec. 31, 1907. 35 p. 21st annual report, Dec. 31, 1908. 42 p. 22nd annual report, Dec. 31, 1909. 47 p. Bibliography of Wisconsin -jg^g II. Military Organizations Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin Proceeding s of the annual encampments, Department of Wiscon sin, Grand Army of the Republic, 17th to 44th, 1883-1910. 28 v. O. The proceedings of the 1st to 16th sessions (1867 to 1882) were not pub lished. Proceedings subsequent to 1893 contain portraits of the officers of the department. Seventeenth annual session, Portage, Jan. 23, 1883. 32 p. Eighteenth annual encampment, Janesville, Jan. 23-24, 1884. 36 p. Nineteenth annual encampment, Madison, Jan. 22-23, 1885. 48 p. Twentieth annual encampment, Milwaukee, Feb. 3-4, 1S86. 74 p. Twenty-first annual encampment, Milwaukee, Feb. 15-16, 1887. 112 p. Twenty-second annual encampment, Milwaukee, Feb. 15-16, 1888. 171 p. Twenty-third annual encampment, Milwaukee, Feb. 20-21, 1889. 147 p. Twenty-fourth annual encampment, Milwaukee, March 18-19, 1890. 184 p. Twenty-fifth annual encampment, Oshkosh, March 10-11, 1891. 162 p. Twenty-sixth annual encampment, Madison, March 9-10, 1892. 156 p. Twenty-seventh annual encampment, La Crosse, March 8-9, 1893. 213 p. Twenty-eighth annual encampment, Janesville, April 25-26, 1894. 256 p. Twenty-ninth annual encampment, Green Bay, May 22-23, 1895. 248 p. Thirtieth annual encampment, Racine, May 20-21, 1896. 211 p. Thirty-first annual encampment, Eau Claire, May 19-20, 1897. 204 p. Thirty-second annual encampment, Appleton, May 25-26, 1898. 169 p. Thirty-third annual encampment, Milwaukee, May 17-18, 1899. 127 p. Thirty-fourth annual encampment, West Superior, June 20-21, 1900. 160, 78 p. Thirty-fifth annual encampment, Sheboygan, June 19-20, 1901. 122, 32 p. Thirty-sixth annual encampment, Stevens Point, June 11-12, 1902. 136 p. Thirty-seventh annual encampment, Chippewa Falls, June 9-10, 1903. 163, 39 p. Thirty-eighth annual encampment, Madison, June 15-16, 1904. 192, 54 p. [61 War f Secession Thirty-ninth annual encampment, La Orosse, June 13-14, 1905. 176, 40 p. Fortieth annual encampment, Marinette, June 12-13, 1900. 170 p. Forty-first annual encampment, Oshkosh, June 3-6, 1907. 174, 46 p. Forty-second annual encampment, Racine, June 16-17, 1908. 174, 39 p. Forty-third annual encampment, Eau Claire, June 15-16, 1909. 183, 42 p. Forty-fourth annual encampment, Fond du Lac, June 7-8, 1910. 160, 47 p. Roster, Department of Wisconsin, G. A. R., 1884-89. 6 pm. S. Roster, Department of Wisconsin, Grand Army of the Republic, March 1, 1907. Madison, [1907]. 36 p. ob. T l . Same, May 1, 1908. 36 p. ob. T l . School histories. Reports and resolutions adopted by the depart ment encampment of Wisconsin, G. A. R., at its twenty- second annual meeting in Milwaukee, February 15th and 16th, 1888. Milwaukee, 1888. 10 p. O. History and roster E. B. Wolcott Post, No. 1, Department of Wisconsin, Grand Army of the Republic. June 1st, 1892. Portraits. 42, [2] p. S. Patriotic instruction in schools. Report of patriotic instructor. H. W. Rood, Department of Wisconsin, G. A. R. [Madi son, 1907.] lip. O. Same, 1908. 12 p. O. Same, 1909. 13 p. O. Same, 1910. 13 p. O. Woman s Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin Proceedings of the annual conventions, 2d, 4th to 27th, 1886 to 1910. 25pm. O. Proceedings of the first convention were not published. Second annual convention, Milwaukee, Feb. 3-4, 1886. 30 p. Fourth annual convention, Milwaukee, Feb. 15-16, 1887. 78 p. [7] Bibliography of Wisconsin Fifth annual convention, Milwaukee, Feb. 15-16, 1888. 105 p. Sixth annual convention, Milwaukee, Feb. 20-21, 1889. 92 p. Seventh annual convention, Milwaukee, March 18-19, 1890. 131 p. Eighth annual convention, Oshkosh, March 11-12, 1891. 141 p. Ninth annual convention, Madison, March 9-10, 1892. 159 p. Tenth annual convention, La Orosse, March 8-9, 1893. 113 p. Eleventh annual convention, Janesville, April 25-26, 1894. 100 p. Twelfth annual convention, Green Bay, May 22-23, 1895. 108 p. Thirteenth annual convention, Racine, May 20-21, 1896. 86 p. Fourteenth annual convention, Eau Claire, May 19-20, 1897. 103 p. Fifteenth annual convention, Appleton, May 25-26, 1898. 172 p. Sixteenth annual convention, Milwaukee, May 17-18, 1899. 83 p. Seventeenth annual convention, West Superior, June 20-21, 1900. 179 p. Eighteenth annual convention, Sheboygan, June 19-20, 1901. 174 p. Nineteenth annual convention, Stevens Point. June 11-12, 1902. 168 p. Twentieth annual convention, Chippewa Falls, June 9-10, 1903. 127, (2) p. Twenty-first annual convention, Madison, June 15-16, 1904. 132 p. Twenty-second annual convention, La Crosse, June 13-14, 1905. 147 p. Twenty-third annual convention, Marinette, June 12-13, 1906. 132, d)p. Twenty-fourth annual convention, Oshkosh, June 3-6, 1907. 163 (1) p. Twenty-fifth annual convention, Racine, June 16-17, 1908. 122 p. Twenty-sixth annual convention, Eau Claire, June 15-16, 1909. 135 p. Twenty-seventh annual convention, Fond du Lac, June 7-8, 1910. 127 p. Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Wisconsin Commandery War papers read before the Commandery of the State of Wiscon sin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Published under direction of the Commandery. Volume 1. Milwaukee, 1891. 466 p. O. CONTENTS: The assault on Fort Wagner. By Garth W. James, pp. 9-30. Reminiscenses of the old army forty years ago. By C. S. Hamilton. pp. 31-46. The campaign of New Mexico, 1862. By Joseph McC. Bell. pp. 47-71. The volunteer soldier in relation to the progress of civilization. By Walter Kempster. pp. 72-84. Assaulton the lines of Petersburg, April 2, 1865. By Charles H. Anson. pp. 85-98. Nothing to say. By Joseph W. Sanderson, pp. 99-105. Personal reminiscences of the war. By John W. Barlow, pp. 106-119 War f Secession The Mine Run movement. By John L. Hathaway, pp. 120-124. The eagles and stars, Wisconsin. By ,1. A. Watrous. pp. 125-139. The National Home, By John L. Mitchell, pp. 140-148. Old memories. By Charles H. Ross. pp. 149-163. The Negro in the late war. By George E. Sutherland, pp. 164-188. Missionary Ridge. By E. B. Parsons, pp. 189-200. With Kilpatrick around Atlanta. By George I. Robinson, pp. 201-227. Battle of Franklin. By Fred W. Byers. pp. 228-240. General Robert E. Lee. By Charles H. Anson. pp. 241-250. George Crook. By Charles King. pp. 251-269. General Philip H. Sheridan; recollections of Sheridan as a cadet. By John L. Hathaway, pp. 270-274. Sheridan. By Edwin B. Parsons, pp. 275-284. Service with Sheridan. By Charles C. MacConnell. pp. 285-293. Major General Winfield S. Hancock. Memorial meeting, March 3, 1886. pp. 294-307. The Army of the Tennessee. By Georg-e H. Heafford. pp. 308-323. How I came to be in the army, and General E. A. Paine s plan of fed eral salvation. By Willis Danforth. pp. 324-339. The Union cavalry. By Moses Harris, pp. 340-373. The Second Wisconsin at the first battle of Bull Run. By Thomas S. Allen, pp. 374-393. Libby Prison the escape. By Harrison C. Hobart. pp. 394-409. Battle of the Wilderness, and death of General Wadsworth. By Robert Monteith. pp. 410-415. Among the pontoons at Fitzhugh Crossing. By Theron W. Haight. pp. 416-423. The Army of the Cumberland under Buell. By Edward Ferguson. pp. 424-432 Our third-class companions. By Lucius Fairchild. pp. 433-443. Obituary tributes. Major General W. S. Hancock, Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, Gen. W. T. Sherman, pp. 445-453. War papers read before the commandery of the State of Wisconsin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Published under direction of the Commandery. Volume II. Milwaukee, 1896. viii,455 p. O. CONTENTS: Life and services of General William Tecumseh Sherman. By F. H. Magdeburg, pp. 1-51. The first Vicksburg expedition, and the battle of Baton Rouge, 1862. By G. Mott Williams, pp. 52-69. The development of our armies. By G. W. Burnell. pp. 70-80. The Loyal Legion. By A. Ross Houston, pp. 81-86. In the immediate rear; experiences and observations of a field sur geon. By Almon Clarke, pp. 87-101. [9] Bibliography of Wisconsin Experiences with the Ninth brigade, Rousseau s division, Army of Ohio. By Solon Marks, pp. 102-109. Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, as commanders-in-chief. By George E. Sutherland, pp. 110-136. A reminiscence. By H. B. Jackson, pp. 137-144. Early war days in Missouri. By Charles Morton, pp. 145-158. War questions in the supreme court of Wisconsin. ByF. C. Winkler. pp. 159-172. The Wisconsin cavalry regiments. By E. A. Calkins, pp. 173-193. The women of the North, 1861-1865. By P. H. Magdeburg, pp. 194- 200. Boys of the Loyal Legion. By Charles King. pp. 201-206. Reminiscences of the battle of Gettysburg. By Cornelius Wheeler. pp. 207-220. The signal corps of the army during the Rebellion. By W. W. Row ley. pp. 221-229. The battle of Gettysburg. By Edwin E. Bryant, pp. 231-275. Some reminiscences of the First New York (Lincoln) cavalry. By W. H. Beach, pp. 276-302. Mosby and his men. By J. A. Watrous. pp. 303-307. In and out of the Wisconsin adjutant-general s office, 1862-66. By Augustus Gaylord. pp. 308-330. The old army. By Moses Harris, pp. 331-334. King s division: Fredericksburg to Manassas; an episode of Pope s Virginia campaign. By Theron W. Haight. pp. 345-356. Gainesville, Groveton, and Bull Run. By Theron W. Haight. pp. 357- 372. Abraham Lincoln. Memorial meeting, Feb. 6, 1895. Addresses of Samuel Fallows and W. D. Hoard, pp. 373-384. Experiences at the battle of Stone River. Solon Marks, pp. 385-398. The armies of other countries. By Walter Kempster. pp. 399-429. Our soldiers as citizens. By William Ruger. pp. 430-437. Chickamauga. By E. B. Parsons, pp. 438-443. War papers read before the commandery of the State of Wiscon sin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Published under the direction of the Commandery. Volume III. Milwaukee, 1903. viii, 556 p. O. No more published. CONTENTS: Abraham Lincoln. By Edwin E. Bryant, pp. 1-13. Reminiscences of the blockade off Charleston. By Robert Brand. pp. 14-32. The James River during the war. By Joseph W. Sanderson, pp. 33-40. The Black Hawk tragedy. By Edwin D. Coe. pp. 41-59. The early days of our cavalry in the army of the Potomac. By Wal ter Kempster. pp. 60-89. [10] o^antauions! War of Secession 1861 The First Wisconsin infantry its organization and move to the front. By D wight W. Keyes. pp. 90-101. The capture of Jefferson Davis. By Henry Harnden. pp. 102-121. Guarding Jefferson Davis at Fortress Monroe. By Joseph W. Sander son, pp. 122-124. A boy s recollection of our great generals. By Charles King. pp. 125- 139. Abraham Lincoln his youth and early manhood. By Irving M. Bean. pp, 140-150. Abraham Lincoln as a politician and statesman. By Jerome A. Wat- rous. pp. 151-156. Lincoln s oratory. By T. W. Haight. pp 157-159. Lincoln, the Commander-in-chief. By Moses Harris, pp. 160-167. Lincoln, the man of the people. By George E. Sutherland, pp. 168- 175. The Fourteenth Wisconsin infantry at the battle of Shiloh. By F. H. Magdeburg, pp. 176-187. The last week s campaign of the army of the Potomac. By Charles H. Anson. pp. 188-197. A small bo} 7 s recollection of the war time. By Horace M. Brown. 198-214pp. After the first Bull Run. By Theron W. Haight. pp. 215-225. The Fourth Wisconsin infantry at Port Hudson. By George W. Car ter, pp. 226-240. The necessity of government control in organization of military forces of the states. By Moses Harris, pp. 241-248 From the Missouri River to the Black Hills, in midwinter of 1874. By A. Ivins Comfort, pp. 249-258. Gainesville. 1862. By Charles King. pp. 259-283. The capture of Fort Donaldson. By F. H. Magdeburg, pp. 284-295. The civil and military career of General William Tecumseh Sher man. By John C. Freeman, pp. 296-316. A visit to the battlefields of Virginia. By William H. Beach, pp. 317-334. The commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion. By Irving M. Bean. pp. 335-342. History of the Loyal Legion. By E. A. Calkins, pp. 343-352. The army of 1898 and the army of 1861 a comparison. By Walter Kempster. pp. 353-371. Chaplains and chaplains. By Joseph W. Sanderson, pp. 372-376. Serving in the Philippines. By Lorenzo W. Cooke. pp. 377-380. Incidents of Sherman s march through the Carolinas. By Frank H. Putney, pp. 381-387. Our military strength a proposition. By Charles C. McClaughry. pp. 388-398. Scouting for bushwhackers in West Virginia, in 1861. By Charles H. Ross. pp. 399-412. The national guard. By Charles R. Boardman. pp. 413-422. [ii] Bibliography of Wisconsin Lincoln the marvel. By George W. Burnell. pp. 423-435. A few months in a rebel prison. By Lucius I). Hinckley. pp. 436-452. Personal recollections of the cavalry at Chancellorsville. By Charles I. Wickersham. pp. 453-462. Reminiscences of service in the U. S. navy on the Potomac River. By Amos P. Poster, pp. 463-469. The battle hymns of nations. By Nicholas Smith, pp. 470-491. Proceedings at the reception and banquet tendered to Major General Arthur MacArthur, by the Commandery of Wisconsin, pp. 492- 524. With the Fifth Wisconsin at Williamsburg. By Arthur Holbrook. pp. 525-545. Circulars. Xos. 121-476. Milwaukee, 1884-1910. O. Contains notices of meetings, and obituaries of members. Soldiers Aid Society Report of the Wisconsin Soldiers Aid Society, auxiliary to the U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1863-1865. Milwaukee, 1864- 66. 4 pm. O. Annual report, Dec. 1, 1863. 20 p. Report for last six months, July 1, 1864. 16 p. Report from July 1 to Dec. 1, 1864. 28 p. Fifth and final report, Dec., 1865. lop. Report of W. Y. Selleck, militaiy state agent for Wisconsin, Jan uary 31, 1865, showing the operation of the Wisconsin Sol diers Aid Society of Washington, D. C., and the Wisconsin Military State Agency, since June 2, 1862, to January 31, 1865. Washington, D. C., 1865. 16p. O. f!2] War t Secession III. General Histories Wisconsin in the War of the Rebellion; a history of all regiments and batteries the State has sent to the field, and deeds of her citizens, governors and other military officers, and State and National legislators to suppress the Rebellion. By William DeLoss Love. Chicago: Church and Goodman, publishers. Milwaukee: A. Whittemore. New York: Sheldon & Co. 1866. Portraits, xxi, 1144 p. O. The military history of Wisconsin; a record of the civil and mili tary patriotism of the State, in the War for the Union, with a history of the campaigns in which Wisconsin soldiers have been conspicuous, regimental histories, sketches of distin guished officers, the roll of the illustrious dead, movements of the legislature and State officers, etc. By E. B. Quiner, Esq., of Madison, Wis. Illustrated with steel engravings of eminent men. Chicago: Clarke & Co., 1866. 1022 p. O. The Badgers in battle, from Falling Waters to Appomattox. By Col. Ed. E. Bryant. In Wisconsin Soldiers and Sailors Reunion Roster, 1880, pp. 247-258. Military Affairs in Wisconsin, 1861-65. By Jerome A. Watrous. In The Union Army (Madison, Wis., 1908), vol. 4, pp. 17-86. With portrait of author, and a short sketch of the services of each regi ment. See also Tuttle s History of Wisconsin, 1875, pp. 375-603; Thwaites s Story of Wisconsin, 1890, pp. 270-329; Matteson s History of Wisconsin, 1893, pp. 311-415; Legler s Leading Events of Wisconsin History, 1898, pp. 244- 279; Campbell s Wisconsin in Three Centuries, 1906, vol. 3, pp. 137-328; Thwaites s Wisconsin, 1908, pp. 326-370. For the official correspondence of the United States relating to Wiscon sin in the War of Secession, see General Index to Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armits, War of the Rebellion. [13] Bibliography of Wisconsin IV. Regimental Histories and Reunions First Artillery History of the First Wisconsin Battery, Light Artillery. By Dan Webster and Don C. Cameron. [Washington, D. C., National Tribune Co.], 1907. 263,vi p. O. With numerous portraits. First Cavalry Cape Girardeau Eagle. Nos. 1-12, May 10-Aug. 16, 1862. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1862. 12 nos. O. A newspaper published "under the auspices of the First Wisconsin Cavalry." Library lacks Nos 4-6. The capture of Jefferson Davis. A narrative of the part taken by Wisconsin troops [First Wisconsin Cavalry]. By Henry Harn- den, late commander of the First Wisconsin Cavalry. Madison, 1898. 105 p. S. With two portraits of author. The First Wisconsin Cavalry at the capture of Jefferson Davis. By Gen. Henry Harnden. Madison, 1898. 18 p. O. From Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. 14, pp. 516-532. First Infantry History of Milwaukee Light Guard. By Herbert C. Damon. Or ganized July 16, 1855. Milwaukee, 18*75. 319 p. O. Includes also the war record, the Light Guard having joined the First Wisconsin Regiment as Co. A., at the outbreak of the war. Second Infantry The Second Wisconsin Infantry at Gettysburg. In Southern Bivouac, N. S. vol. 2, 1886, p. 573. Echoes from the marches of the famous Iron Brigade, 1861-1865. Unwritten stories of that famous organization. [By Doc. Aubery. Milwaukee, 1900.] 67 p. D. With portraits and illustrations. The Iron Brigade was composed of the Second, Sixth, and Seventh Wisconsin Infantries, the Nine teenth Indiana Infantry, and the Twenty-fourth Michigan Infantry, [14] Regimental! \/Vi3r OT Histories \ VV d.1 Ui Third Artillery Roster Third Wisconsin Battery, Light Artillery. Compiled from reunion at Milwaukee, August 28, 1889. 16 p. S. History of the services of the Third Battery, Wisconsin Light Ar tillery in the Civil War of the United States, 1861-1865. Com piled from all sources possible, but principally from members themselves. By H. H. G. Bradt. Berlin, [1902]. 104 p. T. Third Infantry History of the Third Regiment of Wisconsin veteran volunteer infantry, 1861-1865. By Edwin E. Bryant, late adjutant. With maps compiled by William F. Goodhue, veteran of Com pany C, and a complete roster of all who were members of the regiment. Madison: Published by the Veteran Association of the Regiment, 1891. Portraits. xvii,445p. O. An incident of the battle of Chancel lorsville. By Hon. W. C. Meffert, Arena, Wis. Janesville, 1908. 7 p. S. Story of the war-time experience of two members of the Third Wis consin Volunteers, Lieut. R. H. Williams and Lee McMurtrey, with portraits of each. Association of the Third Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, veteran volunteers. Proceedings of annual reunions. First to twentieth, 1890 to 1910. 20 pm. O. First annual reunion, La Crosse, Oct. 16, 1890. 27 p. Second annual reunion, Madison, Sept. 16-17, 1891. 14 p. Third annual reunion, Madison, Sept. 14-15, 1892. 19 p. Fourth annual reunion, Milwaukee, Sept. 14, 1893. 32 p. Fifth annual reunion, Portage, Sept. 19-21, 1894. 53 p. Sixth annual reunion, Fond du Lac, Sept. 18-19, 1895. 40 p. Seventh annual reunion, Darlington, Sept. 2-3, 189G. 47 p. Eighth annual reunion, Madison, Oct. 13, 1898. 34 p. Ninth annual reunion, Janesville, Sept. 14-15, 1899. 18 p. Tenth annual reunion, Waupun, Sept. 17-18, 1900. 70 p. Eleventh annual reunion, Neenah, Sept. 1G, 1901. 23 p. Twelfth annual reunion, Fond du Lac, Sept. 16-17, 1902. 17 p. Thirteenth annual reunion, Janesville, Sept. 17-18, 1903. 24 p. Fourteenth annual reunion, Shullsburg, Sept. 15-16, 1904. 33 p. 9 portraits. Fifteenth annual reunion, Beloit, Sept. 14-15, 1905. 25 p. 4 portraits. [15] Bibliography of Wisconsin Sixteenth annual reunion, Janesville, Sept. 19-20, 1906. 38 p. 8 portraits. Seventeenth annual reunion, Waupun, Sept. 17-18, 1907. 28 p. 8 portraits. Eighteenth annual reunion, Janesville, Sept. 16-17, 1908. 27 p. 6 portraits. Nineteenth annual reunion, Janesville, Sept. 16-17, 1909. 16 p. 2 portraits. Twentieth annual reunion, Lancaster, Sept. 20-21, 1910. 20 p. 1 portrait. Some experiences of a veteran in the rear. By Captain J. W. Hinkley, Third Wisconsin Infantry. In Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Minnesota Commandery, Ser. 4, 1898. pp. 112-123. Fourth Cavalry History and catalogue of the Fourth Regiment, Wisconsin [Cav alry] volunteers, from June 1861, -to March 1864. Baton Rouge, La. : Printed at the Gazette and Comet book and job office, 1864. 71 p. O. Fifth Infantry The Army of the Potomac. Behind the scenes. A diary of unwritten history, from the organization of the army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the campaign in Virginia, about the first day of January, 1863. By Alfred L. Castleman, surgeon of the Fifth Regiment of Wisconsin volunteers. Milwaukee: Published by Strickland & Co., 1863. 288 p. D. Personal recollections of the American war. By Evan R. Jones, United States consul, Newcastle-on-Tyne (late Captain Fifth Regiment Wisconsin V. I., and Brevet Major). Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1872. 18 p. O. Four years in the Army of the Potomac: a soldier s recollections. By Major Evan R. Jones. London: The Tyne Publishing Co., Limited, [1882]. Map, portrait. 246 p. O. With the Fifth Wisconsin at Williamsburg. By Arthur Hoi- brook. Read May 7th, 1902, before the Commandery of [16] StaS tal f War of Secession the State of Wisconsin, Military Order of Loyal Legion of the United States. [Milwaukee, 1903.] 29 p. O. Report of the proceedings of the annual reunion of the Fifth Wis consin Volunteer Infantry. Eleventh to eighteenth, 1897 1904. 7 pm. O. ^Eleventh and twelfth annual reunions, Eau Claire and Appleton, 1897- 98. 11 p. *Thirteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, 1899. 13 p. Fourteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, June 27-28, 1900. 32 p. Fifteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, July 23-24, 1901. 52 p. Sixteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee : May 27-28, 1902. 46 p. Seventeenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, June 23, 1903. 40 p. Eighteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, June 17, 1904. 18 p. With portraits and illustrations. Proceedings not published prior to 1897 or after 1904. * indicates that the report is not in the Library. Sixth Artillery History of the 6th Wisconsin Battery, with roster of officers and members; also proceedings of battery reunions, speeches, <fcc. [By H. S. Keene.] Lancaster, Wis., 1879. 65 p. D. Sixth Infantry Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. By Rufus R. Dawes, Brevet Brigadier General, U. S. volunteers 1890. Marietta, O.: E. R. Alderman & Sons. Portraits. [4], 330 p. O. With the Sixth Wisconsin at Gettysburg. By Rufus R. Dawes. In Sketches of War History, 1861-1865, Papers of Ohio Oommandery, M, 0. L. L. U. S., vol. 3, 1890, pp. 364-388. ^Sketch of Company K, 6th Wisconsin Infantry. By A. A. Davis, n. p.. n. d. 3 p. O. Echoes of the Civil War as I hear them. By Michael H. Fitch. New York, 1905. 368 p. D. Record of service in the Sixth and Twenty-first Wisconsin volunteer regiments. History of the Sauk County riflemen, known as Company "A," Sixth Wisconsin veteran volunteer infantry, 1861-1865. 2 [17] Bibliography of Wisconsin !gfSf e n s tal Written and compiled by Philip Cheek [and] Mair Pointon. n. p., 1909. 220 p. O. With portraits and illustrations. Eighth Infantry Army life and stray shots; by a staff officer of the 8th regiment Wis. Vols., 15th army corps, third division. Memphis: Argus steam book and job printing establishment, 1863. Nos. 1 and 2. 32 p. O. Opening of the Mississippi; or, two years campaigning in the South- West. A record of the campaigns, sieges, actions, and marches in which the 8th Wisconsin volunteers have participated, to gether with correspondence, by a non commissioned officer [George W. Driggs], Madison: William J. Park & Co., 1864. 149 p. O. The soldier bird. History of "Old Abe," the live war eagle. By Joseph O. Barrett. Chicago: Alfred L. Se well, 1865. 71 p. O. The soldier bird. "Old Abe," the live war eagle of Wisconsin, that served a three years campaign in the Great Rebellion. By J. O. Barrett. Madison: Atwood & Culver, publishers, 1876. Map. 128 p. D. Old Abe, the Eighth Wisconsin war eagle. A full account of his capture and enlistment, exploits in war, and honorable as well as useful career in peace. With an appendix. By F. A. F. [Frank A. Flower]. Madison: Curran and Bowen, 1885. 173 p. D. Reminiscences of the war. Bivouacs, marches, skirmishes, and battles. Extracts from letters written home from 1861 to 1865. By J. H. Greene. Capt. of Co. F, 8th (Eagle) Wis. Reg. Inft. [Medina, Ohio], 1886. 87 p. O. "The Eagle regiment," 8th Wis. Inf ty Vols. A sketch of its marches, battles and campaigns, from 1861 to 1865. With a complete regimental and company roster, and a few portraits and sketches of its officers and commanders. By a Non- Vet" of Co. "H" [J. M. Williams]. Belleville, 1890. 166 p. O. [18] 2tSrS ta1 } War of Secession Old Abe, the war eagle of Wisconsin. By C. Alice Baker. Deer- field, Mass., 1904. vi,22p. O. With illustration of the eagle. Tenth. Infantry Tenth Wisconsin Infantry Association, Proceedings of the annual reunions. Fourth to fifteenth, 1898-1910. Waupun, 1898- 1910. 12pm. D. Proceedings of the first three reunions were not separately published, but abstracts of each are included in the proceedings of the fifth reunion. No reunion was held in 1900. Fourth annual reunion, Tom ah, July 21-22, 1898. 53 p. Fifth annual reunion, Black River Falls, July 25-2G, 1899. 80 p. Sixth annual reunion, Sparta, July 24-25, 1901. lop. Seventh annual reunion, Kilbourn, June 4-6, 1902. 20 p. Eighth annual reunion, Waupun, Sept. 2-3, 1903. 48 p. Ninth annual reunion, Kilbourn, Sept. 5-7, 1904. 14p. Tenth annual reunion, New Lisbon, July 25-27, 1905. 28 p. Eleventh annual reunion, Toman. Oct. 8-10, 1906. 35 p. Twelfth annual reunion, Warrens, Sept. 19-21, 1907. 25 p. Thirteenth annual reunion, Kilbourn, Sept. 15-17, 1908. 18 p. Fourteenth annual reunion, Waupaca, Aug. 26-27, 1909. 18 p. Fifteenth annual reunion, Menasha, Aug. 24-25, 1910. 16 p. Eleventh Infantry History of the llth Wisconsin veteran vol. inf., giving a reliable account of its marches, hardships, and battles, from its organ ization to October, 1864. New Orleans: Compiled and pub lished by James J. McMyler, 1865. 32,61, [2] p. O. Reunion of the Eleventh and Twenty-third Regiments of Wiscon sin volunteer infantry, held at Madison, Wisconsin, Septem ber 15 and 16, 1886, with rosters of the veterans in attend ance. [1886.] 40 p. O. See also a short account of the operations of the Eleventh Regiment, in Andrews s Campaign of Mobile (N. Y., 1867). O. Twelfth Infantry Story of the service of Company E, and of the Twelfth Wiscon sin Regiment, veteran volunteer infantry, in the War of the Rebellion. Beginning with September 7th, 1861, and ending with July 21st, 1865. Written by one of the boys [Hosea [19] Bibliography of Wisconsin W. Rood]. Milwaukee: Swain & Tate Co., printers and publishers, 1893. Portraits. 547 p. O. Reunions of the Twelfth Wisconsin Infantry, 1895-97, 1902- 1910. 12pm. O. Reunions and roster, Reedsburg, July 24-25, 1895. 49 p. Reunion at St. Paul, Sept. 1-5, 1896. 13 p. Reunion at Mauston, July 5-6, 1897. 7 p. (Not published for 1898 to 1901) Reunion at Grand Rapids, June 9-11, 1902. 45 p. Reunion at Madison, July 21-22, 1903. 60 p. Joint annual reunion, Twelfth and Sixteenth regiments, Madison, June 14, 1904. 59 p. Reunion story, Madison, July 25-26, 1905. 39 p. Reunion story, Madison, July 24-25; Minneapolis, Aug. 14, 1906. 49 p. Reunion story, Madison, July 25-26, 1907. 35 p. Reunion story, Green Bay, Aug. 14-20, 1908. 37 p. Reunion story, Reedsburg, Sept. 1-2, 1909. 54 p. Reunion story, Sturgeon Bay, Sept. 14-15, 1910. 40 p. Annual reunion of Company E Association, Twelfth Wisconsin Infantry, 1899 to 1910. 10pm. O. Reunion at Delton, June 20-22, 1899. 16 p. Reunion at Kilbourn City, June 26-29, 1900. 35 p. Reunion at Delton, June 18-20, 1901. 56 p. Reunion at Mauston, June 24-26, 1902. 48 p. (No meeting held in 1903) Reunion at Kilbourn, Sept. 20-21, 1904. 18 p. Reunion at Kilbourn, Oct. 17-18, 1905. 13 p. Reunion story, Kilbourn, Oct. 23-24, 1906. 30 p. Reunion story, Kilbourn, Oct. 8-9, 1907. 28 p. Reunion story, Reedsburg, Sept. 2-3, 1908. 16 p. (Reunion story for 1909, not separately printed.) Reunion story, Kilbourn, Sept. 7-8, 1910. 22 p. Thirteenth Infantry From youth to age; adventures in a varied life. By D. B. Love- joy. Chicago: The American Authors Protective Publishing Company, [18.94]. Portrait. 2V2p. D. Includes history of the Thirteenth Wisconsin volunteer infantry, 1861-1865, pp. 90-161. Reminiscences of the Civil War. Compiled from the war cor respondence of Colonel William P. Lyon, and from personal [201 iguSS tal f War of Secession letters and diary, by Mrs. Adelia C. Lyon. Published by William P. Lyon, Jr., 1907. [6], 274 p. O. With four portraits of Judge and Mrs. Lyon. Judge Lyon was captain of Company K, Eighth Regiment of Wisconsin volunteers, from Oct. 1861 to Aug. 1862, and colonel of the Thirteenth Regiment of Wisconsin volunteers from the latter date to the close of the war. The reminiscences cover the experiences of these two regi ments while he was connected with them. Fourteenth Infantry War pictures. Experiences and observations of a chaplain in the U. S. Army, in the War of the Southern Rebellion. By Rev. J. B. Rogers, Chaplain of the Fourteenth Wisconsin Vols. Chicago: Church & Goodman, 1863. 258 p. D. Worden s battalion. Paper read by Capt. F. H. Magdeburg at the first annual reunion of the Fourteenth Wisconsin Veteran Vol. Infantry, held at Fond du Lac, June 16-17, 1886. Milwaukee. 12 p. O. The Fourteenth Wisconsin Vet. Vol. Infantry (General A. J. Smith s command), in the expedition and battle of Tupelo; also, Wanderings through the wilds of Missouri and Arkansas in pursuit of Price. By W. H. Tucker, Sergeant Company "D." Indianapolis, [1892]. Map. Illust. 30 p. O. The Fourteenth Wisconsin Vet. Vol. Infantry, October 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th, 1862, at the Battle of Corinth. By Sergeant W. H. Tucker, Company D. Read at regimental reunion, Fond duLac, June 13th, 14th, and 15th, 1893. [Indianapolis, 1893.] 23 p. O. The Fourteenth Wisconsin, Corinth and Shiloh, 1862-1895. Paper on battle of Shiloh, by Colonel John Hancock. Pil grimage of Engle and Tucker to battle fields of Corinth and Shiloh, 1895. Indianapolis, 1895. Portraits an illustra tions. 40 p. O. Worden s Battalion and Company E of the Fourteenth Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Paper prepared for reunion of regiment, Fond du Lac, June 8, 9, and 10, 1904, by Lieuten ant Francis E. Engle. Indianapolis, [1904]. 68 p. O. [21] Bibliography of Wisconsin Fifteenth Infantry Det Skandinaviske regiments historia (l5de Wisconsin Regiment). En kortfattet historic om dets Organisation og de Feldt-Toge, hvori det tog Del, Samlet af J. A. Johnson. La Grosser Trykti "Foedrelandet og Emigrantens" Trykkeri, 1869. 134, 27 p. O. Borgerkrigen i de forenede stater i Nord Amerika. Udarbeidet af Joh. A. Enander, "Gamla och Nva Hemlandets" Redaktor, med en kortfattet Beretning om det lode Wis. Regiments deltagelse i krigen og et Portraet af Oberst H. C. Hegg. La Grosser Trykt i "Foedrelandet og Emigrantens" Officin, 1881. Portraits. 128 p. D. The Fifteenth Wisconsin regiment during the late war. By P. G. Dietrichson. In Scandinavia, vol. 1, 1883-84, pp. 297-300. Same, in Nelson s Hist, of the Scandinavians, vol. 1, 1893, pp. 153-166. En kortfattet skildring af det femtende Wisconsin regiments his- torie og virksomhed under Borgerkrigen, samt nogle korte Traek af Fangemes ophold i Andersonville. Af P. G. Diet richson. Chicago: Trykt hos John Anderson & Co., 1884. Portrait. 32 p. T. Det femtende regiment Wisconsin frivillige. Samlet og bear- beidet af O. A. Buslett, som ved dette Arbeide harvillet soette et minde over de faldnes Grave og loegge Historiens Lysning oder de gjenlevendes graanende Isser. Tilegnet det norske Folk i Amerika. Paa Forfatterens Forlag. Decorah, Iowa: Trykt hos B. Anundsen, [1895]. Portraits. 696 p. D. /Sixteenth Infantry Sixth annual reunion of Company "F", 16th Wis. Vols., held near Evansville, Wis., June 18, 1890. Maryville, Mo.: Printed by H. E. Robinson, 1890. 9p. S. Story of the joint annual reunion of the Twelfth and Sixteenth regiments of Wisconsin Infantry at Madison, June 14, 1904. [Madison, 1904.] 59 p. Portraits. O. [221 War of Secession Twenty -first Infantry A soldier of the Cumberland; memoir of Mead Holmes, Jr., Ser geant of Company K, Twenty-first regiment Wisconsin volun teers. By his father. With an introduction by John S. Hart, LL. D. Boston: Published by American Tract Soci ety, 1864. Portrait. 240 p. S. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Wisconsin regiment association. Fifth to twenty-third annual reunions, 1891 to 1910. 19 pm. O. (First to fourth proceedings not printed.) Fifth annual reunion, Oshkosh, June 25-26, 1891. 52 p. Sixth annual reunion, Shawano, Sept. 7-8, 1892. 40 p. Seventh annual reunion, Fond du Lac, June 20-21, 1894. 19 p. Eighth annual reunion, Manitowoc, June 12-13, 1895. 33 p. Ninth annual reunion, Chilton, June 11-12, 1896. 37 p. Tenth annual reunion, Omro, July 15-16, 1897. 31 p. Eleventh annual reunion, Kaukauna, July 20-21, 1898. 29 p. Twelfth annual reunion, Green Bay, July 18-19, 1899. 43 p. Thirteenth annual reunion, Appleton, July 18-19, 1900. 59 p. Fourteenth annual reunion, Wis. Veterans Home, July 18-19, 1901. 42 p. Fifteenth annual reunion, Winneconne, Sept. 5-6, 1902. 56 p. Sixteenth annual reunion, Tola, July 28-30, 1903. 45 p. Seventeenth annual reunion, Hortonville, July 14-15, 1904. 31 p. Eighteenth annual reunion, Manitowoc, Aug. 3-4, 1905. 41 p. Nineteenth annual reunion, Neenah, Aug. 2-3, 1906. 42 p. Twentieth annual reunion, Appleton, Sept. 19-20, 1907. 58 p. Twenty-first annual reunion, Stevens Point, Sept. 24-25, 1908, 75 p. Twenty-second annual reunion, Omro, Sept. 23-24, 1909. 71 p. Twenty third annual reunion, Oshkosh, Sept. 13-14, 1910. 70 p. Echoes of the Civil War as I hear them. By Michael H. Fitch. New York, 1905. 368 p D. Record of service in the Sixth and Twenty-first Wisconsin volunteer regiments. Twenty -second Infantry The Star Corps; or, Notes of an army chaplain during Sherman s famous "March to the Sea." [By] Rev. G. S. Bradley, Chap lain 22d Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Germain & Brightman, 1865. Portrait. 304 p. D. [23] Bibliograpny of Wisconsin jgs.f e n s tal Twenty -third Infantry Roster of the survivors of the Twenty-third Regiment, Wiscon sin Volunteer Infantry, 1889. Neenah, 1889. 33 p. S. Reunion of the Twenty-third Regiment Wisconsin Infantry Vol unteers at Madison, Wisconsin, July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 1907. With a roster of the surviving members of the regiment. [Madison, 1907.] 26 p. O. For Reunion Proceedings, 1886; see Eleventh Infantry, above. Twenty -fourth Infantry A sermon in memory of Captain F. A. Root and Lieutenant R. J. Chivas, of the Twenty-fourth Regiment Wisconsin Volun teer Infantry, by their pastor, the Revd. J. P. T. Ingraham, B.D., Rector of St. James s Church, Milwaukee, Wis. De livered December 20th, 1863. Milwaukee, 1864. 14p. O. With the rank and file. Incidents and anecdotes during the War of the Rebellion, as remembered by one of the non-com missioned officers. By Thomas J. Ford, Sergeant Company H, Twenty-fourth Wisconsin Infantry. Milwaukee, 1898. 95 p. T. With portrait of the author. Twenty -fifth Infantry First reunion of the Twenty-fifth Regiment of Wisconsin Volun teers, held at Camp Logan, Sparta, Wis., June 8 and 9, 1887. 36 p. O. No more published. Address of J. M. Rusk to the survivors of the Twenty-fifth Reg iment of Wisconsin Volunteers [at Sparta, Wis., June 9, 1887]. lip. O. History of the Twenty-fifth Infantry. In Milwaukee Sunday Telegraph, May 8, 1887. [24" Regimental I \\7ir Oi Histories f Well <J1 Twenty -eighth Infantry Society of the Twenty-eighth regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Proceedings of the first to twenty-eighth annual reunions, 1882-1910. Milwaukee, 1887-1910. 26pm. D. First, second, and third reunions, held at Waukesha, Oct. 5, 1882; Elkhorn, Aug. 31, 1883; Waukesha, Aug. 27, 1885. Milwaukee, 1904. 31 p. Fourth annual reunion, Milwaukee, Sept. 23-24, 1886. 47 p. Fifth annual meeting, Whitewater, Sept. 7-8, 1887. 50p. Sixth annual meeting, Milwaukee, Sept. 19-20, 1888. 43 p. Seventh annual meeting, Milwaukee, Aug. 26-30, 1889. 16 p. Eighth annual meeting, Milwaukee, Sept. 17, 1890. 58 p. Ninth annnal meeting, Palmyra, Sept. 10, 1891. 65 p. Tenth annual meeting, Waukesha, Sept. 13,1892. 83 p. Eleventh annual meeting, Mukwonago, June 21-22, 1893. 92 p. Twelfth annual meeting, Milwaukee, June 13, 1894. 79 p. Thirteenth annual meeting, Oconomowoc, June 13, 1895. 65 p. Fourteenth annual meeting, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Aug. 27 and Sept, 2, 1896. 94 p. Fifteenth annual reunion, Elkhorn, June 24, 1897. 75 p. Sixteenth annual reunion, Whitewater, June 24, 1898. 53 p. Seventeenth annual reunion, Waukesha, June 27, 1899. 106 p. Eighteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, June 27, 1900. 144 p. Nineteenth annual reunion, Milwaukee, June 27, 1901. 72 p. Twentieth annual reunion, Elkhorn, June 26, 1902. 93,vp. Twenty-first annual reunion, Brookneld, June 30, 1903. 112, vi p. Twenty-second annual reunion, Pewaukee, June 30, 1904. 75,vip. Twenty-third annual reunion, Waukesha, July 13, 1905. 86,vip. Twenty-fourth annual reunion, Waukesha, June 28, 1906. 96,vip. Twenty-fifth annual reunion, Delavan, June 27, 1907, 92 p. Twenty-sixth annual reunion, Waukesha, June 19, 1908. 84 p. Twenty-seventh annual reunion, Waukesha, July 1, 1909. 92 p. Twenty-eighth annual reunion, Waukesha, June 28, 1910. 93,ivp. Twenty-ninth Infantry In memoriam: Col. Bradford Hancock. Born January 18, 1831, at Sackett s Harbor, N. Y. Died May 15, 1887, at Chicago, 111. Laid to rest in Graceland Cemetery, May 17, 1887. lip. O. Hancock was colonel of the Twenty-ninth Infantry. The lost detachment. Perilous situation of Union soldiers in the enemy s country. By F. F. French, 29th Wisconsin, n. p., n. d. 24 p. D. F251 Bibliography of Wisconsin The diary of a private soldier. The exact copy of a. record kept day by day during the Civil War by Henry P. Whipple, late a private in the Twenty-ninth Wisconsin volunteer infantry. Transcribed in 1906. Waterloo, [l 906]. (4), 80 p. O. With portrait of the author. Thirtieth Infantry Address by Samuel D. Hastings, state treasurer, before the Hast ings Invincibles, Co. "C", 30th Reg. Wis. Volunteers, No vember 9th, 1862, in the Congregational Chapel, Madison, Wis. Madison, 1862. 22 p. O. A diary of the 30th regiment, Wisconsin volunteers. A history of the regiment since its organization. Compiled from reli able sources and statistics. Madison: Martin & Judson, 1864. 110 p. S. Roster of the Thirtieth Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers; mustered in, October 18, 1862, Madison, Wis.; mustered out, Sept. 20, 1865, Louisville, Ky. Madison: Printed for the Associ ation, 1896. 72 p. D. TJdrty-second Infantry Thirty-second Wisconsin Regiment Survivors Association. Proceedings, I7th-19th, 22d-33rd reunions, 1894--96, 1899-1910. 15 pni. D. (Not published prior to 1894, or for 1897-98.) Seventeenth annual reunion, New London, June 27-28, 1894. 18 p. Eighteenth annual reunion, Portage, June 4-6, 1895. 16 p. Nineteenth annual reunion, Berlin, June 3-4, 1896. 36 p. Twenty-second annual reunion, Steven- Point, June 13-14, 1899. 20 p. Twenty-third annual reunion, Shawano, June 12-14, 1900. 22 p. Twenty-fourth annual reunion, Birnamwood, June 18-19, 1901. 28 p. Twenty-fifth annual reunion, Rhinelander, June 4-6, 1902. 21 p. Twenty-sixth annual reunion, Harinette, June 25-26, 1903. 20 p. Twenty-seventh annual reunion, Fond du Lac, June 22-23, 1904. 16 p. Twenty-eighth annual reunion, Neenah, June 7-8, 1905. 18, [4] p. Twenty-ninth annual reunion, Marinette, June 12-13, 1906. 14 p. Thirtieth annual reunion, Oshkosh, June 4-5, 1907. 20 p. Thirty-first annual reunion, Berlin, July 15-16, 1908. 24 p. Thirty-second annual reunion, Fond du Lac, June 24, 1909. 20 p. Thirty-third annual reunion, Fond du Lac, June 8, 1910. 24 p. [26] Regimental! W?3 T Ol Histories f VV <LL U1 Thirty-sixth Infantry The Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteer infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. An authentic record of the regiment from its organization to its muster out. A complete roster of its officers and men with their record. A full list of casualties in detail, dates, and places. Its itinerary from place of muster to muster out. Maps showing its movements; a copy of every official paper in the War Department pertaining to the regiment, and others pertaining indirectly to the command. Illustrations of events, biography, etc. Statistics. With reminiscences from the author s private journal. [By] James M. Aubery, Lt. Co. G., 36th Wis. Vol. Inf. [Milwaukee: Evening Wisconsin Co., 1900.] 430 p. Portraits. O. Thirty -seventh Infantry The sword and gun; a history of the 37th Wis. volunteer infantry, from its first organization to its final muster out. By Major R. C. Eden. Madison: Atwood & Rublee, printers, 1866. 120 p. S. Thirty -eighth Infantry Battle fields and camp fires of the Thirty -eighth [Wisconsin volun teers]. An authentic narrative and record of the organization of the Thirty-eighth regiment of Wis. vol. inf y, and the part taken by it in the late war, a short biographical sketch of each commissioned officer, and the name, age at time of enlistment, nativity, residence, and occupation of every en listed man, with notes of incidents relating to them. By Lieut. S. W. Pierce. Milwaukee: Daily Wisconsin Printing House, 1866. 254 p. D. Fortieth Infantry Annals of the Fortieth. Sundry proceedings, sayings, and doings and "undoings" of the 40th Reg. Wis. Vol. Inf. [By Julius Converse Chandler, familiarly known as "Shanghai Chand ler."] n. p., n. d. 4 p. Newspaper form, 15 x 21 ins. Contains roster of the regiment. Re printed in same form by C. A. Libby of Evansville Enterprise, about 1890. [27] Bibliography of Wisconsin Forty -third Infantry Johnson ville. An address read at a reunion of the 43rd Wisconsin vol. inf., at the encampment of the G. A. R., at Chicago, August 29, 1900. By Gen. Amasa Cobb, Brevet Brigadier General U. S. V. n. p., [1900.] 26 p. O. [28] Miscellaneous j- War of Secession V. Miscellaneous Camp Rindall and environs. By S. D. Forbes. Madison, 1862, 6 p. D. Minority report of the joint select committee appointed to inves tigate affairs pertaining to the raising and equipping of troops, and the disposition of war bonds. Madison, 1862. 25 p. O. Address by Hon. Samuel D. Hastings, delivered at Sparta, Wis consin, July 4th, 1863. Madison, 1863. 37 p. O. On slavery and the war. Logic of history. Five hundred political texts; being concen trated extracts of abolitionism; also, results of slavery agita tion and emancipation; together with sundry chapters on des potism, usurpations, and frauds. By S. D. Carpenter, editor of the "Wisconsin Patriot." Second edition. Madison: S. D. Carpenter, 1864. 351 p. O. Chapter xv is entitled, "Wisconsin Nullification and Secession." Pledge and signatures of the Temperance Army Corps, by Ella E. G. Hobart. Obtained at Camp Randall and Harvey Hos pital, February 21st-March 2nd, 1864. Madison, 1864. 24 p. T. Oration delivered by Hon. S. D. Hastings of Trempealeau, at Beaver Dam, July 4, 1865. n. p., n. d. 24 p. O. On the war. List of drafted men [of Milwaukee and vicinity] who have failed to report. Milwaukee, Oct. 26, 1864. 31 p. T. List of drafted men who have failed to report. Supplement draft, 1864. Milwaukee, 1865. 17 p. T. List of men drafted in Third Congressional district, Wisconsin in 1864, who have failed to report. Lancaster, 1865. 20 p. T. [29] Bibliography of Wisconsin Programme and plan of organization of the Wisconsin soldiers and sailors reunion, and reception of General U. S. Grant, and other distinguished Union generals, June 7th to 12th, 1880. * [Milwaukee, 1880.] 8 p. O. "Wisconsin soldiers and sailors reunion roster, containing the post office address, occupation and name of every Wisconsin sol dier and sailor, now living in any part of the world, and every other soldier now in the state, who responded to the reunion call. Also the name of every Wisconsin soldier who perished in the war, giving the battle in which he was killed, or place where he died, with date; each class arranged by companies and regiments. Also a complete roster of Wiscon sin s armed military organizations, the State National Guard taking part in the grand inter-state military display and contest, during reunion week, with the only complete pro gramme of the reunion exercises; together with a vast col lection of instructive, entertaining, and amusing historical sketches, personal reminiscenses, and anecdotes of Wisconsin men in the war Compiled under the supervision of the president [C. K. Pier], of the Wisconsin Soldiers Reunion Association. Fond du Lac, 1880. 309 p. Q. Contains the following articles: "The Original Call" (pp. 233-239), being the official calls and circulars to the several veteran com mands, to attend the reunion; "The Effect of the Calls" (pp. 239- 241), being brief reports of meetings held throughout the State, to arouse interest in the reunion; "Milwaukee and the Reunion" (pp. 241-247), detailed report of public meetings, etc., held in Mil waukee in preparation for the reunion; "The Badgers in Battle, from Falling Waters to Appomattox" (pp. 247-258), sketches by Gen. Edwin E. Bryant, of the personal side of Wisconsin s par ticipation in the war, with especial reference to feats of valor by Wisconsin men and commands, and comments thereon by Fed eral officers; "The Fourth Wisconsin captures a Railway Train" (p. 258), by Gen. Harrison C. Hobart; "Dan the Cook" (p. 258) and "Our Little Matron" (p. 260), by Addie L. Ballou: "Gen. John Gibbon" (p. 259) and "Griff J. Thomas" (p. 259), by Col. J. A. Watrous; "Rally Again, Boys!" (p. 260), a poem by S. W. P.; "The Record of Company B" (p. 260), a poem by Sarah D. Ho bart; "Maj. Phil Piummer s Death" (p. 261), by Gen. E. S. Bragg; "Where is Shocks?" (p. 261) and "How Misery left us" (p. 264), by H. B. Eastman; "An Army Yarn" (p. 263), by Gen. John A. Kellogg; "Ed. McCook s Luck" (p. 265), by Maj. Lu Drury; "The [301 Miscellaneous War of Secession Future of the Association" (p. 265), by Lieut. Darwin C. Pavey; "Oshkosh Volunteers" (pp. 267-269), by Col. John Hancock; "A brave Captain [J. IT. Marston, Co. E, Sixth Wisconsin] off his feet" (p. 266); "Old Pomposity (p. 206): "Our Future" (p. 267), asking for individual records for rosters of future reunions. A soldiers memorial hall in Wisconsin. Speech made in the Wis consin Senate, April 10, 1889. By Levi E. Pond. 14 p. O. Wisconsin veterans in Nebraska registered at the tenth annual reunion held at Norfolk, Neb., Sept., 1888, and at all preced ing reunions. Fremont, Neb., 1889. 32 p. D. The official reports of building the Red River Dam" at Alexan dria, La., May, 1864, which saved the Mississippi Flotilla, under Admiral Porter, from destruction. Compiled by IT. B. Pearsall, late Col. 48th Wis. Infty. and Brevet Brig. G-en l U. S. Vols. From Volume 34, Series 61, of the "History of the Union and Confederate armies", published by the War Department. [Lansing, Kans., 1896.] 15 p. O. The dam was built under the direction of Lieut. -Col. Joseph Bailey of the fourth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, and detachments from the Twenty-third and Twenty-ninth Wisconsin were en gaged in its construction. Troops furnished by Wisconsin during Civil War, 1861-65. List of Wisconsin regiments organized during the Civil War, their total strength and loss during entire term of service, date of organization and muster out of LTnited States service. By Robert Hastreiter. 1898. 7 p. O. Reprinted from Madison Directory, 1898-99. War questions in Wisconsin. By F. C. Winkler. In American Historical Magazine, vol. 3, 1908, pp. 98-106, 186-204. Address of welcome delivered at the Twentieth annual reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors Association of Walworth County, at Lake Geneva, Wis., Aug. 26, 1908. By John E. Burton. Milwaukee, 1908. 12 p. O. [31] Bibliography of Wisconsin SCRAP BOOKS The Wisconsin State Historical Library also contains a consid erable mass of material in the form of newspaper clippings, all of it permanently mounted, and much of it admirably classified and indexed. The principal items of this character are: Ten large folio volumes, arranged by regiments, with a manu script index to each volume, containing the contemporary corre spondence (1861-65) of Wisconsin soldiers at the front, chiefly published in their home papers. This collection was made while the war was in progress, by E. B. Quiner, as source material for his Military History of Wisconsin (Chicago, 1866). Several similar volumes of contemporary Wisconsin war clip pings, collected by other persons, and not classified one of these is devoted to the Iron Brigade. Several volumes of newspaper clippings of later date, consisting chiefly of reminiscences by participants, relative to Wisconsin men and their achievements in the war. Three folio volumes containing a supposedly complete collection of contemporary rosters of Wisconsin volunteers (1861-65), clas sified by the different arms of the service. In addition to the foregoing printed sources, bearing specifically on Wis consin s record, the Library possesses one of the largest and best selected collections in the United States of the general literature of the War of Secession, including State and Federal publications, much of it contain ing at least incidental references to the services rendered by Wisconsin troops. The Library contains, as well, considerable manuscript material of service to Wisconsin historians of the war, such as enlistment rolls, copies of military orders, muster-rolls, reports, commissions, diaries, etc., besides narratives of specific events and of regiments. Without attempting a formal list, the following may especially be mentioned: two diaries and other material from Gov. C. C. Washburn; the papers of Brigade-Surgeon C. B. Chapman of Madison; letters and other documents obtained by W. De Loss Love while writing his Wisconsin in the Rebellion (Chicago. 1866); dia ries of George Fairn eld, J. W. Hinkley, and others; home letters written by Dr. H. P. Strong; six large volumes containing the records of persons liable for military duty in nearly all the counties of Wisconsin; and witb these, papers dealing with the draft. The Library is also the repository of the manuscript material collected by the Wisconsin History Commis sion. [32] INDEX ABE, war eagle. See Old Abe. Adjutant-general, reports, 1. Alexandria (La,), dam at, 31. Allen, Thomas S., Second Wisconsin at Bull Run, 9. American Historical Magazine, cited, 31. Andersonville (Ga.), prisoner at, 22. Andrews, Gen. C. C. f Campaign of Mobile, 19. Anson, Charles H., Assault on lines of Petersburg, 8; General Lee, 9; Last week of Army of Potomac, 11. Appleton, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8; regimental reunion, 23. Arkansas, Wisconsin troops in, 21. ARMIES: Cumberland, 9; Ohio, 10; Potomac, 10, 11, 16; Ten nessee, 9. Atlanta (Ga. ), battles near, 9. Aubery, James M. (Doc.), Thirty-sixth Wisconsin, 27; Iron Brigade, 14. BAILEY, Col. Joseph, builds dam, 31. Baker, C. Alice, Old Abe, 19. Ballou, Addie L., "Dan the Cook," 30; "Our Little Matron," 30. Barlow, John W., Personal Reminiscences, 8. Barrett, Joseph O., The Soldier Bird, 18. BATTLES: Appomattox, 13, 30; Baton Rouge, 9; Bull Run, 9-11; Chancellorsville, 12, 15; Chickamauga, 10; Corinth, 21, Falling Waters, 13, 30; Franklin, 9; Fredericksburg, 10; Gainesville, 10, 11; Gettysburg, 4, 10, 14, 17; Groveton, 10; Johnsonville, 28; Manassas, 10; Missionary Ridge, 9; Shiloh, 3, 11, 21; Stone River, 10; Tupelo, 21; Wilderness, 9; Wil- liamsburg, 12, 16. Beach, William H., Visit to Battlefields of Virginia, 11; First New York Cavalry, 10. Bean, Irving M., Abraham Lincoln, 11; Wisconsin Commander u, 11. Beaver Dam, address at, 29. Bell, Joseph McC., Campaign in New Mexico, 8. Beloit, regimental reunion at, 15. 3 [33] Index Berlin, regimental reunion at, 26. Birnamwood, regimental reunion at, 26. Black Hawk, war against, 10. Black Hills, regiment in, 11. Black River Falls, regimental reunion at, 19. Boardman, Charles R., National Guard, 11. Bradley, Rev. G. S., Star Corps, 23. Bradt, H. H. G., Third Battery, Wisconsin Light Artillery, 15. Brand, Robert, Blockade off Charleston, 10. Brookfield, regimental reunion at, 25. Brown, Horace M., A Boy s Recollections, 11. Bryant, Edwin E., "Badgers in Battle," 13, 30; Battle of Gettys burg, 10; Abraham Lincoln, 10; History of Third Regiment, 15; "Maj. Phil. Plummer s death," 30. Buell, Gen. Don 0., commands army, 9. Burnell, G. W., Development of our Armies, 9; Lincoln the Marvel, 12. Burton, John E., address, 31. Buslett, O. A., Det femtende regiment Wisconsin frivillige, 22. Byers, Fred W., Battle of Franklin, 9. CALKINS, E. A., Wisconsin Cavalry, 10: History of Loyal Legion 11. Cameron, Don C. See Webster and Cameron. Camp Logan, reunion at, 24. Camp Randall, described, 29. Campbell, Henry C., Wisconsin in Three Centuries, 13. Cape Girardeau (Mo.), Eagle, 14. Carolinas, Sherman in, 11. Carpenter, S. D., Logic of history, 29. Carter, George W., Fourth Wisconsin Infantry at Port Hudson, 11. Castleman, Alfred L., Army of Potomac, 16. Chandler, Julius Converse (Shanghai), Annals of the Fortieth, 27. Chapman, Surgeon C. B., papers of, 32. Chapman, Chandler P., adjutant-general, 1. Charleston, blockade of, 10. Chattanooga campaign, described, 4. Cheek, Philip, Sank County riflemen, 17, 18. Chilton, regimental reunion at, 23. Chippewa Falls, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8. Chivas, Lieut. R. J., memorial for, 24. Clarke, Almon, Surgeon s experiences, 9. Cobb, Gen. Amasa, address of, 28. Coe, Edwin D., Black Hawk tragedy, 10. [34] Index Comfort, A. Ivins, From the Missouri to the Black Hills, 11. Cooke, Lorenzo W., Serving in the Philippines, 11. Crook, Gen. George, monograph on, 9. Cushing, Alonzo H., services, 4. Cushing, Howard B., services, 4. Cushing, William B., services, 4. DAMON, Herbert C., Milwaukee Light Guard, 14. Danforth, Willis, How I came to be in the Army, 9. Darlington, regimental reunion at, 15. Davis, A. A., Sketch of Company K., 17. Davis, Jefferson, as commander-in-chief, 10; captured, 10, 11; imprisoned, 11. Dawes, Gen. Rufus R., Service with Sixth Wisconsin, 17. Delavan, regimental reunion at, 25. Delton, regimental reunion at, 20. Deserters, lists of, 2. Dietrichson, P. G., Fifteenth Wisconsin, 22; En Kortfattet Skild- ring, 22. Drafts, papers on, 29, 32. Driggs, George W., Opening of the Mississippi, 18. Drury, Maj. Lu, "Ed McCook s Luck," 30. EASTMAN, H. B., "Where is Shocks," 30; "How Misery Left Us," 30. Eau Claire, Grand Army encampment at, 6-8. Eden, Maj. R. C., The Sword and Gun, 27. Elkhorn, regimental reunion at, 25. Engle, Lieut. Francis E., Warden s Battalion, 21. Enander, J. A., Borgerkrigen i de fore nede stater i Nord Amerika, 22. Evansville, regimental reunion near, 22; Enterprise, 27. FAIRCHILD, Lucius, message, 2; Our third-class Companions, 9. Fairfield, George, diary of, 32. Fallows, Samuel, Abraham Lincoln, 10. Ferguson, Edward, Army of the Cumberland, 9. Fitch, Michael H., Chattanooga Campaign, 4; Echoes of Civil War, 17, 23. Fitzhujfh Crossing (Va.), described, 9. Flower, Frank A., Old Abe, 18. Fond du Lac, Grand Army encampment at, 7, 8; regimental re unions at, 15, 21, 23, 26. Forbes, S. D., Camp Randall, 29. [35] Index Ford, Thomas J., With Rank and File, 24. Fort Donelson, captured, 11. Fort Wagner, besieged, 8. Fortress Monroe, Davis imprisoned at, 11. Foster, Amos P., Navy on Potomac River, 12. Freeman, John C., General Sherman, 11. French, F. F., The lost detachment, 25. GAYLORD, Augustus, Adjutant-general s office, 10. Gibbon, Gen. John, at, Gettysburg, 4; characterized, 30. Goodhue, William F., compiles maps, 15. Grand Army of the Republic, Wisconsin department, reports, 5- 7; Wolcott post, 7. Grand Rapids, regimental reunion at, 20. Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., reception for, 30. Green Bay, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8; regimental re union at, 20, 23. Greene, Capt. J. H., Reminiscences of the War, 18. HAIGHT, Theron W., Three Wisconsin Cushings, 4; at Fitzhugh Grossing, 9; King s division, 10; Gainesville,, Groveton, and Bull Run, 10; After Bull Run, 11; Lincoln s Oratory, 11. Hamilton, C. S., Reminiscences, 8. Hancock, Col. Bradford, memorial of, 25. Hancock, Col. John, Fourteenth Wisconsin, 21; "Oshkosh Volun teers," 31. Hancock, Gen. Winfield, obituary of, 9. Harnden, Henry, Capture of Davis, 11, 14. Harris, Moses, Union Oavalry, 9; The Old Army, 10; Government Control, 11; Lincoln, 11. Hart, John S., writes introduction, 23. Harvey, Gov. Louis P., messages, 2. Harvey Hospital, temperance pledges at, 29. Haskell, Frank A., Battle of Gettysburg, 4. Hastings, Samuel D., addresses of, 26, 29. "Hastings Invincibles," addressed, 26. Hastreiter, Robert, Wisconsin regiments, 31. Hathaway, John L., Mine Run Movement, 9; Recollections of Sheridan, 9, Heafford, George H., Army of the Tennessee, 9. Hegg, Col. H. C., portrait of, 22. Hinckley, Lucius D., In a Rebel Prison, 12. Hinkley, Capt. J. W., diary of 32; Experiences, 16. Hoard, W. D., Lincoln memorial, 10. [36] Index Hobart, Ella E. G., "Temperance army corps," 29. Hobart, Harrison S., Libby Prison, 9; "Fourth Wisconsin cap tures a train," 30. Hobart, Sarah D., "Record of Company B," 30. Holbrook, Arthur, With tM Fifth Wisconsin at Williamtburg, 12, 16. Holmes, Mead, Soldier of the Cumberland, 23. Holmes, Mead, Jr., memoir of, 23. Hortonville, regimental reunion at, 23. Houston, A. Ross, Loyal Legion, 9. INDIANA, 19th Infantry, 14. Ingraham, Rev. J. P. T., memorial sermon, 24. lola, regimental reunion at, 23. Iron Brigade, history, 14, 32. Jackson, H. B., A Reminiscence, 10. James, Garth W., Assault on Fort Wagner, 8. Janesville, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8; regimental reunion, 15, 16. Johnson, J. A., Skandinaviske regiments historie, 22. Jones, Evan R. , Personal Recollections, 16; Four Years in the Army of Potomac, 16. KAUKAUNA, regimental reunion at, 23. Keene, H. S., History of 6th Battery, 17. Kellogg, John A., Capture and Escape, 4; "An Army Yarn," 30. Kempster, Walter, Volunteer Soldier, 8; Armies of other Countries, 10; Cavalry in Army of Potomac, 10; Armies of 1861 and 1898, 11. Keyes, Dwight W., First Wisconsin Infantry, 11. Kilbourn, regimental reunion at, 19, 20. Kilpatrick, Gen. Hugh J., near Atlanta, 9. King, Charles, George Crook, 9; Boys of the Loyal Legion, 10; A Boy s Recollections, 11; Gainesville, 11. King, Gen. William S., brigade of, 10. LA CROSSE, Grand Army encampment at, 6-8; regimental re union at, 15. Lake Geneva, regimental reunion at, 31. Lancaster, regimental reunion at, 16. Laws, military, published, 1. Lee, Gen. Robert E., monograph on, 9. Legler, Henry E., Leading Events of Wisconsin History, 13. [37] Index Lewis, Gov. James T., messages, 2. Libby, C. A., edits roster, 27. Libby Prison, escape from, 9. Lincoln, Abraham, monographs on, 10-12. Love, William D., Wisconsin in the War of the Rebellion, 1?, 32. Lovejoy, D. B., From Youth to Age, 20. Loyal Legion, Minnesota commandery, 16; Ohio commandery, 17; Wisconsin commandery, publications, 8-12. Lyon, Adelia C., Reminiscences, 20, 21. Lyon, Col. William P., correspondence, 20, 21. Lyon, William P., Jr., publisher, 21. MACARTHUR, Gen. Arthur, banquet for, 12. McClaughry, Charles C., Our Military Strength, 11. McClellan, Gen. George B., surgeon with, 16. MacConnell, Charles C., Service with Sheridan, 9. McCook, Gen. Edward, article on, 30. McMurtrey, Lee, at Chancellorsville, 15. McMyler, James J., History of the llth Wisconsin, 19. Madison, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8; regimental reunions, 15,19,20,22,24; Directory, 31; Literary Club, 3. Magdeburg, Capt. P. H., compiles report, 3; monographs, 9-11, 21. Manitowoc, regimental reunion at, 23. Marinette, Grand Army encampment at, 7, 8; regimental re union, 26. Marks, Dr. Solon, Experiences, 10; Stone River, 10. Marston, J. H., anecdote concerning, 31. Matteson, Clark S., History of Wisconsin, 13. Mauston, regimental reunion at, 20. Melfert, W. C., Incident of Chancellorsville, 15. Menasha, regimental reunion at, 19. Michigan, 24th Infantry, 14. Milwaukee, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8. regimental re unions, 15, 25, 30; drafts, 29; St. James Church, 24; Na tional Home for disabled soldiers, 9; Sunday Telegraph, 24. Minneapolis (Minn.), reunion at, 20. Missouri, Wisconsin troops in, 10, 21. Mitchell, John L., National Home, 9. Monteith, Robert, Battle of the Wilderness, 9. Morton, Charles, Early War Days in Missouri, 10. Mosby, Gen. John S., Confederate officer, 10. Mukwonago, regimental reunion at, 25. [38] Index NEBRASKA, Wisconsin veterans in, 31. Nelson, O. N., History of the Scandinavians, 22 Neenah, regimental reunions at, 15, 23, 26. New Lisbon, regimental reunion at, 19. New London, regimental reunion at, 26. New Mexico, campaign in, 8. New York, 1st Cavalry, 10. Newcastle-on-Tyne (England), American consul at, 16. Norfolk (Nebr.), reunion at, 31. OAKLEY, MINNIE MYRTLE, "Selected bibliography of Vicksburg Campaign, " 4. Oconomowoc, regimental reunion at, 25. Old Abe, war eagle, sketches of, 18, 19. Omro, regimental reunion at, 23. Oshkosh, Grand Army encampment at, 6-8; regimental reunion at, 23, 26; volunteers from, 31. PAINE, Gen. E. A., "Plan of Federal salvation," 9. Palmyra, regimental reunion at, 25. Parsons, E. B., Missionary Ridge, 9; Sheridan, 9; Chickamauga, 10. Pavey, Lieut. Darwin C., "Future of the Association," 31. PearsaU, U. B., Red River Dam, 31. Petersburg (Va.), assault upon, 8. Pewaukee, regimental reunion at, 25. Philippines, service in, 11. Pier, C. K., compiles roster, 30. Pierce, Lieut. S. W., Battlefields and campfires of the Thirty - eighth, 27. Plummer. Maj. Phil, death of, 30. Pointon, Mair, Sank County riflemen, 17, 18. Pond, Levi E., Soldiers memorial hall, 31. Pope, Gen. John, in Virginia campaign, 10. Port Hudson (La.), Wisconsin troops at, 11. Portage, Grand Army encampment at, 6, regimental reunions, 15, 26. Porter, Admiral David D., flotilla saved, 31. Price, Gen. Sterling, pursued, 11. Putney, Frank H., Sherman s march through Carolina*, 11. QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL, reports, 2. Quiner, E. B., Military History of Wisconsin, 13, 32. [39] Index RACINE, Grand Army encampment at, C-8. Randal], Gov. Alexander W., messages of, 2. Rebellion Record*, cited, 13. Reedsburg, regimental reunion at, 20. Rhinelander, regimental reunion at, 27. RIVERS: James, 10; Mississippi, opened, 18; Missouri, 11; Po tomac, 12; Red,dammed, 31. Robinson, George I., With Kilpatrick around Atlanta, 9. Rogers, Rev. J. B., War Pictures, 21. Rood, Hosea W., gives patriotic instruction, 7: Story of Twelfth Wisconsin, 19, 20. Root, Capt. F. A., memorial of, 24. Ross, Charles H., Old Memories, 9; Scouting for bushwJiackers, 11. Rosters, of Wisconsin troops, 1, 3, 7, 13, 15, 17-20, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32. Rousseau, Gen. Lovell H., division commander, 10. Rowley, W. W., Signal Corps, 10. Ruger, William, Our Soldiers as Citizens, 10. Rusk, Jeremiah M., state governor, 1; address of, 24. ST. PAUL (Minn.), regimental reunion at, 20, 25. Salomon, Gov. Edward, messages of, 2. Sanderson, Joseph W., monographs by, 8, 10, 11. Sauk County riflemen, history, 17. Scandinavia, cited, 22. Secretary of State, publications, 2, 3. Selleck, W. Y., military agent, 12. Shawano, regimental reunion at, 23. Sheboygan, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8. Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., monographs on, 9. Sherman, Gen. W. T., obituary, 9; sketch, 11; march to the sea, 23. Shullsburg, regimental reunion at, 15. Smith, Gen. A. J., commands 14th Wisconsin, 21. Smith, Nicholas, Battle hymns, 12. Southern Bivouac, cited, 14. Sparta, regimental reunion at, 19, 24; address delivered, 29. Stevens Point, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8; regimental re union, 23, 26. Strong, Dr. H. P., letters from, 32. Sturgeon Bay, regimental reunion at, 20. Surgeon-general, reports of, 2. Sutherland, George E., Negro in the late war, 9; monographs on Lincoln, 10, 11. [40] Index THOMAS, Griff J., characterized, 30. Thwaites, R. G., Wisconsin, 13. Tomah, regimental reunion at, 19. Tucker, W. H., Fourteenth Wizconsin, 21. Tuttle, Charles R., History of Wisconsin, 13. UNITED STATKS Sanitary Commission, reports, 12. VICKSBURG, (Miss.), campaign described, 3; expedition to, 9; bib liography of campaign, 4. Vilas, William F., Vicksburg Campaign, 3. Virginia, campaign in, 16; battlefields, 11. WADSWORTH, Gen. James S., killed, 9. Walworth County, soldiers and sailors association, 31. Warrens, regimental reunion at, 19. Washburn, Gov. C. C., papers of, 32. Watrous, J. A., monographs by, 9, 10, 11, 13, 30. Waukesha, regimental reunion at, 25. Waukesha County, officers from, 4. Waupaca, regimental reunion at, 19. Waupun, regimental reunion at, 15, 16, 19. W T ebster, Dan, and Cameron, Don C., History of First Wisconsin Battery, 14. West Superior, Grand Army encampment at, 6, 8. West Virginia, scouting in, 11. Wheeler, Cornelius, Battle of Gettysburg, 10. Whipple, Henry P., diary of, 26. Whitewater, regimental reunion at, 25. Wickersham, Charles I., Cavalry at Chancellor sville, 12. Williams, G. Mott, Vicksburg expedition, 9. Williams, J. M., The Eagle Itegiment, 18. Williams, Lieut. R. H., at Chancellorsville, 15. Winkler, Gen. F. C., monographs by, 10, 31. Winneconne, regimental reunion at, 23. Wisconsin, governors messages, 2; census lists, 3; nullification in, 29; supreme court of, 10; women in war, 4; regiments, see Rosters. 1st Artillery, 14; 1st Caralry, 14; 1st Infantry, 11, 14; 2nd Infantry, 9, 14; 3d Artillery, 15; 3d Infantry, 15, 16; 4th Cavalry, 16; 4th Infantry, 11, 30, 31; 5th Infantry, 12, 16, 17; 6th Artillery, 17; 6th Infantry, history, 14, 17, 18, 23; officers of, 4, 31; 7th Infantry, 14; 8th Infantry, 18, 19, 21; 10th Infantry, 19; llth Infantry, 19, 24; 12th Infantry, 19, 20, 22; 13th Infantry, 20, 21; 14th Infantry, 11, 21; 15th Infantry, [41] Index 23; 16th Infantry, 20, 22; 21st Infantry, 4, 17, 23; 22nd Infan try, 23; 23d Infantry, 3, 19, 24, 31; 24th Infantry, 24; 28th In fantry, 25; 29th Infantry, 25, 26, 31; 30th Infantry, 26; 32nd Infantry, 26; 36th Infantry, 4, 27; 37th Infantry, 27; 38th In fantry, 27; 40th Infantry, 27; 43d Infantry, 28; 48th Infantry, 31. Wisconsin Historical Society, library, 32; Collection*, 14. Wisconsin History Commission, publications, 3, 4; desires man uscripts, 32. Wisconsin Shiloh Commission, report, 3. Wisconsin Soldiers Aid Society, reports, 12. Wisconsin Soldiers Orphans Home, reports. 5. Wisconsin Veterans Home, reports, 5-7; regimental reunion at, 23. Women s Relief Corps, publications, 7, 8. Worden, Maj. Asa, commands battalion, 21. (42 Ji-, C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 537 225993