UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA The Smokiness of Oil-Burning Orchard Heaters WARREN R. SCHOONOVER AND F. A. BROOKS BULLETIN 536 August, 1932 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRINTING OFFICE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Summary 3 The smoke problem 4 The origin of the smoke nuisance 4 Heat, not smoke, effective for frost protec- tion 5 Need of relief from the smoke nuisance 6 Economic importance of orchard heating 8 Initiation of the investigation of the smoke problem 8 Outline of the problem 9 Methods used in measuring smoke 10 Methods available 10 Tests in the field at Pomona 11 Laboratory methods developed at Davis.. 12 Smoke units used for comparative results 13 Accuracy of the method 14 List of orchard heaters tested 15 Test results of standard makes of orchard heaters 17 Effects of incomplete combustion 17 Smoke tests of open-container smudge pots 18 Smoke tests of short-stack heaters 18 Influence of stack height on smokiness 22 Smoke tests of open-flame heaters 23 Smoke tests of heaters with straight lou- vered stacks 25 Smoke tests of cone-combustion-chamber heaters 29 Smoke tests of Hy-Lo 1929 Model orchard heater 30 Smoke tests of "nondistilling"-type orchard heaters 31 General discussion of results 33 Heater groups according to smokiness 34 Estimate of the number and smokiness of heaters in use 36 Operation methods for reducing smoke output 36 PAGE Test results with different fuel oils 38 Analyses of oils used in tests of standard heaters 41 Analyses of oils before aDd after burning 41 Analyses of oils used for testing influence of oil character on smokiness 41 Method of testing influence of oil character on smokiness 43 Variations of smokiness not consistent with oil in different heaters 45 Tests on stacks of new design 46 Requirements of a good orchard heater 47 Interpretation of test results on new stacks 47 Smoke tests of annular-combustion-cham- ber stacks 48 Smoke tests of enlarged-combustion- chamber stacks 48 Smoke tests of straight tall stacks 51 Principles of combustion in open-flame stacks 52 Smoke tests on new open-flame stacks 54 Field measurement of the smokiness of or- chard heaters 54 Visible records of smokiness 55 Correlation with the light-interception method 56 Use of felt method for smoke measure- ments in the field 58 Acknowledgments 58 Appendix A : Description of apparatus and test methods 59 Appendix B: Correlation between light interception and weight of smoke par- ticles 63 Additional studies on correlation of smoke density and weight 66 THE SMOKINESS OF OIL-BURNING ORCHARD HEATERS 2 WARREN E. SCH00N0VER3 and F. A. BKOOKS* SUMMARY In southern California 70,000 acres of orange groves are protected occasionally against frost damage by burning low-grade fuel oil in simple sheet-iron orchard heaters and smudge pots. The great quantity of smoke produced when burning millions of gallons of oil each frosty night frequently results in a serious smoke nuisance. A study of the smokiness of oil-burning orchard heaters was made to aid in the abate- ment of this nuisance. Visual methods ordinarily used for smoke estimation in industrial regions are not applicable to a study of the smokiness of orchard heaters because of operation at night and the prevalence of smoke throughout the citrus districts. Four other methods were developed permitting an accurate classification of orchard heaters as to smokiness. Two of these methods classify according to smoke blackness, and two according to smoke weight. Tests were run to determine the smokiness of the heaters in general use. The tests showed : 1. That the different heaters vary greatly in smokiness. 2. That it is possible to burn ordinary grades of fuel oil in simple, inexpensive heaters without producing visible amounts of smoke at normal burning rates. 3. That the smokiness of many types of heaters can be reduced by proper regulation and frequent cleaning. 4. That the composition of fuel oils available commercially has no consistent influence on the smokiness of different heaters. i Keceived for publication July 12, 1932. 2 This project was initiated under the leadership of A. H. Hoffman. He died soon after the completion of the field trials at Pomona. Mr. C. E. Barbee had charge of the project for several weeks after the death of Mr. Hoffman and has since been responsible for the construction and operation of all the testing' apparatus. 3 Extension Specialist in Citriculture, temporarily assigned by the Agricultural Extension Service to the Experiment Station to continue the investigation. 4 Associate Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station, appointed August, 1931. 4 University of California — Experiment Station 5. That laboratory tests run at summer temperatures are a reliable indication of the relative smokiness of heaters *as operated in the field during the winter. Heater manufacturers have availed themselves of the smoke-measur- ing 1 facilities afforded by the laboratory for a study of heater design in relation to the smoke problem. As a result of these studies new stacks for use on old heaters have been developed which reduce the smoke out- put at normal burning rates to invisibility. Portable apparatus was devised in order to measure the smokiness of orchard heaters as operated in the field. Accurate and semipermanent visible records of smokiness were obtained. A method of correlating field records with laboratory determinations was found which permits field records to be interpreted quantitatively. THE SMOKE PROBLEM The Origin of the Smoke Nuisance. — Experiments begun in Califor- nia as early as 1896 gave some indication that smoke or steam was effect- ive in protecting citrus orchards against frost. Smudges of smoldering wet straw were lighted alongside orchards. Growers soon recognized that for frost protection heat was at least as important as smoke. Coal was used for some years but proved unsatisfactory in burners then available. The first oil heaters employed were open pails which produced both heat and smoke. The grades of cheap fuel available at that time would not burn satisfactorily in open containers. However, the advantages of oil — it is plentiful, cheap, and easily lighted and extinguished — led to the initial efforts for improvement of orchard heaters from the standpoint of better control of the burning rate and ability to burn all of the oil contained in the heater. All of the heaters then in use smoked badly, but the growers, while realizing the impor- tance of heat, still believed the smoke to be of some benefit and no im- provements for better combustion were demanded. The public was doubtless annoyed by the smoke but recognized the importance of the citrus industry to the economic welfare of southern California and so little complaint was made. The steady growth of orchard heating as a regular practice in cold locations had established many thousands of smoky heaters in orchards by 1922. The freeze of that year brought the first realization of the seriousness of the smoke problem and of course of the value of heating. At that time attempts to develop smokeless heaters began and encourag- Bul. 536] Smokiness of Oil-Burning Orchard Heaters 5 ing progress was made, but the rapid growth in number of heaters in use increased the total smoke output so much that the smoke nuisance continued to grow. Heat, Not Smoke, Effective for Frost Protection. — The belief that the smoke itself helped to conserve the heat in an orchard was widely accepted because frosts rarely occur when low clouds are present. How- ever, in 1920 Kimball and Young 5 found that the smoke had little if any value. According to their measurements heavy smoke decreases the rate of heat loss by radiation about 10 per cent but does not prevent tempera- tures from reaching a minimum as low as that reached in similar smoke- free locations. The radiation frost has peculiar characteristics in that air, cooled mainly by contact with the ground and other surfaces which radiate rapidly on clear nights, tends to settle in low areas underpinning the warmer air, which is relatively lighter. A wind would mix the warmer air with the cold and decrease the probability of frost, but on calm, clear nights the air next to the ground will cool rapidly even with no influx from surrounding hills. This usually creates a "temperature inver- sion, ' ,6 which fortunately acts as a virtual ceiling ; for the cold ground air, if uniformly heated a few degrees, will rise only a short distance before reaching the level of common density, thus limiting the volume to be warmed. That successful frost protection depends upon heat generated from a relatively large number of small fires per acre is now well demon- strated by ample field experience. Figure 1 shows thermograph records 7 obtained in an orchard equipped with open-pail oil heaters. It should be noted that the temperature dropped rapidly in both the heated and unheated orchards at 2 :45 a.m. and again at 4 :45 a.m., and that safe temperatures were maintained by lighting more heaters until eventually 54 per acre were used. Usually 50 heaters are required for fully protecting an acre of orange orchard. Figure 2 8 shows thermograph records indicating that on a severe night safe temperatures could not be maintained by burn- 5 Kimball, Herbert H., and Floyd D. Young. Smudging as a protection from frost. U. S. Monthly Weather Eeview 48:461-462. 1920. 6 Young, Floyd D. Nocturnal temperature inversions in Oregon and California. U. S. Monthly Weather Eeview 49:145. 1921. 7 Young, Floyd D., and C. C. Cate. Damaging temperatures and orchard heat- ing in the Rogue River Valley, Oregon. U. S. Monthly Weather Review 51:617-631. 1923. s Young, Floyd D. Notes on the 1922 freeze in southern California. U. S. Monthly Weather Review 51:584. 1923. 6 University of California — Experiment Station ing 25 heaters per acre (even though a gallon or more of oil was burned per heater per hour) , but that with 5,0 heaters burning, the temperature was raised above the danger point. Need of Belief from the Smoke Nuisance. — The protection now af- forded to approximately 70,000 acres of citrus orchards is estimated to consist of nearly 3,300,000 orchard heaters, of which about 2,900,000 are oil burning. Sufficient oil for only one filling of these heaters totals 2,500 railway tank carloads. 11 p. m. 8 a.m. Fig. 1. — Temperature records in a heated orchard and at an outside check station on the same night. (From Ext. Cir. 40.) If weather conditions should require general heating in all districts as much as 15,000,000 gallons of oil might be burned during a single night. No such conditions have occurred, but the burning of much smaller quantities frequently has caused the smoke nuisance to become acute. Because of the nature of a radiation frost, there is little or no wind to blow the smoke away. This smoke pall decreases the heat from the sun and therefore necessitates longer hours of burning. Growers sustain other losses from inefficient heaters that give off unburned fuel into the atmosphere and from the added expense of washing smoky fruit. In extreme cases there are price discounts when washing has been unsuccessful. BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BURNING ORCHARD HEATERS 1 1 1 1 ^<. 1 ^1 1 i - ^ V v.. "^ )D~U!UJf>(l . 1 \ \ f ft -0>qjofoi ( tt/fl/pj/j^ .<■' J Bum s y // WW OS < ( 1 ) J ; i ffjjpotsz SJ9JP9U /0 ) Suiujnq \ / / w / > fj #tfv BwUJfHf S ~SMCJ J9fiJ9 WM/JO, / A> r &w>0 \ i .-" -OJdui *j 1 ' tJ9(P9U 1 t6 &»// IJffJKtU/91 1 i \ » H \ 1 \ 1 i 1 1 jb *> v> «-> ^ J £ — «? 4/ % r / o A s> / f V * 9&* *> \ V a* fr V ; \ r rf> X- t° p N TV A V 6 H A I 10/ ^i 1 o \ V * < / a / ^ / % _/_ V) I X 1 o * / / 1 r ^ I - — _ 1 > A fc/f " " ]Ato /J /Va /7 C\, - '[- „ i 1 i £ J 4 S 6 7 e s> BVPMMG £/)Tt~ -Pou/k/s per //our. /4 Fig. 6. — Smoke tests of open-container smudge pots, heaters 2, 13, and 17. 46° to 50° F. The determinations are too scattered to permit an accu- rate study of the effect of temperature, but they do show that the classi- fication of the heater is not changed. 20 University of California — Experiment Station These heaters are more smoky than open containers. Apparently the nature of the combustion is such that more of the hydrocarbon gases are cracked and there is nothing in the construction to cause effective mix- <5 4 S n *> "\VsS; 5 & *> / \ W/TH DOW/Y D&4FT. £ L_ N v "i v / v s- v v J ■*> v ts „ V V J * v s / < V v fr y V ^ s> ^ ^ vH I V ^ i 1 1 1 £J4S6rS9 0UGM/YG £/ir£ -Pou/?c/j5 per r/ovr /£ Fig. 7. — Smoke tests of short-stack orchard heaters, Nos. 11 and 19. ing of air with the burning gases. In fact the air is admitted in such a manner that it probably chills the flame to below the most favorable combustion temperatures. BlTL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 21 Figure 8 shows the performance of two models of Citrus heaters — the short-stub stack or Kegular, and the perforated 15-inch stack. Warm and cold-weather tests are shown. From a smoke standpoint these * * f Si \ 1 * \ 1 /Yo \ \ 6* O fo N \ A V Q a *\i I M °*> y, Q Z?* }fi * e ;N e s^f^A'" r/T£>(J5 PFG/JL/UP (v) Hj A C^ f v a Q V %\ i q 3. c oa\ n b. ^ /"-/7V ?/y* / § A | ■ " £££ (£_J/^C/^(g) a * 1 «n 1 D w,^ r »* r "Jri a 1* \ . Wa. AP. C/TPL/S /£» 5r/)C/C( >) -9 <0 h \\^\] 111' «y, \ ^J 1 i l L_ 0(/#/Y//YG PATE - Pounds per ftour Fig. 8. — Smoke tests of Citrus Kegular and Citrus 15-inch heaters, Nos. 9 and 22. heaters are little better than ordinary smudge pots. The 15-inch stack increases the smokiness at low burning rates, probably because of stack temperatures more likely to cause cracking. It is to be noted that the use of kerosene reduced the smoke output to less than half the usual amount. 22 University of California — Experiment Station Influence of Stack Height on Smokiness. — In order to meet the de- mand for a tall stack and less smoky heater the manufacturers of the Citrus heater sold a top stack to be put on above the 15-inch stack. This * JS \*~\ 1 1 «o \jg* STACK / WOH rCf) (2 "7 - *> V \ J° > v *> \n > \ \ *) A Q \ s > \ \ ^ /s*. 5TACt H£/6H, A & p B s \ * \ \ B> \ A, v Hj \ \ \ & !P \ \ \ <" % \ \ \ l > \ y \ . L^J ^ \ o. / ,^-T * / Q ^^- "^ £er /Your. /£ /4 Fig. 9. — Influence of stack height on smokiness of Citrus high-stack heater, No. 26. stack has been sold in 30, 24, and 18-inch lengths. Figure 9 shows the effect of stack height on this type of heater tested with various lengths of top stack varying from 12 to 36 inches. BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BURNING ORCHARD HEATERS 23 The 12 and 15-inch top stacks do not produce enough draft to in- crease the air intake into the lower stack sufficiently to give improved combustion. On the contrary they promote cracking. The 18-inch top stack provides slightly better combustion than the 15-inch bottom stack alone. The 24-inch top stack improves combustion noticeably at low burning rates and gives reasonably good results at high rates. However, there seems to be some instability in the lower range, where a slight change in conditions causes cracking to take place and the smokiness may rise to as high as 35 pound-smoke units. Many other heaters show unstable combustion at certain burning rates, the most pronounced effect being found in heater No. 7 (Citrus heater with Olsen Stack) in which the smokiness varied between 6 and 36 pound-smoke units with little change in burning rate and rose to 51 units during one test, Similar performance may be expected from the Apollo heater, which varies from scarcely visible smoke at 4 pounds an hour to 75 pound-smoke units at 5 pounds an hour. The Citrus heater can be made fairly satisfactory by use of a 30-inch or 36-inch top stack above the 15-inch section. The stronger draft pull of the high stack draws in sufficient air for practically complete combus- tion over the burning range to 3 to 6 pounds of fuel per hour. These tall stacks can be used only on models of recent construction which have tight-fitting covers. The draft is so strong that burning rates cannot be controlled with heaters having loose-fitting covers. It is also difficult to extinguish the fires in these tall-stack modifications of the Citrus heater. Smoke Tests of Open-Flame Heaters. — The open-flame stack (some- times called "lazy-flame ' ' stack) is very popular because of ease of light- ing and regulation, the release of the hot products of combustion near the ground, and the low cost and depreciation. No stack parts are heated excessively. In this type the mixing of air and gases takes place in the stack and most of the combustion occurs at the top of the stack. The proportion of total heat in radiant-energy form is greater with the open- flame than with tall-stack heaters. Figure 10 shows the performance of the National Double Stack heater (No. 20) belonging to the open flame type. This stack is not very satisfactory in regard to smoke but it offers interesting possibilities, some of which are shown in the lower curves, which indicate the effect of introducing extra air at various points. These experiments with extra air were continued on newer types of open-flame stacks and will be discussed in another section. Figure 11 shows the smokiness of a heater (No. 30) with a Junior Louver stack, an open-flame type, on both round and square bowls. Tests were made with clean and dirty stacks during warm and cold 24 University of California — Experiment Station weather. The performances of these stacks on the two types of bowl are similar and there is little difference between the 15-inch and 18-inch heights. This type of stack, as well as the one shown in figure 10, admits just enough air along the stack to burn fairly well at a low rate, but at average rates and higher it tends to cause cracking, and consequently smokes. ?» M< & <\ ^> °m/i Vx^nI $m- r ^ / /. r. , ^ / / *M a / 7/?c/ Af/ob'/s i VT)\ / / /»■ A 3 % / 1 / ig^r S, /" i / / Q j — j/yo. zo o - 1 I SUeMf/G GATE - Pounds per /four. Fig. 10. — Smoke tests of National Double Stack open-flame orchard heater, No. 20. Heater No. 27, the Citrus Gas Flame, was tested clean and dirty and with and*without the baffle usually supplied with the bowl for use with this stack. With the baffle this heater will not operate practically in the field. Without the baffle its smokiness was above 20 pound-smoke units in tests at all burning rates, Figure 12 shows the performance of the low-stack or open-flame models, heaters 4 and 23, manufactured by the Scheu Products Com- pany. The stacks of these heaters have a great many small holes uni- formly distributed from the top nearly to the bottom. As combustible gases rise in the stack, air is admitted through each hole and a small BlTL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 25 tongue of flame shoots from the hole into the stack. The remaining un- burned gases burn with a smoky flame at the top of the stack. Some of the smoke is probably caused by cracking within the stack. The per- formance of this heater is greatly improved by a new bottom collar pro- viding for air intake near the base of the stack. Similar results were obtained with square-bowl heaters, No. 3 and No. 25, using the same stacks. The heaters manufactured by this com- « 9 > "A % < y 8 « rj * */ •*^< 1//H/fo tiferrc /s) fc 7#- frl % v /! v <> <*> /S" 5 TACK on ? {//T?//?H 5Q. 80 Wl -(Co/c/f~\ M-y. & ^ O^K E— | N :f- /S" 5 TACK Oft SQ. \ "[ / ^ 00ML - After 8u 07//7^ & f- 1* j>y /tours ^ * {ft /€>. fr \ mr- 1 ? <* • 4 /^ ^ij 'V I* A*r ? a o No. 30 i, 9* /Yj l 1 ^ f fcr «-v* — *• ~<» / JL I * {. Vv^J ^ Pfc v * 1 i ^s i £JT4S67#9 0UBMNG g/ITE -Pounds per //our. /4 Fig. 11. — Smoke tests of National Junior Louver stack heater, No. 30. pany have had numerous changes in attachments for improving com- bustion and gas generation within the bowl. Most of these have only a minor influence on smoke output. Lack of time has prevented a study of all the possible combinations. Smoke Tests of Heaters with Straight Louver ed Stacks. — Figures 13 and 14 show results with heaters having tall stacks with louvers in the lower section. Stack diameters range from 5 inches in No. 14 to 7 inches in No. 31. The curves represent the characteristics of each stack when properly cleaned. When the air intakes become partially clogged by 26 University of California — Experiment Station soot the smokiness increases as shown by the upper curve for heater No. 34 (fig. 14) . When this record was taken the soot accumulation had decreased the stack diameter to approximately that of heater No. 14. A study of the curves and of the heaters in operation indicates cer- tain causes for the performance as illustrated. In the case of heater No. 14 the smallest possible gas-generating fire in the bowl results in the <\1 c , J M c / f- /- > v G $ V / <(, 7 M V4 f ^A o o a 5 ° ° O ° /Vo. 4 - ^ O f V 7 Si .Ml y V ^ $t^ ^ fi V ^-V 6 y 7 _ \_ ^ # 'O V r i 7 1 1 > -¥- r AO/ V $ ^ ^i v V > / \ 4 ^ \ if ^ * /i > & ir °°j No. 23 ^ /J> ^ /h i> 1*. V V 1=^ 1 k ^ V ^ - LT V A v i0 ? — *\j V V f ^> eJ4S6 7&9/0 0U2MNG &/ITE -Pounds per Hour 12 Fig. 12. — Smoke tests of open -flame heaters, Nos. 4 and 23, manufactured by the Scheu Products Company. production of a hydrocarbon-air mixture too rich to burn in the small- diameter stack except at the topmost of the rows of louvers. The primary combustion at this point seems to crack part of the gases and cause a heavy smoke output. As the supply of combustible gases is in- creased a smaller percentage of the combustion occurs in the stack and less cracking takes place. There is also an increase in the secondary com- bustion above the top of the stack. As the heat is increased at this point some of the elementary carbon formed during the cracking is consumed and the smoke output decreases as the burning rate is increased. Stacks BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OP OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 27 of diameter larger than 5 inches admit enough air to permit practically complete combustion in the louvered section at low burning rates. At the points where the air enters, the air-fuel mixture is lean enough to > g-i^ v «* 1 $ a \ ^ ^ is, f° \ \ \ \t N /Yo./4 WH££L/N6 fc'Diomrter) s \ * \ N e S> — ■/} \ s \ ft s -.- /Yo U N \ \ ft % > \ \ tf % ft *Vi § — &c % ^ ^ \\ \ \ ^ IjL J v ) <0 \L_ * $\ 5 /* 1* . / //< 7 /? / YAT/OI Y/)L 5 (/PPL ' en fi'/p" STAO < h i • }r»\ 1, r *) cy, ^ 234567 09 Bl/gMHG PATE -Pounds p&r Hour /o /e /4 Fig. 13. — Smoke tests of 5 and S^-inch louvered-stack heaters, Nos. 14 and 12. burn explosively ; growers call this ' ' louvering. ' ' These small explosions increase turbulence and cause better mixing of air and gas, which im- proves the combustion. For each size of stack there is a burning rate at 28 University of California — Experiment Station which the air-fuel ratio is satisfactory and combustion is apparently completed in the lower part of the stack. Under these specific conditions the smoke output is small. The range of burning rates over which air- * & > s / t /j *) /# > /* n s / }' Sj •*> vr * / v -/. 9^ \ y J _\ Y -«-- „ #// \ * Ml \ \ v $tr \ l \J *> M& \ ^> * /C 3 \ \ fe \ 4- V a $ i b SI ^ \ 1" 3 /. $s >y '— n ' /l j« F _ [ ^ * ■ J/ - * B 1 -k- ^ a / ^ ,& / 1 \ I" Q / < \ ° n r — /- It: 0—^- -o — - ^0 _ . ¥ Pr — *< "N / •°Ji>^ i i % V a °T C c I 1 1 1 | 2 3 4 S 6 7 9 0U8WN6 GATE - PouoJs per //oar /O Fig. 14. — Smoke tests of 6 and 7-inch louvered-stack heaters, Nos. 34 and 31. fuel ratios are reasonably satisfactory increases as the stack diameter is increased. With all stack diameters the smoke output increases rapidly as the generation of oil vapor in the bowl is pushed beyond the capacity BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 29 of the combustion chamber, reaches a maximum, and then decreases coincidentally with the development of a secondary blaze at the top of the stack. It is unfortunate that heaters of this type cannot be lighted without opening the drafts far beyond the amount required for normal burning. This results in excessive smokiness during the warming-up period and also perhaps later because of soot accumulation while burning at too high a rate. This same difficulty of lighting is experienced to a greater or less degree with all heaters of the lean mixture, explosive-fire type. Possibly this difficulty can be eliminated by the use of wicks to permit lighting with less draft opening. It is apparent that heaters with straight louvered stacks are very erratic. They need careful draft regulation and frequent cleaning of stacks to give satisfactory performance. The best results are obtained when "louvering" takes place throughout the entire length of the louvered stack section. If No. 34 is burned without a top stack, * ' louver- ing" occurs at burning rates of 1 or 2 pounds an hour and the smokiness is about 4 pound-smoke units, but at a 3V2-p°und rate it is 36 units. With the top section on, however, "louvering" occurs at all rates be- tween 2 and 6 or 7 pounds and good results are obtained as long as the heater is clean. The worst over-all performance shown in any of the tests was that of heater No. 31 without a top stack. Apparently this type of stack per- mitted the greatest amount of cracking to take place. The smokiness at a burning rate of 3^2 pounds an hour was as high as 65 pound-smoke units. Smoke Tests of Cone-Combustion-Chamber Heaters. — Figure 15 shows the smokiness of heaters with louvered cone-shaped combustion chambers. It is similar to that with the louvered straight stacks. The National Baby Cone, heater No. 8, has a very narrow range of satisfac- tory air-fuel ratio. When the air supply becomes too limited there is a very sudden and steep rise in smoke output ; this occurs at a 3-pound burning rate. Closing the top three rows of louvers, which can be done with a hammer, lowers the fire into the larger part of the cone and considerably improves the performance at usual burning rates. If the cone is altered in this manner a hot area develops at the top, which may result in rapid oxidation of the stack at high burning rates. The National Jumbo Cone, heater No. 1, with larger combustion chamber, is satisfac- tory over the entire normal operating range as long as it is clean. The upper curves show the smokiness of the same heater when using a dirty stack. The latter records were taken after burning about 14 gallons of fuel without cleaning the stack. 30 University of California — Experiment Station Smoke Tests of Hy-Lo 1929 Model Orchard Heater. — Figure 16 shows the performance of the Hy-Lo 1929 Model, heater No. 32. This heater usually gives satisfactory results over a wide range of burning J' I /**" "i»._ / ^jc A- y*. ? 4 J \ #C- ,v 1 \ X - , * i ^ » " Mo /, JUMBO COH F^) ~7 B /v Co/d-//r. //7 1 1° /y<7. s V » ^ ^r ft \ \ s \ CT3— a ^1 V \ ^»^^J^<«w»iw^''w"'ww-"'*~ s \ v to \ v \ V £sA £3 Jo \ S^/vfe- *?/, ffo/vyvtiL ] FT % x d v / / > x" 1 / N* f> - % * \ h ^ '« v I ^ \ /Yo.S. 5A//7tf-£M/V5(d w I ( — w i Sn v M /ml 7isfe / ^/c^Kcj/y / ^i • J v.. ti ^*-. T* i ^ 1 X _ <■ ^ ( 1 II *J> » 1 II fc esoz v > s?J * 6 ^ ^ - /yo t> f =a \ 5F 1 H-J i «a *, I j< . I " L< .U J> =° J o u -**r- So,^ J u Q Q -a"* Ab.^i?, /f^ vr(*) ^ -p r~ 2 J 4 5 6 7 # 9 /O BU&NING ffATE- Pounds per /iour Fig. 17. — Smoke tests of "nondistilling ''-type heaters, Nos. 5, 6, 21, and 29. cracking to take place. Results are very satisfactory under proper ope- rating conditions. No. 6 becomes smoky if the oil is fed too rapidly for the capacity of the burner. BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 33 Smith-Evans, heater No. 5, and Bothwell, heater No. 21, are similar in general design. They both drip oil onto a hot plate in a burner which admits insufficient air. A type of combustion takes place which results in considerable cracking. It is apparent that in addition to smoke these heaters discharge some unburned gases, but the quantities are not great enough to cause more than intermittent blazes at the top of the stack. It would appear that burner and stack design are more important in preventing smokiness than the method of supplying oil to the burner. GENERAL DISCUSSON OF RESULTS The tests show that there is great variation in the smokiness of or- chard heaters, the range being from less than 1 pound-smoke unit to more than 60 at a burning rate of 5 pounds of fuel an hour. An indi- vidual heater varied from as low as 4 pound-smoke units to as high as 46 at this burning rate, the increase being due to sooting up of the air passages. Heaters vary considerably in smoke output as the burning rate is changed, usually producing more smoke as the burning rate is increased until the secondary combustion at the top of the stack becomes effective. Also when the burning rate is reduced below the critical point the smokiness usually increases, partly because the longer time con- sumed in burning a pound of fuel increases the accumulation of soot measured. The tests so far conducted probably represent the best the heaters can do with the fuel used. The heaters were always cleaned before start- ing the regular test, filled to an average level with clean oil and placed level ; covers were made tight, and drafts properly set. Furthermore, they were under constant observation while burning and were shielded from breezes. No extended studies have been made of any one heater. Repeated tests while changing only one variable at a time, such as the oil level, would probably aid in determining the exact causes of smoke production in each case. However, a study of the results indicates the validity of certain con- clusions as follows : 1. Smokiness is governed to a large extent by the design of the stack. In several tests the same stack on different bowls with different draft devices showed substantially the same characteristic. 2. The influence of air temperature on smokiness is slight and it may be expected that laboratory or summer field tests usually will be com- parable with winter field tests. 34 University of California — Experiment Station 3. Accumulation of soot in the heaters has no consistent influence on smokiness except on heaters having tall stacks either with or without combustion chambers. Soot accumulations in such stacks and combus- tion chambers greatly increases the smokiness. The smokiness of low- stack smudge pots and of open-flame heaters is not greatly influenced by soot. The principal effect is a decrease in burning rate, which may continue to the point of practically extinguishing the heater. This effect is particularly pronounced in the Citrus heaters. 4. It is possible to burn a relatively crude fuel in a very simple, inexpensive orchard heater and keep the smokiness below the level of ordinary visibility. Fig. 18. — Standard heaters reasonably free from smoke: A, heater No. 1, Na- tional Jumbo Cone ; B, No. 6 Kittle ; C, No. 29, Fugit ; D, No. 31, National, Exchang( model, 7-inch stack; E, No. 32, Hy-Lo 1929 model. 5. Unburned carbon and hydrocarbons given off in the smoke amount to a direct fuel loss of 16 per cent in some cases and probably would average 5 per cent for all the heaters now in use. It is not correct to judge the efficiency of combustion by the blackness of the smoke because of the presence of invisible combustible carbonaceous matter. However, with the usual orchard heater the loss of unburned fuel can be con- sidered below 1 per cent when the smoke output is not visible. Heater Groups According to Smokiness. — It appears logical to divide the standard heaters tested into the following four groups : 1. Heaters 1, 6, 29, 31, and 32 (fig. 18), which are reasonably free from smoke at all burning rates under good operating conditions. BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 35 2. Heaters 8, 12, 20, 26, 30, and 34 (fig. 19), which can be operated with little smoke up to burning rates used in moderately cold weather, but which may produce excessive smoke under certain conditions. J B E Fig. 19. — Photographs of standard heaters which can be nearly smokeless at cer- tain low burning rates : A, heater No. 8, National Baby Cone ; B, No. 12, National Exchange model, 5%-inch stack; C, No. 20, National Double Stack; D, No. 26, Cit- rus, high stack; E, No. 30, National Junior Louver, 15-inch; F, No. 34, National Exchange model, 6-inch stack. 3. Heaters 3, 4, 9, 22, 23, 25, and 27 (fig. 20), which are smoky but commercially important. Nos. 3, 4, 23, 25, and 27 can be operated so as to give results similar to those in group 2, but they are erratic and as burned in the field usually would be much worse than the group 2 heaters. 3L. 11 & ■ A B E G Fig. 20. — Photographs of standard heaters which are smoky but commercially important: A, heater No. 3, Hy-Lo Double Stack, square bowl; B, No. 4, Hy-Lo, single short stack, round bowl; C, No. 9, Citrus Eegular; D, No. 22, Citrus, 15-inch stack; E, No. 23, Hy-Lo Double Stack, round bowl; F, No. 25, Hy-Lo, single short stack, square bowl ; G, No. 27, Citrus Gas Flame. 4. Heaters 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 21 which are very smoky but which are mostly of obsolete types. 36 University of California — Experiment Station Estimate of the Number and Smokiness of Heaters in Use. — The Fruit Frost Service of the United States Weather Bureau completed in June, 1932, a survey of the numbers and types of orchard heaters now being used by citrus growers. 15 According to these estimates the 2,900,000 oil-burning heaters may be classified into distinctive groups and the smoke output estimated from a study of the test data as follows : about 1,350,000 heaters believed to be of such a t; T pe that the smokiness will average around 12 pound- smoke units at a burning rate of 5 pounds an hour; 50,000 with an average smokiness of 4 pound-smoke units at the 5-pound burning rate ; and 1,500,000 with an average smokiness of 28 pound-smoke units. Of the 1,500,000 heaters averaging 28 pound-smoke units, 500,000 are of such a type that it will be difficult to reduce the smoke output. Most of these are obsolete heaters of very little value. This figure includes approximately 55,000 garbage pails, which can be used for orchard storage of oil. These heaters should be replaced by others hav- ing a smoke output of 8 pound-smoke units or less over the normal operating range. The remainder of the smoky heaters consist mainly of about 200,000 Dunn heaters and about 800,000 Citrus heaters with short or 15-inch stacks. It is believed that stacks can be put on all of these at a relatively small expense and the smoke output can be brought below 8 pound-smoke units. If changes as indicated were made and if the 1,350,000 heaters men- tioned above as averaging 12 pound-smoke units were cleaned regularly and adjusted so as to cut the smoke output down to an average of 8, the total smoke output of the community might be cut to less than half its present amount. It should be pointed out that the smoke nuisance will not be elimi- nated until it is feasible to keep the smoke production of all heaters below the limit of visibility. This limit is from 3 to 5 pound-smoke units at a burning rate of 5 pounds an hour. If a pound-smoke unit be con- sidered equal to 1 gram of smoke carbon, such a limit would still allow smoke particles to be discharged from an orchard heater at the rate of 0.4 grams a minute at the above average burning rate. Operation Methods for Reducing Smoke Output. — It is evident that considerable improvement in smoke production may be obtained by grower cooperation without the necessity of turning to other fuels or the purchase of large quantities of new and expensive equipment. 15 Unpublished data furnished to the Orchard Heating Improvement Com- mittee by Floyd D. Young, Senior Meteorologist, United States Weather Bureau. Bul. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 37 The most important suggestions for growers are : 1. Not to burn oil in open pails and other obsolete heaters such as most of those manufactured prior to 1915. Figure 6 shows the perform- ance of heaters in this class. 2. Clean soot from stack and drafts, particularly of heaters with combustion chambers or louvered stacks. Figure 21 shows how drafts and stacks become clogged. Frequently stacks become sooted up during the warming-up period. Fig. 21. — Photographs of soot collection on covers and stacks of orchard heaters: A, on underside of cover of heater No. 1, National Jumbo Cone; B, in throat of heater No. 1, National Jumbo Cone; C, in throat of heater No. 22, Citrus 15-inch stack; D, around thimble in heater No. 32, Hy-Lo 1929 model. 3. Regulate heaters systematically so as to maintain the best com- bustion rate for each type of heater. Figure 22 shows how smokiness varies as burning rate is changed. Most heaters smoke more at high rates. 38 University of California — Experiment Station 4. Study the recommendations of the Fruit Frost Service of the United States Weather Bureau with regard to temperatures at which to begin to light heaters. Have an adequate supply of tested and properly sheltered thermometers. Be careful not to burn more oil than is necessary to maintain safe temperatures. Fig. 22. — Photographs of smokiness at different burning rates: A, heater No. 1, National Jumbo Cone; B, No. 7, Citrus, Olsen Stack; C, No. 26, Citrus, high stack; D, No. 25, Hy-Lo, single short stack, square bowl. TEST RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT FUEL OILS The Fruit Growers Supply Company has found that it is not feasible to place rigid specifications on the oil used for orchard heating. Growers have storage facilities for 35,000,000 gallons, which is only a little more than enough for one filling of the heaters. Therefore they have to buy on short notice grades of oil normally carried in storage at the refineries. BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BlTRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 39 The oil formerly used was a straight-run distillate of from 32° to 34° Baume gravity. At present no regular cut is made between Diesel engine fuel oil of 27°+ and kerosene base of 38° to 40° Baume gravity. Most growers use the Diesel engine fuel. During rush periods it is the only satisfactory fuel oil available in large quantities because kerosene base is not normally carried in storage by the refineries. However, there is some opportunity to choose between various lots of Diesel fuel. The specifications ordinarily used are : 1. Sulfur content less than 0.75 per cent (some samples have shown as high as 3 per cent but the normal content is about 0.25 per cent). 2. Carbon residue less than 0.50 per cent. 3. Pour point below 15° F (some samples have run from 30° to 40° F pour point) . TABLE 2 Source of Oils Used in Standard Tests Oil No. Description and source Amount used 1 2 3 4 5 Kittle fuel as used in Los Angeles County (Pomona) Orchard heater fuel used in Los Angeles County (Pomona) Orchard heater fuel— 30 gravity— Woodland Orchard heater fuel — 30 gravity — Cooks Oil Co., Emeryville. Delivered from Suisun, California Orchard heater fuel — 35 gravity — Cooks Oil Co., Emeryville. Delivered Sample Sample 100 gals. 100 gals. 35 gals. 6 7 Orchard heater fuel — 30 gravity — Cooks Oil Co., Emeryville. Delivered by Sheldon Oil Co., Suisun Orchard heater fuel — 30 gravity — Cooks Oil Co. Shipped from Emeryville, 9-9-31 100 gals. 200 gals. TABLE 3 Analyses of Heater. Oils* Flash point (Cleveland Open tester) Viscosity (Say bolt Universal 100° F) Distillation test Pour point Carbon residue (Conradson method) Sulfurt Oil No. 10 per cent over at 90 per cent over at End-point (Parr Sulfur Bomb) °F sec. °F °F op °F per cent per cent 1 149 36 395 495 510 Below 12 047 0.62 2 230 43 435 615 627 Below 12 .301 57 3 158 33 360 490 515 Below 12 .020 .26 4 195 39 405 620 632 Below 12 .160 .43 5 222 40 444 616 630 Below 12 .075 .47 6 190 39 400 600 622 Below 12 .283 .49 7 221 43 438 640 652 Below 12 0.028 53 * Analyses reported by H. W. Allinger, Division of Chemistry, t Corrected for NaCl occlusion. 40 University of California — Experiment Station -ujn a^i Sui q aSBjaAy e» lbs. per hour 5.00 3.98 3.65 5.47 4.95 4.28 3 95 5.81 a> hf -rt CD-- a> c« h S3 a Ph g per cent 29.4 38.4 44.2 25.3 23 5 25 2 29.8 21.8 < OS lbs. 25.25 33.00 38.00 21.75 o © o © to o o o © CM CO OS CM CM CM -H ~T3 o | 00 lbs. 86.00 86.00 86.00 86.00 87.25 87.25 87.25 87.25 1 C _o "+3 "-J3 co 6 AaaAooa^j - per cent 98.0 o 00 o o o o o OS 00 00 00 OO Oi C7S Oi OS Oi 13 C II «0 ± K* OO CO M N tD to » O CN IN rt rt (D N N N N to > (S 05 o 5 r © © CM -h ■>*< ft, OO CM CM CM -h o co r~ i^ r~ t-- r- CM to CM to to o o o o co r-- r— i^- r— O > Oj - r OO » U3 * N Cl o O o> O) N o ** to -^ ■* to 00 © 00 © -H O CO CM CM CM to to *o to *o lutod Suqioq lBi';iui so r © © CM OO to fct, N (D O f D * o ^ o to W OO O) 00 00 ■* "* T»< -tl Tf SI CO s «* H H H H H H Eh Eh Eh Eh •ra^M - & s o e-8 o auiod anoj > "on i > CM OS to t— o OS <8^ 00 I a o mjing - per cent 47 uoqxeQ — 1 T* © o o -h o o o o JUIOd 8JIJ GO o CM ■}uiod qfiBj^j ©J O J o 09 - "API 33.7 CO o CO .S 6 0) |H mi Before burning 9 22 20 1 Before burning 9 22 20 1 6 z; - | CM Q _ %4 a hS SEH ^ CD < o 02*0 ^ S -2 o O § B J* 1 02 minations: y-Martens Closed C and Open Cup A.S. test. s City Testing Labo dson test, A.S.T.M. test A.S.T.M. D129 Saybolt Universal V .M. D97-28. .M. D95-27. traction; after burni S.T.M. D158-28. XI OJ T3 S3 a d in detei 2: Pensk 3:Cleve 4: Holde 5: Kansa 6: Conra 7: Bomb 8 and 9: 10: A.S.T 11: A.S.T 12: By ex 13-17: A. Is cl II V \ & A A s \XI s \\ s £/ V s> \ \ V w £S n x \ fO\ 1° si \'\K l \l ^ ^k\- > ra\ i Si ^isN X % ^\>*^ ~~-*J>6 < £3 **"—«., }r* & ''"--.. ■*'-«. &*. l Vi 1 7~ —i— i tJ Vi \/ r^^L £0 //£ 4T£/P /Yn-3 r/TPt/S jP£GL// /}£ s - *> , g " % r 1* Su r §«> 1 ,g£-^^ >„ it !■■** i n. wm ^ mmm t-f m ■ ■ — Jjf- 1 — -T*%* £§S_ B*^J li% , //y-io /S£9 MO0£L I i p - ?/y//yc 1 r #4 TE-P r t per //our T a ? s Fig. 24. — Influence of oil character on smokiness of heaters No. 9 and No. 32. from the top at the start of each test. Each test included four burning rates. At the beginning of a test the heater was warmed up by burning at a high rate and then reduced to a rate of 3 pounds an hour or less. When the burning rate had become steady twenty-five or more readings BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 45 of smokiness and weight change were taken at one-minute intervals. Then the drafts were opened, and after conditions became steady the tests were repeated for each of the three other burning rates. § ^ •J? ID S 12- S £ ^ ^ S < oo ^ o % c o I ) $ 6 <^ r tT O \ A § 8 ^p > 6 o [XE o n \ ° u \ ? ft e 1 o o k o % < o f °f o° o ° o % U ° 1 >o rt ° o OO ^ rt? -#m ffoi 7.C// ^<75 G&1/LA& / /»// u/e / iterro fr i* § ' r 8* 1 \ > «) V \ |_ML * * i t-H P* 4M-* * 1 Ml _a — aJ 1 / / X / / / / f / / / U • r 1 /y» ^ y~ 1* / t* S & ^ ntf 1 * o !z Jfi* >^< § ""-^ £o o """^T *s ^j^-K4 — JO 40 JO 60 0LACfes-/ to mi Ih vo/t me/er Jjus/ol/e //gf>f socket 'Sec/ion of smoke s/ocA Fig. 38. — Diagram of light-interception apparatus for measuring opaqueness of smoke. A centrifugal fan at the extreme left draws the entire smoke stream with some surrounding air into the hood and up through a 6-inch stack into a 10-inch horizontal pipe. The sudden change of section and the right angle turn serve to mix thoroughly the smoke particles and air, giving a stream of uniform opaqueness under steady burning condi- tions. The smoke stream is then flattened to 4 1 / 4 inches and spread horizontally to 24 inches where it crosses the path of the light beam. Small air holes in the 4-inch pipes enclosing the light beam, drilled near the channel wall allow just enough additional air to seep in to prevent Fig. 39. — Felt strip used to check uniformity of smoke distribution and length of light path through the smoke. the smoke from swirling out into the light tubes. (Glass screens could not be used to confine the smoke stream because they would become coated with soot, ) The plan of construction of the light tube is shown in figure 38. The sharpness of boundary and uniformity of smoke spread was tested by a felt strip left in the line of light just long enough to become gray with soot. (See fig. 39.) For a light source, a standard Balopticon 1,000 watt lamp and its concave mirror is used. On the far side of the smoke stream a condens- ing lens focuses the parallel rays on a radiation pyrometer (fig. 40). The voltage impressed on the source lamp is held constant at the low BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 61 value of approximately 65 volts, which produces a pyrometer reading of 15 millivolts with clear air. This setting is checked before and after test. The opaqueness of the smoke is indicated by a decrease in the electromotive force (e.m.f.) of the pyrometer and is measured in con- centration units. 18 Each successive concentration unit represents a re- duction of 10 per cent of the original light intensity. That is, one con- centration unit reduces the millivolt reading to 13.500, two units to Fig. 40. — End view of laboratory apparatus for measuring smoke, showing radiation pyrometer at the end of the light path (see arrow at the right). 12.150, three units to 10.935, etc. The smoke-stream temperature at the light beam is noted and the value in concentration units is then increased by the correction for temperature to a standard-density basis. From the light, the smoke stream passes into a large drum 18 inches in diameter through a honeycomb of %-inch tubes 3 inches long and slowly approaches the orifice plate. Three orifices are provided : one large central orifice (3-inch diameter) for measuring total flow and two fractional orifices to obtain 1 per cent samples for carbon collection, the is Simon, A. W., L. C. Kron, C. H. Watson, and H. Eaymond. A recording dust concentration meter Eev. Sci. Instruments 2:67-83. 1931. 62 University of California — Experiment Station first by electric precipitator, and the second by a Buchner funnel for a chemical analysis or by a felt for color-wheel comparison. The pressure drop across each small orifice is balanced exactly with the main orifice by butterfly valves some distance downstream. A definite fraction of the total flow can be obtained unaffected by the temperature or pressure, which apply alike to the three orifices. 19 Calibration of the main orifice 20 was accomplished by using a special elliptically rounded approach nozzle with a Venturi expanding cone. 21 The flow through the frac- tional orifices was measured in a large displacement tank with a stop watch by noting the rate of discharge of water, which was regulated to balance the manometer between the downstream taps of the large and small orifices. Both the pressure differential and temperature are ob- served at the orifice for the calculation of air flow. The radiation pyrometer e.m.f. readings are taken at definite and frequent intervals so as to give a practically continuous record of rela- tive smoke density at the point of observation. The average value of opaqueness, suitably corrected for temperature (expressed as smoke- concentration units), multiplied by the number of thousand cubic feet of air (standard conditions) pulled through the stack while burning a pound of fuel gives a convenient smokiness unit. This quantity unit, which has been designated heretofore as a "pound-smoke" unit, al- though not actually weight, is comparable with a mass unit per pound of fuel burned. A typical calculation is as follows : Opaqueness (average of 6 readings) = 13.55 millivolts = 0.965 concentration units Thermocouple (average reading at light _ 218 millivolts path) = 134° F (calibrated) Temperature correction to standard air _ 458 + 134 conditions (32° F) ~ 490 Therefore, opaqueness (corrected for temperature) = 1.165 concentration units /458 + 134\ 0.965 ( j^ ) concentration units lo Hodgson, John L. The laws of similarity for orifice and nozzle flows. Amer. Soc. Mech. Engin. Trans. 51 (FSP) :303-332. 1929. 20 Bean, H. S., E. Buckingham, and P. S. Murphy. Discharge coefficients of square-edged orifices for measuring the flow of air. Bur. Standards Jour. Research 2:561-658. 1929. 2i Schiller, Ludwig. Hydro- und Aerodynamik. In: Wien, W., and F. Harms. Handbuch der Experimentalphysik 4(1):581. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. M.B.H., Leipzig, Germany. 1931. BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 63 Differential pressure (drop across = ^ incheg water orifice) Thermocouple (at orifice) = 2.04 millivolts Therefore, differential (corrected for temperature as above) = 128°F = 3.95 inches And the air flow? 2 = 127 V 3.95 = 252 cubic feet per minute (standard conditions) Change of fuel weight = 0.35 pounds in 6 minutes Therefore the burning rate = 3.5 pounds per hour — 17.15 minutes per pound The total air flow per pound of fuel i^-ir v O ro i • -p + 1 l 17.15 X 252 cubic feet burned is therefore = 4.32 thousand cubic feet Therefore the smokiness = 1.165X 4.32 pound-smoke units == 5.02 pound-smoke units. In this way it is possible to calculate, on the basis of fuel consumed, the relative smokiness of different heaters at different burning rates without error due to sampling or to admixture of outside air with the products of combustion. APPENDIX B: CORRELATION BETWEEN LIGHT INTERCEPTION AND WEIGHT OF SMOKE PARTICLES In order to secure data for determining the weight of carbon per pound of fuel burned corresponding to one pound-smoke unit, a series of chemical determinations was run. Smoke-density readings on the millivolt meter and the necessary data for calculating air flow were taken simultaneously. In making the chemical determinations during the first part of the investigation gas samples were withdrawn from the smoke chamber through an M-shaped sampling tube introduced just downstream from the point of making the opaqueness determinations. Small holes approximately y iG inch in diameter were drilled in the sampling tube at right angles to the direction of gas flow. The suction for removing the gas samples was created by allowing water to flow from a steel oil drum mounted on scales, The rate at which the water discharged from the barrel was controlled to collect the gas sample con- 22 127 is the numerical value of the coefficient of discharge and dimensional factors of the appropriate air flow formulas given in the Bureau of Standard Journal of Research. (Bean, H. S., E. Buckingham, and P. S. Murphy. Discharge coefficients of square-edged orifices for measuring the flow of air. Bur. Standards Jour. Research 2:561-658, 1929.) 64 University of California — Experiment Station tinuously while burning a known weight of fuel. The volume of gases (approximately 6 cubic feet) withdrawn from the smoke chamber was calculated from the weight of the water which ran from the barrel. The gas volumes were reduced to standard conditions except that the correc- tion for water vapor was not applied. Later chemical determinations were based on the 1 per cent sample taken through one of the small orifices described above. For making a carbon determination of a sample, the flue gases were passed through a filter mat of shredded asbestos supported in a 130-mm Buchner funnel. The weight of smoke absorbed on the filter was not determined directly ; instead, its carbon content was found by combus- tion and weighing the carbon dioxide. The Division of Chemistry co- operated effectively in establishing test procedure, in making all chemi- cal determinations, and in interpreting the data. Standard analytical methods were used with additional refinements which made certain that the variations observed resulted entirely from the test heater and not from the method of determination. This method gives the weight of carbon in the absorbed smoke, from which can be calculated the meaning of 1 pound-smoke unit in terms of weight of carbon per pound of fuel burned. The smoke analyses show a mixture of carbon and unburned car- bonaceous matter. Some of the smoke particles are practically pure carbon and some are rather oily. This difference in character of the smoke was determined by taking a second sample on another filter while maintaining as nearly as possible the same burning conditions. The oily matter was extracted by ether, the ether driven off, and the remaining carbon determined as before by combustion. For the fuel oils used in the tests of standard heaters, figure 41 gives the results of the chemical determinations compared with pound-smoke units. It will be seen that the value per unit is not constant but varies between 0.81 grams and 1.58 grams per unit with an average value of 1.00 grams of carbon in the smoke for each pound-smoke unit. The greatest dependable value is 24 per cent above the average and the smallest 19 per cent below. Forty-two determinations were made, repre- sentative of three different oils and 21 different heaters operated over a range of burning rates varying between 3.5 and 15.0 pounds of fuel per hour. The dotted line drawn on figure 41 shows how the value varied with one oil in one heater over a range of burning rates. The average correlation value of 1.0 gram per pound-smoke unit applies to a light path 24 inches long through the smoke stream. For any different length BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 65 the value would change in inverse proportion. 23 The above data indicate that the weight of smoke for the three fuel oils used in testing the standard heaters might be estimated from light-interception measure- ments if the accuracy of 25 per cent is satisfactory, but further tests with seven other fuel oils showed much wider variation, especially at low burning rates. ////o- >660 Wf «63G _| 64/). o 73 C o/O/A o 26 C v °2jc r/£\ *>63/> '///is 7'> 7 °/C 66A0 69 *™ 6 * 3 \j /¥ ( t " 6/E 24/) *>™F ?&**& >SSA f/6t/e£S €£P££5£/YT T£5T £(/// /Yl/Af0££5 S 6 7 9 /O 3(/g/Y///6 £/)T£ -Pounds per //our. /£ /4 /6 Fig. 41. — Correlation between chemical determinations of total carbon and pound-smoke units. This variation may be explained as follows : 1. Weight of soot particles of given density varies substantially as the cube of the linear dimension of the particles, while the area for light interception varies as the square. Thus the degree of dispersion of the smoke particles influences the result. 23 Simon, A. W., L. C. Kron, C. H. Watson, and H. Eaymond. A recording dust concentration meter Ee v. Sci. Instruments 2:67-83. 1931. 66 University of California — Experiment Station 2. The smoke is not pure carbon. Adsorbed oily matter may increase the weight of individual particles without increasing their size. 3. The smoke comes from some heaters in distinct puffs. This makes it difficult to get a correct figure for the average number of millivolts even when reading at intervals of 40 seconds. The filter sample is taken continuously and represents an average. 4. Relatively transparent smokes seem to contain colorless carbon compounds, capable of being collected by the asbestos filters. In the last three cases the felt method should show slightly better correlation with weight than would the light-interception method. Fig. 42. — Electrical precipitator and its connections with sampling orifice and high-tension transformer. Additional Studies on Correlation of Smoke Density and Weight. — The additional data mentioned above as bearing on the correlation between opaqueness and weight were developed in connection with studies of the influence of oil composition on the smoke output of a smoky heater and a typically good heater. Seven different fuel oils of variable characteristics were used. These data were obtained by the same chemical methods as before, by use of asbestos filters for collecting samples, and also by use of an electric precipitator to collect smoke samples which could be weighed directly and later analyzed for carbon, hydrogen, and ash content. The precipitator was developed with the cooperation of the Western Precipitation Company of Los Angeles. It BUL. 536] SMOKINESS OF OlL-BuRNING ORCHARD HEATERS 67 is a laboratory model, alternating current, Cottrell precipitator 24 capa- ble of handling 2 cu. ft. of smoky gases per minute (see fig. 42). The precipitating potential is 30,000 volts developed by a small transformer operating on a 110-volt circuit. Smoke is precipitated both on the cen- tral high voltage electrode and on the glass container, which is sur- rounded by a wire-mesh grounded electrode. Precipitation of the smoke particles carried in the hot gases is visu- ally complete up to a certain load. With very smoky gases some smoke may be carried over, especially if too long a run is made. The chemical studies seem to indicate that light smokes contain heavy molecules, prob- ably compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which intercept very little light and are not precipitated electrically but which are adsorbed onto the asbestos filters. However, for average conditions, the direct smoke weight data correlate fairly well with weights determined chemic- ally. The precipitated smoke contains about 10 per cent ash, which would tend to give higher results with this method because ash was not determined on the filtered smoke. For extremely light or heavy smokes the correlation between the chemical and electrical methods is not good. For the average conditions applying to all the tests of the old heaters supplied by the committee 1 pound-smoke unit may be considered ap- proximately equal to 1 gram of carbon in the smoke from 1 pound of fuel. Examination of the weight data obtained during the oil studies indicates that the correlation between smoke opaqueness and weight is not satisfactory at average or high burning rates, only a general trend being evident. At low burning rates, no consistent correlation was found. It varies with different oils and with different heaters as well as with the burning rate, as is pointed out in figure 41. One pound- smoke unit may represent as little as 0.75 grams or as much as 3 grams of carbon in the smoke per pound of fuel burned. This indicates that the pound-smoke unit results, if interpreted in terms of grams weight per pound of fuel burned, should be considered as minimum values. 24 [Anderson, E.] Cottrell processes of electrical precipitation for removing suspended particles from gases. Leaflet issued by the Western Precipitation Com- pany, 1016 W. Ninth Street, Los Angeles. Simon, A. W., and L. C. Kron. Electrical precipitation. Amer. Inst. Elec. Engin. Paper 32-32. Eev. in: Elec. Engin. 51:93-95. 1932. 27m-9,'32