8061 'UWiM Classified List of Works on Military and Professional Subjects Recommended to the Graduating Class, United States Military Academy, by Board of Officers Convened by Memorandum No. 3, 1910, Headquar- ters United States Military Academy HP (REVISED 1916) West Point, N. Y. United States Military Academy Presa 1916 War Department Publications (W. D.) Used at Service Schools: Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) E = Essential R = Recommended ADMINISTRATION. Regulations for the Army of the U. S Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Regulations. Governing the Organized Militia Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Officers' Manual with annual supplement Moss, J. A., Capt., U. S. Inf. Geo. Banta Pub. Co., Menasha, Wis. 1 vol. $2.50 Tables of Organization, 1914 Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) TACTICS. Field Service Regulations, U. S. Army Govt. Pub. 1914. 1 vol. Seventy Problems Morrison, J. E., Brig. Gen. U. S. Army. The Army Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. $1.85 Maps for "Seventy Problems" The Army Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Mtd. $1.85. Unmtd. $1.20 Tactical Principles and Problems Hanna, M. E., Capt., U. S. Cav. U. S. Cav. Asso. Ft. Leavenworth. 1 vol. $2.50 (L) Inquiries into the Tactics of the Future Hoenig, Fritz. Trans. Reichmann, Carl, Maj. U. S. Inf. Hudson and Kimberly, Kansas City. 1 vol. $2.00 (L) Technique of Modern Tactics Bond & McDonough, Majs., C. E., U. S. Army. The Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. $2.55 Letters on Applied Tactics Griepenkerl, Maj. Gen., Ger. Army. Trans. Barth, C. H., Maj., U. S. Inf. Hudson Press, Kansas City. 1 vol. $2.00 (L) Operation Orders — von Kiesling The Army Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. $.50 Studies in Minor Tactics, 1915 Army School of the Line. Staff College Press, Ft. Leavenworth. 1 vol. $.50 (L) Manual of Interior Guard Duty, U. S. Army Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Infantry Drill Regulations, U. S. Army Govt. Pub. 1 vol. Cavalry Drill Regulations, U. S. Army Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Field Artillery Drill Regulations, U. S. Army . Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Small Arms Firing Reg., U. S. Army Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Drill Regulations — German Inf Trans. Behr, F. J., 1st Lt., U. S. C. A. C. Govt. Pub. 1 vol. $.20. (W. D.) The Rifle in War Eames, H. E., Capt. U. S. Inf. U. S. Cav. Asso., Ft. Leavenworth. 1 vol. $2.00 (L) Manual of Intensive Training of Infantry Soldier Hunt, Lt., U. S. Army. Hawaiian Gazette Co., Honolulu, Hawaii. $.25 Recommended for Officers of R R 346091 War Department Publications (W. D.) E = Essential R = Recommended Recommended for Officers of Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) b C .2 >• > 09 O Field Artillery Coast Artillery £ 1 H c m Company Training Haking, Brig. Gen., Brit. Army. The Army Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. $1.25. Training Infantry Morrison, J. E., Brig. Gen., U. S. Army. The Army Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. $.50. Letters on Infantry zu Hohenlohe Ingelfingen, Prince Kraft. Edward Stanford, London. Trans. Walford, M. L., Lt. Col., Brit Army. 1 vol. $2.00. Letters on Cavalry zu Hohenlohe Ingelfingen, Prince Kraft. Edward Stanford, London. Trans. Walford, M. L., Lt. Col., Brit. Army. 1 vol. $1.25. Letters on Artillery zu Hohenlohe Ingelfingen, Prince Kraft. Edward Stanford, London. Trans. Walford, M. L., Lt. Col., Brit. Army. 1 vol. $2.50. Manuals on Arms and Equipment, Infantry Govt. Pub. (W. D.) Manuals on Arms and Equipment, Cavalry Govt. Pub. (W. D.) Manuals on Arms and Equipment, Field Artillery Govt. Pub. (W. D.) Cavalry in Future Wars von Bernhardi, Frederick, Lt. Gen., Ger. Army. John Murray, London. 1 vol. $3.00 (L). Trans. Goldman, C. S. Cavalry Studies from Two Great Wars Bonie, Lt. Col.., Fr. Army. Kaehler, Maj., Ger. Army. Davis, G. B., Lt. Col., U. S. Army. Hudson-Kimberly Pub. Co., Kansas City. 1 vol. $1.50. Conduct of a Contact Squadron deBiensan, R., Capt., French Army. Mitchell and Co., London. 1 vol. $1.65. Trans. Bowdler Bell, C. W., Maj., Brit. Army. Cavalry in Action P. S. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $2.40. (L) Trans. Formby, John, Lt. Col., Brit. Army. Cavalry on Service von Pelet-Narbonne, Gen., Ger. Army. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $3.00 (L) Trans. Legard, D. A., Maj., Brit. Army. The Tactical Employment of Quick-Firing Field Artillery .... Roquerol, Gabriel, Maj., Fr. Army. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $2.40. Trans. Radcliffe, P. De B., Capt. Brit. Army. The German Artillery in the Battles near Metz Hoffbaur, E., Capt., Ger. Army. Henry S. King and Co., London. 1 vol. $7.00. Trans. Hollist, Capt., Brit. Army. The Eyes and Ears of the Artillery Simpson, C. N., Col., Brit. Army. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $.50. R E R E R E R R R E R E R R E E E E R R War Department Publications (W. D.) Used at Service Sschools: Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) E = Essential R = Recommended Recommended for Officers of Notes on Field Artillery Spaulding, O. L., Capt., U. S. F. A. Army School of the Line, Ft. Leavenworth. 1 vol. $1.25 (L). The Progress of Modern Field Artillery — Rohne Trans, from French. The Field Artillery Association, Washington, D. C. $.25. Artillery Fire Nicholson, W. A., Maj. Brit. Army. The Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. $1.40. Elements of Field Artillery H. G. Bishop, Maj. U. S. Army. Geo. Banta Pub. Co., Menasha, Wis. $1.50. Tactical Hints Trans, from French. The Field Artillery Association, Washington, D. C. $.20. HORSES AND HORSEMANSHIP. Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting, Draught and Harness . . . Dwyer, Francis. W. B. Whittingham and Co., London. 1 vol. $2.50. Modern Horsemanship Anderson, E. L. David Douglas, Edinburgh. 1 vol. $3.00. The Army Horse in Accident and Disease Instructors, Training School, Ft. Riley, Kan. Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) (R). The Army Horseshoer Instructors, Training School, Ft. Riley, Kan. Press, Mounted Service School, Ft. Riley, Kan. 1 vol. (R). Horses, Saddles and Bridles Carter, W. H., Col. and Asst. Adj. Gen., U. S. Army. The Friedenwald Co., Baltimore. 1 vol. $2.75 (L) (R). Disease of the Horse Govt. Pub. 1 vol. $.75. Dept. of Agriculture. (R). Polo Drybrough, T. B. Longmans, Green and Co., London. 1 vol. $4.00. Breaking and Riding Fillis, James. Hurst and Blackett, London. 1 vol. $5.00 Trans. Hayes, R. M. (R) The Rasp— 1914 edition Mounted Service School, Ft. Riley, Kan. $2.00. Elements of Hippology Marshall, F. C, Maj., Cav., U. S. Army. U. S. Inf. Asso., Washington, D. C. $1.50. Manual of Equitation — French Trans. Chaffee, Lt. Cav., U. S. Army. Govt. Pub. (W. D.) ART OF WAR. Operations of War Hamley, E. B., Col., Brit. Army. Wm. Blackwood and Sons, London. 1 vol. $10.00. R R R R R R R R R R R E E R R E E R R E E R R R R R R R R R R R R E E R R E E R R E E R R R R R War Department. Publications (W. D.) ( fa . &| b Field Artil Coast Artil > a U R R R R War Department Publications (W. D.) E = Essential It = Recommended Recommended for Officers of Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) L C •5 | > CD Field Artillery Artillery i Torpedo Manual, Provisional Manual for Submarine Mining. . . . Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Report upon Submarine Mines Abbot, H. L., Lt. Col., U. S. C. E. Govt. Pub. (W. D.) Searchlights, Artillery Notes No. 31 Hagood, Lee, 1st Lt., U. S. C. A. C. Coast Artillery School Press, Ft. Monroe, Va. 1 vol. The Manufacture of Explosives Guttman, Oscar. Whittaker and Co., London. 2 vols. $9.00. (M). The Service of Coast Artillery Hines, F. T., Capt., U. S. C. A. C, and Ward, F. W., Maj., N. Y. C. A. C. Goodenough and Woglom Co., New York. 1 vol. $3.50. Nitro-explosives Sanford, P. G. Crosby Lockwood and Son, London. 1 vol. $4.20. (M). Storage Batteries, Artillery Notes, No. 18 Davis, H. C, Maj., U. S. C. A. C. Artillery School Press, Ft Monroe, Va. 1 vol. (W. D.) Electrical Engineer's Pocket-book Foster, H. A. D. Van Nostrand Co., N. Y. 1 vol. $5.00. (M). (W). International Library of Technology International Text-book Co., Scranton, Pa. $5.00 per vol. (M). (L). Robinson's Electricity Robinson, W., Lt. Col., Prof., U. S. M. A. John W. Wiley and Sons, 432 4th Ave., New York. $2.50. Handbook — Electricians — U. S. Seacoast Defences Anderson, G. L. A., Col., U. S. Army. Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) LAW. Manual for Courts-Martial War Department. 1 vol. Military Law of the United States Davis, G. B., Maj. Gen., U. S. Army. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $7.00. Military Laws of the United States War Department. 1 vol. Federal Aid in Domestic Disturbances War Department. 1 vol. Rules of Land Warfare War Department. 1 vol. Elementary Law Robinson, W. C, LL.D. Little, Brown, and Co., Boston. 1 vol. $3.50. Criminal Law Clark, W. L. (revised ed.) . West Pub. Co., St. Paul. 1 vol. $3.75. Evidence McKelvey, J. J. West Pub. Co., St. Paul. 1 vol. $3.75. Contracts Clark, W. L. (revised ed.) West Pub. Co., St. Paul. ljvol. $3.75. E R R R R R R R R R R E E E E i: E E E R R R R E E E E E E E E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R War Department Publications (W. D. I '.-.-1 1/ 11/ .s't n (ft Sachools: Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) K - Essential K = Recommended Recommended for Officers of U fa b ? Constitutional Law Hall, J. P., A. B., LL.D. La Salle Extension University, Chicago. 1 vol. $3.00. International Law Oppenheim, L., M. A., LL.D. Longmans, Green and Co., New York. 2 vols. $11.00. Military Government and Martial Law Birkhimer, W. E., Brig. Gen., U. S. Army. Franklin-Hudson Pub. Co., Kansas City. 1 vol. $3.00. Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocates General War Department. 1 vol. CIVIL ENGINEERING. Masonry Construction Baker, I. 0. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $5.00. (W). Roads and Pavements Baker, I. 0. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $5.00. Sewerage Folwell, A. P. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $3.00. (W). Water Supply Engineering Folwell, A. P. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $4.00. (W). Engineering Contracts and Specifications Johnson, J. B. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $3.00. Building Construction and Superintendence Kidder, F. E. Wm. T. Comstock, New York. 3 vols. $8.00. (W). Roofs and Bridges Merriman and Jacoby. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 4 vols. $10.00. (W). Kents Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-book John Wiley and Sons, New York. $5.00. Civil Engineer's Pocket Book Trautwine, J. C. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $5.00. (L). Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction Turneure, I. E. and Maurer, E. R. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $3.50. (W). Railroad Construction Webb, W. L. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $5.00. RIVER AND HARBOR WORK. Rivers and Canals ' Harcourt, L. F. V. The Clarendon Press, Oxford. 2 vols. $8.00. (W). Rivieres Canalisees de Mas, F. B. Ch. Beranger, Paris. 1 vol. $5.25. No trans. Treatise on Hydraulics Merriman, M. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $5.00. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R E E E War Department Publications (W. D.) Used at Service Schools: Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) K - KHscntial R = Recommended Recommended for Officers of c e *0*£ « +» ■— Mitering Lock Gates, Prof. Papers, No. 26, C. E Hodges, H. F., Lt., U. S. C. E. Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Wave Action on Structures, Prof. Papers, No. 31, C. E Gaillard, D. D., Capt., U. S. C. E. Govt. Pub. 1 vol. (W. D.) Reports of Chief Engineers. (Yearly) Govt. Pub. (W. D.) Improvement of Navigable Non-Tidal Rivers Schlichting, J. Battalion Press, Willets Point, N. Y. 1 vol. Trans. Abbot, F. V., Col., U. S. C. E. (W. D.) Principles and Practice of Harbor Construction Shield, S. Longmans, Green and Co., New York. 1 vol. $5.00. (W). Floods of the Mississippi Starling, W. Engineering News Pub. Co., New York. 1 vol. $0.50. The Improvement of Rivers Thomas, B. F. and Watt, D. A. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1 vol. $6.00. (W). Manual of Tides and Waves Wheeler, W. H. Longmans, Green and Co., New York. 1 vol. $2.80. Tidal Rivers Wheeler, W. H. Longmans, Green and Co., New York. 1 vol. $5.00. GENERAL HISTORY. A History of the U. S. and its People Avery, E. McK. The Burrows Brothers Co., Cleveland. 16 vols. $6.00 per vol A Short History of England Cheyney, E. P. Ginn and Co., New York. 1 vol. $1.40. The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1914 J. H. Rose (J. P. Putnam's Sons.) 2 vol. $2.50 each. MILITARY HISTORY, BATTLES, CAMPAIGNS. The American Civil War Alexander, E. P., Brig. Gen., C. S. A. Siegle Hill and Co., London. 1 vol. $8.40. Historical Sketch of the U. S. Artillery Birkimer, W. E., 1st Lt., U. S. Artillery. as. J. Chapman, Agent, Washington. 1 vol. $2.50. (J). A Rewiew of the History of Infantry Lloyd, E. M., Col., Brit. Army. Longmans, Green and Co., New York 1 vol. $2.00. A History of Cavalry Denison, G. T., Lt. Col., Brit. Army. MacMillan and Co., London. 1 vol. (out of print.) Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Century Civil War Series. The Century Co., New York. 4 vols. $15.00. R R 10 War Department Publications (W. D.) Used at Si rrirc Schools: Schools at Ft. I>eavenworth (L) Coast Artillery Schools (M) Engineer Schools (W) Schools at Ft. Riley (R) E = Essential R = Recommended Recommended for Officers of — — i >. >. £? * 01 s a 7! I 31 a a ■%< o< U u. u The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World Creasy, Edward. Harper and Bros., New York. 1 vol. $1.25. The American Revolution Fisk, John. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 2 vols. $4.00. The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789 Fisk, John. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 1 vol. $2.00. Short History of the Chief Campaigns in Europe since 1792 von Horsetsky, A. Trans. Ferguson, Lt., K. B. John Murray, London. 1 vol. $7.20. The War with Spain Lodge, H. C. Harper and Bros., New York. 1 vol. $2.50. Campaigning with Grant Porter, Horace, Brig. Gen., U. S. V. The Century Co., New York. 1 vol. $1.80. History of the Mexican War Wilcox, C. M. Church News Pub. Co., Washington, D. C. 1 vol. (out of print.) War and the World's Life Maude, F. N., Col., Brit. Army. Smith, Elder and Co., London. 1 vol. $5.00. A Summer Night's Dream, The Defence of Duffer's Drift Trans. Gawne, Capt., Brit. Army. Trans. Swinton, E. D., Capt., Brit. Army. Hudson Press, Kansas City. 1 vol. $1.00. War in South Africa, Oct., 1889— Feb., 1900 General Staff, Ger. Army. Trans. Waters, Col., W. H. H. E. P. Dutton and Co., New York. 1 vol. $6.00. War in South Africa, March, 1900— Sept., 1900 General Staff, Ger. Army. Trans. Du Cane, Col. Hubert. E. P. Dutton and Co., New York. 1 vol. $6.00. History of the War in South Africa Grant, M. H. Hurst and Blackett, 34 Paternoster Roe, E. C, London, Eng. 4 vols. $21.00. Russo-Japanese War, the Yalu General Staff, Ger. Army. Trans, von Donat. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $4.20. (L). Russo-Japanese War, Wa-Fan-Gu General Staff, Ger. Army. Trans, von Donat. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $4.20. (L). Russo-Japanese War, Liao-Yan General Staff, Ger. Army. Trans, von Donat, T. K., Lt., Ger. Army. Hugh Rees, London. 1 vol. $4.20. The Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey, 1877-1878 Greene, F. V., Lt., U. S. C. E. D. Appleton and Co., New York. 2 vols. $10.68. The Campaign of Santiago De Cuba Sargent, H. H., Capt., U. S. Cav. A. C. McClurg and Co., Chicago. 3 vols. $5.00. R R 11 War Department Publications (W. D.) Recommended for E = Essential Schools at Ft. Leavenworth (L) >> Eg 1 >>l >> e Coast Artillery Schools (M) lr> 11.. i Engineer Schools (W) R = Recommended a & Schools at Ft. Riley (R) B £ ju^ a American Campaigns Steele, M. F., Maj., U. S. Cav. Govt. Pub. 2 vols. (W. D.) Times History of the War in South Africa Amery, L. S. (Editor.) Low, Marston and Co., London. 7 vols. $54.60. The Franco-German War of 1870-71 von Moltke, Field Marshal. Trans. Bell, Clara and Fisher, H. W. Harpers, New York. 1 vol. $3.00. MILITARY BIOGRAPHY. Cromwell as a Soldier Baldock, T. S., Lt. Col., Brit. Army. Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., London. 1 vol. $6.00. Frederick The Great Brackenbury, C. B., Col., Brit. Army. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. 1 vol. $.75. History of Frederick The Great Carlyle, Thomas. Chas. Scribner and Sons, New York. 8 vols. $7.50. A Biographical Register — Graduates — Military Academy Cullum, G. W., Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. Army. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 1891-1901. 4 vols, and Sup. (New edition in course of preparation.) Recollections of the Civil War Dana, C. A. D. Appleton and Co., New York. 1 vol. $2.00. A jpYQ Tin pt* Dodge, T. A!, Bvt. Lt. Col., TJ! S. Army. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 1 vol. $5.00. Caesar Dodge, T. A., Bvt. Lt. Col., U. S. Army. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston. Gustavus Adolphus Dodge, T. A., Bvt. Lt. Col., U. S. Army. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 1 vol. -$5.00. Hannibal Dodge, T. A., Bvt. Lt. Col., U. S. Army. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 1 vol. $5.00. Napoleon Dodge, T. A., Bvt. Lt. Col., U. S. Army. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston. 4vols. $15.00. Personal Memoirs Grant Grant, U. S., Gen., U. S. Army. Century Co., New York. 2 vols. $5.00. Historical Register of the U. S. Army, 1789-1903 Heitman, F. B. Govt. Pub. 2 vols. $4.00. Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War Henderson, G. F. R. Longmans, Green Co., New York. 2 vols. $4.00. Heroes of the Nation Series Abbott, Evlyn. (Editor.) G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. $1.50 per volume. Napoleon, A Short Biography Johnston, R. M. A. S. Barnes and Co., New York. 1 vol. $1.00. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 12 \V;ir Depart merit Publications (W. D.) /'.«>l >» •'- >> L >> _«> JL> 1 C CO 09 > si si ~ CO - -■ 5< a l-l U h O U E E E E R R 11 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R R R E R R R R E R E E E E R R R E Note. — All books in use by cadets during the course at the U. S. Military Academy are recommended for their use after graduation. Note. — Officers will, as a rule, receive from Lemcke and Buechner, 30-32 W. 27th St., New York City, upon inquiry very nearly the same discount as is allowed the Library, U. S. M. A. A greater discount may be obtained on books purchased through the Secretary, Army School of the Line, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. IMVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW u.^1,0 rot returned on time are subject to a fine of expiration of loan period. 171S26 ty IS 1931 U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDS^OflTVfl UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY