uirt PUBLICATIONS OF SOWER, POTTS &. CO., PHILADELPHIA. So The this ve ins true and a< vancer. the wh adapte to ma school- and thi Rz These e and Fe Fe IN MEMORIAIA George Davidson EDUCATION DEPT. Professor of Geography University of California logical I The uniform testimony of teachers who have introduced these grammars is, that they have been most agreeably surprised at their effects upon pupils. They are easy to understand by the youngest pupil, and the lessons before dreaded become a delight to teacher and pupils. Ex- traordinary care has been taken in grading every lesson, modeling rules and definitions after a definite and uniform plan, and making every word and seatence an example of grammati- cal accuracy. They only need a trial to supersede all others. PUBLICATIONS OF SOWER, POTTS & CO., PHILADELPHIA. THE Normal Series of Mathematics. BY EDWARD BROOKS, A.M., PRINCIPAL AND PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN PENNSYLVANIA STATE N SCHOOL AT M1LLERSVILLE. This series, still new and fresh, has had an extraordinary success, an ?d in very many of the best Normal Schools, Academies, Seminaries and Pu. Is in the country. Wherever the works are known they receive the highe* dations of leading professors and teachers. PRICE Brooks's Normal Primary Arithmetic . . 25 cts. The Primary contains Mental and Written Exercises for very young pupils. Its treatment is very plain, easy and progressive. PRICE Brooks's Normal Elementary Arithmetic 50 cts. The Elementary will furnish a practical business education in a shorter time and with less labor than any other, and is emphatically the work for those pupils who must be qualified for com- mon business in one or two terms. PRICE Brooks's Normal Mental Arithmetic ... 38 cts. The Mental is a philosophical and comprehensive treatise upon the Analysis of Numbers. It is easily mastered by young pupils, and those who accomplish it are ready to grapple with the most difficult problems. It makes logical thinkers on all subjects. All who use it say they cannot be induced to dispense with it. PRICE Brooks's Normal Written Arithmetic . . 95 cts. The Written is a comprehensive and practical work, full of business applications. It is admirably arranged, and progresses step by step until pupils master it almost without conscious effort. Its treatment is novel in many respects and very interesting, and as It is very successful in the school-room, it is very popular among the best educators. PRICE Brooks's Key to Mental Arithmetic .... 8 .38 Brooks's Key to Elementary Arithmetic . .50 Brooks's Key to Written Arithmetic ... 1.00 In addition to the matter usually contained in Keys, the first and last of these contain many valu- able suggestions on the best methods of teaching Arithmetic. I! 1 u r si t -Th 7 ■ I V c?cic(j ' V / tc^ti/ £oit ^ l C^ i I C ^C^^iJ^u Ctt^t Wei / / \ Sis* S{i/*f< /ist**- h ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC: EMBRACING A COURSE OF EASY AND PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES IN ELEMENTARY WRITTEN ARITHMETIC; DESIGNED FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS, AND PRIMARY CLASSES IN COMMON SCHOOLS, GRADED SCHOOLS, MODEL SCHOOLS, ETC. BY EDWARD BROOIvS, A. M. FmiNCIPAJ. AND PROFESSOR OP MATHEMATICS IN PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, AND AUTHOR O* NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHMETIC, NORMAL MENTAL ARITHMETIC, NORMAL WRITTEN ARITHMETIC, ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, ETC. \ \ 1 > v V " The highest science is the greatest simplicity." PHILADELPHIA: SOWER, BARNES & POTTS, 530 MARKET ST. and 523 MINOR ST. . Office of the Controllers of Public Schools, ^ First District of Pennsylvania. V Philadelphia, March 29, 1869. ) At a meeting of the Controllers of Public Schools, First District of Pennsylvania, held at the Controllers' Chamber, Tuesday, March 9, 186S, rfie following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That the Normal Series of Arithmetics, comprising "Brooks's Nonucii Primary Arithmetic," " Brooks's Normal Elementary Arithme tic." '■ Brooks's Normal Mental Arithmetic," and "Brooks's Normal Writtp-i Arithmetic," by Edward Brooks, Esq., be and the same are hereby nlaced on the list of books to be used in the Public Schools of this District. From the minutes : H. W. Halliwell, Sec'y. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by EDWARD BROOKS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ME*:iS & DUSENBERY, ELECTROTYPERS. SHERMAN & CO., PRINTERS. The Board of School Trustees for the State of Maryland, recom- mend Brooks's Normal Arithmetics and Fewsmith's Grammars, for use in all the Public Schools of that state. The Board of School Commissioners for the City of Baltimore. hove adopted Brooks's Normal Series and Fewsmith's Grammars, fo! exclusive use in the Public Schools of that city. - PREFACE. The object of this work is to furnish young pupils with an introductory course of Written Arithmetic, Realizing the necessity of such a course in connec- tion with Mental Exercises, the author gave quite a large collection of written exercises in his Primary Mental Arithmetic. So popular was this feature that he was soon urged either to increase the amount of such matter or prepare another work treating exclusively of the elements of Written Arithmetic. Believing that the latter plan would be the more acceptable, and give more completeness to the arith- metical course, the present volume has been pre- pared. This work will be found to possess at least five distinguishing features : 1st, Simplicity ; 2d, Gra- dation ; 3d, Practical Character of the Problems ; 4th, Variety of Problems ; 5th, Educational Cha- racter. Simplicity. — Great care has been taken to make the definitions, explanations, solutions, rules, etc. so simple that the youngest pupils can easily under- stand them. In doing this, however, the scientific character of the subject has not been sacrificed; for it should ever be remembered that the highest science is the greatest simplicity ; and, conversely, the greatest simplicity is the highest science. 3 m£89£98 PREFACE. Gradation. — The gradation of the work will be found one of its most distinctive and valuable fea- tures. A frequent criticism upon elementary works is their lack of gradation, their sudden transitions from the easy to the difficult, from the simple to the complex. To avoid this fault, great pains have been taken, and, it is believed, with success. For example, see the exercises in Addition, Subtraction, Multi- plication, and Division, where the problems are ar- ranged into classes and cases with respect to their length and difficulty. The same spirit of gradation will be found running through the whole work. Practical Problems. — Arithmetics have been criticized for the abstract and unpractical character of their problems. To avoid this error, I have given a large number of practical problems, drawn from the actual events of life. Among these are His- torical, Geographical, and Biographical problems ; problems on the battles of the Revolution; farm- ers', merchants', etc., problems. Such problems will not only add interest to the study of arithmetic, but present much valuable information to the pupil. Variety of Problems. — "Variety is the spice of life," in the school-room as well as out of it. It is a great mistake to keep pupils upon Addition for several months, until they have thoroughly mastered it, then upon Subtraction for a corresponding length of time, and so on for the other fundamental opera- tions. The better way is to give them a fair know- ledge of Addition, then take them to Subtraction, and, after they are somewhat familiar with this, give them exercises combining Addition and Sub- traction, and thus through the fundamental rules, PREFACE. leaving each subject before the pupil wearies of it, and returning to it again and again, until it is thoroughly mastered. In this manner tiresome monotony is avoided, and the task of the learner rendered interesting and attractive. This is a fea- ture of the present work which it is believed will commend it to intelligent instructors. Educational Character. — This work, like the others of the same series, is characterized by an educational spirit. It is not a mere collection of pro- blems and rules for the training of a pupil to labor like a machine. The spirit of analysis runs through it, making it normal in the broadest sense of the term. Its object is to teach pupils to think as well as to work 'problems, — to develop mind as well as the power of computation. Cherishing the hope that it may aid teachers in their arduous labors, and become a favorite with the little girls and boys of our common schools, I now intrust it to the decision of a kind and appreciative public. EDWARD BROOKS. Statb Normal School, May 20, 1865. 1* SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. 1. This book is designed to be put into the hands of young pupils soon after they begin the study of Primary Mental Arithmetic. When pupils can add and subtract orally with some facility, they will be prepared for this work. 2. The Introduction is not designed to be studied by the pupils, but indicates a course of Oral Instruction in the elements of arithmetic ; and it is suggested that these exercises receive the attention which their importance demands. The pupils should have careful drill upon these before beginning the study of a written arithmetic; and such exercises will be found valuable during the entire course, especially upon commencing a new subject. 3. Pupils should solve the problems upon the slate at their seats, and also be required to work them out upon the black- board, and explain them. In assigning problems at the board, the same problem may be given to the whole class, or each pupil may receive a different problem. Sometimes one method is pre- ferred, and sometimes the other. The object should be thorough- ness and accuracy, and at the same time variety and interest. 4. In many cases two forms of explanation have been given; one a full logical form, the other an abridged, mechanical one. The object of the first is to present the reasoning process in full ; the object of the second, to give the steps in the method of opera- tion. Though it is important that the pupil should understand the complete logical form, yet for the ordinary recitation, with young pupils, the abbreviated form may be preferred. It will economize time, and better secure that which is mainly aimed at in primary written arithmetic, — facility and accuracy of operation. 5. Where a pupil has difficulty with a problem owing to its being a little complicated, let the teacher lead him from one step to another, and so on to the end, by a judicious series of questions, leading him to analyze the problem, and thus unfold its com- plexity. This will be much better for the pupil than to pick up his slate and work the problem for him. By attention to these suggestions, and to such other points as will occur to the mind of the intelligent teacher, it is hoped that the progress of the pupil will be rapid and thorough. 6 INTRODUCTION. OEAL EXEECISES. The following remarks and oral exercises are designed to illus- trate the manner in which the elementary principles of numbers should be presented to the young pupil. LESSON I. NAMING NUMBERS. Since our first ideas of numbers are derived from visible objects, the child's first lessons in the science of numbers should be given with such objects. These objects may consist of apples, nuts, books, pencils, grains of corn, or any thing the teacher may find con- venient. The German schools for young children are generally supplied with small cubical blocks to be used in the first lessons on numbers. The arithmetical frame is the most convenient for gene- ral practice. Counting. — The names of numbers are acquired simultaneously with the idea of numbers. Both of these are given in the process of counting. By counting we do not mean merely speaking the words one, two, three, etc., but that these words should be used in connec- tion with objects, so that the pupil may know what the words mean. I have known pupils who could run off these words very glibly, even as far as fifty, without any definite idea of their meaning. Hence the pupil's first lesson in numbers should be in counting. The method suggested is as follows: — The teacher, standing before the class, holding some object, as a book, in his hand, says, "What do I hold in my hand?" Pupils: "A book." Teacher: " How many books?" Pupils: "One book." The teacher, taking up another book, says, "How many books in my hand now?" Pupils: "Two books." And so on, until the 7 8 INTRODUCTION. pupils can number any collection of objects which the teacher holds in his hand. After this introduction, he will take the arithmetical frame and con- tinue the exercises upon it. These exercises may be made lively by increasing or diminishing the number by several at the same time. Little counting games, with grains of corn, will also be found very interesting to young pupils. Let exercises of this kind be continued until the class can count well. If the pupils can count when they enter school, this exercise need not be continued long. LESSON II. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. After the pupils can readily number a collection of objects, — that is, have the idea of numbers and the names of numbers, — they should be taught to unite and separate them. The next thing in order, there- fore, is addition and subtraction. Instruction in these processes should be given in accordance with the following principles. 1. The first lessons in addition and subtraction should be given with visible objects. This principle is founded upon the law of mental development, and is so evident that it need not be urged. Indeed, if the teacher neglects it, the pupil will adopt it himself, by adding with his fingers, etc. 2. Addition and subtraction should be taught together in primary oral instruction. This is evident, since the two ideas are logically related. Thus, as soon as the pupil learns that 2 and 3 are 5, he sees that 5 diminished by 2 equals 3, or 5 diminished by 3 is 2. Convenience also dictates the same method. In the primary schools of Germany, the two processes are combined, in the manner illustrated. Exercise. — The order of exercises will now be given. The pupils should first increase and diminish by one, as far as 12, then by two, then by three, etc. The exercise would be somewhat as follows: — Teacher takes one book in his hand, and asks, "How many books have I in my hand?" Pupils answer, "One book." Teacher, putting another book in his hand, asks, "How many books have I now ?" Pupils answer, "Two books." Teacher: "How many, then, are one book and one book?" Pupils: "Two books." Teacher "How many books have I in my hand now?" INTRODUCTION. 9 Pupils: "Two books." Teacher: "I will take one book away; now how many books remain ?' Pupils: "One book." Teacher: "One book taken from two books, then, leaves how many books?" Pupils: "One Dook.' - Let the teacher now take the arithmetical frame, and proceed in the same way, increasing 2, 3, 4, etc., up to 12 with one, and diminish- ing 3, 4, 5, 6, etc., up to 13 with one, each time reversing the addi- tion. Then take one and increase it by two, obtaining three ; then reverse the process and diminish three by tico, and so on until 12 is increased by two, and 14 diminished by two. Proceed in the same way with 3, 4, etc., until the pupils can add and subtract by ones, twos, threes, etc., up to twelves. LESSON III. practical exercises. The following exercises will be found valuable in teaching pupils to add and subtract with readiness and accuracy. Frequent drill upon such exercises is recommended. First. — A valuable exercise to give the pupils readiness in adding and subtracting is the following: Let the teacher name two num- bers, and require the pupils to give first their sum and then their difference: thus, teacher says, "5 and 2." Pupils: "5 and 2 are 7, and 2 from 5 leaves 3." After a little practice they may omit naming the numbers, and merely say, "the sum is 7, the difference is 3." To vary this, the boys may give the sum, and the girls the differ- ence, and vice versa; or, if the class is all of one sex, a division may be made, one part giving the sum, and the other part the difference. In this and the following exercises care should be taken that small numbers be used at first, until the pupils attain the ability to use larger numbers with ease and readiness Second. — Another valuable exercise consists in the teacher select- ing some number, and then giving one part of this number himself, requiring the pupils to give the other part. For example, suppose 8 to be the number selected: the teacher says, "five," pupils answer, "three," teacher, "tivo," pupils, "six" etc. etc. Third. — The following exercise will also be found valuable in im- parting the art of adding and subtracting with readiness and accu- one. two three four five six seven eight nine 10 INTRODUCTION. racy. Let the teacher write the words one, two, three, etc., on the board, forming two columns as indicated in the mar- ( ein Call the first column additive, and the second 6 • , ,, • n one subtractive. The teacher then with the pointer will indicate the number, the operation being indicated tilTCC by the column. When he points to figures in the first column, the number which they indicate will be J added, but when he points to any figure in the second, J . the number indicated will be subtracted from the re- . . , . , seven suit which the pupils have previously obtained. After the Arabic characters have been given, instead of writing the words in columns, the figures may be employed for the same purpose. Fourth. — The pupils should also be required to add by twos, threes, etc., merely naming the results, as follows; 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., 3, 6, 9, etc., until the additions can be readily given. It will be well to commence also with one, and count by twos, thus: 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. ; also commence at 1, and count by threes, thus: 1, 4, 7, 10, etc.; also at 2, thus: 2, 5, 8, 11, etc., continuing the addition as far as it may be thought desirable. Let the pupil be exercised in a similar manner in adding by fours, fives, etc., up to twelves. Such exercises should be continued day after day, in connection with the lessons which precede and follow this lesson, until great facility is acquired in the operations. These exercises may be conducted sometimes in concert and some- times singly. While one is adding alone, let the others keep careful watch for errors ; a good degree of interest may thus be created, each pupil trying to obtain the largest sum before making a mis- take. It is evident that the teacher can give great variety to these exer- cises ; and the author suggests that they will be found of very great utility. LESSON IV. WRITING NUMBERS. The pupil should now be taught how to write numbers. In fact, the writing of numbers should be introduced very soon after the naming of numbers. The following exercises should, therefore, be combined with the exercises of Lesson III. The method suggested is as follows : — The teacher, standing at the board, with some objects, as two books in his hand, inquires, "What do I hold in my hand?" INTRODUCTION. 11 Answer : — " Books." Teacher : " How many books ?" Pupils : " Two books." Teacher (writing two books upon the board) asks, "What hava I written upon the board?" Pupils: "Two books." Teacher : "Are there two books on the board ?" Pupils : "Yes, sir." Teacher: "If there are two books on the board, then what are these I hold in my hand?" Pupils : "Why, those are two books also." Teacher: "Well, if that is two books on the board, and these are two books in my hand, then they must both be the same." Pupils: "Oh, no, that on the board is the icords two books, but what you have in your hand are the things two books." Thus the important distinction between the thing and the expression of it is attained. The teacher will now send the pupils to the board, and let them write the words one, two, etc, and have them solve problems in addition and subtraction with them. If the pupils cannot write (and I presume that will generally be the case at the time such exer- cises are appropriate), the teacher can illustrate by performing the written exercises himself. The pupils will soon see the great labor of employing the written words, and will realize the necessity of an arithmetical written lan- guage different from that which is used in ordinary writing. They are now prepared for the Arabic characters; and the manner in which these should be introduced will now be given. Characters. — The pupils being now prepared for the Arabic characters, let the teacher give first* in their order the nine digits. They should be exercised in naming and writing these until they are familiar with them and can make them with considerable ease and neatness. They should then be required to solve problems with them in addition and subtraction, the teacher giving no problem at present which involves a number greater than nine. Combinations. — When the class are familiar with these characters, they are to be taught to combine them to express the larger num- bers. There are two methods of doing this, quite different in principle and form. We present both. First Method. — By this method we give the combined characters, without explaining the principle of the combination. Thus, wo teach that 10 represents ten, 11, eleven, 12, twelve, etc., without any VI INTRODUCTION. reference to tens and units. This method is not quite so philoso- phical as the second method, but will be found preferable in practice with young learners in oral instruction. When pupils study written arithmetic from the book, I would use the other method. We would give these expressions as far as twenty, and then drill the pupils in reading and writing them until they are quite familiar with them. We would next give the expressions from twenty to thirty, and drill in like manner, and thus continue as far as one hundred. After the pupils are familiar with this method of writing numbers as far as 100, the teacher may then show them the principle of the combination, that the figure in the first place represents units, in the second place tens, etc. When this is understood, we would re- quire the class to analyze these expressions, as follows: — Problem. — Analyze 25 [twenty-five). A?ialysis. — In 25, the 5 represents 5 units, and the 2 represents 2 tens. The class should also be drilled upon questions like the follow- ing: — How many units in 2 tens? In 3 tens? etc. How many tens in 20 (twenty) 1 etc. How many units and tens in 24 (twenty-four) 1 They should also be required to solve little problems in addition and subtraction with these characters. Second Method. — The other method commences by explaining the principle of the combination; that is, that 10 represents 1 ten; 11, 1 ten and 1 unit; 12, 1 ten and 2 units, etc., afterward showing that 11 (1 ten and 1 unit) is the same as eleven, etc. This may be done by making ten marks upon the board, and then commencing a second row with one mark ; these will be repre- sented by 11 (1 ten and 1 unit) ; then have the pupils count them, and they will see that 11 (1 ten and 1 unit) stands for eleven. The same may be done with 12, 13, etc. The pupil should be drilled in reading and writing numbers, until he is entirely familiar with the subject. Haste here is "bad speed." A thorough knowledge of Notation and Numeration wil) dispel the usual difficulties of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, ind Division. LESSON V. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION. After the pupil has become quite familiar with the elementary processes of Addition and Subtraction, he is prepared to take up Multiplication and Division. The first instruction in these processes INTRODUCTION. 13 should be given by oral exercises, and in accordance with the following principles: 1. Multiplication should be presented as a special case of Addition Thus, the pupil should be taught that two 2's are 4, since 2 -j- 2 ==4, or that three times 2 are 6, since 2 taken three times, or 2 -j- 2 — |- 2, equals 6. and so on for the other products. The pupil will then understand the nature of the subject. 2. Division should be taught as reverse multiplication. Thus, it should be shown that 6 contains 3 two times, since tivo times 3 are 6, and so on for other quotients. In this way the quotients are immediately derived from the products. Division may be taught as concise sub- traction, but the process of reverse multiplication is more convenient and simple. "When thus taught, the pupil will not need to commit a distinct Division Table. 3. The pupil should be taught to construct the Multiplication Table. The pupil should not be required to commit a Multiplication Table without knowing how it was obtained, or the use of it. He should first be taught to derive the products for himself, by addition, and then be required to commit them, to avoid the labor of obtaining them every time he wishes to use them. In this way he will study them with more interest, and learn them with greater ease. 4. Multiplication and Division should bu taught simultaneously, or at least very nearly so. As soon as the pupil learns that 2 times 3 are 6, he is able to see that 6 equals two 3's, or that 6 contains 3 two times; and the same is true for the other products. Division, therefore, should not be deferred until the whole Multiplication Table is learned, as has generally been the practice, but should be early introduced and studied in connection with Multiplication. We now present the following exercise, which is designed to sug- gest the manner in which the first principles of multiplication and division may be taught. EXERCISE. Teacher (making two marks on the board, as is indi- | | cated in the margin) asks, "How many marks have I made?" Pupils: "Two marks. Teacher (making two marks under the former two, aa is indicated in the margin, inquires) : "How many times J j have I made two marks?" Pupils: "Two times." 2 14 INTRODUCTION. Teacher : " How many marks are there in all ?" Pupils : " Four marks." Teacher: " How many, then, are two times two marks?" Pupils : " Two times two marks are four marks." Teacher (leaving the four marks upon the board, asks): "How many marks are there on the board?" Pupils . " Four marks." Teacher: "Are they arranged in twos, or threes?" Pupils : "In twos." Teacher: " How many twos are there in these four marks?'* Pupils : " Two twos." Teacher: "Four, then, contains two how many times?" Pupils : "Two times." The teacher will now write six marks upon the board, as in the margin, and ask, " How many times have I | | | written three marks?" "How many are there in all?" "How many, then, are two times three?" "Are these 6 marks arranged in twos, threes, or fours?" "How many times three marks are there ?" " How many threes, then, are there in six?" "Six, then, contains 3 how many times?" These, or similar exercises, should be continued up to two times 12, each time reversing the process, and obtaining a quotient. Then proceed in the same way with three times, four times, etc., on to twelve times. In this manner the pupils may be led to obtain, and then commit, the products and quotients, usually given in tables, which are always learned with so much hesitation and hard study. In practice, it will be well to obtain all the products of "two times," before deriving the quotients. Questions similar to those in the Pri- mary Arithmetic, p. 82, may also be given. The pupil should also be taught to write the table of products upon the slate or board, thus: 1X2 = 2 4X2= 8 2X2 = 4 5X2 = 10 8X2 = 6 etc. Pupils generally have considerable difficulty in committing the Multiplication Table; the teacher can lessen the labor in several ways. 1st. By having the pupils make it for themselves, and write it on the slate or blackboard. 2d. By conoert recitation. 3d. By singing the table to some appropriate tune. 4th. Reciting by the old method of "going up," or "trapping." To make pupils rapid and accurate in the mechanical processes of INTRODUCTION. 15 addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, the following ex- ercise is practised by some teachers, with excellent results. Let the teacher write four columns of figures on the blackboard, as is represented in the (-]-) ( — ) (X) (-*-) margin, the first column being additive, the 1111 next subtractive, etc., as is indicated by the 2 2 2 2 symbols placed above them. The teacher, 3 3 3 3 with the pointer, will point out certain 4 4 4 4 figures, the corresponding numbers being 5 5 5 5 added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided, 6 6 6 6 as is indicated by the symbol at the head of 7 7 7 7 the column. Care, of course, must be taken 8 8 8 8 not to require a division by a number that 9 9 9 9 is not exactly contained. This exercise may be continued for many recitations, in connection with the follow ing lessons, with great advantage to the pupils. LESSON VI. TERMS AND PRINCIPLES. The following exercises are designed to suggest the manner of giving the terms of the fundamental rules, and also of deriving some of the principles of each. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. Teacher: "What have I in my hand?" PuriLS : " Two books." Teacher. "What is the difference between the two and the books?" Pupils: "The books are the things, and the two tells how many things." Teacher: "The two denotes the number of books. What, then, is a number?" Pupils : "Why, it is the how many of any thing." Teacher : "Very well . remember, also, that a single thing, or one of a collection, is called a unit." Teacher: "When I say two apples, what 2 do I mean?" Pupils: "Two apples." Teacher: "When I say tiro, what do I mean?" Pupils : " We do not know.'' Teacher: "What 2 may I mean? any two?" Pupils: "Yes, sir; any two you choose." Teacher: "You see a difference, then, between two and ttn 16 INTRODUCTION. books. Very well ; I will give the name which denotes this difference. When I say 2, 3, etc., without telling what 2 or 3, it is called an abstract number; but when I give the name of the objects with the number, it is called a concrete number." Tell which of the following numbers are abstract, and which con^ crete : — 2 cows — three — four — 4 books — 7 hens — eight — 5 — 4 — 10 pigs — 8 geese — 7 — 6 — 11 — 14 horses. Teacher: How many are 3 and 5? Teacher: When we unite two numbers into one, in this way, the result is called the sum, and the process is called addition. Teacher: What is the sum of 2 and 3? 4 and 6? 7 and 8? Teacher : What is the sum of 3 cows and 5 turnips ? Teacher : Why can you not add them ? Teacher: If they were all the same, could you add them ? Teacher: Numbers which express the same kind of objects are similar concrete numbers, and those which denote different objects are dissimilar concrete numbers. Teacher : What kind of numbers can be added, then, and what kind cannot be added ? How many remain when we take 3 apples from 5 apples ? The process of taking one number from another is called sub- traction. The number which is taken away is called the subtrahend, the number from which it is taken is called the minuend, and the result is called the difference, or remainder. If you subtract 4 from 9, which is the minuend, which the subtra- hend, and which the remainder? If you add the remainder and subtrahend together, will it pro- duce the minuend ? If you subtract the difference from the minuend, what will it equal? Can you subtract 3 apples from 5 potatoes ? Why can you not subtract them ? Are these similar or dissimilar concrete numbers? If they were similar, could they be subtracted ? What kind of numbers, then, can be subtracted, and what kind eannot ? PRINCIPLES OF MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION. 1. When we find the result of a number taken any number of times, the process is called multiplication. INTRODUCTION. 17 2. The number taken a certain number of \imes is called the multiplicand. 3. The number which denotes how many times the multiplicand is taken is called the multiplier. 4. The result obtained is called the product. Each of these three is called a term. 5. What is the product of 8 apples multiplied by 4? 6. In this problem, which is the multiplicand, which the multi- plier, which the product? 7. When we take 8 apples 4 times, is the result apples, or some- thing else ? 8. Can the product be any thing else than apples? 9. The product, then, is of the same denomination as what term? 10. Can we take 8 apples 4 peaches times, or simply 4 times? 11. Is 4 an abstract or a concrete number ? What kind of a num- ber, then, must the multiplier be ? 12. When we find how many times one number is contained in another, the process is called division. 13. The number which contains the other is called the dividend, the number contained is called the divisor, and the number denoting how many times the divisor is contained is called the quotient. 14. If we divide 8 apples by 2 apples, is the result apples? If not, what is it? 15. Are 2 apples contained in 8 apples 4 peaches times, or 4 apples times, or simply 4 times? 1G. What kind of a number is 4, and what kind of a number, then, must the quotient always be ? 17. How many times 2 equal 8 apples ? Is 2, or 2 pears, contained any number of times in 8 apples ? 18. What 2 are contained any number of times in 8 apples? 19. The divisor, then, must be of the same denomination as what term? LESSON VII. TABLE OF FUNDAMENTAL RULES. We now present the tables of the four fundamental rules, for such teachers as wish to use them. The author suggests that the ele- mentary sums and differences are better- taught by the exercises which have been already suggested than by the study of these tables. The Multiplication Table, however, must be thoroughly committed, and then the elementary quotients may be derived from these products, or by the study of the Division Table. 2* 18 INTRODUCTION. ADDITION TABLE. 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and are 2 are 3 are 4 are 5 1 " 3 1 " 4 1 « 5 1 " 6 2 " 4 2 « 5 2 " 6 2 « 7 3 " 5 3 " 6 3 » 7 3 " 8 4 " 6 4 " 7 4 S* 8 4 " 9 5 " 7 5 " 8 5 « 9 5 " 10 G " 8 6 " 9 6 " 10 6 " 11 7 " 9 7 " 10 7 " 11 7 " 12 8 » 10 8 " 11 8 " 12 8 " 13 9 " 11 9 " 12 9 " 13 9 " 14 10 " 12 10 " 13 10 " 14 10 " 15 11 " 13 11 " 14 11 " 15 11 " 16 12 " 14 12 " 15 12 " 16 12 » 17 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and are 6 are 7 0- are 8 are 9 1 " 7 1 " 8 1 " 9 1 " 10 2 " 8 2 " 9 2 " 10 2 " 11 3 " 9 3 " 10 3 » 11 3 » 12 4 " 10 4 " 11 4 « -12- 4 " 13 5 " 11 5 " 12 5 " 13 5 " 14 6 " 12 6 " 13 6 " 14 6 » 15 7 " 13 7 " 14 7 " 15 7 " 16 8 " 14 8 " 15 8 " 16 8 " 17 9 " 15 9 " 16 9 " 17 9 » 18 10 » 16 10 " 17 10 " 18 10 " 19 11 " 17 11 " 18 11 « 19 11 " 20 12 " 18 12 " 19 12 " 20 12 " 21 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and are 10 are 11 are 12 are 13 1 " 11 1 " 12 1 » 13 1 " 14 2 " 12 2 " 13 2 " 14 2 " 15 3 " 13 3 " 14 3 « 15 3 " 16 4 " 14 4 « 15 4 »« 16 4 " 17 5 " 15 5 " 16 5 « 17 5 " 18 6 " 16 6 " 17 6 « 18 G " 19 7 « 17 7 " 18 7 " 19 7 " 20 8 " 18 8 " 19 8 " 20 8 " 21 9 " 19 9 " -20 9 " 21 9 -*-* h_> -^j T3 ^3 03 I— 1 i—i Ci CO i- o >-o •5 CO and is read plus. The sign of Equality is = , and is read equals, or equal to. Thus, 4 -j- 5 = 9, is read 4 plus 5 equals 9. Case I. 23. To add when the sum of* a column is not more than nine of that column. 24. CLASS I. —Problems of one column. 1. What is the sum of 2, 3, and 4 ? OPERATION. Solution — We write the numbers one under an- 2 itther and commence at the bottom to add. 4 and 3 3 are 7 and 2 are 9. Hence the sum is nine. 4 9 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) 2 4 6 1 7 3 1 1 1 5 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 6 (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) 324623553 512014212 143262234 ADDITION. 31 18. What is the sum of 2, 0, 3, 4? 19. What is the sum of 3, 1, 0, 2, 3? 20. What is the sum of 2, 2, 3, 0, 1 ? 21. What is the sum of 4, 1, 0, 2, 1? 22. What is the sum of 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3 ? 25. CLASS II.— Problems of more than one column. 1. What is the sum of 21, 32, 43 ? Solution. — We write the numbers so that units stand under units, and tens under tens, and com- mence at the right to add. The sum of the units is 3 and 2 are 5 and 1 are 6, which we write in units' place. The sum of the tens is 4 and 3 are 7 and 2 are 9, which we write in tens' place. Hence the sum is 96. OPERATION. 21 32 43 96 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2-) (3.) (*•) (5.) (6.) 31 20 34 12 15 23 14 20 23 40 24 25 15 54 34 78 (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) 121 214 610 234 361 213 312 156 432 215 432 153 213 123 123 766 (12.) (13.) (14.) (15.) (16.) 612 314 712 416 201 105 212 150 141 305 271 271 137 222 281 # 32 (17.) 2021 18.) 5234 (19.) 6141 (20.) 7124 (21.) 6214 3514 1321 1213 1321 322 2361 2141 2032 2042 1211 (22.) 34123 (23.) 41210 (24.) 50273 (25.) 1234 (26.) 23071 14310 13025 17202 4012 12303 20341 21613 21310 3701 20413 11111 12030 10101 1020 21210 Kequired the sum 27. Of 2031, 1234, 3122, and 1010. 28. Of 1207, 3040, 2430, and 2112. 29. Of 2051, 3027, 1500, and 1320. 30. Of 21021, 2712, 12032, 102, and 21. hi. Of 12201, 23021, 2142, and 12012. Case II. 26. To add when the sum of* any column is more than nine. 27. CLASS I.— Problems of one column. 1. What is the sum of 7, 6, and 8 ? Solution. — We write the numbers one under the other, and commence at the bottom to add. 8 and 6 are 14 and 7 are 21. We place the 1 under the column, and the 2 in tens' place. OPERATION. 7 6 8 21 Ans. 13 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4-) (5.) (6.) (7-] 3 7 8 6 8 3 4 2 2 3 2 9 6 5 7 7 6 7 ADDITION. 33 (8.) 5 4 3 2 (9.) 7 3 8 5 (10.) 6 3 8 7 (ll.) 4 3 6 5 (12.) 7 3 8 5 (13.) 6 7 3 8 (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (18.) (19.) 8 3 7 2 4 7 7 7 1 5 8 3 2 3 7 6 9 2 5 5 8 7 6 4 5 6 9 8 5 Bequired the sum 20. Of 6, 7, 5, 3, 2, and 4. 21. Of 3, 2, 7, 4, 6, and 7. 22. Of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. 23. Of 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, and 5. 24. Of 2, 7, 3, 1, 4, and 6. 25. Of 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 4. 26. Of 3, 6, 7, 2, 1, and 4. 27. Of 1, 3, 2, 7, 8, and 5. 28. Of 8, 2, 4, 6, 5, and 6. 29. Of 3, 6, 5, 3, 7, and 2. 30. Of 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, and 7. 31. Of 6, 2, 7, 4, 5, and 8. 2S. CLvdSS II— Problems of more than ona column. 1. What is the sum of 65, 46, and 32? Solution 1 . — We write the numbers units under units and tens under tens, and commence at the right to add. 2 and 6 are 8 and 5 are 13, units, which equal 1 ten and 3 units : we write the 3 units under the column of units, and add the 1 ten to the column of tens. 3 and 1 are 4 and 4 are 8, and 6 are 14, tens, which equal 1 hundred and 4 tens ; we write the 4 tens in tens' place, and the 1 hundred in hundreds' place, and we have 143. OPERATION. 65 46 32 143 Ans. 34 ADDITION. Solution 2. — After the pupil is familiar with the above solution he may abbreviate it thus: 2 and 6 are 8 and 5 are 13; we write the 3 and add the 1. One and 3 are 4, and 4 are 8, and 6 are 14, which v T e write. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) 43 (3.) 27 (4.) 37 (5.) 43 (6.) 58 (7-) 76 38 56 25 49 36 24 81 (8.) 23 (9.) 28 (10.) 34 (11.) 44 (12.) 82 (13.) 18 36 51 47 56 17 71 47 35 22 31 45 49 (14.) 247 (15.) 462 (16.) 442 (17.) 756 (18.) 361 (19.) 826 358 379 867 482 484 108 (20.) 317 (21.) 424 (22.) 365 (23.) 813 (24.) 678 <25.) 725 452 536 407 791 123 146 324 817 324 142 414 234 (26.) 463 (27.) 282 (28.) 365 (29.) 216 (30.) 417 (31.) 318 217 187 149 418 282 182 345 208 372 732 479 479 (32.) 729 (33.) 321 (34.) 242 (35.) 813 (36.) 183 (37.) 815 538 467 517 916 517 581 212 213 343 732 648 186 400 457 525 145 422 307 ADDITION. (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) (42.) (43.) 361 217 678 678 489 289 163 721 321 910 201 303 725 548 473 112 232 132 643 918 258 814 425 333 146 172 345 756 267 456 (44.) (45.) (46.) (47.) (48.) (49.) 4567 1718 2526 3343 4243 1525 8910 1920 2728 5363 4546 3545 1112 2122 9303 7389 4748 5565 3456 2324 1323 4041 9505 7585 (50.) (51.) (52.) (53.) (54.) (55.) 5960 7374 8163 8124 2185 6215 6162 5789 2738 1792 6727 8372 3646 2100 2543 8547 9858 5728 5666 4731 7342 3218 2832 6217 7869 2578 1856 4002 1479 1234 (56.) (57.) (58.) 48721 32 173 67321 32578 82573 73214 41625 21 289 84366 78321 47020 92785 47856 21832 12346 35 59. Find the sum of 2185-f 6357+4832+6719+4324. 60. Find the sum of 4344+4647+4849+5051+5253. 61. Find the sum of 6432+7253+2187+6730+5087- 62. Find the sum of 2426+3275+8397+2547+8037, 63. Find the sum of 234+6721+853 + 8762+3739. 64. Find the sum of 834+6737+8321 + 123+9207. 65. Find the sum of 3246+2109+465+3712+2573 36 ADDITION. 66. Find the sum of 8213+123+6785+3282+7654. 67. Find the sum of 123-f 456-f7821-f 6731+1234. 68. Find the sum of 622+8763+1234+5678+910123. 69. Find the sum of 23456+12345+70205+21846+ 31082. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. Mary has 15 apples and John has 23 apples: how many have they both ? Solution. — If Mary lias 15 apples and John operation. has 23 apples, they both have the sum of 15 15 apples and 23 apples, which is 38 apples. 23 Note. — Very young pupils may say, they both 38 Ans. have the sum of 15 apples and 23 apples, which is 38 apples. 2. There were 25 robins on one tree and 36 robins on another tree; how many robins were there on both trees ? 3. AYiiiie has 36 cents in one pocket and 45 cents in the other; how many has he in both pockets? 4. A little boy had 37 walnuts, and then picked 56 more ; how many walnuts did he then have ? 5. Emma's doll cost 95 cents, and a little cradle for it cost 225 cents j how much did both cost ? 6. There were 48 roses on one bush and 39 roses on another bush ; how many roses were there on both bushes? 7. A little girl read 146 words one day and 178 words the next day j how many words did she read both days ? 8. Harry had 246 cents in his money-box, and his uncle gave him 175 cents; how many cents had he then? 9. Peter's kite arose 436 feet, and Andrew's kite went 58 feet higher ; how high did Andrew's kite arise ? 10. Edward took 692 steps in going to school, and ADDITION. 37 Mary took 742 steps ; how many steps did they both take ? 11. Mary's garden contains 47 roses, 39 pinks and 52 lilies; how many flowers are in Mary's garden? 12. Sallie spelled 25 words correctly, Jennie 36 words, and Maggie 28 words; how many did they all spell correctly ? 13. Charlie wrote 346 words last week and 378 words this week; how many words did he write in the two weeks ? 14. Minnie saw 46 swallows in a flock, and Maggie saw 54 swallows in another flock; how many swallows did they both see ? 15. Frank says he took 627 steps in going to school, and only 596 steps in coming from school ; how many steps did he take in all ? 16. My father has 6 horses, 13 cows, and 46 sheep ; how many animals has he in all? 17. Emma's new reader contains 46 pictures, and Ella's contains 78 pictures; how many pictures are there in both of these readers ? 18. Edward's top cost 25 cents, his whip cost 43 cents, and his ball cost 75 cents; how many cents did they all cost ? 19. Albert's father owned 27 little pigs, and Peter's father owned 34 little pigs ; how many little pigs had they both ? 20. My father gave 215 cents for my cap, 365 cents for my vest, and 625 cents for my coat ; how many cents did he give for them all ? 21. One old hen had 17 little chickens, another had 15 little chickens, and another 16; how many chickens did the three hens have ? 22. Henry learned seventy-five words one week and eighty-four words the next week ; how many words did he learn both weeks ? 88 ADDITION. 23. Maria has fifty-seven cents in her money-bank, and her aunt put twenty-five cents more in the bank ; how many cents did she then have ? 24. There were sixteen robins in a tree, twenty-four on the barn, and thirty-nine in the meadow; how many robins were there in all ? 25. Julia gave a poor old soldier ninety-six cents, Annie gave him seventy-seven cents, and Carrie gave him one hundred and seventeen cents ; how much did the old soldier receive ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. A gave 27 dollars for a cow, 45 dollars for an ox, and 150 dollars for a horse ; what did they all cost? 2. A has 120 acres of land, B has 310 acres, C ha? 516 acres, and D has 715 acres; how many acres have they together? 3. There are 31 days in January, 28 in February, 31 in March, and 30 in April ; how many days in these four months? 4. A man travelled 215 miles one week, 195 the next week, 273 the next, and 378 the next ; how far did he travel ? 5. A weighs 127 pounds, B weighs 215 pounds, C 176 pounds, D 184 pounds, and E 234 pounds ; what is the sum of their weights ? 6. A farmer raised 576 bushels of corn, 918 bushels of oats, 3149 bushels of wheat, and 2785 bushels of rye; how many bushels did he raise in all? 7. A owns 214 acres of land, B owns 719 acres, C owns 2136 acres, and D owns 372 acres ; how many acres do they together own ? 8. A bought a horse for 168 dollars, and a carriage for 376 dollars, and sold them so as to gain 89 dollars; what did he receive? ADDITION. 39 9. A drover had 327 sheep, 496 cows, 819 pigs, 123 oxen, and 216 horses in his drove; how many animals had he in the drove ? 10. There are 39 books and 929 chapters in the Old Testament, and 37 books and 260 chapters in the ]S"ew Testament; how many are there in both? 11. In an orchard 87 trees bear apples, 26 bear peaches, 38 bear plums, and 17 bear cherries; how many trees are there in the orchard ? 12. Mr. Wilson's farm is worth 3720 dollars, his bank stock is worth 1250 dollars, and he has 7257 dollars in money ; how much is he worth ? 13. A man bought a farm for 7500 dollars, paid 6550 dollars for building a house and barn, and then sold it so as to gain 725 dollars; what did he receive for it? 14. Harvey bought a knife for 37 cents, a hoop for 75 cents, a book for 68 cents, and a top for 87 cents, he sold them at a gain of 23 cents ; what did he receive for them ? 15. William lends his brother 3275 cents, his sister 4287 cents, his father 3851 cents, and has 4892 cents left; how much money had he? 16. In one book there are 725 pages, in another book there are 327 pages, and in another book there are as many as in both the former; how many pages in all ? 17. A merchant bought cloth for 756 dollars, silk for 859 dollars, muslin for 367 dollars, and calico for 255 dollars ; how much did they all cost? 18. A paid 325 dollars for a span of horses, and 248 dollars more than this for a carriage; for how much must he sell them both to gain 275 dollars? 19. A gains in one year 465 dollars, B gains 136 dollars more than A, and C gains as much as A and B both; how much did B gain? how much did G gain ? how much did they all gain ? 40 SUBTRACTION. SECTION III. SUBTEACTIOK 29. Subtraction is the process of finding the differ' ence between two numbers. 30. The Difference, or Remainder, is the number of units more in the greater than in the less. 31. The Minuend is the number from which we sub- tract. The Subtrahend is the number to be subtracted. 32. The sign of Subtraction is — , and is read minus. It denotes that the number after the sign is to be sub- tracted from the one before it. Case I. 33. To subtract when no figure of the subtrahend expresses more units than its figure in the minu- end. 34. CLASS I.— When the subtrahend is one figure. 1. Subtract 4 from 9. Solution. — We write the 4 under the 9 and Bay, 4 units from 9 units leave 5 units, which w; write beneath. OPERATION. 9 5 Ana. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE- (2) (3) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) 5 7 5 6 8 7 2 3 3 2 5 5 (8) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) W 8 7 6 9 8 9 3 4 3 6 2 7 SUBTRACTION. 41 14. Subtract 3 from 9; 6 from 17; 7 from 19 ; 8 from 19. 15. Subtract 2 from 14; 4 from 9; 8 from 18; 6 from 19. 16. Subtract 7 from 18; 5 from 17; 6 from 18; 5 from 16. 17. Subtract 8 from 19; 5 from 16; 9 from 19; 4 from 17. 35. CLASS II— When each term is two or more figures. 1. Subtract 24 from 67. Solution — We write the 24 under the 67, units under units, and tens under tens, and commence at the right to subtract. 4 units from 7 units leave 3 units, 2 tens from 6 tens leave 4 tens; hence the remainder is 4 tens and 3 units, or forty-three. OPERATION. 67 24 43 Ans. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) 58 86 72 53 46 76 35 24 41 22 15 24 (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) 49 67 85 97 86 99 27 26 52 25 73 25 (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (18.) (19.) 625 456 763 617 767 896 312 215 512 215 123 432 (20.) (21.) (22.) (23.) (24.) (25. J 872 725 857 907 840 876 161 413 654 205 320 345 4* 42 SUBTRACTION. (26.) (27.) (28.) (29.) (30. j (31.) 279 807 796 736 967 875 136 502 452 432 234 345 (32.) (33.) (34.) (35.) (36.) (37.) 8763 9076 3769 5076 4872 7659 4321 4054 1546 3075 2342 3237 (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) (42.) (43.) 8769 4876 8275 8799 8591 6857 3257 2142 3251 2542 7230 1234 (44. J (45.) (46.) (47.) (48) 82345 57596 72578 27397 67385 22121 21321 41362 22315 24123 (49.) (50.) (51.) (52.) (53.) 57897 67858 87578 96754 81296 21472 32721 21335 21423 20135 ■ (54.) (55.) (56.) (57.) (58.) 253786 472589 87695 56728 98785 213123 212423 23542 21306 21342 (59.) (60.) (61) (62.) (63.) 373967 873972 72587 95837 89976 212851 132421 51234 51321 32742 Subtract 64. 314 from 678. 65. 425 from 658. 66. 561 from 789. 67. 254 from 576. 18. 437 from 869. Subtract 69. 1235 from 376$. 70. 3726 from 4969. 71. 2532 from 8748. 72. 4720 from 87856. 73. 12345 from 68799. SUBTRACTION. 43 Case II. 36. To subtract when a figure in tlie subtrahend expresses more than the corresponding figure in the minuend. 37. CLASS I.— When the subtrahend is one figure. 1. Subtract 8 from 12. operation. Solution. — We write the 8 under the 12 ; then 12 8 from twelve is four. 8 4 Ans. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (20 12 (3.) 12 (4.) 13 (5.) 14 (6.) 10 11 (8.) 10 (9.) 13 9 7 8 6 6 7 8 9 4 (10.) 15 (11.) 15 (12.) 16 (13.) 13 (14.) 16 (15.) 17 (16.) 16 (17.) 14 7 8 9 7 8 9 6 5 (18.) 10 (19.) 17 (20.) 13 (21.) 11 (22.) 10 (23.) 19 (24.) 14 (25.) 16 3 G 5 4 2 9 8 7 3S. CLASS II.— When each term is tivo or mors figures. 1. Subtract 45 from 82. Solution 1. — We write the 45 under 82, operation. placing units under units, and tens under tens, 82 and commence at the right to subtract. We can- 45 not subtract 5 units from 2 units; we will there- _ . fore take 1 ten from the 8 tens, leaving 7 tens; 1 ten equals 10 units, which added to 2 units equals 12 units; 5 units from 12 units leave 7 units; 4 tens from 7 tens leave 3 tens; hence, the remainder is 37. Solution 2. — We cannot take 5 units from 2 units; we will there- fore add 10 units to the 2 units, making 12 units; 5 units from 13 44 SUBTRACTION. units leave 7 units. Now, since we have added 10 units, or 1 ten, to the minuend, our remainder will be 1 ten too large; hence, we must add 1 ten to the subtrahend; 1 ten and 4 tens are 5 tens, 5 tens from 8 tens leave 8 tens. Note. — In practice we solve thus; 5 from 2 we cannot take, but 5 from 12 leaves 7, 4 and 1 are 5, and 5 from 8 leaves 3. 39. From the preceding explanations we have the following general rule. Eule. — 1. Write the smaller number under the larger, with units under units, tens under tens, etc., and commence at the right to subtract. 2. Take the number denoted by each figure of the subtra- hbnd from the number denoted by the corresponding figure of the minuend, and write the result beneath. 3. If the number denoted by a figure in the subtrahend is greater than the number denoted by the corresponding figure in the minuend, add 10 to the latter and then subtract, and add 1 to the next left-hand place in the subtrahend. 40. Proof. — Add cne remainder to the subtrahend ; the sum will equal the minuend if the work is correct. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) 73 64 32 41 53 62 25 27 14 26 28 28 (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) 75 31 57 63 87 95 26 18 29 45 28 59 (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (18.) (19.) 87 75 63 77 87 94 39 38 25 48 59 49 (20.) (21.) (22.) (23.) (24.) (25.) 72 84 70 81 90 97 27 48 17 18 39 79 (26.) 342 (27.) 573 (28.) 692 (29.) 545 (30.) 826 (81.) 357 124 245 457 328 252 183 (32.) 573 (33.) 748 (34.) 835 (35.) 968 (36.) 839 (37.) 538 248 375 573 675 584 394 (38.) 659 (39.) 839 (40.) 547 (41.) 658 (42.) 735 (43.) 848 475 583 284 372 373 539 (44.) 524 (45.) 752 (46.) 845 (47.) 307 (48.) 456 (49.) 450 356 387 579 138 387 382 (50.) 854 (61.) 943 (52.) 607 (53.) 500 (54.) 704 (55.) 403 396 765 309 325 507 285 (56.) 726 (57.) 857 (58.) 735 (59.) 792 (60.) 807 (61.) 650 387 389 558 295 328 357 (62.) 3876 (63.) 6385 (64.) 6735 (65.) 4076 (66.) 4070 (67.) 4135 2379 3527 2547 3128 2137 1216 (68.) 8672 (89.) 5283 (70.) 8175 (71.) 2534 (72.) 6735 (73.) 7219 3728 2426 2836 1235 5376 1972 (74.) 8522 (75.) 7135 (76.) 6347 (77.) 8135 (78.) 7345 (79.) 4372 6243 1872 2503 £453 2876 2583 (80.) 35672 (81.) 43763 (82.) 87253 (83.) 73875 (84.) 63527 (86.) 53413 23828 24235 34365 38376 14238 28401 45 46 SUBTRACTION. (86.) 73285 (87.) 20307 (88.) 87004 (89.) 76500 (90.) 20500 (91.) 37201 43836 15231 34523 43654 37254 23534 (92.) 83030 (93.) 90304 (94.) 50310 (95.) 60204 (96.) 70000 (97.) 100000 76513 40372 30311 30205 32463 1 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. Mary had 25 roses and gave Sarah 12 of them; how many did Mary then have ? OPERATION. 25 12 13 Ans. Solution. — If Mary had 25 roses and gave Sarah 12 of them, Mary then had the difference between 25 roses and 12 roses, which is 13 roses. Note. — Quite young pupils may say, Mar} 7 then had the difference between 25 roses and 12 roses, which is 13 roses. 2. Willie had 34 cents and gave James 18 cents; how many cents did Willie then have? 3. A little girl had 54 pins and gave her cousin 27 of them- how many did she have remaining? 4. Fifty little robins were sitting on a tree, and 23 of them flew away j how many were then left ? 5. There were 96 peaches on an old peach-tree, and a gust of wind blew 37 of them off; how many then re- mained on the tree ? 6. Henry's top and ball cost 120 cents; how much did the top cost, if the ball cost 75 cents ? 7. Emma's doll and its little cradle cost 320 cents, and the doll cost 95 cents ; how much did the cradle cost ? 8. There were 87 roses on two rose-bushes; how many roses were there on the second bush, if there were 39 roses on the first bush ? 9. A little girl read 324 words in two days ; if she read 146 words one day, how many did she read the other day ? SUBTRACTION. 47 10. Edward and Mary together took 1434 steps in going to school; how many steps did Mary take, if Edward took 692 steps ? 11. Minnie had 372 cents in her money-bank, and took out 164 cents to give to a little beggar-girl j how many cents remained ? 12. Andrew's kite arose 494 feet, and this was 58 feet higher than Peter's kite went ; how high did Peter's kite fly ? 13. Charlie wrote 724 words in two weeks; he wrote 346 words the first week; how many words did ho write the second week ? 14. Mary's new reader contains 76 pictures, and Fanny's contains 92 pictures; how many does Fanny's contain more than Mary's ? 15. Two little girls picked 74 quarts of blackberries one summer; if one picked 37 quarts, how many quarts did the other pick ? 16. Thomas said he counted 283 crows in his father's cornfield ; he threw a stone and scared 126 away ; how many then remained ? 17. Floy and Eugie together took 3000 steps one day ; if Floy took 1786 steps, how many steps did Eugie take ? 18. Effie and Eddie counted their chestnuts and found they together had 1232 ; now, if Eddie had 675, how many had Effie ? 19. Mary's mother bought her an arithmetic and slate for 125 cents ; if the slate cost 45 cents, what did the arithmetic cost ? 20. Herbert's father bought him a cap and coat for 850 cents; he paid 125 cents for the cap; how much did he pay for the coat ? 21. Mr. Xelson's horse and carnage cost four hundred dollars ; what did the horse cost, if the carriage cost two hundred and twenty-five dollars ? iS SUBTRACTION. 22. Two little girls picked seventy-four quarts of blackberries one summer; if one picked thirty-seven quarts, how many quarts did the other pick? 23. Mr. Barton raised two thousand bushels of wheat and rye ; how much rye did he raise, if he raised five hundred and sixty-five bushels of wheat ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. A man had 78 cows and sold 24 of them; how many cows remained ? Solution. — If a man had 78 cows and sold operation. 24, there remained the difference between 78 78 and 24, which we find by subtracting is 54. 24 Note. — Quite young pupils may merely say, there 54 Ans. remains the difference between 78 and 24,which is 54. 2. A boy had 150 cents and spent 75 cents; how many cents then remained ? 3. A man had 325 apples and sold 180 apples ; how many had he then ? 4. Henry had 1735 dollars, lent his brother 854 dol- lars ; how man}'' dollars remained ? •5. A bought 570 horses and sold 295 of them; how many remained unsold ? 6. A and B together had 7256 acres of land; how many had B if A had 3627 ? 7. Two men have 8570 bushels of grain, and the first has 2846 bushels ; how many has the second ? 8. Washington was born 1732 and died 1799; how old was he at his death ? 9. John Adams was born 1735 and died 1826; how old was he at his death ? 10 Jefferson was born 1743 and died 1826; how old was he at his death ? 11. Madison was born 1758 and died 1836; how old was he at his death 1 SUBTRACTION. 49 12. Monroe was born 1758 and died 1831 j how old was he at his death ? 13. John Quincy Adams was born 1767 and died 1848; now old was he at his death ? 14. Jackson was born 1767 and died 1845; how old was he at his death ? 15. A has 5480 bushels of oats, which is 975 bushels more than B has ; how many bushels has B ? 16. In an army of 50000 men 628 were killed and 2596 wounded; how many remained unhurt? 17. A farmer had 234 hens and bought 367, and then sold 489 ; how many then remained. 18. A merchant sold goods to the amount of 7580 dollars and gained 1396 dollars; what did the goods cost? 19. A and B have each 1840 acres of land ; A sells B 895 acres ; how many has each then ? 20. A farmer has 1346 sheep and 849 lambs; how many more sheep has he than lambs ? 21. Mary and Eliza have each 789 cents; if Eliza gives Mary 247 cents, how many will each then have ? 22. Subtract six hundred and seventy-eight from nine hundred and four. 23. Add seven hundred and fifteen to five hundred and seventy-three, and subtract the sum from two thousand. 24. Find the sum of one thousand and ninety-six and five hundred and forty-five, and subtract it from three thousand. 25. Frank solved four hundred and sixteen problems, and Fanny solved five hundred and three problems; how many did Fanny solve more than Frank ? 26. A farmer had 2346 bushels of wheat ; he sold one man 687 bushels and another man 1560 bushels; how many bushels did he sell ? how many remained ? 5 50 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Addition and Subtraction. 1. If I have 75 cents in my money -bank, and my uncle puts in 26 cents, how much will be in it then ? 2. If Willie reads 125 words this week and 187 words next week, how many words will he read in all ? 3. My father had 236 little chickens, and a mink killed 48 of them ; how many remained ? 4. If I have 438 dollars and give my sister 246 dol- lars, how much will I have remaining? 5. Mary's father had 360 acres of land and sold 125 acres ; how many acres did he then have ? 6. Peter had 467 dollars and lent his brother 185 dol- lars ; how much did he then have ? 7. I have 365 cents in my money-bank ; how many must I put in that there may be 400 cents in it ? 8. Sallie had 72 cents and her brother gave her enough to make her money 134 cents ; how much did her brother give her ? 9. Carrie's brother teased her because she couldn't tell how many she must add to 245 to make 400 ; can you tell ? 10. Matilda had 120 cents, her mother gave her 236 cents, and then she lent her brother 248 cents ; how many cents did she then have ? 11. Fannie picked 236 chestnuts, her little brother gave her 78 chestnuts, and she gave 95 to her school- mates ; how many chestnuts remained ? 12. Mary cried because she couldn't tell her teacher how many she must add to 367 to make 500 ; tell me how many it is. 13. One morning in going to school I took 726 steps ; how many more would I have taken if I had taken 1000 in all ? 14. My kite was up in the air 436 feet, it then fell 185 feet, and then arose 260 feet ; how high was it then ? BUSINESS PROBLEMS. 51 BUSINESS PROBLEMS. 1. I went to a store mid bought a book for 87 cents and a slate for 35 cents ; what did I pay for both of them ? 2. My mother took me to a store and bought me a top for 15 cents, a cap for 75 cents, and a knife for 45 cents ; what did they all cost ? 3. William's slate cost 26 cents, his arithmetic 55 cents, his reading-book 48 cents, and his spelling-book 37 cents ; what did they all cost ? 4. I went to a store and bought a knife for 56 cents and gave the storekeeper a dollar bill (100 cents) to pay for it ; how much change did he give me back ? 5. Mary bought a flower-vase for 375 cents, and handed the storekeeper a five-dollar bill (500 cents) to pay for it ; how much change should she have received ? 6. Mr. Barnes paid 75 dollars for his watch, and sold it so that he gained 12 dollars ; what did he receive for it ? 7. Martha's new shawl cost 875 cents ; if she should sell it so as to gain 125 cents, what would she receive for it ? 8. Mr. Taylor's new house cost him 3675 dollars, and he sold it for 565 dollars more than it cost him ; what did he receive for it ? 9. My father bought a cow for 38 dollars and sold her for 52 dollars; how much did he gain on the cow ? 10. Robert Stewart had a coat which cost him 45 dol- lars ; he sold it to Edward Taylor for 37 dollars ; how much did he lose ? 11. Harry Hartman sold his watch for 67 dollars and lost by the sale 15 dollars ; what did the watch cost him ? 12. Mary's papa gave her a 5 dollar bill to go a shop- ping; she bought a fan for 75 cents, somo silk for 165 cents, and a pair of gloves for 125 cents; how much change did she bring home ? 32 SUBTRACTION, PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Addition and Subtraction. 1. What is the value of 675 + 432 + 285 + 672? 2. What is the value of 362 + 486 + 721 — 367 ? 3. What is the value of 473 + 325 + 604—1206? 4. What is the value of 3072 + 4861 + 2075 — 6785? 5. Subtract 1678 from the sum. of 985 and 863. 6. Subtract the sum of 265 and 381 from the sum of 281 and 678. 7. Subtract 218 + 318 + 418 from 379 + 279+479. 8. A having 475 dollars earned 220 dollars and then spent 567 ; how much remained ? 9. Newspapers were first published in 1630; how long have they been published ? 10. Quills were first used for writing about the year 636; how long is it since? 11. Cotton was first planted in the United States about the year 1769 j how many years since ? 12. Glass windows, it is said, were first used in Eng- land in 1180 ; how long is it since then ? 13. A sold his farm for 12450 dollars, which was 1680 dollars more than it cost; howjnuch did it cost? 14. A gave 6500 dollars for his farm and 2560 dollars for his house, and sold them for 12000; what was the gain ? 15. A farmer had 5600 bushels of corn, and sol'd 1850 bushels to A and 2810 to B ; how much remained? 16. The area of Maine is 30000 square miles, and of New York 46000 ; how much larger is New York than Maine ? 17. The area of Massachusetts is 7800 square miles, and of Pennsylvania 46000 square miles ; how much larger is Pennsylvania than Massachusetts ? 18. How much larger are Pennsylvania and Maine together than New York and Massachusetts together? MULTIPLICATION. 53 MULTIPLICATION. 41. Multiplication is the process of finding the re- sult of taking one number as many times as there aro units in another. . 42. The Multiplicand is the number to be multiplied. 43. The Multiplier is the number by which we multiply. 44. The Product is the result obtained. 44£. The sign of Multiplication is X > and is read multiplied by: thus, 4 X 3 = 12 means 4 multiplied by 3 equals 12. The 4 is the multiplicand, 3 is the multiplier, and 12 is the product. Note to Teachers. — If the pupils are not familiar with the Mul- tiplication Table, let them now turn to page 20 and learn it. Case I. 45. When the multiplier is one figure. CLASS I. — When no product exceeds nine, 1. Multiply 34 by 2. Solution. — We write the multiplier under the operation. multiplicand, and begin at the right to multiply. 34 2 times 4 ufcits are 8 units; we write the 8 units 2 in units' place. 2 times 3 tens are 6 tens ; we qq Ans. write the 6 tens in tens' place. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) 32 24 14 41 2 2 2 2 (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) 21 12 23 32 3 3 3 3 40. CLvdSS II— When some of the products ex- ceed nine. 1. Multiply 56 by 4. 5* 51 MULTIPLICATION. Solution 1. — We write the multiplier under operation. the multiplicand and begin at the right to multi- 56 ply. 4 times 6 units are 24 units, which equal 4 _4 units and 2 tens. We write the 4 units in units £24 Ans. place, and reserve the 2 tens to add to the next product. 4 times 5 tens are 20 tens, plus the 2 tens equal 22 tens, which equal 2 tens and 2 hundreds, which we write in their proper places. Hence the product is 224. Solution 2. — 4 times 6 are 24; we write the 4 and add the 2 to the next product. 4 times 5 are 20, and 2 added equal 22 ; hence the product is 224. From this we have the following Eule. — Write the multiplier under the multiplicand, draw a line beneath, begin at units, and multiply the num- her denoted by each figure of the multiplicand by the multi- plier, carrying as in addition. (2-) 25 (3.) 36 (4.) 47 (5.) 73 (6.) 28 3 2 3 2 4 63 (8.) 75 (9.) 36 (10.) 27 (11.) 43 5 4 5 6 5 — — — — — ■ (12.) 75 2 (13.) 86 3 (14.) 92 4 (15.) 76 5 (16.) ,84 6 (17.) 73 (18.) 47 (19.) 76 (20.) 85 (21.) 73 5 6 7 8 8 — — — — ■ (22.) 234 (23.) 425 (24.) 673 (25.) 723 (26.) 351 3 4 5 6 7 (27.) 425 (28.) 314 (29.) 421 (30.) 636 (31.) 854 6 7 8 7 3 MULTIPLICATION. (32.) (33.) (34.) (35.) (36.) 256 375 873 358 725 4 6 7 8 7 (37.) (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) 581 809 394 908 765 7 8 6 9 8 Multiply 42 3124 by 4. 43. 2856 by 5. 44. 7863 by 6. 45. 2185 by 7. 46. 4182 by 8. 47. 3075 by 8. 48. 4107 by 9. 49. 7685 by 6. Multiply 50. 13257 by 2. 51. 36072 by 3. 52. 85761 by 4. 53. 35167 by 5. 54. 84307 by 6. 55. 30754 by 7. 56. 21836 by 8. 57. 35168 by 9. Case II. 47. Wlien the multiplier consists of two or more figures. 4S. CLASS L— When the multiplier consists of two jig ures. 1. Multiply 64 by 23. Solution 1. — We write the multiplier under the multiplicand, placing units under units, and tens under tens, and begin at the right to mul- tiply. 3 times 4 units are 12 units, which equals 1 ten and 2 units ; we write the units under the 3, and reserve the 1 ten to add to the next pro- duct. 3 times 6 tens are 18 tens, and 1 ten added equals 19 tens, or 1 hundred and 9 tens, which we write in their proper places. Multiplying 64 by 2 in the same manner, we have 128, and since the 2 is 2 tens we have 128 tens, which we write m its proper place ; then, adding the two products, we have 1472. Solution 2.— Three times 4 are 12; we write the 2 and carry the OPERATION. 64 23 192 128 147li Ans. 56 MULTIPLICATION. 1 : three times 6 are 18, plus the 1 equals 19 ; which we write. Then, 2 times 4 are 8, which we write uuder the 2, and 2 times 6 are 12, which we write beside the 8. Bule. — 1. Write the multiplier under the multiplicand, placing units under units, tens under tens etc., and begin at the right to multiply. 2. Multiply the multiplicand by the number denoted by each figure of the multiplier-, writing the first figure of each product under the figure of the multiplier used. 3. Add togethej the partial products, and their sum will be the entire product. Proof. — Multiply the multiplier by the multiplicand ; if the two results ag*'ee, the work is probably correct (2.) 38 (3.) 43 73 (5.) 81 (6.) 29 ( 7 -.) 57 23 24 35 67 82 75 (8.) 87 (9.) 39 (10.) 87 (11.) 29 (12.) 123 (13.) 245 28 43 52 92 37 32 (14.) 436 (15.) 534 (16.) 427 (17.) 426 (18.) 534 (19.) 672 43 43 35 43 45 46 (20.) 725 (21.) 634 (22.) 807 (23.) 475 (24.) 709 (25.) 493 42 47 37 54 88 82 (26.) 756 (27.) 762 (28.) 675 (29.) 467 (30.) 762 (31.) 812 93 48 39 37 62 45 MULTIPLICATION. 57 (32.) (33.) (34.) (35.) (36.) (37.) 1234 2341 6724 6357 7138 2536 28 35 42 35 52 25 (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) (42.) (43.) 6347 8192 4736 4825 3121 4073 46 73 63 72 37 46 Multiply Multiply 44. 6538 by 83. 49. 4175 by 28. 45. 7384 by 45. 50. 7186 by 85. 46. 2185 by 67. 51. 8391 by 94. 47. 3407 by 82. 52. 2187 by 89. 48. 3584 by 46. 53. 6543 by 98. 49. CLASS II.— When the multiplier consists of three figures. (1.) 4126 (2-) 5731 (3.) 7351 (4) 1375 (5.) 5379 234 243 432 342 423 (6.) 6725 (7.) 2183 (8.) 7321 (9.) 8193 (10.) 2147 345 544 265 4/o 813 (11.) 2143 (12.) 8192 (13.) 2435 (14.) 4167 (15.) 8246 227 426 146 245 642 (16.) 7346 (17.) 7516 (18.) 8927 (19.) 4928 (20.) 2076 643 571 352 816 437 r>8 MULTIPLICATION. (21.) (22.) (23.) (24.) (25.) 4752 7385 8492 2937 6473 185 218 537 439 567 Multiply Multiply 26. 14651 by 283. 35. 28352 by 345. 27, 31251 by 625. 36. 41678 by 287. 28. 36782 by 234. 37. 34073 by 435. 29. 43678 by 452. 38. 40735 by 628. 30. 36507 by 634. 39. 29304 by 789. 31. 40725 by 365. 40. 90705 by 897. 32. 32107 by 681. 41. 43445 by 678. 33. 25697 by 329. 42. 37436 by 835. 34. 42046 by 456. 43. 88888 by 789. 50. CLASS III.— When the multiplier consists of more than three figures. 4137 (2.) 3642 (3.) 6724 (4-) 4183 (5.) 3645 (6.) 4526 2185 2531 3625 2426 2841 2182 3482 (8.) 2846 (9.) 3707 (10.) 4172 (11.) 2882 (12.) 8567 2534 2528 2851 2174 2773 3178 (13.) 5185 (14.) 9187 (15.) 4785 (16.) 8197 (17.) 4376 (18.) 8765 8763 2567 7372 1846 5273 5678 Multiply 19. 28751 by 3146. 20. 17346 by 2435. 21. 21307 by 3147. 22. 85276 by 3452. Multiply 23. 72509 by 3167. 24. 85216 by 2431. 25. 73519 by 4735. 26. 81897 by 3456. MULTIPLICATION. 59 Multiply Multiply 27. 21346 by 31452. 31. 10786 by 31672. 28. 47309 by 45233. 32. 47396 by 73462. 29. 25737 by 63252. 33. 76448 by 54173. 30. 43629 by 28516. 34. 28354 by 31867. 51. CLASS IV.— When one or both terms con- tain ciphers. 1. Multiply 5721 by 3006- also, 37000 by 2400. OPERATION. 5721 3006 OPERATION. 37000 2400 34326 17163 17197326 148 74 88800000 Note. — In the first example, pass over the naughts, placing the right- hand figure of the product by 3 directly under the 3. In the second problem, we multiply by the significant figures, and then annex the naughts to the product. Multiply Multiply 2. 3678 by 204. 11. 4500 by 2800. 3. 4107 by 307. 12. 67000 by 450. 4. 4178 by 1005. 13. 96000 by 2800. 5. 8675 by 3007. 14. 87000 by 4800. 6. 7276 by 6008. 15. 73500 by 32000. 7. 4136 by 2305. 16. 86700 by 47200. 8. 8449 by 3046. 17. 32800 by 346000. 9. 4592 by 5607. 18. 70900 by 407100. to 8124 by 4801. 19. 85900 by 1030600 rO. Multiply four thousand six hundred and ten by seven thousand and fort}-. 60 .MULTIPLICATION. EXAMPLES IN MULTIPLICATION. 1. If one orange cost 8 cents, what will 7 oranges cost at the same rate ? OPERATION. Solution. — If one orange cost 8 cents, 7 8 oranges will cost 7 times 8 cents, which are 56 7 cents. 5 6 Ans . 2. If one pig cost 7 dollars, what will 6 pigs cost at the same rate ? 3. If a yard of muslin cost 37 cents, what will 8 yards cost at the same rate ? 4. If a boy writes 36 words in a day, how many will he write in 13 days ? 5. What must I pay for 15 cows, if I pay 28 dollars for each cow ? 6. If Henry takes 42 steps in a minute, how many steps will he take in 15 minutes ? 7. If a car runs 25 miles in an hour, how far will it run in 12 hours ? . 8. If a boy learns 14 new words each clay, how many will he learn in 11 days ? 9. Mary has 14 rose-bushes in her garden, and on each bush there are 26 roses ; how many roses on all ? 10. How much must I pay for 16 pounds of tea, at the rate of 78 cents a pound? 11. What are nine loads of hay worth, at the rate of 23 dollars a load ? 12. If one cord of wood is worth six dollars, how much are 18 cords of wood worth ? 13. How many marbles will 7 boys have, if each boy has 12 marbles ? 14. At the rate of 45 miles a day, how far will a per- son travel in 23 days ? 15 If Henry can count 65 m a minute, how taany can he count in 26 minutes ? MULTIPLICATION. 61 PRACTICAL EXAMPLES in Multiplication. 1. What cost 24 horses at 245 dollars each ? Solution. — If one "horse cost 245 dollars, 24 horses cost 24 times 245 dollars, which by multiplying we find to be 5880 dollars. 2. If a boat sails 246 miles in one day, how far will it sail in 26 days? 3. If in one book there are 364 pages, how many pages in 18 such books ? 4. In one barrel of flour there are 196 pounds ; how many pounds in 25 barrels of flour ? 5. How much will 42 horses cost, at the rate of 150 dollars apiece ? 6. If an acre of land is worth 218 dollars, how much will 76 acres cost ? 7. If in an orchard there are 32 rows of trees with 46 trees in a row, how many trees in all ? 8. A man bought 326 horses and 36 times as many sheep ; how many sheep did he buy ? 9. What cost 125 yards of cloth at the rate of 325 cents a yard ? 10. How much will 236 bushels of wheat cost, at 175 cents a bushel? 11. There are 1760 yards in one mile; how many yards in 12 miles ? 12. There are 5280 feet in a mile; how many feet in 18 miles? 13. There are 660 feet in one furlong ; how many feet in 26 furlongs? 14. There are 5760 grains in one pound Troy ; how many grains in 137 pounds ? 15. There are 256 drams in an ounce ; how many drams in 420 ounces ? 16. There are 198 inches in one rod; how manv inches in 76 rods ? (52 MULTIPLICATION. 17. There are 1728 pins in a great gross ; how many pins in 256 great gross ? 18. There are 231 cubic inches in a wine gallon ; how many inches in 48 wine gallons ? 19. There are 281 cubic inches in a beer gallon; how many cubic inches in 345 beer gallons ? 20. There are 4840 square yards in one acre ; how many square yards in 365 acres ? 21. There are 5280 feet in a mile ; how many feet in 156 miles ? 22. There are 63360 inches in a mile; how many inches in 640 miles ? 23. There are 5280 feet in a mile; how many feet in the diameter of the earth, if it is 7912 miles ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Multiplication. 1. How much cost 75 barrels of flour, at 7 dollars a barrel ? OPERATION. 75 Solution. — If 1 barrel cost 7 dollars, 75 barrels - will cost 75 times 7 dollars, which are 525 dollars. — - 525 Ans. Note. — In practice, we multiply the 75 by 7, since it is more con- venient to use the smaller number as the multiplier. 2. How much will 436 bushels of potatoes cost, at 48 cents a bushel ? 3. How much will 847 bushels of corn cost, at 56 cents a bushel ? 4. How much will 936 yards of muslin cost, at 37 cents a yard ? 5. A drover bought 4896 pigs, at 9 dollars each ; what did they cost ? 6. How much will 3686 grammars cost, at 54 cents apiece ? 7. At 6 cents a quart, what will 3678 quarts of milk cost ? 9876 quarts ? MULTIPLICATION. 63 8. There are 60 seconds in one minute ; how many seconds in 6725 minutes? In 9360 minutes? 9. If 27 men do a piece of work in 48 days, how long will it take one man to do it? 10. If 145 men do a piece of work in 246 days, how long at this rate would it take one man ? 11. If 29 men build a fence in 276 days, how long would it take one man to do it? 12. If 200 acres of corn can be hoed by 157 boys in 19 days, how long would it take one boy ? 13. If 35S men cut 700 cords of wood in 179 days, how Ionic would it take one man to do it ? 14. There are 16536 letters in a book ; how many letters in 496 of the same books ? 15. If sound moves 1120 feet in one second, how far ^vill it move in 9872 seconds? 16. If the earth moves in its orbit 1640000 miles in a day, how many miles does it move in 305 days ? 17. The moon is 240000 miles from the earth, and the sun about 396 times as far ; how far is the sun from the earth ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication. (Quite young pupils may omit these until review.) 1. A has 245 acres of land, and B has 3 times as much ; how many acres has B ? how many acres have both ? 2. One farmer has 476 hens, and another farmer has 5 times as many, minus 392 hens j how many has the second farmer ? 3. One ship sailed 1248 miles, and another sailed 8 times as far, lacking 697 miles ; how many miles did the second ship sail ? 4. A has 485 dollars, and B has 692 dollars; how 64 MULTIPLICATION. much money have they both ? how much has C, if he has 7 times as much as both ? 5. Mr. Shank has 6450 bushels of corn, and Mr. Frantz has 16 times as much, minus 24986 bushels ; how many bushels has Mr. Frantz ? 6. A has 456 dollars, B has 759 dollars, and C has 25 times as much as both, minus 8965 dollars ; how many dollars have A and B ? how many has C ? 7. A man sold 24 cows at 35 dollars each, and 17 horses at 275 dollars each ; what did he receive for his cows ? for his horses ? for all ? 8. A man sold his house for 4560 dollars, and 148 acres of land at 245 dollars an acre ; how much did he receive for his house and land ? 9. A bought 126 pigs at 8 dollars each, and B bought 97 sheep at 12 dollars each; which cost the most, and how much ? 10. B bought a house for 2960 dollars, and gave for it 98 cows at 24 dollars each, and the rest in money ; how much money did he pay ? 11. One army contains 4575 men, and another 36 times as many, lacking 1936 men ; how many men in the second army ? 12. Mr. Peters has 2461 gallons of coal oil, Mr. Martin has 1146 gallons, and Mr. Benson has 147 times as much as both ; how much has Mr. Benson ? 13. A farmer sold 129 cows at 37 dollars each, and re- ceived in payment 2000 dollars ; how much yet remains due ? 14. B sold 76 hens at 73 cents each, 96 turkeys at 324 cents each, and received in payment 24000 cents; how much remains due ? 15. A's barn cost 2485 dollars, his house cost 3 times as much, and his farm cost as much as both; what was the cost of the house ? what was the cost of the farm ? 16. A drover bought 36 horses at 145 dollars a head, DIVISION. 65 and 96 cows at 28 dollars a head j which cost the most, and how much? 17. A's book contains 248 pages, with 2850 letters on a page, and B's contains 325 pages, with 3465 letters on a page ; how many letters in A's book ? how many in B's ? 18. A man has 75 bags of apples, each bag containing 2 bushels j how much will he receive for them, at 125 cents a bushel ? 19. A farmer sold 25 firkins of butter, each firkin con- taining 126 pounds, and received for each pound 37 cents ; how much did he receive for it all ? DIVISION. 52 Division is the process of finding how many times one number is contained in another. 53. The Dividend is the number which contains the other. 54. The Divisor is the number contained in the dividend. 55. The Quotient is the number which shows how many times the dividend contains the divisor. 56. The sign of Division is -t-, and is read divided by. It shows that the number on the left is to be divided by the one on the right. 57. There are two methods of performing division called Short Division and Long Division. . Note to Teachers. — If the pupils .are not familiar with the ele- mentary quotients, let them turn to page 21 and learn them. SHORT DIVISION. 58. Sliort Division is the method of dividing wher the partial dividends are not written. 6* 06 SHORT DIVISION. Case I. 59. When tlie divisor is one figure. 1. How many times is 2 contained in 6 ? Solution 1. — We write the 6, draw a line be- operation. neath and a curve to the left, and place the 2 2)6 to the left of the curve. Two is contained in 6, 3 three times, since 3 times 2 are 6. We write the quotient 3 beneath the dividend. Solution 2. — Two is contained in 6 three times, with no remainder. (2-) 2)8 (3.) 3)6 2)4 (5.) 3)9 (6.) 4)8 (7.) 2)10 (8.) 2)12 (9.) 3)12 (10.) 2)14 (11.) 3)18 (12.) 2)20 (13.) 2)22 (14.) 2)24 (15.) 3)21 (16.) 3)27 (17.) 3)30 (18.) 3)36 (19.) 3)33 (20.) 4)16 (21.) 4)24 (22.) 4)28 (23.) 4)20 (24.) 4)36 (25.) 4)48 (26.) (27.) (28.) (29.) (30.) (31.) 5)15 5)25 5)35 5)20 5)40 5)55 (32.) (33.) (34.) (35.) (36.) (37.) 5)60 6)12 6)24 6)36 6)48 6)60 (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) (42.) (43.) 7)21 7)35 7)49 7)63 7)77 7)84 (44.) (45.) (46.) (47.) (48.) (49.) 8)16 8)64 8)56 8)40 8)72 8)96 (50.) (51.) (52.) (53.) (54.) (55.) 9)27 9)45 9)63 9)81 9)108 9)99 SHORT DIVISION. 67 Case I. 60. When the divisor is one figure and there arp no remainders. 1. Divide 46 by 2. Solution 1.— 2 is contained in 4 tens 2 tens operation. timeo. 2 is contained in 6 units 3 units times ; 2)46 hence the quotient is 23. 23 Solution 2. — 2 is contained in 4, 2 times ; 2 is contained in 6, 3 times. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) 2)42 2)48 2)26 2)64 2)84 2)86 (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) 2)82 3)36 3)69 3)96 3)90 3)39 (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (18.) (19.) 4)48 4)44 4)88 4)40 4)80 5)50 (20.) 2)428 (21.) 2)228 (22.) 2)848 (23.) 2)408 (24.) 3)369 (25.) 3)693 (26.) 3)906 (27.) 3)609 (28.) 3)930 (29.) 4)480 (30.) 4)804 (31.) 4)408 (32.) 3)669 (33.) 4)488 (34.) 2)880 (35.) 2)804 (36.) 3)906 (37.) 2)886 Case III. (38.) 2)468 (39.) 3)603 61. When the divisor is one figure i and there are remainders. 1. Divide 7 by 3. (58 SHORT DIVISION. Solution 1. — Three is contained in 7, 2 times, operation. which we write under the 7 ; and since 2 times 3 (7 3 are 6, and 7 is 1 more than 6, hence 3 is 2 «f- 1 contained in 7, 2 times, and 1 remaining, which we write after the 2 with the sign -j- before it. Solution 2. — 3 is contained in 7, 2 times. 2 times 3 are 6, 6 from 7 leaves 1 ; hence the quotient is 2, with a remainder of 1. (2.) (3.) (4-) (5.) (6.) (7-) 2)9 2)11 2)19 2)21 2)13 "2)25 (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) 3)5 3)11 3)8 3)14 3)17 3)23 (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (18.) (19.) 4)11 4)17 4)22 4)37 4)43 4)27 (20.) (21.) (22.) (23.) (24.) (25.) 5)12 5)19 5)28 5)38 5)47 5)58 (26.) (27.) (28.) (29.) (30.) (31.) 6)15 6)21 6)35 6)51 6)65 6)71 (32.) (33.) (34.) (35.) (36.) (37.) 7)23 7)29 7)38 7)46 7)58 7)80 (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) (42.) (43.) 8)23 8)19 8)28 8)36 8)47 8)93 (44.) (45.) (46.) (47.) (48.) (49.) 9)31 9)26 9)52 9)61 9)70 9)83 Case IV. 62. When the quotient contains several figures and there are successive remainders. 1. Divide 536 by 2. SHORT DIVISION. 69 Solution 1. — 2 is contained in 5 hundreds 2 hun- operation ireds times, with 1 hundred remaining; 1 hundred 2)536 equals 10 tens, which, with 3 tens, equal 13 tens; 2 o^g is contained in 13 tens 6 tens times, and 1 ten re- maining ; 1 ten equals 10 units, which, with 6 units, equal 16 units ; 2 is contained in 16 units 8 units times. Hence the quotient is 268. Solution 2. — 2 is contained in 5, 2 times, and 1 remaining; 2 is contained in 13, 6 times, and 1 remaining ; etc. Rule — 1. Write the divisor at the left of the dividend; begin at the left hand, and divide the number denoted by each figure of the dividend by the divisor, and write the quo- tient beneath. 2. If there is a remainder after any division, regard it as prefixed to the next figure, and divide as before. If any partial dividend is less than the divisor, prefix it to the next figure, and write a cipher in the quotient. 63. Proof. — Multiply the quotient by the divisor, and add the remainder, if any, to the product. (2-) 2)456 (3.) 2)736 (4.) 2)548 (5.) 2)374 (6.) 2)538 (70 3)735 (8.) 3)816 (9.) 3)522 (10.) 3)414 (11.) 3)738 (12.) 3)567 (13.) 3)513 (14.) 3)645 (15.) 3)765 (16) 3)825 (17.) 4)512 (18.) 4)624 (19.) 4)732 (20.) 4)576 (21.) 4^824 (22.) 4)736 (23.) 4)816 (24.) 4)972 (25.) 4)608 (26) 4)436 (27.) 5)615 (28.) 5)735 (29.) 5)645 (30.) 5)785 (31.) 5)840 (32.) 5)815 (33.) 5j935 (34.) 5)780 (85.) 5)765 (36.) 5)980 70 ► ] LONG DIVISION. (37.) (38.) (39.) (40.) (41.) 6)834 6)738 6)654 6)774 6)864 (42.) (43.) (44.) (45.) (46.) 6)1476 6)3336 6)2514 6)3654 6)7236 (47.) (48.) (49.) (50.) (51.) 7)2569 7)4732 7)8456 7)9359 7)9870 Divide Divide 52. 8256 by 8. 59. 72352 by 8. 53. 7656 by 8. 60. 23769 by 9. 54. 9576 by 8. 61. 73145 by 5. 55. 9874 by 9. 62. 5882597 by 7. 56. 9756 by 9. 63. 1101032 by 8. 57. 9387 by 9. 64. 21820708 by 4. 58. 92565 by 9. 65. 6328476 by 9. LONG DIVISION. 64. Long Division is the method of dividing when the partial dividends are written. Case I. 65. When the divisor and quotient are each one figure. OPERATION. 2)7(3 6 1. Divide 7 bv 2. Solution 1. — 2 is contained in 7 three times. We place ihe 3 at the right in the quotient, and multiply the divisor by it. 3 times 2 are 6, which we write under the 7. We then draw a line beneath, and sub- 1 tract, and have 1 remaining. Solution 2. — 2 is contained in 7, 3 times ; 3 times 2 are 6 ; 6 from 7 leaves 1 ; hence the quotient is 3, and 1 remaining. (2) (3.) (*•) (5.) (6.; (?■) 2)5( 2)9( 2)10( 2)12( 2)15( 2)18( long : DIVISION 71 (8.) 2)13( (9-) 2)11( (10.) 3)6( (11.) 3)9( (12.) 3)8( (13.) 3)12( (14.) 8)18( (15.) 3)21( (16.) 3)17( (17.) 3)19( (18.) 3)23( (19.) 3)27( (20.) 4)8( (21.) 4)12( (22.) 4)20( (23.) 4)28( (24) 4)30( (25) 4)10( (26.) 4)13( (27.) 4)23( (28.) 4)27( (29.) 5)10( (30.) 4)20( (31.) 5)25( (32.) 6)45( (33.) 5)25( (34.) 5)27( (35.) 5)38( (36.) 5)43( (37.) 5)47( (38.) 6)12( (39.) 6)24( (40.) 6)34( (41.) 6)50( (42.) 6)59( (43.) 6j59( (44.) 7)28( (45.) 7)49( (46.) 7)50( (47.) 7)60( (48.) 7)48( (49.) 7)57( (50.) 8)24( (51.) 8)37( (52.) 8)70( (53.) 8)69( (54.) 8)59( (55.) 8)76( (56.) 9)27( (57.) 9)63( (58.) 9)57( (59.) 9)70( (60.) 9)76( (61.) 9)89( Case II. 66. When the divisor is one figure and the qno< tient is several figures. 1. Divide 867 by 3. Solution 1. — 3 is contained in 8 hundreds 2 operation. hundreds times. 2 hundreds times 3 equal 6 3)867(289 hundreds. 6 hundreds from 8 hundreds leave 2 6 hundreds. 2 hundreds ami 6 tens are 26 tens. oq 3 is contained in 26 tens 8 tens times. 8 tens 24 times 3 are 24 tens. 24 tens from 26 tens leave ~~^~ 2 tens. 2 tens and 7 units are 27 units. 3 is 27 contained in 27 units 9 times. 9 times 3 are 27. Subtracting, nothing remains. Hence, the quotient is 287. 72 LONG DIVISION. Solution 2. — 3 is contained in 8, 2 times ; 2 times 3 are 6 ; 6 from 8 leaves 2. Bring down the 6, and we have 26. 3 is contained in 26, 8 times; 8 times 3 are 24 ; 24 from 26 leaves 2. Bring down the 7. and we have 27. 3 is contained in 27, 9 times ; 9 times 3 are 27, etc. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) 2)36(/ 2)58( 2)54( 2)92( 2)97( (7-) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) 3)576( 3)465( 3)723( 3)873( 3)675( (12.) (13.) (14.) (15.) (16.) 4)852( 4)764( 4)932( 4)576( 4)748( (17.) (18.) (19.) (20.) (21.) 5)735( 5)850( 5)975( 5)745( 5)835( (22.) (23.) (24.) (25.) (26.) 6)732( 6)846( 6)924( 6)972( 6)834( (27.) (28.) (29.) (30.) (31.) 7)784( 7)798( 7)833( 7)966( 7)959( (32.) (33.) (34.) (35.) (36.) 8)896( 8)936(' 8)9440 8)976( ! n 8)992( Divide Divide 37. 37596 by 2. 46. 46542 by 3. 38. 57672 by 3. 47. 785641 by 6. 39. 78908 by 4. 48. 218030 by 8. 40. 93546 by 6. 49. 51600 by 4. 41. 73455 by 5. 50. 84507 by 7. 42. 75448 by 8. 51. 61243 by 2. 43. 45794 by 7. 52. 47065 by 5. 44. 36783 by 9. 53. 31696 by 6. 45. 487652 by 7. 54. 20040 by 9. LONG DIVISION. 73 Case III. 67. Wlien the divisor is two or more figures. 1. Divide 442 by 13. Solution. — 13 is contained in 44 tens 3 tens operation. times:, 3 tens times 13 equal 39 tens; 39 tens 13)442(34 from 44 tens leave 5 tens, and bringing down 39 the 2 units we have 52 units. 13 is contained in 52 52 units 4 times. 4 times 13 are 52 ; subtract- 52 ing, nothing remains. Hence the quotient is 34. Note. — With young pupils, abbreviate the explanation, as in the previous solutions. Eule. — 1. Divide the number expressed by the least num- ber of figures on the left that will contain the divisor, and place the quotient on the right. 2. Multiply the divisor by this quotient ; write the product under the partial dividend, and subtract, and to the re- mainder annex the next figure of the dividend. 3. Divide as before until all the figures of the dividend have been brought down ant used. 4. If any partial dividend will not contain the divisor, place a cipher in the quotient, annex the next figure of the dividend, and proceed as before. 6S. Proof. — Multiply the quotient by the divisor, and add the remainder, if any, to the product. Notes. — 1. The pupils will notice that there are four operations: 1st, Divide, 2d, Multiply, 3d, Subtract, 4th, Bring down. 2. If when we multiply the product is greater than the partial dividends, the quotient figure is too large, and must be diminished. 3. When a remainder is equal to or greater than the divisor, the quotient figure is too small, and must be increased. 4. A final remainder may be set off by itself, or it may be written over the divisor and annexed to the quotient. 74 LONG DIVISION. EXAMPLES Divide 2. 364 by 11. 3. 780 by 12. 4. 312 by 13. 5. 322 by 14. 6. 570 by 15. 7. 752 by 16. 8. 425 by 17. 9. 594 by 18. 10. 608 by 19. 11. 945 by 21. 12. 2760 by 22. 13. 2852 by 23. 14. 3168 by 24. 15. 5575 by 25. 16. 6396 by 26. 17. 6777 by 27. 18. 10136 by 28. 19. 11948 by 29. 20. 19778 by 31. 21. 16864 by 32. 22. 10725 by 33. 23. 20808 by 34. 24. 7875 by 35. 25. 20616 by 36. 26. 41602 by 37. 27. 39790 by 38. 28. 48725 by 39. 29. 67314 by 41. 30. 82307 by 42. 31. 57256 by 43. 32. 49378 by 44 33. 98716 by 45. 34. 60904 by 46. 35. 76704 by 47. FOR PRACTICE. Divide 36. 62377 by 49. 37. 84309 by 57. 38. 92736 by 83. 39. 41875 by 123, 40. 106750 by 50. 41. 120054 by 51, 42. 116532 by 52. 43. 133242 by 53. 44. 126414 by 54. 45. 132715 by 55. 46. 146552 by 56. 47. 154926 by 57, 48. 126614 by 58. 49. 191219 by 59. 50. 234606 by 61. 51. 259284 by 62. 52. 274176 by 63. 53. 301952 by 64. 54. 234455 by 65. 55. 186846 by 66. 56. 423867 by 69. 57. 478608 by 78. 58. C25902 by 87. 59. 811332 by 372. 60. 1234560 by 247, 61. 3456780 by 356. 62. 1646301 by 381. 63. 1985175 by 425. 64. 1787160 by 562. 65. 2100315 by 581. 66. 1019806 by 893. 67. 74818S8 by 1021. 68. 5226412 by 2036. 69. 23456789 by 465- LONG DIVISION. 75 OPERATION. 5,00)76,54 15-154 or 15i§A Case IY. 69. When ciphers are on the right of the divisor. 1. Divide 7654 by 500. Solution". — We find how many times 5 hun- dreds is contained in 76 hundreds by dividing 76 by 5. It is contained 15 times, with a remain- der of 1 hundred, which, with 54, equals 154. Eule. — 1. Cut off the ciphers at the right of the divisor, and as many places from the right of the dividend. 2. Divide the remaining part of the dividend by the remaining part of the divisor ; prefix the remainder to the figures cut off, for the true remainder. Note. — When the divisor, with the ciphers cut off, is greater than 12, we will of course divide by long division. Divide 2. 189 by 50. 3. 487 by 60. 4. 985 by 80. 5. 1837 by 400. 6. 2572 by 1100. 7. 4783 by 1200. 8. 8725 by 1300. 9. 4687 by 1400. 10. 9876 by 1500. Divide 11. 18732 by 1600. 12. 28732 by 1700 13. 19873 by 1900. 14. 25307 by 2100. 15. 40302 by 2500. 16. 87316 by 3400. 17. 92913 by 4600. 18. 31200 by 5100. 19. 8732000 by 12300. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. Case I. TO. To divide a number by an equal part. 1. At 5 dollars each, how many sheep can you buy for 675 dollars ? Solution. — If 5 dollars will buy one sheep, 675 dollars will buy as many sheep as 5 is con- tained times in 675, which are 135. Hence, you can buy 135 sheep. OPERATION. 5)675 135 Ans 76 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 2. At 12 dollars each, how many pigs can you buy for 3780 dollars ? Ana. 315. 3. At 6 cents apiece, how many oranges can you buy for 354 cents ? Ans. 59. 4. At 11 cents a quart, how many quarts of cherries can you buy for 1243 cents? Ans. 113. 5. In one pound there are 12 ounces; how many pounds in 1728 ounces ? 6. In one minute there are 60 seconds ; how many minutes in 12900 seconds? 7. How many cows can you buy for 2952 dollars, at the rate of 24 dollars each ? 8. How many pounds of butter will 8100 cents buy, at the rate of 25 cents a pound ? 9. There are 16 ounces in one pound; how many pounds in 5472 ounces ? 10. In one bushel there are 32 quarts ; how many bushels are there in 16182 quarts ? 11. How many acres of land at 56 dollars an acre can you buy for 12152 dollars? 12. How long will it take a vessel to sail 6460 miles, at the rate of 68 miles a day ? 13. The diameter of the earth is nearly 8000 miles ; how long will it take a person to walk the distance, at the rate of 48 miles a day ? 14. The circumference of the earth is nearly 25000 miles ; how long will it take a person to walk it, at the rate of 50 miles a day ? 15. The distance to the moon is 240,000 miles ; how long would it take a balloon to reach it, moving at the rate of 75 miles an hour ? 16. The sun is 95,000,000 miles from the earth ; how long would it require a cannon-ball to reach it, moving at the rate of 48 miles a minute ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 77 Case II. Tl. To divide a number into equal parts. 1. A man divides 387 dollars equally among 9 boys; how many dollars does each receive ? Solution. — Each boy will receive as many operation. dollars as 9 is contained times in 387, which 9)387 are 43 dollars. 43 ^ns. 2. A lady divides 4860 dollars equally among 12 girls; how many dollars will each receive ? Ans. 405. 3. A man earns 2639 dollars in 13 weeks ; how much does he earn in one week ? Ans. 203. 4. A man travels 1728 miles in 36 days ; how far does he travel each day ? 5. There are 25 pounds in a quarter; how many pounds are there in 34450 quarters ? 6. There are 6468 cubic inches in 28 gallons; how many cubic inches in one gallon ? 7. Sound moves 37060 feet in 34 seconds ; how far will it move in 48 seconds ? 8. There are 2583 gallons in 41 hogsheads; how many gallons in one hogshead? 9. If a road 57 miles long cost 7695 dollars, how much did it cost a mile ? 10. A man gave 1725 dollars for cows worth 25 dollars each ; how many cows did he buy? 11. How many bushels of oats at 56 cents a bushel can be bought for 13272 cents ? 12. A man gave 1905 dollars for saddles worth 15 dollars each ; how many did he buy ? 13. A farmer sold 24 horses for 5640 dollars; how much did he receive apiece for them ? 14. A farmer sold a lot of horses for 7685 dollars; how many did he sell, if he received 145 dollars each ? 15. How many mules can you buy for 8832 dollars, at the rate of 184 dollars each ? 7* 78 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN ADDITION. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. (Quite young pupils will omit these until review.) PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN ADDITION. 1. A man left 850 dollars to his daughter, and 9-45 dollars to each of his two sons ; how much did he leave his two sons ? how much did he leave all ? 2. "Washington was born in the year 1732, Jefferson 11 years after, and Hamilton 15 years after Jefferson; when was Jefferson born ? when was Hamilton born ? 3. A farmer owns three farms ; the first is worth 6560 dollars, the second 385 dollars more, and the third 1387 dollars more than the second j what is the value of the second farm ? of the third farm ? of all ? 4. A has 7586 cents, B has 596 more than A, and C has as many as A and B together; how many has B? how many has C ? how many have all ? 5. B walked 876 miles, C walked 285 miles more than B, and D walked 985 miles more than C ; how far did C walk ? how far did D walk ? how far did they together walk ? 6. A man gave to his wife 4675 dollars, to his son 7582 dollars, to his daughter 3594 dollars, and had 8575 dol- lars left ; what was his fortune ? 7. A owns a farm worth 3750 dollars, a wood-lot worth 856 dollars more, and a store worth 987 dollars more than both ; what was the value of the wood-lot ? of the store ? of all three ? 8. A man had two sons and three daughters ; he gave each son 5896 dollars, and each daughter 4385 dollars; how much did he give to his sons ? to his daughters ? to ail ? 9. A butcher sold to one man 876 pounds of meat, to another man 587 pounds more, and to another, 395 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 79 pounds more than both j how much did he sell to the second man ? to the third man ? how much to all ? 10. A raised 345(3 bushels of wheat, which was 2475 bushels less than B raised, and D raised 3489 bushels more than both ; how much did B raise ? how much did D raise ? how much did all raise ? 11. A bought some land for 8759 dollars, a house for 3768 dollars, and sold them so as to gain 1389 dollars; for what did he sell them ? 12. A man bought two lots for 3750 dollars each ; and iD selling them he gained 278 dollars on the first, and 389 dollars on the second; how much did he gain on both ? how much did he receive for both ? 13. A has 757 acres of land, B has 285 acres more than A, and C has as many as A and B both ; how many acres has B ? how many has C ? how many have all ? 14. William lends his brother 3785 dollars, his sister 4261 dollars, and a friend 485 dollars more than his sister, and has 5858 dollars remaining; how much did he lend his friend, and what was his whole fortune ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Addition and Subtraction. 1. Find the sum of six hundred and five and 18 hun- dred and ninety-seven. 2. Subtract one thousand and nine from four thousand and seven. 3. Subtract 7567 + 896 from 4875 + 4736 -j- 2539. 4. A had 472 hens, and bought 589 hens, and then sold 985 ; how many had he then ? 5. A farmer had 397 pigs, and bought 85 pigs, and then sold 182 pigs ; how many had he then ? 6. A drover sold his cows for 257-") dollars, and his sheep for 976 dollars, and gained 594 dollars ; how much did he pay for them ? 7. A man having 1600 acres of land sold 546 acres 80 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. to B, and 289 acres more to C than to B ; how much did he sell to C ? how much to both ? how much re- mained ? 8. Mr. Peters, having 4300 bushels of wheat, sold 1480 bushels, and then bought 1856 bushels more than he sold ; how many bushels had he then ? 9. Henry had 756 dollars, and his mother gave him enough to make his money 1200 dollars ; how much did his mother give him ? 10. Sarah bought 575 pins ; her mother gave her 289, and her sister gave her enough to make her number 1000 j how many did she receive from her sister ? 11. Mary's father left her 596 acres of land; she sold 484 acres, and then bought 396 acres ; how many acres had she then ? 12. A sold 4760 bushels of grain, then sold 1780 bushels, and then had 1875 bushels ; how many bushels had he at first ? 13. B sold 7560 bushels of rye, then bought 2580 bushels, and then had 5680 bushels ; how much did he sell more than he bought ? how many bushels had he at first ? 14. William had 456 dollars ; his father gave him 2528 dollars, he then lost 1869 dollars, and gave away 286 dollars ; how many dollars had he then ? 15. Three men bought a farm for 20000 dollars ; the first paid 7580 dollars, the second paid 6765 dollars, and the third the remainder ; how much did the first and second pay ? how much did the third pay ? 16. A man deposited 8000 dollars in the bank; he drew out at one time 2575 dollars, at another 3467 dol- lars, at another 1576 dollars ; how much remained in the bank ? 17. Mr. Bowman, whose property was 35000 dollars, willed 9650 dollars to each of his two sons, 8750 to his daughter, and the remainder to his wife; how much did the children receive? how much did his wife receive ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS.- 81 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication. 1. What is the value of 467 X 672 — 31675 ? 2. What is the value of 672 X 36 plus 216 X 42 ? 3. A man sold his house for 27 times 98 dollars, plus 397 dollars ; how much did he receive for it ? 4. A sold 24 horses for 168 dollars each, and 63 cows for 34 dollars each ; what did he receive for the horses ? for the cows ? for all ? 5. I bought 76 oxen at 68 dollars each, and 327 sheep at 12 dollars each ; how much did the oxen cost ? how much the sheep ? how much did all cost ? 6. My barn cost 2318 dollars, my house 3 times as much, and my farm as much as both ; what was the cost of the house ? the cost of the farm ? 7. A man bought 235 cows at 24 dollars each, and sold them for 32 dollars, each ; how much did he gain by the transaction ? 8. A drover bought 78 horses at 164 dollars each, 215 oxen at 59 dollars each, and sold them all for 30000 dollars ; how much did he gain ? 9. How much must I pay for 7 building-lots, at 2348 dollars each, 5 houses, at 4250 dollars each, and 6 boats, at 3980 dollars each ? 10. I bought 78 sheep at 7 dollars a head, and sold them so as to gain 267 dollars ; how much did I receive for them ? 11. I bought 185 acres of land at 95 dollars an acre, and in selling it I lost 2486 dollars ; how much did I receive for it ? 12. A speculator bought a farm of 327 acres at 79 dollars an acre, and sold it at 95 dollars an acre ; how much did he gain ? 13. A man sold his oil stock for 14000 dollars, and then bought a farm containing 93 acres, at 125 dollars 82 PROBLEMS. an acre ; how much money has he left after paying for it ? 14. A clerk receives a salary of 75 dollars a month ; he spends 18 dollars a month for "board, and 9 dollars for other expenses ; how much can he save in 1 month ? in 12 months ? 15. A farmer having 3420 dollars bought 35 cows at 24 dollars a head, and 36 oxen at 54 dollars a head; how much has he left, after paying for them? 16. Thomas travels 24 miles a day, and Walton travels 52 miles a day ; how much farther does Walton travel in 72 days than Thomas ? 17. A man bought 336 bushels of potatoes at 65 cents a bushel, and 3 times as many bushels of apples at 98 cents a bushel ; what was the entire cost ? 18. A's barn cost 1980 dollars, his house 2150 dollars more than the barn, and his farm cost 14 times as much as the barn and house together; what was the cost of the farm ? PRACTICAL PROBLEMS in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. 1. Divide 42624 by 36 and add 3146 to the quotient. 2. Divide 73305 by 45 and subtract the quotient from 3702. 3. Subtract 3125 from 5213, divide the remainder by 9, and add the quotient to 1745. 4. A man having 18000 dollars leaves his wife 4800 and divides the remainder equally among 6 children ; what does each receive? 5. A farm of 24 acres was bought for 4056 dollars and sold at a gain of 3168 dollars : for what was it sold per acre ? 6. If 27 men share 11286 dollars equally, how much would each have ? how much would A have, if he had four times as much as each, plus 1245 dollars? PROBLEMS. 83 7. If 29 men earn 7946 cents in a day, and 25 boys earn 5450 cents in a day, how much more does one man earn in a day than one boy ? 8. A horse and 18 oxen are worth 1001 dollars; now, if the horse is worth 245 dollars, what is the value of the oxen ? of each ox ? Ans. 42 dollars. 9. The value of 3 horses and 15 cows is V 55 dollars; if the value of each horse is 225 dollars, what is the ralue of each cow ? - Ans. 32 dollars. 10. If you divide G0466 by 49, by what number must I multiply the quotient to produce 9872 ? Ans. 8. 11. The income of a man who " struck oil" is 400 dollars per day ; how many teachers would this employ at a salary of 730 dollars a year ? 12. I bought 326 barrels of flour for 2608 dollars, pad 46 dollars for transportation, and sold it at a gain cf 280 dollars ; what did I receive a barrel ? Ans. 9 dollars. 13. I sold a farm containing 190 acres for 65 dollars an acre, and bought with the proceeds another farm at 95 dollars an acre ; how many acres in the latter farm ? 14. A drover bought 234 cows at 25 dollars each, and sold 95 of them at cost each ; how much must he re- ceive a head for the remainder, to gain 973 dollars? Ans. 32. 15. If the President of the United States expends 52 dollars daily, how much can he save in a year of 365 «iays, out of his salary of 25000 dollars? 16. If the Vice-President expends 35 dollars daily, how much can he save at the end of the year, if he has an income of 6450 dollars, besides his salary of 8000 dollars a year ? 17. If the Secretary of State expends 16 dollars a day, how much can he save in a year, his salary being 8000 dollars a year and his private income 28 dollars a week ? 84 UNITED STATES MONEY. SECTION IV. UNITED STATES MONEY. 72. United States Money is the money of the United States. TABLE. 10 mills (m.) equal .... 1 cent, c. 10 cents " 1 dime, d. 10 dimes " 1 dollar, $. 10 dollars " 1 eagle, E. Coins are pieces of metal, stamped by the authority of the government, to be used as money. GOLD COINS. SILVER COINS. Eagle, value $10 Double-eagle, •' 20 Half -eagle, " 5 Quarter-eagle, " 2\ Dollar, " 1 Three-dollar, " 3 Dollar, value $1 Half-dollar, " 50 c. Quarter-dollar, " 25 c. Dime, " 10 c. Half-dime, " 5 c. Three-cent, " 5 c. NICKEL. BRONZE. Three-cent, value 3 c. Five-cent, " 5 c. Two-cent, value 2 c. Cent, " ic. NUMERATION AND NOTATION. 73. The doZtar is indicated by the symbol $. The eagle and dollar are read as a number of dollars : thus, 3 eagles and 5 dollars are read, 35 dollars. 74. The dime is one-tenth of a dollar, and is written to the right of the dollar and separated from it by a point, called a separatrix; thus, $3.4 represents 3 dol- lars and 4 dimes, ta ' ! . 75. The cent is 1 tenth of a dime, or 1 hundrbdth of a dollar. It is written two places to the right of dollars; thus, $4.58 represents 4 dollars, 5 dimes, and 8 cents. UNITED STATES MONEY. 85 76. Dimes and cents are usually read as so many cents ; thus, $7.45 is read, 7 dollars and 45 cents. 77. The mill is 1 tenth of a cent, and is written one place to the right of cents • thus, $5,475 is read, 5 dollars, 47 cents, and 5 mills. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. EXAMPLES IN NUMERATION. 1. Write and read $24.75. Solution. — The pupil will write this upon the elate or black- board, and say: This is read, 24 dollars, 7 dimes, and 5 cents; or, 24 dollars and 75 cents. The pupil will write and read the following : 2. $14.25 3. $24.67 4. $19.84 5. $28,574 6. $48.50 7. $50.06 8. $48,408 9. $96,004 10 $105 076 11. $976,705 12. $350,035 13. $847,008 EXAMPLES IN NOTATION. 1. "Write six dollars and twenty-five cents. 2. Write twenty-five dollars and thirty-six cents. 3. Write eight dollars, forty-five cents, and six mills. 4. Write twenty dollars, seventy-five cents, and two mills. 5. Write six eagles, seven dollars, and eighty-four cents. 6. Write four dollars, six dimes, and seven cents. 7. Write 25 dollars, five cents, and eight mills. REDUCTION OF UNITED STATES MONEY. 78. Reduction consists in changing the denomina~ tion without changing the value. From the table we derive the following principles : 79. To reduce cents to mills, we multiply the cents by 10, or annex one cipher. 66 UNITED STATES MONEY. 80. To reduce dollars to cents, we annex two ciphers. 81. To reduce dollars to mills, we annex three ciphers. 82. To reduce a number of dollars and cents to cents, we remove the decimal point ; thus, $5.24 = 524 cents. Case I. To reduce to lower terms. 1. Eeduce 6 dollars to cents. Solution. — In 1 dollar there are 100 cents ; operation. hence, in 6 dollars there are 6 times 100 cents, $6 = 000 cents- or 600 cents ; or we annex two ciphers. 2. Eeduce $18 to cents. 3. Eeduce $24 to cents. 4. Eeduce $385 to cents. 5. Eeduce $27 to mills. 6. Eeduce 85 cents to mills. 7. Eeduce $5.47 to cents. 8. Eeduce $27.05 to cents. < 9. Change $9 607 to mills. Case II. To reduce to higlier terms. S3. From the table we have the following principles : 1. To reduce cents to dollars, place the point two places from the right. 2. To reduce mills to dollars, place the point three places from the right. 1. Eeduce 2347 cents to dollars. Solution. — There are 100 cents in 1 dollar, operation. and in 2347 cents there are as many dollars as 2347 -f- 100 100 is contained times in 2347, which are =$23.47 $23.47 ; or we place the point two places from the right. 2. Eeduce 845 cents to dollars. Ans. $8.45. 3. Eeduce 2835 cents to dollars. Ans. $28.35. UNITED STATES MONEY. 87 4. Reduce 4G785 cents to dollars. 5. Eeduce 7895 mills to dollars. 6. Eeduce 27005 mills to dollars. 7. Eeduce 4800 cents to dollars. 8. Eeduce 9600 mills to dollars. ADDITION OF UNITED STATES MONEY. 84. Addition of United States Money is performed as in simple numbers, according to the following Eule. — 1. Write dollars under dollars, cents under cents, etc. 2. Add as in simple numbers, and place the separatrix between dollars and cents. 1. Find the sum of 824.30, 890.58, and 875.42. Solution. — We -write dollars under dollars operation. and cents under cents, and commence at the $24.86 right to add. 2 and 8 are 10, and 6 are 16 cents ; 96.58 which equals 6 cents and 1 dime; we -write the 75.42 6 cents under the column of cents, and add the QiQf on 1 dime to the next column, etc. 2. Find the sum of 648.50, 839.46, 824.G7, and 881.09. 3. Add 823.84, 897.30, 852.75, and 898.27. 4. Add 873.75, 848.50, 839.87, and 875.48. 5. Add 840.375, 897.283, 872.475, and 88.390. 0. Add 8150.90, 8284.070, 89.27, and 885.735. 7. A man bought a cow for 824.75, a horse for 8150.50, a wagon for 8287.75, and a carriage for 8375.87 ; how much did he pay for all ? 8. A merchant bought flour for 857.35, some calicc for 896.87, some cloth for 884.50, some boots for 852.87, and some muslin for 875.75; what did they all cost? 9. A tailor sold a coat for $34.75, a vest for 88.50, a cloak for 852.25, a pair of pants for 89.75, and some other things for 828.45; what did he receive for all? 10. I bought a table for 818.25, a looking-glass for S8 UNITED STATES MONEY. $25.75, a bedstead for $36.50, a bureau for $46.25 ; wnat did they all cost ? 11. A owes $624.30, B owes $467.56, C owes $359.45, D owes $95.12, E owes $43.84, F owes $27.75, G owes $968.47, H owes $7.75 ; required the sum of their debts. SUBTRACTION OF UNITED STATES MONEY. 85. Subtraction of United States 3Ioney is per- formed as in subtraction of simple numbers, according to the following Eule. — 1. Write dollars under dollars, cents under cents, etc. 2. Subtract as in simple numbers, and place the separatrix between dollars and cents. 1. Subtract $21.48 from $46.73. Solution. — We cannot subtract 8 cents from operation. 6 cents, hence we add 10 cents to 8 cents, $46.73 making 13 cents; 8 cents from 13 cents leave 27.48 5 cents. Now, since we added 10 cents, or 1 $19.25 dime, to the minuend, we must add 1 dime to the 4 dimes, making 5 dimes : 5 dimes from 7 dimes leave 2 dimes, etc. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) $78.25 $57.52 $96.43 $75.75 13.16 23.28 28.14 23.28 6. From $129.39 take $48.91. 7. Find the difference between $234.16 and $471.24. 8. A man bought a horse for $234.50, and sold it for $228.25 ; what did he lose ? 9. A merchant bought cloth for $96.75, and sold it for 6110.29 ; what did he gain ? 10. A bought a farm for $3640.25, and sold it for 64000 ? what was the gain ? 11. My house cost $3480.75, and I sold it for $4000.50; what did I gain ? UNITED STATES MONEY. 89 12. My horse cost $240.50, and my carriage cost $386.25 ; I sold them for $680.50 ; what did I gain ? 13. A merchant bought cloth for $325.50, muslin for $436.75, and flour for 8625.80; he sold them all for $1300; how much did he lose ? 14. I paid $4637.25 for a farm, paid $3675.25 foi building a house, and $2896.87 for building a barn ; I sold my property for $13000 ; how much did I gain ? 15. I paid $246.75 for a horse, $325.45 for a mule, $42.25 for an ox, $37.50 for a cow; I sold them all for $603.50 j what was the loss ? MULTIPLICATION OF UNITED STATES MONEY. 86. Multiplication of United States Money is per- formed, like multiplication of simple numbers, according to the following: o Rule. — Multiply as in simple numbers, and place the separatrix between dollars and cents. 1. Multiply $36.25 by 3. Solution. — Three times 5 cents are 15 cents, operation. which equal 1 dime and 5 cents; we write the $36.25 5 cents, and reserve the 1 dime to add to the next 3 product. 3 times 2 dimes are 6 dimes, and 6 £108 75 dimes plus 1 dime are 7 dimes, etc. Multiply 2. $26.14 by 4. 3. $37.27 by 5. 4. $48.96 by 7. 5. 837.52 by 8. 6. $79.35 by 9. Multiply 7. $48.25 by 12. 8. $72.27 by 13. 9. $85.58 by 15. 10. $92.83 by 32. 11. $75.32 by 46. 12. If one yard of cloth cost $3.25, what cost 5 yards? 13. What will 12 horses cost at the rate of $150.75 a piece ? 14. A man bought 27 oxen at the rate of $36.25 each , what did they cost ? 8* 90 UNITED STATES MONEY. 15. A farmer sold 325 bushels of wheat at $1 25 a bushel ; how much did he receive for it ? 16. A miller sold 472 barrels of flour at $7.87 a barrel; how much did he receive for it ? 17. A man bought 47 cows for $24.30 each, and sold them for $28.10 each ; what was the gain ? 18. A drover bought 247 horses for $130.75 each, and gold them for $180.30 each; what did he gain? 19. A farmer bought 327 acres of land at $76.25 an acre, and sold it at $92.50 an acre; what did he gain? DIVISION OF UNITED STATES MONEY. 87. Division of United States Money is performed like division of simple numbers. Case I. 88. To divide a number irato equal parts. Rule. — Divide as in simple numbers, and -place the sepa- ratrix between dollars and cents. 1. Divide $7.32 in 3 equal parts, or find 1 third of it. Solution. — 1 third of 7 dollars is 2 dollars, operation. and 1 dollar remaining; 1 dollar equals 10 dimes, 3)$7.32 which, added to 3 dimes, equal 13 dimes. 1 $2.44 Ans. third of 13 dimes equals 4 dimes, and 1 dime remaining, etc. 2. Divide $9.24 into 4 equal parts. 3. Divide $7.25 into 5 equal parts. 4. Divide $17.22 into 6 equal parts. 5. If 7 pigs cost $36.75, what will one pig cost ? 6.- If 8 cows cost $172.80, what will one cow cost? 7. If 3 oxen cost $325.20, what will 5 oxen cost? 8. If 7 hens cost $3.15, what will 12 hens cost? 9. What cost 15 sheep, if 4 sheep cost $29.24? 10. What cost 25 pounds of butter, if 7 pounds cost 62.38 ? UNITED STATES MONEY. 91 11. What cost 34 acres of land, if 12 acres cost $5.04? 12. What cost 28 cows, if 35 cows cost 987 dollars? 13. What cost 75 oxen, if 38 oxen cost 1615 dollars? 14. What cost 234 hens, if 75 hens cost $25.50 ? Case II. 89. To divide one sum of money by another, Eule. — Reduce both sums to the same denomination, and divide as in simple numbers. 1. Divide $736 by $4. OPERATION. Solution. — Dividing as in simple numbers, 4)736 we have 184. ~Jj^ Ans# 2. Divide $9600 by $16. 3. Divide 728 cents by 4 cents. 4. Divide 3625 cents by 5 cents. 5. Divide $26325 by 81 dollars. 6. At 24 dollars each, how many cows can you buy for 1344 dollars? 7. At 42 dollars each, how many oxen can be bought for $3276 ? 8. At $3.25 apiece, how many pigs can you buy for $120.25? 9. A earned $3.75 a day ; how many days did he work to earn $78.75 ? 10. A drover paid $6972 for horses, at $145.25 apiece; how many did he buy ? 11. How many cords of wood can you buy for $312, at $3.25 a cord ? 12. William earned $3.25 a day, and paid 75 cents for board; in how many days would he save S912.50? 13. A merchant received $853.25 for a case of silk, including $1.25 cost of box. How many pieces of silk were in the case, if he received $53.25 apiece ? 92 BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. 90. A Bill is a written statement of goods bought and sold, the quantity, price, and entire cost. 91. An Account is a bill in which each of the parties has received value of the other. 92. The party who owes is the debtor; the party who is owed is the creditor. A bill is made out by the following Kule.— Multiply the cost of each article by the whole number, and find the sum of the products. 92J. In an account, find the difference between the debit and credit amounts. Make out the following bills : (1.) Millersville, May 8, 186%. Mr. Harry Bowman, Bought of HENR Y MARTIN, 8 yds. of muslin, at 12 a of cloth, a 15 a of silk, a 27, 2.37, l.t Amount due, (2-) Theo. Miller, Lancaster, April 6, 1864. Bought of DANIEL MO ONE Y, 24- 37 ¥> 28 b*=*=s o ©=*=*& pairs boots, at $5.25, gaiters, " 3.75, slippers, " 1.37, rubbers, " 1.25, a u Amount due, Received Payment, Theo. Miller. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. 93 (3.) John J. Brooks, New York, Dec. 17, 1862. Bought of CHARLES HOYT, 47 28 97 U6 €>SS6^ bbls. of flour, at $7.35, lbs. of beef, " 0.37, yds. of cloth, " 2.75, bu. of wheat, " 1.12, Amount, Received Payment, Charles Hoyt. (4-) John Smith, Dr. 1S66. Jan. 1 Feb. 5 Jan. 7 Feb. 2 To 75 lbs. of sugar, at $0.35, " 4.7 yds. of cloth, " 3.25, Cr. By 75 bu. of corn, at $0.78, " 83 bu. of apples, " 1.25, Balance due, $ f (5.) Philadelphia, April 1, 1860. Mr. Henry Farnam, Dr. To Edwin Lamborn. I860. Jan. 4. Jan. 10. Jan. 20. I860. Jan. 3. Jan. 12. Feb. 21^. To 145 bu. wheat, at $1.25, " 236 " rye, « 1.05, " 176 " oats, " 0.65, Cr. By 45 yds. cloth, at $3.65, " 72 " silk, " 2.12, " £# " cassimere, " i.75, Bed a nee due, Received Payment, Edwin Lamborn. 94 COMMON FRACTIONS. SECTION V. COMMON FEACTIONS. 93. A Fraction is a number of equal parts of a unit ; as one half, two thirds, etc. 94. A fraction is expressed by figures with a line between ; thus, § expresses 2 thirds. 95. The number denoted by the figure below the line is called the denominator ; it shows the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided. 98. The number denoted by the figure above the line is the numerator; it shows the number of equal parts considered. 97. A Proper Fraction is one whose value is less than a unit ; as §, f , | 5 etc. 98. An Improper Fraction is one whose value is equal to or greater than a unit; as |, |, 2 B l , etc. 99. A Compound Fraction is a fraction of a fraction ; as \ of |. 100. A Mixed Number consists of a whole number and a fraction; as 2 J, 5'f, etc. To Teachers. — Give pupils a clear idea of a fraction by dividing some object, as an apple, by lines upon the blackboard, etc. For Mental Exercises, see Primary Mental Arithmetic. MENTAL EXERCISES. 1. What is one-half? Ans. One-half of any thing is one of the two equal part,- of it What is What is 2. One-third? 3. One-fourth ? 4. One-fifth? 5. One-sixth ? 6. One-seventh ? 7. One-eighth ? 8. One-tenth ? 9. One-twelfth? COMMON FRACTIONS. 95 1. What is two-thirds? Ans. Two-thirds of any thing is two of the three equal parts of it. What is What is 2. Two-fourths? 3. Three-fourths? 4. Two-fifths? 5. Three-fifths? 6. Four-fifths? 7. Two-sixths? 8. Three-sevenths? 9. Four-ninths ? 1. What is J of 6 ? Ans. \ of 6 is 3, since 2 times 3 are 6. 2. Find I of 8. 5. Find | of 15. o O. Find | of 12. 6. Find | of 20. 4. Find \ of 16. 7. Find 4 of 30. 1. 2. NUMERATION AND NOTATION. Eead the following fractions. 2 3 . _6_ °' 5 > ll' A 11. 8 ^' T3 > 10"" 5 . 6 G> 7" 7 . 3 3 > 5 5. 6. i f? . •2 i > 7 To' 53- 115 Write the following: fractions. 1. Two-thirds. 2. Four-fifths. 3. Five-sevenths. 1. Analyze the fraction f. 4. Eight-tenths. 5. Seven-ninths. 6. Eleven-fifteenths. Solution. — In the fraction f, the denominator, 4, shows that the unit is divided into 4 equal parts, and the numerator, 3, shows that 3 of these parts are taken. Analyze the following: 2. 3. 4. ■2 . 3 > 5 . e > 3 . 7 > 4 7" K 4 . 3 °' B"> 77* 8. 9 . 7 15? 18"' 4 5" 6 7 . 8_ U * 9 > 11' 9. 13. 16 2 1 ) 2i' 2 7 12. 8 1 ' 13 J 14' 10. 21.34 1 1" "3 1 ' 4 4* PRINCIPLES OF FRACTIONS. lOO-LWe will now solve a number of problems, and derive some of the principles of fractions. 1. Multiply the numerator of | by 2. 06 COMMON FRACTIONS. Solution. — Multiplying the numerator of | operation. by 2, we have 6 fifths, which is 2 times as great |X2 == | as 3 fifths. Hence the following Principle I. — Multiplying the numerator of a fraction by any number multiplies the fraction by that number. Multiply the fraction 2. | by 5. Ans. L«. 3. | by 7. 4. }| by 8. 5. if by 11. Multiply the fraction 6. \ § by 14. 7. || by 18. 8. if by 17. 9. Jf by 20. OPERATION 9 — 2 4 ~5 1. Divide the numerator of J by 2. Solution. — Dividing the numerator of f by 2, we have 2 fifths, which is 1 half of 4 fifths. Hence the following Principle II. — Dividing the numerator of a fraction by any number divides the fraction by that number. Divide the fraction 2. f by 3. Ans. f. 3. 4. 5. | by 4. J? by 5. 14 V 7. Divide the fraction 6. if by 4. 7- if by 9. 8. iff by 12. 9. |Sf by 32. OPERATION. 3 V 1 — 1 1. Multiply the denominator of f by ! Solution. — Multiplying the denominator by 2, we have 3 eighths, which is one-half as much as 3 fourths, since eighths are only half as large as fourths. Hence the following Principle III. — Multiplying the denominator of a frac- tion by any number divides the fraction by that number. Divide the fraction Divide the fraction 2. i by 4. Ans. A. 1 - 7. IfbyS 3. H b >' 1- Ans. i|. 8. 1 by 6. 4. ! by 5. 9. 11 by 12. 5 H by 7. 10. t 9 u by 11. 6. 1 by 3. 11. if by 13. COMMON FRACTIONS. 97 1. Divide the denominator of f by 2. Solution. — Dividing the denominator by 2, we have 3 halves, and S halves is twice as great as 3 fourths, since halves are twice as large as fourths. Hence the following Principle IV. — Dividing the denominator of a fraction by any number multiplies the fraction by ihat number. Multiply, by dividing the denominator, 2. § by 2. 3. 13 by 6. 4. | by 3. 5. i| by 9. 6. | by 4. 7. a? by 7. 8. j% by 5. 9. f| bv 12. 10. j§ by 6. 11. 3 by 3/ ig by 2 ; Jjby4j IJbylO: |$byl$ 9 98 REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 101. Reduction of fractions is the process of changing their form without changing their value. Case I. 102. To reduce mixed numbers to fractions. 1. How many thirds in 4# ? operation. Solution. — In 1 there are f, and in 4 there 4| are 4 times f, which are ^ 2 , and ^ -f § equal 3 J 3 4 . From this solution we have the following 14 thirds = i- 4 . Rule. — Multiply the tohole number by the denominator, add the numerator, and write the denominator under the result. Reduce to improper fractions 2. Ans. 23 5 • 7. 181. 3. 1 4- 8. 21}. 4. Q5 9. 19JA. 5. 7§. 10. 25 T V 6. 131. 11. 35}§. Casi s II. Ans. 9 ,- 3 . 103. To reduce improper fractions to whole or mixed numbers. 1. How many ones in \ 5 ? Solution. — In one there are 4 fourths, and in 15 fourths there are as many ones as 4 is contained times in 15, which are 3-|. From this solution we have the following is OPERATION = 15 4 = 3|. Rule. — Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the whole or mixed number. Reduce to whole or mixed numbers 7. 8. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9 4"* 1 1 3 ' 1 9 5 * 32 4 ¥■ Ans. 2\ 9. 10. 11. 47 e • 92 1 !* 2 5 i 2" 2 35 77 • 7 2_4 3 J ' Ans. Y REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 99 Case III. 10 1. To reduce fractions to liiguer terms. 1. How many twelfths in |? Solution. — Multiplying both numerator and operation. denominator of a fraction by the same nuin- 3 3 X 3 __ _ 1 4 "S5 VI 1 * 8 i 2 J 1 I 2> 1 6 24? 2Bj 12 1 8* 2 5 30 18 2 7' 48 84* Ans. § 7 Ans. f . 8 Ans. |. 9 10 11 24 40' 70 8 0' 4 5 5 0' 9 9 108' 96 27 Ans. ?. 84 108 I Z 0~ " 1 2 1 732' 1 44 10 4' 156' 108 1 Case V. To reduce compound fractious to simple. What are f of % ? Solution. — \ of f -X, since mul- tiplying the denominator of a fraction by 3 divides the fraction by 3 ; and if of f = T %, f of f equals 2 times T 4 , OPERATION. 2V4 3X0 3X5 T * 15' which are -A- From this solution we have the following R ULE . — Multiply the numerators together, and the de- nominators together. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is -2 of 2? 5 f 7? 6 U1 9 ' 4 f IS? 7 Ui 15" £ Of A-i ? 9 Ui 1 2 * * Of - 9 - ? 8 Ui 10* Ans. 21 32" 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What is 11 of A6? 12 Ui 33 • 3 f 5 f 7? 7 0f 9 Of TO U1 li? 1 6 " % Of 2 Of ' 7 ? 8 7 8 5 of - 3 Of i 4 - ? 3 Ui 7 ^ 3 tS ' 12. A had | of a ton of hay, and sold his neighbor J of it ; how much did he sell ? f of a ton of hay, and OPERATION. fXf = T 8 sAns. Solution. — If A had f sold his neighbor § of it, he sold his neighbor I of I of a ton, which is T 8 3 of a ton. 13. A boy picked § of a bushel of strawberries, and sold § of them ; how many did he sell ? Ans. {§, or §. 14. A man had § of a bushel of barley, and sold j of it ; how much did he sell ? Ans. |. 15. A little girl had J of a melon, and gave her brother 4 of it ; how much did her brother receive ? Ans. £. 16. Says Jennie to Kate, My father owns f of f of f of a ship j what part of the ship did he own ? Ans. o 5' COMMON FRACTIONS. 101 COMMON DENOMINATOR. 109. Fractions have a Common Denominator when they have the same number for a denominator. 1. Reduce | and i to a common denominator. Solution. — Multiplying both numerator and operation. denominator of f by 5, the denominator of -f, 3X*> _ 15 we have |4; and multiplying both numerator "4X5 "^ and denominator of f by 4, the denominator of 4 4X4 16 f, we have ^§; and this makes the fractions have z 5X4 20 the same denominator; hence the following Rule. — Multiply both numerator and denominator of each fraction by the denominators of the other fractions. Or, Multiply both numerator and denominator of each fraction by any number that will make the denominators ilike. Reduce to a common denominator 2. -§ and |. Ans. 1 1 5 5 1 2 1 5' 7. 12 anc l 13 1 3 allu 14' 3. | and {. Ans. 24 30? 2 5 "3 0* 8. | 3 j, and |. 4. I and j. 9. 3 5 anc i 4 4 , 6 , aiiu 5 . 5. | and f . 10. 4 § and 5 6. 9 ari d - 8 - 11. 1 - G and 1 65 7' a u 6* ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 110. Addition of Fractions is the process of finding the sum of two or more fractions. Case I. To add when the denominators are alike. 1. What is the sum of I and i o ? Solution. — 2 fifths plus 4 fifths equals 6 fifths, operation. which equals li. f + f = f = H 2. What is the sum of § and § ? Ans. §. 3. What is the sum of § and J ? Ans. §, or 1J. 4 What is the sum of § and J ? Ans. H- 5. What is the sum of I and | ? Ans. \ 5 , or If. 9* 102 COMMON FRACTIONS. 6. Mary had § of a dollar and Sarah had f of a dollar; how much did they both have ? 7. Lucy gave me § of a peach, and Fanny gave me | of a peach; how much did I receive? Ans. 1^. 8. George and Susie had each J of a pine-apple ; how much had they together? Ans. If. 9. If I walk | of a mile and ride | of a mile, how far do I go ? Ans. 11 mile. 10. A had | of a dollar, B had J of a dollar, and C had | of a dollar ; how much had they all ? Case II. To add when tlae denominators are unlike. 1. What is the sum of § and | ? Solution. — We first reduce the fractions to a common denominator: -| 8 • 3 12 ' ? T 9 j ; 8 twelfths plus 9 twelfths are 17 twelfths. Hence f + f - 12' OPERATION. 2 _|_ 3 3 T 4 T2 + T% = TT From this we have the following Eule. — Reduce the fractions to a common denominator; add the numerators, and place the sum over the common denominator. N 0TE . — Reduce each fraction to its lowest terms before reducing to a common denominator, and also the result after addition. Find the sum of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 2 | and \. | and |. | and § . | and g. % and T q i and §. Ans. Ans. 16 1 5* 31 20' Find the sum of Ans. Ans. | and f . 9 anc * TO* 4 ar]C l 12 6 ? 1 4 * 15? 1 6 4? t 9 o by° iiby M*y Ans. Ans. 3 TO* 7 TO"' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I? by by 2 5 2 9 V 28 ? 25 ' 17 ? 3 5 ' Ans Ans. Ans. : is 24* 1 6 TO- SS 103* 1 by | of |? I of 5 U J 2 8' 12- A has | of a ton of hay, and B has f as much plus 2| tons ; how much has B ? DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 116. Division of Fractions is the process of dividing when one or both terms are fractional. OPERATION. 8 ^_4 9 • * Case I. 117. To divide when the dividend is a fraction, 1. Divide | by 4. Solution. — | divided by 4 equals f , according to Prin. I. When the numerator will not contain- Ihe divisor, we multiply the denominator, accord- ing to Prin. III. Rule. — Divide the numerator, or multiply the denomt nator, by the divisor. Divide t 9 o by 3. Ans. by 4. Ans. by 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. _9 T by 4. 6. | by a _8_ 1 1 12 1 3 3 TO* _2_ i r 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Divide H by 7. if by 5 V 8 by 8. 31 by 9. 5| by 12. Ans. Ans. 12 91' i 6 5 5' MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. ■ 109 12. A gave 3A dollars to 6 little girls ; how much did each receive ? Case II. 118. To divide when the divisor is a fraction. 1. Divide f by -1. Solution. — | divided by 1 equals f, hence -J operation. divided by A equals 5 times f , and -| divided by | -r- f = £ equal £ ot 5 times f, or J times f, which |Xf = xf equal ^|. Hence, we see the divisor becomes inverted, and we have the following Rule — Invert the divisor, and multiply the dividend by the resulting fraction. Divide Divide 2. ffcyf Ans. |. 8. 14 bv -9- Ans. 1J. o O. i by I Ans. f . 9. 2.1 h V 14 3 2 U J lS' Ans. f J. 4 I by §. Ans. |i. 10. 2 |) V 18 2 1 U J 3 5* Ans. Iff. 5. t 9 o *y !• 11. 16 V)V 8 Ans. 2 T 8 T . 6. H by {. 12. 15 u J 3 5* 7. I? by fj. 13. 3 2 Kv 4 8 3 6 U J 5 0' 14. How many yards of cloth at | of a dollar a yard can you buy for 4^ dollars ? MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 32| to an improper fraction. 2. Reduce 47 T fi T to an improper fraction. 3. Reduce 4 T ° 4 8 to a mixed number. 4. Reduce ^f 8 to a mixed number. 5. Reduce |J| to its lowest terms. 6. Reduce y 4 ^ to its lowest terms. 7. Reduce f of -f of § to a simple fraction. 8. Reduce | of || of -^ 8 to a simple fraction. 9. Reduce §, |, and J to a common denominator. 10. Reduce |, |, and -j Q to a common denominator 11. Find the sum of J, J, i, and J. 12- Find the sum of f, j, <, and {. 110 • ANALYSIS. 13. Subtract § of | from § of |. 14. Subtract ? of f. from the sum of ? and |. 4 o 4 15. Multiply the sum of ^ and ] by | plus i. 1G. Multiply I -J- | by the sum of § and |. 17. Divide I -{- 1 by the sum of \ and f . 18. Divide the sum of § and J- by | minus §. 19. What cost 24 apples at | of a cent each? 20. What cost 45 oranges at 2§ cents apiece ? 21. How much cost 16 j yards of cloth at $6 a yard ? 22. What cost 16- yards of muslin at 12 J cents a yard? 23. If one yard of cloth cost $9, how many yards can you buy for $48 ? Ans. 5 J yds. 24. How many yards of muslin at 16J cents a yard can you buy for 208^ cents? Ans 12^ yds. AEITHMETICAL ANALYSIS. 119. Analysis is the process of solving problems by a comparison of their elements. In comparing, we reason to the unit and from the unit, the unit being the basis of the reasoning process. Case I. 120. To pass irons, one integer to another. 1. If 5 cows cost $80, what will 7 cows cost at the same rate ? OPERATION. Solution. — If 5 cows cost $80, one cow costs | 5)80 of $80, which is $16, and 7 cows will cost 7 times 16 $16, which are $112. _7 112 Ans. 2. If 6 hens cost 186 cents, what will 9 hens cost at the same rate? 3. If 5 pigs cost $35, what will 11 pigs cost at the same rate ? ANALYSIS. Ill 4. If 8 horses cost $1200, what will 12 horses cost at the same rate? 5. If 7 yards of cloth cost 842, what will 25 yards cost at the same rate ? 6. How much must I pay for 3G cows, at the rate of 7 cows for 196 dollars ? 7. What will 17 books cost, at the rate of 8 books for- 810.80? 8. A man bought 72 ducks at the rate of $21 for 7; what did they cost? 9. If a man can walk 324 miles in 9 days, how far can he walk in 69 days? 10. In 26 years there are 9490 days ; how many days are there in 75 years ? 11. In 5 square miles there are 3200 acres ; how many acres in 64 square miles ? 12. If a car run 2736 miles in 18 days, how far will it run in 54 days ? Case II. 121. To pass from a fraction to an integer. 1. If | of an acre of land cost $96, what will one acre cost? OPERATION. Solution. — If § of an acre cost $96, I of an § — $96 acre cost A of $96, or $48, and if A of an acre cost i == $48 $48, | of an acre, or one acre, will cost 3 times f = $144 Ans. $48, or $144. 2. If | of a sum of money is $72, required the sum. 3. If | of the cost of a cow is $25, required the cost of the cow. 4. What cost 2 boxes of raisins, if -? of a box cost 6 dollars ? 5. What is the distance from Lancaster to Philadel- phia, if | of the distance is 51 miles? 6 If the cost of | of an acre of land is $120, what will 4 acres cost at the same rate? 112 COMMON FRACTIONS. 7. If f of a farm cost $7200, what will the whole farm cost at that rate ? 8. How much will 7 loads of hay weigh, if J of a load weighs 840 pounds ? 9. What will 17 horses cost me, if f of the price of a horse is 93 dollars ? 10. A merchant bought 236 barrels of flour at the rate of $8 for § of a barrel ; how much did they cost him? Case III. 122. To pass from a nnit or fraction to a fraction, 1. If one barrel of flour coHs $12, what will j of a barrel cost ? Solution. — If one barrel of flour costs $12, operation. 1 fourth of a barrel will cost \ of $12, or $3, 4)12 and | of a barrel will cost 3 times $3, or $9. 3 3 9 Ans. 2. If one acre of land is worth $125, what is 4 of an acre worth ? 3. A paid $1650 for a pleasure-boat ; how much would he have paid if he had given § as much ? 4. If | of a barrel of flour cost $8, what will f of a barrel cost ? 5. If there are 40 pounds in | of a bushel of clover- seed, how many pounds are there in § of a bushel ? 6. If there are 50 pounds in | of a bushel of wheat, how many pounds are there in j] of a bushel ? 7. If there are 49 pounds in J of a bushel of rye, how many pounds are there in | of a bushel? 8. If there are 147 pounds in | of a barrel of flour, how many pounds are there in | of a barrel ? 9. If there are 154 cubic inches in f of a gallon, how many cubic inches in ^ of a gallon ? COMMON FRACTIONS. 113 10. /f there are 1536 cubic inches in § of a cubic foot, how many cubic inches in ji of a cubic foot? Case IT. 123. Given a fractional part and the remainder, to find the whole. 1. A man spent | of his money, and then had $24 re* maining ; how much money had he at first ? Solution. — If he spent § of his money, operation. there remained § of his money minus f of f — f = § == $24 his money, which is § of his money, which ^ = $12 is S24. If | of his money is §24, I of his $ = $60 Ans. money is | of $24, which is $12, and § of his money is 5 times $12, or $00. 2. A man spent f of his money, and then had $30 re- maining; how much had he at first? 3. William sold I of his hens, and then had 60 remain- ing; how many had he at first ? 4. Henry sold § of his bank-stock, and the remainder was worth $550 j how much had he at first ? 5. After giving \ of his income to the poor, Samuel had $960 remaining; what was his income ? 6. A pole stands J in the mud and | in the water, and 12 feet in the air; required the length of the pole. 7. One-fourth of a drove of animals are cows, I are pigs, and the remainder, 132, are sheep; how many animals in the drove? 8. Two-fifths of my money is in bank, | in govern- ment bonds, and $480 in cash; what was my money ? 9. A sold J of his land to B, and | to C, and then had 90 acres remaining; how much had he at first? 10. A man walked § of the distance from Lancaster to Philadelphia one day, | of the distance the next day, and the remaining distance, 22 miles, the third day; how far did he walk each day ? Ans. 20 ; 28 ; 22. 10* 114 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. SECTION VI. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 124. A Decimal Fraction is a number of the deci- mal divisions of a unit; that is, a number of tenths, hun- dredths, etc. 125. A decimal fraction is usually expressed by placing a point before the numerator and omitting the denominator. Thus, .5 represents T 5 D ; .05 represents TOO' e ^ c - 126. The point is called the decimal point, or separa- trix. The decimal fraction thus expressed is called a decimal. 127. This method of expressing decimal fractions is but an extension of the method of notation for integers. This method, as applied to integers and fractions, is ex- hibited in the following o NOTATION AND NUMERATION TABLE. DO a a CO m o o *t CO ,-j CO Xl 2 o> o 5 © 6666666 6. 6666666 05 M ^ C3 CO 3 • -3 ^q 02 -2 03 0) CO co a CO 3 O O I S- H3 CO o o 3 0) a 5 — | 1 g .— 0) Eh i-M l-i-C H H which, reduced to its .45 = T \ 5 5 lowest terms, equals ^V Hence we have the = -fa Ans. following R ULE . — Write the denominator under the decimal, omiU ting the decimal point, and reduce the common fraction to its lowest terms. Eeduce the following decimals to common fractions. 2. .35. Ans. -Jq. 6. 9.75. Ans. » 4 « 3. .48. Ans. i$. 7. .725. Ans. 29 4 0' 4. .125. Ans. |. 8. .075. Ans. 3 40' 0. .625. Ans. g. 9. .0125. Ans. 1 HO* Case II. 132. To reduce a common fraction to a decimal. 1. Eeduce f to a decimal. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 117 Solution.— | equals \ of 3. 3 equals 30 operation. tenths, and \ of 30 tenths is 7 tenths and 2 f = \ of 3 = tenths remaining. 2 tenths equals 20 hun- 4 )3.00 dredths, and \ of 20 hundredths is 5 hun- .75 dredths ; hence f = .75. From this we have the following Eule. — 1. Annex ciphers to the numerator and divide by the denominator. 2. Point off as many places in the quotient as there are ciphers annexed. Reduce the following common fractions to decimals. 2. 4- Ans. .25 4 7. T V Ans. .4375. 1 D 3. |. Ans. .125. 4 5 5* 5. 6. -V Ans. .3125. 8. T 9 S . Ans. .5625. 1 o Q 1 1 10 ±4 11 P ±x ' 64* OPERATION 7.5 18.25 21.36 47.45 ADDITION OF DECIMALS. 133. Addition of Decimals is the process of finding the sum of two or more decimals. 1. What is the sum of 7.5, 18.25, 21.36 and 47.45? Solution. — "We write the numbers so that figures of the same order shall stand in the same column, and commence at the right to add. 5 hundredths, plus 6 hundredths, plus 5 hundredths, equal 16 hundredths, which equal 1 tenth and 6 hundredths; we write the 6 hun- 94.56 dredths, and add the 1 tenth to the next sum. 4 tenths, plus 3 tenths, plus 2 tenths, plus 5 tenths, are 14 tenths, and the 1 tenth added are 15 tenths, which equals 1 unit and 5 tenths; we write the 5 tenths, and add the 1 unit to the sum of the units, etc. Rule. — 1. Write the numbers so that units of the same order shall stand in the same column. 2. Add, as in whole numbers, placing the decimal point in its proper place in the sum. 118 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 2. Find the sum of 12.05, 33.24, 47.62, 96.47. 3. Find the sum of 76.24, 89.45, 36.40, 85.75. 4. Find the sum of 79.76, 85.08, 95.42, 237.675. 5. Add 18.79, 147.072, 856.709, 185.8761, 397.05784. 6. Add 59.874, 435.095, 672.328, 976.309, 8467.500843. 7. Add together 9 and 7 tenths, 41 and 8 hundredths, 75 and 54 hundredths, 128 and 187 thousandths. Ans. 254.507. 8. Add together 76 and 49 hundredths, 127 and 49 thousandths, 496 and 167 thousandths, 985 and 98 ten- thousandths, and 99 and 99 hundred-thousandths. SUBTRACTION OF DECIMALS. 134. Subtraction of Decimals is the process of find- ins: the difference between two decimals. 1. From 67.35 take 42.63. Solution. — We write the numbers so yiat operation figures of the same order stand in the same 67.85 column, and begin at the right to subtract. 3 42.63 hundredths from 5 hundredths leave 2 hun- 24.72 dredths ; 6 tenths we cannot subtract from 3 tenths ; we therefore take 1 unit from the 7 units, which with 3 tenths equal 13 tenths ; then 6 tenths from 13 tenths leave 7 tenths, etc. Rule. — 1. Write the smaller number under the greater, so that figures of the same order stand in the same column. 2. Subtract as in simple numbers, and place the decimal point in its proper place in the difference. 2. From 63.72 take 25.81. 3. From 96.32 take 73.15. 4. From 123.16 take 75.84. 5. From 247.125 take 167.183. 6. From 1 and 1 tenth take 1 tenth and 1 thousandth. 7. From 2 and 2 hundredths take 2 tenths and 2 thousandths. 8. From 3 tenths take 3 ten-thousandths. 9. From 7 take 7 tenths and 707 millionths. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 119 MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. 135. Multiplication of Decimals is the process of multiplying when one or both terms are decimals. 1. Multiply 7.23 by .46. Solution 1. — Multiplying as in whole num- operation. bers, we have 33258; now, if the multiplicand 7.23 alone were hundredths, the product would be one- .46 hundredth of this, or 332.58 ; but since the mul- 4303 tiplier is also hundredths, the product is one-hun- 2892 dredth of 332.58, which, by moving the decimal 3.8258 point two places to the left, becomes 3.3258. Solution 2.-7.23 X -46 = HfX^ = -^ =to!ooX -258 10000 = 3.3258. From either of these solutions we derive the following Rule. — Multiply as in loliole numbers, and point off as many decimal places in the product as there are in both mul- tiplier and multiplicand, prefixing ciphers when necessary. 2. Multiply 15.17 by .IS. 3. Multiply 26.18 by .25. 4. Multiply 53.46 by .35. 5. Multiply 67.38 by 1.26. 6. Multiply 138.25 by 2.47. 7. Multiply 466.72 by 5.29. 8. Multiply 407.03 by 7.35. 9. Multiply 620.75 by 12.36. 10. Multiply 725.82 by 23.08. 11. Multiply .00723 by .0317. 12. Multiply 1.0309 by .00321. DIVISION OF DECIMALS. 136. Division of Decimals is the process of dividing when one or both terms are decimals. 1. Divide 7.8315 by 2.27. 120 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Solution. — If we divide as in whole num- operation. bers, we obtain a quotient of 345 ; now, since 2.27)7.8315(3.45 Ana the dividend is the product of the divisor and c 81 quotient, the number of decimal places in the 1 021 dividend must equal the number in the divisor 908 and quotient: hence, the number of decimal 1135 -i -i or places in the quotient must equal the number Xl0 ° of decimal places in the dividend diminished by the number in the divisor ; hence, there should he four minus two, or tioo decimal places in the quotient, therefore the quotient is 3.45. Q n 7 QQ1 K . 9 97 78315 _i_ 227 78 315 V W ■ C50LLTI0N Z. — i.OoLO — £—t — TO ±($0 TOO A Hz7 — 78315 = T ^ x 7 f I?- 5 = jh X 3 ^5 = 3 - 45 - From either of these 100^227 solutions we derive the following Rule. — Divide as in whole numbers, and point off as many decimal places in the quotient as the number of deci- mal places in the dividend exceeds the number in the divisor. Note 1. — When there are not as many decimal places in the divi- dend as in the divisor, annex ciphers to make the number of place? equal. 2. When the number of figures in the quotient is less than tho excess of the decimal places in the dividend over those in the divisor, ciphers must be prefixed to the quotient. 2. Divide 14.1372 by 4.5. Ans. 3.1416. 3. Divide 196.1875 by 10.75. Ans. 18.25. 4. Divide 25.1328 by 8. Ans. 3.1416. 5. Divide 65.9736 by 3.1416. 6. Divide 2450.448 by .5236. 7. Divide 2748.9 by .7854. 8. Divide 127.328 by .07958. 9. Divide 15.90435 by 20.25. 10. Divide 352.0625 by 32.75. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. What cost 43.45 acres of land at $38.5 an acre? Ans. $1672.825. 2. "What cost 57.75 tons of hay at $12.25 a ton ? Ans. $707.4375. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 121 3. If 31.25 yards of muslin cost $7.8125; how much is that a yard ? Ans. $0.25. 4. A man sold 35.25 pounds of butter for $5,875 ; how much is that a pound? Ans. $0,166+. 5. There are 7.92 inches in a link ; how many inches in 990 links ? Ans. 7840.8 in. 6. There are 31.5 gallons in a barrel ; how many barrels in 2756.25 gallons ? Ans. 87.5 barrels. . 7. If 14.5 yards of cloth cost $68,875, how much is that a yard ? Ans. $4.75. 8. If a man walk 112-1184 miles in 9.16 days, how many miles does he walk each day ? Ans. 12.24 miles. 9. How many yards of cloth at $4.28 a yard, can a person buy for $44.9828 ? Ans. $10.51. 10. What is the value of 54.6 multiplied by 80.5, and the product divided by 2 ? Ans. 2197.65. 11. The circumference of a water-wheel is 64 feet, and the diameter equals this divided by 3.1416; required the diameter ? Ans. 20.3718 feet. 12. If 25.5 yards of cloth cost 195.375, how much will 45.25 yards cost ? Ans. $346,696+. 13. If an imperial gallon contains 277.274 cubic inches, how many cubic inches in 328.55 gallons? Ans. 91098.3727. 14. A gallon of distilled water weighs 8.33888 pounds; how many gallons in 1000 pounds of such water ? Ans. 119.92+. 15. A cubic inch of water weighs 252.458 grains; how many cubic inches in 157786.25 grains ? Ans. 625cu. in. 16. A drew 41.25 barrels, of 31.5 gallons each, from a cistern containing 2000 gallons; how much remained? Ans. 700.625. 17. A bought 7S.25 acres of land at $128.5 an acre, and sold it fur $97^1.25; what was the loss on each acre? Ans. $3.50. 11 122 PROBLEMS. REVIEW OF FUNDAMENTAL RULES. HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, ETC. PROBLEMS. Suggestion. — The teacher should explain the nature of the facts presented, and require the pupils to remernher some of the mora important numbers and dates. PROBLEMS on Battles of the Revolution. 1. At the battle of Lexington, the Americans lost 90 men, the British 190 more ; how many did the British Jose? 2. At the battle of Bunker Hill, the Americans had 1500 men, the British 1500 more; how many had the British ? 3. In this battle the Americans lost 450 men, the British 604 more; how many did the British lose? 4. At the battle of Long Island, the British lost 367 men, the Americans 1233 more; how many did the Americans lose ? 5. At the battle of Trenton, the British lost 45 in killed and wounded, and 1000 prisoners; what was their loss ? 6. In the battle of Brandywine, the British lost 800 men, and the Americans 450 more ; how many did the Americans lose ? 7. In the battle of Germantown, the British lost 600 men, and the Americans lost 600 more ; how many did the Americans lose ? 8. At the battle of Bennington, the Americans lost about 100, and the British 600 more; required the British loss. 9. At the battle of Monmouth, the Americans lost 70 ii? killed, and the British 230 more; required the British loss. 10. In taking Stony Point, Gen. Wayne lost 15 killed and 83 wounded, and the British lost 500 more in killed, wounded, and prisoners ; required the British loss. PROBLEMS. 123 11. At the battle of Sander's Creek, the British lost 325, and the Americans 675 more; what was the Ame- rican loss? 12. At the battle of Kind's Mountain, the Americans lost 20 men, and the British 280 more; how many did the British lose ? 13. At the battle of 'Guilford, the Americans lost 400 men, the British lost 100 more; required the British loss. 14. At Hobkirk's Hill, the British loss was about 258 men, and the Americans 8 more; how many did the latter lose? 15. At Xinety-Six, the Americans lost 51 in killed and Avounded ; the British lost 1 more than this in killed, and 283 more in wounded; required the British loss. 1G. At the battle of Eutaw Springs, the Americans lost 555, and the British 138 more; required the British loss. 17. At Yorktown, Washington had 11,000 Americans and 5000 French, and the British had 2000 more than the French ; what was the force on each side ? 18. At Yorktown, the Americans lost about 75 killed, and 225 wounded ; the British lost 156 killed, 170 more than this wounded, and 70 missing ; what w T as the loss on each side, not including prisoners ? PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY. 1. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492, and Jamestown was settled in 1607; w T hat was the differ- ence of time? 2. Plymouth was settled in 1620 ; how long was that after America was discovered, and how long after the settlement of Jamestown? 3. The battle of Lexington was fought in 1775; how long was that after the settlement of Plymouth? 4. The .Declaration of Independence was made in 124 PROBLEMS. 1776 ; how long was that after the settlement of James, town ? 5. The surrender of Burgoyne took place in 1777 j how long was that after the discovery of America? 6. The Inauguration of Washington took place iL 1789; how long was that after the battle of Bunker Hill, in 1775 ? 7. The battle of New Orleans took place in 1815; how long was that after the inauguration of Washing- ton ? 8. The frigate Constitution captured the British fri- gate Guerriere in 1812; how long was it after the De- claration of Independence? 9. Commodore Perry won his great naval victory in 1813 ; how long was that after the battle of Lexington? 10. General Jackson won his great victory at New Orleans in 1815 ; how long is it from then till the pre- sent ? 11.. General Packenham had 12000 men, and General Jackson 6000 ; how many more had the British J /;han the Americans ? 12. The British lost 1700 in killed and wounded, the Americans 13 men; what was the difference? 13. War with Mexico commenced in 1846 ; how long was that after the battle of Lexington ? 14. At the battle of Palo Alto, General Taylor had 2300 men and the Mexicans 6000 ; what was the differ- ence? 15. The battle of Buena Yista was fought in 1847 ; how long was this after the battle of Bunker Hill ? 16. At this battle General Taylor had 4759 men, while Santa Anna had 20000 men ; required the difference of the forces. 17. General Scott took the Mexican capital in 1847; how long is it from that time to the present ? PROBLEMS. 125 PROBLEMS ON THE AREA OF STATES. NEW ENGLAND STATES. 1. The area of Maine is 30000 square miles, and of jjSew Hampshire 9280 square miles; how mueh larger is the former? 2. Vermont contains 9056 square miles, and Massa- chusetts 7800 square miles; how much larger is the former than the latter? 3. Ehode Island contains 1306 square miles, and Con- necticut 4674 square miles; how much larger is Maine than both of these? 4. Which is larger, and how much, Maine or all the rest of the .New England States ? Which is larger, and how much, New Hampshire and Vermont together, or Massachusetts and Connecticut together ? MIDDLE STATES. 5. New York contains 47000 square miles, and New Jersey 8320 square miles; how much larger is the former? 6. Pennsylvania contains 46000 square miles, and Delaware 2120 square miles; how much larger is Penn. sylvania ? 7. Maryland contains 9356 square miles; how much larger is Maryland than New Jersey ? 8. How much larger is Pennsylvania than New Jer- sey, Delaware, and Maryland all together? 9. How much larger are the Middle States than the New England States? WESTERN STATES. 10. Ohio contains 39964 square miles, and Indiana 33809 square miles; how much larger is the former than the latter ? 11. Michigan contains 56243 square miles, and Illinois 55405 square miles; how much larger is the formed than the latter ? n * 126 PROBLEMS. 12. How much larger are Ohio and Michigan than Indiana and Illinois? 13. Wisconsin contains 53924 square miles, and Iowa 55045 square miles; how much larger is the latter than the former ? 14. Missouri contains 67380 square miles, and Ken- tucky 37680 square miles; how much larger is Mis- souri ? 15. Which would make the larger State, Wisconsin and Iowa, or Missouri and Kentucky? 16. California contains 189000 square miles, and Ore- gon 95000 square miles; which is the larger, and how much ? 17. How much larger are the Western States than the New England and Middle States together ? SOUTHERN STATES. 18. "Virginia contains 41352 square miles, and West Virginia 20000 square miles; how much larger is Vir- ginia than West Virginia ? 19. North Carolina contains 45000 square miles, and South Carolina 24500 square miles; how much larger is North Carolina than South Carolina ? 20. Georgia contains 58000 square miles, and Louisiana 46431 square miles ; how much larger is G-eorgia than Louisiana? 21. Alabama contains 50722 square miles, and Missis- sippi 47156 square miles ; how much larger is Alabama than Mississippi ? 22. Arkansas contains 52198 square miles, and Tennes- Bee 45600 ; which is the larger, and how much ? 23. Florida contains 59628 square miles, and Texas 237321 square miles ; how much larger is Texas than Florida ? 24. Which is larger, and how much, Texas, or all the other States taken together ? BUSINESS PROBLEMS. 127 BUSINESS PROBLEMS. Suggestion. — Pupils will put these in the form of accounts, as on page 93. 1. A merchant sold a farmer 125 yards of calico, at 18 cents a yard, 150 yards of drilling, at 15 cents a yard, and bought of the farmer 225 bushels of oats, at 40 cents a bushel, and 90 bushels of rye, at $1.25 a bushel ; which owes the other, and how much? 2. A mechanic sold a farmer a wagon for $56.50, two plows, at $7.50 each, and 6 wheel-barrows, at $5.25 each; and bought of the farmer 50 bushels of potatoes, at 75 cents a bushel, and 75 bushels of wheat, at 85 cents a bushel ; which owes the other, and how much ? 3. A farmer sold a merchant 4 cows, at $28.50 each, a yoke of oxen for $95, and 7 sheep, at $6.25 each; and took in payment 40 yards of carpet, at $2.25 a yard, 35 yards of cloth, at $3.25 a yard, and 58 yards of muslin, at 15 cents a yard; how much remains due? 4. A farmer bought of a mechanic, 2 wagons, at $76 each, 4 drags, at $6.50 each, 3 harrows, at $12.25 each; and sold him 45 bushels of apples, at 55 cents a bushel, 3 barrels of cider, at $5.25 a barrel, 28 bushels of corn, at 42 cents a bushel, and 3 cows, at $28.75 each; which owes the other, and how much ? 5. A mechanic bought of a merchant 28 pounds of sugar, at 18cts. a pound, 36 pounds of rice, at 17cts. a pound, 45 yards of muslin, at 18cts. a yard, 28 yards of cloth, at $5.25 a yard, 37 barrels of flour, at $7.25 a barrel ; And sold him 4 wagons, at $75 each, 6 wagon-racks, at $13.50 each, 2 mowing-machines, at $157 each, 3 ox-yokes, at $6.75 each ; Which owes the other, and how much? 128 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. SECTION" VII. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 137. A Concrete Number is one which refers to some particular unit, as 2 books, 3 pounds, etc. 138. Concrete numbers are of two kinds ; those in which the unit is natural, and those in which it is arti- ficial. 139. A Denominate Number is a concrete number in which the unit is artificial, as 3 pounds, 4 yards, 5 minutes, etc. 14 0. Reduction is the process of changing a number from one denomination to another without changing its value. 141. Reduction Descending is the process of re- ducing from a higher to a lower denomination. 142. Reduction Ascending is the process of re- ducing from a lower to a higher denomination. ENGLISH MONEY. 143. English, or Sterling Money, is the money of England. TABLE. 4 farthings (far., or qr.) equal 1 penny, . . . d. 12 pence " 1 shilling, . . . s. 20 shillings " 1 pound,* . . . £. 21 shillings " 1 guinea. to' S b * s"^- 1 ^"" s* Mental Exercise;* — Repeat the table of English Money. How many far. in 2d. ? in 3d. ? in Gd. ? in 8d. ? How many pence in I2far. ? in lGfar. ? in 20far. ? in 28far. ?, How many pence in 2s. ? in 3s. ? in 5s. ? in 6s. ? How many far. in Is. ? in 2s. ? in 3s. ? in 5s. ? * The £ coined in gold is called a sovereign. Its value is $4.84. A five- shilling piece in silver is called a crown. A two-and-a-half-shilling pieo* in silver is called a half-Town. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 129 REDUCTION DESCENDING. 1. How many farthings in 8 pence and 3 farthings? 8 4 Solution. — In one penny there are 4 operation. farthings, hence 4 times the number of d. far. pence equal the number of farthings; 4 times 8 are 32, and 32far. plus the 3 far. equal 35 farthings. 32 3 3 ofar. Ans. 2. How many farthings in 14d. 2far.? Ans. 58far. 3. How many pence in 15s. 9d. ? Ans. 189d. 4. How many shillings in £23 10s.? Ans. 470s. 5. How many farthings in 23s. lOd. 3far. ? 6. How many pence in £32 19s. 3d. ? REDUCTION ASCENDING. 1. How many shillings, pence, and farthings, in 1487 farthings ? Solution. — There are 4 farthings in one operation. penny, hence in 1487far. there are as 4) 1487 many pence as 4 is contained times in 12)371-3far. 1487, which are 371 pence, and 3far. 30-lld. remaining. There are 12 pence in one shilling, and in 371 pence there are as many shillings as 12 is con- tained times in 371, which are 30 shillings, and 11 pence remaining. Hence, 1485far. equal 30s., lid., 3far. 2. How many shillings, pence, and farthings in 989 farthings ? Ans. 20s. 7d. lfar. 3. Reduce 2676 farthings to shillings and pence. Ans. 55s. 9d. 4. How many pounds in 3178 farthings ? Ans. £3 6s. 2d. ?far, 5. How many pounds in 9761 pence? 6. How many guineas in 17654 farthings ? loO DENOMINATE NUMBERS. TROY WEIGHT. 144. Troy Weight is used in weighing gold, silver, jewels, etc. TABLE. 24 grains (gi\) . equal 1 pennyweight, . . pwt. 20 pennyweights . " 1 ounce, . . . . oz. 12 ounces . . . . " 1 pound, .... lb. Mental Exercises. — How many oz. in 21b. ? in 31b. ? in 51b. ? How many \\. in 3Goz. ? in 48oz. ? in 60oz. ? in lpwt. ? in 2pwt. ? How many pwt. in 2oz. ? in 3oz. ? in 4oz. ? in 48grs. ? in 72grs. ? 1. How many grains in 15oz. 16pwt. 13grs.? oz. pwt. 15 16 20 grs. 13 300 '16 316 pwt. 24 2. How many penny- weights in 74597grs.? grs. 24) 7597 2|0)31|6 — 13grs. 15 — 16pwt. Ans. 15oz. 16pwt. 13grs. Note. — In dividing by large numbers, like 24, we, of course, divide by Long Division. We in- dicated the result above. 1264 632 7584 13 7597grs. Ans. How many 3. Grains in 6pwt. 12grs. ? 4. Pounds, oz., and pwts. in 963pwts. ? Ans. 48oz. 3pwt 5. Grains in 3oz. llpwt. 14gr. ? 6. Oz., pwt., and grs. in 5170grs. ? 7. Pounds, oz. etc., in 15786grs. ? Ans. 156grs. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 131 APOTHECARIES WEIGHT.. 145. Apothecaries Weight is used in mixing medi- cines. Medicines are bought and sold by Avoirdupois Weight. TABLE. 20 grains (gr.) 3 scruples 8 drams . . 12 ounces . equal 1 scruple, . . . . 9 . 1 dram, .... 3. 1 ounce, . . . . 3. 1 pound, .... lb. a it u Mental Exercises. — 1. How many grs. in 2 scruples? in 3 scru- ples ? in 4 scruples. 2. How many scruples in 40grs. ? in GOgrs. ? in 80grs. ? inl60grs.? 3. How many scruples in 2 drams? in 4 drams? in 2 ounces? in 4 ounces ? 4. How many drams in 2 ounces? inlft)? in!25?in365? in!20grs.? 1. How many grains in 153 2B 12gr. ? ' OrERATION. 15 2 12 3 47 20 952gr. Ans. Note. — "When convenient, add in the numbers as we multiply. How many 1. Drams in 71b. 53 ? Ans. 7123. 2. Pounds and ounces in 2305 ? Ans - 19tb - 11 5- 3. Scruples in 191b. 85 53 2£ ? Ans. 5681B- 4. Pounds, etc., in 92375o;r.? Ans. 161b. 85 I3 15gr- 2. How many drams in 952 grains? OPERATION. 2(0)952 3)47^ 12gr. 15 — 29 Ans. 153 29 12gr ? 132 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 146. Avoirdupois Weight is used for weighing every thing except jewels, precious metals, etc. TABLE. 16 drams (dr.) . equal 1 ounce, oz. 16 ounces . " 1 pound, lb. 25 pounds . . u 1 quarter, qr. 4 quarters . . " 1 hundred-weight, cwt. 20 hundred-weight " 1 ton, T. Mental Exercises. — -Ask mental questions upon this and the following tables, similar to those suggested under the previous tables. N )w many drams in 2. How many poundf oz. 9dr ? in 3289 drams?" OPERATION. OPERATION. lb. oz. dr. drams. 12 13 9 16)3289 16 16) 205 — 9dr. 72 12 — 13oz. 12 Ans. 121b. 13oz. 9dr. 13 205 oz., etc. How many 3 Drams in 171b. 12oz. lldr. ? 4. Ounces in 3qr 151b. 13oz. ? 5. Pounds in 5cwt. 3qr. 161b. ? 6. Pounds in 15675 drams ? 7. Quarters in 27392 ounces ? 8. Drams in 20cwt. 3qr. 141b. lloz. 9dr. ? 9 Hundred-weight in 17896754 drams ? DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 13S WINE MEASURE. 147. Wine Measure is used for measuring nearly all kinds of liquids. TABLE. 4 gills (gi.) .... equal 1 pint, pt. 2 pints " 1 quart, qt. 4 quarts " 1 gallon, gal. Note. — The wine gallon contains 231 cubic inches, while the beer gallon, used in measuring beer, and sometimes milk, contains 281 cu. in. In the old tables were given 3U gals. = 1 barrel; 63 gals. = 1 hogshead: 2 hogsheads = 1 pipe ; 2 pipes = 1 tun. These are not measures, however, but vessels of variable capacity. How many 1. Pints in 4gal. 3qt. lpt.? 2. Gallons in 976 pints ? 3. Gills in 17gal. 2qt. 3gi. ? 4. Gallons in 1763 gills ? DRY MEASURE. 148. Dry Measure is used in measuring dry sub- stances, as grain, fruit, salt, coal, etc. TABLE. 2 pints (pt.) . . . equal 1 quart, qt. 8 quarts .... "1 peck, pk. 4 pecks "1 bushel, bu. How many 1. Pints in 3pk. 6qt. lpt. of berries? 2. Bushels in 314 quarts of clover seed? 3. Bushels in 3157 pints of cranberries ? 4. What cost .4 bushels of berries at 2 cents a pint f 134 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. APOTHECARIES' FLUID MEASURE. 149. Apothecaries' Fluid Measure is used for mea- suring liquids in preparing medical prescriptions. TABLE. 60 minims (Tfp) . equal 1 nuidrachm, f^. 8 fluidrachms . " 1 fluidounce, fg. 16 fluidounces . " 1 pint, ' O. 8 pints .... "1 gallon, Cong. ^" 0TE . — o is the initial of octans, the Latin for one-eighth, the pint being | of a gallon. Cong, is the abbreviation of congiarium, the Latin fol gailon. How many 1. Minims in 20. 5f^ ? 2. Pints in 8000 minims ? 3. Fluidounces in BCong. 70. 5f J ? 4. Gallons in 78561 minims ? MEASURE OF LENGTH. 150. Measure of Length, or Long Measure, is used for measuring length, breadth, height, distances, etc. 1. A Line is that which has length Without breadth or thickness. . / D 2. An Angle is the opening between j / two lines which diverge from a common A g B point. Thus, ACD and DCB are angles. 3. A Right Angle is formed by one line perpendicular to another, as ACE or ECB. TABLE. 12 inches (in.) . 3 feet . 5 A yards 40 rods . 8 furlongs equal 1 foot, ft. " 1 yard, yd. " 1 rod, rd. " 1 furlong, fur. " 1 mile, mi. . ■ Note.— Cloth Measure is not now used. Cloth, muslin, etc. are bought by the yard, half-yard, eighth, etc. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 135 1. How many feet in I2rd. 3yd. 2ft. ? OPERATION. rd. yd. ft. 12 3 2 _5| 63 6 69yd. 3 209ft. Ans. Note. — We multiply by 5, and add to the product the 3 yds., and then multiplying by £, we have 69 yd. 2. How many rods in 209 ft, ? OPERATION, feet. 3)209 5*)69ft, 2 2 11)138 12— 6halves=3yi Ans. 12rd. 3yd. 2ft. Note. — To divide by b\, we re- duce both to halves, then the re- mainder is halves, which we reduce to wholes, by dividing by 2. Ans. 281ft. Ans. 635in. Ans. 87yds. etc. How many 3. Feet in 16rd. 5yd. 2ft. ? 4. Inches in 17yd. 1ft. llin. ? 5. Yards in 3146 inches? 6. Eods in 6547 inches ? 7. Feet in 7fur. 32rd. 4yd. ? 8. Furlongs in 4389 feet? 9. Miles in 19280 feet? 10. Inches in 2m. 6fur. 4rd. 8in. ? 11. How many inches from New York to Philadelphia, if the distance is 96 miles ? SURFACE OR SQUARE MEASURE. 151. Surface or Square Measure is used in mea- suring surfaces, as land, boards, etc. 1. A Surface is that which has length and breadth -without thickness. 2. A Square is a surface which has four equal sides and four right angles, as in the margin. 136 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 3. A Rectangle is a surface which has four sides and four right angles. A slate, a door, the sides of a room, etc., are examples of rectangles. 4. The Area of a surface is expressed by the number of times it contains a small square as aunit of measure. 5. The area of a square or rectangle is equal to the length multi' plied by the breadth. For, in the rectangle above, the whole number of little squares is equal to the number in each row multiplied by the number of rows : that is, 4 X 3 which equals 12, which is the same as the number of units in length multiplied by the number in breadth. TABLE 144 square inches (sq. in.) equal 1 square foot, 9 square feet . . 30 \ square yards . 40 perches . . . 4 roods . . i . 640 acres . . . . 1. How many square feet in 28P. 18sq. yd. 5 sq. ft. ? OPERATION. P. sq. yd. sq. ft. 28 18 5 30* 865sq. yd. 9 7790sq. ft. Note. — We multiplied by 30, added in the 18 sq. yds., and then multiplied by i and took the sum. sq. ft. 1 square yard, sq. yd. 1 perch, or sq. rod, P. 1 rood, R. 1 acre, A. 1 square mile, sq. mi. 2. How many perches are there in 7790sq. ft. ? OPERATION sq. ft. 9)7790 30^)865 — 5sq. ft. 4 4 121)3460 28 — 72 fourths, or 18sq. yd. Ans. 27P. 18sq. yd. 5sq. ft. Note. — To divide by 30J we re- duce both divisor and dividend to 4ths, and then divide ; the remain- der ie 72 fourths, or 18 sq. yd. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 137 How many 3. Square inches in 2sq. yd. 3sq. ft. ? 4. Square feet in 2R. 13P. 16sq. yd. ? 5. Perches in 8765 square feet ? 6. Acres in 1997 perches ? Ans. 12A. IE. 37P. 7. Perches in 29A. 3R. 19P.? Ans. 4779P. 8. Acres in 89763 square yards ? Ans. 18A. 2E. 7P., etc. 3 feet long. CUBIC OK SOLID MEASURE. 152. Cubic or Solid Measure is used in measuring things which have length, breadth, and thickness. 1. A Volume is that which has length, breadth, and thickness. A volume is also called a solid. 2. A Cube is a volume bounded by six equal squares. A Rect- angular Volume is one bounded by rectangles. Cellars, boxes, rooms, etc., are examples of rectangular volumes. 3. The Contents of a volume are expressed by the number of times it contains a cube as a unit of measure. The contents of a Cube or Rectangular Solid are equal to the pro- duct of the length, breadth, and height. Fur in the volume above, the number of cubic units on the base is equal to the length multiplied by the breadth, and the whole number of cubic units equals the number on the base multiplied by the number of layers ; hence the whole number equals 3 X 3X3 = 27. 4. A cord of wood is a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high. A cord foot is a part of this pile, 1 foot long; it equals 10 cubic feet. 12* 1 cord. 138 DENOMINATE NITOIBERS. TABLE. 1728 cubic inches (cu. in.) equal 1 cubic foot, 27 cubic feet . . . 16 cubic feet . . . 8 cord feet, or "| 128 cubic feet, j 40 feet of round timber, or 50 feet of square timber u u ii , or I cu. ft. 1 cubic yard* cu. yd 1 cord foot, cd. ft. 1 cord of wood, Cd. 1 ton, tn. How many 1. Cu. in. in 7cu. ft. 96cu. in. ? 2. Cu. in. in 12cu. yd. 25cu. ft.? 3. Cu. ft. in 8469 cubic inches? 4. Cu. yd. in 60463 cubic inches? 5. Cords in 8192 cubic feet? MEASURE OF TIME. 153. Time is the measure of duration. 60 seconds (sec.) 60 minutes 24 hours . 7 days 4 weeks . 52 weeks . 365 days 100 years . TABLE. equal 1 minute, min 1 hour, h. 1 day, da. 1 week, wk. 1 month, mo. 1 year, yr. 1 common year, yr. 1 century, cen. How many 1. Minutes in 1 day ? 2. Seconds in 1 day ? 3. Hours in 1 year? 4. Minutes in 1 year? 5. Hours in 56780 seconds ? 6. Days in 600000 seconds ? Ans. 1440. Ans. 86400. Ans. 8760. Ans. 525600. Ans. 15K etc. Ans. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 139 CIRCULAR MEASURE. 154. Circular Measure is used to measure angles and directions, latitude and longitude, etc. 1. A Circle is a figure bounded by a curve line, every point of which is equally distant from a point within, called the centre. 2. The Circumference is the bounding line ; any part of the circumference, as BC, is an arc ; AB is the diameter, and OC the radius. 3. For the purpose of measuring angles, the circumference is divided into 3G0 equal parts, called degrees; each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes; each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds. 4. Any angle at the centre, as COB, is measured by the arc BC included between its sides. A right angle is measured by 90 degrees ; half a right angle, by 45 degrees, etc. TABLE. 60 seconds (") . . 60 minutes . . . 30 degrees . . . 12 signs, or 360°, . How many 1. Seconds in 24' 32"? 2. Seconds in 23° 24' 15"? Minutes in 1472"? <( a u r o o O. equal 1 minute, 1 degree, . . 1 sign . . . . S. 1 circumference, C. Ans. 1472". Ans. 84255". Ans. 24' 32". Ans. 23° 24' 15". 4. Degrees in 84255" ? 5. What is the difference between the number of minutes in a day and the number of minutes in a cir. en inference ? 6. "What is the difference between the number of seconds in a day and the number of seconds in a cir- cumference ? 7. If you study 6 hours a day, for 5 days in a week, how many minutes will you study in a week ? liO DENOMINATE NUMBERS. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 155. Counting. 12 units 12 dozen 12 gross 20 units < 24 sheets 20 quires 2 reams 5 reams equal 1 dozen. 1 gross. 1 great gross. 1 score. a i it 156. Paper. . . . equal 1 quire. 1 ream. 1 bundle. 1 bale. u a << 157. Weight, Capacity, Length, etc. 56 pounds of rye or corn equal L bushel. 60 pounds of wheat or clover seed 60 pounds of beans or potatoes 100 pounds of fish 196 pounds of flour " 220 pounds of shad or salmon " 200 pounds of other fish " 200 pounds of beef or pork " 14 pounds (by English law) " 8 bushels of wheat " 4 inches " 9 inches " 22 inches (in Scripture) " A knot or nautical mile is 6086.7 feet. A surveyor's chain of 100 links is 4 rods long. 1. How many units in a gross? 2. How many pins in a great gross? 3. How many sheets in a ream ? In a bundle? 4. How many sheets in a bale ? In 12 bales ? 5. How many bushels of rye will weigh as much aa 14 bushels of wheat ? Ans. 15bu. 6. How many bushels of beans will weigh as much as 30 bushels of corn ? Ans. 28bu. 7. If Dr. "Windship lifts 3000 pounds, how many bar« rels of beef can he lift ? Ans. 15 barrels. 1 bushel. 1 bushel. 1 quintal. 1 barrel. 1 barrel. 1 barrel. 1 barrel. 1 stone. 1 quarter. 1 hand. 1 span. 1 cubit. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 14] MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 1. Reduce 907 pence to pounds. 2. Reduce 184U pence to pounds. 3. Reduce 24S0 farthings to shillings. 4. How many pounds in 8000 grains Troy ? 5. How many pounds in 10000 ounces Avoirdupois? 6. Reduce £12 9s. Gd. to pence. 7. Reduce 81b. 7oz. lopwt. to pennyweights. 8. Reduce 121b. 14oz. 15dr. to drams. 9. How many seconds in 24 hours, or one day ? 10. How many pounds in 16cwt. 3qr. 131b. ? 11. How many tons in 9876 pounds? 12. How many tons in 165762 ounces? 13. Change 63 29 12gr. to grains. 14. Reduce 9^ 4 3 19 lOgr. to grains. 15. How many pounds in 5876^ ? 16. How many pounds in 765429 ? 17. Reduce 3m. 7fur. 4rd. 2yd. to yards. 18. Reduce 47692 feet to miles. 19. Reduce 1234560 inches to miles. 20. Adam died at the age of 930 years ; how many seconds was this? 21. Methuselah died at the age of 969 years; how many seconds old was this ? 22. If the pulse beat 75 times a minute, how often does it beat in a day? Ans. 108000 times. 23. How long will it take to count a million, at the rate of a hundred a minute, working 12hrs. a day? Ans. 13d. lOh. 40m. 24. If the distance around the earth is 25000 miles, how long will it take to walk the distance, walking 4 miles an hour? Ans. 260d. lOh. 25. If £1 equals 84.84, what is the value of £5 in United States Money? 142 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 26. If £1 equals $4.84, required the value of £7 15s in the money of the United States. Ans. $37.51. 27. If £2 equals $9.68, what is the value of $37.51 in English Money? Ans £7 15s. 28. If 12 of Henry's peaches fill a quart measure, how many will there be in a bushel? Ans. 384. 29. How many square rods in a rectangular field 32 rods long and 12 rods wide? Ans. 384sq. rd. 30. How many square feet in a board 18 feet long and 2| feet wide? Ans. 45sq. ft. 31. How many cubic feet in a block of stone 6 feet lonjj, 3 feet wide, and 2 feet thick? Ans. 36cu. ft. 32. Required the value of a rectangular lot 36 rods long and 20 rods wide, at $3 a square rod. Ans. $2160., 33. How many cords in a pile of wood 48 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high ? Ans. 6 cords. 34. How many cords in a pile of wood 16 feet long, 8 feet high, and 4 feet wide? Ans. 4 cords. 35. What must I pay for a pile of wood 24 feet long, 12 feet high, and 4 feet wide, at $1.50 a cord? Ans. $13.50. 36. How much time is wasted by taking an hour's nap each afternoon, for 24 years of 365 days each ? Ans. 1 year. ADDITION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 158, Addition of Denominate Numbers is the pro- cess of finding the sum of two or more denominate numbers of the same kind of quantity. 1. Find the sum of £8 7s. 5d.; £9 8s. 6d. ; £7 14s. 9d Solution. — We write the numbers so that operation. units of the same kind shall stand in the same £ s. d. column, and begin at the right to add. 9d plus 8 7 5 6d. plus 5d. equal 20d., which, by reduction, we 9 8 6 find equal Is. and 8d. We write the 8d. under 7 14 9 the pence column, and reserve the Is. to add to 25 10 8 the column of shillings. Is. plus 14s. plus 8s. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 143 plus 7s. equal 30s., which, by reduction, we find equal £1 and 10s. We write the 10s. in shillings column, and add the £1 to the column of pounds, etc. Hence the following Rule. — 1. Write the numbers so that units of the same name stand in the same column, and commence at the right to add. 2. Add as in simple numbers, reduce by division the sum of each column to the next higher denomination, write the remainder under the column added, and add the quotient to the next column. 3. Proceed in the same manner icith all the columns to the last, under which write the entire sum. Proof. — The same as in simple numbers. (2.) (3.) (4-) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 12 6 25 16 8 123 14 6 25 13 9 17 13 9 137 18 10 17 18 10 14 17 11 246 19 11 (5.) (6.) (70 lb. oz. pwt. lb. oz. pwt. lb. oz. pwt. 17 9 16 18 9 16 92 7 12 25 6 12 36 8 21 71 3 17 72 11 13 29 7 23 28 9 10 57 10 19 42 11 17 36 11 18 (8) (9.) (10.) cwt. qr. lb. oz. qr. lb. oz. dr. rd. yd. ft. in 20 3 12 11 12 16 12 11 17 4 2 6 16 2 16 12 13 23 9 10 21 2 17 17 22 20 14 24 14 15 23 3 8 19 1 18 19 15 16 15 8 25 5 2 9 144 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. (11.) (12.) (13.) ft). 5 9 gr- gal. qt. pt. L. mi. fur. rd. 28 11 7 2 16 36 2 1 16 2 7 30 19 9 5 1 23 42 1 1 14 2 7 32 27 8 3 2 17 25 3 28 1 6 28 24 7 2 1 18 28 3 1 34 5 37 SUBTRACTION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 159. Subtraction of Denominate Numbers is the process of finding the difference between two compound numbers of the same kind of measure. 1. From lOoz. 12pwt. 20gr. take 7oz. 15pwt. 16gr. Solution. — We write the subtrahend under operation. the minuend, writing units of the same name in oz. pwt. gr. the same column, and commence at the lowest 19 12 20 denomination to subtract. 16gr. subtracted 7 15 16 from 20gr. leave 4grs., which we write under 2 17 4 the grains. 15pwt. from 12pwt. we cannot take; we will therefore take loz. from the lOoz., leaving 9oz. ; 'ioz. equal 20pwt., which added to 12pwt. equal 32pwt. ; 15pwt. sub- tracted from 32pwt. equal 17pwt., which we write under pwts. 7oz. from 9oz. (or since it will give the same result, we may add loz. to 7oz. and say, 8oz. from lOoz.) leave 2oz. Hence the following Rule. — 1. Write the subtrahend under the minuend, with units of the same denomination in the same column. 2. Commence at the lowest denomination, and subtract each number in. the subtrahend from the corresponding number in the minuend. 3. If the number in the subtrahend exceeds the number in the minuend, add to the latter as many units of that deno- mination as make one of the next higher, and then subtract ; add also one to the next number in the subtrahend before subtracting. 4. Proceed in the same manner with each denomination to the Last. Proof. — The same as in simple numbers. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 145 (2-) £ s. d. far. (3.) £ s. d. far. lb. (4.) oz. pwt. gr 143 11 10 2 930 17 7 3 16 10 16 18 115 14 6 3 246 19 8 1 13 11 17 15 27 17 3 3 2 10 19 3 (5.) lb. oz. pwt. gr. 125 8 14 20 (6.) cwt. qr. lb. 112 3 17 oz. 12 T. 236 cwt. qr. lb. oz 13 2 18 12 96 9 10 23 37 1 10 13 127 11 4 22 10 (8.) hhd. gal. qt. pt. 128 27 1 (9.) yr. mo. wk 216 10 2 . da. h. 5 16 (10.) sq.yd. sq.ft. sq.in 226 20 120 106 30 2 1 123 10 3 2 20 S. L34 25 130 (11.) A. II. P. (12.) L. mi. fur. rd. (13.) o / // 426 1 30 16 2 7 30 25 20 30 40 207 3 35 14 2 7 32 20 30 40 50 14. A farmer had 200bu. of wheat, and sold 28bu.2pk. 5qt. lpt. to one man, and as much more to another ; how much remained ? Ans. 142bu. 2pk. 5qt. 15. A miner having 1121b. of gold sent his mother 171b. lOoz. 15pwt. 20gr. and 31b. 16pwt. less to his father ; how much did he retain ? Ans. 791b. 3oz. 4pwt. 8gr. 16. Subtract 16dol. 57cts. 5* mills from $25 20cts. ~\ mills, and add 2 eagles and 25 £ dimes to the result. Ans. 31dol. 20cts. 6| mills. IT. Add 961b. 9oz. lOpwt. 23gr. to 1251b. 8oz. 14pwt 20grs. and subtract the sum from the sum of 1021b. iloz. 16pwt. and 2561b. 9oz. 19pwt. 13 146 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. MULTIPLICATION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS 16©. Multiplication of Denominate Numbers is the process of multiplying a denominate number by an ab- stract number. 1. Multiply £12 lis. 7d. by 8. Solution. — 8 times 7d. are 56d., which by operation. reduction we find is equal to 4s. and 8d. We £ s. d. write the 8 pence under the pence, and re- - 12 11 7 serve the 4s. to add to the next product. 8 8 times lis. are 88s., which added to the 4s. ^(X) 12 8 equal 92s., which we find by reduction equal £4 and 12s. 8 times £12 are £96, which added to £4 equal £100, Hence the following Rule. — Write the multiplier under the lowest denomina- tion of the multiplicand, multiply as in simple number^ reducing as in addition. Proof. — The same as in simple numbers. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) cwt. qr. lb. oz. lb. oz. pwt. gr. M. da. h. min. pec. 18 3 21 9 16 8 15 17 50 10 20 30 40 5 3 7 (5.) (6.) (7.) £ s. d. far. hhd. gal. qt. pt. lb 3 3 J} gr. 13 12 9 2 21 35 3 1 12 8 7 2 20 8 9 11 8. Multiply 12L. 2mi. 5fur. 32rd. by 5, by 6, by 7, by 8 9. Multiply 23ch. 18bu. 2pk. 7qt. lpt. by 4, by 5, by 9, by 10. 10. A farmer sold 5 loads of hay, each containing 15cwt. 3qr. 151b. ; how much did he sell ? Ans. 79cwt. 2qr. DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 147 11. Multiply 13yr. lOmo. 3wk. 5da. by 5, and that product by 3. Ans. 208yr. "mo. 3wk. 5da. 12. If a man walk 17mi. 7 fur. 20rd. in each of 21 days, how far will he walk in all? Ans. 3T6mi. 5fur. 20rd. 13. If a farmer raise 60bu. 3pk. 6qt. lpt. of grain on one acre, how much can he raise at the same rate on 48 acres? * Ans. 2925bu. 3pk. 14. A owned 1000A. of land ; he sold B 96A. 3K. 30P., and 4 times as much to C ; how much remained ? Ans. 515A. 1H. 10P. DIVISION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 161. Division of Denominate Numbers is the pro- ;ss of dividing when one or bot number. There are two cases. cess of dividing when one or both terms is a denominate Case I. 162. To divide a denominate number into equal parts. 1. Divide £103 7s. 6d. into 5 equal parts; that is, take l of it. Solution. — \ of £103 is £20 and £3 re- operation. maining. £3 equal GOs., which added to 7s. £ s. d. equal 67s. ; i of 67s. is 13s. and 2s. remain- 5)103 7 6 ing. 2s. equal 24d., which added to 6d. 20 13 6 equal 30d. ; \ of 30d. is 6d. Hence the following *o Rule. — 1. Begin at the highest denomination, and divide as in simple numbers. 2. If there is a remainder, reduce it to the next loioer de-. nomination, add to it the number of that denomination and divide as before, and thus continue to the last. 148 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) £ s. d. lb. oz. pwt. gr. T. cwt. qr. A. 4)61 18 4 9 7 6)76 10 14 12 7)112 ! 16 2 16 15 16 2 1 13 (5.) (6.) cwt. qrs. lb. oz. dr. hhd. gal. qt. pt. g 1 - 8)125 3 19 (7.) 12 8 9)1' 08 42 2 1 2 (8.) min. fur. rd. yd. ft. A. R. P. sq.yd. 11)120 7 33 3 2 5)112 3 24 (10.) 24 (9.). • bu. pk. qt . P t. lb. oz. pwt. g r - 9)1137 3 4 1 8)37 10 17 16 11. A miner divides 371b. lOoz. 17pwt. 16gr. of gold among 8 sisters ; how much does each receive ? Ans. 41b. 8oz. 17pwt. 5gr. 12. A man walked 376mi. 6fur. 36rd. in 22 days; what was the average distance each day ? Ans. 17 mi. lfur. l T 7 7 rd. 13. If 26 casks contain 21hhd. llgal. 2qt. lpL, what is the capacity of each cask? Ans. 51gal. lqt. Upt. Case II. 163. To divide a denominate number by a simi- lar denominate number. 1. Divide £26 6s. 2d. by £4 15s. 8d. Solution.— £26 6s. 2d. we find by operation. reduction equal 6314 pence ; £4 15s. £26 6s. 2d . = 6314d. 8d. equals 1148 pence; and dividing £415s. 8d. = 1148d. 6314d. by 1148d. we obtain a quotient 1148)6314f5 1 Ans. of 5£. From this solution we have 6314 the following Bule.— Reduce both dividend and divisor to the lowest DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 149 denomination mentioned in either, and then divide as in simple numbers. Remark. — The division may also be made before the reduction to lower denomination ; and this will be shorter when there is no re- mainder. 2. Divide £48 7s. 4d. by £6 lid. Ans. 8. 3. Divide 69bu. 3pk. 6qt. by 6bu. 3pk. 6qt. Ans. 10^. 4. Divide 80bu. 2pk. 4qt. by 13bu. 3pk. 5qt. .ci.ns. Ojt-jj. 5. Divide 6971b. 7oz. 5dr. by 601b. lOoz. 6dr. Ans. 11A. 6. A man travelled 3mi. 6fur. 36rd. 4yd. in one hour; in what time will he travel 247mi. 2fur. 30rd. 3yd. ? Ans. 64 hrs. 7. A drove of cattle ate 6T. 15cwt. 3qr. 121b. of hay in a week ; how long will 33T. 19cwt. lqr. 101b. last them ? Ans. 5 weeks. PROBLEMS IN TIME. 1. 'Washington was born Feb. 22d, 1732, and died Dec. 14th, 1799; what was his age? Solution. — We write the number of the year, month, and day of both periods, and subtract the one from the other, as is shown in the margin. 67 9 22 2. John Adams was born the 19th of October, 1735, and died the 4th of July, 1826 ; required his age. 3. Thomas Jefferson was born xVpril 2d, 1743, and died July 4th, 1826; what was his age? 4. James Madison was born March 16th, 1751. and died June 28th, 1836 ; required his age. 5. James Monroe was born April 28th, 1758, and died July 4th, 1831 ; required his age. 13* OPERATION. y r - mo. da. 1799 12 14 1732 2 22 150 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 6. John Quincy Adams was born July 11th, 1767, and died Feb. 23d, 1848 ; what was his age? 7. Andrew Jackson was born March 15th, 1767. and died June 8th, 1845; required his age. 8. Martin Van Buren was born Dec. 5th, 1782, and died July 24th, 1862 ; required his age. 9. William Henry Harrison was born Feb. 9th, 1773, and died April 4th, 1841 ; required his age. 10. James K. Polk was born Nov. 2d, 1795, and died June 15th, 1849 ; required his age. 11. General Zachary Taylor was born Nov. 24th, 1784, and died July 9th, 1850 ; required his age. 12. How Ions has a note to run which is dated Dec. 30th, 1862, and made payable Jan. 16th, 1864? Ans. lyr. 16da. 13. The Revolution was commenced the 19th of April, 1775, and terminated January 20th, 1783 ; how long did it continue? Ans. 7yr. 9mo. Ida. PROBLEMS IN LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. 1. The latitude of Boston is 42° 21' 23" north ; that of Charleston, 32° 46' 33" north ; what is the difference of latitude ? 2. The latitude of New York is 40° 24' 40" K; that of New Orleans, 29° 57' 30" N. ; what is the difference of latitude ? 3. The latitude of Philadelphia is 39° 56' 39" ; that of Savannah is 32° 4' 56"; what is the difference of latitude ? 4. The latitude of Baltimore is 39° 17' 23"; that of St. Louis is 38° 37' 28"; what is the difference of latitude ? 5. The latitude of the Cape of Good Hope is 30° 55' 15" S.; that of Cape Horn, 55° 58' 30"; what is the difference of latitude ? INTRODUCTION TO THE METRICAL SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The old system of weights and measures in our country is irregular^ difficult to learn, and inconvenient to apply. The same is true with She old systems of all nations. Originating by chance, rather than science, they lacked the simplicity of law, and were, therefore, irregu- lar and chaotic. In 1795, France adopted a system of weights and measures called the Metric System, based upon the decimal method of notation ; all the divisions and multiples being by 10. It was regarded as so great an improvement upon the old methods that it has since been adopted by Spain, Belgium, and Portugal, to the exclusion of all other weights and measures, and is in partial use in Holland, Italy, Germany, and Austria, and also in many parts of Spanish America. In 1864, the British Parliament passed an act permitting its use throughout the empire whenever parties should agree to use it. In 18G6, Congress authorized its use in the United States, and provided for its introduction into the post-offices for the weighing of letters and papers. To facilitate its adoption, a convenient standard of comparison was furnished, by making the new five-cent piece five grams in weight and one fiftieth of a meter, or two centimeters, in diameter. This system will, without doubt, in a few years be in general use in this country. The advantages of the Metric System are numerous and important. 1. It is easily learned ; a school-boy can learn it in a single after- noon. 2. It is easily applied , all the operations being the same as in simple numbers. 3. It does away with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and reduction of compound numbers and fractions. 4. It will facilitate commerce, giving the nations a universal system of weights and measures. 151 152 THE METRIC SYSTEM. THE METEIC SYSTEM. 164. The Metric System of Weights and Measures is based upon the decimal system of notation. k«3. In this system we first establish the unit of each measure, and then multiply and divide it by 10. 166. Names. — We first name the unit of any measure, and then derive the other denominations by prefixing words to the unit flame. 167. The higher denominations are expressed by pre- fixing to the name of the unit, Deka, 10 Hecto, 100 Kilo, 1000 Myria. 10,000 168. The lower denominations are expressed by pre- fixing to the name of the unit, I>eci, l^ 10 Centi, l loo Milli. l 1000 169. Units. — The following are the different units, with their English pronunciation : — Measure. Unit. Pronunciation. Measure. Unit. Pronunciatio Length, Meter, (meter.) Capacity, Liter, (leeter.) Surface, Are, (air.) Weight, Gram, (gram.) Volume, Stcre, (stair.) Value, Dollar* MEASURE OF LENGTH. 170. The Meter is the unit of length. It is the ten- millionth part of the distance from the equator to the poles, and equals 39.37 inches, or 3.28 feet. TABLE. 10 millimeters (m.m.) equal 1 centimeter, 10 centimeters 10 decimeters 10 meters 10 dekameters 10 hectometers 10 kilometers u a a a a n 1 decimeter, 1 meter, 1 dekanieter, 1 hectometer, 1 kilometer, cm. d.m. M. D.M. H.M. K.M. 1 myriameter, M.M. THE METRIC SYSTEM. 153 Notes. — 1. The meter is very nearly 3 feet, 3 inches, and 3 eighths of an inch in length, which may be easily remembered as the rule of three threes. 2. Cloth, etc. are measured by the meter; very small distances, by the millimeter; great distances, by the kilometer. 3. The new 5-cent piece is -fa of a meter in diameter: hence its diameter is ^ of a decimeter, or 2 centimeters. 4. A decimeter is about 4 inches ; a kilometer, about 200 rods, or | of a mile ; a millimeter, about ^ of an inch. The inch is about 2i centimeters ; the foot, 3 decimeters ; the rod, 5 meters ; the mile, 1600 meters, or 16 hectometers. QUESTIONS. 1. How many centimeters in a meter? 2. How many millimeters in a meter? 3. How many decimeters in a dekameter? 4. How many meters in a hectometer ? 5. How many meters in a kilometer ? MEASURES OF SURFACE. 171. The Are is the unit of surface used to measure land. The are is a square dekameter. It equals 119.6 sq. yd., or 0.0247 acre. TABLE. 10 milliares (m. ,a.) equal 1 centiare, c.a. 10 centiares u 1 deciare, d.a. 10 declares a 1 are, A. 10 ares tt 1 dekare, D.A. 10 dekares u 1 hectare, H.A. 10 hectares it 1 kilare, K.A. 10 kilares u 1 myriare, M.A. Notes. — 1. The are, centiare, and hectare are the denominations principally used, as these are exact squares. The centiare is a square whose side is 1 meter ; the hectare is a square whose side is 100 meters. The are = 100 square meters. The centiare = 1 square meter. The hectare = 10,000 square meters. 2. The deciare is not a square, it is merely the tenth of an are; the dekare is not a square, it is merely 10 ares. 154 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 3. A hectare equals very nearly 21 acres ; a centiare equals nearly 1 \ sq. yd. An acre is very nearly 40 ares. MEASURES OF OTHER SURFACES. 172. All surfaces besides land are measured by the square meter, square decimeter, etc. The measures are shown by the following table : — TABLE. 2 2 ■ 2 100 sq. millimeters (m.m. 2 ) = l sq. centimeter, cm. 100 sq. centimeters =1 sq. decimeter, d.m. 100 sq. decimeters =1 sq. meter, M. Note. — The measures higher than these are not generally usod. QUESTIONS. 1. How many centiares in an are? 2. How many ares in a hectare ? 3. How many square meters in an are? 4. How many square decimeters in an are? 5. How many ares in 640 square meters ? MEASURES OF VOLUME. 173. The Stere is the unit of volume. It is a cubic meter, and equals 35.3166 cubic feet, or 1.308 cu. yd. TABLE. 10 millisteres (m.S.) equal 1 centistere, c.S. 10 centisteres " 1 decistere, d.s. 10 decisteres " 1 stere, S. 10 steres " 1 dekastere, D.S. 10 dekasteres " 1 hectostere, H.S. 10 hectosteres " 1 kilostere, K.S. 10 kilosteres " 1 myriastere, M.S. Note.— 1. Wood is measured by this measure. The stere, ieci- &tere, and dekastere are principally used. 3.6 steres, or 36 deci- steres, very nearly equal the common cord. THE METRIC SYSTEM. 155 MEASURES OF OTHER VOLUMES. 174, Other solid bodies are usually measured by the cubic meter and its divisions. The measures are shown by the following table. TABLE. 1000 cubic millimeters(m.m. 3 )=l cubic centimeter.c.m.* 1000 cubic centimeters =1 cubic decimeter, d.m. 3 1000 cubic decimeters =1 cubic meter, M. 3 N 0TE . — The higher denominations are not generally used. QUESTIONS. 1. How many centisteres in a stere ? 2. How many decisteres in a dekastere ? 3. How many dekasteres in a kilostere ? 4. How many cubic meters in a hectostere? MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 175. The Liter is the unit of capacity. It equals a cubic decimeter; that is, a cubic vessel whose size is one- tenth of a meter. This measure is used for measuring liquids and dry substances. The liter is a cylinder, and holds 2.1135 pints wine measure, or 1.816 pints dry measure. TABLE. 10 milliliters (m. ,1.) equal 1 centiliter, C.I. 10 centiliters u 1 deciliter, d.l. 10 deciliters u 1 liter. L. 10 liters it 1 dekaliter, D.L. 10 dekaliters a 1 hectoliter, H.L. 10 hectoliters « 1 kiloliter, K.L. 10 kiloliters u 1 myrialiter. M.L. Notes. — 1. The liter is principally used in measuring liquids, and the hectoliter in measuring grains, etc. 2. The liter equals nearly 1J 5 liquid quarts, or T 9 j of a dry quart. or nearly -^ of a bushel measure. 156 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 3. The hectoliter is about 2| bushels, or | of a barrel. 4 liters are a little more than a gallon; 35 liters, very nearly a bushel. QUESTIONS. 1. How many liters in a hectoliter? 2. How many liters in a kiloliter? 3. How many deciliters in a dekaliter ? 4. How many liters in a cubic meter? Ans. 1000. 5. How many liters in a stere ? Ans. 1000. MEASURE OF WEIGHT. 176. The Gram is the unit of weight. It is the weight of a cubic centimeter of distilled water at the tempera- ture of melting ice. The gram equals 15.432 troy grains. TABLE. 10 milligrams (m .g.) equal 1 centigram, e.g. 10 centigrams a 1 decigram, d.g. 10 decigrams a 1 gram, G. 10 grams u 1 dekagram, D.G. 10 dekagrams u 1 hectogram, H.G. 10 hectograms a 1 kilogram, K.G.,orK. 10 kilograms to 1 myriagram, M.G. Notes. — 1. The gram is used in weighing letters, in mixing and compounding medicines, and in weighing all very light articles. The new 5-cent coin (dated 1866) weighs 5 grams. 2. The kilogram is the ordinary unit of weight, and is generally abbreviated into kilo. It equals about 2^ pounds avoirdupois. Meat, sugar, etc. are bought and sold by the kilogram. 3. In weighing heavy articles, two other weights, the quintal (100 kilograms) and the tonneau (1000 kilograms), are used. The tonneau is between our short ton and long ton. 4. The avoirdupois ounce is about 28 grams; the pound is a little less than J a kilo. QUESTIONS. 1. How many grams in a kilogram? 2. How many milligrams in a gram ? 3. How many decigrams in *•> kilogram? 4 How many hectograms in a myriagram ? THE METRIC SYSTEM. 157 NUMERATION AND NOTATION. 177. In the Metric System the decimal point is placed between the unit and its division, tne whole quantity being regarded as an integer and a decimal. Thus, 3 dekagrams, 5 grams, 6 decigrams, and 8 centi- grams, are written thus : 35.68 grams. 178. The initials of the denomination may be placed either before or after the quantity ; thus, 27 grams may be written G.27, or, 27 G. EXERCISES IN NUMERATION. L Eead M. 28.35. Solution. — This is read 28 and 35 hundredths meters; or it may be read 2 dekameters, 8 meters, 3 decimeters, and 5 centimeters. Read the following. 2. M. 15.37. 3. M.46.75. 4. A.57.34. 5. A. 75.25. 6. S. 134.09. 7. S. 325.125. 8. L.57.45. 9. L.68.25. 10. G.72.325. 11. G.416.318. 12. G. 207.305. 13. M.3056.705. EXERCISES IN NOTATION. 1. "Write 7 meters and 5 centimeters. Solution. — We write the 7 meters with a decimal point to the right, and then, since there operation. are no decimeters, we write a naught in the M.7.05 tenths place, and then write the 5 centimeters in the place of centimeters. 2. Write 8 meters and 6 centimeters. Ans. M.8.06. 3. Write 12 meters and 56 decimeters Ans. M. 12.56. 4. Write 25 meters and 8 millimeters. Ans. M. 25.008. 5. Write 13 ares, 3 declares, 5 centiares. Ans. A. 13.35. 6. Write 24 ares, 5 centiares, 7 milliares. Ans. A.24.057. 158 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 7. Write 7 dekares, 4 declares, 5 centiares. Ans. A. 70.4. 8. "Write 6 hectares, 8 declares, 2 milliares. Ans. A. 600.802. 9. Write 25 steres, 6 decisteres, 5 centisteres. Ans. S. 25.65. 10. Write 8 hectosteres, 7 steres, 4 centisteres. Ans. S. 807.04. 11. Write 53 liters, 8 deciliters, 5 milliliters. Ans. L.53.805. 12. Write 17 grams, 5 decigrams, 6 centigrams, 4 milli- grams. Ans. G. 17. 564. 13. Write 42 kilograms, 8 dekagrams, 3 decigrams. * Ans. K.42.0803. 14. Write 27 kilograms, 9 grams, 5 decigrams. Ans. K. 27.0095. 15. Write 8 myriagrams, 4 kilograms, 3 dekagrams, 5 grams, 6 decigrams. Ans. K. 84.0356. REDUCTION. 179. Reduction in the Metric System is very simple, since the numbers are expressed in the decimal system. ISO. Since ten of any denomination equal one of the next higher, we can reduce from one denomination to another by simply changing the position of the deci- mal point. Case I. 181. To reduce a number to lower denominations. 1. Reduce 25.75 dekameters to meters. Solution. — Since 10 meters equal 1 deka- metcr, ten times the number of dekameters oteratiox. equal the number of meters; ten times 23.75 D.M.25.75 = equal 257.5, which changes the decimal point one M. 257.5 place to the right. Hence the following rule: .Rule. — Remove the decimal point as many -places to the THE METRIC SYSTEM. 159 right as there are tenths required to make the lower denomi- nations. Reduce 2. 47.125 hectometers to meters. Ana. M. 4712. 5. 3. 35.25 dekagrams to grams. Ans. G.352.5. 4. 46.75 dekaliters to liters. Ans. L.467.5. 5. 7.0375 kilograms to grams. Ans. G. 7037. 5. 6. 9.5063 hectares to ares. Ans. A. 950. 63. 7. 5.6304 hectometers to meters. Ans. M. 563.04. 8. 53.025 steres to centisteres. Ans. C.S. 5302.5. 9. 365.24 square meters to square decimeters. Ans. 36524d.m 2 . 10. 432.15 square dekameters to square meters. Ans. M 2 . 43215. 11. 356.25 ares to square meters. Ans. M\ 35625. 12. 56 cubic meters to cubic decimeters. Ans. 56000c. d 3 . Case II. 182. To reduce a number to Mglaer denomi- nations. 1 Reduce 257.5 meters to dekameters. Solution. — Since 1 dekameter equals 10 meters, 1 tenth of the number of meters equals operation. the nuinber of dekameters; 1 tenth of 257.5 is M.257.5 = 25.75, which changes the decimal point one D.M.25.75 place to ine left. Hence we have the following rule : Rule.— Remove the decimal 'point as many places toward the left as there are tens required to make the higher denomi- nation. Reduce' 2. 4712.5 meters to hectometers. Ans. 47.125H.M. 3. 352.5 grams to dekagrams. Ans. 35.25D.G. 4. 467.5 liters to dekaliters. Ans. 4('>7">D.L. 5. 7037.5 grams to kilograms. Ans. 7.0375K.G. IGO THE METRIC SYSTEM. 6. 950.63 ares to centiares. Ans. 9. 5063c. a. 7. 563.04 meters to centimeters. Ans. 5.6304c. m. 8. 5302.5 steres to centisteres. Ans. 53.025c. s. 9. 36524 d.m 2 . to square meters. Ans. 365.24 M 2 . 10. 43215 M\ to square dekameters. Ans.432.15D.IVl 2 . 11. 35625 M\ to ares. Ans. 356.25 ares. 12. 56000 c.d 3 . to cubic meters. Ans. 56 cubic meters. ADDITION IN THE METRIC SYSTEM. 183. The Metric System being founded upon the deci- mal system, addition is performed the same as in simple numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the sum of 35.25 meters, 76.45 meters, 89.28 meters, and 36.46 meters. 2. Find the sum of 75.45 grams, 84.67 grams, 45.84 grams, and 97.52 grams. 3. Find the sum of 125.65 ares, 223.87 ares, 97.423 ares, and 867.055 ares. 4. Find the sum of 72.125 liters, 99.72 liters, 125.406 liters, and 237.125 liters. 5. A man bought at one time 26.25 hectoliters of grain, at another time 38.50 hectoliters, at another, 46.75 hectoliters, and at another, 86.25 hectoliters; how much did he buy in all ? 6. Mr. Behmer bought at one time 26.25 kilos of meat, at another time 38.75 kilos, at another, 29.50 kilos, and at another, 46.75 kilos j how much did he buy in all ? 7. A man owns three farms ; the first contains 916.25 ares, the second 829.50 ares, the third 765.75 ares, the fourth 1227.75 ares ; how many ares does he own in all ? 8. A merchant sold 6.25 liters of molasses to one man, 12.75 liters to another, 8.50 liters to another and 25.25 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 161 Titers to another ; how many liters of molasses did he sell to the four men ? 9. A postmaster mailed five letters this morning ; the first weighed 2.25 grams, the second 5.50 grams, the third 4.85 grams, the fourth 6.65 grams, and the fifth 7.54 grams ; what did they all weigh ? SUBTRACTION IN THE METRIC SYSTEM. 184. The Metric System being based upon the deci- mal system, subtraction is performed the same as in simple numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Subtract 35.75 meters from 53.20 meters. 2. Subtract 96.73 grams from 104.34 grams. 3. Subtract 378.25 ares from 523.40 ares. 4. A man bought 72.125 liters of wine, and sold 36.375 liters ; how much did he retain ? 5. If I own 906.25 ares of land and sell 376.42 ares, how much will remain ? 6. If I buy 82 hectoliters of grain, and sell 962 liters of it ; how much will remain ? 7. If my father owns 1064 ares of land, and sells 565 square meters, how much will remain ? 8. From a barrel containing 150 liters of wine, I drew out 47.25 liters, and there leaked out 25.37 liters j how much remained in ? 9. A man had 127.45 hectares of land ; he sold 75 ares to one man, and 148 ares to another ; how many ares of land remained ? 10. A merchant had a rope one kilometer in length ; he sold 25 meters to one man, 34 meters to another, and 128 meters to another ; how many meters of the rope remained ? 11. A man bought 167.5 kilos of sugar, and sold 83.25 kilos j how much sugar remained ? 14* 162 THE METRIC SYSTEM. MULTIPLICATION IN THE METRIC SYSTEM. 185. The Metric System being based upon the deci- mal system of notation, multiplication is performed as in simple numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 28.25 grams by 5. 2. Multiply 35.76 meters by 8. 3. If a new five-cent piece weighs 5 grams, what will 25 of such pieces weigh ? 4. If the diameter of the five-cent piece is 2 centi- meters, what is the length of a row of 50 of them? 5. If one decistere of wood is worth 36 cents, what are 25.5 decisteres worth ? 6. How much will 28.25 liters of cider cost at 15 cents a liter ? 7. Henry bought 28 f hectoliters of grain at $4.25 a liter; what did he pay for it? 8. Mr. Baker bought 56f hectoliters of grain at $3.50 a liter, and sold it at $3.25 a liter; what did he lose ? 9. A man travelled at the rate of 128.5 kilometers in a day ; how far did he travel in 24 days ? 10. A laborer can disc 4.25 cubic meters of ditch in a day ; how much, at that rate, can he dig in 5£ days ? DIVISION IN THE METRIC SYSTEM. 186. The Metric System being based upon the deci- mal system of notation, division is performed as in simple numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 17.25 grams by 5. 2. Divide 29.25 meters by 15. 3. If 25 meters of cloth cost $86.25, what will one meter cost ? 4. If 27 hectares of land cost $7701.75, what will one hectare cost ? THE METRIC SYSTEM. 163 5. How much will a gram of jewels cost, if 12 grams And 5 decigrams cost $81.25 ? 6. How many liters of wine can you buy for $38.12 £, at the rate of $1.25 a liter? Ans. 30.5 liters. 7. If 5 dekasteres of wood cost $12.75, what must I pay for 8 hectosteres, 6 decisteres of wood ? 8. What cost one meter of cloth, if 36 meters, 4 deci- meters, and 5 centimeters cost $169.49 ? Ans. $4.65. 9. I paid $194.18 for sugar, at the rate of 56 cents per kilogram ; how many kilograms did I buy ? 10. If 48.625 meters of cloth cost $183.75, for what ought I to sell 9.725 meters so as neither to gain nor lose any thing ? Ans. $36.75. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 1. The new 5-cent piece weighs 5 grams ; how much will 50 of them weigh ? 2. The diameter of the new 5-cent piece is 2 centi- meters ; how long will a row of 50 of them be ? Ans. 1 meter. 3. A meter of cloth costs 52 cents ; what will a hecto- meter cost at the same rate ? 4. One decistere of wood is worth 32 cents ; what is a stere of wood worth ? 5. If a liter of wine weighs 872 grams, what will a hectoliter of wine weio-h ? 6. If a letter weighs 2.5 grams, how many such letters will it take to weigh a kilogram ? 7. A hectoliter of corn cost $51; at this rate, what will a liter of corn cost ? 8. Mary bought 10.5 meters of silk for a dress, at $4.50 a meter; what did it cost her? 9. A grocer bought 186 kilograms of sugar at 18 } eents a kilo ; what did it cost ? 10. I bought 5£ kilos of beef at 37£ cents a kilo ; how much did it cost me ? 164 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 11. A man sold 36 hectares of land at $4.25 a hectare ; what did he receive for it ? 12. What must I pay for 324 liters of coal oil, if it cost me 15? cents a liter? 13. If a kilogram weighs about 2\ pounds, how much will a myriagram weigh ? 14. If a tonneau equals 1000 kilos, how many myria- grams in 3 tonneaux? Ans. 300 M.G. 15. If a kilogram of coffee cost 96 cents, what will a tonneau of coffee cost ? 16. If a tonneau equals 1000 kilos, how many ton- neaux in 16700 kilos? Ans. 16.70 tonneaux. 17. A "quintal is 1 tenth of a tonneau ; how many kilograms are there in a quintal ? 18. If a kilogram of pork costs 37£ cents, what will a quintal of pork cost ? 19. If a man walks 6.5 kilometers in an hour, how far will he walk in 12 hours ? 20. If an are of land is worth $26.50, what are 7 hectares of land worth ? 21. I bought 1600 ares of land at $15 £ an are, and sold it at $175 a hectare j how much did I gain ? 22. I bought 15 kilograms of drugs at $27.50 a kilo, and retailed them at the rate of 5 cents a gram ; what did I gain ? 23. A cask of cider lost by leakage 144L. in 6 hours; how much leaked out in an hour ? 24. If 5 steres of wood cost $7.50, what must I pay for 7.5 steres of the same kind of wood ? 25. If the height of a pole is 54.57GM., how long will it take a worm to climb to its top at the rate of 12 M. a day? 26. If a kilogram of sugar costs 18:] cents, how many kilograms can be bought for 75 dollars? 27. A man bought a lot of land containing 45 hectares, and sold from it 150 square meters; how much remained? THE METRIC SYSTEM. 165 28. If 6.5 meters of cloth cost £9.25, what will be the cost of 32.5 meters at the same rate ? 29. A block of marble 2.5 meters long, .75 meters wide, and .5 meters thick cost $10 ; what would a cubic meter of marble cost at the same rate ? EEDUCTION FROM ONE SYSTEM TO THE OTHER. 187. Until the Metric System has gone into general use, it will be necessary to reduce from one system to the other ; hence the following exercises are presented. MEASURES OF LENGTH. 188. A 3Ieter equals 39.37in., or 3.28ft. ; hence, to re- duce from one measure of length to another, we have the following rules : — Eule I. — Multiply the number of meters by 39.37, and it will give the number of inches; or by 3.28, and it will give the number of feet. Eule II. — Divide the number of inches by 39.37. or the number of feet by 3.28, and it will give the number of meters. 1. How many inches in 16 meters ? 2. How many feet in 2.5 meters ? 3. How many rods in 25 meters ? 4. How many miles in 12.5 kilometers ? 5. How many meters in 9.20 feet ? 6. How many meters in 629.92 inches? MEASURES OF SURFACE. 189. An Are equals 119.6sq. yd., or 0.00247 acre; hence we may readily reduce from one measure of sup face to the other. 1. How many sq. yd. in 25 ares ? 2. How many ares in 2990sq. yd. ? 3. How many acres in 360 ares? 166 THE METRIC SYSTEM. 4. How many ares in 8.892 acres ? 5. How many ares in 20A. 2E. ? 6. How many hectares in 20 A.2E. ? MEASURES OF VOLUME. 190. A Steve equals 35.3166 cubic feet, or 1.308 cu yd., or .2759 cord ; hence we may readily reduce from one measure to the other. 1. How many cu. ft. in 25 steres ? 2. How many cu. yd. in 3.5 steres ? 3. How many steres in 8829.15 cu. ft. ? 4. How many steres in 4.578 cu. yd. ? 5. How many cords in 12.5 steres ? 6. How many steres in 34.4875 cords? MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 191. A Liter equals 1.0567 quarts liquid measure, or .908 quarts dry measure; hence we can readily reduce from one measure to the other. 1. How many liquid quarts in 23 liters? 2. How many dry quarts in 50 liters ? 3. How many gallons in 23 liters ? 4. How many bushels in 5 hectoliters ? 5. How many liters in 24.3041 liquid quarts ? 6. How many liters in 45.40 dry quarts? MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 192. The Gram equals 15.432 Troy grains; the Mo- gram equals 2.2046 lbs. avoirdupois; hence we can readily reduce from one system to the other. 1. How many grains in 4.25 grams? 2. How many pounds in 8.5 kilograms? 3. How many grams in 65.586 grains? 4. How many kilograms in 18.7391 pounds? 5. How many pounds in 16 quintals? 6. How many pounds in 24 tonneaux ? THE METRIC SYSTEM. 167 To assist pupils in becoming familiar with the value of the different denominations of the Metric System, we present the following Tables. 193. Tables showing the Kelation of the De- nominations of the Metric System to the Common System. Measures of Length. Names. Value in Meters. Value in the Common System. Millimeter, .001 .0394 inch. Centimeter, .01 .3937 inch. Decimeter, .1 3.937 inches. Meter, 1. 39.37 inches. Dekameter, 10 393.7 inches. Hectometer, 100 328^ feet. Kilometer, 1000 .62137 mile. Myriameter, 10000 6.2137 miles. Measures of Surface. Names. Value in M 2 . ■i Value in the Common System. Centare, Are, Hectare, 1 100 10000 1550 sq. in. 119.6 sq. yd. 2.471 acres. Measures of Capacity. Names. Value in Liters. Dry Measure. Wine Measure. Milliliter, .001 .061 cu. in. .27 fluid dr'm. Ten til iter, .01 .6102 cu. in. .338 fluid oz. Deciliter, .1 6.1022 cu. in. .845 pill. Liter, 1 .908 qt. 1.0567 qt. Dekaliter, 10 9. OS qt. 2 6417 gal. Hectoliter, 100 2.8375 bu. 26.417 gal. Kiloliter, or St ere, 1000 1.308 cu. yd. 264.17 gal. 168 THE METRIC SYSTEM; Weights. Names. Value in Grams. Common Weights. 1 Quantity of Water. Milligram, .001 .0154 gr. Tr. 1 m. m 3 . Centigram, .01 .1543 gr. " 10 m. m 3 . Decigram, •.1 1.543 gr. " T \ c. m 3 . Gram, 1 15.432 gr. " 1 c. m 3 . Dekagram, 10 .3527 oz. av. 10 c. m 3 . Hectogram, 100 3.5274 oz. " 1 deciliter. Kilogram, 1000 2.2046 lb. " 1 liter. Myriagram, 10,000 22.046 lb. " 10 liters. Quintal, 100,0U0 220.46 lb. » 1 hectoliter. Tonneau, 1,000,000 2204.6 lb. 1 M 3 , or 1 K. L. Common System compared with the Metric. 1 inch = .0254 meter. 1 gallon = 3.786 liters. 1 foot = .3048 meter. 1 bushel = .3524 hectoliter. 1 yard == .9144 meter. 1 cu. feet == .2832 hectoliter. 1 mile = 1.6094 kilometer. 1 cu. yd. = .7646 stere. 1 sq. ft. = .0929 sq. meter. 1 cord = 3.625 steres. 1 sq. yd. = .8362 sq. meter. 1 grain = .0648 gram. 1 sq. rd. = .2529 are 1 Av. oz. = .0283 kilogram. 1 acre = .4047 hectare. 1 lb. Troy= .373 kilogram. 1 sq. mile = .259 hectare. 1 lb. Av. = .4536 kilogram. 1 quart == .9465 liter. 1 ton = .9071 tonneau. PERCENTAGE. 169 SECTION VIII. PEBCENTAGE. 194. Percentage is a process of computation in which the basis of comparison is a hundred. 195. The term per cent, means by or on a hundred; thus, 5 per cent, of any thing means 5 of a hundred of it. 196. Hence, 1 per cent, of a number is y i^ of it ; 2 per cent, is t §q of it ; 5 per cent, is T ^ of it, etc. It is also evident that 100 per cent, of a number is the whole 01 it. 197. The sign of Percentage is %, and is read per cent. The per cent, is also indicated by a common frac- tion or a decimal ; thus, 5% = T ^ = .05. 19S. In percentage there are four quantities con- sidered : 1. The Base, or number on which percentage is estimated. 2. The Pate, or number denoting how many of a aaudred. 3. The Percentage, denoting how many of the basis'. 4. The Amount or Difference of the basis and per- centage. RATE EXPRESSED : BY A FRACTION. 2 per cent. equals .02, or Too' or 1 50" 4 per cent. a .04, a 4 a TTJO' 1 25"' 5 per cent. u .05, a 5 " l oO' 1 20' 20 per cent. u .20, a 2 a TOO' 1 5' 25 per cent. u .25, U 2 5 it i oO' 1 4~* 125 per cent. it 1.2&, U 125 U TOO' 5 4* A per cent, is .00.^, or .005 ; i per cent, is .001, or .002; 12£ per cent, is .12^, or .125, etc. 15 PERCENTAGE. EXERCISES. Express decimally Express in a common fraction 1. 6%. Ans. .06. 6. 6%. Ans. 3 V 2. 12%. Ans. .12. 7. 12%. Ans. 2 V 3. 163%. Ans. .16?. 9 8. 50%. Ans. } 2 . 4. 24%. Ans. .24. 9. 121%. Ans. I. 5. 33|%. Express Ans. .33|. as a per cent. 10. 16g%. Ans. J. 1. l 4* Ans. 25 % . 4 ! Ans. 12* %, o Li, 1 Ans. 20%. 5. J. Ans. 16f%, 3. 1 2* Ans. 50%. 6. 1. Ans. 66f%. Case I. 199. Given the base and rate, to find the per- centage. 1. What is 5 per cent, of $250? OPERATION. SoLtiYiON.— 5 per cent, of $250 is T fo of $250, $250 or .05 times $250, which, by multiplying, we find .05 to be $12.50. Hence the following «->2 50 Eule. — Multiply the base by the rate, expressed deci* molly. 2. What 3. What 4. What 5. What What What What What What "What What What 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 13 is 5 per cent, of $280 ? is 6 percent, of $190? is 7 per cent, of $240 ? is 8 per cent, of 125yds. ? is 9 per cent, of 3641bs.? is 10 per cent, of 982ft. ? is 12 per cent, of 831in.? is 12^ per cent, of 320oz.? is 16- per cent, of 630yds. ? is 35 per cent, of 1286 miles ? is 40 per cent, of 2467 pounds? is 75 pei cent, of 3182 perches * Ans. $14. Ane. $11.40. Ans. $16.80. Ans 10yds. PERCENTAGE. 171 14. A man bought a cow for $30, and sold her at a gain of 25% ; what did he gain? Ans. $7h 15. A man bought a horse for $150, and sold him at a gain of 30% ; how much did he gain ? Ans. 845. 16. A lady bought 360 acres of land, and sold 12i% of it ; how much did she retain ? Ans. 315 acres. 17. A man bought a horse for $4250, and sold it at a gain of 5% ; how much did he receive for it ? 18. My salary is $1500 a year ; I spend 25% of it the first half year, and 35% the second half; how much do I save in a year ? Ans. $600. Case IT. 200. Given the percentage and rate, to find the base. 1. 60 is 5 per cent, of what number? Solution.— If 5% of a number is 60, 1 % operation. of the number is \ of 60, or 12, and 100% 5% =60 of the number, which is the whole number, 100% -— 1200 Ans. is 100 times 12, or 1200. or, Since this is equivalent to multiplying 60-f-.05 = 1200 by 100 and dividing by 5, and this last is equivalent to dividing by .05, we have the following Eule. — Divide the percentage by the rate expressed decimally. Note. — For young pupils the analysis will be simpler than the solution by the rule. 2. 45 is 20 per cent, of what number? Ans. 225. 3. 75 is 25 per cent, of what number? Ans. 300. 4. 96 is 20 per cent, of what number? 5. 230 is 5 per cent, of what number? 6. 1121b. is 40 per cent, of what weight ? 7. 456 acres are 30 per cent, of how many? 8. 237 cows are 25 per cent, of how many ? Ans. 948. * 9. 157yds. are 12^ per cent, of how many ? Ans. 1256, 13* Y12 PERCENTAGE. 10. 644 pigs are 35 per cent, of how many ? 11. $78.18 is 33J per cent, of how much? Ans. $234.54. 12. A man spends $500 a year, which is 25% of his salary ; what is his salary ? Ans. $2000. 13. A has 280 acres of land, and this is 35% of what B has ; how much has B ? 14. A sold 36 pigs, which is 8 % of what he now has ; how many had he before the sale ? 15. A boy found $15, which is 30% of what he then had ; how much had he at first ? Ans. $35. 16. A man had $13681.60 in a bank, and drew out 35 % of it ; how much did he draw out ? Ans. $4788.56. Case III. 201. Given the base and percentage, to find the rate. 1. 25 is what per cent, of 125 ? OPERATION. Solution.— 125 is 100 per cent, of itself, 125 = 100% and 25, which is ffc of 125, is ffe of 100 25 = T 2 ^ X 100% per cent., or \ of 100 per cent,, which is =$X 1( > % = 20 % 20 per cent. Hence the following Eule. — Take such a part of 100 as the percentage is of the base; or, multiply the percentage by 100 and divide by the base. 2. 75 is what per cent, of 300 ? Ans. 25%. 3. 90 is what per cent, of 360 ? Ans. 25%. 4. 45 is what per cent, of 225 ? Ans. 20%. 5. 72 is what per cent, of 216 ? Ans. 33£%. 6. 96 is what per cent, of 128 ? 7. 48 is what per cent, of 120 ? 8. 112 is what per cent, of 896 ? 9. A man had $960, and lost $240 ; what per cent, did h°> lose ? PERCENTAGE. 173 10. B lost 825, and then had $125 ; what per cent, of his money did he lose ? 11. C sold 50 cows, which was 25 per cent, of the re- mainder; how many had he at first? 12. D gave his sister $180, and had $960 left; his money is now what per cent, of what he had at first ? SIMPLE INTEREST. 202. Interest is money charged for the use of money. It is estimated at a certain rate per cent, per annum. 203. The Principal is the sum on which interest is reckoned. 204. The Rate of Interest is the interest on 100 for one year. 205. The Time is how long the money is on interest. 206. The Amount is the sum of the principal and interest. 207. Simple Interest is interest upon the principal only. Compound Interest is interest upon the prin- cipal and interest. 208. Legal Interest is the rate established by law. Usury is a rate greater than the legal rate. The taking of usury is prohibited by law. 209. The quantities considered in Simple Interest are the Principal, Bate, Time, Interest, and Amount There are four cases. Case I. 210. Given the principal, rate per cent., and time, to lind the interest or amount. First Method. 1. What is the interest of $2400, for 6yr. 7mo. 15da.. at7%? lft . 174 PERCENTAGE. Solution. — By reduction we find that 6yr. deration Tmo. 15da. equal C|yr. If the interest of $1 $2400 for lyr. is 7ct., the interest of $2400 for lyr. is .07 2400 times 7ct., which is $168, and for 6§yr. it 168.00 is 6| times $168, which by multiplying we find g| is $1113. Hence the following $1113 00 Ans Eule. — Multiply the principal by the rate per cent. t expressed decimally, and that product by the time expressed in years. Kequired the interest 2. Of $180 for 3yr. 6rao. at 7%. Ans. $44.10. 3. Of $470 for 7yr. 8mo. at 6%. Ans. $216.20. 4. Of $172 for 5yr. 9mo. at 5%. Ans. $49.45. 5 Of $480 for 5yr. lOmo. at 12%. 8. Of $1080 for 3yr. 7mo. 6da. at 5%. 7. Of $1260 for 2yr. 2mo. 12da. at 5%. 8. Of $1000 for 3yr. 8mo. 12da. at 10%. Second Method. 211. The second method, called the " Six per cent, method," is perhaps the method most generally used by business men. 1. What is the interest of $240 for 2yr. 8mo. 12da. at 6% f Solution. — 2yr. 8mo. equal 32mo. The in- operation. terest of $1 for 12mo. is 6cts., and for lmo. it 2yr. 8mo. = 32mo. is T \ of 6cts., or Jet, and for 32mo. it is 32X£ = $ - 16 32><^ = 16cts. Also, since the interest on $1 12X1- - 002 for lmo., or 30cla., is Jet. or 5 mills, for Ida. it $0,162 is 3 L of 5 mills, or l of a mill, and for 12da. 240 it is 12 X \ = 2 mills : uence tne interest on $38~88 #1 for 32mo. and 12da. is 16cts. plus 2 mills, or $0,162. If the interest on $1 is $0,162, on $240 ft is 240 times $0,162 which equal $38.88. From this we have the following PERCENTAGE. 175 Rule — 1, Call one-half of the number of months tents, and one-sixth of the number of days mills, and their sum will be the interest of one dollar, for the given time, at 6 per cent. 2. Multiply this by the principal, and the product will be the entire interest at 6 per cent. For any other rate, take as many sixths of it as that rate is of six. Notb.— 1. For 1% add J, for Sf add J, for 9% add %, for 5% subtract J, for 4 % subtract J, etc. 2. When the time is brief, the rule of business men is as follows : " Multi- ply dollars by days, and divide by 60." Required the interest 1. Of $360 for 5yr. 6mo. 12da. at 6%. Ans. 8119.52. 2. Of $480 for 3yr. 8mo. 18da. at 6%. Ans. $107.04. 3. Of 8256 for 7yr. 4mo. 24da, at 6%. Ans. 8113.66. 4. Of 848.25 for 3yr. 6mo. 6da. at 6%. Ans. 810.18. 5. Of 850.50 for 6yr. lOmo. 18da. at 7%. Ans. 824.33. 6. Of 828.25 for 5yr. 7mo. 24da. at 5%. 7. "What is the amount of 8360 for 2yrs. and 6mo. at 6 per cent, ? Ans. 8414. 8. What is the amount of $250 for Syr. 8mo. 18da. at 6 per cent. ? Ans. 8305.75. 9. What is the amount of $620 for 5yr. lOmo. 24da. at 7 per cent. ? Ans. 8876.06. 10. Mary's father put out 8500 on interest, at 10 % at her birth ; how much will she be worth when she is 21 years of age ? 11. Required the difference between the interest and the amount of $624 for 3yr. 8mo. 15da., at 5 per cent. For other exercises under this rule solve the problems in the pre- vious and following cases. 176 PERCENTAGE. Third Method. 212. A metfhocl of computing interest by taking aliquot parts. 1. What is the interest of $2400 for 6yr. 7mo. 15da. at 7%? Solution. — We find the interest for 1 yr. and then for 6yr., and then proceed thus: 7mo. = Gmo. plus lmo., and since 6mo. equal \ of a year, the interest for 6mo. is \ of $1G8, which is $84 ; and since lmo. is i of 6mo., the interest OPERATION. $2400 .07 168.00 = Int. for lyr. 6 1008.00 = Int for6yr. 6mo. =$yr- 84.00 = Int. for 6mo. lmo. = - of lyr. 14.00 = Int. for lmo. 15da. -Juio. 7.00 = Int. for 15da. 1113.00, Ans. for lmo. is \ of $84, which is $14 ; and since 15 days is £ of a month, the interest for 15 days is | of $14, which is $7 ; and the whole interest is the sum of these, which we find to be $1113. Hence the following Eule. — 1. Find the interest for the number of years, as by the first method. 2. Find the interest for the number of months by taking convenient fractional parts of one year's interest. 8. Find the interest for the number of days by taking fractional parts of one month'' s interest. Required the interest 2. Of $780 for 4yr. 8mo. at 6%. Ans. $218.40. 3. Of $960 for 7yr. 9mo. at 7%. Ans. $520.80. 4. Of $1260 for 3yr. 6mo. 15da. at 8 %. Ans. $357. 5. Of $2480 for 5yr. 5mo. lOda. at 5%. Ans. $675.11. Note. — Let the pupil solve by this method the problems under the first u.nd second methods. STOCKS AND DIVIDENDS. 177 STOCKS AND DIVIDENDS. 213. The Stoclc of a company represents the money mvcsted in its business by the stockholders or owners. Stock is divided into equal parts, called shares, 214. A Dividend is a sum to be paid to the stock- holders out of the gains of the company. It is divided according to the par value of stock held by them. 215. The Par Value of stock is its nominal value as fixed by the charter, or articles of agreement, of the company. It is usually $50 or $100 per share; although other sums are often agreed upon. 216. The Heal Value of stock is what it will sell for. 217. Premium is how much its real value exceeds its par value. 21S. Discount is how much its real value is less than its par value. Case I. 219. Given the stock and rate of dividend, to find tlie dividend. 1. A owns 50 shares of bank-stock, at $100 each; the bank declares a dividend of 6 % ; required A's divi- dend. OPERATION. Solution. — If one share is worth SI 00, 50 50 shares are worth 50 times $100, or $5000. Hence 100 A r s stock is worth $5000. His dividend is .06 5000 times $5000, or $300. .06 $ 30()! 00 Eule. — Multiply the par value of the number of shares by the rate of dividend. 2. A man owns 56 shares of stock, at $50 per sharf is $15.00. Since gold is at a pre- 15 qq mium, we must calculate the premium on $15 oq and add it to the $15. 30% of $15 is $4.50, 4 ,- 0Q - which added to $15 equals $19.50, or worth 1( - of the interest in currency. — $19.50 Eule. — 1. Find the interest on the face of the bond for the given time and rate. 2. In gold-bearing bonds, add the premium on the interest to the interest. 3. I have $4000 7-30 bonds with the half-year's interest due ; how much is due on them ? Ans. $146. 4. My father has a $5000 5-20 bond with a half-year's interest due ; how much is the interest worth in cur- rency, gold at 35% premium? Ans. $202.50. 5. I hold two $5000 5-20 bonds with the half-year's interest due ; how much will I get in " greenbacks," gold at 25% premium? Ans. $375. 6. Miss Smith has $4000 7-30's and $4000 5-20's; for which does she get the most interest in currency in a year, — gold at 35 % premium ? Ans $32 on the 5-20's. STOCKS AND DIVIDENDS. 181 Case II. 231. To find the cost of bonds when they are at a premium. 1. What must I pay for a $500 7-30 bond, when 7-30'm are at a premium of 5%, or sell at 105 ? OPERATION. Solution.— Five per cent, of $500 is $25, 500 which added to $500 equals $525. Hence I .05 must pay $525 for a $500 bond at 5$, premium. 25.00 Or, if a $100 bond is worth $105, my $500 bond "ivv^Tno is worth five times as much, or $525. „,.„. ' or $10o 5 $525 Rule. — 1. Find the premium, and add it to the face of the bond. Eule. — 2. Multiply the price per $100 by the number of hundreds bought or sold. Note. — If there is interest due on the bond, it must be added. If a coupon not due is cut off, deduct the unaccrued interest thus retained. 2. What must I pay for $2000 7-30's, when they com- mand a premium of 4£%, or sell at 104} ? Ans. $2090. 3. How much will a $1000 7-30 bond cost, when there is 93 days' interest due and the premium is 4^ % ? Ans. $1066.10. 4. When 7-30's are at a premium of 5£%, how much must I pay for $3500 bonds with 124 days' interest due on them ? Ans. $3779.30. 5. I bought $3000 5-20's with 2 months' interest due, the bond being at a premium of 12% ; what did it cost me? Ans. $3390. Note. — No premium for gold is allowed on less than 6 months' interest. 16 182 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 1. A has $4685, B has $1245 more than A, and C has as much as A and B both ; how many dollars has C ? 2. C has 438 acres of land, D has 179 acres less, and E has 48 less than C and D together ; how many acres have D and C ? 3. Henry can walk 30 miles a day, and William can walk 37 miles ; how much farther can William walk in 45 days than Henry? 4. Two men start from the same point and walk in opposite directions, one traveling 25, the other 32, miles an hour ; how far apart will they be in 148 hours ? 5. If a boy can earn $28 a month, and a man $47 a month, how much will 6 boys and 9 men earn in a month ? 6. If a clerk earns $150 a month, and spends $48, how much can he save in 12 months, or a year? 7. A merchant gave $8.25 a barrel for 96 barrels of flour, and sold it for $1000 ; what was the gain ? 8. How many bushels of apples can you buy, at $2£ a bushel, for 56 barrels of flour, at $7.50 a barrel ? Ans. 168. 9. A farmer has 137 hens; now, if he should lay out $625 for hens, at the rate of 25 cents apiece, how many would he then have? Ans. 2637. 10. If a steamboat goes 14 miles an hour, and a rail- road train 32 miles an hour, how far will the steamboat go while the train goes 672 miles ? Ans. 294 miles. 11. Mary and Susan had each 1420 cents; after Mary had given Susan 360 and Susan had given Mary 480, bow many had each ? Ans. Mary, 1540 ; Susan, 1300. 12. Six men and 8 boys earned a sum of money, and divided it so that each man had $75 and each boy $63 ; bow much did each earn ? 13. A had 369 acres of land, then bought 720 acres, MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 183 and then divided the whole into 9 equal farms, and sold 6 of them ; how many acres remain ? 14. A boy earns $2.50 a day, and pays 75 cents a day for his board j how much can he thus save in a week ? Ans. $9.75. 15. What number must I add to the product of 126 and 72, to make 10000? 1G. A lady went to the city with 600 eggs, and sold them at 15 cents a dozen ; what did she receive for them ? 17. The sum of two numbers is 7809, and one of the numbers is 3725 ; required the other number, and their difference. 18. The sum of three numbers is 4082; the first num- ber is 1028, the second 2372 ; required the third number. 19. The difference between two numbers is 709, and one-half of the smaller number equals 482 ; what is the larger number ? 20. A merchant bought 26 bales of cloth, each bale containing 32 pieces, and each piece 24 yards; how many yards did he buy ? 21. If a boat sail 378 miles in 9 days, how far can it sail in 15 days at the same rate ? Ans. 630 miles. 22. If 28 men can build a lot of wall in 18 days, how many men can build the same wall in 21 days ? Ans. 24 men. 23. A drover bought 365 cows, at $25 a head, and 758 sheep, at $3.50 a head ; what was the cost of all ? 24. A merchant bought 96 barrels of flour for S960 ; he sold 58 barrels at $8 a barrel, and the remainder at $12 a barrel ; what was the loss ? 25. What is the sum of J, j, J, and J ? 26. Subtract the sum of ~ and f from the sum of ^ and J. 27. Multiply f by }, and add the result to the product of 4 and j-?-. 184 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 28. Multiply § by |, and divide the result by the pro- ct of | and ]~. 29. Find the difference between 1 off of 3 and i of js off 30. If J of a barrel of flour costs $5.60, what will 4 barrels cost at the same rate ? Ans. $33.60 31. If | of a ton of coal is worth $7.50, what will 12 tons cost at the same rate? Ans. $120. 32. A man sold I of his land for $9750 ; what was it all worth at the same rate ? Ans. $16250. 33. J\!ary lost \ of her money, and then had $960 re- maining: how much had she before the loss ? 34. If § of a ton of coal is worth $4.50, what is % of a ton worth at the same rate ? Ans. $9.37^. 35. If | of a lot of land is worth $234, what is | of the same lot worth ? Ans. $260. 36. When rye is worth | of a dollar a bushel, how many bushels can be bought for J of a dollar ? Ans. J. 37. If one yard of cloth is worth 2} dollars, how many yards can be bought for $5| ? Ans. 2 T 3 Qyds. 38. A man owned g of a farm, and sold -J of his share ; what part of the whole farm remained ? Ans. T V 39. Plow many times will 14 gallons fill a vessel that holds 2 1 gallons ? Ans. 6 times. 40. A father divided 510 acres of land equally among his sons, giving them 63| acres apiece; how many sons had he ? 41. A merchant bought 6| cords of wood, at $6§ a cord ; and paid for it with corn, at -| of a dollar a bushel; how many bushels did it take ? Ans. 55bu. 42. If the sum of two fractions is |, and one of them is ~, what is the other? Ans. |-J. 43. If the difference of two fractions is T 3 y, and tl*. smaller is T \, what is the other fraction ? Ans. |J. 44. What fraction multiplied by 2| will give a pru duct of 1J? Ans.fi. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 18l 45. A pole stands J in the mud, | in the water, and 20 feet out of the water; what is the length of the pole 1 Ans. 48 feet. 46. Reduce £12 13s. lOd. to pence. 47. Reduce £17 17s. 9d. 3far. to farthings. 48. Reduce 281b. lOoz. 16pwt. 22grs. to grains. 49. Reduce 52876 farthings to pounds. 50. Reduce 89726 grains, Troy, to pounds. 51. Reduce 89726 grains, Apothecaries', to pounds. 52. Reduce 31207 drams to higher denominations. 53. How many drams in 1 ton ? 54. How many inches in 1 mile ? 55. How many square inches in 1 acre? 56. How many square feet in 1 square mile ? 57. How many cubic inches in 1 cord of wood ? 58. How many pounds of medicine would a physician use in one year, if he averaged 10 prescriptions a day, of 10 grains each? Ans. 61b 43 1^. 59. A merchant bought 6cwt. 321b. of sugar at 8£ cents a pound ; what did it cost ? 60. How often will a wheel 18ft. 4in. in circumference revolve in going 50 miles? Ans. 14400 times. 61. How many square rods in a rectangular field 50 rods long and 30 rods wide ? Ans. 1500sq. rd. 62. How many acres in a rectangular field 50 rods long and 30 rods wide? Ans. 9A. 1R. 20P. 63. How many rods of fence will enclose the field in the preceding problem ? Ans. 160 rods. 64. In an orchard, i of the trees bear apples, \ bear pears, and the remainder, which is 33, bear peaches; how many trees are there in the orchard ? Ans. 60 trees. 65. How many yards of carpeting 1 yard in width will carpet a floor 16 foot long and 9 feet wide ? Ans. 16 yards. 16* IStf MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 66. How many cubic feet in a pile of wood 25 feet long, 12 feet high, and 4 feet wide ? 67. How many cords in a pile of wood 64 feet long. 16 feet hio-h, and 4 feet wide ? Ans. 32 cords. 68. If a load of wood be 16 feet long and 6 feet wide, how high must it bo to make a cord ? Ans. ljffc. 69. If my bedroom is 12 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 8 feet high, and I breathe 12 cubic feet of air in a minute, how lone: will it take to breathe as much air as the room holds? Ans. 80min. 70. America was discovered by Columbus, Oct. 11, 1492 ; how long from that time until Aug. 8, 1865 ? 71. The Kevolution commenced April 19, 1775, and peace was declared January 20, 1783 ; how long did the war continue ? 72. A boy lost £ of his kite-string, and then added 20 feet, and then found the string was f of its original length ; what was the length at first ? Ans. 240ft. 73. Mary spent 20 per cent, of $500 for a watch, and 20 per cent, of the remainder for a chain; how much then remained ? Ans. $320. 74. A man had 250 acres of land, and sold 25% to A, and 20% to B; how much remained? Ans. 137£ acres. 75. A man bought a horse for $250, and sold it at a gain of 20% ; what did he receive for it? Ans. $300. 76. A house was bought for $1280, and sold for $1600; what was the gain per cent. ? Ans. 25%. 77. Eequired the interest of $2400 for 6yr. lOmo. 24da., at 6 per cent. Ans. $993.60. 78. Eequired the amount of $960 for 2yr. 6mo. 12da., at 7 per cent. Ans. $1130.24. 79. I would now like each little boy and girl, who has gone through the book, to tell me how many months old, then how many weeks old, and then how many days old, he or she is. THE END. PUBLICATIONS OF SOWER, POTTS &. CO., PHILADELPHIA. PRICE Brooks's Normal Geometry and Trigonom. $1.25 By the aid of Brooks's Geometry the principles of this beautiful science can be easily acquired in one term. It is so condensed that the amount of matter is reduced one-half, and yet the chain of logic is preserved intact and nothing- essential is omitted. The subject is made interesting and practical by the introduction of Theorems for original demonstration, Practical Problems, Mensuration, etc., in their appropriate places. The success of the work is very remarkable. PRICE Brooks's Normal Algebra • » • « $1.25 The many novelties, scientific arrangement, clear and concise definitions and principles, and masterly treatment contained izi this quite new work, make it extremely popular. 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