iRc^nol^ ^oa.?n Zijt Cambntrge MMt (ox ^t|)Ciols THE EPISTLE TO THE PH I LI PPI AN S aontion: C. J. CLAY and SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. ffambritigc : DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. ILeipjts: F. A. BROCKHAUS. Cfje Camiritrge Bible for ^c|)noIs General Editor:— J. J. S. PEROWNE, D.D. Dean of Peterborough. THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS, WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY THE REV. H. C. G. MOULE, M.A. PRINCIPAL OF RIDLEY HALL, AND LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. EDITED FOR THE SYNDICS OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1889 \All Kig/Us reserved. '[ CTambrtligc PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY M.A. AND SONS AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE BY THE GENERAL EDITOR. The General Editor of The Cambridge Bible for Schools thinks it right to say that he does not hold himself responsible either for the interpretation of particular passages which the Editors of the several Books have adopted, or for any opinion on points of doctrine that they may have expressed. In the New Testament more especially questions arise of the deepest theological import, on which the ablest and most conscientious interpreters have differed and always will differ. His aim has been in all such cases to leave each Contributor to the unfettered exercise of his own judgment, only taking care that mere controversy should as far as possible be avoided. He has contented himself chiefly with a careful revision of the notes, with pointing out omissions, with 6 PREFACE. suggesting occasionally a reconsideration of some question, or a fuller treatment of difficult passages, and the like. Beyond this he has not attempted to interfere, feeling it better that each Commentary should have its own individual character, and being convinced that freshness and variety of treatment are more than a compensation for any lack of uniformity in the Series. Deanery, Peterborough. CONTENTS. PAGES I. Introduction. Chapter I. Philippi : St Paul's connexion with it 9 — 14 Chapter II. Date and occasion of the Epistle 14 — 20 Chapter III. Authenticity of the Epistle 20—22 Chapter IV. Relation of the Epistle to the other Epistles of the first Imprisonment 23 — 24 Chapter V. The Epistle of Polycarp to the Phi- lippians 24 — 28 Chapter VI. Argument of St Paul's Epistle to the Philippians 28—35 II. Text AND Notes 37 III. Appendices 125 IV. Index 135 * » * The Text adopted in this Edition is that of Dr Scrivener's Cambridge Paragraph Bible. A few variations from the ordi- nary Text, chiefly in the spelling of certain words, and in the use of italics, will be noticed. For the principles adopted by Dr Scrivener as regards the printing of the Text see his In- troduction to the Paragraph Bible, published by the Cambridge University Press. In thy Orcharde (the wals, buttes and trees, if they could speak, would beare me witnesse) I learned without booke almost all Paules Epistles, yea and I weene all the Canonicall Epistles, saue only the Apocalipse. Of which study, although in time a great part did depart from me, yet the sweete smell thereof I truste I shall cary with me into heauen : for the profite thereof I thinke I haue felte in all my lyfe tyme euer after. Bishop Ridley, to Pembroke Hall, (Pembroke College), Cambridge. From A letter which he wrote as his last farewel to al his true and faythefull /refides in God, October, 1555, a few days before he suffered. Transcribed fiom Coverdale's Letters of Martyrs, ed. 1564. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. Philippi : St Paul's Connexion with it. The site of Philippi is near the head of the Archipelago {Marc ^g(Xtim), eight miles north-westward of the port of Kavala, or Kavalla, probably the ancient Neapolis. Just south of it runs the 41st parallel of north latitude; a little to the west, the 24th parallel of east (Greenwich) longitude. The place is at present a scene of ruins. A village hard by, also in ruins, still bears the name of Philibedjik'^. In the first century the town occupied the southern end of a hill above a fertile plain, and extended down into the plain, so as to comprise a higher and a lower city. These were divided by the great Egnatian Road, which crossed Roman Macedonia from sea to sea. The higher town contained, among other buildings, the citadel, and a temple, built by the Roman colonists, to the Latin god Silvanus. The lower town contained the market-place, and the forum, a smaller square on which opened the courts of justice. Four massive columns are still standing at the foot of the hill, probably marking the four corners of the forum. A little more than a mile to the west of the town the small river Bounarbachi, anciently Gangas, Gangites, or Angites, and still called, at least at one part of its course, Angista, flows southward into a fen which borders the plain of the city, and to the south of which ^ Lcwin, Life and Epistles of St Paul, vol. I. p. 208. lo INTRODUCTION. again rise the heights of Mount Pangaeus, now Pirnd.n, rich of old in veins of gold and silver, and covered in summer with wild roses. The whole region is one of singular beauty and fertility. The geographical position of Philippi was remarkable. It lay on a great thoroughfare from West to East, just where the mountain barrier of the Balkans sinks into a pass, inviting the road builders of Greek, Macedonian, and Roman times. It was this which led Philip of Macedon (B.C. 359—336) to fortify the old Thracian town of Daton^, or Crenides {Fountains). To the place thus strengthened he gave his name, and, by pushing his border eastward into Thrace, converted it from a Thracian into a Macedonian town 2. This position of Philippi accounts for the one great event in its secular history, the double battle in which (B.C. 42) some ninety-five years before St Paul first saw Philippi, the com- bined armies of Brutus and Cassius were defeated by Octavius (afterwards Augustus) and Marcus Antonius. Cassius en- camped on Pangaeus, south of the town, plain, and fen, Brulus on the slopes to the north, near the town ; thus guarding from both sides the pass of the Egnatian road. First Cassius was routed, and two days later Brutus. Each in succession was slain, at his own command, by the hand of a comrade, and with them died the cause of the great republican oligarchy of Rome. Augustus erected Philippi into a colony {colonia, Kokavia, Acts xvi. 12), with the full title Colonia Augusta Julia Victrix Philipportwi, or Philippcnsis. A colony, in the Roman sense, was a miniature Rome, a reproduction and outpost of the city. The colonists were sent out by authority, they marched in military order to their new home, their names were still en- rolled among the Roman tribes, they used the Latin language 1 Lewin, I. 207. 2 To Philip it was important not only for military strength but as a place of mines. He is said to have worked the old and almost abandoned mines so vigorously as to have drawn from them 10,000 talents yearly. Long before the Christian era, apparently, the supply of precious ore was finally exhausted. INTRODUCTION. ii and Latin coinage, their chief magistrates were appointed from Rome, and were independent of the provincial governors^. These magistrates were two in each colony, Dtiumviri, and combined civil and military authority in their persons. At Philippi we find them assuming the grandiose title of com- mandants, praetors, arparrj-yoi (Acts xvi. 20), and giving their constables the title of lictors, palBSovxoi (ver. 35). They posed, in effect, as the more than consuls of their petty Rome. Much of the narrative of Acts xvii. comes out with double vividness when the colonial character of Philippi is remembered. In Acts xvi. 12 we find Philippi called, in the Authorized Version, "the chief city of that part of Macedonia." The better rendering of the best-attested reading is, however, " a city of Macedonia, first of the district." This may mean, grammati- cally, either that Philippi first met the traveller as he entered the region of Macedonia where it lay, or that it was the political capital of that region. Mr Lewin (i. 202, 206) advocates the latter view, and holds that Philippi succeeded Amphipolis as the capital of the " first," or easternmost, of the four Roman " Macedonias." Bp Lightfoot {PJiilippians, p. 50) prefers de- cidedly the former view, maintaining that the fourfold Roman division was, by St Paul's time, long disused. We incline, how- ever, to an explanation nearer to Mr Lewin's view ; that Philippi is marked by St Luke as first, in the sense of most important, of its district ; not officially perhaps, but by prestige. We may remark in passing that the geographical position of Philippi is incidentally illustrated by the presence there of Lydia, the purple-merchant from Asiatic Thyatira, come to this important place of thoroughfare between her continent and Roman Europe. And the colonial, military, character of Philippi explains in a measure the comparative feebleness of its Jewish element, with their humble proseucha, or prayer-house (Acts xvi. 13), outside the walls. On the story of St Paul's work at Philippi there is little need to dwell in detail, so full and vivid is the narrative of Acts xvi., ^ Britain, like other frontier provinces, had its colonia:; e.g. Lindum Colo Ilia, Lin-coln. 12 INTRODUCTION. from the unobtrusive opening of the mission (a.d. 52) by the Apostle, with his coadjutors Silas, Timothy, and probably Luke^ to the moment when Paul and Silas quit the house of Lydia, and, probably leaving Luke behind them, set out westward along the Egnatian road for Amphipolis. It is enough to say here that the whole circumstances there depicted harmonize perfectly with the contents and tone of our Epistle; with its peculiar affectionateness, as written to witnesses and partners of tribulation, with its entreaties to the disciples to hold to- gether in the midst of singularly alien surroundings, and, we may add, with its allusions to the " citizen-life " of the saints whose central civic home is (not Rome but) heaven. Twice after a.d. 52, within the period covered by the Acts, we find St Paul at Philippi. Late in the year 57 he left Ephesus for Macedonia (Acts xx. i ; cp. 2 Cor. ii. 12, 13, vii. 5, 6), and undoubtedly gave to Philippi some of his " much exhortation." In the spring of 58, on his return eastward from Corinth by Macedonia, he spent Passover at Philippi (Acts xx. 6), lingering there, apparently, in the rear of the main company of his fellow- travellers, "that he might keep the paschal feast with his beloved converts "2. Intercourse with Philippi was evidently maintained actively during his absences. Our Epistle (iv. 16) mentions two mes- sages from the converts to St Paul just after his first visit, and the frequent allusions to Macedonia in the Corinthian Epistles indicate that during the time spent at Ephesus (say 55 — 57) Philippi, with the other " churches of Macedonia," must have been continually in his heart and thoughts, and kept in contact with him by messengers. On the question of a visit to Philippi later than the date of this Epistle, see notes on ch. i. 25, 26. Before leaving the topic of St Paul's intercourse with Philippi, we may notice two points in which distinctively ^ The narrative (Acts xvi. i — 17) is in the first person. On the "wtf sections" of the Acts see Sahnon, Introduction to the N. T., pp. 371 &c. We may assume Timothy's presence from Acts xvi. i &c. and xvii. 14' 15.- - Lightfoot, p. 60. INTRODUCTION. 13 Macedonian traits appear in the Christian life of the mission church. The first is the position and infiiie7ice of women. We have women prominent in the narrative of Acts xvi., and in Phil. iv. 2 we find two women who were evidently important and influential persons in the Church. And similar indications appear at Thessalonica (Acts xvii. 4) and Beroea {ib. 12). Bp Lightfoot has collected some interesting evidence to shew that Macedonian women generally held an exceptionally honoured and influential position. Thus it is common, in Macedonian inscriptions, to find the mother's name recorded instead of the father's ; and Macedonian husbands, in epitaphs upon their wives, use terms markedly reverent as well as affectionate. The Gospel doctrine of woman's dignity would find good soil in Macedonia. The other point is the pecuniary liberality of the Philippians, which comes out so conspicuously in ch. iv. This was a characteristic of the Macedonian missions, as 2 Cor. viii., ix., amply and beautifully prove. It is remarkable that the Macedonian converts were, as a class, very poor (2 Cor. viii i); and the parallel facts, their poverty and their open- handed support of the great missionary and his work, are deeply harmonious. At the present day the missionary liber- ality of poor Christians is, in proportion, vastly greater than that of the rich. ^ The post-apostolic history of Philippi is very meagre. We know scarcely anything of it with the one exception that St Ignatius passed it, on his way from Asia to his martyrdom at Rome, about the year no. He was reverently welcomed by the Philippians, and his pathetic visit occasioned communi- cations between them and Ignatius' friend Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, who then wrote to the Philippian Christians his one extant Epistle (see below, ch. v.). "Though the see is said to exist even to the present day," writes Bp Lightfoot {Philip- fians, p. 65), "the city itself has long been a wilderness.... Of the church which stood foremost among all the apostolic com- munities in faith and love, it may literally be said that not one stone stands upon another. Its whole career is a signal monu- ment of the inscrutable counsels of God. Born into the world 14 INTRODUCTION. with the brightest promise, the Church of Philippi has lived without a history and perished without a memorial." (See further, Appendix I.) As we leave the ruins of PhiHppi, it is interesting to observe that among them have been found, by a French archeological mission (1864), inscriptions giving the names of the pro- moters of the building of the temple of Silvanus, and of the members of its " sacred college." Among them occur several names familiar to us in the Acts and Epistles ; Crescens, Secun- dus, Trophimus, Urbanus, Aristobulus, Pudens, and Clemens — this last a name found in our Epistle. CHAPTER II. Date and occasion of the Epistle. It may be taken as certain that the Epistle was written from Rome, during the two years' imprisonment recorded by St Luke (Acts xxviii. ^o); that is to say, within the years 61 — 63. It is true that some scholars, notably Meyer^, have made Csesarea Stratonis (Acts xxiv. 23 — 27) the place of writing of the PJiilip- pians, Ephesians, and Colossiafisj and some who hesitate to assign the two latter epistles to the Csesarean captivity assign the Philippians to it (see Lightfoot, p. 30, note). But the reasons on the other side seem to us abundantly decisive. Bp Light- foot gives them somewhat as follows (pp. 30, 31, note), (i) The notice of "Cesar's household" (iv. 22) cannot naturally apply to Casarea. (2) The notice (i. 12 &c.) of the progress of the Gospel loses point if the place of writing is not a place of great importance and a comparatively new field for the Gospel. (3) St Paul looks forward, in this Epistle, to an approaching release, and to a visit to Macedonia. This does not agree with his indicated hopes and plans at Caesarea, where certainly his expectation (Acts xxiii. 11) was to visit Rome, under what- ever circumstances, most probably as a prisoner on appeal. ^ His reasons are fully stated and answered in Alford's Prolegomena to the Ephesians, INTRODUCTION. 15 The chief plea, in the Philippians, for Caesarea is that the wovdi prcetorin?n (i. 13) corresponds to the prcetorlum, or residency, of Herod at Caesarea (Acts xxiii. 35). But here again we may remark that the allusion in the Epistle indicates an area of influence remarkable and extensive, conditions scarcely fulfilled at Caesarea. And Rome affords an obvious and adequate solution of the problem, as we shall see at the proper place in the text. The subordinate question arises, when within the two years of the Roman captivity was our Epistle written ? Was it early or late, before or after the Eplicsians and the Colossians? which are plainly to be grouped together, along with the private letter to the Colossian Philemon. A widely prevalent view is that the PhiUppia7is was written late, not long before St Paul's release on the final hearing of his appeal. The main reasons for this view are (i) the indications in the Epistle that the Gospel had made great progress at Rome ; (2) the absence in the Epistle of the names Luke and Aristarchus, who both sailed from Syria with St Paul (Acts xxvii. 2) and who both appear in the Colossians and Phi- lemon; (3) the lapse of time after St Paul's arrival at Rome de- manded by the details of Epaphroditus' case (Phil., ii. iv.), which seem to indicate that the Philippians had heard of St Paul's arrival; had then despatched their collection (perhaps not without delay, iv. 10) to Rome by Epaphroditus ; had then heard, from Rome, that Epaphroditus had been ill there (ii. 26), and had then somehow let it be known at Rome {ibid.) that the news had reached them; (4) the tone of the Epistle, in its allusions to St Paul's strict imprisonment and to his entire uncertainty, humanly speaking, about the issue of his appeal ; allusions said to be inconsistent with the comparative freedom indicated by the Acts, but con- sistent with a change for the worse in the counsels of Nero, such a change as would have occurred when (a.d. 62) the i6 INTRODUCTION. wicked Tigellinus succeeded the upright Burrus in command of the Guard. Bp Lightfoot on the other hand takes the view that the Philippians was the earliest of the Epistles of the Captivity. And he meets the above arguments somewhat as follows. (i) There is good evidence, both in the Acts and the Epistle, and above all in the Romans, for the belief that "a flourishing though unorganized Church" existed at Rome before St Paul's arrival. Already, three years earlier, he had addressed his greatest Epistle "to all that were in Rome, beloved of God, called saints;" and there is strong reason to think that many of the Christians greeted in that Epistle (ch. xvi.) were identical with "the saints of the Household" of our Epistle (see on Phil, iv. 22), and so that those " saints " were pre-Pauline converts, at least in many instances. And when he lands at Puteoli, in 61, he finds there too Christians ready to greet him. And on the other hand the allusions in our Epistle to the progress of the work at Rome must not be pressed too far, as if the whole population of the City was being stirred. What is meant is that a distinct and vigorous "new departure" was being made by the Roman Christians, as willing evangelists, and that the warders of the Apostle were carrying out the strange and inter- esting news of his doctrine and character among their fellow Praetorians and " people in general " (01 \omo\ TrdvT(s). But all these notes excellently suit a time not long after the Apostle's arrival, when the stimulus of his presence among the Christians would be powerful in its novelty, and when of course already the "soldiers that kept him" would be among his hearers, and not seldom, by the grace of God, his converts. Even the allu- sion (i. 15) to internal opposition suits such a time better than a later, "when. ..antagonism. ..and. ..devotion. ..had settled down into a routine" (Lightfoot, p. 34). (2) As regards the absence from the Philippians of the names Luke and Aristarchus, this is in the first place an argu- ment from silence only, which cannot be conclusive. The two disciples may be included under the "brethren" and "saints" of iv. 21, 22. But further, it is at least doubtful INTRODUCTION. 17 whether Aristarchus, though he sailed from Syria with St Paul, landed in Italy with him. He was a Thessalonian, and the vessel in which St Paul sailed was an Adramyttian, from the /EgjEan, in which Aristarchus may have been on his way not to Rome but to Thessalonica^. From Macedonia he may easily have joined St Paul in Italy later, associating himself so closely there with the imprisoned Apostle as to earn the title of his "fellow-prisoner of war" (Col. iv. 10). As for Luke, it is obvious that at any time he might have left Rome on a temporary errand, to Puteoli perhaps, or some other outlying mission. And of course the same remark may be made of Aristarchus, supposing him to have been after all in Italy. (3) The argument from the case of Epaphroditus is not strong. It is not necessary to suppose that a special message went from Rome to Philippi to announce St Paul's arrival. Very possibly through Aristarchus (see just above), if not by some other means, the Philippians may have heard that he was far on his way, and may have acted on probabilities. Epa- phroditus may even have left Philippi, with the collection, before St Paul reached Italy. And a month, under favourable cir- cumstances, would suffice for a journey from Philippi to Rome, by Brundisium (Brindisi), Dyrrachium (the Illyrian port), and the Egnatian road across Macedonia^. Thus if the Philippians was written only four months after St Paul's arrival the time would amply include all we need infer under this head. (4) The tone of the Epistle, with its suspense, its allusions to rigour of confinement, and on the other hand its expectations of release, is not conclusive for a late date. The imprisonment as depicted in it is after all no less and no more severe than Acts xxviii. 16 implies. And the references to the trial and its uncertain issue would probably be at least as appropriate in the early stages of its progress, or under early experiences of its delays, as lat^r. Doubtless the Epistle depicts trials and ^ Indeed, the first intention of the centurion Julius may have been that his prisoners should be conveyed to Rome by way of the yEgajan, Macedonia, and the Adriatic (Lightfoot, p. 35, note). ^ See Lightfoot's interesting proofs, p. 38, note. PHILIPPIANS 9 i8 INTRODUCTION. sorrows where the Acts speaks only of opportunity and success ; but Bp Lightfoot well remarks that this is perfectly truth- like. The historian reviews the sum total of a very fruitful period of influence; the leiter-writer s'peak?, under the immediate pressure of the day's, or the week's, chequered circumstances. St Paul's expectation of release is discussed in the notes (ii. 24); it certainly affords no decisive note of time. As for the pro- motion of Tigellinus, Lightfoot justly says that such changes in the Imperial court would make little difference, for better or worse, in the case of an obscure provincial prisoner, the mis- sionary of a cidtiis which had not yet come to be thought politically dangerous. If these arguments for a late date for the Epistle maybe fairly answered thus, we have meanwhile positive evidence for an earlier date in the doctrinal affinities of the Philippians. These point towards the great central group of Pauline Epistles {Romans, Corinthians, Galatians), and especially towards the Romans, the latest written of that group. In Phil. iii. we have in prominence the doctrine of Justification, in the precise form of the doctrine of Imputed Righteousness, the believer's refuge and peace in view of the absoluteness of the Divine Law. Now this is the characteristic topic of the Roman and Galatian Epistles, and in a minor degree of the Corinthian (i Cor. i. 30, iv. 4, vi. II ; 2 Cor. iii. 9, v. 19 — 21). But it is absent, as regards just this form of presentation, from the Ephesian and Colossian Epistles, in which St Paul was led by the Holy Spirit to deal more expressly with the closely related, but dif- ferent sides of truth conveyed in such words as Union, Life, Indwelling, Universal Church. This is strong evidence for an approximation of the Philippians to the Romans, &c., in point of time, as near as other considerations allow. Certainly it makes it likely that the Ephcsians and its group were not interposed between the Romans and the Philippia7is. And on closer examination we find many links of thought and expression between the Romans and the Philippians, besides this main Hnk. Bp Lightfoot (pp. 43, 44) collects the following parallelisms of this sort : INTRODUCTION. 19 Compare I HIL i. 3-8 with Rom. i. 8— 11: — — i. 10 — — ii. 18: — -- ii. 2—4 — — xii. 10, 16- -19: — — ii. 8—1 1 — — xiv. 9 — II — — iii. 3 — — ii. 28, i. 9, V. II : — — iii. 4. 5 — — xi. I : — — iii. 10, II, 21 — — vi. 5 : — — iii. 19 — — vi. 21, xvi. 18: — — iv. 18 — — xii. I. And he notes the following words and phrases as occurring in the two Epistles, and not elsewhere : dnoKapaSoKia, (TVfjLfjLop(})os, i^ epideias, axpi tov pvv, irpoa-bexea-dai iv Kvpia. See too our note on i. 26. On the whole, we may date the Epistle, with great pro- bability, late in the year 61 or early in 62. See further T/u- Epistle to the Epliesiaits, in this Series, Inirodiictioii, pp. 19 — 22. Of the occasion of writing, little needs to be said; the Epistle itself speaks clearly on the subject. The arrival of Epaphroditus bringing the Philippian gift, his illness at Rome, and his anxiety to return to Philippi, appear to have given the immediate suggestion and made the opportunity. We gather that besides this Epaphroditus had reported, as the one serious defect- of Christian life at Philippi, a tendency to party-spirit, or at least to personal antagonisms and differences, especially in the case of two well-known female converts. See i. 2, 27, ii. 2, 3, 14, 26, iv. 2, and notes. And meanwhile St Paul takes the occasion to warn his beloved Philippians against errors of doctrine and practice which, if not already rife at Philippi, were sure to find their way there; the errors both of the Pharisaic legalist (iii. 2 — 11), and of the antinomian would-be Paulinist (iii. 13—19)- So, occasioned on the one hand by present circumstances, and on the other guided by the secret working of the Holy Spirit to form a sure oracle of God for the Church for ever, the Letter was dictated, and the greetings of the Writer's visitors were added, and the manuscript was given over to 2 — 2 20 INTRODUCTION. Epaphroditus, to be conveyed across Italy, the Adriatic, and Macedonia, to the plain and hill of Philippic CHAPTER III. Authenticity of the Epistle. No trace of doubt on this subject appears in early Christian literature. Amongst direct testimonies, and taking the later first, we may cite Tertiillian (cent. 2 — 3). He {de Resurrectione Carnis, c. xxiii.) quotes Phil. iii. 11 — 13 2, as "written by Paul to the Philippians." He mentions {de Prcescriptione, c. xxxvi.) Philippi among the Churches which possessed ''authentic apostolic epistles," that is, apparently, letters received at first hand from apostles. In his Reply to Marcion, bk. v., taking up the Pauline Epistles one by one for evidence against the Gnostic theory of Christianity taught by Marcion, he comes (c. XX.) to "the Epistle to the Philippians," and quotes, or refers to, i. 14 — 18, ii. 6 — 8, iii. 5 — 9, 20, 21. It will be observed that this latter evidence is doubly valuable, as it assumes his op- ponent's agreement with him about the authenticity. Irenceus (late cent. 2) quotes {tie Hceresibus, iv., c. xviii. 4) Phil. iv. 18 as the words of " Paul to the Philippians." Clement of Alexandria (late cent. 2) repeatedly quotes the Epistle. He brings {Padogogus, i., c. vi., ed. Migne) Phil, iii. 12 — 14 to refute those who "call themselves 'perfect' and 'gnostic'." In the Stromata, iv., c. iii., he refers to Phil. iii. 20, in the words "having obtained citizenship in heaven;" c. v., he quotes i. 13, 14 as the "words of the Apostle;" c. xiii. he quotes i. 7, 29, 30, ii. i, 2, 17, 20, 21, and refers to the Philippians as addressed by "the Apostle" in these passages. ^ For further particulars of St Paul's life and work at Rome see Appendix A. * With one curious variation of reading: persequor ad palntam incriminationis; as if reading t6 ^pa^eTou rrjs dveyKXrjffeu^, INTRODUCTION. 21 In the contemporary Letter of the Chitrches of Lyons atid Vienne, describing the martyrdoms of A.D. 177', the sufferers are said to have striven to " imitate Christ, vi'ho being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God" (Phil. ii. 6). Polycarp, in his Epistle to the Philippians (very early cent. 2), both refers (c. iii.) to the Epistle which St Paul had addressed to them, and manifestly echoes its phraseology. He speaks indeed of "Epistles." But the plural is often used for the sin- gular of this word ; see Lightfoot in his Edition of Polycarp {Apostolic Fathers, Pt. ii. ; Vol. ii., sect, ii., p. 911). Polycarp's Epistle is given below, nearly in full; Introduction, ch. v. Ignatius, on his way to martyrdom (about A.D. no), wrote a series of Epistles. In that to the Romans, c. ii., he speaks of his desire to be "poured out as a libation to God"; to the Philadelphians he writes (c. viii.), "do nothing in a spirit of faction" (Phil. ii. 3); to the Smyrnasans (c. iv.) "I endure all things, for He, the perfect Man, strengtheneth me"; and (c. xi.), "being perfect, be ye also perfectly minded." These passages, taken together, are good evidence for Ignatius' knowledge of the Epistle. All the ancient Versions, including the oldest Syriac (cent. 2), and all the lists of N. T. books, of cent. 2, contain the Epistle. Such evidence, combined on the one hand with the total absence of ancient negative testimony, and on the other with the perfect naturalness, and intense and tender individuality, of the Epistle itself, is abundantly enough to satisfy all but the ultra-scepticism which, however ingenious, really originates in a priori views. Such surely is the account to be given of the theory of F. C. Baur (1796 — 1860) — that the Epistle is a fabri- cation of the second century, betraying a development of doctrine 2 and Hfe later than the age of St Paul, and aiming at a reconciliation between divergent Church parties (see on iv. 2 below). His objections to the Epistle have, however, 1 Preserved by Eusebius, Hist. Eccl,, V. cc. i. — iv. The quotation is from c. ii. ^ See further, Appendix F. 22 INTRODUCTION. been discarded as futile even by rationalizing critics, such as Hilgenfeld, Pfleiderer, and Renan^. Alford {Greek Test., iii. p. 27) says, " To those who would see an instance of the very insanity of hypercriticism I would recommend the study of these pages of Baur {Paitlus, der Apostel Jesu Christi, pp. 458 — 475]. They are almost as good, by way of burlesque, as the ' Historic Doubts respecting Napoleon Buonaparte' of Abp Whately. According to [Baur] all wjz/a/ expressions prove its spuriousness, as being taken from other Epistles ; all nnusual expressions prove the same, as being from another than St Paul, &c." Lightfoot says {Phil., p. 74), "I cannot think that the mere fact of their having been brought forward by men of ability and learning is sufficient to entitle objections of this stamp to a serious refutation." Salmon says {Introd. to N. T., pp. 465, 6), "Baur has pronounced this Epistle dull, uninteresting, mono- tonous, characterized by poverty of thought, and want of origin- ality. But one only loses respect for the taste and skill of the critic who can pass such a sentence on one of the most touch- ing and interesting of Paul's letters. So far is it from shewing signs of having been manufactured by imitation of the other Epistles that it reveals aspects of Paul's character which the other letters had not presented... Else where we are told how the Apostle laboured with his own hands for his support, and declared that he would rather die than let the disinterestedness of his preaching be suspected; here we find (iv. 10 — 19) that there was no false pride in his independence, and that when there was no likelihood of misrepresentation, he could gracefully accept the ungrudged gifts of affectionate converts. Elsewhere we read only of his reprobation of Christian teachers who corrupted the simplicity of the Gospel; here we are told (i. 18) of his satis- faction that, by the efforts even of those whose motives were not pure, the Gospel of Christ should be more widely published." ^ Wittichen, a decidedly negative recent critic, admits the Philip- pians as genuine. {Lebcn Jesu, p. 14 ; quoted by Edersheim, Prophecy and History, ^c, p. 68, note.) INTRODUCTION. 23 CHAPTER IV. Relation of the Epistle to the other Epistles of THE First Imprisonment. We have pointed out the strong doctrinal link of connexion between the Philippian Epistle and the Romans with its at- tendant Epistles. We find in the Philippians on the other hand indications of similar connexion with the Ephesians and the Colossians, and such indications as to harmonize with the theory advocated above (p. 16) that these Epistles were dated some time later in St Paul's captivity. In two directions chiefly these connexions appear; {a) in the view of the Church as a City or Commonwealth, and (J?) in the view of Christ's personal Glory. Under the first head, cp. Phil. iii. 20, with Eph. ii. 12, 19, remembering that nowhere in the Epistles written before the Roman imprisonment is this view of the Church distinctly presented. Under the second head, cp. Phil. li. 5—11 with Eph. i. 17— 23, ii. 8, &c. ; Col. i. 15—19, &c. And cp. Phil. ii. 10 with Eph. i. 20; Col. i. 20. In the earlier Epistles the Apostle was guided to the fullest statements of the salvation wrought out by Christ, especially in its judicial and propitiatory aspects. But this exposition of the grace and wonder of His personal majesty, personal self-abasement, and personal exaltation after it, is in a great measure a new development in the revelations given through St Paul. Observe in connexion with this the insistence on the blessed- ness of ''knowing Him'' (iii. 10), compared with the glowing language of Eph. iii. 19 ("to know the love of Christ, &c."). Most certainly the idea is present everywhere in the Epistles of St Paul; but it reaches its full prominence in this group of Epistles, as other sides of truth do in the Romans and the Galatians. 24 INTRODUCTION. Among minor notes of kinship in these Epistles observe the view of faith as the '''gift of God'''' (Phil. i. 29; Eph. ii. 8); the mention of the Divine ^^ good pleasure" , or gracious sovereign purpose (Phil. ii. 13; Eph. i. 4) ; the phrase "preach Christ'" (Phil. i. 16, 18; Col. i. 28); the Apostle's '^joy" in his trials (Phil. i. 18; Eph. iii. 13; Col. i. 24); the Divine '■' inworkiiig^' in the saints (Phil. ii. 13; Col. i. 29; cp. Eph. ii. 10); and the following words or phrases peculiar to these among the Pauline Epistles — TaTT€ivo(^pocrvvr} (Phil. ii. 3; Eph. iv. 2; Col. iii. 12), (TTrkayxva olKTipfimv (or nearly so) (Phil. ii. i; Col. iii. 12; cp. Philem. 7, 12, 20); oV/x^ evablas (Phil. iv. 18; Eph. v. 2); eVt- Xoprjyia (Phil. i. 19; Eph. iv. 16; cp. Col. ii. 19). CHAPTER V. The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians. This Epistle, the only other extant letter addressed to the Church of Philippi, has been already mentioned (p. 21). For the text, fully edited with notes, see Lightfoot's Apostolic Fathers, Part II. vol. ii., sect. 2, pp. 898, &c. We give a trans- lation of the Epistle slightly abridged. It is interesting to observe the wealth of N. T. quotations, and the frequent tacit allusions to the topics of St Paul's Epistle. All clear Scripture quotations are italicized, as well as phrases apparently sug- gested by Scripture. Polycarp and his elders to the Church of God sojourning at Philippi ; grace and peace be multiplied from God Almighty and Jesus Christ our Saviour. i. I rejoiced greatly with you in the Lord, in your joy on welcoming those Copies^ of the True Love, chained with those holy fetters which are the diadems of the elect ; and that your long-renowned faith persists, and bears fruit to Christ, who for ^ Ignatius and his companion Confessors. INTRODUCTION. 25 our sins died and rose, in whom, not having seen Him, yoti rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, a joy into which many long to enter, knowing that by grace ye have been saved, not of works, but by the will of God in Christ. ii. So gird up your loins, forsake the prevalent specious errors, believe on Him who raised our Lord from the dead and gave Him glory, to whotn (Christ) all things in heaven and earth are stibjected, to whom every living thing does service, who comes to judge the quick atid dead, whose blood God will require of the unbelieving. He who raised Him will raise us also, if we walk in His ways, abstaining from all injustice, avarice, and evil-speaking, 7!ot rendering evil for evil or railing for railing; remembering how the Lord said, fudge not, that ye be 7iot judged; blessed are the poor, and the persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of God. iii. I write thus concerning righteousness, not of my own motion but because you have invited me. Neither I nor any likf me can approach the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when among you, face to face with the men of that day, taught accurately and with certainty the word concerning the truth, who also when absent wrote to you letters 1, which if you study diligently you shall be able to be built up in the faith given you; which faith is the mother of us all, followed by hope, and by hope's forerunner, love to God, to Christ, and to our neighbour. For if any one is given to these, he hath ful- filled the precept of righteousness. He who hath love is far from all sin. iv. Now the beginning of all evils is the love of money. We brought nothing into the world, and can carry nothing out. Let us put on the armour of righleoicsness and teach one another to walk in the precept. Teach your wives too to walk in the faith, love, and purity given them, faithful to their husbands in all truth, amiable to all around them in true modesty, training their children in the fear of God. Let your widows be sober in ^ See p. 21. 26 INTRODUCTION. the faith, instant in intercession, holding aloof from evil-speak- ing, from avarice, and from all wrong. They are God's altar, and He inspects the victim to see if it has any blemish. V. God is not inockedj let us walk worthy of His precept and glory. Let the deacons {diaconi, ministers) be blameless before Him, as ministers of God and Christ, avoiding likewise evil-speaking, and avarice, and unkindness, before Him who was viinister of all. If we please Him in this world we shall receive the world to come ; if we walk (lit., live as citizens) wortJiy of Him, we shall reign with Him, if we believe. Let the juniors too walk in holy strictness. Every lust warreth against the spirit; fornicators and such like shall not inherit the kingdotn. So let them watch and abstain ; let them submit to the elders and deacons. And let the virgins walk in holiness. vi. The presbyters should be compassionate, watchful over the erring, the weak, the widows, orphans, and poor, providing always for that which is good before God and men, renouncing wrath, partiality, avarice, and rash judgment. If we ask remis- sion, we must remit. We must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, and give accottnt each of himself . Let us do Him bond-service, as He bade us, and His Apostles, and the Pro- phets who shewed before of His co7ning. Be zealous for good; avoid offences, and false brethren, who deceive the careless. vii. For whosoever confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in thefesh is antichrist. Whosoever confesses not the mystery of the Cross is of the devil. Whosoever perverts the Lord's oracles to his lusts, and says that there is neither resurrection nor judgment, is Satan's firstborn. So let us forsake the current vain doctrines, and turn to the once-delivered Gospel, watching unto prayer, persevering in fastings, praying ithe all- seeing God 7iot to lead us into temptation ; as the Lord said, The spirit is willing, btct the flesh is weak. viii. Let us hold fast to our hope and to the earnest of our righteousness, which earnest is Christ Jesus, who bore our sins in His own body to the treej who did no sin, neither was guile INTRODUCTION. found in His viotith; who bore all that we might live in Him. Let us imitate His patience. If we suffer for Him, let us glorify Him. — He left us this example. ix. All of you obey the word of righteousness, and practise true endurance, which you have seen exemplifi'jd before you not only in blessed Ignatius, Zosimus, and Rufus, but in others of your own body, and in Paul himself and the other Apostles. You know that they all did not run in vaiii. They have gone, in the path of faith and righteousness, to their promised (lit., owed) place, beside the Lord with whom they suffered. X. Stand fast then, according to His example, steadfast and unvioveable in the faith, kindly affectio/ied one to another with brotherly lovej sharing together in truth, in the Lord's gentle- ness {tnoderatioji, Phil. iv. 5) prefej'ring one another. When able to do good, defer it not, for almsgiving rescue th from death (Tobit iv. II, xii. 9). All beitig subject to one atiothcr, have your conversation ho?test among the Gentiles, that by your good ■works you may obtain praise, and the Lord be not blasphemed. Teach all men true sobriety. xi. I am exceedingly grieved for Valens, once made an elder among you, that he so ignores the position given him. Do you avoid avarice ; be pure, be true. He who cannot steer himself aright in such duties, how can he preach them? If he avoids avarice he will be defiled by idolatry, and judged as one of the Gentiles. Know we 7iot that the saints shall judge the world? as Paul teaches. I never heard of such sins in you, among whom the blessed Paul toiled, who were his '■'■{living) cpistles^''^ in the first (days of the Gospel). About you he glories in the churches which knew the Lord before we knew Him. I am deeply grieved for Valens, and for his wife ; God grant them repentance. Count them not as enemies, but restore them as diseased and wandering members, that your whole body may be in safety. xii. You know the holy Scriptures perfectly; a knowledge ^ So Lightfoot explains the difficult sentence. 28 INTRODUCTION. not granted to me. Only, (I know that) it is there said, Be angry and sin tiot; let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Now the God and Father of our Lord, and He, the eternal High- Priest, (our) Godi, Jesus Christ, build you up in all hohness, and give you part and lot among His saints, and to us with you, and to all everywhere who shall believe on our Lord and God Jesus Christ, and on His Father who raised Him from the dead. Pray for all the saints, and for kings and rulers, and for them that persecute you, and for the enetnies of the Cross, that your fruit may be tnanifest in all things, that ye may be perfect in Him. xiii. Both you and Ignatius have asked me that, if a mes- senger is leaving us for Syria, he may carry your letter with ours. This I will do, in person or by delegate. The letter of Ignatius to us, and all others in our hands, we have sent you, as you desired, attached to this letter. They will greatly benefit you spiritually. Report to us anything you hear of Ignatius' companions. xiv. My letter-bearer is Crescens, whom again I commend to you, as a blameless Christian. His sister too I commend to you, in prospect. Farewell in the Lord Jesus Christ, in grace, with all who are yours. Amen. CHAPTER VL ARGUMENT OF ST PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. Ch. I. 1 — 2. Paul and Timotheus, servants of Jesus Christ, greet the Christians of Philippi and their Church-officers, invoking blessing on them from the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3—11. Paul assures them that his whole thought of them is full of thanksgiving, his every prayer for them full of joy, in view of their warm, steadfast cooperation from the first in his evangelical labours. ^ So Lightfoot; in preference to the reading, ''the Son of God," which he thinks to be later. INTRODUCTION. 29 He is quite sure [on this bright evidence] that the work of grace in them will reach its consummation in glory. His affectionate regard for them is but just, so fully have they claimed his heart by their identification of themselves with him in the trials of captivity and the toils of Christian witnessing and teaching. God knows with what yearning tenderness, drawn from the heart of Christ, he misses them and longs for them. [And his affection expresses itself above all things in prayer], the prayer that their love [of which he for one has had such proofs] may increasingly be guided and fortified by a quick spiritual perception, sifting truth from error, holiness from sin, and forming a character which at the Great Day should prove pure in principle, and rich in the frait [of the Spirit], fruit generated by communion with Christ, and bringing glory to God. 12 — 20. As regards his own present circumstances, he rejoices to inform them that they are conducing to the advance of the Gospel at Rome. [His imprisonment is in itself a mission]; its connexion [not with political or social offences but] with Christ is now well known throughout the Imperial Guard [which supplied his warders] and among the Romans in general. And the Roman Christians, for the most part, have felt a spiritual impetus [after a time of depression]. His captivity has nerved them to bear a bolder witness among their heathen neighbours. [True, there is a shadow across this light] ; some thus proclaim Christ [with new energy] from motives of opposition to Paul, while others do so in loyal sincerity. On the one side is love, which sees in the imprisoned Apostle a centre of action, set there by Christ, for the propagation of the Gospel ; on the other side is the spirit of the partizan and of self, defiling the motive of the work, actually wishing to make his imprisonment doubly trying [by intercepting enquirers and converts]. Does it matter to him? [No — and] yes. [No, so far as his peace in God is concerned], yes, [happily yes, so far as the spread of the primary Gospel truth is concerned]. For thus in every way Christ is being proclaimed. Here is cause of joy for Paul ; and here shall be cause of joy [even in the eternal future] ; for the situation shall only animate the Philippians to earnest prayer for him, and this shall bring him a new fulness of the Holy Spirit, and so .shall promote his grace and glory. Yes, it shall forward the realization of his longing anticipation, that at this crisis, as at all others, Christ shall be glorified, whether through his body's living energies, or through his submission to his body's death. 30 INTRODUCTION. 21 — 26. For indeed life is for him identified with, summed up in, Christ; and death, [as the introduction to Christ's fuller presence] is gain [even over such a life]. If [it is his Lord's will that] he should live on, [the prolonged life] will mean only larger work with richer fruit. And indeed the case is one of blessed dilemma. Personal preference is for dying, dying into the presence of Christ ; a far, far better state [than the best here] ; while duty, manifested in the needs of his converts, is for living patiently on. And thus he feels sure that he will live on, for the spiritual benefit of his converts, and particularly in order that his restoration to them in bodily presence may give them fresh occasion for triumph in Christ. 27 — 30. Meanwhile, let them live a life of holy practical consistency. Above all, let him see, or let him hear, as the case may be, that they are standing firm, and standing together, cordially at one in Christian witness and work, and calm amidst opposing terrors. Such calmness [under such circumstances] will be an omen of their opponents' ruin and their own coming heaven. God has thus adjusted things, God who has granted them not only faith in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him; a conflict one with that which they had seen in Paul's case [at Philippi] and now hear of in his case [at Rome]. Ch. II. 1 — 4. [Yes, let them above all things hold together, watching against a tendency towards internal dissension ; a tendency which he fears has shewn itself, however faintly, amongst them]. By the common blessings of believers, by the pity of their human hearts, he begs them to crown his joy in them with the joy of an assurance that they are living in holy harmony; shunning the spirit of self, taking each the lowest room, entering with unselfish love into each other's needs. 5 — 11. Let them remember, and reflect, the supreme Self-forgetfulness of their Saviour. He, [in His preexistent glory,] being and seeming God, [looked indeed on the things of others]. He dealt with His true and eternally right Equality with His Father [in nature and majesty] not as a thing held, like a prize of strength or guile, anxiously and for Himself, [but as a thing which admitted of an act of most gracious sacrifice for others' good]. In a marvellous "Exinanition" [He laid by the manifested glories of Deity], and willed to be, and to seem, [as Man], the Bondservant [of God], putting on the visible garb of embodied manhood, [while always also more than man]. Aye, and INTRODUCTION. 31 having thus presented himself to men as man, He bowed yet lower, [in His supreme outlook "upon the things of others,"] in His supreme obedience to His God; He extended that obedience to the length of dying, dying on a Cross, [that last degradation in the eyes of Gentile and Jew]. [So He "pleased not Himself," and now, what was the result?] The Father raised Him to the eternal throne [in His now double glory, God and Man], giving to Him [as the once-abased One] the rights of supreme Majesty, that all creation in all spheres should worship Him, and the Father through Him, all beings confessing that Jesus Christ is "I AM," to the Father's glory. 12 — 18. [With such an Example in view] let the beloved Philip- pians, now as always obedient to Paul's appeals, so watch, so live, in tender, solemn earnestness (and more than ever now, in the absence of their Apostle, [whose presenec might have seemed to excuse in them a lack of such care] as to realize and carry out the plan of their salvation. [And to promote at once their solemn care and their restful hope let them remember that] it is God who is personally effecting in them [in the regenerate life] both their holy desires and their just works, in order to accomplish His own blessed purposes. Let them renounce all mutual murmurings and dissensions ; seeking to prove their spiritual sonship by a perfectly consistent walk, in the midst of a rebellious world, in whose darkness they are seen as spiritual stars ; offering the news of Christ to their neighbours' notice. So Paul would rejoice at the Great Day, looking back on his course of toil, that he had not lived in vain. [Aye, and that he had not died in vain] ; for what if he should after all shed his blood as a libation on the altar at which the Phi- lippians offered themselves a living sacrifice? He would rejoice, and would congratulate his converts. Let them rejoice, and congratulate him. 19 — 30. [But to turn to another subject;] he hopes to send Timothy ere long, to report to him (it will be a cheering report) on their state. None of the Christians round him is so entirely in sympathy with him and with Philippi. Others of his friends might otherwise go, but alas their devotedness to the Lord's will proves too partial. As for Timothy, the Philippians know by old experience how he had done bondservice to the Lord, with Paul, [in their very midst,] in a perfectly filial spirit. Immediately on Paul's learning the issue of the trial, Timothy shall thus be sent. And he trusts ere long to follow person- ally to Philippi. Epaphroditus meanwhile, Paul's fellow-labourer, and 2,2 INTRODUCTION the bearer of the Philippians' bounty to him, is to be spared and sent immediately, as a matter of duty. That duty is made plain by Epaphroditus' state of feeling — his yearning to revisit Philippi, his sore trouble at the thought of the grief which must have been caused at Philippi by news there of his serious illness. He has indeed been ill, almost fatally. But God has spared him the grief [of premature removal from his work, and of being the cause of mourning at Philippi], and has spared Paul too the grief of bereavement added to his other trials. So he has taken pains to send him [in charge of the present Epistle], to the joy of the Philippians and the alleviation of Paul's own sadness. Let them give their messenger a glad Christian welcome back again. Let them shew their value for him and such as him. For Christ's work's sake he has all but lost his life; he has run great hazards with it, in order to do for them, in their loving assistance to Paul, what in person they could not do. Ch. III. 1 — 3. Now to draw to a close. Let them rejoice in the Lord [as their all in all, cherishing a joyful insight into His fulness as their Righteousness and Life]. In effect, he has been saying this all along. But to emphasize it again is welcome to him and wholesome for them. Let them beware of the Pharisee-Christian, [cruelly exclusive, while] really excluding himself from the true Israel ; of the advocate of salvation by works, himself a bungling work-man; of the assertors of a circumcision that is only now a physical maltreatment. We Christians are the true circumcised Israel, worshipping by the rites of the Spirit, making Christ Jesus our boast, renouncing all trust in self. 4 — 11. If indeed such self-trust ever has just grounds, /•«?ne already established and recognized order and regimen in a young Church; to a special "oversight" and "service" committed to not all but some. — The "bishop" (episcopus) of this passage is identical with the "presbyter" of e.g. Acts xx. 17, called episcopus there, ver. 28. For further remarks on the offices here mentioned, see Appendix C. 2. Grace be unto yoit, &c.] See, on the whole verse, the notes in this Series on Eph. i. 2, where the wording is identical. — " Grace," as a vv. 3, 4-] PHILIPPIANS, I. 39 peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always ^ in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, ^ Scriptural term, demands careful study. In its true idea, kindness is always present, with the special thought of entire atid marked absence of obligatio7i in the exercise of it. It is essentially unmerited and free. See e.g. Rom. xi. 6. In its normal application, the word denotes the action of Divine kindness either in the judicial acceptance of the believer "not according to his works," for Christ's sake (e.g. Rom. iii. 24), or in the gift and continuance of new life and power to the believer (e.g. I Cor. XV. 10). And, as the action is never apart from the Agent, we may say that grace in the first reference is "God for us" (Rom. viii. 31), in the second, "God in us" (below, ii. 13). — In the first reference grace is the antithesis to ?nerit, in the second to nature. our Fathcr\ in the new birth and life, which is coextensive with union with Christ the Son. See below, on ii. 15. 3—11. Thanksgiving and Prayer for the Philippian Saints. 3. I thank'\ So Rom. i. 8; i Cor. i. 4; Eph. i. 16; Col. i. 3; 1 Thess. i. 2, ii. 13; 2 Thess. i. 3, ii. 13; Philem. 4. St Paul's thanks- givings for the two Macedonian Churches, Philippi and Thessalonica, are peculiarly warm and full. See Bp Lightfoot here. Observe the recognition in all these thanksgivings of God as the whole cause of all goodness in the saints. 7ny God] So Rom. i. 8; i Cor. i. 4; 2 Cor. xii. 21; below, iv. 19; Philem. 4. Cp. also Acts xxvii. 23 ; Gal. ii. 20 ; and below, iii. 8. See too Psal. Ixiii. i, and many other O. T. passages. — Profound per- sonal appropriation and realization speaks in the phrase. And we are reminded that the salvation of the Church takes place through the salvation of individuals, and their personal coming to (Joh. vi. 37) and incorporation into Christ. upon every remembrance] Lit. and better, in my whole remem- brance ; as in a habit rather than as in single acts. For such remem- brance, and its expressions, cp. Rom. i. 9; Eph. i. 16; i Thess. i. 2; 2 Tim. i. 3 ; Philem. 4. 4. every prayer] every request. The Greek word is narrower than that, e.g. Eph.i. 16, which includes the whole action oi worship. See below on iv. 6. for you all] See, for the same phrase, or kindred words, vv. 7, 8, 25, ii. 17, 26. We seem to see, in this emphasis on the word "a//," a gentle reference to the danger of partizanship and divisions at Philippi. See Introduction, p. 19. request] Lit. and better, the request just mentioned. with joy] These words strike the key-note of a main strain of the 40 PHILIPPIANS, I. [vv. 5, 6. s for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until 6 now ; being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform // until the day of Epistle. — They are here the emphatic words of the sentence. He illustrates the assurance of his thankfulness for them by saying that every request for them is lighted up with happiness. For St Paul's joy over his converts' consistency cp. 2 Cor. ii. 3, vii. 4, 13; below, ii. 2, iv. I ; I Thess. ii. 19, 20, iii. 9; Philem. 7. 5. For your fellowship in the gosper\ Lit. "iy grace] This has been explained to mean that they too knew by experience the power of grace under imprison- ment and in evangelistic work. But we have no reason to think that "all" (if indeed any) of the Philippian converts had been imprisoned at this date. The natural meaning is that their sympathy, and active assistance (iv. 10 — 19), had so united them with both the bearing and doing of the Apostle that in this sense they were bound with him, and worked with him, and felt the power of God with him. — The word "grace" here (as in Rom. i. 5; Eph. iii. 2, 8) may refer to ihe gracious gift to him of apostolic work and trial, rather than to the internal Divine power for service. In this case, still more plainly, the Philip- pians were partners in "his grace." — A closer rendering of the Greek is, copartners of my grace as you all are. 8. God is my record] Better, witness; for which word ^'record" is a synonym in older English, e.g. in Chaucer. — For this solemn and tender appeal cp. Rom. i. 9; i Thess. ii. 5, 10; and see 2 Cor. i. 18. long after] The Greek verb is full of a yearning, homesick tenderness. It occurs in similar connexions, Rom. i. 11 ; i Thess. iii. 6; 2 Tim. i. 4; below, ii. 26; and its cognates, Rom. xv. 23; 2 Cor. vii. 7, 11 (?), ix. 14 ; below, iv. i. St Paul employs the verb also, with beautiful significance, to denote the believer's yearning for heavenly rest and glory, 2 Cor. v. 2 ; St James, for the Spirit's yearning jealousy for our spirits' loyalty, Jas. iv. 5 ; St Peter, for the regenerate man's longing for the "milk" of Divine truth, i Pet. ii. 2. in the botvcls of Jesus Christ] MS. evidence favours the order Christ Jesus, see note on ver. i. — "/« the bowels" : — better perhaps in tlie heart. The Greek word in the classics means, strictly, the "nobler vitals," including the heart, as distinguished from the intestines (yEschylus, Agam., 1221). On the other hand the Septuagint in their (rare) use of the word do not observe such a distinction, and render by it the Heb. rachamtm, the bowels, regarded as the seat of tender feeling. But in any case, the question is not of anatomy, but of cur- rent usage and reference; and our word '■'■heart" is thus the best rendering. — The phrase here carries with it no assertion of a physico- spiritual theory ; it only uses, as a modem naturalist might equally weU I VV.9, lo.] PHILIPPIANS, I. 43 Jesus Christ. And this I pray, that your love may abound 9 yet more and more in knowledge and m all judgment; that 10 do, a physical term as a symbol for non-physical emotion. — R.V. para- phrases ^'■tender mercies.'''' The phraseology ("?« the heart of Christ yesus ") is deeply signifi- cant. The Christian's personality is never lost, but he is so united to his Lord, "one Spirit" (i Cor. vi. 17), that the emotions of the re- generate member are, as it were, in continuity with those of the ever- blessed Head. Tyndale (1534), Cranmer (1539), and Geneva (1557) render "from the very heart root in Jesus Christ." — The ministration of His life to the member is such that there is more than sympathy in the matter; there is communication. 9. / p}-ay^ He takes up the words, ver. 4, " in every request for you all." that] Lit., by classical rules, '■'in order that." But in later Greek the phrase has lost its more precise necessary reference to purpose, and may convey (as here) the idea oi purport, significance. So we say, "a message to this effect," meaning, "in these terms." — In Joh. xvii. 3 (where lit., "/« order to knoiv, &c."), the phrase conveys the kindred idea of equivalence, synonymous description ; " life eternal " is, in effect, "to know God." your love] Perhaps in its largest reference ; Christian love, however directed, whether to God or man, to brethren or aliens. But the pre- vious context surely favours a certain speciality of reference to St I'aul ; as if to say, "your Christian love, of which / have such warm evi- dence." Still, this leaves a larger reference also quite free. abouftd] A favourite word with St Paul. In this Ep. it occurs again, ver. 26, iv. 12, 18. Cp. i Thess. iv. i for a near parallel here. — Nothing short of spiritual growth ever satisfies St Paul. "The fire in the Apostle never says. Enough" (Bengel). in] As a 7uan "abounds in" e.g. "hope" (Rom. xv. 13). He prays that their love may richly possess knowledge and perception as its attendants and aids. knowledge] Greek, epigndsis, more than gnosis. The structure of the word suggests developed, full knowledge; the N.T. usage limits the thought to spiritual knowledge. It is a frequent word with St Paul. all judgment] ''AW': — with reference to the manifold needs and occasions for its exercise ; judgment developed, amplified to the full for full use. — "judgment'": — lit. " sensation, perception.'" The word occurs here only in N.T., and cognates to it only Luke ix. 45 ; Heb. v. 14. — R.V., " discef-nment." But the word "judgment" (in the sense e.g. of criticism of works of art, or of insight into character) is so fair an equivalent to the Greek that the A.V. may well stand. — In application, the "judgment" would often appear as delicate perception, fine tact ; a gift whose highest forms are nowhere so well seen as in some Christians, even poor Christians. 10. That] Better, as better marking a close sequence on the last clause, 80 that. 44 PHILIPPIANS, I. [v. lo. ye may approve things that are excellent ; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; approve] Better, in modem English, test. The spiritual "judgment " was to be thus applied. things that arc £xcelleni\ '■'■the things, &c." R.V. An alternative rendering is, that ye may prove (test) the things that differ; so margin R.V. ; "that you may use your spiritual judgment in sepa- rating truth from its counterfeit, or distortion." The two renderings come to much the same; for the "approval of the excellent thing" would be the immediate result of the " detection of its difference." We prefer the margin R. V., however; first, as giving to the verb its rather more natural meaning, and then, as most congruous to the last previous thought, the growth of "judgment." that ye 7nay be\ It is implied that the process of "discernment" would never be merely speculative. It would be always carried into motive and conduct. sincere'] The idea of the Greek word is that of clearness, disengage- ment from complications. One derivation (favoured by Bp Lightfoot here) is military; from the orderly separateness of marshalled ranks. Another and commoner one is solar; from the detection of pollution by sunlight, with the thought of the clearness of what has passed such a test well. — The word "sincere" (from Lat. si?tcerus) has a possible connexion with "jz'w-gle," and so with the idea of separation, disen- gagement, straightness of purpose. In Latin, it is the equivalent to our " unadulterated." without offence] I.e., "without stmnhling-block" (h,2Lt., offendiculum). Our common meaning of "offence," with its special reference to grievances and pique, must be banished from thought in reading the English Bible. There these words are always used to represent original words referring to obstacles, stumbling, and the like. So e.g. i Cor. vi. 3, "giving no offetice^'' means, presenting no obstacle such as to upset the Christian principle or practice of others. — " Without offence" here (one word in the Greek) may mean, grammatically, either ^^ ex- periencing no such obstacle" or ^^ presenting none." The word occurs elsewhere only Acts xxiv. 16; i Cor. x. 32; and the evidence of these passages is exactly divided. On the whole the context here decides for the former alternative. The Apostle is more concerned at present with the inner motives than the outer example of the Philippians : he prays that the simplicity (sincerity) of their spiritual relations with God may be such as never to "upset" the inner workings of will and purpose. — Tyndale and Cranmer render here, "that ye may be pure, and such as (should) hurt no man's conscience;" Geneva, "that ye may be pure, and go forward without any let." So Beza's Latin version. //// the day of Christ] Lit. unto, &c.; "against, in view of, the great crisis of eternal award." So ii. 16, where see note. On the phrase '■'■ the day of Christ" see note on i. 6, above. vv. II, 12. PHILIPPIANS, I. 45 being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by 1 1 Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the 12 things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto 11. Being Jilkd] Lit. and better, having been filled. He antici- pates the great Day, and sees the Philippians as then, completed and developed as to the results of grace. His prayetfor them is that they may be then found "filled" with such results; bearers of no scanty or partial "fruit"; trees whose every branch has put forth the produce described Gal. v. 22, 23. fruits'] Rather, on documentary evidence, fruit; as in Gal. v. 11. The results of grace are manifold, and yet a total, a unity; effects and manifestations of one secret, ingredients in one character, which, if it lacks one of them, is not fully "itself." of righteousness'] The phrase ''fruit of righteousness" occurs in the LXX., Prov. xi. 30, xiii. 2 ; Amos vi. 12; and in St James, iii. 18. By analogy with such phrases as e.g. "fruit of the Spirit," it means not "fruit which is righteousness," but "fruit which springs from right- eousness." — "Righteousness" is properly a condition satisfactory to Divine law. Thiis it often means the practical rectitude of the regene- rate will; and so probabjy here. But often in St Paul we can trace an underlying reference to that great truth which he was specially com- missioned to explain, the Divine way of Justification; the acceptance of the guilty, for Christ's sake, as in Him satisfactory to the Law, broken by them, but kept and vindicated by Him. See further below, on iii. 9. Such an inner reference may be present here ; the "fruit" may be the fruit not merely of a rectified will, but of a person accepted in Christ. which are] Read, which is. by Jesus Christ] Through Him, as both the procuring cause, by His merits, of the new life of the saints, and the true basis and secret of it, in their union with His life. Cp. Rom. v. 17. unto the glory and praise of God] The true goal and issue of the whole work of grace, which never terminates in the individual, or in the Church, but in the manifestation of Divine power, love, and holiness in the saving process and its result. "To Him are all things; to whom T)e glory for ever. Amen" (Rom. xi. 36). — "■God" here is distinctively the Eternal Father, glorified in the members of His Son. 12 — 20. Account of St Paul's present Circumstances AND Experience. 12. But] Better, now, as R.V. /would, &c.] More lit. and simply, I wish you to know; I desire to inform you. the things which happened unto me] More lit. and simply, my 46 PHILIPPIANS, I. [vv. 13, 14. 13 the furtherance of the gospel ; so that my bonds in Christ 14 are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places; and circumstances, with no special reference to the past. Wyclif renders, with the Vulgate Latin, "the thingis that ben aboute me"; so the (Romanist) Rhemish version 1582; "the things about me"; Tyndale, "my business." He means his imprisonment, which had proved and was proving a direct and indirect occasion for Gospel-work. rather] than otherwise, as had seemed so likely h priori. furtherance] Better, as R. V., progress. The Greek gives the idea of an advance made by the Gospel. 13. So that, &c.] Render, So that my bonds are become mani- fest (as being) in Christ. In other words, his imprisonment has come to be seen in its true significance, as no mere political or ecclesiastical matter, but due to his union of life and action with a promised and manifested Messiah. in all the palace] Greek, "in theivhole Prtxtoriian {praitorioti).'''' The word occurs elsewhere in N. T., Matt, xxvii. 27; Mark xv. 16; Joh. xviii. 28, 33, xix. 9; Acts xxiii. 35 ; in the sense of the residence, or a part of it, of an official grandee, regarded as a prcetor, a military commander. (Not that the word, in Latin usage, always keeps a military reference ; it is sometimes the near equivalent of the word villa, the country residence of a Roman gentleman.) The A. V. rendering here is obviously an inference from these cases, and it assumes that St Paul was imprisoned within the precincts of the residence of the supreme Praetor, the Emperor ; within the Palatiu7n, the man- sion of the Cccsars on the Mons Palatinus, the Hill of the goddess Pales. In Nero's time this mansion (whose name is the original of all "palaces") had come to occupy the whole hill, and was called the Golden House. — The rendering of the A. V. is accepted by high authorities, as Dean Merivale {Hist. Rom. VI. ch. liv.), and Mr Lewin {Life and Epistles of St Paul, II. p. 282). On the other hand Bp Liglitfoot (on this verse, Philippians, p. 99) prefers to render "in all the Praetorian Guard," the Roman life-guard of the Cssar; and gives full evidence for this use of the word Prcetorium. And there is no evidence for the application of the word by Romans to the imperial Palace. To this last reason, however, it is fair to reply, with Mr Lewin, that St Paul, as a Provincial, might very possibly apply to the Palace a word meaning a residency in the provinces, especially after his long imprisonment in the royal Prcetorium at Coesarea (Acts xxiii. 35, xxiv. 27). But again it is extremely likely, as Bp Lightfoot remarks, that the word Prcctoriiun, in the sense of the Guard, would be often on the lips of the "soldiers that kept" St Paul (Acts xxviii. 16); and thus this would be now the more familiar reference. On the whole, we incline to the rendering of Lightfoot, (and of the R. V.) throughout the (whole) Praetorian Guard. Warder after warder came on duty to the Apostle's chamber (whose locality, on this theory, is nowhere certainly defined in N. T.), and carried from it, when relieved, information and often, doubtless, V. I4.J PHILIPPIANS, I. 47 many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my deep impressions, which gave his comrades knowledge of the Prisoner's message and of the claims of the Saviour. Other explanations of the word Pratorium are {a) the Barrack within the Palatium where a detachment of Praetorians was stationed, and within which St Paul may have been lodged; {b) the great Camp of the Guard, just outside the eastern walls of Rome. But the barrack was a space too limited to account for the strong phrase, "in all the Prffitorium"; and there is no evidence that the great Camp was ever called Prffitorium. Wyclif renders, curiously, "in eche moot (council) halle"; Tyndale, Cranmer, and Geneva, "throughout all the judgment hall." in all other places] Better, to all other (men) ; to the Roman "public," as distinguished from this special class. The phrase points to a large development of St Paul's personal influence. 14. viany'\ Better, most. It is noticeable that the Apostle should imply that there were exceptions. Possibly, he refers here to what comes out more clearly below, the difference between friendly and unfriendly sections among the Roman Christians. We can scarcely doubt (in view of Rom. xvi. and Acts xxviii.) that the friendly were the majority. If so, St Paul may here practically say that a majority of the brethren were energized into fresh efforts, by his imprisonment, while a minority, also stirred into new activity, were acting on less worthy motives. In view of the context, this seems more likely than that he should merely imply by this phrase that the revival of activity was not universal. > In any case, this verse implies that a spirit of languor and timidity had recently infected the believing community at Rome. the brethren in the Lord] So also R.V. Bps EUicc^t and Lightfoot connect the words here otherwise; "//?ie of the Gospels, as they present to us in the Lord Jesus on earth a Figure "meek and lowly" indeed, PHILIPPIANS. e 66 PHILIPPIANS, II. [v. 8. 8 was made in the likeness of men : and being found in but always infinitely and mysteriously majestic; significantly depen- dent indeed on the Father, and on the Spirit, but always speaking to man in the manner of One able to deal sovereignly with all man's needs. It is enough for us to know that His Humiliation, or to use the word here, Exinanition, KenSsis, was profoundly real ; that He was pleased, as to His holy Manhood, to live in dependence on the Spirit; while yet we are sure that the inalienable basis of His Personality was always, eternally, presently, Divine. The ultimate and reasoned analysis of the unique Phenomenon, God and Man, One Christ, is, as to its actual consciousfuss, if we may use the word, a matter more for His knowledge than our enquiry. Bp Lightfoot's brief note here says nearly all that can be said with reverent certainty: "'He divested Himself not of His Divine nature, for this was impossible, but of the glories, the preroga- tives, of Deity. This He did by taking upon Him the form of a servant." and took upon him] Lit. and better, with R.V., taking. The thought is that the Exinanition zvas the "taking"; not a process previous to it. In the word ^'taking''' the Lord's free choice and action is again in view. the forni of a servant] Lit. and better, of a bondservant, a slave. The word rendered ''form'" is the same as that in ver. 6, on which see note. Here, as there, the thing implied is not semblance but inani- festation. He became in reality, and in consequent appearance, a bondservant. With what special reference is the word "bondservant" here used? Does it point to His stooping to serve men in great humiliation? Or to His undertaking, in the act of becoming Man, that essential condition of man's true life — bondservice to God? The order of words and thought is in favour of the latter. The Apostle goes on to say, in effect, that His taking the slave's "form" was coincident with His coming "in the likeness of men''^ generally, not of specially humiliated or oppressed men. As Man He was "bondservant." And this points to a bondservice related directly to God, as Lord of man. In this as in other things He was the archetype of all His true followers. True, our blessed Lord made Himself the servant of all, and on one occasion (J oh. xiii.) took literally the place and work of a menial attendant ; a fact to which much allusion is made by St Chrysostom here. But all the while He was far more Lord than servant, certainly than bondservant, in His relations with men, even in His most tender and gracious relations. Literal "slavery" to man He certainly did not enter upon; royally descended as He was, and toiling as a free artificer, and commanding and teaching always with authority. and was made] Lit., coming to toe, becoming. The fact is stated as coincident with the last statement. See previous note. in the likeness of men] A double suggestion lies in the words; [a) that V. 9-J PHILIPPIANS, II. 67 fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God 9 He was really like man, as He truly ivas man; accepting the conditions involved in a truly human exterior, with its liabilities to trial and suffering; and {h) that He was also tnore than man, other than man, without which fact there would be not resemblance but mere identity. Cp. a somewhat similar case, Rom. viii. 3, where lit. "in the likeness of the flesh of sin." " Of men,'' not "0/ man" : — as if to make the statement as concrete as possible. He appeared not in the likeness of some transcendent and glorified Manhood, but like men as they are. 8. fonnd\ as one who presented Himself for inspection and test. See Appendix F. fashio7i\ See third note on ver. 6 above. The Greek word scMma denotes appearance tvith or without underlying reality. It does not negative such reality any more than it asserts it; it emphasizes ap- pearance. In the context, we have the reality of the Lord's Manhood abundantly given ; and in this word accordingly we read, as in the word "likeness" just above, an emphatic statement that {a) He was Man in guise, not in (/zVguise; presenting Himself to all the conditions of concrete life as Man with man; and that (b) all the while the schema had more beneath it than its own corresponding reality : it was the veil of Deity. as a man] Better, perhaps, as man, though R.V. retains "as a man." As the Second Man, our Lord is rather iMan, the Man of men, than a Man, one among men. — Yet the assertion here is rather as to what He was pleased to be in relation to those who "found" Him, came into contact with Him, in His earthly walk; and to such He certainly was "a man." And so, with wonderful condescension. He speaks of Himself as "a man that hath told you the truth" (Joh. viii. 40). Ae humiled himself] in "the acts of condescension and humiliation in that human nature which He emptied Himself to assume" (Ellicott). More particularly the reference is to the specially submissive, bearing, life, under the afflictive will of His Father, which He undertook to lead for our sakes; see the next words. The Greek verb is in the aorist, and s^lms up the holy course of submission either into one idea, or into one initial crisis of will. and became] Lit. and better, becoming; an aorist participle coin- cident in reference with the previous aorist verb. obedient] to the Father's will that He should suffer. The utterance of Gethsemane was but the amazing summary and crown of His whole sacred course as the Man of Sorrows. His "Passion," standing in some vital respects quite alone in His work, was in other respects only the apex of His "Patience." tmto death] R.V. rightly supplies even before these words. "Unto" means (by the Greek) "/^ the length of." He did not "obey" but i "abolish" death (2 Tim. i. 10); He obeyed His Father, "even to the I 68 PHILIPPIANS, II. [v. 9. also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which I extent of" dying, as the sinner's Sacrifice, at the demand of the holy I Law, and "l)y the determinate foreknowledge" (Acts ii. 23) of the Lawgiver. of the cross\ "Far be the very name of a cross not only from the bodies of Roman citizens, but from their imagination, eyes, and ears" (Cicero, p}-o Rabirio, c. 5. Cp. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. XX.). Every thought of pain and shame was in the word, and was realized in the terrific thing. Combining, as we should do in the case of our Redeemer's Crucifixion, the significance to the Jew of any death by suspension, with the significance to the Roman of execution on the cross, we must think of this supreme "obedience" as expressing the holy Sufferer's submission both to "become a curse for us" (Gal. iii. 13, with Deut. xxi. •23) as before God the Lawgiver, and meanwhile to be "despised and rejected oi men" (Isai. liii. 3) in the most extreme degree. On the history of thought and usage in connexion with the Cross, and Crucifixion, see Zockler's Cross of Christ. 9. lVhcrefore'\ From the point of view of this passage, the glorifi- cation of the Crucified Lord was the Father's recognition and reward of His infinitely kind and gracious "looking upon the things of others." The argument is, of course, that similarly the Christian who humbles himself shall be exalted. hath highly exalted^ Better, with R.V., highly exalted; at Resur- rection and Ascension. Cp. Joh. xvii. 4, 5 ; Acts ii. 23, 24, 32, 33, 36, iii. 13, v. 30, 3r; Rom. i. 4; Eph. i. 20 — 22; i Pet. i. 21, &c. "• Highly exalted'": — one compound verb in the Greek. Compounds expressive of greatness or excess are a characteristic of St Paul's style. Of about seventeen of them in the N.T. quite twelve are found in St Paul's writings only, or very rarely elsewhere. given hivi\ Better, as again R.V. (see last note), gave. The verb indicates a gift of love and approval. a ttame'] Lit. and better, the name. What is this Name? Is it the sacred personal Name Jesus? (Alford, Ellicott). Or is it Name in the sense of revealed majesty and glory? (Lightfoot). The difficulty of the former explanation is that Jesus, the human Name of the Lord, was distinctively His before His glorification, so that the "giving" of it on His glorification is a paradox. The reply will be that its elevation for ever into the highest associations, in the love and worship of the saints, was as it were a new giving of it, a giving of it as new. Still the usage is unlikely. And it is to be noticed that in the Epistles and Revelation, compared with the narrative parts of the N.T., the holy Name Jesus is but sparingly used alone. (See, as examples of such use, Rom. x. 9 ; i Cor. xii. 3 ; Heb. ii. 9, iv. 14 ; i John v. 5 ; Rev. xxii. 16, 20; cp. Acts vii. 55, 59, viii. 16.) Very much more frequent is Jesus Christ. And on the other hand there are clear cases for the use of the word "Name" in the N.T. to denote recognized dignity or glory; see especially Eph. i. 21. We believe that V. lo.] PHILIPPIANS, II. 69 is above every name : that at the name of Jesus every knee w should bow, of thhigs in heaven, and things in earth, and the true explanation lies in this direction. The "Name given" is the supreme Name, The Lord, Jehovah. In other words, the lowly and suffering Jesus is, as the abased and slain One, now to be found and worshipped on the eternal Throne ; recognized there by all creation as He who for man's sake, in preexistent glory and Godhead, willed to be humiliated even to the Cross. — As in the study of the whole mystery of the Incarnation of the Eternal Son, so here, we trace throughout the wonderful progression a perfect Personal Identity, while the unique presence in the Incarnate One of two Natures, with each its will, under one Personality, allows a range of language which speaks of the eternally glorious Son of God as being de novo glorified and exalted after the Humiliation which in His Second Nature He underwent. above every name] Cp. Eph. i. ■zi just referred to. On St Paul's view of the altogether unique exaltation of the Lord, in comparison with every created existence, see Liddon's Bampton Lectures, Lect. v. § IV. 2. 10. at the name of jfesus] Lit., with R.V., in the name of Jesus, or as far as grammatical form goes, "z« the name yestis." "It is not 'the name Jesus' but 'the name of Jesus'" (Lightfoot). This must mean that the context decides it thus ; the grammar is ambiguous. But the previous argument (see last note but one), if valid, is decisive for the rendering of the R.V. "/« the name. ..should bow, &c." Does this mean, "all should wor- ship Him," or "all should worship through Him"} Doubtless the latter is Divine truth. But the context is wholly in favour of an imme- diate reference to His enthronement; and particularly the very next verse speaks distinctly of the recognition of Him as " Lord." So Light- foot; and he gives proofs from the LXX. (e.g. Psal. Ixii. 5 (Heb. Ixiii. 4); I Kings viii. 44) that the phrase " in the name of" may imply, in proper contexts, the adoration of Him who bears the Name. We may thus paraphrase, "that before the revealed Majesty of the glorified Jesus all creation should adore." — The ancient custom of bowing at the mention of the Name Jesus (see Canon xviii. of the Church of England) derives no direct sanction from this passage. every knee should bozv\ An implicit citation of Isai. xlv. 33 ; and as such a powerful testimony to St Paul's view of the proper Deity of Jesus Christ. — The context of the passage in the prophet contains the phrases "a just God and a Saviour" (ver. 21 ; cp. Rom. iii. 26) ; "in the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory" (ver. 25 ; cp. Rom. viii. 30). May we not suppose that the Apostle of Justi-/ fication was thus specially guided to the passage, and to its inner refer- ence to the Son? — The same passage is directly quoted Rom. xiv. i\ (where in ver. 10 read, ^' of Christ"). \ Xhmgs in heayen... in earth. ..under the earth] Created existence, in its heights and depths. Cp. Rev. v. 13 for close illustration; words' 70 PHILIPPIANS, II. [v. II. II things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. whose whole context is a Divine commentary on this passage. In view of the language there, in a scene where angels have been already men- tioned, it is better not to divide the reference here, e.g. between angels, living men, and buried men (Alford), or angels, men, and lost spirits (Chrysostom). Not only animate and conscious but inanimate existence is in view ; Creation in its total ; the impersonal and unconscious ele- ments being said to "worship," as owning, after their manner, tht Jiat of the exalted Jesus. 11. every tongue should confess] Again an implicit quotation of Isai. xlv. 23. The verb rendered '■^confess," as Lightfoot points out, has in Scrip- tural Greek almost resigned its literal meaning of open avowal, to take that of praise and thanksgiving. Our Lord Himself uses it. Matt. xi. 25; Luke X. 21; ("I thank Thee, O Father, &c.") Every tongue shall "give thanks to Him for His great glory." — It may be asked, how shall this be fulfilled in the case of the lost? We reply, either there is no explicit reference here to any but the subjects of final redemption, as in Eph. i. 10, where see note in this Series ; or the mysterious state of the lost may admit, for all we know, such a re- cognition that even their hopeless woe is the ordinance of "supremest Wisdom and primeval Love^," manifested in Jesus Christ, as shall be tantamount to the adoration indicated here. Jesus Christ is Lord] Cp. i Cor. xii. 3 ; a passage which teaches us that the Lordship in question is such as to be known only by Divine revelation. It is supreme Lordship, a session on the eternal throne. (Cp. Rev. iii. 21, and see xxii. 3.) He "who being in the form of God took the form of a bondservant" of God, and "obeyed even unto the cross," is now owned and adored as "God, whose throne is forever and ever" (Heb. i. 8), and as exercising His dominion as the Son of Man. The Person is eternally the same ; but a new and wonderful condition of His action has come in, the result of His Exinanition and Passion. It is observable that the Valentinian heretics (cent. 2), according to Irena;us (Bk. I. ch. i. § 3) ascribed to Jesus the title Saviour, but refused Him that of Lord. For proof that in apostolic doctrine the supreme Name, Jehovah, was recognized as appropriate to the Person of the Christ, cp. Joh. xii. 4 with Isai. vi. 5. In that passage, as here, we have presented to us the personal identity of the Preexistent and the Humiliated Christ. to the glory of God the Father] the ultimate Object of all adoration, inasmuch as He is the eternal Origin of the eternal Deity of the Son. 1 "Justice the Founder of my fabric moved, To rear me was the task of power divine, Supremest wisdom and primeval love. All hope abandon, ye who enter here." Dante, I>ifer7io, canto iii (Cary). V. 12.] PHILIPPIANS, II. 71 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as " Cp. Joh. V. 23, xiii. 31, 32, xvii. i ; i Pet. i. 21 ; for this profound rela- tion between the glory of the Son and the glory of the Father. But no isolated references can properly represent a subject which is so deeply woven into the texture of the Gospel. In the light of the Scriptural truth of His Nature, a truth sum- marized with luminous fulness in the "Nicene" Creed^, we see the Christ of God as at once properly, divinely, adorable, and the true Medium for our adoration of the Father. St Chrysostom here in a noble passage shews how the attribution of full and eternal Godhead to the Christ enhances, not diminishes, the Father's glory. "A mighty proof it is of the Father's power, and good- ness, and wisdom, that He hath begotten such a Son, a Son nowise inferior in goodness and in wisdom. ..When I say that the Son is not inferior in Essence to the Father, but equal, and of the same Essence, in this also I adore the Lord God, and His power, and goodness, and wisdom, that He has revealed to us Another, begotten of Himself, like to Him in all things. Fatherhood alone excepted" {Ho7n. vii, in Ep. ad Philipp. c. 4). Thus closes a passage in which, in the course of practical exhortation, the cardinal truth of the true Godhead and true Manhood of Christ, and that of His example, are presented all the more forcibly because inci- dentally. The duty of unselfish mutual love and self-sacrifice is enforced by considerations on the condescension of Christ which are quite mean- ingless if He is not preexistent and Divine, and if the reality of His Manhood is not in itself a sublime example of unforced self-abase- ment for the good of others. All merely humanitarian views of His Person and Work, however refined and subtilized, are totally at variance with this apostolic passage, written within fresh living memory of His life and death. 12 — 18. Inferences FROM THE FOREGOING PASSAGES : the Great- ness OF the methods of Salvation : the consequent Call TO A Life reverent, self-forgetful, fruitful, joyful. 12. Wherefore'] The Apostle has now pressed on them the duty and blessing of self-forgetting sympathy and love, above all by this supreme Example. He here returns to the exhortation, in a measure, but now only subordinately ; his mind is chiefly now possessed with the greatness of salvation, and it is through this, as it were, that he views , the duty and joy of Christian humility and harmony. my beloved] So again iv. i. Cp. i Cor. x. 14, xv. 58 ; 2 Cor. vii. i, xii. 19 ; where this tender word similarly introduces earnest practical appeals. See too Heb. vi. 9; Jas. i. 16; i Pet. ii. 11, iv. 12; 2 Pet. iii. I, 8, 14, 17 ; I Joh. iii. 2, 21, iv. i, 7, 11; Jude 3, 17, 20. ' And more elaborately in the '"Definition" of the Council of Chalcedon, a.d. 451. 72 PHILIPPIANS, 11. [v. 13. in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, 13 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For ye have always obeyed] So too R.V. Lit., ye did always obey; the aorist. And so better here. The Apostle views as one past experi- ence his personal intercourse with them of old at Philippi. See the next words, where such a retrospect is impHed. not as in my presence only &c.] The Greek shews that these words are to be joined with what folloxvs ; " work out your own salvation, now in my absence, not only in my presence." '■'■As in my presence'' : — "aj" suggests the thought, or point of view, of the agent ; " influenced by the fact of my presence." work out your oivn salvatiori\ "Your own" is strongly emphatic. The Apostle is in fact bidding them "learn to walk alone," instead of leaning too much on /lis presence and personal influence. "Do not make me your proxy in spiritual duties which must be your own." Hence the " tnuc/i more" of the previous clause ; his absence was to be the occasion for a far fuller realization of their own personal obliga- tions and resources in the spiritual life. "Salvation" : — see above on i. 19. The main reference here is to final glory (see remarks just below). But as life eternal is continuous and one, here and hereafter, a side-reference may well be recognized to present preservation from falling and sinning. " In this way of diligence we receive daily more and more of 'salvation' itself, by liberty from sin, victory over it, peace and communion with God, and the earnests of heavenly felicity" (Scott). " Work out" : — the verb is that used also e.g. Rom. iv. 15 ("the law worketh wrath"); 2 Cor. iv. 17, a close and instructive parallel. As there the saint's "light affliction" "works out for him a weight of glory," so here his watchful, loving, reverent consistency, for his Lord's sake, "works out," issues in the result of, his "salvation." There is not the slightest contradiction here to the profound truth of Justification by Faith only, that is to say, only for the merit's sake of the Redeemer, appropriated by submissive trust; that justification whose sure issue is "glorification" (Rom. viii. 30). It is an instance of independent lines of truth converging on one goal. From one point of view, that of justifying merit, man is glorified because of Christ's work alone, applied to his case through faith alone. From another point, that of qualifying capacity, and of preparation for the Lord's individual welcome (Matt. xxv. ■ai; Rom. ii. 7), man is glorified as the issue of a process of work and training, in which in a true sense he is himself operant, though grace lies below the whole operation. with fear and trembling] not of tormenting misgiving (cp. i Joh. iv. 18), but of profound reverence and wakeful conscience. So i Cor. ii. 3; 1 Cor. vii. 15; Eph. vi. 5. Chrysostom quotes Fsal. ii. 11, "Serve the Lord in fear, and exult unto Him in trembling." — The Douay (Romanist) Bible here has a note: — "This is against the false faith and presumptuous confidence of modern sectaries"; a reference to the V. 13.] PHILIPPIANS, II. 73 it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of doctrine of a personal assurance of present Divine favour and coming glory. But this is both to mistake the meaning of St Paul's phrase "fear and trembling," and to forget such passages as e.g. Rom. v. i, 2, 9, viii. 28 — 39. — It is the formulated tenet of the Church of Rome that "no man can know, with a certainty under which nothing false can lurk, that he has attained the grace of God" {Canones Concil. Trident., Sess. vi. cap. ix.). See further just below. 13. For it is God &c.] Here is the reason for the "fear and trembling." The process of "working out" is one which touches at every point the internal presence of Him before whom "the stars are not pure" (Job XXV. 5). iVIeanwhile the same fact, in its aspect of the presence of His tower, is the deepest reason for strength and hope in the process ; and this thought also, very possibly, is present here. God ivliich -worketh in yoii\ The Immanence, Indwelling, of God in His saints, in deep and sacred speciality and reality, is a main doctrine of the Gospel. The Paraclete is not only " with" but " in" them (Joh. xiv. 17; and see below, on iv. 23). By the Paraclete's work, in giving new birth and new life, "Christ, who is our life" (Col. iii. 3), "is in them" (cp. esp. Rom. viii. 9 — 11, and see 2 Cor. iv. lo, 11, xiii. 5 ; Col. i. 27) ; and "in Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead" (Col. ii. 9). See further on this all-important subject Eph. iii. 17. — In the light of a passage like this we arrive at the animating truth that the " grace" which is present in the Christian is not only a power, or influ- ence, emitted as it were from above ; it is the living and eternal God Himself, present and operating at "the first springs of thought and will." ''Worketh'': — the Greek word has a certain intensity about it, "worketh effectually.'''' to will] I.e. His working produces these effects, not merely tends towards them. Effecteth in you your willing would be a fair render- ing. Here, though in passing, one of the deepest mysteries of grace is touched upon. On the one hand is the will of the Christian, real, per- sonal, and in full exercise; appealed to powerfully as such in this very passage. On the other hand, beneath it, as cause beneath result, if the will is to work in God's way, is seen God working, God "effecting." A true theology will recognize with equal reverence and entireness of conviction both these great parallels of truth. It will realize human responsibility with "fear and trembling"; it will adore the depths of grace with deep submission, and attribute every link in the chain of actual salvation to God alone ultimately ^ and to do'] Or, as before, and your doing, or better, your working; the verb is the same as that just above. The "will" is such as to express itself in "effectual work." ' On the philosophy of the subject see some excellent suggestions in M'Cosh's Intuitions of the Mind, Bk. iv. ch. iii. 74 PHILIPPIANS, 11. [vv. 14, 15. 14 his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and 15 disputings : that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and of his good pleasure^ Better, with R.V., for His good pleasure ; for its sake, to carry it out. The saint, new created, enabled by grace to will and do, is all the while the implement of the purposes of God, and used for them. Cp. Eph. ii. 10 for a close and suggestive parallel in respect of this last point. 14. Do &c.] The general principle of holiness of life in the power of the Divine Indweller is now carried into details, with a view to the special temptations and failings of the Philippians. See above, on ii. 1. all things] Observe the characteristic totality of the precept. Cp. Eph. iv. 15, 31 ; and see 2 Cor. ix. 8. without murmurings and disputings] amongst and against one ano- ther. For the word "■ })turmuring" in a similar connexion cp. Acts vi. I ; I Pet. iv. 9; and for '^disputing,'" Jas. ii. 4. This reference suits the context, and the indications of the whole Epistle as to the besetting sins of Pliilippi, better than the reference to murmurs and doubts as toivards God. And such sins against one another would be prevented by nothing so much as by the felt presence of "God working in them." See below, on iv. 5. '■'■ Disputings" :—iox example, about the duties of others and the rights of self. The older Latin versions render detradiones. 15. be\ Better, with the true reading, toecome, prove ; a gentle intimation that a change was needed. blameless] Secure against true charges of inconsistency of temper and conduct. harmless] So too R.V. But this can be only a derived rendering. The literal and ordinary meaning of the Greek is '■'■unmixed, unadul- terated, pure." The character denoted is simple as against double; single-hearted in truth and love. It occurs elsewhere, in N.T. , only Matt. X. 16 ; Rom. xvi. 19 ; but often in secular writers. the sons of God] More exactly, with R.V., children of God. The Greek word rendered "children" points more specially than the other to the nature and character of the family of God ; the {■ixoJAy -likeness. The precise phrase " children of God," occurs elsewhere (in the Greek) Joh. i. 12, xi. 52; Rom. viii. 16, 17, 21, ix.-8; i Joh. iii. i, 2, 10, v. 2. Here the evident meaning is, "that you may prove the fact of your spiritual sonship to God by your spiritual likeness to Him, which is its one true proof." As a rule, Scripture tends to use the words "Father," "son," "child," as between God and man, to indicate not the con- nexion of creation but that of new-creation, as here. 7vithoiit rebuke] One Greek adjective; the same word (in the best attested reading here) as that in Eph. i. 4, v. 27; Col. i. 22 ; passages in this same Roman group of St Paul's Epistles. This word is closely connected with the preceding words; we may paraphrase, "children of God, blameless as such." — There is an im- V. i6.] PHILIPPIANS, II. 75 perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world ; holding forth the word of life ; that I may rejoice '6 in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither plicit reference in the phrase to Deut. xxxii. 5, where the LXX. reads, " 77ie}' sinned; they were not children to Him, but blanieivorthy chil- dren ; a generation crooked oid perverse." The "true Israelites" of Philippi v/ere to be the antithesis of the ancient rebels. in the midst of &c.] A continued allusion to the words (see last note) of Moses; a beautiful inversion of them. "A crooked and dis- torted generation" is still in view, but it is now not the Lord's Israel, but "they which are without" (Col. iv. 5), whose moral contrariety was both to bring out the power and beauty of grace in the saints, and at length to yield to its blessed charm. "In the midst of ' : — not in selfish or timid isolation from the duties and difficulties of life. The Gospel has no real sanction for the monastic idea. Cp. Joh. xvii. 15; and the tenor of the Epistles at large. ye shine'] Better, ye appear, ye are seen (R.V.). The Greek verb is used of the rising and setting of the stars, the '■'■phenomena" of the heavens. Perhaps this is meant to be remembered here. The saints, in the beautiful light of holiness, were to rise star-like upon the dark sky of surrounding sin. See next note. lights'] Better, ligM-bearers, luminaries {luminaria, Latin Ver- sions). The word appears in both secular and Biblical Greek as a designation of the heavenly bodies ; see e.g. Gen. i. 14, 16. It occurs agam, in N.T., only Rev. xxi. 11, apparently in the very rare sense of "radiance." Cp. Isai. Ix. i; Matt. v. 14, 16; Eph. v. 8. 16. Holding forth] as offering it for acceptance; presenting it to the notice, enquiry, and welcome, of others. The metaphor of the luminary is dropped.— It is intimated that the faithful Christian will not be content without making direct efforts, however humble and un- obtrusive, to win attention to the distinctive message of his Lord. the word of life] The Gospel, as the revelation of eternal life in Christ. Cp. Joh. vi. 68; i Joh. i. i (where the reference of the phrase is not to the personal Logos ; see Westcott there) ; and see also, in illustration of the meaning of "word" here, i Joh. v. 11, 12; and above, on i. 14. thai I 7nay rejoice] Lit., '*to (be a) rejoicing for me.'" For the thought, cp. I Thess. ii. 19. He looks forward to a special recogni- tion of his converts at Philippi, at the Lord's Coming, and to a special "joy of harvest" over them. in the day of Christ] Lit., "■unto the day &c."; in view of it, till I am in it. On the "day'''' see note on i. 6. that I have not run] Better, that I did not run. He speaks as if already looking back on life as on one collected past. — " /?ten" : — a favourite metaphor with St Paul, to represent the energy and progress 1^ PHTLIPPIANS, II. [v. 17. 17 laboured in vain. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacri- fice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you of life, moving towards its goal. Cp. Acts xiii. 25, xx. 24 (both Pauline passages) ; i Cor. ix. 24, 26 ; Gal. ii. 2 (a close parallel), v. 7 ; 2 Tim. iv. 7. See also Rom. ix. 16 ; 2 Tliess. iii. i ; Heb. xii. i. laboured] Better, did labour ; see last note. Cp. i Thess. iii. 5 for nearly the same words. in vaifi] Lit., "/s}'cM in the sense of bodily life cp. e.g. Matt. ii. 20. to supply your lack &c.] More lit., " that he 7night fill up your defi- ciency in the ministration designed for fite." " Your" is slightly em- phatic. Obviously, the Apostle means no reproof to the Philippians, whose "ministration" of supplies he so warmly appreciates below (iv. 10 — 19). He means that they, as a community, were of course unable to aid him by a personal visit, without which however their " minis- tration" would have "lacked" a necessary condition of success. That condition Epaphroditus had supplied; he had undertaken the journey, and doubtless had thrown himself at Rome into the Apostle's interests and efforts. And somehow, whether by accidents on the journey, or by risks run at Rome, or by both, he had incurred dangerous illness. — See for a close parallel to the language liere i Cor. xvi. 17; and cp. the important phraseology of Col. i. 24, and notes there. Ch. III. 1 — 3. Let them cultivate Joy in the Lord, as the true preservative from the dangers of judaistic Teaching. 1. Finally'] Lit., '^ For the rest" ; ^^ For what rem.ains^'' See Eph. vi. 10, and note in this .Series. In 2 Cor. xiii. i; i Thess. iv. i; 1 Thess. iii. i; below iv. 8; and (in a slightly different form) Gal. vi. 17; the phrase appears to mean " ?'« conclusion." But it is plainly elastic, and in i Thess. we have an example, as here, of its use (and of course of its retention by the writer on review of his writing) some time before the actual farewell. As a fact the Apostle is just about to open the last large topic of his letter, the topic of the dif- ference between a true and a false Gospel; all else in the remaining paragraphs is only accessory. Hitherto he has been dealing, in effect, with the duty and blessedness of unity, secured by humility and watch- fulness ; bringing in some all-important doctrinal statements, but only by the way. He will now close with a definite and solemn message of spiritual truth, in a matter of present urgency. The connexion of this passage has been much debated, and particu- larly the bearing of the phrase "to write the same things unto you." What does he refer to ? To a previous Epistle ? To a previous similar statement in this Epistle ? But there is -no other hint whatever of a previous letter; and in this present letter there is no previous injunc- tion to rejoice. The solution offered by Bp Lightfoot is as follows : — " The same things " are the exhortations to unity so often made already, and which the Apostle ^vas about to reinforce. But he was 6—2 84 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. i. 3 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for interrupted in his work, and not till after an interval of days, perhaps, did he resume it. He then dropped the intended appeal, and turned instead to the yet more serious subject of doctrinal error. This ingenious suggestion offers, however, a serious difficulty, by assuming that St Paul, with his scribe beside him, would have sent out an Epistle in a state so disjointed, simply for lack of revision. No view of Divine inspiration demands it; and certainly all considerations of thoughtful authorship are against it. We offer the following theory : — The Apostle sees before him, as he thinks of Philippi, the danger of doctrinal error ; error which in one way or another undervalues Christ and Him crucified. The true antidote to such error is a developed and rejoicing intuition into Christ and His work, such as had been granted to himself. This he will now make his theme. But he has, in a sense, done so already, by the oft-repeated allusions to the Lord's sovereign and vital con- nexion with His people ("m the Lord,'" "■ iji the heart of Christ,'' &c.), and above all by the opening passages of ch. ii. So he is " writing the same things" when he writes now "finally" about "rejoicing in the Lord'" as their righteousness, life, glory, strength, and peace. All " other Gospels" were obscurations of that great joy. Thus the special injunction to '■'' rejoice'" has regard to the past and coming context at once. In particular, it anticipates ver. 3 below, {^^ glory in Christ j^esus"). A suffrage in one of the Litanies of the venerable Church of the Unitas Fratriim ("the Moravians") is in point here: — ''* From the loss of our glory in Thee, preserve and keep us, gracious Lord and God." rejoice^ R.V. margin, '■^ ox, farewell.''' But the evidence of iv. 4, which plainly takes this phrase up, and adds the word "always,'''' is altogether for the text R.V., and A.V. "Farewell ahvays" is an im- possible formula of conclusion ; we are constrained to render " ^e glad always" there. And already ii. 18 he has used the same Greek word in that sense beyond doubt. See the last note. in the Lord'\ See last note but one, and that on i. 8. To write the same things] See last note but two, for a reference of this to "the things" already written in this Epistle about the glery and fulness of Christ. to me indeed... safe\ The Greek words form an Iambic trimeter, a verse corresponding in the Greek drama to our blank heroic, and may thus be a quotation by the way^. In i Cor. xv. 33 we almost certainly have such a quotation from a Greek dramatist, Menander or perhaps Euripides; " III converse withers fair morality ." We may render here, with a view to the rhythm, To me not irksome, it is safe for you. — ^ I owe this remark to a friend. A vv. 2, 3.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 85 you // ts safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, 2 beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision, 3 St James (i. 17) appears similarly to adopt a Greek hexameter; ^^ Every giving of good a>id every boon of perfection." 2. Beware of\ Lit., "'see.'" For this use of the verb, cp. Col. iv. 17; 2 John 8. dogs\ Lit. and better, the dogs. He refers to a known and defined class ; and these evidently were those Judaistic teachers within tlie pale of the Church to whom he has referred already (i. 15) in another connexion and in a different tone. These Pharisee-Christians very probably called the uncircumcised, and (from their point of view) non- conforming, converts, "dogs," as the Pharisees-proper called all Gentiles; cp. Matt. xv. 26, 27, for words alluding to this use of the term. The habits and instincts of the dog suggest ideas of unclean- ness and wantonness ; and its half-wild condition in Eastern towns adds the idea of a thing outcast. Thus everywhere in Scripture the word "dog" is used in connexions of contempt, reproach or dread: see e.g. i Sam. xxiv. 14; 2 Sam. xvi. 9; 2 Kings viii. 13; Psal. xxii. 16, 20, lix. 6; Eccl. ix. 4; Matt. vii. 6; Rev. xxii. 15. — The Apostle "here turns the tables" on the Judaist, and pronounces /nV« to be the real defiled outcast from Messiah's covenant, rather than the simple believer, who comes to Messiah not by way of Judaism, but direct. The same view is expressed more fully Gal. v. 2 — 4. — It is just possible that the word "dog" refers also to positive immorality underlying, in many cases, a rigid ceremonialism. But this is at most secondary here. See below vv. 18, 19, and notes, for another "school" more open to such charges. evil workers'] Better, the bad work-men. lie refers to the same faction under another aspect. Very proljably, by a play on the word " worker," he censures them as teaching a salvation by "works," not by faith. (See e.g. Rom. iii. 27, iv. 2, 6, xi. 6 ; Gal. ii. 16, iii. 2 ; Eph. ii. 9 ; 2 Tim. i. 9 ; Tit. iii. 5.) As if to say, "They are all for working, with a view to merit; but they are bungling work- men all the while, adjusting wrongly the fabric of the Gospel, and working not rightly even what in itself is right." Cp. 2 Cor. xi. 13 for a passage where the same double meaning seems to attach to this word. — For the other side of the truth of "working" see ii. 12, and notes. the concision'] " The gashing, the }?iutilation." By this harsh kindred(i word he satirizes, as it were, the rigid zeal of the Judaist for bodily circzitncision. In the light of the Gospel, the demand for the con- tinuance of circumcision in the Church, as a saving ordinance, was in fact a demand for a maltreatment of the body, akin only to heathen practices ; cp. e.g. i Kings xviii. 28. Cp. Gal. V. 12, with Lightfoot's notes, for a somewhat similar use of words in a kindred connexion. Lightfoot here remarks on the frequent occurrence in the N.T. of verbal play. See e.g. the Greek of Acts viii. 30; Rom. xii. 3 ; 2 Thess. iii. ir. 86 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 4. which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, 4 and have no confidence in the flesh. Though I might also Wyclif curiously, and without any support in the Latin, renders this clause, " se ye dyuysioun"; Tyndale and Cranmer, "Beware of dis- sencion (dissensyon)." 3. we are the circiitncision\ See the previous note. For the thought, cp. especially Gal. iii. 7, 29, vi. 16; Eph. ii. 19; Col. ii. 11. which worship God in the spirit] R.V. , who worship by the Spirit of God. This is based on the better-supported reading of the Greek, and should be adopted. The word "worship" is thus used without an expressed object, as Luke ii. 37; Acts xxvi. 7; (in both which places, in A. v., the word "God" is in italics). The verb here {latreuein) ori- ginally imports any sort of service, domestic or otherwise ; but usage gives it in the N.T. a fixed connexion with the service of worship, and occasionally (Heb. viii. 5, ix. 9, x. 2, xiii. loj a special reference to the worship of priestly ritual. Very probably this last usage is in view here. The Judaist claimed to be the champion of the true ritual of worship, as well as of the true initiation into covenant. The Apostle replies that the spiritual Christian is as such the ideal worshipper, the priest of the true rite. ^' By the Spirit of God^\ — cp. for the phrase in St Paul, Rom. viii. 9, 14; I Cor. ii. 10, II, 12, 14, iii. 16, vi. 11, vii. 40, xii. 3; 2 Cor. iii. 3. The effect of the whole work of the Blessed Spirit in the regenerate Christian was to bring him into right relations of worship with God who "is Spirit" (Joh. iv. 24); to make him a "worshipper in (the) Spirit and in truth." and rejoice in Christ ycstts] R. V., and glory &c. Better so, for the Greek is not identical with that in i. 18, ii. 17, 18, 28, iii. i,iv. 4, 10. It means a joy emphatically triumphant ; such as would find its parody in a proud and eager boastfulness (as e.g. I\.om. ii. 23, iii. 27 ; i Cor. iv. 7 ; 2 Cor. v. 12 &c. ; Gal. vi. 13 ; Jas iv. 16). What national and ritual privilege was, in his own distorted estimate, to the Judaist, that the true Messiah, the Incarnate Son of God, Christ Jesus, was to the spiritual Christian— at once pedestal and crown, righteousness and life and glory. For the thought cp. Rom. v. 11 ; i Cor. i. 31 (observe previous con- text); Gal. vi. 14. have no confidence in the flesh] Quite lit., ^^ not in the flesh are confi- dent"; with the implication that we are confident, on another and a truer ground. " 7 he flesh" :— a. most important word in the distinctive teaching of St Paul. A fair popular equivalent for it would be "self," as far as that word expresses that attitude or condition of our moral being which is not subject to God's law or reliant on His grace. The "flesh" is sometimes that state, or element, of man in which sin predominates ; whatever in man is not ruled and possessed by the Holy Spirit ; the unsanctified intellect, the unsanctified affections. The "flesh" is some- 5.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 87 have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the s times, again, as here, anything other than God taken by man as his trust and strength, e.g. reHgious observances regarded as occasion for self-confidence. In this latter case the word "flesh" is, as here, shifted, so to speak, by a natural transition of language, from the chooser to the thing chosen. See further on this word Rom. viii. 4 ; Eph. ii. 3 ; and notes in this Series. See also Dickson, On St Paul's Use of the Terms Flesh and Spirit (the Bain Lecture, 1883). This short verse gives us one of the deepest and most inclusive descriptions of the true Christian to be found in Scripture. 4 — 11. His own experience as a converted Pharisee: Jus- tification BY Faith: its spiritual and eternal issues. 4. Though I might also &c.] The Greek seems to assert that he not only might have, but has, such confidence. But the whole context, and St Paul's whole presentation of the Gospel, alike assure us that this is but a "'way of speaking." What he means is to assert, in the most concrete form, his claim, if any one could have such a claim, to rely on privilege and observance for his acceptance. Render accordingly with R.V., Tliougli I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. So the Latin versions ; Quanquani ego habeam ice. thinketh\ R.V. margin, '' seemeih." But A.V., and text R.V., are certainly right. The "seeming" or "appearing" is to the man's self; he thinks it to be so. Cp. for this (frequent) use of the Greek verb (dokein) e.g. Luke xxiv. 37 ; Acts xii. 9. And see esp. Matt. iii. 9, ''Do not think (seem) to say in yourselves &c."; where common sense gives, the paraphrase, "Z'tJ ftot think that you may say." So here, "thinketh that he may have confidence &c. " / more] " \,frotn his point of view, think that I may have it more." Cp. 2 Cor. xi. 21, 22, a passage closely akin to this. 5. Circumcised ^Q..\ Quite lit., "aj to circumcision, eight days oldP See Gen. xvii. 12; Luke ii. 21. He was neither a proselyte, circum- cised as an adult, nor an Ishmaelite, circumcised (as Josephus tells us, Antiquities, XII. i. § 2 ; see Gen. xvii. 25) at thirteen, but a member of the covenant from infancy. Tsrael] The name may refer here either to the original and indivi- dual Israel, Jacob (Gen. xxxii. 28 &c.), or to the collective Israel, the chosen nation. The former is more likely, in view of the next clause, and would besides be the more vivid and emphatic reference ; " one of the race descended from God's Prince." The words Israel, Israelite, indicate specially the sacred privileges and dignity of the Covenant People as such; see Trench, N.T. Syno- nyms, § xxxix., and Lightfoot, on Gal. vi. 16. Cp. Rom. ix. 4, xi. i; 7, Cor. xi. 22; Eph. ii. 12; and see Job. i. 47, 49. 88 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 6. tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touch- 6 ing the law, a Pharisee ; concerning zeal, persecuting the Benjamin'] So he had previously said, Rom. xi. i. See Acts xiii. 21 for another mention by St Paul of his tribe, though in another con- nexion. He names his tribe, not only to emphasize his nationality, but no doubt because the Benjamites, descendants of the last and much loved son of Jacob, had given the nation its first lawful king (whose name the Apostle bore), and had with Judah remained "faithful among the faithless" at the great Disruption (i Kings xii. 21). Ehud early in O.T. history (Judges iii.), and Mordecai late (Esther ii. 5), were Benjamites. It is interesting to trace in St Paul's character some of the characteristics of this small but remarkable tribe ; stern courage and persistent fidelity. But certainly it was something better than Benjamite "obstinacy and persistency" (Smith's Bible Diet., s.v. Ben- jamin) which made him resist the entreaties of the disciples and avow himself ready to die for the Lord (Acts xxi. 12, 13).— See further, Conybeare and Howson, Life b'c. of St Paul, ch. ii. a Hebreiv of the Hebre%vs\ With R. V., omit '■'t/ie." Cp. again 1 Cor. xi. 22. The words mean that he was a Hebrew and of Hebrew lineage. — What is a "Hebrew" in N.T. phraseology? In O.T. the word is the distinctive national term, as against other national terms, as Egyptian, Philistine &c. ; and is thus the term by which a heathen would designate an Israelite. By the N.T. era its bearing had changed, and in the N.T. (not in later Christian writers, or in Jewish and pagan writers,) it designates the Jew who retained, more or less fully, his national language and manners, as against the "Hellenist" who habi- tually spoke Greek and largely conformed to Gentile customs. See Acts vi. I. The "Hebrew" would thus naturally regard himself as one of the elite of his race, from the historical and traditional point of view. See further. Trench, as quoted just above on ^^ Israel," and Conybeare and Howson, ch. ii. the la-w] Lit., ^^laiv"; but here, as often, the article is omitted because not needed before a word defined by use or context. Obviously the Mosaic ordinances are mainly intended. a Pharisee] So he declares himself Acts xxiii. 6, xxvi. 5. And see Acts xxii. 3; Gal. i. 14. " The Pharisees... were the enthusiasts of the later Judaism" (Conybeare and Howson, as above) ; the zealous and rigid votaries of religious legal precision, elaborate devotion, vigorous proselytism, and exclusive privilege. St Paul was " the son of Phari- sees" (Acts xxiii. 6; though Lightfoot suggests that this means "dis- ciple of Pharisees"; improbably, as it seems to us), and the student- follower of the Pharisee (Acts v. 34) Gamaliel, probably "Rabban" Gamaliel, grandson of Hillel. Cp. Acts xxii. 3. 6. zeal] "of God, but not according to true spiritual knowledge {epigndsis)," Rom. x. 2. Cp. Acts xxvi. 9 — 11. He implies here that this "zeal" was perfectly sincere, though sinfully conditioned by a moral blindness. See in this connexion Acts xxiii. i ; 2 Tim. i. 3. vv. 7, 8.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 89 church ; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. But what things were gain to me, those I 7 counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all 8 persecuting the church^ Cp. i Cor. xv. 9; Gal. i. i.',, 23; i Tim. '• 13- the righteousness which is tn the /aw] Lit., again, " z« /aw"; see fifth note on ver. 5. The reference is to completeness of observance and privilege, from the point of view of the Pharisaic legalist. The most rigid inquisitor in this direction could not have found fault with Paul's title. See further on ver. 3. — " /n (the) /a7u'\ — included within its terms. htame/ess'\ Better, with R.V., found blameless, a good paraphrase of the Greek, which is literally, "having become b/at?ie/ess." His title, or temptation, to "confidence in the flesh" was thus com- pounded of a natal right to the seal of the covenant ; hereditary and educated loyalty to the purest Jewish life and practice ; personal devo- tion to the strictest Jewish religionism ; the utmost practical energy in its defence; the most minute attention to its rules. Of its kind, the position was perfect. 7. what things] The Greek might almost be paraphrased, "the kind or c/ass of things which"; including anything and everything, as ground of reliance, other than Christ. So more fully, ver. 8. gain] Lit. and better, gains. The plural suggests the proud and jealous care with wliich the religionist would count over the items of his merit and hope. One by one he had found them, or had won them; each with its separate value in the eyes of the old self. those] There is emphasis and deliberation in the pronoun. / counted] Lit. and better, I have counted. The perfect tense indicates not only the decisive conviction, but its lifelong permanence. /oss] A singular noun. The separate and carefully counted gains are heaped now into one ruthless estimate of loss. From the new point of view, they a/i sink together. He does not mean that he discovered his circumcision, ancestry, energy, diligence, exactness, to be in thonseives evil things. But he found them evil in respect of his having used them to shut out the true Messiah from his obedience, faith, and love. As substitutes for Him they were not only worthless, but positive /oss. Every day of reiiance on them had been a day of delay and deprivation in regard of the supreme blessing. Wyclif's word here is "apeiryngis," and just below "peirement"; i.e. impairings, losses. for Christ] Lit. and better, on account of the Christ; because of the discovery of Jesus as the true Messiah, and of the true Messiah as no mere supreme supernatural Jewish Deliverer, but as Son of God, Lamb of God, Lord of Life. He cast away entirely all the old reli- ance, but, observe, for something infinitely more than equivalent. 8. Yea doubt/ess, and Sec] Better, perhaps. Yea rather I even &c. 90 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 8. things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord : for whom I have suffered the loss of all He adds a twofold new weight to the assertion ; "/ count'''' (not only "■ I have counted"), emphasizing the presentness of the estimate; and " all things" not only specified grounds of rehance. Whatever, from any point of view, could seem to compete with Christ as his peace and life, he renounces as such ; be it doings, sufferings, virtues, inspira- tion, revelations. for\ Better, again, on account of. the excellency'] More lit., the surpasslngness. For St Paul's love of superlative words see on ii. 9 above. the knozvledge &c.] He found, in the light of grace, that "this is life eternal, to hiow the only true God, and Jesus Christ" (Joh. xvii. 3). On the conditions and blessedness of such "knowledge" cp. e.g. Matt. xi. 27 (where the word is kindred though not identical); Joh. i. 10—12; X. 14, xiv. 7, xvii. 25; 2 Cor. v. 16, x. 5; Gal. iv. 9; Eph. iii. 19; 2 Pet. iii. 18; I Joh. ii. 3 — 5, iii. 6, iv. 7, 8. The Apostle sometimes speaks with a certain depreciation of "knowledge" (e.g. i Cor. viii. i, xiii. 2, 8). But he means there plainly a knowledge which is con- cerned not with Christ and God, but with spiritual curiosities, which may be known, or at least sought, without Divine life and love. The knowledge here in view is the recognition, from the first insight eter- nally onward, of the "knowledge-surpassing" (Eph. iii. 19) reality and glory of the Person and Work of the Son of the Father, as Saviour, Lord, and Life ; a knowledge inseparable from love. See further on ver. 10. Observe the implicit witness of such language as that before us to the Godhead of Christ. Cp. Eph. iii. 19, and notes in this Series. of Christ Jesus jny Lord] Note the solemnity and fulness of the designation. The glorious Object shines anew before him as he thinks out the words. Observe too the characteristic "my Lord" (see note on i. 3 above). There is a Divine individuaiisfn in the Gospel, in deep harmony with its truths of community and communion, but not to be merged in them. "One by one" is the law of the great ingathering and incorporation (Joh. vi. 35, 37, 40, 44, 47, 51 &c.) ; the believing individual, as well as the believing Church, has Christ for "Head" (i Cor. xi. 3), and lives by faith in Him who has loved the individual and given Himself for him (Gal. ii. 20; cp. Eph. v. 25). for whom] Lit. and better, on account of whom; in view of the discovery of whom. / have suffered &c.] Better, I suffered &c. ; a reference to the crisis of his renunciation of the old reliance, and also of the stern rejection with which the Synagogue would treat him as a renegade. This one passing allusion to the tremendous cost at which he became a Christian is, by its very passingness, deeply impressive and pathetic ; and it has of course a powerful bearing on the nature and solidity of the reasons for his change, and so on the evidences of the Faith. See on this last V. 8.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 91 things, and do count them bid dung, that I may win Christ, subject, Observafions on the Character &fc. of St Paid, by George, first Lord Lyttelton {1747). The verb rendered '■'■ T suffered loss" "I v/cis Ji/ied, mulcted" is akin to the noun "■loss" used just above, and takes it up. There is a certain verbal "play" in this; he reckoned his old privileges and position loss, from a spiritual point of view, and he was made by others to feel the loss of them, in a temporal respect. «// things] The Gr. suggests the paraphrase, my all. dun^l Better, refuse, as R.V. margin. The Greek word is used in secular writers in both senses. Its j^robably true derivation favours the former, but the derivation popularly accepted by the Greeks ("a thing cast to the dogs") the latter. And this fact leans to the inference that in common parlance it meant the leavings of a meal, or the like. See Lightfoot here. that I may tvtn] Better, with R.V., that I may gain; the verb echoes the noun of ver. 7. There was no t/ier/t in his coming to a true conviction about "confidence in the flesh"; but that conviction was so vital an antecedent to his possession and fruition of Christ that it was as it were the price paid in order to " gain" Ilim. Cp. the imagery of Rev. iii. 17, 18. "That I may": — practically, we may paraphrase, "that I might"; with a reference to \\\& past. The main bearing of the passage is obvi- ously on the crisis of his conversion ; on what he then lost and then gained, but he speaks as if he were in the crisis now. Not unfrequently in N.T. Greek the past is thus projected into the present and future, where certainly in English we should say ''might" not "may." Cp. e.g. (in the Greek) Matt. xix. 13; Acts v. 26; i Tim. i. 16; i John iii. 5. It is true that the Apostle here uses the present, not the past, in the adjoining main verb ("/ count"). But this may well be an exceptional case of projection of the whole statement about the past, instead of part of it, into the present. — Or may not the words '' aiui do coimt them refuse" be parenthetic? In that case he would in effect say, what would be a most vivid antithesis, "I suffered the loss of my all, (and a worthless 'all' I noxv see it to be,) that I might jtz/w Christ." He thus "gained" nothing less than Christ; not merely subsidiary and derived benefits, but the Source and Secret of all benefits. The glorious Person, "who is made unto us of God wisdom, even righteous- ness, and sanctification, and redemption" (i Cor. i. 30), was now his own, in a mysterious but real possession. 9. be found in hini'\ at any moment of scrutiny or test; alike in life, in death, and before the judgment-seat. The truth of the believer's deep incorporation in his Lord and Head, and identification with Him for acceptance and life, is here full in view. In the surrender of faith (Eph. ii. 8 — 10; cp. John iii. 36) he becomes, in the deep laws of spi- ritual life, a true "limb" of the sacred Head; interested in His merits, penetrated with His exalted Life. In the Epistles to ColosscC and 92 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 9. 9 and be found in him, not having mine, own righteousness, Ephesus, written from the same chamber as this, we have the large development of this truth ; and cp. John xv. i — 8 ; i Cor. xii. 12. Lightfoot remarks (on Gal. ii. 17, and here) that the verb "■ to Jiud" is very frequent in Aramaized Greek, and has somewhat lost its dis- tinctive meaning. Still, it is seldom if ever used in the N.T. where that meaning has not some place. mine own righfeonsness'l Rather more precisely, with R.V. , a right- eousness of mine own. The word ^'■7-igkieoiisness" is highly charac- teristic, and of special meaning, in St Paul. In very numerous pas- sages (examine Rom. iii. 5 — 26, iv. 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, vi. 16, x. 3; I Cor. i. 30 ; 2 Cor. iii. 9 ; and cp. Tit. iii. 5) its leading idea evi- dently is that of acceptance, satisfactoriness, however secured, to law ; whether to special or to general law as the case may be. (See Grimm's Greek-Eng. Lexicon of the N.T., Thayer's edition, on t'ne word St/cai- offvvTj, for a good statement of the matter from the purely critical point of view.) "A righteousness of mine own" is thus a title to accept- ance, a claim on Divine justice, due to my own doings and merits, sup- posed to satisfy a legal standard. ■which is of the /aw] Literally, again " 0/ law." But R.V. retains the definite article, as practically right in translation, as it was in ver. 6. — How shall we define the word "Zrtw" here? Is it the Mosaic law from the Pharisee's point of view, as in ver. 6? Or is it the far larger fact of the Divine preceptive moral code, taken as a covenant of life, in which the terms are, " Do this, truly and perfectly, and live; do this, and claim acceptance as of right"? We take the answer to be that it means here this latter as an exten- sion of the former ; that the thought rises, or developes itself, in this passage, from the idea of special ordinance to the idea of universal covenanting precept. And our reasons lie, partly in this context, partly in the great parallel passages in the Epistles to the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians and Colossians. In the present context the ideas immediately contrasted or opposed to that of "the law" are ideas not of "work," in any meaning of that word, but of "faith." And for ex- position of this we turn to the argument of Rom. i. — v., and of Galatians ii. iii., and of Eph. ii. i — 10, and (a passage closely parallel to this; see notes in this Series) 13 — 17; and of Col. ii. 8 — 14. In this whole range of teaching it is apparent that the idea of Law, as a whole, cannot possibly be satisfied by explaining it to mean merely a Divine code of observances, though that is one of its lower and subsidiary meanings. It means the whole system of Divine precept, moral as well as ceremonial, eternal as well as temporal, ta^en as a covenant to be fulfilled ifi order to acceptance of the person before God. The im- plicit or explicit contrary is that such acceptance is procured for us by the merits of the Redeeming Lord, appropriated to the sinner by the single profound means of faith, that is to say, acceptance of Him as Sacrifice, Saviour, Lord, on the warrant of God's word. Such faith, in the spiritual order of things, unites to Christ, and in that union the V. 9j PHILIPPIANS, III. 93 which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of "member" receives the merit of the "Head" for his acceptance, and the life and power of the Head for obedience. That obedience (see esp. Eph. ii. 8 — lo) is now rendered not in fulfilment of a covenant for acceptance, but in tlie life, and for the love, given to the believer vmder the covenant in which he is accepted, from first to last, for the sake of his meritorious Lord and Head. Cp. further, Heb. x., esp. 15 — 18; with Jerem. xxxi. 33, 34. Such is the general Pauline doctrine of acceptance, a doctrine such as to give its opponents or perverters, from the very first, a superficial excuse to make it out to be antinomian (Rom. iii. 8, vi. i); a fact of the utmost weight in the estimate of its true bearing. Such a general doctrine assists us in interpreting this great incidental passage. And we infer here accordingly that the primary idea is that of acceptance for Christ's sake, as against acceptance on the score of any sort of personal merit. The spiritual development of the regene- rate being comes in nobly here, as in the other and larger passages referred to ; but it comes in upon the basis, and as the sequel, of a gratuitous acceptance for Christ's sake alone. See notes on ver. 10. that which is through the faith of Christ^ So lit., but better, in regard of English idiom, that which is through faith in Christ. For the Greek construction (''faith of" meaning ''faith in") cp. e.g. Mark xi. 22; Acts iii. 16; Gal. ii. 16, 20; Eph. iii. 12; 2 Thess. ii. 13. Here again, as with the words "law" and "righteousness," St Paul's writings are a full commentary. See especially Rom. iii. 22 — 28, a passage most important as a parallel here. It brings out the fact that " faith," in the case in question, has special regard to Christ as the shedder of His sacred blood in propitiation, and that the blessing immediately received by faith thus acting is the acceptance, the jus- tification, of the sinner before the holy Lawgiver and Judge, solely for the Propitiator's sake. See further Rom. iv., v., viii. 33, 34, ix. 33, X. 4, 9, 10; Gal. ii. 16, iii. i — 14, 21 — 24; Eph. ii. 8, 9. Much discussion has been raised over the true meaning of "faith" in Scripture doctrine. It may suffice to point out that at least the leading and characteristic idea of the word is personal trtist, not of course without grounds, but on grounds other than "sight." It is cer- tainly not mere assent to testimony, a mental act perfectly separable from the act of personal reliance. Setting aside Jas. ii. 14 — 26, where the argument takes up and uses designedly an inadequate idea of faith (see Commentary on the Romans in this Series, p. 261), the word "faith" consistently conveys in Scripture the thought of per- sonal reliance, trustful acceptance of Divine truth, of Divine work, of the Divine Worker and Lord^. And if we venture to ask why such reliance takes this unique place in the process of salvation, we may reply with reverence that, so far as we can see into the mysterious fact, it is because the essence of such reliance is a going 1 Fides est fidncia (Luther). See this admirably developed and illustrated by J. C. Hare, Victory oj Faitli, pp. 15 — 22 (ed. 1847). 94 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. lo. lo Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith : that / forth from self to God, a bringing of nothing in order to receive every- thing. There is thus a moral fitness in faith to be the saving contact and recipient, while yet all ideas of moral ivorthiness and deserv- ingness are decisively banished from it. It is fit to receive the Divine gift, just as a hand, not clean perhaps but empty, is fit to receive a mate- rial gift. Certainly in the reasonings of St Paul every effort is made to bring out the thought that salvation by faith means in effect salva- tion by Christ only and wholly, received by sinful man, as sinful man, simply and directly in and by personal reliance on God's word. The sinner is led off, in a happy oblivion of himself, to simple and entire rest in his Saviour. the righteousness -which is of God'\ On the word "righteousness" see above, note 2 on this verse. Here, practically, it means acceptance, welcome, as a child and saint, in Christ and for Christ's sake. " Of God": — lit., '■'■out of God," originating wholly in Him, uncaused by anything in man. Its origin is the Father's love, its reason and security, the Son's merits, its conveyance, the Holy Spirit uniting the sinner in faith to the Son. For some good remarks, of caution as well as assertion, on justifying righteousness, see G. S. Faber's Primitive Doctrine of 'Justification, ch. i., pp. 25 — 32, with footnotes (ed. 1839). by faith'] Lit., upon faith ; in view of, under circumstances of, faith. We may render, "on condition of faith." But faith, in the Pauline view, is not a mere condition ; it is the recipient act and state. It is a condition, not as paying for a meal is a condition to getting good from it, but as eating it is a condition. On the doctrine of this verse cp. the Sermon of Salvation (being the third in the First Book of Homilies), referred to in Art. xi. as "the Homily of Justification"; and the short treatise of Bp Hopkins, of Londonderry (cent. 17), The Doctrine of the Two Covenants. See further Appendix F; and cp. at large O'Brien, Nature and Effects of Faith, and Hooker's Discourse of Justification, esp. §§ 3 — 6, 31 — 34. 10. That I 7nay kmnv him] In order to know Him. For the con- struction, cp. e.g. I Cor. X. 13. — Observe the sequence of thought. He embraces "the righteousness which is of God on terms of faith," and renounces " a righteousness of his own" as a means to the end here stated — the spiritual knowledge of Christ and of His power to sanc- tify and glorify by assimilation to Himself. In order to that end, he thankfully "submits Himself to the righteousness of God" (Rom. x. 3; cp. 1 Pet. i. 2) ; accepts the Divine justification for the merit's sake of Jesus Christ alone; knowing, with the intuition of a soul enlightened by grace, that in such submission lies the secret of such assimilation. Welcoming Christ as his one ground of peace with God, he not only enters at the same time on spiritual contact with Christ as Life from God, but also gets such a view of himself and his Redeemer as to affect profoundly his whole intercourse with Christ, and the eftects of that intercourse on his being. V. lo.l PHILIFPIANS, III. 95 may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the Ver. lo is thus by no means a restatement of ver. 9. It gives an- other range of thought and truth, in deep and strong connexion. To use a convenient classification, ver. 9 deals with Justification, ver. 10 with Sanctification in relation to it. " That I 7uay know Him ": — the Greek seems to imply a decisive act of knowledge rather than a process. A lifelong process is sure to result from the act; for the Object of the act " passeth knowledge" (Eph. iii. 19). But the act, the decisive getting acquaifited with what Christ is, is in immediate view. A far-reaching insight into flim in His glory of grace has a natural connexion with the spiritual act of sub- missive faith in Him as our Sacrifice and Righteousness. Cp. Joh. vi. 56. On this "knowledge" of recognition and intuition, cp. ver. 8, and notes. the power of his resurrection'] A phrase difficult to exhaust in expo- sition. The Lord's Resurrection is spiritually powerful as {a) eviden- cing the justification of believers (Rom. iv. 24, 25, and by all means cp. I Cor. XV. 14, 17, 18); as {b) assuring them of their own bodily resur- rection (i Cor. XV. 20, &c. ; i Thess. iv. 14); and yet more as {c) lieing that which constituted Him actually the life-giving Second Adam, the Giver of the Spirit who unites the members to Him the Vital Head (Joh. vii. 39, XX. 22; Acts ii. 33; cp. Eph. iv. 4 — 16). This latter aspect of truth is prominent in the Epistles to Ephesus and Colossce, written at nearly the same period of St Paul's apostolic work ; and we have here, very probably, a passing hint of what is unfolded there. The thought of the Lord's Resurrection is suggested here to his mind by the thought, not expressed but implied in the previous context, of the Atoning Death on which it followed as the Divine result. This passage indicates the great truth that while our acceptance in Christ is always based upon His propitiatory work for us, our power for service and endurance in His name is vitally connected with His life as the Risen One, made ours by the Holy Spirit. Cp. further Rom. v. 10, vi. 4 — 11, vii. 4, viii. 11; 2 Cor. iv. 10; Eph. ii. 6; Col. iii. i — 4; Heb. xiii. 20, 21. the fellowship of his sufferings] Entrance, in measure, into His experience as the Sufferer. The thought recurs to the Cross, but in connexion now with Example, not with Atonement. St Paul deals with the fact that the Lord who has redeemed him has done it at the severest cost of pain ; and that a moral and spiritual necessity calls His redeemed ones, who are united vitally to Him, to "carry the cross," in their measure, for His sake, in His track, and by His Spirit's power. And he implies that this cross- bearing, whatever is its special form, this acceptance of affiiction of any sort as for and from Him, is a deep secret of entrance into spiritual intimacy with Christ ; into "knowledge of Him." Cp. further Rom. viii. 17, 37; 2 Cor. i. 5, iv. 11, xii. 9, to; Col. i. 24; 2 Tim. ii. 12; i Pet. iv. 13; Rev. iii. 10. 96 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. lo. fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto beitig made conformable'] Better, with R.V., becoming conformed. Tlie Greek construction is free, but clear. — The Lord's Death as the supreme expression of His love and of His holiness, and the supreme act of His surrender to the Father's will, draws the soul of the Apostle with spiritual magnetic force to desire, and to experience, assimilation of character to Him who endured it. The holy Atonement wrought by it is not here in direct view ; he is full of the thought of the revela- tion of the Saviour through His Passion, and of the bliss of harmony in will with Him so revealed. No doubt the Atonement is not for- gotten ; for the inner glory of the Lord's Death as Example is never fully seen apart from a sight of its propitiatory purpose. But the im- mediate thought is that of spiritual harmony with the dying Lord's state of will. Cp. 2 Cor. iv. 10. 11. if by any means] For the strong language of contingency here cp. i Cor. ix. 27. Taken along with such expressions of exulting assurance as Rom. viii. 31 — 39; 2 Tim. i. 12; and indeed with the whole tone of "joy and peace in believing" (Rom. xv. 13) which pervades the Scriptures, we may fairly say that it does not imply the uncertainty of the final glory of the true saint. It is language which views vividly, in isolation, one aspect of the "Pilgrim's Progress " towards heaven ; the aspect of our need of continual watching, self-surrender, and prayer, in order to the development of that likeness without which heaven would not be heaven. The other side of the matter is the efficacy and perseverance of the grace which comes out in our watching ; without which we should not watch; which "predestinates" us "to be conformed to the image of the Son of God" (Rom. viii. 29). The mystery lies, as it were, between two apparently parallel lines ; the reality of an omnipotent grace, and the reality of the believer's duty. As this line or that is regarded, in its entire reality, the language of assurance or of contin- gency is appropriate. But the parallel lines, as they seem now, prove at last to converge in glory (Joh. vi. 39, 40, 44, 54, x. 27 — 29 ; Rom. viii. 30; I Thess. v. 23, 24). See Hooker's Sermon Of the Certainty and Perpetuity of Faith in the Elect, especially the closing paragraphs. I might] Lit., and here better, with R.V., I may. the resurrection of the dead] The better supported reading gives, as R.V., tbe resurrection from the dead. The phrase implies a certain leaving behind of "the dead"; and this is further emphasized in the Greek, where the noun rendered "resurrection" is the rare word exan- astasis, i.e. the common word [anastdsis] for resurrection, strengthened by the preposition meaning "from." This must not, however, be pressed far; later Greek has a tendency towards compounding words without necessarily strengthening the meaning. It is the setting of the word here which makes an emphasis in it likely. — It has been inferred that St Paul here refers to a special and select resurrection, so to speak, and that this is "the first resurrection" of Rev. xx. 5, 6, interpreted as a vv. II, 12.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 97 his death ; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrec- n tion of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, 12 literal resurrection of either all saints or specially privileged saints, be- fore that of the mass of mankind. (Such an interpretation of Rev. xx. appears as early as Tertullian, cent. 2, de MotiogayniA, c. x.). But against this explanation here lies the fact that St Paul nowhere else makes any itnmistakable reference to such a prospect (i Cor. xv. 23, 24 is not decisive, and certainly not i Thess. iv. 16); and that this makes it unlikely that he should refer to it here, where he manifestly is dealing with a grand and ruling article of his hope. We explain it accordingly of the glorious prospect of the Resurrection of the saints in general. And we account for the special phrase by taking him to be tilled with the thought of the Lord's I-lesurrection as the pledge and, so to speak, tlie summary of that of His people ; and His Resurrection was emphatically "from the dead."— Or it may be that we have here to explain '"the dead" as a term of abstract reference, meaning prac- tically "the state of the dead," the world of death. — In any case, the phrase refers to "the resurrection of life" (Dan. xii. 2; Joh. v. 29); "the resurrection of the just" (Luke xiv. 14) ; differenced from that of "the unjust" (Acts xxiv. 15), whether or no in time, certainly in an awful distinction of conditions and results. The blessed resurrection is here called '■^ the resurrection" as the l^le.ssed life is called "///c life" (e.g. I John v. 12). The antithesis is not non-resurrection, and non-exist- ence, but such resurrection, and such existence, as are ruin and woe. — It is observable that the Apostle here implies his expectation of death, to be followed by resurrection ; not of survival till the Lord's Return. Cp. 2 Cor. iv. 1 4. 12 — 16. On the other hand, his spiritual condition is one of progress, not perfection. 12. Not as though &c.] This reserve, so emphatic and solemn, appears to be suggested by the fact, brouglit out more fully below (vv. 18, 19), of the presence of a false teaching which represented the Christian as already in such a sense arrived at his goal as to be lifted beyond responsibility, duty, and progress. No, says St Paul ; he has in- deed "gained Christ," and is "found in Him, having the righteousness of God"; he "knows" his Lord, and His power ; but none the less he is still called to humble himself, to recollect that the process of grace is never complete below, and that from otie point of view its coming com- pletion is always linked with the saint's faithful watching and prayer, the keeping open of the "eyes ever toward the Lord" (Psal. xxv. 15). attained'\ Better, received, or, with R.V., obtained; for the verb is not the same as that in ver. 11. (It is the same as that in Rev. iii. ii.) The thought of "///f croivn" is probably to be supplied. See below, on ver. 14. — R.V. renders, rather more lit., " Not that I have already attained.'''' But the construction of A.V. well represents the Greek. — Some documents here add "or have been already justified'" ; but the evidence is decisive against this insertion. PHILIPPIANS. 7 98 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 13. either were already perfect : but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of 13 Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have ap- were already perfect] Better, have toeen already perfected. The process was incomplete which was to develope his being for tlie life of glory, in which "we shall be like Him" (i Joh, iii. 3; cp. Rom. viii. 29); a promise implying that we are never so here, completely. Cp. the Greek of Rom. xii. 2; 2 Cor. iii. 18; in which the holy "transfor- mation" is presented as a process, advancing to its ideal, not yet arrived there. And see further below, on ver. 15. The Greek verb, and its kindred noun, were used technically in later ecclesiastical Greek of the death of martyrs (and of monks, in a remark- able passage of Chrysostom, Horn. xiv. on i Tim.), viewed as spe- cially glorious and glorified saints. But no such limitation appears in Scripture. In Heb. xii. 23 the reference plainly is to the whole com- pany of the holy departed : who have entered, as they left the body, on the heavenly rest, the eternal close of the state of discipline. Cp. Wisdom iv. 13; "he [the just man], in short {st3S,on) perfected, fulfilled long times." I follow after] R. V., I press on. The thought of the race, with its goal and crown, is before him. Cp. i Cor. ix. 24 — 27; Gal. ii. 2, v. 7; 2 Tim. ii. 5, iv. 7; Heb. xii. i. if that I may] Better, if indeed I may. On this language of con- tingency, see note above on ver. 11. apprehend] i.e., grasp. Cp. i Cor. ix. 24. All the English ver- sions before 161 1 have ^''comprehend'''' here. Both verbs now bear meanings which tend to mislead the reader here. The Greek verb is that rendered '■^receive" or '■'■obtain," just above, only in a stronger (compound) form. He thinks of the promised crown, till in thought he not merely "receives" but "grasps" it, with astonished joy. that for zvhich also &c.] The Greek may be rendered grammatically either (a) thus, or {b) ^'inasmuch as I tvas even &c." Usage in St Paul (Rom. V. 12; 2 Cor. v. 4) is in favour of (1^); context is rather for (a), which is adopted by Ellicott, and Alford, and in R.V. (text ; margin gives {b)). Lightfoot does not speak decidedly. We recommend {a) for reasons difficult to explain without fuller discussion of the Greek than can be offered here. — The meaning will thus be that he presses on to grasp the crown, with the animating thought that Christ, in the hour of conversion, grasped him with the express purpose in view that he, through the path of faith and obedience, might be glorified at last. Cp. Rom. viii. 30; where we see the "call" as the sure antecedent not to justification only but to glory ; but antecedent in such a way as powerfully to cheer and strengthen the suffering saint in the path of the cross, not to leave him for a moment to fatalistic inaction. The rendering (b) gives a meaning not far distant from this, though less distinctly. Christ yes!ts] Read, with the documentary evidence, Christ. vv. 14, 15.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 99 prehended : but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward tlie mark for the prize of 14 the high caUing of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, is 13. Brethren] A direct loving appeal, to restate and enforce wliat he has just said. / count not myself] "I" and "myself" are both emphatic in the Greek. Whatever others may think of themselves, this is his deliberate estimate of himself. He has in view the false teachers more clearly indicated below, vv. 18, 19. but this one thing I do] " One thing" is perhaps in antithesis to the implied opposite idea of the '■'■ mmiy things," of experience or attain- ment, contemplated by the teacher of antinomian perfection. forgetting] Avoiding all complacent, as against grateful, reflection. behind] He does not say "around" or "present." The unwearied runner is already beyond any given point just reached. reachittg forth] The Greek (one compound verb) gives the double thought of the runner stretching out his head and body towards his goal. Lightfoot remarks that the imagery might apply to the racing charioteer, bending, lash in hand, over his horses (Virgil, Georg. in. 106) ; but that the charioteer, unlike the runner, would need often to look back, and that this, with the habitual use by St Paul of the simile of the foot-race, assures us that the runner is meant here. those... before] "more and more, unto the perfect day" (Prov. iv. 18). Each new occasion, small or great, for duty or suffering, would be a new "lap" (to translate technically St Chrysostom's word here) of the course; would give opportunity for "growth in the grace and know- ledge of the Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. iii. 18). "To increase more and more" (i Thess. iv. 10) was his idea of the life of grace for others; but above all, for himself. 14. the mark] R.V., ''the goal:' But the Greek word is, like "mark," a general rather than a special one, and used in the classics rather of archery than of racing. The verse might be roughly but closely rendered, "mark-wards I haste, towards the prize &c."; I run with a definite aim, and that aim is to win the prize. Cp. i Cor. ix. 26 ; "I so run, not as uncertaitily." the prize] The same word occurs i Cor. ix. 24, and not elsewhere in N.T. It is very rare in secular Greek, but is connected with the common word for the arbiter or umpire who awarded the athletic prize. In Christian Latin (e.g. in the Latin versions here) it appears trans- literated, as bravium (or brabiwti). The "prize" is "the crown," glory everlasting as the blessed result and triumph of the work of grace, of the life of faith. Cp. Rev. ii. 10; and esp. 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. the high calling] Lit., "■ the 2ipivard, or tipper calling:'' The Latin versions have superior vocatio, superna vocatio. The word rendered "■high" is the same as that rendered Gal. iv. 26 as "Jerusalem which is above": and cp. Joh. viii. 23, "I am from {the things') ohoz'c:' — The 7—2 loo PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. IS. as many as he perfect, be thus minded : and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto "calling" in St Paul's case was doubtless to be an Apostle (Alford), but it was first and most to be a Christian, and the whole tone of this great passage is in favour of this latter thought. He is dealing with his own spiritual experience as a general model. — This "calling" is "celestial," at once in origin, operation, and final issue. Cp. Col. iii. I, 2; 2 Thess. ii. 14. In the Epistles the words "call," "calling," denote not merel)' the external invitation but the internal and effectual drawing of the soul by grace. See in illustration i Cor. i. 23, 24. It corresponds nearly to the common use of the word "conversion." — Contrast the use of "call" in the Gospels; Matt. xx. 16, xxii. 14. of God in Christ Jesus'\ The Father is the Caller (as Rom. viii. 29, 30; Gal. i. 15 ; 2 Tim. i. 9; i Pet. v. 10 &c.), and the call is "in" the Son ; it is conveyed through the Son, and takes effect in union with Him, in embodiment in Him. For the pregnant construction cp. I Cor. vii. 22. 15. perfect^ An adjective^ not a perfect participle, as was the kin- dred word ("perfected'') in ver. 12. — Is there a contradiction between this place and that? On the surface, but not really. The Apostle appears to be taking up the favourite word of teachers who upheld some phase of "perfectionism," and using it, with loving irony, on the side of truth; as if to say, "Are you, are we, ideal Chx'\si\a.ns, perfect Christians, all that Christians should be? Then among the things that should be in our character is a holy discontent with, and criticism of, our own present attainment. The man in this sense 'perfect^ will be sure to think himself not perfected." — And it is important to remember that the Greek word rendered "perfect" is an elastic word. It may mean "adult," "mature," as against infantine; cp. Heb. v. 13, 14. A "perfect" Christian in this respect may have spiritual y(?«^//jj/ well developed, and yet be very far from "perfected" in spiritual character. — Such considerations, in the light of this whole passage, will do any- thing for such a Christian rather than teach him to tolerate sin in himself; they will at once keep him humble and contrite, and animate him to ever fresh developments in and by Christ. be...7ninded\ The same word as that in i. 7, ii. 2, 5, where see notes. God shall reveaf] by the action of His Holy Spirit on heart, mind, and will, amidst the discipline of life. There need not be any new verbal revelation, but there would be a new inward revelation of the correspondence of the inspired Word with the facts of the soul, and so a fresh light on those facts.— Such language implies the Apostle's certainty of his commission as the inspired messenger of Christ; it would otherwise be the language of undue assumption. Cp. Gal. i. 6 — 12. 16. Nevertheless] Better, with R.V., only; a word, like the Greek, of less contrast and easier transition. attained] Not the same Greek verb as that in ver. 12, though R.V. (with A.V.) gives the same English. The verb here is properly used, vv. i6, 17.] PHILIPPIANS, III. loi you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let 16 us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same tiling. Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them 17 in classical Greek, of anticipation (so i Thess. iv. 15), arrival before- hand, rapid arrival. Later, and so ordinarily in N.T., it loses much at least of this speciality, and means little besides "to reach," "to arrive." Still, a shadow of the first meaning may be traced in most places; a suggestion of an arrival which is either sudden, or achieved in spite of obstacles. The latter idea would be in place here, where the metaphor of the race with its difficulties is still present; as if to say, " whereunto we have succecdt'd in arriving." — The verb is in the aorist, but the English perfect is obviously right. let us -walk by the same &c.] The Greek verb is in the infinitive, "to walk"; a frequent idiomatic substitute for the mood of command or appeal. Apparently this construction is always used in address to others (see Alford here), and thus we should render ''walk ye &c. " — The verb here rendered "walk" means not only movement on the feet in general, but orderly and guided walking, stepping along a line. The appeal is to take care of Christian consistency in detail, up to the full present light, on the unchanging principles of the Gospel, which are essentially "the same" for all. And there is a reference, doubtless, in the words "the same," to the Philippians' tendency to differences of opinion and feeling. The words after ''by the same^'' are an excellent explanation, but not part of the text. Read, in tlie same [path or principle]. 17--21. Application of the thought of progress: warning AGAINST ANTINOMIAN DISTORTION OF THE TRUTH OF GRACE : THE COMING GLORY OF THE BODY, A MOTIVE TO HOLY PURITY. 17. Brethreit] A renewed earnest address, introducing a special message. See above, ver. 13. be followers together of me'\ More lit., become my united imitators. For his appeals to his disciples to copy his example, see iv. 9 ; r Cor. iv. 16 (a passage closely kindred in reference to this), x. 33 — xi. i ; and cp. I Thess. ii. 7, 9; 2 Thess. iii. 7 — 9 ; and Acts xx. 18 — 21, 30 — 35. Such appeals imply not egotism or self confidence, but absolute confi- dence in his message and its principles, and the consciousness that his life, by the grace of God, was moulded on those principles. In the present case, he begs them to "join in imitating" him, in his renun- ciation of self-confidence and spiritual pride, with their terrible risks. mark'] Watch, for imitation. The verb usually means the watching of caution and avoidance (Rom. xvi. 17), but context here decides the other way. The Philippians knew Paul's principles, but to see them they must look at the faithful disciples of the Pauline Gospel among themselves; such as Epaphroditus, on his return, the "true yokefellow" (iv. 3), Clement, and others. I02 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. i8. 18 which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you walk] The common verb, not that noticed just above. It is a very favourite word with St Paul for life in its action and intercourse. See e.g. Rom. xiii. 13, xiv. 15 ; 2 Cor. iv. 2 ; Eph. ii. 10, iv. i; Col. i. 10, iv. S; I Thess. iv. i, 12; 2 Thess. iii. 6. Cp. i Joh. i. 7, ii. 6; 2 Joh. 4; Rev. xxi. 24. " IValk so as &c.": — more lit., with R.V., so walk even as &c. US'] "Shrinking from the egotism of dwelling on his own personal experience, St Paul passes at once from the singular to the plural" (Lightfoot). Timothy and his other best known fellow-workers, Silas certainly (Acts xvi.), if still alive, would be included. ensample] An "Old French" and "Middle English" derivative of the Latin exeniplum (Skeat, Etyni. Did.). The word occurs in A.V. elsewhere, i Cor. x. 11 ; i Thess. i. 7 ; 2 Thess. iii. 9 ; i Pet. v. 3; 2 Pet. ii. 6 ; and in the Prayer Book (Collect for 2nd Sunday after Easter). 18. tnany] Evidently holders of an antinomian parody of the Gospel of grace; see on ver. 12. That there were such in the primeval Church appears also from Rom. xvi. 17 — 18 (a warning to Rome, as \\{\% from Rome); i Cor. v., vi. To them Rom. iii. 31, vi. i, refer, and Eph. v. 6. There may have been varieties under a common moral likeness ; some perhaps taking the view afterwards prominent in -Gnosticism — that matter is essentially evil, and that the body therefore is no better for moral control ; some (and in the Roman Epistle these surely are in view), pushing the truth of Justification into an isolation which per- verted it into deadly error, and teaching that the believer is so accepted in Christ that his personal actions are indifferent in the sight of God. Such growths of error, at once subtle and outrageous, appear to cha- racterize, as by a mysterious law, every great period of spiritual advance and illumination. Compare the phenomena (cent. 16) of the Libertines at Geneva and the Prophets of Zwickau in Germany. Indeed few periods of Christian history have escaped such trials. The false teachers in view here were no doubt broadly divided from the Judaists, and in most cases honestly and keenly opposed to them. But it is quite possible that in some cases the "the extremes met" in such a way as to account for the mention here of both in one context, in this chapter. The sternest formal legalism has a fatal tendency to slight "the weightier matters of the law," and heart-purity among them ; and history has shewn cases in which it has tolerated a social libertinism of the worst kind, irrevocably condemned by the true Gospel of free grace. Still, the persons referred to in this section were those who positively "■gloried in their shame"; and this points to an avowed and dogmatic antinomianism. The "■many'" of this verse is an instructive reminder of the formid- able internal difficulties of the apostolic Church. / have told you] Lit. and better, I used to tell you, in the old days of personal intercourse. This makes it the more likely that the V. 19.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 103 even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ : whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, 19 and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. ) antinomians were not of the gnostic type of the later Epistles, but of that of the Ep. to the Romans, perverters of the doctrine of free grace. weeping\ Yeai-s had only given him new and bitter experience of the deadly results.— For St Paul's tears, cp. Acts xx. 19, 31; 2 Cor. ii. 4. We are reminded of the tears of his Lord, Luke xix. 41 ; tears which like these indicate at once the tenderness of the mourner and the awfulness and certainty of the coming ruin. See a noble sermon by A. Monod (in his series on St Paul), Son Christianisme, ou ses Larmes. An extract is given. Appendix G. the enemies of the cross'X As deluding their followers and themselves into the horrible belief that its purpose was to give the reins to sin, and as thus disgracing it in the eyes of unbelieving observers. " The cross" here, undoubtedly, means the holy propitiation of the Lord's Death. For the Divine connexion of it as such with holiness of heart and life see the argument of Rom. iii. — vi. ; Gal. v. 19. end'\ A word of awful and hopeless import. Cp. Rom. vi. 21; 1 Cor. xi. 15; Heb. vi. 8; 1 Pet. iv. 17. destruction^ R.V., perdition. See on i. 28. their belly\ Lit. and better, the belly. Cp. Rom. xvi. i8 for the same word in the same connexion. See too i Cor. vi. 13. The word obviously indicates here the sensual appetites generally, not only glut- tony in food. Venter in Latin has the same reference. See Lightfoot. The Antinomian boasted, very possibly, of an exalted spiritual liberty and special intimacy with God. whose glory is in their shamed It is implied that they claimed a "glory"; probably in such " liberty" as we have just indicated. They set up for the true Christian philosophers, and advanced dogmatists. (Cp. Rom. xvi. quoted above.) But in fact their vaunted system was exactly their deepest disgrace. who mind earthly things)] For a closely kindred phrase, in the nega- tive, see Col. iii. 2 ; and observe the context, ver. 5 &c. And for the meaning of "mind" here see notes on i. 7, ii. 2, above. The Antinomian claimed to live in an upper region, to be so conver- sant with celestial principles as to be rid of terrestrial restraints of letter, and precept, and custom. As a fact, his fine-spun theory was a transparent robe over the corporeal lusts which were his real interests. The Greek construction of this clause is abrupt, but clear. 20. For'\ The A.V., by marking vv. 18, 19 as a parenthesis, con- nects this " for" with ver. 17. But there is no need for this. A sup- pressed link of thought is easily seen and expressed between vv. 19, 20; somewhat thus: "such principles and practices are wholly alien to ours; for &c. " In a grave oral address or dialogue such links have I04 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 20. For our conversation is in heaven ; from whence also we often to be supplied, and the Apostle's written style is a very near approach to the oral. A reading "■ But,'^ or "iVow," has much support in early quota- tions, but none in MSS. See Lightfoot here. om-\ He refers to the "ensamples" mentioned ver. 17, as distin- guished from their opponents. Or perhaps we should say, from their false friends. For very possibly these antinomians claimed to be the true disciples of Pauline truth, the true exponents of free grace as against legalism. conversation'] R.V. '■'■citizenship'''; margin, '•commonwealth." The A.V. is the rendering also of all our older versions, except Wyclif's, which has "lyuyng." It represents the conversatio of the Latin ver- sions, a word which means not "mutual speech" but "the intercourse of life" (see on i. 27); and the meaning is thus, in effect, that "w^ live on earth as those whose home is in heaven" — The same English is found (in A.V.) Psalm 1. 23 ; 2 Cor. i. 12 ; Gal. i. 13 ; Eph. ii. 3, iv. 22 ; above i. 27 (where see note); &c. But the Greek in all these places is quite different from the Greek here, where the word is politeuma (connected with polls, city, polites, citizen), a word which occurs no- where else in N.T., nor in LXX., nor in the Apocrypha. In classical Greek it denotes (a) a "■measure," or '^policy," of state; {b) the governing body of a state, its "government" ; [c) the constitution of a state, including the rights of its citizens. On the whole, this last meaning best suits the present context, or at least approaches it most nearly. What the Apostle means is that Christians are citizens of the heavenly City, enrolled on its register, free of its privileges, and, on the other hand, "obliged by the nobility" of such a position to live, whether in the City or not as yet, as those who belong to it and repre- sent it. "Our citizenship, our civic status, is in heaven," fairly gives this thought. In the anonymous Epistle to Diognetus, a Christian writing of cent. 2 (printed with the works of St Justin), a sentence occurs (c. 5) which well illustrates this passage, and perhaps refers to it, and is in itself nobly true: "Christians, as dwellers, are on earth, as citizens, in heaven." — The verb cognate to the noun here is used there; see, on the verb, note on i. 27 above. w] More strictly and fully, subsists. See second note on ii. 6 above', where the same word occurs. The thought is that the " citizen- shii>" is at any moment an antecedent and abiding fact, on which the citizen may fall back. in heaven'] Lit., in (the) heavens; as often in N.T. On this plural see note on Eph. ii. 10, in this Series. — Cp. Gal. iv. 26; Heb. xii. 22; Rev. iii. 12 (where see Abp Trench's full note, Epistles to the Seven Churches, pp. 183 — 187), xxi., xxii., for the revealed conception of the heavenly City, the Ourdnopolis, as it is finely called by St Clement of Alexandria (cent. 2), and Eusebius of Cassarea (cent. 4); and other Greek Fathers use the word oiiranopolites of the Christian. — The great treatise of St Augustine (cent. 4 — 5), On the City {Civitas) t> V. 21.] PHILIPPIANS, 111. 105 look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ : who shall 21 of God, contains a wealth of illustration of the idea of this verse. To Augustine, writing amidst the wreck of Old Rome (about A.D. 420), the Christian appears as citizen of a State which is the antithesis not of human order, which is of God, and which is promoted by the true citizens of heaven, but of "the world," which is at enmity with Him. This State, or City, is now existing and operating, through its members, but not to be consummated and fully revealed till the eternity of glory shall come in (see Smith's Diet, of Chrislian Biography, I., p. 221). The thought of the Holy City was dear to St Augustine. The noble medieval lines. Me receptet Syon ilia, Urbs bcata, urhs tranquil/a, (quoted at the close of Longfellow's Golden Legend), are taken almost verbally from Augustine, de Spiritu et Anima, c. Ix. See Trench, Sacred Latin Poetry, p. 332 (and cp. pp. 312 — 320). from whence'] Lit., ''out of which (place).'''' The pronoun is singu- lar, and so cannot refer directly to the plural noun, ''the heavens." The construction must be either [a) a merely adverbial one, an equiva- lent for the adverb "whence''^; or (b) the pronoun must refer back to the noun politcuma (on which see above). In the latter case, we must suppose that the idea of citizenship suggests, and passes into, that of city, the local home of the citizens, and the word denoting citizenship is treated as if it denoted city^. The solution (a) is no doubt simpler, but clear evidence for the usage (where ideas oi place are in view), is not apparent, though the fact is asserted (e.g. by Winer, Grammar of N. T. Greek, Moulton's Ed., p. 177). Happily the grammatical pro- blem leaves the essential meaning of the clause quite clear. 7ve look for] Better, with R.V., we wait for. Tlie form of the verb implies a waiting full of attention, perseverance, and desire. The verb occurs elsewhere, Rom. viii. 19, 23, 25; i Cor. i. 7; Gal. v. 5; Heb. ix. 28; I Pet. iii. 20. Of these passages all but Gal. (?) and i Pet. refer to the longed for Return of the Lord, the blessed goal of the believer's hope. Cp. Luke xii. 35 — 38; Acts i. 11, iii. 20, 21; Rom. viii. [8, 23 — 25, xiii. II, 12 ; I Cor. xi. 26, xv. 23, &c.; Col. iii. 4; i Thess. i. 10, ii. 19, iii. 13, iv. 14 — v. 10, 23; 2 Thess. i. 7 — 10; i Tim. vi. 14; 2 Tiro., ii. II, 12, iv. 8 ; Tit. ii. 13; Heb. x. 25, 37; Jas. v. 7, 8; i Pet. i_. 7, 13, iv. 13, V. 4 ; 2 Pet. iii. 4, 9, 13 ; r John ii. 28, iii. 2, 3 ; Rev. ii. 25, xxii. 20. the Saviour &c.] There is no article in the Greek ; and therefore render, perhaps, as our Saviour, the Lord &c. The A.V. is by no means untenable grammatically, but the word "Saviour" is so placed as to suggest not only emphasis but predicative force. And the deep connexion in the N.T. between the Lord's Return and the full and final "salvation" of the believer's being (cp. esp. Rom. xiii. n) gives a natural fitness to this use of the holy Title here. I We might thus perhaps render, or explain, politciona by " seat of citizenship." io6 PHILIPPIANS, III. [v. 21. change our vile body, that it may be fashioned Uke unto "7%^ Lo7-d Jesus Christ'": — this full designation of the Blessed Person suits the tone of solemn hope and joy in the passage. 21. chattge] The Greek verb is cognate to the word schema, on which see second note on ii. 8. It occurs also i Cor. xi. 13, 14, 15, and, with a different reference of thought, 1 Cor. iv. 6. Its use here implies that, in a sense, the change would be superficial. Already, in the "new creation" (2 Cor. v. 17; Gal. vi. 15) of the saint the essen- tials of the glorified being are present. Even for the body the pledge and reason of its glory is present where the Holy indwelling Spirit is, (Rom. viii. 11). And thus the final transfiguration will be, so to speak, a change of "accidents," not of "essence." "Now are we the sons of God ; and it doth not yet appear what we shall be" (i John iii. 2). our vile body'] Lit., and far better, tLe l)Ody of oxir humiliation. Wyclif has " whiche schal refourme the bodi of oure mekenesse"; the Rhemish version, "the body of our humilitie"; Beza's Latin version, corpus nostrum humile ; Luther, tinserti nichtigen Leib. All paraphrases here involve loss or mistake. The body transfigured by the returning Lord is the body "of our humiliation" as being, in its present conditions, inseparably connected with the burthens and limitations of earth; demanding, for its sustenance and comfort, a large share of the energies of the spirit, and otherwise hindering the spirit's action in many directions. Not because it is material, for the glorified body, tliough "spiritual" (i Cor. xv. 44), will not be spirit ; but because of the mysterious effect of man's having fallen as an em- bodied spirit. The body is thus seen here, in its present condition, to be rather the "humbling" body than "vile" (Lat., vilis, '■'cheap''''), "humble." Observe meanwhile that peculiar mystery and glory of the Gospel, a promise of eternal being and blessedness for the body of the saint. To the ancient philosopher, the body was merely the prison of the spirit; to the Apostle, it is its counterpart, destined to share with it, in profound harmony, the coming heaven. Not its essential nature, but its distorted condition in the Fall, makes it now the clog of the renewed spirit; it shall hereafter be its wings. This is to take place, as the N.T. consistently reveals, not at death, but at the Return of Christ. The bearing of this passage on the error of the libertine, who "sinned against his own body" (i Cor. vi. 18), is manifest. that it may be fashioned like] One word, an adjective, in the Greek ; we may render, nearly with R.V., (to be) conformed. The word is akin to morphS, ii. 6, where see note. It is implied that the coming conformity to our Blessed Lord's Body shall be in appearance because in reality ; not a mere superficial reflection, but a likeness of consti- tution, of nature. unto his glorious body] Lit. and better, the body of His glory; His sacred human body, as He resumed it in Resurrection, and carried V. 21.] PHILIPPIANS, III. 107 his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue, all things unto himself. # it up in Ascension^ and is manifested in it to the Blessed. — "Of His glory"" ; because perfectly answering in its conditions to His personal Exaltation, and, so far as He pleases, the vehicle of its display. A foresight of what it now is was given at the Transfiguration (Matt. xvii. 2, and parallels); and St Paul had had a moment's glimpse of it as it is, at his Conversion (Acts ix. 3, 17, xxii. 14; i Cor. ix. i, xv. 8). Our future likeness in body to His body is alone foretold here, without allusion to its basis in the spiritual union and resemblance, wrought in us now by the Holy Spirit (e.g. 2 Cor. iii. 18), and to be consummated then (i John iii. 2). But this latter is of course deeply implied here. The sensual heresies which the Apostle is dealing with lead him to this exclusive view of the glorious future of the saint's body. It is plain from this passage, as from others (see esp. i Cor. xv. 42 — 44, 53), that the saint's body of glory is continuous with that of his humilia- tion; not altogether a "new departure" in subsistence. But when we have said this, our certainties in the question cease, lost in the mysterious problems of the nature of matter. The Blessed will be "the same," body as well as spirit; truly continuous, in their whole being, in full identity, with the pilgrims of time. But no one can say that to this identity will be necessary the presence in the glorified body of any given particle, or particles, of the body of humiliation, any more than in the mortal body it is necessary to its identity (as far as we know) that any particle, or particles, present in youth should be also present in old age. However, in the light of the next words this question may be left in peace. Be the process and conditions what they may, in God's will, somehow " Before the judgment seat, Though changed and glorified each face. Not unremembered [we shall] meet, For endless ages to embrace." {Christian Year, St Andrew's Day.) accordim^ to the ivorking whereby &c.] More lit., according to the working of His being able. The word ''mighty'' in the A.V. (not given in the other English versions) is intended to represent the special force of the Greek word energeia (see note on the kindred verb, ii. 12); but it is too strong. '■'Active,''' or even "actual," would be more exact; but these are not really needed. The "working" is the positive putting forth of the always present '■'ability." even to subdue all things unto himself\ '■'Even" precedes and in- tensifies the whole following thought. Elsewhere the Father appears as "subduing all enemies," "all '. '^'^^. Ascension may well have been, as many theologians have held, a further glorification, the crown of mysterious processes carried on through the Forty Days. We see hints of the present majesty of the Lord's celestial Body in the mystical language of Rev. i. 14 — 16. io8 PHILIPPIANS, IV. Iv. u 4 Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly things," to the Son. Cp. i Cor. xv. 25 (and Ps. ex. 1), 27 (and Ps. viii. 6). But the Father "hath given to the Son to have life in Himself" (John v. 26—29), ^'^'^ therefore power. The will of the Father takes effect through the will of the Son, One -with Him. ^'' All things'" : — and therefore all conditions or obstacles, impersonal or personal, that oppose the prospect of the glorification of His saints. Cp. Rom. viii. 38, 39; i Cor. iii. 21 — 23. " Unto Himself" : — so that they shall not only not obstruct His action, but subserve it. His very enemies shall be — " His footstool, ^^ and He shall "be glorified in His saints" (2 Thess. i. 10). And through this great victory of the Son, the Father will be supremely glorified. See i Cor. xv. 28 ; a prediction beyond our full understand- ing, but which on the one hand does not mean that in the eternal Future the Throne will cease to be "the throne of God and of the Lamb" (Rev. xxii. i, 3), and on the other points to an infinitely developed manifestation in eternity of the glory of the Father in the Son. Mean- while, the immediate thought of this passage is the almightiness, the coming triumph, and the present manhood, of the Christian's Saviour. Ch. IV. 1 — 7. With such a rRosPECX, and such a Saviour, LET THEM BE STEADFAST, UNITED, JOYFUL, SELF-FORGETFUL, RESTFUL, PRAYERFUL, AND THE PEACE OF GOD SHALL BE THEIRS. 1. Thereforel In view of such a hope, and such a Lord, dearly beloved] Omit ^^ dearly f which is not in the Greek; though assuredly in the tone of the passage. The word "beloved " is a favourite with all the apostolic writers ; a characteristic word of the Gospel of holy love. St Paul uses it 27 times of his converts and friends. longed for\ The word occurs here only in N.T., but the cognate verb occurs i. 6, ii. 26, and cognate nouns Rom. xv. 23; 2 Cor. vii. 7, II. The address here is full of deep personal tenderness, and of longing desire to revisit Philippi. my joy and crown] Cp. the like words to the sister Church in Macedonia, i Thess. ii. 19, 20, iii. 9; and see 2 Cor. i. 14. The thought of the Day of glory brings up the thought of his recognition of his converts then, and rejoicing over them before the Lord. Mani- festly he expects to know the Philippians, to remember Philippi. so] In such faith, and with such practice, as I have now again enjoined on you. stand fast] The same verb as that i. 27, where see note. And here cp. especially i Cor. xvi. 13; Gal. v. i ; i Thess. iii. 8 (a close parallel, in both word and tone). The Christian is never to stand still, as to growth and service; ever to stand fast, as to faith, hope, and love. in the Lord] In recollection and realization of your vital union vidth vv. 2, 3-] PHILIPPIANS, IV. 109 beloved. I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that 2 they be of the same mind in the Lord. And I entreat thee 3 also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured Him who is your peace, life, hope, and King. Cp. Eph. vi. 10, and note in this Series. my dearly beloved^ Lit., simply, beloved. His heart overflows, as he turns from the sad view of sin and misbelief to these faithful and loving followers of the holy truth. He can hardly say the last word of love. 2. I beseecli] R.V., I exhort. But the tenderer English word well represents the general tone here, and the Greek fully admits it as a rendering. See e.g. 2 Cor. xii. 8. Observe the repetition of the word. Euodias .. .Syniyche\ Read certainly Euddia, a feminine name. In the versions of Tyndale and Cranmer the second name appears as " SinticAes," intended (like Euodias) to be a masculine name. But such a name is nowhere found in Greek inscriptions, nor is Euodias, though this might be contracted from the known name Euodianus. Both Euodia and Syntyche are 'known feminine names, and the persons here are evidently referred to as women, ver. 3. — Of these two Christians we know nothing but from this mention. They may have been "deaconesses," like Pha_'be (Rom. xvi. i); they were certainly (see ver. 3) active helpers of the Missionary in his days of labour at Philippi. Perhaps their activity, and the reputation it won, had occasioned a temptation to self-esteem and mutual jealousy ; a phenomenon unhappily not rare in the modern Church. — Bp Lightfoot (on this verse, and p. 55 of his edition) remarks on the prominence of women in the narrative of the evangelisation of Macedonia; Acts xvi. 13 — 15, 40, xvii. 4, 12. He gives proof that the social position and influence of Macedonian women was higher than in most ancient communities. See above, Introduction, p. 13. The mention here of two women as import- ant persons in the Philippian Church is certainly an interesting coinci- dence with the Acts. — As a curiosity of interpretation, Ellicott (see also Lightfoot, p. 170) mentions the conjecture of Schwegler that Euodia and Syntyche are really designations of Church-parties, the names being devised and significant. This theory, of course, regards our Epistle as a fabrication of a later generation, intended as an eirenicon. " What will not men affirm?" of the same mind in the Lord'\ They must lay aside pique and prejudice, in the power and peace of their common union with Christ. 3. And I entreat^ Better, Yea, I request, or beg (as in our polite use of that word). also\ Paul was doing what he could to "help" his two converts; his friend at Philippi must "help" too. true yokefelloi.v\ This person can only be conjecturally identified. He may have been a leading episcopus (i. i) at Philippi. He may have been Epaphroditus, as Bp Lightfoot well suggests; charged with this commission by St Paul not only orally, but thus in writing, as a no PHILIPPIANS, IV. [v. 3. with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other sort of credential. One curious conjecture, as old as St Clement of Alexandria (cent. 2) is that it was St Paul's wife^; and it is curious that the older Latin version has diledissime conjux, '■'■ dearest pa7-*-ner." But the word conjux, like "partner," is elastic and ambiguous, and the adjective is masculine. Both the form of the Greek adjective here, and the plain statement in i Cor. vii. of St Paul's celibacy a few years before, not to speak of the unlikelihood, had he been married, of his wife's residence at Philippi, are fatal to this explanation. Another guess is that the word rendered "yokefellow," syzygus, or synzygus is a proper name, and that we should render '■'Syzygus, truly so called." But this, though possible, is unlikely; no such name is found in inscriptions or elsewhere. Wyclif's rendering, "the german felowe," looks strange to modem eyes; it means "thee, germane (genuine) comrade." help those women] Lit., help them (feminine). '■'■Them" means Euodia and Syntyche. The help would come in the way of personal conference and exhortation, with prayer. which'] The Greek is well represented in R.V., for they. laboured with me] Lit., "'strove along zvith 7ne." The verb is the same as that i. 27, where see note. Euodia and Syntyche had aided devotedly in the missionaiy work in their town, perhaps as sharers of special "gifts" (see Acts xxi. 9), or simply as exhorters and instructors of their female neighbours, probably also in loving labours of mercy for the temporal needs of poor converts. Like Phoebe of Cenchreae (Rom. xvi. i) they were perhaps deaconesses. See Appendix C. in the gospel] Cp. i. 5, ii. 22; and below, on ver. 15. with Clement] Does this mean, "Help them, and let Clement and others help also," or, "They strove along with me in the gospel, and Clement and others strove also"? The grammar is neutral in the ques- tion. On the whole, the first explanation seems best to suit the context, for it keeps the subject of the difference between Euodia and Syntyche still in view, which the second explanation scarcely does; and that difference was evidently an important and anxious fact, not to be lightly dismissed. '■^Cletnent" Greek, Clemes: — we have no certain knowledge of his identity. The name was common. It is asserted by Origen (cent. 3) that he is the Clement who was at a later time bishop of Rome, and author of an Epistle to the Corinthians, probably the earliest of extant patristic writings. Eusebius (cent. 4) implies the same belief. There is nothing impossible in this, for a Philippian Christian, migrating to the all-receiving Capital, might very possibly become Chief Pastor there in course of time. But the chronology of the life and work of Clement of Rome is obscure in detail, and some evidence makes him survive till quite A. D. 120, more than half a century later than this: a length of labour likely to be noticed by church historians, if it were the fact. In ' Renan translates the words here (Saint Paul, p. 14S), ma chetc r/>ouse. See Salmon, Introduction to N. T., p. 465, note. vv. 4, 5-] PHILIPPIANS, IV. in my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life. Rejoice in the Lord alway : and again I say, Rejoice. 4 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord s his Epistle (c. xlvii.) he makes special and reverent mention of St Paul; and this is perhaps the strongest point in favour of the identity ; but certainly not decisive. See Lightfoot, Philippians, p. 168. the book of life] Cp. Rev. iii. 5, xiii. 8, xvii. 8, xx, 12, 15, xxi. 27; and Luke X. 10. And see Exod. xxxii. 32, 33; Ps. Ixix. 28, Ixxxvii. 6 ; Isai. iv. 3; Ezek. xiii. 9; Dan. xii. i. The result of comparison of these passages with this seems to be that St Paul here refers to the Lord's "knovkfledge of them that are His" (2 Tim. ii. 19; cp. Joh. x. 27, 28), for time and eternity. All the passages in the Revelation, save iii. 5, are clearly in favour of a reference of the phrase to the certainty of the ultimate salvation of true saints ; particularly xiii. 8, xvii. 8 ; and so too Dan. xii. i, and Luke x. 20. Rev. iii. 5 appears to point in another direction (see Trench on that passage). But in view of the other mentions of the "Book" in the Revelation, the language of iii. 5 may well be only a vivid assertion that the name in question shall be found in an indelible register. Exod. xxxii. and Ps. Ixix. are of course definite witnesses for a possible blotting out from "a book written" by God. But it is at least uncertain whether the book there in view is not the register of life temporal, not eternal. — Practically, the Apostle here speaks of Clement and the rest as having given illustrious proof of their part and lot in that "life eternal" which is "to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent" (Joh. xvii. 3).— The word ''names" powerfully suggests the individuality and speciality of Divine love. 4. Rejoice in the Lord] Cp. iii. i, and note. alway] This word is a strong argument against the rendering "Fare- well" instead of ''Rejoice" "Always" would read strange and un- natural in such a connexion. And cp. i Thess. v. 16. He leads them here above all uncertain and fluctuating reasons for joy, to Him Who is the supreme and unalterable gladness of the be- lieving soul, beneath and above all changes of circumstances and sen- sation. 5. tnoderation] 'R.Y.," forbearance"; mdiXgm," gentleness" -yWycMl, "patience"; Tyndale and Cranmer, "softenes"; Geneva, "patient mynde"; Rheims, "fnodestie"; Lat. versions, modestia; Beza, irquitas; Luther, Lindigkeit. The word is full of interest and significance, and is very difficult of translation. Perhaps forbearance, though inadequate, is a fair rendering. It means in effect considerateness, the attitude of thought and will which in remembrance of others forgets self, and wil- lingly yields up the purely personal claims of self. The "self -less" man is the "moderate" man of this passage; the man who is yielding as air in respect of personal feeling or interest, though firm as a rock in respect of moral principle. See an excellent discussion. Trench, 112 PHILIPPIANS, IV. [v. 6. 6 is at hand. Be careful for nothing ; but in every thing by prayer and suppUcation with thanksgiving let your requests Sytionyms, § xliii. — The editor may be allowed to refer to a small book of his own in further illustration, Thoughts on the Spiritual Life, ch. iii.f"'^''