UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY ) School and Teacher r s IWft. ^ THE SCHOOL LAWS of discard #&§«&$ room PORTtfflSB COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, JUNE, 19 U SAN JUAN, P. R. Bureau of Supplies, Printing, and Transportation. Pu«>f"ta ftCco. laws, sfj-M'es, ike. lU THE SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, JUNE, 19 U SAX J TAX, P. R. Bureau of Supplies, Printing, and Transportation. ?&4 1911 X ft PREFACE. This edition of the School Laws of Porto Rico includes the Codified School Law enacted by the legislative assembly in 1903, together with all amendments and independent acts of subsequent dates governing public education in Porto Rico. The laws, as codified, are topically arranged. For the purpose of indexing, the laws are para- graphed consecutively without reference to the sections of the original school law, those portions which have been enacted since 1903 being indicated by the inser- tion of the date of their enacting. The Rules and Regulations of* the department, authorized in Section 66 of the original school law are included in this volume immediately following the Codified School Laws. The index is general, covering the entire contents of the volume. The title and marginal notes which have been inserted for convenience in reference do not form a part of the law. The English text is official and must be followed where the English and Spanish texts ap- pear to differ in meaning. E. G. DEXTER, Commissioner of Education. San Juan, I'. 7.'., April 26, 1011. )4?fil> THE SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. AN ACT TO REVISE. AMEND AND CODIFY THE GENERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC EDUCATION IN PORTO RICO. TO AMEND THE CODES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico,: TITLE OF LAW. (1) Section 1. — This Act shall be referred to as the Codified School Law of Porto Rico. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (2) Section 2- 'he Commissioner of Education is commissi er to esta lish school svstem. herebv authorized and directed to establish and main- tain a system of free public schools in Porto Rico for the purpose of providing a liberal education to the children of school age, i. e., between the ages of five and eighteen years; to establish higher institutions of learning, including colleges, universities, normal in- dustrial, mechanical and high schools, together with such other educational agencies as said Commissioner may find necessary and expedient in order to promote the educational development of the island. In addition to the rural and graded schools which shall constitute the regular common school system, said Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to establish, maintain and direct so far as the resources placed at his com- mand will permit, such special schools as in his judg- special ment are necessary to meet special educational needs, such as kindergarten schools, night schools, agricultur- al schools, professional and commercial schools, and schools in penal and charitable institutions, either under private or public management, where the same can be maintained in general harmony with the public- 5 6 SCHOOL LAWS OF POKTO RICO. Three direi school system and in harmony with its general stand- ards; Provided, That the pupils in said special schools may include others than those of school age. The Commissioner of Education, the Assistant Commis- sioner, the secretary of the department and the general superintendents of schools shall have power to adminis- ter oaths and take sworn testimonies on school matters. ELECTION OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. (3) Section 3. — (1) The qualified voters of each municipality shall elect at each regular municipal elec- tion, three (3) persons with the requirements specified in Section 4 of this Act as directors of the public schools of said municipality', who shall serve without compensa- tion, and who shall be elected in the same manner as other municipal officers, and whose election shall be certified in the same manner as that of other officers elected at the same time. The three directors thus elected shall he known as the school hoard and shall hold office for four years from and after the first day of January next ensuing after their election and until their successors have been elected and qualified. QUALIFICATIONS OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. I 1) Section 4. — Section 4 of "An Act to provide for municipal elections in Porto Rico," approved February 11, 1902, is hereby amended in its application to persons who may be candidates for school director. No one shall be eligible to election as school director unless he is a citizen of Porto Rico or of the United States; unless he has been a resident within said municipal district or school district for six months next preceding the date of said election, and unless he knows how to read Totakeoath. and write. All persons duly elected at any regular municipal election shall take office on the first Monday after the first Sunday in January next succeeding such Term of office. i itizenship, i esidence, education. (1) a- amended March 1 1. 19117. Vacancies. How filled. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. / election and shall qualify as other municipal officers by taking the prescribed oath of office. Refusal or neglect of a school director to file his official oath of office within fifteen (15j days after the commencement of the term of office for which he was chosen, renders said office vacant and the Commissioner of Education is hereby authorized and directed to fill said vacancy by the appointment of a person possessing the necessary quali- fications of a school director and of the same political party as that of the person who was duly elected by the people to till the position thus made vacant. OROAXIZATION OF SCHOOL BOARD. (5) Section 5. — (1) On the first Monday after the officers of • n • • • ' i 1 • sch ° o1 first Sunday m January, following a municipal election, board. the school board shall meet in ordinary session and proceed to the election from their own number of a president and a secretary, certifying said organization and officers to the Commissioner of Education. They shall in like manner proceed to the election of a treas- urer who may be the treasurer, secretary-comptroller or comptroller of the municipality or any other person, but who shall not be a member of the school hoard and who must be a duly qualified voter of the municipality; Provided, That when a school hoard deems it necessary, it may appoint any teacher as treasurer, although he is not a legal resident of the district. The election of said treasurer shall be certified to the < 'ommissioner of Educa- tion in like manner as that of t he president and secretary. The treasurer of the school hoard must conform in Dutiesoi , treasurer. every condition and respect to the regulations provided by law for the regulation of duties of treasurers of mu- nicipalities. He shall pay only such amounts as are authorized by warrants signed by the president and the secretary of the school board and no account shall be i i Vs amended March 8, 1906, and March 10, 1910. s SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO KICO. Salary. Duties of president and secretary. Regular and special meetings. allowed unless previously ordered at a regular or duly railed meeting of the said school board, and the date of said meeting shall be stated in the warrant. The treas- urer shall receive a salary of five per cent of all funds actually disbursed by him, in all municipalities wherein the annual income of the school board thereof does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000); four per cent of all funds actually disbursed by him in all municipa- lities wherein the annual income of the school board thereof shall be over ten thousand and less than twenty thousand dollars; three per cent of all funds actually disbursed^ by him in all municipalities wherein the annual income of the school board thereof shall be over twenty thousand and less than thirty thousand dollars; and two and one-half per cent of all funds actually disbursed by him in all municipalities wherein the annual income of the school board thereof shall exceed thirty thousand dollars ; Provided, That no percentage shall be allowed the treasurer of the school board on the salary drawn for himself; And, Provided, further, That the treasurer shall receive the maximum amount of one per cent of the funds disbursed by the school boards from advances made for the building of school houses or other additional receipts. The president and secretary shall perform such duties as usually appertain to such offices and shall make such report to the Commissioner of Education as he may require from time to time. (6) Section 6. — (1) Immediately upon its organiza- tion, the school board shall fix a regular date upon which to meet each month. Special meetings may be called upon twenty-lour hours' notice being given and signed by the president of the board or by any two (2) of the members of the board or by the supervising principal of the district. The board shall meet monthly 1 1 As amended March 12, L908 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 9 or oftener as required and all meetings shall be held in the alcaldia or other public place and two members shall constitute a quorum. The supervising principal supervising of the district is ex officio a member of the school board member 1 .' a and entitled to participate in its discussions, to receive notice of its meetings, to examine its minutes, records and accounts in like manner as a duly elected member of the board, but he is not entitled to a vote. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF SCHOOL BOARDS. (7) Section 7. — (1) School boards shall have charge In charge of /. ' ■■ , 1 l l • l t buildings. oi all school buildings m their respective districts; they shall have the power to erect, repair, remodel and improve school property, rent buildings for school purposes, provide suitable furniture and equipment for the same, employ janitors for school buildings, repair and keep in order suitable outbuildings, pay house rent for teachers, and keep in order all school buildings, in their respective districts, and in general they shall perform such duties as the Commissioner of Education may require in accordance with the School Law. (8) Section ol buildings. (8b) Any municipal council so desiring to do is hereby authorized to cnlv to the school board of its munici- pality for school purposes the title to lands and other properly belonging to the municipality subject to the provisions of Section 22 of "An Art to establish a system of local government, and for other purposes," approved March 8, L906, and the provisions of said section with respect to the cession of municipal property to The People of Porto Rico for public purposes, are hereby extended and made applicable to the cession of lands and other property to the school boards for school purposes. (8c) No land or improvements on landed property held by the school board for school purposes shall be alien- ated except by public sale in accordance with an ordinance of the school board duly approved by the ( Jommissioner of Education. (8d) The title to all buildings erected by the Depart- ment of Education forschool purposes and the land upon which such buildings are situated is hereby transferred to the school boards of the district in which such build- ings are located ; Provided, That when such buildings cease to be used for school purposes they shall revert to The People of Porto Rico; And, Provided, further, That it is hereby made the duty and obligation of the school boards to maintain said buildings and other property in good repair and that in the event of failure to comply with this obligation, after three months' notice by the ( Jommissioner of Education, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Education to make all repairs which are absolutely necessary for the preservation of ^.\\<\ buildings and property at the expense of the [nsular Government, charging the same to the res- pective school boards: and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of Porto Rico to retain from any moneys due the said school boards the cost of such repairs during SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 11 the fiscal year in which such repairs were made unless the school board shall, by appropriate ordinance approved by the Commissioner of Education, request that the repayment of such cost be distributed over two fiscal years: Provided, further, That the transfers which The People of Porto Rico may make to the school boards as herein provided shall be inscribed in the registry of property whenever this is to be done, by means of a certificate issued and authorized by the %J Commissioner of Education and in compliance with the requirements of the Mortgage Law. CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL HOUSES (1). (9) Any school board desiring to build school build- Sch00 ' boards may ings may with the approval of the Executive Council contract loans. and in accord with the provisions of this Act contract loans by the issue of certificates of indebtedness herein- after (1, 'scribed. The school board may by proper or- dinance request the authorization of such loan. The said ordinance shall in its preamble recite the necessity for the loan, the amount of money now paid for rent of buildings and the amount of its income from school tax; in the ordinance proper it shall specify the amount of the said loan, the interest which it shall bear, and the amount to be repaid in each fiscal year beginning not later than the second fiscal year after the loan has been contracted. The said ordinance shall further specify that the interest and principal shall be payable by the Treasurer of Porto Rico and shall be a first lien upon the revenues of the school board to be deducted therefrom by the Treasurer of Porto Rico. (Hi) The Executive Council of Porto Rico shall ap- K«imum 1 oi loan and prove HO loan in excess of one per cent of the assessed Interest. valuations of the municipality in which the school board is situated. It shall not permit a higher rate of i 1 i ACl Of March 8, 1906. 12 school laws OF PORTO RICO. Certificates of Indebted- ness. Sale of certii Reports to Treasurer ■ if I'nrto Rico. interest than six per cent or a longer duration than fif- teen years, and no certificates shall be sold at less than their par value (11) When approved by the Executive Council, school boards may issue certificates of indebtedness in amounts of $50 each, which shall specify the amount of interest to be paid annually and. the date for the pay- ment of the principal, such certificates being issued in scries to correspond to the terms of repayment fixed by the ordinance. The said certificates shall bear the signatures of the president and secretary of the school board, the date of the ordinance of the school board, a notice that the issue has been approved by the Executive Council of Porto Rico and the date of such approval, but they shall not be negotiable until they have been countersigned by the Treasurer of Porto Rico. The form of such certificates shall be prescribed by the Treasurer of Porto Rico. (12) When such issue has been duly authorized, the school board may proceed to make contracts for the sale of such certificates. Such contracts should specify the name of the person to whom the certificates have been sold and the number and series of the same. The Treasurer of Porto Rico shall, upon the receipt of such contracts, issue to the school board duly countersigned certificates in favor of the persons named in the con- tract in accordance with the terms thereof. (13) No money arising from the proceeds of such certificates shall be used for any purpose other than thai described in the enacting ordinance. The school board shall make a quarterly return to the Treasurer of Porto Rico showing all disbursements for the purpose proposed, until the work has been completed. Upon the completion of the work any balance in cash on hand shall be turned over to the Treasurer of Porto SCHOOL LAWS OF POKTO RICO. 13 Rico to be used in paying the principal of the said certificates. (14) The Commissioner of Education shall approve bunding". all plans and specifications for school buildings and may inspect work under construction at any time. ( 15) No work shall be begun under such loans before the entire amount of the said loan shall have been sold, without the express authorization of the Executive Council. (16) Contracts for work under this Act may provide that not exceeding one-third of the contract price may in the option of the school board be paid to the con- tractor in certificates of indebtedness. LOANS TO SCHOOL BOARDS (1). (17) That authority is hereby given to the Executive power of ' ^ . . Executive Council of Porto Rico to prescribe rates of interest and council. forms of contract which shall be uniform so far as practicable, and which shall be charged and used in future loans to municipalities, school boards and other dependencies of The People of Porto Rico, and in the refunding of loans existing at the date of the approval of this Act. (18) That municipalities, school boards, and other Powerof 1 _ school dependencies of The People of Porto Rico, now existing board, or which may hereafter be created, are authorized to enter into new contracts to be substituted for existing contracts evidencing indebtedness of such municipal- ities, school boards and other dependencies of The People of Porto Rico, in accordance with the forms and at the rates of interest prescribed for such purpose as herein- before provided. ( 19) That authority is hereby eiven to the Executive Pledging v • - >- .ij of credit Council of Porto Pico to sell, transfer, assign, pledge forcing and to hypothecate where permitted by law all exist- (I) Acl "i March 9, 1910. Intention of this Act. 14 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. ing obligations representing funds owing to The People of Porto Rico from the municipalities, school boards, and «»ther dependencies of The People of Porto Rico, or obligations which may he substituted therefor, and also any and all such obligations hereafter created in accordance with the provisions of law, and the proceeds of such sales, assignments, transfers, pledges and hypo- thecations, shall constitute a special fund which may be loaned as provided by law to the municipalities, school boards and other dependencies of The People of Porto Pico: it being the intention of this act to provide for a fund which always shall he at the disposal of the Executive Council for the purpose of making loans to municipalities, school hoards and other dependencies of The People of Porto Pico as the same may now or hereafter he authorized bylaw; Provided, That nothing in this Act shall he deemed to authorize any munici- pality to incur indebtedness in excess of seven per centum of the aggregate tax valuation of its property in violation of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico and for other purposes," approved April 12, 1900. Powerof (19a) (1) That all municipalities, school boards, .. hoi i] board. and other dependencies of The People of Porto Pico, now existing or which may hereafter be created, be, and the same are, hereby authorized and empowered to contract and provide, when deemed advisable, by an ordi- nance as incident to the obtaining of advances or loans from The People of Porto Rico or to the refunding or reissue of existing evidences of indebtedness to The People of Porto Pico, or to the issuing of any bonds authorized by law, that any public work or improvement included within the purposes, or the cost of which in (I) Act of March 9, 1911. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 15 whole or in part is to be met from the proceeds of such advance or loan, or of the sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, or hypothecation of any bonds issued for the security of such indebtedness, or of any other bonds issued in accordance with law, be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Commissioner of the Interior, that every contract for the construction of these works or public improvements shall be entered into by the mayor in representation of the municipality and with the approval of the municipal council, or by the president of the school board or of any other dependency with the approval of the Commissioner of the Interior and pursuant with the general conditions established for the contracting of insular public works; and may further set forth and provide in any such ordinance all such other and further stipulations or details as the Executive Council may deem advisable Po ^rof Executive or require in any particular case as a condition prece- council, dent to the granting of such loan, or advance, or the authorizing of such bond issue, and any such ordinance, immediately upon its acceptance or approval by the Executive Council, shall be and become absolute and binding upon such municipality, school board, or other dependency of The People of Porto Rico, and upon all successors in office of the municipal council, school board, or other dependency enacting the same. (19b) (1) That all bonds and other evidences of in- n <>»< ls exempt from debtedness, heretofore or hereafter issued according to taxation. law, in favor of The People of Porto Rico by municipa- lities, school boards, or other dependencies of The People of Porto Rico, and all reissues of said bonds by assignment of The People of Porto Rico are hereby i I ,i Act of Sepii'inlxT :;. I'.'lo. Treasurer of Porto Rico It) SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. exempt from the payment of all insular and municipal taxation. (19c) That the Treasurer of Porto Rico is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to accept any of the bonds bonds al par. . ,".,,. , or other evidences <>t indebtedness described m the foregoing section at par as security for any of the deposits made by him of money belonging to The People of Porto Rico, in any banking institution in Porto Rico or elsewhere. Treasurer of (19d) The Treasurer of Porto Rico, subject to the Porto Rico ^ '' mayseii approval of the Executive Council, may dispose by sale, for the benefit of The People of Porto Rico, of any of said bonds or other evidences of indebtedness which may have come finally into his possession by forfeiture as security for deposits, or he may, as between himself as Treasurer of Porto Rico and The People of Porto Pico, treat such bonds or other evidences of indebted- ness as cash, in which event he shall be entitled to a credit amounting to the par value thereof, provided such par value is necessary to fully recoup said deposits. Good faith ( L9e) That in order to facilitate the sale or hypothe- uf People . /••iin ofPortoBico cation ot such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness above mentioned, the good faith of The People of Porto Rico is hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the interest thereon as it falls due, and for the repayment of the principal thereof at maturity. SCHOOL BUILDING FUND (1), (2), (3). Appropria- (20) That the sum of eighty thousand (80,000) dol- tion. lars is hereby set aside from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated as a special trust fund to (1 1 Act of March 1 1. 1907. (2) Fund increased by forty thousand (10.000) dollars. March 9. 1908. i:;i Fund increased by forty thousand (J0.0O0) dollars. March 9. 1911. Plans and contracts. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 17 be called the "School building fund" to be expended in accordance with the terms of this Act without limitation of fiscal year for the construction of school buildings. (21) The school-building fund shall be subject to increase and replenishment by subsequent appropria- tions from the Insular Treasury, by repayments from the lucal school boards and by the payment of interest upon advances as hereinafter provided. (22) All buildings erected under the provisions of this Act shall be from plans approved by the Commis- sioner of Education and the Commissioner of the Interior. All contracts for the construction of build- ings shall be made for the Department of Education by the Commissioner of the Interior and under his re- sponsibility, and all payments on account of such contracts shall be approved by the Commissioner of the Interior. The entire cost of erecting all school buildings under the provisions of this Act shall be paid in the first instance by the Insular Treasury from the school-building fund : Provided, however, That one-half of the cost of constructing such building shall be reim- bursed to the school-building fund in the manner here- inafter set forth. (23) Any school board desiring to avail itself of the ordinanceof benefits of this Act shall make application therefor to board. the Executive Council by proper ordinance, which or- dinance shall specify the number of school houses and the number of rooms in each which it is proposed to construct, the material to be used in such construction and the maximum cost thereof. Such ordinance shall pledge the school board to acquire a suitable site ap- proved by the Commissioner of Education, with title of dominion. The said ordinance shall pledge the Boardt0 1 ' repay one- school board to the repayment of one-half the cost of nalf cost, constructing the buildings, and shall authorize the Treasurer of Porto Rico to deduct the sum so pledged 18 SCHOOL LAWS OK I'OKTO RICO. Intrtvst. in equal annual installments from any moneys collected by the [nsular Government and due the school hoard, such deduction to begin in the fiscal year following the passage of the ordinance. The number of years during which such repayment is to he made shall not exceed ten. The ordinance shall also provide for the payment of interest at the rate of three per centum per annum on all sums advanced upon the construction of the building and which by the terms of the ordinance are to be repaid to the Insular Treasury, and for the reten- tion of such interest by the Treasury of Porto Rico. Said interest shall he computed on the entire sum to he repaid to the Insular Treasury from the date of the draft representing the first payment on account of the work undertaken and all interest paid by the school board shall accrue to the school building - fund; Provided, That on making such reimbursements by the school boards, the Treasurer of Porto Rico shall compute only the interest on the sums pending payment. Upon receipt of the ordinance, the Executive Council shall examine whether the same is in accordance with the terms of the law. and if found defective or unsatisfactory in form shall return the same to the school board for revision and correction. (24) The Executive Council shall consider the appli- cations as they are received, and shall allot the funds available fen- the purpose among the applicants as far as possible to do so. In case any school board whose provide site, application has been approved shall fail to provide, within five months, a suitable site for the erection of the building, the Commissioner of Education shall report the fact to the Executive Council and the allot- ment to said school board shall be declared null and void, provided that the cancellation of any allotment for failure to provide a site shall not operate as a bar to any subsequent application of the same school board Order of allotment Failure of board to SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 19 by appropriate ordinance duly enacted. All applica- tions which may not be acted upon for lack of funds shall be considered in force until the close of each fiscal year when all such applications shall lapse. In such cases renewal of the application may be made by a new ordinance. RURAL SCHOOL BUILDING FUND ( 1 ). (25) That the sum of forty thousand (40,000) dollars A PP ropna- be appropriated from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the di- rection of the Commissioner as hereinafter provided (26) The Commissioner of Education is hereby au- cost of building. thorized to purchase or construct m the rural regions of the island, inexpensive school houses; Provided, That the cost to the Department of Education of any one building shall not exceed two hundred and fifty (250) dollars, and further provided that any school board may increase the maximum amount mentioned, by such further sum as may be within their power. (27) The Commissioner of Education is authorized Requisites of to purchase or erect the buildings authorized in this Act upon land ceded or donated, provided such land shall be free of all incumbrances and shall appear to be recorded in the registry of property, in the name of the grantor. The conveyance shall be in writing in a public instrument which shall be recorded at the regis- try of property, such instrument to be exempted from the payment of all internal revenue stamps and the recording thereof in the registry to be made free of charge. In the execution of such instrument the Com- missioner of Education shall appear in behalf of the People of Porto Rico, or lie mav delegate for that purpose the president of the school board of the respec- tive municipality. registration. (1) Act of Man_li 10, 1908. 20 SCHOOL LAWS OF I'OKTO RICO. Meet I elections u> authorise taxation. Schools open to both sexes Separate from residence. Eminent domain. Suits. (28) Section '.». — Whenever the purpose of a meet- ing of the school board or <>f a. municipal election is to authorize taxation or indebtedness lor school purposes, such meeting or election shall not be legal for such purposes unless its object he advertised, together with the time and place of such meeting or election for at least thirty (30) days previous. (29) Section 1<>. — Whenever the school hoard prov- ides but one school building in any urban center of a municipality even though said building contain more than one class, each and every class thus maintained shall he open to both sexes, and likewise all rural schools. When, however, in any urban center there is more than one school building provided and said build- ings are no more than one kilometer distant from each ■ other, one building may he devoted to classes for boys and the other to classes for girls, if the school board so desire. All schoolhouses and class rooms shall be en- tirely separate and upon different premises from the resi- dence of the teacher or any other family, or from any pla<-e of business. (30) Section 11. — Whenever it shall become neces- sary tor a school board to acquire a site for a school building or for an addition to a school-house site and the same cannot lie acquired by agreement of sale with the owners thereof, the board is hereby given the right of eminent domain to proceed to condemn said property for school uses. The method employed in said condem- nation proceedings shall be in accordance with the law of eminent domain then in force. (31) Section 12. — A school board in a municipality in its corporate capacity and organized in accordance with this Act may sue and be sued in the name of the board. (32) Section 13. — The school board shall see that all public schools supported by public taxation either local SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 21 Schools to be free. or Insular, are known as public schools and that admis sion to them shall be free of all charge. It is further- more the duty of the school hoard to see that no teacher accepts fees for instruction given in the public schools during school hours. ('■]'■'>) Section 14. — Whenever proper school quarters 2J c * 0f are not provided by the school board within ten (10) provide . ' rooms. days from the receipt of notice from the Commissioner of Education that such quarters shall be provided, the Commissioner through the supervising principal of the district, may contract for the use of a suitable building or rooms for the public school in question, and such contract shall be recognized as valid against the school board in whose jurisdiction the school is located, and suit for the amount of said rent may be brought against the school board by the owner of the property thus rented in any court of competent jurisdiction and if judgment be in favor of the claimant, such judgment shall be recognized as a legal claim against said school board. (34) Section 15.— If the school hoard tail to pro- 2**°' vide teachers for the schools or if vacancies occur provide teachers. during the school year and the school hoard fail to fill the same within fifteen days after notice from the Com- missioner of Education that such appointments should be made the Commissioner shall appoint the teachers and such appointments shall he valid for the remainder of the school year. (:;.".) Section 16.— The school directors shall have w»cto»to visit schools the right to visit their schools as frequently as possible, ami supply , , . . . . , ' , , equipment. and to report to the supervising principal on the work of any teacher. They shall supply the necessary school » ..ii« « equipment in accordance with the recommendations of the supervising principal, co-operating with the latter to remedy all defects noted. [f the school hoard does not remedy the defects in school equipment, the super- vising principal may bring the matter officially to the 22 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. attention oi the Commissioner of Education and the board shall co-operate with the Department of Educa- tion in promptly removing any unsatisfactory condi- tions in the schools, ^pmem (36) Section 17.— The school hoards shall supply accessary, ±r J desks, school furniture, hook-cases, chairs and desks for teachers, clocks, proper receptacles for drinking water, supplies for janitors, and all other necessary equipment for the school room, except textbooks and such station- ery supplies as the Department of Education may fur- nish, for the schools of their respective districts and Boardtopro they shall provide suitable storerooms in such towns vide store . rooms and as the district supervising principal may indicate for pay trans , <■ ,» , _ . T - " portation. the sate custody of school books and supplies, and shall pay the cost of transportation of said books and supplies to and from said store-rooms to their schools whenever it may be necessary or whenever directed to do so by the ( ommissioner. ':TZ:L < : ^> Section IS.— The location or assignment to a teachers. particular school of a teacher within the jurisdiction of a school board shall be determined by said board and the supervising principal of the district. In cases where the school board and the supervising principal fail to agree the matter shall be referred to the Com- missioner of Education, whose decision, after due and proper investigation of the facts in the case, shall be final. This rule applies only to the location or assign- ment of teachers who shall have been duly nominated by the school board, approved by the Commissioner of Education, and elected by the school board. school FUNDS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATION. (38) Section 19.— [Repealed] March 10, 1904. £ZZ£ ( 39 ) Section 20.— The accounts of the school board and of the treasurer of the school board shall be audited SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 23 and in every way treated as the accounts of all other municipal officers. (40) Section 21. — (1) School boards shall pay all their Nottoincui .... ill • i n debts - obligations promptly and under no circumstances shall incur debts or obligations in excess of their receipts or not provided for in their budget. They shall, before the to report to Commis- first day of August of each year, make a statistical re- sioner. port of their transactions, financial and otherwise, and submit the same to the Commissioner of Education. Said report shall contain an exact statement of the re- ceipts and expenses of the school board. The accounts of the school board and of the treasurer of the school board shall be audited and otherwise treated as all ac- counts of the municipal offices. These accounts shall be Account i -i ii i i /- • i i i i books to be kept in the account books prepared and furnished by the prepared Commissioner of Education, and no monev shall be ex- sioner. pended until after the appropriate record of the transac- tion has been made in these books. These account books shall be sent to the Commissioner of Education for his examination and approval on or before the twentieth day of July, October, January and April of each year, and shall be returned by the Commissioner of Education, through the supervising principal of the district, within ten days after their receipt. ( II ) Section 22. — The treasurer of each school board Bookstobe open to shall keep such books open at all times to the inspec- inspection. tion of any member of the board, of the auditing officers of the Insular Treasury or the Commissioner of Education or bis delegates or of any resident of the municipality, in which he shall enter all receipt.- on accounts, the sources from which they were received Accounts. and the objects to which they were made applicable. All disbursements so recorded shall show for what purpose the money was paid, and he shall keep [all \- amended March 10, 1904. 24 SCHOOL LAW'S OF PORTO RICO. Treasure] ■eport. Warrants must be dated. Bond of treasurer books, receipts and vouchers] on file until authorized by the Commissioner of Education or the Auditor of Porto Rico to destroy them. Be shall likewise keep on file receipts and vouchers lor all moneys paid out showing to whom the money was paid and all orders upon which money has been paid out. The treasurer shall present and file with the secretary of the school board three (3) days before Ins successor may qualify, a report in writing signed by him and containing a statement of all moneys received by him within the year preceding and of all his disbursements, exhibiting vouchers therefor; also the amount received by him of taxes assessed upon the taxable property of the district within the year, purpose for which they were assessed, the amounts assessed for each purpose, which report shall be recorded by the secretary, and if it appears that there is any balance in the hands of the treasurer, he shall pay such balance into the hands of his succes- sor as soon as he executes the bond required as a con- dition of holding the office of treasurer, and his sureties justify on such bond. The president and secretary shall examine said report, and if correct they shall endorse the same and tile a duplicate Copy with the Department of Education. The treasurer of the school board of each district shall refuse absolutely to pay any warrant where the date of the meeting at which the disbursement was ordered is not specifically stated. In such cases it shall be the duty of such treasurer to notify the Commissioner of Education. (42) Section 23.— (\) The treasurer of 'each school board shall give a bond in favor of The People of Porto Rico, equal to ten (10) per cent of the total receipts of the school board for the preceding fiscal year; Provided, That in no instance shall such bond be for a sum less than five hundred (500) dollars; And, Provided, further, i As amended March «, L906and March in, 1910. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 25 That when the school board of any municipality shall incur indebtedness, through the Insular Treasury of Porto Rico, a supplementary bond shall be given by the treasurer of that school board to an amount equi- valent to twenty (20) per cent of the loan. These bonds shall be approved by the president and secretary, and shall be subject to annual inspection in reference to their amounts. Such bond shall be tiled with the secretary of the board, and a duplicate copy with the signed approval of the president and secretary shall be filed with the Department of Education. In case of breach of any condition of said bond the president shall cause an action to be commenced thereon, and shall pro- secute in the name of the board, and the money when collected shall be applied to the use of the board for school purposes. If the treasurer fails to give bond, as provided herein, or for any cause is unable to attend to his duty, the board shall proceed to appoint another treasurer, who shall give bond as required herein. (43) Section 24. — The Treasurer of Porto Rico may Treasurer of ^ Porto Rico at any time prescribe for the treasurers of the school may boards a method of keeping their accounts and auditing methods, the same which shall then become, upon thirty (30) days' notice having been given of such rules and regu- lations as the Treasurer may prescribe, obligatory [upon] such treasurers: Provided, That all the rules and regulations prescribed by the Treasurer of Porto Rico shall relate solely to the method of keeping the accounts of the school board and shall be transmitted to the school board through the Commissioner of Edu- cation and with his approval. DUTIES OF SECRETARIES OF SCHOOL BOARDS. i li) Section 25. — The secretary shall record the pro- rorecord v • ■ proceedings cccdings of the school board in a hook provided for that purpose; he shall enter therein copies of his report •_m; SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. made to the supervising principal or to the Department of Education, and keep and preserve carefully all records, books and papers belonging to his office, and deliver the same to his successor in office; he shall act as secretary of the district in all its meetings, or, if ab- sent, record the minutes of the secretary pro tempore; Minutesto hi s minutes shall show all disbursements authorized bursements by the school board and he shall keep an account of all expenses of the schools and school houses and record the cost of outbuildings, fences and all the conveniences <>(' the school room, such as charts, maps, blackboards and school libraries provided by the board. He shall issue vouchers for all amounts owed by the board as shown bv the disbursements authorized in the minutes, when they become due, which vouchers when counter- signed by the president shall become orders upon the vouchers. treasurer of the board for their face value. Each voucher shall be dated and numbered, and shall state the service or consideration for which it was drawn and the names of the parties rendering such service or consideration and shall be recorded by the secretary in a book kept by him for that purpose. RESIGNATIONS, REMOVAL OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND VA- 'CANCIES IN SCHOOL BOARDS. Resignations (45) Section 26. — Section 207 of the Political Code to be sent to . . , 11- c ■ t t i commis- is hereby amended m so tar as it applies to school directors who desire to resign from office, and said school directors are hereby required to send their resig- nation in writing to the Commissioner of Education, who must act upon the same within ten days after its receipt. suspension ufy Section 27.— When a school director is accused ot directors ' accusedof of any felonv or crime under the laws of Porto Rico he crime. " shall be suspended from the position he holds by the Commissioner of Education, and if he is convicted of SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 27 any crime or felony he shall be permanently dismissed from his position and the Commissioner shall appoint a substitute. (47) ►Section 28. — The Commissioner of Education suspension shall also suspend or dismiss from his position a school causes. director for offences committed in the performance of his duty as such director after having preferred charges of the offences in writing, copies of which charges shall be sent to the person against whom said charges are brought, to the members of the school board of the district, to the mayor of the municipality and to the supervising principal of schools of the district; Provided, That a reasonable length of time shall be given in which the interested person may present to the Com- missioner of Education a written answer to the charges; And Provided, further, That at the expiration of said time the action of the Commissioner shall be stated in writing, and same shall be sent to the same parties who were entitled to receive copies of the charges preferred. A certified copy of the action taken by the Com- missioner of Education, together with a copy of the charges preferred and any answer which may have been filed shall be placed together on file in the records of the Department of Education. (48) Si-:ction 21). — Vacancies in the school board Vacancl es y . t<> be filled whether caused by death, resignation, removal from bycommis- -KIIK'I . the district, failure to attend stated or called meetings for two consecutive months or removal by the Com- missioner of Education, shall he tilled by appointment for the unexpired term, to be made by the Com- missioner of Education within one month of the date when -aid vacancy ocurred : Provided, Thai no one Political ^ status "i shall be thus appointed who is not a qualified voter of appointees, the school district and who is nol certified as a member ofthe same political party as the immediate previous incumbent of the position which it- is desired to fill. A 28 SCHOOL LAWS ()!•' I-OKTO KK'O. - . . . » l board to report t" Commis- sioner num- ber of schools desired. Length of school course. Additional allotment of teachers. Salaries. written statement of the president of the party or any two members of the executive committee of the party shall be considered sufficient evidence that the appointee is a member of the party as stated; Provided, further, In rases where no member of the party of the previous incumbent who possesses the qualifications required by law for the office of school director, can be found who is willing to serve in said position, then the said Com- missioner of Education may appoint any one qualified to till the position without reference to his political status. (49) Section 30. — (1) School hoards shall annually, as soon as notified by the Commissioner of Education of the date of the beginning of the school year, report to him the number of schools they desire to open in their respective municipalities for the next ensuing school year. Said school boards shall specify the number of rural, graded, principal, and English teachers required, and also the number of special teachers, or teachers of special schools, such as agricultural, kindergarten, and night schools, which they desire to open. And the Commissioner of Education shall at once proceed to consider such report, informing the respective school boards not later than three months prior to the begin- ning of said school year of the exact number of schools and teachers of different grades that may have been assigned to their respective municipalities; Provided; That the school course shall necessarily commence in the month of September or October, and shall last not less than nine and not more than ten months; Provided, further, That nothing herein shall prevent any school board from requesting at any time an additional allot- ment of teachers, salaries to be paid either from the fund designated inthe annual appropriation as "Salaries, (!) As amended March 1(1. l'.xjl and February 25. 1911. Length of school year. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 29 Common Schools," or in the ease of rural teachers from any surplus funds at the disposal of the school board; Provided, however, That no school board shall pay the salaries of any teachers included in the additional allotment herein provided for from any surplus funds at the disposal of the school board until said school board has adequately housed its graded school system in buildings which are the property of said school board; Provided, however, That this proviso shall not apply to rural teachers. (50) Section 31. — The school year shall in no case exceed ten months and shall be as much less as the Commissioner of Education shall direct: Provided, That the school year shall in no <-ase be less than eight months; And Provided, farther, That the school board in t M .;' i ) ii '" 1 ,' v the school district may extend the school year beyond schooiooard. the limit fixed by the Commissioner of Education, but not to exceed the maximum limit herein provided for. In all cases where such extension of the school year is made, it shall be wholly at the expense of the district authorizing it. (511 Section 32. — The length of the school day, its Commis- CJ l sioner to division into sections, the length of vacations, school determine holidays and their observance shall be fixed and deter- vacations, ' mined by the Commissioner of Education, subject only etc " to the provisions of law regarding general holidays, but in all these matters, the school boards are authorized to make recommendations to the said Commissioner and so far as possible the regulations for these topics shall be uniform throughout every school district. (52) Section :;:;. The school month shall consist Schoo] month. of twenty days of actual teaching — legal holidays excepted — but no school shall be open on a Saturday or a, Sundav. Legal holidays within the meaning of Lesal holidays. this section are those described in Section 387 of the Political < "ode. as follows: Every Sunday, New Year's 30 81 modi, laws OF POJRTO RICO. Day, Washington's Birthday, March Twenty-second, Good Friday, Mav Thirtieth, known as Memorial Day, the Fourth day of July, the Twenty-fifth day of July, tlif First Monday in September, to be known as Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, every day on which a general election is held throughout the island and every day appointed by the President of the United Slates, or l>v the Governor of Porto Pico, or bv the Le- gislative Assembly for a public fast or thanksgiving or ' bration holiday. When any such day falls upon a Sunday, the of holidays. * . L Monday following is to be a holiday. Unless otherwise directed by the Commissioner of Education, the school board and the supervising principal of the district may make provision for the proper celebration of these holidays, when the same fall on school days, by special exercises in the schools of the afternoon session or during the last hour of the school session of the school day next preceding said legal holiday; Provided, That no special school celebration of Christmas and Xew Year's Day shall be deemed necessary in districts where the school board makes arrangements for the celebra- tion of a school festival on a day falling between the twentieth day of December and the sixth day of January inclusive, to be known as a school festival of Christmas and Three Kings' Day. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. (53) Section 34. — The school district shall be coter- minous with the municipality and the school boards shall have jurisdiction over all schools within their respective districts. qualifications of teachers. daasiflca- (54) Section 35. — Teachers of schools in Porto Rico Hon liiii- of teachers, shall be designated as rural, graded, teachers of English, principal teachers and special teachers, the latter class comprising kindergarten teachers, music and drawing SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 31 "teachers, teachers of sloyd, teachers of trades and special subjects in industrial schools, teachers in the normal and high schools and special schools, teachers of stenography and typewriting and all other teachers not otherwise clas- sified who may at any time be employed in school work under the direction of the Commissioner of Education. They shall all be persons of good moral character and pos- sessed of the necessary requirements for their several posi- tions as may be prescribed by law and certified to by a -certificate or license to teach issued by the Department of Education over its own seal and the signature of the Commissioner. (55) Section 36. — -(1) Candidates for license to teach Examination f Ol* T*11 T*?l 1 in the rural schools of Porto Rico after July 1, 1 ( .)04, shall teachers, pass an examination in ( 1 ) English language, (2) Span- ish language, (3) Arithmetic, (4) Geography, (5) Histo- ry of the United States and History of Porto Rico, (6) Methods of Teaching. (7) Nature Stud}-. (8) Elementary Physiology and Hygiene. (56) Section 37.— (1) Candidates who apply for li- ^^J 011 censes to teach in the graded schools of Porto Rico after teachers. July 1, 1904, shall pass an examination in (1) English language. (2) Spanish language, (3) Arithmetic, (4) Geo- graphy, (5) History of the United States and History of Porto Pico. (C») Pedagogy. (7) Nature Study. (8) Ele- mentary Physiology and Hygiene, (li) Civil Govern- ment of the United States and of Porto Rico. (57) Section 38. — (1) Candidates to teach as principal Examination 1 L for principal teachers after July 1, 1904, shall pass an examination teachers, in all of the subjects for license to teach in the graded schools, and in addition thereto in (10) Elementary Physics, (xi) Spanish Literature. (12) English Litera- ture. (13) Algebra, (14) Geometry, and such additional .studies as the < ommissioner of Education may require; (l) As amended Marcn L0, L904. 32 sciiool. LAWS OF I'ORTo RICO. Maximum require- ments. Teachers to be i if sound health. Recognition <>f diplomas and certificates. A::*' and experience qualifica- tion. Provided, however, That no additional studies shall be required without giving at least six months' notice of such additional studios. And Provided, further, That the maximum requirement for examination in each of the studios prescribed for rural, graded, and principal teachers shall correspond to the courses given in said subjects in the normal department of the University of Porto Rico. (57a) Licenses to teach as rural, graded, principal, or special teachers shall he granted only to persons of sound physical health and may be granted without examina- tion to persons possessing the legal age and experience requirements on the basis of certificates of graduation from the normal department of the University of Porto Rico or from any other accredited normal school, college or university in the United States, or upon a first-class teacher's license from any state or county in the United State-; Provided, That in all such cases the candidate possesses an elementary knowledge of the Spanish lan- guage, which shall lie tested by examination. (58) Section 39. — No person shall be granted a li- cense to teach in a rural school who has not attained the age of seventeen (17) years. No person shall be granted a license to teach in the graded schools who has not attained the age of nineteen (19) years, and who has not had at 'least one year's experience as a teacher. No person shall be granted a license to teach as a principal teacher who has not attained the age of twenty-one (21) years and who has not had at least two years' experience as a teacher; Provided, however, That any person who has finished satisfactorily a two years' course in the Insular Normal School of Porto Rico (exclusive of the preparatory year) may be granted a license to teach if he possesses the other qualifications without having any other experience as a teacher; And Provided, "/so. That any person wht> has completed the SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 33 full three years' course in the Insular Normal School of Porto Rico and has received a diploma from said normal school, shall be entitled to receive a license to teach as a principal teacher without further examina- tion or further requirements upon reaching the age of twenty-one (21) years and having had one year's ex- perience as a teacher in the schools of Porto Rico. (59) Section 40. — Teachers of English shall be gradu- Q ualiflca - ft tionsof ates or a first-class high school, normal school, college teachers of or university, or teachers of extended experience hold- ing high grade certificates from some State of the United States, or they shall pass an examination in the English language, including writing, spelling, reading, and grammar, arithmetic, geography, history of the United States, physiology, and methods of teaching. In every village and city maintaining a graded system of schools there shall be at least one teacher of English, and as many more as the Commissioner of Education may appoint, All teachers of English shall be selected and Appoint- appointed by the ( ommissioner of Education, and shall perform the duties he may assign to them. But in all other respects they shall be subject to the same condi- tions and regulations governing graded teachers. (GO) Section 41. — ( 1 ) No license to teach in the rural Maximum age limit. or graded schools of Porto Rico shall be issued to any person over sixty-five [05] years of age. (61) (2) All certificates shall be issued in the first instance for one year. They may be renewed at the Renewalof " . licenses. close of each year by the Commissioner of Education. (3) Before the end of cadi school year, and upon satis- factory evidence of competence, the certificates held by teachers shall be renewed for longer periods of re- spectively two. three and live years; Provided, Thai no renewal can be made for a longer period unless tic (1) As amended March 10, 1904. \n of March 9, L905, »s amended March in. 1910. (3) See "Rules and Regulations." 34 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. teacher has already had renewals for each of the pre- ceding shorter periods. Diploma or ,,;•>, ,], Whenever the Board of Trustees of, the Uni- c.Ttitlcato V from normal versifry of Porto Rico shall have established an Suivaiont elementary course of study of two years in the normal department of said university, comprising instruction in at least all subjects required by law for both rural and graded teachers' licenses; and whenever said board shall have made arrangements for granting an elemen- tary certificate to students completing all the subjects prescribed for said elementary course, the Commissioner of Education is authorized to countersign such elemen- tary certificate, and it shall then entitle the holder thereof to teach in all public schools of Porto Rico below the grade of principal of a graded school, for a period of two years, unless sooner revoked for cause ; Provided, That the holder of such certificate shall meet the requirements of law as regards the minimum age and experience qualifications for teachers ; and when- ever the Board of Trustees of the University of Porto Rico shall have established four years' study in the normal department of said university, comprising in- struction in at least all the subjects required by law for a principal's license; and whenever said board shall have made arrangements for granting diplomas to students who successfully complete such four years' courses, in accordance with such conditions as said hoard may prescribe for granting such diplomas, the holders thereof shall be entitled to receive from the" Commissioner of Education certificates of grade to which they may be entitled by reason of their minimum age and experience qualifications; Provided, That such certificates shall be valid only for three years from the date when they were first issued; And Provided, That the grade of such certificates may be advanced in (1) Act of March 10, 1901. as amended May 28, 1904. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 35 accordance with the age and experience qualifications of the holder ; and the Commissioner of Education is hereby authorized to countersign diplomas granted upon completion of a four-year course of the normal department of the University of Porto Rico (or to issue certificates to the holders of diplomas granted upon the completion of a four-year course of the normal depart- ment of the University of Porto Rico) and such diploma when so countersigned (or such certificate when so issued) shall qualify the holder thereof to teach in any public school of Porto Rico without further examina- tion until the same is annulled for cause ; Provided, ^ ermanent 7 license to That no diploma shall be countersigned (or no such normal certificate shall be issued) unless the holder thereof (or of such diploma) shall present evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education of good moral character and two years' successful experience in teaching a public school, after the date that said diploma was conferred by the Board of Trustees of the University of Porto Rico. PREPARATORY TEACHERS (1). (63) The Commissioner of Education may issue to Authonza- not more than one hundred unmarried young men and women who are desirous of becoming regular teachers in the public schools of Porto Rico, special licenses, valid for the school year, as preparatory teachers, which licenses shall entitle the holders to teach in the rural schools hereinafter described. (64) Candidates for a special preparatory license Examination shall be not less than sixteen nor more than twenty-two preparatory years of age and shall pass an elementary examination in the English language, the Spanish language arith- metic, geography, history of the United States and of Porto Rico. Xo license shall be issued to any person who fails to pass a satisfactory examination in any of i i. Act of March 8, 1906. .1,. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. I. oration of preparatory teachers. Course of study. Lie. use not renewable. these subjects and if more than one hundred candidates pass in all subjects licenses may be issued only to the one hundred whose average standing is highest, or who are otherwise host qualified for work as teachers. (65) Special preparatory teachers may be appointed by the Commissioner of Education to teach in rural schools so located that they may be under the im- mediate supervision of a supervising principal or a principal of schools; Provided, That the number of rural schools now established shall not be reduced, and that no school opened as a rural school in the year 1905-6 shall be assigned to a preparatory teacher; And Provided, further, That the enrollment in schools assigned to preparatory teachers shall not exceed thirty pupils. (66) The Commissioner of Education shall prescribe a course of study for preparatory teachers, including all the subjects required for a rural license, and shall appoint as instructor of preparatory teachers in each school district or municipality some qualified person, either a supervising principal of schools, or a principal or graded teacher, who shall meet all the preparatory teachers assigned to his care at least once every week for the purpose of instructing them in the course of study prescribed by the Department. Any principal or graded teacher who may be appointed as instructor under the provisions of this section may receive for his services a payment of ten dollars per school month in addition to his salary as a teacher. (67) Xo person shall be employed as a preparatory teacher for more than three years beginning from the date of the passage of this Act, and no preparatory licenses shall be renewed or extended beyond the school year for which they are issued, and all applicants for a second or third examination for such a license must present evidence of having performed in a satisfactory SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 37 manner the work outlined in the department course of study. (68) Service as a preparatory teacher shall not be considered as a qualification for examination for a license as graded or principal teacher. (69) Preparatory teachers shall be paid a salary of 8alaI >- not more than sixteen dollars per school month from the appropriation, "Salaries, common schools," but shall receive no house rent from school boards. PERMANENT DIPLOMAS (1). (70) The Commissioner of Education shall hold in Examination v ' for per- the month of July, 1906. and annually thereafter, manent ,. „ , . , r ' . . , diploma. examinations for permanent diplomas tor principals, graded and rural teachers. These examinations shall include for each grade the subjects prescribed for certi- ficates in the respective grades and such other subjects included in the course of study of the Insular Nor- mal School as the Commissioner of Education may direct. (71) No person shall be admitted to the examination Quaimca- . . liiii tions of can- tor a permanent diploma as principal unless he holds a (Mates. principal's certificate and has had in all five years of experience as a teacher in the schools of Porto Rico. No person shall be admitted to the examination for a permanent graded diploma unless he possesses a certi- ficate as principal or graded teacher and has had in all five years' experience in the schools of Porto Rico. No person shall be admitted to the examination for a per- manent rural diploma unless he possesses a certificate as principal, graded or rural teacher and has had in all five years' experience in the schools of Porto Rico. (72) Any person who has heretofore possessed a per- manent diploma of Spanish or American origin, giving him the right to teach in the schools of Porto Rico, (1) Act of March 9, L906. ::s SCHOOL LAWS OK 1'ORTO RICO. Value oi permanent diplomas, Annual >x- aniinations. English course of *tudy. Failure to pass exami- nation. shall be permitted upon application to take the examin- ation above referred to in the month of September, 1905. ( 73 ) The diplomas granted to those who have success- fully passed the examinations above referred to shall entitle the holders to a certificate for life, and such diplomas and certificates may be canceled only in case of negligence in the performance of duty or demon- strated incompetency on the part of a teacher. EXAMINATIONS IN ENGLISH (1). (74) Examinations in English for teachers shall be held annually, the date to be designated by the Com- missioner of Education. (75) Said examinations shall be progressive for a term of years, and for every year there shall be assigned a certain amount of knowledge in accordance with the method to be followed for the study of the language. ( 76) The department shall prepare a course of study for each and every such course, wherein shall appear in full all the subjects that are to be included in such examinations for all teachers. Teachers of English as- signed to give instruction to other teachers shall con- form strictly to the course of study prepared by the department. (77) Any teachers who have not successfully passed any examination of English held in any one year shall be allowed a term of three months to try examination again at which such teachers shall necessarily be suc- cessful, otherwise the Department of Education may suspend them from duty until the examination has been passed. If the suspension should exceed two years the teachers' license or diploma may be canceled. SUSPENSION AND REMOVAL OF TEACHERS. (78) Section 42. — Teachers shall be suspended from their positions by the Commissioner of Education or by (1) According to Act of March 9, 1905. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 39 the school board for cruelty, immorality, incompetency, commis- «' • 1 J sioner or insubordination or negligence in the performance of school -..-.. n . n . . board may their duties, and said Commissioner may reinstate them suspend or dismiss them and cancel their licenses after an in- teac ers " vestigation which shall be held and in which the school board may file a statement, and said teachers shall be heard in their own defence either verbally or in writ- %J ing; Provided, That no suspension by a school board shall be valid for more than five days; and the teacher thus suspended shall not be again suspended for the same cause by said board during the school year in which the first suspension took place. (79) (1) No complaint against a teacher unless it is complaints made by a local board or by an officer of the Depart- teachers. ment of Education, shall be entertained by the depart- ment unless the said complaint shall be duly sworn to by the party filing the same. In all cases of complaint against teachers, which if proven would lead to the cancellation of certificates or diplomas, the Com- missioner of Education shall request a statement of the facts from the local school board, the principal of the school and from the supervising principal, and may obtain sworn statements from other persons who may be capable of giving testimony. All evidence relating to such investigation should be in writing and when charges are preferred, the teacher shall be allowed a period of not less than eight days wherein to make a written reply to such charges. (80) (1) When a teacher is charged with an offense J^eia] ' ° charges. before the civil or criminal courts, final action shall not be taken by the Commissioner of Education until the decision of the courts has been rendered : Provided, however, That the Commissioner of Education may in his discretion, when the circumstances of the case (l i Act of March 9 40 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Salaries. Absenoes. Salary classes- rural teachers. Salary- classes— graded teachers. Salary classes- principal teachers. warrant, suspend the teacher from the exercise of his functions pending the decision of the court. SALARIES OF TEACHERS. (81) Section 43. — (1) The salaries of all teachers shall be those fixed bv law. Said salaries shall be exempt from execution and attachment. Up to a maximum of fifteen days during any school year, teachers' salaries shall continue during their absence from school work, provided that after investigation it is proven that the absence was necessary and justifiable. (82) Section 44. — (2) For the purpose of compen- sation and payment, teachers shall be assigned by the Commissioner of Education to one of three salaried classes. All rural teachers shall be divided -into three classes beginning on and after July 1, 1908. Those of the first class shall receive forty dollars [$40] per school month for each month of actual service. Those in the second class shal) receive thirty-five dollars [$35] per school month of actual service. Those of the third class shall receive thirty dollars [$30] per school month for each month of actual service. (83) Section 45. — Graded teachers shall be divided into three classes on and after July 1, 1903, as follows: Those of the first class shall receive fifty-five [55] dol- lars per school month for each month of actual service. Those of the second class shall receive fifty [50] dollars per school month for each month of actual service. Those of the third class shall receive forty-five [45] dollars per school month for each month of actual service. (84) Section 46. — Principal teachers shall be divided into three classes on and after July 1, 1903. Those of the first class shall receive eighty [80] dollars per school month for each month of actual service. Those (1) As amended March 10, 1910. (J) As amended March 8, 1906. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 41 of the second class shall receive seventy-five [75] dol- lars per school month for each month of actual service. Those of the third class shall receive seventy [70] dollars per school month for each month of actual service. (85) Section 47. — (1) Teachers, whether rural, grad- Advance . . ° from class ed or principal, who shall receive their licenses to to class. teach under the Department of Education after the passage of this Act, shall be placed in the third class and may not be advanced to the second class until they have taught three years in the public schools of Porto Rico. No teachers shall be advanced to the first class from the second, unless thev have tausht in all five years in the public schools of Porto Rico and un- less the}' shall be the possessors of life diplomas. No period of teaching in the public schools of Porto Rico prior to July 1, 1903, shall be counted in calculating the length of service ; Provided, hoivever, That all per- sons who held a diploma or special certificate from the Insular Normal School indicating that they have passed successfully at least one year of the regular course of study in the normal school (not including the preparatory year), by reason of the superior advantages which they have enjoyed, shall be admitted when given a license to teach by the Department of Education, to the second salary class immediately upon beginning their work in the public schools; And Provided, That all rural, graded and principal teachers in actual service during the school year 1902-03, who may be given a license to teach for the school year 1903-04, shall be assigned to the second class of their respective grades. (86) Section 48: — (2) Teachers of English shall receive salary of not less than forty [10] nor more than sixty [60] dol- English, lars per school month for each month of actual service. (1) As amended March 9, 1906. ('.>) As amended March 10, L904. SCHOOL LAWS OF 1'ORTO RICO. Salary of special teachers. appropria- tion. Teachers In classified civil service. Teachers to follow course of study. Teachers to report absence. (87) Section 19. — Salaries of special teachers shall he fixed by the Commissioner of Education by and with the consent of the Executive Council in the absence of specific provision of law fixing the salaries of said special teachers. Salaries of rural, graded and principal teachers, and of any other teacher duly appointed by law shall be paid from the fund designated in the annual appropriation Act as "Salaries, common schools" unless provision is made by the Legislature for the payment of said salaries under some other item of the Annual Appropriation Act or other Act of the Legislature. (88) (1) The classified service shall comprise all positions not included in the unclassified service ; Providing, however, That the appointment and removal of the * * * * teachers in the public schools, shall continue to be governed by the special laws in force concerning them, and provided that the teachers in the public schools shall be considered as members of the classified civil service for the purposes of promotion within the Department of Education. DUTIES OF TEACHERS. (89) Section 50.— Teachers shall instruct the pupils in the public schools in all subjects prescribed in the course of study according to their various grades and the provisions of this Act. Teachers shall not teach any subjects not authorized in the said course of study during the legal school hours. (90) Section 51. — (2) When a teacher on account of illness, or for any other reason of equal moment, is prevented from attending to his duties, or is compelled to absent himself from the school room during the legal school hours, he shall at once notify the supervising 1007 (i) Act to regulate and improve the civil service of Porto Rico, approved March 14, (2) As amended March 10, 1904, Substitute to be appointed Political activity SCHOOL LAW'S OF PORTO RICO. 43 principal of his district and the principal of his school, in towns where a principal is employed, explaining fully the cause of his detention from school. On receipt of such a notice the supervising principal of the district shall notify the Commissioner of Education of the cir- cumstances and the Commissioner may appoint a legally qualified substitute to serve until the regular teacher can b ? commis T ^ sinner. resume his duties or a successor is legally appointed. (91) Section 52. — All teachers in actual service or holding a license to teach, during the period for which forbidden, said license is valid, are considered as officials or em- ployes of the Insular Government, and shall not take an active part in any election or canvass or attempt to canvass or to control any vote or voters (other than their own individual vote) for or against any candidate or candidates for office at any political convention or to permit their names to be used as members of political committees or subcommittees without first resigning their positions and asking to have their licenses can- celed. Any violation of this section shall be considered good cause for the cancellation of a teacher's license. (92) Section 53. — (1) Corporal punishment is abso- ^J? ^ lutely prohibited in the schools of Porto Rico, except in accordance with regulations issued by the Commis- sioner of Education in pursuance of Sections 53, 60 and 89 of the Compiled School Law, the Organic Act, and other legislative sanction and upon the sanction of the parent or guardian. SELECTION <)K TEAQHERS. (93) Section 54. — (2) Teachers other than teachers of English and special teachers, as denned in Section 35 of the Codified School Law, in the public schools of Porto Rico shall be selected in the following manner: The (1) As iiincinlcl March 10. 1910. (2) As amended March 10, L904. 44 SCHOOL LAWS OF l'ORTO RICO. School board to make Dominations. Official list to be pr«- pared l>y Commis- Boanls elect lera from official list. school board of each municipality by a majority vote shall certify to the Commissioner of Education at least three months before the date fixed by the Commis- sioner of Education as the beginning of the school year, the names of any teachers legally qualified whom they desire to elect for the next ensuing school year. After twelve o'clock noon of the ninetieth day prior to the opening of the school year of each and every year, there shall be made up as speedily as possible, in the Office of the Commissioner of Education, a list for each municipality of all the legally qualified teachers whose names have been sent to the Commissioner of Education by the respective school boards and received at the office of said Commissioner of Education prior to the hour of noon of the ninetieth day prior to the date fixed by the Commissioner of Education for the opening of the school year, and whose names have been previously certified to by the respective school boards of each municipality: Said list to be signed by the Commissioner of Education and his seal affixed thereto and become a part of the official records of the Depart- ment of Education and henceforth to be known as the official list of the said respective municipalities for the ensuing school year. The Commissioner of Education shall return the list of each municipality to its school board on or before the sixtieth day prior to the opening of the school year and shall indicate his approval or disapproval of each teacher nominated in said list. The school boards shall then proceed to elect for the schools of their respective municipalities, according to law, from the teachers approved by the Commissioner on said official list, the teachers for the next ensuing school year. No names shall be added to such official list unless the number of teachers approved by the < lommissioner is not sufficient to fill all the places for which the school board is authorized to make provision, SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 45 and until after all the persons approved on such official list shall have been elected by the school board to a ' school in said district. The names of the additional Additional list. teachers required shall then be submitted to the Com- missioner of Education, the board proceeding in like manner as in the case of the teachers on the official lists. After having been approved by said Commissioner additional teachers thus nominated shall then be elected by the school board in a like manner as the teachers who appeared on the official lists. No applicant for a school shall be certified to the Commissioner of Educa- tion by any school board unless said applicant possesses a valid license to teach bearing the signature of the Commissioner of Education and the seal of the depart- ment. School boards shall have public notice of all vacancies to vacancies in the schools under their jurisdiction in at tised. least one newspaper in Porto Rico, giving at least five days' notice of the date and place of meeting for filling said vacancies. No teacher shall be nominated or candidates elected by any school board without the unanimous member of vote ot those present if he is a relative within the third degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity of a member of the school board. Teachers not thus related shall be nominated or elected upon a majority vote of those present at any legal meeting of the board. (94) Section 55 — Teachers of English and all special special t O fl f ' 1 1 H T* ^ teachers shall be appointed directly by the Commis- to be sioner of Education and shall perform such duties as commL V he may assign to them ; Provided, That teachers of sioner - English shall have the qualifications specified in Section 40 of this Act. and all special teachers shall have the qualifications usually appertaining to teachers of their respective branches and shall have first been granted a license as such special teacher by the Departmenl of Education. The Commissioner of Education may appoint not more than live rural, graded or principal Hi SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Commis- sioner may assign teachers to normal school. Acting principal may be appointed. Contracts between teachers and school boards. teachers in each school district as teachers at large for the purpose of substituting in the place of teachers regularly chosen in the schools of said district, whom said Commissioner is herehy authorized to remove from their schools for a period not exceeding three months in any one school year and to assign to study in the Insular Normal School, allowing the teachers thus temporarily absent from their schools full pay and pay- ing said substitute teachers the salary pursuant to law appertaining to their respective grades; Provided, That the salaries thus paid to teachers pursuing their studies in the Insular Normal School for entire period for which they are absent from their schools shall be paid from moneys specially appropriated for "Salaries, teachers' institutes and summer normal schools.'' (94a) In any town having four or more graded schools in one building for which no principal teacher is provid- ed, the Commissioner of Education may designate one of the graded teachers of said town as acting principal with the usual duties and responsibilities of a principal teacher, and said acting principal shall receive for said services in addition to his regular salary as fixed by law, the further sum of ten [10] dollars per month during the period of such actual service and to be paid from the funds appropriated for '"Salaries, common schools." (95) Section 56. — Immediately after the election of a teacher in the manner prescribed by law, the officers of a school board shall sign a written contract with said teacher upon blanks furnished by the Department of Education for that purpose, engaging him to teach for the following school year. Such contracts shall be in triplicate, one copy to be retained and filed by the secretary of the school board, one copy to be delivered to the teacher and one copy to be forwarded to the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner of sioner to fill vacancies. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 47 Education may annul any contract between a school board and a teacher, for cause, in accordance with Sec- tion 42 of this Act, and if the board neglects to fill the vacancy thus caused within ten [10] days after notifi- cation that such contract has been annulled, the Com- commis •missioner of Education may appoint a teacher for the remainder of the school year. (96) Section 57. — In any contracts between the commis- lii i i • i • sioner to school boards and teachers providing for the payment enforce of house rent, salary or other items contracted for in cases where the Insular Government pays the salary or part of the same, the Commissioner of Education is hereby authorized to enforce the contract. After ten days written notice of failure on the part of the treasurer of the school board to pay when due the amounts contracted under the School Laws of Porto Rico, said written notice having been mailed b} r the Commissioner of Education to the president of the school board and to the alcalde of the citv or town, the. Auditor is hereby authorized to withhold from the next succeeding disbursement of municipal taxes to said municipality, a sum sufficient according to the certified statement of the Commissioner of Education to pay the claim of such contracts with teachers in said municipality, and the Auditor is hereby directed to approve such claims and the Treasurer will pay the same from moneys withheld from the funds of the municipality. SCHOOL HOUSES, OFFICES A.ND HOUSE BENT FOR TEACHERS. (97) Section 58. — (1) Municipalities shall provide Mmucipaii- rooms or buildings for schools, and necessary offices for provide school boards wherever public buildings in the control audofnees. of said municipality are available for such purposes. Wherever possible, the municipality shall construct \ amended March 12, L908, IS SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Allowance for hoose rent. Pupils enrolled shall continue in school. public school buildings erected and furnished accord- ing to plans authorized by the Commissioner of Educa- tion and suitable for graded schools. Where the municipality provides sucli building, additional teachers, sufficient tor six grades, will be furnished as needed. (98) Section 59. — (1) From the funds at their dis- posal, the school boards shall pa} r the house rent of teachers, making a cash allowance to teachers as fol- lows: To rural teachers not less than three [-3] dollars per month and not more than eight [8] dollars per month for each and every school month in which the teacher is actually engaged; to graded teachers and to principal teachers not less than eight [8] dollars nor more than twenty [20] dollars per month for each and every school month in which the teacher is actually enira^ed. Said allowance shall, in everv case, be made a part of the contract or agreement between the teacher, the school board and the Commissioner of Education, all of whom shall agree to the rent or allowance so specified. Teachers of English, special teachers, agri- cultural teachers, and teachers whose salaries are paid by the school boards shall receive no allowance for house rent, COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE (2). (99) Section 60. — Pupils enrolled in the public schools of Porto Rico shall continue members of the public schools of Porto Rico until they shall have com- pleted the work of each grade of the course of study prescribed at the time of such enrollment for the system of schools to which their respective schools be- long, except when the parents or guardians show good and sufficient cause for withdrawal in the judgment of the supervising principal of schools of the municipality; (I) As amended March 8. 1907 and February 25. 1911. ^s amended May 30 1904 and March 12, 1908. .SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 49 Provided, Such pupils may be dismissed for cause by Expulsion, the supervising principal of the municipality or by the school board with the approval of the Commissioner of Education; Provided further, That parents or guardians shall always have power to transfer their children or wards to other school's of recognized standing. (100) The attendance of pupils enrolled in the public Prompt and schools of Porto Rico shall be prompt and regular, and attendance their conduct in accordance with what is commonly defined - accepted as good behavior and with the rules and regu- lations to which their respective schools are subject. Prompt attendance is understood to mean that the pupils shall be present at the time of opening school as prescribed by the teacher of the school or by the super- vising principal; and regular attendance is understood to mean attendance every day unless the pupils be prevented from attending by sickness or other good and sufficient cause acceptable to the teacher and sub- ject to the approval of the supervising principal. (101) Children between eight and fourteen years of school age of age shall be enrolled in any public school that may be located within reasonable distance of their homes, and their attendance at that school shall be enforced as herein provided in the case of any pupil enrolled in the public schools; Provided, There be a school within reasonable distance as hereinbefore mentioned where accommodation can be furnished; And Provided, Such children may not already have completed each grade of the course of study prescribed for the particular school which meets the conditions outlined. (102) In each and every graded school an enroll- Maximum ment of not less than thirty-five nor more than fifty minimum pupils, and in each and every rural school an enroll- enr0 men • ment of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty pupils shall be maintained. (103) Failure on the part of the local authorities to 50 school LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Removal of school. Enforced attendance. Punishment for failure. Municipal courts. maintain a minimum enrollment as hereinbefore pro- vided, or failure to secure such minimum enrollment within thirty days after the receipt of official notifica- tion from the Commissioner of Education, shall be suf- ficient cause for the removal of a school to a more suitable locality within the same municipal district, the school board to furnish suitable quarters for said school, or sufficient cause for the removal of the school to some other municipality in the discretion of the ( 'ommissioner of Education. (104) Municipal authorities upon notification from the teacher or from the supervising principal of the municipality shall enforce the attendance of children between the ages of eight and fourteen years who reside within a reasonable distance of a public school and who are otherwise eligible for admission to the public schools of Porto Rico. (105) Any parent or guardian wilfully responsible for the violation of any of the provisions of this section after notification by the teacher of the school or by the supervising principal for the municipality in which he or she resides shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in any court shall for the first offense, be publicly reprimanded by the judicial officer before whom they are tried, and for the second offense shall be fined in an amount not to exceed five dollars, and for a third offense shall be fined in an amount not to exceed ten dollars; said fines to be imposed and collected in accordance with the usual provisions of law applicable to judicial fines. All the processes of the municipal courts of Porto Rico shall be and are hereby made available for the prosecution and conviction of persons accused under the provisions of this Act. NIGHT SCHOOLS. (106) Section 01. — The Commisioner of Education upon application of twenty young persons unable to SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 51 attend day school for justified reasons, may establish a commis- night school and may close the same when the average establish ' attendance in any one month does not reach twelve Soois. students. Adults may be admitted to night schools when in the judgment of the local school authorities they are able to profit by the instruction offered, and their presence in the said night school will not operate to the exclusion of eligible young persons who desire admission. (107) — (1) The Commissioner of Education may Number of J schools. establish in his discretion a night school in each mu- nicipality and may establish more than one school in any city where in his opinion the demand for such schools may warrant it. SUPERVISING PRINCIPALS. (108) Section 62.— (2) Supervising principals of duties, schools shall be at all times under the immediate control and guidance of the Commissioner of Education, who shall prescribe their duties. They shall in every respect consistent with the welfare of the schools, cooperate with and assist their respective school boards in the performance of their duties under the law. They shall make an annual report to the Commissioner of Educa- tion on the condition of the schools in their district. Said report shall be presented June first of each and every year. They shall make such additional reports, statistical or otherwise, as the said Commissioner of Education may direct. No person shall be eligible for Eligibility, appointment to the position of supervising principal who has not had at least one year's experience as a teacher in the public schools of Porto Rico and who shall not, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Edu- cation, possess a practical knowledge, reading, writing 1 1 ) ah ol March 9, 1905. (2) As amended March L2, 1908. 52 SCHOOL LAWS <>K I'ORTO RICO. Assistant supervising l>rinoipals. and speaking, of the Spanish and English languages; Provided, That after June 30, 1909, no person shall occupy the position of supervising principal who shall not hold a principal's license issued by the Department of Education of Porto Rico, in pursuance of the provi- sions of Section 38 of an Act entitled "The Codified School Law of Porto Rico," approved March 12, 1903. (109) — (1) The Commissioner of Education ma}^ in his discretion authorize principal teachers to act as as- sistants to supervising principals in any district. During the period of such authorization the Department of Education may appoint graded teachers as substitutes for the said principals and such substitutes shall be paid by the Department of Education. When any principal is assigned as assistant to a supervising principal he shall be allowed an additional compensation at the rate of ten dollars per month during the period of such services. SCHOOL TAXATION. General taxation. (110) — (2) That for and during the fiscal year be- ginning the first day of July, nineteen hundred eight, and ending the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred nine, and in every succeeding fiscal year, unless other- wise provided by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, there shall be levied and collected, for the purpose of providing insular and municipal revenue, by the Insular Government, a tax of ten one-hundredths of one per cent, and by the municipalities a tax of not exceeding ninety one-hundredths of one per cent upon the value of all real and personal property in Porto Rico, and of all personal property of persons residing in Porto Rico, to be ascertained as hereinafter provided, not hereinafter exempted from taxation. The proceeds (1) Act of March 9. 1905. (2) Act of March 10, 1904, as amended March 12, 1908. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 53 \ of this tax and the taxes upon property heretofore levied for insular and general municipal purposes for the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred two, nineteen hundred three, nineteen hundred four, nineteen hundred five, nineteen hundred six, nineteen hundred seven and nineteen hundred eight, including all surcharges, shall be covered into the Insular Treas- ury. The Treasurer shall pay monthlv, pursuant to law, upon the warrant of the Auditor, countersigned by the Governor of Porto Rico, of each dollar collected on account of each municipality, to the treasurer of each local school board the sum of twenty-five cents, to the treasurer of each municipality, to be covered into the "Road fund," the sum of eight cents, and the balance to the treasurer of the municipality; Provided, That the proportionate amount to be covered into the road fund by the municipality of San Juan shall be five cents instead of eight cents and shall be used for construction and repair of municipal roads and streets in Santurce; Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the Treasurer of Porto Rico from retaining from moneys due municipalities, local school boards, or other local corporations, an}' sums required, or that may be hereafter required by law, or by ordinance duly enacted by any municipality, school board, or other local corporation, to be retained by him for the purpose of meeting obligations incurred by them. (Ill) Section 63. — (1) That for the fiscal year begin- school tax. ning July 1, lt)04, and ending June 30, 1905, and for every succeeding fiscal year, in order to increase the revenues of the respective school boards, the munici- palities may levy a property tax to be known as "School tax," and not to exceed one-tenth of one per centum of the assessed value of all real and personal (1) As amended March in. L904 and February 17, 1905. 54 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. property within the respective municipalities in accord- ance with assessment made bv the Treasurer of Porto Rico to levy and collect the insular property tax. Municipal (112) Section 64. — (1) The municipal council of each determine municipality shall decide on or before the twentieth day seho'oito. of February of eacli and every year whether such ad- ditional tax shall be levied and shall fix the rate within the limit allowed by the foregoing section, basing such action upon reports of the respective school boards situated in each municipality and upon the needs for school funds in whatsoever manner determined ; Pro- vided, That in cases where the School Board is about to contract a loan for the construction of one or more school buildings, the municipal council may levy the school tax at a given rate, not to exceed the maximum of one-tenth of 1 per cent, for such term of years as will be covered by the payments on account of principal Treasurer of an d interest of the loan to be contracted. The munici- to collect pal council shall notify the Treasurer of Porto Rico im- mediately upon the adoption of all resolutions fixing the rate of the school tax and the Treasurer of Porto Rico shall collect the said tax in the same form and subject to the rules provided for by the Act entitled "An Act to provide revenue for The People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes," approved January 31, 1901. The Treasurer of Porto Rico shall pay monthly, pursuant to law, upon the warrant of the Auditor, countersigned by the Governor, to the Treasurer of each school board the amounts collected on account of said school tax ; Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the Treasurer of Porto Rico from retain- ing from moneys due school boards any sums required, or that may be hereafter required by law, or by ordinance duty enacted by any school board, to be lax (1) As amended February 17.1911. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 55 retained by him for the purpose of meeting obligations contracted by them. (113) Section 65. — The amount accruing to the treas- So } el ? fOT v ° school ury of each municipality on account of school taxes purposes, hereby established shall be devoted solely to school purposes. SPECIAL DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. (114) Section 66. — (1) The Commissioner of Educa- Appoint- tion being required by Act of Congress of April twelfth, supervising nineteen hundred, to supervise education in Porto prmcipas Rico, he shall, to comply with said Act, approve all disbursements made on account thereof; he shall appoint, as occasion may require an officer for each municipality, to be known as supervising principal, and these supervising principals shall be subject to the Commissioner of Education in all respects; the power to appoint such officers shall reside fully in the Com- missioner of Education, who shall consult and, as far as possible, shall attend the recommendations of the respective school boards interested regarding candidates, but temporary appointments may be made by the Commissioner without such consultation and for a maximum term of two months; until the time that a supervising principal shall be provided for each munici- pality, the Commissioner shall have power to group Jj^jj"^' two or more municipalities into a district, the schools ties. of which are to be under the supervision of one super- vising principal ; with the understanding that the number of schools in each district shall not be over fifty nor less than twenty-five on the basis of the allot- ment for the preceding year; for the purposes of salary for supervising principals, the municipalities shall be ciassifica- divided into three classes : first class, those containing districts. (1) As amended March ii'. L908 56 SCHOOL LAWS OK PORTO RICO. Salaries of supervis- ing principals. house and office rent. more than one hundred schools; second class, those containing from fifty to one hundred schools; third class, those containing less than fifty schools; until otherwise provided by law the salary of supervising- principals in municipalities of the first class shall be fifteen hundred (1,500) dollars per annum, payable from the appropriation known as "Salaries, common schools;" the salary of supervising principals in munici- palities of the second class, shall be thirteen hundred (1,300) dollars per annum, payable from the appropria- tion known as "Salaries, common schools;" the salary of supervising principals in municipalities of the third class, shall be twelve hundred (1,200) dollars per annum, payable from the appropriation known as school board "Salaries, common, schools ;" in addition to the salary to provide the school board of each municipality in which the supervising principal is resident, shall provide house and office rent of not less than twenty (20) dollars per month, for the supervising principal in districts in which the supervising principal is in charge of the schools of more than one municipality, the school board, or school boards, of the municipality or munici- palities, in which the supervising principal is not resident, conjointly, in instances where more than one municipality are so contained, or singly, in instances of a single municipality, shall pay to the supervising principal not less than twenty (20) dollars per month for traveling expenses ; school boards may add as they see fit to the salaries of supervising principals, but every such addition shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner; the Commissioner of Education shall appoint three (3) officers who shall be known as general superintendents and who shall be subject in all respects to the Commissioner who shall prescribe their duties; the salary of each general superintendent of General superin- tendents. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 57 schools shall be eighteen hundred (1,800) dollars per annum, payable from the appropriation known as "Salaries, Office of the Commissioner of Education;" the Commissioner shall prepare and publish all courses Courses r l r of study. of study for the schools; he shall conduct all examina- tions for teachers' certificates and issue licenses or ation^" certificates to teachers; he shall fix the salaries of teachers, Provided always the amounts so designated shall not be in conflict with law ; he shall select and purchase all school books, supplies, and equipments necessary for the proper conduct of education, except as otherwise provided by law; he shall approve all projects and plans for public school buildings to be erected in Porto Rico, where the same are to be at the cost of The People of Porto Rico; but where the same are to be at the cost of the school boards, or at the cost of the latter and of The People of Porto Rico, then there shall be such participation by the school boards that no project or plan shall be approved without the consent of the respective school boards; he shall require and collect such statistics and reports from school boards, supervising principals and teachers, as he may from time to time deem necessary to the welfare of the school system, and he shall formulate such rules and regula- Kuiesand " regulations. tions as he may deem necessary for the effective admin- istration of his office. anemia. (115) — '1) The Commissioner of Education shall pro- nuiietinson vide whatever may be necessary for placing in each rural school of the Island of Porto Rico and in such graded schools as in his opinion is desirable, bulletins in the English and Spanish languages which bulletins are to be prepared under the direction of the Director of the (i) Aft of March v>. 1909 and March 9 L911. 58 SCHOOL LAWS OF J'ORTO RICO. Bulletins on tubercu- losis. To forward criminal statistics. Commis- sioner to report to Governor. Anemia Dispensary Service, briefly and clearly ex- plaining: (a) What is uncinariasis. (h) Its causes and effects. (c) How it may be prevented. (1 1(1) The Commissioner of Education shall provide whatever may be necessary for placing in each graded school of the island and in such rural schools as in his opinion is desirable, bulletins in the language which is the basis of instruction in each particular school, said bulletins to be prepared under the direction of the Di- rector of the Anemia Dispensary Service, briefly and clearly explaining : (a) What is tuberculosis. (6) Its causes and effects, (c) How it may be prevented. (117) The Commissioner of Education shall take such steps as may be necessary to see that the attention of the pupils is called to the contents of said bulletins. (118) — (1) It shall be the duty of all courts of justice, fiscals, departments of the Insular Government, munici- pal officers and any other insular or municipal officials, to forward such information [criminal statistics] as may be required of them by the Attorney General and also to fill out the blanks sent to them for that purpose. (119) Section 67. — The Commissioner of Education shall, on or before the first day of October of each year, transmit to the Governor a full report of the operations of his department, of all expenditures made therein, together with such statements, facts and explanations concerning the educational system of the island, and such suggestions and recommendations as he may deem appropriate. (1) Section 9 of Act approved March 11, 1909. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 59 (120) — (1) The Commissioner of Education shall issue ^Z 1 10 be distributed. annually to the teachers, school boards and munici- palities of the island his annual report to the Governor of Porto Rico concerning public education. (121) — (2) The public schools of the municipality of Sthoolsof ' L r " Culebra. Culebra shall be a charge against the Insular Govern- ment, and the Commissioner of Education shall ap- point such teachers as may be necessary and shall have complete control over the schools and school property and buildings of the island. BOOKS (3). (122) The Department of Education shall supply all ^pa^ment ' l r a -' to supply books to be used in the public schools of Porto Rico to books - the supervising principals who shall distribute them to the principals and to rural teachers. The books so distributed shall be classed as old or new books. (123) Each teacher and each principal shall give a accountable receipt for all the books delivered to him, specifying the number of new and the number of old books, and shall be held accountable for the invoice price of new books, and for half the invoice price of old books, in case such books be lost or torn. (124) The department shall procure for the use of JJ^$E> 0( the public schools in Porto Rico a reading book which shall contain the best passages of local literature in prose or verse, by leading Porto Rican writers, with brief biographical notices of each author. (125)— (4) The Commissioner of Education shall Muieres Puerto- provide each school board and public library in the rriquefflas. island with two copies of "Mujeres Puertorriquenas." (I i ah of March 9, 1905. (2) Act of March 8, 19 05. (3) Act of March 9, L905. I i .loin t Resolution ol March 10, L910. young men. 60 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. STUDENTS TO BE SENT TO THE UNITED STATES (1). (12C>) Section 68. — (2) There shall be selected an- ■Anna man ^ \ * nuallv as hereinafter provided, a number of young men of sound constitution and good character who could uot otherwise, because of existing circumstances, enjoy the educational advantages hereinafter mentioned who shall be sent to the United States and there maintained at the expense of The People of Porto Rico for a period not to exceed four years devoted to the study of such subjects as the commission hereinafter provided may determine, preference being given to agriculture, archi- tecture and forestry, and chemical, hydraulic, electrical and sanitary engineering; Provided, That the commis- sion may extend said term for one year in case of illness or any other justifiable cause. The number of young men upon whom this privilege shall be bestowed shall at no time be in excess of twenty-five (25) and the total expenses in each case shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) per annum. The young men thus selected shall be sent to the United States as soon as provisions have been made for them in accordance with this Act. (127) SECTioN 69.— (3) The President of the Execu- tive Council and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, together with the Commissioner of Education, shall (1) AN ACT TO EXTEND THE BENEFITS OF SECTION 68 OK THE CODIFIED SCHOOL LAW. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Porto liico: Section 1.— That the commission charged with the supervision of the Porto Rican young men studying Id the United States pursuant to the provisions of Section 68 of the Codified School Law is hereby authorized to extend the benefits of said Act for the time I Fiat may be necessary to conclude their studies within a period not to exceed three years to those young men who are now studying under the provisions thereof and who have observed good conduct and made progress in their studies, but who have failed to finish them for just cause. Section 2.— All laws or orders or parts thereof in conflict with this Act be and are hereby repealed. Ski tion 3.— This Act shall take effect on and after July 1, 1H06. . I pprovt d March 8, 1906. (2) As amended March li', 1908. (3) As amended March in, L904. SCHCOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 61 form a commission which shall prepare the rules under commission i i to supervise which these young men shall be selected, and shall have students. charge of them during the time they are engaged in study under the same; Provided, That the young men selected shall be graduates of the eighth grade of a public school in Porto Rico. (128) Section 70. — The commission shall keep regu- commission f i t0 keep larly informed of the conduct and progress of each informed of beneficiary and secure all other data that they may consider necessary. They may also withdraw support from any beneficiary upon proper proofs being pre- sented of misconduct or bad faith of any beneficiary under this Act. (129) Section 71. — By and with the recommenda- Jj™ 611 tion of the Commissioner of Education for the Island of Porto Rico, there shall be maintained each year twenty good and worthy young men and women from Porto Rico in the United States to be educated in the various arts and trades that may best qualify them to assist in the improvement of conditions of Porto Rico. (130) Section 72. — Each person receiving said ap- £ o p P ropria " pointment shall receive from the general Government of Porto Rico a sum not to exceed two hundred fifty [250] dollars per annum and shall pursue the studies or trades as agreed upon by the said Commissioner of Edu- cation and the applicant, before finally receiving said appointment. (131) Section 73. — The colleges or institutions desig- schools nated which the said students shall attend are Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama, and such other similar educa- tional institutions as the Commissioner of Education may from time to time specify. (132) Section 74. — The Commissioner of Education under shall have the right to cancel or withdraw support at 8 7commi" any time upon proper proofs being presented of miscon- * ioner - 62 SCHOOL LAWS Of PORTO RICO. Reports required. Number of scholarships. Distribution. Qualifica- tions. Young women. Number. Expense of each. Eligibility. duct or bad faith of any of the beneficiaries included under this Act. subject to the approval of the Ex- ecutive Council. (133) Section 75. — There shall be sent to the Com- missioner of Education from the authorities of the college or institution at which the said students are in attendance, a quarterly report of the conduct and ad- vancement of each student so attending. (134) Section 76. — The students who may receive the appointments shall at no time exceed twenty [20] in number, ten [10] young men and ten [10] young women, and no one shall receive the benefits of this Act for a longer term than four years. (135) Section 77. — The twenty [20] beneficiaries re- ferred to in Section 71 shall in no case be sent from the same district or county, and the Commissioner of Edu- cation shall therefore confer this favor with the great- est equity among all the young persons of the island. A necessary qualification shall be that the parents of the beneficiaries shall be poor. (136) — (1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter provided a number of young women shall be selected every four years or before in case of vacancies to be sent to the United States and maintained there at the ex- pense of The People of Porto Rico, for a period not ex- ceeding four years. (137) The number of young women upon whom this privilege shall be bestowed shall at no time exceed fourteen, and the total expense for each young woman shall be precisely five hundred dollars per annum. (138) The fourteen beneficiaries of this Act must be graduates of some high school or the normal school in Porto Rico, and they shall be selected from among those young women who, on being graduated have 'I i Act of March 12, !90H. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 63 obtained the highest qualifications, provided that when- ever there be equality of conditions the poorest young women shall be given preference and that no more than two young women resident in the same district shall be benefitted at the same time bv this Act ; in such a case the commission hereinafter provided shall deter- mine what they deem more convenient. (139) The young women benefitted by this Act must necessarily be of sound health and good character. (140) Everv vouns; woman candidate to the benefits ^ ot i ea ° hin v ■/ «/ o Porto Rico. of this Act, shall, upon her selection, and obtaining the necessary diploma be obliged to return to the island and enter into the public-school service of Porto Rico for a period of four years, for a just compensation. (141) The fourteen young women so selected shall be sent to universities or colleges of good standing in the United States for the sole purpose of taking the necessary courses until they are graduated and placed on a fit condition for appointment as teachers for the high schools of Porto Rico, on their return to the island. As far as possible, said students shall be sent to universities and colleges maintaining a strong pedagogical department, and the selection of such institutions shall be agreed upon by the commission hereinafter provided. (142) The President of the Executive Council, the commission on selection. Speaker to the House of Delegates or a Delegate ap- pointed by the latter and the Commissioner of Education shall form the commission to determine the qualifica- tions provided in Section 3 herein, and said commission shall select the fourteen beneficiaries, their decision to be final. (143) Any young woman who is a graduate with high qualifications from a high school, and who is tak- ing course in the Normal School of Porto Rico or college or university in the United States, with the (14 SCHOOL LAWS OF POETO KICO. purpose of entering in the school service, and whose present studies are satisfactory shall be eligible under this Act. pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 herein. A p» ir °- 1 144) The sum of seven thousand dollars, or so much priation. V thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, out of any money in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated; and every beneficiary upon leaving Porto Rico, for the United States, shall be given the sum of one hundred dollars, which shall be proportionally discounted from her monthly instalments of her first year, and every instalment shall be paid monthly in advance. The Treasurer of Porto Rico and the Commissioner of Education shall agree upon the manner of complying with the provisions of this section in order that there should be no delay in the monthly instalments being received by the beneficiaries. Reports. (14. r )) The Commissioner of Education of Porto Rico shall request that he be furnished with the monthly report as to the behavior and progress of each young woman, and should the report be unsatisfactory for two continuous months the Commission herein before provided shall decide, upon examination of the report, as to the advisability of withdrawing the privilege ; if the decision shall be that such privilege shall be with- drawn, the action taken shall be reported to the inter- ested young woman, to whom the sum of one hundred dollars shall be sent for her return to the island. HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS. Act of March 14, 1907, as amended February 15, 1908. Purpose. (140) For the purpose of assisting worthy young persons, graduates of the eighth grade of the public .schools of Porto Rico, to continue their studies in a public high school, there are hereby established forty scholarships in the Central High School of Porto Rico SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 65 at San Juan, and thirty scholarships in the High School of Ponce, and thirty scholarships in the High School of Mayagiiez, to be filled annually in accordance with the rules hereinafter provided. (147) The Commissioner of Education shall annually selection select after listening to information from school boards SateT " from among the graduates of the eighth grade of the public schools of Porto Rico a number of young persons of good health and good character and who cannot otherwise because of existing circumstances in them enjoy the educational advantages hereinbefore men- tioned to be given the scholarships hereby established ; Provided, That these young persons shall be selected so far as practicable in equal numbers from the different electoral districts of Porto Rico and that the total number shall not exceed one hundred. (148) The said scholarships shall be regarded as a reward for diligence and excellence in the work of the common schools. In making his selection the Com- Method of missioner of Education shall take into consideration the monthly reports of the pupils during the year preced- ing the eighth grade examination, as well as the results of such examination. Giving equal weight to the average of monthly reports and that of the eighth grade exami- nation the Commissioner of Education shall establish a minimum combined average for appointment. No person who fails to attain such average shall be ap- pointed to such a scholarship, and in case of various qualified applicants from a given electoral district, pre- ference shall always be given to those having the highest combined average. (141)) All appointments to these scholarships shall be ^'rto rico. Or maj be sold 10 pupils or o there. Commis- sioner to make regulations for admis- sion of pupils. Loan to Reform School. When iii the judgment of the Commissioner of Educa- tionithey arc not so required they may be sold in accord- ance with such rules and regulations as he may adopt, at cost price, to the pupils, teachers, or other persons in the schools or in the Department of Education, and all products or works so offered for sale and not sold after a period of three months from the date when they were first offered, may be sold to the general public at a fair market price, and all receipts from the sale of products or articles made in industrial schools, or agricultural rural schools shall be paid into a special trust fund with no-fiscal year and shall be available for the establishment and maintenance of industrial schools. (178) Section 86. — The Commissioner of Education shall provide such rules and regulations as may be proper for the admission of boys and girls of Porto Rico as pupils in such schools as may be established under the terms of this Act, the courses of study and training to be pursued therein, the discipline thereof, and he shall be authorized to make such other regulations as may be necessary in order that the most impartial distribution of the benefits to be derived from the practical education to be given at said schools shall be afforded to the most worthy applicants for the privilege of becoming pupils in said schools. (179) — (1) That such part of the outfits and im- plements of every kind which existed in the late Industrial School at Mayagiiez, as shall be determined by the Commissioner of Education to be capable of advantageous use by the Reform School for Juvenile Delinquents, shall be from time to time transferred temporarily to the Reform School for Juvenile Delin- quents, in Mayagiiez; Provided, That said outfits and implements shall still remain under the jurisdiction of i 1 i Joint Resolution of March 1. L908. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 75 the Department of Education and that in the event o the reestablishment of public industrial schools upon the island, the Commissioner of Education is empowered at any time to recall said outfits and implements. ARBOR DAY. (180) Section 87.— (1) The Friday immediately fol- Tobea l mi * holiday in lowing the last lhursday in November in each year shall an public be known throughout the island as Arbor Day and shall be a holiday in all of the public schools in charge of the Commissioner of Education. It shall be the duty Speci:,i . J exercises. of said Commissioner to cause the scholars in every public school in the island to be assembled in the school building, or elsewhere, as he may deem proper, and to provide for and to conduct, under the general supervision of the local school board, or other chief officers having the general oversight of the public schools in each municipality or district, such exercises as shall tend to encourage the planting, protection, and preservation of trees and shrubs, and an acquaintance with the best methods to be adopted to accomplish such results. (181) Section 88. — The Commissioner of Education commis- iiii -in • sioner shall have power to prescribe from tune to time a to prepare course of exercises and instruction in the subjects hereinbefore mentioned, which shall be adopted and observed by the public school authorities on Arbor Day, and upon receipt of copies of such course, sufficient in number to supply all the schools under 1 heir super- vision, the supervising principals shall promptly provide each of the schools under their charge with a copy and shall cause it to be observe 1. PUBLICATION OF THE SCHOOL LAW. (182) Section 89. — Immediately upon the approval sioner to prep course of exercises. (1) As amend) d March i |! 1804. 76 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Laws and of this Act, the Commissioner of Education shall com- rales to be pabiished. pile and publish in pamphlet form in the English and Spanish languages, the laws and regulations in force relating to public education in Porto Rico. Said pam- phlet shall contain any additional rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, which the Commissioner of Education may deem necessary for the guidance and information of the school author- ities and teachers of Porto Rico. REPEALING CLAUSE. ( 183) Section 90. — All laws, decrees, military orders, or parts of the same in conflict with this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed. This Act shall be known as the Codified School Law and shall constitute Section 7 of the Political Code. (184) Section 91. — This Act shall take effect sixty days after its approval, except Section 21 thereof which shall take effect July first, nineteen hundred three. Approved March 12, 1903. AN ACT (1) TO PROVIDE INSTRUCTION OF HIGH SCHOOL GRADE IN COMMERCIAL SUB. .IECTS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Bt it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico: centraiHigh (185) Section 1.— That the San Juan High School School of v & Porto Rico, shall hereafter be known as the Central High School of Porto Rico, and there shall be organized therein studies to correspond to the four high school grades, as also such commercial studies as the Commissioner of Educa- tion may deem proper. commercial (186) Section 2. — The high schools of Mavagiiez, StUdleS - T> V "I 1 T^ • T • • 1 ronce, Arecioo and rajardo may give commercial Normal as well as such other instruction as is given in normal schools; Provided, That the Commissioner of Education may at any time, for reasons of economy and betterment, (1) Approved March 10, 1004, as amended March 11, 1909 and March 9, 1911. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 77 order that in all towns where industrial high schools exist both branches of instruction be taught in the same building, the same teachers being employed as far as possible for the common studies. (187) Section 3.— That all the high schools of the Entrance ° examina- island shall be authorized to admit for examination in tions - the months of June and September, all students who have privately taken up the studies corresponding to said courses, and private students shall submit to the same entrance examinations as students from the public schools. (188) Section 4.— That the Commissioner of Educa- Comm f v sioner to tion shall at anv time during the coming fiscal year prepare plan J , ' _ -it , of commer- draw up a plan of commercial studies to embrace ciai studies. Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Geography, Book- keeping, Political Economy, Typewriting, English Spanish, French and any other studies in harmony with the needs of the country, and shall present the same in his next annual report. (189) Section 5. — All laws, orders or parts thereof in conflict with this shall be and the same are hereby repealed. (190) Section 6. — This Act shall take effect on the first day of July. 1904. AN ACT (1) TO ESTABLISH A CLASS <>K MECHANICAL DRAWING IN THE HIGH SCHOOL OF PONCE, FOB MECHANICS. Be it Enacted by the Legislativt Assembly of Porto Rico: (191) Section 1. — That the Commissioner of Educa- Xif;1 " ' class in tion shall proceed to acquire the necessary instruments mechanical and material for establishing a night class of mechanical drawing in the Ponce High School, for mechanics. (192) Section 2. — Thai the Commissi ir of Educa- ' 1Va,lit;r,s salary. tion shall proceed to appoint a competent person to act I ! i Approved March L0, 1910, 78 SCHOOL LAW'S OF PORTO RICO. Money paid for equipment. Payments for reimburse- ments for property. as teacher in said class of drawing, with the monthly salary of seventy-live (75) dollars. I L93) Section •'>. — That the sum of six hundred and seventy-five dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the salary of the teacher. ( 1 94 ) Section 4. — That this Act shall take effect July 1. 1910. (195) Section 5. — That any law or part thereof in conflict herewith is hereby repealed. AN ACT (1) TO REAPPROPRIATE MONEYS PAID BY MUNICIPALITIES AND OTHER PARTIES TO THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION FOR SCHOOL EQUIPMENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico: (196) Section 1. — That all moneys paid by munici- palities or school boards to the Commissioner of Educa- tion for desks or other school appliances furnished to said' boards or to said municipalities, shall be credited to an appropriation to be known as an appropriation for "Common school equipment, no-fiscal year." The pay- ments so credited shall be available for the purchase of additional desks, text-books and school supplies. (197) Section 2. — All moneys paid to the Commis- sioner of Education in the settlement of property accounts of supervising principals, principals, teachers, or other employes having in their custody and being charged with the responsibility for the proper care of school property, and all moneys paid for the reimburse- ment for property lost or stolen while in their possession, and all moneys paid by any other persons as reimburse- ment for school property in their possession which may be lost or stolen (hiring the time for which they are charged with the responsibility for the same, shall be credited to the aforesaid appropriation to be known as the appropriation for "Common school equipment, no- (1) Approved March ]0, 1904. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 79 fiscal year," and when so credited shall be available for the purchase of additional desks, text-books and supplies. (198) Section 3. — The Commissioner of Education Public P r °p- v ' erty not to shall not sell school furniture or supplies to private per- besoid. sons or to any other parties than the municipalities or the school boards of the several municipalities in Porto Rico ; Provided, That nothing in this Act shall prohibit the Commissioner of Education from selling at duly advertised public sale school property that may be duly and properly condemned as unfit for use and properly cancelled, so as to prohibit its further use in the public schools. (199) Section 4. — This Act shall take effect immedi- ately upon its approval. AN ACT (1) TO PROVIDE FOB THE RELIEF OF MUNICIPALITIES AND SCHOOL BOARDS rx I'ORTO RICO. Be if Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico: (200) Section 1. — Any municipality or the school Municipality v • _ or school board of any municipality, may, in case of emergency, ooardmay or in case that there is a necessity to secure an advance of funds to be repaid out of uncollected taxes, request by ordinance the advance of money to it by the Insular Government out of insular funds, which ordinance shall be submitted to the Executive Council of Porto Rico for its approval, and in case of such approval, together with the approval of the Governor, and the direction of the Executive Council to the Treasurer of Porto Rico to make such advance, shall have the power to receive such sum. The ordinance requesting such advance shall recite the circumstances rendering desirable such advance, the amount requested, and the exact purpose or purposes to which the moneys that may he so ad- (1) Approved March I". 1904, 80 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Executive Council to approve loan. Appropria- tion. vanced shall be devoted, and shall also provide for the repayment of such advance to the Insular Goverment, with interest at such rate as the Executive Council may fix, in annual instalments, to extend over not exceeding live [5] years, or such period of time as the Executive (\>uncil may determine; Provided, however, That any such advance of money shall be considered as a temporary loan to such municipality or school board. The Executive Council shall have full power to modify such ordinance coming before it for approval in such manner as it sees fit, and to impose such conditions as in its judgment are desirable, and such ordinance as modified by the Executive Council shall not become effective until it has been adopted in its modified form by the municipal council or school board, and has been returned to the Executive Council and received the final approval of the latter, whereupon the said ordinance shall have become an irrevocable contract until such money shall have been repaid. The funds thus received shall be used only for the purpose or purposes specified in the ordinance authorizing the ad- vances, and the Executive Council of Porto Rico shall have full power to require such accounting of the ex- penditure of such money as in its opinion is desirable. (201) Section 2. — There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums of money as may from time to time be re- quired to carry out the provisions of this Act. (202) Section 3. — All laws, orders or decrees or parts thereof in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. (203) Section 4. — This Act shall take effect from and after its passage. S< IIOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 81 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTO RICO, TO AMEND SECTION 923 OF THE CIVIL CODE OF PORTO RICO AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it Enacted bij the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico: (204) Section 1. — That an institution of higher learn- Establish- ing is hereby established to be known as the University of Porto Rico. (205) Section 2. — That the university thus estab- scope of I'liin -i i -ii- r»-r-» -r-k university. lished shall provide the inhabitants of Porto Rico as soon as possible with the means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the various branches of literature, science, and useful arts, including agriculture and mechanical trades and with professional and technical courses in medicine, law, engineering, pharmacy and in the science and art of teaching. (206) Section 3. — (1) That the government of the Trustees. University of Porto Rico shall be vested in a board of trustees composed of the Commissioner of Education, as a member and its president, the Speaker of the House of Delegates or Representatives and the Treas- urer of Porto Rico, as ex officio members, and four other persons to be appointed by the Governor of Porto Rico, who shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. (207) Section 4. — (1) That the board of trustees sha 11 Trustees* constitute a body corporate under the name of "The corporate. University of Porto Rico," with the right as such of suing and being sued, of making contracts, of having and using a common seal and altering the same, of hold- ing and transferring property both real and personal, for the university. The said board shall hold regular quarterly meetings on the first Monday of the mouths of January, April. July and October of each year, but special meetings may he called at any time by t\> As amended February I s . L905and March 8, 1910. 82 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Vice president. Secretary and treasurer. the president on the written request of two members, or whenever in his judgment the affairs of the university require such a meeting. At any meeting of the board four members shall constitute a quorum. No person connected with the university as professor, tutor, teacher or other employe receiving salary in the said university, may at the same time be a trustee of the university and no trustee shall be entitled to or be paid any compensation for his services as such trustee ; Provided, That by special action of the board, in each and every case voted upon separately, trustees may be allowed their necessary traveling expenses while engaged on business of the university. (208) Section 5. — The board of trustees shall elect from their number a vice president who shall perform all the duties of the president of the board in his absence and when both are absent the board may elect from their own number a president pro tern who for the time being may act as president and do and perform all acts required of the president. It shall be the duty of the president to sign all contracts, orders and every paper obligating the university for a valuable con- sideration, and such contract, order or paper shall be attested bv the secretary with the seal of the trustees thereto attached. (209) Section 6. — The trustees shall elect a secretary and treasurer who shall be one and the same person, whose duty it shall be to receive and receipt for all moneys of the university; keep all accounts which may be directed to be kept by the board ; keep inventories of all property of the university as minutely as may be directed by the board; keep all records of their trans- actions as they may require, and otherwise do such clerical and executive work as may from time to time be directed by the board, and who shall at all times be under the immediate direction and authority of the SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 83 president of the board except as otherwise explicitly directed by the laws of Porto Rico or the requirements of the board. (210) Section 7.— The president of the board f President< trustees shall be the chancellor of the University and as such shall perform the duties usually appertaining to such office. The board shall have power to enact Powersof 1 trustees. ordinances, by-laws and regulations for the government of the university; to fix, increase and reduce the num- ber of professors, teachers and other employes of the university, appoint or remove the same, determine the amount of their salaries and to prescribe their duties; Provided, That no course of study, no subject of instruc- tion and no course of lectures or recitations may be inaugurated or put in force without the written ap- proval of the Commissioner of Education for Porto Rico having been first obtained by the board. (211) Section 8. — The university shall consist of the Depart- ' ments. following departments to be organized in the order of their importance as soon ;is the necessary funds may be available, and it shall be the duty of the board of trustees to appeal to the philanthropy of public- spirited citi/ens of Porto Rico and of the several States of the United States for gifts and bequests of money, books, buildings and equipment for tins purpose, in addition to such financial assistance as the ( rovernment of Porto Rico may have given or may give the uni- versity for its endowment: (1) A normal department to be known as the [nsular Normal - Normal School for the training of teachers in the subjects taught in the public schools of Porto Pico, and to ba supported by annual appropriations by die Legislative Assembly. (2) A.n agricultural and mechanical departmenl for AgriouituraL training of teachers and for the promotion of agriculture and the mechanic arts, to he maintained in conformit) 84 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. with the requirements of an Act of Congress approved August 30, 1890, being an act entitled "An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, established under the provisions of an Act of Congress approved July 2, 1862," and the legislative assent required by Section 2, of the Act of Congress approved August 30, 1890, is hereby given and the conditions imposed by that Act as well as those imposed by the Act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, are hereby accepted and imposed by this Act upon the University of Porto Rico, and all moneys accruing thereunder are accepted under the conditions and terms in said Acts named. (3) A Department of the natural sciences and engineering. (4) A department of liberal arts. (5) A department of medicine. (6) A department of laws. (7) A department of pharmacy. (8) A department of architecture. (9) A university hospital. (10) And such other departments germane to a well- equipped university as the board of trustees may from time to time be able to establish. Treasurer of The Treasurer of Porto Rico is hereby designated as Porto Rico 1 rv> 1 c 1 • i to the omcer to receive the grants oi moneys to be paid to the State or Territorial treasurer or to such official as shall be designated by law of such State or Territory to receive same, as provided in an Act of Congress of the United States, approved August 30, 1890, and entitled, "An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanical arts, established under provision of an receive grants from Congress. SCHOOL LAWS OF T>ORTO RICO. 85 Act of Congress approved July 2, 1862," and the assent of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico is hereby given to the purpose of said grants and to all the terms and conditions thereof as specified in said Act of Congress. The Treasurer of Porto Rico shall keep an account of the moneys hereafter received by him in pursuance of such Act of Congress in a separate fund to be known as the ''University Agricultural fund," to the credit of the University of Porto Rico and shall pay such moneys immediately upon receipt thereof by him, to the treasurer of the University of Porto Rico upon the warrant of the Auditor of Porto Rico, count- ersigned by the Governor of Porto Rico and issued upon the order of the trustees of the University of Porto Rico in pursuance of said Act of Congress. (212) Section 9. — The immediate government of the Govern,1 ""<- several departments shall be intrusted to the chancellor and the respective faculties. The chancellor shall be the presiding officer of the various faculties and the executive head of the university in all its departments, and as such shall have authority — subject to the power of the board of trustees — to give general directions respecting the instruction and scientific investigations of the several departments. The board of trustees shall, Gr: "" 1 degrees. with the chancellor and with the recomendation of the several faculties, confer such degrees as in their judg- ment they shall deem best, and issue certificates or diplomas of proficiency in special subjects, or courses of study, but no strictly honorary degree without corres- ponding literary or scientific attainments shall be granted by the university. (213) Section LO. — The university shall be open to ope^toboth ' • *■ sexes. students of both sexes under sueli restrictions ami regulations as the board of trustees may deem proper, and all able-bodied male students of the university may ,...,. .,■ ' ' Military receive instruction and discipline m military tactics; training. 86 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Trustees to report to Commis- sioner. Public docu- ments for library. Provided, That instruction in the normal department for the training of teachers for public schools shall at all times be free to the citizens and residents of Porto Rico of both sexes within the age limits and subject to the conditions of admission which the board of trustees may impose. (214) Skction 11. — The board of trustees shall make an exhibit of the affairs of the university in each year to the Commissioner of Education, setting forth the condition of the university in all its departments, the amount of receipts and disbursements, the number of professors, teachers and other officers and the compensation of each, number of students in the several departments and in the different classes, the books of instruction used and an estimate of the expenses for the ensuing year, together with such infor- mation and suggestions as they may deem important or the Commissioner of Education may require to embody in his report. Such report of the board of trustees shall be delivered to the ( 'ommissioner of Education on or before August 15, in each and every year, and shall contain statistical and other data as of the close of the fiscal and academic year ending June 30 previous. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Education to lay such report of the board of trustees of the Uni- versity of Porto Rico before the Legislature in each and every year. (215) Section 12. — The Secretary of Porto Rico shall deliver to the university ten copies of each volume of the General and Special Laws of Porto Rico and of the reports of the decisions of the courts and of any other public documents distributed through his office or which may hereafter be published for use in the way of exchange or otherwise, in the establishment and maintenance of the university library, and said library shall be entitled to receive copies of the official reports SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 87 when printed, of the several officials of the insular and municipal Government of Porto Rico. (216) Section 13.— (1) To provide funds for the cur- £** ereifcy rent expenses of the university and for the repairs of buildings." purchase of books and for the purpose of any scientific work which may be conducted under the aus- pices of the university for the benefit of science or the state, there shall be established by the Treasurer of Porto Rico a fund to be known as the ••University fund." into which lie shall pay pursuant to law, the following-named receipts, which are hereby appropriated for said purpose: (1) Escheated inheritances. Section 923 of the Civil , Estheated inheritances. Code of Porto Rico is hereby amended to read: "In default of persons who have the right to inherit in accordance with the preceding articles, The People of Porto Rico shall take the inheritance and shall devote the property to the benefit of the "University fund." (2) Fifty per cent of all fines imposed by the courts nnes - of Porto Rico, and which are paid into the Insular Treasury, except those imposed under the provisions of the Act, entitled "An Act to prevent cruelty to animals" approved March 1. 1902. (3) Royalties from all franchises or public rights FtanoMsM which may be granted by the Executive Council, and the proceeds of which the Executive Council, may designate to be paid into the "University fund." The Treasurer of Porto Rico shall submit to the trustees of the University of Porto Pico semi-annually, or oftener, if requested by said board, a statement showing the balances available to the credit of said hoard on account of the aforesaid "University fund." and shall pay quarterly to the treasurer of the University of Porto Pico, upon the warrant of the Auditor of Porto Pico, countersigned by the ( rovernor of Porto Rico, and issued upon the order of the trustees of the University of (1) a- amended Maroli 3, 1904. 8S SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Proceeds of public lauds to perma- nent university fund. Porto Rico all unexpended moneys that may accrue in said "University fund." (217) Section 14. — Twenty-five [25] per cent of the proceeds from the sales of all public lands in Porto Rico are hereby appropriated and shall be set aside by the Treasurer of Porto Rico to the credit of a special fund to be known as the "Permanent university fund" and so much more than twenty-five [25] per cent of the proceeds from the sale of such public lands as the Legislative Assembly may direct to be set aside for the special benefit of the University of Porto Rico. The Treasurer of Porto Rico shall pay to the treasurer of the University of Porto Rico upon the warrant of the Auditor of Porto Rico countersigned by the Governor and issued upon the order of the trustees of the Uni- versity of Porto Rico annually upon a date to be fixed by said Treasurer of Porto Rico, all moneys accruing to the credit of said Universitv of Porto Rico on account of the " Permanent university fund, " and all such moneys thus paid by the Treasurer of Porto Rico on account of the "Permanent university fund" shall be investments, invested by the Trustees of the University of Porto Rico in interest-bearing securities, and only seventy- five [75] per cent of the income from such investments may be used by said trustees in the payment of current expenses or for the construction of buildings or to purchase permanent equipment. The remaining twenty- five [25] per cent of the income from such investments shall be added to the principal of the same and be rein- vested in a like manner and subject to the same condi- tions as the original investment of all moneys received for the "Permanent university fund." No investment of moneys received for the "Permanent university fund" shall be made by the board of trustees in securities without first obtaining the written approval of the Treasurer of Porto Rico, certifying that in his judgment School property deeded to university. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 89 the securities selected for such investment are satis- factory. (218) Section 15. — For the further endowment of the Normal University of Porto Rico the Governor of Porto Rico is hereby authorized to execute a quit-claim deed to the ' trustees of the University of Porto Rico for the tract of land comprising about fifty acres, together with the buildings thereon erected, situate in the town of Rio Piedras and known as the Insular Normal School prop- erty, upon which shall be located the normal depart- ment of such university and the agricultural and me- chanical department, together with such other depart- ments as the board of trustees may decide to locate on this land; Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the trustees of the University of Porto Rico from establishing other departments of the university or departments supplementary to the two departments herein mentioned at other places in the Island of Porto Rico ; And Provided further, That noth- ing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit the trustees of the University of Porto Rico from disposing of any part of this land which may not be needed for the benefit of the university. (219) Section 16. — Immediately upon the transfer Jj™? 1 of said Insular Normal School property to the University <!' evidence <>(' his success as a teacher, or his endeavor t" maintain and improve his intellectual attainments as indicated in the examina- tion he passed at the time his license was granted, d 94 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. beinu" understood however, that after June, 1912, the certificate of no person licensed to teach in the Depart- ment of Education, who has failed for two successive years to teach in any school under the regular inspec- tion of officers of the department will be renewed. Such persons will, however, be admitted to examination for the reissuance of a certificate. CLASSIFICATION OF TEACHERS. All common-school teachers holding certificates is- sued by the Department of Education, shall be classified as follows, with respect to their proficiency and success as teachers: Class "A." — Teachers whose work is eminently suc- cessful. Class "B." — Teachers whose work is successful, al- though not of as high a grade as is that of Class "A." Class "0." — Teachers who are not giving satisfactory evidence of competence. This classification shall be revised during the third term of each school year, and shall be based upon the reports submitted by the general superintendents and supervising principals. Persons entering the corps of teachers for the first time, will be placed in Class "B.'' Persons already in the teaching force, passing an examination for a high- er grade of license, will be placed in the class, under the new grade, which they occupied under the previous grade of license. ( Vitii; :ates of teachers in Class "C will be renewed for one year only, at the end of which period, unless they have passed to Class "B," the certificate will not be renewed. Such persons, however, may be admitted to examination for the reissuance of a certificate. All persons regaining their licenses in this way will SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 95 be placed in Class "C" and will receive salaries of the third class. Teachers in Class "C will not be approved upon any of the lists submitted by school boards until all available teachers in Classes "A" and "B" have been contracted. All teachers in Class "C" who had their certificates renewed at the close of the school year 1909-10 for periods of three or five years must necessarily pass to Class "B" during the school year 1911-12. Teachers in Class "A" only will be approved for the maximum house rent allowed under the law. VACATION LEAVE FOR SUPERVISING PRINCIPALS ()F SCHOOLS. (223) Supervising principals are subject to the same rules respecting leave of absence that apply to em- ployes in the office force of the Department of Educa- tion. In the discretion of the Commissioner of Educa- tion, they may be granted leave of absence with full pay, whenever the needs of the public service will permit, for a period not exceeding a total of thirty days in any one calendar year; with an additional allowance of six days for travel each way in case their leave of absence includes permission to go to the States. They may accumulate tin- Leave and be given sixty days with travel allowance, provided that period covers all leave of absence granted in a period of two years, in accordance with the provisions of law regulating leave of absence for Government employes. DUTIES OF SUPERVISING PRINCIPALS. (224) Whenever a supervising principal, lor any reason whatever, is unable to perform the duties which naturally devolve upon such an official, immediate notice shall be sent to the department. An adequate sign shall be displayed at the office of 96 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. the supervising principal. In connection with such sign, or at least in some conspicuous place open to the public, there shall also be displayed a statement of office hours which shall be observed punctually. DUTIES OF PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS. (225) The principals and teachers together with the officers of the Department are responsible for the main- tenance of good schools in Porto Rico. They are sup- posed to know the school law and to familiarize them- selves as far as possible with the course of study and all reports of the Department of Education, so that they may understand its aims and its plans. They are expected to work sympathetically and harmoniously with the department, to give it their full Confidence and to look to it as their best friend and helper in all that makes for success in their work. A teacher who does not have confidence in the department, in its intentions and purposes, should sever his connection with the teaching force. He should always appeal first to the department, and not write articles to the news- papers or engage in discussion or gossip with his neigh- bors about things which concern primarily his relations with the Department of Education. He is expected to take the initiative in doing everything he can for the good of the school. So long as his acts are not incon- sistent with the School Laws or general policy of the department, every teacher and principal will be sustain- ed by the department. A few of the more general duties pertaining to principals and teachers may be enumerated as follows: DUTIES OF PRINCIPALS. (226) (1) Principals of public schools shall keep a register in which shall be noted the name, age, sex, color, date of entry, date of promotion from one grade SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 97 to another and the attendance of each pupil ; also the name, residence and occupation of the parents or guard- ians of the pupils. This register shall always be at the disposition of the Commissioner of Education or his representatives and of the members of the school boards. (2) Principals shall be in their respective buildings at least twenty minutes before the opening of each session. (3) Principals shall keep a register of the daily at- tendance of the teachers who are under their direction, requiring them to sign their names in this book at the opening of school and to note the exact time of their arrival. (4) Principals are responsible to the Commissioner of Education or his representatives for the organization, discipline and distribution of work in their schools, and they are responsible to the school board for the care of the buildings and public property. (5) Principals shall assist the supervising principals in the distribution of the books and materials provided by the department. (6) Principals shall see that the school buildings are kept clean and in good order. (7) Principals shall matriculate and classify pupils of the school placed under their care, subject to the general direction and guidance of the supervising prin- cipals. (8) Principals shall keep all written suggestions or criticisms received from the supervising principal dur- ing the year, as well as .-ill the books in which they have written out their daily preparation of work, at their respective school rooms until the close of each school yeai-. (9) Principals shall see that the schools under their charge are open at the hour fixed for the opening of 98 SCHOOL LAWS OF POKTO RICO. schools and that the teachers devote themselves exclu- sively to the instruction of their pupils during school hours, maintaining good discipline, and that they con- duct themselves with propriety and follow faithfully the course of study laid down by the Commissioner of Education. (10) Principals shall not permit any person to visit their schools with the object of selling merchandise or advertising books, publications, concerts, exhibitions or any other business enterprise, without the written per- mission of the Commissioner of Education. (11) Principals are required to have the correct time and to see that the clocks in their schoolrooms are regulated to keep the correct time. (12) Principals shall see that all of the reports for the schools under their direction are promptly filled out in the form required and placed at the disposition of the supervising principal. (13) Principals are responsible for the faithful exe- cution and performance of all the rules and regulations laid down for their respective schools. (14) Principals are responsible for the maintenance of discipline in all the schools under their direction. (15) Principals shall report upon the work, conduct, etc., of all the teachers under their direction so far as it is possible to observe the same in addition to attending to their duties in their own classes, whenever requested by supervising principals or school boards. (16) Principals shall send a report on the condition of the school property to the school boards when requested to do so. (17) Principals shall hold themselves in readiness for such additional work as may be required by the Commissioner of Education or his representatives. (18) Principals shall immediately notify the Super- SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 99 vising Principal of any permission given by them to a teacher to dismiss his pupils during school hours. (19) Wherever in these rules and regulations the word "principal" occurs, it is intended to include "acting principal" and "teacher in charge." DUTIES OF TEACHERS. (227) (1) Teachers shall always respect the authority of principals and shall not interfere with nor usurp their rights or duties. (2) Teachers in rural schools shall be in their respec- tive schools at least twenty minutes before the hour set for beginning classes. (3) Teachers in school buildings in charge of princi- pals or acting principals shall be in their respective schools at least ten minutes before the time for begin- ning classes. (4) Teachers shall keep a register provided by the department in accordance with the instructions given therein. (5) Teachers shall be responsible for the proper care and protection of text-books and the economic use of school materials supplied to them by the department. (6) Teachers are prohibited from dismissing their pupils during school hours unless obliged to do so for some absolutely necessary cause, in which ease graded teachers shall have previously secured permission of their principal, but in no case shall a teacher appoint a substitute. (7) Teachers should study the characteristics of the pupils of their respective classes and by means of kind- ness and persuasive disciplinary measures they should endeavor to win their affection and cooperation. Teach- ers shall always be examples of dignity, courtesy and kindly spirit. (8) Teachers are charged with the duty of overseeing 100 SCHOOL LAWS OF 1'ORTO RICO. the conduct of their pupils not only in the class room, but also during the recesses, and they are jointly res- ponsible with the parents or guardians for their conduct from the time they leave home for school until the}'' return to their homes. (9) Teachers shall fill out in proper form all required reports and give same to their supervising principals. (10) Teachers shall follow at all times the directions or orders of the Commissioner of Education or his representatives, and shall familiarize themselves with the School Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the department. (11) Teachers shall closely observe and follow the methods of instruction outlined in the Course of Study issued by the department. (12) Teachers shall preserve for inspection by general superintendents or other officials of the department, all written suggestions or criticisms received from their supervising principals during the school year, as well as all books in which they have written their daily preparation of work, at their respective schoolrooms until the close of each school year. (15) Teachers shall, when requested by their super- vising principal, be with their pupils on the play- grounds during recess to preserve order and to direct their games. (16) Teachers of English shall be placed in charge of the Courses in English for Porto Rican teachers. The time and place for holding these courses shall be de- termined by the Supervising Principal, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Education. (17) Teachers will not be allowed to take the annual examination given toward the close of each school year in the elementary or intermediate course in English for Porto Rican teachers more than twice. This rule will go into effect in June, 1912. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 101 RIGHTS OF TEACHERS. (228) Teachers shall have the right to appeal from the orders which may be given them by their principal to the supervising principal and from the latter to the Commissioner of Education. Supervising principals and principals should give all their instructions to teachers privately and not in the presence of the their classes. The restriction upon the teachers from engaging in active politics does not restrain their liberty to cast their vote at the polls or to express their opinions privately, but they shall not engage in public discus- sions or in electioneering. Teachers are at libertv to make any voluntary con- tribution that they may deem fit for political purposes. The department is, however, desirous of cooperating with the Department of Justice in prosecuting any violation of Section 16 of the Civil Service Law, and will, so far as is in its power, protect teachers refusing to make involuntary contributions. Teachers enjoy the complete right to criticise or discuss either in pedagogical meetings or in newspaper articles the School Laws and Regulations, but in nil such discussion they shall avoid the use of words and phrases which could in any manner be deemed as showing a lack of respect for any department of the Insular Government. LENGTH OF SCHOOL DAY. (229) The school day for all graded schools and urban rural schools shall be as follows: Grades l and 2. — 8.30 a. m. to 11 a. m.; 1.30 p. m. to 4 p. m. Grades 3 to 8.— 8.30 a. m. to L1.30 a. m.; L.30 p. m. o 4 p. m. 102 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. In all rural schools other than urban. — 8.30 a. m. to I L.30 a. in.; 12 m. to 3 p. m. In oil night schools. — Two hours. These hours shall be strictly adhered to unless special permission to the contrary is granted by the Commis- sioner of Education. A fifteen-minute recess shall be given each session. — In urban schools, at 10 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.; in rural schools, at 10 a, m. and 1.30 p. m. The length of recitation periods shall be as follows: Grades 1 and 2 not to exceed 15 minutes, grades 3 and 4 not to exceed 20 minutes, grades 5 and 6 not to exceed 25 minutes, grades 7 and 8 not to exceed 30 minutes. PHYSICAL EXERCISES. (230) Fifteen minutes daily shall be devoted to ca- listhenics and breathing exercises in all schools of the island. These exercises should be introduced after les- sons of limited physical activity. Whenever the class is restless, dull or inattentive, it would be well to introduce breathing exercises in order to refresh both mind and body. These exercises shall not be subs- tituted for the regular recess period, but wherever pos- sible, without too much confusion and loss of time, they shall be held in the open air. The following excercises shall be taught all pupils so that they may practice them at home : 1. Stand erect, heels together, toes out, hands down at the sides. Draw a deep breath slowly and at the same time raise the arms slowly from the sides until the palms nearly meet over the head. Lower the arms gradually, exhaling slowly. Repeat about eight times. 2. Stretch the arms straight out in front of the body, palms facing. Keeping the arms in a horizontal posi- tion, move them slowly backward and see how near SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 103 you can come to bringing the hands together at the back without bending or lowering them, inhaling and exhaling as before. Repeat about eight times. 3. Arms straight out in front, palms down. Raise the arms slowly over the head, then as far back as possible, down and to the original position, making in this way a sort of crooked circle in the air with the hands. Inhale slowly as the arms are raised and ex- hale as they are lowered. Repeat eight times. 4. To vary these exercises from time to time, instead of exhaling as the arms descend, hold the breath until the arms are in their original position, then exhale slowly. The following simple rules should be observed by all school children in order to prevent the spread of con- tagious disease : 1. Do not spit on the floor or sidewalk. 2. Do not put pencils or penholders in the mouth. 3. Do not put the fingers in the mouth. 4. Do not put money in the mouth. 5. Never put into the mouth anything that another person has had in his mouth (whistles, candy, gum, etc.) 6. When coughing turn the face away from others, and avoid allowing others to cough in your face. 7. Wash the face and hands often. SUSPENSION. (231) This method of punishment is approved by the Department of Education when necessary to main- tain the dignity and proper discipline of the school. Suspensions shall not exceed live days unless further extension is granted by the Commissioner of Education. For the guidance of teachers the following instruc- tions are given : (I) In rural schools ;i child may be suspended by the teacher. The child -hall he sent home :it once and 104 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. the parent or guardian notified in writing of the reasons for suspension and informed that the consent of the supervising principal must be secured before the child may return. The teacher will also notify the supervising principal of his action enclosing a copy of the letter sent to the parents or guardian. (2) In school buildings in charge of principals or acting principals, pupils may be suspended by these officers only. The teacher shall send the pupil to the principal or acting principal who, after investigation, may suspend him. The child shall, in such case, be sent home immediately, and the parent or guardian notified in writing that the child is suspended, with the reasons therefor, and that the written consent of the supervising principal is necessary before the child may return. (3) The supervising principal shall, after investiga- tion, notify the parent or guardian in writing of the conditions under which the child may return. (4) Copies of all papers relating to suspension shall be kept on file in the supervising principal's office. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. (232) The use of corporal punishment in the schools of Porto Rico is not approved by the Department of Education, and is absolutely prohibited except in ac- cordance with the following regulations : (1) Whenever a grave misdemeanor has been com- mitted by a pupil for which it seems corporal punish- ment would be the best remedy, written or oral permission (if oral, it should be given in the presence of a reliable witness) must be secured from the parent or guardian for the infliction of that form of punish- ment. (2) In schools where there are principals or acting principals, corporal punishment, when administered, SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 105 shall be inflicted only by those officers and in the presence of two other teachers, and not in the presence oi other pupils. (3) In rural schools, corporal punishment may be administered by the teacher, but must be in the pre- sence of two patrons of the school called in as witnesses. In this case also, punishment shall not be administered in the presence of other pupils. (4) Teachers shall not strike pupils on the head, or any other part of the body in such a way as to produce severe or permanent injury. (5) When corporal punishment is administered it shall be by the use of the hand or a light rule, switch or strap without a buckle or other piece oi metal. (6) Teachers who disregard section 53 of the Com- piled School Laws of Porto Rico or the rules of the department relative to corporal punishment will be summarily dealt with. EXAMINATIONS. (233) Examinations for all classes of teachers' li- censes will beheld annually during the Kaster vacation at headquarter towns and also during the summer vacation at such places as the Commissioner of Edu- cation may designate. Examinations for permanent diplomas will be held annually during the summer vacation at such places as the Commissioner of Edu- cation may determine. Applications for admission to examinations for teachers' licenses or for permanenl diplomas must be made in writing upon blanks provided by the depart- ment and supplied through the supervising principals. Such applications must be handed to the supervising principals at least 15 days before the day set for exami- nation. Applicants for the principal's examination must 106 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. possess the English graded license; those for exami- nation for rural license, the eighth grade diploma or its equivalent. In order to obtain the teacher's certificate, applicants must obtain at least 60% in each subject, and a general average of 75%. At the Easter vacation examinations those candidates for the principal's license who receive 75% or over in at least seven subjects will be credited with those subjects. Candidates for the graded or rural license who receive 60% or over in at least five subjects will be credited with subjects in which they obtain 75% or over. The credits referred to in this paragraph shall hold good only until the examinations given during the summer vacation at which time all remaining subjects must be approved and the general average of 75% obtained. Examinations for the common school diploma which is given upon completion of the work of the 8th grade, will be held at the close of the school year in each town where 8th grades are maintained, and also late in the summer at such towns as the Commissioner of Educa- tion may designate. In order to obtain the common school diploma, can- didates must obtain at least 60% in each subject, and a general average of 75%. Any candidate who receives 75% or more in at least five subjects at the June exami- nations will be credited with those subjects and may take tbe examination in the remaining subjects at the examinations held late in the summer. The examination of graded teachers for authority to teach in English will be conducted by the general superintendents at the time of their visit to the various districts and at such other times or bv such other persons as may be designated by the Commissioner of Education. Examinations provided by law to be given in the SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 107 English language for teachers will be held at the com- pletion of the several courses at headquarter towns and also during the summer at such places as the Commis- sioner of Education may determine. This examination in English will be both oral and written, and teachers must obtain an average of at least 60%. Special permission may be given by the Commissioner of Education for admission to any examination for satis- factory reason. SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 109 INDEX. Paragraph Absence of teacher 8 j go Account books for school boards 40 Accounts of school boards 39 Acting principals appointed by Commissioner 94a Age qualifications of teachers 58, 60 Age, school 2, 101, 104, 106 Agricultural fund of university 211(2) Agricultural schools 2 Allotment of schools 49 Anemia, Bulletins on 115 Annual report of Commisssioner 119 Annual report of supervising principals 108, 114 "Antologfa Puertorriquefia" 124 Application for examination 233 Arbor Day 180, 181 Arts and trades, Scholarships for 129 Assistant Commissioner to administer oaths 2 Assistant supervising principal 109 Attendance compulsory 99ff Audit of school board accounts 39, 41 Ayuntamiento to determine school tax 112 Bond of treasurer of school board 42 Books 122ff Transportation of 36 Building fund 2011* Buildings, Custody of 7 Cancellation of licenses 78ff, 91 Celebration of holidays 52 Central High School of Porto Bico 185 Certificates {See Licenses). Certificates of indebtedness 9, 1 1 ff, L9a, 1 « * I » Chancellor of university 212 Charges against school director 17 Civil Service, Teachers under Classification of salaries 82ff Classification of teachers 54, 222 Commercial course in high schools 185, 186 Commissioner of Education : Powers of, as to — Scholarships — High school 1 '6ff Normal school I52ff United States (Commission) 121;, 127,128,142 Trades schools 129,130,131 Note.— Numbers refer i<> paragraphs uol sections, of the school law . ■■II'" read "and following paragrap 110 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Paragraph. Commissioner of Education: Powers of, as to — Withdrawal of support 132, 145 Distribution 135 Schools — Free, public 2 Higher institutions 2 Special 2 Night 2, 106, 107 Culebra 121 Industrial 175ff High and industrial 186 Dismissal of pupils 99 Suspension of Pupils 231 Allotment 49 Rules and regulations 92, 114, 178, 229 Removal of ..... 103 Text-books and supplies 114, 124, 125 Books and supplies 36,122,198 Course of study — Preparatory teachers 66 Teachers of English 76 Common schools 114 Porto Rican literature 124 High schools 185, 186 Industrial schools 177 Anemia and tuberculosis 115ff Normal studies in high schools 185, 186 Course of instruction for Arbor Day 181 School Day 51, 229 School holidays 51, 52, 180, 181 School law, publication of 182 School year 50 School course 49 School board — Books of account 40, 41 Contracts, enforcement of 96 Duties of 7ff, 114 Organization of 5 Report of 40 Schools, teachers, number 49 School director, resignation 45 Removal, suspension 46, 47 Substitute 46 School year, notice of 49 Secretary, report of 44 Treasurer, report of 41 Bond of 42 Accounts of 43 Vacancy in, to fill 4, 48 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Ill Paragraph. Commissioner of Education: School buildings, land, property, rural, purchase or construction — Projects and plans, approval 14,22, 97. 114 Site for, approval of 23 May purchase or construct •_!<; Repairs, neglect of board 8d Contract, failure of board .... .;;; Equipment 35 Furniture, sale of, forbidden 19s Property, alienation of s, Condemned, sale of liis Products, industrial school 177 Teachers — Appointment, suspension, removal — Additional, when 97 Acting principals it la Assignment of .17 Board, failure to provide 34 Culebra 121 Contracts, Commissioner may annul 95 English, special 59, 94 General superintendents Ill Industrial schools I75ff Normal School, Commissioner may send teachers to 9 1 Substitutes 90, 94, !>:,. 109 2_!7 Supervising principal 108, 1 11 Vacation leave uu:; Assistant to 109 Suspension of 77. 7s. 80, 91 Official list of 93 Preparatory 63ff Charges against, investigation of 79,80 Licenses of — Cancellation 77, 78,91 Examination 1 14, l'.;:;iV Issuance of 54, 57a, 58, 60, 61, 63, I II. 233ff Normal certificates, countersign 62 Permanent diplomas 7011, 233ff Renewal of Ol.^jj Salaries of — Classification 82ff Fixing of si. S7. 1 1 I Annual re port L19, 120 Informal ion on criminal statistics lis Oath, may administer Commissioner of tin; Interior to approve plans for buildings. ■ -'-' Common school equipment 196, L97 1 1 2 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Paragraph. Complaints against teachers 79, 80 Compulsory attendance 99ff Condemnation of property for school purposes 30 Construction of school buildings 9ff Contagious diseases 230 Contracts between teachers and school boards 95, 96, 98 For construction of buildings 22 < orporal punishment 92, 232 Course of study. Commercial 188 In English 76 For industrial school 177 For preparatory teachers 66 To be followed 89 Criminal statistics, Reports on 118 Culebra, School of 121 Degrees granted by university 212 Department to supply books 122 Departments of university 211 Diploma equivalent to license 62 Diplomas, Recognition of 57a Directors to visit schools 35 Diseases contagious 230 Duties of teachers 89ff, 225if Easter vacation, examinations during 233ff Eighth grade diploma required for scholarship 127, 154 Credits to obtain 233ff Election of school directors 3 Of teachers 37, 93 Eminent domain 30 English examination 74, 23311* English, Teachers of 59, 86, 98 Enrollment, Minimum 102 In preparatory schools 65 Equipment, Repayment for 196, 197 To be supplied by school board 35, 36 Escheated inheritances 216(1) Evidence against teachers to be written 79 Exercises Physical ... 230 Examinations : Teachers' licenses — Time and place 233ff Passing mark 233ff Permanent diploma 70ff, 233rf Principal teachers 57, 233ff Teachers of graded schools 56, 233tf Teachers of English 59 Teachers of rural schools 55, 233ff Preparatory teachers 64, 67 Common school diplomas 187, 233ff SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 113 Examinations: Paragraph. Teachers' courses in English 74^ 233ff Admission to high schools 1^7 Spanish required 57 a Executive Council to approve ordinance for loan. . . .9, 17, 19a, 24, 200 Authorized to sell obligations 19 To approve salaries of special teachers 87 Experience qualifications for teachers 58 Expulsion of pupils 99 "Fines for university fund 216(2) Funds: Loans — Certificates of indebtedness 11, 13, ig a , 19b Refunding of 17 For school buildings 9 Rate of interest 9 School building fund 20ff Amount 20 Object 20 Increased Foot notes (2) (3) Governed, by whom 22 Available 23 Rate of interest 23 Repayments 23 Allotment of 24 Products, sale of — Industrial schools . . 177 Property account 197 Salaries — May be paid by school board 49 Teachers 81, 87 Acting principal 94a ^Assistant to supervising principal 109 Preparatory teachers 69 Supervising principals 114 General superintendents 114 House rent 98 Contracts for 96 School Board — Accounts, keeping of 40 Buildings, repair of 8d Contracts for Hi Rural school buildings 26 Equipment, Money for 196, l!»7 Expenditure, When made 10 Funds, advance of 200 Retention by auditor 96 Retention by treasurer 28 School year, Expense of lengthening •"><» Scholarships (See Scholarships). 114 SCHOOL LAWS OF l'OKTO RICO. Funds: School Board — Paragraph. Taxation. Meeting lor 28 Treasurer of, Accounting of ... 41 School tax 1 lOff Teachers' pension fund 163ft' General superintendents to administer oath 2 Appointment of 114 To conduct Examinations for English graded license 233ff • Graded license, Examination for 56, 233ff Ilamjiton Institute, Students may be sent to 131 Health requisite to obtain license 57a High school scholarships 146ff Holidays 52, 180, 181 House rent. Allowance for 98 Enforcement of payment of 96 Preparatory teachers 69 Industrial schools 175ff Inheritances, Escheated 216(1) Instructors of preparatory teachers 66 Janitors employed by school boards 7 Judicial charges against teachers 80 Kindergartens 2 Law to be published 182 Legal holidays 52 Library of university, Documents for 215 Licenses: Cancellation of 77, 78, 91 Distinguished from diplomas 222 Issuance of — By whom 54 To whom 57, 58, 60, 233ff For what period 61, 62, 67 Permanent diplomas 62, 70ff, 233ff Renewal of 61, 222 Requirements for [See also Examinations). Rural 55, 233ff Graded 56, 233ff Principal 57, 233ff Preparatory 63tf Special teachers 94 May be modified by Commissioner 57 Attendance at normal school, effect 62 Loans for construction of school buildings 9ff, 19b, 1 12 May be contracted by school boards 200 Loans, Ordinances for 23 Mechanical drawing, Classes 191ff SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 115 Paragraph. Meeting to authorize taxation 28 Of school board 6 Of university trustees 207 Minutes of school board meetings 44 "Mujeres Puertorriquefias" 125 Municipal council to determine school tax 112 Municipality may cede property to school boards 8b To provided school buildings 97 To provide offices for school board 97 To receive report of Commissioner 120 Night schools 2, 106, 107, 191ft", 229 Normal school property deeded to university 218, 219 Graduates, classification of 85 Scholarships.. . . L52ff Teachers may be assigned to 94 Nurses, School for 174 Oaths, Who may administer 2 Officers of school boards 5 Offices for school boards 97 Of supervising principals, allowance for 114, 224 Official list of teachers 93 Ordinance for loan 23 Payment for school equipment 196 Pension fund 163ft" Permanent diploma 62, 7011, 233ff Permanent license to normal school graduates 62 Permanent university fund 217 Physical exercises 230 Political activity forbidden 91 Porto Rican literatu re, Book of 121 Preparatory teachers 63ff President, school boards 5 University 210 Principal's license, Kxamination for . r >7, 233ft Principals, Duties of 225, 22(i May serve as assistant supervising principals L09 Property public not to be alienated. . 8c, L98 Title to school 8, 8a Public lands. Proceeds from sale of, university fund 217 Public documents for university library 215 Punishment. ( !orporal 92, 282 Qualifications of teachers" .">». 57a. 58, 60 Of school directors 4 Of teachers of English 59 Recesses, recitations 229 Reimbursement for lost property L97 Relationship of teachers to members of school board 98 Removal of school director 16, IT Renewal of teacher's license 61, 222 116 SCHOOL LAWS OK PORTO RICO. Paragraph. Repairs to school buildings 7 Repealing clause 183 Report of Commissioner 119 Of treasurer of school board 41 Of university trustees 214 Reports on scholarship students 133, 145 Of supervising principals 108, 114 Of teachers 227 Residence not to be in school building 29 Resignation of school director 45 Royalties for university fund 216(3) Rural license, Examination for 55, 233ff Salary classes, graded teachers 83 Principals 84 Rural teachers 82 Salary of preparatory teachers 69 Of teachers, how paid and fixed 49, 81ff Of teachers of English 86 San Juan High School, name changed 185 Scholarships : To graded schools 15911 To high schools 146ff Number 146 Manner of selection 147, 148 Qualifications 146ff Length of period 149 Value of 150 To Normal School 152ff Ad vanced course 156 Committee on award 153 Supervision of 155 Number of 152 Qualifications for 152, 154 Value of 152 Rules and regulations governing 157 To United States- Men 126ff M en and women 129ff Women 136ff School board accounts, Auditing of 41 School Board : Formation — How constituted 3 Election of 3 Compensation of 3 Certificate of election of 3 Term of office 3 Qualifications of 4 Oath of olfice of 4 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 117 School Board: Formation — Paragraph. Suspension and removal of 46. 47 Resignation of. 45 Vacancy, how filled 4, 4S Substitute 4(3 Organization — Officers 5 Election of 5 Qualifications of 5 Certificate of 5 Treasurer •-, 49 President 5 Secretary 5 Supervising principal, status of 6, Kin Meetings: Regular q Special <3 Minu tes of 44 Annual report of Commissioner 120 Offices for <>7 Powers and duties as to: Property — Buildings 7 Title to lands 8, 8a, 8d May receive from municipality. 8b Alienation of 8c Repairs of buildings 8d Plans for buildings 114 Rural school houses '2(>, 27 Site, failure to provide 2 I Eminent domain 30 Books, storeroom for 36 Schools — Allotment of 49 Separation of sexes -'.* Free and public 32 P^ailure to provide rooms 33 Failure to provide teachers 34, 95 Visits to schools 35 Equipment of 35,36 Assignment of teachers !7 1 Opening of 19 Lengthening of school year 50 School days and holidays >i Nomination of teachers 98 Election of teachers 93 Colli racts with teachers 95 Ad \ School age 2, 101, 104, 106 Special schools 2 Sexes may be separated 29 Course of study — Preparation of 114 To be followed strictly 89 Text-book on Porto Rican literature 12 i Instruction as to anemia and tuberculosis 115, 116, 117 Industrial schools I75ff High schools, commercial subjects 185, 186 Normal studies 186 English for Spanish-speaking teachers 76, 233ff Attendance — Prompt, defined 100 Regular, defined 100 Enforcement of 101, 104, 105 < 'ompulsory <»9ff Industrial 1 75ff Kinds of— Common school system 2 Special schools 2 Higher institutions of learning 2 Night schools 106, 107 Industrial schools 175 Number of — Rural, not to be reduced 65 Graded, when increased 97 Night 106 School District — Defined .">;< Jurisdiction over 53 School books 122, 12:! Schools of Culebra 121 School tax Ill, 112 School buildings (See School piiopertj . Location of 29 Municipality, when to provide 97 Teachers (See also Teachers). Assignment of 37 Classification of 54 Qualifications of 54, 57a, 58, 59, 60 In industrial schools 1 75 Pupils — Examination for admission to higb schools 187 Withdrawal of 99 120 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Schools: Pupils — Enrollment of— Paragraph. Maximum and minimum 102 Failure to maintain 103 In night schools 106 For preparatory teachers 65 Suspension or expulsion 99, 231 Corporal punishment 92, 232 School year 50 School course 49 School month 52 School day 51, 229 Vacations 51 Holidays 52, 180, 181 School property : Buildings — School board, powers of as to 7 Neglect to care for 8d Failure to provide 33 Construction of — When begun 15 Payment for 16 Rural , cheap buildings 26, 27 Loans for 9 Culebra, Control of 121 Location of apart from residence 29 Plans and specifications for 14 School building fund 20ff Equipment — Board to supply 35, 36 Condemned, Sale of . 198 Necessary 36 Industrial school, Transfer of 179 Text-books and supplies — Provided 36 Classified 122 Accountability for 123 Transportation of 36 Record ot ' 44 Lands — Alienation of 8e Municipal council may cede 8b Taxation, exemption 8 Title to 8d, 23, 27 Secretary and Treasurer, university trustees 209 Secretary of department to administer oaths 2 Secretary of school board, Duties of 44 Site for building provided by school board 24 By eminent domain 30 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 121 Paragraph. Spanish language, examination required 57 a Special teachers, Qualifications of 94 Salaries of 87 gg Storerooms provided by school boards 36 Suits against school board 31 Substitute teachers appointed by Commissioner 90 Summer vacations, Examinations during 233ff Supervising principal : Appointment and direction of — Appointment 114 Assistant to 109 Control and guidance of 108 Eligibility of 108 House and office rent 114 Number of 114 Salaries of 114 Traveling expenses 114 Vacation leave 223 Duties, powers and rights of — Books, distribution of 122 Holidays, observance of 51, 180, 181 Pupils — Withdrawal of 99 Dismissal of 99 Suspension of 231 Absence, approval of cause 100 Attendance of, compulsory 99 Report to Commissioner 108, 114 School, time for opening 100, 229 Assignment of teachers 37 Quarters for 33 K'luipment for 35 School board — Relation to 6, 108 Account books for 40 < !ha rges against 47 Teachers, Absences of 90 In general 108, 223, 23.SI1 Suspension for failure to pass English examination 77, 233ff Of school director 46, 47 Ofpnpils 23] Of scholarship students 128, 132 Of teachers 78fl Tax, School 112 Taxation, Meeting to authorize 28 General provisions 11", 111 School property exempt 8 Teachers: Absence of s ' Allotment of 49, 97 122 SCHOOL LAWS OK PORTO RICO. Teachers: Paragraph. Assigment of, to schools 37, 65 Charges against 79 Classified Civil Service 88 Classification of 54, 222 Contracts — Essentials of 95, 96, 98 Annulment of , 95 Enforcement of 95 Duties of — In general — Principals and teachers 225 Principals 226 Acting principals 94a, 226 Teachers 227 English and special 59, 76, 94 In particular — Accountable for books 123 Suspension 231 Corporal punishment 92, 232 Course in English 74ff, 233ff School house, Not to live in 29 Fees, Acceptance of, for instruction 32 Arbor Day, Observance of 180, 181 Political activity forbidden 91 Course of study to be followed 76, 89 Absences, Reporting 90 Examinations for licenses. {See Examinations.) Licenses — By whom issued 54 Cancellation of 77, 78, 91 When issued — On examination. {See Examinations.) Without examination 57a, 58, 62 Renewal of 61, 222 Pension Fund ,. . . 163ff Qualifications of — In general 54, 57a, 58, 60 Principal teachers 57, 233fT Graded teachers 56, 233ff Rural teachers 55, 233fT Teachers of English 59 Special teachers 94 Preparatory teachers 63ff Special preparatory teachers 65 Rights of — Charges and complaints against 79, 80 House rent 98 Instruction in English 74ff, 233ff Government employes 91 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. 123 Teachers: Rights of — Paragraph. May suspend pupils 231 May be sent to the Normal School 94 Annual report of Commissioner 120 School board ■» .- In general .^ Salaries of — Supervising principals Hi Principals j.4 Acting principals 94 a Graded teachers 83 Teachers ot English 86 98 Special teachers 87 98 Rural teachers 49 82 Preparatory teachers 69 Assistant to supervising principal 109 How fixed g] Exempt from attachment 81 Classification of 82ff House rent 7, 98 Selection of — By school board , 93 By Commissioner of Education — Teachers of English 59, 94 Special teachers 94 For Culebra 121 Acting principals 94a Assistant to supervising principal 109 Substitute teachers 90, 94, 95, 109 Instructors, English courses 7<> Preparatory teachers 66 Failure of board to provide 34 Suspension and removal of — By whom 78, 80 When 77, 78, 80 Procedure 72, 77, 78, 80 Effect of, by school board 78 Treasurer of Porto Rico to collect school tax Ill' To prescribe form of certificates of indebtedness 11 To retain moneys 8d. 9, 112 May prescribe methods for school boards 13 May accept bonds at par I!'<- May sell bonds I9d Treasurer of school board. Duties and salary of Bond of 12 Report of 11 Treasurer of teachers' pension fund 169 Transportation of books 36 124 SCHOOL LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Paragraph. Trustees of teachers' pension fund 165 Of University of Porto Rico 206 Tuberculosis, Bulletins on 116 Tuskegee Institute. Students may be sent to 131 University of Porto Rico : Departments of 211 Founding of 204 Funds of — Disposition 211 Investments ; 217 Permanent fund 217 University fund 216 Grants from Congress 211 Property of — Documents for library 215 Title of 218, 219 Scope of 205 Trustees of — Appointment 206 Body corporate 207 Compensation 207 Eligibility 207 Meetings 207 Officers 207 President, vice president 206, 208 Secretary, treasurer 209 Chancellor 210 Report of 214 Powers of — Degrees 212 Coeducational 213 Vacancies — In school boards, how filled 4, 48 In schools to be advertised 93 In schools, how filled 95 Vacations fixed by Commissioner 51 Vacation leave for superintendents 223 Vice president, university trustees 208 Vouchers, Form of 44 Warrants to be dated 5,41 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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