■■■ ■ - ■■■■ ■... -.:'..' ' ' : ' ■ ■' 7 (fe'ktf v; Afe ^sjgj EXECUTOR'S SALE. CATALOGUE OF THE American Library COLLECTED BY THE LATE Samuel Latham %hwl Bam, CONTAINING very many of the rarest books known M to the collector of this branch of literature, some virtually, and others absolutely, unique, including valuable Manuscripts 7 1 THICH embrace the original Log Book of John Paul Jones, l ' the Colonial Laws of Massachusetts, Arnold's Account of the Quebec Expedition, the Chalmers Papers, and the ■ • ■ • thousand original letters comprised in the LIVINGSTON CORRESPONDENCE, THE WHOLE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION' AT THE American Art Galleries, 6 E. 230 St., Madison Squark, New York, on the afternoons and evenings of FEBRUARY the $tf, X89O, and following days, under the management 0/ JAMES OSBORNE WRIGHT, [to whom all correspondence may, in the interim, be addressed]. ifc CONJUNCTION WITH THH AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. THOS, K. KIRBY, Auctioneer. 1889. Order of Sale. Afternoon Sessions Commencing at 2.30. Evening Sessions at 7. JO. Monday Afternoon, February r 3, - Lots 1 to 254 Monday Evening, < < 3> - ' ' 255 to 507 Tuesday Afternoon, ( i 4> - ' ' 508 to 773 Tuesday Evening, << 4- - ' ' 774 to 1024 Wednesday Afternoon, i 1 5. - ' ' 1025 to 1264 Wednesday Evening, a 5> - ' ' 1265 to 1522 Thursday Afternoon, << 6, - * ' i5 2 3 to 1774 Thursday Evening, << 6, - ' ' 1775 to 2029 Friday Afternoon, << 7, - ' 2030 to 2283 Friday Evening, (< 7> - ' 2284 to 2532 Saturday Afternoon, <( 8, - ' ' 2533 to 2784 CATALOGUE AMERICAN LIBRARY OK 'I'HE I. ATE ^AMUEL [^ATHAM f\/[n CHILL ^ARLOW PREI'ARED l'.Y James Osborne Wright. N tCW YORK : iSSy. DOUGLAS TAYLOR, PRINTER, 8g NASSAU ST., N. V. .<->!. CONDITIONS OF SALE. i. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfac- tion of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed; but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All Articles arc exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they arc without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. < 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money e deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of Sale, shall be re-sold by public £ or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) Q attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this ■§ Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. * THOS. E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NOTICE. This being an Executor's sale to close the estate, a cash deposit will be required from every purchaser without exception. Intending purchasers wishing to avoid the trouble and confusion of making a deposit during the sale, can make arrangements pre- vious to day of sale, with the managers or auctioneer, at their office, 6 East Twenty-third Street. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. Thomas E. Kirky, Auctioneer. THE LATE Samuel Latham Mitchill Barlow. THE generous and genial nature of our lamented friend, Mr. Barlow, has already been the theme of just encomiums and eulogies. It behooves us now to recall his character and merits as an enlightened, liberal and public-spirited bibliophile. From his boyhood he loved books, and soon endeavored to form a collection. Never in those early days did he return home from his modest law office, however tired by hard work, without canvass- ing the book stores and book-stalls on the way, and more than once it was not in vain. The beautiful copy of the Antwerp edition of Thevet's Singularitez de la France antarcticque, vellum bound, and stamped with the entwined crescents of Diane de Poitiers,* has no other origin, and was found in Nassau Street. At no time had it been the object of Mr. Barlow to accumulate a large library in every branch of science and literature. This he properly left to public institutions. Nor did he care to collect books which had no other merit than their extreme rarity. His aim was higher and more in accordance with common sense. From the start, he determined to embrace exclusively the history of America. The subject was already of sufficient scope to absorb his efforts and means ; but with a just appreciation of its importance, he brought it within his reach by keeping chiefly in view original authorities and editions. To form regular series, comprehending separate epochs and distinct sections of the New World ; to connect all the links, and to illustrate with parallel accounts events but little known, were always the primary motives of his endeavors and purchases. It is thus that we come to find in his collection the invaluable first printed letters of Columbus, Vespuccius and Cortez ; the rich series of colonial pamphlets, English, French and Dutch, and the largest set of Jesuit Relations ever offered for sale. Under the circumstances, his library could never be very exten- sive, both on account of the high prices which that class of books already commanded, and of their increasing rarity and importance, at home and abroad. But when fortune commenced to smile on him in various ways, and he was informed that the precious library which * Infra, No. 2444. iv Samuel L. M. Barlow. Col. Thomas Aspinwall had collected during the thirty years of his residence as United States Consul at London could be purchased, he at once determined to acquire it at any cost. The books and manuscripts were in Boston, and the agent sent to bring them over, knowing the impatience of Mr. Barlow to behold as his own the desiderata which he had so long sought to possess, had the forethought to select two hundred or more of the choicest works, which he packed in a large trunk, and brought himself to New York. The rest, comprising about 3,700 volumes, were boxed up and sent to a store-house, until the room appropriated for the library in Mr. Barlow's new residence on Madison Avenue was ready to receive the entire collection, and they were destroyed in the conflagration which consumed the establishment of Messrs. Bangs Brothers during the night of the 18th of September, 1S64. The sorrow of our friend was intense. We repaired together to Broadway, and vainly endeavored to save from the burning ruins a few scorched volumes. But, true to his patriotic instincts, he was half comforted with the thought that the rarest New England pamphlets, and particularly the manuscript records of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts during the XVIIth century (No. 2765), so important for the history of his native State, had escaped destruc- tion, and were safely lodged away from the fire. Far from being discouraged by such a calamity, Mr. Barlow renewed his efforts, and at last succeeded in forming the remarkable collection of works relating to America, which, on account of the death of its founder, is now offered for sale. The difficulty of replacing those books was greater than ever, and it became even doubtful whether certain series could be completed. The Jesuit Relations, the New England, New Netherlands and Virginia colonial tracts, together with the matchless copies of Smith's History of Virginia, presented a well-connected chain of historical and descriptive works embracing the North American -ontinent. To continue it further South in the same style first , quired the original Spanish editions of the Letters of Ferdinand Cortez describing his conquest of Mexico. Latin and Italian trans- lations figured at times in important booksellers' catalogues; but Samuel L. M. Barlow. v where to find the Cartas de relacion printed at Seville, Saragossa, Valencia and Toledo ? Mr. James Carter Brown had been so for- tunate thirty years before, in securing a full set. Mr. Lenox, how- ever, notwithstanding printed appeals* distributed every where, and the most liberal offers, never could possess more than two out of four, whilst none whatever were known to exist in any other private libraries, either in Europe or America. During one of our explor- ing expeditions, in search of early documents to copy and publish, we chanced to discover in Spain three of those priceless original Cartas, comprising in fact the entire text of the four, as the one which was printed at Saragossa in 1523, and of which only one specimen was known to exist,f is simply a reprint of the Seville edition of 1522. They soon found their way into the Bibliothcca Barlowiana. No others have been discovered since, and only five of the public libraries of Europe can boast of possessing either three of those great books, or even one. For the history of the discovery of America, Barlow possessed the celebrated Aspinwall copy of the Epistle of Columbus, printed by Stephanus Plannck at RomeJ (in 1493). This is unquestionably the first Latin edition of that memorable account, and the prototype of the reprints made in the same year at Paris, Antwerp and Basle,§ as well as of nearly all the reimpressions of the text published in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, as is shown by the omission in every title of the name of Queen Isabelle. It was necessary for the tenor of De Cosco's translation to find Plannck's corrected edition, which, * Livres curieux, Garrigue et Christem Libraires etrangers. New York, 1S54, 8vo; Nos. 125-129. f In the library of Mr. John Carter Brown. The Montdidier catalogue, p. 37, No. 671, mentions another. X Compare its typography with that of the Memorabilia urbis Ronuc; impress. Rome per magistrum Stephan. Plannck de Patauia, anno meceexej. (Paris Na- tional Library, Reserve. Invent., K., 1022.) £ We refer to the illustrated edition in ten leaves with the printed cover, of which there is not a single genuine complete copy anywhere, and which we supposed to have been printed at Rome (B. A. V., No. 2). In reality, it was printed and published at Basle by Bergmann de OIpe, like the Verardus of 1494. Compare the characters, initial letters and abbreviations with those in Brandt's poem De fulgetra mini 92, bearing in the colophon the initials and device (in Cerman) of Bergmann. Christophe Colomb, Vol. II., pp. 22-30. vi Samuel L. M. Barlow. although not quite so rare as the first, attained such high prices when brought under the hammer. A very fine copy was secured by Mr. Barlow at private sale. The library contained three original Latin editions, and one Ger- man version of the separate account of the third voyage of Vespuc- cius; but there was a Venetian issue which then existed only in two libraries, viz.: the Trivulziana at Milan, and Marciana at Venice.* The beauty and peculiar style of its typography, as well as its origin, showing that the version in the Pcesi Nouamente retrouati had been borrowed from it for the text, and translated into the Venetian dialect before 1506, since this translation already figures in the Ferrara manuscript, rendered Mr. Barlow extremely desirous to find that edition. Happening to discover a duplicate in one of the bound collections of tracts made by Morelli for the Marciana, we obtained from the Italian Government the cession of that rare book to our friend. It is No. 14 of our Additamcnta, and No. 2554 of the present catalogue. There was still wanting a work of the utmost importance for that already remarkable series of Americana. It was the first decade of Peter Martyr, printed at Seville in 15 11, but with the supplementary leaves containing the table of errata and the map. We found at Madrid a splendid copy, which, when duly examined, presented differences theretofore unnoticed, in the title and address to Count Tendilla.f Mr. Barlow purchased that important desideratum, and caused it to be bound in perfect Grolier style by Marius.J The works relating to the early history of Canada were among the chief objects of his solicitude, and he spared neither efforts nor ex- pense to gather as many as he could. The Barlowiana contained the Champlains of 1613, 1620 and 1632 in extremely fine condition, and all with the original maps, but it preserved no Lescarbot. The editions of 1609, 161 1 and 16 12 could easily be obtained ; a single *Mr. Picot, Catalogue dcs livres de m. le baron James de Rothschild, Vol. II., p. 424, says that it is a different edition from B. A. V., No. 30, which we described from the Serapcum. \ Additamenta, No. 54, p. 55, where, in line 27, after mihi, should be added : si^nificasti vt ea ceteris tue hi bliotece voluminibus. JNo. 1573. Samuel L. M. Barlow. vii bookseller of Paris, Mr. Porquet, had at the same time, a couple of years ago, so many as seven copies of the latter ; but Mr. Barlow wanted the valuable edition of 1617* or 161 8, the only one which is complete. It was not believed to be in any of the private or public libraries of France ;f and Tross, after vainly seeking for that edition had been compelled to make his reprint from that of 161 2, which lacks a chapter. It was found, but in New York. Mr. Barlow had given a standing and unlimited order for the Canadian book, which is unquestionably the most important for the religious history of Canada, and the origin of Montreal — not ex- cepting the Sagard or the LcClerc — besides being, perhaps, next to the Cartier of 1545, the rarest of that class of works. Neither the Browniana, Lexoniana nor any other American library, whether public or private, possessed it, although a copy had once been sold in the United States twenty years ago for $160; but no one could tell what had become of the volume. It was the Ve'ritables Motifs de Messieurs et Dames de la Socic'te de Nostre Dame de Montreal, published at Paris in 1643, J but printed only for the use of Mr. Olier's friends, and so rare that even St. Sulpice did not possess it, and the Abbe Faillon was preparing, when he died, to have a man- uscript copy taken from the copy in the Paris National Library, the only one known to exist in France. A large paper copy was exhumed from among the scattered archives of a suppressed convent, and bought for Mr. Barlow just in time to save it from the waste basket. The devotion of the religious orders for the missionaries sent to la Nouvelle-France in the XVIIth century was extremely great, and shared by certain pious and wealthy laymen affiliated to them in a still higher degree, if possible. The Relations never failed to give a separate account of the death of these courageous apostles. The nuns, especially, who fell the victims of their zeal, were remem- * There are copies differing- from No. 31 of the Notes, " Troisiesme edition enrichie de pi listers choses singulieres, outre la sitite de VHistoire, Af.DC. XVII." f We have discovered since a copy in the Mazarine Library (Xo. 248S). It is the only specimen of the edition of 161S in Paris. % No. 1464. viii Samuel L. M. Barlow. bered with touching descriptions of their lives, efforts and last moments. The Vie de la Mere Marie de V Incarnation, and of Father Chaumonot are well known. There was one of these bio- graphical letters printed with the Relation of 1669, but which, according to a vague tradition, had been published separately, and only for a few personal friends. We refer to the Lettre circulaire de la mort de la Reverende Mere Catharine de S. Augustin, Religieuse Hospitaliere de Quebec. Mr. Barlow had set his heart on acquiring that rarissime book, if it ever could be discovered. The fact is that for an American bibliophile, who already possessed fifty-two copies of the Jesuit Relations in original editions, whilst the richest private libraries in that class of works had never contained more than forty- three,* the Lettre Circulaire was worth having It had never figured in any sale or catalogue, and no traces of the book could be found in the inventories of the religious orders which we had been able to consult. We found it in a Paris bookstore, but the seller, who only suspected the value of it, was not long in becoming con- vinced of its importance, and fixed the price accordingly. It figures in the present catalogue under No. 1469. We could mention many other extremely valuable books, which patience, a liberal outlay and peculiar circumstances, permitted Mr. Barlow to place in his library. The reader will easily recognize them in the adjoining pages. * The most numerous collections of original editions of the Jesuit Relations ever offered for sale are the following : Courtenvaux, Paris, 1783, including duplicates, 43. Murphy, N. Y., 1884, " 39 O'Callaghan, N. Y., 1882, " 32 A Sale, Quebec, 1851, " 30 Hossange, Paris, 1873, " 30 Harrassowitz, Leipzig, 18S2, 26 Dr. Court, Paris, 1S84, " 20 Mr. Barlow's set comprises, including duplicates, 53, including one which is unique as a separate edition. There is no complete set of these Jesuit Relations in original editions any- where. The one coming nearest completion is in the Paris National Library, particularly since we caused the duplicate copy of the Relation of 1632, which was in the Arsenal Library, to be added. We have since found another copy of that first Relation in the Mazarine (No. 35,788). Samuel L. M. Barlow. ix The wish of that kind and generous man always was that his library should be kept intact, if possible, and rendered after his death as practically useful to the student as it had always been in his lifetime. To that effect, in 1883, he proposed to a New York literary institution to purchase it after having been valued by dis- interested experts, and to give one-half of the valuation. In justice to his family he could not do more. Nothing, however, came of this liberal offer ; and many years will elapse before patriotic donors and richly endowed societies are graced with another such opportunity to acquire those indispensable elements of the history of America. Millions and millions of dollars have been bequeathed during the last few years in New York, in Illinois, in California and in other States for the purpose of founding extensive public libraries. The amounts are certainly large enough to allow the acquisition of ancient books, as well as of those modern volumes, which can be easily obtained and which are destined to be always in the market. Can it be said that the administrators of those munificent and judicious bequests duly appreciate the entire importance of the trusts committed to them, when they let pass with supine indiffer- ence chances like the present, which will not occur again more than once or twice in a century, to secure at once books of such para- mount importance for the history of our country ? We have no Archivo de Indias, no Simancas, and since those books are the near- est copies of original manuscripts which are now lost, a collection of them should form the nucleus of a repository of printed archives. True it is that the Lenoxiana contains nearly all the early publi- cations and we can still form one or two collections of that char- acter. Boston or Philadelphia, Chicago or San Francisco, when in possession of ample means due to the patriotic munificence of American citizens, should take it at heart to enrich its public library with such historical and literary treasures. Perhaps the trustees imagine that Americana of the kind which we have just described can be found at any time. Not long since, a bibliophile of that school walked into our office, with the Biblio- thcca Americana Vetustissima under his arm, and asked us to give x Samuel L. M. Barlow. him the address of the store in Paris where all the works mentioned in that bibliography could be purchased at a reasonable price. His surprise was unbounded when informed that if he possessed all the money of Mr. Vanderbilt and had a century of life before him, he could not with that wealth, and in a hundred years, hope to get scarcely more than two-thirds of those books. Still, it was already something to the credit of that well-meaning citizen to have thought of including the accounts sent by Columbus, Vespuccius, Cortez, Pizarro and Jacques Cartier in an American public library. Barlow's greatest wish was to benefit others even more than himself ; and his library remained open to any one who desired to consult it. You had only to come to the house, ring the bell, express your intention, and you were at once ushered into that hospitable " Black Library," where every bookcase was constantly kept unlocked. If unable to come in person, or residing in a dis- tant city, books, maps and manuscripts were forwarded to the student who stood in need of them to continue or complete historical labors. As we are writing these lines, probably several valuable volumes and atlases still circulate hundreds of miles away from New York. The only regret of the owner was that so few availed themselves of the privilege. That great and open-handed bibliophile certainly appreciated, as well as any one, unique copies, priceless editions and artistic bind- ings ; but the possession of such rarities did not dry up his heart or enfeeble his mind. He would have blushed to keep for himself in a selfish and inabordable solitude a single one of those books, however precious, especially when it could, in the hands of a com- petent investigator, throw light upon certain obscure periods of our history. He was generous to excess ; and many a one, near and far, from Madison Avenue or William Street, has received at his hands important services, discreetly proffered, and still more discreetly received, which the ingratitude of some, and dishonesty of others, never prevented him from rendering again, to the last day of his life. Nor were his efforts limited to dispensing liberally sources of information by means of one of the best libraries of American Samuel L. M. Barlow. xi books ever brought together, and in causing to be printed at his own cost, for private distribution, works on American subjects, which could not have been published otherwise.* He strove also to incul- cate in the few young men who cared for historical knowledge, notions of an elevated character regarding the early history of America, and a critical study of the facts and original authorities. He knew and felt that next to Christianity, the discovery of the New World was the greatest event of our era, and one destined, ere long perhaps, to evolve consequences which may remodel the conquests of European civilization. The voyages of Columbus, Vespuccius, the Pinzons, Magellan, Cartier, will then be altogether things of the past, and studied probably with as much care and perseverance as scholars now endeavor to elucidate Solomon's expeditions to Ophir and Tharsis. If so, it will be necessary to interrogate again the old archives, and to examine by the light of trustworthy analysis and critical inquiries all the data and evidence. Then shall we weigh the assertions and conclusions of modern historians, and see what is to become of the works of certain writers and critics, particularly those who now-a-days dispense with citing authorities for events alleged to have occurred centuries ago ; and modestly claim for their elucu- brations the confidence accorded to the Gospel. In keeping with those ideas, Barlow urged his friends to pave the way for such useful and laborious pursuits, by devoting their time, their intelligence and their means to the search of original and authentic documents. He pressed them to explore the Vatican, the Frarii and Marciana, Simancas, La Lonja and the Escorial, the Bank of St. George and Uffizi, and bring to light from those famous reposi- tories of archives, perhaps only a name, a date or a mere allusion, * Letters of Christopher Columbus describing his first voyage to the Western Hemisphere. Texts and translation. New York (Cambridge, Riverside press), 1865, folio. Notes on Columbus. New York (ibidem), [866, folio. Bibliothcca Americana Vetustissima. New York, i860, large Svo. Letter of Christopher Columbus. Text in fac-simile. New York, 1S75, svo. Relation de la prise des forts de C/iouegen, ou Oswego, et de ce qui s 'est passe eette anne'e en Canada. 1756. Reprint, New York, 1SS2, 4to. Chiistopher Columbus and the Bank of Saint George. New York (London, Chiswick Press). 1888, large 4to. \c., &c. xii Samuel L. M. Barlow. but still something which might enable honest historians to elucidate obscure points of our old annals. When once in possession of those inestimable elements, there would still remain the task of establish- ing the text on a sound basis ; illustrating it with notes and extracts from other manuscripts ; and finally exposing in an exact and pre- cise statement, bolstered with every proof, the results so dearly obtained. "Even then," he was wont to say philosophically, "the truth will only be relative and of a transitory character, as further investigations, or new modes of thought, may impair synthetic con- clusions deemed heretofore incontestable ; — and thus it will be to the end of time." And he quoted the instances of Augustin Thierry, Motley, and a number of other conscientious historians. Barlow, particularly during the last few years of his life, was fond of reading history ; not, however, in those famous compilations or didactic works, which set forth pretended conclusive answers to every question imaginable, and where political fawning or grandilo- quence, is made to replace a sincere and difficult study of the original sources. He much preferred the modest and short disquisitions confined to a single event, character or date, but exhibiting initial researches, method and acumen. Tolerant as he was, it distressed him to see the constant, barefaced repetition of doubtful facts, unsupported assertions, and fallacies of long standing, all para- phrased, or presented as the unimpeachable results of novel, arduous and personal studies, which constitute the woof and warp of so many modern works. In the hope of curing that malady of our historical writers and encyclopedists, which he considered almost as a public calamity, Barlow was untiring in his efforts to impress upon students the neces- sity of dismissing at the outset every preconceived notion relative to the subject which they proposed to investigate. " If you possibly can, commence," said he, " as Descartes did when preparing to write his Discourse on Method, by making tabula rasa of all previous knowledge regarding the particular point of inquiry. Ascend to the fountain-head, wherever it may be ; examine for your- self every element with the utmost care, and mark down the cause Samuel L. M. Barlow. xiii for which you admit or reject it. If in the course of time new reasons come to impair the solidity of your synthesis, say why you abandon those first results, and fear not the cheap accusation of inconsistency. " Above all, do not be dazzled by the ancientness or reputation of the annalists and chroniclers from whom you must necessarily derive much of the original substance of your historic labors. His- torians in ancient times were inferior even to many of our own as regards discrimination and veracity. The fact that they were nearer, and sometimes eye-witnesses of the events which they relate, is no decisive circumstance in their favor. There is no employee to-day in the Medal- Rooms of the British Museum, or of the Biblio- theque Nationale, who does not know vastly more regarding the authentic history of Rome than Livy or Dio Cassius ever did. Yet, examine only after your work is finished modern historical and geographical compositions, however extolled and presented by their authors and friends as perfect models to the rising generation. You may then discover curious things. " Go straight before you, regardless of consequences ; and with no other objective than to get at the truth, so far as our infirm nature permits. If the results are at variance with commonly received notions or legends, and denied on that sole account, take no notice whatever of the objection. But, on the other hand, do not seek a priori to upset general beliefs or traditions. Let your efforts be prompted by an earnest desire to confirm rather than to overturn ; and swerve from the beaten path only when the facts compel you to do so. " Whatever may be their merits or demerits, your works will attract but little attention. Nor can the author, dedicated to that class of dry and difficult researches, expect always justice at the hands of the rare critics who may feel disposed to notice his writings ; as, to be fairly judged, these require an amount of patience, toilsome study, and, let it be said, adequate knowledge of the subject, which they do not all possess. You may rest assured that the greater the competence and impartiality of your adversaries, the gentler will be their criticisms. Having probably gone through the same ordeal as xiv Samuel L. M. Barlow. yourselves, they cannot but appreciate the amount of labor and abnegation involved in such efforts. And yet, who knows ? an impardonable misprint, a/ put for a />, or a b for a.J>, is perhaps all that which during twenty-five years and more -will ever be noticed, here, in that mass of facts and documents which I expect you, and every one of you, to discover, elucidate and publish." With that good-natured smile which so often played on his lips, Barlow rarely failed to complete the friendly admonition by describ- ing the trials and kind of reward attending such sacrifices and exertions. " Publishers, said he, will invariably and with touching unani- mity decline to undertake, at their own cost, the publication of works of that character; and no one should blame them for it. On general principles, there is no reason why they should stake a single dollar on a book which few people will read, and fewer still will buy. Publishers do not usually set up in business with the hope or for the sole purpose of working their way into heaven. Why should they be more patriotic than our next-door neighbor, or the man across the way ? Business is business ; and if you choose to be philanthropic, if you aspire to play the part of a benefactor of man- kind, it must be at your own risk and expense. The fact that our country justly boasts of numberless geographical and historical societies, colleges and universities, besides five thousand three hun- dred and thirty-eight public libraries, many of them munificently endowed, while the rest could doubtless afford to invest a small sum in that kind of American histories, does not alter materially the aspect of the case. In this utilitarian age, public libraries are insti- tuted to dispense only such books as may amuse or prove interest- ing to the majority of readers. Now, who takes a serious interest in the controverted questions where Columbus, Vespuccius, Pinzon, John Cabot, Diego de Lepe or Corte Reals actually went, under what circumstances, and in the details of their discoveries ; whether Verrazzano, Gomez, or unknown Spanish and Portuguese navigators long before them, first landed on our shores, and left traces of their explorations ? Where is the reader for the laborious analysis of maps and documents, all sifted with unremitting perse- Samuel L. M. Barlow. xv verance to ascertain the real purport of every name, word and carto- graphical assertion, to discover the origin of the nomenclature and configurations in the earliest charts, and to establish a solid basis for further enquiries and descriptions ? How many, in fine, care for those and a multitude of other primary facts of paramount import- ance for the geography, history and ethnography of the New World ? They are few and far between. " What, you lift up your eyes, and already assume the attitude of a victim ! But, writing books, even on American bibliography, is not an apostolic mission. Nor will the earth cease to revolve on its axis though you should never pen a line on the subject. If you do not find within yourself the recompense you think is due to such efforts, or cannot afford to write history neither for fame nor money, then turn at once your attention to some other pursuit. " Yet, the work needs be accomplished; and even if there is, from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, only one of our fellow- beings who longs to know the truth regarding the discovery and historical commencements of the New World, the book should be written. Nay, if no publishing house, at home or abroad, cares to have it printed, and you have the means or can borrow the money, defray yourself the expenses of publication, and launch your work into the community. Not one tenth of the edition, however limited, will find purchasers, while the rest will be left to mould away and disappear. Do not be discouraged. If a single copy survives, and the book has been honestly written, time will instill into its discarded pages new elements of life, and perhaps elicit from some candid and diligent student of history a recognition of your efforts and sacri- fices," Mr. Barlow made one proselyte; and although, thus far, only his inauspicious warnings have proved true, the task will be continued to the last. HENRY HARRISSE. November, 18S9. 34 East 18th Street, ) New York. ) The compiler of this catalogue is under some obligation to explain apparent discrepancies in at least one item contained in its pages. The recent discovery of two editions of the Spanish text of the Columbus Letter, a discovery only verified since page 81 was printed, will alter the statement there made, even though it lends additional interest to the subject itself. The chief care of the writer has been to elaborate defects, rather than enlarge on the quality of items that well deserve a more eulogistic description, and the only blemish that has come to light not hitherto explained, is that tftiW/Jfl the last leaf in No. 636 is one of Pilinski's marvelous fac-similes. The labor-saving but treacherous element of scissors and paste, has caused a few errors so obvious as to need no correction, but the care taken by the printer has prevented far less than the usual typographical blunders. Mr. Harrisse has, on invitation, kindly supplied some pages, only possible from his virile pen and his intimate knowledge of the subject in hand. Should the reader fail to appreciate the alphabetical arrange- ment of these pages, if he fails to find De Bry under B, for example, his inventive faculty will be at fault; and if the famous subject of a memoir has been chosen, rather than the less famous author, it must certainly offer the easiest reference. CATALOGUE. AMERICANA. i \ BBOTT (A. O.). Prison Life in the South during the AA years 1864 and 1865. Illustrated. 121110, cloth. New York, 1865 2 Abbott (George). A Briefe Description of the whole World. Engraved title (jaith portrait) by Marshall. 121110, old blue morocco. London, 1634 Of America, or the new world, pp. 240-279, &c. 3 Abelin (J. Ph.). Newe Welt und Amfricanischf Historien. Inhaltende Warhafftige und vollkommene Beschreibungen aller West-Indianischen Landschafften Insulen . . . durch Johann Ludwig Gottfriedt. Engraved title, 3 large maps, and 1 large plate, also 173 etchings in the text. Folio, calf. Franekfurt, 1655 The majority of the plates are reproduced from De Pry. 4 [Acadia.) Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de Sa Majeste Britannique, sur les possessions & les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique ; avec les Actes publics & Pieces justificatives . . Maps. 3 vols., 4K), calf. Paris, 1755 The English Commissioners were Messrs. Shirley and Midway, the French MM. Silhouette et Galissonicre. Vol. I., Contenant les Memoires sur l'Acadie & sur lisle de Sainte Lucie. Vol. II., Contenant les Traitcs & Aetes publics concernant rAmerique en general, & les Pieces justificatives des Memoires sur les limites de l'Acadie. Vol. III., Pieces justificatives concernant la propricte l'isle de Sainte- Lucie. There should be a fourth volume (published 1757) on the Island of Tobago. 5 [Acadia.] Considerations ^ur les Differends des Couronnes de la Grande-Bretagne et de France touchant PAcadif. et mitres parties de 1'Amerique Sf.pi entrionalf. . . . Fcrites par un Francois a un Hollandois. Small 8vo, boards. Franckfort et a I, a Haye, 17^6 I Americana. 6 Acosta (Joaquin). Compendio Historico del Descubrimiento y Colonizacion de la Nueva Granada. 8vo, morocco. Paris, 1848 7 Acosta (Joseph). Histoire Naturelle et Moralle des Indes, tant Orient alles qu' Occident alles . . . traduite en Francois par Robert Regnault Cauxois. Small 8vo, crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit. Paris : Marc Orry, 1600 Fine copy. 8 Acosta. The Natvrall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beasts which are proper to that Country ; together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governements and Warres of the Indians. Written in Spanish, and Translated into English by E[dwardJ Gfrimstonej. Small 4to, mottled calf, extra. London, 1604 This work has been translated into almost every language in Europe ; it is replete with the details of the aborigines. 9 Acosta. The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies, &c. Another copy. 4to, calf. London, 1604 In common with the majority, the above two copies of Acosta lack the pre- liminary leaf having the single letter A. (sig.) at the bottom. 10 Acrelius (Israel). Beskrifning om de Swenska Forsamlin- gars Forna och Niirivarande Tilstand, uti Det sa Kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland, Men nu for tiden Pensylvanien, samt nastliggande Orter wid Alfwen De la Ware, Wast-Yersey och New-Castle County uti Norra America. 4to, morocco, gilt leaves. Stockholm, 1759 n Acts and Resolutions of the First Session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States. 8vo, half morocco. Montgomery, Ala., 1S61 12 Adair {].). The History of the American Indians; par- ticularly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia : Containing An Account of their Origin, Language, Manners, Religious and Civil Customs, Laws, Form of Government, Punish- ments, Conduct in War and Domestic Life, their Habits, Diet, Agri- Americana. 5 culture, Manufactures, Diseases and Method of Cure, and other Particulars, sufficient to render it a Complete Indian System. . . By James Adair, Esquire. Maps. 4to, half calf, gilt. London, Charles Dilly, 1775 "Mr. Adair points out various customs of the Indians, having a striking resemblance to those of the Jews ; and the great object of his work appears to be to prove that the aborigines of America are descended from that race." — Allen's Bio. Diet. 13 Adams (Hannah). A Summary History of New-England from the First Settlement at Plymouth . . . comprehending a General Sketch of the American War. 8vo, sheep. Dedham, 1799 14 Adams (John). The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States : with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustra- tions, by his Grandson Charles Francis Adams. Portrait, &>c. 10 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. Boston, 1856 15 Adams. History of the Dispute with America, from its Origin in 1754. Written in the year 1774. 8vo. London, 1784 16 Adams. Another copy. Svo, half morocco. London, 17S4 17 Adams. An Answer to Pain's (sic) Rights of Max. 8vo, half morocco. Dublin, 1793 iS Adams ami [Leonard (Daniel). J Novaxglus, and Massa- chusettensis ; or, Political Essays, published in the years 1774 and 1775, on the Principal Points of Controversy, between Great Britain and her Colonies. The former by John Adams, late President of the United States, the latter by Jonathan Sewall, then King's Attorney General of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. To which are added a number of Letters, lately written by President Adams to the Honourable William Tudor ; some of which were never before published. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston : Hews & Goss, 1819 Notwithstanding the positive statement on the title, I >aniel Leonard was the author of " Massachusettensis. - ' 19 Adams (John Quincy). Memoir of the Like of, by Josiah Quincy. Portrait. Svo, cloth. Boston, 1X60 6 Americana. 20 Adams (J. Q.). Oration addressed to the Citizens of the Town of Quincy on the Fourth of July, 1831, the Fifty-fifth Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1831 2i Adams. The Jubilee of the Constitution. A Discourse de- livered ... in the City of New York, on . . . the 30th of April, 1839 ; being the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States. . . . By John Quincy Adams. Frontispiece. 8vo. half morocco. New York, m.dccc.xxxix. Abounding in valuable points of historical information which are not else- where to be met with. 22 Adams. Letter to Harrison, G. Otis, Esq. ... in Reply to Timothy Pickering. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1808 23 Adams. Oration on the Life and Character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1835 24 Adams (Samuel). Life and Public Services of : being a Nar- rative of his acts and opinions, and of his agency in producing and forwarding the American Revolution. By William V. Wells. Por- traits an J facsimiles. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 25 Addison (Alexander). An Oration on the Rise and Progress of the United States of America to the Present Crisis ; and on the Duties of the Citizens. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798 26 [Addison.] The Trial of Alexander Addison, Esq.. Presi- dent of the Courts of Common Pleas in the Circuit consisting of the Counties of Westmoreland, &c. ... on an Impeachment by the House of Representatives . . . Penn. ... By Thomas Lloyd. 8vo, calf. Lancaster, 1803 27 Address (An) of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York to their Constituents. Svo, half morocco. Fish-kill, Norwich rep., [1776] 28 Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States, in Congress assembled, [with Appendix, &c] 4to, half morocco. Hartford, 1783 Americana. 7 29 Addresses and Recommendations to the States, by the United States, in Congress assembled. 8vo. London, 1783 30 Aelii Antonii nebrissensis gramatici in cosmographia; libros in- troductoriu incipitur fceliciter ad lectorem. 4to, red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy, s. 1. et a. [Salamanca, 1498] B. A. V. Add., No. 7. Four pages, printed on paper with the water-mark of a hand pointing upward to a star. On p. 4 see : " De reliquo huic nostra hemispheric eregioe opposito quod in colii t antichthones : nihil certi nobis a majoribus nostris traditum est.," etc. 31 Agardh (C. A.). Conspectus Specierum Nicotianaf. Einige Worte iiber die Verbesserung des Tabacksbaues. 8vo, uncut. Kopenhagen, 1820 32 Ainsworth (Henry). A Defence of the Holy Scriptures, Worship and Ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist : against the challenges, cavils and contradiction of M. Smyth, &c. 4to, vellum. Amsterdam, 1609 7,2 Ainsworth (Henry). An Arrow against Idolatry. Taken out of the Quiver of the Lord of Hosts . . . Small 8vo, half calf. Nova Belgia, Printed 1640 If this book was really printed in New York, 1640, it will scarcely be neces- sary to call attention to its value. The above copy has the title pieced and a leaf slightly defective at pp. 1 19-120. 34 [Alabama Claims?] The Case of the United States to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration to be convened at Geneva . . . 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1872 35 Alaman (Luca). Dissertazioni sulla Storia del Messico sin dall' Epoca della Conquista. Traduzione di Emmanuele Pelaez. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Palermo, 1859 36 [Alberti (Leandro).J Descrittione di tutta 1 1 alia. Por- trait. Folio, calf. Bologna, 1550 B. A. V., No. 302 Ramirez, 03S. Verso of leaf 43 — Vespucius, &c. 57 [Alberttnl] Opusculum de Mirabilibus Nov.e & vcteris Urbis Romrc editem a Fraciseo de Albertinis, &c. 4to, half calf. Roiiko, 15 10 For an account of Vespuccius, see recto of leal 101. B. A. V., No. 04. 3 Americana. 38 [Albertini.] Opusculum de Mirabilibus Nov/E et Veteris Urbis Rom.e editum a Francisco Albertino Floren + in inclyta Basii./EOrum urbe mdxix. 4to, cloth. Woodcut border to rubricated title with the Virgin Mary [woodcut] on the reverse + Permission 2 pp -+• Table 3 pp + blank page + fols. 1 to 99 4- Index 1 p. + last leaf woodcut of St. Peter on one side and printer's device the other. P. 37 numbered 39. 39 Album de la Rabida. Impreso a expensas de ss.aa.rr. los Ser- mos. Sres. Dugues de Monpensier . . . 4to, morocco, gilt edges, by Matthews. Sevilla, 1856 A Cristobal Colon . . . par J. M. Alvarez, pp. 45-54. 40 Aldama y Guevara (J. A.). Arte de la Lengua Mexicana. 121110, vellum. Last leaves worm-holed and one defective. Mexico, 1754 41 Alderman RooNEYat the Cable Banquet: an improvised Epic by Himself. . . . The Aitin and Dhrinkin and Spaykin and Toasts. Edited by D. O'C. T. Illustrations (5) by Mag rath. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1866 42 Alegre (Francisco Javier). Historia de la Compania de Jesus en Nueva-Espana. Publicala Carlos Maria de Bustamante. Por- traits. 3 vols., 4to, calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Mexico, 184 1-2 43 Alegre. Historia de la Compania de Jesus en Nueva- Espana. 3 vols., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Mexico, 1841-42 J^gT See Jesuit Relations. 44 [Allan.] Catalogue of the Entire Collection [Books, &c] of the late John Allan. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1864 45 Allen (Col. Ethan). Memoir of . . . containing the most Interesting Incidents connected with his Private and Public Career. By Hugh Moore. 121110, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1834 46 Allen. Memoir of . . . By Hugh Moore. Another copy. 121110, half morocco. Plattsburgh, 1834 47 Allen. A Vindication of the Opposition of the Inhabitants of Vermont to the Government of New-York and of their Right to Form an Independent State, ccc. Small 8vo, green morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. [Dresden], 1779 Original edition, very rare. Menzies' copy sold for $62. With the exception of the first four leaves, this copy is far above the average. Americana. $ 48 Allen. A Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity, from the time of his being taken by the British . . . [Sept. 25th, 1775, to 1778]: containing his Voyages and Travels, with the most Remarkable Occurrences . . . particularly the Destruction of the Prisoners at New-York, by Genl. Sir Wm. Howe. Written by Himself. 8vo, polished calf extra, yellow over uncut edges, by Bedford. Walpole, N. H., 1807 49 Allen (Rev. Ethan). Who were the Early Settlers of Maryland ? 8vo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1866 Presentation copy from the author. 50 [Allen (John).] An Oration upon the Beauties of Liberty. (By a British Bostonian.) Small 4to, half morocco. New London, 1773 51 Allen (P.). History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Colum- bia to the Pacific Ocean, performed during the years 1804-5-6. . . . Prepared for the press by Paul Allen, Esquire. 6 maps. 2 vols., 8vo, morocco, red edges. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, 1814 Menzies, $14.50. " This work was commenced by Captain Lewis himself, who was on his route lo Philadelphia to engage in its completion, when the derangement seized him, under the influence of which he committed suicide at St. Louis. It was then under- taken by Mr. Nicholas Biddle, who, in conjunction with Captain Clarke, arranged the numerous notes and copious diaries and journals kept by each of the principal explorers, and enlarged the skeleton of many incidents from the recollections of the survivor." — Field. 52 Allen (William B.). A History of Kentucky : embracing Cleanings, Reminiscences, Antiquities, Natural Curiosities, Statis- tics and Biographical Sketches, &c. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Louisville, 1872 53 Allibone (S. Austin). A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors . . . Vol. I. [A. toj.). Imperial 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 54 Allin (John) and Shepard (Tho.). A Defence of the Answer made unto the Nine Questions or Positions sent from New-England against the Reply thereto, by . . . John Ball, entituled, a Tryall io Americana. of the New Church-way in New England and in Old, &c. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. London, 1648 55 Almanack. Gaine's New-York Pocket Almanack, for the Year 1775 . . . the 15th Year of his Majesty's Reign . . . Calculated ... by Thomas Moore, Philo. i2mo, morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1775 56 [Almon (John).] The Remembrancer; or, Impartial Reposi- tory of Public Events. [17 vols.] London: J. Almon [and J. Debrett\ mdcclxxv to 1784. — A Collection of Interesting, Au- thentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America: shewing the Causes and Progress of that Misunderstand- ing, from 176410 1775. London: J. Almon, mdcclxxvii. — Journal of the Proceedings of Congress, held at Philadelphia, from Sep- tember 5, 1775, to April 30, 1776. London: J. Almon, mdcclxxviii. — The Remembrancer; . . , Vol. 1. The third edition. Lon- don: J. Almon, mdcclxxv. — Together 20 vols. 8vo, calf extra, by Bedford. London, 1775-84 A complete set. Menzies, $198. The later editions of the first volume of the Remembrancer are in royal octavo, and contain a " Map of the Invirons of Boston in 1775," together with several important papers not included in the first edition. " The American War gave rise to this Work in 1775. Every authentic paper relative to that war, as also with Erance and Spain, whether published in England or America, by the British Ministry or the American Congress, are all carefully inserted, also the letters of the several Commanding Officers, Addresses and Reso- lutions of the various Committees, Conventions, &c. To these have been prefixed a collection of authentic papers on the various subjects of dispute, from the reso- lutions which gave rise to the Stamp Act, in 1764, to the Battle of Lexington, in 1775" 57 Alsop (George). A Character Of the Province of Mary- land, Wherein is Described, in four distinct Parts, Viz.: I. The Scituation and Plenty of the Province. II. The Laws, Customs, and Natural Demeanor of the Inhabitant. III. The worst and best Usage of a Mary-Land Servant, opened in view. IV. The Trafnque and Vendable Commodities of the Countrey, &c. Map ami portrait. 121110, red morocco extra, inside lining of morocco, gilt edges. London, 1666 Excessively rare. The Murphy copy, 2813, sold for $360. 58 Alsop (Richard). The Charms of Fancy : a Poem in four can- tos, with Notes . . . Edited . . . with a biographical Sketch of the Author, by Theodore Dwight. 121110, cloth, gilt leaves. New York, 1856 Autograph of the Author inserted. Americana. i i 59 [Alvares.] Libro Primero [y Segundo] del Proximo Evangelico exemplificado en la Vida del Venerable Bernardino Alvarez . . . Compuesto por Don Juan Dias de Arce . . . 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1 65 1 Title + license + dedication 2 leaves + verses 2 leaves + prologue and text, fol. 1-136 + Advertencia 6 leaves. 60 [SUtjartt.] J£)0 tyVtUtt JlOaill das indias {then large wood- cut} Verdadera informacam das terras do Preste Joam, segundo vio y escreveo ho padre Francisco Alvarez capella del Rey nosso senhor. Agora novamente impresso por mandado do dito senhor en casa de Luis Rodriguez livreiro de sua alteza. Folio, brown levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hardy, (Coimbra or Lisboa, 1540?) The original edition, and the only edition printed in Portuguese. Superb copy of an exceedingly rare book. Huth, p. 25. 61 Alvarez de Colmenar (Juan). Annales d'EsPAGNE et de Portugal, contenant tout ce qui s'est passe de plus important dans ces deux Royaumes & dans les autres Parties del'Europe, de raerae que dans les Indes Orientales & Occidentals, c\:c. 3 large maps and over too smaller maps and plates. 4 vols., 4to, calf. Amsterdam, 1741 62 Alyaco (Petrus de). Ymago mundi seu eiusymaginaria descrip- tio, &c. Folio, blue levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mat- thews, s. 1. et a. [ 14X3 ] Duplicate of one of the four books in the Biblioteca Colombina, which once belonged to C Columbus. See I farrisse's additions to 1>. A. V., p. xiv. The present copy has 165 leaves, and appears to be perfect, having the addi- tional matter by ( lerson. Pierre d'Ailly [Alyaco] was Columbus's favorite author. 63 [Alyaco.] Tractates Exponibilium Magistri Petri de Aillyaco. Woodcut on recto and verso of title, and colophon. 4U), half vellum. [30 leaves.] Impressus a Guidone Mcrcatoris in campo gaillardi, 1 494 The same woodcut that appears on the title-page, was used by the printer of the two Paris editions of the Columbus letter, i4<)3- 64 American Arguments for British Rights : being a Repub- lication of the Celebrated Letters f IMiocion, on the Subject of Neutral Trade, Svo, half morocco, Charlestown, 1 SoO 12 Americana. 65 [American Farmer.] Peace without Dishonour, War with- out Hope : An Argument against War with Great Britain, recently published at Boston, by an American Farmer. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1807 66 [American Forts, &c] A Set of Plans and Forts in America. Reduced from Actual Surveys, 1765. 30 plates engraved by P. Andrews. Small 8vo, calf. [London, 1765] In the plan of New York City as surveyed by T. Maerschalckm in 1763, the city ends at Warren Street. Exceedingly rare. 67 [American Independence.] A complete and accurate Account of the very important Debate in the House of Commons . . July 9, 1782, in which the cause of Mr. Fox's Resignation and the great question of American Independence came under considera- tion. 8vo, half morocco. [Pp.61.] London, 1782 68 American Journal of Science (The), More especially of Min- eralogy, Geology, and the other branches of Natural History; in- cluding also Agriculture and the Ornamental as well as Useful Arts. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman [&c.]. Numerous illus- trations, some colored. First Series, with Index. 50 vols. New York, 181 7; New Haven, 1845 Second Series, with Index. 50 vols. New Haven, 1846-1870 Third Series. 8 vols. New Haven, 1871-1874 Together 108 vols. 8vo, half bound. 69 American Naval Battles: being a complete History of the Battles fought by the Navy of the United States from its Estab- lishment in 1794 to the present time, &c. Engraved title and 17 woodcut illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1831 The title-page calls for 21 engravings. 70 American Poems, selected and original. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo, red calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Water-stained. Litchfield: Collier and Buel, [1793] The above collection was made by Dr. E. II. Smith, and comprises Poems by Trumbull, Ereneau, Joel Barlow, William Dunlap, &c, &c. A List of Sub- scribers, 6 pages, will be found at the end of the volume. 71 American Poems. Another copy. 8vo, half morocco. Title in MS. Water-stained. Litchfield, [1793] Americana. 13 72 Ames. Works of Fisher Ames. Compiled by a Number of his Friends. To which are prefixed, Notices of his Life and Charac- ter. [By J T. Kirkland.] Portrait. 8vo, calf. Name cut from top of title. Boston, 1809 " American Principles," a review of the above, by John Quincy Adams, Svo, pp. 56, is bound in at the end of the volume. This, in its turn, was answered by John Lowell. 73 Ames (Dr.). A Second Manuduction for Mr. Robinson; or, a confirmation of the former is an answer to his manumission. 4to, polished calf, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. Anno Domini 16 15 74 Ammans (Hans Jacob). Reisz in das Gelobte Land. En- graved title, portrait and plan. Small Svo, cloth. Zurich, 1678 At p. 171 is an account of " Der Insul Jamaica," by Zeller and Iluser, and duplicate of the Si'Oiu in this catalogue, is bound with this volume. 75 Anarciiiad (The), a New England Poem: written in concert by David Humphreys, Joel Barlow, John Trumbull and Dr. Lemuel Hopkins. . . . Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by Luther G. Riggs. i6rao, cloth. New Haven, 1861 76 Anbury (Thomas). Travels through the Interior Parts of America. In a Series of Letters, by an Officer. Plates and maps. 2 vols., Svo, calf. London, 17S9 "A graphic, personal narrative. The author was an officer in Burgoyne's army, and was taken prisoner by the Americans when that wing of the British forces fell into their hands." 77 I Anderson vii. i.e. ] List of the Union Soldiers Buried at \n- dersonville. Royal Svo, half morocco. New York, 1S66 7S Andrade (I). Jose Maria). Catalogue de la Riche Bibli- otheque de . . . Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Leipzig, KS69 The so-called Maximillian collection. 79 Andre (Major John). Cow-Chace, in Three Cantos, Pub- lished on Occasion of the Rebel General Wayne's attack of the Refugees Block-House on Hudson's River, on Friday, the 21st of July, 17S0. Small Svo, polished calf extra, by Pratt. New York, 1 7 So First edition, if we except the first appearance in 3 numbers of Kivington's Royal Gazette. A second title at p. 27 reads: "The American Times, a Satire ... in which are delineated the Characters of the Leaders of the American Rebellion, &c, In Camillo Querno." Murphy, No 77. 14 Americana. 80 Andre. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, Held by Order of His Excellency Gen. Washington . . . respect- ing Major John Andre . . . Sep. 29, 17 So. Full-length portrait by Cook, after Dodd, inserted. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1780 Original Edition. Menzies, §63. 81 Andre. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, Held by Order of His Excellency Gen. Washington . . . Respecting Major John Andre . . . To which are Appended the several Letters which passed to and from New York on the Occasion, &c. Small 4to, green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, /;'/;;/^/, Hartford, rep., 1780 82 [Andre.] An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre ... By Joshua Hett Smith . . . to which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. Portrait, map and memorial tablet. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1S08 83 Andre. Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre, [by "Curator," /. e., E. BensonJ. i2ino, half morocco. New York, t8 1 7 84 Andre. Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre, by Egbert Benson, with Introduction and Appendix. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 Only So copies printed privately. No. 40. 85 Andre. Life and Career of Major John Andre, by Winthrop Sargent. Portrait. i2mo, half vellum extra. Boston, 1S61 $6 Andreana. Containing the Trial, Execution and Various Matter connected with the History of Major John Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America, A. D. 1780. 9 portraits and 3 facsimiles. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865 Fifty copies only printed on this paper. No. 30. 87 Andrews (Alfred). [New Britain, Conn.] Memorial. Ge- nealogy and Ecclesiastical History. . . Mezzotint portrait by Sar- tdiu. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1867 88 [Andrews (Chas.).] The Prisoners' Memoirs; or Dartmoor Prison: containing a complete and Impartial History of the Americana. 15 entire Captivity of the Americans in England, &c. . . . Also, a Particular Detail of all Occurrences Relative to that Horrible Massacre at Dartmoor on the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. View of Dartmoor Prison. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, rough edges. New York: Printed for the author, 1815 89 Andros. A Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmond Androsse and his Complices, who Acted by an Illegal and Arbi- trary Commission from the Late K. James, during his Government in New England. 4to, half morocco. Printed in the year 1691 Signed by William Stoughton, Thos. Hinckley, Wait Winthrop, Barthol. Ged- ney and Samuel Shnmpton. Fine original copy. See also Brodhead. 90 Andros (T.). The Old Jersey Captive; or, A Narrative of the Captivity of Thomas Andros ... on board the Old Jersey Prison-Ship at New York, 1781. In a Series of Letters to a Friend. . . . i2mo, pp. 80, half morocco. Boston: William Peirce, 1833 91 Anecdotes Americaines, ou, Histoire abregee des Principaux Evenements, arrives dans le Nouveau Monde, depuis sa decou- verte jusqu'a. l'epoque presente. 121110, half calf. Paris, 1776 92 [Angelis.] Coleccion de Obras y Documentos relativos a la Historia Antigua y Moderna de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata. Ilustrados con Notas y Disertaciones por Pedro de Angelis. Chart. 6 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt. Buenos-Aires, 1836 Comprises: Historia Argentina, por Diaz de Guzman: Yiage a la Costa de la Mar Magallanica, por Pedro Lozano: Descripcion de Patagonia, por Tomas Falkner; Viage por Luis de la Cruz; Descripcion del Rio Paraguay, por lose Ouiroga; Historia de Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, y Tucumar, por P. Guevara; Descripcion de Santa Cruz, por F. de Viedma; Relacion de la Provincia de Mis- iones del Diego de Alvear; Relacion Historica de los Sucesos de la Rebelion de f. G. Tupac Amaru en las Provincias del Peru, 17S0; Diario del Piloto de la Real Armada, D. Basilio Yillarine del Reconocimiento que Hi/ode Rio Negro, \c. 1732; &c, \c. &c. 93 Annals of the Army of the Cumberland, comprising Bio- graphies, . . . Battles . . . Anecdotes, Incidents, Poetry, ccc. By an Officer. Steel portraits* woodcuts ami maps. 8vo, cloth, gilt leaves. Philadelphia, 1S63 1 6 Americana. 94 Antiquitates Americans sive Scriptores Septentrionales rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America . . . Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium [Latin and Danish]. By C. C. Raf n. 1 8 plates [4 maps, 8 facsimiles, and 6 plates of monuments, 6-v.]. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Hafniae, 1837 Imperial paper. Published by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, with list of subscribers and other additional matter at the end of the volume. The author would prove on documentary evidence that the ancients had knowledge of America. 95 Antonio (D. Nicolao). Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus [et Nova] sive Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti sevo ad annum Christi MD. floruerunt [et Anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere Notitia] . . . curante Francisco Perezio Bayerio, &c. 4 vols., folio, calf extra, by Clarke & Bedford. Matriti, 1783-S 96 Antunez y Acevedo (D. Rafael). Memorias Historicas sobre la Legislacion y Gobierno del Comercio de los Espaiioles con sus Colonias en las Indias Occidentales. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1797 97 [Apes.] The Experience of William Apes . . . comprising a Notice of the Pequod Tribe of Indians. Written by Himself. i8mo, half roan. New York, 1829 98 Apostolicos Alfanes de la Compania de Jesus, escritos por un Padre de la Misma Sagrada Religion de su Provincia de Mexico, 4to, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Zaehnsdorf. Barcelona. 1754 99 Appolonii (Levini). De Peruvi.e, Regionis, inter Novi Orbis provincias celeberrimae inventione: & rebus in eadem gestis, Libri V. ad Jacobum Claroutium Maldeghemmre ac Pittemise Dominum. Brevis, exactaque Novi Orbis, & Peruvian regionis chorographia . . . Map of America. 8vo, vellum. Antwerpice, 1567 Autograph of Zwinglius, the reformer, at foot of title-page. 100 Apponyi (Flora Haines). The Libraries of California: con- taining Descriptions of the Principal Private and Public Libraries throughout the State. Facsimiles. Svo, cloth. San Francisco, 187 S 101 [Apianus.] Cosmographicus Liber Petri Apiani Mathematici studiose collectus. Numerous curious woodcuts, maps and geomctri- Americana. 7 cal and astronomical diagrams, with Volvelles and other movable pieces. 4to, morocco, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Landshutae, 15 24 B. A. V., No. 127. First Ed. Title, 5 prelim, leaves and 104 numbered leaves. Apian was the designer of the map which appeared in the celebrated work of Camers upon Solinus in 1520. The above has two small maps (fols, 2 and 63) which bear the delineation and title of America; and the fourth chapter of the second part (fol. 66) is an article devoted wholly to America and Vespucci, ignoring the name of Columbus. 102 [Apianus.] Cosmography Introductio: cum quibusdam Gaeometriae ac Astronomic principiis ad eamrem necessariis. Cuts. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Ingolstadii, 1529 B. A. V., No. 150. Colophon dated 1533. 103 [Apianus.] Cosmographt/E Introductio cum quibusdam Geo- metric ac Astronomic principiis ad eamrem necessariis. Sphere on title. Small 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Venetiis, 1533 B. A. V., Add. 100. The above copy has the "cat and mouse" device of Melchior Sissa at the end. 104 [Apianus.] Cosmographle Introductio cum quibusdam Geo- metric ac Astronomic principiis ad eamrem necessariis. Woodcut figures; also maps at folio 29-30. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Venetiis, 1535 B. A. V., No. 202. 105 [Apianus.] Petri Apiaxi Cosmographia, per Gemmam Phry- sium, apud Lovanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum insignem, restituta. Additis de adem re ipsius Gemmae Phry. libellis, ur sequens pagina docet. The same illustrations as in the first edition. 4to, vellum cloth. Antwerpae, 1539 B. A. V., No. 229. In addition to the matter of the 1st Ed. this (2d Ed.) has some extra astro- nomical disquisitions by Gemma Phrysius, and a description of Peru (verso of fol. 44), which had been recently discovered by the Spaniards (1530). The figure on the small map (verso of folio 3) has also been improved. 106 [Apianus.] La Cosmographie de Pierre Apian, libure tres utile, traictant de toutes les regions 2. 20 Americana. 121 Armstrong (John). Notices of the War of 1812. 2 vols., 121110, half morocco. New York, 1836-40 122 [Arnold.] Proceedings of a General Court Martial for the Trial of Major-General [Benedict] Arnold: with an Introduc- tion, Notes and Index. Portrait on India paper. 4to, boards, uncut. New York, 1865 Large paper copy. Only 35 privately printed. 123 Arnold (Samuel G.). An Historical Sketch of Middletown, R. I., from . . . 1743 to . . . 1876. 8vo. Newport, 1876 124 Arnold (Thomas). Introductory Lectures on Modern His- tory . . . with the Inaugural Lecture . . . Second Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 Speaking of the American Revolution, the lecturer says (p. 273): " When the time arrives at which a colony is too great to be dependent, distance making union impossible with a mother country at the end of the earth, the only alterna- tive is complete separation."' 125 Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, donne, a la Chambre des Vacations, pour le rabais des Chapeaux de Castor. Post 8vo (4 leaves), cloth. • Paris, 1634 An exceedingly rare, and probably unique tract, relative to beaver skins. 126 Arscot (Alexander). Some Considerations relative to the Present State of the Christian Religion. 2 vols, in 1. i2ino, calf. Philadelphia : B. Franklin, 1732 127 [Articles of Peace.] Authentic Copies of the Provisional and Preliminary Articles of Peace signed between Great Britain, France, Spain and the United States of America. 8vo. London, 1783 128 A[sh] (T[homas]). Carolina; or, a Description of the Present State of that Country, and The Natural Excellencies thereof, &c. 4to, calf. London, 1682 Tall copy. Menzies. $46. 129 A[sh]. Another copy. 4to, crimson levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Water-stained. London, 1682 The above copy is a waif from both the Bodleian Library and British Museum. 130 A[sh], Another copy. Half morocco. London, 1682 Americana. 21 131 Asher (A.). Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his Successors at Nuremberg and Francfort, from Anno 1598 to 1660. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1839 132 Astor Library Catalogue; or, Alphabetical Index. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1857-61 133 Auge (M.). Lives of the Eminent Dead and Biographical Notices of prominent Living Citizens of Montgomery County, Pa. 8vo, uncut. Norristown, Pa., 1879 134 Aughey (John H.). The Iron Furnace; or, Slavery and Secession. Portrait and woodcuts. 12 mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1863 135 Ausfuhrliche Beschreibung von der unglucklichen Reise derer jungsthin aus Teutschland nach dem Engallandischen in America gelegenen Carolina und Pensylvanien wallenden Pilgrim absonderlich dem einseitigen ubelgegrundeten Kochenthalerischen Bericht wohlbedachtigentgegen gesetzt. Small 8vo, boards. Franckfurt, &c., 171 1 By Von Iloen (?). 136 Aus America, das ist, auss der Newen Welt. Underschidlicher Schreiben extract, von den jaren 1616, 1 6 1 7, 1618. Was gestalt Acht Patres Societatis, und zwo andere Ordenspersonen von dess Christlichen Glaubens wegen Ihr Blutt vergossen, &c. 4to, vellum. Augspurg, 1620 Extracts from the letters of Jesuit fathers in the New World. 137 Authentic Narrative (An) of Facts relating to the Exchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1777 138 Authentic Narrative (An). The same. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1777 139 A View of South America and Mexico, comprising their History, the Political Condition, Geography* Agriculture Com- merce, See, of the Republics of Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia. Peru, the United Provinces of South America and Chili: with a complete History of the Revolution in each of these Independent States. Portrait of Bolivar. 2 vols, in 1. 121110, calf. New York, 1826 22 Americana. 140 [Ayer.] Reminiscences of James C. Ayer and the Town of Ayer. ... By Charles Cowley. 8vo. Lowell, Mass., [1880] 14T Ayres (J. A.). The Legends of Montauk . . . with an His- torical Appendix. [Some Account of the Peninsula of Montauk.] 8vo, cloth. Water-stained. New York, 1849 142 Ayllon. Vida Admirable y Muerte prodigiosa de Nicolas de Ayllon, y con renombre mas glorioso Nicolas de Dios Natural de Chiclayo en las Indias del Peru. Escrita por el P. Bernardo Sartolo. 4to, calf. Madrid, 1684 143 Azara (Felix de). Voyages dans l'Amerique Meridionals . . . depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801 . . . avec une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ecrits, par C. A. Walckenaer; enriches de Notes, par G. Cuvier, &c. [4 vols.. 8vo, and 4to Atlas containing] Portrait, 24 maps and plates. 5 vols., half calf, gilt. Paris, 1809 144 Azara. Voyages dans L'Amerique Meridionale . . . An- other copy. 4 vols., 8vo, with 4I0 atlas of 23 maps and plates, half calf. Paris, 1809 Minus a map (No. 2) and plan (No. 14). 145 [Azevedius.] De Vita et Morte P. Ignatii Azevedii et socio- rum eius e Societate Jesu . . . Autore Petro Possino. 4to, vellum. Rome, 1679 146 T^ABYLON'S FALL in Maryland. A Fair Warning to j Lord Baltamore; or, a Relation of an Assault made by divers Papists and Popish Officers of the Lord Balta- more's against the Protestants in Maryland; to whom God gave a great Victory against a greater force of Souldiers and armed Men, who came to destroy them. Published by Leonard Strong. 4U), half morocco. Printed for the author, 1655 147 [Bache (Benjamin Franklin).] Remarks occasioned by the late Conduct of Mr. Washington, as President of the United States. mdccxcvi. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia : Printed for Benjamin Franklin Bache, 1797 148 .Bache. The same. Somewhat cut down. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1797 • Americana. 25 149 Bachf.. Truth Will Out. The Foul Charges of the Tories against the Editor of the Aurora, Repelled by Positive Proof and Plain Truth, and his base Calumniators put to Shame. 8vo, half morocco. n. p. or d. [Philadelphia, 1798] 150 Bachiller Audres Berualdez. Historia de los Reyes Catolicos D. Fernando y D a Isabel. 2 vols., 4to, half mo- rocco. Granada, 1856 151 Back (Capt.). Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, &c, in 1833-35. Map and plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1836 152 Bacon (Thomas). Six Sermons on the Several Duties of Mas- ters, Mistresses, Slaves, &c, Preached at the Parish Church of St. Peter, in Talbot County, in the Province of Maryland. i 21110, half calf. London, 1751 The two sub-titles are dated 1749 and 1750. 153 Baeza (Pedro de). A Series of Four Memorials, dated 1607- 09, Addressed to Philip III., &c, relative to the Quicksilver needed to extract the Precious Metals from Ore in Peru and Mew Spain. Also an Account of a Voyage from Acapulco to the Malucca Islands in 1604. [Madrid, 161 1 ?] Text in Spanish. 12S pages. 154 Daily (John). Central America : describing each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. ... 3 plates. 8vo, half calf. London, 1850 155 Baily (Robert). The Disswasive from the Errors of the Time, Vindicated from the Exceptions of Mr. Cotton and Mr. Tombes. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. London, 1655 Fine copy. 156 Bajamar (Marques de). Discurso Exhortatorio pronunciado en el Supremo Consejo de las Indias el dia 2 de enero del ano de 1795. 8vo. calf. Madrid, 1795 156*7 Hajamar. Discurso Exhortatorio pronunciado . . . 1^04. half morocco. [Pp. 27.] n. p. or d. 190 [Barney.] Biographical Memoir of the late Commodore Joshua Barney; from Autographical Notes and Journals in the possession of his Family, &c. Edited by Mary Barney. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1832 191 Barnum (H. L.). The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch : being an authentic Account of the Secret Services which he rendered his Country during the Revolu- tionary War (taken from his own lips in short-hand), etc. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1828 " Harvey Birch " was the Hero of Cooper's tale of the " Neutral Ground." 192 [Barreiros (Caspar).] Chorographia de Alguns lugaresque stam em hum caminho, que fez Caspar Barreiros 6 anno de M.D.xxxxvi. comecado na cidade de Badajoz em Castella, te a de Milam em Italia, co alguas outras obras, cujo catalogo vai scripto com os nomes dos dictoslugares, na folha seguinte. 8vo, vellum. Coimbra, 1561 See the " Commentarius de Ophyra Regione " at the end of the volume. It is an attempt to show that Solomon's Ophir was the New World. 193 |Barrieros.] Novus ORBisid est Navigationes prima: in Ameri- cam, quibus adjunximus Casparis Yarrerii Discursum super Ophyra Regione, &c. Small 8vo, vellum. Roterodami, 1616 The author Barrieros [or Varrerii] seeks to show that the land of Ophir, whence King Solomon obtained his gold, was Peru. 194 Barre (La Febvre de la). Description de la France Equi- xoctiale, cy-devant appellee Guyanne, et par les Espagnols, El Dorado, &c. 4to, vellum. Paris, 1666 Minus the large map. 195 [Barrere (Pierre).] Nouvelle Relation de la France Eqlt- noxiale, contenant la Description des Cotes de la Guiane; de l'lsle de Cayenne . . . &c. 3 maps and 16 plates. Post 8vo, calf. Paris, 1743 Americana. 29 196 [Barron, &c] Proceedings of the General Court Martial, convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hook and Captain John Hall, of the United States Ship Chesapeake, in the month of January, 1808. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Printed by Jacob Gideon ', Junior, 1822 The above trial was for the surrender of the Chesapeake to the British ship of war Leopard, " without that defence having been made, which might have been expected from the known valour of Americans." 197 Barry (William). A History of Framingham, Massachusetts, including the Plantation, from 1640 to the present time, with an Appendix, containing a Notice of Sudbury and its First Proprie- tors, also a Register of the Inhabitants of Framingham before 1800, with Genealogical Sketches. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1847 Elias Nason's copy, with MS. Annotations and name on title. 198 Barstow (George). The History of New Hampshire, from its Discovery in 1614 to the passage of the Toleration Act in 1819. Five portraits. 8vo, morocco. Concord, 1842 199 [Bartlett.] [Memorial of] Edwin Bartlett, Died at Annan- dale, N. Y., September 10, 1867. Portrait. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. [Philadelphia, 1868] Privately printed. Mr. Bartlett was one of the founders of the Panama Rail- road Company. 200 [Bartlett (J. R.).] A History of the Destruction of His Britannic Majkstv's Schooner Gaspee, in Narragansett Bay, on the 10th June, 1772; accompanied by the Correspondence con- nected therewith; . . . and the Official Journal of the Proceed- ings of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by King George the Third, on the same. By John Russell Bartlett. Small folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Providence, 186 1 125 copies printed for private distribution. 201 Bartlett. Bibliography of Rhode Island. A Catalogue of Hooks and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island, with Notes, Historical, Biographical and Critical. By John Russell bartlett. . . . Imp. 8vo, boards. Providence, 1864 150 copies printed. 202 Bartlett. Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United 30 Americana. States, &c, together with Works on American Slavery. Royal Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1866 Only 250 copies printed. 203 Basanier (M.). L'Histoire notable tie la Floride, situee es Indes Occidentales, &c. Small 8vo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Paris, 1586 Dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh, in whose praise there are several Latin poems appended, one by Hakluyt. It contains an account of Ribault's Voyages in 1562 and 1565; Laudonniere's in 1564; and Gourgues' in 1567. 204 Battle of Groton Heights: a Collection of Narratives. Official Reports, Records, &c, of the Storming of Fort Griswold and the Burning of New London by British Troops, under the Com- mand of Benedict Arnold, Sep. 6, 1781. Introduction and Notes by W. W. Harris. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New London, 1870 Only 250 copies printed. 205 Bayard (James A.). Speeches, &c. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1855-64 Comprises Speech on the Bill to Modify the Judicial System; On the Navy; Admission of Kansas; Condition of the Country; Executive Usurpation; Expul- sion of Mr. Bright ; Abolition, and the Relation of Races ; Conscription Bill ; Validity of the Test Oath; Vindication; &c. ; &c. 206 Bayard (Ferdinand M.). Voyage dans ITnterieur des Etats- Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoha, ccc , 1791. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1797 207 Bayard (Nicholas). An Account of the Commitment, Arraignmknt, Tryal and Condemnation of Nicholas Bayard, Esq., for High Treason, in endeavouring to subvert the Govern- ment of the Province of New York in America . . . before Will- iam Atwood, Esq. ; Abraham de Peyster, Esq., and Robert Waters, Esq.; . . . February 19, 1701. Folio, vellum, gilt, by Matthews. London, 1703 208 Bayley (Richard). An Account of the Epidemic Fever which prevailed in the City of New Yore during part of the Summer and Fall of t 795. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1796 209 Baylies (Francis). An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth from 1620 to 1692. Four parts in 2 vols. Svo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Boston, 1830 Americana. 31 210 [Baxter.] Mr. Baxter Baptized in Blond, or a Sad History of the Unparallel'd Cruelty of the Anabaptists in New England. Faithfully Relating the Cruel, Barbarous, and Bloudy Murther of Mr. Baxter, an Orthodox Minister, who was kill'd by the Anabap- tists, and his Skin most cruelly flead off from his Body. . . . Pub- lished by his mournfull Brother Benjamin Baxter. . . . 4to, 6 pp., half morocco. London, 1673 211 Beach (W. W.). The Indian Misckllany : containing Papers on the History, Antiquities, Arts, Languages, Traditions and Superstitions of the American Aborigines . . . &c. Woodcuts. Svo, sheets, folded. Albany, (877 212 [Beall.] Trial of John Y. B kale, as a Spy and Guerrillero, by Military Commission. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1865 Presentation copy from James T. Brady. 213 Beamen (C. C). An Historical Sketch of the Town of Scituate, R. I. Svo. Phenix, 1877 214 Beamish (N. L.). The Discovery of America by the North- men in the Tenth Century, with Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. 2 large maps and plate of inscriptions. Svo, half calf extra. London, 1841 215 Beatty (C). The Journal of a Two Months' Tour; with a View of Promoting Religion Among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and of Introducing Christianity among the In- dians to the Westward of the Alegh-geny Mountains. To which are added, Remarks on the Language and Customs of some particular Tribes among the Indians. . . . By Charles Beatty. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1768 Original Edition. This journal is enlivened with many agreeable notes and circumstances relating to the manners and customs of the Delaware Indians, who, from certain similar customs and some traditions among them, the author conjectures to be the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel. 216 Belarminio (Card. Roberto). Declaracion copiosa delas quatro partes mas essenciales, y necessarias de la Doctrina Chris- tiana . . . Traducida de Lengua Castellana en la general del Inga por el liachiller Bartolome Jurado Palomino, etc. 440, vel- lum, gilt leaves. Lima, 1649 32 Americana. 217 "Belle Boyd" (Mrs. Hardinge) in Camp and Prison. Intro- duction. by Geo. Aug. Sala. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1865 218 Belle-Forest (Francis de, Comingeois). L'Histoire Univer- selle du Monde, contenant l'entiere description & situatio des quatre parties de la terre, la division & estendue d'une chacune Region & Province d'icelles. . . . 4to, calf. Paris, 1570 219 [Belknap (Jeremy).] The Foresters, an American Tale: being a Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier. . . . i6mo, calf. Boston : Thomas & Andrews, 1796 Presentation copy of the second edition to Winthrop Sargent (with his book- plate) from the author. 220 Belknap. History of New Hampshire, comprehending the Events of one Complete Century from the Discovery of the River Pascataqua. Large map. 3 vols., 8vo, calf extra, by Zaehnsdorf. Dover, N. H., 181 2 Menzies, No. 14S. 221 Bellin (N.). Description Geographique des Derouquemens qui sont au Nord del'Isle de San Dominique. 34 maps, plans, &°c. 4to, calf. Versailles, 1773 Engraved title, dated 1768. 222 Bellini (Bernardo). La Colombiade : poema eroico. Porirait. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Cremona, 1826 223 [Bellot.] La Question Americaine suivie d'un Appendice sur le Coton, le Tabac et le Commerce General des Anciens Etats- Unis: par Ernest Bellot des Minieres. Royal 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1 86 1 224 [Belmont (Aug.). J A Few Letters and Speeches of the Late Civil War. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870 Privately printed. Presentation copy. 225 Beltrami (J. C). Le Mexique. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1S30 226 [Bembo.] Della Historia Vinitiana di M. Pietro Bembo Card. volgarmente scritte Libri XII. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt leaves, by Zaehnsdorf. Vincgia, 1552 Americana. 33 227 Benavides (Alphonsi de). Relatio quam Philippo IV. . . . per modum memorialis, sive Libelli supplicis exhibuit Rev. Joannes de Santander . . . per manus ... A. de Benavides . . . Custodis Provincise & Conversionis Novi Mexico, &c. Small 8vo, stamped hogskin, arms of a Cardinal in gilt on the sides. Salisburgi, 1634 228 Benezet (Anthony). Some Historical Account of Guinea . . . with An inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave- Trade . . . also a Re-publication of the Sentiments of several Authors . . . particularly . . . Granville Sharp. i2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1771 " The gift of the worthy author to Granville Sharp." 229 Benjamin (Hon. J. P.). Speeches (on the Kansas Bill, Defence of the National Democracy against the Attack of Judge Douglas, and Remarks in Connection with Mr. Slidel on the Houraas Land Claim). 8vo, half calf. Washington, 1858-60 Autograph inserted. 230 [Benjamin.] Speech of Hon. J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, on the Right of Secession. 8vo, half morocco. [16 pp.] Washington, i860 231 Bennett (L. G.) WHaigh (Wm. M.). History of the Thirty- Sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, during the War of the Re- bellion. 10 steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. Aurora, 1876 232 Benson (Egbert). [Dutch and Indian Names.] Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1816. Second edition, with Notes. i2ino, half calf, uncut. Jamaica, 1825 233 Bentley (William). Oration in Commemoration of the Birth- day of Washington, delivered at Salem, Massachusetts, Febru- ary 22d, 1793. Royal 8vo, sheets. Morrisania, N. Y., 1870 Only 30 copies reprinted from the Historical Magazine. 234 Bentley. Eulogy on the Occasion of the Death of Geo. Washington, delivered at Salem, Massachusetts, January 2, 1800. Royal 8vo, sheets. Morrisania, N. Y., 1870 Only 30 copies reprinted from the Historical Magazine. 235 Benton (Thomas H.). Thirty Years' View; or, a History of the working of the American Government for Thirty Years, from 34 Americana. 1820 to 1850 : with Historical Notes and Illustrations. Portrait and view. 2 vols., royal 8vo, bound in 4 parts, half vellum extra. New York, 1858 236 [Benzoni (Girolamo).] La Historia del Mondo Nuovo. Portraits and numerous other woodcuts. Small 8vo, vellum. Venetia, [1565] First edition, from the library of the Emperor Maximilian. 237 Benzoni. Novae Novi Orbis Historian id est Rexum ab His- panis in India Occidentali hactenus gestarum, & acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, libri tres Urbani Calvetonis opera industriaque ex Italicis Hieronymi Benzonis . . . adjuncta est de Gallorum in Floridam expeditione, &c. Svo, vellum. Geneva, 1678 The above volume has been mislaid but should materialize in due course. 238 [iSctflOmaSL] TtfOinsmme P?£StOVtar omniu repercus- siones noviter a Reverendissimo parte Jacobo Philippo Pergomese ordinis Heremitarum edite : que Supplementum supplementi Cronicaru nuncupantur. Incipiendo ab exordio mundi usque in annum salutis nostre mcccccii. Numerous woodcut illustrations. Folio, vellum. Venetiis : A. de Lissona, T503 The first edition of this Chronicle containing the reference to America. See verso of folio 441. B. A. V. Add., No. 11. 239 [JScrflomas,] Houfsmme 5£?tstonaru omnia repercus- sioes noviter a Reverendissimo patre Jacobo Philippo Bergomense ordinis Heremitaruz edite : que Supplementum supplementi Cronicani nuncupantur. Incipiendo ab exordio madi usque in Anna salutis nostre mcccccvl, &c. Woodcuts as in the edition of 1503. Folio, hogskin. Venetiis, 1506 The American reference occurs on verso of folio 440 in this edition. I). A. V., No. 42. 240 [iScrrjOmaS.] Supplementum supplementi de la Chron- iche del Venerando padre Frate Jacobo Philippo del ordine Here- mitano Primo Authore. Vulgarizato Hystoriato cum la Gionta per infino 1524. Woodcuts as before. Folio, vellum. Venetia, 1524 America, folio (verso) 342. B. A. V., No. 12S. 241 [Bergomas.] Supplementum Chronicorum, omnes fere his- torias qua; ab orbe condito hactenus gestae sunt, jucunda admodum Americana. 35 dicendi brevitate complectens. Opus sane quam utilissimu & cuiusius conditionis viro pernecessarium; primum quidem a . . . Jacobo Philippo Bergomate . . . Cui insuper addita . . . 1500 . . . 1535- Folio > calf - ' Parisiis, 1535 From the library of the Duke of Sussex. This edition is without woodcuts. The American Reference occurs on folio 412. 242 Bernard (Governor). Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, and the Principles of Law and Polity applied to the American Golonies, written ... in the years 1763-4-5-6-7 and 8 . . . to which are added the Petition of the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay against the Governor . . . 8vo. London, 1774 243 Berquen (Robert de). Les Merveili.es des IndesOriextai.es et Occident alls . . . Portrait. 4U), vellum. [Pp. 112.] Paris, 1 66 1 244 Berrian (Rev. William). An Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, New York. Plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1847 Presentation copy to Dr. Francis. 245 [Bertie (Willoughby). | Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq.; to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon. Oxford : //'. Jackson, [1777] 246 B[everlyJ (R[ichard]). The History and Present State of Virginia. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. Engraved title, and 14 plates by Gribelin. 8vo, calf. London, 1705 247 B[everlyJ. Another (smaller) copy, with all the plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1705 248 B[everly]. Histoire de la Virgixie ; par un Auteur natif & habitant du Pais. Traduite de PAnglois. Enrichie de figures. Small . A. V., No. 274. 258 Bird (M. B.). The Black Max; or, Haytian Independence deduced from Historical Notes . . . Portrait. 121110, cloth. New York, 1869 259 Biukbkck (Morris). Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. Large map. 8vo, calf. London, 1818 260 [Birkbeck.] Letters from Illinois: map; also Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. By Morris Birkbeck. 2 vols in 1. 8vo, half morocco. London, 181S 261 Bishope ((ieorge). The Burden of Babylon, and the Triumph of Sion as it was seen in the Valley of Vision. 4to, half morocco, 8 pp. London, 166 '. 262 Bishope. New England Judged, Not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Lord ; And The Summe sealed up of New-England's Persecutions, being a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those l'arts of America ... to the later end of the Tenth Moneth, 1660, ) [Drake and Halleck.] The Croakers, by Joseph Rod- man Drake and Fitz-Greene Halleck. First complete edition. Portraits on India Paper, and 175 inserted plates, 6rv. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, i860 Unique copy of No. 2 of the Bradford Club Series, with autograph letters of Halleck, J. K. Paulding, C. Kemble, John Jacob Astor & Son, Wm. C. Bryant, nS portraits and 43 views inserted; also " The American Flag," by Drake, illustrated by Darley. Only 150 copies printed. No. 100. Drake and Halleck. The Croakers. Portraits on India paper. Another copy (Club copy, No, 43). Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1S60 Only 100 copies printed. [De Grasse.] Operations of the French Fleet, under the Count De Grasse, in 178 1-2, as described in two contempo- raneous journals. Portrait on India paper, &-'e. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 Bradford Club (No. 3). 150 copies privately printed. No. 15. Anthology of New Netherland, or Translations from the Early Dutch Poets of New York, with Memoirs of their Lives, by Henry C. Murphy. Portrait of Steendam, fac-similes, e-v. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1865 75 copies privately printed. No. 15. Bradford Club Series, No. 4. [De Soto.] Narratives of the Career of Hernando De Soto in the Conquest of Florida, as told by a Knight of Elvas, and in a Relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedma, Factor of the Expedition. Translated by Buckingham Smith. Portrait on India paper, map, ore. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1 866 75 copies only printed. No. 15. Bradford Club Series, No. 5. Contains also view of the tombstone of William Bradford, in Trinity Church Yard. Americana. 47 Northern Invasion (The) of Oct., 1780: a Series of Papers Relating to the Expeditions from Canada under Sir John John- son and others against the Frontiers of New York, which were supposed to have Connection with Arnold's Treason. With an Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Map, &rc. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, mdccclxvi. Bradford Club Scries, No- 6. Only 75 copies printed. No. 15. [Laurens.] The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens in the Years 1777-8, now first Printed from the Original Letters addressed to his Father Henry Laurens, Presi- dent of Congress. With a Memoir by William Gilmore Simms. Portrait on India paper. Royal Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1867 Bradford Club Series, No. 7. Only 75 copies printed. No. 15. 321 [ Bradstreet (Anne). I The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America; or, Severall Poems, compiled with great Variety of Wit . . . Also a Dialogue betwean Old England and New, con- cerning the Late Troubles "... By a Gentlewoman in those parts. Small 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Title damaged. London, 1650 322 Brainerd (David). Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos, or the Rise and Progress Of a Remarkable Work of Grace Amongst a Num- ber Of the Indians In the Provinces of New- Jersey and Pennsyl- vania, justly Represented in A Journal Kept by Order of the Honourable Society (in Scotland) for propagating Christian Knowledge. With some general Remarks. . . . Svo, calf, pp. 253, margins cropped. Philadelphia : William Bradford, \ 1 746 j At page Si occurs a second title, " Divine Crace display 'd, or the Continuance and Progress of a Remarkable Work of ('.race ... to which is subjoined an Appendix," &c. t,2^ Brand (Chas.). Journal of a Voyage to Peru : a Passage across the Cordillera of the Andes, in the Winter of 1X27, Per- formed on Foot in the Snow ; and a Journey across the Pampas. Plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1828 324 [Brannan.] Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States during the War with Great Britain, in the Years 1S12, '13, '14, Os: '15, with some Additional 48 Americana. Letters . . . collected and arranged by John Brannan. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Washington City, 1823 325 [Brant.] Life of Joseph Brant-Thayendanegea : including the Border Wars of the American Revolution ... by William L. Stone. Portraits and map. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1838 326 Brasseur de Bourbourg (E. Charles). Lettres pour servir d'introduction a 1'Histoire Primitive des Nations Civilisees de PAm^rique Septentrionale, adressees a M. le Due de Valmy. 4to, boards. Mexico, 1851 A Spanish translation accompanies the French text in parallel columns. 327 Brasseur de Bourbourg (l'Abbe). RECHERCHEssur les Ruines de Palengue et sur les Origines de la Civilization du Mexique. With 56 large plates after the designs of de Waldeck, some colored. Imp. folio, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, i860 328 Brasseur be Bourbourg (l'Abbe). Manuscrit Troano. Etudes sur le Systeme Graphique et la Langue des Mayas. With 70 chromo-litliograph fac-similes t of ancient Mexican manuscripts, &c. 2 vols., royal 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1869-70 Presentation copy from the author. Ramirez, No. 120. 329 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Langue des Mayas. Another copy. 2 vols., royal 4to, cloth, uncut. Paris, 1869-70 330 Bray (Thomas). Apostolick Charity, its Nature and Excel- lence consider'd in a Discourse upon Dan. 12. 3. Preached at St Paul's at the Ordination of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the Plantations. To which is Prefixt, a General View of the English Colonies in America, &c. 4to, polished calf extra, by Pratt. London. 1699 The question of "settling of Libraries in the several Parishes of each Pro- vince" is here discussed, " Fifty Pounds worth of Books being the least that can be suppos'd requisite to enable a Minister to discharge the Duties of his Function." 331 Bray (Thomas). The Acts of Dr. Bray's Visitation held at Annopolis in Mary-Land, May 23, 24, 25. Anno 1700. Folio, half morocco (title and 17 pp.). London, 1700 At the end will be found " A Circular Letter the Clergy of Mary-Land, subsequent to the late Visitation," 5 pp., and " Cursus Catecheticus Americanus," 1 page. Americana. 49 332 Brereton (John). A Briefe and true Relation of the Dis- coverie of the North Part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile ; Made this present yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Captaine Bartholowmew Gilbert, and divers other gentlemen their associats, by the permission of the honourable knight, Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Whereunto is Annexed a Treatise of M. Edward Hayes, &c. 4to, vellum, gilt edges. London : Geor. Bishop, 1602 Fine copy of an excessively rare book. The companion volume will be found under Rosier. 333 Bressani (P. Francesco Gioseppe). Breve Relatione d'Alcune Missioni de PP. della Compagnia di Giesu nella Nuova Francia. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Macerata, 1653 See Jesuit Relations. 334 Breton (Raymond). Dictionaire Caraibe-Francois [et Fran- <;ois-Caraibe]. Mesle de quantite de Remarques historiques pour l'esclaircissement de la Langue. 2 vols., small 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Auxerre, 1665-6 At the end of the second vol. is bound " Petit Catechisme ou sommaire des Trois Premieres parties de la Doctrine C'hrestienne. Traduit du Francois, en la langue des Caraibes Insulaires, par . . . Breton (70 pp.). Auxerre, 1664." 335 Bkevoort (J. C). Verrazano the Navigator ; or, Notes on Giovanni da Verrazano and on a Planisphere of 1529 illustrating his American Voyage in 1524. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1874 Only 250 copies printed. 336 iirtPtlCnfiaCij (Bernard de). &e fltatlt t)01>c"lflC de hieru- salkm divise en deux parties. En la premiere est traicte des pere- grinations de la sainete cite de Hierusalem. . . . En la seconde partie este traicte i\cs croisees et entre prinses saictes par les rovs et princes chrestiens pour la recouvrance de la terre sainete et augmentation de la foy Come Charles Martel, Pepin, Charle- niaigne, le roy sainete, Loys, (iodeffroy de buillon et autres qui ont conqueste la cite de Hierusalem. De guerres des turcz et Tartarins la prinse de Constantinople, du siege de Rhodes, la prinse de Grenade, avec lhystoire de Sophie, &C. 4to, morocco extra, red leaves. Paris : F. Reg/iault. 1522 Ramirez, 975. Second edition of Iluen's translation, with the two large plates (fac similes hv 1'ilinski) and numerous woodcut illustrations throughout the text. On the recto of folio exeviii. see: " Copie dunes led res de Pierre I'asquilige, " which is an account of ( la spar Cortereal's discovery of Labrador. 50 Americana. 337 Bridel (Louis). Le Pour et le Contre, ou Avis a ceux qui se proposent de passer dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique : suivi d'une description du Kentucky et du Genesy, &c. Map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Paris, 1803 338 Brief (A) and True Narrative of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives Towards the Dutch Nation. Translated by E. B. O'Callaghan [from the original Dutch MS.]. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, mdccclxiii. Only 50 copies printed. " As late as 1655 the Indians of New York were revenging the murderous slaughter of four hundred of their countrymen at Pavonia by that sanguinary coward Governor Kieft. The petition shows that three hundred o f the Dutch colony had been slain and one hundred carried away captive. So audacious had the fierce Indians become that several of the Dutch had been killed on the Island of Manhattan; and on one occasion sixty-four canoes loaded with the savages had landed on the shore of the North River, and before daylight had filled the streets of New Amsterdam. The first objects upon which the eyes of the astonished Dutchmen rested in the morning were the crowds of savages, to whose forbearance alone they owed their lives " — Field. 339 Bright (John). Speeches [on the Trent Affair, the Recognition of the Southern Confederacy, &c.]. i2mo, cloth. London, 1869 340 Brinton (Daniel G.). The Myths of the New World : a Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1868 341 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.). EXAMEN CRITIQUE des VOYAGES dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, de M. le Marquis de Chatel- lux. . . . 8vo, half calf. Londres, 1786 342 Brissot de Warville. New Travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. Translated from the French [by Joel Bar lotv\. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1792 The author came to the United States just before the French Revolution, for the purpose of selecting a suitable place for establishing a colony of respectable persons who had determined to abandon the then despotic government of France and seek an asylum under the mild and equal government of the United States. A second volume was subsequently published. 343 Brissot de Warville. New Travels in the United States of America, performed in m.dcc.lxxxviii. [Translated by Joel Barlow. J 2 vols., Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1794 Autograph and stamp of Lemuel G. Olmstead on title. Vol. 2 apparently lacks a portrait of the author, and comprises " The Commerce of America with Furope," partly written by Claviere : and a Life of Brissot. Americana. 51 344 British Claims. The Claim and Answer in the Case of William Cunningham & Co. against the United States, under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity. Philadelphia : Fcnno, 1798 The Reply of William Cunningham & Co. to the Answer of the United States to their Claim and Memorial. Philadelphia : Humphreys, 1798 Sundry Resolutions of the Board of Commissioners for car- rying into Effect the Sixth Article. Together 3 vols, in 1. 4to, half calf. Philadelphia: Humphreys, 1798 345 British Claims. Sundry Resolutions and Proceedings in Cases before the Board of Commissioners for carrying into effect the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Naviga- tion, concluded between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. 4to, pp. 123. 1 799 The Claim and Answer, with the subsequent proceedings in the case of the Rt. Rev. Charles Inglis against the United States, under the Sixth Article, f Cabeca de Vaca across the entire continent from the Peninsula of Florida to the (inaloa on the Pacific, 1528 to 1537, and thence to the Cits' of Mexico, is one of the most remarkable on record, and ranks in importance with that of Marco Polo in the East in the thirteenth century. The narration of the unfortunate expedition of Caheca de Vega across the territory now occupied by the Southern States from Florida to Texas, in the year 1527, is full of the most melancholy yet absorbing interest. Nine years of wanderings and captivity among the Indians elapsed before this ill-fated member of a still more unfortunate band escaped almost alone of all who set out so joyously with him." — '1'. \V. I'll I l>. 60 Americana. 413 Cabeqa de Vaca. The Narrative of Alvar NuNez Cabeca de Vaca. Translated by Buckingham Smith. 8 maps. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Washington, 1851 Privately printed, and one of ten copies only on large parchment paper, five of which were distributed in the United States, and the remainder in England. " This Narrative was privately printed for Mr. G. W. Riggs, of Washington, entirely for presentation to societies and personal friends. It is the earliest relation of Florida and the territory from the Atlantic coast across the Mississippi to the Pacific which we possess. 414 [Cabot.] A Memoir of Sebastian Cabot ; with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery [by O. Biddle]. . . . Second Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1832 415 [Cabot.] The Remarkable Life, Adventures and Dis- coveries of Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol, the Founder of Great Britain's Maritime Power, Discoverer of America, and its first Colonizer. By. J. F. Nicholls. . . . Portrait and map. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869 The late Henry Stevens, G. M. B., has sadly undermined the theories and statements of Mr. Nicholls. 416 [Cabrera.] Retrato del buen vassalo copiado de la Vida, y hechos de D. Andres de Cabrera . . . ofrecele . . . D. Ivan Manuel Fernandez Pacheco Cabrera y Bobadilla . . . &c. Don Francisco Pinel y Monroy. Engraved title', coat-of-arms, and tivo portraits. Folio, calf. Madrid, 1677 K3J" See page 26 for the poem by Alvari Gomezii de Ciudad-Real, entitled " De Mira Novi Orbis detectione." 417 [Cabrera (Christoval).] Christophori Cabrek.e Presbyteri Meditatiunculse, ad Serenissimum Hispaniarum Principem Philip- pum. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Slightly water-stained. (Valladolid), 1548 B. A. V. Add., 169. "The present volume recommends itself by a series of verse (fol. LXII., I. XIII.. &c.) where he alludes to his sad experience with the Indians of New Spain, and utters objurgations against Mexico in the style of Isaiah.'" — II. II. 418 Cabrera v Quintero (Cayetano de). Escudo de Armas de Mexico : celestial proteccion de esta nobilissima ciudad de la Nueva-Espana y de casi todo el Nuevo Mundo, Maria Santissima, en su portentosa imagen del Mexicana Guadalupe, milagrosa- mente apparecida en el palacio arzobispal el ano de 1531, y jurada su principal patrona el passado de 1737, en la angustia que Americana. 6i ocasiono la Pestilencia, que cebada con mayor rigor en los Indios, mitigo sus ardores al abrigo de tanta sombra. Engraved title. Folio, calf. Mexico, 1746 419 Calderon (Juan Alonso). Memorial Historico Juridico, Politico, de las Iglesia Catedral de la Puebla de los Angeles en la Nueva-Espana. 35 woodcuts. Folio, half vellum. s. 1. et a. [1665 (?)] From the Andrade I .ibrary. 420 Calef (Robert). Wonders of the Invisible World [or Salem Witchcraft] Displayed. Frontispiece. 121110, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1X28 421 Calef. More Wonders of the Invisible World; or, the Wonders of the Invisible World, display'd in Five Parts . . . To which is added, A Postscript relating to a Book intitled, The Life of Sir William Phips. 4to, morocco, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, T700 Fine copy. 422 Calef vs. Mather. Some Few Remarks upon A Scandalous Book, against the Government and Ministry of New England. Written By one Robert Calef. Detecting the Unparrallel'd Malice & Falsehood of the said Book . . . Composed and Published by several Persons belonging to the Flock of some of the Injured Pas- tors, eve. Small Svo, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. boston, N. E., 1 701 Fine copy. At the end is a Postscript in which Increase and Cotton Mather dens the authorship of any part of this vindication, which is signed by seven hands, headed by Obadiah ('.ill. 423 Calhoun (John C). Works, edited by K.. K. Cralle. 6 vols., Svo, half vellum extra, red edges. Coulmbia (sic), S. C, 1852, and New York, [854-'7 Includes : A Disquisition on Covernment, anil a I Hscourse on the Constitution of the United States; Reports and I'ublic Letters; and Speeches. 424 Calhoun. The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun. Edited by J. P. Thomas. Portrait. Svo, cloth. Columbia, 1X57 425 California. Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen Hal- uinsel Calieornten, eve. Large >naf>. Small Svo, calf. Mannheim, 177- 62 Americana. 426 California. Another copy. Calf. Mannheim, 1772 427 [California.] Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen Hal- bixsel Californien . . . Geschrieben von einem Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, &c. Frontispiece and map. Post 8vo, calf. Mannheim, 1773 428 [California.] Noticias de la Provincia de Californias, en tres cartas, de un Sacerdote Religioso hijo del real convento de predicadores de Valencia a un amigo suyo. Small 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bedford. Valencia, 1794 429 Callender (John). An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations in New England in America. From the first Settlement, 1638, &c. 8vo, polished calf extra, yellow edges. Boston, 1739 430 Callender. Another copy. Boston, 1739 Minus title-page, 14 introductory pages, and leaf at end. 431 Callender. An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island . . . with a Memoir, oca, by Romeo Elton. 8vo, cloth. Providence, 1S38 Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, Vol. 4. 432 Callender (J. T.). Political Progress of Britain ; or, an Impartial History of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire in Europe, Asia and America from 1688. 8vo, half morocco. (Date trimmed from title.) Philadelphia, 1795 433 [Callendar.] The History of the United States for 1796; including a Variety of Interesting Particulars relative to the Federal Government previous to that Period. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Press of Snowdencs" McCorkle, 1797 "'First published in numbers as a kind of continuation, though a separate work, of the American Annual Register for 1796. Chapters VI. and VII. contain those famous charges of peculation against Alexander Hamilton." 434 Callender. Sketches of the History of America. By James Thomson Callender. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Snowden 6° McCorkle, 1798 Americana. 63 435 Calvetonis (Urbain). Novae Novi Orris Histori.e, id est, Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus gestarum, &c. 8vo, vellum. Genevas, 1578 436 [Calvin.] Joannis Calvini Responsio ad Baldwini convicia. Ad Leges de Transfugis Desertoribus & emansoribus, Francisci Baldwini epistola; quaedam ad Joannem Calvinum pro commen- tariis. 4to, half morocco. s. 1., 1562 Title, and pages 7 to 117. 437 [Cambridge Epitaphs.] Epitaphs from the Old Burying- Ground in Cambridge: with Notes by William Thaddeus Harris. i2mo, half calf, gilt. Cambridge, 1845 438 Cambridge Platform. A Platform of Church Discipline gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the Elders: and Messengers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cam- bridge, in New-England. To be presented to the Churches and General Court for their consideration and acceptance in the Lord. The Eighth Moneth, Anno 1649. 4to, half russia. Cambridge, 1640 "The First Edition of the famous Cambridge Platform, and (so far as appears) the first work with the imprint of Samuel Green." — J. II. T. 439 [Camels.] Report of the Secretary of War [Jefferson Davis], respecting the purchase of Camels for the purposes of Military Transportation. . . . Woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1857 440 [Campanius.] Kort Beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige vi ti America, som nu fortjden af the Engeliske Kallas Pensvl- vania . . . Thomas Campanius Holm. Engraved title, maps (5), plan, 2 large plates and <) woodcuts. 4to, red morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Stockholm, 1702 The large view of Niagara at page 4 is copied from the 109S edition of Hen- nepin. The above account of the early settlement of the Swedes in America is made up from accounts received by the author from his father, &c. , for the writer was never in America. 441 [Campanius.] Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called by the English, Pennsylvania, in America. Compiled . . . by Thomas Campanius Holm. Translated . . . with notes, by Peter S. I)u Ponceau. Maps and plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1834 64 Americana. 442 Campbell (George). . . . The Duty of Allegiance: a Sermon ... on Account of the Rebellion in America. i2tno, half morocco. Aberdeen, 1778 Second edition with Notes and Illustrations. 443 Campbell (John). Unionists versus Traitors. The Political Parties of Philadelphia; or, the Nominees that ought to be Elected in 1861. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1861 Large paper copy. Only 49 copies printed. No. 15. 444 Campbell (William W.). The Border Warfare of New York, during the Revolution; or, the Annals of Tryon County. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 1849 445 Campbell (A.) and Twining (W. J.). Reports upon the Survey of the Boundary between the Territory of the United States and the Possessions of Great Britain from the Lake of the Woods to the Summit of the Rocky Mountains, &c. Maps and plates. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1S7S 446 [Canada.] Relation des Avantages remportes paries Armes du Roi sur les Anglois. One leaf. 4to, vellum. Paris, 1757 The only copy known. Described in Cooper's " Last of the Mohicans." 447 [Canada.] Relation de la prise du Fort Georges, ou Guil- laume- Henry, situe sur le Lac Saint-Sacrement, & de ce qui s'est passe cette annee en Canada. 12 pp., 4to, vellum. Paris, 1757 The only copy known. 448 [Canada.] Articles Preliminaires de Paix entre le Roi, le Roi d'Espagne, et le Roi de la Grande-Bretagne. Signes a Fon- tainbleau le 3 Novembre, 1762. 8vo, old red morocco, gilt leaves. Paris, 1762 This is the treaty by which Canada was ceded to England. 449 [Canada.] Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Prog- ress from its Commencement to 1863. 498 woodcuts. Royal 8vo, cloth. Montreal, 1863 See Acadia, Maps, Jesuit Relations, &c. 450 Capen (Nahum). The History of Democracy; or, Political Progress, historically illustrated, from the Earliest to the Latest Periods. Portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1S74 Vol. L, all published. Americana. 65 451 Carayon (Auguste). Premiere Mission des Jesuites au Can- ada. Lettres et Documents Inedits. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Paris, 1864 The letters in this volume are 31 in number, dating from 1611 [Biartl] to 1745 [Avond]. They are copies [by Felix Martin] of the originals. 452 Cardenas z Cano (Gabriel de). Ensayo Cronologico, para la Historia General de la Florida, &c. . . . desde el aiio de 15 1 2, que descubrio la Florida, Juan Ponce de Leon, hasta el de 1722. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1723 The Ileber copy, No. 1217. 453 Cardozo (J. N.). Reminiscences of Charleston. i2mo. * Charleston, 1866 454 Carey (M.). A Short Account of the Malignant Fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia: with a Statement of the Pro- ceedings that took place on the subject in different parts of the United States. By Mathew Carey. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia : printed by the Author, 1793 Contains lists of the names of all the persons buried in the several graveyards of Philadelphia from August 1st to November gth, 1793. " This pamphlet is a historical account of the circumstances attending the visi- tation of the yellow fever, which proved so fatal in Philadelphia, in the year I7<)3. and in which Mr. Carey has presented his fellow-citizens with a collection of facts anil observations well calculated for the satisfaction of their anxious curiosity." — M. R.. xiv., 187. 455 Carey. A Short Account of the Plague, or Malignant Fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1 794 Pages 8, 92 and broadside. 456 [Carion.] Joan. Carionis Mathematici Chronicorum . . . Catalogus Pontificum, Coesarum, Regum & Ducum Venetorum, cum Indice copiosissimo. Small 8vo, vellum, red leaves. Pari si is, 1557 Seep. 513: '' Christophorus Columba tlenuensis cV Almericus Yesputius His- panus,'' &c. 457 Carleton (James Henry). The Battle of Buena Vista, with the Operations of the ''Army of Occupation'' for one month. Map. 1 21110, half morocco. New York, 1S48 458 Cari.i (Comte J. R.). Letttres Americaines, dans lesquelles on examine rOrigine . . . des Anciens Habitans de rAmerique, ccc. 66 Americana. . . . pour servir de suite aux Memoires de D. Ulloa. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, uncut. A Boston, et se trouve a Paris, 1788 459 [Carolina.] A Brief Description of The Province of Caro- lina, On the Coasts of Floreda. And More perticularly of a New- Plantation begun by the English at Cape-Feare, on that River now by them called Charles-River, the 29th of May, 1664, r. Shea gives in his introduc- tion a valuable bibliographical notice of the editions, with collations of their contents, and an analysis noting the changes made by the English editors or pub- lishers."' -Ft 1:1 11. 8o Americana. 558 Colden. An Explication of the First Causes of Action in Matter; and of the Cause of Gravitation. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, printed in the year 1745 and London, reprinted, 1746 559 Colden (Cadwallader D.). Memoir, prepared at the request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York ... at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals [the Narrative by William L. Stone]. Portraits, maps, plates and facsimile letters. 4to, calf, gilt. New York, 1825 560 Cole (David). Isaac Kool (Cool or Cole) and Catharine Ser- ven . . . their Descendants [and] . . . American Ancestors. 18 portraits. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1876 561 [Coleman (William).] Collection of the Facts and Docu- ments relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton, with comments, together with the various Orations, Sermons and Eulogies that have been published or written on his Life and Character. Portrait of Hamilton inserted. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1804 562 Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos relativosal descubrimiento Conquista y Colonizacion de las posesiones Espanolas en America y Occeania, sacados, en su mayor parte, del Real Archivo de Indias, hajo Pacheco, Cardenas, y Mendoza. 12 vols. in 6. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Madrid, i864-'8 563 Colin (Antoine). Histoire des Drogues Episceries, et de Certains de Medicamens simples, qui naissent es Indes & en FAmerique. Numerous woodcuts. 4 parts or vols. Small 8vo, vellum, gilt edges. Lyons, 1619 Translated from Nicholas Monard, &c. 564 Collection of Papers (A Sixth). Relating to the Present Junc- ture of Affairs in England, &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1689 The tenth and last of these papers contain " A Narrative of the Miseries of New-England, by reason of an Arbitrary Government erected there.'' 565 Collection of Papers relative to Half-Pay and Commutation thereof, granted by Congress to the Officers of the Army, together with a Circular Letter from . . . Washington to the several Legislatures, &c. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Boston, 1783 Americana. 8i 566 Collins (Lewis). Historical Sketches of Kentucky . . . with Anecdotes of Pioneer Life. 40 engravings. 8vo, sheep. Maysville, 1850 567 [Colt.] Armsmear : the Home, the Arm, and the Armory of Samuel Colt. A Memorial [Edited by Henry Barnard]. Beauti- fully illustrated. 4to, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. New York, 1866 Privately printed. 568 Columbian Muse (The). A Selection of American Poetry from Various Authors of established reputation, nmo, sheep. New York, 1794 THE COLUMBUS LETTERS. 569 [<£olumuus.] lEptstola (fctyrfstoforf <£olom : cut etas nostra multu Tieuet : tic Xusults KuTiie supra <£au- Ann uupec fuueutfs. Slu quas perautrentras octauo antra mensc auspfefjs ct rrc tutnctfssfmt jFrrnantrt 71>fspau(arum lUgts missus nut vat: ati Stfajptfftutm tin in l&aptyarlrm kauris; cfustinu scrcufssfmf Hern's Cesaurariu mtssas auam nototlts ac Utteratus uh gUfantrer Tic <£osco at JL}in$mo nrromatr tn lathtum couuerttt: tertfo fears jttatj. m.cccc.rctfC. $)ontfffca~ tUS ^flCrantrrCSCptt &1U10 PrtmO. 4*0, morocco antique, gilt edges, by Bedford. [Rome, 1493 ?J B. A. V., No. 1. Four leaves of 34 lines to a full page. Fine copy. Size of leaf S^ * S% inches. No copy of the original Spanish letter has yet been found, either in manuscript or printed, so that this Latin translation by Leander de Cosco takes precedence. It is fairly established to be printed in the types of Stephen Planck of Rome though sine anno ant loco. Harrisse, certainly the best authority on this subject, has accorded this particular impression the place of honor, and as a copy, now in Germany, is held at the price of three thousand dollars, there seems to be little doubt that this is valued as the editio princeps. A perfect translation can be found in Major's "Select Letters of Columbus." one of the publications of the I [akluyt Society. 57° |<£olumous| ISpfstola <£fjristoft)rt (£olom: cut etas nostra multu Tictict: Tic XusuUs Ktrtrfc supra (Kaujicm UUpCl* tUOCttS, Ad quas pergrendas octavo antea mense auspiciis ct ere invictissemon Fernadi et Helisabet Hispanian Regii missus fuerat: ad magnificum dnm Gabrielem Sanchis commie serenissimom Rcgum Tesaurariu missa : ciua nobilis ac 82 Americana. litteratus vir Leander de Cosco ab Hispano idiomate in latinum covertit tertio kal's Maii m.cccc.xc.iii. Pontificatus Alexandri Sexti Anno Primo. 4to, vellum, rough edges. [Rome: S. Planck, 1493] B. A. V. , No. 4. But with 33 lines to a full page, not 30. There is also a water-marked leaf; the device a pair of scales. Presumptively the third appearance of this Letter, and only second in rarity to the preceding item. Ellis, in the Huth Catalogue, claims that Major has proven this impression to be the first. In condition this example leaves little to be desired. It measures 8$ x 5§ inches on the leaf. 571 [Columbus.] Lettera di Cristoforo Colombo riprodotta a fac-simile da Vincenzo Promis, dall'esemplare della Biblioteca di S. M. 4to, unbound. Torino, n. d. Only 50 copies printed. No. 10. 572 [Columbus.] De Insulus inuentis Epistola Cristoferi Colom (cui etas nostra multu debet: de Insulis in mari Indico nup inuetis. Ad quas perquirendas octauo antea mense : aus- picijs et ere Inuictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Regis missus fuerat) ad Magnificum dnm Raphaelez Sanxis : eiusde sere- nissimi Regis Thesaurariu missa. quam nobilis ac litteratus vir Aliander d'Cosco : ab Hispano ydeomate in latinu conuertit: tercio kl's Maij. M.cccc.xciij. Pontificatus Alexandri Sexti Anno Primo. 4 woodcuts. Small 8vo, 8 leaves of 27 lines to a full page. Half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1858 One of twenty copies only, reproduced in Paris by Pilinski about 1858. After it was issued it was discovered that it had been fac-similed from an imperfect copy, and wanted the first and last leaves. Mr. Lenox possesses the only known perfect copy of the original edition. 573 [Columbus.] Primera Epistola del Almirante Don Cristobal Colon, dando cuenta de su gran descubrimiento: a D. Gabriel Sanchez, Tesorero de Aragon. Acompaha al texto original castellano el de la traduccion latina de Leandro de Cosco, segun la primera edicion de Roma de 1493 • • • editor D. Genaro H. de Volafan. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Valencia, 1858 Only a limited edition printed. No. 11. 574 Columbus. Letter of Columbus to Luis de Santangel, 1493. Title, facsimile, 1 p., pp. 12, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [New York, 1864J A fac-simile of the Spanish letter of Columbus, published in 1493, from the only known copy in the Ambrosian Library, Milan, with a literary and biblio- graphical description by Mr. James Lenox. A few copies only printed for presen- tation. Americana. 83 575 [Columbus.] Carta de Cristobal Colon, Enviada de Lisboa a Barcelona, en Marzo de 1493. Nueva Edition critica: con- teniendo las variantes de los diferentes textos . . . por el Seudonimo de Valencia. 2 maps. 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Paris: Tross, 1870 Only 120 copies printed. 576 [Columbus.] Bellum Christianorum Principum praecipue gallorum contra saracenos, anno salutis mlxxxviii pro terra sancta gestum: autore Roberto Momacho. {sic.) Carolus Verardus de expugnatione regni Granatae, quae contigit ab hinc quadra- gesimo secundo anno, per Catholicu regem Ferdinandum Hispan- iarum. Christophorus Colom de prima insularum, in mari Indico sitarum, &c. Folio, vellum. Basileae, [1533] B. A. V., No. 175. 577 [Columbus.] Dissert azioni Epistolari Bibliografiche di Francesco Cancellieri sopra Cristoforo Colombo ; e Giovanni Gersen . . . autore del libro de Imitatione Christi. Vignette por- t/aits. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut. Roma, 1809 578 [Columbus.] Letters of Christopher Columbus, describing his First Voyage to the Western Hemisphere, together with the Chapter in Bernaldez said to give the Original Spanish Version of the same. Texts and Translations [by Henry Harrisse]. Frontispiece: Folio, morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1865 Only 10 copies privately printed. No. S. 580 [Columbus.] Memorials of Columbus ; or. a Collection of Authentic Documents of that Celebrated Navigator, now first published from the Original Manuscripts, by order of the Decurions of Genoa; preceded by a Memoir of his Life and Dis- coveries. Translated from the Spanish and Italian. Portraits, facsimiles, arc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1823 581 [Columbus. I Raccolta Completa degli Scritta di Cristoforo Colombo ad illustrare e documentare la Scoperta dell' America . . . da Gio Battista Torre. Portraits, map, <5rv. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Lione, 1S64 582 [Columbus's Second Voyage.] Nicolaus Syllacius de Insulis Meridiani atque Indici Maris Nuper Inventis. With a 84 Americana. translation into English by the Rev. John Mulligan. [Introduc- tion and Notes by James Lenox.] Portrait and fac-similes of the Columbus Letters. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, i860 Only 150 copies privately printed for James Lenox. 583 [Columbus.] L'Ammiraglio dell* Indie osia le gesta di Christo- foro Colombo, scuopritor dell' America. Poema di Ormildo Emeressio. 10 plates. 4to, vellum. Venezia, 1761 584 [Columbus.] Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Americano ossia raccolta di Documenti originali e inediti, spettanti a Christoforo Colombo alia scoperta ed al Governo dell' America. 2 portraits and 3 other plates. 4to, half calf. Genova, 1823 Edited by Gio. Batista Sportona. Ramirez, No. 225. 585 [Columbus.] Canzone Lirica sulle traccie del Poema dell' Aw. Costa a gloria dell' immortale Colombo del Patrizio Gian Carlo di Negro. 4to, silk covers, 16 pp. Genova [1846], n. d. 586 [Columbus.] Elogio de Christobal Colon, por Eulalio Maria Ortego . . . Portrait on India paper. 8vo, boards. Mexico, 1846 From the Andrade Collection. 587 [Columbus.] Christophe Colomb, ou Notice d'un livre Italien concernant cet illustre Navigateur. Par J. D. Lanjuinais. Paris. 1S09 Dei Primi Scopritori del Nuovo Continente Americano di Francesco Trucchi. Firenze, 1842 Canto Epicosobre eldescubrimiento de America por Christobal Colon. Su Autor D. Narciso de Foxa. Habana, 1846 3 vols, in 1. Svo, half morocco. 1S09-46 588 [Columbus.] La Verdadera Guanahani de Colon. Memoria Comunicada a la Facultad de Humanidades, por . . . Varnhagen . . . acompanala el Texto del derrotero del Almirante en su Primer Viaje, i una carta jeografica en que se designa et rumbo preferido, a la par de los que indicaron Munoz, Irving, Navarrete, Humboldt, Becher. Svo, half morocco. Santiago, 1864 Americana. 85 589 [Columbus.] Annee Veritable de la NAissANCEdeCHRisTOPHE Colomb et Revue, Chronologique des Principales Epoques de sa Vie . . . Par M. D'Avezac. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1873 590 [Columbus] L'Histoire de Christophe Colomb attribute a son fils Fernand. Examen Critique, du Memoire lu par M. D'Avezac . . . par Henry Harrisse. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1875 591 [Columbus.] Los Restos de Colon. Informe de la Real Academia de la Historia al Gobierno de S. M. sobre el supuesto hallazgo de los verdaderos restos de Cristoval Colon en la Iglesia Catedral de Santo Domingo. 6 plates. Small 8vo, cloth. Madrid, 1879 592 [Columbus.] La Premiere Relation de Christophe Colomb (1493). Lettre sur une Edition . . . appartenant a la Biblio- theque Royale de Bruxelles, par Ch. Ruelens. Facsimile of the letter. 8vo, uncut. Bruxelles, 1885 The edition with 3S lines to a full page. Only 50 impressions printed. One of the 12 (No. 8) copies on Bristol board. 593 [Columbus.] Historie del S. D. Fernando Colombo; nelle quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, & de 'fatti dell 'Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre; et dello scopri- mentu, ch'egli fece dell' Indie Occidentali, dette Mondo Nuovo . . . Nuovamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell' Italiana dal S. Alfonso Ulloa. Small 8vo, calf, gilt. Venetia, 1571 First edition. 594 [Columbus.] Historie del Sig. Don Fernando Colombo. Nelle quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della Vita, & de 'fatti dell 'Ammiraglio Don Christoforo Colombo suo padre . . . Gia tradotte di lingua Spagnuola nell' Italiana, &c. Small 8vo, brown levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Milano, [ 1614] The preliminary matter in this edition differs materially from the edition of 1571. 595 [Columbus.] Historie del Signor D. Fernando Colombo. Nelle quali s ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, e de 'fatti dell 'Ammiraglio. 1). Christoforo Colombo suo Padre . . . Nuovamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell' Italiana del Sign. Alfonso Ulloa. 121110, call extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Venetia, 1678 86 Americana. 596 [Columbus.] Bird's-eye View of the City of Seville, showing the house and park of Ferdinand Columbus. Size 21^x16 inches. !5 6 5 597 Columbian Naval Melody (The). A Collection of Songs and Odes, composed on the late Naval Victories and other occasions. 121T10, half morocco. Boston, 18 13 598 Compaen (Claes G.) 't Begin, Midden en Eynde, der Zee-Roov- eryen van den Aldersameusten Zee-Roover, Claes G. Compaen . . . hoe hymet weynigh Schepen de Zee onveyligh gemaeckt, een ongeloof lijcken Buyten groot getal van Schepen, vad alle Landen af-geloopen yeest. Portrait on title and 10 other woodcuts. 4to, polished calf, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Utrecht, 1685 599 CoMPEXDio General de las Contribuciones, y Gastos que ocasi- onan todos los Efectos, Frutos, Caudales, y demas, que se trafican entre los Reynos de Castilla, y America . . . 4to, calf. Cadiz: Espinosa de los Afonteros, 1762 600 Conciliatory Bills (The) Considered. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1778 " The Americans, when too late, will probably regret their having permitted the moment of conditional submission to pass without being improved," page 38 . . "If Spain will aid them in their revolt, she may set a dangerous example of rebellion to her own Colonies," page 39. 601 Concilios Provinciales, primero y segundo, celebrados en la muy noble, y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico ... en los anos de 1555, y 1565, dalos a luz . . . Francisco Antonio Lorenzana. 1769 Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale IIP, celebratum Mexici anno 1585, praeside D. D. Petro Moya, et Contreras . . . postea Jussu Regio editum Mexici anno 1622 sumptibus I). 1). Joannis Perez de la Serna . . . demum typis mandatum cura, & expensis D. D. Francisci Antonii a Lorenzana. 1 7 70 3 vols, in 2. 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1769-70 52IP See Contreras. 602 Conditien die door de Heeren Burgermeesteren der Stadt Am- sterdam, volgens 't gemaecte Accoort met de West-Indische Com- pagnie, ende d'Approbatie van hare Hog: Mog: de Heeren Staten Americana. 87 Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, daer op gevolght, gepre- senteert werden aen alle de gene, die als Coloniers na Nieuw-Ned- erlandt, &c. 8 pp., 4to, red morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Amsterdam, 1656 603 Connecticut Gazette (The). No. 88, Saturday, December n, 1756. New Haven : J. Parker e^ Co., 1756 The first newspaper published in Connecticut. Under the date of Paris, Sept. 27, is stated : "Several particulars are said to have been learned, concerning a grand Expedition carrying on in England, which is to be put into execution in the Spring ; the operations in America being to commence in May, with the Attack of Quebec, &c"; also October 9 : ' ' Whoever consults the Maps of North-America must be convinced that Que- beck might be attacked with as great a probability of success, as Crown Point or Fort Du Quesne." 604 [Connecticut.] Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut in America. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1796 £2F° See the Plea for Acquittal by Roger M. Sherman in MS. at end of volume. 605 [Connecticut.] The Public Records of the Colony of Con- necticut [1636-1677] . . . with Occasional Notes and an Appendix (with the Journal of the Council of War). By J. Ham- mond Trumbull. Facsimiles. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1850-2 606 [Connecticut.] Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Containing numerous hitherto unpublished Documents concerning the Church in Connecticut. Vol. I. Francis L. Hawks . . . William Stevens Perry . . . Editors. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1863 607 [Connecticut.] Papers of the New Haven Colony Histori- cal Society. Vol. I. 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1865 608 [Connecticut.] Papers of the New Haven Colony Histori- cal Society. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1865-77 Contains: White on the New Haven Colony ; Bronson on Connecticut Cur- rency ; Whitaker's Early History of Southhold, I.. I.; &c. , &c. 609 [Connecticut.] The Celebration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Primitive Organization of the Congre- gational Church and Society in Franklin, Conn., October 14th, 1868. 4 portraits and a map. 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1869 88 Americana. 610 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of Amer- ica ; the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confedera- tion, &c. nmo, sheep. Boston, 1785 Second edition. 611 Contract d'Association des Jesuites au trafique de Canada. Pour apprendre a Paul de Gimont, l'un des donneurs d'aduis pour les Jesuites contre le Recteur & Universite de Paris, & a ses sem- blables, pourquoy les Jesuites sont depuis peu arrivez en Canada, 1613. 8vo, boards. Lyon: Tross, n. d. Only 12 copies printed, in fac-simile, on vellum. Notes, No. 28. No. 11. 612 [Contreras.] Sanctum Provinciale Concilium Mexici cele- bratum. . . . Petro Moya de Contreras, 102 /eaves; Statuta Ordinata a sancto Concilio Provinciali Mexicano III., 39 /eaves. Folio, half morocco (title mended). Mexico : J. Riitz, 1622 613 Conwell (Russell H.). History of the Great Fire in Saint John, June 20 and 21, 1877. Portraits, map and p/ates. nmo, cloth. Boston, 1877 614 Cook (Eben). The Sot-Weed Factor : or, a Voyage to Mary- land. A Satyr, in which is describ'd the Laws, Government, Courts and Constitutions of the Country, and also the Buildings, Feasts Frolicks, Entertainments and Drunken Humours of the Inhabitants of that part of America, In Burlesque Verse [with a Preface by Brantz Mayer]. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1865 Large paper copy, only 30 printed. Shea's Early Southern Tracts. No. 2. 615 Cook (Frederick). Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan against the Six Nations of Indians in 1 779, with Records of Centennial Celebrations. 4 steel portraits, plans, &c. Royal 8vo, cloth. Auburn, 1887 616 Cooley (Timothy Mather). A Sermon preached at the Funeral of, by William B. Sprague. Svo, half morocco. Albany, 1S60 Portrait and lines by Mrs. Si<, r ourney inserted. 617 Cooper (Rev. Mr.). The History of, North America, con- taining a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants; the first Settlement of the British Colonies, their Rise and Progress, from the earliest period to the time of their becom- ing united, free and independent States. i8mo, half morocco. New Brunswick: Abraham Blauvelt, 1797 Americana. 89 618 Cooper (Myles). Poems on Several Occasions . . . Svo, calf. Oxford, 1 76 1 Myles Cooper was sometime president of King's (Columbia) College, N. Y. Autograph of John W. Francis on the inside of front cover. 619 [Cooper.] In Memoriam. Sarah Bedell, wife of Peter Cooper [with the Address of Henry W. Bellows]. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 Privately printed. 620 [Cooper.] Reception of Peter Cooper by the Arcadian Club, on his 84th Birthday, Feb. 12, 1874. Portrait. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1874 Printed for private distribution. Autograph of Peter Cooper. 621 [Cooper.] An Account of the Trial of Thomas Cooper, of Northumberland, on a Charge of Libel against the President of the United States . . . with a Preface, Notes and Appendix by Thomas Cooper. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1800 622 Cooper (Thomas). Treatise on the Law of Libel and the Liberty of the Press. 8vo, half sheep. New York, 1830 623 (Eojjcj) rtltcljcr on'cff so ausf f£?fsj)am'a feummc sent at aiuaggntt "ait nijjcnscijafft tics "Nctont ILaniJs so ncujltcJ) uou liap. fttai?. 3rmatft ausstrcm ucujnt fHor tjcfuufccu fst toortmt trurcij trfc 71)tspantcc. Small 4to (4 leaves), vellum. d.m.xxxv. Exceedingly rare. Only two other copies known. This fabulous story of 1'izarro is attested by one Master Adolph, the secretary of the King's Majesty. 624 Copland (Patrick). Virginia's God be Thanked; or, A Sermon of Thanksgiving for the happie successe of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare . . . Hereunto are adjoyned some Epistles, writ- ten first in Latine (and now Englished) in the East Indies, by Peter Pope, an Indian youth, &c. 4to, calf, gilt over red edges. London, 1622 625 Coppier (Cuillaume). Historie et Voyage des Indes Occi- dentales, et de plusiers autres Regions maritimes, o] printed for Joaquin (larcia Icazbalceta. No. 27. 644 Cor ins (Hernan). Historia de Xi:kva-Espa>;a . . . aumen- tada con otras Documentos y Notas, por . . . Francisco Antonio Lorenzana. Frontispiece, vignette, 2 maps and 33 plates. Folio, vellum. Mexico, 1770 Includes the rare 1541 map of California at page 328. 645 [Cortks.] The Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Con- queror of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charles V. Written during the Conquest, and containing a Nanative of its events. 94 Americana. Now first translated into English from the original Spanish, with an Introduction and Notes, by George Folsom. . . . i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1843 First appearance of the three collected dispatches in English, being a transla- tion from Lorenzana, including a portion of his notes. See N. Am. Rev., lvii.- 459- 646 [<£ortra (JWarttn).] iSrciic Compcntrfo fcc la spijcra y de arte de navegar, con nuevos instrumentos y reglas, exempli- ficado con muy subfiles demonstraciones, &c. Maps and diagrams, some movable. Folio, calf. Sevilla, 155 1 647 Corwin (Edward Tanjore). Historical Discourse on Occa- sion of the Centennial Anniversary of the Reformed Dutch of Millstone [N. J.]. Map. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1866 64S Corwin. The Corwin Genealogy (Curwen, Curwen, Corwine) in the United States. 2 portraits and a view. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1872 649 [Cosartio (Gabriele).] Imago Vechiana Alexandro VII. Pont. .Max. dedicata. 3 vignettes. Royal folio, old green morocco, with the arms of Pope Alex. VII. in gold on the cover. Parisiis: Cramosiana, 1656 The above poem is printed on nine leaves of vellum, in a bold type, and takes for its subject a bronze medal, describing the martyrdom of Father Horatio Vechius, Martin Aranda and Jacques Montauban, the first of whom suffered in Lima. 650 Cotton (John). Gods Promise to his Plantations ... as it was delivered in a Sermon. 4to, polished calf extra, rough edges, by Bedford. Title mended. London. 1634 651 Cotton. Gods Mercie mixed with his Justice; or, His Peoples Deliverance in times of danger, laid open in severall Ser- mons. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Inked on some pages. London, 1641 652 Cotton. The Way of Life ; or, Gods Way and Course, in bringing the Soule into, keeping it in, and carrying it on, in the wayes of life and peace. 8vo, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1641 Pp. 31-34 re-margined, pp. 477-4S0 imperfect. Americana. 95 653 Cotton. The Churches Resurrection, or the Opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th Chap, of the Revelation. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1642 Includes the extra leaf, but the title is pieced. 654 Cotton. A Modest and Cleare Answer to Mr. Balls Dis- course of set formes of Prayer. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1642 655 Cotton. The Doctrine of the Church to which are committed the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven. 4to, half morocco. London, 1643 Second edition. 656 Cotton. The Keves of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof according to the Word of God. 4to, half morocco. London, 1644 The rare first edition; a second appeared the same year. 657 Cotton. The Powring Out of the Seven Vials; or, An Exposi- tion of the Sixteenth Chapter of the Revelation. 4to, calf, gilt. London, 1645 658 Cotton. The Way of the Churches of Christ in New-En- gland; or, the Way of Churches walking in Brotherly equality, or co-ordination, without Subjection of one Church to another, &c. 4to, calf, gilt leaves. London, 1645 Fine copy. 659 Cotton (John). Gospel Conversion . . . together With some Reasons against stinted Formes of praising God in Psalmes, &c. Now published for the generall good, by Francis Cornwell. Small 8vo, calf antique. London, 1646 660 Cotton. The Controversie concerning Liberty of Con- science in Matters of Religion, Truly stated, and distinctly and plainly handled. . . . By way of answer to some Arguments to the contrary sent unto him. 4to, half morocco. London, 1646 Cotton's reply to Roger Williams. Tall copy. 661 Cotton. The Bloudy Tenent, Washed And made white in the bloud of the Lambe . . . whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. Williams Answer to Mr. Cottons Letter. 4U), calf antique, red leaves. London, 1647 96 Americana. 662 Cotton. Singing of Psalmes: a Gospel-Ordinance, &c. 4T.0, half morocco. London, 1650 Fine copy. 663 Cotton. An Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of Revelation. 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, 1656 Imperfect. Minus pp. 109-112 and last leaf of the table. The Brinley copy (Xo. 563) lacked the title, and the date was quoted as 1655. 664 Cotton. A Defence of, . . . From the imputation of Selfe Contradiction, charged on him by Mr. Dan. Cawdrey. Written by himselfe not long before his death. Whereunto is prefixed, an Answer to a late Treatise of the said Mr. Cawdrey about the nature of Schisme. By John Owen. Small 8vo, calf. Oxford, 1658 665 Cotton. A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, as it is dis- pensed to the Elect Seed, effectually unto Salvation. Small Svo, calf. • London, 1659 Second edition " fitted for the press by Thos. Allen." 666 Coutts (W. G.). " The Games," A Nicht wi' Burns, and other Poems. Music score. Royal Svo, half morocco. New Yoi'k: Published by tlie Author, 1S60 Describes the Scottish Games at Jones' Woods and a Burns Dinner at the Astor House. 667 Cowley (Charles). A History of Lowell. Numerous i^oodcut illustrations. i2mo, cloth. Lowell, 1868 Second revised edition. 668 Cox (S. S.). Eight Years in Congress, from 1857-1865. Memoir and Speeches. Svo, cloth. New York, 1865 Presentation copy, with autograph. 669 Coxe (Daniel). A Dkscription of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards call'd Florida, and by the French La Louisiane. As also of the Great and Famous River Meschacebe or Missisipi, &c. Large map. Svo, calf. London, 1727 670 Crafford (John). A New and Most Exact Account Of the Fertiles and Famous Colony of Carolina (On the Continent of America). . . . As also an Account of the Islands of Bermudas, &c. Pp. 7. 4to, polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. 2 leaves pieced. Dublin, 1683 Americana. 97 671 [Cramoisy Reprints.] Copie de devx | lettres Envoie' es de la I Novvelle France, | Au Pere Procureur des Missions | de la compagnie de Iesvs en ces contrees. | A Paris, | chez Sebastien Cramoisy, \ Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy \ et Gabriel Cramoisy. \ rue S. Iacques aux Cicognes. \ M. dc. lvi. | Auec priuilege du Roy. \ One perfect copy only of the original work is known to exist. Relation de ce qui s'est passe cle plvs remarqvable avx Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Iesvs, en la Novvelle France, es annees 1676 et 1677. Imprimee pour la premiere fois, selon [laj Copie du MS. Original restant a l'Universite-Laval Quebec. Lallemant (H.). Lettres Envoiees de la Novvelle France au R. P. Iacqves Renavlt Prouincial de la Compagnie de Iesvs en la Prouince de la France, par le R. P. Hier. Lallemant S'jperieur des Missions de la dite Compagnie en ce nouueau Monde. A Paris, Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, m.dc.lx. 3 vols, in 1. 121110, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1835-54 A few copies privately printed by Mr. James Lenox. IdT See Jesuit Relations. 672 Crashaw (W.). A Sermon preached in London before the right honorable the Lord Lawarre, Lord Governour and Captaine Generall of Virginea ... at the said Lord Generall his leave taking of England his Native Countrey, and departure for Vir- ginea, Febr. 21, 1609. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1610 Running title, "A New-yeeres Gift to Virginea." Fine copy. 673 Cuming (F.). Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country, through the States of Ohio and Kentucky ; a Voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and a Trip through the Mississippi Territory and Part of West Florida. Commenced at Philadelphia in the Winter of 1S07 and concluded in 1X09 . . . With Notes and an Appendix, containing some interesting facts, together with a Notice of an Expedition through. Louisiana. 1 21110, calf. Rare. Pittsburgh, 1S10 674 Cursory Observations, relative to the Mounting of Cannon in the new way. and to Naval War. 8vo. New York, 1785 675 |(Turtf.rj (fHautfn).] T\)t Slv'tc of Xnufjjation, Con- teynyng a compendious description of the Sphere, with the makyng of certen [nstrumentes and Rules for Navigations: and exeni- 98 Americana. plified by manye Demonstrations . . . Translated out of Spanyshe into Englyshe by Richard Eden. Woodcuts [diagrams, £r*c.). 4to, calf gilt, red edges, title mounted. London, 156 1 676 Curtks. The Art of Navigation. Contayning a briefe de- scription of the Spheare, with the partes and Circles of the same . . . translated into English by Richard Eden, &c. Diagrams, tvith the movable dials, &°c, and map of the Neive Worldc. 4to, blue morocco, gilt leaves. London, 1596 The movable diagrams are perfect on folios 29, 46, 62 and 71. Minus folios 54, 55, 88, 89 and all after folio 90. 677 Curtis (George Ticknor). History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States : with Notices of its Principal Framers. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf antique. New York, 1861 Presentation copy with autograph of the author. 678 Curtis. The Last Years of Daniel Webster. 8vo. New York, 1878 679 [Curwen.] Journal and Letters of the late Samuel Curwen . . . an American Refugee in England, from 1775 to 1784 ... to which are added Biographical Notices of American Loyalists, &c. By George Atkinson Ward. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1842 680 Cushing (Caleb). The Treaty of Washington: its Negocia- tion, Execution and the Discussions relating thereto. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873 681 Cusick (David). Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations, comprising, First — a Tale of the Foundation of the Great Island (now North America) . . . Second — a Real Account of the Early Settlers . . . Third — Origin of the Kingdom of the Five Nations . . . &c. 4 curious woodcuts. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by P rait. Lockport, 1848 " The production of a pure-blooded North American Indian, belonging to one of the tribes of the Five Nations, whose scanty remnants now inhabit Western New York and Canada." — Western Afcmoi'abilia. 682 Cutter (Benjamin and William R.). History of the Town of Arlington, Massachusetts : formerly the Second Precinct in Americana. 99 Cambridge or District of Menotomy, afterward the Town of West Cambridge, 1635-1879. With a Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants of the Precinct. Map and plates. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880 683 Crawford (J. M.). Mosby and his Men : a Record of the Adventures of that renowned Partisan Ranger, John S. Mosby, Col. C. S. A. Portraits. u. mo, half cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 684 Creuxius [Du CreuxJ (P. Francis). Historic: Canadensis sev Novaj-Franciai Libri Decern, Ad Annum usque Christi mdclvi. Large folded map and 12 plates. 4to, morocco, gilt leaves, by Hayday. Parisiis: Seb. Cramoisy et Seb. Mabre-Cranwisy, 1664. The map in this copy is a fac-simile, and, as usual, the folded plate at p. 526 is wanting". 685 Creuxius. The same, with an original impression of the map, but lacking the plates at pp. 22, 71 and 526. 4to, vellum. Parisiis, 1664 686 [Crevecceur.] — (J. H. St. John). Letters from an American Farmer; Describing Certain Provincial Situations, Manners and Customs, not generally known ; and conveying some idea of the late and present Interior Circumstances of the British Colonies in North America. Written for the Information of a Friend in En- gland. By J. Hector St. John, a Farmer in Pennsylvania. 8vo, calf. London: Thomas Varies, 1783 687 Crevec(Eur. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans l'Etat de New- York, par un Membre adoptif de la Nation Oneida. Traduit et publie par l'auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Ameri- cain. Portrait of Washington, maps, 6°r. 3 vols., 8vo, hall morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Paris: Crapelet, 1801 Brinley, No, 3047. Leclerc, No. 407. 688 Crosby (Nathan). A Crosby Family. Josiah Crosby, Sarah Fitch, and their Descendants, by their Grandson. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Lowell, Mass., 1877 689 Crosby. Annual Obituary Notices of Eminent Persons who have died in the United States, 1857-1858. Portraits on steel. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858-9 loo Americana. 690 Cullum (Geo. W.). Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy, at West Point, N. Y., from its establishment, March 16, 1802, to . . . 1866-67. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868 691 [Cutter vs. Waddingham.] Abstract of the Record [in the Case of] Norman Cutter, Appellee, versus William Waddingham and others, Appellants. 8vo, half morocco. St. Louis, 1861 692 T^\ (A.). La Guerre Civile aux Ltats-Unis, impuissance J du Nord, l'Independance du Sud inevitable, par A. D. . . . Svo, half morocco. Paris, 1862 693 [Dallas.] Proceedings of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Penn- sylvania . . . March 6th, 1S65 ... in reference to the Death of P. G. M. Brother, the Hon. George Mifflin Dallas. Portrait. Syo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1 865 Presentation copy James Page, P. G. M. 694 [Dalrymple (Sir John).] The Address of the People of Great- Britain to the Inhabitants of America. 66 pp. London, 1775 An Address of the Convention of the Representatives which met in Fishkill in 1776. Pp. 19 (title in MS.). Fishkill, 1776 Essays upon the making of Salt-petre and Gun-powder. Pub- lished by Order of the Committee of Safety of the Colony of New- York. Pp. 39 (the last three in MS.). New York, 1776 Three tracts in 1 yoI. Svo, boards. 1 7 75—6 The Fishkill Address is signed by Abraham Ten ISroeck, as president of the Convention: and the Gunpowder tract by Pierre Van Courtlandt, Chairman of the Committee of Safety. 695 [Dalrymple.] The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. Svo, half morocco. London, 1775 696 [Dalrymple.] The Rights of Great Britain Asserted against the Claims of America, being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. Svo, half morocco. London, 1776 Third edition. 697 Dana ( R. II., Jr.). An Address upon the Life and Services of Edward Everett; delivered before the Municipal Authorities Americana. ioi and Citizens of Cambridge, February 22, 1865, by Richard H. Dana, Jr. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1865 Large Paper. Fifty copies only privately printed 698 Dandolo (Marco). Marci Danduli Artium ac. I. V. doctoris: & Equitis : Oratoris Veneti apud Serenissimum Ferdinandum Hispanise, etc. 4to (8 leaves), old red morocco, gilt leaves, with the arms of the Doge Foscarini on the sides. Neapoli, 1507 B. A. V. Add., No. 28. See verso of sixth leaf, " Insulae inventis," &c. Another tract of minor importance is bound with the above. 699 [Dandolo.] Marci Danduli Artium ac. I. V. doctoris & Equitis: Oratoris Veneti apud Serenissimum Ferdinandum His- panic: utriusque Siciliae, etc. Catholicum Regem Oratio. 4to (8 leaves), red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy. Neapoli, 1507 Fine copy. Two lines in the handwriring of Fernando Columbus, at the foot of the last page, state that he purchased this copy at Rome, June, 151 5. 700 Danforth (S.). An Astronomical Description of the late Comet, or Blazing-Star, as it appeared in New-England in November, December, January, and in the beginning of February, 1664, &c. Small 8vo, calf, gilt. 32 pp. Cambridge, N. E., 1666 701 Daniel (Louis). La Guerre aux Etats-Unis. Map. 8vo. Paris, 1862 702 Dankers (J.) and Sluyter (P.). Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in several of the American Colonies in 1679-80, by Jasper Dankers and Peter Sluyter of Wiewerd in Friesland. Translated from the Original Manuscript in Dutch for the Long Island Historical Society, and edited by Henry C. Murphy. ... 12 plates. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Brooklyn, 1867 I.AKC.i: Paper. One hundred copies only printed. " Long Island Hist. Soc. Publications," Vol. 1. 703 Dankers and Sluyter. The same on small paper. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Brooklyn, 1867 704 [Danvers.] Centennial Celebration at Danvers, Mass., June 16, 1852. Portraits. Svo. Boston, 1852 102 Americana. 705 Darby (William). Lectures on the Discovery of America, ccc. i6mo, boards, uncut (stained). Baltimore, 1828 706 Dariex. A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it: and Argu- ments to prove that it is the Interest of England to join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added a Description of the Country, &c. 8vo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1699 By " Philo-Caledon." 707 Darien. The Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, Answered Paragraph by Paragraph. By Philo-Britan. Svo, half morocco. London, 1699 708 Darien. A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien: including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there. Authore Britanno sed Dunensi. Svo, half morocco. Printed in the Year 1700 Dedication signed " Phil. Scot." 709 [Darien.] A Full and Exact Collection of all the Con- siderable Addresses, Memorials, Petitions, Answers, Proclamations, Declarations, Letters, and other Publick Papers, Relating to the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies . . . (1695-1700). 4to. Printed in the Year 1700 710 Darnell (Elias). A Journal ... of the hardships, suffer- ings, battles, defeat and captivity of those heroic Kentucky Volun- teers and Regulars, commanded by General Winchester, in the years 181 2-13 . . . &c. 121110, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1S54 711 [Dartmoor Prison.] Message from the President [Monroe] of the United States, transmitting a Report ... in relation to the Transactions at Dartmoor Prison ... so far as the American Prisoners of War, there confined, were affected, &c. Svo, half morocco. Washington, 1816 712 Dassie (C. R.). Le Routilr des Indes Orientales et Occi- dextai.es: traitant des saisons propres a y faire Voyage: une description des Anchrages, &c, also L'Architecture Navale. Plates. 2 vols, in 1. 4to, vellum. Paris, 1677 Americana. 103 713 D'Auteroche (Chappe). Voyage en Californie pour l'Ob- servation du Passage de Venus sur le Disque du Soleil, le 3, Juin, 1769; contenant les observations de ce phenomene, & la descrip- tion historique de la route de l'Auteur a travers le Mexique. Large plan and three plates. 4to, half morocco. Stained. Paris, 1772 714 D'Auteroche. A Voyage to California, to observe the Transit of Venus . . . with an Historical Description of the Author's Route through Mexico . . . also a Voyage to New- foundland and Sallee ... by M. de Cassini. Large plan of the City of Mexico. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1778 715 D[avenport], J[ohn]. The Profession" of the Faith of that Reverend and worthy Divine, Mr. J. D., sometimes Preacher of Stevens Coleman-Street, London. Made publiquely before the Congregation at his Admission into one of the Churches of Cod in New-England. Pp. 8, 4to, half morocco. London, 1642 716 D'Avezac (M.). Relation Authentique du Voyage du Capi- taine de Gonneville es Nouvelles Tf.rres des Indes . . , avec une Introduction, &c. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1869 Presentation copy from the author. 717 [D'Avezac] Martin Hylacomylus Waltzemuller ses Ouvrages et ses Collaborateurs. Voyage d'Exploration et de Decouvertes a travers quelques epitres dedicatoires prefaces et opuscules, en prose et en vers du commencement du XVIe Siccle. Notes, &c, par un Ceographe Bibliophile. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1867 Presentation copy from the author. 71S Davie (John Constanse). Letters from Paraguay: describing the Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres . . . 6vc. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1X05 719 Davis (A.). A Lkcture on the Discovkry of America by the Northmen, five hundred years before Columbus. . . . Fourth edition, with Additions. 8vo. '839 A Lecture on the Antiquities of Central America, ami on the Discovery of New England by the Northmen, five hundred years before Columbus. . . . Sixth edition, with Additions. Svo. 1S40 2 vols., 8vo, unbound. New York, 1K39-40 104 Americana. 720 Davis (George Lynn-Lachlan). The Day-Star of American Freedom; or the Birth and Early Growth of Toleration, in the Province of Maryland. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1855 721 Davis (Jefferson). Prison Life of, by John J. Craven. Frontis- piece. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 722 Davis (Richard B.). Poems by . . . with a Sketch of his Life. i2ino, sheep. New York, 1807 The poet fell a victim to the yellow fever during the epidemic in New York, 1799. 723 Davis (Solomon). A Prayer Book in the Language of the Six Nations of Indians, containing the Morning and Evening Service ... in the Book of Common Prayer . . . &c. 121110, half morocco. New York, 1837 724 Davis (W. W. H.). History of the 104TH Pennsylvania Regiment, from 1861 to 1864. 6 plates. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 725 Dawson (Henry B.). Major-General Israel Putnam. A Correspondence on this Subject with the Editor of the Hartford Daily Post by " Selah," of that City, and Henry B. Dawson, of White Plains, N. Y. Royal Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Morrisania, N. Y. : Privately printed, i860 Only 250 copies printed. No. 213. 726 Dawson. The Sons of Liberty in New York. A Paper Read before the New York Historical Society May 3, 1859. Portrait inserted. 8vo, half morocco. [N. Y. ]: Printed for private circulation, 1859 727 Dawson. Assault on Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the New York Historical Society and Read at its Regular Monthly Meeting, April 1, 1S62. Map and numerous fac-similes. Royal 8yo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Morrisania, N. Y., 1S63 Only 250 copies printed. No. 61. Americana. 105 728 Dawson {Editor). Diary of David How, a Private in Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Regiment of the Massachusetts Line, in the Army of the American Revolution. From the Original Manu- script. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by George Wingate Chase, and Illustrative Notes by Henry B. Dawson. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1865 250 copies only printed. No. 6l. Forms Part IV. of Dawson's " Gleanings, &c." 729 Deane (Charles). John and Sebastian Cabot : a Study. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Cambridge, Mass., 1S86 730 Deane. A Summary of the History or New England to the Time of Andros. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Cambridge, Mass., 1886 731 Deane (Silas). An Address to the Free and Independent Citizens of the United States of North America. 8vo, half morocco. Hartford, 1784 732 Deane. An Address to the United States of North America. To which is added, A Letter to the Hon. Robert Morris, Esq., with Notes and Observations. By Silas Deane, Esq., late one of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary from the United States, to the Court of Versailles. 8vo, pp. (4) 95, half morocco, uncut. London: J. Dcbrett, 1784 The author's vindication of himself from a charge of mismanagement of the public money. It was reprinted at New London. 733 De Brahm (J. G. W.). History of the Province of Georgia: with Maps of Original Surveys. By John Gerar William De Brahm, His Majesty's Surveyor-General for the Southern District of North America. Now first Printed. 6 plates. 4U), cloth, uncut. Wormsloe, mdcccxlix. Forty-nine copies privately printed, four on plate paper, of which this is one. " Printed from a manuscript in the Library of Harvard College, for the editor, ( '.eorge Wymberley-Jones. It is so rare that we have seen only one ordinary- paper copy sold, that at the Ingraham sale in I S 5 r , where it brought *L)-oo."' — J. S. Presentation copy to " Winthrop Satgent from his friend (',. Wvmberlev- Jones." 106 Americana. DE BRY'S COLLECTION OF TRAVELS AND VOYAGES TO AMERICA AND THE EAST. 734 A Set of the Great and Small Voyages. 26 vols., folio and small folio, polished calf extra, by Bedford. Abstract of the Two Series in brief : Great Voyages. I. — Hariot (T.). Admiranda Narratio Fida tamen, de Commo- dis, et Incolarum Ritibus Virginias. Map of Virginia and 28 plates. ^^9° First edition, but with the cum gratia, &c, filled in. Brunet claims the above as the first impression, never having seen the cum gratia, &rc, in small italics, printed on a narrow slip and pasted on the title-page. II. — Le Moyne de Morgues. Brevis Narratio eorum quas in Florida Americse Provlcia-Gallis acciderunt. 42 plates. 1591 First edition. III. — Stade (Johannes). Americae tertia pars memorabile pro- vincial Brasilia? Historiam. Addita est Narratio profectionis Joannis Lerij. Map and 44 engravings in the text. T 59 2 First edition, with impressions of both variations of the first title, the two variations of the escutcheon plate, both variations of the second title, the plate of Adam and Eve: the latter also in the Hariot's Virginia. IV. — Benzoni (H.). Americae pars qirarta, sive, Insignis & Admiranda Historia de reperta primum Occidentali India a Christophoro Columbo. Map and 24 plates. I 593 First edition, with the first title duplicated and the 24 plates in both states before and after the numbers. The escutcheon plate has the six female figures (Virtues). V. — Benzoni. Americas pars quinta Nobilis. Secundas sectionis. Portrait of Columbus, map of New Spain and 22 plates. 1 595 First edition. 92 (82) pages. The foot-notes in Roman, the numbering of the plates also in Roman. VI. — Benzoni. Americae pars sexta. Sectio tertia. Map of America, plan of Cusco and 28 plates. 1596 First edition, with both variations of the second title. VII. — Schmidel. Americas Pars VII. Verissima et jncundis- sima descriptio praecipuarum quarundam Indias regionum cc Insularum, quas quidem nullis ante hasc tempora visa: cognitas- que, iam primum ab Ulrico Fabro. I 599,. &c. First edition, with plate on p. 7. The plates which belong to this part are the first three included in the eighteen plates of the following volume. Americana. 107 VIII. — [Raleigh's Guiana, &c] Americre pars VIII. continens Primo, Descriptionem trium Itinerum Nobilissimi et fortissimi equitis Francisci Draken, qui peragrato primum universe- terra- rum orbe, postea cum nobilissimo Equite Johanne Hauckens. Secundo, iter nobilissimi Equitis Thomre Candisch, Tertio, Gualtheri Ralegh. : 599> &c. First edition, with the two small maps on duplicate leaves, in addition to the usual pages, 78 of first part and 3 of the second. Also the large map of Guiana and iS plates preceded by a second title. IX. — [Acosta (J de).] Americae Nono & postrema Pars: de Novi Orbis Natura, &c. Addita est tertio Navigatio recens, quam 4, navium praefectus Olevier a Noort. 1602. [Map of the Strait of Alagellan and 39 (25-14)' plates.] First edition, with all the sub-titles. X. — [Vkspucius, Hamor and John Smith.] Americas pars decima : qua continentur, I. Dure Navigationes I)n. Americi Vesputii. II. Solida narratio de moderno provincial Virginia; Raphe Hamor. III. Veradescriptio Novre AngUe, a Capitaneo Johanne Schmidt. 1619 [Map of the Phillippine Islands and 12 plates.] Farliest impression, with the initial II at page 21 printed upside down. XI. — [Schouten and Spitsbergen.] Americas pars undecima : sen Descriptio Admirandi Itineris a Guillielmo Schouten Hol- lando pis, atque iconibus in res incisis jam primum illustrata, ( )pera. | 9 plates and 2 maps.] 1 6 1 9 [Second Title.] Appendix sen Admirandre Navigations a Georgio a Spilbergen. [20 plates.] 1620 The vignette on the title-page of the first part reappears as plate I. of the same part. XII. — [Herrara.] Novi Orbis pars duodecima sive Descriptio India.' Occidentalis, auctore Antonio de Herrara . . . acces- serunt et aliorum Indire Occidentalis Descriptiones, uti cS: navi- gationum omnium per Fretum Magellanicum succincta narratio, Quibus cohrerent Paralipomena America:. [14 maps an,/ 19 plates.] 1624 The above is another exception to the statement by Camus in reference to the plate at folio 130 being covered by the correct illustration on separate slip. io8 Americana. XIII. — [New England, &c] Decima Tertia Pars Historian Americana?. I. Novae Angliae, Virginias, Brasilia?, Guiana?, & insula? Ber- mudas. II. Terra? Australis incognitas. III. Expugnationis urbis S. Salvatoris & Sinus Omnium Sanc- torum ab Hollandis facta?, & quomodo Hispani. IV. Novi Mexici, Cibola?, Cinaloae, Quivirae, rerumq memora- bilium, quae in Yucutan, Guatimala, Fonduris, & Panama, &c. V. Navigations Hollandorum per universum orbem, duce Ja- cobo Eremita. VI. Classis Hispanicae praedivitis ab Hollandis, duce Petro. Heinio. VII. Urbis Olindae de Fernambucco in Brasilia ab Hollandis, duce Henrico Cornelio Lonckio. 1634 \Nine large and 21 small maps and plates, the latter printed in the text]. Small Voyages. First Part. I. — [Pigafetta.] Regnum I Congo | hoc est | Vera Descri | ptio Regni Afri | cani, quod tarn ab in | colis quam Lusitanis. | Congus appellatur | per | Philippum Pigafetam | olim ex Edo- ardi Lopez acroamatis | lingua Italica excerpta. '598 Collation: Engraved title. Dedicatory Epistle, 3 pages, with coat-of-arms on the first. Preface three pages — two maps of Congo and one of Northern Africa — pages 1-60 — Index 6 pages — Blank leaf — title-page to plates. " Icones quibus ad Maiorem lectoris recreationem, \c." 14 plates. First Fart, with Appendix. — 2d Ed. [Pigafetta.] Regnum | Congo. 1624 Same as the first edition, with the addition of the following : Appendix Regni | Congo. | Qua continentur naviga | tiones quinque Samuelis Brunonis. 1625 Collation : Engraved title — dedication three pages — preface 2 pages — Creek verses signed I. L. Cottfridus, 1 page — pages 1-86. The eleven engrav- ings are printed on the following pages : 4, 7, 17, 38, 39, 43, 45. 49, 51, 56, 61, 7r ; that on page 17 having previously appeared in the first part as No. 13. II. — [Lindschoten.] II Pars | India? Orientalis, | in qua | Johan. Hugonis Lintscotani | Navigatio in Orientem. 1599 Collation: Engraved title — Preface 4 pages— Dedication 3 pages- -blank page — Eintscotani Prrcfatio ad I.ectoren, with portrait, 2 pages — pages 1-1 14 — Index 4 pages — title. lames Yivae, Yerae et Cenvinae, \c. — 36 plates. Plate 37 is a double-page, and plate 6 has already appeared on page 49 of Americana. 109 the Appendix to the First Part. A map of Mozambique foilows page iS; the islands of Java, Sumatra and Borneo at page 51, followed by the map " Descriptio Hydrographica" (which properly belongs to page 54, part 3); map of Goa, page 72, and plate of metallic currency at page 97. III. — [Lindschoten.] Tertia Pars | India? Orientalis. I. Secunda pars navigationum a Joanne Hugone Lint | schotano. II. Navigatio Hollandorum in insulas Orientales. II. Tues navigationes Hollandorum in modo dictam Indiam per Septen | trionalem seu glacialem Oceanum. 160 1 Collation*: Engraved title — "Benevolo Lectori," 4 pages — pages 1-170, with the maps at pages 31, 32, 40 and 128 — Second title — plates 1 to 5S (minus 17 and iS), map of Nova Zembla on reverse of plate 5S — description of the map and colophon, 1 leaf. Plate 1 has been used as before on 56 of the Appendix ; plate 3 on page 71, and plate 7 on page 45 of the same book. Plate 28 is numbered XXIIX., and is a repetition of No. 24. IV. — {Lindschoten.] Pars Quarta | India? Orientalis | qua Primum varij generis Animalia, Fructus, Arbores : accurate describuntur | Per | Joannem Hugonem Lintzchotanum | Se- cundo : Novissima Hollandorum in Indiam Orientalem | navi- gatio, 1598 suscepta. 1601 Collation : Title in engraved border — Dedication — Preface — 3 pages and a blank— text 1 to ill — title — plates 1 to 21. V. — India? Orientalis | qua continetur J Vera & accurata de- scriptio universa navigationis illius, quam | Hollandi cum octo- nis navibus interras Orientales. 160 1 The spelling of the word Orientalis seems to identify this as the second edi- tion, but as the plates are all printed on separate pages it is more probably the first. Collation : Title, in engraved border — preface 2 leaves — text 1 to bo- title to plates — plates 1-20. VI. — Veram et Histo | ricam Descriptionem j Auriferi Kegni Guinea:, ad Africam | pertincntis, quod alias littasde miua vo | cant, continens. 1604 Collation: Title, with Vignette — Dedicatory Kpistle 2 1 — pp. 1 to 127. (rev. blank) — title to plates dated 1603 — plates I to 26. [n the above copy are two impressions of plate III., one with eleven lines of text under the plate, the other twelve. Plate II. is also numbered III. The vignette on the title is the same as in part 10 of the Grand Vovagcs, and tin- question raised in the I hah catalogue respecting the number of . V. De Costa. Map. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1S68 738 I Dr. Forest (T. R.).| Olden Time in New-York by those Who Knew. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 1833 112 Americana. 739 Defence (The) of the Treaty which Mr. Jay was charged to negotiate with Great Britain. 8vo, half morocco. Twenty-two chapters, pp. 138; minus title-page. 740 [Defoe (Daniel).] The History of the principal Discoveries and Improvements in the several Arts and Sciences; particularly the great Branches of Commerce, Navigation and Plantation in all Parts of the Known World. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1727 Chapter IX. treats of "the Knowledge of America, discover'd by the Cartha- ginians," being "lost to the World," by the overthrow and destruction of Carthage by the Romans. 741 Delafielo, Jr. (John). An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America . . . with an Appendix ... by James Lakey. 10 plates, some colored, and a large facsimile Mexican pic- ture MS. 4to, half morocco. New York, 1839 742 |Delavili,e (Abbe).] Etat Present de la Pensilvanie on Ton trouve le Detail de se qui s'y est passe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jusju'a la prise d'Oswego. Map. 8vo, calf. s. 1. 1756 Also in this volume, " Actes de ce qui sest passe de plus Remarquable a la Diete de Suede des 1755—6, &c." s. 1. 1756. 743 [De-la-Warre (Thomas West, Lord).] The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, Lord Governour and Captaine Generall of the Colonie, planted in Virginea. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 16 n Fine copy. 744 [De-la-Waree.] The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, Lord Governour and Captaine General! of the Colonie, planted in Virginea. 4to, half morocco. London, 161 1, rep. New York, 1868 One of 20 copies (No. 16) privately printed in fac-simile, from the above original edition. 745 Delepierre (Octave). Analyse des Travaux de la Societe des Philobiblion de Londres. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Londres, T862 Only 300 copies printed. %W See P- t- H) " Correspondance au sujet de William Penn." Americana. 113 746 De Lolmf. (J. L.). The Constitution of England; or, an Account of the English Government. ... New Edition. Por- trait. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges. Name scratched from title. London, 1789 Large paper copy. American Colonies, p. 522, &c. 747 Del Rio (Don Antonio). Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque, in the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America; translated . . . [and] followed by Teatro Critico Americano; or, a critical Investigation and Research into the History of the Americans by Dr. Paul Felix Cabrera. 17 plates. 4to, half calf. London, 1822 748 Democrat (The); or, Intrigues and Adventures of Jean le Noir, from his Inlistment as a Drummer in General Rochambeau's Army, and arrival at Boston, . . . 1795, &c. 2 vols, in 1. 121110, calf. New York: James Hiving ton, 1795 749 Democratic National Convention' (Official Proceedings of the), held in i860, at Charleston and Baltimore. . . . Prepared by John G. Parkhurst. 8vo, half calf. Cleveland, i860 750 " Demophilus." The Genuine Principles of the Ancient Saxon, or English Constitution. Carefully collected from the best authorities; with some Observations on their Peculiar Fitness for the United Colonies in General, and Pennsylvania in Particu- lar. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1776 751 Denison (Frederic). Westerly (Rhode Island) and its Wit- nesses for Two Hundred and Fifty Years, 1626-1876. Including Charlestown, Hopkinton and Richmond, until their Separate Organization, with the principal points of their subsequent history. Portraits, maps, <5rv. Svo, cloth. Providence, 1878 752 Denton (IX). A Brief Description of New-York: Formerly Called New-Netherlands. With the Places thereunto Adjoyning, Together with the Manner of its Scituation, Fertility of the Soyle, Healthfullness of the Climate, and the Commodities thence pro- duced. Also Some Directions and Advice to such as shall go thither: an Account of what Commodities thev shall take with H4 Americana. them; The Profit and Pleasure that may accrew to them thereby. Likewise A Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians there. By Daniel Denton. 4to, vellum. London: Printed for John Hancock, at the first Shop in Popes-Head- Alley in Corn hi I at the three Bibles, and William Bradley at the three Bibles in the Minories, 1670 Fine tall copy of this excessively rare book. The Menzies copy sold for the exceedingly low figure of S220, probably on account of the date being in fac- simile. The date and the three words preceding the date was omitted in the Gowans reprint. 753 Denton. A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the Places Thereunto Adjoining. Like- wise a Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians there. A New Edition, with an Introduction and Copious Historical Notes. By Gabriel Furman. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1845 754 Desimondi (C). Intorno al Fiorentino Giovanni Verraz- zano, scopritore in norae della Francia di Regioni nell' America Settentrionale [with the Appendice]. Also, Intorno a Giovanni C a Roto, &c. 3 vols., small folio, boards. Geneva, 1SS1 755 Detail of some Particular Services performed in America, during the Years 1776-1779. . . . Supposed to be chiefly taken from the Journal kept on board of the Ship Rainbow, Commanded by Sir Geo. Collier. 121110, half morocco. New York, 1835 Privately printed for Ithiel Town from the original MS. Brinley, 4002. 756 Detectio Freti Hudsoni, or Hessel Gerritsz's Collection of Tracts by Himself, Massa and De Quir on the N. E. and W. Pas- sage, Siberia and Australia. Reproduced, with the Maps, . . . in Dutch and Latin, after the Editions of 1612 and 1613. Aug- mented with a new English Translation by Fred John Millard . . . and an Essay on the Origin and Design of this Collection by S. Muller. . . . Maps and woodcuts. 4T0, boards, uncut. Amsterdam, 187S 757 Deuber (Prof.). Geschiedenis der Scheepvaart in den Atlantischen Oceaan ; ten bewyze van de bekendheid van Amerika, en van het Kompas in de oudste tyden ; benevens het eigen berigt van Christoffel Colombus over zyne Eerste Reize. Svo, vellum, uncut. Rotterdam, 1819 Americana. 115 758 Dewitt (Thomas). A Discourse delivered in the North Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New York on the Last Sabbath in August, 1856. Plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 759 Dickenson (J.). God's | Protecting Providence, | Man's | Surest Help and Defence, | in Times of greatest Difficulty, and | the most eminent Danger, evidenced in the | remarkable Deliver- ance of Robert | Barrow, with divers other Persons, | from the devouring Waves of the Sea, | amongst which they suffered Ship- wreck ; and also from the cruel devouring Jaws | of the inhuman Canibals of Florida. | Faithfully related by one of the persons concern'd therein, Jonathan Dickenson. | The Fourth Edition. | Post 8vo, half morocco. Title backed. London, 1759 760 [Dickinson (John). J The late Regulations respecting the British Colonies on the Continent of America considered. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1766 761 [Dickinson.] Lettres d'un Fermier de Pensylvanie, aux Habitants de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Traduites de l'Anglois. Small 8vo, calf. Amsterdam, 1769 762 [Dickinson.] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774 763 Dickinson. Political Writings. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Wilmington, 1801 The subscription copy of Nathl. Potter. Brinley, 4006. 764 [Dickinson.] Politics for American Farmers (20 Tracts), and Politics for Mechanics (5 Tracts). i2mo, half morocco. Washington City, 1807 765 Diego de Landa. Relation des choses de Yucatan. Text Espagnol et Traduction Franeaise en regard comprenant les signes du Calendrier et de PAlphabet Hieroglyphique de la Langue Maya . . . par Brasseur de Bourbourg. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1 864 Ramirez, No. 125. 766 Diikivii.it.. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de PAcadik on tie la Nouvelle France ... les Manieres des dif- 1 1 6 Americana. ferentes Nations, Sauvages . . . Relation, on a ajoute le Detail d'un combat donne entre les Francois & les Acadiens, contre les Anglois. i2mo, boards. Rouen, 1708 This little work was first written in verse, but the author was wisely advised to substitute prose whenever the muse had been unusually unkind. 767 Diere'ville. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de 1'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle France. Frontispiece. i2mo, half calf. Amsterdam, 1710 768 Diere'ville. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal, &c. Frontispiece. i2mo, calf. Amsterdam, 17 10 At the end is bound " Voyages d'un Philosophe ou Observations sur les Mceurs & les arts des peuples de l'Afrique, de 1'Asie, et de l'Amerique [pp. 1 3 6 J . Yverdon, 176S. 769 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal). Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva-Espana . . . sacada a luz por . . . Alonso Ramon. Printed title. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Madrid, 1632 First edition. 770 [Diaz.] Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva- Espana. Folio, calf. Madrid, 1632 771 Diaz del Castillo. Historia Verdadera de la Con- quista de la Nueva-Espaxa . . . sacada a luz por . . . Alonso Remon. Engraved title. Folio, purple levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Madrid, 1632 Second and best edition ; at least, so considered, because of the additional chapter (212) at the end, which had not previously appeared, and which con- tains an account of the signs and marvels which had been seen by the Indians before the arrival of the Spaniards. This chapter, el ultimo del original, had been omitted by the editor when first printing the narrative, as one containing mat- ters of which the author could not say, as of all the rest, quorum pars magna fui. The two editions, which are really distinct publications, and not merely two issues of one, are generallv said to have been printed in the same year. 772 Diaz del Castillo. The True History of the Conquest of Mexico . . . Translated from the original Spanish by Mau- rice Keatinge. Map. 4to, half calf, gilt. London, 1800 773 Diaz del Castillo. The Memoirs of . . . written by himself, containing a true and full account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated . . . by J. I. Lock hart. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, antique. London, 1844 Americana. 117 774 [Dinwiddie.] The Official Records of Robert Dinwiddie, Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-1758, now first printed from the Manuscript in the collection of the Virginia Historical Society, with an Introduction and Notes by R. A. Brock. Portrait of W . IV. Corcoran. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Richmond, Va., 1883 775 Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. Being the Letters of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, John Adams, John Jay, Arthur Lee, William Lee, Ralph Izard, Francis Dana, William Carmichael, Henry Laurens, John Laurens, M. Dumas, and others, concerning the Foreign Relations of the United States . . . Edited by fared Sparks. 12 vols., 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1829-30 776 Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America from the Signing of the Definitive Treaty of Peace, 10th September, 1783, to the Adoption of the Constitution, March 4, 1789 . . . 7 vols., 8vo, sheep. City of Washington, 1833-4 777 Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, &c., 1776-1789. New Edition. 9 vols., 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1857 778 Discovery (A) of a Large, Rich and Plentiful Country in the North America ; Extending above 4,000 Leagues, wherein, by a very short Passage, lately found out, thro' the Mer Barmejo into the South Sea, by which a considerable Trade might be carry'd on, as well in the Northern as the Southern Parts of America. Pp. 36. 8vo, half morocco. London, n. d. 779 Dispute with America, considered in a Series of Letters from a Cosmopolite to a Clergyman. 8vo, half morocco. Last leat defective. London, | 1812] 780 Divi'.ksi Avisi [et Nuovi Avisi] particolari dall' Indie di Porto- gallo riceuuti, dall' anno 1551, sino al 1558 dalli Reverendi padri della compagnia di Giesu. Dove s'intende delli Paesi delle genti, & costumi loro, & la grande conversione di molti popoli, che hanno riceuuto il lume della santa fede, . 120 Americana. 791 Donkin (Major). Military Collections and Remarks. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1777 Very rare, but the note on p. 190 mutilated, as usual. 792 [Dorr's Rebellion, 1842.] Interference of the Executive in the Affairs of Rhode Island. Report 546, House of Repre- sentatives. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1845 793 Douglass (W.). A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements and Present State of the British Settlements in North America ... By William Douglass, M.D. ... 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1760 An exact reprint of the Boston edition of 1749. 794 [Downing (Sir George).] Verscheyde Brieven Antwoorden en andere Documenten van haer Ho. Mog: de Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden. Tot Refutatie Van ver- scheyde Brieven en Memorialen so van den Koning van Groot- brittangien, &c. 4to, vellum, pp. 44. Amsterdam, 1662 Downing has been charged with bringing about the war between England and Holland, from 1664 to 1667, in the course of which New Netberland was wrested from the Dutch. He was one of the earliest Harvard pupils. 795 Downing. Resolutie Van de Heeren Staten Generael Der Vereenichde Nederlandtse Provincien. Raeckende de twee Schepen de Bonne Esperance ende Bonne Adventure ... 31 Augusti, 1662. 4to, vellum, pp. 4, 1662 796 [Downing.] A Discourse written by Sir George Downing . . . vindicating His Royal Master [Chas. II.] from the In- solencies of a Scandalous Libel, Printed under the Title of [An Extract out of the Register of the States General of the United Provinces, &c.]. 4to, half morocco. London, 1664 797 Downing. Antwoort Van de Ho. Mo. Heeren Staten Generael Der Vereenighde Nederlanden aen den Heer Downing ... 15 September, 1664. 4to, vellum, pp. 11. Middleburg, 1 664 79S Downing. Memorie Van de Bewint-Hebberen der West-In- dische Compagnie ter Kamer van Amsteldam ... 21 Julii 1664. Aen de Ho. Mog. Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden Nessens een be-eedigde verklaring van Andries Cornelissen Vertholen, &c. 4to, vellum, pp. 8. Amsteldam, 1664 Americana. 121 799 Downing. Memorie Van de Heere Gorge Downing . . . Over- gegeven aen de Heeren Staten Generael Der Vereenighde Neder- landen, Den 30 December, 1664. 4to, vellum, pp. n. 1664 800 Downing. Antwoordt van de Ho. Mo. Heeren Staten Generael defer Vereenigde Nederlanden, Op de Memorie Van de Heer Downing . . . Op de Memorie Van de Heer Conte d'Estrades ... 17 July, 1664 [in English and French]. 4to, vellum, pp. 11. Rotterdam, 1664 801 Downing. Den Toestant der Swevende Verschillen Tus- chen, De Ooost ende West-Indische Compagnien van Engelant, ende van de Vereenighde Nederlanden. 4to, vellum, pp. 22. Naer de Copye, 1664 802 Downing. Sommiere Aenteyckeninge ende Deductie In- gestelt By de . . . Staten Generael ... op de lest-ingediende Memorie van den Heere George Downing, &c. 4to, vellum, pp. 42. Graven-Hage, 1665 Contains a deduction of the Dutch title to New Netherland to prove that Charles II. had no right to occupy that country. 803 Downing. Verdere Aenteyckeninge of Duplyque, Op seeckere Reply que: . . . jegens de Remarques vande Gede- puteerden van de Ho: Mog: Heeren Staten Genereal der Vereenighde Nederlanden . . . Memorie van den 30 December, 1664. 4to, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Piatt, pp. 176. (Haghe), 1666 804 Downing. Veruere Aenteyckeninge of Duplyque, Op seeckere Replyque, &c. 4to, vellum, uncut, pp. 260. Graven-Hage, 1666 Original edition. 805 Drake (Daniel). Natural and Statistical View, or Pic- ture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country . . . with an Ap- pendix containing Observations on the late Earthquakes, Sec. Map aint plan. 12 mo, calf. Cincinnati, 1815 806 Drake (Sir Francis). The World Encompassed by: being His next Voyage to that to Nombrc dc Dies, formerly imprinted ; Carefully collected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher, &c. 4to, polished calf extra, by Pratt. London, 1635 Margins restored. 122 Americana. 807 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Revived : Who is or may be a Pattern to stirre up all Heroicke and active Spirits of these Times, to benefit their Countrey and eternize their Names by like Noble Attempts. Being a Summary and a true Relation of foure severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West- Indies. Portrait {mounted) and four title-pages. 4to, half russia. London: Bourne, 1653 808 Drake (Joseph Rodman). The Culprit Fay, and other Poems. Portrait and engraved title. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1835 809 [Drake (Samuel G.).] Biography and History of the Indians of North America; comprising a General Account of them, and Details in the Lives of all the most distinguished Chiefs, and others, who have been noted among the various Nations upon the Conti- nent. Also a History of their Wars ; their Manners and Customs ; and the most celebrated Speeches of their Orators, from their first being known to Europeans to the Present Time. Likewise ex- hibiting an Analysis of the most Distinguished, as well as Absurd Authors, who have written upon the great question of the first peopling of America. By Samuel G. Drake. Third Edition, with . . . Additions . . . Corrections and . . . Engravings. 8 plates {some plates inserted). 8vo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1834 810 Drake. The History and Antiquities of Boston, the Capi- tal of Massachusetts, and Metropolis of New England, from its Settlement in 1630 to the year 1770, also, an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England, with Notes, Critical and Illustrative. With 43 steel plates, 134 facsimile auto- graphs and 125 woodcuts, qt-'c. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1 857 Of this folio impression of the Second Edition only 101 copies were printed, of which this is No. 79. The portrait of the author (on India paper) was only included in this impression. 811 Drake. Result of some Researches among the British Archives for information relative to the Founders of New England made in the years 1858, 1S59 and 1860. Third edition. Large map and 4 portraits. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1 S65 Only 75 copies printed this size. No. 57. Americana. 123 812 Drayton (John). Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its Commencement to the Year 1776, inclusive; as relating to the State of South Carolina; and occasionally refering to the States of North-Carolina and Georgia. Portrait and large plan. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Charleston, 1821 813 Drayton (John). A View of South Carolina, as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns. 3 maps and 3 plates. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Charleston, 1S02 814 [Dred Scott.] Report of the Decision ... in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F. A. San^ford {sic) ... By Benja- min C. Howard. 8vo, half calf. Washington, 1857 " At time of decision of this case Dred Scott belonged to me." — Note by Mr. Barlow. 815 Drowne (Solomon). Journal of a Cruise in the Fall of 17S0 in the Private-Sloop of War, Hope : with Notes by H. T. Drowne. Folio, half morocco. New York, 1872 Only 25 copies printed. A juvenile typographical effort by Masters 11. R. Drowne and C. L. Moreau, for private distribution, with their portraits. 816 [Dryand (Joan).] Annulorum trium diversi generis Instru- mentorum Astronomicorum, &c. Woodcuts. 4to, vellum. Title hinged. Marp., 1537 817 Dryden (John). The Indian Emperour; or, The Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards : being the Sequel of the Indian Queen. 4to, half morocco. London, 1681 81S Duboccage (Madame). La Columbiade, ou la Foi Porte au Nouveau Monde. Poeme. Portrait and 10 plates. Paris, 1756 819 Dike (P. W.). History of Morgan's Cavalry. Portrait. Svo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1867 Presentation copy from the author, with autograph. 820 Dimmer (Jer.). A Defence of the New England Charters. Svo, half morocco. London, 1721 821 [Dumont.J Memoires Historiques sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui y est arrive de plus memorable depuis I'annee 1687, juxju'a 124 Americana. present ; avec l'etablissement de la Colonie Franyoise dans cette Province de l'Amerique Septentrionale, &c. . . . Composes sur les Memoires de M. Dumont, par M. L. L. M. [l'abbe le Mascrier]. Map, 4 plates and 4 plans. 2 vols, in 1. 121110, calf. Paris, 1753 822 Dunlap (William). History of the New Netherlands, Prov- ince of New York, and State of New York, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Portrait of Peter Stuyvesant, and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1839-40 S23 Dunster (Samuel). Henry Dunster and his Descendants. i2ino, cloth. Central Falls, R. I., 1876 824 Dunton (J.). The Life and Errors of John Dunton, . . . with the Lives and Characters of more than a Thousand Contem- porary Divines and other persons of Literary Eminence. To which are added Dunton's Conversation in Ireland, Selections from his other Genuine Works and a faithful Portrait of the Author. [Edited by John Nichols.] Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 18 18 Eighty-four pages are occupied with the account of his visit to New England, his opening a bookstore in Boston ; intercourse with the Mathers, John Cotton, Eliot, Hubbard, Indian sachems and several ladies of Boston, of some of whom he relates very curious particulars. 825 Durand (James R.). The Life and Adventures of . . . during a period of fifteen years, from 1801 to 18 1 6, in which time he was impressed on board the British Fleet and held in detestable bondage for more than seven years, 12 mo, half morocco. Rochester, 1820 826 [Durant.] La Response aux Lettres de Nicolas Durant, diet le Chevalier de Villegaignon, addressees a la Reyne mere du Roy. Ensemble la Confutation d'une heresie mise en avant par l'edict Villegaignon, contre la souveraine puissance & authority des Rois. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Chambolle- Duru. • I Paris, 1561 ? | Durand, who attempted to found a Protestant colony in Brazil, 1555, was nick- named the "American Cain" by the followers of Calvin. 827 [Durfee.] The Complete Works of the Hon. Job Durfee, LL.D., late Chief Justice of Rhode Island, with a Memoir of the Author. Edited by his Son. 8vo, cloth. Title cut. Providence, 1849 Americana. 125 828 Duyckinck (E. A. and G. L.). Cyclopedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors and Selections from their Writings from the Earliest Period. Pro- fusely illustrated. 2 vols., royal 8vo, gilt tops, uncut edges. New York, 1855 From the library of John Allan. 829 Dwight (Theodore). The Conquest of Canaan : a Poem, in eleven books. i2mo, half morocco. Hartford: E. Babcock, 1785 The first epic poem published in America. 830 Dwight. History of the Hartford Convention, with a Re- view of the Policy of the United States Government, which led to the War of 1812. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1833 1 T^7 ARLE (PHid P^ cloth. 831 ^ ARLE (Pliny). Marathon, and other Poems. 121110, Philadelphia, 1841 832 Eaton (Cyrus). History of Thomaston, Rockland and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first exploration, A. D. 1605 ; with Family Genealogies. 2 vols., 12 mo, cloth. Hallowell, 1865 833 Eaton. Annals of the Town of Warren, in Knox County, Maine, with the Early History of St. George's, Broad Bay and the Neighbouring Settlements on the Waldo Patent. Portraits and /naps. 1 21110, half roan. Hallowell, 1S77 834 Eisurne (Richard). A Plaine Pathway to Plantations; that is, a Discourse in generall, concerning the Plantation of our English People in other Countries. . . . With certaine Motives for a present Plantation in New-foundland above the rest. 4to, calf, gilt edges. London, 1624 Imperfect, lacking the 6 leaves following p. 114. 835 Echo (The), with other Poems. Printed at the Porcupine Press by Pasquin Petronius, Engraved title and 7 plates. 8vo, half morocco, j;ilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1807 Contains: " Concluding Thoughts on the Indian War," by II- II. Bracken- ridge, \c, \c. The authors were Alsop, Dwight, Cogswell, Hopkins and Trumbull. 126 Americana. 836 [Eden.] The First Three English Books on America [? 1511]— 1555 A. D. Being chiefly Translations, Compilations, &c, by Richard Eden, from the Writings, Maps, &c, of Pietro Martyr . . . Sebastian Munster . . . Sebastian Cabot, &c. Edited by Edward Arber. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Birmingham, 1885 837 Eder. Descriptio Province MoxiTARUMin Regno Peruano, quam e scriptis posthumis Franc. Xav. Eder . . . sacri apud eosdem Curionis digessit, expolivit, & adnotatiunculis illustravit Abb. & Consil. Reg. Mako. Maps and 7 plates. Svo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Budae, 1791 S38 Edwards (Bryan). The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Portrait, maps and plates. 3 vols., Svo, calf, gilt. London, 1807 Fourth edition, with considerable additions. 839 Edwards (Jonathan). Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. Svo, half morocco. London, 1788 840 Edwards. A careful and strict Inquiry into the Modern Pre- vailing Notions of Freedom of Will. Svo, sheep. London, 1 768 84 1 Edwards. The Salvation of All Men Strictly Examined; and the Endless Punishment of those who die Impenitent, argued and defended against the objections and reasonings of the late Rev. Doctor Chauncy, of Boston, &c. Svo, sheep. New Haven, 1790 842 Edwards (Morgan). Materials towards a History of the American Baptists [in Pennsylvania and Jersey]. Frontispiece depicting immersion in the Schuylkill. 2 vols., 1 21110, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Vol. I., Philadelphia: (Cruikshank & Collins), 1770 Vol. II., Philadelphia: (P)ol>son), 1792 843 Egede Hans). A Description of Greenland, shewing the Natural History, Situation, Boundaries and Face of the Country . . . the Rise and Progress of the old Norwegian Colonies: the Ancient and Modern Inhabitants, &c. Map and 11 plates. Svo, calf. London, 1745 " Although the quaint relation of the Danish missionary Fgede affords us little information regarding the natives of Greenland which has not often been printed, yet bis narratives of incidents among them, and description of their characteristics at that early day (1721), are valuable as historical records." — Field. Americana. 127 844 Eggede (Mr.). Description et Histoire Naturelle du Groen- land . . . Traduite en Francois par Mr. D. R. D. P. Map and 10 plates. 8vo, vellum. Copenhague, 1763 845 Egede (H.). A Description of Greenland. By Hans Egede, who was a Missionary in that Gountry for Twenty-five Years. A New Edition. With an Historical Introduction and a Life of the Author. Illustrated with a map of Greenland and numerous engrav- ings on wood. 8vo, half morocco. London, 18 18 846 Egloffstein (Baron F. W. Von). Contributions to the Geol- ogy and the Physical Geography of Mexico ... 2 large maps and 2 plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 847 Eliot (John). The Glorious Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England. Manifested by three Letters, under the Hand of that famous Instrument of the Lord, Mr. John Eliot, and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew, jun. Together with an Appendix to the foregoing Letters . . . by I. D[avenportJ. Title backed. 1649 A Late and Further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England . . . Being a Narrative of the Examinations of the Indians about their Knowl- edge in Religion, by the Elders of the Churches. Related by Mr. John Eliot. 1655 Two vols, in 1. 4to, half morocco. London, 1649-55 Two of the rarest of the " Progress of the Gospel " series. 848 Eliot (John) and Mayhew (Thomas). Tears of Repentance: Or, A further Narrative of the Gospel Amongst the Indians in New-England . . . Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two Faithful Laborers in that Work of the Lord. 4U), half russia. London, 1653 849 Eliot (John) and Pierson (Abraham). A further Accompt of the Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New- England, &c. Set forth in certaine Letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of Printing the Scriptures in the Indian Tongue, &c. With . . . an Epitome of some Exhortations delivered by the Indians at a Fast, &c. As also some helps direct- ing the Indians how to improve natural! reason unto the knowledge 128 Americana. of the true God. 4to, blue levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London, 1659 The above comprises, pp. 22-35, a reprint of the first sheet of Pierson's Indian Catechism, " Some Helps for the Indians," &c, which was then in press at Cambridge, and a Second " Postcirpt " (sic). Superb copy. 850 Eliot. The Christian Commonwealth; or, The Civil Policy of the Rising Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Written Before the Inter- ruption of the Government, by Mr. John Eliot, Teacher of the Church of Christ at Roxbury in New-England. And now Pub- lished (after his consent given) by a Server of the Season. 4to, half russia. London (1659) The General Court of Massachusetts ordered that all copies of this tract within the jurisdiction should be " cancelled and defaced" or delivered to the Magis- trates. Fine copy. 851 Eliot. A Further Account of the progress of the Gospel Amongst the Indians in New England. Being a Relation of the Confessions made by several Indians, &c. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Matthews (title mended). London, 1660 852 Eliot. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated into the Indian Language, and Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New- England . . . 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. Cambridge: Green & Johnson, 1661 First edition of Eliot's version of the New Testament in the Massachusetts Indian Language, with both titles. From the library of [as. Bindley, Aug., 1S20, with a book-plate of " the Society for propagating the Gospell in Foreign parts, 1704." Also, autograph of Win, Herbert (1768), the typographical antiquary. 853 Eliot. A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 167 1 854 Eliot. The Harmony of the Gospels, in the Holy History of the Humiliation and Sufferings of Jesus Christ, from his Incarna- tion to his Death and Burial. 4to, crimson levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Title repaired. Boston, 1678 Americana. 129 855 Eliot's Indian Bible. A Translation [by J. H. Trumbull] of the single leaf Catechism which occurs at the end of the first and second editions. 410, half morocco, gilt top. Albany, 1865 Only 35 copies privately printed. No. 5. 856 [Elliott.] A Biographical Notice of Com. Jesse D. Elliott, containing a Review of the Controversy between him and the late Commodore Perry, &c. By a Citizen of New York. i2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1835 857 Elliot (John). The Debates, Resolutions and other Proceed- ings in Convention, on the adoption of the Federal Consti- tution . . . collected and revised. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1827 85S Elliott (Hon. Win.). Carolina Sports, by Land and Water, including Incidents of Devil-Fishing, &c. 121110, calf, gilt. Charleston, 1846 S59 [Elizabeth Islands.] Description of Elizabeth Islands, in Buzzard's Bay. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1836 860 Eli, is (Daniel). Thrilling Adventures of . . . the Great Union Guide of East Tennessee. Map and woodcuts. 121110, cloth. New York, 1867 861 Ely (Zebulun). A Sermon preached at the Funeral Solem- nity of his Excellency Jonathan Trumbull . . . late Gover- nor of the State of Conn., Aug. 19, 1 7S5. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 2, 1743. 875 Estvan (B.). War Picturks from the South. 121110, cloth, uncut. New York, 1863 876 Examination (The) of the President's Mkssage at the Open- ing of Congress, Dec. 7, 1801 [by " Lucius Crassus "J. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1802 877 Excursion of the Putnam Phalanx to Mount Vernon, Dec, i860. 8vo, half morocco. Hartford, 1 86 1 132 Americana. 878 Extrait du Journal d'un Officier de la Marine de l'escadre de M. le Comte D'Estaing. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. s. 1., 1782 879 Evans (Arise). The Bloudy Vision of John Farly, inter- preted by Arise Evans . . . also A Refutation of a Pamphlet lately published by one Aspinwall: called a Briefe description of the fifth Monarchy, &c. Small 8vo, calf, gilt leaves. Title backed. Printed in the Year 1653 880 Evans (Lewis). Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America; and of the Country of the Con- federate Indians, &c. Large map. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755 881 Evans (Dr. Thomas W.). Lettres d'un Oncle a son Nevue sur le Gouvernment des Etats Unis. 8vo. Paris, 1866 882 Everard (Dr.), &c. Panacea; or, the Universal Medicine: being a Discovery of the Wonderfull Vertues of Tobacco taken in a Pipe, with its Operation and Use both on Physick and Chyrur- gery. Small 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1659 Catalogue of books at the end, 7 pp. 883 Everett (Edward). An Address delivered at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, 19th November, 1863. Plans, 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1864 884 Ewbank (Thomas). North American Rock-Writing, and other Aboriginal Modes of Recording and Transmitting Thought. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Morrisania : Daiuson, 1866 Only 50 copies printed. F 885 I J ACTUM 'or Gabriel De La Forest. [A Broadside.] Folio, half morocco. [London, 1 7 9 7 j The Petition of G. de la Forest to the House of Lords for the Restitu- tion of certain " Effects or Goods " which were seized at the surrender of Fort Bourbon in Hudson's Bay. 886 Fairbanks (George R.). The History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, founded A. D. 1565: comprising some of the most interesting portions of the Early History of Florida. Map and plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 185S Americana. 133 887 Falconer and Randal. The Voyages, Dangerous Adven- tures and Imminent Escapes of Capt. Richard Falconer: con- taining the Laws, Customs and Manners of the Indians in America . . . intermixed with the Voyages and Adventures of Thomas Randal ... his being taken by the Indians of Virginia, &c. . . . Frontispiece. 121110, half calf, gilt. London, 1724 Second edition, corrected. 888 [Fanning.] The Narrative of Colonel David Fanning (a Tory in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain): giving an Account of his Adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783 . . . with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes [by John H. Wheeler]. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Richmond, Va., 1861 Only 50 quarto copies printed " for Private Distribution only, in the first year of the Independence of the Confederate States of America." 889 Fanning (D.). The Narrative of Colonel David Fanning (a Tory in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain) : giving an Account of his Adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 17 S3, as written by himself. With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1865 The original manuscript belongs to Mr. Charles Deane, of Cambridge, Mass. The Notes are by Governor Swain, of North Carolina, and Thomas II. Wynne, of Richmond. Only 50 (quarto) copies printed. No. 44. 890 Farmer (John). Genealogical Register of the First Set- tlers of New-England, &c. : to which are added various Gene- alogical and Biographical Notes, &c. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lancaster, Mass., 1S29 891 Farnham (Thomas J.). Life and Adventures in California, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. Frontispiece. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1846 892 Farnham (T. J.). Life, Adventures and Travels in Cali- fornia ... to which are added the Conquest of California, Travels in Oregon, and History of the Cold Regions. Large map and numerous woodcut illustrations. 8vo, calf. New York, 1850 Pictorial Edition. 893 Farrar (Timothy). Report of the Case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College, against William H. Woodward, Argued 134 Americana. and Determined in the Superior Court . . . New Hampshire, November, 1817, and on Error . . . February, 1819. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Portsmouth, [1819] 894 Fay (H. A.). Collection of the Official Accounts in detail, of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land, between the Navy and Army of the United States, and the Navy and Army of Great Britain, during the years 1812, '13, '14 & '15. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 181 7 895 Faxon (George L.). The History of the Faxon Family, con- taining a Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Faxon of Braintree, Mass., with a Map locating the Homesteads of the first Four Generations . . . also a Genealogy of branches of many allied families of Ballou, Barbour, Saxton, Washburn, Whitmarsh and others. . . . 121110, cloth. Springfield, Mass., 1880 896 Federalist (The). A Collection of Essays, written in Favour of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Conven- tion, September 17, 1787. 2 vols., i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1788 Fine copy of the first edition in a collected form. Mr. Madison's papers were much changed in the subsequent editions. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 64 were written by Mr. Jay; Nos. 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 37 to 5S, 62 and 63 were written by Mr. Madison; the remainder by Gen. Hamilton. 897 Federalist (The). Another copy. 2 vols, in 1. i2mo, red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. New York, 1788 898 Federalist (The). A Collection of Essays, written in Favor of the New Constitution. Vol. 2. i2mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1788 First edition. 899 Federalist (The) on the New Constitution by Publius [Jay, Madison and Hamilton] written in 1788; to which is added, Pacificus, on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793; like- wise the Federal Constitution, with all the Amendments. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. New York, 1802 900 Fernandez (Fr. Alonzo). Historica Eclesiastica de neustros Tiempos, que es compendio de los excelentes frutos que en ellos el Estado Eclesiastico y Sagradas Religiones han hecho y hazen Americana. 135 en la conversion de Idolatras y reducion de hereges, &c. Folio, vellum. Centre of title only. Toledo, 161 1 Collation: Title and three other preliminary leaves, followed by text, pp. i- 496. The principal part of this work relates to the manners and conversion of the Indians and the progress of religion in America. It contains also valuable biographical sketches of the friars who studied the native languages, and accounts of the works they composed in this branch of philology. On p. 122 it is stated that the Escala of San Juan Climaco was the first book printed in Mexico, in 1535. The date is 1532 according to Gonzalez Davila. 901 [Fernel.] Joannis Fernelii Ambianatis Cosmo theoria, libros duos complexa. Prior mudi totius & formam &: compositionem; eius subinde partium (quae elementa & crelestia sunt corpora) situs & magnitudines : orbifi tandem motus quosuis solerter referat. Posterior, &c. Woodcuts. Folio, calf. Parisiis, 1527 B. A. V. Add., No. 85. See verso of 6th leaf. " En & quarta mundi portio quam nostri American! dixerunt. . . ." 902 Ferrall (S. A.). A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America. Facsimile. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1832 903 Ferrier (Alfonse). De l'administration du sainct Boys, en diverses formes & manieres, contenues en quatre traictez . . . Traduict . . . par M. Nicoles Michel. Small 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Poictiers, 1540 America. See p. 13. Exceedingly rare. Not mentioned by Harrisse, though recently discovered by him : hence its presence here. 904 Fields (William). The Scrap-Book: Consisting of Tales and Anecdotes, in Prose and Poetry. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 Comprises: Discovery of America by Columbus, Anecdotes of Washington and Adams, Benedict Arnold, Major Andre, Burr's Conspiracy, Origin of Yankee Doodle, &c, &c, &c. 905 Filson (John). The Discovery, Settlement and present State of Kentucke ... to which is added An Appendix con- taining : I. The Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon . . . II. The Minutes of the Piankashaw council . . . III. An Account of the Indian Nations . . . IV. Stages and Distances. No map. Svo, boards, uncut. Wilmington, 1784 Inasmuch as only one impression of the map is known, it is an open question whether it was actually issued with the book, fir whether the author proposed to borrow impressions from some source known to him at the time of publication. 136 Americana. 906 Findley (William). History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in the year mdccxciv., &c. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1796 907 [Finlay.] Journal kept by Hugh Finlay, surveyor of the Post Roads on the Continent of North America, during his Sur- vey of the Post Offices between Falmouth and Casco Bay in the Province of Massachusetts, and Savannah in Georgia : begun the 13th Septr., 1773, and ended 26th June, 1774. 2 maps and a wood- cut. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Brooklyn, 1867 Only 150 copies printed. No. 41. 908 Fire Lands Pioneer (The), published by the Fire Lands His- torical Society, at their rooms in Whitlesey Building, Norwalk, Ohio. Portraits. Vols. 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10. 8vo, uncut. Sandusky, 1864-70 Contains : Indian Reminiscences; the Foundation of a Library which was paid for in Coon-skins; Oldest Natives in Ohio ; Notice of the Early Settlers, &c. 909 Firmin (Giles). Separation Examined; or, a Treatise Wherein the grounds for Separation from the Ministry and Churches of England are weighed, and found too light, &c. 4to, calf, gilt leaves. London, 1652 910 Firmin. Stablishing against Shaking; or, A Discovery of the Prince of Darknesse (scarcely) transformed into an Angel of Light, powerfully now working in the deluded people called Quakers, &c. 4to, half morocco. Title and 2 pp. pieced. London, 1656 911 Firmin. The Real Christian; or, a Treatise of Effectual Calling. 4to, calf antique, red edges. London, 1670 912 Fisher (Wm.). New Travels among the Indians of North America, being a compilation taken partly from . . . Captains Lewis and Clark . . . and partly from other authors . . . with a Dictionary of the Indian Tongue. 2 portraits. 12 mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 181 2 Contains both titles. 913 Fisheries of Gloucester (The), from the First Catch by the English, in 1623, to the Centennial Year, 1876, &c. Woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. Gloucester, 1877 Americana. 137 914 Fishermen's Own Book (The), comprising the List of Men and Vessels lost from the Port of Gloucester, Mass., from 1874 to April 1, 1882. Woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. Gloucester, 1882 915 Fitch (John). The Original Steam-Boat supported; or, a Reply to Mr. James Rumsey's Pamphlet, showing the True Prior- ity of John Fitch, &c. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1788 916 [Fitch (Gov.).] Some Reasons that influenced the Governor to take, and the Councillors to administer the Oath, required by the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Stamp-Act. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 14. Hartford, 1 1766 | 917 Flavel (John). An Exposition of the Assemblies Catechism, with Practical Inferences from each Question: as it was carried on in the Lords Days Exercise at Dartmouth. 121110, calf. London, 1702 The Address to the Reader, 2 pp., is signed Increase Mather. 918 Fleurieu (M d'Eveux de). Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi en 1768 et 1769, a differentes parties du monde, pour eprouver en mer les Horloges Marines inventees par M. Ferdinand Berthoud. 5 maps. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Paris, 1773 919 Flint (Timothy). Indian Wars of the West, containing Bio- graphical Sketches of those Pioneers who headed the Western Scttiers in repelling the Attacks of the Savages, together with a View of the Character, Manners, Monuments and Antiquities of the Western Indians. i2mo, half morocco. Cincinnati, 1833 920 [Florida.] Notices of East Florida, with an account of the Seminole Nation of Indians [and a Seminole vocabulary J by a recent Traveller in the Province. 121110, half morocco. Charleston, 1822 921 [Focard (Jacques).] Paraphrase de l' Astrolabe contenant Les Principes de Geometric La Sphere. L'Astrolabe, ou, dec- laration des choses celestes. Le Miroir du Monde, ou, exposition des parties de la Terre. 8vo, brown levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Petit. Lyon, 1546 B. A. V., 273. America. See p. 155, &c. 922 (?) [Focard. ] The same. Vellum. Lyon, 1546 138 Americana. 923 [Foigny (Gabriel de).] La Terre Australe Connuec'est a dire la Description de ce pays inconnu jusqu' ici de ses mceurs & de ses coutumes, par Mr. Sadeur . . . Reduites, &c. G. de F. i2mo, calf. (Geneva), Vannes, 1676 An imaginary voyage, of which the present edition is the original. Two leaves are in MS., and the title-page is mounted. 924 Forbes (Alexander). California : a History of Upper and Lower California from their First Discovery to the present time ... a full view of the Missionary Establishments and Condition of the . . . Indians, &c. Large map and 10 plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1839 925 Force (Peter). Tracts and other Papers, relating principally to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. Collected by Peter Force. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Washington, 1836-46 926 [Force.] American Archives; consisting of a Collection of Authentick Records, State Papers, and Letters and other Notices of Public Affairs, the whole forming a Documentary History of the Origin and Progress of the North American Colonies ; of the Causes and Accomplishment of the American Revolution, and of the Constitution of Government for the United States to the Final Ratification Thereof. 9 vols., folio, half russia. Washington, 1837-53 Fourth Series, 5 vols. ; Fifth Series, 4 vols. All published. 927 [Fox. North and Burke.] The Deformities of Fox and Burke, faithfully Selected from their Speeches . . . Frontispiece. The Beauties of Fox, North and Burke, Selected from their Speeches, from the Passing of the Quebec Act, in the year 1774. . . . Portraits. Two parts in 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1784 In these speeches the capture of Burgoyne, &c., is imputed to the ignorance of Lord North. 928 Foxf (L.). North-West Fox. or, Fox from the North-west passage. Beginning With King Arthvr, Malga, Octhvr, the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia ; Following with briefe Americana 139 Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge ; Together with the Courses, Distances, Latitudes, Longitudes, Variations, Depths of Seas, Sets of Tydes, Currents, Races, and over-Falls; with other Observations, Accidents and remarkable things, as our Miseries and Sufferings. Mr. lames Hall's three Voyages to Groynland, with a Topographical description of the Countries, the Salvages Lives and Treacheries, how our Men have been slayne by them there, with the Commodities of all those parts ; whereby the Merchant may have Trade, and the Mariner Imployment. Demonstrated in a Polar Card, wherein all the Maines, Seas, and Islands, herein mentioned. With the Author his owne Voyage, being the XVIth. with the opinions and collec- tions of the most famous Mathematicians, and Cosmographers ; with a Probabilitie to prove the same by Marine Remonstrations, compared by the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea, experimented with places of our own Coast. By Captain Lvke Foxe, of King- stone vpon Hull, Capt. and Pylot for the Voyage, in his Majesties Pinnace the Charles. Printed by his Majesties Command. Lon- don, Printed by B. AIsop and Tho. Favvcet, dwelling in Grubstreet. Plate of a sphere and map. 4to, morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1635 In perfect condition, with a fine impression of the map from the original plate, with the Fox and Goose in one corner. After page 168 are two leaves paged 172, 170, 171, and blank, which are said to be cancelled leaves. There are several other errors in the pagination. After page 79 the next page is 100, and the hiatus is not supplied; the other errors are corrected by duplication. Signature 15 b is incorrectly paged 225-232 instead of 205-212. This very rare collection of early voyages towards making a discovery of the northwest passage contains many important facts and judicious observations on the ice. tides, compass, northern lights, &c. Fox started on this expedition on the 28th April, 1631, and the result of his exploration is here related. 929 Franchere (Gabriel). Narrative of a Voyage to the North- west Coast of America in 1811-14, or the First American Settle- ment on the Pacific. Translated by J. V. Huntington. Frontis- piece. i2ino, cloth. New York, 1854 930 [Francis.] Dr. Orris situ ac Descriptione, ad Reverendiss I), archiepiscopum Panormitanum, Francisci, Monachi ordinis Fraciscani, epistola sane quii luculenta. In qua Ptolemrei ca^tero- rumq : superioru geographorum hallucinatio resellitur, aliaq : pra> 140 Americana. terea de recens inventis terris, mari, insulis, &c. Small 8vo, morocco, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Antwerpiae, 1524 Two woodcut maps. B. A. V., No. 131. Contains the leaf with printer's device, at the end. 931 Francis (John W.). New York during the last Half Cen- tury: a Discourse in Commemoration of the Fifty-third Anniver- sary of the New York Historical Society, and of the Dedication of their New Edifice (November 17, 1857). 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1857 First edition of Dr. Francis' " Old New York." 93 2 [jFVtlUCfe.] S93,0ltt)ttCi): Spiegel un Bildtnissdes Gantzen erdbodens von Sebastiano Franco Wordensi in vier bucher, nem- lich in Asiam, Aphricam, Europam, und Americam gestellt und abteilt. Folio, hogskin. Tubingen: Ulrich Morhart, 1534 First edition. The description of America occupies folios 211-237, 54 pages. B. A. V., No. 197. 933 I jFtaUCfe.] 2t23tlttmCl) Spiegel uno Bildtnis des Gantzen Erdtbodens, von Sebastiano Franco. . . . Folio, morocco, red edges. (Frankfort?), 1542 B. A. V., No. 238. 934 I Franklin (Benjamin).] An Historical Review of the Con- stitution and Government of Pensylvania, from its Origin, . . . &c. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1759 The Philadelphia reprint of 1812 omits the Dedication. 935 Franklin. A Narrative of the late Massacres in Lancas- ter County, of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, by Persons Unknown. With some Observations on the same. 8vo, half morocco. [Philadelphia: Franklin & Hall\ 1764 " So far had the infection spread which caused this action, and so much had fear seized the minds of the people, or perhaps both, that neither the printer nor the writer of this publication, though supposed to be as nearly connected, as Franklin and Hall were at that time . . . did insert either their names or place of abode." — Proud's Penn., Vol. 2, p. 328. 936 [Franklin.] Discours du Comte de Mirabeau, dans la Seance du n Juin, sur la Mort de Benjamin Francklin. 8vo, boards, 4 pp. Imprinte" par ordre de V Assembled Nationale [1790] First edition. Undescribed hitherto. Americana. 141 937 Franklin. Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America ... to which are added Let- ters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects ... 7 plates. 4to, half calf. London, 1769 938 [Franklin.] The Examination of Doctor Benjamin Frank- lin, before an August Assembly, relating to the Repeal of the Stamp-Act, &c. 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. [n. p., 1776] Probably printed at Philadelphia. Issued without a title. 939 Franklin. Two Tracts : Information to those who would remove to America, and, Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. 8vo. London, 1784 940 [Franklin.] Almanach de Philadelphie, ou Constitutions de Sancho Panca et du Bonhomme Richard. Portrait. 121110, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1823 941 Franklin. Works, containing many Tracts and Letters not hitherto published. Edited, with Notes and Life, by Jared Sparks. Portraits and plates. 10 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra. Philadelphia (Boston), 1840 942 Franklin. Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-90. Portraits of Airs. Franklin and Mrs. Bache. Royal 8vo, half calf antique. New York, 1859 Only 250 copies printed in this form. 5^™ See alsoCiCKRO; ClIALKLEY; Indian Treaty, Nos. 126, SSo, 1056, 1232, 13S6, &c, Sec, and other Franklin imprints. 943 Franklin (James). Present State of Hayti (Saint Domingo). Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1S28 944 [Frascator (Hieron).] Hieronymi Frascatorii Syphilus sive morbus Galligus. 4to, russia. Roma;, 1531 B. A. V. Add., No. 95 945 Frasso (D. Petro). De Regio Patronatu Indiarum Quoes- tiones aliquai desumptae et disputate, &c. 2 vols., folio, calf. Matriti, 1 775 946 Freeholder's Political Catechism. Very necessary to be studied by every Freeman in America. 121110, half morocco, pp. 23. New-London. 1769 142 Americana. 947 Freemantle (Lieut.-Col.). Three Months in the Southern States, April-June, 1863. Portrait of Jeff. Davis. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1864 948 French (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louisiana, embracing many Rare and Valuable Documents relating to the Natural. Civil and Political History of that State. Compiled with Historical and Biographical Notes and an Introduction, by B. F. French. . . . Portraits, &c. 5 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1846-53 Very scarce. A large and fine set. This collection is almost wholly composed of memoirs and narratives of the original explorers. Vol. I. contains, with other historical material, La Salle's memoir of the discovery of the Mississippi, Joutel's journal, and Hennepin's account of the Mississippi. Vol. II. Marquette and Joliet's voyage to discover the Mississippi, De Soto's expedition, and Coxe's " Carolina." Vol. III. La Harpe's journal of the establishment of the French in Louisiana, Charlevoix's journal, &c. Vol. IV. Narratives of the voyages, missions and travels among the Indians, by Marquette, Joliet, Dablon, Allouez, Le Clercq, La Salle, Hen- nepin, Membre and Douay, with biographical and bibliographical notices of the missionaries and their works. By J. G. Shea. Vol. V. Dumont's memoir of transactions with the Indians of Louisiana, from 171 2 to 1740, and Cham- pegny's memoirs. 949 French. Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida, including Translations of Original Manuscripts relating to their Discovery and Settlement, with numerous Historical and Bio- graphical Notes. By B. F. French. . . . New Series. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1869-75 Contents : M. de Remonville on the importance of establishing a colony in Louisiana ; The Expedition of P. Le Moyne d'Iberville to Louisiana ; Annals of Louisiana, 1698-1722, by M. Penicaut ; History of the first attempt of the Huguenots to colonize Florida, by Rene Laudonniere, translated by R. Hakluyt; Life of La Salle, and his narrative ; Letter of Columbus to Santanguel ; &c, &c. 950 French (Geo.). History of Col. Parke's Administration ... of the Leeward Islands, with an Account of the Rebellion in Antegoa, wherein he, with several others, were Murther'd. Portrait by Vertue. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1717 951 [Freneau (Philip).] The Poems of Philip Freneau. Written chiefly during the late War. i2mo, calf. Both titles mutilated. Philadelphia, 1786 First edition. Americana. 143 952 Freneau. The Miscellaneous Works of . . . containing his Essays and additional Poems. i2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1788 953 Freneau. Poems written between the Years 1768 & 1794. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author; including a considerable number of pieces never before published. 8vo, calf. Monmouth, N. J., 1795 954 Freneau. Poems on various subjects, but chiefly illustrative of the Events and Actors in the American War of Independence . . . With a Preface. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: J. R. Smith, 1861 955 Freytas (Fr. Nicolas de). [New Mexico] Relacion del Descubrimiento del Pais y Ciudad de Quivira, echo por I). Diego Dionisio de Penalosa. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1882 A limited edition printed. No. 7. 956 Frezier (M.). Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil . . . 17 12-14. Ouvrage enriche de quantity de Planches en Taille-douce. 2 vols., 121110, vellum. Amsterdam, 1717 In this edition, which has 36 maps and plates, will be found a " Memoire touchant l'etablissement des P. P. Jesuites dans les Indes d'Espagne," at the end of the second volume. 957 Frezier. Relation du Voyage de la Mer au Sud aux cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil. 1712-14. Frontispieces by Picart, and 37 maps and plates. 2 vols, in 1. nmo, vellum. Amsterdam, 1717 95S [Frisius & Schoner.J Gemma Phrysius de principiis Astro- noniiae et Cosmographiae, deque usu Globi Cosmographici ab eodem editi de Orbis divisione & Insulis, rebusq nuper inventis eiusdem de Annuli Astronomici usu Joannis Schoneri de usu Globi Astriferi opusculum. Small 8vo, calf. Antwerpiaj, 154S 1!. A. V., No. 279. Sec leaves (10,-72 — "America ab inventore Amcrico Vesputio," Sec. 959 [Frobisher.] De Martini Forbisseri Angli Navigatione in Regiones Occidentis et septentrionis. Narratio historica, ex 144 Americana. Gallico sermone in Latinum translata per D. Joan, Tho. Freigium. Large plate. Small 8vo, morocco, gilt leaves. Noribergae, 1580 960 Frothingham (Richard, Jr.). History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, &c, with Illustrative Documents. Second edition. Maps and engrav- ings. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1851 Second edition. 961 Fulgosus. Baptists Fulgosi de dictis factisque memorabili- bus collectanea: a Camillo Gilino Latina facta. Folio, calf, oak boards. Mediolani, 1509 See p. 532 for " Christophoro Columbo." B. A. V., No. 34. Ramirez, No. 1044. 962 [jFulflOSUS.] JSajJttStC jFttljJOSt de dictis Factisque mem- orabilibus collectanea a Camillo Gilino latina facta. In que quicquid hystoriaru a mudi exordio usque ad hec tempora scitu dignum invenitur que diligentissime congestum est. 4to, vellum. Parrhisiis, 15 18 B. A. V. Add., No. 53. Recto of leaf ccix, " De Christophoro Columbo." Contains also Chapters on the Invention of Printing, the Venereal Disease, &c, &c. 963 Fulton (Robert). The Life of ... by his friend Cadwallader D. Colden . . . comprising some account of the invention, prog- ress and establishment of Steam-boats, &c. Portraits, &c. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 181 7 Unique copy, with an interesting autograph letter of Fulton to Robt. R. Livingston. 43 portraits, and 27 views inserted. 964 Funes (Don Gregorio). Ensayo de la Historia Civil de Buenos Aires, Tucuman, y Paraguay. Portrait. 2 vols, in 1. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Buenos Aires, 1856 965 Further Queries upon the Present State of the New-English Affairs. By S. E. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1865 Only 250 copies reprinted. No. 23. Sabin's 4to reprints. No. S. 966 Fustkr (D. Justo Pastor). Biblioteca Valenciana de los Escritores que florecieron hasta nuestros dias. Con Adiciones y enmiendas a la de D. Vicente Ximeno. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Valencia, 1827 Americana. 145 967 f~^ (M.). A Supplement to the Negro's & Indian's V T Advocate; or, some further Considerations and Pro- posals for the effectual and speedy carrying on of the Negro's Christianity in our Plantations . . . without any Pre- judice to their Owners. 4to, half morocco. London, 1681 968 Gabb (Wm. M.). On the Indian Tribes and Languages of Costa Rica. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875 969 Gage (Thomas), The English-American, his Travail by Sea and Land, or, a New Survey of the West-Indias. . . Voyage in Mexico, Chiapa, Guatemala, etc.: with Grammar of the Indian tongue Poconchi. Small folio, calf. London, 1648 First edition. The book is most entertaining and instructive, notwithstanding the singularly superstitious tales that it narrates. It is curious that Gage used the word " party " in its modern cant sense of " individual." 970 Gage. West Indies-. Another copy. Small folio, half calf, gilt. London, 1648 971 [Galerati (Jacobi Mainoldi).] Jacobi Mainoldi Galerati Cremonensis de titulis Philippi Austrii regis Catholici liber atque in ipsas titulorum successiones tabular. 4to, vellum. Bononise, 1573 Facing fol. 27, see " De Regnis Insularum Indiarum," &c. 972 Gallatin (Albert). Views of the Public Debt, Receipts & Expenditures of the United States. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1801 973 [Gallo (Antonia).] De Ligno Sancto non Permiscendo, Anto- nio Gallo medico autore. Small 8vo, vellum. Parisiis, 1540 B. A. V. Add., No. 128. See recto of leaf 6 and 21. 974 [Galloway (Joseph).] Letters to a Nobleman [Lord Howe] on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Large plan. Svo, half morocco. London, 1779 975 [Galloway.] Letters to a Nobleman [Lord Howe] on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Minus the plan. London, 1779 146 Americana. 976 [Galloway.] The Examination of . . . before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers, with Explan- atory Notes. Svo, half morocco. London, 1779 977 Garcia (Gregorio). Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo, e Indias Occidentales, averiguado con discurso de opiniones . . . segunda impresion, enmendada, y anadida de algunas opiniones 6 cocas notables, en major prueba de lo que contiene, con Tres Tablas mui puntuales de los Capitulos, de las Matirias; y Autores que las tratan dirigido al Angelico Doct. S to - Tomas de Aquino. Portrait of Aquinas. Folio, Spanish calf, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bedford. Title mounted. Madrid, 1729 This (second) edition is of greater interest than the first on account of the addi- tions by Garcia. The fifth book contains the various native accounts of the origin of the Indians. The others comprise the experiences of Garcia during many years' sojourn in America, &c. 978 Garcia de Palacios (J.). Constituciones synodales de la iglesia cathedral de Cuba. Folio, half "morocco. s. 1. et. a., 1682 From the Andrade Library. No. 1945. 979 Garcilasso de la Vega. La Florida del Inca, Historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto. 4to, vellum. Lisboa, 1605 Differs materially from the copies described in Browniana & Nuggets. 980 Garcilasso de la Vega. Primera parte de los Commen- tarios Reales, que tratan del Origen de los Yncas, reyes que fueron del Peru de su idolatria, leyes, y govierno en paz y en guerra: de sus vidas y conquistas, y de todo lo que fue aquel Imperio y su Republica, antes que los Espanoles passaran a el. Arms of the author. Folio, calf, gilt over red leaves. Lisboa, 1609 Original edition. 981 Garcilasso de la Vega. The Royal Commentaries of Peru. . . . Rendred into English by Sir Paul Rycaut. Portrait of Rycaut and 10 plates. Folio, half calf, gilt. London, 1688 982 Garcillasso de la Vega. Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride: ou Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la Dccouverte de ce Pais par Ferdinand de Soto . . . traduite en Francois par Sr. Pierre Richelet. Map and plates. 2 vols, in 1. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Liede, 1731 Americana. 147 983 Garden (Alexander). Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America : with Sketches of Character of Persons the most Dis- tinguished in the Southern States for Civil and Military Services. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, rough edges. Charleston, 1822 Fine clean copy. 984 Garden. Anecdotes of the American Revolution, Illustra- tive of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots who acted the most conspicuous parts therein. Second Series. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, rough edges. Charleston, 1828 Fine clean copy. 985 Gardiner (Captain). An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies, against Martinico, with the Reduction of Gaudelupe and other the Leeward Islands, &c. 4 plates. 4to, half calf. Birmingham : Baskerville, 1762 Third Edition. Text in English and French. 986 Gardyner (George). A Description of the New World ; or America Islands and Continent, and by what people those Regions are now inhabited, &c. Woodcut. Small Svo, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. London, 1631 Fine copy, with the Imprimatur and cut. 987 [Garimberto (Hieronimo).] Problemi Naturali, e Morale Small Svo, calf, gilt edges. Vinegia, 1549 From the Yeminiz library. 13. A. V. Add., No. 174. Problem 70, p. 13 — "dell' Indie occidentali." 988 Garrard (Lewis H.). Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution : a Sketch. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 Published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 989 Gastelar (Antonio Vasquez). Arte de Lengua Mexicana. 4to, half morocco. Los Angelos, 1689 Second edition. Title and some leaves imperfect. 990 Gates (Theophilus R.). Life and Writings of. 121110, half morocco. New York, 1S1S Five title-pages. 991 Gemma Phrvsius de Principiis Astronomle et Cosmographle: deque usi Globi ab eobe editi. Item de Orbis divisione, & insulis 148 Americana. rebusq ; nuper invetis, &c. Small 8vo, levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Parisiis, 1547 Chap. XXIX. de Insulis nuper inventis. " XXX. de America. " XXXI. de Insulis apud Americam. B. A. V. Add., p. 163. 992 Gendron (Sieur). Quelques Particularitez du pays des Hurons en la Nouvelle France . . . Redigees par Jean Bap- tiste de Rocoles. i2mo, pp. 26. Paris, 1660, rep. Albany, 1868 Only 100 copies printed. 993 [Georgia.] An Impartial Inquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia. 8vo. half calf, gilt. London, 1741 994 [Georgia.] Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Savannah, 1840-42 995 [Geraldinus.] Itinerarium ad REGiONESSub ^Equinoctiali plaga constitutas Alexandri Geraldini. Amerini, episcopi civitatis S. Dominici apud Indos Occidentales, &c. Vignette, and an engraved title following. Small 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Pratt. Romoe, 1631 In the John Carter Brown catalogue, the author's name is twice spelled G/ral- dini, evidently an error. 996 Gerard (James W.). Proceedings of the Bar of New York, in Memory of . . Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1 874 997 Gerard. The Old Streets of New York under the Dutch. 8vo. New York, 1S74 998 Gerard. The Old Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1875 999 [Gerbier (Sir Balthazar).] Sommier Verhael, van sekere Amerikanische Voyagie, Gedaen door den Ridder Balthasar Ger- bier, Baron Douuily, &c. Frontispiece and plate. 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bedford. 6 leaves. 1660 Fine copy. The last leaf contains the " laaste Worden Van Katharina Ger- bier," with a plate, and the frontispiece has portraits of Otto Keye and A. Khenanus. Americana. 149 1000 [Gerbier.] A Sommary Description, Manifesting that greater Profits are to bee done in the hott than in the could parts off the Coast off America, And how much the public good is concerned therein. Referring to the annexed Advertissement For men inclined to Plantations. 4to, half russia. Anno 1660 1001 [Germaine] The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America : being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. Said to be Written by Lord George Ger- rpaine. 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1776 Complete, with the Appendix " A few more words " and "a Short Answer," in all 96 pages and a broadside. 1002 Gerry (Elbridge). The Life of . . . with Contemporary Letters to [and from] the close of the American Revolution. By James T. Austin. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1828-9 1003 Geschichte und Handlung der franzosischen Pflanzstadte in Nordamerika . . . mit einer Landcharte. 8vo, vellum. Stutgart, 1 756 1004 Gibbes (R. W.). Documentary History of the American Revolution : consisting of Letters and Papers relating to the Contest for Liberty, Chiefly in South Carolina . . . t 764—1 776. New York, 1855 Documentary History of the American Revolution . . . 1781 and 1782. Columbia, S. C, 1853 Documentary History of the American Revolution . . . 1776-1782. New York, 1857 Together 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Columbia and New York, 1853-57 1005 Gibbs (George). A Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon [also Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language] or Trade Language of Oregon. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, uncut. New York : Cramoisy Press, 1S63 Shea's Library of American Linguistics. Nos. S and 12. 1006 (?) [Gilbert.] Guilielmi Gilberti. Colcestrensis medio Londixensis. De Magnete, M agneticisque corporibus, et de magno magnete tellure. I'hysiologia nova, plurimis cv argumentis 150 Americana. & experimentis demonstrata. Many woodcuts and a large folded plate. Folio, calf. London, 1600 Archbishop Laud's copy, with his arms stamped in gold on the covers. " Americano," Liber 4, cap. 15. 1007 Gilpin (Henry D.). Pamphlets, as follows : Annual Discourse before the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts [Nov. 29, 1826]. 1827 Address before the Philomathean Society. 1845 Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jefferson. * 1828 Biographical Notice of Edward Livingston. 1843 Eulogy on Silas Wright. 1847 Speech on the 58th Anniversary of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. 1834 Speech on the 21st Anniversary of the Victory of New Orleans. i835 &c, &c. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1827-47 Presentation copy to " Baron de Roenne, with the kind regards of his friend Henry D. Gilpin." 1008 Gilpin (William). The Central Gold Region, the Grain, Pastoral and Gold Regions of North America ... 6 colored maps. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, i860 1009 Gilpin. Mission of the North American People, Geo- graphical, Social and Political. Illustrated by 6 charts delineating the physical architecture and thermal laws of all the continents. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1873 1010 [Girard (C.).] Les Etats Confederes d'Amerique Visites en 1863. Memoire Adresse a S. M. Napoleon III. Map. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1864 ion Giraud, Jr. (J. P.). The Birds of Long Island. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1844 1012 [Giuntinl] La Sfera del Mondo, di M. Francesco Giuntini, . . . col testo di M. Giovanni Sacrobosco. Opera utile & necessaria a poeti, historiografi, naviganti, agricoltori, & ad ogni forte di persone. Portrait and diagrams, some of the latter movable. 8vo, half morocco. Lione, 1582 America, p. 274. Americana. 151 10 13 [Gleig (G. R.).] The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, in the years 1814-1815. By the author of the Subaltern. i2mo, half morocco. London, 1827 1014 [Glen Cove.] An Address delivered at Glen Cove, L. I., at the Celebration of the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Set- tlement of that Village, by Henry J. Scudder, Esq., May 25, 1868, with an appendix. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Glen Cove, 1868 1015 [Glover.] The Evidence delivered on the Petition presented by the West-India Planters and Merchants to the Hon. House of Commons, as it was introduced at the Bar, and summ'd up by Mr. Glover. Post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1775 1016 [Gobat.] Narratio Historica eorum, quae Sociktas Jesu in Nova Francia . . . annis mdcxliix. and xlix., e Gallico in Latinum translata a P. Georgio Gobat. 1 21110, red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lortic. Oeniponti, 1650 Ragueneau's relation. See Jesuit Relations, also, Ragieneau. roi7 [Goes (Damiano da).] Avisi delle cose fatte da Portuesi, ne lTndia di qua del gange, nel mdxxxviii. Scritti in lingua latina dal Signor Damiano da Goes Cavalier Portuese al Cardinal Bembo. 1 21110, vellum. Venetia, 1539 Title and eleven leaves. 10 1 X [Goes (Damiano a). J Fides, Rei.igio, Moresque /Ethiopum sub Imperio Preciosi Joannis (quern vulgo Presbyterum Joannem vocant) degentium, una cu enarratione confcederationis ac amicitie inter ipsos Aethiopum Imperatores, & Reges Lusitanioe initial Damiano a Goes, Equite Lusitano autore ac interprete, &c. 4U), vellum. Lovanii, 1540 li. A. V. Add, No. 135. See p. S, for Columbus. 10 1 9 Goldsmith (Lewis). An Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America. 8vo, half morocco, 132 pp. only. London, 1810 Presentation copy from the author. 1020 [Gomara (Francisco Lope/, tie). J Primera y secunda parte de la Historia general de las Indias co todo el descubrimiento, y cosas notables que ban acaescido den de que se ganaron hasta 152 Americana. el ano de 155 1. Con la conquista de Mexico, y de la nueva Espana. Woodcut arms on title. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. En Medina del Campo, por Guillermo de Millis, 1553 " Gomara's historical merit is considerable. His mode of narration is clear, flowing, always agreeable and sometimes elegant. The copies of his historia de las Indias and of his Chronica were called in by a decree of the Council of the Indies, and were long considered as prohibited books." — Robertson. It is a great historical work, indispensable to the student of Spanish affairs in America after the conquest, notwithstanding the charges made by Bernal Diaz against Gomara of occasional inaccuracy. The dedication to Charles V. begins with these remarkable words: " The greatest event which has happened since the creation of the world ^leaving aside the incarnation and death of Him who created it) is the discovery of the Indies." Gomara prefixes a curious address to intending translators, warning them to be accurate and to measure the full significance of the pregnant Spanish phrases; also, to pay special attention to proper names. He further declares that he is writing the book in Latin, so that the translators may take no trouble in that language. His Latin version has never appeared. 1 02 1 Gomara. Historia de Mexico, con el Descubrimiento de la nueva Espana, conquistada por el muy illustre y valeroso Principe don Fernando Cortes, &c. Small 8vo, polished calf extra, red edges, by Riviere. Anvers: Juan Steelsio, 1554 1022 Gomara. Histoire Generalise des Indes Occidextales & Terres neuves, qui jusques a present ont este descouvertes, Traduite en francois par M. Fumee Sieur de Marly le Chastel. Small 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1569 1023 Gomara. The Pleasant Historie of the Conquest of the A 7 Veast India, noic called new Spayne, Atchieved by the Worthy Prince Plernando Cortes . . . Translated out of the Spanishe tongue by T [nomas] Nicholas]. Anno 1578. 8vo, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. London: Bynneman, [1578] First edition. Fine copy. 1024 Gomara. Historia de las Coxquistas de Hernan Cortes, traducida al Mexicano por Chimalpain, publicala con varias notas y adiciones Bustamante. 2 vols , 4to, calf extra, gilt tops, uncut. Mexico, 1826 " The statement on the title of ' translated by Chimalpain' is merely paren- thetical. Bustamante when he had in his hands the MS. from which he printed the book, supposed it to be an original work by Chimalpain, but afterwards dis- covered that this Mexican, who flourished at the beginning of the seventeenth Americana. 153 century, had only rendered Gomara's book into his own tongue. It is not clear from what original Bustamante has published the above volumes; he does not appear to have seen the Mexican text and there is nothing, except a few words in chapter 62, to show any connexion between the Spanish publication of Bustamante and the work of Chimalpain. As for the text, it seems rather like a modern im- provement of Gomara, than like a fresh translation from the Mexican version. However this may be, the editor's notes are copious and valuable. [It should be stated, indeed, that a MS. professing to contain the Mexican text of Chimalpain's history, but according to the description differing in its character from that of Gomara, was sold at the Abbe Fischer's sale in 1S69.]" 1025 Goodrich (Chas. A.). Great Events in the History of North and South America. 200 illustrations. 8vo, roan. Hartford, 185 1 1026 Goos (Peter). De Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Wereld, waer in vertoont werden alle de Zee-Kusten van het bekende des Aerd- Bodens. Engraved title and 41 maps illuminated in gold and colors. Royal folio, vellum, gilt. Amsteldam, 1668 Includes eleven maps of America. 1027 Gordon (William). History of the Rise, Progress and Estab- lishment of the Independence of the U. S. of America: includ- ing an Account of the Late War, &c. Large map. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1788 1028 Gorges (Sir Ferdinando). I. America Painted to the Life, i\:c. Frontispiece (" America '*) cropped, and map. 1 65 8 II. A Briefe Narration of the Originall Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantations Into the parts of America. Especially Shewing the beginning, progress and continuance of that of New- England. 1658 III. America Painted to the Life. The True History of the Spaniards Proceedings in the Conquests of the Indians, &c. l6 59 IV. America Painted to the Life . . . from Columbus his first Discovery, to these later Times. Frontispiece by Garwood. l6 59 The four parts in 3 vols. 4to, russia, gilt edges. London, 1658-9 1029 G[orton] (Sjamucl].) Simplicities Defence against Seven- Headed Policy; or Innocency Vindicated, being unjustly Accused and sorely Censured, by that Seven- Headed Church-Government United in New-England. 4to, calf. London, 1646 154 Americana. 1030 Gorton (Samuel). Saltmarsh Returned from the Dead, in Amico Philalethc ; or, the Resurrection of James the Apostle, Out of the Grave of Carnall Glosses . . . Appearing in the comely Ornaments of his Fifth Chapter, in an Exercise, June 4, 1654, &c. 4to, calf antique. London, 1655 Title mended, leaf of Epistle in MS. and five leaves remargined. 103 1 Gorton. Simplicity's Defence against Seven-Headed Pol- icy . . . with Notes . . . and Appendixes ... by William R. Staples. 8vo, cloth. Providence, 1835 Rhode-Island Hist. Socy. Collections. Vol. 2. 1032 Gospel Order Revived, Being an Answer to a Book lately set forth by the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather . . . Entituled, The Order of the Gospel, &c. . . . By sundry Ministers of the Gospel in New-England. 4to, calf, gilt edges, but untrimmed (somewhat soiled). [New York : Win. Bradford], 1700 Facing the title is the advertisement and the Errata is attached to back of title. " The Reader is desired to take Notice that the Press in Boston is so much under the awe of the Reverend Author, whom we answer, and his Friends, that we could not obtain of the printer there to print the following sheets, &c. " 1033 Gospels (The) ... St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John, translated into the Language of the Esquimaux Indians on the Coast of Labrador; by the . . . United Brethren. i2mo, calf. London, 1813 1034 [Gould and Jordan.] History of the First-Tenth-Twenty- ninth Maine Regiment . . . from 1861 to 1866, by Major John M. Gould ; with the History of the Tenth Me. Battalion, by Rev. Leonard G. Jordan. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1871 1035 Gouverneur (Samuel L.). Oration . . . 26th Nov., 1830, at Washington Square ... in commemoration of the Revolution in France. 8vo, half morocco. New York, [1830J 1036 Graah (W. A.). Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, in search of the Lost Colonies. Translated by G. G. Macdougall. Large map. Svo, half calf, gilt. London, 1837 1037 Graah. Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland. Another copy. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1837 Americana. 155 1038 Graham (J. A.). A Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. . . . Portrait and 7 woodcuts. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1797 The above copy has many MS. corrections, and the first paragraph on p. 12 has been erased. 1039 Graham (J. D.). Report on the Harbors of Lake Michigan, &c. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1858 Presentation copy from Lieut. -Col. Graham, with his MS. corrections. 1040 Grantham (Sir Thomas). An Historical Account of Some Memorable Actions, particularly in Virginia . . . Introduction by R. A. Brock. 8vo, uncut. Richmond, Va., 1882 Only 250 copies printed. No. in. 1041 Granville Jubilee (The) celebrated at Granville, Mass., August 27 and 28, 1845. Portrait of Timothy M. Cooley. i6mo, half morocco. Springfield, 1845 1042 [Graves.] Two Letters respecting the Conduct of Rear Admiral Graves, on the Coast of the United States, July to Novem- ber, 1 78 1. By William Graves. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Morrisania, 1865 Only 100 copies printed. No. 27. 1043 Gravif.r (Jacques). Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la Mission de lTmmaculee Conception au Pays des Illinois . . . 1693 . . . 1694. Small 8vo, half calf. a Manate, 1857 Only a small edition printed, in fac-simile of the original, for J. (i. Shea. 1044 Graydon (Alexander). Memoirs of a Like, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last Sixty Years ; with Occasional Remarks upon the General Occurrences, Character and Spirit of that Event- ful Period. 121110, sheep. Harrisburgh, 1811 1045 Graydon (Alexander). Memoirs of his Own Time, with Rem- iniscences of the Men and Events of the Revolution. Edited by J. S. Littell. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1846 1046 Great Union Meeting held at the Academy of Music, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1859. The Official Report. 8vo, half morocco. New York. 1859 Unique. The original Responses from Franklin Pierce, the Hon. I ). S. I )ick- inson and I>. 1). Barnard inserted. The first and last entirely in the autograph of the sender, the second signed. 156 Americana. 1047 [Greene.] Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the Revolution ... By William Johnson. Portrait, large tnap and plans. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Charleston, 1822 1048 Greenhow (Robert). The History of Oregon and Cali- fornia, and the other Territories on the North-West Coast of North America . . . Large map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1844 1049 Griffin's Journal. First Settlers of Southold [L. I.], the Names of the Heads of those Families, being only thirteen at the time of their landing ; First Proprietors of Orient ; Biographi- cal Sketches ; &c. ; &c. ; &c. By Augustus Griffin. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. Orient, 1857 1050 Griffith (Thomas W.). Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1821 1051 Griffith. Annals of Baltimore. Portrait and woodcut. 8vo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1833 1052 Grinnell Land. Remarks on the English Maps of Arctic Discoveries, in 1850 and 185 1, made at the Ordinary Meeting of the National Institute, Washington, in May, 1852, by Peter Force. Map. 8vo, uncut. No title. [1852] 1053 Groans of the Plantations (The) : or, A True Account of their Grievous and Extreme Sufferings By the Heavy Impositions upon Sugar And other Hardships. Relating more particularly to the Island of Barbados. 4to, half russia. London, 1689; reprint, 1698 Fine copy. 1054 [Grose.] Advice to the Officers of the British Army . . . with Introduction and Notes. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York : Agathynian Club, 1867 Only 120 copies printed (Xo. 1 19) in fac-simile of the sixth London edition. 1055 Grotii (Hugonis). De Origins Gentium Americanarum Uisskrtatio. 4to, half calf, 16 pp. 1642 1056 Gruber (J. A.). Grundliche An-und aufforderung an die Ehmalig erweckte hier und dar zerstreuete Seelen dieses Landes, Americana. 157 in oder ausser Partheyen, zur Neuen Umfassung, Gliedlicher Ver- einigung, und Gebets-Gemeinschaft, Dargelegt . . . 1736. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia: B. Frank/in, 1742 Also in this volume : [Zinzkndorf (Ludwig, Count von).] Etliche zu dieser Zeit nicht unnutze Fragan uber einige Schrift- Stellen, welche . . . deutlich erortert zu werden fewiinschet hat ein Wahrheit-Forschender in America im jahr 1742 . . . heraus- gegeben von einem Knecht Jesu Christi. 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia : B. Franklin [1742]. 1057 [Gkynaeus [or Huttich] (Simon).] Novvs Orbis Regionum ac Insularum veteribus incognitarum, una cum tabula cosmo- graphica, & aliquot aliis consimilisargumenti libellis, (juorum omni- um catalogus sequenti patebit pagina. His accessit copiosus rerum memorabilium index. Woodcut on title [vogue la galee), and large map {mounted on linen) at p. 1. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Parisiis: J. Farvi, &*c, 1532 B. A. V., No. 172. 1057a [Grynakus] Novvs Orhis Rkgionum ac Insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot alijs con- similis argumenti libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina. His accessit copiosus rerum memorabilium index. Large map. Folio, vellum. Basilere: J. Hervagii/in, 1532 The map is the same as in the Paris edition, and is described in the B. A V., with the omission of the word Typus to the head-line '' Cosmoyraphicus Univer- salis." Also bound with the above : Pf.tri Martyris ah angleria mediolanen. Oratoris clarissimi, Fernaudi & Helisabeth Hispaniarum quondam regum a consilijs, de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe novo decades tres: quibus quicquid de inventis nuper terris traditum . . . eiusdem praeterea J.egationis Babylonicae libri tres . . . Folio, vellum. Kasileae: J. Bebelium, 1533 B. A. V., No. 176. 1057^ (Grynakus.) Another copy, without the maps, and last leaf (colophon). Folio, half calf. Basileai, 1532 Between the book-worm and some ancient penman, this copy is somewhat dis- figured. 1058 |<£ci)mtCUS. I Off Xcti) 2Mclt der Pandschaften unnd Insulen, so bis hie her alien Altvveltbeschrybern unbekant. 158 Americana. [Uebersetzung des Michael Herr.] Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Strasburg, 1534 No map. B. V. A., No. 188. 1059 [Grynjeus.] Novvs Orbis Regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot alijs con- similis argumenti libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina, &c. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Basil eae, 1537 No map. B. A. V., No. 223. 1059^ [Gryn.eus.] Novvs Orbis (editio secunda auctior). Folio, vellum. Best edition. Basileae, 1555 '' This edition contains, besides the matter of the first, also several supple- mentary pieces, including the second and third letters of Cortes. [The only variation between different copies of the Grynaaus maps is that the letterpress portion (the names of the regions) was, in a second issue, set up in a partly- altered type. This circumstance, observed in different copies of different editions, has caused some vague statements which catalogues constantly repeat one from another concerning the rarity of the map and the existence of counter- feits]." " On en (de cette collection) recherche les exemplaires, ex surtout ceuz de l'edition de 1555 qui est la plus complete." — Brunet. 1060 [Guatemala.] Memorias para la Historia de antiguo Reyno de Guatemala, redactadas por . . . Francisco de Paula Garcia Pelaez. 3 vols., 8vo, boards. Guatemala, 1851 106 1 Guazzo (Marco). Historie di Tutte le Cose degne di Memoria qual del anno M.D.XXIIII. Sino questo presente sono occorse nella Italio, &c. Small 8vo, calf. Venetia, 1545 See leaf 167 in the chapter, " Isolo de Oro," the history of Pizarro. B. A. V. Add., No. 153. ro62 [Guiana.] A Publication of Guiana's Plantation, Newly undertaken by the Right Honble the Earl of Barkshire . . . and Company for that most famous River of the Amazones in America. Wherein is briefly shewed the lawfulnesse of planta- tions in forraine Countries, &c. 4to, calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1632 Signed I. D. Closely cropped in lower margins. Americana. 159 1063 Gumilla (Joseph). Historia Natural, civil y geografica de las Naciones situadas en las Riveras del Rio Orinoco . . . corregido por el P. Ignacio Obregon. Portrait, large map and 6 plates. 2 vols., small 4to, vellum. Barcelona, 1791 1064 Gurowski (Adam). Diary [in the U. S.] from March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1862 1065 T TACHARD (Marie Madelaine). Relation du Voyage des Dames Religieuses Ursulines de Rouen, a la Nouvelle Orleans, parties de France le 22 Fevrier, 1727, & arrivez a la Louisienne le 23. Julliet de la meme annee . . . 8vo (mounted on 4to sheets), morocco, gilt. Rouen: A. le Prevost, 1728 Title, 1-100 pp. 1066 Haigh (Samuel). Sketches of Buenos Ayres, Chile and Peru. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1831 1067 ii>attlttPt (Utcfjartr). STfK IPriucfpaH tNTabtflattons, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation, made by Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres: Deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the Regions whereunto they were directed. . . . Including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America, &c. By Richard Hakluyt. Folio, russia extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, 1589 First edition, with a folded map " Typus Cosmographicus Universalis," mounted on linen, opposite page one. This copy contains Baker's " Two Voyages to Guinee" in 1562, in verse, and Sir John Mandeville's Travels, about 1360, occupying 2S leaves. 1068 zgpaftlunt. arfje IJvtnttpaU Nabtgattous, Voiages . . . &c. Folio, red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London, 15 89 This copy is somewhat shorter than the previous item, and is minus the map, but, in addition to the Baker and Mandeville voyages, contains the rare voyage of Sir Francis Drake, 6 unpaged leaves, after p. 643. 1069 J£)H\\l\lVt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Trafifiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or overland, 160 Americana. to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, &c, 3 vols, in 2. Geo. Bishop, 15 99-1 600 A Selection of Curious, Rare and Early Voyages and Histories of Interesting Discoveries, chiefly published by Hakluyt [edited by R. H. Evans]. 1 vol. 1812 Together 4 vols, in 3. Folio, russia. London, 1599-1812 The whole of the voyages, including the Voyage to Cadiz (original) at the end of Vol. I, with the eight paragraphs on p. 607 as described by Lowndes. Intended as a Supplement to Purchas and other collections. HAKLUYT SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. 18 Volumes, as follows : 1070 The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt., in his Voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593. . . . Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. 1847 The Discoverv of the Large, Rich and Beautiful Empire of Guiana, with a Relation of the Great and Golden City of Manoa (which the Spaniards called El Dorado), etc. Performed in the year 1595. By Sir W. Ralegh, Kt. . . . Reprinted from the Edition of 1596, With some Unpublished Documents rela- tive to that Country. Edited with copious Explanatory Notes and a Biographical Memoir, by Sir Robert H. Schomhurgk, Ph.D. Map. 1848 The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia; expressing the Cosmographie and Comodities of the Country, together with the Manners and Customes of the People. Gathered and observed as well by those who went first thither as collected by William Strachey, Gent., the first Secretary of the Colony. Now first Edited from the original Manuscript in the British Museum, by R. H. Major, Esq. Map and 6 plates. London, 1849 The preface gives an historical account of early English Navigators to America, and their colonizations, particularly in Virginia. It includes a " Letter from Lord Delawarr, Governor of Virginia,'' giving an account of his voyage out. and of his proceedings since his arrival in Virginia. (lie left Plymouth 1st of April, and dates his letter July 7th, 1610.) The History has a 2nd book, " Entreating of the first discoveries of the Colony, and of the first Colonic upon the Island of Roanoak. As also of the Northern Colonic, seated upon the River of Sachadehoc, anno 15S5." '"Book I. was written probably some years before Captain John Smith's General History of Virginia, and is more especially remarkable as having afforded Mr. Deane and Mr. Niel the data upon which to charge the name of Pocahontas with infamy." — Field. Americana. 161 Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde, together with the Spanish Account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico. Edited ... by W. D. Cooley. 1849 Divers Voyages Touching the Discovery of America and the Islands adjacent, Collected and Published by Richard Hak- luyt. . . . Edited with Notes and an Introduction, by John Winter Jones, of the British Museum. 2 maps and fac-simile. 1850 Hakluyt's first publication. It contains seven articles or voyages, the fifth of which is "The relation of Iohn Verazanus, a Florentine, of the lande by him discouered in the name of hip Maiestie, written in Diepe, the eight of July, 1524," which is the earliest known account of Rhode Island. Memorials of the Empire of Japon in the XVI. and XVII. Centuries. Edited with Notes by Thomas Rundall. Map and facsimiles. 1850 " Many of the crew of an American vessel wrecked on the coast were liter- ally starved to death by order of the (Japonese) government." p. XXXVII. The Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinando de Soto, and Six Hundred Spaniards, his Followers. Written by a Gentleman of Elvas, employed in all the Action, and translated out of Portuguese, by Richard Hakluyt. Re- printed from the Edition of 1611. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, and a Translation of a Narrative of the Expedition of Luis Hernandez de Biedma, Factor to the Same. By William B. Rye. . . . Map. 1851 Herberstein (Baron Sigismund von). Notes upon Russia, being a translation of the Earliest Account of that Country, entitled : " Rerum Mascoviticarum Commentarii." Translated and edited by R. H. Major. Plates. 2 vols. 1851-2 De Veer (Gerrit). A True Description of Three Voy- ages by the North-East towards Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch in the years 1594, 1595 and 1596 . . . Edited by Charles T. Beke. Maps and curious plates. ^^^2> The Introduction contains a Bibliography of the Voyages of Linschoten and I )e Veer's work. Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de). History of the great and mighty Kingdom of China. Reprinted from the early transla- tion of R. 1'arke. Edited by Sir (ieo. T. Stanton, with an Intro- duction by R. H. Major. 2 vols. 1X5:5-4 In 1007 Mendoza came to America, with the title of Vicar Apostolic, and in the same year was made Bishop of Chiapa. 1 62 Americana. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, being his next Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios. Collated with an Un- published MS. of Francis Fletcher. Appendices, &c, by W. S. W. Vaux. Map. 1854 D'Orleans (Pierre Joseph). History of the two Tartar Conquerors of China . . . to which is added Father Pereira's Journey into Tartary . . . Translated and edited by the Earl of Ellesmere, with an Introduction by R. H. Major. 1854 History of the New World, by Girolamo Benzoni, of Milan. Showing his Travels in America, from A. D. 1541 to 1556 ; with some particulars of the Island of Canary. Now First Trans- lated and edited by Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth. 18 engravings. i857 " The narrative of Girolamo Benzoni is one of the most interesting of all the early travellers in America, for the minute details of the life and habits of the Aborigines more than three centuries ago." — Field. Champlain. Narrative of a Vovage to the West Indies and Mexico in the Years 1599-1602, with Maps and Illustra- tions. By Samuel Champlain. Translated from the Original and Unpublished Manuscript, with a Biographical Notice and Notes by Alice Wilmere. Edited by Norton Shaw. 10 plates, ana" map. i859 " This Narrative of Champlain's First Voyage to the New World is of great value to us in establishing, by an unimpeachable authority, the story of the awful cruelties which were inflicted upon the Indians of the West Indies by the Spaniards. Fac-simile lithographs of Champlain's drawings are given, among which are representations of Indian feasts, flogging Indians to church, and burning groups of the natives at the stake. The biography gives an interest- ing narration of Champlain's dealings with the Indians of New France." — Field. Garcilasso de la Vega (Ynca). First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. . . . Translated and Edited with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. 1869 The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama, and his Viceroy- alty. From the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa. . . . Trans- lated with Notes ... by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. Por- trait, and 2 plates. 1869 Together 18 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1847-69 1 07 1 [Hall (Capt.).] History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1 [all published} comprehending the Campaigns of 1775, 1776 and 1777. By an Officer of the British Army. Large map. Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1780 Americana. 163 1072 Hallock (Jeremiah). Life of ... to which is added a Sketch of the Life of the Rev. Moses Hallock ... By Rev. Cyrus Yale. Frontispiece. 12010, cloth. New York, n. d. 1073 Hamilton (Alexander). Works, comprising his Correspond- ence, and his Political and Official Writings. Edited by John C. Hamilton. Portrait. 7 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. New York, 1851 1074 [Hamilton.] A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress, from the Calumnies of their Enemies ; in Answer to a Letter, under the signature of A. W. Farmer. Whereby his Sophistry is exposed, his Cavils confuted, his Artifices detected, and his Wit ridiculed; in a General Address to the Inhabitants of America, and a Particular Address to the Farmers of the Province of New York. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1774 An answer to a tract published the same year, entitled, " The Congress Can- vassed." • 1075 [Hamilton.] Observations on Certain Documents con- tained in No. V. & VI. of " The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the Charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton ... is fully refuted. Written by Himself. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1797 Only a few copies escaped destruction at the hands of Alex. Hamilton's friends. 1076 [Hamilton.] Observations on Certain Documents, <\x. Another copy. Uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 1077 [Hamilton.] Observations on Certain Documents con- tained in No. V. and VI. of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. Written by Himself. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Jolin Fc/uio, 1797; rep. New York, 1865 Vol. 2 of the Hamilton Club reprints. Only 50 copies in Svo. No. 28. 107S [Hamilton.] Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concern- ing the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq.. President of the United States. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1800 164 Americana. 1079 Hamilton. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds., &c, being intended as a reply to a Scandalous Pamphlet lately published under the sanction, as it is presumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and signed with the signature of Junius Philsenus. By Tom Callender. 8vo, pp. 64, half morocco. New York, 1802 1080 Hamilton and Burr. A Correct Statement of the late Melancholy Affair of Honor between General Hamilton and Col. Burr ... to which is added a Candid Examination of the whole affair . . . By " Lysander." Also An Oration commemorative of the late Major-General Alexander Hamilton . . . By J. M. Mason. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1804 1081 Hamiltoniad (The). By John Williams (Anthony Pasquin). Portrait and vignette on India paper. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1865 Only 40 copies printed for the Hamilton Club. No. 28. 1082 Hamilton. Life of, by John Williams (Anthony Pasquin). 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1865 Only 40 copies printed [No. 28] for the Hamilton Club, from the Boston edition of 1S04. io82<7 Hamilton. The Life and Epoch of . . . an Historical Study by the Hon. George Shea. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1879 1083 [Hamilton, &c] The Federalist: a Collection of Essays written in favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. Reprinted from the original text, with an Historical Introduction and Notes. By Henry B. Dawson. Portrait on India paper. Royal 8vo, uncut. (Vol. 1.) Morrisania, 1864 |W See Federalist. Only 250 copies printed. No. 121. 1084 Hamilton (Lady Augusta). Marriage Rites, Customs and Ceremonies of all Nations of the Universe. Frontispiece. Svo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1822 The American customs will be found at pp. 278-394. 1085 Hamor (Raphe). A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of June, 1614. Together with a Relation of the seuerall English Americana. 165 Townes and fortes, the assured hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The Christening of Povvhatans daughter, and her mariage with an English-man. 4to, half rus- sia, pp. 69 (6). London, 1615 Fine copy. Autograph of Arch'd Constable on fly-leaf. 1086 Hamor (R.). A Trve Discourse Of The Present Estate Of Virginia, and the successe of the Affaires there till the 18 of Iune, 16 1 4. Together With A Relation Of the seuerall English Townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie, and the peace con- cluded with the Indians. The Christening of Powhatans daugh- ter, and her marriage with an English-man. Written by Raphe Hamor the yonger, late Secretaire in that Colony . . . Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Albany: Reprinted, 1S60] 200 copies reprinted for Dr. C. G. Barney of Richmond, Va. 1087 [Hampden.] Sketches of the Churches and Pastors in Hampden County, Mass., and also, an Address delivered to the Pastors by Rev. T. M. Cooley . . . i2mo, cloth. Westfield, 1854 1088 Hanger (Col. George). The Life, Adventures and Opinions of [with Advice to the Lovely Cyprians and to the Fair Sex in general, Adventures in America, &c.]. Written by Himself. Curious plate. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. London, 1801 Col. Hanger (afterward Lord Coleraine) served with distinction in the Ameri- can War. See Vol. 2, page 427, for a curious prophecy relative to the late rebellion: " One of these days, the Northern and Southern powers will fight as vigorously against each other as they both have united to do against the British." 1089 Hanson. An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Han- son, Late of Kachecky, in New-England : Who, with Four of her Children, and Servant-Maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. Setting forth the various remarkable Occurrences, sore Trials, and wonderful Deliverences which befel them after their Departure, to the Time of their Redemption. Taken in Substance from her own Mouth, by Samuel Bownas. Small 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1782 1090 Harcourt (Robert). A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana, describing the Climat, Scituation, fertilitie, provisions and commod- ities of that Country, containing seven Provinces, and other Sig- 1 66 Americana. niories within that Territory, together with the manners, cnstomes, behaviors, and dispositions of the people. 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. London, 1613 Fine copy. 1091 Hardik (James). An Account of the Yellow Fever which occurred in the City of New York in the year 1822, to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the different Pestilential Diseases with which this City was afflicted, in the years 1798, 1799, 1803 and 1805, &c. i2mo, half morocco. Top of title cut. New York, 1822 1092 [Harlaem Commons.] Conveyances on Record in the Reg- ister's Ofeice by Dudley Selden, from the 1st January, 1825, to the 1 st January, 1838. Royal 8vo, cloth. Plan. New York, 1838 1093 Harmon (D. W.). Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interiour of North America . . . [with an Account of the Indians, specimens of the two languages commonly used and an account of the principal animals]. Portrait and map. Svo, calf. Andover, 1820 1094 Harper (R. C). Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. Svo, half morocco. Dublin, 1798 Fourth edition, containing the slip of Recommendation. 1095 Harper. Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1798 Seventh edition. 1096 Harper (Robert Goodloe). Select Works of . . . consist- ing of Speeches on Political and Forensic Subjects . . . Vol. 1. Svo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1814 1097 Harper's Ferry Invasion. Report of the John Brown Raid. 8vo, cloth. Washington, i860 1098 Harrington (James). Oceana . . . and his other works . . . collected, methodiz'd and review'd, with an exact Account of his Life prefix'd, by John Toland. Portrait, frontispiece and plate. Folio, calf. London, 1700 Americana. 167 1099 [Harrisse (Henri).] KotfS 01t ColttmflUS. 13 photo- graphs. Folio, levant morocco, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by W. Matthews. New York : Privately printed, mdccclxvi. Consists of a series of notes and extracts from rare books, relating to Colum- bus, with numerous valuable bibliographical and historical notes. It also con- tains an account of the poems, eulogies, essays, etc., in honor of Columbus. Only 99 copies printed. This item will not be offered for sale, having been printed solely for private distribution. This catalogue would scarcely have been complete, without putting so important a contribution on record, both as a tribute to Mr. Barlow (at whose expense it was printed) and to the indefatigible author. 1 100 [Harrisse.] Rapport sur les deux Ouvrages de Bibliographic Americaine de M. Henri Harrisse . . . par M. Ernest Desjardins. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1867 1101 [Harrisse.] Les Sepultures de Christophe Colomb. Revue Critique. Svo, uncut. Paris: Privately printed, 1S79 H02 Hartley (David). LETTERSon the American War. Addressed to the Mayor and Corporation, &c, of Kingston upon Hull. 4I0, half morocco. London, 177S The Introduction, and each of the four letters, have the author's autograph signature. 1103 Hartley. An Address to the Committee of the County of York, on the State of Public Affairs. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1781 1104 Hartlib (Samuel). The Reformed Commonwealth of Bees. Presented in severall Letters and Observations to Samuel Hartlib, Esq. With The Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm. Containing Many excellent and Choice Secrets, Experiments, and Discoveries for attaining of National and Private Profits and Riches. Wood- cuts. 4to, calf. London, 1655 This copy lacks pp. 51, 52 of the first part and some margins are cropped. 1 105 Hartlib. The Reformed Common-Wealth of Bees, & c - Portrait and facsimile autographs. i2mo, cloth. Hartford, 1836 1 150 Historical Anecdotes, Civil and Military ; in a Series of Let- ters, written from America, in the years 1777 and 1778, to different Persons in England ; containing Observations on the General Management of the War, and on the Conduct of our Principal Commanders in the Revolted Colonies, during that Period. 8vo, half morocco, pp. (6) 85. London, J. Bew, 1779 " These letters seem to have been written by a zealous North British Loyalist, who chooses to demonstrate his aversion to the rebels and their cause by bestow- ing, most liberally on both, the choicest flowers of scurrility."' — Monthly Review. 1 151 Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America. Portraits. [First Series, 1858 (Vol. 2) to 1863 (Vol. 7), 6 vols.; Second Series, 1867 to 1 87 1 (9 vols.), and Third Series, 1872-5 (2 vols.). 16 vols.,4to, cloth (6), the rest unbound. New York and Morrisania, 1858-75 The above set, owing to want of uniformity, will be sold as 16 vols. 1 152 Historie (Le). Vinitiane di Marco Antonio Sabkllico, divise in tre deche contre libri della quarta deca. Novamente da Messer Lodovico Dolce in volgare tradotte. 4to, calf. 1544 It is asserted in this work (p. 290) that Columbus took a prominent part in a certain naval engagement in 14S5. This statement, however, has been disproved. 1 153 History (The) of the British Dominions in North America, from the First Discovery ... by Sabastian Cabot in 1497 to . . . 1763. Large map. 4to, half calf, gilt. London, 1773 1 154 History of the War in America, between Great Britain and the Colonies, from its Commencement ... to 1 7 7 S. Large map. 3 vols., 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1779-85 The third volume, which was published six years after the first, is rarely found with the other two. 1 155 Hitter (John S.). The RESouRCEsof California, comprising Agriculture. Mining, Geography, &c. 121110, cloth. San Francisco, 1863 Americana. 175 1 156 Hobart (Noah). A Serious Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in New-England, occasioned by Mr. Wetmore's Vindication of the Professors of the Church of England in Connecticut. Small 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1748 1157 Holden (A. W.). A History of the Town of Quf.knsbury, in the State of New York, with Biographical Sketches of many of its Distinguished Men, and some Account of the Aborigines of Northern New York. Portraits and views. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1874 1158 Holmes (Abiel). American Annals ; or, a Chronological His- tory of America from its Discovery in 1492 to 1806. 2 mops. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1813 1 159 [Honter (Joan).] Ruimmentorum Cosmographicorum loan. Honteri Coronensis. Libri II1I. Cum Tabellis Geographicis ele- gantissimis. Maps. Small Svo, polished calf, gilt leaves, by Mat- thews. Title backed. Antwerpiai, 1552 1 160 Hooke (William). New Englands Teares, for old Englands Feares [Fast] Sermon, July 23, 1640. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London. 1641 " The author removed from Taunton to New Haven where he was the col- league of John Davenport, and thence returned to England, in 1656, to become one of the domestic chaplains of Oliver Cromwell, with whom he was in high 1 161 H[ooker (T[homas|). The Sovles Vocation; or, Effectual Calling to Christ. 4to, calf. London, 1638 1 162 Hooker (Tho.). The Faithful Covenanter. A Sermon preached at the Lecture in Dedham, in Essex. 4to, half morocco. London, 1644 1 163 Hooker (Thomas). The Covenant of Crack Opened, &c. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. London, 1649 The above ^eems to have been printed either at two presses, or at different periods. The pagination is in the centre of the page until page 30. It is then transferred to the corner, and commences at page 33, the text following correctly. 1 1 64 Hooker (Thomas) and Cotton (John). A Survey of the Slmmk of Church-Discipline, Wherein the Way of the Congre- 176 Americana. gationall Churches of Christ in New-England is Warranted and Cleared. 4to, calf. London, 1648 Four titles in all. With the above, The Way of the Congregational Churches cleared ... by Mr. John Cotton . . . London, 1648 ; and A Directory for the Publique Worship of God throughout the Three Kingdoms. London, 1646. 1 165 Hookes (Ellis). The Spirit of the Martyrs Revived, In a brief Compendious Collection Of the most Remarkable Passages, and Living Testimonies Of the True Church, Seed of God, and Faithful Martyrs In All Ages. An Addition . . . being a short Account of some remarkable Persecutions in New-England ; especially of Four [William Robin- son, Marmaduke Stephenson, Mary Dyar, and William Leddra] faithful Martyrs of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who suf- fered Death at Boston. 4to, calf. Printed, 1682 ; Reprinted, 1750 Title, to the Reader, 2 pages ; The Author to the Book (verse), 1 page ; Con- tents, 3 pages ; 1 to 283 ; Addition, 20 pages. 1 166 Hopkins (Bp. John Henry). A Scriptural, Ecclesiastical and Historical View of Slavery . . . i2mo, uncut. New York, [1864] 1 167 Hopkinson (Francis). Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, T792 Volume 3 is devoted to Judgments in the Admiralty of Pennsylvania, and Poems. 1168 [Hornil] Honori Reggi KEMNATHENSisde Statu Ecclesi^e Britannic^: Hodierno, liber Commentarius. Una cum appen- dice eorum, quae in Synodo Glasguensi contra Episcopus decreta sunt. 4to, calf. Dantisci, 1647 Contains references to the Anabaptists and other religious sects in America. MS. notes in ink on some leaves. 1169 Horni (Georgi). De Originibus Americanis, Libri Quatuor. Small 8vo, calf. Hague, 1652 1 1 70 Horsi'oro (E. N.). John Cabot's Landfall in 1497, and the Site of Norumbega. Maps, cVv. 4to, half morocco. Cambridge, 1S86 Only a small edition printed. Americana. 177 1 17 1 Horsford. Discovery of America by Northmen. Address at the Unveiling of the Statue of Leif Eriksen, delivered at Faneuil Hall, Oct. 29, 1887. Maps, &c. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1888 1172 [Horsmanden (Daniel). J A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy formed by some White People, in conjunction with Negro and other Slaves, for Burning the City of New-York in America, and Murdering the Inhabitants . . . By the Recorder of the City of New-York. 4to, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. New York: J. Parker, 1744 In addition to the collation of the Brinley and Menzies copies should be noted a bastard title, " Journal | of the | Proceedings | against | The Con- spirators at New York | 1741 & 1742," which the present copy possesses. 1 1 73 Horsmanden. The New York Conspiracy, or a History of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New York in the years 1 741-2. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1810 A fine, tall copy, entirely free from stains. 1 173^ Hotten (John Camden). The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Emigrants . . . and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700 . . . 4to, half morocco, gilt top. New York [London], 1874 1 174 Hough (Franklin B.). Constitution of the State of New York, adopted in 1846: with a Comparative Arrangement of the Constitutional Provisions of other States, classified by their sub- jects. 4to, half sheep. Albany, 1S67 1175 How (Samuel B.). Slaveholding not Sinful. Slavery, the Punishment of Men's Sin, its Remedy, the Gospel of Christ. 121110, cloth. New Brunswick, N. J., 1 S56 1 1 76 [Howard. I Report of the Committee (James W. Nye, J. M. Howard, Geo. H. Williams and William Warner], appointed to Investigate the Memorial of David Hatch, June 25, 1870. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1S69 Hatch was imprisoned six months and twenty days fur inciting a revolution in Saint I >ominir<>. 178 Americana. 1177 Howe (Jos. S.). Historical Sketch of the Town of Methuen, from its Settlement to the Year 1876. 8vo. Methuen, 1876 1 178 Howe (Richard, Earl). The Life of ... By Sir John Barrow. Portrait and facsimiles. 8vo, polished calf extra, by Bedford. London, 1838 1 179 [Howe (W.).] The Narrative of Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Howe, in a Committee of the House of Commons, on the 29th of April, 1779, Relative to his Conduct during his Late Command of the King's Troops in North America: To which are added, Some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled, Letters to a Nobleman. The Second Edition. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1780 An able vindication of the noble commander, in reply to various authors who had joined in the cry against him. 1 180 Hoyt (E.). Antiquarian Researches: comprising a His- tory of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering Connecticut River and parts adjacent, and other interesting events, from the first Landing of the Pilgrims, &c. Engraved title, and view of the Old House in Deerfield which escaped the fire of 1704. 8vo, boards, uncut. Greenfield, Mass., 1824 Brinley, No. 392. 1 181 Hubbard (W.). A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to this present year 1677 . . . To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637. Facsimile map. Boston, 1677 The Happiness of a People In the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing And in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ougho (sic) to do Recommended in a Sermon, &c. Boston, 1676 2 vols, in r. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bed- ford. Boston, 1676-7 1 182 Hubbard. The Present State of New-England. Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to this present year 1677; But chiefly of the late Troubles in the last two years, 1675 Americana. 179 and 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the War with the Pequods in the year 1637. Map in facsimile. 4to, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London, 1677 Fine large copy. Collation: Prefatory License, 1 leaf; title, Epistle Dedicatory, 2 leaves; to the Reader, 1 leaf; to the Rev. Wm. Hubbard, 1 leaf; upon the elaborate Sur- vey, 1 leaf; Narrative, pp. 131; Table, pp. 7; Postscript, 6 pp; Map, Narra- tive, &c, pp. 1 to 88. 1 183 Hubbard. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New- England, from the First Planting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677 : Containing a Relation of the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War, &c. 8vo, sheep. Stockbridge, Mass., 1803 List of Subscribers (6 pp.) at end. 1 1 84 Hubbard. A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New- England, &c. i2mo, sheep. Danbury, 1803 1 1 85 Hubbard. The History of the Indian Wars in New England, from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. From the Original Work. Carefully Revised, &c, w 7 ith Extensive Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Fac- simile map of New England. 2 vols., small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Roxbury, Mass., 1865 300 copies printed, No. 269. Woodward's Historical Series, Nos. III. and IV. 1 186 Hubbard. The Same, on Large Paper. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Roxbury, 1865 Only 50 copies printed. No. 45. 1 1 87 Hudson (E. M.). Der Zweite Unabhangigkeits-Krieg in Amerika. 8vo, half morocco. Berlin, 1862 1 188 [Hudson (Henry).] Descriptio ac delineatio Geograp/iica Detections Freti, sive, Transitus ad Occasum supra terras Americanas . . . Item Narratio . . . Australian Incognita? . . . per Capt. P. Ferdinandez de Quir. 2 woodcuts and the 3 large maps, mounted on linen. 4to, calf, gilt leaves, by Riviere. Amsterodami, 1612 This small, though important work, might, with some reason, be assigned to Ilessel Gerritsz, its author and compiler, rather than to Henry Hudson, a narra- tive of whose third and fourth voyage it contains among other articles. Ilcssel Gerritsz was a contemporary of Hudson — a geographer, a map maker, and a publisher uaf geographical works. " His labours," writes Asher, " though i8o Americana. few in number, are of the most genial nature. Fixing his eyes on the boundaries of the known world, he followed with enthusiasm the first rays of light that began to penetrate into regions of darkness and mystery. Hudson's chart of the fourth voyage was Gerritsz's first publication, and around it grew, in a very remarkable manner, the most interesting of the many collections of voyages and travels printed in the early part of the sixteenth century." — Henry Hudson, the A'avigator. Haklnvt Sac, page 44. 1 1 89 [Hudson.] Descriptio ac delineatio Geographica Detect- ions Freti, Sive, Transitus ad Occasum supra terras Americanas, &c. Woodcuts (2) and folded plate, also inserted plate. 4to, morocco antique, gilt top. Amsterodami, 1613 Wants the 3 maps. See J. C. B. This is the second Latin edition of the so-called Hudson Tract, by Hessel Gerritsz, and is materially enlarged. The account of the voyage of Henry Hud- son in 1609 in which he discovered Hudson River, given as a supplement in some copies of the first edition of this tract (1612), is here rewritten and somewhat enlarged and thus made the leading article of the tract. But he adds also in the sixth subdivision, above mentioned, of the contents, an account of the voyage of Jan Mayen, who is referred to in the first edition of the work as then engaged in the northern discovery, giving briefly its contents. Priced £iS. iS, in a recent catalogue of Quaritch. 1190 [Hudson.] A Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hud- son, his friends, relatives and early life, his connection with the Mus- covy Company and Discovery of Delaware Bay. By John Meredith Read, Jr. Illuminated coat-of-arms. 8vo, boards. Albany, 1866 1 191 [Hudson.] Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson, prepared for his use in 1608, from the Old Danish of Ivar Bardsen, with an Introduction and Notes, also a Dissertation on the Discovery of the Hudson River. By the Rev. B. F. DeCosta. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1869 1192 Hughes (W.). The American Physitian; or, A treatise of the Roots, Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Fruit, Herbs, &c., Growing in the English Plantations in America . . . Whereunto is added a Discourse of the Cacao-Nut-Tree, &c. 121110, red morocco extra, gilt leaves. London, 1672 Catalogue of five pages at end. 1 193 Hull (William). Memoirs of the Campaign of the North- western Army of the United States, A. D. 1812 . . . with an Appendix containing a brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Services of the Author. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1824 Americana. 181 i 194 Hull. Defence of Brigadier-General W. Hull. Deliv- ered before the General Court-Martial, of which Major-General Dearborn was President, at Albany, March, 1814. With an Address to the Citizens of the United States. Written by Him- self. Copied from the original Manuscript, and published by his authority. To which are prefixed, The Charges against Brigadier- General Hull, as Specified by the Government. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. Boston. 18 14 1 195 Hulsius. — Collection of Voyages : II. Ander Schiffart, in die Orientalische Indien. So die Hol- landischen Schiff ( . . . 1598 . . . 1600 . . . ) verricht ... 2 maps and 13 plates. 4to, half morocco. N u rnberg : Levini Hulsii, 1602 Part 2. First edition, first issue. III. Dritte Theil, Warhafftige Relation der dreyen newen un exhorten seltzame Schiffart . . . gegen Mitternacht . . . 1594, 1595 und 1596 . . . Secunda editis. $$ maps and plates. 4to, half morocco. Nurnberg, 1602 Part 3. Second edition. IV. Vierdte Schiffart Warhafftige Historien Einer Wunder- baren Schiffart, welche Ulrich Schmidel von Straubing, von anno 1534 bisq anno 1554 in Americam oder Newenwelt bey Brasilia und Rio della Plata gethan 15 plates. 4to, half morocco. Part 4. First German edition and first issue. The above bound in one volume. IV.* Vierdte Schiffart &c. Map, portraits a/id Noribergae, 1599 15 plates. 4to, unbound. Franckfurt, 1612 Part 4. Third edition, wanting the map. VIII. Achte Schiffart oder Kurtze Breschreibung etlicher Reysen so die Hollander und Zeelander in die Ost Indien von anno 1599, bisz anno 1604 . . . Map and 4 plates only. Franckfurt, 1608 Part 8. Second edition, minus plates 2 and 6. IX. Neundte Schiffart, . . . was sich mit den Hollund See- landern in Ost Indien anno 1604 and 1605, unter dem Admiral Steffan von der Hagen . . . Map and 4 plates. Franckfurt, 1612 Part 9. Second edition. 1 82 Americana. X. Zehknde Schiffart oder Reyse tier Hollander unci Seelander in Ost Indien beschehen unter dem Admiral Cornells Matelief . . . 1605 . . . 1608 . . . Map and 4 plates. Franckfurt, 1613 Part 16. Second edition. XI. Eylffte Schiffart oder Kurtze Beschreibung einer Reyse, so von den Hollandern und Seelandern in die Ost Indien . . . under der Admiralschafft Peter Wilhelm Verhussen . . . 1607, 1608 und 1609. 6 plates (wants map and plate of St. Helena). 1 st portion, Franckfurt, 16 t 2 XI.* Eylesster Schiffart ander Theil oder Kurtzer Verfolg und continuirung, &c. ^plates. Franckfurt, 16 13 A continuation of the above, both first editions. XIV. Vierzshende Schiffart oder Grundliche und warhaffte Beschreibung desz Neuwen Engellandts . . . unter dem Capi- tein Johann Schmidt . . . Plate (but no map). Franckfurt, 1617 First edition. XV. Funffzehende Schiffart, Warhafftiger und zu vor nie exhorter Bericht eines Engelischen, welcher mit einem Schiff die Auffart genandt in Cambaia . . . unter Capitein Robert Coverte . . . Hanaw, 16 17 First edition. See Schmidel, Hudson, Raleigh. The above will be sold as 11 vols, and as found. fcW See also Raleigh, &c. 1196 [Hulsius.] Zwolffte Schiffahrt oder Kurtze Beschreibung der Newen Schiffahrt gegen Nord Osten uber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam und Japponiam von einem Engellender Heinrich Hudson, &c. 7 etched maps and plates, zito, morocco, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Oppenheim, 161 \ The first edition of the twelfth part of Hulsius, containing Hudson's voyage to the north coast of America, &c. 1197 [Hulsius.] Journael Vandk Nassausche Vloot ofte Besch- ryvingh vande Voyagie om den gantschen Aerdt-Cloot, gedaen met elf Schepen. Onder't beleydt vanden Admirael Jaques l'Heremite, ende Vice-Admirael Geen Huygen Schapenham, inde Jaeren, 1623, T624, 1625, en 1626 Map on title, small etching at p. 54, and 7 large maps and plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Amsteredam, 1626 First edition. Americana. 183 1 198 [Hulsius.] V. Die Funffte Kurtze Wunderbare Beschrei- bung. Dess Goldreichen Konigreichs Guiana; in America oder newen Welt . . . 1594, 1595 und 1596 von dem . . . Walthero Ralegh, &c. 4to, uncut. Franckfurt, 1663 Reprint in fac-simile. 1 199 [Humble Address] To the King's Most Excellent Majesty; the Humble Address of divers of the Gentry, Merchants and others . . . Inhabiting in Boston, Gharlestown and Places adja- cent . . . [With a Letter dated Charlestown, Nov. 22, 1690, giving an account of the unfortunate expedition to Quebec, signed L. H.]. 4to, pp. 8, half morocco. London, 1691 Deploring " The late Revolution dividing the said Territory [New England] into ten Parts or Colonies. 1200 Humble Address (The) of the Publicans of New-England. To which King you please, with some Remarks upon it. 4to, half morocco. London, 1691 " A Publican is a creature that lives upon the Commonwealth." 1201 Humboldt (Al. de). Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de l'Amerique. 69 large plates of Mexi- can picture-writing, hieroglyphics, has relief s, costumes, views, &c, many of them finely coloured after the originals in Central and Southern America. Imp. folio, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1810 The greater part of the copies now in the market want from page 272 to page 350, and plates 50-69. This copy has 54 plates and 304 pages of text. " Hum- boldt traced with the hand of a master the outline of a vast picture future trav- ellers can only assist in filling up." — Ward's Mexico. In this work the picture-writing of the Mexicans first received the attention and the ample treatment which are due to a literature as strange and important in the records of the New World as that of Egypt in the Old. 1202 Humboldt. Sur les Lois, que Ton observe dans la distribu- tion des formes vegetales. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 18 16 flora of America, p. 8, &c. 1203 Hume (Sophia). An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South-Carolina, to bring their Leeds to the Light of Christ, in their own Consciences . . . 8vo, half morocco. London, 1 752 1204 Humphreys (A. A.) and Abbot (H. L ). Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1867 184 Americana. 1205 Humphreys (D.). An Historical Account of the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Containing their Foundation, Proceedings, and the Suc- cess of their Missionaries in the British Colonies to the year 1728. By David Humphreys, D.D., Secretary to the Honourable Society. 2 maps. 8vo, half morocco. London: J. Downing, 1730 This society was incorporated in 1701. The whole of this volume relates to the proceedings of the missionaries in different parts of North America, together with the state of religion there, and is illustrated with two maps, one of Carolina, the other of New England, &c, by Herman Moll. 1206 Humphreys (David). The Miscellaneous Works of . . . [in Verse and Prose]. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1804 Contains a Life of General Putnam, pp. 245-330. 1207 Humphreys (Col. David). Discours en Vers, adresse aux Ofhciers et aux Soldats des differentes Armees Americaines. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1786 Text in English and French, the last by the Marquis de Ch . 1208 Hunt (C. E.). The Shenandoah; or, the Last Confederate Cruiser. Frontispiece. i2mo, half cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 1209 [Hunt (Freeman).] American Anecdotes, Original and Select. By an American. 2 vols., nrao, half morocco. Boston: Putnam cV" Hunt, 1830 Contains four hundred and eighty-seven anecdotes, mostly relating to the American Revolution, with an index. 1 2 10 Hunt (G. J.). The Historical Reader. Containing the late War, between the United States and Great Britain, from June, 18 1 2, to February, 1815. Written in the Ancient Historical Style. . . . By Gilbert J. Hunt. Third Edition . . . 121110, half morocco, gilt top. uncut. New York, j.Sjq 121 1 Hurlbert (Wm. Hy.). General McClellan and the Con- duct of the War ... 4 maps. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1864 Presentation copy from the author. 121 2 Hutchinson (Thomas). A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1769 Americana. 185 The History of Massachusetts, from the First Settlement thereof in 1628 until the year 1750. 2 vols. Salem, 1795 The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from 1749 to T 774> comprising a Detailed Narrative of the Origin and Early Stages of the American Revolution . . . Edited by the Rev. John Hutchinson. London, 1828 Together 4 vols. 8vo, calf extra. Boston, &c, 1 769-1828 1213 [Hutchinson.] The Speeches of His Excellency Governor Hutchinson, to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay. At a Session begun and held on the Sixth of January, 1773. With the Answers of His Majesty's Council and the House of Repre- sentatives respectively. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1773 12 14 [Hutchinson.] The Letters of Govkrnor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. . . . and Remarks thereon . . . together with the Substance of Mr. Wedderburn's Speech, &c. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1774 Second Edition. 1 2 15 [Hutchinson.] The Letters of Governor Hutchinson. Another copy. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1774 Second Edition. 12 16 Hymns. A Collection of, for the use of the Delaware Christian Indians of the Missions of the United Brethren in North America. Second Edition, revised and abridged by A. Luckenbach. i2mo, sheep. Bethlehem, 1847 1217 T CAZBALCETA (Joaquin Garcia). Apuntes para un Cata- 1,000 de Escritorks en Lenguas Indigenas de America. Square 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Mexico, 1866 Only 60 copies printed. No. 20. 12 1 8 I.mi.av (George). A Topographical Description" of the Western Territory of North America . . . an accurate Statement of the various Tribes of Indians ... to which is annexed a Delineation of the Laws and Government of the State of Kentucky, &c. 2 vols., 121110, calf. New York, 1793 1219 I.mi.av. A Topographical Description of the Western Ter- ritory of North America . . . to which are added, the Dis- 1 86 Americana. covery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky ... by John Filson . . . the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon . . . The Minutes of the Piankashaw Council . . . An Account of the Indian Nations, &c. 2 maps, a plan and a table. 8vo, half calf. London, 1793 Second edition. 1220 Imlay. A Topographical Description of the Western Ter- ritory of North America . . . Another copy. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1793 1 22 1 Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies ... to the end of the year 1779 . . . with an Appendix. Large ?nap and 13 full-length portraits. 8vo, calf. London, 1780 Exceedingly rare. 1222 [Impressment.] The Right and Practice of Impressment as concerning Great Britain and America, considered. 8vo, half morocco. London, 18 14 Presentation copy, "with the Author's compliments." It^" See British Impressments. A. D. 18 12. No. 348. 1223 Independent Republican Documents. A Collection of the New York and Massachusetts publications issued during the Cam- paign of 1884. 8vo, half sheep. 1224 [Indians.] Some Observations on the Situation, Disposition and Character of the Indian Natives of this Continent. Small 8vo, violet calf extra, gilt leaves, pp. 59. Philadelphia, 1784 1225 [Indians.] A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity- School in Lebanon in Connecticut, New England : Founded and Carried on by That Faithful Servant of Cod, the Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheelock. The Second Edition, with an Appendix. 6$ pp., 8vo, half morocco. London, 1767 1226 [Indians.] A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Baltimore, for promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1806 1227 [Indians.] A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in the year 1795 by the Yearly Meeting of Americana. 187 Friends of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, &c., for promoting the Improvement and gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives. 8vo, half morocco. London. 1806 1228 [Indians.] Accounts of Two Attempts towards the Civili- zation of some Indian Nations in North America. i2ino, half morocco. London, 1806 A second reprint identical in matter with, and including, both of the previous items. 1229 [Indian Testament.] Nene Karighwiyoston Tsinihorigh- hoten ne Saint John The Gospel according to Saint John [in the Mohawk Language]. Post 8vo, calf. London, [1805] Indian and English on opposite pages. This copy wants the first title and 7 preliminary leaves of the Address to the Six Nations. 1230 [Indian (Chippewa) Testament.] Kekitchemanitomenahn Gahbemahjeinnunk Jesus Christ otoashke Wawweendummah- gawin. 8vo, vellum, gilt. Albany, 1833 1231 [ Indian (Chippewa) Testament.] Another copy. Cloth. Albany, 1833 1232 [Indian Treaty.] A Treaty held at the Town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Prov- inces of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations, in June, 1744. Folio, half morocco, uncut, pp 39. Philadelphia : B. Franklin, 1 744 1233 [Indian Wars.] A Brief and True Narration of the Late Wars risen in New-England. Occasioned by the Quarrelsom disposition, and Perfidious Carriage of the barbarous, Savage and Heathenish Natives There 4to, polished calf, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. 8 pages. London, 1675 1234 [Indian Wars.] A farther Brief and True Narration of the late wars risen in New-England, Occasioned by the Quarrel- some Disposition and Perfidious Carriage of the barbarous and Savage Indian Natives there. With an Account of the Light, the 19th of December last, 1675. 4U), half morocco, 12 pp. London, 1676 1 88 Americana. 1235 [Indian Wars.] A History of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States, to the commencement of the Late War ; together with an Appendix not before added to this history, containing Interesting Accounts of the Battles fought by- Gen. Andrew Jackson. 2 plates. i2mo, polished calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Pratt. Rochester, 1828 1236 Inez de la Cruz (Soror Juana). Poemas de la Unica Poetisa Americana ; Musa dezima. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Vol. I., Valencia, 1709 (3d Edition) ; II., Barcelona, 1693; III., Barzelona, 1 701. From the Andrade library, with the book-plates of the Emperor Maximilian. 1237 Inez de la Cruz (Juana). Fama, y Obras Posthumas del Fenix de Mexico, dezima Musa, Poetisa Americana, &c. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1725 1238 Informe A. N. R mo - P.M. General de el Orden de Pre- diccadores Fr. Ihoan Baptista de Marinis. Le Ofrece el Press'' Fr. Antonio Goncalez de Acuna . . . Difhnidor de la Provincia de S. Ihoan Baptista de el Peru en su nombre. En- graved title by Forstman. 4to, vellum. s. 1., 1659 An account of the state of religion in South America. 1239 [Ingersoll (Charles).] A Letter to a Friend in a Slave State, by a Citizen of Pennsylvania. A Reply to Mr. Charles Ingersoll's "Letter'' ... by M. Russell Thayer. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862 1240 [Ingherami (Tom Fedra).] De obitu illustrissimi Joannis Hispanie Principis : ad Senatum Apostolicum Oratio. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hardy. 1 2 leaves. s. 1. et a. [Roma, 1498 (?)] B. A. V., Add., No. 4. On the verso of the eleventh leaf occurs the passage: " Insulas in mari I.ybico ad illos desecisse, atque interim misisse, qui maria scrutarenturut apud ipsos Antipodas," &c. 1240^ [Inglis Treaty.] The Proceedings of the Commissioners, 19th February, 1799, in the Case of the Right Reverend Charles Inglis [Bishop of Nova Scotia]. 4to, half morocco. No title-page. 1241 I Innocent X.J Bref de Nostre Saint Pere le Pape Innocent X. sur le differend d'entre l'Evesque d'Angelopolis, ou eolonie Americana. 189 dite des Anges, en la Nouvelle Espagne dans les Indes Occi- dentales, & les P. P. Jesuites. Contenant la decision de plusiers cas importans touchant la Jurisdiction Episcopate . . . 4to, pp. 16. Rome, 1659 Text in Latin and French. 1242 Inquiry into the Fisk and Gould Gold Panic of 1869. Tes- timony before the Grand Jury. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1869 1243 Interiano (Paolo). Del Ristretto delle Historie Genovesi. Woodcut title rubricated. 4to, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Lucca, 1558 The colophon is dated 1551. 1244 [Irving (Washn.).] Illustrations of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, designed and etched by Felix O. C. Darley, for the members of the American Art Union ... 6 outline plates. Oblong 4to. New York, 1849 1245 Isolanis (Isidorus de). In hoc volumine hec continentur. De Iinperio Militantis Ecclesia? libri quattuor. Primus est de dignitate eiusdem Imperii. Secundus de Maiestate Romani Pontificis. Tertius de Concilio Generali. Quartus de vario tem- porum decursu a praedicatione evangelii usque ad linem mundi, &c. Woodcut on title, verso of title, and throughout the text. Folio, vellum. Mediolani, 15 17 B. A. V. Add., No. 49. Corner of title pieced. JACOBS ( I. AND a Large /. 1246 JACOBS (M.). Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Mary- and Pennsylvania, and the Battle of Gettysburg. c map. ]2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1S64 1247 Jackson (Andrew). Life of . . By James Parton. Portraits. &C 3 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra. New York, i860 1248 Jackson (Henry). An Account of the Churchf.s in Rhode Island . . . 8vo .cloth. Providence, 1854 1249 Jackson (T. J., " Stoneiuair''). Life and Military Career of, by Markingfield Addey. Portrait, i2ino, cloth. New York, 1863 i go Americana. 1250 [Jamaica.] A brief and perfect Journal of the late Pro- ceedings and Success of the English Army in the West Indies, Continued until June the 24th, 1655, &c, by I. S. 4to, half mo- rocco. London, 1655 The expedition sent out by Cromwell, when Jamaica was taken from the Spaniards. 1251 James (Captaine Thomas). The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James, in his intended Discovery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea, &c. Engraved map with medallion portrait. 4to, morocco, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. London, 1633 Fine copy of the first edition. 1252 [James.] The Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James, in his intended Discovery of a Northwest Passage into the South Sea . . . Second edition, revised and corrected. Map. Svo, half morocco. London, 1740 1253 James (Mrs. T. Potts). Memorial of Thomas Potts, Junior, who settled in Pennsylvania ; with an Historic-Genealogical Ac- count of his Descendants to the Eighth Generation. Portraits, &e. 4to, cloth, uncut. Cambridge : Privately printed, 1874 1254 James. A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occur- rences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. With an Appendix and Plates, by William James. 4 maps. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. London: Printed for the author, 1818 "A work of which it is not too high praise to assert that it approaches as nearly to perfection, in its own line, as any historical work perhaps ever did." — Edinburgh Review. 1255 Jameson (Mrs.). Winter Studies and Rambles in Canada. 3 vols., crown Svo, polished calf extra, by Riviere. London, 1838 1256 Jarvis (Samuel Farmar). A Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America . . . Svo, half morocco. New York, 1820 1257 Jay (John). The Life of . . . with Selections from his Cor- respondence and Miscellaneous Papers. Portrait. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1833 1258 Jay. The Battle of Harlem Plains. Svo, cloth. New York, 1876 Americana. 191 1259 [Jay (P. A.).] Opinion on the following : Is the legal title to land under water in East-Jersey, where the tide flows and re-flows, in arms of the sea, bays and rivers, vested in the State, or does the same belong to the Proprietors of East-Jersey ; and in case of a controversy, in what Court ought the same to be decided. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut, pp. 16. New York, 1824. Also a folded broadside, " An Act more effectually to prevent the Waste of Timber in this State " | New Jersey]. 1260 Jefferson (Thomas). Writings: being his Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses and other Writ- ings; with Explanatory Notes, Tables of Contents, Indices, &c, by H. A. Washington. Portraits, views, facsimiles, etc. 9 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. New York, 1853 1 26 1 Jefferson. Like of . . by Henry S. Randall. Portrait and facsimiles. 3 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. New York, 1858 1262 Jefferson. The Life of . . . with Parts of his Correspon- dence never before published and Notices of his Opinions . . . By George Tucker. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1837 1263 Jkfferson. The Domestic Life of ... by his great-grand- daughter, Sarah N. Randolph. Portrait, c>'r. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1S71 1264 Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia, written in the year 1 781, somewhat corrected and enlarged in the Winter of 1782, for the use of a Foreigner of distinction, in answer to certain queries proposed by him . . " An Eye-draught of Madison's Cave,''' and folded Table of Indian Tribes. 8vo, half calf. n. p. 1782 [Paris, 1 785] Original edition, privately printed, with the usual MS. note on the guard leaf, in the handwriting of the author — to wit : " Th: Jefferson having had a few copies of these Notes printed to offer to some of his friends & to some other estimable characters beyond that line, begs the favor of Mr. 1 talrymple to accept of one. Unwilling to expose them to the public eye, he asks the favour of Mr. Dalrymple to put them into the hands of no person on whose fidelity he cannot rely to guard them against publication. '' The Brinley copv (No. 3701) was presented to Mr. Rittenhouse. The above copy has the additional 14 pages, " Draught of a Fundamental Con stitution for the Commonwealth of Virginia." !o2 Americana. 1265 Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia . . . Illus- trated with a map, including the States of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania. 8vo, half calf. London: Stockdale, 1787 1266 Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia: with the Eye - Draught of Madison s Cave, but without the map. 8vo, half calf. London: Stockdale, 1787 1267 Jefferson. Notes on the State of Virginia . . . First hot- pressed edition. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1801 1268 Jefferys (Thomas). The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America . . Manners and Customs of the Indians, &x. 19 large maps and plans. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1761 1269 Jefferys. The Great Probability of a North West Pas- sage: deduced from Observations on the Letter of Admiral de Fonte . . . with an Appendix containing the Discovery of Part of the Coast and Inland Country of Labrador, made in 1753 . . . 3 maps. 4to, calf, gilt. London, 1768 1270 Jenkins (Sir Leoline). The Life of . . . and a compleat Series of Letters from the Beginning to the End of those Two Important Treaties [for the General Peace at Cologn and Nime- guenj, &c. By William Wynne. Portrait. 2 vols., folio, calf. London, 1724 From the library of William Wirt, with his autograph (twice repeated) in each volume, also autograph of Reverdy Johnson in Volume 2. 1 27 1 [Jennings.] Report of the Trials of the Murderers of Richard Jennings ... in the Village of Goshen on Tuesday, February 23d, 1819. With Arguments of Counsel. 8vo, half morocco. Newburgh, 1819 O'CALLAGHAN'S REPRINTS. 1272 I. Jesuit Missions. — Missio Canadensis. Epistola ex Portu- regali in Acadia transmissa ad Praepositum Generalem Societatis Jesu A. R. Pietro Biardo . . . 161 1. 1870 Only 25 copies printed. Americana. 193 II. [Lallemant.] Copie de Trois Lettres escrittes es annees 1625 et 1626. Par le P. Charles Lallemant, superieur des Mis- sions de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France. 1870 III. Lettre du Reverend Pere 1'Allemand, Superieur de la Mission des Peres Jesuites en la Nouvelle France . . . datee du 22 Novembre 1629. Paris, 1632 [reprint, 1870] IV. Canadice Missionis Ret.atio, ab anno 161 1 usque ad annum 1613, cum statu ejusdem Missionis, annis 1703 & 171c Auctore Josepho Juvencio. Romas, 17 10 [reprint, 187 1 J V. De Reg ion k et Moribus Canadensium seu Barbarorum Novge Franciaa. Auctore Josepho Juvencio. Rome, 17 10 [reprint, 187 1] VI. Relatio Rerum Gestarum in Nova-Francica Missione. Annis 1613 & 1614. t 1 ^*] VII. [Lallemant.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nou- velle France en l'annee mdcxxvi. Envoyee au Pere Hier- osme L'Allemant, par le P. Charles L'Allemant, Superieur de la Mission de la Compagnie de Jesus en Canada. Paris, 1629 [reprint, 1871J Only 25 copies printed. Together 7 vols, nmo, uncut. Albany, 1870-71 JESUIT RELATIONS. At the request of some half dozen eollectors, it has been decided to offer these Relations separately, in order to give as many as possible, an oppor- tunity of completing sets of these rarities. 1273 [Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe' en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1633. Envoyee au R. P. Barth. Jacquinot . . . Par le P. Paul le Jeune. 8vo, half morocco. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1634 1274 [Le Jeune.] Relation de se qui s'est passe' en la Nouvelle France, en l'annee 1634. Envoyee au R. Pere Provincial tie la Compagnie de Jesus en la Province de France. Par le P. Paul le Jeune. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1635 1275 [Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe' en la Nouvelle France, en Tanne 1635. Envoyee au R. Pere Provincial de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Province de France. Par le P. Paul le Jeune. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1636 At p. 113. Relation de ce qui s'est passe' aux Ilurons. . . par le I'. Brebeuf. At p. 207. Relation de quelques particularitez, du lieu & des Uabitans de l'lsle du Cap Breton. Envoyee par le P. Julien Perrault. 1634 & '35. Contains the leaf of " Privilege " and " Approbation " generally missing. ig_j. Americana. 1276 [Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1636 . . . Par le P. Paul le Jeune. 8vo, vel- lum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1637 " Notes sur la Nouvelle France," on account of a typographical error, gives but 172 pages to part first instead of 272. The second part, which is signed Jean de Brebeuf, is entitled, " Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans le pays des Hurons." 1277 [Le Jeune. j Relation de ce qui s'est passe en le Nouvelle France en l'annee 1637. . . Par le P. Paul le Jeune. Woodcut. 8vo, vellum. Rouen: Jean le Boulenger, 1638 The second part is signed Francois Joseph le Mercier. " Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la mission de la Compagnie de Jesus au pays des Hurons en l'An- nee 1637. 1278 [Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1638 . . . Par le P. Paule le Jeune. 8vo, vel- lum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1638 The second part, " Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans le pays des Hurons es annees 1637 & 163S," is signed Francois Joseph le Mercier. 1279 [Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1639 . . . Parle P. Paul le Jeune . . . 8vo. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1640 This contains the " Privilege " to both parts, and both are ended " Par le Roy en son Conseil." The variation on page 85 of the first part is continued by the frequent errors on page 86, for here half the lines have some imperfection seem- ingly caused by imperfect spacing, or a badly locked form. 1280 [Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1639 . . . Par le P. Paul Le Jeune . . . 8vo, vellum, gilt leaves. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1640 The " Privilege" to the first part is wanting, and the slight variation spoken of in the " Notes sur la Nouvelle France," No. 75, is a large B, commencing the syllable Bap, the last word of page 85 of the first part. The second part. " Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans le pays des Hurons pays de la Nouvelle France," 1638-9, ends with the " Privilege," the last words of which read, " Par le Roy en son Conseil." 1 281 [Vimont.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee mdcxl. . . . Par le P. Barthelemy Vimont . . . 8vo, vellum, gilt leaves. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1641 The second part, " Relation . . . des Hurons," is signed Hierosme Lalemant. 1282 [Vimont.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France es annees 1640 et 1641. Par le P. Barthelemy Vimont . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1642 The second part, " Relation . . aux Plurons," pages 76 and 77, are paged 67 and 68. 1283 [Vimont.] Relation. . . 1640 et 1641. Svo, vellum. Paris, 1642 '1 his duplicate is imperfect, wanting pages 67 to 78 inclusive, of the Huron Letter. Americana. 195 1284 [Vimont.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee, 1642. Envoyee au R. P. Jean Filleau. . Par le R. P. Barthelemy Vimont. . . Bound in 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1643 The second part, " Relation . . . des Hurons," is preceded by a letter signed Hier. Lallemant. 1285 [Vimont] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1642. Envoyee au R. P. Barthelemy Vimont. . . 8vo, vellum. Title mended. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1643 1286 [Vimont.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France en l'annee 1642 & 1643. Envoyee au R. P. Jean Filleau. . . Par R. P. Barthelemy Vimont. . . . 8vo, vellum, gilt leaves. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1644 Pages 306 and 307 numbered 326 and 327. 1287 [Vimont.] Relation . . . 1642 & 1643. 8vo, vellum. Paris, 1644 1288 [Vimont.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France es annees 1643 & 1644. Envoyee au R. P. Jean Filleau. . . . Par le P. P. Barthelemy Vimont . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1645 The second part, " Relation . . . des Hurons," is signed Ilierosme Lale- mant. 1289 [Vimont.] Relation . . . 1643 & 1644. Another copy. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1645 1290 [Vimont.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, es Annees 1644 & 1645 . . . Par le P. Barthelemy Vimont. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. el G. Cramoisy, 1646 &§** Lalemant's Huron Letter, p. 136. 1 291 [Lallemant et Ragueneau.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable es Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France es annees 1645 & 1646 . . . Par le Superieur des Missions. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1647 The first relation is signed (p. 6) Heirosme Lalemant. The second (p. 5). Paul Ragueneau. 1292 [Lallemant et Regueneau.] Relation . . . 1645^1646. Another copy. Vellum. Paris, 1647 1293 [Lallemant.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable es Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, sur le Grand Fleuve de S.. Laurens ... en l'annee 1647. par le Superieur des Missions . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy. 164S 1294 [ Lallemant.] Relation . . . 1647. Another copy. Svo, vellum. Paris, 1647 io6 Americana. 1295 [Lallemant et Ragueneau.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable es Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France es annees 1647 & 1648 . , . Par le Superieur des Missions . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1649 The first part is signed (p. 3) Hierosme Lalement. The second (" Relation des Hurons," p. 4) by Paul Ragueneau. 1296 [Ragueneau.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus aux Hurons, pays de la Nou- velle France, es annees 1648 & 1649. Envoyee au R. P. Hierosme Lalemant . . . Par le P. Paul Ragueneau. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1650 1297 [Ragukneau.] Relation . . . 1648 & 1649. Another copy. Vellum. Paris, 1650 1298 [Ragueneau.] Relation . . . 1648 & 1649. [Second issue.] 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1650 This (second) issue has 116 pages. 1299 [Ragueneau.] Relation de se qui s'est passe en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, aux Huros, & aux pais plus bas de la Nouvelle France, depuis l'Este de l'annee 1649, jusques a l'Este de l'annee 1650. Envoyee au R. P. Claude de Lingendes . . . Par le R. P. Paul Ragueneau . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1651 1300 [Ragueneau.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable es Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France es annees 1650 & 165 1 . . . Par le P. Paul Ragueneau . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1652 1301 [Ragueneau.] Relation . . . 1650 & 1651. Another (smaller) copy. Vellum. Paris, 1652 1302 [Rageneau.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission des Peres de la^ Compagnie de Jesus, au pays de la Nouvelle France, depuis l'Ete de l'annee 165 1, jusques a l'Ete de l'annee 1652 . . . Par le Superieur des Missions . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1653 1303 [Le Mercier ( P. Francois).] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, au pays x de la Nouvelle France, depuis l'Ete de 'Annee 1652, jusques a l'Ete de l'Annee 1653 . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1654 1304 [Le Mercier.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission des Feres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France es annees 1653 & 1654. Envoyee au R. P. Nicholas Royon . . . Par le R. P. Francois le Mercier . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: .V. et G. Cramoisy, 1655 i :' See I'll i.i-.i'i; \ 1 . Americana. 197 1 3°5 [Quien (Jean de).] Relation de ci qui s'est passe en la Mis- sion des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, au pays de la Nouvelle France es Annees 1655 & 1656. Envoyee au R. P. Louys Cellot. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1657 1306 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, es annees mil six cens cinquante six & mil six cens cinquante sept. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et G. Cramoisy, 1658 Letter from Paul Le Jeune follows the title, a letter of Le Mercier's, p. 189- 200, and another signed Paul Ragueneau, pp. 202-8. 1307 Relation . . . [ 1656 & 1657]. Another and smaller copy, though not wormed like the preceding. Vellum. Paris, 1658 1308 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des PP. de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, es annees 1657 & 1658. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1659 At pages 9 and 22 will be found letters of Paul Ragueneau. One of the rarest of the series. 1309 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, es annees mil six cent cinquante neuf & mil six cent soixante. Envoyee au R. P. Claude Boucher . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 166 1 At page 152, see Letter of P. R.Menard. T310 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France es annees 1660 & 1661 . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris : S. Cramoisy, 1662 The Epistle to the King is signed Paul Le Jeune. 131 1 [Lallemant.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France es annees 1661 & 1662. Envoyee au R. P. Andre Castillon . . . 8vo, morocco antique, gilt leaves, by Hayday. Paris : S. et S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1663 1312 [Lallemant.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France es annees 1662 <\: 1663. Envoyee au R. P. Andre Castillon. 8vo, vellum. Paris : S. et. S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1664 1313 ( Lallemant.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, es annees 1663 & 1664 . . . 8vo, morocco antique, gilt leaves, by Hayday. Paris: .V. Cramoisy & S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1665 1 3 1 4 I Lallemant.] Relation . . . 1663 & 1664 . . . Svo, vellum. Paris, 1665 iqS Americana. 13 15 [Le Mercier.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France es annees 1664 & 1665 . . . Map of the forts on Richelieu River. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. et S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1666 1316 [Le Mercier.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, es arinees 1664 & 1665 . . . Map as before. 8vo, vellum. Paris, 1666 Second issue, with the " Lettre de la R. Mere Superieure," paged 1 to 16. 13 1 7 [Le Mercier.]. Relation dece qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, aux annees mil six cent soixante cinq, & mil six cent soixante six. Envoyee au R. P. Jacques Bordier . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris: S.et S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1667 The " Lettre de la Reverende Mere Superieure" is wanting, as usual. 1318 [Le Mercier.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les annees mil six cens soixante six, & mil six cens soixante sept. Envoyee du R. P. Jacques Bordier . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris : S. et S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1668 Second issue, containing the " Lettre de la Reverende Mere," &c. , 14 pp. 1319 [Le Mercier.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remar- quable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, aux annees mil six cens soixante-sept, and mil six cens soixante-huit. Envoyee au R. P. Estienne Dechamps . . . 8vo, vellum, pp. 219. Paris: S. Mabre- Cramoisy, 1669 Sec No. 1469. 1320 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les annees 1668 & 1669. Envoyee au R. P. Estienne Dechamps . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris : S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1670 Letter of Gov. Francis Lovelace, p. 26. 132 1 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les annees 1669 & 1670. Envoyee au R. P. Estienne Dechamps . . . 8vo, vellum. Paris, 1671 Page 109, " De la Mission des Martyrs dans le pais d'Agnie ou des Iroquois Inferieurs." After p. 318, " Relation des Missions aux Ovtaovaks," pp. 1-102. 1322 [Dablon (Claude).] Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les annees 1670 & 1671. Envoyee au R. P. Jean Pinette . . . Map of Lake Superior, and woodcut on p. 154. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 1672 1323 Dablon. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les annees 1671 & 1672. Envoyee au R. P. |ean Pinette . . . Par le R. P. Claude Dablon. Map. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1673 At page 207 commences "La Sainte mort de Madame de la Peltrie." Americana. 199 1324 [Dablon.] Relation . . . Claude Dablon. Another copy, without the map. 8vo, half russia. Paris, 1673 1325 Jesuit Relations. Relations des Jesuites, Contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans les Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Quebec : Augustine Cole, 1858 The most extraordinary and valuable collection ever made of the narrative of a class of men who, two centuries before what we term civilization, had prostrated the forests, explored the vast territories covered by them, recorded the peculi- arities of the natives, and in many instances bestowed upon them the blessings of Christianity. These relations, for many years looked upon through the haze of sectarian distrust, were lightly esteemed by the students of American history, but the more their character and statements were investigated, the more important and valuable they appeared. They have become the sources from which we must draw almost all the historic material of New York and Canada, during the first century and a half of their exploration by Europeans. It was to perpetuate these monuments of the early history of Canada that Parliament ordered their publica- tion in this form." — FIELD. 1326 [Jesuit Travels.] The Travels of Several Learned Mis- SIONERS of the Society of Jesus, into divers Parts of the Archi- pelago, India, China and America. Translated from the French Original publish'd at Paris 17 13. 8vo, calf. Top of title cut. London, 17 14 1 3 2 7 [Jesuit Travels.] Travels of several learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1714 1328 Jillson (David). Genealogy of the Gillson and the Jillson Family. Coat- of- arms. 8vo, cloth. Central Falls, [876 1329 [Jogues.] Novum Belgium : An Account of New Netherland in 1643-4. By Rev. Father Isaac Jogues . . . with a Fac-simile of his Original Manuscript, his Portrait, a Map and Notes. By J. G. Shea. 4 leaves of fac-simile, portrait, map and view. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York : Privately printed, 1862 Edited for the first time from the Jesuit MS. Narrative dated 1(146. { 33° I Johnson.] Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, before the Senate . . . on Impeachment by the House of Representatives for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. 3 vols., Svo, cloth. Washington, 1868 200 Americana. iSS 1 [Johnson (Edward).] A History of New-England. From the English planting in the Yeere 1628, untill the Yeere 1652. 4to, calf, gilt edges. London, 1654 Fine copy. Best known by its alternate title " Wonder-Working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England." Contains a list of books, 2 pp., at end. 1332 Johnson (S. M.). Free Government in England and America. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 Presentation copy from the author. 1333 [Johnson (Samuel).] Taxation no Tyranny ; an Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress. 8vo, half morocco. London : T. Cadell, 1775 " This tract claims its importance from the celebrity of its author. It was written in the sixty-sixth year of his age, when he was at the meridian of his fame. Mr. Bancroft describes it as an exemplification of the tone of public sen- timent then prevailing in England. It called forth several replies, each of which is aimed at pointing out the fallacy that lurks in its title as well as in all its reasonings." 1 334 [Johnson (Stephen).] Some Important Observations, occa- sioned by, and adapted to, the Publick Fast, ordered by Authority, December 18th, A.D. 1765. On Account of the Peculiar Circum- stances of the present Day . . . 4to, half morocco, gilt top. uncut edges, title hinged. Newport : Sam. Hall, 1766 1335 Johnson (Theodore T.). Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes by the Way. 121110, calf. New York, 1S49 1336 Johnston (C). A Narrative of the Incidents attending the Capture, Detention and Ransom of Charles Johnston, of Bote- tourt County, Virginia, who was made Prisoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in the 1790. Together with an interesting Account of the Fate of his Companions . . . one of whom suf- fered at the Stake. To which are added Sketches of Indian Char- acter and Manners, with illustrative Anecdotes. 121110, boards, uncut. New York, 1S27 '337 Jollivet (M.). Annexion du Texas. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 40. Paris, 1S45 1338 Jones (Augustine). Nicholas Upsall [Genealogy, &c.]. Fron- tispiece. 8vo. Boston, 1880 Americana. 201 1339 Jones (Chas. C, Jr.). Historical Sketch of Tomo-chi-chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. 8vo, boards, uncut. Albany, 1868 Presentation copy with autograph note. 1340 Jones. Sergeant William Jasper. An Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society . . . 8vo, uncut. Albany: Printed for the Society, 1876 1341 Jones. The Dead Towns of Georgia. 8vo, cloth. Savannah, 1878 1342 Jones. Hernando de Soto. The Adventures encountered and the Route pursued by the Adelantado during his March through the Territory embraced within the present Geographical limits of the State of Georgia. Portrait on India paper. 8vo, uncut. Savannah, 1880 Printed for the author. 1343 Jones (Hugh). The Present State of Virginia. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1865 Only 50 copies printed on large paper (Xo. 35), in facsimile of the London edition of 1724. 1344 Jones (James Athearn). Traditions of the North American Indians: being a second and revised edition of "Tales of an Indian Camp.*'' Plates. 3 vols., crown Svo, half calf, gilt. London, 1 830 1345 Jones (Jo. Seawell). A Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina, from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1834 1346 Jones (Joseph, of Virginia). Letters of, 1777-1787. [Preface by W. C. Ford. I 4to, uncut. Washington, 1889 These Letters are principally to and from Washington, Madison and Jefferson. Only 250 copies printed. No. 1 13. 1347 [Jones (Paul).] The Like of Paul Jones, from Original Documents in the possession of John Henry Sherburne. Crown Svo, half morocco. London, 1825 1 348 [Jones. J 1, 11 1 and Character of the Chevai ier John Pali. [ones, a Captain in the Navy of the United States during their 202 Americana. Revolutionary War. By John Henry Sherburne. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. City of Washington, 1825 53^° For the Original Log-Book of the Serapis and Bonne Homme Richard, see Manuscripts, at end of catalogue. 1349 Jones (W. Alfred). Long Island. 8vo, paper. New York, 1863 1350 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, being the First [and Second] Session of the Third Congress, begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, December 2nd, 1793 [and Nov. 3, 1794] ... 2 vols, in 1. Folio, calf. Philadelphia: John Fenno, 1793-4 1351 Josselyn (John). New-Englands Rarities Discovered ; in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country . . . also A perfect Description of an Indian Squa, in all her Bravery ; with a Poem not improperly conferr'd upon her. Wood- cuts, and the printer's device of the " Green" Dragon. Small 8\'o, calf. London, 1672 First edition. 1352 Josselyn. An Account of Two Voyages to New-England. ... A Description of the Countrey, Natives and Creatures, with their Mercantil and Physical use ; the Government of the Countrey as it is now possessed by the English, &c. A large Chronological Table, &c, with the plate of the Dragon. Small Svo, crimson levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Pratt. London, 1674 1 353 Josselyn. An Account of Two Voyages to New-England, Made during the years 1638, 1663. By John Josselyn, Gent. [Also :] New-England's Rarities Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents and Plants of that Country. By John Josselyn, Gent. With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Tuckerman, M.A. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston: William Veazie, mdccclxv. 75 copies only printed. No. 1. Not merely reprints. The copious, interesting and valuable annotations lend a new value to the works. 1354 Joutel (M.). Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage que feu M. de ea Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver l'embouchure, & le cours de la Riviere de Missicipi, nominee a present la Riviere de Saint Louis, que traverse la Louisiane. Ou Americana. 203 Ton voit PHistoire tragique de sa mort, & plusieurs choses curieuses du nouveau monde . . . redige & mis en ordre par M, de Michel. Large map. i2mo, calf. Paris, 17 13 Joutel was the only upright member of the La Sale party, and his Journal may be relied on. 1355 [Joutel ] Mr. Joutel's Journal of his Voyage to Mexico : his Travels Eight hundred Leagues through Forty Nations of Indians in Louisana to Canada : his Account of the great River Missasipi, &c. Translated from the French. Map. 8vo. calf. London, 17 19 An Historical Journal of the late M. de la Sale's Last Voyage, which Park- man considers better than the Narratives of Cavelier or Douay. 1356 Juax et Ui.loa. Voyage Historique de PAmerique Meri- dionals . . et qui contient une Histoire des Yncas du Perou. Numerous maps and plates, by Picart, cVv. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Amsterdam, 1752 1357 Juarros (Don Domingo). A Statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America : . . . with an Account of the Conquest of the Spaniards . . . Translated by J. Baily. 2 maps. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1823 1358 [Judah (S. B. H.).] Gotham and the Gothamites. i6mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1823 A curious volume, which on its publication was rigidly suppressed, and the author imprisoned and fined. 1359 Junkin (George). Political Fallacies: an Examination of the False Assumptions . . . which have brought on this Civil War. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1863 1360 T 7"ALM (P-). Travels into North America; containing rV^ its Natural History, and a circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in general, with the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Country. The Manners of the Inhabitants, and several curious and Important Remarks on various Subjects. By Peter Kalm. . . . Translated into English by John Reinhold Forster, F.A.S. Enriched with a Map, several Cuts for the Illustration of Natural History and 204 Americana. some additional Notes. Map and 6 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1772 Second Edition. " A valuable work as regards the Natural History, Geography and State of the country at the time of the author's visit." 1361 Kane (Elisha Kent). Arctic Explorations: the Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-54-55. . . . Illustrated by upiuards of 300 engravings. ... 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 1362 Kave (Ottho). Beschryvinge Van het Heerlijcke ende Geze- gende Landt Guajana, Waer inne gelegen is de seer voorname Lant-streke genaemt Serrenamme, &c. 4to, vellum. Gravenhage: H. Hondius, [1659] Fine copy. 1363 [?ilai>c.| <©tto Witgtvin Hurtjer 25nttottrft bon IStu- XfCttrtlaittJ ttlltf ©fttafana. Einander entgegen gesetzt . . . Aus dem Hollandischen ins Hochteutsche versetzt durch T. R. G. S. C. S. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Leipzig, j 672 " And what he [Keye] does say is taken from Donck." — Asher. 1364 Keith (George). The Presbyterian and Independent Vis- ible Churches in New-England And else-where, Brought to the Test, and examined . . . With A Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Boston and New-England, to Repent, &c. And two Letters to the Preachers in Boston; and an Answer to the gross Abuses, Lies and Slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1 6 9 1 1365 Keith. A Rlply to Mr. Increase Mather's Printed Re- marks on a Sermon Preached by G. K. at Her Majesty's Chappel in Boston, the 14th of June, 1702. 4to, half morocco, title mounted. New York: Wm -Bradford, 1703 1366 Keith (Sir William). The History of the British Planta- tions in America: with a Chronological Account of the most Remarkable Things which happen'd to the First Adventurers in their several Discoveries of that New World. Part L, Containing the History of Virginia, with Remarks on the Trade and Commerce of that Colony. 2 maps. 4to, cloth. A few leaves damaged. London, 1738 This work was the first of an intended series of Colonial Histories, but no others ever appeared. Americana. 205 1367 Keith. A Collection of Papers and other Tracts. . . . 12010, calf. London, 1740 B2p = See pp. 168-214 for "A Discourse on the present State of the British Plantations in America," and other American topics. 1368 Kennedy (William). Texas: the Rise, Progress and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. 3 maps. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1841 1369 I Kennett (White).] Bikliothec/E Americans Primordia. An Attempt towards laying the Foundation of an American Library, in several Books, Papers and Writings, humbly given to the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, for the perpetual Use and Benefit of their Members, their Missionaries, Friends, Correspondents and Others concern'd in the Good Design of Planting and promoting Christianity within her Majesty's Colo- nies and Plantations in the West-Indies. By a Member of the said Society. 4to, calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. London, 1713 " In this catalogue will be found about twenty original tracts relating to New- foundland ; about fifty concerning Virginia ;' one hundred, or more, of New England: and so on in proportion to the other colonies." — Preface. " This, as far as it goes, is the best Catalogue of Books relating to America extant, the titles being copied at full length with the greatest exactness, together with name of the printer, and the number of pages in each volume. It unfortu- nately contains only the books given to the society by White Kennett, Bishop of Peterborough. It is rich in English tracts relating to New England." — Rich. The collection which it refers to has disappeared — some scattered and neglected remains of it were found a few years since among the archives of the Society at Lambeth. 1369(7 Ker (Henry). Travels through the Western Interior of the United States . . . 1808 . . . 1816: with a particular description of a great part of Mexico . . . 8vo, calf. Flizabethtown, N. J., 1816 1370 Kerr (Robert). General Collection of VoYAGF.sand Trav- els . . . forming a complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery and Commerce . . from the Earliest Ages. Maps and charts. 17 vols., 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 181 1 137 1 [ Ketchum.] Letters, Affidavits and other Documents upon which is based the Application for the Pardon of Edward P>. Ketchum. 8vo, half blue morocco. New York, 1 S66 206 Americana. 1372 [Kidd.] The Arraingment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Captain William Kidd, for Murtherand Piracy Upon Six several Indictments, at the Admiralty-Sessions, ... at the 01d-Bai!y, on Thursday the 8th, and Friday the 9th, of May, 1701 ... as also, the Tryals of Nicholas Churchill, James Howe, Robert Lam- ley, William Jenkins, . . . &c. Folio, vellum, by Matthews. London, 1701 Captain Kidd was employed by the Earl of Bellomont to act against the pirates who infested the North American coast in 1696, but turned pirate him- self. He was afterwards taken at Boston, sent to England, tried and hung with several others. 1373 [Kidd.] A Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Capt. Kidd, In two Letters. Written by a Person of Quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland. 4to, vellum. London, 1701 1374 Kidder (Frederic.) The Discovery of North America by John Cabot. A First Chapter in the History of North America. Map. ' 8x0. Boston: Privately printed, 1878 1375 King (Clarence). Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada . . . Fourth edition. With maps (2) and additions. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top. Boston, 1874 Presentation copy with autograph letter of the author inserted. 1376 King (Edward). The Great South : a Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, &c, cvC Profusely illustrated by Champney. Royal 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1875 t 3 7 7 King (Richard). Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean in 1833-5, under the command of Capt. Back. Frontispieces and map. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1836 1378 King (T. Butler). Lettre a son Exc. M. le Ministre du Com- merce. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1861 1379 [Kippis.] Considerations on the Provisional Treaty with America, and the preliminary Articles of Peace with France and Spain. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1783 1380 Knight (Madame) and Buckingham (Rev. Mr.). Journals of, from the Original Manuscripts, written in 1704 & 1710. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 1825 Americana. 207 1 38 1 Knowles (James Sheridan). The Life of ... by his son Richard Brinsley Knowles. [Revised and edited by Francis Harvey.] 4to, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. London, 1872 Only 25 copies privately printed, at the Chiswick Press, for James McHenry, Esq. For the visit of T. S. Knowles to the United States in 1834, see p. 118. 1382 Knox (Henry). Life and Correspondence of ... By Francis S. Drake. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1873 1 3^3 [Knox.] An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for The Years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760 : con- taining The Most Remarkable Occurrences of that Period; par- ticularly The Two Sieges of Quebec, &c, &c. ... By Captain John Knox. Map and 2 portraits. 2 vols., 4to, calf. London, 1769 " A very valuable collection of materials towards a History of our Late War, and Conquests in America, as well as for a Description and Natural History of the Country, in which this attentive and industrious author personally served; and the best original authority for the death of Wolfe and the Conquest of Canada." —M. Review. 1384 [Knox (William).] The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies Reviewed ; the several pleas of the Colonies in Support of their Right to all the Liberties and Privi- leges of British Subjects, and to Exemption from the Legislative Authority of Parliament, stated and considered; and the Nature of their Connection with, and Dependence on, Great Britain, shewn upon the Evidence of Historical Facts and Authentic Records. 8vo, calf. London, 1769 The Philadelphia publisher of this work [Mr. Mein] is also put forward as the author, for which he was supposed to have been persecuted by Mr- Hancock. 13S5 Kohl (J. G.). A Descriptive Catalogue of those Maps, Charts and Surveys relating to America, which are mentioned in Vol. III. of Hakluyt's Great Work. 8vo. Washington, 1857 1386 Kurzer Catechismus Vor etliche Gemeinen Jesu Ausder Refor- mirten Religion In Pennsylvania Die sich zum alten Berner Synodo halten : Herausgegeben von Joannes Bechteln Diener des Worts Gottes. 121110, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin, 1742 2o8 Americana. 1387 T ABOULAYE (Edouard). Les Etats-Unis et la France [with an English translation]. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris and Boston, 1862 1388 Laboulaye. Why the North Cannot Accept of Separation. 8vo. New York, 1863 1389 [Labrador.] Nkhiro-Iriniui aiamihe Massinahigan, Shatshe- gutsh, Mitinekapitsh, Iskuamiskutsh, Netshekatsh, Misht', Assi- nitsh, Shekutimitsh, Ekuanatsh. Ashuabmushuanitsh, Piakuaga- mitsh, Gaie missi missi nehiro-iriniui Astshitsh ka tatjits, ka kueiasku aiamihatjits ka utshi. 8vo, calf, morocco case, pp. 96. Uabistiguiatsh [Quebec], 1767 1390 [Labrador.] Nehiro-Iriniui . . . Another copy. 8vo, calf. Uabistiguiatsh, 1767 1391 Lacour (Louis). Memoire du Voiage en Russie fait en 1586 par Jehan Savvage; suivi de PExpedition de Fr. Drake en Amerique a la merae epoque. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1855 Only 1 50 copies printed. 139 2 2Lact (Joannes tit), JScscfjtu'j innate ban &2Uest= Xnfotnt. • . . tweede druck : in ontallijcke plaetsen verbetert, vermeerdert, met eenige nieuwe Caerten, beelden, van verschey- den dieren ende planten verciert. Frontispiece and 14 maps of America, in addition to many woodcut illustrations. Folio, half calf. Leyden: Elzeviers, 1630 Best edition. 1393 Laet. NoTiE ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii, de Ori- gins Gentium Americanum: et Observationes aliquot ad meli- orem indaginem difficillimre illius Qurestionis. Responsio ad Dissertationem Secundam, evic. Small 8vo, vellum. Amstelodami: Ludo. Elzevir, 1643-4 I- irst part, pp. 1 to 223. Second part, two preliminary leaves, pp. 1 to 116, Index, &c, 6 pp. 1394 [Lafayettk.] L'Esprit des Usages et des Coutumes des differens peuples. 3 vols., 8vo, calf. Londres [Paris], 1785 From the library of Lafayette, with his arms on the covers, and book-stamp on the title-pages, also certificate of his grandson Edmund. Americana. 209 1395 [Lafayette.] A Complete History of the Marquis de Lafayette . . . embracing an Account of his late Tour through the United States. Plate of the landing at Castle Garden, 1824. 8vo, calf. New York, 1826 1396 [Lafayette.] Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in Faneuil Hall, . . . September 6, 1834. By Edward Everett. Illus- trated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. ( Boston, 1834 Unique copy, with 17 portraits and 8 views inserted. 1397 Lafitau (Joseph Francois). Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. Frontis- piece, map and 14 plates. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Paris, 1733 1398 Lafitau (P.). Mceurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, cotn- parees aux Mceurs des premiers temps. Frotitispiecc, vignette, map and 41 plates. 2 vols., 4to, calf. Paris, 1724 1399 La Gloire de S. Ursule divisee en deux parties. La premiere contient PHistoire & Martyre des onze mille Vierges ... La deuxieme est un abrege de la vie d'acunes filles de S. Ursule . . . Recueillie par un Pere de la Compagnie de Jesus. 4to, vellum. Valentiennes: J. Boucher, 1659 The Ursulines of Canada are noticed on pp. 229-315. Very rare : see Harrisse's Notes. No. 106. 1400 Lahontan (Baron). New Voyages to North America. Containing an Account of the several Nations of that vast Con- tinent ... A Geographical Description of Canada ... A Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, &c. 23 maps and cuts. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1703 First English edition of a book in which " almost all the proper names are dis- torted, most of the facts disfigured, and entire episodes are pure fiction." 1401 Lahontan. Xouveaux Voyages . . . dans PAmerique Sep- tentrionale, &c. Maps and plates. 2 vols., i2ino, calf. La Haye, 17 15 1402 [Lamb.] Memoir of the Life and Times of General John Lamb, an Officer of the Revolution, who commanded the Post at West Point at the Time of Arnold's Defection, and his Correspond- ence with Washington, Clinton, &c. By Isaac Q. I, cake. Por- trait and maps. Svo, half calf. Albany, 1850 A graphic narrative- of the proceedings of the " Sons of I .iberty " prior to and during the Revolutionary War. 210 Americana. 1403 Lamb (R.). An Original and Authentic Journal of Occur- rences during the late American War, from its Commencement to the Year 1783. 8vo, half morocco. Dublin, 1809 1404 Lamb. Memoir of his Own Life. 8vo, half morocco. Dublin, 181 1 The author was engaged during the American War, as Sergeant in the Royal Welsh Fusileers, and was captured at Saratoga. 1405 Langeac (Chevalier de). Colomb dans les fers, a Ferdinand et Isabelle, apres la Decouverte de l'Amerique ; . . . precedee d'un Precis historique sur Colomb. Frontispiece, and 2 vignettes by Marillier. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Londres, 1782 1406 Langsdorff (G. H. Von). Voyages and Travels in various parts of the World, 1803-7. Map and 20 plates. 2 vols., 4to, half calf, gilt. London, 1813-14 Minus plate 9, Vol. I. An amusing account of Krusenstern's Voyage divested of all nautical matters. See Quart. Rev., IX., 433-43. XL, 285-304. Saint Francisco, pp. 172-218. 1407 Laon (I. de, Sieur Daigremont). Relation du Voyage des Francois fait au Cap de Nord en Amerique, par les soings de la Compagnie establie a Paris, & sous la conduite de M. de Royville, &c. Large folded map. Small 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves. Paris, 1654 1408 [La Plata.] Notes on the Viceroyalty of La Plata, in South America. Portrait, map, chart and 3 plans. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1808 1409 Larraiuzar (Manuel). Noticia Historica de Soconusco y su Incorporacion a la Republica Mexican a. i2mo, half morocco. Mexico, 1843 141° [ULtlS (JuTSclS.] A collection of the original tracts, as follows: I. lirCrJtSStma relation de la destruycion de las Indias . . . [with the additional four leaves]. 54 leaves in all. 1552 II. A qui se contiene una disputa o controversia: entre el Obispo do fray Bartholome de las Casas . . . y el doctor (lines de Sepulueda. 6i leaves. 1552 III A qui se cotiene treynta proposiciones muy juridicas. 10 leaves. 1552 Americana. 211 IV. Este es un tratado . . . sobre la materia de los yndios . . . 36 leaves. 1552 V. Entre los remedios . . . para reformacio de las Indias . . . [53 leaves.] 1552 VI. Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado uni- versal que los Reyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las indias ... 80 leaves. 1553 Six parts. 4to, red morocco, gilt leaves. [Seville], 1552-53 141 1 [Has (ttlHUH.] A duplicate of No. 6, as above, unbound. Seville, 1553 141 2 [ULaS (£clStlS.] A qui se contiene una disputa, o controversia: entre el Obispo don fray Bartholome de las Casas . . . y el doc- tor Gines de Sepulueda . . . sobre q el doctor cotendia, que las conquistas de las Indias contra los Indios eran licitas, y el Obispo por el contrario defendio y affirmo aver sido y fer impossible no serlo: tyranic as injustas et iniquas, &c. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy. Vallad., 1552 Fine copy. See notes on Columbus, p. 20, No. 3. A variation of this edition, having eleven lines in the colophon instead of nine, and many other peculiarities, including a different border for the title-page. 1413 [Las Casas.] Brevissima Relacion de la Destruycion de las Indias: colegida por el Obispo don Fray Bartolome de las Casas, 6 Casaus, de la Orden de Santo Domingo. 4to, vellum, rough leaves (p. 212 misplaced). Ano 1552 See No. 83 of the John Carter Brown catalogue, ed. of 1S65. This edition was published by Antonio Lacaualleria, of Barcelona, 1646. and the above copy lacks title and the leaf of License following. For further identi- fication, note the following errors in pagination, 19 for 28, 1S7 for 178, 205 for 206 and 156 and 170 unnumbered. 1414 5QLas <£asas (UartfjolomcU) tit). Tijc Spant'sf) (Tol OUtr, or Briefe Chronicle of the Acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies, called the newe World, for the space of xl yeeres . . . and nowe first translated into english by M. M. S. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, 15S3 Fine copy. 1415 [Las Casas.] Narratio Rkgionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum verissima: prius quidem per Episcopum Bartholemaium Casaum natione Hispanum Hispanice conscripta & 2i2 Americana. Anno 155 1. Hispali, Hispanice, Anno vero hoc 1598. Latine excusa. Engraved title and 1 7 etchings by de Bry and Jodo a Wigne. 4to, morocco antique, gilt leaves. Francofurti : T. de Bry a° Jo. Saurii, 1598 Fine copy. 1416 [Has (Sanaa.] -Siutflijcl trrr Spatttuc^er tyrannye in West-Indien. Waer inne verhaelt wort de moordadige schande- ijeke ende grouwelijcke seyten die de selve Spaengiaerden ghe- bruyckt hebben inde selve Landen. Mitsgaders de beschryvinghe vander ghelegentheyt seden ende aert vande selfde Landen ender Volcken. Map of America on title. 4to, polished calf, by Bedford. Amstelredam, 16 10 141 7 Las Casas. Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum verissima, &c. Engraved border to title, and 17 exquisite etchings by Jodocus a Winghe, &-'c. 4to, calf, gilt edges. Oppenheimii : J. T. de Bry, 1614 1418 [Las Casas.] Allegatione per confirmare quanto si scrive nell' Annotationi all' Auviso di Parnaso, al numero 57. Cavata dalla Vita di F. Bartolomeo dalla Casa . . . descritta da F. Michele Ho Bolognese. 4to, pp. 22. Antopoli, 162 1 1419 Las Casas. A Relation of the First Voyages and Discov- eries Made by the Spaniards in America, with an Account of their unparallel'd Cruelties on the Indians, in the destruction of above Forty Millions of People, &c. With 22 illustrations con- tained on 2 plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1699 1420 Las Casas. An Account of the First Voyages and Discov- eries made by the Spaniards in America. 16 illustrations on one plate. 8vo, calf. London, 1699 The text is the same as the other edition of this date. The title differs in this, and the Table of Contents is missing. 142 1 Las Casas. New Laws of the Indies, &c. I. Carta del Senor don frey Bartolome de las Casas al Illustre y Muy Magnifico stnor don Mercurino Arborio de Gattinara . . . q se conceda la provincia del cenu q se cuente entre la trra q se le senalare pa poner remedio a los agravios de los yndios en la trra firme. A no de mdxx. 6 leaves. 1520 II Memorial de Don Diego Colon . . . sobre la conversion Americana. 213 . . . de las gentes de las yndias . . . por pte del clerigo Casas. 6 leaves. 1520 III. Carta de Hernando Cortez . . . parescer acerca de los repartimientos de los yndios, &c. 6 leaves. 1542 IV. Carta de amonestacio del ... las Casas . . . y reme- dios de las injusticias y agravios de los yndios. 5 leaves. 1545 V. Carta de . . . las Casas . . . mostrando sa parecer sobre de q no se vendiesen los repartimientos o encomiendas de los yndios. n leaves. 1554 VI. Parescer o Determinacio de los senores theologos de Salamanca sobre de que no deben ser baptizados los yndios. 7 leaves. 154 1 The above 6 Tracts, beautifully printed by Whittingham in black- letter, with Introductions by Henry Stevens. 4to, limp morocco. London, 1S54 Only a small edition printed. 1422 Latassa (Don Felix de). Bibliotheca Antigua (y Nueva) de los Escritores Aragoneses, 1500-1 795. Portrait and 2 plates. 7 vols , 8vo, calf. Zaragonza y Pamplona, 17 96-1 801 1423 Lathrop (John). A Sermon preached to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in Boston, New-England, June 6th, 1774. 8vo, half calf. Boston, 1774 1424 Lattre (P. A. de). Campagnes des Francais a Saint-Dom- ing ue, et Refutation des reproches faits au Capitaine-General Rochambeau. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1805 MS. notes by (?) 1425 Latour {Major A. L.). Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15. With an Atlas. By Major A. Lacarriere Latour . . . Written originally in French, and Translated for the Author, by H. P. Nugent, Esq. Portrait and 8 maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1 S 1 6 The second volume contains the 8 maps alone, all mounted on linen. " Major Latour's narrative of the military events is minute ami interesting, anil the appendix contains an invaluable collection of state papers." — X. A. Revicv. 1426 Laujon (A. P. M.). Precis Historique de la Dernikre Expedition de Saint-Domingue. 8vo, half calf. Paris, (1809?) Leclercq, S55. 214 Americana. 1427 [Laurens.] Henry Laurens. [Petition, Letters, &c] 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Morrisania, 1866 Privately printed by Henry B. Dawson. 1428 Lauzun (Due de). Memoires du . . . (1 747-1 783) publies entierement conformes au Manuscrit avec un Etude sur la Vie de 1'Auteur . . . par Louis Lacour. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1858 Seconde Edition, sans suppressions et augmente'e d'une preface et de notes nou- velles. 1429 Lawson (John). A New Voyage to Carolina ; Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that Country : Together with the Present State thereof ; And a Journal Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' several Nations of Indians. Giv- ing a particular Account of their Customs, Manners, &c. 4to, half calf. London, 1709 1430 [Lay and Sandiford.] Memoirs of the Lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford ; one of the earliest public Advocates for the Emancipation of the Enslaved Africans. By Roberts Vaux. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1815 Autograph letter of Vaux inserted. 1431 Le Beau (Sr. C). Avantures du . . . ou Voyage curieux et nouveau, parmi les Sauvages de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. Dans le quel on trouvera une Description du Canada. Map and 6 fine etchings. 2 vols., i2mo, calf, gilt. Amsterdam, 1738 1432 Le Blanc (Vincent). The World Surveyed ; or, The Famous Voyages & Travailes of Vincent Le Blanc, or White, of Mar- seilles . . . rendred into English by F. B. Portrait. Folio, calf. London, 1660 For North and South America, and the West Indies, see pp. 327-407. 1433 I- 1 '- Blanc. Another copy, cut down, and portrait mounted. Folio, half russia. London, 1660 1434 Lechford (Thomas). Plain Dealing ; or, Newes from New- England. A short view of New-Englands present Government, both Ecclesiasticall and Civil, compared with the anciently-received and established Government of England, in some materiall points; fit for the gravest consideration in these times. Small 4to, half russia. London, 1642 Line copy. Americana. 215 1435 [Lechford.] New-Englands Advice to Old-England. Or, Some Observations upon New Englands Government, compared with the Ancient Government of Old-England, &c. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt leaves, by Riviere, side margins close-cropped. Printed in the Yeere 1644 The running title is " Plaine dealing, Newes from New England." 1436 Le Clercq (Chrestien). Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, qui contient Les Moeurs & la Religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, adorateurs du Soliel & d'autres Peuples de l'Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada. Small 8vo, calf extra, by Riviere- Paris, 169 1 1437 Leclerc (Ch.). Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue Rai- sonne d'une tres-precieuse Collection de Livres anciens et mo- dernes sur l'Amerique et les Philippines. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1S67 1438 Le Clercq (Father Christian). First Establishment of the Faith in New France . . . now first translated, with Notes by John Gilmary Shea. Portraits of Cartier, Champlain, &c. 2 vols., royal 8vo, uncut. New York, 1881 Only a small edition printed. No. 119. 1439 Lederer (John). The Discoveries of, In three several Marches from Virginia, To the West of Carolina, And other parts of the Continent. Begun in March, 1669, and ended in September, 1670. Together with a General Map of the whole Territory which he traversed. Collected and Translated out of Latine from his Dis- course and Writings, by Sir William Talbot. 4to, half russia. London, 1672 Fine copy. 1439^ 1>EK {Bishop Alfred). [A Biographical Sketch, Memorial Sermon, etc. I Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1888 1440 Lee (Arthur). Life of . . . with his Political and Literary Correspondence, and his Tapers on Diplomatic and Political Sub- jects ... By Richard Henry Lee. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1S29 1441 [Lee (Gen. Chas.).] Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled a " Friendly Address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our Political Confusions." 8vo, half morocco. New London, 1775 Second edition, with an " Advertisement wrote by a Gentleman in Connecti- cut." 216 Americana. 1442 Lee (C). Proceedings of a General Court Martial, Held at Brunswick, in the State of New-Jersey, by Order of His Excel- lency, General Washington, Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America, for the Trial of Major General Lee, July 4th, 1778, Major General Lord Stirling, President. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Cooperstown, N. Y., 1823 The very rare reprint of the trial of General Lee, of which a few copies only were privately printed. 1443 [Lee.] The Life and Memoirs of the late Major General Lee, second in command to General Washington, during the American Revolution, to which are added, his Political and Military Essays; also, Letters, &c. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 1813 1444 Lee. Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with Particular Reference to the Attack they contain on the Mem- ory of the Late Gen. Henry Lee. In a Series of Letters, by H. Lee. Second edition, with an Introduction and Notes by Charles Carter Lee. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia : J. Dobson, 1839 The first edition has become very rare, mainly on account of its having been rigidly suppressed, and as far as possible destroyed throughout Virginia. The worshippers of the memory of Jefferson could not bear such an expose, and there- fore it was doomed to destruction. 1445 Lee (Henry). Memoirs of the War in the Southern Depart- ment of the United States . . . with Notes and Additions by H. Lee. 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1827 1446 [Lee.] Memoir of the Life of Richard Henry Lee, and his Correspondence with the most Distinguished Men in America and Europe, Illustrative of their Characters and of the Events of the American Revolution. By his Grandson, R. H. Lee. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1825 1447 Lefebvre (Rene). Paris en Amerique. Post 8vo, half mco. Paris, 1863 1448 [Leggett (William).] Leisure Hours at Sea: being a few Miscellaneous Poems. By a Midshipman of the United States Navy. Portrait inserted. 121110, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1825 Americana. 217 1449 Leland (Charles G.). Fusang, or the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1875 1450 [Leo Africanus.] Historiale Description de 1'Afrique tierce partie du monde . . . Escrite de notre terns par Jean Leon African, premierement en langue Arabesque, puis en Toscane, & a present mise en Francois [by Jean Temporal and others]. Maps and curious woodcuts. 2 vols., folio, calf. Lyon: J. Temporal, 1556 Contains the voyages of Dedemoste, P. de Sintre, Vasco de Gama, Varthema, Alvaraz, the Letters of Vespucius, &c., &c. From the Andrade Library, No. 1,831. 1451 [Leo.J Joannis Leonis Africani, de totius African descrip- tione, Libri IX. Quibus non solum Africae regionum, insularum . . . memoriae traditas, copiose descripsit, recens in Latinam linguam conversi Joan Floriano Interprete. Small 8vo, old red morocco. Antwerpiae, 1556 Coat-of-arms painted on vellum fly-leaf. 1452 Leon (Edwin de). La Verite sur les Etats Confederes d'AMERiQUE. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1862 1453 [Leonard.] Massachusettensis: or a Series of Letters con- taining a faithful state of many important and striking facts, which laid the foundation of the Present Troubles in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay . . . By a Person of Honor upon the Spot. Svo, calf. London, 1776 Also in this volume : Speech of Edmund Burke [Feb. 11, 1780]. London, 1780 Give Us Our Rights ! A Letter . . . by John Cartwright. London, 1 7S2 [Tickell.] Anticipation . . . with Notes. Fourth Edition. London, 1778 Articles of Peace. Report of the Debates. London, 1783 1454 Leon y Gama (Antonio). Descripcion Historica y Crono- eogica de las Dos Piedras que con ocasion del nuevo empedrado que se esta formando en la Plaza principal de Mexico, se hallaron en ella el ano de 1790 . . . con Notas . . . Bustamente. Svo, half morocco. Mexico, 1832 Second edition, with 5 large folded plates. 218 Americana. 1455 [Hercijrr.] IBill tUtttoC JCttUnjS, wie des Kunigs ausz Portu- gals Schiffleiit einen grossen mann haben zu wegenbracht, beiszt Christian gross India, wieer sich vermahelthat, mit einer Junck- frawen die Christenheit Europa genannt, wurdt sein leibmit seinen glidernim anfang schimpfHich beschreiben, aber znletft Christenlich aufsgelegt, Auch wie die Junckfraw die Christenheit Europa im werde Kinder geberen, und in einer Kurtzen zeit auff wachssen, und im belffen kriegen wider den Turcken und alle ungleiibigen. Dises grossen mans und seines gemabels bedesittung wiirt Christ- enlich ausz gelegt, durch Laur Lerchen von Riedlingen. 4to, morocco antique, gilt edges, by Hayday. [ I 546] B. A. V., No. 269. 1456 Les Blancs et lks Noirs en Amerique et le Coton dans les Deux Mondes. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1862 1457 [Lescarbot (Marc). J Nova Francia: Or the Description of that part of New France, which is one continent with Virginia. Described in the three late Voyages and Plantation made by Monsieur de Monts, Monsieur du Font-Grave and Monsieur de Poutrincourt, into the countries called by the Frenchmen Pa Cadie . . . Translated ... by P. E[rondelle]. 4to, calf extra, gilt leaves. Londini, 1609 Fine copy. 1458 Lkscarbot. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, Contenant les navigations, decouvertes, & habitations faites par les Francois es Indes Occidentales & Nouvelle-France. 4 folded maps. Les Muses de la Nouvelle France. 2 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, blue calf extra, gilt leaves. Paris, 1618 Fine copy. 1459 Lescarbot. Les Muses de la Nouvelle France . . . Small 8vo, calf. Paris, 161 2 1460 Lescarbot. Le Tableau de la Suisse et autres alliez de la France es hautes Allemagnes. Anquel sont descrites les singu- larites des Alpes, & rapportees les diverses Alliances des Suisses: particulierement celles qu'ils ont avec la France. 4to, vellum. Paris, 1618 On the fly-leaf is a sonnet in the autograph of Lescarbot, relative to this work, addressed to " M. d'Escure, Marechal de camp des armees de France." Americana. 219 1461 Lester and Foster. The Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius ; with Illustrations concerning the Navigator, and the Discovery of the New World. By C. Edwards Lester and Andrew Foster. Portrait and plates. 8vo, half morocco. New Haven, 1852 Contains also : An account of the discoveries of Vasco de Gama, beyond the Cape of Good Hope; Letters of Paolo Toscanelli to Columbus; Marco Polo and his Travels; &c. 1462 Le Suire (M.). Le Nouveau Monde. Poeme. 2 vols., i2mo, half morocco, uncut. a Eleutheropolis [Paris], 1781 1463 Le Suire. Le Nouveau Monde, ou Christophe Colomb. Poeme . . . Nouvelle Edition, entierement refondue et corrigee. 8vo, calf. Damaged by water. Paris, [1800] 1464 Les Veritables Motifs de MESsiEURset Dames de la Societe de Nostre Dame de Monreal. Pour le Conversion des Suavages de la Nouvelle France. 4to, vellum. [Paris], 1643 Ilarrisse's Notes. No. 79. 1465 Letera, de la nobil cipta : novamente ritrovata alle Indie con li costumi & modi del fuo Re & foi populi ; Li modi del fuo adorare con la bella vfanza de la donne loro : & de la dua persone ermafrodite donate da quel Re al Capitano ne larmata. 4to, S pp., half morocco. Data in Peru, 1534 Reprint Milan 1839? 1466 Letter (A) From A Gentleman of the City of New-York To Another, Concerning the Troubles which happen'd in That Province in the Time of the late Happy Revolution. 4to, half morocco. New York: William Bradford, 1698 Fine copy, though the last leaf is soiled. 1467 Letter (A) concerning Libels, Warrants and the Seizure of Papers . . . [By ''the Father of Candor."] 8vo, half morocco. London, 1764 V$" P ;i £c' 57. Reference to the Zenger Trial. 1468 Letter (A) from an American, now resident in London, to a Member of Parliament, on the subject of the Restraining Proc- lamation; and containing Strictureson Lord Sheffield's Pamphlet on the Commerce of the U. S. 8vo, half morocco. 1 ,on(l(in, 1 7S4 220 Americana. 1469 Lettre Circuliare de la Mort de la Reverende Mere Catherine de S. Augustin, Religieuse Hospitaliere de Quebec, decedee le 8 May, 1668. Post 8vo (pp. 50), vellum. [1668] In the Jesuit Relation of 1669 there is an account of the death of the Reverend Mother, which is taken from a letter printed expressly to be sent to the members of the Order, the seat of which was at Caen, in Normandy. No other copy of the letter has heretofore been described. 1470 [Levis.] Sixty Years of the Life of Jeremy Lewis. 2 vols., i2mo, sheep. New York, 1831 1471 Lewis (Matthew Gregory, "Monk"). Journal of a West India Proprietor, kept during a residence in Jamaica. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1834 1472 Lewis. Orderly Book of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the Command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, from March 18, 1776, to August 28, 1776; printed from the original Manuscript, with Notes, &c, by Charles Campbell, Esq. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. Richmond, Va., i860 Only 100 copies privately printed. No I. 1473 [Lewis and Clark.] Message from the President of the United States, communicating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley and Mr. Dunbar . . . 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1806 1474 Lewis and Clark. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean in 1804-6. Maps. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1817 j^iT See Allen. 1475 Liancourt (Duke de la Rochefoucault). Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquis, and Upper Canada, in the Years 1795, 1796 and 1797, with an Authentic Account of Lower Canada. 3 7tiaps. 2 vols., 4to, half calf. London, 1799 1476 Ligon (Richard). A True & Exact History Of the Island of Barbados . . . Together with the Ingenio that makes the Sugar . . . &c. Map and 9 plates. Folio, calf. London, 1657 Autograph of Thomas Cotton, 1657. Americana. 221 1477 [Lincoln.] The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln . . . and the Attempted Assassination of William H. Seward . . . and Frederick W. Seward ... on the evening of the 14th of April, 1865. Expressions of Condolence and Sympathy, &c. Portrait. 4to, half morocco. Washington, 1867 1478 Lincoln Obsequies. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in the City of New York. By D. T. Valentine. Portrait and tinted plates. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt leaves. New York, 1866 1479 [Lincoln.] Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassina- tion of President Lincoln, &c. Argument of John A. Bing- ham. 8vo, half calf. Washington, 1865 Also in this vol., An Argument to establish the illegality of Military Commissions in the U. S. . . . by Reverdy Johnson. Baltimore, 1865 Also, Opinion on the Constitutional Power of the Military, to Try and Execute the Assassins of the President. By James Speed. Washington, 1865 i4 s ° |lLtnsci)otrn.J Jfoiju f^tttflijen Van HmscJjoten ijts Jifscouts of VovaQtn into %t IBantt & WLtut Xtftfes. Devided into foure Bookes. With 4 title-pages, frontispiece, 12 large maps and 7 small. Folio, orange levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London : John Wolfe, 1598 " This inestimable book, a treasure of all the learning respecting' the East and West Indies and the navigation thither, at the end of the sixteenth century, has been in the highest esteem for nearly a century, and was given to each ship sail- ing to India, as a log-book. Hence the many editions (6 in Hutch, 3 in French and 1 in Latin), which is also the cause why fine copies, especially with all the plates and maps, are so very rare. The description of America occupies pages 16 to 82 of the third part." — F. Mui.LER. 1481 I Linschoten. ] Navigatio ac Itinerarium Johannis Hugonis Linscotani in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam ov'c. . . . Descriptio totius Guineae, &c. ... 25 large plates. Folio, half calf. Haga>Comitis, 1599 Wants all the maps (12) and 5 plates. 14S2 [Linschoten.] Histoire de la Navigation de Jean Hugues de Finschot, Hollandois : aux Indes Orientales . . . Avec anno- tations de P>. Paludanus. Engraved title, portrait, plates and large maps and plans. Folio, half calf, 206 pages. Amsterdam, 163S The second title reads, " Le Grand Routier de la Mer. Amst., i(>}>." Third title, " Description de l'Amerique." E.tehing on title: al <• ma /. Amst., J 638. 222 Americana. 1483 [tLtttyfioto.'] SUtUrrn Uttijgotttofi ifi. Jaarf fle Hantrt- l&CPSC . . • Europa, Asia en Africa. Engraved title by Crispin dc Pas, and plates at pp. 1, 22, 10 1, 173 of the first book, and pp. 47, 71, 77 of the second. 4to, vellum. Amsterdam, 1705 The portrait of Lithgow from the Duke of Roxburgh's print is here inserted. 1484 Little Goody Twoshoes. The History of . . . commonly called Mrs. Margery Twoshoes . . . The cuts by Michael Angela. . . . Woodcuts. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Worcester : Isaiah Thomas. 1787 14S5 Livermore (George). An Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic, on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers . . . 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1862 i486 Livermore. An Historical Research respecting the Opin- ions of the Founders of the Republic, on Negroes, as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1863 Large Paper copy of the fifth edition. Only 50 printed. Presentation copy from the author. 1487 Livermore. Memoir of . . . prepared agreeably to a Reso- lution of the Massachusetts Historical Society. By Charles Deane. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Cambridge, 1869 1488 Livingston (Edward). Life of . . . By Charles Havens Hunt. With an Introduction by George Bancroft. Portrait on India paper. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 Large Paper copy. Only 50 printed. Presentation copy from the author. 1489 [Livingston.] A Memoir of the Life of William Living- ston . . . with Extracts from his Correspondence, and Notices of Various Members of his family. By Theodore Sedgwick, Jun. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1833 1490 Locke (Richard Adams). The Moon Hoax; or, a Discovery that the Moon has a Vast Population of Human Beings. . . . Woodcut and 2 large plates. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1859 1491 [Lockman (John).] Travels of the Jesuits . . . To which is now prefixed an Account of the Spanish Settlements, in America. 4 maps and 2 plates. 2 vols., Svo, sprinkled calf, red leaves. London, 1762 Second edition. Americana. 223 1492 Long (J.). Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the North Ameri- can Indians; with an Account of the Posts situated on the River St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, &c. To which is added a Vocabu- lary of the Chippeway Language. Map. 4to, calf. London: Printed for the Author, 1791 " The author engaged in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1768, and journeyed as a fur trader among the Indians of Canada for nineteen years. His knowledge of the characters, customs and domestic life of the Indians was therefore the most thorough and intimate. His relations are characterized by can- dour and intelligence, tinged a little with the disappointments which most of the servants of the Company, who have written accounts of their experiences, seem to have suffered." — Field. 1493 Long. Voyages and Travels. Another copy. With the map, but less margin. 4to, half calf. London, 1791 Book-plate of Trios Clio Rickman. 1494 Long (S. H.). Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-20. Compiled by E. James. Maps and plates, some colored. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1823 1495 [Lopez.] Vida que el Siervo de Dios Gregorio Lopez, hizo en algunos lugares de la Nueva Espafia, Principalmente en el Pueblo de Santa Fc. Por el Licencia do Francisco Losa. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1658 1496 [Lopez.] La Vida, que Hizo el siervo de Dios Gregorio Lopez, en algunos Lugares de esta Nueva Espafia. Por el licenci- ado Francisco I.ossa, Presbitero Cura, que sue en la Iglesia Cathe- dral de Mexico. . . . Coat-of-arms. Small 8vo, vellum. Lisboa, 1615 1497 [Loritz or Glareanus.] D. Henrici Glareani Pof.t.e Lau- reati de Geographia Liber Unus. 4to, half calf. Woodcut border. Basilea.', 1527 w. a. v., Xo. 142. Also in theabove volume : " I >e I.ello Rhodio, liber tres, Clementi VII. I'ont. Max. dedicati, Jacobus Fontano lirugensi autore. Haganoa.% 1527.' 1498 [Loritz or Glareanus.] Henrici Glareani, Pokt.e Lau- ueati de Geographia liber unus, ab ipso authore iam recognitus. 4to (33 leaves), vellum. Uasilea', | 152s] 1'.. A. V., No. 143. MS. notes throughout. In the woodcut border on the title-page is the familiar woodcut of the hen- pecked husband. 224 Americana. 1499 [Loritz or Glareanus.] Henrici Glareani Helvetii, Poet^e Laureati de Geographia liber unus, ab ipso authore iam novissime recognitus. 4to, vellum. Frib. Bris., 1539 B. A. V., No. 228. 1500 .[Loritz or Glareanus.] Henrici Glareani Helvetii, Poetae Laureati de Geographia Liber unus, ab ipso Authore jam novissime recognitus. 4to, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Frib. Brisg., 1543 B. II. V., 24S. 1501 Loskiel (G. H.). History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians of North America. In Three Parts. By George Henry Loskiel. Translated from the German by Christian Ignatius Latrobe. Map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: Printed for the Brethren's Society \ 1794 1502 Lossing (B. J.). The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolu- tion; or. Illustrations by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biog- raphy, Scenery, Relics and Traditions of the War for Independ- ence. By Benson J. Lossing. With several hundred engravings on wood, by Lossing and Barritt, chiefly from original sketches by the Author. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt leaves. New York: Harper cV 5 Brothers, 1851-52 Bound from selected numbers of the first edition, with brilliant impressions of the eleven hundred woodcuts. 1503 Loubat (J. F.). The Medallic History of the Untied States of America, i 776—1876 . . . With 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart, 2 vols., royal 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut edges. New York: Published by the Author, 1878 A very limited edition, elegantly printed on drawing paper manufactured expressly for this work. 1504 [Louisiana.] Arrest du Conseil d'estat du Roy, Qui Ordonne qu*il ne sera plus envoye de Vagabonds, Gens sans aveu Fraudeurs cc Criminels a la Louisianne; Que les ordres que Sa Majeste auroit pii donner a ce sujet seront changez, Et la des- tination desdits Vagabonds faite pour les autres Colonies Fran- coises. Du 9, May, 1720. 4to, red levant morocco extra, by Matthews^ 4 pp. Paris, 1720 Presumably unique, certainly of great rarity. Americana. 225 1505 [Louisiana.] An Addrkss to the Government of the United States, on the Cession of Louisiana to the French . . . 8vo, uncut. Philadelphia, 1803 1506 [Louisiana.] An Account of Louisiana: being an Abstract of Documents, in the Offices of the Departments of State and of the Treasury. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1803 r 5°7 [Louisiana.] Journal Historique de l'Etablissement dcs Francais a la Louisiane. 8vo, boards. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1831 1508 Lovell (Albert A.). Worcester in the War of the Revolu- tion : embracing the Acts of the Town from 1765 to 1783 inclusive, with an Appendix. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Worcester, 1876 1509 Lovell (J.). An Oration delivered April 2d, 1771, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commem- orate the bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. By James Lovell, A.M. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Printed by Edes and Gill, by Order of the Town of Boston, i 7 7 1 Autograph of Isaiah Thomas on title. 15 10 Lutheri Catechismus, ofwersatt pa American-Virginiste Spraket. Engraved title. 8vo, calf, with arms on side. Stockholm, 1696 Engraved title, " Catechismus Lutheri Lingua Suecico- Americana. " Page 133 commences the " Vocabularium Barbaro-Virgineorum; " p. 155 the " Vocabula Mahakuassica." This translation was made by the Rev. John Campanius. 15 1 1 Lyon (General Nathaniel). Life of . . . By Ashbel Wood- ward. Portrait and plates. i2ino, cloth. Hartford, 1862 1512 Lyrics of Loyalty. Arranged and edited by Frank Moore. i6mo, half morocco. Fdges inked. New York, 1864 15 13 [Lyttleton (Lord)?] A Letter to the Earl of Chatham on the Quebec Bill. 8yo, half morocco. London, 1774 15 14 [Lyttleton (Thomas, Lord).] Poems by a Young Noble- man, of Distinguished Abilities, lately deceased; particularly, the State of England, and the once nourishing City oi London. In a 226 Americana. Letter from an American Traveler ... in the Year 2199, to a Friend settled in Boston, &c. 4to, boards. London, 1780 Inasmuch as the poem on the " once flourishing City of London " is " Dated from the Ruinous Portico of St. Paul's," Macaulay's " New Zealander" was evi- dently anticipated. 1515 IV /T (E.).] Lettre a Napoleon III. sur l'Esclavage I y I aux Etats du Sud: par un Creole de la Louisiane. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1862 1516 M'Callum (P. F.). Travels in Trinidad . . . 1803. Large map. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Liverpool, 1805 15 17 McCarthy (Carlton). Detailed Minutiae of Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865. Illustrations by Sheppard. 121110, cloth. Richmond, 1882 15 18 Macaulay (Catharine). An Address to the People of England, Scotland and Ireland, on the present Important Crisis of Affairs. 8vo, half morocco. Bath, 1775 Second edition. 1519 [McClellan (Geo. B.).j Report of the Secretary of War, communicating the Report of Captain George B. McClellan . . . one of the Officers sent to the Seat of War in Europe, in 1855 and 1856. Large 7nap and woodcuts. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Washington, 1857 Presentation copy from McClellan. 1520 McClellan. Life, Campaigns and Public Services of. Portrait. 12 mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1864 152 r McClellan. Army of the Potomac. Report of Major-General George B. McClellan, Aug. 4, 1863. With an Account of the Campaign in Western Virginia. Maps. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1S64 Large Paper. 250 copies printed. Presentation copy from McClellan. t'Vf Lor the original draft of the above see Manuscripts. 1522 McClellan. Report on the . . . Army of the Potomac: to which is added an Account of the Campaign in Western Virginia. Battle-plans. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 Americana. 227 1523 [McClellan.] Letter of the Secretary of War [E. M. Stanton] transmitting McClellan's Report. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1864 1524 McClellan. Oration [Battle Monument at West Point, &c.]. 8vo, boards. New York, 1864 Presentation copy. 1525 [McClellan.] Tardy George [a Poem]. 4to, half morocco. New York, 1865 Only 60 copies privately printed. 1526 M'Clung (John A.). Sketches of Western Adventure, con- taining an Account of the most interesting Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West from 1755 to 1794, with an Appendix. Woodcuts, nmo, cloth. Dayton (O.), 1852 1527 Macdouall (John). Narrative of a Voyage to Patagonia and Terra del Fuego, through the Straits of Magellan, in 1826-7. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1833 1527*7 M'Gauran (Major Edward). The Memoirs of . . . Lieu- tenant in the British Army in America. Interspersed with many interesting Anecdotes, &c. 2 vols., post 8vo, uncut. London: Printed for the . . . Author, 17S6 The title of Vol. 1 calls for 3 volumes, but in the second volume this is altered to two. The gallant Major is scarcely discreet in his amours, certainly he does not omit details. 1528 M'Henry (James). A Letter to the Honourable the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States [on mis- appropriation of monies] . . . Dec. 28, 1802. 8vo, half morocco. Corner of one leaf torn. Baltimore, 1803 Autograph signature at end of Preface. 1529 Mackenzie (Alex. Slidell). Defence [in the] Case of the Somers' Mutiny. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1843 1530 Mackenzie (R.). Strictures on Lt. Col. Takleton's His- tory of the Campaigns of 1780 and '81, in the Southern Provinces of North. America. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1 787 228 Americana. 1531 Macleane (Laughlin). An Essay on the Expediency of Inoculation and the Seasons most proper for it. Humbly Inscribed to The Inhabitants of Philadelphia. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, rough edges. Philadelphia: William Bradford, 1756 Fine copy. 1532 [Macleod.] Memoirs of the Life and Gallant Exploits of the Old Highlander, Sergent Donald Macleod, who, having returned, wounded, with the corpse of General Wolfe from Quebec, was admitted an out-Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital in 1759, and is now in the CHI'd year of his Age. [By William Thomson.] Svo, half calf. London, 1791 Minus the portrait. 1533 M'Loughlin (Thomas). The [Poetical] Works of. Portrait. i2ino, half roan. Ne"w York, 1837 1534 McMahon (John V. L.). An Historical View of the Gov- ernment of Maryland, from its Colonization to the present day. Vol. I. (all published). Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Baltimore, 1831 1535 McSherry (James). History of Maryland ; from its First Settlement in 1634, to the year 1848. Frontispiece and portraits. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1849 1536 Madison. The Papers of James Madison, purchased by Order of Congress ; being his Correspondence and Reports of Debates during the Congress of the Confederation and his Reports of Debates in the Federal Convention. Now published from the Original Manuscripts, under the Superintendence of Henry D. Gilpin. 3 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. Washington, 1840 1 537 [Madrigano.] ItinerariC PortugallesiCe Lusitania in India et in dem occidentem et demum ad aquilonem. [Interprete Archangelo Madrignano, etc.] Map of Africa. Folio, morocco antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Mediolani, 150S B. A. V., No. 5S. Contains the three voyages of Columbus, Vespuccius's third voyage, etc. [538 [Maffei de Volaterra.] Commentariorum urbaxorum Raphaelis Volaterraxl octo & triinnta libri, accuratius quam Americana. 229 antehac excusi, cum duplici eorundem indice secundum Tomos collecto. Item Oeconomicus Xenophontis, ab eodem latio donatus. Folio, half vellum. Basileae : Froben, 1530 B. A. V., No. 161. See verso of folio 139 for Columbus. 1539 [Maffei de Volaterra.] Commentariorum. Another copy, old calf. Basileae, 1530 1540 Maffeii (Joan. Petri). Historiatum Indicarum libri xvi : selectarum, item, ex India Epistolarum, eodem interprete, Libri iv. Accessit Ignatii Loiolae Vita, &c. Large map. Folio, calf. Colon. Agripp., 1593 1541 Maffee (Jean Pierre). L'Histoire des Indes Orientales et Occidentales . . . Traduite de Latin et Francois par M [ichelj D[eJ P[ure]. 2 vols, in 1. 4to, boards. Paris, 1665 1542 [Magni (Antonii).] Oratio in Funere Regis Catholic, [Fer- dinand]. 4to, pp. 23, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy. Neapoli, 15 16 See pp. 12 and 13 for the reference to Columbus. This copy has a foot-note in the hand-writing of Fernando Columbus, on the last leaf, from which it appears that he purchased this book at Rome, July, 15 16. B. A. V., Add., No. 47. 1543 [Mahon]. The Declaration of Independence, or Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of Indepen- dence, by Peter Force. London, 1X55 A Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the Mode of Editing the Writings of Washington, by Jared Sparks ; also, a Review of Lord Mahon's History of the American Revolu- tion. London, 1852 Letter to Jared Spares, Esq., being a Rejoinder [to the Reply], by Lord Mahon. London, 1S52 Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed during the American Revolution, referred to in the pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks, by W. B. Reed. Philadelphia, 1X52 Remarks on a " Reprint, &c," by Jared Sparks. Boston, 1853 hive tracts in 1 vol., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 1852-55 1544 Mahony (D. A.). The Prisoner of State. 121110, cloth. New York, 1S63 230 Americana. 1545 [Maine.] Collections of the Maine Historical Society Vol. I. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portland, 1831 Original edition. Contents: Willis's History of Portland, Part I.; Allen's Journal of the Expe- dition to Quebec in 1775, &c, &c. 1546 [Maine.] Collections of the Maine Historical Society. 7 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1847-76 Volume 1 of the above set is a reprint [1S65] of the original edition of 1831, with additions by William Willis. Among other valuable papers these volumes contain Gorges' Brief Narration; Levett's Voyage to New England in 1623; Indian Treaties; Willis on the Language of the Abnaquies: Pemaquid Papers; Cushman on Weymouth's Voyages, &c, &c. 1547 [Maine.] Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Second Series Documentary History of the State of Maine. Edited by William Willis. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1869-77 Contents : History of the Discovery of Maine, by J. G. Kohl. With an Appendix on the Voyages of the Cabots, by D'Avezac, maps; Hakluyt's Dis- course on Western Planting, facsimiles; &c. 1548 [Maine.] Notes, Historical, Descriptive and Personal, of Livermore, in Androscoggin (formerly in Oxford) County. 3 plwto. illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1874 The " Early History" was written by Henry Bond. 1549 Mann (James). Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812, '13, '14: to which are added Surgical Cases . . . also an Appendix . . . and Observations on the Winter Epidemic of 1 81 5-16, denominated Peripneumonia Notha, as it appeared at Sharon and Rochester . . . 8vo, half calf. Dedham, 1816 1550 Mante (Thos.) The History of the Late War in North- America, and the Islands of the West-Indies ... 18 maps and plates. 4to, calf. London, 1772 On pages 6 and 7 of this very rare work, will be found the original account from which Irving drew his description of the attempted assassination of Wash- ington by his Indian guide in 1753. 1 55 1 Manteuffel (Gustav Baron). Darstellung der Volker- seerechtlichen Grundsatze iiber die Bi. grade. 8vo, half morocco. Dorpat, i860 Americana. 231 1552 MAPS, as follows: Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale depuis Pembouchure de la Riviere St. Laurens jusques au Sein Mexique. Size 42^ by 26^ inches. " An original map of the greatest importance, undescribed and unkno\vn i drawn up evidently by Randin, Frontenac's engineer, between 1672-1682. It is the only map where the name Bazire is used to designate the Arkansas River. Bazire was a merchant of Canada, who in 1673, supported Frontenac in his design of building Fort Frontenac . . . The names La Frontenacie, Buadc l'outrelaise, <.\x., &c, lead me to believe that this is the original Randin map, described in my Notes sur la Nouvelle France, p. XXV., and No. 241, which has disappeared from the Archives of the French Navy. The sketching shows that it was drawn before the discoveries made by La Salle."— H. H. In addition to the" above piece de resistance, the following num- bers of " Notes de la Nouvelle France " are included in this volume [oblong folio, cloth] : 203. Carte de la decouuerte du Sr. Jolliet. Copy. 204. The same map, with variations. Copy. 219. Amerique septentrionale. Copy. 225. Louisiana. 226. Plan de Pentree du lac ou Ton a laisse. Copy. 227. Coast of Florida. Copy. 23S. Occidentals du Canada. Copy. 290. Hennepin's Mississippi. 292. Labrador and New France, from Ramusio. 293. Hochelaga, from Ramusio. 303. i Port Royale, ) Tross's fac-similes, 304. ( Newfoundland, &c. \ only 36 printed. 322. New France. PilinskPs fac-simile. 326. New Mexico and Florida. 327. Canada. 33S. Sanson's North America. 343. Voyage of Joliet and Marquette. 348. Canada. 359. Canada. 361. Canada. 369. Quebec. Variation undescribed. 1553 Mark an (Pedro). Arte de la Fenoua Moxa, con su Vocabu- lario, v Cathecismo. Small 8vo, vellum. [Lima|, 1701 Eight preliminary leaves, pp. 1-664. Cathecismo, pp. 1-202, India, 1 leaf. 232 Americana. 1554 [Marble (Manton).] To Red River and Beyond. Illustrated. 65 octavo pages mounted to a 4to size, half morocco, gilt leaves. New York, 1866 1555 [Marble.] Letter to Abraham Lincoln. By Manton Marble, Editor of "The World." 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 Only gg copies, privately printed. 1556 Marcy (Mrs. Mary A.). Memorial of. 8vo, cloth. Trenton, 1878 Printed for private distribution. 1557 Marcy (R. B.). Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1866 1558 Margil (Antonio). El Peregrino Septentrional Atlantk: delineado en la Exemplarissima vida del Venerable Padre Fr. Antonio Margil de Jesus . . . Escrivela el Padre Fr. Isidro Felix de Espinosa. Frontispiece by Alagarda. 4to, half calf. Valencia, 1742 1559 [Margry.] Decouvertes et Etablissements des Francais dans 1'ouest et dans le sud de 1'Amerique Septentrionale (1614-1754). Memoires et Documents Originaux, recueillis et publics par Pierre Margry. I. Voyages des Francais sur les Grands Lacs et Decouverte de l'Ohio et du Mississipi (1614-1684). Portrait of Cavelicr de La Salle. 1876 II. Lettres de Cavelier de La Salle et Correspondance relative a ses entreprises (167 8- 1685). 1877 III. Recherche des Bouches du Mississipi et Voyage a travers le Continent depuis les Cotes du Texas jusqu'a Quebec (1669- 1698). 1878 3 vols., royal 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1876-8 To be completed in 6 vols, and an Atlas. 1560 Maria Monk. Awful Disclosures of . . . in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Montreal. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1S36 1561 Marks (J. J.). The Peninsula Campaign in Virginia. Wood- cuts. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1864 Americana. 233 1562 [Marlborough Library.] Catalogue of the Books in the Library at Blenheim Palace, collected by Charles, third Earl of Sunderland. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Oxford, 1872 Only 50 copies privately printed. 1563 Marly ; or, a Planter's Life in Jamaica. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Glasgow, 1828 1564 Marquardsen (Heinrich). Der Trent-Fall. Zur Lehre von der Kriegscontrebande und dem Transportdienst der Neu- tralen. 8vo, half calf. Erlangen, 1862 1565 Marquette (J.). Recit des Voyages et des Decouvertes du R. Pere Jacques Marquette de la Compagnie de Jesus, en 1'annee 1673 et aux suivantes; la Continuation de ses Voyages par le R. P. Claude Alloiiez, et le Journal Autographe du P. Marquette en 1674 & 1675. Avec la Carte de son Voyage tracee de sa main. [Also :] Dreuillette (G.). Narrk du Voyage faict pour la Mission des Abnaquiois et des Connaissances tirez de la Nouvelle Angleterre et des dispositions des Magistrats de cette Republique pour le secours contre les Iroquois, es annees 1650 & 165T, Par le R. Pere Gabriel Dreuillette de la Compagnie de Jesus. Map and facsimile. 2 vols, bound in 1. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. [Albany, 1855 I Extremely rare. A few copies only privately printed from the original M.S. for Mr. James Lenox, exclusively for presentation. 1566 Marshall (O. H.). The Building and Voyage of the Grif- fon in 1679. 8vo, uncut. Buffalo, 1879 1567 Martin (Francois Xavier). The History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period. 2 vols., royal 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Bedford. New Orleans, 1827-9 Large paper copy, with rough edges. 1568 Martin. History of Louisiana. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New Orleans, 1827-9 Last leaf of Vol. I. missing. 1569 Martin. The History of North Carolina, from the Earli- est Period. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. New Orleans, 1829 234 Americana. 1570 Martin (Horace). Pictorial Guide to the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 185 1 15 7 1 Martin (L.). The Genuine Information, delivered to the Legislature of the State of Maryland, Relative to the Pro- ceedings of the General Convention, lately held at Philadelphia, by Luther Martin, Esquire, Attorney-General of Maryland, and one of the Delegates in the said Convention. Together with A Letter to the Hon. Thomas C. Deye, Speaker of the House of Delegates, an Address to the Citizens of the United States, and some Remarks relative to a Standing Army, and a Bill of Rights. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, Printed by Eleazer Oswald, 1788 1572 Martin de Hoyarsabal (Capitaine). Les Voyages Avan- tureux du . . . reveu & corrige. 8vo, calf, margins cropped. Bourdeaux, 1633 Cape Breton, &c, p. 203. 1573 LJHartjjr (Peter), ^nflfjfera (Pt'etro ^WartireTr').] J), JHartgrts anglf mefctolanenm's opera Heijatto liat)i)lomca (Skceani trccas |)oemata ISjHgrammata (TUHl JJf Ci)fltJJlO. Folio, superbly bound in brown morocco extra, inside panel of maroon morocco, Grolier tooling, by Marias Michel, gilt leaves [Hardy], in a case of morocco. Hispali,/£r Jacobu Corumberger, 151 1 B. A. V. Add., No. 41. Superb copy. Editio Princeps of the first Decade, with the famous map which shows the American coasts and islands from Florida to near Pernambuco. " There were two issues of this volume in one year. Several typographical errors were discovered in the copies that had been first sent out, and the conse- quence was that two new leaves were issued with the copies that remained. The title was also reprinted for these; and the two leaves which were inserted between the Decade and the poetry comprised not only a list of errata, but also an address to Ximenez, on the practical value of illustrating the text with a chart ami the Map." — QuARITCH. 1574 Martyr. . . . De orbe novo Decades. . . [et Legationes Babilonicse]. Folio, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. A leal a, 15 16 The earliest edition containing the first three " Decades." B. A. V., No. 83. 1575 Martyr. De Nuper sub d. carolo repertis Insulis, sim- ulque incolarum moribus, R. Petri Martyris, etc. 4to, vellum. Basileae, 1521 B. A. Y. , No. no. Americana. 235 1576 Martyr. Petri Martyris ab angleria mediolanen. Ora- toris clarissimi, Fernandi & Helisabeth Hispaniarum quon- dam regum a consilijs, de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe novo decades tres; quibus quicquid de inventis nuper terristraditum . . . eiusdem praeterea Legationis Babylonicae libri tres. (With the printer's device cut out of the title.) Folio, half morocco. Basileae, J. Bcbelium, 1533 See also No. 105 7A. 1577 fftartjjt. 3Tf)0 HJCCatfCS of the newe worlde or west India, Conteynyng the navigations and conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the particular description of the moste ryche and large landes and Ilandes lately founde in the west Ocean perteynyng to the inheri- taunce of the kinges of Spayne . . . translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden. 4to, calf, gilt leaves. Londini, 1555 1578 Martyr. De Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, decades tres, Petri Martyris ab Angleria, &c. Small 8vo, stamped hogskin, with clasps. Colonise, 1574 1579 Martyr. De Novo Orbe, or the Historie of the west Indies, Contayning the actes and adventures of the Spanyardes, which have conquered and peopled those Countries . . . Comprised in eight Decades . . . Whereof three, have beene formerly trans- lated into English, by R. Eden, whereunto the other five, are newly added by the Industrie, and painefull Travaile of M[ichael] Lok Gent. 4to, calf extra, gilt leaves. London, 1612 1580 [Martyr and Oviedo.J Libro Primo deli. a Historia de l'Indie Occidental] . . . scritti dal Signor Don Pietro Mar- tyre, &c. [79 leaves.] Libro Secondo delie Indie Occidentali . . . composta da Gonzalo Ferdinando del Oviedo, &c. [64 numbered and 2 unnumbered leaves. | Libro Ultimo del Sum- mario delle Indie Occidentali. [15 unnumbered leaves.] Wood- cuts ana large map. 4U), brown levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Cruel. Vinegia, 1534 Very rare. B. A. V., No. 190. 15N1 Marvin (Abijah P.). History of Worcester in the War of the Rebellion. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Worcester, 1S70 1582 Marvin. History of the Town of Lancaster, Massachusetts, from the First Settlement to the Present Time, 1643-1879. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth. Lancaster, 1879 236 Americana. 1583 [Maryland.] Proceedings of the Conventions of the Prov- ince of Maryland, held at the City of Annapolis in 1774, 1775 & 1776. Svo, sheep. Baltimore, 1836 1584 Maryland Historical Society Papers. 14 vols, (or parts), 8vo. Baltimore, 1845-58 Comprises : I. Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore : made by John P. Kennedy. 1845 II. Memoir of Benjamin Banneker ... by John H. B. La- trobe. 1845 III. A Paper upon California . . . by J. Morrison Harris. 1849 IV. American Colonial History. An Address made by Thomas Donaldson. 1849 V. The Origin and Growth of Civil Liberty in Maryland. A Discourse delivered by Geo. Wm. Brown. 1850 VI. A Sketch of the Life and Services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams . . . by Osmond Tiffany. 1851 VII. Origin and Causes of Democracy in America : a Discourse by George W. Burnap. 1853 VIII. Baltimore : a Long, Long Time Ago [a Poem], by W. B. B[uchanan]. !$53 IX. A Sketch of the Life of Benjamin Banneker ; from Notes taken in 1836. Read by J. Saurin Norris. 1854 X. African Slave Trade in Jamaica, and Comparative Treat- ment of Slaves, i S54 XI. Catalogue of the Manuscripts, Maps, Medals, Coins, Statu- ary, Portraits and Pictures; and an Account of the Library of the Maryland Historical Society ... by Lewis Mayer. 1854 XII. Martin Behaim, the German Astronomer and Cosmographer of the Times of Columbus ... by John G. Morris. 1855 XIII. Memoir of the Baron de Kalb ... by J. Spear Smith. 1858 XIV. Annual Report of the President of the Maryland Histori- cal Society, with the Constitution and By-Laws. 1858 1585 [Maryland.] A Relation of Maryland, reprinted from the London Edition of 1635: with a Prefatory Note and Appendix by Francis L. Hawks. . . . Large map. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1865 Only 50 copies printed in 4to. No. 4 pp. 240 Americana. 1604 [Mather (Increase (?) and Nathaniel).] A Disputation con- cerning Church-Members and their Children, in Answer to XXI. Questions: Wherein the State of such Children when Adult, To- gether with their Duty towards the Church, And the Churches Duty towards them is Discussed. By an Assembly of Divines meeting at Boston in New England, June 4th, 1657. 4to, half morocco. London, 1659 Fine copy. 1605 Mather (Increase). The Mystery of Israel's Salvation, Explained and Applyed; or, A Discourse concerning the General Conversion of the Israelitish Nation, &c. Small 8vo, calf. Printed in the year 1669 1606 [Mather.] A Brief History of the Warr With the Indians in New-England (from June 24, 1675, when the first English-man was murdered by the Indians, to August 12, 1676, when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal Author and Beginner of the Warr, was slain), &c. Small 4to, green levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Boston, 1676 The Boston edition of this book is so rare that no more than three perfect copies are known. The above copy has one full leaf and portions of two others executed in perfect fac-simile. 1607 Mather. A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New-England. From June 24, 1675 (when the first Englishman was Murdered by the Indians) to August 12, 1676, when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal Author and Beginner of the War, was slain, &c. 4to, green levant morocco extra, by Pratt. London, 1676 Fine copy. 1608 Mather. An Earnest Exhortation To the Inhabitants of New-England, &c. A Brief History of the Warre with the Indians in New- England. 2 vols, in 1. 4to, half russia,top margins cropped. Boston, 1676 The above copy of this remarkably rare book [the second as above] agrees with that described in the Brinley Catalogue (No. 948), excepting the transposition of the two parts and the loss of the title to " A Brief History." Pp. 15-16 would make No. 1606 almost perfect. 1609 Mather. A Further Account of the Tryals of the New- England Witches . . . To which is added, Cases of Con- Americana. 241 science Concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personating Men ... By Increase Mather (With a Postscript). 4to, half morocco. London, 1693 The first part of the work (pp. 1-10) is Deodat Lawson's " True Narrative, &c.," taken from Cotton Mather's " Wonders of the Invisible World." 16 10 Mather. A Further Account of tjie Tryals of the New- England Witches. Another copy. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt, head lines cropped. London, 1693 These copies have both titles. 161 1 Mather. De Successu Evangelii apud Indos Occiden- tales I and Orientates} in Nova-Anglia; Epistola. Ad. CI. Virum D. Johannem Leusdenum ... A Crescentio Mathero. Small 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Ultrajecti, 1699 Reprinted from the (first) London edition (" Typis J. G." 1688) 161 2 Mather. Another copy. Vellum. Ultrajecti, 1699 1613 [Mather.] The History oe King Philip's Wars, by the Rev. Increase Mather, D.I). Also, a History of the same War, by the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.I). To which are added an Introduc- tion and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Portraits. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Albany, 1862 1614 Mather. Early History of New England : being a Rela- tion of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voy- agers and First Settlers . . . with an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Albany, 1S64 Only 250 copies printed. 1615 Mather. Remarkable Provtdencks illustrative of the Ear- lier Days of American Colonization . . . with Introductory Preface by George Offor. Portrait. Post Svo, morocco extra, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1856 [616 Mather (Nathanael). Early Piety, exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, who Having become at the Age of Nineteen, an Instance of more than Common Learn- ing and Virtue, Changed Earth for Heaven, Oct. 17, 168S . . . Prefatory Epistle by Mr. Matthew Mead. Small Svo, calf. London, 1689 Also in this vol. — Several Sermons concerning Walking with Cod, and that In the Laves of Youth: preached at l!o>ton in New-England by Cotton Mather. London, ioSi). 242 Americana. 161 7 Mather (Nathanael). The Righteousness of God through Faith upon All without Difference who believe. In Two Sermons on Romans 3, 22. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. London, 1694 1618 [Mather (Richard).] An Apologie of the Churches in New-England for Church-Covenant . . . sent over in Answer to Master Bernard in the Yeare 1639. Pp. 80. 1643 Church-Government and Church-Covenant Discussed, In an Answer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New-England To two and thirty Questions, sent over to them by divers Ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with an Apologie of the said Elders in New-England for Church- Government, sent over in Answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639, &c. 88 pp. 1643 Two pamphlets in 1 vol. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. London, 1643 A second title to the first part reads, " An Answer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New-England unto Nine Positions," &c, 1643. 1619 Mather (Richard) and Tompson (William). A Modest & Brotherly Answer To Mr. Charles Herle his Book, against the Independency of Churches, &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1644 1620 [Mather (Samuel). An Attempt to Shew, That America must be Known to the Ancients ; Made at the Request, and to gratify the Curiosity, of An Inquisitive Gentleman : To which is added an Appendix, Concerning the American Colonies and some Modern Managements against them. By an American English- man, Pastor of a Church in Boston, New-England. 8.vo (pp. 35). Half morocco. Boston, New-England, J. Kneeland, 1773 Presentation copy from Dr. Mather to Gov. Sargent. "A work of equal Learning and Patriotism." "It maintains that the pos- terity of Japhet, by Magog, were the primary inhabitants of America ; a warlike people, well qualified to make those Ancient Encampments which have been dis- covered at the West." — Is. Thomas. It is so rare that Rich had never seen a copy, but refers to the Catalogue of Harvard College Library. dp See also No. 1588a. 1621 [Matthews (John).] Twenty-one Plans, with Explanations of different Actions in the West-Indies during the late War. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Chester, 1784 Americana. 243 1622 Matthews (Washington). Grammar and Dictionary of the Language of the Hidatsa (Minnetarees, Grosventres of the Mis- souri), with an Introductory Sketch of the Tribe. Royal 8vo, uncut. New York : Cramoisy Press, 1873 Shea's American Linguistics. Series II., No. i. Only ioo copies printed. 1623 Matthews. Hidatsa (Minnetaree) English Dictionary. Royal 8vo, uncut. New York : Cramoisy Press, 1874 Shea's American Linguistics. Series II., No. 2. Only ioo copies printed. 1624 [Maude (John).] Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. 8 fine plates by the author, proofs. Royal 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1826 1625 Mauduit (Israel). A Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, With Respect to their Charters and Constitution. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1774 Third edition, to which is now added the Original Charter granted to that Province in the 4th of Charles I., and never before printed in England. 1626 Maury (M. F.). The Physical Geography of the Sea. Charts. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856 1627 Maw (H. L.). Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern Provinces of Peru, and descending the River Maranon or Amazon. 8vo, half calf. gilt. London, 1829 1628 Maw. Journal. Another copy. With the targe map. Svo, half calf, gilt. London, 1829 1629 Maximiliaxi Transylvani C.esaris, a secretis Epistola, de admirabili & novissima Hispanoru in Orientem navigatione, qua vara), & nulli prius accessoe Regiones invetre sunt, cum ipsis etia Moluccis insulis beatissimis, optimo Aromatu genere refertis . . . etc. 4to, brown levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Roma;, 1^24 B. A. V., No. 124. Fine copy. 1630 Mayhew (Experience). Indian Convkrts; or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of a considerable Number of the Christianized Indians of Martha's Yinevard, in New-England. . . . 244 Americana. To which is added, Some Account of those English Ministers who have successively presided over the Indian Work in that and the adjacent Islands. By Mr. Prince. 8vo, half morocco. Water- stained. London, 1727 1631 Mayhew (Jonathan). A Defence of the Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, against An Anonymous Pamphlet falsely intitled A Candid Examination, etc. 8vo, half vellum. Boston, 1763 1632 Mayhew. Remarks on an Anonymous Tract, entitled An Answer to Dr. Mayhews Observations . . . Being a Second Defence of the said Observations. 8vo, half vellum. Boston, 1764 1633 Mayhew. The Snare broken. A Thanksgiving-Discourse, Preached At the Desire of the West Church in Boston, N. E., Friday, May 23, 1766. Occasioned by the Repeal of Stamp- Act. By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., Pastor of said Church. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 44. Boston : R. 6° S. Draper, 1766 Dedicated to the Right Honorable William Pitt, Esq. 1634 [Medici.] The Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Mag- nificent. By William Roscoe. Portrait, etc. 2 vols., 4to, calf. London, 1797 J. Mitford's copy, with autograph and MS. notes, also portraits of Roscoe, some of his MS. and newspaper cuttings, etc., inserted. ^W Americus Vespucius. Vol. 2, pp. 42-43. 1635 [Medina (Pietro da).] L'Arte del Navegar in laqual si con- tengono lere gole clechiarationi, secreti, & avisi, alia bona navega- tion neccssarii . . . tradotta de lingua Spagnola in volga Italiano, a beneficio & utilita de ciascadun Xavigante. Woodcut title, dia- grams, and, the map " Mundo Novo.''' 4to, vellum. Vinetia, 1554 The title is dated 1555. 1636 [Medina.] L'Arte de Navigeur de M. Pierre de Medine Espagnol . . . Trauduil de Castillan en Francois, avec augmenta- tion & illustration de plusieurs figures & annotations, par Nicolas oe Nicolai . . . Novellement reveu . . . par Jean oe Seville. Diagram rcoodcuts and large map. " Nouveau Monde." 4to, vellum. Rouen, 162S Americana. 245 1637 [Mela.] Cosmographia Pomponii cum figuris. 2 maps. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt over marbled leaves, by Hardy. Salmatice, 1498 B. A. V. Add., No. 8. See on back of title, 16th line : " extra islas duas extremas plurima i veniutur, nam versus occidens serenissimus hispania rum rex Ferdinadus & Helisabeth terra hibitata dista te ab occideti, p. xlv. , gradus ivenerut." 1638 [Mela.] Cosmographia Pomponii Mele: Authoris nitidissimi Tribus Libris digesta: puo qdaz Compendio Joannis Coclei, etc. 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Norinberge, 151 1 See verso of sig. F., for Americus Vespucius, etc. 1639 [Mela.] Pomponii Melae Hispani, Libri de situ orbis tres, adjectis IOachimi VAdiani Helvetii in eosdem Scholiis: Addita quoque in Geographia Catechesi & Epistola Vadiani ad Agricola dignalectu. Cum Indice summatim omnia complectete. Viennae : Lucas A/antse, 1518 Joannis Camertis minoritani, artium, et sacrse theologiae doctoris in C. IVLII Solini. nOATI2DPA. Enarrationes. Polyhistor map. Vienna:, 1520 2 vols, in 1. Folio, vellum. Vienna:, 1518-20 B. A. V., Nos. 92 and 108. 1639* Mela. Duplicate of the preceding (B. A. V., 108). Folio, half morocco. Viennae, 15 18 1640 [Mela.] Pomponii Melae de Orbis situ libri tres, accuratis- sime emendati, una cu Commetariis Joachimi Vadiani Helvetii . . . adjecta sunt prajterea loca aliquot ex Vadiani commentariis sumatim repetitia . . . rursum, Epistola Vadiani, ab eo pene adulescente ad Rudolphum Agricolam, &c. Engraved border. Folip, half morocco antique. Basileae, 1522 13. A. V., No. 112. 1640* [Mela.] Pomponii Melae de Orbis situ, &c. Engraved title. Folio, calf. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1530 13. A. V., No. 157. 1 641 Mela. Pomponii Melae de Orbis Situ libri tres, &c. Folio, calf. Parisiis, 1540 1642 Melish (John). Travels in the United States of America in the years 1S06, &c. 8 maps. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco (stained). Philadelphia, 181 2 246 Americana. 1643 Mki.moth (William). The Great Importance of a Religious Life Considered ... A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author prefixed ... by Charles Purton Cooper. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1849 Privately printed by Mr. Cooper, for presents to the Benches of Lincoln's Inn. The Index was never completed beyond p. 40S, but contains the references to John Cotton and others who afterwards came to New-England. 1644 ^Helton (ISttutoartr). Zcltyaamr en (Bretrenfttoaartrffle Zee-en Land-Reizen ; door Egypten, West-Indien, Perzien, Turkyen, Oost-Indien .... 1660-1667. Engraved title and 17 curious etchings by Luyken. 4to, vellum. Amsterdam, 1681 The plates facing pp. 210-220 afterwards appeared in the " Buccaniers of America." Edition of 16S4, part 2, pp. 1-1S, and in Ed. of 16S4, pp. 1-37. 1645 fwfelton] 23 ([Ulnar*]), ^enmerfcenstoaartrffle en Zeltljafne West-Indische Zee-en-Land-Reizen, door deCara- bische, Eylanden, Nieuw-Nederland, Virgiriien, en de Spaansche West-Indien : behelsende een seer naukeurige Beschryving der genoemde Landen, beneffens der zelver Inwoonderen, Godsdienst, Regeering, Zeden en Gewoonten vreemde Geschiedenissen en Doorvallen; Mitsgaders de Grouwelijke Wreedheden der Spajaar- den aan de Indianen gepleegt in 'tontdekken van Nieuw-Spanien, enz. en Wreedheyd der Amerikaanse Zee-Rovers tegens de Span- iaarden. Etching on title and at pp. 34 and 39. 4to, red morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Amsterdam, 1705 1646 Melvin (James). A Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the year 1775, under the Command of Colonel Benedict Arnold. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1864 Only 100 copies (Svo) printed for the Franklin Club. No. 22. The notes in this edition are more extensive than the Bradford Club issue. 1647 Mi. moire touchant l'Establissement des Peres Jesuites dans les Indes d'EsPAGNE. [Paraguay.] 121110, boards, pp. 21. s. 1., 1716 1648 Memoirk contenant le Precis des Faits, avec leurs Pieces Jus- tificatives, pour servir de Reponse aux Observations envoyees par les Ministres d'Angleterre dans les Coursde l'Europe. 121110, half morocco. Paris, 1756 Journal of Major Washington, page 109 ; also Letters of General Braddock, Win. Penn, Charles Lawrence, etc. Americana. 247 1649 Memoirs of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman, return'd from a Thirteen Years Slavery in America, where he had been sent by the Wicked Contrivances of his Cruel Uncle . . . i2mo, calf. London, 1743 1650 Memorial to the New-York Senate & Assembly, by Sundry Inhabitants of the Town of Lebanon, Madison Co., containing a Defence of the Constitution of this State. 8vo, half morocco. Hamilton, 1S26 165 1 Memorias de los Vireyes que han gobernado el Peru, durante el Tiempo del Coloniaje Espaftol, impresas de orden suprema. Large map. 6 vols., folio, cloth. Lima, 1859 A work of extreme interest, edited by M. A. Fuentes, at the desire of the Government, from important MS. relations existing in the Archives of I'eru. It ranges from the earliest time to 1790. 1652 Mendieta (Geronimo de) .Historia Eclesiastica Indiana ; la publica por primera, vez J. G. Icazbalceta. Imperial c. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New York, i860 254 Americana. 1700 [Moore.] Materials for History. Printed from Original Manuscripts. With Notes and Illustrations. By Frank Moore. First Series. [All published.] Portrait on India paper. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York : Printed for the Zenger Club, 1861 250 copies only printed. Contains the Laurens Correspondence, rarely found complete. 1 701 Moore. Rebellion Record : A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, &x. Edited by Frank Moore, . . . with an Introductory Address, on the Causes of the Struggle, and the Great Issues before the Coun- try, by Edward Everett. Portraits. 12 vols., imperial 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1 867-1 869 The work is an impartial embodiment of all that is valuable on the subject, and is for the Rebellion what Almon's Remembrancer is for the Revolution. 1702 Moore (G. H.). "Mr. Lee's Plan, March 20, 1777." The Treason of Charles Lee, Major General, Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolution. By George H. Moore. ... 2 portraits and 2 facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco. New York, i860 A manuscript, accidentally discovered, has at length settled this vexed question, to the shame of the treacherous officer. Mr. Moore has presented the subject, with notes and fac-similes, in the most careful manner. 1703 Moore. Additional Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts. 4to (pp. 16), half morocco. New York, 1866 Mr. Moore's reply to his Boston critics. 1704 Moore (John). Medical Sketches . . . the first American edition. 8vo, sheep. Providence (Rhode Island), 1794 1705 Morale Pratique des Jesuites. 121110, calf. 1683 Second volume. The 5th part containing (p. 284, &c.) " Lettre de M.de Palafox." 1706 I Morales. J Carta del Padre Pedro de Morales dela Com- pania de Jesus. Para el Muy Reverendo Padre Everardo Mercu- riano ... en que se da relacion de la Festividad que en estoe insigne Ciudad de Mexico, &c. Small 8vo, levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Gruel (one leaf pieced). Mexico, 1579 " This rare book contains the first tragedy ever written in the New World (pp. 1 10, \c), and is in five acts." — II. II. Americana. 255 1707 [Mordecal] Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856. Report of Major Alfred Mordecai of the Ordnance Depart- ment. 21 plates. 4to, half morocco. Washington, i860 Incorporated*with this Report is a translation by J. Gorgas of Schon on the Modern System of Small Arms, with 12 plates. 1708 [Moreau (J. B.).J Calendar of American Chronology illustrated by Quotations from Shakspeare. Royal Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1872 Only 60 copies (No. 2S) privately printed by Charles L. Moreau. 1709 SWorcau (IDicrre). Blare cu JHOaaracljttflc Ucsci)= ri)l)tllg van de leste Beroerten en Afval der Portugezen in Brasil. Chart on title and etchings at pp. 31, 42, 65 ami 75. 4to, vellum. Amsterdam, 1652 flgir Morei.u, see 1737. 1710 Moreno (Celso Cesare). American Interests in Asia. 8vo, pp. 40. New York, 1869 171 1 Morning and Evening Prayer (The). The Litany, Church Catechism, Family Prayers and Several Chapters of the Old and New-Testament, translated into the Mahaque Indian Language, by Lawrence Claesse . . . &rc. 4to, calf antique, gilt edges. New- York : William Bradford, 1715 The head-lines and extra title only, are in English, pp. 40-115. Fine copy. 1712 Morrell (Benj., Jr.). Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean, in 1822 -31 . . . with Life, etc. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1832 1713 [*Morris (Couverneur). ] An Answer to " War in Disguise"; or, Remarks upon the New Doctrine of England concerning Neu- tral Trade. Svo, half morocco. London, 1806 * According to Rich. 1 7 14 Morris. The Life of . . . with Selections from his Corre- spondence and Miscellaneous Papers ; detailing Events in the American Revolution, &c. By Jared Sparks. Port/ait. 3 vols., Svo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832 1715 Morse (Jedidiah). The American Geography ; or, a View of the Present Situation of the United States of America. 2 maps. Second edition. Svo, half morocco. London, 1792 256 Americana. 1 7 16 Morse. A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narrative of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820, &c, for the purpose of ascertaining the Actual State of the Indian Tribes in our Country. Map and portrait. Svo, boards, uncut. New Haven, 1822 171 7 Morse. Annals of the American Revolution . . . and some of the principal Indian Wars. 6 plates. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1824 1 7 18 [Mortimer (J.). J La Secession aux Etats-Unis et son Ori- gine ; par un Journaliste Americain. Svo, uncut. Paris, 186 1 17 1 9 Morton (Nathaniel). New-Englands Memoriall ; or, A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New- England in America ; With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New-Plimouth, &c. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Cambridge, 1669 Fine copy. 172* Morton. The New England's Memorial ; or a brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the Provi- dence of God, manifested to the Planters of New England, &c. 1 2mo, half morocco. Plymouth, 1826 1 72 1 Morton (Thomas). New English Canaan, or New Canaan. Containing an Abstract of New England, Composed in three Pookes. . . . Written by Thomas Morton, of Cliffords Inne gent, upon tenne yeares knowledge and experiment of the Country. 4to, green morocco, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Amsterdam, 1637 Fine copy. " Although this book is printed in my native place, Amsterdam, I have never seen or heard of it here." — Fred. Mui.LER. 1722 Motley (John Lothrop). The Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols., Svo, half calf antique. New York, 1856 1723 Moultrie (William). Memoirs of the American Revolution, as far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Portrait. 2 vols., post Svo, half morocco. New York, 1802 Americana. 257 1724 Mountgomery (Sir Robert). A Discourse Concerning the design'd Establishment Of a New Colony to the South of Caro- lina, in the Most delightful Country of the Universe. Large plan. 8vo, half morocco. London, 17 17 Sir Robert obtained a grant of all the land between the Rivers Altamaha and Savanna, which he called Azilia, and issued these proposals for settling it. 1725 Mourt (G.). A Relation or Iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English Aduenturers both Merchants and others. With their difficult passage, their safe arriuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended Towne of New Plimoth. As also a Relation of Fovre seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English Planters there resident. I. In a iourney to Pvckanokick the habita- tion of the Indians greatest King Massasoyt : as also their mes- sage, the answer and entertainment they had of him. II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the Kingdome of Nawset, to seeke a boy that had lost himselfe in the woods : with such accidents as befell them in that voyage. III. In their iourney to the King- dome of Namaschet, in defence of their greatest King Massasoyt, against the Narrohiggonsets, and to reuenge the supposed death of their Interpreter Tisquantum. IIII. Their voyage to the Massa- chusets, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such objections as are any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. 4to, calf. London: P tinted for lo/in Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop at the two Greyhounds in Corn hill nee re the Roy all Exchange, 1622 " Mourt's Relation" is the Chief Corner Stone of a New England Library. A fine copy despite the fact of its worn title. 1726 Mowry (Sylvester). The Geography and Resources of Ari- zona and Sonora . . . New edition, with an Appendix. Large map. Svo, cloth. San Francisco, 1S63 Presentation copy from the author. 1727 Mowry (Sylvester). Arizona and Sonora: the Geography, History and Resources of the Silver Region of North America. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Frontispiece. 121110, cloth. New York, 1 864 1728 Mowry (William A.). The Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry, of Rhode Island. Plates. Svo, uncut. Providence, 1S7S 258 Americana. 1729 [Muller.] Mus^ei Joviani Imagines artifice manu ad vivum expressse Nee minore industria Theobaldi Mulleri Marpurgensis Musis illustratce. 130 portraits within engraved borders. 4to, boards. Basilese, 1577 Includes portraits of Columbus, Cortez, Charles V., the Medicis, &c. 1730 [Muller,] Memo-ire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Navigateurs Neerlandais, reimprimes dans les Collections de De Bry et de Hulsius, et dans les Collections Hollandaises du XVII e Siecle, et sur les Anciennes Editions Hollandaises des Journaux de Navigateurs Etrangers la plupart en le possession de Frederik Muller . . . Redige par P. A. Tiele. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Amsterdam, 1867 One of the few copies printed on drawing paper. 1 73 1 Muller (F.). Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on America . . . with Bibliographical and Historical Notes . . . Fac-similes. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Amsterdam, 1872 1732 Muxoz (D. Juan Baut). Historia del Nuevo-Mundo. Map. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Madrid, 1793 Volume I., all published. The second volume is in MS. in New York. 1 733 Munro (Robert). A Description of the Genesee Country in the State of New York. 4 plates and 3 maps, some inserted. 8vo, half morocco. New York: Printed for the author, 1804 1734 Munsell's Historical Series- — as follows : I. Wilson (Commissary). Orderly Book. Expedition of the British and Provincial Army under Maj.-Gen. Jeffrey Amherst against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. Plan. 1857 II. Easton (John). A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip's Indian War of 1675 and 1676 . . . Introduction and Notes by F. B. Hough. Large colored map. 1858 III. Orderly Book of the Northern Army, at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, from October 17th, 1776, to January 8th, 1777, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes, and an Ap- pendix. Portrait and map. J 859 IV. Diary of the Siege of Detroit in the War with Pontiac: also a Narrative of the Principal Events of the Siege, by Major Robert Rogers, &c. Edited with Notes by F. B. Hough, i860 Americana. 259 V. RUTTENBER (E. M.). OBSTRUCTIONS tO the NAVIGATION of Hudson's River. Map. i860 VI. Stansbury and Odell. Loyal Verses relating to the American Revolution. Edited by Winthrop Sargent. i860 VII. Burgoyne (Lieut.-Gen. John). Orderly Book, from his Entry into the State of New York until his Surrender at Sara- toga, 1 6th October, 1777. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Map a?id portraits. i860 VIII. Early Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier and Guignas; with an Introduc- tion, Notes and an Index by J. G. Shea. 1861 IX. and X. Indian Affairs. Proceedings of the Commis- sioners of . . . appointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Introduction and Notes by F. B. Hough. Maps. 2 vols. 1861 XL Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson during the Oriskany Campaign, 1 776-1 777, Annotated by William L. Stone . . . with an Historical Introduction illustrating the Life of Sir John Johnson, by J. Watts de Peyster, &c. Portrait, etc. 1S82 XII. Haddf.n's Journal and Orderly Books. A Journal kept in Canada and upon Burgoyne's Campaign in 1776 and 1777, &c. Fac-similes, 1884 Together 12 vols. 4to (10 half morocco, gilt tops, 1 in cloth, the other unbound). Albany, 1857-84 1735 Muratori (Lodovico Antonio). II Cristianesimo fki.uk nelle missioni de' Padri della Compagnia di Gesu' nel Paraguai. Large map. 4to, half russia, uncut. Venezia, 1 743 1736 Muratori (Mr.). A Relation of the Missions of Paraguay. . . . now done into English from the French translation. 8vo, half calf. London, 1759 1 737 [Muriel (Dominique).] Cyriaci Morelli. Fasti Novi Orbis et Ordinationum Apostolicarum ad Indias pertinentium breviarium cum adnotationibus. 4to, vellum, uncut. Yenetiis, 177^ A collection of all the Orders and Decrees of the Popes, and Kings of Spain. relating to the spiritual administration of America, from its discover}- to 1771. 1738 Murphy (HenryC). The Voyage of Verrazzano: a Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America. Maps ami woodcuts. 8vo, unbound. New York: Privately printed. 1875 260 Americana. 1739 Murray (C. A.). Travels in North America, including a Summer Residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1854 1740 Murray (Hugh). Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America. Large map. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1829 1 741 [Mylius]. De Origine Animalium et Migratione Populo- rum, scriptum Abrahami Milii. Ubi inquiritur, quomodo quaque via Homines creteraque Animalia Terrestria provenerint; & post Deluvium in omnes Orbis terrarum partes & regiones; Asiam, Europam, Africam, utramque Americam, &c. i2mo, red morocco, gilt edges. Genevae, 1667 1742 [Myritii.] Opusculum Geographicum rarum, totius eius negotii rationem, mira industria et brevitate complectens, iam recens ex diversorum libris ac chartis, summa cura ac diligentia collectum & publicatum, per Joannem Myritium, &c. Portrait and mi me rou s icioodatts, the . movable diagrams in running order. Folio, vellum. Ingolstadii, 1590 The large map of the world at p. 60 contains a map of America, which in the extreme X. \V. corner bears the words " India Orientalis." N 1743 -\ T ANTUCKET PAPERS. Papers Relating to the Island of Nantucket, with Documents Relating to the Original Settlement of that Island, Martha's Vineyard, and other Islands adjacent, known as Dukes County, while under the Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Records, ... by Franklin B. Hough. Map and facsimiles. 4to, half morocco. Albany, 1856 150 copies printed for private distribution. 1744 Narragansett Club. Publications of the . . . First Series. 6 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. Providence, 1S66-74 Only 200 copies of the first three volumes printed, 170 of the fourth, 130 of the fifth, and 160 of the sixth volume. For subscribers only. Comprises : Vol. I. — A Biographical Introduction to the Writings of Roger Williams, by R. A. Guild; A Key into the Language of America, by Roger Williams, edited by J. H. Trumbull; Letter of John Cotton and Roger Williams's Reply. Vol. II. — Master John Cotton's Answer to Master Roger Williams; and Oueries of Iliirhest Consideration. Americana. 261 Vol. III. — The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution. Vol. IV. — The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody. Vol. V. — George Fox Digg'd out of his Burrowes. Vol. VI. — Letters of Roger Williams. 1745 Narrative of the Cruise of the Alabama, and List of her Officers and Men, by one of the Crew. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1864 Also in this vol. : " Our Cruise in the Confederate .States' War Steamer Ala- bama; The Private Journal of an Officer." 1746 Narrative of the North Polar Expedition, U. S. Ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis Hall commanding. Edited under the direction of the Hon. G. M. Robeson. ... by Rear- Admiral C. H. Davis. Portrait, maps and woodcuts. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1876 1747 Nason (Elias). A History of the Town of Dunstable, Massachusetts, from its earliest Settlement to the Year of Our Lord 1873. Portrait and woodcuts. 8vo. Boston, 1877 1748 Nason. A Gazetteer of the State of Massachusetts. With numerous illustrations on steel and wood. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1878 1749 Navarrete (Martin Fernandez de). Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos, que hicieron por mar los Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV., con varios documentos ineditos concernientes a la histona de la Marina Castellana y de los establecimientos Espanoles en Indias, coordinada e illustrada. 3 large maps and 2 portraits. 5 vols., 4to, calf extra, red leaves, by Riviere. Madrid, 1825-37 The first and second volumes contain the original journals, &c, of Columbus ; the third is devoted to the expeditions of Vespucius, and the fourth and fifth to the expeditions of Magellan, Eleano, Carcia de Loaisa and Alvaro de Saavedra. j 750 Navigator (The) ; or, the Trader's useful Grtide in Navigat- ing the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers . . . to which is added an Account of Louisiana. Map of Pittsburgh, &c. 1 2 mo, half morocco, gilt top. Pittsburgh: Cramer, 1806 1751 Neal (Daniel). The History of New-England, containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the 262 Americana. Country, to the year of our Lord 1700, to which is added the Present State of New-England . . . and an Appendix. Large map. 2 vols., Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. London, 1747 Portrait of Neal inserted. 1752 Neal. History of New-England, containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country to the year . . . 1700, to which is added the Present State of New- England (1720) . . . Fine map. 2 vols., 8vo, calf extra. London, 1747 Second edition, with many additions by the author. 1753 Neal. History of the Puritans . . . from the Reformation in 15 17 to the Revolution in 1688. Enlarged by J. O. Choules. 9 portraits. 2 vols., Svo, half calf. New York, 1843 1754 Neill (Edward D.). History of the Virginia Company of London, with Letters to and from the First Colony, never before printed. Portrait. 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1869 x 755 Neilson (Charles). Original, Compiled and Corrected Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, and the Memorable Battle of Bemis's Heights, September 19 and October 7, 1777, from the most authentic Sources of Information, &c. i2mo, half morocco. Albany, 1844 Minus the map. 1756 [Nelson.] Proceedings by the Bar of the United States Courts for the Second Circuit, on the Retirement of Mr. Justice Nelson from the Supreme Court of the United States. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. . New York, 1S73 1757 [Neutral Trade.] An Examination of the British Doctrine, which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade, not open in Time of Peace. Svo, half morocco (wants pp. 1-4). London, 1S10 1758 New and Old Principles of Trade compared, or a Treatise on the Principles of Commerce between Nations, &c. Svo, calf. London, 17 88 Autograph of G. Washington] on the title-page. Americana. 263 1759 [New Brittaine.] The Discovery of New Brittaine, Began August 27, Anno Dom. 1650, f Edward Bland, Merchant. „ J Abraham Woode, Captaine. ^ I Sackford Brewster, ) r , ., rr t, . ' - Gentlemen. (^ Elias Pennant, \ From Fort Henry, at the head of the Appamatuck River in Vir- ginia, to the Fals of Blandina, first River in New Britaine, which runneth West, &c. Frontispiece. 4to, morocco antique, gilt leaves. London, 165 1 1760 [New England.] An Abstract or the Lawes of New England, As they are now established. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1641 The first printed collection of the Lawes of New England. 1 76 1 New Englands First Fruits; in respect, { Conversion of some ) First of the 1 Conviction of divers ,- of the Indians. ( Preparation of sundry ) 2. Of the progresse of Learning in the Colledge at Cambridge in Massacusets Bay. With Divers other speciall Matters concern- ing that Countrey, &c. 4to, half russia. London, 1643 The first of a series of reports relative to the conversion of the Aborigines in New England. 1762 New-England's Ensigne. It being The Account of Cruelty, the Professors Pride, and the Articles of their Faith ; Signified in Characters written in blood . . . This being an Account of the Sufferings sustained by us in New-England (with the Dutch) . . . 1657, 1658. With a Letter to Iohn Indicot, and John Norton, . . . Written at Sea, by us whom the Wicked in scorn calls Quakers, &c. 4to, russia, gilt leaves. London, 1659 The foot of 4 leaves have been re-margined. 1763 New-England's Faction Discovered; or, A Brief and True Account of their Persecution of the Church of England; the Beginning and Progress of the War with the Indians; and other Late Proceedings there, in a Letter from a Gentleman of that Country, to a Person of Quality. Being, an Answer to a most false and scandalous Pamphlet lately Published; Intituled, News from New-England, &c. 4to, half morocco, uncut. [London, 1 690 | Signed C. I). 264 Americana. 1764 [New England.] The Revolution in New England Justi- fied, And the People there Vindicated, From the Aspersions cast upon them By Mr. John Palmer, In his Pretended Answer to the Declaration, Published by the Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent, on the day when they secured their late Op- pressors, who acted by an Illegal and Arbitrary Commission from the Late King James. 4to, half morocco. Boston, 1691 Preface signed, E. R. S. S. 1765 [New England.] A New and Further Narrative of the State of New-England, being A Continued Account of the Bloudy Indian-War, from March till August, 1676. Giving a Per- fect Relation of the Several Devastations, Engagements, and Transactions there ; As also the Great Successes Lately obtained against the Barbarous Indians. The Reducing of King Philip, and the Killing of one of the Queens, &c. Together with a Cata- logue of the Losses in the whole sustained on either Side, since the said War began, as near as can be collected. 8 leaves. A True Account of the most Considerable Occurrences That have hapned in the Warre between the English and the Indians in New-England, From the Fifth of May, 1676, to the Fourth of August last. ... 6 leaves. 2 vols, in 1. Folio, calf. London, 1676 The first mentioned was printed by J. H., for Dorman Newman, the last for Benjamin Billingsley. 1766 [Newfoundland Fishery.] Copy [and Extract] of a Repre- sentation [and Report] of the Lord's Commissioners for Trade t and Plantations to his Majesty, relating to the Newfoundland Trade and Fishery; dated 19th December, 1718 [17th March, 1786; 29th April, 1765]. Folio, half morocco. Pp. 22, 7, 15. London, 1793 1767 New Hampshire Historical Society. Collections of the . . . for the year 1824. 5 vols., Svo, boards, uncut. Concord, 1824-37 Minus volume 2. Comprises: Penhallow's Indian Wars; History of Concord; Ancient Docu- ments; Unpublished Letters of Washington; Notices of Indian Treaties; Annals of Charlestown; Melvin's Journal, &c. &c. 1768 [New Hampshire. Provincial, State and Town Papers of. ] Documents and Records relating to the Province of New Americana. 265 Hampshire, from the Earliest Period of its Settlement, 1623-1792. Compiled and edited by Nathaniel Bouton. 10 vols., 8vo, cloth. Concord, 1867-77 1769 New Hampshire at the Centennial. The Address of Gov- ernor Cheney, &c, &c. Compiled by J. Bailey Moore. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Manchester, 1876 1770 [New Jersey.] A Brief Account of the Province of East- New-Jarsey in America. Published by the Scots Proprietors having Interest there, &c. Pp. 15, 4to, half russia. Title pieced. Edinburgh, 1683 1 77 1 [New Jersey.] Reprint of the "Brief Account." 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Morrisania, 1867 Only a few copies printed from the edition of 10S3. 1772 [New Jersey.] The Model of the Government of the Prov- ince of East-New-Jersey in America, t Verfjm-ItcfcteXrtrerlauTrdoor d'Herstelde Zee-Vaart; Klaerlijck voorgestelt ontdeckt en aenge- wesen door manier van t' samen-spreckinge, &c. 4to, blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, rough edges, by Bedford. J 659 The author, in this work, advances the idea that a new system of colonization for New-Netherland, Florida and Guiana will materially re-animate commerce and navigation. Fine copy. i7 8 3 L^tto Nctijctiautr.J Jffrsctyrijbinaijr ban TItrfltuia, Nieuw Nederlandt, Nieuw-Engelandt, en d'Eylanden Bermudes, Berbados, en S. Christoffel. Dienstelijck voor elck een derwaerts handelende, en alle voort-planters van nieuw C'olonien. Map and 6 copper-plate cuts, including the first view of New York, page 2 1 . 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Amsterdam, 165 1 A reprint of some parts of the " Vertoogh," and of the second edition of De I -aet. i7 8 4 [Ncto-ttfCtfjCtiautt.J Bort TClijacl Van Nieuw-Nederlants Gelegentheit, Deughden, Natuerlijke Voorrechten, en byzondere bequaemheit ter bevolkingh : Mitsgaders eenige Requesten, Ver- toogen, Deductien, enz. ten dien einden door eenige Leifhebbers ten verscheide tijden omtrent 't laetst van't Jaer 166 r, gepresen- teert aen de A. A. Heeren Burgermeesteren dezer Stede, of der zelver E. E. Heeren Gecommitteerde, enz. 4to, green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bedford. Amsterdam, 1662 Fine copy. 1785 New-Nkthkrland. Laws and Ordinances of . . . [638- 1674. Compiled and translated from the original Dutch Records ... by E. B. CFCallaghan. 8vo, sheep. Albany, 1868 1786 [New York.] Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New- York. Began the 9th Day of April, 1691 ; and ended the 27th of September, 1743. Folio, calf. New York: Hugh Gainc, 1764 Title, preface 2 pages, 1-S40, and appendix, 2 pages. Fdited by Abraham Lott, Jr. 1 7 S - [New York. J A State of the Right of the Colony of New- York, with Respect To it's Eastern Boundary on Connecticut River, So far as concerns the late Encroachments under The Government 268 Americana. of New-Hampshire, and also a State of the Rights of the Colony of New- York, So far as concerns the Grants formerly made by the French Government of Canada, Of Lands on Lake-Champlain, And at and to the Southward Of 'Crown-Point . . . [also] A Narrative of the Proceedings Subsequent to the Royal Adjudication Concern- ing the Lands To the Westward of Connecticut River, lately usurped by New-Hampshire, with Remarks on the . . . Intruders, &c. 2 vols, in i. Folio, calf. New York : H. Game [&] John Holt, 1773 1788 [New York.] Transactions of the Society instituted in the State of New- York for the promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures. Parts 1 and 2. 4to, calf. New York, 1792-4 1789 [New York.] Documents relating to the Board of Health. 8vo, calf. New York, 1806 Principally on the Yellow-fever Epidemic. 1790 [New York.] To the Republicans of the State of New York : Reasons of the Government of the United States for laying an Embargo. To which is subjoined the prominent parts of the Correspondence between Mr. Rose, the British Envoy, and James Madison . . . 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1808 1 791 [New York.] Collections of the New York Historical Society for the year 1809. Volume 1. 8vo, sheep. New York, 181 1 1792 New York. Collections of the New York Historical Society. 9 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 181 1-59 " There are many papers of great merit in these volumes, among which will be found De Witt Clinton's ' Discourse on the Geographical, Political and His- torical View of the Red Men of New York'; T.a Salle's 'Account of his last Expedition and Discoveries'; Dr. Janis' ' Discourse in the Religion of the Indian Tribes of N. A.'; Verrazano's ' Voyages'; 'Indian Tradition of first Set- tlement of New York'; Lambretchten's ' History of New Netherlands'; Vander Honk's ' Description of New Netherlands '; ' Extract from De Vries' Voyages '; Juet's 'Journal of Hudson's Voyages'; ' Dermer's Letter, giving an Account of the Indians of N. E.'; Mr. II. C. Murphy's ' Complete Translation of De Vries' Voyages'; 'Narrative of Captivity, and Martyrdom of Father Jogues, by the Mohawks ';' Short Sketch of the Mohawks,' by J. Megapolensis ; ' Memoir on Dutch and Indian,' by Benson ; ' Narrative of Marquis De Nouville's Expedition against the Senecas. &:c.' " — Field. Americana. 269 1792^ New York. Proceedings of the New York Historical Society (1843-49). 7 vols., 8vo, uniform in size and binding with the " Collections." New York, 1844-50 " Among the numerous papers read before the Society, and published in these volumes, are many of more than ordinary interest, among which may be men- tioned Mr. Bartlett's ' Progress of Ethnology '; Schoolcraft's ' Aboriginal Names of New York'; Thompson's 'Indian Names of L. I.'; Schoolcraft's ' Siege and Defence of Fort Stanwix'; ' Employment of the Indians by the English in the Revolutionary War '; Van Rensselaer's ' Memoir on the French and Indian Expedition against N. Y. and the burning of Schenectady, 1689 '; Schoolcraft's ' Notices of Tumuli in Florida, and burial places of Indian Tribes'; Oilman's ' Defeat of Gen. St. Clair'; Morgan's ' Territorial Limits of the Iroquois '; Peter Wilson's 'Address on the Iroquois'; O'Callaghan's 'Jesuit Relations, with a Bibliographical Sketch of each'; 'Champlain in the Onondaga Valley '; Long's ' Ancient Architecture in America, &c.' " — Field. 1792/; New York. Collections of the New York Historical Society. Publication Fund Series. Portraits, &c. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. All yet published. New York, 1868-81 Printed for the subscribers to the fund, and not for sale. Contains, the Continuation of Chalmers's Political Annals, Letters by Cad- wallader Colden on Smith's History of New York, New York and the New Hampshire Orants, Old New York and Trinity Church, the Lee Papers, Trial of Major ( ien. Schuyler, the Montresor Journals, &c, &c. A complete SET of the Society's valuable publications. 1793 New York Historical Society. Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859 1794 New York Colonial Tracts, as follows : I. Journal of the Voyage of the Sloop Mary from Quebeck, to- gether with an Account of her Wreck off Montauk Point, L. I., Anno 1701: with Introduction and Notes by E. 15. O'Callaghan. 4to, boards, uncut. 1S66 II. Voyage of George Clarke, Esq., to America: with Intro- duction and Notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. Tablet wit/i colored coat-of-arms. 4to, boards, uncut. 1S67 IH. Voyage of the Slavers St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659, 166}, together with Additional Papers Illustrative of the Slave Trade under the Dutch. Translated from the Original MSS., with an Introduction and Notes, by E. I>. O'Callaghan. 4to, boards, uncut. 1S67 Together 3 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. Albany, 1866-67 Only 100 copies printed. No. 52. 2 70 Americana. i 795 [Nkw York.] Charter of the Marine Society of the City of New- York in the State of New- York. To which are added, the Bye-Laws and a List of the Members of the Society. 4to, half morocco. New York : F. C/iilJs, 1788 1796 [New York.] The Picture of New York, and Stranger's Guide . . . Large plan. i2ino, half calf. New York : Riley 6° Co., 1807 1797 [New York.] The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged . . . by E. B. CTCallaghan. Maps, plans and other engravings. 4 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Albany, 1850-51 1798 [New York.] Documents relative to the Colon) ae History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England and France, by J R. Brodhead, Esq. ; edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, LL.D. With colored facsimile of large old map of America, por- trait and other maps. 10 vols., royal 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Albany, 1853-58 " Dr. O'Callaghan's zeal and ability in illustrating this history of New York have for many years been well known among historical students." — Boston Historical Magazine. 1799 [New York.] Journal of the Legislative Council of the Colony of New York, began the 9th Day of April, 1691, and ended the 27th of September, 1743, |and] began the 8th Day of December, 1743, and ended the 3d of April, 1775. 2 vols., folio, half sheep. Albany, 186 r Preceding Vol. I. is an Historical Introduction by E. B. O'Callaghan. 1800 [New York.] Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York. Plan. 2 vols., i2mo, morocco. Albany, 1862 and 1870 1 80 1 [New York.] The Nature, Extent and History of the Jurisdiction of the Surrogates 1 Courts of the State of New York ; Opinion of the Hon. Charles P. Daly ... in the matter of the Estate of Joseph W. Brick, deceased. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1863 j 802 [New York.] Third and Eighty-second Annual Reports of the Regents of the University. Colored and other plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1850-69 Americana. 271 1803 New York Academy of Medicine. Dr. Purple's Valedic- tory, and Dr. Barker's Inaugural Addresses. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1879 1804 New York City during the American Revolution. Being a Collection of Original Papers (now first published) from the Manu- scripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library Association of New York City. Map. 4to, cloth, uncut. Privately printed for the Association, 1861 1805 [New York City.] Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1861-1862-1863-1864, by D. T. Valentine. Numerous plans, maps and plates, some colored. 4 vols., 121110, red morocco. New York, 186 1-4 1806 [New York.] Recollections of the Early Days of the National Guard, comprising the prominent events in the His- tory of the fanious Seventh Regiment ... By an ex-Orderly Sergeant. Frontispiece. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1868 1807 [New York.] Report of the Commissioners on the Correct Arms of the State of New York, a, plates. Svo, half morocco. Albany, 1881 1808 New York Directory for 1786, &c. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1887 Fac-simile reprint. 1809 News from New-England, being A True and last Account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives and the English Christians, and Converted Indians of New-England, <\x. 4to, polished calf, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. 8 pages. London, 1676 1S10 News from New-England, being a True and last Account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives and the English Christians and Converted Indians of New-England, No. Small 4to, half morocco. Boston, 1850 Reprinted from the rare original of 1070, with notes by Samuel (I. Drake. i8ij News from New-England, 1676. Large Paper copy, printed on one side of the sheets only, .jto, half morocco, gilt top. Albany, 1865 Only on copies printed. No. 57. 272 Americana. 1812 Niles (H.). Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America ; or, An Attempt to Collect and Preserve some of the Speeches, Orations, &c. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1822 1813 Noah (Mordecai M.). Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States in the Years 1813-14 and '15. Portrait and plates. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 181 9 1814 Noah. Travels. Another copy, minus the scarce portrait. 8vo, calf. New York, 1819 1815 Norton (John). Abel being Dead yet Speaketh ; or, The Life & Death Of that deservedly Famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1658 Fine copy. The last five pages contain Lloyd's Catalogue of Books. 1816 [Norton's Redeemed Captive.] Narrative of the Capture and Burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians in the time of the War of 1 744-1 749 and the Captivity of all those stationed there, to the number of thirty persons. Written at the time by one of the captives, the Rev. Mr. John Norton . . . now first published with Notes by Samuel G. Drake. 4to. Albany, 1870 Only 100 copies printed. 181 7 [North.] The Life of the Right Honourable Francis North, Baron of Guilford . . . wherein are inserted the Charac- ters of Sir Matthew Hale, Sir George Jeffries, Sir Leohne Jenkins, Sidney Godolphin, and others. By the Honourable Roger North. 4to, half calf. London, 1742 i8rS [North.] The History of Lord North's Administration to the Dissolution of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, half calf. London, 1 781-2 1819 North American Review (The) for 1877. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1877 Contents: Points in American Politics, by R. H. Dana, Jr. ; William Henry Seward, by Richard Grant White ; African Explorers, by Laurence Oliphant ; The Electoral Conspiracy, by J. S. Black ; America in Africa, by Gilbert Haven ; and other articles by Dr. Sam'l Osgood, Bayard Taylor, Dion Boucicault, Ceo. B. McClellan, &c, ,\x. Americana. 273 1820 Northmork (Thomas). Washington ; or Liberty Restored : a Poem, in ten books. i2ino, half morocco. Baltimore, 1809 1 82 1 Nott (Chas. C). Skktchks of the War. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1863 1822 Noyes (James). Moses and Aaron ; or, The Rights of Church and State. 4to, half morocco. London, 1661 Fine copy. 1823 'Notlcl iirttaUUtil, offering most Excellent fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. Woodcut. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. Head lines cropped. London, J609 The Epistle is signed R. I. 1824 N0U«l JlFVclUCtcl. Grundliche History Von Erfundung der grossen Landschafft Nova Francia, oder New Franckreich gen- nant, auchvon Sitten und Beschaffenheit derselben wilden Bolcher. 4to, vellum. Augspurg, 16 13 A translation of Lescarbot's Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 1825 [Nova Scotia, catc] A Memorial Humbly shewing the Past and Present State of the Land lying Waste and Un-inhabited between Nova-Scotia, and the Province of Main in New-England in America (2 leaves). An Abstract Of the Scheme of Govern- ment so far as it Relates to the Grantees (in Trust), for Settling the Land Lying between Nova-Scotia and the Province of Maine ... (2 leaves) Doctor Pinfold's State of the Cask of the Petitioner's, for Settling His Majesties waste Land . . . (2 leaves). Folio, half morocco. [London, 1 7 ? t | 1826 [Nona Scotia.] Histoire Geographique de la Nouvelle Ecosse . . . Avec une exacte Description des Bayes, Ports, Lacs, & Rivieres . . . & des Moeurs & Usages des Indiens. Small 8vo, calf. Londres, 1 749 1.S27 I Nova Scotia.] Histoire Geographique de la Nouvelle Ecosse . . . Pp. 164. Fondres, 1749 Conduitk des Francois par rapport a la Nouvelle Ecosse, depuis le Premier Etablissement de cette Colonie jusqu'u nos jours. Pp. 28 1 . Londres, 1755 Discussion So mm a irk sur les Anciennes Fimites de l'Acadie, et 274 Americana. sur les stipulations du Traite d'Utrecht qui y sont relatives. Pp. 37. Basle, 1755 3 vols, in 1. Small 8vo, vellum. Londres et Basle, 1749-55 1828 [Nova Scotia.] La Conduite des Francois Justifiee, ou Observations sur un Ecrit Anglois, institule; Conduite des Fran- cois a l'egard de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, depuis son premier Etablisse- ment jusqu'a nos jours. Par le Sieur D. L. G. D. C. i2mo, calf. Utrecht, 1756 1829 Nuovi Avisi dell' Indie di Portogallo, Riceuvti (Venuti nuovi- mente) dalli Reverendi Padri della compagnia di Giesu, tradotti della 'lingua Spagnuola nell' Italiana. Terza parte (et Quarta parte). 2 vols., 8vo, vellum. Venetia, 1562-5 1830 /^\AKES (Urian). New-England Pleaded with, And I I pressed to consider the things which concern her Peace, at least in this her Day. 4to, sprinkled calf, red edges. Cambridge, 1673 Election Sermon, May 7, 1673. 1831 Observations on the Fifth Article of the Treaty with America, and on the Necessity of appointing a Judicial Enquiry into the Merits and Losses of the American Loyalists. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1783 1832 O'Callaghan (E. B.). Jesuit Relations of Discoveries and other occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union, 1632-1672. 8vo, unbound. New York: N. Y. Hist. Socy., 1847 I ^33 O'Callaghan. A List of the Editions of the Holy Scrip- tures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to i860 : with Introduction and Bibliographical Notes. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Albany, 1861 1834 O'Callaghan. Register of New Netherland, 1626 to 1674. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Albany, 1865 1835 | TXanrcs «£oncalo ZlKruautin Trr).| 2La 2£>f StOna enteral tIC UlU fnttf (IS. ( Within engraved border. ) Folio, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Sevilla, 1535 I?. A. Y., No. 207. A few leaves mended, but withal a fine copy. 1870 Oviedo y Valdes. Historia General y Natural de las Indias, Islas y tierra-firmk del Mar Oceano . . . contejada con el codice original, enriquecida con las enmiendas y adiciones del autor e illustrada con la Vida y el juicio de las obras del mismo, per I). Jose Amador de los Rios. Maps and plates. 4 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Madrid, 185 1-5 The matter contained in the fourth volume has never before been published. 1871 Owen (D. D.). Report of the Geological Survey in Ken- tucky, made . . . 1854-1S55. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Frankfort, 1856 1872 nV\GAN (Count de). An Historical & Geographical Description of the Great Country \- River of the Am a/ones in America. Drawn out of divers Authors . . . with a Mapp of the River, and of its Provinces, being the place which Sr. Walter Rawleigh intended to conquer and plant, when he made his Voyage to Guiana. Translated by William Hamilton. Foiled nop. Small 8vo, calf antique. London. 1661 280 Americana. 1873 Pagan (Comte Blaise Francis de). Relation Historique et Geographique de la Grande Riviere des Amazones dans rAmerique. Map. 8vo, vellum. Paris, 1655 1874 Paine (Thomas). The Political Writings (and Theological Works of) . . . to which is prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Author's Life . . . Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, half green calf antique. Boston, 1856 1875 Paine, The Works of . . . Vol. 1. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia : Carey, 1797 Vol. I. contains " Common Sense," 13 numbers of the Crisis, Public Good, Letter to Raynal, Dissertations on Government, the Affairs of the Bank, and Taper Money, and Miscellanies. 1S76 Paine. Tracts, as follows : I. Rights of Man. Part I. 1792 II. Letters Addressed to the Addressers on the late Procla- mation. 1792 III. Miscellaneous Articles. Portrait by Peel. 1792 IV. Mr. Paine's Letter to Mr. Secretary Dundas. [ 1 7 9 2 J V. Rights of Man. 1795 VI. Agrarian Justice. 1797 VII. Letter ... to George Washington. 1797 VIII. The Age of Reason. Both Parts. 1795 Nine Tracts in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1792-7 1877 Paine. The Age of Reason: being an Investigation of True and of Fabulous Theology. 2 parts. London, n. d. [1795 J [also,] Dissertation on First Principles of Government. Paris, [1795] 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 1878 Paine. Dissertation on First Principles of Government. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1795 1879 Paine. Le Siecle de la Raison . . . Traduit de l'Anglais . . . par F. Lanthenas. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, [1794] icSSo [Paine.] Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, printed; New York, rep., [1776] Americana. 281 188 1 [Paine.] Additions to [Tom Paine'sJ Common Sense; ad- dressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo, half morocco. (Philadelphia) London, rep., 1776 The "Additions" were made up by Robt. Bell, the original publisher, after his quarrel with Paine, to help the sale of his (Bell's) edition in competition with the edition put forth in New York by the Bradfords, who became Paine's pu lishers. 1882 [Paine.] The American Crisis . . . Numbers 1 and 2. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1776 1883 [Paine.] Letter to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America. 8vo, half morocco, 83 pp. Philadelphia, 1782 Minus title. 1884 Paine. Letter to the People of France, and the French Armies, on the Event of the 18th Fructidor — Sep. 4 — and its Con- sequences. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1798 1885 Paine. The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1796 1886 [Paine.] Remarks on Mr. Paine's Pamphlet called the Rights of Man, in a Letter to a Friend. 8vo, half morocco. Dublin, 1791 1887 [Paine.] A Dialogue between the Ghost of General Mont- gomery just arrived from the Elysian Fields; and an American Delegate in a Wood near Philadelphia. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. I New York: Reprinted, 1865J Large paper copy. 20 copies only privately printed. No. 10. 1888 Palafox v Mendoza (Juan). El Pastor de Noche Plena, practica breve de las Virtudes conocimiento facil de los vicios, <\:c. Smalf Svo, vellum. [Mexico, 165S ?] 1889 Palafox y Mendoza. Virtudes Del Indio. Pp. 1-93. 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hardy- Men nil. Puebla de los Angeles | 165c] 1890 I Palafox y Mendoza.] Carta Pastoral del . . . Obispo de la Puebla de Los Angeles ... a las Religiosas de aquel Obispado sir viendo aquella Santa Iglesia anode i6.;i tto, pp. 20. Toledo, 1659 282 Americana. i 89 i Palmer (John). An Impartial Account of the State of New- England ; or, the Late Government there, Vindicated. In Answer to the Declaration Which the Faction set forth, when they Overturned That Government. With a Relation of the Horrible Usage they treated the Governour with, and his Council, &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1690 1892 Palou (Francisco). Noticias da la Nueva California [with an Introduction by John T. Doyle]. Photographic illustrations. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. San Francisco, 1874 Only 100 copies printed. No. 90. 1893 [Pamphlets.] I. A Friendly Address to all reasonable Americans [by Myles Cooper]. New York, 1774 II. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Con- gress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. ... By a Farmer. [Dr. Seabury.] 1774 III. The Congress Canvassed : or, an examination into the Conduct of the Delegates. . . . By " A. W." Farmer [Is. Wil- kins], [New York], 1774 IV. A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. ... By A. W. Farmer. New York, 1774 V. A Dialogue [in Verse] between a Southern Delegate and his Spouse . . . by . . . Mary V. V. 1774 VI. The Association, &c, of the Delegates of the Colonies. ... by Bob Jingle. 1774 VII. The Two Congresses Cut Up. New York, [ 1774] VIII. The Poor Man's Advice to his Poor Neighbours, a Ballad. New York, 1774 IX. Short Advice to the Counties of New York. 1774 X. The Speeches in the last Session of the present Parliament ... in favour of the Rights of America. New York, 1775 XI. The Political Family. ... By Isaac Hunt. Woodcut. Philadelphia, 1775 XII. [Leonard (Dan'l).] The Origin of the American Con- test with Great Britain, or the present political State of the Massachusetts Bay . . [by] Massachusettensis. New York, 1775 XIII. The Patriots of North America. New York, 1775 XIV. An Englishman's Answer to the Address from the Dele- gates to the People of Great Britain. New York, 1775 Americana. 283 XV. Galloway (J.). A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies. New York, n. d. XVI. The Americans Roused, in a Cure for the Spleen . . . taken in short-hand by Sir Roger de Coverley. New York, 1775 XVII. The General attacked by a Subaltern, or the Strictures on the Friendly Address Examined, with the Strictures [Charles Lee's] added. New York, n. d. XVIII. Pills for the Delegates : or the Chairman Chastised, in a series of Letters addressed to Peyton Randolph ... by Grotius. New York, 1775 XIX. An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New York. New York, 1775 XX. What think ye of the Congress Now ? New York, 1775 XXI. The Triumph of the Whigs : or, t'other Congress con- vened. New York, 1775 XXII. A Discourse shewing the necessity of joining Internal Repentence with the External Profession of it. . . . By Samuel Andrews. New Haven, 1775 XXIII. The Letters of the two Commanders in Chief : Gen- erals Gage and Washington, and Major Generals Burgoyne and Lee ; with the Manifesto of General Washington to the Inhabi- tants of Canada. New York. 1775 The twenty- three pamphlets in 1 vol. 8vo, morocco antique. New York, &c, 1774-5 The New York pamphlets are all from the press of James Rivington. 1S94 Pamphlets. I. A Plump. Pudding for the Humane, Chaste, Vallient, Enlightened Peter Porcupine. By . . . Matthew Carey. 48 pp. Philadelphia, | 1799I II. A View of Governor Jay's Administration. No. 1. By Jonathan Cooley. 19 pp. Goshen, 1801 III. Remarks on the " Merchants' Bank" . . . by James Cheet- hani. 34 pp. New York, 1804 IV. Britain Independent of Commerce . . . by William Spence. 91 pp. Philadelphia, 1808 V. Touchstone to the People of the United States, on the choice of a President. 56 pp. New York, 1812 VI. An Address to the Congress of the United States, on the Utility and Justice of Restrictions upon Foreign Commerce. 97 pp. Philadelphia, 1809 VII. The Second Crisis of America . . . by a Citizen of Phila- delphia. 87 pp. New York, 1815 284 Americana. VIII. An Enquiry into the Capture of Washington by the British on the 24th August, 1814; ... by Spectator. 32 pp. Washington City, 181 6 Eight Tracts in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. v. d. 1895 Pamphlets (10), as follows : 8vo, calf. v. d. I. The British Treaty. 86 pp. II. Joel Barlow to his Fellow-Citizens. 71 pp. Philadelphia, 1801 III. A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati ... by John Wood. 56 pp. Newark, 1802 IV. An Antidote to John Wood's Poison. By Warren [James Cheetham]. 63 pp. New York, 1802 V. Annals of the Corporation relative to the late Contested Election ... by Lysander. 88 pp. New York, 1802 VI. Political Hypocrites Unmasked and Exposed ... by William Ketteltas. 20 pp. New York, 1808 VII. An Enquiry concerning the Liberty and Licentiousness of the Press ... by John Thomson. 84 pp. New York, 1801 VIII. A Reply to Aristides [Wm. P. Van Ness], by James Cheetham. 134 pp. New York, 1804 IX. A Letter to a Friend on the Conduct of the Adherents of xMr. Burr. By James Cheetham. 72 pp. New York, 1803 X. A Reply to Lucius Junius Brutus's Examination of the President's Answer to the New-Haven Remonstrance ... by Leonidas. 65 pp. New York, 1S01 1896 Pamphlets (6) as follows : 8vo, calf. New York, 1 So 1-20 I. Proces A^erbal of the Ceremony of Installation of President of the New- York Historical Society [a caricature of David Hosack's installation]. 18 pp. 1820 II. An Expose of the Causes of Intemperate Drinking ... by Thomas Herttell. 56 pp. 1819 III. European Delineation of American Character ... 16 pp. 1820 IV. An Account of the Malignant Fever which prevailed in the City of New York . . . 1805 ... by James Hardie. 196 pp. 1805 V. Address of the Society of Tammany ... to its Absent Members. 39 pp. 181 9 VI. A Comic Opera, entitled Rural Felicity . . . by John Min- shall. 69 pp. 1S01 Americana. 285 1897 [Pamphlets.] I. A Correct Statement of the various sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was compiled, and the Motives for its Suppresion by Col. Burr : with some Observations on a Narrative by a Citizen of New York [Cheetham]. By John Wood. Second Edition, corrected, with Notes. 1802 II. A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr of the History of the Administration of John Adams . . . written by John Wood, to which is added a Biography of Thomas Jefferson . . . and of General Hamilton : with Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and on the Character of General C. C. Pinck- ney ... By a Citizen of New York [J. Cheetham]. 1802 First Edition. III. Paine (Thomas). Letters to the Citizens of the United States, and IV. Letter to the late General George Washington. 1802 V. Strebeck (Rev. George). A Sermon preached (by courtesy) in the German Reformed Church at New-York. New York, 1796 The above in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1 796-1 802 1898 Paredes (Ignacio de). Catecismo Mexicano, Que contiene toda la Doctrina Christiana con todas sus Declaraciones, &c. Copper-plate, and wood-cut coat-of-arms. Small 4to, vellum, uncut. Some leaves at end wormed. Mexico, 1758 1899 Paredes. Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Mexican a del I'. Horacio Carochi. Frontispiece. 4to, vellum. Mexico, 1759 1900 Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Reports of the United States Commissioners. General Survey of the Exhibition . . . 8vo, unbound. Washington, 1S68 1901 Parker (Samuel). Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the A. 15. C. F. M. . . . 1835-7. Maps. 121110, cloth. Ithaca, 1S3S 1902 Parker (Thomas). The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel Expounded; Wherein the Mistakes of Former Interpreters are modestly discovered, &c. 4to, half morocco. Waterstained, i\:c. London, 1646 1903 Parker (Thomas). History of Farmingtox, Maine, from its First Settlement to 1846, with Sketches of the History of other Towns in Franklin County. 8vo, uncut. Farmington, 1875 Second edition. 286 Americana. 1904 Parkinson (Richard). A Tour in America, in 1798, 1799 and 1800. Exhibiting Sketches of Society and Manners and a particular account of the American System of Agriculture. . . 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1805 1905 Parkman (Francis, Jr.). History of the Conspiracy of Pon- tiac, and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. Maps. 8vo, tree calf extra. Boston, 1851 1906 Parkman. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1867 1907 Parkman. Pioneers of France in the New World. Portrait and map. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1870 1908 Parkman. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Map. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1877 Large paper copy. Only 75 printed. No. 72. 1909 Pasqual (Antonio Raymundo). Descubrimiento de la Agu.ta Nautjca, de la Situacion de la America, del Arte de Navegar . . . con un Apendice. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 17 89 Contains a curious account of Friar Boil, who accompanied Colon on his Second Voyage for the purpose of converting the Indians. 19 [o Pastorii (Francisci Danielis). Kurtze Gfographische Be- schreibung der letzmahls ersundenen Americamschen Land- schafft Pensylvania, &c. Small 8vo, levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Nurnberg, 1692 The above is the second book in the vol. and contains an account of the Author's experience as founder of Germantown, his interviews with Gov. Penn, &c, and on page 6 speaks of the Elliot Indian Bible. Exceedingly rare, the only copy known. 1 91 1 Patterson (Robert). Narrative of the Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 186 1. Map. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1865 Presentation copy from the author. 1912 Paulding (J.). Affairs and Men of New Amsterdam, in the Time of Governor Peter Stuyvesant. Compiled from Dutch Manuscript Records of the Period. 121110, cloth. New York, 1843 Americana. 287 1913 [Paulmyer de Courtonne (Jean). J Memoires touchant l'Etablisskment d'une Mission Chrestienne dans le Trois- ieme Monde, &c. 8vo, vellum. Paris: S. Cramoisy, 1663 First issue. Facsimile map inserted. 1914 Pauthier (M. G.). Le Livre de Marco Polo. . . . redige en Fran(;ais sous sa dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise . . . Map. Vol. 2. Royal 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1865 1915 Payne (John Howard). A Biographical Sketch of the author of " Home, Sweet Home," &c., by Charles H. Brainard. Portraits, facsimile, &c. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1885 1916 [Peabody.] Proceedings at the Reception and Dinner in honor of George Peabody, Esq., of London, by the Citizens of the Old Town of Dan vers, Oct. 9, 1856, to which is appended an Historical Sketch of the Peabody Institute. 2 portraits and 16 tinted plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1856 Presentation copy from George Peabody. 191 7 Pedraca (P. Julien de). Memorial presente au Roy d'Espagne, pour la deffense de la reputation, de la dignite &: de la personne de . . . Dom Bernardino de Cardenas, Evesque de Paraquay dans les Indks, Papers.] Papers Relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present State of Maine, known as Cornwall County, 288 Americana. when under the Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Records in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, N. Y. By Franklin B. Hough. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1856 1921 Pennington (Isaac). An Examination of the Grounds or Causes, Which are said to induce the Court of Boston in New- England to make that Order or Law of Banishment upon pain of Death against the Quakers, &c. 4to, sprinkled calf, by Mackenzie. London, 1660 Duplicate from the British Museum. 1922 Pcuit. ;plfSStfo£ van William Penn, Eygenaar en Gouver- neurvan Pennsylvania in America. Geschreven aan de Commiss- arissen van de Vrye Societeyt der Handelaars op deselve Provintie, binnen London residerende, &c. Large plan of Philadelphia. 4to, vellum, uncut. Amsterdam, 1684 Fine copy. 1923 [Pennsylvania.] Acts passed in the General Assembly of the Province of Pensylvania. Held at Philadelphia . . . [Oct. 14, 1728, to August 11, 1729J. 19 leaves, pp. 353, 387. New York : A. Bradford, 1729 [Oct. 14, 1729, to Aug. 3, 1730.] 29 leaves. Folio, half calf. Philadelphia : B. Franklin 6° H. Meredith, 1730 1924 [Pennsylvania.] In Chancery. Breviate. John Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; Plaintiffs. Charles Calvert, Esq. ; Lord Baltimore in the Kingdom of Ireland, Defendant. For the Plaintiffs. Upon a Bill to compell a Speci- fick Execution of Articles of Agreement entered into between the Partys for setling the Boundarys of the Province of Pensilvania, the Three Lower Countys, and the Province of Maryland, and for perpetuating Testimony, &c. 2 maps. Folio, red levant morocco super extra, gilt leaves and sides, by Pratt. [London, 1640] Superb copy. 1925 [Pennsylvania.] Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October Anno Dom. 1746, and continued by Adjournments. Folio, half calf, 18 pp., and leaf of "Incidental Charges." Philadelphia : B. Franklin, 1747 Americana. 289 1926 [Pennsylvania.] A Brief View of the Conduct of Penn- sylvania for the year 1755, so far as it affected the General Service of the British Colonies, particularly the Expedition under the late General Braddock, with an Account of the shocking Inhumanities committed by Incursions of the Indians . . . inter- spers'd with Anecdotes . . . relating to the Quakers. Being a Sequel to a late well-known Pamphlet intitled A Brief State of Pennsylvania, &c. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1756 Title and last leaf somewhat worn. 1927 [Pennsylvania.] A Declaration and Remonstrance of the distressed and bleeding Frontier Inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania, Presented by them to the Honour- able, the Governor and Assembly of the Province, Shewing the Causes Of their late Discontent and Uneasiness and the Grievances under which they have laboured, and which they humbly pray to have redress'd. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. [Philadelphia], 1764 "Signed on Behalf of ourselves, and by Appointment of a Great Number of the Frontier Inhabitants. Matthew Smith, James Gibson, February 13th, 1764." 1928 [Pennsylvania.] An Historical Account of the late Dis- turbance between the Inhabitants of the Back Settlements of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphians, &c. Impartially related by a well-Wisher. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 8. Printed at Rome [Philadelphia], by A. S., [1764] 1 929 [Pennsylvania.] The Constitution of the Common-Wealth of Pennsylvania, as established by the General Convention elected for that purpose, and held at Philadelphia, July 15th, 1776, and continued by Adjournment to September 28, 1776. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia: Ditnlap, 1776 1930 [Pennsylvania.] An Address to the Inhabitants of Penn- sylvania, by Those Freemen, of the City of Philadelphia^ who are now confined in the Mason's Lodge, by virtue of a General War- rant. Signed in Council by the Vice-President of the Council of Pennsylvania. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Philadelphia, 1777 1931 [ Pennsylvania Whiskey Insurrf.ction.] The Proceedings of the Executive of the United States respecting the Insurgents, 1794. 8vo, half vellum. Philadelphia, 1795 290 Americana. 1932 [Pennsylvania.] A Petition presented by Capt. Alexander Patterson, to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, during the Session of 1803-4, for Compensation for the Monies he Expended and the Services he Rendered in Defence of the Pennsylvania Title against the Connecticut Claimants, &c. 8vo, half morocco. Lancaster, 1804 Also in this vol.: " Truth will Out." 16 pp. 1933 Pennsylvania Historical Society Publications, as follows : Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. 2, Part 2 ; Vol. 3, Part 2 : Vol. 4, Part 2 ; and Vols. 6 to 9. Together 7 vols. Boards and cloth, as published. Philadelphia, 1830-74 Contents : Markham's Conference with several Delaware and Susquehanna Indians, 1694; Fisher's Early Poets and Poetry of Pennsylvania; Sir Wm. Keith's Narrative ; Coates on the Origin of the Indian Population of America ; Fisher's Life, &c, of Wm. Penn ; Watson on the Indian Treaty for the Lands now the Site of Philadelphia, &c. ; Pastorius' Province of Pennsylvania ; Foulke on the Indians of Lancaster Co., &c, &c. ; The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755, under Major-Oeneral Edward Braddock . . . edited from the Original Manuscripts, by Winthrop Sargent, frontispiece and S maps ; Contributions to American History, including Ward's Insurrections of 1794 ; Middle's Case of Major Andre, &c. , iVc. ; Record of the Court of LJpland, in Penn- sylvania, 1676 to 1681, and a Military Journal kept by Major E. 1 >enny, 17S1 to 1795, portraits of Major Denny and den. 7/armar, &c.; History of New Sweden ; or, the Settlements on the River Delaware, translated from the Swedish of Acrelius, with an Introduction and Notes, by W. M. Reynolds, portrait, map and plate. 1934 Pexnypacker (Samuel Whitaker). Annals of Pikenixville and its Vicinity : from the Settlement to the year 1871 . . . with Information concerning the adjacent Townships of Chester and Montgomery Counties, and the Valley of the Schuylkill. Map and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1872 1935 Peralta (Don M. M. de). Costa Rica y Colombia de 1573 a 18S1, &c. Maps. 8vo, uncut. Madrid, 1886 Presentation copy from the author. One of the So copies printed on special paper. No. 35. 1936 Pkramas (Josephi Emmanuelis). De Vita et Moribus : Sex Sacerdotum |Tredecim Virorum] Paraouaycorum. Plate. 2 vols., 8vo, vellum, uncut. Faventire, 1791-93 1937 Perin (Rene). LTncendie du Cap ; ou le Regne de Tous- saint-Louverture. Frontispiece. 121110, half morocco. Paris, 1802 Americana. 291 1938 Perry (M. C). Narrative of the Expedition of an Ameri- can Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States ... 3 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Washington, 1856 " In this valuable scientific work the first successful attempt at producing a colored lithograph, in imitation of a drawing, is introduced. Vol. I. contains the narrative of the expedition, illustrated by 89 fine lithographic plates, 78 woodcuts and 4 maps. Vol. II. A collection of reports, by various naval officers on the agriculture, botany, natural history, meteorology, topography, ethnography and geology of the places visited by the expedition, illustrated as follows : agriculture, 4 plates ; natural history — mammals, 2 plates ; birds, 6 plates, colored ; fishes, 10 plates, colored ; conchology, 5 plates (2 colored) ; meteorology, 16 plates ; maps, 16 (14 large folding ones), and fac similes of the treaty in Japanese charac- ters. Vol. III. Observations on the zodiacal light from April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855, with conclusions from the data thus obtained, by the Rev. George Jones, with 352 charts." 1939 [Perry (Commodore).] Inauguration of the Perry Statue, at Cleveland, on the Tenth of September, i860 ; including the Addresses and other Proceedings, with a Sketch of William Wal- cutt, the Sculptor. Frontispiece, 8vo, half morocco. Cleveland, ()., 1861 1940 Personal Recollections of the American Revolution. A Private Journal. Edited by Sidney Barclay. Frontispiece. 121110, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1859 Unique copy, with 13 portraits inserted. 1941 [Ji)fru.] Be tooutJcrli.>cttc enfcc toaracfjttfityc f&t'jstonr vant Coninckrych van Peru, geleghen in Indien . . . met alle de oorlogen en stryden die ghebeurt zyn, soo teghens d'Indianen als oock onder den Spaengaerts om tgouvernement deen teghens den anderen, &c. Map of South America and 52 woodcuts. 4to, vellum. Thantwerpen, 1564 First edition of this translation from the Spanish, made by Rumoldus de Bac- quere, Tabellio Regius Mechliniae. 1942 [Peter of Gand.] Chronica Compendiosissima ab exordio mundi usq ad annum Domini Millesimum, quingentesimu, tri- gesimfl quartum: per venerandum patrem F. Amandum Zierixeen- sem, (Pieter Cornelisz). Kort en Klaer ontwerp, dien- ende tot Een onderling Accoort, om Den arbeyd, onrust en moeyelijckheyt van Alderley-hand-wercxluyden te verlichten door Een onderlinge Compagnie ofte Volck-planting (onder de protectie vande H. Mo: Heeren Staten Generael . . . ) aen de Zuyt-revier in Xieu-ne-der-land op te rechten . . . 4U), green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bedford. Amsterdam, 1662 Fine copy, complete, including the Pricket Vaerscn. or Spurring Verses. 1986 Plumbe, Jr. (John). Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin. Map. 8vo, uncut. St. Louis, 1839 1987 [Plymouth Colony Records.] Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England . . . Edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 1633-1698. 12 in 10 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1855-61 1988 Poinsett (J. R.). Notes on Mexico, made in the Autumn of 1822, accompanied by an Historical Sketch of the Revolution. Large map. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1825 1989 Pointis (Sieur). A Genuine and Particular Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French and Buccaniers, in the 298 Americana. year 1697 . . . with a Preface, giving an Account of the Original of Carthagena in 1532, to the present time . . . plan of Carthagena. 8vo. London, T740 1990 Pollard (E. A.). Southern History of the [First, Second, and Third Years of the] War. Portraits, &c. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Richmond, i863-'4 ; New York, 1865 1991 Polydori Virgilii. De Rerum Inventoribus ; translated into English by John Langley ; with an Account of the Author and his Works by William A. Hammond. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut edges. New York : Agathynian Club, 1868 Only 120 copies printed. No. 72. 1992 Ponteno (Joh. Isacio). Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium Historia, in qua Hollandi/k primum atque inde Amstelandi/e, oppidque, natales, exordia, progressus, privilegia, statuta, eventaque mirabilia cum novis urbis incrementis commerciisque ac navigatio- nibus longinquis, aliaque ad politiam spectantia, additis suo loco tabulis £eri incisis, ad haec usque tempora, observata annorum serie accurate omnia deducuntur. Engraved title, maps (14) and plates (43). Folio, half morocco. Amsterodami, 161 1 1993 Poore (Ben: Perley). The Federal and State Constitu- tions, Colonial Charters and other Organic Laws of the United States. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1877 1994 Popelliniere (Seig. de la). Les Trois Mondes. Small 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. Paris, 1582 The title [as above] gives no correct notion of its contents. It contains a History of the Discovery of the East and West Indies by the Spaniards and Portuguese [or Italians], and is singularly curious. He attempts to show that these countries had previously been visited by the Antients, and exhorts the French nation to continue the exploration of new countries. He combats the claim of the Spaniards to the exclusive dominion of the Indies, and says the dis- covery was made by Italians. 1 995 [Porcacchi.] L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione Arretino, e intagliate da Girolamo Porro, Padovano, con l'Aggiunta di molte Isole. En- graved title and 48 maps. Folio, half vellum. Venetia: Simon Galignani, 1604 (5 ?) The engraved title was duplicated in the Padova edition of 1620. Americana. 299 1996 [Porcacchi.j L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo, descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi. Engraved title and 48 etched maps. Folio, vellum, uncut. Padova: P. 6° F. Galignani, 1620 Superb copy. " Con nova aggionta." T997 Porcher (F. P.). Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests. 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1869 1998 Porter (David). Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean . . . in the U. S. Frigate Essex in 181 2-1 4. Portrait, ma/>, &c. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1822 1999 Porter. Minutes of Proceedings of the Courts of Inquiry and Court Martial in Relation to Captain David Porter; con- vened at Washington, D. C, on Thursday, the Seventh day of July, A. D. 1825. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Washington, 1825 At the end is bound " An Exposition of the Facts and Circum- stances which justified the Expedition to Foxardo . . . by D. Porter. 1 ' Washington, 1825 2000 [Porter.] Proceedings and Report of the Board of Army Officers . . . April 12, 1878, in the case of Fitz-John Porter. Together with the Proceedings in the Original Trial, &c. 3 vols. of text and 2 of maps. Washington, 1879 Oen. Fitz-John Porter's Statement of the Services of the Fifth Army Corps in 1862, in Northern Virginia. New York, 1878 A Reply to the Review of Judge Advocate General Holt . . . by Reverdy Johnson. Baltimore, 1863 Hon. Montgomery Blair . . . to Fitzjohn Porter. 1874 Report of Major-General John Pope. 1863 Speech of Hon. Thomas Francis Bayard. Washington, 1880 Speech of Hon. Joseph E. McDonald. Washington, 1S80 Speech of Hon. Theodore F. Randolph. Washington, [880 Closing Argument of Joseph H. Choate, &c, &c, &c. 1879 Together 7 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Washington, 1879, iVc. 2001 Porter, Jr. (Noah). Historical Discourse before the Citi- zens of Farmington, November 4, 1840, in Commemoration of the Original Settlement of that Ancient Town in 1640. Svo, half morocco. Hartford, 1841 2002 Portlock (Captain Nathaniel). A Voyage round the World; but more particularly the North-West Coast of Ameru a, per- 300 Americana. formed in 1 785, 1786, 1787 and 17S8, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. Portrait, map, 5 charts and 13 plates. 4to, calf. London, 1789 2003 Potter (Israel R.). Life and Remarkable Adventures of (a native of Cranston, Rhode Island), who was a Soldier in the American Revolution, and took a distinguished part in the Battle of Bunker Hill, &c, &c. Curious woodcut portrait of Potter cry- ing " Old Chairs to Mend." nmo, half morocco. Providence, 1824 2004 Pouchot (M.). Memoir upon the Late War in North America between the French and English, 1755-60. Translated and edited by Franklin B. Hough. Maps, portraits and plates. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Roxbury, 1866 Only 50 copies this size Xo. 5. 2005 Poulain (H.). Production du Cotton dans nos Colonies. 8vo. Paris, 1863 2006 Poussielgue (M.). Homme ou Singe ou la Question de l'Esclavage aux Etats Unis. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1861 2007 [Powxall.] Six [Ten] Remarkable Views in the Provinces of New-York, New-Jersey, and Pennsylvania, in North America. Sketched on the spot by . . . Governor Pownall, painted by Paul Sandby, and engraved by Messrs. Sandby, Elliot, Benazech. &c. 6 large plates (2 2 1 inches by 18), all mounted on linen. Oblong half folio, morocco. London, 1761 Comprises: Tappan-Zee. Passaic Falls; Poughkeepsie and the Catskill Moun- tains; Cohoes Falls; Bethelera, Pa., and an American Farm. Contains 10 plates in all, adding the S. E. and S W. views of New York City in 1750, by Ilowdell ; Attack on Qaebec, by Henry Smith; View of Quebec, by the same. 200S Powxall (T.). Topographical Description of such parts of North America, as are contained in the (annexed) Map of the Middle British Colonies, &c, in North America. With the large colored map, 27 x 24 inches. Folio, half morocco. London, 1776 2009 [Powxall.] The Speech of Th-m-s P-wx-ll, Esq., Late G-v-rn-r of this Province, in the H . . se of C . m . . ns, in Favor of America. 4to, half morocco, 16 pp. n. p. or d. Americana. 301 2oio Prayers 7's. Rebellion. Form of Prayer to be used in all Churches and Chapels throughout . . . England, See. [upon Feb. 10th, 2 1 st, 27th.] 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco. Chester, &c, n. d. The object of these prayers centre in the supplication to restore tranquility among the King's "unhappy deluded subjects in America," the form being changed in respect of the adjective, to rebellious in some portions of the service. 2011 Prentiss (S. S.). A Memoir of . . . Edited by his Brother. 2 vols., i2mo, cloth. New York, 1855 2012 [Prescott.] Life of William Hickling Prescott. By George Ticknor. Portrait and vignettes. 4to, cloth uncut. Boston, 1864 2013 Prescott (William Ff.). Historical Works: Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols.; Con- quest of Peru, 2 vols,; Reign of Philip the Second, 3 vols.; Reign of Charles the Fifth, 3 vols.; Biographical and Critical Miscel- lanies. Portraits and facsimiles. Together 15 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Philadelphia, 1864 The Miscellanies include essays on Bancroft's United States, Madame Calderon de la Barca's Life in Mexico, &c. 2014 Prescott (William). The Prescott Memorial; or, a Genea- logical Memoir of the Prescott Families in America. T2 steel por- traits, c>v. 8vo, cloth, gilt leaves. Boston, 1870 2015 [Prescott.] Report of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills . . . for Mis- conduct and Maladministration in Office, before the Senate of Massachusetts in the year 1821, with an Appendix, . . . by Octavius Pickering and William Howard Gardiner. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Boston, 1S21 2016 Prevost (A. F.). Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les Relations de Voyages par Mer et la Terre, qui out etc publiees jusqu'a present [par l'Abbe PrcvostJ, (Sec. Portraits, maps and numerous plates. 22 vols, 4U), calf. Paris, 1746-70 In the above copy the last three volumes are composed exclusively of maps, &c. 2017 Prevost (F.) et Pecquet P.). I.e Blocus Americain (Droit des Neutrcs). 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1861 302 Americana. 2018 Price (Richard). Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America, &c. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1776 2019 Priest (J.). American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West : being an Exhibition of the Evidence that an ancient popu- lation of partially civilized Nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America, many centuries before its Discovery by Columbus, and Inquiries into their Origin, with a copius description of many of their Stupendous Works now in ruins, with conjectures concerning what may have become of them. ... By Josiah Priest. 2 engravings and cuts. 8vo, sheep. Albany, 1838 " Notwithstanding that 22,000 copies of this work were published in thirty months, in four editions, for subscribers, it is now quite scarce in perfect con- dition." — Munsell. 2020 [Prime (Benjamin Y.).] Muscipula sive Cambromyomachia : the Mouse-Trap, or the Battle of the Welsh and the Mice; in Latin and English : with other Poems, in different Languages. By an American. Map. i6mo, cloth. New York, [1840] 2021 Prime. Columbia's Glory, or British Pride Humbled; a Poem on the American Revolutions : some part of it being a Parody on an Ode, entitled Britain's Glory or Gallic Pride Humbled ; com- posed on the Capture of Quebec, A. D. 1759. Svo, na if morocco. New York: Thomas Grccnlcaf, 1791 2022 Prime (Nathaniel S.). A History of Long Island, from its Eirst Settlement by Europeans, to the year 1845. Map. 121110, cloth. New York, 1845 2023 [Prince Henry.] The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, Surnamed the Navigator ; and its Results : comprising the Dis- covery, within one Century, of half the World. With new facts in the discovery of the Atlantic Islands . . . the Naming of America, &c. By Richard Henry Major. Portraits, maps, cVv. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868 2024 Prince (Thomas). A Chronological History of New-En- gland. In the Form of Annals ; Being a Summary and exact Account of the most material Transactions and Occurrences relat- Americana. 303 ing to this Country, in the Order of Time wherein they happened, from the Discovery by Captain Gosnold, 1602, to the Arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730. With an Introduction, &c, &c. Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2. Small 8vo, calf. Boston, N. E., 1736 Title, Dedication, 8 pp.; Preface, 12 pp.; List of Subscribers, 20 pp.; Intro- duction, 104 pp.; Parts I. and II., 254 pp. 2025 Prince. . A Chronological History of New-England. Another copy. Parts 1 and 2. Small 8vo, calf. Boston, 1736 2026 Prince. Extraordinary Events the Doings of God, and marvellous in pious Eyes. Illustrated in a Sermon at the South Church in Boston, N. E., on the General Thanksgiving, Thursday, July 18, 1745. Occasion'd by Taking the City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape-Breton, by New-England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1746 Third edition. 2027 Prince Society. Publications of the Prince Society. Boston, v. d. This Society, named in honor of the Rev. Thomas Prince, the eminent Anti- quary and Annalist of America, printed 1 50 copies of the first S books and 200 ami 250 of the others as below. The series consists of the following works : I. and II. The Hutchinson Papers. A New Edition. Col- lated with and Collected from the Original Manuscript, and Edited, with Illustrative Notes. No. 95. 2 vols., half morocco. Albany, N. Y., 1 S65 III. New England's Prospect. A true, lively, and experi- mentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England : . . By William Wood. [Edited by Charles Deane. I No. 49. Map. Half morocco. Boston, 1S65 IV. Dunton's Letters; Written from New England, A. 1). 16S6. By John Dunton. In which are described his Voyages by Sea, his Travels on Land, and the Characters of his Friends and Acquaintances. Now first published from the Original Manuscript, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With Notes and an Appendix, by W. II. Whitmore. No. 49. Cuts. Half morocco. Boston, 1S67 V., VI. and VII. The Andros Tracts: being a Collection of Pamphlets and Official Papers issued during the Period between the Overthrow of the Andros Government and the Kstablish- 304 Americana. ment of the Second Charter of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Original Editions and MS. With Notes and a Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, by W. H. Whitmore. No. 49. Portraits. 3 vols., half morocco. Boston, 1868-69-74 VIII. The Genealogy of the Families of Payne and Gore. Compiled by W. H. Whitmore. Portrait. 4to, uncut. Boston, 1875 IX. Wheelwright (John). His Writings, including his Fast- Day Sermon, 1637, and his Mercurius Americanus, 1645 ; with a Paper upon the Genuineness of the Indian Deed of 1629, and a Memoir by C. H. Bell. Facsimiles. 4to, uncut. Boston, 1876 X., XI. and XII. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. Translated from the French by Charles Pomery Otis. With Historical Illustrations and a Memoir by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter. Maps and plates. 3 vols , 4to, uncut. Boston, 1878-82 250 copies printed. XIII. Voyages of the Northmen to America. Edited, &c, by E. F. Slafter. Maps. Boston, 1877 200 copies printed. XIV. Sir Walter Ralegh and his Colony in America. Memoir by I. N. Tarbox. Portraits. 1884 XV. Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson . . . among the North American Indians, from 1652 to 1684. . . . Introduction by G. D. Scull. Boston, 1885 XVI. Captain John Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire, including his Tract on Newfoundland, 1620, &c. . . . Memoir by C. W. Tuttle. Edited by J. W. Dean. Boston, 18S7 Together 16 vols. 4to, half morocco (7), others as published. Boston, 1865-87 2028 Proceedings of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press : on Dec. 22, 1792, and Jan'y 19th and March 9th, 1793. Svo, half morocco. 1 793 2029 Proud (Robert). The History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from the Original Institution and Settlement of that Province, under the first Proprietor and Governor, William Perm, in 1681, till after the year 1742. &c. Portrait of Pen/i, ami a large map. 2 vols., Svo, polished calf extra, by Clarke and Bed- ford . Philadelphia, 1797-8 Americana. 305 2030 [Providence.] The Progress of Providence A Centennial Address to the Citizens of Providence, R. I., by Hon. Samuel Greene Arnold. With a Poem by George William Pettes. 8vo. Providence, 1876 2 °3 I [iJjJtttttnitftlB. A de Lebrixa.] Prudentii opera que in hoc libro continentur, &c. 4to, vellum. Lacronii, 15 12 B. A. V. Add., No. 44. The epistle of Antonio de Lebrija to James Ramirez is included in this copy ; see recto of second leaf. 2032 Prynne (William). A Fresh Discovery Of some Prodigious New Wandring-Blasing-Stars, 6° Firebrands, Stiling themselves NE W-LIGHTS. Firing our Church and State into New Combus- tions. . . . The second Edition. Whereunto is added some Let- ters, Papers, and a Petition lately sent from the Summer Islands, &c. 4to, calf, gilt edges. London, 1646 Pine copy. BAY PSALM BOOK. 2 °33 [Psalms.] The Whole Booke of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English Metre. Whereunto is prefixed a discourse declaring not only the Lawfullnes, but also the necessity of the heavenly Ordinance of singing Scripture Psalmes in the Churches of God. Imprinted 1640. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1862 Reprint of the FIRST book printed in the British American Colonies. " In the reproduction of this quaint volume every word, every letter, and indeed every/,'/;// has been sedulously collated with a perfect impression of the original work struck at Cambridge in the year 1640. Indeed, so exact and faith- ful has the compositor been in following the original copy, that the bad spacing, omission of spaces, irregular justification, bad divisions, broken type, letters inverted, mixed lower-case letters with italics, and typographical errors are strictly reproductions of the printer's errors of the olden time." — Preface. The copy of the original edition in the Crowninshield library was sold by its purchaser, Henry Stevens, London, to the British Museum for one hundred and fifty guineas, and the larger sum, paid for the Mrinley copy, is still fresh in the annals of American bibliography. Only 50 copies printed. No. 5. 2034 Psalterium, Hebreum, Green, Arabicu & Chaldeu efi tribus latin is interptatoibus & glossis (studio Aug. Justiniani). Folio, half morocco, red edges. Title pieced. Mediolani, 1506 See folio 2s for the account <>f Columbus. 306 Americana. 2035 [Ptolemy.] {The first and earliest engraved map known, where the New World is delineated, drawn by John Ruysch for the 1508 edition of Ptolemy) Royal folio, cloth. Rome, 1508 B. A. V., No. 56, p. no, describes this map at length. For this and the other editions of Ptolemy, see the erudite bibliography of Wilberforce Eames. 2036 [Ptolemy.] Claudii Ptholemaei Alexandrini liber Geo- raphiae cum tabulis et universali figura et cum additione locorum quae a recentioribus reperta sunt diligenti cura emendatus et impressus. 28 double page maps. Royal folio, vellum. Venetiis : J. Pentium de Leucho, 15 11 B. A. V., No. 68. Ramirez, No. 1207. Instead of the colophon reading Die XV. (as in B. A. V.), it reads, Die XX. The line, " Bernardi Sylvani Eboliesis anotationes in Ptholemaei geographiam," occurs on the recto of second leaf, at the head of the second paragraph. Murphy, $85. Quaritch, ,£20. 2037 [Ptolemy.] Claudii Ptolemei viri Alexandrini Mathematice discipline Philosophi doctissimi Geographie opus novissima traductione e Grecorum archetypis castigatissime pressum : ceteris ante lucubratorum multo prestantius, &c. 47 maps, in addition to colored duplicates of 1 and 2 of the second part. Imp. folio, half vellum. Argentine: J. Schotti, 15 13 B. A. V., No. 74. Commenced by Waltzemuller about 1505-7. Murphy's copy sold for ^1 10. Quaritch asks ,£25. 2038 [Ptolemy.] Claudii Ptolemei Alexandrini Mathematicor principis opus Geographie noviter castigatu & emaculatu ad- ditioibus, raris et invisis, necnonu tabularum in dorso jucunda explanatione, &c. 49 maps and many curious woodcuts. Royal folio, brown levant morocco antique, gilt leaves, by Gruel. Argentoraten : Joannes Grieninger, 1522 B. A. V., No. 117. On the 4th page of map 20 is a half-sheet map. 2039 [Ptolemy.] Claudi Ptolemaei Geographicae enarrationis libri octo Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete. Annotationes Joannis de Regio Monte in errones commissos a Jacobo Angelo in translatione sua. 50 maps and woodcuts. Royal folio, brown levant morocco antique, gilt leaves, Gruel. Johannes Grieningerus communibus, Johannis Koberger, impensis excudebat. Argentoragi, 1524 B. A. V., No. 13G; Add., No. 78. Americana. 307 2040 [Ptolemy.] Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicae enarrationis libri octo ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, sed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria a Michaele Villanovano [Serveto] iam primum recogniti. Adjecta insuper ab eodem Scholia quibus exoleta urbium nominaad nostri seculi more exponuntur. * 50 maps. Imp. folio, calf. Lugduni, 1535 B. A. V., No. 210. First Servetus edition. 2041 [Ptolemy. J Geographia Universalis, vetus et nova, com- plectens Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Ennarrationis libros VIII. Quorum primus nova translatione Pirckheimheri . . . Succedunt tabulae Ptolemaice, opera Sebastiani Munsteri novo paratae modo . . . Folio, hogskin, with clasps. Basileoe, 1540 B. A. V., No. 231. Collation should be corrected as follows :— p. 154 repeated, consequently p. 155 in addition to the Appendix — p. 156 blank — the obverse of the third pre- liminary leaf is also blank. 2042 [Ptolemy.] Claudii Ptolem/EI Alexandrini Geographic. e Enarrationis Libri Octo. Ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, sed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria a Michaele Villanovano [Ser- veto] secundo recogniti & locis innumeris denuo castigati. 50 woodcut maps reproduced from the editions of 1522 and 1525. Imp. folio, calf. Lugduni apud Hugonem a Porto Viennae: Caspar Frechsel, 1541 B. A. V., No. 233. Second Ed., by Servetus. 2043 [Ptolemy.] Geographia Universalis Vetus et Nova com- plectens. Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Enarrationis libros VIII. [cum Appendice Sebastiani Munsteri]. 48 woodcut maps, all colored. Folio, hogskin. Basileae: Henricum Pet rum, 1542 The diagrams, initial letters, borders, &c. , all colored by hand. B. A. V., No. 240. The Munster Appendix commences at page 157. 2044 [Ptolemy & Mattiolo.J Ptolemeo La Geografia di Claudio Ptolemeo Alessandrino, Con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatteui da Sebastiano Munstkro Alamanno, Con le tavole non solamente antiche & moderne solite di staparsi, ma altre nuove aggiuntevi di Mcser Iacopo Gastaklo Piamotese cosmographo, ridotta in volgare Italiano da M. Pietro Andrea Mattiolo, &c. 308 Americana. Small 8vo, panelled calf, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Veneto, 1548 Woodcut on second leaf, and 60 maps including S. America, New Spain, Cuba, &c, &c. B. A. V., No. 285. The " Registro " preceding the Atlas is dated 1547. 2045 [Ptolemy.] Geographia CI. Ptolemaei Alexandrini. Olim a Bilibaldo Pirckheimherio traslata, at nunc multis codicibus gra^cis collata, pluribusque in locis ad pristinam veritatem redacta a Josepho Moletio. ... 64 maps, 6 of which are charts of differ- ent parts of A?nerica. 4to, vellum. Venetiis: V. Va/grisium, 1562 Title mounted. 2046 [Ptolemy.] La Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrno, nuovamente tradotta di Greco in Italiano da Jeronimo Ruscelli, con Espositioni del medessimo, particolari di luogo in luogo . . . Aggiuntovi un pieno discorso di M. Gioseppe Moleto. Woodcuts and 64 maps. [3 parts in 1 vol.] 4to, calf, gilt leaves. Venetia: Ziletti, 1564 From the Medici collection. 2047 [Ptolemy.] Geografia cive Descrittione universale della terra, . . . rincontrati, & corretti . . . Gio. Ant. Magini . . . Opera . . . tradotta dal R. I). Leonardo Cernoti. 64 maps engraved by Porro, with Magin's expositions. 2 vols, in 1. Folio, half cloth. Venetia, 159S-97 2048 [Public Credit.] Report of the Secretary of the Treas- ury to the House of Representatives, relative to a provision for the Support of the Public Credit of the United States. . . . Folio, half morocco, gilt leaves. New York: Childs and Swayne, T790 2049 [Pulaski.] Love and Patriotism ! or, Extraordinary Adven- tures of M. du Portail, late Major-General in the Armies of the United States. Interspersed with many Surprising Incidents in the Life of the late Count Pulaski. i2tno, calf. Philadelphia, 1797 2050 Purchas (S.). Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas, his Pil- grimes. . . . Contayning the Voyages and Peregrinations made ancient Kings, Patriarkes, Apostles, Philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne World . . . A Description of all the Circitm-Navigations of the Globe . . . Xavi- Americana. 309 gations and Voyages of English-men . . . English Voyage i beyond the East Indies . . . Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, Discov- eries of the English Nation in the Easterne parts of the World . . . and many other remarkable Relations. By Samuel Purchas, D.D. Maps and etchings. 5 vols., folio, red levant morocco, paneled and gilt sides, broad inside borders, gilt edges. London, 1625-26 A full-margined copy (except a few leaves which have been neatly built out) with the original frontispiece, and the original map of Virginia. Purchas says in his Preface that he has incorporated the substance of more than twelve hundred writers of Voyages and Travels. '' His work," says Granger, in his Biographical History, "is not only valuable for the various instruction and amusement contained in it, but it is also very estimable on a national and, I may add, a religious account." " We owe to the zeal and vast erudition of this laborious man, one of the most celebrated collections of Voyages which has ever appeared, valuable alike for the abundance of its materials and its importance in the history of Early Discoveries, especially those of the English." — Biographie Universelle. 2051 Purviance (Robert). A Narrative of Events which occurred in Baltimore Town, during the Revolutionary War. 121110, cloth. Baltimore, 1849 2052 Pynchon (William). The Meritorious Prick of Our Redemp- tion, Justification, etc., Cleering it from some common Errors ... by William Pinchin. 4to, calf. London, 1650 Also in this volume the enlarged Second Ed. The Meritor- ious Price of Mans Redemption, or Christ's Satisfaction discussed and explained. London, 1655 The General Court of Mass. ordered this work to be burned by the executioner in the Market-place, Boston, the author having maintained the "damnable heresy " that " Christ did not suffer for us those unutterable torments of God's wrath, that commonly are called Hell torments." 2053 [ Pynchon.] The Jewes Synagogue ; or, a Treatise concern- ing The ancient Orders and manner of Worship used by the Jewes, &c. By William Pinchion. 4to, half morocco. London, 1652 2054 Pynchon. I. The Time when the First Sabbath was Ordained. II. The Manner how the First Sabbath was Ordained. III. A Treatise of Holy Time, concerning the true limits of the 1 ,ords I )ay, &c. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. Title dirty and slightly pieced. London, 1654 Attempting to prove that the Sabbath was ordained after the Fall of Adam. 310 Americana. 2055 S vUAKERS.] Primitive Heresie Revived in The Faith 1 I and Practice Of the People called Quakers : Wherein '^w' is shewn, in Seven Particulars, That the Principal and most Characteristick Errors of the Quakers, were Broached and Condemned, in the Days of the Apostles, and the first 150 Years after Christ. To which is Added, A Friendly Expostulation with William Penn, upon Account of his Primitive Christianity, lately Published. 4to, half morocco. London, 1698 Fine copy. 2056 [Quebec] Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. New Series. Parts 1 to 9. . 8vo, unbound. Quebec, 1863-72 2057 [Quelch.] The Arraingment, Tryal, and Condemnation, of Capt. John Quelch, And Others of his Company, &c, for Sundry Piracies, Robberies, and Murder, Committed upon the Subjects of the King of Portugal, Her Majesty's Allie, on the Coast of Brasil, &c, who Upon full Evidence, were found Guilty, at the Court-House in Boston [June 13, 1704J . . . &c. Folio, half morocco. London, 1705 2058 Quincy (Josiah). Speech . . . 5th January, 1813 ... on the bill in addition to the Act entitled " An Act to raise an addi- tional Military force," &c. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1S13 2059 [Quincy.] Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun., of Massachusetts, by his Son, Josiah Quincy. 8vo, morocco. Boston, 1825 Presentation copy to Lord Lyndhurst (with letter inserted) from Josiah Quincy. 2060 [Quintana.] Instruccion de Ordenantes. Compendio de las cosas que dene guardar, y saber en sus Ordenes, y se les pre- gCita en los examines ; desde la primera Toosura, hasta el Sacer- docio. Con un Apendix de Examen de Confessores y Predica- dores. Compuesto por el P. Antonio de Quintana ... 1 21110, boards. Madrid, 1661 Title + Aprobacion 1 leaf + Certificate of Alonso Venegas, Guardian of the Con- vent of San Francisco 1 leaf + license 1 p + Frrata i page + Indice 4 leaves 1 pp. 1-43S with 15 errors in pagination. 2061 Quiros (Pedro Ferd. de). Historia del descubrimiento de las regiones Austriales . . . publicada por Don Justo Zaragoza. Maps. 3 vols., 8vo, uncut. Madrid, 1876-82 Americana. 311 2062 p") ADET & BARRE. La Negresse, ou le Pouvoir de la Reconnoissance. Comedie. 8vo, hf. mco. Paris, 1787 Also in this volume, La Jeune Indienne . . . par M. de Chamfort, Paris, 1776, in which the scene is laid in Charleston and Le Huron. R 2063 Rafn (Charles Christian). Memoire sur la Decouverte de l'Amerique au dixieme siecle . . . traduit par Xavier Marmier. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1838 Presentation copy to Jared Sparks from the author. 2063^ Rafn. Memoire sur la Decouverte de l'Amerique au dix- ieme siecle . . . publie par Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Second Tirage. 8vo, uncut. Copenhague, 1843 2063^ Rafn. America Discovered in the Tenth Century. 8vo. New York, 1838 2064 Rafn. Memoire sur la Decouverte de l'Amerique au Dixieme Siecle, &c, &c. 19 maps and plates. 8vo, half morocco. Copenhague, 1843 Rafn's American Section, published by the Royal Society of Northern Anti- quaries. 2065 Raouenf.au (Paul). La Vie de la Mere Catherine de Saint ArcusTiN, Religieuse Hospitaliere de la Misericorde de Quebec en la Nouvelle France. 8vo, vellum. Paris : F. Lambert, 1671 Very rare. 2066 I Raguenf.au. I Narratio Historica eorum, qua? Societas Jesu in Nova Francia . . . annis mdcxliix. & xi.ix. . . . e Gal- lico in Latinum translata a P. Ceorgio Gobat. . . . i8mo, vellum. Oeniponti, 1650 2067 MalCtflf) (Sir W.). HUttfe SS9tt1ttrettiatC Beschreibung, Desz Soldreichen Konigreichs Guiana? in America oder newen Welt, under der Linea /Kquinoctiali gele . . . 1594, 1595 and 1596 von dem . . . Walthero Ralegh. Etching on title and at pages 4, 5, 9, 11, 14 and 15. 4to, morocco antique, gilt leaves. Noriberga? : L, Hulsii. 1601 Hulsius, 2d Ed., Part 5. 206S [Raleigh.] A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, as well in his Voyage, as in, and sithence his Returne ; And of the true motives and induce- 312 Americana. ments which occasioned His Majestie to Proceed in doing Justice upon him as hath bene done. 4to, crimson morocco extra, by Mat- thews. London : Norton and Bill, 1 6 1 8 Fine copy. 2069 [Ramirez and Rayon.] Proceso de Residencia contra Pedro de Alvarauo . . . Notasy Noticias Biograficas criticas y arqueo- logicas por D. Jose Fernando Ramirez, lo publica Paleografiado del MS. original el Lie. Ignacio L. Rayon. Portrait and 3 colored plates. 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1847 2070 Ramirez. Proceso de Residencia contra Pedro de Alva- rado. Portrait and 3 curious {colored) plates. 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1847 2071 Ramon de la Sagra (M.). Histoire Physique et Politique de 1'Isle de Cuba. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. Paris, 1844 2072 Ramsay (David). The History of the Revolution of South- Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. 2 large maps. 2 vols., 8vo, tree calf extra, by Riviere. Trenton, 1785 2073 [Ramsay.] In the Privy Council, Jamaica. The Case of William Ramsay, Esq., Inspector-General of Police ... on Charges preferred against him by the Hon. Thomas James Bernard . . . for a supposed Obstruction of the Law, in refer- ence to an Alleged Riot ... at Spanish Town on Saturday, 16 April, 1836. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1836 2074 Ramsey (J. G. M.). The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century : comprising its Settlement as the Watauga Association, from 1769 to 1777; a part of North- Carolina, from 1775 to 1784; the State of Franklin, from 1784 to 1788; a part of North-Carolina, from 1788 to 1790; the Terri- tory of the U. States, South of the Ohio, from 1790 to 1796; the State of Tennessee, from 1796 to 1800. Map. 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1853 2075 Ramusio (Gio. Batt). Delle Navigationi et Viaggi. 7 large maps (Vol. 3) and numerous woodcuts. 3 vols., folio, half russia, gilt over red leaves. iPrimo volume, Venetia, 1588 Volume secondo, " 1606 Terzo volume, " 1556 Vols. 2 and 3 stilted to match Vol. I. Americana. 313 2076 [Randolph (Eclm.).] A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation. Pp. 106. 1795 Political Truth : or, Animadversions on the past and present state of Public affairs; with an Inquiry into the Truth of the Charges preferred against Mr. Randolph. Pp. 44. 1796 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1795-6 2077 L^ ANDOLPH -] A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1795 2078 Randolph (Edmund). Address on the History of Cali- fornia, from the Discovery of the Country to the year 1849. . . . 2 maps. 8vo, half morocco. San Francisco, i860 2079 Randolph (John). Letters to a Young Relative; embracing a series of years from Early Youth to Mature Manhood. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1834 2080 Ranking (John). Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the Thirteenth Century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants, &c. 2 maps, and portraits of all the Incas. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1827 20S1 Rapine (Charles). Historie Cenerai.e de POrigine et Prog- rez des Freres Mineurs de S. Francois, vulgairement apelles en France, Flandre, Italie, & Espagne, Recollects, Reformez ou Deschaux, tant en toutes les Provinces & Royaumes Catholiques, comme dans les Indes Orientales & Occidentals, & autres parties des nouveaux mondes, . . . 1486,1606. With 1 etched portraits. 4to, vellum. Paris, 163 1 2082 R[athband] (W[illiam ]). A Briefe Narration of some Church Courses, Held in Opinion and Practise in the Churches lately erected in New England. 4to, calf antique, gilt leaves. London, 1644, (date partly erased ) 2083 Raynal (PAbbe.) Revolution de PAmerique. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top. Londres, 1781 2084 Raynal. Revolution de PAmerique. 8vo, half morocco. Londres, 17S1 3 14 Americana. 2085 Read (Thos. Buchanan). A Summer Story, Sheridan's Ride and other Poems. i2ino, cloth. Philadelphia, 1865 2086 Reconstruction Letter (A). 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1866 Only 100 copies privately printed. The Letter is addressed "to the Hon. Th-rl-w W — d," and first appeared in the Tribune, Sep. 3, 1S66. 2087 Recruiting in the United States. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 16. London, 1856 2088 Recueil de Reglemens concernant le Commerce des Isles & Colonies Francoises de FAmerique. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1744 2089 Recueil de Voyages au Nord, Contenant divers Memoires tres-utiles au Commerce & a la Navigation. Frontispiece and 24 maps and plates. 3 vols., i2mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1716 |3f " Memoire touchant Californie." Vol. III., pp. 275-297. 2090 [Red River Settlement.] Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement upon the Red River, in North America; its Destruction in 1815 and 1816 ; and the Massacre of Governor Semple and his Party. With Observations upon a recent publica- tion, entitled "A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries, &c." Large map. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1817 2091 Reed (Joseph) Life and Correspondence of, by his grand- son William B. Reed. Portrait. 2 vols., Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1847 2092 [Reed.] A Reprint of the Reed and Cadwallader Pam- phlets. With an Appendix. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Philadelphia], mdccclxiii. 199 copies printed, all for subscribers. 2093 Reed (William B.). A Rejoinder to Mr. Bancroft's Histori- cal Essay on President Reed. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1867 2094 Reed. President Reed of Pennsylvania. A Reply to Mr. George Bancroft and others. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1S67 Presentation copy from the author. Americana. 315 2095 Reflexiones sobre el bando de 25 de Junio ultimo, contraidas a lo que dispone para con los eclesiasticos rebeldes, y al recurso que en solicitud de la revocacion dirigieron, en 6. de Julio a este Illmo. Cabildo, varios clerigos y ■ cinco religiosos de Mexico. Escribialas D. Pedro de la Puente. 8vo, calf. Mexico, 1812 2096 [Regicides.] The Speeches and Prayers of Major-General Harison, Octob. 13. Mr. John Carew, Octob. 15. Mr. Justice Cooke, Mr. Hugh Peters, Octob. 16. Mr. Tho. Scott, Mr. Gregory Clement, Col. Adrian Scroop, Col. John Jones, Octob. 17, Col. Daniel Axtell & Col. Fran-Hacker, Octob. 19. The times of their Death. Together with Several occasional Speeches and Pas- sages in their Imprisonment till they came to the Place of Execu- tion. 4to, half calf. Title somewhat defaced. Printed Anno Dom. 1660 2097 [Reid.] Bibliotheca Americana ; or, a Chronological Cata- logue of the most Curious and Interesting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, &c, upon the Subject of North and South America, from the Earliest Period to the Present, in Print and Manuscript ; for which Research has been made in the British Musscum, and the most Celebrated Public and Private Libraries. . . . 4to, half morocco. London, 17 89 With an introductory discourse "On the Present State of Literature in those Countries," which has many curious particulars, and is evidently written by some one who had visited the United States. Though the name of the author is not known, it has been variously ascribed to Dalrymple, Homer, Long, and with more probability, by Homer himself, to Reid. 2098 Reid (H.). The American Question in a Nut-Shele; or, Why we should Recognize the Confederates. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1S62 2099 Reid (James 1).). The Telegraph in America, its Founders. Promoters, and Noted Men. Portraits and woodcuts. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt leaves. N. Y. 1N79 :too Reisch (Gregorius). Margarita Phii.osophica totius Philo- sophise Rationalis, Naturalis & Moralis principia dialogice duode- cim libris complectens. Engraved title, map and numerous woodcuts. 4to, calf, on oak boards. Friburgi: Joanne Sc/iottii, 1503 First edition ? Title cut on top. J 16 Americana. 2101 Relacao Abbreviada da Republica, que os Religiosos Jesuitas Das Provincias de Portugal, e Hespanha, estabelecerao nos Domi- nios Ultramarinos das duas Monarchias, E da Guerra, que nelles tern movido, e sustentado contra os Exercitos Hespanhoes, e Portuguezes . . . Small 8vo, cloth. s. 1. et a. [1758?] 2102 Relation de la Levee du Siege de Quebec, Capitale de la Nouvelle France. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy-Mennil. Tours, 1691 Exceedingly rare, if not unique. 2103 [Regalado.] Vida, y Milagros del siervo de Dios F. Pedro Regalado, uno de la Serafica Religion, &c. 4to, vellum. Dam- aged. [Cadiz, 1673 ?] 2104 Relation dcs Affaires du Canada, en 1696. Avec des Lettres des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus depuis 1696 jusqu'en 1702; [also] Relation de la Mission Abnaquise de St, Francois de Sales l'anne 1702. Par le Pere Jacques Bigot. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 A limited edition printed in fac-simile for J. M. Shea. 2105 [Republican Patriotism Displayed.] Government Con- tracts ; Purchase of Arms, Vessels, Army Supplies, &c. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco. Washington, 1S61 2106 Report [and Supplemental Report] of the Joint Commit- tee on the Conduct of the War. 5 vols., Svo, cloth. Washington, 1S63-6 2107 Reyard (Nicholas) and Lodowick (Charles). A Journal of the Fate Actions of the French at Canada. With The Manner of their being Repuls'd by His Excellency, Benjamin Fletcher, Their Majesties Governour of New-York, &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1693 Only 3 or 4 copies known. 2108 [Reynier.] Gemma Phrysius de Principiis astronomic & Cosmographie, Deq usu Globi ab eodem editi Item de Orbis divisione & Insulis rebusq nuber inventis. Woodcuts. Small Svo, polished calf, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Antwerpia.% 1544 Leaf 81 verso, see "America ab inventore Amerio Vesputio nomen habet, &c." B. A. V., No. 252. Americana. 317 2109 Rkview (A) of the Military Operations in North-America from The Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Fron- tiers of Virginia in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego on the 14th of August, 1756. Interspersed With various Observations, Char- acters and Anecdotes, necessary to give Light into the Conduct of American Transactions in general ; and more especially into the political Management of Affairs in New York. In a Letter to a Nobleman. 4to, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London, Printed 1757 New England, Reprinted 175CS Titles (2 leaves) and pp. 5 to 98. Fine copy. 2 1 to Revolutionary Memorials, embracing Poems by the Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 1778, and an Appendix, containing General Rurgoyne's Proclamation (in burlesque) . . . Death of Miss Jane M'Crea, the American Hero, a Sapphic Ode, by Nat. Niles, cvc. Edited by the Rev. Stephen Dodd. i2mo, half mo- rocco. New York, 1852 21 1 1 [ Rhode Island.] Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England . . . Transcribed and edited by John Russell Bartlett. 1636 to 1792. 10 vols., 8vo, sheep. Providence, 1856-65 21 12 Rick (J. A.). Catalogue of Mr. John A. Rick's Library. Sold 1870. Royal 8vo, uncut. New York, 1870 The total amount realized was over $42,000. 2113 [Rich (O.).] Catalogue of a Collection of Manuscripts, principally in Spanish, relating to America, in the possession of O. Rich. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, n. d. 21 14 Rich. A Catalogue of Books relating to America [arranged underthe years in which they were printed (1500-1844)]. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1832-46 V<»1. 1, pp. 129. Vol. 2, pp. 0-517. Vol. 3. pp. 4-412. Only 250 copies printed. The above does not include the supplements. 2115 [Richmond. J The First Century of the First Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia. Frontispiece. 121110, cloth. Richmond, 1880 3 18 Americana. 21 16 [Richtkr (Dr. M. A.).] The Municipalise in two parts (with the Addenda). Portrait. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1858 Autograph letter of the author inserted. 2117 Ridgely (David). Annals of Annapolis, comprising sundry notices of that old city from the . . . First Settlements to . . . the War of 181 2 . . . with an Appendix, &c. Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth. Baltimore, 1841 21 18 [Riedesel.] Auszugk aus den Brtf.fen und Papierkn des Generals Freyherrn von Riedesel, und Seiner Gemalinn, gebornen von Massow . . . Reise nach America, &c. 8vo, half morocco. Fur die Familie, [1788] 21 ro Riedesel (Madame de). Letters and Memoirs Relating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the Ger- man Troops at Saratoga . . . Translated from the original Ger- man. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1827 2120 Right of Recognition (The). A Sketch of the Present Policy of the Confederate States. By a Recent Tourist. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1862 212 1 Rights (The) of Neutrals and Belligerents, from a Modern Point of View, by a Civilian. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1862 2122 Riker (James). Harlem (City of New York), its Origin and Early Annals. Woodcuts and maps. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881 2123 Riker (James, Jr.). The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York : containing its History from its First Settle- ment . . . also a particular account of numerous Long Island Families, &c. Maps. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1852 2124 Riley (James). An Authentic Narrative of the Loss of the American Brig Commerce, wrecked on the West Coast of Africa, 1815. Portrait, map and plates. 8vo, calf. New York, 181 7 2125 Riley. Authentic Narrative. Another edition. Plates. 8vo, roan. Hartford, 1828 Americana. 3 tq 2126 Ripley (R. S.). The War with Mexico. Plans. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849 2127 [Rithaymerus.] Georgii Rithaymeri de Orbis Terrarum situ compendium, Hieronynum Vueyrer Praepositum Reychersper- gensem. 4to, vellum. Norimbergre, 1538 B. A. V., p. 516. P. in (last leaf) : " De Terris et insulis nuper repertis." 2128 [Rittenhouse.J Memoirs of the Like of David Rittenhouse . . . interspersed with various notices of many Distinguished Men, with an Appendix, &c. By William Barton. Portrait and fac-similc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1813 2129 Robbins (Chandler). A History of the Second Church, or Old North, in Boston, to which is added, a History of the New Brick Church. With engravings. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 2130 Roberts (Lewes). The Marchants Mappe of Commerce . . . Necesary for all such as shal be imployed in the publique Affaires of Princes in forreigne Parte for all Gentlemen and others that travel! abroad for delight or pleasure, &c. Engraved title and 5 maps. Folio, half calf, gilt. London, 1638 First Edition. The Description and map of America occurs at pp. 53-64. Eowndes claims a portrait with this edition, but fails to notice the maps. 2131 Roberts (William). An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida : with a Particular Detail of the several Fxpeditions and Descents made on that Coast. Collected from the best Authorities . . . with a Map, and sonic [4] particular Plans . . . by P. Jefferys. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1763 2132 Robin (Abbe). Nouveau Voyage dans l'Amerique Septex- trionale, en l'annee 17S1 ; et Campagne de l'Armee de M. le Comte tie Rochambeau. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia (Paris), 1782 Original edition. 2133 Robin. Nouveau Voyage dans l'Amerique Septkntkion \le en l'annee 1781, 6vC. Map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1 7SJ 320 Americana. 2134 Robin (C. C). Voyages dans l'Int£rieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occidentale, et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de Saint- Domingue . . . 1802-1806. Map and portrait, 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Paris, 1807 2135 Robinson (Conway). An Account of Discoveries in the West until 15 19, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America from 1520 to 1573. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1848 2136 Robinson (Samuel). A Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Localities, including all which are known to exist in the United States and British Provinces. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1825 2137 Robinson (William Davis). Memoirs of the Mexican Revo- lution : including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina, with some Observations on the Practicability of opening a Commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans . . &c. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1820 " No doubt, therefore, can exist, that a water communication between the two oceans might be accomplished, in the province of Choco, by either opening the former canal of Raspadura, or by cutting a new one between the two rivers [Atrato and San Juan] we have mentioned." Pp. 341. 2138 Robson (Joseph). Account of Six Years Residence in Huo- son's-Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 174410 1747, &c. 3 maps. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 95. London, 1752 2139 Roche. Catalogue of the Private Library of Mr. Richard W. Roche. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1867 One of a few copies printed on thick laid paper. 2140 [Rochefort (Cesar de).] Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de l'Amerique . . . avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. Portrait, engraved title and numerous etchings in t/ie text. 4to, calf. Rotterdam : Arnould Leers, 165S Leclerc, No. 1321, describes an edition by the same printer at Amsterdam, probably an error. 2147 I Rochefort. J Iles Antilles. Another (smaller) copy, with- out the portrait. 4to, calf, gilt. Rotterdam, 1658 2142 [Rochefort. J Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Iles Antilles de l'Amerique . . . avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. Americana. 321 Derniere Edition, reveue & augmentee par l'Autheur, d'un Recit de l'Estat present des celebres Colonies dela Virginie, de Marie-Land, de la Caroline, &c. Engraved title, 3 large plates, and numerous etchings in the text. 4to, calf. Rotterdam : Reinier Leers, 1681 A second title-page and separate pagination commences the Recit de l'Estat. 2143 Rochefort (Sieur de). Relation de l'Isle de Tabago, 011 de la Nouvelle Ovalcre, Tune des Isles Antilles de l'Amerique. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1666 2144 Rodgers (John). The Divine Goodness displayed in the American Revolution. A Sermon preached in New York, Dec. nth, 1783. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1784 " He has broken our connexion with that people, long practised in the arts of venality, and grown old in scenes of corruption." Page 10. 2145 Rodriquez (Manuel). El Maranon y Amazonas. Historia delos descubrimientos, entradas, yreduccion de naciones. Traba- jos malogrados de algunos conquistadores, y dichosos de otros,assi temporales, como espirituales en las dilatadas Montanas y mayores Rios de la America. Folio, russia, red edges. Madrid, 1684 Chapters V. to XIV. of Book II., reprint nearly the whole of Father Acuna's famous work. 2146 [Rogers.] Memoir of the Rev. Ammi Rogers . . . persecuted in the State of Connecticut, on Account of Religion and Folitics, for almost twenty years; and finally Falsely Accused and Impris- oned in Norwich Gaol, on the Charge of Crimes said to have been committed by a Young Woman, &c. i2ino, half calf. [New Haven?], n. p., 1S24 2147 Rogers (N. P.). A Collection of the Newspaper Writings of. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. Concord, 1847 2148 Rogers. Journals of Major Robert Rogers. Containing An Account of the several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of North America, during the late War. From which may by [sic) collected The most material Circumstances of every Campaign upon that Continent, from the Commencement to the Conclusion of the War. 8vo, calf. London: Printed for the Author, 17(15 Very scarce. 'Tin.' journals of this celebrated partisan chief afford ns main interesting details of bonier warfare, in the French and Indian War, which ended seventeen 322 Americana. years before the Revolution. It was while associated with Rogers that General Putnam is said to have experienced those wonderful adventures, with the relation of which our youthful nerves have so often thrilled. It is, however, remarkable that Major Rogers does not even mention the name of Putnam. The last page (237) is unnumbered, and entitled ' Advertisement.' It announces a continuation or second part of the journal, which never appeared, as the subscriptions of a guinea a copy were probably not sufficiently numerous." — Field. 2149 [Rogers.] Another copy. 8vo, calf. London, 1765 2150 [Rogers.] A Concise Account of North America. Con- taining A Description of the several British Colonies . . . Also of The Interior, or Westerly Parts of the Country, upon the Rivers St. Lawrence, the Mississippi, Christino, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined, An Account of the Several Nations and Tribes of Indians residing in those Parts. . . . By Major Robert Rogers. 8vo, calf. London: Printed f 07' the Author, 1765 2151 [Rogers.] Another copy. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1765 2152 Rogers (Thomas J.). A New American Biographical Dic- tionary; or, Remembrancer of the Departed Heroes, Sages, and Statesmen of America ... in the Revolutionary War. 8vo, sheep. Easton, Penn., 1824 Third edition. ' 2153 Rogers (Capt. Woodes). A Cruising Voyage round the World; First to the South-Sea, thence to the East-Indies, and home- wards by the Cape of Good Hope, Begun in 1708 and fmish'd in 1711 . . . 8 maps and 7 plates. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1718 Second edition. On page 125 is the account of the discovery of Alexander Selkirk, the original of Defoe's " Robinson Crusoe." 2i.S4 [liOflflCiJCCU (A.).] ToorlOOJjer <©p't ©CtrOg, Van de Hoog. Mog. Heeren Staten Generael, Verleent aen Arent Rogge- veen en sijn Medestanders, ober de Australisse Zee ofte beter geseght het onbekende gedeelte des Werelts, gelegen tusschen de Meridiaen der Strate Magalanes Westwaert, tot de Meridiaen van Nova Gunea, soo Noordtwaert als Zuydtwaert . . . &c. Large map. 4to, green levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bed- ford. Middleburgh, 1676 2155 Romans (Captain Bernard). A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida; containing an Account of the natural Americana. 323 Produce of all the Southern Part of British America . . . Plain and easy Directions to Navigators over the Bank of Bahama, the Coast of the two Floridas, the North of Cuba, and the dangerous Gulph Passage. Frontispiece, dedicatory plate, 3 maps and 6 plates. Small 8vo, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. New York, 1775 Very rare. The above is called Volume I., but Volume II. is not known to have been published. 2156 Roman (Alfred). The Military Operations of General Beauregard in the War between the States, 1861 to 1865 . . . War with Mexico . . . &c. Portraits, &c. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884 2157 Rosaccio (Gioseppe). Mondo Elementaire et Celeste . . . Europa, Africa, Asia, & America. Maps. Small 8vo, vellum. Trevigi, 1604 Minus fol. 233 and map at fol. 96. 2158 [Rosier (James).] A True Relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere, 1605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the Discovery of the Land of Virginia : Where he discovered, 60 miles up, a most excellent River; together with a most fertile land. 4to, morocco, gilt leaves, by Clark and Bedford. London, 1605 ,£301 is the maximum price at auction, for the above rarity, as far back as March, 1883. The margins of the above copy are ample and everv leaf is sound. 2159 Ross (John). Voyage of Discovery . . . for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay and enquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage. Map and plate. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1S19 2160 [Rou.] A Collection of some Papers concerning Mr. Lewis Roifs Affair, viz. : I. The Acts of the French Consistory in the City of New-York, passed against him the rjth and 20th of September, 1724. II. The Petition of several Heads of Families to his Excellency the Governour in Council. 11 1.. The Order of the Council about the Petition. IV. The Answer of Mr. Molllinars and the rest of the Con- sistory to the said Petition. 324 Americana. V. Mr Rou's Reply to this Answer. VI. The two Reports of the Committee of Council, With the Orders of that honourable Board concerning the same. 4to, half calf, pp. 34. New- York : Wm. Bradford, 1725 2 16 1 Roux de Rochelle. Fernand Cortes, Poeme. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris: Didot, 1839 2162 Rowson (Mrs.). The History of Charlotte Temple, founded on fact. 2 vols, in 1. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 181 4 The heroine of this story was a Miss Stanley, daughter of a younger son of the Earl of Derby. Her tomb is still to be seen in Trinity Churchyard, New York. 2163 Butijamcr (Jotist). "Nttot uniJrttautije latrtrtc und fin NEWE WELDTE in KURTZ VERGANGER ZEYTHE ERSUNDEN. Wood- cut title. Folio maroon morocco antique, gilt leaves. Nureinbergh, 1508 B. A. V., No. 57. Chapters 80-90, 91-101, and 105-108 contain the first three voyages of Colum- bus. 2164 Rumford (Benjamin [Thompson,] Count of ). Essays, political, economical, and philosophical. Portrait and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Name cut from title. Boston, 1798 2165 Rush (Benjamin). Inquiry into the Natural History of Medicine among the Indians of North-America. Portrait inserted. Svo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1789 Autographs of Benj. Rush and John Redman (to whom this work was inscribed) inserted. 2166 Rush. An Account of the Bilious remitting Yellow Fever, as it appeared in the City of Philadelphia in the year 1793. Svo, sheep. Name cut from title. Philadelphia, 1794 2167 Rush (Richard). Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London . . . from 1819 to 1825. Svo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1845 2168 Russell (Wm. H.). My Diary, North and South [1861- 1862]. Large /nap. 2 vols., crown Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863 Americana. 325 2169 [Rutgers vs. Waddington.] The Case of Elizabeth Rut- gers versus Joshua Waddington, Determined in the Mayor's Court, in the City of New York, August 7, 1786. With an His- torical Introduction by Henry B. Dawson. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1866 100 copies only printed. No. 22. 2170 [Rutgers vs. Waddington.] Another copy, on Large Paper. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Morrisania, 1666 Only 25 copies printed. No. 13. 2171 RUTHERFORTH (T.). INSTITUTES of NATURAL LAW . . . 2 vols., 8vo, half vellum, gilt. Cambridge, 1754 As applied to Slavery, pp. 474-495. 2172 r~^ ABELLICIUS.] Opera Mar. Ant. Sabellici : quae hoc . ""} volumine continentur. Epistolarum familiarum, etc. Folio, calf. Venetiis : A. de Lissona, 1502 Fine copy, with large margins, and the large initials in red and blue. Refers simply to the French Admiral, C'aseneuve alias Colombo. 2173 Sabin (Joseph). A List of the Printed Editions of the Works of Fray Bartolome de las Casas . . . 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1870 2174 Sabine (Lorenzo). An Address . . . the Hundredth Anni- versary of the Death of Major General James Wolfe . . . 8vo. Boston, 1859 Printed for the New-England Historical Genealogical Society. 2175 Sagard Theodat (Gabriel). I.e Grand Voyage du Pays, des Hukons, situe en l'Amerique vers la Mer douce, es derniers confins de la nouvelle France, dite Canada . . . Engraved title ; avec un Dictionaire de la Lant.uk Huronne. 2 vols, in 1. Post 8vo, crimson levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Paris, 1632 " One of those precious curiosities of literature which book lovers seek with extreme avidity." — -Tross. 2176 Sagard Theodat. Histoire du Canada et Voyages, que les Freres Mineurs recollects y ont faicts pour la Conversion des Infidelles, depuis Pan 1615 . . . Avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne. 4 vols., 8vo, vellum. Paiis : Tross, 1SS6 At the end of Vol. 4 " Notice sui F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat et sou (Euvre ]>ar 1 1. Fmile ( 'hevalier." 326 Americana. 2177 [Sage (Elisha L.).] Genealogical Record of the Descend- ants of David Sage, a Native of Wales . . . and one of the First Settlers of Middletown, Connecticut, 1652. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Middletown, 1878 Presentation copy from the author, with MS. corrections. 2178 Sahagun (Bernardino de). Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espaxa . . . con Notas y Suplementos Carlos Maria de Bustamante. 3 vols. 4to, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Mexico, 1829-30 2179 Sahagun. Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. Publicala por separado de sus demas obras Carlos Maria de Bustamante. 4to, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. Mexico, 1829 2180 Sain de Boislecomte (M.). De la Crise Americaine et de celle des Nationalities en Europe. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1862 2181 [St. Clair. J A Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, was conducted, under the command of Major General St. Clair, together with his Observations on the Statements of the Secretary of War and the Quartermaster Gen- eral, relative thereto, and the Reports of the Committees appointed to inquire into the causes of the failure thereof. Taken from the Files of the House of Representatives in Congress. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed by Jane Aitkcn, 1812 Portrait of St. Clair inserted. " A narrative of the terrible defeat and slaughter of eight hundred soldiers by the Ohio Indians. St. Clair's voluminous defense is rendered nugatory and futile by the passionate ejaculations of Washington, when Major Denny called him from a dinner-party, to announce the defeat. Overcome with surprise and indignation, Washington cursed the beaten general with exceeding fervor, adding, ' Did not my last words warn him against a surprise.' " — Field. 2182 [St. Domingo.] An Historick Recital, of the Different Occurrences in the Camps of Grand- Riviere, Dondon, Sainte- Suzanne and others, from the 26th of October, 1791, to the 24th of December, of the same year. By Mr. Gross, Attorney Syndic of Valiere, taken Prisoner by Johnny. 1 21110, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Baltimore, [1792 J Americana. 327 2183 [St. Domingo.] Historia de Santo Domingo, desde su Descubrimiento hasta nuestras dias, por Don Antonia del Monte y Tejada. Maps and plates. Royal 8vo, uncut. Tomo I. Habana, 1853 2184 [St. Domingo.] Report of the Commission of Inquiry to Santo Domingo. Map. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 187 1 2185 Saint-Mery (L. E. Moreau). Description Topographique, Physique, Civile, Politique, et Historique de la partie Francaise de l'Isle Saint-Domingue. Large map. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphie, 1 797-'8 21S6 San Roman (Antonio). Historia General de la Yndia Oriental, Los Descubrimientos y Conquistas, que han hecho las Armas de Portugal, enel Brasil, y en Otras partes de Africa, y de la Asia, &c, 1557. Engraved title. Folio, calf, gilt. Valladolid, 1603 2187 [St. Vai.ier.] Estat present de l'Eglise et de la Colonie Franchise dans la Nouvelle France. Par M. [Jean] l'Evequc de Quebec. 8vo, calf. Paris: Robert Pepie [Denis Zanglois], 1688 2188 St. Vai.ier (Joly de). Histoire Raisonnee des Operations Militaires et Politiques de la Derniere Guerre, suivie d'Observa- tions sur La Revolution. 8vo, calf. Pi^'ge, 1 7S3 2189 Saint-Venant (Barre). Des Colonies Modernes sous la Zone Torride, en particulierement de Celle de Saint-Domingue. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1802 2190 [Salajar.] ec. fi, I7<)<), and Geo. Washington Sargent. July 2, 1802 ; also, a genealogical register of the Sargent family (8 pp.) from 1692 to imi. 330 Americana. 2203 [Sargent.] Diary of Col. Winthrop Sargent, Adjutant- General of the United States Army, during the Campaign of mdccxci. Now first printed. 2 facsimile plates. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia: Wormsloe, 185 1 Excessively rare. In addition to the Diary of the progress of, and daily occurrences in the force under General St. Clair, this work contains Col. Sargent's Narrative of the dis- astrous defeat which closed the Campaign. The fourth of the Wormsloe quartos. The impression of 46 copies was pri- vately printed for George Wymberley-Jones. This copy belonged to Winthrop Sargent, Jr. See note on fly-leaf. 2204 Sargent (Winthrop). The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under Major-General Edward Brad- dock . . . Edited from the Original Manuscripts. Plate and 8 maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1856 Published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 2205 Sargent. A Collection of Magazine Articles col- lected. On the Libri Library ; the Society of the Cincinnati; M. Gironiere and the Philippine Islands; Bibliopegia; English Anec- dotes of the American Revolution, &c. 8vo, half morocco, v. d. 2206 Sarmiento de Gamboa (Pedro). Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, en los afios de 1579 y 1580. y Noticia de la Expe- dition. 3 charts. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1768 2207 [Sauvage.] Dictionnaire Galibi, presente sous deux formes: 1° Commencant par le mot Francois; IP Par le mot Galibi: pre- cede d'un Essai de Grammaire, par M. D[e] P[a] S[auvage], 8vo, calf. Paris, 1763 220S Savage (Major Thomas). An Account of the Late Action of the New-Englanders, Under the Command of Sir William Phips, Against the French at Canada, &c. 4to, half morocco, gilt and red leaves. London, 1691 Fine copy. At the end a fac-simile of an " Indented Bill of Ten Shillings"; also a cata- logue of Books. 2209 Savannah. The Siege of Savannah, in 1779, as Described in Two Contemporaneous Journals of French Officers in the Fleet of Count D'Estaing. [Edited by Chas. C. Jones.] Plan. 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1874 Printed from a Manuscript in the possession of Mr. J. Carson Brevoort. The large folded plan of the siege was photo-lithographed from the original, formerly in the possession of Lord Rawdon; now in the collection of Mr. Brevoort. The present copy contains the Index. Americana. 331 2210 Saxe (John G.). Poems. Portrait. i6mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1854 22 1 1 [ScijeTrePs Nuucmtmru <£t>vonttU.] Registrum hums operis libri cronicarum en figuris et ymagibus ab inicio mudi. With large map and over 2,000 woodcuts. Royal folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, and inside borders, by Gruel. Norimberg : Ant. Koberger, 1493 Large paper copy, measuring 18J inches by 13 on the leaf, and containing all the blank leaves. The initial commencing the Table and the large initial at folio I. are illuminated in gold and colors, with the addition of a colored border to the latter. Folios II., III. and IV. are nearly an inch shorter than the other pages. 2212 Scherer (Jean-Benoit). Recherches Historiques et Geo- graphiques sur le Nouveau-Monde. Large map and 8 plates. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1777 2213 [.ScfjmaUS (HcOltartr).] ULuCUfJlMti uncula de morbo Gallico et cura eius noviter reperta cu ligno Indico Peonardi Schmaus, Medicine professoris. 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Gruel. Auguste, 15 iS See B. A. V. Add., No. 55, for an account of this curious and rare work. It is in this book that the statement originated, putting forth the supposition of the venereal disease having had its beginnings in America. 2214 Schmidel (Huldericus). Vera historia Admirand/E Cuius- D am navigationis, quam Huldericus Schmidel, Straubingensis, ab Anno. 1534, usque ad annum 1554, in American) vel novum Mundum, juxta Brasiliam & Rio della Plata, confecit, <\:c. Charts (2) and 16 etchings. 4to, morocco, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Title hinged. Noribergce, 1599 Livinus llulsius, ['art 4 of his collection. I';}" See 1 1 ri.SH'S. 2215 [Schoner (John).] Puculentissima quaedn terrae totius descrip- tio : cu multis utilissintis Cosmographiae iniciis, &c. 4U), brown levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Gruel. Noribergrc, 1515 Fine copy. Woodcut on back of title, slip of errata at 12th leaf, globe at leaf 14, sphere at folio 4, and at Cap. XL, folio 60. "America sive Amerigon m>\us muntlus et quarta orbis pars: dista ab eius invetore Americo Vesputio." B. A. Y., No. 80. 2216 [Schoner.] Joannis Schoneri Caroeostadii Opuscueem Geographicum ex diversorum libris ac cartis summa cura .S: dili- o'entia collectum, accommodatum ad recenter elaboratum ab 332 Americana. eodem globum descriptionis terrenae : Joachimi Camerarii. Woodcuts of globes, arc. 4to, vellum. Arms of Pope Pius VI. on back. Norica, 1533 B. A. V., No. 178. See Caps. XX. & XXI. for " De regionibus extra Ptolema?um," and the last page for " Brasilia Novae Terrre." Also in this vol., 7 others, viz. :— I. Equatorii Astronomici omnium ferme Vranicarum Theorematu explanatorii Canones, per lOANNE Schoner, &c. [Title and 13 leaves.] Nureberge, 1522 II. Sapheae Recentiores Doctrinae Patris Abrusahk Azarchelis summi Astronomi a Ioanne Schoneko, &c. [13 leaves.] Norimberge, 1534 III. Problemata XXIX. Saphaeae Nobilis Instrumenti Astronomici, ab Joanne de Monteregio. [14 leaves.] 1534 IV. Globi Stelliferi, sive Sphaerae Stellarum. . . . Autore Ioanne Schonero, &c. [2S leaves.] Norimbergv, 1533 V. Joannis Schoneri Carolostadii Opusculum Astrologicum, &c. [55 leaves] Nozimberg.e, 1539 VI. Tabulae Resolutae de Supputandis siderum motibus . . . Joannis Vir- dungi, Hasfurdii, iKx. [62 leaves.] Norimburgse, 1542 VII. Tabule Astronomice ALFONSI * Regis. [114 leaves.] Venetiis, 1492 2217 School of (loon Manners. Composed for the Help of Parents in teaching their Children. Woodcuts. i2mo, crimson levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Boston, 1813 Said to have been compiled by a late famous School-Master in Boston, and containing amongst many choice pieces of wisdom, the advice, " Put not thy hand, in the presence of others, to any part of thy body not ordinarily discover- able . . . scratch not thy head, wink not with thine eye." — Pp. 14-15. 2218 Schoolcraft (H. R.). Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake . . in 1832. Maps. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1S34 2219 Schoolcraft. Notes on the Iroquois; or, Contributions to American History, Antiquities and General Ethnology. By Henry R.Schoolcraft, ^illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. Albany, 1847 2220 Schoolcraft. [Historical and Statistical] Information respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Trip.es of the United States; Collected and Prepared under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, per Act of Congress of March 3d, 1847. By Henry R. Schoolcraft, LL.D. Illustrated by S. Eastman, Capt. U. S. A. Published by authority of Congress. 336 plates and 15 cuts. 6 vols., royal 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1853-57 The large paper Government Edition. " This great work is a complete Thesaurus — an overflowing treasury of knowl- edge, respecting the Aborigines of America. It embraces their history, ethno- Americana. t>33 graphy, antiquities, and languages ; their ancient and modern geography ; their manners and customs, religion and superstitions ; their agriculture, commerce and trade ; their ornamental arts, and their physical and intellectual peculiarities. All these subjects are treated in detail, each topic being patiently and thoroughly discussed and exhausted ; the work, although mainly executed by the author's own hand, having received the contributions of many savans thoroughly conver- sant with particular subjects embraced in its pages. It is the most complete and thorough collection of treatises relating to the Indians, and comprises also the only general history of the aboriginal race, which has ever been published." 222t [Schouten.] Journal Ou Descriptiox clu merveilleux voyage de Guillaume Schouten, Hollandois natif de Hoorn fait es annees i6r5, i6t6 & 1617. Comme (en circumnavigeant le Globe terrestre) il a descouvert vers le Zud du destroit de Magellan un nouveau passage, jusques a la grande Mer de Zud, &c. 10 etched maps and plates. 4to, vellum, uncut. Amstredam, 16 18 2222 .Sctyotttrn (OTCUem (tovntliuu). Jounmel ofte Bes- chryvinge vande wonderlijcke Reyse gedaen door Willem Cornelisz Schouten van Hoorn, inde Jaren 16 15, n 6 x 6 ende 1617. Hoe hy bezuyden de Straet van Magellanes, sian. 121110, half morocco. Portsmouth, 1 So 1 2240 Skwali. (Oliver). History of Chkstkrvili.k, Maine. 8vo, uncut. Eirmington, 1S75 336 Americana. 2241 [Seward's Diplomacy.] Message of the President of the United States . . ..8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1861 2242 Seward (William). Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to England, M,DCC.XL. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1740 2243 Shallus (Francis). Chronological Tables. 2 vols, in 1. i2mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1817 Particularly full in American items. 2244 [Shannon and Chesapeake.] The Shannon and the Chesa- peake : a Poem. 8vo, half morocco. London, 18 13 2245 Sharpe (W. C). History of Seymour, Connecticut, with Biographies and Genealogies. Portraits, &r°c, 8vo, cloth. Seymour, 1879 2246 [Shea (J. G.) Cramoisy Series of Jesuit Memoirs, Relations, &C, relating to the French Colonies in North America. Edited by John Gilmary Shea, LL.D.J Portraits and maps. 19 vols., 8vo, 2 in half morocco, the rest vellum, all uncut. New York, 1858-66 The Series consists of the following works : 1. Bigot (J.). Copie d'vne Lettre escrite par Le Pere Jacques Bigot de la Compagnie de Jesus, l'An 16S4, pour accompagner un collier de pourcelaine envoiee par les Abnaquis de la Mission de Sainct Francois de Sales dans la Nouvelle France au tombeau de leur Sainct Patron a Annecy. Manate,. m.dccc.lviii. 2. Bigot. Relation de ce qvi s'est passe de plus remarqvable dans la Mission Abnaquise de Sainct Joseph de Sillery et de Sainct Francois de Sales, l'Annee 1685, par le R. Pere Jacques Bigot, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Albany, US58 3. Bigot (V.). Relation de ce qvi s'est passe de plus remarqvble dans la Mission des Abnaquis a L'Acadie, l'Annee 1701. l'ar le Pere Vincent Bigot, de la Compagnie de Jesus. A Manate, m.dccc.lviii. 4. Cavelier (M.). Relation du Voyage Entrepris par feu M. Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, pour decouvrir dans le golfe du Mexique 1'embouchure du Fleuve de Missisipy. Par son Frere M. Cavelier, pretre de St. Sulpice, l'un des compagnons de ce voyage. A Manate, m.dccc.lviii. Americana. ^^y 5. Chaumonot (P. J. M.). La Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionnaire dans la Nouvelle France, Ecrite par lui-meme par ordre de son Superieur, Fan 1688. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, m.dccc.lviii. 6. Chaumonot. Suite de la Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, de la Compagnie de Jesus, par un Pere de la meme Compagnie avec la maniere d'oraison du venerable Pere, ecrite par lui-meme. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, m.dccc.lviii. 7. Tranchepain (St. A. de). Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Orleans et de leur etablissement en cette ville. Par la Rev. Mere St. Augustin de Tranchepain, Super- ieure. Avec les lettres circulaires de quelques unes des Sceurs, et de la dite Mere. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, m dccc.lix. 8. Rf.gistres des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sont faits au Fort Duquesne pendant les Annees 1753, 1754, 1755 & 1 756. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, m.dccc.lix. 9. Journal de la Cuerre du Micissippi contre les Chicachas, en 1739 et finie en 1740, le 1 er d'Avril. Par un Officier de 1'Armee de M. de Nouaille. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, m.dccc.lix. 10. Gravier (J.). Relation ou Journal du Voyage du R. P. Jacques Gravier, de la Compagnie de Jesus, en 1700 depuis le pays des Illinois jusqu'a l'cmbouchure du Mississipi. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, m.dccc.lix. 11. Dablon (C). Relation de ce qui s'est passe' de Plus Re- marquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les annees 1672 a 1673 par le R. P. Claude Dablon Recteur du College de Quebec. . . . A la Nouvelle York: De la Prcsse Cramoisy, m.dccc.lxi. 12. Dablon. Relation de ce qui s'est passe' de Plus Remarq- uable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les annees 1673 a 1679 par le R. P. Claude Dablon, &c. . . . Quebec: A la Prcsse Cramoisy, m.dccc.lx. 13. Relations diverses sur la Bataille du Malangueule. Gagne le 9 ] 11 il let, 1755, par les Francois sous M. tie Beaujeu, Com- mandant du Fort du Quesne sur les Anglois sous M. Braddock, General en Chef des troupes Anglois. Recueillies par Jean Marie Shea. Portrait. Nouvelle York: De la Presse Cramoisy, m.dccc.i.x. 14. Relation de la Mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de (Quebec en 1700. Par MM. I )e Montigny, 1 )e St. Cosine, et Thaumur de la Source. Nouvelle Vork : .-/ la Presse Crai)h>isv, m.ik cc.lxi. 338 Americana. 15. Jogues (I.). Novum Belgium, Description de Nieuw Nether- land et Notice sur Rene Goupil. Par le R. P. Isaac Jogues, de la Compagnie de Jesus. A New York, dans l'Ancien Niew Netherland: Presse Cramoisy, 1862 16. Sagean (M.). Extrait de la Relation des Avantures et Voyage de Mathieu Sagean. Nouvelle York: A la Presse Cramoisy, 1863 17. Milet (P.). Relation de sa Captivite parmi les Onneiouts en 1690-1. Par le R. P. Pierre Milet de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle York: Presse Cramoisy, m.dccc.lxiv. 18. Relation des Affaires du Canada, en 1696, et des Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus jusqu'en 1702. Nouvelle York: De la Presse Cramoisy, m.dccc.lxv. 19. Recueil de Pieces sur la Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre, es annees 1648 et suivantes. Nouvelle York: De la Presse Cramoisy, m.dccc.lxvi. No. 16 is on small paper, the rest are large, of which only five complete sets were printed. 2247 Shea's Library of American Linguistics : I. Shea (J. G.). French-Onondaga Dictionary. i860 II. Mengarini (G.). Selish, or Flat-Head Grammar. 1861 III. Smith (Buckingham). Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language. 1861 IV. Arroyo de la Cuesta (F.). Grammar of the Mutsun Lan- guage. 1 86 1 V. Smith (B.). Grammar of the Pima or Nevome, a Language of Sonora. 1862 VI. Pandosy (M. C.) Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language. Translated by Geo. Gibbs and J. G. Shea. 1862 VII. Sitjar (Bonaventure). Vocabulary of the Language of San Antonio Mission, California. 1861 VIII. Arroyo de la Cuesta. Vocabulary or Phrase Book of the Mutsun Language. 1862 IX. Maillard (Abbe). Grammar of the Mikmaque Language of Nova Scotia. Edited by J. M. Bellenger. 1864 X. Bruyas (J.). Radical Words of the Mohawk Language, with their Derivatives. 1862 Americana. 339 XI. Gibbs (G.). Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language. 1863 XII. Gibbs (G.). Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or Trade Language of Oregon. 1863 Together 12 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. New York: Cramoisy Press, 1860-4 2248 Shf.a (John Gilmary). The Bursting of Pierre Margry's La Salle Bubble. 8vo. New York, 1879 2249 Shelvocke (G.). A Voyage Round the World By the Way of the Great South Sea, Perform'd in the Years 17 19, 20, 21, 22, in the Speedwell of London, of 24 Guns and 100 Men, (under His Majesty's Commission to cruise on the Spaniards in the late War with the Spanish Crown) till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandez, in May, 1720; and afterwards continu'd in the Recovery, the Jesus Maria and Sacra Famila, &rc. By Captain George Shelvocke. Map and 4 plates. Svo, calf. London, 1726 Two histories were published of this voyage. This was intended by the author as a vindication of his conduct, he having been accused of piracy and embezzlement. The other was written by William Betagh, who was roughly treated in Shelvocke's narrative, and, in return, wrote with the design of exposing Shelvocke. The author's relation of the discovery of gold is remarkable. "The soil about Puerto Seguro (and very likely in most parts of the valleys) is a rich black mould, which, as you turn it up fresh to the sun appears as if intermingled with gold dust, some of which we endeavored to wash and purify from the dust: but though we were a little prejudiced against the thoughts that it could be possible that this metal should be so promiscuously and universally mingled with common earth, yet we endeavored to cleanse and wash the earth from some of it, and the more we did, the more it appeared like gold; but in order to be further satisfied. I brought away some of it, which we lost in our confusions in China." — Pags* 400, 401. 2250 Sherman and his Campaigns : a Military Biography, by S. M. Bowman and R. B. Irwin. Portraits, &-~c. Svo, cloth. New York, 1865 2251 Shepard (Thomas). New Englands Lamentation for Old Englands present errours and divisions . . . Occasioned by the increase of Anabaptists, Rigid Separatists, Antinomians, and Familists, &:c. 4to, half morocco, uncut. 8 pp. London, 1645 2252 [Shepard. Indians in New-England.] The Day Breaking if not The Sun- Rising of the Gospell With the Indians in New- England. 4to, half morocco. Title cut down. London, 1647 Title and 26 pp. 340 Americana. 2253 Shepard. The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. London, 1648 P'ine copy, though a few marginal defects have been repaired. 2254 Shepard. Theses Sabbatic^e ; or, The Doctrine of the Sab- bath, &c. 4to, calf antique. London, 1649 Contains the three title-pages. 2255 Shepard. Theses Sabbatic^ ; or, the Doctrine of the Sab- bath. Small 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt over red leaves, by Pratt. London, 1650 Three title-pages are in this edition also. 2256 Shephard. Certain Select Cases Resolved. Specially, tending to the right ordering of the heart, that we may comfort- ably walk with God in our general and particular Callings. Small 8vo, calf antique, red leaves. London, 1650 The above copy has the " Imprimatur " leaf. 2257 Shepard. The Sound Beleever. A Treatise of Evangelicall Conversion. 8vo, (small) calf antique, red leaves. London, 1653 2258 Shepard. The Parable of the Ten Virgins Opened & Applied : Being the Substance of divers Sermons on Matth. 25, 1-13 . . . now published from the Author's own Notes . . . by Jonathan Mitchell . . . [and] Tho. Shepard, son to the Rev- erend Author. Folio, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. [London] : Reprinted and carefully Corrected in the Year 1695 2259 Shepheard (Tho.). The Sincere Convert discovering the Paucity of True Beleevers, and the great Difficulty of Saving Con- version. Small 8vo, calf antique. Title mended. London, 1642 2260 Shepheard. The Sincere Convert discovering The Paucity of true Believers ; And the great Difficultie of Saving Conversion. Small Svo, calf. London, 1643 2261 Shepheard. The Sincere Convert discovering The small number of True Beleevers, &c. 1648 The Sound Beleever. A Treatise of Evangelicall Conver- sion. 1649 2 vols, in 1. Small Svo, calf antique, red edges. London, 1648-9 Americana. 341 2262 Sherman (D.). Sketches of New England Divines. i2mo, cloth. New York, i860 Includes, John Cotton, Richard, Increase, and Cotton Mather, Roger Williams, &c. , &c. 2263 [Shipley (Jonathan, Bishop of St. Asaph.).] A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1774 First American edition. "A golden speech unspoken, which illustrates the wisdom, justice, foresight, and eloquence of the good bishop. It will not be unpleasant for Americans to hear his opinion. — ' My Lords, I look upon North America as the only great nursery of freemen now left upon the face of the earth.' " 2264 [Shipley.] A Speech intended to have been Spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. The Fourth Edition. 8vo. London: T. Cadell, 1774 2265 [Shipley.] A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bili for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. nmo, half morocco. Hartford, 1774 Fifth edition. 2266 [Shipley.] A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Svo, half morocco. London, 1782 2267 [Shirley.] A Letter from William Shirley, Esq., Gov- ernor of MassachusettVBay, To His Grace the Duke of New- castle; with A Journal of the Siege of I.ouisbourg, and other Operations of the Forces, during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape-Breton . . . &c. 4to, cloth, pp. 31. Boston, 1 74^) .Autograph and notes of J. Wingate Thornton. 2268 Short View (A) of the Pnelatieall Church of England: Wherein is set forth the horrible abuses in Discipline and Government, layd open in tenne Sections by way of Quare and Petition, the severall heads whereof are set downe in the next Page. Whereunto is addetl a short draught of Church-government. .}to. calf, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. Printed in the yea re 1641 Fine cop}'. 342 Americana. 2269 Shufeldt (Robert W.). Reports of Explorations and Sur- veys, to Ascertain the Practicability of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the Way of the Isthmus of Tehu- antepec. 1 1 plates and 20 large maps. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1872 2270 [Sickles.] Trial of the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles for Shoot- ing Philip Barton Key . . . February 27th, 1859. Reported by Felix G. Fontaine. Illustrated '. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1859 2271 [Sidney and Languet.] The Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney and Hubert Languet, now first collected and translated from the Latin, with Notes and a Memoir of .Sidney. By Stuart A. Pears. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1845 Contains criticisms on Frobisher's American voyages and notices of Columbus, Magellan, &c. 2272 [Simcoe (J. G.).] A Journal of the Operations of The Queen's Rangers, From the End of the Year 1777 to the Conclu- sion of the late American War, by Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe, Commander of that Corps. 10 maps. 4to, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Matthews. Exeter: Printed for the Author, [1787] Original edition. " First printed soon after the termination of the War of Independence, but apparently not published, and was almost unknown to exist until a few years ago, when a copy turned up in a sale (I believe in Mr. Chalmers' Library), and from that copy the New York Edition of 1844 was printed." — Rich. Larger than the Menzies copy, measuring 8| inches by n/g on the leaf. 2273 Simcoe. Military Journal. A History of the Operations of a Partisan Corps, called The Queen's Rangers, commanded by Lieut. -Col. J. G. Simcoe, during the War of the American Revolu- tion. Illustrated by 10 engraved plans of actions, &c. With a Memoir of the Author and other additions. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1844 2274 Simms (William Gilmore). The History of South Carolina, from its First European Discovery to its Erection into a Republic, with a Supplementary Chronicle of Events to the Present Time. 8vo, calf, uncut. Charleston, 1840 The author's own copy of the first edition, with two autographs. Americana. 343 2275 Simon (Pedro). Primera Parte De las Noticias historiales de las Conquistas de Tierra Firme : en las Indias Occiden- tai.es. Engraved title by Alardo de Popma. Folio, vellum. Real en Cuenca en casa de Domingo de la Yglesia, 1626 [1627] The engraved title gives the date 1626, the colophon 1627. The only part published. 2276 Simpson (Thos.). Narrative of the Discoveries on the North Coast of America, effected by the Officers of the Hud- son's Bay Co., 1836-9; [also] Life and Travels of, by his brother Alexander. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1843-5 2277 Sitgreaves (Captain L.). Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Large map and id plates. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1853 2278 Slaughter (P.). Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry . . Wash ington's Senior in Command of Virginia Forces . . . &x. 8vo cloth. [Richmond, 188 — ] 2279 Slaughter. A History of Bristol Parish, Va., with Gene- alogies, &c. Frontispiece. i6mo, cloth. Richmond, 1879 2280 (Slavery.] A Vindication of the Address To the Inhabitants of the British Settlements, on the Slavery of the Negroes in America, in Answer to a Pamphlet entitled, " Slavery not Forbid- den by Scripture." By a Pennsylvania!!. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1 773 2281 I Slavery. J A Dialogue concerning the Slavery of the Africans, Shewing it to be the Duty and Interest of the American States to Emancipate all their African Slaves . . . To which is prefixed, the Institution of the Society in New-York, for promoting the Manumission of Slaves. . . . 8vo, uncut. Norwich, 1776, rep. New York, 1785 22S2 S.mi.t (P. j. de). Letters and Sketches: with a Narrative of a Year's Residence among the Indian Tribes of the Rocky .Moun- tains. Illustrated. i2mo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1843 2283 Smet (Pierre tie). Voyages aux Montagxks Rocheuses, et une annee de sejour ches les Tribes Indiennes du vaste territoire 344 Americana. de l'Oregon, dependant des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Large map and numerous illustrations. 12 mo, vellum. Malines, 1844 2284 Smethurst (Gamaliel). A Narrative of an Extraordinary Escape out of the Hands of the Indians, in the Gulph of St. Law- rence: interspersed With a Description of the Coast, and Remarks on the Customs and Manners of the Savages there: Also a Provi- dential Escape after a Shipwreck, in coming from the Island St. John. . . . &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1774 2285 [Smets.] Catalogue Raissonee of Curious Manuscripts, Early Printed and other Rare Books; comprising part of the Library of Mr. A. A. Smets, i860. Catalogue of the Private Library of the late Mr. A. A. Smets, Savannah, Ga., 1S68. 2 vols., 8vo, uncut. New York, 1860-68 The first portion was printed for private circulation. 2286 Smith (Aaron). The Atrocities of the Pirates: being a Faithful Narrative of the Unparalleled Sufferings endured by the Author during his Captivity among the Pirates of the Island of Cuba. . . . Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1824 2287 [Smith (Buckingham).] Coleccion de Varios Documentos para la Historia de la Florida y Tierras Adyacentes, Tomo. I. Portrait. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Londres [(Madrid), 185 7 J 2288 Smith. Another copy. VJnbound. Londres [(Madrid), 1857] 22S9 Smith. An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Documents concerning a Discovery in North America, claimed to have been made by Verrazzano. . . . Map. Royal 4to, uncut. New York, 1864 Large paper. Only 120 copies printed. 2290 Smith (Ethan). View of the Hebrews; or, the Tribes of Israel in America. 121110, sheep. Poultney (Vt.), 1825 Advancing the possibility of the Ten Tribes of Israel having first peopled America. 2291 ^mtti) (Captautr [Jfjolju]). .3 True delation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that Collony, which is now resident in the South Americana. 345 part thereof, till the last returne from thence. Woodcut on title. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. London, 1608 Includes the explanatory Preface, signed I. H., and is the copy referred to by C. Deane in his preface to the reprint, p. XIV. 2292 Smith. A True Relation of Virginia: with an Introduction and Notes by Charles Dean. Large map. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1866 No. 7 of 280 copies printed. 2293 Smith. A Map of Virginia. With a Description of the Coun- trey, the Commodities, People, Government and Religion. . . . Whereunto is annexed the proceedings of those Colonies, since their first departure from England, with the discourses, Orations and relations of the Salvages. . . . Taken faithfully as they were written out of the writings of Doctor Russell, Richard Wiefin, Tho. Studley, Will. Phettiplace, Anas Todrill, Nathaniel Powell, Jeffria Abot, Richard Pots, And the relations of divers other dili gent observers there present then, and now many of them in England, by W. S[imons]. Both titles, the first mended. 410, calf gilt edges. Oxford, 161 2 2294 Smith. A Description of New England; or, The Observa- tions and discoveries of Captain John Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 16 14, cS:c. Map of New England. 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, by J' raft. London, 1616 The map is a fac-simile, by Burt; the title-page is also in fac-simile. '' This is the first book published, which speaks of New England, previously called North Virginia." — Rich. 2295 Smith. A Description of New-England: or The Observa- tions and Discoueries of Captain Iohn Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord 1614. Map. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston: [Reprinted], m dccc i.xv. 75 copies only printed, with a fac-simile of the original map. No. 1. 2296 Stm'ti) ((Tapt. Joijit). Tijc Sea-3Hans (Grammar: containing Most plain and easie directions, how to Build, Rigge, Yard and Mast any Ship whatsoever. With the plain exposition of all such terms as are used in a Xavie and Fight at Sea . . . Art of Gunnery, &c. 4to, calf. London, 1653 346 Americana. 2297 Smith. The Generai.l Historik of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles; with the names of the Adventurers, Planters and Governours, from their first beginning An? 1584 to this present, 1624. With the Procedings of those Severall Colonies and the Accidents that befell them in all their Journyes and Dis- coveries, &c. 4 large maps and 4 portraits {including duplicates), engraved title by John Barra. Folio, calf, gilt leaves and sides, with coat-of-arms. London: /. D. and I. H.,/or Michael Sparkes, 1624 The Earl of Warwick's large paper copy (8| inches by i3 T V), and probably the largest in existence. The famous Brinley copy, which sold for $1,800, and is now in the Lenox library, is slightly wider, but not as tall. The portraits, both original, and reprint, are mounted, the map with scenes in the Life of Capt. Smith is inlaid, and has once been folded, and the large maps of Virginia and New-England have been refolded. 2298 Smith. A Sea Grammar, With the Plaine Exposition of Smith's Accidence for young Sea-men, enlarged. . . . Portrait inserted. 4to, calf. London, 1627 2299 Smith. Advertisements For the unexperienced Planters of New-England, or any where. Or, The Path-way to experience to erect a Plantation. With the yearely proceedings of this Coun- try in Fishing and Planting, since the yeare 1614 to the yeare 1630, &c. Large map. 4to, polished calf, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London, 163 1 2300 Smith. Advertisements For the unexperienced Planters of New-England, or Anywhere. Or The Path-way to experience to erect a Plantation. Map. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston: [Reprinted], mdccclxv. 75 copies only printed, with a fac-simile of the original map. No. 1. 2301 Smith. Last Will and Testament, with some Additional Memoranda relating to him. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Cambridge, 1S67 Only 50 copies printed. 2302 Smith. New Engi.ands Trials. Declaring the successe of 80 ships employed thither within these eight yeares; and the benefit of that Countrey by Sea and Land. With the present estate of that happie Plantation, begun by but 60 Weake men in the yeare 1620. And how to build a Fleete of good Shippes to make a little Americana. 347 Nauie Royall. Written by Captaine lohn Smith, sometimes Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall of New England. The Second Edition. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Providence: Reprinted, 1867J Extremely scarce. Only 60 printed for Mr. John Carter Brown. No. 2. 2 3°3 Smith. Another copy, without the limitation notice. Imp. 8vo, half morocco. Providence, 1867 2304 Smith (John Russell). Bibliotheca Americana. A Cata- logue of a valuable Collection of Books illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. Svo, cloth. London, 187 1 2305 Smith (Joseph). A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, or Books written by Members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers . . . The first 6 parts in 3. 4to, uncut. London, 1863 2306 Smith (Philip H.). General History of Dutchess County, from 1609 to 1876 inclusive. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts, maps, Cs^c. Svo, sheets folded. Pawling, 1877 2307 Smith (Ralph D.). The History of Guilford, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1639. 2 plates. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1877 2308 Smith (Robert). An Address to the People of the United States. 8vo, half morocco. London, j8ii 2309 [Smith (Robert).] Columbus; or, The New World: a Poem, by Britannicus. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, [i860] Autograph letter of the author inserted. 2310 Smith (Samuel). The History of the Colony of Nova- C.esaria, or New-Jersey. Containing, an Account of its First Settlement, Progressive Improvements, The Original and Present Constitution and other Events, to the year 1721. With some Particulars since, &c. Svo, calf. Burlington, in New Jersey. 1765 Fine tall ropy. 231 r [Smith.] Memoirs of Samuel Smith, a Soldier of the Revo- lution, 1 7 76-1 786. Written by Himself. With a Preface and Notes, by Charles 1. Bushnell. Portrait. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1S60 Privately printed. 348 Americana. 2312 [Smith (Seba).] The Life and Writings of Major Jack Downing of Downingville away down East in the State of Maine. Woodcuts, nmo, calf, gilt. Boston, 1833 2313 Smith (William). The History of the Province of New- York, from the First discovery to the Year 1732. To which is annexed, A Description of the Country, with a short account of the Inhabitants, their Trade, Religious and Political State, and the Constitution of the Courts of Justice in that Colony. Large folded frontispiece. 4to, half calf. London, 1757 Large copy, 10% x 8% inches on the page. 2314 Smith. History of New-York, from its First Discovery . . . with a Continuation ... to the year, 18 14. 8vo, sheep. Albany, 18 14 Autograph of B. F. Butler on fly-leaf. 2315 Smith. The History of the late Province of Nkw-Y*ork, from its Discovery to the Appointment of Governor Colden in 1762. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1830 2316 [Smith (Dr. W.).] An Historical Account of the Expedi- tion against the Ohio Indians, in the Year MDCCLXIV. Under the Command of Henry Bouquet, Esq.: Colonel of Foot, and now Brigadier General in America. Including His Transactions with the Indians, Relative to the Delivery of their Prisoners, and the Preliminaries of Peace. With an Introductory Account of the Preceding Campaign, And Battle at Bushy-Run. To which are annexed Military Papers, containing Reflections on the War with the Savages ; a Method of forming Frontier Settlements; some Account of the Indian Country, with a List of Nations, Fighting Men, Towns, Distances and different Routs. The whole illustrated with a Map and Copper-plates. Published from authentic Docu- ments, by a Lover of his Country. 4to, pp. xiii. 71. Map, 2 plans and 2 plates. Polished calf extra, gilt top, uncut, by Pratt. London: Reprinted for T. Jejferies, 1766 Splendid copy, and very rare in uncut condition. In this edition the 3 plans are on a reduced scale, but it contains in addition two fine historical plates engraved by Grignon, from the earliest drawings of Ben- jamin West, to one of which his autograph signature is attached. " The work narrates the details of the first victory gained over Indian forces by English troops, after the savages had been taught the use of fire-arms. Nearly Americana. 349 twenty years elapsed before the whites gained another, during which period they suffered dreadful defeats in thirteen battles at the hands of the Indians. Colonel Bouquet by his judicious arrangements first laid down the plan, in following which General Wayne secured the same result." — Field. 2317 [Smith.] ' A Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs. Preached in Christ-Church, June 23, 1775, at the Request of the Officers of the Third Battalion of the City of Philadelphia, and District of Southwark. By William Smith, D.D. 8vo, half morocco. London: E. and C. Dilly, 1775 Published to "promote the Cause of Liberty and Virtue." — Col. John Cad- WALLADER. 2318 Smith. Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs . . . June 23, 1775. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1775 2319 I Smith.] The Jeff. Davis Piracy Cases. Fall Report of the Trial of William Smith for Piracy, as one of the crew of the Con- federate Privateer, the Jeff. Davis. Before Judges Grier and Cadwalader . . . October, 1861. By D. F. Murphy. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1861 2320 Smyth (VV.) «;«/ Lowe (F.). Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon : under- taken with a view of ascertaining the practicability of a Navigable Communication with the Atlantic, by the Rivers Pachitea, Ucayali and Amazon. 3 maps and 10 plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1836 2321 [Sobolf.wski.] Catalogue de la Collection precieuse de Livres, anciens et modernes, formant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Serge Sobolewski (de Moscou). 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Leipzig, 1873 2322 [Society of the Cincinnati.] The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati . . . for the use of the Members of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1801 Contains the Names of the Original Members. 10 pp. 2323 [Society of the Cincinnati. ] The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati . . . [with Names of the Original Members of Rhode-Island]. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards. Boston, iNo2 Autograph of Benjn. Tallmadge on title and cover. A presenta'ion copy from Major William Peck. 350 Americana. 2324 [Society of Cincinnati.] L'Ordre Americaine de Cinctn- natus en France. Reglements et Correspondances de Washing- ton, par M. le Baron de Girardot. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 50 pp Nantes, n. d. 2325 [Society of the Cincinnati.] An Oration delivered at the North Church in Hartford at the Meeting of the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati, July 4th, 1787, in commemoration of the Independence of the United States. By Joel Barlow. 4to, pp. 20. [Hartford, 1787] An Oration delivered at New-Haven on the 7th of July, A. D. 1 So 1, before the Society of the Cincinnati, for the State of Con- necticut ... By Theodore Dwight. 8vo, pp. 43, uncut. Hartford, 1801 A Valedictory Discourse, delivered before the Cincinnati of Connecticut, in Hartford, July 4th, 1804, at the Dissolution of the Society. By D. Humphreys. 8vo, uncut, pp. 60. Boston, 1804 3 vols, in 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco. v. d. 2326 [Society of the Cincinnati.] Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati, with the Original Institution of the Order. To which are annexed the Act of Incorporation by the State of Pennsylvania . . . and the Testimonial to the Memory of General Washington . . . May, 1800. 8vo, morocco. Philadelphia, 1841 2327 [Society of the Cincinnati.] Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati, with the Original Institution of the Order, and fac-simile of the signatures of the Original Members of the State Society of Pennsylvania Folio, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1S47 Sixteen pages of text, and 22 pages of fac-simile autographs. 2328 Solano (San Francisco). Compendio de la Vida, Virtudes, y Mila gros del Apostol del Peru. . . . Escriviola el Doct. Don Bartholome Sanchez de Feria. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1762 A curious biography of the first " Apostol del Peru." 2329 Sous (Don Antonio). Historia de la Conquista de Mkxico, poblacion y progressos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana. Frontispiece, with portrait. Folio, calf. Madrid, 1684 First Edition. Americana. 351 2330 Solis. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated . . . by Thomas Townsend . . . revised and corrected by Nathanael Hooke. Portrait by Verti/e, map and 7 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1753 2331 Solis. Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progresos de la America Septentrional, &c. Map and 6 plates. 2 vols. j 8vo, parchment. Barcelona, 1771 2332 Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution. With Notes and Illustrations by Frank Moore. Frontispiece and vignette. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 1856 2333 Soto (Ferdinand de). Historie de la Conqueste de la Floride, par les Espagnols, sous Ferdinand de Soto. Ecrite en Portugais par un Gentil-homme de la ville d'Elvas [traduit] par M. D. C. [De Citri de la Guette]. Small 8vo, calf. Paris, 1685 2334 Soto. A Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards . . . now Englished . . . with some Discov- eries made by the Spaniards in the Island of California in the year 1683. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1686 2335 [Sojo.] Letter of Hernando de Soto, and Memoir of Her- nando de Escalante Fontaneda. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Map. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Washington, 1854 Privately printed. " These translations are made from MSS. in the Original Spanish, belonging to the Historical Collection of James Lenox, Esq. One hundred copies have been printed for G. W. R[Jgg]-" — Note by Mr. Smith. " Soto conquered the native tribes of Indians of Florida in 1539, and this letter, dated July 9th, 1539, addressed to the Justice and Board of Magistrates of San- tiago de Cuba, is the official account of the expedition." 2336 [Soto.] The Life, Travels and Adventures of Ferdinand de Soro, Discoverer of the Mississippi. By Lambert A. Walker. Illustrations cm steel and wood. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 2337 Soulastre (Dorvo). Voyage par terre de Santo-Domingo . . . au Cap-Fran<;ais. Frontispiece. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1809 2 o3'^ Soi'les (Francois). Histoire des Trouui.es de i.'Ami'. rioi 1 Angi.aise. Large maps. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf. Paris, 17S7 ■252 Americana. 2339 Southern Generals, who they are, and what they have done. 17 steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1865 2340 Southern Historical Society Papers. Volume I. Jan- uary to June, 1876. Richmond, 1876 Also, a Confederate Roster by Charles C. Jones, Jr. Richmond, 1876 2341 Southern History of the War. Official [Confederate] Reports of Battles. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1863 2342 Spafford (Horatio Gates). A Pocket Guide for the Tourist and Traveler along the line of the Canals and the Interior Com- merce of the State of New York. 1 2mo, half morocco. New York, 1824 2343 [Spagnoli (Battista).] Opera Nova Baptists Mantuani Carmelite. Gaeorgius. Ccecilia. Brixia. Siluarum. Libri duo. Exhortatio regii christianoru vt ducant in barbaros. Small 8vo, crushed levant morocco, gilt leaves, by Hardy. Ascesianis, 1509 13. A. V. Add., No. 35, fails to mention the eight unnumbered leaves in this copy, which commence " De fortuna. : F. Gonzagae." Ascens, 1510. 2344 Spaniards (The) Cruelty and Treachery to the English in the time of Peace and War Discovered. Being the Council of a Person of Honour to King James, then upon Treaty of Peace with them, for to insist upon a Free Trade in the West-Indies. With some Expedients for the subjecting of the Spaniard in America, to the Obedience of England. 4to, half morocco. London, 1656 Signed D. K. 2345 [Spanish Depredation.] The Case of Mainwaring, Hawes, Payne and others, Concerning a Depredation made by the Span- ish-West-India Eleete, upon the Ship Elizabeth. Restitution sought in Spayne, &c. . . . [with the Remonstrance of Don Alonso de Cardenas, 11 pp.]. 4to, half morocco. [London], Anno 1646 2346 [Spanish Succession.] The Duke of Anjou's Succession Considered, As to its Legality and Consequences ; with Reflec- tions on the French King's Memorial to the Dutch, >S:c. Title, 1 leaf, Preface, 1 leaf, pp. 1-56. Part II. The Duke of Anjou's Succession further consider'd, Americana. 35. as to the Danger that may arise from it to Europe in General ; but more particularly to England, &c. Title, i leaf, Preface, i leaf, pp. 1-54. 2 vols, in 1. 4to, half morocco, lower margins cropped. London, 1701 2347 Sparks. Library of American Biography. Conducted by Jared Sparks. Both, series complete. Engraved titles, tvith 15 portraits on steel of Distinguished Amerieans. 25 vols., nrao, cloth. New York, i860; Boston, 1848 " Second in importance and value to no series of original works ever printed in this country." Contains Lives of : Allen (Ethan), Arnold (Benedict), Brown (Chas. Brockden), Brainerd (David), Bacon (Nath'l), Boone (Daniel), Calvert (Leonard), Cabot (Sebastian), Davidson (Lucretia M.), Dwight (Timothy), Decatur (Stephen), Davie (William R.), Eliot (John), Ellery (William), Eaton (William), Edwards (Jonathan), Fulton (Robt.), Fitch (John), Greene (Nathaniel), Gorton (Samuel), Hudson (Henry), Hutchinson (Anne), Henry (Patrick), Kirkland (Samuel), Lincoln (Benjamin), Ledyard (John), Lee (Charles), La Salle (R. C. de), Leisler (Jacob), Marquette (Father), Mather (Cotton), Montgomery (Richard), Mason (John), Otis (James), Oglethorpe (James), Pulaski (Count), Pike (Zebulon M.), Palfrey (William), Posey (Thomas), Preble (Edward), Penn (William), Pinkney (William), Thips (Sir William), Putnam (Israel), Rittenhouse (David), Rumford (Count), Ribault (John), Rale (Sebastian), Reed (Joseph), Sullivan (John), Stiles (Ezra), Stark (John), Smith (Capt. John), Steuben (Baron), Vane (Sir Henry), Wilson (Alex.), Wayne (Anthony), Warren (Joseph), Ward (Samuel), Williams (Roger). 2348 "Spectator." An Enquiry respecting the Capture of Washington by the British on the 24th August, 1814; with an Examination of the Report of the Committee of Investigation, appointed by Congress. 8vo, half morocco. Washington City, 18 16 2349 Spence (William). Britain Independent of Commerce ; or, Proofs deduced from an investigation into the True Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1808 2350 [Spencer.] Memorial of Ambrose Spencer, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of N. Y. Portrait. Svo, cloth. Albany, 1849 Presentation copy to Peter Townsend. 354 Americana. 2351 [Spilbergen.] Speculum Orientals Occidentalisque Indite Navigationum ; Quarum una Georgii a Spilbergen classis cum potestate Prnefecti, altera Jacobi le Maire auspiciis imperioque directa, Annis 1614, 15, 16, 17, 18. Exhibens Novi in mare Australe transitus, incognitarumque hactenus terrarum ac gen- tium inventione, &c. Large folded map and 14 smaller maps and etchings. Oblong 4to, russia, gilt edges. Lugd. Batav., 1619 From the collection of the Rt. Hon. Thos. Grenville. 2352 Spirit of the Public Journals (The) ; or, Beauties of the American Newspapers for 1805. i2mo, boards. Baltimore, 1806 2353 Spix and Von Martius. Travels in Brazil in 1817-20. 9 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1824 2354 Spori (Felix-Christian). Americanische Reisz-beschreibung nach den Caribes Inszlen und New-Engelland. Pp. 90. Small 8vo, half morocco. Zurich, 1677 VW See No. 174. A second work in this volume relates to the Gold coast of Africa, with plates. 2355 Sprague (John T.). The Origin, Progress and Conclusion of the Florida War, to which is appended a Record of Officers . . . Musicians and Privates of the U. S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps, who were killed in battle, &c. Map and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1848 2356 Sprengel (M. C). Geschichte der Revolution von Nord- America. Large map. Small 8vo, boards. Frankenthal, 1785 2357 Spruner (Karl von). Historico-Gecgraphical Hand-Atlas from . . . 476. 26 colored maps. Oblong 4to, cloth. London, 1861 Maps 12 and 22 show the Voyages made by the Discoverers of America. 235S Squier (E. G.) and Davis (E. H.). Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley : comprising the Results of extensive original Surveys and Explorations. With 48 maps and plates and 207 woodcuts. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. City of Washington, 1847 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. I. 2359 Squier. Notes on Central America, particularly the States of Honduras and San Salvador. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 Americana. 355 2360 Squier. Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America [Carta dirijida al Rey de Espano por . . . Don Diego Garcia de Palacio . . . 1576] . . . Published in the Original, with Trans- lations, Illustrative Notes, Maps and Biographical Sketches. Map. 4to, half morocco, git top, uncut edges. New York, 1800 No. 1 of the intended series, with the original text and translation on opposite pages. 2361 Squier. Monograph of Authors who have written on the Languages of Central America, and collected Vocabularies or composed works in the Native Dialects of that Country. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1861 2362 [Staden (Hans).j Warhaftig Historia und beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der'Wilden Nacteten, Grimmigen, Mensch- fresser, Leuthen, in der Newenwelt America gelengen, vor und nach Christi geburt im Land zu Hessen vnbekant, bisz vff dise ij. nechst vergangene jar, &c. Curious woodcuts throughout the text, but //// '/> us the map. 4to, half calf. Marpurg, 1557 Nuggets, No. 2,601. One of the most important books relating to South America, chiefly upon the Toupanimbas Indians of Brazil. Reproduced in De Bry; also in Ternaux's collections. 2 363 [Stamler.] Dyalogus Iohannis Stamler Augustn de diver- sarum gencium sectis et mundi religionibus. Woodcut title, repeated on both sides of the leaf. Folio, half morocco. Auguste : E. Oglin et G. Nadier, 150S B. A. V., No. 51. On verso of A. III., see " De insulis ante inventis men- tione nulle facio; Sed Christoferi Colom erunde invetoris et Alberici Ves- pucii," &c. 2364 Starbuck (Alex.). History of the American Whale Fishery. 8vo, cloth. Waltham, Mass., 1878 2365 [State Papers. J A Collection of State-Papers, relative to the First Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of America, And the Reception of their Minister Plenipotentiary, by their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Nether- lands. To which is prefixed, the Political Character of John Adams . . . By an American. Likewise An Kssay on Canon and feudal Law, By John Adams. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Top of title cut. London, 1782 356 Americana. 2366 [State Rights.] Remarks on State Rights. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1824 2367 Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, from the Institution of the Government, Feb. 8, 1 861, to its Termination, Feb. 18, 1862 . . . Edited by James M. Matthews. 8vo, half morocco. Richmond, 1864 2368 [Stedman (C.).] History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American War. By C. Stedman, who served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Corn- wallis. 15 plans. 2 vols., 4to, calf. London : Printed for the Author, 1794 Particularly valuable on account of the large and splendid Military Maps and Surveys, from the official originals by the British engineering staff, with which it is adorned. 2369 [Steendam.] Jacob Steendam, Noch Vaster. AMEMOmofthe First Poet in New-Netherland, with his Poems descriptive of the Colony [Edited by Henry C. Murphy]. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. The Hague, 1861 Printed for private distribution. 2370 [Stella.] Julii Caesaris Stellae. Nob. Rom. Colum- beidos, Libro priores duo. 4to, morocco extra, gilt leaves. Londini : Joiiannem Wolfium, 1585 " Written by the ' precocious child ' at the request of the College of Cardinals, and read at the Villa Farnese in the presence of their eminences." — H. II. 2 37 T [Stephens (James).] War in Disguise; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. [Also:] An Answer to War in Disguise; or, Remarks on the New Doctrine of England, concerning Neutral Trade. 2 vols, in 1. Svo, calf. New York, 1806 Rich attributes this to Gouverneur Morris. 2372 Stephens (John L.). Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Illus- trated by 120 engravings. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1843 Presentation copy from the author. 2373 [Stephens (Thomas).] A Brief Account of the Causes That have retarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia, in Americana. 357 America; Attested upon Oath, being A proper Contrast to A State of the Province of Georgia . . . 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1743 2374 [Stephens.] A Brief Account, &c. Another copy. Pol- ished calf extra, by Aitken. London, 1743 2375 [Stephenson.] The Life of George Stephenson and of his son Robert . . . comprising also a History of the Invention and Introduction of the Railway Locomotive. Portraits and woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868 Ericsson's " Novelty," p. 322. Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, p. 476. 2376 Stephenson (Marmaduke). A Call from Death to Life, . . . Written by Marmaduke Stephenson; Who (together with another dear Servant of the Lord called William Robinson) hath (since the Writing hereof) suffered Death, &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1660 2 377 [Steuben.] Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. 7 plates. Part I. i2mo, calf. Philadelphia: C. Cist, 1800 2378 Stevens (Henry). Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the Formation of his Library. Portraits. Post Svo, half cloth, uncut. London, 1886 Despite the error as to the purchaser of Gosnold's and Waymouth's Voyages (p. 165) and a few other discrepancies, this little book will always have a value to collectors of Americana. The G. M. 1>. goes '"behind the scenes," and opens many a pleasant vista of rare " finds," now unfortunately rarer than the treasures themselves. 2379 [Stevens.] Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. Both parts. Svo, half morocco. London, 1861 2380 [Stevens.] Bibliotheca Geographica & Historica ; or, a Catalogue of . . . Books, Maps, Charts . . . many relating to North and South America . . . described . . . by Henry Stevens. Frontispiece. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1872 2381 [Stevens.,] Bibliotheca Historica; or, a Catalogue of . . . Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Liter- ature of North and South America, anions: which is included the 358 Americana. larger proportion of the Extraordinary Library of the late Henry Stevens, Sr., of Barnet, Vt. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Henry Stevens. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1870 Beautifully printed and profusely annotated. One of the few bibliographical works which may be read throughout with profit and instruction combined with amusement. 2382 Stevens (Henry). Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Ameri- cana; or, a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Rare Books relating to America. 2 vols., foolscap 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Whittingham, mdccclxii. Contains the titles, at length, of three thousand books relating to America. 2383 [Stevens.] Historical and Geographical Notes on the earliest Discoveries in America, 1453-1530, with Comments on the earliest Charts and Maps ; the Mistakes of the early Naviga- tors and the Blunders of the Geographers; the Asiatic Origin of the Atlantic Coast Line of North America, how it crept in and how it crept out of the Maps; the whole Illustrated bytheTehuan- tepec Railway Company's Map of the World on Mercator's Pro- jection and Photo-Lithographic Fac-similes of many of the earliest Maps and Charts of America. By Henry Stevens. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New Haven, 1869 75 copies only printed for sale on Whatman's best hand-made paper; with frontispiece, one new map of the world, and photo-lithographic fac-similes of 16 of the very earliest known maps of America, arranged on five large sheets of bond paper. 2384 Stevens (James Wilson). An Historical and Geographical Account of Algiers ; comprehending a Novel and Interesting Detail of Events relative to the American Captives. i2mo. calf. Philadelphia, 1797 Formerly the property of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence — Carter liraxton — with his autograph twice repeated. 2385 [Stevens.] A New Collection of Voyages and Travels, with Historical Accounts of Discoveries and Conquests In all Parts of the World. None of them ever before Printed in English, ecc. 4 maps and 9 plates. 2 vols., small 4to, polished calf extra, by Bedford. London, 170S-10 A Complete Set, as follows: I. Argknsoi.a's Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands. Map an, / j plates. Americana. 359 II. Lawson's Voyage to Carolina. Map and plate. III. Seventeen Years' Travels of Peter de Cieza. Map, plan of Cuzio and 4 etchings. IV. Travels of Siei'r Moi/ette in Fez and Morocco. Map. V. Travels of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy by Land. VI. Cauche's Voyage to Madagascar. VII. Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia. 2386 Stiles (E.). A History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I., Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell: Who, at the Restoration, 1660, Fled to America; and were Secreted and Concealed, in Massachusetts and Connec- ticut, for near Thirty Years. With an Account of Mr. Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, Supposed to have been also one of the Judges. By President Stiles. 9 plates. 121110, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Hartford: Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1794 23S7 Stiles (Henry R.). History of the City of Brooklyn, including the Old Town and Village of Brooklyn, the Town of Bushwick, and the Village and City of Williamsburg. Numerous fine portraits, plates and maps. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut edges. Brooklyn (Albany), 1867-70 2388 Stiles. The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut . . . prior to 1768 . . . also the Genealogies and Genealogical Notes of those Families which Settled within the Limits . . . prior to 1800 [with Supplement]. Woodcuts, &c. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1 85 9-63 23S9 Stills. Bundling : its Origin, Progress and Decline in America. 121110, cloth. Albany, 187 1 2390 [Stirling.] Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceed- ings, and other Measures, resorted to by the British Government, and numerous private individuals, to Overpower the Karl of Stirling, and Subvert his Lawful Rights. Written by Himself. Also, a Genealogical Account of the Family of Alexander. Earls of Stirling, &c. . . . followed by an Historical View of their Here- ditary Possessions in Nova Scotia, Canada, c\:c., by Ephraim Lockhart, c\:c. 4to, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1836 1'rivately printed. 2391 [Stirling.] The Life of William Alkxandi.r, Karl of Stirling . . . with Selections from his Correspondence. By 360 Americana. his Grandson William Alexander Duer. Portrait and plans. 8vo, cloth. New York: N. J. Hist. Soc, 1847 2392 [Stirling.] Vindication of the Rights and Titles, Political and Territorial, of Alexander, Earl of Stirling & Dovan ... By John L. Hayes [also] Trial of Lord Stirling, being Part II. of the Vindication. Facsimile. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1853 2393 Stith (William). The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia; being An Essay towards a General History of this Colony. [An Appendix to the First Part of the History of Virginia: containing A Collection of such ancient Charters or Letters Patent, as relate to that Period of Time, and are still extant in our publick Offices in the Capitol, or in other authentic Papers and Records. 8vo, morocco antique, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Williamsburg, 1747 The above copy corresponds in collation, with the original edition, corrected, as in the Brinley copy 3796. 2394 [Stobo.] Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. Plan of Fort du Quesue. 181110, cloth. Pittsburgh, 1854 2395 Stone (E. M.). The Invasion of Canada in 1775 : including the Journal of Capt. Simeon Thayer, describing the Perils and Sufferings of the Army under Col. Benedict Arnold, in its March through the Wilderness to Quebec. With Notes and Appendix. By Edward M. Stone. Map and 2 portraits. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Providence, 1867 Large paper copy. Privately printed. 2396 Stone. The Invasion of Canada. 2 portraits and a map. 4to (8vo), half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Providence, 1867 Only a limited edition privately printed. 2397 Stone (William L.). Matthias and his Impostures; or, the Progress of Fanaticism, illustrated in the extraordinary case of Robert Matthews . . . i8mo, half morocco. New York, 1S35 2398 Stone. Uncas and Miantonomoh, a Historical Discourse. i8mo, half morocco. New York, 1842 Americana. 361 2399 [Stonington.] Defence of Stonington (Connecticut) against a British Squadron, August 9th to 12th, 1814. [Preface by J. H. Trumbull.] 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Hartford, 1864 Only 125 copies privately printed. No. 41. 2400 Stork (William). Description of East-Florida, with a Journal, kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, Botanist to His Majesty for The Floridas, Upon A Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John's. Map and 2 plans. 4to, half morocco. London, 1769 2401 [Story (Isaac).] A Parnassian Shop, opened in the Pindaric style, by Peter Quince, Esq. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1801 2402 [Stratio.] cStratoonts illuutvinnimi scrtjjtorfs (BrCOflCapijtcl decern et septem libros cotinens e Greco in Latinu a Gregorio Typhernale et Guarino Veronese coversa cum Indice haud quacq asp nando propter meliore litteraru ordine servatu. Engraved border to title, and woodcut device by Claude Chcvallon. Folio, vellum. Some pages worm-eaten. Parisiis, 1512 2403 [Strachey (William).] For The Colony in Virginea Brit- tannia. Lawes Divine, Morall and Martial!, &c. 4to, calf, gilt, by Riviere. London, 161 2 2404 Strength out of Weaknesse; Or a Glorious Manifestation Of the further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New- England. Held forth in Sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the Corporation, &c. . . . since the last Treatise to that effect. Published by Mr. Henry Whitfield, &c. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1652 Fine copy of the first edition, identified by the signatures of 12 ministers to the Epistle Dcdicatori,-. 2405 Strength our of Weakness; Or a Glorious Manifestation Of the further Progresse of the Gospel amongst The Indians in New- England, &c. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1652 The Third edition, with the address to the Reader signed by iS names. 2406 [Stuart (I. W.).] Hartford in the Olden Time: its First Thirty Years, by "Scaeba." Edited by W. M. B. Hartley. Illus- trated. Svo, cloth. Hartford, 1853 362 Americana. 2407 Studer (Jacob H ). Columbus, Ohio : its History, Resources and Progress. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Columbus, 1873 2408 Stuvenio (Jo. Friderico). De Veko Novi Orbis Inventoke. Dissertatio Historico-Critica. Small 8vo, vellum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 17 14 The object of the author is to show that the New World was first discovered by Martin Behaim, and by him made known to Columbus. 2409 Suarez y Navarro (juan). Historia de Mexico y del Gen- eral Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna . . . Portrait. Folio, half morocco. Mexico, 1850 2410 [Sugar Plantations.] The Case of His Majesties Sugar Plantations. Folio, half morocco, pp. 4. [London, 1677] An Outcry against the Duty on Sugar. 241 1 Sullivan (Maj.-Gen. John). The Military Services and Public Life of ... by Thomas C. Amory. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1S68 2412 Sullivan (Hon. William). Memoir of . . . prepared for Early Diary of Massachusetts Historical Proceedings. By Thomas C. Amory. 8vo. Cambridge, 1879 2413 Sumner (Hon. Charles). Our Foreign Relations. Also, The Barbarism of Slavery. 2 vols. New York, 1863 2414 Susquehannah Case (The). 24 pp., 4to, half morocco, gilt top. [Norwich, 1774?] n. p. or d. Relating to the Susquehannah Rands, which the Indians sold to William Penn. " And when at the Instance of our Brother Onas [Win. Penn], we were minded to sell him some Rands, he told us we had sold the Susquehannah Rands already to the Covernor of New York, and that he had bought them from him in England; tho' when he came to understand how the Covernor of AVtc York had deceived us, he very generously paid us for our Rands over again." — Thomson's Enquiry, p. 51. 2415 Sutherland (Th. Jefferson). A Letter to Her Majesty the British Queen, with Letters to Lord Durham, Lord Glenelg, and Sir George Arthur; to which is added an Appendix embracing a Report of the Testimony taken on the Trial of the Writer by a Court Martial, at Toronto in Upper Canada. 121110, cloth. Albany, 1841 Americana. 363 2416 Stoctifccrfl (Jasper). Omenta KUumhtata. Small Svo, green levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Skara, 1732 A curious book by the father of Emanuel Swedenborg, on Pennsylvania, and the Swedes in America. It contains many interesting notes on the labors of the Swedish pastors and their connection and co-operation with English fellow- workers, the struggles of the colony, and the Indians. 2417 Swinton (William). Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Portraits and maps. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 2418 Symmes. The Original Account of Catt. John Lovewell's "Great Fight'' with the Indians at Pequawket, May 8, 1725; by Rev. Thomas Symmes, of Bradford, Mass. A New Edition with Notes, by Nathaniel Bouton . . . Map. Small 4to, half morocco. Concord, N. H., 1861 " The very rare tract of which this is a reprint, entitled ' I.ovewell Lamented; or a Sermon occasioned by the fall of the brave Capt. John I.ovewell, ' is a favor- ite object of competition among book collectors. Only one perfect copy, and that of the second edition, has been sold at public auction for many years; it has been three times offered in that manner and at the last public bidding was bought for £175." — Field. 2419 Symonds (William). Virginia. A Sermon preached at White- Chappel, in the presence of many, Honourable and Worshipfull, the Adventurers and Planters for Virginia. 25 April, 1609. 4to, calf antique, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1609 2420 *"" I "WII.FKR. I A True and Historical Narrative Of the Colony of Georgia In America, from the first settle- ment thereof until this present Period . . . with His Majesty's Charter . . . and a Dedication to . . . General Oglethorpe. By Pat Tailfer, M.D., Hugh Anderson, M.A., Da. Douglas, and others. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. Charles-Town, S. G, 1741 2421 [Tammany.] Address of the Society of Tammany, or Col- umbian Order, to its Absent Members, &c. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 18 19 2422 [Tanner.] Societas Jesu usque ad Sanguinis et Vita; pro- ftisionem Militans, in Furopa, Africa, Asia, et America, contra Gentiles, Mahometanos, pukeos, I Pereticos, Impios, pro Deo, fide, ecclesia, pietate. Sive Vita, et Mors eorum qui ex Societate Jesu 364 Americana. in causa Fidei . . . auctore R. Patre Mathia Tanner, &c. Frontispiece (cut on top) and 173 curious etchings of Jesuit Martyrs. Folio, hogskin, with clasps. Pragae, 1675 2423 [Tanner.] Societas Jesu. Another copy, somewhat shorter than the last. Folio, vellum. Pragae, 1675 2424 Tapia Zenteno. Arte Novissima de Lengua Mexicana, Que dicto D. Carlos de Tapia Zenteno, Colegial en el Real, y Pontificio Seminario . . . quien lo Saca a luz debajo de la pro- teccion del II mo Sr. Dr. D. Manuel Rubio, Salinas, &c. 4to, green levant morocco, extra, by Pratt. Mexico, 1753 Has the leaf of " Epigram " fol. 10, so frequently missing. 2425 Tappan (David). A Sermon preached before His Excellency John Hancock, Esq., Governour; His Honor Samuel Adams, Esq. . . . the Honourable the Council, Senate, and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 30, 1792, being the Day of General Election. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 39. Boston, 1792 2426 [Tarleton (B.).] A Historie of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1 78 1, in the Southern Provinces of North America. By Lieu- tenant-Colonel Tarleton, Commandant of the Late British Legion. Map and 4 plans. 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1787 " Colonel Tarleton's History gives a minute detail of all the military opera- tions in both Carolinas, and part of Virginia, until the surrender of Lord Corn- wallis with his whole army at Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1 7S r ." — Rich. 2427 Tatham (William). Culture and Commerce of Tobacco. Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1800 2428 [Taxation.] The Objections to the Taxation of our Ameri- can Colonies, by the Legislature of Great Britain, briefly Consid- er'd. Svo. London, 1765 Second edition. 2429 [Taylor (George).] Martyrs to the Revolution in the British Prison-Ships in the Wallabout Bay. Map. Svo, half morocco. Scarce. New York, 1855 2430 Taylor (James Brainerd). Memoir of. By J. H. and B. H. Rice. Portrait, nmo, sheep. New York, 1833 Americana. ^6 2431 [Taylor.] New Views of the Constitution of the United States. By John Taylor, of Caroline, Virginia. 8vo, sheep. Washington City, 1823 2432 Taylor (William). California Life Illustrated. 16 wood- cuts. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1858 2 433 [Teciio.] Historia Province Paraguari^e Societatis Jesu. Authore P. Nicolao del Techo. Folio, vellum. Leodii, 1673 2434 Tkhuantepec Railway (The); its Location, Features and Advantages under the La Sere Grant of 1869. Large map and plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 2435 [Tello (Fernandez). ] Razonamifnto delos embaradores de fspaNa enla obediecia que dieron al papa. 4to, 4 leaves, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy. Rome, 1508 B. A. V. Add., No. 30. On Recto of second leaf see the passage : " insulus nuper inventas," etc. The title only is in Spanish ; the Text is in Latin. 2436 [Teresa.] Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile accadute tra la corona di Portogallo e la Republica di Olanda composta, ed offerta alia sagra reale maesta'di Pietro Secondo, re di Portogallo, &c, Dal P. F. Gio. Gioseppe di S. Teresa. Frontis- piece, 2 portraits and 23 maps and plans. 2 vols, in 1. Folio, vellum. Roma, 1698 2437 Tfrn aux-Compans (H.). Archives des Voyages ou Collec- tion dWnciennes Relations, &c. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1 S — 2438 Ternaux-Comfans. Voyages, Relations, et Mfmoirfs origi- naux, pour servir a l'histoire de la decouverte de l'Amerique, publics pour la premiere fois en Francais. 20 vols, in 12. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Contents lettered. Paris, 1837-41 An important and valuable collection of early Voyages and Relations on South America : also translations of unpublished MSS., principally relating to Old and New Mexico. Contents: Narration de voyage du Kedermann, d'Ulm, aux iles de lamer oceane, Ilaguenau, 1557; Histoire de la Province de Santa-Cruz, par I'ero de Maghalanes de Candavo, Lisbonne, i?7*>; Writable histoire et description dun pays habite par des hommes sauvages, mis, feroces et anthronophages, situe dans 366 Americana. le Nouveau-Monde, nommc Amerique par Hans Staden de Homberg, en Ilesse Marbourg, 1557 ; Relation de la conquete du Perou et de la province de Cu/.co, par Francois Xeres, Salamanque, 1547; Histoire de la Navigation d'Ulrich Schmidel au Bresil, depuis l'annee 1534 jusqu'en 1554, Nuremberg, 1599 ; Les Commentaires d'Alvar Nunez Cabe9a de Vaca, gouverneur du Rio de la Plata, Valladolid, 15^5 ; Naufrages de Cabeca de Vaca, 1555 ; Cruautes horribles com- mises par les conquerants du Mexique, Memoire de Don F. Ixtlilxochitl, Mexico, 1829 ; Voyage de Cibola entrepris en 1540 (inedit); Recueil de pieces relatives a. la conquete du Mexique (inedit); Rapport sur les classes de chefs de la nouvelle Espagne, par Zurita ; Histoire des Chichimeques, ou des anciens roisde Tezcuco, par Don Ferdinand d'Alva Ixlilxochitl (inedit), 2 vols. ; Histoire du Nicaragua, par Oviedo y Valdes (inedit) ; Histoire du Perou, par Cavello Balboa (inedit) ; Second Recueil de pieces relatives a la conquete du Mexique (inedit) ; Memoires historiques sur l'ancien Perou, par Montesinos (inedit); Histoire de royaume de Quito, par Don Juan de Velasco, native de ce royaume (inedit), 2 vols. ; Recueil de pieces sur la Floride. 2439 Tertre (Jean Baptiste de). Histoire General des Isles de S. Christophe, de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans l'Amerique . . . Comme aussi plusiers belles particularitez des Antisles de l'Amerique. 3 maps. 4 to, calf. Coat-of-arms on side. Paris, 1654 First edition ; with the Lord's Prayer, &c, in French and Caraibe at the end. 4 pp., sig. A. 2440 Tertre. The same (without the 4 pp. containing the Lord's Prayer, oca). 4to, vellum. Paris, 1654 2441 [Texas.] A History of Texas, or the Emigrant's Guide to the New Republic, by a Resident Emigrant . . . with a brief Introduction by the Rev. A. 13. Lawrence. Colored view of Austin. i2ino, sheep. New York, 1845 2442 Thatcher (B. B.). Indian Biography. Frontispiece. 2 vols., i6mo, cloth. New York, 1832 2443 Tharin (R. S.). Arbitrary Arrests in the South ; or, Scenes from the Experience of an Alabama Unionist. 121110, cloth. New York, 1863 2444 [Thevet.] Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique, autrement nominee Amerique, & de plusieurs Terres cc Isles decouvertes de nostre temps, par F. Andre Thevet. Curious wood- cuts. Small 8vo, vellum. Arms of Diana of Poitiers on side / Anvers, 155S Americana. 367 2445 [Thevet.] Historia dell' India America detta Altramente Francia Antartica, di M.Andrea Tevet. Tradotta di Francese in lingua Italiana, da M. Guiseppe Horologgi. Small 8vo, vellum. Vinegia, 1561 2446 [Thevenot (Melchisedec).] Relations des Diveks Voyages Curieux, qui n'ont point este publiees, ou qui ont estc traduites d'Hacluyt, de Purchas, & d'autres Voyageurs . . . &c. 2 vols., folio, red morocco, gilt edges. Paris : Jacques Langlois, 1663 First Edition. ( oi.lation : Vol. I. I'art I. Title as above + second title with the ya in Voyages transposed, and with the imprint of Andre Pralard, Paris, 1683, both titles are rubricated, and the secund has a table of Contents on verso. -+- Avis, 3 leaves with Table des Rela- tions on verso, rubricated + Relation des Cosaques pp 1-13+ Relation des Tar- tares pp. 14-30 with the two variations of pp. 29-30+ Map of Colchide-f- Relation de la Colchide pp. 31-52 + Informatione della Giorgia 1-26, with portrait on p. 15 f Voyage d'Anthoine Jenkinson 19-2S preceded by the Avis pp. 17-1S-H Extrait du Voyage des Ilollandois paged 29, 26-28 + half way down p. 2S com- mences the Relation de la Prise de l'lsle Formosa pp. 28-31 on verso of 31 commencing 36 and ending at 40+ Relation de la Cour du Mogul 1-12 with a woodcut on last page -H Map of part of Ilindostan (this map seems to have been copied from that found in partXII. of De Pry's small (Latin) Voyages + Memoires de Thomas Rhoe, 1-80 with etching on p. 43 -f Voyage de Edouard Ferri 1-30 (pp. 7-8 omitted) etchings on pp. 16 and 20+ Extracts in Greek from the Voyage of the monk Cosmas 1-9, etching on p. 2, and on p. 8 all but the head-line, a paragraph of 3 lines, and a marginal note, printed in red + translation of the extracts, pp. 10-24 (1 1-18 omitted) -r Extracts from Abulfeda and Antiquitez de I'ersepolis 17-24^ Plan of Passora with the Latin inscriptions + plate of Chaldean characters + Relation des Royaumes de Golconda 1 — 1 5 (p. 16 blank) Journal de Pierre Will. Floris 17-35+an engraving of Pontekoe's Dodo on p. 36+ Relation ou Journal du Voyage de Pontehoe 1-49, etching on p. 5*+La Terre Australe 50-56 (map of Australia at p. 52 without compass &c) with the leaf (55-52) on p. 56 Discours is obliterated with a pen. Routier pour la Navigation des Indes Orientales 1-9-f Privilege du Roy 2 pages, verso of last blank. Vol. I. Part II. Title in black. Jacques Langlois 1674 -f- another title in black. Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy 1676 + another title rubricated. Andre Pralard 1(183 whh Contents on verso — Dedication 2 leaves, 4th p. blank — Advis 1 leaf - Privilege 1 leaf, verso blank-f- Relation de l'Estat present du Commerce &c. 3 pages : Discours . . . par Leonard ("amps 3 pages, ending with " Extraict d'une Lettre du Gouverneur General des Indes-t- Remonstrance que Francois Pelsart 1-20 i Teixeira's Mapof Africa (east coast) the Philippine Islands and part of Asia Routier pour la Navigation des Indes Orientales . . . par Aleixo da Molta 1-60 (pp. 44, 45 are 4S, 41) duplicate of the map of Ilindostan before mentioned at p. 51 i duplicate of the Teixeira map-} Memoires du Voyage aux I ndes Orien- tales du Gen. Peaulieu I-12S (page 80 numbered S9, and pages 124, 125. 126, not numbered) 1 four maps of coast elevations in outline | map of the coast oi Ser \ . .mi iiurodiu iiu the tlotlo. 368 Americana. bonne + Relation des Isles Philippines 1-40 (pages 15, 16 numbered 11, 12) after p. 24 the incorrect pagination 21, 24, is inserted + Map of Philippine Islands + Relation des Isles Philippines faite par un Religieux 1-16 etching on p. 5 + Map of Japan and Yedso+ Relation de l'Empire du Japon 1-48 etchings on pp. 19, 30, 45, p. 46 blank+Map of Pegu, Yedso, and J apon+ Relation de la Decouverte de la Terre d'Eso 1-4 page 1 not numbered + plate of Pyramids + Description des Pyramid es d'Egypte I.-XXV. +doubie-page plate of mummy-cases &c. Vol. II. Part III. Title on black. Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy 1676+verso Table + special title " Ambassade des Hollandois a la Chine." Sebastien Mabre- Cramoisy 1 796 + Avis, 4 unnumbered leaves, with Errata and Privilege on last page + Voyages des Ambassadeurs 31-68 + 12 plates on 7 double sheets + Map of the route from Canton to Pekin + Route du Voyage 1-28 (first & last page unnumbered) and Tartar Grammar on p. 28 + Map of China+Briefve Relation de la Chine, par M. Boym 1-14 + Flora Sinensis 15-30+five plates on four double sheets + Description Geographique de l'Empire de la Chine par Martinus 1-216 p. 29 numbered 27 ; pages 33, 34, repeated ; 55-56 omitted ; 57, 58 repeated; 59, 60, repeated; 61, 62, numbered 91, 58; pages 73-76 repeated; Rapport que les Directeurs de la Compagnie Hollandoise 1-12 + Vol. II. Part IV. Title in black, Andre Cramoisy 1672 + Avis et Privilege 1 leaf + L'Indien 1-14+Voyage du Sieur ****** [Acarrete] dans la riviere de la Plate 1-24 (p. 23 numbered 32) + Voyage a la Chine des Grueber et d'Orville 1-23 (the last 4 pages are in Latin, with a portrait of Adam Schall at foot of p. 23) + blank page + Viaggio del P. Giovanni Grueber 1-1S (in Italian, printed in italics.) + autres pieces, part of p. 18. & 19-23+page of Chinese characters + title ' Sinarum Scientia.' Parisiis 1672 + the same in French 'Pa Science des Chinois ou le Livre de Cum-fu-cu, traduit' &c 1673 + Text in Patin 3-24+His- toire de la Haute Ethiope 1-16 + Remarques sur les relations d'Ethiope 1-4 + Map of Ethiopia and Abyssinia+ Relations du . . . Lobo, de l'Empire des Abyssins 1-16 (p. 8 not numbered, and etching on p. i6)+plan ' Ports de la Mer Rouge + special title* ' Relations de l'Empire des Abyssins . . . par Lobo' 1673 + verso Avertissement (24 lines) and Errata (5 lines) + Decouverte de quelques Pays i-S + special title 'Relation du Voyage du Sud + pp. 1-4+ Relation du Mexique . . . par Thomas Gages. 1-40+ 'Histoire de l'Empire Mexicain repre- sentee par figures' (title without date) followed by 63 woodcuts on 45 pages, page 46 blank, pp. 47-58 descriptive text. Sobolevvski's reprint (5 leaves) of the fragment on the Solomon Islands. 2447 Thevenot. The Travels of Monsieur de Thevenot into the Levant . . . newly done out of French [by A. LovellJ. Portrait by Faithorne and plates. Folio, calf. London, 1687 2448 Thevenot. Recueil de Voyages de Mr. Thevenot. With 3 large folding maps, 13 pages with engraved figures, and 2 folded plates. Small 8vo, morocco antique, gilt over marbled leaves. Paris, 16S1 First edition. This rare little volume takes its chief value and interest on account of containing Father Marquette's Relation of his voyage down the Mis- sissippi River in 1673, with the map of route, &c. The present copy is from the Yemeniz collection. * Misplaced. Americana. 369 2449 Thevexot. Recueil de Voyages. 2 large maps and n engravings. Small 8vo, half vellum. Paris, 1681 2450 Thevexot. Another copy. With all the maps and plates. Small 8vo, red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back, sides and edges. Paris, 1681 Facsimile of Marquette's map, and interesting MSS. added by H. H. 2451 Thevexot (Melchisedec). Relatioxs de Divers Voyages Curieux . . . Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee de plusieurs Relations curieuses ... 2 vols., folio, calf. Paris : Thomas Afoette, 1696 Collation : Vol. I. Part I. Title, rubricated + dedication, 3 pp. and blank + Avertissement 1 leaf + Catalogue I leaf + Avis 5 pages + Table 1 page, rubricated + Map of Pyra- mids + Description of Pyramids of Egypte (sic) 1-25 (with 5 errors in pagination + double plate of Mummies + Account of the Cossacks pp. 1-13 + Account of the Tartars 14-30 + Map of Colchida 'with Arabic genealogies on verso-h Account of Colchida 31-52+ Information respecting Georgia 1-26, with portrait on p. 15 + Notice of Jenkinson s Voyage to the Caspian Sea 17-18 + Voyage of Jenkinson [9-28 + Extract from the Voyage of the Dutch in 1656 &*c p 29 and followed by pp. 26-29 /; ' duplicate pagination, 30, 31, (32 to 35 omitted) 36-40+ Ha wkin s' Account of the Court of Mogul 1-7+ Memoirs of Thomas Rhoe 7-12*+ Map of I Undo s tan -{- Memoirs of A'hoe 1-S0 plan of Camp on p. 43+ Terry's Voy- age to the East Indies 1-30 etchings on pp. 16 cr 20+ Greek Extracts from Cosmas 1-9, page 1 not numbered : etching on p. 2, &f p. 8 as in the first edition (-Translation of the extracts pp. 10-24 (n-18 omitted) + Extracts from Abulpeda and an Account of the Antiquities of Persepolis 17-24 + plate of Chal- dee characters + Plan of Bassora with Latin names at foot+Methold's Calconda 1-15 (p. 9 unnumbered) blank page (16) Journal of Flores pp. 17-35 + plate of the Dodo p. 36+Bontekoe's Voyage 1-49 (etching on p. 5)+ La Terre Australe 50-56 (p. 56 numbered 52) and the word Discourse crossed out + mapof Australia, with a dotted line discovering Tassman's route, and on verso the Arabic genealogy. Vol. I. Part II. (no title) Avis 1 leaf + Present State of the Trade to the East Indies 3 unnumbered pages + Camps' Discourse 3 unnumbered pages with the Extract from a Letter of the Gov. Gen + Remonstrance of Pelsart 1-20 + Royal Privilege 2 leaves, verso of 2nd leaf, blank, and recto of first leaf contains p. 9 of the Routier (1st Ed.) -(-Route for Sailing to the East Indies by A. da Motta 1-60, (pp. 44-45, numbered 48~4i) + Map of Africa &c + four outline charts of coast elevation + Beaulieu's Voyage 1-128 (p. S6 numbered 89, and pp. 124-126 not numbered I- Map of the Philippine Islands \c with Arabic genealogies on Verso • Account of the Philippine Islands 1-40 (pp. 15, 16 numbered 11-12) Account of the same Islands by a Monk resident therefor iS years 1 16 p. 13 numbered 9. cat on p. 5 I Caron's Japan 1-33 ( Persecution of the Christians of [apan 34 4S (plates at pp. 19 & 30 and a plate in place of pp 45-46) Account of Kso 1 4 (p. 1 not numbered) I Boym's Brief Account of China [-30 with 5 plates on 4 double-pages. * Woodcut on p. i.r. 3/0 Americana. Vol. II. Part III. Title, rubricated + Avis 7^ pages, with Errata and Privi- lege on last page + Voyage des Ambassadeurs 31-60+ twelve plates on four sheets -f Map of Route from Canton to Pekin + Route of the Dutch to Pekin 1-28 (first and last page not numbered) + Map of China, with Arabic Genealogies+ Martin's Description of China 1-2 16 (p. 29 numbered 27 ; pp. 33-34 repeated ; 55—56 omitted ; 57-58 repeated ; 59-60 repeated ; 61 is numbered 91 and 62 is 58 ; 73-76 repeated ; Report of the Directors of the Dutch Company 1-12. Vol. II. Part IV. Title in black, Gervais Clousier 1672 ; + Avis, 1 leaf + Pala- fox's l'lndian 1-14+ facsimile title Voyage du S r Acarette + Voyage of S r ****** [Acarette] 1-24 (p. 23 is numbered 32) Voyage of Greuber (in Italian) 1-18 + other pieces 18-22 + p. 23 (unnumbered) engraved Chinese characters + Voyage of Greu- ber (in French) 1-23 (page 11 numbered 15, and portrait of Schall as aMandaiin on p. 23 f blank page + special title ' Sin arum Saentia' Parisiis 1672 + text pp. 3- 24 (p. 14 ' Confucii Vita,' p. 19 ' La Vie de Confucius') +Histoire de la Haute Ethiopee 1-16 (p. 9 to 15 the head line is changed from Havte to Haute)+Map of Abyssinia + Lobo's Remarks on the Accounts of Ethiopia 1-4 + Lobo's Account of the Empire of Abyssinia 1-16 (at p. 6 a map "entrees de quelques Ports, and etching on p. 16 + special title flistoire de l'Empire Mexicain 1696 + text pp. i-S + Voyage du Sayd 1-4 + plates 1-63 on 46 pages (p. 17 numbered 24, and 24 numbered 27) + History of Mexico 47-58 (the figures of the last page transposed + Gages' Account of Mexico 1-40. Vol. II. Part V. Voyage of Abel Tasman 1-4 + Winds between the Nether- lands and Java 1—12 + Embassy of Charok &c 1-16 + The Asia of Barros 1-16 Synopsis Chronologica Monarchiae Sinica 1-76 (with duplicate pp. 1 3-1 16 having variations in text) p. 20 blank +- Relations of the Christians of St. Jean, 2 unpaged leaves -{- Voyage of the Tercere 1-1 8 + Elements of the Tartar language 1-34 (pp. 2-3 omitted, pp. 1-4 in duplicate, as also 5-6) -f- Solomon Islands 1-16 (pp. 1-4, and 9-12 being Sobolewski's reprint -f-Asganii Sassonii pp. 17-48. This copy is from the library of Jacobi Caroli Alexandri Lallemant, with his book-plates. 2452 Thomas (Arad). Pioneer History of Orleans County, New York : containing some Account of the Civil Divisions of Western New York, with brief Biographical Notices of Early Set- tlers, &c. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Albion, 187 1 2453 Thomas (Gabriel). An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania ; and of West-New- Jersey in America. The Richness of the Soil, the Sweetness of the Situation, the Wholesomness of the Air, the Navi- gable Rivers, and others, the prodigious Encrease of Corn, the flourishing Condition of the City of Philadelphia and the stately Buildings, and other Improvements there. The strange Creatures . . . with the several sorts of Minerals . . . lately discovered. The Natives, Aborogmes, their Language, .Religion, Laics, and Customs ; The first Planters, the Dutch, Sweeds, and English, . . . Americana. 371 As also a Touch upon George Keith's New Religion, in his second Change since he left the Quakers. With a Map of both Countries, 6r*c. Small 8vo, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Pratt. London, 1698 Fine copy. Collation, Title + Dedication, r leaf + Preface, 2 leaves -f- map +- First part, pp. 1-55. Second Title -(-Dedication, 2 leaves 4- Preface, 3 leaves-f- Second part, pp. 1-34. 2454 Thomas. An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania ; and of West-New- Jersey in America, &c. With a Map of both Countries. Map. i?mo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1848 Fac-simile of the original. 2455 Thomas. The History of Printing in America. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is prefixed a Concise View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art in other parts of the World. In Two Volumes. By Isaiah Thomas, Printer, Worcester, Massachusetts. Portrait and fac- simile. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Worcester: Prom the Press of Isaiah Thomas, fun., 1810 " This valuable work, written and published in advance of the time, met with no favour, and was quickly forgotten. Shortly after its issue the remainder of the edition was purchased, on a venture, by the late W. Cowans and an associate, at twenty-five cents per volume in the sheets, and an arrangement made with a bookbinder to put the stock into boards, the whole of which, with the exception of a copy that Mr. Cowans had retained for himself, was returned cut down almost to the head-lines ; an incident to which Mr. Cowans never referred without an emphatic expression of indignation." This copy is uncut. 2456 Thomassy (R.). Geologie Pratique de la Louisiane. 6 large maps. 4to, cloth. Paris, 1 860 2457 Thompson (Benjamin F.). History of Long Island : con- taining an Account of the Discovery and Settlement ; with other important and interesting matters to the present time. 2 plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1S39 2458 Thompson. The History of Long Island ; from its Discov- ery and Settlement to the Present Time . . . &c. Portrait, map and plates. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1843 2459 Thompson (James H.). The History of the County of Hn;n- i.ani), in the State of Ohio, from its First Creation ... to 1876 . . . also a Continuation ... to 1877. Svo. Hillsboro, ( )., 1S7S ^2 Americana. 2460 [Thomson (Charles).] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, . . . Extracted from the Public Treaties, and other Authentic Papers relating to the Transactions of the Gov- ernment of Pensilvania, and the said Indians, for near Forty Years; and explained by a Map of the Country. Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose Negotia- tions among the Indians on the Ohio, they were withdrawn from the Interest of the French, who thereupon abandoned the Fort and the Country. With Notes by the Editor explaining sundry Indian Customs, &c. Written in Pensylvania. Map. 8vo, pp. 184, boards, uncut. London : T. Wilkie, 1759 Extremely rare in this state. "One of the principal causes of the hostility of the Pennsylvania Indians was the wicked craft practiced upon them by Governor Thomas Penn, and other proprietors in 1737. Certain chiefs having been called together by the specula- tors, two persons were found to testify that they were present at a council fifty years before, at which as much land was ceded to William Penn as a man could walk around in a day and a half. There was a chief living who could have proved this testimony false, but he was carefully kept in ignorance of the council, and bv mean fraud, endless perjury, and tempting but specious gifts, the surrepti- tious deed was ratified. To locate as large a territory as possible, a trained pedestrian was employed, who was met at appointed stations by refreshments, and thus was enabled to traverse a route which cut off a million acres from the Indian territory. Less than one-third that quantity of land was the amount which the Indians had been led to expect would be ceded. Endless conferences, and numerous councils, were followed by bloody massacres, that devastated the border settlements of Pennsylvania and Virginia for twenty years. Mr. Thomson's work fully analyzes the cause of the alienation, which the heroic Quaker. Christian Post, hazarded his life to overcome. " — Field. 2461 [Thomson.] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, &c. Large map (stained). 8vo, half morocco. London, 1759 MS. Notes by W. Sargent, W. Rawle, &c. £3?" Susquehannah Case, p. 51. 2462 Thorius (Raphael). Hymnus Tabaci : a Poem In honour of Tabaco. Heroically Composed by Raphael Thorius ; Made Englished by Peter Hausted. Small Svo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1651 At the end is " Cheimonopegnion ; or, a Winter Song," pp. 14. 2463 Thornton (John Wingate). The Landing at ("ape Anne; or the Charter of Hie First Permanent Colony on the Territory of the Americana. .3/0 Massachusetts Company, now discovered and first published from the Original Manuscript, with an Inquiry into its Authority and a History of the Colony, 1624-1628 . . . Facsimile of the Charter and map. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854 Presentation copy from the author, with autograph letter inserted. 2464 Thorowgood (Tho.). Iewes in America, or, Probabilities That the Americans are of that Race. With the removall of some contrary reasonings, and earnest desire for effectuall endeavours to make them Christian. 4to, half calf. London, 1650 Contains the leaf of " Probabilities" and " Approvall," but the latter is mounted. 2465 Three Letters of Thinks to the Protestant Reconciler : 1. From the Anabaptists at Munster. 2. From the Congregations in New-England. 3. From the Quakers in Pensilvania. 4to, half morocco. London, 1683 2466 Three Years in the Pacific ; containing Notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, &c, in 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834. By an Officer in the United States Navy. 2 vols.. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1835 2467 [Thurexstein.] The Remarks which The Author of the Com- pendious Extract, &c, In his Preface to his Book Has friendly desired of the Rev.* of Thurenstein . . . 121110, half morocco. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1742 '" Lewis, Count of Zinzendorf. 2468 [Tickele (Richard). I Anticipation: containing the sub- stance of His M. . . .y's Most Gracious Speech to both H. . . .s of P . . 1 . . . . t on the Opening of the approaching Session. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1 7 7 S Sixth edition. 2469 Ticknor (George). Likk, Letters and Journals. Portraits, cVv. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1876 2470 [TlMHEKI.AKE.] The MEMOIRS of LlEUT. IIl.XRV TlMllKRI.AKI (Who accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in the Near 1762), containing Whatever he observed remarkable, or worthy () ' public Notice, durimr his Travels to and tioin that 374 Americana. Nation ; wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs of the Inhabitants are authentically described . . &c. Maps. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. London, 1765 P'ine copy. 247 r Tocqueville (A. de). Democracy in America. By Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. Edited with Notes. The Translation Revised and in great part Rewritten, . . . by Francis Bowen. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1863 " Let me earnestly advise your perusal of M. de Tocqueville's work. His tes- timony as well from actual personal experience, as on account of freedom from prejudice, is above exception." — Sir Robert Peel's Speech. 2472 Tocqueville. Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. Edited, with Notes, the Translation revised and in great part rewritten, and the additions made to the recent Paris editions now first translated by Francis Bowen. 2 vols., royal Svo, cloth, uncut edges. Cambridge, 1864 Large paper. 100 copies printed. 2473 Todd (Charles Burr). The History of Redding, Conn., from its First Settlement to the present time. Portrait of Joel Barlow inserted. Svo, cloth. New York, 1880 2474 Tonti (Chevalier). Dernieres Decouverts dans l'Amerique Septentrionale de M. de la Sale. Mises au jour par M. le Chevalier Tonti, Gouvernour du Fort Saint Louis, aux Islinois. 1 2 mo, calf. Paris, 1697 \j§t See Salle. 2475 Torfoeum (Thormodum). Historia Vinlandi. other engrav- ings. 121110, half morocco. Philadelphia, 181 7 394 Americana. 2602 [Warburton (Eliot). The Conquest of Canada. By the Author of " Hochelaga." Portraits of Cartier and Gen. Wolfe. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1849 2603 [Warburton.] Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah on the Charge of Piracy, in the U. S. Cir- cuit, N. Y. . . . Judges Nelson and Shipman presiding. Reported by A. F. Warburton. . . . 8vo, sheets, folded. New York, 1862 2604 Ward (H. G.). Mexico in 1827. With 2 large maps and 13 plates, one colored. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. London, 1828 From the libraries of the Prince of Wales (1828), the Earl of Munster and Col. Fitz-Clarence, with all three book-plates. 2605 Ward (Nathaniel). A Sermon Preached Before the Honour- able House of Commons At their late Monethly Fast, being on Wednesday, June 30, 1647. 4to, half morocco. London, 1647 A curious defence of Charles I. The writer speaks in his "Letter" of " comming a hard winter voyage over the vast raging seas, to doe what service I could to my country." 2606 [Ward.] The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Willing To help 'mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to bee paid for his work by Old English wonted pay. It is his Trade to patch all the year long, gratis ... By Theodore de la Guard. 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt over red leaves, by Riviere. London, 1647 Pine copy. 2607 Ward. Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Edited by David Pulsifer. i2mo, half morocco. Boston, 1843 2708 Warden (D. B.). A Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia. Map and viae of the Capitol. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1816 2609 Warden. A Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the United States of North America, from the Period of their First Colonization to the Present Day. Large map and plan. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco extra. Edinburgh, 1819 At the end of the description of each State will be found a catalogue of books and maps relating to it. Americana. 395 2610 [Warden.] Bibliotheca Americana, being a choice collec- tion of Books relating to North and South America and the West Indies, including Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere. Maps, engravings and meda/s. [Collected by D. B. Warden.] 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Paris, 1840 Mr. Warden was well known for his researches in American History. This catalogue was first printed at Paris in 1S31 ; it describes I II I works, and was bought for the New York State Library at Albany. 2611 Warriner (Francis). Cruise of the United States Frigate Potomac round the World, during the years 1831-34. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1835 2612 [Washington.] A Circular Letter from George Wash- ington . . to his excellency William Greene. . . 8vo. London, 1783 2613 [Washington.] An Address from the Roman Catholics of America to George Washington, Fsq., President of the United States. [With a note by J. G. Shea, and Washington's Answer in fac-simile, as well as letter-press.] 2 portraits. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1790, rep, A very limited edition printed. 2614 Washington. Letters to Arthur Young and Sir John Sin- clair, containing an account of his Husbandry, with his opinions on various questions in Agriculture, (Sic. 8vo, half morocco. Alexandria, 1803 2615 Washington. The Life of . . . By David Ramsay. Por- trait. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1807 2616 Washington. \. iff. of . . By Aaron Bancroft. Frontispiece. 2 vols., 1 21110, half morocco. Boston, 1S25 2617 Washington. Farewell Address to the People of the United States of America. Portrait by J'ealc, engraved by Sartain, also by Stuart, engraved by Sartain j the same by Stuart engraved by Ritchie. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1850 Printed from the original MS. for Mr. Lenox, who caused a few copies of the Address to he issued for presents, with notes showing the various alterations and corrections, accompanied by letters from Chief Justice lav. Mr. fared Sparks, and others, throwing light on the history of this interesting document. 396 Americana. 26 1 8 Washington. Writings of George Washington; being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private. Selected and Published from the Original Manu- scripts. By Jared Sparks. Portraits, &c. 1 2 vols. 8vo, half vel- lum extra, carmine edges. Boston, 1858 2619 Washington. Correspondence of the American Revolu- tion; being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washington, from the time of his taking Command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manuscripts. By Jared Sparks. 4 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. Boston, 1853 2620 [Washington.] Life of George Washington, by Washing- ton Irving. Portraits, &>c. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855-9 2621 Washington in Domestic Life. From Original Letters and Manuscripts. By Richard Rush. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1857 2622 Washington. The Life of ... by Edward Everett. Por- trait. i2ino, half morocco extra. New York, i860 2623 [Washington.] The Diary of George Washington, from 1789 to 1 791, embracing the Opening of the First Congress, and his Tours through New England, Long Island and the Southern States, together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1S61 2624 [Washington.] Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington ... by M. Guizot. Portrait. i6mo, cloth. New York, 1863 2625 [Washington.] Oration in Commemoration of the Birth- day of Washington [and Eulogy on the Death of], delivered at Salem, Massachusetts, February 22, 1793 [and January 2, 1800]. By William Bentley. 2 vols., royal 8vo, uncut. Morrisania, 1870 Only 30 copies printed. 2626 Washington National Monument. The Dedication of the . . . with the Orations by Hon. Robert C. Winthrop and Hon. John W. Daniel, Feb. 21, 1885. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1885 Americana. 397 2627 Washingtoniana (The). Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of the late George Washington; with a collection of elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, &c, Sacred to his Memory. Also an Appendix comprising all his most valuable Public Papers, and his Last Will and Testament [edited by F. Johnston and W. Hamil- ton]. 8vo, sheep. Lancaster, 1802 Minus the portrait. 2628 Washington and Adams. Memoirs of the Administrations of. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. By George Gibbs. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1846 2629 Waterhouse (Edward). A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia. With a Relation of the Bar- barous Massacre in the time of peace, and League, treacherously executed by the Native Infidels upon the English, the 22 of March last, . . . and a Treatise ... by that learned Mathematician Mr. Henry Briggs, of the Northwest passage, &c. Plate of seal. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. London, 1622 Fine copy. 2630 Watson (John F.). Historic Tales of Olden Time : con- cerning the Early Settlement and Advancement of New-York. City and State. Illustrated. 121110, bound. New York, 1832 2631 Watson. Annals and Occurrences of New York City and State, in the Olden Time: being a Collection of Memoirs, Anec- dotes, and Incidents concerning the City, Country and Inhabitants, from the Days of the Founders, &c. Numerous engravings. Svo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1846 2632 Watson. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, in the Olden Time: being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants, and of the earliest settle- ments of the inland part of Pennsylvania, from the Days of the Founders, &c. Numerous engravings. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1844 2633 Watson (Winslow C). The Military and Civil History of the County of Essex, New York . . . embracing an Account of the Northern Wilderness; and also the Military Annals of the Fortresses of Crown Point and Ticonderoga. Frontispiece and map. 8vo, sheets folded. Albany, 1869 ^W Waymouth, see Rosier. 398 Americana. 2634 Webster (Daniel). The Works of [with a Biographical Memoir, by Edward Everett]. Portrait, &v. 6 vols., 8vo, half vellum extra, carmine edges. Boston, 1858 2635 Webster. The Private Correspondence of. Edited by- Fletcher Webster. 2 vols., 8vo, half vellum (to match the Works). Boston, 1857 2636 Webster. Life of. . . . By George Ticknor Curtis. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870 Presentation copy from G. T. Curtis. 2637 [Webster-Parkman.] Triai, of Professor John W. Webster, for the Murder of Doctor George Parkman. Woodcuts. Svo, half morocco. New York, 1850 2638 Webster, Jr. (Noah). Dissertations on the English Lan- guage, with Notes ... an Essay on a Reformed Mode of Spell- ing, with Dr. Frankltn's Arguments on that Subject. Svo, calf. Boston : Isaiah Thomas and Company, 1789 Book-plate and autograph of Timothy Mather Cooley. 2639 Webster (Pelatiah). Political Essays on the Nature and Operation of Money, Public Finances, and other subjects : pub- lished during the American War, and continued up to . . . 1791. Svo, boards. Philadelphia, 1791 2640 Weigel (T. O.). Katalog Friihester Erzeugnisse der Druck- crkunst . . . 12 plates. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. Leipzig, 1872 2641 Weiss (M. Charles). History of the French Protestant Refugees . . . Translated ... by Henry William Herbert, with an American Appendix, by a descendant of the Huguenots. Por- trait. 2 vols., 121110, half calf, gilt. New York, 1854 Pages 326 to 381 (Vol. I.) and pp. 284-334 (Vol. II.) relate to the Refugees in America. 2642 [Welde (Thomas) and Winthrop (John).] A Short Story of the Rise, reign, and ruin of the Antinomians, Familists & Liber- tines, that infected the Churches of New-England, &c. 4to, calf, gilt leaves, by Riviere. London, 1644 Americana. 399 2643 [Welde and Winthrop.] A Short Story of the Rise, Reign and Ruin of the Antinomians, &c. 4to, half morocco. London, 1692 The margins of both editions are frequently cut very close. 2644 Welde (Thomas). An Answer to W[illiam] Rfathband], his Narration of the Opinions and Practises of the Churches lately erected in New-England. Vindicating those Godly and Ortho- doxall Churches, &c. 4to, calf, gilt leaves. London, 1644 Fine copy. 2645 West (John). The Substance of a Journal during a Ri.si- dence at the Red River Colony, British North America; and frequent Excursions among the North-West American Indians, in the years 1820, 182 1, 1822, 1823. 3 plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1824 2646 [Wheatley.J Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England. Portrait. 8vo, calf. London, 1773 2647 Wheaton (Henry). Enquiry into the Validity of the Brit- ish Claim to a Right of Visitation and Search of American Vessels suspected to be engaged in the African Slave-Trade. 8vo, cloth. London, 1858 2648 Wheeler (John H.). Historical Sketches of North Caro- lina, from 158410 1851 . . . with Biographical Sketches of her distinguished Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Soldiers, Divines, &c. Frontispieces. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1851 2649 Wheelewright (John). A Sermon preached at Boston in New England upon a Fast Day the XVI. of January, 1636. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Morrisania: Dawson, 1X67 (July a few copies printed. 2O50 [Whitaker (Alex.) and Crashawe (W.)]. Good Ni wis from Virginia. Sent to the Counsell ami Company of Virginia, resi- dent in England. From Alexander Whitaker, the Minister of Henrico m Virginia. 4to, calf antique, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. London, 1613 I'ine copy. 400 Americana. 2651 Whitaker (Geo. M.). Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths of the Town of Sturbridge, from the Settlement of the Town to 1816. 8vo, cloth. Southbridge, Mass., 1879 2652 Whitbourne (Richard). A Discourse and Discovery of New-found-land, with many reasons to proove how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, &c. 4to, half morocco. London: Kingston, 1622 Title with coat-of-arms on back 4- Epistle Dedicatory 4 pp. -+- To his Maies- ties good Subiects 4 pp. 4- Preface 8 pp. + Relation pp. 1-107 (p. 35, num- bered 3, p. 67, numbered 7, pp. 70 and 71 numbered 100 and 101, p. 72 blank), Conclusion, 5 unnumbered pages + Letter from Capt. Wynne, &c, pp. 1-15 + Blank page + Copy of a Reference, &c, 4 unnumbered pages, repaired. 2653 Whitbourne. Another copy, with the broadside of license. 4to, half calf. London: Kingston, 1622 In this copy the " Copy of a Reference " follows the title, and the 6 is not dropped in p. 67. 2654 Whitbourne. A Discourse and Discovery of New-Found- Land, &c. 4to, half russia. London, 1623 Third edition. In this edition three lines are printed under the coat-of-arms, the prefatory mat- ter occupies but 12 pp. and the Relation 97 pp., p. 34 is omitted and 36 repeated, pp. 63 to 67 are not numbered, 95 is called 63 and the Conclusion has 4 pages of matter. 2655 [White (John).] The Planters Plea; or, the Grounds of Plantations examined And usual Objections answered. Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in New-England. 4to, morocco antique, gilt edges. A few leaves mended. London: William Jones, 1630 2656 White (Richard Grant). National Hymns. How they are written and how they are not written. A lyric and national study for the times. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1861 2657 Whitefield (George). A Brief Account of the Risk, Prog- ress and present Situation of the Orphan House in Georgia [with a list of names]. Edinburgh, 1748 An Account of Money received and disbursed . . With large plan of the building. London, 1741 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1741-S Americana. 401 2658 Whitefield. A Letter To the Rev. the President, And Pro- fessors, Tutors, and Hebrew Instructor, of Harvard-College in Cambridge; In Answer to a Testimony Publish'd by them against the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield And his Conduct. 4U), half morocco. Boston, N. E., 1745 2659 Whitfield (Henry). The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or, A farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, Concerning the Progresse of the Gospel amongst them. Manifested by Letters from such as preacht to them there. 4to, half morocco. London, 1651 lias the prefatory leaf, signed Joseph Caryl. 2660 [Whitman (Walt).] Leaves of Grass. Portrait. 4to, cloth. Brooklyn, N. V., 1855 266 r [Whitman.] Leaves of Grass Imprints. American and European Criticisms on " Leaves of Grass." i2mo, paper. Boston, i860 2662 Wight (Andrew). Catalogue of the Library of. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1864 2663 [Wilkinson.] Memoirs of My Own Times. By General James Wilkinson. Facsimiles, &c. 3 vols., 8vo. And Atlas of 19 maps in 4to. In all 4 vols., half calf. Philadelphia, 18 16 2664 [Wilkinson.] Memoirs. Another copy. 3 vols., Svo, half morocco. Minus the Atlas. Philadelphia, 1816 2665 [Wilkinson ] History of Jemima Wilkinson, Preacheress of the Eighteenth Century; containing an authentic narrative of her Life and Character . . . By David Hudson. i2mo, half morocco. Geneva, X. Y., 1821 2666 Willard (Samuel). A Brief Discourse of Justification ... in several Sermons on this Subject. Small Svo, calf antique. Soiled and mended. Boston, 16.S6 2667 Willett (William M.). A Narrative of the Military Actions of Colonel Marinus Willett. Taken chiefly from his own Manuscript. Prepared by his Son. Portrait ami plan, with 12 plates, consisting of portraits, views, ore, inserted. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1S31 402 Americana. 2668 . [Williams.] Ceremonies of Laying the Corner-Stone of the Monument to David Williams, one of the captors of Major Andre, at Schoharie Court House, September 23, 1876. 8vo. Albany, 1876 2669 W[illiams] (E[dward]). Virginia: More especially the South part thereof, Richly and truly valued: viz. The fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak . . . Second edition, with Addition of The Discovery of Silkworms, with their benefit. And Implanting of Mulberry Trees, &c. Large map, engraved by Goddard, to the first part, a?id 5 woodcuts to the second. 4to, morocco, gilt leaves, by Hay day. London, 1650 Fine copy. Though Williams's initials appear on the title page "the whole substance of it was communicated to [him] by a Gentleman of merit and quality . . . Mr. John Farrer, of Ceding." Map of 2d ed. inserted, and 2 or 3 leaves closely trimmed. 2670 W[illiams]. The same, both parts, but lacking the map. 2 vols., 4to, calf antique, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1650 2671 Williams (Rev. Eleazer). Life of Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen, alias Thomas Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe of Indians in Canada. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1859 Only 200 copies printed. No. 159. 2672 Williams (J. J.). The Isthmus of Tehuantepec . . . Maps and tinted plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 2673 Williams (J. S.). History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington, &c. Map. nmo, cloth. New York, 1857 2674 Williams (Roger). A Key into the Language of America; or, An help to the Language of the Natives in that part of America, called New-England. Together with briefe Observations of the Customes, Manners, Worships, &c, of the aforesaid Natives, &c. Small 8vo, calf. London. 1643 2675 Williams. A Key into the Language of America, or an Help to the Language of the Natives in that part of America called New England . . . 8vo, uncut. Providence, 1827 Rhode Island Hist. Socy. Collections. No. 1. Americana. 403 2676 Williams (R[oger]). The Bloody Tenent yet More Bloody: By Mr. Cotton's endevour to wash it white in the Blood of the Lambe, &c. 4to, calf, gilt edges. London, 1652 Autograph of Col. Nath'l Rich, &c. Fine copy in the original binding. 2677 Williams (Roger). Experiments of Spiritual Life & Health, And their Preservatives In which the weakest Child of God may get Assurance of his Spiritual Life and Blessednesse, And the Strongest may finde proportionable Discoveries of his Christian Growth, and the means of it. 4to, morocco extra, gilt leaves. London, 1652 Fine copy. 2678 Williams. Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health, and their Preservatives. 4to, boards. London, 1652; rep. Providence, 1863 Only a limited edition of this fac-simile printed, with an Introduction by Dr. Francis Wayland. 2679 [Williams.] Life of Roger Williams, the earliest legislator ... by Romeo Elton. i6mo, cloth. Providence, 1853 2680 Williams (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Large map. 8vo, calf. Walpole, N. PI.: Isaiah Tlwmas and David Carlisle, Jun., 1794 First edition, rare. 2681 Williams. The Natural and Civil History of Vermont . . . The Second Edition, corrected and much enlarged. 2 vols., 8vo, calf extra, by Zachnsdorf. Burlington, 1809 Minus the map, but, though marbied edges, has many rough leaves. 2682 Williamson (Hugh). The History of North Carolina. Map and fine portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 181 2 Portrait inserted. 2683 Williston (E. B.). Eloquence of the United States. 5 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Middletown, Conn., 1827 This compilation embraces the best efforts of Washington, Hamilton, Ran- dolph, Madison, Henry, Ames, Callatin, Harper, Adams. Calhoun, Jefferson, (lay, Webster, &c. , &c. 404 Americana. 2684 [Wii.mer.] The Case of John Wilmore Truly and Impartially Related; or, a Looking-Glass for all Merchants and Planters That are Concerned in the American Plantations. Folio, half morocco. London, 1682 Wilmer, or Wilmore, was accused of kidnapping " one R. Civiter ... an infant within 13 years of age," and carrying the said " infant " to Jamaica. 2685 [Wilson (Thomas, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man).] The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made easy to the Meanest Capacities; or, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians . . . &c. 121110, calf. London. 1743 Fifth edition. At the end is bound " An Earnest and Affectionate Address to the People called Methodists," pp. 48. London, 1745. 2686 Wilson (Samuel). An Account of the Province of Carolina in America. Together with An Abstract of the Patent, &c. 4to, crimson levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford. London, 1682 2687 Wilson. An Account of the Province of Carolina in America. Together with An Abstract of the Patent, &c. The Second Edition Corrected. 4to, half calf. London, 1682 Map of Carolina inserted (?), newly described by John Seller. 2688 Wimpffen (Baron de). Voyage to Saint Domingo in 1788-90. Translated from the unpublished MS. by J. Wright. Large map. 8vo, calf. London, 1817 (?), 1797 2689 Winchell (Alex.). Genealogy of the Family of Winchell in America, &c. 8vo, cloth. Ann Arbor, 1869 2690 [Winchell.] First Biennial Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of Michigan . . . 8vo, cloth. Lansing, 1861 2691 Winfield (Chas. H.). Surprise and Capture of Paulus Hoeck. Commemorative Oration before the People of Jersey City, Aug. 19, 1879. 8vo, paper. Jersey City, 1S79 2692 Wingfield. " A Discourse of Virginia." By Edward Maria Wingfield, the First President of the Colony. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Library. Americana. 405 Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Charles Deane. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Privately printed, i860 100 copies privately printed from the American Antiquarian Society's Trans- actions, vol. IV. Exceedingly scarce. Mr. Fowle's unbound copy sold for $45. 2693 Wingfield. Another copy. Half morocco, gilt top. Boston, i860 2694 W[inslo\v] (E[dward]). Good Newes from New-England ; or, A True Relation of things very remarkable at the Plantation of Plimoth, in New-England. Shewing the wondrous providence and goodnes of God. . . . Together with a Relation of such Religious and civill Lawes and Customes as are in practise amongst the Indians, &c. 4to, half russia. London, 1624 Fine copy. 2695 Winslow. Hypocrisie Unmasked: by A true Relation of the Proceedings of the Governour and Company of the Massachusets against Samuel Gorton (and his Accomplices) . . . Together with a particular Answer to the manifold slanders, and abominable falshoods which are contained in a Book written by the said Gorton, and entitled, Simplicities defence against Seven-headed Policy, &c. 4to, calf, gilt edges. London, 1646 ^W See Gorton. 2696 Winslow. The Danger of Tolerating Levellers In a Civill State: or, An Historicall Narration of the dangerous pernicious practices and opinions, wherewith Samuel Gorton and his Level- ling Accomplices so much disturbed and molested the severall Plantations in New-England, &c. 4to, half morocco. London. 1649 2697 WlNTERBOTHAM (W.). An HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, COM- MERCIAL and Philosophical View of the United States of America, and of the European Settlements in America and the West-Indies. Portraits and plates. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. New York, 1 796 First American Edition, with additions and corrections. 2698 Winterbotham. View of the United States. Another (poor) copy, minus some plates. 4 vols., 8vo, sheep. New York, 1796 406 Americana. 2699 [Winthrop (John).] Journal Of the Transactions and Occurrences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New-England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644. Written by John Winthrop, Esq., First Governor of Massachusetts. 8vo, sheep. Hartford: E. Babcock, 1790 2700 Winthrop. The History of New England, from 1630 to 1649 . . . from his Original Manuscripts, with Notes ... by James Savage. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. . Boston, 1825-6 2701 [Winthrop.] Life and Letters of John Winthrop, from . . . 1630 . . . to . . . 1649. By Robert C. Winthrop. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1867 Presentation copy from the author. 2702 Winthrop (Robert C). Washington, Bowdoin, and Fraxk- lin, as portrayed in Occasional Addresses. Frontispiece and fac- similes. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1876 Presentation copy from the author. 2703 Witchcraft Delusion in New England; its Rise, Progress and Termination, as Exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in the Won- ders of the Invisible World, and by Mr. Robert Calef in his More Wonders of the Invisible World, with a Preface, Introduction and Notes by Samuel G. Drake. 3 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Roxbury, 1866 Only 2S0 copies printed. No. 121. Woodward's Historical Series, No. V. 2704 Witchcraft Delusion. The same, on Large Paper. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Roxbury, 1S66 No. 29 of 70 copies. 2705 W[olley] (C[harles]). A two Years Journal in New- York : And part of its Territories in America. Small 8vo, red morocco extra, by Matthews. London, 1701 Fine copy of an exceedingly rare book. The Menzies copy [21 Si] sold for §290. Although Bartlett's Brown and Murphy catalogues, speak of the author as \Vo/>. La Colombine et Clement Marot. Svo, on Whatman paper. Paris, 1 880 cc. Grandkza y decadencia de la Colombina. V r ersion castellana autorizada por el autor. Small 4to. Sevilla, 1886 Contains also the controversy in the Sevilan papers. o rapliie (le quartre cents pieces gothi(jues franraises, italiennes et latines tin eommeneement du 41 6 Americana. xvi e siecle, non decrites jusqu'ici. Precedee d'une histoire de la Bibliotheque Colombine et de son fondateur. 8vo, on Holland paper. Paris, 1887 ff. Le Quartikme centenaire de la Decouverte du Nouveau- Monue. Lettre adressee a Son Excellence le Ministre de l'ln- struction publique du royaume d'ltalie, par un citoyen americain. 8vo, on extra Voltri paper. Genoa, 1887 p-cr Christophe Colomb et Savone. Verzellino et ses " Memorie." Etudes d'histoire critique et documentaire. 8vo, on extra Voltri paper. Genoa, 1887 hh. Christopher Columbus and the bank of saint george. With plates. Large 4to, on Holland paper. New York (London), 1888 it. Christoph Columbus in Orient. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888 Extract from the Ctntralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. jj. Christoforo Colombo e gli Orient all 8vo. Genoa, 1889 Extract from the Giomale Ligustico. kk. Document inedit concernant Vasco oa Gama. Relation adressee a Hercule d'Este, due de Ferrare par son ambassadeur a la Cour de Portugal. Small 4to, on Japan paper. Paris, 1889 Publication " per nozze," privately printed. MANUSCRIPTS. 2742 A Detail ok Some Particular Services Performed in America, during the years 1776-1777-1778 and 1779. (Compiled from Journals and Original Papers.) 4to, half calf. 156 pages. This MS. was purchased in London, July, 1830, by Ithiel Town. A note pasted on the inside of the front cover says : " N. B. In every Instance look at Annual Register, and compare our Account of Actions with the Account given by Rebels." ARNOLD'S QUEBEC EXPEDITION. 2743 The Original MS. of Colonel Benedict Arnold's Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, left by him at West Point whence he fled on hearing of Andre's capture. 4to, crushed levant morocco extra, by Bedford. 40 pages. The Journal commences Wednesday, September 27th, 1775, and ends on Octo ber 2f bread. Moreover if Independ- 422 Manuscripts. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. ence is established the Church with the Monarchy will be destroyed, and Repub- licanism with Presbyterianism its Brat erected on their ruins." The Reverend Gentleman concludes with other ill digested and virulent matter, more forcible than elegant, and if "dear Polly" read between the lines, the chances are that she declined to be re-united. Van der Capeli.en, Amsterdam, 6 July, 1779. Thirteen folio pages closely written in (presumably) choice Dutch, with an English translation attached. The letters now following are written to Gov. Livingston except when otherwise stated, and continue in proper chronological sequence. 1779. Huntington (Sam'l), Phila. , Oct. 8. A courteous communication assuring the Governor of his social loyalty. Thomson (Chas.), Nov. 4. Conveying the thanks of Congress to his Excellency. Livingston (Margaret), Claremont, Nov. 9. Thankfull that her Dear Dear Husband is now " safe in the Harbor of Bliss." Boudinot (Elisha), Elizbt. Town, Dec. 1. " Surprised at General Paterson's descending so low, as to attempt imposing upon your Excellency by a mere quibble . . . when he asserts that Lezier is not in Irons." 1780. Huntington (Sam'l), Phila., Jany. 20. Enclosing Act of Congress " that the most effectual measures may be taken to prevent such nefarious practices of supplying the Enemy with provisions." Trumbull (Jonathan), Hartford, 27 January. " Credit Sir ! is a coy dame — she must be nicely attended to & even then her Humour is very capricious." Watkins (John W.), Mch. 5. " Permission to pay my Addresses to your youngest Daughter." Loudon (William), Morristown, Mch. 6. An extraordinary appeal from a murderer " in Bondage and in irons strong." Trumbull (Jonathan), Lebanon, Mch. 10. " This measure [Repeal of the Tender Act] was dictated by a Desire to revert once more to the long-forgotten paths of Justice and Integrity," Washington (Geo.), Morristown, 16 March. " The lengthy confinement of many of our officers some of whom have been prisoners since the affair of Long Island, has alone made them extremely sen- sible of any exchange which has the least appearance of partiality." Houston (W. C), Phila., iS Mch. ' ' I have the Honour to enclose you the Proceedings of a General Court-martial held for the Trial of Major General Benedict Arnold." Peters (Richard), Mch. 20. "The Reason of addressing your Excellency at this Time is to ask your Assistance in relieving the Army from an impending Calamity," &c. , &c, meaning, lack of money to transport Provisions. Manuscripts. 423 1780. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Washington (Genl.), Morristown, Mch. 26. Directing the deposit of Provisions for the Army in the various New Jersey Stations. Fleudrie (Chev. de la), Apl. 4. " I beg for your protection [against taxation] and to be treated as the ameri- can gentlemen are treated in France." Houston (W. C), Phil., 4 April. " The army is again suffering for want of provisions." Chamberlin (Win.), Amwell, April 3. "The adjutant, four of the Captains, & one Lieut, has Refused to Obey my orders. " This disgruntled officer continues his various complaints through the whole of this and next year. Forman (Samuel), Apl. 7, Kildan. " The lower part of the Country is in Continual Possession of the enemy." Scudder (Nath'l), Freehold, Apl. 10. " Mrs. Roe ... is the Widow of Mathias Roe, one of the unfortunate Militiamen who in the Month of February, 1777 were surprised on the hi^h Lands of Naversink and made Prisoner by the british, and who soon after fell a Victim with many others of them to british cruelty in the accursed Sugar house at New York." Morris (Robt.), Phila., Apl. 17. " I approve very much the idea of employing Young Gentlemen in the Ameri- can Navy, which will most certainly become one day or other respected on the Ocean, however depressed now." Harrison (Robt. H.), Morris Town, Apl. 19. Communicating the desire of Washington to retain the body of Militia Horse engaged by the Baron de Kalb. Halsted (Matthias), Niel (Robt.). Dated from the Sugar House, New York, April 24, and detailing their miseries in that prison. Livingston (W. ]>.), Madrid, May 5. Thanking God that he is now at Madrid and expressing the belief that though Mr. Jay may succeed in his mission, the Spanish government will " make us purchase their friendship as dear as possible." Fell (John), Phila., May 7. " This day I received a Card . . . that we would attend to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock at the Catholic Chappie in this City to Pray (I believe it was to Pray, but as it was French, which I do not understand very well, I am not sure) for the Repose of the Soul of Mr. Merallies, I shall attend and do the needfull." TiLGHMAN (Tenet), II. Q., 11 May. " I have the pleasure to inform you that the Marquis de Lafayette announces Mr. (ay's safe arrival in Spain." The letter further observes that Gieat Britain cannot secure Allies, the Cerman Princes are cold, Holland neutral, and Ireland sulky. 424 Manuscripts. 1780. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Lucerne (Ct. de la). Also relative to Mr. Jay's Mission. Allinson (Sam'l), Burlington, May 25. A ludicrous exhibit of Quaker self-satisfaction. " My principles are thus superior to thine." Remsen (Henry), Morristown, 27 May. Regretting he could procure no " hatts " for the Governor and himself in Philadelphia " the brims were all too large." Morris (Jacob), Phil., June 1. " The friends of Mr. Gouverneur Morris in New York being extremely uneasy at his present unfortunate situation are exceedingly desirous that his sister Mrs. Ashfield should come out to this city to visit him." Houston (W. C), Phil., 2 June. " As I came through Trenton I heard of a Supplement or Gazette extraor- dinary of Rivington's figuring upon the capture of Charlestown." Houston (W. C), Phil., 5 June. Announcing the capture of Fort Moultrie. Heard (Nath'l), Springfield, June 10. Information that 6000 of the Enemy " lay between Elizabeth town and the point." Stirling (Lord), Camp Springfield, 13 June. " The enemy remain in the same position." Tilghman (Tenet), Camp Springfield, June 14. The Enemy's horse having made a short excursion they were fired upon, one killed and several wounded, "among the latter . . . the famous Cornelius Hatfield." Maxwell (Wm.), Jersey Camp, 14 June. " Intelligence was received that the enemy were landing in force ... I thought Elizabeth Town would be an improper place for me, I therefore retired." A conflict was enjoyed later when the writer says "General Stirling is among their wounded . . . with Count Donop Killed." Wallace (Joshua M.), Springfield, June 15. " Mrs. Livingston and all the Family are well, that they were treated with great politeness by the Enemy." 1'okman (Samuel), Black Point, June 17. " Yesterday Admiral Arbuthnot & three Frigates arrived at the hook." Blanck (Thos.), Bergen Co., 18 June. " On the 16th instant the Vulture of sixteen guns came up as high as Clouster (?) " Stirling (Lord), Springfield, June 10. "It is reduced to a certainty that Admiral Arbuthnot arrived at New York with nearly 70 ships ... on the 17th." Stkuben (Baron), Springfield, 20 June. " The weakness of the Post to which I have been appointed . . . has given me inexpressible concern"; with Answer of the Governor. Manuscripts. 425 1780. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Faesh (John Jacob), Mount Hope, 26 June. Complaining that he cannot operate the Hibernia Furnace rented of Lord Stirling, if his workmen are drafted for military service. Livingston (H. B.), Madrid, 12 July. Evidently Spain is still on the fence ; the writer says " Mr. Jay is not yet acknowledged." Mr. Cumberland [the British agent] & his family "are much caressed." Jay (John), Madrid, July 14, " There is a little stranger here who I hope will one Day have the Pleasure of calling you Grandfather." The letter goes on to state an attempt made to name the child after " the Saint of that day" but finding Pope St. Cirilo was the individual " and as neither that name, or office, except in the case of Pope Joan, ever appertained to a female" the name of Susanna is chosen, "a good sort of woman" who " nobly resisted the lascivious attempts of two Inquisitor Generals." Washington (Geo.). Peeks Kill, Aug. 1. " A considerable part of the Enemy's force are gone to Rhode Island with a view of reducing the armament from France." Continuing, the General proposes to move against New York "with rapidity and vigor" in order to divert the Enemy. Livingston (H. I!.), Madrid, Aug. 8. " Mr. Jay is not acknowledged . . . The Count D'Estaing is just arrived at this Coast, it is thought he is to have command of the combined fleets at Cadiz." Livingston (Wm. Alex.), Orange Town, 17 Aug. " I saw [at West Point] Col. Lamb ... he has got Lt. Moody closely confined in Irons at Fort Putnam ... he does not think the place secure enough for so great a Villain." Dayton (Elias), Orange Town, Aug. 17. " Our army is, in comparison to what it has been, pretty formidable in point of number." Stirling (Lord), Orange Town, Aug. 18. " The Army is once more in the State of New Jersey, or very near it." Pickering (Timothy), Trenton, -Sept. 18. " I am happy that your Excellency pronounces Col. Neilson . . . "an excellent man" ... I have taken much pains to find persons deserving that title." Arnold- Andre Conspiracy. Copies of the Letters of Nathl. Green, Benedict Arnold "On Hoard the Vulture" ami Genl. Washington, communicating the particulars of this famous event, followed by a long letter from W. ('. Houston on the same subject. Houston (W. C). Phil., Oct. 2. " On Saturday night last Arnold was carried in effigy through the streets of this City, and burnt at the Coffee-house, with his friend the Devil." Reed (Joseph). Hethlehem, Oct. =. " The Brethren at this Place have informed me that they have sundrv Hooks of a Spiritual Nature at New Vork which they are desirous to avail themselves of." 426 Manuscripts. 1780. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Burr (Aaron), Peramus, 20 Oct. " I have long had an acquaintance with Miss [Caty] Goelet, and know her to be a worthy inoffensive character ... A variety of misfortunes have rendered her subsistence here impracticable." Clark (Abm.), Phil., Oct. 22. "Reports very likely have reached you of our obtaining an important advan- tage over the Enemy in Carolina . . . The whole intelligence depends on the Veracity of Major Tate." Lee (Thos. S.), Annapolis, Nov. 3. Requesting on behalf of the Maryland Delegates a passport for Doctor Upton Scott through N. Y. and N. J. Moffat (Wm.), Eliz. Town, Nov. 15. ' ' I have been sent here to command this Post, am so interrupted in doing my duty by a certain Hendricks, who calls himself Captain " &c. [The explanation of Hendricks follows, Nov. 22.] Houston (W. C), Phil., Nov. 20. " The enclosed may afford your Excellency some amusement. It was found among the private Papers of Mrs. Arnold, wife of the Traitor-General, and is one of the Adventures of her Life." Frelinghuysen (Fred.), "Woodbridge, Dec. 5. " There is no probability of a speedy Incursion & therefore . . . dismiss our respective commands." Johnes (Tim), Morristown, Dec. 9. " You sent for one or two Books of Letters. I find three made up book fashion, there are several other bundles." Rem sen (Henry), Morristown, Dec. 16. Acquainting his Excellency that the new money issued by N. J. does not pass current in Philadelphia. 1781. Boudinot (Elias), Baskenridge, Jan'y 2. Reporting the insurrection of the Pennsylvania troops with the intent to force Congress to pay for the three years Inlistment. This trouble in General Wayne's Camp is subject matter for several other letters following the above. Huntington (Sam'l), Phila., Jan'y 9. " The cruel and unwarrantable Treatment which our People who are Pris- oners with the Enemy have of late received . . . the Law of Retaliation has become necessary." Burnside (James), Trenton, Jan'y 11. " The Two Men who came to the Pennsylvania line when at Princetown, with proposals to join the British, were hung." Brearley (David), Trenton, Feb. 6. "Announcing the Sentence of Death passed on Robt. Jeames for high- treason, and on Humphrey Wade and John Parker for horse-stealing." Willett (Marinus), New Windsor, 15 Feb. The writer is seeking a chest of clothes belonging to Mrs. W. and himself and wants assistance to pass the lines. Manuscripts. 427 1781. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. J. Mallet to Pierre DePeyster, N. Y., Mch. 3. Doctor Mallet refuses to prescribe for DeP's complicated disorder at such a distance from the scene of action. Collins (Isaac), Trenton, Mch. 6. The writer, publisher of the New Jersey Gazette, tries to explain certain objectionable features that have appeared in his paper. Mathews (John), Phila. , Mch. 6. Hoping that the New Constitution will arrange a better understanding, so that the authority of Congress and the States shall not conflict, also that " Gen- erals Muhlenberg and Nelson was laying close siege to Arnold at Portsmouth . . . but the dog can get away by means of his shipping." Bleeker (Ant. L.), Hanover, Mch. 25. De Peyster (Pierre), Second River, Mch. 27. Making application on behalf of Pierre DePeyster who, being "in a very declining way," wishes to go to Bermuda. This letter is followed by one dated two days later, from the invalid himself, following up the request. Houston (W. C), Phila., Mch. 10. Giving particulars of the engagement between Cornwallis and Gen'l Greene at Guildford Court House in North Carolina. Washington (Geo.), New Windsor, 8 April. "Intelligence has been sent me . . . that four parties had been sent out with orders to take or assasinatc your Excellency." Morris (Robt.). A vigorous and long letter on his appointment to administer the Finances, refusing to accept, unless three stipulations are agreed to by Congress particu- larly " the uncontrolled power of dismissing from Office " such persons who were neither useful or necessary. Livingston (Robt.), Apl. 13. " As we have had no confirmation of the success of Gen'l Greene against Lord Cornwallis. nor of the Marquis over that Viper Arnold, my fears increase." Clinton (Geo.), Poughkeepsie, Apl. 15. Enclosing a letter from Philadelphia which he had opened by mistake. Reed (Joseph), Phila , Apl. iS. Regretting " the horrid and detestable practices of Assassination" which Washington, Clinton and the Governor are in danger from. Chamhkri.in (Win.), Amwell, Apl. 22. Stating that his brother officers are endeavoring to remove him, they them- selves being secured by influence, and furthermore charging them with a desire to remove honest associates in order that they may better plunder the Public Stores. That their rascally conduct has caused " hot blood and hard nocks." Mathews (John), Phil., Apl. 24. Announcing the removal of Mail pas and the substitution of Choiseul in the Office of French Prime Minister, and confirming ''the loss of the Confederacy with the Cloathing for our troops." Grayson (Wm.), Apl. 26. Forwarding an order from the War Office to remove all provisions, forage, &c, liable to fall into the hands of the Enemy. 428 Manuscripts. 1781. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Livingston (H. B.), Madrid, 29 Apl. Refers to the friendliness of the Spanish King and believes that it is the interest of all the European Powers " to diminish the Power of Britain, of which they have but too much reason to be jealous . . . Portugal alone seems attached to England . . . We ascertain the Price already paid Arnold for his treachery." Phillips (Joseph), Maidenhead, May 13. Evidently not in accord with an order which forces him to order a detach- ment for the escort of certain prisoners of War from Trenton to Morris. Witherspoon (John), Phila., May 8. ' ' My Letters to Bennington (?) were taken in the last mail that was robbed, and are published by Rivington." Freeman (Matthew, Capt.), Woodbridge, May 1. Complains that on Lieut. Hoagland's obtaining leave of absence on domestic affairs, the " privates all went home and not one has been here since." Houston (Wm. C), Trenton, 18 May. " None [of the Journals of Congress for January April, 17S1] are yet pub- lished, and for one plain honest Reason, that we have not money to pay the Printer." Erkelen (G.), Phila., May 18. In relation to the Holland correspondence. Washington (Geo.), New Windsor, May 27. " Last night I returned from Weathersfield, where I have had an interview with . . . the Count de Rochambeau, in consequence of which the French army will commence its march to form a junction with ours in the North River . . . we shall be amply repayed ... by liberating the Southern States where ... we are only Vulnerable ... 455 men are wanting to complete the two regiments of your State." Morris (Gouverneur), Trenton, 30 May. " I enclose you a Dutch Poem which, as you will see by a little note enclosed from old Dumas, is very beautiful, to those who understand Dutch." Trent (William), Phila., June 3. I have taken the Liberty to send you ... a Pamphlet called " Plain Facts," &c. It is here eagerly read . . . and even the Virginians themselves begin now to doubt whether they have, or ever had any Right to the Country Westward of the Alleghany Mountains. Livingston (Robt.), 5 June. " I wish the long expected French Fleet did arrive that we might at least make a tryal to retake our Capital." Carhartt (Capt. Sam'l), Monmouth, 5th June. " I must beg your Excellency's Opinion whether Men that are Inlisted in our Companys can, with any propriety, leave us, to Inlist in the Continental Army." Livingston (C. W.), daughter of the Gov., Phila., S June. "Col. Burr called on me a half an hour ago ... I suppose you know Mr. Morris has accepted the appointment of Congress." Manuscripts. 429 1781. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Washington (Geo.), New Windsor, June 9. " It is found impossible to furnish more than fifteen hundred cartridges for the State of New Jersey." Morris (Robt), Phila., June n. " No doubt you have seen in the Public Papers, the Plan Establishing a National Bank ... All the Public Bodies in America have, more or less, lost the Confidence of the World as to Money Matters." Dayton (Elias), Chatham, June n. " Should the troops be ordered to move in their present necesitous condition, destitute of every kind of cloathing, money, &c. . . . would be attended with very serious consequences." Washington (George), New Windsor, June 13. " Nothing in Nature can be more repugnant to my Inclination than to be obliged to have recourse to Military coercion." Holmes (Asher), Scots Chester, June 21. " The enemy Landed this morning about 4 o'clock, at Shoal Harbour. Report makes them 1,500 or 2,000 strong, was marching towards Middletown." Elmer (Jonathan), Princeton, June 22. Called to Congress, sensible of his shortcomings, he accepts and promises to Serve the State faithfully. Dickenson (Philemon), Trenton, June 22. " It is reported here that Genl. Arnold has landed in Monmouth Country, with 1,500 men." Rf.ed (Joseph), June 2. Asking Gov. Livingston's opinion whether " the mutiny of the Pennsylvania Line last Winter might have been suppressed by their own Officers, but for the improper Interference of myself & Genl. Potter (?) " Beatty (John), Monmouth Ct. House. " Happy to find the Enemy have returned to Staten Island after having per- formed a most Don Quixote Expedition." This is followed with other reports of the Expedition by Ashcr Holmes, Nathl. Scudder, &c. Thomson (Charles). Communicating the request of Saml. Huntington to be relieved from the office of President, and the election of Thomas McKean. Ward (Jonas, Capt.), II. Q. , Eliz'th Town, July 30. il The soldiers under my command have done their duty much better than could have been expected, considering they are without Provision and without pay; they have now all left me," &c. Washing ro\ (Geo.), II. Q., Dobbs Ferry, 13 July. " We are at present so much Superior in Cavalry by the Arrival of the Legion of Lauzun, and a very good Corps under Col. Sheldon, that I have not need of any more Troops of that Establishment." McKean (Thomas), Phil., July 25. " Fully convinced of the necessity of the most vigorous operations against the Posts of New York." 430 Manuscripts. 1781. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Washington (Geo.), Dobbs' Ferry, 2d Aug. " Of the Militia which were required of the State of New Jersey . . . none have come in . . . returned for want of subsistence . . . our boasted and expensive preparations, end only in idle parade." M iffi.in (Warner), Aug. 4. Another characteristic Quaker letter advocating anything rather than spilling of blood. Boudinot (Elias), Phil., Aug. II. Announcing the success of Genl. Green's forces against Lord Rawdon . . . Siege of Ninety-Six." Van der Capeli.an, Aug. 15. Long letter in Dutch. Forman (Samuel), Monmouth, Aug. 15. " Information may have been given your Excellency, of the arrival of a British Fleet of about 40 sail, with, from 10 to 1,500 foreign Troops on board." Randolph (Asher), Woodbridge, Aug. 10. " From good authority I here that one person has sent to our Enemyes in this State to pass four thousand pounds of Counterfeit Bils . . . which I fear is now in circulation, the persons passing the money to have two and half per Sent from the Crown." Washington (Geo.), Head Quarters, Kings Ferry, Aug. 21. Circular signed announcing the arrival of De Grasse with his fleet in the Chesapeake and change of base of operations from New York to Virginia. Leaving Genl. Heath in command of the forces at New York. Boudinot (Elias), Phila., Aug. 21. " Sir Samuel Wood with the greatest part of the English Fleet in the West Indies, will also be here." Heath (Genl. W.), Peekskill, Sept. 4. " His Excellency the commander in chief . . . having gone to the South- ward, the command of the army . . . in this department devolves on me." Reed (Joseph), Phil., Sep. 6. Councilling Gov. L. to be on the alert as to the movements of Sir Henry Clinton, specially in the absence of Washington. Borden (Joseph), B. Town, Sep. 7. "A gentleman from Prince Town just now inform'd me, that they expect the Enemy out Every hour, and that they have no amunition." Burke (Wm.), Sep. 7. "We have just received intelligence from New York - . . that the Enemy are embarking in great haste . . , to relieve Corn wallis." Witherspoon (John), Sep. 11. " We have been alarmed this morning with an account that Arnold has burnt New London." Livingston (Harry Brockholst), St. Ildefonso, Sep. 16. " The frequent <.Y. gross falsities debited at St. James' are losing their influence fast, & we are not without hope, altho' not very sanguine that N. York may fall before the close of the campaign — If M. de Grasse arrives on our coast before Rodney I see nothing extravagant in the hopes of its reduction." Manuscripts. 431 1781. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Heath (Genl. Wm.), Continental Village, Sep. 24. "There is every reason to conclude . . . that the british fleet have received a severe drubbing from the fleet of our great and good ally." Ibid, Sep. 28. " The enemy have disembarked a large body of troops at Staten Island . making preparations which indicate an incursion into the Jersies." Boudinot (Elias), Phila., Sep. 29. ' ' We are much alarmed here, on the apprehended Invasion of this State by Genl. Clinton . . . This City could not have been attempted in a more defenceless State." Livingston (II. B.), Madrid, Oct. 12. " From the complexion things wear here, I am more and more persuaded that America's greatest Reliance must be on herself ... I fear our credit suffers in Holland by the absence of Mr. Laurens." Clark (Abm.), Phil., Oct. 16. Reporting Genl. Green's engagement of Sep. 8 in South Carolina, with a curious sum in addition. Rutleuge (Edward), Phil., Oct. 16. " The warm climate of Carolina has brought to perfection the military vir- tues of General Greene." Semple (William), Phila., 20 Oct. ' ' Your Excellency has advise f rem England that your son was a prisoner there. " Boudinot (Elias), Phil., Oct. 21. S o'clock A. M. " Mr. Boudinot has but a moment to congratulate his Friends in Jersey on the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis & his whole army on Wednesday last. This comes by Express from Gov. Lee, who reed, the first intelligence from Count de Grasse. " Blair (Robt.), Morris Town, Oct. 23. Stating that the army of Genl. Heath stationed at North River had been without flour for four days. Boudinot (Elias), Phil., Oct. 24. Regretting the favorable terms to the Enemy at the surrender of Cornwallis, " though it was a great point gained to finish so as to allow Count de Grasse to get to sea before the british fleet arrived." Romeyn (D.), Hackinsack, Oct. 27. " There were near 30 of the enemy out in the Country . . . for the express purpose of capturing and carrying off your Excellency." "Susanna," Elisabeth, Oct. 28. '" Dear Mr. Livingston, I am happy to hear you got Safe to trenton. New cause for thank-fullness this, as is the Surrender of Cornwallis that proud man I inten'd to have given you an account of the East 10 Dollars you sent me . . . but cant find it at present . . . Your affectionate wife, &c." Thomson (Charles), Phila., Nov. 5. Announcing the election of John Hanson as President. Peters (Richard), War Office, Nov. 0. '" We have received Information that fames Moody is now with a Party of thirty or forty Refugees armed at little Egg harbour." 432 Manuscripts. 1781. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Kirkbride (Joseph), Bordentown, 12 Nov. " I beg leave to Congratulate your Excellency on your re-appointment to the Government of this State . . . your Excellency was kind enough the last Winter to favour me with a few Beens of an Extraordinary kind," &c. Heath (Genl. Wm.), Headquarters, Nov. 21. Announcing Washington's return from the south, and that the New Jersey troops would be quartered near Morristown. Livingston (H. B.), Madrid, Dec. 1. Hoping that by this time a " Bourgoynade " has been made of Cornwallis. Ali.inson (Saml.), Waterford, Dec. 22. A characteristic Quaker letter exalting the Lamb and decrying the Lion. Livingston (H. B.), Madrid, 25 Dec. "The Parliament [British] is opened — the speech from the throne is firm and breathes nothing but war. More Germans are to be sent to cut our throats ■ • at ^30 sterling a head." Brown (Andrew), Dec. 29. Asking for a sufficient force to dislodge the Refugees at Toms River. 1782. Marbois. Phila., Aug. 2. Relative to a rumor of the Evacuation of Savannah. Baldwin (Daniel), New Ark, Aug. 3. "By any Means in my Power ... to obtain all Matters of important Intelligence which could be of Service to the general Cause of my Country, and to make at all Times every Degree of Discord and Animosity to arise among our common Enemy." Livingston (Brockholst), Eliz'th Town, Aug. 8. " I quite forgot to pay your washing-woman for a waistcoat and Breeches she washed for me. " Washington (George), signed, Head Quarters, Aug. nth. Relative to passport limits at Dobb's Ferry, etc. Witherspoon (John), Phila., Aug. 14. "I sent you by Col. Hooper a short & general Act. of Sir Guy Carlton & Admiral Digby's Letter to Gen'l Washington." Van Zandt (Jacobus), Newark, Aug. 17. " As to Mr. Cater's political princeples this I know of him, before we left New York, that he was imploy'd by our Convention to Strike of a number of Copper pence, for small change for public use." W ATKINS (Judith), Aug. 19. " Dear Pappa . . . You hinted to Mr. Watkins . . . you would furnish him with money . . . his extreem modesty would not suffer him to tell you so." Macnair (Ralph), N. Y., Aug. 12. "A number of the American Officers, while prisoners on parole in Long Island, purchased necessaries . . . except three Gentlemen from Connecticut . . . not another as yet made the smallest remittance." Also another letter dated Sep. 4. taking hope, by reason of Washington's order for the relief of creditors of officers on public service. Manuscripts. 433 1782. The Livingston Correspondence— Continued. Moore (William, Presdt), Phila. , Aug. 24. " There appearing no circumstances tending to prove that he [Macnair] had supplied our officers . . . the Council decline giving him permission to come into this State, etc." Further stating that it was no part of the policy of the Council to help an enemy collect his debts. Troup (Robert), Albany, Aug. 24. ' ' Accept my most cordial congratulations on the rising grandeur of America. May she become the happy assylum of civil and religious liberty to the wretched in every quarter of the globe." Wisner (Henry), Goshen, Aug. 26. "The Bearer, Mr. Noah Webster, has taught a grammar school for some time past in this place ... he is now doing some business in the literary way, which will ... be of service to posterity." Livingston (Brockholst), Eliz. Town, 29th Aug. "If leaving an Estate rather than submit to the British be any proof of whiggism, Mr. MacDavitt is not without pretensions to that character . . . Mamma mends apace. I wish the same could be said of Billy." Harrison (Benjamin), Richmond, Va., Aug. 30. Relative to the illegal condemnation of the sloop " William and John." Livingston (Wm. S ), Beaverwyck, Sep. 7. Explaining how he came to visit New York without a passport, how Sir Guy Carleton ordered the return of a horse stolen from W. S. L. , how the people of N. Y. hated the Governor, etc. Livingston (Brockholst). Anxious to go to Albany to finish his law studies and proposing to borrow sufficient money in Phila. to last six months, rather than impoverish his father. " By that time I shall have gone thro' Blackstone & the greater part of Wood." Yates (Peter W.), Albany, 14 Sep. Referring to above desire, and smoothing apparent difficulties . . . "The price for Boarding will be about ^45 annually." Livingston (Robt. R.), Phila., 15 Sep. Official Circular announcing the acceptance by the States General of Mr. Adams in the quality of Minister Plenipotentiary . . . " An event which widens the basis of our Independence, and leads to an immediate connection with a powerful Nation." Livingston (Brockholst), Sep. 20. In continuation of his desire to complete his legal studies in Albany. " Was the whole of a clerk's time to be employed in copying the trash of an office, I should be as much against going into one yet as you are . . . You are dis- pleased with my proposal of borrowing money, etc." Lucerne (Count), Phil., 30 Sept. Asking for the restoration of a long-boat lost during the capture of the Royal Eagle. Lucerne (Count |, Phil., Oct. 2. Wants to send loot from the Royal Eagle, to Prance. Lucerne (< omit), Phil., < )ct. 8. Thanks lor both favors as above. 434 Manuscripts. 1782. The Livingston Correspondence — Continued. Morris (Robt.), Phil., Oct. 7. Relative to " Kitty's" ill state of " Health." Skinner (Abraham), EHz'th Town, 8 Oct. Relative to certain British prisoners in Trenton, stating that since January last "it has not been in my power to draw a single Ration for those unfortu- nate men." Hoffman (Alida), Baskenridge, Oct. 25. " My Dear Brother ... I have not wherewithall to purshes my Winter provisions . . . that I may be permitted to bring out a few Books for Phille ... he cannot go on with his Edication without them ... if I do not succeed in this the Lord Knows what will become of me." Cogswell (James), Stamford, Oct. 24, to Col. Humphrey. "A number of Refugees . . . exasperated at some of the late acts passed by that State [N. J.] prohibiting their return, have formed a Design of Killing Governor Livingston." Humphreys (D.), Head Quarters, Verplanck"s Point, Oct. 26. " I am advised by the Commander-in-Chief to forward the enclosed [relative to the Siege of Gibraltar], although there is little credit to be given to such Reports commonly." Boudinot (Elias), Phila., Oct. 30. Proposing an enquiry into "some people in our State " supplying Beef to the Enemy. Thomson (Charles), Nov. 4. Announcing the election of President Elias Boudinot "this day." Livingston (Brockholst), Eliz'th Town, 5 Nov. At last the Albany studies are decided upon, but in consequence of the difficulty of going by water, and the expense by land exceeding £20, proposes to take " the young horse " and sell him at the end of the journey. GRUMMOR (Ichabod), Eliz. Town, Nov. iS. " I shall Cherefully Comply with your Request in sending the Duke the lateist York papers." Boudinot (Elias), Phil., Nov. 25. " The Bearer, the Rev. Mr. Barlow, author of a manuscript Piece designed for the Press, entitled ' The Vision of Columbus,' has earnestly solicited a Letter of Introduction. ... I know your Excellency is fond of Men of Genius and Literature," etc. Marbois (De), Phil., Dec. 1. Explanation of the law of enfranchisement. Lauzun (B. G. D.), Phil., Dec. 4. Regrets that Rochambeau has ordered him to Wilmington. Another at Burlington, Dec. 10. Relative to an order to arrest Irish Betty for conveying letters of Sir Guy Carleton to Philadelphia. Clinton (Geo.). Pokeepsie, 7 Dec. "The heavy losses which the Bearer, Sir James Jay, has sustained in the Course of the War . . . have reduced him to the disagreeable necessity of endeav- ouring the raise Sum on the Credit of his Lands to supply his presentwants." Manuscripts. 435 1782. The Livingston Correspondence— Continued. BouniNOT (Elias), Phil., n Dec. " The News from Gibraltar is confirmed." Skinner (Abraham), Elizabeth Town, 13 Dec. " I have received a Letter from the British Commissary requesting a Supply of Fire Wood, and some few necessarys for the use of our Prisoners on Board the Prison Ship, for which he offers the ready cash. Baldwin (Daniel), Newark, Dec. 15. " The Traytor De Peyster, although he has abandoned his Country, perse- veres in his original Plan, in keeping up a Correspondence . . . his wife . . . can be as dangerous as he ever was. I have intercepted the enclosed Letters directed to her, although the Language is not criminal, yet they wear that Complexion." Livingston (Robt.). Manor Livingston, 16 Dec. " Our cause is just and we must defend our Liberties to the last." Gordon (Major James), Lancaster, 16 Dec. " I never will myself while 1 am a Prisoner of War write anything that may not be Published." Boudinot (Elias), Phila., Dec. 24. Refers to some agreeable News " a Commission to Mr. Oswald at Paris, from the King of Great Britain, to treat with any Commission from ' the thir- teen united States of America.' " Livingston (Robt. R.), Phil., 23 Dec. Circular announcing " peace upon safe and honourable terms." Siikedf. (Israel), Mansfield, 28 Dec. Giving an Account of the skirmish with Bacon. 2764 The Original Draft of McClellan's Report on the Army of the Potomac. MASSACHUSETTS LAWS. 2765 [Massachusetts Colony Rkcords.] "A true copie of the Court booke of the Governor and Society of the Massachusetts Bay in New England." 314 pages (minus 5 and 6 and 135 and 136), folio, old calf. " The above MS. copy appears to have belonged to the great-grandfather of Governor Thomas Hutchinson ... It then undoubtedly passed into the posses- sion of his oldest son, Hon. Elisha Hutchinson . . . and from him to his oldest son, Hon. Thomas Hutchinson . . . father of Governor Hutchinson, who unquestionably carried the manuscript to England when he forsook his birthplace in 1774 ... I find that some of its pages are in the handwriting of Secretary Kawson, and the largest and earliest part of the remainder in that of a contem- porary, possibly Secretary Nowell . . . and may have been written even before the passage of the Court order in 1053." — Natii. B. Silt Kill IT". In 1 S6=; this MS. was loaned to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to restore 436 Manuscripts. certain imperfections in the Original Records, it being the only copy known to exist. This important MS. is in most excellent preservation, the handwriting legible throughout, and not more than a dozen leaves have needed repair. On the 25th of March, 1865, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts took steps to ascertain " upon what terms, if any, the volume of Massachusetts Colonial Records . . . can be obtained for the Library of this Commonwealth "; to quote still further from their communication, " The Original Records in this office, of which the volume in your possession is a copy, by use are very much worn and defaced, and it is very desirable, if possible, that the loss of leaves and parts of leaves should be supplied. The copy you have is the only one known to be in existence." MISERIES OF NEW ENGLAND. 2766 A Narrative y e . Miseries of New England, by Reason of an Arbitrary Government Erected there. 4to, morocco antique. A MS. of 4 pages, with the Notes of White Kennett inserted. Printed copies were put forth 1688, 1689, 1775. Brinley, No. 338, No. 339. Kennett, p. 150. Menzies, No. 1469. NEW GRANADA. 2767 Ano de 1526. Asiento y Capitulacione de los Alemanes Enrique Linguer, y Geronimo Sailler, Obligandose a hacer una Armada de 4 Narrios con 200, hombres o mas, armados y harrtu- allados por imano, para la pacificacion y poblacion dela Provincia de Santa Marta . . . Folio, cloth, 34 pp. The above is transcribed " from the copy in the Deposito histrografico of the Spanish Govt, at Madrid, March 25, 1857," and "From the XXXIX. Vol. of the Collection of Munoz in the Royal Academy of History. Madrid, April 2d, 1S57. " MS. notes signed by Buckingham Smith. 2768 New York. Letters and Documents, 1684-1773. Folio, half russia, as follows : I. Letter from Tho. Doz^gan to the Duke of York, describing "this province" as "the most flourishing, & most improveable of any in this part of America,'' recommending the establish- ment of a post-office, asserting the allegiance of "all the con- siderable Indians," and quoting the experience of Sir Edw. Andross as to the insufficiency of his salary. 3 pp., 4to. Dec. 9, 1684. II. James de Lancy to Hon. Robt. Monckton, Dec. 2^, 1758, announcing the abandonment of Fort du Quesne. 2 pp., 4to. III. The same to the same. July 28th, 1760 [two days before he was found at his house in the Bowery, sitting in a chair and Manuscripts. 437 expiring], referring to the events at Oswego which preceded the final reduction of Canada. 2 pp., 4to. IV. Chief Justice Benj. Prat to Gov. Monckton. June 22d, 1762, at Milton, Mass., complaining of insufficient Salary (^300), the resignation of all the other Judges, &c, &c. 3 pp., 4*0. V. The same to the same, written the following day, elaborating the same subject, asking to be relieved from duty, as, " Neither his Majesty's Service, nor the real Interest of the Colony can be promoted by completing my Ruin,'' and specially desiring to avoid New York on account of a small-pox epidemic. 2 pp., 4to. VI. The same to the same. Flushing, Aug. 8, 1762, vindicating himself from the charge of corruptly granting land. 2 pp., 4to. VII. Cadwallader Colden to Gov. Monckton. Flushing, Sep. 20, 1762, arranging payment of balance due Gov. M. and asking the return of his bond, and stating " I am now upwards of 70 years of age." 1 p., folio. VIII. The same to the same. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1763, asking that provision be made for '' poor Christopher Blundell, who has lost his pay by the disbanding of the Independent companies,'' com- plaining that the accession of a new King has not been promptly followed by the receipt of a new Great Seal, &:c. 1 p., folio. IX. The same to the same. N. Y., Jany. 21, 1764, respecting Capt. Hawker's claim of one half of certain prize-money, when his due was but a third. 2 pp., folio. X. Council at Fort George. June 9, 1773. Official copy, signed Steph. Cottrell, of the Order restricting the Governors in the American Plantations from granting more Indian lands. 3 pp., folio. 2769 [Northern Neck.] Copy [contemporary] of the Letters which passed between the Commissioners for settling the dis- puted Boundary of the Northern Neck, 1736-1737. Folio, hall morocco. 10 pp. 2770 Pory (J., S4 — Copy of Mr. I larford's memorial to the assembly of Maryland, with aggregate state of the losses sustained by him. — Copy of the deposition of J. Clapham in support of 444 Manuscripts. Mr. Harford's claim, with account of remittances from 1761 to 1771. — Memorial to the assembly of Maryland, of Samuel Chase, agent for the recovery of the bank stock, printed at Annapolis, 1786. — Claim of Chase against Russell. — Petition of Robert Christie, Daniel Dulany, R. Alexander, J. Bana- tyne, Rev. Gilbert Buchanan, Perry, Hay, and Co., of Bristol, Alex. Stenhouse, James Christie, James Miller, John Mason, Henry Riddel, and Hugh Dean, on behalf of themselves, and other holders of the Maryland paper bills; with memorial of the same, and report to the lords thereon. — Autograph letter from James Miller, about his case as a holder of more than one thousand dollars of Maryland paper money, 1800. — Letter to Mr. Vansittart, on the subject of the Maryland paper bills, 1801. — Information relating to the holders of Maryland paper money. — Copy of the report of the solicitor of the treasury, of the pro- ceedings in the cause relative to the Maryland trust money, 1802; together with autograph letters from Sampson Hanbury, Ph. Deare, Daniel Dulany, James Miller, G. Leckie, W. Sturges Bourne, R. Christie, Henry Glassford and W. Herrick, all relating to the Maryland paper money, 1802-12, &c. &c. New York, 1608-1792. 4 vols. The following is a list of some of the papers in these volumes : — Notices of Hudson's voyage, 1608-10. — Extracts relating to New York, from 1639 to 1664. — Papers for the revision of the political annals. — Dongan's answer about New York. — Notes relating to New York, from the Revolution to 1695. — Esti- mate of the general charge that is necessary for the defense of Albany, and securing the adjacent colonies from the attempt of the French, &c, 1691-5. — Copy of His Majesty's declaration at the treasury board, in 1697. — New York Revenue, 1687-97. — Expense of forces at New York, from 1692 to 1697. — Notes relating to New York, from 1701 to 1714, thirty-seven pages. — Secretary St. John's sentiments of Quaker Bromfield, 1710. — Sentiments of Col. Hunter, with regard to colonial policy, 171 1. — Mompesson's curious letter to Lord Nottingham, 1704. — Governor Hunter's curious letter to Secretary St. John, giving his sentiments on the constitution of the colonies, 1711. — Governor Morris's speech on the attempts of the Assembly to be independent, 1726-30. — Partridge's letter to the Duke of Newcastle, about the Sugar Bill, stating the rights of the colonies, &c, 1733. — Yarious notices, extracts, &c, relating to New York in the time of' George I. and II. — Letter from G. Clarke to Lord Delaware, showing that New York had long been aiming at independence, 1740. — Speech of Lieutenant-governor Clarke to the Assembly of New York, telling them that a jealousy had for years gone forth in England that the colo- nies were not without thoughts of throwing off their dependence, 1741. — Letter from Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle on the proposal of imposing stamp duties in the colonies by Act of Parliament, 1744. — Conduct of the As- sembly, 1743-5 — Clinton's account of smuggling at New York and in the colonies, 1752. — Plan of union of board of trade. — Proceedings of the board of trade, touching a boundary line to be established between New York and Massachusetts Bay, 1757. — Copy of a representation to his Majesty, 1757. — Autograph letter from Lieutenant-Governor De Lancey to General Monckton, relating to the forces at Louisbourgh, 175S. — Copy of a letter to Lieutenant- governor De Lancey, relating to the quartering of the troops, &c, 175S. — Various letters from Oliver De Lancey to General Monckton, 1763-5. — Extract of a letter from the board of trade about settling lands in the frontiers of New Manuscripts. 445 York, 1760. — Sales of merchandise, 1760. — List of grants of land passed since the death of Lieut. -governor De Lancey, by the Hon. Cadwallader Golden, commander in chief of the province of New York, 1761. — Copy of a representa- tion from the lords commissioners for trade and plantations to his Majesty, 1761. — Letter from the lords of trade to Lieut. -governor Colden, with the auto- graphs of Lord Sandys, Soame Jenyns and John Yorkc, relative to the instruc- tions to General Monckton, 1762. — Autograph letter from Lieut.-governor Colden to General Monckton, relative to the conquest of Martinique, &c , 1762. — Memorial of sundry merchants within the city of New York, addressed to Lieut. -governor Colden, with upwards of fifty autographs, 1762. — Letter from the lords of trade to Lieut.-governor Colden, with autographs of Lord Sandys and others, relating to the quit rents, &c, 1762. — Copy of a letter from Col. Bradstreet to Sir Jeff. Amherst, relative to the crown lands, &c, 1762. — Copy of Lieut.-governor Colden's letter to the lords of trade, with remarks about the boundaries, 1763. — State of Canada, when conquered, 1760. — Copy of General Amherst's talk to the several tribes and nations of Indians, 1760. — Long letter from General Amherst to General Monckton, relating to Niagara, 1760. — Copy of a letter from Governor Dodds to General Amherst, relative to the success of the troops in America, 1760. — Copies of various long and most interesting letters from Sir Jeff. Amherst to General Monckton, Governor Hamilton, Governor Dodds, Governor Colden and others, 1760-2. — Autograph letter from the mayor of Albany to Col.' Bradstreet, 1762. — Copy of a letter from Col. Bradstreet to Sir Jeff. Amherst, with denomination and description of the lands in Albany, &c. , with answer of Sir Jeff. Amherst relating to the same, 1762. — Sixty long and most interesting autograph letters from J. Watts, addressed to General Monckton, detailing proceedings at New York, &c, 1760-74. — Memorial of William Smith, a native of Buckingham- shire, to General Monckton, relative to his office, &c, 1762. — Copies of various reports, letters, memorials, Sec. , of the Attorney General Kempe to General Monckton, relating to the trial of J. II. Lidnis, claim of Daniel Nimham, the Indian, to certain lands, &c. , exportation of provisions from the colonies, &c. , 1762-3. — Heads of a dialogue between Mr. Temple and Mr. Kempe, 1763. — Copy of the first article of his Majesty's instructions to Robt. Monckton, gov- ernor of New York, 1762. — Mr. Smith's opinion on the grants for the pasture land near Albany, 1762. — Autograph letter from W. Smith to Col. Bradstreet, on the repealing the church patent, 1762. — Account of fees due to the governor from the secretary's office, 1762-3. — Deposition of Ephraim Bogardus, with his autograph, relating to the purchase of lands in Albany, 1762. — Map of the land granted to the commanding officer at Albany, and the lands adjacent, beautifully drawn out by Charles Clinton, 1762. — Deposition of Henry Hallen- beck, with his autograph, relating to the purchase of lands in Albany, 1762. — Memorial of Thomas Jones to General Monckton, relating to a commission for holding the office of clerk of the common pleas, &c, 1762. — Attorney-general Kempe's report respecting certain lands formerly granted for the use of the commanding officer at Fort Albany, now claimed by the Dutch Church, 1762. — Petition of S. Deal and others for licence to purchase of the Indians 1 1,000 acres of land in the county of Albany, 1762. — Accounts between the Gover- nor and Lieutenant-governor. — Memorial of Waddell Cunningham, with the petition of Philip Livingston, 1762. — Memorial and petition of John Alsop, of the City of New York, merchant, relating to the shipping of provisions for 446 Manuscripts. Jamaica, &.C., 1762. — Petition of James Launcey, 1763. — Petition of James de Launcey, of New York, on behalf of his brothers and sisters, the children of the Hon. James de Launcey, 1763. — Answer of Waddell Cunningham to the petition of Capt. Samuel Wright, 1763. — Memorial of Frederick Philipse, praying that in the. grant of royal mines sued for by Charles Scott, Esq., and Henry Holding, the mines in the manor of Phiiipsburgh may be reserved and excepted, 1763. — List -of patents and warrants to survey lands granted in the province of New York, from 1761 to 1763. — Petition of John Kelly, of New York, attorney at law, 1763. — Account of fees due to the Governor, 1763. — Petition of George Spencer, 1763. — Various original letters to General Monck- • ton, from New York, 1763. — Copies of several minutes in records of the court of vice : ad'miralty in New York, 1763. — Nine long and most interesting auto- graph letters from W. Smith to General Monckton, relating to affairs of New York, proposal for a court of exchequer, colonies more terrified at the appre- hension of taxes, than at the horrors of an Indian war ; discontents from the late measures in Britain, stamp act tumults, &c, 1763-6. — Memorial of Daniel Horsmanden, Chief Justice of New York, 1763. — Six autograph letters from Chief Justice Horsmanden, relative to New York affairs, 1763-8. — General distribution of the king's troops in America, 1765. — Extracts of letters from Governor Carlton to General Gage, and from General Gage to Lord Shelburne, 1767. — Copies of letters between Lord Dartmouth and General Gage, 1774. — Various original letters to General Monckton, relating to the independency of the New Yorkers, paper money, &c, 1764-5. — Printed address of Mr. Justice Livingston to the house of assembly, in support of his right to a seat. — Four long and interesting letters from R. R. Livingston, on the stamp act, tumults, attack on the fort, appeal, discontents, illegal expulsion from the assembly, &c, &c, 1765-9. — Report from the Lords of Trade, 1771. — Abstract of the shipping, substance of intelligence collected at New York, account of freights, Maryland loyalists, independence of America, copy of instructions to Governors Hunter and Burnet, petition of Gerrit Van Horn and others, for relief against a seizure of effects accidentally unreported at the custom house, petition of Cap- tain S. Wright, &c, &c. ; together with a large collection of original autograph letters, &c, relating to New York, down to 1 792, forming a most important and truly valuable series of papers relating to New York, its various govern- ments, dfc, &c. Nova Scotia, 1745-18 17. The following is a list of the heads of some of the papers in this volume : — Representation of the State of Novo Scotia, 1745. — Long letter, of 22 folio pages, from Lieut. -Governor Lawrence to the Hon. Col. Monckton, respecting the deficiency in the supply of gunpowder; departure of Mr. Shirley; trial of some deserters, ike, &c, Halifax, 1755. — Conduct of the first assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758. — Petition of the inhabitants of the town of Halifax to the Hon. Robert Monckton, soliciting a writ for calling a house of representatives, 7vith upwards oj 200 autographs, 1757. — Another petition to the same, with eight autographs, soliciting an answer to the preceding, 1757. — Memorial of the freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Halifax, to the same, respecting the defenceless state of the town, &c, with 24 autographs, 1757. — Memorial of Benjamin Gurish, of Halifax, merchant, respecting the building of a wharf, &c, with his autograph, 1 75S. — Autograph letter from Major Roger Morris to Manuscripts. 447 Col. Monckton, with journal of his proceedings, 15 pages, 1 75S. — Account of monies granted by parliament for the establishment of the colony of Nova« Scotia, from the first settlement of Halifax. — Autograph letter from Governor Horatio Sharpe to Gen. Monckton, Annapolis, 1760. — Population of Nova- Scotia, 1766. — Copy of a grant from Lord William Campbell, governor of Nova-Scotia, of certain lands, &c. , to James Boyd, 1767. — Letter from \Y. Gordon to Mr. Boyd, relating to the same, 1773. — Long autograph letter from \V. Nesbitt, relating to the same, Halifax, 1773. — Long autograph letter from Rev. William Boyd to the late George Chalmers, relating to the same, 181 5. — Six letters from Governor Eden to Lord Hillsborough and Lord Dartmouth, 1769-73. — Autograph letter from Phil. Deare, relating to the accounts of Jona-' than Belcher, lieutenant governor of Nova-Scotia, 1788.— Long letter relating to the boundaries of Nova-Scotia, 1806. — State of the present estimates for Nova-Scotia and the island of St. John. — Copy of a letter from Commissioner Barclay, relative to the information respecting the original limils of Nova- Scotia, with original letter, signed by Henry Goulburn, relating to the same, 1S17, with other papers. Pennsylvania, 1020-1779. 2 vois. The following is a list of the heads of some of the papers in this important series : Copy of Penn's letter to Lord Baltimore, on the settlement of the boundaries, &c, 1681. — Representation of the Board of Trade, relating to the several proprieties, 1 701. — Imports and exports to and from Pennsylvania, from 1698 to 1704. — Case against Lord Baltimore, relating to the bounds between Pennsylvania and Maryland, 1709. — Copy of the report and opinion by Attorney general Northey and Solicitor-general Thomson, on the Larl of Sutherland s petition for a grant of certain lands on the Delaware Bay, 1717. — Opinion whether the Delaware and the islands in it are in either Pennsylvania or Jersey, 1721. — Notices relating to Pennsylvania, from 1730-59. — Memorial of the mer- chants of the province of Pennsylvania concerned in the late trade with the Indians, with thirteen autographs, 1763. — Reports on various acts passed in Pennsylvania, 1767-75. — Report on a petition of the proprietaries of Maryland and Pennsylvania, 1768. — Representation to the Ring, with draft of instructions for Robert Eden, Lieut-governor of Maryland, 1768. — Representation to the Ring on the instructions for John Penn. Deputy-governor of Pennsylvania, 1769 — Account of losses sustained by the I Ion. John Penn. — Report on a petition of the proprietaries of Pennsylvania, 1770. — Report on an act for dissolving the marriage of Curtis Grubb, 1770. — Copy of a letter to Grey Cooper, with draft of a bond for Richard Penn, Lieut --governor of Pennsylvania, 1773. — Copy of a letter from T. Webb to Lord Dartmouth, 1774.— Population of Pennsylvania, 1774. — Copy of a letter to Henry Wilmot, relative to the lands contested between the province of Pennsylvania and the colony of Connecticut, 1 77<>. — Congress emissions of paper, 1775-9, «'*'^ other papers , the greater part ojfnial copies, by ami for the late (I. Chalmers, Esq. Phm.adei.viiia, 1760-17S9. 2 vols. In this important series will be found fifty long and most interesting letters from Col. Henry Bouquet, addressed to General Monckton and Major Gates; fifteen letters from Richard Peters to General Monckton; six letters from ('apt. G. Croghnn, with his journal to Presqu' Isle, addressed to Major Gates; four letters from Col. Iluirh Mercer to General Monckton and Col. Bouquet; m.es- 448 Manuscripts. sages from Governor Hamilton to the Assembly, and from the Assembly to the Governor; journal of the march performed by Major Robert Rogers of the rangers, in pursuance to the orders of General Monckton, 26 pages; three let- ters from Governor James Hamilton to General Monckton; eight letters from Capt. Donald Campbell to Col. Bouquet; letter from Lieut. Baby; copy of an Indian council; letter from W. Allen to General Monckton, 1764; letter from W. Buchanan to General Monckton; three letters from Aid. Hoops to General Monckton; copy of a representation of the behaviour of the mob at Philadelphia, by W. Sheppard; T. Robinson's estimate of the exports of sundry inlets to Philadelphia; exports from Philadelphia to Great Britain; extracts of letters from a member of the Congress at Philadelphia, containing very curious and important anecdotes; copies of letters from R. Crafton and others to Dr. Benj. Franklin and James Searle in Philadelphia; sale account of two cargoes at Kingston; letter from Capt. William Campbell; prices current at Philadelphia; letter from Dr. Andrew Ross to W. Petrie; long letter from G. Chalmers to C. Monro; with other papers. Virginia, 1606-1775. 4 vols. The following is a list of the heads of some of the papers in these very valu- able volumes : Index of Charters, Commissions, &c, relating to Virginia, from 1606 to 1662. — Copy of a Letter from John Pory, the first Secretary and first Speaker of Assembly in Virginia, to Sir Dudley Carleton, with Report of the Assembly's Proceedings, 161 9. — Copy of the Orders of Privy Councillor delivery of certain Felons to Captain Smyth, to be transported to Virginia, 1617. — Proceedings of the first Assembly in Virginia, 1619. — Extracts from the Privy Council Books, 1617-38. — Various Warrants and Papers relating to the Trans- porting of Youths to Virginia, 1609. — Copy of the Proclamation for Settling the Plantation of Virginia, 1625. — Captain John Harvey's Declaration of the State of Virginia, at his coming from thence in February, 1624, who was afterwards ten years Governor thereof. — Copies of various Grants in Virginia, from 1627 to 1666. — Copies of Papers about the Revolt of the Colonies, and others relating to Virginia, from 161 1 to 1677. — Copies of Instructions to the Governors of Virginia, from 163910 1658. — Extracts from various Letters and Papers of the Discoveries of various Early Navigators, Copies of Orders in Council relating to the Government of New England, &c, 1671. — Copy of Letter from Charles I. to the Assembly of Virginia, 1642. — Articles of Agree- ment upon Surrender of Virginia to the Parliament, 165 1-2. — Acts of the Assembly, 1657. — Virginia's Deplorable Condition, or Narrative of the Murders committed by the Indians, and of the Sufferings of his Majesty's loyal Sub- jects, under the Rebellious Outrages of Nathaniel Bacon, Jun., by Governor Berkeley, 1676. — Opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor-General on the New England Patents, 1678.— Various Papers relating to the early Attempts of the Independents in Virginia, Printing prohibited, &c. — Copies of Letters from Col. Spencer and Lord Effingham relative to Virginia, 1689. — State of Virginia at the Revolution, Minutes upon the Representation of the Assemblies of Vir- ginia and Maryland, 1695. — Extracts from the Plantation Books relative to Virginia, 1694 to 1736. — Report upon the Case between his Majesty and the Proprietors of the Northern Neck in Virginia, with Letter from Governor Drysdale, 1727. — Journal of the Proceedings of the Assembly of Virginia, 1 753—5- — Orders sent to the Governor to repel force by force, 1753. — Report Manuscripts. 449 of the Cause Argued at the Cockpit on the Governor of Viiginia and the House of Burgesses, with the Speeches of the Attorney-General, Mr. Forester, Lord Granville, Mr. Murray, &c, 1754. — Letters from Governor Fauquier on the Affairs of the Colonies, dated from Williamsburgh, 1760-2. — Speech of the lion. Francis Fauquier, Governor of Virginia, 1760. — Memorial of the Mer- chants of London in behalf of themselves and others trading to Virginia, with state of its Taxation, Treasury, Population, &c, 1748. — Act of Parliament for the better securing the Dependency of the American Colonies, 1766. — Copy of the Circular to all Governors on the Continent of America, to support the Commissioners of the Customs in their Duty, 1768. — Representation of the Lords of Trade on the expediency of permitting Settlements on 1 .ands westward of the Great Mountains, 1765. — Circulars relative to the General Instructions given by his Majesty to the Governors of his American Colonies, 1768. — Representation of the Lords of Trade on the House of Purgesses of Virginia, praying permission to issue paper money, with copy of Lord Hillsborough's Letter to the Governor, with his Lordship's Autograph, 176S. — Original In- structions for Baron de Botetourt, Governor of Virginia, with Autograph of King George III., 1768, with Letter from him to Lord Hillsborough, 1768-70. — Circular to the Governors of the North American Colonies, respecting their Dispatches, 1768. — Address of the Clergy in Virginia to his Majesty, 176S. — Lists of his Majesty's Council of Virginia, and Officers of the said Government, 1768. — Account of the Revenue, Quitrents, &c. of Virginia, 1770. — Additional Instructions to the Governor of Virginia, 1770. — Original Orders and Instruc- tions to John, Earl of Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, containing ninety-two articles, with autograph of King George III., 1771. —Further orders and instructions for the Earl of Dunmore, governor of Virginia, until His Majesty's autograph, 1771. — Statement of the revenue of Virginia, with the account of the receiver-general, with the Earl of Dunmore' s autograph, 1771. — Latin verses spoken by the students of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia, before the Earl of Dunmore, governor thereof, in 1771, 1772, 1773, and 1774. — Additional instructions to the Earl of Dunmore, with autograph of King George III, Feb. 4th, 1772. — Further instructions for the order of prayer to be used for the royal family, in Virginia, with autograph of His Majesty. Feb. 17th, 1772. — Account of His Majesty's revenue, in Virginia, with autograph of Karl Dunmore, 1772. — List of the representatives of the house of burgesses in Virginia, 1772. — Account of the Governor's dues on all vessels, 1772. — Representation to the king, on three acts passed in 1772. — Accounts of fees, received for the Earl of Dunmore, as governor of Virginia, 1772. — Additional instructions to the Earl of Dunmore, governor of Virginia, 1774. — Further instructions for granting lands, 1773. — Order in council empowering the Farl of Dunmore to make laws, 1773. — Account of the return of the militia, 1773. — State of Virginia, by the Earl of Dunmore, governor thereof, 1773- — Notes of Lord Dunmore's correspondence, 1773-'). — Additional Instructions to the Earl of Dunmore, for the government of Virginia, &c.,7eith autograph oj A'i/i^ George III., 1773. — Nine letters from Lord Dartmouth to the F.arl of Pun- more, on the affairs of the American colonies, eaeh with his autograph signa- ture, 1774-5.- — Letter from Governor Pownall to Lord Dunmore, 1775. — Pro- ceedings of a treaty between the six nations 1 >elawares and Shawanese by order of the Farl of Dunmore, governor of Virginia, by Major John Connolh at Fort 450 Manuscripts. Dunmore, began June ist, and continued until July 19th, 1775. — Letter from Captain Macartney to the Earl of Dunmore, 1775. — Several letters from Cap- tain Squire to the Earl of Dunmore, respecting the proceedings of the ships under his command off Virginia, &c, 1775. — Address from the inhabitants of Augusta County to the Earl of Dunmore, 1775. — Three long and interesting letters from Admiral Graves, relative to the rebellion in Virginia, and the insufficiency of the navy to command the rivers, &c. , &c, 1775. — Two letters from Captain Montagu to the Earl of Dunmore, relative to the ships under his command, stores, &c, 1775. — Petition to the inhabitants, relative to the establishing a court at Pittsburg, &c, 1775. — Twenty long and interesting letters from Captain Hammond to the Earl of Dunmore, relative to the rebellion in Virginia, the proceedings of the ships under his command, and account of the various engagements, &c. , 1776. — Two letters from Captain Henry Bellew to the Earl of Dunmore, on ditto, 1776. — Letter from Captain C. Scott to the Earl of Dunmore, relative to the exchange of prisoners, 1776. — Letters from Lee, Lewis Woodford, and other commanders of the rebels, 1776. — Letters from Admiral Parker to Lord Dunmore, a series of bills intercepted by Lord Dunmore, drawn by R. C. Nicholas upon J. Norton & Sons, of London, to assist the rebels in Virginia, 1775; and other interesting papers. A most curious and valuable collection. Price List Barlow Library i'i HUSHED i.y J. O. WRIGHT 3D- 31- 3: 33- 34- Price. $1 SO 4 50 9 00 3 75 3 50 1 75 5 00 13 00 8 50 53 00 10 00 15 00 3 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 1 25 50 5" 5 ( > 75 1 25 5° 50 1 v> Lot. Price. 35 $ 75 36 4 25 37 2 00 38 1 25 39 1 25 40 5 00 41 2 00 42 3 50 43 3 50 44 2 25 45 1 25 46 1 25 47 52 00 48 19 00 49 1 SO 50 Out. 5i 7 50 52 3 00 53 1 5o 54 4 00 55 7 50 56 11 00 57 410 00 53 5<> 59 7 5 (> Oo 210 00 61 2 00 (>2 I20 OO 63 6 50 ^>4 2 25 65 1 75 ()() 22 (X) 67 2 50 68 7^ Lot 69 73 74 75 76 77 7S 79 80 Si S2 83 S4 S5 86 S7 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9S 99 KXI mi 1 1 >2 Price. $5 OO 3 50 1 50 1 75 6 50 1 25 25 4 CK) 1 SO 4 50 85 00 <»7 50 25 00 6 50 8 50 2 IK) 3 00 5 00 1 =;o 12 (M) 5 00 5° 7 5'> 6 00 Lot. Price. 103 SlO OO 104 4 OO 105 13 OO I()6 22 OO i<>7 5 00 108 6 50 109 I 50 1 10 4 00 in 5 00 112 4 00 113 - 00 114 3 50 115 15 CK) 1 16 35 OO 117 7 00 "3 4 50 ] 19 f> on 120 I 50 121 2 25 122 7 OO 123 I OO 124 50 125 5 OO I2f) 5 OO 127 5" 1 28 77 50 129 27 50 1 30 29 00 131 (i 00 1 32 1 00 I 33 I MO '34 1 25 13? 5 < x ) 13d ^2^ List of Prices. Lot. Price. J 37- • . . .$12 OO 13S.. . . Out. 139- • • ■ I 25 140.. 25 141.. .. I 25 142.. • • 2 50 143- • 6 00 144.. .. I 50 145.. 1 00 146. . .265 00 147.. .. 13 00 148.. . . 1 1 00 149.. . . Out. 150. . • • 1 25 151- • •• 2 75 152.. 4 00 153- • 4 00 154.. 1 50 155 ' * . . 19 00 156.. 2^ 156^. 25 1 57- • . . 10 00 15S.. . . 13 00 159- • . . 12 00 160 . . . 12 00 161.. 7 00 162.. 4 00 163.. . . 2 ;o 164.. • • 4 ?o 165.. . . 41 00 16C. • • 3 25 167.. . . 6 00 168. . 9 00 I6<).. ... 8 50 170. . 7 50 171.. • ■ 2 50 172.. . . 2 50 1 ~3- ■ . . 14 OO 174.. 7 50 175. . . . Out. 176. . 1 50 177. . 1 00 178.. 2 OO 179. . I JO 1 So. . .. 2 25 1S1. . . . 175 1 S 2 . . I 50 IS}. . . . 4 "<> 1S4. 1 25 Lot. I3 5 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 20I 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2IO 211 212 214 215 2l6 217 2lS 219 220 221 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Price. $ 50 3 00 1 00' 1 25 1 00 2 50 6 00 16 00 1 00 2 50 3 50 6 50 3 00 3 75 Out. 4 00 2 50 4 5° 305 00 4 00 Out. 6 00 60 00 1 00 3 00 27 00 1 5° 2 00 50 6 50 11 00 4 50 2 00 2 50 2 00 o J 3 Out. 2 50 4 75 7 00 2 50 2 00 Lot. Price. 234 $ 75 235 1 75 236 15 00 237 See 435 238 17 00 239 10 50 240 6 00 241 5 50 242 1 00 243 2 50 244 2 00 245 1 00 246 S 50 247 7 00 248 2 00 249. ... 8 50 250 4 00 251 4 50 252 7 00 253 3 50 254 Out. 255 2 50 256 1 75 257 3 00 258 50 259 2 50 260 2 50 261 3 00 262 165 00 263. ... 4 00 264 2 00 265 1 50 266 75 267 12 50 26S 5 50 269 25 270 25 271 5 00 272 3 50 273 SO 274 19 00 275 16 00 276 11 00 277 3 00 27S 15 00 279 3 50 2S0 3 00 2S1 2 50 9.^2 4 OO Lot. Price. 283 .... $1 OO 2S4 .... 4 OO 285 .... 3 50 236 25 237 .... I OO 288 .... 26 OO 289 ..-• I 25 290 .... IO OO 291 .... 7 OO 292 .... 6 00 293 .... 25 00 294 .... 9 00 295 .... 11 00 296 3 00 297 50 298 .... 2 00 299 .... 1 00 300 .... 2 00 301 9 50 302 .... 5 50 303 • • • 75 304 .... 2 25 305 1 50 306 .... 3 50 307 ... 6 00 30S .... 2 50 309 .... 1 00 310 5 00 311 .... 2 00 312 50 313 .... 2 00 3M .... 14 CO 315 .... 4 00 316 5 00 317 3 00 3i3 4 50 319 .... 4 00 320 .... 7 50 320 !. . . . IO OO 320(' > 50 OO 321 .... I 30 OO 322 .... II OO 323 .... 2 OO 324 3 00 325 .... 1 50 326 .... 2 00 327 . .. 22 50 32S .... 1 4 01 1 329 ... 12 00 List of Prices. Price. Lot Price. Lot. Price. Lot Price. . . . $IO OO 379--- $1 50 42S. .... $6 00 477 I 50 • 112 50 380.... 13 OO ,429. 14 OO 47S . 6 50 .1125 OO 381.... 3 75 430. I OO 479 2 50 27 OO 382.... 14 00 431- I 25 480 5 LX> . IO 50 383- ... 16 OO 432- 75 481 6 00 3 00 384.... 2 75 433. S 00 482 16 00 . . 9 00 385.... 25 434- 3 00 4S3 4 (X) 4 50 3S6.... 1 25 435- 1 00 4S4 21 oj S 00 387. ••• 3 50 436- 5 ( > 4S5 12 00 1 00 388.... 10 00 437- 1 50 486 4 (XJ . . 2 50 389-... 6 00 43S. 215 00 487 25 1 25 390... 2 00 439- 3 OO 48S 250 00 2 50 39I---- 3 00 440. 47 5o 489 95 00 1 00 392 3 5o 441- I I (JO 49° 160 00 5 00 393-.-- 4 50 442. 3 50 491 5 502 i r 00 2 OO 405 3 50 454- 2 OO 503 50 2 SO 406 .... 3 5o 455- 50 504 1 50 3 00 407 25 456. 2 OO 505 2 50 50 408 25 00 457- 3 00 506 2 5'> 4 25 409.... 3 00 45?. 2 50 507 27 00 50 410. . . . 3 50 459- 1 30 ( XJ 50? 2 OO 1 00 411.... 21 00 460 . 17 50 509 2 50 6 50 412.... 185 00 461. IO OO 510 165 OO 6 50 413. .. 17 OO 462. 3 00 5" IO 4 00 414 I 50 463. 2 (X) ? 12 6 50 2 (XJ 415 50 464. 2 OO 513 4 (X) 2 50 416.... 2 5 ( > 4^5- 1 1 (XI 514 1 50 3 50 417.... I 1 OO 466. 32 50 515 4 50 Out. 41S. . 13 OO 467. ]() (X) 516 3< xj (x) . 400 (X) 419. .. 9 00 468. 1) (XI 517 39 (xj 1 1 50 420. .. 4 ?o 4'H). 3 < XJ 518 13 00 25 421... . 105 00 470. S (X) 519 10 (xj 1 25 422.. . . So 00 471 . 7 <*> 520 5 5° 3 SO 423 2 7? 472. I<> (XJ 521 5<' 3 00 424. . . . 2 25 »73 ■ 13 (XI s22 4 (XI 72 ?o 125 1 25 474- 12 50 - 2; , 1 70 no I IX) 42'.. .. 1 00 475- II (XI = 24 S 00 I 2~ 427 1 (X> 17' ■ 2 1 ix) 52 ; 3 5(1 List of Prices. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. $ 50 574. . . . .$21 00 624. . . $115 OO 673. . . $12 OO 50 575- 12 OO • 20 OO 625.. . IO OO 674.... 3 00 2 OO 576. 626... 320 OO 675-.. • 14 00 50 577- 3 00 627. . . 5 00 676.... 15 00 I 25 578. Out. 628... I 00 677.... 3 00 I OO 5S0. 6 00 629. . . 15 00 678.... 75 2 75 5S1. 4 5o 630. . . 16 00 679.. . 1 5o 5 50 582. 31 00 631. .. 2 OO 680 75 6 00 583- S 00 632... 2 OO 681.... 7 50 6 00 584- 4 50 633- •• 50 682.... 2 00 5 00 5S5 1 50 634. . . 50 683.... 2 50 5 50 586. 2 00 035- •• 1650 OO 684.... 27 00 5 50 5S7. 2 50 636 .. I 100 00 685.... 17 00 50 588. 1 00 637... 135 00 686.... 2 50 50 589- I OO 63S... 1500 OO 6S7.... 5o 3 00 59° • 2 OO 639- • • 26 00 688.... 5° 1 50 59 1 - 2 OO 640. . . 135 00 689.. .. 1 25 1 50 592 13 OO 641 . . . 215 00 690 .... 3 50 2 00 593- 14 OO 642 . . . II OO 691. . . . 1 50 3 00 594 IO OO 643... 2 50 692. . . 5 50 1 00 595 5 So 644. . . 15 OO 693 5° 52 50 59°- 2 OO 645 •• • 2 OO 694 ... 13 00 1 00 597- II OO 646. . . 26 OO 695 ... . 1 00 1 00 598. 5 00 647... I OO 696 1 00 1 00 599- 50 648... 50 697 1 00 4 50 600. 4 50 649. . . 10 00 69S 30 00 3 50 601 . 5 00 650.. . II 00 699.... 65 OO 3 50 602. 17 50 651 •• 5 00 700 .... 42 50 1 00 603. 5 50 652. . . 3 00 701 ... . 25 2 25 604. 25 653 ■• 6 00 702 ... . 4 00 14 00 605. 2 50 654- • • 6 00 703.... 4 00 7 50 606. 1 50 655- •• 9 00 704 ... 25 5 00 607. 50 656... 13 00 705 25 8 00 60S. 2 00 657... 13 00 706 .... 3 50 7 50 609. 25 658... 11 00 707.... 6 00 1 5o 610. 25 659.. . 12 00 70S.... 5 50 9 5o 611. 7 OO 660. . . 26 00 709 7 00 2 50 612. 9 00 661... 40 00 710 1 50 2 00 613. 1 00 662 .. 7 00 711 1 00 6 50 614. 23 00 663... 5 00 712 S 00 5 50 615. 2 25 664.. . 4 00 713.. .. 3 50 3 00 616. Out. 665... 1 00 714 2 OO S 00 617. 13 OO 666. .. 3 00 715 2 OO 1 00 61S. 6 50 667... 25 716.... I OO 2 goo 00 619. Out. 663. . 2 50 717 2 SO 2200 00 620. Out. 669... 12 50 718 2 50 15 00 621 . 2 50 670. . . 105 OO 719 75 14 00 622. 2 5 671... 14 OO 720.. . . 4 00 5 00 623. 100 00 672... 75 00 721 I OO List of Prices. Price. $ 2 5 4 00 1 00 2 OO I 50 3 5o 910 10 50 9I I I OO 9 1 2 2 (X ) 913 50 9M I 5" 915 2 50 .)lf). ... 2 nn List of Prices. Lot. Price. 918. ... $2 OO 919 3 5o 920 5 00 921 25 50 922 Out. 923 50 924 3 00 925 8 00 926 1 25 927 1 00 928 95 00 929 1 00 930. ... S 00 93i 5o 932 5 00 933 6 00 934 5 00 935 15 00 93 6 15 00 937 4 50 933 5 00 939 1 50 940 1 00 941 1 50 942 150 943 1 00 944 3 00 945 3 00 946 4 00 947 1 50 94S 6 75 949 3 SO 950. ... 1 50 951 2 50 952 3 5o 953 7 00 954 50 955 1 00 956.. .. 50 957 8 50 958 2 50 959 16 00 960 1 50 961 12 00 962 25 00 9 6 3 32 50 964 1 00 965 2 00 ()(>(> 2 00 Lot. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973- 974- 975- 976. 977- 97S. 979- 980. 981. 982. 933 984. 9S5. 9S6. 9S7. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993- 994- 995- 996. 997- 99S. 999. 1000. 1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. IOIO. IOII . IOI2. IOI3. IOI4. IOI^. Price. $5 OO 75 10 50 8 00 5 00 1 25 1 50 2 50 1 50 2 50 11 50 3 00 II OO 6 00 10 00 4 00 5 5o 7 OO 3 00 140 00 6 00 5o 5 5o 1 50 17 OO 5 5o 4 50 1 50 17 OO I OO I OO I OO 19 OO 37 00 50 1 5o 1 OO 2 50 5° Out. 16 OO 50 50 5 50 15 00 5 00 I OO Out. I OO Lot. Price. IOl6. . . $21 OO 1017. . . 2 OO IOI8. .. 1 OO IOI9. . . 50 I020 . . 125 OO I02I. . . II OO I022. . . 8 00 1323. . . 57 50 IO24. . . 13 OO I025-. . I 50 IO26. . . 32 50 IO27. . . I OO I028. .. 52 50 IO29. . . 40 00 IO3O. . . 10 OO IO3I. . . . 2 50 IO32. . . 95 00 IO33... 3 5o IO34... 4 00 IO35... 50 IO36. . . 3 00 IO37 . . 3 00 IO38... 4 50 IO39... 1 00 IO4O. . . 1 25 IO4I. . . 2 00 IO42. . . 2 OO IO43. .. 4 00 IO44. . . 2 50 IO45... I OO IO46. . . . 6 50 IO47... 4 OO IO48. . . 2 OO IO49. . . 5 5o IO5O. . . 4 OO IO5I. . . 2 OO IO52 . . Out. IO53... 10 OO IO54... I 50 1055- • • 6 50 1056. . . 20 OO 1057. .. 31 OO 105 7,7. .. II 00 1057/;. ■ • I OO 1058... 15 OO 1059. . . 10 00 io59«. . . 10 50 1060. . . . I 50 1061 . . . 7 00 Lot. Price. 1062. . . $7 00 1063. . . 2 OO 1064. . . 50 1065. .. 30 OO 1066. . . I 50 1067. . . .160 OO IO68. .. 40 OO 1069. . . 22 OO 1070. . . 4 00 1071. . . IO 50 IO72. . . 2 OO 1073... 8 50 IO74. . . 10 00 1075... . 6 00 1076. . . 7 00 IO77... 5 00 1078. .. 5 50 1079. . . . 4 00 10S0. . . . 17 00 1081. . . 6 00 1082. . . 4 00 I082rt. . 3 00 1083... . 2 00 1084. . . . 2 00 1085... 300 00 IOS6. . . 4 50 I0S7. . . . 2 OO 1088. . . 3 00 1089. . . 6 00 1090. . . 45 00 1091. . . 4 00 1092. . . 2 50 1093. .. 4 50 1094. . . 1 SO 1095 . . . 1 00 1096. . . I 00 1097 . . 1 SO I09S . . . 1 SO 1099. . . Out. 1 100. . . 1 00 IIOI . . . 1 5° 1 102. . . 5 50 1 103. .. 1 00 I 104. . . 10 00 1 105. . . 10 00 1 1 0(1 . . . 2 50 1107. . . 3 50 1 108 . . . 1 00 1 109. . . 50 List of Prices. Lot. Price. 1 1 IO. . . $25 OO 1 1 1 1 . . . . 4 OO III2. . . I OO III3 •• SO III4... S 00 UI5-.- I 50 1116... 50 1117. .. 70 OO 1118 . . 27 OO 1119... 4 50 1 1 20. . . 2 (X) 1121. . . 2 OO 1122. . . I 50 1123... I 50 1124. . . 5 50 1125... 5 00 1126... 5 00 1127 . 7 OO 1123. . . 2 OO II2Q. . . 62 50 II30... IO OO II3I... 37 00 1132... 5 00 1133... 2 00 1134. .. I OO 1135 •• 2 5 1136... 90 OO 1137... 7 50 II38.. . 16 00 I I39... 16 OO II40... 4 5° II4I. . . 4 00 1142.. . 3 00 1143. . . 5 00 I 144... 6 00 I 145. . . 3 00 II46. . 5° 1147 .. 205 00 II48. . . So 00 I I49... 50 II5O. . . . 9 fx; II5I I 50 1152. . . . (> 50 II53. . . . 3 50 U54- • • 4 OO 1 1 5 5 . . . 1 00 1156... 4 OO 115 7- 3 zt > 115-5. . . 2 !>(» Lot. Price. II59... • #7 (K) 1 160. . . • s 5 OO Il6l. . . . 11 OO II62. . . • 14 OO 1163. . . 12 OO I 164. . . 7 OO 1165. . . . 8 00 Ilt>6. . . 50 1167. . . 50 Il68. .. • 4 OO I 169 . . . 1 50 1170. . . • 5 00 1171. . . 5 OO 1172. . . .310 00 II73... 13 CX) II73«- • 5 OO II74.. . 5° II75... 1 OO 1 1 76 . . 1 OO II77... 1 75 II7S. . . . 2 00 1179... 5 5° 1180. . . 18 00 11S1. . . 360 (X) IIS2... 100 00 1183... 3 O.i IIS4. . . 1 50 IIS5... 2 50 1 186... 6 OO 1187. . . 1 50 1188. .. SO 00 1189. . . 18 OO 1 190. . . 1 (X) 1 191. . . 1 2 5 1 192.. if> 00 1 193. . . 4 OO 1 194. . . 11 OO 1 1 95. . . 23 OO 1 196. . . 35 OO 1197... M 00 1 198. . . 5" 1 199.. . 60 ( K) 1200. . . 12 5" I 201. . . . '9 00 1202. . . 3 50 1203. . . 3 ~A ) T204 ^O I 20? . . . 7 ,M> I2()6. . . 1 IX) Lot. Price. 1207. . . . $8 OO I20S. .. . 6 OO 1209. . . I OO I2IO. . . 1 00 I2II. . . 2 50 1212. . . 8 50 1213... • 2 50 1214. .. 1 00 1215... 2 OO I2l6. . . • 3 50 1217... . 21 00 I2IS... 1 50 I2I9. . . 2 75 I220 . . 2 50 1221. . 32 00 1222. . . 5 00 1223... . 6 00 1224... 6 50 1225. . . 3 00 1226. . . 3 00 1227... 1 00 1228. . . 3 00 1229. . . 1 00 I230. . . 2 00 1231... 1 50 1232. .. 22 OO 1233- •• 140 00 1234.. . 205 OO 1235- ■• 35 00 1236... 7 OO 1237... 8 00 1238... 6 00 1239... 50 1240. . . 65 00 I240rt . . 9 OO 1241. . . 4 00 1242. . . 6 00 I243. . . 8 (jo I244. 2 50 I245. . . 6 00 [2 4 6... 1 25 1247. . . 2 50 I24S. . . 75 I249.. . 1 00 I250. . . 1 2 00 1251 . . . . I IO (XJ 1252... . 4 (KJ I253. . . . 3 (XJ I254. . (, 50 Lot. Price. 1255... . $1 50 1256... I OO 1257 .. • I SO 1258... • I SO 1259 . . 18 OO 1260. . . 2 50 1 261. . . ■ 2 50 1262. . . ■ I SO 1263. . . I 50 1 264 . . . 55 00 1265. . . 7 OO 1266... 2 SO 1267... 4 00 126S .. 10 00 1269. . . . II 00 1270. . . I OO 1271. . . 2 OO 1272... . II OO 1273... 120 OO 1274 .. 25 00 1275... 12 50 1276... 17 50 1277... 22 50 1278... 22 50 1279 .. 55 OO 1280. . . 17 SO 1281... 15 OO 1282... 22 50 1283. . . 2 50 12S4... 5 00 1235... 5 50 12S6.. . 6 00 12S7... 12 00 1233... 21 00 1289 .. S 00 1290. . . 29 00 1 291 .. 10 00 1292... 3 00 1293. . . 30 00 1294... 27 00 1295.... 1 3 00 1296. . . 5 00 1297... 6 00 1 29-5. .. 70 00 1 299 . . 5 00 1 3< x > . . 32 50 1301 5 I 31 )2 . . . . 2(> 5" I 303 27 - 1 1 10 List of Prices. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 1304. . • $67 50 1353- • • $1 50 1305.. . . 9 OO I354-- . . IO 50 1306.. . . 12 OO 1355- ■ . . 7 OO 1307.. . . 9 OO 1356.. •• 3 25 130S. . . . 70 OO 1357- ■ 1 00 1309- • . . 70 OO I35S.. . . 7 00 1310. . . . l6 OO 1359- • 1 00 I3II. . • • 55 00 1360. . .. 6 50 1312.. . . 10 00 1361. . . . 2 50 I3I3-- . . 60 00 1362.. . . S 00 1314. . . . 10 00 1363-- . . 11 00 I3I5-- . . 6 00 1364. . . . 21 00 1316.. •• 72 50 I365- • . . 20 00 I3I7.- . .120 00 1366. . . . 3 00 I3I8.. •• 27 50 1367.. . . 10 00 1319. . • • 5 00 1368.. 2 00 1320. . • • 77 50 1369- • . . 14 00 1321. . . . 11 00 1369^. • • 1 50 1322. . ■ • 55 00 1370.. 1 00 I323- • . . 65 00 1371- • 50 1324 • . . 6 00 1372.. . . So 00 1325.. . . 10 00 I373-- . . 26 00 1326.. . . 2 00 I374-- 2 00 I327. • 2 00 1375- • . . 5 00 1323.. .. 1 50 1376.. .. 1 50 1329. . . . 7 00 I 377- • . . 2 50 1330.. • • 1 50 1378.. 1 50 1331- • . .115 00 1379- • . . 1 50 1332 . 50 1380. . • • 3 50 1333- • •• 3 50 1381.. . . 10 00 I334-- • • 3 00 1382.. 1 00 1335- • •• 3 50 1383.. . . 14 00 1336.. 1 00 1384.. 1 00 I337- ■ • • 3 00 13S5.. 1 00 1338.. 50 13S6. . 7 00 1339- ■ 1 00 1387.. 25 1340. . 25 1388.. 25 1341. . 2 00 13S9 . . . 26 00 1342. . • • 15" 1390. . 16 00 1343- • • • 3 00 1391. . 1 00 r 344.< 1 00 1392.. 6 00 1345 ■ • 1 50 1393- ■ • • 3 00 1346.. 1 50 1394- • 5 00 I347-. 2 50 I395- ■ •• 2 75 1348.. . . 2 00 1396. . 4 00 1349- ■ . . 2 50 1397- ■ 3 75 1350. . 50 1398.. 5 00 i35i- . . 50 00 1399- • . . 30 CXI 1352. . . . 38 00 1400. . 2 00 Lot. Price. 14OI . . . . $1 OO 1402. . . I OO I403- •• I OO 1404. . . I OO 1405... . 8 OO 1406. . . I OO 1407 .. . 27 OO 1408. . . 50 1409... I OO I4IO. . . . 30 OO I41 I. . . I OO 1412. . . . 12 OO I4I3- •• . 6 00 1414... • 72 50 1415... . 20 00 1416. . . . 22 50 1417... . 8 00 1418... . 5 00 I4I9- •• • 13 00 1420. . . . 6 00 1421 . . . 2 00 1422. . . • 3 00 1423.. . 1 00 1424. . . • 3 00 1425 . . ■ 5 5o 1426. . . 5° 1427... 1 50 142S. . . ■ 5 50 1429... • 25 00 1430. . . 2 00 1431. .. • 2 50 1432... • 3 00 1433- • • . 2 00 M34- ■ • . 70 00 1435- •• . 50 00 1436... • 27 50 1437- •• . 1 50 1433... • 3 50 1439- • ■ .265 00 1439a. . 25 1440. . . . 2 00 1441. . . 2 00 1442. .. 5 00 1443- •• . 2 00 1444.. . 5 00 1445... 50 1446... • 3 50 1447. . . 1 00 1448. . 50 Lot. Price . 1449. .. $1 50 1450. • ■ 4 50 1451- .. 1 50 1452- . . 1 00 1453' 2 00 1454- 1 00 M55- • 42 50 1456. 1 00 1457- . . S5 00 145S. . .220 00 1459. . . 21 00 1460. . . 4 00 1461. . . 2 00 1462. . . 2 00 1463. 1 00 1464. . .310 00 1465. .. 1 50 1466. . .320 00 1467. 1 00 1468. .. 1 50 1469. . .265 00 1470. 50 1471. •• 3 50 1472. 1 50 M73- . . 30° 1474- 9 00 1475- 9 00 1476. •• 3 50 1477- 2 00 147S . . 3 00 1479 .. 2 50 1480. .315 00 14S1 2 00 1462. . 1 1 00 14S3. . . 1 3 00 14S4. . . 14 00 I435- 1 50 1486. 1 00 1487. 50 1488. • • 4 50 1489. 4 00 1490. . . 2 OO 1491. 1 75 1492. . . 9 OO 1493- 5 00 1494. 5 00 1495. . . 5 00 1496. . . 5 00 X497- 1 50 List of Prices. it Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 1498.. • $2 00 ] 546- • $1 50 1499. . . I 00 ] 547- ■ 2 OO 1500. . • 4 00 ] 548.. I OO I 501.. • 4 25 549- • ' 2 50 1502. . • 13 00 ] 550.. 42 SO 1503.. . 18 00 ] 551- ■ - I OO 1504.. • 35 00 ] 552.. 63O OO 1505 • 1 SO 1 553- - 2 50 1506. . 1 50 l 554- • 2 50 1507.. • 3 00 ] 555- - 3 00 1508. . 1 00 1 556. . Out. I3C9 . . 6 00 ] 557- - I 25 1510.. . . 19 00 ] 558.. 12 OO I5II.. 1 00 ] 559 • I 50 1512.. 25 560.. 2 OO I5I3- - . . 2 00 561.. I OO 1514.. .. S 00 562.. 4 5° 1515 ■ 1 50 ] 563- • I OO 1516.. 1 00 564 ■ Out. 1517 • 1 00 ] 565- • iS 00 I5IS. . 1 SO 566.. 1 5° 1519.. 2 5" 3 567.. 21 00 1520. . 1 00 568. . 4 50 1521.. 1 50 569. . 6 511 1522. . 1 SO 3 57»- • 5° 1 5 2 3 • 2 5 3 S7i. 1 1 00 1524. . 50 [572.. 4 (XT x 525- • . . 2 50 573- • IOIO 00 1526 . 2 00 574- • 70 00 1527. . 1 50 3 575 • S 00 15271-/ . •• 17 OO 576.. 2 00 1528.. 7 00 577- • 75 'x 1 1529. . • • 4 5c 578.. 6 00 I53°-- . . if. (X) 579- 35 °° I53i- • 7 (X) 580. ■ 105 00 1532 2 (XT 581.. I (XT 1 533- • 5° •582.. 2 (X) 1534- • • • 7 00 5S3- • 6 50 1 535- - • • 3 5" [584. . 2 OO 1536.. • ■ 3 no 1585.. 4 OO 1537- - • 30 00 15S6.. 4 00 1538 • . . 10 00 1587.. 270 00 J539- • . . 6 00 158S. . 7 (X) 1540. . 1 50 1588,/. 26 OO 1 54 1 - - 5 (K) 1589.. 2 ( X ) 1542. . . . f> 5 OO 151)0. . 2 OO •543 • . . 14 (X ) 59' ■ ■ 2 (») 1544.. 2 5 1592. 2 ix) 1545- ■ 75 1593 2 (XI Lot. Price. 1594. . . . $1 OO 1595- • ..175 OO 1596. . . 62 50 1597- . . 26 OO 1598. . .300 OO 1599- .. 45 00 1600. • • 1 50 1 601. . . 15 00 1602. . . 23 00 1603. • • 32 50 1604 . .. 27 50 1605. . . 16 00 1606. • ■ 72 50 1607. •• 77 50 1608. • 37 5o 1609. .. 95 00 1610. . . 40 00 1 6 1 1 . . . IO (X) 1612. • • 5 00 1 61 3. 7 00 1614. 9 00 1615. •• 3 50 1616. . . 17 00 1 6 1 7 . 5 00 1 6 1 S . . . IO (K) 1619. (l OO 1620. . . 1() OO 1621. 7 01 1622. I (XI 1623. 1 (Kl 1624. 7 (X) 1625. . . 2 50 1626. 1 00 1627. 75 1628. 1 50 1629. • • 75 <*> 1630. . . () (XI 1(131. I 50 K» 3 2. 1 (X) if'33 4 (xi ' 634 2 (XI if'35- • • 5 5 ( > 1 636 . . . . 2 (X) 1(137 . . . 1(15 (X) 1 (138 . . . . 52 5(1 1639. . . . 17 50 1 639* . . . (1 00 1(1411. 1 1 « 1 .640* . . . 2 ( x 1 Lot. Price. 1641. . . • $1 5° 1642. . . . I 5" 1643. .. 50 1644. . . 13 OO 1645. . . 7 00 1646. . . 3 °° 1647. . • 3 50 1648. . . 8 00 1649. . 1 50 1650. . 4 00 1651. . 2 00 1652. . 5 00 1653.. . 5 00 1654. . . 40 00 1655 . 2 00 1656. . . 4 00 1657. . 6 00 1658. . . 1 50 1659. . . 3 00 16(10. . . 1 50 I 661.. 2 50 1662. . • 4 5° 1663.. 1 25 16(14.. 5° 1(165.. ■ 3 5° 1666. . 1 00 1667.. 7 ^( 1 1668 . • 3 5" 1669. . . Out. 167(1 . . 3 (XI 1671 2 (XI 1672 . . l(l (XI 1673. . . 4 (xi 1674 1 (HI 1(175 • . Out. 1676 . 2 ( X 1 1677.. 7 5° 1678. . . 92 50 1(179. . ■ 3- 5° 1680. . . ()0 (Xl 1681. . . 40 (XI 1682. . 5° 1683. . • - (l 7 5" 16S4 . . . 35 .x, 1(185. • . . 2il (Xl 1686. 7 00 1(187. . 2 I X ) 1 ha 8 1 5" 11,89. . 1 50 12 List of Prices. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 169O. . •■ $1 OO [739- • .. $ 50 1691. . . .170 00 [740. . . . I OO 1692. . . no 00 [741.. . . 2 OO 1693.. 75 [742.. . . 6 00 1694. . • • 5 00 [743.. . . II OO 1695. . .. 17 SO [744. . .. 2 50 1696. . .. 47 50 L745-- • . 3 00 1697. . 5 00 [746.. • - 3 00 1698.. .. 9 00 [747.. .. I 50 1699. . 1 50 748.. .. I 50 1700. . .. 6 00 [749. . •• 5 50 1 701.. .. 4 00 [750.. . . 3 00 1702. . . . 2 00 [751- • . . 7 00 1703.. 1 00 [752.. . . 6 00 1704. . 1 00 1753 ■• 1 00 1705.. 50 [754-. . . 2 00 1706. . ■ 85 00 755- - . . 1 00 1707.. 25 [756.. . . Out. 1708. . • • 3 5° C757-- . . Out. 1709. . •• 3 50 i 758.. 6 00 I7IO. . . . Out. [759- • • -135 00 1711.. .. 65 00 ] [ 760 . . . 50 00 1712. . 1 50 [761.. . .180 00 I7I3- ■ 1 00 ] 762. . ..155 00 1714.. 50 3 763- • . . 100 00 I7I5-- 1 00 ] 764. . . . 45 00 1 716.. . . 2 50 ] 765- • • 45 00 1717.. 1 00 ] 766. . . . 13 00 1718. 50 j 767.. . . Out. 1719. . . .2S0 00 i 768.. . . 1 25 1720.. 50 ] 769.. . . Out. 1721.. . .100 00 i 770. . . . 120 OO 1722.. 1 00 i 771. • . . 14 OO 1723.. . . 6 00 i 772.. 76 OO 1724.. . 11 00 ] 773 - . .150 OO 1725.. . • 3f>° OO ] 774- • . . 50 OO 1726. . 50 ] 775- • 50 1727.. 50 i 776. . 25 1728.. 25 ] 777- • 25 1729.. • • 7 OO ] 778.. • . I 50 1730. . 5 OO ] 779- • . . I 50 1731- • . . 2 50 ] 780. . . . 105 OO 1732. . 2 OO 781.. • • 35 00 1733 • 3 OO ] 782. . • ■ 37 50 1734- • • • 5 OO 783- • ..175 OO 1 735 • • .. 4 (X) ] 784.. . . 60 CX) 1736. . 3 OO ] 785.. 2 OO 1737. ■ • • 5 (X) ] 786. . . . I 50 1738. . • • 3 5° J 787.. . . 175 OO Lot. Price. 1788... $3 00 1789.. 50 1790. . . 11 00 1791... 1 50 1792.. . 9 OO 1792a. . 5 00 1792^. . 2 OO 1793- • • 25 1794. . . 4 SO 1795. •• 50 1796... 15 00 1797. .. I OO 1798... I OO 1799... 50 1S00. . . Out. 1 801. .. 25 1S02 . . 25 1803... 25 1804. . . 5 00 1805... 50 1806... 2 00 1807. .. 25 180S... 3 50 1809. . . 210 OO 1810. . . I 50 1811... 2 OO 1S12... 2 OO 1S13... I OO 1814 . . 50 1815... 30 OO 1816... 25 1817... 50 1S18... I OO 1819 .. I OO 1820. . . 50 1821. .. 75 1822. . . 9 OO 1823. .. 75 00 1824. . . 11 00 1825... 14 00 1S26... 5 00 1827... 7 00 1S28... 10 00 1829. .. 1 00 1830. . . 22 50 1831... 4 00 1S32... 2 00 1833... 5 00 1834.-. 3 00 Lot. Price. 1835.. .$19 OO 1836.. . 4 OO 1837 • . 52 50 1838.. . 2 OO 1839- • . . 23 OO 1840. . . 45 OO 1841.. • 42 50 1S42. . 4 00 1843.. I OO 1844. . • 35 00 IS45.. . 9 00 1S46.. 25 1847.. . 2 00 1848. . 2 00 1849. . . Out. 1850.. . Out. 1851.. . 4 00 1852.. . 3 00 1853.. . 4 OO 1854.. 25 1855- • . 24 OO 1856.. . 9 00 1S57.. . 1 50 1858.. . 15 00 1859.. • 15 00 i860. . 50 1861. . 50 1862. . I OO 1863.. . Out. 1S64. . 50 1865.. I OO 1S66. . • I 25 1867.. ■ 3 00 1868.. 5 OO 1869. . . 60 OO 1870. . . S 00 1S71. . I OO 1872. . . 16 OO 1873. . 2 OO 1S74. . . I 50 1S75.. I OO 1S76. . 2 OO 1877. . I OO 1S78. . I OO 1S79. . I OO 1880. . . 4 00 1SS1.. I OO 1S82. .. I 50 1SS3... I OO List of Prices. i3 Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 1884. . . . $1 OO 1933- • • . $1 25 1982. . . • $3 00 2031. . . .$12 OO 1885... I OO I934... I OO 1983- •• .300 00 2032. . . . 34 00 1886... • 2 50 1935- •• I 00 1984 .. 2 OO 2033. . . . 26 WJ 1887... I OO 1936... • 2 50 1985 •• . 80 OO 2034 . . . 25 OO 1888... . 2 50 1937- ■• 4 00 1986... . I 50 2035- • . .105 OO 1889. . . . II OO 1938... 2 OO 1987... • 2 50 2036. . . .115 OO 1890. . . • 8 50 1939... • I 50 1988. .. • I 50 2037. . . . 150 OO 1891. .. • 42 50 1940. . . • 5 00 1989. . . • I 50 203S. . . . IOO OO 1892. . . . 9 00 1941... . 25 00 1990 . . 50 2039. . • • 95 00 1893... 105 00 1942. . . 20 OO I 99I... • 3 25 2040. . • • 35 00 1894... 3 00 1943... 13 OO 1992... 3 00 204 1 . . . . 20 (XJ 1895... 10 00 1944. . . 18 oo 1993 •• 2 00 2042. . . 17 (XJ 1896. .. 5 00 1945... 32 50 I994... 41 00 2043 . . 23 (JO 1897. . . 6 50 1946. . . 2 OO 1995... 2 OO 2044. . • 7 5o 1898... I (X> 1947. . . 15 OO 1996. . . 4 00 2045 . 9 OO 1899... 10 50 1948. . . 6 00 I997... 1 00 2046. . . IO IX) I900. . . Out. 1949. . . I OO I998... 1 00 2047. . . 8 00 I9OI . . . 5 i960. . . 50 2OO9 . . . 2 OO 205S. . I OO 1912. . . 8 50 1 961. . . 5 00 20IO. . . IO (XJ 2059. . 2 OO 1913. . . 2 00 1962... 3 50 20I I . . . 1 00 2060. . 2 OO 1914 5° 1963 5° 20I2. . . 6 00 206 1 . . I (X) I915 I OO 1964. .. S (jo 20I3 . . 1 00 2062. . . 2 50 1916. . . . 2 OO 1965. .. 20 00 2014 . . 5 5o 2063.. J 1 ' 1917 7 00 1966. . . . 13 OO 2015. . . 50 20(lyr . 2? 1918 (') OO 1967 3 00 20l6. . . . 50 2063/'.. I (X) 1919 16 OO 196S . . . 50 2017. . . . 25 2064. . . 1 5 1920. . . . 3 ( " > 1969 50 201 s. . . 50 2065 . . . 2 2 ' X ) K)2I.... 27 00 1970 3 5o 2019. . . 2o66. . . 32 OO 1922.... 42 5<> 1971.... I OO 2020. . . . 50 2067. . .220 OO I923 40 OO 1972.... 3 50 2021 . . . <) (X) 2o6S. . . • 52 50 I924. .. 145 OO 1973. ... 2 50 2022. . . . 6 (X) 2069. . 2 < x ) 1925 27 50 1974 1 50 2023. . . . 3 OO 2070. . . 2 ix> 1926.... 22 (X) 1975 4 00 2024 — 3 00 207I. . . 25 1927 30 OO 1976 ... 1 50 2025. .. . 3 (X 1 2072. . . 3 ( X ) 192S. . . . 22 ?() 1977 25 o<> 202I). . . . I 50 207 ;. . . • 3 00 1929 3 ' )( ' 1978... 2 50 202 J . . . . =; po 2074. . . 3 00 1930. . . . 5 00 1979 2 00 2<>2S. . . . ?o 2075. . . • 5 o (1 193L... 8 00 1980.... 2 (Ml 2i 129 . . 9 50 207O. .. . 2 50 1932 ; OO 1981 ... <| (K) 2< 130. . . . ?o 2077 . . 5" 14 List of Prices. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 2078. . . $2 00 2127. . . • $21 00 2176. . . . $2 5o 2225. .. . $1 50 2079. • I 00 2128. . . I 5o 2177.. 50 2226. . . I OO 20S0. . . 2 25 2129. . . I SO 2178.. 5 50 2227. . . 25 2081. . . 8 00 2130. . . • 9 00 2179.. •• 7 00 2228. . . • 2 50 2082. . . 12 5o 2131. .. 42 5o 2180. . 25 2229. . . 75 2083. . 1 00 2132. .. 1 5o 2l8l. . .. 17 00 2230. . . 21 00 20S4. . 5o 2133- • • 1 5o 2182. . .. 2 00 2231. . . . 2 00 2085.. 50 2134... 1 5o 2183 . 1 SO 2232. . . 1 50 2086. . 1 00 2135- •• 4 00 2184. . 1 00 2233 . . 50 208 7 . . . 2 00 2136... 25 2185.. •• 3 00 2234. . . S 00 2088. . 2 50 2137... 1 00 2186. . 4 00 2235... 2 00 2089. . 1 00 ' 213S... 4 00 2187. . .. 18 OO 2236. . . • 2 50 2090. . • 4 00 2139... 2 00 2188.. •• 3 50 2237... 19 00 2091. . 25 2140. . . 3 00 2189. 1 00 2238. .. 4 00 2092. . 50 2141. . . 1 00 2190. . •• 43 00 2239. . . 5o 2093. . 75 2142. . . 3 00 2191. . • • 1 00 2240. . . 50 2094 . . 75 2143... 1 5o 2192. . • ■ 4 00 2241. . . 1 00 2095 . . . 2 00 2144. .. 1 00 2193.. .. 24 00 2242. . . 3 5o 2096. . . 2 00 2145... 8 00 2194.. . . 2 00 2243 . . 5o 2097. . . 8 00 2146. . . 1 50 2195. . . . 11 00 2244. . . 5 50 2098. . • 3 5o 2147... 1 00 2196. . . . 12 00 2245. .. 1 50 2099. . 2 00 2148. . . 26 00 2197. . •• 3 00 2246. . . 6 00 2IOO. . • 30 00 2149. .. 10 00 2198. . 50 2247. . . 5 5o 2IOI. . . 1 00 2150. .. 16 00 2199.. • • 3 00 2248. . . 3 50 2I02. . • 7o 00 2151 . . 9 00 2200. . 1 50 2249. . . 18 00 2I03. . 5o 2152. .. 1 00 220I. . ■• 7 00 2250. . . 5 2295.. 2 5" 2344... 2(J (JO 2393- • . . 24 00 2442. .. 5" 2296 . . 32 50 2345- •• 14 OO 2394. . . 1 30 2443- • • . 2 30 2297.. 1900 OO 2346. . . 4 5o 2395- • (> 00 2444... . 30 00 2298. . 22 50 2347... 9° 2396. . • • 3 50 244- • • 9 (XJ 2299. . 310 00 2348... 2 50 2397.. 50 2440... . 3 8 o( j 23OO. . 3 00 2349. . . I 1 M) 239S. . 30 2447. . . 2 00 230I . . 2 (XJ 2350. . . 2 SO 2399 • 4 00 2448. . . • 42 50 2102. . I 1 OO 2351. .. I I . . 7 01 1 2449. .. 2 00 2303. . 6 00 2352. . . I 30 2401. . ! OO 2430.. . . 21 00 2304.. 1 00 2353. . . 75 2402. . . . 30 iXI 2451. . . . I 5 (XJ 2305. . 25 2354. . . 1 00 2403 ■ . 2>o 00 2432. . . . (1 (XJ 230(1. . 2 2308. . I OO 235 7- ■ • 3 00 240G. . • • 3 - 5 2-155- - . 13 (X) 2301). . I OC) 23V-.. . 23 00 2407. . . . 2 00 243'-- • ■ 2 30 23IO. . 35 <*' 2331). . . 4 5o 240S. . 4 00 2437. . . . 7 (XJ 23II. . ' 5'> 2360. . . (, ,,0 24(H). . 5 "" 2 4 3 s . . . S mi 2312. , 2 IK) 2361. . . 3 00 2410. . . 11 ixi 24311. ■ • 1 30 2313. . 41 00 23O2. . 3 ( X ) 2411. . 2 01 ) 2)(,o. . . . IS (X) 2314. . 16 (X> 2363... 3 DO 2412. . . . 30 24<)I. .. 13 (X) 23T5. . 7 5* * 2364... 3 00 24 13.. 25 24(12. . . 3 oi ) 2316. 55 00 2365. . . 7 5° 2414. . ■ 12 50 24(13. ■ • 1 (XI 2317. . T (10 2 ;<>(>. . . 3 30 2413. . 1 (Mi 24(14... 22 si 1 2318.. I 00 2-^17. . . 7 (XI 24 Id.. ■ ■ 45 '»' 24(13. . . 4 00 23I9- • 5 5 C> 236S. . . > 30 2417. 1 311 24(1(1. . . 2 30 2320. . I 00 33(H). . . I HI 24 1 - . . . . 24(17- • ■ 3 01 1 2321 . . 2 OO 2370. . . I - IM1 2411). . . 13 (xi .•((-... 1 30 2322 . 4 MM 2371... 2 oO 242.' . . ; 1 ex 1 21(..|, 1 1 H 1 i6 List of Prices. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 2470. . . $11 OO 2519... • $32 50 2569... . $2 OO 2618. . . . $2 OO 2471... . 2 OO 2520. . . 2 50 2570... 2 OO 2619. . . . I 50 2472. . . . 4 OO 2521. .. 2 OO 2571... • 2 50 2620. . . • I 25 2473- • • I OO 2522. . . 2 50 2572... 2 OO 2621. . . 50 2474... l8 OO 2523... I OO 2573- • • . 9 OO 2622. . . • I 25 2475- •• 12 50 2524... 7 00 2574- • • .110 OO 2623. . . • I 25 2476. . . . 8 00 2525 .. . ' 8 00 2575- • • . 85 OO 2624. . . 25 2477.. . 2 OO 2526. .. 3 00 2576... . 85 OO 2625. .. 25 2478... 17 50 2527... 6 00 2577- •• .210 OO 2626. . . 25 2479.'.. 2 OO 2528.. . 2 00 2578... . 70 OO 2627. . . 2 50 2480. . . 27 50 2529. . . 2 00 2579- •• .115 OO 2628. .. • I 50 2481. .. 4 00 2530. . . • 45 00 2580... . 80 OO 2629. . . I IO OO 2482. . . 6 00 2531... 30 00 2581 .. .100 00 2630. . . . 4 00 2483. •• 7 00 2532... 21 00 2582... . 6 00 2631. . . 7 00 2484. . . 4 00 2533- • • 6 00 2583... . 2 OO 2632. . . • 3 00 2485. . . Out. 2534-- • 1 00 2584... 5 00 2633. .. 1 00 2486. . . 65 00 2535- •• 31 00 2585... I OO 2634. . . 1 75 2487... 14 00 2536... 4 00 25S6.. . 33 00 2635... 1 00 2488 .. 12 50 2537- •• 4 SO 2587... 3 00 2636. . . . 2 50 2489... 2 00 253S-.. 22 50 2588... 4 00 2637. . . 3 00 2490. . . 1 5o 2539- •• 490 00 2589... 4 00 2638... 4 00 2491... 8 00 2540. . . 1 50 2590. . . 1 00 2639. .. 1 50 2492. . . 2 00 2541... 1 00 2591... 2 00 2640. . . 2 00 2493... 1 00 2542... 4 00 2592... 1 00 2641. . . 1 50 2494. . . 50 2543- •• 2 50 2593 •• 130 00 2642. . . 25 00 2495... I OO 2544. . . I OO 2594. . . 7 00 2643... 8 00 2496. . . I 00 2545- • • 2 OO 2595- •• 13 00 2644. . . 30 00 2497 .. 6 00 2546... I OO 2596. .. I OO 2645... 4 OO 2498. . . 6 50 2547- •• 870 OO 2597- •• 25 2646 . . . 6 00 2499. . . 25 2548- •• 1200 OO 2598... 7 50 2647. . . 5o 2500. . . 1 50 2549. . . 825 00 2599. .. 1 50 2648 . . 2 25 2501... 1 50 2550... 270 OO 2600. . . 3 00 2649. . . I OO 2502 . . 1 00 2551- • • 8 00 2601. . . 11 00 2650. . . 175 OO 2503... 25 2552.-- 15 OO 2602 . . . 1 00 2651. . . 50 2504 1 00 2554- • • 570 OO 2603. . . 1 50 2652. . . 14 OO 2505... 75 2555- •■ 5 5o 2604. . . S 00 2653... 13 OO 2506. . . 1 00 2556... I OO 2605. . . 7 OO 2654... IO OO 2507..- 70 00 2557- • ■ I 50 2606. . . 42 50 2655... 120 OO 250S 50 2558.... 12 50 2607. . . I OO 2656... 50 2509 Out. 2559- •• 9 OO 2608. . . 2 OO 2657. •• 7 00 2510. . . 5 00 2560. . . 12 50 2609. . . 2 OO 265S... 4 00 2511 Out. 2561 650 OO 2610. . . . 4 00 2659. . . 32 00 2512 20 00 2562. . 270 OO 261 1 . . . I 50 2660. . . 20 OO 2513.... 30 00 2563.... 210 00 2612. . . . 2 OO 2661 I 50 2514... 2 00 2564. . . 1 10 OO 2613. . . 5 ex ) 2662. . . I OO 2515 1 00 2565... 4 00 2614. . . . 6 00 2663... 5 00 2516 2 00 2566. . . 5 50 2615.... 3 00 2664. . . 2 50 25T7 .. 15 OO 2567... 6 00 2616 I 50 2665. . . I OO 251S I OO 256S.... 40 00 2617.... 6 00 2666 I OO List of Prices. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. 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