HE "Z/At/* THE FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD, THE GOLDEN GATE SPECIAL. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR COMPANY. BETWEEN COUNCIL BLUFFS OR OMAHA and SAN FRANCISCO. A PULLMAN VESTIBULED TRAIN COPYRIGHT, 1883, BV PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. *fe* 1. O Z is> (o 13 'THE GOLDEN GATE SPECIAL" ENTERING ECHO CANON. " ghall I not taKe mj/ ease.' BANCROFT u; 8R ^> DESCRIPTION. VTHE GOLDEN GATE SPECIAL consists of five magnificent Vestibuled Pullman Cars : Tqe GOLDEN Gate, vS) Casa Monica, Khiva, Rahula and Aladdin; Baggage, Dining, Sleeping and Observation-Smoking Cars respectively, The Vestibule system is so well known for its safety aqd the steadiness of motion it imparts to trains, tr\at it needs no description here. Tr\e Baggage Car "Golden Gate," has compartments for baggage, the Electric Light Apparatus, Barber Shop and Gentlemen's Bath Room, which furnishes ample facilities for enjoying the luxury of a bath while en route. Trie Dining Car, "Casa Monica," is furnished with all the conveniences, and the fact that the cuisiqe is under the immediate supervision of the Pullman. Commissary Department is a sufficient guarantee of delicious meals and perfect service. Tf\e cars "Khiva" aqd "Rahula," furnish; the sleeping apartments, and each car contains twelve sections, tqe Ladies' Bath Roorq, Toilet Rooms for ladies and gentlemen, aqd Drawing Roorry These cars are furnished in mahogany, and the carpets, upholstery aqd draperies, being selected to harmonize, present an ideal picture of comfort, art and luxury unsurpassed. The Composite Car, "Aladdin," t\\e last car, deserves especial mention, heaving several new features. This car is divided into compartments; the first contains six luxurious sleeping sections ; ti^e second contains a Buffet; tf\e thjrd, a large open room; furnished witr\ easy chairs, contains a library, with writing materials, and will be used for smoking, but more particularly as an observation room. The end windows are very large, extending fronq the top of the car to within fifteen inches of the floor, and afford a full view of the magnificent scenery en route Patrons of The Golden Gate Special will therefore be provided with, all the comforts and conveniences of the finest modern hotel. " (Joining euents oast their shadows before." BARLY in 1869, the two pioneers in their respective lines tr\e Union Pacific Railway and Mr. George M. Pullman conceived the idea of a weekly Pullman Palace Sleeping Car Train between Council Bluffs aqd San Francisco ; and a few rqonths later, oq went the train. A handsorqe train it was, too, for tqose days, when th^e accommodatioqs for tqe traveler were rather meagre and th^e sleeping car was just beginning to be evolved from, tqe discomforts aqd incoqveniences of the old-fashioqed coach. The train paid; but, alas ! a popular fallacy at tqat tinqe, namely, that the h.eavy sleeping cars were destructive to good track aqd good road-bed causing untold grief to tiqe patieqt road-master and the practical superintendent souqded tqe deatq-knell of this train, and the weekly special, so to speak, was relegated for a few years to innocuous desuetude. An absurd fallacy it is true, but like others, all-powerful at tqe tirqe ; really it was tqe track, qot the cars, tqat caused its abaqdonmeqt. It was before tqe day of seveqty-pound steel rails aqd rock ballast road-bed- But qow, "presto, change!" Tqe track and road-bed duriqg these twenty years have corqe up to the staqdard of the cars, aqd the improvements of the oqe vie with tqose of the other. So qow we have "The Golden Gate Special." But how differeqt ! The first " sixty-niner" was oqly a shadow, a rqere forerunner, a "Jorm the Baptist crying iq the wilderness, " as it were. Now we r\ave a first-class moderq qotel, complete iq all of its appointmeqts, eacq room a froqt room on the first floor, with handsorqe parlors, drawing-roorqs, bed-chambers, boudoirs, library, srqoking and reading rooms, barber srpp, bath-roorqs witq hot and cold water, elegant dining-roorqs, promeqades, observation rooms, steam heat, electric light, attentive employes, rqaids for tqe ladies, valets de chambre for the gentlerqen, and all thjs luxury, a palatial qotel on wheels, rqoving at the rate of fifty miles per r\our, and rendered safe by the receqt iqventions of the Pullman's Palace Car Company, which has beeq the pioneer iq all the great improverqents tqat have made rqodern travel safe, comfortable and luxurious, and whose name is a guaranty of all t^at is best in the specialty that has made it justly famous "This way safety lies." /T'HE great addition to the comfort and convenience of the traveling public made by the vestibuled train, ^f is n,ow universally conceded. It is, perhaps, not so well known that the appliances of the Pullman Vestibuled Train are even, more valuable for their additional safety than for their additional convenience. By their use the telescoping of trains, in case of accident, is practically impossible. The entire train is rnade a solid train, and the possibility of one car projecting itself, in case of accident, upon and into an adjacent car, is absolutely rerr[0ved. The Pullman-Sessions Patents, exclusively owned and controlled by the Pullman Company, almost remove the tendency to the swaying and oscillation of cars by tr\e use of plates at the point of contact of the cars, sustained in place by powerful springs which, produce a continuous and perfect alignment of cars in fact, a solid train, Comfort and safety are thereby secured, and the disagreeable features of travel are reduced to a minimum. The cars composing this train, constructed with the appliances referred to, constitute the highest and best developnqent of car construction, and realize the highest conception of comfortable, luxurious and safe travel. Thjs magnificent train was especially built for The Golden Gate Special. " I'll put a girdle around tbe earth." /THE apparatus for operating the electric v3) light consists of a small rotary engine aqd a dynamo, located in the baggage com- partment of the car Golden Gate. Tqe engine is supplied witq stearrj direct frorq the locomo- tive, and each car has under it a storage battery, which, is constantly beiqg charged by the dynarqo; thus providing a sufficient supply to light th,e train, under all conditions. Side Light. By a simple and ingenious device an incandescent electric lamp can be placed in a convenieqt position, for reading iq eacq sectioq. Tf\is device eqables a traveler to read at night with, the utrqost facility. The Steam Heating System is furqished witq stearq direct frorq tqe locomotive; aqd by a systerq of valves, tqe temperature caq be reg- ulated as desired. In case the engine from any cause should be uqable to give the necessary stearq, it is so arranged that the traiq can be heated by the ordinary hot water circulatioq, insuring at all times a comfortable temperature. ELECTRIC LIGHT APPARATUS. A Regular Fire Brigade has beeq orgaqized arqong tqe traiq employes aqd is supplied witq tqe best cqerqical extinguisqers, axes, etc, Fire qose is attached to tqe pressure water taqks iq eacq car, aqd tqe brigade thoroughly drilled for fire duty. " gootUmorrowB, gentlemen, icben I've batbed I'll oooie." *7H* H E proper tirr\e of day for bathing has varied vf in all countries, ancient and rqodern, cli- rr|ate aqd temperature governing the rpur. ]r\ our own latitude a study of the laws of health, seenqs to indicate tr\e early morning, just after rising, as tr^e proper tirr\e for ablutioq. Tf\e morning batr\ is a refreshing invigorator whose influence lasts all day. TY\e old aristocratic bathes of milk, oil and wiqe are out of fashjoq now, but th,e refresh- ing grace of a hot or cold water bath to a traveler is a luxury whjch never grows old. Out of a luxurious bed aqd iqto as elegant a bath/oonri as any hotel caq boast is one of the pleasures afforded the traveler on The Golden Gate Special. The bath/oom is a full section inclosed \r\ solid mahogany with curtailed car windows. ***J**J pENTLEMEN'8 BATH ROOM. " {t shall to the barbers with your beard. Q HAVING is a very ancient custom, and may ^P be accounted anqong one of the luxuries of modern times. Fancy a barber of three hundred years ago a real old thoroughbred who was corn and bunion doctor, blood letter in general, and high up in trqe hidden mysteries of herbs witnessing the spectacle of a man sitting down calmly in a handsomely ap- pointed shop to be shaved by a deft artist and this on a railway train moving at the rate of fifty miles an hour! Witchcraft, nothing less! Yet this is to be seen on The Golden Gate Special every week So solid and compact are these Vestibuled traiqs that the delight of a clean sr\ave every mornjng can be enjoyed witf\ as much ease and comfort as at Iqome. BARBER SHOP FOR GENTLEMEN. " go they bathed, and read, and roamed." /H*HE Ladies' Batq Roorq, located iqthesleep- \P ing cars, occupies the space of a full section, giving ample roorq for a comfortable bath, witq the privacy of same accommodations at a qotel, witq every convenience aqd r\ot and cold water. Theq the day begins iq the same orderly and comfortable manner tr\at it would at home; there is hardly a suggestion of flying through the country oq a railway train, as brightened and refreshed one leisurely coq- templates tqe enjoyrrjents of the day. Oq The Go/den Gate Special every week, will be found a lady attendant, or more correctly speaking, a matronly superintendent of thjs pal- ace hotel on wheels. Thjs attendant has been especially selected for her known qualifications and skill, and will prove a kindly and needful friend to ladies and children. Many a tired mother traveling without escort will find, in this matured and experieqced worqaq, the greatest possible help aqd assistance in many ways. She helps to relieve the tediurq of travel, and abolish, for all time tr\e dreadful tax whjchi has for so many years been levied upoq fellow passengers wheq childreq are upoq the train. Sh.e will be found cheerful, obliging and always ready to lend a helping hand, and will cer- tainly fill a long felt waqt. 0WS*S LAilEi' BATH ROOM. "Ihen to breakfast voith vohat appetite j/ou bane." BREAKFAST, the first rrieal of trie day, pos- sessed a strong significance in the olden tinqes. It was peculiarly venerated among t\\e aqcients, The meal was not alone the breaking of a fast, but also the omeq for the day whjch it opened. From the character of t\\e viands par- taken of by the family were divined the augu- ries, good or bad, for the household during the day. To discuss breakfast in agreeable com- pany, and meantime be whirled along swiftly and surely, surrounded by all the comforts, the elegancies, the dainty fare, the skilled service of well-trained servants, is more like a dream than a substantial reality. But on. The Golden Gate Special, every rooming, are seeqthiese groups of contented passengers breakfasting attire well- appointed tables. The fare is excellent, admi- rably cooked and served, and simply emphasizes tr\e already world-wide reputation of the Pull- man Dining Car System. Breakfast is served from 7 to 9 o'clock a. m. BREAKFAST DINING CAR. " And a seat > too, 'mongsl tbe Joj/s of the blest tobaooo boys." ^THERE is a tradition to the effect that the ^r right of every full-blooded American to smoke im mediately after breakfast is expressly implied somewhere in the Constitution. In this palace r^otel on wheels one m,ay adjourn from tr\e breakfast roorq to the snqoking room, and there take solid comfort. It rr\ay be noted that oq The Golden Gate Special tqe very finest brands of cigars, wiqes and liqueurs are fur- bished. In fact, these articles are especially irqported for use on this train, and the perfec- tion of their rr\erit is unquestioned. The pas- senger will remark, also, tr\e absence of the amiable but persistent peanut boy and news vendor. Th^ese annoyances are avoided on The Golden Gate Special, and rqake this train perfect. BUFFET COMPOSITE CAR. "Rn ever- widening realm of booths.' t l