A Gay Old Man Am I. 576 DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers, NEW YORK. < * MEG'S DIVERSION. Drama; pathetic, humorous and picturesque ; 2 acts; jj COME,DIE,S AND DRAMAS 15 CENTS EACH M. F. I) i ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD (The Factory Girl). Comic ( j Drama of great force ; 2 acts ; 2 hours 6 3 $ < i ARABIAN NIGHTS, THE. Farcical comedy; always a great success with i > amateurs ; 3 acts ; 2% hours 4 5 vfc ' : BARBARA. Drama; well-written romantic story with touches of genuine humor; i act ; 50 minutes 2 2 )! / v BETSY. Farcical comedy; keeps audience in roars of laughter to final cur- ty / i, tain ; 3 acts ; 1% hours 7 6 ty li BETWEEN TWO FIRES. Military drama : 3 acts ; 2 hours 8 3 \l [^ BROKEN PROMISES. Strong temperance play of unflagging interest, j{ relieved with much eccentric humor ; 5 acts ; i^hours 6 3 5! /J\ BY FORCE OF IMPULSE. (Off to the War.) Military drama; comic A and emotional ; 5 acts ; aj^ hours 9 3 ty < > CASTE. Comedy that always delights the public ; 3 acts ; 2% hours 5 3 <& 2? CRAWFORD'S CLAIM: OR, NUGGET NELL. Good rattling Western drama ; 4 acts; 2% hours 9 3 c ' CRICKET ON THE HEARTH, THE. Dickens' story dramatized ; 3 acts ; 2 hours 6 6 \j DEACON'S TRIBULATIONS, THE. Comedy drama. A worthy sue- cessor to the ever-popular " Deacon "; 4 acts ; 2 hours 84^ EAST LYNN E. Standard drama ; 5 acts ; 2% hours 8 7 ENGAGED. Society comedy ; full of burlesque fun ; 3 acts ; 2% hours 5 5 {j & FROM PUNKIN RIDGE. Domestic drama ; successful wherever produced ; i act ; i hour 6 3 \f J [ HOME. Comedy; fresh dialogue and genuine humor combined with a very strong plot ; 3 acts; 2 hours 43(1 < \ HONEY-MOON ECLIPSE, A. Comedy marked by spirited dialogue and an (i abundance of comic incidents ; i act ; 30 minutes i 2 \/ *l IMOGENE; OR, THE WITCH'S SECRET. Realistic drama sure of being enthusiastically received everywhere ; 4 acts ; 2 J^ hours 8 4 j * IN HONOR BOUND. Drama always given with entire success; i act; Ji hour 2 2 ^ JACK FOR EVERY JILL, A. A most successful comedy ; i act ; Ji hour. 4 4 y $ JEMIMA, OR, THE WITCH OF BENDER. Very laughable in its absurd complications ; 3 acts ; 2 hours 4 ,4 f JUST FOR FUN. Up-to-date society comedy. The piece is cheerfully recommended; 3 acts ; 2 hours 24 LA CIGALE. (The Grasshopper.) Comedy sometimes played as "The Circus Girl"; 3 acts; 3 hours t3 4 9 LADY OF LYONS, THE. Romantic Drama ; 5 acts ; aj^ hours 8 5 j( LADY AUDLEY'8 SECRET. Emotional drama; 2 acts; ij< hours 4 3 '. > MAJOR ABORN'S PROPOSAL. Comedy in I act; about 45 minutes; a O pretty comedy especially adapted for amateur production 3 a | | MARBLE ARCH, THE. Comedy: one of the most popular little plays; i act; % hour a 2 JJf MARRIED LIFE. Comedy; companion piece to "Single Life"; 3 acts; a hours 5 5 ijfhours 5 3 . : ' MEN, MAIDS, AND MATCHMAKERS. Society comedy sparkling with wit, interest and human nature ; 3 acts ; a hours 4 4 }'. MIRIAM'S CRIME. Drama ; the interest in this play is kept up to the very y|/ end; 3 acts ; 2 hours 5 2 DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers, 18 Ann St., N. Y. UCSB LIBRARY ^-Gfl^lM THE VARIETY A GAY OLD MAN AM I. A MUSICAL MONOLOGUE, WRITTEN AND COMPOSED BY ALFBED B. SEDGWIOK. NEW YORK DICK & FITZGERALD, PUBLISHERS 18 ANN STREET A GAY OL13 MA]tf AM I. CHARACTER. POP YOUNG, an old fop. The music of this sketch, arranged for orchestra, viz : first and second violins, viola (ad lib), bass, flute, clarinet, and cornet, will be sent by mail on receipt of $2. 50, by the publishers of this book. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1875, by HAPHY HOURS COMPANY, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. "** There is no charge for the performance of this sketch. A GAY OLD MAN AM I. SCENE. A street in first grooves. Enter POP YOUNG, a. ( Pop Young. (Coughs.) Ugh ! ugh ! ugh ! Well, they tell me I'm growing old ! ^Now,. do Hook like it? lean sing and dance, and dance and eing with the best of them. (Begins to dance, and suddenly stops short as if with rhuematism.) Oh. there's no use talk- ing. I never had a pain like that when I danced years ago. But I feel quite young for all that. (Singt. OLD MAN'S LAUGHING SONG. What a gay old man am I ! All misfortune I defy ! I dance and sing, and Liugh nil day. Now, who so merry as I, .sirs ? They say I'm growing very old, Now, would you think so, it riot told T The girls all smile a^ I pats by, While I look at them sort o'bold, With my ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! airs, Ha ! ha ! ha ! I'm not so very old, sira ! Every night I take my beer, Too much makes me feel quite queer; But in the morn when I get up, No signs of headache's here, sirs ! Some people plten at me flout, Upon the street as I go out, What's that to me, as long as I Feel healthy, hale and stout, sirs ? With my ha ! ha ! ha ! Jbc. i A OAT OLD MAN AM I. I'm very often told, Old men are too fond of gold ; But, I no other riches seek, Than to feel young, now I'm old, sire ! There are some say, " go it while you'ra young I" But this is sometimes very wrong, For the surest way to enjoy long life, Is to live till you get quite old, sirs ! With my ha ! ha ! ha ! &c. ENCORE VERSES. And so you will see the old man again, will you ? well, I don't fel quite well, but I will try my best. PITY THE SORROWS OF A POOR OLD MAN. Oh ! pity my sorrows ; a poor old man, Who can no longer tarry ; I can't get a wife, do all I can, I really want to marry. When I was young, I often ran, Witn girls to laugh and mingla, Oh, pity the sorrows of a poor old man, Who fears he must die single. When young a maid- Made me afraid. Lest she should pop the question ! Bat now I'm old, I've grown more bold, A married life's the best one. When I go out the people shout, Pull, push, and tease and flout me ; I have no son I have no one That cares at all about me. I'm not much more Than eighty four ; So, now's your time, young ladies ; Tho' old, I'm young, I feel quite strong, Then, hang it, who pfraid is ? Oh ! give a glance behind your fan, Remember time is precious ; So pity the sorrows of a poor old man, And let the parson bless us. CURTAIN, r OLD MAN'S LAUGHING SONG. Words and Music by ALFRED B. SEDGWICK. :R: Andantino. v &$&. 4 m 9mm 1. What a gay old man am I! All mis-for-tune I de-fy! I ^-r-r jjjTTfn^-JBEs^-g-jj J < J^l h- l* *-* I ! U [- [r- ' t-a ~p~^ g ' *~* dance and sing and laugh all day! Now who so merry as I, Sirs? They , * OLD MAN'S LAUGHING SONG. say I'm growing ve - ry old! Now would you think so, if not told ? The m= ^ * ** F^F~F~F &&-} V-^j u ' u g girls all smirk as I pass by! Whi.el look at them so bold, Sirs. b: I -M ,1? * m^j= [ U i ^z ^ With my ha, ha, ha ! He, he. he ! i r- -g- IIo. ho, ho ! I'm not so ve - ry old, Sirs. & I * r =g r ^ ^ PITY THE SORROWS OF A POOR OLD MAN. pa*=pei*P 1 g- 1. Oh! pi - ty my sorrows; a 3= "53- " -* ----.-- ^- - 3=^: poor old man, Who can no long - er tar - ry; I 4-U L can't get a wife ! Do all I can, I real - ly want to 6J * BJ UCSB LIBRARY PITY THE SORROWS OF A I'OOK OLD MAN. jfjj i r f I ^ - i * < == tr * " J . m-~ ' -P ! 'X. - *^s i mar - ry! When I was young, I of - ten ran, With 1 r-m-r. f^ l-i W 1 ^_ 1 , Sf P 1 P ' > ^pp 7 i> r J ir ^^g^f i gj i i si. 1 i aJ- I -H f IT 1 1 ^" * girls to laugh and rain- gle. Oh! pi-ty the sorrows of a *=i^g?^L-j~i- -Qj>=^sfflm~&' \ r- , F- i poor old man, Who fears he must die sin - gle! -** ^^F^r bJ ^z^Attfe^ar^P^fij^gijj |5^:t=tt^jp^^&K^e^ -* TT*- ^ Q ^ ^ f* '' 5:: -i t-i \-0*--. I ^^^^^P K- -^-^- CM * r >J M uuu 'o^oz yy/ e > COMEDIES AND DRAMAS | > > 15 CENTS EACH > M F. a? ^ MY ( University of California i, NIG SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY > S NO 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 1 N0 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. t s OU > OU > \ PAI Si I ^bflftlN ^ ' ''1 'J' 1 !*" i PIC W> Prr^T .f I twS9 > | RO i \ SA1 | SCI i > SH I SIN j > SN > ' SO J STI i > su > sw > TE F > i TH I > TIR > > TR > > TR > \ UN i UN V > UN i S UN I ' ' W/ <> we $ wc o ^__ CAPTAIN DICK. Effective drama, founded on an episode of the Civil War ; <|> 3 acts ; 2 hours ...................................................... 9 6 xfc ? DEACON, THE. Comedy drama that is simply immense. Alvyn Joslyn type, old man leading character ; 5 acts ; 2% hours ....................... 6 6 3 /JX EDWARDS THE SPY. Drama ; a brilliant episode of the Civil War ; 5 acts ; /yy 2% hours ......................................................... 10 4 \y to ERIN GO BRAGH. Up-to-date Irish drama; both serious and comic in to scope, not sensstional ; 3 acts ; 2 hours ................................. 54]! : GOLDEN GULCH. (Th Government Scout.) Drama that combines fun, sentiment, and exciting situations ; 3 acts ; a ^ hours ................... n 3 J \ GYPSY QUEEN, THE. Romantic drama with bright comedy parts; /fX 4 acts ; 2% hours ................................................ ----- 53$ (*> JAILBIRD, THE. Drama of city life, containing a vivid plot with well- t > diversified interest, together with a pretty love-story; 5 acts; 2^ hours.. 6 3 S f ^ JOHN BRAG, DECEASED. Farce comedy; one of the best farces ever ;; published; nothing slow in this piece ; 4 acts ; 2% hours ................. 8 5 }'. /|X JOSIAH'S COURTSHIP. Farcical comedy drama; uproarious comedy / x features alternate with forceful, but not heavy pathos ; 4 acts ; 2 hours.... 7 4 if to MAN FROM MAINE. Comedy drama with* wide-awake hero from "Down East "; 5 acts ; 2% hours ........................................... 9 3 \' \ MISS MOSHER OF COLORADO. Comedy drama with great "charac- ter " parts ; 4 acts, 2j hours ............ .................. . ...... .... 5 3 5% |X MY LADY DARRELL. Dr?ma possessing all the elements of success ; A powerful situations, effective stage pictures, and grand climaxes ; 4 acts ; $ A 2% hours ............................................................. ' * j! w NIGHT OFF, A. Comedy by Augustin Daly; printed from the original prompt-copy ; 4 acts ; 2% hours ....................................... 6 5 \' ' PRISONER OF ANDERSONVILLE. Military comedy drama. An excel- lent play for amateurs, as all the parts are good and evenly divided ; 4 acts ; 2% hours ............................................. , ............... 10 4 ^ t\ REGULAR FLIRT, A. Up-to-date comedy, especially recommended to t\ those who have produced the author's "Just for Fun "; 3 acts ; 2 hours... 4 4 x? * SEVEN-TWENTY-EIGHT. By Augu:,tin Daly. There have been several t I imitations of this comedy but none of them approaches the original ; ' 4 acts ; 2% hours .................... .. ................................ 7 4 J j SHAUN AROON. Stirring drama of home life in Ireland ; a simple real pic- ^ - f ture of country life in the Emerald Isle ; 3 acts; 2 hours .................. 7 3 ^> I SQUIRE TOMPKINS' DAUGHTER. Strong comedy drama; 5 acts; 2% hours ............................................................ 5 a * STEEL KING, THE. Comedy drama with brisk action; depicts the Strug- gle between labor and capital ; 4 acts 2% hours ......................... S 3 5 [ WHAT'S NEXT? Farce comedy; 3 acts; plays 150 minutes; raises 150 l"g h s ............................................................... 7 * <> WHITE LIE, A. Comedy drama; abounds in laughable comedy features and strong situations of serious interest ; 4 acts ; 2% hours 4 } DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers, 18 Ann St., N. Y. ^JCC<