(Austen ite) ASofurated At.
istenite V
i, SO
A + Cement/
t e ) \
y K
/oC O '/.O 2.0 ^.0 4.O
SO >.O G.G7
%fc 3 C /5 30 45 60 7S 90 100
Fig. 2. Structural composition of iron-carbon alloys immediately after their solidification.
that solid solution and of another constituent. The nature of the other constituent
present in the eutectic alloy formed during the solidification of iron-carbon alloys has
been in dispute. It seems at first natural to infer that elemental carbon, i.e. graphite,
is that constituent, in which case the eutectic alloy would be made up of minute crys-
talline particles alternately of saturated austenite and of graphite. Many evidences,
however, point to carbon being dissolved in molten iron as the carbide Fe 3 C (cement ite)
and to its always solidifying as Fe 3 C, although, as later explained, it may break up
into iron and graphite (FesC = 3Fe + C) immediately after its solidification. If this
hypothesis be correct, it follows that the eutectic alloy must be a mechanical mixture
of minute particles of saturated austenite and of Fe 3 C. It would seem at first as if
the microscopical examination of alloys of suitable compositions should readily reveal
the nature of the eutectic alloy. It will soon be seen, however, that both cementite
and graphite are generally found in solidified eutectiferous alloys, the microscopical
test leaving us in doubt as to which of the two constituents formed first. In the
author's opinion it seems more probable that when an iron-carbon alloy containing
more than some 1.7 per cent carbon solidifies, a eutectic of saturated austenite and of
cementite is always produced, or in other words, that in the diagram of Figure 1 the
curve L'E indicates the crystallization of cementite and not of graphite. The opposite
view will be considered later. Let us now follow the solidification of four typical
alloys, namely, R, R', R", R'", containing respectively 1 per cent, 3 per cent, 4.3 per
cent, and 4.8 per cent of carbon, the first two being, therefore, hypo-eutectic alloys,
the third the eutectic alloy, and the fourth a hyper-eutectic alloy. As the alloy R
cools, it begins to solidify at M through the formation of crystals of a solid solution
the composition of which is represented by the point T on the solidus. On cooling from
M to N these crystals grow through successive additions of crystalline matter, the
composition of which varies from T to N while the composition of the molten bath
shifts from M to U, the last drop solidifying having the composition U. As soon as the
crystalline matter is deposited, however, at least if time be given, diffusion takes place
through each crystal so that finally they are chemically homogeneous and of com-
position .V, the completely solidified metal being composed of homogeneous crystalline
grains of austenite containing one per cent carbon.
At any temperature V between the solidus and the liquidus the crystals in equilib-
rium with the molten metal must have the composition Q. It may at least be con-
ceived that if the cooling through and below the solidification period be rapid, the
crystalline grains of austenite will not be chemically homogeneous, complete diffusion
having been prevented.
In the case of an alloy whose composition is represented by the point R' in the
diagram, it begins to solidify at M' (some 1230 degrees C.), when crystals of iron
containing 1.70 per cent of carbon (saturated austenite) begin to form, the composition
of the molten metal meanwhile shifting from M' to E. At 0', temperature 1130, the
residual molten mass has reached the eutectic composition and now solidifies at a
((jnstant temperature, namely, the eutectic temperature, the completely solid metal
being made up of crystalline grains of saturated austenite surrounded bya eutectic alloy
composed of minute crystals of saturated austenite and minute crystals of cementite.
The alloy R" has the eutectic composition (4.3 per cent carbon). It remains
liquid until its temperature falls to 1130 deg. C. when it solidifies at a constant
temperature after the fashion of eutectic alloys.
The alloy R'" contains more carbon than the eutectic alloy. On reaching its
solidification point M'" crystals of cementite begin to form, increasing in size as the
metal cools from M'" to 0'" while the composition of the bath shifts from M"' to E.
At 0'" the residual molten mass having now the composition of the eutectic alloy,
freezes at a constant temperature, the completely solidified alloy being made up of
crystals of cementite embedded in a ground mass consisting of the eutectic alloy.
Structural Composition of Iron-Carbon Alloys Immediately after Solidification.
The structural composition of iron-carbon alloys immediately after their solidification,
assuming that Fe 3 C and not graphite forms, may be represented in the usual way by
the diagram of Figure 2. The diagram clearly shows (1) that alloys containing less
than 1.70 per cent of carbon are made up wholly of solid solutions, (2) that alloys
containing between 1.70 and 4.3 per cent carbon are made up of decreasing propor-
tions of saturated austenite and increasing proportions of eutectic, (3) that alloys
containing exactly 4.3 per cent of carbon are composed entirely of eutectic, and (4) that
alloys containing more than 4.3 per cent carbon contain an increasing amount of free
cementite, and decreasing amount of eutectic the latter disappearing altogether when
the metal contains 6.67 per cent carbon.
A modified form of the structural composition diagram may profitably be combined
F>erceni~ Carbon.
Fig. 3. Fusibility curve and structural composition diagram of iron-carbon alloys.
with the equilibrium diagram as shown in Figure 3. Its interpretation should be
obvious. The area ABCD represents the structural composition of all alloys contain-
ing less than 1.7 per cent of carbon, and shows that they are made up of 100 per cent
of austenite. By dividing this area by the line AC, however, it is further shown graphi-
cally that the composition of the austenite of these alloys varies, and that they may be
considered as being made up of ABC saturated austenite diluted by ADC pure iron,
clearly indicating that with carbon the alloy is entirely made up of iron and with
1.7 per cent carbon entirely of saturated austenite. The area BCH represents the
proportion of free (pro-eutectic) saturated austenite formed during the solidification
of any alloy containing between 1.70 and 4.3 per cent carbon. The area BEFH rep-
resents the proportion of eutectic present in any alloy containing more than 1.7 per
cent of carbon. By dividing this area in two portions, moreover, by means of the line
BF we show graphically the relative proportions of saturated austenite and of cemen-
tite in the eutectic. Finally, the area EOF indicates the percentage of pro-eutectic
\ X /
\ x ^5^ ^
\ N \ > -**' ^
\ x ^
*V j'
^ ^ <<>
\ x c-,i ,
\ ^^ v
\ $''
^ C* X ^3 {/
\ <>^ ^> M/
\ "^. '^ ,'
\ ^^^^, /
"^ ^\/^
Ausfeni te-graphifs eafectic, solidifies.
PercentC 1.0 20 JO <4.O 5O 6O 667
Percent fe Co is do 45 6O 75 90 IOO
Fig. 4. Iron-graphite fusibility curve of iron-carbon alloys.
ccmentite in any alloy containing more than 4.3 per cent carbon. To clarify, let us
consider the alloy of composition R (3 per cent carbon). As it cools from M to N an
amount of saturated austenite crystallizes, represented in percentage by the line OP
of the structural composition diagram. At ./V an amount of eutectic alloy is formed,
represented by the distance KO made up of K L per cent of cementite and LO per cent
of saturated austenite.
The percentage of cementite and of saturated austenite in the eutectic may be
readily calculated by solving the equations
(1) A + Cm = 100
in which A represents the percentage of austenite, and Cm the percentage of cementite
in the eutectic alloy and which express the facts that the carbon present in the eutectic
(4.3 per cent) is divided between the austenite and the cementite, the former contain-
ing 1.7 per cent carbon, the latter 6.67 per cent. The resolution of these equations
shows that the eutectic alloy contains nearly 47.7 per cent of saturated austenite and
52.3 per cent of cementite. The structural composition of any iron-carbon alloy
immediately after its solidification may likewise be readily calculated. If it contains
less than 1.70 per cent carbon it is entirely made up of austenite. If more highly
carburized, two cases are to be considered: (1) the alloy contains between 1.7 and 4.3
per cent carbon when it is made up of saturated austenite (A) and of eutectic (E) and
(2) the alloy contains between 4.3 per cent and 6.67 per cent carbon when it is com-
posed of cementite (Cm) and of saturated austenite (A).
/SO a.
I4OO .
I2OO .
Percent C O
Percent Fe^C O
Fig. 5. Combined graphite-cementite fusibility curves of iron-carbon alloys.
In the first instance the two following equations
(1) A + E = 100
will give the values of A and E for any known carbon content (C) while in the latter
case the equations
(1) Cm + E = 100
will likewise give the values of Cm and E.
An alloy, for instance, containing 3 per cent of carbon will be found to contain 50
per cent of eutectic and 50 per cent of saturated austenite, while an alloy with 5 per
cent carbon is composed of 70.5 per cent of eutectic and 29.5 per cent free cementite.
Iron-Graphite Fusibility Curve. It has already been mentioned that some
writers claim that graphite instead of cementite may, and if time be given does, form
on solidification; in other words, that the eutectic alloy may be composed of saturated
austenite and graphite, and that free graphite may separate during the solidification
of alloys containing more than 4.3 per cent carbon. The diagram interpreting this
assumption which may be called the iron-graphite fusibility curve is shown in Figure 4.
It will be seen to be similar to the iron-cementite diagram (Fig. 1).
Combined Graphite-Cementite Diagram. Recognizing the possibility of the
formation of a graphite-austenite eutectic and of a cementite-austenite eutectic ac-
cording to the rate of cooling, some writers, notably Charpy and Grenet, Heyn, and
Benedicks, recommend the use of double solidification curves ifTtftc equilibrium dia-
gram of iron-carbon alloys. These double curves are shown in Figure 5, the dotted
lines referring to the austenite-graphite system. It will be noted that free graphite
and the graphite-austenite eutectic form respectively at temperatures slightly higher
than those at which free cementite and the cementite-austenite eutectic form, the
solidification of the latter constituents being regarded as due to surfusion or under-
cooling. It is accordingly believed that only the iron-graphite system is stable, the
iron-cementite system being "metastable." Our reasons for believing that graphite
and not cementite is the final condition to be assumed by carbon are based on repeated
and concordant observations that any condition promoting stable equilibrium results
in the transportation of cementite into graphite as, for instance, very slow cooling
during and below solidification or long exposure of cementite (as in the manufacture
of malleable cast-iron castings) to a high temperature, while on the contrary, treat-
ments opposing equilibrium, such as quick cooling, always result in the formation or
retention of cementite. Roozeboom, when he first took up the study of the iron-
carbon diagram, believed that cementite was the final stable condition of carbon, any
graphite having formed during solidification combining with iron at some 1000 degrees
C. to form cementite. The error of this view soon became apparent, however, to
Roozeboom himself.
Graphitizing of Cementite. Although recognizing the fact that graphite and not
cementite must be the final condition assumed by carbon, the author believes with
some other observers that graphite never forms directly as iron-carbon alloys solidify,
its occurrence always resulting from the breaking up of cementite according to the
Fe 3 C = 3Fe + C
from which it would follow that the iron-graphite fusibility curve need not be in-
cluded in the equilibrium diagram. Even those who believe in the possibility of the
direct formation of graphite do not deny that cementite is the constituent which
generally forms first on solidification; they state that the separation of graphite from
molten iron is possible only in the case of very slow cooling. As a matter of fact, how-
ever, they offer no conclusive evidences that such separation ever takes place. From
the formation of "kish," that is, of graphite floating on the surface of a ladleful of
molten cast iron, it does not follow that such graphite formation was not preceded by
the formation of cementite. If, on very slow cooling, graphite separated directly from
molten iron, the bulk of it at least should rise to the top of the molten bath and the
solidified mass should be found much richer in graphite near its surface than at some
distance from it. The author does not understand such heterogeneity in the dis-
tribution of graphitic carbon to be observed in the case of gray cast-iron castings. On
the contrary, on the assumption that graphite results from the breaking up of cemen-
tite soon after its solidification, it is readily understood why, in spite of their very
great difference in specific gravity, iron and graphite are found uniformly distributed
in the various parts of castings. The microscopical examination of the structure
of very slowly cooled castings does not reveal the existence of a graphite-austenite
That cementite is unstable, being readily converted into iron and graphitic carbon,
is also generally admitted. It is upon this instability of cementite that the important
industrial operation of converting white cast-iron castings into graphitic malleable
castings is based. And there is abundant evidence that the higher the temperature,
the more readily is cementite dissociated, from which it follows that the higher the
temperature at which cementite forms the more readily will it be converted into
graphitic carbon. Bearing this in mind, and with the assistance of the diagram of
Figure 3, let us look more closely into the graphitizing of cementite. The diagram
shows clearly that, during the solidification of alloys containing more than 1.70 per
cent of carbon, (1) some cementite forms as pro-eutectic cementite if the metal con-
tains more than 4.3 per cent carbon, (2) some cementite forms as eutectic cementite in
all alloys, (3) some cementite remains dissolved in the eutectic-austenite of all alloys,
and (4) some cementite remains dissolved in the free austenite of alloys containing less
than 4.3 per cent carbon. Considering first the free cementite, that is, the pro-eutectic
and the eutectic cementite, it is evident that the former is formed at a higher tempera-
ture, and that the more carbon in the alloy the higher the temperature at which it
begins to form. It seems safe to infer, therefore, that pro-eutectic cementite will break
up into graphite and ferrite more readily than eutectic cementite, this being consistent
with the well-known fact that hyper-eutectic alloys are generally rich in graphite even
after relatively quick cooling. The presence of pro-eutectic cementite may also pro-
mote the formation of graphitic carbon because once this graphitizing process is
started, it is likely to extend, if time be given, to the bulk of the cementite, first the eu-
tectic cementite and later the austenite-cementite undergoing the change. Alloys con-
taining less than 4.3 per cent carbon and consequently free from pro-eutectic cementite
should not become graphitic as readily because of the lower temperature at which
eutectic-cementite forms. If a large proportion of cementite be formed, however,
that is, if the alloys contain more than 3 or 3.5 per cent of carbon, a certain amount
of graphitizing is readily induced through slow cooling. With decreasing carbon
the breaking up of cementite becomes progressively more difficult until, in alloys con-
taining less than 1.7 per cent carbon (the steel series), and, therefore free from eutectic
cementite, graphitic carbon is very seldom formed.
It should be borne in mind that while those alloys which contain but a small pro-
)rtioi. oi^carbon cannot be made graphitic, when a large proportion of carbon is
'he graphitizing once started may be made to include the totality of the
'iiib^iue, thus explaining the freedom of steel from graphite and the freedom of
some cast irons from cementite.
The foregoing remarks apply to pure iron-carbon alloys, the influence of the
elements generally present in commercial products having been purposely ignored.
When dealing with commercial steel and cast iron, the well-known influence of silicon
in promoting the formation of graphitic carbon should be remembered as well as the
opposite influence of sulphur and manganese. Because of the presence of a notable
f , .
*1S|' > X
.-. w^^ffifciv''. ^ -
Fig. 7. Magnified 750 diameters.
Fig. 6. Magnified 50 diameters.
Fig. 9. Magnified 750 diameters.
Fig. 8. Magnified 50 diameters
Fig. 10. Magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 11. Magnified 750 diameters.
Figs, ft and 7. Iron-carbon alloy. Hypo-cutcctic. Structure immediately after solidification. Dark crystallites of
saturated austenitc in a matrix of austenite-cementitc eutectic. Figs. 8 and 9. Iron-carbon alloy. Austenite-
cementite outrctic. I r igs. 10 and 11. Iron-carbon alloy. Hyper-eutectic. Structure immediately after solidifi-
cation. Needles of cementite in a matrix of austenite-cemcntite eutectic. (Gcerens.)
proportion of silicon, commercial cast irons after slow cooling are necessarily more
graphitic than pure alloys of same carbon content.
Structure of Iron-Carbon Alloys Immediately after Solidification. If the alloy
contains less than some 1.70 per cent carbon it is made up after complete solidification
of crystalline grains of austenite. It has been explained, however, that in the absence
of manganese or other "retarding" elements it is not possible to prevent, even through
very rapid cooling, the transformation of some of the austenite at least into martensite.
The polyhedric structure of austenite has been illustrated in these lessons in the case
of special steels (manganese and nickel steels) and it is now well understood that the
Fig. 12. Equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys.
frequent network structures of slowly cooled steel are due to the existence of poly-
hedric austenitic structures above their critical range.
If the alloy contains from 1.70 to 4.3 per cent carbon it is made up, after solidifi-
cation, of crystals of saturated austenite and of eutectic alloy. This is well shown
after Gcerens in Figure 6, in which the dark "pine tree" crystals consist of saturated
austenite, while the ground mass is the cementite-austenite eutectic. In Figure 7 the
same structure is shown more highly magnified. If the alloy contains exactly 4.3 per
cent carbon, it consists wholly of eutectic as shown under different magnifications in
Figures 8 and 9. It has been seen that, theoretically, this eutectic contains 47.7 per
cent of saturated austenite (the dark constituent), and 52.3 per cent of cementite.
Alloys containing more than 4.3 per cent carbon consist after solidification of free
cementite in the form of needles embedded in a eutectic matrix as shown in Figures 10
and 11.
It should be noted that the dark constituent occurring in these structures and
described as saturated austenite may not be absolutely unaltered austenite because of
S *
the difficulty of completely preventing the transformation of that constituent even
in the presence of a large amount of carbon and by very sudden cooling. If the aus-
tenite has undergone some transformation, however, so that it contains some mar-
tensite and even troostite those transformations must have taken place in situ and the
structures reproduced in Figures 6 to 11 must represent accurately the structural
aspect of the corresponding alloys after solidification.
Complete Equilibrium Diagram. In the foregoing pages only the solidification
curves of iron-carbon alloys have been considered and the probable mechanism of
their freezing explained. Their equilibrium diagram, however, must include all heat
evolutions observed on cooling from the liquid condition to atmospheric temperature ;
in other words, the thermal critical points fully described in previous lessons are part
of the complete equilibrium diagram as indicated in Figure 12.
Since the meaning of every curve of this diagram has been discussed, it only re-
mains to inquire into any possible structural or other changes taking place after-
solidification and before the alloys reach their respective thermal critical point or
points, that is, while they cool from the solidus LSS' to the eutectoid line CDF . The
changes which do or may take place as the alloys cool in this range are clearly stated
in Figure 13. In this diagram the most likely significance of every curve is indicated
as well as the nature of all structural transformations, and of all possible resulting
structures after complete cooling. The author believes that it embodies those infer-
ences best supported by analogy and by experimental evidences. Although neces-
sarily involving some repetition, a methodical examination of the various parts of
this complete diagram seems advisable, as it will permit a recapitulation of the various
matters previously discussed.
Let us consider (1) the solidification of iron-carbon alloys, (2) their cooling from
the solidus LSES' to the eutectoid temperature CDF, and (3) their cooling through
the eutectoid temperature and their final structures.
According to the mechanism of their solidification iron-carbon alloys are divided
into three classes, namely, (1) alloys containing less than 1.70 per cent of carbon, (2)
alloys containing between 1.70 and 4.3 per cent carbon, and (3) alloys containing
more than 4.3 per cent of carbon. Alloys containing less than 1.70 per cent of carbon
and including, therefore, all the steels of commerce solidify as solid solutions of the
carbide Fe 3 C (cementite) in gamma iron, these solutions being known as austenite.
LA is the liquidus and LS the solidus of these alloys. Alloys containing between 1.70
and 4.3 per cent of carbon solidify through the formation of crystals of saturated
austenite at gradually decreasing temperatures and through the final solidification,
at the eutectic temperature, of the residual molten metal necessarily of eutectic com-
position. Alloys containing more than 4.3 per cent of carbon solidify through the
formation of cementite crystals at gradually decreasing temperatures, and through to
final solidification, at the eutectic temperature, of the residual molten metal necessarily
of eutectic composition.
In cooling below their solidus, LS, alloys with less than 1.70 per cent carbon undergo
no change until they reach their thermal critical points Ar 3 , Ar 3 . 2 , Ar 3 . 2 .i or Ar cm as
the case may be, when, if they contain less than some 0.85 per cent of carbon (hypo-
eutectoid steels), some iron is set free and converted into beta iron, while if they
contain more carbon (hyper-eutectoid steels), cementite is liberated. In either case
when the eutectoid temperature is reached the residual austenite, now of eutectoid
composition (0.85 per cent carbon), is converted into pearlite.
iSOO. 2 ^ . . 6
Cemen t/fe
d Hut in
Struct u rot
Fig. 16. Roberts-Austen's first equilibrium diagram (1897).
cool below their solidus down to the eutectoid temperature are, in this way, clearly
depicted. The following facts, for instance, are graphically shown, (1) the pro-eutectic
cementite formed during the solidification of hyper-eutectic alloys and the eutectic
cementite present in all alloys containing more than 1.70 per cent carbon remain un-
changed as the alloy cools to atmospheric temperature, (2) the free saturated austenite
of hypo-eutectic alloys, as well as the eutectic-austenite, are converted into eutectoid
austenite through the liberation of cementite (pro-eutectoid cementite), the area
EDH representing the cementite thus set free, and (3) in hypo-eutectoid alloys iron
is set free as shown by the area FJG. The lower diagram shows that, in cooling
through the eutectoid temperature, the remaining austenite, now necessarily of"
eutectoid composition, and sometimes called hardenite is converted into pearlite.
Taking, for instance, the metal whose composition and temperature are represented
by the point R, its transformations and final structure are clearly shown. At M it
begins to solidify through the formation of crystals of saturated austenite; from M to
N the austenite crystals continue to grow, the percentage of free austenite present in
the solidified metal being represented by the distance OP; at N the residual bath
solidifies as a eutectic alloy, the percentage of which is proportional to the distance
KO; this eutectic contains KL = PQ = TU per cent of cemeiitite and LO per cent
of saturated austenite; LP is the total amount of austenite in the alloy; after solidifi-
cation in cooling from N to K, pro-eutectoid cementite is liberated both from the
free and from the eutectic-austenite, QS representing the percentage of cementite
finally expelled; on reaching the point K, the remaining austenite, ST, is of eutectoid
composition, when it is sometimes called hardenite, and in cooling through K this
austenite is converted into pearlite, the metal being finally made up of TU per cent
of eutectic cementite, UV per cent of pro-eutectoid cementite, and VX per cent of
pearlite, the latter containing VW per cent of cementite, and WX per cent of ferrite,
or of TV per cent of free cementite and VX per cent of pearlite, or again of TW
per cent of total cementite and WX per cent of ferrite.
Historical. In view of the scientific and practical importance of the equilibrium
2-S If 3-0 3-2 3-f 3-S
5-0 SI 54 *6
Fig. 17. Roberts-Austen's second equilibrium diagram (1899).
diagram of iron-carbon alloys, a brief historical sketch of its evolution should be of
interest to the reader. The first diagram was published by the author in 1896. ' It is
reproduced in Figure 15. It will be noted that, although the diagram includes only
the thermal critical points, it is otherwise substantially accurate. In describing it
the author wrote in part :
"Figure 1 shows graphically the position of the critical points in cooling steels of
various carbons. The width of the black lines does not refer to the intensity of the
retardations, but only indicates the range of temperature which they cover. For
instance, it shows that the single retardation of high carbon steel begins at about
680 deg. C. and ends at about 640 deg. C. The maximum evolution of heat lies some-
where between these limits, but not necessarily in the middle.
" This graphical representation was obtained by plotting the results of the investi-
gations of Osmond, Howe, Roberts- Austen, Arnold, and the writer; and, with one or
two exceptions all their figures fall very nearly within the limits here indicated."
1 "The Microstructure of Steel and the Current Theories of Hardening," ALBERT SAUVEUK,
Transactions American Institute of Mining Engineers. 1896, p. 867.
It is from this modest beginning that the present diagram was evolved.
In 1897 Roberts-Austen published in his fourth report of the Alloys Research Com-
mittee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers the diagram reproduced in Figure 16.
Two years later, in 1899, the diagram shown in Figure 17 was published by Roberts-
Austen and Stansfield in the fifth report of the Alloys Research Committee. Some of
the conspicuous features of this diagram should be noted. The solidification point of
pure iron was indicated to be 1600 degrees C. whereas we know now that it is nearly
1500 deg. No attempt had been made yet at ascertaining the end of the solidification,
that is, the solidus, of alloys forming solid solutions; the formation of a eutectic on
solidification was indicated as taking place in alloys containing more than one per cent
carbon; graphite was supposed to crystallize during the solidification of alloys con-
1 S.
3 4 S
r~r '
"** ^
t f
Fig. 18. Roozeboom's equilibrium diagram (1900).
taining more than 4.3 per cent carbon, there being in the diagram no indications of
possible formation of cementite; the eutectic alloy was assumed to be a graphite-iron
eutectic; critical points occurring below the eutectoid temperature were represented
in the diagram and marked "hydrogen points" (See Lesson VII, page 8, "Minor
critical points"); the Ar cm curve was arbitrarily extended to yield a V-shaped curve.
Roberts-Austen mentioned the formation of a solid solution, free in hypo-eutectic
steels, and as a constituent of the eutectic in alloys of eutectic composition, and he
ascribed the presence of free cementite in cast iron to the liberation of that constituent
from solid solution.
In 1900 Roozeboom took up the study of Roberts-Austen's diagram, and applying
to it the teachings of the phase rule published the diagram of Figure 18 as a probably
accurate representation of the solidification mechanism of iron-carbon alloys and of
the structural transformations taking place after solidification. In this diagram, the
line ba, that is, the solidus of alloys forming solid solutions, is for the first time indicated;
\\ 1
& M
\ <
f> *'
* >
) CR
& E
& C
if C.
~/vr ,
/ e J + s 6 CEMEK-
Fe Fe,C
Fig. 20. Benedicks' double equilibrium diagram.
phase rule, it is in metastable equilibrium, the ferrite-graphite system being the only
stable one. The hypothetical horizontal line EF is now consequently omitted from
the equilibrium diagram, and the Ar cm curve made to join the eutectic line at its
origin (a).
In 1904 Carpenter and Keeling made a series of very careful experiments in order
to ascertain the evolutions of heat taking place in cooling pure iron-carbon alloys from
the liquid state to atmospheric temperature. By plotting their results, the equilibrium
diagram reproduced in Figure 19 was obtained. The solidification of pure iron is
shown to take place at 1500 deg. C. The curves are otherwise identical to those of
Roozeboom, the horizontal line EF having been introduced. The faint evolutions of
heat occurring in the vicinity of 600 deg. C. already discovered by Roberts-Austen
and ascribed by him to the presence of hydrogen, were also observed by Carpenter
and Keeling, as well as some faint evolutions in the vicinity of 775 deg., the meaning
of which remains uncertain.
When it became apparent that graphite and not cementite must be the final stable
form of carbon, several authorities argued that two equilibrium conditions could exist
according to the rate of cooling during solidification, one of them stable, the other
metastable, and that this should be indicated in the diagram. This view was presented
notably by Charpy and Grenet, by Benedicks and by Heyn. The double diagram
advocated by them is represented in Figure 20. The solidification of free cementite
and of the cementite-austenite eutectic being assumed to be due to the well-known
phenomenon of surfusion or undercooling, the corresponding curves are arbitrarily
outlined at temperatures slightly lower than those pertaining to the formation of free
Fig. 21.
Carbon, per
Rosenhain's equilibrium diagram (1911).
graphite and of graphite-austenite eutectic. The author has already shown why, in
his opinion, the graphite curves should be left out. The view that cementite always
forms during the solidification of iron-carbon alloys but that being unstable it is
readily dissociated into ferrite and graphite, seems to be better supported by experi-
mental evidences and more consistent with practical facts.
Rosenhain has recently plotted the experimental results of Carpenter and Keel-
ing, of Gutowsky and of himself, obtaining the diagram reproduced in Figure 21. He
considers Gutowsky's results in regard to the form of the solidus curve of alloys form-
ing solid solutions as more accurate than those previously published, and he incorpo-
rates them in the diagram as shown in Figure 21, the solidus line being rounded instead
of straight as heretofore represented. In justification of his course, Rosenhain writes:
"We have now to consider the curved portion of the 'solidus,' the line AD. This
represents the temperatures at which the alloys have just completed their freezing
process, that is, have just become completely solid, or, conversely, it represents the
temperature of incipient fusion on heating. In the earlier investigations, and even in
those of Messrs. Carpenter and Keeling, these temperatures were obtained by esti-
mating the point on each of the cooling-curves where the heat-evolution due to solidi-
fication came to an end. Unfortunately, the end of a heat-evolution is never sharply
indicated on the curves, so that this estimation was admittedly vague. Quite recently
that determination has been repeated, and with considerable greater accuracy, be-
cause a very much more satisfactory method was available . . .
"The method of determining the 'solidus' was to take small pieces of steel, of
known composition, heat them, and suddenly cool them from successively higher
temperatures; afterward each specimen was examined by means of the microscope.
ig. 22. Cooling curves of carbon steels replotted from the data of Carpenter and Keeling. (Rosenhain.)
It is easy, as the photographs show, to determine what is the particular point at which
you have reached a temperature where there was a small quantity of liquid metal
present at the moment of quenching."
The data obtained by Carpenter and Keeling have been given in the form of a table
in Lesson VII, page 9, and some of these curves reproduced in Figure 8, page 17 of the
same lesson. Rosenhain has recently replotted some of the figures of Carpenter and
Keeling by his derived differential method (Lesson VII, page 16) and obtained the
sharp curves shown in Figure 22.
Describe briefly (1) the solidification, (2) the transformations after solidification
and according to rate of cooling, and (3) the final structures of iron-carbon alloys con-
taining respectively 1.25, 3.50, and 5.00 per cent carbon.
Calculate the structural composition of these alloys, assuming that graphitic
carbon does not form, (1) immediately after solidification, and (2) below the eutectoid
The Phase Rule to which references have been made in the preceding lessons
should now be considered as it has been found of much assistance in interpreting cor-
rectly the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram.
Enunciation of the Phase Rule. The phase rule was enunciated in 1878 by Wil-
lard Gibbs, at the time Professor of Physics in Yale University. It is one of the most
notable contributions ever made to physical chemistry.
The phase rule deals with the equilibrium of systems and is generally expressed
by the formula :
F = C + 2-P
showing the relation existing between the degrees of freedom (F) of a system, the num-
ber of components (C), and the number of phases (P); it tells us that the number of
degrees of freedom of any system is equal to the number of its components plus two,
minus the number of phases present. In order to understand the phase rule and its
application, it is necessary and sufficient to have an accurate understanding of the
meaning of the terms employed in its enunciation, namely, equilibrium, degrees of
freedom, components, and phases.
Equilibrium. A substance or system may be said to be in a state of equilibrium
when it is chemically and physically at rest, meaning by chemical rest that chemical
compounds are neither being tlissociated nor formed, and by physical rest, not the
absence of motion but the absence of molecular transformation, such as changes of
state or allotropic changes. It is necessary, however, to distinguish between homo-
geneous and heterogeneous substances. A substance is said to be homogeneous when it
is chemically and physically uniform throughout, i.e. when any two portions of it pos-
sess identical chemical and physical properties. Homogeneous substances are neces-
sarily gaseous mixtures, elements, chemical compounds, or liquid and solid solutions.
The equilibrium of a homogeneous system is sometimes called homogeneous equi-
librium. A heterogeneous substance is made up of two or more physically separate
parts, that is, of parts having different physical properties. Ice and water, many
rocks, and many alloys are instances of heterogeneous substances. If the com-
ponent parts of heterogeneous substances may be present in indefinite proportions,
the substances are mechanical mixtures; if they occur in definite proportions, the
substances are eutectic or eutectoid alloys. The equilibrium of heterogeneous systems
is sometimes called heterogeneous equilibrium.
Howe has recently suggested that the homogeneous constituents of alloys be called
"metarals" because of the great analogy between the constitution of metallic alloys
and of rocks, the minerals being the homogeneous components of the latter, while the
word aggregate is very frequently used to designate heterogeneous alloys. In metal-
lography, therefore, metarals and aggregates may conveniently replace the equivalent
terms, homogeneous and heterogeneous substances, of the physical chemist.
Only three independently variable factors can affect the equilibrium of a system,
namely, (1) the temperature, (2) the pressure, and (3) the concentration or composi-
tion. If arbitrary values may be given to one or more of these factors without destroy-
ing the chemical and physical rest of the system, its equilibrium is said to be stable.
On the contrary, if a change in value of any one of these three factors results in chemi-
cal or physical transformation, i.e. in atomic or molecular activity such as dissociation
or formation of chemical compounds, changes of state, or allotropic changes, the
equilibrium of the system was unstable. Water under atmospheric pressure is in
stable equilibrium, for we may change its temperature within wide limits without
causing it to undergo a change of state, while of course its chemical composition
remains likewise unaffected. All elements are generally in a state of stable equilib-
rium, as well as an infinite number of substances composed of two or more elements,
for they may be heated, for instance, through wide ranges of temperatures without
upsetting their physico-chemical equilibrium. Examples of unstable equilibrium,
however, are far from uncommon. During the solidification of substances, for in-
stance, stages must generally be passed through during which the equilibrium of the
substance is unstable, and it is often possible through very rapid cooling to retain
in the cold the unstable conditions, because of the rigidity of the substance now
opposing the changes needed for a return to stable equilibrium. It has been seen
in these lessons that hardened steel is, for the above reason, unstable, hence the
possibility of tempering it by slight reheating.
The kind of equilibrium known as metastable remains to be described. Liquids
may be cooled, when taking the necessary precautions, below their normal freezing-
point, without freezing, the phenomenon being known as superfusion, surfusion, or
undercooling, and the substance being said to be in metastable equilibrium.
Water, for instance, may be cooled below deg. C. and still remain liquid.
The introduction of a solid fragment of the substance, a piece of ice in the case
of water, results in the solidification of the liquid while its temperature rises to its
normal freezing-point. Otherwise, the substance may be kept liquid below its
solidification point for any length of time. If the temperature of the liquid con-
tinues to fall, however, a point is reached when its .equilibrium becomes unstable, i.e.
when further lowering of temperature causes the liquid to solidify. To state the case
broadly, the failure on the part of a system to undergo a certain chemical or physical
transformation when that transformation is due, although given the necessary time,
results in metastable equilibrium, while its failure to undergo a transformation because
of the necessary time being denied, as in quenching, results in unstable equilibrium.
Metastable equilibrium is stable, at least within narrow limits of temperature, while,
theoretically at least, slight heating of a substance in unstable equilibrium should
result in a partial return to a more stable condition, that is, in a partial occurrence of
the transformation that was suppressed by quick cooling.
Degrees of Freedom. By the degrees of freedom (sometimes called degrees of
liberty), of a system is meant the number of the three independently variable factors,
temperature, pressure, and concentration, which may arbitrarily be made to vary
without disturbing the system's physico-chemical rest. It has already been noted that
a system, in order to be in stable equilibrium, must have at least one degree of free-
dom. It will also be understood that no system can have more than two degrees of
freedom because in the case of arbitrary values being given to two of the factors, the
value of the third is necessarily fixed, this being due to the known rigid relations
existing between temperature, pressure, and concentration.
Systems whioh have no degree of freedom are said to be "un variant" or ''non-
variant." Their equilibrium is necessarily unstable. Systems having one degree of
freedom are called "univariant" or "mono variant," and those with two degrees of
freedom "bivariant" or "divariant."
Phases. By the phases of a system are meant the homogeneous, physically dis-
tinguishable, and mechanically separable constituents of that system. Water and ice,
for instance, are possible phases of the water-ice system; quartz, felspar, and mica are
phases of quartz, that is, of the silica-alumina-potash system. It will be apparent that
phases must necessarily be gaseous mixtures, elements, definite-chemical compounds,
or solutions. As previously mentioned, Howe, following the petrographical nomencla-
ture, and noting that the minerals are the phases of rocks, calls "metarals" the phases
of metals and alloys.
Components. The components of a system are described by Findlay as "those
constituents the concentration of which can undergo independent variation in the
different phases," by Bancroft as "substances of independently variable concentra-
tion," by Mellor as those "entities which are undecomposable under the conditions
of experiments," by Howe as "free elements and those compounds which in the nature
of the case are undecomposable under the conditions contemplated, and so play the
part of elements." The components of a system may be either chemical compounds
or elements, but there is at times some difficulty in grasping the distinction between
the components of a system and its ultimate chemical constituents. The criterion by
which to decide whether an entity is or is not a component, is the possibility of in-
dependent variation in the different phases. Take the system water, for instance:
evidently water and not hydrogen and oxygen is the component, because any
variation in the proportion of hydrogen would necessarily imply a corresponding
and well-defined variation in the proportion of oxygen and vice versa. Findlay
"In deciding the number of components in any given system, not only must the
constituents chosen be capable of independent variation, but a further restriction is
imposed, and we obtain the following rule: As the components of a system there are to be
chosen the smallest number of independently variable constituents by means of which
the composition of each phase participating in the state of equilibrium can be expressed
in the form of a chemical equation."
In the case of alloys, however, such difficulty does not arise, for the constituent
metals are always the components of the systems.
The Phase Rule Applied to Alloys. In dealing with alloys we may for all practi-
cal purposes ignore the influence of pressure, seeing that because of their feeble vola-
tility they are practically always subjected to atmospheric pressure. Omitting the
influence of pressure necessarily reduces by one the possible number of degrees of
freedom so that in the case of alloys the phase rule may be expressed by the formula :
signifying that the number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number of components
plus one, minus the number of phases. Since to be in stable equilibrium a system must
have at least one degree of freedom, it is obvious that an alloy made up of n metals
cannot have more than n phases. If it had n + 1 phases it would have no degree of
freedom, that is, its equilibrium would be unstable. With n- I phases it would have
two degrees of freedom. It could not have less than n - 1 phases, since it cannot have
more than two degrees of freedom.
The Phase Rule Applied to Pure Metals. Pure metals have only one component,
hut their possible phases are (1) liquid metal, (2) solid metal, (3) several allotropic con-
ditions of the solid metal. Let us consider Figure 1, which represents the solidification
of a pure metal as explained in Lesson XXII.
Above the temperature T the metal is entirely liquid; it has but one phase, and
consequently one degree of freedom (F =1 + 1-1 = 1). The system above T is
univariant; its temperature may be altered within wide limits without disturbing its
F- /+/-/=/
un/ vctr/anf
non- var/an t
F~- /+/-/=/
/ / me
Fig. 1. Equilibrium of pure metals according to the Phase Rule.
equilibrium: it remains liquid. At the temperature T two phases are present, solid
metal and liquid metal, the metal having, therefore, no degree of freedom (F = 1 + 1 -
2 = 0): it is non-variant. Liquid and solid metal can exist only at one temperature,
the critical temperature of solidification, any change of its temperature resulting in
the disappearance of one of the phases, that is, in a return to stable equilibrium.
Increasing the temperature must result in the disappearance of the solid phase, while
lowering the temperature must cause the disappearance of the liquid phase. Below
the temperature T the system contains only the solid phase, being, therefore, univari-
ant : its temperature may be varied arbitrarily.
The Phase Rule Applied to Binary Alloys. Binary alloys having for components
the two alloying metals, the formula of the phase rule becomes:
F = 2+ 1 -P
or F = 3 - P
Clearly binary alloys when in a condition of stable equilibrium cannot have more than
two phases. With one phase they will be bivariant, with two phases univariant, and
with three phases non-variant. Let us apply the rule to the fusibility curves of binary
alloys of metals partially soluble in each other when solid (Fig. 2). Above the liquidus
MEM' there is but one phase present, namely the liquid phase, the system being,
therefore, bivariant (F = 3 - 1 = 2), i.e. both temperature and concentration may be
varied arbitrarily without upsetting the equilibrium of the system, which means, in
the case under consideration, without causing its solidification. On reaching any
point L of the liquidus the alloy begins to solidify, and two phases are now present,
namely, solid solution and liquid alloy, the system becomes univariant (F = 3 - 2 = 1).
Having but one degree of freedom only the temperature or the TOircentration may be
M / O
M'/ too
Fig. 2. Equilibrium according to the Phase Rule of binary alloys whose component metals are
partially soluble in each other in the solid state.
arbitrarily varied. Should we, for instance, lower the temperature of alloy R from
T to T' (Fig. 2) the composition of the liquid phase necessarily shifts from L to L', and
that of the solid phase in equilibrium with it from s to s'. In the region MSES'M' of
the diagram bounded by the liquidus and solidus lines, therefore, the alloys are uni-
variant, any arbitrary change of temperature resulting in a well-defined change of
concentration and vice versa. At E, corresponding to eutectic composition and
eutectic temperature, three phases are present, namely two solid solutions and liquid
alloy, the system having no degree of freedom (F = 3 - 3 = 0). Neither the tempera-
ture nor the concentration may be altered without causing the disappearance of at
least one of the phases. Increasing the temperature must result in the disappear-
ance of both solid solutions, the system becoming bivariant, while lowering it must
be followed by the disappearance of the liquid phase. Again, shifting the concen-
tration to the left or right of E must yield the univariant system solid solution plus
liquid. Clearly two solid phases and a liquid phase can only exist at one critical
temperature and for one critical composition of the alloy; in the case of a eutectic
alloy these three phases can exist only at its freezing temperature. In the areas
AM SB and DM'S'C single homogeneous solid solutions only are present, that is, but
one phase exists, and the corresponding alloys have, therefore, two degrees of freedom.
Arbitrary changes both of temperature and composition within these areas do not
disturb the equilibrium of the system. Within the region BSS'C two phases occur,
solid solution M and solid solution M', the corresponding alloys having, therefore, but
one degree of freedom. Increasing the temperature from P to P', for instance, must
result in shifting the composition of the solid solutions respectively from R to R' and
from to 0'.
The Phase Rule Applied to Iron-Carbon Alloys. Since iron-carbon alloys belong
to the class of binary alloys the constituents of which are partially soluble in each
other in the cold, the application of the phase rule to their equilibrium diagram should
not present any difficulty, but we have now to consider allotropic changes as well as
changes of state. Their possible phases or metarals are: (1) liquid iron, (2) liquid
solution of carbon (or Fe 3 C) in iron, (3) solid solution (austenite) of carbon (or Fe 3 C)
in gamma iron, (4) solid gamma iron, (5) solid beta iron, (6) solid alpha iron (ferrite),
(7) solid solution (martensite) J of carbon (or FeaC) in beta iron, (8) solid cementite,
(9) graphite, and possibly others. The exact nature of troostite and sorbite being
still in doubt, they are not here classified as phases, seeing that they may be, and
probably are, aggregates of two or more phases, unless indeed they be, according to
Benedicks, emulsions or colloidal solutions. Scientists do not agree, however, as to
whether colloidal solutions are or are not phases, opinions differing in regard to their
homogeneity. Indeed some writers like Le Chatelier question the existence of colloidal
solutions which they consider as finely divided aggregates. Pearlite evidently is not
a phase, but an aggregate of the two phases, ferrite and cementite, in constant pro-
portion after the fashion of eutectic and eutectoid mixtures.
Let us now apply the teachings of the phase rule to the iron-carbon equilibrium
diagram (Fig. 3). The number and kinds of phases existing at different temperatures,,
and for different proportions of the components, iron and carbon, have been clearly
indicated and will be readily understood in view of the foregoing considerations.
Above the liquidus LEL' all alloys are composed of but one liquid phase, and have,
therefore, two degrees of freedom; between the liquidus and solidus, that is, in the region
LSE and L'S'E, two phases are present, liquid solution plus solid solution (austenite),
or liquid solution plus solid Fe 3 C, hence the corresponding alloys have here but one
degree of freedom; alloys of composition E and at the corresponding temperature are
evidently made up of three phases, namely liquid solution plus solid austenite plus
solid cementite, being, therefore, non-variant; in the region LADS all alloys being com-
posed of but one phase, namely, solid austenite, are bivariant; at D the alloy contains
three phases, ferrite, cementite, and austenite, and is, therefore, non-variant; in the
area DSS'F two phases are present, solid solution (austenite) plus cementite, and the
system has but one degree of freedom. If, as is often the case, cementite is in this
region decomposed into iron and graphite the alloys are for the time being non-variant,
becoming again univariant on the complete disappearance of cementite. In the region
ABU beta iron and austenite are present, the alloys having in consequence but one
degree of freedom; in the region BCDH alpha ferrite and austenite are present and
the alloys, therefore, are univariant. Finally below CDF three possible cases should
be considered: (I) the cementite formed during solidification and subsequent cooling
1 All investigators do not agree as to the homogeneity, that is the phase-like character of marten-
site, some still regarding it as an aggregate.
remains unchanged, in which case the alloy's are made up of the two phases ferrite and
cementite, being, therefore, univariant, their equilibrium, however, as previously ex-
plained, is supposed to be metastable; (II) the cementite has been completely con-
verted into ferrite and graphite, only those two phases being present, undoubtedly
representing the stable equilibrium of all iron-carbon alloys; (III) the dissociation of
cementite has been incomplete, both cementite and graphite being present, which
with ferrite give three phases, the corresponding alloys being non-variant and, there-
fore, their equilibrium unstable. Condition (I) generally prevails in all grades of steel,
and is readily produced in cast iron by rapid cooling especially in the absence of con-
siderable silicon, the resulting alloys being known as white cast iron. Condition (II)
never obtains in steel, but may be produced in highly carburized alloys by very slow
cooling through and below solidification, especially in the presence of much silicon
and in the absence of manganese and sulphur. Condition (III) is the condition of the
gray cast irons of commerce, their compositions and other influences prevailing during
their cooling being such as to cause the graphitizing of varying proportions of cementite.
Describe the application of the phase rule to iron-carbon alloys containing respec-
tively 0.60, 1.25, 3.00, and 5.00 per cent carbon as they cool from the molten condition
to atmospheric temperature.
In the foregoing pages the author has described at length those apparatus and
manipulations which in his laboratory he has found to yield the best results. In the
present appendix the apparatus and manipulations of some other workers are briefly
Sorby in his pioneer work polished his samples on emery-papers of increasing
fineness followed by rubbing with tripoli, crocus, or Water-of-Ayre stone, and finally
with jeweler's rouge. Emery-papers are still used, but for quick polishing they
are often replaced by emery-powders spread wet on revolving wheels; the author
has retained the use of tripoli powder for the treatment preceding the final polish-
ing but others now prefer specially prepared flour-emery or diamantine; jeweler's
rouge is still widely used for the final treatment, although some prefer specially pre-
pared alumina, as first suggested by Le Chatelier.
In 1904 Osmond's polishing method consisted in roughing off with emery and
polishing with rouge. Emery-papers of increasing fineness were stretched over glass
plates. The papers used were prepared by mixing with water levigated "120
minutes" emery 1 and collecting the deposits formed at the end of increasing periods
of time in precipitating glasses. The classified powders, after drying, were mixed
with a mucilage of albumen (made up of 72 cubic centimeters of albumen and 28
cubic centimeters of water beaten to a froth and, after 12 hours, strained through a
fine-meshed sponge) and spread on paper of the best quality. Osmond also pre-
pared his own rouge by calcining copperas at as low a temperature as possible and
separating the finest product by levigation. The rouge was spread on a piece of
cloth stretched over the cast-iron table of a small horizontal polishing machine and
used wet.
In 1900 Le Chatelier's method of polishing specimens of iron and steel previously
rubbed upon emery-papers, including the finest grades, consisted in rubbing them
successively (1) on emery-paper prepared with albumen, according to Osmond, with
the deposit obtained in between a quarter of an hour and one hour in the ammoniacal
washing of flour-emery, (2) on a felt disk covered with some soap paste prepared
with the deposit of alumina or of emery, obtained in between one and three hours,
(3) on a flat disk made of wood, metal, or ebonite, covered with cloth, velvet, or
leather strongly glued upon it; upon this covering the soap preparation, obtained
with the deposit of alumina after twenty-four hours, was spread. The last two disks
1 By "120 minutes" emery is meant emery which has taken 120 minutes to settle in a vessel of
water of certain dimensions.
were rotated by some mechanical devices producing great speed. All disks must be
frequently moistened with a brush or sponge.
According to Gcerens, Le Chatelier's method in 1908 consisted in the use of (1)
small sheets of French emery-paper, Hubert grades IG and 00 on ground glass plates,
(2) flannel stretched over glass covered with "one minute" emery previously passed
through a fine sieve (1200 meshes per sq. cm.), some soap solution being also poured
over the cloth, (3) a similar support covered with "120 minutes" emery previously
passed through a very fine sieve (2600 meshes per sq. cm.) and washed, and (4) a
vertically revolving brass disk covered with flannel and washed alumina. The fine
alumina mixed with water and soap solution may be sprayed on the disk by means
of the sprayer shown in Figure 1.
The preparation of fine alumina powder for the final polishing of iron and steel
Fig. 1. Sprayer for emulsified alu-
mina. (Gcerens.)
Fig. 2. Pipette for the levigation
of alumina. (Gcerens.)
samples was first described by Le Chatelier in 1900. The method used is that em-
ployed by Schloesing for the analysis of kaolins. The following description of Le
Chatelier's manipulation is from Gcerens (1908).
The purest precipitated alumina, from ammonia alum, is passed through a sieve
of 2600 meshes per sq. cm., and 100 grains of it in 300 c. c. of distilled water are trit-
urated in a mill for three hours. The whole is then poured into a liter flask, well
shaken, and about 200 c. c. pipetted off into a flask closed with a rubber stopper.
To this are added 1800 c. c. of distilled water and 2 c. c. of concentrated nitric acid
(1.4 sp. gr.), the mixture well shaken, and allowed to settle; the settling is complete
in a short time (about two hours). The clear supernatant liquid is siphoned off with
an S-shaped siphon; with careful manipulation this is possible to the extent of -fo
of the total amount. The liquid drawn off is replaced by distilled water, the mixture
well shaken several times, and allowed to settle again, after which the wash water is
again drawn off as before. This is repeated three or four times more. At last the
supernatant liquid remains milky for a whole day, which is an indication of the per-
fect removal of acid. Finally, distilled water is added for the last time up to about
2 liters, the mixture thoroughly shaken, and the alumina separated from the liquid
in the apparatus shown in Figure 2. A pipette a of about 500 c. c. capacity is drawn
out below to an opening of about 3 mm. internal diameter. The alumina is prevented
from clinging by giving an inclination of at least Y% to the sloping sides of the tube.
The piece 6 is connected to the water pump. The end (of the pipette) is dipped
into the vessel containing the emulsified alumina, and the pipette sucked full, where-
upon the opening b is closed with a screw cap so far that one dmpjuns out about every
fifteen seconds. The material obtained during the first quarter of an hour is very
heterogeneous and still scratches the surface of the section markedly, so that it can-
not be used. After a quarter of an hour has expired the tap is closed and the alu-
mina allowed to settle complete!}'. After three hours the material is placed in the flask
A (Fig. 1) provided with a spraying arrangement. Soap solution 1 is added and the
mixture diluted with distilled water. The material thus prepared is ready for use,
and is suitable for steel and pig iron. The residue which settles in 3 to 24 hours is
treated similarly, and serves for polishing softer materials (iron, copper, etc.). The
portion which still remains in suspension after 24 hours is too fine and is poured away.
The same method has been applied to commercial flour-emery, oxide of chromium,
and oxide of iron, but the resulting products are far from being as satisfactory as the
alumina powders.
Revillon has recently described a rapid method of preparing alumina suitable for
polishing. A certain amount of alumina is suspended in a large volume of water,
well shaken, and allowed to stand for five minutes. The liquid is then siphoned off
and with the particles of alumina still held in suspension may be used for polishing.
To obtain finer powders 15 to 20 grams of finely ground alumina should be mixed
with one liter of distilled water, shaken, and allowed to settle five minutes. Most of
the liquid is then siphoned off, transferred into another vessel, and allowed to stand
fifteen minutes; the decantation is repeated, etc., a clearer liquid, that is one holding
finer particles in suspension, being obtained every fifteen minutes. The final liquid,
from which no powder is deposited, may be used for the finest polishing, the inter-
mediate products for rougher work.
Robin has described the preparation of alumina powder by a method based upon
the catalytic action of mercury in causing the oxidation of pure aluminum. Strips
of aluminum are immersed in mercury for a short time and then exposed to moist
air when the small amount of mercury they have absorbed causes the oxidation of
the metal, growth of A1 2 3 taking place, the increase of which is visible with the naked
eye. This alumina can be readily detached and as a fine powder may be used for
polishing. Robin claimed for his method the advantages of greater simplicity and
lower cost.
In 1900 Stead recommended for polishing iron and steel samples the use of emery-
papers, Hubert grades Nos. 0, 00, and 000, followed by rubbing with one grain of
diamantine powder 2 spread wet over a smooth black cloth and, for final treatment,
gold rouge used dry on chamois leather or, for finer structures, wet on parchment or
1 The .soap solution is prepared by dissolving pure (Venetian) soap in hot water and filtering
through a filter paper into a flask. After cooling the solution should he sirupy.
2 Diamantine powder consists of pure alumina and is used by jewelers for polishing steel.
kid leather. He used a simple, hand polishing machine in which one block at a time
was made to rotate horizontally (Fig. 3).
A foot polishing machine also designed by Stead is shown in Figure 4 and a
larger one to be run by power in Figure 5. In these machines brass disks carry-
ing conical wooden blocks are attached to vertical spindles and driven from below.
Emery-papers are fastened to some of these blocks by means of brass rings slipping
over them while others are covered with cloth in a similar way. Clamps are provided
for holding the samples against the revolving disks. The central vessel contains the
water needed for wet polishing, a small tap projecting over each disk. The excess
water is caught by brass water guards and discharged into a trough below the level
of the disks. These machines are made by Carling and Sons of Middlesbrough, Eng-
Martens, according to Gcerens (1908), uses vertically rotating disks upon which
Fig. 4. Foot power polishing machine.
Fig. 5. Multiple polishing machine. (Stead.)
are pasted emery-papers, Hubert brand, grades 3, 2, 1G, 1M, IF, 0, and 00 and, for
final treatment, levigated jeweler's rouge on cloth. The disks make 400 revolutions
per minute. The average time needed to polish a specimen varies between \Yi and
2 hours.
Gulliver (1908) recommends for polishing the use of emery-papers grades No. 1,
0, and 00 on hard wood or plate glass and for final treatment the finest rouge or dia-
mantme powder on cloth stretched over hard wood.
The polishing machines shown in Figures 6 and 7 are made by P. F. Dujardin of
Dusseldorf. It will be noted that one side only of the disks is utilized. A machine
like the one of Figure 7 is also made for belt driving.
Sexton describes the polishing machine Figure 8, made by Baird and Tatlock.
Its construction is obvious.
A simple polishing machine consisting of an horizontally revolving disk (Fig. 9)
was described in 1899 by Ewing and Rosenhain. A is the spindle of an electric motor
carrying a small driving disk B, fitted with a rubber ring to increase the driving fric-
Fig. G. Foot power polishing machine. (P. F. Dujardin and Co.)
tion. The polishing disk C has a vertical axis running in a bearing on the casting D.
The under side of the polishing disk bears upon the driving wheel B and takes motion
from it.
A. Kingsbury in 1910 described his polishing method. He prepares his support-
ing blocks by pouring paraffin on brass disks. After solidifying these paraffin
blocks which are about J/ inch thick and 8 inches in diameter have their upper face
dressed flat. They are made to rotate horizontally in a suitable machine and upon
them emery of increasing fineness and finally rouge are used in succession. The
speed of the polishing machine is 200 revolutions per minute. The time needed to
polish a sample of ordinary steel is given as fifteen minutes.
C. Campbell in 1902 described the polishing operation as consisting in rubbing the
sample, previously filed smooth, successively on emery-cloth, grades and 00, and on
French emery-papers, grades 0, 00, 000, and 0000. The specimen is then polished on
Fig. 7. Polishing motor. (P. F. Dujardin and Co.)
broadcloth or chamois leather with well washed rouge and water. Some workers,
the writer says, use an intermediate stage with diamantine powder.
C. H. Risdale in 1899 described his polishing operation as consisting in (1) rough
filing, (2) fine filing, (3) rubbing with rough commercial emery-cloth stretched on a
board, (4) rubbing with fine emery-cloth stretched on a board, (5) rubbing on fine
specially prepared paper on disks of Stead's polishing machine, (6) rubbing on dia-
mantine on cloth stretched on disks of Stead's machine, (7) rubbing on rouge on
washed leather similarly mounted or, for very fine work, on rouge on wetted parch-
Guillet in 1907 recommended for polishing two carborundum wheels and two
suitably selected emery-papers and, for final treatment, alumina on cloth stretched
over a revolving disk. He places smooth sheets of zinc between the wooden disks of
his polishing machines and the polishing cloths.
In 1901 Arnold described as follows a quick polishing and etching method: "Take
Fig. 8. Polishing machine. (Baird and Tatlock.)
Fig. 9. Polishing machine. (Ewing and Rosenhain.)
two pieces of hard wood, 12" x 9" x 1", planed dead smooth on one side; then by
means of liquid glue evenly attach to the smooth faces two sheets of the London
Emery Works Go's atlas cloth No. 0. Allow the glue to set under strong pressure.
Next, by means of a smooth piece of steel, rub off from one of the blocks as much as
possible of the detachable emery. This is No. 2 block, the other, necessarily, No. 1
"The steel section, say J^ inch thick and 3/2 inch diameter, is rubbed for one minute
on No. 1 block, the motion being straight and not circular; then, for the same time
and in the same manner rub on No. 2 block. Next place the bright but visibly
scratched sections in a glass etching dish 3" X 1" X H"> an d cover the steel with nitric
acid sp. gr. 1.20.
"Watch closely until in a few seconds the evolved gases adhering to the section
change from pale to deep brown and effervescence ensues. Then, under the tap,
quickly wash away the acid and for a minute immerse the piece in a second dish con-
taining rectified methylated spirits. Dry the section by pressing it several times on
a soft folded linen handkerchief, when it will be ready for examination. The struc-
ture will be clearly exhibited, the innumerable fine scratches^ visible before etching
having virtually vanished."
The methods which, in common with many workers, the author has found most
satisfactory for revealing the structure of polished iron and steel specimens have been
described in these pages. They include etching with concentrated nitric acid, with
very dilute alcoholic solutions of nitric acid aqd of picric acid (Lesson III), with
sodium picrate and ammonium oxalate (Lesson V), and with the Kourbatoff reagent
(Lesson XIII). Other methods have been used that should be mentioned.
Polishing in Relief. So-called relief polishing has been used successfully by
Sorby, Martens, Behrens, and especially by Osmond. It consists in rubbing the
specimen on a soft, yielding support with some suitable polishing powder, the softest
constituents being, so to speak, dug out, leaving the harder ones standing in relief.
These differences of level make it possible to distinguish the constituents under the
microscope without further treatment. It is evident that only those samples which
are made up of constituents differing much in hardness can be so treated. The free
cementite of hyper-eutectoid steel or of white cast iron, for instance, can be made to
stand strongly in relief because it is so much harder than the accompanying pearlite
or other constituents.
Osmond polishes his samples on a damp piece of parchment stretched over a piece
of well-planed wood. It is sprinkled with rouge which is rubbed strongly on the
parchment. The block is then put under the tap and washed so that only those part-
icles of rouge that have found their way into the pores of the parchment are retained.
To distinguish between raised portions and cavities the luminous rays are strongly
diaphragmed and the objective placed a little below the focusing point, is slowly
raised. The reliefs, which at first appear brilliant and yellowish on a relatively
darker ground, gradually become dark on a bright ground; the cavities present in-
verse appearances so perfectly that two photographs of the same preparation, taken
one a little below and the other a little above the mean focusing point, are almost
positive and negative to one another.
Polish-Attack. For many years Osmond obtained his best preparations by a
combined polishing and etching method (polissage-attague) consisting in rubbing the
polished sample upon a piece of parchment covered with some aqueous extract of
liquorice root, with the addition of precipitated calcium sulphate. In 1899 Osmond
and Cartaud recommended replacing the extract of liquorice by a diluted solution of
nitrate of ammonium (2 parts by weight of the crystallized salt to 100 parts of
water). A piece of parchment spread tightly over a smooth board is soaked with the
solution and the specimen rubbed upon it until sufficiently etched. It is not necessary
to add any sulphate of calcium.
Etching. Sorby etched his specimens with very dilute solutions of nitric acid in
water and this reagent was widely used for many years by other metallographists.
The water has now been replaced by absolute alcohol (Lesson III, page 7). Le Chate-
lier has mentioned the use of glycerine as a satisfactory non-oxidizing vehicle for
nitric as well as for picric and hydrochloric acid.
Osmond, the author believes, was the first to use tincture of iodine. This tinc-
ture is applied in the proportion of one drop per square centimeter of surface and
allowed to act until it is decolorized, the treatment being repeated after examina-
tion if needed. Le Chatelier recommends applying the tincture with the tip of the
finger and gently rubbing the specimen.
Stead uses a solution made up of 1.25 grains of iodine, 1.25 grains of iodide of
potassium, 1.25 grains of water and alcohol to make up 100 c. c. After the iodine has
lost its color the sample should be washed in water, then in alcohol, and finally dried
in a blast of hot air.
Martens and Heyn in 1904 recommended the use (1) of an etching solution con-
taining one part of hv-Jrcchloric acid (1.19 sp. gr.) and 100 parts of absolute alcohol,
Fig. 10. Arrangement for electrolytic etching.
and (2) of one part of hydrochloric acid in 500 parts of water with the assistance of
the electric current.
Heyn used a solution of double chloride of copper and ammonium containing 12
grains of the salt and 100 grains of distilled water.
To distinguish with certainty between iron phosphide and cementite, Matweieff
recommends neutral sodium picrate washed several times with distilled water to
eliminate the excess of picric acid or of sodium that might be present. The sample
is immersed in the boiling solution for 20 minutes, a treatment by which the iron
phosphide is strongly attacked while the cementite and pearlite remain unaffected.
For etching austenite and martensite Robin recommends the use of a saturated
solution of picric acid in alcohol, an immersion of thirty seconds to one minute, wash-
ing with water without touching the specimen and drying by air blast or simply in
air. Films of various tints are formed, ferrite remaining uncolored.
Le Chatelier has used bitartrate of potassium as an etching reagent. It leaves
cementite and pearlite uncolored, while it imparts a dirty coloration to ferrite.
The same author has described the use of a freshly prepared reagent made up of
equal parts of a solution containing 50 per cent of soda and of a solution containing
10 per cent of lead nitrate. Cementite is quickly colored by it while the phosphides
and especially the silicides are also attacked. The reagent is recommended for highly
carburized metals. Medium high carbon steels of great purity are not affected by
this solution, but when impure, the pearlite is energetically acted upon, probably
because of the presence of impurity in that constituent.
Le Chatelier has also mentioned the use of a solution of 10 per cent gaseous hy-
drochloric acid in absolute alcohol to which is added 5 per cent of cupric chloride for
annealed steels and one per cent of the same salt for hardened steels. Ferrite and
cementite are not colored, martensite very little, austenite a little more, troostite
and sorbite decidedly.
Hilpert and Colver-Glauert have described the use of sulphurous acid for non-
pearlitic steels and for pig iron. A saturated solution of sulphur dioxide in water is
prepared and 3 or 4 per cent of tliat solution in water used. The time of etching
varies between seven seconds and one minute. Alcohol may be substituted for water
in which case the etching lasts several minutes. The treatment causes the deposi-
tion of layers of iron sulphide of different thickness and, therefore, of different colors,
on the various constituents.
Electrolytic Etching. Lc Chatelier was one of the first to advocate the use of
the electric current in order to obtain a more uniform action in etching iron and steel
samples. Sheet lead may be used for the positive electrode, and, as electrolyte, a 10
per cent solution of chloride or sulphate of ammonium gives good results. The cur-
rent needed varies between 0.001 and 0.01 amperes per square centimeter.
Electrolytic etching has been described by Cavalier (1909). A few cubic centi-
meters of the electrolyte are placed in a platinum dish C (Fig. 10) connected with
one pole of the battery P; the specimen E connected with the other pole is placed
in the solution, a piece of filter paper A being inserted between the dish and the
polished surface of the specimen. The current is regulated through the rheostat R.
Four or five volts are required with an intensity of 0.001 to 0.01 amperes per square
centimeter. The attack lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes.
Heat Tinting. Heat tinting as a means of imparting different appearances to
the various constituents of iron and steel was first used by Behrens and Martens and
later, with much success, by Stead. When a polished piece of iron or steel is heated
in an oxidizing atmosphere oxidized films are formed, the color of which varies with
the thickness, that is, with the temperature and duration of treatment. It is also
found that the various constituents are differently colored because oxidized at dif-
ferent speeds. According to Stead the metal should be first well rubbed with a piece
of linen or chamois leather and placed on an iron plate heated by a Bunsen burner.
It is best to heat gradually and examine periodically under the microscope and stop
when the structure appears to be most perfectly colored. After each heating the
section may be placed in a dish of mercury so as to cool it rapidly and check further
oxidation. The oxidized films assume in succession the following tints as they in-
crease in thickness: pale yellow, yellow, brown, purple, blue, and steel gray. The
method is especially useful for identifying phosphides, sulphides, and carbides in cast
iron and for detecting the more highly phosphorized portions of iron and steel. Free
cementite colors less readily than iron but more rapidly than phosphide of iron. Iron
containing phosphorous in solid solution colors more rapidly than pure iron or than
iron containing less phosphorus.
Hot Etching. Steel while at a high temperature (red heat) has been etched
(1) by Saniter in molten calcium chloride heated to the desired temperature, and
(2) by Baykoff in a current of gaseous hydrochloric acid.
Washing and Drying. After removing the specimens from the etching bath, the
author washes them in alcohol and dries them in an air blast. They are then rubbed
once or twice very gently on a block covered with a fine piece of chamois skin and
carefully kept free from dust. Washing in water, in caustic potash, in lime water,
and in ether has also been recommended as well as the use of fine linen cloth and of
a hot blast for drying.
Preserving. The author preserves his etched specimens in dessicators and in
air-tight cabinets.
Several protective coatings have been described. Stead covers them with paraf-
fin wax dissolved in benzole, which is removed by wiping with a clean linen rag mois-
tened with benzole, when it is desired to examine the specimens. Le Chatelier applies
a coating of "zapon," a solution of gun cotton in amyl acetate sufficiently transparent
to allow examination with the highest powers.
By keeping the specimens in mercury their tarnishing should be effectively pre-
vented while they would be at all times accessible for immediate examination. Nor
should this scheme call for the use of a large amount of mercury nor for much space;
flat glass trays might be used containing just enough mercury to cover their smooth
bottom and the specimens placed in them polished face down. In this way a large
.Glass slide
Brass ri
Fig. 11. Stead's mounting device.
(C. H. Desch's Metallography.)
Fig. 12. Gulliver's mounting device.
number of samples could be preserved in a small place and in a small quantity of
mercury. In a tray measuring 12 by 12 inches, for instance, nearly 200 samples of
ordinary size (^ to % inch in diameter) could be kept.
The author's special holders for placing the prepared samples on the stage of the
microscope have been described (see Apparatus for the Metallographic Laboratory,
page 7). Other methods have been used and are still employed by some workers,
namely (1) mountir. " in some plastic material, and (2) the use of leveling stages.
Plastic Mounting. Osmond mounts his specimens by embedding them in a
little soft wax placed upon a glass plate. The leveling is managed by means of two
pieces of glass tube of equal height, one on each side of the sample.
Stead places the specimens polished face down on a piece of plate glass (Fig. 11)
and surrounds them with brass cylinders accurately turned. A piece of plastic wax
is stuck upon the center of a glass microscope slide and is then pressed upon the sec-
tion till the glass slide comes in contact with the brass ring. The specimen adheres
to the wax and the mounting is complete.
Gulliver (1908) describes the device (Fig. 12) for mounting specimens. It consists
of a circular ring faced on its upper surface A, and screwed internally at B to fit the
foot, of which the upper end C is also faced. The distance between the parallel faces
A and C can thus be adjusted. The specimen is placed at D and a glass slide E with
some soft modeling clay or wax is pressed upon it until the glass touches the ring
at AA.
Mechanical mounting devices working on the principle of the microtome have
also been used. They have been described by M. A. Richards: "Projecting from a
cylindrical metal base three inches in diameter, is a threaded upright three and one-
Fig. 13. Watson and Sons' mounting
Fig. 14. Watson and Sons'
leveling stage.
Fig. 15. Huntington's leveling stage.
half inches in diameter. A cylindrical nut or collar three inches high and two and
one-half inches outside diameter screws on the threaded uprigL A small circle of
chamois skin is placed on the top of the thread upright to protect- the etched face of
the micro-section. To mount a section, place it face down on the chamois skin, press
upon the upper projecting portion a lump of beeswax, and upon this place the ground
glass (ground surface down). A few revolutions of the collar will cause the glass to
rest upon the upper edge of the collar, and the adhesion of the glass and beeswax to
the specimen may be made complete by slowly turning the collar down with one hand
while keeping the glass base in close contact with the collar-top with the other hand.
In this manner, no matter how irregular the section, the parallelism of the etched
surface and the glass base may be very quickly and accurately obtained."
The mounting device (Fig. 13) is constructed by Watson and Sons. It consists of
two horizontal plates, the upper one being capable of vertical movement but always
remaining parallel to the lower one. The specimen is placed with its polished surface
on the lower plate, and the upper plate carrying a glass slip to which some suitable
clay or wax is attached is lowered into contact.
Leveling Stages. The leveling stage (Fig. 14) is constructed by Watson and
Fig. 1G. Le Chatelier's inverted metallurgical microscope.
Early form.
r 1 Ol
f l 1
1 .
F I 1
"~1 i
Fig. 17. Le Chatelier's inverted metallurgical microscope.
Sons, London. The specimen is held by two rotating jaws and can bo leveled by
means of the screws A and B BI.
Professor A. K. Huntington devised the leveling stage shown in Figure 15. It is
provided with a ball and socket joint for leveling, permitting the placing of the sam-
ple in any position.
Other forms of leveling stages are shown in some of the illustrations in the follow-
ing pages as part of some metallurgical microscopes.
The microscopes and accessories used by the author have been fully described.
In the following pages instruments used by some other workers or described by them,
as well as those manufactured by well-known makers, are mentioned.
Le Chatelier. In 1897 Le Chatelier devised an inverted microscope which later
Fig. 19. Le Chatelier's inverted metallurgical microscope.
Fig. 20. Device for placing
specimens on the stage of
the Le Chatelier micro-
scope in a fixed position.
(Le Grix.)
he greatly improved and which is now constructed with unimportant modifications
by several microscope makers. An early form of Le Chatelier's instrument is shown
in Figure 16 and its more recent construction in Figures 17 and 18. The objective
B (Fig. 17) is directed upwards while the eye-piece 0, placed horizontally, receives
the image by the reflection of a totally reflecting prism F placed below the objective.
The prism F may be rotated by means of the milled head P and the light reflected by
the objective turned at will into the tube G and the eye-piece O for visual examination
or into another tube connected with a camera for photographing (Fig. 18). The
light is condensed by the lens A and, being deflected at right angles by the prism /,
passes through the objective B and reaches the object M placed on the stage E. In
case the light is placed at a higher level than the condensing lens A, it must be re-
ceived by a totally reflecting prism H which directs it into the condenser A. D is a
diaphragm placed at the principal focus of the complex optical system composed of
the objective R, the illuminating prism J, and the lens A, The opening as well as the
position of the diaphragm may be altered. Another diaphragm placed at 7 affords
a means of stopping the light which would fall upon parts of the preparation outside
of the portion examined and which would increase the blur resulting from the reflec-
tion of useless rays by the back lenses of the objective. In the early construction of
this instrument when the object was to be photographed the prism F was withdrawn
from the path of light and the image allowed to form on a photographic plate placed
below (Fig. 16).
A slightly different construction is shown in Figure 19. For photographic pur-
poses the image forms on a plate placed in a holder rigidly connected with the instru-
Fig. 21. Inverted metallurgical microscope constructed by E. Leitz.
ment, no eye-piece being used. As the distance between the photographic plate and
the objective is short, very small photomicrographs are obtained, which must gen-
erally be subsequently enlarged. Z is a plate carrying an eye-piece for use with the
long bellows camera (Fig. 18). The Le Chatelier microscopes are constructed by
Ph. Pellin of Paris.
In order to be able to examine identical portions of the same specimen at different
times with the Le Chatelier microscope, Le Grix (1907) suggested the arrangement
shown in Figure 20. A circular metallic disk with rectangular opening RR' and carry-
ing two pointed stops A and B is fitted to the stage. A file mark E is made in
the specimen M, which is then placed on the stage so that the stop A enters the
groove E while the specimen presses against the other stop B, in this way securing
a constant position for the object.
Ernst Leitz. A slightly modified form (Fig. 21) of the Le Chatelier inverted
microscope is made by Ernst Leitz of Wetzlar, Germany. The modifications were
suggested by Guertler. The stage and illuminating appliances are shown on a larger
scale in Figure 22.
The same maker also manufactures the microscope shown in Figures 23 and 24
designed by W. Campbell. The stage can be removed and the upper part of the in-
strument attached to the base for the examination of large surfaces.
P. F. Dujardin. P. F. Dujarclin and Co. of Diisseldorf construct a Le Chatelier
Fig. 22. Inverted metallurgical microscope constructed by E. Leitz.
Fig. 23. Metallurgical microscope con-
structed by E. Leitz.
Fig. 24. Metallurgical microscope
constructed by E. Leitz.
inverted microscope as shown in Figure 25. They also make the microscope (Fig. 26)
in which the vertical illuminator carries its own source of light and condenser.
C. Reichert. The metallurgical microscope (Fig. 27) designed by Professor
Rejto is made by C. Reichert of Vienna. The position of the vertical illuminator
immediately below the eye-piece should be noted. The stage is provided with a level-
ing mechanism. The same maker manufactures an inverted Le Chatelier microscope
as shown in Figure 28. According to Desch, in this microscope, two right-angled
prisms are cemented together to form the cube P (Fig. 29). The upper prism is sil-
vered over an elliptical area, as shown by the central dark line. A portion of the
light proceeding from the mirror M passes through the clear portion of the glass cube
P and falls upon the object S. The light reflected back by the object upon striking
the silvered portion of the prism is deflected at right angles into the tube which
conducts it to the eye or to a photographic plate.
R . Fuess. A metallurgical microscope practically identical in construction to
the Le Chatelier inverted instrument is made by R. Fuess of Steglitz, near Berlin.
Robin. The microscope and photographic attachment shown in Figure 30 was
Fig. 26. Metallurgical microscope constructed by P. F. Dujardin
and Co.
Fig. 27. Metallurgical microscope con
structed by C. Reichert.
designed by Robin. Visual examination is possible only on the screen of the camera.
The stage consisting of a smooth disk is tilting and the specimen is fastened upon it
with wax. To secure an accurately horizontal position of the polished surface, a
plug with a perfectly flat surface is screwed into the microscope in place of the ob-
jective and the stage raised until the specimen coming in contact with the plug, the
latter through gentle pressure causes the polished surface to assume a horizontal
position. The plug is then removed and the objective inserted.
Martens. The Martens metallurgical microscope (1899) made by Zeiss of Jena is
shown in Figure 31. It can be used horizontally only, the tube is very wide and
Fig. 28. Inverted metallurgical microscope constructed by C. Reichert.
Fig. 29. Illuminating prisms of
Reichert's inverted microscope.
Fig. 30. Metallurgical microscope designed by Robin.
the vertical, mechanical stage is provided with both coarse and fine adjustments Y
and Z and with leveling screws aa. The flexible connection / permits the focusing
of the object from the camera screen. The instrument is designed especially for
A complete Zeiss equipment including a large' electric arc lamp is shown in
Figure 32. It will be noted that the mounting of the camera is entirely separate
from that of the other parts.
Martens also designed the ball-jointed microscope (Fig. 33) which he used prin-
cipally for observing the progress of etching.
Rosenhain. The microscope shown in Figure 34 was constructed by R. and J.
Beck for Rosenhain. The stage is mechanical and provided with coarse and fine
Fig. 31. Martens metallurgical microscope.
adjustments, and all controlling heads are placed beneath. Appliances are provided
for various kinds of illumination. The necessary alteration of focus for photograph-
ing can be done at the eye-piece by a suitable arrangement provided for that purpose.
Osmond. Osmond used a Nachet microscope of the ordinary type connected
with a vertical camera and a prism illuminator. He writes, however, that special
metallurgical microscopes "are certainly to be preferred." In Osmond's opinion the
vertical is very much superior to the horizontal camera for studying metals.
Nachet. Nachet of Paris constructs the metallurgical microscope (Fig. 35) .
The vertical illuminator carries a tube provided with an iris diaphragm. The stand
is to be used in the vertical position only. The stage has a coarse vertical adjust-
ment. A similar microscope is made with mechanical stage provided with both
coarse and fine adjustments.
The prism illuminator (Fig. 36) designed by Guillemin is made by Nachet. A
lateral as well as a slight tilting motion may be imparted to the prism through the
milled heads B and C.
Fig. 32. Martcns-Zeiss metallurgical microscope and camera.
Fig. 33. Martens ball-jointed
Nachet's illuminating objectives have been described and illustrated (Apparatus
for the Metallographic Laboratory, page 17).
Cornu-Charpy. The arrangement shown in Figure 37 was used by Charpy. The
vertical illuminator G consists of four thin glass plates placed at an angle of 45 deg.
immediately below the eye-piece and it receives the light reflected by the totally
reflecting prism P. This prism is so mounted that it can rotate freely around the
axis of the microscope and also around the axis GP of the tube to which it is at-
tached, thus making it possible to receive upon it the light proceeding from a source
of light placed anywhere.
Fig. 34. Rosenhain metallurgical microscope.
Watson and Sons. The metallurgical microscope (Fig. 38) was constructed
in 1904 by Watson and Sons of London. The stage is provided with both coarse and
fine adjustments. The same makers following Martens construct the horizontal
metallurgical microscope (Fig. 39). The plain glass vertical illuminator (Fig. 40)
provided with iris diaphragm is also made by Watson and Sons.
Fig. 35. Nachet metallurgical microscope.
Fig. 37. Cornu-Charpy metallurgical
Fig. 36. Guillomin-Nachet
prism illuminator.
Fig. 38. Metallurgical microscope constructed by
Watson and Sons.
Fig. 39. Horizontal metallurgical microscope constructed by
Watson and Sons.
It. and ./. Beck. In 1904 R. and J. Beck of London constructed the prism ver-
tical illuminator shown in Figure 41. The device is fitted with an iris diaphragm
Fig. 40. Watson and Sons
vortical illuminator.
Fig. 41. Bock prism
Fig. 42. Beck surface microscope.
Fig. 43. Metallurgical microscope. (Queen and Co.)
beneath the prism for cutting off outside light, and a plate of stops so arranged that
the position of the beam of light impinging on the prism can be varied until parallel
light of the right angle is obtained. The same makers construct the instrument
shown in Figure 42 for the examination of large metallic surfaces. The Rosenhain
microscope described in these pages is likewise made by R. and J. Beck.
Queen and Co. Queen and Co. of Philadelphia at one time (1898) placed on the
market the microscope and camera shown in Figure 43. The camera could be tilted
on one side for ocular examination. The same makers now construct the microscope
shown in Figure 44.
Arthur H. Thomas Co. Arthur H. Thomas Co. of Philadelphia are offering
J 1
Fig. 44. Metallurgical microscope. (Queen
and Co.)
for sale an illuminator designed by Wirt Tassin (Fig. 45). A condensing lens and
acetylene burner are attached to the vertical illuminator.
F. Koristka. The prism vertical illuminator (Fig. 46) was described by F.
Koristka of Milan in 1905. An iris diaphragm placed in front of the prism controls
the light which it receives. By pulling out the arm carrying the prism the latter may
be removed from the field.
Ph. Pellin. The Le Chatelier inverted microscope is constructed by Ph. Pellin
of Paris. The same makers also manufacture a portable microscopic outfit designed
by Guillet (Trousse de Metallographie). It includes a small electric motor for polish-
irg, a vertical microscope so constructed that it can be fastened to any object it is
Fig. 45. Microscope and camera with Tassin
illuminator attached.
Fig. 40. Koristka prism illuminator.
desired to examine, files, emery-papers, etching reagents, etc. All parts are com-
pactly placed in a carrying case.
Carl Zeiss. The instruments used by Martens and Heyn already described in
these pages are constructed by Carl Zeiss of Jena. The prism vertical illuminator
made by the same firm has been described and illustrated in the introductory chapter
on Apparatus.
Spencer Lens Co. The Spencer Lens Co. of Buffalo, N. Y., manufacture a
vertical metallurgical microscope with movable stage.
Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. The microscopes and accessories used and de-
signed by the author and fully described in these .pages are manufactured by the
Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. of Rochester, N. Y.
Presented by the Chairman H. M. HOWE and the Secretary of the Committee ALBERT SAUVEUB
at the VI th Congress, New York, September, 1912
The Committee for studying this problem is constituted as follows:
Professor H. M. HOWE, Chairman, New York.
Professor ALBERT SAUVEUR, Secretary, Cambridge, Mass.
Members: F. OSMOND, Paris; Dr. H. C. H. CARPENTER, Manchester; Prof. W.
CAMPBELL, New York; Prof. C. BENEDICKS, Stockholm; Prof. F. Wiisx, Aachen;
Prof. A. STANSFIELD, Montreal; Dr. J. E. STEAD, Middlesbrough; Prof. L. GUILLET,
Paris; Prof. E. HEYN, Berlin-Lichterfelde; Dr. W. ROSENHAIN, Teddington.
We first enumerate the substances of such importance as to warrant it, indicating
roughly their constitution, and then define and describe certain of them.
The conditions which we meet a^e (1) that we need definitions on which all can
agree; and this implies that they must be free from all contentious matter and be
based on what all admit to be true; (2) that the reader must needs know the current
theories as to the constitution of these substances, and these theories are necessarily
contentious. We meet these conditions by the plan of giving (1) the Name which we
recommend for general use, followed immediately in parentheses by the other names
used widely enough to justify recording them; (2) the Definition proper, based on an
undisputed quality, e.g. that of austenite, which we base on its being an iron-carbon
solid solution, purposely omitting all reference to the precise nature of solvent and
solute; and (3) Constitution, etc., etc., in which we give the current theories as to the
nature of solvent and solute and appropriate descriptive matter.
The distinction between these three parts should be understood. (1) The Names
actually used are matters of record and indisputable. (2) The Definitions are matters
of convention or treaty, binding on the contracting parties, though subject to de-
nouncement, preferably based on some determinable property of the thing defined as
distinguished from any theory as to its nature, or if necessarily based on any theory
it should be a theory which is universally accepted. It is a matter purely of conven-
tion and general convenience what individual property of the thing defined shall
form the basis of the definition. The name and the definition should endure perma-
nently, except in the case of a definition based on an accepted theory, which must be
changed if the theory should later be disproved. (3) Theories and Descriptions are
not matters of agreement or convention but dependent on observation, and therefore
always subject to be changed by new discoveries. They are temporary in their nature
:is distinguished from the names and definitions which should be fixed, at least rela-
This case of austenite illustrates the advantage of non-indicative names. The
names which we propose to displace, "gamma iron" and "mixed crystals," imply
definite theories as to the nature of austenite, and hence might have to be abandoned
in case those theories were later disproved. The name "austenite" implies nothing,
like mineralogical names in general, and hence is stable in itself. Our infant branch
of science may well learn from its elder sister, which has tried and proved the advan-
tage of this non-indicative naming.
In those cases in which a name has been used in more than one sense we advise
the retention of one and the abandonment of the others, having obtained the consent
of the proposers of such names for their abandonment.
Many whose judgment we respect object to our including certain of the less used
names, e.g. from i to n in our list, holding them either to be confusing or to be needless.
It is true that several names (hardenite, martensite, sorbite, etc.), have been used
with various meanings, and hence confusingly, in spite of which most of them should
Lie retained, each with a single sharp-cut definition, because they are so useful.
As regards the alleged needlessness of certain names it is for each writer to decide
whether he does or does not need names with nice shades of meaning, such as osmon-
dite and troosto-sorbite. Those who look only at the general outlines and not at the
details have no right to forbid the workers in detail from having and using words
fitting their work; nor have those whose needs are satisfied by the three primary
colors a right to forbid painters, dyers, weavers, and others from naming the many
shades with which they are concerned. Like the lexicographer we must seive the
reader by explaining those words which he will meet, whether we individually use or
condemn them. We feel that we have exhausted our powers in cautioning writers
that certain words are rare and not likely to be understood by most readers, or are
improper for any reason, and in urging the complete abandonment of those with-
drawn by their proposers.
Needless words will die a natural death; needed ones we cannot kill. The good
we might do in hastening the death of the moribund by omitting them from this re-
port is less than the good we do by teaching their meaning to those who will meet
them in ante-mortem print. These readers have rights. We serve no class, but the
Illustrations. At the end of the several descriptions the reader is referred to
good illustrations in Osmond and Stead's "Microscopic Analysis of Metals," Griffin
& Co., London, 1904.
The microscopic substances here described consist of
1. Meiarals, true phases, like the minerals of nature. These are either elements,
definite chemical compounds, or solid solutions and hence consisting of definite sub-
stances in varying proportions. These include austenite, ferrite, cementite, and
2. Aggregates, like the petrographic entities as distinguished from the true minerals.
These mixtures may he in definite proportions, i.e. eutectic, or eutectoid mixtures
(ledeburite, pearlite, steadite), or in indefinite proportions (troostite, sorbite). Those
aggregates which are important for any reason are here described.
(Many true minerals, such as mica, felspar, and hornblende, are divisible into
several different species so that these true mineral names may be either generic or
specific. These genera and species are definite chemical compounds in which one
element may replace another. Other minerals, such as obsidian, are solid solutions
in varying proportions, and in these also one element may replace another. Metarals
like minerals differ from aggregates in being severally chemically homogeneous.)
These two classes may be cross classified into:
(A) The iron-carbon series, which come into being in cooling and heating.
(B) The important impurities, manganese sulphide, ferrous sulphide, slag, etc.
(C) Other substances.
The most prominent members of the iron-carbon series are :
I. molten iron, metaral, molten solution, but hardly a microscopic constituent;
II. the components which form in its solidification:
(a) austenite, solid solution of carbon or iron carbide in iron, metaral,
(6) cementite, definite metaral, Fe 3 C,
(c) graphite, definite metaral, C;
III. the transition substances which form through the transformation of austenite
during cooling:
(W) martensite, metaral of variable constitution; its nature is in dispute;
(c) troostite, indefinite aggregate, uncoagulated mixture,
(/) sorbite, indefinite aggregate, chiefly uncoagulated pearlite plus ferrite or ce-
mentite ;
IV. products 1 of the transformation of austenite:
(g) ferrite,
(/) pearlite.
This transformation may also yield cementite and graphite as end products in
addition to those under b and c.
In addition to the above, the names of which are universally recognized and in
general use, the following names have been used more or less:
(i) ledeburite (Wiist), definite aggregate, the austenite-cementite eutectic;
(j) ferronite (Benedicks), hypothetical definite metaral, /3 iron containing about
0.27 per cent of carbon;
(/,) steadite (Sauveur), definite aggregate, the iron-phosphorus eutectic (rare);
and three transition stages in the transformation of austenite, viz. :
(/) hardenite (Arnold), collective name for the austenite and martensite of eutec-
toid composition;
(m) osmondite (Heyn), boundary stage between troostite and sorbite;
(n) troosto-sorbite (Kourbatoff) , indefinite aggregate, the troostite and the sorbite
which lie near the boundary which separates these two aggregates (obsolescent).
1 In hypo-cut ectoid steels these habitually play the part of end products, though according to
the belief of most the true end of the transformation is not reached till the whole has changed into
a conglomerate of ferrite plus graphite.
Carbon-iron Equilibrium Diagram, Figure 1. Under the several substances about
to be described an indication will be given of the parts of the carbon-iron equilibrium
diagram Figure I to which they severally correspond.
Austenite, Osmond (Fr. Austenite, Ger. Austenit, called also mixed crystals and
gamma iron. Up to the year 1900 often called martensite and wrongly sometimes
still so called). Metaral of variable composition.
Definition. The iron-carbon solid solution as it exists above the transformation
Molten Iron
(Per Fondu)
Molben Iron
(Per Fondu)
flusbenite + Cementibe
a A.
Pearl ite
Pear I i be
1 2 3 4 5
Carbon per cent
Fig. 1. A,: The line PSK is often called "A,". A 3 : The line COS is often called "A 3 '
this name is sometimes applied to the line SE.
range or as preserved with but moderate transformation at lower temperatures, e.g.
by rapid cooling, or by the presence of retarding elements (Mn, Ni, etc.), as in 12 per
cent manganese steel and 25 per cent nickel steel.
Constitution and Composition. A solid solution of carbon or iron carbide (prob-
ably Fe 3 C) and gamma iron, normally stable only above the line PSK of the carbon-
iron diagram. It may have any carbon content up to saturation as shown by the line
SE, viz.: about 0.90 per cent at S (about 725 deg. C.) to 1.7 per cent at E (about
1130 deg.). The theory that the iron and the carbide or carbon, instead of being dis-
solved in each other, are dissolved in a third substance, the solution of eutectoid com-
position (Fc 24 C, called hardenite) is not in accord with the generally accepted theory
of the constitution of solutions, and is not entertained widely or by any member of
this committee.
Crystallization. Isometric. The idiomorphic vug crystals are octahedra much
elongated by parallel growth. The etched sections show much twinning. (Osmond
and most authorities.) Le Chatelier believes it to be rhombohedral. Cleavage
Varieties and Genesis. (l) Primary austenite formed in the solidification of carbon
steel and hypo-eutectic cast iron; (2) eutectic austenite, interstratified with eutectic
cementite, making up the eutectic formed at the end of the solidification of steel con-
taining more than about 1.7 per cent of carbon, and of all cast iron.
Equilibrium. It is normal and in equilibrium in Region 4, and also associated
with beta iron in Region 6, with a iron in Region 7, and with cementite in Region 5.
It should normally transform into pearlite with either ferrite or cementite on cooling
past AI into Region 8.
Transformation. In cooling slowly through the transformation range, Ar 3 - Ari,
austenite shifts its carbon content spontaneously through generating pro-eutectoid
ferrite or cementite, to the eutectoid ratio, about 0.90 per cent, and then transforms
with increase of volume at Ari into pearlite. q.v., with which the ejected ferrite or
cementite remains mixed. Rapid cooling and the presence of carbon, manganese, and
nickel obstruct this transformation, (l) retarding it, and (2) lowering the temperature at
which it actually occurs, and in addition (3) manganese and nickel lower the temperature
at which in equilibrium it is due. Hence, by combining these four obstructing agents
in proper proportions the transformation may be arrested at any of the intermediate
stages, martensite, troostite, or sorbite, 1 q.v., and if arrested in an earlier stage it
can be brought to any later desired stage by a regulated reheating or "tempering."
For instance, though a very rapid cooling in the absence of the three obstructing ele-
ments checks the transformation but little and only temporarily, yet if aided by the
presence of a little carbon it arrests the transformation wholly in the martensite
stage; and in the presence of about 1.50 per cent of carbon such cooling retains about
half the austenite so little altered that it is "considerably" softer than the usually
darker needles of the surrounding martensite, with which it contrasts sharply. Again,
either (a) about 12 per cent of manganese plus 1 per cent of carbon, or (6) 25 per cent
of nickel, lower and obstruct the transformation to such a degree that austenite per-
sists in the cold apparently unaltered, even through a slow cooling. (Hadfield's man-
ganese steel and 25 per cent nickel steel, manganiferous and nickeliferous austenite
Occurrence. When alone (12 per cent manganese and 25 per cent nickel steel
and Maurer's 2 per cent carbon plus 2 per cent manganese austenite) polyhedra, often
coarse, much twinned at least in the presence of martensite, and readily developing
slip bands. In hardened high-carbon steel it forms a ground mass pierced by zigzag
needles and lances of martensite.
Etching. All the common reagents darken it much more than cementite, less
1 Though the transformation can be arrested in such a way as to leave the whole of the steel
in the condition of martensite, it is doubted by some whether it can be so arrested as to leave the
whole of it in any of the other transition stages. Troostite and sorbite caused by such arrest are
habitually mixed, troostite with martensite or sorbite or both, and sorbite with pearlite or troostite
or both.
than troostite or sorbite, and usually less, though sometimes more, than martcnsite,
which is recognized by its zigzag shape and needle structure. With ferrite and pearlite
it is never associated.
Physical Properties. Maurer's austenite of 2 per cent manganese plus 2 per
cent carbon is but little harder than soft iron, and 25 per cent nickel steel and Had-
field's manganese steel are but moderately hard. Yet as usually preserved in hardened
high carbon steel, the hardness of austenite does not fall very far short of that of the
accompanying martensite, probably because partly transformed in cooling. (Os-
mond's words are that it is "considerably" softer than that martensite.)
Specific Magnetism. Very slight unless perhaps in intense fields. In Hadfield's
manganese steel and 25 per cent nickel steel, very ductile.
Illustrations. "Microscopic Analysis of Metals," Figures 20, 50, and 51 on
pp. 39, 100, and 101.
Cementite (Sorby, "intensely hard compound"; Ger. Cementit, Fr. Cementite;
Arnold, crystallized normal carbide). Definite mctaral.
Definition. Tri-ferrous carbide, FeaC. The name is extended by some writers
so as to include tri-carbides in which part of the iron is replaced by manganese or
other elements. Such carbides may be called " manganiferous cementite," etc.
Occurrence. (a) Pearlitic as a component of pearlite, q.v.; (b) eutectic;
(c) primary or pro-eutectic; (d) pro-eutectoid; (e) that liberated by the splitting up of
the eutectic or of pearlite; and (/) uncoagulated in sorbite, troosite, and perhaps mar-
tensite. (c), (d), and (e) are grouped together as "free" or "massive."
Primary cementite is generated in cooling through Region 3; eutectic cementite
on cooling past the line EBD; pro-eutectoid cementite in cooling through Region 5;
pearlitic cementite on cooling past the line PSK, or AI. Though the several varieties
of cementite are generally held to be all metastable, tending to break up into graphite
plus either austenite above AI or ferrite below AI, yet they have a considerable and
often great degree of persistence. The graphitizing tendency is completely checked
in the cold but increases with the temperature and with the proportion of carbon
and of silicon present, and is opposed by the presence of manganese.
Crystallization. Orthorhombic, in plates.
Structure. (a) Pearlitic, in parallel unintersecting plates alternating with plates
of ferrite; (b) eutectic, plates forming a network filled with a fine conglomerate
of pearlite with or without pro-eutectoid cementite; (c) primary, in manganiferous
white cast iron, etc., in rhombohedral plates; (d) in hyper-eutectoid steel, pro-eutec-
toid cementite forms primarily a network enclosing meshes of pearlite through which
cementite plates or spines sometimes shoot if the network is coarse; (e) cementite
liberated from pearlite merges with any neighboring cementite; (/) the structure of
uncoagulated cementite cannot be made out. On long heating the pro-eutectoid
and pearlitic cementite spheroidize slowly, and neighboring particles merge; (o) in
white irons rich in phosphorus in flat plates embedded in iron-carbon-phosphorus
Etching, etc. After polishing stands in relief. Brilliant white after etching with
dilute hydrochloric or picric acid; darkened by boiling with solution of sodium picrate
in excess of sodium hydrate.
Physical Properties. Hardest component of steel. Hardness = 6 of Mohs scale.
Scratches glass and felspar but not quartz; very brittle. Specific magnetism about
two thirds that of pure iron.
Illustrations. "Microscopic Analysis of Metals," Figures 42 and 43 on
pp. 84, 85.
Martensite (Fr. Martensite, Ger. Martensit). Metaral. Its nature is in dispute.
Definition. The early stage in the transformation of austenite characterized by
needle structure and great hardness, as in hardened high-carbon steel.
Constitution. I. (Osmond and others.) A solid solution like austenite, q.v., ex-
cept that the iron is partly beta, whence its hardness, and partly alpha, whence its
magnetism in mild fields. II. (Le Chatelier.) The same except that its iron is essen-
tially alpha, and the hardness due to the state of solid solution. III. (Arnold.) A spe-
cial structural condition of his "hardenite" (austenite); not \videlyjield. IV. A solid
solution in gamma iron. V. (Benedicks.) The same as I, except that the iron is wholly
beta and that beta iron consists of alpha iron containing a definite quantity of gamma
iron in solution.
Equilibrium. It is not in equilibrium in any part of the diagram, but represents
a metastable condition in which the metal is caught during rapid cooling, in transit
between the austenite condition stable above the line AI and the condition of ferrite
plus cementite into which the steel habitually passes on cooling slowly past the
line AI.
Occurrence. The chief constituent of hardened carbon tool steels, and of medium
nickel and manganese steels. In still less fully transformed steels (1.50 per cent
carbon steel rapidly quenched, etc.) it is associated with austenite; in more fully
transformed ones (lower carbon steels hardened, high carbon steels oil hardened, or
water hardened and slightly tempered, or hardened thick pieces even of high carbon
steel) it is associated with troostite, and with some pro-eutectoid ferrite or cementite,
q.v., in hypo- and hyper-eutectoid steels respectively. In tempering it first changes
into troostite; at 350 deg. -400 deg. it passes through the stage of osmondite; at
higher temperatures it changes into sorbite; and at 700 deg. into granular pearlite.
On lipating into the transformation range this changes into austenite, which on cool-
ing again yields lamellar pearlite.
Characteristic specimens are had by quenching bars 1 cm. square of eutectoid
steel, i.e. steel containing about 0.9 per cent of carbon, in cold water from 800 deg. C.
(1472 deg. F.).
Structure. When alone, habitually in flat plates made up of intersecting needles
parallel to the sides of a triangle. When mixed with austenite, zigzag needles, lances,
and shafts.
If produced by quenching after heating to 735 deg. C., it consists of minute crystal-
lites resembling the globulites of Vogelsang, which are rarely arranged in triangular
order. At times so fine as to suggest being amorphous.
Etching. With picric acid, iodine or very dilute nitric acid etches usually darker
than austenite, but sometimes lighter, always darker than ferrite and cementite, but
always lighter than troostite.
Illustrations. "Microscopic Analysis of Metals," Figure 19 on p. 38, Figure 52
on p. 102.
Ferrite (Fr. Ferrite, Ger. Ferrit). Definite metaral.
Definition. Free alpha iron.
Composition. Nearly pure iron. It may contain a little phosphorus and
silicon but its carbon content, if any, is always small, at the most not more than 0.05
per cent, and perhaps never as much as 0.02 per cent.
Occurrence. (a) Pearlitic as a component of pearlite, q.v.; (6) pro-eutectoid
ferrite generated in slow cooling through the transformation range; (c) that segre-
gated from pearlite, i.e. set free by the splitting up of pearlite, especially in low car-
bon steel; (d) uncoagulated as in sorbite, and probably troostite. (6) and (c) are
classed together as free or massive.
Thus ferrite is normal and stable in regions 7 and 8.
Crystallization. Isometric, in cubes or octahedra.
Structure. (a) Pearlitic ferrite, unintersecting parallel plates alternating with
plates of cementite; (6) pro-eutectoid ferrite in low carbon steel forms irregular poly-
gons, each with uniform internal orientation. In higher carbon steel after moderately
slow cooling, especially in the presence of manganese, it forms a network enclosing
meshes of pearlite. In slower cooling this network is replaced by irregular grains
separated by pearlite; (c) the ferrite set free by the splitting up of pearlite merges
with the pro-eutectoid ferrite, if any; (d) the structure of the ferrite in sorbite, etc.,
cannot be made out.
Etching. Dilute alcoholic nitric or picric acid on light etching leaves the
ferrite grains white with junctions which look dark. Deeper etching, by Heyn's
reagent or its equivalent, reveals the different orientation of the crystals or. grains,
(a) as square figures parallel to the direction of the etched surface, (6) as plates which
dip at varying angles and become dark or bright when the specimen is rotated under
oblique illumination. Still deeper etching reveals the component cubes (etching
figures, Atzfiguren), at least if the surface is nearly parallel to the cube faces.
Physical Properties. Soft; relatively weak (tenacity about 40,000 Ibs., per
sq. in.); very ductile; strongly f erro-magnetic ; coercitive force very small.
Grain Size. For important purposes (1) etch deeply enough, e.g. with copper-
ammonium' chloride, to reveal clearly the junctions of the grains; (2) count on a photo-
graph of small magnification the number of grains in a measured field so drawn as to
exclude fragments of grains; after (3) determining the true grain boundaries by ex-
amination under high powers (Heyn's method). Deep nitric acid etching is inaccurate,
because an apparent grain boundary may contain several grains.
Illustrations. "Microscopic Analysis of Metals," Figures 41, 56 on pp. 79, 116.
Osmondite (Fr. Osmondite, Ger. Osmondit).
Definition. That stage in the transformation of austenite at which the solubility
in dilute sulphuric acid reaches its maximum rapidity. Arbitrarily taken as the
boundary between troostite and sorbite.
Earlier Definition. Defined by the V th Congress as having the "maximum sol-
ubility in acids and by a maximum coloration under the action of acid metallographic
reagents." The present definition is confined to maximum rapidity of dissolving,
because we do not yet know that this in all cases co-exists with the maximum depth
of coloration, and in any case in which these two should not co-exist, the old defini-
tion does not decide which is true osmondite.
Constitution. The following hypotheses have been suggested, none of which
has firm experimental foundation: (1) A solid solution of carbon or an iron carbide
in alpha iron. (2) The colloidal system of Benedicks in its purity, troostite being this
system while forming at the expense of martensite, and sorbite, being this system
coagulating and passing into pearlite. (3) The stage of maximum purity of amor-
phous alpha iron on the way to crystallizing into ferrite.
Occurrence. Hardened carbon steel of about 1 per cent of carbon when reheated
(tempered) to 350^00 deg. C. passes through the stage of troostite to that of
osmondite, and on higher heating to that of sorbite. What variation if any from this
temperature is needed to bring hardened steel of other carbon content to the osmond-
ite stage is not known. In that it represents a true boundary state between troostite
and sorbite it differs in meaning from troosto-sorbite, which embraces both the troost-
ite and the sorbite which lie near this boundary. Indeed osmondite has sometimes
been used in this looser sense. Writers are cautioned that, however useful these terms
may prove for making these nice discriminations, they are not likely to be familiar
to general readers.
Etching. According to Heyn it differs from troostite and sorbite in being that
stage in tempering which colors darkest on etching with alcoholtc^iydrochloric acid.
The present definition and description of osmondite should displace previous ones,
because they have the express approval of Professor Heyn, the proposer of the name,
and M. Osmond himself.
Ferronite (Fr. Ferronite, Ger. Ferronit) (Benedicks). Hypothetical definite metaral.
Definition. Solid solution of about 0.27 per cent of carbon in beta iron.
Occurrence (hypothetical) . In slowly cooled steels and cast iron containing
0.50 per cent of combined carbon or more, that which is generally believed to be fer-
rite, whether pearlitic or free, is supposed by Benedicks to be ferronite.
Hardenite (Fr. Hardenite, Ger. Hardenit).
Definition. Collective name for austenite and martensite of eutectoid composi-
tion. It includes such steel (1) when above the transformation range, and (2) when
hardened by rapid cooling.
Observations. On the generally accepted theory that austenite is a solid solution
of carbon or an iron carbide in iron, hardenite is the solution of the lowest transforma-
tion temperature, i.e. the eutectoid. The theory that instead it is a definite chemical
compound, Fe 2 ,iC, is considered under Austenite. Its proposer includes under
hardenite both eutectoid (0.90 per cent carbon) austenite when above the transforma-
tion range and the martensite into which that austenite shifts in rapid cooling (hard-
ening) .
Other Meanings. Originally (Howe, 1888) collective name for aastenite and
martensite of any composition in carbon steel. Osmond (1897), austenite saturated
with carbon. Both these meanings are withdrawn by their proposers.
Pearlite (Sorby's "pearly constituent." At first written "pearlyte" Fr. Perlite,
(!er. Perlit). Aggregate.
Definition. The iron-carbon eutectoid, consisting of alternate masses of ferrite
and cementite.
Constitution and Composition. A conglomerate of about 6 parts of ferrite to 1 of
cementite. When pure, contains about 0.90 per cent of carbon, 99.10 per cent of
Occurrence. Results from the completion of the transformation of austenite
brought spontaneously to the eutectoid carbon content, and hence occurs in all
carbon steels and cast iron containing combined carbon and cooled slowly through
the transformation range, or held at temperatures in or but slightly below that range,
long enough to enable the ferrite and cementite to coagulate into a mass microscopic-
ally resoluble. Hence it is the normal constituent in Region 8. Its ferrite is stable
but its cementite is metastable and tends to transform into ferrite and graphite.
Varieties and Structure. Because pearlite is formed by the coagulation of the
ferrite and cementite initially formed as the irresoluble emulsion, sorbite, (Arnold's
sorbitic pearlite) there are the indefinitely bounded stages of sorbitic pearlite (Arnold's
normal pearlite), i.e. barely resoluble pearlite, in the border-land between sorbite and
laminated pearlite; granular pearlite, in which the cementite forms fine globules in a
matrix of ferrite; and laminated or lamellar pearlite, consisting of fine, clearly defined,
non-intersecting, parallel lamellae alternately of ferrite and cementite. The name
granular pearlite was first used by Sauveur to represent what is now called sorbite.
This meaning has been withdrawn.
An objection to Arnold's name "normal pearlite" is that it is likely to mislead.
"Normal" here apparently refers to arising under normal conditions of cooling, but
(1) it rather suggests structure normal for pearlite, which surely is the lamination
characteristic of eutectics in general, and (2) the general reader has no clue as to what
conditions of cooling are here called normal. Many readers are not manufacturers,
and even in manufacture itself air cooling is normal for one branch and extremely
slow furnace cooling for another. Arnold calls troostite "troostitic pearlite" and
sorbite "sorbitic pearlite." This is contrary to general usage, which restricts pearlite
to microscopically resoluble masses.
Etching. After etching with dilute alcoholic nitric or picric acid it is darker than
ferrite or cementite but lighter than sorbite and troostite. A magnification of at
least 250 diameters is usually needed for resolving it into its lamellae, though the
pearlite of blister steel can often be resolved with a magnification of 25 diameters.
The more rapidly pearlite is formed, the higher the magnification needed for re-
solving it.
Illustrations. Lamellar pearlite. Osmond and Stead, "Microscopic Analysis,"
Figure 11 on p. 19, Granular pearlite, idem, Figure 18 on p. 36; Heyn and Bauer,
"Stahl und Eisen," 1906, Figure 14, opposite p. 785.
Graphite (Ger. Graphit, Fr. Graphite). Definite metaral.
Definition. The free elemental carbon which occurs in iron and steel.
Composition. Probably pure carbon, identical with native graphite.
Genesis. Derived in large part, and according to Gosrens wholly, from the de-
composition of solid cementite. Others hold that its formation as kish may be from
solution in the molten metal, and that part of the formation of temper graphite may
be from elemental carbon dissolved in austenite. It is the stable form of carbon in
all parts of the diagram.
Occurrence. (1) as kish, flakes which rise to the surface of molten cast iron and
usually escape thence;
(2) as thin plates, usually curved, e.g. in gray cast iron, representing carbon which
has separated during great mobility, i.e. near the melting range;
(3) as temper graphite (Ger. Temperkohle, Ledebur) pulverulent carbon which
separates from cementite and austenite, especially in the annealing process for mak-
ing malleablized castings.
Graphite and ferrite are sometimes associated in a way which suggests strongly
that they represent a graphite-austenite eutectic. But the existence of such a true
eutectic is doubted by most writers.
Properties. Hexagonal. H. 1-2. Gr. 2.255. Streak black and shining, luster
metallic; macroscopic color, iron black to dark steel gray, but always black when seen
in polished sections of iron or steel under the microscope; opaque; sectile; soils paper;
flexible; feel, greasy.
Troostite (Fr. Troostite, Ger. Trcostit). Probably agrregate. (Arnold, troostitic
Definition. In the transformation of austenite, the stage following martensite
and preceding sorbite (and osmondite if this stage is recognized).
Constitution and Composition. An uncoagulatecl conglomerate of the transition
stages. The degree of completeness of the transformation represented by it is not
definitely known and probably varies widely. Osmond and most others believe that
the transformation, while generally far advanced, yet falls materially short of comple-
tion; but Benedicks and Arnold (9) believe that it is complete. The former belief
that it is a definite phase, e.g. a solid solution of carbon or an iron carbide in either /3
or 7 iron, is abandoned. Its carbon content like that of austeTiitc and martensite
varies widely.
Occurrence. It arises either on reheating hardened (e.g. martensitic steel) to
slightly below 400 deg., or on cooling through the transformation range at an inter-
mediate rate, e.g. in small pieces of steel when quenched in oil, or quenched in water
from the middle of the transformation range, or in the middle of larger pieces quenched
in water from above the transformation range. With slightly farther reheating it
changes into sorbite; with higher heating into sorbitic pearlite, then slowly into granular
pearlite, and probably indirectly into lamellar pearlite. It occurs in irregular, fine-
granular or almost amorphous areas, colored darker by the common etching reagents
than the martensite or sorbite accompanying it. A further common means of dis-
tinguishing it from sorbite is that it is habitually associated with martensite, whereas
sorbite is habitually associated with pearlite.
Areas near the boundary between troostite and sorbite are sometimes called
Properties. Hardness, intermediate between that of the martensitic and the
pearlitic state corresponding to the carbon content of the specimen. In general the
hardness increases, the elastic limit rises, and the ductility decreases, as the carbon
content increases. Its ductility is increased rapidly and its hardness and elastic limit
lowered rapidly by further tempering, which affects it much more markedly than
Sorbite (Fr. Sorbite, Ger. Sorbit). Aggregate. (Arnold, sorbitic pearlite.)
Definition. In the transformation of austenite, the stage following troostite
and osmondite if the stage is recognized, and preceding pearlite.
Constitution and Composition. Most writers believe that it is essentially an un-
coagulated conglomerate of irresoluble pearlite with ferrite in hypo- and cementite
in hyper-eutectoid steels respectively, but that it often contains some incompletely
transformed matter.
Occurrence. The transformation can be brought to the sorbitic stage (1) by re-
heating hardened steel to a little above 400 deg., but not to 700 deg. at which tem-
perature it coagulates into granular pearlite; (2) by quenching small pieces of steel
in oil or molten lead or even by air cooling them; (3) by quenching in water from just
above the bottom of the transformation range, Ari. Sorbite is ill-defined, almost amor-
phous, and is colored lighter than troostite but darker than pearlite by the usual
etching reagents. It differs further from troostite in being softer for given carbon
content, and usually in being associated with pearlite instead of martensite, and
from pearlite in being irresoluble into separate particles of ferrite and cementite.
As sorbite is essentially a mode of aggregation it cannot properly be represented
on the equilibrium diagram. Its components at all times tend to coagulate into
pearlite, yet it remains in its uncoagulated state at all temperatures below 400 dog.
Properties. Though slightly less ductile than pearlitic steel for given carbon
content, its tenacity and elastic limit are so high that a higher combination of these
three properties can be had in sorbitic than in pearlitic steels by selecting a carbon
content slightly lower than would be used for a pearlitic steel. Hence the use of
sorbitic steels, e.g. first hardened and then annealed cautiously, for structural pur-
poses needing the best quality.
Manganese Sulphide (Fr. Sulphur de Manganese, Ger. Schwefelmangan), MnS
(Arnold and Waterhouse). Metaral.
Occurrence, etc. Sulphur combines with the manganese present in preference to
the iron, forming pale dove or slate gray masses, rounded in castings, elongated in
Ferrous Sulphide (Fr. Sulphure de Fer, Ger. Schwefeleisen), FeS. Metaral.
Occurrence. The sulphur not taken up by the manganese forms ferrous sulphide,
FeS, which, probably associated in part with iron as an Fe-FeS eutectic, forms by
preference more or less continuous membranes surrounding the grains of pearlite.
Color, yellow or pale brown.
Sulphur Prints. When silk impregnated with mercuric chloride and hydrochloric
acid (Heyn's and Bauer's method) or bromide paper moistened with sulphuric acid
(Baumann's method) is pressed on polished steel, the position of the sulphur-bearing
areas, whether of FeS or MnS, records itself by the local blackening which the evolved
H 2 S causes. Phosphorus bearing areas also blacken Baumann's bromide paper.
Eutectoid, Saturated, etc. The iron-carbon eutectoid is pearlite. Steel with more
carbon than pearlite is called hyper-eutectoid, that with less is called hypo-eutectoid.
Arnold's names "saturated," "unsaturated," and "supersaturated," for eutectoid,
hypo-eutectoid, and hyper-eutectoid steel respectively, have considerable industrial
use in English-speaking countries, but are avoided by most scientific writers on the
ground that they are misleading, because, e.g. there is only one specific temperature,
AI, at which eutectoid steel is actually saturated, and, if any other temperature is in
mind, that steel is not saturated. Above AI it is clearly undersaturated.
The objection to the names sorbite, troostite, martensite, and austenite, that
each of them covers steel of a wide range of carbon content, is to be dismissed because
a like objection applies with equal force to every generic name in existence.
The theoretical matter in this report is given solely for exposition and the com-
mittee disclaims the intent to impose any theory. This report is offered for adop-
tion subject to this disclaimer on the ground that the adoption of theories is beyond
the powers of a Congress.
The Roman numerals refer to the numbers of the lessons, the letter A to the chapter
on " Apparatus for the Metallographic Laboratory."
A, AT, Ac, Ar 3 , Ac 3 , Ar 3 . 2 , Ac 3 . 2 , Ar 3 . 2 .i, Ac 3 . 2 .i, Ar cm , Ac cm . See critical
points, notation
Allotrimorphic crystals, definition of, I, 2
Allotropic theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 2
Allotropy, definition of, II, 4
of cementite, VIII, 9
iron, II, 4; VIII, 1, 14
sulphur, II, 6
Alloy steels. See special steels
Alloys, constitution of, XXII, 1 to 21
, fusibility curves of, XXII, 5 to 21
, microstructure of, XXII, 5 to 21
of iron and carbon, equilibrium diagram of, XXIII, 12 to 21
, fusibility curves of, XXIII, 1 to 21
, phase rule applied to, XXIV, 6 to 8
, structural composition immediately after soli-
dification of, XXIII, 3
, phase rule applied to, XXIV, 3 to 8
, solidification of, XXII, 3 to 21
, structural composition of, XXII, 15 to 20
whose component metals form solid solutions, solidification and
constitution of, XXII, 3 to 9
are insoluble in each other in the solid
state, solidification and constitution
of, XXII, 9 to 17
partially soluble in each other in
the solid state, solidification and
constitution of, XXII, 17 to 21
Alpha iron, VIII, 1, 14; IX, 8
, crystallization of, II, 7
, description of, II, 6
theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 4
Alumina powder for polishing, preparation of, Appendix I, 2
Ammonium oxalate etching, V, 7
Anhedrons. See allotrimorphic crystals
Annealing, air cooling in, XII, 4
, cooling in, XII, 2
, double treatment in, XII, 8
for malleablizing cast iron, XXI, 3 to 7
, furnace cooling in, XII, 4
, heating for, XII, 1
, influence of maximum temperature in, XII, 5
, influence of time at maximum temperature in, XII, 6
, nature of operation, XII, 1
Annealing of steel, XII, 1 to 30
, oil and water quenching in, XII, 6
, purpose of, XII, 1
, rate of cooling vs. carbon content in, XII, 3
size of objects in, XII, 3
steel castings, XII, 13
temperatures for steel, XII, 2
Arnold on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 4
Arnold's view of the nature of martensite, XIII, 10
troostite, XIII, 12
Austenite, crystallization of, X, 1 to 10
, definition, description, occurrence, and structure of, XIII, 3 to 9
, growth above the critical range of, XII, 20
, Osmond's test showing relative softness of, XIII, 7
, production by Maurer of, XIII, 5
Osmond of, XIII, 4
Robin of, XIII, 5
, relative softness of, XIII, 7
, saturated, XXIII, 2
Austenitic and pearlitic structures, relation between, XII, 21
special steels, XVII, 7
steel, tempering of, XIV, 3
Belaiew on the structure of steel and of meteorites, X, 6 to 10
Benedicks' equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 19
view of the nature of troostite, XIII, 12
Beta iron, VIII, 1, 11, 14; IX, 8
, crystallization of, II, 7
, description of, II, 6
theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 2
Binary alloys. See alloys.
Bivariant equilibrium, definition of, XXIV, 3
Black heart castings, XXI, 4
, annealing for, XXI, 5
Brass, twinnings in, II, 7
Brittleness, intercrystalline, XII, 27
, intergranular, XII, 27
of low carbon steel, XII, 26
Burnt steel, production and structure of, XII, 17 to 20
Cameras, A, 22 to 28
Carbide steel, XVII, 1
Carbon, condition of, in hardened and tempered steel, XIV, 8
, hardening and combined in steel, XIV, 8
in pearlite, V, 8
in steel, IV, 3
temper, XXI, 1
theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 4
Carpenter and Heeling's cooling curves of steels, VII, 17
determinations of the critical points, VII, 8, 9
equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 18, 19
Case hardened articles, heat treatment of, XVI, 6
steel, tempering of, XVI, 6
hardening, composition of iron or steel subjected to, XVI, 1
Case hardening, cooling after, XVI, 5
, distribution of carbon after, XVI, 2
, duration of, XVI, 2
, materials used for, XVI, 3
, mechansim of, XVI, 5
of steel, XVI, 1 to 6
, temperatures for, XVI, 1
Cast iron, calculation of structural composition of, XIX, 5, 10 to 13; XX, 7 to 9
, chilled castings of, XIX, 13
, constitution, properties, and structure of, XIX, 1 to 13; XX, 1 to 10
containing only combined carbon, XIX, 3
graphitic carbon, XIX, 1
, formation of combined and graphitic carbon in, XIX, 1
, impurities in, XX, 1 to 10
, influence and occurrence of manganese in, XX, 2
phosphorus in, XX, 2
silicon in, XX, 1
sulphur in, XX, 1
, malleable, XXI, 1 to 8
, structural composition vs. physical properties of, XIX, 11
steel, structure of, X, 1 to 10
Castings suitable for malleablizing, XXI, 2
Cement carbon, definition of, XIV, 8
Cementation. See case hardening
of iron and steel, XVI, 1 to 6
Cementite, allotropy of, VIII, 9
, definition and description of, IV, 5
, etching of, V, 7; XIX, 4
, formation of, X, 4
, free, definition of, V, 5
, graphitizing of, XII, 15; XXI, 1; XXIII, 7
in high carbon steel, V, 4
, primary. See cementite, pro-eutectic
, pro-eutectic, XXIII, 5
, spheroidizing of, XII, 14
Cementitic special steels, XVII, 1, 8
Charpy and Grenet on the equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 20
on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 5
Chilled castings, XIX, 13
Chrome-nickel steel, XVIII, 16
steel, XVIII, 13 to 1,5
, uses and properties of, XVIII, 14
-tungsten steel. See high-speed steel.
Chromium, influence on critical points of iron of, XVIII, 13
Cleavage, definition of, I, 1
brittlcness. See intercrystalline brittleness, XII, 27
Cold working, crystalline growth after, I, 8
, influence on structure and properties of steel of, XI, 8
Colloidal solution, XIII, 12
Combined carbon in cast iron, XIX, 1, 3
Components, Bancroft's definition of, XXIV, 3
, definition of, XXIV, 3
, Findlay's definition of, XXIV, 3
, Howe's definition of, XXIV, 3
, Mellor's definition of, XXIV, 3
Condensers, A, 21
Cooling and heating curves of iron and steel, VII, 10 to 19
curves of pure metals, XXII, 1
Copper, microstructure of, I, 1
Critical points and crystallization, IX, 2, 5
dilatation, IX, 1 to 3
electrical conductivity, IX, 1
magnetic properties, IX, 3
in high carbon (hypcr-cutcctoid) steel, VII, 7
iron, description of, II, 6
medium high carbon steel, VII, 6; VIII, 4
pure iron, VII, 5, 10; VIII, 1
very low carbon steel, VII, 6; VIII, 3
, Carpenter and Reeling's determination of, VII, 8
, causes of, VIII, 1 to 16
, definition of, VII, 1
, determination of, VII, 10
, graphical representation of the position and magnitude of, VII, 10
, heat absorbed or evolved at, VII, 8
, influence of chemical composition on position of, VII, 5
speed of heating and cooling on, VII, 4
, instruction for detection of, VII, 19
, merging of, VII, 6, 7, 8
, minor, VII, 8
, notation, VII, 2
, occurrence of, VII, 1 to 20
, relation between structure of steel and, VIII, 12
' , their effects, IX, 1 to 8
, use of neutral bodies in detecting, VII, 14
range. See critical points,
temperatures. See critical points.
Crystalline grains. See grains
growth in metals on annealing, I, 7
of strained ferrite, XII, 23 to 26
Crystallite of iron, II, 5
Crystallites, definition of, I, 2
Crystallization and critical points, IX, 2, 5
, cubic, of metals, I, 4
of austenite, X, 1 to 10
iron, II, 2
, process of, I, 1
Crystallography, systems of, I, 4
Crystals, allotrimorphic, definition of, I, 2
, cubic, of iron, II, 3, 4
, definition of, I, 1
, formation of, I, 1
, idiomorphic, definition of, I, 2
, mixed. See mixed crystals.
Cubic crystallization of iron, II, 2
metals, I, 4
Degrees of freedom, definition of, XXIV, 2
liberty. See degrees of freedom
Desch's types of cooling curves, VII, 18
Dilatation and critical points, IX, 1 to 3
Divariant equilibrium. See bivariant equilibrium
Double annealing treatment, XII, 8
Ductility of steel, structural composition vs., V, 17
Edwards on high speed steel, XVIII, 20
the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 2
Edwards' view as to the nature of martensite, XIII, 10
Electric arc lamps, A, 19 to 21
furnaces, A, 35
Electrical conductivity and critical points, IX, 1
Electrolytic iron, microstructure of, II, 1
Electromagnetic stages, A, 11
Equilibrium, bivariant, definition of, XXIV, 3
, definition of, XXIV, 1
diagram. See fusibility curves
of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 12 to 21
, Benedicks' diagram, XXIII, 20
, Carpenter and Keeling's diagram,
, Roberts-Austen's diagrams, XXIII, 17
, Roozeboom's diagram, XXIII, 17
, Rosenhain's diagram, XXIII, 20
, the author's early diagram, XXIII, 16
, metastable, definition of, XXIV, 2
, stable, definition of, XXIV, 2
, univariant, definition of, XXIV, 3
, unstable, definition of, XXIV, 2
, unvariant, definition of, XXIV, 3
Etching, III, 6; Appendix I, 10
figures. See etching pits
of cementite, V, 7; XIX, 4
pits, formation of, I, 4
in iron, II, 3
with ammonium oxalate, V, 7
nitric acid, III, 7
picric acid, III, 6
sodium picrate, V, 7
Eutectic alloys, I, 5, 6
, constitution and occurrence of, XXII, 12 to 21
, definition of, XXII, 12
, iron-carbon, XXIII, 2
Eutectoid, definition of, IV, 3
steel, definition and structure of, V, 4
Ewing and Rosenhain, straining of iron by, II, 11
Ewing and Rosenhain's theory of crystalline growth of metals on annealing, I, 7
Eye-pieces, A, 3
Ferrite, crystalline growth of, XII, 23 to 26
, definition of, II, 4
, free, IV, 4
in cast iron, XIX, 1 to 10
low carbon steel, IV, 2
wrought iron, III, 1
grains, II, 1
, orientation of, II, 2
Ferro-ferrite, II, 4
Fibers in wrought iron, III, 2
Finishing temperatures, influence on the structure and properties of steel of, XI, 3
Free cementite, definition of, V, 5
ferrite, IV, 4
Furnaces, A, 35
Fusibility curves of alloys, XXII, 5 to 21
iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 1 to 21
Gamma iron, VIII, 1, 14; IX, 8
, crystallization of, II, 7
, description of, II, 6
theory of the hardening of steel, X7, 2
, twinning in, II, 7
Ghost lines in steel, VI, 10
Gold, microstructure of, I, 1
Grading of steel vs. its carbon content, IV, 1
Grain refining treatment, XII, 8
Grains, crystalline orientation of, I, 3
, ferrite, II, 1
, orientation of, II, 2
, growth of, on annealing, I, 7
of metals, definition and formation of, I, 3
, heterogeneousness of, I, 3
Graphitic carbon, factors influencing formation of, XIX, 1
in cast iron, XIX, 1, 2, 3
Graphitizing of cementite, XII, 15; XXI, 1; XXIII, 7
in malleablizing cast iron, XXI, 1
Gray cast iron, XIX, 8
vs. malleable cast iron, XXI, 7
Grenet on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 5
Guillaume on nickel steel, XVIII, 5
Guillet on case hardening, XVI, 3, 4, 5
chrome steel, XVIII, 14
manganese steel, XVIII, 5
nickel steel, XVIII, 1
silicon steel, XVIII, 15
the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 4
tungsten steel, XVIII, 12
vanadium steel, XVIII, 15, 17
Guillet's theory of special steels, XVII, 1
Gutowsky on the equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 20
Hadfield steel, XVIII, 10
Hard castings, XXI, 2
Hardened and tempered steel, microstructure of, XIV, 7
Hardening and tempering in one operation, XIII, 20; XIV, 2
carbon, definition of, XIV, 8
theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 4
, cooling for, XIII, 1
, heating for, XIII, 1
of steel, XIII, 1 to 21
, theories of, XV, 1 to 7
, structural changes on, XIII, 2
theories of the hardening of steel, classification of, XV, 1
Hardenite, definition, occurrence, and properties of, XIII, 15
Heat tinting, Appendix I, 11
Heat treatment of case hardened articles, XVI, 6
iron, influence of, II, 10
metals, influence of, I, 7
Heating and cooling curves of iron and steel, VII, 10 to 19
Heraeus electric furnace, A, 35
Heyn on decrease of hardness in tempering, XIV, 9
heat liberated on tempering steel, XIV, 9
osinondite, XIV, 6
the condition of carbon in hardened and tempered steel, XIV, 8
equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 20
structure of hardened and tempered steel, XIV, 7
High-speed steel, XVIII, 17 to 20
, composition of, XVIII, 18
, discovery by Taylor and White of, XVIII, 18
, microstructure of, XVIII, 18
, properties of, XVIII, 17
, theory of, XVIII, 18
, treatment of, XVIII, 17, 18
Hot working, influence on structure and properties of steel of, XI, 1 to 7
Howe on tempering colors, XIV, 1
the burning of steel, XII, 17
hardening of steel, XV, 1
Humfrey and llosenhain. See Rosenhain and Humfrey
Hypcr-eutectoid steel, definition and structure of, V, 4
Hypo-eutectoid steel, definition and structure of, V, 4
Idiomorphic crystals, definition of, I, 2
Illuminating objectives, A, 17
Illumination for microscopical work, A, 14 to 22
, oblique, A, 14 to 16
, vertical, A, 14 to 18
Illuminators, vertical, A, 14, 16 to 18
Impurities in cast iron, XX, 1 to 10
, influence on iron of, II, 10
in metals, influence of, I, 5
steel, VI, 1 to 12
, segregation of, VI, 10
Ingot iron, II, 1
Ingotism, X, n
Intcrcrystalline brittleness, XII, 27
Intergranular brittleness, XII, 27
Invar (nickel steel), XVIII, 5
Inverted microscope, A, 28
Iris diaphragms, A, 7
Iron, affinity for carbon of, XVI, 1
, allotropy of, II, 4; VIII, 1, 14-
, alpha, VIII, 1, 14; IX, 8
, description of, II, 6
, beta, VIII, 1, 11, 14; IX, 8
, description of, II, 6
-carbon alloys, equilibrium diagram of, XXIII, 12 to 21
, fusibility curves of, XXIII, 1 to 21
, phase rule applied to, XXIV, 6 to 8
, structural composition immediately after solidificat ion
of, XXIII, 3
eutectic, XXIII, 2
Iron, cementation of, XVI, 1 to 6
-cementite fusibility curve, XXIII, 1
, cooling and heating curves of, VII, 10 to 14
, critical points of, VII, 5, 10; VIII, 1
crystallite, II, 5
, crystallization of, II, 2
, cubic crystals of, II, 3, 4
, electrolytic, microstructure of, II, 1
, etching in hydrogen, II, 10
pits in, II, 3, 4
, gamma, VIII, 1, 14; IX, 8
, description of, II, 6
-graphite fusibility curve, XXIII, 7
, influence of chromium on critical points of, XVIII, 13
heat treatment of, II, 10
impurities on, II, 10
mechanical treatment of, II, 11
nickel on dilatation of, XVIII, 5
tungsten on critical points of, XVIII, 12
, microstructure of, II, 1
oxide in steel, VI, 8
, slip bands in, II, 11
, straining of, II, 10, 11
sulphide in steel, VI, 3
Irreversible steels, XVIII, 2
Isomorphous mixtures, definition of, I, 5
Kourbatoff's etching to color cementite, V, 7
Kroll, etching of pure iron in hydrogen by, II, 9
Le Chatelier, Andre, on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 5
Le Chatelier on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 4
thermo-electric pyrometer for the determination of critical
points, VII, 10; A, 30
Le Chatelier's view of the nature of martensite, XIII, 10
Ledebur's temper carbon, XXI, 1
Lieberkiihn, A, 14
Lights for microscopical work, A, 14 to 22
Liquidus, definition of, XXII, 4
Magnetic properties and critical points, IX, 3
specimen holders, A, 9, 11
Malleable cast iron, XXI, 1 to 8
, annealing for the manufacture of, XXI, 3
, packing materials for the manufacture of, XXI, 3
vs. gray cast iron, XXI, 7
castings. See malleable cast iron
Manganese in cast iron, influence and occurrence of, XX, 2
steel, VI, 5
oxide in steel, VI, 8
steel, XVIII, 5 to 12
, austenitic, XVIII, 10
, martensitic, XVIII, 10
Manganese steel, pearlitic, XVIII, 8
, properties of austenitic, XVIII, 11
, treatment of austenitic, XVIII, 11
, water-toughening of, XVIII, 1 1
sulphide in steel, VI, 3
Marble, twinnings in, II, 7
Martensite, Arnold's view as to the nature of, XIII, 10
, definition, description, occurrence, properties, etching, and
structure of, XIII, 10
, Edwards' view as to the nature of, XIII, 10
, Le Chateh'er's view as to the nature of, XIII, 10
, Osmond's view as to the nature of, XIII, 10
Martrnsitic special steels, XVII, 7, 9
steel, tempering of, XIV, 5
Matweieff's etching to color cementite, V, 7
method of etching slag in wrought iron, III, 3
Maurer, production of austentite by, XIII, 5
Mechanical refining, XI, 9
stages, A, 3, 12
treatment of iron, influence of, II, 11
steel, XI, 1 to 10
Metalloscope, universal, A, 10 to 13, 28
Metals, cooling curves of, XXII, 1
, crystalline growth on annealing, I, 7
, crystallization of, I, 1
, cubic crystallization of, I, 4
, definition and formation of grains of, I, 3
, influence of heat treatment, I, 7
mechanical treatment of, I, 8
, latent heat of solidification of, XXII, 2
, phase rule applied to, XXIV, 4
, solidification of, XXII, 1
Metallic alloys. See alloys
, constitution of, XXII, 1 to 21
Metarals, definition of, XIII, 18
Metastable equilibrium, definition of, XXIV, 2
Meteorites, microstructure of, X, 6 to 10
Microscopes and accessories, A, 1 to 30; Appendix I, 16 to 30
, inverted, A, 28
Microstructure of cast steel, X, 1 to 10
electrolytic iron, II, 1
hardened and tempered steel, XIV, 7
high carbon steel, V, 4,
sulphur steel, VI, 12
vs. low phosphorus steel, VI, 11
impure gold, I, 6
low carbon steel, IV, 2
medium high carbon steel, V, 1
meteorites, X, 6 to 10
oxidized Bessemer metal, VI, 12
pure copper, I, 1
gold, I, 1
iron, II, 1
metals, I, 1
platinum, I, 3
worked steel, XI, 1 to 10
wrought iron, III, 1, 2
Mixed crystals, definition of, I, 6
Monovariant equilibrium. See univariant equilibrium
Mottled cast iron, XIX, 10
Mounting samples, Appendix I, 12 to 15
Nachet illuminating objectives, A, 17
prism vertical illuminator, A, 17
Nernst lamp, A, 20
Neutral bodies for the detection of critical points, VII, 14
Nickel, influence of, on critical points of iron, XVIII, 2
dilatation of iron, XVIII, 5
steel, XVIII, 1 to 5
, austenitic, XVIII, 5
, case hardening of, XVIII, 4
, critical points of commercial, pearlitic, XVIII, 2
, hardening and annealing of, XVIII, 4
, martensitic, XVIII, 5
, pearlitic, XVIII, 2
, properties of pearlitic, XVIII, 3
Nitric :icid etching, III, 7
Non-variant equilibrium. See unvariant equilibrium
Objectives, A, 3
Oblique illumination, A, 14 to 16
Orientation of crystalline grains, definition of, I, 3
ferrite grains, II, 2
Osmond on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 2
, production of austenite by, XIII, 4
Osmond's view of the nature of martensite, XIII, 10
Osmondite, definition, description, and occurrence of, XIV, 5
Oxalate of ammonium etching, V, 7
Parabolic reflector, A, 14
Pearlite, carbon content of, V, 8
, definition and description of, IV, 3; VIII, 7
, formation of, X, 1 to 10
in high carbon steel, V, 4
low carbon steel, IV, 3
, varieties of, XII, 15
Pearlitic special steels, XVII, 6, 8
Phase rule applied to alloys, XXIV, 3 to 8
iron-carbon alloys, XXIV. 6 to 8
metals, XXIV, 4
, definition of,' XXIV, 3
, enunciation and explanation of, XXIV, 1 to 4
Phosphorus in cast iron, influence and occurrence of, XX, 2
steel, VI, 2
Photomicrographic cameras, A, 22 to 28
Photography. See photomicrography
Photomicrography, IV, 6
Picrate of sodium etching, V, 7
Picric acid etching, III, 6
Pits. See etching pits
Planes of cleavage. See cleavage
Platinite (nickel steel), XVIII, 5
Platinum, microstructure of, I, 3
Point of rccalescence. See recalescence point.
Polishing, III, 4; Appendix I, 1 to 9
machines, A, 28; Appendix I, 4 to 9
Polyhedric special steels, XVII, 1, 7
Polymorphism. See allotropy
Preserving samples, Appendix I, 12
Prism vertical illuminator, A, 16, 17
Pseudomorphism, definition of, XIV, 7
Pure metals, microstructure of, I, 1
, crystallization of, I, 1
Pyrometer, Le Chatelier thermo-electric, for the determination of the
critical points, VII, 10; A, 30
Pyrometers, A, 30
, self-recording, VII, 18; A, 33, 34
Quenching in annealing, XII, 6
Quaternary steels, XVII, 10. See also special steels
vanadium steels, XVIII, 17
Recalescence point, description and occurrence of, VII, 1
Refining, mechanical, XI, 9
Retardations. See critical points
Reversible steels, XVIII, 3
Retention theories of the hardening of steel, XV, 1
Roberts-Austen on the hardening of steel, XV, 1, 2
Roberts-Austen's equilibrium diagrams of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 17
use of neutral bodies for detecting critical points, VII, 14; A, 35
Robin, production of austenite by, XIII, 5
Roozeboom's equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 17
Rosenhain and Ewing. See Ewing and Rosenhain
Humfrey, straining of iron by, II, 10
Rosenhain's equilibrium diagram of iron-carbon alloys, XXIII, 20
Saladin self-recording pyrometer, A, 33
Saladin's cooling and heating curves of steels, VII, 15, 16
Segregation of impurities in steel, VI, 10
Self-hardening steel, XVIII, 13
-recording pyrometers, VII, 18; A, 33, 34
Silicates in steel, VI, 8
Silicon in cast iron, influence and occurrence of, XX, 1
steel, VI, 1
steel, XVIII, 15
Slag in wrought iron, III, 2
, composition of, III, 3
Matweieff' s method of etching, III, 3
, microstructure of, III, 3
Slip bands, description and production of, II, 10
in iron, II, 11
Sodium picrate etching, V, 7
Solid solutions, XXII, 4 to 9
, definition of, I, 5
Solidus, definition of, XXII, 4
Solution theories of the hardening of steel, XV, 2
Sorbite, definition, description, and formation of, XI, 6; XII, 5; XIII, 13
Sorby-Beck parabolic reflector, A, 10
Special steels, XVII, 1 to 10; XVIII, 1 to 20
, austenitic, XVII, 7, 9
, cementitic, XVII, 1, 8, 9
constitution, properties, treatment, and uses of most important types
XVIII, 1 to 20
, definition and general character of, XVII, 1 to 10
, influence of special elements on position of critical range in, XVII, 3
, martensitic, XVII, 7, 9
, pearlitic, XVII, 6,. 8
, polyhedric, XVII, 1, 7, 9
, treatment of, XVII, 8
Specimen holders, A, 7 to 9
Spheroidizing of cementite, XII, 14
Stable equilibrium, definition of, XXIV, 2
Stages, electromagnetic, A, 11
, mechanical, A, 3, 12
Stead on phosphorus in cast iron, XX, 3 to 7
the brittleness of low carbon steel, XII, 26
crystalline growth of very low carbon steel, XII, 23
Steadite, definition and description of, XX, 3
Stead's brittleness, XII, 28
Steel, annealing of, XII, 1 to 30
, temperatures of, XII, 2
, brittleness of low carbon, XII, 26
, calculation of structural composition of, V, 8 to 12; VI, 6, 7
, carbon in, IV, 3
, case hardening of, XVI, 1 to 6
castings, annealing of, XII, 13
, causes of critical points in, VIII, 1 to 16
, cementation of, XVI, 1 to 6
, chemical tests for the detection of sulphur in, VI, 4, 5
vs. structural composition of, VI, 6
, chrome, XVIII, 13 to 15
-nickel, XVIII, 16
, constitution, properties, treatment, and uses of most important
types of special, XVIII, 1 to 20
, cooling and heating curves of, VII, 10 to 19
, ductility vs. structural composition of, V, 17
, eutectoid, definition and structure of, V, 4
, effects of critical points in, IX, 1 to 8
, formation of graphite in high carbon, XII, 15
, ghost lines in, VI, 10
, hardening of, XIII, 1 to 21
, high carbon, cementite in, V, 4
, microstructure of, V, 4
, pearlite in, V, 4
-speed, XVIII, 17 to 20
, hyper-eutectoid, definition and structure of, V, 4
, hypo-eutectoid, definition and structure of, V, 4
, impurities in, VI, 1 to 12
, influence of cold working on the structure and properties of, XI, 8
finishing temperatures on the structure and properties of, XI, 3
hot working on the structure and properties of, XI, 1 to 7
, iron oxide in, VI, 8
sulphide in, VI, 3
, irreversible, XVIII, 2
Steel, low carbon, etching of, IV, 6
, ferrite in, IV, 2
, microscopical examination of, IV, 6
, microstructure of, IV, 2
, pearlite in, IV, 3
, vs. wrought iron, IV, 1
, manganese, XVIII, 5 to 12
in, VI, 5
oxide in, VI, 8
sulphide in, VI, 3
, maximum strength of, V, 17
, mechanical treatment of, XI, 1 to 10
, medium high carbon, pearlite in, V, 1
, microstructure of, V, 1
, microstructure of high vs. low phosphorus, VI, 11
sulphur, VI, 12
, nickel, XVIII, 1 to 5
, normal structure of, IV, 1
, occurrence of critical points in, VII, 1 to 20
of maximum hardening power, XIII, 20
, phosphorus in, VI, 2
, physical properties of constituents of, V, 14
, production and structure of burnt, XII, 17 to 20
, relation between structure and critical points of, VIII, 12
above and below the critical range of,
XII, 20
, reversible, XVIII, 3
, segregation of impurities in, VI, 10
, self-hardening, XVIII, 13
, silicates in, VI, 8
, silicon, XVIII, 15
in, VI, 1
, special, XVII, 1 to 10; XVIII, 1 to 20
, structural changes on cooling in, VIII, 5 to 16
, structure of cast, X, 1 to 10
worked, XI, 1 to 10
, sulphur in, VI, 2
, tenacity vs. structural composition of, V, 15
, tempering of hardened, XIV, 1 to 10
, theories of hardening of, XV, 1 to 7
, tungsten, XVIII, 12, 13, 17
, vanadium, XVIII, 15, 17
vs. carbon content, grading of, IV, 1
Straining, crystalline growth after, I, 7, 8
of iron, II, 11
Stress theories of the hardening of steel, XV, 5
Structural composition of alloys, XXII, 15 to 20
cast iron, calculation of, XIX, 5, 10 to 13;
XX, 7 to 9
iron-carbon alloys immediately after solidifica-
tion, XXIII, 3
steel, calculation of, V, 8 to 12; VI, 6, 7
Subcarbide theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 4
Sulphur, allotropy of, II, (i
in cast iron, influence and occurrence of, XX, 1
steel, VI, 2
, chemical tests for the detection of, VI, 4, 5
Taylor and White's discovery of high-speed steel, XVIII, 18
Temper carbon, XXI, 1
Temperatures for annealing steel, XII, 2
Tempering and the retention theories of the hardening of steel, XV, 6
stress theory of the hardening of steel, XV, 6
colors, XIV, 1
, decrease of hardness on, XIV, 9
, explanation of, XIV, 2
, heat liberated on, XIV, 9
, influence of rate of cooling in, XIV, 2
time in, XIV, 1
of austenitic steel, XIV, 3
case hardened steel, XVI, 6
hardened steel, XIV, 1 to 10
martensitic steel, XIV, 5
troostitic steel, XIV, 5
temperatures, XIV, 1
Tenacity of steel, structural composition vs., V, 15
Ternary steels, XVII, 1. See also special steels
Thermal critical points. See critical points
treatment. See heat treatment
Toughening treatment, XII, 8
Transformation points. See critical points
range. See critical points
Transition constituents. See also martensite, troostite, and sorbite
, definition and formation of, XIII, 15, 17
Troostite, Arnold's view as to the nature of, XIII, 12
, Benedicks' view as to the nature of, XIII, 12
, definition, description, occurrence, properties, etching, and
structure of, XIII, 11
Troostitic steel, tempering of, XIV, 5
Troosto-sorbite, XIII, 15
Tschernoff iron crystallite, II, 5
Tungsten, influence on the critical points of iron of, XVIII, 12
steel, XVIII, 12, 13
Twinnings, definition of, II, 7
in brass, II, 7
gamma iron, II, 7
marble, II, 7
produced by pressure, II, 7
Univariant equilibrium, definition of, XXIV, 3
Universal metalloscope, A, 10 to 13, 28
Unstable equilibrium, definition of, XXIV, 2
Unvariant equilibrium, definition of, XXIV, 3
Vanadium steel, XVIII, 15, 17
Vertical illumination, A, 14 to 16
illuminators, A, 14, 16 to 18
Water-toughening of manganese steel, XVIII, 11
Welsbach lamp, A, 19
Widmaustatten structure, X, 6
White, AJaunsel. See Taylor and White
White cast iron, XIX, 3
heart castings, XXI, 4
, annealing for, XXI, 4
Wrought iron, composition of, III, 1
, definition of, III, 1
, fibers in, III, 2
, microscopical examination of structure of, III, 7
, microstructure of, III, 1, 2
, slag in, III, 2
vs. low carbon steel, IV, 1
Zeiss prism illuminator, A, 17
UJN tB 1944
JUN 16 1944
t fEB 2 1 946"
APR 23
LD 21-10m-5,'43 (6061s)