STATE UNIVERSITY r ^RNf/ Rl THE LIBRARY OF USEFUL STORIES VARIOUS KINDS OF BACTERIA. A. To the left the common hay bacillus (B lum. B. A Coccus f illus subtilis) \ to the ri . Species of . . ccus form (Planococcus). C, />, A. S F, G. Species of Bacillus, F being that of typhoid . J, K, L, M. Species of Spirillum. (After Engler and Prantl.) ht a Spit seudomon Microspi- THE STORY OF GERM LIFE BY H. W. CONN PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY AT WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, AUTHOR OF EVOLUTION OF TO-DAY, THE LIVING WORLD, ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1903 COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY D. APPLETON AlsD COMPANY. 1811 PREFACE. THE rapid progress of discovery in the last few years has created a very general interest in bacteria. Few people who read could be found to-day who have not some little idea of these organisms and their relation to disease. It is, however, unfortunately a fact that it is only their relation to disease which has been impressed upon the public. The very word bacteria, or microbe, conveys to most people an idea of evil. The last few years have above all things emphasized the importance of these organisms in many relations entirely independent of disease, but this side of the subject has not yet attracted very general attention, nor does it yet appeal to the reader with any special force. It is the purpose of the following pages to give a brief outline of our knowledge of bacteria and their importance in the world, including not only their well-known agency in causing disease, but their even greater importance as agents in other natural phenomena. It is hoped that the result may be to show that these organisms are to be regarded not primarily in the light of enemies, but as friends, and thus to correct some of the very general but erroneous ideas concerning their relation to our life. MIDDLETOWN, April i, 1897. 3 CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. BACTERIA AS PLANTS 9 Historical. Form of bacteria. Multiplication of bac- teria. Spore formation. Motion. Internal structure. Animals or plants ? Classification. Variation. Where bacteria are found. II. MISCELLANEOUS USES OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 41 Maceration industries. Linen. Jute. Hemp. Sponges. Leather. Fermentative industries. Vine- gar. Lactic acid. Butyric acid. Bacteria in tobacco curing. Troublesome fermentations. III. BACTERIA IN THE DAIRY 66 Sources of bacteria in milk. Effect of bacteria on milk. Bacteria used in butter making. Bacteria in cheese making. IV. BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES . . .94 Bacteria as scavengers. Bacteria as agents in Nature's food cycle. Relation of bacteria to agriculture. Sprout- ing of seeds. The silo. The fertility of the soil. Bac- teria as sources of trouble to the farmer. Coal forma- tion. V. PARASITIC BACTERIA AND THEIR RELATION TO DISEASE 128 Method of producing disease. Pathogenic germs not strictly parasitic. Pathogenic germs that are true para- sites. What diseases are due to bacteria. Variability THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. of pathogenic powers. Susceptibility of the individual. Recovery from bacteriological diseases. Diseases caused by organisms other than bacteria. VI. METHODS OF COMBATING PARASITIC BACTERIA . 165 Preventive medicine. Bacteria in surgery. Preven- tion by inoculation. Limits of preventive medicine. Curative medicine. Drugs. Vis medicatrix naturae. Antitoxines and their use. Conclusion. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE Various kinds of bacteria . . . Frontispiece 1. General shapes of bacteria 18 2. Method of multiplication of bacteria .... 19 3. Micrococci 19 4. Streptococci 19 5. Sarcina 20 6. Separate rods showing variations in size ... 20 7. Rod-forms united to form chains .... 20 8. Various types of spiral bacteria 21 9. Various shaped rods 23 10. Bacteria surrounded by capsules .... 23 IT. Various types of bacteria " colonies " ... 24 12. Endogenous spores 26 13. So-called arthrogenous spores 27 14. Formation of spores in unusual forms (Crenothrix) . 28 15. Bacteria provided with flagella 29 16. Internal structure of bacteria 30 17. Threads of Oscillaria 32 1 8. Bacillus aceticum, of vinegar 53 19. Bacillus acidi lactici, of sour milk . . . 71 20. Dairy bacterium producing red milk .... 73 21. Dairy bacterium producing pleasant flavours in butter 80 22. Dairy bacterium producing pleasant aroma in butter 81 23. Dairy bacterium producing pleasant flavour in butter 83 24. Dairy bacterium producing " swelled " cheese . . 92 25. Diagram illustrating Nature's food cycle ... 99 7 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 26. Soil bacteria which produce nitrification . . . 103 27. Soil bacteria which produce tubercles on the roots of legumes 108 28. Diphtheria bacillus 134 29. Tetanus bacillus 135 30. Typhoid bacillus 136 31. Tuberculosis bacillus , 137 32. Anthrax bacillus 138 33. White blood corpuscles and other phagocytes . .152 34. Malarial organism 161 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. CHAPTER 1. BACTERIA AS PLANTS. DURING the last fifteen years the subject of bacteriology* has developed with a marvellous rapidity. At the beginning of the ninth decade of the century bacteria were scarcely heard of outside of scientific circles, and very little was known about them even among scientists. To- day they are almost household words, and every- one who reads is beginning to recognise that they have important relations to his everyday life. The organisms called bacteria comprise simply a small class of low plants, but this small group has proved to be of such vast importance in its relation to the world in general that its study has little by little crystallized into a science | by itself. It is a somewhat anomalous fact that a special branch of science, interesting such a large number of people, should be developed around a small group of low plants. The impor- tance of bacteriology is not due to any importance bacteria have as plants or as members of the vegetable kingdom, but solely to their powers of * The term microbe is simply a word which has been coined to include all of the microscopic plants commonly in- cluded under the terms bacteria and yeasts. 9 10 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. producing profound changes in Nature. There is no one family of plants that begins to compare with them in importance. It is the object of this work to point out briefly how much both of good and ill we owe to the life and growth of these microscopic organisms. As we have learned more and more of them during the last fifty years, it has become more and more evident that this one little class of microscopic plants fills a place in Nature's processes which in some respects bal- ances that filled by the whole of the green plants. Minute as they are, their importance can hardly be overrated, for upon their activities is founded the continued life of the animal and vegetable kingdom. For good and for ill they are agents of neverceasing and almost unlimited powers. HISTORICAL. The study of bacteria practically began with the use of the microscope. It was toward the close of the seventeenth century that the Dutch microscopist, Leeuwenhoek, working with his sim- ple lenses, first saw the organisms which we now know under this name, w T ith sufficient clearness to describe them. Beyond mentioning their ex- istence, however, his observations told little or nothing. Nor can much more be said of the stud- ies which followed during the next one hundred and fifty years. During this long period many a microscope was turned to the observation of these minute organisms, but the majority of observers were contented with simply seeing them, marvel- ling at their minuteness, and uttering many excla- mations of astonishment at f he wonders of Nature. A few men of more strictly scientific natures paid BACTERIA AS PLANTS. II some attention to these little organisms. Among them we should perhaps mention Von Gleichen, Miiller, Spallanzani, and Needham. Each of these, as well as others, made some contributions to our knowledge of microscopical life, and among other organisms studied those which we now call bacteria. Speculations were even made at these early dates of the possible causal connection of these organisms with diseases, and for a little the medical profession was interested in the sugges- tion. It was impossible then, however, to obtain any evidence for the truth of this speculation, and it was abandoned as unfounded, and even forgot- ten completely, until revived again about the mid- j die of the igth century. During this century ' of wonder a sufficiency of exactness was, how- ever, introduced into the study of microscopic or- ganisms to call for the use of names, and we find Mtiller using the names of Monas, Proteus, Vibrio, Bacillus, and Spirillum, names which still continue in use, although commonly with a different signifi- cance from that given them by Miiller. Miiller did indeed make a study sufficient to recognise the several distinct types, and attempted to clas- sify these bodies. They were not regarded as of much importance, but simply as the most minute organisms known. Nothing of importance came from this work, however, partly because of the inadequacy of the microscopes of the day, and partly because of a failure to understand the real problems at issue. When we remember the minuteness of the bacteria, the impossibility of studying any one of them for more than a few moments at a time only so long, in fact, as it can be followed under a microscope; when we remember, too, the imperfection of the 12 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. compound microscopes which made high powers practical impossibilities ; and, above all, when we appreciate the looseness of the ideas which per- vaded all scientists as to the necessity of accurate observation in distinction from inference, it is not strange that the last century gave us no knowl- edge of bacteria beyond the mere fact of the ex- istence of some extremely minute organisms in different decaying materials. Nor did the i9th century add much to this until toward its middle. It is true that the microscope was vastly improved early in the century, and since this improvement served as a decided stimulus to the study of mi- croscopic life, among other organisms studied, bacteria received some attention. Ehrenberg, Dujardin, Fuchs, Perty, and others left the im- press of their work upon bacteriology even before the middle of the century. It is true that Schwann shrewdly drew conclusions as to the relation of microscopic organisms to various processes of fermentation and decay conclusions which, al- though not accepted at the time, have subse- quently proved to be correct. It is true that Fuchs made a careful study of the infection of " blue milk," reaching the correct conclusion that the infection was caused by a microscopic organ- ism which he discovered and carefully studied. It is true that Henle made a general theory as to the relation of such organisms to diseases, and pointed out the logically necessary steps in a dem- onstration of the causal connection between any organism and a disease. It is true also that a general theory of the production of all kinds of fermentation by living organisms had been ad- vanced. But all these suggestions made little impression. On the one hand, bacteria were not BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 13 recognised as a class of organisms by themselves were not, indeed, distinguished from yeasts or other minute animalculae. Their variety was not mistrusted and their significance not conceived. As microscopic organisms, there were no reasons for considering them of any more importance than any other small animals or plants, and their extreme minuteness and simplicity made them of little interest to the microscopist. On the other hand, their causal connection with fermentative and putrefactive processes was entirely obscured by the overshadowing weight of the chemist Lie- big, who believed that fermentations and putre- factions were simply chemical processes. Liebig insisted that all albuminoid bodies were in a state of chemically unstable equilibrium, and if left to themselves would fall to pieces without any need of the action of microscopic organisms. The force of Liebig's authority and the brilliancy of his expositions led to the wide acceptance of his views and the temporary obscurity of the re- lation of microscopic organisms to fermentative and putrefactive processes. The objections to Liebig's views were hardly noticed, and the force of the experiments of Schwann was silently ig- nored. Until the sixth decade of the century, therefore, these organisms, which have since be- come the basis of a new branch of science, had hardly emerged from obscurity. A few micros- copists recognised their existence, just as they did any other group of small animals or plants, but even yet they failed to look upon them as forming a distinct group. A growing number of observations was accumulating, pointing toward a probable causal connection between fermenta- tive and putrefactive processes and the growth of 14 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. microscopic organisms; but these observations were known only to a few, and were ignored by the majority of scientists. It was Louis Pasteur who brought bacteria to the front, and it was by his labours that these or- ganisms were rescued from the obscurity of scien- tific publications and made objects of general and crowning interest. It \vas Pasteur who first suc- cessfully combated the chemical theory of fer- mentation by showing that albuminous matter had no inherent tendency to decomposition. It was Pasteur who first clearly demonstrated that these little bodies, like all larger animals and plants, come into existence only by ordinary methods of reproduction, and not by any sponta- neous generation, as had been earlier claimed. It was Pasteur who first proved that such a com- mon phenomenon as the souring of milk was pro- duced by microscopic organisms growing in the milk. It was Pasteur who first succeeded in dem- onstrating that certain species of microscopic or- ganisms are the cause of certain diseases, and in suggesting successful methods of avoiding them. All these discoveries were made in rapid succes- sion. Within ten years of the time that his name began to be heard in this connection by scien- tists, the subject had advanced so rapidly that it had become evident that here was a new subject of importance to the scientific world, if not to the public at large. The other important discoveries which Pasteur made it is not our pur- pose to mention here. His claim to be consid- ered the founder of bacteriology w r ill be recog- nised from what has already been mentioned. It was not that he first discovered the organisms, or first studied them; it was not that he first sug- BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 15 gested their causal connection with fermentation and disease, but it was because he for the first time placed the subject upon a firm foundation by prov- ing with rigid experiment some of the suggestions made by others, and in this way turned the atten- tion of science to the study of micro-organisms. After the importance of the subject had been demonstrated by Pasteur, others turned their at- tention in the same direction, either for the pur- pose of verification or refutation of Pasteur's views. The advance was not very rapid, however, since bacteriological experimentation proved to be a subject of extraordinary difficulty. Bacteria were not even yet recognised as a group of organ- isms distinct enough to be grouped by themselves, but were even by Pasteur at first confounded with yeasts. As a distinct group of organisms they were first distinguished by Hoffman in 1869, since ! which date the term bacteria, as applying to this special group of organisms, has been coming more and more into use. So difficult were the investigations, that for years there were hardly any investigators besides Pasteur who could suc- cessfully handle the subject and reach conclu- sions which could stand the test of time. For the next thirty years, although investigators and in- vestigations continued to increase, we can find little besides dispute and confusion along this line. The difficulty of obtaining for experiment any one kind of bacteria by itself, unmixed with others (pure cultures), rendered advance almost impossible. So conflicting were the results that the whole subject soon came into almost hopeless confusion, and very few steps were taken upon any sure basis. So difficult were the methods, so contradictory and confusing the results, because 1 6 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. of impure cultures, that a student of to-day who wishes to look up the previous discoveries in almost any line of bacteriology need hardly go back of 1880, since he can almost rest assured that anything done earlier than that was more likely to be erroneous than correct. The last fifteen years have, however, seen a wonderful change. The difficulties had been mostly those of methods of work, and with the ninth decade of the century these methods were simplified by Robert Koch. This simplification of method for the first time placed this line of investigation within the reach of scientists who did not have the genius of Pasteur. It was now possible to get pure cultures easily, and to obtain with such pure cultures results which were uni- form and simple. It was now possible to take steps which had the stamp of accuracy upon them, and which further experiment did not dis- prove. From the time when these methods were thus made manageable the study of bacteria in- creased with a rapidity which has been fairly startling, and the information which has accumu- lated is almost formidable. The very rapidity with which the investigations have progressed has brought considerable confusion, from the fact that the new discoveries have not had time to be properly assimilated into knowledge. To- day many facts are known whose significance is still uncertain, and a clear logical discussion of the facts of modern bacteriology is not possible. But sufficient knowledge has been accumulated and digested to show us at least the direction along which bacteriological advance is tending, and it is to the pointing out of these directions that the following pages will be devoted. BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 1 7 WHAT ARE BACTERIA ? The most interesting facts connected with the subject of bacteriology concern the powers and influence in Nature possessed by the bacteria. The morphological side of the subject is interest- ing enough to the scientist, but to him alone. Still, it is impossible to attempt to study the powers of bacteria without knowing something of the organisms themselves. To understand how they come to play an important part in Nature's processes, we must know first how they look and where they are found. A short consideration of certain morphological facts will therefore be necessary at the start. FORM OF BACTERIA. In shape bacteria are the simplest conceivable structures. Although there are hundreds of dif- ferent species, they have only three general forms, which have been aptly compared to billiard balls, lead pencils, and corkscrews. Spheres, rods, and spirals represent all shapes. The spheres may be large or small, and may group themselves in va- rious ways; the rods may be long or short, thick or slender; the spirals may be loosely or tightly coiled, and may have only one or two or may have many coils, and they may be flexible or stiff ; but still rods, spheres, and spirals comprise all types (Fig. i). In size there is some variation, though not very great. All are extremely minute, and never visible to the naked eye. The spheres vary from 0.25 //, to 1.5 fj, (0.000012 to 0.00006 inches). The rods may be no more than 0.3 //, in diameter, or may be as wide as 1.5 /u, to 2.5 /*, and in length i8 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. vary all the way from a length scarcely longer than their diameter to long threads. About the same may be said of the spi- ral forms. They are decid- edly the smallest living or- ganisms which our micro- scopes have revealed. In their method of growth we find one of the most char- acteristic features. They universally have the power of multiplication by simple division or fission. Each in- dividual elongates and then divides in the middle into two similar halves, each of of bacteria : a, Spheri- which then repeats the pro- cal forms ; b, Rod- ces s. This method of mul- tiplication by simple division is the distinguishing mark which separates the bacteria from the yeasts, the latter plants multiplying by a process known as budding. Fig. 2 shows these two methods of multiplication. While all bacteria thus multiply by division certain differences in the details produce rather striking differences in the results. Considering first the spherical forms, we find that some species divide, as described, into two, which separate at once, and each of which in turn divides in the op- posite direction, called Micrococcus, (Fig. 3). Other species divide only in one direction. Frequently they do not separate after dividing, but remain attached. Each, however, again elongates and di- vides again, but all still remain attached. There are thus formed long chains of spheres like strings FIG. i. General shapes shaped forms ; c, Spi- ral forms. BACTERIA. AS PLANTS. of beads, called Streptococci (Fig. 4). Other species divide first in one direction, then at right angles to the first division, and a third division follows at right angles to the plane of the first two, thus producing solid groups of fours, eights, or sixteens (Fig. 5), called Sarcina. Each different spe- cies of bacteria is uniform in v its method of division, and these differen- ces are there- c 'A' FIG. 2. Method of multiplication or bacte- tpre indica- ria . aand b? Bacteria dividing by fis- tions of differ- sion ; c, A yeast multiplying by budding. ences in spe- cies, or, according to our present method of classification, the different methods of division FIG. 3. Micrococci. FIG. 4. Streptococci. represent different genera. All bacteria produ- cing Streptococcus chains form a single genus Strep- THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. tococcus, and all which divide in three division planes form another genus, Sarcina, etc. FIG. 5. Sarcina. FiG. 6. Separate rods showing variations in size, magnified about looo diameters. The rod-shaped bacteria also differ somewhat, but to a less extent. They almost always divide in a plane at right angles to their longest dimen- sion. But here again we find some species sepa- rating immediately after division, and thus always appearing as short rods (Fig. 6), while others remain attached after division and form long chains. Some- times they ap- pear to continue to increase in length without showing any signs of divis- FIG. 7. Rod-forms united to form chains, ion, and in this waylongthreads are formed (Fig. 7). These threads are, however, potentially at least, long chains of short rods, and under proper conditions they will break up into such short rods, as shown in Fig. 7 a. Occasion- ally a rod species may divide lengthwise, but this is rare. Exactly the same may be said of the BACTERIA AS PLANTS. spiral forms. Here, too, we find short rods and long chains, or long spiral filaments in which can be seen no division into shorter elements, but which, under cer- tain conditions, break up into short sections (Fig. 8). RAPIDITY OF MULTIPLICATION. It is this power of multiplication by di- vision that makes bac- teria agents of such significance. Their minute size would make them harmless enough if it were not for an extraordinary power of multiplica- tion. This power of growth and division is almost incredible. Some of the species wbich have been care- fully watched under the microscope have been found under favourable conditions to grow so rapidly as to divide every half hour, or even less. The number of offspring that would result in the course of twenty-four hours at this rate is of course easily computed. In one day each bacterium would produce over 16,500,000 descendants, and in two days about 281,500,000,000. It has been further calculated Flo. 8. Various types of spiral bacteria. 22 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. that these 281,500,000,000 would form about a solid pint of bacteria and weigh about a pound. At the end of the third day the total descendants would amount to 47,000,000,000,000, and would weigh about 16,000,000 pounds. Of course these numbers have no significance, for they are never actual or even possible numbers. Long before the offspring reach even into the millions their rate of multiplication is checked either by lack of food or by the accumulation of their own ex- creted products, which are injurious to them. But the figures do have interest since they show faint- ly what an unlimited power of multiplication these organisms have, and thus show us that in dealing with bacteria we are dealing with forces of al- most infinite extent. This wonderful power of growth is chiefly due to the fact that bacteria feed upon food which is highly organized and already in condition for ab- sorption. Most plants must manufacture their own foods out of simpler substances, like carbonic dioxide (CO 2 ) and water, but bacteria, as a rule, feed upon complex organic material already pre- pared by the previous life of plants or animals. For this reason they can grow faster than other plants. Not being obliged to make their own foods like most plants, nor to search for it like animals, but living in its midst, their rapidity of growth and multiplication is limited only by their power to seize and Assimilate this food. As they grow in such masses of food, they cause certain chemical changes to take place in it, changes doubtless directly connected with their use of the material as food. Recognising that they do cause chemical changes in food material, and re- membering this marvellous power of growth, we BACTERIA AS PLANTS. are prepared to believe them capable of producing changes wherever they get a foothold and begin to grow. Their power of feeding upon com- plex organic food and producing chemi- cal changes therein, together with their marvellous power of assimilating this ma- terial as food, make them agents in Na- ture of extreme im- FIG. 9. Showing various shaped portance. rods - DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DIFFERENT SPECIES OF BACTERIA. While bacteria are thus very simple in form, there are a few other slight varia- tions in detail C /^W^Z^J (GMffk which assist in dis- tinguishing them. The rods are some- times very blunt at the ends, almost as if cut square across, while in other species they are more rounded and occasionally slightly tapering (Fig. 9)- FIG. 10. Bacteria surrounded by cap- sules: a and b represent zooglcea; c, Chains of cocci ith a capsule times they are sur- rounded by a thin layer of some gelat- d, Bacteria showing the supposed rounc Jed by a thin structure in which x is the nucleus, and y the protoplasm. THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. inous substance, which forms what is called a capsule (Fig. 10). This capsule may connect them and serve as a cement, to prevent the separate elements of a chain from falling apart (Fig. 10 c]. Sometimes such a gelatinous se- cretion will unite great masses of bacteria into clusters, which may float on the surface of the liquid in which they grow or may sink to the bottom. Such masses are called zooglcea, and their general appear- ance serves as one of the char- acters for distin- guishing differ- ent species of FIG. ii. Various types of bacteria "colo- bacteria (Fig. IO, nies " formed when growing in nutrient a and b\. When gelatine. Each different type of colony : i j is produced by a different species of g ro ^ in g in solia bacterium. media, such as a nutritious liquid made stiff with gelatine, the different species have different methods of spreading from their central point of origin. A single bacterium in the midst of such a stiffened mass will feed upon it and pro- duce descendants rapidly ; but these descendants, not being able to move through the gelatine, will remain clustered together in a mass, which the BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 25 bacteriologist calls a colony. But their method of clustering, due to different methods of growth, is by no means always alike, and these colonies show great differences in general appearance. The differences appear to be constant, however, for the same species of bacteria, and hence the shape and appearance of the colony enable bac- teriologists to discern different species (Fig. n). All these points of difference are of practical use to the bacteriologist in distinguishing species. SPORE FORMATION. In addition to their power of reproduction by simple division, many species of bacteria have a second method by means of spores. Spores are special rounded or oval bits of bacteria protoplasm capable of resisting adverse conditions which would destroy the ordinary bacteria. They arise among bacteria in two different methods. Endogenous spores. These spores arise inside of the rods or the spiral forms (Fig. 12). They first appear as slight granular masses, or as dark points which become gradually distinct from the rest of the rod. Eventually there is thus formed inside the rod a clear, highly refractive, spherical or oval spore, which may even be of a greater diameter than the rod producing it, thus causing it- to swell out and become spindle formed (Fig. 12 c]. These spores may form in the middle or at the ends of the rods (Fig. 12). They may use up all the protoplasm of the rod in their formation, or they may use only a small part of it, the rod which forms them continuing its activities in spite of the formation of the spores within it. They are always clear and highly refractive from contain- 26 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. ing little water, and they da not so readily absorb staining material as the ordinary rods. They ap- pear to be covered with a layer of some substance which resists the stain, and which also enables them to resist vari- ous external agen- cies. This protect- ive covering, to- gether with their small amount of water, enables them to resist almost any amount of drying, a high degree of heat, and many other adverse con- ditions. Common- ly the spores break out of the rod, and the rod producing them dies, although sometimes the rod may continue its FIG. 12. Endogenous spores : a and activity even after b, Spores forming at intervals in f i cn nr^c hav^ the rods ; c, Spores forming in the tne s P ores nave middle of the rods and causing the been produced, middle to swell ; d, Spores form- A r t /I r OgeHOUS ing at the end of the rods and ,^ causing the end to swell. Spores (?). Certain species of bacteria do not produce spores as just described, but may give rise to bodies that are sometimes called arthrospores. These bodies are formed as short segments of rods (Fig. 130). A long rod may sometimes break up into several short rounded elements, which are clear and appear to have a somewhat increased power of resisting adverse BACTERIA AS PLANTS. So - called arthrogenous a, Forming as segments b ' ^ segments of a chain 27 conditions. The same may happen among the spherical forms, which only in rare instances form endogenous spores. Among the sphere's^, which form a chain of streptococci some ' may occasionally be slightly different from the rest. They are a little larger, and have been thought to have an increased resisting power like that of true spores (Fig. 13 FIG. 13. ) Itisquitedoubt- spores f ul, however, wheth- % % er it is proper to re- gard these bodies as spores. There is no good evidence that they have any special resisting power to heat like endogenous spores, and bac- teriologists in general are inclined to regard them simply as resting cells. The term arthrospores has been given to them to indicate that they are formed as joints or segments, and this term may be a convenient one to retain although the bodies in question are not true spores. Still a different method of spore formation occurs in a few peculiar bacteria. In this case (Fig. 14) the protoplasm in the large thread breaks into many minute spherical bodies, which finally find exit. The spores thus formed may not be all alike, differences in size being noticed. This method of spore formation occurs only in a few special forms of bacteria. The matter of spore formation serves as one THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. of the points for distinguishing species. Some species do not form spores, at least under any of the conditions in which they have been studied. Others form them readily in almost any condition, and others again only under special conditions which are adverse to their life. The method of spore formation is always uni- form for any single species. Whatever be the method of the formation of the spore, its purpose in the life of the bacterium is al- ways the same. It serves as a means of keeping the species alive under condi- tions of adversity. Its power of resisting heat or drying enables it to live where the ordinary active forms would be speedily killed. Some of these spores are capable of re- sisting a heat of 180 C. (360 F.) for a short time, and boiling water they can resist for a long time. Such spores when subsequently placed under fa- vourable conditions will germinate and start bac- terial activity anew. FIG. 14. Formation of spores in unusual forms (Crenothrix). Some species of bacteria have the power of active motion, and may be seen darting rapidly to and fro in the liquid in which they are grow- ing. This motion is produced by flagella which protrude from the body. These flagella (Fig. 15) BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 29 arise from a membrane surrounding the bacterium, but have an intimate connection with the proto- FlG. 15. Bacteria provided with flagella : a, Single flagellum ; b, Two flagella ; c, A tuft of flagella at one end ; d, Tufts of flagella at both ends ; e, Uniform covering of flagella ; f, Showing the origin of flagella from the outer layer of the body. plasmic content. Their distribution is different in different species of bacteria. Some species 30 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. have a single flagellum at one end (Fig. 15 a). Others have one at each end (Fig. 15 b). Others, again, have, at least just before dividing, a bunch at one or both ends (Fig. 15 c and d), while others, again, have many flagella distributed all over the body in dense profusion (Fig. 15 e). These flagella keep up a lashing to and fro in the liquid, and the lashing serves to propel the bacteria through the liquid. INTERNAL STRUCTURE. It is hardly possible to say much about the structure of the bacteria beyond the description of their external forms. With all the variations in detail mentioned, they are extraordinarily simple, and about all that can be seen is their external shape. Of course, they have some in- ternal structure, but we know very little in regard to it. Some microscopists have described certain appearan- ces which they think indi- cate internal structure. Fig. 16 shows some of these ap- pearances. The matter is as yet very obscure, however. The bacteria appear to have FIG. I6 ._ internal stmc- a ,. membranous covering ture of bacteria. which sometimes is of a cel- lulose nature. Within it is protoplasm which shows various uncertain ap- pearances. Some microscopists have thought they could find a nucleus, and have regarded bacteria as cells with inclosed nucleii (Figs. 10 a BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 31 and i5/). Others have regarded the whole bac- terium as a nucleus without any protoplasm, while others, again, have concluded that the dis- cerned internal structure is nothing except an ap- pearance presented by the physical arrangement of the protoplasm. While we may believe that they have some internal structure, we must recognise that as yet microscopists have not been able to make it out. In short, the bacteria after two centuries of study appear to us about as they did at first. They must still be described as minute spheres, rods, or spirals, with no further discern- ible structure, sometimes motile and sometimes stationary, sometimes producing spores and some- times not, and multiplying universally by binary fission. With all the development of the modern microscope we can hardly say more than this. Our advance in knowledge of bacteria is con- nected almost wholly with their methods of growth and the effects they produce in Nature. ANIMALS OR PLANTS? There has been in the past not a little ques- tion as to whether bacteria should be rightly classed with plants or with animals. They cer- tainly have characters which ally them with both. Their very common power of active independent motion and their common habit of living upon complex bodies for foods are animal characters, and have lent force to the suggestion that they are true animals. But their general form, their method of growth and formation of threads, and their method of spore formation are quite plant- like. Their general form is very similar to a group of low green plants known as Oscillaria. 3 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. Fig. 17 shows a group of these Oscillariae, and the similarity of this to some of the thread-like bacteria is de- cided. The Os- cillaricz are, how- ever, true plants, and are of a green colour. Bacteria are therefore to-day looked upon as a low type of plant which has no chlorophyll,* but is related to Oscillarice. The absence of the chlorophyll has forced them to adopt new rela- tions to food, and compels them to feed upon complex foods instead of the simple ones, which form the food of gfeen plants. We may have no hesita- tion, then, in calling them plants. It is interest- ing to notice that with this idea their place in the organic world is reduced to a small one systemat- ically. They do not form a class by themselves, but are simply a subclass, or even a family, and a family closely related to several other common plants. But the absence of chlorophyll and the resulting peculiar life has brought aboift a curi- FiG. 17. Threads of Oscillaria, the nearest allies of bacteria. * Chlorophyll is the green colouring matter of plants. BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 33 ous anomaly. Whereas their closest allies are known only to botanists, and are of no interest outside of their systematic relations, the bacteria are familiar to every one, and are demanding the life attention of hundreds of investigators. It is their absence of chlorophyll and their consequent dependence upon complex foods which has pro- duced this anomaly. CLASSIFICATION OF BACTERIA. While it has generally been recognised that bacteria are plants, any further classification has proved a matter of great difficulty, and bacteriolo- gists find it extremely difficult to devise means of distinguishing species. Their extreme simplicity makes it no easy matter to find points by which any species can be recognised. But in spite of their similarity, there is no doubt that many different species exist. Bacteria which appear to be almost identical, under the microscope prove to have entirely different properties, and must therefore be regarded as distinct species. But how to distinguish them has been a puzzle. Microscopists have come to look upon the differ- ences in shape, multiplication, and formation of spores as furnishing data sufficient to enable them to divide the bacteria into genera. The genus Bacillus, for instance, is the name given to all rod-shaped bacteria which form endogenous I spores, etc. But to distinguish smaller subdi- visions it has been found necessary to fall back upon other characters, such as the shape of the colony produced in solid gelatine, the power to produce disease, or to oxidize nitrites, etc. Thus at present the different species are distinguished 34 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. rather by their physiological than their morpho- logical characters. This is an unsatisfactory basis of classification, and has produced much confusion in the attempts to classify bacteria. The problem of determining the species of bac- teria is to-day a very difficult one, and with our best methods is still unsatisfactorily solved. A few species of marked character are well known, and their powers of action so well under- stood that they can be readily recognised ; but of the great host of bacteria studied, the large majority have been so slightly experimented upon that their characters are not known, and it is im- possible, therefore, to distinguish many of them apart. We find that each bacteriologist working in any special line commonly keeps a list of the bacteria which he finds, with such data in re- gard to them as he has collected. Such a list is of value to him, but commonly of little value to other bacteriologists from the insufficiency of the data. Thus it happens that a large part of the different species of bacteria described in literature to-day have been found and studied by one in- vestigator alone. By him they have been de- scribed and perhaps named. Quite likely the same species may have been found by two or three other bacteriologists, but owing to the difficulty of comparing results and the incom- pleteness of the descriptions the identity of the species is not discovered, and they are probably described again under different names. The same process may be repeated over and over again, until the same species of bacterium will come to be known by several different names, as it has been studied by different observers. BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 35 VARIATION OF BACTERIA. This matter is made even more confusing by the fact that any species of bacterium may show more or less variation. At one time in the his- tory of bacteriology, a period lasting for many years, it was the prevalent opinion that there was no constancy among bacteria, but that the same species might assume almost any of the various forms and shapes, and possess various properties. Bacteria were regarded by some as stages in the life history of higher plants. This question as to whether bacteria remain constant in character for any considerable length of time has ever been a prominent one with bacteriologists, and even to-day we hardly know what the final answer will be. It has been demonstrated beyond perad- venture that some species may change their physiological characters. Disease bacteria, for instance, under certain conditions lose their powers of developing disease. Species which sour milk, or others which turn gelatine green, may lose their characters. Now, since it is upon just such physiological characters as these that we must depend in order to separate different species of bacteria from each other, it will be seen that great confusion and uncertainty will result in our attempts to define species. Further, it has been proved that there is sometimes more or less of a metamorphosis in the life history of certain species of bacteria. The same species may form a short rod, or a long thread, or break up into spherical spores, and thus either a short rod, or a thread, or a spherical form may belong to the same species. Other species may be motile at one time and stationary at another, while at a 36 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. third period it is a simple mass of spherical spores. A spherical form, when it lengthens before dividing, appears as a short rod, and a short rod form after dividing may be so short as to appear like a spherical organism. With all these reasons for confusion, it is not to be wondered at that no satisfactory classifica- tion of bacteria has been reached, or that differ- ent bacteriologists do not agree as to what consti- tutes a species, or whether two forms are identical or not. But with all the confusion there is slowly being obtained something like system. In spite of the fact that species may vary and show different properties under different conditions, the fundamental constancy of species is every- where recognised to-day as a fact. The members of the same species may show different properties under different conditions, but it is believed that under identical conditions the properties will be constant. It is no more possible to convert one species into another than it is among the higher orders of plants. It is believed that bacteria do form a group of plants by themselves, and are not to be regarded as stages in the history of higher plants. It is believed that, together with a considerable amount of variability and an occasional somewhat long life history with successive stages, there is also an. essential con- stancy. A systematic classification has been made which is becoming more or less satisfactory. We are constantly learning more and more of the characters, so that they can be recognised in different places by different observers. It is the conviction of all who work with bacteria that, in spite of the difficulties, it is only a matter of time when we shall have a classification and descrip- BACTERIA AS PLANTS: 37 tion of bacteria so complete as to characterize the different species accurately. Even with our present incomplete knowledge of what characterizes a species, it is necessary to use some names. Bacteria are commonly given a generic name based upon their microscopic ap- pearance. There are only a few of these names. Micrococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Sarcina, Bacteritim, Bacillus, Spirillum, are all the names in common use applying to the ordinary bacteria. There are a few others less commonly used. To this generic name a specific name is commonly added, based upon some physiological character. For example, Bacillus typhosus is the name given to the bacillus which causes typhoid fever. Such names are of great use when the species is a com- mon and well-known one, but of doubtful value for less-known species. It frequently happens that a bacteriologist makes a study of the bac- teria found in a certain locality, and obtains thus a long list of species hitherto unknown. In these cases it is common simply to number these spe- cies rather than name them. This method is fre- quently advisable, since the bacteriologist can seldom hunt up all bacteriological literature with sufficient accuracy to determine whether some other bacteriologist may not have found the same species in an entirely different locality. One bacteriologist, for example, finds some sev- enty different species of bacteria in different cheeses. He studies them enough for his own purposes, but not sufficiently to determine whether some other person may not have found the same species perhaps in milk or water. He therefore sim- ply numbers them a method which conveys no suggestion as to whether they may be new species 3 8 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. or not. This method avoids the giving of separate names to the same species found by different observers, and it is hoped that gradually accumu- lating knowledge will in time group together the forms which are really identical, but which have been described by different observers. WHERE BACTERIA ARE FOUND. There are no other plants or animals so uni- versally found in Nature as the bacteria. It is this universal presence, together with their great powers of multiplication, which renders them of so much importance in Nature. They exist almost everywhere on the surface of the earth. They are in the soil, especially at its surface. They do not extend to very great depths of soil, however, few existing below four feet of soil. At the sur- face they are very abundant, especially if the soil is moist and full of organic material. The num- ber may range from a few hundred to one hun- dred millions per gramme.* The soil bacteria vary also in species, some twoscore different spe- cies having been described as common in soil. They are in all bodies of water, both at the surface and below it. They are found at con- siderable depths in the ocean. All bodies of fresh water contain them, and all sediments in such bodies of water are filled with bacteria. They are in streams of running water in even greater quantity than in standing water. This is simply because running streams are being constantly supplied with water which has been washing the surface of the country and thus carrying off all * One gramme is fifteen grains. BACTERIA AS PLANTS. 39 surface accumulations. Lakes or reservoirs, how- ever, by standing quiet allow the bacteria to set- tle to the bottom, and the water thus gets some- what purified. They are in the air, especially in regions of habitation. Their numbers are great- est near the surface of the ground, and decrease in the upper strata of air. Anything which tends to raise dust increases the number of bac- teria in the air greatly, and the dust and emana- tions from the clothes of people crowded in a close room fill the air with bacteria in very great numbers. They are found in excessive abun- dance in every bit of decaying matter wherever it may be. Manure heaps, dead bodies of animals, decaying trees, filth and slime and muck every- where are filled with them, for it is in such places that they find their best nourishment. The bod- ies of animals contain them in the mouth, stom- ach, and intestine in great numbers, and this is, of course, equally true of man. On the surface of the body they cling in great quantity ; attached to the clothes, under the finger nails, among the hairs, in every possible crevice or hiding place in the skin, and in all secretions. They do not, however, occur in the tissues of a healthy indi- vidual, either in the blood, muscle, gland, or any other organ. Secretions, such as milk, urine, etc., always contain them, however, since the bacteria do exist in the ducts of the glands which conduct the secretions to the exterior, and thus, while the bacteria are never in the healthy gland itself, they always succeed in contaminating the secre- tion as it passes to the exterior. Not only higher animals, but the lower animals also have their bod- ies more or less covered with bacteria. Flies have them on their feet, bees among their hairs, etc. 40 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. In short, wherever on the face of Nature there is a lodging place for dust there will be found bacteria. In most of these localities they are dormant, or at least growing only a little. The bacteria clinging to the dry hair can grow but lit- tle, if at all, and those in pure water multiply very little. When dried as dust they are entirely dor- mant. But each individual bacterium or spore has the potential power of multiplication already noticed, and as soon as it by accident falls upon a place where there is food and moisture it will begin to multiply. Everywhere in Nature, then, exists this group of organisms with its almost in- conceivable power of multiplication, but a power held in check by lack of food. Furnish them with food and their potential powers become actual. Such food is provided by the dead bod- ies of animals or plants, or by animal secretions, or from various other sources. The bacteria which are fortunate enough to get furnished with such food material continue to feed upon it until the food supply is exhausted or their growth is checked in some other way. They may be re- garded, therefore, as a constant and universal power usually held in check. With their uni- versal presence and their powers of producing chemical changes in food material, they are ever ready to produce changes in the face of Nature, and to these changes we will now turn. USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 41 CHAPTER II. MISCELLANEOUS USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. THE foods upon which bacteria live are in endless variety, almost every product of animal or vegetable life serving to supply their needs. Some species appear to require somewhat definite kinds of food, and have therefore rather narrow conditions of life, but the majority may live upon a great variety of organic compounds. As they consume the material which serves them as food they produce chemical changes therein. These changes are largely of a nature that the chemist knows as decomposition changes. By this is meant that the bacteria, seizing hold of ingre- dients which constitute their food, break them to pieces chemically. The molecule of the original food matter is split into simpler molecules, and the food is thus changed in its chemical nature. As a result, the compounds which appear in the decomposing solution are commonly simpler than the original food molecules. Such products are in general called decomposition products, or some- times cleavage products. Sometimes, however, the bacteria have, in addition to their power of pull- ing their food to pieces, a further power of build- ing other compounds out of the fragments, thus building up as well as pulling down. But, how- ever they do it, bacteria when growing in any food material have the power of giving rise to numerous products which did not exist in the food mass before. Because of their extraordi- nary powers of reproduction they are capable of producing these changes very rapidly and can 42 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. give rise in a short time to large amounts of the peculiar products of their growth. It is to these powers of producing chemical changes in their food that bacteria owe all their importance in the world. Their power of chem- ically destroying the food products is in itself of no little importance, but the products which arise as the result of this series of chemical changes are of an importance in the world which we are only just beginning to appreciate. In our at- tempt to outline the agency which bacteria play in our industries and in natural processes as well, we shall notice that they are sometimes of value simply for their power of producing decomposi- tion ; but their greatest value lies in the fact that they are important agents because of the prod- ucts of their life. We may notice, in the first place, that in the arts there are several industries which may prop- erly be classed together as maceration industries, all of which are based upon the decomposition powers of bacteria. Hardly any animal or vege- table substance is able to resist their softening influence, and the artisan relies upon this power in several different directions. BENEFITS DERIVED FROM POWERS OF DECOMPOSITION. Linen. Linen consists of certain woody fibres of the stem of the flax. The flax stem is not made up entirely of the valuable fibres, but largely of more brittle wood fibres, which are of no use. The valuable fibres are, however, close- ly united with the wood and with each other in such an intimate fashion that it is impossible to USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 43 separate them by any mechanical means. The whole cellular substance of the stem is bound together by some cementing materials which hold it in a compact mass, probably a salt of calcium and pectinic acid. The art of preparing flax is a process of getting rid of the worthless wood fibres and preserving the valuable, longer, tougher, and more valuable fibres, which are then made into linen. But to separate them it is necessary first to soften the whole tissue. This is always done through the aid of bacteria. The flax stems, after proper preparation, are exposed to the ac- tion of moisture and heat, which soon develops a rapid bacterial growth. Sometimes this is done by simply exposing the flax to the dew and rain and allowing it to lie thus exposed for some time. By another process the stems are completely im- mersed in water and allowed to remain for ten to fourteen days. By a third process the water in which the flax is immersed is heated from 75 to 90 F., with the addition of certain chemicals, for some fifty to sixty hours. In all cases the effect is the same. The moisture and the heat cause a growth of bacteria which proceeds with more or less rapidity according to the temperature and other conditions. A putrefactive fermentation is thus set up which softens the gummy substance holding the fibres together. The process is known as " retting," and after it is completed the fibres are easily isolated from each other. A purely mechanical process now easily separates the valu- able fibres from the wood fibres. The whole pro- cess is a typical fermentation. A disagreeable odour arises from the fermenting flax, and the liquid after the fermentation is filled with prod- ucts which make valuable manure. The process 44 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. has not been scientifically studied until very re- cently. The bacillus which produces the " ret- ting " is known now, however, and it has been shown that the " retting " is a process of decom- position of the pectin cement. No method of separating the linen fibres in the flax from the wood fibres has yet been devised which dispenses with the aid of bacteria. Jute and Hemp. Almost exactly the same use is made of bacterial action in the manufacture of jute and hemp. The commercial aspect of the jute industry has grown to be a large one, involv- ing many millions of dollars. Like linen, jute is a fibre of the inner bark of a plant, and is mixed in the bark with a mass of other useless fibrous material. As in the case of linen, a fermenta- tion by bacteria is depended upon as a means of softening the material so that the fibres can be disassociated. The process is called " retting," as in the linen manufacture. The details of the process are somewhat different. The jute is com- monly fermented in tanks of stagnant water, al- though sometimes it is allowed to soak in river water for a sufficient length of time to produce the softening. After the fermentation is thus started the jute fibre is separated from the wood, and is of a sufficient flexibility and toughness'to be woven into sacking, carpets, curtains, table covers, and other coarse cloth. Practically the same method is used in sepa- rating the tough fibres of the hemp. The hemp plant contains some long flexible fibres with others of no value, and bacterial fermentation is relied upon to soften the tissues so that they may be separated. Cocoanut fibre, a somewhat similar material, is USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 45 obtained from the husk of the cocoanut by the same means. The unripened husk is allowed to steep and ferment in water for a long time, six months or a year being required. By this time the husk has become so softened that it can be beaten until the fibres separate and can be re- moved. They are subsequently made into a num- ber of coarse articles, especially valuable for their toughness. Door mats, brushes, ships' fenders, etc., are illustrations of the sort of articles made from them. In each of these processes the fermentation must have a tendency to soften the desired fibres as well as the connecting substance. Putrefac- tion attacks all kinds of vegetable tissue, and if this "retting" continues too long the desired fibre is decidedly injured by the softening effect of the fermentation. It is quite probable that, even as commonly carried on, the fermentation has some slight injurious effect upon the fibre, and that if some purely mechanical means could be devised for separating the fibre from the wood it would produce a better material. But such mechanical means has not been devised, and at present a putrefactive fermentation appears to be the only practical method of separating the fibres. Sponges. A somewhat similar use is made of bacteria in the commercial preparation of sponges. The sponge of commerce is simply the fibrous skeleton of a marine animal. When it is alive this skeleton is completely filled with the softer parts of the animal, and to fit the sponge for use this softer organic material must be got rid of. It is easily accomplished by rot- ting. The fresh sponges are allowed to stand in 46 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. the warm sun and very rapidly decay. Bacteria make their way into the sponge and thoroughly decompose the soft tissues. After a short putre- faction of this sort the softened organic matter can be easily washed out of the skeleton and leave the clean fibre ready for market. Leather preparation. The tanning of leather is a purely chemical process, and in some pro- cesses the whole operation of preparing the leather is a chemical one. In others, however, especially in America, bacteria are brought into action at one stage. The dried hide which comes to the tannery must first have the hair removed together with the outer skin. The hide for this purpose must be moistened and softened. In some tanneries this is done by steeping it in chemicals. In others, however, it is put into water and slightly heated until fermentation arises. The fermentation softens it so that the /outer skin can be easily removed with a knife, ' | and the removal of hair is accomplished at the j same time. Bacterial putrefaction in the tannery is thus an assistance in preparing the skin for the tanning proper. Even in the subsequent tanning a bacterial fermentation appears to play a part, but little is yet known in regard to it. Maceration of skeletons. The making of skele- tons for museums and anatomical instruction in general is no very great industry, and 'yet it is one of importance. In the making of skeletons the process of maceration is commonly used as an aid* The maceration consists simply in allow- ing the skeleton to soak in water for a day or two after cleaning away the bulk of the muscles. The putrefaction that arises softens the connect- USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. . 47 ive tissues so much that the bones may be readily cleaned of flesh. Citric acid. Bacterial fermentation is em- ployed also in the ordinary preparation of citric acid. The acid is made chiefly from the juice of the lemon. The juice is pressed from the fruit and then allowed to ferment. The fermentation aids in separating a mucilaginous mass and mak- ing it thus possible to obtain the citric acid in a purer condition. The action is probably similar to the maceration processes described above, al- though it has not as yet been studied by bacteri- ologists. BENEFITS DERIVED FROM THE PRODUCTS OF BACTERIAL LIFE. While bacteria thus play a part in our indus- tries simply from their power of producing de- composition, it is primarily because of the prod- ucts of their action that they are of value. Wherever bacteria seize hold of organic matter and feed upon it, there are certain to be devel- oped new chemical compounds, resulting largely from decomposition, but partly also from con- structive processes. These new compounds are of great variety. Different species of bacteria do not by any means produce the same com- pounds even when growing in and decomposing the same food material. Moreover, the same species of bacteria may give rise to different products when growing in different food mate- rials. Some of the compounds produced by such processes are poisonous, others are harmless. Some are gaseous, others are liquids. Some have peculiar odours, as may be recognised from 4 48 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. the smell arising from a bit of decaying meat. Others have peculiar tastes, as may be realized in the gamy taste of meat which is in the incipi- ent stages of putrefaction. By purely empirical means mankind has learned methods of encourag- ing the development of some of these products, and is to-day making practical use of this power, pos- sessed by bacteria, of furnishing desired chemical compounds. Industries involving the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars are founded upon the products of bacterial life, and they have a far more important relation to our everyday life than is commonly imagined. In many cases the artisan who is dependent upon this action of microscopic life is unaware of the fact. His processes are those which experience has taught produce desired results, but, nevertheless, his dependence upon bacteria is none the less funda- mental. BACTERIA IN THE FERMENTATIVE INDUSTRIES. We may notice, first, several miscellaneous in- stances of the application of bacteria to various fermentative industries where their aid is of more or less value to man. In some of the examples to be mentioned the influence of bacteria is pro- found and fundamental, while in others it is only incidental. The fermentative industries of civili- zation are gigantic in extent, and have come to be an important factor in modern civilized life. The large part of the fermentation is based upon the growth of a class of microscopic plants which we call yeasts. Bacteria and yeasts are both microscopic plants, and perhaps somewhat close- ly related to each other. The botanist finds a USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 49 difference between them, based upon their method of multiplication, and therefore places them in different classes (Fig. 2, page 19). In their gen- eral power of producing chemical changes in their food products, yeasts agree closely with bacteria, though the kinds of chemical changes are differ- ent. The whole of the great fermentative indus- tries, in which are invested hundreds of millions of dollars, is based upon chemical decompositions produced by microscopic plants. In the great part of commercial fermentations alcohol is the product desired, and alcohol, though it is some- times produced by bacteria, is in commercial quantities produced only by yeasts. Hence it is that, although the fermentations produced by bacteria are more common in Nature than those produced by yeasts and give rise to a much larger number of decomposition products, still their com- mercial aspect is decidedly less important than that of yeasts. Nevertheless, bacteria are not without their importance in the ordinary ferment- ative processes. Although they are of no im- portance as aids in the common fermentative processes, they are not infrequently the cause of much trouble. In the fermentation of malt to produce beer, or grape juice to produce wine, itt is the desire of the brewer and vintner to have this fermentation produced by pure yeasts, un- mixed with bacteria. If the yeast is pure the fermentation is uniform and successful. But the brewer and vintner have long known that the fermentation is frequently interfered with by ir- regularities. The troubles which arise have long been known, but the bacteriologist has finally discovered their cause, and in general their rem- / edy. The cause of the chief troubles which arise 50 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. in the fermentation is the presence of contami- nating bacteria among the yeasts. These bac- teria have been more or less carefully studied by bacteriologists, and their effect upon the beer or wine determined. Some of them produce acid and render the products sour ; others make them bitter; others, again, produce a slimy material which makes the wine or beer "ropy." Some- thing like a score of bacteria species have been found liable to occur in the fermenting mate- rial and destroy the value of the product of both the wine maker and the beer brewer. The spe- cies of bacteria which infect and injure wine are different from those which infect and injure beer. They are ever present as possibilities in the great alcoholic fermentations. They are dangers which must be guarded against. In former years the troubles from these sources were much greater than they are at present. Since it has been dem- onstrated that the different imperfections in the fermentative process are due to bacterial impuri- ties, commonly in the yeasts which are used to produce the fermentation, methods of avoiding them are readily devised. To-day the vintner has ready command of processes for avoiding the troubles which arise from bacteria, and the brewer is always provided with a microscope to show him the presence or absence of the con- taminating bacteria. While, then, the alcoholic fermentations are not dependent upon bacteria, the proper management of these fermentations requires a knowledge of their habits and char- acters. There are certain other fermentative processes of more or less importance in their commercial as- pects, which are directly dependent upon bacte- USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 5 1 rial action. Some of them we should unhesitat- ingly look upon as fermentations, while others would hardly be thought of as belonging to the fermentation industries. The commercial importance of the manufac- ture of vinegar, though large, does not, of course, compare in extent with that of the alcoholic fer- mentations. Vinegar is a weak solution of acetic acid, together with various other ingredients which have come from the materials furnishing the acid. In the manufacture of vinegar, alcohol is always used as the source of the acetic acid. The production of acetic acid from alcohol is a simple oxidation. The equation C 2 H 6 O-|-O 2 = C 2 H 4 O 2 -|-H 2 O shows the chemical change that occurs. This oxidation can be brought about by purely chemical means. While alcohol will not readily unite with oxygen under common condi- tions, if the alcohol is allowed to pass over a bit of platinum sponge the union readily occurs and acetic acid results. This method of acetic-acid production is possible experimentally, but is im- practicable on any large scale. In the ordinary manufacture of vinegar the oxidation is a true fermentation, and brought about by the growth of bacteria. In the commercial manufacture of vinegar several different weak alcoholic solutions are used. The most common of these are fermented malt, weak wine, cider, and sometimes a weak so- lution of spirit to which is added sugar and malt. If these solutions are allowed to stand for a time in contact with air, they slowly turn sour by the 5 2 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. gradual conversion of the alcohol into acetic acid. At the close of the process practically all of the alcohol has disappeared. Ordinarily, however, not all of it has been converted into acetic acid, for the oxidation does not all stop at this step. As the oxidation goes on, some of the acid is oxidized into carbonic dioxide, which is, of course, dissipated at once into the air, and if the process is allow r ed to continue unchecked for a long enough period much of the acetic acid will be lost in this way. The oxidation of the alcohol in all commer- cial production of vinegar is brought about by the growth of bacteria in the liquid. When the vinegar production is going on properly, there is formed on the top of the liquid a dense felted mass known as the "mother of vinegar." This mass proves to be made of bacteria which have the power of absorbing oxygen from the air, or, at all events, of causing the alcohol to unite with oxy- gen. It was at first thought that a single species of bacterium was thus the cause of the oxidation of alcohol, and this was named Mycoderma aceti. But further study has shown that several have the power, and that even in the commercial man- ufacture of vinegar several species play a part (Fig. 18), although the different species are not yet very thoroughly studied. Each appears to act best under different conditions. Some of them act slowly, and others rapidly, the slow-growing species appearing to produce the larger amount of acid in the end. After the amount of acetic acid reaches a certain percentage, the bacteria are unable to produce more, even though there be al- cohol still left unoxidized. A percentage as high as fourteen per cent, commonly destroys all their USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 53 power of growth. The production of the acid is wholly dependent upon the growth of the bacteria, and the secret of the successful vinegar manu- facture is the skilful manipulation of these bac- FIG. 18. Bacillus aceticum, the bacterium which is the common cause of the vinegar fermentation. teria so as to keep them in the purest condition and to give them the best opportunity for growth. One method of vinegar manufacture which is quite rapid is carried on in a slightly different manner. A tall cylindrical chamber is filled with wood shavings, and a weak solution of alcohol is allowed to trickle slowly through it. The liquid after passing over the shavings comes out after a number of hours well charged with acetic acid. This process at first sight appears to be a purely chemical one, and reminds us of the oxidation which occurs when alcohol is allowed to pass over a platinum sponge. It has been claimed, indeed, that this is a chemical oxidation in which bacteria play no part. But this appears to be an 54 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. error. It is always found necessary in this method to start the process by pouring upon the shavings some warm vinegar. Unless in this way the shav- ings become charged with the vinegar-holding bacteria the alcohol will not undergo oxidation during its passage over them, and after the bac- teria thus introduced have grown enough to coat the shavings thoroughly the acetic-acid produc- tion is much more rapid than at first. If vinegar is allowed to trickle slowly down a suspended string, so that its bacteria may distribute them- selves through the string, and then alcohol be al- lowed to trickle over it in the same way, the oxida- tion takes place and acetic acid is formed. From the accumulation of such facts it has come to be recognised that all processes for the commercial manufacture of vinegar depend upon the action of bacteria. While the oxidation of alcohol into acetic acid may take place by purely chemical means, these processes are not practical on a large scale, and vinegar manufacturers everywhere de- pend upon bacteria as their agents in producing the oxidation. These bacteria, several species in all, feed upon the nitrogenous matter in the fer- menting mass and produce the desired change in the alcohol. This vinegar fermentation is subject to cer- tain irregularities, and the vinegar manufacturers can not always depend upon its occurring in a satisfactory manner. Just as in brewing, so here, contaminating bacteria sometimes find their way into the fermenting mass and interfere with its normal course. In particular, the flavour of the vinegar is liable to suffer from such causes. As yet our vinegar manufacturers have not applied to acetic fermentation the same principle which USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 55 has been so successful in brewing namely, the use, as a starter of the fermentation, of a pure cul- ture of the proper species of bacteria. This has been done experimentally and proves to be feas- ible. In practice, however, vinegar makers find that simpler methods of obtaining a starter by means of which they procure a culture nearly though not absolutely pure are perfectly satis- factory. It is uncertain whether really pure cul- tures will ever be used in this industry. LACTIC ACID. The manufacture of lactic acid is an industry of less extent than that of acetic acid, and yet it is one which has some considerable commercial importance. Lactic acid is used in no large quan- tity, although it is of some value as a medicine and in the arts. For its production we are wholly dependent upon bacteria. It is this acid which, as we shall see, is produced in the ordinary souring of milk, and a large number of species of bacteria are capable of producing the acid from milk sugar. Any sample of sour milk may therefore always be depended upon to contain plenty of lactic organisms. In its manufacture for commercial purposes milk is sometimes used as a source, but more commonly other substances. Sometimes a mixture of cane sugar and tartaric acid is used. To start the fermentation the mix- ture is inoculated with a mass of sour milk or de- caying cheese, or both, such a mixture always con- taining lactic organisms. To be sure, it also contains many other bacteria which have differ- ent effects, but the acid producers are always so abundant and grow so vigorously that the lactic 56 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. fermentation occurs in spite of all other bacteria. Here also there is a possibility of an improve- ment in the process by the use of pure cultures of lactic organisms. Up to the present, however, there has been no application of such methods. The commercial aspects of the industry are not upon a sufficiently large scale to call for much in this direction. At the present time the only method we have for the manufacture of lactic acid is dependent upon bacteria. Chemical processes for its manu- facture are known, but not employed commer- cially. There are several different kinds of lac- tic acid. They differ from each other in the relations of the atoms within their molecule, and in their relation to polarized light, some forms rotating the plane of polarized light to the right, others to the left, while others are inactive in this respect. All the types are produced by fermenta- tion processes, different species of bacteria hav- ing powers of producing the different types. BUTYRIC ACID. Butyric acid is another acid for which we are chiefly dependent upon bacteria. This acid is of no very great importance, and its manufacture can hardly be called an industry; still it is to a certain extent made, and is an article of commerce. It is an acid that can be manufactured by chemical means, but, as in the case of the last two acids, its commercial manufacture is based upon bacterial action. Quite a number of species of bacteria can produce butyric acid, and they produce it from a variety of different sources. Butyric acid is a common ingredient in old milk and in butter, and THE USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 5) its formation by bacteria was historically one of the first bacterial fermentations to be clearly un- derstood. It can be produced also in various sugar and starchy solutions. Glycerine may also undergo a butyric fermentation. The presence of this acid is occasionally troublesome, since it is one of the factors in the rancidity of butter and other similar materials. INDIGO PREPARATION. The preparation of indigo from the indigo plant is a fermentative process brought about by a spe- cific bacterium. The leaves of the plant are im- mersed in water in a large vat, and a rapid fer- mentation arises. As a result of the fermentation the part of the plant which is the basis of the in- digo is separated from the leaves and dissolved in the water ; and as a second feature of the fer- mentation the soluble material is changed in its chemical nature into indigo proper. As this change occurs the characteristic blue colour is de- veloped, and the material is rendered insoluble in water. It therefore makes its appearance as a blue mass separated from the water, and is then removed as indigo. Of the nature of the process we as yet know very little. That it is a fermentation is certain, and it has been proved that it is produced by a definite species of bacterium which occurs on the indigo leaves. If the sterilized leaves are placed in sterile water no fermentation occurs and no indigo is formed. If, however, some of the spe- cific bacteria are added to the mass the fermenta- tion soon begins and the blue colour of the indigo makes its appearance. It is plain, therefore, that t; 8 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. indigo is a product of bacterial fermentation, and commonly due to a single definite species of bac- terium. Of the details of the formation, however, we as yet know little, and no practical applica- tion of the facts have yet been made. BACTERIA IN TOBACCO CURING. A fermentative process of quite a different na- ture, but of immense commercial value, is found in the preparation of tobacco. The process by which tobacco is prepared is a long and some- what complicated one, consisting of a number of different stages. The tobacco, after being first dried in a careful manner, is subsequently allowed to absorb moisture from the atmosphere, and is then placed in large heaps to undergo a further change. This process appears to be a fermenta- tion, for the temperature of the mass rises rapidly, and every indication of a fermentative action is seen. The tobacco in these heaps is changed occasionally, the heap being thrown down and built up again in such a way that the portion which was first at the bottom comes to the top, and in this way all parts of the heap may be- come equally affected by the process. After this process the tobacco is sent to the different manu- facturers, who finish the process of curing. The further treatment it receives varies widely ac- cording to the desired product, whether for smok- ing or for snuff, etc. In all cases, however, fermentations play a prominent part. Some- times the leaves are directly inoculated with fer- menting material. In the preparation of snuff the details of the process are more complicated than in the preparation of smoking tobacco. The THE USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 59 tobacco, after being ground and mixed with cer- tain ingredients, is allowed to undergo a fermen- tation which lasts for weeks, and indeed for months. In the different methods of preparing snuff the fermentations take place in different ways, and sometimes the tobacco is subjected to two or three different fermentative actions. The result of the whole is the slow preparation of the commercial product. It is during the final fer- mentative processes that the peculiar colour and flavour of the snuff are developed, and it is during the fermentation of the leaves of the smoking to- bacco either the original fermentation or the subsequent ones that the special flavours and aromas of tobacco are produced. It can not be claimed for a moment that these changes by which the tobacco is cured and finally brought to a marketable condition are due wholly to bacteria. There is no question that chemical and physical phenomena play an important part in them. Nevertheless, from the moment when the tobacco is cut in the fields until the time it is ready for market the curing is very intimately associated with bacteria and fermentative organ- isms in general. Some of these processes are wholly brought about by bacterial life; in others the micro-organisms aid the process, though they perhaps can not be regarded as the sole agents. At the outset the tobacco producer has to contend with a number of micro-organisms which may produce diseases in his tobacco. During the drying process, if the temperature or the amount of moisture or the access of air is not kept in a proper condition, various troubles arise and va- rious diseases make their appearance, which either injure or ruin the value of the product. These 60 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. appear to be produced by micro-organisms of different sorts. During the fermentation which follows the drying the producer has to contend with micro-organisms that are troublesome to him ; for unless the phenomena are properly regulated the fermentation that occurs produces effects upon the tobacco which ruin its character. From the time the tobacco is cut until the final stage in the curing the persons engaged in preparing it for market must be on a constant watch to prevent the growth within it of undesirable or- ganisms. The preparation of tobacco is for this reason a delicate operation, and one that will be very likely to fail unless the greatest care is taken. In the several fermentative processes which occur in the preparation there is no question that micro-organisms aid the tobacco producer and manufacturer. Bacteria produce the first fermen- tation that follows the drying, and it is these or- ganisms too, in large measure, that give rise to all the subsequent fermentations, although seem- ingly in some cases purely chemical processes materially aid. Now the special quality of the tobacco is in part dependent upon the peculiar type of fermentation which occurs in one or an- other of these fermenting actions. It is the fer- mentation that gives rise to the peculiar flavour and to the aroma of the different grades of tobacco. Inasmuch as the various flavours which charac- terize tobacco of different grades are developed, at least to a large extent, during the fermentation processes, it is a natural supposition that the dif- ferent qualities of the tobacco, so far as concerns flavour, are due to the different types of fermen- tation. The number of species of bacteria which are found upon the tobacco leaves in the various THE USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 6 1 stages of its preparation is quite large, and from what we have already learned it is inevitable that the different kinds of bacteria will produce dif- ferent results in the fermenting process. It would seem natural, therefore, to assume that the different flavours of different grades may not un- likely be due to the fact that the tobacco in the different cases has been fermented under the in- fluence of different kinds of bacteria. Nor is this simply a matter of inference. To a certain extent experimental evidence has borne out the conclusion, and has given at least a slight in- dication of practical results in the future. Acting upon the suggestion that the difference between the high grades of tobacco and the poorer grades is due to the character of the bacteria that pro- duce the fermentation, certain bacteriologists have attempted to obtain from a high quality of tobacco the species of bacteria which are infesting it. These bacteria have then been cultivated by bacteriological methods and used in experiments for the fermentation of tobacco. If it is true that the flavour of high grade tobacco is in large meas- ure, or even in part, due to the action of the pe- culiar microbes from the soil where it grows, it ought to be possible to produce similar flavours in the leaves of tobacco grown in other localities, if the fermentation of the leaves is carried on by means of the pure cultures of bacteria obtained from the high grade tobacco. Not very much has been done or is known in this connection as yet. Two bacteriologists have experimented independ- ently in fermenting tobacco leaves by the action of pure cultures of bacteria obtained from such sources. Each of them reports successful experi- ments. Each claims that they have been able to 62 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. improve the quality of tobacco by inoculating the leaves with a pure culture of bacteria obtained from tobacco having high quality in flavour. In addition to this, several other bacteriologists have carried on experiments sufficient to indicate that the flavours of the tobacco and the character of the ripening may be decidedly changed by the use of different species of micro-organisms in the fer- mentations that go on during the curing processes. In regard to the whole matter, however, we must recognise that as yet we have very little knowledge. The subject has been under investi- gation for only a short time; and, while consid- erable information has been derived, this infor- mation is not thoroughly understood, and our knowledge in regard to the matter is as yet in rather a chaotic condition. It seems certain, however, that the quality of tobacco is in large measure dependent upon the character of the fer- mentations that occur at different stages of the curing. It seems certain also that these fermen- tations are wholly or chiefly produced by micro- organisms, and that the character of the fermen- tation is in large measure dependent upon the species of micro-organisms that produce it.- If these are facts, it would seem not improbable that a further study may produce practical re- sults for this great industry. The study of yeasts and the methods of keeping yeast from contami- nations has revolutionised the brewing industry. Perhaps in this other fermentative industry, which is of such great commercial extent, the use of pure cultures of bacteria may in the future pro- duce as great revolutions in methods as it has in the industry of the alcoholic fermentation. It must not, however, be inferred that the dif- THE USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 63 ferences in grades of tobacco grown in different parts of the world are due solely to variations in the curing processes and to the types of fermen- tation. There are differences in the texture of the leaves, differences in the chemical composi- tion of the tobaccoes, which are due undoubtedly to the soils and the climatic conditions in which they grow, and these, of course, will never be af- fected by changing the character of the ferment- ative processes. It is, however, probable that in so far as the flavours that distinguish the high and low grades of tobacco are due to the character of the fermentative processes, they may be in the fu- ture, at least to a large extent, controlled by the use of pure cultures in curing processes. Seem- ingly, then, there is as great a future in the de- velopment of this fermentative industry as there has been in the past in the development of the fermentative industry associated with brewing and vinting. OPIUM. Opium for smoking purposes is commonly allowed to undergo a curing process which lasts several months. This appears to be somewhat similar to the curing of tobacco. Apparently it is a fermentation due to the growth of micro- organisms. The organisms in question are not, however, bacteria in this case, but a species of allied fungus. The plant is a mould, and it is claimed that inoculation of the opium with cul- tures of this mould hastens the curing. TROUBLESOME FERMENTATIONS. Before leaving this branch of the subject it is necessary to notice some of the troublesome fer- 5 64 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. mentations which are ever interfering with our industries, requiring special methods, or, indeed, sometimes developing special industries to meet them. As agents of decomposition, bacteria will of course be a trouble whenever they get into material which it is desired to preserve. Since they are abundant everywhere, it is necessary to count upon their attacking with certainty any fermentable substance which is exposed to air and water. Hence they are frequently the cause of much trouble. In the fermentative industries they occasionally cause an improper sort of fer- mentation to occur unless care is taken to pre- vent undesired species of bacteria from being present. In vinegar making, improper species of bacteria obtaining access to the solution give rise to undesirable flavours^ greatly injuring the product. In tobacco curing it is very common for the wrong species of bacteria to gain access to the tobacco at some stage of the curing and by their growth give rise to various troubles. It is the ubiquitous presence of bacteria which makes it impossible to preserve fruits, meats, or vegetables for any length of time without special methods. This fact in itself has caused the de- velopment of one of our most important indus- tries. Canning meats or fruits consists in noth- ing more than bringing them into a condition in which they will be preserved from attack of these micro-organisms. The method is extremely sim- ple in theory. It is nothing more than heating the material to be preserved to a high tempera- ture and then sealing it hermetically while it is still hot. The heat kills all the bacteria which may chance to be lodged in it, and the hermetical sealing prevents other bacteria from obtaining THE USE OF BACTERIA IN THE ARTS. 65 access. Inasmuch as all organic decomposition is produced by bacterial growth, such sterilized and sealed material will be preserved indefinitely when the operation is performed carefully enough. The methods of accomplishing this with sufficient care are somewhat varied in different industries, but they are all fundamentally the same. It is an interesting fact that this method of preserving meats was devised in the last century, before the relation of micro-organisms to fermentation and putrefaction was really suspected. For a long time it had been in practical use while scientists were still disputing whether putrefaction could be avoided" by preventing the access of bacteria. The industry has, however, developed wonderfully within the last few years, since the principles underlying it have been understood. This un- derstanding has led to better methods of destroy- ing bacterial life and to proper sealing, and these have of course led to greater success in the pres- ervation, until to-day the canning industries are among those which involve capital reckoned in the millions. Occasionally bacteria are of some value in food products. The gamy flavour of meats is nothing more than incipient decomposition. Sauer Kraut is a food mass intentionally allowed to ferment and sour. The value of bacteria in producing butter and cheese flavours is noticed elsewhere. But commonly our aim must be to prevent the growth of bacteria in foods. Foods must be dried or cooked or kept on ice, or some other means adopted for preventing bacterial growth in them. It is their presence that forces us to keep our ice box, thus founding the ice business, as well as that of the manufacture of 66 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. refrigerators. It is their presence, again, that forces us to smoke hams, to salt mackerel, to dry fish or other meats, to keep pork in brine, and to introduce numerous other details in the methods of food preparation and preservation. CHAPTER III. RELATION OF BACTERIA TO THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. DAIRYING is one of the most primitive of our industries. From the very earliest period, ever since man began to keep domestic cattle, he has been familiar with dairying. During these many centuries certain methods of procedure have been developed which produce desired results. These methods, however, have been devised sim- ply from the accumulation of experience, with very little knowledge as to the reasons underly- ing them. The methods of past centuries are, however, ceasing to be satisfactory. The ad- vance of our civilization during the last half century has seen a marked expansion in the ex- tent of the dairy industry. With this expansion has appeared the necessity for new methods, and dairymen have for years been looking for them. The last few years have been teaching us that the new methods are to be found along the line of the application of the discoveries of modern bacteriology. We have been learning that the dairyman is more closely related to bacteria and their activities than almost any other class of persons. Modern dairying, apart from the mat- RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 67 ter of keeping the cow, consists largely in trying to prevent bacteria from growing in milk or in stimulating their growth in cream, butter, and cheese. These chief products of the dairy will be considered separately. SOURCES OF BACTERIA IN MILK. The first fact that claims our attention is, that milk at the time it is secreted from the udder of the healthy cow contains no bacteria. Although bacteria are almost ubiquitous, they are not found in the circulating fluids of healthy animals, and are not secreted by their glands. Milk when first secreted by the milk gland is therefore free from bacteria. It has taken a long time to demonstrate this fact, but it has been finally satis- factorily proved. Secondly, it has been demon- strated that practically all of the normal changes which occur in milk after its secretion are caused by the growth of bacteria. This, too, was long denied, and for quite a number of years after putrefactions and fermentations were generally acknowledged to be caused by the growth of micro-organisms, the changes which occurred in milk were excepted from the rule. The uni- formity with which milk will sour, and the diffi- culty, or seeming impossibility, of preventing this change, led to the belief that the souring of milk was a normal change characteristic of milk, just as clotting is characteristic of blood. This was, however, eventually disproved, and it was finally demonstrated that, beyond a few physi- cal changes connected with evaporation and a slight oxidation of the fat, milk, if kept free from bacteria, will undergo no change. If bac- 68 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. teria are not present, it will remain sweet indefi- nitely. But it is impossible to draw milk from the cow in such a manner that it will be free from bacteria except by the use of precautions abso- lutely impracticable in ordinary dairying. As milk is commonly drawn, it is sure to be contami- nated by bacteria, and by the time it has entered the milk pail it contains frequently as many as half a million, or even a million, bacteria in every cubic inch of the milk. This seems almost in- credible, but it has been demonstrated in many cases and is beyond question. Since these bac- teria are not in the secreted milk, they must come from some external sources, and these sources are the following: The first in importance is the cow herself; for while her milk when secreted is sterile, and while there are no bacteria in her blood, neverthe- less the cow is the most prolific source of bacte- rial contamination. In the first place, the milk ducts are full of them. After each milking a lit- tle milk is always left in the duct, and this fur- nishes an ideal place for bacteria to grow. Some bacteria from the air or elsewhere are sure to get into these ducts after the milking, and they begin at once to multiply rapidly. By the next milking they become very abundant -in the ducts, and the first milk drawn washes most of them at once into the milk pail, where they can continue their growth in the milk. Again, the exterior of the cow's body contains them in abundance. Every hair, every particle of dirt, every bit of dried manure, is a lurking, place for millions of bacteria. The hind quarters of a cow are commonly in a condition of much filth, RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 69 for the farmer rarely grooms his cow, and during the milking, by her movements, by the switching of her tail, and by the rubbing she gets from the milker, no inconsiderable amount of this dirt and filth is brushed off and falls into the milk pail. The farmer understands this source of dirt and usually feels it necessary to strain the milk after the milking. But the straining it receives through a coarse cloth, while it will remove the coarser particles of dirt, has no effect upon the bacteria, for these pass throug'h any strainer unimpeded. Again, the milk vessels themselves contain bac- teria, for they are never washed absolutely clean. After the most thorough washing which the milk pail receives from the kitchen, there will always be left many bacteria clinging in the cracks of the tin or in the wood, ready to begin to grow as soon as the milk once more fills the pail. The milker himself contributes to the supply, for he goes to the milking with unclean hands, unclean clothes, and not a few bacteria get from him to his milk pail. Lastly, we find the air of the milk- ing stall furnishing its quota of milk bacteria. This source of bacteria is, however, not so great as was formerly believed. That the air may con- tain many bacteria in its dust is certain, and doubtless these fall in some quantity into the milk, especially if the cattle are allowed to feed upon dusty hay before and during the milking. But unless the air is thus full of dust this source of bacteria is not very great, and compared with the bacteria from the other sources the air bac- teria are unimportant. The milk thus gets filled with bacteria, and since it furnishes an excellent food these bacteria begin at once to grow. The milk when drawn is 7 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. warm and at a temperature which especially stimulates bacterial growth. They multiply with great rapidity, and in the course of a few hours increase perhaps a thousandfold. The numbers which may be found after twenty-four hours are sometimes inconceivable ; market milk may con- tain as many as five hundred millions per cubic inch ; and while this is a decidedly extreme num- ber, milk that is a day old will almost always contain many millions in each cubic inch, the number depending upon the age of the milk and its temperature. During this growth the bacteria have, of course, not been without their effect. Recognising as we do that bacteria are agents for chemical change, we are prepared to see the milk undergoing some modifications during this rapid multiplication of bacteria. The changes which these bacteria produce in the milk and its prod- ucts are numerous, and decidedly affect its value. They are both advantageous and disadvantageous to the dairyman. They are nuisances so far as concerns the milk producer, but allies of the but- ter and cheese maker. THE EFFECT OF BACTERIA ON MILK. The first and most universal change effected in milk is its souring. So universal is this phe- nomenon that it is generally regarded as an in- evitable change which can not be avoided, and, as already pointed out, has in the past been regarded as a normal property of milk. To-day, however, the phenomenon is well understood. It is due to the action of certain of the milk bacteria upon the milk sugar which converts it into lactic acid, and this acid gives the sour taste and curdles RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 71 the milk. After this acid is produced in small quantity its presence proves deleterious to the growth of the bacteria, and further bacterial growth is checked. After souring, therefore, the milk for some time does not ordinarily undergo any further changes. Milk souring has been commonly regarded as a single phenomenon, alike in all cases. When it was first studied by bacteriologists it was thought to be due in all cases to a single species of micro- organism which was discovered to be commonly present and named Bacillus acidi lactici (Fig. 19). This bacterium has certainly the power of souring milk rapidly, and is found to be very common in dai- ries in Europe. As soon as bacte- FlG ^_ Bacillus riologists turned their attention atidilactici,\hz more closely to the subject it was common cause , , , , . , of sour milk. found that the spontaneous sour- ing of milk was not always caused by the same species of bacterium. Instead of finding this Ba- cillus acidi lactici always present, they found that quite a number of different species of bacteria have the power of souring milk, and are found in different specimens of soured milk. The number of species of bacteria which have been found to sour milk has increased until something over a hundred are known to have this power. These different species do not affect the milk in the same way. All produce some acid, but they differ in the kind and the amount of acid, and especially in the other changes which are effected at the same time that the milk is soured, so that the resulting soured milk is quite variable. In spite of this variety, however, the most recent 72 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. work tends to show that the majority of cases of spontaneous souring of milk are produced by bacteria which, though somewhat variable, prob- ably constitute a single species, and are identical with the Bacillus acidi lactid (Fig. 19). This spe- cies, found common in the dairies of Europe, ac- cording to recent investigations occurs in this country as w r ell. We may say, then, that while there are many species of bacteria infesting the dairy which can sour the milk, there is one which is more common and more universally found than others, and this is the ordinary cause of milk souring. When we study more carefully the effect upon the milk of the different species of bacteria found in the dairy, we find that there is a great variety of changes which they produce when they are al- lowed to grow in milk. The dairyman expe- riences many troubles with his milk. It sometimes curdles without becoming acid. Sometimes it becomes bitter, or acquires an unpleasant " tainted" taste, or, again, a "soapy" taste. Occasionally a dairyman finds his milk becoming slimy, instead of souring and curdling in the normal fashion. At such times, after a number of hours, the milk be- comes so slimy that it can be drawn into long threads. Such an infection proves very trouble- some, for many a time it persists in spite of all attempts made to remedy it. Again, in other cases the milk will turn blue, acquiring about the time it becomes sour a beautiful sky-blue colour. Or it may become red, or occasionally yellow. All of these troubles the dairyman owes to the pres- ence in his milk of unusual species of bacteria which grow there abundantly. Bacteriologists have been able to make out RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 73 satisfactorily the connection of all these infec- tions with different species of the bacteria. A large number of species have been found to cur- dle milk without rendering it acid, several render it bitter, and a number produce a " tainted " and one a " soapy " taste. A score or more have been found which have the power of rendering the milk slimy. Two different species at least have the power of turning the milk to sky- FIG. 20. Dahybac- blue colour; two or three pro- ^1^1^"^ duce red pigments (Fig. 20), and one or two have been found which produce a yel- low colour. In short, it has been determined be- yond question that all these infections, which are more or less troublesome to dairymen, are due to the growth of unusual bacteria in the milk. These various infections are all troublesome, and indeed it may be said that, so far as concerns the milk producer and the milk consumer, bac- teria are from beginning to end a source of trou- ble. It is the desire of the milk producer to avoid them as far as possible a desire which is shared also by everyone who has anything to do with milk as milk. Having recognised that the various troubles, which occasionally occur even in the better class of dairies, are due to bacteria, the dairyman is, at least in a measure, prepared to avoid them. The avoiding of these troubles is moderately easy as soon as dairymen recog- nise the source from which the infectious or- ganisms come, and also the fact that low tem- peratures will in all cases remedy the evil to a large extent. With this knowledge in hand the avoidance of all these troubles is only a question 74 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. of care in handling the dairy. It must be recog- nised that most of these troublesome bacteria come from some unusual sources of infection. By unusual sources are meant those which the ex- ercise of care will avoid. It is true that the sour- ing bacteria appear to be so universally distrib- uted that they can not be avoided by any ordinary means. But all other troublesome bacteria ap- pear to be within control. The milkman must remember that the sources of the troubles which are liable to arise in his milk are in some form of filth : either filth on the cow, or dust in the hay which is scattered through the barn, or dirt on cows' udders, or some other unusual and avoid- able source. These sources, from what we have already noticed, will always furnish the milk with bacteria; but under common conditions, and when the cow is kept in conditions of ordinary cleanli- ness, and frequently even when not cleanly, will only furnish bacteria that produce the universal souring. Recognising this, the dairyman at once learns that his remedies for the troublesome in- fections are cleanliness and low temperatures. If he is careful to keep his milk vessels scrupu- lously clean ; if he will keep his cow as cleanly as he does his horse; and if he will use care in and around the barn and dairy, and then apply low temperatures to the milk, he need never be dis- turbed by slimy or tainted milk, or any of these other troubles ; or he can remove such infections speedily should they once appear. Pure sweet milk is only a question of sufficient care. But care means labour and expense. As long as we demand cheap milk, so long will we be supplied with milk procured under conditions of filth. But when we learn that cheap milk is poor milk, and RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 75 when we are willing to pay a little more for it, then only may we expect the use of greater care in the handling of the milk, resulting in a purer product. Bacteriology has therefore taught us that the whole question of the milk supply in our com- munities is one of avoiding the too rapid growth of bacteria. These organisms are uniformly a nuisance to the milkman. To avoid their evil influence have been designed all the methods of caring for the dairy and the barn, all the methods of distributing milk in ice cars. Moreover, all the special devices connected with the great industry of milk supply have for their foundation the at- tempt to avoid, in the first place, the presence of too great a number of bacteria, and, in the second place, the growth of these bacteria. BACTERIA IN BUTTER MAKING. Cream ripening. Passing from milk to butter, we find a somewhat different story, inasmuch as here bacteria are direct allies to the dairyman rather than his enemies. Without being aware of it, butter makers have for years been making use of bacteria in their butter making, and have been profiting by the products which the bacteria have furnished them. Cream, as it is obtained from milk, will always contain bacteria in large quan- tity, and these bacteria will grow as readily in the cream as they will in the milk. The butter maker seldom churns his cream when it is freshly obtained from the milk. There are, it is true, some places where sweet cream butter is made and is in demand, but in the majority of butter- consuming countries a different quality of butter 7 6 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. is desired, and the cream is subjected to a process known as "ripening" or "souring" before it is churned. In ripening, the cream is simply al- lowed to stand in a vat for a period varying from twelve hours to two or three days, accord- ing to circumstances. During this period certain changes take place therein. The bacteria which were in the cream originally, get an opportunity to grow, and by the time the ripening is complete they become extremely numerous. As a result, the character of the cream changes just as the milk is changed under similar circumstances. It becomes somewhat soured; it becomes slightly curdled, and acquires a peculiarly pleasant taste and an aroma which was not present in the origi- nal fresh cream. After this ripening the cream is churned. It is during the ripening that the bacteria produce their effect, for after the churn- ing they are of less importance. Part of them collect in the butter, part of them are washed off from the butter in the buttermilk and the subse- quent processes. Most of the bacteria that are left in the butter soon die, not finding there a favourable condition for growth ; some of them, however, live and grow for some time and are prominent agents in the changes by which butter becomes rancid. The butter maker is concerned with the ripening rather than with later processes. The object of the ripening of cream is to render it in a better condition for butter making. The butter maker has learned by long experience that ripened cream churns more rapidly than sweet cream, and that he obtains a larger yield of butter therefrom. The great object of the ripening, however, is to develop in the butter the peculiar flavour and aroma which is characteristic of the RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 77 highest product. Sweet cream butter lacks fla- vour and aroma, having indeed a taste almost identically the same as cream. Butter, however, that is made from ripened cream has a peculiar delicate flavour and aroma which is well known to lovers of butter, and which is developed during the ripening process. Bacteriologists have been able to explain with a considerable degree of accuracy the object of this ripening. The process is really a fermenta- tion comparable to the fermentation that takes place in a brewer's malt. The growth of bacteria during the ripening produces chemical changes of a somewhat complicated character, and con- cerns each of the ingredients of the milk. The lactic-acid organisms affect the milk sugar and produce lactic acid; others act upon the fat, pro- ducing slight changes therein; while others act upon the casein and the albumens of the milk. As a result, various biproducts of decomposition arise, and it is these biproducts of decomposition that make the difference between the ripened and the unripened cream. They render it sour and curdle it, and they also produce the flavours and aromas that characterize it. Products of decom- position are generally looked upon as undesirable for food, and this is equally true of these products that arise in cream if the decomposition is allowed to continue long enough. If the ripening, instead of being stopped at the end of a day or two, is allowed to continue several days, the cream be- comes decayed and the butter made therefrom is decidedly offensive. But under the conditions of ordinary ripening, when the process is stopped at the right moment, the decomposition products are pleasant rather than unpleasant, and the fla- 7 8 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. vours and aromas which they impart to the cream and to the subsequent butter are those that are desired. It is these decomposition products that give the peculiar character to a high quality of butter, and this peculiar quality is a matter that determines the price which the butter maker can obtain for his product. But, unfortunately, the butter maker is not al- ways able to depend upon the ripening. While commonly it progresses in a satisfactory manner, sometimes, for no reason that he can assign, the ripening does not progress normally. Instead of developing the pleasant aroma and flavour of the properly ripened cream, the cream develops un- pleasant tastes. It may be bitter or somewhat tainted, and just as sure as these flavours develop in the cream, so sure does the quality of the but- ter suffer. Moreover, it has been learned by ex- perience that some creameries are incapable of obtaining an equally good ripening of their cream. While some of them will obtain favourable results, others, with equal care, will obtain a far less favour- able flavour and aroma in their butter. The rea- son for all this has been explained by modern bacte- riology. In the milk, and consequently in the cream, there are always found many bacteria, but these are not always of the same kinds. There are scores, and probably hundreds, of species of bacteria common in and around our barns and dairies, and the bacteria that are abundant and that grow in different lots of cream will not be always the same. It makes a decided difference in the character of the ripening, and in the conse- quent flavours and aromas, whether one or another species of bacteria has been growing in the cream. Some species are found to produce good results RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 79 with desired flavours, while others, under identical conditions, produce decidedly poor results with undesired^ flavours (Figs. 21-23). If the butter maker obtains cream which is filled with a large number of bacteria capable of producing good flavours, then the ripening of his cream will be satisfactory and his butter will be of high quality. If, however, it chances that his cream contains only the species which produce unpleasant fla- vours, then the character of the ripening will be decidedly inferior and the butter will be of a poorer grade. Fortunately the majority of the kinds of bacteria liable to get into the cream from ordinary sources are such as produce either good effects upon the cream or do not materially influence the flavour or aroma. Hence it is that the ripening of cream will commonly produce good results. Bacteriologists have learned that there are some species of bacteria more or less common around our barns which produce unde- sirable effects upon flavour, and should these be- come especially abundant in the cream, then the character of the ripening and the quality of the subsequent butter will suffer. These malign spe- cies of bacteria, however, are not very common in properly kept barns and dairies. Hence the pro- cess that is so widely used, of simply allowing cream to ripen under the influence of any bacte- ria that happen to be in it, ordinarily produces good results. But our butter makers sometimes find, at the times when the cattle change from winter to summer or from summer to winter feed, that the ripening is abnormal. The reason ap- pears to be that the cream has become infested with an abundance of malign species. The ripen- ing that they produce is therefore an undesirable 6 8o THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. one, and the quality of the butter is sure to suffer. So long as butter was made only in private dairies it was a matter of comparatively little importance if there was an occasional falling off in quality of this sort. When it was made a few pounds at a time, and only once or twice a week, it was not a very serious matter if a few churnings of butter did suf- fer in quality. But to-day the butter-making industries FIG. 21. Dairy bacterium are becoming more and more ? U 1^r" T t concentrated into large species has been used Creameries, and it IS a -mat- commercially for the rip- ter O f a goo d deal more im- enine of cream. ,. portance to some means by which a uniformly high quality can be insured. If a creamery which makes five hun- dred pounds of butter per day suffers from such an injurious ripening, the quality of its but- ter will fall off to such an extent as to command a lower price, and the creamery suffers material- ly. Perhaps the continuation of such a trouble for two or three weeks would make a difference between financial success and failure in the cream- ery. With our concentration of the butter-mak- ing industries it is becoming thus desirable to discover some means of regulating this process more accurately. The remedy of these occasional ill effects in cream ripening has not been within the reach of the butter maker. The butter maker must make butter with the cream that is furnished him, and if that cream is already impregnated with malign RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 8 1 species of bacteria he is helpless. It is true that much can be done to remedy these difficulties by the exercise of especial care in the barns of the patrons of the creamery. If the barns, the cows, the dairies, the milk vessels, etc., are all kept in condition of strict cleanliness, if especial care is taken particularly at the seasons of the year when trouble is likely ^ to arise, and if some attention is ^/?|P/J^ paid to the kind of food which the ^&j& cattle eat, as a rule the cream will 0(& not become infected with injurious FIG. 22. Dairy bacteria. It may be taken as a SucfngTleaL^' demonstrated fact that these ma- aroma in butter, lign bacteria come from sources of filth, and the careful avoidance of all such sources of filth will in a very large measure prevent their occurrence in the cream. Such measures as these have been found to be practicable in many cream- eries. Creameries which make the highest priced and the most uniform quality of butter are those in which the greatest care is taken in the barns and dairies to insure cleanliness and in the han- dling of the milk and cream. With such attention a large portion of the trouble which arises in the creameries from malign bacteria may be avoided. But these methods furnish no sure remedy against evils of improper species of bacteria in cream ripening, and do not furnish any sure means of obtaining uniform flavour in butter. Even under the very best conditions the flavour of the butter will vary with the season of the year. Butter made in the winter is inferior to that made in the summer months ; and while this is doubtless due in part to the different food which the cattle have and to the character of the 82 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. cream resulting therefrom, these differences in the flavour of the butter are also in part depend- ent upon the different species of bacteria which are present in the ripening of cream at different seasons. The species of bacteria in June cream are different from those that are commonly pres- ent in January cream, and this is certainly a fac- tor in determining the difference between winter and summer butter. USE OF ARTIFICIAL BACTERIA CULTURES FOR CREAM RIPENING. Bacteriologists have been for some time en- deavouring to aid butter makers in this direction by furnishing them with the bacteria needful for the best results in cream ripening. The method of doing this is extremely simple in principle, but proves to be somewhat difficult in practice. It is only necessary to obtain the species of bacteria that produce the highest results, and then to fur- nish these in pure culture and in large quantity to the butter makers, to enable them to inocu- late their cream with the species of bacteria which will produce the results that they desire. For this purpose bacteriologists have been for several years searching for the proper species of bacteria to produce the best results, and there have been put upon the market for sale several distinct "pure cultures " for this purpose. These have been obtained by different bacteriologists and dairymen in the northern European countries and also in the United States. These pure cul- tures are furnished to the dairymen in various forms, but they always consist of great quanti- ties of certain kinds of bacteria which experience RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 83 has found to be advantageous for the purpose of cream ripening (Figs. 21-23). There have hitherto appeared a number of difficulties in the way of reaching complete suc- cess in these directions. The most prominent arises in devising a method of using pure cultures in the creamery. The cream which the butter makers desire to ripen is, as we have seen, al- ready impregnated with bac- teria, and would ripen in a fashion of its own even if no pure culture of bacteria were FlG - 23. Dairy bacteri- added thereto. Pure cultures ^ flTlTiXtt can not therefore be used as simply as can yeast in bread dough. It is plain that the simple addition of a pure culture to a mass of cream would not produce the desired effects, because the cream would be ripened then, not by the pure culture alone, but by the pure culture plus all of the bacteria that were originally pres- ent. It would, of course, be something of a ques- tion as to whether under these conditions the results would be favourable, and it would seem that this method would not furnish any means of getting rid of bad tastes and flavours which have come from the presence of malign species of bac- teria. It is plainly desirable to get rid of the cream bacteria before the pure culture is added. This can be readily done by heating it to a tem- perature of 69 C. (155 F.) for a short time, this temperature being sufficient to destroy most of the bacteria. The subsequent addition of the pure culture of cream-ripening bacteria will cause the cream to ripen under the influence of the add- 84 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. ed culture alone. This method proves to be suc- cessful, and in the butter-making countries in Europe it is becoming rapidly adopted. In this country, however, this process has not as yet become very popular, inasmuch as the heating of the cream is a matter of considerable expense and trouble, and our butter makers have not been very ready to adopt it. For this reason, and also for the purpose of familiarizing butter makers with the use of pure cultures, it has been attempted to produce somewhat similar though less uniform results by the use of pure cultures in cream without previous healing. In the use of pure cultures in this way, the butter maker is directed to add to his cream a large amount of a prepared culture of certain species of bacteria, upon the principle that the addition of such a large number of bacteria to the cream, even though the cream is already inoculated with certain bacteria, will produce a ripening of the cream chiefly influenced by the artificially added culture. The culture thus added, being present in very much greater quantity than the other " wild " species, will have a much greater effect than any of them. This method, of course, can- not insure uniformity. While it may work satis- factorily in many cases, it is very evident that in others, when the cream is already filled with a large number of malign species of bacteria, such an artificial culture would not produce the desired results. This appears to be not only the theo- retical but the actual experience. The addition of such pure cultures in many cases produces favourable results, but it does not always do so, and the result is not uniform. While the use of pure cultures in this way is an advantage over RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 85 the method of simply allowing the cream to ripen normally without such additions, it is a method that is decidedly inferior to that which first pasteurizes the cream and subsequently adds a starter. There is still another method of adding bac- teria to cream to insure a more advantageous ripening, which is frequently used, and, being simpler, is in many cases a decided advantage. This method is by the use of what is called a natural starter. A natural starter consists simply of a lot of cream which has been taken from the most favourable source possible that is, from the cleanest and best dairy, or from the herd producing the best quality of cream and allow- ing this cream to stand in a warm place for a couple of days until it becomes sour. The cream will by that time be filled with large numbers of bacteria, and this is then put as a starter into the vat of cream to be ripened. Of course, in the use of this method the butter maker has no control over the kinds of bacteria that will grow in the starter, but it is found, practically, that if the cream is taken from a good source the results are extremely favourable, and there is produced in this way almost always an improvement in the butter. The use^of pure cultures is still quite new, particularly in this country. In the European butter-making countries they have been used for a longer period and have become very much bet- ter known. What the future may develop along this line it is difficult to say ; but it seems at least probable that as the difficulties in the de- tails are mastered the time will come when start- ers will be used by our butter makers for their 86 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. cream ripening, just as yeast is used by house- wives for raising bread, or by brewers for fer- menting malt. These starters will probably in time be furnished by bacteriologists. Bacteriol- ogy, in other words, is offering in the near future to our butter makers a method of controlling the ripening of the cream in such a way as to insure the obtaining of a high and uniform quality of butter, so far, at least, as concerns flavour and aroma. BACTERIA IN CHEESE. Cheese ripening. The third great product of the dairy industry is cheese, and in connection with this product the dairyman is even more de- pendent upon bacteria than he is in the produc- tion of butter. In the manufacture of cheese the casein of the milk is separated from the other products by the use of rennet, and is collected in large masses and pressed, forming the fresh cheese. This cheese is then set aside for sev- eral weeks, and sometimes for months, to under- go a process that is known as ripening. During the ripening there are developed in the cheese the peculiar flavours which are characteristic of the completed product. The taste of freshly made cheese is extremely unlike that of the ripened product. While butter made from unripened cream has a pleasant flavour, and one which is in many places particularly enjoyed, there is no- where a demand for unripened cheese, for the freshly made cheese has a taste that scarce any one regards as pleasant. Indeed, the whole value of the cheese is dependent upon the flavour of the product, and this flavour is developed during the ripening. RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 87 The cheese maker finds in the ripening of his cheese the most difficult part of his manufacture. It is indeed a process over which he has very little control. Even when all conditions seem to be correct, when cheese is made in the most care- ful manner, it not infrequently occurs that the ripening takes place in a manner that is entire- ly abnormal, and the resulting cheese becomes worthless. The cheese maker has been at an en- tire loss to understand these irregularities, noi has he possessed any means of removing them The abnormal ripening that occurs takes on vari- ous types. Sometimes the cheese will become extraordinarily porous, filled with large holes which cause the cheese to swell out of proper shape and become worthless. At other times various spots of red or blue appear in the manu- factured cheese; while again unpleasant tastes and flavours develop which render the product of no value. Sometimes a considerable portion of the product of the cheese factory undergoes such irregular ripening, and the product for a long time will thus be worthless. If some means could be discovered of removing these irregu- larities it would be a great boon to the cheese manufacturer ; and very many attempts have been made in one way or another to furnish the cheese maker with some details in the manufac- ture which will enable him in a measure to con- trol the ripening. The ripening of the cheese has been subjected to a large amount of study on the part of bac- teriologists who have been interested in dairy products. That the ripening of cheese is the result of bacterial growth therein appears to be probable from a priori grounds. Like the ripen- 88 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. ing of cream, it is a process that occurs some- what slowly. It is a chemical change which is accompanied by the destruction of proteid mat- ter; it takes place best at certain temperatures, and temperatures which we know are favourable to the growth of micro-organisms, all of which phenomena suggest to us the action of bacteria. Moreover, the flavours and the tastes that arise have a decided resemblance in many cases to the decomposition products of bacteria, strikingly so in Limburger cheese. When we come to study the matter of cheese ripening carefully we learn beyond question that this a priori conclusion is correct. The ripening of any cheese is depend- ent upon several different factors. The method of preparation, the amount of water left in the curd, the temperature of ripening, and other mis- cellaneous factors connected with the mechanical process of cheese manufacture, affect its charac- ter. But, in addition to all these factors, there is undoubtedly another one, and that is the number and the character of the bacteria that chance to be in the curd when the cheese is made. While it is found that cheeses which are treated by different processes will ripen in a different manner, it is also found that two cheeses which have been made under similar conditions and treated in identically the same way may also ripen in a different manner, so that the resulting flavour will vary. The varia- tions between cheeses thus made may be slight or they may be considerable, but variations cer- tainly do occur. Every one knows the great dif- ference in flavours of different cheeses, and these flavours are due in considerable measure to fac- tors other than the simple mechanical process of making the cheese. The general similarity of RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 89 the whole process to a bacterial fermentation leads us to believe at the outset that some of the differences in character are due to different kinds of bacteria that multiply in the cheese and produce decomposition therein. When the matter comes to be studied by bac- teriology, the demonstration of this position be- comes easy. That the ripening of cheese is due to growth of bacteria is very easily proved by manufacturing cheeses from milk which is de- prived of bacteria. For instance, cheeses have been made from milk that has been either ster- ilized or pasteurized which processes destroy most of the bacteria therein and, treated other- wise in a normal manner, are set aside to ripen. These cheeses do not ripen, but remain for months with practically the same taste that they had originally. In other experiments the cheese has been treated with a small amount of disinfective, which is sufficient to prevent bacteria from grow- ing, and again ripening is found to be absolutely prevented. Furthermore, if the cheese under or- dinary conditions is studied during the ripening process, it is found that bacteria are growing dur- ing the whole time. These facts all taken to- gether plainly prove that the ripening of cheese is a fermentation due to bacteria. It will be noticed, however, that the conditions in the cheese are not favourable for very rapid bac- terial growth. It is true that there is plenty of food in the cheese for bacterial life, but the cheese is not very moist; it is extremely dense, being subjected in all cases to more or less pres- sure. The penetration of oxygen into the centre of the mass must be extremely slight. The dens- ity, the lack of a great amount of moisture, and 9 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. the lack of oxygen furnish conditions in which bacteria will not grow very rapidly. The condi- tions are far less favourable than those of ripen- ing cream, and the bacteria do not grow with anything like the rapidity that they grow in cream. Indeed, the growth of these organisms during the ripening is extremely slow compared to the possibilities of bacterial growth that we have already noticed. Nevertheless, the bacteria do multiply in the cheese, and as the ripening goes on they become more and more abundant, although the number fluctuates, rising and falling under different conditions. When the attempt is made to determine the relation of the different kinds of ripening to dif- ferent kinds of bacteria, it has thus far met with extremely little success. That different flavours are due to the ripening produced by different kinds of bacteria would appear to be almost cer- tain when we remember, as we have already no- ticed, the different kinds of decomposition pro- duced by different species of bacteria. It would seem, moreover, that it ought not to be very diffi- cult to separate from the ripened cheese the bac- teria which are present, and thus obtain the kind of bacteria necessary to produce the desired ripen- ing. But for some reason this does not prove to be so easy in practice as it seems to be in theory. Many different species of bacteria have been sep- arated from cheeses. One bacteriologist, studying several cheeses, separated about eighty different species therefrom, and others have found perhaps as many more from different sources. More- over, experiments have been made with a consid- erable number of these different kinds of bacteria to determine whether they are capable of produc- RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 91 ing normal ripening. These experiments consist of making cheese out of milk that has been de- prived of its bacteria, and which has been inocu- lated with large quantities of the species in ques- tion. Hitherto these experiments have not been very satisfactory. In some cases the cheese ap- pears to ripen scarcely at all ; in other cases the ripening occurs, but the resulting cheese is of a peculiar character, entirely unlike the cheese that it is desired to imitate. There have been one or two experiments in recent times that give a little more promise of success than the earlier ones, for a few species of bacteria have been used in ripen- ing with what the authors have thought to be promising success. The cheese made from the milk artificially inoculated with these species ripens in a satisfactory manner and gives some of the character desired, though up to the pres- ent time in no case has the typical normal ripen- ing been produced in any of these experiments. But these experiments have demonstrated be- yond question that the abnormal ripening which is common in cheese factories is due to^the pres- ence of undesirable species of bacteria in the milk. Many of the experiments in making cheeses by means of artificial cultures of bacteria have re- sulted in decidedly abnormal cheeses. Many of the cheeses thus manufactured have shown imper- fections in ripening which are identical with those actually occurring in the cheese factory. Sev- eral different species of bacteria have been found which, when artificially used thus for ripening cheese, will give rise to the porosity and the ab- normal swelling of the cheese already referred to (Fig. 24). Others produced bad tastes and fla- vours, and enough has been done in this line to 9 2 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. demonstrate beyond peradventure that the ab- normal ripening of cheese is due primarily to the growth of improper species therein. Quite a long list of species of bacteria which produce abnormal ripening have been isolated from cheeses, and have been studied and experi- mented with by bacteriolo- gists. As a result of this study of abnormal ripening, there has been suggested a method of partially con- FIG. 24. Dairy bacterium trolling these remedying producing: -swelled" them The method con- cheese. . ... . , sists simply in testing the fermenting qualities of the milk used. A small sample of milk from different dairies is allowed to stand in the cheese factory by itself until it un- dergoes its normal souring. If the fermentation or souring that thus occurs is of a normal charac- ter, the milk is regarded as proper for cheese making. But if the fermentation that occurs in any particular sample of milk is unusual; if an extraordinary amount of gas bubbles are pro- duced, or if unpleasant smells and tastes arise, the sample is regarded as unfavourable for cheese making, and as likely to produce abnormal ripen- ing in the cheeses. Milk from this source would therefore be excluded from the milk that is to be used in cheese making. This, of course, is a ten- tative and an unsatisfactory method of control- ling the ripening, and yet it is one of some prac- tical value to cheese makers. It is the only method that has yet been suggested of control- ling the ripening. Our bacteriologists, of course, are quite con- RELATION OF BACTERIA TO DAIRY INDUSTRY. 93 fident that in the future more practical results will be obtained along this line than in the past. If it is true that cheeses are ripened by bacteria; if it is true that different qualities in the cheese are due to the growth of different species of bac- teria during the ripening, it would seem to be possible to obtain the proper kind of bacteria and to furnish them to the cheese maker for arti- ficially inoculating his cheese, just as it has been possible to furnish artificially cultivated yeasts to the brewer, and as it has become possible to fur- nish artificially cultivated bacteria to the butter maker. We must, however, recognise this to be a matter for the future. Up to the present time no practical results along the lines of bacteria have been obtained which our cheese manufac- turers can make use of in the way of controlling with any accuracy this process of cheese ripening. Thus it will be seen that in this last dairy product bacteria play even a more important part than in any of the others. The food value of cheese is dependent upon the casein which is pres- ent. The market price, however, is controlled entirely by the flavour, and this flavour is a prod- uct of bacterial growth. Upon the action of bacteria, then, the cheese maker is absolutely de- pendent; and when our bacteriologists are able in the future to investigate this matter further, it seems to be at least possible that they may obtain some means of enabling the cheese maker to con- trol the ripening accurately. Not only so, but recognising the great variety in the flavours of cheese, and recognising that different kinds of bacteria undoubtedly produce different kinds of decomposition products, it seems to be at least possible that a time will come when the cheese 94 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. maker will be able to produce at will any particu- larly desired flavour in his cheese by the addition to it of particular species of bacteria, or particular mixtures of species of bacteria which have been discovered to produce the desired effects. CHAPTER IV. BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. AGRICULTURE. THUS far, in considering the relations of bac- teria to mankind, we have taken into account only the arts and manufactures, and have found bac- teria playing no unimportant part in many of the industries of our modern civilized life. So im- portant are they that there is no one who is not directly affected by them. There is hardly a mo- ment in our life when we are not using some of the direct or indirect products of bacterial action. We turn now, however, to the consideration of a matter of even more fundamental importance ; for when we come to study bacteria in Nature, we find that there are certain natural processes connected with the life of animals and plants that are fundamentally based upon their powers. Liv- ing Nature appears limitless, for life processes have been going on in the world through count- less centuries with seemingly unimpaired vigour. At the very bottom we find this never-ending ex- hibition of vital power dependent upon certain activities of micro-organisms. So thoroughly is this true that, as we shall find after a short con- sideration, the continuance of life upon the surface BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 95 of the world would be impossible if bacterial action were checked for any considerable length of time. The life of the globe is, in short, de- pendent upon these micro-organisms. BACTERIA AS SCAVENGERS. In the first place, we may notice the value of these organisms simply as scavengers, keeping the surface of the earth in the proper condition for the growth of animals and plants. A large tree in the forest dies and falls to the ground. For a while the tree trunk lies there a massive structure, but in the course of months a slow change takes place in it. The bark becomes sof- tened and falls from the wood. The wood also becomes more or less softened; it is preyed upon then by insect life ; its density decreases more and more, until finally it crumbles into a soft, brownish, powdery mass, and eventually the whole sinks into the soil, is overgrown by mosses and other vegetation, and the tree trunk has dis- appeared from view. In the same way the body of the dead animal undergoes the process of the softening of its tissues by decay. The softer parts of the body rapidly dissipate, and even the bones themselves eventually are covered with the soil and disintegrated, until in time they, too, dis- appear from any visible existence. This whole process is one of decay, and the result is that the solid mass of the body of the tree or of the animal has been decomposed. What has become of it ? The answer holds the secret of Nature's eternal freshness. Part of it has dissipated into the air in the form of gases and water vapour ; part of it has changed its composition and has 7 96 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. become incorporated into the soil, the final result being that the body of the plant or animal disap- pears as such, and its substance is converted into gaseous form, which is dissipated in the air or into simple compounds which sink into the earth. This whole process of decay of organic life is one in which bacteria play the most important part. In the case of the decomposition of the woody matter of the tree trunk, the process is be- gun by the agency of moulds, for this group of organisms alone appears to be capable of attack- ing such hard woody structure. The later part of the decay, however, is largely carried on by bacterial life. In the decomposition of the ani- mal tissues, bacteria alone are the agents. Thus the process by which organic matter is dissipated into the air or incorporated into the soil is one which is primarily presided over by bacterial life. Viewing this matter in a purely mechanical light, the importance of bacteria in thus acting as scavengers can hardly be overestimated. If we think for a moment of the condition of the world were there no such decomposing agents to rid the earth's surface of the dead bodies of animals and plants, we shall see that long since the earth would have been uninhabitable. If the dead bodies of plants and animals of past ages simply accumulated on the surface of the ground with- out any forces to reduce them into simple com- pounds for dissipation, by their very bulk they would have long since completely covered the surface of the earth so as to afford no possible room for further growth of plants and animals. In a purely mechanical way, then, bacteria as de- composition agents are necessary to keep the sur- BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 97 face of the earth fresh and unencumbered so that life can continue. BACTERIA AS AGENTS IN NATURE'S FOOD CYCLE. But the matter by no means ends here. When we come to think of it, it is a matter of consider- able surprise that the surface of the earth has been able to continue producing animals and plants for the many millions of years during which life has been in existence. Plants and ani- mals both require food, animals depending wholly upon plants therefor. Plants, however, equally with animals, require food, and although they ob- tain a considerable portion of their food from the air, yet no inconsiderable part of it is obtained from the soil. The question is forced upon us, therefore, as to why the soil has not long since become exhausted of food. How could the soil continue to support plants year after year for millions of years, and yet remain as fertile as ever? The explanation of this phenomenon is in the simple fact that the processes of Nature are such that the same food is used over and over again, first by the plant, then by the animal, and then again by the plant, and there is no necessity for any end of the process so long as the sun fur- nishes energy to keep the circulation continuous. One phase of this transference of food from animal to plant and from plant to r.nimal is familiar to nearly every one. It is a weU-known fact that animals in their respiration consume oxygen, but exhale it again in combination with carbon as carbonic dioxide. On the other hand, 98 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. plants in their life consume the carbonic dioxide and exhale the oxygen again as free oxygen. Thus each of these kingdoms makes use of the excreted product of the other, and this process can go on indefinitely, the animals furnishing our atmosphere with plenty of carbonic acid for plant life, and the plants excreting into the atmosphere at the same time an abundant sufficiency of oxy- gen for animal life. The oxygen thus passes in an endless round from animal to plant and from plant to animal. A similar cycle is true of all the other foods of animal and plant life, though in regard to the others the operation is more complex and more members are required to complete the chain. The transference of matter through a series of changes by which it is brought from a condition in which it is proper food for plants back again into a condition when it is once more a proper food for plants, is one of the interesting dis- coveries of modern science, and one in which, as we shall see, bacteria play a most important part. This food cycle is illustrated roughly by the accompanying diagram ; but in order to under- stand it, an explanation of the various steps in this cycle is necessary. It will be noticed that at the bottom of the circle represented in Fig. 25, at A, are given various ingredients which are found in the soil and which form plant foods. Plant foods, as may be seen there, are obtained partly from the air as carbonic dioxide and water; but another portion comes from the soil. Among the soil ingredients the most prominent are nitrates, which are the forms of nitrogen compounds most easily made use of by plants as a source of BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 99 this important element. It should be stated also that there are other compounds in the soil which PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL LIFE c \D PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSITION AMMONIA NITRATES FREE\fT NITROGE'N TUBERCLE BACTERIA AND LEGUMES Flo. 25. Diagram illustrating Nature's food cycle. Explained in the text. furnish plants with part of their food com- pounds containing potassium, phosphorus, and some other elements. For simplicity's sake, however, these will be left out of consideration. Beginning at the bottom of the cycle (Fig. 25 A), plant life seizes the gases from the air and these foods from the soil, and by means of the energy furnished it by the sun's rays builds these simple chemical compounds into more complex ones. This gives us the second step, as shown in Fig. 25 B, the products of plant life. These products 100 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. of plant life consist of such materials as sugar, starches, fats, and proteids, all of which have been manufactured by the plant from the ingre- dients furnished it from the soil and air, and through the agency of the sun's rays. These products of plant life now form foods for the animal kingdom. Starches, fats, and proteids are animal foods, and upon such complex bodies alone can the animal kingdom be fed. Animal life, standing high up in the circle, is not capable of extracting its nutriment from the soil, but must take the more complex foods which have been manufactured by plant life. These complex foods enter now into the animal and take their place in the animal body. By the animal activi- ties, some of the foods are at once decomposed into carbonic acid and water, which, being dis- sipated into the air, are brought back at once into the condition in which they can serve again as plant food. This part of the food is thus brought back again to the bottom of the circle (Fig. 25, dotted lines). But while it is true that animals do thus reduce some of their foods to the simple condition of carbonic acid and water, this is not true of most of the foods which con- tain nitrogen. The nitrogenous foods are as necessary for the life as the carbon foods, and animals do not reduce their nitrogenous foods to the condition in which plants can prey upon them. While plants furnish them with nitroge- nous food, they can not give it back to the plants. Part of the nitrogenous foods animals build into new albumins (Fig. 25 C); but a part of them they reduce at once into a somewhat simpler condition known as urea. Urea is the form in which the nitrogen is commonly excreted from the animal BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. IO1 body. But urea is not a plant food; for ordinary plants are entirely unable to make use of it. Part of the nitrogen eaten by the animal is stored up in its body, and thus the body of the animal, after it has died, contains these nitrogen com- pounds of high complexity. But plants are not able to use these compounds. A plant can not be fed upon muscle tissue, nor upon fats, nor bones, for these are compounds so complex that the sim- ple plant is unable to use them at all. So far, then, in the food cycle the compounds taken from the soil have been built up into compounds of greater and greater complexity ; they have reached the top of this circle, and no part of them, except part of the carbon and oxygen, has become re- duced again to plant food. In order that this material should again become capable of enter- ing into the life of plants so as to go over the circle again, it is necessary for it to be once more reduced from its highly complex condition into a simpler one. Now come into play these decomposition agencies which we have been studying under the head of scavengers. It will be noticed that the next step in the food cycle is taken by the de- composition bacteria. These organisms, exist- ing, as we have already seen, in the air, in the soil, in the water, and always ready to seize hold of any organic substance that may furnish them with food, feed upon the products of animal life, whether they are such products as muscle tissue, or fat, or sugar, or whether they are the excreted products of animal life, such as urea, and produce therein the chemical decomposition changes al- ready noticed. As a result of this chemical decomposition, the complex bodies are broken I0 2 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. into simpler and simpler compounds, and the final result is a very thorough destruction of the animal body or the material excreted by animal life, and its reduction into forms simple enough for plants to use again as foods. Thus the bac- teria come in as a necessary link to connect the animal body, or the excretion from the animal body, with the soil again, and therefore with that part of the circle in which the material can once ' more serve as plant food. But in the decomposition that thus occurs through the agency of the putrefactive bacteria it very commonly happens that some of the food material is broken down into compounds too sim- ple for use as plant food. As will be seen by a glance at the diagram (Fig. 25 D), a portion of the cleavage products resulting from the destruction of these animal foods takes the form of carbonic- acid gas and w r ater. These ingredients are at once in condition for plant life, as shown by the dotted lines. They pass off into the air, and the green leaves of vegetation everywhere again seize them, assimilate them, and use them as food. Thus it is that the carbon and the oxygen have completed the cycle, and have come back again to the position in the circle w r here they started. In regard to the nitrogen portion of the food, however, it very commonly happens that the products which arise as the result of the decom- position processes are not yet in proper condition for plant food. They are reduced into a condition actually too simple for the use of plants. As a result of these putrefactive changes, the nitrogen products of animal life are broken frequently into compounds as simple as ammonia (NH 3 ), or into compounds which the chemists speak of as BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 103 nitrites (Fig. 25 at D). Now these compounds are not ordinarily within the reach of plant life. The luxuriant vegetation of the globe extracts its ni- trogen from the soil in a form more complex than either of the compounds here mentioned ; for, as we have seen, it is nitrates chiefly that furnish plants with their nitrogen food factor. But ni- trates contain considerable oxygen. Ammonia, which is one of the products of putrefactive de- composition, contains no oxygen, and nitrites, an- other factor, contains less oxygen than nitrates. These bodies are thus too simple for plants to make use of as a source of nitrogen. The chem- ical destruction of the food material which results from the action of the putrefactive bacteria is too thorough, and the nitrogen foods are not yet in condition to be used by plants. Now comes in the agency of still another class of micro-organisms, the existence of which has been demonstrated to us during the last few years. In the soil everywhere, espe- cially in fertile soil, is a class of bacteria which has received the name of nitrifying bacteria (Fig. 26). These organisms grow in the soil and feed upon the soil ingredients. In the FlG - 26. -Soil bacteria course of their life they have *%**** ni ' somewhat the same action upon the simple nitrogen cleavage products just men- tioned as we have already noticed the vinegar- producing species have upon alcohol, viz., the bringing about a union with oxygen. There are apparently several different kinds of nitrifying bacteria with different powers. Some of them cause an oxidation of the nitrogen products by 104 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. means of which the ammonia is united with oxy. gen and built up into a series of products finally resulting in nitrates (Fig. 26). By the action of other species still higher nitrogen compounds, in- cluding the nitrites, are further oxidized and built up into the form of nitrates. Thus these nitrify- ing organisms form the last link in the chain that binds the animal kingdom to the vegetable king- dom (Fig. 25 at 4). For after the nitrifying or- ganisms have oxidized nitrogen cleavage products, the results of the oxidation in the form of nitrates or nitric acid are left in the soil, and may now be seized upon by the roots of plants, and begin once more their journey around the food cycle. In this way it will be seen that while plants, by building up compounds, form the connecting link between the soil and animal life, bacteria in the other half of the cycle, by reducing them again, give us the connecting link between animal life and the soil. The food cycle would be as incomplete without the agency of bacterial life as it would be with- out the agency of plant life. But even yet the food cycle is not complete. Some of the processes of decomposition appear to cause a portion of the nitrogen to fly out of the circle at a tangent. In the process of de- composition which is going on through the agency of micro-organisms, a considerable part of the nitrogen is dissipated into the air in the form of free nitrogen. When a bit of meat de- cays, part of the meat is, indeed, converted into ammonia or other nitrogen compounds, but if the putrefaction is allowed to go on, in the end a considerable portion of it will be broken into still simpler forms, and the nitrogen will finally be dissipated into the air in the form of free nitro- BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 105 gen. This dissipation of free nitrogen into the air is going on in the world wherever putrefaction takes place. Wherever decomposition of nitrogen products occurs some free nitrogen is eliminated. Now, this part of the nitrogen has passed beyond the reach of plants, for plants can not extract free nitrogen from the air. In the diagram this is represented as a portion of the material which, through the agency of the decomposition bacte- ria, has been thrown out of the cycle at a tan- gent (Fig. 25 E). It will, of course, be plain from this that the store of nitrogen food must be constantly diminishing. The soil may have been originally supplied with a given quantity of nitro- gen compound, but if the decomposition products are causing considerable quantities of this nitro- gen to be dissipated in the air, it plainly follows that the total amount of nitrogen food upon which the animal and vegetable kingdoms can depend is becoming constantly reduced by such dissipation. There are still other methods by which nitro- gen is being lost from the food cycle. First, we may notice that the ordinary processes of vegeta- tion result in a gradual draining of the soil and a throwing of its nitrogen into the ocean. The body of any animal or any plant that chances to fall into a brook or river is eventually carried to the sea, and the products of its decomposition pass into the ocean and are, of course, lost to the soil. Now, while this gradual extraction of ni- trogen from the soil by drainage is a slow one, it is nevertheless a sure one. It is far more rapid in these years of civilized life than in former times, since the products of the soil are given to the city, and then are thrown into its sewage. 106 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. Our cities, then, with our present system of dis- posing of sewage, are draining from the soil the nitrogen compounds and throwing them away. In yet another direction must it be noticed that our nitrogen compounds are being lost to plant life viz., by the use of various nitrogen compounds to form explosives. Gunpowder, ni- tro-glycerine, dynamite, in fact, nearly all the ex- plosives that are used the world over for all sorts of purposes, are nitrogen compounds. When they are exploded the nitrogen of the compound is dissipated into the air in the form of gas, much of it in the form of free nitrogen. The basis from which explosive compounds are made con- tains nitrogen in the form in which it can be used by plants. Saltpetre, for example, is equally good as a fertilizer and as a basis for gunpowder. The products of the explosion are gases no longer capable of use by plants, and thus every explosion of nitrogen compounds aids in this gradual dissipation of nitrogen products, taking them from the store of plant foods and throwing them away. All of these agencies contribute to reduce the amount of material circulating in the food cycle of Nature, and thus seem to tend inevitably in the end toward a termination of the processes of life; for as soon as the soil becomes exhausted of its nitrogen compounds, so soon will plant life cease from lack of nutrition, and the disappear- ance of animal life will follow rapidly. It is this loss of nitrogen in large measure that is forcing our agriculturists to purchase fertilizers. The last fifteen years have shown us, however, that here again we may look upon our friends, the bacteria, as agents for counteracting this dissi- BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 107 pating tendency in the general processes of Na- ture. Bacterial life in at least two different ways appears to have the function of reclaiming from the atmosphere more or less of this dissipated free nitrogen. In the first place, it has been found in the last few years that soil entirely free from all common plants, but containing certain kinds of bacteria, if allowed to stand in contact with the air, will slowly but surely gain in the amount of nitrogen compounds that it contains. These nitrogen compounds are plainly manufactured by the bacteria in the soil ; for unless the bacteria are present they do not accumulate, and they do ac- cumulate inevitably if the bacteria are present in the proper quantity and the proper species. It appears that, as a rule, this fixation of nitrogen is not performed by any one species of micro- organisms, but by two or three of them acting together. Certain combinations of bacteria have been found which, when inoculated in the soil, will bring about this fixation of nitrogen, but no one of the species is capable of producing this result alone. We do not know to what extent these organisms are distributed in the soil, nor how widely this nitrogen fixation through bacte- rial life is going on. It is only within a short time that it has been demonstrated to exist, but we must look upon bacteria in the soil as one of the factors in reclaiming from the atmosphere the dissipated free nitrogen. The second method by which bacteria aid in the reclaiming of this lost nitrogen is by a com- bined action of certain species of bacteria and some of the higher plants. Ordinary green plants, as already noted, are unable to make use 108 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. of the free nitrogen of the atmosphere. It was found, however, some fifteen years ago that some species of plants, chiefly the great family of legumes, which contains the pea plant, the bean, the clover, etc., are able, when growing in soil that is poor in nitrogen, to obtain nitrogen from some source other than the soil in which they grow. A pea plant in soil that contains no nitro- gen products and watered with water that con- tains no nitrogen, will, after sprouting and growing for a length of time, be found to have accumu- lated a considerable quantity of fixed nitrogen in its tissues. The only source of this nitrogen has been evidently from the air which bathes the leaves of the plant or permeates the soil and bathes its roots. This fact was at first disputed, but sub- sequently demonstrated to be true, and was found later to be associated with the com- bined action of these legumes and certain soil bacteria. When a legume thus gains FIG. 27 .-Soii bacteria nitrogen from the air, it de- which produce tu- velops upon its roots little bercies on the roots bunches known as root nod- ules or root tubercles. The nodules are sometimes the size of the head of a pin, and sometimes much larger than this, occa- sionally reaching the size of a large pea, or even larger. Upon microscopic examination they are found to be little nests of bacteria. In some way the soil organisms (Fig. 27) make their way into the roots of the sprouting plant, and find- ing there congenial environment, develop in con- siderable quantities and produce root tubercles BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 109 in the root. Now, by some entirely unknown process, the legume and the bacteria growing to- gether succeed in extracting the nitrogen from the atmosphere which permeates the soil, and fix- ing this nitrogen in the tubercles and the roots in the form of nitrogen compounds. The result is that, after a proper period of growth, the amount of fixed nitrogen in the plant is found to have very decidedly increased (Fig. 25 E.). This, of course, furnishes a starting point for the reclaiming of the lost atmospheric nitrogen. The legume continues to live its usual life, per- haps increasing the store of nitrogen in its roots and stems and leaves during the whole of its normal growth. Subsequently, after having fin- ished its ordinary life, the plant will die, and then the roots and stems and leaves, falling upon the ground and becoming buried, will be seized upon by the decomposition bacteria already men- tioned. The nitrogen which has thus become fixed in their tissues will undergo the destructive changes already described. This will result eventually in the production of nitrates. Thus some of the lost nitrogen is restored again to the soil in the form of nitrates, and may now start on its route once more around the cycle of food. It will be seen, then, that the food cycle is a complete one. Beginning with the mineral in- gredients in the soil, the food matter may start on its circulation from the soil to the plant, from the plant to the animal, from the animal to the bacterium, and from the bacterium through a series of other bacteria back again to the soil in the condition in which it started. If, perchance, in this progress around the circle some of the nitrogen is thrown off at a tangent, this, too, 110 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. is brought back again to the circle through the agency of bacterial life. And so the food material of animals and plants continues in this never-ceasing circulation. It is the sunlight that furnishes the energy for the motion. It is the sunlight that forces the food around the circle and keeps up the endless change ; and so long as the sun continues to shine upon the earth there seems to be no reason why the process should ever cease. It is this repeated circulation that has made the continuation of life possible for the millions and millions of years of the earth's his- tory. It is this continued circulation that makes life possible still, and it is only this fact that the food is thus capable of ever circulating from ani- mal to plant and from plant to animal that makes it possible for the living world to continue its existence. But, as we have seen, one half of this great circle of food change is dependent upon bacterial life. Without the bacterial life the ani- mal body and the animal excretion could never be brought back again within the reach of the plant; and thus, were it not for the action of these micro-organisms the food cycle would be incomplete and life could not continue indefi- nitely upon the surface of the earth. At the very foundation, the continuation of the present condition of Nature and the existence of life during the past history of the world has been fundamentally based upon the ubiquitous pres- ence of bacteria and upon their continual action in connection with both destructive and con- structive processes. (BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. in RELATION OF BACTERIA TO AGRICULTURE. We have already noticed that bacteria play an important part in some of the agricultural in- dustries, particularly in the dairy. From the consideration of the matters just discussed, it is manifest that these organisms must have an even more intimate relation to the farmer's occupation. At the foundation, farming consists in the culti- vation of plants and animals, and we have al- ready seen how essential are the bacteria in the continuance of animal and plant life. But aside from these theoretical considerations, a little study shows that in a very practical manner the farmer is ever making use of bacteria, as a rule, quite unconsciously, but none the less positively. SPROUTING OF SEEDS. Even in the sprouting of seeds after they are sown in the soil bacterial life has its influence. When seeds are placed in moist soil they germi- nate under the influence of heat. The rich albu- minous material in the seeds furnishes excellent food, and inasmuch as bacteria abound in the soil, it is inevitable that they should grow in and feed upon the seed. If the moisture is excessive and the heat considerable, they very frequently grow so rapidly in the seed as to destroy its life " as a seedling. The seed rots in the ground as a . result. This does not commonly occur, however, in ordinary soil. But even here bacteria do grow in the seed, though not so abundantly as to pro- duce any injury. Indeed, it has been claimed that their presence in the seed in small quantities is a necessity for the proper sprouting of the 112 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. seed. It has been claimed that their growth tends to soften the food material in the seed, so that the young seedling can more readily absorb it for its own food, and that without such a softening the seed remains too hard for the plant to use. This may well be doubted, however, for seeds can apparently sprout well enough without the aid of bacteria. But, nevertheless, bacteria do grow in the seed during its germination, and thus do aid the plant in the softening of the food ma- terial. We can not regard them as essential to seed germination. It may well be claimed that they ordinarily play at least an incidental part in this fundamental life process, although it is un- certain whether the growth of seedlings is to any considerable extent aided thereby. In the management of a silo the farmer has undoubtedly another great bacteriological prob- lem. In the attempt to preserve his summer- grown food for the winter use of his animals, he is hindered by the activity of common bac- teria. If the food is kept moist, it is sure to undergo decomposition and be ruined in a short time as animal food. The farmer finds it neces- sary, therefore, to dry some kinds of foods, like hay. While he can thus preserve some foods, others can not be so treated. Much of the rank growth of the farm, like cornstalks, is good food while it is fresh, but is of little value when dried. The farmer has from experience and observation discovered a method of managing bacterial growth which enables him to avoid their ordinary evil effects. This is by the use of the silo. The BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 113 silo is a large, heavily built box, which is open only at the top. In the silo the green food is packed tightly, and when full all access of air is excluded, except at its surface. Under these conditions the food remains moist, but neverthe- less does not undergo its ordinary fermentations and putrefactions, and may be preserved for months without being ruined. The food in such a silo may be taken out months after it is packed^ and will still be found to be in good condition foi food. It is true that it has changed its charac- ter somewhat, but it is not decayed, and is eagerly eaten by cattle. We are yet very ignorant of the nature of the changes which occur in the food while in the silo. The food is not preserved from fermentation. When the silo is packed slowly, a very decided fermentation occurs by which the mass is raised to a high temperature (140 F. to 160 F.). This heating is produced by certain species of bacteria which grow readily even at this high temperature. The fermentation uses up the air in the silo to a certain extent and produces a settling of the material which still further ex- cludes air. The first fermentation soon ceases, and afterward only slow changes occur. Certain acid-producing bacteria after a little begin to grow slowly, and in time the silage is rendered somewhat sour by the production of acetic acid. But the exclusion of air, the close packing, and the small amount of moisture appear to prevent the growth of the common putrefactive bacteria, and the silage remains good for a long time. In other methods of filling the silo, the food is very quickly packed and densely crowded together so as to exclude as much air as possible from the H4 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. beginning. Under these conditions the lack of moisture and air prevents fermentative action very largely. Only certain acid-producing organ- isms grow, and these very slowly. The essential result in either case is that the common putrefac- tive bacteria are prevented from growing, proba- bly by lack of sufficient oxygen and moisture, and thus the decay is prevented. The closely packed food offers just the same unfavourable condition for the growth of common putrefactive bacteria that we have already seen offered by the hard-pressed cheese, and the bacteria growth is in the same way held in check. Our knowledge of the matter is as yet very slight, but we do know enough to understand that the successful management of a silo is dependent upon the manipulation of bacteria. THE FERTILITY OF THE SOIL. The farmer's sole duty is to extract food from the soil. This he does either directly by raising crops, or indirectly by raising animals which feed upon the products of the soil. In either case the fertility of the soil is the funda- mental factor in his success. This fertility is a gift to him from the bacteria. Even in the first formation of soil he is in a measure dependent upon bacteria. Soil, as is well known, is produced in large part by the crum- bling of the rocks into powder. This crumbling we generally call weathering, and regard it as due to the effect of moisture and cold upon the rocks, together with the oxidizing action of the air. Doubtless this is true, and the weathering action is largely a physical and chemical one. Never- BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 115 theless, in this fundamental process of rock disin- tegration bacterial action plays a part, though perhaps a small one. Some species of bacteria, as we have seen, can live upon very simple foods, finding in free nitrogen and carbonates sufficient- ly highly complex material for their life. These organisms appear to grow on the bare surface of rocks, assimilating nitrogen from the air, and car- bon from some widely diffused carbonates or from the COa in the air. Their secreted products of an acid nature help to soften the rocks, and thus aid in performing the first step in weathering. The soil is not, however, all made up of dis- integrated rocks. It contains, besides, various ingredients which combine to make it fertile. Among these are various sulphates which form important parts of plant foods. These sulphates appear to be formed, in part, at least, by bacterial agency. The decomposition of proteids gives rise, among other things, to hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S). This gas, which is of common occurrence in the atmosphere, is oxidized by bacterial growth into sulphuric acid, and this is the basis of part of the soil sulphates. The deposition of iron phosphates and iron silicates is probably also in a measure aided by bacterial action. All of these processes are factors in the formation of soil. Beyond much question the rock disintegration which occurs everywhere in Nature is chiefly the result of physical and chemical changes, but there is reason for believing that the physical and chem- ical processes are, to a slight extent at least, as- sisted by bacterial life. A more important factor of soil fertility is its nitrogen content, without which it is complete- ly barren. The origin of these nitrogen ingre- ir6 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. dients has been more or less of a puzzle. Fertile soil everywhere contains nitrates and other nitro- gen compounds, and in certain parts of the world there are large accumulations of these compounds, like the nitrate beds of Chili. That they have come ultimately from the free atmospheric nitro- gen seems certain, and various attempts have been made to explain a method of this nitrogen fixa- tion. It has been suggested that electrical dis- charges in the air may form nitric acid, which would readily then unite with soil ingredients to form nitrates. There is little reason, however, for believing this to be a very important factor. But in the soil bacteria we find undoubtedly an efficient agency in this nitrogen fixation. As al- ready seen, the bacteria are able to seize the free atmospheric nitrogen, converting it into nitrites and nitrates. We have also learned that they can act in connection with legumes and some other plants, enabling them to fix atmospheric ni- trogen and store it in their roots. By these two means the nitrogen ingredient in the soil is pre- vented from becoming exhausted by the processes of dissipation constantly going on. Further, by some such agency must we imagine the original nitrogen soil ingredient to have been derived. Such an organic agency is the only one yet dis- cerned which appears to have been efficient in furnishing virgin soil with its nitrates, and we must therefore look upon bacteria as essential to the original fertility of the soil. But in another direction still does the farmer depend directly upon bacteria. The most impor- tant factor in the fertility of the soil is the part of it called humus. This humus is very complex, and never alike in different soils. It contains ni- BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 117 trogen compounds in abundance, together with sulphates, phosphates, sugar, and many other sub- stances. It is this which makes the garden soil different from sand, or the rich soil different from the sterile soil. If the soil is cultivated year after year, its food ingredients are slowly but surely exhausted. Something is taken from the humus each year, and unless this be replaced the soil ceases to be able to support life. To keep up a constant yield from the soil the farmer under- stands that he must apply fertilizers more or less constantly. This application of fertilizers is simply feed- ing the crops. Some of these fertilizers the farm- er purchases, and knows little or nothing as to their origin. The most common method of feed- ing the crops is, however, by the use of ordinary barnyard manure. The reason why this material contains plant food we can understand, since it is made of the undigested part of food, together with all the urea and other excretions of animals, and contains, therefore, besides various minerals, all of the nitrogenous waste of animal life. These secretions are not at first fit for plant food. The farmer has learned by experience that such excre- tions, before they are of any use on his fields, must undergo a process of slow change, which is sometimes called ripening. Fresh manure is sometimes used on the fields, but it is only made use of by the plants after the ripening process has occurred. Fresh animal excretions are of little or no value as a fertilizer. The farmer, therefore, commonly allows it to remain in heaps for some time, and it undergoes a slow change, which gradually converts it into a condition in which it can be used by plants. This ripening is XI 8 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. readily explained by the facts already considered. The fresh animal secretions consist of various highly complex compounds of nitrogen, and the ripening is a process of their decomposition. The proteids are broken to pieces, and their nitrogen elements reduced to the form of nitrates, leucin, etc., or even to ammonia or free nitrogen. Fur- ther, a second process occurs, the process of oxidation of these nitrogen compounds already noticed, and the ammonia and nitrites resulting from the decomposition are built into nitrates. In short, in this ripening manure the processes noticed in the first part of this chapter are taking place, by which the complex nitrogenous bodies are first reduced and then oxidized to form plant food. The ripening of manure is both an ana- lytical and a synthetical process. By the analy- sis, proteids and other bodies are broken into very simple compounds, some of them, indeed, being dissipated into the air, but other portions are re- tained and then oxidized, and these latter become the real fertilizing materials. Through the agency of bacteria the compost heap thus becomes the great source of plant food to the farmer. Into this compost heap he throws garbage, straw, vege- table and animal substances in general, or any organic refuse which may be at hand. The vari- ous bacteria seize it all, and cause the decomposi- tion which converts it into plant food again. The rotting of the compost heap is thus a gigantic cultivation of bacteria. This knowledge of the ripening process is fur- ther teaching the farmer how to prevent waste. In the ordinary decomposition of the compost heap not an inconsiderable portion of the nitro- gen is lost in the air by dissipation as ammonia BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 119 or free nitrogen. Even his nitrates may be thus lost by bacterial action. This portion is lost to the farmer completely, and he can only hope to replace it either by purchasing nitrates in the form of commercial fertilizers, or by reclaiming it from the air by the use of the bacterial agencies already noticed. With the knowledge now at his command he is learning to prevent this waste. In the decomposition one large factor of loss is the ammonia, which, being a gas, is readily dis- sipated into the air. Knowing this common re- sult of bacterial action, the scientist has told the farmer that, by adding certain common chemic- als to his decomposing manure heap, chemicals which will readily unite with ammonia, he may retain most of the nitrogen in .this heap in the form of ammonia salts, which, once formed, no longer show a tendency to dissipate into the air. Ordinary gypsum, or superphosphates, or plaster will readily unite with ammonia, and these added to the manure heap largely counteract the tend- ency of the nitrogen to waste, thus enabling the farmer to put back into his soil most of the nitro- gen which was extracted from it by his crops and then used by his stock. His vegetable crops raise the nitrates into proteids. His animals feed upon the proteids, and perform his work or fur- nish him with milk. Then his bacteria stock take the excreted or refuse nitrogen, and in his manure heap turn it back again into nitrates ready to begin the circle once more. This might go on almost indefinitely were it not for two facts : the farmer sends nitrogenous material off his farm in the milk or grains or other nitro- genous products which he sells, and the de- composition processes, as we have seen, dissi- 120 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. pate some of the nitrogen into the air as free ni- trogen. To meet this emergency and loss the farmer has another method of enriching the soil, again depending upon bacteria. This is the so-called green manuring. Here certain plants which seize nitrogen from the air are cultivated upon the field to be fertilized, and, instead of harvesting a crop, it is ploughed into the soil. Or perhaps the tops may be harvested, the rest being ploughed into the soil. 'The vegetable material thus ploughed in lies over a season and enriches the soil. Here the bacteria of the soil come into play in several directions. First, if the crop sowed be a legume, the soil bacteria assist it to seize the nitrogen from the air. The only plants which are of use in this green manuring are those which can, through the agency of bacteria, obtain nitrogen from the air and store it in their roots. Second, after the crop is ploughed into the soil various decomposing bacteria seize upon it, pulling the compounds to pieces. The carbon is largely dissipated into the air as carbonic dioxide, where the next generation of plants can get hold of it. The minerals and the nitrogen remain in the soil. The nitrogenous portions go through the same series of decomposition and synthetical changes already described, and thus eventually the nitro- gen seized from the air by the combined action of the legumes and the bacteria is converted into nitrates, and will serve for food for the next set of plants grown on the same soil. Here is thus a practical method of using the nitrogen assimila- tion powers of bacteria, and reclaiming nitrogen from the air to replace that which has been lost. Thus it is that the farmer's nitrogen problem BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 121 of the fertile soil appears to resolve itself into a proper handling of bacteria. These organisms have stocked his soil in the first place. They convert all of his compost heap wastes into simple bodies, some of which are changed into plant foods, while others are at the same time lost. Lastly, they may be made to reclaim this lost nitrogen, and the farmer, so soon as he has requisite knowledge of these facts, will be able to keep within his control the supply of this im- portant element. The continued fertility of the soil is thus a gift from the bacteria. BACTERIA AS SOURCES OF TROUBLE TO THE FARMER. While the topics already considered comprise the most important factors in agricultural bacte- riology, the farmer's relations to bacteria do not end here. These organisms come incidentally into his life in many ways. They are not always his aids as they are in most of the instances thus far cited. They produce disease in his cattle, as will be noticed in the next chapter. Bacteria are agents of decomposition, and they are just as likely to decompose material which the farmer wishes to preserve as they are to decompose ma- terial which the farmer desires to undergo the process of decay. They are as ready to attack his fruits and vegetables as to ripen his cream. The skin of fruits and vegetables is a moderately good protection of the interior from the attack of bacteria; but if the skin be broken in any place, bacteria get in and cause decay, and to prevent it the farmer uses a cold cellar. The bacteria prevent the farmer from preserving I22 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. meats for any length of time unless he checks their growth in some way. They get into the eggs of his fowls and ruin them. Their trouble- some nature in the dairy in preventing the keep- ing of milk has already been noticed. If he plants his seeds in very moist, damp weather, the soil bacteria cause too rapid a decomposition of the seeds and they rot in the ground instead of sprouting. They produce disagreeable odours, and are the cause of most <^f the peculiar smells, good and bad, around the barn. They attack the organic matter which gets into his well or brook or pond, decomposing it, filling the water with disagreeable and perhaps poisonous products which render it unfit to drink. They not only aid in the decay of the fallen tree in his forests, but in the same way attack the timber which he wishes to preserve, especially if it is kept in a moist condition. Thus they contribute largely to the gradual destruction of wooden structures. It is therefore the presence of these organisms which forces him to dry his hay, to smoke his hams, to corn his beef, to keep his fruits and vegetables cool and prevent skin bruises, to ice his dairy, to protect his timber from rain, to use stone instead of wooden foundations for build- ings, etc. In general, when the farmer desires to get rid of any organic refuse, he depends upon bacteria, for they are his sole agents (aside from fire) for the final destruction of organic matter. When he wishes to convert waste organic refuse into fertilizing material, he uses the bacteria of his compost heap. On the other hand, whenever he desires to preserve organic material, the bacteria are the enemies against which he must carefully guard. BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 123 Thus the farmer's life from year's end to year's end is in most intimate association with bacteria. Upon them he depends to insure the continued fertility of his soil and the constant continued production of good crops. Upon them he de- pends to turn into plant food all the organic ref- use from his house or from his barn. Upon them he depends to replenish his stock of nitrogen. It is these organisms which furnish his dairy with its butter flavours and with the taste of its cheese. But, on the other hand, against them he must be constantly alert. All his food products must be protected from their ravages. A successful farm- er's life, then, largely resolves itself into a skilful management of bacterial activity. To aid them in destroying or decomposing everything which he does not desire to preserve, and to prevent their destroying the organic material which he wishes to keep for future use, is the object of a considerable portion of farm labour ; and the most successful farmer to-day, and we believe the most successful farmer of the future, is the one who most intelli- gently and skilfully manipulates these gigantic forces furnished him by the growth of his micro- scopical allies. RELATION OF BACTERIA TO COAL. Another one of Nature's processes in which bacteria have played an important part is in the formation of coal. It is unnecessary to emphasize the importance of coal in modern civilization. Aside from its use as fuel, upon which civilization is dependent, coal is a source of an endless variety of valuable products. It is the source of our illuminating gas, and ammonia is one of the prod- j24 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. ucts of the gas manufacture. From the coal also comes coal tar, the material from which such a long series of valuable materials, as aniline colours, carbolic acid, etc., is derived. The list of products which we owe to coal is very long, and the value of this material is hardly to be over- rated. In the preparation of these ingredients from coal bacteria do not play any part. Most of them are derived by means of distillation. But when asked for the agents which have given us the coal of the coal beds, we shall find that here, too, we owe a great debt to bacteria. Coal, as is well known, has come from the ac- cumulation of the luxuriant vegetable growth of the past geological ages. It has therefore been directly furnished us by the vegetation of the green plants of the past, and, in general, it repre- sents so much carbonic dioxide which these plants have extracted from the atmosphere. But while the green plants have been the active agents in producing this assimilation, bacteria have played an important part in coal manufac- ture in two different directions. The first ap- pears to be in furnishing these plants with nitrogen. Without a store of fixed nitrogen in the soil these carboniferous plants could not have grown. This matter has already been considered. We have no very absolute knowledge as to the agency of bacteria in furnishing nitrogen for this vegetation in past ages, but there is every reason to believe that in the past, as in the present, the chief source of organic nitrogen has been from the atmosphere and derived from the atmos- phere through the agency of bacteria. In the absence of any other known factor we may be pretty safe in the assumption that bacteria played BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. I2 5 an important part in this nitrogen fixation, and that bacteria must therefore be regarded as the agents which have furnished us the nitrogen stored in the coal. But in a later stage of coal formation bacteria have contributed more directly to the formation of coal. Coal is not simply accumulated vegetation. The coal of our coal beds is very different in its chemical composition from the wood of the trees. It contains a much higher percentage of carbon and a lower percentage of hydrogen and oxygen than ordinary vegetable substances. The conver- sion of the vegetation of the carboniferous ages into coal was accompanied by a gradual loss of hydrogen and a consequent increase in the per- centage of carbon. It is this change, that has added to the density of the substance and makes the greater value of coal as fuel. There is little doubt now as to the method by which this woody material of the past has been converted into coal. The same process appears to be going on in a similar manner to-day in the peat beds of various northern countries. The fallen vegetation, trees, trunks, branches, and leaves, accumulate in masses, and, when the conditions of moisture and temperature are right, begin to undergo a fer- mentation. Ordinarily this action of bacteria, as already noticed, produces an almost complete though slow oxidation of the carbon, and results in the total decay of the vegetable matter. But if the vegetable mass be covered by water and mud under proper conditions of moisture and tem- perature, a different kind of fermentation arises which does not produce such complete decay. The covering of water prevents the access of oxygen to the fermenting mass, an oxidation of I2 6 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. the carbon is largely prevented, and the vegetable matter slowly changes its character. Under the influence of this slow fermentation, aided, proba- bly by pressure, the mass becomes more and more solid and condensed, its woody character becomes less and less distinct, and there is a gradual loss of the hydrogen and the oxygen. Doubtless there is a loss of carbon also, for there is an evo- lution of marsh gas which contains carbon. But in this slow fermentation taking place under the water in peat bogs and marshes the carbon loss is relatively small ; the woody material does not become completely oxidized, as it does in free operations of decay. The loss of hydrogen and oxygen from the mass is greater than that of carbon, and the percentage of carbon therefore in- creases. This is not the ordinary kind of fermen- tation that goes on in vegetable accumulations. It requires special conditions and possibly special kinds of fermenting organisms. Peat is not formed in all climates. In warm regions, or where the woody matter is freely exposed to the air, the fermentation of vegetable matter is more complete, and it is entirely destroyed by oxida- tion. It is only in colder regions and when cov- ered with water that the destruction of the organic matter stops short of decay. But such incom- plete fermentation is still going on in many parts of the world, and by its means vegetable ac- cumulations are being converted into peat. This formation of peat appears to be a first step in the formation of denser coal. By a con- tinuation of the same processes the mass becomes still more dense and solid. As we pass from the top to the bottom of such an accumulation of peat, we find it becoming denser and denser, and BACTERIA IN NATURAL PROCESSES. 127 at the bottom it is commonly of a hard consist- ence, brownish in colour, and with only slight traces of the original woody structure. Such material is called lignite. It contains a higher percentage of carbon than peat, but a lower per- centage than coal, and is plainly a step in coal for- mation. But the process goes on, the hydrogen and oxygen loss continuing until there is finally produced true coal. If this is the correct understanding of the for- mation of coal, we see that we have plainly a pro- cess in which bacterial life has had a large and important share. We are, of course, densely ignorant of the exact processes going on. We know nothing positively as to the kind of micro- organisms which produce this slow, peculiar fer- mentation. As yet, the fermentation going on in the formation of the peat has not been studied by the bacteriologists, and we do not know from direct experiment that it is a matter of bacterial action. It has been commonly regarded as sim- ply a slow chemical change, but its general simi- larity to other fermentative processes is so great that we can have little hesitation in attributing it to micro-organisms, and doubtless to some forms of plants allied to bacteria. There is no reason for doubting that bacteria existed in the geologi- cal ages with essentially the same powers as they now possess, and to some forms of bacteria which grow in the absence of oxygen can we probably attribute the slow change which has produced coal. Here, then, is another great source of wealth in Nature for which we are de- pendent upon bacteria. While, of course, water and pressure were very essential factors in the deposition of coal, it was a peculiar kind of fer- 9 I2 8 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. mentation occurring in the vegetation that brought about the chemical changes in it which resulted in its transformation into coal. The vege- tation of the carboniferous age was dependent upon the nitrogen fixed by the bacteria, and to these organisms also do we owe the fact that this vegetation was stored for us in the rocks. CHAPTER V. PARASITIC BACTERIA AND THEIR RELATION TO DISEASE. PERHAPS the most universally known fact in regard to bacteria is that they are the cause of disease. It is this fact that has made them ob- jecfs of such wide interest. This is the side of the subject that first attracted attention, has been most studied, and in regard to which there has been the greatest accumulation of evidence. So persistently has the relation of bacteria to disease been discussed and emphasized that the majority of readers are hardly able to disassociate the two. To most people the very word bacteria is almost equivalent to disease, and the thought of swallow- ing microbes in drinking water or milk is decid- edly repugnant and alarming. In the public mind it is only necessary to demonstrate that an article holds bacteria to throw it under condemnation. We have already seen that bacteria are to be regarded as agents for good, and that from their fundamental relation to plant life they must be looked upon as our friends rather than as our enemies. It is true that there is another side to PARASITIC BACTERIA. I2 9 the story which relates to the parasitic species. These parasitic forms may do us direct or indi- rect injury. But the species of bacteria which are capable of doing us any injury, iht pathogenic bac- teria, are really very few compared to the great host of species which are harmless. A small number of species, perhaps a score or two, are pathogenic, while a much larger number, amount- ing to hundreds and perhaps thousands of species, are perfectly harmless. This latter class do no in- jury even though swallowed by man in thousands. They are not parasitic, and are -unable to grow in the body of man. Their presence is entirely con- sistent with the most perfect health, and, indeed, there are some reasons for believing that they are sometimes directly beneficial to health. It is entirely unjust to condemn all bacteria because a few chance to produce mischief. Bacteria in gen- eral are agents for good rather than ill. There are, however, some species which cause mankind much trouble by interfering in one way or another, with the normal processes of life. These pathogenic bacteria, or disease germs, do not all act alike, but bring about injury to man in a number of different ways. We may recognise two different classes among them, which, how- ever, we shall see are connected by intermediate types. These two classes are, first, the patho- genic bacteria, which are not strictly parasitic but live free in Nature ; and, second, those which live as true parasites in the bodies of man or other ani- mals. To understand the real relation of these two classes, we must first notice the method by which bacteria in general produce disease. I3 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. METHOD BY WHICH BACTERIA PRODUCE DISEASE. Since it was first clearly recognised that cer- tain species of bacteria have the power of pro- ducing disease, the question as to how they do so has ever been a prominent one. Even if they do grow in the body, why should their presence give rise to the symptoms characterizing dis- ease ? Various answers to this question have been given in the past. It has been suggested that in their growth they consume the food of the body and thus exhaust it ; that they produce an oxidation of the body tissues, or that they produce a reduction of these tissues, or that they mechanically interfere with the circulation. None of these suggestions have proved of much value. Another view was early advanced, and has stood the test of time. This claim is that the bacteria while growing in the body produce poi- sons, and these poisons then have a direct action on the body. We have already noticed that bac- teria during their growth in any medium produce a large number of biproducts of decomposition. We noticed also that among these biproducts there are some which have a poisonous nature ; so poisonous are they that when inoculated into the body of an animal they may produce poison ing and death. We have only to suppose that the pathogenic bacteria, when growing as parasites in man, produce such poisons, and we have at once an explanation of the method by which they give rise to disease. This explanation of germ disease is more than simple theory. It has been in many cases clearly demonstrated. It has been found that the bac- PARASITIC BACTERIA. 131 teria which cause diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, tuberculosis, and many other diseases, produce' even when growing in common culture media, poisons which are of a very violent nature. These poisons when inoculated into the bodies of ani- mals give rise to much the same symptoms as the bacteria do themselves when growing as para- sites in the animals. The chief difference in the results from inoculating an animal with the poison and with the living bacteria is in the rapidity of the action. When the poison is injected the poi- soning symptoms are almost immediately seen ; but when the living bacteria are inoculated the effect is only seen after several days or longer, not, in short, until the inoculated bacteria have had time enough to grow in the body and produce the poi- son in quantity. It has not by any means been shown that all pathogenic germs produce their effect in this way, but it has been proved to be the real method in quite a number of cases, and is extremely probable in others. While some bacteria perhaps produce results by a different method, we must recognise the production of poi- sons as at all events the common direct cause of the symptoms of disease. This explanation will enable us more clearly to understand the relation of different bacteria to disease. PATHOGENIC GERMS WHICH ARE NOT STRICTLY PARASITIC. Recognising that bacteria may produce poi- sons, we readily see that it is not always neces- sary that they should be parasites in order to produce trouble. In their ordinary growth in Nature such bacteria will produce no trouble. 132 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. The poisons will be produced in decaying mate- rial but will seldom be taken into the human body. These poisons, produced in the first stages of putrefaction, are oxidized by further stages of decomposition into harmless products. But should it happen that some of these bacteria obtained a chance to grow vigorously for a while in organic products that are subsequently swal- lowed as man's food, it is plain that evil results might follow. If such food is swallowed by man after the bacteria have produced their poisonous bodies, it will tend to produce an immediate poi- soning of his system. The effect may be sudden and severe if considerable quantity of the poison- .ous material is swallowed, or slight but protracted if small quantities are repeatedly consumed in food. Such instances are not uncommon. Well- known examples are cases of ice-cream poison- ing, poisoning from eating cheese or from drink- ing milk, or in not a few instances from eating fish or meats w r ithin which bacteria have had opportunity for growth. In all these cases the poison is swallowed in quantity sufficient to give rise quickly to severe symptoms, sometimes re- sulting fatally, and at other times passing off as soon as the body succeeds in throwing off the poisons. In other cases still, however, the amount of poison swallowed may be very slight, too slight to produce much effect unless the same be consumed repeatedly. All such trouble may be attributed to fermented or partly decayed food. It is difficult to distinguish such instances from others produced in a slightly different way, as follows: It may happen that the bacteria which grow in food products continue to grow in the food PARASITIC BACTERIA. 133 even after it is swallowed and has passed into the stomach or intestines. This appears particu- larly true of milk bacteria. Under these condi- tions the bacteria are not in any proper sense parasitic, since they are simply living in and feeding upon the same food which they consume outside the body, and are not feeding upon the tissues of man. The poisons which they produce will continue to be developed as long as the bac- teria continue to grow, whether in a milk pail or a human stomach. If now the poisons are ab- sorbed by the body, they may produce a mild or severe disease which will be more or less lasting, continuing perhaps as long as the same food and the same bacteria are supplied to the individual. The most important disease of this class appears to be the dreaded cholera infantum, so common among infants who feed upon cow's milk in warm weather. It is easy to understand the nature of this disease when we remember the great number of bacteria in milk, especially in hot weather, and when we remember that the delicate organ- ism of the infant will be thrown at once into disorder by slight amounts of poison which would have no appreciable effect upon the stronger adult. We can easily understand, further, how the disease readily yields to treatment if care is taken to sterilize the milk given to the pa- tient. We do not know to-day the extent of the troubles which are produced by bacteria of this sort. They will, of course, be chiefly connected with our food products, and commonly, though not always, will affect the digestive functions. It is probable that many of the cases of summer diarrhoea are produced by some such cause, and 134 THE STORY OF GERM LIFE. if they could be traced to their source would be found to be produced by bacterial poisons swal- lowed with food or drink, or by similar poisons produced by bacteria growing in such food after it is swallowed by the individual. In hot weather, when bacteria are so abundant everywhere and growing so rapidly, it is impossible to avoid such dangers completely without exercising over all food a guard which would be decidedly oppress- ive. It is well to bear in mind, however, that the most common and most dangerous source of such poisons is milk or its products, and for this reason one should hesitate to drink milk in hot weather unless it is either quite fresh or has been boiled to destroy its bacteria. PATHOGENIC BACTERIA WHICH ARE TRUE PARASITES. This class of pathogenic bacteria includes those which actually invade the body and feed upon its tissues instead of living simply upon swallowed food. It is difficult, however, to draw any sharp line sep- arating the two classes. The bac- teria which cause diphtheria (Fig. 28 )' for instance > do not really in- FIG. 28. Diphtheria bacillus. Vade the body. They grow in the throat, attached to its walls, and are confined to this external location or to the superficial tissues. This bacillus is, in short, only found in the mouth and throat, and is practically confined to the so- PARASITIC BACTERIA. 135 called false membranes. It never enters any of the tissues of the body, although attached to the mucous membrane. It grows vigorously in this membrane, and there secretes or in some way produces extremely violent poisons. These poisons are then absorbed by the body and give rise to the general symptoms of the disease. Much the same is true of the bacillus which causes tetanus b by/^/.No.Sect.7l..^r.....Sew by....3L Before sewing,Sc [Scoring is necessary or....Pr ess~~ Strip Sect.... stiff or heavy paper] Rate This book bound by Pacific Library Binding Com- pany, Los Angeles, specialists in Library Binding. Work and materials furnished are guaranteed to weal- indefinitely to satisfaction of purchaser, and any defects appearing in either will be made good with- out additional charge. "Bound to wear." This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JUL 27 B 000 009 346