THE: 11 SANTA >niN BARBARA COLLEGE LIBRARf WALKIVO, SWIMMIXO, AXD FLYING. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION WALKING, SWIMMING, AND FLYING, WITH A DISSERTATION ON AERONAUTICS. BY J. BELL PETTIGREW, M.D. F.R.S. F.R.S.E. F.R.C.P.E. PATHOLOGIST TO THE ROYAL INFIRMARY OF EDINBURGH ', CURATOR OF THE JIU6EUM OF THE ROYAX, COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF EDINBURGH ; Extraordinary Member and late President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh ; Croonian Lecturer to the Royal Society' of London for 1860 ; Lecturer to the Royal Institution of Great Britain and Russell Institution, 1867 ; Lecturer to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1872 ; Author of numerous Memoirs on Physiological Subjects in the Philosophical aiid other Transactions, etc. etc. etc. ILLUSTRATED BY 130 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1874. PREFACE. IN the present volume I have endeavoured to explain, in simple language, some difficult problems in " Animal Mechanics." In order to avoid elaborate descriptions, I have introduced a large number of original Drawings and Diagrams, copied for the most part from my Papers and Memoirs " On Flight," and other forms of " Animal Progression." I have drawn from the same sources many of the facts to be found in the present work. My best thanks are due to Mr. W. Ballingall, of Edinburgh, for the highly artistic and effective manner in which he has engraved the several subjects. The figures, I am happy to state, have in no way deteriorated in his hands. ROYAL COLLEGE OP SURGEONS OF EDINBURGH, July 1873. CONTENTS. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. INTRODUCTION. MM Motion associated with the life and well-being of animals, . 1 Motion not confined to the animal kingdom ; all matter in motion ; natural and artificial motion ; the locomotive, steamboat, etc. A flying machine possible, . . 2 Weight necessary to flight, ..... 3 The same laws regulate natural and artificial progression, . 4 Walking, swimming, and flying correlated, ... 5 Flight the poetry of motion, ..... 6 Flight a more unstable movement than that of walking and swimming ; the travelling surfaces and movements of ani- mals adapted to the earth, the water, and the air, . 7 The earth, the water, and the air furnish the fulcra for the levers formed by the travelling surfaces of animals, . . 8 Weight plays an important part in walking, swimming, and flying, . . 9 The extremities of animals in walking act as pendulums, and describe figure-of-8 curves, .... 9 In swimming, the body of the fish is thrown into figure-of-8 curves, . . . . . . .10 The tail of the fish made to vibrate pendulum fashion, . 1 1 The tail of the fish, the wing of the bird, and the extremity of the biped and quadruped are screws structurally and functionally. They describe figure-of-S and waved tracks, 12 vi CONTENTS. PAGE The body and wing reciprocate in flight ; the body rising when the wing is falling, and vice versd, . . .12 Flight the least fatiguing kind of motion. Aerial creatures not stronger than terrestrial ones, . . . Fins, flippers, and wings form mobile helics or screws, . 14 Artificial fins, flippers, and wings adapted for navigating the water and air, ...... 14 History of the figure-of-8 theory of walking, swimming, and flying, ....... 15 Priority of discovery on the part of the Author. Admission to that effect on the part of Professor Marey, . . 16 Fundamental axioms. Of uniform motion. Motion uniformly varied, . . . . . . .17 The legs move by the force of gravity. Resistance of fluids. Mechanical effects of fluids on animals immersed in them. Centre of gravity, . . . 18 The three orders of lever, . . V . . 19 Passive organs of locomotion. Bones, . . . .21 Joints, . . . . . . . .23 Ligaments. Effects of atmospheric pressure on limbs. Active organs of locomotion. Muscles ; their properties, arrange- ment, modes of action, etc., . . .24 Muscular cycles. Centripetal and centrifugal movements of muscles ; muscular waves. Muscles arranged in longitu- dinal, transverse, and oblique spiral lines, . . 2b-27 The bones of the extremities twisted and spiral, . . 28 Muscles take precedence of bones in animal movements, . 29 Oblique spiral muscles necessary for spiral bones and joints, . 3] The spiral movements of the spine transferred to the extremi- ties, 00 . oo The travelling surfaces of animals variously modified and adapted to the media on or in which they move, . . 34-36 PROGRESSION ON THE LAND. Walking of the Quadruped, Biped, etc., . . 37 Locomotion of the Horse, . O J Locomotion of the Ostrich, . AK Locomotion of Man, . . r . CONTENTS. vii PAGE Swimming of the Fish, Whale, Porpoise, etc., . . .66 Swimming of the Seal, Sea-Bear, and Walrus, . . .74 Swimming of Man, ...... 78 Swimming of the Turtle, Triton, Crocodile, etc., . . 89 Flight under water, ...... 90 Difference between sub-aquatic and aerial flight, . . 92 Flight of the Flying-fish ; the kite-like action of the wings, . 98 PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. The wing a lever of the third order, . . . . 103 Weight necessary to flight, . . . . .110 Weight contributes to horizontal flight, . . . 112 Weight, momentum and power to a certain extent synonymous in flight, . . . . . 114 Air-cells in insects and birds not necessary to flight, . .115 How balancing is effected in flight, . . . .118 Rapidity of wing movements partly accounted for, . . 120 The wing area variable and in excess, . . . .124 The wing area decreases as the size and weight of the volant animal increases, . . . . . .132 Wings, their form, etc. All wings screws, structurally and functionally, . . . . . .136 The wing, during its action, reverses its planes, and describes a figure-of-8 track in space, .... 140 The wing, when advancing with the body, describes a looped and waved track, . . . . . .143 The margins of the wing, thrown into opposite curves during extension and flexion, ..... 146 The tip of the bat and bird's wing describes an ellipse, . 147 The wing capable of change of form in all its parts, . . 147 The wing during its vibration produces a cross pulsation, . 148 Compound rotation of the wing, . . . .149 The wing vibrates unequally with reference to a given line, . 150 Points wherein the screws formed by the wings differ from those in common use, . . . . .15] viii CONTENTS. PAGE The wing at all times thoroughly under control, . . 154 The natural wing when elevated and depressed must move for- Weird s J.QU The wing ascends when the body descends, and vice versd, . 159 The wing acts upon yielding fulcra, . . . . .165 The wing acts as a true kite both during the down and up strokes, . . . . -. . 165 Where the kite formed by the wing differs from the boy's kite, 166 The angles formed by the wing during its vibrations, . . 167 The body and wings move in opposite curves, . . . 168 THE WINGS OF INSECTS, BATS, AND BIRDS. Elytra or wing cases and membranous wings ; their shape and uses, ... 170 THE WINGS OF BATS. The bones of the wing of the bat ; the spiral configuration of their articular surfaces, ... 176 THE WINGS OF BIRDS. The bones of the wing of the bird ; their articular surfaces, movements, etc., . jijg Traces of design in the wing of the bird; the arrangement of the primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers, etc., . 180 The wing of the bird not always opened up to the same extent in the up stroke, . jg2 Flexion of the wing necessary to the flight of birds, .' .' 183 Consideration of the forces which propel the wings of insects, . 186 Speed attained by insects, . ' TOO Consideration of the forces which propel the wings of bats and birds, Lax condition of the shoulder-joint in bats and birds, ' The wmg flexed and partly elevated by the action of elastic igaments; the nature and position of said ligaments in Pheasant, Snipe, Crested Crane, Swan, etc, 19 , CONTENTS. IX PAGE The elastic ligaments more highly differentiated in wings which vibrate rapidly, . . . . . .193 Power of the wing, to what owing, . . . .194 Reasons why the effective stroke should be delivered down- wards and forwards, . . . . .195 The wing acts as an elevator, propeller, and sustainer, both during extension and flexion, . . . .197 Flight divisible into four kinds, .... 197 The flight of the Albatross compared to the movements of a compass set upon gimbals, . . . .199 The regular and irregular in flight, . . . .201 Mode of ascending, descending, turning, etc., . . . 201 The flight of birds referable to muscular exertion and weight, . 204 Lifting capacity of birds, . . . . . 205 AERONAUTICS. The balloon, ....... 210 The inclined plane, . . . . . .211 The aerial screw, . . . . . .215 Artificial wings (Borelli's views), .... 219 Marey's views, . . . . . . .226 Chabrier's views, . .... 233 Straus-Durckheim's views, ..... 233 The Author's views ; his method of constructing and applying artificial wings, as contra-distinguished from that of Borelli, Chabrier, Durckheim, and Marey, . . . 235 The wave wing of the Author, .... 236 How to construct an artificial wave wing on the insect type, . 240 How to construct a wave wing which shall evade the super- imposed air during the up stroke, .... 241 Compound wave wing of the Author, . . . . 242 How to apply artificial wings to the air, . . . 245 As to the nature of the forces required for propelling artificial wings, ....... 246 X CONTENTS. PAGE Necessity for supplying the roots of artificial wings with elastic structures in imitation of the muscles and elastic ligaments of flying animals, . i " . . . . 247 The artificial wave wing can be driven at any speed it can make its own currents or utilize existing ones, . .251 Compound rotation of the artificial wave wing. The different parts of the wing travel at different speeds, . . 252 How the wave wiug creates currents and rises upon them, and how the air assists in elevating the wing, . . 253 The artificial wing propelled at various degrees of speed during the down and up strokes, ..... 255 The artificial wave wing as a propeller, . . . 256 A new form of aerial screw, . . . . . 256 The aerial wave screw operates upon water, . . . 257 The sculling action of the wing, . . . ' .231 CONCLUDING REMARKS, .... 258 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Engravings are, with few exceptions, from Photographs, Drawings, and Designs by Mr. Charles Berjeau and the Author. Such as are not original are duly acknowledged. PAGE FRONTISPIECE. In the clutch of the enemy (The Graphic). The three orders of lever (Bishop), . . , . 19, 20 The skeleton of a Deer (Pander and D' Alton), . . 21 Muscular cycle in the act of flexing the arm, . . .25 Screws formed by the bones of the wing of the bird, the bones of the anterior extremity of the Elephant, and the cast of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart, . . .28 The muscular system of the Horse (Bagg), . . .30 The feet of the Deer, Ornithorhynchus, Otter, Frog, and Seal, . 34 The Red-throated Dragon, . . . . .35 The Flying Lemur, ...... 35 The Bat, ....... 36 Chillingham Bull with extremities describing figure-of-8 move- ments, ....... 37 Double waved tracks described by Man in walking, . . 39 Horse in the act of trotting, . . . . .41 Footprints of the Horse in the walk, trot, and gallop (Gamgee), 43 Skeleton of the Ostrich (Dallas), . . . .47 Ostriches pursued by a hunter, . . . .48 Skeleton of Man, . . . . . .55 The positions assumed by the extremities and feet in walking (Weber) . ... . . . .59 Preparing to run (Flaxman), . . . .62 The skeleton of a Perch (Dallas), . . . .65 The Salmon swimming leisurely, . . . .65 Swimming of the fish according to Borelli, ... .67 Swimming of the fish according to the Author, . . 68 x ij LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE no The Poipoise and Manatee, ... The skeleton of the Dugong (Dallas), The Seal, .... 74 The Sea-Bear, . The elliptical, looped, and spiral tracks made in swimming, . 81 The several attitudes assumed by the extremities in swimming &2 in the prone position, . Overhand swimming, . . Side swimming, .... Swimming of the Turtle and Triton, . . .89 Swimming of the Little Penguin, Sub-aquatic flight or diving, ..... The feet of the Swan as seen in the open and closed condition, 96 The foot of the Grebe with swimming membrane (Dallas), . 97 Double waved track described by the feet of swimming birds, . 97 The flight of the Flying-fish, ..... 98 The wing a lever of the third order, .... 105 Figure-of-8 vertical track made by the wing in flight, . .107 Do. horizontal track, ..... 108 Feathers and cork flying forward, . . . .112 Diagram illustrating how wings obtain their high speed, . 120 Butterfly with large wings, . . . . .124 Beetle with small wings, ..... 125 Partridge with small wings; Heron with large wings, . 126 The wings of the Hawk and Albatross, ' . . 136, 137 The Green Plover with one wing flexed and the other extended, 138 Blur or impression produced on the eye by the rapidly oscillat- ing wing of the insect, . . . . .139 Diagram in which the down and up strokes of the wing of the insect are analysed, ..... 141 Diagrams illustrating the looped and waved tracks described by the wing of the insect, bat, and bird, . . . 144 Figures showing the positions assumed by the wing of the bird during the up and down strokes (side view), * . . : 145 The positions assumed by the wing of the insect as it hastens to and fro and describes a figure-of-8 track, . ". . 141 The figure-of-8 curves made by the wing of the bird in flexion antl extension, .... . 147 The longSiud short axes of the wing, . . . .149 The waved tracks described by the wing and body of the bird as they alternately rise and fall, . . . 157, 163 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xiii PAGK The positions assumed by the wing of the bird during the down and up strokes (front view), . ^ . 158 Analysis of the movements of the wing, . . 160, 161 The kite-like action and waved movements of the wing, . 166 The Centaur Beetle and Water Bug, . . . .171 The Dragon Fly, . . . . . .172 The screws formed by the wing of the insect, bat, and bird, 174, 175, 176 The muscles, elastic ligaments, and feathers of the wing of the bird, . ... . . . .181 The flight of the King-fisher, . . . . .183 The flight of the Gull, . . . . . .186 The flight of the Owl, . . . . . .198 The flight of the Albatross, . . . . . 200 Pigeon and Duck alighting, . . . . . 203, 204 Hawk and quarry (The Graphic), . . . . 206 The Vauxhall Balloon of Mr. Green, . . . .208 Mr. Henson's Flying Machine, . . . . .212 Mr. Stringfellow's Flying Machine, .... 213 Sir George Cayley's Flying Apparatus, . . . 215 Flying Machine designed by De la Landelle, . . 21 'JB Borelli's Artificial Bird, . . . . .220 Diagrams illustrating the true and false action of the wing, . 228 The sculling action of the wing as seen in the bird, . .231 The artificial wave wing of the Author, . ... 237 Do. do. with driving apparatus, . . 239 Various forms of artificial wings by the Author, . . 241 The compound wave wing of the Author, . . . 243 Diagrams illustrative of artificial wing movements, . . 250 Diagram illustrating the currents produced by the movements of artificial wings, ...... 253 The aerial wave screw of the Author, .... 256 Swallow in pursuit of insects, . . . . - . 260 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. INTRODUCTION". THE locomotion of animals, as exemplified in walking, swim- ming, and flying, is a subject of permanent interest to all who seek to trace in the creature proofs of beneficence and design in the Creator. All animals, however insignificant, have a mission to perform a destiny to fulfil ; and their manner of doing it cannot be a matter of indifference, even to a careless observer. The most exquisite form loses much of its grace if bereft of motion, and the most ungainly animal conceals its want of symmetry in the co-adaptation and exercise of its several parts. The rigidity and stillness of death alone are unnatural. So long as things " live, move, and have a being," they are agreeable objects in the landscape. They are part and parcel of the great problem of life, and as we are all hastening towards a common goal, it is but natural we should take an interest in the movements of our fellow-travellers. As the locomotion of animals is intimately associated withl their habits and modes of life, a wide field is opened up, teeming with incident, instruction, and amusement. No one_J can see a bee steering its course with admirable precision from flower to flower in search of nectar ; or a swallow darting like a flash of light along the lanes in pursuit of insects ; or a wolf panting in breathless haste after a deer ; or a dolphin rolling like a mill-wheel after a shoal of flying fish, without feeling his interest keenly awakened. 2 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. Nor is this love of motion confined to the animal kingdom. We admire a cataract more than a canal ; the sea is grander in a hurricane than in a calm ; and the fleecy clouds which constantly flit overhead are more agreeable to the eye than a horizon of tranquil blue, however deep and beautiful. We never tire of sunshine and shadow when together : we readily tire of either by itself. Inorganic changes and movements are scarcely less interesting than organic ones. The disaffected growl of the thunder, and the ghastly lightning flash, scorching and withering whatever it touches, forcibly remind us that everything above, below, and around is in motion. Of ab- solute rest, as Mr. Grove eloquently puts it, nature gives us no evidence. All matter, whether living or dead, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, is constantly changing form : in other words, is constantly moving. It is well it is so ; for those incessant changes in inorganic matter and living organisms introduce that fascinating variety which palls not upon the eye, the ear, the touch, the taste, or the smell. If an absolute repose everywhere prevailed, and plants and animals ceased to grow ; if day ceased to alternate with night and the fountains were dried up or frozen; if the shadows refused to creep, the air and rocks to reverberate, the clouds to drift, and the great race of created beings to move, the world would be no fitting habi- tation for man. In change he finds his present solace and future hope. The great panorama of life is interesting be- cause it moves. One change involves another, and every- thing which co-exists, co-depends. This co-existence and inter-dependence causes us not only to study ourselves, but everything around us. By discovering natural laws we are permitted in God's good providence to harness and yoke natural powers, and already the giant Steam drags along at incredible speed the rumbling car and swiftly gliding boat ; the quadruped has been literally outraced on the land, and the ish in the sea; each has been, so to speak, beaten in its own That the tramway of the air may and wiU be tra- il by man's ingenuity at some period or other, is, reasoning om analogy and the nature of things, equally certain. If there were no flying things-if there were no insects, bats, or birds as models, artificial flight (such are the difficulties INTRODUCTION. 3 attending its realization) might well be regarded an impossi- bility. As, however, the flying creatures are lesion, both as regards number, size, and pattern, and as the bodies of all are not only manifestly heavier than the air, but are composed of hard and soft parts, similar in all respects to those com- posing the bodies of the other members of the animal kingdom, we are challenged to imitate the movements of the insect, bat, and bird in the air, as we have already imitated the move- ments of the quadruped on the land and the fish in the water. We have made two successful steps, and have only to make a third to complete that wonderfully perfect and very com- prehensive system of locomotion which we behold in nature. Until this third step is taken, our artificial appliances for transit can only be considered imperfect and partial. Those authors who regard artificial flight as impracticable sagely remark that the land supports the quadruped and the water the fish. This is quite true, but it is equally true that the air sup- ports the bird, and that the evolutions of the bird on the wing are quite as safe and infinitely more rapid and beautiful than the movements of either the quadruped on the land or the fish in the water. What, in fact, secures the position of the quadruped on the land, the fish in the water, and the bird in the air, is the life ; and by this I mean that prime moving or self-govern- ing power which co-ordinates the movements of the travelling surfaces (whether feet, fins, or wings) of all animals, and adapts them to the medium on which they are destined to operate, whether this be the comparatively unyielding earth, the mobile water, or the still more mobile air. Take away this life suddenly the quadruped falls downwards, the fish (if it be not speci- ally provided with a swimming bladder) sinks, and the bird gravitates of necessity. There is a sudden subsiding and ces- sation of motion in either case, but the quadruped and fish have no advantage over the bird in this respect. The savans who oppose this view exclaim not unnaturally that there is no great difficulty in propelling a machine either along the lard or the water, seeing that both these media support it. There is, I admit, no great difficulty now, but there were apparently insuperable difficulties before the locomotive and steam-boat were ir. vented. Weight, moreover, instead of being a barrier to 4 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. artificial flight is absolutely necessary to it. This statement is quite opposed to the commonly received opinion, but is nevertheless true. No bird is lighter than the air, and no machine constructed to navigate it should aim at being specifi- cally lighter. What is wanted is a reasonable but not cumbrous amount of weight, and a duplicate (in principle if not in prac- tice) of those structures and movements which enable insect?, bats, and birds to fly. Until the structure and uses of wings are understood, the way of " an eagle in the air " must of ne- cessity remain a mystery. The subject of flight has never, until quite recently, been investigated systematically or rationally, and, as a result, very little is known of the laws which regulate it. If these laws were understood, and we were in possession of trustworthy data for our guidance in devising artificial pinions, the formidable Gordian knot of flight, there is reason to believe, could be readily untied. That artificial flight is a possible thing is proved beyond doubt 1st, by the fact that flight is a natural movement ; and 2d, because the natural movements of walking and swim- ming have already been successfully imitated. The very obvious bearing which natural movements have upon artificial ones, and the relation which exists between organic and inorganic movements, invest our subject with a peculiar interest It is the blending of natural and artificial progression in theory and practice which gives to the one and the other its chief charm. The history of artificial progression is essen- tially that of natural progression. The same laws regulate and determine both. The wheel of the locomotive and the screw of the steam-ship apparently greatly differ from the limb of the quadruped, the fin of the fish, and the wing of the bird ; but, as I shall show in the sequel, the curves which go to form the wheel and the screw are found in the travelling surfaces of all animals, whether they be limbs (furnished with feet), or fins, or wings. It is a remarkable circumstance that the undulation or wave made by the wing of an insect, bat, or bird, when those animals are fixed or hovering before an object, and when they are flying, corresponds in a marked manner with the track INTRODUCTION. 5 described by the stationary and progressive waves in fluids, and likewise with the waves of sound. This coincidence would seem to argue an intimate relation between the instru- ment and the medium on which it is destined to operate the wing acting in those very curves into which the atmo- sphere is naturally thrown in the transmission of sound. Can it be that the animate and inanimate world reciprocate, and that animal bodies are made to impress the inanimate in pre- cisely the same manner as the inanimate impress each other] This much seems certain : The wind communicates to the water similar impulses to those communicated to it by the fish in swimming ; and the wing in its vibrations impinges upon the air as an ordinary sound does. The extremities of quadrupeds, moreover, describe waved tracks on the land when walking and running ; so that one great law apparently determines the course of the insect in the air, the fish in the water, and the quadruped on the land. We are, unfortunately, not taught to regard the travelling surfaces and movements of animals as con-elated in any way to surrounding media, and, as a consequence, are apt to consider walking as distinct from swimming, and walk- ing and swimming as distinct from flying, than which there can be no greater mistake. Walking, swimming, and flying are in reality only modifications of eacli other. Walk- ing merges into swimming, and swimming into flying, by insensible gradations. The modifications which result in walking, swimming, and flying are necessitated by the fact that the earth affords a greater amount of support than the v water, and the water than the air. That walking, swimming, and flying represent integral parts of the same problem is proved by the fact that most quadrupeds swim as well as walk, and some even fly ; while many marine animals walk as well as swim, and birds and insects walk, swim, and fly indiscriminately. When the land animals, properly so called, are in the habit of taking to the water or the air; or the inhabitants of the water are constantly taking to the land or the air ; or the insects and birds which are more peculiarly organized for flight, spend much of their time on the land and in the water ; their organs of locomo- 6 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. tion must possess those peculiarities of structure which charac- terize, as a class, those animals which live on the land, in the water, or in the air respectively. In this we have an explanation of the gossamer wing of the insect, the curiously modified hand of the bat and bird, the webbed hands and feet of the Otter, Ornithorhynchus, Seal, and Walrus, the expanded tail of the Whale, Porpoise, Dugong, and Manatee, the feet of the Ostrich, Apteryx, and Dodo, exclusively designed for running, the feet of the Ducks, Gulls, and Petrels, specially adapted for swimming, and the wings and feet of the Penguins, Auks, and Guille- mots, especially designed for diving. Other and intermediate modifications occur in the Flying-fish, Flying Lizard, and Flying Squirrel ; and some animals, as the Frog, Newt, and several of the aquatic insects (the Ephemera or May-fly for example 1 ) which begin their career by swimming, come ultimately to walk, leap, and even fly. 2 Every degree and variety of motion, which is peculiar to the land, and to the water- and air-navigating animals as such, is imitated by others which take to the elements in question secondarily or at intervals. Of all animal movements, flight is indisputably the finest. It may be regarded as the poetry of motion. The fact that a creature as heavy, bulk for bulk, as many solid substances, can by the unaided movements of its wings urge itself through 1 The Ephemerae in the larva and pupa state reside in the water concealed during the day under stones or in horizontal bnrrows which they form in the banks. Although resembling the perfect insect in several respects, they differ materially in having longer antennae, in wanting ocelli, and in possessing horn-like mandibles; the abdomen has, moreover, on each side a row of plates, mostly in pairs, which are a kind of false branchiae, and which are employed not only in respiration, but also as paddles. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, p. 576. London, 1840. * Kirby and Spence observe that some insects which are not naturally aquatic, do, nevertheless, swim very well if they fall into the water. They instance a kind of grasshopper (Acrydium), which can paddle itself across a stream with great rapidity by the powerful strokes of its hind legs. (Intro- duction to Entomology, 5th edit., 1828, p. 360.) Nor should the remarkable discovery by Sir John Lubbock of a swimming insect (Polynema natans), which uses its wings exclusively as fins, be overlooked. Linn. Trans, vol. xxiv. p. 135. INTEODUCTION. 7 the air with a speed little short of a cannon-ball, fills the mind with wonder. Flight (if I may be allowed the expres- sion) is a more unstable movement than that of walking and swimming ; the instability increasing as the medium to be traversed becomes less dense. It, however, does not essentially differ from the other two, and I shall be able to show in the following pages, that the materials and forces employed in flight are literally the same as those employed in walking and swimming. This is an encouraging circum- stance as tar as artificial flight is concerned, as the same ele- ments and forces employed in constructing locomotives and steamboats may, and probably will at no distant period, be successfully employed in constructing flying machines. Flight is a purely mechanical problem. It is warped in and out with the other animal movements, and forms a link of a great chain of motion which drags its weary length over the land, through the water, and, notwithstanding its weight, through the air. To understand flight, it is necessary to understand walking and swimming, and it is with a view to simplifying our conceptions of this most delightful form of locomotion that the present work is mainly written. The chapters on walking and swimming naturally lead up to those on flying. In the animal kingdom the movements are adapted either to the land, the water, or the air ; these constituting the three great highways of nature. As a result, the instruments by which locomotion is effected are specially modified. This is necessary because of the different densities and the different degrees of resistance furnished by the land, water, and air respectively. On the land the extremities of animals en- counter the maximum of resistance, and occasion the minimum of displacement. In the air, the pinions experience the mini- mum of resistance, and effect the maximum of displacement; the water being intermediate both as regards the degree of resistance offered and the amount of displacement produced. The speed of an animal is determined by its shape, mass, power, and the density of the medium on or in which it moves. It is more difficult to walk on sand or snow than on a macadamized road. In like manner (unless the travelling 3 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. surfaces are specially modified), it is more troublesome to swim than to walk, and to fly than to swim. This arises from the displacement produced, and the consequent want of sup- port. The land supplies the fulcrum for the levers formed by the extremities or travelling surfaces of animals with terrestrial habits; the water furnishes the fulcrum for the levers formed by the tail and fins of fishes, sea mammals, etc.; and the air the fulcrum for the levers formed by the wings of insects, bats, and birds. The fulcrum supplied by the land is immovable ; that supplied by the water and air movable. The mobility and immobility of the fulcrum con- stitute the principal difference between walking, swimming, and flying ; the travelling surfaces of animals increasing in size as the medium to be traversed becomes less dense and the fulcrum more movable. Thus terrestrial animals have smaller travelling surfaces than amphibia, amphibia than fishes, and fishes than insects, bats, and birds. Another point to be studied in connexion with unyielding and yielding fulcra, is the resistance offered to forward motion. A land animal is supported by the earth, and experiences little resistance from the air through which it moves, unless the speed attained is high. Its principal friction is that occasioned by the contact of its travelling surfaces with the earth. If these are few, the speed is generally great, as in quadrupeds. A fish, or sea mam- mal, is of nearly the same specific gravity as the water it in- habits; in other words, it is supported with as little or less effort than a land animal. As, however, the fluid in which it moves is more dense than air, the resistance it experiences in forward motion is greater than that experienced by land animals, and by insects, bats, and birds. As a consequence fishes are for the most part elliptical in shape ; this being the form calcu- lated to cleave the water with the greatest ease. A flying animal is immensely heavier than the air. The support which it receives, and the resistance experienced by it in forward motion, are reduced to a minimum. Flight, because of the rarity of the air, is infinitely more rapid than either walking, running, or swimming. The flying animal receives support from the air by increasing the size of its travelling surfaces, which act after the manner of twisted INTRODUCTION. 9 inclined planes or kites. When an insect, a bat, or a bird is launched in space, its weight (from the tendency of all bodies to fall vertically downwards) presses upon the inclined planes or kites formed by the wings in such a manner as to become converted directly into a propelling, and indirectly into a buoying or supporting power. This can be proved by experiment, as I shall show subsequently. But for the share which the weight or mass of the flying creature takes in flight, the protracted journeys of birds of passage would be impos- sible. Some authorities are of opinion that birds even sleep upon the wing. Certain it is that the albatross, that prince of the feathered tribe, can sail about for a whole hour without once flapping his pinions. This can only be done in virtue of the weight of the bird acting upon the inclined planes or kites formed by the wings as stated. The weight of the body plays an important part in walking and swimming, as well as in flying. A biped which advances by steps and not by leaps may be said to roll over its extre- mities, 1 the foot of the extremity which happens to be upon the ground for the time forming the centre of a circle, the radius of which is described by the trunk in forward motion. In like manner the foot which is off the ground and swinging forward pendulum fashion in space, may be said to roll or rotate upon the trunk, the head of the femur forming the centre of a circle the radius of which is described by the ad- vancing foot. A double rolling movement is thus established, the body rolling on the extremity the one instant, the extre- mity rolling on the trunk the next. During these movements the body rises and falls. The double rolling movement is necessary not only to the progression of bipeds, but also to that of quadrupeds. As the body cannot advance without the extremities, so the extremities cannot advance without the body. The double rolling movement is necessary to con- tinuity of motion. If there was only one movement there would be dead points or halts in walking and running, similar to what occur in leaping. The continuity of movement neces- sary to progression in some bipeds (man for instance) is fur- 1 This is also true of quadrupeds. It is the posterior part of the feet which is set down first. ] ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. th n* secured by a pendulum movement in the arms as well as in the legs, the right arm swinging before the body when the right leg swings behind it, and the converse. The right leg and left arm advance simultaneously, and alternate with the left leg and right arm, which likewise advance together. This gives rise to a double twisting of the body .at the shoulders and loins. The legs and arms when advancing move in curves, the convexities of the curves made by the right leg and left arm, which advance together when a step is being made, being directed outwards, and forming, when placed together, a more or less symmetrical ellipse. If the curves formed by the legs and arms respectively be united, they form waved lines which intersect at every step. This arises from the fact that the curves formed by the right and left legs are found alternately on either side of a given line, the same holding true of the right and left arms. Walking is consequently to be regarded as the result of a twisting diagonal movement in the trunk and in the extremities. Without this movement, the momentum acquired by the different portions of the moving mass could not be utilized. As the momentum acquired by animals in walking, swimming, and flying forms an important factor in those movements, it is necessary that we should have a just conception of the value to be attached to weight when in motion. In the horse when walking, the stride is something like five feet, in trotting ten feet, but in galloping eighteen or more feet. The stride is in fact deter- mined by the speed acquired by the mass of the body of the horse ; the momentum at which the mass is moving carry- ing the limbs forward. 1 ^Tn the swimming of the fish, the body is thrown into double or figure-of-8 curves, as in the walking of the biped. The twist- ing of the body, and the continuity of movement which that twisting begets, reappear. The curves formed in the swimming 1 " According to Sainbell, the celebrated horse Eclipse, when galloping at liberty, and with its greatest speed, passed over the space of twenty-five feet at each stride, which he repeated 2^ times in a second, being nearly four miles in six minutes and two seconds. The race-horse Flying Childers was computed to have passed over eighty-two feet and a half in a second, or nearly a mile in a minute." INTRODUCTION. 11 of the fish are never less than two, a caudal and a cephalic one. They may and do exceed this number in the long-bodied fishes. The tail of the fish is made to vibrate pendulum fashion on either side of the spine, when it is lashed to and fro in the act of swimming. It is made to rotate upon one or more of the vertebra? of the spine, the vertebra or vertebrae forming the centre of a lemniscate, which is described by the caudal fin. There is, therefore, an obvious analogy between the tail of the fish and the extremity of the biped. This is proved by the conformation and swimming of the seal, an animal in which the posterior extremities are modified to resemble the tail of the fish. In the swimming of the seal the hind legs are applied to the water by a sculling figure-of-8 motion, in the same manner as the tail of the fish. Similar remarks might be made with regard to the swimming of the whale, dugong, manatee, and porpoise, sea mammals, which still more closely resemble the fish in shape. The double curve into which the fish throws its body in swimming, and which gives continuity of motion, also supplies the requisite degree of steadiness. When the tail is lashed from side to side there is a tendency to produce a corresponding movement in the head, which is at once corrected by the complementary curve. $or is this all ; the cephalic curve, in conjunction with the water contained within it, forms the point d'appui for the caudal curve, and vice versa. When a fish swims, the anterior and posterior portions of its body (supposing it to be a short- bodied fish) form curves, the convexities of which are directed on opposite sides of a given line, as is the case in the extremities of the biped when walking. The mass of the fish, like the mass of the biped, when once set in motion, contributes to progression by augmenting the rate of speed. The velocity acquired by certain fishes is very great. A shark can gambol around the bows of a ship in full sail ; and a sword-fish (such is the momentum acquired by it) has been known to thrust its tusk through the copper sheathing of a vessel, a layer of felt, four inches of deal, and fourteen inches of oaken plank. 1 The wing of the bird does not materially differ from the A portion of the timbers, etc., of one of Her Majesty's ships, having tho 1 2 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. extremity of the biped or the tail of the fish. It is con- structed on a similar plan, and acts on the same principle. The tail of the fish, the wing of the bird, and the extremity of the biped and quadruped, are screws structurally and functionally. In proof of this, compare the bones of the wing of a bird with the bones of the arm of a man, or those of the fore-leg of an elephant, or any other quadruped. In either case the bones are twisted upon themselves like the screw of an augur. The tail of the fish, the extremities of the biped and quadruped, and the wing of the bird, when moving, describe waved tracks. Thus the wing of the bird, when it is made to oscillate, is thrown into double or figure-of-8 curves, like the body of the fish. When, moreover, the wing ascends and descends to make the up and down strokes, it rotates within the facettes or depressions situated on the scapula and coracoid bones, precisely in the same way that the arm of a man rotates in the glenoid cavity, or the leg in the acetabular cavity in the act of walking. The ascent and descent of the wing in flying correspond to the steps made by the extremities in walking ; the wing rotating upon the body of the bird during the down stroke, the body of the bird rotating on the wing during the up stroke. When the wing descends it describes a downward and forward curve, and elevates the body in an upward and forward curve. When the body descends, it describes a downward and forward curve, the wing being elevated in an upward and forward curve. The curves made by the wing and body in flight form, when united, waved lines, which intersect each other at every beat of the wing. The wing and the body act upon each other alternately (the one being active when the other is passive), and the descent of the wing is not more necessary to the elevation of the body than the descent of the body is to the elevation of the wing. It is thus that the weight of the flying animal is utilized, slip avoided, and continuity of move- ment secured. As to the actual waste of tissue involved in walking, swim- ming, and flying, there is much discrepancy of opinion. It is tusk of a sword-fish imbedded in it, is to be seen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. INTRODUCTION. 1 3 commonly believed that a bird exerts quite an enormous amount of power as compared with a fish ; a fish exerting a much greater power than a land animal. This, there can be no doubt, is a popular delusion. A bird can fly for a whole day, a fish can swim for a whole day, and a man can walk for a whole day. If so, the bird requires no greater power than the fish, and the fish than the man. The speed of the bird as compared with that of the fish, or the speed of the fish as compared with that of the man, is no criterion of the power exerted. The speed is only partly traceable to the power. As has just been stated, it is due in a principal measure to the shape and size of the travelling surfaces, the density of the medium traversed, the resistance experienced to forward motion, and the part performed by the mass of the animal, when moving and acting upon its travel- ling surfaces. It is erroneous to suppose that a bird is stronger, weight for weight, than a fish, or a fish than a man. It is equally erroneous to assume that the exer- tions of a flying animal are herculean as compared with those of a walking or swimming animal. Observation and experiment incline me to believe just the opposite. A flying creature, when fairly launched in space (because of the part which weight plays in flight, and the little resistance expe- rienced in forward motion), sweeps through the air with almost no exertion. 1 This is proved by the sailing flight of the albatross, and by the fact that some insects can fly when two-thirds of their wing area have been removed. (This ex- periment is detailed further on.) These observations are calculated to show the grave necessity for studying the media to be traversed ; the fulcra which the media furnish, and the size, shape, and movements of the travelling surfaces. The travelling surfaces of animals, as has been already explained, furnish the levers by whose instrumentality the movements of walking, swimming, and flying are effected. 1 A flying creature exerts its greatest power wlien rising. The effort is of short duration, and inaugurates rather than perpetuates flight. If the volant animal can launch into space from a height, the preliminary effort may be dispensed with as in this case, the weight of the animal acting upon the Inclined planes formed by the wings gets up the initial velocity. 1 4 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. By comparing the flipper of the seal, sea-bear, and walrus with the fin and tail of the fish, whale, porpoise, etc.; and the wing of the penguin (a bird which is incapable of flight, and can only swim and dive) with the wing of the insect, bat, and bird, I have been able to show that a close analogy exists between the flippers, fins, and tails of sea mammals and fishes on the one hand, and the wings of insects, bats, and birds on the other ; in fact, that theoretically and prac- tically these organs, one and all, form flexible helices or screws, which, in virtue of their rapid reciprocating move- ments, operate upon the water and air by a wedge-action after the manner of twisted or double inclined planes. The twisted inclined planes act upon the air and water by means of curved surfaces, the curved surfaces reversing, reciprocating, and engendering a wave pressure, which can be continued indefinitely at the will of the animal. The wave pressure emanates in the one instance mainly from the tail of the fish, whale, porpoise, etc., and in the other from the wing of the insect, bat, or bird the reciprocating and opposite curves into which the tail and wing are thrown in swimming and flying constituting the mobile helices, or screivs, which, during their action, produce the precise kind and degree of pressure adapted to fluid media, and to which they respond with the greatest readiness. In order to prove that sea mammals and fishes swim, and insects, bats, and birds fly, by the aid of curved figure- of-8 surfaces, which exert an intermittent wave pressure, I con- structed artificial fish-tails, fins, flippers, and wings, which curve and taper in every direction, and which are flexible and elastic, particularly towards the tips and posterior mar- gins. These artificial fish-tails, fins, flippers, and wings are slightly twisted upon themselves, and when applied to the water and air by a sculling or figure-of-8 motion, curiously enough reproduce the curved surfaces and movements peculiar to real fish-tails, fins, flippers, and wings, in swimming, and flying. Propellers formed on the fish-tail and wing model are, I find, the most effective that can be devised, whether for navigating the water or the air. To operate efficiently on INTRODUCTION. 15 fluid, i.e. yielding media, the propeller itself must yield. Of this I am fully satisfied from observation and experiment. The propellers at present employed in navigation are, in my opinion, faulty both in principle and application. The observations and experiments recorded in the present volume date from 1864. In 1867 I lectured on the subject of animal mechanics at the Royal Institution of Great Britain : l in June of the same year (1867) I read a memoir " On the Mechanism of Flight" to the Linnean Society of London ; 2 and in August of 1870 I communicated a memoir " On the Physiology of Wings" to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 3 These memoirs extend to 200 pages quarto, and are illus- trated by 190 original drawings. The conclusions at which I arrived, after a careful study of the movements of walking, swimming, and flying, are briefly set forth in a letter addressed to the French Academy of Sciences in March 1870. This the Academy did me the honour of publishing in April of that year (1870) in the Comptes Rendus, p. 875. In it I claim to have been the first to describe and illustrate the following points, viz. : That quadrupeds walk, and fishes swim, and insects, bats, and birds fly by figure-of-8 movements. That the flipper of the sea bear, the swimming wing of the penguin, and the wing of the insect, bat, and bird, are screws structurally, and resemble the blade of an ordinary screw- propeller. That those organs are screws functionally, from their twist- ing and untwisting, and from their rotating in the direction of their length, when they are made to oscillate. That they have a reciprocating action, and reverse their planes more or less completely at every stroke. That the wing describes a figure-of-8 track in space when the flying animal is artificially fixed. That the wing, when the flying animal is progressing at 1 " On the various modes of Flight in relation to Aeronautics." Proceed- ings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, March 22, 1867. " On the Mechanical Appliances by which Flight is attained in the Animal Kingdom." Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xxvi. 3 " On the Phymology of Wings." Transactions of the lloyal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xxvi. 16 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. a high speed in a horizontal direction, describes a looped and then a waved track, from the fact that the figure of 8 is gradually opened out or unravelled as the animal advances. That the wing acts after the manner of a kite, both during the down and up strokes. I was induced to address the above to the French Academy from finding that, nearly two years after I had published my views on the figure of 8, looped and wave movements made by the wing, etc., Professor E. J. Marey (College of France, Paris) published a course of lectures, in which the peculiar figure-of-8 movements, first described and figured by me, were put forth as a new discovery. The accuracy of this statement will be abundantly evident when I mention that my first lecture, " On the various modes of Flight in relation to Aeronautics," was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain on the 22d of March 1867, and translated into French (Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de 1'Etranger) on the 21st of September 1867; whereas Professor Marey's first lecture, " On the Movements of the Wing in the Insect " (Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de 1'Etranger), did not appear until the 13th of February 1869. Professor Marey, in a letter addressed to the French Academy in reply to mine, admits my claim to priority in the following terms : " J'ai constat6 qu'effectivement M. Pettigrew a vu avant moi, et represent^ dans son Memoire, la forme en 8 du par- cours de 1'aile de 1'insecte : que la methode optique & laquelle j'avais recours est a peu pres identique a la sienne. . . . Je m'empresse de satisfaire a cette demande legitime, et de laisser entierement la priorit6 sur moi a M. Pettigrew relativement a la question ainsi restreirite." (Comptes Rendus, May 16, 1870, p. 1093). The figure-of-8 theory of walking, swimming, and flying, as originally propounded in the lectures, papers, and memoirs referred to, has been confirmed not only by the researches and experiments of Professor Marey, but also by those of M. Senecal, M. de Fastes, M. Ciotti, and others. Its accuracy is INTRODUCTION. 1 7 no longer a matter of doubt. As the limits of the present volume will not admit of my going into the several arrange- ments by which locomotion is attained in the animal king- dom as a whole, I will only describe those movements which illustrate in a progressive manner the several kinds of pro- gression on the land, and on and in the water and air. I propose first to analyse the natural movements of walk- ing, swimming, and flying, after which I hope to be able to show that certain of these movements may be reproduced artificially. The locomotion of animals depends upon me- chanical adaptations found in all animals which change local- ity. These adaptations are very various, but under whatever guise they appear they are substantially those to which we resort when we wish to move bodies artificially. Thus in animal mechanics we have to consider the various orders of levers, the pulley, the centre of gravity, specific gravity, the resistance of solids, semi-solids, fluids, etc. As tHe laws which regulate the locomotion of animals are essentially those which regulate the motion of bodies in general, it will be necessary to consider briefly at this stage the properties of matter when at rest and when moving. They are well stated by Mr. Bishop in a series of propositions which I take the liberty of transcribing : " Fundamental Axioms. First, every body continues in a state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, until a change is effected by the agency of some mechanical force. Secondly, any change effected in the quiescence or motion of a body is in the direction of the force impressed, and is pro- portional to it in quantity. Thirdly, reaction is always equal and contrary to action, or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and in opposite directions. Of uniform motion. If a body moves constantly in the same manner, or if it passes over equal spaces in equal periods of time, its motion is uniform. The velocity of a body moving uniformly is measured by the space through which it passes in a given time. The velocities generated or impressed on different masses by the same force are reciprocally as the masses. Motion uniformly varied. When the motion of a body is 18 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. uniformly accelerated, the space it passes through during any time whatever is proportional to the square of the time. In the leaping, jumping, or springing of animals in any direction (except the vertical), the paths they describe in their transit from one point to another in the plane of motion are parabolic curves. The legs move by the force of gravity as a pendulum. The Professor, Weber, have ascertained, that when the legs of animals swing forward in progressive motion, they obey the same laws as those which regulate the periodic oscillations of the pendulum. Resistance of fluids. Animals moving in air and water experience in those media a sensible resistance, which is greater or less in proportion to the density and tenacity of the fluid, and the figure, superficies, and velocity of the animal. An inquiry into the amount and nature of the resistance of air and water to the progression of animals will also furnish the data for estimating the proportional values of those fluids acting as fulcra to their locomotive organs, whether they be fins, wings, or other forms of lever. The motions of air and water, and their directions, exer- cise very important influences over velocity resulting from muscular action. Mechanical effects of fluids on animals immersed in them. When a body is immersed in any fluid whatever, it will lose as much of its weight relatively as is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. In order to ascertain whether an animal will sink or swim, or be sustained without the aid of muscular force, or to estimate the amount of force required that the animal may either sink or float in water, or fly in the air, it will be necessary to have recourse to the specific gravities both of the animal and of the fluid in which it is placed. The specific gravities or comparative weights of different substances are the respective weights of equal volumes of those substances. Centre of gravity. The centre of gravity of any body is a point about which, if acted upon only by the force of gravity, it will balance itself in all positions ; or, it is a point INTIIODUCTION. 19 which, if supported, the body will be supported, however it may be situated in other respects ; and hence the effects pro- duced by or upon any body are the same as if its whole mass were collected into its centre of gravity. The attitudes and motions of every animal are regulated by the positions of their centres of gravity, which, in a state of rest, and not acted upon by extraneous forces, must lie in vertical lines which pass through their basis of support. In most animals moving on solids, the centre is supported by variously adapted organs ; during the flight of birds and insects it is suspended ; but in fishes, which move in a fluid whose density is nearly equal to their specific gravity, the centre is acted upon equally in all directions." l As the locomotion of the higher animals, to which my remarks more particularly apply, is in all cases effected by levers which differ in no respect from those employed in the arts, it may be useful to allude to them, in a passing wa} r . This done, I will consider the bones and joints of the skeleton which form the levers, and the muscles which move them. " The Lever. Levers are commonly divided into three kinds, according to the relative positions of the prop or fulcrum, the power, and the resistance or weight. The straight lever of each order is equally balanced when the power multiplied by its distance from the fulcrum equals the weight, multiplied by its distance, or P the power, and W the weight, are in equi- librium when they are to each other in the inverse ratio of the arms of the lever, to which they are attached. The pressure on the fulcrum however varies. A. F B In straight levers of the first kind, the fulcrum is between the power and the resistance, as in fig. 1, where F is the fulcrum of the lever AB ; P is the power, and "VV the weight or resistance. We have P : W : : BF : AF, hence 1 Cyc. of Anat. and Phy., Art. "Motion," by John Bishop, Esq. 20 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. P.AF=:W.BF, and the pressure on the fulcrum is both the power and resistance, or P+W. In the second order of levers (fig. 2), the resistance is be- tween the fulcrum and the power ; and, as before, P : W : : BF : AF, but the pressure of the fulcrum is equal to W P, or the weight less the power. B FIG. 2. In the third order of lever the power acts between the prop and the resistance (fig. 3), where also P : W : : BF : AF, and the pressure on the fulcrum is P W, or the power less the weight. Fio. 3. In the preceding computations the weight of the lever itself is neglected for the sake of simplicity, but it obviously forms a part of the elements under consideration, especially with reference to the arms and legs of animals. To include the weight of the lever we have the following equations : P. AF^AF.fAF = W. BF + BF. J BF ; in the first order, where AF and BF represent the weights of these portions of- the lever respectively. Similarly, in the second AF order P. AF = W.BF + AF. - -, and in the third order BF INTRODUCTION. 21 In this outline of the theory of the lever, the forces have been considered as acting vertically, or parallel to the direc- tion of the force of gravity. Passive Organs of Locomotion. Bones. The solid frame- work or skeleton of animals which supports and protects their more delicate tissues, whether chemically composed of ento- moline, carbonate, or phosphate of lime ; whether placed in- ternally or externally ; or whatever may be its form or dimensions, presents levers and fulcra for the action of the muscular system, in all animals furnished with earthy solids for their support, and possessing locomotive power." 1 The levers and fulcra are well seen in the extremities of the deer, the skeleton of which is selected for its extreme elegance. Fin. 4. Skeleton of the Deer (after Pander and D'Alton). The bones in the ex- tremities of this the fleetest of quadrupeds are inclined very obliquely towards each other, and towards the scapular and iliac bones. This arrangement in- creases the leverage of the muscular system and confers great rapidity on the moving parts. It augments elasticity, diminishes shock, and indirectly begets continuity of movement, a. Angle formed by the femur with the ilium. &. Angle formed by the tibia and fibula with the femur, c. Angle formed by the cannon bone with the tibia and fibula, d. Angle formed by the phalanges with the cannon bone. e. Angle formed by the humerus with the scapula. /. Angle formed by the radius and ulna with the humerus. 1 Bishop, op. cit. 22 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. While the bones of animals form levers and fulcra for portions of the muscular system, it must never be forgotten that the earth, water, or air form fulcra for the travelling surfaces of animals as a whole. Two sets of fulcra are therefore always to be considered, viz. those represented by the bones, and those represented by the earth, water, or air respectively. The former when acted upon by the muscles produce motion in different parts of the animal (not necessarily progressive motion) ; the latter when similarly influenced produce loco- motion. Locomotion is greatly favoured by the tendency which the body once set in motion has to advance in a straight line. The form, strength, density, and elasticity of the skele- ton varies in relation to the bulk and locomotive power of the animal, and to the media in which it is destined to move. " The number of moveable articulations in a skeleton de- termines the degree of its mobility within itself; and the kind and number of the articulations of the locomotive organs determine the number and disposition of the muscles acting upon them. The bones of vertebrated animals, especially those which are entirely terrestrial, are much more elastic, hard, and calculated by their chemical elements to bear the shocks and strains incident to terrestrial progression, than those of the aquatic vertebrata ; the bones of the latter being more fibrous and spongy in their texture, the skeleton is more soft and yielding. The bones of the higher orders of animals are constructed according to the most approved mechanical principles. Thus they are convex externally, concave within, and strengthened by ridges running across their discs, as in the scapular and iliac bones ; an arrangement which affords large surfaces for the attachment of the powerful muscles of locomotion. The bones of birds in many cases are not filled with marrow but with air, a circumstance which insures that they shall be very strong and very light. In the thigh bones of most animals an angle is formed by the head and neck of the bone with the axis of the body, which prevents the weight of the superstructure coming vertically upon the shaft, converts the bone into an elastic INTRODUCTION. 23 arch, and renders it capable of supporting the weight of the body in standing, leaping, and in falling from considerable altitudes. Joints. Where the limbs are designed to move to and fro simply in one plane, the ginglymoid or hinge-joint is ap- plied ; and where more extensive motions of the limbs are requisite, the enarthrodial, or ball-and-socket joint, is intro- duced. These two kinds of joints predominate in the locomo- tive organs of the animal kingdom. The enarthrodial joint has by far the most extensive power of motion, and is therefore selected for uniting the limbs to the trunk. It permits of the several motions of the limbs termed pronation, supination, flexion, extension, abduction, adduc- tion, and revolution upon the axis of the limb or bone about a conical area, whose apex is the axis of the head of the bone, and base circumscribed by the distal extremity of the limb." l The ginglymoid or hinge-joints are for the most part spiral in their nature. They admit in certain cases of a limited degree of lateral rocking. Much attention has been paid to the subject of joints (particularly human ones) by the brothers Weber, Professor Meyer of Zurich, and likewise by Langer, Henke, Meissuer, and Goodsir. Langer, Henke, and Meissner suc- ceeded in demonstrating the " screw configuration" of the articular surfaces of the elbow, ankle, and calcaneo-astraga- loid joints, and Goodsir showed that the articular surface of the knee-joint consist of " a double conical screw combina- tion." The last-named observer also expressed his belief " that articular combinations with opposite windings on opposite sides of the body, similar to those in the knee-joint, exist in the ankle and tarsal, and in the elbow and carpal joints ; and that the hip and shoulder joints consist of single threaded couples, but also with opposite windings on oppo- site sides of the body." I have succeeded in demonstrating a similar spiral configuration in the several bones and joints of the wing of the bat and bird, and in the extremities of most quadrupeds. The bones of animals, particularly the extremities, are, as a rule, twisted levers, and act after the manner of screws. This arrangement enables the higher 1 Bishop, op. cit. 24 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. animals to apply their travelling surfaces to the media on which they are destined to pperate at any degree of obliquity so as to obtain a maximum of support or propulsion with a minimum of slip. If the travelling surfaces of animals did not form screws structurally aud functionally, they could neither seize nor let go the fulcra on which they act with the requisite rapidity to secure speed, particularly in water and air. "Ligaments. The office of the ligaments with respect to locomotion, is to restrict the degree of flexion, extension, and other motions of the limbs within definite limits. Effect of Atmospheric pressure on Limbs. The influence of atmospheric pressure in supporting the limbs was first noticed by Dr. Arnott, though it has been erroneously ascribed by Professor Miiller to Weber. Subsequent experiments made by Dr. Todd, Mr. Wormald, and others, have fully established the mechanical influence of the air in keeping the mechanism of the joints together. The amount of atmospheric pressure on any joint depends upon the area or surface presented to its influence, and the height of the barometer. According to Weber, the atmospheric pressure on the hip-joint of a man is about 26 Ibs. The pressure on the knee-joint is estimated by Dr. Arnott at 60 Ibs." 1 Active organs of Locomotion. Muscles, their Properties, Ar- rangement, Mode of Action, etc. If time and space had per- mitted, I would have considered it my duty to describe, more or less fully, the muscular arrangements of all the animals whose movements I propose to analyse. This is the more desirable, as the movements exhibited by animals of the higher types are directly referable to changes occurring in their muscular system. As, however, I could not hope to overtake this task within the limits prescribed for the present work, I shall content myself by merely stating the properties of muscles ; the manner in which muscles act ; and the man- ner in which they are grouped, with a view to moving the osseous levers which constitute the bony framework or skele- ton of the animals to be considered. Hitherto, and by common consent, it has been believed that whereas a flexor muscle is situated on one aspect of a limb, and its correspond- 1 Bishop, op. cit. INTRODUCTION. 25 ing extensor on the other aspect, these two muscles must be opposed to and antagonize each other. This belief is founded on what I regard as an erroneous assumption, viz., that muscles have only the power of shortening, and that when one muscle, say the flexor, shortens, it must drag out and forcibly elongate the corresponding extensor, and the converse. This would be a mere waste of power. Nature never works against herself. There are good grounds for believing, as I have stated elsewhere, 1 that there is no such thing as antagon- Fio. 5. Shows the muscular cycle formed by the biceps (a) or flexor muscle, and the triceps (h) or extensor muscle of the human arm. At i the centri- petal or shortening action of the biceps is seen, and atj the centrifugal or elongating action of the triceps (vide arrows). The present figure represents the forearm as flexed upon the arm. As a consequence, the long axes of the sareous elements or ultimate particles of the biceps (i) are arranged in a more or less horizontal direction; the long axes of the sareous elements of the triceps (j) being arranged in ii nearly vertical direction. When the fore- arm is extended, the long axes of the sareous elements of the biceps and triceps are reversed. The present figure shows how the bones of the ex- tremities form levers, and how they are moved by muscular action If, e.g., the biceps (a) shortens and the triceps (6) elongates, they cause the fore- arm and hand (h) to move to wards the shoulder (d). If, on the other hand, the triceps (6) shortens and the biceps (a) elongates, they cause the forearm and hand (h) to move away from the shoulder. In these actions the biceps (a) and triceps (&) are the power; the elbow-joint (g] the fulcrum, and the foreann and hand (h) the weight to be elevated or depressed. If the hand repre- sented a travelling surface which operated on the earth, the water, or the air, it is not difficult to understand how, when it was made to move by the action of the muscles of the arm, it would in turn move the body to which it belonged, d Coracoid process of the scapula, from which the internal or short head of the biceps (a) arises, e Insertion of the biceps into the radius. / Long head of the triceps (6). g Insertion of the triceps into the olecranon process of the ulna. Oriqinal. ism in muscular movements ; the several muscles known as flexors and extensors; abductors and adductors; pronators and supinators, being simply correlated. Muscles, when they 1 " Lectures on the Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man." Edinburgh Medical Journal for January and Feb- ruary 1873. 26 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. act, operate upon bones or something extraneous to them- selves, and not upon each other. The muscles are folded round' the extremities and trunks of animals with a view to operating in masses. For this purpose they are arranged in cycles, there being what are equivalent to extensor and flexor cycles, abductor and adductor cycles, and pronator and supina- tor cycles. Within these muscular cycles the bones, or extraneous substances to be moved, are placed, and when one side of a cycle shortens, the other side elongates. Muscles are therefore endowed with a centripetal and centrifugal action. These cycles are placed at every degree of obliquity and even at right angles to each other, but they are so dis- posed in the bodies and limbs of animals that they always operate consentaneously and in harmony. Fide fig. 5, p. 25. There are in animals very few simple movements, i.e. movements occurring in one plane and produced by the action of two muscles. Locomotion is for the most part produced by the consentaneous action of a great number of muscles ; these or their fibres pursuing a variety of directions. This is particularly true of the movements of the extremities in walk- ing, swimming, and flying. Muscles are divided into the voluntary, the involuntary, and the mixed, according as the will of the animal can wholly, partly, or in no way control their movements. The voluntary muscles are principally concerned in the locomotion of animals. They are the power which moves the several orders of levers into which the skeleton of an animal resolves itself. The movements of the voluntary and involuntary muscles are essentially wave-like in character, i.e. they spread from certain centres, according to a fixed order, and in given direc- tions. In the extremities of animals the centripetal or con- verging muscular wave on one side of the bone to be moved, is accompanied by a corresponding centrifugal or diverging wave on the other side ; the bone or bones by this arrangement being perfectly under control and moved to a hair's-breadth. The centripetal or converging, and the centrifugal or diverging waves of force are, as already indicated, correlated. 1 Similar remarks may be made regarding the different parts of the body 1 Muscles virtually possess a pulling and pushing power; the pushing INTRODUCTION. 27 of the serpent when creeping, of the body of the fish when swimming, of the wing of the bird when flying, and of our own extremities when walking. In all those cases the moving parts are thrown into curves or waves definitely correlated. It may be broadly stated, that in every case locomotion is the result of the opening and closing of opposite sides of muscular cycles. By the closing or shortening, say of the flexor halves of the cycles, and the opening or elongation of the extensor halves, the angles formed by the osseous levers are diminished ; by the closing or shortening of the extensor halves of the cycles, and the opening or elongation of the flexor halves, the angles formed by the osseous levers are increased. This alternate diminution and increase of the angles formed by the osseous levers produce the movements of walking, swimming, and flying. The muscular cycles of the trunk and extremities are so disposed with regard to the bones or osseous levers, that they in every case produce a maximum result with a minimum of power. The origins and insertions of the muscles, the direction of the muscles and the distribution of the muscular fibres insure, that if power is lost in moving a lever, speed is gained, there being an apparent but never a real loss. The variety and extent of movement is secured by the obliquity of the muscular fibres to their tendons ; by the obliquity of the tendons to the bones they are to move ; and by the proximity of the attachment of the muscles to the several joints. As muscles are capable of shortening and elongating nearly a fourth of their length, they readily produce the precise kind and degree of motion required in any particular case. 1 The force of muscles, according to the experiments of Schwann, increases with their length, and vice versa. It is a curious circumstance, and worthy the attention of those in- terested in homologies, that the voluntary muscles of the power being feeble and obscured by the flaccidity of the muscular mass. In order to push effectually, tlie pushing substance must be more or less rigid. 1 The extensor muscles preponderate in mass and weight over the flexors, but this is readily accounted for by the fact, that the extensors, when limbs are to be straightened, always work at a mechanical disadvantage. This is owing to the shape of the bones, the conformation of the joints, and the position occupied by the extensors. 28 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. superior and inferior extremities, and more especially of the 4 trunk, are arranged in longitudinal, transverse, and oblique spiral lines, and in layers or strata precisely as in the ventricles of the heart and hollow muscles generally. 1 If, consequently, I eliminate the element of bone from these several regions, I reproduce a typical hollow muscle; and what is still more remarkable, if I compare the bones re- moved (say the bones of the anterior extremity of a quad- ruped or bird) with the cast obtained from the cavity of a hollow muscle (say the left ventricle of the heart of the mammal), I find that the bones and the cast are twisted upon themselves, and form elegant screws, the threads or ridges of which run in the same direction. This affords a proof that the involuntary hollow muscles supply the type or Fio. ((.Wing of bird. Shows how the bones of the arm (a), forearm (ft), and hand (c), are twisted, and form a conical screw. Compare with Figs. 7 and 8. Original Fio. 7. Fio. 7. Anterior extremity of elephant. Shows how the bones of the arm (7), jrearni (q'x), and foot (o). are twisted to form an osseous screw. Compare with Figs. 6 and 8. Original. Fio. 8. Castor mould of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart of a Shows that the left ventricular cavity is conical and spiral in its lire, a Portion of right ventricular cavity ; b, base of left ventricular cavity ; x, y, spiral grooves occupied by the spiral musculi papillares ; jq, spiral ridges projecting between the musculi papillares. Compare with Figs. 6 and 7. Original. pattern on which the voluntary muscles are formed. Fig. 6 re- presents the bones of the wing of the bird; fig. 7 the bones of the " On the Arrangement of the Muscular Fibres in the Ventricles of the Vertebrate Heart, with Physiological Remarks," by the Author. Philo- sophical Transactions, 1864. INTRODUCTION. 29 anterior extremity of the elephant ; and fig. 8 the cast or mould of the cavity of the left ventricle of the heart of the deer. It has been the almost invariable custom in teaching anatomy, arid such parts of physiology as pertain to animal movements, to place much emphasis upon the configuration of the bony skeleton as a whole, and the conformation of its several articular surfaces in particular. This is very natural, as the osseous system stands the wear and tear of time, while all around it is in a great measure perishable. It is the link which binds extinct forms to living ones, and we naturally venerate and love what is enduring. It is no marvel that Oken, Goethe, Owen, and others should have attempted such splendid generalizations with regard to the osseous system should have proved with such cogency of argument that the head is an expanded vertebra. The bony skeleton is a miracle of design very wonderful and very beautiful in its way. But when all has been said, the fact remains that the skeleton, when it exists, forms only an adjunct of locomotion and motion generally. All the really essential movements of an animal occur in its soft parts. The osseous system is there- fore to be regarded as secondary in importance to the mus- cular, of which it may be considered a differentiation. Instead of regarding the muscles as adapted to the bones, the bones ought to be regarded as adapted to the muscles. Bones have no power either of originating or perpetuating motion. This begins and terminates in the muscles. Nor must it be over- looked, that bone makes its appearance comparatively late in the scale of being ; that innumerable creatures exist in which no trace either of an external or internal skeleton is to be found ; that these creatures move freely about, digest, circu- late their nutritious juices and blood when present, multiply, and perform all the functions incident to life. While the skeleton is to be found in only a certain proportion of the animals existing on our globe, the soft parts are to be met " On the Muscular Arrangements of the Bladder and Prostate, and the manner in which the Ureters and Urethra are closed," by the Author. Philosophical Transactions, 18G7. " On the Muscular Tunics in the Stomach of Man and other Mammalia," 1>y the Author. Proceedings Royal Society of London, 1867. 30 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. with in all ; and this appears to me an all-sufficient reason for attaching great importance to the movements of soft parts, such as protoplasm, jelly masses, involuntary and volun- tary muscles, etc. 1 As the muscles of vertebrates are accu- rately applied to each other, and to the bones, while the bones are rigid, unyielding, and incapable of motion, it follows that the osseous system acts as a break or boundary to the muscular one, and hence the arbitrary division of muscles into exten- sors and flexors, pronators and supinators, abductors and ad- ductors. This division although convenient is calculated to mislead. The most highly organized animal is strictly speaking to be regarded as a living mass whose parts (hard, soft, and Fio 9. The Superficial Muscles in the Horse, (after Bagg). otherwise) are accurately adapted to each other, every part reciprocating with scrupulous exactitude, and rendering it tfficult to determine where motion begins and where it ter- minates. Fig. 9 shows the more superficial of the muscular which move the bones or osseous levers of the horse, as seen m the walk, trot, gallop, etc. A careful examination ;e carneous masses or muscles will show that they run _> Lectures On the Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower '" " ^ *' AUtl ' r ' " E<1inhursh Me<1ical Journal for Se P" INTRODUCTION. 31 longitudinally, transversely, and obliquely, the longitudinal and transverse muscles crossing each other at nearly right angles, the oblique ones tending to cross at various angles, as in the letter X. The crossing is seen to most advantage in the deep muscles. In order to understand the twisting which occurs to a greater or less extent in the bodies and extremities (when present) of all vertebrated animals, it is necessary to reduce the bony and muscular systems to their simplest expression. If motion is desired in a dorsal, ventral, or lateral direction only, a dorsal and ventral or a right and left lateral set of longitudinal muscles acting upon straight bones articulated by an ordinary ball-and-socket joint will suffice. In this case the dorsal, ventral, and right and left lateral muscles form miiscular cycles ; contraction or shortening on the one aspect of the cycle being accompanied by relaxation or elongation on the other, the bones and joints forming as it were the diameters of the cycles, and oscillating in a backward, forward, or lateral direction in proportion to the degree and direction of the muscular movements. Here the motion is confined to two planes intersecting each other at right angles. When, how- ever, the muscular system becomes more Wghly differentiated, both as regards the number of the muscles employed, and the variety of the directions pursued by them, the bones and joints also become more complicated. Under these circum- stances, the bones, as a rule, are twisted upon themselves, and their articular surfaces present various degrees of spirality to meet the requirements of the muscular system. Between the straight longitudinal muscles, therefore, arranged in dorsal and ventral, and right and left lateral sets, and those which run in a more or less transverse direction, and between the simple joint whose motion is confined to one plane and the ball-and-socket joints whose movements are universal, every degree of obli- quity is found in the direction of the muscles, and every pos- sible modification in the disposition of the articular surfaces. In the fish the muscles are for the most part arranged in dorsal, ventral, and lateral sets, which run longitudinally; and, as a result, the movements of the trunk, particularly towards the tail, are from side to side and sinuous. As, however, 32 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. oblique fibres are also present, and the tendons of the longi- tudinal muscles in some instances cross obliquely towards the tail, the fish has also the power of tilting or twisting its trunk (particularly the lower half) as well as the caudal fin. In a mackerel which I examined, the oblique muscles were represented by the four lateral masses occurring between the dorsal, ventral, and lateral longitudinal muscles two of these being found on either side of the fish, and corresponding to the myocommas or " grand muscle lateral" of Cuvier. The muscular system of the fish would therefore seem to be ar- ranged on a fourfold plan, there being four sets of longi- tudinal muscles, and a corresponding number of slightly oblique and oblique muscles, the oblique muscles being spiral in their nature and tending to cross or intersect at various angles, an arrest of the intersection, as it appears to me, giving rise to the myocommas and to that concentric arrange- ment of their constituent parts so evident on transverse section. This tendency of the muscular fibres to cross each other at various degrees of obliquity may also be traced in several parts of the human body, as, for instance, in the deltoid muscle of the arm and the deep muscles of the leg. Numerous other examples of penniform muscles might be adduced. Although the fibres of the myocommas have a more or less longitudinal direction, the myocommas them- selves pursue an oblique spiral course from before backwards and from within outwards, i.e. from the spine towards the periphery, where they receive slightly oblique fibres from the longitudinal dorsal, ventral, and lateral muscles. As the spiral oblique myocommas and the oblique fibres from the longitudinal muscles act directly and indirectly upon the spines of the vertebrae, and the vertebrae themselves to which they are specially adapted, and as both sets of oblique fibres are geared by interdigitation to the fourfold set of longitu- dinal muscles, the lateral, sinuous, and rotatory movements of the body and tail of the fish are readily accounted for. The spinal column of the fish facilitates the lateral sinuous twisting movements of the tail and trunk, from the fact that the vertebrae composing it are united to each other by a series of modified universal joints the vertebne supplying the cup- INTRODUCTION. 33 shaped depressions or sockets, the intervertebral substance, the prominence or ball. The same may be said of the general arrangement of the muscles in the trunk and tail of the Cetacea, the principal muscles in this case being distributed, not on the sides, but on the dorsal and ventral aspects. The lashing of the tail in the whales is consequently from above downwards or vertically, instead of from side to side. The spinal column is jointed as in the fish, with this difference, that the vertebrae (especially towards the tail) form the rounded prominences or ball, the meniscus or cup-shaped intervertebral plates the receptacles or socket. When limbs are present, the spine may be regarded as being ideally divided, the spiral movements, under these circumstances, being thrown upon the extremities by typical ball-and-socket joints occurring at the shoulders and pelvis. This is peculiarly the case in the seal, where the spirally sinuous movements of the spine are transferred directly to the posterior extremities. 1 The extremities, when present, are provided with their own muscular cycles of extensor and flexor, abductor and adductor, pronator and supinator muscles, these running longitudinally and at various degrees of obliquity, and en- veloping the hard parts according to their direction the bones being twisted upon themselves and furnished with articular surfaces which reflect the movements of the muscular cycles, whether these occur in straight lines an- teriorly, posteriorly, or laterally, or in oblique lines in inter- mediate situations. The straight and oblique muscles are principally brought into play in the movements of the extremi- 1 That the movements of the extremities primarily emanate from the spine is rendered probable by the remarkable powers possessed by serpents. " It is true," writes Professor Owen (op. tit. p. 261), " that the serpent has no limbs, yet it can outclimb the monkey, outswim the fish, outleap the jerboa, and, suddenly loosing the close coils of its crouching spiral, it can spring into the air and seize the bird upon the wing." .... "The serpent has neither hands nor talons, yet it can outwrestle the athlete, and crush the tiger in the embrace of its ponderous overlapping folds." The peculiar endowments, which accompany the possession of extremities, it appears to me, present themselves in an undeveloped or latent form in the trunk of the reptile. 34 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. ties of quadrupeds, bipeds, etc. in walking; in the move- ments of the tails and fins of fishes, whales, etc. in swimming ; and in the movements of the wings of insects, bats, and birds in flying. The straight and oblique muscles are usually found together, and co-operate in producing the movements in question ; the amount of rotation in a part always increasing as the oblique muscles preponderate. The combination of ball-and-socket and hinge-joints, with their con- comitant oblique and longitudinal muscular cycles (the former occurring in their most perfect forms where the extremities are united to the trunk, the latter in the extremities them- selves), enable the animal to present, when necessary, an exten- sive resisting surface the one instant, and a greatly diminished and a comparatively non-resisting one the next. This arrange- ment secures the subtlety and nicety of motion demanded by the several media at different stages of progression. The travelling surfaces of Animals modified and adapted to the medium on or in which they move. In those land animals which take to the water occasionally, the feet, as a FIG. 10. Fio. 11. FIG. 12. Fio. 13. Fio. 14. FIG. 10. Extreme form of compressed foot, as seen m the deer, ox, etc., adapted specially for land transit. Original. Fio 11. Extreme form of expanded foot, as seen in the Ornithorhynchits, etc., adapted more particularly for swimming. Original Fios. 12 and 13. Intermediate form of foot, as seen hi the otter (tig 12), frog (fig. 13), etc. Here the foot is equally serviceable in and out of the water. Original. Original rule, are furnished with membranous expansions extend- ing between the toes. Of such the Otter (fig. 12), Ornitho- rhynchus (fig. n)r Seal (fig 14)? Crocodile5 Sea-Bear (fig. 37, P; 76), ANalnis, Frog (fig. 13), and Triton, may be cited. Ahe crocodile and triten, in addition to the membranous INTRODUCTION. 35 expansion occurring between the toes, are supplied with a powerful swimming-tail, which adds very materially to the surface engaged in natation. Those animals, one and all, walk awkwardly, it always happening that when the ex- tremities are modified to operate upon two essentially different media (as, for instance, the land and water), the maximum of speed is attained in neither. For this reason those animals which swim the best, walk, as a rule, with the greatest difficulty, and vice versd, as the movements of the auk and seal in and out of the water amply testify. In addition to those land animals which run and swim, there are some which precipitate themselves, parachute- fashion, from immense heights, and others which even fly. In these the membranous expansions are greatly increased, the ribs affording the necessary support in the Dragon or Flying Lizard (fig. 15), the anterior and posterior extremities and tail, in the Flying Lemur (fig. 16) and Bat (fig. 17, p. 36). Fio. 15. Pio. 16. Fro. 15. The Red-throated Dragon (Drncn hrpmatopngon, Gray) shows a large membranous expansion (ft fc) situated between the anterior (). Thus the right fore foot describes the curve marked t, the left hind foot that marked r, the left fore foot that marked v, and the right hind loot that marked s. The feet on the ground in the present instance are the left fore and the right hind. Compare with figs. 18 and 19, pp. 37 and 39. - Original. occurs, and each successive hind foot as it is implanted forms a new diagonal with the opposite fore, the latter forming the front of the parallel in one instant, and one of the diagonal positions in the next : while in the case of the hind, they assume the diagonal on alighting and become the terminators of the parallel in the last part of their action." In the trot, according to Bishop, the legs move in pairs 42 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. diagonally. The same leg moves rather oftener during the same period in trotting than in walking, or as six to five. The velocity acquired by moving the legs in pairs, instead of con- secutively^ depends on the circumstance that in the trot each leg rests on the ground during a short interval, and swings during a long one ; whilst in walking each leg swings a short, and rests a long period. The undulations arising from the projection of the trunk in the trot are chiefly in the vertical plane ; in the walk they are more in the horizontal. The gallop has been erroneously believed to consist of a series of bounds or leaps, the two hind legs being on the ground when the two fore legs are in the air, and vice versa', there being a period when all four are in the air. Thus Sainbell in his " Essay on the Proportions of Eclipse," states " that the gallop consists of a repetition of bounds, or leaps, more or less high, and more or less extended in proportion to the strength and lightness of the animal." A little reflection will show that this definition of the gallop cannot be the correct one. When a horse takes a ditch or fence, he gathers himself together, and by a vigorous effort (particularly of the hind legs), throws himself into the air. This movement requires immense exertion and is short-lived. It is not in the power of any horse to repeat these bounds for more than a few minutes, from which it follows that the gallop, which may be continued for considerable periods, must differ very materially from the leap. The pace known as the amble is an artificial movement, produced by the cunning of the trainer. It resembles that of the giraffe, where the right for^p and right hind foot move together to form one step ; the" left fore and left hind foot Moving together to form the second step. By the rapid repetition of these movements the right and left sides of the body are advanced alternately by a lateral swinging motion, very comfortable for the rider, but anything but graceful. The amble is a defective pace, inasmuch as it interferes with the diagonal movements of the limbs, and impairs the con- tinuity of motion which the twisting, cross movement begets. Similar remarks might be made of the gallop if it consisted (which it does not) of a series of bounds or leaps, as each PKOGRESSION ON THE LAND. 43 bound would be succeeded by a halt, or dead point, that could not fail seriously to compromise continuous forward motion. In the gallop, as in the slower movements, the horse has never less than two feet on the ground at any instant of time, no two of the four feet being in exactly the same position. Mr. Gamgee, who has studied the movements of the horse very carefully, has given diagrams of the walk, trot, and gallop, drawn to a scale of the feet of a two-year-old colt in training, which had been walked, trotted, and galloped over the ground for the purpose. The point he sought to deter- mine was the exact distance through which each foot was carried from the place where it was lifted to that Avhere it alighted. The diagrams are reproduced at figures 21, 22, and 23. In figure 231 have added a continuous waved line to indicate the alternating movements of the extremities ; Mr. Gamgee at the time he wrote L being, he informs me, unac- quainted with the figure-of-8 theory of animal progression as subsequently developed by me. Compare fig. 23 with figs. 18 and 19, pp. 37 and 39 ; with fig. 50, p. 97 ; and with figs. 71 and 73, p. 144. WALK. TROT. n.f. n.h. o.f. o.h. n.f. n.f. n.h. o.f. o.h. n.f. -3) q> a .__. s 11 in. 23 in. 121 in. 18J in. 19in. 42in. 21 in. SOin. Length of stride 5 ft. 5 in. Length of stride 10 ft 1 in. Fio. 21. FIG. 22. GALLOP. n.f. o.f. n h. o.h. n.f 55} in. 55 in. 55J in. 55 in. Length of stride IS ft 1* in. Fid. 23 In examining figures 21, 22, and 23, the reader will do well to remember that the near fore and hind feet of a horse are the left fore and hind feet ; the off fore and hind feet being the right fore and hind feet. The terms near and off i " On the Breeding of Hunters and Roadsters." Prize Essay. Journal of Royal Agricultural Society for 1863. 44 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. are technical expressions, and apply to the left and right sides of the animal. Another point to be attended to in examining the figures in question, is the relation which exists between the fore and hind feet of the near and off sides of the body. In slow walking the near hind foot is planted behind the imprint made by the near fore foot. In rapid walking, on the contrary, the near hind foot is planted from six to twelve or more inches in advance of the imprint made by the near fore foot (fig. 21 represents the distance as eleven inches). In the trot the near hind foot is planted from twelve to eighteen or more inches in advance of the imprint made by the near fore foot (fig. 22 represents the distance as nineteen inches). In the gallop the near hind foot is planted 100 or more inches in advance of the imprint made by the near fore foot (fig. 23 represents the distance as 110J inches). The distance by which the near hind foot passes the near fore foot in rapid walking, trotting, and galloping, increases in a progressive ratio, and is due in a principal measure to the velocity or momentum acquired by the mass of the horse in rapid motion ; the body of the animal carrying forward and planting the limbs at greater relative distances in the trot than in the rapid walk, and in the gallop than in the trot. I have chosen to speak of the near hind and near fore feet, but similar remarks may of course be made of the off hind and off fore feet. "At fig. 23, which represents the gallop, the distance between two successive impressions produced, say by the near fore foot, is eighteen feet one inch and a half. Midway between these two impressions is the mark of the near hind foot, which therefore subdivides the space into nine feet and six-eighths of an inch, but each of these is again subdivided into two halves by the impressions produced by the off fore and off hind feet. It is thus seen that the horse's body instead of being propelled through the air by bounds or leaps vn when going at the highest attainable speed, acts on a system of levers, the mean distance between the points of resistance of which is four feet six inches. The exact length of stride, of course, only applies to that of the particular horse observed, and the rate of speed at which he is going. In the PROGRESSION ON THE LAND. 45 case of any one animal, the greater the speed the longer is the individual stride. In progression, the body moves before a limb is raised from the ground, as is most readily seen when the horse is beginning its slowest action, as in traction." * At fig. 22, which represents the trot, the stride is ten feet one inch. At 'fig. 21, which represents the walk, it is only five feet five inches. The speed acquired, Mr. Gamgee points out, determines the length of stride; the length of stride being the effect and evidence of speed and not the cause of it. The momentum acquired in the gallop, as already explained, greatly accelerates speed. " In contemplating length of strides, with reference to the fulcra, allowance has to be made for the length of the feet, which is to be deducted from that of the strides, because the apex, or toe of the horse's hind foot forms the fulcrum in one instant, and the heel of the fore foot in the next, and vice versd. This phenomenon is very obvious in the action of the human foot, and is remarkable also for the range of leverage thus afforded in some of the fleetest quadrupeds, of different species. In the hare, for instance, between the point of its hock and the termination of its extended digits, there is a space of upwards of six inches of extent of leverage and variation of fulcrum, and in the fore limb from the carpus to the toe-nails (whose function in progression is not to be underrated) upwards of three inches of leverage are found, being about ten inches for each lateral biped, and the double of that for the action of all four feet. Viewed in this way the stride is not really so long as would be supposed if merely estimated from the space between the footprints. Many interesting remarks might be made on the length of the stride of various animals ; the full movement of the grey- hound is, for instance, upwards of sixteen feet ; that of the har.e at least equal ; whilst that* of the Newfoundland dog is a little over nine feet." l Locomotion of the Ostrich. Birds have been divided by naturalists into eight orders : the Natatores, or Swimming Birds ; the Grallatores, or Wading Birds ; the Cursores, or Running Birds ; the Scansores, or Climbers ; the Easores, or i Gamgee in Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. iii. pp. 375, 37Q. 46 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. Scrapers; the Columbw, or Doves; the Passeres ; and the Raptor es, or Birds of Prey. The first five orders have been classified according to their habits and modes of progression. The Natatores I shall con- sider when I come to speak of swimming as a form of locomo- tion, and as there is nothing in the movements of the wading, scraping, and climbing birds, 1 or in the Passeres 2 or fiaptores, requiring special notice, I shall proceed at once to a considera- tion of the Cursores, the best examples of which are the ostrich, emu, cassowary, and apteryx. The ostrich is remarkable for the great length and develop- ment of its legs as compared with its wings (fig. 24). In this respect it is among birds what the kangaroo is among mammals. The -ostrich attains an altitude of from six to eight feet, and is the largest living bird known. Its great height is due to its attenuated neck and legs. The latter are very powerful structures, and greatly resemble in their general conformation the posterior extremities of a thoroughbred horse or one of the larger deer compare with fig. 4, p. 21. They are expressly made for speed. Thus the bones of the leg and foot are in- clined very obliquely towards each other, the femur being in- clined very obliquely to the ilium. As a consequence the angles made by the several bones of the legs are compara- tively small ; smaller in fact than in either the horse or deer. The feet of the ostrich, like those of the horse and deer, are reduced to a minimum as regards size; so that they occasion very little friction in the act of walking and running. The foot is composed of two jointed toes, 3 which spread out when the weight of the body comes upon them, in such a manner as enables the bird to seize and let go the ground with equal facility. The advantage of such an arrangement in rapid locomotion cannot be over-estimated. The elasticity and flexibility of the foot contribute greatly to the rapidity 1 The woodpeckers climb by the aid of the stiff feathers of their tails ; the legs and tail forming a firm basis of support. * In this order there are certain birds the sparrows and thrushes, for example which advance by a series of vigorous leaps ; the leaps of an intermitting character. 3 -The toes in the emu amount to three. PROGRESSION ON THE LAND. 47 of movement for which this celebrated bird is famous. The limb of the ostrich, with its large bones placed very obliquely to form a system of powerful levers, is the very embodiment of speed. The foot is quite worthy of the limb, it being in Fi<;. 24. Skeleton of the Ostrich. Shows the powerful legs, small feet, anil rudimentary wings of the bird : the obliquity at which the bones of the legs and wings are placed, and the comparatively small angles which any two bones make at tlu-ir point of junction, a Angle made by femur with ilium. b Angle made by tibia and fibula with femur, c Angle made by tarso- metatarsal bone with tibia and fibula, d Angle made by bones of foot with tarso-metatarsnl bone, r Bones of wing inclined to each other at nearly right angles. Compare with fig. 4, p. 21, fig. 26, p. 55, and fig. 27, p. 59. Adapted from Dallas. some respects the most admirable structure of its kind in existence. The foot of the ostrich differs considerably from that of all other birds, thosie of its own family excepted. Thus the .under portion of the foot is flat, and specially adapted for acting on plane surfaces, particularly solids. 1 The 1 Feet designed for swimming, grasping trees, or securing prey, do not operate to advantage on a flat surface. The awkward waddle of the swan, parrot, and eagle when on the ground affords illustrations. 48 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. extremities of the toes superiorly are armed with powerful short nails, the tips of which project inferiorly to protect the toes and confer elasticity when the foot is leaving the ground. The foot, like the leg, is remarkable for its great strength. The legs of the ostrich are closely set, another feature of speed. 1 The wings of the ostrich are in a very rudimentary Fio. 25. Ostriches pursued by a Hunter. condition as compared with the legs. 2 All the bones are pre- sent, but they are so dwarfed that they are useless as organs of flight. The angles which the bones of the wing make with each other, are still less than the angles made by the bones of the leg. This is just what we would a priori expect, as the velocity with which wings are moved greatly exceeds that with which legs are moved. The bones of the wing of the ostrich are inclined towards each other at nearly right angles. 1 In draught horses the legs are much wider apart than in racers ; the legs of the deer being less widely set than those of the racer. * In the apteryx the wings are so very small that the bird is commonly spoken of as the " wingless bird." PROGRESSION ON THE LAND. 49 The wings of the ostrich, although useless as flying organs, form important auxiliaries in running. When the ostrich careers along the plain, he spreads out his wings in such a manner that they act as balancers, and so enable him to main- tain his equilibrium (fig. 25). The wings, because of the angle of inclination which their under surfaces make with the horizon, and the great speed at which the ostrich travels, act like kites, and so elevate and carry forward by a mechanical adaptation a certain proportion of the mass of the bird already in motion. The elevating and propelling power of even diminutive inclined planes is very considerable, when carried along at a high speed in a horizontal direction. The wings, in addition to their elevating and propelling power, contribute by their short, rapid, swinging movements, to con- tinuity of motion in the legs. No bird with large wings can run well. The albatross, for example, walks with difficulty, and the same may be said of the vulture and eagle. What, therefore, appears a defect in the ostrich, is a positive advan- tage when its habits and mode of locomotion are taken into account. Professional runners in many cases at matches reduce the length of their anterior extremities by flexing their arms and carrying them on a level with their chest (fig. 28, p. 62). It would seem that in rapid running there is not time for the arms to oscillate naturally, and that under these circumstances the arms, if allowed to swing about, retard rather than increase the spe), 1 to 8, the positions during the time when the swing- ing leg is propelled in advance of the resting one. The letters a, &, and o indicate the angles formed by the bones of the right leg when engaged in making a step. The letters m, n, and o, the positions assumed by the right foot when the trunk is rolling over it. g Shows the rotating forward of the trunk upon the left foot (/) as an axis, h Shows the rotating forward of the left leg and foot upon the trunk (a) as an axis. Compare with fig. 4, p. 21 ; with fig. 24, p. 47 ; and with fig. 20, p. 55. After Weber. arms intersect at every step, as shown at fig. 19, p. 39. Similar curves are formed by the quadruped when walking 60 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. (fig. 18, p. 37), the fish when swimming (fig. 32, p. 68), and the bird when flying (figs. 73 and 81, pp. 144 and 157). The alternate rotation of the trunk upon the limb and the limb upon the trunk is well seen in fig. 27, p. 59. At A of fig. 27 the trunk (g) is observed rotating on the left foot (/). At D of fig. the left leg (h] is seen rotating on the trunk (a, f) : these, as explained, are complementary move- ments. At A of fig. the right foot (c) is firmly placed on the ground, the left foot (/) being in the act of leaving it. The right side of the trunk is on a lower level than the left, which is being elevated, and in the act of rolling over the foot. At B of fig. the right foot (m) is still upon the ground, but the left foot having left it is in the act of swinging forward. At C of fig. the heel of the right foot (n) is raised from the ground, and the left foot is in the act of passing the right. The right side of the trunk is now being elevated. At D of fig. the heel of the right foot (6) is elevated as far as it can be, the toes of the left foot being depressed and ready to touch the ground. The right side of the trunk has now reached its highest level, and is in the act of rolling over the right foot. The left side of the trunk, on the contrary, is subsiding, and the left leg is swinging before the right one, preparatory to being deposited on the ground. From the foregoing it will be evident that the trunk and limbs have pendulum movements which are natural and peculiar to them, the extent of which depends upon the length of the parts. A tall man and a short man can con- sequently never walk in step if both walk naturally and according to inclination. 1 In traversing a given distance in a given time, a tall man 1 " The number of steps which a person can take in a given time in walking depends, first, on the length of the leg, which, governed by the laws of the pendulum, swings from behind forwards ; secondly, on the earlier or later in- terruption which the leg experiences in its arc of oscillation by being placed on the ground. The weight of the swinging leg and the velocity of the trunk serve to give the impulse by which the foot attains a position vertical to the head of the thigh-bone ; but as the latter, according to the laws of the pendu- lum, requires in tho quickest walking a given time to attain that position, or half its entire curve of oscillation, it follows that every person has a certain measure for his steps, and a certain number of steps in a given time, which, in his natu^il gait in walking, he cannot exceed." PROGRESSION ON THE LAND. Gl will take fewer steps than a short man, in the same way that a large wheel will make fewer revolutions in travelling over a given space than a smaller one. The relation is a purely mechanical one. The nave of the large wheel corresponds to the ilio-femoral articulation (hip-joint) of the tall man, the spokes to his legs, and portions of the rim to his feet. The nave, spokes, and rim of the small wheel have the same rela- tion to the ilio-femoral articulation (hip-joint), legs and feet of the small man. When a tall and short man walk together, if they keep step, and traverse the same distance in the same time, either the tall man must shorten and slow his steps, or the short man must lengthen and quicken his. The slouching walk of the shepherd is more natural than that of the trained soldier. It can be kept up longer, and admits of greater speed. In the natural walk, as seen in rustics, the complementary movements are all evoked. In the artificial walk of the trained army man, the complementary movements are to a great extent suppressed. Art is conse- quently not an improvement on nature in the matter of walk- ing. In walking, the centre of gravity is being constantly changed, a circumstance due to the different attitudes assumed by the different portions of the trunk and limbs at different periods of time. All parts of the trunk and limbs of a biped, and the same may be said of a quadruped, move when a change of locality is effected. The trunk of the biped and quadruped when walking are therefore in a similar condition to that of the body of the fish when swimming. In running, all the movements described are exaggerated. Thus the steps are more rapid and the strides greater. In walking, a well-proportioned six-feet man can nearly cover his own height in two steps. In running, he can cover with- out difficulty a third more. In fig. 28 (p. 62), an athlete is represented as bending forward prior to running. The left leg and trunk, it will be observed, are advanced beyond the vertical line (x), and the arms are tucked up like the rudimentary wings of the ostrich, to correct undue oscilla- tion at the shoulders, -occasioned by the violent oscillation produced at the pelvis in the act of running. G2 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. In order to enable the right leg to swing forward, it is evident that it must be flexed, and that the left leg must be extended, and the trunk raised. The raising of the trunk causes it to assume a more vertical position, and this prevents the swinging leg from going too far forwards ; the swinging Fio. 28. Preparing to run, from a design by Flaxman. Adapted. In the ori- ginal of this figure the right arm is depending and placed on the right thigh. leg tending to oscillate in a slightly backward direction as the trunk is elevated. The body is more inclined forwards in running than in walking, and there is a period when both legs are off the ground, no such period occurring in walking. " In quick walking, the propelling leg acts more obliquely on the trunk, which is more inclined, and forced forwards more rapidly than in slow walking. The time when both legs are on the ground diminishes as the velocity increases, and it vanishes altogether when the velocity is at a maximum. In quick running the length of step rapidly increases, whilst the duration slowly diminishes ; but in slow running the length diminishes rapidly, whilst the time remains nearly the same. The time of a step in quick running, compared to that in quick walking, is nearly as two to three, whilst the length of the steps are as two to one ; consequently a person can run in PKOGRESSION ON THE LAND. 63 a given time three times as fast as he can walk. In running, the object is to acquire a greater velocity in progression than can be attained in walking. In order to accomplish this, instead of the body being supported on each leg alternately, the action is divided into two periods, during one of which the body is supported on one leg, and during the other it is not supported at all. The velocity in running is usually at the rate of about ten miles an hour, but there are many persons who, for a limited period, can exceed this velocity." l 1 Cyc. of Anat. and Phy., article " Motion." PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. IF we direct our attention to the water, we encounter a medium less dense than the earth, and considerably more dense than the air. As this element, in virtue of its fluidity, yields readily to external pressure, it follows that a certain relation exists between it and the shape, size, and weight of the animal progressing along or through it. Those animals make the greatest headway which are of the same specific gravity, or are a little heavier, and furnished with extensive surfaces, which, by a dexterous tilting or twisting (for the one implies the other), or by a sudden contraction and expansion, they apply wholly or in part to obtain the maximum of re- sistance in the one direction, and the minimum of displace- ment in the other. The change of shape, and the peculiar movements of the swimming surfaces, are rendered necessary by the fact, first pointed out by Sir Isaac Newton, that bodies or animals moving in water and likewise in air experience a sensible resistance, which is greater or less in proportion to the density and tenacity of the fluid and the figure, superficies, and velocity of the animal. To obtain the degree of resistance and non-resistance neces- sary for progression in water, Nature, never at fault, has devised some highly ingenious expedients, the Syringograde animals advancing by alternately sucking up and ejecting the water in which they are immersed the Medusae by a rhyth- mical contraction and dilatation of their mushroom-shaped disk the Rotifera or wheel-animalcules by a vibratile action of their cilia, which, according to the late Professor Quekett, twist upon their pedicles so as alternately to increase and diminish the extent of surface presented to the water, as PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 65 happens in the feathering of an oar. A very similar plan is adopted by the Pteropoda, found in countless multitudes in the northern seas, which, according to Eschricht, use the wing-like structures situated near the head after the manner of a double paddle, resembling in its general features that at present in use among the Greenlanders. The characteristic movement, however, and that adopted in by far the greater number of instances, is that commonly seen in the fish (figs. 29 and 30). Fio. 30. The Salmon (SaJmn salar) swimming leisurely. The body, it will be observed, is bout in two curves, one occurring towards the head, the other towards the tail. The shape of the salmon is admirably adapted for cleav- ing the water. Original. This, my readers are aware, consists of a lashing, curvi- linear, or flail-like movement of the broadly expanded tail, which oscillates from side to side of the body, in some instances with immense speed and power. The muscles in the fish, as has 66 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. been explained, are for this purpose arranged along the spinal column, and constitute the bulk of the animal, it being a law that when the extremities are wanting, as in the water-snake, or rudimentary, as in the fish, lepidosiren, 1 proteus, and axolotl, the muscles of the trunk are largely developed. In such cases the onus of locomotion falls chiefly, if not entirely, upon the tail and lower portion of the body. The operation of this law is well seen in the metamorphosis of the tad- pole, the muscles of the trunk and tail becoming modified, and the tail itself disappearing as fhe limbs of the perfect frog are developed. The same law prevails in certain instances where the anterior extremities are comparatively perfect, but too small for swimming purposes, as in the Avhale, porpoise, dugong, and manatee, and where both anterior and posterior extremities are present but dwarfed, as in the crocodile, triton, and salamander. The whale, porpoise, dugong, and manatee employ their anterior extremities in balancing and turning, the great organ of locomotion being the tail. The same may be said of the crocodile, triton, and salamander, all of which use their extremities in quite a sub- ordinate capacity as compared with the tail. The peculiar movements of the trunk and tail evoked in swimming are seen to most advantage in the fish, and may now be briefly described. Swimming of the Fish, JVTiale, Porpoise, etc. According to Borelli, 2 and all who have written since his time, the fish in swimming causes its tail to vibrate on either side of a given line, very much as a rudder may be made to oscillate by moving its tiller. The line referred to corresponds to the axis of the fish when it is at rest and when its body is straight, and to the path pursued by the fish when it is swimming. It consequently represents the axis of the fish and the axis of 1 The lepidosiren is furnished with two tapering flexible stem-like bodies, which depend from the anterior ventral aspect of the animal, the siren having in the same region two pairs of rudimentary limbs furnished with four imper- fect toes, while the proteus has anterior extremities armed with three toes each, and a very feeble posterior extremity terminating in two toes. 8 Borelli, " De motu Animalium," plate 4, fig. 5 sm. 4to, 2 vols. Romse, 1680. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 67 motion. According to this theory the tail, when flexed or carved to make what is termed the back or non-effective stroke, is forced away from the imaginary line, its curved, concave, or biting surface being directed outwards. When, on the other hand, the tail is extended to make what is termed the effective or forward stroke, it is urged towards the ima- ginary line, its convex or non-biting surface being directed inwards (fig. 31). Z Fia. 31. Swimming of the Fish. (After Borelli.) When the tail strikes in the direction a i, the head of the fish is said to travel in the direction c h. When the tail strikes in the direction g e, the head is said to travel in the direction c b; these movements, when the tail is urged with sufficient velocity, causing the body of the fish to move in the line d c f. The explanation is apparently a satisfactory one ; but a careful analysis of the swimming of the living fish induces me to believe it is incorrect. According to this, the commonly received view, the tail would experience a greater degree of resistance during the back stroke, i.e. when it is flexed and carried away from the axis of motion (d c f) than it would during the forward stroke, or when it is extended and carried towards the axis of motion. This follows, because the concave surface of the tail is applied to the water during what is termed the back or non-effective stroke, and the con- vex surface during what is termed the forward or effective stroke. This is just the opposite of what actually happens, and led Sir John Lubbock to declare that there was a period in which the action of the tail dragged the fish backwards, which, of course, is erroneous. There is this further difficulty. When the tail of the fish is urged in the direction g e, the C8 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. head does not move in the direction c b as stated, but in the direction c h, the body of the fish describing the arc of a circle, a c h. This is a matter of observation. If a fish when resting suddenly forces its tail to one side and curves its body, the fish describes a curve in the water corresponding to that described by the body. If the concavity of the curve formed by the body is directed to the right side, the fish swims in a curve towards that side. To this there is no exception, as any one may readily satisfy himself, by watching the movements of gold fish in a vase. Observation and experiment have convinced me that when a fish swims it never throws its body into a single curve, as represented at fig. 31, p. 67, but always into a double or figure-of-8 curve, as shown at fig. 32. 1 FIG. 32. Swimming of the Sturgeon. From Nature. Compare with figs. IS and 19, pp. 37 and 39 ; fig. 23, p. 43 ; and figs. 64 to 73, pp. 139, 141 aud -144. Original. The double curve is necessary to enable the fish to present a convex or non-biting surface (c) to the water during flexion (the back stroke of authors), when the tail is being forced away from the axis of motion (a b), and a concave or biting surface (s) during extension (the forward or effective stroke of authors), when the tail is being forced with increased energy towards the axis of motion (a b) ; the resistance occasioned by a concave surface, when compared with a convex one, being in the ratio of two to one. The double or complementary curve into which the fish forces its body when swimming, is neces- sary to correct the tendency which the head of the fish has to move in the same direction, or to the same side as that 1 It is only when a fish is turning that it forces its body into a single curve. PKOGKESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 60 towards which the tail curves. In swimming, the body of the fish describes a waved track, but this can only be done when the head and tail travel in opposite directions, and on opposite sides of a given line, as represented at fig. 32. The anterior and posterior portions of the fish alternately occupy the positions indicated at d c and w v; the fish oscil- lating on either side of a given line, and gliding along by a sinuous or wave movement. I have represented the body of the fish as forced into two curves when swimming, as there are never less than two. These I designate the cephalic (d) and caudal (c) curves, from their respective positions. In the long-bodied fishes, such as the eels, the number of the curves is increased, but in every case the curves occur in pairs, and are complementary. The cephalic and caudal curves not only complement each other, but they act as fulcra for each other, the cephalic curve, with the water seized by it, forming the point d'appui for the caudal one, and vice versd. The fish in swimming lashes its tail from side to side, precisely as an oar is lashed from side to side in sculling. It therefore describes a figure-of-8 track in the water (efghijkl of fig. 32). During each sweep or lateral movement the tail is both extended and flexed. It is extended and its curve reduced when it approaches the line ab of fig. 32, and flexed, and a new curve formed, when it recedes from the line in question. The tail is effective as a propeller both during flexion and extension, so that, strictly speaking, the tail has no back or non-effective stroke. The terms effective and non-effective employed by authors are applicable only in a comparative and restricted sense; the tail always operating, but being a less effective propeller, when in the act of being flexed or curved, than when in the act of being extended or straightened. By always directing the concavity of the tail (s and t) towards the axis of motion (a b) during extension, and its convexity (c and v) away from the axis of motion (a b) during flexion, the fish exerts a maximum of propelling power with a minimum of slip. In extension of the tail the caudal curve (s) is reduced as the tail travels towards the line a b. In flexion a new curve (v) is formed as the tail travels from the line a b. While the tail travels from s in the direction /, 70 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. the head travels from d in the direction w. There is there- fore a period, momentary it must be, when both the cephalic and caudal curves are reduced, and the body of the fish is straight, and free to advance without impediment. The different degrees of resistance experienced by the tail in de- scribing its figure-of-8 movements, are represented by the different-sized curves ef, g h, ij, and k I of fig. 32, p. 68. The curves ef indicate the resistance experienced by the tail during flexion, when it is being carried away from and to the right of the line a b. The curves g h indicate the resistance experienced by the tail when it is extended and carried towards the line a b. This constitutes a half vibration or oscillation of the tail. The curves i j indicate the resistance experienced by the tail when it is a second time flexed and carried away from and to the left of the line a b. The curves Jc I indicate the resistance experienced by the tail when it is a second time extended and carried towards the line a b. This consti- tutes a complete vibration. These movements are repeated in rapid succession so long as the fish continues to swim forwards. They are only varied when the fish wishes to turn round, in which case the tail gives single strokes either to the right or left, according as it wishes to go to the right or left side respectively. The resistance experienced by the tail when in the positions indicated by ef and ij is diminished by the tail being slightly compressed, by its being moved more slowly, and by the fish rotating on its long axis so as to present the tail obliquely to the water. The resistance experienced by the tail when in the positions indicated by g h, k I, is increased by the tail being divaricated, by its being moved with increased energy, and by the fish re-rotating on its long axis, so as to present the flat of the tail to the water. The movements of the tail are slowed when the tail is carried away from the line a b, and quickened when the tail is forced towards it. Nor is this all. When the tail is moved slowly away from the line a b, it draws a current after it which, being met by the tail when it is urged with increased velocity towards the line a b, enormously increases the hold which the tail takes of the water, and consequently its propelling power. The tail may be said to work without slip, and to produce PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 71 the precise kind of currents which afford it the greatest leverage. In this respect the tail of the fish is infinitely superior as a propelling organ to any form of screw yet de- vised. The screw at present employed in navigation ceases to be effective when propelled beyond a given speed. The screw formed by the tail of the fish, in virtue of its recipro- cating action, and the manner in which it alternately eludes and seizes the water, becomes more effective in proportion to the rapidity with which it is made to vibrate. The remarks now made of the tail and the water are equally apropos of the wing and the air. The tail and the wing act on a common principle. A certain analogy may therefore be traced be- tween the water and air as media, and between the tail and extremities as instruments of locomotion. From this it fol- lows that the water and air are acted upon by curves or wave- pressure emanating in the one instance from the tail of the fish, and in the other from the wing of the bird, the recipro- cating and opposite curves into which the tail and wing are thrown in swimming and flying constituting mobile helices or screws, which, during their action, produce the precise kind and degree of pressure adapted to fluid media, and to which they respond with the greatest readiness. The whole body of the fish is thrown into action in swimming ; but as the tail and lower half of the trunk are more free to move than the head and upper half, which are more rigid, and because the tendons of many of the trunk-muscles are inserted into the tail, the oscillation is greatest in the direction of the latter. The muscular movements travel in spiral waves from before backwards ; and the waves of force react upon the water, and cause the fish to glide forwards in a series of curves. Since the head and tail, as has been stated, always travel in opposite directions, and the fish is constantly alternating or changing sides, it in reality describes a waved track. These remarks may be readily verified by a reference to the swim- ming of the sturgeon, whose movements are unusually deli- berate and slow. The number of curves into which the body of the fish is thrown in swimming is increased in the long- bodied fishes, as the eels, and decreased in those whose bodies are short or are comparatively devoid of flexibility. In pro- 72 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. portion as the curves into which the body is thrown in swim- ming are diminished, the degree of rotation at the tail or in the fins is augmented, some fishes, as the mackerel, using the tail very much after the manner of a screw in a steam-ship. The fish may thus be said to drill the water in two directions, viz. from behind forwards by a twisting or screwing of the body on its long axis, and from side to side by causing its anterior and posterior portions to assume opposite curves. The pectoral and other fins are also thrown into curves when in action, the movement, as in the body itself, travelling in spiral waves ; and it is worthy of remark that the wing of the insect, bat, and bird obeys similar impulses, the pinion, as I shall show presently, being essentially a spiral organ. The twisting of the pectoral fins is well seen in the com- mon perch (Perca fluviatilis), and still better in the 15-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus spinosus), which latter frequently pi ogresses by their aid. alone. 1 In the stickleback, the pec- toral fins are so delicate, and are plied Avith such vigour, that the eye is apt to overlook them, particularly when in motion. The action of the fins can be reversed at pleasure, so that it is by no means an unusual thing to see the stickleback pro- gressing tail first. The fins are rotated or twisted, and their free margins lashed about by spiral movements which closely resemble those by which the wings of insects are propelled. 2 The rotating of the fish upon its long axis is seen to advan- tage in the shark and sturgeon, the former of which requires to turn on its side before it can seize its prey, and likewise 1 The Sywgnathi, or Pipefishes, swim chiefly by the undulating movement of the dorsal fin. * If the pectoral fins are to be regarded as the homologues of the anterior extremities (which they unquestionably are), it is not surprising that in them the spiral rotatory movements which are traceable in the extremities of quadrupeds, and so fully developed in the wings of bats and birds, should be clearly foreshadowed. " The muscles of the pectoral fins," remarks Pro- fessor Owen, " though, when compared with those of the homologous mem- bers in higher vertebrates, they are very small, few, and simple, yet suffice for all the requisite movements of the fins elevating, depressing, advancing, and again laying them prone and flat, by an oblique stroke, upon the sides of the body. The rays or digits of both pectorals and ventrals (the homologues of the posterior extremities) can be divaricated and approximated, and the intervening webs .spread out or folded up." Op. cit. vol. i p. 252. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATEK. 73 in the pipefish, Avhose motions are unwontedly sluggish. The twisting of the tail is occasionally well marked in the swimming of the salamander. In those remarkable mammals, the whale, 1 porpoise, manatee, and dugong (figs. 33, 34, and 35), the movements are strictly analogous to those of the fish, -s., " FIG. 33. The Porpoise (Phocmna cornmunis). Here the tail is principally en- gaged in swimming, the anterior extremities being rudimentary, ami resem- bling the pectoral fins of lishes. Compare with iig. 30, p. 05. Original. FIG. 34. The Manatee 'Manatiis American-its}. In this the anterior extremities are more developed than in the porpoise, lint still the tail is the great orgiin of natation. Compare with fig. 33, p. 73, and with Iig. 30, p. C5. The shape of the manatee and porpoise is essentially that of the fish. Original. the only difference being that the tail acts from above down- wards or vertically, instead of from side to side or laterally. The anterior extremities, which in those animals are com- paratively perfect, are rotated on their long axes, and applied obliquely and non-obliquely to the water, to assist in balanc- ing and turning. Natation is performed almost exclusively by the tail and lower half of the trunk, the tail of the whale exerting prodigious power. It is otherwise with the Rays, where the hands are princi- 1 Viile " Remarks on the Swimming of the Cetaceans," by Dr. Murie, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1865, pp. 209, 210. 74 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. pally concerned in progression, these flapping about in the water very much as the wings of a bird flap about in the air. In the beaver, the tail is flattened from above downwards, as in the foregoing mammals, but in swimming it is made to Fio. 85. Skeleton of the Dugong. In this curious mammal the anterior extremities are more developed than in the manatee and porpoise, and resemble those found in the seal, sea-hear, and walrus. They are useful in balancing and turning, the tail being the effective instrument of propul- sion. The vertebral column closely resembles that of the fish, and allows the tail to be lashed freely about in a vertical direction. Compare with Jig. 29, p. 65. (After Dallas.) act upon the water laterally as in the fish. The tail of the bird, which is also compressed from above downwards, can be twisted obliquely, and when in this position may be made to perform, the office of a rudder. Swimming of ihe, Seal, Sea-Bear, and Walrus. In the seal, the anterior and posterior extremities are more perfect than in the whale, porpoise, dugoiig, and manatee; the general Fio. 36 The Seal (Phocafaetida, Mull.), adapted principally for water. The extremities are larger than in the porpoise and manatee. Compare with figs. 33 and 34, p. 73. Original. form, however, and mode of progression (if the fact of its occasionally swimming on its back be taken into account), is essentially fish-like. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 75 A peculiarity is met with in the swimming of the seal, to which I think it proper to direct attention. When the lower portion of the body and posterior extremities of these creatures are flexed and tilted, as happens during the back and least effective stroke, the naturally expanded feet are more or less completely closed or pressed together, in order to diminish the extent of surface presented to the water, and, as a con- sequence, to reduce the resistance produced. The feet are opened to the utmost during extension, when the more effec- tive stroke is given, in which case they present their maximum of surface. They form powerful propellers, both during flexion and extension. The swimming apparatus of the seal is therefore more highly differentiated than that of the whale, porpoise, dugong, and manatee ; the natatory tail in these animals being, from its peculiar structure, incapable of lateral compression. 1 It would appear that the swimming appliances of the seals (where the feet open and close as in swimming-birds) are to those of the sea-mammals generally, what the feathers of the bird's wing (these also open and close in flight) are to the continuous membrane forming the wing of the insect and bat. The anterior extremities or flippers of the seal are not engaged in swimming, but only in balancing and in changing position. When so employed the fore feet open and close, though not to the same extent as the hind ones ; the resist- ance and non-resistance necessary being secured by a partial rotation and tilting of the flippers. By this twisting and untwisting, the narrow edges and broader portions of the flippers are applied to the water alternately. The rotating and tilting of the anterior and posterior extremities, and the opening and closing of the hands and feet in the balancing and swimming of the seal, form a series of strictly progressive and very graceful movements. They are, however, performed so rapidly, and glide into each other so perfectly, as to render an analysis of them exceedingly difficult. 1 In a few instances the caudal fin of the fish, as has been already stated, is more or less pressed together during the Lack stroke, the compression and tilting or twisting of the tail taking place synchronously. 76 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. In the Sea-Bear (Otaria jubata) the anterior extremities attain sufficient magnitude and power to enable the animal to progress by their aid alone; the feet and the lower portions of the body being moved only sufficiently to maintain, correct, or alter the course pursued (fig. 73). The anterior extremities are flattened out, and greatly resemble wings, particularly those of the penguin and auk, which are rudimentary in character. Thus they have a thick and comparatively stiff anterior margin ; and a thin, flexible, and more or less elastic posterior margin. They are screw structures, and when elevated and depressed in the water, twist and untwist, screw-fashion, precisely as wings do, or the tails of the fish, whale, dugong, and manatee. Fio. 37. The Sea-Bear (Otaria jubala), adapted principally for swimming and diving. It also walks with tolerable facility. Its extremities are larger than those of the seal, and its movements, both in and out of the water more varied. Original. This remarkable creature, which I have repeatedly watched at the Zoological Gardens 1 (London), appears to fly in the water, the universal joints by which the arms are attached to the shoulders enabling it, by partially rotating and twisting 1 The unusual opportunities afforded by this unrivalled collection have enabled me to determine with considerable accuracy the movements of the various land-animals, as well as the motions of the wings and feet of birds, both in and out of the water. I have also studied under the most favour-' able circumstances the movements of the otter, sea-bear, seal, walrus, porpoise, turtle, triton, crocodile, frog, lepidosiren, proteus, axolotl, and the severJ orders of fishes. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 77 them, to present the palms or flat of the hands to the water the one instant, and the edge or narrow parts the next. In swimming, the anterior or thick margins of the flippers are directed downwards, and similar remarks are- to be made of the anterior extremities of the walrus, great auk, and turtle. 1 The flippers are advanced alternately; and the twisting, screw-like movement which they exhibit in action, and which I have carefully noted on several occasions, bears considerable resemblance to the motions witnessed in the pectoral fins of fishes. It may be remarked that the twisting or spiral move- ments of the anterior extremities are calculated to utilize the water to the utmost the gradual but rapid operation of the helix enabling the animal to lay hold of the water and dis- entangle itself with astonishing facility, and with the mini- mum expenditure of power. In fact, the insinuating motion of the screw is the only one which can contend successfully with the liquid element; and it appears to me that this remark holds even more true of the air. It also applies within certain limits, as has been explained, to the land. The otaria or sea-bear swims, or rather flies, under the water with remarkable address and with apparently equal ease in an upward, downward, and horizontal direction, by muscular efforts alone an observation which may likewise be made regarding a great number of fishes, since the swimming- bladder or float is in many entirely absent. 2 Compare with figs. 33, 34, 35, and 36, pp. 73 and 74. The walrus, a. living specimen of which I had an opportunity of frequently examin- ing, is nearly allied to the seal and sea-bear, but differs from both as regards its manner of swimming. The natation of this rare and singularly interesting animal, as I have taken great pains to satisfy myself, is effected by a mixed movement the anterior and posterior extremities participating in nearly an equal degree. The anterior extremities or flippers of the walrus, morphologically resemble those of the seal, but physio- logically those of the sea-bear ; while the posterior extremities 1 This is the reverse of what takes place in flying, the anterior or thick margins of the wings being invariably directed upicards. 2 The air-bladder is wanting in the dennopteri, plagiostomi, and pleuronec- ticUe. Owen, op. cit. p. 255. 78 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. possess many of the peculiarities of the hind legs of the sea- bear, but display the movements peculiar to those of the seal. In other words, the anterior extremities or flippers of the walrus are moved alternately, and reciprocate, as in the sea- bear ; whereas the posterior extremities are lashed from side to side by a twisting, curvilinear motion, precisely as in the seal The walrus may therefore, as far as the physiology of its extremities is concerned, very properly be regarded as holding an intermediate position between the seals on the one hand, and the sea-bears or sea-lions on the other. Swimming of Man. The swimming of man is artificial in its nature, and consequently does not, strictly speaking, fall within the scope of the present work. I refer to it princi- pally with a view to showing that it resembles in its general features the swimming of animals. The human body is lighter than the water, a fact of con- siderable practical importance, as showing that each has in himself that which will prevent his being drowned, if he will only breathe naturally, and desist from struggling. The catastrophe of drowning is usually referrible to nervous agitation, and to spasmodic and ill- directed efforts in the extremities. All swimmers have a vivid recollection of the great difficulty experienced in keeping themselves afloat, when they first resorted to aquatic exercises and amusements. In especial they remember the short, vigorous, but flurried, mis- directed, and consequently futile strokes which, instead of enabling them to skim the surface, conducted them inevitably to the bottom. Indelibly impressed too are the ineffectual attempts at respiration, the gasping and puffing and the swal- lowing of water, inadvertently gulped instead of air. In order to swim well, the operator must be perfectly calm. He must, moreover, know how to apply his extremities to the water with a view to propulsion. As already stated, the body will float if left to itself; the support obtained is, however, greatly increased by projecting it along the surface of the water. This, as all swimmers are aware, may be proved by experiment. It is the same principle which prevents a thin flat stone from sinking when projected with force against the surface of water. A precisely similar result is obtained if the PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 79 body be placed slantingly in a strong current, and the hands made to grasp a stone or branch. In this case the body is raised to the surface of the stream by the action of the run- ning water, the body remaining motionless. The quantity of water which, under the circumstances, impinges against the body in a given time is much greater than if the body was simply immersed in still water. To increase the area of sup- port, either the supporting medium or the body supported must move. The body is supported in water very much as the kite is supported in air. In both cases the body and the kite are made to strike the water and the air at a slight upward angle. When the extremities are made to move in a horizontal or slightly downward direction, they at once propel and support the body. When, however, they are made to act in an upward direction, as in diving, they submerge the body. This shows that the movements of the swimming surfaces may, according to their direction, either augment or destroy buoyancy. The swimming surfaces enable the seal, sea-bear, otter, ornithorhynchus, bird, etc., to disappear from and regain the surface of the water. Similar remarks may be made of the whale, dugong, manatee, and fish. Man, in order to swim, must learn the art of swimming. He must serve a longer or shorter apprenticeship to a new form of locomotion, and acquire a new order of movements. It is otherwise with the majority of animals. Almost all quadrupeds can swim the first time they are immersed, as may readily be ascertained by throwing a newly born kitten or puppy into the water. The same may be said of the greater number of birds. This is accounted for by the fact that quadrupeds and birds are lighter, bulk for bulk, than water, but more especially, because in walking and running the movements made by their extremities are precisely those required in swimming. They have nothing to learn, as it were. They are buoyant naturally, and if they move their limbs at all, which they do instinctively, they swim of neces- sity. It is different with man. The movements made by him in walking and running are not those made by him in swimming ; neither is the position resorted to in swimming that which characterizes him on land. The vertical position 80 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. is not adapted for water, and, as a consequence, he requires to abandon it and assume a horizontal one ; he requires, in fact, to throw himself flat upon the water, either upon his side, or upon his dorsal or ventral aspect. This position assimilates him to the quadruped and bird, the fish, and everything that swims ; the trunks of all swimming animals being placed in a prone position. Whenever the horizontal position is assumed, the swimmer can advance in any direc- tion he pleases. His extremities are quite free, and only require to be moved in definite directions to produce definite results. The body can be propelled by the two arms, or the two legs ; or by the right arm and leg, or the left arm and leg ; or by the right arm and left leg, or the left arm and right leg. Most progress is made when the two arms and the two legs are employed. An expert swimmer can do whatever he chooses in water. Thus he can throw himself upon his back, and by extending his arms obliquely above his head until they are in the same plane with his body, can float without any exertion whatever; or, maintaining the floating position, he can fold his arms upon his chest and by alternately flexing and extending his lower extremities, can propel himself with ease and at considerable speed ; or, keeping his legs in the extended position and motionless, he can pro- pel himself by keeping his arms close to his body, and causing his hands to work like sculls, so as to make figure-of-8 loops in the water. This motion greatly resembles that made by the swimming wings of the penguin. It is most effective when the hands are turned slightly upwards, and a greater or less backward thrust given each time the hands reciprocate. The progress made at first is slow, but latterly very rapid, the rapidity increasing according to the momentum acquired. The swimmer, in addition to the foregoing methods, can throw himself upon his face, and by alternately flexing and ex- tending his arms and legs, can float and propel himself for long periods with perfect safety and with comparatively little exer- tion. He can also assume the vertical position, and by remain- ing perfectly motionless, or by treading the water with his feet, can prevent himself from sinking ; nay more, he can turn a somersault in the water either in a forward or backward PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 81 direction. The position most commonly assumed in swim- ming is the prone one, where the ventral surface of the body is directed towards the water. In this case the anterior and posterior extremities are simultaneously flexed and drawn towards the body slowly, after which they are simultaneously and rapidly extended. The swimming of the frog conveys an idea of the movement. 1 In ordinary swimming, when the anterior and posterior extremities are simultaneously flexed, and afterwards simultaneously extended, the hands and feet describe four ellipses; an arrangement which, as explained, increases the area of support furnished by the moving parts. The ellipses are shown at fig. 38 ; the continuous lines repre- senting extension, the dotted lines flexion. Fig. 88. Pig. 40. Thus when the arms and legs are pushed away from the body, the arms describe the inner sides of the ellipses (fig. 38, a a), the legs describing the outer sides (c c). When the arms and are drawn towards the body, the arms describe the outer sides of the ellipses (b I), the legs describing the inner sides (d d). As the body advances, the ellipses are opened out and loops formed, as at e e, ff of fig. 39. If the speed attained is sufficiently high, the loops are converted into 1 The frog in swimming leisurely frequently causes its extremities to move diagonally and alternately. When, however, pursued and alarmed, it folds its fore legs, and causes its hind ones to move simultaneously and with great vigour by a series of sudden jerks, similar to those made by man when swimming on his back. 82 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. waved lines, as in walking and flying. (Fide gg,hh of fig. 40, p. 81, and compare with fig. 18, p. 37, and figs. 71 and 73, p. 144.) The swimming of man, like the walking, swimming, and flying of animals, is effected by alternately flexing and extending the limbs, as shown more particularly at fig. 41, A, B, C. Fio. 41. A shows the arms and legs folded or flexed and drawn towards the inrsi.i] line of the body. Origiiml. B shows the anus and legs opened out or extended and carried away from the mesial line of the Ixxly. Original. C shows the arms and legs in an intermediate position, i.e. when they are neither flexed nor extended. The arms and legs require to be in the posi- tion shown at A before they can assume that represented at B, and they require to be in the position shown at B before they can .assume that represented at C. When the arms and legs are successively assuming the positions indicated at A, B, and C, they move in ellipses, as explained. Original. By alternately flexing and extending the limbs, the angles made by their several parts with each other are decreased and increased, an arrangement which diminishes and aug- ments the degree of resistance experienced by the swimming surfaces, which by this means are made to elude and seize the water by turns. This result is further secured by the limbs being made to move more slowly in flexion than in extension, and by the limbs being made to rotate in the direction of their length in such a manner as to diminish the resistance experienced during the former movement, and increase it during the latter. When the arms are extended, the palms of the hands and the inner surfaces of the arms are directed downwards, and assist in buoying up the anterior portion of the body. The hands are screwed slightly round towards the end of extension, the palms acting PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 83 in an outward and backward direction (fig. 41, B). In this movement the posterior surfaces of the arms take part ; the palms and posterior portions of the arms contributing to the propulsion of "the body. When the arms are flexed, the flat of the hands is directed downwards (fig. 41, C). Towards the end of flexion the hands are slightly depressed, which has the effect of forcing the body upwards, and hence the bobbing or vertical wave-movement observed in the majority of swim- mers. 1 During flexion the posterior surfaces of the arms act powerfully as propellers, from the fact of their striking the water obliquely in a backward direction. I avoid the terms lack and forward strokes, because the arms and hands, so long as they move, support and propel. There is no period either in extension or flexion in which they are not effective. When the legs are pushed away from the body, or extended (a movement which is effected rapidly and with great energy, as shown at fig. 41, E), the soles of the feet, the anterior sur- faces of the legs, and the posterior surfaces of the thighs, are directed outwards and backwards. This enables them to seize the water with great avidity, and to propel the body forward. The efficiency of the legs and feet as propelling organs during extension is increased by their becoming more or less straight, and by their being moved with greater rapidity than in flexion ; there being a general back-thrust of the limbs as a whole, and a particular back-thrust of their several parts. 2 In this movement the inner surfaces of the legs and thighs act as sustaining organs and assist in floating the posterior part of the body. The slightly inclined position of the body in the water, and the forward motion acquired in swimming, contribute to this result. When the legs and feet are drawn towards the body or flexed, as seen at fig. 41, (7, A, 1 The professional swimmer avoids bobbing, and rests the side of his head on the water to diminish its weight and increase speed. 2 The greater power possessed by the limbs during extension, and more especially towards the end of extension, is well illustrated by the kick of the horse ; the hind feet dealing a terrible blow when they have reached their maximum distance from the body. Ostlers are well aware of this fact, and in grooming a horse keep always very close to his hind quarters, so that if he does throw up they are forced back but not injured. 84 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. their movements are slowed, an arrangement which reduces the degree of friction experienced by the several parts of the limbs when they are, as it were, being drawn off the water preparatory to a second extension. There are several grave objections to the ordinary or old method of swimming just described.' 1st, The body is laid prone on the water, which exposes a large resisting surface (fig. 41, A, B, C, p. 82). 2d, The arms and legs are spread out on either side of the trunk, so that they are applied very indirectly as propelling organs (fig. 41, B, C). 3d, The most effective part of the stroke of the arms and legs corresponds to something like a quarter of an ellipse, the remaining three quarters being dedicated to getting the arms and legs into position. This arrangement wastes power and greatly in- creases friction ; the attitudes assumed by the body at B and C of fig. 4 1 being the worst possible for getting through the water. 4th, The arms and legs are drawn towards the trunk the one instant (fig. 41, A), and pushed away from it the next (fig. 41, B). This gives rise to dead points, there being a period when neither of the extremities are moving. The body is consequently impelled by a series of jerks, the swim- ming mass getting up and losing momentum between the strokes. In order to remedy these defects, scientific swimmers have of late years adopted quite another method. Instead of working the arms and legs together, they move first the arm and leg of one side of the body, and then the arm and leg of the opposite side. This is known as the overhand movement, and corresponds exactly with the natural walk of the giraffe, the amble of the horse, and the swimming of the sea-bear. It is that adopted by the Indians. In this mode of swimming the body is thrown more or less on its side at each stroke, the body twisting and rolling in the direction of its length, as shown at fig. 42, an arrangement calculated greatly to reduce the amount of friction experienced in forward motion. The overhand movement enables the swimmer to throw himself forward on the water, and to move his arms and legs in a nearly vertical instead of a horizontal plane; the ex- tremities working, as it were, above and beneath the trunk, PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 85 rather than on either side of it. The extremities are con- sequently employed in the best manner possible for developing their power and reducing the friction to forward motion caused by their action. This arrangement greatly increases the length of the effective stroke, both of the arms and legs, this being equal to nearly half an ellipse. Thus when the left arm and leg are thrust forward, the arm describes the curve a b (fig. 42), the leg e describing a similar curve. As the right side of the body virtually recedes when the left side advances, the right arm describes the curve c d, while the left arm is describing the curve a b; the right leg / describing a curve the opposite of that described by e (com- pare arrows). The advancing of the right and left sides of FIG. 42. Overhand Swimming. Original. the body alternately, in a nearly straight line, greatly con- tributes to continuity of motion, the impulse being applied now to the right side and now to the left, and the limbs being disposed and Avorked in such a manner as in a great measure to reduce friction and prevent dead points or halts. When the left arm and leg are beiiig thrust forward (a b, e of fig. 42), the right arm and leg strike very nearly directly backward (c d, f of fig. 42). The right arm and leg, and the resistance which they experience from the water consequently form a point tfappui for the left arm and leg ; the two sides of the body twisting and screwing upon a moveable fulcrum (the water) an arrangement which secures a maximum of propulsion with a minimum of resistance and a minimum of slip. The propulsive power is increased by the concave surfaces of the hands and feet being directed backwards during the back stroke, and by the arms being made to throw their back water in a slightly outward direction, so as not to impede the advance of the legs. The overhand method of swimming 86 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. is the most expeditious yet discovered, hut it is fatiguing, and can only be indulged in for short distances. An improvement on the foregoing for long distances is that known as the side stroke. In this method, as the term indicates, the body is thrown more decidedly upon the side. Either side may be employed, some preferring to swim on the right side, and some on the left ; others swimming alternately on the right and left sides. In swimming \>y the side stroke (say on the left side), the left arm is advanced in a curve, and made to describe the upper side of an ellipse, as repre- sented at a b of fig. 43. This done, the right arm and legs are employed as propellers, the right arm and legs making a powerful backward stroke, in which the concavity of the hand Fio. 43. Side-stroke Swimming. Original. is directed backwards and outwards, as shown at c d of the same figure. 1 The right arm in this movement describes the under side of an ellipse, and acts in a nearly vertical plane. When the right arm and legs are advanced, some swimmers lift the right arm out of the water, in order to diminish friction the air being more easily penetrated than the water. The lifting of the arm out of the water increases the speed, but the movement 1 is neither graceful nor comfortable, as it immerses the head of the swimmer at each stroke. Others keep the right arm in the water and extend the arm and hand in such a manner as to cause it to cut straight forward. In the side stroke the left arm (if the operator swims on the left side) acts as a cutwater (fig. 43, b). It is made to advance when the right arm 1 The outward direction given to the ami and hand enables then to force away the back water from the body and limbs, and so reduce the friction to forward otion. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 87 and legs are forced backwards (fig. 43, c d). The right arm and legs move together, and alternate with the left arm, which moves by itself. The right arm and legs are flexed and carried forwards, while the left arm is extended and forced backwards, and vice versd. The left arm always moves in an opposite direction to the right arm and legs. We have thus in the side stroke three limbs moving together in the same direction and keeping time, the fourth limb always moving in an opposite direction and out of time with the other three. The limb which moves out of time is the left one if the operator swims on the left side, and the right one if he swims on the right side. In swimming on the left side, the right arm and legs are advanced slowly the one instant, and forced in a backward direction with great energy and rapidity the next. Similar remarks are to be made re- garding the left arm. When the right arm and legs strike backwards they communicate to the body a powerful forward impulse, which, seeing the body is tilted upon its side and advancing as on a keel, transmits it to a considerable distance. This arrangement reduces the amount of resistance to forward motion, conserves the energy of the swimmer, and secures in a great measure continuity of movement, the body being in the best possible position for gliding forward between the strokes. In good side swimming the legs are made to diverge widely when they are extended or pushed away from the body, so as to include within them a fluid wedge, the apex of which is directed forwards. When fully extended, the legs are made to converge in such a manner that they force the body away from the wedge, and so contribute to its propul- sion. By this means the legs in extension are made to give what may be regarded a double stroke, viz. an outward and inward one. When the double move has been made, the legs are flexed or drawn towards the body preparatory to a new stroke. In swimming on the left side, the left or cutwater arm is extended or pushed away from the body in such a manner that the concavity of the left hand is directed forwards, and describes the upper half of a vertical ellipse. It thus meets with comparatively little resistance from the water. When, however, the left arm is flexed and drawn 88 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. towards the body, the concavity of the left hand is directed backwards and made to describe the under half of the ellipse, so as to scoop and seize the water, and thus contribute to the propulsion of the body. The left or cutwater arm materially assists in floating the anterior portions of the body. The stroke made by the left arm is equal to a quarter of a circle, that made by the right arm to half a circle. The right arm, when the operator swims upon the left side, is con- sequently the more powerful propeller. The right arm, like the left, assists in supporting the anterior portion of the body. In swimming on the left side the major pro- pelling factors are the right arm and hand and the right and left legs and feet. Swimming by the side stroke is, on the whole, the most useful, graceful, and effective yet devised. It enables the swimmer to make headway against wind, wave, and tide in quite a remarkable manner. In- deed, a dexterous side-stroke swimmer can progress when a powerful breast-swimmer would be driven back. In still water an expert non-professional swimmer ought to make a mile in from thirty to thirty-five minutes. A pro- fessional swimmer may greatly exceed this. Thus, Mr. J. B. Johnson, when swimming against time, August 5th, 1872, in the fresh-water lake at Heudon, near London, did the full mile in twenty-six minutes. The first half-mile was done in twelve minutes. Cceteris paribus, the shorter the distance, the greater the speed. In August 1868, Mr. Harry Parker, a well-known professional swimmer, swam 500 yards in the Serpentine in seven minutes fifty seconds. Among non- professional swimmers the performance of Mr. J. B. Booth is very creditable. This gentleman, in June 1871, swam 440 yards in seven minutes fourteen seconds in the fresh- water lake at Hendon, already referred to. I am indebted for the details regarding time to Mr. J. A. Cowan of Edinburgh, himself acknowledged to be one of the fastest swimmers in Scotland. The speed attained by man in the water is not great when his size and power are taken into account. It certainly contrasts very unfavourably with that of seals, and still more unfavourably with that of fishes. This is clue to his small hands and feet, the slow movements PBOGBESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 89 of his arms and legs, and the awkward manner in which they are applied to and withdrawn from the water. Swimming of the Turtle, Triton, Crocodile, etc. The swim- ming of the turtle differs in some respects from all the other forms of swimming. While the anterior extremities of this FIG. 44. The Turtle (Chelonia imbricata\ adapted for swimming and diving, the extremities being relatively larger than in the seal, sea-bear, and wal- rus. The anterior extremities have a thick anterior margin and a thin posterior one, and in this respect resemble wings. Compare with figs. 86 and 37, pp. 74 and 76. Original. quaint animal move -alternately, and tilt or partially rotate during their action, as in the sea-bear and walrus, the posterior FIG. 45. -The Crested Newt (Trilnn, Lsiur.) In the newt a tail is nperadded to the extremities, the tail and the extremities both acting in swimming. Original. extremities likewise move by turns. As, moreover, the right anterior and left posterior extremities move together, and re- ciprocate with the left anterior and right posterior ones, the creature has the appearance of walking in the water (fig. 44). 90 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. The same remarks apply to the movements of the extremi- ties of the triton (fig. 45, p. 89) and crocodile, when swimming, and to the feebly developed corresponding members in the lepidosiren, proteus, and axolotl, specimens of all of which are to be seen in the Zoological Society's Gardens, London. In the latter, natation is effected principally, if not altogether, by the tail and lower half of the body, which is largely de- veloped and flattened laterally for this purpose, as in the fish. The muscular power exercised by the fishes, the cetaceans, and the seals in swimming, is conserved to a remarkable extent by the momentum which the body rapidly acquires the velocity attained by the mass diminishing the degree of exertion required in the individual or integral parts. This holds true of all animals, whether they move on the land or on or in the water or air. The animals which furnish the connecting link between the water and the air are the diving-birds on the one hand, and the flying-fishes on the other, the former using their wings for flying above and through the water, as occasion demands ; the latter sustaining themselves for considerable intervals in the air by means of their enormous pectoral fins. Flight under water, etc. Mr. Macgillivray thus describes a flock of red mergansers which he observed pursuing sand-eels in one of the shallow sandy bays of the Outer Hebrides : " The birds seemed to move under the water with almost as much velocity as in the air, and often rose to breathe at a distance of 200 yards from the spot at which they had dived." 1 In birds which fly indiscriminately above and beneath the water, the wing is provided with stiff feathers, and reduced to a minimum as regards size. In subaqueous flight the wings may act by themselves, as in the guillemots, or in con- junction with the feet, as in the grebes. 2 To convert the 1 History of British Birds, vol. i. p. 48. * The guillemots in diving do not use their feet ; so that they literally fly under the water. Their wings for this purpose are reduced to the smallest possible dimensions consistent with night. The loons, on the other hand, while they employ their feet, rarely, if ever, use their wings. The sub- aqueous progression of the grebe resembles that of the rog. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, Loncl. 1840, pp. 252, 253. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 91 wing into a powerful oar for swimming, it is only necessary to extend and flex it in a slightly backward direction, the mere act of extension causing the feathers to roll down, and giving to the back of the wing, which in this case communi- cates the more effective stroke, the angle or obliquity neces- sary for sending the animal forward. This angle, I may observe, corresponds with that made by the foot during ex- tension, so that, if the feet and wings are both employed, they act in harmony. If proof were wanting that it is the back or convex surface of the wing which gives the more effective stroke in subaquatic flight, it would be found in the fact that in the penguin and great auk, which are totally in- capable of flying out of the water, the wing is actually twisted FIG. 46. The Little Penguin (Aptcnodytes minor, Linti.}, adapted exclusively for swimming and diving. In this quaint nird the wing forms a perfect screw, and is employed as such in swimming and diving. Compare with fig. 37, p. 70, and tig. 44, p. 89. Original. round in order that the concave surface, which takes a better hold of the water, may be directed backwards (fig. 4G). 1 'The thick margin of the wing when giving the effective stroke is turned downwards, as happens in the flippers of the sea-bear, walrus, and turtle^ This, I need scarcely remark, is precisely the reverse of what occurs in the ordinary wing in aerial flight. In those extraordinary birds (great auk and penguin) the wing is covered with short, bristly-looking feathers, and is a mere rudiment and exceedingly rigid, the 1 In the swimming of tlie crocodile, turtle, triton, and frog, the concave surfaces of the feet of the anterior extremities are likewise turned backward* 92 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. movement which wields it emanating, for the most part, from the shoulder, where/ the articulation partakes of the nature of a universal joint. Che wing is beautifully twisted upon itself, and when it is elevated and advanced, it rolls up from the side of the bird at varying degrees of obliquity, till it makes a right angle Avith the body, when it presents a narrow or cutting edge to the Avater. The wing when fully extended, as in ordinary flight, makes, on the contrary, an angle of something like 30 Avith the horizon. When the wing is depressed and carried backAvards, 1 the angles which its under surface make with the surface of the water are gradually increased. The wing of the penguin and auk propels both Avhen it is elevated and depressed. It acts very much after the manner of a screw; and this, as I shall endeavour to show, holds true likewise of the wing adapted for aerial flight. Difference between Subaquatic and Aerial Flight. The differ- ence betAveen subaquatic flight or diving, and flight proper, may be briefly stated. In aerial flight, the most effective stroke is delivered downwards and forwards by the under, concave, or biting surface of the wing which is turned in this direction ; the less effective stroke being delivered in an up- Avard and forward direction by the upper, convex, or non- biting surface of the wing. In subaquatic flight, on the contrary, the most effective stroke is delivered downwards and backwards, the least effective one upAvards and forwards. In aerial flight the long axis of the body of the bird and the short axis of the wings are inclined slightly upwards, and make a forward angle with the horizon. In subaquatic flight the long axis of the body of the bird, and the short axis of the wings are inclined slightly dowmvards and make a backward angle AAath the surface of the water. The wing acts more or less efficiently in every direction, as the tail of the fish does. The difference noted in the direction of the down stroke in flying and diving, is rendered imperative by the fact that a bird which flies in the air is heavier than the medium it navigates, and must be supported by the wings ; Avhereas a bird which flies under the Avater or dives, is lighter than the Avater, and must 1 Tlie effective stroke is also delivered during flexion in the shrimp, prawn, ami lolter. PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 93 force itself into it to prevent its being buoyed up to the sur- face. However paradoxical it may seem, weight is necessary to aerial flight, and levity to subaquatic flight. A bird destined to fly above the water is provided with travelling surfaces, so fashioned and so applied (they strike from above, downward* .ma j<>ncardx), that if it was lighter than the air, they would carry it off into space without the possibility of a return ; in other words, the action of the wings would carry the bird obliquely upwards, and render it quite incapable of flying either in a horizontal or downward direction. In the same way, if a bird destined to fly under the water (auk and pen- guin) was not lighter than the water, such is the configuration and mode of applying its travelling surfaces (they strike from above, downwards and backwards), they would carry it in the direction of the bottom without any chance of return to the surface. In aerial flight, weight is the power which nature has placed at the disposal of the bird for regulating its alti- tude and horizontal movements, a cessation of the play of its wings, aided by the inertia of its trunk, enabling the bird to approach the earth. In subaquatic flight, levity is a power furnished for a similar but opposite purpose ; this, combined with the partial slowing or stopping of the wings and feet, enabling the diving bird to regain the surface at any moment. Levity and weight are auxiliary forces, but they are necessary forces when the habits of the aerial and aquatic birds and the form and mode of applying their travelling surfaces are taken into account. If the aerial flying bird was lighter than the air, its wings would require to be twisted round to resemble the diving wings of the penguin and auk. If, on the other hand, the diving bird (penguin or auk) was heavier than the water, its wings would require to resemble aerial wings, and they would require to strike in an opposite direction to that in which they strike normally. From this it follows that weight is necessary to the bird (as at present constructed) destined to navigate the air,, and levity to that destined to navigate the water. If a bird was made very large and very light, it is obvious that the diving force at its disposal would be inadequate to submerge it. If, again, it was made very small and very heavy, it is equally plain that it could not fly. Nature, however, has ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. struck the just balance ; she has made the diving bird, which flies under the \vater, relatively much heavier than the bird 3> R 9 v< i. ,= - > - S >> Ift.?y1 1 *Se H ~ ~ c'S H"o o.? c^^ ^ ^ -- & t ;? l|J*SaijA t ^ifs^-s^- !ii?tf3] I^8|l S c = = s t "S a> - tr-* is IP 'S i" - ~ ~ - <2 < which flies in the air, and has curtailed the travelling surfaces of the fonnL-r, while she has increased those of the latter. PKOGKESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 95 For the same reason, she has furnished the diving bird with a certain degree of buoyancy, and the flying bird with a cer- tain amount of weight levity tending to bring the one to the surface of the water, weight the other to the surface of the earth, which is the normal position of rest for both. The action of the subaquatic or diving wing of the king penguin is well seen at p. 94, fig. 47. From what has been stated it will be evident that the wing acts very differently in and out of the water ; and this is a point deserving of attention, the more especially as it seems to have hitherto escaped observation. In the water the wing, when most effective, strikes downwards and backwards, and acts as an auxiliary of the foot ; whereas in the air it strikes downwards and forwards. The oblique surfaces, spiral or otherwise, presented by animals to the water and air are therefore made to act in opposite directions, as far as the down strokes are concerned. This is owing to the greater density of the water as compared with the air, the former supporting or nearly supporting the animal moving upon or in it ; the latter permitting the creature to fall through it in a downward direction during the ascent of the wing. To coun- teract the tendency of the bird in motion to fall downwards and forwards, the down stroke is delivered in this direction ; the kite-like action of the wing, and the rapidity with which it is moved causing the mass of the bird to pursue a more or less horizontal course. I offer this explanation of the action of the wing in and out of the water after repeated and careful observation in tame and wild birds, and, as I am aware, in opposition to all previous writers on the subject. The rudimentary wings or paddles of the penguin (the movements of which I had an opportunity of studying in a tame specimen) are principally employed in swimming and diving. The feet, which are of moderate size and strongly webbed, are occasionally used as auxiliaries. There is this difference between the movements of the wings and feet of this most curious bird, and it is worthy of attention. The wings act together, or synchronously, as in flying birds ; the feet, on the other hand, are moved alternately. The wings are wielded with great energy, and, because of their 96 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. semi-rigid condition, are incapable of expansion. They there- fore present their maximum and minimum of surface by a partial rotation or tilting of the pinion, as in the walrus, sea-bear, and turtle. The feet, which are moved with less vigour, are, on the contrary, rotated or tilted to a very slight extent, the increase and diminution of surface being secured by the opening and closing of the membranous expansion or web between the toes. In this latter respect they bear a cer- tain analogy to the feet of the seal, the toes of which, as has been explained, spread out or divaricate during extension, and the reverse. The feet of the penguin entirely differ from those of the seal, in being worked separately, the foot of one side being flexed or drawn towards the body, Fio. 48. Swan, in the act of swimming, the right foot being fully expanded, and about to give the effective stroke, which is delivered outwards, down- wards, and backwards, as represented at. r of fig. 50; the left foot being closed, and about to make the itturn stioke, which is delivered in an inward, up- ward, and forward direction, as shown at s of fig. 50. In rapid swimming the swan flexes its legs simultaneously and somewhat slowly ; it then vigorously extends them. Original. while its fellow is being extended or pushed away from it. The feet, moreover, describe definite curves in opposite direc- tions, the right foot proceeding from within outwards, and from above downwards during extension, or when it is fully expanded and giving the effective stroke ; the left one, which is moving at the same time, proceeding from without in- wards and from below upwards during flexion, or when it is folded up, as happens during the back stroke. In the acts of extension and flexion the Tegs are slightly rotated, and the PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 97 feet more or less tilted. The same movements are seen in the feet of the swan, and in those of swimming birds generally (fig. 48). One of the most exquisitely constructed feet for swimming and diving purposes is that of the grebe (fig. 49). This foot Fir,. 49. Foot of Grebe (Podiceps). In this foot nach toe is provided with its swimming membrane ; the membrane being closed when the foot is Hexed, and expanded when the foot is extended. Compare witli foot of swan (fig. 48), where the swimming membrane is continued, from the one toe to the other. (After Dallas.) consists of three swimming toes, each of which is provided with a membranous expansion, which closes when the foot is being drawn towards the body during the back stroke, and opens out when it is being forced away from the body during the effective stroke. Fio. 50. Diagram representing the double waved track described by the feet, nl swimming birds. Compare witlings. 18 and 19, pp. 37 and 39, and with lig. :i'2, p. ti.s! Original. Ill swimming birds, each foot describes one side of an ellipse when it is extended and thrust from the body, the other side of the ellipse being described when the foot is flexed and drawn towards the body. The curve described by the right foot when pushed from the body is seen at the arrow r of fig. 50 ; that formed by the left foot when drawn towards the body, at the arrow s of the same figure. The curves formed 98 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. by the feet during extension and flexion produce, when united in the act of swimming, waved lines, these constituting a chart for the movements of the extremities of swimming birds. There is consequently an obvious analogy between the swimming of birds and the walking of man (compare fig. 50, p. 97, with fig. 19, p. 39) ; between the walking of man and the walking of the quadruped (compare figs. 18 and 19, pp. 37 and 39) ; between the walking of the quadruped and the swimming of the walrus, sea-bear, and seal; between the swimming of the seal, whale, dugong, manatee, and porpoise, and that of the fish (compare fig. 32, p. G8, with figs. 18 and 19, pp. 37 and 39); and between the swimming of the fish and the flying of the insect, bat, and bird (compare all the foregoing figures with figs. 71, 73, and 81, pp. 144 and 157). Flight of the Fly ing -fish ; tJie kite-like action of the Wings, etc. Whether the flying-fish uses its greatly expanded pectoral fins Fir,. 51. The Flying-fish (Emcn'tus cxsiUens, Linn.), with wings expanded and elevated in the art of flight (vide arrows) This anomalous and interesting creature is adapted both for swimming and flying. The swimming-tail is consequently retained, and the pectoral fins, which art as wings, are enormously increased in size. Original. as a bird its wings, or only as parachutes, has not, so far as I am aware, been determined by actual observation. Most ob- servers are of opinion that these singular creatures glide up the wind, and do not beat it after the manner of birds ; so that their flight (or rather leap) is indicated by the arc of a circle, the sea supplying the chord. I have carefully examined the structure, relations, and action of those fins, and am satis- fied in my own mind that they act as true pinions within PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 99 certain limits, their inadequate dimensions and limited range alone preventing them from sustaining the fish in the air for indefinite periods. When the fins are fully flexed, as happens when the fish is swimming, they are arranged along the sides of the body ; but when it takes to the air, they are raised above the body and make a certain angle with it. In being raised they are likewise inclined forwards and outwards, the fins rotating on their long axes until they make an angle of something like 30 with the horizon this being, as nearly as I can determine, the greatest angle made by the wings during the down stroke in the flight of insects and birds. The pectoral fins, or pseudo-wings of the flying-fish, like all other wings, act after the manner of kites the angles of inclination which their under surfaces make with the horizon varying according to the degree of extension, the speed ac- quired, and the pressure to which they are subjected by being carried against the air. When the flying-fish, after a pre- liminary rush through the water (in which it acquires initial velocity), throws itself into the air, il is supported and carried forwards by the kite-like action of its pinions ; this action being identical with that of the boy's kite when the boy runs, and by pulling upon the string causes the kite to glide up- wards and forwards. In the case of the boy's kite a pulling force is applied to the kite in front. In the case of the flying- fish (and everything which flies) a similar force is applied to the kites formed by the wings by the weight of the flying mass, which always tends to fall vertically downwards. Weight supplies a motor power in flight similar to that supplied by the leads in a clock. In the case of the boy's kite, the hand of the operator furnishes the power; in flight, a large proportion of the power is furnished by the weight of the body of the flying creature. It is a matter of indifference how a kite is flown, so long as its under surface is made to impinge upon the air over which it passes. 1 A kite will fly effectually when it is neither acted upon by the hand nor a weight, provided always there is a stiff breeze blowing. In flight one of two things 1 " On the Various Modes of Flight in relation to Aeronautics." By the Author. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Groat Britain, March 1867. 1 00 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. is necessary. Either the under surface of the wings must be carried rapidly against still air, or the air must rush violently against the under surface of the expanded nut motionless wings. Either the wings, the body bearing them, or the air, must be in rapid motion ; one or other must be active. To this there is no exception. To fly a kite in still air the operator must run. If a breeze is blowing the operator does not require to alter his position, the breeze doing the entire work. It is the same with wings. In still air a bird, or whatever attempts to fly, must flap its wings energetically until it acquires initial velocity, when the flapping may be discontinued ; or it must throw itself from a height, in which case the initial velocity is acquired by the weight of the body acting upon the inclined planes formed by the motionless wings. The flapping and gliding action of the wings consti- tute the difference between ordinary flight and that known as skimming or sailing flight. The flight of the flying-fish is to be regarded rather as ^an example of the latter than the former, the fish transferring the velocity acquired by the vigorous lashing of its tail in the water to the air, an arrangement which enables it to dispense in a great measure with the flapping of the wings, which act by a combined parachute and wedge action. In the flying-fish the flying-fin or wing attacks the air from beneath, whilst it is being raised above the body. It has no downward stroke, the position and attachments of the fin preventing it from descending beneath the level of the body of the fish. In this respect the flying-fin of the fish differs slightly from the wing of the insect, bat, and bird. The gradual expansion and raising of the fins of the fish, coupled with the fact that the fins never descend below the body, account for the admitted absence of beating, and have no doubt originated the belief that the pectoral fins are merely passive organs. If, however, they do not act as true pinions within the limits prescribed, it is diffi- cult, and indeed impossible, to understand how such small creatures can obtain the momentum necessary to project them a distance of 200 or more yards, and to attain, as they some- times do, an elevation of twenty or more feet above the water. Mr. Swainson, in crossing the line in 1816, zealously attempted PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. 101 to discover the true action of the fius in question, but the flight of the fish is so rapid that he utterly failed. He gives it as his opinion that flight is performed in two ways, first by a spring or leap, and second by the spreading of the pectoral fins, which are employed in propelling the fish in a forward direction, either by flapping or by a motion analogous to the skimming of swallows. He records the important fact, that the flying-fish can change its course after leaving the water, which satisfactorily proves that the fins are not simply passive structures. Mr. Lord, of the Royal Artillery, 1 thus wiites of those remarkable specimens of the finny tribe : " There is no sight more charming than the flight of a shoal of flying-fish, as they shoot forth from the dark green wave in a glittering throng, like silver birds in some gay fairy tale, gleaming brightly in the sunshine, and then, with a mere touch on the crest of the heaving billow, again flitting onward reinvigorated and refreshed." Before proceeding to a consideration of the graceful and, in some respects, mysterious evolutions of the denizens of the air, and the far-stretching pinions by which they are pro- duced, it may not be out of place to say a few words in re- capitulation regarding the extent and nature of the surfaces by which progression is secured on land and on or in the water. This is the more necessary, as the travelling-surfaces employed by animals in walking and swimming bear a cer- tain, if not a fixed, relation to those employed by insects, bats, and birds in flying. On looking back, we are at once struck with the fact, remarkable in some respects, that the travelling- surfaces, whether feet, flippers, fins, or pinions, are, as a rule, increased in proportion to the tenuity of the medium on which they are destined to operate. In the ox (fig. 18, p. 37) we behold a ponderous body, slender extremities, and unusually small feet. The feet are slightly expanded in the otter (fig. 1 2, p. 34), and considerably so in the ornithorhynchus (fig. 11, p. 34). The travelling-area is augmented in the seal (fig. 14, p. 34 ; fig. 36, p. 74), penguin (figs. 46 and 47, pp. 91 and 94), sea-bear (fig. 37, p. 76), and turtle (fig. 44, p. 89). In the triton (fig. 45, p. 89) a huge swimming-tail is added to the 1 Nature and Art, November 1866, p. 173. SANTA BARBARA COLLEGE LIBRAE ~~ 102 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. feet the tail becoming larger, and the extremities (anterior) diminishing, in the manatee (fig. 34, p. 73) and porpoise (fig. 33, p. 73), until we arrive at the fish (fig. 30, p. 65), where not only the tail but the lower half of the body is actively engaged in natation. Turning from the water to the air, we observe a remarkable modification in the huge pectoral fins of the flying-fish (fig. 51, p. 98), these enabling the creature to take enormous leaps, and serving as pseudo-pinions. Turn- ing in like manner from the earth to the air, we encounter the immense tegumentary expansions of the flying-dragon (fig. 15, p. 35) and galeopithecus (fig. 16, p. 35), the floating or buoying area of which greatly exceeds that of some of the flying beetles. In those animals which fly, as bats (fig. 17, p. 36), insects (figs. 57 and 58, p. 124 and 125), and birds (figs. 59 and 60, p. 126), the travelling surfaces, because of the extreme tenuity of the air, are prodigiously augmented ; these in many instances greatly exceeding the actual area of the body. While, therefore, the movements involved in walking, swimming, and flying are to be traced in the first instance to the shortening and length- ening of the muscular, elastic, and other tissues operating on the bones, and their peculiar articular surfaces; they are to be referred in the second instance to the extent and configu- ration of the travelling areas these on all occasions being accurately adapted to the capacity and strength of the animal and the density of the medium on or in which it is intended to progress. Thus the laud supplies the resistance, and affords the support necessary to prevent the small feet of land animals from sinking to dangerous depths, while the water, immensely less resisting, furnishes the peculiar medium requisite for buoying the fish, and for exposing, without danger and to most advantage, the large surface contained in its ponderous lashing tail, the air, unseen and unfelt, furnishing that quickly yielding and subtle element in which the greatly expanded pinions of the insect, bat, and bird are made to vibrate with lightning rapidity, discoursing, as they do so, a soft and stirring music very delightful to the lovei of nature. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. THE atmosphere, because of its great tenuity, mobility, and comparative imponderability, presents little resistance to bodies passing through it at low velocities. If, however, the speed be greatly accelerated, the passage of even an ordinary cane is sensibly impeded. This comes of the action and reaction of matter, the resist- ance experienced varying according to the density of the atmosphere and the shape, extent, and velocity of the body acting upon it. While, therefore, scarcely any impediment is offered to the progress of an animal in motion, it is often exceedingly difficult to compress the air with sufficient rapidity and energy to convert it into a suitable fulcrum for securing the onward impetus. This arises from the fact that bodies moving in the air experience the minimum of resistance and occasion the maximum of displacement. Another and very obvious difficulty is traceable to the great disparity in the weight of air as compared with any known solid, this in the case of water being nearly as 1000 to 1. According to the density of the medium so is its buoying or sustaining power. The Wing a Lever of the Third Order. To meet the pecu- liarities stated above, the insect, bat, and bird are furnished with extensive surfaces in the shape of pinions or wings, which they can apply with singular velocity and power, as levers of the third order (fig. 3, p. 20), 1 at various angles, or by alternate slow and sudden movements, to obtain the 1 In this form of lever the power is applied between the fulcrum and the weight to be raised. The mass to be elevated is the body of the insect, bat, or bird, the force which resides in the living pinion (aided by the inertia of the trunk) representing the power, and the air the fulcrum. 106 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. the horizon, 1 rotates upon its anterior margin as an axis during its descent and causes its under surface to make a gradually increasing angle with the horizon, the posterior margin (fig. 53, c) in this movement descending beneath the anterior one. A similar but opposite rotation takes place during the up stroke. The rotation referred to causes the wing to twist on its long axis screw-fashion, and to describe a figure-of-8 track in space, one-half of the figure being described during the ascent of the wing, the other half during its descent. The twisting of the wing and the figure-of-8 track described by it when made to vibrate, are represented at fig. 53. The rotation of the wing on its long axis as it ascends and descends causes the under surface of the wing to act as a kite, both during the up and down strokes, provided always the body bearing the wing is in forward motion. But the upper surface of the wing, as has been explained, acts when the wing is being elevated, so that both the upper and under surfaces of the wing are efficient during the up stroke. When the wing ascends, the upper surface impinges against the air; the under surface impinging at the same time from its being carried obliquely forward, after the manner of a kite, by the body, which is in motion. During the down stroke, the under surface only acts. The wing is consequently effective both during its ascent and descent, its slip being nominal in amount. The wing acts as a kite, both when it ascends and descends. It acts more as a propeller than an elevator during its ascent ; and more as an elevator than a propeller during its descent. It is, however, effective both in an upward and downward direction. The efficiency of the wing is greatly in- creased by the fact that when it ascends it draws a current of air up after it, which current being met by the wing during its descent, greatly augments the power of the down stroke. In like manner, when the wing descends it draws a current of air down after it, which being met by the wing during its ascent, greatly augments the power of the up stroke. These induced currents are to the wing what a stiff autumn breeze is to the boy's kite. The wing is endowed with this very re- 1 In some cases the posterior margin is slightly elevated above the horizon (fig. 53, <7). PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 107 markable property, that it creates the current on which it rises and progresses. It literally flies on a whirlwind of its own forming. These remarks apply more especially to the wings of bats and birds, and those insects whose wings are made to vibrate in a more or less vertical direction. The action of the wing is readily imitated, as a reference to fig. 53 will show. Fio. 53. If, for example, I take a tapering elastic reed, as represented at a b, and supply it with a flexible elastic sail (c d), and a ball-and-socket joint (x), I have only to seize the reed at a and cause it to oscillate upon x to elicit all the wing move- ments. By depressing the root of the reed in the direction n e, the wing flies up as a kite in the direction j f. During the upward movement the wing flies upwards and forwards, and describes a double curve. By elevating the root of the reed in the direction m a, the wing flies down as a kite in the direction i b. During the downward movement the wing flies downwards and forwards, and describes a double curve. These curves, when united, form a waved track, which represents progressive flight. During the rise and fall of the wing a large amount of tractile force is evolved, and if the wings and the body of the flying creature are inclined slightly upwards, kite-fashion, as they invariably are in ordi- nary flight, the whole mass of necessity moves upwards and 104 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. necessary degree of resistance and non-resistance. Although the third order of lever is particularly inefficient when the fulcrum is rigid and immobile, it possesses singular advantages when these conditions are reversed, i.e. when the fulcrum, as happens with the air, is elastic and yielding. In this case a very slight movement at the root of the pinion, or that end of the lever directed towards the body, is succeeded by an immense sweep of the extremity of the wing, where its elevat- ing and propelling power is greatest. This arrangement in- sures that the large quantity of air necessary for propulsion and support shall be compressed under the most favourable conditions. It follows from this that those insects and birds are endowed with the greatest powers of flight whose wings are the longest. The dragon-fly and albatross furnish examples. The former on some occasions dashes along with amazing velocity and wheels with incredible rapidity ; at other times it suddenly checks its headlong career and hovers or fixes itself in the air after the manner of the kestrel and humming-birds. The flight of the albatross is also remarkable. This magnificent bird, I am infonned on reliable authority, sails about with apparent un- concern for hours together, and rarely deigns to flap its enor- mous pinions, which stream from its body like ribbons to the extent, in some cases, of seven feet on either side. The manner in which the wing levers the body upwards and forwards in flight is shown at fig. 52. In this fig. //' represent the moveable fulcra furnished by the air ; p p' the power residing in the wing, and b the body to be flown. In order to make the problem of flight more intelligible, I have prolonged the lever formed by the wing beyond the body (b), and have applied to the root of the wing so extended the weight w w'. x represents the universal joint by which the wing is attached to the body. When the wing ascends, as shown zip, the air (= fulcrum/) resists its upward passage, and forces the body (b), or its representative (w), slightly downwards. When the wing descends, as shown at p', the air (= fulcrum /') resists its downward passage, and forces the body (b), or its representative (w'}, slightly upwards. From this it follows, that when the wing rises the PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 105 body falls, and vice versd', the wing describing the arc of a large circle (//'), the body (b), or the weights representing it (w w') describing the arc of a much smaller circle. The body, w b FIG. 52. therefore, as well as the wing, rises and falls in flight. When the wing descends it elevates the body, the wing being active and the body passive ; when the body descends it elevates the wing, the body being active and the wing passive. The elevator muscles, and the reaction of the air on the under surface of the wing, contribute to its elevation. It is in this manner that weight forms a factor in flight, the wing and the weight of the body reciprocating and mutually assisting and relieving each other. This is an argument for employing four wings in artificial flight, the wings being so arrranged that the two which are up shall always by their fall mechani- cally elevate the two which are down. Such an arrangement is calculated greatly to conserve the driving power, and, as a consequence, to reduce the weight. It is the upper or dorsal surface of the wing which more especially operates upon the air during the up stroke, and the under or ventral surface which operates during the down stroke. The wing, which at the beginning of the down stroke has its surfaces and margins (anterior and posterior) arranged in nearly the same plane with 6 108 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. forwards. To this there is no exception. A sheet of paper or a card will float along if its anterior margin is slightly raised, and if it be projected with sufficient velocity. The wings of all flying creatures when made to vibrate, twist and untwist, the posterior thin margin of each wing twisting round the anterior thick one, like the blade of a screw. The artificial wing represented at fig. 53 (p. 107) does the same, cd twisting round a b, and g h round e f. The natural and arti- ficial wings, when elevated and depressed, describe a figure-of-8 track in space when the bodies to which they are attached are stationary. When the bodies advance, the figure-of-8 is opened out to form first a looped and then a waved track. I have shown how those insects, bats, and birds which flap their wings in a more or less vertical direction evolve tractile or propelling power, and how this, operating on properly constructed inclined surfaces, results in flight. I wish now to show that flight may also be produced by a very oblique and almost horizontal stroke of the wing, as in some insects, e.g. the wasp, blue-bottle, and other flies. In those insects the wing is made to vibrate with a figure-of-8 sculling FIG. 54. motion in a very oblique direction, and with immense energy. This form of flight differs in no respect from the other, unless in the direction of the stroke, and can be readily imitated, as a reference to fig. 54 will show. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 109 In this figure (5 4) the conditions represented at fig. 5 3 (p. 107) are exactly reproduced, the only difference being that in the present figure the wing is applied to the air in a more or less horizontal direction, whereas in fig. 53 it is applied in a more or less vertical direction. The letters in both figures are the same. The insects whose wings tack upon the air in a more or less horizontal direction, have an extensive range, each wing describing nearly half a circle, these half circles corre- sponding to the area of support. The body of the insect is consequently the centre of a circle of motion. It corresponds to x of the present figure (fig. 5 4). When the wing is seized by the hand at a, and the root made to travel in the direction n e, the body of the wing travels in the direction j f. While so travelling, it flies upwards in a double curve, kite-fashion, and elevates the weight I. When it reaches the point /, it reverses suddenly to prepare for a return stroke, which is produced by causing the root of the wing to travel in the direction m a, the body and tip travelling in the direction i b. During the reverse stroke, the wing flies upwards in a double curve, kite-fashion, and elevates the weight k. The more rapidly these movements are repeated, the more powerful the wing becomes, and the greater the weight it elevates. This follows because of the reciprocating action of the wing, the wing, as already explained, always drawing a current of air after it during the one stroke, which is met and utilized by it during the next stroke. The reciprocating action of the wing here referred to is analogous in all respects to that ob- served in the flippers of the seal, sea-bear, walrus, and turtle ; the swimming wing of the penguin ; and the tail of the whale, dugong, manatee, porpoise, and fish. If the muscles of the insect were made to act at the points a e, the body of the insect would be elevated as at k I, by the reciprocating action of the wings. The amount of tractile power developed in the arrangement represented at fig. 53 (p. 107), can be readily ascertained by fixing a spring or a weight acting over a pulley to the anterior margin (a b or e f) of the wing ; weights acting over pulleys being attached to the root of the wing (a or e). The amount of elevating power developed in the arrange- ment represented at fig. 54, can also be estimated by 110 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. causing weights acting over pulleys to operate upon the root of the wing (a or e), and watching how far the weights (k or I) are raised. In these calculations allowance is of course to be made for friction. The object of the two sets of experiments described and figured, is to show that the wing can exert a tractile power either in a nearly horizontal direction or in a nearly vertical one, flight being produced in both cases. I wish now to show that a body not supplied with wings or inclined surfaces will, if left to itself, fall vertically down- wards ; whereas, if it be furnished with wings, its vertical fall is converted into oblique downward flight. These are very interesting points. Experiment has shown me that a wing when made to vibrate vertically produces horizontal traction ; when made to vibrate horizontally, vertical traction; the vertical fall of a body armed with wings producing oblique traction. The descent of weights can also be made to propel the wings either in a vertical or horizontal direction; the vibration of the wings upon the air in natural flight causing the weights (body of flying creature) to move forward. This shows the very important part performed by weight in all kinds of flight. Weight necessary to Flight. However paradoxical it may seem, a certain amount of weight is indispensable in flight. In the first place, it gives peculiar efficacy and energy to the up stroke, by acting upon the inclined planes formed by the wings in the direction of the plane of progression. The power and the weight may thus be said to reciprocate, the two sitting, as it were, side by side, and blending their peculiar influences to produce a common result. Secondly, it adds momentum, a heavy body, when once fairly under weigh, meeting with little resistance from the air, through which it sweeps like a heavy pendulum. Thirdly, the mere act of rotating the wings on and off the wind during extension and flexion, with a slight down- word stroke, apparently represents the entire exertion on the part of the volant animal, the rest being performed by weight alone. This last circumstance is deserving of attention, the more especially as it seems to constitute the principal difference PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. Ill between a living flying thing and an aerial machine. If a flying-machine was constructed in accordance with the prin- ciples which we behold in nature, the weight and the pro- pelling power of the machine would be made to act upon the sustaining and propelling surfaces, whatever shape they assumed, and these in turn would be made to operate upon the air, and vice versd. In the aerial machine, as far as yet devised, there is no sympathy between the weight to be elevated and the lifting power, whilst in natural flight the wings and the weight of the flying creature act in concert and reci- procate ; the wings elevating the body the one instant, the body by its fall elevating the wings the next. When the wings elevate the body they are active, the body being pas- sive. When the body elevates the wings it is active, the wings being passive. The force residing in the wings, and the force residing in the body (weight is a force when launched in space and free to fall in a vertical direction) cause the mass of the volant animal to oscillate vertically on either side of an imaginary line this line corresponding to the path of the insect, bat, or bird in the air. While the wings and body act and react upon each other, the wings, body, and air like- wise act and react upon each other. In the flight of insects, bats, and birds, weight is to be regarded as an independent moving power, this being made to act upon the oblique sur- faces presented by the wings in conjunction with the power expended by the animal the latter being, by this arrange- ment, conserved to a remarkable extent. Weight, assisted by the elastic ligaments or springs, which recover all wings in flexion, is to be regarded as the mechanical expedient resorted to by nature in supplementing the efforts of all flying things. 1 Without this, flight would be of short duration, laboured, and uncertain, and the almost miraculous journeys at present per- formed by the denizens of the air impossible. 1 Weight, as is well known, is the sole moving power in the clock the pendulum being used merely to regulate the movements produced by tlie descent of the leads. In watches, the onus of motion is thrown upon a spiral spring; and it is worthy of remark that the mechanician has seized upon, and ingeniously utilized, two forces largely employed in the animal kingdom. 112 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. PTeighl contributes to Horizontal Flight. That the weight of the body plays an important part in the production of flight may be proved by a very simple experiment. FIG. 55. If I take two primary feathers and fix them in an ordinary cork, as represented at fig. 55, and allow the apparatus to drop from a height, I find the cork does not fall vertically downwards, but downwards and forwards in a curve. This follows, because the feathers a, b are twisted flexible inclined planes, which arch in an upward direction. They are in fact true wings in the sense that an insect wing in one piece is a true wing. (Compare a, b, c of fig. 55, with g, g', s of fig. 82, p. 158.) When dragged downwards by the cork (c), which would, if left to itself, fall vertically, they have what is vir- tually a down stroke communicated to them. Under these circumstances a struggle ensues between the cork tending to fall vertically and the feathers tending to travel in an upward direction, and, as a consequence, the apparatus describes the curve d e f g before reaching the earth h, i. This is due to the action and reaction of the feathers and air upon each other, and to the influence which gravity exerts upon the cork. The forward travel of the cork and feathers, as com- pared with the space through which they fall, is very great. Thus, in some instances, I found they advanced as much as a yard and a half in a descent of three yards. Here, then, is PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 113 an example of flight produced by purely mechanical appli- ances. The winged seeds fly in precisely the same manner. Thj6 seeds of the plane-tree have, e.g. two wings which exactly resemble the wings employed for flying ; thus they taper from the root towards the tip, and from the ante- rior margin towards the posterior margin, the margins being twisted and disposed in different planes to form true screws. This arrangement prevents the seed from falling rapidly or vertically, and if a breeze is blowing it is wafted to a con- siderable distance before it reaches the ground. Nature is uniform and consistent throughout. She employs the same principle, and very nearly the same means, for flying a heavy, solid seed which she employs for flying an insect, a bat, or a bird. When artificial wings constructed on the plan of natural ones, with stiff roots, tapering semi-rigid anterior margins, and thin yielding posterior margins, are allowed to drop from a height, they describe double curves in falling, the roots of the wings reaching the ground first. This circumstance proves the greater buoying power of the tips of the wings as compared with the roots. I might refer to many other experiments made in this direction, but these are sufficient to show that weight, when acting upon wings, or, what is the same thing, upon elastic twisted inclined planes, must be re- garded as an independent moving power. But for this cir- cumstance flight would be at once the most awkward and laborious form of locomotion, whereas in reality it is incom- parably the easiest and most graceful. The power which rapidly vibrating wings have in sustaining a body which tends to fall vertically downwards, is much greater than one would naturally imagine, from the fact that the body, which is always beginning to fall, is never permitted actually to do so. Thus, when it has fallen sufficiently far to assjst in elevating the wings, it is at once elevated by the vigorous descent of those organs. The body consequently never acquires the downward momentum which it would do if per- mitted to fall through a considerable space uninterruptedly. It is easy to restrain even a heavy body when beginning to fall, while it is next to impossible to check its progress when 114: ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. it is once fairly launched in space and travelling rapidly in a downward direction. Weight, Momentum, and Power, to a certain extent, synonymous in Flight. When a bird rises it has little or no momentum, so that if it comes in contact with a solid resisting surface it does not injure itself. When, however, it has acquired all the momentum of which it is capable, and is in full and rapid flight, such contact results in destruction. My friend Mr. A. D. Bartlett informed me of an instance where a wild duck terminated its career by coming violently in contact with one of the glasses of the Eddystone Lighthouse. The glass, which was fully an inch in thickness, was completely smashed. Advantage is taken of this circumstance in killing sea-birds, a bait being placed on a board and set afloat with a view to breaking the ne,k of the bird when it stoops to seize the car- rion. The additional power due to momentum in heavy bodies in motion is well illustrated in the start and progress of steamboats. In these the slip, as it is technically called, decreases as the speed of the vessel increases ; the strength of a man, if applied by a hawser attached to the stern of a moderate-sized vessel, being sufficient to retard, and, in some instances prevent, its starting. In such a case the power of the engine is almost entirely devoted to " slip " or in giving motion to the fluid in which the screw or paddle is immersed. It is consequently not the power residing in the paddle or screw which is cumulative, but the momentum inhering in the mass. In the bird, the momentum, alias weight, is made to act upon the inclined planes formed by the wings, these adroitly con- verting it into sustaining and propelling power. It is to this circumstance, more than any other, that the prolonged flight of birds is mainly due, the inertia or dead weight of the trunk aiding and abetting the action of the wings, and so relieving the excess of exertion which would necessarily devolve on the bird. It is thus that the power which in living structures resides in the mass is conserved, and the mass itself turned to account. But for this reciprocity, no bird could retain its position in the air for more than a few minutes at a time. This is proved by the comparatively brief upward flight of the lark and the hovering of the hawk PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 115 when hunting. In both these cases the body is exclusively sustained by the action of the wings, the weight of the trunk taking no part in it ; in other words, the weight of the body does not contribute to flight by adding its momentum and the impulse which momentum begets. In the flight of the albatross, on the other hand, the momentum acquired by the moving mass does the principal portion of the work, the wings for the most part being simply rotated on and off the wind to supply the proper angles necessary for the inertia or mass to operate upon. It appears to me that in this blending of active and passive power the mystery of flight is concealed, and that no arrangement will succeed in producing flight artificially which does not recognise and apply the principle here pointed out. Air-cells in Insects and Birds not necessary to Flight. The boasted levity of insects, bats, and birds, concerning which so much has been written by authors in their attempts to explain flight, is delusive in the highest degree. Insects, bats, and birds are as heavy, bulk for bulk, as most other living creatures, and flight can be performed perfectly by animals which have neither air-sacs nor hollow bones ; air- sacs being found in animals never designed to fly. Those who subscribe to the heated-air theory are of opinion that the air contained in the cavities of insects and birds is so much lighter than the surrounding atmosphere, that it must of necessity contribute materially to flight. I may mention, however, that the quantity of air imprisoned is, to begin with, so infinitesimally small, and the difference in weight which it experiences by increase of temperature so inappre- ciable, that it ought not to be taken into account by any one endeavouring to solve the difficult and important problem of flight. The Montgolfier or fire-balloons were constructed on the heated-air principle ; but as these have no analogue in nature, and are apparently incapable of improvement, they are mentioned here rather to expose what I regard a false theory than as tending to elucidate the true principles of flight. When we have said that cylinders and hollow chambers increase the area of the insect and bird, and that an insect 116 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. and bird so constructed is stronger, weight for weight, than one composed of solid matter, we may dismiss the subject ; flight being, as I shall endeavour to show by-and-by, not so much a question of levity as one of weight and power intelli- gently directed, upon properly constructed flying surfaces. The bodies of insects, bats, and birds are constructed on strictly mechanical principles, lightness, strength, and dura- bility of frame being combined with power, rapidity, and precision of action. The cylindrical method of construction is in them carried to an extreme, the bodies and legs of insects displaying numerous unoccupied spaces, while the muscles and solid parts are tunnelled by innumerable air- tubes, which communicate with the surrounding medium by a series of apertures termed spiracles. A somewhat similar disposition of parts is met with in birds, these being in many cases furnished not only with hollow bones, but also (especially the aquatic ones) with a liberal supply of air-sacs. They are likewise provided with a dense covering of feathers or down, which adds greatly to their bulk without materially increasing their weight. Their bodies, moreover, in not a few instances, particularly in birds of prey, are more or less flattened. The air-sacs are well seen in the swan, goose, and duck ; and I have on several occasions minutely examined them with a view to determine their extent and function. In two of the specimens which I injected, the material employed had found its way not only into those usually described, but also into others which ramify in the substance of the muscles, particularly the pectorals. No satisfactory explanation of the purpose served by these air-sacs has, I regret to say, been yet tendered. According to Sappey, 1 who has devoted a large share of attention to the subject, they consist of a membrane which is neither serous nor mucous, but partly the one and partly the other ; and as blood-vessels in considerable numbers, as my preparations 1 Sappey enumerates fifteen air- sacs, the thoracic, situated at the lower part of the neck, behind the sternum ; two cervical, which run the whole length of the neck to the head, which they supply with -air ; two pairs of anterior, and two pairs of posterior diaphragmatic ; and two pairs of abdo- minal. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 117 show, ramify in their substance, and they are in many cases covered with muscular fibres which confer on them a rhythmic movement, some recent observers (Mr. Drosier l of Cambridge, for example) have endeavoured to prove that they are ad- juncts of the lungs, and therefore assist in aerating the blood. This opinion was advocated by John Hunter as early as 1774, 2 and is probably correct, since the temperature of birds is higher than that of any other class of animals, and because they are obliged occasionally to make great muscular exer- tions both in swimming and flying. Others have viewed the air-sacs in connexion with the hollow bones frequently, though not always, found in birds, 3 and have come to look upon the heated air which they contain as being more or less essential to flight. That the air-cells have absolutely nothing to do with flight is proved by the fact that some excellent fliers (take the bats, e.g.) are destitute of them, while birds such as the ostrich and apteryx, which are incapable of flying, are pro- vided with them. Analogous air-sacs, moreover, are met with in animals never intended to fly; and of these I may instance the great air-sac occupying the cervical and axil- lary regions of the orang-outang, the float or swimming- bladder in fishes, and the pouch communicating with the trachea of the emu. 4 1 " On the Functions of the Air-cells .and the Mechanism of Respiration in Birds," by W. H. Drosier, M.D., Caius College. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., Feb. 12, 1866. 2 " An Account of certain Receptacles of Air in Birds which communicate with the Lungs, and are lodged among the Fleshy Parts and in the Hollow Bones of these Animals." Phil. Trans., Lond. 1774. 3 According to Dr. Crisp the swallow, martin, snipe, and many birds of passage have no air in their bones (Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond. part xxv. 1857, p. 13). The same author, in a second communication (pp. 215 and 216), adds that the glossy starling, spotted flycatcher, whin- chat, wood-wren, willow-wren, black-headed bunting, and canary, five of which are birds of passage, have likewise no air in their bones. The following is Dr. Crisp's summary : Out of ninety-two birds examined he found " air in many of the bones, five (Falconidos) ; air in the humeri and not in the inferior extremities, thirty- nine ; no air in the extremities and probably none in the other bones, forty- eight," 4 Nearly allied to this is the great gular pouch of the bustard. Specimens of the air-sac in the orang, emu, and bustard, and likewise of the air-sacs of 1 1 8 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. The same may be said of the hollow bones, some really admirable fliers, as the swifts, martins, and snipes, having their bones filled with marrow, while those of the wingless running birds alluded to have air. Furthermore and finally, a living bird weighing 10 Ibs. weighs the same when dead, plus a very few grains ; and all know what effect a few grains of heated air would have in raising a weight of 10 Ibs. from the ground. How Balancing is effected in Flight, the Sound produced by the Wing, etc. The manner in which insects, bats, and birds balance themselves in the air has hitherto, and with reason, been regarded a mystery, for it is difficult to understand how they maintain their equilibrium when the wings are beneath their bodies. Figs. 67 and 68, p. 141, throw considerable light on the subject in the case of the insect. In those figures the space (a, g) mapped out by the wing during its vibrations is entirely occupied by it ; i.e. the wing (such is its speed) is in every portion of the space at nearly the same instant, the space representing what is practically a solid basis of support. As, moreover, the wing is jointed to the upper part of the body (thorax) by a universal joint, which admits of every variety of motion, the insect is always sus- pended (very much as a compass set upon gimbals is sus- pended) ; the wings, when on a level with the body, vibrating in such a manner as to occupy a circular area (vide r dbf of fig. 56, p. 120), in the centre of which the body (a, e c) is placed. The wings, when vibrating above and beneath the body occupy a conical area ; the apex of the cone being directed upwards when the wings are below the body, and downwards when they are above the body. Those points are well seen in the bird at figs. 82 and 83, p. 158. In fig. 82 the in- verted cone formed by the wings when above the body is repre- sented, and in fig. 83 that formed by the wings when below the body is given. In these figures it will be observed that the body, from the insertion of the roots of the wings into its upper portion, is always suspended, and this, of course, is equi- valent to suspending the centre of gravity. In the bird and the swan and goose, as prepared by me, may be seen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. PROGRESSION IN OK THROUGH THE AIR. 119 bat, where the stroke is delivered more vertically than in the insect, the basis of support is increased by the tip of the wing folding inwards and backwards in a more or less horizontal direction at the end of the down stroke ; and outwards and forwards at the end of the up stroke. This is accompanied by the rotation of the outer portion of the wing upon the w rist as a centre, the tip of the wing, because of the ever varying position of the wrist, describing an ellipse. In in- sects whose wings are broad and large (butterfly), and which are driven at a comparatively low speed, the balancing power is diminished. In insects whose wings, on the contrary, are long and narrow (blow-fly), and which are driven at a high speed, the balancing power is increased. It is the same with short and long winged birds, so that the function of balancing is in some measure due to the form of the wing, and the speed with which it is driven ; the long wing and the wing vibrated with great energy increasing the capacity for balanc- ing. When the body is light and the wings very ample (butterfly and heron), the reaction elicited by the ascent and descent of the wing displaces the body to a marked extent. When, on the other hand, the wings are small and the body large, the reaction produced by the vibration of the wing is scarcely perceptible. Apart, however, from the shape and dimensions of the wing, and the rapidity with which it is urged, it must never be overlooked that all wings (as has been pointed out) are attached to the bodies of the animals bearing them by some form of universal joint, and in such a manner that the bodies, whatever the position of the wings, are accurately balanced, and swim about in a more or less horizontal position, like a compass set upon gimbals. To such an extent is this true, that the posi- tion of the wing is a matter of indifference. Thus the pinion may be above, beneath, or on a level with the body ; or it may be directed forwards, backwards, or at right angles to the body. In either case the body is balanced mechanically and without effort. To prove this point I made an artificial wing and body, and united the one to the other by a uni- versal joint. I found, as I had anticipated, that in whatever position the wing was placed, whether above, beneath, or on 120 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. a level with the body, or on either side of it, the body almost instantly attained a position of rest. The body was, in fact, equally suspended and balanced from all points. Rapidity of Wing Movements partly accounted for. Much surprise has been expressed at the enormous rapidity with which some wings are made to vibrate. The wing of the insect is, as a rule, very long and narrow. As a consequence, a comparatively slow and very limited movement at the root Fig. 56.1 confers great range and immense speed at the tip ; the speed of each portion of the wing increasing as the root of the wing is receded from. This is explained on a principle well under- stood in mechanics, viz. that when a rod hinged at one end is made to move in a circle, the tip or free end of the rod describes a much wider circle in- a given time than a portion of the rod nearer the hinge. This principle is illustrated at 1 In this diagram I have purposely represented the right wing by a straight rigid rod. The natural wing, however, is curved, flexible, and elastic. It likewise moves In curves, the curves being most marked towards the end of the up and down strokes, as shown at m n, o p. The curves, which are double flgure-of-8 curves, are obliterated towards the middle of the strokes (a r). This remark holds true of all natural wings, and of all artificial wings properly constructed. The curves and the reversal thereof are necessary to give con- tinuity of motion to the wing during its vibrations, and what is not less important, to enable the wing alternately to seize and dismiss the air. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 121 fig. 56. Thus if a & of fig. 56 be made to represent the rod hinged at x, it travels through the space d bf in the same time it travels through j k I ; and through j k I in the same time it travels through g h i ; and through ghiin the same time it travels through e a c, which is the area occupied by the thorax of the insect. If, however, the part of the rod b travels through the space d bfin the same time that the part a travels through the space e a c, it follows of necessity that the portion of the rod marked a moves very much slower than that marked b. The muscles of the insect are applied at the point a, as short levers (the point referred to correspond- ing to the thorax of the insect), so that a comparatively slow and limited movement at the root of the wing produces the marvellous speed observed at the tip ; the tip and body of the wing being those portions which occasion the blur or impres- sion produced on the eye by the rapidly oscillating pinion (figs. 64, 65, and 66, p. 139), But for this mode of augmenting the speed originally inaugurated by the muscular system, it is difficult to comprehend how the wings could be driven at the velocity attributed to them. The wing of the blow-fly is said to make 300 strokes per second, i.e. 18,000 per minute. Now it appears to me that muscles to contract at the rate of 18,000 times in the minute would be exhausted in a very few seconds, a state of matters which would render the con- tinuous flight of insects impossible. (The heart contracts only between sixty and seventy times in a minute.) I am, therefore, disposed to believe that the number of contractions made by the thoracic muscles of insects has been greatly overstated; the high speed at which the wing is made to vibrate being due less to the separate and sudden contractions of the muscles at its root than to the fact that the speed of the different parts of the wing is increased in a direct ratio as the several parts are removed from the driving point, as already ex- plained. Speed is certainly a matter of great importance in wing movements, as the elevating and propelling power of the pinion depends to a great extent upon the rapidity with which it is urged. Speed, however, may be produced in two ways either by a series of separate and opposite movements, such as is witnessed in the action of a piston, or by a series 122 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. of separate and opposite movements acting upon an instru- ment so designed, that a movement applied at one part in- creases in rapidity as the point of contact is receded from, as happens in the wing. In the piston movement the motion is uniform, or nearly so; all parts of the piston travelling at very much the same speed. In the wing movements, on the contrary, the motion is gradually accelerated towards the tip of the pinion, where the pinion is most effective as an elevator, and decreased towards the root, where it is least effective an arrangement calculated to reduce the number of muscular contractions, while it contributes to the actual power of the wing. This hypothesis, it will be observed, guarantees to the Aving a very high speed, with comparatively few reversals and comparatively few muscular contractions. In the bat and bird the wings do not vibrate with the same rapidity as in the insect, and this is accounted for by the circumstance, that in them the muscles do not act exclu- sively at the root of the wing. In the bat and bird the muscles run along the wing towards the tip for the pur- pose of flexing or folding the wing prior to the up stroke, and for opening out and expanding it prior to the down stroke. As the wing must be folded or flexed and opened out or expanded every time the wing rises and falls, and as the muscles producing flexion and extension are long muscles with long tendons, which act at long distances as long levers, and comparatively slowly, it follows that the great short muscles (pectorals, etc.) situated at the root of the wing must act slowly likewise, as the muscles of the thorax and wing of necessity act together to produce one pulsation or vibration of the wing. What the wing of the bat and bird loses in speed it gains in power, the muscles of the bat and bird's wing acting directly upon the points to be moved, and under the most favourable conditions. In the insect, on the con- trary, the muscles act indirectly, and consequently at a dis- advantage. If the pectorals only moved, they would act as short levers, and confer on the wing of the bat and bird the rapidity peculiar to the wing of the insect. The tones emitted by the bird's wing would in this case PROGKESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 123 be heightened. The swan in flying produces a loud whistling sound, and the pheasant, partridge, and grouse a sharp whirring noise like the stone of a knife-grinder. It is a mistake to suppose, as many do, that the tone or note produced by the wing during its vibrations is a true indication of the number of beats made by it in any given time. This will be at once understood when I state, that a long wing will produce a higher note than a shorter one driven at the same speed and having the same superficial area, from the fact that the tip and body of the long wing will move through a greater space in a given time than the tip and body of the shorter wing. This is occasioned by all wings being jointed at their roots, the sweep made by the different parts of the wing in a given time being longer or shorter in proportion to the length of the pinion. It ought, moreover, not to be overlooked, that in insects the notes pro- duced are not always referable to the action of the wings, these, in many cases, being traceable to movements induced in the legs and other parts of the body. It is a curious circumstance, that if portions be removed from the posterior margins of the wings of a buzzing insect, such as the wasp, bee, blue-bottle fly, etc., the note produced by the vibration of the pinions is raised in pitch. This is explained by the fact, that an insect whose wings are curtailed requires to drive them at a much higher speed in order to sustain itself in the air. That the velocity at which the wing is urged is instrumental in causing the sound, is proved by the fact, that in slow-flying insects and birds no note is pro- duced ; whereas in those which urge the wing at a high speed, a note is elicited which corresponds within certain limits to the number of vibrations and the form of the wing. It is the posterior or thin flexible margin of the wing which is more especially engaged in producing the sound ; and if this be removed, or if this portion of the wing, as is the case in the bat and owl, be constructed of very soft materials, the character of the note is altered. An artificial wing, if pro- perly constructed and impelled at a sufficiently high speed, emits a drumming noise which closely resembles the note produced by the vibration of short-winged, heavy-bodied 124 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. birds, all which goes to prove that sound is a concomitant of rapidly vibrating wings. The Wing area Variable and in Excess. The travelling- surfaces of insects, bats, and birds greatly exceed those of fishes and swimming animals ; the travelling-surfaces of swim- ming animals being greatly in excess of those of animals which walk and run. The wing area of insects, bats, and birds varies very considerably, flight being possible within a com- Pio. 57. Shows a butterfly with comparatively very large wings. The nervures are seen to great advantage in this specimen : and the enormous expanse of the pinions readily explains the irregular flight of the insect on the principle of recoil, a Anterior wing, b Posterior wing, e Anterior margin of wing. /Ditto posterior margin, g Ditto outer margin. Compare with beetle, fig. 58. Original. paratively wide range. Thus there are light-bodied and large- winged insects and birds as the 'butterfly (fig. 57) and heron (fig. 60, p. 126) ; and others whose bodies are comparatively heavy, while their wings are insignificantly small as the sphinx moth and Goliath beetle (fig. 58) among insects, and the grebe, quail, and partridge (fig. 59, p. 126) among birds. The apparent inconsistencies in the dimensions of the body and wings are readily explained by the greater musculardevelop- mcnt of the heavy-bodied short-winged insects and birds, and the increased power and rapidity with which the wings in them are made to oscillate. In large-winged animals the movements PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 125 are slow; in small-winged ones comparatively very rapid. This shows that flight may be attained by a heavy, powerful animal with comparatively small wings, as well as by a lighter one with enormously enlarged Avings. While there is apparently no fixed relation between the area of the wings and the animal to be raised, there is, unless in the case of sailing birds, 1 an unvarying relation between the weight of Pio. 58. Under-surface of large beetle (Goliathm m,icans), with deeply con- cave and comparatively small wings (compare with butterfly, fig. 57), showa that the nervurcs (r, d, e, f, n, u, n) of the wings of the beetle are arranged along the anterior margins and throughout the substance of the wings generally, very much as the bones of the arm, forearm, and hand, are in the wings of the bat, to which they bear a very marked resemblance, both in their shape and mode of action. The wings are folded upon themselves at the point e during repose. Compare letters of this figure with similar letters of tig. 17, p. 36. Original. the animal, the area of its wings, and the number of oscilla- tions made by them in a given time. The problem of flight thus resolves itself into one of weight, power, velocity, and small surfaces ; versus buoyancy, debility, diminished speed, 1 In birds which skim, sail, or glide, the pinion is greatly elongated or ribbon-shaped, and the weight of the body is made to operate upon the in- clined planes formed by the wings, in such a manner that the bird when it lias once got fairly under weigh, is in a measure self-supporting. This is especially the case when it is proceeding against a slight breeze the wind and the inclined planes resulting from the upward inclination of the wings reacting iipon each other, with this very remarkable result, that the mass of the bird moves steadily forwards in a more or less horizontal direction. 12G ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. and extensive surfaces, weight in either case being a sine quA non. In order to utilize the air as a means of transit, the body in motion, whether it moves in virtue of the life it possesses, or because of a force superadded, must be heavier FIG. 59. The Red-legged Partridge (Perdix rubra) with wings fully extended as in rapid flight, shows deeply concave form of the wings, how the primary and secondary feathers overlap and support each other during extension, and how the anterior or thick margins of the wings are directed upwards and forwards, and the posterior or thin ones downwards and backwards. The wings in the partridge are wielded with immense velocity and power. This is necessary because of their small size as compared with the great dimensions and weight of the body. If a horizontal line be drawn across the feet (a, e] to represent the horizon, and another from the tip of the tail (a) to the root of the wing (d), the angle at which the wing strikes the air is given. The body and wings when taken together form a kite. The wings in the partridge are rounded and broad. Compare with heron, fig. CO. Original. than the air. It must tread and rise upon the air as a swim- mer upon the water, or as a kite upon the wind. It must act against gravity, and elevate and carry itself forward at the expense of the air, and by virtue of the force which Fio. 60. The Grey Heron (Ardea cineim^ in fall flight. In the heron the wings are deeply concave, and unusually large as compared with the size of the bird. The result is that the wings are moved very leisurely, with a slow, heavy, and almost solemn beat. The heron figured weighed under 3 Ibs. : and the expanse of wing was considerably greater than that of a wild goose which weighed over 9 Ibs. Flight is consequently more a question of power and weight than of buoyancy and surface, d, e, f Anterior thick strong margin of right wing, c, a, b Posterior thin flexible margin, composed of primary (l>), secondary (a), and tertiary (c) feathers. Compare with part- ridge, flg. 59. Original. resides in it. If it were rescued from the law of gravity on the one hand, and bereft of independent movement on the other, it would float about uncontrolled and uncontrollable, as happens in the ordinary gas-balloon PROGRESSION IN OK THROUGH THE AIR. 127 That no fixed relation exists between the area of the wings and the size and weight of the body, is evident on comparing the dimensions of the wings and bodies of the several orders of insects, bats, and birds. If such comparison be made, it will be found that the pinions in some instances diminish while the bodies increase, and the converse. No practical good can therefore accrue to aerostation from elaborate measurements of the wings and trunks of any flying thing ; neither can any rule be laid down as to the extent of surface required for sustaining a given weight in the air. The wing area is, as a rule, considerably in excess of what is actually required for the purposes of flight. This is proved in two ways. First, by the fact that bats can carry their young with- out inconvenience, and birds elevate surprising quantities of fish, game, carrion, etc. I had in my possession at one time a tame barn-door owl which could lift a piece of meat a quarter of its own weight, after fasting four-and-twenty hours ; and an eagle, as is well known, can carry a moderate- sized lamb with facility. The excess of wing area is proved, secondly, by the fact that a large proportion of the wings of most volant animals may be removed without destroying the power of flight. I in- stituted a series of experiments on the wings of the fly, dragon-fly, butterfly, sparrow, etc., with a view to determining this point in 1867. The following are the results obtained : Slue-bottle Fly. Experiment 1. Detached posterior or thin half of each wing in its long axis. Flight perfect. Exp. 2. Detached posterior two-thirds of either wing in its long axis. Flight still perfect. I confess I was not prepared for this result. Exp. 3. Detached one-third of anterior or thick margin of either pinion obliquely. Flight imperfect. Exp. 4. Detached one-half of anterior or thick margin of either pinion obliquely. The power of flight completely destroyed. From experiments 3 and 4 it would seem that the anterior margin of the wing, which contains the principal nervures, and which is the most rigid portion of the pinion, cannot be mutilated with impunity. Exp. 5. Removed one-third from the extremity of either 128 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. wing transversely, i.e. in the direction of the short axis of the pinion. Flight perfect. Exp. 6. Removed one-half from either wing transversely, as in experiment 5. Flight very slightly (if at all) impaired. Exp. 7. Divided either pinion in the direction of its long axis into three equal parts, the anterior nervures being con- tained in the anterior portion. Flight perfect. Exp. 8. Notched two-thirds of either pinion obliquely from behind. Flight perfect. Exp. 9. Notched anterior third of either pinion transversely. The power of flight destroyed. Here, as in experiment 4, the mutilation of the anterior margin was followed by loss of function. Exp. 10. Detached posterior two-thirds of right wing in its long axis, the left wing being untouched. Flight perfect. I expected that this experiment would result in loss of balancing-power ; but this was not the case. Exp. 11. Detached half of right wing transversely, the left one being normal. The insect flew irregularly, and came to the ground about a yard from where I stood. I seized it and detached the corresponding half of the left wing, after which it flew away, as in experiment G. Dragon-Fly. Exp. 12. In the dragon-fly either the first or second pair of wings may be removed without destroying the power of flight. The insect generally flies most steadily when the posterior pair of wings are detached, as it can bal- ance better ; but in either case flight is perfect, and in no degree laboured. Exp. 13. Removed one-third from the posterior margin of the first and second pairs of wings. Flight in no wise impaired. If more than a third of each wing is cut away from the posterior or thin maigin, the insect can still fly, but with effort. Experiment 13 shows that the posterior or thin flexible margins of the wings may be dispensed with in flight. They are more especially engaged in propelling. Compare with experiments 1 and 2. Exp. 14. The extremities or tips of the first and second pair of wings may be detached to the extent of one-third, PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 129 without diminishing the power of flight. Compare with experiments 5 and 6. If the mutilation be carried further, flight is laboured, and in some cases destroyed. Exp. 15. When the front edges of the first and second pairs of wings are notched or when they are removed, flight is com- pletely destroyed. Compare with experiments 3, 4, and 9. This shows that a certain degree of stiffness is required for the front edges of the wings, the front edges indirectly sup- porting the back edges. It is, moreover, on the front edges of the wings that the pressure falls in flight, and by these edges the major portions of the wings are attached to the body. The principal movements of the wings are communi- cated to these edges.- Butterfly. Exp. 1 6. Removed posterior halves of the first pair of wings of white butterfly. Flight perfect. Exp. 17. Removed posterior halves of first and second pairs of wings. Flight not strong but still perfect. If addi- tional portions of the posterior wings were removed, the insect could still fly, but with great effort, and came to the ground at no great distance. Exp. 18. When the tips (outer sixth) of the first and second pairs of wings were cut away, flight was in no wise impaired. When more was detached the insect could not fly. Exp. 19. Removed the posterior wings of the brown but- terfly. Flight unimpaired. Exp. 20. Removed in addition a small portion (one-sixth) from the tips of the anterior wings. Flight still perfect, as the insect flew upwards of ten yards. Exp. 21. Removed in addition a portion (one-eighth) of the posterior margins of anterior wings. The insect flew imperfectly, and came to the ground about a yard from the point where it commenced its flight. House Sparrow. The sparrow is a heavy small-winged bird, requiring, one would imagine, all its wing area. This, however, is not the case, as the annexed experiments show. Exp. 22. Detached the half of the secondary feathers of either pinion in the direction of the long axis of the wing, the primaries being left intact. Flight as perfect as before 7 130 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, the mutilation took place. In this experiment, one wing was operated upon before the other, in order to test the balancing- power. The bird flew perfectly, either with one or with both wings cut. Exp. 23. Detached the half of the secondary feathers and a fourth of the primary ones of either pinion in the long axis of the wing. Flight in no wise impaired. The bird, in this instance, flew upwards of 30 yards, and, having risen a con- siderable height, dropped into a neighbouring tree. Exp. 24. Detached nearly the half of the primary feathers in the long axis of either pinion, the secondaries being left intact. When one wing only was operated upon, flight was perfect ; when both were tampered with, it was still perfect, but slightly laboured. Exp. 25. Detached rather more than a third of both primary and secondary feathers of either pinion in the long axis of the wing. In this case the bird flew with evident exertion, but was able, notwithstanding, to attain a very con- siderable altitude. From experiments 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 22, 23, 24, and 25, it would appear that great liberties may be taken with the posterior or thin margin of the wing, and the dimensions of the wing in this direction materially reduced, without destroying, or even vitiating in a marked degree, the powers of flight. This is no doubt owing to the fact indicated by Sir George Cayley, and fully explained by Mr. Wenham, that in all wings, particularly long narrow ones, the elevating power is transferred to the anterior or front margin. These experiments prove that the upward bending of the posterior margins of the wings during the down stroke is not necessary to flight. Exp. 26. Removed alternate primary and secondary feathers from either wing, beginning with the first primary. The bird flew upwards of fifty yards with very slight effort, rose above an adjoining fence, and wheeled over it a second time to settle on a tree in the vicinity. When one wing only was oper- ated upon, it flew irregularly and in a lopsided manner. Exp. 27. Removed alternate primary and secondary feathers from either wing, beginning with the second primary. Flight, PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 131 from all I could determine, perfect. When one wing only was cut, flight was irregular or lopsided, as in experiment 26. From experiments 26 and 27, as well as experiments 7 and 8, it would seem that the wing does not of necessity require to present an unbroken or continuous surface to the air, such as is witnessed in the pinion of the bat, and that the feathers, when present, may be separated from each other without destroying the utility of the pinion. In the raven and many other birds the extremities of the first four or five primaries divaricate in a marked manner. A similar condition is met with in the Alucita hexadactyla, where the delicate feathery-looking processes composing the wing are widely removed from each other. The wing, however, ceteris paribus, is strongest when the feathers are not separated from each other, and when they overlap, as then they are arranged so as mutually to support each other. Exp. 28. Removed half of the primary feathers from either wing transversely, i.e. in the direction of the short axis of the wing. Flight very slightly, if at all, impaired when only one wing was operated upon. When both were cut, the bird flew heavily, and came to the ground at no very great distance. This mutilation was not followed by the same result in ex- periments 6 and 11. On the whole, I am inclined to believe that the area of the wing can be curtailed with least injury in the direction of its long axis, by removing successive por- tions from its posterior margin. Exp. 29. The carpal or wrist-joint of either pinion ren- dered immobile by lashing the wings to slender reeds, the elbow-joints being left free. The bird, on leaving the hand, fluttered its wings vigorously, but after a brief flight came heavily to the ground, thus showing that a certain degree of twisting and folding, or flexing of the wings, is necessary to the flight of the bird, and that, however the superficies and shape of the pinions may be altered, the movements thereof must not be interfered with. 1 tied up the wings of a pigeon in the same manner, with a precisely similar result. The birds operated upon were, I may observe, caught in a net, and the experiments made within a few minutes from the time of capture. 132 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. Some of my readers will probably infer from the foregoing, that the figure-of-8 curves formed along the anterior and pos- terior margins of the pinions are not necessary to flight, since the tips and posterior margins of the wings may be removed without destroying it. To such I reply, that the wings are flexible, elastic, and composed of a congeries of curved sur- faces, and that so long as a portion of them remains, they form, or tend to form, figure-of-8 curves in every direction. Captain F. W. Hutton, in a recent paper " On the Flight of Birds" (Ibis, April 1872), refers to some of the experi- ments detailed above, and endeavours to frame a theory of flight, which differs in some respects from my own. His remarks are singularly inappropriate, and illustrate in a forci- ble manner the old adage, " A little knowledge is a danger- ous thing." If Captain Hutton had taken the trouble to look into my memoir " On the Physiology of Wings," communi- cated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, on the 2d of August 1870, 1 fifteen months before his own paper was written, there is reason to believe he would have arrived at very different conclusions. Assuredly he would not have ventured to make the rash statements he has made, the more especially as he attempts to controvert my views, which are based upon ana- tomical research and experiment, without making any dis- sections or experiments of his own. The Wing area decreases as the Size and Weight of the Volant Animal increases. While, as explained in the last section, no definite relation exists between the weight of a flying animal and the size of its flying surfaces, there being, as stated, heavy bodied and small- winged insects, bats, and birds, and the con- verse ; and while, as I have shown by experiment, flight is possible within a wide range, the wings being, as a rule, in excess of what are required for the purposes of flight ; still it appears, from the researches of M. de Lucy, that there is a general law, to the effect that the larger the volant animal the smaller by comparison are its flying surfaces. The exist- ence of such a law is very encouraging as far as artificial 1 On the Physiology of Wings, being an Analysis of the Movements by Which Flight is produced in the Insect, Bat, and Bird." Trans. Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh, vol. xxvi. PEOGEESSION IN Oil THROUGH THE AIR. 133 flight is concerned, for it shows that the flying surfaces of a large, heavy, powerful flying machine will be comparatively small, and consequently comparatively compact and strong. This is a point of very considerable importance, as the object desiderated in a flying machine is elevating capacity. M. de Lucy has tabulated his results, which I subjoin i 1 INSECTS. BIRDS. NAMES. Eeferrod to the 211>8. 8oz. 3dwt. 2gr. Avoird. = 2 Ibs. 3 oz. 4-428 dr. NAiirJJ. Eeferred to the kilogramme. Gnat, sq. yds. ft in. 11 8 92 7 2 56 5 13 87 5 2 89 3 5 11 1 2 74J 1 3 54J 1 2 20 1 2 50 1 1 39J 8 33 6 122J Swallow, Sparrow, Turtle-dove, Pigeon, Stork, . Vulture, Crane of Australia, sq. yds. ft. In. 1 1 104J 5 142A 4 100J 2 113 2 20 1 116 139 Dragon-fly (small), Coccinella (Lady-bird), Dragon-fly ((.oniiuon), . Tipula, or Daddy-long-legs, . Bee, Meat-fly, .... Drone (blue), Cockchafer, .... Lucanus ) Stag beetle (female), cervus \ Stag-beetle (male), Rhinoceros-beetle, . " It is easy, by aid of this table, to follow the order, always decreasing, of the surfaces, in proportion as the winged animal increases in size and weight. Thus, in com- paring the insects with oue another, we find that the gnat, which weighs 460 times less than the stag-beetle, has four- teen times more of surface. The lady-bird weighs 150 times less than the stag-beetle, and possesses five times more of surface. It is the same with the birds. The sparrow weighs about ten times less than the pigeon, and has twice as much surface. The pigeon weighs about eight times less than the stork, and has twice as much surface. The sparrow weighs 339 times less than the Australian crane, and possesses seven times more surface. If now we compare the in- sects and the birds, the gradation will become even much more striking. The gnat, for example, weighs 97,000 times 1 " On the Flight of Birds, of Bats, and of Insects, in reference to the sub- ject of Aerial Locomotion," by M. de Lucy, Paris. 134 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. less than the pigeon, and has forty times more surface ; it weighs 3,000,000 times less than the crane of Australia, and possesses 149 times more of surface than this latter, the weight of which is about 9 kilogrammes 500 grammes (25 Ibs. 5 oz. 9 dwt. troy, 20 Ibs. 15 oz. 2 dr. avoirdupois). The Australian crane is the heaviest bird that I have weighed. It is that which has the smallest amount of sur- face, for, referred to the kilogramme, it does not give us a surface of more than 899 square centimetres (139 square inches), that is to say about an eleventh part of a square metre. But every one knoAvs that these grallatorial animals are excel- lent birds of flight. Of all travelling birds they undertake the longest and most remote journeys. They are, in addition, the eagle excepted, the birds which elevate themselves the highest, and the flight of which is the longest maintained." 1 Strictly in accordance with the foregoing, are my own measurements of the gannet and heron. The following de- tails of weight, measurement, etc., of the gannet were supplied by an adult specimen which I dissected during the winter of 1869. Entire weight, 7 Ibs. (minus 3 ounces); length of body from tip of bill to tip of tail, three feet four inches ; head and neck, one foot three inches ; tail, twelve inches ; trunk, thirteen inches ; girth of trunk, eighteen inches ; ex- panse of wing from tip to tip across body, six feet ; widest portion of wing across primary feathers, six inches; across secondaries, seven inches ; across tertiaries, eight inches. Each wing, when carefully measured and squared, gave an area of 1 9 1 square inches. The wings of the gannet, therefore, fur- nish a supporting area of three feet three inches square. As the bird weighs close upon 7 Ibs., this gives something like thirteen square inches of wing for every 36 J ounces of body, i,e. one foot one square inch of wing for every 2 Ibs. 4 oz. of body. The heron, a specimen of which I dissected at the same time, gave a very different result, as the subjoined particulars will show. Weight of body, 3 Ibs. 3 ounces ; length of body from tip of bill to tip of tail, three feet four inches ; head and neck, two feet ; tail, seven inches ; trunk, nine inches ; girth i M. de Lucy, op. cit. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 135 of body, twelve inches ; expanse of wing from tip to tip across the body, five feet nine inches ; widest portion of wing across primary and tertiary feathers, eleven inches ; across secondary feathers, twelve inches. Each wing, when carefully measured and squared, gave an area of twenty-six square inches. The wings of the heron, consequently, furnish a supporting area of four feet four inches square. As the bird only weighs 3 Ibs. 3 ounces, this gives something like twenty-six square inches of wing for every 25 \ ounces of bird, or one foot 5J inches square for every 1 Ib. 1 ounce of body. In the gannet there is only one foot one square inch of wing for every 2 Ibs. 4J ounces of body. The gannet has, consequently, less than half of the wing area of the heron. The gannet's wings are, however, long narrow wings (those of the heron are broad), which extend transversely across the body; and these are found to be the most powerful the wings of the albatross which measure fourteen feet from tip to tip (and only one foot across), elevating 18 Ibs. without difficulty. If the wings of the gannet, which have a super- ficial area of three feet three inches square, are capable of elevating 7 Ibs., while the wings of the heron, whicla have a superficial area of four feet four inches, can only elevate 3 Ibs., it is evident (seeing the wings of both are twisted levers, and formed upon a common type) that the gannet's wings must be vibrated with greater energy than the heron's wings ; and this is actually the case. The heron's wings, as I have ascer- tained from observation, make 60 down and 60 up strokes every minute ; whereas the wings of the gannet, when the bird is flying in a straight line to or from its fishing-ground, make close upon 150 up and 150 down strokes during the same period. The wings of the divers, and other short- winged, heavy-bodied birds, are urged at a much higher speed, so that comparatively small wings can be made to elevate a compa- ratively heavy body, if the speed only be increased suffi- ciently. 1 Flight, therefore, as already indicated, is a ques- 1 The grebes among birds, and the beetles among insects, furnish examples where small wings, made to vibrate at high speeds, are capable of elevating great weights. 136 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. tion of power, speed, and small surfaces versus weight. Elaborate measurements of wing, area, and minute calculations of speed, can consequently only determine the minimum of wing for elevating the maximum of weight flight being attainable within a comparatively wide range. Wings, tJieir Form, etc.; all Wings Screics, structurally and functionally. Wings vary considerably as to their general contour; some being falcated or scythe-like, some oblong, some rounded or circular, some lanceolate, and some linear. 1 All wings are constructed upon a common type. They are in every instance carefully graduated, the wing tapering A S FIG. 61. Right wing of the Kestrel, drawn from the specimen, while being held against the light Shows how the primary (b), secondary (a), and ter- tiary (c) feathers overlap and buttress or support each other in every direc- tion. Each set of feathers has its coverts and subcoverts, the wing being conical from within outwards, and from before backwards, d, e, /Anterior or thick margin of wing. 6, a, c Posterior or thin margin. The wing of the kestrel is intermediate as regards form, it being neither rounded as iu the partridge (fig. 96, p. 176), nor ribbon -shaped as in the albatross (lig. 62), nor pointed as in the swallow. The feathers of the kestrel's wing are unusually symmetrical and strong. Compare with figs. 92, 94, and 96, pp. 174, 175, and 17(5. Original. from the root towards the tip, and from the anterior margin in the direction of the posterior margin. They are of a generally triangular form, and twisted upon themselves in the direction of their length, to form a helix or screw. They are convex above and concave below, and more or less flexible and elastic throughout, the elasticity being greatest at the tip and along the posterior margin. They are also moveable in all their parts. Figs. 61, 62, 63 (p. 138), 59 and 60 (p. 126), 96 and 97 (p. 176), represent typical bird wings; figs. 17 (p. 36), 94 and 95 (p. 175), typical bat wings; and figs. 57 and 58 (p. 125), 89 and 90 (p. 171), 91 (p. 172), 92 and 93 (p. 174), typical insect wings. 1 "The wing is short, broad, convex, and. rounded in grouse, partridges, and other rasores ; long, broad, straight, and pointed in most pigeons. In the peregrine falcon it is acuminate, the second quill being longest, and the first PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 137 In all the wings which I have examined, whether in the insect, bat, or bird, the wing is recovered, flexed, or drawn towards the body by the action of elastic ligaments, these structures, by their mere contraction, causing the wing, when fully extended and presenting its maximum of surface, to resume its position of rest and plane of least resistance. The principal eifort required in flight is, therefore, made during extension, and at the beginning of the down stroke. The elastic ligaments are variously formed, and the amount of contraction which they undergo is in all cases accurately adapted to the size and form of the wing, and the rapidity with which it is worked ; the contraction being greatest in the short-winged and heavy-bodied insects and birds, and FIG. 62. Loft wing of the albatross, d, e, /Anterior or thick margin of pinion. 6, a, c Posterior or thin margin, composed of the primary (fc), secondary (a), and tertiary (c) feathers. In this wing the first primary is the longest, the primary coverts and subcoverts being unusually long and strong. The secondary coverts and subcoverts occupy the body of the wing (e,<7), and are so numerous as effectually to prevent any escape of air between them dur- ing the return or up stroke. This wing, which I have iu my possession, measures over six feet iu length. Original. least in the light-bodied and ample-winged ones, particularly such as skim or glide. The mechanical action of the elastic ligaments, I need scarcely remark, insures an additional period of repose to the wing at each stroke ; and this is a point of some importance, as showing that the lengthened and laborious flights of insects and birds are not without their stated intervals of rest. All wings are furnished at their roots with some form of universal joint which enables them to move not only in an little shorter ; and in the swallows this is still more the case, the first quill being the longest, the rest rapidly diminishing in length." Macgillivray, Hist. Brit. Birds, vol. i. p. 82. " The hawks have been classed as noble or ignoble, according to the length and sharpness of their wings ; and the fal- cons, or long-winged hawks, are distinguished from the short-winged ones by the second feather of the wing being either the longest or equal in length to the third, and by the nature of the stoop made in pursuit of their prey." Falconry iu the British Isles, by F. H. Salvin and W. Brodrick. Lond. 1855, p. 28. 138 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. upward, downward, forward, or backward direction, but also at various intermediate degrees of obliquity. All wings obtain their leverage by presenting oblique surfaces to the air, the degree of obliquity gradually increasing in a direction from behind forwards and downwards during extension and the down stroke, and gradually decreasing in an opposite direction during flexion and the up stroke. In the insect the oblique surfaces are due to the conforma- tion of the shoulder-joint, this being furnished with a system of check-ligaments, and with horny prominences or stops, set, FIG. 63. The Lapwing, or Green Plover ( VaneUus crisiatus, Meyer), with one wing (c ft, d' e' f) fully extended, and forming a long lever; the other (d ef, c l>) being in a flexed condition and forming a short lever. In the extended wing the anterior or thick margin (d' '/') > s directed upwards and forwards (vide arrow), the posterior or thin margin (c, b) downwards and backward*. The reverse of this happens during flexion, the anterior or thick margin (d, e.f) being directed downwards and forwards (vide arrow), the posterior or thin margin (c b) bearing the rowing-feathers upward* and backwards. The wings therefore twist in opposite directions during extension and flexion; and this is a point of the utmost importance in the action of all wings, as it enables the volant animal to rotate the wings on and off the air, and to pre- sent at one time (in extension) resisting, kite-like surfaces, and at another (in flexion) knife-like and comparatively non-resisting surfaces. It rarely happens in flight that the wing (d ef, c b) is so fully flexed as in the figure. As a con- sequence, the under surface of the wing is, as a rule, inclined upwards and for- wards, even in flexion, so that it acts as a kite in extension and flexion, and during the up and down strokes. Original. as nearly as may be, at right angles to each other. The check -ligaments and horny prominences are so arranged that when the wing is made to vibrate, it is also made to rotate in the direction of its length, in the manner explained. In the bat and bird the oblique surfaces are produced by the spiral configuration of the articular surfaces of the bones of PKOGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 139 the wing, and by the rotation of the bones of the arm, fore- arm, and hand, upon their long axes. The reaction of the air also assists in the production of the oblique surfaces. That the wing twists upon itself structurally, not only in the insect, but also in the bat and bird, any one may readily satisfy himself by a careful examination; and that it twists upon itself during its action I have had the most convincing and re- peated proofs (figs. 64, 65, and 66). The twisting in question Fio. 64. Fio. 65. Fio. 66. eft wing (a, b) of wasp in the act of twisting upon itself, the tip escribing a figure-of-8 track (a, c, 6). From nature. Original. Fio. 64 shows lef Fins. 65 and 66 show right 'wing of blue-bottle fly rotating on its anterior margin, and twisting to form double or figure-of-8 curves (a &, c d). From nature. Original. is most marked in the posterior or thin margin of the wing, the anterior and thicker margin performing more the part of an axis. As a result of this arrangement, the anterior or thick margin cuts into the air quietly, and as it were by stealth, the posterior one producing on all occasions a violent commotion, especially perceptible if a flame be exposed behind the vibrating wing. Indeed, it is a matter for surprise that the spiral conformation of the pinion, and its spiral mode of action, should have eluded observation so long ; and I shall be pardoned for dilating upon the subject when I state my conviction that it 140 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. forms the fundamental and distinguishing feature in flight, and must be taken into account by all who seek to solve this most involved and interesting problem by artificial means. The importance of the twisted configuration or screw-like form of the wing cannot be over-estimated. That this shape is intimately associated with flight is apparent from the fact that the rowing feathers of the wing of the bird are every one of them distinctly spiral in their nature ; in fact, one entire rowing feather is equivalent morphologically and physiologically to one entire insect wing. In the wing of the martin, where the bones of the pinion are short and in some respects rudimentary, the primary and secondary feathers are greatly developed, and banked up in such a manner that the wing as a whole presents the same curves as those dis- played by the insect's wing, or by the wing of the eagle where the bones, muscles, and feathers have attained a maximum development. The conformation of the wing is such that it presents a waved appearance in every direction the waves running longitudinally, transversely, and obliquely. The greater portion of the pinion may consequently be removed without materially affecting either its form or its functions. This is proved by making sections in various directions, and by finding, as has been already shown, that in some instances as much as two-thirds of the wing may be lopped off without visibly impairing the power of flight. The spiral nature of the pinion is most readily recognised when the wing is seen from behind and from beneath, and when it is foreshortened. It is also well marked in some of the long-winged oceanic birds when viewed from before (figs. 82 and 83, p. 158), and cannot escape detection under any circumstances, if sought for, the wing being essentially composed of a congeries of curves, remarkable alike for their apparent simplicity and the subtlety of their detail. The Wing during its action reverses its Planes, and describes a Figure-of-8 track in space. The twisting or rotating of the wing on its long axis is particularly observable during exten- sion and flexion in the bat and bird, and likewise in the insect, especially the beetle, cockroach, and such as fold their wings during repose. In these in extreme flexion PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 141 the anterior or thick margin of the wing is directed down- wards, and the posterior or thin one upwards. In the act of extension, the margins, in virtue of the wing rotating upon its long axis, reverse their positions, the anterior or thick margins describing a spiral course from below upwards, the posterior or thin margin describing a similar but opposite course from above downwards. These conditions, I need scarcely observe, are reversed during flexion. The movements of the margins during flexion and extension may be represented with a con- siderable degree of accuracy by a figure-of-8 laid horizontally. In the bat and bird the wing, when it ascends and de- scends, describes a nearly vertical figure-of-8. In the insect, the wing, from the more oblique direction of the stroke, Fio. 67. FIG. 68. FIG. 60. FIG. 70. Fios. 67, 63, 69, and 70, show the area mapped out by the left wing of the wasp when the insect is fixed and the wing made to vibrate. These figures illustrate the various angles made by the wing as it hastens to and fro, how the wing reverses and reciprocates, and how it twists upon itself and de- scribes a flgure-of-8 track in space. Figs. 67 and 69 represent the forward or down stroke; Figs. 63 and 70 the backward or up stroke. The terms for- ward and back stroke are here employed with reference to the head of the insect. Original. describes a nearly horizontal figure-of-8. In either case the wing reciprocates, and, as a rule, reverses its planes. The down and up strokes, as will be seen from this account, cross each other, as shown more particularly at figs. 67, 68, 69, and 70. In the wasp the wing commences the down or forward stroke at a of figs. 67 and 69, and makes an angle of some- 142 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. tiling like 45 with the horizon (x of). At b (figs. 67 and 69) the angle is slightly diminished, partly because of a rotation of the wing along its anterior margin (long axis of wing), partly from increased speed, and partly from the posterior margin of the wing yielding to a greater or less extent. At c the angle is still more diminished from the same causes. At d the wing is slowed slightly, preparatory to reversing, and the angle made with the horizon (x) increased. At e the angle, for the same reason, is still more increased; while at / the wing is at right angles to the horizon. It is, in fact, in the act of reversing. At g the wing is reversed, and the up or back stroke commenced. The angle made at g is, consequently, the same as that made at a (45), with this difference, that the anterior margin and outer portion of the wing, instead of being directed Jor- wards, with reference to the head of the insect, are now directed backwards. During the up or backward stroke all the phenomena are reversed, as shown at g h ij k I of figs. 68 and 70 (p. 141); the only difference being that the angles made by the wing with the horizon are somewhat less than during the down or forward stroke a circumstance which facilitates the forward travel of the body, while it enables the wing during the back stroke still to afford a considerable amount of support. This arrangement" permits the wing to travel backwards while the body is travelling forwards; the diminution of the angles made by the wing in the back stroke giving very much the same result as if the wing were striking in the direction of the travel of the body. The slight upward inclination of the wing during the back stroke permits the body to fall down- wards and forwards to a slight extent at this peculiar junc- ture, the fall of the body, as has been already explained, contributing to the elevation of the wing. The pinion acts as a helix or screw in a more or less hori- zontal direction from behind forwards, and from before back- wards ; but it likewise acts as a screw in a nearly vertical direction. If the wing of the larger domestic fly be viewed PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 143 during its vibrations from above, it will be found that the blur or impression produced on the dye by its action is more or less concave (fig. 66, p. 139). This is due to the fact that the wing is spiral in its nature, and because during its action it twists upon itself in such a manner as to describe a double curve, the one curve being directed upwards, the other downwards. The double curve referred to is particularly evident in the flight of birds from the greater size of their wings. The wing, both when at rest and in motion, may not inaptly be compared to the blade of an ordinary screw pro- peller as employed in navigation. Thus the general outline of the wing corresponds closely with the outline of the blade of the propeller, and the track described by the wing in space is twisted upon itself propeller fashion. The great velocity with which the wing is driven converts the impres- sion or blur into what is equivalent to a solid for the time being, in the same way that the spokes of a wheel in violent motion, as is well understood, completely occupy the space contained within the rim or circumference of the wheel (figs. 64, 65, and 66, p. 139). The figure-of 8 action of the wing explains how an insect, bat, or bird, may fix itself in the air, the backward and for- ward reciprocating action of the pinion affording support, but no propulsion. In these instances, the backward and forward strokes are made to counterbalance each other. The Wing, when advancing with the Body, describes a Looped and Waved Track. Although the figure-of-8 represents with considerable fidelity the twisting of the wing upon its long axis during extension and flexion, and during the down and up strokes when the volant animal is playing its wings before an object, or still better, when it is artificially fixed, it is other- wise when it is free and progressing rapidly. In this case the wing, in virtue of its being carried forward by the body in motion, describes first a looped and then a waved track. This looped and waved track made by the wing of the insect is re- presented at figs. 71 and 72, and that made by the wing of the bat and bird at fig. 73, p. 144. The loops made by the wing of the insect, owing to the more oblique stroke, are more horizontal than those made by 144 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. the wing of the bat and bird. The principle is, however, in both cases the same, tile loops ultimately terminating in a waved track. The impulse is communicated to the insect wing at the heavy parts of the loops a bcdefghijklmn of fig. 7 1 ; the waved tracks being indicated at p q r s t of the same figure. The recoil obtained from the air is repre- sented at corresponding letters of fig. 72, the body of the FIG. 71. FIG. 73. insect being carried along the curve indicated by the dotted line. The impulse is communicated to the wing of the bat and bird at the heavy part of the loops abcdefghijklmno of fig. 73, the waved track being indicated at p s t u v w of this figure. When the horizontal speed attained is high, the wing is successively and rapidly brought into contact with innumerable columns of undisturbed air. It, consequently, is a matter of indifference whether the wing is carried at a high speed against undisturbed air, or whether it operates upon air PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 145 travelling at a high speed (as, e.g. the artificial currents pro- duced by the rapidly reciprocating action of the wing). The result is the same in both cases, inasmuch as a certain quan- tity of air is worked up under the wing, and the necessary degree .of support and progression extracted from it. It is, therefore, quite correct to state, that as the horizontal speed of the body increases, the reciprocating action of the wing de- creases ; and vice versA. In fact the reciprocating and non- reciprocating action of the wing in such cases is purely a matter of speed. If the travel of the wing is greater than the horizontal travel of the body, then the figure- of- 8 and the reciprocating power of the wing will be more or less perfectly developed, according to circumstances. If, however, the horizontal travel of the body is greater than that of the wing, then' it follows that no figure of- 8 will be described by the wing ; that the wing will not reciprocate to any marked FIG. 74. FIG. 75. FIGS. 74 and 75 show the more or less perpendicular direction of the stroke of the wing in the flight of the bird (gull) how the wing is gradually extended as it is elevated (efg of fig. 74) how it descends as a long lever until it assumes the position indicated by h of fig. 75 how it is flexed towards the termination of the down stroke, as shown at A. ij of fig. 75, to convert it into a short lever (a b) and prepare it for making the up stroke. The difference in the length of the wing during flexion and extension is indicated by the short and long levers a 6 and c d of fig. 75. The sudden conversion of the wing from a long into a short lever at the end of the down stroke is of great importance, as it robs the wing of its momentum, and prepares it for reversing its movements. Compare with figs. 82 and 83, p. 158. Original. extent ; and that the organ will describe a waved track, the curves of which will become less and less abrupt, i.e. longer" and longer in proportion to the speed attained. The more 146 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. vertical direction of the loops formed by the wing of the bat and bird will readily be understood by referring to figs. 74 and 75 (p. 145), which represent the wing of the bird making the down and up strokes, and in the act of being ex- tended and flexed. (Compare with figs. 64, 65, and 66, p. 139 ; and figs. 67, 68, 69, and 70, p. 141.) The down and up strokes are compound movements, the termination of the down stroke embracing the beginning of the up stroke ; the termination of the up stroke including the beginning of the down stroke. This is necessary in order that the down and up strokes may glide into each other in such a manner as to prevent jerking and unnecessary retarda- tion. The Margins of tlie Wing thrown into opposite Curves during Extension and Flexion. The anterior or thick margin of the wing, and the posterior or thin one, form different curves, similar in all respects to those made by the body of the fish in swimming (see fig. 32, p. 68). These curves may, for the sake of clearness, be divided into axillary and distal curves, the former occurring towards the root of the wing, the latter towards its extremity. The curves (axillary and distal) found on the anterior margin of the wing are always the converse of those met with on the posterior margin, i.e. if the convexity of the anterior axillary curve be directed downwards, that of the posterior axillary curve is directed upwards, and so of the anterior and posterior distal curves. The two curves (axillary and distal), occurring on the anterior margin of the wing, are likewise antagonistic, the convexity of the axillary curve being always directed downwards, when the convexity of the distal one is directed upwards, and vice versa. The same holds true of the axillary and distal curves occurring on the posterior margin of the wing. The anterior axillary and distal curves completely reverse themselves during the acts of extension and flexion, and so of the posterior axillary and distal curves (figs. 76, 77, and 78). This antagonism in the axillary and distal curves found on the anterior and posterior margins of the wing is referable in the bat and bird to changes induced in the bones of the wins in the acts of flexion and extension. In the PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 147 insect it is due to a twisting which occurs at the root of the wing and to the reaction of the air. FIG. 76. FIG. 77. FIG. 78. FIG. 76. Curves seen on the anterior (d e f) and posterior (c a 6) margin in the wing of the bird in flexion. Original. Fiu. 77. Curves seen on the anterior margin (d ef] of the wing in semi-exten- sion. In this case the curves on the posterior margin (6 c) are obliter- ated. Original. FIG. 78. Curves seen on the anterior (def) and posterior (c a V) margin of the wing in extension. The curves of this fig. are the converse of those seen at fig. 76. Compare these figs, with fig. 79 and fig. 32, p. 68. Original. The Tip of the Bat and Bird's Wing describes an Ellipse. The movements of the wrist are always the converse of those occurring at the elbow- joint. Thus in the bird, during ex- tension, the elbow and bones of the forearm are elevated, and describe one side of an ellipse, while the wrist and bones of the hand are depressed, and describe the side of another and opposite ellipse. These movements are reversed during flexion, the elbow being depressed and carried backwards, while the wrist is elevated and carried forwards (fig. 79). Extension (elbow). Flexion (wrist). Flexion (elbow). Extension (wrist). Fio. 79. (a V) Line along which the wing travels during extension and flexion. The body of the fish in swimming describes similar curves to those described by the wing in flying. (Vide fig. 32, p. 68.) Tlie Wing capable of Change of Form in all its Parts. From this description it follows that when the different portions of the anterior margin are elevated, corresponding portions of the posterior margin are depressed ; the different parts of the wing moving in opposite directions, and playing, as it were, at cross purposes for a common good ; the object being to rotate or screw the wing down upon the wind at a gradually increasing angle during extension, and to rotate it in an 148 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. opposite direction and withdraw it at a gradually decreasing angle during flexion. It also happens that the axillary and distal curves co-ordinate each other and bite alternately, the distal curve posteriorly seizing the air in extreme extension with its concave surface (while the axillary curve relieves itself by presenting its convex surface) ; the axillary curve, on the other hand, biting during flexion with its concave surface (while the distal one relieves itself by presenting its convex one). The wing may therefore be regarded as exercising a fourfold function, the pinion in the bat and bird being made to move from within outwards, and from above downwards in the down stroke, during extension; and from without inwards, and from below upwards, in the up stroke, during flexion. The Wing during its Vibration produces a Cross Pulsation. The oscillation of the wing on two separate axes the one running parallel with the body of the bird, the other at right angles to it (fig. 80, a b, c d) is well worthy of atten- tion, as showing that the wing attacks the air, on which it operates in every direction, and at almost the same moment, viz. from within outwards, and from above downwards, during the down stroke; and from without inwards, and from below upwards, during the up stroke. As a corollary to the foregoing, the wing may be said to agitate the air in two principal directions, viz. from within outwards and downwards, or the converse ; and from behind forwards, or the converse ; the agitation in question producing two power- ful pulsations, a vertical and a horizontal. The wing when it ascends and descends produces artificial currents which increase its elevating and propelling power. The power of the wing is further augmented by similar currents developed during its extension and flexion. The movement of one part of the wing contributes to the movement of every other part in continuous and uninterrupted succession. As the curves of the wing glide into each other when the wing is in motion, so the one pulsation merges into the other by a series of intermediate and lesser pulsations. The vertical and horizontal pulsations occasioned by the wing in action may be fitly represented by wave-tracks running PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 149 at right angles to each other, the vertical wave-track being the more distinct. Compound Rotation of the Wing. To work the tip and posterior margin of the wing independently and yet simul- taneously, two axes are necessary, one axis (the short axis) corresponding to the root of the wing and running across it ; the second (the long axis) corresponding to the anterior margin of the wing, and running in the direction of its length. The long and short axes render the movements of the wing eccentric in character. In the wing of the bird the movements of the primary or rowing feathers are also eccentric, the shaft of each feather being placed nearer the anterior than the pos- terior margin ; an arrangement which enables the feathers to open up and separate during flexion and the up stroke, and approximate and close during extension and the down one. These points are illustrated at fig. 80, where a b represents the short axis (root of wing) with a radius e f; c d represent- ing the long axis (anterior margin of wing) with a radius g p. Fig. 80 also shows that, in the wing of the bird, the indi- vidual, primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers have each what is equivalent to a long and a short axis. Thus the primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers marked h, i, j, k, I are capable of rotating on their long axes (r s), and upon their short axes (rn ri). The feathers rotate upon their long axes in a direction from below upwards during the down stroke, to make the wing impervious to air ; and from above down- 150 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. wards during the up stroke, to enable the air to pass through it. The primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers have thus a distinctly valvular action. 1 The feathers rotate upon their short axes (m n) during the descent and ascent of the wing, the tip of the feathers rising slightly during the descent of the pinion, and falling during its ascent. The same move- ment virtually takes place in the posterior margin of the wing of the insect and bat. The Wing vibrates unequally with reference to a given Line. The wing, during its vibration, descends further below the body than it rises above it. This is necessary for elevating purposes. In like manner the posterior margin of the wing (whatever the position of the organ) descends further below the anterior margin than it ascends above it. This is re- quisite for elevating and propelling purposes; the under surface of the wing being always presented at a certain upward angle to the horizon, and acting as a true kite (figs. 82 and 83, p. 158. Compare with fig. 116, p. 231). If the wing oscil- lated equally above and beneath the body, and if the pos- terior margin of the wing vibrated equally above and below the line formed by the anterior margin, much of its elevating and propelling power would be sacrificed. The tail of the fish oscillates on either side of a given line, but it is other- wise with the wing of a flying animal. The fish is of nearly the same specific gravity as the water, so that the tail may be said only to propel. The flying animal, on the other hand, is very much heavier than the air, so that the wing re- quires both to propel and elevate. The wing, to be effective as an elevating organ, must consequently be vibrated rather below than above the centre of gravity ; at all events, the intensity of the vibration should occur rather below that point. In making this statement, it is necessary to bear in mind that the centre of gravity is ever varying, the body rising and falling in a series of curves as the wings ascend and descend. To elevate and propel, the posterior margin of the wing must rotate round the anterior one ; the posterior margin being, as a rule, always on a lower level than the anterior one. 1'y the oblique and more vigorous play of the wings under rather than above the body, each wing expends its entire energy in 1 The degree of valvular action varies according to circumstances. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 151 pushing the body upwards and forwards. It is necessary that the wings descend further than they ascend ; that the wings be convex on their upper surfaces, and concave on their under ones : and that the concave or biting surfaces be brought more violently in contact with the air during the down stroke than the convex ones during the up stroke. The greater range of the wing below than above the body, and of the posterior margin below than above a given line, may be readily made out by watching the flight of the larger birds. It is well seen in the upward flight of the lark. In the hovering of the kestrel over its quarry, and the hovering of the gull over garbage which it is about to pick up, the wings play above and on a level with the body rather than below it ; but these are exceptional movements for special purposes, and as they are only continued for a few seconds at a time, do not affect the accuracy of the general statement. Points wherein the Screws formed by the Wings differ from those employed in navigation. 1. In the blade of the ordinary screw the integral parts are rigid and unyielding, whereas, in the blade of the screw formed by the wing, they are mobile and plastic (figs. 93, 95, 97, pp. 174, 175, 176). This is a curious and interesting point, the more especially as it does not seem to be either appreciated or understood. The mobility and plasticity of the wing is necessary, because of the tenuity of the air, and because the pinion is an elevating and sustaining organ, as well as a propeQmg one. 2. The vanes of the ordinary two-bladed screw are short, and have a comparatively limited range, the range corre- sponding to their area of revolution. The wings, on the other hand, are long, and have a comparatively wide range; and during their elevation and depression rush through an extensive space, the slightest movement at the root or short axis of the wing being followed by a gigantic up or down stroke at the other (fig. 56, p. 120; figs. 64, 65, and 66, p. 139 ; figs. 82 and 83, p. 158). Asa consequence, the wings as a rule act upon successive and undisturbed strata of air. The advantage gained by this arrangement in a thin medium like the air, where the quantity of air to be com- pressed is necessarily great, is simply incalculable. 152 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. 3. In the ordinary screw the blades follow each other in rapid succession, so that they travel over nearly the same space, and operate upon nearly the same particles (whether water or air), in nearly the same interval of time. The limited range at their disposal is consequently not utilized, the action of the two blades being confined, as it were, to the same plane, and the blades being made to precede or follow each other in such a manner as necessitates the work being virtually performed only by one of them. This is particularly the case when the motion of the screw is rapid and the mass propelled is in the act of being set in motion, i.e. before it has acquired momentum. In this instance a large percentage of the moving or driving power is inevitably consumed in slip, from the fact of the blades of the screw operating on nearly the same particles of matter. The wings, on the other hand, do not follow each other, but have a distinct recipro- cating motion, i.e. they dart first in one direction, and then in another and opposite direction, in such a manner that they make during the one stroke the current on which they rise and progress the next. The blades formed by the wings and the blur or impression produced on the eye by the blades when made to vibrate rapidly are widely separated, the one blade and its blur being situated on the right side of the body and corresponding to the right wing, the other on the left and corresponding to the left wing. The right wing traverses and completely occupies the right half of a circle, and com- presses all the air contained within this space; the left wing occupying and working up all the air in the left and remaining half. The range or sweep of the two wings, when urged to their extreme limits, corresponds as nearly as may be to one entire circle 1 (fig. 56, p. 120). By separating the blades of the screw, and causing them to reciprocate, a double result is produced, since the blades always act upon independent columns of air, and in .no instance overlap or double upon each other. The advantages possessed by this 1 Of this circle, the thorax may be regarded as forming the centre, the abdomen, which is always heavier than the head, tilting the body slightly in an upward direction. This tilting of the trunk favours flight by causing the body to act after the manner of a kite. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 153 arrangement are particularly evident when the motion is rapid. If the screw employed in navigation be driven beyond a certain speed, it cuts out the water contained within its blades ; the blades and the water revolving as a solid mass. Under these circumstances, the propelling power of the screw is diminished rather than increased. It is quite otherwise with the screws formed by the wings ; these, because of their reciprocating movements, becoming more and more effective in proportion as the speed is increased. As there seems to be no limit to the velocity with which the wings may be driven, and as increased velocity necessarily results in in- creased elevating, propelling, and sustaining power, we have here a striking example of the manner in which nature triumphs over art even in her most ingenious, skilful, and successful creations. 4. The vanes or blades of the screw, as commonly con- structed, are fixed at a given angle, and consequently always strike at the same degree of obliquity. The speed, moreover, with which the blades are driven, is, as nearly as may be, uniform. In this arrangement power is lost, the two vanes striking after each other in the same manner, in the same direction, and almost at precisely the same moment, no provision being made for increasing the angle, and the pro- pelling power, at one stage of the stroke, and reducing it at another, to diminish the amount of slip incidental to the arrangement. The wings, on the other hand, are driven at a varying speed, and made to attack the air at a great variety of angles ; the angles which the pinions make with the hori- zon being gradually increased by the wings being made to rotate on their long axes during the down stroke, to increase the elevating and propelling power, and gradually decreased during the up stroke, to reduce the resistance occasioned by the wings during their ascent. The latter movement increases the sustain- ing area by placing the wings in a more horizontal position. It' follows from this arrangement that every particle of air within the wide range of the wings is separately influenced by them, both during their ascent and descent, the elevating, propel- ling, and sustaining power being by this means increased to a maximum, while the slip or waftage is reduced to a minimum. 8 154 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. These results are further secured by the undulatory or waved track described by the wing during the down and up strokes. It is a somewhat remarkable circumstance that the wing, when not actually engaged as a propeller and eleva- tor, acts as a sustainer after the manner of a parachute. This it can readily do, alike from its form and the mode of its application, the double curve or spiral into which it is thrown in action enabling it to lay hold of the air with avidity, in whatever direction it is urged. I say " in whatever direction," because, even when it is being recovered or drawn off the wind during the back stroke, it is climbing a gradient which arches above the body to be elevated, and so prevents it from falling. It is difficult to conceive a more admirable, simple, or effective arrangement, or one which would more thoroughly economize power. Indeed, a study of the spiral configuration of the wing, and its spiral, flail-like, lashing movements, in- volves some of the most profound problems in mathematics, the curves formed by the pinion as a pinion anatomically, and by the pinion in action, or physiologically, being exceed- ingly elegant and infinitely varied ; these ninning into each other, and merging and blending, to consummate the triple function of elevating, propelling, and sustaining. Other differences might be pointed out ; but the foregoing embrace the more fundamental and striking. Enough, more- over, has probably been said to show that it is to wing- structures and wing-movements the aeronaut must direct his attention, if he would learn " the way of an eagle in the air," and if he would rise upon the whirlwind in accordance with natural laws. The Wing at all times thoroughly under control. The wing is moveable in all parts, and can be wielded intelligently even to its extremity ; a circumstance which enables the insect, bat, and bird to rise upon the air and tread it as a master to subjugate it in fact. The wing, no doubt, abstracts an upward and onward recoil from the air, but in doing this it exercises a selective and controlling power ; it seizes one current, evades another, and creates a third ; it feels and paws the air as a quadruped would feel and paw a treacherous yielding surface. It is not difficult to comprehend why this PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 155 should be so. If the flying creature is living, endowed with volition, and capable of directing its own course, it is surely more reasonable to suppose that it transmits to its travelling surfaces the peculiar movements necessary to progression, than that those movements should be the result of impact from fortuitous currents which it has no means of regulating. That the bird, e.g. requires to control the wing, and that the wing requires to be in a condition to obey the behests of the will of the bird, is pretty evident from the fact that most of our domestic fowls can fly for considerable distances when they are young and when their wings are flexible ; whereas when they are old and the wings stiff, they either do not fly at all or only for short distances, and with great difficulty. This is particularly the case with tame swans. This remark also holds true of the steamer or race-horse duck (Anas brachy- ptera), the younger specimens of which only are volant. In older birds the wings become too rigid and the bodies too heavy for flight. Who that has watched a sea-mew struggling bravely with the storm, could doubt for an instant that the wings and feathers of the wings are under control ? The whole bird is an embodiment of animation and power. The intelli- gent active eye, the easy, graceful, oscillation of the head and neck, the folding or partial folding of one or both wings, nay more, the slight tremor or quiver of the individual feathers of parts of the wings so rapid, that only an experienced eye can detect it, all confirm the belief that the living wing has not only the power of directing, controlling, and utilizing natural currents, but of creating and utilizing artificial ones. But for this power, what would enable the bat arid bird to rise and fly in a calm, or steer their course in a gale ? It is erroneous to suppose that anything is left to chance where living organisms are concerned, or that animals endowed with volition and travelling surfaces should be denied the privilege of controlling the movements of those surfaces quite independ- ently of the medium on which they are destined to operate. I will never forget the gratification afforded me on one occa- sion at Carlo w (Ireland) by the flight of^a pair of magnificent swans. The birds flew towards and past me, my attention having been roused by a peculiarly loud whistling noise 156 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. made by their wings. They flew about fifteen yards from the ground, and as their pinions were urged not much faster than those of the heron, 1 I had abundant leisure for studying their movements. The sight was very imposing, and as novel as it was grand. I had seen nothing before, and certainly have seen nothing since that could convey a more elevated concep- tion of the prowess and guiding power which birds may exert. What particularly struck me was the perfect command they seemed to have over themselves and the medium they navigated. They had their wings and bodies visibly under control, and the air was attacked in a manner and with an energy which left little doubt in my mind that it played quite a subordinate part in the great problem before me. The necks of the birds were stretched out, and their bodies to a great extent rigid. They advanced with a steady, stately motion, and swept past with a vigour and force which greatly impressed, and to a certain extent overawed, me. Their flight was what one could imagine that of a flying machine constructed in accordance with natural laws would be. 2 The Natural Wing, when elevated and depressed, must move forwards. It is a condition of natural wings, and of artificial wings constructed on the principle of living wings, that when 1 1 have frequently timed the beats of the wings of the Common Heron (Ardea cinerea) in a heronry at Warren Point. In March 1869 I was placed under unusually favourable circumstances for obtaining trustworthy results. I timed one bird high up over a lake in the vicinity of the heronry for fifty seconds, and found that in that period it made fifty down and fifty up strokes ; i.e. one down and one up stroke per second. I timed another one in the heronry itself. It was snowing at the time (March 1869), but the birds, not- withstanding the inclemency of the weather and the early time of the year, were actively engaged in hatching, and required to be driven from their nests on the top of the larch trees by knocking against the trunks thereof with large sticks. One unusually anxious mother refused to leave the immediate neighbourhood of the tree containing her tender charge, and circled round and round it right overhead. I timed this bird for ten seconds, and found that she made ten down and ten up strokes ; i.e. one down and one up stroke per second precisely as before. I have therefore no hesitation in affirming that the heron, in ordinary flight, makes exactly sixty down and sixty up strokes per minute. The heron, however, like all other birds when pursued or agitated, has the power % of greatly augmenting the number of beats made by its wings. 2 The above observation was made at Carlow on the Barrow in October 1867, and the account of it is taken from my note-book. PROGRESSION IN OR -THROUGH THE AIR. 157 forcibly elevated or depressed, even in a strictly vertical direction, they inevitably dart forward. This is well shown in fig. 81. FIG. 81. If, for example, the wing is suddenly depressed in a vertical direction, as represented at a b, it at once darts downwards and forwards in a curve to c, thus converting the vertical down stroke into a down oblique forward stroke. If, again, the wing be suddenly elevated in a strictly vertical direction, as at c d, the wing as certainly darts upwards and forwards in a curve to e, thus converting the vertical up stroke into an upward oblique forward stroke. The same thing happens when the wing is depressed from e to /, and elevated from g to h. In both cases the wing describes a waved track, as shown at e g, g i, which clearly proves that the wing strikes downwards and forwards during the down stroke, and upwards and forwards during the up stroke. The wing, in fact, is always advancing ; its under surface attacking the air like a boy's kite. If, on the other hand, the wing be forcibly depressed, as indicated by the heavy waved line a c, and left to itself, it will as surely rise again and describe a waved track, as shown at c e. This it does by rotating on its long axis, and in virtue of its flexi- bility and elasticity, aided by the recoil obtained from the air. In other words, it is not necessary to elevate the wing forcibly in the direction c d to obtain the upward and forward movement c e. One single impulse communicated at a causes the wing to travel to e, and a second impulse communicated at e causes it to travel to i. It follows from this that a series of vigorous down impulses would, if a certain interval were allowed to elapse, between them, -beget a corresponding series of up impulses, in accordance with the law of action and re- action ; the wing and the air under these circumstances being alternately active and passive. I say if a certain interval were allowed to elapse between every two down strokes, but 158 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. this is practically impossible, as the wing is driven with such velocity that there is positively no time to waste in waiting for the purely mechanical ascent of the wing. That the FIG. 82. Fio. 83. Figs. 82 and 83 show that when the wings are elevated (e, f, g of fig. 82) the body falls (s of fig. 82) ; and that when the wings are depressed (h, i, j of flg. 83) the body is elevated (r of fig. 83). Fig. 82 shows that the wings are elevated as short levers (e) until towards the termination of the up stroke; when they are gradually expanded (J, g) to prepare them for making the down stroke. Fig. 83 shows that the wings descend as long levers (h] until towardsfce termination of the down stroke, when they are gradually folded or flexed (i, j), to rob them of their momentum and prepare them for making the up stroke. Compare with figs. 74 and 75, p. 145. By this means the air beneath the wings is vigorously seized during the down stroke, while that above it is avoided during the up stroke. The concavo-convex form of the wings and the forward travel of the body contribute to this result. The wings, it will be observed, act as a parachute both during the up and down strokes. Compare with fig. 55, p. 112. Fig. 83 shows, in addition, the com- pound rotation of the wing, how it rotates upon a as a centre, with a radius m b n, and upon a c b as a centre, with a radius k I. Compare with fig. 80, p. 149. Original ascent of the pinion is not, and ought not to be entirely due to the reaction of the air, is proved by the fact that in flying creatures (certainly in the bat and bird) there are distinct PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIB. 159 elevator muscles and elastic ligaments delegated to the per- formance of this function. The reaction of the air is there- fore only one of the forces employed in elevating the wing ; the others, as I shall show presently, are vital and vito- mechanical in their nature. The falling downwards and for- wards of the body when the wings are ascending also contri- bute to this result. The Wing ascends when the Body descends, and vice versa. As the body of the insect, bat, and bird falls forwards in a curve when the wing ascends, and is elevated in a curve when the wing descends, it follows that the trunk of the animal is urged along a waved line, as represented at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of n'g. 81, p. 157 ; the waved line a c e gi of the same figure giving the track made by the wing. I have distinctly seen the alternate rise and fall of the body and wing when watch- ing the flight of the gull from the stern of a steam-boat. The direction of the stroke in the insect, as has been already explained, is much more horizontal than in the bat or bird (compare figs. 82 and 83 with figs. 64, 65, and 66, p. 1 39). In either case, however, the down stroke must be delivered in a more or less forward direction. This is necessary for support and propulsion. A horizontal to-and-fro movement will elevate, and an up-and-down vertical movement propel, but an oblique forward motion is requisite for progressive flight. In all wings, whatever their position during the intervals of rest, and whether in one piece or in many, this feature is to be observed in flight. The wings are slewed downwards and forwards, i.e. they are carried more or less in the direc- tion of the head during their descent, and reversed or carried in an opposite direction during their ascent. In stating that the wings are carried away from the head during the back stroke, I wish it to be understood that they do not therefore necessarily travel backwards in space when the insect is flying forwards. On the contrary, the wings, as a rule, move for- ward in curves, both during the down and up strokes. The fact is, that the wings at their roots are hinged and geared to the trunk so loosely, that the body is free to oscillate in a forward or backward direction, or in an up, down, or oblique direction. As a consequence of this freedom of movement. 160 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. and as a consequence likewise of the speed at which the insect is travelling, the wings during the back stroke are for the most part actually travelling forwards. This is accounted for by the fact, that the body falls downwards and forwards in a curve during the up or return stroke of the wings, and be- cause the horizontal speed attained by the body is as a rule so much greater than that attained by the wings, that the latter are never allowed time to travel backward, the lesser movement being as it were swallowed up by the greater. For a similar reason, the passenger of a steam-ship may travel rapidly in the direction of the stern of the vessel, and yet be carried forward in space, the ship sailing much quicker than he can walk. While the wing is descending, it is rotating upon its root as a centre (short axis). It is also, and this is a most important point, rotating upon its anterior margin (long axis), in such a manner as to cause the several parts of the wing to assume various angles of inclination with the horizon. Figs. 84 and 85 supply the necessary illustration. FIG. 84. <*k- FIG. 85. In flexion, as a rule, the under surface of the wing (fig. 84 a) is arranged in the same plane with the body, both being in a line with or making a slight angle with the horizon (x x). 1 1 It happens occasionally in insects that the posterior margin of the wing is on a higher level than the anterior one towards the termination of the up stroke. In such cases the posterior margin is suddenly rotated in a downward PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 161 When the wing is made to descend, it gradually, in virtue of its simultaneously rotating upon its long and short axes, makes a certain angle with the horizon as represented at b. The angle is increased at the termination of the down stroke as shown at c, so that the wing, particularly its posterior margin, during its descent (A\ is screwed or crashed down upon the air with its concave or biting surface directed for- wards and towards the earth. The same phenomena are indicated at a b c of fig. 85, but in this figure the wing is represented as travelling more decidedly forwards during its descent, and this is characteristic of the down stroke of the insect's wing the stroke in the insect being delivered in a very oblique and more or less horizontal direction (figs. 64, 65, and 66, p. 139 ; fig. 71, p. 144). The forward travel of the wing during its descent has the effect of diminishing the angles made by the under surface of the wing with the hori- zon. Compare bed of fig. 85 with the same letters of fig. 84. At fig. 88 (p. 166) the angles for a similar reason are still further diminished. This figure (88) gives a very accurate idea of the kite-like action of the wing both during its descent and ascent. The downward screwing of the posterior margin of the and forward direction at the beginning of the down stroke the downward and forward rotation securing additional elevating power for the wing. The pos- terior margin of the wing in bats and birds, unless they are flying downwards, never rises above the anterior one, either during the up or down stroke. 162 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. wing during the down stroke is well seen in the dragon-fly, represented at fig. 86, p. 161. Here the arrows rs indicate the range of the wing. At the beginning of the down stroke the upper or dorsal sur- face of the wing (i d f) is inclined slightly upwards and for- wards. As the wing descends the posterior margin (if) twists and rotates round the anterior margin (i d), and greatly increases the angle of inclination as seen at ij, g h. This rota- tion of the posterior margin (if) round the anterior margin (g li) has the effect of causing the different portions of the under surface of the wing to assume various angles of inclination with the horizon, the wing attacking the air like a boy's kite. The angles are greatest towards the root of the wing and least towards the tip. They accommodate themselves to the speed at which the different parts of the wing travel a small angle with a high speed giving the same amount of buoying power as a larger angle with a diminished speed. The screw- ing of the under surface of the wing (particularly the posterior margin) in a downward direction during the down stroke is necessary to insure the necessary upward recoil; the wing being made to swing downwards and forwards pendulum fashion, for the purpose of elevating the body, which it does by acting upon the air as a long lever, and after the manner of a kite. During the down stroke the wing is active, the air passive. In other words, the wing is depressed by a purely vital act. The down stroke is readily explained, and its results upon the body obvious. The real difficulty begins with the up or return stroke. If the wing was simply to travel in an upward and backward direction from c to a of fig. 84, p. 160, it is evident that it would experience much resistance from the superimposed air, and thus the advantages secured by the descent of the wing would be lost. What really happens is this. The wing does not travel upwards and backwards in the direction cba of fig. 84 (the body, be it remembered, is advancing) but upwards and forwards in the direction c d e f g. This is brought about in the following manner. The wing is at right angles to the horizon (x a;') at c. It is therefore caught by the air at the point (2) because of the more or less horizontal travel of the body ; the elastic PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 163 ligaments and other structures combined with the resistance experienced from the air rotating the posterior or thin margin of the pinion in an upward direction, as shown at defff and dfg of figs. 84 and 85, p. 1GO. The wing by this partly vital and partly mechanical arrangement is rotated off the wind in such a manner as to keep its dorsal or non- biting surface directed upwards, while its concave or biting surface is directed downwards. The wing, in short, has its planes so arranged, and its angles so adjusted to the speed at which it is travelling, that it darts up a gradient like a true kite, as shown at cdefgof figs. 84 and 85, p. 1GO, or ghi of fig. 88, p. 166. The wing consequently ele- vates and propels during its ascent as well as during its descent. It is, in fact, a kite during both the down and up strokes. The ascent of the wing is greatly assisted by the fonvard travel, and downward and forward fall of the body. This view will be readily understood by supposing, what is really the case, that the wing is more or less fixed by the air in space at the point indicated by 2 of figs. 84 and 85, p. 160; the body, the instant the wing is fixed, falling down- wards and forwards in a curve, which, of course, is equivalent to placing the wing above, and, so to speak, behind the volant animal in other words, to elevating the wing preparatory to a second down stroke, as seen at g of the figures referred to (figs. 84 and 85). The ascent and descent of the wing is always very much greater than that of the body, from the fact of the pinion acting as a long lever. The peculiarity of the wing consists in its being a flexible lever which acts upon yielding fulcra (the air), the body participating in, and to n certain extent perpetuating, the movements originally produced Pio. 87. by the pinion. The part which the body performs in flight is indicated at fig. 87. At a the body is depressed, the wing being elevated and ready to make the down stroke at b. The 164 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. wing descends in the direction cd, but the moment it begins to descend the body moves upwards and forwards (see arrows) in a curved line to e. As the wing is attached to the body the wing is made gradually to assume the position /. The body (e), it will be observed, is now on a higher level than the wing (/) ; the under surface of the latter being so adjusted that it strikes upwards and forwards as a kite. It is thus that the wing sustains and propels during the up stroke. The body (e) now falls downwards and forwards in a curved line to <7, and in doing this it elevates or assists in elevating the wing to j. The pinion is a second time depressed in the direction k I, which has the effect of forcing the body along a waved track and in an upward direction until it reaches the point m. The ascent of the body and the descent of the* wing take place simultaneously (m n). The body and wing, are alternately above and beneath a given line x x'. A careful study of figs. 84, 85, 86, and 87, pp. 160, 161, and 163, shows the great importance of the twisted configura- tion and curves peculiar to the natural wing. If the wing was not curved in every direction it could not be rolled on and off the wind during the down and up strokes, as seen more particularly at fig. 87, p. 163. This, however, is a vital point in progressive flight. The wing (b) is rolled on to the wind in the direction b a, its under concave or biting surface being crushed hard down with the effect of elevating the body to e. The body falls to g, and the wing (/) is rolled off the wind in the direction fj, and elevated until it assumes the position j. The elevation of the wing is effected partly by the fall of the body, partly by the action of the elevator muscles and elastic ligaments, and partly by the reaction of the air, operating on its under or concave biting surface. The wing is therefore to a certain extent resting during the up stroke. The concavo-convex form of the wing is. admirably adapted for the purposes of flight. In fact, the power which the wing possesses of always keeping its concave or under surface directed downwards and forwards enables it to seize the air at every stage of both the up and down strokes so as to supply a persistent buoyancy. The action of the natural wing is accompanied by remarkably little slip the elasticity of the PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 165 organ, the resiliency of the air, and the shortening and elongating of the elastic ligaments and muscles all co-operating and reciprocating in such a manner that the descent of the wing elevates the body ; the descent of the body, aided by the reaction of the air and the shortening of the elastic ligaments and muscles, elevating the wing. The wing during the up stroke arcJies above the body after the manner of a parachute, and prevents the body from falling. The sympathy which exists between the parts of a flying animal and the air on which it depends for support and progress is consequently of the most intimate character. The up stroke (B, D of figs. 84 and 85, p. 160), as will be seen from the foregoing account, is a compound movement due in some measure to recoil or resistance on the part of the air; to the shortening of the muscles, elastic ligaments, and other vital structures ; to the elasticity of the wing ; and to the falling of the body in a downward and forward direction. The wing may be regarded as rotating during the down stroke upon 1 of figs. 84 and 85, p. 160, which maybe taken' to represent the long and short axes of the wing; and during the up stroke upon 2, which may be taken to represent the yielding fulcrum furnished by the air. A second pulsation is indicated by the numbers 3 and 4 of the same figures (84, 85). The Wing ads upon yielding Fulcra. The chief peculiarity of the wing, as has been stated, consists in its being a twisted flexible lever specially constructed to act upon yielding fulcra (the air). The points of contact of the wing with the air are represented at abcdefghijkl respectively of figs. 84 and 85, p. 160; and the imaginary points of rotation of the wing upon its long and short axes at 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the same figures. The assumed points of rotation advance from 1 to 3 and from 2 to 4 (vide arrows marked r and s, fig. 85); these constituting the steps or pulsations of the wing. The actual points of rotation correspond to the little loops abed fghijl of fig. 85. The wing descends at A and C, and ascends at B and D. The Wing acts as a true Kite loth during the Down and Up Strokes. If, as I have endeavoured to explain, the wing, even when elevated and depressed in a strictly vertical direction, inevitably and invariably darts forward, it follows as a con- 166 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. sequence that the wing, as already partly explained, flies forward as a true kite, both during the down and up strokes, as shown akcdefghijklm of fig. 88; and that its under concave or biting surface, in virtue of the forward travel communicated to it by the body in motion, is closely applied to the air, both during its ascent and descent a fact hitherto overlooked, but one of considerable importance, as showing how the wing furnishes a persistent buoyancy, alike when it rises and falls. In fig. 88 the greater impulse communicated during the down stroke is indicated by the double dotted lines. The angle made by the wing with the horizon (a b) is constantly varying, as a comparison of c with d, d with e, e with /, / with g, g with h, and h with i will show ; these letters having reference to supposed transverse sections of the wing. This figure also shows that the convex or non-biting surface of the wing is always directed upwards, so as to avoid unnecessary resistance on the part of the air to the wing during its ascent; whereas the concave or biting surface is always directed down- wards, so as to enable the wing to contend successfully with gravity. JFTiere the Kile formed by the Wing differs from the Boy's Kite. The natural kite formed by the wing differs from the arti- ficial kite only in this, that the former is capable of being moved in all its parts, and is more or less flexible and elastic, the latter being comparatively rigid. The flexibility and elasticity of the kite formed by the natural wing is rendered necessary by the fact that the wing is articulated or hinged at its root ; its different parts travelling at various degrees of speed in proportion as they are removed from the axis of rotation. Thus the tip of the wing travels through a much greater space in a given time than a portion nearer the root. If the wing was not flexible and elastic, it would be impossible to reverse it at the end of the up and down strokes, so as to PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIK. 167 produce a continuous vibration. The wing is also practically hinged along its anterior margin, so that the posterior margin of the wing travels through a greater space in a given time than a portion nearer the anterior margin (fig. 80, p. 149). The compound rotation of the wing is greatly facilitated by the wing being flexible and elastic. This causes the pinion to twist upon its long axis during its vibration, as already stated. The twisting is partly a vital, and partly a mechanical act ; that is, it is occasioned in part by the action of the muscles, in part by the reaction of the air. and in part by the greater momen- tum acquired by the tip and posterior margin of the wing, as compared with the root and anterior margin; the speed acquired by the tip and posterior margin causing them to reverse always subsequently to the root and anterior margin, which has the effect of throwing the anterior and posterior margins of the wing into figure-of-8 curves. It is in this way that the posterior margin of the outer portion of the wing is made to incline forwards at the end of the down stroke, when the anterior margin is inclined backwards; the posterior margin of the outer portion of the wing being made to incline backwards at the- end of the up stroke, when a cor- responding portion of the anterior margin is inclined forwards (figs. 69 and 70, g,a, p. 141 ; fig. 86,;,/, p. 161). The Angles formed by the Wing during its Vibrations. Not the least interesting feature of the compound rotation of the wing of the varying degrees of speed attained by its different parts and of the twisting or plaiting of the posterior margin around the anterior, is the great variety of kite-like surfaces developed upon its dorsal and ventral aspects. Thus the tip of the wing forms a kite which is inclined upwards, forwards, and outwards, while the root forms a kite which is inclined upwards, forwards, and inwards. The angles made by the tip and outer portions of the wing with the horizon are less than those made by the body or central part of the wing, and those made by the body or central part less than those made by the root and inner portions. The angle of inclination peculiar to any portion of the wing increases as the speed peculiar to said portion decreases, and vice versd. The wing is consequently mechanically perfect ; the angles made by its 168 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. several parts with the horizon being accurately adjusted to the speed attained by its different portions during its travel to and fro. From this it follows that the air set in motion by one part of the wing is seized upon and utilized by another; the inner and anterior portions of the wing supply- ing, as it were, currents for the outer and posterior portions. This results from the wing always forcing the air outwards and backwards. These statements admit of direct proof, and I have frequently satisfied myself of their exactitude by ex- periments made with natural and artificial wings. In the bat and bird, the twisting of the wing upon its long axis is more of a vital and less of a mechanical act than in the insect ; the muscles which regulate the vibration of the pinion in the former (bat and bird), extending quite to the tip of the wing (fig. 95, p. 175 ; figs. 82 and 83, p. 158). The Body and Wings move in opposite Curves. I have stated that the wing advances in a waved line, as shown at a c e g i of fig. 81, p. 157; and similar remarks are to be made of the body as indicated at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of that figure. Thus, when the wing descends in the curved line a c, it elevates the body in a corresponding but minor curved line, as at 1, 2 ; when, on the other hand, the wing ascends in the curved line c e, the body descends in a corresponding but smaller curved line (2, 3), and so on ad infinitum. The un- dulations made by the body are so trifling when compared with those made by the wing, that they are apt to be overlooked. They are, however, deserving of attention, as they exercise an important influence on the undulations made by the wing; the body and wing swinging forward alternately, the one rising when the other is falling, and vice versa. Flight may be regarded as the resultant of three forces : the muscular and elastic force, residing in the wing, which causes the pinion to act as a true kite, both during the down and up strokes; the weight of the body, which becomes a force the instant the trunk is lifted from the ground, from its tendency to fall downwards and forwards ; and the recoil obtained from the, air by the rapid action of the wing. These three forces may be said to be active and passive by turns. When a bird rises from the ground it runs for a short PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 169 distance, or throws its body into the air by a sudden leap, the wings being simultaneously elevated. When the body is fairly off the ground, the wings are made to descend with great vigour, and by their action to continue the upward impulse secured by the preliminary run or leap. The body then falls in a curve downwards and forwards ; the wings, partly by the fall of the body, partly by the reaction of the air on their under surface, and partly by the shortening of the elevator muscles and elastic ligaments, being placed above and to some extent behind the bird in other words, elevated. The second down stroke is now given, and the wings again elevated as explained, and so on in endless succession ; the body falling when the wings are being elevated, and vice versa (fig. 81, p. 157). When a long- winged oceanic bird rises from the sea, it uses the tips of its wings as levers for forcing the body up ; the points of the pinions suffering no injury from being brought violently in contact with the water. A bird cannot be said to be flying until the trunk is swinging forward in space and taking part in the movement. The hawk, when fixed in the air over its quarry, is simply supporting itself. To fly, in the proper acceptation of the term, implies to support and propel. This constitutes the difference between a bird and a balloon. The bird can elevate and carry itself forward, the balloon can simply elevate itself, and must rise and fall in a straight line in the absence of currents. When the gannet throws itself from a cliff, the inertia of the trunk at once comes into play, and relieves the bird from those herculean exertions required to raise it from the water when it is once fairly settled thereon. A swallow dropping from the eaves of a house, or a bat from a tower, afford illustrations of the same principle. Many insects launch themselves into space prior to flight. Some, however, do not. Thus the blow-fly can rise from a level surface when its legs are removed. This is accounted for by the greater amplitude and more horizontal play of the insect's wing as compared with that of the bat and bird, and likewise by the remarkable reciprocating power which the insect wing pos- sesses when the body of the insect is not moving forwards (figs. 67, 68, 69, and 70 p. 141). When a beetle attempts 1 70 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. to fly from the hand, it extends its front legs and flexes the back ones, and tilts its head and thorax upwards, so as exactly to resemble a horse in the act of rising from the ground. This preliminary over, whirr go its wings with im- mense velocity, and in an almost horizontal direction, the body being inclined more or less vertically. The insect rises very slowly, and often requires to make several attempts before it succeeds in launching itself into the air. I could never detect any pressure communicated to the hand when the insect was leaving it, from which I infer that it does not leap into the air. The bees, I am disposed to believe, also rise without anything in the form of a leap or spring. I have often watched them leaving the petals of flowers, and they always appeared to me to elevate themselves by the steady play of their wings, which was the more necessary, as the sur- face from which they rose was in many cases a yielding surface. THE WINGS OF INSECTS, BATS, AND BIRDS. Elytra or Wing-cases, Membranous Wings their shape and uses. The wings of insects consist either of one or two pairs. When two pairs are present, they are divided into an ante- rior or upper pair, and a posterior or under pair. In some instances the anterior pair are greatly modified, and present a corneous condition. When so modified, they cover the under wings when the insect is reposing, and have from this circumstance been named elytra, from the Greek eXvrpov, a sheath. The anterior wings are dense, rigid, and opaque in the beetles (fig. 89, r) ; solid in one part and membran- aceous in another in the water-bugs (fig. 90, r) j more or less membranous throughout in the grasshoppers ; and completely membranous in the dragon-flies (fig. 91, e e, p. 172). The superior or upper wings are inclined at a certain angle when extended, and are indirectly connected with flight in the beetles, water-bugs, and grasshoppers. They are actively engaged in this function in the dragon-flies and butterflies. The elytra or anterior wings are frequently employed as sus- tainers or gliders in flight, 1 the posterior wings acting more 1 That the elytra take part in flight is proved by this, that when they are removed, flight is in many cases destroyed. PROGRESSION IN OR THKOUGH THE AIR. 171 particularly as elevators and propellers. In such cases the elytra are twisted upon themselves after the manner of wings. FIG. 89. Pro. 90. FIG. 89. the Centaur Beetle (Augwoma centaurus), seen from above. Shows elytra (r) and membranous wings (e) in the extended state. The nervures are arranged and jointed in such a manner that the membranous wings can be folded (t) transversely across the back beneath the elytra during repose. When so folded, the anterior or thick margins of the membranous wings are directed outwards and slightly downwards, the posterior or thin margins in- wards and slightly upwards. During extension the positions of the margins are reversed by the wings twisting and rotating upon their long axes, the anterior margins, as in bats and birds, being directed upwards and forwards, and making a very decided angle with the horizon. The wings in the beetles are insignificantly small when compared with the area of the body. They are, moreover, finely twisted upon themselves, and possess great power as pro- pellers and elevators. Original. FIG. 90. The Water-Bug (Genus belost&ma). In this insect the superior wings (elytra or wing covers r) are semi-membranous. They are geared to the membranous or under wings [a) by a book, the two acting together in flight. "When so geared the upper and under wings are delicately curved and twisted. They moreover taper from within outwards, and from before back- wards. Original. 172 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. The wings of insects present different degrees of opacity those of the moths and butterflies being non -transparent; those of the dragon-flies, bees, and common flies presenting a delicate, filmy, gossamer-like appearance. The wings in every case are composed of a duplicature of the integument or in- Fio. 91. The Dragon-fly (Petnlura gigantea). In this insect the wings are finely curved and delicately transparent, the nervnres being most strongly developed at the roots of the wings and along the anterior margins (e e, //), and least so at the tips (6 6), and along the posterior margins (a a). The anterior pair (e e) are analogous in every respect to the posterior (//). Both make a certain angle with the horizon, the anterior pair(ee), which are prin- cipally used as elevators, making a smaller angle than the posterior pair (//), which are used as drivers. The wings of the dragon-fly make the proper angles for flight even in repose, so that the insect can take to wing instantly. The insect flies with astonishing velocity. Original. vesting membrane, and are strengthened in various directions by a system of hollow, horny tubes, known to entomologists as the neurae or nervures. The nervures taper towards the extremity of the wing, and are strongest towards its root and anterior margin, where they supply the place of the arm in bats and birds. They are variously arranged. In the beetles they pursue a somewhat longitudinal course, and are jointed to admit of the wing being folded up transversely beneath the elytra. 1 In the locusts the nervures diverge from a common centre, after the manner of a fan, so that by their aid the wing is crushed up or expanded as required ; whilst in the dragon-fly, 1 The wings of the May-fly are folded longitudinally and transversely, so that they are crumpled up into little squares. PEOGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THI! AIR. 173 where no folding is requisite, they form an exquisitely reti- culated structure. The nervures, it may be remarked, are strongest in the beetles, where the body is heavy and the wing small. They decrease in thickness as those conditions are reversed, and entirely disappear in the minute chalcis and psilus. 1 The function of the nervures is not ascertained ; but as they contain spiral vessels which apparently communicate with the tracheae of the trunk, some have regarded them as being connected with the respiratory system; whilst others have looked upon them as the receptacles of a subtle fluid, which the insect can -introduce and withdraw at pleasure to obtain the requisite degree of expansion and tension in the wing. Neither hypothesis is satisfactory, as respiration and flight can be performed in their absence. They appear to me, when present, rather to act as mechanical stays or stretchers, in virtue of their rigidity and elasticity alone, their arrangement being such that they admit of the wing being folded in various directions, if necessary, during flexion, and give it the requisite degree of firmness during extension. They are, therefore, in every respect analogous to the skeleton of the wing in the bat and bird. In those wings which, during the period of repose, are folded up beneath the elytra, the mere extension of the wing in the dead insect, where no injection of fluid can occur, causes the nervures to fall into position, and the membranous portions of the wing to unfurl or roll out precisely as in the living insect, and as happens in the bat and bird. This result is obtained by the spiral arrange- ment of the nervures at the root of the wing; the anterior ner- vure occupying a higher position than that further back, as in the leaves of a fan. The spiral arrangement occurring at the root extends also to the margins, so that wings which fold up or close, as well as those which do not, are twisted upon themselves, and present a certain degree of convexity on their superior or upper surface, and a corresponding concavity on their inferior or under surface; their free edges supplying those fine curves which act with such efficacy upon the air, in obtaining the maximum of resistance and the minimum of displacement; or what is the same thing, the maximum of support with the minimum of slip (figs. 92 and 93). 1 Kirby and Spence, vol. ii. 5th eel., p. 352. 174 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. The wings of insects can be made to oscillate within given areas anteriorly, posteriorly, or centrally with regard to the plane of the body; or in intermediate positions with regard to it and a perpendicular line. The wing or wings of the one FIG. 93. FIG. 92. Right wing of Beetle (Goliathus mican\ dorsal surface. This wing somewhat resembles the kestrel's (fig. 61, p. 136) in shape. It has an ante- rior thick margin, d e f, and a posterior thin one, b a- c. Strong nervures run along the anterior margin (d), until they reach the joint (). where the wing folds upon itself during repose. Here the nervures split up and di- varicate and gradually become smaller and smaller until they reach the ex- tremity of the wing (/) and the posterior or thin margin (b); other ner- vures radiate in graceful curves from the root of the wing. These also become finer as they reach the posterior or thin margin (c a), r, Root of the wing with its complex compound joint. The wing of the beetle bears a certain analogy to that of the bat, the nervures running along the anterior margin (d) of the wing, resembling the humerus and forearm of the bat (fig. 94, d, p. 175), the joint of the beetle's wing (e) corresponding to the carpal or wrist-joint of the bat's wing (fig. 94, e), the terminal or distal nervures of the beetle (/ b) to the phalanges of the bat (fig. 94, / b). The parts marked fb may in both instances be likened to the primary feathers of the bird, that marked a to the secondary feathers, and c to the tertiary feathers. In the wings of the beetle and bat no air can possibly escape through them during the return or up stroke. Original. FIG. 93. Right wing of the Beetle (Goliathus micanft). as seen from behind and from beneath. When so viewed, the anterior or thick margin (d f) and the posterior or thin margin (6 * c) are arranged in different planes, and form a true helix or screw. Compare with figs. 95 and 97. Original. side can likewise be made to move independently of those of the opposite side, so that the centre of gravity, which, in insects, bats, and birds, is suspended, is not disturbed in the endless evolutions involved in ascending, descending, and wheeling. The centre of gravity varies in insects according to the shape of the body, the length and shape of the limbs and antennae, and the position, shape, and size of the PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 175 pinions. It is corrected in some by curving the body, in others by bending or straightening the limbs and antennae, but principally in all by the judicious play of the wings themselves. The wing of the bat and bird, like that of the insect, is concavo-convex, and more or less twisted upon itself (figs. 94, 95, 96, and 97). margin, supported by the remaining phalanges, by the side of the body, and by the foot. Original. Fio. 95. Right wing of the Bat (Phyllorhina gracilis), as seen from behind and from beneath. When so regarded, the anterior or thick margin (rf /) of the wing displays different curves from those seen on the posterior or thin mar- gin (ft c) ; the anterior and posterior margins being arranged in different planes, as in the blade of a screw propeller. Original. The twisting is in a great measure owing to the manner in which the bones of the wing are twisted upon themselves, and the spiral nature of their articular surfaces ; the long axes of the joints always intersecting each other at nearly right angles. As a result of this disposition of the articular surfaces, the wing is shot out or extended, and retracted or flexed in a variable plane, the bones of the wing rotating in the direction of their length during either movement. This secondary action, or the revolving of the component bones upon their own axes, is of the greatest importance in the movements of the wing, as it communicates to the hand and forearm, and 176 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. consequently to the membrane or feathers which they bear, the precise angles necessary for flight. It, in fact, insures that the wing, and the curtain, sail, or fringe of the wing shall be screwed into and down upon the air in extension, and unscrewed or withdrawn from it during flexion. The wing of the bat and bird may therefore be compared to a huge gimlet or auger, the axis of the gimlet representing the bones of the wing ; the flanges or spiral thread of the gimlet the frenum or sail (figs. 95 and 97). Fro. 97. Fio. 96. Right wing of the Red-legged Partridge (Perdix rubra), dorsal aspect. Shows extreme example of short rounded wing ; contrast with the wing of the albatross (fig. 62, p. 137), which furnishes an extreme example of the long ribbon-shaped wing ; d e f, anterior margin ; 6 a c, posterior ditto, consisting of primary (6), secondary (a), and tertiary (c) feathers, with their respective coverts and subcoverts ; the whole overlapping and mutually supporting each other. This wing, like the kestrel's (fig. 61, p. 136), was drawn from a specimen held against the light, the object being to display the mutual relation of the feathers to each other, and how the feathers overlap. Original. FIG. 97. Right wing of Red-legged Partridge (Perdix nibra), seen from be- hind and from beneath, as in the beetle (fig. 93) and bat (fig. 95). The same lettering and explanation does for all three. Original. THE WINGS OF BATS. The Bones of the Wing of the Bat the spiral configuration of tJmr articular surfaces. The bones of the arm and hand are especially deserving of attention. The humerus (fig. 17, r, p. 36) is short and powerful, and twisted upon itself to the extent of something less than a quarter of a turn. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 177 As a consequence, the long axis of the shoulder-joint is nearly at right angles to that of the elbow-joint. Similar remarks may be made regarding the radius (the principal bone of the forearm) (d), and the second and third metacarpal bones ' with their phalanges (e /), all of which are greatly elongated, and give strength and rigidity to the anterior or thick margin of the wing. The articular surfaces of the bones alluded to, as well as of the other bones of the hand, are spirally disposed with reference to each other, the long axes of the joints intersecting at nearly right angles. The object of this arrangement is particularly evident when the wing of the living bat, or of one recently dead, is extended and flexed as in flight. In the flexed state the wing is greatly reduced in size, its under surface being nearly parallel with the plane of progres- sion. When the wing is fully extended its under surface makes a certain angle with the horizon, the wing being then in a position to give the down stroke, which is delivered downwards and forwards, as in the insect. When extension takes place the elbow-joint is depressed and carried forwards, the wrist elevated and carried backwards, the metacarpo- phalangeal joints lowered and inclined forwards, and the distal phalangeal joints slightly raised and carried backwards. The movement of the bat's wing in extension is consequently a spiral one, the spiral running alternately from below up- wards and forwards, and from above downwards and back- wards (compare with fig. 79, p. 147). As the bones of the arm, forearm, and hand rotate on their axes during the exten- sile act, it follows that the posterior or thin margin of the wing is rotated in a downward direction (the anterior or thick one being rotated -in an opposite direction) until the wing makes an angle of something like 30 with the horizon, which, as I have already endeavoured to show, is the greatest angle made by the wing in flight. The action of the bat's wing at the shoulder is particularly free, partly because the shoulder-joint is universal in its nature, and partly because the scapula participates in the movements of this region. The freedom of action referred to enables the bat not only to rotate and twist its wing as a whole, with a view to dimin- 178 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. ishing and increasing the angle which its under surface makes with the horizon, but to elevate and depress the wing, and move it in a forward and backward direction. The rotatory or twisting movement of the wing is an essential feature in flight, as it enables the bat (and this holds true also of the insect and bird) to balance itself with the utmost exactitude, and to change its position and centre of gravity with mar- vellous dexterity. The movements of the shoulder-joint are restrained within certain limits by a system of check-ligaments, and by the coracoid and acromian processes of the scapula. The wing is recovered or flexed by the action of elastic liga- ments which extend between the shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Certain elastic and fibrous structures situated between the fingers and in the substance of the wing generally take part in flexion. The bat flies with great ease and for lengthened periods. Its flight is remarkable for its softness, in which respect it surpasses the owl and the other nocturnal birds. The action of the wing of the bat, and the movements of its component bones, are essentially the same as in the bird. THE WINGS OF BIRDS. The Bones of the Wing of the Bird their Articular Sur- faces, Movements, etc. The humerus, or arm-bone of the wing, is supported by three of the trunk-bones, viz. the scapula or shoulder-blade, the clavicle or collar-bone, also called the furculum, 1 and the coracoid bone, these three converging to form a point d'appui, or centre of support for the head of the humerus, which is received in facettes or depressions situated on the scapula and coracoid. In order that the wing may have an almost -unlimited range of motion, and be wielded after the manner of a flail, it is articulated to the trunk by a somewhat lax universal joint, which permits 1 The furcula are usually united to the anterior part of the sternum by ligament ; but in birds of powerful flight, where the wings are habitually extended for gliding and sailing, as in the frigate-bird, the union is osseous in its nature. "In the frigate-bird the furcula are likewise anchyloseu with the coracoid bones." Comp. Anat. and Phys. of Vertebrates, by Prof. Owen, vol. ii. p. 66. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 179 vertical, horizontal, and intermediate movements. 1 The long axis of the joint is directed vertically; the joint itself some- what backwards. It is otherwise with the elbow-joint, which is turned forwards, and has its long axis directed horizontally, from the fact that the humerus is twisted upon itself to the extent of nearly a quarter of a turn. The elbow-joint is decidedly spiral in its nature, its long axis intersecting that of the shoulder-joint at nearly right angles. The humerus articulates at the elbow with two bones, the radius and the ulna, the former of which is pushed from the humerus, while the other is drawn towards it during extension, the reverse occurring during flexion. Both bones, moreover, while those movements are taking place, Tevolve to a greater or less extent upon their own axes. The bones of the forearm articulate at the wrist with the carpal bones, which being spirally arranged, and placed obliquely between them and the metacarpal bones, transmit the motions to the latter in a curved direction. The long axis of the wrist-joint is, as nearly as may be, at right angles to that of the elbow-joint, and more or less parallel with that of the shoulder. The metacarpal or hand-bones, and the phalanges or finger-bones are more or less fused together, the better to support the great primary feathers, on the efficiency of which flight mainly depends. They are articulated to each other by double hinge-joints, the long axes of which are nearly at right angles to each other. As a result of this disposition of the articular surfaces, the wing is shot out or extended and retracted or flexed in a variable plane, the bones composing the" wing, particularly those of the forearm, rotating on their axes during either movement. This secondary action, or the revolving of the component bones upon their own axes, is of the greatest importance in the movements of the wing, as it communicates to the hand 1 " The os humeri, or bone of the arm, is articulated by a small rounded surface to a corresponding cavity formed between the coracoid bone and the scapula, in such a manner as to allow great freedom of motion." Macgillivray's Brit. Birds, vol. i. p. 33. " The arm is articulated to the trunk by a ball-and-socket joint, permitting all the freedom of motion necessary for flight." Cyc. of Anat. and Phys., vol. iii. p. 424. 180 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. and forearm, and consequently to the primary and secondary feathers which they bear, the precise angles necessary for flight ; it in fact insures that the wing, and the curtain or fringe of the wing which the primary and secondary feathers form, shall be screwed into and down upon the air in ex- tension, and unscrewed or withdrawn from it during flexion. The whig of the bird may therefore be compared to a huge gimlet or auger; the axis of the gimlet representing the bones of the wing, the flanges or spiral thread of the gimlet the primary and secondary feathers (fig. 63, p. 138, and fig. 97, p. 176). Traces of Design in the Wing of the Bird the arrangement of tlie Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Feathers, etc. There are few things in nature more admirably constructed than the wing of the bird, and perhaps none where design can be more readily traced. Its great strength and extreme lightness, the manner in which it closes up or folds during flexion, and opens out or expands during extension, as well as the manner in which the feathers are strung together and overlap each other in divers directions to produce at one time a solid resisting surface, and at another an interrupted and compara- tively non-resisting one, present a degree of fitness to which the mind must necessarily revert with pleasure. If the feathers of the wing only are contemplated, they may be con- veniently divided into three sets of three each (on both sides of the wing) an upper or dorsal set (fig. 61, d, e,f, p. 1 36), a lower or ventral set (c, a, &), and one which is intermediate. This division is intended to refer the feathers to the bones of the arm, forearm, and hand, but is more or less arbitrary in its nature. The lower set or tier consists of the primary (b), secondary (a), and tertiary (c) feathers, strung together by fibrous structures in such a way that they move in an out- ward or inward direction, or turn upon their axes, at precisely the same instant of time, the middle and upper sets of feathers, which overlap the primary, secondary, and tertiary ones, constituting what are called the " coverts " and " sub- coverts." The primary or rowing feathers are the longest and strongest (b), the secondaries (a) next, and the tertiaries third (c). The tertiaries, however, are occasionally longer than the PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. 181 secondaries. The tertiary, secondary, and primary feathers increase in strength from within outwards, i.e. from the body g S3 s> J3 ,-S 8 a a o o> 8 g ~r fijf's| Q 3S> rffifcj ^ cfi 'p "*" ;M ^^ ^ j|| ? ~s> ^ . tc o> ^^2 2" g H a a c 2 u nfc * a .2 . g 53 f g !,,, c; ^( rQ 2 s c.S 'S iSps-s-tf Ti 5 ^ % a f 8 P * si !M C _, Soi. c u g s s^, * =| |.|j r^ Oj O ^j ^ i^ riKf 2 p| ^% S "t* *S B ^^ ^^1-?x5 E^ 5c- M.S "E. c n w u Iflllil 2 - r., rt a C bo a 1 * c: ^ pcs 2 -*^> O ^ r2 a " g M g W O J* t'-a ^ill* g l ** 33 CO O 2^-S H H |^ a & 1 g aa -M S _ O p OJ ^ 8g.s^.2 i s 52 L 4l|| "" M'g'2? Cl OJ ^j ^ *~ ^ "^ $ fe S S ^ a ll: 1 !! ^ *^ .= s - oS*;-sg +3 r g a ^> w Si' 3 'sS 5"".& j&8 |fB-i1 Pllbl S-O os .a . g g^!^^~- "52.S? "S f> 9 ; j) & l> m f % 88, p. 166. I am therefore opposed to Borelli, Macgillivray, Owen, Bishop, M. Liais, the Duke of Argyll, and Marey as to the direction and nature of the down stroke. I differ also as to the direction and nature of the up stroke. Professor Marey states that not only does the posterior margin of the wing yield in an upward direction during the down stroke until the under surface of the pinion makes a backward angle of 45 with the horizon, but that during the up stroke it yields to the same extent in an opposite direc- tion. The posterior flexible margin of the wing, according to Marey, passes through a space of 90 every time the wing reverses its course, this space being dedicated to the mere adjusting of the planes of the wing for the purposes of flight. The planes, moreover, he asserts, are adjusted not by vital and vito-mechanical acts but by the action of the air alone ; this operating on the under surface of the wing and forcing its posterior margin upwards during the down stroke ; the air during the up stroke acting upon the posterior margin of the upper surface of the wing, and forcing it downwards. This is a mere repetition of Borelli's view. Marey dele- gates to the air the difficult and delicate task of arranging the details of flight. The time, power, and space occupied in reversing the wing alone, according to this theory, are such as to render flight impossible. That the wing does not act as stated by Borelli, Marey, and others may be readily proved by experiment. It may also be demonstrated mathematically, as a reference to figs. 114 and 115, p. 228, will show. Let a b of fig. 114 represent the horizon ; m n the line of vibration ; x c the wing inclined at an upward backward angle of 45 in the act of making the down stroke, and x d the wing inclined at a downward backward angle of 45 and in the act of making the up stroke. When the wing xc descends it will tend to dive downwards in the direction / giving very little of any horizontal support (a b) j when the wing x d ascends it will endeavour to rise in the direction g, as it darts up like a kite (the body bearing it being in motion). 228 AEKONAUTICS. If we take the resultant of these two forces, we have at most propulsion in the direction a b. This, moreover, would only hold true if the bird was as light as air. As, however, gravity tends to pull the bird downwards as it advances, the real flight of the bird, according to this theory, would fall in a line between b and /, probably in x h. It could not possibly be otherwise ; the wing described and figured by Borelli and Marey is in one piece, and made to vibrate vertically on either side of a given line. If, however, a wing in one piece is elevated and depressed in a strictly perpendicular direction, it is evident that the wing will experience a greater resist- ance during the up stroke, when it is acting against gravity, than during the down stroke, when it is acting with gravity. ft i-r- imposed Air during tlie Up Stroke. To construct a wing which 242 AERONAUTICS. shall elude the air during the up stroke, it is necessary to make it valvular, as shown at fig. 125, p. 241. This wing, as the figure indicates, is composed of numerous narrow segments (///), so arranged that the air, when the wing is made to vibrate, opens or separates them at the beginning of the up stroke, and closes or brings them together at the beginning of the down stroke. The time and power required for opening and closing the segments is comparatively trifling, owing to their extreme narrowness and extreme lightness. The space, moreover, through which they pass in performing their valvular action is exceedingly small. The wing under observation is flexible and elastic throughout, and resembles in its general features the other wings described. I have also constructed a wing which is self-acting in another sense. This consists of two parts the one part being made of an elastic reed, which tapers towards the ex- tremity ; the other of a flexible sail. To the reed, which corresponds to the anterior margin of the wing, delicate tapering reeds are fixed at right angles ; the principal and subordinate reeds being arranged on the same plane. The flexible sail is attached to the under surface of the principal reed, and is stiffer at its insertion than towards its free mar- gin. When the wing is made to ascend, the sail, because of the pressure exercised upon its upper surface by the air, assumes a very oblique position, so that the resistance ex- perienced by it during the up stroke is very slight. When, however, the wing descends, the sail instantly flaps in an upward direction, the subordinate reeds never permitting its posterior or free margin to rise above its anterior or fixed margin. The under surface of the wing consequently descends in such a manner as to present a nearly flat surface to the earth. It experiences much resistance from the air during the down stroke, the amount of buoyancy thus furnished being very considerable. The above form of wing is more effective during the down stroke than during the up one. It, however, elevates and propels during both, the forward travel being greatest during the down stroke. Compound Wave Wing of the Author. In order to render AERONAUTICS. 243 the movements of the wing as simple as possible, I was induced to devise a form of pinion, which for the sake of dis- tinction I shall designate the Compound Wave Wing. This wing consists of two wave wings united at the roots, as represented at fig. 126. It is impelled by steam, its centre being fixed to the head of the piston by a compound joint (#), which enables it to move in a circle, and to rotate along its anterior margin (a b c d; A, A') in the direction of its length. The circular motion is for steering purposes only. The wing rises and falls with every stroke of the piston, and the move- ments of the piston are quickened during the down stroke, and slowed during the up one. During the up stroke of the piston the wing is very decidedly convex on its upper surface (abed; A, A'), its under surface being deeply concave and inclined obliquely upwards and forwards. It thus evades the air during the up stroke. During the down stroke of the piston the wing is flattened out in every direction, and its extremities twisted in such a manner as to form two screws, as shown at a' V c d'; e'f'g'h'; >,J? of figure. The active area of the wing is by this means augmented, the wing seizing the air with givut avidity during the down stroke. The area of the wing may be still further increased and diminished (luring the down and up strokes by adding joints to the body of the wing. 244 AERONAUTICS. The degree of convexity given to the upper surface of the wing can be increased or diminished at pleasure by causing a cord (ij; A, A') and elastic band (k) to extend between two points, which may vary according to circumstances. The wing is supplied with vertical springs, which assist in slowing and reversing it towards the end of the down and up strokes, and these, in conjunction with the elastic properties of the wing itself, contribute powerfully to its continued play. The compound wave wing produces the currents on which it rises. Thus during the up stroke it draws after it a current, which being met by the wing during its descent, confers additional elevating and propelling power. During the down stroke the wing in like manner draws after it a current which forms an eddy, and on this eddy the wing rises, as explained at p. 253, fig. 129. The ascent of the wing is favoured by the superimposed air playing on the upper surface of the posterior margin of the organ, in such a manner as to cause the wing to assume a more and more oblique position with reference to the horizon. This change in the plane of the wing enables its upper surface to avoid the superincumbent air during the up stroke, while it confers upon its under sur- face a combined kite and parachute action. The compound wave wing leaps forward in a curve both during the down and up strokes, so that the wing during its vibration describes a waved track, as shown at a, c, e,g, i of fig. 81, p. 157. The compound wave wing possesses most of the peculiarities of single wings when made to vibrate separately. It forms a most admirable elevator and propeller, and has this advan- tage over ordinary wings, that it can be worked without injury to itself, when the machine which it is intended to elevate is resting on the ground. Two or more compound wave wings may be arranged on the same plane, or super- imposed, and made to act in concert. They may also by a slight modification be made to act horizontally instead of vertically. The length of the stroke of the compound wave wing is determined in part, though not entirely by the stroke of the piston the extremities of the wing, because of their elasticity, moving through a greater space than the centre of the wing. By fixing the wing to the head of the piston all AEKONAUTICS. 245 gearing apparatus is avoided, and the number of joints and working points reduced a matter of no small importance when it is desirable to conserve the motor power and keep down the weight. How to apply Artificial Wings to the Air. Borelli, Durckheim, Marey, and all the writers with whom I am acquainted, assert that the wing should be made to vibrate vertically. I believe that if the wing be in one piece it should be made to vibrate obliquely and more, or less horizon- tally. If, however, the wing be made to vibrate vertically, it is necessary to supply it with a ball-and-socket joint, and with springs at its root (m n of fig. 125, p. 241), to enable it to leap forward in a curve when it descends, and in another and opposite curve when it ascends (vide a, c,e, g,i of fig. 81, p. 157). This arrangement practically converts the vertical vibration into an oblique one. If this plan be not adopted, the wing is apt to foul at its tip. In applying the wing to the air it ought to have a figure-of-8 movement communicated to it either directly or indirectly. It is a peculiarity of the artificial wing properly constructed (as it is of the natural wing), tJiat it twists and untwists and makes figure-of-S curves during its action (see a b, cd of fig. 122, p. 239), this enabling it to seize and let go the air with wonderful rapidity, and in such a manner as to avoid dead points. If the wing be in several pieces, it may be made to vibrate more vertically than a wing in one piece, from the fact that the outer half of the pinion moves forwards and backwards when the wing ascends and descends so as alternately to become a short and a long lever ; this arrangement permitting the wing to avoid the resistance experienced from the air during the up stroke, while it vigorously seizes the air during the down stroke. If the body of a flying animal be in a horizontal position, a wing attached to it in such a manner that its under surface shall look forwards, and make an upward angle of 45 with the horizon is in a position to be applied either vertically (figs. 82 and 83, p. 158), or horizontally (figs. 67, 68, 69, and 70, p. 141). Such, moreover, is the conformation of the shoulder-joint in insects, bats, and birds, that the wing can be applied vertically, horizontally, or at any degree of obliquity 246 AERONAUTICS. without inconvenience. 1 It is in this way that an insect which may begin its flight by causing its wings to make figure-of-8 horizontal loops (fig. 71, p. 144), may gradu- ally change the direction of the loops, and make them more and more oblique until they are nearly vertical (fig. 73, p. 144). In the beginning of such flight the insect is screwed nearly vertically upwards; in the middle of it, it is screwed upwards and forwards: whereas, towards the end of it, the insect advances in a ^caved line almost horizontally (see tf,r',s',t' of fig. 72, p. 144). The muscles of .the wing are so arranged that they can propel it in a horizontal, vertical, or oblique direction. It is a matter of the utmost importance that the direction of the stroke and the nature of the angles made by the surface of the wing during its vibration with the horizon be distinctly understood ; as it is on these that all flying creatures depend when they seek to elude the up- ward resistance of the air, and secure a maximum of elevating and propelling power with a minimum of slip. As to the nature of the Forces required for propelling Arti- ficial Wings. Borelli, Durckheim, and Marey affirm that it suffices if the wing merely elevates and depresses itself by a rhythmical movement in a perpendicular direction ; while Chabrier is of opinion that a movement of depression only is required. All those observers agree in believing that the details of flight are due to the reaction of the air on the sur- face of the wing. Eepeated experiment has, however, con- vinced me that the artificial wing must be thoroughly under control, both during the down and up strokes the details of flight being in a great measure due to the movements com- municated to the wing by an intelligent agent. In order to reproduce flight by the aid of artificial wings, I find it necessary to employ a power which varies in intensity at every stage of the down and up strokes. The power which 1 The human wrist is so formed that if a wing be held in the hand at an upward angle of 45, the hand can apply it to the air in a vertical or horizontal direction without difficulty. This arises from the power which the hand has of moving in an upward and downward direction, and from side to side with equal facility. The hand can also rotate on its long axis, so that it virtually represents all the movements of the wing at its root. AERONAUTICS. 247 suits best is one which is made to act very suddenly and forcibly at the beginning of the down stroke, and which gradu- ally abates in intensity until the end of the down stroke, where it ceases to act in a downward direction. The power is then made to act in an upward direction, and gradually to decrease until the end of the up stroke. The force is thus applied more or less continuously ; its energy being increased and diminished according to the position of the wing, and the amount of resistance which it experiences from the air. The flexible and elastic nature of the wave wing, assisted by certain springs to be presently explained, insure a continuous vibration where neither halts nor dead points are observ- able. I obtain the varying power required by a direct piston action, and by working the steam expansively. The power employed is materially assisted, particularly during the up stroke, by the reaction of the air and the elastic struc- tures about to be described. An artificial wing, propelled and regulated by the forces recommended, is in some respects as completely under control as the wing of the insect, bat, or bird. Necessity for supplying tJie Root of Artificial Wings with Elastic Structures in imitation of tJie Muscles and Elastic Liga- ments of Flying Animals. Borelli, Durckheim, and Marey, who advocate the perpendicular vibration of the wing, make no allowance, so far as I am aware, for the wing leaping forward in curves during tJie down and up strokes. As a con- sequence, the wing is jointed in their models to the frame by a simple joint which moves only in one direction, viz., from above downwards, and vice versa. Observation and experiment have fully satisfied me that an artificial wing, to be effective as an elevator and propeller, ought to be able to move not only in an upward and downward direc- tion, but also in a forward, backward, and oblique direction ; nay, more, that it should be free to rotate along its anterior margin in the direction of its length ; in fact, that its move- ments should be universal. Thus it should be able to rise or fall, to advance or retire, to move at any degree of obliquity, and to rotate along its anterior margin. To secure the several movements referred to I furnish the root of the wing 248 AERONAUTICS. with a ball-and-socket joint, i.e., a universal joint (see x of fig. 122, p. 239). To regulate the several movements when the wing is vibrating, and to confer on the wing the various inclined surfaces requisite for flight,- as well as to delegate as little as possible to the air, I employ a cross system of elastic bands. These bands vary in length, strength, and direction, and are attached to the anterior margin of the wing (near its root), and to the cylinder (or a rod extending from the cylinder) of the model (vide m,n of fig. 122, p. 239). The principal bands are four in number a superior, inferior, anterior, and posterior. The superior band (m) extends between the upper part of the cylinder of the model, and the upper surface of the anterior margin of the wing ; the inferior band (ri) extending between the under part of the cylinder or the boiler and the inferior surface of the anterior margin of the pinion. The anterior and posterior bands are attached to the anterior and posterior portions of the wing and to rods extending from the centre of the anterior and posterior portions of the cylinder. Oblique bands are added, and these are so arranged that they give to the wing during its descent and ascent the precise angles made by the wing with the horizon in natural flight. The superior bands are stronger than the inferior ones, and are put upon the stretch during the down stroke. Thus they help the wing over the dead point at the end of the down stroke, and assist, in conjunction with the reaction obtained from the air, in elevating it. The posterior bands are stronger than the anterior ones to restrain within certain limits the great tendency which the wing has to leap forward in curves towards the end of the down and up strokes. The oblique bands, aided by the air, give the necessary degree of rotation to the wing in the direction of its length. This effect can, however, also be produced independently by the four principal bands. From what has been stated it will be evident that the elastic bands exercise a restraining influence, and that' they act in unison with the driving power and with the reaction supplied by the air. They powerfully contribute to the continuous vibration of the wing, the vibration being peculiar in this that it varies in rapidity at every stage of the AERONAUTICS. 249 down and up strokes. I derive the motor power, as has been stated, from a direct piston action, the piston being urged either by steam worked expansively or by the hand, if it is merely a question of illustration. In the hand models the " muscular sense " at once informs the operator as to what is being done. Thus if one of the wave wings supplied with a ball-and-socket joint, and a cross system of elastic bands as explained, has a sudden vertical impulse communicated to it at the beginning of the down stroke, the wing darts downwards and forwards in a curve (vide a c, of fig. 81, p. 157), and in doing so it elevates and carries the piston and cylinder forwards. The force employed in depressing the wing is partly expended in stretching the superior elastic band, the wing being slowed towards the end of the down stroke. The instant the depress- ing force ceases to act, the superior elastic band contracts and the air reacts ; the two together, coupled with the tendency which the model has to fall downwards and forwards during the up stroke, elevating the wing. The wing when it ascends describes an upward and forward curve as shown at ce of fig. 81, p. 157. The ascent of the wing stretches the inferior elastic band in the same way that the descent of the wing stretched the superior band. The superior and inferior elastic bands antagonize each other and reciprocate with vivacity. While those changes are occurring the wing is twisting and untwisting in the direction of its length and developing figure-of-8 curves along its margins (p. 239, fig. 122,ab,cd), and throughout its substance similar to what are observed under like circumstances in the natural wing (vide fig. 86, p. 161 ; fig. 103, p. 186). The angles, moreover, made by the under surface of the wing with the horizon during the down and up strokes are continually varying the wing all the while acting as a kite, which flies steadily upwards and forwards (fig. 88, p. 166). As the elastic bands, as has been partly explained, are antagonistic in their action, the wing is constantly oscillating in some direction; there being no dead point either at the end of the down or up strokes. As a consequence, the curves made by the wing during the down and up strokes respectively, run into each other to form a continuous waved track, as represented at fig. 12 250 AERONAUTICS. 81, p. 157, and fig. 88, p. 166. A continuous movement begets a continuous buoyancy ; and it is quite remarkable to what an extent, wings constructed and applied to the air on the principles explained, elevate and propel how little power is required, and how little of that power is wasted in slip. If the piston, which in the experiment described has been working Vertically, be made to work horizontally, a series of essentially similar results are obtained. When the piston' is worked horizontally, the anterior and posterior elastic bands require to be of nearly the same strength, whereas the inferior elastic baud requires to be much stronger than the superior one, to counteract the very decided ten- dency the wing has to fly upwards. The power also requires d cl FIG. 127. FIG. 127. Path described by artificial wave wing from right to left, x, yf, Horizon, m, n, o, Wave track traversed by wing from right to left, p, Angle made by the wing with the horizon at beginning of stroke, q, Ditto, made at middle of stroke, b, Ditto, towards end of stroke. c, Wing in the act of reversing ; at this stage the wing makes an angle of 90" with the horizon, and its speed is less than at any other part of its course, d, Wing reversed, and in the act of darting up to u, to begin the stroke from left to right (vide u of fig. 128). Original. FIG. 128. Path described by artificial wave wing from left to right, x, of, Hori/on. u, v, w, Wave, track traversed by wing from left to right. t, Angle made by the wing with horizon at beginning of stroke, y, Ditto, at middle of stroke. 2, Ditto, towards end of stroke, r, Wing in the act of reversing ; at this stage the wing makes an angle of 90 with the horizon, and its speed is less that at any other part of its course, s, Wing reversed, and in the act of darting up to in, to begin the stroke from right to left ^rulc m of fig. 127). Original. to be somewhat differently applied. Thus the wing must have a violent impulse communicated to it when it begins the stroke from right to left, and also when it begins -the stroke from left to right (the heavy parts of the spiral line repre- sented at fig. 71, p. 144, indicate the points where the impulse is communicated). The wing is then left to itself, the elastic bands and the reaction of the air doing the remainder of the work. When the wing is forced by the piston from right to AERONAUTICS. 251 left, it darts forward in double curve, as shown at fig. 127; the various inclined surfaces made by the wing with the horizon changing at every stage of the stroke. At the beginning of the stroke from right to left, the angle made by the under surface of the wing with the horizon (xx) is something like 45 (p), whereas at the middle of the stroke it is reduced to 20 or 25 (q). At the end of the stroke the angle gradually increases to 45 (>), then to 90 (c), after which the wing suddenly turns a somersault (d), and reverses precisely as the natural wing does at e,f, g of figs. 67 and 69, p. 141. The artificial wing reverses with amazing facility, and in the most natural manner possible. The angles made by its under surface with the horizon depend chiefly upon the speed with which the wing is urged at different stages of the stroke ; the angle always decreasing as the speed increases, and vice versa. As a consequence, the angle is greatest when the speed is least. When the wing reaches the point b its speed is much less than it was at q. The wing is, in fact, preparing to reverse. At c the wing is in the act of reversing (compare c of figs. 84 and 85, p. 160), and, as a consequence, its speed is at a minimum, and the angle which it makes with the horizon at a maximum. At d the wing is reversed, its speed being increased, and the angle which it makes with the horizon diminished. Between the letters d and u the wing darts suddenly up like a kite, and at u it is in a position to com- mence the stroke from left to right, as indicated at u of fig. 128, p. 250. The course described and the angles made by the wing with the horizon during the stroke from left to right are represented at fig. 128 (compare with figs. 68 ami 70, p. 141). The stroke from left to right is in every respect the converse of the stroke from right to left, so that a separate description is unnecessary. The Artificial Wave Wing can be driven at any speed- it can make its own currents, or utilize existing ones. The remarkable feature in the artificial wave wing is its adapta- bility. It can be driven slowly, or with astonishing rapidity. It lias no dead points. It reverses instantly, and in such n manner as to dissipate neither time nor power. It alternately * seizes and evades the air so as to extract the maximum 253 AERONAUTICS. of support with the minimum of slip, and the minimum of force. It supplies j, degree of buoying and propelling power which is truly remarkable. Its buoying area is nearly equal to half a circle. It can act upon still air, and it can create and utilize its own currents. I proved this in the following manner. I caused the wing to make a horizontal sweep from right to left over a candle ; the wing rose steadily as a kite would, and after a brief interval, the flame of the candle was persistently blown from right to left. I then waited until the flame of the candle assumed its normal perpendicular position, after which I caused the wing to make another and opposite sweep from left to right. The wing again rose kite fashion, and the flame was a second time affected, being blown in this case from left to right. I now caused the wing to vibrate steadily and rapidly above the candle, with this curious result, that the flame did not incline alternately from right to left and from left to right. On the contrary, it was blown steadily away from me, i.e. in the direction of the tip of the wing, thus showing that the arti- ficial currents made by the wing, met and neutralized each other always at mid stroke. I also found that under these circumstances the buoying power of the wing was remarkably increased. Compound rotation of the Artificial Wave Wing : the different 1 arts of the Wing travel at different speeds. The artificial wave wing, like the natural wing, revolves upon two centres (ab, cd of fig. 80, p. 149; fig. 83, p. 158, and fig. 122, p. 239), and owes much of its elevating and propelling, seizing, and disentangling power to its different portions travelling at different rates of speed (see fig. 56, p. 120), and to its storing up and giving off energy as it hastens to and fro. Thus the tip of the wing moves through a very much greater space in a given time than the root, and so also of the posterior margin as compared with the anterior. This is readily understood by bearing in mind that the root of the wing forms the centre or axis of rotation for the tip, while the anterior margin is the centre or axis of rotation for the posterior margin. The momentum, moreover, acquired by the wing /luring the stroke from right to left is expended Of AERONAUTICS. 253 reversing tlie wing, and in preparing it for the stroke from left to right, and vice versa ; a continuous to-and-fro move- ment devoid of dead points being thus established. If the artificial wave wing be taken in the hand and suddenly de- " pressed in a more or less vertical direction, it immediately springs up again, and carries the hand with it. It, in fact, describes a curve whose convexity is directed downwards, and in doing so, carries the hand upwards and forwards. If a second down stroke be added, a second curve is formed ; the curves running into each other, and producing a progressive waved track similar to what is represen ted at a, c, e, g, i, of fig. 81, p. 157. This result is favoured if the operator runs forward so as not to impede or limit the action of the wing. How tJie Wave Wing creates currents, and rises u\wn, them, and how the Air assists in elevating the Wing. In order to ascertain in what way the air contributes to the elevation of the wing, I made a series of experiments with natural FIG. 129. j'.nd artificial wings. These experiments led me to conclude that when the wing descends, as in the bat and bml. it compresses and pushes before it, in a downward and forward 254 AERONAUTICS. direction, a column of air represented by a, b, c of fig. 129, p. 25 3. 1 The air rushes in from all sides to replace the dis- placed air, as shown at d,e,f,g,h,i, and so produces a circle of motion indicated by the dotted line s, t, v, w. The wing rises upon the outside of the circle referred to, as more par- ticularly seen at d, e, v, w. The arrows, it will be observed, are all pointing upwards, and as these arrows indicate the direction of the reflex or back current, it is not difficult to comprehend how the air comes indirectly to assist in elevating the wing. A similar current is produced to the right of the figure, as indicated by I, m, o, p, q, r, but seeing the wing is always advancing, this need not be taken into account. If fig. 129 be made to assume a horizontal position, in- stead of the oblique position which it at present occupies, the manner in which an artificial current is produced by one sweep of the wing from right to left, and utilized by it in a subsequent sweep from left to right, will be readily understood. The artificial wave wing makes a horizontal sweep from right to left, i.e. it passes from the point a to the point c of fig. 129. During its passage it has displaced a column of air. To fill the void so created, the air rushes in from all sides, viz. from d,e,f,ff,h,i; l,m,o,p,q,r. The currents marked g, h, i ; p, q, r, represent the reflex or arti- ficial currents. These are the currents which, after a brief interval, force the flame of the candle from right to left. It is those same currents which the wing encounters, and which contribute so powerfully to its elevation, when it sweeps from left to right. The wing, when it rushes from left to right, produces a new series of artificial currents, which are equally powerful in elevating the wing when it passes a second time from right to left, and thus the process of making and utilizing currents goes on so long as the wing is made to oscillate. In waving the artificial wing to and fro, I found 1 The artificial currents produced by the wing during its descent may he readily seen by partially filling a chamber with steam, smoke, or some impal- pable white powder, and causing the Aving to descend in its midst. By a little practice, the eye will not fail to detect the currents represented at d, e, f, (J, h, i, I, m, o, p, g, r of fig. 129, p. 253. AERONAUTICS. 255 the best results were obtained when the range of the wing and the speed with which it was urged were so regulated as to produce a perfect reciprocation. Thus, if the range of the wing be great, the speed should also be high, otherwise the air set in motion by the right stroke will not be utilized by the left stroke, and vice versd. If, on the other hand, the range of the wing be small, the speed should also be low, as the short stroke will enable the wing to reciprocate as per- fectly as when the stroke is longer and the speed quicker. When the speed attained is high, the angles made by the under surface of the wing with the horizon are diminished ; when it is low, the angles are increased. From these re- marks it will be evident that the artificial wave wing reci- procates in the same way that the natural wing reciprocates ; the reciprocation being most perfect when the wing is vibrating in a given spot, and least perfect when it is travel- ling at a high horizontal speed. The Artificial Wing propelled at various degrees of speed during the Dawn and Up Strokes. The tendency which the artificial wave wing has to rise again when suddenly and vigorously depressed, explains why the elevator muscles of the wing should be so small when compared with the depressor muscles the latter being something like seven times larger than the former. That the contraction of the elevator muscles is necessary to the elevation of the wing, is abun- dantly proved by their presence, and that there should be so great a difference between the volume of the elevator and depressor muscles is not to be wondered at, when we remem- ber that the whole weight of the body is to be elevated by the rapid descent of the wings the descent of the wing being entirely due to the vigorous contraction of the powerful pectoral muscles. If, however, the wing was elevated with as great a force as it was depressed, no advantage would be gained, as the wing, during its ascent (it acts against gravity) would experience a much greater resistance from the air than it did during its descent. The wing is con- sequently elevated more slowly than it is depressed ; the elevator muscles exercising a controlling and restraining influence. By slowing the wing during the up stroke, 256 AERONAUTICS. the air has an opportunity of reacting on its under sur- face. The Artificial Wave Wing as a Propeller. The wave wing makes an admirable propeller if its tip be directed vertically downwards, and the wing lashed from side to side with a sculling figure-of-8 motion, similar to that executed by the tail of the fish. Three wave wings may be made to act in concert, and with a very good result ; two of them being made to vibrate figure-of-8 fashion in a more or less horizontal direction with a view to elevating ; the third being turned in a downward direction, and made to act vertically for the purpose of propelling. FIG. 130.-- Aerial wave screw, whose blades are slightly twisted (ab,cd; ef,gh), so that those portions nearest the root (rf/i) make a greater angle with the horizon than those parts nearer the tip (bf). The angle is thus adjusted to the speed attained by the different portions of the screw. The angle admits of further adjustment by means of the steel springs z, s, these exercising a -estraining, and to a certain extent a regulating, influ- ence which effectually prerents shock. It will be atonce perceived from this figure that the portions of the screw marked m and n travel at a much lower speed than those portions marked o and p, and these again more slowly than those marked q and r (compare with tig. 56, p. 120). As, however, the angle which a wing or a portion of a wing, as 1 have pointed out, varies to accommodate itself to the speed attained by the wing, or a portion thereof, it follows, that to make the wave screw mechanically perfect, the angles made by its several portions must be accurately adapted to the travel of its several parts as indicated above. x, Vertical tube for receiving driving shaft, v, ^v, Sockets in which the roots of the blades of the screw rotate, the degree of rotation being limited by the steel springs z, s. a b, ef, Taptring elastic reeds forming anterior or thick margins of blades of screw, d c, hg, Posterior or thin elastic margins of blades of screw, m n, op,qr, Radii formed by the different portions of the blades of the screw when in operation. The arrows indicate the direc- tion of travel. Original. A New Form of Aerial Screw. If two of the wave wings represented at fig. 122, p. 239, be placed end to end, and united to a vertical portion of tube to form a two-bladed screw, similar to that employed in navigation, a most powerful elastic aerial screw is at once produced, as seen at fig. 130. AERONAUTICS. 257 This screw, which for the sake of uniformity I denominate the aerial wave screw, possesses advantages for aerial pur- poses to which no form of rigid screw yet devised can lay claim. The way in which it clings to the air during its revolution, and the degree of buoying power it possesses, are quite astonishing. It is a self-adjusting, self-regulating screw, and as its component parts are flexible and elastic, it accom- modates itself to the speed at which it is driven, and gives a uniform buoyancy. The slip, I may add, is nominal in amount. This screw is exceedingly light, and owes its efficacy to its shape and the graduated nature of its blades; the anterior margin of each blade being comparatively rigid, the posterior margin being comparatively flexible and more or less elastic. The blades are kites in the same sense that natural wings are kites. They are flown as such when the screw revolves. I find that the aerial wave screw flies best and elevates most when its blades are inclined at a certain upward angle as indicated in the figure (130). The aerial wave screw may have the number of its blades in- creased by placing the one above the other ; and two or more screws may be combined and made to revolve in opposite directions so as to make them reciprocate; the one screw pro- ducing the current on which the other rises, as happens in natural wings. The Aerial Wave Screw operates also upon Water. The form of screw just described is adapted in a marked manner for water, if the blades be reduced in size and composed of some elastic substance, which will resist the action of fluids, as gutta-percha, carefully tempered finely graduated steel plates, etc. It bears the same relation to, and produces the same results upon, water, as the tail and fin of the fish. It throws its blades during its action into double figure-of-8 curves, similar in all respects to those produced on the anterior and posterior margins of the natural and artificial flying wing. As the speed attained by the several portions of each blade varies, so the angle at which' each part of the blade strikes varies; the angles being always greatest towards the root of the blade and least towards the tip. The angles made by the different portions of the blades are diminished in proportion as the 258 AERONAUTICS. speed, with which the screw is driven, is increased. The screw in this manner is self-adjusting, and extracts a large percentage of propelling power, with very little force and surprisingly little slip. A similar result is obtained if two finely graduated angular- shaped gutta-percha or steel plates be placed end to end and applied to the water (vertically or horizontally matters little), with a slight sculling figure-of-8 motion, analogous to that performed by the tail of the fish, porpoise, or whale. If the thick margin of the plates be directed forwards, and the thin ones backward, ,, an unusually effective propeller is pro- duced. This form of propeller is likewise very effective in air. CONCLUDING EEMAEKS. FROM the researches and experiments detailed in the pre- sent volume, it will be evident that a remarkable analogy exists between walking, swimming, and flying. It will further appear that the movements of the tail of the fish, and of the wing of the insect, bat, and bird can be readily imi- tated and reproduced. These facts ought to inspire the pioneer in aerial navigation with confidence. The land and water have already been successfully subjugated. The realms of the air alone are unvanquished. These, however, are so vast and so important as a highway for the nations, that science and civilisation equally demand their occupation. The history of artificial progression indorses the belief that the fields etherean will one day be traversed by a machine designed by human ingenuity, and constructed by human skill. In order to construct a successful flying machine, it is not necessary to reproduce the filmy wing of the insect, the silken pinion of the bat, or the complicated and highly differ- entiated wing of the bird, where every feather may be said AERONAUTICS. 259 to have a peculiar function assigned to it ; neither is it neces- sary to reproduce the intricacy of that machinery by which the pinion in the bat, insect, and bird is moved : all that is required is to distinguish the properties, form, extent, and manner of application of the several flying surfaces, a task attempted, however imperfectly executed, in the foregoing pages. When Vivian and Trevithick devised the locomo- tive, and Symington and Bell the steamboat, they did not seek to reproduce a quadruped or a fish ; they simply aimed at producing motion adapted to the land and water, in accordance with natural laws, and in the pre- sence of living models. Their success is to be measured by an involved labyrinth of railway which extends to every part of the civilized world ; and by navies whose vessels are despatched without trepidation to navigate the most boisterous seas at the most inclement seasons. The aeronaut has a similar but more difficult task to perform. In attempting to produce a flying-machine he is not necessarily attempting an impossible thing. The countless swarms of flying crea- tures testify as to the practicability of such an undertaking, and nature supplies him at once with models and materials. If artificial flight were not attainable, the insects, bats, and birds would furnish the only examples of animals whose, movements could not be reproduced. History, analogy, observation, and experiment are all opposed to this view. The success of the locomotive and steamboat is an earnest of the success of the flying machine. If the difficulties to be surmounted in its construction are manifold, the triumph and the reward will be correspondingly great. It is impos- sible to over-estimate the boon which would accrue to mankind from such a creation. Of the many mechanical problems before the world at present, perhaps there is none greater than that of aerial navigation. Past failures are not to be regarded as the harbingers of future defeats, for it is only within the last few years that the subject of artificial flight has been taken up in a true scientific spirit. Within a paratively brief period an enormous mass of valuable data has been collected. As societies for the advancement of aero- nautics have been established in Britain, America, France, 260 AERONAUTICS. and other countries, there is reason to believe that our knowledge of this most difficult department of science will go on increasing until the knotty problem is finally solved. If this day should ever come, it will not be too much to affirm, that it will inaugurate a new era in the history of mankind ; and that great as the destiny of our race has been hitherto, it will be quite out-lustred by the grandeur and magnitude of coming events. INDEX. Ma AERIAL creatures not stronger than terrestrial ones, . . . 13 Aerial flight as distinguished from sub-aquatic flight, . . .92 Aeronautics, . *...... 209 Air cells in insects and birds not necessary to flight, . . .115 Albatross, flight of, compared to compass set upon gimbals, . . 199 Amphibia have larger travelling surfaces than land animals, but less than aerial ones, . . . ... 8 Artificial fins, flippers, and wings, how constructed, . . .14 Artificial wings, Borelli, ....... 219 Do. Marey, ....... 226 Do. Chabrier, . . . . . .233 Do. Straus- Durckheim, ..... 233 Do. how to apply to the air, .... 245 Do. nature of forces required to propel, ... 246 Artificial wave wing of Pettigrew, . . . - . 236 Do. how to construct on insect type, ... . 240 Do. how to construct to evade the superimposed air during the up stroke, ...... 241 Do. can create currents and rise upon them, . . 253 Do. can be driven at any speed ; can make new currents and utilize old ones, .... 251, 255 Do. as a propeller and aerial screw, .... 266 Do. compound rotation of : the different parts of the wing travel at different speeds, .... 252 Do. necessity for supplying root of, with elastic structures, 247 Artificial compound wave wing of Pettigrew, .... 242 Atmospheric pressure, effects of, on limbs, . . . .24 Axioms, fundamental, . . . . . . .17 BALANCING, how effected in flight, ..... 118 Balloon, 210 Bats and birds, lax condition of shoulder-joint in, ... 190 Birds, lifting capacity of, .... . 2 Body and wing reciprocate in flight, and each describes a waved track, 12 Bones, ......... 21 Bones of the extremities twisted and spiral, . . . 28, '.?.< Bones of wing of bat spiral configuration of their articular surfaces, . 176 Bones of wing of bird their articular surfaces, movements, etc., . 178 Borelli's artificial bird, ....... 220 CHABRIER'S artificial wings, .... 233 262 INDEX. PAGE ELYTRA or wing cases and membranous wings, .... 170 FEATHERS, primary, secondary, and tertiary, . 180 Fins, flippers, and wings form mobile helices or screws, 14 Flight, weight necessary to, ... 3, 4, 110 111, 112, 113 Flight the poetry of motion, .... 6 Flight the least fatiguing kind of motion, . . 13 Flight under water, ..... 90 Flight of the flying-fish, ..... 98 Flight, horizontal, in part due to weight of flying mass, 110 Flight the regular and irregular, . . . 201 Flight how to ascend, descend, and turn, . . 201 Flight of birds referrible to muscular exertion and weight, 204 Fluids, mechanical effects of, on animals immersed in them, 78 Fluids, resistance of, . ... 18 Flying machine, Henson, . ... 212 Do. Stringfellow, ... 213 Do. Cay ley, . ... 215 Do. Phillips, . ... 216 Do. M. de la Landelle, ... 217 Do. Borelli, . ... 219 A flying machine possible, ... 2, 3 Forces which propel the wings of insects, bats, and birds, 186, 189 Fulcra, yielding, ...... 8, 104, 165 GRAVITY, the legs move by the force of, . . . .18 Gravity, centre of, ..... .18 HISTORY of the figure-of-8 theory of walking, swimming, and flying, . 15 JOINTS, ......... 23 KITE-LIKE action of the wings, ...... 98 Kite how kite formed by wing differs from boy's kite, . . 166 LAWS of natural and artificial progression the same, . . . 4, 17 Legs, moved by the force of gravity, ..... 18 Lever the wing one of the third order, ..... 103 Levers, the three orders of, ...... 19 Life linked to motion, . . . . . . .3 Lifting capacity of birds, ....... 205 Ligaments, ........ 24 Ligaments, elastic, position and action of, in wing of pheasant, snipe, crested crane, swan, etc., ...... 191 Ligaments, elastic, more highly differentiated in wings which vibrate quickly, . . . . . . . . 193 Locomotion, the active organs of, ..... 24 Locomotion, the passive organs of, ..... 21 Locomotion of the horse, . . ... . . .39 Locomotion of the ostrich, . . . . . . 45 Locomotion of man, ....... 51 MAREY'S artificial wings, ....... 233 Membranous wings, ....... 170 Motion associated with the life and well-being of animals, . . 1 Motion not confined to the animal kingdom, .... 2 Motion, natural and artificial, ...... 4 INDEX. 263 Motion, of uniform, . . Motion uniformly varied, . Muscles, their properties, mode of action, etc., . 24 Muscles arranged iu longitudinal, transverse, and oblique spiral lines, '. 28 Muscles, oblique spiral, necessary for spiral bones and joints, . . 81 Muscles take precedence of bones in animal movements, . . 29 Muscular cycles, ...... 26 Muscular waves, ..... 26 PKNDULUMS, the extremities of animals act as, in walking, . 9, 18, 56, 57 Plane, inclined, as applied to the air, ..... 211 Pettigrew's method of constructing and applying artificial wings as contradistinguished from that of Borelli, Chabrier, Durckheim, Marey, etc., ........ 235 Pettigrew's wave wing, ....... 236 Pettigrew's compound wave wing, ..... 242 Progression on the land, . . . . . . .37 Do. on or in the water, ...... 64 Do. in or through the air, ..... 103 QUADRUPEDS walk, fishes swim, and insects, bats, and birds fly, by figure-of-8 movements, . . . . . . 15, 16 SCREWS the wing of the bird and the extremity of the biped and quadruped screws, structurally and functionally, . . .12 Screws difference between those formed by the wings and those em- ployed in navigation, ...... 151 Sculling action of the wing, ...... 231 Speed attained by insects, ...... 188 Speed of wing movements partly accounted for, . . . 120 Spine, spiral movements of, transferred to the extremities, . .33 Straus-Durckheim's artificial wings, ..... 233 Swimming of the fish, whale, porpoise, etc., . ... 66 Swimming of the seal, sea-bear, and walrus, . . . .74 Swimming of man, ....... 78 Swimming of the turtle, triton, crocodile, etc., . . . .89 TERRESTRIAL animals have smaller travelling surfaces than amphibia, amphibia than fishes, and fishes than insects, bats, and birds, . 8 The travelling surfaces of animals increase as the density of the media traversed decreases, . . . . . . . 7, 8 The travelling surfaces of animals variously modified and adapted to the media on or in which they move, . . . .34 WALKING, swimming, and flying correlated, . . . 5 Walking of the quadruped, biped, etc., .... 9,10,11 Wave wing of Pettigrew, ..... Do. how to construct on insect type, . 240 Do. how to construct to evade the superimposed air during the up stroke, ...... Do. can be driven at any speed, .... 251, 255 Do. can create currents and rise upon them, . . Do. can make new currents and utilize existing ones, . 251, 255 Do. as a propeller, ... . Do. as an aerial screw, . ... Do. forces required to apply to the air, . . . 245, 24 Do. necessity for supplying root of, with elastic structures, . 247 264 INDEX. PAGE Wave wing, compound, ....... 242 Weight necessary to flight, ...... 110 Weight contributes to flight, ...... 112 Weight, momentum, and power to a certain extent synonymous in flight, 114 The wing of the bird and the extremity of the biped and quadruped are screws, structurally and functionally, ... 12, 138 Wing in flight describes figure-of-8 curves, . . . .12 Wing during its action reverses its planes and describes a figure-of-8 track in space, ....... 140 Wing when advancing with the body describes looped and waved tracks, 143 Wing, margins of, thrown into opposite curves during extension and flexion, ........ 146 Wing, tip of, describes an ellipse, ..... 147 Wing and body reciprocate in flight, and each describes a wave track, 12 Wing moves in opposite curves to body, . . . .168 Wing ascends when body descends, and vice versd, . . . 159 Wing during its vibrations produces a cross pulsation, . . 148 Wing vibrates unequally with reference to a given line, . 150, 231 Wing, compound rotation of, . . . . . 149 Wing a lever of the third order, ...... 103 Wing acts on yielding fulcra, . . . . -8, 104, 165 Wings, their form, etc., all wings screws, structurally and functionally, 136 Wing capable of change of form in all its parts, . . .147 Wing-area variable and in excess, ..... 124 Wing-area decreases as the size and weight of the volant animal in- creases, ; ..... 132 Wing, natural, when elevated and depressed must move forwards, . 156 Wing, angles formed by, when in action, .... 167 Wing acts as true kite both during down and up strokes, . . 165 Wing, traces of design in, . ..... 180 Wing of bird not always opened up to same extent in up stroke, . 182 Wing, flexion of, necessary to flight of birds, . . . .183 Wing flexed and partly elevated by action of elastic ligaments, . 191 Wing, power of, to what owing, . ..... 194 Wing, effective stroke of, why delivered downwards and forwards, . 195 Wing acts as an elevator, propeller, and sustainer both during exten- sion and flexion, ....... 197 Wings, points wherein the screws formed by, differ from those in ordi- nary use, ........ 151 Wings at all times thoroughly under control, .... 154 Wings of insects, consideration of forces which propel, . . . 186 Wings of bats and birds, consideration of forces which propel, . . 189 LIST OF A UTHORS AND SUBJECTS OF THEIR BOOKS, TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. Rev. M. J. BERKELEY, M. A., F. L. S., and M. COOKE, M. A., LL. IX, Fungi; their Nature, Influences, and Uses. Prof. OSCAR SCHMIDT (University of Stras- burg), The Theory of Descent and Darwinism. Prof. VOGEL (Polytechnic Academy of Ber- lin), The Chemical Effects of Light. Prof. W. KINGDOM CLIFFORD, M. A., The First Principles of the Exact Sci- ences explained to the Non-mathemati- cal. Prof. T. H. HUXLEY, LL. D., F. R. S., Bodily Motion and Consciousness. Dr. W. B. CARPENTER, LL. D., F. R. S., The Physical Geography of the Sea. Prof. WILLIAM ODLING, F. R. S., The Old Chemistry from the New Stand-point. Prof. SHELDON AMOS, The Science of Law. W. LAUDER LINDSAY, M. D., F. R. S. E., Mind in the Lower A nimals. Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., F. R. S., The Antiquity of Man. Prof. W. T. THISELTON DYER, B. A., B. S. C., Form and Habit in Flower- ing Plants. Prof. MICHAEL FOSTER, M. D., Proto- plasm and the Cell Theory. Prof. W. STANLEY JEVONS, The Logic of Statistics. Dr. H. CHARLTON BASTIAN, M.D..F.R.S., The Bruin as an Organ of Mind. Prof. A. C. RAMSAY, LL. D., P. R. S., Earth Sculpture; Hills, Valleys, Mountains, Plains, Rivers, Lakes; how they were Produced, and how they have been Destroyed. Prof. RUDOLPH VIRCHOW (University of Berlin), Morbid Physiological Action. Prof. CLAUDE BERNARD (College of France), Physical and Metaphysical Phenomena of Life. Prof. A. QUETF.LET (Brussels Academy of Sciences), Social Physics. Prof. H. SAINTE-CLAIRE DEVILLE, A n In- troduction to General Chemistry. Prof. WURTZ, Atoms and the Atomic Theory. Prof. DE QUATREFAGES, The Negro Races. Prof. LACAZE-DUTHIERS, Zoology since Cu-vier. Prof. BERTHELOT, Chemical Synthesis. Prof. J. ROSENTHAL, General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves. Prof. C. A. YOUNG (Dartmouth College), The Sun. Prof. JAMES D. DANA, M. A., LL. D., On Cephahzaiion ; or, Head-Character* in the Gradation and Progress of Life. Prof. S. W. JOHNSON, M. A., On the Nu- trition of Plants. Prof. AUSTIN FLINT, Jr., M. D., The Ner. vous System and its Relation to the Bodily Functions. Prof. W. D. WHITNEY, Modern Linguis- tic Science. Prof. BERNSTEIN (University of Halle), Physiology of the Senses. Prof. FERDINAND COHN (University of Breslau), Thallotyphes (Algae Lichens Fungi). Prof. HERMANN (University of Zurich), Respiration. Prof. LEUCKART (University of Leipsic), Outlines of A nimal Organization. Prof. LIEBREICH (University of Berlin), Outlines of Toxicology. Prof. KUNDT (University of Strasburg), On Sound. Prof. LONMEL (University of Erlangen). Optics. Prof. REES (University of Erlangen), On Parasitic Plants. Prof. STEINTHAL (University of Berlin), Outlines of the Science of Language. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, $49 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Opinions of the Press on the "International Scientific Series" Tyndall's Forms of Water. I vol., I2mo. Cloth. Illustrated Price, $1.50. " In the volume now published, Professor Tyndall has presented a noble illustration of the acuteness and subtlety of his intellectual powers, the scope and insight of his scientific vision, his singular command of the appropriate language of exposition, and the peculiar vivacity and grace with which he unfolds the results of intricate scientific research." N. Y. Tribune. " The ' Forms of Water,' by Professor Tyndall, is an interesting and instructive little volume, admirably printed and illustrated. Prepared expressly for this series, it is in some measure a guarantee of the excellence of the volumes that will follow, and an indication that the publishers will spare no pains to include in the series the freshest in- vestigations of the best scientific minds." Boston Journal. "This series is admirably commenced by this little volume from the pen of Prof. Tyndall. A perfect master of his subject, he presents in a style easy and attractive his methods of investigation, and the results obtained, and gives to the reader a clear con- ception of all the wondrous transformations to which water is subjected." Churchman. II. Bagehot's Physics and Politics. I vol., I2mo. Price, $1.50. " If the ' International Scientific Series ' proceeds as it has begun, it will more than fulfil the promise given to the reading public in its prospectus. The first volume, by Professor Tyndall, was a model of lucid and attractive scientific exposition ; and now we have a second, by Mr. Walter Bagehot, which is not only very lucid and charming, but also original and suggestive in the highest degree. Nowhere since the publication of Sir Henry Maine's 'Ancient Law,' have we seen so many fruitful thoughts sug- gested in the course of a couple of hundred pages. . . . To do justice to Mr. Bage- hot's fertile book, would require a long article. With the best of intentions, we are conscious of having given but a sorry account of it in these brief paragraphs. But we hope we have said enough to commend it to the attention of the thoughtful leader." Prof. JOHN FISKE, in the Atlantic Monthly. " Mr. Bagehot's style is clear and vigorous. We refrain from giving a fuller ac- count of these suggestive essays, only because we are smre that our readers will find it worth their while to peruse the book for themselves ; and we sincerely hope that the- forthcoming parts of the 'International Scientific Series' will be as interesting." A thenteum. " Mr. Bagehot discusses an immense variety of topics connected with the progress of societies and nations, and the development of their distinctive peculiarities; and his book shows an abundance of ingenious and original thought" ALFRED RUSSKH WALLACE, in Nature. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Opinions of the Press on the "International Scientific Series" III. Foods. By Dr. EDWARD SMITH. I vol., I2mo. Cloth. Illustrated p,.j ce j _. In ma'cing up THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES, Dr. Edward Smith was se- lected as the ablest man in England to treat the important subject of Foods. His services were secured for the undertaking, and the little treatise he has produced shows that the choice of a writer on this subject was most fortunate, as the book is unquestionably the clearest and best-digested compend of the Science of Foods that has appeared in our language. " The book contains a series of diagrams, displaying the effects of sleep and meals on pulsation and respiration, and of various kinds of food on respiration, which as the results of Dr. Smith's own experiments, possess a very high value. We have'not far to go in this work for occasions of favorable criticism ; they occur throughout but are perhaps most apparent in those parts of the subject ith which Dr. Smith's name is es- pecially linked. London Examiner. "The union of scientific and popular treatment in the composition of this work will afford an attraction to many readers who would have been indifferent to purely theoreti- cal details. . .Still his work abounds in information, much of which is of great value, and a part of which could not easily be obtained from other sources. Its interest is de- cidedly enhanced for students who demand both clearness and exactness of statement, by the profusion of well-executed woodcuts, diagrams, and tables, which accompany th volume. . . The suggestions of the author on the use of tea and coffee, and of the va. nous forms of alcohol, although perhaps not strictly of a novel character, are highly in- structive, and form an interesting portion of the volume." N. Y. Tribune. IV. Body and Mind. THE THEORIES OF THEIR RELATION. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL. D. I vol., I2mo. Cloth Price, $1.50. PROFESSOR BAIN is the author of two well-known standard works upon the Science of Mind "The Senses and the Intellect," and "The Emotions and the Will." He is one of the highest living authorities in the school which holds that there can be no sound or valid psychology unless the mind and the body are studied, as they exist, together. " It contains a forcible statement of the connection between mind and body, study- ing their subtile interworkings by the light of the most recent physiological investiga- tions. The summary in Chapter V., of the investigations of Dr. Lionel Beale of the embodiment of the intellectual functions in the cerebral system, will be found the freshest and most interesting part of his book. Prof. Bain's own theory of the c< nrix- tion between the mental and the bodily part in man is stated by himself to be as foil. \\ : : There is ' one substance, with two sets of properties, two sides, the physical and the mental a double-faced unity.' While, in the strongest manner, asserting the i:nion of mind with brain, he yet denies 'the association of union in place' but asserts tl-e union of close succession in time,' holding that 'the same being is, by alternate fits, un- der extended and under unextended consciousness." ' Christian Register. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. ^^ Opinions of the Press on the "International Scientific Series." V. The Study of Sociology. By HERBERT SPENCER. I2mo. Cloth Price, $1.50. "The Study of Sociology " was written for the purpose of conveying to the reading public more definite ideas concerning the nature, claims, scope, limits, and difficulties, of the Science of Sociology. It is intended to prepare the way for the author's great work on the " Principles of Sociology," which is to follow the " Principles of Psychol- ogy." But, while serving thus as an introduction to the larger work, the present vol- ume is complete in itself. Its style is exceedingly clear and vigorous, and the book abounds with a wealth of illustration. " The philosopher whose distinguished name gives weight and influence to this vol- ume, has given in its pages some of the finest specimens of reasoning in all its forms and departments. There is a fascination in his array of facts, incidents, and opinions, which draws on the reader to ascertain his conclusions. The coolness and calmness of his treatment of acknowledged difficulties and grave objections to his theories win for him a close attention and sustained effort, on the part of the reader, to comprehend, fol- low, grasp, and appropriate his principles. This book, independently of its bearing upon sociology, is valuable as lucidly showing what those essential characteristics are which entitle any arrangement and connection of facts and deductions to be called a tcience." Episcopalian. "To those who are already acquainted with Mr. Spencer's writing, there is no need of recommending the work ; to those who are not, we would say, that by reading ' The Study of Sociology ' they will gain the acquaintance of an author who, for knowledge, depth of thought, skill in elucidation, and originality of ideas, stands prominently for- ward in the front rank of the glorious army of modern thinkers. ' The Study of Soci- ology ' is the fifth of ' The International Scientific Series," and for beauty of type and elegant appearance is worthy of the great publishing-house of Messrs. Appleton&Co." Boston Gazette. "This volume belongs to 'The International Scientific Series,' which was projected with so high a standard and which is being so successfully carried out. The value and character of the whole may fairly be judged by this and the preceding volumes. The principle of the enterprise is that eich subject shall be treated by the writer of greatest eminence in that department of inquiry, and it is well illustrated in the present work. Herbert Spencer is unquestionably the foremost living thinker in the psychological and sociological fields, and this volume is an important contribution to the science of which it treats It will prove more popular than any of its author's other creations, for it is more plainly addressed to the people and has a more practical and less speculative cast It will require thought, but it is. well worth thinking about" Albany Evening Journal. "Whether the reader agrees with the author or not, he will be delighted with the work, not only for the beauty and purity of its style, and breadth and cyclopedic char- acter of Mr. Spencer's mind, but also for its freedom from prejudice and kindred imper- fections." Norwich Bulletin. "This work compels admiration by the evidence which it gives of immense re- search, study, and observation, and is withal written in a popular and very pleasing ityle. It is a fascinating work, as well as one of deep practical thought." Boston Pott. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Opinions of the Press on the " International Scientific Series." VI. The New Chemistry. By JOSIAH P. COOKE, JR., Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University. I vol., 121110. Cloth Price, $2.00. " The book of Prof. Cooke is a model of the modern popular science work. It has just the due proportion of fact, philosophy, and true romance, to make it a fascinating companion, either for the voyage or the study." Daily Graphic. " This admirable monograph, by the distinguished Erving Professor of Chemistry in Harvard University, is the first American contribution to ' The International Scien- tific Series,' and a more attractive piece of work in the way of popular exposition upon a difficult subject has not appeared in a long time. It not only well sustains the char- acter of the volumes with which it is associated, but its reproduction in European coun- tries will be an honor to American science. It is, moreover, in an eminent degree, timely, for, between the abandonment of its old views and the bewilderment caused by the new, chemical science was gettinginto a demoralized condition. A v. oik was greatly needed that should relieve the discomfort of transition, and bridge over the gulf between the old order of ideas and those which are to succeed them. Professor Cooke's compendious contribution to the present exigencies of chemical literature will give the students of the science exactly the help they need, and pass them over by an easy and pleasant route into the new realm of chemical philosophy." New York Tribune. " All the chemists in the country will enjoy its perusal, and many will seize upon it as a thing longed for. For, to those advanced students who have kept well abreast of the chemical tide, it offers a calm philosophy. To those others, youngest of the class, who have emerged from the schools since new methods have prevailed, it presents a generalization, drawing to its use all the data, the relations of which the newly-fledged fact-seeker may but dimly perceive without its aid. ... To the old chemists. Prof. Cooke's treatise is like a message from beyond the mountain. They have heard of changes in the science ; the clash of the battle of old and new theories has stirred them from afar. The tidings, too, had come that the old had given way ; and little more than this they knew. . . . Prof. Cooke's' New Chemistry ' must do wide service in bringing to close sight the little known and the longed for. ... As a philosophy it is elemen- tary, but, as a book of science, ordinary readers will find it sufficiently advanced." Utica Morning Herald. "A book of much higher rank than most publications of its class. It treats only of modern chemical theories relating to molecules, combining proportions, reactions atomic weights, isomerism, and the synthesis of organic compounds taking one into the very arcana of chemical mysteries. Though there are no more recondite btanches of the science than those here explained and illustrated, such is Professor Cooke's clearness that he may be said to make every thing plain _to the average reader, who will hut take pains with his lessons. Professor Cooke reminds us. in his simplicity and lucidity of statement, of Professor Tyndall, than which there can be no higher praise." New York Journal of Commerce. " The aim of the work is to furnish a hand-book of a symmetrical science, resting fundamentally upon the law of Avogadro that ' equal volumes of all substances, when in the state of gas and under like conditions, contain the same number of molecules.' It is to a rigid adherence to this law and the deductions which flow from it that chem- istry, as now taught, owes the marked difference which separates it from the chemistry taught a few years ago. The original lectures of Professor Cooke, enlarged and somewhat modified, present in their present form a clear and full exposition of the sci- ence, and will form a useful text-book as well as a volume of unusual interest to the lovers of physical science." New York ll'orld. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Opinions of the Press on the " International Scientific Series." VII. The Conservation of Energy. By BALFOUR STEWART, ~LL. D. With an Appendix, treating of the Vital and Mental Applications of the Doctrine. I vol., I2mo. Cloth Price, $1.50. Note to the A merican Edition. "The great prominence which the modern doctrine of the Conservation of Energy or Correlation of Forces has lately assumed in the world of thought, has made a simple and popular explanation of the subject very desirable. The present work of Di. 1 al- four Stewart, contributed to the 'International Scientific Series,' fully meets this re- quirement, as it is probably the clearest and most elementary statement of the question that has yet been attempted. Simple in language, copious and familiar in illusti alien, and remarkably lucid in the presentation of facts and principles, his little treatise forms just the introduction to the great problem of the interaction of natural foices that is re- quired by general readers. But Prof. Stewart having confined himself mainly to the physical aspects of the subject, it was desirable that his views should be supplemented by a statement of the operation of the principle in the spheres of life and mind. An Appendix has, accordingly, been added to the American edition of Dr. Stewart's work, in which these applications of the law are considered. " Prof. Joseph Le Cpnte published a very able essay fourteen years ago on the 'Correlation of the Physical and Vital Forces,' which was extensively reprinted abro?d, and placed the name of the author among the leading interpieters of the subject. His mode of presenting it was regarded [as peculiaily happy, and was widely adopted by other writers. After further investigations and more mature reflection, he has recently re- stated his views, and has kindly furnished the revised essay for insertion in this volun.e. " Prof. A. Bain, the celebrated Psychologist cf Aberdeen, who has done so much to advance the study ofmind in its physiological relations, prepared an interesting lec- ture not long ago on the 'Correlation of the Nervous and Mental Forces,' \\hich v ?s read with much interest at the time of its publication, and is now reprinted as a suiti.ble exposition of that branch of the subject. These two essays, by carrying out the prin- ciple .in the field of vital and mental phenomena, will serve to give completeness and much greater value to the present volume." " The great physical generalization called ' The Conservation of Energy ' is in n intermediate state. It is so new that all kinds of false ideas are prevalent shout it; it is so exact that these cannot be tolerated ; and thus its circumstances are such as to make so thorough and simple a treatise as this, by Prof. Balfour Stewart, a boon to science anil the world at large. " The scheme of the book is simple, as is naturally the ca=e when the subject-mat- ter comprehends but one single law of Nature and its manifestations. The first two chapters are devoted to the consideration of mechanical energy and its change into heat, Prof. Stewart rightly devoting special attention to these two forms of eneigy, compared with which all others are insignificant in practical, if not in theoretical, im- portance. The remaining forms of energy are then explained, and the law of its con- servation is stated, and its operation traced through all varieties of transmutations. An historical sketch of the progress of the science and an examination of Prof. Thomson's correlative theory of the 'Dissipation of Energy ' follow ; and the work cor eludes with a chapter on the ' Position of Life,' which is closely connected with a well-known e; y written some years ago by Prot Stewart and Mr. I.rckyer. The style is all that it should be; it is difficult to understand how so much information can be contained in ro few words. Prof. Stewart could not have been nearly so successful in this rrspect hrd he been in any degree a pedant. No such writer would permit himself to use the quaint language and still quainter similes and and illustrations that make the book f o readable, and yet there is Vcarcely one that is out of place, or illegitimately used, or likely to mislead." Saturday Review. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. A thoughtful and valuable contribution to the best religious literature of the day. RELIGION AND SCIENCE. A Series of Sunday Lectures on the Relation of Natural and Revealed Religion, or the Truths revealed in Nature and Scripture. By JOSEPH LE CONTE, PROFE8SOB OP GEOLOGY AND NATURAL UI8TOBY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. I2nio, cloth. Price, $1.50. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " This work is chiefly remarkable as a conscientious effort to reconcile the revelations of Science with those of Scripture, and will be very use- ful to teachers of the different Sunday-schools." Detroit Union. "It will be r.een, by this resttme of the topics, that Prof. Le Conte grapples with some of the gravest questions which agitate the thinking world. He treats of them all with dignity ar.d fairness, and in a man- ner so clear, persuasive, and eloquent, as to engage the undivided at- tention of the reader. We commend the book cordially to then grid of all who are interested in whatever pertains to the discussion of tnc.'e grave questions, and especially to those who desire to examine clcstly the strong foundations on which the Christian faith is reared." Bcstm Journal. "A reverent student of Nature and religion is the best-qualified rr.rn to instruct others in their harmony. The author at first intcncUd work for a Bible-class, but, as it grew under his hands, it seemed v 1 11 to give it form in a neat volume. The lectures are from a decidedly re- ligious stand-point, and as such present a new method of treatn int." Philadelphia Age. "This volume is made up of lectures delivered to his pupils, and is written with much clearness of thought and unusual clearness of ex- pression, although the author's English is not always above reproach. It is partly a treatise on natural theology and partly a defense of the Bible against the assaults of modern science. In the latter aspect the author's method is an eminently wise one. He accepts whatever sci- ence has proved, and he also accepts the divine origin of the Fille. Where the two seem to conflict he prefers to await the reconcilint;< r, which is inevitable if both are true, rather than to waste time and wins in inventing ingenious and doubtful theories to force them into sccn.irg accord. Both a> a theologian and a man of science, Prof. Le Conte's opinions are entitled to respectful attention, and there are few \\ho vill not recognize his book as a thoughtful and valuable contribution to the best religious literature of the day." New York World. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. DESCRIPTIVE SOCIOLOGY. MB. HERBERT SPENCER has been for several years engaged, with the aid of three educated gentlemen in his employ, in collecting and organizing the facts concerning all orders of human societies, which must constitute the data of a true Social Science. He tabulates these facts so as conveniently to admit of ex- tensive comparison, and gives the authorities separately. He divides the races of mankind into three great groups : the savage races, the existing civilizations, and the extinct civilizations, and to each he devotes a series of works. The first installment, THE SOCIOLOGICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND, in seven continuous tables, folio, with seventy pages of verifying text, is now ready. This work will be a perfect Cyclopaedia of the facts of Social Science, independent of all theories, and will be invaluable to all interested in social problems. Price, five dollars. This great work is spoken of as follows : From the British Quarterly Review. "No words are needed to indicate the immense labor here bestowed, or the great sociological benefit which such a mass of tabulated matter done under each competent direction will confer. The work will constitute an epoch in the science of comparative sociology." From the Saturday Review. " The plan of the ' Descriptive Sociology ' is new, and the task is one eminently fitted to be dealt with by Mr. Herbert Spencer's faculty of scientific organizing. His object is to examine the natural laws which govern the development of societies, as be has ex- amined in formei parts of his system those which govern the development of individual life. Now, it is obvious that the development of societies can be studied only in their history, and that general conclusions which shall hold good beyond the limits of particu- lar societies cannot be safely drawn except from a very wide range of facts. Mr. Spen- cer has therefore conceived the plan of making a preliminary collection, or perhaps we should rather say abstract, of materials which when complete will be a classified epi- tome of nnive sal history." From the London Examiner. "Of the treatment, in the main, we cannot speak too highly; and we must accept It as a wonderfully successful first attempt to furnish the student of social science with data standing toward his conclusions in a relation like that in which accounts of the structures and functions of different types of animals stand to the conclusions of th biologist." -ies9482 S c IE NTiFic SERIES | Cu