UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Composition of Common California Foothill Plants as a Factor in Range Management AARON GORDON and ARTHUR W. SAMPSON Foothill Kange of the San Joaquin Valley BULLETIN 627 March, 1939 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Review of literature 4 The San Joaquin Experimental Range 8 Sampling of species and analytical methods 12 Composition of graminaceous species 16 Organic constituents 17 Inorganic constituents 24 The calcium-phosphorus ratio 35 Evaluation of the species as forage 35 Composition of grasslike species 37 Organic constituents 39 Inorganic constituents 39 Evaluation of the species as forage 40 Composition of the broad-leaved herbs 40 Organic constituents 40 Inorganic constituents 54 The calcium-phosphorus ratio 61 Evaluation of the species 61 Composition of browse from shrubs and trees 64 Half-shrubs 64 Nondeciduous species 72 The calcium-phosphorus ratio 73 Evaluation of the species 74 Comparative levels of constituents in the six plant groups 75 Application to range management 81 Comparative forage values of the different growth stages 82 Role of weeds in a range community 84 Soils in relation to plant types and forage utilization 85 Criteria for judging the value of a forage plant 87 Shortening of growing season as affecting nutritive values 87 Chemical values and grazing capacity 88 Summary 89 Acknowledgments 91 Literature cited 92 COMPOSITION OF COMMON CALIFORNIA FOOTHILL PLANTS AS A FACTOR IN RANGE MANAGEMENT 1 2 AARON GORDON 3 and ARTHUR W. SAMPSON* This bulletin reports a study of chemical characteristics of certain foot- hill range plants commonly found in the interior valleys and on the coastal strip of California. Information obtained from such investigations should point the way to a more scientific approach to range revegetation and maintenance, and to a more accurate evaluation of the carrying capacity of the range. In half a century of grazing by domestic livestock conspicuous changes have taken place in the plant population of this vast grass-woodland area. In many instances the carrying capacity has declined sharply, and a portion of the top soil has been removed. Evidence points to the fact that a substantial proportion of the original perennial graminaceous species has been replaced by annual exotic grasses and other herbs of southern Europe ; this accounts for the inclusion of many such species in this study. So conspicuous has been this transformation that future grazing management plans must be focused largely upon this relatively early-maturing vegetation. Although various grazing systems have been employed on some of these ranges with a view to improving the forage crop, uniformly satis- factory results in revegetation have not been obtained. Better under- standing of the plant-nutrition problem is obviously basic to the improvement and maintenance of the forage cover. To understand the continuous transformations in the range-forage complex one must rec- ognize the changes peculiar to the life cycle of individual species and the departures from these changes caused by the various limiting factors, including different degrees and character of pasture utilization. The study was undertaken in 1935, on the San Joaquin Experimental Range of the United States Forest Service, a branch station of the Cali- fornia Forest and Range Experiment Station located near O'Neals. 1 Received for publication June 19, 1938. 2 Results of a cooperative investigation conducted by the California Forest and Range Experiment Station of the United States Forest Service, United States De- partment of Agriculture, and the California Agricultural Experiment Station. Acknowledgment is also made to the Works Progress Administration for assistance rendered through its Official Project No. 465-03-3-630, Unit B-12. 3 Associate Plant Ecologist, California Forest and Range Experiment Station, United States Forest Service. 4 Associate Professor of Forestry and Plant Ecologist in the Experiment Station. [3] 4 University of California — Experiment Station The results are reported under the following general headings: (1) composition of the chief grass species composing the different subtypes ; (2) composition of the grasslike species; (3) composition of the broad- leaved herbs, shrubs, and arborescents ; (4) chemical characteristics and phylogenetic relations; (5) habitat and seasonal influences on composi- tion ; and (6) application of the results to range management. REVIEW OF LITERATURE It is common knowledge that the characteristic chemical composition of a species is measurably influenced by the habitat. Some investigators have also reported that the chemical levels of pasture plants vary from the earliest inception of growth to maturity. It is fairly well established that the acidity of a soil is an important factor in rendering nutrients available to vegetation. Davis, Hoagland, and Lipman (9) 5 concluded that absorption of ions is influenced by the amount of carbon dioxide liberated by the roots. Pierre and Pohlman (39), using corn, sorghum, and sudan grass, found that differences in soil acidity from pH values of 4.60 to 6.60 do not affect the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the sap of these three species. Kauter (28) found that the percentages of phosphorus, calcium, and potassium in the ash of hay increases with higher pH soil values. This he states is due to dominance of species high in these constituents in soils of lower hydrogen ion concentration. Hoagland (24), working with barley in water cul- tures, reported that the values of phosphorus, and less conspicuously of calcium, decrease with higher pH. Truninger and Grunigen (48) found no relation between the soil reaction in pll ranging between 4.5 and 8.0 and the content of phosphoric acid, potassium, and calcium in forage. The addition of soil fertilizers generally appears to affect plant com- position. Hissink (23) concluded that while the proportions of mineral constituents in the plant depend primarily on the species concerned, they are also affected by the minerals present in the soil. Cooper (5) reported that the ash constituents of pasture grasses studied are largely deter- mined by the amounts of the various constituents available in the soil. He found that plant nitrogen and ash decrease as the soils become de- pleted. Jacob (27) found that addition of potassium to the soil increases the potassium content of the forage in many cases, but reduces the nitro- gen and lime contents. Mortimer and Ahlgren (36) , in studies with Ken- tucky bluegrass, reported that fertilization with nitrogen decreases the calcium and phosphorus content of this species, whereas addition to 5 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to "Literature Cited" at the end of this bul- letin. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 5 the soil of phosphorus and potassium increases the nitrogen content of the herbage. They also stated that phosphate fertilization increases this constituent of the grass. Truninger and Grunigen (48) found a reduc- tion of lime content in the plant when excessive amounts of potassium were added to the soil. Daniel and Harper (<§), in studying the composi- tion of Andropogon furcatus, concluded that the study of a single nutri- ent element in the soil will not give a reliable indication of the amount of that element found in the plant. That drought influences the composition of forage has been pointed out by various workers. Ferguson (12) states that in forage there is a decrease of calcium and phosphorus during a period of drought. "Wood- man, Norman, and French (52), as well as others (29), found that the most conspicuous effects of drought are : a decided decline in the per- centage of protein ; a slight increase in the percentage of nitrogen-free extractives and crude fiber ; an abrupt rise in the percentage of calcium, accompanied by a decline in the percentage of phosphorus ; and a pro- nounced reduction in moisture content with a premature onset of ligni- fication. Franklin (14) reported a fairly close relation between variation in the mineral content of pasture forage and certain meteorological data. Watkins (50) found that, in range grasses of the Southwest, phosphorus is more commonly deficient than calcium. In various stages of plant development, movement of elements takes place from one plant organ to another, and from the roots to the soil. Thus Burd (3) reported an orderly increase in nitrogen and potassium in barley during rapid growth, followed by losses at the time of heading. Murneek (37) found that tomato plants absorb the greatest quantities of nutrients and synthesize the largest amounts of organic substances when fertilization of the flowers was permitted, but when the fruit was not allowed to develop. Murneek (38) later stated that decline in vege- tative growth, which is associated with the reproductive period, is ac- counted for by the withdrawal of nitrogenous products from the leaves. Austin (1, 2), studying the soybean, found that carbohydrates accumu- late in deflorated plants, but that the intake of hydrogen ion and minerals is simultaneously curtailed. Richardson, Trumble, and Shapter (40), working under controlled conditions with the perennial, Phalaris tuber - osa, reported that, at plant maturity, nitrogen and phosphorus descend to the basal portion of the stem and to the roots, but a substantial portion of the total potash of the plant may diffuse from the roots into the soil. The different parts of the plant may vary in composition. In the study of forest trees Seiden (45) reported that the ash content is lowest in the leaves of the older branches nearer the ground. In a more comprehensive 6 University of California — Experiment Station study McHargue and Roy (34), working with 23 species of deciduous trees, found that the young foliar organs have the highest percentage of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, whereas the mature foliage con- tains the highest percentage of ash, silicon, and calcium. Sampson and Samisch (44) , working with Quercus Gambelii and Q. Kelloggii, reported high content of crude protein and crude fiber in the young leaves, but as the foliage expands the amount of these constituents per unit area de- creases. Stapledon, Fagan, Evans, and Milton (47) reported that in Italian rye grass, the young leaves, and especially the leaf sheaths, are nearly twice as rich in protein as the stem. Silica-free ash is also higher in the leaves. Conspicuous changes in plant composition take place as the season advances. Various investigators (10, 25, 31, 40) have found that with ad- vancing maturity of forage plants the crude protein content decreases and the crude fiber and nitrogen-free extracts increase. Hart, Guilbert, and Goss (22) found that the dry matter in the forage varies from high protein content in early growth stages to that of poor roughage when the herbage has dried. Bur clover, however, retains a relatively high nutritive value throughout the year, whereas the nutritiveness of most annual species is short-lived. McCreary (33) reported the highest nitro- gen content in ungrazed pasture grass during the succulent stage, fol- lowed by decline to maturity. Sampson and McCarty (42) , working with Stipa pulchra, found definite seasonal trends in the annual march of carbohydrates, with a decline during the period of rapid growth and a rise after the season's peak of development. Roberts (41) found that the ash content of some native perennial grasses studied increases with ma- turity, whereas in some exotic grasses the ash content decreases later in the season. Several other investigators (3, 40, 51) have reported high relative amounts of certain elements, notably potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, during the early growth stages, followed by decrease as maturity approaches. In the study of Phalaris tuberosa, Richardson, Trumble, and Shapter (40) found the crude protein to be 33 per cent in the tillering stage, with a decline to 3.37 per cent at maturity. The levels of phosphate and potash content decrease, while the percentage of crude fiber increases continuously from the early leaf stage to maturity. Green- hill and Page (17) reported appreciable fluctuation in calcium content in grasses during the growing season, whereas phosphorus had a definite seasonal trend, falling during drought and the early summer "flush" period, and recovering after each decline. Van Itallie (49), who worked on the chemical composition of species of grasses at various stages of growth, reported that the nitrogen, fat, and mineral constituents, Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 7 with the exception of silicic acid, decrease with advancement of the season, whereas the crude fiber content increases steadily. Fagan and "Watkins (11) found that herbs and grasses decline in nutritive values with advancing maturity. Sampson and Parker (43) noted that in St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) there is a rapid rise in sucrose until blossoming time, after which the amount falls off steadily. The levels of composition during growth vary with the species. Mc- Creary (33) found that plants of high altitudes contain more nitrogen than those growing at lower elevations, when collected in the same growth stage. Roberts (41) reported that western forage plants increase in feed- ing value with increasing altitude. Van Itallie (49) noted that although the trend of the constituents is similar in all grass species studied, the relative amounts in the different species vary. Thus Holcus lanatus and Alopecurus pratensis were high in ash and potassium content, while Fes- tuca rubra and Poa pratensis were low. Du Toit, Louw, and Malan (10) found pure species, grown in the same soil and exposed to the same cli- matic conditions, show appreciable differences in mineral and protein contents when harvested at definite intervals. Truninger and Gruni- gen (48) state that the mineral content of meadow forage, within certain limits, is influenced more strongly by the botanical composition than by soil fertilization. Pure grass stands show a smaller content of phosphoric acid and lime than do clover-grass meadows. Forbes, Whittier, and Colli- son (13) concluded that seasonal variations in ash content depend largely upon habitat rather than on the plant species. Daniel (7) contends that the particular plant species is much more important than either the soil or the land treatment in determining the mineral content. He found that legumes contain more calcium than grasses. In legumes there is a high calcium-phosphorus ratio, whereas in grasses this ratio is relatively low. Kauter (28) concurred with these results. Richardson and associates (40) in their investigation of the mineral content of pastures, concluded that superphosphate applied to natural pasture induces changes in bo- tanical composition of the pasture and in plant succession. McHargue, Roy, and Pelphrey (35) , found appreciable variations between species in the amounts of iron, copper, zinc, or manganese. Capen and LeClerc (4) , working on Alaska species, found measurable differences in the ash and sugar content in forage species. Leaching of certain components may affect the composition of the plant. Bur clover, according to Guilbert and Mead (18), is rich in pro- tein, and has a narrow nutritive ratio. This ratio in mature vegetation is affected by rain, which these authors report causes the soluble constitu- ents to be leached out. Guilbert, Mead, and Jackson (19) found that the 8 University of California — Experiment Station ingredients most susceptible to leaching from the plant are those of cer- tain constituents of the silica-free ash, and of the nitrogen-free extract. The degree and season of pasturing have also been shown to affect the composition of the forage. Hopper and Nesbitt (25) reported that fre- quent clipping tends to maintain succulence in forage, a condition associ- ated with high crude protein and low crude fiber. Harrison (21) found that removal of top growth lessened the carbohydrate storage, and if the clipping were sufficiently severe, no carbohydrates were stored. Mc- Carty (32) obtained similar results in his studies of Avena fatua. Graber and associates (15, 16) found that the storage organs of a plant clipped at maturity contain more organic material than those of a plant har- vested during the growth period. To summarize : Analytical studies of the various constituents, particu- larly in regard to inorganic elements, reveal that much confusion and speculation exist. The inconsistencies, even as to general trends in the mineral constituents, and often in the organic contents, leave few defi- nite conclusions. That there is high protein content and low fiber and nitrogen-free extract in very early growth stages, followed by gradual decline in the former and increase in the latter two, with the advance of the season, has been fairly well established. The quantitative trend in the ash content, and in the essential constituents thereof, has been little clarified. Moreover, there remains to be determined the effect of herbage removal on the physiological reaction of the plant, as measured in chemi- cal constituents. The divergent results reported in the literature are ample justification for undertaking the present study. THE SAN JOAQUIN EXPERIMENTAL RANGE The San Joaquin Experimental Range of some 4,700 acres, where the plant collections were made, appears to be fairly representative as to soils, vegetation, and climate of the foothill area of the region generally. The soils" of the area are nearly all residual in character, being derived from decomposition and disintegration of coarse-grained granodiorite rock. They are of sandy loam or coarse sandy loam texture. Many stones are present as outcrop and as loose stones throughout the soil profile. Bed- rock occurs at a depth of a few inches to 3 feet from the surface, with an average depth of about 18 inches. These soils are low in organic matter and close to neutral in reaction. Where undisturbed, there is usually a darkened organic surface layer about 1 inch in thickness, in which abun- 6 Eeported through the courtesy of Dr. E. E. Storie of the Division of Soil Tech- nology, University of California. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 9 dant grass roots are located. There is little evidence of a true subsoil. The soil material above the bedrock is of about the same texture as that of the surface but contains less organic matter and is of lighter color. Thus the residual soils classify as Visalia sandy loam, rock outcrop phase. Small alluvial areas, 100 to 200 feet in width, occur in narrow valleys. These soils are of dark brownish-gray color and also correlate with the Visalia sandy loam or Visalia loam types. The vegetation is essentially an open oak savanna, broken here and there by clumps of brush and small arborescents, of which Ceanothus, Fig. 1. — In the foreground is seen a swale which supports a dense cover of grasslike plants. Such areas contribute richly to the forage supply after the adjoining grass cover has dried. Aesculus, Sambucus, Rhamnus, silverleaf (Lupinus) , and deerweed (Lotus) are conspicuous (frontispiece and fig. 1). Quercus Douglasii is the most characteristic tree, with Q. Wislizenii and Pinus Sabiniana conspicuous in restricted sites. The herbaceous cover is composed largely of annual grasses, with an abundance of broad-leaved annual herbs. 7 The woody plants named occur with the grass dominants throughout the range, and in an occasional restricted area they form the major vege- tation. The several swales support a dense cover (60-90 per cent density) mainly of Eleocharis palustris, Juncus bufonius, and J. oxymeris (fig. 7 Unpublished studies by the California Forest and Eange Experiment Station re- veal the fact that on 2,165 sample plots scattered at random throughout the San Joaquin Valley ranges, annuals now account for 97 per cent of the herbage, with bunch grasses and other perennials accounting for only 3 per cent. 10 University of California — Experiment Station 1). Much of this vegetation remains succulent long after the grasses of the well-drained soils have matured, when it furnishes important forage. The various species analyses of which are reported in this bulletin are here listed to indicate further the character of the cover : Grasses and Grasslike Species 8 Avena barbata Brot. (Slender wild oats) Bromus arenarius Labill. (Australian chess) Bromus mollis L. (Soft chess) Bromus rigidus Roth. (Ripgut grass) Bromus rubens L. (Foxtail chess) Festuca megalura Nutt. (Foxtail fescue) Melica imperfecta* Trin. (California melie) Boa scabrella* (Thurb.) Benth. (Pine bluegrass) Eleocharis palustris* R. and S. (Wire grass) J uncus bufonius L. (Toad rush) J uncus oxymeris* Engelm. (Slender- leaved rush) Broad-leaved Herbs 8 Amsinckia Douglasiana DC. (Buck- thorn weed) Cryptantha flaccida (Dougl.) Greene (White forget-me-not) Er odium botrys Bertol. (Storksbill) Erodium cicutarium L'Her. (Red-stem filaree) Erodium moschatum L'Her. (White- stem filaree) Filago gallica L. (Woolly filago) Gilia tricolor Benth. (Birdseye gilia) Godctia amoena (Lehm.) Lilja. (Sum- mer's darling) Godetia quadrivulnera (Dougl.) Spach. (Spotted godetia) Hemitonia virgata Gray (Yellow tar- weed) Hemitonia Wrightii Gray (Tarweed) Layia pentachaeta Gray (Tidytips) Lessingia germanorum Cham. (Lessin- gia) Linanthus ciliatus (Benth.) Greene (Pink linanthus) Shrubs Aesculus calif ornica (Spach.) Nutt. (California buckeye) Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt. (Wedgeleaf ceanothus) Ceanothus divaricatus Nutt. (White- bark soapbloom) Lupinus albifrons Benth. (Silverleaf lupine) Lotus americanus (Nutt.) Bisch. (Spanish clover) Lotus strigosus (Nutt.) Greene (Hairy lotus) Lotus subpinnatus Lag. (Fine-leaved lotus) Lupinus Benthami Hel. (Bentham lupine) Lupinus bicolor Lindl. (Late valley lupine) Lupinus formosus* Greene (Wand lupine) Navarretia viscidula Benth. (Viscid navarretia) Plagiobothrys nothofulvus Gray (Pop- corn flower) Plagiobothrys tenellus Gray (Popcorn flower) Silene gallica L. (Windmill pink) Tri folium tridentatum Lindl. (Tomcat clover) and Trees Lotus scoparius (Nutt.) Ottley (Deer- weed) Quercus Douglasii H. & A. (Blue oak) Rhamnus calif ornica Esch. (California buckthorn) Rhus diversiloba T. & G. (Poison oak) Sambucus glauca Nutt. (Blue elder- berry) The climatic characteristics of the foothill range are typified by dis- tinctly seasonal rainfall, by temperatures sufficiently mild to favor growth of "winter" annuals, and by long, hot, dry summers. Rains of sufficient magnitude to initiate seed germination and the 8 Species of grasses and broad-leaved herbs marked with an asterisk are of peren- nial growth. Btjl. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 11 greening of bunch grasses usually come in October. A rain of about 1 inch starts vigorous plant activity. Culmination of the rainy season is generally about the last of April, but light showers are sometimes re- ceived as late as July. Cumulative rainfall records compiled by the Cali- fornia Forest and Range Experiment Station for the period of study (fig. 2) show the annual precipitation to vary from 22.65 inches, as in 1935-36, to 29.60 inches, in 1934-35. In 1935-36 a dry period occurred 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 29.60 TOTAL 1 1 - p-J^ -22.91 TOTAL 22.65 TOTAL - - J7f i — V-T - J f t - LEGEND 1934-35 1935-36 - - 1936-37 - - H —J 1 . — i r j- - ._„/" ! i— '[r — ' K ,'. l i, '' rt-fii ,'.. ' ' i ' * ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 i i i i i I i i i i i 1 . i . i . 1 . . i i i 1 i . i i i 1 i i i ^4-J Fig. 2. — Cumulative inches of rainfall recorded on the San Joaquin Experi- mental Range for the seasons of 1934-35, 1935-36, and 1936-37. after favorable early October rains. This dry period was not broken in December, hence the growth of early winter forage was below normal. In 1934-35, distribution of rainfall was highly favorable to growth from its inception to its termination. Rains that fall early in May and there- after, promote little or no growth and may actually decrease the nutritive value of such forage as has matured. Variation in the total annual rain- fall, and in its seasonal distribution, may be sufficient to influence meas- urably from year to year the reproductive capacity and the yield of forage. The temperature factor, with an extreme annual range of approxi- mately 100° Fahrenheit, is limiting to growth only from about December to February (fig. 3) . During this period the mean minimum temperature is little above 40°, with occasional periods of freezing temperatures. In January, 1937, some of the herbage was frozen to the ground, whereas in the two previous years the rate of growth was almost nil during the several weeks of cold weather. In February, with the characteristic an- nual rise in temperature the growth rate increases sharply. Maximum 12 University of California — Experiment Station temperatures are reached in July and August, 2 or 3 months after the annual grasses have matured. As seen from the graphs of the mean tem- peratures for 1935, 1936, and 1937, there is an orderly rise and fall, 100 1 1 1 | 1 " 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M i i i i | i i ii i | i I i ii | i i i i i | ii I i i | r i 1 1 1 90 k /\ >■ - 80 - / \/V"/\ &w - 2 X 70 2 UI a. X 5 60 w w a O 50 u Q - A ' /V ' 1/ v Y\ /\ v y wl \ - " /\ ik.*- wA f\ \ i/' N JrJ \ /V' v" A" 40 -"\ i v MEAN AT TWO-HOUR INTERVALS 1935 N v\ - 1937 - MllllMIMlllllll 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fig. 3. -Temperatures recorded on the San Joaquin Experimental Range for 1935, 1936, and 1937. respectively, in temperatures before and after the summer maxima. Be- tween June and October the succulent vegetation consists of browse, species of Lotus, and small patches of grasslike vegetation. Departures in mean temperatures are seen to be insignificant for the past two years. If snow falls at all, it usually melts soon. SAMPLING OF SPECIES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS Studies of range plants are complicated by the fact that the species which compose the cover are not in a uniform developmental stage at a given sampling period. In any habitat some species germinate or vegetate early ; they may have virtually completed the growth cycle when later- maturing species start growing vigorously. Individuals of the same species often occur in different growth stages at a given period. Accord- ingly, random sampling without the recognition of the stage of develop- ment, or the collection of composite samples, has proved of little value in building up information leading to better understanding of range management. It is only through the accumulation of knowledge of the composition of individual species, taken at definite physiological stages, irrespective of chronological periods, that reliable data may be obtained. The species studied were taken on plots characteristic of different soil Bul. 627] Composition op Foothill Plants 13 and drainage conditions. Samples of most species were collected on a small plateau of about 6 acres (fig. 4). In addition, several species were grown from seed in the plant nursery of the range, which is a test plot (fig. 5) of forage species, the soil of which is uniformly deep and well Fig. 4. — Portion of the main range area where about 70 per cent of the species studied were collected in various growth stages. The herbage, with an estimated density of 35 per cent, consists mainly of Festuca megalura, Erodium ootrys, Bromus rigidus, B. mollis, and Avena haroata. The arborescents seen are Aesculus calif ornica, Quercus Douglasii, and Q. Wislisenii. drained. Also a few species were collected at the ranch headquarters on undisturbed soil. Detailed record was made of the particular growth stage of each species at the time of sampling. Collections were made according to stages of plant development rather than chronological date. The composite sam- ples for the analyses were procured from several plants collected at ran- dom and all of as nearly the same growth stage as possible. Effort was made to secure the material in the sequence here listed : 1. Early leaf stage (initial aerial growth) . 2. Just before flowering. 3. Plants in full bloom. 4. When the seeds were in dough stage (endosperm plastic) . 5. Plants mature, seeds cast. 6. Herbage dry and weathered. These growth stages are presented in figures 6 and 7. 14 University of California — Experiment Station Occasionally in the same habitat, and on the same date, two growth stages of some of the species were procured. The samples of all herbace- ous species were cut with shears about 1 inch from the ground surface. Fig. 5. — Areas 6 x 20 feet were seeded in the nursery to facilitate procur- ing samples of very young herbage and also of the more advanced growth. A, Bromus mollis; and B, Plagiobothrys tenellus. The samples of all species of the rosette form, and the earliest collections of grasses and grasslike plants, were washed in several changes of water to remove surficial soil particles and other foreign materials. Prior to the adoption of this procedure, analyses were made of washed and of care- fully wiped but unwashed samples, and these analyses revealed that washing did not influence the chemical composition of the succulent ma- Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 15 terial. Samples of trees and shrubs consisted chiefly of the foliage, which was stripped off by hand ; but in several species flowers, fruit, and cur- rent branch growth were collected and analyzed separately. At the time of collecting, additional specimens were placed in a plant press for sub- sequent observation and verification of the particular growth stage which Fig. 6. — Avena barbata showing five of the growth stages from which the sam- ples were collected. A, Early leaf stage; B, just before flowering; C, full bloom; D, seeds in dough stage ; E, herbage weathered and the seeds cast. each sample represented; these specimens served to classify the data with respect to march in composition. Several of the pressed specimens were sketched to scale for permanent record. The fresh weights of the samples were recorded immediately following the collection, after which the material was dried in an electric oven, with circulating air, at a temperature of 70° C. When thoroughly dry, the samples were finely ground, bottled, and tightly stoppered. After the analyses of the samples were completed an aliquot part of each sample was dried at 100° C to constant weight ; the analytical data were then ex- pressed on this moisture-free basis. 16 University of California — Experiment Station In the determination for nitrogen, calcium, ash, and moisture, Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of Agricultural Chemists" was followed. Phosphorus was determined colorimetrically, as described by Kuttner and Cohen (30). The only modification made was that the sample was ignited with MgO, dissolved in strong HC1, and after Fig. 7. — Quercus Douglasii showing the growth stage when the samples "wore collected. A, Early leaf stage; B, full bloom ; C, fruit mature but none cast. rinsing the solution into a 100-cc volumetric flask, it was brought just to neutral, as indicated by litmus, before the sulfuric acid and other re- agents were added. Crude fiber was determined by the method described by Sharrer and Kurschner (46). Silica was determined by treating the ignited residue of the sample with concentrated HC1 and 60 per cent HC10 4 and igniting the residue after digesting on the steam bath, and then filtering. COMPOSITION OP GRAMINACEOUS SPECIES Table 1 gives the location where the samples of graminaceous species were collected, the date of sampling, the stages of growth, and the results of analyses. The first column, showing the respective growth stages, is arranged in sequences from the early leaf stage to the time of full ma- Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official and tentative methods of analysis of the Association of Agricultural Chemists. Association of Official Agricul- tural Chemists. Washington, D. C. 3d ed. 593 p. 1930. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 17 turity, for the respective years and locations. Where two samples repre- senting a specific growth stage are given, the slightly younger sample is presented first. Although definite growth stages are given for each sam- ple, the fact must not be overlooked that growth is a continuous process, hence the stages designated are necessarily somewhat approximate. There is a continuous and rather orderly change in composition of all constituents here reported, from the earliest appearance of leaf blades to plant maturity. The content of most constituents, with the exception of crude fiber, is highest in early growth and declines rather uniformly, although at a different rate in the various stages, reaching the lowest point in most species at full maturity. For each of the three years of study there is an impressive consistency in the composition of all the grass species for any given growth stage. It is well known that the character of the soil medium may affect absorption, and therefore the composition of the plant. However, under the range conditions concerned, the soil solution is evidently in an approximate state of equilibrium and does not appear measurably to affect the com- position of the supporting vegetation from year to year. Organic Constituents. — The uniformity in composition with respect to organic constituents at any given growth stage is illustrated in figures 8 and 9, which give, for three years, the march in composition of the pro- tein and fiber of the annual species, Avena barbata, and the perennial, Poa scabrella. In both these constituents by far the most precipitous change occurs from the early leaf period to the time that the plant is in late bloom, designated as A B in figures 8 and 9. From the time of full bloom to maturity, designated as B C in these figures, the rate of change is slight and inconspicuous, though the trend is in the same general direc- tion. When the plant first reaches maturity, until it is thoroughly weath- ered in the late summer, designated as C D, there is little change in the contents of crude protein and crude fiber. This fact is impressive in view of the lapse of time between procuring samples of the recently matured plant, indicated by C in the figures, and the older, bleached sample, desig- nated by D. Obviously this behavior applies only to those species whose seeds are not scattered between collections of the samples. In Bromus mollis, whose seeds are mostly retained long after maturity, the relatively large changes in protein content after the herbage has dried, are ac- counted for by the proportion of the seeds retained. On June 13, 1936, and on June 14, 1937, for example, when only a few of the seeds had been cast in the field samples, the percentages of protein were 6.10 and 6.25, respectively. On September 10, 1936, when most of the seeds had been cast, the percentage of protein was 3.76. 18 University of California — Experiment Station 2-° ® 2 2.S Eh O 0£ r3 O >0 9) >A M * N 05 -4 CM CM HO ^ OO ■* lO ■>* ir~ -4 OS CO IN IN 1-4 CO CO Tfl rt 1-H »-4 o co m eo ec OO N ffl 1(5 1(5 N H M * iH N » OO M ^H t^.' CO t^ IN i-i IN IN IN IN CO U5 O O ^h t— CO f Mrt N OM IN M IN IN iH m' CX|' (N M N N IN « ii IO N Ol CO ^ O » CO « H N N W CM CO »C CM t^ l« lO CO N CO CO CO CO CM CM CN IN CM N M IN N » 00 H N H (O N i-i eo uo •>* co a> t- •*F CO IN CM IN CN IN co ih m io « o) •* i« 115 * N CO N N » » (O H IN H to O t^ i-4 <~i i-4 00 IQ cs "5 m ■* io •* * O »0 CO OS IN CO N ^l i» If) K5 CO N CO IN CON . co co Ol «N N N 2 £ £ -2 2 £ £ a ft a a a a a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 O el) O O O cy CD J2 ° £ "a "E "a £ £ £ £ ""' "3. "a "o. 73 73 73 ^ 2 2 2 i) CD 4) CD QJ © CJ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 11^1 o "ft "ft "ft "ft "ft b b b b b CD CD CD CD CD 03 CO CO CO CO 3 3 3 3 3 2 fc ;z; £ 2 "a "3. 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"a 3. 2 2 2 3$ !2 Is tM £ (jh £ £ £ "a "ft 3. 2 2 2 ^3 [3 ^2 SEE CO CO 00 00 CO O a a a os g g- g °U J_/ rt o CO ■* CM CM CM O OS l>- <-H — H ■"*! CO CM CM t-H CM O US Oi CO W O! W N N N 00 lO CO CM CM CM t-- b- OO O O N t^ ^< M ■* lO Tfl CO CO CM •«* CM Cm CM CM CM CM 0O O os o i>. io ■^i CO CM CM CD CM CO U0 CO O 1(5 M N H CO CO CM »0 -*f M ffi OO N OJ lO f CN CN H •* O lO CO CO CM CO CO CO CO CM CM CM CO •«*! CM CM CM OO «5 o oo co o n »o >jo o oo o 0O N N OO N Oa OO CO CO CO £ £ £ £ £ "ft "ft "ft "ft "ft 2 2 2 2 2 O O CD O O £ £ £ £ £ "a "H. "E, "a "n 2 2 2 2 2 4) CU - t-i >> ?< fH g << S ^ CO CO 00 CO O os a o 3 § << s ^H CM ft fl OJ 03 c72 1-75 OS OS OS OS OS CO CO CO CO CO OS OS OS OS OS CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO OS OS OS OS OS a a -^ -^ p. ^ u « 3 H "-5 22 University of California — Experiment Station II 03 3 CO (M -,- oo 03 ■*« CO O » cm o CO y-t O rt O o o CM O CM H5 cc CO CM »~l "* CO: o ifl us r- ^ >o no «5 o o o - o ft ft a ft z. ft T3 — T, 13 —. T3 CP 1* Uh N &H fe ta o o 73 T3 T3 8 $ S GG GO CQ W ffl N OO as © © co CM CO CO CO M •* M 115 Ifl M co o as 'f 115 N O t(I OO OS U5 CO CM CO CM CO CO U5 us oi m HO CM CM M CO O! 115 "5 CO CM © OS I— i-l HO 115 CO t- 115 CO CO CO 115 Ol N O * H CM i-H ^* CM t^ CM CO O CO OS OO © OS OO N H 115 ■^ CO Oi H5 OS iO l> OO CO * OS N 113 ■* Tf H » to 1(5 •* ^ iO 2 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ u a aa "a "ft "a 3. D D D flJ CO CU CD CD ft, S 5 jx< [it fe Uh (Jh t3 -a -d -a 2 2-2 a. 3. "a, T3 T3 ft, pM ptn fan ft, ft, CO CO OO CO CO CO 00 CO ~H CM SS^ S <1 § £ OS y 7 k-! 3 3 co co co co CO CO CO CO OS OS OS OS CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO C) OJ Ol Ol r- r— t- r— t- t-- CO CO CO CO CO CO OS Oi OS OS Oi OS £ 3 o o 2 ^ 3 . c cafi 73 S3 03 CO o s c a ~

3 bsoo^ Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 23 OO t~- iO CO >* CO OS. lO CI CO OS t^ ^r ■* ■* OO OO CO t^. OO CO I-- 00 OO ^H «* OS o _< t^ W CO ^1 CO CO co CM CO CO ^ CN CM o o o CO o CO r~ o CM o § o Tfl CO l— CO -J< OJ eq L/j CM CO t>- !>• t- -* TfH © CO r~ r>- eq CI "5 OO OO o CO ir> O CO on t~- O T-l t~- CO OS OS CO CM " H o o eq CM T_l o o o CM eq , " H 1-1 O o O O CO CO CO 1- co >o CO CO c/~> co 00 O) lO t- o >* o CI o -..-■ on !/, r~ "tfl Tf CM «H ■— ' co ■** •H •H >o >* CN ri o o CO CN o o CO OO OO CO OO © o * io * <* o CO ,— i r-, CO 00 >C •o 00 -* >o ,— 1 ■* CD liS OJ CM CM <* CA CM CM 00 l~- CM CM CM CM o o I-- CO CO PS o •* «tf co o C4 CO ■*! CO o o CO CO' CO CO co oo CO CO Ol C) t-~ CO CO CJ C) CI r- >o CO eq 1—1 1—1 CM CM CO on o •*f 00 in >* 'O CI on o CO >o •* 'O O; OS CO "* CO CO oo o CM C4 CO o ■"* 1-1 O) *"■■ *"* o * H *"" ' 1—1 7—1 *" H eq rt '~ l ^ rt "S eo CO 'O 00 CI >o 00 •«* 00 l>- o r^ OO co en CO OS OS ct CO 00 CO 00 1- CM o *~ ■* -* CO OS t>- XJH CO CO CO oo co "* CO C) CI OO CO ,2 £ £ £ £ "a 13, 13, 13, 13, T) 13 73 T3 T3 CD CD o o cd S S K S £ ,2 ,2 ,2 £ £ £ a & a & a a T3 T3 t3 'd T3 73 3) © O OJ fl) 0) ££££££ ,2 J2 ,2 -2 £ £ a ftftftftft "0 "13 T3 T3 73 73 cd CD cd CD cd d> £ (JH til, (J-, (Jh ft, a 13. 73 73 O0 CO CO OO O CO f * oo o to QPN^g^ ft, g «< S m b t-j ^ b ^* ^* ij ii a * o O 3 o <1 ^ t^ t^ t^ I-- t^ t^ CO CO CO CO CO CO lO t^ CO CO a a « a a g CD ■sf ^ T3 S 5 -" cd S S £ £ -" >5 >, i-H t-. Q P 2 >o >s 13 "3 o o \ ^:-. - ^?5^-^ c d: ** ^^l^^T***^^ ° - - i i i iii i EARLY OUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY FLOWERING STAGE DRY PLANTS DRY AND WEATHERED Fig. 8. — March of crude protein and crude fiber in Avena barbata, an annual grass, for 1935, 1936, and 1937. 26 University of California — Experiment Station 40- U w I 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 ■ .-6 D - / c © ■ - / / ....©- - /• • - ../*>• --^e _ ^-0 • B ai-^T^, ^>^--^ _ /* / ..--' - ' •••■ / / .&• / / •■ / A/y/ x .•■ i? FIBER - LEGEND 1Q3*> FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1 1 1937 1 1 FIELD PLOT 6-1 w O 15 10 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LEGEND 193FJ Firm pt.dt \ a 1936 FIELD PLOT . \ 1937 FIELD PLOT \ \ \ : \\ : •. \ ••. \ •A "^V PROTEIN : Y\ B : \^'*- ----^ C D ~ ^oi-^a.---— - -© - - EARLY JUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 9. — March of crude protein and crude fiber in Poa scabrella, a perennial grass, for 1935, 1936, and 1937. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 27 September — the levels of ash and potassium, as shown in segment C D, also remain practically constant. The greater smoothness of the curves representing the nursery samples is accounted for by the even age of the plants. It is seen from table 1 that the highest silica-free ash content recorded for any grass species is 12.92 per cent, and the lowest is 1.61 per cent. In 40 A vena barba ta 1 . Early leaf stage 2. Just before flowering 3. Full Bloom 4. Seeds in dough stage 5. Plants mature. seeds cast 15 FIBER PROTEIN Fig. 10. — Crude protein and crude fiber in Avena harhata for five growth stages for 1935, 1936, and 1937. the field plot of Bromus mollis, in 1936, the decline in ash content from the early leaf stage to maturity is 75.4 per cent ; in Festuca megalura it is 74.7 per cent. The seasonal differences shown are representative of the grasses studied. When the same growth stage of the various species is compared, the difference in the amount of ash is not conspicuous. When, for example, the highest and the lowest silica-free ash contents of all the grass species are compared for a given growth stage, the percentage differences are : in the early leaf stage, 60.9 per cent ; at time of blossoming, 57.9 per cent ; and at maturity, 70.0 per cent. The seeds of the grasses are very low in silica-free ash, ranging from 2 to 3 per cent. The potassium content shows a general downward trend throughout the growing period, most of the species reaching the lowest values at full maturity. In Avena barbata (fig. 12) the potassium content increases slightly from the time the seeds are in the dough stage to maturity. This 28 University of California — Experiment Station behavior is probably accounted for by the fact that a portion of the first spring leafage matures early and is lost under field conditions, and is, therefore, not available for inclusion in the sample. Calculations made from table 1 give a maximum difference between the highest and lowest content of potassium in A. barbata for the three years reported of 66.3 per cent, and in Bromus mollis of 80.1 per cent. In the other species studied similar variations in potassium content are found. 25 1. Avena bartata 2. Bromus mollis 3. Bromus rigidus 4. Festuca megalura 5. Melica imperfecta 6. Poa scatrella 15 PROTEIN FIBER Fig. 11. — Crude protein and crude fiber in the early leaf stage of some of the grass species studied. The potassium levels for a given growth stage show little difference in any of the species for the three years of study. Also, the levels of this constituent are seen to differ less in any specific growth stage for all the grass species investigated than for a given species for the entire growing season. In the early leaf stage of Avena barbata in 1935, 1936, and in 1937, there is a variation in the potassium content of only 34.9 per cent, and in Bromus mollis for 1936 and 1937 of 14.5 per cent. A similar rela- tion holds for the other species studied. The preceding discussion, based as it is upon three successive years of study of eight dominant annual and perennial grass species, is convinc- ing of the fact that analytical data of a species whose sample is not rep- resentative of a specific growth stage, has little or no bearing on the Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 29 8- 1 1 1 ill 1 LEGEND \A lor^fi >jrrpc.pDy 1Q3R FTFTX) PT.OT _ \ 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT X - B D — — ' _.„,-, u ^S » O -- — _ N» - POTASSIUM 1 1 1 iii i 7 - 6- 5- . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - •. A \ \ * \ ^ s^ b.. \\ LEGEND lOAR FT FID PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT ... B CD. ~" '^>^"^ - SILICA- FREE ASH J - 1 1 i i i i i EARLY JUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 12. — March of silica-free ash and potassium in Avena harbata for 1935, 1936, and 1937. 30 University of California — Experiment Station w DC - 1 1 1 III 1 - LEGEND - \ A 1QA* FTFTD PLOT _ 1936 FIELD PLOT o-- — -^ \ 1937 FIELD PLOT v \ \ - ■'••• \ \ •A \ - - V° \ \\ \ - - V- \ *\ \ POTASSIUM - \ •. \ - - y VAB - - ^L ^ . - ©■-TT^SV^ ^^ ;:;: ^: ::::: ^^s^ ^^r ^ C D" _ I - i i 1 •©— — III 1 EARLY OUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 13. — March of silica-free ash and potassium in Poa scabrella for 1935, 1936, and 1937. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 31 nutritional value of the plant. Moreover, the mere analysis of a species at a single growth stage affords little information as to the value of a species as a range plant, nor does it contribute to the problem of mainte- nance of the forage cover. The potassium content in the seeds is low, being less than 1 per cent, and is even lower than in the mature, weathered plant. In calcium and phosphorus the rate of the seasonal decline for Avena barbata and Poa scabrella is shown in figures 14 and 15. In calcium, the rapid decline is from the early leaf stage to late bloom, designated as A B in the figures, whereas in phosphorus there is a somewhat more gradual and continuous decline from the time of early growth to maturity, desig- nated as A C. In each of these constituents there is no appreciable change in the levels from the time that the herbage dries to the end of the dry, hot summer, designated as C D. Shortening of the growing season of the grasses, since it affords only a short period for absorption, evidently results in a lower level of those constituents which occur limitedly in the soil solution, or those which are absorbed slowly. The samples collected in the nursery represent plants of a growing season shorter by more than 8 weeks than that of those col- lected in the field plots, the seeding in the nursery having been done long after growth had started on the range generally. At all points throughout the growth cycle the percentages of calcium and phosphorus are much lower than in the field samples, as typified in Avena barbata in figure 14. In contrast to these lower levels, the length of the growing season has no effect on the percentage of silica-free ash, potassium, protein, and the other constituents studied, as seen in figures 8 and 12. The difference in concentration and in the rate of supply of these three elements in the soil solution may account for the difference in accumulation of these con- stituents in the grasses studied. In a nearly neutral soil, such as that here concerned, the phosphorus content is less than three parts per million. In a short growing season the potassium content, being more abundant in the soil solution than is phosphorus, for example, appears to be ab- sorbed in much larger relative amounts. This finding may have an im- portant bearing on the phosphorus content of grasses grown at high elevations, or when limited precipitation curtails the length of the period of growth. In January, 1937, on the range studied, when the tempera- tures dropped so low as to freeze the tip of the young leafage, there was a lowering of the phosphorus content in the early growth stage. This low level was followed by rapid increase in phosphorus, as shown in seg- ment A B of figure 14, after which the values of this constituent assumed the usual trend. 32 University of California — Experiment Station 0.5 H 55 w Uo.4 w 0.3 0.2 0.1 LEGEND 1936 NURSERY 1935 FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT CALCIUM +■ C D o 0.0 0.6 W 0, 0.2 LEGEND 1936 NURSERY 1935 FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT 0.1 - PHOSPHORUS 0.0 EARLY OUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig 14. — March of calcium and phosphorus in Avena barbata for 1935, 1936, and 1937. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 33 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 1 i i 111 l - LEGEND \ A 1QAR FT ELD PLOT \ 1936 FIELD PLOT \ 1937 FIELD PLOT \\ - \\ \ v \ \ \ - \\ \\ . \\ CALCIUM ~ _ "•• A \\ '•• \ _ •A _ 4b _ - %"■""•——- ^__^^cr^Tl c D " ~"*^— "Q-— «. ^° °" ° — ' 1 ' i i III 1 0.5 0.3 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LEGEND 1Q3R FTFTD PLOT \A 1936 FIELD PLOT V 1937 FIELD PLOT X) - \ ^"""l$v ..-■■•""t\ \ Or" \ \ \ \ PHOSPHORUS \ \ \\ B Y 1 -- V 9 "-^*" """^"-"S.:*-* ^^^^^ V"\ C D N "••... • — X-r:r" 1 1 .© i i i i .... . i EARLY JUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 15. — March of calcium and phosphorus in Poa scabrella 34 University of California — Experiment Station The tendency for the mineral constituents to change little in their values after the blossoming period, as shown in segments C D of figure 14, may be accounted for by decreased absorption due to curtailment of physiological activities, associated, as this function is, with decreased production of root hairs as the season advances. The calcium content in Avena barbata, collected on the regular field plot (table 1) shows a decline of 60.0 per cent in 1935 and 54.4 per cent in 1937, from the first to the last collection. Such seasonal decline in cal- cium holds proportionally for all the other species investigated. In the same growth stage the various grasses studied show a variation in cal- cium of approximately the same values as that for the entire growth cycle of a single species. The following data illustrate this point for the grasses in the early leaf stage, in 1937 : Calcium, Species per cent Avena barbata 0.533 Bromus mollis 672 Bromus rigidus 922 Festuca megalura 402 Melica imperfecta 947 Boa scabrella 0.865 It is seen that a difference between the highest and lowest calcium content of the six species is 51.2 per cent, compared with a difference of 54.4 per cent in A. lariat a for the entire growth period. In phosphorus content the same general tendency holds as for calcium, with the exception that the decline after the blooming period is more pronounced. From table 1 it may be calculated that the variation between the highest and the lowest phosphorus content in Avena barbata for the three years of study is 73.0 per cent, and in Bromus mollis it is 87.9 per cent. 10 This declining trend with advancement towards maturity holds for all the other grass species. When, however, the same growth stage of the various grass species is compared, the difference between them in this constituent is relatively slight. It is well known that the nutrients in the soil affect the composition of vegetation. Table 1 contains data on forage produced on a heavily manured plot located near the Station headquarters where the "A" hori- zon is especially well developed. In Bromus rigidus, collected on this plot in 1937, the phosphorus and protein contents are higher, whereas the 10 The figure for Avena barbata for 1937 is rather low for the growth stage con- cerned, and is accounted for by the fact that the sample was collected from regenera- tion growth following a heavy freeze of the earlier leafage. It will be noted from table 1 that in later collections in 1937 the phosphorus content increases to average amounts, and declines subsequently. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 35 calcium and fiber contents are lower than those in the samples taken on the regular field plot. The potassium content, on the other hand, is little affected. From these data, and unreported work of the authors, it would appear that the soil solution and length of growing season modify the character- istic levels of the constituents studied, except in the case of potassium which is but slightly influenced. The calcium content in the seeds is generally lower than that of the mature herbage. The phosphorus content in the seeds is relatively high, TABLE 2 Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio of the Grasses for All Growth Stages for Each of Three Successive Years 1935 Field plot 1936 1937 Species Field plot Nursery plot Field plot Avena barbata 1.0 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.5 0.9 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.0 Bromus mollis 1.0 Bromus riqidus 1.6 1.0 1.1 Melica imperfecta 1.8 1.5 and approximates the level found in the aerial growth up to the time that the seeds begin to form. The Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio. — The calcium-phosphorus ratio in herbage is an important factor for foraging animals. To what extent this ratio varies in the different groups of related plants is of scientific inter- est and of economic importance. The ratios, for the grass species studied, are presented in table 2. Table 2 brings out the fact that in the grass species the averaged cal- cium-phosphorus ratio for all growth stages is not far from 1. Although the environmental factors may influence the percentages of calcium and phosphorus, the data show that the effect is not such as to change the ratio perceptibly. Table 3 reports the calculated calcium-phosphorus ratio of Avena barbata in seven growth stages. The data show that the calcium-phos- phorus ratio in A. barbata holds near to 1 for all the growth stages. This ratio is characteristic of the other grass species studied. Evaluation of the Species as Forage. — From the preceding discussion it is evident that all the grass species here investigated are high in caloric values, and in minerals, from the early leaf stage until they have come 36 University of California — Experiment Station into full bloom. Accordingly, the forage value of an annual range grass is greatest during the interval of time between the earliest appearance of the leaf blades and the date when the seeds begin to form, a period when all essential constituents are maintained at a relatively high level. Festuca megalura has a short growth period ; its value as range forage is virtually over when the plant is in full bloom. From table 1 it is seen that the late flowering period is reached in approximately 2 months after TABLE 3 Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio of Avena Barbata at Various Growth Stages for Three Successive Years Growth .stage 1935 Field plot 1936 Field plot Nursery plot 1937 Field plot Early leaf stage Just before flowering Plants in full bloom Seeds in dough stage Leaves mostly dry, some seeds cast. . Aerial growth dry, seeds cast Plants dry and weathered, seeds cast. Average. 1.2* 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.5 0.9* 0.7 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.1 * Average of two samples at the same stage. the earliest leafage appears. In Poa scabrella, although a perennial, the interval between the early leaf stage and flowering is also short, and the decline in protein and mineral constituents is rapid. Avena barbata only slightly outranks F. megalura and P. scabrella as a range plant, chemical characteristics alone considered. These three species are inferior as forage because of the unfavorable nutritional balance at the onset of blossoming. On the other hand, Bromus mollis, a species widely distrib- uted and often abundant in the foothills of the state, contains a relatively high percentage of protein at the time of blossoming ; and even at ma- turity this constituent is relatively high because of the retention of the seeds. The mature panicles, with the seeds intact, contain 12.53 per cent crude protein and only 17.23 per cent crude fiber. B. rubens, although mechanically objectionable as forage when the awns are developed, is nevertheless of about the same nutritional value as B. mollis. Melica imperfecta, a perennial which blossoms and matures late in the season, maintains a high nutritional level even after the seeds have reached the dough stage. From the preceding discussion it becomes evident that the following three characteristics are among the important factors in the evaluation Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 37 of range grasses from the standpoint of their composition : (1) the in- terval between the earliest appearance of leafage to full bloom must be long; (2) the crude protein content must remain at a relatively high level after the blossoming period, and well into the time that the seeds attain the dough stage ; even after seed dissemination it is desirable that a portion of the basal leaves and stems remain succulent until late in the summer — a characteristic of many perennial grasses ; (3) in the species whose herbage matures early, a large proportion of the seeds must be retained after the leaf blades have become dry. It is the opinion of the writers that the mineral constituents should not in general be regarded as the deciding factor in the evaluation of the range grasses studied. Indeed, the relatively few forage species which contain unusually large quantities of sodium chloride, silica, and sele- nium, are undesirable primarily because of the toxicity of the mineral content. Ingle (26) and others have reported that forage plants contain- ing as little as 0.05 per cent phosphorus are deficient for domestic live- stock ; and Hall and Russell (20) concluded that 0.25 per cent phosphorus is characteristic of superior forage. All grass species here reported, and particularly those which retain their seeds long after maturity of the herbage, are generally adequate in calcium and phosphorus, provided these elements are fully utilized by foraging animals. That components other than the percentage of the mineral matter may determine the range value of a species (provided it is palatable) is well illustrated in Avena harhata, which, although of very low protein content when the seeds are cast, contains more silica- free ash than any other grass species here investigated. Table 1 shows that only in three instances, all of which occurred at full maturity in the grass species studied, does the phosphorus decline to, or approach, the deficiency level of 0.05 per cent. It is significant that these deficiencies occurred in the grass samples collected in the Station nursery, where the growing season was much shorter than on the regular field plot. COMPOSITION OF GRASSLIKE SPECIES Three grasslike species were included in the study, namely, Juncus bu- fonius, J. oxymeris, and Eleocharis palustris. These species compose much of the cover in the meadowlike swales of the San Joaquin Experi- mental Range, and the latter two species furnish palatable forage in the summer and early autumn after most of the true grass cover has become dry (fig. 1) . This meadow type is generally under water for several weeks during the period of heavy precipitation. Soon after the water recedes, the stand forms nearly a complete ground cover, the herbage of which 38 University of California — Experiment Station 3-8 _2 O o o> CD CI C4 t- lO ■^ — * t^ (M t^. CM CM - CN ec re CO OS t^ CO oo US "5 •* to US us CO CO CO oo 00 co •^< CO CO CN CO cm l~ — CN US * 00 ~ so s oo /■ ^ -* 1 a r~ CO CM •^< S o o co US 1^ CM ■f >» a c c c o tl 11 $ tl - - - - — — _ co oo co O ft .« 5 Sf CO CO CO CD CO CO CO CO OS OS O cs 33 3 CO CO CO « e B > 6 m ,£ 0) cS _ 0) D — z: -c | C 3 OJ f/l o V X! c c on >> 0> S L4 OOP ooo CT> CO CO M O! O d CN «0 t- o US CN O — '- , "* *" ' CO ON IC~ ■>*< ■«< co t^ OS US US "* lO US o 5 : o O a ft a a ft "O ~ Tj T3 "C 09 o> 0/ IV <£> to to to to to 3 H, GO CO CO CD C ^ C3 0) >• . a) >> >>> OOP « o O Q CO CO o X ^f o t - X) 00 CO 00 00 oa CO us _ ■f lO Ol c^ CO T_| CO CO eo co CO CO CO r- « CO "H cc ro CO o Tt< •^f ■-.- -T- f ae on CD CO oo •^ >c CO CO 00 00 CN CN C) CM CM CO CO CM CM US O CO 03 o o i>. co co — . t^ CI ^1 Ol CN CM — ' O •*> CO CM o o y-l OO C o> CO OI CO t^ t-- CO CM CO CO CM co CO O) CM o o "- ^ oo t^ o> C35 t*- t^. _o _o _o _o _o "a "a "c, "H. "5. 0^ O O 0} o JJH &H \n (Jh fin o o o o -d T3 -0 T3 S g < s Bul. 02 7] Composition of Foothill Plants 39 remains more or less succulent until late in August, and often into Sep- tember. The constituents of these grasslike species exhibit trends similar to those of the corresponding components in the grasses. There is an orderly trend in the same direction in the organic and inorganic constituents from the early leaf stage to maturity. The change in composition is rapid from the time of the earliest appearance of leafage to the flowering stage. From then on the changes are slight, if they occur at all. Organic Constituents. — Table 4 shows that there is little difference in the crude protein content in the three grasslike species here reported, when the same growth stages are compared. When the entire growth cycle of the species is considered, however, there is a decline in the pro- tein content from the early leaf stage until the herbage is dry. The crude fiber content in the three species studied shows the same general behavior, being lowest in the early growth stage and highest at maturity. After the flowering period is reached there is little increase in fiber. 11 In J uncus oxymeris, for example, the fiber content is 50.1 per cent higher in the flowering stage than in the early leaf stage and changes but little to full maturity — leaf stage — these comparisons being made from 1936 and 1937 data. The data show that the difference in the per- centage of protein and of fiber for a single growth stage of this plant group is less than that for any one of these species for the entire period of growth. Inorganic Constituents. — Table 4 shows that Eleocharis palustris is conspicuously high in silica, containing, in fact, the highest percentage of this constituent of any species investigated, reaching 12.33 per cent at maturity. 12 The silica-free ash in the grasslike species is highest in the early leaf stage. After reaching the bloom stage there is little change in this con- stituent. The levels of ash of the species of this group are similar at specific growth stages. In calcium content these species lack consistency in trend from the early leaf stage to the flowering period. From the latter period on to maturity, however, there is little fluctuation. In phosphorus content, on the other hand, there is a gradual decrease from the early leaf develop- 11 The slight irregularities in the trend of the fiber representing the various growth stages is presumably accounted for by the fact that the samples, though pure as to species, were necessarily obtained from the average growth of a dense stand, rather than from selected individual specimens. 12 The high silica content at all growth stages of this species is significant in view of the fact that the samples immediately after collection were washed in several changes of water ; but it is possible that the surficial soil silica was not entirely re- moved from the floral parts. 40 University of California — Experiment Station ment to maturity, reaching the lowest point when the leafage has dried. In potassium content little change takes place through the life cycle, be- ing only slightly higher in the early leaf period. J uncus bufonius is the lowest in potassium and silica-free ash of the three species. Evaluation of the Species as Forage. — In these species the calcium- phosphorus ratio is approximately 1 in early stages of development, whereas at maturity it approaches 4. As stated, the primary value of most of these species as range forage is that their succulence remains high when the herbage of most of the grasses and the broad-leaved species has dried. Although the protein values are relatively low, and the fiber content fairly high in midsummer, the levels of all the nutrients at that season are much higher than in the other herbaceous species. Eleocharis palustris, being very high in silica, appears to be of lesser value than the other two species. In silica-free ash and its constituents the grasslike spe- cies rank favorably with those of the grasses during the entire period of growth. COMPOSITION OF THE BROAD-LEAVED HERBS Twenty-five broad-leaved herbs were included in the study, these being representative of seven plant families. The list includes the most impor- tant forage species, and also some "range weeds," or plants of very low palatability for domestic foraging animals. The weed species studied are of interest because of their occasional conspicuous abundance in the plant community, and their presumed effect upon the soil and on plant succession. Organic Constituents. — Figure 16 shows the trends of crude protein and crude fiber in Amsinckia Douglasiana — this species typifying fairly well the behavior of these constituents for the broad-leaved herbs. An impressive consistency exists in the levels of the protein and fiber con- tents in the same growth stage for the three successive years of study. The rate of change in protein and fiber is most rapid from the early leaf stage to the late blossom period, designated as A B in figure 16. From the latter period to maturity, indicated as B C, the change is less pre- cipitous. The relative rate of change of these two growth stages holds for all but one group of species of the broad-leaved herbs studied. In the species of the legume family, as represented by Lupinus Benthami, the protein content invariably declines slowly and at nearly the same rate throughout the life cycle. It should be noted that the maximum and mini- mum protein and fiber levels, as recorded early in the season and at maturity, respectively, are of slightly higher values in the legumes than in the nonleguminous species. In the former species, the protein level Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 41 remains relatively high throughout most of the growth period. It will be noted (table 5) that the characteristic protein values of the broad- leaved species are little or not at all affected by slight variations in the length of the normal growth cycle. In the nursery, where the growing season was short, the percentage of protein for a given growth stage is of the same absolute value, and the rate of the seasonal decline, as shown by the shape of the curve (fig. 16), is identical with that of samples col- lected in the regular field plot. Table 5, which gives the analytical data of this group, has similar ar- rangement to that of tables 1 and 4 ; but in this table the species are grouped consecutively according to family relationships. In stating the particular growth stage which the various samples represent, it should be recognized that not only is there variation in the growth stage of the individual plants which composed the sample, but also that parts of in- dividual plants differed somewhat in the stage of development. Species of Erodium and Amsinckia are particularly difficult to sample for the reason that a single plant may simultaneously display a combination of buds, newly expanded flowers, and well-formed seeds. Although the vari- ous samples are composed predominantly of the growth stage designated, some material of a different stage of development may inadvertently have been included. Table 5 shows that the protein content, although differing widely in amount in the various species, is highest in the early leaf stage and lowest at plant maturity. During the three years of investigation the range in crude protein for all species worked with, when in the early leaf stage, is from 16.07 per cent to 35.05 per cent, and at maturity, when the seeds have been cast, the range is from 12.36 per cent to 1.38 per cent. The variation within a species is fairly well typified in Silene gallica, in which there is a decline of 76.6 per cent during the growth cycle of 1936. In con- trast with this wide descending seasonal trend within a species the range in protein content in the early growth stage and at maturity is relatively slight. This point is shown in table 6, compiled from table 5, which in- cludes species belonging to different families. The levels in protein content among the four species, in the early growth stage and at maturity, 13 respectively, are seen to vary but little. Moreover, the percentages of protein differ little from year to year in a given species. These species, however, show a characteristically wide vari- ation in the protein levels at the flowering period, as seen when Lupinus Benthami and Hemizonia virgata are compared. 13 The relatively high protein content reported for Lupinus Benthaim is accounted for by the fact that portions of the pods retained their seeds at this sampling period. 42 University of California — Experiment Station II t, o S.3 fl, CO 2 2 3 9 OS "3 O r~ l>. «* CI S3 cc o cc cc OS CI t^ ^H 00 •>«< CO »a CN ' —l "-I OS I"" ,H OS — ' t~ CS CM CN CO o oc CCS -*■ no VH — cc r^ S3 C5 CO ^H CN CJ CO CM CO r- © CJ OS O X o o cc a o ^ cc CO co «s C) •^< t -" ^r cc •O o CO to CO O -* CO o BO "* ■* SN iO CO re _ CO ■*f< CN -1" o IQ *JI lO ■^ oo CM <-H >C CO _ 00 OS re S3 o IG »o a ■-C oo cr CM S3 oo oo lO S3 >H L- •f CO CO t>. 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J$ i? "H -§ -§ o3 03 o3 o3 o3 as a> Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 45 o CO co o so CI CI GO lO CO iO CM co CI CO CM CO' cm co 3 co OS OS oo o cm CO 3 00 00 OS —C © -* lO OO CN CO "* CN CM «* a o O © O o o o o CO o o s 3 CO OO CO £ •o ^p CM •"• S3 o CO e "5 Tf _ CM CN _ r^. CO CN •S w s 3 co t-H M "8 o 5 CU +3 ft ft £ o a ft ft a >> >> S-c 3 D 1 3 ft -3 -! ~ 1 TJ co IK T> T3 TO £ S S S 3 3 0> 8 CU CO CO CO OO OO co CO 00 CO CN n' is *' b < S s o3 3 CU 1-5 cu 3 3 ft 3 o3 CO CO CO CO co CO CO co OS OS OS OS CTj os 1—1 ""' *~ l *" H 1-1 1—1 53 B 3 tn « O OT3 I -° .s ■ ,0 "= 03 3 ^ 3 -c cu 03 "- 1 CU g £££0 cu " 03 O - £ CU s" CU >> 6 Q o o N CO b- ■f i-H CO <* o CN lO ■»f h» -r H t>. 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CM CO- 1 - cc 1 - 00 US 00 CO ■* US CO o o *"" o 1—1 1-1 1—1 1-1 o '-' CI CM CO o CD CM CO o •f o oo ■CO oo OS ■ c »o oo CM rH 00 00 Ol CI o O0 t^. CI oo O O CD us CI CO CD •- 1 CM ■— ' CI CM *-< o o T* O CO OO in o 1-1 "— ' O CO 30 CM CO. t- CM i—l 00 00 CO O OO t^. CM ,_! _o o o _o "Ea o, a 2 2 2 2 "a3 "3 *o3 *a3 o o o o o a a a a a u a a ID D V co tc co CV CD CD CD CP fefiHtH^ fetHtHtHfn ^i^;^; g> hi, CO r^ OJOiOJO 00 CO CO OO CO rj h u i" ^3 & a oi pm a < % CO CO «5 S ■*o ^ J" 3 3 ^ ^ i CO CD C Q shh^p Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 51 i-H CM CM (N N h H N N ■* m W M M N W N N U5 lO CO i— i cm oi oo r-- a a aft a 3 3 3 3 3 £ £ z 2; £ OO OS OS •* tn' >> >) 2 n S S 5 *H ^ 3 c3 w < +5 >> 35 rH o 00 CO H OO CI oo 00 CO ,_, CI on i^ l>- £ *J s . s t— CO fS CO CM 1 - CO I- «o o «5 O . OO OO ^fl ,— 1 IV. CO CI -r CM -*f - © »" • i-l CM -* T}< •f cc CI CM CM CM *■"' CO CM -*l CM Oi "O ffl co CO © CM ■* O -t 1 »o iO »o ■* *-< CO CI o ^H o o o ■^ ■ N P) O) ■ CO 1^ CM CO CO • « N O ■* ■* lO ■* CM •*tl Oi O id • O rt rt N N a oo * r-l t>- CO K3 Ol ^ as co oo t-h co _; o ^ ,-i t-i "a "B. "E o JO "E. "a 'ft o o o 'ft "a "a o _o "ft "ft Field Field Field 2 2 5 £ Field Field Field 2 2 >^ Oi Oi oo O CM CM - CO oo CO 00 Oi S3 & C3 03 Apr. May June ft o 3 ■* O U5 Oi O Oi co co Oi Oi co — . CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Oi Ci 0i 0) 0) $ 5P SP ■ » <» m w o w M-, ~ "2. 03 C3 5 W a H Q Q 3 M t» CM CM CM CM »-< 00 CO CM •**! ■>»< t— Oi CM CM CM CM * lO ^ U) CM CM i-l t-h i-H >Cl t»i !>• U5 CM ^H 1-1 i-l i-l tl CO CO Oi CO CO OS Jh .q.1 ,_, f :.- '— ' •"■ ' o »o •" 1 •"H o o o 1-1 r- o »o CO CO OS 00 CI I*" CI Oi o oo X) © o Q rH o 1-1 o o o CO Tt< O 00 tv. CO l~ I -1 co I- I— 1 CI CO r- co «o >o " t~ >o US »o Oi t- CO o Oi 00 *— ' o CO CI «o O o fv. 1- 00 o O iO 00 l- Oi 'X US 'O oo OO CO «5 >o " * «5 "5 o o o_o o_o aa aa& _o o_o o "ft "ft "ft 'ft T3 — — — T) Tl — T) -o h fn IX N N fe 1*1 ^ N co cc 00 CO o ■* OS OS ^, •^ T_l 1-1 '- , '— ' C3 rt 03 Z - 1-5 ft ca 03 rt' 0> § < § oc ~ § s *-5 CO CO — . CO tv. r— h- t^T co Oi CC2 Oi Si os OS OS ~j Oi s I £i = ^ C ^3 I 2 c2o 52 University of California — Experiment Station "3 8 5^ - o OS. S o ^o OO cm co « © CO to iO O CM oo o» 3 3 C" C — -r 03 cj I - M - 3 3 r r -z ~ 3 - t^i ■* cm' ^i o CO CO CO CM CO OO t- CO >« U) ■* 00 N » ■* CN N N U3 * W •*}< CM CO CM CO ^H -H CM •»»< © CM CO o t- lO CO •«»« CO o> oj oo rt « rt n n n ^ CO f~ I - I- ci -H CM CM s n oto n lea ic * -c n - io - O f o» r- o> co cc i- OS 00 N CO W "0 Tfi CO 1- t- C f M M « — T CO CM CM CO C N M 2 2 2 _2 2 2 2 3, 5, - 3. 5, 5. z. 2 2 2 IS 2 2 2 S O O O A • c o jo _o _o c A z. z. 2 2 2 2 - 78 I I e e 3 3 00 CO CO CO ■g •«••••« * 3 tn fc, fc Uh S S «< *3 S 5 fe a •< »-s • - ■ a «; m io n in CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 050CSOSC5C5C5 C7> C3> 0> OS 5 *e« B 03 c3 O O f 2 2 "S "S 2 ♦3 q .a 09 O t-i 03 Cj c: 4s >> 3^Q Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 53 CM id ~H «3 l« M ©MO oo 10 o t-H CN C CO o ■«* O CO us u> CN co us o "O N N N a w n N M N 00 00 CO O us i-i » N N HH WO CO CO CO i-H N rt (N M N O) U5 ,0000 'a "a "a "a £ 3 £ a a ft is is is is fiH in [in in Field Field Field CO CO OO CO oo o> •* Mar. Apr. May June Apr. May June 1936, 1936, 1936, 1936, 1937, 1937, 1937, § f CO « o o u 3 bi £ -° el W5^P Bgfi CO o> eafs late o see 42 o O — C el 5 >; >; ariy 1 reen, ry, n £ Q Q HOO 54 University of California — Experiment Station The seeds of this plant group are much richer in crude protein than are those of the grasses. This is especially true of Lupinus Benthami and Lotus americanus, whose seeds have a protein content in excess of 46 per cent. In crude fiber the broad-leaved species show the expected behavior of relatively low content in the early growth period, and of maximum amounts at plant maturity. "When the plant is young the percentage of growing tissue is relatively high and the cell walls are in a formative TABLE 6 Variation in Percentage of Crude Protein in Four Species of Broad-leaved Herbs for Three Successive Years* Early leaf stage Flowering stage Plant maturity Species 1935 1936 1937 1935 1936 1937 1935 1936 1937 Amsinckia Douglasiana 23.95 22.71 23.43 10.63 13.85 10.61 4.20 4.29 4.95 Erodium botrys 30.35 24.95 19.94f 18.66 15.11 4.61 4.10 4.17 Hemizonia virgata . 26.20 22.94 21.61 6.59 6 49 6.92 5.30 5.32 Lupinus Bentha m i 27.61 27.55 22.06 21.15 17.26 6.75 4.63 8.71 * In cases where more than one anah Ufl was made of a given growth stage, the results were averaged. t This low value may he accounted for by the fact that the first aerial growth of the season was greatly slowed down for ahout a month by the abnormally low temperatures. stage. At maturity the cell walls are Lignified and the proportion of cel- lulose is high ; this accounts for the high fiber content. In some species like Filago gallica, however, which build up high fiber content early in the growth cycle I he stems consl h ate a Large pari of the total weight of the plant. In the same stage of growth for the three successive years of study the fiber content of a given species is much the same, indicating slight response of this consl ii aenl to environmental variations (table 5). The range in crude liber through the entire growth period is wide for any one species of this group, but it is relal ively narrow in a given growth stage when the various species are compared. In the seeds, the crude fiber content of this plant group ranges from approximately 7 to 19 per cent. In the seeds of the leguminous species, however, the fiber content is very Low. Inorganic Constituents. — The rate of decline in the percentage of silica-free ash, and in potassium content, with respect to seasonal devel- ment is typified in Amsinckia Douglasiana. The decline in these constitu- ents from the early Leaf stage to the late flowering period is rapid, as shown in segmenl A B of figure 17. From the late flowering period to maturity the level of the ash changes little, as seen in B C of the figure. A single analysis made at any point along the segment A B is seen to be Bul, 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 55 35 25 U 5Q _ 15 25 1 1 1 III 1 _ - ^^E> - c^ — ^ - ^ y ^° ^^^ — ^^^^•■•"' ^&^*^ ~~ - ^y^^''''^' — "° - - % ^^^''~ - B <§?^'""'"' - ■ ■■■"&v _ - .©•• y7 - - V FIBER - o^— — // - // // -A / / LEGEND ~ / / / / IC^ft ^IID^FPV / / - / P 1Q.^ FTF.I.n PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT - ' •. - <*■ — -^^^^^ — ~--o 1 1 1 iii i EARLY JUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 16. — March of crude protein and crude fiber in Amsinckia Douglasiana for 1935, 1936, and 1937. 56 University of California — Experiment Station 1 1 1 w u a Q* 3 LEGEND __ 1936 NURSERY 1935 FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT POTASSIUM i r 20 \8 U a CL12 10 - LEGEND 1936 NURSERY 1935 FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT 1 - EARLY JUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 17. — March of silica-frco ash and potassium in AmsincMa Douglasiana for 1935, 1936, and 1937. Buk 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 57 of little value in signifying the levels of these constituents for the early growth stages. On the other hand, a single analysis representing a sample characteristic of the segment represented by B C, gives a fairly reliable criterion of the ash and the potassium content of the plant from the flowering period to maturity. There is wide variation among the percentages of silica-free ash in the various broad-leaved species at a given growth stage. Some species are consistently high in ash, whereas others are low in this constituent in the same developmental stage. Consistently high percentages of silica- free ash are found in the species of the borage family, among which Amsinckia Douglasiana and Plagiobothrys nothofulvus contain the high- est amounts, the ash content accounting for nearly one-fifth of the mois- ture-free weight of these species when in the early leaf stage. Although the levels of the silica-free ash vary among the different species, the percentages within a given species show still greater varia- tion during the growth cycle. Thus in Lupinus Benthami and Hemi- zonia virgata, in 1936, the ash content declines 41.4 per cent and 69.0 per cent, respectively, from the earliest leaf stage to maturity. In Er odium cicutarium, on the other hand, the variation is relatively slight, being 14.49 per cent in the early leaf stage in 1935, and 11.00 per cent at ma- turity in 1936. Of all the broad-leaved herbs investigated, the three spe- cies of Er odium show the least variation in ash content during the entire growing period. Table 5 shows much consistency in the silica-free ash content within a species for any single growth stage, during the three years of study. Wide variation in the silica-free ash is recorded for the various species at the time of blossoming. The species which blossom early in the season, such as Er odium botrys, E. cicutarium, Lupinus bicolor, and Plagiobothrys nothofulvus, are high in silica-free ash at that stage ; those which blossom late, such as Hemizonia virgata, Lessingia germanorum, and Lotus amer- icanus, are low in ash content when in the flowering period. Accordingly, late-blossoming species appear to be characterized by lower ash content in the later stages of vegetative growth. The ash content in the seeds of the broad-leaved herbs is of a slightly lower level than that of the dry vegetative portion of the plant collected on the same date. The seeds of the leguminous species are the lowest in ash of this entire plant group, whereas those of Amsinckia Douglasiana, the three species of Erodium, and Plagiobothrys nothofulvus are the highest in this component. The potassium content accounts for more than one-third of the silica- free ash in all the broad-leaved herbs. The maximum percentages are 58 University of California — Experiment Station invariably found in the early leaf stage. In all species the levels of this element decrease from the early growth period to plant maturity. If the young seedling is regarded as the beginning of plant development, and maturity of the seed as the culmination of the life cycle, then the level of potassium decreases from initial growth and reaches the minimum in the fully developed seed. In the early leaf stage Amsinckiana Douglasiana and Plagiobothrys nothofulvus contain the highest potassium content recorded in these studies. These are followed by Hemizonia virgata and Gilia tricolor, re- spectively, in the list of potassium-rich plants. The lowest potassium content recorded in the early leaf stage is in Lotus americanus, with 2.50 per cent, and in Lupinus formosus, with 2.51 per cent. From the early growth stage to full plant maturity the decline in potassium is somewhat more precipitous in species especially rich in this element than in those characterized by low potassium levels in the early leaf stage. In Plagio- bothrys nothofulvus in 1936 there is a seasonal decline of 81.9 per cent. In contrast, in species of lower potassium content, such as Erodium botrys, there is a decline of 60 A per cent through the season. In the seeds the potassium content is low ; in fact it is lower than in that of the mature, dry herbage, ;i reversal as compared with the phos- phorus content. Thus in the seeds of Lupinus Benthami there is 1.94 per cent potassium, whereas the Lowest content in the vegetative parts for the three years of investigation is 2.10 per cent. In the seeds of Amsinckia Douglasiana there is 1.35 per cent potassium, whereas in the vegetative portion there is 2.4.") per cent, this figure being the lowest recorded for this species. The data show thai there are conspicuously rich, as well as compara- tively poor potassium plants among the broad-leaved species investi- gated. Since all of these species vary widely in potassium content through the growth cycle, recognition of their potassium level can only be known when analyses arc made ;it several growth stages. In calcium content tin' composition remains at nearly the same level throughout the life cycle in mosl of I he broad-leaved species sampled in the regular field plots. Figure 18, which gives the seasonal trend of the calcium content in Amsinckia Douglasiana, shows that virtually the same level of this constituent is maintained from early leaf stage to maturity. Shortening of the growing season appears to affect little the calcium content of the broad-leaved group of plants, as seen from samples pro- cured in the nursery-phmtcd species, which were seeded not less than 2 months after growth had started on the regular field plots. This point is typified in figure 18, where the percentages in calcium content for Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 59 2.0 1 1 1 A R - A / \ «& \ • S. 1 1 1 i C D. o - CALCIUM - - LEGEND ,_ .. IQ^fi >ITTRQF.DV " 1935 FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT 1 1 1 i i i 1 1.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 I I LEGEND 1936 NURSERY 1935 FIELD PLOT 1936 FIELD PLOT 1937 FIELD PLOT PHOSPHORUS EARLY JUST FULL SEEDS IN SEEDS PLANTS PLANTS DRY PLANTS DRY LEAF BEFORE BLOOM. DOUGH MATURE MOSTLY AND FLOWERING STAGE DRY WEATHERED Fig. 18. — March of calcium and phosphorus in AmsincMa Douglasiana for 1935, 1936, and 1937. 60 University of California — Experiment Station Amsinckia Douglasiana, of the nursery- grown samples, are seen to differ but slightly in their values as compared with the field samples. Table 5 shows this tendency also to hold for the other nursery-grown broad- leaved herbs. Samples representative of species grown near the Range Station headquarters on a deeper soil are of about the same calcium con- tent as those collected on the regular field plot. In phosphorus content the trend of the various species studied is repre- sented by Amsinckia Douglasiana (fig. 18). There is a somewhat more rapid decrease in phosphorus from the earl} 7 leaf stage until the late flowering period, designated as A B on this graph. From the flowering- stage to maturity the decline continues, but at a less rapid rate. The phos- phorus content in the nursery samples, as illustrated in figure 18, main- tains the same general trend as in the regular field samples, but the absolute values are much lower. The apparent adverse effect of the short- ened growing season on the levels of phosphorus holds for all nursery- grown species. The phosphorus content in the broad-leaved species maintains the most orderly behavior of the minerals investigated. The minimum percentage is reached when the plants are dry and the seeds cast. The highest phos- phorus content recorded for any growth stage of the broad-leaved species studied is 1.130 per cent, found in OUia tricolor; whereas the lowest amount obtained is 0.040 per cent, in Trifolium tridentatum. When the extreme range in phosphorus content for a given growth stage is consid- ered, for example the flowering period, ihe Largesl amount is 0.724 per cent, recorded for Erodium cicutarium, and the smallest amount is 0.128 per cent, recorded for //< mizonia virgata. The members of the Legume family, as seen in table 5, are the lowest in phosphorus eontenl of the broad-leaved herbs. This constituent is espe- cially low at plant maturity for cadi of i lie six leguminous species. These figures bring out the fact that the same general behavior in the phos- phorus content holds for the broad-leaved plant "/roup, as in the grasses and grasslike species; namely, that the variation in phosphorus in a given species through the entire growing season is much greater than that in the various species for a specified growth stage. Obviously, therefore, determination of the phosphorus content only once or twice during the growing season may be of little value in evaluating the levels of this con- stituent in a range plant. It is noteworthy that in nearly all the species the seeds contain a high percentage of phosphorus, and that the levels compare favorably with those of the very young leafage. In the seed of Plagiobothrys nothofulvus, for example, the phosphorus content is 0.842 per cent, and in the very Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 61 young leafage it is 0.759 and 0.843 per cent. In Amsinckia Douglasiana there is a range between 0.766 and 0.878 per cent in the seed and 1.080 in the early leafage in 1935. If the seed is regarded as the initial stage of plant development, the percentage of phosphorus decreases from the very initiation of life-cycle activities, beginning with seed germination, and continues downward until full maturity is reached. The Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio. — In the broad-leaved herbs it has been shown that the calcium content remains at almost the same level through TABLE 7 The Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio of Broad-leaved Herbs in the Early Growth Stage and at Maturity* 1935 1936 1937 Species Early leaf stage Maturity Early leaf stage Maturity Early leaf stage Maturity 1.6 2.0 2.9 1.0 2.6 2.9 2.1 2.2 6.8 8.1 6.1 3.5 15.3 6.2 7.7 3.5 2.8 7.6 3.7 2.3 4.6 2.5 2.6 3.7 8.1 4.9 15.0 27.9 24.7 12.7 8.5 6.8 13.2 12.5 13.0 7.6 8.1 12.5 3.4 2.7 5.6 8.8 6.5 4.1 4.7 3.7 3.9 2.5 4.6 6.2 8.5 30.4 55.6 15.8 3.8 4.3 6.8 5.7 15.2 * In cases where more than one analysis was made of a given growth stage, the results were averaged. the entire growth cycle, whereas the phosphorus content declines stead- ily, to reach the lowest level at plant maturity. This behavior results in a continuous widening in the calcium-phosphorus ratio with advancement of the season. Table 7, compiled from table 5, shows that the calcium-phosphorus ratio is lowest in the early leaf stage, with an average range for the sev- eral species of 2.2 to 4.6 for samples taken on the regular field plots dur- ing the three years of study. At plant maturity the corresponding ratios are 7.7 and 15.2. This wide ratio at maturity is accounted for chiefly by the low phosphorus content. The calcium-phosphorus ratio is seen to vary widely in the species studied regardless of the stage of development. Evaluation of the Species. — The broad-leaved species as a group, chem- ical composition alone considered, fall into two categories as applied to 62 University of California — Experiment Station the economy of the range : (1) species having a short vegetative period, but which maintain a high level of protein and ash contents well into the late flowering stage ; (2) those having a long vegetative period and char- acterized by a low level of ash and protein when the flowering period is reached. Erodium botrys affords an example of the first of these cate- gories, and Hemizonia virgata, of the second group. In Erodium botrys, from the early leaf stage to flowering, an interval of 4 weeks (from February 8 to March 6, 1936) , the decline in crude pro- tein is only 20 per cent. But from the flowering stage to maturity of the herbage, a period of 9 weeks, this constituent decreases nearly 75 per cent. In contrast, there is a decline in the late-blossoming Hemizonia virgata of 77 per cent from the early leaf stage to the time of flowering, a period of 27 weeks (March 6 to September 10, 1936), and of only 18 per cent from the flowering period to maturity, an interval of 8 weeks. Table 5 shows that the ash, and some of its constituents, maintain ap- proximately the same trends as do the protein. The relatively high nutri- ent content during a long vegetative period, however, enhances the value of palatable plants having late-flowering characteristics, despite the low values of the important constituents when the flowers appear. The high protein content reported throughout the growth cycle for the palatable leguminous species, despite the short period between early growth and flowering, would appear to place the plants of this genus in a very favorable economic position. The phosphorus content of this group, at plant maturity, however, is among the lowest of any of the herbs whose samples were collected in the regular field plots, the percentages being in the second decimal. It is noteworthy that of all the leguminous species studied, Lotus americanus and Lotus strigosus — the former very common on the foothill ranges — are the lowest in ash and its various constituents at all the growth stages. Despite these apparent deficiencies in inorganic constituents, their rela- tively high yield of protein throughout the season places them among the most valuable of forage species as far as nutrients are concerned. Of the species of the borage family, Amsinckia Douglasiana, Plagio- bothrys nothofulvus, and Plagiobothrys tenellus, all of which are early maturing, maintain a high level of protein well into the late flowering stage, and of ash and its constituents until maturity. An exception is seen, however, as pointed out, in the collections taken from the late- planted nursery plots, where the phosphorus content of the samples is low. Cryptantha flaccida, a species which has a long growing season, and which occurs commonly on depleted, thin soils in the locality studied, has the lowest percentage of protein and inorganic constituents at all growth Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 63 stages of the four species of this family. Although most of these boragi- naceous species here concerned are not of especially high palatability, they are generally high in nutritive values. Among representatives of the geranium family, all of which mature early, Erodium cicut avium, as previously stated, has the highest content of protein and silica-free ash of the three species studied. Moreover, the high levels of all the constituents studied in this species are fairly well maintained to full maturity. Comparison of the three species when fully mature, as in 1936, shows a range in protein content of from 9.98 to 12.36 per cent for Erodium cicut avium, of from 3.36 to 4.84 per cent for E. botvys, and of 4.36 per cent for E. moschatum. The phosphorus content also is much the highest in Ev odium cicut avium. Table 5 shows that Ev odium botvys and E. moschatum have nearly the same nutritive values. Collections of a divergent form of Erodium botvys, grown near the Station headquarters, in which a single plant composed each sample, were analyzed for comparison with material procured on the regular field plot. This divergent form is more robust, later maturing, has larger flowers, longer styles, and the inner sepals have a conspicuous red margin. Table 5 shows this form to be lower in all constituents, except in fiber, than the more typical forms of Erodium botvys. Possibly the form in question justifies its recognition as a variety. Of the four species of the composite family, the late-maturing Hemizonia vivgata, although of low palatability, is nutritionally superior because of the high levels of protein and minerals throughout the long vegetative period. Filago gallica and Lessingia gevmanovum, being low in protein and ash constituents, must be regarded as distinctly inferior species. Layia pentachaeta, although having a short vegetative span, at no time maintains a high level of the essential constituents. Even when very young, it approaches in composition the other inferior species of this family. The three above-named species are low in protein and ash at the growth periods when the other early-maturing species are still high in these constituents. Gilia tvicolov, another early-maturing plant, is characterized by high composition of protein, ash, phosphorus, and potassium. At maturity all constituents recorded, except fiber, reach relatively low levels. Navav- vetia viscidula, also a member of the gilia family, is similar in composition to that of Gilia tvicolov, except that the phosphorus content is lower. Godetia viminea and Godetia amoena, of the primrose family, are con- spicuously low in all important constituents investigated except calcium. At maturity both species are very low in protein and ash. Silene gallica, the only species studied of the pink family, is relatively 64 University of California — Experiment Station low in protein in all growth stages, as compared with the other broad- leaved species, but is fairly high in ash, with a satisfactory balance in essential mineral constituents. COMPOSITION OF BROWSE FROM SHRUBS AND TREES Since the foothill area investigated is of the open savanna-woodland type, browse vegetation contributes to the forage supply of the range at certain seasons, and presents a problem somewhat distinct from that of the life forms previously discussed. The nine species studied include deciduous and nondeciduous (evergreen) shrubs and trees of wide distribution. Because most of these species either mature late in the season or are green throughout the year, they supply important nutrients when the herbaceous vegetation is dry. Table 8 gives the analytical data of the samples collected at various growth stages. The data are discussed separately for plants of the "half- shrub" type of the deciduous trees and shrubs, and of the nondeciduous shrubs. Half-shrubs. — The samples of the two species of half-shrubs, charac- terized by semiherbaceous stems, namely, Lotus scoparius and Lupinus albifrons, contain both leaves and si cms of the current growth. Since the proportion of these parts unavoidably varied in the different samples collected, i he cyclic I rends of I lie composil ton are somewhal irregular. The crude protein content in the shoots of these two leguminous species decreases, and the crude fiber increases, from the early leaf stage to ma- turity. In Lupinus albifrons, however, the protein Levels are consistently higher throughout the season, whereas the current growth of Lotus sco- parius contains a lesser amount of crude fiber earl} r in the season. The ash content, and the potassium and phosphorus of I aese species, decrease from the early leaf stage to maturity, whereas the calcium content shows no definite trend. Potassium comprises the highest percentage of the ash, followed by calcium and phosphorus respectively. The leafage of the true woody deciduous shrubs and the trees — species wdiose stems are not green or herblike — differ from the species previously discussed, as seen in table 8, in the march of composition of several of the constituents. In this group the samples collected were of the same age and were collected approximately the same distance from the ground. The protein levels decrease with maturity, whereas the fiber content follows no definite trend and is comparatively low. The ash and calcium contents increase uniformly from the early leaf stage to maturity, whereas the potassium and phosphorus contents decrease during this period. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 65 Compared with the other plant groups discussed, the protein content of the foliage in this group is very high in the early leaf stage, reaching nearly 40 per cent in some species. Even when the foliage is mature, the protein content is higher than in most of the species studied. Table 8 shows that in the newly expanded flowers of Aesculus cali- fornica and Sambucus glauca, including the pedicels, the protein content is of the same level as that of the foliage for the corresponding period. As the flowers fade and the petals are dropping, however, the protein decreases much more rapidly than in the leaves. The fruits of Aesculus calif ornica, when in the dough stage, are nearly identical in protein content with the leaves collected on the same date, whereas this constituent in the fruits of Sambucus glauca is of much lower level than that in the leaves collected at the same time. The fruits (acorns) of Quercus Douglasii are conspicuously low in protein, a point of significance in view of their extensive utilization by foraging animals. The mature, hulled fruits contain only about 5 per cent protein, whereas the hulls, or shells, contain about 3 per cent — these figures being much the lowest of any of the fruits studied. The crude fiber content of the leaves of the deciduous shrubs and trees is low, as stated ; indeed, it varies little during the entire growth cycle. In Quercus Douglasii the maximum value in fiber for the three years of study is 17.50 per cent and the minimum, 11.50 ; whereas in Rhus diver- siloba the values are 14.55 and 12.89 per cent. The flowers in Sambucus glauca are also low in fiber content, exhibiting much the same level as the leaves, whereas in the fruits this constituent is generally slightly higher than in the foliage. As would be expected, the hulls of the fruit of Quercus Douglasii have a high fiber content, whereas the naked, or hulled fruit, contains only from 4 to 6 per cent fiber. The young fruit of Aescu- lus calif ornica, unhulled, contains 12 per cent. The ash content in the foliage of the species of the true shrub-and-tree group exhibits a reverse ratio to that of most species previously discussed, being highest when the leaves are fully mature, and lowest in the early leaf stage. For example, in 1936, the silica-free ash content in Aesculus calif ornica increases 178 per cent with the progression of the season, whereas in Sambucus glauca there is an increase of 65 per cent. The other species of this group show much the same relation. The calcium content forms the largest single fraction of the ash con- stituents in the deciduous, woody plant group. There is an orderly in- crease in calcium throughout the leaf developmental period. In some species the percentage is exceedingly high at maturity of the foliage. In Aesculus calif ornica, for example, the calcium increases more than 1,000 66 University of California — Experiment Station ® s O S3 CO "3£ CO OS ^ r ^_ ■f 00 CO oo oo 1^ >.e m CO m CO X CD 00 O •o ■■"I CO cc «C co t~ © cc k£5 CO CO U5 EC o re OS CO — o — r» CI ■* -e »a :r ce r^. oc * co as CO CM ce CM OJ CM CO CO sn o o r^ re CO o TO >o OO oo CO IC CM cc 6N r^. s CM as as o t^ co t> cm -r — I cc CM CM CM rH 1—1 CM CM CM CM *"* '"' 1-1 '-' CM CM '" H CM 1—1 , " H CM o -*■- -f- l(? as o <"* *H t>- CO **t CI l-H ■^i ^ ■* CO •«»< co o o CO o '■"' CM o o '~ l o o rt o o ci 1-1 CM ce ■«*< -<*i r— cm CO CO oo CO CO 00 CM »o CM CO CC • O0 O as S 2 CO CO 00 OS o on r^ t~ •^ CO oo CO CM »o oo CO CO ue o re OS I~ CO oo co >— ' •H o '- , CO -f re o s *-' re ■^< «5 OO CM o o O o o o o o o o o o "- 1 o © o o o O o o O o o O O —i ■**< CO CM a = oo CO 00 CM lO OS » CM oo t- oo 'O »o t~ 00 o -. ~ JS oo >o - 3 a o o o O O O O O C3 n 3 O Q, a ft A ft ft ft u. ft ~ ft ft ft ft ft — ft — — — — -a T3 73 T) T3 ~ T3 T3 — -3 — — t3 4> a* Cm ft, in fe fe Uh ._ — ___ ^ fe N Mh \*t ^H "a'E'o.'a'a'a'ft'ft'ft'ft ^ [^ ji| plH ClH til tH th fe S o oo o ^h I 3 a 3 CO CD CO oo CO O •§l all i fe S <1 S ►? cc CO CO CO CO OS OS OS OS OS 1-5 CO co" co CO CO 03 03 p^ 03 ►? ^ s s c >> >> >> Q ^ rt ^ Oi o^ o> OS OS OS a s "G 33 ® 2 ™ 2 S % «-> -ri u o3 >» as u G 73 73* 73* C C 3 3 O O Li — a a a a 2 o o J- o o "v © a> 3 .5 -2 % *a as <« <" c a as "3 73 a &73 • as as q. ,ft" o CO ^Q "ft ft «5 co 03 2 >>•>>>> K-j K-. 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"o. -3 T3 _o ^o _o _o _o _o "3. 3. "a "5. "a a 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q) D 4) CJ O D 2 2°^ a aaa -3-3-3-3 O O "3. "3. -3 -3 S £ 2 lis co co 3 "c "S -3" '3) •I? ^^ a a o jz * * > * ts CJ Q) O iJ O > > > > > W) 3 .%& -O r3 CO 2 "S 2 ■ > _S - M -3 5 « 03 . 2 a 3* — o< 2 2 S S -3 > > > > 03 c3 03 c3 rlhl^hl 3 3 Bul, 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 71 CM © CM ^H t- N M (N M OS (N cm cm i-h i-i i-( CO lO ■* CO CM CM CM CM i-l CM CM i-l i-l M M M N IM O 00 CO t^ rf t^ CO CM i-l OO "5 OO ffi © N DO ("MO > co r— !>• oooooooo i-H O O -H N O ID CO CO CO CO o o co O ^ Tt< 00 CO CO NMOONWU5000 5 -9 3. 'a 'a X X X ^ptH&HflHfiHflH^PlH fe S S CO CO CO 00 CO © OS -• >l o> a d OS r., a eS S S o> o> N fl t» if CO O CO N «5 i- ~H © © (N 00 t- » CO (OWN (Mr CM CM CI N CS CO CN M N N (N COCO i-H © © »- h o t~- a CO lO C-4 Os OS CM CO OO Ot^>0 i- i r- CO CO I- N C M N CN » 00 U5 «5i- 1 CO H ■*! 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G G a G c c c c C G fl S 03 03 03 03 03 ec 03 « a 03 03 r. c | o o a 3 > > > > > > > > > > > 03 03 aj o3 03 c- a cr ct a s ^3 0i 0> Hi Hi J h- ^ h? i-l ^ A S h3 i-i ^ cu CO 72 University of California — Experiment Station per cent from the time of unfolding of the leaves until they are mature and dry. In Sambucus glauca and Quercus Douglasii in 1936 there is an increase of 172 per cent and 151 per cent, respectively, for the corre- sponding period. In the flowers and the fruits the calcium content corre- sponds closely in values to that of the very young leafage. The phosphorus content in the foliage is in reverse ratio to that of the calcium, being highest in the young leaf stage and lowest when the leaves are mature. Thus in Aesculus calif ornica, in 1936, the phosphorus de- creases 67 per cent during the growing season ; in Quercus Douglasii and Sambucus glauca it decreases about 64 per cent and 90 per cent, respec- tively. In the young flowers the phosphorus content corresponds closely to that of the very young leafage ; but as the flowers begin to fade this element assumes approximately the same level as that in the foliage col- lected on the same date. The potassium content in the foliage of this plant group varies widely. Quercus Douglasii is notably low in this element, whereas in Aesculus calif ornica, Sambucus glauca, and Rhus diversiloba, the potassium con- tent is high. In all four species this constituent is much the highest in the early leaf stage, and declines in an orderly way to leaf maturity. The decrease, in 1936, amounts to about 30 per cent in Aesculus calif ornica, 66 per cent in Rhus diversioloba, and 59 per cent in Quercus Douglasii. The young stems of Sambucus glauca, as seen in the samples collected in 1936, are higher in potassium than the foliage for the corresponding col- lection. The flowers and fruit of the species studied have approximately the same level of potassium as the foliage for the corresponding growth period. N on deciduous Species. — In the nondeciduous species the new leaves are interspersed with those produced the previous season. The composi- tion of the samples here reported tends to vary but slightly throughout the growth cycle, because of the admixture of new and old leaves. Table 8 brings out the fact thai the crude protein content of the foliage of Ceanothus cuneatus and of C. divaricatus is low, ranging from about 17 per cent to 8 per cent. In both species the highest protein content is recorded when the proportion of young leafage is higher than the old in the sample. It is significant that the protein content of the foliage of the two species of Ceanothus is considerably higher from midsummer until late in the autumn than in that of most of the mature herbaceous species. In the flowers of the two Ceanothus species protein is relatively high, whereas in the fruits it is low, being of the same magnitude as that of the leafage at the corresponding period. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 73 The crude fiber in the Ceanothus species is among the lowest of any plants here reported, ranging from 5.44 per cent to 12.52 per cent. The flowers contain nearly the same percentage of fiber as the leaves. In the mature fruit, however, this constituent is relatively high. The silica-free ash content in the three nondeciduous shrubs is rela- tively low, Ceanothus divaricatus on the average being the lowest of this group, and Bhamnus calif ornica the highest. No definite trend is shown in the ash content in these species through the season, presumably be- cause of the mixed character of the samples, as explained. The foliage of these shrubs contains more calcium than any other single mineral constituent. In the flowers and fruits of the Ceanothus species, however, the percentage of calcium clearly ranks second to that of potas- sium (table 8). In potassium content Bhamnus calif ornica is the highest and Ceano- thus cuneatus is the lowest of the three nondeciduous species. In most of the samples of the Ceanothus species the percentage of potassium is in the first decimal, whereas in no instance does the calcium content fall below 1 per cent in the three species. In phosphorus content the nondeciduous species, while not high at any stage of growth, is maintained at a fairly constant level. For the two species of Ceanothus the range for the three years of investigation is from 0.089 to 0.299 per cent. The flowers are richer in phosphorus than in any other plant organ reported. The Calcium-Phosphorus Batio. — In the deciduous shrubs and trees the calcium-phosphorus ratio increases with advancement of the season, being lowest in very young foliage and highest when the leaves are fully mature. The ratios for 1936 are shown in table 9, as derived from table 8. The data in table 9 are impressive of the fact that the calcium-phos- phorus ratio is much the lowest in the early leaf stage and very high at leaf maturity. In Aesculus calif ornica and Quercus Douglasii the rise in this ratio takes place largely after the flowering period. In the young leafage, when the meristematic tissue is proportionately large, and when cell division is actively taking place, the percentage of phosphorus is relatively high. But with advancement of age, and decline in the rate of growth, the percentage of phosphorus decreases in the foliar organs. Calcium, on the other hand, enters limitedly into meristematic activities, but is utilized much more extensively for cementing the cell walls in the older leaves with calcium pectate. Calcium also serves to neutralize the by-products of metabolism, hence the percentage of its content reaches the maximum when the foliage is mature. In the nondeciduous group the calcium-phosphorus ratio varies greatly 74 University of California — Experiment Station through the year. In Ceanothus cuneatus the ratio ranges between 6.1 in March, 1936, when the new leafage is partly formed, and reaches 19.7 in September, when the seeds are cast. In C. divaricatus the ratio ranges from 4.2 in April, when in the flowering stage, to 15.1 in January, 1937, before the new leaves are formed. In Bhamnus calif ornica the ratio ranges from 5.6 in May, 1937, in the early fruiting stage, to 17.1 in Sep- tember, 1936, when growth is at a minimum. In the deciduous half -shrubs the calcium-phosphorus ratio likewise is highest at the end of the growing season. In Lupinus albifrons, in 1936 TABLE 9 The Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio of Foliage of the Deciduous Shrubs and Trees at Three Growth Stages ; 1936 Species Early leaf stage Full bloom Maturity 0.7 2.0 0.4 2.2 4.2 2.5 3.4 23.9 50.7 19.5 15.4 in the field plot, this ratio ranges from 3.4 to 8.7. In Lotus scoparius the highest ratio is 7.6, recorded when the leaves are cast in September, 1936 ; and it is the lowest, namely 2.7, before early bloom, in March of the same year. Evaluation of the Species. — The woody species discussed fall into two categories in the matter of nutritional characteristics of the foliage, namely, those whose chemical values change but relatively little during the growing season, and those whose levels of the more important con- stituents change markedly during the growth cycle. The nondeciduous shrubs, namely, Ceanothus cuneatus, C. divaricatus, and Bhamnus calif ornica, typify the species of the first category. Al- though the levels of the organic and inorganic constituents of the foliage in these species are relatively low at all times, they are maintained throughout the year at more or less the same values. Because of the lower crude-fiber content, and the favorable balance of the more important nutrients, C. divaricatus outranks nutritionally C. cuneatus. B. calif or- nica, on the other hand, being somewhat higher in silica-free ash and in phosphorus than the two species of Ceanothus, appears to be the most desirable. Despite the fact that these three species are at no time espe- cially high in protein, and in total ash and its constituents, they are nevertheless important on the range because of their succulence through- out the year. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 75 The species of the second group — those whose chemical values change markedly through the season, are all deciduous. The leaves of Aesculus calif ornica and Sambucus glauca are the highest in silica-free ash, and especially in calcium at maturity, of the species in this group. Moreover, the foliage of A. calif ornica increases greatly in sugars toward maturity, reaching 8 per cent when the leaves have dried, a factor which may ac- count for its relatively high palatability late in the autumn. Quercus Douglasii has the lowest nutritional rank of the four species of this group. In silica-free ash this plant is considerably the lowest of the four species. The percentage of silica in these species increases markedly with advancement of the season, amounting in the mature leafage to nearly one-half of the ash content, a phenomenon which apparently accounts for the harshness of the foliage, and the fact that its palatability declines in the later growth stages. Moreover, the phosphorus, calcium, and potas- sium contents in Q. Douglasii are lower, whereas the fiber content is somewhat higher, than in the other three deciduous species. Rhus diver- siloba is fairly high in nutrients throughout the season, and compares fa- vorably in this respect with A. calif ornica and 8. glauca. All four species are of importance as browse because of their fairly high level of protein and essential inorganic constituents late in the season when the herbace- ous cover generally is at its lowest nutritional ebb. COMPARATIVE LEVELS OF CONSTITUENTS IN THE SIX PLANT GROUPS Although the trends in composition of the samples of individual species have been shown, it is of interest to know whether the forage of all the species embraced in each of the various distinctive plant groups exhibits characteristic compositional trends and levels. For purpose of compari- son three widely different growth stages were selected, namely, the early leaf developmental stage, the flowering stage, and the period of full maturity of the leafage. Graphic data have been prepared from averages of all the species of each of the six plant groups. In deriving the points on the curves an average value for a given growth stage for each year was first obtained ; then these curves for the three years were in turn averaged for each species ; and the figures so derived were then averaged for each plant group. In the half -shrubs and the nondeciduous shrubs, however, because of the nature of their growth, the graph points were obtained by computing the averages for each spe- cies on a calendar basis for the three years, the month of March repre- senting the initial point because of the abundance of early leafage at that 76 University of California — Experiment Station time. Data on odd samples, such as flowers and seed, were not included in deriving these averages. Figure 19 shows that the deciduous shrubs and trees are much the highest of the groups in the percentage of crude protein at the early leaf stage, and also at the time of flowering. Moreover, a relatively high pro- tein level is maintained in this group at maturity. The broad-leaved herbs rank second in protein content in the early leaf stage and in the blossom- ing period, but the grasses and grasslike species show only slightly lower levels than the broad-leaved herbs throughout the growth cycle. The half- shrubs are high in protein content in March, followed by a sharp decline, which reaches the minimum level late in the summer, after which there is a continuous rise, giving the curve the appearance of a circular seg- ment. The nondeciduous species maintain a more constant level of pro- tein throughout the growth cycle in the mixed foliage, being the lowest of all the groups early in the season, but second highest late in the autumn. In crude fiber (fig. 20) , the half -shrubs are the highest from late spring until late summer, when, because of a larger proportion of leafage on the shoots, the fiber content decreases. The grasses and the grasslike species, which have nearly the same values, outrank all the other groups in this constituent, except the half-shrubs, for a part of the season, as pointed out. Next to the grasses, the grasslike plants, the broad-leaved herbs, the deciduous shrubs and trees, and the nondeciduous shrubs, respectively, rank in the fiber levels in the order named. The range in values in these groups is Large. The nondeciduous shrubs and the deciduous shrubs and trees run parallel in this constituent throughout the season; they vary little in values, and are conspicuously lower than the other groups. The silica-free ash (fig. 21), is highest in the broad-leaved herbs of the six groups until midsummer, when the deciduous shrubs and trees take the load. The grasses and the grasslike species maintain nearly the same level in ash content, but they are distinctly lower than the broad- leaved herbs. The deciduous shrubs and trees are relatively low in ash in the early leaf stage ; but the rise continues gradually throughout the season, reaching the highest point of all the groups late in the autumn. The half-shrubs and the nondeciduous shrubs form irregular curves of ash values, the crests and depressions of which are evidently determined by the proportion of new and old leaves contained in the samples. The highest crest of the ash level in the half-shrubs comes in the late summer, whereas that in the nondeciduous shrubs is recorded in early spring. The calcium content varies widely in the different plant groups. The broad-leaved herbs lead in this constituent in the early leaf stage (fig. 22) . Fairly early in the season, however, the deciduous shrubs and trees, fol- Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 77 - 1 1 - Ok ZEGEWD \ GRASSES *V, _ _ GRASSLIKE PLANTS *V BROAD-LEAVED HERBS *V^ DECIDUOUS SHRUBS &• TREES *S - HALF-SHRUBS " _ " S *S S NONDECIDUOUS SHRUBS ■ \-. -% 'Bk - . *v, - - - * * X.... ^0\ \ / - - \^ ^>^v. >-,., " - - ^~----^^^S>^. \ - "~~"~~-^^\^ - "^-^ v \^.. - - ^^o^. - ~ ^ - - i i - EARLY LEAF FULL BLOOM LEAFAGE DRY Fig. 19. — March of crude protein in the six plant groups. 1 ' o . ___——-- — " — ~^Z-""° . - rr-~~—~~ — "Z^^" - - #'"' — ^^^^'^ s* " - / ^^^■' '" '" ^°^~—. s' - Jb~~ «^, 'L^^^ •■"'" ^ >: ° " - - — / ^^^'^^■•"' ■' - - L^~ — — **""" -^ . o — '' »■»■ — S - ■T - - " ■ — — - J „ ■" . - © - - " - - ©-•■ " - Q _^ - - ....-•° G "--.... ..© o .'" """"" *~° - - ....©••' ©••••-" © G — . <*•""" LEGEJVD . r.DASSF.». © " - •Sp. __--"' " - "*^- —~ — " - 10 - "**••„. "~ - " ^■"'~ X *--~^ " ©..„ _.-•- «"***" *"-■-.. . a CX ^>^^ r ,- ;: -*-'^"' ^""^ - ^-""""""'^^"^-Cl"'***"-- " \ ^^^-^^"^-^ ..© " \ ..• •■©^^^^^■^•^.^ / "'"■©•-.. " £ o ....... • K ''^^^ - \ " .^^ / - 4 ^^ ^^><1^ - LEGEND ""~ o "*'" ^~^~^^ - f.CAS-^s§ vo.... ,--".-— •••••.;-o X ©•••.... jr -..-- '--o ^"^ ""-a.. ..S™ ^~ e-jri-'^ EARLY LEAF FULL BLOOM LEAFAGE DRY Fig. 23. — March of phosphorus in the six plant groups. ! 1 "*> " \ LEGEND " — GRASSES "V GRASSLIKE PLANTS — ^ BROAD-LEAVED HERBS SS^.. '*% DECIDUOUS SHRUBS & TREES ^\^--.^ V. HALF-SHRUBS ^\^>-.^ v - . % NONDECIDUOUS SHRUBS " ^^\ "*' ~" - ****"• " - ^V. " "- ^ - ^\ "" -" " ^\ '"^^ ^^ "*iv»», - - «v ^^^ ^ ^.. • - "~^^ "^s^N^ ""-^ " \ " ^ ^ ""^^^-^ * ' " ^ -^^^\ ""^-^ ^^^ ...-* -K '^.. - ® "" o""::-^--------^^:-:-::' o- ... - "■o - - - 1 1 - EARLY LEAF FULL BLOOM LEAFAGE DRY Fig. 24. — March of potassium in the six plant groups. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 81 stage and lowest at leaf maturity; (3) in calcium and fiber the range is widest at leaf maturity; (4) the leafage of the deciduous shrubs and trees is relatively high among the groups in protein, phosphorus, and calcium, and is relatively low in crude fiber and potassium ; (5) the non- deciduous shrubs are comparatively low in all constituents, except cal- cium; (6) the half -shrubs are low in protein, silica-free ash and its constituents, and are high in fiber; and (7) the broad-leaved herbs are approximately five times higher in calcium than the grasses and grass- like groups, slightly higher in protein, phosphorus, and potassium, and much lower in fiber. A resume of the march of the constituents in the six plant groups dur- ing the growing season is given in table 10. APPLICATION TO RANGE MANAGEMENT Since these studies show that species and groups of species, exhibit char- acteristic chemical compositions, and that these change continuously and markedly with their seasonal development, the question arises as to the significance of this knowledge to practical range problems. Accordingly, the following inquiries are pertinent : At what growth stage may the greatest energy and nutritive values of the different plant associations be procured, without jeopardy to the range ? What role of economic importance, if any, do the unpalatable or "weedy" species play in a range plant community ? Should the management of a range be so directed as to restore and maintain as nearly as possible the original plant cover, linked, as it is, with its characteristic soil type, or may there be a less planned utilization of the forage, resulting in the vegetation being naturally transformed into a single plant association, such as a purely herbaceous stand, or into a brush cover ? In what ways may knowledge of the march and the levels of the chemi- cal composition of forage species serve in the recognition of the char- acteristics especially desirable in a forage species ? Is it possible to predict the effect of a shortened growing season, such as may be induced by drought or unfavorable temperature, on certain specific nutritional values of the forage crop in such years? May tables giving the chemical values of the dominant species at im- portant growth stages, and the time involved in reaching these periods, be used, in conjunction with the survey of the botanical composition of the range, with a view to refining the estimates of its carrying capacity, as when a grazing reconnaissance is made ? 82 University of California — Experiment Station The discussion which follows, taken up in the order of questions raised, aims to point out how the results reported in this bulletin may throw some light on these and similar questions. Comparative Forage Values of the Different Growth Stages. — Since these studies have shown that the composition of the range species changes greatly from the early leaf stage to maturity, it seems pertinent to compare, through the adoption of some standard, the values of the more essential constituents in the field samples at definite growth stages. For purposes of comparison 25 pounds 14 of oven-dry weight of forage was taken as a standard weight in each of the three growth stages of the forage, namely, the early leaf stage, the flowering stage, and at full ma- turity. Table 11 gives, in pounds, the crude protein, crude fiber, silica- free ash, and phosphorus content in field samples equivalent to 25 pounds on the dry-weight basis as above stated. The object of the following computations is to show the respective nutritive values of forage at various growth stages when the water factor has been eliminated. Such comparisons should clarify the question of relative values of the young and the more mature forage. Table 11 shows that in the early leaf stage the weight of the field sam- ple equivalent to 25 pounds of dry material is much the highest, and the weight of the mature sample is much the lowest, whereas in the bloom period the weight is intermediate. In the grasses and broad-leaved herbs it will be noted that in the early leaf stage, despite the fact that t he equiv- alent to 25 pounds of oven-dry weight of the field sample is much the largest — owing to high water content — the nutritional values are the highest for the entire season. Even when the blossom stage lias been reached, and the moisture content has declined considerably, the daily poundage of the more essential constituents consumed by the animal, except in such annual grasses as Festuca megalura and Arena barbata, is still satisfactory. At maturity, on the other hand, when the field sam- ples approach closely the weight of the oven-dry unit, the percentage composition of nutrients is the lowest, whereas in the period of innores cence these values for most of the species are intermediate. The deciduous species listed in table 11 show thai the poundage of crude protein, computed on a 25 pound dry-weight ratio, is highest in the early leaf stage, and lowest, late in the autumn. At the latter period the poundage of protein amounts to about one-fourth of that contained in the young foliage. On the other hand, in the nondeciduous species, as typified in Ceanothus cuneatus, the protein ratios change little through 14 Twenty-five pounds of dry forage was taken for convenience in these computa- tions, and also because this figure approaches the daily requirement of a 1,000-pound animal. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 83 the season. In crude fiber the ratios in both of these plant groups show little variation through the grazing period, and is not a determining factor in their seasonal values. The silica-free ash in the foliage of the deciduous species is greatest when the leaves are mature, whereas in the nondeciduous species, the ash TABLE 11 Proportion of Constituents in Kepresentative Field Forage Samples at Different Growth Stages, when Converted to the Equivalent of 25 Pounds of Oven-dry Weight* Species Growth stage Water, per cent Approx- imate forage equiva- lent, pounds Silica- free ash, pounds Phos- phorus, pounds Crude protein, pounds Crude fiber, pounds Avena barbata. Bromus mollis . Festuca megalura. Melica imperfecta . Juncus oxymeris . Er odium botrys. Ceanothus cuneatus . Aesculus calif or mica. Quercus Douglasii. Sambucus glauca. Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf (Feb.) Fully developed (May) Leaf hardened (Nov.).. Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry Early leaf June Mature Early leaf Flowering Mature, dry 77.0 71.0 5.0 83.0 75.0 0.3 73.0 62.0 2.3 76.0 75.0 29.0 83.0 71.0 3.0 87.0 86.0 4.0 54.0 54.0 46.0 80.0 78.0 9.0 72.0 61.0 37.0 83.0 83.0 8.0 109 86 26 147 100 25 93 66 26 104 100 35 147 86 26 192 178 26 54 54 125 114 27 40 147 147 27 2.0 1.1 1.3 3.0 1.4 0.7 1.7 0.8 0.4 2.2 1.8 0.8 2.1 1.5 1.3 3.5 2.9 2.6 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.7 2.5 1.6 2.3 2.6 3.8 0.09 .09 .06 .12 .11 .04 .10 .07 .03 .10 .10 .03 .11 .06 .02 .10 .12 .05 .04 .04 .03 .18 .12 .06 .10 .06 .04 .22 .15 0.02 5.3 1.8 0.5 5.6 3.0 0.9 3.8 1.9 0.7 6.0 5.2 0.8 6.0 2.1 0.9 3.2 2.8 2.7 7.6 5.8 1.7 4.9 3.5 2.4 9.1 9.6 1.7 4.7 6.2 7.5 10.6 6.3 7.4 7.9 5.6 8.5 9.0 2.7 4.2 7.1 2.4 3.1 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.9 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.4 2.8 2.4 * Data from samples of different years were used in some cases to obtain the figures for comparative growth stages. 84 University of California — Experiment Station fraction is greatest in early spring-. In both groups, however, the pound- age of phosphorus in a unit of dry weight is highest in the young leafage and lowest at leaf maturity. It is significant that when the grasses and the other herbaceous species are near or in the flowering stage, the crude protein, ash, and the phos- phorus contents are still fairly high. Despite the fact that the forage is richest in most constituents in the very early leaf stage, grazing exten- sively, or to a point which would approach the full capacity of the range at this period, is for other reasons inadvisable. Very early seasonal graz- ing, especially if the photosynthetic surface is cropped down repeatedly, tends to decrease the yield of the season's forage crop. Repeated early grazing curtails not only the top growth bnl also the rool development. To obtain the best general results on a herbaceous range the time to bo- gin grazing appears to 1"- between the earlier growth sta-jv and the flow- ering period, when the roots have become well established and are ao1 readily Irani pled niit of a wet or loose Boil. E6U of Weeds in a Rangt Community. Range species, because of the rigorous environmenl to which they have long been subjected, have I mat id it about various adaptive responses, which have resulted in fitting them into their respective ecological niches. The struggle between the many plant species in a given range area is keen indeed, and results in the elimination of the major proportion of the initial seedling stand. In averaged counts of a Bquare fool of surface, which i^ believed t«» be fairly typical of a well-stocked herbaceous cover of the San Joaquin and similar foothill range, more than 3,000 Beedlings, composed of many species. were recorded early in the Beason. < Obviously, not all individuals of such a dense young stand <-<>nld Burvive. Only the better-adapted forms could complete their life cycle. Among the factors which determine the survival of Individuals, the soil sol in inn appears to play a major part. Preliminary study of the soils i>\' various plant communities of the San Joaquin Experimental Range revealed thai the soil solution is generally of \*'vy low concentration. Ac- cordingly, those species which have the highesl absorptive capacity may be the ones which determine the ultimate character of the stand. Prom analytical data presented, it is seen that species which grow side by side differ greatly in the percentage of the various elements. Tims in Amsinchia D tal silica-free ash content in the early growth stages is approximately 20 per cent of the oven-dry weighl of til- 1 plant ; and the potassium content approximates 7 per cent figures which are conspicuously higher than those in other species invest igated. Accordingly, thisspe< much greater absorptive capacity than most Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 85 i of its associates. Being largely unpalatable to livestock, it adds much organic matter and essential salts to the soil, factors which should reflect favorably upon the establishment and growth of associated species of quite different absorptive capacities. From the viewpoint of favorably influencing the soil for incoming plant species, then, some of the so-called "weedy" species may have a bearing in shaping the character of the plant community. Soils in Relation to Plant Types and Forage Utilization. — Most range areas support a variety of forage species, but often these are composed largely of a single life form, such as grass or brush. The data here re- ported show that each of the various plant groups is characterized by distinctive nutritional patterns. The groups differ not only in the vari- ations of the constituents throughout the growing season, but also in their levels. "Whether the soils, which support these different types of vegetation, are chiefly responsible for the distribution and the nutritional character- istics of the various plant groups on a given range is a subject for exten- sive investigation. The authors, however, have digressed from the main study to make limited examination of the soils in the sampling sites. It is hoped that the mere recognition of this phase may stimulate serious work on this complex problem. From table 12 it is seen that the soil of a mixed cover of shrubs, trees, and herbs is richer in total nitrogen and in organic matter than is the soil of the pure grass stand. Areas sparsely vegetated with Lessingia germa- norum and Festuca megalura, both of which are shallow-rooted (and inferior as forage) , were found to have the lowest total nitrogen, nitrates, and organic material of the soil types investigated. The soil of the wet swale areas, on the other hand, with its dense and luxuriant growth of succulent grasslike species, while very low in nitrates, compares favor- ably with that of the shrub-tree-herb community in total nitrogen and organic matter ; this indicates low nitrifying power. In these swales, how- ever, the total concentration of the soil solution was found to be higher in the deeper soil horizon, whereas the total organic matter was the greater in the upper soil layer, where the roots are largely found. The pH values of the soils worked with are only slightly on the acid side, except in the shrub-tree-herb community, where they drop to 5.99. It is worthy of note that the soil samples from the wet swale are char- acterized by a highly selective botanical composition, only a few species composing the bulk of the cover. Along the margin, where the drainage is good, the cover is composed of a combination of annual and perennial herbaceous species. During the three years of study these border species 86 University of California — Experiment Station have not been observed to invade the true swale type to any appreciable extent. Since the soil of this area contains only a trace of nitrates (table 12), and is saturated with water during much of the growing season, the aeration is poor — factors evidently of sufficient magnitude to prevent invasions by species of the adjoining dry-land vegetation. In the moist, but well-drained meadow, which is conspicuously char- acterized late in the season by the robust Hemitonia virgata, and a TABLE 12 Eelation of Some Soil Characteristics to Plant Cover ox the San Joaquin Experimental Range Cover where sample was taki'n Depth of soil sample, incl Loss on ignition, per oenl nitrogen, per rent Nitrate nitrogen, p. p.m. pH Mixed cover of trees, brush, grass, f 0-8 f 0-8 ( 0-8 i n i u in . 103 100 .053 3.0 0.7 (i 5 trace 0.5 i o 0.5 4 6 30 Swale of graaelib Grass cover with scattered, bi 6.62 6.80 6.57 ■pane oover 6.50 6.64 ii scattering of TrifoUum tridentatum and i rptu setigerus, there are to be Pound occasional robusl Bpecimensof the species which dominate the marginal and the well-drained adjoining slopes. Since this meadow soil is well aerated, nitrification is presumably active, and there is ample \< » . amounting to some 1 parts per million. Moreover, the total organic mailer and total salts are of much tlic same magnitude as in the s«>il of the shrub-tree-herb association. Evidently, therefore, it' it were nol for the kern competition Be1 ap by // la virgata, and the few other dated species, the adjoining hillside vegetation would presumably completely occupy this an These two examples of closed, or BO-called "unyielding" communities, illustrate well Borne of the more eonspicuou * which determine the delimitations of plant associations. In the wel swale of the grasslike cover, the poor aeration ami the general character of the soil evidently deter- mine the plant population. End 1. even if this cover were removed the boring hillsi imably could not come in. These swale ten, serve as indi t distinctive soil characteristics. The Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 87 Hemizonia virgata area, on the other hand, illustrates the play of quite a different set of factors in the determination of the stand. Here the character of the soil is probably much less a potent factor than is the pres- ence of the exceedingly aggressive and well adapted dominant species which compose the present vegetation. If, in this site, the more distinctly meadow type of vegetation were removed, it is reasonable to assume that the adjoining hillside species would occupy the area. In the light of these plant behaviors it appears that the soil solution, in combination with other edaphic factors, notably moisture supply, may have an important bearing on the ultimate character of the plant cover. The subject of sequence of species on developing soils, or on areas where the upper soil horizon is being gradually removed, appears worthy of critical study. Criteria for Judging the Value of a Forage Plant. — Knowledge of the march of the chemical composition of range plants makes possible the segregation of the species into two broad categories : those having rela- tively high nutritive values ; and those of consistently low values. Al- though such information is valuable, it does not afford a sufficiently broad index to segregate the species into their respective economic categories. Aside from the factor of palatability, some species which are high in the essential constituents may be of relatively little value because of their short growth cycle. Species like Lessingia germanorum, because of the low levels of their nutrients throughout the growth period, can be classed as undesirable purely on the basis of chemical studies. Festuca megalura, on the other hand, when in the early leaf stage, ranks in nutrients with those of desirable grass species ; but the life cycle of this species is so short as to place it among the most undesirable of range grasses. Thus the criteria for judging the economic rank of a palatable range plant is that of high nutritive value maintained through the life cycle, prefer- ably in addition to a long period of vegetative growth. Most of the peren- nial grasses investigated mature relatively late in the season, a behavior commonly associated with high nutritiveness well into the autumn. Knowledge of the seasonal change of composition of the forage species, therefore, must be considered in addition to data pertaining to the length of the growth cycle of the individual species, in classifying them as to relative range values. Shortening of Growing Season as Affecting Nutritive Values. — It is not uncommon, particularly in the foothill and valley regions of the state, that deficient autumn or winter rains, or unfavorable temperature, may retard the inception of growth by several weeks. Since the present study, although based solely on nursery plots, appears to show that a 88 University of California — Experiment Station short growing season results in lower values for phosphorus, and in some species, for calcium, and in somewhat higher levels for crude fiber, it would appear that such abnormal years would be associated with poorer quality of forage. Although the present investigation has not included vegetation of the high mountain ranges, the results here reported lead one to suspect thai the forage there produced, associated as it is with a short growing season, might be low in phosphorus. Especially may this be the case in years when the snowfall is so heavy as appreciably to delay the beginning of growth. Chemical Values and Grazing Capacity. — The present reconnaissance methods used in estimating the grazing capacity of a range admittedly are in need of refinement. Failure to obtain uniformly reliable est imates may partly be accounted for by the fact that the nutritive value of the forage changes from month to month and dees not reach some degree of stability until late in the summer. Also the data obtained for carrying- capacity estimates do not take into account the rclat ive quanl it ies of the constituents of the different forage types, and therefore do not take into account the nutritional balance in the forage as a whole. Possibly -razing capacity estimates could be refined by taking into account the following factors: botanical composition of a forage type, expressed in weighl of air-dry herbage ; the average palatability of each plant group, such as grasses, broad-leaved herbs, browse, etc.; the aver- age Length of t lie growing season of each forage type ; and the averaged march of composition in each planl group. Tims it' it is assumed that one acre of ;i grass type, when in the early growth stage, produces one-fourth ton of air-dry material. 90 percent of which is palatable, then 450 pounds of such forage could be nt Ilized. The protein content, as read from a pre- pared nutritional curve, is taken ;is 20 per eenl for purposes <>f calcula- tion, which -jives 90 pounds of this constituent for the area. Estimate- of weighl increase in the air-dry forage ^ the season advances, accom- panied as ii is by ;i corresponding decline in crude protein, could readily !"• calculated from the curve for the type at any time in the season. In the same way the nutrient values for ;i unit area COUld be derived for other important constituents. Repetition of this method for each type would furnish data as to the total nutrients available at any time in the season. With the inclusion of such data in the reconnaissance computa- tions would appear to furnish more exacting estimates of the carrying capacity of ;i range. Tins deducl ion is offered with the hope that a quali- fied reconnaissance worker may become sufficiently interested to include in his equation the factors above enumerated. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 89 SUMMARY The study of foothill range plants, with special reference to the seasonal march in their composition, was conducted on field and nursery sample plots of the San Joaquin Experimental Range. The dominant vegetation is believed to be fairly characteristic of the extensive savanna-woodland association. Review of the literature here cited reveals the fact that much confusion exists relative to the changes in composition of forage species. The fact that there is a high percentage of crude protein, and a low percentage of crude fiber in the early growth stages, followed by gradual decline in the former and increase in the latter with advance in the season, has already been fairly well established; but the trend in the ash content, and its constituents, during the life history of range plants, requires further investigation. Some significant data on this phase are reported in this paper. The samples of most species were collected at distinct growth stages, irrespective of chronological dates; the majority of previous workers have collected the samples according to established dates. In most of the graminaceous, grasslike, and broad-leaved herbaceous species there is a continuous and rather orderly decline in the crude pro- tein, the silica-free ash, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium from the earliest appearance of leaf blades to plant maturity. The percentage of crude fiber in these plant groups, on the other hand, increases with the advance of the season. The most rapid changes in constituents take place from the early leaf development to the period of full bloom. Although species within a plant group have characteristic composi- tional levels, the variation in chemical values in the entire life cycle of plants of a given species is greater than that between the various species of the plant group for any single growth stage. The levels of protein in the three herbaceous groups (grasses, grasslike plants, and broad-leaved herbs) at corresponding growth stages are of similar values ; but the levels in crude fiber in the broad-leaved herbs are lower, on the average, than in the two other herbaceous groups. In silica-free ash, calcium, and potassium, the broad-leaved herbs maintain a higher level throughout the entire season than do the grasses and grasslike species. In phosphorus content the values in these three groups are much the same at corresponding growth stages. The grasslike species are characterized by high silica content. The crude protein in the foliage of the deciduous shrubs and trees de- clines in an orderly way from the earliest appearance of the leaves to 90 University of California — Experiment Station their maturity. The protein levels in this group are the highest of the various groups studied. In the deciduous half -shrubs and the nondecidu- ous shrubs the protein levels change relatively little, and are the lowest of the six groups. The crests and depressions of the curves of these two groups are determined by the relative amounts of the young and mature foliage in such vegetation. The crude fiber in the foliage of the deciduous shrubs and trees, and in the nondeciduous shrubs, maintains nearly the same level throughout the season, and is the lowest in any of the groups studied. In the deciduous half -shrubs the level of the fiber while variable, is the highest of these three groups, the maximum amount being reached in midsummer. In silica-free ash, and in calcium content, the foliage of the deciduous shrubs and trees stands out in contrast to all the oilier plant groups in that the trend is distinctly upward with advancement in the season, and these constituents arc much higher than in the other two groups of woody plants. In the aondeciduous shrubs and the deciduous half-shrubs, the ash and calcium contents vary throughout the season, the levels being governed by the proportion of young foliage in the sample. These two constituents are the Lowest in the deciduous half-shrubs. The trend in potassium contenl in the three groups of woody plains is distinctly downward with increasing age of the foliage. In contrast to the herbaceous species, the potassium contenl lakes second place quanti- tatively to that of calcium. The phosphorus contenl declines gradually from the early leaf stage to leaf maturity. The phosphorus levels of the deciduous and nondecidu- ous half-shrubs are the lowest of any of the plant groups studied. There is an impressive consistency in the composition of all constitu- ents within a species through the growth cycle from year to year. me of the "weedy," or Largely onpalatable species, have a high ab- sorption capacity and are conspicuously rich in certain essentia] ele- ments. Accordingly some such species may play an important part in determininir the character of the plant cover in subsequenl years. The calcium-phosphorUS ratio shows characteristic behavior in the respective plant groups. In th< es this ratio remains close to 1 to 1 at all -row ih stages; in the grasslike species it is about L to 1 in the early leal' Stage and 4 to 1 at maturity ; in t he broad deaved herbs the average ratio is approximately J to 1 early in the season and 12 to 1 at late ma- turity ; in the nondeciduous shrubs the rat io is approximately 5 to 1 in the early leaf Btage and 16 to 1 late in the autumn. In the deciduous shrubs and trees the ratio vanes most, averaging approximately 1 to 1 in the early leal Btage and 2fi to 1 at leal' maturity. Bul. 627] Composition of Foothill Plants 91 Shortening of the growing season apparently results in a decrease in phosphorus, and in some species in calcium, but it does not influence quantitatively the protein and potassium contents. Enrichment of the soils concerned, as through application of manure, on the other hand, results in a higher percentage of crude protein and phosphorus, and a lower percentage of crude fiber. The seeds of the grasses and the broad-leaved herbs, as compared with the mature leafage, have approximately the same values in calcium, whereas the phosphorus content is higher, and the potassium content is lower. The seeds of the shrubs and trees, on the other hand, are lower in calcium than the mature foliage, whereas the levels of the phosphorus and potassium are nearly the same as in the foliage. These studies reveal that a valuable range plant, among other things, must have a long vegetative period, or the nutritional values of the ma- ture herbage must be maintained at a high level well after seed forma- tion. This viewpoint is helpful in the classification of range plants as to their economic values. For a given unit of dry matter the early season growth has a higher caloric value, and is richer in ash and its constituents, than the mature leafage. Knowledge of chemical values of range species, especially if considered in relation to their respective soils, should prove helpful in explaining plant succession. A diversified plant cover is preferable for stabilization of nutritive forage values to that of a single plant type. Knowledge of the chemical values of the dominant species, with their seasonal changes should prove useful as a factor in perfecting more de- pendable methods for estimating the carrying capacity of the range. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writers wish to make grateful acknowledgment to the following per- sons, all of the California Forest and Range Experiment Station of the United States Forest Service: To Station Director E. I. Kotok, and to M. W. Talbot, Senior Plant Ecologist, for valuable suggestions in the organization of the work plan and in making available laboratory and other facilities at the San Joaquin Experimental Range ; to Dr. Harold H. Biswell, Assistant Conservationist, for invaluable assistance in col- lecting forest samples and for help in many other ways ; and to Assistant Station Director Dr. J. A. Hall for critically reading the manuscript. The spirit of cooperation and helpfulness is greatly appreciated. 92 University of California — Experiment Station LITERATUKE CITED 1. Austin, Stanley. 1933. Vegetation and reproduction in the soy bean. Science 78:363-64. 2. Austin, Stanley. 1935. Effects of exfloration on plant metabolism. Plant Physiol. 10:225-43. 3. Burd, J. S. 1919. Bate of absorption of soil constituents at successive stages of plant growth. Jour. Agr. Research 18:51-72. 4. Capen, E. G., and J. A. Le Clerc. 1933. Chemical composition of native Alaskan hays harvested at different periods of growth. 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