B^ 7 ^Bl 8 ^^ COKSTITUTZONS 1908. Pr/'ce One ShiHina. CONSTITUTIONS OF THB ANTIENT TRATEENITY OF Jfm anir ^tapttl) |!lnsoiis.. IJM)EE THE t\nM 6ranb f obtic of (^iigbni CONTAINING THE GENEEAL CHiOlGES, LAWS, AXD BEaULATIONS, ETC., ETC. PUBLISHED UNDEB THE AriHOEITT OP THE r^ITED GEAXD LODGE. By SIE EDTTAED LETCHWOETH, F.S.A^ As Grand Secretary. LONDON : HARBISON AND SONS, ST. MAKTIN'S LANE, Printers in Ordinary to Hit Majesty. 1908. Entered at Stationert" Hidl> . GRAND LODGE PUBLICATIONS. MASONIC YEAR BOOK. PaUished by Command of the M. W. Grand Master. THE PROFITS ARE DEVOTED TO THE CHARITY FUND. Price 2;-: Post Free, 2/3. MASONIC RECORDS 1717-1894. BEING LISTS OF ALL THE LODGKS AT HOME AND ARR;)AD. Vv'arrauted by the four Grand Lorljrps and tlie "United Grand Lodge " of Ei)giand, WITH THEIR OATES OF CONSTITCTION, PLACES OF MEETING, ALTERATION IN NUMBERS, &C., town or place at which its members may be P^° e^sicxv. stationed, or through which they may be marching, nor any person who does not at the time belong to the military profession, nor any military person below the rank of a corporal, except as serving Brethren, or by dispensation from the Grand Master, or Provincial or District Grand Master of the Province or District wherein the Lodge may be held. 157. If the mihtary body to which a Lodge Surrender is attached be disbanded or reduced, the °[ ^•'^c^ange Brethren shall transmit the warrant to the ° ^^^^ Grand Secretary ; but if a competent number of the Brethren remain together they may apply for another warrant of the same number, to be holden as a civil Lodge, at such place as may be convenient and approved of by the Grand Master. Such warrant to be granted without any additional expense. 158. No Lodge of Instruction shall be Lodges of holden unless under the sanction of a regular Instruction warranted Lodge, or by the special license and [^"der^anc authority of the Grand Master. The Lodge tion. giving its sanction, and the Brethren to whom such Hcense is granted, shall be answerable for the proceedings, and responsible that the 78 PRIVATE LODGES, mode of working adopted has sanction of the Grand Lodge. received the Time and 159. Notice of the times and places of place of meeting of Lodges of Instruction within the L^^es^of London District shall be submitted for approval Instruction to the Grand Secretary, and in Provinces and to be Districts to the Provincial and District Grand for'SprovaL Secretaries respectively, Minutes to be kept by Lodges of Instruction. 160. Lodges of Instruction shall keep minutes recording the names of all Brethren present at each meeting, and of Brethren appointed to hold office, and such minutes shall be produced when called for by the Grand Master, the Provincial or District Grand Master, the Board of General Purposes, or the Lodge granting the sanction. Withdrawal of sanction from Lodge of Instruc- tion. 161. If a Lodge which has given its sanction for a Lodge of Instruction being held under its warrant shall see fit, it may at any regular meeting withdraw that sanction by a resolution of the Lodge, to be communicated to the Lodge of Instruction ; provided notice of the intention to withdraw the sanction be inserted in the summons for that meeting. PRIVATE LODGES. 79 162. Every Lodge has the power of framing The by-laws by-laws for its government, provided they are ot a Lodge, not inconsistent with the regulations of the Grand Lodge. The by-laws must be submitted to the Grand Secretary for the approval of the Grand Master, being in the case of a Provincial or District Lodge sent through the Provincial cr District Grand Master, for his approval previously to transmission. When finally approved, a printed copy must be sent to the Grand Secretary, and, in the case of a Provincial cr District Lodge, also to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary ; and when any altera- tion shall be made, such alteration must, in like manner, be submitted. No law or alteration will be valid until so submitted and approved^ The by-laws of the Lodge shall be printed, and a copy shall be delivered to the Master on his installation, who by his acceptance thereof shall be deemed to solemnly pledge himself to observe and enforce them. 163. Every Brother shall be supplied with a Submission printed copy of the by-laws of the Lodge when |° the by- he becomes a member, and his acceptance ^^' thereof shall be deemed to be a declaration of his submission to them^ 164. The regular days of meeting of the J^^^ if meeting. 8o PRIVATE LODGES. Lodge and its place of meeting shall be specifier! in the by-laws, and no meeting of the Lodge shall be held elsewhere, except as herein other- wise provided ; such by-laws shall also specify the regular m.eeting for the election of the Master, Treasurer, and Tyler. 165. Should the regular meeting of a Lodge fall on Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a pubhc holiday, the meeting may be held on the dav before or the day after, at the discretion of the Master ; and if in any Lodge it should become impossible to hold the regular meeting upon the day named in the by-laws for that purpose, the Grand Master, and in provinces and districts the Provincial and District Grand Master, m.ay grant a dispensation for the holding of such meeting upon a day not more than seven days before or after that da}- fixed by the by-laws, which day shall for all purposes be deemed the regular day of meeting. 166. A Lodge of emergency may at any time be called by the authority of the Master, or, in his absence, of the Senior Warden, or, in his absence, of the Junior Warden, but on no pretence without such authority. The business to be transacted at such Lodge of emergency PRIVATE LODGES, 8? shall be expressed in the summons, and no other business shall be entered upon. 167. Unless otherwise specified in the war- Removal oi rant, anv Lodge may be removed from one Lodges— re- house to'another, provided the following regu- 1^^^!°"^ *^ ii- 1 ,-.1 1-j ■ ^-L. be ODservecL lations be strictly complied with : — If at any regular meeting a notice of motion for the removal of the Lodge be given and signed by not fewer than seven subscribing members, the Master shall summon a special meeting ot the Lodge for considering and finally deciding the question ; such meeting to be at least one week after the issuing of the sum- mons. The proposition shall not be carried unless two- thirds of the members voting shall agree to the removal. If the Master should fail or refuse to issue the summons, that duty shall devolve on the Senior Warden, or failing him, the Junior Warden. 168. If the meeting of a Lodge at its regular Temporary place should, by any circumstance, be rendered removal impracticable or improper, the Master shall ^^^^^ ^,jj.„ forthwith apply to the Grand Master or Pro- cumstance->. vincial or District Grand Master for a dispensa- tion to hold a temporary meeting, or meetings, at a specified place, and' there, if so authorised 82 PRIVATE LODGES^ by the terms of the dispensation, carry on the general business of the Lodge, or determine, in the manner of voting above described, whether the Lodge shall be permanently removed^ Consent 169. No London Lodge, or Lodge in the required for Colonies or foreign parts not within a District, can be removed without the consent of the Grand Master, and no Provincial Lodge can be removed without the consent of the Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Master, If the proposed removal should be from one Province or District into another, the consent of the Provincial or District Grand Master of each Province or District must be obtained^ With respect to Lodges within Districts, the consent of the District Grand Master is alone required for the removal of a Lodge from one place to another within the same District, Removal to 170. When a Lodge shall have resolved to be recorded, alter its place or day of meeting, a copy of the minutes of the Lodge relating to such alteration shall be forthwith sent to the Grand Secretary, and where the Lodge is held in a Province or District, also to the Provincial or District Grand Master, that it may be ascertained whether the Laws have been strictly complied with, and in PRIVATE LODGES, 83 order that the alteration may be duly recorded. The Officers of a removed Lodge shall not be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge or Pro- vincial or District Grand Lodge until these regulations have been complied \\ith. 171. The jewels and furniture of every Furniture in Lodge belong to, and are the property of, the trust for the Master and Wardens for the time being, in Lcxige. trust for the members of the Lodge ; and the proprietor or manager of the house wherein the Lodge is held shall have no hen thereon, nor shall he be suffered to acquire the jewels or furniture of such Lodge under the penalty of the forfeiture by the Lodge of its warrant of constitution. 172. Every Lodge shall keep a book, to be xhc called the minute book, in which the Master, miautes or the Brother appointed by him as Secretary, shall regularly enter from time to time : — First, — The names of all persons initiated, passed, or raised in the Lodge, or who shall become members thereof, with the dates of their proposal, initiation, passing, and raising or admission respectively, together with their ages, addresses, titles, professions, or occupa- tions. H PRIVATE LODGES. Secondly, — The names of all members present at each meeting of the Lodge, together with those of all visiting Brethren, with their Lodges and Masonic rank. Thirdly, — Minutes of all such transactions of the Lodge as are proper to be written. The minutes can only be confirmed at a sub- sequent regular meeting of the Lodge, Annua' return of memters. 173. Every Lodge shall keep a register of its members, and once in each year transmit direct to the Grand Secretary a regular list, signed by the Master and Secretary, of its contributing members and of the Brethren who have been initiated, passed, or raised therein since the last return, with the dates of conferring those degrees respectively ; also of all Brethren who have joined the Lodge during that period, with the dates of their so joining, and the name and number of the Lodge from which they joined, and also stating the ages, addresses, titles, professions or occupations of all such newly admitted or joining Brethren, Remittance of fees, &c. 174. Every Lodge, when it makes the return of its contributing members, and of the Brethren whom it has initiated or admitted, shall make a remittance for the registration fees, joining fees. PRIVATE LODGESj 85 fees for certificates, and quarterly contributions from each of its contributing members to the Fund of Benevolence [306-307], also the annual contributions to the Building Fund according to Rule 30S. 175. No Lodge shall pay the quarterly con- Quarterage tribution for a member who is in arrear, but his not to bs name shall nevertheless De returned with the Members in words " in arrear " written against it, and when arrear. ^ the arrears are received, the contributions to the Grand Lodge shall be duly paid. Should a Members member be three years in arrear, he shall there- three yeart upon cease to be a member of the Lodge, and ^° arrear. can only become a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to Rule 189. - The Lodge may require payment of the arrears as a condition precedent to election. This rule shall not prevent a Lodge proceeding against any of its members under Rule 210 for non- payment of contributions according to its by- laws, for a shorter period than three years. When a Brother ceases to be a member under this Rule, tne fact shall be forthwith notified to the Grand Secretary, and if the Lodge be within a Province or District, also to the Provincial or District Grand Lodge. The provisions of Rules 211, 212, and 213 shall apply in such a case, as if the Brother had been excluded by vote. 86 PRIVATE LODGES. Return by 176. Every Provincial and District Lodge shall Provincial make a return similar to that required to be made Lodges!*^"'^* to the Grand Secretary once in each year, oi oftener if required, to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary, and transmit therewith all money payable to the Provincial or District Grand Lodges 177. All money received or paid, for or on account of a Lodge, shall be from time to time regularly entered in proper books, which shall be the property of the Lodge. The accounts of the Lodge shall be audited, at least once in every year, by a Committee appointed by the Lodge. Rights of 178. To prevent injury to individuals, by Brethren being excluded from the privileges of Masonry not pre- through neglect in not registering their names judiced by or paying their Grand Lodge dues, any Brother make'^*^ ^"^ ^° circumstanced, on producing sufficient proof returns. that he has paid the full fees to his Lodge, including the registration fee, shall be capable of enjo3dng all the privileges of the Craft, and the offending Lodge shall be reported to the Board of General Purposes, and rigorously proceeded against for detaining moneys which are the propert}- of the Grand Lodge. PRIVATE LODGES, 87 179. Every Lodge shall annually, imme- ^^^J^'^ of diately after the installation of the Master, Ataster, make a return to the Grand Secretary of the Pa=t Mas- Master, Past Masters, and Wardens of the ^y'^^' ^Jl*^ Lodge, and of all members who claim to b^ **" "^ entitled to attend the Grand Lodge as Pat,* Masters, having served the othce of Master in some other Lodge, specifying the Lodge in which each of them has served the office of Master ; and no Brother shall be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge unless his name shall appear in such return. This return shall also contain the full name and address cf the Secretary of the Lodge.: 180. If any Lodge shall during the space of Penalty for twelve months neglect to make its return and refums.^ payments to the Grand Lodge according to these regulations, it shall be liable to erasure, and the Master, Past Masters, and Wardens shall not be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge or sit upon any Board or Committee, by virtue of any qualihcation derived from such Lodge.- This disquahfication shall cease when the returns and payments shall be madr^j 181. The majority of the members present at Lodge may anv Lodge duly summoned have an undoubted regulate itj right to regulate their own proceedings, pro- ^''^.P^^ 88 PRIVATE LODGES. vided they are consistent with the general laws and regulations of the Craft ; no member, therefore, shall be permitted to enter in the minute book of the Lodge a protest against any resolution or proceeding which may have taken place, except on the ground of its being con- trary to the laws and usages of the Craft, and for the purpose of complaining or appeahng to a higher Masonic authority. Voting. 182. Whenever it shall happen that the votes are equal upon any question to be decided by a majority, either by ballot or otherwise, the Maister in the chair shall be entitled to give a second or casting vote. Admissirn 183. Great discredit and injury having been oi member, brought upon our antient and honourable Fra- ternity from admitting members and receiving candidates without due notice being given or enquiry made into their cha'-acters and qualifications, and from passing and raising Masons without due instruction in the respec- tive degrees, it is declared to be specially incumbent on all members of Lodges to see that particular attention be paid to these several points. PRIVATE LODGES. 89 184. No person shall be made a Mason Initiatioo. without having been proposed and seconded at one regular Lodge, and balloted for at the next regular Lodge, which ballot shall not take place unless his name, age, profession or occu- pation, and place of abode, with the names of his proposer and seconder, have been sent in the summons to all the members of the Lodge. 185. In cases of emergency, the following Initiation course may be pursued. Any two members of ^ ^^^^^ °^ a Lodge may transmit in writing to the Master ^^^^^S^'^^y* the name, age, profession or occupation, and place of abode of any candidate whom they may- wish to propose, and the circumstances which cause the emergency ; and if in his opinion the emergency be real, the Master shall notify the proposition to every member of his Lodge, either in the summons for the next regular meeting, or in a summons for a Lodge of emergency, to meet at a period of not less than seven days from the issuing of the summons, and if the candidate be then approved on the ballot, he may be initiated. The Master shall previously to the ballot being taken read the proposition, and state to the Lodge the cause of the emergency, which shall be recorded in che minutes, G 2 90 PRIVATE LODGES, Age and cir- 186. No person shall be made a Mason cumstances under the age of twenty-one years, unless by date. " dispensation from the Grand Master or Pro- vincial or District Grand Master. Every can- didate must be a free man, and at the time of initiation in reputable circumstances. Declaration 187. Previously to his initiation, every can oi candidate, ^j^^^g ^^s^ subscribe his name at full length to a declaration of the following import, viz. : — • To the worshipful Master, Wardens, Officers, and Members of the Lodge of No. I, being a free man, and of the full age of twenty-one years, do declare that, unbiassed by the improper solicitation of friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary or other un- worthy motive, I freely and voluntarily offer myself a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry ; that I am prompted by a favourable opinion conceived of the institution, and a desire of knowledge ; and that I will cheerfully conform to all the antient usages and estabUshed customs of the Order. Witness my hand, this of Witness N.B. — A person who cannot write is conse- quenily ineligible to be admitted into the Order^ PRIVATE LODGES. 91 188. No other Lodge shall initiate any Military non-commissioned officer or corporal belonging candidates, to a regiment or battalion to which a military Lodge is attached, nor shall any Lodge initiate any miiitarv person below the rank of a corporal, except as a serving Brother, or by dispensation from the Grand Master, or Provincial or District Grand Master of the Province or District wherein the Lodge may at the time be held. 189. Xo Brother shall be admitted a ioining Joining member of a Lodge without being proposed and members, seconded in open Lodge at a regular meeting, after which his name, profession or occupation, and place of abode, as well as the name and number of the Lodge of which he is or was last a member or in which he was initiated shall be sent to ah the members in the summons, for the next regular Lodge meeting ; at which meeting the Brother's Grand Lodge certificate, and also the clearance certificate from his present or former Lodge {mentioned in Rule 213) must be produced, and the decision of the Brethren ascertained by ballot. When a Lodge has ceased to meet, any former member thereof shall be ehgible to be proposed and admitted a member of another Lodge, on producing a certificate from the Grand Secretary, stating the fact, and specifying whether the Brother 92 PRIVATE LODGES, has been registered and his quarterage duly paid. Every Brother who has been initiated into Masonry in a regular Lodge not under the con- stitution of the Grand Lodge of England shall, previously to his becoming a member of any Lodge, declare in open Lodge his adhesion to the Book of Constitutions, and promise due obedience to the Grand Master and the Rules arid Regulations of Grand Lodge, and the fact shall be recorded on the Lodge Minutes. 190. No person can be made a Mason in, or admitted a member of, a Lodge, if, on the ballot, three black balls appear against him ; but the by-laws of a Lodge may enact that one or two black balls shall exclude a candidate ; dnd by-laws may also enact that a prescribed period shall elapse before any rejected candidate can be again proposed in that Lodge, 191. Every Lodge must receive as a mem- ber, without further proposition or ballot, any Brother initiated therein, except a serving Brother, unless such Brother express his wish to the contrary on or before the day of his initiation, as no Lodge should introduce into Masonry a person whom the Brethren consider unfit to be a member of their own Lodge, PRIVATE LODGES, 93 192. Xo Lodge shall initiate into Masonry Number more than five persons on the same day, unless ^f^J^^ oa by a dispensation from the Grand Master, or same day. the Provincial or District Grand Master, which dispensation shall specify the total number to be initiated. 193. No person shall be made a Mason for charge foi less than five guineas, inclusive of the registra- Initiation, tion and certificate fees, in England ; nor for less than three guineas, exclusive of registration and certificate fees, abroad ; and no Lodge shall remit or defer the payment of any part of this sum. This is not to extend to the making of serving initiation Brethren, who may be initiated by the Lodge and status which they are to serve, or for the service of Bre^krenf the Grand Lodge, provided that no fee be taken, and that a dispensation from the Grand Master, or Provincial or District Grand Master, be first obtained, which shall be specified in the return made to the Grand Secretary, when the serving Brother shall be registered free of ex' pense, but must pay for his Grand Lodge cer- tificate. A Brother so initiated cannot be a member of the Lodge in which he was initiated unless he be afterwards duly proposed anr" elected as in the case of a joining member, upon which event he shall pay the same fees as 94 PRIVATE LODGES. an initiate, and on so doing he will be entitled t® all the privileges and benefits of the Craft. He is, however, eligible to become a sub- scribing member of any other Lodge ; and upon being registered a joining member of such other Lodge, and paying liis contributions in like manner with other members, he shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits of the Craft. In case there be no other Lodge in the vicinity of his dwelling of which he can become a member, he may be permitted to pay through the Lodge in which he was initiated the quarterly dues to the Fund of Benevolence ; and after having served the Lodge and paid such dues for t :n years at least, he shall be elig'ble to be reheved in case of distress, and entitled to the other privileges of the Craft in the same manner as if he had been a regular subscribing member. Proposer 194. The member who proposes a candidate responsiDle jc responsible to the Lodge for all the fees payable on account of the initiation. Intervals 195^ js^q Lodge shall confer more than one degrees! degree on any Brother on the same day, nor shall a higher degree be conferred on any Brother at a less interval than four weeks from his receiving a previous degree, except as PRIVATE LODGES. 95 provided by Rule 115, nor until he has passed an examination in open Lodge in that degree, 196. Every Brother shall be entitled to a initiate Grand Lodge certificate immediately upon his q^^^^^ ^° being registered in the books of the Grand Lodge Lodge, for which certificate the Lodge shall certificate, transmit the fee, 197. In case a certificate be lost or destroyed, Lost c-f which satisfactory proof must be adduced, Certificates, the Grand Secretary may issue a duplicate to any Brother applying for the same on payment of the regular fee.' 198. Every Brother to whom a Grand Lodge Certificate certificate is granted must sign his name in the must be margin thereof, or it will not be valid, signed. 199. Xo Grand Lodge certificate shall be Disqualifi- issued to any Brother if he shall have been JSificItL admitted to more than one degree of Masonry at a shorter interval than four weeks from his receiving a previous degree, except as provided by Rule 115. 200. A Brother who shall have obtained a Certificate Grand Lodge certificate of the first or second ^^^^^1^^ degree shall, after he has been regularly ad- ysmcement. 96 PRIVATE LODGES. vanced to a superior degree, be entitled to exchange such certificate for one of the superior degree without additional expense. Application for certifi- cates. 201. All apphcations for Grand Lodge certi- ficates must be made to the Grand Secretary by a regular Lodge, except in Colonial and Foreign Districts, where a District Grand Master is appointed, and to whom Grand Lodge certificates may be forwarded as pro- vided by Rule 112. If the name of the Brother for whom the certificate is required has not previously been registered, the fee payable on registration must be transmitted at the same time, as no certificate can be issued until such fee has been paid. Certificate for begging purposes. 202. No Lodge, or Officer or member of a Lodge, shall, under any circumstances, give a certificate or recommendation to enable a Mason to proceed from Lodge to Lodge as a pauper, or in an itinerant manner to apply to Lodges for relief. Private 203. No Lodge shall grant a private Lodge Lodge certificate to a Brother, except the certificate certificates, jn^ntioned in Rule 213, or a certificate of all dues having been paid, to enable him to join. PRIVATE LODGES. 97 another Lodge ; for neither of wliich certificates shall any charge be made. 204. A Brother who has been concerned in Offences, making Masons clandestinely, or at a Lodge ^ssistin^ at which is not a regular Lodge, or for small and irregular unworthy considerations, or who may assist Lodges, in forming a new Lodge without the Grand Master's authority, shall not be admitted as a member, or even as a visitor, into any regular Lodge, nor shall he be entitled to rehef from the Fund of Benevolence, nor to any other Masonic privilege, till he make due submission and obtain grace. 205. No Brother shall print or pubUsh, or printing or cause to be printed or published, the proceed- publistung. ings of any Lodge, or any part thereof, without the consent of the Grand Master, or Provincial or District Grand Master, or print or pubhsh. or cause to be printed or published, anything which by the laws and regulations of Masonry is improper to be published. Nor shall any Brother pubhsh or circulate any document re- lating to any case of Masonic complaint before the regularly constituted authorities, until after final adjudication thereon, and then only if the same be proper to be pubhshed according to the -. laws of Masonry, 98 PRIVATE LODGES, This law does not extend to fumishinej printed copies of documents for the use of any Board or Committee investigating such case of Masonic complaint, provided the same are sent through the Grand Secretary, Provincial or District Grand Secretary, or the Secretary of such Board or Committee respectively, nor to the writing, printing, or publishing of any notice or summons issued to the members of a Lodge by the authority cf the Master, nor to the proceedings of any Festival or public meet- ing at which persons not Masons are permitted to be present. Public 206. No Brother shall appear clothed in tZZZc ^^y of the jewels, collars, or badges of the clothing. Craft, in any procession, or at any funeral, ball, theatre, public assembly, or meeting, or at any place of pubhc resort, unless the Grand Master. Provincial Grand Master, or District Grand Master, as the case may be, shall have pre- viously given a dispensation for Brethren to be there present in Masonic clothing. Other 207. A Lodge or Brother offending against ofiences any law or regulation of the Craft, to the breach of which no specific penalty is attached, shall, at the discretion of the Grand Lodge, or PRIVATE LODGES.. 99 any of its delegated authorities, or of a Pro- vincial or District Grand Master, be subject to admonition, fine, or suspension. 203. If fine be the punishment awarded, it ^'^^^ shall be, for the first offence, not less than one pound nor more than five pounds ; for a second Offenca of a similar nature within three years, it shall be not less than two nor more than ten pounds ; and if the Lodge or Brother shall refuse to pay the fine, or be guilty of a third offence within three years of the second offence, the Lodge shall be liable to be erased or the Brother to be expelled. All fines shall be applied to the Fund of Benevolence. 209. If any Brother behave in Lodge in Exclusion such a manner as to disturb the harmony of L^e for the Lodge, he shall be formally admonished by remainder the Master; and if he persist in his irregular of meeting, conduct, he shall be punished by censure, fine, or exclusion for the remainder of the meeting, according to the opinion of the majority of the members present, or the case may be reported to higher Masonic authority. 21 Oi Every Lodge has the power to per- Mode of manently exclude any of its members for Permanent lOO PRIVATE LODGES.- sufficient cause, provided that such member shall have received due notice in writing of the complaint made against him, and of the time appointed for its consideration, when he may attend and be heard ; such notice shall be considered duly served if sent to the last known address by registered post. This power of exclusion can only be exercised by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present. The name of every Brother excluded from a Lodge, with the cause cf exclusion, shall be forthwith sent to the Grand Secretary ; and if the Lodge be a Provincial or District Lodge, also to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary. N.B. — The term expelled 4s only used when a Brother is removed from the Craft by the Grand Lodge. Upon a removal of a Brother from a private Lodge the term excluded only is applicable. Power to reinstate excluded Brethren. 211. Should the Grand Master be satisfied that any Brother has been illegally or without sufficient cause excluded from any of his Masonic functions or privileges, he may order him to be reinstated, and may suspend, until the next ensuing quarterly communication, any Lodge failing to comply with his order. PRIVATE LODGES. loi A Provincial Grand Master has the same power within his Province. A District Grand Master has the same power within his District, and in case of failure to comply with his order may suspend the offend- ing Lodge during such time as he thinks proper. 212. If any member shall be excluded from Excluded his Lodge, or shall withdraw himself from it, Brethren without having complied with its by-laws, or ^^^J^^ with the general regulations of the Craft, he Lcxige. shall not be eligible to join any other Lodge until that Lodge shall have been made acquainted with his former neglect, so that the Brethren may be enabled to exercise their discretion as to his admission, and any Lodge failing to make due enquiry shall be liable to pay the arrears, if any, owing by such Brother to the Lodge from w^hich he has been excluded or has withdrawTi as aforesaid. 213, Whenever a member of any Lodge Certificate shall resign, or shall be excluded, or whenever, to be fur- at a subsequent time, he may require it, he te^ produced shall be furnished with a certificate stating the when join- circumstances under which he left the Lodge ; "^g- and such certificate is to be required by, and to be produced to, any other Lodge of which he is I02 PRIVATE LODGES, proposed to be admitted a member, previously to the ballot being taken. Differences 214. All differences between, or complaints and com- of, members of London Lodges, or of Lodges in in^F?ov^ces Peaces where no Provincial or District Grand or Districts. Master is appointed, that cannot be accommo- dated privately or in a regular Lodge, shall be reduced into wTiting and delivered to the Grand Secretary, who shall lay the same before the Grand Master or the Board of General Purposes, or other Board or Committee specially appointed by the Grand Lodge. When all parties shall hav§ been summoned to attend thereon, and the case investigated, such order and adjudication shall be made as the laws and regulations of Masonry authorise. Differences 215. Complaints against Lodges or Brethren philnts^ in the Provinces must in all cases be made to Provinces, the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy, failing whose attention thereto the complaint may be transmitted to the Board of General Purposes* In Districts. 216. Complaints against Lodges or Brethren in Districts must be made either to the District Grand Master or to the District Grand Lodge, PRIVATE LODGES. 103 217. Any Lodge or Brother who feels Appeal ia aggrieved by the decision of a Provincial Grand all cases. Master, a District Grand Master, or District Grand Lodge, or of any Board or Committee or of any other Masonic authority or jurisdiction whatsoever, may appeal against such decision to the next practicable meeting of the Grand Lodge. The appeal must be made in writing, specifying the particular grievance complained of, and be transmitted, together with all docu- mentary evidence, to the Grand Secretary twenty-one days at least before the next practicable meeting of the Grand Lodge, accom- panied by a certificate that notices and copies of the appeal have been sent by the appellant to the authority against whose decision the appeal is made, and also to the opposite party ; and upon the receipt of the appeal and certifi- cates by the Grand Secretary, he shall forthwith give notice thereof to the authority whose decision is thereby called in question ; and on the hearing of the appeal the proof of the service of the notices and copies of appeal shall, unless admitted, be upon the appellant. Such notices shall be considered duly served if proved to have been sent by post and regis- tered. No appeal can be received unless couched in proper and respectful language. H I04 PRIVATE LODGES. Applica 218. The Grand Master shall not be applied tions to the ^q on any business concerning Masons or Master. Masonry, except through the Grand Secretary, Lodges may 218a. In a Colony or Foreign part in which a discuss°th District Grand Lodge exists, if the District Grand forming ot^a Master shall think proper to grant a dispensation Sovereign for that purpose, it shall be lawful for any Lodge Grand ^q hold a Special meeting, or meetings, to discuss and resolve on the question of the formation of a Sovereign Grand Lodge for or including the District or part thereof, or any neighbouring District or part thereof, or any Lodges not in a District. Such dispensation may be granted subject to any conditions that the District Grand Master may deem proper, and also to provisions enabling two or more Lodges to unite in the special meeting ; and, if the District Grand Master should refuse to grant a dispensation, an appeal may be made to the Grand Master. In a Colony or Foreign part in which more than one District Grand Lodge exists the same procedure shall be adopted in each District, and before any Grand Lodge shall be recognised as having juris- diction over the whole of such Colony or Foreign part, the consent of each District Grand Lodge shall be certified by the District Grand Master thereof. PRIVATE LODGES. 105 218b. Whenever Grand Lodge shall, ^^•ith the Regulations . • * * ^ / ^ >ijitto. of Ceremonies . . ... .-. J Grand Sword Bearer ... . .Two swords in saltire^ Deputy Grand Sword\^-,.^ Bearers |iJitio. Assistant Grand Sword\y.-.. Bearers J Grand Standard Bearers Two staves in saltire, tied by a ribbon ; flowing from the dex- ter a standard of the arms of the Grand Lodge, and from the sinister a standard of the arms of the Grand - - Master for the time being. REGALIA. IS3 Assistant Grand Standard 1 ^^.^^ Bearers /I^^tto. Grand Organist ... ... „. .=. „. A lyrej Deputy Grand Organist .„ . .Ditto. Assistant Grand Secretary.: Two pens in saltire, tied by a ribbon.- Grand Pursiduani . ... ... . . Arms of the Grand Lodge surmounting a sword and rod saltirewise^ Assistant Grand Pursuivant .Ditto. Grand Steward ™«... ... ...A cornucopia be- tween the legs of a pair of compasses extended upon an irradiated gold plate \^dthin a circle, on which is engraved '• United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Eng- land." The jewels of the Grand Chaplain, Grand Registrar, Deputy Grand Registrars, President of the Board of General Purposes, Grand Secretary, President of the B^ard of Benevo- lence, Grand Deacons, Assistant Grand Chap- lains, Assistant Grand Registrars, Grand I33A REGALIA. Superintendent of Works, Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works, Grand Director of Ceremonies. Deputy and Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies, Grand Sword Bearer, Deputy and Assistant Grand Sword Bearers, Grand Standard Bearers, Assistant Grand Standard Bearers, Grand Organist, Deputy Grand Organist, Assistant Grand Secretary, Grand Pursuivant, and Assistant Grand Pursuivants are to be within a wreath composed of a sprig of acacia and an ear of corn^ 284a. The jewel of the holders of London Rank shall consist of the square and the diagram of the 47th proposition ist Book of Euchd pendant within it. Such jewel to be placed on a blue enamelled oval medal, and over it the word ''London." 285. Provir.ialorDis-p^:^^^-^r. fi.^' I centre^ Past Provincial or Dis- J The compasses and trict Grand Masters ... \ square only* Depi ProVi or Grand Master District \ r^., ^^„^^^ I" ine squares REGALIA, 134 J 77 vr r^m t T> r Jewels of the same All other Officers of Pro- M, • 4.- „ +u ^^ . , " / ., ■ . ) description as those vvncioj or DistricK ^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ Grand Lodges [^^ .j^^ ^^^^^ Lodge. „ • • 7 T^ • V ■ J r Te^vels similar to Provincial or District \{^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^ ^^^^ Grand Stewards | ^^^^^^ Stewards. The jewels of the Provincial or District Grand Master and other Provincial or District Grand Officers and Provincial or District Grand Stewards are to be piaced within a circle, on which tlie name of the Province or District is to be engraven. 286. All Past Grand Officers, and Past Pro- Of Pnst vincial or District Grand Officers, shall wear the q^*^j.- jewel of their respective offices on a blue enamelled oval medal. 287. The jewel of a Past Grand Steward, Of Past and of a Past Provincial or District Grand cf^^^jjc Steward, is oval in form, and of the same and Past device as the jewel of a Grand Steward, but Provincial on crimson enamel instead of the irradiated °- District plate, and of smaller size. Stewards. 288. All the above jewels to be gold or gilt? tq be gilt. K 135 REGALIA, J^^els of 289. Masters of Lodges . . The square. Past Masters Pfls^ Masters ^. ... ... ... ... . .The square and the and Officers diagram of the 47 th Z'oSgS"'° F°P- '^t Book o£ Buclid engraven on a silver plate, pen- dent within its Senior Warden ... .=. ... ... . .The level. Junior Warden ... . . . . .-_. . .The plumb rule.- Chaplain .......=.....=...... ..A book within a triangle surmount ing a glory. Treasurer . . ... ... .:. ... . . . . . . A key. Secretary . . .. ,. ... ... . . ...Two pens in saltire, tied by a ribbon.: Deacons ......... .x. Dove and olive branchy Director of Ceremonies ... . .Two rods in saltire tied by a ribbon^ Organist .... .,. ... . . . .A lyre. Inner Guard... ... .. .. ... ...Two swords in saltire. Stewards .. ....«.=..,. A cornucopia be- tween the legs of a pair of compasses extended, Tyler «. ^ ^. .-. ... ... ... ..... A swords Tobeoi 290. The above jewels to be in silver, «x- aUvec. REGALIA^ 136 cept those of the Officers of the Lodge o! Antiquity, No. 2.. and of the British Lodge, NOj 8, which are golden or gilt. CHAINS AND COLLARS. 291. In the Grand Lodge and at great cere- ^jf^^*^ monials and festivals where the Grand Officers Grand appear in their official capacities, the actual Officers. Grand Officers wear chains of gold, or metal gilt, instead of collars but upon all other occasions collars of garter-blue ribbon, four inches broad, embroidered or plain. 292. In the Grand Lodge and in their Pro- Of Provin- vincial or District meetings, or when officially ^^^^^^^ ^f' . T J • ^L • i- -n tnct Grand present at any Lodge m their respective Pro- Masters. vinces or Districts, or when visiting any Pro- vincial or District Grand Lodge, Provincial and District Grand Masters wear chains of gold or metal gilt, but on all other occasions collars of garter-blue ribbon, four inches broad. 293. Past Grand Officers of the Grand Of Past Lodge of England, in the Grand Lodge, or §^^ at any great ceremonials or festival, wear em- broidered collars, and in private Lodges collars either embroidered or plain. 293a; Holders of London Rank wear coUars Of Holder? of garter-blue ribbon, four inches broad, wUh of London K 2 A^ank. 137 REGALIA, narrow edging of gold lace or cord, but not bullion or fringe, nor plain. In the Grand Lodge they must wear their collars or jewels of the Lodges and offices respectivelv, in right of which they attend as ^Members of the Grand Lodge, over their collars of London Rank, OfProvin- 294. Deputy Provincial and District Grand cial and Dis- Masters and other subordinate Provincial and Officers.^ District Grand Officers, present and past, wear collars of garter-blue ribbon, four inches broad, with narrow edging of gold lace or cord, but not bullion or fringe, nor plain. In the Grand Lodge they must wear their collg^rs and jewels of the Lodges and offices respectively, in right of which they attend as members of the Grand Lodge, over their Provincial or District Grand Lodge collars. Of Grand 295. The Grand Stewards for the year wear Stewards, collars of crimson ribbon, four inches broad, and bear white wands. Of Past 296. Past Grand Stewards, so long as they Grand continue to subscribe to some Lodge, wear Stewards, collars of crimson ribbon, four inches broad, with silver cord on each edge.: 297. Past Grand Stewards, when attending the Grand Lodge as Masters, Past Masters, or Of Past Grand tteGrSd^ Wardens of private Lodges, wear their collars ?odge. K 2 REGALIA? 1^8 and jewels of the Lodges and offices respec- tively, in right of which they attend as mem- bers of the Grand Lodge, under the collar of Past Grand Steward. 298. The Officers and Past Masters of the gf^the^ ^^^ Grand Stewards' Lodge wear collars of crimson pastlviasters ribbon, four inches broad, of the Grand Stewards' Lodge. 299. Provincial and District Grand Stewards Of Provin- during their periods of office wear collars of ^'?^/"?'^ ^^-' crimson ribbon, two and a half inches broad. Steward 300. Past Provincial and District Grand o; Past Pro- Stewards, so long as they continue to subscribe SSt^t^'^ to some Lodge, wear collars of crimson ribbon, Grand two and a half inches broad, with a silver cord Stewards. in the centre. 301. Past Masters of private Lodges, so Of Past long as they continue to subscribe to some Lodge, Masters of shall be entitled to wear, on all occasions when Lodges. Craft clothing may be worn, collars of Hght blue ribbon, four inches broad, with silver braid a quarter of an inch wide in the centre. 302. The collars of the Officers of private of the Lodges to be Hght blue ribbon, four inches Ofl&cers of broad;''" if silver chain be used, it must be P^g^ placed over the light blue ribbon. 303- The collars of the Officers of private When to be Lodges are to be worn only in their own Lodges, ^'o^n. 139 REGALIA? or when representing their Lodges as Masters or Wardens in the Grand Lodge, or in their Provincial or District Grand Lodges. Engravings 304. Engravings of the jewels, chains and of jewels, collars are given in the Appendix* APRONS.: Aprons. 305. Erdered Apprentice, — A plain white lamb skin, from fourteen to sixteen inches wide, twelve to fourteen inches deep, square at bottom and without ornament ; white strings.- Fellow Craft. — A plain white lamb skin, similar to that of the entered Apprentice. \\'ith the addition only of two sky-blue rosettes at the bottom. Master Mason. — The same, with sky-blue lining and edging, not more than two inches deep, and an additional rosette on the fall or flap, and silver tassels. No other colour or ornament shall be allowed except to Officers a.nd past Officers of Lodges, who may have the emblems of their offices in silver or white in the centre of the apron ; and except as to the members of the Prince of Wales's Lodge, No. 259, who are allowed to wear the internal half of the edging of garter-blue three fourths of an inch wide* REGALIA, 140 Masters and Past Masters of LodgeSi — Wear, in the place ot the three rosettes on the Master Mason's apron, pei-pendicular lines upon horizontal lines, thereby forming three several sets of two right angles ; the length of the horizontal lines to be two inches and a hall each, and of the perpen- dicular lines one inch each ; these emblems to be of silver or of ribbon, of the same colour as the hning and edging of the apron, half an inch broad. Grand Stewards, present and past. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined \\ith crimson, edging ot the same colour three and a half inches, and silver tassels, except present and past Grand Stewards repre- senting the Prince of Wales's Lodge, No. 259, who wear the crimson edging two inches and three quarters, and an in- ternal border of garter-blue three quarters of an inch broadj Provincial and District Grand Stewards, present and past. — The same as the Grand Stewards, except that the edging is only two inches w.de^ Grand Officers rf the Grand Lodge, preseyit and past. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined -with garter-blue, edging three and a half inches, ornamented with gold and 141 REGALIAs blue strings, having the emblems of their offices in gold or blue in the centre. If Masters or Past Masters, they may have the Master's emblems of garter-blue or gold. To the emblems on the aprons of the present and past Deputy Grand Direc- tors of Ceremonies, Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies, and Assistant Grand Secretary are to be added above, embroidered in gold letters, the words " Deputy " and -- Assistant " respectively; London Rank. — Aprons of the same dimen- sions, lined with garter-blue and orna- mented with gold, and with blue strings ; they must have the jewel prescribed in Rule 284A in gold or blue in the centre within a double circle in which must be inserted the word "London." The garter- blue edging to the aprons must not exceed tv/o inches in width. Provincial and District Grand Officers, present and past. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined with garter-blue and ornamented Mdth gold, and ^^ith blue strings ; they must have the emblems of their offices in gold or blue in the centre within a double circle, in which must be inserted the name of the Pro'vince. The garter-blue edging to the aprons must not exceed two inches in widthi REGALIA, 142 Deputy Grand Master, present and past. — Apron oi the same dimensions, with the em- blems of his of&ce in gold embroidery in the centre, and the pomegranate and lotus alternately embroidered in gold on the edging. Grand Master, present and past. — Apron of the same dimensions, ornamented with the blazing sun embroidered in gold in the centre, on the edging the pomegranate and lotus ^\-ith the seven-eared wheat at each corner, and also on the fall ; all in gold embroidery, the fringe of gold buUion; Pro Grand Master, present and past, — The same. Provincial and District Grand Masters, present and past. — The same as the Deputy Grand iSIaster, but with the name of the Province or District in a circle surrounding the emblem of office. In addition to the foregoing, Grand Officers Gauntlets. and Past Grand Officers wear garter-blue silk gauntlets, with the emblems of their respective offices or past offices embroidered in gold. The same rule apphes to London Rank, and to Provincial or District and Past Provincial or District Grand Offixers. In private Lodges gauntlets of Hght blue silk with silver embroidery mav be worn bv the officers. 143 FEES, ETC, SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CON- TRIBUTIONS. 306. Payable to the Fund of Benevolence^ Every Brother, on his first appointment to any of the following offices, or to past rank, shall pav to the Fund of Benevolence : — The Pro Grand Master ............... lo lo o The Deputy Grand Master ... . . lo lo o A Provincial Grand Master (see 307) 10 10 o A District Grand Master, not residing in his District . . 10 10 o Grand Warden . . ., 10 10 o Grand Chaplains. 10 10 o Grand Treasurer 10 10 o Grand Registrar 10 10 o Deputy Grand Registrar 10 10 o President of the Board of General Purposes -. =. 10 10 o Grand Secretary ... ... 10 10 o President of the Board of Benevolence 10 10 o Grand Deacon ... ., ... 550 Assistant Grand Chaplains 5 5 o Assistant Grand Registrars 5 5 Grand Superintendent of Works ... ...550 Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works 5 5 o FEES, ETC, 144 Grand Director of Ceremonies . . .-. .,.550 Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies 550 Assistant Grand Director of Cere- monies ... , , ,. ... ... ... 5 5 ft Grand Sword Bearer ...550 Deputy Grand Sword Bearer ... ... ... ...550 Assistant Grand Sword Bearers 5 5 o Grand Standard Bearer . . , „ 5 5 o Assistant Grand Standard Bearers. ... 5 5 o Grand Organist 5 5 o Deputy ditto 5 5 o Grand Pursuivant 5 5 o Assistant ditto 5 5 o London Rank 2 2 o Provincial or District Grand Warden, not residing in the Province or District, for a dispensation .-. ... ... 220 Other Provincial or District Grand Officers, not residing in the Pro- vince or District, for a dispensation i i o Every Lodge in London, for each of its contributing members, quarterly 010 or annually 040 Every Provincial or Military Lodge, for each of its contributing mem- bers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... quarterly 006 or annually 020 (District Lodges are exempt.) .145 FEES. ETC- 307. Payable to the Fund of General Purposes. i s, d, A Provincial or District Grand Master, for his patent ....... ... .,. ... 330 A Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master, for registration in the Grand Lodge books ...... .„ .„ „. .,. .„ 220 A Warrant for a new Lodge — In London ............................. ... 15 15 o In the Provinces .,. .,. „ ... ... .„ 10 10 o In Districts and foreign parts .=. ...550 A Warrant for a Centenary Jewel... ... 550 A Warrant of Confirmation ... ... .,. .,. 220 A Dispensation — In London ... ... .-. ... ... ... ... .-.. .... ... .„ o 10 6 In the Provinces ........... ... ... ...050 (If there is a Provincial Grand Lodge Fund, the fee for a Dispensation in the Provinces is to be paid to that fund, ) Registration of a Mason, including Grand Lodge certificate — On his initiation in a London Lodge 176 Ditto, in a Provincial Lodge ... . . ... o 17 o Ditto, in a Military Lodge .= o 17 o Ditto, in a Colonial or Foreign Lodge (which shall include certificate) ... .„ 076 FEES, ETC. 146 £ 5. d. Duplicate Grand Lodge certificate ... 066 Joining a London Lodge, tho Brother having been initiated in another Enghsh Lodge o 5 o Joining a Provincial or MiUtary Lodge under the same circumstances ... . . o 2 6 Joining a Colonial or Foreign Lodge. .026 Ditto, if a Grand Lodge certilicate is required .: o 7 6 Joining a London or Provincial^ The same Lodge from a Lodge not hold- I reg-stra- ing under the Grand Lodge of f tion on England .^ .^ .J initiation. 308. From and after the ist of January, 1909, every Lodge contributing to the Fund of Benevolence under Rule 174, shall pay to the Building Fund of Grand Lodge the sum of six pence per annum in respect of each of its contributing Members. The account of such Fund to be kept separate from all other funds ; and the Board of General Purposes shall from time to time, as thev shall be received, cause to be invested such principal moneys (including special donations, if any), together \^ith the income arising therefrom., at compound interest, free of all deductions of any kind, either for commission, income tax, or otherwise^ t47 CEREMONY OF LAYING A FOUNDA- TION STONE, &c.. BY THE M, W, GRAND MASTER, The Grand Lodge having been opened at a convenient place, and the necessary directions and instructions given, it is adjourned ; (the Brethren being in their proper clothing and jewels, and wearing white gloves) and the pro- cession moves in the follo\dng order, viz, : — Two Tylers, ^\■ith drawn swords. Music. Visiting Brethren, The Lodges according to their numbers, Juniors going first. Past Grand Stewards, not being members of Grand Stewards' Lodge. Members of Grand Stewards' Lodge, Officers of Grand Stewards' Lodge. Architect, or Builder, vnth the Plans.- fA Cornucopia \\ith Corn, borne 1 Grand j by the ]\Iaster of a Lodge. I Grand Steward j Two Ewers with Wine and Oil, | Steward L borne by Masters of Lodges. J Fast Assistant Grand Pursuivants^ Assistant Grand Pursuivant^ LAYING FOUNDATION STONE, 14S Past Grand Pursuivants. Grand Pursuivant. Past Assistant Grand Secretariesj Assistant Grand Secretary, Past Grand Organists^ Grand Organist. Past Grand Standard Bearers. Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearers, Deputy Grand Sword Bearer, Past Grand Sword Bearers. Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies^ Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies.; Grand Director of Ceremonies. Past Grand Superintendent of Works. Grand Superintendent of Works, vdih the plate bearing the inscription. Past Grand Deacons. Past Presidents of the Board of Benevolence,- President of the Board of Benevolence, Past Grand Secretaries. Grand Secretary, \sith Book of Constitutions on a cushion. Past Presidents of the Board of General Purposes. President of the Board of General Purposes,- Past Deputy Grand Registrars, 149 LAYING FOUNDATION STONE, Deput}' Grand Registrar. Past Grand Registrars, Grand Registrar, bearing the Great Seal, Past Grand Treasurers. Grand Treasurer, bearing a phial containing the coin to be deposited in the stone. Past Grand Chaplains. Past Grand Wardens. Past Provincial and District Grand Masters. Provincial and District Grand Masteis. Visitors of distinction. Past Deputy Grand Masters. Past Pro Grand Master^. The Corinthian Light, borne by the Master ot a Lodge. The Column of Junior Grand Warden, borne by the Master of a Lodge. The Junior Grand W^arden \\ith the plumb rule. ^ , r Grand Standard Bearer 1 „ , Grand ! ^^^.^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ I Grand Steward.- | ^^^^^ ^odge. J Steward. The Doric Light, borne by the Master of a Lodge. The Column of Senior Grand W^arden, borne by the Master of a Lodge. The Senior Grand Warden with the level. The Junior Grand Deacons. _ , r The Grand Chaplain, "j r-^ ^^ Grand I ^.^^^ ^he Sacred ^p^^f , Steward, | ^aw on a cushion, J Steward, LAYING FOLNDATIOX STOXE, 15c Deputy Grand Master, with the square.- The Ionic Light, borne by the Master of a Lodge. The Pro Grand Master.- A Past Grand Master, or other Brother of eminence, bearing the mallet. ^ J r Grand Standard Bearer, 1 r- j Grand I ^^,.^^ ^^^ Standard of I eP''^'' ^ bteward. | the Grand Master. J Steward.. Grand Sword Bearer. The Most Worshipful Grand Masten The Senior Grand Deacons.: Two Grand Stewards, Grand Tyler.; Having arrived within a proper distance of the spot, the procession halts, the Brethren open to the right and left and face inwards, so as to leave room for the Grand Master to pass up the centre, he being preceded by his Standard and Sword Bearer, the Grand Officers and Brethren following in succession from the rear, so as to in- vert the order of procession. The Grand ^Master having arrived at his station, on a platform, an ode is sung or music played (as previously arranged). The stone being prepared and the plate with the proper inscription, the upper part of the stone is raised by an engine, the Grand Chaplain repeats a prayer. The inscription on the plate to be deposited in the stone ^^'ill then I SI LAYING FOUNDATION STONEs be read, and the Grand Treasurer haviug, by the Grand Master's command, deposited in the cavity \'urious coins of the present reign, the cement is laid on the lower stone, and the upper one is let down slowly, solemn music playing. Being properly placed, the Grand Master descends to the stone, proves that it is properly adjusted by the plumb rule, level, and square, which are successively delivered to him by the Junior Grand Warden, Senior Grand Warden, and Deputy Grand Master ; after which the mallet is delivered to him, with wliich the Grand Master gives three knocks. The cornu- copia containing the corn, and the ewers with the wine and oil are next handed to the Grand Master, who strews the corn and pours tha wine and oil over the stone with the accustomed ceremonies. The Grand INIaster then delivers to the architect or builder the several imple- ments for liis use. The plan and elevation of the building are presented by the Grand Superintendent of Works to the Grand Master for his inspection, who, having approved them, d'=hvers them to the architect for his guidance. The Grand Master re-ascends the platform, music playing. An oration, suitable to the occasion, is delivered. Some money ior the workmen is placed on the stone by the Grand Treasurer, LAYING FOUNDATION STONE. 152 If the building be for a charitable institution, a voluntary subscription is made in aid of its funds. The procession then returns to the place from which it set out, and the Grand Lodge is ciosed; L 2 153 CENTENARY JEWELS, Application for permission to wear a Cen- tenary Jewel is to be by petition or memorial to the Grand Master, in which memorial or petition the necessary particulars as to the origin of the Lodge are to be given, as well as proof of its uninterrupted existence for one hundred years. When permission has been granted to a Lodge to wear a Centenary Jewel, the privilege of wearing the Jewel is restricted to actual bond fide subscribing members, being Master Masons ; and ior so long onl}^ as they shall pay the stipulated subscription to the Lodge and be returned to the Grand Lodge. The design for a Centenary Jewel has been approved by the Grand Master (see plate 14). The fee for a warrant, authorising a Lodge to wear the Jewel, is five guineas. The price of each Jewel, which can be obtained only at the office of the Grand Secretary, will .be as follows : — /, 5. d. 18 carat gold, nali-marked ... 315 o Silver gilt ....... i 6 o 154 CHARITY JEWELS. A Brother having served the office of Steward to any two of the following Institutions, viz. : — The Royal Masonic Institution for Girls, The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution, has the privilege of wearing the charity jewel, provided he shall, at each time of so serving, have personally subscribed ten guineas at the least. The jewel shall be suspended to a ribbon of one and a half inches in width, the colours of which shall be white and blue, white and red, blue and red, or white, blue, and red respec- tively, according to the Institutions for which the Brother has served the stewardships as above, viz, : — White, for the Institution for GirlSj Blue, for the Institution for Boys. Red, for the Royal Benevolent Institution.- A Brother being according to the foregoing regulation entitled to wear the charity jewel, and v.-ho may have served the office of Steward to any of the Institutions a second time, may wear a clasp attached to the ribbon, and an J 55 CHARITY JEWELS.: additional clasp for each occasion of having served the office of Steward to any of the Institutions ; but in no case shall he be entitled to wear such clasp or clasps, unless he shall on each of those occasions at the time of serving such stewardship have personally subscribed a like amount as above named,- A Vice-President of any one or more of the Masonic Institutions, being otherwise entitled to the charity jewel, may wear attached to the ribbon immediately above the jewel a rosette of the colour or colours before mentioned, or in combination, according to the Institution or Institutions of which he is a Vice-President.: A Vice-Patron of any one or more of the Masonic Institutions, being otherwise entitled to the charity jewel, may wear the same sus- pended from a ribbon around his neck, of the like \\-idth and colour or colours respectively, or in combination, according to the Institution or Institutions of which he is a Vice-Patron. A Patron of any one or more of the Masonic Institutions may have embroidered on the right and left sides of the ribbon referred to in the preceding paragraph, a sprig of Acacia one and a half inches long, meeting in the centre, over the colour appertaining to the Institution of which he is a Patron, and the Jewel ensigned with a representation of the Coronet of His Royai CHARITY JEWELS, 156 Highness the Prince of Wales, Most Worshipful Past Grand Master ; the sprig of Acacia and the Coronet to be of silver for a Patron of any one of the Institutions, of Gold for a Patron of two, and enamelled in their proper colours for a Patron of the three Institutions. Every Brother who shall serve the office of Steward at any anniversary festival of any one of the Masonic charities, as the Representative of some Provincial Lodge, who shall per- sonally attend such festival, and shall bring up thereto contributions amounting to not less than one hundred guineas, shall have the same rights and privileges as to wearing the charity jewel or clasp as if he had himself contributed the sum of ten guineas while serving such stewardship, Xo charity jewel, clasp, ribbon, or rosette shall be obtained except through the office of the Grand Secretary, to whom the Secretaries of the respective Institutions shall, after their respective annual festivals, hand lists of the names of the Brethren entitled to the jewel or decorations hereinbefore authorised^ INDEX: RULE Abbreviations of Prefixes and Titles (note) 6 Absence of Grand Master 60 „ President or Vice-Presidents of the Board of Benevolence 229 „ President and Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes 260 Absent Masters may be represented by Past Masters at the Board of Benevolence 227 ,, „ at the General Committee 50 Accounts of Grand Lodge 30, 114, 269, 270 „ Provincial Grand Lodges 105 ,, District Grand Lodges 105 ,, Private Lodges 177 Act of L'nion, Declaration of the i Additional members of Grand Lodge may be appointed or elected .' 7 Admission to Grand Lodge 37i 59 , of members and candidates in Lodges.. 183 to 193 ,, of visitors to Grand Lodge 10 ,, ,, Private Lodges 150, 151 Admonish, Provincial or District Grand Masters may 92, 207 „ Board of General Purposes may 207, 273 ,, Master of a Lodge may 209 Age at which a man may be made a Mason 186 Agenda paper of Grand Lodge, see Business Paper. Altering day of meeting by dispensation 165 Ample Form, When Grand Lodge is opened in 61 Annual Return of members of Lodges 173 „ Master, Past Masters, and Wardens 179 Antient charges, Stmomary of, to be read on the instal- lation of Master P. vi 1 53 INDEX, Antient charges. Cf God and religion P. 3 „ ,, the civil magistrate P. 4 „ „ Lodges P. 5 „ „ Masters, Wardens, Fellows, and Apprentices P. 6 „ „ the management of the Craft in working P. S „ „ behaviour, viz. : „ „ in Lodge while constituted .... P. 10 „ „ after Lodge, Brethren not being gone P. il „ „ when Brethren meet without strangers, but not in Lodge P. 11 „ „ in presence of strangers, not Masons P. 12 „ „ behaviour, at home and in the neighbourhood P. 12 „ „ towards a strange brother P. 13 RULE Antient Masonry, of what degrees it consists i Appeal to Grand Lodge, Mode of 217 Application to the Grand Master to be made through the Grand Secretary 2i3 „ for Warrant to hold a new Lodge 116 „ „ Grand Lodge certificate 201 „ „ rehef from the fund of Benevolence 234 „ „ ■ „ Second 24S Aprons 305 Arrear, Members in, Quarterage not to be paid for .... 175 „ members three years in 175 Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies 18 „ Grand Secretary 18 „ Grand Secretary for German Correspondence iS „ Grand Pursuivant 18 Assisting at irregular Lodges 204 Audit of Grand Lodge accounts 30, 270 „ Private Lodge accounts 177 Ballot for initiating or joining 184, 185, 1S9, 190 „ members of the Board of Benevolence 223 „ „ Board of General Pur- poses 255, 258, 259 INDEX, 159 RULE Ballot for Vice-Presidents of the Board of Bene- volence 225 Balloting Papers in Grand Lodge, Distribution and collection of 68 Bank of England, Grand Lodge money to be deposited in 30 Begging, Certificate not to be given for purposes of 202 Behaviour in Lodge 209 Benevolence, Board of, see Board of Benevolence. „ Fund of, solely devoted to charity 222 „ „ Distribution of 223 „ „ Fees pavable to 306 ,, „ Provncial, Regulations as to ... . 104 ,, ,, District, Regulations as to no Board of Benevolence, Distribution of the fund by the 223 „ Constitution of the 223 „ Nomination and election of Past Masters to serve on 223 „ Appointment and election of President and Vice-Presi- dents 223,225 „ Disqualification to serve on 224 ,, Death or removal of appointed or elected members of 226 „ Absent Masters may be repre- sented by Past Masters 227 „ Vice-Presidents of, when disqualified for re-election 228 ,, Absence of President or Vice- Presidents 223 „ Responsibility of President 230 „ Canvassing not permitted 231 ;j Penalty for canvassing by a Master or member ' 232 ., Disqualification for voting 233, 3, Quahfication and disqualificaticn of applicants for r-^hef 204, 234 ,9 Secretaries exempt from sub- scription are qualified for relief 235 i6o INDEXg RULE Board of Benevolence, Serving Brethren, when quaU- fied for relief 236 „ to report neglect of payment of du£S 237 ,, Relief of widows and children, 238, 239 „ 240,242,245,248,249 „ • „ „ certificates re- quired 239 „ Time for application on behalf J, of children 240 „ Foreign petitioners for relief 241 „ Form of petition 242 „ Recommendation of petition 243 „ Form of recommendation.*. 244 ^, Petitioners to be visited 245 „ Time of presenting petition 246 „ Petitioners must attend except in „ specified cases 247 „ Second application 248 „ Sums which may be voted 249 „ can recommend extraordinary grants 250 „ Votes requiring confirmation 251 „ may grant exceptional relief 252 „ Regulations to be read in January 253 Board or Committee of District Grand Lodges 106, 107, 108, 109 Board of General Purposes, Constitution of 254 „ Appointment and election of President and members 20, 255 „ Annual change of members 256 „ Election of Vice-President 257 „ Mode of election of members 258 „ Scrutineers at election, their appoint- ment and duties 259 „ Absence of President and Vice-President 260 „ Death or removal of members 261 „ Meetings ot 262 „ „ Quorum at 263 „ may call for and inspect Grand Lodge books 264 INDEX. i6: RULE Board of General Purposes has care of buildings and furniture 265 „ may originate improvements 266 „ has care of Grand Lodge correspondence 267 „ has charge of finances 265 „ to furnish quarterly accounts 269 „ to prepare yearly accounts for audit . . 270 „ to appomt Colonial Committee 271 „ may appoint Committees for specific purposes 271 „ has power to hear and determine com- plaints 272 „ may fine or suspend 273 „ may summon Lodges and Brethren 274 „ When members to be in Masonic clothing 275 „ Mode of procedure 276 „ Complaints affecting members 277 „ Appeal against decisions of 217 „ Communications to 278 „ „ from 279 „ Precedence of business 280 „ Minutes to be kept 281 Books and papers of Grand Lodge may be inspected by Board of General Purposes 264 „ of Lodges to be produced when re- quired by authority. , 139 » „ to be given up when Lodge dissolved . 2-21 Building Fund of Grand Lodge, Contribution to 308 Business of Grand Lodge 49 to 76 Business paper of Grand Lodge to be sent to specified members 56 „ „ ., to be sent to other members on pay- ment of 5s. annually 57 u „ „ to be given to members on their entrance . . 58 By laws of Provincial Grand Lodges loi „ District Grand Lodges »,..» » loi, 109 162 INDEX, RULE -By-laws of Private Lodges 162, 163, 164 „ „ must specify regular days of meeting and day of election and installation of Master . . 164 ,5 , ]\Iaster must pledge himself to observe 162 , ,. Members by accepting copy de- clare their submission to them 163 Candidates for initiation, Proposmg and balloting for 183,184,185,190 ,,^ „ Age and circumstances of ... . 186 „' „ Declaration of 187 „ „ must be free men i86, 187 „ „ must be able to write 187 „ „ Number on same day limited to five 192 „ „ Members proposing re- sponsible for fees 194 „ Mihtary 188 Canvassing members of Board of Benevolence not permitted 231 Canvassing by Masters and members of Board of Benevolence 232 Casting vote. Master has 182 Centenary J ewel. How to apply for P. 153 Ceremonies, Grand, Deputy' Grand, and Assistant rule Grand Director of ; 18 Ceremony of laying a foundation stone P. 147 Certihcate, Grand Lodge, Every registered Brother to rule be furnished with 196 J, to be paid for by sealing Brother 196 „ Fee must be ^ak] before issue of 201 „ when lost, dupHcate may be issued 197 5, must be signed 198 „ Disqualification for 199 J, exchanged after advancement 200 ,, must be produced when joining a Lodge i8q TNDEXi 163 RUI-E Certificate, Grand Lodge, may be issued by District Grand Master iii „ in blank to be furnished to District Grand Master .. 112 Certificate of a Private Lodge not to be given for begging purposes . . 202 „ only to be given in specified cases . . 203, 213 „ to be produced by c£in- didates for joining 189,21"? Cessation of membership of a Lodge 175 Chains and collars of Grand Officers 2'jT. „ Provincial or District Grand Office's 292 „ Engravings of 304 Charity Jewel, who entitled to wear P. 154 Children and widows, ReUef of 23S, 239, 240, 242, 245, 247, 248, 249 Clandestine initiations and Lodges 204 Clearance Certificates 189 Clerks of Grand Secretary 34 Clothing and insignia 282 Clothing, Masonic, Public Appearance in 206 „ When the Members of the Board of General Purposes are to be in. . 275 Collars and chains of Grand Officers 291 of Holders of London Pvank 2C.3A and chains of Provincial and District Grand Officers 292 ,, Engravings of 304 of Past Grand Officers 293 Provincial and District Grand Officers 294 Grand Stewards 295 Past Grand Stewards 296 ,, in Grand Lodge 297 Officers and Past Masters of the Grand Stewards' Lodge 29G Provincial and District Grand Stewards 2^9 Past Provincial and District Grand Stewards 300 Past Masters of Private Lodges 301 Officers of Private Lodges 302 „ when to be worn . . - 303 1 64 INDEX. RULE Committee, General, of Grand Lodge, of whom it consists 49 Committee, General, Meetings of 49 „ Absent Masters may be repre- sented by Past Masters 50 „ Notice of all motions to be given to 51 „ No motion to be discussed in Grand Lodge imless first sub- mitted to 52 „ may reject irregular notices .... 53 „ Nominations for Boards to be made at 54 „ Notices of motion renewed at ... . 55 „ Nominations of Brethren to guard the porch of Grand Lodge .... 59 Committee of District Grand Lodges, Powers of 106, 107, 108, 109 Commuxkications, Grand Lodge quarterly, when held 11 ,, to Gran'd Lodge , 62, 63 Complaints and differences, not in Provinces or Dis- tricts 214,272 ,, „ in Provinces 92, 215 Districts 92, 216 „ „ brought before the Board of General Purposes. . . . 272 Confirmation of the minutes of Grand Lodge 62, 74 ,, ,, a Private Lodge 172 ,, votes by the Board of Benevolence .... 251 Constituting a new^ Lodge 120 Contributions to the Fund of Benevolence, Schedule of 306 „ to the Fund of General Purposes, Schedule of 307 Contumacy, Consequences of 91, 139, 274 Custody of the Seals of Grand Lodge 31 Customs and usages, imiformity to be observed 149 Deacons, Grand 18 Death or resignation of Grand Master 16 ,, ., Provincial Grand Master 79 ,, ,, District Grand Master So V or removal of appointed or elected members o* the Board of Benevolence 226 INDEX.. 165 RULE Death or removal of members of the Board of Gefleral Purposes 261 „ or incapacity of Master of a Lodge 141 Declaration of the Act of Union i ,, to be signed by candidates for initiation . . 187 Degrees in Masonry, Interval required between 195, 199 „ „ may be conferred at short inter- vals in Districts 115 „ ,. irregularly conferred at . short intervals 199 „ „ not to be conferred unless a Master or Past Master in the chair .... 141 Deputy Grand Master, Appointment of 18 ,, ,, Fee on 306 „ ,, Powers and duties of 25 „ ,, presiding when visiting a Lodge . . 143 „ Master of a Lodge, appointment of, by a Prince of the Blood Royal 131, 135 „ Provincial or District Grand Master, appointed bv Provincial or District Grand Master 84, S5 ; „ . „ must be a Past Master 86 . „ „ ,, resident in the Province or District 89 „ ,, temporarily to perform the fimctions of Provincial or District Grand Master on his death or resignation 79, 80 „ „ presiding at a Lodge 145, 146 . „ ,, when visiting in his Province or ! District, takes rank as Provincial ! or District Grand Master 146 I Differences and complaints not in Provinces or Dis- j tricts, how adjusted . .214, 272 I „ ,, in Provinces 92,215 I ,, ,, Districts 92,216 I Director of Ceremonies, Grand 18, 36 i ,, „ ,, Deputy and Assistant . . 18 1 ,, ,, in Private Lodges 129, 289 I Dispensation for non-residence of Provincial or District Grand Officer 89 M i66 INDEXa RX,T,E Dispensation for anticipating or postponing regular day of Lodge Meeting 165 „ a Brother to be Master of two Lodges at same time 134 „ a Master to continue in of&ce more than two years 135 „ the proprietor of the house to hold office 138 „ to initiate a minor 186 „ „ serving Brother 193 „ „ mihtary person below the rank of corporal 156 „ more than five persons oa same day 192 „ for temporary removal of a Lodge 168 „ to appear in public in Masonic clothing 206 „ in Districts to confer degrees at short intervals 115 ., Fee payable for 306, 307 Dissolution of a Lodge 221 District Grand Lodges as distinguished from Provincial Grand Lodges 73 „ Who are members of 8i „ All members must subscribe to a Lodge in the District 81 ,. Meetings of 99 ^ Opening of, in " due form " or " in form " 100 „ to keep minutes and produce them when required. . . .94, 95, 102 ^ Additional powers of 106 to 115 ^, may determine complaints 106, 210 „ may appoint a Board or Com- mittee 106 „ By-iaws of loi may make rules' and regulations 109 g, may require larger payments to local fund than allowed in England no INDEX.- 167 KULE District Grand Lodges continue to exercise their func- tions on death or resignation of District Grand Master 80 „ and Committee, powers of .... 107 „ and Committee, must be governed by the Constitutions 108 „ Appeal against decisions of ... . 217 District Grand Master appointed by the Grand Master. . 82 „ if a Prince, may appoint a Pro District Grand Master 87 „ as" distinguished from Provincial Grand Masters 78 « Installation of 82 „ Period of service to entitle him to past rank 83 ff to appoint District Grand Ofi&cers 87 M Additional appointments per- mitted in Districts number- ing 30, 40, 70, and 100 Lodges respectively 88 „ cannot confer past rank 87 M power to summon Lodges and Brethren 91 „ „ to fine or suspend 92,207 „ ,, to determine complaints 92,216 „ responsible for observance of the laws 94 ^ to report proceedings to Grand Secretan,' 95 M may appoint a Deputy 84 n must give notice of appointment of Deputy 85 » may preside in Lodges in his District 144 w may send his District Grand Ofl&cers to visit Lodges 148 n may re-instate illegally ex- cluded Brethren 2ir M may issue Grand Lodge certi- ficates Ill M 2 i68 INDEXi RULE District Grand Master to be furnished with blank certificates ii2 „ responsible for pa\'Tnent to Grand Lodge . . . '. i n „ to remit dues to Grand Lodge 114 M may be empowered to give dis- pensation to confer degrees at short intervals 115 „ may appoint a President of the District Board 87 „ Appeal against decisions of . . 217 „ Death or resignation of 80 „ Chain and collar of 292 District Grand Officers annually appointed by District Grand Master 87 „ must be invested in District Grand Lodge 87 „ quaUfication for appointment . . 90 „ must be resident in the District 89 „ Fees for dispensation for non- residence 306 „ have no rank out of District . . 96 „ visiting Lodges by command . . 148 „ Jewels of 285 „ Collars of 294 „ Aprons of 305 District Grand Treasurer elected annually 105 ,, to keep and produce accounts 105 District Grand Stewards, Status of 97 „ Collars of 299 „ Collars of Past 300 „ Aprons of Present and Past . . 303 District Local Fund, PajTnents to no District Lodges defined 154 „ Local precedence of 124 „ Returns by 176 „ may make returns and pajTuents to District Grand Master iit „ to send duplicate returns to Grand Secretary 113 „ Consent required for removal of 169 iNDEXs i6g RULE Due form, When Grand Lodge is open in 6i „ When Provincial or District Grand Lodge is open in loo Dues unpaid, Board of Benevolence to report when. . . . 237 Election of Grand Master 14 „ „ Treasurer 19 „ members of the Board of Benevolence 223, 225 „ „ Board of General Pur- poses 255, 25»' „ „ Boards, &c., nomination to be made at the General Committee 54 „ Vice-Presidents of the Board of Benevo- lence 225 „ Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes 257 „ Master of a Lodge 13a „ „ non-confirmation of the minutes . . 13a „ „ and Treasurer, By-laws to specify regular day for 164 „ Treasurer of a Lodge 136 „ Tyler of a Lodge 136 Emergency, Lodges of r 166 „ Initiation in cases of 185 Erasure of a Lodge 5 „ „ Motions in Grand Lodge for 73 ,, „ in Provinces 9.3 „ ,, in Districts 106 „ Lodge not meeting for one year subject to ... . 220 Examination for advancement 195 Exchange of certificate after advancement ; . . 200 Exclusion, meaning of the term (note) 210 „ from a Lodge for the remainder of the meeting 209 „ „ Permanent 210 „ „ „ mode of 2x0 ■9 n u certificate to be furnished on . . 213 170 INDEX* RULB Exclusion from a Lodge, Power to re-instate after 211 „ „ Brethren joining another Lodge after 212 Expulsion of Brethren 5, (note) 210 ,, Motion in Grand Lodge for ... . 73 ,. in Provinces 93 Extinct, when Warrant becomes 219 Fees and contributions payable to the Fund of Benevo- lence 306 „ „ ,, of General Purposes . . 307 „ payable by Grand and past Grand Officers on their appointment 306 „ ., Holders of London Rank 306 „ ,, a Provincial or District Grand Master on his appointment 306 ,, „ „ or District Grand Master for his patent 307 „ • „ Deputy Provincial .or District Grand Master for registration 307 „ „ Provincial or District Grand Officers for non-residence 306 „ ,, for a warrant for a new Lodge 307 „ ,, „ for a Centenary Jewel 307 „ ,, „ of confirmation 307 „ „ for a dispensation 307 „ ,, registration of a Mason 307 „ ,, initiation 307 „ ,, joining 307 „ Where remittance of, to be made to the Grand Secretary 1 74 Festival, Grand ' 13, 14, 43 Fmances of Grand Lodge in charge of the Board of General Purposes 268 Fines on offending Lodges or Brethren 92, 207, 208, 273 „ amount of 208 ,, to be applied to the Fund of Benevolence 208 Foreign Brethren may be relieved by the Board of Benevolence 241 Form, When Grand Lodge is open in " ample form," "due form," or " in form " 61 INDEX, 171 RULE Fonn, when Provincial or District Grand Lodges are open in " due form " or " form " 100 „ of petition for a new Lodge 119 „ of recommendation of a petition for relief 244 Foundation stone, Ceremony of laying P. 147 Free man, Candidate for initiation must be 186, 187 Fund of Benevolence, Fees payable to 306 „ „ solely devoted to charity 222 „ „ Distribution of, see Board of Benevolence. „ General Purposes, Fees payable to 307 Furniture of a Lodge to be held in trust 171 Gauntlets 305 General Committee of Grand Lodge, see Committee, General. General powers of all substituted authorities 3 General Purposes, Board of, see Board of General Purposes. Gold or gilt jewels 288, 290 Grand Festival 13, 14, 43 ,, Regulation of the 43 Grand Lodge, Constitution of 2 „ Supreme authority of 4 „ All laws emanate from 4 „ has power of final decision j „ „ to erase Lodges 5 „ ,, to expel Brethren 5 „ Rank and precedence of members of 6 „ Appointment or election of additional members 7 ,, Qualification of Past Masters as members 9 „ Disqualification to attend 9, 137, 179, 180 „ Visitors to 10 , Regular meetings of 11 „ Special meetings of 12 „ No Brother to hold more than one ofi&ce in 23 „ Money and accounts of 30 „ Seals of 31. 33 172 INDEX, RCtE GrandLodge, Records of 32 „ Business of 491076 „ General Committee of ^, 49 to 55, 59 „ „ Notices of motion to be given at 51 „ Adoption of Reports may be discussed without notice 52 „ Precedence of motions in 55 „ Papers of business, to whom sent 56, 57 ., ,, given to members on entrance .... 58 „ Brethren appointed to guard the porch . . 59 „ Proceedings in 60 ., Ruling in, when Grand Master absent .... 60 „ Opening of 61 „ when open in " ample form," " due form," or " in form " 61 „ Reading the minutes 62 „ ,, reports or communications 62, 63 „ Memorials or petitions 33» 64 „ Irregular propositions 65 „ Call to silence 66 „ Members to keep their seats 67 „ Distribution and collection of balloting papers 68 „ Mover of resolution has right of r'^ply .... 69 „ Member to stand while speaking yo „ Calling or speaking to order • 70 „ Transgressing the rules 71 „ Hissing prohibited 72 „ Motions for erasure or expulsion 73 „ „ grants of money 74 „ „ alteration in the laws 74 „ Voting 75 ., Mode of counting votes 75 ,. Termination of business 76 „ Certificate, see Certificates. „ Money and accounts 30, 269, 270 Grand Master, Nomination, election, and installation. . . 14 „ if a Prince, may appoint a Pro Grand Master 15 INDEX, 173 RULE Grand Master may confer rank in Grand Lodge 7 „ may appoint members of Grand Lodge ... 7 „ „ representatives abroad with rank in Grand Lodge 8 „ to appoint Grand Officers annuaJly 18 „ appoints all Provincial or District Grand Masters 77, 82 „ may remove Grand Officers with con- sent of Grand Lodge 24 „ presiding when visiting a Lodge 142 „ may send his Grand Officers to visit Lodges 147 J, may give power to confer degrees at short intervals in Districts 115 „ may re-instate UlegaUy excluded Brethren 211 „ may reject irregular propositions in Grand Lodge 65 „ Applications to, to be made through Grand Secretary 218 „ Absence of 60 „ Death or resignation of 16 „ Abuse of power by 17 Grand Of&cers, Appointment of by the Grand Master 18 „ are members of the' General Committee and the Board of Benevolence 49, 223 „ . visiting a Lodge by command 147 ,, Removal of 24 „ Powers and duties of ! . ! * 25 tp 38. Jewels of 284, 286;288 „ Chains and collars of 291 „ Pro Grand Master, Appointment of ...... 15, 18 •• ,, ,, Fee on 306 „ Deputy Grand Master, Appointment of 18 j> >, ,, Fee on 306 >» „ Powers and Privileges of 25 „ Grand Ward^is, Appointment of 18 " „ Fee on 306 »♦ M Duties of 26, 27, 142, 143 M Grand Chaplains, Appointment of 18 t» „ „ Fee on 306 174 INDEX, RTTLB Grand Officers, Grand Chaplains, Duties of 28 „ Grand Treasurer, Nomination and elec- tion of rg , „ Fee on election of . . . . 306 ^ „ Duties of 29 „ Grand Registrar, Appointment of 18 „ „ „' Fee on 306 „ „ Duties of 31, 32 „ „ Deputy, Appoint- ment of 18 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ President of the Board of General Pur- poses, Appointment of. . 20, 255 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ Grand Secretary, Appointment of 21 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ „ Duties of 33 „ „ Clerks of 34 „ President of the Board of Benevolence, Appointment of 21 a „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ Grand Deacons, Appointment of 18 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ Assistant Grand Chaplains, Appoint- ment of 18 41 M ,, Fee on 306 „ Grand Superintendent of Works, Ap- pointment of 18 ■n « „ Fee on 306 «> „ „ Duties of 35 „ Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works, Appointment of i3 ,, ,, ,, Fee on 306 „ Grand Director of Ceremonies, Appoint- ment of 18 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ „ „ Duties of 36 „ „ Deputy, Appointment of . . 18 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ „ Assistants, Appointment of 18 J, „ „ Fee on 306 „ Grand Sword Bearer, Appointment of . . 18 ^, „ n Fee on 306 INDEX, J75 Grand Officers, Deputy Grand Sword Bearer, Appoint- ment of 1 8 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ Assistant Grand Sword Bearers, Appoint- ment of 18 5, ,, ,, Fee on 306 t. Grand Standard Bearers, Appointment of 18 „ „ „ Fee on 306 „ Assistant Grand Standard Bearers, Appointment of 18 ,, ,, ,, Fee on 306 ,, Grand Organist, Appointment of 18 ,, ,, ,, Fee on 306 ,, Deputy Grand Organist, Appointment of 18 5, ,, ,, Fee on 306 3, Assistant Grand Secretary, Appoint- ment of 18 „ Assistant Grand Secretary for German Correspondence, Appointment of ... . 18 „ Grand Pursuivant, Appointment of ... . 18 „ „ Duties of 37 „ „ Brethren appointed to assist 59 „ Assistant Grand Pursuivant, Appoint- ment of 18 Grand Tyler, Appointment of 22 „ Duties of 38 Grand Stewards, Appointment and duties of 39. 59 Mode of appointment Time of recommen- dation Qualifications of .... to regulate the Grand Festival Lodges not to sub- scribe to expenses of declining to serve .... Forfeiture of the privilege of recom- mending 40 43 46 176 INDEXi Grand Officers, Grand Stewards have privilege of mem- bership of Grand Stewards' Lodge . . 47" „ „ Place in Grand Lodge for Past 48 „ „ Collars of present and Past 295, 296 „ „ Jewels of present and Past 284,287 „ „ Aprons of present and Past 305 Grand Stewards' Lodge, Precedence of 22 ,, ,, Constitution of 47,125 Grants of money, Motions in Grand Lodge for 74 „ by the Board of Benevolence . . . .249 to 252 Harmony of the Lodge, Disturbing the 209 Hissing prohibited 72 Holidays, Public, Lodge meeting falling on may be changed 165 House at which Lodge meets, proprietor cannot hold office without dispensation 138 Improper matter in memorials, &c., to Grand Lodge 64 Initiate may claim membership of Lodge igr „ entitled to Grand Lodge Certificate 196- „ Rights of, not prejudiced by neglect to make returns 178, 237 Initiation, Proposing and balloting for the candidate . .184, 190 „ Age and circumstances of candidate 186 „ Declaration of candidate 187 „ Candidate must be a free man 186, 187 „ Candidate must be able to write 187 „ in cases of emergency 185 „ of military candidates 188 „ Limit of number on same day 192 „ Charge for 193 „ of serving Brethren 193 „ Proposer responsible for fees 194 Installation of Grand Master 14 „ Pro Grand Master 18 ,. Deputy Grand Master 18 „ Provincial or District Grand Master 8a INDEX. 177 RULE Installationof Master of a Lodge 130, 1304. „ „ Charges to be read at. . P. vi Instruction, Lodges of, must be under sanction 158 „ Lodge giving sanction is re- sponsible for proceedings of . . . . 158 „ Time and Place of meeting to be submitted to the Grand Secretary 159 „ must keep minutes 160 „ Withdrawal of sanction from .... 161 intervals between degrees 115, 195, 199 Ireland, Brethren imder constitution of, may be relieved 241, 243 Irregular Lodges, Assisting at 204 Irregular motions may be rejeced by the General Committee 53 propositions in Grand Lodge ., 65 Jewels. Prohibited 283 J eweis of Grand Officers 284 ,, Holders of London Rank 284A „ Provincial or District Grand Officers 285 „ Past Grand Officers and Past Provincial or District Grand Officers 286 ,, Past Grand Stewards and Past Provincial or District Grand Stewards 287 „ Officers of Private Lodges 289 „ gold or gilt 288,290 „ silver 290 ,, chaias and collars, Engravings of 304 Joining membars. Proposing 189 „ Balloting for 190 „ Certificate to be produced by 213 „ who have been excluded from other Lodges 212 „ from other Constitutions 189 307 Laws emanate from the Grand Lodge t . . 4 „ Motions in Grand Lodge for alterations in 74 Liability of Lodges admitting excluded Brethren 212 List of Master, Past Masters, and Wardens to be trans- mitted by Lodges annually to the Grand Secretary 179 Local Fund in Provinces 104 „ Districts" —-■ no 178 INDEX: RULE Local precedence of Lodges in Provinces or Districts 124 Lodge of Antiquity works without a warrant 125 Lodges of Instruction (see Instruction). Lodges, Private, Application for a Warrant for a new Lodge 116 n District Grand Masters may grant Provisional Warrants 117 u Provisional Warrants must be ex- changed for regular Warrants .... 118 ;, Form of Petition for a Warrant for new Lodge 119 ff Constituting a new Lodge ' 120 „ First Officers named in the Warrant must not be altered t2i „ Precedence of 122 » Constitution of Grand Stewards' Lodge 123 „ Local precedence of, in Provinces and Districts 124 „ cannot act without a Warrant 125 „ When Warrant lost, how to proceed. 126 „ Warrant not to be sold or irregularly procured 127 „ to bear name and number 128 „ Alteration in name 128 „ Officers of 129 „ „ Jewels of 289 „ „ Collars of 302, 303 „ Secretary may be exempted from subscription 235 „ Election and installation of Master 130 130A » Anticipating or postponing regular day of meeting 165 tf A Deputy Master may be'appointed by a Prince of the Royal Blood . . 131 „ Obligation of the Master 133 „ Master responsible for observance of the Laws 133 M Dispensation required to be Master of two Lodges at same time 134 M Period of office of Masters 135 w Appointment and election of Officers 136 INDEX. 179 RULE Lodges, Private, Proprietor of the house disqualified for office 138 „ Master and Wardens to attend sum- monses and produce books 13, 274 „ Removal of Officers 140 Tyler 136 „ Death or incapacity of Master 141 „ Degrees not to be conferred unless Master or Past Master m the chair . . 141 „ Grand Master may preside when visiting 142 „ Deputy Grand Master may preside when visiting I43 „ Provincial or District Grand Master may preside when visiting Lodges in his Province or District 144 „ Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master may preside when visiting in his Province or District, and ranks as Provincial or District Grand Master 145,146 „ Grand Master may send his Grand Officers to visit Lodges 147 „ Provincial or District Grand Master may send Officers to visit 148 „ Master and Wardens enjoined to visit 149 „ Admission of visitors 150 „ Who may be refused admission 151, 204 „ Disqualification to visit 152 „ London Lodges i53 „ Provincial or District Lodges i54 „ Military Lodges I55> 156, i57 „ Lodges' of Instruction 158 » ,> 5. must be under sanction 158 „- „ „ submit for approval time and place of meeting 150 tt » ,) keep minutes 160 H )» Withdrawal of sanction from . . 161 „ Power to make and alter bv-laws 162 f8o INDEX. RPLE Lodges, Private, Master pledged to enforce l>/-la\vs .... 162 „ Submission of members to ' the by-laws 163 „ By-laws to specify time and place of meeting 164 „ ■ " By-laws to specify meetings for elec- tion and installation of Master .... 164 „ " lleetings on public holidays may be changed 165 „ Meetings of emergency 166 „ kemoval of 167 „ lemporary removal of, by dispensation 16S „ Consent required for removal 169 „ Notice of removal to be given to the Grand Secretary 170 „ Furniture and jewels to be held in trust I7i „ Minutes to be kept 172 „ What the mmutes should record .... 172 ,, Annual return of members 173 „ Remittance of fees 174 „ Quarterage not to be paid for mem- bers in arrear 173 „ Cessation of membership of 175 „ Returns by Provincial or District Grand Lodges 176 „ Treasurer's accounts \Tr „ Rights of initiated Brethren not pre- judiced by neglect of Lodge to make return 178, 237 „ /.anual return of Master, Past Masters, and Wardens 179 Tenalty for neglect to make returns 180, 224 may regulate their own proceedings . . 181 \ oting 182 / dmission of members ' 183 lioitiation 184 ,, in cases of emergency .... 185 Age and circumstances of candidate. . 186 Declaration of candidate 187 Candidate must be able to write 187 Mihtary candidates for initiation 188 Joining members 189 INDEX. t8i RULE Lodges, Private, *rhe ballot 190 Initiate may claim membership with- out second ballot 191 Five only to be initiated on same day 192 „ ' Charge for initiation 193 ., Initiation of servins? Brethren with- out charge 193 Proposer responsible for initiation fees 104. „ Interval required between degrees ... . 195 „ Shorter interval permitted in districts 115 Initiate entitled to Grand Lodge cer- tificate 196 „ Lost certificate, duplicate may be issued 197 ,, Certificate to be signed 198 ., Disqua'-'fication for certificate 199 ,. Certificate exchanged after advance- ment 200 „ AppUcaticas for certificates 201 ,, must not give certificate for >ogging purposes 202 ., Certificates that may be given 203 „ Offences ' 204 Assisting at irregular Lodges 204 „ Printing and publishing without authority 205 „ Public appearance in Masonic clothing 206 ,. Offences to which no special penalty is attached 207 „ Fine or suspension 20S Exclusion for the remainder of meeting 209 „ Permanent exclusion 210 „ Power to reinstate Brethren illegally excluded 211 ., Excluded Brethren joining another Lodge 212 „ Certificate to be furnished on exclu- sion, and to be produced when joining another Lodge 213 182 INDEX. ROLB Lodges, Private, Differences and complaints not in Pro- vinces or Districts 214 „ „ in Provinces 215 „ „ „ Districts 216 „ Appeal in all cases 217 „ Applications to the Grand Master .... 218 „ in Colonies or Foreign Parts may meet to discuss the forming of a Sovereign Grand Lodge 218A „ Regulations to be observed 218B „ Majority retiring 219 „ failing to meet for one year 220 „ Warrant cannot be transferred 221 „ Surrender of warrant 221 „ Erasure of a 5, 73 „ „ in districts 106 London Lodges defined 153 London Rank _ 76A ,, ., Fee on Appointment to 306 Lost certificates i97 „ warrant 126 Majority retiring from a Lodge 219 Manager or proprietor of house where Lodge meets not to hold of&ce 138 „ must not acquire or have lien on furniture 171 Masonic Clothing worn in public 206 „ when worn at the Board of General Purposes 275 Mascairy, antient, of what degrees it consists i Master of a Lodge is a member of Grand Lodge 9 „ of the Board of Benevolence 223 „ of the General Committee 49 „ in a Province or District is a member of the Provincial or District Grand Lodge 81 ,, if cannot attend General Committee, may be represented by a Past Master 5c ,. if cannot attend Board of Benevo- lence, mav be represented by a Past Master 227 INDEX, 183 RCLE ^raster of a Lodge, Quaimcation, election, and installa- tion of 130, ISO". „ Regular day of election and installa- tion to be named in the by-laws. . 164 When a deputy Master may be appointed 131 ^ Obhgation of 132 „ his responsibility for observance of the laws I33 „ pledged to observe by-laws by ac- ceptance of copy 162 „ cannot be Master of two Lodges at same time I34 „ cannot be more than two years in office 135 „ to appoint officers 136 „ how he may displace officers and fill up vacancies 140 „ when he may refuse admission to visitors 151 „ to have casting vote 182 „ to produce warrant at each meeting 125 „ Absence of, at Board of Benevolence or General Committee 227 „ Death or incapacity of 141 „ Jewel of 289, 290 „ Collar of 30;!, 303 „ Apron of 305 Master and Wardens to attend summonses and pro- duce books 139 „ „ to visit other Lodges 149 Master, Past Masters, and Wardens, annual return of . . . . 179 Master, Past, Duty of, in absence of Master 141 Masters, Pa " t, qualification for membership of Grand Lodge 9 Meetings of Grand Lodge ir, 12 „ Provincial Grand Lodges 98 „ District Grand Lodges^ 99 „ Private Lodges 164, 165, 166 „ „ on public hohda>-s may be changed 165 „ Lodges of Instruction 159 N 2 1 84 INDEX. RULE Meetings of the Board of Benevolence 233 „ Board of General Purposes 262 „ ,, General Committee of Grand Lodge ... 49 Members of Grand Lodge 6 „ „ Additional, may be appointed or elected 7 „ Provincial or District Grand Lodges 8r „ Board of General Purposes 254 „ Board of Benevolence 223 „ Private Lodges, Admission of 183 to 1 93 „ „ Annual return of 173 „ „ When ceasing to be 175 „ „ Who precluded from being 204 „ „ Initiates have a right to become 191 „ „ Temporary exclusion of . . . Z09 „ „ Permanent exclusion of . . . 210 „ „ Illegal exclusion of 211 „ „ who have resigned or been excluded joining other Lodges 212, 213 „ „ Differences between and complaints of, not in Pro- vinces or Districts 214 „ „ „ in Provinces Z15 „ „ ,. in Districts 216 Memorials and petitions to Grand Lodge 33.64 Military Lodges, abroad I55 „ confined to the profession and limited to specified rank 15^ „ WTien warrant of, to be surrendered or exchanged for civil warrant 15 7 Military Candidates for initiation 18& Minors cannot be initiated except by dispensation r86 Minutes of the Grand Lodge 62 „ Provincial and District Grand Lodges 94,95,102 „ Private Lodges, what is to be entered in them 172 „ Confirmation of 172 Lodges of Instruction ibo Mone\s of Grand Lodge to be deposited in the Bank of England 30 INDEX 185 RITLE Moneys o{ Private Lodges 177 ■Motions in Grand Lodge, notices to be given to the General Committee ... .51, 52, 53 that may be made without notice 52 „ Precedence of ... i 55 *' „ for erasure or expulsion .... 73 Names of Lodges, Alteration in 128 jK-isons, initiated, passed, and raised to be entered in the minutes 172 members and visitors at each meeting to be entered in the minutes 172 Neglect to make rttums, Consequences of r3o, 224 not to prejudice Brethren who have paid fees 178, 273 pay dues, Board of Benevolence to report . 237 New Lodge, application for a warrant 116 lorm of petition for a warrant irg .', provisional warrants granted by District Grand Masters .. 117 ., ., must be exchanged for regular warrants 118 must be regularly constituted 120 Officers named in the warrant not to be altered 121 Nomination of Grand Master 14 Grand Treasurer 19 for Boards, &c., to be given to the General Committee 51 Notices of motion to be given to the General Committee 51, 52 . „ Power of General Committee to reject 53 Precedence of 55 Number of membets required to keep a Lodge m existence 219 Lodge must bear a 128 Obligation of a Master 132 Offences of Lodges and Br-^thren 204 to 207 „ to which no special penLilty is attached 207 Offensive language in memorials and petitions 64 186 INDEX. RULE Office in Grand Lodge, No Brother can hold more than one at the same time 23 „ Private Lodges, No Brother can hold more than one regular, at the same time 129 „ „ „ Proprietor or Manager of the house not to hold 138 „ Removal from 140 Officers of Grand Lodge, see Grand Officers. „ Provincial Grand Lodges, sec Provincial. Grand Officers. „ District Grand Lodges, tes District Grand Officers. „ Private Lodges 129 „ „ Appointment or election of ... . 136 „ „ Jewels of 289 „ Collars of 302 „ „ „ when may be worn .... 303 „ „ Removal of 140 „ the Grand Stewards' Lodge, Collars of 298 Opening of Grand Lodge oi „ Provincial or District Grand Lodge loo Order of Precedence in Grand Lodge 6 Order, Calling to or speaking to, in Grand Lodge 70 Organist, Grand 18 Paper of business of Grand Lodge, to whom sent 56. 57 „ „ given to members on their entrance .... 58 Past Grand Master 16 „ Officers are memoers of Grand Lodge 2 „ „ ,, the General Committee of Grand Lodge 49 „ „ „ the Board of Benevolence 223 „ „ Jewels of 286 „ „ Collars of 293 „ „ Rank, fees on appointment to 306 PftSt Provincial or District Grand Officers are members CI Provincial or District Grand Lodge 81 „ .. Jewels of 286 iNDEXs 187 RULE Past Provincial or District Grand Officers, Collars of . . . . 294 Past Grand Stewards, Place in Grand Lodge set apart for 48 „ Jewel of 287 Collar of 296, 297 Past Provincial or District Grand Stewards, Status of 97 „ „ jewel of 287 „ Collar of 300 Past Masters are members of Grand Lodge 9 ,, „ Provincial or District Grand Lodge 81 „ when they cease to be members of Grand Lodge and of Provincial or District Grand Lodges 9, 81 „ supply the place of absent Masters at the Board of Benevolence 227 „ take the chair of the Lodge in the absence of the Master 141 „ twelve to be elected on Board of Benevo- lence 223 „ Annual return of i79 „ Collar of 301 ,, J ewel of , 289 Past rank cannot be conferred by Provincial or District Grand Masters 87 Petition for a warrant for a new Lodge 116, 117, 118 „ ,, „ Form of 119 „ to Grand Lodge to be in decorous language .... 64 „ to the Board of Benevolence for relief, what it must state 242 „ „ ,, Recommendation of 243 „ ,, ,, ,, Form of 244 „ ,, ,, Time of presenting 246 „ to the Board of General Purposes to be in writing 278 Petitioner to the Board of Benevolence to be visited. . . . 245 ,, when required to attend 247 Place of meeting ot Lodge to be specified in by-laws.. 164 iS8 INDEX, RULE Place of meeting of Lodge, Change of, see Removal. Porch of Grand Lodge, Guarding the 37, 5<> Powers of all substituted authorities ' •; Power of final decision, Grand Lodge has 5 Power to reinstate illegally excluded Brethren 21 r Precedence of members of Grand Lodge 6 „ Lodges i2-r „ ,, Local, in Provinces and Districts i2\ „ motions in Grand Lodge 55 Prefixes, titles, and abbreviations (note) ^ President of the Board of General Purposes, Appoint- ment of 20, 255 „ ,, Absence of 260 „ theBoardof Benevolence, Appointment of 2 1 A, 223 „ ,, Absence of .... 229 „ . „ or elected members, Death of 226 „ ., Responsibilitv of 230 Prince of the Blood Royal, when Grand Master, may appoint a Pro Grand Master 15 „ . . . .„ .wlien District Grand Master, ..may appoint a Pro Dis- .-..,. trict Grand Master 8y „ „ when Master of a Lodge, may appoint a Deputy Master 131 „ „ . may continue TJaster for an indefinite period 135 Print'n^; and publishing Masonic proceedings without authority 205 Private Lodges, see Lodges, Private. Proceedings on the death of a Grand Master 16 „ Masonic, not to be, published without authority 205 „ of Grand Lodge 60 to 76 „ ,. Report of 33,56,57 „ of Provincial or District Grand Lodges to be reported 95 Processions, Public, in Masonic clothing without authority 206 Pro Grand Master, Appointment of 15 „ „ Fee on 3q6 INDEX; i.Sq RULE .ProDistrict Grand Master, Appointment of 87 Prohibited jewels 283 Proposing members and candidates for initiation 183, 184, 185, 189 Propositions in Grand Lodge which the Grand Master may refuse to put 65 Proprietor of house where Lodge held Hot to hold office 138 ,, ,, not to acquire or hav^e lien on furniture 171 Protest, when may be entered in the minutes 181 .Provincial Grand Lodges, their origin and conditions of existence 77 „ condition on the death of Pro- vincial Grand Master 79 „ Who are members of 81 „ all members must subscribe to a Lodge in the Province 81 „ Meetings of 98 „ Opening of in " due form." or ;n " form " 100 „ By-laws of loi „ must keep and produce minutes 94, 95, 102 „ may advise if requested, but not adjudicate 103 „ Local fund of 104 ,, to elect Treasurer annually . . 105 •Provincial Grand Master, Appointment and installa- tion of ... . 82 „ „ Fees on 306,307 „ may appoint a deputy 84 ,, must give notice of appoint- ment ol deputy 85 „ power to appoint Provincial Grand Officers 87 „ Additional appointments permitted in Provmces numbering 30, 40. 70, and 100 Lodges respective! V . . 88 ^ power to summon Lodges and Brethren 91 iQO INDEX. RULB Provincial Grand Master, power to determine com- plaints 92,103 ,, ,. to fine or suspend. .92, 207 „ has no power to erase Lodges or expel Brethren 93 „ provision in case of neglect to attend to complaints .. 215 ^. ,. responsibility ;ioi observance of the laws 94 „ to report proceedings to Grand Secretary 95 „ may preside in Lodges in his Province 144 „ may send his Of&cers to visit Lodges 148 „ may reinstate illegally ex- cluded Brethren 211 „ Appeal against decisions of. . 217 „ must serve five years to entitle him to Past rank . . 83 ., Death or resignation of ... . 79 ,, Fees on appointment of .... 306 „ „ for patent ... ., 307 ,. Chain and collar of 292^ Provincial Grand Officers annually appointed by Pro- vincial Grand Master 87 „ to be invested in Provincial Grand Lodge 87 „ qualification for appointment 90 „ must be resident in the Pro- vince 89 „ fees payable for non-residence 306- „ have no rank out of their Province ^ „ visiting Lodges by command 143 „ Jewels of 285 „ Collars of 294 Aprons of 305 Provincial Grand Stewards, Status of 97- „ Collars of 299 INDEX. 191 RULF Provincial Grand Stewards, Collars of Past 300 ,, Aprons of present and Past 305 Provincial Grand Treasurer elected annually 105 ,, to keep and produce accounts 105 Provincial Lodges defined 154 ,, Consent required for removal of .... 169 ,, Returns by 176 Provisional warrants for a new Lodge may be granted by a District Grand Master 117 „ must be exchanged for a regular warrant 118 Publication of proceedings without authority 205 Public ceremony of laying a foundation stone P. 147 ,, appearance in Masonic clothing 20 j Hohdays, Lodge meetmg may be changed 165 Pure Antient Masonry, of what degrees it consists i Pursuivant, Grand .' 18, 37 Qualification and disqualification of Past Masters for membership of Grand Lodge 9 ,, for Provincial or District Grand Of6ce . . 90 Quarterage to Fund of Benevolence 306 ,, to be remitted by the Lodge for its contri- buting members 174 not to be paid for members in arrear 175 Quarterly communications of Grand Lodge 11 Quorum at the Board of General Purposes 263 Rank and precedence of members of Grand Lodge 6 ,, Past, cannot be conferred bv Provincial or District Grand Master ' 87 Recommendation of petition to the Board of Benevo- lence 243, 244 Records of Grand Lodge 32 Regalia 36, 282 to 305 Register of members to be kept by Lodge 173 Registrar, Grand '. 18, 31, 32 ,, Deputy Grand 18 Registration ot new Lodges 120 „ of Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Fee for 307 492 INDEX. RULE Registration on initiation, Fee for 307 ,, fees to be remitted by the Lodge 174 „ Neglect of, by the Lodge does not prejudice the Brother who has paid the fees 178 Regular meetings of Grand Lodge 11 Regulations of the Board of Benevolence to be read in January 253 Rel:ef from the Fund of Benevolence 234 to 241 ,, ,, Applications f or . . . .242, 243, 244 ,, ,, Who are disqualified for 204, 234 Removal of Grand Officers 24 ,, Officers of a Lodge 140 „ Tyler of a Lodge 136 „ Lodges, regulations to be observed 167 „ „ Temporary under special circum- stances 168 „ „ Consent required for 169 „ „ notice to "be given to the Grand Secretary, ice 170 Reply, Mover of resolution in Grand Lodge has right of 69 Report of proceedings of Grand Lodge 33, 5^, 57 Reports to Grand Lodge, Reading of 62, 63 Representatives of Foreign Grand Lodges 3 ,, of Grand Lodge in Foreign Lodges .... 8 Resignation of members 212 Jiesponsibility of Provincial or District Grand Master for observance of the laws 94 „ of Master of a private Lodge for obser- vance of the laws 133 Restoration of illegally excluded Brethren 211 Returns and Payments to Grand Lodge 173, 174, 175 ., „ Penalty for neglect of 180,224 „ - „ Neglect of, not to prejudice Brethren v.ho have paid . . ." . 178, 237 Returns of Master, Past Masters, and Wardens annually i79 „ by Provincial and District Lodges 114, 176 ,, Duplicate, to be sent by District Lodges 113 JRoyal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge works without a warrant 125 INDEX. 193- RULr Rules of Grand Lodge, Traasgressias; the 71 Rules and Regulations of District Grand Lodges 109 Sanction of the Book of Constitutions P- v „ • -Lodges of Instruction . . . 15^ „ may be withdrawn ... . 161 Scotland, relief of Brethren under the constitution of. .241, 243 Scrutineers • for election of members of the Board of General Purposes, their appointment and duties 259 Seals of the Grand Lodge • • 31.33 Seats in Grand Lodge, members to keep their 67 ,, reserved for Past Grand Stewards 48 Secretaries exempt from Lodge subscription are eligible for relief 235 Secretary, Grand 18, 33. 34 Serving Brethren, initiation without charge 193 ,, not to be members of the Lcd» Form of petition for 119 >» Officers named in, caimot be altered without sanction. . 121 » II Provisional, mav be granted bv District Grand Master 117 Lodge cannot meet without -25, 126 when lost or withheld '126 must not be sold or irregularly procured '. 127 cannot be transferred " ' ,* 221 of confirmation .' ] T26 Fee for * '307 to he entrusted to the Master and pr^iuced by him at each meeting , 125 196 INDEX. R>7LE Warrant to be produced when required by tiic authorities 139 , when it becomes ex tiact 219 Surrender of 221 „ or exchange of military 157 Widows, Relief of 238, 239, 242, 245, 247, 248, 249 „ „ certificates required for 239' „ and orphans, cannot petition a second time . . . 248 Works, Grand Superintendent of 18,^35 Write, candidate for initiation must be able to (note) iHf END. HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINAR-Y TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN's LANE. PI. 9. Grajjd. Stajxdax^ Bearer. Gra^iiOr.^u.sl 1.12. PI. 13. Tfu Xanir of'tlif I'rovinri- u/i-nr it Ufioiit o7iy Ontarnent or Emblem to be en(/iweri on the Ciiv/f of nil Fira-tncial Grand Offirrrs.TrHcL: . PL15. P1.16 Ceatenary Je>rel . ^I €