THE AMERICAN JEWISH PULPIT, A COLLECTION OF SERMONS MOST EMINENT AMERICAN RABBIS. CINCINNATI: BLOCK & CO., PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS. 1881. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year of 18S1, by BLOOH & CO., in the Ofliue of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. CONTENTS, PAGE. Arise and (iive Light; or, Judaism and the Jewisli Pulpit, Rev. Dr. K. Koiilek. 1 Passover Rev. S. Mokais. U New Year Rev. George Jacobs. 17 Israel, a Missionary People Rev. Dr. H. Vidaver. 25 Simchath Torah Rev. Dr. M. Jastrow. 'M A Few Thoughts About the Day of Rest, Rev. Dr. S. PI. Sonnescheix. 41 Thrice Holy is the Lord Rev. Dr. Benjamin Szold. ol Spirituality of < rod's Law Rev. I. L. Leucht. ")<) Jewish Ideas Con