54G& • NRLF irtr THE SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE I. O. O. F. PATRIARCH J. B. WILSON, Appellant, vs. crttJ ~ : S, ? GOLDEN GATE ENCAMPMENT, Respondent . Appeal from the Grand Encampment of California. BRIEF FOR RESPONDENT. CHAS. N. FOX, P. G. M., For Respondent, Winterburn & Co. Printers. N THE SUPREME GRAND LODG I. O. O. F. PATRIARCH J. B. WILSON, Appellant, vs. r GOLDEN GATE ENCAMPMENT, Respondent, j APPEAL FROM THE GRAND ENCAMP- MENT OF CALIFORNIA. BRTEP FOR RESPONDENT. The By-Laws of Golden Gate Encampment fix- ing the rate of benefits, as amended, contains the following proviso : "Provided, second : That when any patriarch has received in the aggregate, as sick benefits, the sum of $1,000, he shall thereafter be entitled to and receive, during his sickness, the sum of $2.00 per week only." 871666 [a J Before the adoption of said proviso, Patriarch Wilson had received from the Encampment up- wards of $1,000 sick benefits. After its adoption, he continuing sick, the Encampment paid him regularly the sum of $2.00 per week. He now claims that it should have paid him at the larger rate, to which he would have been entitled in the absence of the proviso; and demands payment of some 55800, the amount of the difference between the sum which he received after the adoption of the proviso, and the sum which he claims that he should have received. This demand the En- campment refused to comply with, and the Grand Encampment sustained it in such refusal; hence this appeal: The decision of the Grand Encampment is so manifestly and directly in accord with the law as laid down by this Grand Lodge at its last session, in the matter of the appeal of H. T. Dorrence, P. G. M., from the action of the Grand Lodge of California, (Jour. 1880, P. 8329,) that but one conclusion can be reached, as to the object of this appeal I ,