Wells Calhedral RARY UNIVERSITY Of CAlITOfihUA j j &rms of tyt Btsfjojuic. arms of tfje Scancr!?. arms of itorti artjjur €♦ fctrbrg, 2$f£ii)op of mtb ana Write- WELLS CATHEDRAL Jfte JHommmttal $n&cvi#tionti antr fgerattirg. TOGETHER WITH THE HERALDRY OF THE PALACE, DEANERY, AND VICAR'S CLOSE. WITH ANNOTATIONS FROM WILLS, REGISTERS, ETC., AND Kntiatrattonjj of &rma. BY ARTHUR J. JEWERS, E.S.A. LONDON : m MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 140 WARDOUR STREET, W. 1892. ^)3&4 NA stj / rat M/V/aJ Stfjitatton. To THE Eight Hon. and Eight Eev. Lord AETHUR C. HEEVEY, D.D., Lord Bishop op Bath and Wells. My Lord, It would have been meet and fit that a Work on the Cathedral Church should be dedicated to the Bishop of the Diocese, while the universal affection and esteem in which you are held by Clergy and People make it still more fitting ; to say nothing of the personal obligations I am under to your Lordship's kindness and help. I am painfully aware of the imperfections of the Work, but can only regret that circumstances prevented my making it more worthy of the Cathedral and of your Lordship's support, so kindly and readily rendered. 1 am, My Lord Bishop, Your very obedient servant, AETHUE J. JEWEES. 464 Sntrxftuctiim* TN submitting these pages to the Subscribers it will be well, in order to - 1 - mitigate to some degree adverse criticism, to point out the original intention and object with which the Work was undertaken. These were in the first place to preserve and render more generally accessible such memorial inscriptions and heraldry as still remain in the Cathedral and the Cloisters, the latter containing a large proportion of the inscriptions, for when the Cathedral underwent a general restoration, or, more correctly, renovation, the monuments underwent a promiscuous removal ; the recumbent effigies were moved into what were considered more seemly or convenient positions; the mural tablets, more or less bereft of their surrounding ornaments, of pillar and pediment, shields and figures, were moved into the cold shelter of the Cloisters, where some bear ample testimony to their mutilated condition, while some we know have perished altogether. Some will perhaps say, This is a small loss ; they were seventeenth, some eighteenth century work. Quite true ; but while we preserve with care all examples of earlier art, independently of their actual merits, have we any right or reason for destroying or neglecting these examples of a later age ? We anathematize the iconoclasm of past generations, and develop an iconoclastic spirit in our own, with this difference, instead of getting rid of all that is old, we select according to an arbitrary rule ; we preserve the history in stone of the earlier periods, and destroy the marble records of a later one — only, it would seem, because it is nearer to our own time. Probably no church is renovated — restored is the common phrase — without some memorials being wantonly destroyed or mutilated ; they are half covered by a pew or placed high up, so that they cannot be read, look as unsightly as may be, and hold the worshippers in fear of being crushed by their fall. The inscriptions are given as they now stand, without attempting to correct inaccuracies or supply what is now illegible, except what had been already copied by Mr. Fielder, whose MS. has been freely used. At the same time it appeared advisable, as likely to add both to the VI INTRODUCTION. general interest and permanent value of the Work, if some notes were added from such original sources as parish registers and wills, and other sources not generally accessible, avoiding what has already appeared in print, unless for the purpose of clearness or completeness, and then as briefly as possible, such being confined almost entirely to a few extracts from the volumes of " Somerset Wills " collected by the late Rev. Frederick Brown and the Rev. F. W. Weaver's "Somerset Incumbents" — both essentially works of reference. In no sense do these notes profess to be a history or even a complete genealogical account of the families of all those who are in any way commemorated, for such is altogether beyond what was intended. These notes are of necessity very irregular, for, although it is believed that when descendants of the families could be found, and have been applied to for additional information, they have often neglected to respond; and. again, it has been found impossible to trace the representatives of many of the people commemorated. In going over the ground, it became apparent that much of great interest would be lost if the Vicar's Close was not included ; but if that was included, why should the Bishop's Palace be left out? Finally, it seemed to be the most satisfactory course to include what may be rightly considered the Cathedral Precincts ; and this has been carried out, rendering the Work more complete. Nothing, it is believed, has been omitted within the limits laid down, while valuable corroborative evidence has been supplied by this extension. As regards the monuments of the Bishops, they were all duly inscribed with the name of the prelate they were supposed to commemorate at the time the Cathedral was renovated, now nearly half a century since ; but the value of the authority for the identifications may be judged from the remarks on the tombs inscribed to Bishop Bytton II. and Bishop Drokensford. There is ample evidence as to the arms and family of Bishop William Bytton I. and II. and of Bishop Drokensford to put the matter quite beyond a doubt. At the same time, there does not appear to be any reason to hope that most of the early effigies can ever be with certainty appropriated. Several are of much later date than that at which the persons they are supposed to commemorate died ; consequently they are only mentioned as displaying certain inscriptions of modern date, without any attempt to prove or disprove the statements they set forth. To do more would be to trespass on the good work begun by the Sub-Dean, Canon Church, who has already given to the world most careful and exhaustive histories of Bishops Jocelyn and Severicus, sup- ported step by step by reference to indisputable authorities ; histories which we have reason to hope he will follow up by others. Thanks are due to the Bishop and the late Dean for access to the heraldry of the Palace and Deanery ; to the Rev. A. Coode, Chaplain, and the Rev. Prebendary Gibson, the President, for access to the Chapel, INTRODUCTION. Vll Library over it, and Common Hall of the Vicars, then the home of the Theological College, and since to their new Library ; to Canon Church for the opportunities of making extracts from the Cathedral manuscripts ; to Mr. Fielder for the use of his MS. copy of the inscriptions, which has supplied several portions of inscriptions now quite illegible ; to Mr. Lowndes Gleaves, Chief Clerk of the Probate Registry, for his courteous attention and assistance in the long searches in that office, only a small part of the result of which appears here. Finally, but not least, we must thank the Dean and Chapter for permission to copy and print the inscriptions. Many interesting additions might have been made from the Registers of Shepton Mallet and Bridgwater, but although a courteous request for permission to make extracts from these Registers, with full explanation of the literary purpose for which such were wanted, was made to Rev. Mr. Jones of the former and the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald of the latter place, they practically refused to allow this to be done. For the numerous extracts from the Registers of St. Cuthbert, Wells, we are indebted to the Vicar, the Rev. Prebendary Beresford, who afforded every facility for transcribing the entries. Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes have executed the printing in their usual praiseworthy manner, and by the way they have entered into his design for the arrangement of the Work have saved the Author much trouble ; while the Photographs in the large-paper copies speak for themselves of the skill and care of Mr. Philips, of the Market Place, Wells, who has produced exceptionally good results under great difficulties regarding light. Wells. 2bth February 1892. arms. Alabaster, 147. Allerton, 75. Andrews, 164. Annesley, 134. Archer, 62. Bagot, 96, 269. Banister, 78. Barker, 129. Barnard, 98. Baron, 55, 57, 58. Bath Abbey, 41, 117, 268, 270. Bayly, 84. Baynard, 149. Beadon, 197, 198. Beauchamp, 270. Beckington, 38, 39, 43, 161, 162, 268, 273, 274, 280, 289. Berkeley, 110, 122. Bernard, 243. Bethel, 234. Bewes, 50. Bingham, 153. Bishopric, 8, 9, 38, 40, 43, 61, 107, 110, 111, 144, 145, 146, 189, 217, 268, 272, 273, 274, 275, 278, 294. Bisse, 177. Blencoe, 59. Bolton, 143. Bourne, 94. Bowett, 161. Bragge, 100, 184, 185. Braunche, 117. Brydges, 109, 204, 205, 296. Brymer, 279. Bubwith, 1, 9, 275. Bull, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53. Burland, 102, 214, 230, 296. Burnaby, 209. Burrell, 174, 175. Bushell, 178. Button, 287. Byng, 237. Cairnes, 128. Carew, 67, 68. Carlisle, See of, 107. Carlyon, 43. Carrick, 72, 73. Cary, 280. Cdivor ap Dyforwal, 64. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, 43, 296. Church, 275, 280. Churchill, 127. Clare, de, 108, 115, 118. Clarke, 143, 144, 272. Clinton, 296. Clyvedon, 292. Cockerell, 107. Codrington, 148. Colville, 211, 212. Cornish, 160. Cornwall, Earls of, 116, 119. Cottle, 150. Courtenay, 145. Coward, 57, 132, 134, 135, 139. Creyghton, 8, 28, 109, 111, 206, 268. Curtis, 139. Dacres, 156. Darley, 116. Dashwood, 157. Daubeny, 38, 162. Davidge, 24. Davis, 57, 177, 178, 179. ARMS. Dayes, 43, 44, 53. Deanery, 8, 40, 41, 43, 75, 107, 160, 161, 280. De Brotherton, 278. De la Marche, 116. Delmenhorst, 40. Denmark, 40. Dennis, 148. Dickinson, 279. Dietmarsen, 40. Dodington, 70, 174, 176. Drake, 191, 192. Drokensford, 85, 86. Ducane, 295. Duck, 44. Dunbar, 51. Durant, 158. Dutton, 43, 53. Easton, 237. Eckington, 43. Edwards, 149. Elder, 143. Elton, 232. Elwes, 275. England, Royal, 40. Enion Efell, 44. Eyre, 149, 201. Farr, Farra, 230. Fayery, Fayremay, 116. Felton, 278. Fereby, Feryby, 75. Fisher, 270. Fitz Alan, 36, 37, 118, 119. Foster, 222, 223. Fox, 177. France, Royal, 40. Frankland, 211, 212. Fuller, 280. Gale, 150. Gay, 63. Gendrault, 122. George, 77. Gibson, 277, 280. Glastonbury Abbey, 8, 271. Godwin, 269. Gooch, 196. Goodenough, 107, 108. Goodford, 155. Gould, 194, 195, 296. Graham, 51, 53. Grey, 1. Grindall, 127. Grove, 75, 76, 140, 142, 145. Guilford, 60, 216, 217. Guise, 149. Gunter, 45. Gunthorpe, 75, 270. Gutch, 144. Hall, 134. Halliday, 155. Hamilton, 51. Hanbury, 98. Harewell, 39. Harptre, 85, 296. Hartop, 137. Hatton, 53. Hawley, 74. Heath, 135. Healy, 164. Heather, 151. Hebden, 34, 233. Helsby, 53. Henning, 202. Hervey, 268, 277, 278, 280. Hicks, 149. Highatt, 150. Hill, 274. Hobday, 151. Hobhouse, 77. Holland, Earl of Kent, 36, 37, 119. Hooper, 216, 217. Horner, 147. Hothersall, 278, 280. Howard, 278. Howe, 152. Hughes, 63, 64, 151. Huish, 227, 228. Hungerford, 274. Hunt, 49. Hussee, 37. Ireland, 116. James, 45. Jenkyns, 75, 76, 77, 78, 140, 142, 145. ARMS. XI Jones, 64, 149. Ken, 145, 164, 165. Kidder, 158, 159. Kiffin, 44. King, 213, 214, 269. Kingsley, 53. Kingston, 11, 287. Knight, 8, 144, 145. Lake, 61. Lamont, 183. Lancaster, 24. Lauenberg, 40. Law, 155, 189, 190, 268, 278, 279. Ledred, 70. Leigh, 132, 134, 135, 139. Lewis, 231. Ley, 137. Lin ley, 170. Lloyd, 44, 64, 151. Lovell, 167, 296. Lucas, 151. Lukin, 237. Luttrell, 275. Marchia, de, 36, 116. Macreth, 216. Mac Williams, 270. Malherb, 292. Maltravers, 119. Martin, 59. Mattocke, 132, 139. Maunoir, 277. Maurice, 270. Merrifield, 141. Michell, 201. Middleton, 156. Millard, 17. Minshull, 53. Montagu, 268, 269. Moore, 134. Morgan, 149. Morley, 95. Morris, 99, 100, 184, 185, 230, 296. Mortimer, 116, 161. Nares, 202. Nichol, 161. Norway, 40. Oldenburg, 40. Orchard, 135. Palmer, 65, 66, 67. Parker, 155, 273, 290. Parris, 64. Paulett, Poulett, 113. Payfere, Payferer, 116. Payne, 190, 191, 192, 283. Peake, 243. Pearsall, 150. Pelsent, 43, 44. Phelips, 89. Pierce, 268. Pilkington, 79. Pinder, 278, 280. Pinker, 77. Pinney, 155. Pitt, 50. Plumptre, 270, 280. Pomeroy, 271, 272, 273. Poole, 127. Pope, 274. Popham, 85, 296. Pretor, 155. Price, 154. Prowse, 68, 69. Randolph, 51. Redesham, 116. Rodney, 277. Rome, See of, 277. Royal Arms, 40, 108, 116, 145, 161, 162, 272, 273, 275. Sage, 172, 173. St. Aubyn, 11. St. Barb, 116. St. Loe, 105. Salmon, 26. Scandinavia, 40. Schaumberg, 40. Schleswig, 40. Scotland, Royal, 40. Seymour, 190, 191, 270. Sherston, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179. Sheaff, 71. Sherborne, 177. Sheridan, 170. Sherman, 177. Xll ARMS. Singleton, 268. Skrine, 153. Smith, 79. Southworth, 43, 44, 53. Stable, 156. Stafford, 1, 121, 274. Still, 46, 146, 147. Stillington, 161, 162, 268, 274, 275. Stokes, 135. Strangways, 50, 53, 174, 175. Sugar, 8, 161, 273. Sumner, 277. Sntton, 59. Swann, 1, 161, 274. Swayne, 77. Sweden, 40. Taylor, 227, 228. Templer, 51, 53. Thompson, 55, 59. Thornton, 53. Thring, 82. Tickell, 170. Tovey, 51. Tryon, 153. Tucker, 46, 176, 177. Vandels, 40. Verdon, 37, 38. Vicars Choral, 8, 43, 271, 273, 274. Villiers, 269. Wake, 154. Walcot, 43. Walrond, 139, 206, 207. Warren, 36, 37, 116, 118. Wastley, 27. Watson, 135, 197. Westley, 26, 27, 167. Westminster School, 107. Whalley, 172, 173, 174. Whitaker, 153. White, 140. Whitmore, 148. Willis, 73. Willoughby, 153. Winchester, See of, 269. Winston, 43. Witham, 161. Woleman, 144. Wolsey, 268. Worthington, 98. Wray, 164, 165. Wyclyffe, 75. Wykeham, 269. Wykes, 35. Younge, 147. York Archbishopric, 107. Zouche, 108. plates. I. — 1, Mortimer, p. 161. 2, Bytton or Button, p. 287. 3, Drokensford, pp. 85, 86. 4, Harptre, pp. 85, 296. 5, Stafford, p. 274. 6, Creyghton, p. 111. II. — 1, Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, p. 43. 2, Southworth imp. Lloyd, p. 44. 3, Southworth imp. Pelsent, p. 43. III.— 1, Beckington, pp. 43, 272. 2, Clarke, pp. 144, 272. 3, Knight, pp. 144, 145. 4, Woleman, p. 144. 5, Daubeny, p. 38. 6, Zouche, p. 108. IV.— 1, Plantagenet, Earls of Cornwall, p. 116. 2, England, p. 116. 3, St. Barbe or Warren, p. 116. 4, De Clare, p. 115. 5, Bath Abbey, p. 117. 6, {query) p. 116. V.— 1, Ireland, pp. 116, 294. 2, Fayremay, p. 116. 3. St. Barbe or Warren, p. 116. 4 and 5, non-armorial. VI.— 1, Bishop Montague, p. 268. 2, Bishop Curie, p. 269. 3, Lord Arthur C. Hervey, p. 268. 4, Bishop Pierce, p. 268. 5, Bishop Bagot, p. 269. VII.— 1, Pomeroy, p. 271. 2, Clarke, p. 272. 3, Corporation of Vicars, p. 271. 4, Glastonbury Abbey, p. 271. 5, Pope, p. 274. 6, Parker, p. 273. VIII.— 1, Rodney, p. 277. 2, Luttrell, p. 275. 3, Bubwith, p. 275. 4, Elwes, p. 275. 5 and 6, Bishop Stillington, pp. 274, 275. IX.— 1, Swann, p. 274. 2, Bishop Beckington, p. 274. 3, Pope, p. 274. 4, Beckington. 5, Vicars Choral. 6, The See. 7, Bishop Stillington. (These last four are on a panel together, p. 274.) 8, Sugar, p. 273. 9, in Vicar's Common Hall, p. 271. 10, Hungerford, p. 274. X.— 1, Bishop Bowett, p. 161. 2, Beckington, p. 161. 3, Nicholl, p. 161. 4, Stillington, pp. 161, 162. 5, Daubeny, p. 162. 6, Bishop King, p. 269. 7, Deanery, p. 162. 8, Bishop Bubwith, p. 9. 9, Glaston- bury Abbey, p. 8. 10, Sugar, p. 8. 11, Dean Husse, p. 37. 12, Dean Witham, p. 161. For particulars relating to the coloured Frontispiece see p. 40 (Third and Fourth Shields) for the top shields, and for the coat of the Bishop see p. 278. iUst xrf i^utemtors- The Most Hon. the Marquis of Bute, K.T., Eccleston Square. The Right Hon. Viscount Portman, Blandford. The Right Rev. and Right Hon. Lord Arthur C. Hervey, D.D., Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Wells. (2 octavo, 1 quarto.) The Right Rev. and Right Hon. Lord Alwyne Compton, Lord Bishop of Ely. The Right Hon. Lord Brougham and Vaux, 36 Chesham Place, London. The Right Hon. Lord Carlingford, Chewton Priory, Bath. The Right Hon. Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, Ingleby Manor. The Right Rev. the Hon. W. J. H. Clifford, D.D., Bishop of Clifton. The Right Rev. Bishop Hobhonse, D.D., Wells. (3 copies.) The Very Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D., Dean of Wells (the late). Rev. Canon Church, M.A., F.S.A., Sub-Dean, Wells. William Adlam, Esq., D.L., F.S.A., The Manor House, Chew Magna. Albion G-. Andrews, Esq., Wells. William Andrews, Esq., F.R.H.S., Hull. Rev. Philip C. Barker, M.A., LL.B., Bridgwater. John Batten, Esq., F.S.A., Aldon, Yeovil. Mrs. Mary J. L. Baugh, Knowle Lodge, Cheltenham. Charles J. Beadon, Esq., Hythe. William V. Beadon, Esq., Heme Hill. Rev. James A. Bennett, B.A., F.S.A. Rev. Prebendary Beresford, Wells. Rev. Canon Bernard, Wells ; and High Hall, Wimborne. Rev. Charles W. Boase, Oxford. William E. Brennand, Esq., Blandford. Thomas Brooke, Esq., F.S.A., Huddersfield. (Quarto.) Rev. Canon Buckle, Wells. Edmund Buckle, Esq., Bedford Row, London. Rev. Thomas Williamson Bull, Paulton. General W. E. Gr. Lytton-Bulwer, East Dereham. Rev. H. A. Cartwright, M.A., Chard. W. H. C. Chamberlaine, R.N., Keevil. Joseph Clark, Esq., F.R.M.S., Street, Somerset. H. J. B. Clements, Esq., Celbridge. Gr. E. Cokayne, Esq., Norroy King of Arms, College of Arms, London. Rev. Prebendary Coleman, Cheddar, Somerset. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. XV Rev. A. Coode, Wells. (2 copies.) Lieut. Blanchard R. Coward, R.N., Southsea. Miss Gertrude Coward, Christchurch, New Zealand. William Daubeny, Esq., Bath. (2 copies.) Walter Derham, Esq., Lancaster Gate, London. William Downing, Esq., Olton. (2 copies.) Rev. W. D. V. Duncombe, Hereford. Rev. Edward L. Elwes, M.A., Liss. C. W. Empson, Esq., Palace Court, London. W. Fairbanks, Esq., M.D., Wells. Edward Fisher, Esq., F.S.A. Scot., Newton Abbot. (Quarto.) Cecil G. Savile Foljambe, Esq., M.P., Carlton House Terrace, London. Charles Henry Fox, Esq., M.D., Brislington. Edward Talbot Day Foxcroft, Esq., High Sheriff, Bath. A. W. Franks, Esq., C.B., M.A., etc., British Museum. J. G. French, Esq., Wells. Henry Hucks Gibbs, Esq., M.P., Elstree, Herts. (Quarto.) H. Martin Gibbs, Esq., Flax Bourton. (Quarto.) Rev. Prebendary Gibson, Wells. Thomas L. Gleaves, Esq., Wells. Rev. Charles Grant, Glastonbury. Benjamin W. Greenfield, Esq., F.S.A., Southampton. Guildhall Library, London (Charles Welch, Esq., F.S.A. , Librarian). Rev. Humphrey F. Hall, Shepton Mallet. Rev. Sydenham H. A. Hervey, M.A., Weston-super-Mare. John Hitchman, Esq., Acocks Green. J. J. Hooper, Esq., Thome, Yeovil. J. F. F. Horner, Esq., Frome. R. Hovenden, Esq., F.S.A., Croydon. (Quarto.) J. J. Howard, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Blackheath. Rev. Prebendary J. G. Howes, Taunton. Alfred E. Hudd, Esq., F.S.A., Clifton. (2 copies.) H. R. Hughes of Kinmel, Esq., Abergele. Francis James, Esq., Cromwell Road, London. William Dampier Jeans, Esq., Warrington. (Quarto.) Henry Jenkyns, Esq., C.B., Botley, Hants. (2 copies.) Henry Pulsford Lang, Esq., Crewkeme. C. W. Lavington, Esq., Wells. Harry Dampier Law, Esq., R.N., Palace Gardens Terrace, London. Miss S. F. Law, Sheffield Gardens, Kensington, London. The Rev. the Hon. Stephen Willoughby Lawley, M.A., Spurfield, Exminster, Devon. H. W. Livett, Esq., M.D., Wells. G. F. Luttrell, Esq., Dunster Castle. H. Maxwell Lyte, Esq., C.B., F.S.A., Portland Square, London. Rev. Douglas G. Manning, M.A., Wells. Rev. George S. Master, Flax Bourton. Hastings B. Middleton, Esq., J.P., Bradford Peverell. XVI LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. G. E. Murly, Esq., Gloucester Street, London. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries (W. J. Haggerston, Esq., Chief Librarian). S. A. Newman, Esq., Walsall. Rev. Charles Best Norcliffe, M.A., Malton. V. L. Oliver, Esq., Sunninghill. Rev. Prebendary G. D. W. Ommanney, Oxford. Sir Richard Paget, Bart., M.P., Queen Anne Street, London. Edward Milward S. Parker, Esq., Weston-Super-Mare. Rev. E. L. Penny, D.D., Mutley, Plymouth. (Quarto.) Rev. H. W. Pereira, M.A., M.R.I.A., Wells. W. R. Phelips, Esq., Ilminster. Rev. Prebendary R. S. Philpott, Ravenscourt Park, London. Colonel W. Pinney, J.P., F.R.G.S., Somerton. Rev. F. J. Poynton, M.A., Bath. Charles G. Prideaux-Brune, Esq., Grosvenor Gardens, London. R. H. Batten Pooll, Esq., Bath. (Quarto.) Ellison Powell, Esq., St. George's House, Eastcheap, London. William Rees-Mogg, Esq., Bristol. Rev. Prebendary Henry Roe, Ilchester. J. Brooking Rowe, Esq., F.S.A., Plympton. John Davis Sherston, Esq., Evercreech, Somerset. (2 copies.) Frederick Shum, Esq., F.S.A., Bath. Henry Duncan Skrine, Esq., Bath. Benjamin Edward Somers, Esq., Clandon. Somerset Archaeological Society. D. Wintringham Stable, Esq., LL.B., Wanstead. (Quarto.) The Rev. Treasurer Stephenson, M.A., Lympsham Manor, Weston-super-Mare. (Quarto.) Captain John T. Still, Axminster. General George Strangways, Dawlish. H. Bull Templer Strangways, Esq., J.P., Shapwick. (2 copies.) Rev. Prebendary Godfrey Thring, Castle Cary. (Quarto.) Rev. Andrew Trollope, B.A., Stamford. Sir Henry M. Vavasour, Bart., Upper Grosvenor Street, London. Colonel Philip D. Vigors, Bagenalstown, Ireland. L. Fry Wade, Esq., Axbridge, Somerset. Rev. Robert Seymour Walpole, M.A., Plymouth. The Dean and Chapter Library, Wells. Sir Albert W. Woods, Garter King of Arms, College of Arms, London. Miss Woods, Wells. WELLS CATHEDRAL: Jte Monumental Inscriptions anir ©mrtftrg. THE CATHEDRAL. Approaching the Cathedral from the Cathedral Green, we face the grand west front, which, though richly encrusted with statues and carving, the only shields of arms it displays are two on the north tower ; these are (or) on a chev. (gu.) within a lord. eng. (sa.) a bishop's mitre (ppr.) for Bishop John Stafford : the same arms appear on the seal of this Bishop. The other shield has a saltire imp. a/ess eng. betw. tivelve holly leaves, 4, 4, and 4, in quadrangles, for Bishop Bulworth. Both these shields are modern additions, their general style and the fact of the incorrect arms being used for the See, leave no doubt of this being the case. By going to the north side of the Cathedral we shall be able to see a shield contemporary with the building of the tower, viz., a fess eng. betw. tivelve holly leaves, 4, 4, and 4, in quadrangles, Bubwith ; it is on the east face of one of the buttresses on the north side of the north-west tower high up, and there cannot be the least doubt that it was cut and put up at the time the tower was built, and is the oldest piece of heraldry in or about the building. Bishop Stafford became Archbishop of Canterbury, and his place in the pedigree of his family will be found on pedigree given hereafter. Bishop Bubwith has a chantry in the nave which will be noticed in due course. Bishop Bubwith's coat is also carved on the outside of the east cloister, above the entrance on the south side. To the south of the west front of the Cathedral, on the external side of the wall of the west cloister, are the following on tilting shields, (az.) a fess letw. three Sloans' wings raised (arg.) Swann. Bishop Beckington as given hereafter. Barry of four (or two bars) a bend. There being no colours it is difficult to assign this coat. Grey, arg., two bars az. and a bend git. These shields are of the shape of the tilting shield of the fifteenth century, and are confined to that end of cloister wall, the charges being nearly obliterated. Entering the Cathedral from the west, we will take the monuments and heraldry in order as we come to them, proceeding up the north aisle of the nave into the north transept, down the centre aisle, returning up the south aisle, going round the south transept ; hence passing through the door to the south of the choir, we will proceed round it, taking the chapels in order as they stand, including the Treasure B 2 WELLS CATHEDRAL. House, Chapter House, aud Choir, leaving the cloisters, into which all the mural monuments have been moved, until last. This explanation will render needless further specifying the position of the monuments beyond naming the several parts as they are reached. North Aisle of Nave. Elizabeth Parfitt 1810. Frances Parfitt died 1816. (Floorslab nearly obliterated.) Catherine Parfitt 1790. (Floorslab partly obliterated.) NORTH TRANSEPT. Under the north window is a canopied memorial, consisting of five entablatures. The centre has David with his sling, and behind him the fallen Goliath. Below is cut, " The battle is the Lord's." In the two panels, on either side, are inscribed : Raised by Lord Huntingdon, a.d. 1685. a So a o Killecrankie The Boyne S. Michael Venlos Gibraltar 1st Siege Barcelona Siege Almanza Gibraltar 2nd Siege Dettingen Fontenoy Culloden Egypt Martinique Guadaloupe La Cole Mill Rangoon Ava Ghuznee Capt. J. Feucott James Lieut. George Astell Pardoe Paym r Serg* James Duncan Bugle Major Patrick Cockling Colour Serg* John Pegg Corp 1 Thomas Farrand „ Charles Hine Bugler Thomas Burns „ Michael Cockling Private Thomas Allen Jugdulluck Jellalabad Cabul Crimea Tchsrnaya Sebastopol Indian Mutiny Amdrah Azimgur Jugdeespoor Zoolsepore S. Africa 1878-9 Transvaal Tolyana Stadt Kambula Ulundi Private Stephen England „ George PowleB „ William Grosvenor „ Frank Hawkins „ John Hayes „ William Kearney „ John Kennedy „ George Masey „ William Nulty „ Samuel Montgomery MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 3 Private Henry Arthur Private Patrick Mooney „ Charles Bennett „ John Pope „ Edmund Blakeman „ Samuel Redpath „ John Bourne „ Thomas Robinson „ William Bradley „ William Sheppard „ John Charlton „ John Stephenson „ William Clark „ John Venning „ Charles Coles „ William Wallis „ John Collins „ Alfred Waygood „ Job Davis „ Daniel Weightman „ James Duncan „ Richard Wheble „ Edward Young Beneath the arches is a brass plate with the following inscription : — " To the glory of God and in memory of the officers, non-commissioned officers buglers and Private soldiers named above of the 1 st Battalion 13 th (1 st Somersetshire) Prince Albert's Light Infantry who were killed, or died of wounds received in action, or from the fatigues of Service in the South African war of 1878-79, and to record the history and campaigns of the Regiment from its formation in a.d. 1685 up to 1880." (Over the monument are two tattered flags, viz., a Union Jack and a blue ensign, on which, within the regimental motto, surmounted by the Royal Crown, is their number XIII., and on either side of this the names — Ava, Ghuznee, Martinique, Afghanistan.) In loving memory of LYNCH. Major General William Wiltshire Lynch, C.B. of Pareora near Guildford. Born 1 April 1831, died 4 August 1888 McLEAN. and of Hector M c Lean Born 5 November 1864, died 20 January 1888 Inscribed by Mary Florence Lynch in love and sorrow, and trustful hope for her husband and her brother. (Mural brass.) Underneath this stone lieth the Body of Ann the Daughter RICH. of George and Mary Rich, who died the 20 th August 1814 aged 21 years. 4 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Also of Frances the Daughter of George & Mary Rich COLES. (wife of L* Colonel Coles) Who died the 29 th September 1829 aged 31 years. RICH. And also of George Rich who died 26 th September 1831 aged 71 years. (Floorslab.) Under this stone lieth the Body of Mary the Daughter RICH. of George and Mary Rich who died the 3 rd October 1798 aged 7 years. Also of Mary the wife of George Rich, who died the 16 th December 1799 aged 34 years. And also of Elizabeth the Daughter of George and Mary Rich who died the 7 th July 1812 aged 17 years. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1792 Feb. 17 Mary dau. of George Rich, gent., and Mary his w., bap., born 29 Jan. 1791. 1793 Ann dau. of George Rich, gent., and Mary his w., born 2 July 1793, received into the church 26 Sept. following. 1795 Aug. 7 Elizabeth dau. of George Rich, gent., and Mary his w., born 28 July and priv. bapt. 1798 Frances dau. of George Rich, gent., and Mary his w., born 30 Dec. 1797 ; priv. bapt., and received 31 Oct. Burials. 1798 Oct. 8 Mary dau. of George and Mary Rich. 1799 Dec. 24 Mary w. of George Rich, gent. 1812 July 12 Elizabeth dau. of George and Mary Rich, aged 17, bur. in the north transept. Marriage Licence Allegations. 1724 Jan. 4 William Rich, of Croscombe, stocking-maker, and Elizabeth George, of Butleigh, spinster. H. S. J. HEALY. Rad. s. Fil. Ri. Healy A. M. et Mariae ux 8 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. PAINE. PAINE. PAINE. PAINE. ob. Inf s semestris 28 th Novemb. 1687. ON $IAEI 0E02 0NH2KEI NE02 Richardus fil. dileot. Joh. Paine Jun. gen. et Franc, ux ob. 18 Jul. A.D. 1708 set 3. (Floorslab.) Hie Jacet Johannes Paine, gen. Qui annum aetatis 60 agens obiit Vicessimo quarto die Decern. 1741. Here also lies the Body of the Rey d John Paine, Sub-Dean and Canon of this Cathedral Church, Who died the 15 th day of August 1774 aged 57. Here rests also Hester, second Wife and Relict of the Rev d John Paine late Sub-Dean and Canon of this Cathedral. She died Feb? 17 th 1806 aged 87. (Floorslab.) John Son of the Rev d John Paine a Canon of this church died Feb. 25, 1765, aged 12. Felix qui gnatum habet tali ingenio praeditum. (Floorslab.) H. S. E. Francisca, Johannis Paine, gen. Conjux, Richardi Healy LL. D rls filia. Quae forma extitil habitu' Concinna suavis moribus et Ingenio seccundo paucis In Sponsam tandem Matrem'. dem transiens suis Se totam dedit ut decuit Parentem Liberorum novem WELLS CATHEDRAL. ac Notam in omnes animi materni Qnibus vel sensim Curis exhausta vel corporis Imbecillitate in paralysim demun delapsa aegre per biennium Miseram vitam traduxit atq. expugnata tandem reliqnit Kal. Aug. Anno aetat. 47. 1729 G. P. ob* 20 August 1743. (Floorslab.) 1686 April 4 170£ Jan. 3 1707 Aug. 21 1715 Mar. 1 1743 1745 Mary dau, 1751 May 6 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Frances dau. of M r John Paine and Elizabeth his w. Richard s. of M r John Paine younger, of Wells, born 28 Dec. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Paine younger, privately bapt., publicly admitted to the church 22 Aug. foil. Mary dau. of M r John Paine of Wells, born Feb. 16. Frances dau. of the Rev. M r John Paine & Frances his w. Re- ceived into the church 21 June, having been privately bapt. , of the Rev. M r John Paine and Frances his w., born 7 Dec, privately bapt. and received into the church 1 Jan. Elizabeth Frances dau. of the Rev. M r John Paine and Frances his w., born and privately bapt. 6 May; received into the church 21 June. Weddings. 1703 Mar. 29 William Willmott, of Sherborne, Dorset, and Elizabeth Paine, of Weston Bamfield, co. Dorset. 1705 April 11 John Paine, junior, of S 4 Cuthbert's, Wells, and Frances Healy, of this Liberty. By licence. 1741 Feb. 15 The Rev. M r John Paine, of S* Cuthbert's, and Frances Goldfinch, of the same. By licence. Francis Paine and Mary Dingley, of Wells. Francis Paine, of S e Cuthbert's, and Elizabeth Matthews, of the same. By licence. Burials. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Paine, jun r . M r John Paine, sen 1 . M r Richard Paine. M r John Paine. Frances dau. of the Rev. M r John Paine. M ra Mary Paine. 1742 May 20 1742 July 4 1712 July 1 1732 Feb. 12 1741 Mar. 29 1741 Dec. 26 1743 Aug. 21 1744 April 6 1749 May 20 1763 June 5 1765 Mar. 1 1774 Aug. 24 1797 Dec. 29 1806 Feb. 27 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 7 Frances, dau. of the Rev. John Paine and Frances his w. M rs Frances Paine, w. of the Rev. M r . Paine. M r John Paine. Eev. John Paine, Sub-Dean. Rev. M r Thomas Payne, Canon Residentiary. M rs Hester Paine, aged 87. Bur. in the cross (namely, where the transepts join the nave). St. Cuthbeet Paeish Registee. Baptisms. 1659 April 26 John s. of John Paine and Ann his w. 1705 Jan. 3 Richard s. of M r John Paine the younger, born Dec. 28 ; bap. at the Cathedral, from High Street. 1707 Aug. 21 Elizabeth dau. of M r John Paine, jun r , born and priv. bap., and brought to y e Cathedral Aug. 22. 1710 May 18 Richard s. of M r John Paine, jun r , born May 6 ; bap. at y e Cathedral. 1712 Nov. 25 Frances dau. of M r John Paine, born Nov. ; bap. at y e Cathedral. 1715 Mar. 1 Mary dau. of M r John Paine, of New Street, born Feb. 16 ; bap. at y e Cathedral. 1717 July 30 John s. of M r John Paine, of New S*, born July 15 ; bap. at y e Cathedral. 1719 May 9 Phillis dau. of M r John Paine, of New S 4 , born and priv. bap., brought to y e Cathedral June 11. 1720 July 24 Francis s. of M r John Pain, jun r , born 9 July and priv. bap. 1723 June 6 Frances dau. of M r John Pain, born and priv. bap., brought to y e Cathedral July 9. Wedding. 1736 May 9 Samuel Payne, clerk, a batchelor, and Anna Marks, widow, both of Crewkerne. Lie. Burials. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Paine. The wife of M r John Paine, the exciseman. Richard s. of M r John Paine, jun r , of High Street, bur. in y e Cathedral. M r "William Paine, of Dulcot. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Paine, bur. in y e Cathedral. Frances dau. of M 1 ' John Paine, bur. in y e Cathedral. Mary w. of M r William Pain, brought from Panborough. Elizabeth w. of M r John Paine, sen r , of High Street. Frances dau. of M r John Paine, sen r , of High Street. M r William Paine of Dulcot. It appears from the above extracts that there was another family of Paine beside that of Canon Paine in this neighbourhood. 1696 June 13 1698 Jan. 18 1708 July 21 1710 Oct. 2 1712 July 1 1712 Jan. 9 1723 July 3 1725 Feb. 24 1730 July 3 1736 Oct. 15 8 WELLS CATHEDRAL. NAVE. From East to West. On the brass lectern are four armorial shields ; on each side of the book rest are, Erm., a lion ramp, collared. Crest, a dexter hand grasping a sword erect. Over the crest this motto " God grant " for Creyghton. Below the shield this inscription : " D r Eobert CREYGHTON. Creyghton upon his returne from fifteene years Exile w th o r Sovereigne Lord Kinge Charles y e 2 nd Made Deane of Wells in y e yeare 1660, gave this brazen Deske w th Gods holy worde thereon to the saide Cathedral Church." In an ornamental scroll at the top are the arms of the See, on both sides, viz., a plain saltire surmounting a pastoral staff in pale, betw. two keys addorsed the hows interlaced on the dexter, and a sivord erect on the sinister. A large stone near the entrance to the choir has the matrix only of a brass for a lady beneath a canopy, two shields and a label round the edge for the inscription. The whole is of large size, and must have been a splendid example of a monumental brass of the period. The style of the high mitred headdress points to the date being about 1460. A little further down is the stone pulpit erected by the direction of Bishop Knight, with his arms, now much mutilated, cut on the front, viz., Per fess, in chief a demi-eagle with two heads and sans wings issuing from a demi-rose conjoined to a demi-sun in splendour in base. This is more fully described where it occurs in coloured glass in the north choir aisle. Near the pulpit, and on the south side of the nave, is the Chapel of St. Edmund the Confessor, erected by Dr. Hugh Sugar, one of the executors of Bishop Beckyng- ton ; on the interior are several shields, on which are repeated this coat, three sugar loaves, and in chief a doctm^s cap, for Sugar. Collinson gives the coat as Sa., three sugar loaves arg., and in chief a doctor's cap of the second. And on his authority Papworth gives the coat, but it does not appear what authority Collinson had for the colours. It is evident from the examples in the vicar's close, where an initial f) takes the place of the cap, that the arms were originally a rebus or canting coat on his name. On the exterior cornice of this chapel are twelve shields, namely : Sugar, as above ; twice. A vase from which issue three lilies, all between two wings points downward ; repeated twice. (Vert), a cross flory (or), in dexter chief a demi-virgin with child ppr., for Glastonbury Abbey. The initials H. S. ; twice. The five wounds ; twice. A saltire betw., on the dexter two keys addorsed, the bows interlaced, and on the sinister a sword erect ; twice. The deanery. A saltire. The vicars. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 9 Opposite to this chapel, and on the north side of the nave, is the chantry chapel of Bishop Bubwith ; against the pillar at the west end is cut in high relief these arms, az., a saltire surmounting a pastoral staff in pale or, betw., on the dexter two keys addorsed, the lows interlaced, the first arg. the other of the second, and on the sinister a sword of the third, hilt and pomel gold, imp. arg., afess eng. sa. betw. twelve holly leaves vert, 4, 4, and 4, arranged in quadrangles. Being the arms of the See impaling Bubwith. The shield is somewhat damaged, and the colours nearly gone, but can be supplied from coloured glass put up by himself in the library he built over the east cloister. This coat of Bubwith is not given by Burke or Papworth, they call the charges "bubbles." The coat occurs frequently carved and in coloured glass, so plainly that there cannot be the slightest doubt as to what the charges really are. On the floor of this chapel is the matrix of a brass, a demi-figure of a priest issuing from an inscription plate ; also four shields, and fillet round the edge of the stone. A modern brass is inscribed, "Nic. Bubwith, Ep. 1424." Above the arches, about half way down the nave on the south side, is what appears like the front of an altar tomb with three blank shields. LOVELL. Joseph Lovell Esq. July 16, 1784. (Floorslab.) The following are from the Cathedral Register : — Joseph Lovell, Esq., buried. M rs Arabella Lovell, from Close Hall, bur. John Lovell, Esq. In Palm Churchyard. Miss Esther Lovell, bur. Catherine, w. of M r George Lovell, aged 51, bur. in the Palm Churchyard. 1784 July 16 1788 Aug. 3 1800 Feb. 11 1804 Aug. 26 1812 Feb. 21 Hie Jacet sepulti GOULD. Ricardi Gould armiger obiit Decembris 1769 setat. 46. Ricardi Gould armiger obiit Anno Dom. 1793 setat. 71. Henricus Gould, Can : Resid : obiit Anno Dom : 1839 setatis 85. (Floorslab. See also a monument in the west cloister.) The Cathedral Register supplies the following : — Burials. 1769 June 5 M rs Gould, wife of Richard Gould, Esq. 1793 Dec. 10 Richard Gould, Esq. 10 WELLS CATHEDRAL. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1706 Sep. 22 Mary dau. of Richard Gould of Chamberlain St., born Sep. 10. 1708 Sep. 12 Susannah dau. of Richard Gould of Chamberlain St., born Aug. 26. The Rev d Charles Henry PULSFORD. Pulsford, A.M. died on the 15 th day of March 1841 aged 59. (Brass on floor. See also west cloister.) Ann Gravill wife of GRAVILL. Thomas Gravill Vicar Choral 22 June 1722. Thomas Gravill 25 March 1744. (From a floorslab.) The Cathedral Register gives these additional particulars : — Baptisms. 1705 Jan. 24 Ann dau. of Thomas Gravill and Ann his w., born 15 Jan. 1710 Nov. 16 Abigail dau. of M r Thomas Gravill and Ann his w. 1714 Sep. 28 Frances dau. of M r Thomas Gravill and Ann his w. 1764 Oct. 16 Peter Gravill s. of John and Mary Lloyd. Burials. 1744 May 27 M r Thomas Gravill. 1781 Jan. 6 Peter Gravill s. of John Lloyd. 1788 Mar. 28 Mary w. of John Lloyd, sacrist. In memory of LAX. George Lax of the Liberty of S. Andrew in Wells, gentleman, who died 26 January 1853, aged 84. (Brass on the floor.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 11 H.I. KINGSTON. Eobertus Kingston gen : qui obiit 26 die Apr : A.D. 1730, getat. 61. Johannes filius Roberti Kingston & Joannae Johannis Farr de West Pennard in Com' : Som' : gen r , filise, natus 9 Jan. obiit 4 Feb. 1701. Sarah, filia diet. Rob* 1 & Johannse natu 23 Sept : obiit 29 Jan. 1704. Johannes, filius Robti : & Johanna natus 7 May 1707, obiit 7 Ap : 1708. Elizabetha filia Robti : & Johannae obitt Feb : 4 A.D. 1731, set. 29. Sup' dicta Johanna Kingston de Viro et Liberis optime merita obiit Oct : 21 A.D. 1737, set. 71. From a floorslab, on which the arms are well cut. The registers here and at St. Cuthbert supply us with some additional facts, while in the latter church this family are commemorated by a mural monument for Robert Kingston, M.A., Vicar of St. Cuthbert and of the adjoining parish of Wookey, who died 4 Aug. 1748, aged 43. The monument being erected by his daughter Elizabeth the 30th Dec. 1748. Arms, Az., a cross betw. four leopards' 1 faces or. Crest, A leopard' 's face as in tiie arms. A floorslab in the north transept commemorates Robert Kingston, Esq., son of the Rev. Robert Kingston and Mary his wife. He was a native of this city and a Major-General in the army, and died 24 Jan. 1819, aged 83. Also his sister Barbara Kingston, who died 24 Dec. 1819, aged 75. Arms the same as on the mural, but it is cut off from this slab, and is, like the inscription, nearly obliterated. Serel, in his history of St. Cuthbert's Church, gives the dates incorrectly, and gives the arms coloured as if from a mural monument that does not now exist, viz., Kingston (the field sa. and the heads argent), imp. Erm., on a head set. three plates (? bezants, for St. Aubyns). Margaret Kingston, daughter of the Rev. Robert Kingston, died 7 Nov. 1805, aged 67, and is recorded by a floorslab near that of her brother and sister. The Robert Kingston commemorated with some of his family by the slab in the Cathedral was a lawyer and Diocesan Registrar. 12 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1701 Jan. 27 1702 Feb. 6 173| Feb. 9 1704 Feb. 2 1732 Nov. 18 1737 Oct. 14 Cathedral Register. John s. of M r Robert Kingston and Joanna his w., born Jan. 9 ; bapt. John s. of M r John Kingston, bur. M rs Elizabeth Kingston, buried on Wednesday. Sarah dau. of M r Robert Kingston, of Wells, Notary Public, bur. John Kingston, of Wells, and Sarah Pearse, of Ash week, sp. By Lie. M rs Joan Kingston, bur. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. James s. of Thomas and Ann Kingston, of High St. Thomas s. of William Kingston. James s. of Francis Kingston. Francis s. of Francis Kingston. Sarah dau. of M r Robert Kingston, born Sept. 23. Robert s. of M r Robert Kingston, of Sadler St., born Nov. 28, brought to church Dec. 1. John s. of M r Robert Kingston, of Sadler St., born May 7, priv. bapt. and brought to church July 9. Robert s. of M r Robert Kingston, born 31 May, priv. bapt. and brought to church June 29, of Chamberlain St. Mary dau. of the Rev. M' Robert Kingston, of Chamberlain St., born June 19. Wedding. 1702 April 6 James Cary and Jane Kingston, both of this parish. Burial. 1730 April 29 M r Robert Kingston, of Chamberlain St., one of the Proctors belonging to y e Bishop's Court, bur in y e Cathedral. 1658 April 1 1683 April 29 1683 May 22. 1685 Nov. 29 1704 Oct. 5 1705 1705 May 8 1736 June 4 1738 July 14 BRENT. PARFITT. Ann Brent wife of Rev d Thomas Brent, died 2 nd of Feb? 1813 aged 53. Rev d Thomas Brent died y e 21 st April 1813 aged 55. (Floorslab.) Peter Parfitt organist of Newbury 19 Feb. 1780. PARFITT. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Edward Parfitt, gent. 11 July 1796. Anne Parfitt (wife of the above Edward Parfitt) Died Sept. 7 1820. Anne Parfitt Oct. 2 nd 1839. Mary Parfitt Feb. 28 1842. Mary daughter of Edward & Mary Susannah Parfitt, born 1 July 1839, died 27 March 1842. Also of William their son who died 4 th Decern 1 1848, • aged 5 months. (Floorslab.) 13 PARFITT. Edward Parfitt 22 Jan 1 ? 1822 Margaret C. Parfitt his wife died March 22, 1823. John Parfitt 22 Oct 1 1831. William Parfitt 23 May 1837. Ann widow of the above named William Parfitt died 9 th November 1841. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1731 July 9 Ann dau. of James and Mary Parfit. 1769 Ann dau. of Edward and Ann Parfit, priv. bapt. and received at church Sept. 29. 1772 Susannah dau. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born Oct. 27 and received at church March 1773. 1774 Edward s. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 18 Sept. and received at church 25 May 1775. 1776 Thomas s. of Edward and Ann Parfit, born 20 May, received at church 5 Aug. 1778 Peter s. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 25 Ap., rec. 3 July 1779. 14 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1780 William s. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 18 July, rec. 26 Oct. 1782 Elizabeth Gravil dau. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 26 May, rec. 17 June 1783. 1784 Frances dau. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 9 Aug. 1786 Catherine dau. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 30 June. 1788 John s. of Edw. and Ann Parfit, born 18 Aug., rec. 30 Dec. Weddings. 1697 June 16 Thomas Brian and Diana Parfit, both of Shepton Mallet. 173£ Feb. 7 Thomas Parfit, joiner, of Wells, and Sarah Cooper. Burials. 1750 April 15 M r Jonathan Parfit. 1769 Aug. 22 Thomas Parfit. 1787 Aug. 22 M r William Parfitt. 1788 Mar. 26 M rs Sarah Parfitt, relict of M r Thomas Parfit. 1790 Feb. 23 M r Peter Parfit, late organist, of Newberry, Berks. 1790 Oct. 22 Miss Catherine Parfitt. 1791 Aug. 3 M rs Ann Parfit, from Close Hall. 1793 April 23 Francis s. of M r Edward Parfitt. 1796 July 15 Edward Parfitt. 1804 Nov. 16 Miss Elizabeth Parfitt. North aisle. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Richard s. of William Parfit. Samuel s. of Francis Parfit. John s. of John Parfit. Nathaniel s. of Samuel Parfit. George s. of George and Elizabeth Parfit. Peter s. of Thomas Parfit, of Chamberlain St., born Sep. 15. Jonathan s. of Jonathan Parfit, of Sadler St., born 26 July, priv. bap. and brought to church Aug. 13. 1711 Oct. 30 Samuel s. of Jonathan Parfit, Sadler St., born Oct. 29, brought to church Nov. 18. 1714 April 4 Owen s. of Owen Parfit, of Grope Lane. 1717 Jan. 5 Jonathan s. of Jonathan Parfit, of Sadler St., born Dec. 29, priv. bap., brought to church Feb. 9. 1720 Feb. 24 Owen Goodwin s. of Owen Parfit, High St., born Feb. 17, brought to church March 19. 1720 Mar. 23 Joseph s. of M r Jonathan Parfit, Sadler St., born March 16, priv. bap., brought to church Ap. 13. 1723 Aug. 4 Jonathan s. of Owen Parfit, of Chamberlain St., born July 10. 1731 Dec. 5 Elizabeth dau. of Thomas Parfit, jun r , of Chamberlain St., born Nov. 22. 1614 May 29 1623 Feb. 1 1632 Sep. 23 1661 June 13 1664 Sep. 24 1706 Oct. 9 1710 Aug. 10 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 15 1733 Oct. 25 Catherine dau. of Thomas Parfit, jun r , of Chamberlain St., born Oct. 15. Frances dau. of M r Thomas Parfit, born Dec. 31. Edward s. of M r James Parfitt, of New St., born Ap. 19. Peter s. of M r James Parfit, of New St., born March 6. Weddings. John Parfit and Elizabeth Loder. Francis Parfit and Joane Vowles. Roger Parfit and Margaret Old. Lie. Leonard Parfit and Mary Kingsbury. Lie. Jonathan Parfitt and Elizabeth Cross, both of St. Cuthbert. M r John Long and Alice Parfitt, both of Wells. Samuel Parfit, of Wells City, metle man, and Deborah Gray, of St. Andrew, Holborn, London. Lie. Burials. William Parfit. Thomas Parfit, a servant of Sir Thomas Webb, Bart. Jonathan s. of Jonathan Parfit. Jonathan s. of Jonathan Parfit. Hannah w. of M r Jonathan Parfit, of Cold Bath. Hannah dau. of M r Jonathan Parfit, of Cold Bath. Elizabeth w. of M r Thomas Parfit, of Chamberlain St. M r Thomas Parfit, sen r , 9 Chamberlain St. 1737 Jan. 16 1737 May 31 1739 April 8 1617 May 5 1619 June 20 1640 July 2 1640 1707 Jan. 25 1730 Aug. 25 1732 Aug. 4 1615 May 27 1644 Nov. 21 1712 April 29 1718 Mar. 8 1729 Aug. 4 1731 Jan. 19 1733 Nov. 4 1739 Sep. 16 DAY. Here lyeth the Body of Susannah Day, Wife of John Day gent. Also the Body of Joseph Millard son of Joseph and Susannah Millard and grandson of the above Susannah Day, who died the 9 th of October 1768 in the 24 th year of his age. Also the above said Susannah Millard who died September 22 d 1777. (Floorslab.) DAY. Mary Day, Relict of Francis Day who died the 17 th day September 1766 aged . . (Floorslab.) 16 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Joseph s. of M r John Day and Rachael his w. Rachael dau. of M r John Day and Rachael his w., bap. at St. Cuthbert. Catherine dau. of M r John Day and Rachael his w. Mary dau. of M r John Day, in j* new works, and Rachael his w. Burials. Joseph s. of M r John Day. Charles s. of M r John Day. Mary dau. of M r John Day. M ra Day, widow. Rachael dau. of M r John Day. M r John Day, of Wells. M r John Day. Francis Day, gent. M r Francis Day, gent. M r9 Mary Day. M rs Elizabeth Day. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Ann dau. of Edw. and Ann Day, of High St. Edward s. of Edw. and Margaret (?) Day. Joseph s. of Edw. and Ann Day. \ John s. of M r John and M ra Rachel Day. Francis s. of John Day, gent. Mary dau. of M r Francis Day, of Chamberlain St., born 11 May. Elizabeth dau. of M r Francis Day, of Chamberlain St., born 30 June. Susannah dau. of M r John Day, of High St., born Sept. 8, brought to church Sept. 9. 1708 Oct. 11 Mary dau. of M r Francis Day, born Sept. 28, priv. bap., brought to church Oct. 21. 1713 May 14 Francis s. of M r Francis Day, of High St., born 1 May, bap. at the Cathedral. Weddings. John Penny and Joan Day, both of St. John's, Glastonbury. John Strowde, of St. Cuthbert par., and Mary Day, of the Liberty of St. Andrew. Lie. John Day and Mary Poole, of Huntspill. Lie. Arthur Day, yeoman, and Jane Loveridge, sp., both of Milton in Kewstoke. 1729 Oct. 30 John Day, of Milton in Kewstoke, yeoman, and Elizabeth Taylor, sp., of Banwell. Lie. 1733 Aug. 20 William Day, yeoman, and Anne Millard, widow, both of Bridgewater. Lie. 1681 Mar. 3 1683 Feb. 1 1685 July 20 1686 Jan. 17 1677 July 11 1680 Nov. 20 1687 Feb. 4 1688 Feb. 23 1694 Mar. 4 1704 Oct. 31 1714 Jan. 16 173| Feb. 7 1772 Jan. 10 1777 Sep. 12 1778 Mar. 28 1655 Jan. 14 1664 June 16 1666 Mar. 17 1670 June 3 1673 Oct. 2 1702 May 13 1704 July 13 1708 Sep. 10 1645 Dec. 31 1667 April 7 1673 June 18 1729 June 21 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 17 Burials. 1675 May 3 Ann w. of Edward Day. 1675 May 3 Edward Day. 1675 May 3 Mary Day. 1708 Sep. 19 Susannah w. of M r John Day, in y e Cathedral. 1714 May 16 M r John Day, of High St., in y e Cathedral. Cathedral Register. 1681 Jan. 20 Thomas Millard and Mary Dursen, both of Murlinch. 1699 Nov. 2 Stroud Clarke and Martha Millard, both of Crosscombe. 1777 Sep. 26 M ra Susanna Millard, bur. 1804 May 9 M rs Catherine Millard. In the south cloister. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1706 Oct. 25 Mary dau. of M r Thomas Millard, of Chamberlain St., born Sept. 20. 1730 Feb. 26 Thomas s. of M r Thomas Millard, of Chamberlain St., born and priv. bap., brought to church March 26. 1730 • Jan. 12 John s. of Samuel Millard, of Southover, born Dec. 14. 1732 Oct. 19 Mary dau. of M r Thomas Millard, of Chamberlain St., born Oct. 18, priv. bap. and brought to church Nov. 19. Wedding. 1729 Mar. 24 M r Thomas Millard, stocking-maker, and M rs Mary Jebo, widow. Lie. Burials. Mary dau. of M r Thomas Millard, of Chamberlain St. M r Samuel Millard, of Southover. M r Archibald Millard, brought from London. Mary w. of M r Thomas Millard, of Chamberlain St. Mary Ann dau. of y e widow Millard, of Southover. Rebecca dau. of y e widow Millard, of Southover. Among the St. Cuthbert parish papers, a document, dated 4 April 1772, is signed and sealed by Thomas Millard as Justice of Peace, the arms being (az.),four mascles in cross (or). Crest, a demi-lion ivith a mascle betw. his paws. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1711 May 21 Elizabeth dau. of M r Charles Penny, born 12 May, bap. at the Cathedral. 1712 Oct. 30 Charles s. of M r Charles Penny, of High St., born 19 Oct., bap. at the Cathedral. 1715 April 8 Hannah dau. of M r Charles Penny, born 24 March 1714, bap. at y e Cathedral. 1716 Mar. 27 Ann dau. of M r Charles Penny, of High St., born Feb. 29, 1715, bap. at the Cathedral. D 1729 Feb. 5 1729 Mar. 15 1729 Aug. 9 1729 Sep. 13 1731 June 20 1731 June 30 18 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1720 April 5 James s. of Charles Penny, born 16 March 1719, bap. at the Cathedral. 1721 Mar. 15 John s. of M r Charles Penny, born March 2, bap. at the Cathedral. 1724 Feb. 2 Ann dau. of M r Henry Penny, of Coxley, born Jan. 18. 1725 May 29 Richard s. of M r Charles Penny, of High St., born 3 May, bap. at the Cathedral. 1725 Jan. 5 John s. of M r Henry Penny, of Coxley, born 19 Dec. 1726 Mar. 2 Robert s. of M r Henry Penny, of Coxley, born 10 Feb. 1728 April 20 Henry s. of M r Henry Penny, of Coxley, born 18 Ap. 1728 Mar. 10 Martha dau. of M r Charles Penny, of High St., born 9 Feb., bap. at the Cathedral. 1732 July 18 Susannah dau. of M r Charles Penny, of High St., born 3 July, priv. bap., carried to the Cathedral Aug. 16. 1733 July 7 James s. of Henry Penny, of Southover, born 26 June, priv. bap., brought to church July 11. Weddings. 1642 May 16 John Penny and Gertrude White. 1645 Nov. 27 Thomas Pennii and Ursula Daniell, both of St. Benets, Glaston- bury. 1645 Dec. 31 John Penny and Joan Day, both of St. John's, Glastonbury. 1677 June 8 Henry Penny, of Castle Cary, and Joane Jenkins, of Ditcheat. Lie. 1696 Aug. 27 Charles Penny, of Evercreech, and Katherine James, of Glaston- bury. Lie. 1707 May 3 Hugh Penny, husbandman, and Bridget Day, sp., both of Barton David. . Lie. 1708 Oct. 22 William Burge, clothier, and Jane Penny, sp., both of Castle Cary. Lie. 1719 Aug. 13 John Penny, of Milton Clevedon, stocking-maker, and Ann Hannam, of Evercreech, sp. Lie. 1721 Dec. 4 Edward Penny, of Blackford, yeoman, and Edith Penny, of Evercreech, sp. 1722 July 30 John Wason, yeoman, and Mary Penny, sp., both of Brewham. Lie. 1724 Jan. 22 James Penny, husbandman, and Elizabeth Mayger, both of Evercreech. Lie. 1729 April 12 Samuel Allen, yeoman, and Elizabeth Penny, sp., both of Ever- creech. Lie. 1733 Mar. 25 William Watts and Sarah Penny, both of this parish. 1735 July 19 James Coles and Mary Penny, both of St. Cuthbert. Burials. 1728 May 1 Henry s. of M r Henry Penny, of Coxley. 1731 Sep. 28 Christopher Penny, of East Wells. 1732 May 14 Ann dau. of M r Richard Penny, of Southover. 1733 July 15 James s. of M r Henry Penny, of Southover. 1735 Sep. 14 Elizabeth dau. of M r Edward Penny, of Southover. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 19 1682 Nov. 26 1687 April 16 1689 1706 May- 7 1716 Mar. 27 1687 June 16 1689 May 23 1691 Nov. 17 1693 May 4 1726 Nov. 3 1732 Aug. 3 17££ Feb. 17 1751 July 16 1751 Sep. 1 1769 Sep. 1782 Sep. 1 1802 Aug. 31 KEENE. WESTLEY. 1671 Mar. 26 1671 May 21 1686 June 11 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Ann dau. of John Penny and Ann his w., of Sfc. Cuthbert's. James s. of M r John Penny and Ann his w., of St. Cuthbert's. Ann dau. of M r John Penny. Martha dau. of M 1 ' John Penny and Mary his w., of the Liberty, born 5 May and priv. bap. Ann dau. of M r Charles Penny, born 27 Feb. 173 5. Burials. Ann dau. of M r John Penny. M 1 ' James Penny. M r John Penny. James s. of M rs Ann Penny. Mary w. of John Penny. M rs Penny. M r John Penny. M r Charles Penny. M rs Ann Penny. M r8 Penny w. of James Penny. M rs Mary Penny. Mary Penny. In Palm churchyard. Elizabeth the daughter of Francis Keene gent., deceased the 18 of March 1651. ^Etatis 15. William son of William & Sarah Westley born at Wells the 2 nd of March 1679 dyed at London the 7 th of Sept. 1684. Resteth here. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Arthur s. of Joseph and Kath. Keen, bap. Arthur s. of Joseph and Kath. Keen, bur. M rs Katherine Keene, wid. In the new works, bur. A floorslab, of which only a few letters remain, viz. : Honor (?).... Henry .... Jan. 1654, and of KEENE. .... his daughter wife of ... . Keen 20 WELLS CATHEDRAL. ANDREWS. Underneath this stone was buried Benjamin Andrews who died 17 July 18 . . ? in the 59 th year of his age. A truly honest man. (Floorslab.) 1789 1803 Mar. July 15 Cathedral Register. Mary w. of Benjamin Andrews, gent. Benjamin Andrews, an Att?, of St. Cuth. par., aged 59, bur. in the nave. The matrix of a brass consisting of a figure, four shields, and fillet for inscription round the edge, with roundels at the corners for the emblems of the four evangelists. A floorstone on which alone can be read the word " July. TUCKER. Beneath this stone are placed the Remains of Mary Tucker wife of Richard. Tucker and daughter of Thomas Born the 4 June 174 . Died the 27 of July 17 . 7. (Floorslab.) DAVIS. Maiy Davis relict of Francis Davis who died September . . 1746. aged . . PORCH. Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Mary Porch died May 22, 1810, aged 58 years. Also the Remains of John Porch husband of the above Mary Porch died August 28 th 1825. (Floorslab.) 1628 June 10 Thomas s. of Richard Porch, bap. 1730 Feb. 2 Henry Porch and Martha Watts, both of St. Cuthbert parish, mar. Vide St. Cuthbert Parish Register. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Cathedral Register. 21 1788 Jan. 28 Mary Ann dau. of John Porch, gent., and Mary his w., bap. 1796 Mary Ann dau. of M r John Porch and Mary his w., born 23 Jan. 1788, received into the church 6 Dec. 1796. 1812 July 4 John de Courcy s. of Capt. John Elliott Porch and Helen Elizabeth his w., born 27 June 1809. HASELSEAW. ANDREWS. Walter de Haselshaw Ep : 1308. (Floorslab.) John Andrews Died y e 22 nd October 1804 Aged 25. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1804 Oct. 26 M r John Andrews, bur. in the nave. PRICKMAN. OGLETHORPE. BARTON. Here lies the body of Ann wife of Charles Prickman, gent., ob l Nov. the 13 th 1686. Also Sarah her daughter ob l SQp. 2 nd 1720. And James Oglethorpe Esq. husband of the said Sarah ob* June 16 th 1728. Here lies the Body of George Barton, gent. of Barton-Cross in Lancashire who died November the 24 th 1749 aged 63. (Floorslab.) From the Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Samuel s. of M r John Prickman and Jane his w. Sarah dau. of James Ogellthorpe, gent., and Sarah his w., born 4 May. Sarah dau. of M r John Prickman and Jane his w. Benjamin s. of M r John Prickman and Jane his w. 1695 July 4 Ann dau. of James Ogelthorpe, gent., and Sarah his w. Weddings. 1704 May 14 Robert Gutch, of Wells, and Jane Prickman, of this Liberty. 1735 July 10 John Prickman, of Shipham, widower, and Mary May, of Shipham. By Licence. 1689 Nov. 28 1690 May 8 1691 Nov. 12 1692 Nov. 24 1691 Nov. 10 1693 Nov. 21 1695 July 28 1707 April 6 1720 Sep. 6 1749 Dec. 2 1750 April 9 1762 Dec. 9 22 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Burials. Sarah dau. of M r John Prickman and Jane his w. M r John Prickman. Ann dau. of James Ogelthorpe, gent., and Sarah his w. M r Thomas Prickman. Sarah w. of James Ogelthorpe. M r George Barton, of S 1 Giles, Middlesex. M rs Mary Prickman. John Prickman, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Holt, D.D., Rector of Wraxall, Somerset, in his will, dated 13 April 1688 and proved 8 April 1689, names his son-in-law John Prickman, of Wells, gent., to be executor, who proved the will. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1785 April 6 Mary Ann dau. of Robert Gutch, gent., and Mary his w., born Wednesday, April 6, priv. bap, and received at church 5 March 1786. 1786 June 3 Frances dau. of M r Robert Gutch, born May 27. 1788 Mar. 31 John s. of Robert Gutch, gent., and Mary his w., born March 19. 1789 May 4 Elizabeth dau. of Robert Gutch, gent., and Mary his w., born Ap. 29. 1792 Thomas George s. of Robert Gutch, gent., born 2 Ap., priv. bap. and received 21 Nov. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1675 Nov. 8 Flora dau. of M r Robert Gutch. 1679 Jan. 26 Charles s. of M r Robert Gutch. 1680 Aug. 19 Robert s. of M r Robert Gutch. 1705 John s. of M r Robert Gutch, in Close Hall, priv. bap., brought to church Oct. 14. 1707 May 20 Flora dau. of M r Robert Gutch, of High St., born May 13, priv. bap., brought to church May 23. 1710 Mar. 3 Barbara dau. of M r Robert Gutch, of High St., born Feb. 16, brought to church March 18. 1712 Dec. 5 Robert s. of M r Robert Gutch, of High St., born and priv. bap., brought to church Dec. 11. Robert s. of Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St., born Aug. 24. Ann dau. of Joseph Gutch, of Harter's Hill, born Feb. 10. Hannah dau. of Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St., born Jan. 6. Mary dau. of Joseph Gutch, jun r , of Coxley, born July 26, priv. bap. and brought to church Aug. 9. 1732 Jan. 21 John s. of Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St., born Dec. 24. 1728 Sep. 17 1728 Feb. 19 1730 Jan. 31 1731 Aug. 6 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 23 1735 Mar. 27 Joseph s. of Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St., born March 19. 1737 Aug. 29 Samuel s. of M r Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St., born Aug. 28. 1738 Aug. 20 John s. of M r Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St., born Aug. 8. Weddings. Robert Gutch and Mary Walter, both of this parish. Banns. Joseph Gutch and Eleanor Brown, both of this parish. Lie. Burials. M rs Barbara Gutch. Charles s. of M r Robert Gutch. M r Robert Gutch. M rs Flora Gutch. M r Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St. Henry s. of Joseph Gutch, of Coxley. Hannah w. of M r Joseph Gutch, of Coxley. Hannah dau. of Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St. Joseph s. of Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St. Joseph Gutch, of Coxley. Samuel s. of M r Robert Gutch, of Chamberlain St. Joseph Gutch. 1727 Oct. 29 1727 Feb. 18 1679 Jan. 2 1679 Jan. 28 1681 Aug. 2 1700 Oct. 15 1727 Nov. 16 1729 Sep. 12 1730 Jan. 25 1732 June 18 1735 Aug. 10 1736 April 22 1737 Aug. 31 1739 Aug. 26 Beneath this stone was Buryed Mary the most tender affectionate and beloved wife of ANDREWS. Benjamin Andrews who died the 3 rd of April 1789 in the 44 th year of her age. (Floorslab.) DAVIDGE. Ann wife of Jno. Davidge died y e 2 rd Sept. 1677. BARON. M rs Jane Baron wife of M r T. Baron died y e 20 th Oct. 1740 aged 81. WITHERELL. Sim : Witherell, gent, died y e 30 th Jany 1781, aged 49. Mary his widow died the 4 th of December 1797 aged 70. (Floorslab.) From the Cathedral Register. Burials. 1665 Aug. 18 Sarah dau. of M r John Davidge. 1666 June 1 Tristram s. of M 1 ' John Davidge. 1668 Mar. 15 Katherine dau. of M r John Davidge. 1671 Feb. 13 1677 Jan. 4 1681 Sep. 8 1704 Oct. 13 1781 Feb. 1 1793 Dec. 28 1794 Jan. 12 1797 Dec. 11 24 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Mary dan. of M r John Davidge. Ann wife of M r John Davidge. M r John Davidge, of the parish of S fc Cuthbert. John Davidge, of Wells. M r Simon Witherell. John Witherell. John Witherell, Yicar Choral. Mary w. of M r Simon Witherell. Baptisms. 1764 Aug. 7 Simon Davidge s. of Simon and Mary Witherell, born 4 Aug., priv. bap. 7 Aug., and received at church 27 Dec. following. 1794 Aug. 21 Biggs Witherell s. of Simon Davidge and Eleanor Witherell, born 24 Jan. 1794. In Shapwick Church are two floorslabs partly covered by the chancel seats, for Catharine, wife of Richard Davidge, Esq., late of Shapwick ; Ann their daughter, died 1706 ; and a son. The arms are, on a/ess wavy hctiv. three lions pass, as many crosses patee. Crest, a demi-lion. This on one slab impaling/owr bars, and on a canton a lion pass., Lancaster. The only entries in the Shapwick Parish Register of Davidge are : Master Davidge, bur. (no day or month) 1691. M re Ann Davidge, bur. 30 Nov. 1706. Madam Katherine Davidge, wid., bur. 15 Dec. 1711. The signature of John Davidge as a J. P. occurs among the parish papers of St. Cuthbert in 1699, and his seal of arms (gu.) on a fess wavy betw. three lions pass, (arg.), as many crosses patee (of the first). Crest, a demi-lion. Burke says the crest is arg., collared gu., charged with three lions pass, of the first. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Mary dau. of M r John Davidge and Ann his w. Susan dau. of M r John Davidge and Ann his w. Alice dau. of M r Thomas Davidge, of High St., born June 8. John s. of M r John Davidge, of the New Works. Thomas s. of Thomas Davidge and Alice his w. Susan dau. of Thomas Davidge and Alice his w., of the New Works. Edmund s. of M r Thomas Davidge. John s. of M r Thomas Davidge. Ann dau. of M r Thomas Davidge. Sarah dau. of John and Ann Davidge. Charles s. of M r Thomas Davidge and Alice his w. Alice dau. of M r John and M M Alice Davidge. Mary dau. of M r Thomas and M M Alice Davidge. Adrian s. of M r Thomas Davidge and M rs Alice Davidge. Mary dau. of M r Thomas Davidge. Weddings. John Davidge and Alice Southey, of North Petherton. Thomas Davidge and Sarah Corham. 1649 June 12 1653 Nov. 2 1654 July 17 1655 July 15 1655 Oct. 13 1657 July 13 1658 Nov. 16 1660 Feb. 20 1662 Mar. 17 1664 July 14 1665 April 22 1667 Feb. 11 1668 Aug. 14 1670 Feb. 5 1673 Deb. 15 1663 July 7 1697 Jan. 6 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 25 AULSEY. Thomas | Aulsey, Vicar Corrall died the 22 nd of Jul | ie anno domini 1581 | (Note. This is round the edge of the stone, the | mark denotes where the corners are ; the first part of the inscription is obliterated. Floorslab.) H. S. E. BRODERIP. Willi'm" Broderip nuper hujus Eccliae Vic : Choral organista ac Subthesaur morte occupatus ult Jan. Anno Dom'i 1726 JE43. Uxore fsetu grairda' noveing liberis perquam defletus. On the same stone with this inscription is the matrix of the brass for which it was originally used, consisting of a figure and inscription plate ; the date is about 1500 a.d., and the figure, which is standing sideway, appears to be that of a burgess. (Floorslab.) ERGHUM. Radulphus Erghum Ep : 1401. (Floorslab.) In memory of Sarah wife of WESTLEY. William Westley, gen*, who died y e 4 th of June 1701. (Note. The rest of this stone is cut away. Floorslab.) H. S. I. WESTLEY. Gulielmus Westley de Civitate Wellen armiger, obiit Sep. 23 Anno ( Domini 1719 1 .ZEtatis 84. (Floorslab.) The following extracts from the Registers of the Cathedral and St. Cuthbert will be most conveniently arranged if put altogether here. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1677 Sep. 24 Ann dau. of M r William Westley and Sarah his w., born in the par. of St. Cuthbert. 1679 Mar. 21 William s. of M r William Westly and Sarah his w. 1705 June 5 Frediswade dau. of Edmund Brickenden, clerk, and Frediswade his w. ; born May 26. E 26 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Weddings. 1688 Oct. 3 M r Thomas Legge, of Lawrence Lydeard, and M" Ann Brickenden, of Corton. 1702 Sep. 24 James "Watts, of Shepton Mallet, and Amicia Westly, of St. Cuthbert par. 1710 April 13 William Westly, Esq., and M rs Frideswid Brickenden, widow, both of St. Cuthbert par. Burials. 1671 Nov. 18 Mary and Sarah daus. of M r William Westly, bur. in the body of the church. 1675 Aug. 9 Mary dau. of M r William Westly. 1679 June 9 Ann dau. of M r William Westly. 1684 Sep. 25 William s. of M r William Westly. 1701 June 10 Sarah w. of William Westly, Esq., of Wells. 1719 Sep. 26 William Westley. 1731 Mar. 9 William s. of the Rev. Mf Westley. 1786 Jan. 11 M 1S Mary Westley, of Close Hall. 1791 May 5 M rs Margaret Westley. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1638 May 6 Pierce s. of M r Thomas and Ann Westley. 1639 April 30 Dorothy dau. of M r Thomas and Ann Westley, Vicar of St. Cuthbert. 1708 July 6 Elizabeth dau. of M rs Frediswade Brickenden, relict of the Rev. M r Edmund Brickenden, late dec, of St. Cuthbert Street, born 30 June. Burials. 1610 Dec. 27 Ann Westley. 1653 Oct. 8 Ann dau. of M r Thomas Westley and Ann his w., of Chelcott. 1660 Aug. 1 Elizabeth w. of Thomas Westley. 1707 Feb. 18 M r Thomas Westley. 1719 Sep. 26 William Westley, Esq., buried in the Cathedral. This William Westley appears to have used two shields of arms, for among the parish documents of St. Cuthbert are two with his signature and seal ; in one case the seal has a shield charged with three cross-crosslets ; the other document, date 1704, has these arms on the seal, viz., Per fess six escallop-shells, three and three, counter- changed. Crest, an escallop-shell cJiarged with a cross-crosslet. No colours are on the seal, but we find on a monument in the cloister, Lovell impaling for Westley, Per fess arg. and gu., six escallop-shells, three and three, counter changed, and this coat is also quartered by Salmon (Sa., three salmons hauriant arg.) on a monument in the Church of St. Cuthbert, for William Salmon. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 27 Papworth gives for Wastley, Arg., three rross-crosslets saltire-ways with annulets at each end az. (and sometimes gu.) ; which is the coat on one seal slightly altered, but the other coat does not appear at all. What authority there is for either coat beyond assumption does not appear. The authority is perhaps very much better than is often the case, for if not registered in legal form at the College of Heralds, it does not appear to have been stolen from its lawful owner, which, alas! is frequently done. The Rev. Thomas Westley, above, was instituted to St. Cuthbert's Vicarage 13 November 1634, and died at Butleigh, then being a Canon Residentiary of Wells. His will was proved 25 October 1662 by his son Thomas Westley. In it he names his son William, dau. Dorothy, and brother Billingsley. Here resteth the Body PITCHER. of Edward Pitcher of this city Mercer and Draper who departed this life November 15 th 1795 aged 43 years. Also Susan Pitcher daughter of the above Edward Pitcher died January 27 th 1799 aged 22 years. Edward Pitcher son of the above Edward Pitcher died May 1 st 1805 aged 24 years. Jane wife of Edward Pitcher, sen r died 21 Dec. 1811 aged 65 years. (Floorslab.) 1710 Nov. 27 John Pitcher, of South Petherton, and Helen Slade, of Barton David, by Lie. Vide Cathedral Reg. 1718 Aug. 12 Sarah dau. of Thomas Pitcher, born Aug. 9, bapt. at St. Cuthbert, Wells. Vide Par. Reg. 1795 Nov. 26 Edward Pitcher, bur. Cath. Reg. 1799 Feb. 5 Susan dau. of Edward and Jane Pitcher, bur. Cath. Reg. 1805 May 6 M r Edward Pitcher, bur. in the nave. Cath. Reg. WILLMOT. James Willmot Clerk 1675. (Floorslab.) 28 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. 1670 Nov. 27 James Wilmot and Sarah Morton, married. 1671 Oct. 22 Sarah dan. of James and Sarah Willmot, bap. 1673 Sep. 23 James s. of James Wilmot, clerk and vicar choral, and Sarah his w., bap. 1675 July 25 M r James Willmott, priest vicar, bur. 1678 Oct. 16 Sarah dau. of M r James Wilmot before deceased and Sarah his w., bur. In the great west •window are two shields, the one, Erm., a lion ramp, sa., collared or. Crest, A cubit arm erect, the hand grasping a sword, all ppr., for Creighton. The other being charged with the incorrect arms of the See, Az., a saltire per saltire and quarterly counter changed imp., Az., a lion ramp, or, with what appears to be a pastoral staff in bend sinister. Over the shield is a bishop's mitre. These are not the arms of any Bishop of Bath and Wells. The error seems un- accountable ; the window was reglazed by Bishop Creighton when Dean, and the glass taken down, cleaned, and refixed in 1813. There are two buckler-shaped shields charged with Az., a cross moline or. Probably not intended to be heraldic. One is below the figure ascribed to King Ina, the other beneath that of Bishop Ralph de Salopia. South Aisle of Nave. *j« In loving memory of Sarah Elizabeth Harriet, daughter of Lord Arthur Charles Hervey. Bishop of this Diocese, wife of William Aysh- ford Sanford, born 13 January 1842, married 5 December 1874, died 26 November 1877. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. (Brass below a small window at west end of south aisle.) •J* In loving memory of Arthur Henry Wriothesley Hervey, Captain in the Rifle Brigade. His parents and brothers and sisters have placed this window. He died 20 Aug 84 1889. " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me." — Matt. xxv. 40. •%• (Brass beneath a window at the west end of the south aisle.) HERVEY. HERVEY. PARENTAGE AND DESCENDANTS OF LORD ARTHUR C. HERVEY, BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS. The Most Noble Frederick William, Marquis of Bristol, Earl of Bristol,^=Hon. Elizabeth Charlotte and Earl Jermyn, and Baron Hervey, etc. See Peerages ; ' An Account of the Parish of Ickworth and Family of Hervey ' ; ' Visita- tions of Suffolk ' ; and other printed works for Pedigree. Upton, second da. of Glotworthy, first Lord Templetown. Frederick William Hervey, second Marquis of Bristol. Lord George Hervey, died Lord William Hervey. The Right Rev. Lord Arthur Charles=pPatience, da. of John Hervey, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells, fourth son, born 20 Aug. 1808; Rector of Ickworth with Hornings- heath, Suffolk, 1832—1869 ; Arch- deacon of Sudbury 1862—1869. Singleton, Esq., of Mell, co. Louth, and Hazeley Hall, Hants, by Sarah, da. of James Moore, Esq. ; mar. 30 July 1839. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 29 A| 1. John Frede-=p Emily, da. of Emma, second da. of the=f=2. George Henry^=Mary Wells Cole, rick Arthur Hervey, born 11 Nov. 1840 ; Rector of Shot- ley, co. Suf- folk. Thomas Ely of Shotley ; mar. March 1885. late William Arkwright, Esq., of Sutton Scars- dale, co. Derby ; mar. 13 July 1876 ; died 29 April 1877. First wife. William Hervey of The Old Place, Sleaford, co. Lin- coln, born 1 7 Feb. 1843. da. of William Wells Cole, Esq. ; mar. 3 July 1879. Arthur Charles Constantine Hervey, born Dec. 1886. Margaret Caroline Hervey, born 1888. Gwendolin Hervey. I I Douglas George Hervey, born 3 April 1880. Gerald Arthur Hervey, born 24 Oct. 1881. Geraldine Hervey. Victoria Hervey. 3. Sydenham Henry Augustus Hervey, born 20 Dec. 1846 ; B.A. Trinity College, Cam- bridge ; Vicar of Wedmore. 4. Constantine Rodney Wil-=pMary Frances, da. of William liam Hervey, born 6 Dec. I Hanford Flood, Esq., of Flood 1850 ; Major R.A. Hall, co. Kilkenny, and Wool- las Hall, co. Worcester. Alice Lucy Patience Hervey, born July 1887. 5. Arthur Henry Wriothesley Hervey, Capt. Rifle Brigade, born 3 Nov. 1851 ; died 20 Aug. 1889,unmar. ; commemorated by above brass. I 6. James Arthur Hervey ^Margaret, da. of Sir Percy Douglas, Bart.; mar. 15 July 1886. born 26 Sep. 1854 : of Alf reton. Vicar Thomas Percy Arthur Hervey, born July 1887. Sarah Elizabeth Harriet Hervey, second wife of William Ayshford Sandford, Esq., of Nynehead Court, near Wellington (his first wife being Ellen, da. of Henry Seymour, Esq., of Knoyle, co. Wilts). She died s.p., and com- memorated by the above brass. I Katherine Patience Georgiana Hervey, mar. 9 April 1872 Charles Hoare,Esq., third son of Henry Hoare of Staple- hurst, Kent. I Patience Mary Hervey, mar. 17 July 1873 Charles Row- land Palmer-Morewood, Esq., of A If re ton Hall, co. Derby, and Ladbrook Hall, co. War- wick, of which county he was High Sheriff in 1882. I Caroline Augusta Hervey. T Four sons. Three daughters. Rowland Palmer-Morewood. Clare Palmer-Morewood. OLDHAM. MACKINTOSH. In memory of Joseph Oldham Esq 1 who died at his house at Haydon near this city on Tuesday the l 8t August 1809 aged 84 years. Louisa Mackintosh ob. October 22 nd 1864 (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1809 Aug. 9 James Oldham, Esq., bur. in the south aisle. 30 WELLS CATHEDRAL. To the memory of Anne daughter OLDHAM. of Joseph Oldham Esq r late of Caynham Court, Salop, she died at Milton near "Wells y e 27 th of February 1800 aged 17 years (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1800 Mar. 5 Anne dau. of James Oldham, Esq., bur. Here resteth the Body of WEBB. M r Thomas Webb, Vicar Choral of this church who died Feb. 27, 17^| aged 62. Eleanor the wife and Relict of the said M r Thomas Webb died Jan. 1, 1727 aged 78. 1678 Sep. 14 1687 Sep. 14 1803 Mar. 29 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Elizabeth dau. of Thomas Webb and Elizabeth his w. Elizabeth dau. of M r . Thomas Webb and Elizabeth his w. Henry Vagg Salmon s. of Samuel and Jane Mary Anne Webb, born 22 March 1803, priv. bap., and received 11 Ap. following. Wedding. 1713 April 5 Henry Gapper, clerk, and M rs Mary Webb, of the Liberty. Lie. Burials. 1715 Mar. 2 M r Thomas Webb, vicar choral. 1802 Nov. 21 George Webb. In Palm churchyard. REYNEL. Maria Teresia Reynel died July 10 th 1805 aged 80. (Note. — M rs Reynolds buried in the south aisle 17 July 1805, aged 65. Cathedral Register. Query, which is correct, the register or the stone ? They must both refer to the same person.) MOSS. John Moss died .... aged . . (Small oval on the floor.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 31 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1722 Oct. 24 Ann dau. of M r John Moss, born 21 Oct., priv. bap., and ad- mitted into the church Nov. following. 1725 Oct. 21 Mary dau. of M r Johu Moss, born 16 Oct., and having been priv. bap., was received into the church 11 Nov. following. Weddings. 1716 April 12 John Moss, of Wells, gent., and M rs Frances Hughes, of this Liberty, spinster. By Licence. 1720 John Moss, of Wells, gent., and M rs Joan Baron, of Milton in S* Cuthbert's parish. (The date is gone, but" it comes between 14 th and 27 th of Dec. 1720.) The wife of the above John Moss was a daughter of Matthew Baron the elder, of Milton in the parish of SP Cuthbert, and he is mentioned in a codicil to the will of his father-in-law, dated 13 Nov. 1729, by which he was to have £500. Administration of the effects of John Baron Moss of Wells out parish was granted in the Dean's Court in 1779. On 24 March 1726 the Register of S* Cuthbert records the burial of Mary dau. of M r John Moss. Burials. M r John Mose, vicar. Sarah Moss dau. of the sub- dean. The Rev. M r Charles Moss. The Rev. M r Precentor Moss, aged 69. In south aisle. John Moss, Esq., aged 27. In south aisle. 1679 July 4 1796 July 23 1801 Sep. 18 1805 June 6 1812 May 27 MOSS. Mary Moss Relict of Charles Moss Prebendary & Canon of this Cathedral church died December 8 1825 aged 76 (Small oval on floor.) MOSS. Charles Moss Prebendary of this Cathedral church died October 1801 aged 84 years. Sarah Moss died June 1796 aged . . (Small oval on floor.) 32 WELLS CATHEDRAL. MOSS. Charles Moss Prebendary and Canon of this Cathedral church died May 31, 18(00 ?) aged 68 (Small oval on floor.) WATSON. Here resteth Robert Watson Master of Arts Canon Residentiary of this church died the 5 th day of December 1790 in the . . year of his age. (Floorslab.) WATSON. Ann Watson, died April . . 1710 aged 32 years. (Floorslab.) FREEMAN. Philippa Freeman wife of Thomas Freeman, A.M. & Priest Vicar of this Cathedral, died the 7 th of Feb. 1760, aged 35. (Floorslab.) 1692 Jan. 13 M r Robert Freeman, an exciseman, bur. St. Cuthbert's Parish Register. 1760 Feb. 9 Philippa wife of the Rev. Thomas Freeman, bur. Cathedral Register. JOHNSON. M r Edward Johnson Vicar and Prebendary of this church November 5 1736 M rs Barbara Johnson his wife February 16 1732 (Floorslab.) The Cathedral Register records their burial as : 1732 Feb. 19 Barbara w. of the Rev. M r Johnson. 1736 Nov. 9 The Rev. M r Johnson, prebendary and vicar. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 33 St. Cuthbert Parish Eegister. 1653 Sep. 30 Charles s. of M r Thomas Johnson and Elizabeth his w., of High Street, bap. 1682 Nov. 23 M r Johnson's maid, bur. Here Lyeth the body EVANS. of M r William Evans Late Organist of this Church Who died Sep. 22 nd 1740 aged 47. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1686 Dec. 25 John s. of M r Tristram Evans. 1688 Feb. 26 Orange s. of M r Tristram Evans and Katherine his w. 1691 Sep. 1 Susannah dau. of M r Tristram Evans and Katherine his w. Weddings. 1706 Feb. 5 Thomas Evans, of West Quantoxhead, and Elizabeth Briant, of Cannington, widow. 1712 Dec. 27 M r Tristram Evans, of Close Hall, in the Liberty of St. Andrew, and Mary Brown, of the same. Burials. 1683 Nov. 13 My William Evans. 1684 Dec. 27 Catherine dau. of M r Tristram Evans and Catherine his w. 1688 Oct. 12 John s. of M r Tristram Evans. 1706 Dec. 5 Catherine^, of M r Tristram Evans. 1733 Feb. 3 M r Evans, M one of y e Proctors of this cort." 1740 Sep. 24 M r William Evans, vicar and organist. St. Cuthbert Parish Eegister. Baptisms. 1699 Mar. 10 James s. of M r Tristram Evans, born March 4. 1701 Sep. 17 Elizabeth dau. of M r William Evans and Mary his wife, born Aug. 26. 1704 Nov. 30 William s. of M r William Evans, of Chamberlain Street, born Nov. 24. Wedding. 1731 April 19 Thomas Evans and Hester Vigors, both of this parish. Burials. 1651 Mar. 10 Joseph s. of M r William Evans and Mary his W., of Burcot. 1653 June 29 M rs Mary Evans, widow, of Burcot, a " Catholique." F 34 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1700 April 22 Margaret w. of M r William Evans. 1715 Mar. 27 M r William Evans, one of the sixteen men. A large slab with a long cross, the ends terminating in fleur-de-lis, cut on it. COOPER. Cooper (Floorslab, the rest gone.) Cathedral Register. 1791 April 7 Miss Sarah Cooper, bur. 1812 July 26 Miss Angelica Cooper, bur. in south aisle. WALLACE. Geraldina Eugenia Wallace youngest daughter of the late John Wallace, F.R.S. Member of the Board of Revenue at Madras Born the 17 th January 1811 Died the 24 th May 1820. (Floorslab.) * ****** Here lyeth the Body HEBDEN. of Richard Hebden gent, second sonne of ^ John Hebden knight who dyed the 22 day of January in the yeare of our Lord God 1668 (Floorslab, with ornamental bordure. See mural monument in the cloisters. The Cathedral Register records his burial : 1668 Jan. 28 M r John Hebden, Esq.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 35 Here resteth the Body WYKES. of Edward Wykes Esquir late Recorder of this city who deceased the eight day of August at the age of fifty fowre years Anuo Domini 1644. (Floorslab. On this stone is the matrix from which a square brass plate has been taken. The Cathedral Register records the burial on 8 Aug. 1666 of " Jane Wykes, widow of M r Edward Wykes.") He was the son of Nicholas Wykes of Wells, by Isabella dau. of Anthony Godwyn of Wookey ; and mar. Jane dau. of Gilbert Bourne of Wells, by Eleanor dau. of Thomas Smith of Mitcham, Surrey ; and had issue Edward, Philippa, and Elizabeth, according to the Visitation of Somerset 1623. But in his will, dated 14 June 17 K. Ch., prov. 29 May 1647 (P.C.C., Fines 93), he names one son, William Wykes, and daus. Jane, Alice, Silvester (mar. Geo. Huntley of Boxwell, co. Glouc, Esq. ; he d. 11 July 1670 ; she d. 25 Feb. 1675), and Sarah. Names friends, D r Godwyne of Brightwell, Berks, John Bourne of Gothelney, and John Bourne of Durleigh, trustees after death of wife Jane. WYKES. Hie jacet corpus Gulielmi Wykes generosi qui obiit vicesimo octavo die Decembris Anno Domini 1658. (Arms, (arg.) a chev. (gu.) oetw. three crosses moline (sa.), Wykes. In the Visitation of 1623 these crosses are called "fleurie." This William Wykes is not named in the Visitation pedigree. The above is round the edge of the stone, while the shield and the following inscription are in the centre. The connection between the two families, if any, does not appear.) CUPPER. Grace the wife of M r Richard Cupper of this city (apothecary) died Dec. 22 1726 aged 51. Here also lieth the Body of the above said M r Richard Cupper who died Jan. 21, 1739 aged 72. (Floorslab.) 36 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1708 Aug. 18 Catherine dau. of Thomas Cupper and Sarah his w. 1709 Jan. 25 Sarah dau. of Thomas Cupper and Sarah his w. Wedding. 1726 April 14 William Cupper, of East Pennard, yeoman, and Mary King- ston, sp. Lie. Burial. 17f£ Jan. 24 M r Richard Cupper. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. 1681 April 4 M r Richard Cupper, of St. Cuthbert's, and Eleanor Carleile, of the Liberty of St. Andrew. 1707 May 2 M r Richard Cupper, bur. SOUTH TRANSEPT. There are no floorslabs in this transept. A fine recumbent effigy under an enriched arch, with well-cut heads at each end, one with beard the other without, and at the back three figures of a bishop between two angels, the heads and hands gone, inscribed " Willelmus de Marchia Ep'c: Bathon : et Wellen's : A: D: mcccii." The arms of Bishop William de Marchia were, Vert, two lions pass, or, according to Papworth, but there is no trace of them on the tomb ; there are remains of gilding and colouring. Along the front by the edge of the table are six heads, alternately cleric and lay. Adjoining the last is the canopied tomb of Johanna, Viscountess Lisle, for whose descent see post. The stonework is painted, but nothing remains to identify the monument but a brass plate with the following inscription : DE LISLE. "fife jaeetJToamta FteeeomttfeBa Be fUsle, una ftltarum et jjaereBum &f)omae (KtjeBBer, armiger; quae futt uxor JToanmB Fteeeomttts Be Ht»le, filft et fjaereBts JToanttta <£omttt8 j&atojnae, et J&argaretae \xx' ejus, untus ftltarum et ^aereBum ftiearBt Comttts ©Bartotet, et (JHtjauetfjae ujcorts ejus, Sitae et fjaereUts STfjom Be Berfceleg, nulftta Bommt Be ISerueleg; ouae outtt xb™ Bte mettBts JTuItt, &roV *' 48e©C<£?LXHHF:' (See Pedigree, post.) In a window above this monument are two shields now coated and black, only traceable from below by the leading. They are, Gu., three lions pass. gard. or, within a lord, arg., and the same imp. quarterly, 1 and 4, Gu., a lion ramp, or, Fitz Alan ; 2 and 3, Cheaueg or and az., Warren. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 37 For Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent, who being the half-brother of King Richard II. was authorized to use the royal arms within a bordure argent, in place of his own (Az., a lion ramp. gard. within an orle of fleur-de-lis arg.) ; he married Alice dau. of Richard Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundell. The pedigree appended to the account of the armorial tiles gives the descent. Opening from the east side of this transept is the Chapel of St. Martin (now the Canons' Vestry), with the recumbent effigy of John Storthwait, Precentor 1426, and Chancellor in 1439. On the floor is the following : GRENE Hie jacet Joh's Grene coda Canonic huis eccl' qui obiit die m s Janua a d'ni M°cccc m0 . From this transept we pass into the cloisters, and will take the monuments there in succession, after completing the interior of the Cathedral ; we therefore return and enter the aisle on the south side of the Choir, where immediately on the right is the Chapel of St. Calixtus. SOUTH CHOIR AISLE. Chapel of St. Calixtus. HUSSE. In this chapel is the alabaster monument of Henry Husse, Dean of Wells 1302—1305. On the front of the tomb are four shields, with one at the west end ; these were originally painted with the arms, as doubtless was another shield at the east end, now gone ; the colours are gone, but sufficient stain remains on all, except the one at the west end, to indicate the charges that were on them, viz., Or, fretty and a chief gu. Now this fretty coat is not that of Hussee or Hussey, a very ancient family in Somerset and Dorset, who bore two coats, viz., Or, a cross vert, and, Barry of six erm. and gu., but it points conclusively to the Dean's parentage, for we find that William Husee who was living in 1314 (7 Edw. II.) married Margery one of the daughters and coheirs of Theobald, Lord Verdon (by his first wife Maud, daughter of Edmund 38 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Mortimer and sister of the first Earl of March), who bore, Or, afretgu.; sometimes given as fretty, thus paying a compliment to his mother, whose family was a noble one, the rules for quartering being not at that period fixed. BECKINGTON. In this chapel are also the remains of a chantry chapel called Bishop Beckington's, but strange to say there is no trace of his arms or rebus about the remnants, though they so often appear on the archways, cloisters, etc., which owe their existence to him. There are two small shields held by angels, in the front of the canopy, but they are both charged with the sacred heart, hands, and feet, bearing the five wounds. In the upper part of the window in this chapel, in very old glass, is a shield, Gu., four fusils conjoined in f ess arg., Daubeney. DAUBENEY. The ancient family of de Albini or Daubeney held among other lands the manor of South Petherton in Somersetshire temp. K. Henry I., which they continued to hold for several generations ; indeed the family has kept up its connection with this county to the present time. The date of the glass is probably the first half of the fifteenth century, and represents William Daubeney, Esq., of South Petherton, born 14 June 1424, died 2 Jan. 1460-1 (Esc. June 1461, 1 Edw. IV., No. 58), having married Alice, dau. and coh. of John Stourton of Preston, and was father of Giles, Lord Daubeney, who died in London 28 May 1508, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He was Constable of Bristol, Master of the Mint, a Knight of the Garter, Governor of Calais, and Lord Chamberlain of the Household ; and left by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, Henry Daubeney, created Earl of Bridgewater, who married twice but died s.p. 8 April 1548 ; Cecily, married to John Bourchier, Earl of Bath ; and Amie, married Alexander Buller of Lillisdon, Somerset, Esq. BUTTON Leaving this chapel and coming into the aisle on the south side of the choir, we find the recumbent effigy of a bishop ; also a raised tomb with the figure of a bishop incised on the top, close to which is inscribed " Willemus: De : Button Secon'd Epc' Bathon et Wellen's AD. M.C.C.LXIV." BEKYNTON. Beyond the last is the recumbent effigy of a bishop without any name or arms. A few steps farther east is the tomb of Thomas de Bekynton, who died 14 Jan. 1464 ; it is enclosed by iron rails, and contains two stories ; on the top is the Bishop in full canonicals, and below his emaciated corpse, but no arms. The tomb is inscribed " Thomas of Beckinton Ep'us Bathon' et Wellen's, Anno D'ni m.o.c.c.c.lxiv." The arms of Bishop Beckington which occur so often are (arg.) on afess az., belw. in chief three bucks' heads caboshed (gu.) and in base as many pheons (sa.), a bishop's mitre (or). His rebus or badge, which is also carved in many places, is a fire beacon lighted, the part to hold the fire being in the form of a tun or barrel. In one of the windows of the south choir aisle his arms are given thus : Arg., on a fess az., betw. in chief three bucks' 1 heads caboshed or, and in base as many pheons sa., a bishop's mitre, the ribbons extejuled, of the third. The same coat occurs in a window MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 39 in Cheddar Church, with this difference, in the latter the fess is charged with a Jleur-de-lys betiv. two lozenges gu. Both these coats are heraldically wrong in placing metal on metal and colour on colour. Burke in his ' General Armory ' gives the first coat, making the heads gules. Papworth's Ordinary, on the authority of Glover's Ordinary, gives for Bekington the first of the above coats, making the bucks' heads az., and substituting an annulet or for the mitre, apparently for a brother of the Bishop. In Pole's ' Devonshire Collections ' the coat occurs with the mitre, but no tinctures, as in the cloisters and elsewhere, and the same is also cut in the stonework of the chapel of Wickham's School at Winchester. The shield at Cheddar is interesting as giving an example of an unrecorded difference of the arms. The origin of the coat is plainly suggested by two shields cut in the roof of the cloisters, in the account of the heraldry of which, they are mentioned. HAREWELL. Still farther east is the alabaster effigy of Bishop John Harewell, who died in July 1386. He chiefly contributed to building the South- West Tower, in which he hung two bells, and glazed the Great West Window. He has at his feet two hares, as a rebus on his name. There are no arms on the monu- ment, but an old Worcestershire family — whose pedigree (Harl. MS. 1566) com- mences with a John Harewell who had two sons, John living in 7 K. Henry V. (1419-20) and William who married and left issue — bore for arms, Arg., on a fess nebulee sa. three hares'' heads couped (sometimes erased) of the first. Crest, a hare's head erased or. On the north and south sides of the tower of Litton Church is carved a large shield, held by an angel, charged with Per fess nebulee, in chief three hares' 1 Mads couped. There can be no doubt that this is the coat of Bishop Harewell. On 1 Oct. 1366 Richard Harewell was installed a Canon of Wells and Prebend of Litton. 40 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Ill one ©f the windows of this aisle are the following shields of arms : — (First.) The arms of King James I. impaling those of his Queen, Anne, daugh- ter of Frederick II., King of Denmark, viz., quarterly, 1 and 4 quarterly France and England, 2 Scotland, 3 Ireland, imp. quarterly, 1, Or, seme'e of hearts gu., three lions pass. az. croivned gold, Denmark ; 2 Gu., a lion ramp, crowned or, holding an axe arg., Norway ; 3 Az., three coronets or., Sweden or Scandinavia ; 4, Or, a lion pass. az. over nine hearts gu.ftve and four. Over all dividing the quarterings, the Cross of Dan- neborg, viz., a cross arg. edged gu. On the centre an escutcheon of pretence quar- terly, 1, Or, two Uojis pass, az., Schleswig. 2, Gu., an escutcheon per f ess arg. and gu., each point thereof approached ~by a passion nail in triangle, betw. as many nettle leaves all arg., Schaumberg. 3, Gu., a knight armed or, his scimitar sa., riding on a horse arg., Dietmarsen. 4, Gu., a horse's head couped at the neck or, Lauen- berg. In the base of the shield, Gu., a wyvern or, The Vandels. A portion of this shield appears in another part of the window, as also the arms of King James I. without those of his Queen occur in a mutilated state, with supporters, so that it is highly probable there were originally three shields, with the arms of the King and Queen each separately and also impaled together. The arms of this Queen generally have a second inescutcheon on top of the first, namely, Per pale, 1 st , Or, two bars gu., Oldenburg ; 2 nd Az., a cross fitchee at the foot arg., Delmanhorst. (Second.) Quarterly of four grand quarters, I. quarterly, 1 and 4 France modern, 2 and 3 England. II. Scotland. III. Ireland. IV. gone, but was the same as No. I. Supporters, dexter, a lion ramp. gard. crowned or ; sinister, a unicorn ramp. arg. gorged with a coronet, ivith a chain rejlexed over the back or, horned and unguled of the last. Crest, The lion of England. Motto, " Beati pacifici." (Third.) Az., a saltire surmounting a pastoral staff in pale or, betw. on the dexter two kegs erect and addcrsed, the boivs interlaced, one of the second, the other arg., on the sinister a sword erect of the last, hilt and pomel gold. The ancient coat of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells. (Fourth.) The same as the last omitting the pastoral staff. The united chap- ters of Bath and Wells, or the Deanery of Wells. Having now for the first time described an early example of the arms of the See, which cannot have been in any way altered, it will be appropriate to consider, from the evidences we possess, what are really the right arms of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells. The earliest exam- ples of the arms of the Bishopric we have are a shield in the library over the east cloister, built by Bishop Bubwith, and undoubtedly contemporary with him ; the shield in the chantry chapel of that Bishop, the shields in the window just men- tioned, a large stone shield in the Palace, and the Vicar's Close, all dating from the fifteenth century. The shield in the library has unfortunately been broken, the part containing the pastoral staff being gone, and supplied by pieces of glass, one red above and one blue below. On Bubwith's tomb the arms for the See are as the third shield in the window above ; and the charges are on the shield in the Palace, as also in the Vicar's Close, where it occurs frequently alone, and once impaling Beckington. It must be specially noted that in all the early glass, the saltire is plain gold. The same arms for the See, namely, the saltire with the keys, sword, and pastoral staff, are on the lectern given by Bishop Creyghton, on that Bishop's tomb, on a boldly carved shield of the arms of Bishop Pierce in the Palace Crypt, as also on the monument of Bishop Hooper. This evidence must be admitted to MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 41 be fairly conclusive as to what were the ancient arms of this Diocese ; yet it will be well to glance briefly at the origin of the double title, that we may trace the origiu of this coat, and fully understand its historical interest and representative character, which leaves no doubt of the propriety of its retention. The origin of the modern coat will be shewn when treating of the Vicar's Common Hall. In early Saxon days a Collegiate Church was established here, which was eventually made the head of the Somerset Bishopric, the church being dedicated to St. Andrew, and this continued until the time of Bishop John of Tours, consecrated in 1088, who obtained a charter from K. William II., dated 27 Jan. 1090-1, confirming to him the said John, heretofore Bishop of Wells, the Abbey of Bath, that he may establish there the seat of the Somersetshire Bishopric ; in 1091 the same King gives to God, St. Peter in Bath, and John the Bishop, the city of Bath and its revenues, in order that the Bishop's seat may be in that city ; and on the 5 April 1092 we "find the same John Bishop of Bath assisting at the consecration of Salisbury Cathedral. Again a charter of K. Henry I., dated 3 Sept. 1101, confirms the gift of the city of Bath made by William II., and appointing that Bath shall henceforth be the head of the See of Somerset. The single title of Bath is con- tinued until the episcopate of Saverie (or Savery), who, having dispossessed the Abbot of Glastonbury, added Glastonbury to his style, which was also used by Jocelyn until that Bishop restored the Abbey with most of its possessions to Glastonbury, when he returned to the title of Bath alone. Jocelyn then applied to the Pope (Hono- rius III.) for permission to use the double title of Bath and Wells, which application the Pope referred to his legate Pandulph. Nevertheless we find Jocelyn invariably styled Bishop of Bath only up to his death, when Innocent IV. confirmed the elec- tion by the monks of Bath of Roger, Precentor of Salisbury. The Pope having had the disputes and claims of the chapters of Bath and Wells for supremacy re- peatedly before him, by decree dated from Lyons 3 Jan. 1244-5, decided that the election should be by both chapters equally, to be celebrated alternately at Bath and Wells, that each church should be a Cathedral church, and that the style of the Bishop should be ' of Bath and Wells', and that the double title shall be engraved on his seal. Nevertheless it would seem that Bishop Roger having been elected by the monks of Bath apparently in opposition to the Canons of Wells, was unwilling to add Wells to his title, his neglect of which having been notified at Rome by the Dean and Chapter, the Pope sent the Bishop a letter dated 14 May 1245 peremp- torily commanding him to use the double title and to place it on his seal. From that time it has so continued. We see by this evidence that after first Wells and then Bath having been the seat of the episcopal dignity, both places were made jointly and equally Cathedral, under one Bishop. Now let us consider the armorial question ; the arms of the Abbey, or Priory of Bath, for at different times it held both positions, were az. two keys addorsed the bows interlaced, the upper or, the lower arg., and a sword of the last, hilt and pomel of the second, in lend dexter surmounting the lower and passing below the upper key. These ensigns were naturally adopted by the monks of Bath, displaying as they do the keys of St. Peter with the sword of St. Paul, the patron saints of their house. At the same time the chapter of Wells gave az. a saltire or, being the instrument of martyrdom of St. Andrew, to whom their church was dedicated. By the papal decree of 1244-5 the double title being firmly settled, it became necessary to repre- G 42 WELLS CATHEDRAL. sent the two electoral bodies as a matter of course, for at a time when armorial bearings were of such real importance, neither body would have been willing to go without heraldic representation, and this was readily done by placing the saltire of Wells between the keys and sword of Bath, while the pastoral staff in the centre fitly signified the union of the two flocks under one shepherd. Thus it will be seen how beautifully the old coat of the See represented the office of the Bishop of Bath and Wells ; at the same time simple yet complete. It is true that at the Reform- ation the Priory being suppressed, has left the reconstituted Chapter of Wells alone surviving, still the double title of the Bishop remains ; while the historic interest of the ancient coat must far exceed that of the modern coat, with its saltire of two metals, for which there appears to be no reason or object, and which was probably originally derived from its being the arms of the Corporation of Vicars Choral, as pointed out under the account of their Common Hall. The only examples of the modern coat before the present century are the brass of Bishop Lake, 1626, a very poor affair, which has the saltire divided by lines, as no colours are indicated ; these may only be intended to give the idea of the saltire being raised. The remaining example is the monument of Bishop Still, but as the charges on the shields are not in relief, and the whole has been repainted in the present century, it is of no value for evidence. On the monument of Bishop Berkley the saltire has no indication of being divided, and the omission of the pastoral staff, keys and sword, are doubtless the result of carelessness, the whole tomb being very roughly executed and bare of ornament. Bishop Creyghton's tomb exhibits both the plain saltire and the coat of the See, as on the tomb of Bishop Bulwith. Ignorance, with a want of due care and interest, are the true source to which we can ascribe the modern meaningless coat. With all this evidence before us there cannot be the least hesitation in saying that the ancient and correct arms of the See of Bath and Wells are, az. a saltire surmounting a pastoral staff in pale or, betw. on tlie dexter two keys erect and ad- dorsed the bows interlaced, the one of the second the other arg., and on the sinister a sword erect of the last, hilt and pomel gold. Having gone thus fully into the question of the arms of the Bishopric, it will naturally follow here to say something about the arms of the Deanery, more espe- cially on account of the arms in the fourth shield in the window mentioned above. Strictly speaking, we should expect to find the Dean and Chapter using the simple coat of the gold saltire, and such was doubtless sometimes the case, as we have an example of the plain saltire in the roof of the south cloister, and also on the shield on the seal of Dean Herbert. The tomb of Dean Husee, who died in 1303, has several shields charged with the fretty coat of his mother the heiress of Yerdun ; these were only painted on, not cut, and from the faint traces of the colouring, and the similarity of the form of the lines of the frets and the saltire, it is difficult to say if in two cases the plain saltire did not impale the fretty coat. The tomb of Thomas Cornish, Canon and Precentor of Wells, who died in 1415, and that of Dean Gun- thorpe 1498, are the most direct evidence shewing that the Dean and Chapter did use the coat with the keys and sword as their arms, probably from their being joined with^Bath Priory in the election of the Bishop, and as they are now the representatives of the two Chapters, there appears no reason against their continuing to use this ancient coat as their proper arms, especially as it is more distinctive, the MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 43 arms being, Az. a saltire or, betw. on the dexter tivo keys erect and addorsed, one of t/ie second, the other arg., and on the sinister a sword erect of the last, hilt and po met of gold. The addition of the keys and sword distinguishing more decidedly from the coat of the Corporation of Vicars, which was az. a saltire per saltire and quarterly counterchanged or and arg., as will be shewn more fully hereafter, and which came to be used in place of those of the See. (Fifth.) Arg. an afess az. betw. in chief three stags' heads cabossed or ( ? gu. or sa., as metal on metal is bad heraldry and against English usage), and in base as many pheons sa., a bishop's mitre or, bands arg. — the coat of Bishop Beckington. This coat with others is cut in the stonework of the chapel of Wykeham's School at Winchester. For notes on the formation of this coat see the heraldry in the roof of the cloister. (Sixth.) Quarterly of six, 1. Barry of ten arg. and az. six escutcheons sa., each charged with a lion ramp, of the first — Cecil. 2. Per pale gu. and az. a tree eradicated vert, with a lion ramp, against it arg. — Winstone. 3. Sa. a plate betw. three towers arg. — Carlyon. 4. Arg. on a bend cotised gu. three cinquef oil or. — Eckington. 5. Arg. a chev. betw. three chessroolcs erms. — Walcot. 6 as the first. Crest gone, motto Sero sed serio. Supporters two lions ramp. &rm. This is doubtless for Robert Cecil, first Earl of Salisbury, so created 4 th May 1605, and died 24 May 1612, ancestor of the present Marquis of Salisbury ; the cause of this coat appearing here being the fact that the Earl was at one time High Steward of the Dean and Chapter. (Seventh.) Quarterly, 1 and 4, Arg. a chev. betw. three cross-crosslets sa. — South worth. 2 and 3, Sa. a chev. betw. three cross-crosslets arg. — Dayes ; imp. Gu. a bend regulee betw. two cross-crosslets arg. — Pelsent. Under this shield is the date 1607. This coat is evidently that of Henry Southworth of Wyke Champflower, living in 1623, who was descended from Sir Gilbert Southworth of Southworth Hall, co. Lancaster, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. and h. of Nicholas Dayes of Salmsbury, co. Lane, Esq. He married Elizabeth dau. of John Pellsant of London, by whom he had two daughters his co-heirs, Jane married to William Bull of Shapwick, and Margaret married to Arthur Duck, D.C.L. ; and on the monument of Henry Bull in Shapwick church the arms are quartered, viz. 1 and 6 — or, three bulls' heads caboshed gu., Bull, 2 Southworth, 3 Dayes; 4 quarterly gu. and arg., in the first and fourth a fret or, — Dutton. (The great grandfather of Henry Southworth, Sir Christopher Southworth of Southworth, married Isabel dau. and coh. of Sir Thomas Dutton of Dutton ; vide Visitation of Chester, Harl. Soc.) 5, gu. a bend embattled betw. two crosses crosslet arg., — Pellsant. An abstract of the will of this Henry Southworth is in the collection of Somer- setshire wills made by the Rev. F. Brown, and printed as a memorial of him. In it he styles himself, of Wells, Esq., but rightly citizen and mercer of London ; it is dated 23 May 1625, and was proved 12 Nov. 1625 by his daughters Margaret, wife of Arthur Ducke, and Jane, wife of William Bull of Shapwick, Esq. He names his ' brother Smith ' and ' brother Fellgate,' and desires to be buried near his late wife at Wyke Champflower. This church is really a chapelry in the parish of Bruton ; it is very small, consisting of chancel, nave, and north porch, on which is the date 1623, and is built on to the old manor house, of which manor he was lord. On the south side of the chancel is a mural monument to his memory, the in- 44 WELLS CATHEDRAL. scription stating that he was Lord of this Manor, and died the 24 May 1625, and that the monument was erected to his memory by Arthur Duck, D.C.L., and Wil- liam Bull, Esq. There are four shields of arms, first Southworth and Dayes quar- terly as above, with a demi-lion for crest ; second, the same arms imp. Pelsent as in the glass of the Cathedral window ; third, or, on a /esse ivavy sa. three lozenges arg., Duck ; fourth shield, or, three bulls' heads erased gu., Bull ; but the heads should be ca boshed, as shewn below. The above Arthur Duck was born 1580 at Heavitree near Exeter, Devon (son of Richard Duck of Heavitree and Joan his wife); he matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, 24 th Oct. 1595, as son of a plebeian, became a Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford in 1604, a Doctor of Civil Law in 1612, admitted to the College of Advocates 25 Jan. 1633-4, was Chancellor of Bath and Wells, as also of London, M.P. for Minehead 1640. He lent £6000 to King Charles I., and had to compound with Parliament as a Royalist at £2000. He died in May 1649, and was buried at Chiswick. He was married at Wells by Bishop Lake to Margaret Southworth, as above, by whom he had two daughters his coheirs, viz. Martha the eldest, married first to William Duck, secondly to Nicholas Duck of Mount Radford, Exeter, her cousin, by whom she left issue a daughter Margaret, bapt. 14 Oct. 1654 at Heavitree, and married to Edward Mansell of Swan- sea, living 1695 ; and thirdly to Sir Thomas Carew of Haccombe as his second wife, and had a daughter unmarried in 1695. Mary, the second daughter, married Wil- liam Harbord, Esq., of Grafton Park, co. Northampton. The arms of Duck on the monument at Wyke Champflower are those granted by Camden Clarencieux in 1602 to his brother Nicholas Duck, Recorder of Exeter and Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. There is a monument in Shapwick church which the inscription states was erected by William Bull to the memory of his wife Jane, eldest daughter and coheir of Henry Southworth of Wells, Esq. to whom he had been married 36 years and 3 months, and who died 30 March 1657. The said William Bull, Esq., J.P., died 22 Sept. 1676, aged 83. Arms, Or, three bulls' heads caboshed gu. Crest, a buWs head as in the arms. This is at the top of the monument ; a shield at the lower part, now blank, had formerly no doubt the same coat impaling Southworth and Dayes quarterly. (Eighth.) 1 and 4, Southworth ; 2 and 3, Dayes as above, imp. quar- terly 1 and 4, Sa. an eagle displ. with two heads arg., Lloyd. 2, Per /esse sa. and arg. a lion ramp, counterchanged ; the coat of Enion Efell, Lord of Cymllaeth, son of Madoc, last Prince of Powys Fadoc, from whom these Lloyds were descended. 3, arg. a chev. gu. betiv. three pheons sa., the two in chief fessways point to point, Kiffin, of co. Salop. Beneath this shield is also the date 1607. This is the coat of Edward Southworth of London, merchant, who married Jane daughter of Edward Lloyd of Lloyenmayne, co. Salop. Of his children, the eldest was the above Henry Southworth, and Thomas was Recorder of Wells, and living there in 1623, having married Jane, daughter of Nicholas Mynne of Norfolk. He made a nuncupative will dated 8 Sept. 1625 and proved 20 Dec. following, in which he is styled ' of Wells '; it states that he left all he possessed to Jane his wife, and that he died at Barrow. Jane, the widow of the above Edward South- worth, married secondly Francis Gunter, citizen and skinner of London (whose first wife was Elizabeth, daughter of John Pelsent, merchant of London.) In Barrow Gurney church is a flat stone to the memory of this Thomas Southworth, which has MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 45 the following inscription on it, u Hie jacet Thomaa Southworth armiger legis con- siliarius et in societate ora ciator, pacis et quorum justitiarius civitati Wellensi. A memoria custos rotulorum depu- -tatus in comitate Som. qui obiit 8 die Septembris anno Dni 1625 JEtatiB sua? 61." This slab is now (1889) on the floor of the chapel on the South side of the church. Thomas Southwortlvs being buried here is accounted for by his relationship to the then owner of Barrow Court, Francis James, D.C.L., who had married Blanche Gunter, daughter of Francis Gunter, of London, by Jane daughter of Edward Lloyd, of Lloyenmayne, and widow of Edward Southworth, father, as named above, of Tho- mas and Henry Southworth, who were thus half brothers of Blanche James, and are both named in the will of Francis James as his brothers-in-law. The mural monument of Francis James in the same chapel of the church of Barrow has the arms of James (Sa. a dolphin emboived betw. three cross-cross lets or) impaling Gunter, Sa. three gauntlets arg. a crescent or. BADGE OF In this window is the badge of Richard II., a white hart lodged, RICHARD II. horned, and unguled or, gorged with a coronet and chained of the last. The background here being blue sprinkled with small round yellow spots, which, except a few solitary spots, are arranged to form a conventional style of cinquefoil : the whole enclosed in a bordure of yellow pieces of glass. PEDIGREE OF BULL AND STRANGWAYS. * Shapwick Parish Register. f St. Cuthbert, Wells, Parish Register. Richard Bull of Ven Court in the parish of Henstridge ; living=f= 15 Hen. VIII. (said, in an old family MS., to have come from Hull) : lost Ven Court in a law suit with his sister's husband, Sir William Carente. Vide Star Chamber Proc, 15 Hen. VIII. Sir William: Carente. :...., sister of Richard Bull. Thomas Bull, who=y= was disinherited for marrying against his father's wish. John Bull, Clerk in Holy Orders, D.D., and Chap- lain to K. Hen. VIII. and K. Edw. VI. ; ob. s.p. James Bull of=pMargaret, da. of Peglinch in parish of Wel- low, Somerset. Walter relict of Bull, Thomas Horner ob. s.p. of Cloford. John Bull of the Middle Temple,=r=Lucy Davies, relict of Randel Davies gent. ; Steward Temple. of the Middle of St. Sepulchre, Silkweaver ; mar. lie. 24 Oct. 1586. Thomas John Bull=F Bull, of Peg- ob. s.p. linch. John Bull, living in 1623 ; ob. s.p. Thomas Bull, named in the will of his brother Wil- liam Bull. John Bull of Wells,=Jane. Linendraper ; ob. s.p. ; will dated 8 March 1606 ; proved in London 3 April 1607. Richard Bull of Lon- don, Citizen and Fish- monger ; named in the will of his brothers William and John Bull. Judith Bull, mar.=Henry atWellowl8 June Flower. 1599; named in the will of brother John Bull. 46 WELLS CATHEDRAL. William Bull of Peglinch and of Wells, Linendraper, Mayor of=pEleanor, da. of John Hodges of that City 1602, 1612, 1620 ; purchased the manor and rectory of Shapwick ; bur. at St. Cuthbert, Wells, 2 Jan. 1622-3 ;f will dated 23 Dec. 1622 ; proved in London 1 April 1623. Dinder ; bur. at 6 April 1641.f St. Cuthbert John Clutterbuck,=Eleanor= William Ann=Charles Dun- Sarah Bull. Elizabeth Bull, mar. at St. Cuth- Bull. Vaughan. Bull, combe, Coun- — bapt. at St. bert 2 Oct. 1627.f 2nd hus- cillor-at- Judith Bull. Cuthbert 20 1st husband. band. Law. Nov. 1609.f Susan=Robert Barber of Weeke, near Headington, Oxon ; Bull. mar. at St. Cuthbert 24 July 1615 ; she was bur. at Adderbury, Oxon, 15 March 1640. Richard Bull. bapt. at St. Cuthbert 7 April 1611 ;f a Captain in Prince Ru- pert's Army ; killed at the Seige of Bristol ; ob. s.p. Henry Bull, bapt. at St. Cuth- bert 8 March 1612 ;f of Nor- ton Hall in Midsomer Nor- ton ; will dated 15 July 1683 ; proved in London 5 June 1684. Mary = Martin Pinder, a Colonel Bull, in the Parliamentary Army. =Mary, da. of John Still of Durleigh Somerset, Esq. (son of Bishop Still) ; she died 27 Jan. 166- ; M.I. at Midsomer Norton. Arms : Bull impaling Still (nearly obliterated). John Bull, ob. s.p. ; named in the will of his grandmother Ann Bourne, relict of John Still. Henry Bull of Norton Hall, Esq. ; died 20 Feb.: 1708 ; M.I. ledger stone at Midsomer Norton. Arms : Bull impaling Barry wavy on a chevron between three sea-horses, five gouttes, TOOKEB. Bur. 21 Feb. 1708 (Par. Reg.) ; will dated 19 Feb. 1708 ; proved at Wells 10 March 1708. : Anne, da. of John Tooker of Chilcompton, Esq. ; died at Midsomer Nor- ton 20 March 1719, aged 59 ; M.I. ; bur. there 1 April 1719 (Par. Reg.). I III Henry Bull of Timsbury=Mary, da. and co- John Bull. House, Somerset, Esq. ; heir of Thomas mar. at Timsbury 9 Nov. Samborne, Esq., 1727 by special he. from of Timsbury ; bur. the Archbishop ; bur. at at Timsbury 3 Feb. Timsbury 13 March 1734, 1746; will dated s.p. ; will dated 30 Sept. 24 Oct. 1745 ; 1734 ; proved at Wells proved at Wells 10 March 1735. 19 March 1746. Mary Bull. Richard Bull. Ann Bull. George Bull. Eleanor Bull, bapt. at Midsomer Nor- ton 1698; died 22 Feb. 1721 ; bur. in Bath Abbey ; will dated 20 Feb. 1721 ; proved in London 31 March 1722. Richard Bull of Mid-=Honour, da. somer Norton, Esq., died 10 Jan. 1692 ; bur. there 10 ... . (rest gone from M.I.) ; will dated 16 Jan. 1691 ; proved at Wells 9 July 1692. of John Tooker, Esq., of Chilcomp- ton. Ann Bull, died March 1684 ; will dated 13 Feb. 1683-4 ; proved at Wells 6 June 1684. Eleanor Bull,: mar. at Tims- bury 17 April 1688 by spe- cial licence ; died 2 Jan. 1696 ; bur. in Bath Abbey. ^George Tryme of Bath, gent. ; bapt. at St. Cuthbert 19 Feb. 1658 (son of Mr. Valentine Tryme and Margaret his wife) ; died 28 Sept. 1 722, aged 63 ; bur. in Bath Abbey. I Valentine Tryme, died 1 Jan. 1724, aged 28 ; 8.p. ; bur. in Bath Abbey. Anna Tryme, bapt. and died 9 March 1691 ; bur. in Bath Abbey. Elizabeth,=f Lawrence Bull of Peglinch ; will dated 28 April 1652 ; proved in^=Mary, da. of bur. at Wellow 20 April 1634. 1st wife. London 28 June 1653. He must have married two sisters, for Ed- ward Orange names in his will, dated 13 April 1641, his da. Eliza- beth Bull and his grandchild William Bull. While his son William Orange of Foscute in his will, dated 12 Jan. 1681, names "my nephews Edward Bulk Esq., James Bull, and Charles Bull ; neice Mary Bull ; and kinswoman Elizabeth Mason, da. of Charles Mason, dec., and Elizabeth his late wife." Edward Orange of Foscott, near Bath, Esq. 2nd wife. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 47 I William Bull, Fell, of All Souls' Coll., Oxon ; ob. s.p. Edward Bull, a Major in Col. Sydenham's=pElizabeth, Regiment ; mar. at Bath Abbey ; died da. of Sam. 19 May 1685 ; bur. at Stanton Drew, Bave, M.D., Somerset ; will dated 27 Feb. 1679-80 ; of Bath, proved in London 9 Feb. 1686-7. William Bull of Peglinch,=pDorothy, da. of living 1714. \ Wellow 12 Feb. 1702-3. bur. at Samuel Bull. Elizabeth=pCharles Bull, dec. I Mason, before dec. 1681. before 1681. Elizabeth Mason, living in 1681. Edward Bull, bapt. at Wellow 18 Oct. 1686 ; bur. at Tickenham 8 May 1719. I Betty Bull, bapt. at Wellow 7 Feb. 1688. Ann Bull, bapt. at Wellow 25 Nov. 1690. John Bull, bapt. at Wellow 6 Aug. 1694. I George Bull, bapt. at Wellow 25 May 1696. I Dorothy Bull, bapt. at Wel- low 27 Dec. 1698. James Bull, unmar. 1714. Richard Bull, ob. s.p. ; bur. at Frome 14 Feb. 1709. Charles Bull of=Fl Bolton in York- shire ; mar. 1 July 1669. second da. of Sir Robert Mark- ham, first Bart., of Sedgebrook, by Re- becca, da. of Sir Edward Hussey. Charles Bull, living 31 May 1714. Fourteen others, all dead before 1714. John Bull, bur. at=pMary, da. of ... . Ivyleaf, and relict Frome 1704. 18 April of Mercer. Whitchurch of Frome, Francis Bull, ob. s.p. before 1714. I Mary Bull, unmar. in 1714. Henry Bull, mar. at Orchardleigh, Somerset, 24 March 1701 ; died^Margaret, da. of William 3 Aug. 1738 ; bur. at Frome. Will dated 19 Aug. 1732 ; proved in I Whitchurch of Frome ; London 16 Dec. 1740. M.I. to him, his wife, and son James, died 20 July 1752 ; bur. Arms : Or, three hills' heads caboshed gules. Crest : A bull's head, I at Frome. as in the arms. The colours are now reversed on the monuments. I I Jane Bull and Anne Bull,=William twins, bapt. Forwood 10 Feb. of Frome. 1704. John Bull, bur. 27 Aug. 1707. and George Bull, twins, bur. 9 Jan. 1707 ; bapt. 19 Aug. 1706. I Jane Bull, bapt. 23 Nov. 1708; bur. 29 Nov. 1711. Mary Bull, bapt. 24 April 1711; bur. 15 Nov. 1711. 1 William^ Bull, 1 1 = Mary Bull, bapt 8 Aug. 1712. bapt. 14 Oct. Frances Bull, 1709. bapt. 9 Oct. 1713 John Bull, bapt. 15 Feb. 1714 ; bur. 2 Feb. 1715. Edward Bull, bapt. 27 April 1716. I I James Bull, bapt. Margaret 17 Feb. 1717; Bull, died 11 Feb., bur. bapt. . . Feb. 1747. 10 Dec. 1719. Thomas Bull, bur. 25 Jan. 1763. da. of John Per-=fGeorge Bull of Wells, Mercer, Mayor of Wells 1635 ; bur.^=Ann. 2nd kins. 1st wife. at St. Cuthbert 28 Nov. 1637 ;f will dated 24 Dec. 1635 ; proved in London 16 June 1655. wife. Anne Bull, bapt, 23 Feb. 1632-3.f 48 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Eleanor Bull, bapt. 16 Aug. 1627.f. Grace= William Bull, Davis, bapt. 4 April 1630.f I I Elizabeth Bull, bur. at St. Cuth- Mary bert as " Mrs. Elizabeth Bull, Bull, virgin, of High Street,'' 14 Nov. bapt. 1655 ;f will dated 10 Oct. 1655 ; 12 Feb. proved 8 May 1657 in London. 1632.f Rachael=Samuel Bull. Davis. I Richard Bull, bapt. 21 Dec. 1628 ;f died young. George Bull, born 35 March, bapt. 31 March 1634 ;■}• mar. at Ciren- cester 20 May, 1658 ; died 17 Feb. 1710 ; held the living of Sidding- ton St. Mary, near Cirencester ; consecrated Bishop of St. David's in 1705, and died at Brecknock, and was buried in the chapel of Christ's College, Brecknock, with a monument which states that he died 17 Feb. 1709-10, aged 75. On the monument are the arms of the See of St. David's impaling Or, three hulls' heads caboshed gules, a crescent of the last for difference. =Bridget, da. of the Rev. Alexander Gregory, Vicar of Cirencester, co. Gloucester ; she died 16 Nov. 1712, aged 75, and was bur. at Brecknock. I George Bull, born 24 March 1659 ; died young. I I George Bull, George Bull, born 11 Nov. 1669 ; born 14 Rector of Tawstock, co. Devon, March 1664 ; and Archdeacon of Llandaff ; ob. died young. s.p. in 1707. Richard Bull, born 18 Jan. 1672 ; bur. at Siddington, co. Gloucester, 27 Nov. 1740. I Robert Bull, born 11 Jan. 1679 ; Vicar of= Churcham, Rector of Tortworth, and Pre- bendary of Gloucester. : Rachel, da. of Edward Stephens of Cherrington, by Mary, da. of Sir Matthew Hale. Edward Bull.=j= Mary Bull. Rachel Bull. Ill I Bridget Bull, born Sarah Bull, born Bridget Bull, born Edward= Bridget Bull, 3 Jan. 1674 ; died 30 March, died 24 Oct. 1682 ; died Adderley. born 20 May young. April 1677. young. 1684. I I Anne Bull, born^Joseph Stephens, Arch- Dorothea Bull, born 1662 ; died 1703. deacon of Brecon ; died 3 Aug., died Dec. 1735. 1666. I Elizabeth Bull, born 9 Sept. 1668 ; died Dec. 1690. Katherine=f=John, son of Walter Stephens. . ,=John Williams, Vicar . . . =Joshua Chapman of Bristol. Stephens, of Glasbury, co. Bre- Stephens. Wharton con ; ob. s.p. of Bristol. Thomas Chapman, Vicar of Bathford, Bath ; ob. s.p.=Elizabeth Marshall of Bristol. Elizabeth Stephens.=pWilliam, son of Walter Chapman of Bristol. Betty Dubber.=pJoseph Chapman, Rector of Duntesbourne, co. Gloucester j^Jane Gastrell. | died 1795. I James Chapman, D.D., Fellow Richard Chapman, John Chapman.^Joyce Whit- of Magdalene College, Oxon. died s.p. 1819. I taker. Joseph James Chapman. Joanna Baptista Chapman. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 49 O H Joseph Chapman, D.D., of Trinity College. Oxon ;=f=Mary, da. of William Hayward ; died 1808. I died 1814. Sarah Anne Chapman. Mary Elizabeth Chapman.=Baker Morrell, Esq., of Oxford. Sarah Chapman, died Jan. 1821.=^Richard Parker, died 1778. ! III II Samuel Perrott Charles Lewes Anna Maria=George Richards, Joseph Parker of John Parker. Parker. Parker. D.D. Oxford, Book- Parker. seller. William Bull of Shapwick, Barrister of the Middle Temple, : D.L., and J.P. for Somerset for fifty years; born 1595; died 22 Oct. 1676, aged 81 ; M.I. at Shapwick with the arms of Bull ; bur. 29 Oct. 1676 ;* he succeeded to his father's property at Peglinch, and had a confirmation of his family arms, as of that place, which see p. 53. : Jane, eldest da. and coheir of Henry Southworth, Esq., of Wells and Wyke Champflower, by his wife Elizabeth, da. of John Pelseut of London; she was married in 1620, and died 30 March 1657; M.I. at Shapwick ; bur. 15 April 1657.* Eleanor Bull, bapt. 29 Nov., bur. 31 Nov. 1631.* I Margaret Bull, bapt. 7 Sept., bur. 9 Sept. 1634. Jane Bull, bapt. 15 March 1626 ;*=Thomas White mar. 4 March 1656 (entered both of Wells, Esq. at Shapwick and at St. Cuthbert). Elizabeth Bull, proved=pEdward Court of Lillesdon in North Curry ; will dated 1 March 1681 her husband's will 3 May 1683. bur. at Gregory Stoke Oct. 1 682 ; son of John Court, by Elizabeth, da. of Alexander Popham of Huntworth. Sarah Court of the Close, Salisbury; will dated 23 Nov. 1688 ; proved 14 Sept. 1689 ; died unmar. John Chichester=Elizabeth of Widworthy, Court. Esq. Thomas=Eleanor Were, Court, gent. Grace Court, died unmar. ; will dated 1 Jan. 1749 ; proved 27 Sept. 1750. John Court of North Curry, died unmar. admon. 14 July 1701 to his mother. William Bull, Henry Bull, bapt. 8 Oct. 1630 ;* of Shapwick, Barrister of the= bapt. 26, and Middle Temple ; M.P. for Bridgewater ; had a commission, bur. 27 Feb. dated at Oxford 27 Jan. 1644, to raise and command a regi- 1625.* ment of dragoons, signed Charles P. ; also one dated 1675, — as captain of a troop of horse, under Lord Fitzharding ; also William Bull, another dated 20 July 1683 ; he was appointed a Deputy- bapt. 8, and Lieut, of Somerset 25 June 1690. These commissions still exist bur. 22 Oct. in possession of the family at Shapwick. Mar. at Compton 1629.* Pauncef oot 14 April 1658 (entered in Shapwick Register) ; bur. 1691 ;* M.I. with the arms of Bull, quartering Southworth, Dayes, Dutton, and Pelsent impaling Azure, two chevrons, between three martlets argent, Hunt. Will dated 19 July 1687 ; proved in London 10 June 1692. Southworth Bull, bapt. at Compton Paunce- foot 10 May 1659. Living 1681. : Elizabeth, da. of Robert Hunt of Compton Pauucefoot ; bur. 19 June 1712 ;* will dated 20 July 1711 ; proved in London 17 June 1713. I William Bull, born 7 April, bapt. 7 May 1661 ; died 9 Sept., bur. 11 Sept. 1663.* Elizabeth Bull, born 3 April, bapt. 13 April 1663 ;* deaf and dumb. Henry Bull of Shap-=Ann wick, bapt. 29 March Luff. 1670; bur. 7 Sept. 1695 ;* s.p. 50 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Eleanor Bull, born 14 March 1666-7 ; bapt.=George Dodington of Dodington, Esq., called in 26 March 1667; mar. lie. Faculty Office, the Lie. ' batchelor, aged 35 ' ; one of the Lords of Archbp. Canterbury, dated 12 Feb. 1696-7 ; the Admiralty ; M.P. for Bridgewater ; died 26 bur. 7 July 1715 ;* will dated 19 Feb. 1700; March 1720; s.p. ; will dated 19 Jan. 1718; proved in London 27 July 1715 ; s.p. proved in London 10 June 1720. Robert Bull, bapt. 10 Oct. 1635 ; bur. 12 Oct. 1636. George Bull, bapt. 23 Nov. 1637 ; bur. 25 Nov. 1637.* Arthur Bull, bapt. 1 July=pMary 1633 ;* of Sydenham I Hur of manor in the parish of Lon- Bridgewater. don. William Bull. bapt. 22 Jan. 1640 ;* died at Smyrna. William Bull, named in the will of his grandfather William Bull of^Joanna Luff ; will dated Shapwick ; bur. at Somerton 21 Sept. 1698 ; admon. at Wells 19 Oct. 8 March 1721 ; proved 1699. 12 Oct. 1721. Henry Bull, who inherited Shap- wick from Mrs. Dodington ; bur. 27 June 1751 ;* admon. to Eli- zabeth Strangways, only sur- viving child, in London 29 July 1751. ^Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Timothy Redman, M.A., Rector of Street with the chapel of Walton ; Prebendary of Wells (instituted 1684 ; died 4 May 1718, aged 66 ; tablet in Walton Church) ; died 11 June 1726, aged 36 ; M.I. at Shapwick ; bur. 18 June 1726* Robert= Bown. I :Mary Bull. Henry Bull, hapt.17 May 1723 ; bur. 28 March 1746.* Thomas Strangways, 1 second son of Giles Strangways of Charl- ton Adam (see Strangways of Charl- ton Adam) ; died 3 Oct. 1766, aged 51 ; bur. 13 Oct. 1766.* Elizabeth Bull, da. and sole heir ; died 3 March 1792, aged 73 ; M.I. ; will dated 9 June 1789 ; proved at Wells 17 April 1792 by her son and executor Henry ; names her rectory of Shapwick and manor of Week (Wyke Champflower) ; bur. 8 March 1792.* She is mentioned in family papers as the ' Widow Jefferys ' ; her will makes no allusion to any relations of that name, nor is there other evidence of a previous marriage. I I Mary Strang- Elizabeth Strangways,=William ways, died bapt. 31 July 1752 ; Gould, 20 Aug. 1799; mar. 4 Nov. 1784;* Esq. bur. 31 Aug. died 7 Feb. 1839, aged 1799.* 86. I Margaret Strangways, bapt. T=Peter Sherston, 21 March 1755 ; mar. 10 Esq., of Wells July 1780 ;* died 10 Jan. (see pedigree L795, aged 39 ; M.I. Wells of Sherston). Cathedral. * Henry Strangways of Shapwick, born 18 Feb. 1741 ; died 21 April 1805,^=Sarah. da. of Samuel aged 64 ; bur. 26 April 1805 ;* M.I. at Shapwick to him and his wife. Arms on it are, (Sable), two lions passant (paly of six argent and gules) impaling gules a /esse counter-compony (or and azure) between three bezants, Pitt ; commission as Cornet in 3rd Dragoons dated 21, as Lieut, of Militia 7 Aug. 1768 ; as Ensign 32nd Foot 24 May 1762. Pitt, Esq., of Charl- ton Adam ; died 23 Dec. 1792, aged 42 ; bur. 1 Jan. 1793.* Thomas Strangways, named in remainder by his grandmother's will 1789; ob. s.p. John Strangways, William Strangways, born 17 March=. . . . da. of named in re- 1786 ; privately bapt. at Charlton .... Tyr- mainder by his Adam ; publicly bapt. at Shapwick rell, Esq. grandmother's 27 Jan. 1795 ;* named in remainder by will 1789 ; ob. s.p. the will of his grandmother 1789. Henry Bull Strangways, born 3 Dec. 1778 ; : died 22 May 1829 ; named as heir intail in the will of his grandmother ; appointed, 16 Jan. 1805, Lieut.-Colonel-Commandant of the Polden Hill Regt. of Volunteer In- fantry, on and from the 28th Aug. 1803 ; commission as Lieut, (promoted from En- sign) of 40th Regt. : Elishaba, da. of Harry Bewes, Esq., by Sarah da. of Peter Tonkin, Esq., of Pamphlete, Plymouth, and grandda. of Thomas Bewes and Catherine, da. of John Anstis, Garter King of Arms ; she was sister of Thomas Bewes, Esq., M.P. for Plymouth. Arms : Argent, a lion rampant gules, tail named, gorged with an ancient coronet or, in chief three falcons closed and belled proper. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 51 I Sophia Jane, da. and heir of the Rev. George Henry-p-Henry Bull Strangways, Templer, M.A., J.P., of Shapwick, Prebendary of Wells and Rural Dean, by his wife Anna Maria, eldest da. and coheir of Thomas Graham of Kinross House, co. Kinross. 1st wife. Arms : Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure and gules, a church with a spire argent, at the top and ends a cross or, in the first quarter an eagle displayed, in the second a stag trippant-regardant, both of the last, Templer ; 2 and 3, Or, a body-heart gules crowned on a chiff sable three escallop-shells argent, Graham. Edmund Ludlow Str ob. s.p. in 1870, born 8 March 1808 . publicly bapt. 21 Sept. 1808 by Charles Puls- ford, officiating minis- ter ;* J. P. for Somerset ; died 8 April 1884 ; bur. at Shapwick. Harriet Ann, da. of Ed- ward Law- rence of The Greenway, Cheltenham, Esq. 2nd wife. angways, Henry Bull Templer Strangways, Esq., of Shapwick; J.P.=pMaria Cordelia, youngest da. of Somerset ; Barrister of the Middle Temple ; formerly Attorney-General ; Premier of South Australia ; retains in South Australia by her Majesty's command the title " Honourable." H. R. Wigley, Esq., of Glenelg, South Australia ; descended from Wigley of co. Leicester. Cordelia Elizabeth Mary Strangways. Sophia Georgina Strangways. I I William Edmund Ludlow Strangways, Strangways, died died young, young. Major Henry Thomas Vialls, 45th^=Helen Regt., of Castle Grove, Bampton, Devon ; J.P. for Somerset. Cordelia Maria Elizabeth Strangs- Strangways ways. I I I Helen Caroline Henrietta Sophia Cordelia Mary Vialls. Vialls. Vialls. Harry George Vialls. I I Charles May Edmund Vialls. Vialls. Kathlene Margaret Vialls. Thomas Bewes Strangways,=Lavina, da. born 28 June 1809 ; bapt. of 6 Jan. 1810 ; ob. s.p. in Fowler. 1859 in Australia. Giles=7=Catherine, da. Strang- ways. of ... . Kirby, of South Australia. Edmund Ludlow Strang- ways, Capt. R.N. ; died unmar. 9 July 1890 ; bur. at Shapwick. Three sons. Two daughters. George Strangways,: born . . . . ; mar. . . . ., General in H.M. Indian Forces; of Dawlish, Devon, and St. Helier, Jersey. : Hamilton Dunbar, da. of Alexander Tovey, Esq. (sixth son of John Tovey of Woodside, co. Stirling, who mar. 12 March 1778 Hamilton Dunbar, da. and coheir of Sir James Dunbar, third Bart., of Mochrum and Wood- side, by Jacobina, youngest da. and coheir of John Hamilton, Esq., brother of Robert, sixth Lord Belhaven), by Mary Hamilton Irving of Drum, Scotland. Arms: Quarterly. — 1, Azure, an eagle displayed argent, Tovey ; 2, Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure argent, charged with eight roses of the first, Dunbar ; 3, Or, three lozenge-shaped cushions tasselled within a double tressure fieury counter-fleury gules ; 4, Gules, a srvord erect proper hilt and pomel or, between three cinquefoils ermine, Hamil- ton of Belhaven, over a fleur-de-lis for difference. Mary Strangsways, died 1857, during the defence of Lucknow. I I Rose Cordelia Strangways. Elisheba Ludlow Strangways. George Strang- ways, died in Edinburgh in 1861. Twins. I I Henry Alexander Fawcus Hamilton Hamilton Strang- Strang- ways. Maria=Rev. George Peake, Elizabeth Strang-=Rev. William Margaret Strang-=Capt Sophia Vicar of Aston, ways, died in Radcliffe. ways, died in Hennah of Strang- Birmingham, who 1878 Issuetwosons. 1843. Madras ways. died in 1876. Cavalry. 52 WELLS CATHEDRAL. STEANGWAYS PEDIGREE. Thomas Strangways of Strangways, co. Lane, Esq T George Strangways of Winterbourne Muston,=pElizabeth, da. and heir of William Birport of co. Dorset ; died 27 Feb. 1569, aged 83. I West Holme, co. Dorset. Giles Strangways of Muston.=pLucy, da. of Thomas Horsey of Martin. T i Thomas Strangways of Muston,=pAun, da. of John Henry Bonham of Haselbeare, living 1623. I co. Wilts, Esq. II II II II I Mabel Strangways. Grace Strangways. Dorothy Strangways. Ursula Strangways. Rebecca — — . — — Strang- Selina Strangways. Elizabeth Strang- Anne Strangways. Bridget Strang- ways, ways. ways. I I I Giles Strangways.^Margaret, da. of Sir Thomas Strang- George Strang- John Strang- son and heir, aged Henry Ludlow of ways, aged 18 ways, aged 12 ways, aged 10 21 in 1623. Maiden Bradley, in 1623. in 1623. in 1623. Wilts. Bonham Strangways. son and heir,=pJane, da. of Robert Coker, of Charlton Adam, aged 27 in 1672 ; died in 1719; bur. at Charlton Adam. Esq., of Mapowder, co. Dorset; died in 1741 ; bur. at Charlton Adam. Henry Edmund Margaret Strang- Strang- Strang- ways. ways. ways. I Giles Strangways of Charlton Adani, : son and heir ; died 27 Aug. 1 744, aged 65 ; M.I. at Chailton. I : . . . . da. of .... Ceely of Margaret Strang- Meare Court, West Hatch, ways, bapt. Oct. Somerset. 1675. tiam=^ ng- s. Bonham=p Strang- ways. I Giles Strang\vays=f=Mary da. of John Ed- of Charlton I wards, Esq., co. Dorset. Adam. | (A Fleet marriage.) 4- Thomas Strangways of Shap-^=Elizabeth, da. and wick, second son ; died 3 Oct. 1766, aged 51. heir of Henry Bull of Shapwick. See Pedigree of Bull, p. 50. I I William Strangways,=pElizabeth, da. of Bartholomew Christian=Abraham Gapper of Swindon, third son. i Trebble of Taunton ; living Strang- co. Wilts, M.D. ; ob. s.p. 1776. ways. William Sealy=p Strangways of j Taunton. Thomas Strang-= ways of Creech, co. Somerset. Henry Ludlow Strang-=r= ways,Capt. R.N.; killed on board the ' Glutton.'* Mary= Strang- ways. :. . . . Burton of Bristol. A daughter, unmar. in 1805. * He commanded the Marines on board the 'Glutton,' 54 guns, Captain Trollope, in the celebrated action off Helvoet, 16 July 1796, against eight French ships of war carrying 230 guns, when the 'Glutton' beat th"m all off. Captain Strangways was severely wounded, from the effects of which he died. M.I. Bristol Cathedral. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 53 Quarterly of Twelve : 1, Sa., two lions pass, paly of six arg. and gu., Strang- ways ; 2, Or, three bulls'' heads caboshed gu., Bull ; 3, Arg., a chev. betw. three cross-crosslets sa., Southworth ; 4, 8a., a chev. betw. three cross-crosslets arg., Dayes ; 5, Quarterly arg. and gu., in the second and third a fret or, Dutton ; 6, Arg., on a bend gu. three escarbuncles or, Thornton ; 7, Vert, a cross eng. erm., Kingsley ; 8, Or, a saltire sa., Helsby ; 9, Az., on a chev. betw. three garbs or a crescent for diff., Hatton ; 10, Az., an estoile issuantfrom the horns of a crescent arg., Minshull ; 11, Quarterly az. and gu., a temple with a spire in the centre arg., on the pinnacle and exterior battlements a cross or, in the first quarter an eagle displ., in the second a stag trippant regardant, both of the last, Templer ; 12, Or, a body heart crowned ppr., on a chief sa. three escallop shells arg., Graham. Crests : 1, A lion pass, paly of six arg. and gu., Strangways ; 2, A bull's head caboshed gu. betw. two ivings or, Bull. Being the arms of H. B. Templar Strangways, Esq., of Shapwick, in whose posses- sion is the following confirmation of arms to his ancestor William Bull of Peglinch, Esq. (See p. 49.) rpO all and singular persons to whome thes presents shall come Sir Willm Segar -*- Knight alias Garter Principall King of Armes sendeth his due Comendacions and greeting. Knowe Yee, that whereas anciently from the begyning yt hath byn a Oustome in all Cuntryes and Comonwealthes well governed, that the bearing of certeyn markes in Sheilds (comonly called Armes) haue byn, and are, the only Signes and demonstracions either of prowess and valour atchyued in tymes of warre, or of good Lyfe, and cyvill conversation used in tymes of peace ; So among the which nomber I fynd Willm. Bull of Peglinch in the Countye of Somersett Esquire, and one of the Barresters of the Midle Temple in London, the Sonne of Willm Bull late of Wells in the said Countye gent who beareth for his Coate Ar- more three Bulls' heads cabashed Gules ; And for his Creast forthe of a wreath of his Cullours A Bulls-head cabashed also, between towe winges displayed gould : as they are regestred in the Late visitation of ye said Sheire, taken by the Deputyes of Willm Camden Clarencieux King of Armes, and testified under their hands. All which said Armes and Creast I the said Garter haue taken notice of, and doe by these presents ratifye, and confirme ye same, unto the said Willm Bull, and to his heires for euer, and that it shal be Lawfull for hym and them to use, beare, and 54 WELLS CATHEDRAL. shewforthe the said Atohyuement, at all tymes, and in all places withoute Lett or molestacion. In witness whereof I the said Garter haue hereunto sett my hand and Seale of Office the xxjxth daye of November in the two and twentieth Yeare of the Raigne of our Soverain Lord James by the grace of God, King of Geat Brit- tayne, France, and Ireland, Defendo of the faith, &c. Willm Segar Garter. (Seal of ' Garter ' attached.) Monuments in South Choir Aisle— continued. HUISH. Depositum Jacobi Huish, notarii publici quinque hujus Dioceseos episcoporum registrarii qui annum, aetatis quadra jesimum, septimuni agens, obiit Decimo die Februarii Anno Domini millisimo sexcen- tessimo tricessimo nono. (The above is round the edge of a floorslab, in the centre of which is the following :) Hie etiam sepulta est Sara filiam HUISH. primum predicto Dni. Huish Dem* 111 PRICKMAN. Johis Prickman ge'n uxor quae obiit 27 Maii an'o D'ni 1674. JEtat. suss 73. Hie etiam jacet Sara Huish filia deorum Jacobi et Sara, quse obiit 23 Die Jan'rii Anno D'ni 1694. iEtat. suae 66. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Jane dau. of John Prickman and Jane his w. Abraham s. of M r John Prickman and Jane his w. Katherine dau. of M r John Prickman of the Liberty & Jane his w. Barbara dau. of M r John Prickman and Joane his w. Thomas s. of M r John Prickman and Jane his w. Burials. M rs Christian Prickman widow. In the new works. M rs Sarah Prickman w. of M r John Prickman. Mary dau. of M r John Prickman of the Liberty. M r Abraham Prickman of the Liberty. M rs Ann Prickman widow. M" Sarah Huish. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1620 Jan. 29 Maud dau. of James Huish. 1626 June 15 Bridget dau. of M r James Huish. 1680 May 10 1682 April 27 1683 Dec. 20 1686 May 6 1687 Mar. 18 1669 May 3 1674 May 27 1680 Aug. 27 1682 July 17 1686 Mar. 16 1694 Feb. 1 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 55 James s. of M r James Huish. Frances dau. of M r James Huish. Edward s. of M r James and Sarah Huishe. Ann dau. of M r Charles Prickman. Ann dau. of M r Henry Prickman of the Liberty. Weddings. John Lyne and Mary Prickman, of Shipham. John Prickman of Shipham, yeoman, and Sarah Edghill of Wins- combe, spinster, by licence. Burials. M r Edward Huishe. Edward Huishe Esquire. Adm. of the effects of Jane Prickman, late of the Liberty of S 4 Andrew, Wells, granted at Wells 22 Jan. 1723. (Dean and Chapter, 1723, No. 6). 1627 Nov. 1 1632 Mar. 20 1634 Jan. 8 1652 April 8 1653 Jan. 29 1677 June 12 1721 June 24 1624 Mar. 25 1669 Aug. 19 BARON. Here rests the Body of William Baron Esq. late of this city, son of Mr. William Baron, Merchant, late of the city of London, who died March 1 1728 ffitat. 54. Here also rests Martha the wife of the said William Baron Esq. who died March 17 th 1760. JStat. 75. Anns : Per pale, the dexter, (Arg.) three mullets gu. within a on an escutcheon of pretence, (az.) a lion pass. gard. (or), Thompson ; sinister, Thompson as on the escutcheon of pretence. Crest : a bird closed.) (From a floorslab. lord. eng. sa., Baron 56 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. Weddings. 1697 Dec. 1 M r Matthew Baron and Elizabeth Comes, both of Wells. \j$% Feb. 4 John Castle and Grace Baron, of S 4 Cuthbert. Burials. 1726 April 6 Catherine dau. of William Baron of Wells, gent. 1737 Dec. 3 M r Benjamin Barron. 1739 Ang. 6 M" Turberville. 1740 Oct. 26 M rs Barron. 1787 Oct. 22 Ann La Faussaille relict of Major-Gen. John La Faussaille. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. William s. of Henry Baron. Hester dau. of M r Henry Baron. Arthur s. of M r Henry Baron. Thomas s. of M r William Baron (Mayor). William s. of M r William Baron and Dorothy his w. William s. of M r William Baron and Alice his w. Samuel s. of William Baron and Alice his w. Grace dau. of William Baron and Alice his w., of S* John Street. Henry s. of William Baron and Alice his w., of S* John Street. Matthew s. of M r William Baron and Dorothy his w., of New St. James s. of William Baron and Alice his w., of Wet Lane. Dorothy dau. of William Baron and Alice his w., of Wet Lane. Alice dau. of William Baron and Alice his w., of Wet Lane. James s. of M r Thomas Baron and Ann his w. Hellen dau. of M r Thomas Baron and M ra Ann his w. Charles s. of M r Charles Baron (born Feb. 23). Thomas s. of M r Thomas Baron. Ann dau. of M r William Baron, of New Street (born Aug. 26). Hester dau. of M r William Baron, of New St. (born Oct. 31). Weddings. Francis Barones and Margery Hoskins. James Baron and Mary Foster. Burials. M r Thomas Baron. M r Henry Baron. Richard s. of M r William Baron. William s. of M r William Baron, of New Street. M re Helen Baron, of High Street, " a gracie matron " (? gracious or bountiful). M r James Baron, " one of London." M r William Baron, " one of the aldermen." 1614 Oct. 2 1616 Oct. 31 1623 May 1 1639 Dec. 29 1641 Dec. 14 1648 Nov. 23 1650 Mar. 1 1652 Sept. 19 1655 May 24 1657 Aug. 20 1657 Dec. 4 1657 Feb. 3 1659 Aug. 13 1667 Oct. 18 1670 Mar. 6 1679 Mar. 23 1696 Aug. 30 1715 Sep. 6 1718 Nov. 27 1667 July 1 1697 Feb. 27 1634 Oct. 30 1640 Oct. 29 1649 Mar. 19 1651 May 26 1652 Oct. 26 1667 Aug. 8 1668 Aug. 13 1672 Sep. 6 1675 Oct. 12 1696 Sep. 16 1699 Oct. 2 1700 April 18 1700 Sep. 13 1713 Oct. 25 1719 May 27 1724 April 3 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 57 William s. of M r Thomas Baron. M r Thomas Baron. Thomas s. of M 1 ' Thomas Baron. Elizabeth w. of M r Matthew Baron. Thomas s. of M r Thomas Baron. M r James Baron. M r Francis Baron, of Southover. Mary w. of M r Charles Baron, of Tucker Street. Arthur s. of M r Thomas Baron, of High Street. Will of E. Turberville. Elizabeth Turberville, widow, of Wells. Will 1 Dec. 1733 ; proved at Wells 2 May 1740 by her dau. Amy Turberville. Names her Eoyalty in the parish of St. Lawrence Lydeard, with quit rents to George Turberville her son and his heirs. Grand-dau. Sarah Dennis a pearl necklace. M rs Ann Baron. Dau. M rs Jane Baron of Wells. God-dau. Mary Giles. Dau. Amy Turberville, residuary legatee and executrix. Witnesses : Jane Baron, Elizabeth Brown, and James York. Seal, (Or) on two bars (sa.) three roses (of the first). Crest, A demi- greyhound (sa.) — Coward. Will of M. Baron. The will of Matthew Baron the elder, of Milton in the parish of St. Cuthbert, gent., dated 20 Dec. 1720 ; proved 14 Jan. 1739. Names his wife, daughters Sarah Baron and Joan Baron. Sister, M 1 ' 8 Ann Baron. Brother, M r Charles Baron. Nephews, M r William Baron, M r Thomas Baron, and M r Charles Baron, each a ring. 2s. 6d. to forty poor women of St. Cuthbert in and out parish. Lands, etc., with residue of property to his son Matthew Baron and his wife, and he to be exe- cutor. Codicil dated 13 Nov. 1729: to M r Andrew Crosse and M r Robert Davis, Barrister-at-Law, £500 in trust for his son-in-law M r John Mosse and Joane his wife, dau. of testator. Seal to the will and also to the codicil. Arms, A griffin se- greant. Crest, A griffin as in the arms, being the arms of Davis of Wells. Wit- nesses, John Pope, P. Davis, and Mary Lambert. Charles Baron, Mayor of Wells, sealed on 6 Sep. 1694 with this coat: Three mullets within a bord. eng., imp. an eagle with two heads displ. He used the same seal when witnessing the will of James Godwyn of Wells in 1676. There were formerly, according to Mr. Serel's History of St. Cuthbert's, 1875, memorials in that church for — Alexander Baron, buried with Mary his mother, son and wife of Charles Baron, gent., of Wells, 22 May 1719, aged 66 ; Charles Baron, gent., Mayor of Wells eight times, died 13 Oct. 1729; Charles Baron s. of the above Charles Baron, died 1 Dec. 1750, aged 71 ; Betsy wife of James Baron, died 16 Sep ; of Matthew Baron and Joan his wife, died 22 June 1740 ; Jane widow of Matthew Baron, died 24 Sep. 1763, aged 71. The will of William Sparke of Wells, gent., dated 16 April 1645, and proved by Helen his relict 7 Nov. 1646, names his brother-in-law Henry Baron of Wells. I 58 WELLS CATHEDRAL. "Will of H. Baron. The will of Henry Baron of Wells, linendraper, dated 30 April 1640, and proved 10 March 1640-1 by his son Henry Baron, Frances the relict being dead. Names sons Alexander, James, and Arthur. Daughters Eleanor, Lucy, and Frances. Grand-daughter, Sarah Sparke. Sisters, Cox and Home. Cousin, Tristram Towse. Here rests the Body of BARON. Katharina Baron, Daughter of "William Baron Esq. and Martha his wife, Daughter of Captain THOMPSON. William Thompson, who died March 30, 1726, JEtat. 15 years. Here also Rests Martha the Daughter of W* Baron Esq. and Martha his wife, who died April 6 th 1746, aetat. 12. LA FAUSSILLE. Here also Rests Ann La Faussille, Daughter of W m & Martha Baron & Relict of Maj r Gen 1 John La Faussille, she died Oct* y e 19 th 1787 aged 72. (Floorslab.) Arms in a lozenge, Three mullets within a lord. eng. Monumental inscriptions and heraldry. 59 Here Rests the Body of THOMPSON. Katharina Thompson Relict of Captain William Thompson late of in Middlesex & daughter of Beaumond died . . Here also Rests the Body of Daughter and Will October 13 th 176 72 . (Floorslab, much defaced.) Arms, (Az.) a lion pass. gard. (or), Thompson ; imp. quarterly, 1 and 4, a canton ; 2 and 3, two bars. It is impossible correctly to identify the impaled coats. Arg., a canton sa. is Sutton ; Gu., a canton arg., Blencowe ; Arg., two bars gu., Martyn; Arg., two bars sa., Brereton, and there are others ; but neither coat is that of Beau- mond. The Cathedral Register gives the burial on 15 October 1761 of Catherine, dau. of William and Catherine Thomson. HOOPER. Georgius Hooper Batho'n et Welle'n episcopus 1727. (Floorslab.) (See South Cloister.) HOOPER. Abigail the wife of D r George Hooper Bishop of Bath and Wells 1726. (Floorslab.) 60 WELLS CATHEDRAL. HOOPER. Here lieth the body M rs Rebecca Hooper. (Floorslab.) Here lieth the Body of GUILFORD. Charles Guilford of Lambeth, Gentleman, only brother to the wise George, Bishop of this Diocese. He departed this life on the third day of March in the 49 th year of his age, and in the year of Our Lord 1706. (Floorslab.) He was the son of Richard Guilford, who died 16 Nov. 1680, aged according to his monument in Old Chelsea Church, which was erected by dau. Abigail, w. of Bishop Hooper. 66, his Will of C. Guilford. The above Charles Guilford, in his will dated 29 April 1706, and proved 24 March 1706-7 (29 Poley), styles himself of Wells, and names his brother and sister, George Hooper, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Abigail his w. Lands in Lambeth, Surrey. Nieces, M rs Abigail Hooper and M ra Rebecca Hooper. God-dau., Catherine w. of M r Henry Leigh. His burial is recorded in the Cathedral Register as Charles Guilford, gent., of the Liberty, buried 4 March 1706-7. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 61 BISHOP LAKE. Here lyeth Arthur Lake D r in Divinitie late Bushope of Bath and Wells who died the 4 th of May A 1626. (From floorslab, with three plates of brass, the mitre, shield, and inscription, each being separate. They are very poorly executed.) Arthur Lake was the son of Almerick Lake, of the parish of St. Michael, South- ampton. He was Warden of New College, Oxford, Dean of Worcester, Archdeacon of Surrey, Principal Secretary of State to King James I., Bishop of Hereford, and consecrated 8 Dec. 1616 Bishop of Bath and Wells, dying unm. in 1626. He was a brother of Sir Thomas Lake, of Canons, co. Middlesex ; one of whose daughters mar. first William Cecil, Lord Roos, son and heir of Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter ; and secondly, to George Rodney, Esq., of Rodney Stoke, where she is buried beneath a monument with her effigy under an arch, over which is the crest of Lake, The head of a sea-horse couped and charged with a mullet, over a shield from which the arms are quite gone. Arms on Bishop Lake's tomb : The See modern, imp. (Sa.) a bend betiv. six cross- crosslets fitchee (arg.), on the bend a mullet (gu.) for diff. These arms are on the pulpit in Crosscombe Church, which was reseated, etc., during Bishop Lake's episcopate. 62 WELLS CATHEDRAL. ARCHER. Edmund Archer D.D. Archdeacon of Wells and Canon Residentiary of this Church October the first 1739. M" Elizabeth Archer his wife November twenty-first 1733. (Floorslab.) The Rev. Edmund Archer was S.T.P., Archdeacon of Taunton 1712, of Wells in 1726, and the friend and correspondent of T. Hearne. He was a diligent and accurate student of the records of his Cathedral, as shewn by two MSS. now in the British Museum, containing a list of Somersetshire incumbents and patrons, which has been edited by the Rev. F. W. Weaver, M.A. Dr. Archer sealed with these arms, {Az.) three arroivs (or). Crest, From a crest coronet, a dragon's head, as appears from the Bubwith Almshouse deeds. Both his own and his wife's burial are recorded in the Cathedral Register, as also that of a M rs Anne Archer, probably a daughter, also recorded on a floorslab, namely — 1733 Nov. 23 Elizabeth wife of D r Edmund Archer, Archdeacon of Wells, died Wednesday 21 and buried Friday. 1733 Jan. 28 M" Anne Archer, died 21 Jan., bur. Monday. 1739 Oct. 16 Edmond Archer. D.D., Archdeacon of Wells, and Canon Resi- dentiary. ARCHER. M re Anne Archer January 27 1733. (Floorslab.) HUMPHREYS. Roger Humphreys, M.A. Chancellor and Canon of this Church, who died 11 January mdccxxxviii. aged xliv. (Brass on the floor.) The Rev. Mr. Chancellor Humphreys, and Canon, died 11 Jan. and buried 23 Jan. 1738. (Cathedral Reg.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 63 H. 8. E. HUGHES. Gulielmus Hughes Arm 1 ' tin jus Diocesseos Cancellarius quern irenarcharum concessus. Consiliarium, coadjutorem prudeutissimum atque integerrimum, quem clerus dignitatis suae adscriptores & vindicem quem Ecclesia Mater obata quem patrem Respublica desiderant. An magis illustrem redderet cancellarium cancellariatus an cancellariatium cancel- larius, lis est, quem nee ipse posset cancellarius cum omni suo acumine desimere. Ab aequo & bono nee aura populari nee ventis prestantibus dimovendus, sententian ferre quae esset injusta, nee voluit nee potuit, sive habitu muveter ascente, sive natural suaa necessitate quadam . . . ineluctabili compulsus adeo ut justirias qua penitus imbutus erat honos psene periclitarvi videretur cum inciperet esse necessaria quod natursB com'unis legibus debuit, sancte* (utrinam paulo tardius) persolvit et fidem liberavit 16° die Januarii, A D ni 17 if astat suae 62°. Aliis minus notis & vulgo defunctorum aggestis titulis et genealogiis parentandum viri clar ssi solum nomem lapide superincisum ingens epitaphum est viator quisquis es, cave hue accesseris sacrilegus nescis quot gentes hujus tumuli fidei sua quseque . . ura concrediderunt. Astrea fugitiva te orat neper te ferat quo minus hie saltern tuta delitescat. (Floorslab.) Note. Arms, (Sa.) achev. betw. three fleurs-de-lys (arg.), Hughes ; imp. (Or) on a/ess (sa.) behv. three escallop shells (az.) six lozenges (arg.), Gay. On the coat of Hughes an escutcheon of pretence charged with the arms of Gay as above. This f)4 WELLS CATHEDRAL. method of arrangement was in use at that period, when the practice of placing the arms of an heiress on an escutcheon of pretence was not well established in general use. Crest, An arm in armour couped above the wrist, lying fessways (ppr.), in the hand a fleur-de-lys (ary.). His wife was probably one of the daughters and cohei'-s of Anthony Gray of Bristol (fourth son of Anthony Gay, son and heir of John Gay of Goldsworthy — see Col. Vivian's 'Visitations of Devon,' p. 393), by his wife Martha, daughter of Gabriel Sherman, Alderman of Bristol. A licence was granted at Wells, dated 29 Aug. 1673, for Thomas Gay of Barnestaple, co. Devon, gent., to marry Anne Cornish of Kingston nigh Taunton, spinster, to marry at Kingston or St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton. Bondsmen, John Godsall of North Petherton, gent., and Thomas Godsall of Staplegrove, gent. This Thomas Godsall was the husband of Anne Gay, sister of the above Thomas Gay, and of Anthony Gay of Bristol above. Among the parish papers of St. Cuthbert's, Wells, is one dated 22 May 1738, signed by two Justices of the Peace, George Bisse sealing with his own family arms, and R. Comes, who has the following arms on the seal attached to his name, being that of the City Clerk, a son of the above William Hughes, viz., Quarterly, 1 and 4, Hughes, as above ; 2 (Sa.) three scaling ladders, betw. the two upper ones a, spear-head {ary.), embrued ; on a chief (yu.) a tower triple toivered (of the second). The last borne by the Welsh families of Lloyd of Ffosshelig, co. Cardigan, Lanrych, oo. Pembroke, Millfield, co. Cardigan, and of Dangrellt, co. Carmarthen ; also by Cdivor ap Dyforwal, Lord of Castle Howel, Jones of co. Monmouth, and by Parry of Noyadd, co. Cardigan. 3, Gay, as above. 1699 Oct. 17 1700 Jan. 29 1702 June 9 1703 Dec. 6 1700 Mar. 6 1715 Jan. 19 1761 Dec. 28 1764 July 11 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. William s. of William Hughes, Esq., and Cecilia, born 2 Oct. Edward s. of William Hughes, Esq., born 24 Dec. Charles s. of William Hughes, Esq., born 3 June. Thomas s. of William Hughes, Esq., born 9 Nov. Burials. Edward s. of William Hughes, Esq. William Hughes, Esq., Chancellor of this Diocese. Mary w. of M r Thomas Hughes. M r Thomas Hughes. Cecilia uxor Willielmi .... Armiger, Bath on et Wellen Di . . . . Cancellarii, decessit Mai(i 5) .... aetat 39. Edwardus fillius ( nat. Dec. 24 1 ob. Feb. . . May 20, 1703. (Floorslab, nearly obliterated.) The Register does not contain the entries. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 65 HILL. Sam. Hill, Archdeaconis "Wellen ob. 7 th Die Martii 1715 6 iEtatis suae 68. Hie etiem jacet Francisus filius F. Franklyn et Joannae uxoris suae Natao D'ni Hill, prsedict qui obiit Martii die vicesimo 4° 171| set. 5. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1676 Feb. 26 Katherine dau. of M r Edward Hill and Sarah his w., bapt. 1705 Nov. 13 Samuel s. of M r William Hill and Catherine his w., born and bapt. Hie jacet PALMER. Ann Palmer filia Nathanielis Palmer De Fairfield in Agro Somersetensi Armigeri Obiit 23 Die Novembris- Anno Dom. m.d.c.cl. -Sltat 44. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1750 Mar. 26 M ra Ann Palmer, bur. Note. The arms of Palmer of Fairfield are, Or, two tars gu. each charged with three trefoils arg., in chief a greyhound courant sa. The trefoils have been omitted, or probably worn away, on these memorial slabs. Nathaniel Palmer, the father of these ladies, was son of Col. Peregrine Palmer and grandson of Sir Thomas Palmer of Fairfield, son of John Palmer of Pachem by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Hugh Vernai of Fairfield. Nathaniel Palmer, who died in 1717, married Frances, dau. of Sir William Wyndham, by whom he had Thomas, the antiquary, who married K 66 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Thomas Wroth, but died s.p. ; Peregrine, M.P. for Oxford, who married Miss Longman, but died s.p., when the Palmer estates went to Arthur Acland, son of Sir Hugh Acland, Bart., by Cecily, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Wroth, son of Sir John Wroth by Elizabeth, dau. of Peregrine Palmer of Fairfield. The daughters of Nathaniel Palmer were Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Decumens 26 Nov. 1695 ; Ann, Catherine, Eebecca, all buried here, and Frances. Hie jacet PALMER. Catherina Palmer filia Nathanielis Palmer De Fairfield in Agro Somersetensi Armigeri Obiit 26 Die Septembris Anno Dom. m.d.o.c.xlix. JEtat 49. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1749 Sep. 29 M rs Katherine Palmer, bur. [Same arms as above."] Hie jacet PALMER. Elizabetha Palmer filia Nathanielis Palmer De Fairfield in Agro Somersetensi Armigeri Obiit 2 Die Decembris Anno Dom. m.d.c.c.xlii. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1742 Dec. 4 M™ Elizabeth Palmer, bur. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 67 [Same arms as above.'] Hie jacet PALMER. Rachael Palmer Filia Nathanielis Palmer De Fairfield in Agro Somersetensi Armigeri Obiit 15 Die Julii Anno Dom. m.d.o.c.xliii. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1743 July 17 M rs Rachael Palmer, bur. Hie jacet CAREW. Elizabetha Carew filia Thomse Carew de Oamerton in Agro Somersetensi Armigeri Obiit 13 die Martii, Anno Dom. 1753 Mat 52. (Floorslab.) 68 WELLS CATHEDRAL. PROWSE. CAREW. Here lies the Body of M ra Mary Prowse wife of Charles Prowse of Croydon in this county Esq. and Daughter of Thomas Carew late of Camerton Esq. who departed this life the 3 rd Day of May 1733 in the 30 th year of her age. (Floorslab.) 1670 1733 Dec. May Cathedral Register. Edmund Prowse, bur. Mary w. of M r Prowse, bur. Note. This Thomas Carew was the eldest son of Thomas Carew, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, and of Camerton, by his wife Mary, dau. of Thomas Heatley of London, Esq. Which Thomas Carew of London was the second son of Thomas Carew of Crowcombe, by Margery, dau. of Sir Thomas Wyndham of Orchard Wyndham. Thomas Carew married Elizabeth, dau. and h. of John Sanford of Nynehead, by whom he had three sons and seven daughters. Of these, two of the daughters are recorded above. Of the sons, Thomas left three daughters who all d. B.p. ; George d. s.p. ; and John left a son John, whose daughter Mary became sole heir, and marrying George Henry Warrington of Pentrepant Hall, who took the name and arms of Carew, was ancestress of the present coheiresses of Carew of Carew Castle, Crowcombe, and Pentrepant. Arms, (Sa.) three lions ramp, (arg., armed and langued gu.) within a lord, (of the second), Prowse ; imp. (Or) three lions pass, in pale (sa., armed and langued gu.), Carew. The will of the Rev. George Prowse, Rector of Litton, adjacent to Chewton Mendip, dated 8 March 1775, and proved 5 Dec. 1776, leaves to his sister Elizabeth Prowse of Chewton Mendip, spinster, £30. If she recovers her estate out of the hand of Sir William Yea, then no more, as she will be well provided for ; but if she does not recover it, then she to have the rent of lands in Henton Bluett, about 17 acres, with house and garden. Names Maria, second daughter of the Rev. John Prowse, Rector of Camerton, who is afterwards called "my kinsman the Rector of Camerton." A certain leasehold close called Oatfield to his apprentice, Betty Vowles, daughter of Thomas Vowles, horse-driver, for her kind services past MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 69 and to come, on which condition, and that of satisfying his trustees in the matter of her marriage, she is to have the bequest. Jane and Katherine, eldest and younger daughter of Mr. Francis Bradley, deceased, formerly an attorney of Bridgewater. The wife of Mr. Standfast of Bridgewater, and granddaughter of Mr. Hartnole, of Monkton Heathfield, deceased, a friend of testator. Trustees, the Rev. Dr. Annesley, Vicar of Chewton Mendip ; Mr. Edward Bilbee the elder, and Mr. Edward Bilbee the younger, both of Chewstoke. Seal, Three lions ramp, within a lord. Crest, From a crest coronet a demi-lion ramp., collared and chained. This seal is very interesting as giving the arms as on the floorslab, which does not appear on any of the Prowse monuments at Axbridge. Will she fil 17 (Floorslab, obliterated.) Chapel of St. John the Evangelist. DAVIS. M.S. Peter Davis Esq. died 11 th of Jan : 174| aged 69. Susanna wife of Peter Davis Esq. and Daughter of Robert Bisse of Edington in the county of Wilts gent : dyed Octob : 12 : 1741. Here lyes P. D. son of Peter Davis Esq. late Recorder of Wells In hopes thro : Jesus Christ of a joyful Resurrection dyed y e 27 th of Frebruary 1777 jet. 70. (Floorslab.) DAVIS. H. S. E. Johannes Davis gen : qui obiit 9 Die Martii a.d. 1700. (Floorslab.) 70 WELLS CATHEDRAL. DODINGTON. Georgius Doddington Armiger obiit ultimo die Martii Anno Domini 1698 aetatis suae 52. (Floorslab.) 1698 Cathedral Register. April 2 George Dodington, Esq., bur. He was the son and heir of Christopher Dodington of Lincoln's Inn (bapt. at Dodington 9 June 1605; will dated 21 Jan. 1656, proved 16 Nov. 1657 and in Jan. 1676. By his wife Mary, daughter of the Rev. William Gouge, D.D., Rector of St. Anne's, Blackfriars) ; he was of Lincoln's Inn, London, and of Wells ; will dated 8 March and proved 4 May 1698. He died unmarried on 31 March 1698, and was buried in the Cathedral 2 April following ; his brother William Dodington being his heir and ancestor of the present representative of the family, Thomas Marriot Dodington, Esq. Arms, [8a.) three-bugle horns stringed (arg.), Dodington of Dodington. In the Herald's ' Visitation of Somerset, 1623,' they quarter Arg., a chev. betw. three talbots 1 heads erased gu., Ledred. 1743 Aug. 27 Cathedral Register. William Dodington of Yeovil, widower, and Catherine MacCarthy of Cirenchester, spinster, mar. by licence. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 71 SHEAF. Here lyeth y e body of Grindal 1 Sheaff Doctor of Divinity, Archdeacon of Wells and Canon Residen- tiary of this Cathedral Church ; who died the 27 th day of April An'o Dom'i 1680 aetatis suae 72. (Floorslab.) 1673 May 1 M r9 Anne Sheafe wife of D r Grindall Sheafe, Archdeacon of Wells, bur. In S 4 Catherine's Chapel. 1680 May 1 Grindall Sheaf t, D r of Divinity and Archdeacon of Wells, and who being a Canon of this Cathedral was bur. Note. This coat does not appear in Berry, Burke, or Papworth, but an engraving of the arms (JErm., on a chev. gu. betiv. three ogresses as many garbs or), with the name Samuel Sheafe of London, merchant, is given in Guillim (ed. 1724), p. 268. Thomas Sheafe, D.D., Prebendary of Windsor and Bector of Welford, Berks, had a son Thomas Sheafe, M.D., and a daughter Kebecca married at Chelsea, Middx., 6 Sept. 1632 to Thomas Haselrigge, Esq., who was buried in Westminster Abbey 30 Oct. 1651 ; his brother-in-law Tho. Sheafe administered to his effects on behalf of his children Dorothy and Frances, then minors, on 23 July 1652. Vide Col. Chester's ' Registers of Westminster Abbey.' 72 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Hie srrvs est HvMyuEDVs winis ABStfiGERTm^ Hvm;WSeer arqvt obijt Octob2.i Anno i£TATrs svs 2tAn° Dm 161* HOC P"LS MEMORI/E. SACRVM LVGENS VXPR POSVTr^-^-* DETERIOR PARS VIVA AfEI -MEUORQj SEPVX.TA gSTJk'- Vt peream vivo vtvat vt ille perit TbERA TIB I PI OS CENTRES COMENUO MEOSO DOLORES HVIC CINER1 DONECTBADARBT IPSA CINIS OjjtaSif melius T P cori/anguineuj uAjusttdp, The above is the facsimile of a brass against the west wall of this chapel ; never deeply cut, repeated polishings have rendered the lines so faint that it is almost impossible to get a good rubbing from it. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 73 Coleridge has rendered the sentiment of the inscription in the following lines, which are hung near : — " My worse part lives, my better buried lies. Death is my Life ; that he may live he dies ; To earth I trust these ashes and my woe ; Till to this dust I too as dust may go. 'Tis thus disconsolate a widow sings ; T. P. her cousin hopes for better things." " J. D. COLEEIDGB, 1874." The idea of Coleridge is evidently that T. P. hoped to marry the widow ; the addition in italics is certainly singular. Fortunately we have records which throw some light on the further history of the widow and her kinsman. We owe a debt of gratitude to the kinsman T. P. for inscribing his hopes on the memorial of his predecessor, for the hope which seems contained in the last line was realized, and Thomas Popham became the second husband of Martha Willis, the widow of Humphry Willis, as appears from her own will and that of her second husband. Thomas Popham, gent., was second son of Alexander Popham of Huntworth, by Dulcibella dau. of John Bayly, and succeeded his elder brother Edward at Huntworth. He married first Grace dau. and h. of William Dale of Laxton, by whom he had, with others, Thomas, whom he makes his executor, Martha Popham being one of the witnesses. The will of this Martha Popham, dated 24 Sept. 1654, and proved 9 Nov. 1654, names "my children Humphrey and Walter Willis, and Humphry son of the said Humphrey Willis. William, John, and Ann children of William Bellamie, dec, my late brother-in-law. M r Thomas Popham my late husband's son a ring, and his wife Eleanor £10, or if she dies to her sister Ann Bellamy. My sister Thomasine Mills and grandchild Humphrey Willis to be executors." Unfortunately we find no Willis wills in the Wells Registry to help us. They appear to have been ignorant of their arms, at any rate none are on the brass. The arms of Carrick, (Or) a fess dancette oetw. three talbots pass, (sa.), is on an escutcheon of pretenee, shewing the wife to have been an heiress of the family of Carrick of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford. This family of Willis were probably the same as the one who took the name of Compton on inheriting the property of that family at Ringwood, Hants, and who quartered for Willis, Per pale gu. and arg., three lions ramp, counter changed, within a lord. erm. The following extracts from the Registers help to connect the family with Chipping Norton, but do little more. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptism. 1614 Feb. 16 Walter s. of M r Humphrey Willis. Weddings. 1649 Dec. 3 Robert Carricke of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford, and Patience Kingsbury of Wells. 1667 Mar. 28 M r Thomas Wills of the Liberty of S* Andrew, in Wells, and Mary Wood of this parish. Lie. L 74 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Burials. 1636 June 10 M r Peter Wallis. 1646 May 12 Thomas s. of Thomas Wills and Ann his w., bur. at S* Andrew's Church. 1669 Dec. 28 Ann child of M r Thomas and Mary Willis. 1671 Feb. 29 M r Thomas Willis. Cathedral Register. 1753 Dec. 27 Lionel Seaman, clerk, Archdean of Taunton, and Jane Willes, married by Henry Willes in the Palace Chapel. Lie. In 1634 Martin Carricke entered a short pedigree in the 'Visitation of London ' (Harl. Soc, vol. xv., p. 140), which shews he was the second son of Henry Carricke of Chipping Norton. HAWLEY. Henricus Hawley Armiger qui obiit Octavo die Februa- ry Anno Dm. 1573. (Mural brass.) Note. From a small brass. Arms, {Vert) a saltire eng. (arg.), a crescent for difference of a second son. It is not quite clear who this Henry Hawley was, unless, as would appear from the date and difference in the arms, reliable at that period, he was the second son of the head of the family, that is, of William Hawley of Awler, co. Somerset, by Margaret daughter of Thomas Tymbury of Upton, co. Devon. GUNTHORPE. An altar-tomb against the south wall of this chapel com- memorates John Gunthorpe, Dean of Wells. Rector of Ditcheat from 7 Jan. 1465 to 23 March 1473, was made Dean of Wells. He was also Arch- deacon of Essex, and Rector of Clay next the Sea, co. Norfolk, by Papal dispensation. It is inscribed, " Johannes Gunthorpe, huius eccl'ie Decan, a.d. mdccccxcviii." MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 75 rfl«4TgWl iP^s ifeffi^ g^S^ ^S§ 'Yfi)$Z&yuf \5lrUjfllSfe. 1 J^. jM^Sjr ^5sM : ,j!i0r On the front are five shields. I. J. saltire betiv. on the dexter two keys erect and addorsed the bows interlaced, and on the sinister a sword erect, the Deanery. II. Quarterly : 1 and 4, Gu., a chev. betw. three petards or hand-grenades arg., within a bord. eng. or, Gunthorpe ; 2 and 3, {Arg.) a chev. betiv . three lions' heads erased (sa.), Allerton. III. (....) A chev. erm. betw. three cross-crosslets (. . . .), . . . . ? IV. Gu., on a bend compone'e arg. and az. three leopards' heads or, betw. two lions' 1 heads erased of the second, all within a bord. as the bend, Fereby or Feryby of Lincolnshire. This coat is sometimes ascribed to Gunthorpe. V. The initials I. G., for John Gunthorpe. The first and fourth coats in the second shield appear to be the family arms of the Dean, and appear quartered in the same way at the Deanery. The arms on the fourth shield is ascribed by Burke to Gunthorpe, but doubtless erroneously. The family appear to have come from Lincolnshire or Norfolk, and a John Gunthorpe was an executor of the will, dated 16 April 1398, of Sir Philip D'Arcy, Knt. ; and it is very suggestive and interesting that one of his co-executors was Robert Wyclyfe, whose family bore, Arg., a chev. sa. betw. three crosses botonee gu. White ermine spots being very likely placed on the chevron as the difference of a younger branch. There is a very slight trace of colouring on these shields. JENKYNS. H. S. E. Ricardus Jenkyns S.T.P., Ecc. Well. Dec. qui ob. Mar. vi. m.d.cccliv set. lxxii. Vir insigna pietate fide vitas que integritate ei multum debet ecc. Well. Nee Non. Coll. Ball. Oxon cui ut pater praefuit per ann xxxv omnium amorem comitate et benevolentia promeritus. 76 WELLS CATHEDRAL. [Same arms as previously shewn.] GROVE. H. S. E. Juxta maritum Veritas Jenkyns filia unica Grey Jermyn Grove de Alveley in com. Salop arm. et uxor Ricardi Jenkyns, S.T.P. hujus eccles Decani erga Deum vere pia erga homines vere benevola in christo placide abdormivit jun . i . m.d.c.c.c.lvii aet. lxvii. Note. This is an ornamental cross, forming the top of a raised monumental slab, the first inscription being on the north side, the second being on the south side. The same arms on each side, viz., Az., on a cross saltire eng. or four crosses patee fitchee points to the centre sa., Jenkyns ; on an escutcheon of pretence, Erm., on a chsv. eng. gu. three escallop-shells or, Grove. The Dean's wife was Troth (or Truth), daughter and heir of Grey Jermin Grove, descended from the marriage of James Grove, Sergeant-at-Law, with Lady Jane Grey, sister and coheir of Thomas, second Earl of Stamford, and daughter of Thomas Lord Grey of Groby (who died in the lifetime of his father, the first Earl of Stamford), by his wife Dorothy, second daughter and coheir of Edward Bouchier, third Earl of Bath. She was consequently one of the coheirs to the Barony of FitzWarine. She left no issue, and appears to have been the last of her father's family. The pedigree of the Dean's family is appended. PEDIGREE OF DEAN JENKYNS. * Portrait in the possession of Henry Jenkyns, Esq., of Botley Hill, Hants, 1891. f Mentioned in the will of Kichard Jenkins, Vicar of Frome. % Named in the will of Robert Jenkins of Kevell, Wilts. § Wells Cathedral Register. .=j=Robert Jenkins of Bremhill, Wilts (see Bowles' 'History of Bremhill').: 1st wife, J Query, if not the son of Robert Jenkins of Bremhill who died in 1639. T 2nd wife. Thomas Jenkins, Rector of Berkeley, co. Somerset ; living in 1716. A daughter= Richard Rogers of Brem- hill, Wilts ; yeoman.J Robert Jenkins Richard Jenkinsof Corsley, born 1643 ; died= of Kevell, Wilts ; 1702 ; Rector of Street to 1672 (Wood, 'Ath. a major; died Oxon.,'iii., 1244); Vicar of Frome 1672, and 1716.* f bur. there. Entered as Pleb. fil. at Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1660 ; M.A. 1666. =Deborah, da. and coh. of .... Swayne of Gunville, Dorset. Died 1712 ; bur. at Frome.f I I ( Richard Jenkins, bapt. 8 Jan. 1676-7;=r=Mary, da^ and coheir Elizabeth Jenkins, Other born 17 Jan. 1675 ; daugh- ob. ccelebs after 1741. ters. Clothier of Frome, after of Brew- ton, gent. ; living 1716. of John Harebottle of Frome ; will 1762. Richard Jenkins, Clerk, of=^Anne, da. and coheir Bishop's Lydiard and Melks- ham, born about 1706 ; mat. as gen. fil. at Hart Hall 1723; B.A. 3 June 1727 ; M.A. at Oriel 30 April 1730; mar. in 1732, and died in 1749.* ▲ B of Thomas Selfe of Melksham, Wilts, and of Bromham, Clerk (his will dated 1741). She died 1749. Mary Jenkins, died un- mar. ; will dated 29 Oct. 1771. Deborah Jenkins, mar Brown. She survived him, her will dated 1768. Sarah Jenkins, born 1715. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 77 B| A son, died before 1740. Mary Jenkins, born 1733 ; died unmar. ; bur. at Melksham 1757. Richard Jenkyns of Wells and= Chewton Priory, Somerset, Esq. ; died 31 July 1806, aged 71 ; bur. at Melksham.* He adopted the y in spelling his name, and induced the Dean's father to do so. =Anne, da. and heir of Henry Lockett of Crowcombe, Clerk ; died 7 May 1825.* I i Elizabeth Jenkins, born 1736 ; died 1737. John Jenkins, born 1741. Anna Maria Jenkyns, born and privately bapt. Aug. 27, 1764 ; received into the Church at the Cathedral Oct. 25 ;§ died in 1778 ; bur. at Melksham. Robert Jenkins, born 30 Nov. 1672 ;=f=Mary living in 1716.ft I John Jenkins, bapt. 20=pSarah, da. and heir Elizabeth Jenkins, born at Frome 4 March 1706.* Mary Jenkins, born at Frome 28 Oct. 1707. Nov. 1673; Ch. Ch, Oxon 1690 ; M.A. 1696 ; Vicar of Frome and a Canon of Wells ; a wit- ness to Bishop Ken's will; died 1731. of John Merchant of Frome ; living in 1750, vide release of that date. I Richard Jenkins, born 8= April 1713; bapt. 16 April 1714 ; Pemb. Coll. Oxon 1730 ; M.A. 1737 ; Rector of Lullington,and Canon of Wells ; Vicar of Burnham ; died 19 Sept. 1764 ; bur. at Cros- combe ; M.I.* Elizabeth, da. and heir of John Bryant ; mar. at Croscombe 14 July 1743 ; she died 9 Oct. 1753 ; bur. at Cros- combe ;* M.I. ; her mother was an heir of the family of George. I I Sarah Jenkins, born 3 May 1711 ; died inf. Sarah Jenkins, born 11 Dec. 1715 ; died un- mar. 29 May 1788; bur. at Croscombe, in Chancel, floorslab, with arms of Jenkins. Elizabeth Jen- kins, born 5 July 1717 ; died un- mar. John Jenkins,* born 1713 ; died 29 Jan. 1719-20. Sarah Jenkins,: born 11 Oct. 1747; privately bapt., received at the Cathedral 3 Dec. ; died 18 July 1777; bur. at St. Michael, Bristol. :Henry Hobhouse, Esq., of Clifton, co. Gloucester, after of Hadspen House, Somerset, Barrister-at-Law, M.A., J.P., born 1742 ; mar. 20 April 1775 ; died 2 April 1792 ; bur. in family vault, St. Michael, Bristol ; M.I. at Pitcombe, on which is a shield with these arms, viz. : — Azure, three crescents between the horns of each an estoil argent, im- paling, Quarterly — 1, Azure, on a saltire engrailed or four crosses patee fichee sable points to the centre, Jenkyns ; 2, Azurt, a chevron between three pheons or, all within a bordure erm., Swayne of Gunville ; 3, Sable, a bend cotised between two griffins segreant argent, Pinkee of Dindee, Somerset ; 4, Argent, a f ess gules between three Cornish choughs sable beaked and legged of the second, Geobge of Ceoscombe. These quarterings are not quite correct — Beyant should precede George. The pedigree does not shew how Pinkee comes in. Henry Hobhouse, born 12 April 1776 ;=pHarriet, da. of John Turton Barrister-at-Law, P.C., and Under of Sugnall Hall, co. Staf- Secretary of State, Home Department, ford ; mar. at Chiswick 7 etc. ; died 13 April 1854 ; bur. at Pit- April 1806 ; died 7 May combe. See ' Peerage ' and ' Baronet- 1858. age ' for fuller particulars. I Henry Hobhouse of Hads- pen. I I Edmund Hobhouse, Chancellor and As- sistant Bishop Suf- fragan of Lichfield ; Bishop of Nelson, N.Z. Sarah Hobhouse, born 1777 ; died unmar. 5 July 1810, aged 53 ; M.I. at Pitcombe, with arms of HOBHOUSE. I Reginald Hobhouse, Rector of St. Ives and Arch- deacon of Cornwall. I Sir Arthur Hobhouse, P.C., K.C.S.I., Baron Hobhouse. See • Peer- age.' I I I Harriet Hobhouse, mar. Rev. Henry Jenkyns. Catharine house. Hob- I I John Hobhouse. Eleanor Hobhouse. Eliza Hobhouse. 78 WELLS CATHEDRAL. I Elizabeth Jenkins, born 27 March 1744 ; received into the Church 14 April 1744 ; died inf. 4 April 1745.§ Elizabeth Jenkins, born 17 May 1746 ; died inf. 27 May 1746. G-eorge Jenkins, born 13 June 1750 ; bapt. 14 June 1751 ;§ died inf. 26 July 1751, vide M.I. at Croscombe. John Jenkyns, born 16 May 1753, brought to the Cathedral 20 June ;§= of Brazenose College, Oxon ; B.C.L. 1777 ; Vicar of Evercreech 1783 ; Prebendary of Dinder 1779 ; Rector of Horsmonden, Kent ; died 27 Feb. 1824 ; bur. at Evercreech with M.I.* He first, after his cousin Richard, adopted the y instead of i in the name. Arms : Azure, on a saltire engrailed or four crosses patee fitchee sable points to the centre ; impaling, Gules, three clwvrons argent. : Jane, da. and coheir of James Banister of Bris- tol, Merchant ; mar. at SeendSJan. 1782; died 3 April 1825, aged 71 ; bur. at Evercreech. M.I.* I Richard Jenkyns, born 21 Dec. 1782 ;: of Balliol College, Oxon ; Fellow 1803 ; M.A. 1806 ; Master of Balliol 1819 ; D.D. 1819 : Vicar of Evercreech 1821 ; Prebendary of Dinder 1824 ; Dean of Wells 1845 ; ob. s.p. 6 March 1854 ; bur. in Wells Cathedral with M.I.* =Troth, da. and heir of Grey Jermyn Grove, Esq., of Poole Hall, co. Salop ; mar. April 1835 ; ob. s.p. 1 June 1857, aged 67 ; M.I. Wells Cathedral. This lady was descended from the Viscountess de Lisle whose monu- ment is in the south transept, and was one of the co- heirs to the Baronies of Fitz Warine and De Lisle, her consent being asked before the latter title was con- ferred on Sir Philip C. Sidney. John Jenkyns, born 19 Jan. 1780 ; mar. at=pAnna, da. of George Chalmer, Esq., of West- Cheltenham 3 May 1819 ; died 22 Nov. 1862 and bur. at Bishop's Waltham, Hants ; of Bot- ley Hill, Botley, Hants.* combe House, co. Somerset. Born 27 May 1793; died 3 April 1862; bur. by her husband. John Jenkyns, born July 1821 ; died 6 Aug. 1833 ; bur. at Bishop's Waltham, Hants. Anna Elizabeth Jenkyns, born June 1826 ; died inf. Henry Jenkyns, born 22 June 1795 ; mar. at Pitcombe, co. Somerset,: 31 March 1834 ; Matriculated Corpus Christi, Oxon, 1813 ; Fellow Oriel 1818 ; M.A. 1819 ; Editor of ' Cranmer ' ; Professor of Greek at University of Durham 1833 ; Prebendary of Durham Oct. 1839 to 1878 ; Professor of Divinity at Durham 1835 ; resigned 1864 ; D.D. 1841 ; after of Botley Hill, Hants ; died 2 April 1878 ; bur. at Curdridge, Hants.* ^Harriet, eldest da. of Henry Hobhouse of Hadspen (and his wife Harriet Turton). Born 27 March 1807 ; died 29 Aug. 1876 ; bur. at Curdridge. Harriet Jenkyns, 1 born 22 Jan. 1835 ; mar. 22 June 1861. : John Pedder, M.A., Principal of Hatfield Hall, Henry Jenkyns,born Durham University ; Rector of Meldon, North- and died 29 July umberland, 1859 ; Rector of North Stoke, near 1836 ; bur. at Pit- Bath, 1870—1877 ; died 12 July 1890, aged 65. combe. Anne Margaret Pedder, Pedder, born 8 born 9 July June 1863. 1862. Edward Ped- der, born 23 Dec. 1864 ; Clerk in Orders. I Catharine Pedder, born 26 March 1869. Alice Pedder, born June 1867; died Feb. 1868 ; bur. at Durham. John Ped- Elizabeth der,born27 Pedder, Jan. 1869 ; born 12 Oriel Coll., Dec. 1870. Oxon. Henry Jenkyns, born 2 Sept. 1838; mar. 3 April 1877;=Madalene Sabine, born 1848; da Barrister-at-Lawof Lincoln's Inn; of Ball. Coll., Oxon, 1856 ; M.A. 1861 ; Assist. Parliamentary Counsel 1869; Parliamentary Counsel 1886 ; C.B. ; of Botley Hill, Hants. of Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, 2nd Bart., K.C.B., by his wife Jane M. L., da. of the Rev. Montagu J. Wynyard. E MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 79 Anne Jen-= kyns, born 1 July 1840; mar. 22 July 1868. =Rev. Charles Henry Pilkington, born 1837 ; M.A. 1861 ; Fellow New College, Oxon ; Rector of Letton, Herefordshire, 1868 ; Vicar of Owslebury, Hants, 1871 ; Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Worcester, 1875 ; Rector of St. John, Mad- dermarket, Norwich, 1882 ; now Rector of Upper Heyford, co. Oxford, 1888. Arms : Argent, a cross potence gules voided of the field, in dexter chief a mullet sable charged with crescent of the first for difference. He is son of the Rev. Charles Pilkington, Rector of Stockton, co. Warwick (1835 to 1870) ; Canon of Chichester (1850 to 1870) ; born 1802, and died 1870 ; by Maria, da. of Thomas Garnier, Rector of Bishopstoke and Dean of Winchester. Mary Caroline Pilkington, born 14 April 1869; mar. in 1889 Rev. Herbert Deedes Barrett. 4* Dorothea Margaret Pilkington, born April 1871 ; died Oct. 1871. Grace Beatrice Pilkington, born 13 June 1872. Winifred Harriet Pilkington, born 8 June 1873. Archibald Charles Pilkington, born 31 Dec. 1874. Leonard Garnier Pilkington, born 4 Sept. 1877. Richard Jenkyns, born 23 Oct. 1841 ; mar. 6 June 1872 ; Trin; Coll., Oxon ; M.A. ; Rector of Wallsend, Northumberland, 1872 ; died 6 June 1886 ; bur. at Curdridge, Hants. : Rosa, da. of Rev. Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, North- umberland. Helen Sylvia Jenkyns, born 3 March 1873. I Bertram Hobhouse Jenkyns, born 18 April 1874. I Gerald Thomas Ilderton Jenkyns, born 18 July 1875. Gwendoline Harriet Jenkyns, born 30 Nov. 1876. I Reginald Richard Jenkyns, born 30 July 1879. Emmeline Mary Susan Jenkyns, born 3 Oct. 1880. John Jenkyns, born= 26 Sept. 1843 ; mar. 21 Sept. 1876 ; Ball. Coll., Oxon ; M.A. 1868 ; Vicar of Lid- lingtonl873; Rector ofThornhaugh-cum- Wansford, North- ants, 1876; Rural Dean 1891. : Dora Spencer,born 1845 ; da. of SpencerSmith, Esq., of Brooklands. near Southampton, by Frances (mar. 1836) da. of Sir Michael Seymour, 1st Bart. Arms : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Sable, two bars wavy or, each charged with a barrulet also wavy, all between three martlets of the second ; 2 and 3, Ermine, an a saltire sable, between in chief and flanks a crescent gules, and in base a dolphin naient of the second, an escallop-shell argent. Arthur Jen- kyns, born 8 Oct. 1845. I I Catharine Jenkyns, born 1 Nov. 1847. Edith Jenkyns, born 18 Oct. 1849. I I I Dorothea Edith Jenkyns, born Hugh Hobhouse Jenkyns, born Stephen Spencer Jenkyns, 28 April 1878. 8 Nov. 1879. born 20 July 1882. I I I Jane Jenkyns, died inf. James Bannister Jenkyns, died inf. Henry James Jenkyns, died inf. Elizabeth Anne Jane Catharine Jenkyns,=Thomas Gaisford, Jenkyns, born 13 born 14 June 1787 ; mar. D.D., Dean of Christ Oct. 1797; died 1 May 1832; died 4 April Church, Oxon, who unmar. 20 July 1863 ; s.p. ; bur. in Clois- died 2 June 1855. 1845 ; bur. at ters of Wells Cathedral ; Bishop's Wal- M.I. tham. co. Hants. Sarah Jenkyns, born 12 : Sept. 1790 ; mar. 1 Oct. 1811; living in 1891. : Rev. John Gale Dalton Thring, born 27 Sept. 1784, of Alford House ; L.L.B., J. P., and Rector of Alford with Hornblotton, Somerset ; died at Clevedon 11 Dec. 1874 ; bur. at Alford. See p. 81. Theresa Thring^Augustus born 14 July 1815; mar. 31 Aug. 1843 ; died 24 Sept. 1867. F Otway FitzGerald, Rector of Fledborough, Notts, after of Charlton Mackerel, and then of Brent Knoll, Somerset ; and Archdeacon of Wells. Henry Thring, born Sept. 1817 ; died March 1818. Elizabeth Marion Thring, born 20 Dec. 1819 ; died unmar. Aug. 1859. 80 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Gerald Augustus Robert=r=Alice Caroline Frances, da. FitzGerald, born 22 Sept. 1844 ; mar. 2 Oct. 1875 ; of C.C.C., Oxon ; M.A. ; Fellow of St. John's; Bar- rister of Lincoln's Inn. of Henry Duncan Skrine, Esq., of Warleigh Manor, Somerset, by Susanna Caro- line, 3rd da. of William Mills, Esq.,of SaxhamHall, Suffolk. Maurice Mabel James Otho Sarah Richard FitzGerald, FitzGerald, FitzGerald born born born 27 Nov. 21 Jan. 25 Aug. 1845. 1847. 1849. Maurice Henry FitzGerald, born 21 April 1877. Robert Geoffrey FitzGerald, born Aug. 1879. Theodore Thring, born 4 Aug. 1816; Barrister-at-Law ;=Julia Jane, 4th da. of William Mills, Commissioner in Bankruptcy, Liverpool ; mar. 23 Sept. 1852 ; of Alford House, co. Somerset ; D.L., J.P., Vice-Chairman of Quarter Sessions. Esq., J.P., D.L., of Saxham Hall, Suffolk ; by Clara Jane, da. of the Rev. Richard Huntley. John Huntley^Mabel, only da Thring, born Oct. 1853 ; mar. at Ever creech 31 July 1890. of Captain John Davis Sherston of Evercreech. Dora Jane Christopher = Leila, da. of Wil- Arthur Thring, Bevan Thring, liam Johnston, Theodore born 29 born 6 Feb. Esq., of Cow- Thring. Dec. 1854. 1857 ; mar. 11 hill Tower, born 6 Feb. Sep. 1890. Dumfries. 1860. Cyril Theodore Thring, born 24 Sept. 1861. Lawrence Theodore Thring, born 16 April 1863. I Douglas Theodore Thring, born 7 Aug. 1864. Mary Alicia Thring, born 24 Dec. 1865. Henry Thring, born 3 Nov. 1818 ; Magdalen Coll., Camb. ^Elizabeth, da. of John Cardwell, M.A. ; Barrister-at-Law of Inner Temple; Home Office Coun- sel 1861 ; Parliamentary Counsel 1869—1886 ; K.C.B. 1873 ; created Baron Thring of Alderhurst, Surrey, 17 Aug. 1886. sister and coheir of Viscount Cardwell ; mar. 14 Aug. 1856. A da., died inf. A son, died inf. Katharine Anne Thring, born 8 July 1861. Edward Thring, born 29 Nov. 1821 ; Clerk ; King's Coll., Camb. ; M.A. ;^=Caroline Marie Louise D.D. ; Headmaster of Uppingham School ; author of Works on educa- tion ; mar. 20 Dec. 1853 ; died 27 Oct. 1887 ; bur. at Uppingham ; M.I. Koch, da. of Herr Koch of Bonn. John Gale Thring, born 1 Oct. 1855. Sarah Eliza Thring, born 8 May 1856. Margaret Susan Thring, born 14 April 1858. George Herbert Thring, born 28 Nov. 1859. Mary Grace Thring, born 27 July 1866. Godfrey Thring, born 25 March 1823 ; Ball. Coll., Oxon ;=pMary Jane, da. of Charles Pinney of B.A. 1845 ; Rector of Alford with Hornblotton, Somerset ; mar. 18 Jan. 1870 ; Prebendary of Wells ; author of ' Church of England Hymn Book ' and some well-known hymns ; Rural Dean of Castle Cary 1867—1876. Camp House, Clifton, by Frances Mary, da. of John Still, Esq., of Knoyle, Wilts. See Pedigree of Bishop Still. i Leonard Godfrey Pinney Thring, born 22 Jan. 1873. John Charles Thring, Clerk in Holy Orders ; : born 11 June 1824 ; of The Chantry, Bradford- on-Avon; mar. 28 May 1858; of St. John's College, Cambridge ; B.A. 1847. =Lydia Eliza Dyer, da. and heir of Captain Samuel Meredith, R.N., by his wife Lydia, da. of John Dyer of Chicklade Lodge, Wilts. Born 4 Aug. 1830. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 81 Lydia Marion Charles Henry Lionel Charles Reginald Thring, born 5 Sept. 1862 ; M.A. Ethel Thring, Meredith Cambridge; Headmaster of Ashton Grammar School, born 18 April Thring, born Dunstable, Beds; mar. 18 Aug. 1888 Jessie Margaret 1859. 21 Jan. 1861. Heeling. Gertrude Elizabeth Lydia Thring, born 24 Nov. 1864. Llewellyn Charles Waldron Thring, born 11 July 1866; B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge. Theresa Annie Lydia Thring, born 22 Nov. 1867. I I Amy Gwendoline Mary Nona Alice Lydia Lydia Thring, born 25 Thring, born 2 March 1869. Sept. 1870. Walter Hugh Charles Samuel Thring, born 30 May 1873 ; Mid. E.N. Ernest Walsham Charles Thring, born 22 Feb. 1875. Brancker Thring, bur. at Codford St. Peter, : Wilts, 6 May 1708. John Thring, bapt.=pKatherine, at Codford 19 Feb. 1681 ; bur. there 18 May 1750. bur. at Codford 23 May 1750. I Samuel Thring, bapt. at Codford 24 Sept. 1684. Martha Thring, bapt. at Codford 14 Nov. 1686. William: Thring, bapt. at Codford 21 April 1689. I Ann Thring, bapt. at Codford 10 Jan. 1691. Wrench Thring (Mr.), bapt. at=pAnne, da. and heir of John Ingram, gent., of Codford 9 Nov. 1718 ; mar. there 18 Feb. 1750; he died 11 Nov 1781, aged 63. M.I. at Codford. Codford St. Peter (son of John Ingram of the same place). She died 22 April 1824, aged 96. M.I. at Codford St. Peter, Wilts. I Joel Thring, bapt. at Cod- ford 24 Jan. 1726 ; bur. there. I Anne Thring, bapt. at Codford 30 Aug. 1758; died unmar. 7 April 1790, aged 33; M.I. at Codford. Mary Thring, bapt. at Codford 17 Sept. 1759; died unmar. 18 Aug. 1784, aged 24 ; M.I. at Codford. Elizabeth Thring,=Rev. George Smith, bapt. at Codford 9 Vicar of Norton, April 1763 ; died 1 Bavant, Wilts. July 1840, aged 78; M.I. at Codford. John Thring, only sur- viving son , of Warminster. Had a Grant of Arms, which see. Died 13 Feb. 1830, aged 76. : Elizabeth, youngest da. of William Everett of Haytesbury, Wilts, Esq. ; died 12 Dec. 1834, aged 82 ; bur. at Alford, Somerset, 23 Dec. 1834. Catherine Thring, bapt. at Codford 7 Aug. 1751 ; bur. there 26 Sept. 1772. Joel Thring, bapt. at Cod- ford 10 Feb. 1756 ; bur. there 21 June 1756. Alice Anne Thring, died unmar. 3 Jan. 1862, aged 78. Rev. John Gale Dalton= Sarah Jenkyns. See p. 79. Thring. Cathedral Register. M r Richard Jenkins, bur. on Saturday, 22 Jan. 1781. 82 WELLS CATHEDRAL. rTlO all and Singular to whom these Presents shall come Sir Isaac Heard Knight -■- Garter Principal King of Arms and Thomas Lock Esquire Clarenceux King of Arms of the South East and West Parts of England from the Kiver Trent South- wards send Greeting ES$f)erea& John Thring of Warminster in the County of Wilts Esquire hath stated that he is only son of Wrench Thring of Codford S l Peter in the said county Gent : by Anne his wife sole Daughter and Heir of John Ingram of Codford S 4 Peter aforesaid Gent : by Anne Bracher his Wife which said John Ingram was the only son of John Ingram of Codford S l Peter aforesaid Gent ; And hath represented unto the Most Noble Charles Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal and hereditary Marshal of England that the Armorial Ensigns used by his Family not having been duly registered in the College of Arms he therefore requested the favor of his Grace's Warrent for our granting exemplifying and confirming the same with such variation as may be proper to be borne by him and his Descendants according to the Laws of Arms &ttfi foraftlttttci) as the said Earl Marshal did by Warrent under his hand and Seal bearing date the twenty eighth day of May instant authorize and direct Us to grant exemplify and confirm the same accordingly Itnoto £0 tijewfOW that We the said Garter and Clarenceux in pursuance of his Grace's Warrant and by Virtue of the Letters Patent of our several Offices to each of Us respectively granted under the Great Seal of Great Britain do by these Presents grant exemplify & confirm to the said John Thring the arms following that is to say Erminois on a fess plain azure, another wavy or, charged with three Escallops Sable, a Bordure Invected Gules ; and for the crest on a wreath of the colours a Cock per pale or and Gules, charged with two Escallops Counter- changed, in the beak an Ear of Barley, proper ; as the same are in the margin hereof more plainly depicted to be borne and used for ever here after by him the said John Thring Esquire, and his Descendants according to the Laws of Arms, without the Let or Interruption of any Person or Persons what so ever 9ht ©BtttnCftft whereof We the said Garter and Clarenceux Kings of Arms have to these presents subscribed our Names and affixed the Seals of our Several Offices this MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 83 thirtieth day of May in the thirty eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight. {Signed) Isaac Heard, Thomas Lock, Garter Principal King of Arms. Clarenceux King of Arms. [Seal] [Seal] Here lieth the Body of Margaret the wife of William MALET. Malet Esq. and Daughter of John BAILY. Baylie, L.L.D., who died August y e 31 st 1721. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1718 Dec. 4 William Malet, gent., and Margaret Baily, spinster, both of Wells ; mar. by licence. BAILY. Johannes Baylie L.L.Doctor, Dioeceseos Bathon' et Wellen' Cancellarius obiit 13° Calendas Februarius a.d. 1688. Truim plus minus mensium mora quam traxerat in terris post conjugis obitum longior fortasse videri potuit ad Elizabetham suam properanti nobis certe qui aegre patimur a nobis divulsum brevissima tu viator si ilia tempestate apud anglos quid gestum sit memineris sseculum dixeris nex enim edita fuisse tempore tantillo tot prodigia facile credent posteri. Hsec Elizabeths, prserepta vidit attonitus et exiit una cum ilia hinc migrave jamdudum paratus : sed 84 WELLS CATHEDRAL. animas conjunctissimas quidam quasi tubro reip. Disciecit. Idem etiam saxum tegit Wilhelum Caucellarii Baylie filium nobiscum floruit Annos 28 obiit Decimo tertio Die Augusti 1711. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1676 Jan. 7 John s. of John Bayly, Esq., Chancellor of the Diocese, and Elizabeth his w. 1678 Feb. 4 Elizabeth dau. of Dr. Bayly and Elizabeth his w. 1681 Sep. 22 Mary dau. of John Baily, D r of Civil Law and Chancellor of the Diocese, and Elizabeth his w. 1682 Dec. 20 William s. of John Bayly, D r of Laws and Chancellor of the Diocese, and Elizabeth his w. 1686 Jan. 6 Margaret dau. of M r John Bayly, D r of Laws, and Elizabeth his w. Burials. 1676 Mar. 14 John s. of John Bayly, Esq., Chancellor of this Diocese ; bur. in S l Katherine's Chapel. Elizabeth dau. of D r Bayly. Elizabeth w. of John Bayly, D r of Civil Laws. D r John Bayly, Chancellor. Among the parish papers of S e Cuthbert's, Wells, are impressions of the seal of George and John Bayly to documents dated 1687, with these arms, (Az.) three doves rising (arg., legs gu.) crowned (or). Crest, A dove as in the arms. 1678 Mar. 18 1688 Oct. 23 1688 Jan. 28 Elizabetha BAYLY. . Johannes Baylie, L.L.D. hujus diceceseos cancellariis conjux desideratissima BERKELEY. Edwardi Berkeley de Pill in com : Som : armigeri filia, obiit 13 Callendas Novembres a.d. 1688 mollius calca viator cineres pios jacet hie heroina e MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 85 gente Berkleiorum Prisca fide moribns antiquis natalibus clarissima virtutibus clarior utrinq' magna in dispari fortuna sui similis rebus in horas mutatis eadem non comissura, et si caeteri omnes a maiorum dissiplina desciscerent se constantiae suae poeniteret semper iter sentiebat talem se animum et generis dignitate et pietati suae et patriae periturae et cui impensissime favebat ecelesiae anglecanae debere. (Floorslab.) Note. She is named as " daughter Elizabeth " in the will of her father Edward Berkeley of Pylle, dated 4 Deo. 1669 ; and as " Elizabeth wife of John Bailey, Esq., Chancellor of Bath and "Wells," in the will of her brother Maurice Berkeley of Pylle, dated 22 Feb. 1677. Her mother was Philippa, daughter of ... . Holland of Sussex, and relict of Thomas Kitson of Wells (a kinsman of Sir Thomas Kitson of Hengrave), whose will she proved 12 Feb. 1616 as Margaret Berkeley alias Kitson, having been married to Edward Berkeley of Pylle at S 4 Outhbert, Wells, 29 Jan. 1615-6. DROKENSFORD. An altar-tomb with an alabaster effigy of a bishop in his robes, recumbent, is inscribed " Gulielmus Bytton, p'mus Episc' Bathon' et Wellens' mcclxix." This assignation of the tomb is proved to be wrong by the following evidence. Round the tomb are painted twenty-six shields, viz., Quarterly or and az., four birds' heads addorsed and counterchanged, Drokensford ; and, Erminois, on a chief gu. two stags' 1 heads caboshed or, Popham. The above coat does not appear in Glover's ' Ordinary,' Burke's ' General Armory,' or in Papworth's book, but it is proved conclusively to be arms of the Droknesford or Drokensford family from a seal attached to a grant from Philip de Droknesford, son and heir of Philip de Droknesford, to John de Godeley (Dean of Wells) and his brother Hamelin, of messuages and land in Ockhampton, in the parish of Wivelscombe, which he holds from his uncle John de Droknesford. Dated at Wells the Friday after the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr 1332. To this the seal of Philip de Droknesford is fortunately still attached, and nearly perfect. The arms are quarterly (colours not shewn on seals of that date and long after), and four swans' heads couped and addorsed, in chief a label of three points, the difference 86 WELLS CATHEDRAL. of an eldest son. Round the arms part of the legend, Phil : de Drokne Another grant from the same Philip calls him brother and heir of John de Droknesford, deceased, late Bishop of Bath and Wells. The coat of Popham appearing on the tomb equally with that of Drokensford is strong presumptive evidence on which to assume that his mother was of that family, perhaps the heiress of a younger son. These evidences add some points to Mr. Greenfield's pedigree (« Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica,' vol. ii., second series, p. 314), which, with these additions, as far as it immediately relates to Drokensford, we may reproduce here. Drokensford.=F Philip Drokensford=r= . . . 1 Popham T John de Drokensford, from whom his nephew Philip de Droknesford held land in Wivelscombe. I Philip de Drokensford, did^. . homage for the Bishop's lands 29 June 1329. [Fines Roll, 3 Edw. III., m. 9.] John Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1309-1329 ; ob. 9 May 1329. [Esc. 3 Edw. III., No. 41.] Joanna Drokens-=f=Philip ford. | Crook. S-f-1 Joan Crook = William Avenell. Sir John de Clyvedon, Knight, Lord of^Mary Drokensford. In 12 Edw. II., 1388, Matthew Clyvedon, Somerset ; will proved 1336 [Reg. Rad. Salopia, 144, at Wells.] See Addenda. de Clyvedon, Knight, grants to his son John de Clyvedon, and to Maria de Droknesford, wife of the said John, lands in Shipham. The above is proof beyond question as to the arms of Bishop Drokensford, and satisfactorily identifies his tomb. It may be well to state that in the abstract of the Dean and Chapter Charters, by Mr. De Gray Birch, the arms are said to be a cross between four chessrooks, but it is difficult to understand how he made the mistake, as the seal is very clear. He also omits to say that the grantor is styled, son and heir of Philip de Droknesford. It is, "Q d scien' p'centes omnia ego Ph'us de Droknesford filius e heres Ph'i de Droknesford redi concess','' to John de Godele and Hamelin his brother, certain messuages and lands at Okhampton in the parish of Wyvelscombe, which he holds of John de Droknesford his uncle. The deed is dated at Wells on the Friday after the Feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 5 Edw. III. (1332), and it is witnessed by John de Clevedon and others. In a later deed this Philip styles himself brother and heir to the Bishop. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 87 Chapel of St. Catherine and All Virgins. A very much obliterated floorslab has the following only that can be read : — WHALLEY. Richardi Chaple Whalley Franciscii fillius natus 16 die Julii 1790, mortuus 6 Martii 1793. Martha Francisca Whalley nata 6 die Maii 1759 obiit 5 Februarii 1765. On a floorslab partly covered by Bishop Dudoc's tomb can be traced Sub hoc VLOIAC mater Eliza .... edit R . . . oave Anno D 161 Requiesset caromea in sp. DUDOC. A recumbent effigy ascribed to Bishop Dudoc, who succeeded to the See in 1033 and died 1061. It is inscribed "Dudico epc' Wellensis." BURWOLD. Another recumbent effigy is supposed to represent Bishop Burwold who was consecrated about a.d. 1000, and died soon after. It is inscribed, " Burwaldus epc' Wellensis." S:M Depositum WALROND. Guilielmi Walrand nuper de Ilebrewers in^hoc comitatu armigeri qui 88 WELLS CATHEDRAL. ab antiquissima familia e Devonia primitus oriundus temporibus malis Justitise cultor agerrimus deputat ter locum tenent genninus eccles afflicts filius numerosse (ejnsdemq' regi fidelis progeniei parens decursis octogintae et supra annis obiit die August 24° Anno Salutis MDCLXII. (Floorslab.) Note. He was the second son of Henry Walrond, Esq., of Sea in Ilminster, who was admitted to the Inner Temple 15 June 1562 (son & h. of Humphry Walrond of Sea, by Elizabeth, dau. and h. of John Brokehampton of Sea), by his wife Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of William Devenish, Esq., of Hellingleigh, co. Sussex, a coh. to the barony of Welles. He proved his father's will 26 May ]617, and had to compound for his estates during the Civil Wars in 1646 by the description of William Walrond of Wells. He married and left several children. The youngest son Amos is buried, with a monument, in this Cathedral, and one of the daughters was the wife of Bishop Creyghton (see her monument). St. Cuthbert Paeish Eegister. 1614 Feb. 24 Susan dau. of M r William Walrond, bapt. 1707 Feb. 16 Lawrence Walrond, gent., and Sarah Tilley, Bpinster, both of Langridge, Somerset. Licence. LAW. Jane Law wife of The Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells Born Oct. 16 th 1764 Died Sep* 27th 132 6. Also Ann Law Daughter of the above Born Dec 1 29 th 1786 Died Feb 1 * 18 th 1832. Also Margaret Law Daughter of the Lord Bishop of this Diocese and Jane his wife Born March 7 th 1803 Died May 17 th 1838. (Floorslab.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 89 A large white marble monument, with the figure of a man seated in a chair, by Chantrey, dated 1837, bears the following inscription : — Sacred to the memory of PHELIPS. JohnPhelips of Montacute in this county Esquire Descended from a line of ancestors whose names for two centuries and a half abound in the annals of this county ; he succeeded at an early age to his paternal estates and sustained the wonted hospitality of his house ; he soon became a most active and intelligent magistrate. In 1815 was High Sheriff and in 1819 was unanimously placed in one of the chairs of the Court of Quarter Sessions, a station which he continued to fill, until acute disease suddenly stopped his career of usefulness on the 20 th of April 1834 at the premature age of 50 years. In testimony of the admiration and respect excited throughout the county by the able exercise of his judicial functions, in which though not educated to the law he was equalled by few, surpassed by none, this monument was erected by his surviving friends. Note. He was the eldest son of the Rev. William Phelips, by Anna Aletheia Elizabetha, daughter of the Rev. John Paget, Vicar of Doulting, co. Somerset, and married in 1816 his first-cousin Mary Ann, daughter of the Rev. Charles Phelips, and left an only daughter Mary, married to James Farquharson, Esq. Mr. Phelips dying without heirs male, the estates reverted to his nephew William, son of his brother the Rev. William Phelips. The arms used by this family are, Arg., a chev. betw. three roses gu., barbed and seeded ppr. Crest, A square beacon or chest on two wheels or, filled with fire ppr. But in the Herald's ' Visitation of Somerset in 1623 ' the arms entered with the pedigree are, Arg., a lion ramp, sa., collared and chained or. MARCEL. Near the last is a canopied tomb ascribed to Bishop Drokensford, but as it has been already shewn that beyond doubt his tomb is in another place, and there is nothing to shew to whose memory it was built, it might be, and very probably is, for John Marcel, who died in 1841, having founded a chauntry in this Chapel of St. Catherine. The legend on the edge of the tomb is, " Johannes Drokensford Episc' Bathon' et Wellen's mccoxxix. There is no effigy or arms ; a shield is outlined on the screen at the east end of it charged with a Holy Lamb. In the space at the back of the High Altar, between it and the Lady Chapel on the east and the chapels on the north and south, are the following floorslabs : — N 90 WELL8 CATHEDRAL. H. S. E. Jana uxor Willi. SHERSTON. Sherston gen' qui obiit 13 die Sept. 1711. William Sherston gent, died 12 March 1725 aged 5 [? 55] years. Marg. I. Sherston ob. 6 Apr. 1779 set 29 P. D. Sherston ob. 14 May 1834 at 51. (Floorslab. See also monuments in the Cloisters.) . Maii 17. (The rest gone.) (Floorslab.) Maii 1 .... 1° at 1 ... . (The rest gone.) (Floorslab.) Hie Jacet .... .... nnes .... Elizabetha uxo .... 10 Martii 1676 atatis sua l m0 (Floorslab. Portions of this inscription are quite gone.) Hie Jacet Elizabetha BAYLIE. filia Joh' Baylie hui' dioceseos Cancellarii Elizabetha uxoris eiq' obiit 15 Martii A.D. 1678 atatis sua l m0 (Floorslab.) Here are three floorslabs on which nothing but a few lines shew that they have borne inscriptions. Richard son of DAVIS. Peter Davis Esq. dyed the . . th of December 1709 in the 2 nd year of his age. (Floorslab. Mr. Fielder's MS. says 18 th Dec.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 91 SHERSTON. Dodington Shersfcon, gent. son of William Sheraton, Died Not 1 23 rd aged 46 1751. Here also lieth the Body of William Sherston son of the above Dodington Sherston who died March 28 th 1770 aged 19 years. Bridget Sherston wife of the above Dodington Sherston died 25 th of May 1792 aged 72 years. Margaret Sherston Second wife of Peter Sherston Esq. died 19 th of January 1795 aged 39. (Floorslab.) DAVIS. Margaret Davis widow of John Davis gent, who dyed the sevinteen* day of February 1719 in the eightieth year of her age. (Floorslab.) PAINE. Depositum Johannis Paine Not : Pub : qui annum setatis 75 agens obiit 9° Feb. 1732. (Floorslab.) M. I. B. In hoc reconditur infra tumulo Quod reliquium est WALROND. Amori Walrond Guilielmi natu minoris filii armigeri in concessu parliamentario pro Tamworth Burgo in comitatu Staffordiensi senatoris, sive consiliarii meretisimi pietate erga deum fidelitate in principem et ecclesiam 92 WELLS CATHEDRAL. suavitate morum erga singulos et candore multifaria eruditione et (quod instar omnium est) charitse insignissima Hujusce veritati inter caetera suffragatur capella in vicariorum clauso sita propriis ipsius sumptibus restaurata organisq' quae divino inserviunt cultui adornata post decursum 45 (plus minus) annorum spacium uxorem duxit Elizabeth am LAMBERT. Edmundi Lambert armigeri de Eeevell in "Wiltoniensi agro filiam unicam fceminani dignissimam quam statim anuptiis prethensus mort reliquit viduam moestissimam animamq' deo conditori reddidit Novembris xi Anno Salutis Christian® M.D.C.L.XVIII. Mors mini lucrum resurgam lectores quales vos estis in vivis fui qualis sum eritis mortuorum socii Ha3C deflevit R B D D sub cuius tutela pridem floruit praetatus amosus in collegio S.S. Trinitatis Cantabrigiaa cum magno nominis splendore. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1668 Nov. 15 M r Amos Waldron, buried. 1680 Dec. 11 M r George "Waldron of the Liberty, buried. HARKNESS. Robert Harkness, M.A. Vicar of East Brent Died April 28 th 1839, aged 41 years. Jane Waugh Harkness wife of the Rev* 1 Robert Harkness Died Jan 1 ? 17 th 1843. (Floorslab.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. .... comfort and Joy to ... . parents 12 1742. For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. (Floorslab, almost obliterated.) 93 Another floorslab, with only enough to shew it had been inscribed. A large floorslab — of the inscription all that can be traced is, " Archand Parson of Y " BEADON. The Right Reverend Richard Beadon, D.D. Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells Died April 21 st 1824 aged 87. (FloorBlab.) GOOCH. Underneath this stone are deposited the Remains of the Rev d John Gooch, D.D. Rector of Ditton and of Willingham in the county of Cambridge and Prebendary of the Cathedral Church of Ely. He was born August the 8 th 1729 and died January the 7 th 1804 in the 75 th year of his age. Beloved and lamented By all who knew him. (Floorslab.) A large ledger-stone has the lower half of the figure of an ecclesiastic incised on it. The inscription round the edge is obliterated. MOSS. Caroline Moss Reverendi in Christo Patris Bathon' & Wellen. Episcopi Filia, natu minima ; obiit 15° die Aprilis 1785 Anno aetatis 17°. (Floorslab.) Cathedeal Register. 1785 April 21 Miss Caroline Moss, dau. of the Lord Bishop, bur. 94) WELLS CATHEDRAL. ADAMS. A large floorslab much defaced has (round the edge) .... huich (?) GODWYN. next wife of Thomas Godwyn, Doctor of Divinity . . . . ; (in the middle) Here lyeth the Body of Mistris .... Adams, mother of the said Doctor Richard Adams, Anno 1626. Note. The will of Phillipe Godwyn of Wells, dated 26 Jan. 1655 ; proved 9 April 1657 : Desires to be buried at Brightwell in Berkshire, in the chancel " near my husband D r Godwyn, but if not convenient, then by my former husband D r Adams in S* Andrew's Church at Wells." Names her brother John Bourne and his wife ; my sister Jane Wykes ; cousin and nephew William Wykes ; cousin Jane Wykes and her two sons William and Thomas ; cousin Carliel ; cousin & nephew Roger Bourne ; cousin Philip Bourne. This lady was a daughter of Gilbert Bourne of Wells, by Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Smith of Mitcham, Surrey, and just enough of the inscription remains to shew that the second alternative in her will regarding her burial took place. The will of her first husband Richard Adams, D.D., Canon Residentiary of Wells, dated 28 Jan. 9 K. Charles, and proved 24 April 1 634, appoints her his executrix, and names his brother Robert Adams, D.D., and his son Robert Adams, and is witnessed by John Bourne and Edward Wykes. This Dr. Godwyn must not be confounded with the family of the Bishop of Bath and Wells of the same name, but of a distinct family. The above Dr. Godwyn was a son of Thomas Godwyn of Abingdon, Berks, and grandson of Anthony Godwyn of Wells. BOURNE. Here lyeth the body of John Bourne of Durleigh Esquire, the son of John Bourne late Doctor of Divinity, and Canon of this Church, who deceased the 8 th Day of August Anno Dni 1652 Servire deo est servadea Deo John Bourne. (Floorslab, inscription round the edge.) Will of J. Bourne. John Bourne of the Liberty of St. Andrew, Wells. Will dated 30 Dec. 2 James II., 1686 ; proved 28 April 1687 at Wells. Gives his lands of inheritance in the parish of Hambleton, co. Hants, to his brother Philip Bourne and his heirs for ever, but to sell it if need be speedily and pay Mr. Darbyshire of Droxford the money owed him by testator. Philip Bourne of Farley, Hants, yeoman, executor. Will of G-. Bourne. Gilbert Bourne of Rode in North Petherton. Will dated 23 April 1686 ; proved at Wells 15 June 1686. Names £1400 due out of £3000 by the will of Roger Bourne, Esq., dec, brother of testator ; eldest s. Edmund Bourne ; 8. John ; wife Susanna ; education of five younger children. Seal, (Arg.), a chev. {gu.) betw. three lions ramp, (sa.), a chief ermines. Crest, A demi heraldic tiger {arg., tufted, maned, and armed sa., collared erms.). MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 95 "Will of S. Bourne. Susanna Bourne of Roade, widow. Will dated 15 June 1715 ; proved 1715 at Wells. Names daughters Sarah Bourne, Elizabeth Walker, Susannah Bourne, Ann Bourne ; son-in-law John Walker ; picture of " my Father and Mother Bourne." If dau. Ann married one William Gatcombe of North Petherton, her share to go to dau. Susannah. Seal, a fine scroll bordured shield charged with a lion ramp, crowned (Arg., a lion ramp, sa., crowned or, Morley). John Morley a witness. The same seal is appended to the will of John Morley of North Petherton, gent., proved 29 July 1729 ; but as the will contains no reference to the Bournes, he was probably not related to them. Will of J. Bourne. Jonas Bourne the elder of Wells, woollen-draper. Will dated 1 Sept. 1724 ; proved 6 May 1726 at Wells. Names s. William Bourne, house in the High Street called " The Ship "; s. Thomas Bourne, the Inn called the " Queen's Arms " ; two cottages in New Street; a close called Braindiron in New Street, occupied by George Baker ; sons Jonas Bourne and Francis Dennis Bourne. Will of G. Bourne. George Bourne of Clevedon, yeoman. Will dated 12 Nov. 1668 ; proved at Wells 2 Dec. 1668. Names dau. Jane w. of John Maskell ("as I suppose ") ; dau. Elizabeth Maskell ; sister Lucy Beakes ; wife Joane Bourne ; grandson Richard Maskell, son of Richard Maskell. Inv. £220 5s. 8d. Richard Bourne of Poulton. Nuncupative will dated 8 May 1676. Names a wife and dau. The Registers of Durleigh are lost until too late a period to be of any service, and these wills are of no help for the immediate purpose of identifying the John Bourne of the floorslab. Will of Dr. Bourne. The will of John Bourne, D.D., Canon Residentiary of Wells, dated 23 March 162| ; proved 4 June 1622 (53 Savile). To be bur. in the Cathedral, near his wife, and his son Gilbert Bourne, and other friends. Names daughters Baynham, Elizabeth Bishop, Eleanor Carliel, and Susan Bourne; brothers William, Roger, and Jasper Bourne ; and the wife of his brother Roger Bourne. Testator's son John Bourne. Will of J. Bourne. This son is the John Bourne of the floorslab. His will is dated 21 Aug. 1651 ; proved 19 Aug. 1652. To be bur. in Wells Cathedral near his father and mother. Names his cousin John Bourne of Gothelney, whose posterity are most concerned in testator's moiety of Bishop's Teignton which he has sold ; wife's son M r Henry Still (see Pedigree of Still), and her dau. M rs Cottesham ; sister, wife of Adam Baynham ; sister Anne's children ; cousins Thomas Bishop, Francis Bishop, Francis Carliel, Christopher John Carliel, Francis Cross, Richard Cross and Philippa Cross, Stevens, Wykes, and Godwyn ; sister Carliel ; Uncle Jasper Bourne's dau. ; cousins Elizabeth and Jane Benett. House at Wells, chambers at Lincoln's Inn. 96 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Will of G. Bourne. Gilbert Bourne, D.G.L. Will dated 10 Dec. 1595 ; proved 3 Feb. 1595-6. To be buried in Wells Cathedral near bis wife. Son John Bourne ; daus. Mary, Jane, Philipe; brothers John Bourne (Treasurer of Wells Cathedral) and Roger Bourne. Will of R. Bourne. Roger Bourne of Wells, Somerset, Esq. Will dated 2 Feb. 1623 ; proved 5 May 1624. To be buried in the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Wells, where his father and mother lie interred. Names wife Jane (dau. of Richard Tothill of Shardeloes, co. Bucks) ; wife's brother M r William Tothill ; brothers Jasper Bourne of London, gent., D r Bourne ; John s. of brother John Bourne, dec. ; Bridget, wife of brother William Bourne, dec. ; cousins Adams, John Bourne of Wilscombe (Wivelscombe), John Bourne of Wells, Weekes, Edward Wykes, Esq. Will of J. Bourne. John Bourne of Gothelney in Charlinch, co. Somerset. Will dated 14 June 1656 ; proved 21 Oct. 1656. To be buried in Wells Cathedral near his ancestors. Eldest s. Roger, s. Henry, s. Gilbert, s. Thomas, younger sons under 16 years of age; daus. Mary, Philippa, Silvestre, Jane, and Frances ; sons-in-law M r Stanhope and M r Fleming ; nephew M r William Wyks ; sister Godwin. Hie Jacet corpus Ricardi .... us Sacra . Canon residen .... Februarii Anno D'm'i 1633. (Floorslab, nearly obliterated.) MORRIS. Claver Morris, M.D. 1726. (Floorslab. See Cloisters.) BAGOT. In gratia et misericordia Dei requiescat apud Blithfield co. Staff, corpus Ricardi Episcopi Bathon et Wellen cujus memoria. Hie in benedictione qui obiit 15° May Anno domini 1854 setat suae 72. From a floorslab, bearing a long cross between a pastoral staff and two shields, one charged with modern coat used for the See ; the other, Erm., two chev. az. y Bagot ; enamelled in their proper colours, on brass, the inscription being on a brass fillet round the edge. On the steps of the cross is engraved, " Miserere mei Jesu." The arms of Bagot here should have a mullet for difference, the Bishop being the third son of Sir William Bagot, sixth Bart, and first Lord Bagot. Bishop Bagot married Lady Harriet Villiers, youngest daughter of George Bussey, fourth Earl of Jersey, by whom he had six sons and three daughters, whose numerous descendants are given in Foster's ■ Peerage.' MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 97 BARNARD. In memory of the Rev d Henry Watson Barnard, Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral, and Vicar of Saint Cuthbert's, who died at Granada, Spain, 9 July 1855 aged 63. And of his children, Frederick Charles, who died 6 June 1838 aged 6 months ; and Eleanor Beadon, who died 13 th August 1846 aged 25. Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Floorslab, with a floriated cross, the inscription round the edge, and at each corner a shield with the incorrect coat of the See, all on brass.) George Barnard, circa 1686, of .... ; mar =f=Martha .... of ... ., born . . . . ; died . . . Elizabeth, born .... 1683. William, George, born 17 Feb. 1688 at .... ; Rector of Harpenden=p . . . dan. born .... and Wheathamstead ; Vicar of Luton, co. Beds, from 1728 of ... . to 1739 : died 1761 at Eliza- beth, born Mil. Penelope, born .... 1713; died .... at George, born Ml 6 ; died 1740. Edward, born .... 1717 j^Susan Hagatt, Head-master of Eton 1754; Canon of Windsor 1760 ; Chaplain to K. Geo. III., Provost of Eton 1765 ; died 1781. dau. of Hagatt of .. . .; born. . . .; mar. . . . . ; died I Martha, born 1719; died 1728. Thomas,born 1721 ; Fellow of Eton, Rector of Maple Durham. Edward, born ... J 1763 ; died 1840 at ; Rec- tor of Alverstoke. =Mary, eldest dau. of the Rev. Edwards Beadon, M.A., Rector of North Stone- ham, Hants, by Mary, dau. and coh. of Sir William Watson, Knt., M.D., sister of the Rev. Canon Beadon, Rector of North Stoneham, and niece of Richard Beadon, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells ; died .... Edward,: born 1786 ;ob. s-P 1861. =Jane, dau. of .... Holmes of I Mari- anne, born 1788; died 1851; unm. Charles^Emily Townsend Barnard of ... . in Germany ; born .... 1790 ; died 1878. Dnges, * Rev. Henry Watson Bar- : nard, born .... 1792 at . . . . ; M.A. of St. John's Coll., Camb.; Vicar of St. Cuthbert and Canon of Wells ; died at Granada, Spain, 9 July 1855, aged 63 ; M.I. in Wells Cathe- dral and St. Cuthbert's Church. Eleanor, born .... 1820; died . .. .1845; unm. Fanny Sydney, born 1824. Henry John, born . . . .^Helen 1822 ; mar 1858 ; Otway for thirty-eight years Mayne, Vicar of Yatton , and for dau. of seven years Vicar of .... Pucklechurch ; Pre- Mayne bendary of Wells in of ... . 1854; died 2 July 1891. Edward=pMargaret : Eleanor Clerk, dau. of Major Thomas Clerk of Westholme House, Pilton born 1800 mar 1819 died .... 1885 bur. in Wells Cath. Church- yard. Thomas, born 1822, of Cahill, dau. of Ca- hill of Emily Harriet, born 1833. Frederick Charles, born .... 1837; died 6 June 1838. M.I. Frederick Edward, Fanny Eleanor Lucy, Charles Reginald Edgar Ot Hervey, born May, Beadon, born Norman, James, born 1861. 1862 ; born born 1869. born born died 1864; 1867; 1871. 1873. young. died 1888. mar. 1889 to Thomas, died born infs. 1878. hers, 98 WELLS CATHEDRAL. |A Constance Helen 1 Maude 1 Alice 1 Henry Cuth- 1 Philip 1 Winifred Eleanor, Mary, Otway, Margaret, bert, born Goodenough, Eden, born .... born born born 1865. born .... born 1859. .... • • • • 1866. 1860. 1862. 1863. 1867. Kathleen, Lionel born .... Henry, 1868; died born 1868 1870. Gerald Henry Norman, born .... 1872 ; died .... 1872. Twin with Violet. Violet Grace, born .... 1872 ; died 1880. Twin with Gerald. Basil Henry Olive Francis, Hermione, born .... born .... 1874. 1876. John, born .... 1794 ; Fellow King's College, Camb. ; died unmar. 1878. Charlotte Eliza-=FAdmiral beth, born . . . 1798 ; mar ; Leyton. died 1882. Harriett,=Eobert born .... Cruik- 1799 ; died shank 1885. of George, Fel- low King's College ; died 1827. Arms used. — Argent, on a bend azure three escallops of tlie first. Crest. — A demi-lion rampant, grasping a snake with the dexter paw. Outline of Barnard Pedigree in 'Visitation of Essex, 1612.' Arms. — Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, on a bend azure three escallops of tlie first ; 2, Or, a lend engrailed vert, cotised sable, Hanbury ; 3, Argent, three salmon-spears erect sable, WORTHINGTON. .... Barnard of Fountains, co. York, gent.= dau. of Sir Rich. Acton of Worcestershire. William of Elmley, co. Worcester=f=Bassett. William. Richard. Francis of London=pAlice, dau. and heir of Hanbury of Elmley, co. Wore. I I I I I Michael, ~] Thomas, all Jane, \ died Alice, young. Francis, J Francis of Mar-=pAnn, dau. garetting, co. Es- and coh. sex, Gent. Porter of S r W m Tower of London ; Worth- bur, there. ington. I Ann S r James Pem- berton ; she died 1625. Thomas Ellen Susan Morton. Parker. Savage. William of Margaretting.=. . . William, ( did Richard, \ Frances, ) ' v ' Mary Hugh Lee ; she died 1609. Elizabeth . DREWE. Here lieth the Body of M rs Elizabeth Drewe, Daughter of Francis Drewe Esq. Late of Grange in y e County of Devon who died y e 29 th of Aug 4 1717. (Floorslab.) The above Francis Drewe, Esq., was the only son of the Rev. Edward Drewe, Canon of Exeter, by his wife Joan, daughter and coheir of the Right Rev. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 99 Dr. Anthony Sparrow, Bishop of Exeter. He married Mary Davie, daughter of Humphrey Bidgood, Esq., of Rockbeare, co. Devon, by whom he had Francis, his heir ; Edward, whose daughter and eventual heir Juliana married Arthur Kelly, Esq., of Kelly, co. Devon 5 Mary, born 20 March 1703, married to Thomas Carew, Esq., of Crowcombe, co. Somerset, M.P. for Minehead ; Elizabeth, com- memorated above ; and another daughter married to Theophilus Blackhall, D.D., Chancellor of Exeter, son of Bishop Blackhall. Francis, the eldest son, married first, 21 Sep. 1737, Mary, daughter and heir of Thomas Eose of Wootton Fitz Paine, co. Dorset, by whom he had six sons. Of these, the youngest, the Rev. Herman Drewe, left two daughters, Sarah Elizabeth, married 9 June 1800 to Edward Wright Band, Esq., of Wookey House, near Wells ; and Mary, married 30 Dec. 1801 to the Rev. Lewis Way. Cathedral Register. 1717 Sep. 2 M rB Elizabeth Drew, bur. FRANKLAND. Rev. Roger Frankland, M.A. Canon Residentiary Born 17 th Nov r 1762 Died 25 th March 1826. (Floorslab.) H. S. E. MORRIS. Guilielmus Morris Claveri Morris, M.D., Alius qui cum apud academiam insignissimam Oxon Turn Artium cum scientiarum fortem ilium uberinum Doctrinse fuit abvallet ad lares tandem paternos se contulit Vitse privatse sua? utiquse medoli optissimse Secretum iter facturus 100 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Erat enim homo adeo verecundus adeo taciturnus Deiq' cultum turn privato turn publico adeo vacavit ut nodice quis dicat eum sapuis cum Deo Quam cum hominas colloquium iniisse Licet autem hominum commercio se subduxerit Humani tamen nihil a se alienum putavit Egenorum maxime inopiam largus ita et lubeno sublevavit ut facultatum non tarn possessorem quam dispensatorem Eiim rectus dixeris Thesaurum istum sic melius situm In coelis sibi reconditum cuaeseturiis hinc migravit 29 Junii r Domini ] 738 1 ^Itatis 28. (Floorslab.) Anno Cathedral Register. 1738 July 3 M r William Morris, bur. ; died 30 June. H. S. E. MORRIS. Maria Claveri Morris, Medicinae Doctoris et BRAGG-E. Maria (Guilielmus Bragge armigero oriundae) uxoris Filiola tantem non biennis Pulvis & umbra brevis MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 101 Augusti sevi adeoq' Humamerae Felicitatis Symbolam Nata Januer 6 T AnnQ ^ Chrisfcian33 f 1705 Denata Dec. 18 J \ 1706 Vitse avidi mortales ! Qui posteram intueri lucem Semper capitis, plurimorum onus maloram. (Floorslab.) Here lieth all that is mortal of Maria, William and Margaret The children of John BURLAND. Burland Esq. and Elizabeth his wife daughter of Claver Morris, M.D. /•Maria born 10 Feb. 1719 died 10 Oct. 1720 -| \ William born 17 Aug. 1720 died 2 Dec. 1726 > ' Margaret born 30 Jan. 1727 died 6 Ap. 1733 i Their lot is amongst the saints. Here also lieth interred The remains of William Burland, cl : M.A. a man eminent for his great natural and Improved abilities For a quick penetration into Human character an unconfined benevolence A lively and undistinguishing raillery Without partiality and Without asperity except Where meanness or vice Seemed to provoke correction. Unshaken in the principles of his faith & uninfluenced by vicious example. In very early life He was seized with a disorder Judged incurable but which With determined fortitude and an habitual cheerfulness He continued to support Till death for which He had long been prepared Put a period to his sufferings In the 31 st year of his age and in the year of our Redemption 1764. 102 WELLS CATHEDRAL. This small tribute of affection to his memory his beloved sister Anne Keate with gratitude inscribes. (Floorslab.) Hunc infra sippum conduntur cineres BURLAND. Johannes Burland illius civitatis Incolae De Steyning in agro Somersetensi armigeri Vir erat integer simplex sincerus probatum Injuriarnm immemor amiciti tenacissimus Et civis, et parens, et conjux Bonus indulgens amantissimns Is cum nondum annos longexerat morte subitanea corruptus Multis sane bonis dessendus obiit 6 Novemb. m.d.c.c.xlvi Et Elizibeth intra jacent Rellictus Johannes Burland arm. uxoris Claveri Morris, M.D. filia Cujus nomen [Here are nine lines too obliterated to be read] ob : Julii die ... . Anno Domini 1760 set. 67. (Floorslab.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 103 H. S. E. SAINT LOE. Laurentius Saint Lo S. T. P. Hujus Ecclesiae Canonicus obiit Oct. Die 20 A . D 1741 JEtatis suae 49. Hie quoque jacet Margareta uxor ejus ARNOLD. filia Henrici Arnold De Chillington in com. Dorset Arm : obiit 19 Die Apr. Anno 1762 set. suae 68. (Floorslab. This inscription is almost obliterated.) Cathedral Register. Burials. 1741 Oct. 23 The Rev. D r Saintlo, Canon of this Church. 1762 April 15 M rs Saintlo. Wedding. 1688 Sep. 11 John Saintlo of Langport and Joan Powell ye Castle Cary. He was probably a grandson of Lawrence St. Loe, born in 1646, son of Lawrence St. Loe (fourth son of John St. Loe of Knighton, co. "Wilts, by Elizabeth, daughter of Lawrence Hyde of Hatch, sister of Sir Lawrence Hyde, and aunt of Sir Robert Hyde, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and of Alexander Hyde, Bishop of Salisbury, which John St. Loe was grandson of John St. Loe of Chew Magna, co. Somerset), of Broadchalk, co. Wilts, by Florence, daughter of John Dodington of Dodington (by Margaret, daughter of Christopher Anketell, baptized at Dodington 9 April 1610, and married there 8 Feb. 1634 to Lawrence S l Loe). 1590 May 13 1591 May 30 1592 Nov. 25 1595 June 7 1597 Aug. 14 1598 Oct. 18 1599 Sep. 9 Broadchalk Parish Register. Baptisms. Margaret (1) dau. of John Saintlow, (2) gent. Anne dau. of John Saintlow, gent. Martha dau. of John Saintlow, gent. Elizabeth dau. of John Saintlow, gent. John (3) s. of John Saintlow, gent. Gertrude (4) dau. of John Saintlow, gent. Ferdinand (5) son of John Sayntlo, gent. 1601 Feb. 2 1604 Sep. 30 1606 May 26 1617 Feb. 22 1630 June 21 1636 Feb. 2 1640 April 4 1642 April 6 1643 Mar. 25 1644 Feb. 25 1645 Mar. 7 1647 Jan. 1 1650 June 2 1581 Sep. 4 1592 Jan. 29 1627 April 30 104 WELLS CATHEDRAL. [gone] (6) dau. of John Sentlow, gent. Lawrence son of M r John Sayntlow. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Sayntlow. John s. of M r William Jones. John son of John Saintloe of London, merchant. Lawrence son of M r Lawrence Sayntloe. Lawrence son of Lawrence Saintlo, gent. Frances dau. of M r Lawrence Saintlowe. John son of M r Lawrence Saintloe ; born the 21 8t March 1642. (7) Anne dau. of Lawrence Saint Loe, gent. Ann dau. of Lawrence Saint Loe, gent. Lawrence son of Lawrence Saint Loe, gent. Florence dau. of Lawrence Saintloe. Weddings. Richard Stephens and Margaret Saintlow, gent. John Penny and Ann Sainctlow. M r Walter Waller, Vicar of Broadchalk, and M™ Elizabeth Sainte Lowe dau. of M rs Elizabeth Sainte Lowe. (8) 1672 April 10 M r James Bennet and M rs Jane Saintloe. Burials. M r Edward Sainctlowe. (9) Margaret Sainctlowe. (9) Ann Sainctlow dau. of John Sainctlow, gent. Martha Sainctlow. (10) M r John Saintlo, gent. M r Walter Waller of Broadchalk. M rs Anne Penny wife of John Penny. Elizabeth Saintlo. George s. of Edward Saintlo. (11) M r John Penny. M 1 ' 8 Saintloe wife of M r Lawrence Saintloe. (12) Edmund Saintloe. Lawrence s. of M r Lawrence Saintlowe. Elizabeth dau. of M r Lawrence Saintlowe. Anne dau. of M r Lawrence S 4 Loe. Sir John Saintloe. (13) M r Edmund S* Loe. Extracts penes Mr. John Whitmarsh. (1) She married William Jones of Woodland, co. Wilts. (2) He married Elizabeth dau. of Lawrence Hyde, above named. (3) Became a merchant in London, and married Mary dan. of Thomas Andrews, Draper of London, brother of Lancelot Andrews, Bishop of Winchester. One of his children was baptized at Broadchalk, John in 1630. He entered his pedigree in the ' Visitation of London, 1633.' 1578 May 6 1593 Aug. 24 1597 Dec. 2 1612 Jan. 28 1618 Oct. 26 1629 May 14 1629 July 22 1632 Feb. 12 1633 June 1 1635 Aug. 9 1636 Feb. 7 1638 Nov. 2 1640 April 6 1645 July 18 1646 April 11 1682 Oct. 23 1693 Feb. t ( MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 105 (4) Married to Edward Ernley of Ashlington, Wilts. (5) He married a dau. of John Seymour of Hanford, co. Dorset, and sister of Sir Robert Seymour. (6) Dorothy, said to be aged 21 at the Visitation 1623. (7) Old style ; namely, born four days before he was baptized. (8) She was dau. of John St. Loe and Elizabeth. Her father, according to the 'Visitation of Wilts, 1623,' had died in 1618. (9) Father and mother of John St. Loe, who married Eliz. Hyde. (10) This Martha, and Ann wife of John Penny, were probably daughters of Edward and Margaret St. Loe above. (11) This Edward was the- son and heir of John St. Loe and Eliz. Hyde. He married Margaret daughter of William Fawkenor of Salisbury. (12) This lady must have been Florence Dodington, in which case her husband evidently married a second time. (13) He was the son and heir of Edward St. Loe and Margaret Fawkenor, and was knighted at Whitehall 8 Oct. 1666. The arms of this family of St. Loe were, Arg., on a bend sa. three annulets or. Henry ARNOLD. Son of Henry Arnold, cl. & of Ann his wife Born Oct. 21 st 1751 Died July . . 1755. Passed as the early dew. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1751 Henry Awdry Arnold s. of the Rev. Henry Arnold received into the Church, having been privately baptized. 1758 James s. of the Rev. Henry and Ann Arnold, born 7 Sept., privately baptized, and received into the Church Nov. 9. 1760 Ann Awdry dau. of the Rev. Henry Arnold and Ann his w., bo. 29 Feb., priv. bapt., and received into the Church 16 th Aug 1 . 1764 Margaret Harriet dau. of Henry Arnold, D.D., and Ann his w., priv. bapt., and received into the Church 27 April. 1769 July 17 Ann dau. of John Arnold. Burial. 1772 May 19 Ann dau. of John Arnold, vicar choral. Here lieth intombed is the Body of Ann , the eldest daughter ARNOLD. of Francis Arnold, D.D. Sub-Dean of the church of Wells and Elizabeth his wife ; P 106 WELLS CATHEDRAL. SHEAF. and wife of Grindall Sheaf, D.D. Arch- deacon of Wells. She dyed .... She lived beloved by all her neighbours after her death was desired by them. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1673 May 1 M™ Ann Sheafe wife of D r Grindall Sheafe, Archdeacon of Wells, bur. in S l Catherine's Chapel. LUCAS. Christopher Lucas Surgeon died the 12 th of January 1756. In the 81 st Year of his age. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1740 April 26 M rs Luckes, bur. 1756 Jan. 15 Christopher Lucas, bur. GOODENOUGH. A large slab, a long cross on steps, and under a canopy at the foot of the cross St. Andrew holding his cross, all brass. On the steps is cut, " Dne memento mei cum beneris in regnum tuiis." Round the stone is a brass fillet bearing the following inscription : " Hie Jacet D'n's Edmundus Goodenough sacre Theologie p'fessor quondum denanus hujus eccle'i et prebendarius ecclesui Eboracentis e Carliol olim scolaris collegii S'c'i Petri West- monast. alumnus asdis Xti Oxon : prebendarius ecclie s'c'i Petri Westmonast. ac informator collegii sup'dicti qui obiit ii die mensis May Anno D'm' mdcccxlv. cujus animse propicietur Deus. Amen." At the corners and at each side are roundels bearing the six shields described below. Outside the fillet and cut in the stone is this additional record : Sophia Goodenough Born May 15, 1823. Died Jan 1 ? 21, 1838. He was the third and youngest son of the Right Rev. Samuel Goodenough, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle (third son of the Rev. William Goodenough, Prebendary of Brecon, sometime Rector of Kimpton, Hants), by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. James Ford of St. George's, Hanover Square, an eminent physician ; and was born at Ealing, Middlesex, where his father at that time had a school. He matricu- lated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 107 15 May 1801, aged 16 ; B.A. 24 Jan. 1805 ; M.A. 22 Oct. 1807 ; B.D. 30 April 1819 ; and D.D. 20 Oct. 1820. He became Vicar of Warkworth, co. Northumber- land, in 1818, Sub- Almoner to the King, and was Head Master of Westminster School from 1819 to 1828. He was a Prebendary of York 23 June 1824, and of Carlisle 22 April 1826, and was installed Prebendary of "Westminster 2 June 1826. He became Dean of "Wells 6 Sept. 1831. He married in 1821 Frances, daughter of Samuel Pepys Cockerell of Westbourne House, Paddington, Middlesex, Esq., by Anna his wife. She died at Granada, and was buried at Malaga, Spain, in 1855, and had Frances, bapt. in "Westminster Abbey 27 Feb. 1822, buried there 29 April 1828 ; Sophia, born 13 May, bapt. in Westminster Abbey 3 July 1823, died at Wells Jan. 1839, and is buried in the Cathedral ; Annabella, born 14 Nov. 1824, bapt. in Westminster Abbey 5 March 1825, married in 1853 Henry William Crauford, Esq., Capt. R.N. (who died in 1859), and was living at Lyndhurst, Hants, in 1870 with a son and daughter; Lucy, born 11 Feb., bapt. in Westminster Abbey 7 June 1826, living unmarried at Lyndhurst, Hants, in 1870; Frederick Addington, born 6 July, bapt. in Westminster Abbey 27 Nov. 1827, admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1841, became a merchant at Calcutta, and died Sept. 1869 on his voyage home, and was buried at sea ; Edmund Vernon, born 30 June, bapt. in Westminster Abbey 17 Dec. 1829, and was buried there 24 April 1838; James Graham, born 3 Dec. 1830, bapt. in Westminster Abbey 5 Feb. 1831, entered the Royal Navy, living a Captain in 1870, and recently in command of H.M.S. Minotaur. The arms on the six shields are, I, Gu., tioo keys in saltire arg., in chief the royal crown ppr., Archbishopric of York ; 2, Arg., on a cross sa. a mitre with bands or, See of Carlisle ; 3, Arg., a chev. gu. betw. three gutte de sang, Goodenough, impaling, Arg., betw. twoflanches gu. a leopard's face encircled ivith laurel vert, inter hvo cocks in pale of the second, Cockerell ; 4, Az., two keys addorsed arg. in bend sinister, the lotver one surmounting a pastoral staff in bend dexter or, intended for the Deanery (but wrong, being the modern invention, without any authority or reason; the arms of the Deanery have been already pointed out), imp., Good- enough as above ; 5, Az., a saltire quarterly and per saltire arg. and or counter- changed, the modern coat of the See ; 6, Az., a cross fiory betw. five martlets or, a chief of the last, thereon inter two roses gu. a pale quarterly, 1 and 4 France modern, 2 and 3 England, Westminster School. Brass for a priest, with a canopy, but no shield ; the matrix alone remains, the brass itself having been removed. At the top, to the left, are the letters F. P. B., modern, and at the foot of the same stone is cut the following : BRAILSFORD. Matthaus Brailsford annos xx obiit 13 Decembris 1733 set. 73. Matthew Brailsford, Dean of Wells 1713-33, became D.D. 23 July 1713. Cathedral Register. 1733 Dec. 15 The Rev. D r Matthew Brailsford, Dean of Wells, bur. 108 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Lady Chapel. ZOUCHE. In the window next the last one on south side are France and England quarterly, much mutilated. In the second one to the west on the north side there are two shields, one, Gu., ten bezants, Zouch, and Barry of six or and vert, charged with fourteen lozenges (or perhaps roundels), 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, counterchanged. This coat is very doubtful, and is probably made up, like a greater part of these windows, of odd pieces of very old glass. The coat is not given by Papworth, and looks unreal. Frequently repeated in the encaustic tiles covering the floor are the following coats, viz., Az., a crozier arg. in bend dexter, interlaced with two keys or in bend sinister, imp. Arg., a chev. gu. betw. three gutte de sang ; also Or, three chev. gu., De Clare. The former has already been noticed as on the memorial of Dean Good- enough. Why De Clare should be put here does not appear. Chapel of St. Stephen. DE HULLE. In this chapel was the Coombe Chantry, founded by Walter de Hulle, Archdeacon of Bath and Sub-Dean of Wells 1342. He was a benefactor of the Cathedral and Vicars-Choral ; Rector of St. Thomas 1325, and of Beauchamp 1328. BISHOP LEOFRIC. The recumbent effigy of a bishop inscribed, " Leveri- BISHOP ETHELWYN. ous, Epc. Wellensis," for Bishop Leofric (1001) ; and another, "Eilwinus, Epc. Wellen.," being for Bishop Ethelwyn, who succeeded in 1013. On the floor is the matrix of a large brass ; there is no sign of any shield having formed part of it, and the matrix is much worn. ELTON. Abraham Elton Esq. 1794. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1794 May 3 Abraham Elton, Esq., of Clifton, bur. The Right Hon able Lord SEYMOUR. Francis Seymour Dean of Wells 1799. Lady Frances Seymour 1801. Leonora wife of Col. Francis Seymour 1795. Thomas Payne, M.A. Canon of this Cathedral died 1797. Judith his wife 1813. (A shield-shaped brass on the floor.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Cathedral Register. 109 1795 June 22 1795 Aug. 28 1799 Feb. 9 1801 Dec. 28 Eleauora Seymour, bur. Henry John Hyde s. of Francis and Eleanora Seymour, received into the Church. Lord Francis Seymour, Dean of Wells, bur. Lady Frances Seymour, bur. JEFFERIES. Hie Jacet Augustinus Jefferies qui obiit 22 die Julii Anno Dom. 1642 iEtatis siue 55. Resurgam. (Floorslab, the inscription being round the edge.) HULET. JEFFERYS. Here resthe the Body of Eleanor Hulet, wife first to Augustin Jefferys, after to Hercules Why ting, who died March 13 Anno Dom ! 1644 ^Etat suas 45. (Floorslab, the inscription round the edge.) In the Register of St. Cuthbert, Wells, is recorded the marriage on 29 Oct. 1623 of Augustine Jefferies and Eleanor Hulelt ; and in the same Register we find on 7 Feb. 1643 the marriage of Hercales Whitetinge of Shepton Mallett and Eleanor Jefferies of Wells, by licence. Hercules Whiting and Elizabeth Henton were married on 25 April 1668, according to the Cathedral Register. H. S. E. BRYDG-ES. Marshellus Brydges, A.M. hujus ecclesie Thesauriis obiit Aug. 6, 172-. 110 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sumoto conjug .... Marshello Brydges aegre .... CREYGHTON. Francesc . . Robertus Creyghton S.T.P. obiit June 20, 17 . . ae . . . . (From a fine floorslab, a great part of the face of which has shelled off, leaving only a few letters at intervals.) BRYDGES. Kempe Brydges Eleanor Brydges. (Small brass on floor.) Chapel of St. John. BISHOP BERKELEY. An altar -tomb in the north-west corner of this chapel, of coarse stone roughly cut, has the above arms repeated on three shields on the front. The inscriptions are incised on the top, the hollows being filled with lead or a black enamel. Round the edge runs the following (the | line marks the corners) : — Spiritus erupto | salvus Gilberto Novembre carcere | principis hoc aetheres Barkle Crepat annum dant usta salutis. In the centre, lengthways, this : — Vixi Videte s. praemium 83 Luxi redux quieascribus pro captua gendo prsesulis Septem per annos triplices. Mr. James Parker of Oxford thus translates the inscription (that round the edge) : " Behold thy soul Gilbert Berkley (now) safe, having broken its prison bonds in the beginning of November, speaks from the sky (above)." These words give the year of its safety. The words referred to being those in the centre, which read, " I have lived, see my reward. I have shone returning to my rest. Having held the office of Bishop for thrice seven years." The figures 83 are cut at the side of the centre inscription, the words giving his age, 83, being Vixi, Luxi. Gilbert Berkeley was a native of Norfolk, but descended from the ancient Gloucestershire family, as the arms shew, the rose on the chevron being for difference. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Ill CREYGHTON. Marble sarcophagus, on top of which is the recumbent alabaster effigy of a bishop in full canonicals. On the front are three shields, viz., first the Bishopric, Az., a saltire surmounting a pastoral staff or, cantoned on the dexter by two keys addorsed the bows interlaced, on the sinister a sword (arg.) ; second, Erm., a lion ramp, (az.), crest, a cubit arm holding a dagger erect (all ppr.), Creyghton ; third, (Az.) a saltire (per saltire and quarterly counter changed arg. and or). At the end of the tomb, Per pale the dexter as the last, the sinister Creyghton as above, over the shield a bishop's mitre. This commemorates Bishop Creyghton, D.D. There was formerly a Latin epitaph, now in the south cloister, describing him to have been born at Dunkeld, in Scotland, and descended through his father from the ancient Lords of Ruthven, and through his mother Margaret Stuart from the latter illustrious family. The Bishop married Frances, daughter of William Walrond, Esq., of Sea in Ilminster, Somerset. The effigy is said to be a likeness of the Prelate, but the monument has been evidently partly destroyed, and no colours now remain on the shields still on it. In 1637 he was made Dean of St. Burian in Cornwall, but was deposed on the eve of the Civil "War, from which he was a great sufferer. He went into exile with Charles II., whose chaplain he was for fifteen years ; on whose return he was made Dean of Wells, and afterwards Bishop (19 June 1670, being then aged 77), which office he held until his death, 21 Nov. 1672. There was formerly a mural monument to the memory of the Bishop's widow, with her arms, near that of her husband, but it has been removed into the cloisters. DE MIDDLETON Between the memorials of Bishop Berkeley and Bishop OR MILTON. Creyghton, under the north window, is the recumbent effigy of John de Middleton or Milton, Chancellor in 1337, from whom this is sometimes called Milton Chapel. It is without inscription. A large stone on which alone can be traced : — CREYGHTON. Francis Creyghton obiit Junii 8, 1685. CREYGHTON. Here lyeth the body of M r Thomas Creyghton son of Robert, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, he died the 12 th day of 112 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Nov r in the Year of our Lord 1674 BRYDGES. Rober(tus Bry)dges patri Marshal (lo Brydges) .... cancellaria matri Franciscae Rob(ti Creyghton prsecentoris filia) desiderat .... filius obiit Octobris 12° 1712. (The latter part of this floorslab is much obliterated.) A stone with the matrix of a brass with the upper half of a priest issuing from the plate, with the inscription, also four shields, which are gone. (Matrix of brass on floor.) Another stone has the matrix of a priest full length, with two roundels above his head. (Floorslab.) A rough grained stone has some letters, and apparently three steps of a cross, but not enough to identity whom it commemorates. (Floorslab.) POULETT. Francisci Poulett armig. ob : Jan : 26 1687 Catherina Poulett Francisi conjux Roberti EpisP* filia ob: Oct: 17 1694. Robert Creyghton, A.M. Died 18 Dec. 1732, aged 60. (Floorslab.) He was the second son of John, first Lord Poulett of Hinton St. George, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Christopher Ken of Ken Court, Somerset, Esq., and married Catherine, daughter of Dr. Robert Creyghton, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Both he and his wife are named in Bishop Creyghton's will (dated 1672), who bequeaths to his daughter Katherine Poulett a ring given to him by the Queen of Sweden. Katherine Poulett is also mentioned in the will of her mother Frances Creyghton. The will of Francis Poulett, in which he is styled " of Wells, Esq.," dated 6 Sept. 1679, and proved 11 Feb. 1687 (P.P.C., 21 Exton), leaves all he has to his wife Catherine Poulett. Administration to the effects of Catherine Poulett, late of the Liberty of St. Andrew, Wells, widow, was granted to MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 113 her brother Robert Creyghton, D.D., on 9 Nov. 1694. Among the parish papers of St. Cuthbert's, Wells, are two with the seal and signature of the above Francis Poulett as a Justice of the Peace, one dated 1G87. One has these arms on the seal, (Sa.), three swords in pile points in base (arg., hilts and pomels or), in chief a mullet for difference. Crest, An arm emb. in armour, the hand grasping a sword, all ppr. Supporters, On the dexter a ivild man ivreathed about the middle and temples with oaJc- leaves, on the sinister a woman also ivreathed with oak, all ppr. Motto, Gardez le fog. The supporters being those of his father Lord Poulett, the mullet should have been a crescent, he being the second son. The other seal is more correct, giving the same arms and crest, only with a crescent instead of a mullet for his difference, and omitting the supporters, to which he was not entitled. The document bears date 1686. Cathedral Register. 1687 Jan. 31 Francis Poulett, Esq., bur. 1694 Oct. 22 Madam Catherine Pollett, bur. 1731 June 14 Michael Paulett, bur. CREYGHTON. Creyghton ob. Jan. 8 16 . 8 (An almost obliterated floorslab. On it is the matrix of a small oblong inscrip- tion plate.) H. S. E. POPE. Margarets Pope Johan'is et Margaretae filia, Apr : 7, 1705 nata Jul. 7, 1708 denata In'ocentissimae puellulaa trium tantum an'orum totidemq' mensium in terris moram indulsit Deua et brevis aavi partum im'ortalitati pcene maturum vixdum Apr : 7 1705 enixa mater diem vere natalem in 7 Jul. 1708 distulisse aut quasi comperendinasse videatur In eodem Tumulo conquiescit Margareta Margaretae Prsedictae soror Nat : 10 Jun : 1709 obiit 29 Maii 1711. , (Floorslab.) 114 WELLS CATHEDRAL. BRYDGES. Marshall [o] Brydges patri Marshal [lo] (Can co et Cancellario) inatri Franciscse (Rob tl CREYGHTON. Creyghton Can ci et praecentoris filiag) desideratissiinus filius obiit quadri mensis Dec : 25 th 1702. (Floorslab.) LAYNG. CREYGHTON. Henry Layng, D.D., Archdea- con of Wells & Canon died Novemb. 24, 1726 aged 61. Catherine Layng, Relict one of the daughters of the Rev. Robert Creyghton, D.D., late Chanter & Canon of this church died 25 th January 1731 aged 56. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. George s. of Henry Layng, D.D., and Catherine his w. Peter s. of George and Mary Layng, born 10 July, and received into the Church 7 Sept. Creyghton s. of George and Mary Layng, born 22 Feb., having been privately bapt., was received into the Church 11 May. Creyghton s. of M r George Layng. Wedding. 1695 April 17 M r Henry Lang, of Winsham, and M rs Catherine Creyghton. 1714 Nov. 15 1756 July 12 1758 1762 June 7 1726 173£ 1762 1786 1789 Mar. Jan. Oct. Sep. Mar. 22 28 18 7 9 Burials. M rs Catherine Layng. M r8 Layng, on Friday. Creyghton s. of M r George Laynyg. M rs Layng w. of George Layng, gent. George Layng, gent. CREYGHTON. Frisei .... Creyghton Dec. 16 . 8 (Floorslab. A few letters only clear.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 115 Charlotte Anne BARKER. Daughter of the late Rev d Cha 8 Tho. Barker Subdean and Canon Residentiary of Wells and of Catherine Elizabeth his wife Died April 5 th 1810 aged two months and eight days. (Brass plate on floor.) Cathedral Register. 1810 April 9 Charlotte Anne Barker, dau. of the Rev. Charles T. Barker, Sub Dean and Canon, and of his w. Catherine Elizabeth, bur. in S. John's Chapel, aged 14 weeks. FORREST. Near the entrance of this chapel is the recumbent effigy of Dean Forrest, inscribed "Joannes Forrest Decanus Wellen's, mcccxlvi." Here lyeth the Body of Sarah the daughter of Thomas NEWTON. Newton of Swell within this County gent. who died 28 th day of March Anno D'ni 16 . 0. (Floorslab.) See Visitation of Somerset, 1623, and of Suffolk, 1561. Cathedral Register. 1680 Mar. 30 M" Sarah Newton, bur. On the floor of this chapel, beside the memorial stone above, are a number of encaustic tiles. Some of them are on the edge of the raised part where the altar originally stood, the rest on floor near the Berkeley tomb. The following are the only armorial shields, the same coats being repeated several times. The other tiles are only ornamental devices. In all cases the colours of the tiles are not to be considered. The coats are : 1, Three chevrons, doubtless De Clare {Or, three chcvs. gu.). In the Cathedral MSS. two Canons of this name are mentioned, Canon Roger de Clare in 1284, and Canon H. de Clare in 1292. 116 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 2, Arg., a lion ramp, (gu.), crowned (or), iviihin a lord, (sa.) bezantee. This is the coat of Richard Plantagenet, second son of King John, created Earl of Cornwall, crowned King of the Romans 27 May 1257, and died in 1271. He married first Isabel, third daughter of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, and widow of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. His son Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, married Margaret, daughter of Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, from whom he was divorced 22 Edward I. On the tile the lion is incorrectly turned to the sinister. 3, Cheeky (or and az.), Warren. In one case this coat has a castle of three towers over it, in the other the space on each side of the lower part of the shield is filled by a like castle. The family of St. Barbe of South Brent (now Brent Knole), not very far off, bore, Chequy arg. and sa.; and John St. Barbe was Sheriff of Somerset and Dorset in 1460, but that date is much too late for the tiles, nor does there appear any reason to assign the tile to that family. The same arms accompanied by the castle is found at Cleeve Abbey. This coat was used by the descendants of Hamelin Plantagenet (natural son of Geoffry Plantagenet, Earl of Anjou, consequently half-brother to King Henry II.) by his marriage with Isabel, daughter and heir of William de Warren, Earl Warren and Surrey. His son William, Earl Warren and Surrey, married first Maud, daughter of the Earl of Arundell, and secondly Maud, daughter of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, by whom he had a daughter Isabel, married to Hugh, Earl of Arundell, and a son John, who succeeded him as fourth Earl, and married Alice, daughter of Hugh le Brun, Comte de la Marche, half-sister by her mother to King Henry III., and to Richard, Earl of Cornwall, above. 4, (Gu.) three lions pass.-gard. in pale (or), the arms of King Henry III. 5, Six fleurs-de-lys. Several families bore these arms, with the colours different, but none of them can be identified as connected with Wells at the date of the tiles, viz., Mortymer, Darley, Ireland, Payferer or Peyfere, and Redesham. 6, A chev. betw. three eagles displ, and on a chief a rose betw. two lozenges. Anthony a Wood mentions this coat as cut in the stone roof of a seat in Bath Abbey, and says it was made, he conceives, by Prior William Byrd. No ordinary of arms gives a coat like this for Byrd. Robert Fayery, gent., Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms, at the commencement of Edward VI. 's reign bore, Per pals or and az., a chev. behv. three eagles displ., all counter changed, on a chief gu. as many lozenges erm. The coat is still in the roof of Bath Abbey, over the chancel on south side and in the north aisle, east of the organ, thus painted, Sa., a chev. arg. behv. three eagles displ. or, on a chief of the last a rose inter two lozenges gu., and commemorates some benefactor to the fabric of both churches whose identity remains to be discovered. Unless, as seems most probable, it is the coat of Robert Fayremay, one of the executors of the will of Dean Husee, who was living in 1307. The tile here and stone shield at Bath both represent the same person. 7, A cross, the ends terminating in annulets, within each a cross. This cannot be identified as any coat, unless it was the coat of Bishop William de Marchia, and is a modification of the coat, Arg., a cross fourchee gu., assigned in a roll of arms circa 1240-5 to De la Marche. This shield also occurs cut in stone in the roof of Bath Abbey Church. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 117 8, A sivord in bend dexter interlaced with hvo keys addorsed in bend sinister, Bath Abbey. 9, Three bars and a canton. (Arg., three bars and a canton sa., Braunche.) A Sir Nicholas Braunch was party with the Dean and Chapter and Sir John de Acton of the one part to an indenture relating to land at Stathmore, 4 Edward II. (1304). Vide Cath. MSS. These dates point to the commencement of the fourteenth century as the period at which the tiles were made. These are the only armorial tiles; some are repeated, and there are others with only ornamental designs. Several have a tower and also a double-headed eagle displayed without being on a shield, which were the arms of Eleanor of Castile, first wife of King Edward I., and to those of Anne of Austria, wife of King Richard II. These remains shew that there formerly existed a much greater quantity of this beautiful paving, and we lament the loss of a great deal of historic interest, commemorating benefactors and the ramifications of family connections and influence. Among these we may venture to surmise were the arms of the Berkeleys, long a powerful family in Gloucestershire and Somerset, and the munificent founders of the Abbey of St. Augustine at Bristol, in whose church many of them lie buried, and, as we shall see by the pedigree, closely connected with the families whose arms are on the titles, and with Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent, whose arms are in a window of the South Transept, above the monument of the Viscountess de Lisle, whose husband was also descended from them, which connection is more clearly shewn by the accompanying tabular pedigree. SHEWING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN MOST OF THE PERSONS WHOSE ARMS ARE IN THE TILES AND ANCIENT GLASS. =pGeoffery Plantagenet, : Comte of Angou. T^BLE I. =Maud, da. of King Henry I. of England. Born 1104 ; died at Rouen 10 Sept. 1167 ; mar. first, Henry IV., Emperor of Germany ; and secondly, 3 April 1127, Geoffery Plantagenet. Hamelin Plantagenet, alias^plsabel, da. and heir of Warren, de jure Earl War- ren and Surrey ; died 7 May 1202. William de Warren, Earl Warren and Sur- rey. Henry, became=pEleanor da. of King of England as Henry II. William, Duke of Aquitaine. Hugh le Brun,=f=Isabel, da. and Comte de la heir of Aylmer, Marche. husb. 2nd Comte d'An- gouleme; died in 1246. William ,=pMaud, da. of William Marshal, Earl I Earl of Pembroke, by Isabel, Warren and Surrey. da. of Richard, and sister and heir of Anselme, Earls of Pem- broke. =f=John, King of England, mar. in 1200 ; died 19 Oct. 1216. Maurice de Cre- donia or Croun of co. Line. A I : Isabel. Guy, Earl of : Angouleme. Alice.=f=John, Earl Warren and Surrey. label: :Hugh, Earl of Arundell. 118 WELLS CATHEDRAL. c| Kobert de^Isabel, da. of Alice,— Gilbert de: Berkeley, feudal Lord of Berkeley, died 4 April 1281, aged 63. Maurice de Credonia or Croun of co. Lincoln. She died 7 July, probably in 1276 or 1277, and was bur. in the Abbey of St. Augus- tine, Bristol. niece of King of France, divorc- ed. de=p. Thomas Berkeley, feudal Lord of Berkeley, actively en- gaged in the public service during the greater part of his life ; died at Berkeley 23 July 1321. Joane, da. of Wm. de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, by his second wife Mar- garet, da. and coheir of Boger de Quinci, Earl of Winchester. She was mar. in 1296, and died 19 March 1309-10, and is bur. in St. Augus- tine's. Clare, Earl of Glouces- ter ; ob. 24 Edward I. He married secondly Joan of Acre. :Joan d'Acre, da. of King Edward I., by Eleanor, da. of Fer- dinand III. of Castile. William, Earl of=pJoan, Warren and Sur- rey. da. of Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Hugh,=f=Eleanor, da. Lord and coheir Le of Gilbert de Des- Clare, pen- cer. Piers=Margaret, ; Gaveston, da. and Earl of Cornwall. 1st husb. coheir. : Hugh de Audley. 2nd husb. Margaret.=Ralph, Earl of Stafford. See Table II. Eva, da. of William, Lord= Zouch of Haryngworth, by Millicent, da. of William de Cantilupe of Bergavenny and relict of William Montalt. She was mar. secondly in 17 Edw. I. (1289), and died 5 Dec. 1314, and is bur. at Portbury, co. Somerset. 1st wife. : Maurice de Berkeley, Lord= Isabel, ob. s.p. 7 Edw. III. de Berkeley, summoned to (1333). 2nd wife. Parliament v.p. as Baron de Berkeley from 16 Aug. 2 Edw. II. (1308) to 15 May 14 Edw. II. (1321); died a prisoner at Wallingford Castle 31 May 1326, and was bur. there, but removed to St. Augustine's. Margaret, da. Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March ; mar. on or shortly before 25 Julv 14 Edw. III. (1320). She died 13 March 1385. 1st wife. of=FTh omas, Lord de Berkeley, died 27 Oct. 1361, aged 69, and was bur. in Berkeley Church. He mar. secondly Katherine, da. and coheir of Sir John Clivedon of Charlfield, co. Gloucester. She died 13 March 1385. Sir Maurice de Berkeley=r=Elizabeth, mar of Stoke Gifford, co. Gloucester ; ob. 1361. Aug. 1338. Died 13 July 1389. A quo Berkeley of Stoke Gifford, co. Glou- cester, Berkeley of Bruton and of Pyll, co. Somerset, the latter now represented by Viscount Portman, and the Viscounts FitzHardings, now extinct. jhn, John, Earl Warren and Surrey, ob. s.p. Edmund FitzAlan, 4th Earl of Arundel.=pAlice, sister I and heir. Richard, 5th Earl of Arundel, ob. 49 Edw. III.^Eleanor, da. of Henry, Earl of Lancaster. I Henry III. ,=pEleanor, da. King of of Raymond England. Berenger, Comte de Provence. Isabel, da. of Wm.=Richard, created E F Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, and relict of Wm. de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. 1st wife. Earl of Cornwall, and crowned King of the Romans 27 May 1257; died 1271. Henry, ob. s.p. : Sanchia, da. of Raymond Beren- ger, Comte de Provence. Mar. in 1243 ; died at Berkhamsted in 1261. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 119 G Eleanor, da. of Ferdi-^Edward L nand III., King of Castile. : Margaret, da. of Philip III. of France. Mar. 8 Sept, 1299. She died 14 Feb. 1317. Edmund, Earl of; Cornwall, ob. s.p. 1 Joan of= =Gilbert de Clare, Edmund, of^ =Margaret, da. Acre, Earl of Glouces- Woodstock, of John, Lord died 10 ter and Hertford. born 5 Aug. Wake. She May Mar. 2 May 1301 ; created died 21 May 1305. 1290 ; died in 28 July 1321 1349. 1295. Earl of Kent ; beh. 1329. : Margaret, da. of Richard de Clare, Earl of Glouces- ter and Hertford ; divorced 22Edw.I. Sir Thomas Holland, K.G.,^=Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent.=f=Edward, the Black Prince, de jure Earl of Kent ; ob. 34 Edw. III. King Richard II. A badge of a White Hart is in a window of the South Ai3le of Wells Cathedral. John, Lord Maltravers, a quo Dukes of Norfolk. I I Alice.=^Thomas, Earl of Kent. Hugh de Cour-=Maud=Valeren, Two shields to them are Transept, Wells tenay, grandson of Hugh, Earl of Devon ; ob. s.p. before 1377 (pro- bably a brother of Richard Cour- tenay, Dean of Wells 1409—13, but who is not named in the Courteney Pedi- gree. Earl of St. Paul, 2nd husb. in a window of South Cathedral. Edmund, Lord Mortimer of Wigmore.=i=Margaret, da. of William de Fendles. Maud.=T=Theobald de Verdon. T Roger, created Earl^pJoane, da. of Peter de Genevil. of March. William Husee.=j=Mary, da. Edmund, 2nd Earl^=Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Bartholo- and heir. of March. mew, Lord Badlesmere. Henry Husee, Dean Others. Roger, 3rd Earl of=FPhilippa, da. of William, Earl of of Wells March. Salisbury. Edmund, 4th Earl of March.=pPhilippa, da. and heir of Lionel, Duke of Clarence. I J k 120 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Roger^Eleanorr Mor- sister timer, and 5th coheir. Earl of March ; ob. 22 Ric. II. 1st husb. =Edward Charleton, 5th Lord=Elizabeth, Powis, K.G., who was already da. of Sir closely connected with this group John of families, as John, the 2nd Lord, Berkeley mar. Maud, da. of Roger, Earl of of Bever- March ; John, 3rd Lord, mar. stoke. Joan, da. of Lord Stafford ; and 2nd wife. John, 4th Lord, mar. Alice FitzAlan, da. of Richard, Earl of Arundel. 2nd husb. Thomas=i=Joan, Others. Hol- land, Earl of Kent. da. of Hugh Staf- ford, Earl of Staf- ford. Edmund Mortimer^Ann, da. of Earl of March ; ob. s.p. 3 King Hen. IV. Edward, Earl of Stafford. Ann^Richard Plan- tagenet, Earl of Cambridge. Eleanor=Edward Courtenay, son of Edw., Earl of Devon ; ob. s.p. Richard, Duke of York.=p .1 I Edward, became King Edward IV. Joan, da. and=f=Sir John Grey, son of Sir Thomas Grey of Ber- wick, by Jane (or Anne) da. of John, Lord Mowbray. coheir. Joyce, da. and : f : John, Lord coheir. | Tiptoft. r Maurice, Lord Berkeley, summoned to Parliament 14 Aug.=pElizabeth, da. of Hugh, Lord Le 36 Edw. III. (1362) to 24 Feb. 42 Edw. III. (1367-8). He ob. at Berkeley Castle, not having recovered from wounds received at Poictiers 8 June 1368, aged 37 ; bur. at St. Augustine's, Bristol. Despencer, by Eleanor, da. and coheir of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. Mar. Aug. 1338, and died 13 July 1389. Thomas, Lord de^Margaret, only da., and eventually sole Sir James de=pElizabeth, da. and Berkeley, born at Berkeley Castle 5 Jan. 1352-3; he died s.p. m. 13 July 1417, aged 65. heir of Warine de L'Isle, Lord De L'Isle, by Margaret, da. and heir of Sir William Pipard. Mar. Nov. 1367, she being then aged 7 years. She died 20 March 1391-2. Berkeley. heir of Sir John Bluet of Raglan, co. Monmouth. A quo Earls of Berkeley. Elizabeth, only child and heir, aged 30 in 1416.=pRichard Beauchamp, 12th Earl of Warwick. r Margaret, eldest=f=John da. and coheir ; died 14 June 1468. Talbot, Earl of Shrews- bury. I Thomas de=Eleanor=Edmund Somerset, Roos, Lord Duke of Beaufort, Roos. 1st but died s.p. 1467. husb. 2nd husb. "I Elizabeth=pGeorge Nevill, Lord Latimer. ahn' John Talbot, created Viscount de L'Isle^=Joane, da. and coheir of Sir Thomas=Richard Stafford, 30 Hen. VI. In 1442 he was with his father in the French wars. Cheddar. Esq. 1st husb. I I Thomas Talbot, Elizabeth,=pSir Edward Grey, 2nd son of Edward, Viscount L'Isle, sister and I Lord Grey of Groby. ob. s.p. coheir. From this marriage was descended the wife of Dean Jenkins. Margaret,^Sir George sister and coheir. Vere. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Table II. 121 Edmund, Lord Stafford, descended from Hervie Bagot and Margaret, : sister and heir of Rog. Stafford. Ralph Staf- ford, 1st Earl of Stafford, ob. 31 Aug. 1372. =Margaret, da. Sir William Stafford of Sandon=y= Sir Richard^Maud, da. and and heir of and Bromshall, co. Stafford, Stafford of heirof William Hugh de And- descended from a younger son Clifton. de Camvell of ley, de jure of Hervie Bagot, and Milliceut, Clifton, co. uxoris Earl of sister and heir of Rog. de Staf- Stafford. Gloucester. ford. :Philippa, Joan.=Thomas da. of Hol- Thomas land, Beau- Earl of champ, Kent. Earl of See War- Table I. wick. I I Margaret=pSir John Stafford of Amel- cote, co. Stafford, 2nd son. Richard, sum- moned to Par- liament 44 Edw. III. to 4 Rich. II., when he died. Edmund Staf- ford, 5th Earl of Stafford, having suc- ceeded his brothers Thomas and William. : Ann, da. of Thomas, Duke of Gloucester (6th son of King Edward III.), by Eleanor, da. and co- heir of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton. SirHum-=j=. . . . da. phrey and heir Stafford. of Peter Greinvil. Edmund, son and heir, became Bis- hop of Exeter. SirThomas. : Humphrey Edmund=Ann=John SirHum-=p. Stafford, Mortimer, Holland, phrey created Earl of Earl of Stafford, Duke of March, Kent. ob. 1 Bucking- ob. s.p. 2nd Hen. V. ham. 1st husb. husb. I Sir Hum- phrey Stafford. da. and heir of Aumarle, Thomas, Cathe- died rine. s.p. =Sir John Ardern . : Elizabeth, da. and heir of Sir John Mal- travers of Hooke. I John Stafford, educated at Oxford, became Bishop of Bath and Wells, after- wards Archbishop of Canterbury. Maud.=j=Thomas Stanley. This coat on the North front of the N.W. tower, being the Bishop's family coat with a mitre on the chevron for dif- ference. Sir Jo hn Stafford=Ann, da. of William, Lord Botreaux. Sir Edmund Cheney .=r=Alice=^Walter Talboys T Elizabeth=Sir John Coleshill, ob. s.p. Ann=f=John Willoughby de Broke. Eleanor=Thomas Strangwayes. 122 WELLS CATHEDRAL. North Choir Aisle. GENDRAULT KEEN. P. M. L. Jacobi Gendrault armigeri Gallo Britani odi religioni patriara conscientia3 rem lautam satis et opimam Longe post habuit obiit xxvi Die Julii M.D.C.C.VII Jana uxor mcestissima mauritii vice comitis Fitzhardinge filia. L. M. P. Nuper Xristophori Keen, armig. & Irenarcha conjux quis virtutum stellse nunquam Occident .... deravit Honori serviit alias vixit & sanguine vere nobilis obiit Dec. 23, 1794 iEtat 65. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1689 Feb. 18 Charles s. of James Gendrault, Esq., and Jane his wife; born 29 Jan. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 123 1690 Mar. 4 Jane dau. of James Gendrault, Esq., and Jane his w. 1692 Nov. 23 Ann dau. of James Gonder [sic], Esq., and Jane his w. ; born 4 Nov. Wedding. 1708 May 14 Christopher Keen, of Wells, gent., and M r8 Jane Gendrault, widow. POPE. Friseida Pope patri Johanni (praebendario) et matri Margarets (Rob u Cryghton Canonici filise) moerentibus prserept* ostensa tan turn terris 17 dierum tantella mora indulta ad caelum emigravit Dec 3° 1702. (Floor slab.) Cathedeal Register. 1702 Dec. 1 Frideswed dau. of John Pope, clerk, and Margaret his w. ; born 17 Nov., and pr. bapt. 1702 Dec. 5 Fridswade dau. of M r John Pope, bur. 1707 July 9 Margaret Pope, bur. 1716 Jan. 21 M rs Margaret Pope, bur. 1719 Sep. 12 William s. of John and Margaret Pope, bur. 1762 Dec. 30 M rs Pope, bur. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1705 April 10 (born 7, pr. bapt.) Margaret dau. of John Pope, Vicar of S l Cuth- bert's, brought to church 12 April (of S. Cuthbert S 1 ). 1706 Jan. 1 (born & pr. bap.) Frances dau. of John Pope, Vic. of S 4 Cuth., brought to church 14 January. 1709 June 22 (born 10 th ) Margaret dau. of John Pope, Vic. of S. Cuth. 1710 July 3 (born 25 June) William s. of John Pope, Vic. of S. Cuth. Burials. 1708 July 9 Margaret dau. of M r John Pope, Vicar of S l Cuthbert's, buried at y e Cathedral. 1711 June 1 Margaret dau. of John Pope, Vic. of S. Cuth., bur. " at y e Cathedral." 1719 Sep. 19 William s. of M r John Pope, Chancellor of y e Diocese, and Vicar of S l Cuthbert, bur. " at y e Cathedral." 124 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Under this stone lieth the remains BRIDGES, of the Rev. Robert Bridges) (gone) (Floorslab.) POPE. William Pope son of John Pope, clerk, chancellor of this Diocese, by Margaret his wife daughter of D r Robert Creyghton, chanter and Residentiary of this church, dyed Sept. 9 th 1719, in the 10 th year of his age. (Floorslab.) PRIEST. This stone has a matrix of a brass for an inscription, also that of the demi-figure of a priest with an inscribed plate, both gone. (Floorslab.) Here lyeth the body of M ra LANYNG. Catherine Lanyng who dyed March the 18, 1726 aged 26. (Floorslab.) BISHOP GISO. Here is the recumbent effigy commemorating Bishop Giso, 1060, d. 1088 ; he was a native of Lorraine and chaplain of King Edward the Confessor. It is inscribed, " Giso epc' Wellensis." Johannes SELLER. Sellek, S. T. P. Archideacon' Bathon hujus eccliaB canonic' residential! quondam ad algerienses a serenisso rege car : 2 d0 missus de captivis redimendis legatus tandem et naturae quod debuit persolvit et mortalitatis vinculis exultus animam solutam MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 125 ac liberam x t0 redemptori reddidit 9° Cal. Julias An'o setatis suae 80° redemptions nostras 1690°. (Floorslab.) His will, dated 2 Dec. 1685, styles him "John Sellick the elder of Wells, Somerset, Doctor of Divinity, Archdeacon of Bath," and was proved 9 Oct. 1690. He leaves bequests to the poor of Wells and several other parishes in Somerset, and to Clifton Campville, co. Stafford. To his sister Joane a house at Nether Stowey. His son John Sellick and his wife Elizabeth. His son Nathaniel Sellick and his wife Susannah, daughter of Theophila Wyne. Cousin William Pratt and Mary his wife. Cousin Robert Sellick. Brother-in-law Nicholas Aish. His eldest son John married twice, his second wife being Penelope, daughter of Sir John Newton of Barr's Court, Bart., by Mary, daughter of Sir George Eyre of Rampton, co. Notts. She died 28 May 1722, aged 69, and is buried at Stanton Drew ; her will, dated 26 May 1722, was proved by her nephew John Sellick 11 Ang. 1722. Here resteth the body of John the son DAWES. of Robert Dawes gent, who died April y e 25 1677. (Floorslab.) 1677 April 26 John s. of M r Dawes, " my Lord Bishop's Steward," buried. 1680 Sep. 20 M r Robert Dawes, of the Liberty, bur. Here lieth the body of Theophila the daughter of M r SELLICK. Nathaniel Sellick and Ann his wife who died August the 7 th 1681 aged 3 years. (Floorslab.) 126 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Here lyeth the body of Margaret the daughter of M r Nathaniel SELLICK. Sellick and Ann his wife, who died the 9 th day of December 1676. (Floorslab.) The will of this Nathaniel Sellick, as Nathaniel Sellick, Clerk, of Clifton Camp- ville, co. Stafford, dated 2 Dec. 1690, was proved 4 Jan. 1700 by Susanna Sellick, relict of testator. He desires to be buried at Clifton Campville. Names John Sellick, younger son of John Sellick, D.D. The Rev. Nathaniel Sellick was instituted to the Vicarage of Buckland Newton, Dorset, 1 March 1679, which he resigned in 1690. He married first Anne, daughter of the Rev. William Peirs, Archdeacon of Taunton, and relict of Dr. Henry Deane, Chancellor of Bath and "Wells. She died in May 1680, and is buried with a monument at Buckland Newton. The will of Dr. Sellick's sister Joane was proved at Wells, and is a long and interesting one, on account of the number of relations mentioned in it. The following is an abstract of it : Dated 5 June 1681. Joane Sellock of Wells, spinster. To be buried in the Cathedral Church of S 1 Andrew, Wells. For the funeral £20. Cousin John Sellock, "eldest son of my brother D r John Sellock," £10, and to his wife, my cousin, Elizabeth Sellock, 21s. Cousin Nathaniel Sellock, youngest son of the said D r John Sellock, £10, and to his wife, my cousin, Susanna Sellock, 21s. and " my silk mantle." John Sellock his son, " my cozin," £7 and a gold ring " which I had had at the funeral of his grandfather D r Sellock," and to his daughter, " my cozin," Susanna Sellock, £7 and my best sheet. Cousin Theophila Wyne £15, best black mantle, and a silver spoon, and to her son, "my cozin," John Wyne, £7 and a gold ring " I had at his father's funeral." Cousin Robert Aish and his wife Joane Aish. The seven children of the said Robert and Joane Aish, viz., Robert, John, Edmund, William, Abraham, Ann, and Theophila Aish. Cousin John Irish, son of my sister Hurdaker, and his wife Elizabeth Irish. G-rizell Irish, daughter of the said John and Elizabeth Irish, to have mourning clothes, etc., " I had at the funeral of my niece Grizell Irish." Cousin Joane Irish, " widow of my cousin Edmund Irish," and her son Edmund Irish, and her daughter Theophila Irish. Cousin Honor Sellock and her daughter Mary Sellock. Cousin John Sellock, son of " my cozin Robert Sellock, deceased," if he ever arrive in England and give my executors a discharge for the amount, if not to be divided between the children of my cozins Nathaniel Sellock, Robert Aish, Thomas Wyne, John Sellock, Honor Sellock, and Joane Irish, being in all 14 in number. To Francis Carver, Grase Whately, and John Dun 10s. each. The poor of S 4 Andrew, Wells, the poor of Nether Stowey. Widow Laws. Widow Wats and her daughter Elizabeth Wats. Residue to cousin John Irish, " son of my sister Hordaker," who is to be executor. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 127 Proved 3 Sept. 1692. This is sealed with these arms, A cross between four doves (or pea-hens). Crest, A demi-lion. {Quarterly or and az., a cross quarterly erms. and of 'the first betw. four pea-hens counter -changed . Crest, A demi-lion per pale or and az. Grindall. The will of John Sellock of Stanton Drew, gent., dated 24 Feb. 1715, refers to the marriage settlement between self and his now dear wife Penelope, by which her life was put on Otterford Farm, and the rectory or parsonage impropriate of Stanton Drew. Nephew John Wyne, nephew John Sellock, Thomas Rosewell, or Rouse- well, of North Curry, Yeoman, trustees. Proved 14 Jan. 1719 by relict Penelope Sellock at "Wells. Inventory £528 19s. Sealed with these arms, A lion ramp, debruised by a bendlet. Crest, From a crest coronet a cock's head. It is difficult without the colours or further information to identify whose arms these are, probably Poole or Churchill. She was a dau. of Sir John Newton of Barres Court, second Bart., by his wife Mary, dau. of Sir Gervase Eyre, Knt. A Licence was granted 12 March 1713 for Henry Sellick, gent., Junior, of West Monkton, to marry Mary Bere, spinster ; John Bere, gent., being bondsman. 1676 Dec. 11 1681 Aug. 9 1690 1692 July June 1 2 Cathedral Register. Margaret dau. of M r Nathaniel Sellecke, bur. Theophila dau. of M r Nathaniel Sellecke, bur. D r John Sellick, bur. M rs Joan Sellick, bur. H. S. E. LESSEY. Thomas Lessey, A.M. hujus ecclesige canonicus Rector de Lydeard S te Lauren quae desideratissimus Mar. ii° a.d. m.dccxxv Mt. LXXVIII. (Floorslab.) BISHOP RALPH. Here stands the recumbent alabaster effigy of Bishop Ralph of Shrewsbury (1329-1363), Keeper of the King's Wardrobes, and Chancellor of Oxford, etc. He surrounded the Palace with a moat and walls, and otherwise benefited the Bishopric. The inscription is : — " Radulphus de Salopia Epc' Bathon' et Wellensis mccclxiii." 128 WELLS CATHEDRAL. CLEMENT. Gulielmus Clement Archidiaconus Bathon et hujus aedis Canonicus H. S. E. obiit xi Decembris, a.d. mdccxi. iEtat lxvii. (Floorslab.) 1701 Cathedral Register. M r William Clement, Vicar-choral, bur. Arms : Three martlets within a bord., imp. A stag's head caboshed. These are not the arms of Clement, but those of Cairnes. Gu., three martlets within a bord. or. The impaled coat is doubtful, several families bear it with different colours. An almost obliterated inscription, of which alone can be read " September the ix." On the same stone was a square brass, now gone. (Floorslab.) WICKSTED. H. S. E. Joh'es Wicksted archi'nus "Well : hujus Eccl* Canon 8 nee non Decus Litteris ac ingenio pariter Insignis MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Fide probitate & pura coram Deo religione nulli secundus ob. 14° Nov r A. n°. X tt 1742. Mt&t. 82. (Floorslab.) 129 Cathedral Register. 1742 Nov. 17 The Rev d M r Archdeacon Wicksted, bur. BARKER. Radulphus Barker, S.T.P. hujus ecclse Thesaurarius et can. Residen. Noluit Dign ssi viri modestia sub ingentis epitaphii Mole laborare sufficet inscriptum nomen jam dudum Noti et Bradestede et Babraham aedibus Lambethanis et Cantabrigiae suae collegium Gonu. et Ca. Grat ssq Alumnus anima Pensione auxit ut a Matris gremio nondum recessisse videatur ne morte quidem divnlsus infensa valetudinae tandem triumphata exuvias hie deposuit 9° Jun. A mdccviii setat lx. Cave ossa temeres quae Rev nl Thesaurarii Sacrarii hujus Fidei comendavit. (Floorslab.) Arms : (Arg.), three bears' heads erased (sa.), in chief as many roundels (torteaux). Crest, A head as in the arms. 130 WELLS CATHEDRAL. M.S. DAYIES. Edmundi Davies qui ab uno alteroque hujusce Dioceseos Episcapo In consilia et negotia adscitus annos xvn Idem Aunos v Decano Canonicisque com- probantibus clerici capitularis functus punnere munere E ecclesiastici juris et rerum peritus omnia scite prudenter accurate ut vir bonus et benignus fideliter et comiter peragebat clerus Popubisque collatis peculiis P. C. obiit 8 V0 Augusti die anno Sacro mdccclxiii natus annos lx. (Floorslab.) HUNT. Here lies M™ Sarah Hunt Relict of Doctor Hunt late Archdeacon of Bath but formerly wife to M r CASTELL. Henry Castell, who died December the 29 th 1737. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. 1737 Dec. 27 Sarah widow of Archdeacon Hunt, bur. POWELL. Hie Jacet Willimus Powell, S. T. Doctor archidiaconus Bathoniensis et Canoni- cus residentiarius hujus ecclesiae expec- tans diem plense Redemptionis Dormiyet in D'no 12 Martii 1613 Jacobi Regis 11° (Floorslab.) Near the last was another small brass, but the matrix alone indicates its having been there. Also a large ledger-stone quite obliterated. 1622 July 22 1624 Sep. 1 1626 Mar. 1 1628 May 11 1629 July 20 1630 Sep. 28 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Philip s. of M r Robert Powell. Sarah dau. of Valentine Powell. Robert s. of Valentine Powell. Frances dau. of M r Valentine Powell. Valentine s. of M r Valentine Powell. John s. of M r Valentine Powell. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 131 Burials. 1623 Feb. 6 M r Valentine Powell. 1668 July 13 M r Valentine Powell. 1668 Nov. 13 Mary Powell, widow. Heare are intombed REVETT. Timothy Revett Doc'r of Divinity and Kather- ine his wife, the former died the first of Aprill 1638 The latter the 11 th of March 1647. Requieseunt in pace. On the same stone is the matrix of a small square brass, and the following inscription on a similar brass plate still remaining : — Sub hoc lapide resurrecti onem expectans quiescit quod terrestre erat venerabilis Viri Tymothei Revett Sacrse Theol. D lls Archidia Bathon et hujus ecclesias residentiary qui annum setatis quinqua- gesimum septimum agens obiit. Calendis Aprilis Anno Domini 1638. (Floorslab.) Cathedbal Register. 1679 Mar. 9 M r Timothy Revett, bur. This Timothy was a younger son of Michael Revett of Lynne, co. Norfolk. He married Katherine, daughter of Francis James, D.O.L., of Barrow Court, one of the Masters in Chancery, a Judge of the Court of Audience and Archbishop's Court, and Chancellor of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, by Blanche, daughter of Francis Grunter of London and his wife Jane, daughter of Edward Lloyd of Lloyenmayne, and relict of Edward Southworth, Esq. This Francis James in his will, dated 27 May 1613, names his daughter Katherine, wife of Timothy Revett, D.D. ; and the will of Jane Grunter of Wells, widow, dated 24 Feb. 1612, names her daughter Blanche, wife of Francis James of Wells, Esq., and directs that she is to be buried in the Cathedral, but no memorial of her remains. Dr. Timothy Revett's will, dated 17 March 1637, was proved 30 June 1638. It leaves bequests to the poor of Cheddar, Compton Martin, Knowle, etc. Names his friend Tristram Towse of Wells. His cousin Mr. William Bull (who married the daughter of Henry South- worth). His brother Mr. Thomas Coward. His sister Philippa James. Gives his books to the Cathedral library. He had two sons^Timothy and Arthur. The will of Timothy Revett, son of the Archdeacon of Wells, gent., dated 22 Dec. 1679, 132 WELLS CATHEDRAL. and proved 20 May 1680 by Henry Strode of Ham, desires that he be buried by his father in the Cathedral. Names Dr. "William Peirse, Archdeacon of Taunton and Yicar of Kingsbury Episcopi, and his son William, testator's cousin. Charles Mattocke and his wife Jane, cousin of testator, and her sister Mary Coward. Edward Strode of Downside. Cousin Thomas Peirse, son of Dr. Peirse. Children of cousin Jane Mattocke. God-daughter Mrs. Mercy Strode. The brother, Mr. Thomas Coward, named in Dr. Revett's will, had married Mary, daughter of Francis James and sister of Dr. Revett's wife; she proved her husband's will 27 April 1621, and remarried Mr. Richard Phillips. The will of her son by her first husband Thomas Coward of Wells, gent., is given below. Jane, wife of Charles Mattocke, named in the will of Timothy Revett, was a daughter of his uncle Thomas Coward, who had married first Thomas Roberts of Wells, by whom she had a son Thomas Roberts of Wells, gent., who died 15 April 1688, aged 36. She married secondly Charles Mattocke of Wells, gent., a Notary Public, by whom she had Thomas, Mary, and Katberine Mattocke ; this Charles Mattocke's will, dated 16 September 1685 and proved 16 October 1686, is sealed with these arms : — A chev. betw. three fleurs- de-lis ; imp. On a chev. three martlets, and on a chief a cannon, for Coward ; but really the coat of Leigh, whose heiress married Coward. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1731 July 14 Mary dau. of Edward and Mary Coward, priv. bap., and publicly admitted 19 July. 1732 Jan. 18 Ann dau. of Edward Coward and Mary hisw.; born 29 Dec. preceding. 1734 Aug. 28 Sarah dau. of Edward and Mary Coward ; born Aug. 1. Weddings. 1681 Jan. 23 John Coward and Jane Ward, both of Ditcheat. 1704 May 15 John Coward and Mary Spencer, both of Witham Friary. 1706 Dec. 16 Samuel Coward and Jane Coward, both of Witham Friary. Burials. 1665 May 14 Capt. Francis Coward. 1665 June 4 Thomas s. of Capt. Francis Coward. 1669 Dec. 20 M rs Ann Blower, in y e Lady Chapel. 1693 Mar. 13 M M Catherine Coward, widow. 1736 April 23 Sarah Coward. 1742 Oct. 31 Edward Coward and Sarah his dau. 1777 Sep. 10 M r John Coward. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1633 Sep. 26 Francis s. of M r Thomas Coward. 1634 July 19 William s. of M r William Coward. 1636 April 4 Christopher s. of M r Edward and Catherine Coward. 1638 Sep. 6 1640 Feb. 24 1642 Sep. 29 1644 Aug. 23 1652 April 20 1653 Mar. 3 1666 April 16 1668 Feb. 28 1733 April 24 1735 May 16 1736 May 5 1738 Sep. 13 1739 Aug. 16 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 133 William s. of M r Thomas and Jane Coward. John s. of M r William and Katherine Coward. Francis s. of M 1 ' William and Katherine Coward. Katherine dan. of M r William and Katherine Coward. Mary dau. of John Coward and Priscilla his w., of Harters Hill. Francis s. of M r Francis Coward, of East Wells. William s. of M r William and M rs Bridget Coward. Catherine dau. of M r William and M rs Bridget Coward. William s. of William Coward, of Sadler Street, born 20 Ap., priv. bap., brought to Church May 25. 1734 June 17 Samuel s. of M r William Coward, of Sadler Street, born May 17, priv. bap., and brought to Church. John s. of William Coward, born and priv. bap., of Sadler Street. John s. of M r William Coward, of Sadler Street, born 4 May, priv. bap., brought to Church May 28. Elizabeth dau. of M r William Coward, born and priv. bap., brought to Church 20 Nov. Jane dau. of M r John Coward, of Sadler Street, born and priv. bap. Weddings. M* William Coward and M rs Sarah Woodyatts. Robert Coward and Mary Hellier, both of Street ; by licence. Burials. Katherine Coward. M T Thomas Coward. Mary dau. of John and Priscilla Coward, of Harters Hill. Francis s. of M r Francis Coward, of East Wells. M r William Coward, " then Mayor." M rs Catherine Coward, widow. M r George Coward. Edward Coward, gent. William Coward, Sergeant at Law and Recorder of this City, from Chamberlain Street. 1724 April 28 Madam Coward, widow, brought from London. In St. Cuthbert's Church a floorslab is inscribed to the memory of George Coward, gent., who died 24 Aug. 1677. Another is for Thomas Coward, gent., who died 18 Jan. 1640. Round the edge of the latter is cut " John Whittington, gent. ;" the other side with the remainder of the inscription is covered. There are also two mural tablets, the remains of what were handsome mural monuments, one inscribed for Bridget, wife of William Coward, Esq., Recorder of Wells, and only daughter of Thomas Hall of Bradford in Wiltshire, and Lady Catherine his wife, daughter of Sir Edward Seymour of Bury Pomery, co. Devon, Bart. ; she died 22 March 1682, aged 43. Among some other fragments of stonework is a shield in a boldly cut bordure with a cherubin's head at the top, originally coloured and gilt, of 1656 April 7 1676 Jan. 17 1617 Nov. 6 1620 Jan. 22 1652 April 24 1654 Mar. 25 1664 Aug. 24 1670 Mar. 21 1677 Aug. 25 1701 Aug. 12 1705 April 12 134 WELLS CATHEDRAL. which but little remains, having these arms, Or, two bars sa. charged with three roses of tM first, two and one, Coward ; imp. Sa., three battle-axes erect arg., garnished or, Hall. The other tablet has a Latin inscription commemorating William Coward, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Kecorder and M.P. for Wells, who died 8 April 1705, the monu- ment being erected by his son William Coward. Another shield, much like the former in style, has these arms, Per pale of three : 1, Coward, as before ; 2, Hall, as before ; 3, Palg of six arg. and az., a bend gu. The above William Coward, Esq., married secondly Lady Philippa Annesley, daughter of Arthur, Earl of Annesley, and relict of Charles, third Lord Mohun ; her burial is recorded in 1724. Among the parish papers of St. Cuthbert, signed and sealed by Justices of the Peace, we find Thomas Coward, jun., J.P., on 4 April 1758 using this coat, (Arg.), two bars (vert) betw. nine martlets (gu.) ; Crest, A boar's head erased; being those of his mother Grace, daughter and coheir of Thomas Moore of Hawkechurch, co. Dorset, and Spargrove, co. Somerset. In 1703 (Sept. 25) William Coward seals with his proper coat and crest, viz., two bars charged with three roses. Crest, A demi-grey hound (sa.), betiv. the paws a stag's head caboslied (arg., attired or). Will of T. Roberts. Thomas Roberts of Wells, gent., named in the will of Francis Coward above as husband of his dau. Jane, made his will 1 April 1688, which was proved 23 June 1688 by Jane his widow, who was to have with other lands the manors of Shepton Mallet and Wells. He names his brothers Phineas Bowles, Capt. Charles Collier, and Mr. William Sandes. His sister's son Thomas Harman ; brother Rev. Nathaniel Roberts ; and cousin Nicholas Sanford. Will of T. Coward. Thomas Coward of Wells, Somerset, gent. Will dated 4 June 1662. Being sick makes his will, and desires to be buried in the Lady Chapel in the Cathedral Church of Wells, near his father and mother as conveniently can be done. To the poor of the old almhouse 40 s ; aunt Blower a ring ; brother Francis Coward's wife and children ; to brother Francis Coward all his lands except his wife's jointure, he paying to M rs Hicks £500 ; to cousin Timothy Revell £150 ; to brother Francis Coward two rings, one with Dr. Ryvett's arms on one side and a skull and crossbones on the other; brother Peirce and "my sister his wife;" uncle William James ; uncle Arthur Phillipps ; cousin Thomas Heath ; brother Samuel Heath. Proved at Wells 4 Feb. 1662. Seal, (Arg.), on a chev. gu. three martlets or, a chief of the second charged with a cannon dismounted of the third. This is really the coat of Leigh, whose heiress married Coward. (See "Visitation of Somerset, 1623," Harl. Soc, vol. xi., p. 30.) Will of F. Coward. Francis Coward of Wells. Will dated 6 May 1665 ; proved 24 March 1655. To be bur. in the Lady Chapel of the Cathedral Church of Wells. Brother-in-law D r William Piers ; kinsman M r Timothy Revett ; wife Elizabeth ; daughters Jane and Mary, both under twenty -four; Catherine widow of deceased brother Thomas Coward ; son Thomas Coward ; dau. Jane w. of Thomas Roberts of Wells ; and Mary w. of William Sands. (Vide " Somerset Wills " by Rev. F. Brown.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 135 In the Church of St. Lawrence, Winchester, were recently the remains of a hand- some mural monument for Thomas Coward, who married Grace, daughter and coheir of Thomas Moore of Hawkchurch, Dorset, and Spargrove, Somerset ; among the debris of this monument and others in the tower are the following shields : the coat of Leigh or Coward, as appended to the will of Thomas Coward above cited ; also, Arg., a cross eng. betw. twelve billets gu., Heath ; also, Gu., a lion ramp, per fess indent erm. and erminois, Stokes ; and, Az., a chev. betw. three pears pendant or, Orchard. The coat of Leigh seems to have been occasionally used by Coward in place of their proper coat, namely, Or, on ttvo bars sa. three roses, two and one, of the first. This last is cut on one of the battlements of Ditcheat Church with the date 1667, and these initials, C. C, for Christopher Coward of Ditcheat. Unfortunately there are no old monuments at West Pennard, with John Coward of which place the Visitation pedigree commences, the nearest approach being a floorslab on which can just be traced a shield with helmet and mantling, but the charges on the shield and the inscription are quite gone. The following relate to the Cowards at Dicheat : — Will of H. Coward. Henry Coward of Ditcheat, husbandman. Will dated 26 September 1664 ; proved 20 April 1665. Names son Thomas; son Henry and his son John; dau. Edith ; dau. Mary ; son-in-law William Dover ; Thomas son of Thomas Coward, testator's son, and his other children ; Francis son of testator's son Henry Coward ; Mary and other children of testator's daughter Edith ; children of dau. Mary ; sister Amy Bayley ; godson William Bayley ; children of testator's brother and sister ; John Coward of Ditcheat, linenweaver, and Francis Jennings of Allington, overseers ; wife executrix ; Elizabeth wife of son Thomas Coward. Will of J. Coward. John Coward of Ditcheat, yeoman. Will dated 5 July 1681 ; proved at Wells 23 March 1681. Names dau. Ann Coward; dau. Hannah Coward; dau. Mary Mason. Lands in Ditcheat. Will of C. Coward. Christopher Coward of Ditcheat. Will dated 25 Jan. 1698 ; proved at Wells 13 June 1699. Names wife Mary Coward ; brother William Coward and his sons ; sister Grace wife of poor brother Edward Coward ; sister Catherine Lite, widow ; poor sister Reldon of Milborne Port. Seal, {Arg.), on a mount an oak-tree (ppr.), surmounted by a fess (az.) charged with three crescents (of the first). Over the shield the letters A. W. The arms on the shield are probably Watson or Watts. Will of H. Coward. Henry Coward of Ditcheat. Will dated 13 Feb. 1677 ; proved at Wells 6 March 1693. To be buried in the churchyard at Ditcheat. Names wife Joane ; son John Coward at the age of 20 years ; dau. Ann ; dau. Elizabeth ; son Henry ; dau. Frances ; brother-in-law John Maby ; brother-in-law Robert Clother. 136 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Will of R. Cowaed. Richard Coward of Kowtoune in parish of West Penuard, yeoman. Will dated 28 Sept. 1678 ; proved at Wells in 1679. Names dau. Margaret Lewis, widow ; John Ash son of Margaret Lewis and my grandchild ; grandchild Richard Lewis ; grand- child Edward Lewis ; John, Richard, and Morris Cozens sons of Morris Cozens of Queen Camel, and Frances and Christian daus. of the same ; brother-in-law Morris Cozens of Queen Camel ; wife Frances Coward. Will of F. Coward. Frances Coward, widow, of West Pennard. Will dated 7 Aug. 10 Q. Ann, 1711; proved at Wells 1714. Names two kinsmen Morris and Nicholas Cussens, sons of Morris and Elizabeth Cussens of Queen Camel ; kinswoman Frances Read, wife of Henry Read ; two kinsmen Henry and Edmund, sons of Henry and Frances Read ; John son of John and Mary Cussens, and Frances and Mary Coussens daus. of the same ; kinswoman Christian Ede of Queen Camel, late wife of Robert Ede dec, their brothers John, Robert, and Richard Ede, and her daus. Elizabeth and Frances Ede ; son-in-law Richard Coward ; kinsman John Coussens ; John Coward the elder of West Pennard. Inv. dated 21 Aug. 1714, £212 2s. 6d. Will of T. Coward. Tristram Coward of Street. Will dated 14 Sept. 1591, 23 Eliz. ; proved at Wells 28 Nov. 1591. To be buried in the churchyard of Street. Names five of Andrew Coward's youngest children, viz., Edward, Bess, Robert, Catherine, and Joan Coward ; sister Julian and her three children ; godsons Robert, Christopher, and Thomas Robins, and Thomas Walter ; Margaret wife of Andrew Coward. Small bequests to the poor of Street and Glastonbury. Will of J. Coward. John Coward the elder of West Pennard, husbandman. Will dated 17 Jan. 39 Q. Eliz. ; proved at Wells 13 Jan. 1597. Buried at West Pennard. Names son John Coward ; son William Coward ; dau. Alice Coward ; sister-in-law Alice Wookey. Will of H. Coward. Humphry Coward of St. John's, Glastonbury. Will dated 24 Dec. 1628; proved at Wells 14 Jan. 1628. Names son Peter Coward and his children; dau. Alice Cuffe and her children ; son Henry Coward " all my books, with the bed and its furniture on which I lye in my parlour." Residue in trust to Humphry Grinsteed of Balsbarowe (Baltonsborough, an adjoining parish), and Nicholas Mapson of Glastonbury for Humphrey Coward, testator's son. Will of J. Coward. John Coward the younger, late of Street, husbandman, deceased 27 Aug. 1647 ; proved at Wells 4 March 1647. His will nuncupative stated to John Coward in the presence of witnesses. Names his children John, Robert, Agnes, Elizabeth, William, Tristram, and Mary ; Alice Coward wife of the testator. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 137 Will of R. Coward. Robert Coward of Street, husbandman. Will dated 30 May 1648 ; proved at Wells 9 Aug. 1648. Names six children of Alice Coward of Street, widow ; three children of John Joanes of Street ; three children of John Man of Bradley (West Bradley, an adjacent parish) ; William Pavy of Mark, son of my sister ; sister Jillan ; sister Susan ; sister Rebecca Pavie of Mark. Witnesses, Thomas Crooke, clerk, and Richard Edwardes. Will of W. Coward. Walter Coward of Brewton, yeoman. Will dated 5 June 11 Q. Anne, 1712 ; proved at Wells 12 July 1721. Names brother Arthur Coward ; sister Alice Coward ; wife Martha Coward. Will of T. Coward. Tristram Coward of Glastonbury, husbandman. Will dated 6 March 10 K. George, 1723 ; proved at Wells 31 Jan. 1724. Mentions his eldest dau. Elizabeth Worm ; eldest son Tristram Coward ; dau. Alice Coward ; son John Coward ; wife Alice Coward ; younger son James Coward, residuary legatee and executor, under age ; trustees, Robert Mountstevens and John Vincent of Glastonbury. Seal of arms, A chev. betw. three birds' heads couped. Crest, A head as in the arms. ? Hartop or Ley. 1655 Feb. 27 1657 Nov. 3 1660 Aug. 20 1660 Oct. 24 1662 Nov. 9 1664 June 23 1668 Jan. 17 1670 April 17 1702 April 1 1655 July 10 1657 June 10 1657 Aug. 4 1658 Feb. 17 1658 Feb. 28 1661 May 5 1662 Sep. 3 1670 Sep. 1 1673 Jan. 28 1696 July 10 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Frances dau. of M 1 ' Samuel Heath and Sarah his w., of High Street. Samuel s. of M r Samuel Heath and Sarah his w., of High Street. Thomas s. of M r Thomas Heath. Charles and William sons of M 1 ' Samuel Heath and Sarah his w. Alice dau. of Samuel Heath. Margaret dau. of Samuel and Sarah Heath. Edmund s. of M r Samuel Heath and Elizabeth his w. William s. of William Heath. George s. of M r Edward Heath; born Feb. 12. Burials. M r Thomas Heath, of Sadler Street. Samuel s. of M 1 ' Samuel Heath, of High Street. Frances dau. of M r Samuel Heath, of High Street. Ann dau. of M 1 ' Thomas Heath. Thomas s. of M r Thomas Heath. Charles s. of M r Samuel Heath. Sarah dau. of M r Samuel Heath. Virtue dau. of William and Ann Heath. Mr Thomas Heath. M r Martin Heath. 138 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1680 Sep. 17 John s. of M r Thomas Mattocks and Margaret his w. 1683 May 4 Catherine dau. of M r Charles Mattocks and Jane his w., of the parish of St. Cuthbert. 1726 July 14 Margaret dau. of George and Margaret Mattock, born 14 July, priv. bap., and publicly admitted to the church 11 Aug. 1727 Dec. 20 Mary dau. of M r George Mattock and Martha his w., born 15 Dec, priv. bap., and brought to church 26 Dec. 1736 April 22 Robert Clayton s. of M r George Mattock and Martha his w. ; priv. bap. Weddings. 1698 June 30 Jasper Mattock of Axbridge, and Mary Dory of Brewton. 1699 Nov. 10 Richard Edghill of Axbridge, and Charity Mattock of the same place. 1725 July 8 M r George Mattock of Wells, Notary Public, and Martha Penny ; by licence. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Ann dau. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w. Ann dau. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w., in S* Andrew's Church. John s. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w. Elizabeth dau. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w. Charles s. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w. Thomas s. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w., of New Street. Arthur s. of Charles Mattock, gent. Mary dau. of M r Charles Mattock. Charles s. of M r Charles Mattock of Milton. Katherine dau. of M r Charles Mattock and Jane his w. James s. of M r Thomas Mattock and Margaret his w. Margaret dau. of M r Thomas Mattock and Margaret his w. Joseph s. of M r Thomas Mattock and Margaret his w. Jane dau. of M r Thomas Mattock and Margaret his w. Joseph s. of M r Joseph Mattock, born 4 Dec, priv. bap., brought to Church March 6. 1729 Not. 11 Martha dau. of M r George Mattock, of New Street, born Nov. 7, priv. bap. 1731 Mar. 22 George s. of M r George Mattock, of New Street, born March 3, priv. bap., and carried to Church April 6, 1732. 1732 May 17 Ann dau. of Matthew Mattock, of Chamberlain Street, born May 11, priv. bap., carried to Church May 22. 1734 Dec. 3 Martha dau. of M r George Mattocks, of New Street, bom Dec. 2, priv. bap., and carried to Church Dec. 26. 1735 Oct. 19 James s. of Matthew Mattock, of New Street, born Sep. 29. 1644 April 3 1645 June 21 1646 Aug. 2 1648 Mar. 15 1650 Mar. 30 1651 Dec. 4 1675 Nov. 8 1678 Dec 13 1681 May 13 1683 Mar. 29 1685 July 2 1689 Sep. 17 1690 Aug. 22 1696 Mar. 1 1718 Jan. 6 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 139 Wedding. 1614 May 16 William Mattocke and Mary Bihatshell. Burials. Ann dau. of M r Arthur Mattock. Richard s. of M r Arthur Mattock and Elizabeth his w., of Milton. John s. of M r Arthur Mattock, of Milton. Elizabeth dau. of M r Arthur and M rs Elizabeth Matox. Arthur Mattock, gent. Ann dau. of M r Charles Mattock, of Milton. M rs Roberts, of the Liberty. Joseph s. of M r Thomas Mattocks, of New Street. Elizabeth w. of Arthur Mattock, of Ston Easton, gent. Arthur Mattock, of East Harptry, gent. Margaret w. of M r Thomas Mattock, gent., of New Street. M rs Mattock, of High Street. Martha dau. of M r George Mattock. M rs Mattock, widow, from High Street. George s. of M r George Mattock. Martha dau. of M r George Mattock. M r George Mattock, of the Liberty. 1644 Aug. 13 1655 Feb. 25 1657 Aug. 13 1665 Dec. 18 1673 Jan. 2 1677 Sep. 18 1700 July 21 1705 April 15 1708 April 4 1714 Mar. 17 1719 May 19 1722 Jan. 3 1729 Nov. 30 1730 June 3 1733 Aug. 3 1735 June 2 1736 Oct. 8 In the Chancel Aisle of St. Cuthbert is a floorslab for Elizabeth wife of Arthur Mattocke, gent., dau. and heir-at-law of Charles Curtis of East Harptree, gent. ; she died 26 March 1708, aged 22. Thomas Roberts of this city, gent., who died 15 April 1688, aged 36. Arthur Mattocke, died 12 March 1713, aged 39 ; and George Mattocke, gent., who died 5 Oct. 1736, aged 53. Above the inscription are these Arms, .... a chev. quarterly per chev betw. three fleurs-de-lis . . . . ; imp. {Arg.), three bulls' 1 heads caboshed (sa.). Crest, A bear salient. The impalement is incorrect ; there should be a chevron between the bulls' heads for the coat of Curtis ; as it stands it is really the coat of Walrond. The following abstracts of "Wills in the Wells Registry throw some further light on the pedigree and its connection with the Coward Family : — Will of C. Mattocke. Charles Mattocke of Wells, gent. Will dated 16 Sep. 1685 ; proved at Wells 16 Oct. 1686. Names son Thomas Mattocke, daughters Mary and Katherine Mattocke ; lands in Sutton, Mallet, Chilton, and Wincanton ; William Westley of Wells, gent. ; Mr. Charles Thirlby, and Mr. Arthur Mattocke, both deceased. Seal, A chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ; imp. J. chev. charged with three martlets, and on a chief a cannon dismounted, for Coward ; really the coat of Ley or Leigh. Crest, A bear salient. Burke gives for Matticke or Matoke of Hereford- shire and Yorkshire, Az., a chev. quarterly or and arg. betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the second. Crest, A bear salient per bend arg. and sa. Papworth makes the chev. quarterly per chev., thus agreeing with the stone in St. Cuthbert. 140 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Will of G. Mattocke. George Mattocke of Wells, gent. Will dated 17 Jan. 1688 ; proved at Wells 13 Jnly 1689. Names lands in Banwell, and leaves all to his wife Mrs. Sophia Mattocke. Seal, On a bend three griffins' heads erased. Crest, A griffin's head as in the arms. (Arg., on a lend sa. three griffins'' heads erased of the first, White.) Administration : A. Mattock. Arthur Mattock of Wells, bachelor, deceased. Administration granted 3 Aug. 1685 to Richard Cupper, a creditor, Thomas and George Mattock, brothers of the deceased, renouncing. On the sides of the stairs leading from this aisle to the pulpit in the choir are carved two shields, one charged with the arms of Jenkyns, the other with those of Grove, as already blazoned. Hie Jacet Guido Clinton gent., obiit 9 die Feb. 1728. Mt. 77. (Floorslab.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1681 May 6 Anne dau. of M r Guydo Clinton and Elizabeth his wife. 1682 Oct. 3 Guido s. of M r Guydo Clinton and Elizabeth his wife. 1685 Mar. 2 Guido s. of M r Guydo Clinton and Elizabeth his wife. 1688 May 27 Thomas s. of M r Guydo Clinton and Elizabeth his wife. Wedding. 1702 Dec. 81 M r Richard Cross, of Broomfield, & Ann Clinton, of this Liberty. Burials. 169| Mar. 19 Thomas s. of M r Guido Clinton. 1714 Sep. 8 M™ Elizabeth wife of M r Guido Clinton. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. 1664 Sep. 22 Elizabeth w. of Guido Clinton, bur. 1664 M r Guido Clinton and M rs Ann Stasey, mar. Martha dau. of M r Guido Clinton and Ann his w., bur. Sarah dau. of M r Guido Clinton and Sarah his w., bap. Sarah dau. of Guido Humphries, bap. M r Richard Stasey, of S* Cuthbert, and M rs Constance Jane, of S* Thomas, Bristol. Ann dau. of M r Guido and M rs Ann Clinton, bur. M r Guido Clinton, bur. A child of M r Guido Clinton, bur. 1666 Sep. 7 1667 Aug. 7 1668 Feb. 14 1668 Nov. 10 1668 Dec. 23 1678 June 22 1684 April — MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 141 1684 July — M r John Clinton's child. 1684 Aug. — M>' Richard Stacy. 1712 Sep. 3 M rs Ann Clinton, wid., bur. Administration : G. Clynton. Administration 16 Oct. 1650 of the effects of Guy Clinton of Alford granted to his son Guy Clinton. Administration 18 Jan. 1678-9 of the effects of Guy Clynton of Wells, deceased, to his son Guy Clynton, Ann Clynton the relict having renounced. Will of A. Clinton. The will of Ann Clinton of Wells, widow, dated 10 Oct. 1702 ; proved at Wells 27 Nov. 1712. To be buried at St. Cuthbert's; goddau. Jane Prickman a guinea ; goddau. Eliz. Norton dau. of William Norton ; to every poor housekeeper living in New Street from the sign of the Globe to the upper end of the street, one shilling ; lands and tenements, etc., in New Street to Elizabeth wife of John Paine of Wells ; said daughter-in-law Elizabeth Pain to be executrix. Seal, (Or), two bars az. betw. three crescents sa., inter the bars three roses of the second, Merrifield. A family of Merrifield had long been resident in Wells. The "Globe" Inn has disappeared from New Street, nor are there now many " poor housekeepers " in the street in the sense implied by Ann Clinton's will. Will of R. Stacie. The will of Ann Clinton's father Richard Stacie ; proved at Wells 19 Aug. 1685 ; in it he calls himself aged but of good health. Names house and gardens in New Street purchased from George Bisse, Esq., to his dau. Ann Clinton and her heirs ; Elizabeth Paine dau. of John Payne ; to the poor of St. Cuthbert forty shillings ; M r Philip Hodges, gent., and M r Guydo Clinton, notary public, overseers. The following abstract of a will explains the appearance of the seal with the arms of Merefield : — Will of C. Merefield. Christable Merefield of Wells, spinster. Will dated 20 Aug. 1664 ; proved at Wells 22 March 1664. Names brother William Merefield , niece Martha Gold ; nephew Gold ; nephew Rowland ; brother M r Richard Stacy ; nephew Thomas White, to have her lands in Somerset and be executor. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. 1664 Sep. 8 M rs Christabell Merefield, bur. 142 WELLS CATHEDRAL. CRYPT. This occupies the space beneath the Chapter House, and contains a collection of fragments of architectural details, five stone coffins, three memorial slabs with floriated crosses, the effigy of one of the architects of the Cathedral with a plummet in his hand, and a stone with the following portion of an inscription, viz. : — iEtatis sua3 57 Hie etiam jacet Johannes filius Eldredgii aris dictae dnge natii obiit 3° Jan. 1696 Mt&t l m0 . There is also a hatchment for Dean Jenkyns, whose monument has been already mentioned ; it has the dexter side black. The arms are, Jenkins, Az., on a saltire eng. or, Jive crosses patee fitchee sa. ; imp. Erm., on a chev. gu. three escallop shells or, Grove ; on an escutcheon of pretence, Grove repeated. For Dean Jenkyns see p. 75. Will of H. Clarke. Henry Clarke of Wells, Esq. Will dated at Wookey, 3 September 6 Eliz., a.d. 1564. To be buried in St. Cuthbert's, near dau. Elizabeth. To the church of St. Cuthbert 20 s ; to the fabric of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew 10 s ; for the repair of the Chancel of the Parish Church of Locking 20 s ; to the Church Works of the Parish Church of Wookey 6 s 8 d ; to the Church Works of Kingston Seymour 3 s 4 d ; wife Elizabeth £100 and plate ; son William "my best greate salte of silver gilt, having upon the reverse my father and mother's arms graven, a ring of gold with my seal of arms," at 24 years of age; if he die before, to s. Thomas ; if he d. s.p., to s. Harry ; if he d. s.p., remainder to " my daughters then living ;" cousin Sir Rowland Clarke ; friend M r William Horman, scrivener, of Wells ; cousin John Cawood (? Coward) ; friend William Watson. Codicil dated 7 May 1565. Master William Bowerman, Sub-Dean of Wells. Sir John Turner, Priest. Wife Elizabeth, mansion house in Wells ; Manors of Locking and Kingston to son William ; remainder to son Thomas ; remainder to son Harry ; remainder to Elizabeth Hill, daughter of my sister Alice, dec. ; remainder to Sir Rowland Clarke ; remainder to testator's sister Anne Claxton ; remainder over to right heirs ; Manor of Blackford, lands and mansion house at Wookey, lands at St. Decumens ; dau. Joane ; dau. Anthonye (sic) ; dau. Anne ; dau. Mary ; dau. Elizabeth, at 18 years of age ; father Thomas Clarke, late deceased. Proved 11 April 1565, at Wells (book 14, fol. 107). The original does not exist, consequently there is no seal. In the Church of Wookey is an altar-tomb for the father of the above Henry ; on the top round the edge is this inscription, " Here lyth the bodye of Thomas Clarke Esquyer and Anthony his wyfe whiche Tho. was departid to Code the 2 day of Marche 1555, and also Anthony departid the . . day .... whose soules God p'do MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 143 amn." At the west end of the tomb are these arms, (Or), two bars (gu.), and in chief three escallops (az.), Clarke ; imp. Quarterly — 1 and 4, (Arg.), three birdbolts paletvays in/ess (gu.), Bolton ; 2 and 3, (Arg.), afess betw. in chief two mullets and in base a crescent (gu.), Elder. This last coat is rather doubtful, it represents an early match of the old Yorkshire family of Bolton. It is much to be wished some light could be obtained regarding this match of Clarke. In St. Cuthbert's Church are the remains of a monument to one of this family, consisting of a recumbent effigy in armour, a large shield, Quarterly — 1 and 4, Clarke, as above ; 2 and 3, Three birdbolts -paletvays in fess, as above. Crest, A demi-eagle wings addorsed. Two smaller shields are charged, the one with this quartered coat, the other with Clarke alone. The follow- ing inscription is on a panel, "Clara Chara Clarcko A Dni 1587," a trefoil being placed between each word. The "Wills at Wells give us no further information immediately connected with this family. "Will of T. Claeke. Will of Thomas Clarke of Shapwick, husbandman, dated 2 April 1550. Names sons John, William, and Thomas ; daughters Joan and Edith ; wife Joan. Proved at Wells 6 July 1551. Will of J. Clarke. Will of John Clarke of Shapwick, dated 27 March 1582. Names sons William and Thomas ; daughters Agnes and Joan ; wife Margaret. Proved at Wells 27 May 1582. Will of T. Clarke. The Will nuncupative of Thomas Clarke of Shapwick, husbandman, deceased, dated 22 November 1610. Names wife and children without their names. Wife Mary Clarke ; son William, aged two years ; William Clarke, brother of deceased. Proved 27 February 1610-11. William Clarke, Notary Public of Wells, is a witness, and is probably the person named in the following entry from St. Cuthbert's Register, " 1609, February 2, M 1 * Clarke wife of M r Clarke, the Proctter, buried." Will of J. Bolton. About this period there was a family of the name of Bolton existing in the county, as appears by the Will of John Bolton, dated 16 August 1546, proved at Taunton 15 September 1546. In it he desires to be buried in the Church of St. James's, Taunton ; leaves bequests to the Altars of our Lady St. Katherine and Holy Cross in that Church, and to the Church of St. Andrew at Wells. Names his mother Mow u Bolton ; brother John Bolton ; sister Alice Bolton ; dau. Isabell Bolton ; wife Johan, and the child she goeth with ; Gostly father John Moreys. Witness, Sir John Burgon, curate. Although this throws no direct light on the question, it is an indication as to the family of Tho. Clarke's wife. Will of W. Clarke. William Clarke of Wookey, yeoman, will dated 14 June 1709 ; proved at Wells 19 Nov. 1709. Names s. William Clarke ; goods at Lovington ; two grandchildren William and Christiana Boulting ; s. Richard Clarke ; lands in the Manor of Northload ; dau. Susanna. Seal, W. C. 144 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Will of R. Clarke. Richard Clarke of Wookey, miller. Names house and fifteen acres of land more or less at Priddy ; three sons Thomas Clarke, Richard Clarke, and John Clarke ; their uncle John Stott ; their grandfather Thomas Stott, deceased ; dau. Betty Clerke ; Mary Marchant dau. of the late Rose Marchant of Wookey, deceased ; house and mill at Wookey. Witnesses, John Stott and John Ghitch. Seal, (Gu.), on a fess betw. three boars' heads (arg.) a lion pass. (sa.). Crest, A boar's head as in the arms, apparently used by John Gutch. Among the papers of St. Cuthbert Parish is one dated 23 June 1708, signed by Edward Clarke as a J.P., the arms on the seal being, Two bars and in chief three escallop shells. WINDOWS IN THE NORTH AISLE OP CHOIR. In the second window from the east end of this aisle are three shields, viz. : — 1, Or, two bars az., in chief three escallop shells gules, over the shield a bishop's mitre, Bishop John Clark. This shield appears to be of glass, contemporary with Bishop Clark. These arms are ou the tomb of Thomas Clark 1555 at Wookey, and on a monument in St. Cuthbert's dated 1587. The same coat is ascribed to Clark of Shipley (sic, probably Shipham near Winscombe, which belonged to the Bishops of Bath and Wells) by Burke, etc., who also give for the Bishop the same coat, adding a horse's head, as mentioned more fully in the account of the shields in the Common Hall of the Vicars. 2, Az., a saltire or. The glass of the saltire looks very old, but the field is undoubtedly new glass. Most likely the shield contained the correct arms of the See, as still in the opposite aisle, but being broken this was a cheap way of repairing it. 3, Per fess or and arg., in chief a demi-rose gu. conjoined to a demi-sun in base or, from the top of the rose a demi imperial eagle sans wings sa. Burke gives as granted 14 July 1514 to William Knight, Prothonotary of the Apostolical See, and Ambassador from King Henry VIII. to Maximilian, and afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells, this coat, Per fess or and gu., an eagle with tivo heads displayed sa., having on its breast a demi-rose and a demi-sun conjoined into one counter changed of the field. This blazon is not very clear, the coat is evidently that in the window, only that the red of the glass has faded, a fact which will be noticed more fully in the next window. The seal of Bishop Knight and the pulpit in the nave which was built \£or his monument, and beneath which he lies, have the same arms as in the window, no colours being shewn. In the next window, the third from the east end of this aisle, are three more shields : — 1, Arg., gutte' d'or, on a chief or an annulet gu. betw. two leopards' faces az. langued of the first. The annulet looks more like a torteaux with a hole in the middle. This coat was originally, no doubt, Gu., gutte d'or, on a chief of the last a torteaux charged with a leopard's face of the second betw. two other leopards' faces az. This coat is not given by Papworth, and it very probably belongs to Dean MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 145 Woleman, though the only thing that connects him with it is the inscription at the foot of the window. Among fragments in one of the other windows are two torteaux charged with a leopard's face gold, no doubt belonging to two examples of this shield. 2, Quarterly France and England, within the garter, the garter has been patched, and there are remains of supporters ; on the sinister is part of a dragon or, winged vert ; the arms of Henry VIII. The dragon should be gules, and on the dexter side. It is worthy of note here, as the royal arms are so well known and indisput- able, that the field is quite clear glass, the red in both quarters having completely faded away. This is also the case in the next shield, in both the coats of Knight the red having completely gone. An example of the Courtenay arms at Sheviock in Cornwall has the three torteaux quite colourless, while the yellow and blue remain. It would appear that old glass-workers sometimes used a colour that was not permanent, or used a thin coating of ruby glass, which was cut away when small charges had to be shewn ; such coating in some cases becoming detached by the action of air and weather in course of time, left clear glass where red ought to be ; and this must always be borne in mind when viewing a shield which has clear glass where colour should be, even if there are traces of diapering over the glass. 3, Knight as in the previous window. At the foot of the window is this inscription evidently not perfect : — Ricarolus Woleman hugus ecclesie .... deo. opt. . . mar. . . 1537. Richard Woleman, L.L.D., appointed Dean of Wells in 1529, and died 1537, being buried in the cloister of St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster. KEN. The fourth window from the East is modern, put up in memory of Bishop Ken, chiefly by the exertions of Dean Plump tre, the learned author of an exhaustive life of that prelate. It contains, with Scripture scenes, the full length portraiture of the Bishop ; beneath him this coat, viz., Az., a saltire per saltire and quarterly counterchanged arg. and or, cantoned ivith, on the dexter two keys addorsed the bows interlaced, on the sinister a sword erect, all of the second; imp. Erm., three crescents gu. This being no doubt intended for the See imp. Ken ; but in the coat for the See the pastoral staff is omitted, and the saltire made incorrectly of two metals instead of plain gold. Round the figure this legend, " Pastor bonus animam pro ovibus," and at the foot of the window, " In piam memoriam viri Sanctissimi delectissimi Thomas Ken,S.T.P., olim Bathon et Wellen episcopi, N. 1637, ob. 1711." THE CHOIR. JENKYNS. The stone Pulpit given by Dean Jenkyns has this inscription running round the upper part, "Deo dedicaverunt Ricardus Jenkyns, S.T.P., Decanus Wellensis et Veritas uxor ejus, A.S., mdcccliii." On the side steps of the pulpit, but in the North Aisle, are two shields, one with the arms of Jenkyns, the other Grove, as already described. u 146 WELLS CATHEDRAL. BRYMER. On the floor near the Pulpit is a brass with this inscription Fenestram supra appositam In memoriam Grulielmi Thomas Parr Brymer, A.M. hugus ecclesiae Canon : et Archid : Bathon laboribus ecclesiasticus Dum episcopi senio gravati vicem generet summa omniam laude absolutus complures tarn laici quam clerici adornandum curauerunt, A.S., MDCCCL. Jocelynus de Welles ep 9 1242. (Floorslab.), This is all there is of heraldry or memorial inscription in the Choir. CHAPEL. Leading from N. Aisle to the Chapter House. A large canopied tomb with recumbent effigy, which has recently been re-painted and gilt, bears these arms and inscription : Memoras sacrum STILL. Joanni Still Episcopo Bathoniensi et Wellensi, Sacras Theologia Doctori Acerrimo Christianas Yeritatis propugnatori non nienus vitas integritate quam veria Doctrina claro qui cum Domino Diu vigilasset in Christo spe certa resurgendi obdormivit die XXVI. Februarii mdcvii. Yixit annos LXIIII sedit episcopus XVI. Nathaniel Still Alius primogenitus optimo patri Mcerens pietatis ergo posuit. Arms : Three shields — 1st, Az., a saltire per saltire and per cross counter changed arg. and or, the See ; 2nd, the same, imp. Sa., gutte de Veau and three roses arg., Still ; 3rd, Still, alone. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 147 PtDfgro of Still OP ANKETIL'S PLACE, CO. DOKSET; EAST KNOYLE, CO. WILTS; DUTTON COURT, CO. SOMERSET ; AND THE BURY, CO. GLOUCESTER. From a MS. compiled from Heralds' Visitations, Family Deeds, Wills, Parish Eegisters, and other authentic sources. Arms. — Sable, goutte argent, three roses of the last, seeded or, barbed vert. Crest. A stork proper. Motto. — Tranquilla per cequora. Arms granted by Sir William Dethick, Garter King of Arms, 10 April 35 Eliz., 1593. In the Wells Probate Registry is the will of John Still of Compton Martin, husbandman, dated 3 Oct. 30 Queen Eliz., and proved 5 Sept. 1590 (book 23, fol. 4). Parts have quite disappeared, but we can trace, " My .... Alice," " my wife Joane Still," " my son John Still." Names debts to .... Maynard, Ambrose Millard, and Edward Still. But his relationship, if any, does not appear. William Still of Grantham, co. Lincoln (called Thomas in the^ ' Visitation of Wilts, 1623 '). 2. William=r=Elizabeth, da. 3. Thomas Still. Alice Still, mar. 16=T=Adam Winthorp, 3rd son Still of Grantham. of Tho. Pechell of Normanton, co. Line. 4. George Still, Rector of Wharnfield 1556—1580. Dec. 1574 Dec. 1579 Hadleigh Suffolk. died 24 ; bur. in Church, (by Agnes Sheepe his wife) of Adam Win- thorp. Born in Grace- church Street, London, 10 Aug. 1548. John Winthorp, Governor of the Massachussetts Bay Company in 1630. A first-born (sic) child, bur. with its mother. John Still, Rector of Chris- tian Malf ord, Wilts ; Pre- bendary of Salisbury 13 July 1613, and of Bath and Wells 4 May 1623 ; chap- lain of Bishop Still ; bearer of one of the four ban- nerolles at his funeral ; signed Visit. Ped. 1623. : Frances, da. of John Younge of Odiham, Hants. Arms : Lozengy or and vert, a chevron azure. 2. William Still. I J I Anna=Rev. Adam Abra- Mary Still, ham of Chard, Still. Somerset ; one of — the chaplains of Alice Bishop Still, and Still. bearer of one of Both the bannerolles at dead his funeral. before 1623. Henry Still, set. 9 an. 1623. John Still, set. 6 an. 1623. Frances Still, set. 5 an. 1623. Elizabeth Still, 83t. 4 an. 1623. Ann Still, set. 2 an. 1623. I Judith Still, set. 1 an. 1623. Anne, sister of John Alabaster,: gent, (twice Mayor of Hadleigh, Suffolk,9 April 18 James I.,1619), and da. of Thomas Alabaster, gent., of Hadleigh, clothier. Ob. 12 Jan. 1592, set. 70; bur. in Hadley Church, with a brass to her memory. 1st wife. Arms : Ermine, a cross-bow bent gules. I :John Still, D.D., Bishop of Bath= and Wells, consecrated 11 Feb. 1592-3 ; eldest son, born circa 1543 ; died at the Palace, Wells, 26 Feb. 1607, aged 64 ; funeral solemnized 4 April following. Monument in the Cathedral. Will dated 4 Feb. 1607 ; proved 28 April 1608 at Canterbury. : Jane, da. of Sir John Horner of Mells Park, co. Somerset; High Sheriff 1564—1587. Born 1561 ; died 1608; bur. at Cloford 29 Sept. 1608. Will dated 2 Sept. 1608 ; proved 31 Jan. 1608-9. 2nd wife. Arms, granted 1584 : Sable, three talbots passant argent. See Pedigree <&, page 152. 148 WELLS CATHEDRAL. John Still, bap. at Hadleigh 19 Jan. 1577 ; bur. there 1581. Nathaniel Still of Hutton Court,=FJane, sister of Sir William Whit-^Henry Dennis co. Somerset, eldest surviving son and heir ; bap. at Hadleigh 18 Oct. 1579 ; set. 30 in 1610 ; died intestate 2 Feb. 1625-6 ; bur. in the chancel of Hutton Church, where is a monument to him. Administration granted to his widow 27 Feb. 1625-6 at Canterbury. more, Knight, of Apley, co. Salop, and da. of William Whitmore, Alderman of London (ob. 1593), son of Richard Whitmore, Esq., of Cloverly, co. Salop. Born circa 1587 ; set. 23 in 1610 ; died 10 Dec. 1639; bur. in Bath Abbey. Arms : Vert,fretty or. of Puckle- church Hall, co. Glouces- ter, Esq. 2nd husband. Ann Still, da. and^=John Codrington of coheir, set. 10 in 1623. Devisee of her uncle John Still of Durleigh for life of pre- mises in Durleigh. Didmarton, co. Gloucester. Arms : Argent, a fcss embattled counter - embattled sable, fretty gules, between three lions passant of the third. I Jane Still,: set. 9 in 1623 ; da. and co- heir. =Sir James Pyle, Bart., of Compton Beau- champ. Berks. Died circa 1639. Arms : Argent, a cross between four nails gules. I I Elizabeth Still, da. and coheir, living 1639; set. 5 in 1623. another da. Ann Pyle, : eldest da. and co- heir. : Sir Francis Hollis, Bart., 2nd Baron Hollis of Iffield, co. Sussex. Died 1 March 1689-90. Elizabeth=T=Sir Thomas Strick- Pyle, da. I land, 2nd Bart., of and co- | Boynton, co. York, heir; mar. 1659. . . . .=. . . . Rickards Pyle. of Yewerland, Isle of Wight, Esq. Danzill Hollis, 3rd Baron ; died unmar. 1694, set. 18. Jane Hollis, died infant. Jane Codrington, da. and coheir.=pSamuel Codrington, Esq., of Dodington. Elizabeth Codrington, da. and coheir .=T=Edmund Rowe, Esq. Elizabeth Rowe, only da. ; and heir. : Benjamin Michell, Esq., of Branscombe and Salcombe Regis, co. Devon. Elizabeth Michell, da. and heir.=^John Heard of Bridgwater, gent. I Sir Isaac Heard, Knight, Garter King of Arms. Mary Still, da. and coheir, set. 8 in 1623 ;=f=John Dennis of Pucklechurch Hall, co. Gloucester ; died 8 Aug. 1698 ; bur. in the church at Pucklechurch, co. Gloucester. born 1616 ; died 1669. Arms : Gules, three leopards' heads or jessant- de-lis azure,over all a bendlet engrailed of the last. William Dennis of Pucklechurch, eldest surviving son ;— Dorothea, da. of Sir John Cotton of died 28 Aug. 1701, set. 56 ; M.I. at Pucklechurch. i Connington, co. Huntingdon. II M John Dennis, died Mary Dennis, eldest da. and coheir,=. . . . Butler of Two daughters, aged one week. ob. s.p. ; sold Pucklechurch Hall. Ireland. died unmar. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 149 John Still of Durleigh, and of: Westbower in parish of Bridg- water, Somerset ; bapt. at Had- leigh 12 Feb. 1587. Will dated 21 Nov. 1633 ; proved 10 Feb. 1633-4 at Canterbury. To be bur. in Durleigh Church. Names his three cousins of his own surname in Lincolnshire. :Ann, da. of Thomas Baynard of Wanstrow,=John Bourne, co. Somerset, and Callerne, co. Wilts (who son of the signed the Visit. Ped. 1623), by Ann, sister of Bev. Canon Sir Lawrence Hyde of Salisbury, Lord Chief Bourne, D.D., Justice of England. Her will dated 28 Jan. who died 8 1667 calls her Ann Bourne, widow, of Bridg- Aug. 1652. water ; proved 30 June 1668 by her son Henry 2nd husband. Still. Names her grandchild John Bull ; son- in-law Mr. Henry Bull ; kinsman Mr. Tho. Gorges and his sister Elizabeth Gorges. Arms : Sable, a/ess between two chevrons or. Thomas Still, bapt. at Hadleigh 21 Sept. 1589 ; bur. there ; living 1633. Sarah Still, bapt. at Had-=William Morgan, Esq., of Warminster leigh 30 April 1581 ; died in parish of St. Cuthbert, Wells. 2 Sept. 1608 ; bur. in Wells Arms : Argent, on a bend cotised Cathedral. sable a fleur-de-lis between two cinque- foils of the first. Anne Still, bapt. : at Hadleigh 30 April 1581. ^Robert Eyre, Esq. (called Richard in the will of his brother- Anne Still, in-law John Still), of Chilhampton and Sarum, Wilts, Bar- bapt. 19 rister-at-Law ; son and heir of Thomas Eyre, Esq., M.P. for Aug. 1576. New Sarum 1557 ; born circa 1569 ; died Aug. 1638. . Arms : Argent, on a chevron sable three cinquefoils or. I . I Elizabeth— Richard Edwards, Alderman Deputy for Bishops- Mary : Still, gate Ward 1634 ; eldest son of John Edwards of Still, bapt. at London (by his wife Joan, eldest da. and coheir bapt. Hadleigh with her sister " the Lady Holies " of Richard at 6 Oct. Wright of London) ; descended from the Ed- Had- 1583. wardses of Denbighshire. leigh Arms : Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess 12 between three martlets azure ; 2 and 3, Sable, a fess April or, on a chief of the last three spear-lieads azure. 1585. =Seston Jones, gent., of Kevill, co. Wilts, son of William Jones of Kevill, to whom these arms were granted in 1589, viz., Argent, a lion passant sable, on a chief of the second a coronet or. shn John Still, eldest son, to whom his father devised Durleigh and West- bower in tail, with remainder to his brother Henry. Henry Still of Westbower,: who by purchase in 1661 acquired The Bury with the Manor in the parish of Doynton, co. Gloucester. To him his uncle of the half-blood Tho. Still of Shaston devised the estate of Shaston St. James, Dor- set, in tail, failing issue of his only son John. Settle- ment of marriage dated 18 May 1673 ; died at The Bury, and bur. in Doyn- ton Church 23 Aug. 1705. : Anna, sister of William Guise of Highnam Ann Still, Court, co. Gloucester (great-grandfather of aet. 4 in General Sir John Wright Guise, 3rd Bart.), 1623. and da. of Henry Guise of Winterbourne, — Wilts (brother of Sir Christopher Guise of Mary Elmore, co. Gloucester, Bart.), by his wife Still, liv- Philippa, da. of Sir Tho. Brydges, Knight, of ing in Keynsham Abbey, co. Somerset (younger 1633, mar. brother of John Brydges, Baron Chandos), Henry and granddaughter of Sir William Guise, Bull. See Knight, of Enmore, and Cecily, da. of John Pedigree Dennis of Pucklechurch. She was bur. at of Bull, Doynton 4 Sept. 1682. p. 46. Arms : Gules, seven lozenges, three, three, and one, vaird,on a canton or a mullet sable pierced. I John Still of The Bury,: Lord of that Manor ; born 3 April 1677 ; marriage settlement dated 8 Dec. 1715 ; legatee under the will of his wife's kins- man Henry ffoote, gent., of Bristol, grandson of Henry Dighton, dated 9 July 1749 ; died 20 April 1753, aged 76 ; bur. at Doynton. C =Martha, da. of Thomas Hickes of Westend, Wickwar, co. Glouces- ter, by Martha, da. of Henry Dighton of Bris- tol (who died 8 May 1694). Arms : Gules, a fess wavy between three fleurs-de-lis or. Nathaniel Still, died infant 5 Jan. 1682 ; bur. at Doynton. I I I Mary Still, died infant 23 Aug. 1674. Ann Still, liv- ing in 1700. Mary Still, born 20 July 1680 ; living 1700. Philippa Still, mentioned in an indenture exe- cuted by her brother for rais- ing portions for his sisters in 1703. Philippa Still gave £10 for the relief of the poor of Doynton. 150 WELLS CATHEDRAL. John Still of The Bury, Lord of that Manor, eldest sur- viving son and heir ; born 25 Sept. 1719 ; ob. s.p. The Rev. Henry: Still of The Bury, Lord of that Manor ; Rector of Clapton, co. Somerset, and of North Wraxall, co. Wilts. He died, and bur. at North Wraxall, Wilts, 18 March 1804. : Mary, da. of John Gale of Appleshawe, co. Hants. Bur. at North Wraxall 27 April 1786. Arms : Or, on a chevron azure, be- tween three Sara- cens' heads affronte cronmed sable, as many fleurs-de-lis argent. Frances=Newton Woodward of Grims- Still, bury in parish of Bitton, co. ob. s.p. Gloucester, eldest son of Francis Woodward of Grims- bury (who died 1730), by Dorothy, da. of Sir John New- ton, Bart., of Bars Court, co. Gloucester. He died 1773, set. 79 ; M.I. in Bitton Church. I Sylvestra Still, born 11 Oct, 1716 ; living and then widow of Moses Cottle 28 Feb. 1792 ; ob. s.p. =Moses Cottle of Winsley, co. Wilts. Arms : Or, a bend gules, in chief a crescent of the last for difference. Elizabeth Still, born 1 Dec. 1720 ; died at Willsbridge House, and bur. at Doynton in Dec. 1801. I I Anne Martha Still, Still, living 8 Aug. born 1758 ; died 28 Dec. unmar. 1721. Philippa Still,: born 3 April 1725 ; bapt. at Doynton 2 May follow- ing. Will dated 28 Feb. 1792 ; proved at Can- terbury 8 July 1800. : John Pearsall of Willsbridge House in parish of Bitton, co. Gloucester, son of John Pearsall of the same, whose will, dated 28 Feb. 1756, was proved at Bristol 16 July 1762, great-grandson of Humphry Pearsall of the Hawn in parish of Halesowen, co. Salop (born 1 Nov. 1599; mar. 3 April 1619 Mary, da. of Richard Blount of Rowley Regis, co. Stafford, and dying of a fever in London 1650 was bur. in the old church of Chelsea, where there is a M.I. to him), younger son of Sir John Pearsall of Horsley, co. Stafford, Bart., so created 25 Nov. 1611. Born 24 June 1716; died intestate at Willsbridge 27 April 1777 ; bur. in cemetery of Redcliffe Pit, Bristol. Arms : Argent, a cross fleury sable, on a canton gules a wolfs head erased of the first. Martha Still, younger da., bapt. at North Wraxall 24 Aug. 1764; died 13 Sept. 1764 ; bur. there. Judith Still, only sur-^=Thomas Pearsall of Wills- = Thorn asine, da. of Thomas Maun- drell of Black- lands, near Calne, Wilts, High She- riff of that county in 1770. Died s.p. 2nd wife. viving child, bapt. at North Wraxall 3 March 1762; mar. there 28 Feb. 1783 ; died at Willsbridge, and bur. at Bitton 2 Aug. 1810. bridge, eldest surviving son ; born at Willsbridge 26 Oct. 1758 ; died at Bath, and bur. at Bitton 19 March 1825, aged 67. I Henry Pearsall, born at Wills- bridge ; bur. at Bitton 28 April 1797. John Pearsall, born : at Willsbridge 7 March 1784 ; bapt. at Bitton 19 April 1797,aet.l3;ob.s.p. atBristolNov.1863; bur. at Bitton 26 Nov. 1863. : Frances. da. and coheir of Richard Highatt of Jamaica. Living 1867 at Cheltenham. Arms : Gules, two bars argent, over all on a bend or three leopards' heads sable. Robert Pearsall, only surviving son ; born at Willsbridge ; bapt. 8 Aug. 1807 ; living 10 Jan. 1868. Henry William Pearsall, died unmar. at Al- fred Place, Bed- ford Square, London, 3 May 1861 ; bur. at Highgate Cemetery. Thomas Pear- sall of Bristol, solicitor, born 1786 ; died unmar. at Bristol 1818. I Still Pearsall, born at Wills- bridge ; bapt. at Bitton 17 April 1797 ; died 10 Aug. 1803. I Henry Pearsall, born at Wills- bridge ; bur. in Bitton Church 23 April 1797. William Pearsall, died infant. Richard Pearsall, born at Wills- bridge ; bapt. at Bitton 22 Nov. 1801 ; bur. at Bitton 15 Jan. 1821. Mary Pear- sall, born at Wills- bridge ; bapt. at Bitton 19 April 1797. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 151 D | E Elizabeth Pearsall, born at Wills- bridge ; bapt. at Bitton 17 May 1798. Philippa Pearsall, born at Wills- bridge ; bapt. at Bitton 18 Nov. 1799 ; bur. at Bit- ton 6 Feb. 1812. Martha Pearsall, born= at Willsbridge 1795 ; bapt. at Bitton 18 Aug. 1797 ; ob. s.p. at Park Place, Chelten- ham, 12 May 1860. : Willi am Heather of Arundel House near Cheltenham, and 19 Park Place, Cheltenham. Arms: Paly of six or and azure, on a chief of tlw first afess dancettee gules. John Pearsall, born 8 Oct. 1753 ; died un- mar. 16 Jan. 1778, set. 24. William Pearsall, born 15 April 1756 ; died unmar. 23 Jan 1774, set. 17. Edward Pearsall, born 31 Aug. 1767; died unmar. Robert Pearsall, born 31 Jan. 1761 ; died un- mar. 2 Nov. 1777. George Pearsall, born 7 Dec. 1765 ; died un- mar. in London. Richard Pearsall, 1 Major Command- ant of West Gloucester Yeo- manry ; born at Willsbridge 14 April 1764 ; mar. at St. Michael's Church, Bristol, 1791 ; bur. in St. Peter's Church, Bristol, 20 Dec. 1820 ; aged 56. : Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Lucas of Lucas Hall, Marsh Street, parish of St. Stephen, Bristol, grandson of Clement Lucas of Hanbury, co. Worcester, son of John Lucas of Rowington, co. Warwick. Born 25 April 1753 ; bapt. at St. Peter's, Bristol, 25 April 1754 ; died at Willsbridge ; bur. at St. Peter's, Bristol, 14 June 1836, aged 84. Arms : Argent, a fess be- tween six annulets gules. Robert Lucas de Pearsall of Willsbridge=pM House, and of the Castle of Wartensee, St. Gall, Switzerland ; of Lincoln's Inn, Bar- rister-at-Law ; born and bapt. at Clifton, Bristol, 14 March 1795; mar. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, London, 23 Aug. 1817. Sold Wills- bridge House in 1837 ; acquired by purchase the Castle of Wartensee, and bur. 12 Aug. 1856 in a vault of the chapel there, in which chapel is a M.I. to him. Will dated 18 Oct. 1855 ; proved at St. Gall in Aug. and at Canterbury 19 Aug. 1856. arie Henriette Elizabeth, only child Richard of William Armfield Hobday, by Eliza- Still beth Dorothea, da. of William Ivory Pearsall, of Moseley, co. Worcester. Born 23 born 16 Nov. 1802 ; mar. aged 15 years ; died Aug. at Inmanstaad, Lake of Constance, 1796 ; Grand Duchy of Baden, 12 Aug., and bur. bur. 14 Aug. 1865 at Inmanstaad, at St. with M.I. Peter's, Arms : Gules, a fess fusilee argent Bristol, and azure, between three mullets of 31 May the second pierced of the field. 1798. I I I John Still Robert Lucas de Pearsall of Castle Wartensee, Elizabeth Stilt Pearsall, born at Willsbridge 3 and bapt. 27 Oct. 1820 at Pearsall, born born 17 Sept. Oldland Chapel, Bitton ; educated at the Imperial at Willsbridge 1818 at College of Engineers, Vienna. Lieutenant 4th 8 March 1821 ; Willsbridge; Uhlans (the Emperor's Own) 14 Nov. 1839; re- bapt. at Old- died there on tired from the Austrian service 1848. Descended land Chapel, 3 and bur. at through his great-grandmother Philippa Still Bitton, 5 April St. Peter's, from Edward I. by both his Queens. Entered his following ; mar. Bristol, 8 pedigree at Heralds' College, London, 1836. Miss- at the English Sept. 1820. ing 14, found drowned 15, and bur. 21 Dec. 1865 Embassy, Paris, in the Catholic Cemetery, Tower Hamlets, Bow. 15 Jan. 1839. : Charles Wynd- ham Stan- hope, 7th Earl of Har- rington; born 6 Aug. 1809. Philippa Swinner-= ton Pearsall, her father's executrix ; born at Wills- bridge 6 Feb. 1 824 ; bapt. 18 March following at Old- land Chapel ; mar- riage settlement dated 15 Sept. 1857 ; mar. at the Bavarian Chapel, St. James's, West- minster, 17 Sept. 1857, and the same day at St. James's Church, West- minster ; living in 1868. 2nd wife. : John Hughes of ClevelandRow,= St. James's, Westminster, and the Inner Temple, Barrister-at- Law, 3rd son of William Hughes of Penylhaudd, co. Denbigh, and some time of Gayton Mansion, co. Northampton ; heir male of Hughes of Gwerclasin Edeirnon, co. Merioneth, Lords of Kimmer and Barons of Edwinon. De- scended from Prince Owen Brogyntyn, Lord of Edeirnon, Dynmael, and Abertanet in Powys, son of Madoc ap Mere- dith, last reigning Prince of Powys. Born 6 Oct. 1805. Arms : Argent, a lion ram- pant sable, armed and langued gules. Dorothea (her husband's cousin), eldest da. of Richard Hughes Lloyd of Gwer- clas in Edeirnon, Kimmer yn Edeirnon, co. Merioneth, Plymog in Llanf erris, co. Denbigh, and Bashall, co. York ; heir general of Hughes of Gwerclas and Kimmer yn Edeirnon ; derived pater- nally from Ednyfea Vychan, Lord of Brynfinigh. Born at Gwerclas 3 Jan. 1809 ; mar. at Llanferris 5 July 1832 ; died in Cleveland Row, St. James's, 27 Jan. 1848 ; bur. in Gayton Church, co. Northampton, 3 Feb. 1848. 1st wife. Arms : Gules, a chevron ermine be- tween three Englishmen's heads couped at the neck proper. Talbot de Bashall Hughes, born at Gay- ton Mansion 15 Dec. 1836; a Lieuten- ant in Cape Mounted Rifles. f 152 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Henry Pearsall,: born 11 March 1762 ; mar. 12 Mavl793 ; died 27 Nov. 1830, aged 68 ; bur. at Greenwich. : Mary, da. of Thomas Wincle, by Sarah his wife, da. of Joseph Goodchild, and sister of Ann, wife of Robert Filmer, younger son of Sir Edmund Filmer, 6th Bart. Samuel Pearsall of^=Sarah Cres- Mayshill, co. Glou- wicke,da. of cester, born 6 Aug Cres- 1769 ; bur. at Bit- wicke, clerk ; ton 25 Jan. 1800. bur. at Bit- Will dated 19 Nov. ton 20 Sept. 1799. 1803. Martha Pearsall, born 25 Oct. 1752; died unmar. 13 Jan. 1775, aged 23. Two daughters, died infants ; bur. at Bitton. ahn John Pearsall,: born 6 Jan. 1795; mar. Nov. 1824 ; emigrated to Australia. =Mary, Henry Robert Pearsall of 8 Tyndale Place, : da. of Islington, and of Norwood, Surrey ; born . . . . 25 March 1801 ; bapt. at St. Saviour's, Holmes. Southwark ; mar. at All Saints', Norwood, 5 June 1847. I I John Pearsall, born 17 March 1826 ; died in Australia. Henry Pearsall, born and died on the voyage to Australia. .... Pearsall, a da. ; mar. .... Mathew. Died in Aus- tralia. I I Henry Still Pearsall, born 7 Jan., bapt. 6 Feb. 1849 at St. Giles, Camberwell. : Hannah,da.of Tho- mas Pascall, born 17 July, bapt. at Croy- don 30 Aug. 1822 ; living 1868. Robert March Giles. Pearsall, born 3 . . . ; bapt. at St. Frank Pearsall, born 8 March . . . . ; bapt. at St. Mary's, Islington. Herbert Pearsall, born 20 Nov., bapt. 23 Nov. 1859 at St. Mary's, Islington. William Pearsall, died in- fant. Mary Pearsall, born 12 Feb. ; bapt. at St. Saviour's, South- wark, March 1797 ; living 1868, unmar. I Sarah Pearsall, born 31 Dec. 1793 ; bapt. at St. Saviour's, Southwark, Jam 1799 ; living 1868 unmar. at Blackheath. Ann Pearsall, born 28 April^Charles 17 . . ; mar. at St. Alphage's, Greenwich, 20 Dec. 1828 ; bur. at All Saints', Nor- wood, 17 Dec. 1823. * Wooder- sen of Norwood, Surrey. Pedigree 8U (Vide page 147.) John Still, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells.=^Jane Horner. 2nd wife. Thomas Still of Somerton, co. Somerset, devised to him by : his father. Acquired in 1613 by purchase the Manor of Shaston near Shaftesbury, co. Dorset, with its seat Anketill's Place. JEt. 12 at his father's death. Bur. at St. James's, Shaftesbury, 1640. Will dated July 1636 ; proved 4 July 1641 at Canterbury (P.C.C., Evelyn 70). : Bridget, posthumous da. of Gawen Champernoune, Esq., of Dartington, by Lady Gabrielle Roberta Mont- gomery, which lady remar. Thomas Horner, half-brother of Bishop Still's second wife. Born 1592 ; bur. at St. James's, Shaftesbury, 1631. Jane Still, devisee for life of premises at Durleigh from her uncle John Still of Durleigh. Bridget Still, living 1636. Francis Shelton, mar. 1641. I I II Ursula Still, living 1636. Frances Still, living 1636. Elizabeth Still, living 1636. Mary Still, living 1636. W. Howe. Ann Still, =f=Robert Thorpe of Shaston mar. 1666. Holy Trinity; died 18 Sept. 1671 ; bur. in Church of Holy Trinity, Shaftesbury, with M.I. I John Still of Shas- ton St. James ; bur. at St. James's, Shaftesbury, 1667. Will dated 18 Oct. 1666; proved 12 Feb. 1667. A ^Margaret Grubham, sister of Sir George Grubham Howe of Cold Berwick, St. Leonard's, Wilts, M.P. for Hindon, created a Bart. 20 June 1660 ; and da. of Sir George Howe, i Knight, of Cold Berwick, M.P. for Hinton, by Dorothea, da. of Humphrey Clarke alias Woodchurch of Woodchurch, Kent. Bur. at St. James's, Shaftesbury, 1699. Arms : Or, a/ess sable between three wolves' 1 heads of the second, langued gules, in chief a crescent for difference. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 153 I I George Still, died young. Richard Still, died vouner. Mabel, da. of Thomas^John Still of Shas- : Shirley ; bur. at St. I ton St. James, James's, Shaftesbury, eldest son ; bur. 1674. 1st wife. | St. James's, Shaf- tesbury, 1707. =Honor, da. of Henry Whitaker of Motcombe, co. Dorset ; bur. at St. James's, Shaftesbury, in 1690. 2nd wife. Arms : Sable, a fess between three mascles argent. Mabel=William Still, mar. at St. James's, Shaftes- bury. Howe of Somer- ton, co. Somer- set. I I I Henry Still, died young. William Still, died young. John Still of Shaston St. James, ob. s.p. 1734-5. I I Mary Still, died un- mar. Elizabeth Still, died unmar. I Bridget=Robert Still, mar. 1706; ob. s.p. Hayward of Fresh- ford, co. Somer- set. Honor Still, mar. John Cooper of Freshford. I Thomas Still, living and under age 18 Oct. 1666 ; died 1670 ; bur. at Shaston St. James. Nathaniel Still of Clowdes House in East=pElizabeth,da. of Knoyle, Wilts, and of Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law ; underage 18 Oct. 1666. Will dated 1 March 1701 ; proved at Can- terbury. Bur. at East Knoyle 8 Oct. 1702. Rev. Richard Lackett ; bur. at East Knoyle 12 March 1718. I Bridget Still, living 18 Oct. 1666 ; died 1679. I Robert Still of Clowdes^ House ; born 20, bapt. 30 Dec. 1684 ; mar. 1 Oct. 1719; died 19 and bur. 26 May 1728 at East Knoyle. : Elizabeth, da. and eventual heir of William Nathaniel Still, Willoughby of West Knoyle, Wilts ; bur. born 30 Sept., at East Knoyle Feb. 1767. bapt. 23 Oct. Arms: Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a cross 1686; bur. at engrailed or; 2 and 3, Gules, a cross moline East Knoyle 14 argent, all within a bordure compone'e June 1726. argent and the third. Elizabeth Still, born 29 July bapt. 25 Aug. 1691; died un- mar. 1723. Nathaniel=i=Sarah, Elizabeth Still,=Capt. Mary Still, born Jane Still,born=T. Pit- Still of da. of born 14 Dec 26 July, bapt. 11 at Clowdes 14 man of Salisbury; Dr. 1721; bapt. 20 Baron. Aug. 1723; died Feb., bapt. 15 Mere, born 25 Thomas Jan. 1722 ; died unmar. and bur. March 1726 ; Wilts. May and Tatem at Gibraltar 18 at East Knoyle 10 died 1802. bapt. 25 of Mere, Sept. 1749. July 1753. June 1725. Wilts. Robert Still: of Dean's Or- chard, Mere, Wilts. Died 1811. =Sarah, da. of Richard Dickson Skrine of Warleigh Manor, co. Somerset, by Eliza- beth, da. of John Tryon of Colly Weston, co. Northampton. (Mrs. Elizabeth Skrine died at Lymington, Hants, 25 May 1800, aged 74. M.I. there.) Arms : Azure, in dexter chief and sinister base a tower argent, in sinister chief and dexter base a lion rampant ermine, crowned or, Skrine ; Azure, a fess embattled at the top, between six estoiles, three and three, or, Tryon. Nathaniel Tryon Still of Dean's Or- chard, Wilts, and Castle Hill, Ax- minster, Devon, J. P. for Devon and Dorset, and D.L. for Devon. Some time Fellow New College, Oxford. Capt. Life Guards, and Major Dor- set Militia. Died 9 July 1862, bur. at Seaton, Devon. : Mary, sister of General Sir John Ridout Bing- ham, K.C.B., and da. of Col. Richard Bingham of Bingham Melcombe, Dorset, by his 2nd wife Elizabeth, da. of John Ridout of Dean's Lease, Dorset. Born 1778 ; died at Musbury, Devon, 1 Oct. 1870, aged 93 ; bur. at Seaton, Devon. Arms : Azure, a bend cotised or between six crosses pattee of the second. Henry Thomas Still, died young. Henry Tryon Still, died infant in 1808. Henry Buckley Stillborn 1808; died 1809. George Parker Stillborn 1810; died unmar. ; bur. 18 July 1828, aged 18. John Thomas Still of : Dean's Orchard, and Seaton, co. Devon ; born 13 Dec. 1820; mar. 20 Feb. 1845. Capt. 24th and 30th Regiments andDorset Militia. J.P. for Devon. c =Charlotte Mal- locke, da. of Charles Bond of Axminster, Esq., by Char- lotte his wife, da. of Rawlin Mallocke of Hill House, Axminster. Eleanor Still, born and died 1805. Eleanor Still, born 1807 ; died unmar. 26 Dec. 1829, aged 22. I I Henrietta Still, born 1812; died unmar. 13 March 1838, aged 25. Emma Still, born 1813. Died infant. 154 WELLS CATHEDRAL. c| John Nathaniel 1 Still, born 6 June 1847. Lieut. 25th Regiment, and Capt. Wilts Militia. z Agnes Vannan, da. of Peter Rintoul, Esq., of Bothwell, co. Lanark, N.B., Merchant of Glas- gow, by Janet his wif e,da. of Andrew Vannan of Bo'ness, co. Linlithgow. I I Charles Still, born 8 May 1849 ; died young. George Still, born 1854 ; died 1884. Arthur=pFrances Liddes- Still, born 10 Feb. 1855; mar. in 1878. dale, da. of ... . Bruce, Esq., of Birkenhead, Cheshire. Four sons and one daughter. James Tryon Still, born 1860; died 1865. Constance Radeglence Still, born 14 Sept. 1874. William Skrine Still, born 16 Nov. 1862. Harry Willoughby born 21 July 1864. Still, I I Mabel Mary Still, born June 1853. Charlotte Leonora Still, born 22 Nov. 1856. I I Constance Jane Still, born 12 Nov. 1858 ; died July 1869. Florence Catherine Still, born 16 Nov. 1867. I Thomas Parker Still, born 1869; died 1871. James Still of East Knoyle, born and bapt. 29 Aug.=pSusanna, da. of John Stent of London. 1720 ; mar. 23 Nov. 1746 ; died 1803. Died 24 Sept. 1786. Susannah Still, born at East=Thomas Brettell Knoyle 16 May, bapt. 20 June of Stourbridge, 1755; mar. there 1777. co. Worcester. Sarah Still, born at Clowdes House=Paul 17 Dec. 1762 ; bapt. 19 May 1763 ; Amsinck mar. at East Knoyle 1788. of Bath. Kev. John Still, LL.B., of Berwick House,= Wilts ; Rector of Fonthill Gifford, and Vicar of Chicklade,Wilts; Prebendary of Salisbury 25 Sept. 1824; born at Clowdes House 13 Jan. 1761 ; bapt. 19 March 1761 ; mar. 1800 ; died 1839. Ann, da. of Elizabeth Still, born= John Ralph T. Tippetts at East Knoyle 4 Rackham of of Durs- July, bapt 23 Aug. Bungay leigh, co. 1751 ; mar. at East House, St. Gloucester. Knoyle 1772. Mary, Suf- folk. I Eev. John Still, Vicar of Ingles- ham, Wilts; born 10 April, bapt. 12 Aug. 1801; died unmar. 13 May 1833. Laura Frances, 3rd da, Ralph Price of Syden- ham, Kent, granddaugh- ter of Sir Charles Price of Spring Grove, Rich- mond, 1st Bart. ; mar. 27 Aug. 1840. 2nd wife. Arms : Chiles, a lion rampant-reguardant ar- of=pRobert Still= Still= of Lincoln's Inn, and of Sutton Hill, co. Surrey ; born 1803 ; mar. first 27 Aug. 1840. Caroline Sarah, da. of the Rev. George Ashe, Vicar of Sod- worth, and great-grand- daughter of Bishop Home. 1st wife. Mary Ann=Samuel Still, born Taylor 19 April, of bapt. 3 Eccle- Oct.1802; stone mar. 27 Hall, Jan. 1825. co. Lan- caster. Eliza Still, born in 1803. Albert Price Still, born 9 Nov. 1841 ; Lieut. R.N. ; died 3 Nov. 1864. Stafford Francis Still, born 3 July 1843. I John Still, born 18 May 1845. Willoughby Edward Still, born 3 Dec. 1846. Ernest Robert Still, born 19 July 1852. I I I Ellen Laura Still. Lelina Frances Still. Edith Mary Still. Robert Still, born at East Knoyle 25 Nov. 1756 ; bapt. 2 May 1757; died unmar. 1822. Sur- geon of Salisbury. Peter Still of Lincoln's Inn and Devon-=pMary, da. of William Strong of shire Street, London ; born at Clowdes House 11 Nov. 1759 ; bapt. 31 July 1760 ; mar. 8 June 1795 ; died at Bath 28 Feb. 1832 ; bur. at East Knoyle. Lincoln's Inn ; born 20 May 1766. Purchased advowson of Cattistock. Died in London 20 Sept. 1841 ; bur. at Kensal Green Cemetery. See Pedigbee 3S, page 157. James Charles Still, born at East= Knoyle 28 Oct. 1753 ; bapt. 17 Dec. following ; mar. at East Knoyle 30 June 1783. Died 1828. D ^Charlotte, da. of the Rev. Charles Wake, D.D., Rector of East Knoyle, and Prebendary of Westminster, son of the Rev. Edmund Wake, Prebendary of Canterbury. Died 1842. Arms : Or, two bars gu, and in chief three torteaux. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 155 Susannah^Rev. Henry Worsley, LL.D., Rec- Elizabeth Still, =j=Sir William George Parker, Still, born at Olowdes 2 July 1785. tor of St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight; bapt. at Carisbrook 8 May 1782 ; eldest son of the Rev. Henry Worsley, D.D., Rector of Gat- combe, and grandson of Sir Edward Worsley, Knight. born at Clowdes 16 Feb. 1787; mar. Aug. 1803; died 22 April 1863. 2nd Bart., Vice-Admiral of the White. Arms : Ermine, an anchor erect azure betweenthree escal- lops gules, on a chief wavy of the second a naval coronet or. Two sons and three daughters. * Five sons and six daughters. See ' Baronetage.' Frances Mary Still, =i=Charles Pinney of Camp House, Clifton, born 20 April 1793 ; Mayor of born at Clowdes 27 Bristol 1830-31 ; 2nd son of John Pretor, who assumed the name and Nov. 1795 ; mar. 8 arms of Pinney on succeeding to the estates of that family. March 1831 ; died Arms : Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three crescents or, from each a 1860 ; bur. in Clif- cross-crosslet fitchee argent, Pinney ; 2 and 3, Or, an eagle displayed ton Church. vert with two lieads, armed gules, Pretor. See Burke's ' Landed Gentry.' Frederick Wake Pinney. I John Charles Pinney. Mary Jane=pRev. Godfrey Thring, Rector of Alford with Pinney. Hornblotton, and Prebendary of Wells. See Pediobee of Thring, page 80. James Charles Still, born at Clowdes 13 Nov. 1788 ; bapt. 15 Nov.; died 4 1789. Charlotte Still, born at Clowdes— George Law of Lincoln's Inn, 2nd son of 24 March 1784 ; bapt. 19 May following ; mar. 27 Sept. 1808 ; died 21 Aug. 1835 ; bur. in Walcot Churchyard, Bath. Co- heir to her father. the Rev. John Law, D.D., Archdeacon of Rochester (by the Honourable Mary Carey, da. of Lucius Charles, 6th Viscount Falkland), son of Stephen Law, E.I.C.S., Governor of Bombay, whose family came from Stafford- shire. Arms used : Argent, an eagle displayed vert with two heads, armed gules. George Still^Emma, da. of Thomas Hal- Katherine=f=The Rev. Charles Old Goodford, D.D., Law of Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, and of Lin- coln's Inn, Esq. ; edu- cated at Winchester ; graduated at Oriel, Ox- ford. herine=F liday of Ewell, Surrey, Esq., by Maria Margaretta his wife, da. of the Rev. James Morrice of Bettes- hanger, co. Kent, by Mary his wife, da. of Adrian Colter Ducarel. She was a granddaughter of Dr. Hall id ay, Court Physician to the Emperor Paul at St. Petersburg ; and sister of Sir Frederick James Halli- day, K.C.B., Lieutenant- Governor of Bengal, Mem- ber of the Indian Council ; and of General John Halliday. Arms of Halliday : Er- mine, a sword in pale proper the hilt within a crescent in base gules, a canton azure charged with a saltire of the first. Lucia Law, 3rd da. ; mar. 28 March 1844. Provost of Eton College, Rector of Chilton Cantelo with Ashington, co. Somerset ; born at Chilton Cantelo 15 July 1812 ; educated at Eton; graduated at King's College, Cambridge, in 1836 ; Deacon 1843 ; Assistant Master at Eton College and Head Master 1853 to 1862, when he became Provost in place of Dr. Hawtrey. Succeeded to the family estate at Chilton Cantelo on the death of his brother Henry. He was the eldest surviving son of John Goodford of Chilton Cantelo, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by Charlotte, sister of Sir Montague Cholmeley of Easton Hall, Bart. The Provost was a magistrate for Somerset, and died at The Lodge, Eton College, 9 May 1884 ; bur. at Eton. Arms : Azure, on a chevron between three boars' heads argent, couped and langued gules, as many ogresses. Vide grant in possession of the family. Alfred Stephen Law, edu- cated at Brentwood ; died unmar. 24 Dec. 1866 ; bur. at Kensal Green. Harry Dampier Law.: born 3 Dec. 18 . . ; Florence Ellen, eldest da. of Colonel .... Clements. Horace Frederick Law, bur. at Kensal Green. Howard Frederick Law, born 1 May 1890, 156 WELLS CATHEDRAL. E F Daniel Winteringham Stable, born 25 March 1856 ; eldest son of= Robert Scott Stable (some time of Amport, Hants, where he was agent to the Marquis of Winchester ; after of Wanstead Park. Essex, where he was agent to Earl Cowley, K.G-. ; and then of Woodford Essex, where he died 31 May 1890 ; bur. at Cranbrook, Kent), by his wife Katherine Barrett, youngest da. of Major Winteringham Loscombe of H.M. 18th Royal Irish, by his wife Catherine, 2nd da. of Robert Russell of Exeter. He was educated at Guildford ; matricu- lated at London University Jan. 1874 ; first LL.B. Jan. 1880 ; gradu- ated LL.B. in honours Jan. 1882; admitted a Solicitor in honours 1878. Arms : Argent, a saltire gules, on a chief of the second three mullets of the first. : Gertrude Mary Law, eldest da. ; mar. 2 Jan. 1884 at St. Mary Abbott's, Kens- ington, by the Rev. J. Roydon Hughes, Rector of Long Dit- ton, and the Rev. the Hon. Edward Carr Glyn, Vicar of Kensington. Alfred Winteringham Stable, born 9 Sept., died 24 Sept. 1884; bur. in Wanstead Parish Churchyard. Loscombe Law Stable, born at Wanstead 21 March 1886. Winteringham Nor- ton Stable, born at Wanstead 19 March 1888. Enid Gertrude Stable, born at Wanstead 24 June 1889. Edith Selina Sydney Colpoys Dacres, G.C.B., First Naval Lord of the Law, Admiralty, after Visitor and Governor of Greenwich second Hospital (son of Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Dacres, G.C.H., da. ; and brother of General Sir Richard James Dacres, R.A., living G.C.B., Governor of the Tower of London ; Sir S. C. Dacres 1890. died 8 March 1884, and is buried at Brighton.), bj his wife Emma, da. of John Lambert of Banstead, Surrey. He was born 15 Nov. 1844. Arms : Gules, three escallops argent. Sydney Lambert Dacres, eldest son of the late Admiral Sir=pHelen Frances Law, 3rd da. ; bapt. at St. Mary, Bryanston Square ; mar. 7 Aug. 1883 at St. Mary Abbott's by the Rev. the Provost of Eton, the Rev. Dacres Ollivier, and the Rev. the Hon. Edward Carr Glyn. Mary Olive Dacres, born 1 May 1884. Ranulph Harry Dacres, born 26 Dec. 1885. Irene Eleanor Dacres, born 3 Oct. 1887. Harold Seymour Dacres, born 18 May 1889. Arthur John Goodford^Harriett, youngest da. of Hastings born 9 March 1846 at Eton ; educated at Eton College ; Lord of the Manor of Chilton Can- telo. Nathaniel Middleton of Bradford Peverell, co. Dorset, Barrister-at-Law, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff of Dorset 1857, by his wife Mary Ann, da. of the Rev. Charles Barton. Mountague Charles Good- ford, born 22 July 1851 ; educated at Eton ; in Holy Orders ; Rector of Chilton Cantelo with Ash- ington. Mary Catherine Goodford, born John William Goodf ord, born 17 Oct. 1876. 27 July 1879. Gertrude Harriett Goodford, born 26 May 1881. I Henry Frank Good- ford, born 30 Jan. 1860. Hastings Burton Middleton (eldest son of Hastings=pCharlotte Nathaniel Middleton, Esq., of Bradford Peverell, by Mary Anne, da. of the Rev. Charles Barton), M.A., of Magdalen College, Oxford ; J.P. for Dor- set, and Chairman of Quarter Sessions ; born 30 Sept. 1839; mar. in 1873. Arms : Argent, fretty sable, a canton of the second. Lucia Goodford, eldest da. Ill Georgiana Penelope Goodford, living 1890. Katherine Maria Goodford, living 1890. Emily Selina Good- ford, living 1890. I I Hastings Charles Middleton, born 26 Jan. 1875. Frank Middle- ton, born 11 Feb. 1877. William Henry Georgina Middle- Middleton, born ton, born 1 June 27 Oct. 1878. 1881. Walter Middle- ton, born 8 March 1880. Mabel Katherine Middleton, born 26 Oct. 1882. I I Arthur Purling Middleton, born 14 Oct. 1884. Ernest Middle- ton, born 8 Feb. 1888. Adela Middleton, born 10 June 1886. Edith Maria Middle- ton, born 4 April 1890. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 157 Pedigree B. (Vide page 154.) Peter Still=pMary Strong. I William Still, born 10 March 1796 ; died May following. James Still, born 15 Jan. 1800 ; died on board H.M.S. Pheasant oG. Sierra Leone 12 Oct. 1821. Mary Still, born 1797 at Tytherley, Hants ; bapt. at St. George the Martyr 14 April 1793 ; died 13 Aug. following ; bur. at St. Edmund's, Salisbury. Selina Still, born 27 Nov. 1798 ; died at Tunbridge Wells ; bur. in Kensal Green Cemetery. I The Rev. Peter Still,: born 19 Dec. 1801 ; bapt. at St. George the Martyr, Tyther- ley, June 1802 ; mar. 27 Aug. 1827 ; died 6 May 1864. Ann, da of Henry Hughes of Harley Street, London ; born 1805 ; died 1844. I Rev. Henry Hughes Still, Rector of : Cattistock ; born 25 Feb. 1829 ; bapt. at All Souls', Marylebone, London ; mar. Jan. 1858 ; died in London ; bur. at Cattistock 14 Oct. following. Selina Agnes Still, born 1858. advowson of Cattistock. Agnes Frances, da. of the Rev. C. M. Mount, Incumbent of Christ Church, Walcot, Bath. Possessor of the James Charles Still, late^Eliza Mar- Captain 3rd Dragoon garet, da. Guards ; born 3 May of Joseph 1830 ; bapt. at Bodi- Gundry of ham, Sussex, 27 June the Hyde, following ; living 1868. Bridport. Charles John Gundry Still, born 1861. Thomas Walter Still, born : 27 June 1834 ; bapt. at Manningford Bruce 20 Aug. following ; died at Brigh- ton in 1861 ; bur. in the cemetery there. Catherine Louisa I Arthur Dashwood Still, born 13 May 1836 ; bapt. at Man- ningford Bruce 29 June fol- lowing : died at Weymouth 23 May 1842 ; bur. at Catti- stock 30 May 1842. Selina Elizabeth Still, born 30 March 1833 ; died at Tunbridge Wells 1852; bur. in Kensal Green Ceme- tery, London. Thomas Walter Still, born 1861. Louisa Centurion Still, born 1856. Laura Maria Mary Still, born 1859. Marian Still, born : at Tytherley 28 Sept. 1803; bapt. at Knoyle Oct. 1804; mar. 15 May 1827 ; living in 1867. Alexander Wilton Dashwood, 2nd son of Thomas Dashwood, Esq., E.I.C.S. and Governor of Bombay (2nd son of Sir James Dashwood, 2nd Bart., of Kirtlington, by Charlotte Louisa, da. and coheir of Edward Spencer of Rendlesham, Esq., sister of Ann, Duchess of Hamilton, 3rd wife of the 5th Duke). Born 25 Sept. 1796. Arms : Argent, on a fess double cotised gules, three griffins' heads erased or, a crescent on a crescent for difference. The MS. calls the heads, " Per fess erminois and of the second." I Alexander Thomas Dashwood,: Lieut. 44 Regt. Bengal N.I. ; born 28 March, bapt. Maryle- bone, London, 17 May 1830 ; mar. at Ramsgate 13 July 1854 ; died at Siege of Lucknow 9 July 1857. : Emma Blanche, da. of Captain John Garrett, R.N. Frederick James Dash- wood, born 7 July, bapt. at Marylebone 6 Aug. 1836 ; died at Clifton 21 Sept. 1843. Charles Kieth Dashwood, Lieut. 18 Bengal N.I. ; born 20 May, bapt. at Clifton 6 July 1838 ; died of wounds at Del Koosha, Lucknow, and bur. there 23 Nov. 1857. Alexander Thomas Dashwood. born 4 April 1855. Herbert Dashwood, born 23 Aug. 1856 ; died 19 Aug. 1857. Arthur Dashwood, born 31 Aug. 1857. 158 WELLS CATHEDRAL. George Lionel Dash-^=Alice, eldest wood, born 2 Aug., da. of Tho- bapt. 6 Oct. 1843 in mas Post of Clifton Church ; Astley Hall, mar. 8 Aug. 1866 ; co. Lan- living 1868. caster. Marion Dashwood. Charlotte Still Dashwood, : born 23 May 1828 in Lon- don ; bapt. at Maryle- bone 25 April ; mar. at Shenleigh, Herts, 20 May 1856 ; died at High Canons, Herts, 25 April 1863 ; bur. at Ashpring- ton, co. Devon. : Richard Durant of High Ca- nons, Herts, J.P. for Herts and Middlesex ; eldest son of Rich- ard Durant of Sharpham, co. Devon, High Sheriff for that county 1851. Born Sept. 1812. Arms : Sable, a cross-cross- let engrailed between four annulets or. Selina Georgiana Dash- wood, born at Ramsgate 23 Aug., bapt. there at St. George's Church 26 Sept. 1832 ; mar. at East Sutton 5 July 1854 ; living 1868. : Rev. George Watson, Vicar of Weedon, co. Northampton ; born 21 Dec. 1821 ; died at Brighton 9 May 1863 ; bur. at Hove 15 May 1863. Louisa Charlotte^Rev. Alfred Dashwood, born 5 Sept., bapt. at Marylebone 15 Oct. 1834; mar. at Shenley 27 Dec. 1859; living 1867. Child, Rec- tor of Rotherfield ; born 28 Dec 1822; living 1867. Emma Marian Dashwood, born 14 Sept., bapt. at Clif- ton 19 Oct. 1843 ; living 1867. KIDDER. I. M. Ricardi Kidder, S. T. P. Incunabula Sussexiensis ager Literas interiores Cantabrigia Nomen non moriturum ecclesiae Fortunse diu duriori obluctatum Incolumen praestitit indefessa virtus Sensimque per imos Sacerdotus gradus Ad altiora ascendentem Decauatu primum Petroburgensi Episcopatu deinde Bathoniensi Dignissimum cumulavit Fastigio Episcopali admoti Triumpho cecinit Christianus orbis Quo Dace Iudaismi Grassautis Rabies Fideique veriae ultima minantis Dormita in suas Latebras se recepit Cui autem Terga verterat Judseus Bella intrentabus christianus DeceBsoris optimi Honoribus exuti Hinc miseratio inde Desiderium MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 159 Hostes Immerenti Suscitaverant Mite diu exercituros Ingenium Publieisque Damna curis allaturos Moribustandem queis nulla Sartiores (Ramissima felicitate) concessum Ut sua Kenno incolumi fama Sua Kiddero fermaretur Dignitas Ut Partium Rixae penitas silerent Kennu Sque Kidderu Sque Illi Principi. Hie Reipublicse Operae fideliter navatae Mutuis Laudibus ornarentur Docto jam eonsenuerat otio Summis Infimisque juxta Charus Cum 26° Novembris 1703 Ipsum unaque conjugem fidissimam Turbine (Cuncta secum rapiente) Carmine Prostrati transit Ruina Morte quse mcerori Solalla miscuit Ubi intrima necessitudine conjunctos Annis Graves ccelo maturos Idem ictus abstulit Nullo gradatim morientium dolore Neubroque chariori sui Parti Superstite Septuagenarius Ille Ilia incerto Anno obiit Marmoream hanc Tabulem Anna Filia duarum superstitum minima (Quam Pudor Fides nudaque Veritas iEno conspiciendam obtulerant) Supremo Testamento poni curavit Cineresque suos hie condi pie voluit Innupta obiit Annum agens 38 Vum 1728. The above is from a large monument of black and white marble, with a recumbent effigy of the Bishop's daughter, who caused the monument to be erected. It was formerly on the south side of the Choir. The Bishop was killed with his wife by the fall of a stack of chimneys on the night of the great storm, 26 and 27 Nov. 1703. Arms : Sable, a saltire emb. counterembattled arg. Cathedeal Register. 1703 Dec. 14 Richard, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, and his Lady were buried. 160 CORNISH. WELLS CATHEDRAL. A canopied altar-tomb commemorates Thomas Cornish, Canon, Chancellor, Succentor and Precentor of the Cathedral, Eector of Lambrook, Vicar of St. Cuthbert and of Wedmore, Suffragan for Bishop Fox of Bath and "Wells, and for Bishop Hugh Oldham of Exeter. He was educated at Oxford, and held the titular bishopric of Tenos or Tine. There remains against the wall under the canopy the matrix of a brass, but only part of the fillet round the edge of the tomb, which carried the name and date, actually exists, and only a small part of that, inscribed with the following : " Cujus anime .... men .... Tinensis Ep'us tertio die mensis Julii Anno D'm° mcccccxiv." The copy of the inscription printed with the account of the monument for the use of visitors gives the inscription as, " Cujus animae propietur Deus supradictus D'n's Thomas Tinensis Ep'us tertio die mensis July An. Dom. 1513." This, it will be seen, varies in several points from what actually exists. On the front of the tomb are three shields. On the first a text ST with a wheat- sheaf ; on the third the letter C with another wheatsheaf, the initials of Thomas Cornish, the sheaves of corn, of course, alluding to his name. On the centre shield is this coat : On a chev. betw. three birds' heads erased a mitre. No colours are given on the monument, and this coat is not given by Burke or Papworth for this name, so that it is a great pity it does not exist in one of the windows. It may have been the arms of his mother's family, if she were an heiress, which he adopted, adding the mitre from his episcopal office. The birds' heads are hardly likely to have been Cornish choughs, as a canting coat or a garb would also have been introduced, and a Cornish chough taken the place of one of the garbs accompanying the initials. However this may have been, the coat is certainly intended as his own, but does not appear to have been used by any others of the same name. At the west end is another shield charged with the arms of the Dean and Chapter, the saltire between the keys on the dexter and the sword on the sinister, as in the window on the south of the Choir. The saltire is here, as elsewhere in the earlier examples, carved quite plain without any partition lines. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 161 We will now pass out of the door up the steps to the Chapter House. In the windows are three shields, namely : — I. Quarterly: 1 and 4, France (modern); 2 and 3, England. The royal arms, probably for Edward IY. IT. The same with a label erm. Probably for Edward, Prince of Wales, eldest son of Henry VI., or the eldest son of Edward IV. The grandmother of Edward IV. was a Mortimer. These shields could not have been before Henry V., as he was the first to use the three fleurs-de-lis instead of semee of fleurs-de-lis in the arms of France. III. Barry of six or and az., an inescutcheon arg., on a chief of the first three palets betw. hvo gyronnes of the second, Mortimer, Earl of March. In the glass, the inescutcheon is so large, the rest appears as a bordure. In one of the windows is an estoil within the horns of a crescent, per pale az. and arg, placed within a collar of SS. The estoil within a crescent was a badge of Richard I. It was also a badge of the house of Lancaster, and used with some variations by their adherents. The royal arms of James I. are painted over the Bishop's throne. Beneath this were painted on the wall two shields, all that can now be made out is a plain gold saltire on the shield to the left, the colour of the shield and any other charges are gone ; of the other shield part of the outline only remains. This completes the monuments and heraldry inside the Cathedral, thus carrying out the plan proposed at the commencement. We pass from the south transept into the cloisters, giving first the mural tablets, and then the floorslabs on each side suc- cessively. Before touching the monuments it will be well to note the heraldry, which are on bosses contemporary with the erection of the cloister. In the east cloister, erected by Bishop Bubwith, there are no arms, though there is a shield with his own coat on the outside. In the roof of the west side the coat of Bishop Beckyngton is several times repeated. Three pheons (Sa., three pheons arg.), Nicholl, an ancient family on the borders of Wales. William Niohol, Vicar of Woolavington 1452, ob. 1480. Three stags' heads cabossed (Arg., three stags'* heads cdbossed sa.), Henry Bowett, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1401-7. The resemblance of these two coats, when placed one above the other, to the arms of Bishop Beckington is so strong as to be almost conclusive evidence that his arms were formed from them. A betid betw. three eagles closed (Witham. Or, a bend betw. three eagles closed sa.), William Witham, Dean of Wells 1464-72. He was a younger son of Robert Witham of Grantham, co. York, who made his will 30 Dec. 28 Henry VI., by his wife Margaret, daughter of Richard Skendelley. A fess betw. three sivans rousant (Swann. Az., afess betw. three swans rousant arg.), Richard Swann, who died in 1487 ; he was one of the executors of Bishop Beckington. Three sugar-loaves, and in chief a doctor's cap, Dr. Hugh Sugar, another executor of Bishop Beckington. A chev. betw. three leopards' faces, Bishop Stillington. A casual look at the shields with this coat, for there are two, might leave it doubtful if the charges were Y 162 WELLS CATHEDRAL. roses or leopards' faces, but, on careful examination, it becomes quite clear that they are leopards' faces. "We have some difficulty in accounting for the coat being here satisfactorily. The date is too early for them to be the coat of Godwin of Wells, and we look in vain for any one bearing this coat whose connection with the Cathedral is likely to account for his arms appearing here, unless it be a variation of the family coat of Bishop Stillington. He was a son of John Stillington of Nether Acaster, co. York, who bore, Gu., on a/ess arg. oehv. three leopards' faces or, as many fleurs-de-lys sa., the fleur-de-lys being a difference from the coat of Stilling- ton of Kelfield, co. York. In one of the windows of the chapel of the Yicar's Close we find this coat, Gu., a chev. arg., letiv. three leopards' faces or, and as at that time prominent members of a family made considerable variations in their family arms, this seems the most probable solution, especially as when the cloisters were building Stillington was Bishop, and was building a private chapel on the east side of the cloisters, in which he was buried, and which very unfortunately has long since disappeared, or it would doubtless have given us some interesting and conclusive heraldic evidences. Since this paragraph was written, identifying this coat as that of Bishop Stillington, an examination of the shields in the Yicar's Close has revealed one on which these coats of the chevron and the fess between the leopards' faces are quartered together, which leaves no doubt as to the coat in the cloister roof being that of Bishop Stillington. Four fusils, the shield being within the garter, inscribed, Hony soyt que malle pense. Gu., fusils conjoined in fess arg., Giles, Lord Daubeny, E.G., who died in 1508, and already noticed. A saltire betw. two keys addorsed, the lows interlaced, on the dexter, and a sword erect on the sinister, the Dean and Chapter, repeated twice. A saltire, probably intended for the vicars. France (modern) and England, quarterly, within the garter and crowned. The badge of Bishop Beckington, a beacon-post with ladder, at the top a tun with fire issuing from it, in front of the post is often placed a motto ribbon, the beacon tun being a rebus on the name of Beckington. Returning to the monuments in the cloisters : — EAST CLOISTER. Mural Tablets. In memory ANDREWS. of Mary the beloved wife of Benjamin Andrews Steward to the Dean and Chapter of this Church who to the graces that adorn a Christian added not only the sincerity of a friend but also the most affectionate duties truth and tenderness of the best of wives These merits which entitled her to the esteem of all who knew her constituted her happiness here MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 163 and its hoped will perpetuate it to all eternity. She dyed after a severe illness of two years and three months on the 3 rd day of April 1789, in the 44 th year of her age. This monument was erected by her surviving husband as a Testimony of regard for her worth. B. Andrews died July 11 th 1803 aged 59. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1685 July 14 Kachael dau. of M r George Andrews and Elizabeth his w. ; born 22 June. 1688 Sep. 6 Elizabeth dau. of M r George Andrews and Elizabeth his w. ; born 6 Aug. 1694 Nov. 12 William s. of M r George Andrews and Elizabeth his w. 1704 Sep. 19 Sarah dau. of M r George Andrews and Elizabeth his w. ; born 30 Aug. 1706 Sep. 6 Abigail dau. of M r George Andrews ; born Aug. 23. Wedding. 1704 Sep. 19 Abraham Carslake, of Farway, co. Devon, and Rachael Andrews, of this Liberty ; married. Burials. 1780 Nov. 7 George Andrews, Esq., bur. 1789 Mar. 8 Mary w. of Benjamin Andrews, Esq. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1708 Jan. 6 Sarah dau. of M r George Andrews, of High Street, bap. at y e Cathedral. 1710 Mar. 15 George s. of M r George Andrews, of High Street, born 16 Feb., ' bap. at y e Cathedral. Burials. M r William Andrews. George s. of M r George Andrews. Elizabeth dau. of M r George Andrews. Sarah w. of M r George Andrews, of the Liberty. Sarah dau. of M r George Andrews, of the Liberty. M rs Bridget Andrews, widow. Sarah dau. of M r George Andrews, of the Liberty. 1682 Mar. 31 1695 June 3 1702 Nov. 12 1704 Oct. 12 1705 Oct. 16 1708 Dec. 14 1712 June 19 164 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Will of B. Andrews. The will of Bridgett Andrews of Wells, dated 20 July 1708 ; proved 18 Dec. 1708 at Wells. Dau. Abigail her silver watch ; granddau. Elizabeth Andrews £200 ; granddau. Abigail £100 ; M r John Day's wife of Wells a silver candlestick ; interest of £50 to trustees of M r Brick's almshouses for the poor ; M r John Moor, the elder, of Bridge water 21s. ; residue to son George Andrews. Seal of arms, On a lend cotised three mullets. Crest, A stag's head erased. H. S. J. HEALY. Ricardus Healy L.L. Doctor prsestitis qua? amicis quae patriae, quae Principi quae Ecclesiae matri quae digniti et pietati suse debuit officiis tandem et quod naturae debuit soluto obiit 1° Sep bres A D ni 1713 iEtatis suae 58 Ne per te ferat viator Quo minus tot Decani et Capituli negotiis praeclare Administralis tot laboribus Defunctus requiescat Disce prudentiam Industriam fidam. The arms as painted on the monuments are 1 and 4, Vert, on a chev. arg. fimbriated eng. or three crosses patee gu., all oetw. as many lions ramp, of the third ; 2 and 3, Sa., on a chief az. three martlets or. On the Healy monument in St. Outhbert's Church the same quarterly coat appears without the impalement, the MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 165 second and third quarters are made, Vert, on a chief sa. three martlets or ; both these are bad heraldry. The coat is probably intended for Wray, viz., Az., on a chief or three martlets gu. On the above monument this quarterly coat impales, Erm., three crescents gu., Ken. Papworth gives this quarterly coat on the authority of Collinson, who makes the field of the coat of Healy, Sable, and a simple chevron engrailed arg. 1680 April 27 1682 June 15 1687 June 15 1689 April 30 1690 Mar. 17 1699 Sep. 11 1700 Aug. 27 1687 Nov. 30 1713 Sep. 4 1722 Dec. 19 1726 Mar. 13 1736 Nov. 4 1743 June 7 1744 Jan. 16 Cathedral Registers. Baptisms. Mary dau. of M 1 ' Richard Healy and Mary his w. Frances dau. of M r Richard Healy and Mary his w. Ralph s. of M r Richard Healy and Mary his w. Ralph s. of M T Richard Healy and Mary his w. Richard s. of M r Richard Healy and Mary his w. ; born 4 March. William s. of M r Richard Healy, D.C.L., and Mary his w. Thomas s. of D r Richard Healy and Mary his w., born and bap. privately Wednesday, 27 Aug., brought to Church 19 Sep. Burials. Ralph s. of M r Richard Healy. D r Richard Healy. Mary wife of the Rev. M r Richard Healy ; died 17 Dec. William Healy, Esq. Rev. M r Richard Healy; died Nov. 1. M rs Mary Healy. M rs Susannah Healy. HEMENS. 1734 Jan. 27 1767 Feb. 8 Hannah Beloved wife of Giles Hemens died the 10 th December 1765 aged 60 a virtuous Spouse and faithful Friend She continued to her end. Cathedral Register. Giles Hemens, yeoman, and Hannah Beard, both of Banwell, mar. by licence. Giles Hemens, gent., bur. ALLENSON. Philip Allenson, gent. By his steady Friendship Great Generosity and Liberal Charity 166 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Endeared himself To all that knew him He was born in London, Died in Bath March 4 th 1767 aged 40. Buried in this chapel. To whose memory Giles Hemens Pays his grateful tribute (A blank shield.) Cathedral Register. 1767 Mar. 7 Philip Allenson, gent., bur. HEALY. Maria Richardi Healy clerici Filii Richardi Healy, LL.D. Uxor desideratissima qua mulla forsan inmotuit, vel sponsa suavior vel Prudentia, virtute vitaeq' Innocentia ornatior vel suis et universis amicior vel Form® venustate morumq' gratia et humanitate potitior. Puerperio, tarn inauspicato, quam intempestive Cubans nee levanda occubuit Dec. 17, 1722 MtoL 35 Eundem juxta Parietem Richardus Healy, A.M. nuper Reverendus S tt Cuthberti Ecclesise vicarius Conjux Mariae praedictaB S.E. amicus certus, et plusquam gratus Pastor fidus et sedulus In Uteris bonis et potitioribus haud mediocritur versatus Doctrina prisca Fide, charitate singulari, munus ornavit sacrum obiit Nov : 1736 Mtat. 46. En 1 Lector Quod pie jugere potes & pie imitari PALMER. Nath™ 4 fil. Nath: Palmer de Fairfield in com : Som : armig : & Fran : ux 8 "WYNDHAM. ort83 patre Will™ Wyndham Barone* 1 Infra jacet magna eximiae Indolis dedit specimina MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 167 In parentes fratres, atq Sorores puis. Omnium amans omnibus amatus Scholae Wellen' Delicise, sed breves. Yariolis corruptus, heu ! cito expiravit Nov: 16, 1706 JEtat. 12°. The above Sir William Wyndham was the eldest son of John "Wyndham, Esq., and his wife Catherine, daughter of Robert Hopton of Witham, co. Somerset, and sister and coheir of Ralph, Lord Hopton. Sir William Wyndham, who was of Orchard Wyndham, was created a baronet 3 Dec. 1661, and married Frances, daughter of Anthony Hungerford of Farley Castle, Esq., by whom he had, with others who died unmarried, Sir Edward Wyndham, grandfather of the first Earl of Egremont of this family ; Rachael, married first Sir George Speke, second and last baronet, and secondly to Robert Musgrave, Esq. ; Elizabeth, married to Thomas Erie of Charborough, co. Dorset, Esq. ; Frances, married Francis Palmer of Fair- field, co. Somerset, Esq., as named on the monument above ; Joane, married William Cary of Clove! ly, co. Devon, Esq. LOVELL. WESTLEY. Martha Lovell wife of the Rev d Edmund Lovell M.A., and Prebendary of this Church died Aug* 27 th 1752. Mary their daughter died Nov. 11 th 1745. Elizabeth Westley, daughter of Thomas Westley of Shepton Mallet gen*, and sister of the above Martha Lovell died Oct 1 15 th 1752. 168 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1744 1745 1748 1752 1752 1779 1798 Cathedeal Register. Mary dau. of M r Edmund Lovell and Martha his wife was born 20 Feb., bap. 27 th Feb., and received into the Church 28 th March 1745. Mary dau. of M r Edmund Lovell, died 11 Nov., and bur. 14 Nov. George son of Edmund and Martha Lovell, born 2 July, privately bap. 9 July, and received into the Church 4 Aug 4 . Aug. 29 Martha w. of the Rev. M r Lovell, bur. Elizabeth Westley dau. of Thomas Westley of Shepton Mallet, gent., and sister of M rs Lovell, bur. The Rev. M r Canon Lovell, bur. Rev. D r Lovell. Oct. 18 Aug. 31 July 23 Will of E. Westley. Eleanor Westly of Shepton Mallet, late wife of Thomas Westly, gent., of Chilcot, co. Somerset. Will dated 28 Sept. 1721 ; proved at Wells 9 Dec. 1723 by her son Thomas Westly. Names Thomas Westly of Shepton Mallet, mercer, sole heir and executor. Seal. Plain, no arms. BRODERIP. Near this tablet are deposited the remains of Fridiswyde the beloved wife of Edmond Broderip, gent. of New Street WeUs, who died June 3 rd 1825 age 63. Also of Edmond their infant son who died January 1790. In the vault underneath this tablet are also deposited the remains of the above named Edmond Broderip who died at his residence Pulteney Street, Bath, December 5 th 1828 aged 76. (From a floorslab.) 1708 Sep. 11 1709 Feb. 10 1711 Feb. 9 1713 Jan. 18 1716 April 2 1719 Feb. 19 1721 Nov. 6 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. William s. of William Broderip and Martha his w., priv. bap., and received into the Church 24 Sep. Frances dau. of William Broderip and Martha his w. Martha dau. of William Broderip and Martha his w. (This is entered a second time, dated 14 Feb., and the father called " M r Broderip the Vicar.") Frideswade dau. of William Broderip and Martha his w. Sarah dau. of William Broderip and Martha his w. John s. of William Broderip and Martha his w. ; born 11 th Feb. Robert s. of William Broderip and Martha his w. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 169 1725 Sep. 1 Edmund s. of William Broderip and Martha his w. ; born 6 Aug. 1727 April 4 Edmund s. of William Broderip and Martha his w. 1746 May 22 Elizabeth dau. of M r John Broderip and Mary [sic] his w. 1748 Aug. 26 William s. of M r John Broderip and Eleanor [sic] his w. 1785 April 4 Edmund s. of Edmund and Frideswade Broadrip ; born 24 March 1785, priv. bap., and received 21 July 1796. 1786 Dec. 8 Elizabeth dau. of Edmund and Frideswade Broadrip ; born 25 Nov. 1786, priv. bap., rec. 21 July 1796. 1787 Mary dau. of Edmund and Frideswade Broadrip ; born 23 Dec. 1787, priv. bap., received 21 July 1796. 1791 Edward s. of Edmund and Frideswade Broadrip ; born 1 July 1791, priv. bap., received 21 July 1796. 1793 Maria dau. of Edmund and Frideswade Broadrip ; born 20 June 1793, priv. bap., received 21 July 1796. Wedding. 1699 June 8 William Hull of London, Factor, and Jane Broadrip of Brewton. Burials. 1726 Aug. 27 Edmund s. of William and Martha Broadrip. 1770 Dec. 30 John Broadrip, Organist. 1785 April 11 M rs Eleanor Broadrip, relict of the late M r John Broadrip, Organist. 1788 Mar. 16 M rs Sarah Broadrip. 1790 Jan. 22 Edmund s. of Edmund Broadrip, gent., and Frideswade his w. Near this place are deposited LINLEY. the Remains of Thomas Linley Esq. who departed this Life November 19 tb 1795 aged 63. together with those of his two Daughters and his granddaughter SHERIDAN. Elizabeth Ann, wife of R. B. Sheridan Esq. TICKLE. Mary wife of Richard Tickle Esq. and Mary the Infant daughter of the former. In this bless'd Pile, amid whose favouring gloom Fancy still loves to guard her votarys Tomb, Shall I withhold what all the virtues claim The sacred tribute to a Father's name 1 And yet bless'd Saint, The skill alone was thine To breath with truth the tributary line ; The mem'ry of departed worth to save And snatch the fading laurel from the grave And oh, my Sisters : peaceful be your rest Once more reposing on a Father's breast ; You whom he lov'd, whose notes, so lost, so dear Would sometimes wildly float upon his ear As the soft Lyre he touched with mournful grace And recollection's tear bedewed his face. 170 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Yes, most belov'd, If every grateful care To sooth his hours, bis every wish to share. If the fond mother, and the tender wife Could add fresh comfort to his Eve of Life ; If youth, if beauty, eloquence could charm, Genius delight him, & affection warm, Yours was the pleasing task from day to day Whilst heav'n approv'd and virtue led the way. W m LlNLEY. Cathedral Register. 1787 Aug. 2 Mary Tickell w. of Richard Tickell, Esq., bur. 1792 July 7 M rs Elizabeth Ann Sheridan, bur. 1793 Nov. 26 Elizabeth Sheridan dau. of Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Mary his w., bur. 1795 Nov. 28 Thomas Linley, bur. At the top of this monument are sculptured a lyre and flutes ; below the inscrip- tion is a shield on which can be traced a chevron, Lindley of Shegby, Scotland, Arg., on a chev. sa. three griffins' heads erased of the first. Crest, Out of a crest coronet gu. a demi-boar or. The Yorkshire family of Linley or Lindley bore the heads on a chief instead of on a chevron. The above R. B. Sheridan was the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the statesman, dramatist, and wit, second son of Thomas Sheridan, M.A., of Trinity College, Dublin. He married the above Elizabeth Ann Linley in 1773, and she died in 1792, having had Mary, who died in infancy, and a son, Thomas Sheridan, ancestor of the Sheridans of Frampton Court near Dorchester. Arms of Sheridan, Vert, a lion ramp. betw. three trefoils slipped or. The other daughter Mary Linley married, as his first wife, 25 July 1780, to Richard Tickell (second son of John Tickell of Glasnevin, Dublin, eldest son of Thomas Tickell, Fellow of Queen's College, Oxon, by his wife Clotilda, daughter and heir of Sir Maurice Eustace), a Commissioner of Her Majesty's Stamp Duties, who died 4 Nov. 1793 at Hampton Court Palace. His wife, by whom he left two sons and a daughter, died at Clifton 27 July 1787, and was buried with her father, as the monument records. This family of Tickell used for arms, Quarterly, 1 and 4, Gu., a maunch arg. ; 2 and 3, Sa., on a bend arg. three escallops gu. Crest, A cubit arm erect vested gu., charged with three fleurs-de-lis or, cuffed arg., the hand ppr., grasping a fleur-de-lis gold. The above Thomas Linley himself was one of the Patentees of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. See ' Landed Gentry ' and ' Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica,' New Series, vol. ii., p. 472. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth HENWOOD. wife of P. Henwood Esquire R.N. who died the 18 th day of February 1830 aged 52 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 171 Also to the memory of Peter Henwood Esquire R.N., who died at Torquay August 17 th 1851 aged 84 years. TEASDALE. Elizabeth Teasdale Died at Wells the 9 th Day of March 17 . (aged 27 ?) Rich Industry gives a grace to virtue. Cathedral Register. 1773 Mar. — M rs Elizabeth Teesdale w. of Marmaduke Teesdale, of London, buried in the cloister. Sacred to the memory of LOVELL. Joseph Lovell Lovell Esq. of this city who died 21 December 1842 aged 62 years. also to the memory of Margaret his widow who died 26 August 1849 aged 66 years. Sacred to the memory of LOVELL. Edmund Lovell second son of Joseph Lovell Lovell and Margaret his wife who died Sep 1 11 th 1831 in the 25 th year of his age. Sacred to the memory of LOVELL. Edward Lovell eldest son of Joseph Lovell Lovell and Margaret his wife who died Sep r 22 nd 1857 in the 53 rd year of his age. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. 1662 July 24 Thomas s. of M r Thomas Lovell, bur. 1663 Aug. 24 Edmond s. of M r Edmond Lovell, bap. 172 WELLS CATHEDRAL. LOOK. WALLACE. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Lock who departed this life October 22 nd 1825 aged 42. Alas my Friend. Sacred to the memory of Geraldine Eugenia Wallace youngest daughter of the late John Wallace Esq. Member of the Board of Revenue at Madras Born 17 th Jan 1 * 1811 died 24 May 1820. This tribute of affection is erected by her afflicted mother. SAGE. WICKHAM. Near this place lies the body of Elizabeth Sage who departed this life the 17 th December 1778 aged 33 years. In testimony of most sincere affection for an amiable, tender, virtuous wife her disconsolate husband Isaac Sage Esq re of Thornhill in the county of Dorset caused this memorial to be erected. With her mother lies also the Body of Emily Sage daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Sage who departed this life the 27 th March 1775 in the 3 rd year of her age. Restored by the Rev d Hill D. Wickham. Rector of Horsington Great nephew of the above Elizabeth Sage 1867. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 173 Cathedral Register. 1775 Mar. 31 Emily dau. of ... . Sage Esq., bur. 1778 Dec. 24 Elizabeth w. of Isaac Sage, Esq., bur. in the Lady Chapel. The above Elizabeth Sage was the third daughter of the Rev. John Whalley, D.D., Master of Peter House, Cambridge, and Regius Professor of Divinity, by his wife Mary, daughter of Francis Squire, Chancellor of Wells ; she was born in 1745, and married Isaac Sage, Esq., of Hon. E.I.C.S., by whom she left surviving issue. Her sister Mary Whalley married James Wickham, Esq., of Frome, and was mother of James Anthony Wickham, Esq., of Frome, who, by Marianne, daughter and heir of Hill Dawe, Esq., of Bridgewater, was father of James Whalley Dawe Thomas Wickham, Esq. ; Francis Dawe Wickham, Esq., Barrister at Law ; the Rev. Hill Dawe Wickham, M.A., Rector of Horsington, and three daughters. Arms, Gu. on a chev. arg. three infants' faces ppr., Sage ; imp., Arg., Three whales 1 heads erased and erect sa., Whalley. The coat of Sage does not appear in Papworth or Burke. Eximo Juveni WHALLEY. Francisco Whalley Reverendi Ricardi Chaple Whalley et Elizabethae Francescas uxoris Filio natu minimo Hoc marmor inscribitur quern Raris admodum turn corporistam animi dotibus (Six lines illegible) Ano/** u I Salutis 1793. Cathedral Register. 1793 Mar. 13 Francis Whalley, bur. 1795 Feb. 11 Elizabeth Frances Whalley, bur. M.S. WHALLEY. Elizabethaj Whalley Reverendi Ricardi Chaple Whalley Uxoris .... (rest obliterated) obiit 5 Febmarii 1795. (Date vide Phelps.) Cathedral Register. 1740 Dec. 23 Sarah dau. of Rev. D r Whalley, having been privately baptised was received into the Church. 1742 Dec. 12 Miss Frances and Miss .... Whalley, bur. 174 WELLS CATHEDRAL. This stone and the one before it are for the most part now obliterated, the letters being only painted on, and that having peeled off no legible trace remains. This family claim descent from the ancient Lancashire family of Whalley of Whalley. The above Rev. Richard Chaple Whalley was the fourth son of the Rev. John Whalley, D.D., by Mary, daughter of the Rev. Francis Squire, Chancellor of Wells. He was born in 1748 and married Elizabeth Frances, daughter of the Rev. John Paine, Canon of Wells ; she died in 1795, aged 40. He died in 1817, leaving a son Richard Whalley, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Fordway, Esq., of Wells, and dying in 1830, aged 51, left issue 1, Richard, in holy orders ; 2, John ; 3, Elizabeth ; 4, Mary. According to Burke's ' Commoners ' the arms of this family are, Arg., three whales' heads erased and erect sa., on a canton of the second a mascle of the first. Crest, A whale's head as in the arms, thereon a mascle. SHERSTON. BURRELL. Margaret Isabella Sheraton wife of Peter Sherston, Esq. & only daughter of Peter Burrell of the Town of Leicester, M.D. died the 6 th of April 1779 aged 29. There is the figure of a female weeping over an urn in relief. The arms, Sa., three hunting horns arg., oetw. them a cinquefoil or, are those of Dodington, with the addition of a cinquefoil, which was doubtless originally a mullet, a difference of a third son. The coat was derived evidently from a Dodington, having been married to a Davis, a daughter of which family had married a Sherston. SHERSTON. To the memory of Peter Sherston, Esq. of Stoberry Hill near this City who died August 14 th 1820 aged 75. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 175 This tablet as a faint but faithful record of the worth an unequal but just tribute to the Integrity Piety and Benevolence of his Character and a slight but sincere token of Duty and Affection to a beloved and lamented Parent is erected and inscribed by his Son. Also in memory of Peter Davis, son of the above Peter Sherston, Esq. aud Lieut. Col 1 of the 2 nd Som* Eegiment of Militia ob 4 May 14 th a.d. 1884 Mk. 51. The Widowed Consort and the Orphaned Boy, Bereft of those pure fonts of earthly joy, She a fond Husband's, he a Father's love, Till reunited in the Realms above, Here claim the Sympathy which they, who know How death cau wound the living, will bestow. SHERSTON. Sacred to the memory of Margaret Sherston second wife of Peter Sherston, Esq. of this city and youngest daughter of STRANGWAYS. Thomas Strangways, Esq. of Shapwick in this county. In all amiable qualities and the christian virtues a pattern to her sex much esteemed by not a few by a loving husband and three children heavily deplored. After a lingering and painful illness which proved a distinguished Piety and exemplary Fortitude She died on the 10 th of January 1795 aged 39. This monument is adorned with two female figures bending over an urn. Both this lady and her husband are named in the will of her mother Elizabeth Strang- ways of Shapwick, dated 9 June 1789. Also these arms per pale : — The dexter, Sa., three hunting-horns arg., Dodington, on an escutcheon of pretence a chev. erm. betw. three leaves ; the sinister, per fess, in chief, Sa., two lions pass, paly of six arg. and gu., Strangways ; in base, Or, a cross fiory sa. surmounted by a bend gu. 176 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Near this place lies the Body of SHERSTON. Doddington Sherston of this city, gent. who died November 23 rd 1751 aged 46 years. Likewise of Bridget his wife who died May 25 th 1792 aged 72 years. The thorny path of life she trod, Revered her duties and adored her God, To ev'ry station ev'ry credit gave, And Built on Happiness beyond the grave. SHERSTON. Also of William Tucker Sherston son of Doddington Sherston, Gent, and Bridget his wife, who died the 28 th of March 1770 in the 19 th year of his Age, whilst in the pursuit of Academical Learning with as much Improvement and Attention as his weak Habit of body would permit. His piety to God, and filial duty to his surviving parent was great and unaffected. An open and ingenuous Behaviour adorned by genteel manners, an easy cheerfulness Recommended by a pleasing modest countenance engaged him the love of all. Sweetness and equality of temper enabled his youthful and naturally lively mind to bear a lingering and painful disease with a wonderful composure. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 177 These happy endearments with untainted virtues fitted him thro' Jesus Christ for those blissful Regions where love and joy for ever reign Dear kindred shades accept this last adieu This tribute paid to virtue and to you Pe : Sherston April 1793. The coat here ascribed to Sherston is not given, nor indeed any other coat for that name, by Guillim, Burke, or Papworth. According to the latter authority, Robert Sherborne, Bishop of St. David's, in 1505, bore Arg., a pelican vert. Bishop Fox, circa 1492, also bore Az., a pelican on its nest or. And the same coat was granted to Sherman of Ipswich in 1715. The impaled coat is that of Tucker, viz., Az., on a chev. emb. at the top betw. three sea-horses naiant or, as many body hearts gu. DAVIS. Underneath are deposited the remains of Peter Davis Esq re Many years Recorder of this City and one of the Benchers of the Hon able Society of Lincoln's Inn A man eminently learned in the Laws of his Country, distinguished by a faithful Administration of them : Unambitious but Uniform DODINGTON. Religious without Ostentation In all things sincere. He was the son of John Davis gent. & Margaret the daughter of Christopher Doddington of Lincoln's Inn Esq. He married Susanna (the Daughter of Robert Bisse gent, of "Wilts), whose domestick and conjugal virtues were the comfort of her husband, the Blessing of her children. Out of a pious Regard for such excellent Parents This Monument was erected to her Memory by Peter Davis their only surviving son in the year of our Lord 1749. BISSE. Arms are : Sa., three hunting-horns arg., stringed or, in the centre a cinquefoil or, Sherston ; impaling, Sa., three escallop-shells in pale arg., Bisse. The Margaret A A 178 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Dodington mentioned in the inscription was the second daughter of Christopher Dodington. This is a large monument, and is the last on the east side of the cloister, but as the monuments are not in their original place it appears as well to give it here, following others of the same family. It is adorned with two nude infant boys, well sculptured. The family of Sherston, like that of Bisse and some others, was at an early period connected with the clothworking industry, and although they did not enter a pedigree in either of the Heraldic Visitations of Somerset, the name occurs in the neighbourhood of Bath in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Mary, daughter of William Sherston of Bath, was the second wife of Thomas Pryn of Swanswick, and had remarried before 1623 to Edward Capell of the same place ; and Margaret, daughter of ... . Sherston of Bath, was married to John Clarke of Bristol, mer- chant, before 1570. From Anthony a Wood's MSS. we learn the following: Peter Sherston of Bath, with Walter Chapman and Thomas Wist, paid in 1603 money they had given and collected for the repairs of Bath Abbey. William Sherston, Alderman, and eight times Mayor of Bath, bequeathed £100 by annual instalments of 40s. out of the parsonage of Lyncombe. On the east wall of the chancel of Bath Abbey was formerly a monument to William Sherston, who died 26 Aug. 1621, with an epitaph, but no arms. They have used for arms a stork or heron standing on its nest, as on the monu- ment of Dodington Sherston, and this coat is also cut on a floorslab in Bath Abbey, impaled by Bushell, but the inscription is unfortunately gone. James Bussell married Mary Sherston, their daughter Mary being born in 1707. They have also used a chevron between three like birds, but these arms were never allowed, granted, or confirmed to them. After inheriting the estates of the Davis family, Peter Sherston applied for and obtained a grant of the arms granted to his maternal great-uncle Peter Davis ; itself a most singular grant, for it was the coat of Dodington of Dodington, which neither family in any way represented, with the small difference of a cinquefoil in the centre. The grant shews the poor heraldic knowledge and taste then existing even at Heralds' College itself, and is all the more singular, since we find a John Davis of Wells sealing documents 1698 as a Justice of Peace with his arms (Gu.), a griffin segreant (or) ; Crest, A griffin as in the arms ; whom there is no reason to doubt was the father of Jane, wife of William Sherston. This is further strengthened by the fact that the will of Matthew Baron of Milton in St. Cuthbert's parish, dated 1720, is witnessed by P. Davis, and sealed with the same arms and crest, the griffin segreant. The grant should have been the heron coat, with some addition, quartering the griffin of Davis. That this Welsh family should have settled in Wells is by no means strange, being the same as Bees Davis, who married the heiress of Maurice Rodney. Nevertheless this differenced coat of Dodington is now the lawfully recognised coat of Sherston. The grant, which by the courtesy of the family we are able to give, is as follows : — MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 179 TO all and Singular to whom these presents shall come, Sir Isaac Heard Knight Garter Principal King of Arms, and Thomas Lock, Esquire, Clarenceux King of Arms of the South, East and West parts of England from the river Trent south- ward, send greeting. ®2&f)er£ as Peter Sherston of the City of Wells in the County of Somerset Esquire hath represented unto the most noble Charles Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England, that his maternal great uncle Peter Davis of Wells aforesaid Esquire obtained a Patent of Arms under the Hand and Seals of John Anstis Esq. Garter Principal King of Arms and Stephen Martin Leake Esq. Clarenceux King of Arms, bearing date the sixth day of June 1745 to him and his descendants That the said Peter Davis left issue only two sons both of whom dying unmarried the armorial ensigns granted in the said Patent became extinct, and the said Peter Sherston became the heir general of that Family. He is therefore desirous out of respect to the said family of Davis of bearing the arms contained in the Patent aforesaid, and hath requested the favour of his Grace's Warrent to the Kings of Arms concerned for their confirming the same to him and his Descendants according to the Laws of Arms. And forasmuch as his Grace did by Warrent under his Hand and Seal bearing date the sixteenth day of May instant, authorize and direct us to confirm such arms, accordingly, UttOU) ge tfytVtfOtt that We the said Garter and Clarenceux in pursuance of the consent of the said Earl Marshal and by virtue of the Letters Patent of our several offices to each of us respectively granted under the Great Seal of Great Britain do by these Presents confirm to the said Peter Sherston the arms following, that is to say, Sable, a cinquefoil or, between three Bugle Horns Argent stringed of the second, and for the crest, On a wreath of the Colours a Stag couchant regardant or, armed and Hoofed Gules, charged on the shoulder with a cinquefoil Vert, as the same are in the margin hereof more plainly depicted, To be borne and used for ever hereafter by him the said Peter Sherston and his Descendants according to the Laws of Arms without the Let or Interruption of any Person or Persons whatsoever. Jht ©HttttCSS whereof We the said Garter and Clarenceux Kings of Arms have to the Presents subscribed our names and affixed the Seals of our several Offices this sixteenth day 180 WELLS CATHEDRAL. of May in the thirty third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc., and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninty three. {Signed) Isaac Heaed, Thomas Lock, Garter Principal King of Arms. Clarenceux King of Arms. [Seal, Arms of Garter imp. Heard.] [Seal, Arms of Clarenceux imp. Lock.] It is strange the Probate Registry at Wells gives so little help in the way of Sherston wills. The wills of Isabella Sheathstone of Glastonbury, 1680, and William Sherston of Oharlecombe, 1733, are no good : that of Peter Sherston of Bath does little more ; it is dated 30 Oct. 1662, calls himself of Bath, clothier; names his dwelling house, his fuller's mills, his mill called Monk's mill, his brother John Sherston, brother William Sherston, brother Arthur Sherston, brother Thomas Sherston ; sisters Mary, Elizabeth, and Sarah Sherston ; cousin Arthur Sherston, and kinsman Thomas Neild of Westeaton ; proved at Wells 18 Dec. 1662. The accompanying pedigree is compiled from registers, monuments, and family information. The following register extracts may also be interesting, though they could not be placed in the pedigree. 1611 Jan. 13 1615 Jan. 29 1618 Oct. 2 1706 July 9 1730 Nov. 3 1612 Sep. 30 1626 Jan. 13 1654 Dec. 9 1724 Dec. 22 1615 Mar. 15 1620 Sep. 25 1626 Nov. 1 1642 April 3 1661 Nov. 27 1715 July 28 1724 Aug. 31 1730 Nov. 11 1732 June 26 1738 Jan. 3 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Eleanor dau. of William Sherston. Agnes dau. of William Sherston. Elizabeth dau. of William Sherston. John s. of M r Thomas Butler, of Coxley ; born 2 July. Thomas s. of M r Thomas Butler ; born Nov. 2, priv. bap. Weddings. William Sherstone and Elizabeth Rundle. William Sherstone and Margaret Brittaine. Weyman Sherston and Isabel Turner. William Good, of Somerton, gent., and Jane Butler, of S 4 James, Dorset, spinster. Burials. Francis Sherston. Elizabeth Sherston. Elizabeth Sherston. Ann Sherston. Weymouth Sherston. M r John Butler, of Southover. M rs Ann Butler, widow, of Coxley. Thomas s. of M r Thomas Butler, of Chamberlain Street. M r Thomas Butler, of Chamberlain Street. M" Butler. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 181 PEDIGREE OF SHERSTON. * Cathedral Register. f St. Cuthbert, Wells, Parish Register. John Davis, gent., of Wells, mar.^=Margaret, 2nd da. of Christopher Dodington, Esq., of 1 Jan. 1670. " Both of St. Cuth- bert parish."f Died 9 March 1700 ; bur. 24 March 1700.* Lincoln's Inn, son of John Dodington of Dodington ; died 17 Feb. 1719, aged 80. Her name is spelt Dorington in the marriage register. William Sherston, gent.,=^Jane Davis, of the Liberty of St. An- bapt. as Jo- drew, Wells, died 12 ane 13 April March 1725, aged 50 1678; died years; bur. 10 March 13 Sep. 1711. 1725.* Mary Davis, bapt. 24 March 1671.f Dodington Davis, bur. Oct. 1673.f Peter Davis, Esq.,=j=Susanna, da. of Recorder of Wells, Rob. Bisse, bapt. 24 Feb. | gent., of Eding- 1675 ;f died 1 1 Jan. ton, Wilts; died 1745-6, aged 69 ; 12 Oct. 1741 ; bur. 16 Jan. bur. 16 Oct. 1745-6.* 1741.* John Davis, born 22, bapt. 25 Sep. 1702 ; bur. 23 Oct. 1702.* Robert Davis, bapt. 10 Jan. 1703-4.* I Susanna Davis, born 25, bapt. 28 Dec. 1704 ; bur. 22 Jan. 1704,* O.8. I Peter Davis, bapt. 4 July 1706 ;* died 27 Feb. 1777; bur. 4 March 1777* Richard Davis, bapt. 6 July 1708.* Margaret Davis, bapt. 13 Aug. 1713.* Peter Sherston, bapt. 15 March 1707-8; bur. 6 May 1709.* Margaret Sherston, bapt. 7 April 1708 ;* bur. 12 Aug. 1736.* Jane Sherston, bapt. 24 Aug. 1710 ;* mar. 24 April 1729 Thomas Butler of Wells, gent.f Dodington Sherston, Esq., of Wells,^=Bridget, da. of ... . Tucker, born 29 March, bapt. 1 April 1706 ;" died 23 Nov. 1751, aged 46. died 25 May 1792, aged 72 ; bur. 31 May 1792. William Sherston, bapt. 4 March 1706-7;* bur. 17 March 1706.f Margaret Isabella.^Peter Sher-^=Margaret, youngest da. of Thomas=. ... da. da.of Peter Burrell ston, died of Leicester, M.D. ; 14 Aug. died 6 April 1779, 1820, aged aged 29; bur. 12 75, April 1779.* 1st wife. Strangewayes, Esq., of Shapwick, of by Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Hen- (? Nel- ry Bull, Esq., of Shapwick ; bapt. son), re- 21 March 1755 ; mar. 10 July 1780 ; lict of died 10 Jan. 1795, aged 39 ; bur 3rd 26 Jan. 1795.* 2nd wife. wife. I William Tucker Sherston, died 28 March 1770, aged 19 ; bur. 31 March 1770.* Peter Davis Sherston of Stoberry: Park, Wells, Lieut.-Col. 2nd Somerset Militia, born 4 May, privately bapt. 5 May, received into the Church 16 Dec. 1782 ;* died 14 May 1834, aged 51. Julianna Frances Anne, da. of Col. York, and of Julianna, da. of ... . Dodd, Esq., of Swallow- field Park, Berks ; mar. 1828. Thomas Davis Sherston, born 3 June, bapt. 6 June 1784.* I Sophia Sherston, born 21, bapt. 25 Jan. 1789. John Davis Sherston, J.P.,= Capt. 6th Dragoon Guards, bora 16 May 1829 ; Lord of the Manor of Wells. : Innes Eliza, only da. of Major Hamilton Maxwell, Hon. E.I.C.S., of Ardwell, Wigtonshire, N.B. (and Isabella, da. of Abraham Bun- bury, Esq., of Kilfeade, co. Tipperary, his wife) ; mar. 13 May 1851. Charles Davis Sher-=pEdith, da. of Adm. Sir C. Tal- ston, born 16 Feb. 1852, late Major in Rifle Brigade ; mar. 2 March 1878. bot, K.C.B., by Georgina, da. of Sir William Ponsonby, K.C.B., 1st Lord Ponsonby (extinct). Florence Maxwell, born 5 Jan. 1854 ; died 23 April 1854. Maxwell Sherston, born 30 July 1855; died 15 Feb. 1856. Charles John Talbot Sherston, born 16 Dec. 1878. Somerset Arthur Sherston, born 18 March 1880. I Georgina Innes Sherston, born 21 Sep. 1881. George Ponsonby Sherston, born 31 Aug. 1883. Beryl Maud Sher- ston, born 2 July 1889. 182 WELLS CATHEDRAL. John Sherston, born^Alice M., da. of Gen. 25 July 1857 ; Capt. Rifle Brigade ; mar. 9 Sep. 1882. Bamfield, B.S.C., In- spector General of Police. William Maxwell Sherston, born 14 April 1859 ; Capt. 18th Hussars. Mabel Sher-=John Huntley ston, mar. 31 Thring, Esq. July 1890. thel Ethel Innes Sherston, born 9 April 1883. Nora Isabel Sherston, born 11 Jan. 1885. John Reginald Sherston, born 2 Oct. 1888. Ethel Innes Sherston, died 27 March 1880. William Dodington Sherston, born 14 Nov. 1866. T. Peter Davis Sherston, born 7 April 1874. Sacred to the memory of OGILVIE. Charles Spencer Ogilvie of Charlestown South Carolina and Midshipman of His Majesties Ship L'Imperieuse who closed his short and blameless life by falling in the British Service at Elvoursdyke in South Beveland on the 16 th December 1809 in the 17 th year of his age. The integrity of his principles The Sweetness of his Temper The purity of his manners and The Elevation and Firmness of his Professional Character Prepared him (as it seemed) for a sure and Prosperous Course of Worldly Felicity and Honour. The Almighty hath dwelt yet more graciously with him By calling him to the Blessings of Immortality Before his fair Hopes had been clouded by Misfortune Or his innocence endangered by Temptation. Arms : 1 and 4, Arg., a lion pass. gard. gu., imperially crowned ppr., Ogilvie ; 2 and 3, Arg., a cross eng. sa., Sinclair. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 183 Beneath are interred the remains of WILLISON. Mary Raynard, wife of Lieut. John Willison, R.N. BERRY. and eldest daughter of the Rev d Butler Berry, Vicar of Triplow, Cambridgeshire (in which Parish Church a memorial is erected) who departed this life September 5 th 1827 in the 30 th year of her age. To the memory of LAMONT. Norman Lamont Esq. Member of Parliament for the city of Wells, second son of the late John Lamont Esq. of Lamont in the county of Argyleshire, who departed this life April 27 th 1834 aged 53 years. Also Hannah relict of the above Norman Lamont Esq. M.P., who departed this life March 20 th 1840 aged 59 years. Arms : 1 and 4, Az., a lion ramp. org. ; 2 and 3, Az., a mound or. H. S. E. Prope ab hujus colunmse KEEN. basi Sarah, Francis Keen equitum sub Caroli l m : auspiciis WESTLEY. capitanei filia Gulielmi Westley conjux desideratissimas una cum 5 liberis (non iter pridem ab utriusq' parentis complexa divulsis atq' aliquandiu matris absentis moras segrius serentibus) in grenium materium quasi postliminio receptis obiit Jun : 4, 1701. 184 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Hand facile expedias viator uter olim necessitudinis officiis mutuis felicius Certaverit an Sarah, an supers tes Gnlielmus qui conjuges pise adamatae predamantis memoriam hoc marmore consecravit. Hie Jacet MORRIS. Claverus Morris, M.D., in agro Dorset Ex ingenua familia oriundus quern si noveris, virum, noveris, viator facilem incundum perurbanum : In rebus scripiendus Cautum & Sagacem In agendis pariter animosum Ex propositi subaeris affectibus. Tenacissimum orthodoxi Patrix fihus orthodoxus ; A psetre Grulielmo, A. M. Rectore de Manson. In Bello Oivili propter Regem multa passo Dedicit Regem & Ecclesiam unice amare. Nullius non artis Liberalis facile prudens ad inferioris etiam notae Disciplinus eleganter se dimisit ingenium ejus versatile non desultorum musices quippe cum paucis sciens chymicorum etiam arcana scrupaisossime perquirebat cum Anatomicae & Hertariae rei sutis insudasser MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 185 Ita instructus Philosophiam quara certissima matheseos & Experiraenfcorum ope affecutus est vitse negotiis & quotidiano usui feliciter accomodavit Praecipue vero in divina modendi arto exercitatus cum intima naturas advra acumine sibi proprio penetrasset Remedia contra inorbos graviores suam non minus in Laudem quam aliorum Salutem aseipso excogitata affabre elaboravit his animi dotibus lumen & ornamentum addidit pietas. Instar Phoebi et eluxit, cum florens succelsibus segrotos reticeret. Et nube latuit cum pauperibus. Ea munera donaret ejus dextera quorum sinistra nunquam fuit conscia, qui negotiis, Religioni, Honori, inferoirus. In terra nobis vixit in coelo vivit filei. 67 Annos natus, denatus Martii 19° 1726. The monument still retains the bust of Dr. Morris and the arms, but the crest and mantling are gone, with other portions of the monument. The arms are : {Arg.), a fess betw. three lions couchant gard. {gu.), Morris; impaling, (Arg.), a chev. {vert) betw. three bulls pass, {gu.), Bragge. He married first Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Dawe, Esq., of Ditcheat, Lord of the Manor and Patron of the Church, by whom he had a daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Burland, Esq. ; she died 17 Aug. 1699, aged 31, and is buried at Ditcheat, with a large monument, on which is a long Latin inscription and these arms, Arg., a fess betw. three lions couchant gard. gu., Morris ; imp., Gu., on a pile arg. a chev. betw. three cross- crosslets sa. Dr. Morris married secondly Mary, daughter of William Bragge, Esq. Cathedral Register. Elizabeth dau. of Claver Morris and Elizabeth his w. ; born 4 th and bap. 11 Dec. 1697. Mary dau. of Claver Morris and Mary his w. ; born 6 and bap. 18 Jan. 1704. William s. of Claver Morris, M.D., and Mary his w. ; born 20 and bap. 27 Oct. 1709. M r William Morris ; died 30 June, bur. 3 July 1738. EAST CLOISTER. Floorslabs. BROWN. Martha Brown of Wellington died May 1 st 17 . . Elizabeth Brown died June 13 th 17 . . BR 1670 Feb. 25 1671 Jan. 24 1713 Mar. 2 186 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Charles s. of M r John Brown. Mary dau. of M r John Brown. Martha dau. of William and Joan Brown; born Tuesday, 23 February. Wedding. 1701 April 22 John Stroud and Dorothy Brown, both of the Liberty of S l Andrew. Burials. Elizabeth w. of M r John Brown. M r John Brown, organist. Phillis dau. of M rs Brown, widow. M r Nathaniel Browne, Priest Vicar. M r Brown, one of the Proctors of this Cort. M r Charles Brown. Martha Brown. M n Elizabeth Brown. M 18 Anne Brown. 1808 June 8 M rs Mary Brown w. of John Brown, bur. in the Palm churchyard. 1667 Mar. 11 1674 May 7 1675 April 29 1708 Nov. 18 1733 Feb. 8 174| Feb. 15 1772 May 4 1774 June 17 1777 Mar. 6 1704 Jan. 17 1705 Dec. 14 1708 Aug. 16 1710 July 21 1712 Sep. 14 1714 July 25 1714 Dec. 27 1715 Oct. 13 1717 Nov. 2 1718 May 14 1719 Jan. 1 1720 June 19 1720 Mar. 8 1709 June 5 1717 Dec. 16 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Frances dau. of M r Hugh Brown ; born 2 Jan. Charles s. of M r Hugh Brown, of Sadler Street. Frances dau. of M r Hugh Brown, of Sadler Street ; born 7 July, brought to Church Aug. 3. Ann dau. of M r Hugh Brown, of Sadler Street ; born July 2. Martha dau. of M r Hugh Brown, of High Street; born Aug. 15. Elizabeth dau. of M r Hugh Brown, of High Street ; born June 29. John s. of M r John Brown, of High Street ; bom Nov. 30. Robert s. of M r Hugh Brown, of High Street ; born Oct. 5, priv. bap. and brought to Church Nov. 1. Joseph s. of M r John Brown ; born Nov. 1. Sarah dau. of M r Hugh Brown, of High Street ; born May 4, priv. bap., carried to the Cathedral June 9. Grace dau. of M r John Brown, of High Street ; born Dec. 19. James s. of M r Hugh Brown ; born May 24. Charles s. of M r John Brown, of High Street ; born Feb. 23. Burials. M r John Brown. Joan w. of M r Jonas (sic) Brown, of High Street. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 18*7 1720 Sep. 8 Joseph s. of M r John Brown. 1720 Oct. 8 Elizabeth w. of M r John Brown. 1721 Dec. 7 M r John Brown's sister-in-law. 1722 Mar. 24 M r Hugh Brown. HENWOOD. E. H. 1830. P. H. 1854. (See Henwood mural monument, p. 170.) CHAPERDINE. Alice Chaperdine 1763. Cathedral Eegister. 1763 Dec. 9 Alice Chapperlin, bur. In memory of .... mrah wy late of this city who died 22 December 1 Aged 46 years. Sarah the daughter of CONWAY. John and Sarah Conway departed this life the 23 rd of February 1796 aged 42 years. Cathedral Register. 1804 Mar. 23 M rs Martha Conway, bur. in the Palm churchyard. Here lies the body of Priscilla the wife of MARCHANT. William Marchant who died November the 5 th 1733 aged 33. William the husband of Priscilla Marchant died February 8 th 1757 aged 75 and here rests in the hope of a happy resurrection. Cathedral Register. 1733 Nov. 9 Priscilla w. of William Merchant, bur. 188 WELLS CATHEDRAL. CURTICE. LOVELL. FORREST. Elizabeth the wife of James Curtice died the 16 th July 1776 aged 92 years. Robert Lovell May 3 rd 1791. Richard Harris Forrest died April the 12 th 1762 aged 4 years 8 months. Cathedral Register. 1762 April 15 Richard Harris Forist s. of Capt. Forist. CHRISTIE (brass). Archibald Christie Esq. died Feby 11 th 1827 aged 72 years. Sarah Christie died May 1 st 1858 aged 87 years. Also Isabella Christie Daughter of the above died Oct. 25 th 1879. BARSTOW. Thomas Barstow of the County of York, gent. died 4 th May 1775 aged 28. Cathedral Register. 1775 May 7 Thomas Barstow, Esq., of Yorkshire, bur. FLOYER. In memory of Miss Anna Maria Floyer Daughter of the late .... Floyer Esq re of Blunderstone Suffolk she died at Clifton 1 st November 1842 in her 80 th year. LAMONT. Lamont. (The same inscription as on the mural tablet above.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. LOVELL. Edmund Lovell 1831. Joseph Lovell Lovell 1842. Margaret Lovell 1849. Edward Lovell 1857. 189 SOUTH SIDE OF CLOISTEES. MUKAL. D. 0. M. Gloria in Excelsis In hac sede prope B. Mariae sacellum conduntur reliquiaB Bp. LAW. viri admodum Reverendi Georgii Henrici Law S.T.P. Bathoniensis et Wellensis Episcopi qui supremum diem obiit 22 Sept. mdcccxlvi annum agens l.xxxv. Cantabrigise in collegio Reginse juvenis adhuc summis literarum Prasmiis dignatus est matura demum aBtate ad episcopatum cestriensem evectus tanda solertia sedulitate et benevolentia res graivissimus administravit ut magnus cestrienjuom suorum desiderio ad Cathedram hujus Dioeceseos provectus esset Ubi legibus ecclesise vindicandis fide Christiana defendenda 190 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Augustus inopum levandis operam navavit indefessam In eodem tumulo sepultas sunt Janetta uxor ejus et filiae dua3 Annas et Margaretta quarum mutui inter se et erga suos amoris Dulce est meminisse. He was the fifth son of the Rev. Edmund Law, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle, by Mary, daughter of John Christian of Unerigg, co. Cumberland, and brother to Edward Law, created Lord Ellenborough ; born 12 Sep. 1760-1, married 13 July 1784 Jane, eldest daughter of General James Whorwood Adeane of Babraham, co. Cambridge, M.P., which lady died 27 Sep. 1876. Issue three sons, whose de- scendants are given in Foster's ' Peerage.' Arms : the modern coat used for the See ; imp. Erm., on a bend eng. betw. two cocks gu. three mullets or pierced of the second. There ought to be an annulet on the arms as the difference of a fifth son. SEYMOUR. In memoriam Pernobilis et Reverendi admodum viri Francisci Seymour Potentissema Principis Edwardi Ducis de Somerset Ex Filiis vixit Annos Septuaginta tres Hanc Odam annos triginta tres ordinavit Decanus omnemque hunc vitae Et Ministerii Cursum MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 191 Ita instituit Ut, quod utrinque difficilimum erat nee generis nobilitati nee muneris Sanctitudini Defuesse visus fit Tant est vivere ut desct moriiarum obiit 4 t0 Non Feb. a.d. 1799. Lord Francis Seymour was the third son of Sir Edward, eighth Duke of Somer- set, by Mary, sole daughter and heir of Daniel Webb of Monkton Farley, co. Wilts, niece and heir of Edward Somner of Send, co. Wilts, Esq. He was born in 1726 ; was Vicar of Wantage, Berks, Canon of Windsor, Chaplain to the King, and Dean of Wells. He married in 1749 Catherine, daughter of the Rev Payne, Vicar of Holme Lacy, co. Hereford, by whom he had two sons and three daughters, viz., 1, Edward, who died unmarried 23 June 1775; 2, Francis Compton Seymour, Lieut.-Colonel in the Army, who married Leonora, daughter of ... . who died 10 June 1795, aged 41, and by whom he had three sons, for whose descendants see the ' Peerage ' by J. Foster. Arms : Per pale — the dexter, Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or, on a "pile gu. betw. six fleurs-de-lis az. three lions pass. gard. of the first (the coat of augmentation granted by King Henry VIII.) ; 2 and 3, Gu., two wings conjoined in lure or, Seymour. The sinister, Sa., a /esse betw. three leopards' faces or, Payne. Crest : From a crest coronet or, a phoenix inflames, allppr. Supporters — dexter, A unicorn arg., ducally gorged per pale az. and or., chained, armed, maned, and tufted of the last ; sinister, A bull az., ducally gorged, chained and armed or. Motto : Foy pour devoir. The arms, crest, and supporters should be differenced by a mullet for a third son. In memoriam Docti et Reverendi viri PAYNE. Thomse Payne, A.M. Hujusce aedis nuper canonici et eccl : Paroch : S. Cadoci in com. Brecon : Pastoris fidelissimi 192 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Hoc amoris pariter et Doloris monumentum Lugentes posuere conjux Liberique Visit Annos lxxxi ob: ix m0 Cal: Jan: mdccxvii Judithea Payne ejusdem vidua obiit ix n0 die Maii A.D. MDCCCXIII JEtat. lxxxv. Arms: Quarterly, 1 and 4, Sa., a fess betw. three leopards' faces or, Payne; 2 and 3, Arg., a wivern wings erect gu., Drake ; imp. Arg., a lion ramp. gu. SEYMOUR. HYDE. PAYNE. Sacred to the memory of Mary eldest Daughter of Lord and Lady Frances Seymour first married to John Hyde Esq re one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Calcutta afterwards to John Payne of Droxford Hants Esq. Her mortal remains are deposited in the Vault of the new Burial Ground belonging to the parish of S* George Hanover Square Middlesex She died the 12 th of April 1814 aged 62. This monument is erected as a testimony of affection by her surviving husband who with her Daughters must ever continue to lament the loss of a wife and mother Highly distinguished through life by the exemplary discharge of all her various duties. John Payne departed this life March 10 th 1819 aged 56. Cathedral Register. By licence from the Archbishop of Canterbury, John Hyde, Esq., of East Green- wich, Kent, bachelor, and Mary Seymour, spinster, of this Liberty, married 17 Sep. 1773. Witnesses, Francis Seymour, William Lee, and Edward Seymour. 1806 April 18 M r John Hyde, bur. 1810 Mar. 16 M r George Hyde, bur. SEYMOUR. To the memory of Catherine Seymour Relict of the Right Honorable and Reverend Lord Francis Seymour late Dean of this Cathedral Church MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 193 In life she had the heartfelt happiness of enjoying that truly great and enviable character which comprises the sincere Christian, the affectionate Wife and good Mother and in death she put off the trappings of mortality in the assured hope of more perfect bliss She died December 21 st a.d. 1801 aged 75. Leonora the exemplary Wife of the Honorable Lieut : Col : Francis Seymour the only surviving son of the above, died June 10 th 1795 aged 41. Sarah, beloved daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth FORD. Ford quietly resigned her soul to God, Febry 14th 1745 ^ i 9> in the prime of youth & innocence. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1726 Jan. 7 Sarah dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Ford ; born 26 Dec, priv. bap. and received into the Church 11 Jan. 1731 May 20 John s. of Thomas Ford, Priest Vicar and Prebendary, and of Elizabeth his w. 1734 Aug. 13 Henry s. of Thomas Ford and Elizabeth his w. Burials. 174£ Feb. 20 Sarah dau. of the Rev. M r Ford. 1746 Sep. 1 The Rev. Thomas Ford, M.A., Vicar and Prebendary. 17|§ Mar. 8 Henry s. of the Rev. M r Ford and Martha his w. 1784 Jan. 12 M ra Ann Ford, w. of D r James Ford; brought from Old Bond Street, London. 1809 Sep. 23 Edward Ford, Esq., bur. in the south cloister. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. 1727 Nov. 10 M r » Sarah Ford, of High Street, bur. c 194 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sacred to the memory of HARKNESS. Robert Harkness, Clerk, M.A. Vicar of East Brent in this County he fell asleep full of faith in the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ April 27 th 1839 aged 41 years. As a Pastor, Husband, Father, Brother, Friend, he was most sincerely and justly beloved. Reader ! Thou shalt shortly die What is thy hope ? The following on the leaves of a book carved at the top : — I will ransom them from the power of the grave ; I will redeem them from death : death, I will be thy plagues ; grave, I will be thy destruction : repentance shall be hid from mine eyes. Hosea xiii. 14. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life : he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live : and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this 1 John xi. 26, 26. ^.«/a This tablet is erected GOULD. in memory of the Reverend Henry Gould, A.M. Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral for the space of fourty four years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 195 He was of an ancient and Honorable house in the County of Somerset on whose name he shed lustre by many admirable qualities He was an elegant Scholar and accomplished Gentleman and he departed this life sincerely respected and deeply lamented by his family on the 21 8t day of August in the year of our Lord 1839 at the advanced age of 85. Arms : Az., a lion ramp, or betw. three scrolls arg. Crest : A demi-lion ramp, or, holding a scroll arg. The family of Gould was very ancient and spread over the counties of Dorset, Somerset, and Devon ; they generally bore, Or, on a chev. betw. three roses az. as many rose-leaves of the first. In the Visitation of Dorset in 1623 they are allowed, Per saltire az. and or, a lion ramp, counterchanged. Sacred to the memory of PULSFORD. the Rev. Charles Henry Pulsford, A.M. a Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral and Vicar of Burnham he departed this life on the 15 th day of March in the year of our Lord 1841 aged 59. This monument is erected as a tribute of the most grateful and affectionate respect by his widow. Inscribed on a book cut in marble : — Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die, and not lire. 196 WELLS CATHEDRAL. GOOCH. Delectissimo Eidemque amantissimo Patri Reverendi ad modurn in Christo Patris Thomje Gooch S.T.P. Joanni Gooch Baronetti Episcopi Eliensis Filio natuo minimo superstates duce et moerentes filia Maria Radcliffe et Rachael Beadon Hoc marmor Pie posuerunt A.D. 1806. 1806 Jan. 16 Cathedral Register. Rev. John Gooch, D.D., Prebendary of Ely, Rector of Ditton and Willingham, co. Cambridge, aged 75 years ; bur. in the Lady Chapel. The Right Rev. Sir Thomas Gooch, second Baronet, Bishop of Ely (previously Bishop of Bristol and of Norwich), married first Mary, daughter of the Very Rev. William Sherlock, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, and sister of the Right Rev. Thomas Sherlock, Bishop of London, by whom he had issue, Sir Thomas Gooch, third Baronet. He married secondly Harriet, second daughter of Sir Thomas Miller, Bart., of Froyle, co. Hants, by whom he had, with other children, the above Rev. John Gooch, who married .... and left two daughters, his coheirs : Mary, married to .... Radcliffe, and Rachael, married the Right Rev. Richard Beadon, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Arms: Per pale arg. and sa., a chev. letw. three talbots pass, all counterchanged, on a chief gu. as many leopards'' faces or. Crest : A talbotpass. per pale arg. and sa. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 197 BEADON. M.S. Praesulis viri Reverendi Ricardi Beadon, S.T.P. qui litteras quarum rudimentis in scholae Tivertonensi puer optime fuerat imbutus in Divi Johannis Collegio apud Cantabrigienses adolescens et vir perdiscebat quid mens rite et assiduo labore exculta posset insigne daturus exemplum In eodem quippe Collegio studiorum praemiis non semel donatus socii, Prgelectorisque muneribus perfunctus est orator deinde publicus ; et Collegii Jesu magister factus Vice Cancellarii academise bis prsesidebat Provectiori demum setate Gloucestriae primo, hujusce deinceps ecclesise Episcopus tandem inter suos spe, fide, caritate plenus placida morte senex requievit. Bishop Beadon was the third son of Robert Beadon, Esq., by Mary, daughter of the Rev. Dr. F. Squire, and niece of Dr. Samuel Squire, Bishop of St. David. A pedigree of the Bishop's descendants is appended, which does not appear in Burke's ' Landed Gentry.' The arms of the Rev. Canon Frederick Beadon, Rector of North Stoneham, Hants (the centenarian), as they appeared in his lifetime in one of the windows of his church, are : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Sa., three lions pass, gar d. arg. with human faces ppr. in pale; 2 and 3, Arg., on a chev. eng. az. betw. three martlets sa. as many crescents or, Watson ; imp. Quarterly of six, 1, Gu.,/rom a/ess or, charged with two barrulets az., a demi- lion ramp, issuant of the second; 2, Per bend embattled gu. and arg. ; 3, Or, two lions pass. gu. betw, three crosses-crosslet fitchee sa. ; 4, Erin., on a bendaz. three cinquef oils 198 WELLS CATHEDRAL. or; 5, Vert, on a chev. betw. three lucks' heads caloshed or as many mullets gu.; 6, as the first. The Rev. Frederick Beadon was the third son of the Rev. Edward Beadon (elder brother of the Bishop), by Mary, daughter and coheir of Sir "William Watson, M.D., and married Mary Anne, eldest daughter of the Rev. Henry Wilder, LL.D., of Purley Hall, Berks. Sacred to the memory of Rachael BEADON. widow of the Right Reverend Richard Beadon, D.D., Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, and youngest daughter and coheiress of The Reverend John Gooch, D.D., Prebendary of Ely, born September 26 th 1757 died December 3 rd 1839. PEDIGREE OF DESCENDANTS OF BISHOP BEADON. Richard Beadon, D.D., born 1737 ; Bishop of Gloucester, translated tc^pRachael, da. and coheir Bath and Wells ; died April 1824. Third son of Robert Beadon, Esq., by Mary, da. of the Rev. Francis Squire, Chancellor and Canon Residentiary of Wells (Chancellor Squire was buried in the Cathedral 12 Feb. 1749-50, according to the Register, but there is no monument to him). of the Rev. John Gooch, D.D., Prebendary of Ely, son of Rev. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. Richard Beadon, born 1777 ; mar. 15 May 1805 ; died 1858. He had=f=Annabella, da. of Sir Wil- a grant of these arms, viz., Sable, three lions passant ermine, with I liam Pierce Ashe a Court, human faces in profile proper, between four crosses patle or, all in Bart., M.P. ; sister of Wil- pale. Crest : A mount vert, thereon a lion as in the arms, surmount- liam, first Lord Heytes- ing a cross patee fitchie or. Motto : Fide et Virtute. bury. William Frederick Beadon=^Jessie Maria Ward, Richard a Court Beadon,=pIsabella, da. of of Inner Temple, Barrister- at-Law, born 1808 ; died 1862. da. of General James Patisson Cockburn, R.A. born 27 June 1809 ; bapt. 20 July 1809 (Cathedral Register) ; formerly Vicar of Cheddar ; Prebendary of Wells. the Rev. White, D.D., of Hampstead, Midd. Isabella Sophia Beadon, born 1836=r=Hon. W. Holmes a Court Caroline Beadon, born 1838 William Frederick a Court, and others. 1 William= Susan, 1 Jessie 1 Eliza- 1 Jessie Charles James= Julia Sant Cockburn, 1 Anna- Van- da. of Ellen beth Beadon, Beadon, born 2nd da. of William bella sittart .... Beadon, Bea- died 1858 ; mar. 27 Alexander Parry Bea- Beadon, Winter. died don, infant. Aug. 1890. Cockburn, Esq., late don, born infant. born of the War Office. born 1849. 1852. 1860. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 199 Frances, da. of Lieut. -=pHyde Wyndham Beadon, born 1 May^Caroline, da. of Hon. P. Pley- General Sir William Ponsonby, K.C.B. 1st wife. 1812 ; bapt. 26 Sep. 1812 (vide Cathedral Register). Vicar of Latton, Wilts ; M.A. ; Hon Canon of Bristol. del Bouverie of Brymore, co. Somerset. 2nd wife. I I A son, died infant. Mary Beadon, born 1842. A son, died in- fant. I I I Caroline Maria Bea- Richard = Caroline, Gertrude Annabella don, born 1850. Frances Beadon, born 1852. Gooch da. of Beadon, Rev. . , born Jones. 1854. Beadon, born 1855. Margaret Beadon, born 1861. Harriet, da. of Major=j=Sir Cecil Beadon, K.C.S.I.,=f=Agnes, da. of Annabella^Henry Austin Sneyd. 1st wife. Lieut.-Governor, Bengal ; born 1816 ; died 1880. W. Sterndale, Beadon. Esq. 2nd wife. Bruce, Esq., now Lord Aberdare. Henry=pConstance, da. Margaret Cecelia=pDouglas Rachel^A. Vernon Jessie^Rev. W. Bruce of Bruce, died 1877 Beckett, Esq. C.Rich- Bruce, mond. Harcourt. Bruce. Wynne Jones. I I II I I Henry Lyndhurst Bruce Lyttle- Mildred Harcourt, Bernard Har- Margaret Bruce, and others. ton Rich- — court, and Jones, and mond. Mabel Harcourt, others. others. Ill II Imogene Bea- Eirene Beadon, Hilda a Court Beadon, Lancelot Beadon, Violet Beadon, don,bornl870. born 1872. born 1877 ; died 1880. born 1875. born 1879. Helen Bea-=pSir Henry Philip Canning Guy Cecil Bea- Isabel Bea- Arthur E. Beadon, don, born M. Plow- Beadon, died don, born 1864 ; don, born born 1868 ; Lieuten- 1861. den. infant. Lieutenant 1867. ant Wiltshire Regi- B.S.C. ment. A daughter. Cecil Beadon (Colonel), H.M.I.A., born 1839=FEleanor, da. of Colonel Plowden. Cecil Henry Bea- Henry Cecil Beadon, Lieutenant George Beadon, Jessie Cecil Bea- don, died infant. Derbyshire Regiment, born 1869. died infant. don, born 1875. Eve Beadon, died Madeline Beadon, Elinor Ruth Beadon, Phoebe Charlotte Beadon, infant. died infant. died 1886. born 1882. Richard Beadon (Colonel), H.M.I.A., born 1840 ; died 1884^=Elinor, da. of W. Sterndale, Esq V Harriet=j=Pierre Elinor Richard Ralph a Frances Ash- Margaret Bea- William F. a Beadon. Char- Katherine Court Beadon, ley Beadon, don, born riole. Beadon. born 1869. died infant. 1873. Court Beadon, died infant. Richard Charriole. A daughter. Henry Sneyd Beadon, B.C.S., born 1841 j^Ellen, da. of General Boddam. B died 27 Aug. 1890. c | 200 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cecil Beadon, Henry Cecil Grace Ellen Agnes Vernon Doris Beadon, died infant. Beadon. Beadon. Beadon. Beadon. Beadon. died infant. Edward Beadon^Edith, da. of Charles born 1846 ; died 1886. Edwards, Esq. 1883. died William^ a Court Beadon. Charles Cecil Beadon. Edward Snejd Beadon. : Florence, da. Hyde Elphinstone Harold of Colonel Beadon, born 1851; Beadon, Dixon. died 1885. born 1853. Charles a Court Phyllis Beadon. Beadon. MOSS. To the memory of Charles Moss, A.M. Arch d of S* David's and Canon and Precentor of this church who died May 1805 aged 68. And of his children Sarah who died June 1796 aged 14, Charles, A.M. Prebendary of this Cathedral who died October 1801 aged 24, and of John who died May 1811 aged 27. Desiring her remains may be deposited in this Church with her most beloved husband and in hope of a Joyful resurrection with them through Christ to life everlasting Mary who died in 1825 Eet. 76, erected this monument. Arms : Ermine, a cross patee sable. Crest : From a mural coronet, an eagle's head. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 201 EYRE. To the memory of the Rev d Thomas Eyre, LL.D., eldest son of the Reverend Thomas Eyre sometime Chancellor of this Diocese and brother of Sir James Eyre, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Rector of Fovant and Chilmark in the County of Wilts Treasurer of Wells Cathedral and Canon Residentiary of Wells and Salisbury who died March 26 th 1812 aged 81, deservedly respected, beloved, and lamented. Also to the memory of Arabella Eyre, sister of the Rev d Thomas Eyre, LL.D. who died January 15 th 1784 aged 45. Also to the memory of Ann Eyre Relict of the Rev d Thomas Eyre, LL.D. who died August the 28 th 1823 aged 78 years. Arms : Arg., on a chev. set. three quatrefoils of the first, Eyre ; imp. Arg., a chev. betw. seven dragons' 1 heads erect couped close to the head vert, 4, 1, and 2, from the mouth of each a cross-crosslet fitchee gu., Michell of Truro, Cornwall. 1740 1742 Dec. 10 1740 1784 1812 Oct. 8 Jan. 22 April 11 Cathedeal Register. Baptisms. Frances dau. of the Rev. Thomas Eyre and Ann his w., having been privately bap., was received into the Church 5 June. Ann and Henrietta daus. of M r Chancellor Eyre, born and privately bap. Burials. Margaret Ann dau. of Thomas and Ann Eyre. M rs Arabella Eyre, of Close Hall in this Liberty. Rev. Thomas Eyre, LL.D., Treasurer and Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral, aged 81. In the Lady Chapel. 1732 May 17 1733 Aug. 19 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Richard s. of the Rev. M r Chancellor Eyre ; born 16 April, priv. bap. ; from High Street. Margaret dau. of y e Worshipful M r Eyre, Chancellor of this Diocese, of High Street ; born 18 Aug., priv. bap., and carried to y e Cathedral 21 Sep. DD 202 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sacred to the memory of Susanna Letitia wife of HENNING. Charles Masterman Henning of this Parish Esq., second Daughter of the late NARES. Hon able Sir George Nares one of his Majesty's Judges of the Court of Common Pleas She departed this life December 25 th 1818 aged 55, leaving issue one son and one daughter. Sudden the stroke, but if to man be given The power to judge what souls are fit for heaven We well may hope, Her spirit was prepared, And God in mercy all harsh warnings spared. Arms : Barry of six arg. and az., on a chief gu. three plates ; imp. Gu., on a fe, arg. three spear-heads sa. LAYNG. To the memory of George Layng, gent. (son of Henry Layng, D.D. Archdeacon and Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral) who departed this life March 9, 1789 aged 74 years. Also to his wife Mary who died Sept. the 7 th 1786 aged 66 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 203 And of George, Eobert and Creyghton sons of the above, they died in their infancy. This tablet is erected as a tribute of affection by Ann Jeboult, widow, their daughter. (Mural tablet.) BRYDGES. Eobertus Brydges tarn coelo quam parentibus desideratus post brevem in terres indultam absenti moram accitus paruit puer innocens nondum octennis et obiit Nov. 12, 1712. Non queremur viator mortem non agimus injuriarum damno flecit minore quae pauciores plures annos eripuit Jacet cum 4 t0 filius Marshal et Franciscaa Brydges quam quae. (Mural tablet.) To the memory of the BRYDGES. Rev* 1 Robert Brydges and Rachael his wife the former lies interred near this place 1771. This tablet is erected by their relative George Brydges Granville Esq. of the City of Chester, Banker 1825. (Mural tablet.) 204 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sacred to the memory of BRYDGES. Kempe Brydges, Gentleman late of this city youngest son of Marshal Brydges late Chancellor and Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral who departed this life in the Seventy-seventh year of his age. Also of Eleanor Brydges wife of the said Kempe Brydges, who died in her eighty-fourth year. After living together above fifty years surrounded by every domestic comfort and beloved by all that knew them are interred in the same grave near to this spot leaving issue one son Kempe Brydges, and one daughter GRANVILLE. Frances Granville, the latter of whom erected this monument from motives of the purest affection and veneration. (Mural tablet.) Marshal Brydges was the third son of Marshal Brydges of Tiberton Court, co. Hereford (son of William Brydges of Tiberton Court, by Ann, daughter and coheir of Edmund Marshal, Esq., of Essex), by Mary, daughter of Francis Kempe, Esq., of Wycombe, Bucks, and so of founder's kin at All Souls, Oxford. Born 2 Dec. 1665. He became a Fellow of All Souls College, took Holy Orders, was Chancellor and Canon Residentiary of Wells Cathedral. He married Frances, daughter of Robert Creyghton, only surviving son of Robert Oreyghton, Bishop of Bath and Wells, by whom he had issue : — i. William Brydges of London, died s.p. ii. Edmund, married first, 15 Jan. 1739, Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William Brydges (son of Francis, son of Marshal Brydges and Mary Kempe) of Tiberton Court, and had an only son Francis William Thomas Brydges of Tiberton Court, who, by his wife Anne, fifth daughter of Thomas Phillipps, Esq., of Eaton Bishop, had two daughters his coheirs : Ann, married Rev. Henry Lee Warner of Walsing- ham Abbey in Norfolk ; and Catherine, married the Rev. Reginald Wynniatt of Guiting Grange, co. Gloucester. in. Kempe Brydges of Wells, married Miss Eleanor Dawson, and dying in 1792 left issue : 1, Kempe, born in 1749, married .... daughter of ... . Crabtree of Suffolk, by whom he had two daughters ; 2, Frances, married George Grenville, Esq. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 205 iv. Robert, died young in 1712. v. Robert, in Holy Orders. vi. Frances, married .... Hiuchliffe, Esq., of London. Arms : Arg., on a cross sa. a leopard' 's face or. For a fuller account of this family see Burke's ' Commoners.' Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1702 Oct. 16 Marshal s. of M r Marshall Bridges and Frideswade his w. 170f William s. of Marshal Bridges and Frideswade (sic) ; born 20 March. 1704 Mar. 7 Robert s. of Marshal Bridges, clerk, of this Liberty, and Frances his w. 1711 Feb. 12 Edmund s. of M r Marshal Bridges, Chancellor of this Church ; born 25 Jan. preceding. 17yf Jan. 7 Robert s. of M r Marshal Bridges and Frances his w. 1715 May 5 Ann dau. of M r Marshal Bridges and Frances his w. ; born 18 April. Burials. 1702 Dec. 25 Marshal s. of M r Marshal Bridges. 1730 June 25 M rs Brydges, widow of the Rev. M r Marshal Brydges, Chancellor and Canon Residentiary. 1771 Nov. 16 The Rev. M r Robert Bridges. 1783 Feb. 14 M rs Eleanor Brydge, aged 83 ; in the Lady Chapel. From the Bishop's transcripts of parish registers we find that Thomas Bridges, Esq., and Mrs. Anna Rodney were married at Pilton 15 Oct. 1640 ; and the same authority supplies the baptism of Mary, daughter of Mr. Richard Bridges, at the Abbey Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Bath, on 14 Dec. 1624. While from the marriage allegations at Wells we learn that Mr. Arthur Flower applied for a licence for the marriage of William Merricke of Keynsham, merchant, and Hester Bridges of Winterburne, co. Gloucester, spinster, which was granted 30 Nov. 1677, the marriage to take place at Keynsham, Farmborough, Farleigh, or Compton Dando. H. S. E. CREYGHTON. Robertus Creyghton vel Crichton, primum Thesaurarius hujus ecclesa? CathedraliR dein Decanus demum Bathon & Wellen : Episcopus, natus Deniecaledonia? in Borealis Scotia? : per patrem Thomam ex antiquis Ruvenia? Toparchiis, per matrem Margaretam Stuart Johannis Jacobidas filiam ex illustrissima familia Stuartorum comitum Atholia? Johannis 2 di Scotia? Regis a fratre pronepos Egit in terris 79 circiter annos Quorum 6 consumpsit Westmonasterii in schola Regia 26 Cantabrigia? in Trinitatis Collegio, aliquandia Orator Academise publicus et simul Greece Lingua? professor atq : alios 206 WELLS CATHEDRAL. in super 26 duobus Regibus subservit, Caroli 1 et 2 sacellanus in ordine per omnes illorum temporum calamitates utriq : fide- lissimus exul. Caroli 2 dl inperpetuo comitatu. Tandema Rege Regum accepit mercedem. Quam mortale corpus meruit et quam imortalis anima speravit : Novem. xxi° oiodolxxii Anno consecrationis tertio. (Mural tablet.) This inscription was doubtless formerly part of the large monument, having the recumbent effigy of the Bishop, in the St. John Chapel. The statement in Burke's 'Commoners' (vol. iv., p. 55), on the authority of this monument, that Bishop Creyghton was born at Dunkeld, is an error. The deduction from the inscription appears to be that the Bishop's father, Thomas Crichton, was a younger son of Crichton of Ruthven, but the arms being different, for Crichton of Ruthven bore, Arg., a lion ramp, az., on a chief of the last three lozenges of the first ; while the head of the family at that time, Viscount Frendraught, bore, Arg., a lion ramp, az., armed and langued gu., Ruthven being a cadet of Frendraught, but it is quite possible the Bishop discontinued the chief and made the field ermine for difference. By his wife Frances, daughter of William Walrond, Esq., he had : — i. Robert, Canon of Wells, etc., who married and had issue : Alexander, died 1739 ; Catherine, married Rev. Henry Layng, Archdeacon of Wells ; Frances, married Marshall Brydges ; and Margaret, mar. Rev. John Pope, Chancellor of Wells. ii. Thomas, buried in the Cathedral. in. George. iv. Katherine, mar. to Francis Poulett. The Bishop's will is dated 17 Nov. 1672, and was proved by his son Robert 31 Dec. 1672. (P.C.C., 148 Eure.) H. S. E. CREYGHTON. Francisca Creyghton Annos nata 68 denata 3° Calend Nov brl8 1683 Gulielmi Walrond arm ri F. Rev ndl in X t0 Patris ac D fti Roberti Bathon & Wellen MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 207 Epi. conjux vidua, bis Relicta, marito non ita pridem defuncto, quondam exule : digna meliore fortuna nisi esset incertum an de Secunda qua modeste ac moderate uti, an de infensa qua frui didicit filicius atq. illustrius triumphant, neq : enim unquam comisit ut quam sors versabilis et lubrica toties exercuisset, ipsa sibi non constaret aut esset dissimilis sui etiam cum omnibus vitae ornamentis spoliaretur pcene ad invidiam magna Exule marito, dum nondum ingravesceret valetuto, cum pestibus patriae cum perduellam fanaticorum odio, annis plus minus x strenue ; Reduce cum morbo crudeliore fortiter xx annos integros et quod supra est conflixit : Tanti stetit ilia victoria. Nos infelices reliquiae, si harum rerum recordatio et memoria una cum ilia occidisset defunctee desiderium ferre non possemus nunc vero in pussimae foeminae nomine atq' exemplo conquiescentes exultare plane videmur victoresq' de fortunll ac de omni prorsus delore triumphamus. Hanc quasi virtutis aram ad memoriam (Bternitatis posuit super stes filius R. C. ffujus EccVia Prcecentor et Canonicus. Arms : Arg., three bulls' heads caboshed sa., "Walrond, being those of her family only. This tablet is doubtless only a portion of the original monument. Her father is commemorated by a floorslab in the Cathedral, which see. Her will, as Frances Creyghton of Wells, widow, dated 20 November 1678, and proved 22 February 1683 by her son Robert (P.C.C., 13 Hare), names her grandson Robert, son of Dr. Robert Creyghton ; also Katherine and Margaret, daus. of Robert Creyghton, D.D. ; her dau. Katherine Poulett ; and her son George Creyghton. In the Parish Register of St. Cuthbert, Wells, is recorded the marriage of John Creyghton of Drysdale, co. Annandale, Scotland, and Jane Dowden of East Pennard on 2 January 1718. In the same register we find the baptism of Mary, dau. of William and Abigail Creyghton on 7 June 1696. The following Creyghton entries from the Cathedral Registers will be most conveniently grouped together here :— Baptisms. Robert s. of M r Robert Creyghton and Fersweed his w. Katherine dau. of M r Robert Creyghton and Fredesweed his w. Margaret dau. of M r Robert Creyghton and Fredesweed his w. Frances dau. of D r Robert Creyghton and Frisweed his w. Frizweed dau. of D r Robert Creyghton and Frizweed his w. Margaret dau. of M r Robert Creyghton and Susanna his w. 1673 April 1 1674 Mar. 15 1676 Feb. 23 1679 July 9 1681 Mar. 12 1712 Oct. 21 208 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1713 Jan. 5 Catherine dau. of M r Robert Creyghton and Susanna his w. 1715 July 14 Matthew s. of M r Robert Creyghton and Susanna his w. ; born 4 July. 1716 Nov. 6 Henry s. of M r Robert Creyghton and Susanna his w. 1719 May 8 Stuart dau. of M r Robert Creyghton and Susanna his w. ; born 17 April. 1721 April 14 Elizabeth dau. of M r Robert Creyghton and Susanna his w. ; born 3 April. 1730 Oct. 15 John s. of M r John Taylor, jun r ; born 30 Sep. Weddings. 1695 April 17 M r Henry Lang, of Winsham, and M rs Catherine Creyghton. 1701 Dec. 2 M r Marshall Bridges and Frances Creyghton, of this Liberty. 170^ Feb. 14 M r John Pope, of Wells, and M rs Margaret Creyghton, of this Liberty. 1725 Nov. 18 John Taylor, apothecary, of the parish of S l Cuthbert, and Susan Creyghton ; by licence. Burials. 1672 Dec. — Robert Creyghton, Lord Bishop of the Diocess, was buried in December. M r Thomas Creyghton. Lady Frances Creyghton, of the Liberty. Capt. George Creyghton. Fresweed w. of D r Creyghton. Margaret dau. of M r Robert Creyghton. Robert s. of D r Robert Creyghton, M.A., and Precentor of this Church. D r Robert Creyghton, Precentor and Canon of this Cathedral ; died 17 Feb. Susanna w. of M r John Taylor. M rs Ann Creyghton. M rs Creyghton. 1674 Nov. 13 1683 Nov. 2 1685 June 13 1685 Dec. 7 1732 Dec. 15 1732 Dec. 22 173| Feb. 22 1735 Sep. 16 1741 Feb. 5 1762 Mar. 15 Will of A. Creighton. Alexander Creighton of St. John's, Glastonbury, mercer. Will dated 7 Aug. 1736 ; proved at Wells 18 Aug. 1739 by the trustees. Names marriage settlement with Hannah his wife, annuity of twenty pounds a year ; confirms certain rent charges to John Earle of Shepton Mallet, mercer ; John Routhedge of Newport Pagnel, Bucks, laceman ; John Wilcox, woolcomber ; and James Fell, schoolmaster, both of St. John, Glastonbury, in trust. The house, etc., in which he dwells, with other lands, to his son John Creighton at 21 years of age, remainder over to dau. Mary, wife of the above John Routhedge. Brother John Creighton of Drusedale in the co. of Annandale in Scotland. Witnesses, Robert Watson, John Stroud, William Maddock. Seal, an eagle displayed, but not on a shield. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 209 TURNER. Near this place are deposited the remains of the Venerable John Turner, A.M., Archdeacon of Taunton and for the space of almost Forty year Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral during which period he watched with singular constancy over the performance of those solemn services to which it is consecrated. His unaffected piety displayed itself in his pastoral character, by the singleness of heart with which he discharged its important duties within these walls, by the simple and artless eloquence with which he enforced the Doctrines of Christianity in every relation of life, by the Purity, innocence and active benevolence of his whole conduct. In testimony of deep and affectionate veneration his three surviving children have raised this monument to his memory. Born May 31 st 1734. Died March 28 th 1817. Arms : Erm., on a cross quarterly pierced sa. four millrinds arg. ; imp. Arg., two bars gu., in chief a lion pass. gard. of the second. Crest : A lion pass. gard. sa., holding in the dexter paw a millrind arg. The colours of the crest are sometimes reversed, the lion being silver and the millrind sable. TURNER. BURNABY. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Maria Louisa relict of the Venerable John Turner Archdeacon of Taunton and Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral, eldest daughter of Vice Admiral Sir William Burnaby Baronet BE 210 WELLS CATHEDRAL. late of Broughton Hall in the county of Oxford. She died December 10 th 1829 aged 84 years, Cathedral Register. 1786 June 11 William Henry s. of John Turner, Archdeacon of Taunton, and Elizabeth his w., baptized. 1788 Nov. 9 Harriot Anne dau. of the Rev. John Turner, Archdeacon of Taunton, and Elizabeth Maria Louisa his w., baptized ; born 12 Oct. 1791 Nov. 12 Marianne dau. of the Rev. John Turner and Elizabeth Maria Louisa his w. : born 14 Oct. In memory of PARFITT. William Parfitt of this city Gentleman who died 23 rd May 1837 aged 56 years. This monument was erected by his affectionate widow. Also of Ann widow of the above named William Parfitt who died 9 th November 1841 aged 66 years. Sacred to the memory of PARFITT. the Rev d Peter Lewis Parfitt who after 57 years' service as Priest Vicar of this Cathedral died in the 80 th year of his age 17 th December 1857. Also of his eldest son Edward Parfitt Gent. Deputy Registrar of this Diocese who died the 4 th November 1857 aged 48 years. And of Eliza widow of the Rev d P. L. Parfitt who died in this city 3 rd March 1871 aged 86. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 211 Beneath this stone are deposited the mortal remains FRANKLAND. of the Rev d Roger Frankland, M.A. of Muntham in Sussex, Canon of this Cathedral, Rector of Yartington and Yicar of Dulverton both in this Diocese. He was the youngest son of Ad 1 Sir Tho s Frankland Bart, of Thirkleby in Yorkshire, was born on the 17 tb Nov r 1762, and married the 14 th of June 1792 Catherine youngest daughter of John, 9 th Lord Colville of Culross in the kingdom of Scotland & by her he had twelve children. To a highly cultivated & accomplished mind which shone forth COLVILLE. even in his last days, he united all the warm & benevolent feelings of the heart, his truly gentlemanlike & engaging manners, his ready and lively wit, added to his universal knowledge made him a brilliant and cherished ornament to society. In his intercourse with mankind, he was strictly honourable & upright in the fulfilment of the relative duties of life. None could exceed him for he was a good son, a tender faithful & affectionate husband, a fond and indulgent parent. Tho' blest with talents calculated to shine in public life he early retired to the duties of a village pastor, which he faithfully discharged for twenty six years beloved and respected by all his parishioners. The mild patience & resignation with which he supported his last illness united to his affectionate & touching deportment to his weeping and surrounding family must ever be present to their recollection & endear his memory to their hearts. Finally, beloved & regretted by all who knew him he departed this life the 25 th of March 1826 and (to use his own words) in the full hope of the mercies of God thro' the redemption of Jesus Christ. This monument is erected & inscribed to his memory by his devoted wife & deeply afflicted widow. 212 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Arms : Az., a dolphin emb. or, on a chief of the second two saltires gu., Frankland ; imp. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Arg., a cross moline sa., Colville ; 2 and 3, Gu., afess chequy arg. and sa., Lindsey. Crest : A dolphin arg. hauriant and entivined round an anchor erect ppr. Motto : Franke Lande. There ought to be a mullet above the dolphin, the difference of a third son, the Rev. R. Frankland being the third son of the fifth Baronet. FRANKLAND. COLVILLE. To the memory of the Hon able Catherine widow of the late Rev d R. Frankland, Canon of this Cathedral, who departed this life 19 th Sep r 1843 at Clifton aged 71 years. Her remains were interred in Bristol Cathedral with those of her father Lord Colville of Culross. She was a virtuous and loving wife and the affectionate mother of 12 children one of whom erected this tablet. Of these children : — i. Frederick William Frankland succeeded his cousin as eighth Baronet. ii. Edward Augustus Frankland, Rear- Admiral R.N. in. Charles Colville Frankland, Admiral R.N., died in 1876. iv. George Frankland, Lieutenant 65th Regiment, born Jan. 1800, died 30 Dec. 1838, having married, 18 July 1822, Anne, third daughter of Thomas Mason of London, Solicitor, by whom he had a son and two daughters, viz. (1) Augustus Charles Frankland, 2nd Regiment Bombay European Light Infantry, born 21 Sep. 1826, killed at the battle of Korshaf in Persia 8 Feb. 1857, having married, 22 Sep. 1851, Clara, daughter of H. Williams, Esq.— she died 17 Dec. 1851 ; (2) Sophia Catherine, married to Charles Payne Barras, Colonel Bombay S.C. ; (3) Georgina Anne, married, 12 Sep. 1847, to Colonel John Thomas Francis, Bombay S.C. v. Arthur. vi. Emma. vii. Matilda. vin. Catherine Henrietta. ix. Octavia. x. Sophia. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 213 KING. Hoc juxta marmor jacent relique Walkeri King, D.D., S.S.A., Jacobi King, D.D., Raphoes apud Hibernos Decani fit nati apud Clitheroe in comitatu Lancastr. primus literis sedborgiae imbutum proxime excepte deu nas Coll : apud Oxoniensis Mox adhuc puerum C.C.C. Scholarem cooptavit paulo post in domum nob issira Ducis de Richmondia Praeceptoris deinde Honorissimi Marchionis de Rockinghamia loco secretan receptus apud utrumo multos annos familiariter est commoratus Sacrum Diaconi munus amplexum C Pastorem vigilem ' < Benevolum Parochiaj^ 1 * j (. Burnham J } Hospitium Graiense ") Apud Londenensis J C Munificum f Concionatorem facundia 'J C. Haud mediocri prseditum J r Petroburgensis Residentiarium- Ecclesia \ Wellensis Qualis fuerit Ha3c Cathedralis J Cantuarensis urbs testetur LWestmonasteriensis. _, , . r Prassulem eruditissimum -CiCclesia N _, „ . -< sine remissione facilem sine Konensis / ,., , , C acerbitate severum habuere. 1 Proprius tamen vertutibus magis quam honoribus egregium se prestitit acri judicio ingenioq' praeditus multiplici doctrina tarn humana quam divina instructus arrogantae, Idem et fastus omnino puit expers amicus jam inde a juventa conjunctissimus vixit et perfidelis quos inter virum ilium admirabilem Edmundum Burke muneravit cujus et opera edendu. et absolvenda ultimos vitae annos laboriose devotit injustem omnem dominationem perosus liber tatus nequaquam licentiae turn religiosa? cum civilis vindex usque extitit 214 WELLS CATHEDRAL. aquo denique animo constanti et pio etsi cetitatem aliasq' corporis intermitatea annos prope viginti fuearit perpessus hanc vitam cum meliore commutavit sum dom. 1827 -ZEtat. suae 76. Talis viri desiderii quod sit testimonio dolorisq' sui quantin ocunue levamini Vidua et liberi superstites hoc marmor. P.O. Arms : Arg., on a saltire gu. an escallop or, See of Rochester ; imp. Sa., a lion ramp. betw. three crosses-crosslet or, King. Walker King, Bishop of Rochester, was the third son of the Very Rev. James King of Skellands, co. York, Dean of Raphoe, by Ann, daughter and coheir of John Walker of Hungerhill in West Riding of Yorkshire, and married Miss .... Dawson, by whom he had : i. Walker King, married Miss .... Haberden. ii. James King, Rector of Henley-upon-Thames, married, 12 July 1825, the Hon. Maria, daughter of the Hon. George Carleton, and sister of Guy, third Lord Dor- chester ; she died 5 May 1841. in. Anne, married to T. Woodhouse. iv. Frances, married her cousin Rev. John Myers King, Vicar of Catcomb, co. Somerset. [Shield of arms broken off.] Hie juxta cum parentum cinere suum etiam misceri voluit KEATE. Anna Keate BURLAND. Johannis et Elizabethse Burland filia, et Gulielmi Keate hujus Ecclesiae Prebendarii uxor delectissima ob. Jul. 18 A.s. 1790. iEtat. suae 50. O beatus inter annumeranda t Hoc amoris qualecunque pignus Maritus, tui, dum vinet memoi Nee diu superstes posuit Hoc accipe supremum vale ! Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1772 Jan. 1 Elizabeth dau. of the Rev. William Keate and Ann his w. ; born 24 Nov. 1771. 1773 May 4 John s. of William and Ann Keate ; born March 30. 1775 May 10 Thomas Morris s. of the Rev. M r Keate, Prebendary, and Ann his w. ; born March 31. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. Burials. 1763 Feb. . . M r8 Keate w. of M r Thomas Keate. 1790 July 23 M rs Ann Keate w. of the Rev. M r William Keate. 215 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1735 May 2 Elizabeth dau. of M r William Keate, of High Street ; born and priv. bap., brought to Church May 16. 1739 Aug. 18 William s. of M r John Keates, of High Street ; born Aug. 17, priv. bap. and brought to Church Sep. 17. Burial. 1735 Aug. 11 Elizabeth dau. of M r William Keat. HARRIS. To the memory of the R* Rev d D r John Harris Bishop of Llandaff and Dean of this Church who died in the year 1738 and of Anne his wife, both buried in the Eastern part of this Cathedral This monument was erected pursuant to the will of their son George Harris, LL.D. late of Doctors' Commons who died on the 16 th April 1796. Cathedral Register. 1738 Aug. 30 The Right Rev. Father in God D r John Harris, Lord Bishop of Llandaff and Dean of this Cathedral Church of S* Andrew, Wells, was buried. 1754 Feb. 15 Ann Harris, relict of the Right Rev. the Bishop of Llandaff, bur. HILL. Hie Conduntur reliquae Rev ndi Viri Sam. Hill, A.M. qui in Eccliae Kilmingtoniensis Rectoria 216 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Heu ! nimium diu delitescens extruii demum prsesulis favore ad Archi'natus ; Canonicorum suffragiis ad canonicatus Wellen, dignitatis (toto aptance & plaudente clero) evectus S.S. Patrum lucubrationes miro labore Conquisitas mira diligentia evoluit : Patruq'; primeevam pietatem pari Reverentia excoluit dumad stabiliendam Fidei Catholics veritatem nesariis ss tae Trinitatis proditoribus concussam ; Dum ad conservandam Ecclise Anglicanae Vuitatem temerariis Hierarchiae oppugnaroribus dilaceratam fortitur vitravit tela parum saluti suae plurimum Dei glorias prospiciens gravia a Podgrse ; graviora a Fanaticorum rabie perpessus est, ad utramq' sortem bene prseparatuin gessit pectus ; et cum ommibus innocuus diu vixisset, suis propitius, Liberatis utilis orthodoxis carus, et in solos Haereticos acriorem strinxisset Calamum tandem amiorum satur et pietate plenus eadem constantia qua vitam duxit animam efflavit 7 m0 die Martii 171£ Anno iEtat. 68. Arms : Ou., three cinquefoih arg., a chief of the last. This is not a coat of Hill, but is that of Macreth, co. Hants, and might be that of his mother, Kilmington being in that county. In hope of a blessed resurrection Near this place rest the body of Abigail the Daughter GUILFORD, of Richard Guilford, gent., and wife of D r George HOOPER. Hooper, late Lord Bishop of this Diocese with whom she lived 46 years and had by him 9 children of which 2 sons and 5 daughters dying young were buried in the Church of Lambeth in Surrey. She dyed Sep 1 the 24 th 1726 in the 71 st year of her age. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 217 Near her lyes the body of Rebecca her youngest Daughter who dyed June the 4 th 1716 in her 21 st year. As does also GUILFOED. the body of Charles Guilford, gent., her Brother who dyed in April 1707 in the 42 nd year of his age. Abigail Prowse, 4 th daughter and only surviving child of the above mentioned George Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Abigail his wife, humbly dedicates this monument to the pious memory of her most beloved and excellent mother and sister, and in grateful remembrance of her very affectionate uncle, in the year of our Lord 1728. Arms: Oyronny of eight or and erm., a toiver sa., Hooker; imp. Or, a saltire letw.four martlets sa., Guilford. In hoc Sacrario cineres suos requiescere voluit Eeverendus admodum Praeful HOOPER. Georgius Hooperus S.T.P. Magnum Ecclesiee Anglicanse decus Scientias quippe maxime reconditas Mathesin universam Antiquitates patrias exterasq' Linguas pcene omnes quotquot aut oriens protulit aut occidens Ins civile municipale Canonicum Elegantiorum literarum venu state temperaveret Theologium vere Assidust Sacri Codicis & primorum Patrum lectione F F 218 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Quasi alias omnes Scientias ignorare maluisset Totam penitus hauserat Saniorem haud dubie amplexes Tummo tamen eruditionis amore semper incensus Non ita studiis se totum tradidit Ut arduis negotiis impar Ant hominum ignarus Aut difficilis inconcinnus asper evaderet Inerat enim illi Comitate aulis principum digna Christiana simplicitas condita Ingeniam non ad literas magis Quam ad res agendas habile & versatile Mira in conciliandis sibi hominibus Solertia Sed animarum saluti unici intenta Ita cum artes dockinasq', longe dissitas conjungeret Summisq' honoribus par Nullum unquam ambiret Aditum sibi ad famam examiam Ad primarios tarn in Eepublica quam Ecclesia viros. Ad Reginarum deniq' pientissimarum Mariae & Annas patrocinium Virtute sola patefecit Itaq' ab ilia Decanatu Cantuariensi Ab hac Insula primo Tanct Asaphensi Deinde Bathons Wellenti ornatus est Quo in munere amplissimo Cum gregi tuo fideliter invigilaret Inopes occulto plerumq' munificentise fonte Sed perenni ubere late fluenti reficeret Presbyteros suos indulgentia paterna foveret Impigerrimos quosq' etiam ruri latentes In lucem & splendorem nee opinantes evecaret Bonorum omnium amorem & observantiam meruit Posteris morum exemplar pulcherrimum reliquit Obiit vi t0 Septembris a.d. mdccxxvii. JEtatis lxxxvii . This monument is really in the west cloister, but as it stands next to that of the Bishop's wife, it seemed best not to separate them by the floorslabs in the south cloister which follow. Will proved 1 Dec. 1727 (P.C.C., 285 Farrant) by Abigail Prowse. Names wife and dau. Mrs. Prowse ; also wife's brother Mr. Guilford. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 219 PARFITT. SOUTH CLOISTEE. Floorslabs. Thomas Parfitt 1769. Sarah Parfitt 1783. Maria .... FORD. Gilberti Ford .... Placide in obiit April 30 a.d. 17 . . JStat 28 (?). (A large part of this stone is quite obliterated.) Will .... (rest gone). CASTLE. Anne Castle (nearly gone, surname doubtful, rest quite gone). PULSFORD. Pulsford (This is a large stone with a long inscription, of which the one word above is all that is legible.) S.N. died August 28 th 1833. PULSFORD. William Pulsford (Surgeon of this city) Died 26 th July 1764 aged 29 years. STEVENS. William Stevens (nephew of the above) Died Oct. 1, 1796, aged 37 years. 1783 May 24 1784 Aug. 26 1786 Sep. 8 1788 June 10 1790 June 17 1791 Aug. 26 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Frances dau. of Lucas Pulsford and Jane his w. Susannah dau. of William and Susannah Pulsford. William s. of William and Susannah Pulsford ; born Sep. 5. Lucas s. of William and Susannah Pulsford; born May 29. John Nichols s. of William and Susannah Pulsford ; born May 24. Susanna Frances dau. of William and Susannah Pulsford ; born Aug. 6. 220 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1765 July 6 1781 Sep. 30 1784 Sep. 14 1786 Jan. 26 1788 Aug. 21 1791 May 20 1792 Sep. 5 1798 Aug. 28 Burials. M r William Pulsford. Martha w. of M r Benjamin Pulsford, surgeon. M r Benjamin Pulsford. M r James Pulsford. Susannah dau. of William and Susannah Pulsford. M r William Pulsford's son. Susanna Frances dau. of William Pulsford. M r William Pulsford. PULSFOED. PULSFORD. PULSFORD. Sacred to the memory of Lucas Pulsford who departed this life on the 25 th day of July 1819 aged 69 years. Also of Jane his wife deceased the 24 th day of August in the year of our Lord 1828. .... Pulsford named .... Susanna the . . . aged 11 months. (Nearly obliterated, rest quite gone.) .... William Pulsford, gent. John Nicholas Pulsford died August 2, 1798 aged 43 years. (This stone is nearly illegible, the above can only just be traced.) PULSFORD. Susanna daughter of William and Susanna Pulsford died October 16 th 1788 in the 4 th year of her age. LAYNG. To the memory of George Layng Gentleman son of Henry Layng, D.D. Archdeacon of Wells MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 221 and Canon Residentiary of this Cathedral 1789. Also Mary his wife. Underneath are the remains of WARREN. George Warren and his wife MILLER. Catherine Miller. Obiit POPE. Margaret Pope 1762. WEBBER. M ra Mary Webber died 1 st March 1705. (Nearly obliterated.) IRVING. William Irving Esq. departed this life January 13 th ... . aged 79 years. Elizabeth wife of William Irving Esq, died .... (Partly obliterated.) H. S. I. Isabella .... Rev. F ot. . . . 10 June . . . Mtab Fr P (Rest of this stone illegible.) WESTLEY. R Westley died 1 Nov. 1780. Margaret Westley 1791. (Nearly obliterated.) 222 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Henry .... M.A., and Cha .... who died January .... in the 76 th year of his age remains of Margaret his wife Daughter of (Robert Creychton ?) sometime ch . . . . in this Cathedral .... was .... (Rest quite gone.) FOSTER. WEST CLOISTER. (Mural.) Arabella F. Foster Roberti Foster, clerici filia natu secunda obiit Vae ! Quantopere desideranda Die Feb. 2 d ° 1821 Annos vixit 21. Sacred to the memory of FOSTER. Andrew Foster Esquire a native of this city Captain in the Twentyfourth Regiment of Foot who at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 223 By Forces under the command of Lieutenant General Sir David Baird, Bart., G.C.B., K.C. Fell in Battle on the eighth day of January 1806 at the head of the Grenadiers of his regiment, He had dislodged from a commanding eminence a very superior number of The Enemy When he received a mortal wound, . in the thirtyeighth year of his age, after a zealous service of sixteen years. In testimony of esteem for a brother officer whose life was as honourable as his death was glorious this monument has been erected by his Companions in arms 1818. Arms : Per chev. emb. or and vert, three eagles displ. counterchanged. Crest : An eagle displ. or. Beneath this Tablet repose the remains of Joanna Slade FOSTER. relict of the Rev d Robert Foster. Of humbleness of mind, benevolence of heart, placidity of temper, patient endurance of bodily pain, untireing watchfulness, anticipating the wants and alleviating the trials of a beloved husband when his sight had become darkened. If these and other graces united as they were with utter self renunciation and full and implicit reliance on Christ as her only Saviour and Redeemer are characteristics of the people of God we may humbly hope that she is now numbered among those of whom it has been declared : " They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels." She was born 12 th July 1778, and died 22 Nov r 1846. 224 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sacred to the memory of FOSTER. Charles Edward Foster born June 28 th 1815, died Jan. 19 th 1856. Also of William John Slade Foster (for twenty three years Town Clerk of this city) born July 29, 1816, died August 28 th 1878. Sons of the Rev d Robert and Joanna Slade Foster. FOSTER. Near this spot are deposited the remains of the Rev. Aaron Foster, A.M. Vicar Choral of this Cathedral who died in May 1790. Also of Ann wife to the above who died in Dec r 1782. Sacred to the memory of FOSTER. the Rev d Robert Foster, A.M. Prebendary and Priest Vicar of this Cathedral and Rector of Sutton Bonington, Notts He was born May 24 th 1766. Died Sep. 20, 1836. A good soldier of Jesus Christ he studied to shew himself approved of G-od a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Gentle unto all men, yet neglected not to speak the things that become sound doctrine with all authority. His eyesight weak from his birth waxed more and more dim with advancing years, till at length those who looked out of the windows were darkened but a light sprang up in the darkness, while those around shed the silent tear, contemplating his painful loss, a holy joy would brighten up his countenance so that of him it might truly be said, he kissed the rod that smote him. Thy sun shall no more go down ; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself : for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Isaiah lx. 20. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 225 FOSTER. 1758 1760 1761 1764 1766 1767 1769 May 24 1788 July 18 Sacred to the memory of Charles Edward Foster Lieutenant in the first Royal Dragoons and son of the Rev d Edward Foster Prebendary and Priest Vicar of Wells Cathedral. During the war in Spain he was engaged in various actions with the French and his gallantry is recorded in the ' Despatches ' of the Great General under whom he served subsequently he accompanied his regiment to Belgium and fell mortally wounded on the field of Waterloo June 18 th 1815 in the 26 th year of his age. Sacred also to the memory of Edward son of the Rev d F. D. Foster Rector of Dodington Gloucestershire. He died in the 5 th year of his age and was buried underneath 29 th Jan. 1841. Though so young he had strong religious impressions and his parents in the depth of their sorrow were comforted by the belief that he was one of those little ones of whom Christ said, Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. 175i Jan. 1 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Edward s. of Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann his w. ; born Nov. 18, 1757, received into the Church Feb. 2. Thomas s. of the Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann his w. ; born Jan. 7, priv. bap. and received at Church Feb. 7. Frances dau. of the Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann his w. ; born April 13, received at Church May 5. Aaron s. of the Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann ; born April 19, priv. bap. and received at Church May 5. Robert s. of the Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann his w. ; born May 24, priv. bap. and publicly received at Church June 7. Andrew s. of the Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann his w. ; born Nov. 30, priv. bap. and received at Church Dec. 14. Margaret Ann dau. of the Rev. Aaron Foster and Ann his w. ; born May 11, and priv. bap. Elizabeth dau. of the Rev. Edward Foster and Ann ; born June 14. Wedding. Rev. M r Foster, Vicar, and Ann Slade, of St. Cuthbert. Licence. G G 226 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Burials. 1782 Dec. 23 M rs Ann Foster w. of the Rev. Aaron Foster, M.A.., Priest Vicar. 1787 Aug. 12 Charles William s. of the Rev. Edward Foster and Ann his w. 1790 May 18 The Rev. M r Aaron Foster, Priest Yicar. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1644 Nov. 17 Thomas s. of M r Thomas Foster and Frances his w. 1645 May 15 Thomas s. of Henry Foster and Katherine his w. 1650 April 25 William s. of Henry Foster and Katherine his w. 1651 Feb. 26 Henry s. of Henry Foster and Katherine his w., of Queen Street. Weddings. 1610 Jan. 24 Richard Collins and Elizabeth Foster. 1634 Aug. 21 M r Henry Foster and M 1S Ann Hunt. Licence. Burials. 1631 Aug. 3 M rs Mary Foster. 1643 Dec. 7 M r Henry Foster, one of the eight Masters. 1644 May 20 M r Thomas Foster, three times Constable of Wells. 1644 Dec. 19 M rs Ann Foster w. of M r Henry Foster, one of the Masters. 1646 Oct. 27 M r Henry Foster, Alderman and five times Mayor of Wells. 1658 Feb. 16 M r Henry Foster. This tablet is erected by 0. M. Woods to the beloved memory of her uncle the Reverend FOSTER. Francis Drake Foster who died on the 23 rd September 1882 in the 88 th year of his age. He was curate of Dodington in the county of Gloucester 10 years and Rector 35 in which parish he commenced and ended his ministry. His sincere piety and singular kindliness of disposition endeared him to the hearts of all who knew him while his unobtrusive and openhanded charity won for him the respect and affection of the poor. Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. 1 Peter ii. chap., 21 v. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 227 Also in affectionate memory of her aunt FOSTER. Caroline Margaret Foster who departed this life July 4 th 1870 in the 68 th year of her age. The devoted wife of the Reverend Francis Drake Foster. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1 Thess. iv. ch., 14 v. Sacred to the memory of TAYLOR. William Taylor Esq. of the city of Wells who departed this life the 13 th Aug st 1776 in the 66 th year of his age. He lived and died with unsullied reputation, beloved respected and regretted by all his acquaintances. Here stranger deign to pay the tribute of a tear so eminently due to the memory of an honest man. In the same grave are interred the remains of Catherine his wife who died the 6 th day of January 1764 in the 50 th year of her age. This monument is erected by his brother Peter Taylor Esq, of Purbrook Park in the county of Southampton. Repaired by C. W. Taylor Esq. Member of Parliament for this city 1813. 228 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Arms : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Erm., on a chief indent, (sa.) three escallop-shells (or), Taylor ; 2 and 3, (Arg.), on a bend (sa.) three roaches of the first, Huish. Crest : A demi-lion ramp, (erm.), betw. the paivs an escallop (or). On the monument there are lines for the colours representing the chief purpure and the bend gules, but doubtless in error. The Cathedral Register records the burial on 9 Jan. 1764 of Mrs. Catherine Taylor, and on 17 Aug. 1776 the burial of William Taylor, Esq. The following extracts relating to this family will supply much additional information. St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. William s. of M r Robert Taylor. Jonathan s. of M r Jonathan Taylor ; bora 30 May. Frances dau. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street ; born June 9. William s. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street; born Jan. 15. Alice dau. of M r Charles Taylor ; born Nov. 28. William s. of M r Robert Taylor ; bora Dec. 13. Peter s. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street; born Nov. 11, priv. bap. and brought to Church Dec. 12. Jacob s. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street. Jane dau. of M r Joseph Taylor, of High Street ; bora Nov. 20. Robert s. of M 1 * John Taylor, jun r , of High Street ; born April 8, priv. bap., brought to Church April 19. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street ; bora Oct. 21. Frideswade dau. of M r John Taylor, jun r , of Sadler Street ; born Feb. 19, bap. at y e Cathedral. John s. of M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street ; born and priv. bap., brought to Church July 16. William s. of M r William Taylor, of Chamberlain Street ; born and priv. bap., brought to Church Sep. 30. Laetitia dau. of M r William Taylor ; born Dec. 8. . . . . M r Charles Taylor, jun r ; born June 7. Frances dau. of M r Stephen Taylor, of High Street ; born Jan. 14, brought to Church Feb. 16. 1739 May 23 Elizabeth dau. of M r William Taylor, of High Street; born May 15, priv. bap. and brought to Church May 30. 1739 Nov. 22 Sarah dau. of M r Charles Taylor ; born Oct. 27. Wedding. 1725 April 11 M r Robert Taylor, one of the eight Masters of this city, grocer, and M 1B Rebeckah Wood, widow, of y e same place. Licence. (For marriage of Taylor and Creyghton, see Creyghton.) Burials. 1698 Mar. 22 John s. of M r John Taylor. 1699 Sep. 25 Elizabeth dau. of M r John Taylor. 1698 Nov. 20 1699 June 5 1706 June 30 1708 Jan. 23 1708 Dec. 8 1710 Dec. 26 1714 Dec. 6 1717 May 17 1721 Nov. 23 1726 April 14 1728 Oct. 28 1730 Mar. 19 1734 May 26 1736 Aug. 24 1737 Jan. 26 1738 June 22 1738 Feb. 10 1704 Feb. 18 1708 Mar. 13 1710 Sep. 24 1714 Mar. 19 1718 May 29 1718 Sep. 25 1721 Oct. 27 1723 Nov. 17 1728 Nov. 8 1728 Dec. 20 1730 Aug. 17 1734 Mar. 21 1736 Aug. 3 1736 Dec. 2 1736 Mar. 15 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 229 Joanna dau. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street. William s. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street. M ra Frances Taylor, widow. Elizabeth w. of M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street. Robert s. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street, Mayor. John s. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street, Mayor. Elizabeth dau. of M r Robert Taylor. Elizabeth w. of M r Robert Taylor, of High Street. Elizabeth dau. of M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street. M r Robert Taylor, of High Street. John s. of M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street. M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street. John s. of M r John Taylor, of Sadler Street. William s. of M r William Taylor, of Chamberlain Street. M r Joseph Taylor of High Street. Near this spot are interred the mortal remains of the Rev 01 JAMES. William James, M.A., for 50 years Priest Yicar of this Cathedral Church. He died January 8 th 1859 aged 78 years. Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. John xi. 26. This tablet was erected in tender recollection by his widow. Also Mary Ann Relict of the above William James who died September 4^ 1880 aged 92 years. Sacred to the memory of LAX. John Lax, gent. who died May 9 th 1845 aged 74 years. Also of three children by Elizabeth his wife Robert George Lax, who died Oct. 16 th 1812 aged 2 years and 9 months. Sophia Lax, who died March 18 th 1821 aged 13 years. Charles Lax, who died March 18 th 1841 aged 35 years. Also Elizabeth, Relict of the above John Lax who died July 10 th 1848 aged 71 years. 230 WELLS CATHEDRAL. BURLAND. In memory of John Berkeley Borland son of the Honorable Sir John Burland Knight one of the Barons of His Majesty's Exchequer and of LaBtitia his wife the Daughter of William Berkeley Portman, and Ann only Daughter of Sir Edward Seymour of Maiden Bradley, Bart. Speaker of the House of Commons and Comptroller of the Household of Queen Anne. He was educated to the profession of the law, but quitted it at an early period and became a Magistrate in his native county in which situation his knowledge talents and assiduity soon raised him to the most eminent place which to the end of his life he filled with distinguished reputation. In a crisis of public danger he accepted the command of a military corps, and devoted himself to its improvement and discipline, with an energy which had always belonged to his character. In the year mdccxcix he was elected to a seat in the House of Commons where until his death in November mdccciv he discharged his trust with exemplary zeal and integrity. To his uniform and disinterested benevolence, the liberality and independence of his mind and the urbanity of his manners, the friends who loved and lamented him bear the most sincere testimony. At the top is a medallion carved in high relief of a female figure supporting the deceased, towards whom the skeleton Death stretches his hand. Round this is the cypress, scales, and cross, and an open book on which is inscribed, " My flesh and my heart faileth : but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Ps. 73 v. 26." Arms : 1 and 4, Erm., on a chief emb. gu. three cinquefoils arg. ; 2 and 3, Arg., a/ess betiv. three lions couchant gard. gu., Morris ; on an escutcheon of pretence, Gu., six cinquefoils and a chief indented arg., for Farr ; but this appears to be an error ; the coat does not occur in Papworth, nor does Burke give it for the name of Farr ; it appears to be founded on the coat of Farra of Norfolk, viz., Arg., on two bars gu. six cinquefoils or, a chief indented of the last. He married the daughter and heir of John Farr, Esq., of Stock House near Sherbourne, and became of that place . MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 231 In a ' Survey of the "Western Counties,' published in 1791, which contains the arms of subscribers, the same coats are assigned to him, except that the second and third quarters are given as, Erm., on a fess az. three boars' heads couped or (Lewis of Stoke, co. Dorset). His wife died 12 Feb. 1802, aged 48. Cathedeal Register. Baptisms. 1718 Feb. 1 Margaret dau. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born 30 Jan., priv. bap. and admitted to the Church Feb. 27. 174^ Mar. 3 Morris s. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born Feb. 18. 1721 Mary dau. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born Feb. 18. 1724 July 28 John s. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born July 10. 1726 Aug. 29 William s. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born Aug. 17. 1730 Nov. 18 Claver Morris s. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born Saturday 14 Nov., bap. Wednesday, and publicly admitted to the Church Thursday Dec. 10. 1733 Oct. 8 William s. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; born Friday Oct. 5, priv. bap. on the Monday, and brought to Church Nov. 1. 1738 Mar. 27 Robert s. of John Burland, Esq., and. Elizabeth his w. ; priv. bap. and admitted May 1. 1 740 Anne dau. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. ; received at Church having been priv. bap. May 1. 1754 John Berkeley Burland s. of John Burland, Esq., and Lsetitia his w., dau. of William Berkeley Portman, Esq. ; born Jan. 6, priv. bap., and publicly admitted into the Church Feb. 7. Weddings. 1718 Aug. 12 John Burland, Esq., of Steyning, and Elizabeth, only dau. of Claver Morris, of Wells, M.D. ; by licence. (This entry is repeated as follows.) 1718 Aug. 28 John Burland, gent., and Elizabeth Morris, both of Wells ; by licence. 1743 Dec. 20 The Rev. M r Huddlestone, Vicar of S* Cuthbert, and Miss Burland. 1747 Oct. 29 John Burland, Esq., and Lsetitia Berkeley, married by Edward, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. Burials. 1733 Mar. 30 Margaret dau. of John Burland, Esq., and Elizabeth his w. 1746 Nov. 14 John Burland, Esq. 1764 April 5 The Rev. William Burland. 232 WELLS CATHEDRAL. ELTON. PEACH. Here lyeth the remains of Abraham Elton only child of the late Isaac Elton and Sarah his wife, Daughter of the late Samuel Peach In hopes of a joyful resurrection through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ. He died April 3 rd 1794 aged 30 years. Arms : Paly of six or and gu., on a bend sa. three mullets or, Elton. The above Isaac Elton was the eldest son of Isaac Elton of Clifton, Esq., son of Jacob Elton, second son of Sir Abraham Elton, Bart. He was Sheriff of Bristol in 1765, and married first Sarah, daughter of Samuel Peach of Bristol, by whom he had the above- named son, who died unmarried, and she dying 16 December 1763, he married secondly Ann, daughter of James Tierney of Theobalds, Herts, by whom he had another son Isaac Elton of Stapleton House, co. Gloucester, married Katherine, daughter of Major Bayard, by whom he left four sons and three daughters. Near here there is a matrix in the wall with the fastenings of a brass which is gone, and a projecting cornice over it. SULLY. FOSTER. Near this spot lie the remains of an old and valued servant Betty Sully to whose memory this tablet has been erected by the members of the late Rev d Robert Foster's family with whom she lived for an uninterrupted period of 48 years, MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 233 as a record of their respect and regard for her excellent and unblemished character, and as a just tribute to her long and faithful services. Born Feb. 27 th 1788. Died Dec. 19 th 1841. HEBDON. In memory of Richard Hebdon gen* second son of S r John Hebdon Knt., departed this life the 21 st day of Janua? 1668 in the 30 th year of his age. Erected by John Hebdon Esq. Arms : 1 and 4, Erm.,five lozenges conjoined in f ess gu., Hebdon (ancient); 2 and 3, Erm., on a chief indented az. three crescents or, Hebdon; granted 28 March 1659 by Sir Edward Walker to Sir John Hebdon and his brother Thomas Hebdon ; on the centre a crescent gold, the difference of a second son. Le Neve says Sir John was knighted at Whitehall 30 May 1663, was agent to the Emperor of Russia, and made his fortune in Muscovy by trade. He was son of John Hebdon, citizen of London (son of John Hebdon of Yorkshire), and had, according to the same authority, the two sons named on the monument, which also names this Richard as being buried in the " South Crosse He," so that the floorslab (p. 34) is in or near its original place. The brother John Hebdon, Esq., married Ellen, daughter of Sir John Jacob, Bart., of Bromley, Middlesex. SPENCER. Sacred to the memory of Edward Spencer Esq re M.D. (twice elected Mayor of Wells) who died May 8 th 1831, aged 64 years. H H 234 WELLS CATHEDRAL. SPENCER. Also of his Relict Mary Spencer who died March 4 th 1865 aged 97 years. Also of their daughter Mary Knyfton Spencer who died July 3 rd 1812 aged 19 years. 1812 July 10 Cathedral Register. Mary Knyfton Spencer dau. of Edward and Mary Spencer, aged 19 years, bur. in the Palm Churchyard. GATSFORD. Near this spot lies the body of Jane Catherine Wife of the Very Rev d T. Gaisford, D.D., Dean of Ch : Ch : Oxford. Born at Evercreech June 14 th 1787. Died at Wells April 4 th 1863. This monument was placed here by her step children whom she loved & cared for as her own and who will ever cherish her memory with affectionate gratitude. She was the youngest daughter of the Rev. John Jenkyns, Vicar of Evercreech, and Rector of Horsemonden, Kent, and his wife Jane, daughter and coheir of James Baa of Bristol. She was born 14 June 1787 ; married, 1 May 1832, the Rev. Thomas Gaisford, D.D. ; and died without issue, as above. BETHELL. PORCH. WEST CLOISTER. Floorslabs. Charles Bethell Gent. died Oct. 3 ld 1787. Also Ann his wife who died Feb? 22 nd 1791 aged 38. Also John Elliot Porch died Sept. 23, 1817, aged 3. In a window on the south side of Pilton Church, erected in memory of William Hole Bethell of Springfield in that parish, are these arms : Arg., on a chev. betw. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 235 three boars' heads couped sa. an estoilor. Crest : On an eagle's head couped sa. betiv. two wings displ. az. an estoil or. Of this family is Lord Westbury. FOSTER. A. F. F. 1821. Rev d Robert Foster, A.M. ob 4 20 th Sep* 1836 M\At 70. JoanDa S. Foster ob 1 22 nd Nov r 1846 ^Etat 68. Edward Foster died 29 th Jan 1 * 1841 aged 4 years & 9 months. FOSTER. The Rev d Aaron Foster, A.M. May 1790. Ann Foster wife of the above Dec. 1782. Cathedral Register. 1790 May 18 Rev. M r Aaron Foster, Priest Vicar, bur. GOLDEN. TAYLOR. Rev d John Golden died 12 th of June 1798 in the 76 th year of his age. Jane Taylor. (Rest gone. See mural tablets.) Phelps's account of the monuments is very imperfect, but he mentions the following which do not appear to be there now, namely : — PHELPS. Christian, wife of the Rev. William Phelps, B.A., F.S.A., and youngest daughter of Truman Harford, Esq., of Bristol, who died 3 Feb. 1812, aged 43, leaving two sons and three daughters. Also Julia, her second daughter, wife of John Tatchell Tatchell, Esq., of East Stoke, who died in childbed 30 March 1824, aged 19 years, and within one year of her marriage. 1802 April 16 Cathedral Register. Baptisms. John Walter s. of the Rev. William and Christian Phelps ; born April 13, received Oct. 5. 236 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 1803 Feb. 20 Mary Penny dau. of William and Christian Phelps ; born 16 Feb. 1801 Julia dau. of William and Christian Phelps ; born 2 Aug. 1804, priv. bapt., and received 11 April 1806. Burial. 1812 Feb. 8 M rs Christian Phelps w. of the Rev. William Phelps, aged 41 ; in the East Cloister. PIERS. William Piers, Archdeacon of Taunton, son of Bishop Piers. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1662 Aug. 2 William s. of D r William Pierce and Mary his w. ; born Wednes- day July 30, bap. on Saturday. 1663 Sep. 15 Thomas s. of D r William Peirce and Mary his w. 1685 April 7 Thomas s. of Capt. Thomas Pearce. 1686 June 1 William s. of M r William Pearce and Katherine his w. ; born May 20. 1686 Aug. 26 Thomas s. of Capt. Thomas Pearce of S* Cuthbert's; bap. in y e Cathedral. Burials. The sister in law of John Pieres. Judith dau. of John Peirce ; in Palm Churchyard. John s. of M r Pearce of London. M r John Pearse of London. William Pearce, D.D., Archdeacon of Taunton and Canon. Thomas s. of Capt. Pearce. Capt. Thomas Pearce. Rebeckah dau. of M r William Peirs. 1668 Oct. 11 1671 Jan. 1 1 1679 June 9 1680 Mar. 13 1682 April 11 1685 Nov. 28 1686 June 23 1714 Sep. 7 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1700 Sep. 13 Elias s. of M r Elias Peirce. 1705 Nov. 23 Mary dau. of Joseph Pearse of New Street ; born Nov. 13. Wedding. 1738 April 17 M r Richard Slade, of West Pennard, widower, and M rs Martha Pearce, of S* Cuthbert, sp. Licence. Burials. John s. of M r Joseph Pearce. M r Joseph Pearce of Sadler Street. M r Joseph Pearce of Sadler Street. Mary dau. of M r Joseph Pearce. M r Elias Pearce of High Street. M rs Dorcas Pearce, widow, of High Street. 1734 May 30 M rs Pearce, widow, of New Street. 169f Mar. 21 1719 Sep. 29 1720 Feb. 5 1720 Oct. 29 1722 April 27 1724 Dec. 22 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 237 LUKIN. George William Lukin, D.D. Dean of this Cathedral, who died 28 Nov. 1812 aged 74. In Nurseling (otherwise Nutshelling) Church, Hants, is a monument to the Rev. John Lukin, M.A. (son of the Dean), Prebendary of Wells, and thirty-seven years Rector of Nurseling, who died 15 Dec. 1846, aged 64, erected by his eldest son John Mayow Lukin. Arms : Arg., a lion ramp, gu., debruised by a bend gobony or and az., Lukin ; imp. Quarterly sa. and arg., in the first quarter a lion ramp, of the second, Byng. This was his second wife, the Hon. Lucy Elizabeth, eldest daughter of George, sixth Viscount Torrington, by his first wife Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Langmead of Plymouth, Esq. In the same church is a tablet for his first wife Emma Easton Lukin, who died 30 April 1813, aged 23. Arms : Lukin as before ; on an escutcheon of pretence, Per c hev. gu. and or, three sea-dragons crowned counterchanged, Easton of Devon. In a small work, printed in 1814, termed • A Concise History of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew in Wells,' by John Davis, Verger of the Cathedral, a cata- logue of the monuments is added — at least so it professes to be. It is useful as giving the position of the more prominent monuments before their removal to their present positions, but it is very imperfect. From the descriptions it is plain, as their present appearance indicates, that most of the accessory ornaments in the way of pillars, etc., have been destroyed in the removal to the cloisters. The following four memorials are given which are not now to be found : — In the Lady Chapel an ancient stone to the memory of Sir John Newton, Bart., who died 4 Feb. 1661, with this couplet : Hoc non jacet corpus loco Sed hie jacet pars pro toto. Near the altar was the following on a brass plate in Old English characters : Hie jacet Mayr Johes Spekington, hujus ecclesise canonicus et subdecanus, qui obiit penultimo die Mensis Decembris Ano 1462. Cujus animee propitietur Deus. Amen. Under a seat near St. Mary's Chapel is a brass plate to the memory of Sir John Bernard, Treasurer and Residentiary of this Church, who died 30 April 1459. Not far from thence lies Wm. Witham, Sub-dean, who died July 16, 1472. In the South Aisle : Of the Soule of John Braham, Canon, Good Lord have mercy. 238 WELLS CATHEDRAL. IN THE PALM CHURCHYARD. This is the old burial-ground, and is enclosed by the cloisters. In memory of BARNARD. John Barnard who died October 3 rd 1853 aged 48. Take ye heed, watch and pray : for ye know not when the time is. Mabk xiii. 33. CHITTENDEN. KNAPP. CHITTENDEN. Sacred to the memory of Margaret the wife of Thomas Chittenden (and daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Knapp Rector of Englefield Berks) who died 12 th May 1834 aged 48 years. Also of Jane, Daughter of the above named Thomas & Margaret Chittenden who died on the 11 th day of July 1839 aged 18 years. Also of Sarah Charlotte, Daughter of the above named Thomas & Margaret Chittenden who died on the 21 st day of December 1842 aged 23 years. CHITTENDEN. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Chittenden Esq re of Hawkhurst in the county of Kent, who died April 20 th 1853 aged 75 years. DAVIE. In memory of John Davie who died Oct. 27, 1840 aged 82 years. Also of Mary his wife who died the 24 th of March 1850 aged 83 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 239 + To the memory of JERRAD. John Jerrad who died February 9 th 1878 aged 70. Comfort the soul of thy servant, for great is thy mercy. Psalm lxxxvi. In memory of Caroline Margaret wife of FOSTER. Francis Drake Foster Rector of Dodington Glou'estershire she died July 4 th 1870 in the 68 th year of her age. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Also of the above Francis Drake Foster, he was born December 17 th 1794, died September 23 rd 1882. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them. Rev. chap. xiv. ver. 13. Sacred to the memory of FOSTER. Ann Drake Foster who died November 3 rd 1859 aged 66 years. Mary Foster who died Dec. 22 nd 1861 aged 64 years. Also of Elizabeth Foster who died November 24 th 1869 aged 81 years. Daughters of the Rev d Edward Foster Prebendary and Priest Vicar of this Cathedral and Vicar of Winscombe and Compton Bishop. I will ransom them from the power of the grave ; I will redeem them from death. Hos. xiii. 14. 240 BURYE. WELLS CATHEDRAL. William Burye died the 15 th of September 1797 aged 21 years. GOODFELLOW. Sacred to the memory of George Goodfellow who departed this life November 27 th 1864 aged 20 years. I have trusted in thy mercy ; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. Psalm xiii. 5. GOODFELLOW. Also in memory of his father George Goodfellow who departed this life April 19 th 1871 aged 69 years. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Psalm lxxiii. 24. Also of Fanny wife of the above George Goodfellow sen r who departed this life March 25 th 1875 aged 71 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Pleasant in life, and in death lamented. RICHARDS. PORTER. In affectionate remembrance of Mary Richards wife of Thomas Richards of Street who died at 16 Vicar's Close in this city on Tuesday the 27 th July 1875. Also of Robert Porter who died March 22 nd 1876 aged 36 years. LAX. In memory of Frances widow of the late George Lax died April 12 th 1868 aged 77 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 241 In memory of PARFITT. Edward Parfitt, died 4 th November 1857 aged 48 years. In memory of PARFITT. Elizabeth Gravill Parfitt who departed this life 1 st March 1860 aged 77 years. Also In memory of Catherine Parfitt who departed this life 3 May 1862 aged 75 years. Sarah, wife of John STANESBY. Stanesby died 29 th day of May 1777 aged 34 years. (This stone is nearly obliterated.) 1766 Aug. 22 1769 Aug. 10 1776 Nov. 16 1777 May 31 Cathedral Register. William Robert s. of John and Ann Stanesby, priv. bap. John s. of John and Ann Stanesby, received into the Church. Richard s. of John and Sarah Stainesby, bap., being born May 21. M rs Sarah Stainesby, buried. In affectionate remembrance of MILTON. George Baron Milton who died August 26 th 1877 aged 66. His end was peace. Sacred to the memory of LANSLEY. Robert Lansley Sacrist of this Cathedral who departed this Life May 23 rd 1838 aged 44. 1 1 242 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Also of Sarah Widow of the above Died at Richmond Dec r 15 th 1872. Buried at Havant, Hants. In memory of JONES. Ann the beloved wife of Thomas Jones who died January 13 tb 1876 aged 58 years. Died in Christ. MUTTLEBURY. Ann wife of George Muttlebury died 8 th Nov. 1823. Also close on the south side, Thomas Barclay Muttlebury second son of the above (who died an infant) 1801 ; and Margaret their third daughter who died the 25 tL of July 1825 aged 15 years. (Headstone.) St. Cuthbert Parish Register. 1702 Mar. 12 Thomas Muttlebury, of this city, gent., buried at Wookey. 1715 Nov. 8 M rs Mary Muttlebury, widow of M r Thomas Muttlebury, late of Wokey, High Street, bur. Cathedral Register. 1801 Mar. . . Thomas Barclay Muttlebury, bur. Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of Capt. MUTTLEBURY. James Eyre Muttlebury and daughter of the late RAMSEY. Alex 1 Ramsey Esq. of West Grange near Edinburgh who died Sept. 4 th 1836 aged 36. (Headstone.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 243 BERNARD. Caroline, wife of Thomas Dehany Bernard died Sept. 9, 1888, aged 75. With Christ, which is far better. (Long flat stone with a cross.) The above Rev. T. D. Bernard, M.A., survives, and is Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of the Cathedral, and has surviving issue. He is second son of Charles Bernard, Esq., of Old Castle, Carmarthenshire, and of Eden Estate, Jamaica, by his wife Margaret Anne, daughter and coheir of John Baker, Esq., of Waresley House, co. "Worcester. He descends from Daniel Bernard and his wife {nee Violet) of a Huguenot family, believed to have been of Dijon and Montbehard, who quitted France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and settled in Jamaica as merchants and planters. Archer's ' Monumental Inscriptions in the West Indies ' gives some monuments of this family. In the Cathedral Church of St. Catherine, Jamaica, are three : one to Samuel Bernard, Esq., for ten years Chief Justice of the country, who died 29 March 1695, aged 59. Arms : On a bend three escallops, in chief a mullet for diff. The second is for John, son of Thomas Bernard, who died 24 July 1720 ; also Samuel, eldest son of the said Thomas Bernard, Esq., who died 17 November 1720, aged 2 years. Arms: Arg., on a bend az. three escallop-shells of the first ; imp. Chequy arg. and gu., a saltire erm., Peake. Crest : A demi-lion arg. holding a serpent sa. The third monument is for Mary, wife of Thomas Bernard, Esq., who died 13 August 1724, aged 25. For a notice of Baker of "Warseley, see ' Heraldry of Worcestershire,' by H. Sydney Grazebrook. FOSTER. BLANDY. VICARY. Charles Stuart Foster ob* 3 rd January 1853 aged 7 months. SAY. Sarah Blandy died Feby 24 th 1818 aged 51 years. (Headstone.) John Yicary died 23 October 1864 in the 89 th year of his age. Martha wife of the above died 10 tb August 1817 aged 41. Maria Say (widow) daughter of the above died 12 th May 1859 aged 49. 2U DRAYTON. WELLS CATHEDRAL. Also Ellen Frances Drayton daughter of the above died 3 rd August 1873. I know that my Redeemer liveth. MUTTLEBURY. WILKINS. In memory of Tho s Muttlebury gent. who died Sept. the 13 th 1749 aged 55 years. Here also lyeth the body of Frances Wilkins, daug 1 ' of the above said Tho s Muttlebury died 30 th April, n.s. 1753 aged 66. DAVIS. Here lieth the Body of Thomas Davis of this Liberty who departed this life Jany y e 20 th day 1689 and also the body of Ruth his wife, who departed this life Aprill y e 25 tk day Anno Dom. 1686. 1671 June 22 1671 Jan. 16 1674 Feb. 12 1675 June 18 1675 Sep. 7 1689 Jan. . . Cathedral Register. M r Daniel Davis, Vicar Choral, bur. Ann dau. of Thomas Davis, bap. Jane dau. of Thomas and Ruth Davis, bap. M r Thomas Davis, bur. Thomas s. of M 1-s Mary Davis, bap. Thomas Davis, bur. TAYLOR. In memory of Susannah the beloved wife of John Taylor who died November 25 th 1861 aged 24 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. In loving remembrance of APPLEBY. James Austin Appleby of Wells who died March 10 th 1882 aged 64 years. 245 LOVELL. In memory of James Lovell who died March 27 th 1833 aged 84 years. Also Hester Lovell wife of the above who died Aug* 22 nd 1804. Also Thomas Francis Lovell son of the above died 16 th February 1850 aged 64 years. (Now nearly obliterated.) Cathedral Register. 1808 Feb. 26 William Lovell, late Sacrist, bur. in the Palm Churchyard. 1812 Jan. 16 James Lovell, bur. in the Palm Churchyard. BREWIN. James Brewin died April 6 th 1845 aged 61. SEYMOUR. In memory of Henry John Hyde Seymour youngest son of Lieut. Col. Francis Compton Seymour and Leonora his wife, grandson of the Very Reverend Lord Francis Seymour, formerly Dean of this Cathedral who died Nov. 3, 1860, aged 65 years. I know that my Redeemer liveth. (Tomb. See note to Dean Seymour's monument.) FLETCHER. In affectionate remembrance of Betty Fletcher who departed this life August 3 rd 1866 aged 66 years. Silas Fletcher, Vicar Choral (nearly fifty years) of this Cathedral, died May 29 th 1883 aged 81 years. (Tomb.) 246 PERKINS. NICHOLLS. 1783 1784 1787 June 24 July 6 1806 Jan. 22 1783 1804 Sep. 4 April 25 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Dod Perkins of this Cathedral died April 7 th 1820 and his children, by his second marriage ; Ann died December 2 nd 1820, and Elizabeth wife of J. F. Nicholls, M.D. died September 29 th 1880. (Headstone.) Cathedral Register. Baptisms. George s. of Dodd and Margaret Perkins ; born 20 June 1783. William s. of Dodd and Margaret Perkins ; born Sunday June 20. Margaret Cantello dau. of Dodd Perkins and Margaret his w. ; born 24 June. Ann dau. of Dodd and Ann Perkins ; born 21 Dec. 1805. Burials. George s. of Dodd Perkins. M rs Margaret w. of Dodd Perkins, aged 43. NICHOLLS. In memory of Fanny the beloved wife of M r Nicholls (Surgeon) who died Fefry 18, 1867 aged 56. Margaret the wife of PERKINS. Dod Perkins, died 23 rd of April 1804 aged 43. George son of Dod and Margaret Perkins died Nov r 7 th 1815 aged 27. (Headstone, of which only a few letters can now be read.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 247 In loving memory of the YOUNG. Rev d Robert Young, M.A. Born March 10 th 1842 Died October 9 th 1880. The Master is come, and calleth for thee. (Headstone.) Here lies the Body of CARPINTER. George Carpinter who departed this Life April 3 rd 1807 aged 70 years. With patience to the last he did submit, And murmured not at what the Lord thought fit ; But with a Christian courage did resign His soul to God at his appointed time. Also Grace the wife of the above George Carpinter died 20 th April 1832 aged 92. (Headstone.) In memory of WHEELER, Sarah Wheeler wife of John Wheeler, who died Nov r 19 th 1834 aged 33 years. Also John their son who died Dec r l 8t 1834 aged 8 months. Now, dear husband, life is past, Your love to me so long did last ; And now for me no sorrow take, But love my children for my sake. Also Catherine their daughter who died June 13 th 1839 aged 11 years. Also the aforesaid John Wheeler who died April 5 th 1840 aged 45 years. (Headstone.) 248 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cathedral Register. 1740 July 19 M rs Wheeler w. of the Rev. M r Robert Wheeler, bur. 1741 April 28 Robert Wheeler, of Wells Liberty, and Jane Dunt, of Wells, wid., mar. Licence. (The name in the Register is certainly Dunt, of Wells, wid., not Hunt.) 1763 Mar. 14 Rev. Robert Wheeler, Canon Residentiary, bur. HATCH. Catherine daughter of William and Martha Hatch died Nov 1 4 th 1827 aged 29. HATCH. In memory of W m Hatch who died January 2 nd 1836 aged 68. Also Martha wife of William Hatch who died July 21 st 1840 aged 78 years. (Headstone.) BEAUMONT. ROBINS. Sacred to the memory of Christiana C. Beaumont of Pinner in the county of Middlesex who died December 8 th 1841 aged 48 years. Also of Ann Robins who died July 25 th 1842 aged 42 years. Both faithful servants of the Very Reverend the Dean of Wells. DU CANE. In memory of the Rev. Arthur Du Cane, M.A., Oxon, Priest Yicar of this Cathedral second son of Major Richard Du Cane of the 20 th Light Dragoons. He departed this life 8 th June 1865 aged 38 years. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee : because he trusteth in Thee. Isaiah xxvi. 3. (Tomb.) There is a pedigree of this family in Burke's ' Landed Gentry.' There he is said to have been born in 1825. His arms are in the Common Hall of the Vicar's Close. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 249 CHAMPION. In memory of Ann daughter of George and Mary Champion who died August the 26 th 1757 aged 20. Mary the wife of Geo. Champion died Feb 7 14 th 1776 aged 77. George Champion died December 16 th 1781 aged 87. Two sons and one daughter died in infancy. (Headstone.) RAWLINS. Sacred to the memory of George Kawlins who died Not 1 22, 1850 aged 88 years. But after death shall come the important day, When God to all his justice shall display ; Bach action with impartial eyes regard, And in a just proportion punish and reward. (Headstone.) WESTON. In hope of a glorious resurrection to eternal life here repose the remains of Catherine Weston wife of John Weston of the Vicar's Close, who died 27 Oct. 1836 aged 59 years. Also the above named John Weston who departed this life 12 th August 1845 aged 65 years. His last end was peace. (Headstone.) BROAD. In memory of William Broad, died May 11 th 1857 aged 66 years. Also Ruth his wife died Oct. 20 th 1858 aged 65 yean (Tomb.) KK 250 WELLS CATHEDRAL. HAEOLD. In memory of Henry Harold of this city, for many years Master of the Chapter Grammar School died 5 th April 1877 aged 77. (Headstone.) LAVINGTON. In memory of Arthur Edwin son of Charles Williams and Jane Lavington who died Feb? 25 a.d. 1852 aged 10 months. (Headstone.) DAVIS. Sarah Davis 1824. Jemima and Sarah twin daughters of John and Jemima Davis 1828. John Davis late Sacrist of this Cathedral died January 24, 1830 aged 54 years. Also Jemima wife of the said John Davis who died October 13 lh 1840 aged 55 years. (Headstone.) He published a small handbook to the Cathedral. RAMSEY. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Ramsey who died Dec r 22, 1852, aged 90 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 251 RAMSEY. BROAD. LOVELL. WIGGINS. Also of Christian Anna Karr Ramsey who died Jany 4, 1851 I aged 80 years. And of Frances Ramsey who died Oct. 8, 1851 aged 76. Daughters of the late John Ramsey Esq r and Christian his wife formerly of New Street Edinburgh. In memory of Sarah daughter of John and Sophia Broad who departed this life 12 th May 1795 aged 13 years. Also John Broad who died August 16 th 1800 aged 64 years. Also Helen Broad who died July 1 st 1805 aged 21 years. Also Sophia Lovell wife of John Broad who departed this life April 16 th 1834 aged 90 years. (Headstone.) Sacred to the memory of Susan wife of Henry Wiggins who died Dec. 5 th 1850 aged 56 years. Gently the passing spirit fled, Sustained by grace divine. Oh may that grace on me be shed, To make my end like thine. Also in memory of the above named Henry Wiggins Sacrist of this Cathedral who died June 28 th 1853 aged 66 years. Also Henry son of the above Henry and Susan Wiggins who died August 11 th 1853 aged 22 years. (Headstone.) 252 WELLS CATHEDRAL. In memory of LAMBERT. Sarah Lambert who departed this life March 9 th 1838. In memory of PERKINS. William Perkins Esq re died Nov 1 11, 1860, aged 76 years. Lay Vicar and Organist 56 years. Blessed is he that considereth the poor. Psalm xli. 1. (Headstone.) I.H.S. In memory of TUCKER. Edward Thomas Tucker senior Chorister of this Cathedral son of Edward & Caroline Tucker born September 25 th 1857 died June 8 th 1872. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Psalm cl. 6. (Ornamental headstone.) Sacred to the memory of Mary the affectionate and much loved wife of MARTIN. George Martin who departed this life April 26 th 1855 aged 62. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1 Thess. iv. 14. This stone is erected by Miss Knollis to record the devoted attachment during forty years, of a most faithful servant. Also of George husband of the above Mary Martin He died December 12 th 1855 aged 71. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 253 For a period of 50 years he was a most devoted and faithful servant to Miss Knollis and much respected by all who knew him. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev. ii. 10. (Headstone.) HARRIS. Sacred to the memory of William Harris of this city who departed this life December 19 tb 1871 in the 61 st year of his age. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house. Psalm xxvi. 8. Also of Keturah wife of William Harris who departed this life October 23 rd 1844, in the 85 th year of her age. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job i. 21. (Tomb.) TEEK. John Lovell Teek died May xxv th m.d.c.c.clxvi. aged lxxv years. Margaret Lovell Teek died Feb*" xi md.ccclxii aged lxxvi years. TUDWAY. Harriet Henrietta Tudway Born September xvii MDCCCXXIV Died September iii rd MDCCCLIV. There is a short notice of this family in Burke's ' Landed Gentry,' but the following are additions to that account : — St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1684 Aug. 24 Charles s. of Charles and Mary Tudway. 1707 Jan. 20 Thomas s. of Charles and Mary Tudway, of East Wells ; born 8 Jan. 1708 Feb. 24 Elizabeth dau. of Charles and Mary Tudway, of East Wells ; born 2 Feb., priv. bap., brought to Church 15 March. Rachel dau. of Charles Tudway, of East Wells ; born 29 Nov. Mary dau. of Charles Tudway, of East Wells ; born 3 Sep. Charles s. of Charles Tudway, of East Wells ; born 2 Nov. Mary dau. of Charles Tudway ; born 9, priv. bap., and brought to Church Nov. 24. 1716 Dec. 16 Richard Clement s. of M r Charles Tudway ; born 10 Dec, priv. bap., brought to Church Jan. 3. 1710 Dec. 14 1712 Sep. 21 1713 Nov. 19 1715 Nov. 15 254 1719 April 26 1721 Nov. 19 1731 Jan. 6 1734 Aug. 25 1706 Dec. 26 1738 Nov. 1 1708 May 10 1708 July 20 1715 Dec. 28 1723 April 24 1670 . . 1671 . . PRATT. WELLS CATHEDRAL. Johu s. of Charles Tudway ; born 4 April, priv. bap., brought to Church April 30. Robinson s. of M r Charles Tudway ; born 9 Nov., priv. bap., brought to Church 7 Dec. ; of New Street. Mary dau. of Thomas Tudway, of Sadler Street; born 4 Jan., priv. bap., brought to Church 17 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas Tudway, of Southover ; born 1 Aug. Weddings. Charles Tudway, yeoman, and Mary Cook, both of S l Cuthbert par. Licence. William Davis and Rachael Tudway. Burials. M r John Robinson. M rs Robinson, widow, of East Wells. Mary dau. of Charles Tudway, of East Wells. M r Charles Tudway, of New Street. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. Roberts, of Robert and Mary Tudway ; born 9 May, and received at Church Sep. 7. Charles s. of Robert and Mary Tudway ; born 23 March, and received at Church July 26. Charles Compton Pratt Major General, F.S.F., R.M.L. Inft. died 16 th June 1871 aged 80 years. Maria his wife died 3 rd February 1876 aged 78 years. (Long raised slab.) HODGKINSON. Mable Katherine Hodgkinson born March 15 th 1863 died September 17 th 1869. Eleanora Maud Hodgkinson born May 13 th 1864 died May 6 th 1874. WELSH In memory of John Welsh ob* 7 Nov 1 1806 set. 67. Betty his wife ob* 28 Nov r 1815 set. 78. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 255 INMAN. WELSH. And their children Joseph who died at Bridgewater Hth jy ov r 182 6 get. 57. Richard who died at Somerton 1 April 1836 aged 70. Robert who died at Boulogne-sur-Mer 16 th Dec r 1843 jet. 66. Jane ob* 24 th January 1844 set. 79. Thomas ob* at Brighton 24 January 1848 aet. 67. James ob* at Brixton, Surrey, 20 th Oct. 1851 aet. 84. And Mary ob 4 23 rd November 1852 aged 90 years. (Headstone.) In memory of Mary Inman ob 4 5 Nov 1 ' 1819 set. 72. Also Elizabeth Sarah Inman only daughter of Robert and Mary Welsh, ob* 17 th Nov r 1829 aet. 16. Also Eliza Caroline Lucy daughter of William Inman and Mary Welsh ob* 26 th May 1847 aet. 6 months. MEADE. Richard John Meade, M.A., Canon Residentiary and Precentor of Wells Cathedral and Yicar of Castle Cary, Somerset. Born June 11 th 1793. Died May 23 td 1880. EDEN. AUKLAND. Robert John Eden, D.D., 3 rd Baron Aukland, for 15 years Bishop of this Diocese Born July 10 th 1799. Died April 25 th 1870. Mary, Baroness Aukland widow of the 3 rd Baron Aukland and daughter of Francis Hurt of Alderwasley Esq re Born December 24 th 1805. Died November 25 th 1872. (A red granite tomb, with a bronze mitre above the inscription.) For this family see ' Peerages.' 256 WELLS CATHEDRAL. FAG-AN. George Hickson Urquhart Fagan, M.A., Rector of Rodney Stoke and Rural Dean. Born May 24 th 1817. Entered into rest January 14 th 1875. (Red granite tomb.) Sacred to the memory of Jane Congdon HERNE. the beloved wife of Robert Heme BARTLETT. and second daughter of Stephen Bartlett, who departed this life on the 23 rd Sept. 1834 aged 28 years. As the flower of the field, so she flourish'd for a time ; As an angel seen in a vision, so she passed away. (Headstone.) Sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of BARTLETT. Stephen Bartlett late Supervisor of Excise in this city who died suddenly on the 19 th day of June 1832 aged 63 years. Prepare, for ye know not the hour. (Headstone.) Here lies the body of ROGERS. Margaret Rogers who (after discharging the duties of a nurse 40 years) died 16 th October 1810 aged 73. As a mark of respect due to her diligence, sobriety, and integrity several ladies who had experienced her services caused this stone to be erected to her memory. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. ARMSTRONG. John Armstrong born Oct. 27, 1837; died July 23 rd 1870. Sophia Armstrong mother of the above born July 5, 1801 ; died Aug. 30, 1881. (Headstone.) 257 In loving memory of Robert "Watkins only and dearly loved son of MILLS. Robert and Elizabeth Mills who fell asleep February 10 th 1878 aged 7 years and 7 months. Also of Flora, their infant daughter who died February 3, 1872, aged 4 months. Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt. xix. 14. (Headstone.) SWINNERTON. CUPPER. Here rests the body of Margery Swinnerton of Bic- naller in this county a true faithful servant of Richard Cupper Apothecary of this City who dyed Apr. 16 th 1712 aged 32 years. (Flat stone.) MATTHEWS. NASH. In memory of Elizabeth Matthews wife of Tho. Matthews who died April 12 th 1775 aged 62 years. Also Anna Nash died No7 r 3 rd 1775 aged 34. L L 258 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Also Thomas, Hannah and Sarah, children of the above Thomas and Elizabeth MATTHEWS. Matthews, who died in their infancy. (Headstone.) I. H. S. COLES. Agnes Coles died Sep 1 7, 1869, aged 24 years. Brief life is here our portion. Ada Maria eldest beloved daughter of CLOSE. J. Douglas Close Esq., and Katherine his wife. Born Nov r 13, 1843. Departed this life Dec. 12, 1865. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God ; for he hath clothed me with the gannents of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness. ISAIAH lxi. 10. Here rests in hope Marguerite Wilhelmina, aged 16 months, COLLINGS. dau. of W. T. Collings of Guernsey A.D. M.D.CCCLI. Suffer little children to come unto Me. (Long raised stone.) In memory of Jane Catherine, eldest daughter of the JENKYNS. Rev. John Jenkyns, B.C.L., Prebendary of Wells & Vicar of Evercreech in this county, and widow of the GAISFORD. Very Rev d Thomas Gaisford, D.D., Dean of Ch. Ch. Oxford. Born 14 th June 1787. Died 4 th April 1863. (Raised tomb, with a long cross on the top.) In loving memory of HOLLOW AY. Margaret Julia Holloway, born June 13, 1878, died December 18, 1881. What I do thou knowest not now ; thou shalt know hereafter. John xiii. 7. Sever'd only till he come. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 259 WHITE. Thomas White died Jan 1 ? 24 th 1853 aged 49. Elizabeth his widow died Feb? 20 th 1865 aged 53. James, their son died Nov r 25 th 1850 aged three days. Clementina Elizabeth their daughter died April 23 rd 1866 aged 20. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. LOYELL. In memory of John Lovell Esq. who died Feb? y e 5 th 1800 aged 55 years. Also Frances wife of John Lovell Esq r who died February 24 th 1831. aged 86 years. CHAMBERLAIN. In memory of Jane daught. of R. T. and M. Chamberlain died Feb? 11 th 1823 aged 3 years. Frederick Chamberlain died March 16 th 1838 aged 10 years. ELLIS In affectionate remembrance of James Ellis who died 12 th June 1880 aged 63 years. Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died 21 st June 1888 aged 67 years. Her end was peace. 260 WELLS CATHEDRAL. POPE. KING. VINEN. BAKER. TRENT. TRENT. Sacred to the memory of Martha Pope who died April 22 nd 1865 aged 88 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Also of Ann King who departed into her rest March 14 th 1863. There is a rest for the people of God. In loving memory of James Vinen, who died July 23 rd 1881 aged 73 years. His end was peace. Also of « Mary his wife Jan^ 14 th 1854, aged 54 years. In memory of Mary Baker, who died Sept. 15 th 1769 aged 72. Also Frances Trent died Jan. 4, 1775, aged 72. Also Frances daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Trent died March 28, 1776, aged 4. Also Edward son of the above Edward and Elizabeth Trent died March 16, 1776, aged 12. Also Eliz th daughter of the above Edward and Elizabeth Trent died June 12 th 1785 aged 18. (Headstone.) In memory of Edward Trent who died December 19 th 1804 aged 69. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 261 Also of Elizabeth his wife who died March 7 th 1807 aged 76. Ann their daughter died April 16, 1802, aged 27. IRVING. James Irving, grandson of the said Edward and Elizabeth Trent, died June 14 th 1802 aged 11 months. BROOKES. Sarah Brookes died 6 th March 1809 aged 40. (Headstone.) Cathedral Register. 1802 April 27 Ann Trent, bur. in the Palm Churchyard. 1804 Dec. 28 M r Edward Trent, aged 68 years. 1807 Mar. 16 M rs Trent w. of Edward Trent. In the Palm Churchyard. In affectionate remembrance BROOKES. of Mary Brookes forty-six years the beloved wife of Henry Brookes of this city she fell asleep in Jesus November 2 nd 1839 aged 74. Christ in you the hope of glory. Col. i. 27. And of Henry Brookes the elder who died in peace aged 83, March 25 th 1846. Also of Henry Brookes their only surviving son who on the 16 th of April 1846 in his 52 nd year departed this life, in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal Life. (Headstone.) GREENE. Thomas Greene died January 23 rd 1880 aged 71 years. Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. i. 7. (Long raised tomb.) 262 WELLS CATHEDRAL. BAKER. BROOKES. In memory of Ann Baker (niece of the late Elizabeth Trent) she died 24 th January 1811 aged 41. Frederick Brookes son of George Brookes (London) died 4 June 1824 aged 21. (Headstone.) GIFFARD. TRENT. In memory of Henry Giffard who departed this life June 1 st 1845 aged 61. Also of Christiana Trent who departed this life September 20 th 1843 aged 55. Also of Isat Relict of the above named Henry Giffard who died April 25 th 1861 aged 77. (Headstone.) WITHERELL. Mary Witherell died May 29 th 1800 aged 69. BEAUMONT. Sacred to the memory of Jane wife of John Henry Beaumont District Surgeon, died September 20 th 1809 aged 28 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 263 John Daniel son of BEAUMONT. J. H. & J. Beaumont died June 19 th 1807 aged 10 months. Henrietta daughter of John Henry and Jane Beaumont died August 23 rd 1827 aged 19 years. In death lamented as in life beloved. 1630 July 15 1638 Aug. 25 1646 Sep. 3 1647 Mar. 10 1649 May 16 1654 Mar. 13 1655 May 15 St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. Thomas s. of M r William Bemont. Constance dau. of M r John and Constance Bemont. Martha dau. of M r Thomas Bemont and Grace his w. John s. of M r Thomas Bemont and Grace his w. Thomas s. of M 1 ' Thomas Bemont and Grace his w. Elizabeth dau. of M r Thomas Bemont, of Sadler Street. Ann dau. of M r Thomas Bemont, of Sadler Street, and Grace his w. Wedding. 1637 Jan. 4 Thomas Bemont and Mary Melhuish. Burials. John Beamont, M r Anthony Bemont. M rs Alice Beamonte, widow. Mary w. of M r Thomas Bemont. Thomas s. of M r Thomas and Grace Beamont, of Sadler Street. John s. of M r Thomas and Grace Beamont, of Sadler Street. M r Henry Beaumont, of New Street. Hannah dau. of M rs Beaumont, of New Street. (There is a large house now standing in New Street known as " Beaumont.") • 1634 Mar. 20 1637 Jan. 31 1643 Nov. 28 1644 Aug. 11 1651 April 22 1652 Jan. 6 1704 Sep. 26 1708 Nov. 23 Cathedral Register. 1681 Mar. 2 M r Beaumont, Vicar Choral, bur. 1808 Henrietta dau. of John Henry Beaumont, Surgeon of Wells Recruiting District, and Jane his w. ; born 24 Feb. 1808, priv. bap. and received 24 May 1808. 1809 Sep. 23 M™ Jane Beaumont w. of John Henry Beaumont, Surgeon, bur. in the Palm Churchyard. 264 WELLS CATHEDRAL. In loving memory of BEAUCHAMP. John Beauchamp formerly member of the choir of this Cathedral Church as chorister and afterwards Vicar Choral for 51 years, died Aug. 2 nd 1887 aged 91 years. Also of Sarah his wife died October 17 th 1884 aged 83 years. Into thine hand I commit my spirit Thou hast redeemed, Lord God of truth. . So he giveth his beloved sleep. In memory of Mary beloved wife of CHAMBERLAIN. Robert Chamberlain, who died 10 th April 1846 aged 52 years. Also in memory of the above named Robert Chamberlain who died 19 th June 1857 aged 66 years. Jane their daughter died Feb. 11 th 1832 aged 3 years. Frederick Chamberlain died March 16 th 1838 aged 10 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. (Flat stone.) In affectionate remembrance of PARSONS. William Parsons who died Sept. 24 th 1881 aged 75 years. The memory of the just is blessed. Also Eliza wife of the above who died Jan. 21 st 1888 aged 85 years. Father, in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now thy servant sleeping. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 265 H. S. E. Georgius : Henricus : Sacheverell : JOHNSON. Johnson : Decanus : Wellensis Vixit : Annos : lxxiv abdormivit : in : Christo : non : Novem : MDCCCLXXXI. Videmus : nunc : per : speculum : in senigmate : tunc : autem : facie : ad f aciam : nunc : cognosce- : ex : parte : tunc : autem : cognoscam : sicut : et : cognitus : sum : Jfc» 1 COE. xiii. 12. In loving memory of Kitty Anne widow of MILDMAY. Rev. Walter S* John Mildmay WARD. only daughter of Charles Ward of Squerryes Lodge Born 10 th March 1797. Died 6 th April 1884. Looking unto Jesus. At evening time it shall be light. He was the eighth son of Sir Henry Paulett St. John Mildmay, third Bart., by Jane, eldest daughter and coheir of Carew Mildmay, Esq., of Shawford House, Hants, and was Rector of Mottisham, Shorwell, and Dograersfield, Hants ; he married 17 July 1834 the above Kitty Anne, daughter of Charles Ward, Esq. (by Anne, eldest daughter of Arthur Annesley, Esq., of Ellesmere, co. Salop), and niece of Lieut.-G-en. Sir Henry Ward, K.C.B. The Rev. Walter St. J. Mildmay died 31 July 1835. There are several stones quite obliterated, and some of the above could not have been read but for the help of Mr. Fielder's earlier copy. THE NEW CHURCHYARD. This ground, which has only recently been used, lies on the east side of the Cloisters, from which access is gained to it through what was the doorway of Bishop Stillington's Chapel. Here lies awaiting the resurrectioD, the body of HERYEY. Arthur Henry Wrothesley Hervey, 5 th son of Arthur Charles, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Patience his wife, MM 266 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Captain in the Eifle Brigade, and for just five years Adjutant of the 24 th Middlesex (Post Office) Volunteers. A loving dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a trusty friend, a brave soldier, a Christian gentleman, singularly upright, generous, and self denying, simple and sincere in word and deed, most thoughtful for others, and forgetful of himself, he lived beloved by all who knew him, and died deeply lamented by his family and many friends. Born at Ickworth, Nov. 3, 1851 : Died at Coombe, Surrey, Aug. 20, 1889. In memory of his endearing qualities this stone is placed by his mourning parents. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job i. 21. (White marble slab, with an upright cross at the head, all on a red granite base. See p. 28.) PLUMPTEE. Edward Hayes Plumptre, D.D. Dean of Wells born August 6 th mdcccxxi, died Feb. 1 st mdcccxci With Thee is the well of life And in Thy light shall we see light. Harriet Theodosia the beloved wife of E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Dean of Wells born April 9 th mdcccxix, died April 3 rd mdccclxxxix. Jesu Mercy. (From a monumental slab of red granite. See under the Deanery for the arms and genealogical particulars.) BAENARD. Eleanor Barnard born September 3 rd 1800 died January 31 st 1885 widow of Henry Watson Barnard Canon of Wells & Vicar of S* Cuthbert. Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Red granite.) MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 267 AYLIFFE. Edith Gertrude Ayliffe born January 3, 1872 fell asleep August 8, 1887. Is it well with the child ? It is well. M C LEAN. In loving memory of Hector M c Lean of New College Oxford fourth son of John Donald M c Lean of Westbrook, Queensland, and Quibaing, Sydney. Born November 5, 1864 ■ died January 20, 1888. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Red granite, tall cross with imitation runic carving.) SELWAY. In loving memory of Eaguel Selway who died May 13 th 1887, aged 67. Sacrist of this Cathedral 34 years. (Slightly raised tomb.) BRANCKER. Hannah Brancker Born 20 June 1817 Died 2 July 1889. OXLEY. In affectionate remembrance of Henry Oxley who died March 23 rd 1888 aged 69 years. There are also seven graves without any memorial over them. 268 WELLS CATHEDRAL. THE PALACE. Over the archway of the gatehouse, on the inside, is a shield carved in wood of the arms, a plain saltire for the See, impaling Oreyghton, as in the Cathedral. Over the entrance porch of the Palace itself is a modern shield of Bath Priory : Az., two keys addorsed the bows interlaced in bend sinister, with a sword in bend dexter ; imp. Az., a saltire per saltire and quarterly counter-changed or and arg. ; lines being given for the colours. The same arms are repeated on a shield of the same age over the fireplace in the hall. A large stone shield near the foot of the grand staircase has the arms of Bishop Beckington, the shield being contemporary with him, as are also two shields of the same size and shape in the crypt, one of which is charged with the rebus of that Bishop, the flaming beacon with a scroll across the post, the other shield bearing the ancient arms of the See, viz. : A saltire surmounting a pastoral staff in pale betw. the two keys on the dexter and the sword on the sinister. This has been painted, the field blue and the charges all gold. In the Crypt are also the following : — A shield, boldly cut in wood and now fixed over the fireplace, has, Az., a saltire surmounting a pastoral staff in pale betw. on the dexter tivo keys erect and addorsed the bows interlaced, and on the sinister a sword erect all or ; imp. Qu., a pelican in its piety or ; over the shield a mitre, at the sides the date 1663. The painting is modern. These are the arms of Bishop William Pierce, only the field should be az., not gu., according to Papworth's Ordinary, etc. In the windows of the Crypt are : Gu., on a bend arg. three trefoils vert, in chief a martlet arg., Hervey, with the difference of a fourth son ; imp. Arg., three chevs. gu. betw. as many martlets sa., Singleton. Crest : A leopard pass. sa. bezantee, gorged with a coronet and chained or, in the dexter paw a trefoil vert. Supporters : Two leopards sa. bezantee, gorged with coronets and chained or, for Lord and Lady Arthur C. Hervey. Gu., on a bend arg. three trefoils vert, Hervey. Another window has the crest of Hervey as above. The remaining three windows have respectively the modern and incorrect arms of the See, the initials A. C. H., and a bishop's mitre. In the east window of the Palace Chapel are three shields and some broken pieces of old glass fitted together ; the shields are modern, and are : 1, Az., a saltire or ; 2, The modern and incorrect arms of the See ; 3, The same as the last, imp. Erm., on a bend eng. betw. two cocks gu. three mullets or pierced of the second, Bishop Law. These same arms (No. 3) are repeated in a staircase window at the other side of the house. The arms of Bishop Law in the Chapel were once blown out across the terrace below, and fell uninjured on the grass. The following arms are on portraits in the gallery : — Cardinal Wolsey, Sa., on a cross eng. arg. a lion pass. gu. betw. four leopards' faces az., on a chief or a rose of the third betw. two Cornish choughs ppr. Bishop Montagu, Gu., a sword in bend sinister arg. hilt andpomel or betw. two keys in bend dexter addorsed the bows interlaced, the lower of the second, the upper MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 269 of the third, the See of Winchester ; imp. Arg., three fusils conjoined in fess gu. within a lord, sa., Montagu. Bishop James Montagu was translated from Bath and Wells to Winchester. He was the fifth son of Sir Edward Montagu and brother of the first Earl of Manchester ; he died unmarried in 1618. His arms are on his tomb in Bath Abbey, and carved on the great west doors there. Bishop Walter Curie, the See of Winchester as above; imp. Vert, a chev. eng. or. The Bishop was advanced to the See of Winchester in 1632, and his son Sir Walter Curie was created a Baronet in 1678, but dying without issue that title became extinct. On the picture the arms look more like Sa., a chev. arg., being much discoloured; the above coat is from their monuments at Soberton, Hants. Bishop Thomas Godwin, the modern arms of the See ; imp. Or, two lions pass, sa., on a canton of the last three bezants, Godwin. The picture has the appearance of having been recently painted or restored, and as a consequence the wrong arms of the See are given. It is rather singular that on the portrait of Cardinal Wolsey his family arms only are painted, while those of Curie and Montagu have the arms of the Diocese of Winchester, shewing that they were painted after both Bishops had been translated to the higher See, the garter round the arms leaving no doubt as to this fact. It must be owned that, though so interesting from many points as an example of Early Domestic architecture, the Palace is disappointing from an heraldic point, largely due to the bad usage it has received in past times from the hands of the spoilers. In the Library are the arms of Bishop Bagot, viz., Erm., two chevs. az. ; imp. Arg., on a cross gu. five escallop-shells or, Villiers. This is in the corners of the ceiling, and carved at the top of some of the bookcases. In the stonework of an oriel window is cut (Arg.), orCachev. (sa.) three escallop- shells (of the first), Bishop King. This coat, now nearly obliterated, is cut impaled by the coat of the See on the exterior stonework of the west window of the north aisle of Bath Abbey. THE DEANERY. This building exhibits less heraldry than might be expected from its size, age, and from its having been the residence of a long line of Deans, though no doubt much was swept away during the Puritan ascendancy, when the Deanery was occupied by Cornelius Burgess, nor was it spared the supposed improvements by which old houses were so often spoiled in the early part of this nineteenth century. The arms of the Deanery do not once occur. Taking the exterior first : on the battlements of the north wall of the yard and facing the main gateway is a shield bearing the arms of William Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, viz., (Arg.), two chevronels (sa.) betiv. three roses (gu.) ; of the rose in base a trace only remains. On the right of the main entrance to the house is a large panel with three shields, 270 WELLS CATHEDRAL. two being charged with the badge of Dean Gunthorpe, a pistolet with the leather belt for carrying it, the centre shield being charged with the sun, on it a rose. On the north side of the house there are eight shields on which these badges are repeated. There is on this side in a piece of new stonework a shield with this coat, (Arg.), a chev. betw. in chief two mullets pierced and in base an annulet (sa.) ; Crest, From flames, a demi-phoznix (ppr.) ; the arms of Dean Plumptre's family. In the interior of the house, on the stone arch over what was the roof of an oriel window on the south side of the old dining hall, but now forms a doorway of a passage leading to the drawing room, are two shields, both charged with the quartered coat on the tomb of Dean Gunthorpe, namely : 1 and 4, A chev. beko. three hand grenades or guns, all within a lord. eng. ; 2 and 3, A chev. betw. three lions' heads erased. These two shields are very interesting, and valuable evidence of the arms of Dean Gunthorpe ; it confirms the remarks made regarding the arms on his tomb (p. 75), and leaves no doubt that the three guns were his own arms. In the hall are the following shields : — i. Quarterly of six : 1, Or, on a pile gu. betw. six fleurs-de-lys az. three lions pass, gard. in pale of the first, coat of augmentation granted by King Henry VIII. to Seymour ; 2, Gu., two wings in lure or, Seymour ; 3, Vaire, Beauchamp ; 4, Arg., three demi-lions ramp, gu., Fisher ; 5, Per bend arg. and gu., three roses in bend counterchanged, Mac Williams; 6, Arg., on a bend gu. three leopards' faces or ; on the centre of the quarterings a martlet sa. for difference — at least that is what it should be, being the arms of Lord Francis Seymour, Dean of Wells, whose monument has been mentioned (p. 190), but this has been reversed by the glazier, making the whole read backwards, besides which it was only painted on the glass, and the colours are mostly gone ; the fourth quarter is quite gone, and supplied by a piece of glass with a fancy pattern on it. ii. Arg., a chev. betw. in chief two mullets pierced, and in base an annulet, allsa., Plumptre ; imp. Gu., a lion ramp, regard, or, Maurice. Motto, Sufficit meruisse. Being the arms of the Very Rev. Edward Hayes Plumptre, M.A., D.D., the late Dean, impaling those of his wife's family. The Dean was the third son of Edward Hallows Plumptre, Esq., eldest surviving son of Charles, second son of Septimus, sixth son of John Plumptre of Nottingham, by his wife Annabella, eldest daughter of Sir Francis Molyneux, Bart. The Dean married in July 1848 Harriet Theodosia, youngest daughter of the Rev. Michael Maurice of Notting Hill, London. Mrs. Plumptre died 3 April 1889. Correctly speaking, there should be a fieur-de-lys charged with a crescent on the chevron for the proper difference of his father, and another crescent in chief for his own difference. There is a pedigree of the Dean's family in Burke's ' Landed Gentry.' in. Az., two keys in bend sinister and a pastoral staff in bend dexter, all or. Round it is the motto : Esto quod es. The Priory of Bath bore this coat, only with a sword in place of the pastoral staff. This completes the heraldry in the Deanery. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 271 THE VIOAE'S CLOSE. In what is known as the Vicar's Close we shall find much that is most interest- ing heraldically. The Vicar's Close was built by the executors of Bishop Beckington in the fulfilment of that prelate's will, and consists of dwelling-houses for the priests, vicars, and vicars-choral ; a common hall over the entrance gateway ; a chapel, with a library over it ; these, with the exception of minor alterations and restorations, remain in their original state. We will first take the common hall, which is reached by a flight of stone stairs immediately to the left on entering. This hall has been divided, and the main part has been used as the Library of the Theological College. On the north side of the room are three windows, two small ones and a large one of four lights. In the first one is a graceful figure of St. Catherine holding her wheel, in the next window is the head of a bishop. In the upper part of the large window are two small figures, a bishop holding a book, and a priest vicar, from his mouth a label on which is the word " Misere." Below these are four shields : the first is, Vert, a cross botonne'e arg. ; in the first quarter a scrap of glass has replaced a demi-virgin and child ; the arms of Glastonbury Abbey, the virgin having been removed doubt- less as papistical. The next two shields are gone, and supplied by plain coloured glass. The fourth shield has, Or, a lion ramp. gu. within a lord eng. sa., Pomroy. The lion is so patched as to be hardly recognised. Round each shield is a circular ribbon or garter, on which is this legend : " Domino Ric'o Pomroy Ih'us merci p' me." It is very vexatious that the two central shields in this and the opposite window should have been broken, and not a trace left by which we can come to any satisfactory conclusion as to what was there ; if we might hazard a guess, we should say they were the See, the Deanery, the Corporation of Vicars, and the Priory of Bath. In stone over the window is a shield carved and painted, Az., a saltire per saltire and quarterly counter changed or and arg. Turning to the large window on the opposite side of the room, to the left, close to the window, is a stone shield charged with the coat just given, but with the addition of the name "Ric'us Pomeroy," thus : in chief, Ric'us ; on the dexter, Po ; on the sinister, me ; in base, roy. In this window are also two small figures, namely, St. Peter with the keys and St. Paul with the sword, and four shields, of which two are gone, and their place taken by coloured glass. Of the others, one is Pomeroy, as in the other window, the last of the four is Glastonbury as above, the whole of the first quarter being replaced by plain green glass to get rid of the virgin and child. These shields have the same inscription round them with slight variations, thus : " D'no Ric'o Pomroy mercy orseti p' me." In stone over the window is carved and painted the same shield as over the window on the north side already mentioned. The only other coloured glass is a female saint in the further window of this (south) side. On the stone fireplace are five shields, with a ribbon which passes behind them, and on which is this inscription ; the asterisks mark the points at which the shields come over it, or rather interrupt it, being cut in the same stone : "In * tete £CftJ8 fje'at Cu * me Wm IXimW * pomrog (SMtem * &altof 3fy& &me * n;" 272 WELLS CATHEDRAL. which like the windows breathes a pious desire for the repose of the soul of Richard Pomroy, who was a considerable benefactor of the vicars and master of the Cathedral fabric. The shields are painted with these arms : — L Or, tivo bars az. surmounted by a horse's head erased erm., and in chief three escallop-shells gu., Clark. ii. Per f ess gu. and arg., on afess. az., betw. in chief three bucks' heads or, and in base as many pheons sa., a bishop's mitre of the third, Bishop Beckington. in. Quarterly : 1 and 4, France, modern ; 2 and 3, England. iv. Az., a saltireper saltire and quarterly countercharged or and arg., surmounting a pastoral staff in pah of the second, and betw. on the dexter two keys the boivs inter- laced, and on the sinister a sword erect, all of the last, for the See. v. Or, a lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. within a bord. eng. sa., Pomeroy. These shields have never been carved ; the more pity, for we should then have at any rate the outline of what was originally put on them, for there can be little doubt that the arms now painted on the shields are of much later date. Now this being the case, it is most desirable, particularly on account of shields one and four, to ascertain as nearly as possible the date of the painting. In the first place, from the fact of the arms of Clark being there, we may safely conclude that the date cannot be earlier than A.D. 1523, in which year John Clark was consecrated Bishop, and as we shall see presently it was probably the arms of a later member of that family ; then again, they must have been painted before the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, as the royal arms of the Tudor sovereigns are displayed, the arms being altered after the accession of James I. Secondly, the character of the painting itself points to the close of the sixteenth century. Taking the shields in order : the first shield is usually assigned to Bishop Clark. Unfortunately, no example of his seal exists, or at any rate, after much inquiry, has been accessible, but his arms are in a window of the Cathedral already noticed, which there is no reason to question was put up in his lifetime, and there certainly is no horse's head in that shield. We know that bishops were fond of differencing their coat armour from that of their family, but generally with something allusive to their office, and a horse's head certainly bears no reference to episcopal rank. On the other hand, Bishop Clark had a relative, Sir Rowland Clark, who was knighted by Edward, Duke of Somerset, in the camp before Roxburgh in 1547, to whose knightly rank the horse's head would be a much more appropriate augmentation. Members of this family were connected with the neighbourhood quite late enough to account for the knight's arms being painted here in place of, or in mistake for, the arms of Bishop Clark. Sir Rowland Clark was living in 1565, as shewn by his being named in the will of his cousin Henry Clarke of Wells (p. 142), and who may in some way have been a benefactor to the Vicars. At any rate, without very good cause to the contrary, this seems the most reasonable explanation for this shield, especially as there appears no reason for the arms of Bishop Clark being put there when all the evidence points to the painting being executed at a later date. The next shield in order is that of Bishop Beckington. This shield is most interesting, as it varies from the examples that exist in coloured glass. Before we can accept it as setting at rest the question as to the colours of the arms, we must consider the point as to whether the painter was taking a liberty with the arms to make them conform to what had then become an acknowledged rule, that metal MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 273 must not be placed on metal or colour on colour, or had he before him coloured examples we do not possess ? If the former, it appears more probable that he would have made the stags' heads red. On the other hand, we know that the old glass painters did use a thin coating of red glass where they wanted to place small figures on it, cutting them out and letting the main glass, either plain or stained yellow, show through, and which coating is also known to have sometimes cracked and slipped away ; unquestionable examples of which we can point to, as, for instance the royal arms in the north aisle. As this last may very well have been the case in the instances we have of Beckington's arms in glass, we may assume that he bore the field of his arms, Per f ess gules and argent. The third shield has the royal arms of Queen Elizabeth correctly painted. The fourth shield gives us the earliest example we have of the cross saltire formed of two metals, combined with the keys, sword, and pastoral staff. This shield, when taken in connection with the seal of the Vicars, helps materially to prove the date at which these shields were painted, and also that the coat is an unauthorized one. The seal of the Corporation of Vicars was cut soon after the reconstruction of the whole Cathedral body by Queen Elizabeth in the twenty-fourth year of her reign, and displays these arms : A saltire per saltire and quarterly, betw. on the dexter two keys erect and addorsed, the lows interlaced, and on the sinister a sword point in chief and surmounting a pastoral staff in pale. The legend round it leaves no doubt about its being the seal of the Vicars. Here undoubtedly we have the origin and cause of all subsequent confusion ; the Vicars assume the ensigns of the Bishop, only re- taining their bi-metal saltire ; then, to make it more simple and save trouble, the smaller charges are omitted, and we have the Bishops using the arms really be- longing to the Vicars. This shield on the chimney-piece of the Common Hall was not put there as the arms of the See at all, but really to represent those of the Vicars. The fifth shield bears the arms of Pomeroy. These are the undifferenced arms of the head of the family of Pomeroy of Berry Pomeroy in Devonshire. Richard Pomeroy was one of the Canons of the Cathedral, and Master of the fabric, but his place in the pedigree yet remains to be ascertained for certain. As there is no trace of any difference on the arms in the glass, he was probably a son of the head of the family. Taking everything into careful consideration, we may safely conclude that these shields were painted after the reconstruction in the reign of Elizabeth. Coming down the stairs and again into the open, the shields on the fronts of the houses next attract attention. On the house in the corner to the left are the arms of Henry Parker, the well- known archseologist of Oxford, who gave a great deal of assistance in the restoration of the close — viz., Or, three inescutcheons sa., each charged with a pheon of the field- This shield being coloured and gilt. Against the chimneys which run up the fronts of the houses are the arms of the See — viz., A saltire surmounting a pastoral staff, betw. on the dexter two keys addorsed and on the sinister a sword erect. In one instance, on a house on the west side, and not many doors up, this coat has been reversed in the course of restoration. In panels on the fronts of the houses occur successively repeated the following : Bishop Beckington ; Three sugar loaves and in chief a text % for Hugh Sugar ; NN 274 WELLS CATHEDRAL. A fess betw. three swans, wings raised, Richard Swan ; A chev. betw. in chief two roses and in base a talbot pass., John Pope. Eichard Symonds, in his ' Diary,' mentions as being in a window of an old honse at South Petherton these two shields : Arg., a chev. sa. betw. in chief two roses gu. and in base a talbot pass, of the last ; and Gu., a saltire vaire betiv. four mullets arg., Hill ; imp., Arg., a chev. sa. betw. two roses in chief gu. and in base a talbot pass, of the last. This is evidently the coat which appears in the Close, and supplies the colours which are there wanting. This coat has not been recorded for Pope, and its origin would be interesting to ascertain. Did it denote fidelity to the memory of benefit derived through the foundations of William of Wykeham, to which he may have been of founder's kin ? On the house in the north-west corner of the Close are four large fifteenth-century tilting shields ; they are charged thus : — i. Beckington. ii. The saltire alone, The Vicars. in. The saltire, pastoral staff, keys, and sword, The See. iv. Quarterly: 1 and 4, A chev. betw. three leopards' faces; 2 and 3, On a fess betw. three leopards' faces as many fieurs-de-lys. This shield is particularly useful as evidence, the first and fourth coat is the personal coat of Bishop Stillington, the second and third being that of his family, and with the help of the glass in the chapel proves that this prelate used a personal coat, placing a chevron between the leopards' faces instead of the fess and fleur-de- lys of his family, as mentioned under the account of the cloister roof on pp. 161, 162. Pugin, in his 'Examples,' vol. iii., calls the charges in the first and fourth quarters blackamoors' heads and omits the chevron. The chevron, it is true, is very doubtful, being very indistinct, while the fess is quite clear ; but there is not the slightest doubt about the leopards' heads. The family coat of Bishop Stilling- ton leaves no doubt that it is his arms. He seems to have wanted to adopt a personal coat without the hackneyed mitre being introduced ; he could not simply leave out the fleur-de-lys, as it would then be the coat of the elder line of his family ; so he may in the first place have taken the fess away, and subsequently added the chevron. It may be that this shield was originally put up without the chevron, an attempt being made to add it after, but the space between favours the idea that it was originally there. This and the two examples in coloured glass in the adjoining chapel are most interesting instances of indecision in altering a family coat. There being few coats, slight variations were more admissible. On the bell turret of the Chapel is a shield of Beckington imp. the See, the saltire and staff with the keys and sword, and over the shield a bishop's mitre. On the wall of the chapel facing the north Liberty is a shield with the arms of the See as just described, and another with St. Andrew holding his cross. On the outside of the old oak door of the Chapel are carved four shields, namely : i. (Sa.) two bars and in chief three ro undies (plates), Hungerford. II. A saltire surmounting a pastoral staff, betw. on the dexter two Tceys addorsed and erect, the bows interlaced, and on the sinister a sword erect, the See of Bath and Wells. in. (Or.) A chev. (gu.) charged with a mitre, Bishop Stafford. It is singular that here and in a contemporary window in the Almshouse Chapel in Chamberlain Street, the engrailed bordure used as their proper difference by the Bishop's line of MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY: 275 the Staffords is omitted, although it appears with the mitre on the chevron on his seal. iv. A fess eng. betw. twelve holly leaves, 4, 4, 4, in quadrangles, Bishop Bubwith. In the windows on the south side of the Chapel are six shields : — i. Arg., on a fess sa. betw. twelve holly leaves vert, 4, 4, 4, in quadrangles, a mullet of third, Bubwith. In the glass the leaves are yellowish. ii. As the last, without the mullet. in. Or, a bend betw. six martlets sa., Luttrell of Dunster Castle. iv. Or, a fess az. surmounted by a bend gu., Elwes. This is modern. v. Gu., a chev. erm. betw. three leopards' 1 faces arg., probably Stillington. VI. Gu., a chev. arg. betw. three leopards' faces or., Bishop Stillington. Over the door is a window with these two shields : Az., a saltire per saltire and quarterly counterchanged or and arg., surmounting a pastoral staff betw. on the dexter two keys addorsed the bows interlaced, all of the second, and on the sinister a sword erect of the third, hilt and pomel gold. Intended for the See. The other shield has St. Andrew holding his cross. These last two are modern. In this Chapel are two memorial inscriptions on brass plates, one under the East window reads : John Hothershall Pinder, M.A., Principal of Theology in this College 1840-1865. The other, on the South wall : Arthur Nugent West, M.A., Student 1872, died at Zanzibar 1874. Passing upstairs to the Library, we find in stone over the fire-place the mono- gram, T. B., surmounted by a mitre, between two beacon fires, the basket being formed of a barrel or tun, thus forming a rebus for Bishop Beckington — beacon-tun, a mode of representation dear to the brains of ecclesiastics about the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. This is a replica in plaster from the roof of the west cloister. At the tops of the jambs we have on one side the crest of Elwes, Five arrows, four in saltire and one in pale, entwined by a serpent; on the other side the initials, E. L. E., for the Eev. Edward Leighton Elwes, M.A., who took a great interest in the restoration of this building. The Rev. E. L. Elwes is the seventh son of John Meggot Elwes, Esq., of Bos- sington, Hants, by Emily Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Causton, Canon of Westminster, and of Turweston, Bucks ; which Mr. J. M. Eiwes was the second son of the second son of the well-known miser John Meggot, grandson of Sir George Meggot, who took the name of Elwes on inheriting the estates of his uncle Sir Hervey Elwes, Bart. The arms in the window of the Chapel below are really those of the head of the male line of the Elwes family, and should be duly differenced for this branch. See Burke's ' Extinct Baronetage.' In the East window we have in the centre the Royal arms as used from James I. to James II. inclusive, with supporters, helmet, crown, and crest, viz., 1 and 4, France and England quarterly ; 2, Scotland ; 3, Ireland ; and this motto, Beati Pacafici. To the north of this these arms : Az., a lion ramp, arg., over all on a bend ermines three dexter gauntlets of the second. Crest : A demi-lion ramp, or, holding a battle-axe arg. Motto : Fidelis ad urnam. For the Rev. Canon Church, M.A., Sub-Dean of Wells, formerly for a time Principal of this College. There should be a crescent in the arms for difference. 276 WELLS CATHEDRAL. PEDIGREE OF CHURCH. Matthew Church of=pAnn Dearman, da. of John Dearman of Wakefield, co. York, Cork, Merchant. and Elizabeth, da. of William Thompson of Nottingham ; born 2 Sept. 1745 ; died at Darlington 17 Nov. 1812. William Church, 3rd son, born 1790 ; died at Darlington 9 May 1819, aged 29. Mary Anne Church, born 1787 ; mar. at Darling- ton 31 Oct. 1816 to John, son of John Atkinson of Kendal ; died at Darling- ton 3 Aug. 1817, s.p. Jane Church, died un- mar. Eliza Church, mar. 25 May 1809 to John Backhouse, Esq., of Darlington. He died 17 Aug. 1847 ; she died 2 Sept. 1812. X Sir Richard Church, G.C.H., C.B., 2nd son, born 23 Feb. 1784 ; entered=Mary Anne, da. of the Army as Ensign of 13th Foot in 1800; present at the Battle of Sir Robert Wil- Aboukir and the taking of Alexandria ; successively Lieut. 37th Foot ; mot, 2nd Baronet, Captain Royal Corsican Rangers ; Major 1st Regt. ; Lieut.-Col. 2nd Regt. of Osmaston Hall (Duke of York's Greek Light Infantry) ; served in Italy, Germany, and and Catton Hall, France, and as Quartermaster-General with the Expedition which took co. Derby, by his most of the Ionian Islands ; sent on a mission to the allied armies in second wife Mari- Austria and Prussia ; British Military Resident with Austrian Army ; anne, da. and heir Major-General in the Neapolitan Service, and Commander of the Order of Charles Howard of St. Ferdinand of Naples, and Grand Cross of the Order of St. George of Pipe Grange, co. of the Two Sicilies. In 1826 Sir Richard was appointed Commander in Stafford. Chief of the Greek; Army, Member of the Senate, and Senior Grand Cross of the Order of the Saviour of Greece. Sir Richard was knighted in 1837, and died s.p. 20 March 1873, and was buried at Athens with a public funeral, and at the national expense. John Dearman Church, Merchant, of Cork, after of Lisbon, then of Ashwick^=Bromley Caroline Grove, Somerset. Resided many years at Florence ; died in 1828 ; eldest son. Metzner of Lis- bon. The Very Rev. Richard William Church,: D.C.L., born at Lisbon 25 April 1815 ; B.A. Wadham Coll., Oxon, 1 Dec. 1836 ; M.A. of Oriel 18 April 1839 ; Fellow of Oriel ; and in 1853 Rector of Whatley, co. Somerset, and in 1871 made Dean of St Paul's, London ; died 9 Dec. 1890; bur. at Whatley, co. Somerset. Helen Frances, da. of the Rev. Henry Bromley Bennett, J.P., B.C.L., of Sparkford John Hall, Rector of Sparkford, by Emily Church, his wife, da. of Edward Moberley and born 28 Sarah Cayley ; mar. at Sparkford, co. April 1817 ; Somerset, 5 July 1853. died un- Frederic John Church, born 24 May 1854; died 16 Jan. 1888. Helen=Rev. Francis Paget, Mary Caroline Beatrice D.D., Canon of Christ Church. Church. Church, Oxford. Edith Frances Church. The Rev. Charles Marcus Church, born at Florence 2 Feb. 1823 ; B.A. of=f=Elizabeth Mary, da. of Oriel College, Oxon, 20 Nov. 1845 ; M.A. 1850 ; Prebendary of White- lackington in Wells Cathedral 1855 ; Vicar of Dulverton, co. Somerset, 1870 ; Vice- Principal 1854—1866 ; Principal of Wells Theological College 1866—1880 ; Sub- Dean of Wells 1861 ; Canon Resident 1879. the Rev. Henry Ben- nett, J.P., B.C.L., of Sparkford Hall, sister of the wife of the Dean of St. Paul's. I i I Arthur John Bromley Church, born 5 April 1869. Maurice Richard Church, born 19 Jan. 1872. Charles Francis Jo3celin, born 22 Jan. 1881. Emily Ada Church, born 9 July 1862. Gertrude Elizabeth Mary Church, born 1 Aug. 1863. Isabel Edith Church, born 30 July 1865. Mary Margaret Church, born 26 Aug. 1874. Alice Emily Church, born 4 May 1876. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 2*77 On the South side of the Royal arms this coat : As., a stork's wings expanded arg., beaJc and legs or, on the breast an annulet sa. Crest : From a coronet or, a lion's paw holding a club ppr. Below the arms, Anno D'ni 1876 ; over them, B. G-. For the Rev. Prebendary Gibson, M.A., Principal of the Theological College. Prebendary Gibson being a fourth son, the mark on the heron is incorrect, it should be a martlet. Furthermore, though this coat has been considered by the family as their arms, yet there appears to be no such coat recorded for any family of Gibson, and the crest is that of the ancient family of Gibson of Lancashire, etc., traditionally said to be descended out of Scotland. Prebendary Gibson's family has also, in common with the Lancashire family, the tradition that one of the Popes had granted to the family the Papal arms for some special service ; this would be the coat : Gu., three keys or, fessways in pale, wards to the dexter ; used by the Scotch families of Gibson generally, which is a variation of the arms of the See of Rome : Gu., three keys or, two in saltire and one in pale. We may, therefore, fairly conclude that an accidental error has occurred in stating the arms to be one instead of three herons, as they correctly should be. PEDIGREE OF GIBSON. . Gibson of Liverpool. 1 ^. ... da. of ... . Tomlinson. T Rev. William Jxibson,=f=Louisanna, da. of the Right Rev, Charles Richard Sumner, D.D., Lord Bishop of Winchester, by his wife Jane, da. of J. P. Maunoir, Esq. Arms, from a hatchment of the Bishop's wife at Parnham : Ermine, two chevrons gules, StJMNEE ; impaling Sable, on a cross or, five guatre- foils vert, Matjnoir. Rector of Fawley Southampton, only son, born 1814; died in 1863. Edgar Charles Sumner Gibson, fourth=pMary Grace, da. of Rev. Richard Stamper Philpott, Pre- son, born 23 Jan. 1848 ; M.A., Principal of Wells Theological College. Living 1890. bendary of Wells, and formerly Vicar of Chewton Mendip, by the da. of Richard Tattersall, Esq. ; mar. at Chewton Mendip 6 April 1875. William Sumner Frank Sumner Gibson, Kenneth Sumner Ralf Sumner Theodore Sumner Gibson, born 21 born 12 Dec. 1877 ; Gibson, born 6 Gibson, born Gibson, born 21 June 1876. died 13 Dec. 1877. July 1879. 20 Oct. 1882. Sept. 1885. In the windows on the South side of the room are four shields, of which three are modern, they are : — i. Or, three eagles displ. the ivings depressed purp., Rodney of Rodney Stoke, now represented in the male line by Lord Rodney. A shield identical in appearance is in a window on the South side of Cheddar Church. This is old glass. The burial of Henry Rodeney, son of Mr. "William Rodeney, on 4 Sept. 1666 is recorded in the Cathedral Register ; and of Mrs. Sarah Rodney, widow, on 31 Jan. 1698-9. ii. The incorrect or modern arms of the Diocese, that is the saltire of two metals alone, imp. Gu., on a bend arg. three trefoils slipped vert, intended for the present Bishop, Lord Arthur C. Hervey. It should have had, A martlet in chief arg., hisJ 278 WELLS CATHEDRAL. proper difference as the fourth son of the first Marquis of Bristol ; or it might have been made quarterly of his Lordship's four principal quarterings, thus : 1, Hervey, as in the window; 2, Felton of Playford, Gu., two lions pass, erm., crowned or; 3, Howard, Earl of Suffolk, Gu., on a bend betw. six cross-crosslets arg. an inescutcheon or, charged with a demi-lion wounded in the mouth by an arrow of the first, within a double tressure fleury counter-fleury of the last, a crescent sa. for diff. ; 4, De Brother- ton, Gu., three lions pass. gard. or, in pale, a label of three points arg.; on the centre of the quarterings a martlet az., for difference of a fourth son. in. The same modern arms for the See, imp. Erm., on a bend eng. betw. two cocks gu. three mullets or, for Bishop Law ; see pp. 189, 190. IV. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Az., a chev. arg. betw. three lions'' heads erased erm., crowned or, Pinder ; 2 and 3, Az., a leopard ramp, or, the last probably for Hother- sall. Being the arms of the Rev. J. H. Pinder, a memorial brass for whom is in the Chapel below. PEDIGREE OF PINDER. Arms : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Az., a chev. arg. betw. three lions' heads erased erm., crowned or, Pinder ; 2 and 3, Az., a leopard ramp, ppr., Hothersall. William Pinder of ... . mar. in=pAnn Isabella, da. of John Hothersall, Esq., of Hothersall the Island of Barbados. I in the Island of Barbados. Mary=R. S. Wick- Jane ham, Esq., Pinder. of ... . Elizabeth=Thomas Skeete Yard, Esq., Pinder. of ... . Annlsa-=W. M. Har- bella vey, Esq., Pinder. of ... . Mathew=Col. Fran- Pinder. cis Skelly Tidy. John Hother-=Thomasine, da. sail Pinder, of ... . died at Bath. Haynes, Esq. William Lake=Harriet, da. of Pinder, in .... Wilson. Holy Orders. Amy North=G. W. Jordan, Pinder. Esq., of ... . Elizabeth Christian, da. of^pFrancis Ford Pinder, born 31 March=y=Elizabeth Senhouse, da. of Jonas Maynard, by his wife Christian Mercy, da. of ... . Clarke, Esq., born 22 Not. 1769. 1st wife. 1767 ; mar. first 12 April 1790 by the Rev. Tho. Allinson ; mar. secondly 2 1 Nov. 1802 ; died at Bath 1843. William Senhouse, R.N., Surveyor General of the Leeward Islands. 2nd wife. Francis Ford Pinder, Rector of Gos- forth, Cumberland, died unm. ; Trinity College, Cambridge. Humphrey Senhouse Pinder^Marianne, da. of Rector of Bratton Fleming, Fellow of Caius College. James Gould, Esq. Humphrey Fleming Pinder, in Holy Orders. James Gould= Pinder ; died 31 May 1890; Chaplain to H.M.'s Forces. :Mabel, da. of Col. Ozzard. John Hother- sall Pinder. Marianne=. . . . Pinder. Dibdin, Elizabeth Pinder, died 27 May 1890, unmar. Fanny Pinder. George Pinder, Colonel 15th Regiment, died unmar. Elizabeth Wood Pinder, died unmar. Ann Isabella Pinder, died unmar. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 279 U William Maynard: Pinder, bom 8 July 1792; died at Brookfield, Bath, 17 July 1869 ; of PembrokeCollege, Cambridge. : Ann, da. of Edward Apple- whaite, Esq. 3hn Joan Hothersall Pinder, born 27 April^Ann Bratbwaite, da. of 1794, at 9 o'clock on Sunday morning ; bapt. 8 May ; Principal of Corirington College, Barbados ; Principal of Wells Theological College 1840—1865 ; of Caius, Cambridge ; died at West Mal- vern 16 April 1868. Scawen Kenrick Gib- bons, Esq., of . . . ; mar. at St. Andrew's Church, Barbados, by the Rev. W. Lake Pinder, 16 August 1819. Francis Ford Pinder, born 28 July 1824 at Hothersall in the Island of Barbados ; privately bapt. by his father ; and died 14 Aug. 1824. Francis Ford Pinder, born 2 April 1822 ; died unmar. 7 Nov. 1876. Edward Pinder, born 20 Aug. 1825; died unmar. 2 Oct. 1859 ; in Holy Orders. North Pinder, born 16=Frances Jane, da. of Dec. 1828 ; Fellow of the Rev. William Trinity College,Oxford; Hopkins, Rector of Rector of Rotherfield Nuffield, co. Oxford. Greys. I I III Elizabeth=Rev. Edward Fran- Catherine=Rev. George Ann Mary Isabella Pinder, Maynard cis Witts of Upper Pinder. Thompson. Pinder. Hothersall died unmar. 29 Pinder. Slaughter, co. Pinder. June 1863. Gloucester. THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE. The old Archdeaconry, lying on the North side of the Cathedral, once the residence of Polydore Virgil, and which has long been in the hands of laymen, having been purchased by the trustees of the Theological College of Wells, has been restored and altered for the purposes of the College very judiciously under the direction of Mr. Edmund Buckle of London, as architect. Over the entrance have been carved the ancient arms of the See, restoring to the proper place the ensigns of Bath, the keys and sword on each side of the saltire, with the pastoral staff, a shield already so often blazoned it need not be formally repeated. On the eight shields, held by angels forming the corbels of the ancient roof of the old hall, now the library, have been painted the following arms, representing persons mainly instrumental in the original founding of the College, the three Principals, with the Bishop and Dean at the time of the restoration. Commencing at the north-west corner they are : i. Erm., on a bend engrailed betw. two cocks gu. three mullets or pierced of the second, in chief on the bend an annulet arg., for the difference of a fifth son. For James Thomas Law, Esq., Chancellor of Lichfield and Coventry, and Master of St. John's Hospital, Lichfield, eldest son of Bishop Law. He was born 8 Dec. 1790, and died 22 Feb. 1876, having married 16 Dec. 1820 Lady Henrietta Charlotte Grey, eldest daughter of the sixth Earl of Stamford and Warrington, by whom, who died 25 Feb. 1866, he had, with others who died young, three sons and two daughters. See ' Peerage ' for pedigree. ii. Per bend gu. and erm., in chief a demi-Catherine-tvheel arg., Brymer. No pedigree has been supplied ; the name will be found in the Cathedral. HI. Quarterly : 1 and 4, Or, a bend eng. betw. two lions ramp, gu., Dickinson ; 280 WELLS CATHEDRAL. 2 and 3, Arg., three bars and a canton gu., Fuller ; on an escutcheon of pretence, Arg., on a bend sa. three roses of the first, Cary. For Francis Henry Dickinson, Esq., of Kingweston, co. Somerset. For pedigree see Burke's ' Landed Gentry.' iv. Pinder. As in a window in the library over the Vicar's Close Chapel, ap- pended to the description of which a pedigree is added, except that the leopards are altered to lions ramp. arg. No authority was supplied by the family for either coat. v. The ancient arms of the See ; imp. Gu., on a bend arg. three trefoils vert, in chief a martlet for difference, Hervey. For the Right Hon. and Right Rev. Lord Arthur C. Hervey, now Bishop of Bath and Wells. vi. Az., a saltire or betw. on the dexter two keys addorsed, one arg., the other of the second, and on the sinister a sword erect arg., hilt and pomel gold, the Deanery ; imp. Arg., a chev. sa. betw. in chief two mullets and in base an annulet, all sa., on the chev. a Jleur-de-lis arg. charged ivith a crescent gu., and a mullet gu. in chief, all for diff., Dean Plumptre. See the Deanery. vn. Church. As in the library over the chapel in the Vicar's Close, adding, A crescent in chief arg., the difference of a second son. For Canon Church, Sub-Dean of Wells. A pedigree is given with the description of the shield. viii. Az., three herons arg., in chief a martlet for difference. For Prebendary Gibson, now President of the College. A further notice of the arms, with a pedigree, is given in the account of the shields in the library just referred to, where a pedi- gree appears. Over the entrance of an ancient house, close to the East end of the Lady Chapel, known as the Precincts, are three shields of the tilting form, the centre is blank ; on one of the others are two keys in saltire, the remaining bearing two swords in saltire ; if really heraldic, the former are the arms of the See of Gloucester, and the latter those of the Bishopric of London, but they very probably are only fanciful. On the gateway connecting the Vicar's Close and the Cathedral we have the arms of Beckyngton twice, once supported by angels. Over the archway, leading from the market-place to the Cathedral Green, were the Royal arms, the arms of Bishop Beckyngton, and his badge or rebus, which last is also on a panelled projection on the inner side. The arms are almost obliterated. In the roof of the gateway, leading from the market-place to the gatehouse of the Bishop's Palace, the arms of Beckyngton are cut in front of his rebus as if hung on the post. The shields on the front facing the market-place are quite obliterated. From the wall just inside this gateway a stag springs supporting, or being sup- ported by, a shield charged with the arms of Beckyngton, which projects almost horizontally below it. In the same wall is also a panel with the rebus of Bishop Beckyngton. This exhausts the heraldry within the Cathedral Precincts, and brings our task to a close ; not without some good result we trust, by having brought to light some things that had been overlooked by previous writers, bringing evidence to bear for the elucidation of obscure or debated points ; while some facts have been preserved which, if not quite lost, would become increasingly difficult to obtain. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND HERALDRY. 281 The following extracts from the Parish Register of St. Cuthbert, Wells, though not connected with any existing monument, as they are examples of the way in which the Cathedral Register and that of St. Cuthbert have been mixed up, may deserve a place here, though they do not profess to be exhaustive, and other instances will be found among extracts of particular families : — St. Cuthbert Parish Register. Baptisms. 1657 June 18 Elizabeth dau. of William Gough and Mary his w., of the Liberty of S. Andrew. 1705 Easter (sic) dau. of M r James Nickolls, Yicar of the Cathedral, from Close Hall. 1706 Sep. 12 Mary dau. of M r JameB Nicholls, of High Street, bap. at the Cathedral. 1707 Nov. 11 Dorothy dau. of M r James Nichols, of Chamberlain Street ; born Nov. 3, bap. at the Cathedral. 1723 June 11 James s. of John Little ; born 31 May, and bap. at y e Cathedral. This was omitted, supposing it to be registered at the Cathe- dral. Burials. 1644 June 11 M r Thomas Liides s. of Sir John Liides, of County Sussex, slayne at Evercreech, and buried in S. Andrew's Church, near Bishop Lake's grave in the South aisle of the Quire, upon Whit- monday. 1649 Sep. 15 Dorothy dau. of M r Arthur Alderley and Dorothy his w., bur. at S. Andrew's Church. 1700 Mar. 20 David Trim, gent., of the Liberty of S. Andrew. 1703 June 12 John Green, of this parish, bur. in the Cathedral Church of S. Andrew, Wells ; from High Street. 1703 June 21 Martha w. of M r Philip Hodges, of this parish, gent., bur. in y e Cathedral Church of S. Andrew, Wells. Joan dau. of M r Thomas Fisher, of Close Hall. M 18 Catherine Rock, of East Wells, bur. at the Cathedral. Jacob Selway, of the Liberty. M r Thomas Fisher, bur. from y e Fountain in y e Liberty. 1706 Oct. 6 1708 Mar. 3 1712 June 14 1720 June 27 O ( 283 ) aiilrenXra* John Paine of Wells=f=(?) Elizabeth Clinton. See p. 141. John Paine, gent.,=T=Frances, da. of the Rev. Richard Healy, LL.D. ; died 1741. died Aug. 1729, aged 47. Mary Paine, born Phillis Paine, born 1719. Francis Paine, born 1720. Frances Paine, 1715. born 1723. Richard Paine, Elizabeth Frances, da. of William=pRev. John Paine, Sub-=Hester, da. of born 1705 ; died Paine, born Goldfinch of Wells, gent.; Dean of Wells; born ....; died 1708. 1707. died 1763. 1st wife. 1717 ; died 1774. 1806. 2nd wife. II II Frances Paine, born Mary Paine,=pRobert Tudway. Frances Paine, Elizabeth Paine, and died 1743. born 1745. | See p. 286. born 1749. born 1751. Administration granted to John Paine of Wells, clerk, of the goods of John Paine the elder, late of Wells, his grandfather, left unadministered by John Paine, also deceased, son and administrator of the said John Paine the elder. Bondsmen, Thomas Hughes of Wells, gent., and Winchcombe Nooth, notary public of Wells. Bond sworn 27 March 1742. Administration of the effects of William Paine of Wells, deceased, granted 5 Oct. 1736 to Edith Tucker, wife of Samuel Tucker of Evercreech, yeoman, and daughter of the deceased William Paine. (Pages 5, 6, 7, and 192.) There were two Canons, the Rev. John Paine, who died in 1774, and the Rev. Thomas Payne, who died in 1797, of entirely different families. Inquiries have not been very satisfactory in completing the pedigree to any extent, but the following helps to distinguish between them : — The Rev. Thomas Payne, Vicar of Holme Lacy, co. Hereford =f= Arms : Sable, a /esse between three leopards' faces or. I Rev. Thomas Payne, M.A. ; " Pastor of St. Cadoc in Breconshire ;" Rector of^Judith, da. Llangattock, near Orickhowell, and Canon of Wells ; died 9 Jan. 1797, aged 81. of ... . See M.I. A 284 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Eev. Henry Thomas Payne, M.A. ; Rector of=Mary, da. of .... ; Sarah Judith Payne, diedat Llanbedr, and Canon Residentiary of St. died 21 April 1828, Crickhowell 15 Feb. 1858, David's ; died 22 April 1832, aged 73. aged 58. aged 97. Catherine ^=The Very Rev. Right Hon. George Compton, 6th=Frances=Claudius Amyand, Payne, I Lord Francis Earl of Northamptonshire ; ob. s.p. Payne. Commissioner of died 21 Seymour, Dean Arms on family pedigree, Compton Customs; died 1 Dec. 1801. | of Wells. impaling Payne as above. April 1774, aged 54. See M.I. John H See M.I John Hyde, Esq.^Mary Seymour.=John Payne of Droxford. Francis Seymour,^Leonora. See M.T. See M.I., p. 192. Lieut.-Col. I I John Hyde. George Hyde. The following, from an inscribed tablet on the wall of Llanbedr Church, except the line referring to himself, is from the pen of Canon Payne : — " Sacred to the memory of Mary the Beloved wife of Henry Thomas Payne, M.A., Rector of this parish and Canon Residentiary of S* David's. "In pious hope she departed from this world of trouble on the 21 st of April 1828 aged 58. " Here sleeps my Mary in her narrow cell, How soon we all must follow, who can tell I Christian I Remember that by God's decree All nature sinks into eternity. Look round this Hallowed Fane ; the scene displayed ; Like Life's short landscape, mixed with light and shade, Like Life itself, uncertain in its day, For time rolls on and none can bid it stay. The Hill, the Vale, the Wood, the brawling stream, All lost in time shall vanish like a dream, Nay, time shall come when Heav'n and Earth, destroyed, Shall sink in chaos, and become a void. All things shall perish, and shall man presume To think himself exempted from the Doom ? Presumptuous Mortal ! Soon must come the day When Thou Thyself, the last great debt shall pay. How many lie within this Holy ground, Entranced in Death till the last trump shall sound 1 How many daily pass to Death, To-day they breathe, to-morrow lose their breath ; The Rich, the Poor, the Great, the Gay, the Brave, All, all are hastening to the silent grave. Then Man, vain Man, prepare to kiss the rod, To hear thy Judgment and to meet thy God. H. T. P." " Also the above Henry Thomas Payne, died April 22 nd 1832, Aged 73." In the same churchyard is buried the sister of Canon Payne, with a tombstone bearing the following inscription : — »}• In memory of Sarah Judith Payne, who died at Crickhowel the 15 th Feb. 1858, Aged 97. Lord, now letteat Thou Thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen Thy Salvation. »£. ADDENDA. 285 (Pages 9 and 184.) "We are indebted to the Rev. S. Baring-Grould, M.A., of Lew Trenchard, for the following pedigree of Gould : — Arms granted to Sir Henry Gould : Az., a lion ramp, or, betw. three scrolls arg. Crest : A demi-lion or, in the dexter paw a scroll arg. Henry Gould of Winsham, co. Somerset ; named in the will of his son=pMary, da. of ... . Stephen. Will proved 1646. (P.C.C. ; Turpin, 158.) William Gould, named in will=Anne, of his brother Stephen. Will da. of dated 7 Nov. 1656 ; proved .... 1657. (P.C.C. ; Ruthen, 289.) I I Stephen Gould of Wins-=pGrace, John Gould, named ham. Will proved 1642. (P.C.C. ; Camp- bell, 88.) da. of in will of his brother Stephen. Elizabeth Gould. Henry Gould, named in the will of his uncles Stephen^ and Henry, and his grandfather Henry. rn Three sons, mentioned in the will of their great-uncle Stephen. Joan Gould, mentioned in will of her uncle Stephen. Andrew Gould^=Maud, da. of Winsham, of .... son and heir ; Limbeare named in will of Crew- of his brother kerne; mar. Stephen. Liv- 12 July ing in 1676. 1642 at St. Mary Ma- jor, Exeter. Henry Gould, named in will of his brother Stephen, and in that of his father of Mar- ston Biggot, gent. Will proved 1676. I Mary Gould, =. . . . named in Buffett. father's will, and in bro- ther Henry's will. James Gould. = Administra- tion 24 March 1639, P.C.C, to widow. :Edith Sir Henry Gould, Puisne Judge of King's Bench 14 Jan. 1699 ; knighted 22=j=. ... da. of Feb. 1693-4; entered Middle Temple 24 May 1660; executor to will of his uncle Henry. Died 26 March 1710. Will proved 1710. (P.C.C. ; Smith, 138.) Davidge of Dorchester. Davidge Gould,=pHonora, da. and coheir Sarah^Edmund Fielding, Lieut.-Gen., 3rd son of Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple. Administration June 1743. (P.C.C.) of William Hockmore of Buckland, Baron in Combinteignhead, co. Devon (grandson of Gregory Hockmore and Mary, da. of Sir Richard Reynell) ; bapt. 14 July 1694. Gould. Rev. John Fielding, D.D., Canon of Salis- bury, 2nd son of George, Earl of Desmond. See ' Peerage.' =j=Henry Fielding, the=f= Novelist. See Fos ter's ' Peerage.' Edmund Fielding, died s.p. Sir Henry Gould, Knt., Chief Justice=f=Elizabeth, da. of the Rev Wal- Court of Common Pleas, of Sharpham Park, near Glastonbury ; died 1 March 1794, aged 84 ; bur. at Stapleford Abbas. ker, Archdeacon of Wells ; mar. 6 Aug. 1750 ; died in 1797 at Egham Hill ; bur. at Stapleford Abbas 11 March 1797. I Elizabeth Gould, da.=Hon. Temple S. Lut- and coheir, mar. 26 terell, M.P., son of the April 1778 ; died s.p. Earl of Carhampton. Honora Margaretta Gould, 2nd : da. and coheir ; mar. 8 July 1782 ; died 1 Oct. 1813. Honora Gould, died 11 July 1802. : Richard Gould, 7th Earl of Cavan. See ' Peerage.' 286 WELLS CATHEDRAL. William Gould,=. ... da. of Edward D.D., Rector of Gordon ; mar. 25 Stapleford Ab- Aug. 1795, she aged bas, co. Essex ; 28, and he 82. (See died 16 March ' Gentleman's Maga- 1799, aged 86. zine,' 1799, p. 345.) Thomas Gould, Barris- ter, Bencher of the Mid- dle Temple ; died 4 April 1808 ; bur. in the Benchers' Vault, Temple Church. Richard Gould=f=Susan, da. of Wells, co. Somerset. See M.I., p. 9. of Maundrell. Rev. Henry Gould, M.A., Canon of Wells: died unmar. (See M.I., p. 194.) William=Elizabeth, Gould, da. of Henry died s.p. Strangways of Shap- wick, Esq. Sir Davidge=Harriett, da. of the Ven. Sarah Gould, Admiral, William Willis, Arch- Gould, K.C.B. ; died 23 deacon of Wells ; died died April 1847, aged at Hawkhurst, Herts, 15 unmar. 89, s.p. Nov. 1855, aged 87. I Jane=pLucas Puls- Gould, died 24 Aug. 1828. ford of Wells, Esq. ; died 5 July 1819,aged69. Susan^Right Rev. Christopher Butson, Gould. Bishop of Clonsert. Roberte=Mary, da. of Rev. Rev. J. S. Butson, Archdeacon of Clonsert. Tudway, Esq. John Paine, Canon of Wells. (See that family, p. 283.) Charles^=Laetitia Sarah, Frances-r-John Paine Tud- Henry Pulsford, M.A., Canon of Wells, ^k da. of Edward Berkeley Na- pier, Esq., of East Pennard. Gould Pulsford, mar. in 1806. way of Wells, Esq., born 21 Aug. 1775; M.P. for Wells 1815-30 ; died — July 1835. Mary=Rev. Edward Tudway. Foster, Pre- bendary of Wells. Others. Robert Charles Tudway, Esq., of=pMaria Catherine, The Cedars, Wells ; J.P. ; M.P. ; eldest da. of Sir High Sheriff of Somerset 1842-3 ; William Miles, born 6 July 1808; died 20 Oct. Bart. 1855. I Jane Tudway.=Rev. Thomas Boucher Coney, Rector of Chedzoy, and Vicar of Pucklechurch, co. Gloucester. Lady Edith Nelson, da. of Horatio, : 3rd Earl Nelson ; mar. 5 July 1870 ; died 24 Aug. 1877. 1st wife. : Charles Clement Tudway : of Milton Lodge, and The Cedars, Wells; born 23 Nov. 1846. : Alice Constance, da. of Sir Frederick H. Hervey- Bathurst, Bart. 2nd wife. Madeline Constance Tudway. Frances=p Arthur Constan- Henry Gould : Henrietta Tudway. tinePhipps,Esq., Tudway, died of Shepton Mai- in 1826. let. : Mary, da. of EmmaLaeti-=George Filling- John Phipps tia Tudway, ham, Esq., of of Leighton mar. in 1837. Syerscotte House, House, Wells. co. Notts. Daughters. Mary Tudway. Henrietta Tudway. Augusta Tudway=Rev. Frederick Fleming Beadon, M.A., Vicar of Pilton. ADDENDA. 287 (Page 11.) Will op Rev. Robert Kingston. Robert Kingston of Wells, clerk, will dated 12 March. 1745. Debts and funeral expenses to be paid out of rents of estates at Burcot and Wooky Hole, after which the said estates to his wife. Son Robert Kingston, after his mother's death to have estates at "West Pennard, and the house in Chamberlain Street, settled as the jointure of his said mother, but he not to have it until twenty-five. Daughter Barbara Kingston £200 at twenty-five. Daughter Mary Kingston. Mill and 20 acres at Wookey rented by Mr. Band. If children die without heirs, estates after wife's death to go to cousin Elizabeth Gale, of Minehead, for life, then to the Archdeacons of Bath, Wells, and Taunton, and the Treasurer of the Cathedral as Trustees, to augment poor livings. Seal. Arms, A cross letw. four lions' faces. Crest, A lion's face. Will op Elizabeth St. Albon. Elizabeth S l Albon, wife of John S* Albon, gent. Nephews William and John Hill, sons of Sir Ralph Hill, deceased. Sister Grace Foweracre (?). Sister Ann Lock, her children, and husband Robert Lock. Kinswoman Mary Kingston, dau. of John Kingston of Kilve. Godson John S' Albon, son of Lancelot S* Albon, gent. Godson Thomas Sweeting, son of Hugh Sweeting. M 1 ' Abiah Evens of Bristol. Cousin Kingston, younger, executor. Dated 2 Sept. 1736. Witnesses, Robert Kingston, senior, John Poole, Margaret Sellicke. Seal, Kingston, as on the will of Robert Kingston above. Proved 11 Sept. 1738. (Page 25.) 1728. May 4 William Westley of Shepton Mallet, clothier, and Elizabeth Cheeseman of Exeter, spinster. (Vide Mar. Lie, Bishop of Exeter's Act Book.) (Pages 38, 85.) The following pedigree, compiled from the Cathedral MSS., adds some points to Mr. Ellacombe's pedigree in the ' Herald and Genealogist,' vol. iv., p. 195, esta- blishing the place in the pedigree of the two Bishops of Bath and Wells of this family. Arms of this family of Bytton or Button : Erm., afess gu. 288 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Robert de Button, son of Kobert de Button. Vide Ped. Fin., 1237. John de Button, Senior Prebendary of Comb, 1268. Had a Grant, as brother of the Bishop, of two parts of the Prebend of St. Decuman in 1249. By his will leaves money for the good of his soul, and the soul of his brother William, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Died before the Vigil of St. Nicholas, 1273. I I I Sir Adam de^ William de Richard de Button, Vicar of St. Cuthbert, Wells ; witness to a Button. Wit- Button, first Confirmation by the Dean and Chapter of a Grant by Bishop ness to a of the name William, dated Stephen's Day, 1248. On Tuesday after the Grant of Wil- Bishop of Feast of St. Thomas, 1242, he was one of a deputation to the liam. Bishop Bath and monks of Bath to act with the Chapter of Wells to elect a of Bath and Wells; con- Bishop. William, Prior of the Hospital of St. John, Wells, Wells 1273. secrated promised Richard de Button, Precentor, in return for certain 1248 ; died benefits, a full service yearly for the souls of the said Richard 1264. de Button, of Bishop William de Button, and their ancestors. Sir John de=^ Philip de Button. Inspeximus by the Dean and Chapter of a Grant by Button. Bishop William de Button to Philip de Button of a burgage in Wells, etc., in 1251. Tn Jan. 1260 leave was granted by the Dean and Chapter for the celebration of divine service in his Chapel at Melsbury ; John, Vicar of St. Cuthbert, consents provided all offerings of the said Philip and his family at the four great feasts, and those he is bound to pay as a parishioner to the mother Church, saving a penny a day for a chaplain, be paid to said John. For this he pays two shillings a year. William de Button, elected Bishop of Bath and Wells 10 Feb. 1267. By deed dated St. Matthew's Day, 1273, grants all the service due to him from his brother Thomas de Button, Arch- deacon of Wells, to which Sir Adam de Button and Philip de Button are witnesses. Thomas de Button, Archdeacon of Wells ; elected Dean of Wells 1284 ; became Bishop of Exeter, and died in 1307. (Page 39.) The exact connection of Bishop John Harewell with the Worcestershire family is not shewn by the Wells MSS.; he was probably brother of Eoger, who is mentioned as father of Canon Eoger Harewell, who in 1380 obtained from the Chapter a confirmation of a lease he had made of part of his canonical buildings. This Eoger became Archdeacon of Bath, and was admitted to residence by the Chapter in 1392. Canon Eoger Harewell presented to Compton Dundon in 1409, and to Mudford 1424. Eichard Harewell was installed a Canon and Prebendary of Litton 1 Oct. 1361. He makes formal declaration that he desires to become a Eesidentiary 24 Sept. 1388. Canon Thomas Harewell in 1380 was acting for the Dean. Another Eichard Harewell was instituted to the living of Trent in 1410, and to that of St. Cuthbert, Wells, in 1424. John Harewell, Eector of Berkeley, died in 1459. William Harewell, who in the Worcestershire Visitation is recorded as having married Agnes, daughter of Sir Henry Owgan, presented to the living of Beercrocombe in 1454, 1457, and again in 1489, and to Capland in 1467, but died in 1504, when Agnes, the relict of William Harewell, presented to Beercrocombe and to Capland. Nor did this long connection of the family end then, for John, ADDENDA. 289 son and heir of the above William and Agnes Harewell, left five daughters his co- heirs, one of whom, Elizabeth, married Anthony Rowley of Devonshire, and she with her husband presented to Oapland in 1519 and again in 1531. (Page 43.) Richard Symonds in his ' Diary ' mentions the following coat as being in coloured glass at the church of Hinton St. George when he visited the place in 1644 : Arg., on a/ess az., betw. in chief three stags' heads caboshed or, and in base as many fleurs- de-lis sa., a bishop's mitre. The fleurs-de-lis are no doubt a mistake of Symonds for pheons. (Page 46.) 1689 Richard Bull of Midsomer Norton and Joane Tooker of the same place. (Mar. Lie. Allegations, Bishop's Registry, Wells.) 1703 Oct. 26 Robert Bull of S l Outhbert parish, yeoman, and Mary Burge of Chewton, spinster, aged 24, her father consenting. To marry at Chewton Mendip, Midsomer Norton, or S* Cuthbert. (Mar. Lie. Allegations, Bishop's Registry, Wells.) (Page 47.) 1701 Mar. 22 Henry Bull of Frome Selwood, gent., and Margaret Whitchurch of the same place, spinster. To marry at Frome Selwood or Orchard. (Mar. Lie. Allegations, Bishop's Registry, Wells.) (Page 49.) We are indebted to James Parker, Esq., M.A., of Oxford, for the following additions : — Samuel Parker, Bishop of Oxford, President of=f=Rebecca, da. of ... . Phesant Magdalen College ; ob. 1687. of London. Gilbert Parker, ob. July 1731. Samuel Parker, the Author ; ob.^. ... da. of Henry A da. 1730; set. 49. Clements. Gilbert Parker ; matric. Sackville Parker,=. . . . Samuel Parker, born 1703 ; Clerk of at Trinity College 5 June bookseller; ob. Dunn. Magdalen College 1730 — 1767; Yeo- 1739, set. 17. s.p. 10 Dec. 1796, man Bedell ; bur. at St. Peter's 9 set. 89, s.p. Sept. 1767. A P P 290 WELLS CATHEDRAL. John : Parker. Catherine, da. and coheir of Richard Parker, Scholar of Lincoln Thomas Parker. Charles Perrott, Esq., of College ; bur. at St. Peter's 28 =j= Northleigh. March 1742. Kichard Parker, died 1778. Descended from=pSarah Chapman, Catherine=James Arnold of Samuel, son of Samuel Parker, Bishop of Oxford, who died 1687. died Jan. 1821. Parker. Wormleighton. Samuel Perrott Charles Lewis=f=Anne. da. of Arch (?) Anna Maria=Dr Richards of Parker. Parker. I Lawrence. Parker. St. Martin's in the I Fields, London. Edward^ Anne=T. Joley, Caroline Par- Jane Par- Sophia Par-=Charles Parker, Parker. Parker. Esq., of ker, died un- ker, died ker, died Windsor, mar. unmar. s.p. her cousin. Charles Lewis Parker, living in America in 1886. Sophia Parker. Joseph Parker, died in 1851.=FSarah, da. of Thomas Hayes, Precentor of Durham. I | I I Edward=f=Susannah, da. of Charles=f=Jane Sarah = J .... Gol- Eliza-=Frederick Parker, Rector of Oxenden. Charles Barnwell, Lewis Esq., of London ; Parker, Fellow Caius Col- Surgeon lege, Cambridge. Lowry. Par- den of Tain- beth Monck, ker. by Hall, co. Maria Esq., of Lincoln. Parker. Oxford. Edward Barnwell Parker. Joseph Perrott Parker. Lewis Barnwell Parker. John Parker=pCaroline Ryder. T Charles Parker, died at Bin-=Sophia Parker, cousin field 7 May 1862, aged 59, s.p. to her husband. John Henry Parker,: born 1806; died Jan. 1884. ^Frances Mary, da. of the Rev. J. Hockyns, D.D., Rector of Appleton. James Parker, born 1833;=pSarah Caroline, da. of living 1892, of Oxford, Publisher ; M.A., Oxon. J. G-. Beyman, Esq., of Formosa, afterwards of Sherborne. I I I Charles Frances James John Mary Henry Parker. Parker. Parker. I I Frank Irene Sackville Parker. Parker. William Eadward Hubert Frontunis Godric Parker. Parker. Parker. I Agape Parker. ADDENDA. 291 (Page 52.) 1708 Nov. 24 Robert Strangways of Shepton Mallet, and Mary Creech of Charlton Mackerell, spinster, aged 27. Father consents. To marry at Kingweston or Burton David. (Mar. Lie. Allega- tions, Bishop's Registry, Wells.) 1709 Nov. 29 Thomas Strangways of Charlton Adam, gent., and Mary Sampson of Charlton Mackerell, spinster, aged 18, whose father con- sents. To marry at Charlton Mackerell. (Mar. Lie. Allega- tions, Bishop's Registry, Wells.) (Pages 55, 58.) Will of Charles Baron. Charles Baron the elder, of Wells. Dated 20 May 1722. Real and personal estate to son Charles Baron, and to his heirs, and he to be executor. Daughter Mary Baron £20 annually out of land at Burnham for life and that of her son James. Witnesses : Thomas Westley, P. Davis, Mary Lambert. Seal, Three mullets within a lord, eng., imp. An eagle displ. ivith two heads. Proved 29 June 1730. Will of Dorothy Barron. Dorothy Barron of Wells, widow. To poor 30s. Her four sons, William, John, Charles, and Matthew Barron, 20s. each for rings. Residue to daughter Ann Barron, who is to be executor. Dated 19 July 1683. Proved at Wells 23 Sept. 1692 by Ann Barron, spinster. Seal, A fess betw. in chief three lions' 1 gambs erect and erased, and in base an eagle displ., imp. Three mullets within a bord. eng. ; crest, A lion's gamb erect and erased. Will of James Baron. James Baron of Wells, innholder. Lands of inheritance in the parish of St. Cuthbert to son James Baron and his heirs, and half an acre at Torr Hill. To son Joseph Baron a messuage in East Wells and lands held of the Dean and Chapter. To son John Baron a messuage, tenements, malthouse, and garden in Torr lane. To daughter Sarah Baron house in East Wells and £200. Wife Susanna, walled garden, etc., in Torr lane. To Elizabeth and Sarah daughters of son James Baron, £5. To Henrietta daughter of Joseph Baron, £5. Dated 17 April 1735. Proved at Wells June 1735. (Page 55.) 1690 July 11 Thomas Baron of Wells, mercer, and Jane Davidge of Wraxall, spinster, aged 49, and having no parents. To marry at Wraxall. (Mar. Lie. Allegations, Bishop's Registry, Wells.) 292 WELLS CATHEDRAL. (Pages 65, 66.) Administration of the effects of Ann Palmer, deceased, granted to Frances Palmer of Wells, spinster, sister and administratrix of deceased ; bondsmen, Peter Davis, Esq., of Wells, and John Beckham, gent., of Wells, 21 Dec. 1750. Administration of the effects of Elizabeth Palmer of Wells, granted to Frances Palmer of Fairfield, spinster, sister of the deceased, left unadministered by M rs Catherine Palmer, also deceased ; bondsmen, Peregrine Palmer of Fairfield, and Sarah Knight of Bridgewater, spinster, on 28 Nov. 1752. Cathedral Register. Baptisms. 1717 May 29 Ann dau. of Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. ; born 8 May. 171| Mary da. of Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. ; born on Xmas day, and bapt. on New Year's day by M r William Hill. 1720 Aug. 30 John s. of Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. ; born the same day. 173£ Jan. 9 Samuel s. of Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. ; born Monday 4 Jan., privately bapt. and publicly admitted to the Church Thursday 23 Feb. Wedding. 1745 Sept. 24 Alexander Barker, Esq., of Bristol, bachelor, and Sarah Franklyn of Bath, spinster. By licence. Burials. Francis s. of the Rev. Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. John s. of Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. Mary Ann da. of the Rev. Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. Samuel s. of Francis Franklyn and Joan his w. Francis Franklyn, clerk. 1718 Mar. 27 1720 Sept. 15 172£ Feb. 23 1721 April 21 1738 April 24 (Page 79.) Mrs. Sarah Thring died 26 Sept. 1891 ; her son, Theodore Thring, Esq., died 28 Sept. 1891. They were both buried at the same time in plain graves, side by side, to the east of the chancel of Alford Church. (Page 86.) The following pedigree does little more than suggest additions to Mr. Greenfield's, already quoted, and is wholly compiled from the Cathedral MSS. ; at the same time it corrects the errors in the Harl. MS., which was partly Mr. Greenfield's authority. The Cathedral MSS. shew no evidence that Mary de Drokensford brought the Manor of Shipham to the Clyvedon family, but rather that Clyvedon had it from Malherb, which is supported by the Hastings quarterings at North Cadbury, among which are, Or, a lion ramp. az. crowned yu., Clyvedon, and Arg., three nettle-leaves gu. f Malherb. But no coat of Drokensford. ADDENDA. 293 Bvaktntfartt. Philip de=f=. . . . (?), da. and heiress Drokens- of de Harptre or Pop- ford, ham. John de Drokensford, from whom his nephew, Philip de Drokensford, held lands in Wivelscombe. Henry de Mudesley, whose son Bichard de Drokens- ford, brother of the Bishop, made Chan- cellor 8 Jan. 1310. In 1316 the Bishop collates his brother Bichard de Drokens- ford to a Prebeudal Stall. I . Philip de Drokensford,: brother of the late Bis- hop John de Drokens- ford ; confirmed the Grant by Johanna Perceval, relict of Sir Boger Perceval, of land in, and the church of, Exford ; dated at Dro- kensford 6 Edw. III. (1332-3). John de Drokens- ford, Bishop of Bath and Wells. 1309— 1329 ; ob. 9 May 1329. I Michael : Drokens- ford, brother of Bishop Drokens- ford. Bobert Malherb quit-claims to Peter the Dean half a virgate of land in Wed- more. He ap- pears as a wit- ness to deeds in 1246 and 1256. T Michael de Drokensford. Instituted to the Bectory of Chedzoy in 1317. Nephew of Bishop Drokensford. Col- lated to the Stall of Dulcote in 1316, and to a house held by Bichard his brother in 1328. Bichard de Drokensford. On 14 Nov. 1326 the Bishop collates his nephew Bichard de Drokens- ford to the Stall of Vatton. In 1327 he is made a Canon and Precentor. He grants power of attorney to Philip de Drokensford to seek arrears due from the Priory of Hexham. William Malherb, to whom Edw. I., by deed dated 5 June An. Beg. 2 (1274), grants a weekly market in his manor of Shipham, and a fair for three days at the Feast of St. Leonard. i I Adam Malherb. Exchanged with Bobert Malherb lands in Hugh Malherb. Witness Loxton, which he had as a grant from Hawice de Sperkford, for to a Charter of Robert lands in Shipham. Malherb. John de Clyvedon, miles. Will 1 dated the Vigil of St. Lawrence 1336 ; names his wife and two sons ; proved 4 Sept. 1336, before John de Myddleton, Vicar of Shepton Beauchamp, Com- missary of Ralph, Bishop of Bath and Wells. (Beg. Bad. de Salopia, fol. 144.) : Lady Em- meline, with her two sons proved the will of her late hus- band. Bobert Malherb,: granted to his da. Sara half a virgate of land, etc. Lord of Shipham. Wit- ness Gervase de Sparkford. ^Margarie de Malherb, widow, grants to Matthew de Clyve- don, Knt., the curia of " Schepham," which had been her dowry ; given at Schip- hara on Sunday next after St. Thomas, 15 Edw. II. (1322). Edmund de Matthew de Clyvedon, Knt. ; granted to John de Clyvedon his son, : Clyvedon. and to Maria de Drokensford, wife of the said John, possession of lands in Shipham, 12 Edw. II. (1318-19). : Sara Malherb. Andrew, son of Philip de Drokensford, collated to the Stall of Yatton 12 April 1321, a Canon in 1323, and held St. Mawgan in Kynier in Cornwall. Andrew de Drokensford, Prebendary of Yatton, pays to the Chapter money raised on the goods of the late Prebendary. Named as kinsman by Bishop Drokensford 7 Aug. 1322, being then at the University. Thomas de Drokens- ford, nephew of the Bishop, collated to the Stall of Ilton in 1327, and to Dundon on 5 Nov. 1327. 294 WELLS CATHEDRAL. U B| I i i | . . . .-T- Nicholas de Drokensford, Prebend. Mary de Drokensford=f=John de Clyvedon. of Dulcote ; died in 1361. T -' T Margaret de Clyvedon^=John St. Loe, senior, held lands in Shipham I 39 Edw. III. T Philip de Drokensford, conveys^ William. Lord Botreaux, grants to John=f=Elizabeth, da Okehampton to his son Philip between 1462-67. Broun the manor of Shipham, with certain exceptions, 6 Hen. V. (1405-6). and heir ; died 24 Sept. 1391. Philip de Drokensford. William, Lord Botreaux=T=Elizabeth, da. of John de Everingham. Bobert, 2nd Lord^Margaret, da. and heir. As widow of Lord Hungerford, she granted lands Hungerford. in Shipham to Bishop Beckington 3 Edw. III. (1463-4), (Page 94.) 1687 Oct. 6. Edmund Bourne of Wembdon and Ann Gore of Bristol, married. ( Vide Cathedral Register.) (Page 116, No. 5.) "Walter Ireland, Rector of Christemaleford and Prepositus of the Cathedral before 1390. (Pages 124—126.) 1707 July 23 Joseph Musgrave of Stoke S* Mary, sergemaker, and Ann Sellick of West Monkton, spinster, aged 24. Her father and mother consenting. At S* Cuthbert. (Mar. Alleg. at Wells.) There is a monument at Buckland Newton for Ann, first wife of the Rev. Nathaniel Sellick, who died in 1680. He was buried at Clifton Campville, co. Stafford. Penelope, relict of John Sellick, and daughter of Sir John Newton, of Barr's Court, was buried at Stanton Drew, having died 28 May 1722. (Page 144.) Among the Cathedral MSS. are two grants from Bishop Clarke to his brother, Thomas Clarke of Wooky, and his daughter Alice Clarke. (Page 145.) The coat used for the See in the Ken memorial window is not quite correctly described ; it is quite a new variation — namely, the keys are in saltire, and the sword has the point in base. ADDENDA. 295 Beneath the above Ken window, since that part of this Work was printed, a brass plate has been fixed in memory of the late Dean Plumptre, with the following inscription : — In memoriam Edwardi Hayes Plumptre, M.A., S.T.P. Decani Wellensis qui hanc fenestram in honorem insignis episcopi Thomse Ken decorandam curavit obdormivit in Christo Ksel. Feb. mdcccxci. hanc tabulam posuere mcerentes college. (Page 208.) 1720 July 27 Alexander Chreyghton of Glastonbury, mercer, and Hannah Lush of Witham Friary, spinster, aged 28. Mother consenting. To marry at Witham Friary or Cloford. (Mar. Alleg. at Wells. ) (Page 215.) It may be as well to mention that Archdeacon Hill used on his official seal the same arms as are placed on his monument. The association of Kilmington with Hampshire was an oversight for Kilmiston in that county. (Page 253.) Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Mary Tudway, married the Rev. Francis Drake, vicar of Seaton, Devon, etc., and mother (with others who died young or un- married) of Francis Drake, buried, with a monument, in St. Cuthbert's Church, leaving several children ; Clement Drake, married, left issue ; and Ann Drake married the Rev. Edward Foster of Wells. (Page 271.) In the account of the heraldry in the Vicars' Common Hall, the following was omitted : On the frame of the painting representing the Vicars receiving their statutes from Bishop Beckington are four modern shields — viz., Beckington as in the Cathedral, arms of Queen Elizabeth, the coat for the Vicars as on chimney- piece, and Arg., a lion ramp. sa. crowned or, on a canton az. a chev. oetw. three acorns of the third, Ducane ; for the Rev. Arthur Ducane (see page 248). ADDENDA ET CORKIGENDA. Pag* 1. For Bulworth read Bubwith. 9. Gould. After the second line insert — sub . . . Susanna Gould .... 25. Broderip. For fsetu grairda' noveing read foetu gravida noveniq'. 43. Sixth Shield. On the first and sixth quarters and on the supporters of Cecil add, a crescent for difference, as in the Plate. 62. The will of the Rev. Edmund Archer does not appear to be at Wells or Somerset House, but in the latter Registry is the will of Anne Archer of Burnham, co. Bucks, widow (Price, 304), dated 8 Dec. 1732. She directs to be buried in Hitcham churchyard. Names dear brother Dr. Evans ; dear sister Mrs. Mary Houstret ; to Nathaniel Ingilo " once " (sic) my dear son ; my brother Montegu ; my sister Segory ; my sister Borlew ; my cousin Anne Palmer, and Mrs. Pigott ; sons Benjamin, Gilbert, and Thomas Archer. Proved 12 Dec. 1733 by Rev. Thomas Archer the son and one of the residuary legatees of the said Anne Archer. 71. For Sheaf t read Sheaf e. 85. In the fourth line of the note to the Bayly inscription read Margaret for Philippa. 99. Arms of Morris : A fess betw. three lions couch, gard. Crest: A stag's head erased pierced by an arrow. 100. For blazon of Arms see p. 185. Crest : A stag's head erased pierced by an arrow. 102. Arms of Burland : Erm., on a chief (gu.) three roses (arg.) ; on an escutcheon of pretence, Morris as on p. 185. Crest : A griffin's head erased. 109. Arms of Brydges : (Arg.), on a cross (sa.) a leopard's face (or), in the first quarter a martlet for diff. ; imp. Creyghton. 110. Arms of Bishop Berkeley : A saltire, imp. (Ght.), on a chev. betw. ten crosses patee arg. a rose. 140. Clinton. Among the Bubwith Almshouse deeds is a seal of Guido Clinton, viz., Paly of six (or. and az.), a fess erm. 167. Arms : Barry of six nebulee or and sa., Lovell ; imp. Per fess arg. and gu., six escallop- shells counter 'changed, Westley. 190. Seymour : fourth line, for Potentissema read Potentissimi. Eighth line, for Odam read JEdam ; and for the last line but two of the same inscription read Tanti vevere ut deset morituum. 192. Third line, for MDCCXVII read MDCCXCVII. 194. The scroll in the crest of Gould has by oversight been omitted from the plate. 217. For Hooker read Hooper. 234. Gaisford : in note, for Baa read Banister. 253. The William Harris on this page was a solicitor's clerk, and after Sacristan of the Cathedral. ^30 0S3 5 ^ AA A-Jf-Ul. put — •« fl.JJ- dol. r. *J*«Ut. * « .** *» • I »- AW***- Tl.Ilf f -0 -# 4***L. K.X ■^ I I INDEX. Abraham, Adam (Rev. - ), 147. Acland, Arthur, 66 ; Cecily, 66 ; Hugh (Sir), 66. Acton, John (Sir). 117 ; Richard (Sir), 98. Acre, Joand', 118, 119. Adams, Mistress, 94 ; Philippa, 94 ; Richard (Rev.), 94 ; Robert, 94 ; — , 96. Adeane, James W. (Gen.), 190 ; Jane, 190. Alabaster, Ann, 147 ; Arms, 147 ; John, 147 ; Thomas, 147. Alderley, Arthur, 281 ; Dorothy, 281. Allen, Elizabeth, 18 ; Samuel, 18 ; Thomas, 2. Allenson, Philip, 165, 166. Amsick, Paul, 154 ; Sarah, 154. Amyand, Claudias, 282 ; Frances, 282. Andrews, Abigail, 163, 164 ; Arms, 164 ; Benjamin, 20, 23, 162, 163 ; Bridget, 163, 164 ; Elizabeth, 163, 164 ; George, 163 ; John, 21 ; Lancelot, 104 ; Mary, 20, 23, 104, 162, 163 ; Rachael, 163 ; Sarah, 163 ; Thomas, 104 ; William, 163. Angouleme, Alice d', 117 ; Aylmer, Comte d', 117 ; Guy, Comte d', 117 ; Isabel of, 117. Anketel, Christopher. 103 ; Margaret, 103. Annesley, Anne, 265 ; Arms, 134 ; Arthur, Earl of, 134 ; Arthur, 265 ; Philippa (Lady), 134 ; Rev. Dr., 69. Anstis, Catherine, 50 ; John, 50 Appelwhaite, Ann, 279 ; Edward, 279. Appleby, James A., 245. Aquitane, Eleanor of, 117; William, Duke of, 117. Archer, Ann, 62 ; Arms, 62 ; Edmund (Rev.), 62 ; Elizabeth, 62. Ardern, Catherine, 121 121. Arkwright, Emma, 29 Armstrong, John, 257 John (Sir), 121; Maud, William, 29. Sophia, 257. Arnold, Ann, 105 ; Catherine, 290 ; Elizabeth, 106 ; Francis, 105 ; Henry, 103, 105 ; Henry (Rev.), 105 ; Henry A., 105 ; James, 105, 290 ; John, 105 ; Margaret, 103 ; Margaret H., 105. Arthur, Henry, 3. Arundell, Earls of, see Fitz Alan ; John (Sir), 38 ; Elizabeth, 38. Ashe, or Aishe, Abraham, 127; Ann, 127; Caroline S., 154 ; Edmund, 127 ; George (Rev.), 154 ; Joane, 127 ; John, 127, 136 ; Robert, 126 ; Theophila, 127 ; William, 127. Atkinson, John, 276 ; Mary A., 276. Avenel, Joan, 86 ; William, 86. Audley, Hugh de, 121 ; Margaret, 121. Aukland. see Eden. Aulsey, Thomas, 25. Aumarle, — , 121 ; — , 121. Austria, Ann of, 117. Ayliffe, Edith G., 267. B Backhouse, Eliza, 276 ; John, 276. Badlesmere, Elizabeth, 119; Theobald, Lord, 119. Bagot, Arms, 96, 269 ; Harriet (Lady). 96 ; Hervie, 121 ; Millicent, 121 ; Richard (Bishop), 96, 269 ; Sir William (Lord). 96. Baird, David (Gen. Sir), 223. Baker, Ann, 263 ; George, 95 ; John. 243 ; Margaret A., 243 ; Mary, 260. Bamfield, Alice M.. 182 ; General, 182. Band, Edward W., 99 ; Mr., 287 ; Sarah, 99. Banister, Arms, 78 ; James, 78, 234 (by error Baa) ; Jane, 78, 234 (by error Baa). Barber, Robert, 46 ; Susan, 46. Barker, Alexander, 292 ; Arms, 129 ; Carherine E., 115; Charles T. (Rev.), 115; Charlotte A., 115 ; Ralph (Rev.), 129 ; Sarah, 292. Barnard, Alice, 98 ; Alice M., 97 ; Ann, 98 ; Arms, 98 ; Basil H. F., 98 ; Charles N., 97 ; Charles T.. 97 ; Constance E., 98 ; Edgar T., 97 ; Edward, 97 ; Edward T., 97 ; Eleanor, 97, 266 ; Eleanor B., 97 ; Elizabeth, 97, 98 ; Ellen, 98 ; Emily, 97 ; Emily H., 97 ; Fanny, 97 ; Fanny F., 97 ; Francis, 98 ; Frederick C, 97 ; Frederick H., 97 ; George, 97, 98 ; Gerald H. N., 98 ; Harriet, 98 ; Helen M., 98 ; Henry I., 97 ; Henry W ; Jane, 97, 98 ; John, 98, 238 Lionel H, 98 ; Lucy, 97 Martha, 97 Michael, 98 Penelope, 97; Philip G., 98 Richard, 98 ; Susan, 97, 98 Violet G., 98 ; William, 97, 98 ; Winifred E., 98. Barnwell, Charles, 290 ; Susannah, 290. Baron, Alexander, 55, 58 ; Alice, 56 ; Ann, 56, 57, 58, 291; Arms, 56, 57, 291 ; Arthur, 56, 57, 58 ; Benjamin, 56 ; Betsy, 57 ; Catherine, 56 ; Capt., 153 ; Charles, 56, 57, 291 ; Dorothy, 56, 291 ; Eleanor, 58 ; Elizabeth, 56, 57, 153, 291 ; Frances, 58 ; Francis, 56, 57 ; Grace, 56 ; Hellm, 56 ; Henrietta, 291 ; Henry, 56, 57, 58 ; Hester, 56 ; James, 56, 57, 58, 291 ; Jane, 23, 57, 291 ; Joan, 31, 57 ; John, 291 ; Joseph, 291 ; Katherina, 58 ; Lucy, 58 ; Margery, 56 ; Martha, 55, 58 ; Mrs., 56 ; Mary, 56, 57, 291 ; Matthew, 31, 56, 57, 178, 291 ; Richard, 56 ; Samuel, 56 ; Q Q 98 ; Henry C, (Rev.), 97, 266 Kathleen, 98 ; Margaret, 97 ; Marianne, 97 Mary, 97, 98 ; Maude O., 98 Olive H., 98 ; Reginald I., 97 Thomas, 97, 98 * 298 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sarah, 57, 291 ; Susanna, 291 ; T., 23 ; Tho- mas, 56, 57, 285; William, 55, 56, 57, 58, 291. Barras, Charles P., 212 ; Sophia C, 212. Barrett, Herbert D. (Rev.), 79 ; Mary C, 79. Barstow, Thomas, 188. Bartlet, Jane C, 256; Sarah, 256; Stephen, 256. Barton, Charles (Rev.), 156; George, 21, 22; Mary A., 156. Bassett, — , 98, Bave, Elizabeth, 47 ; Samuel, 47. Bayard, Katherine, 232 ; Major, 232. Bayley, Amy, 135 ; William, 135. Bayly, Arms, 84 ; Dulcibella, 73 ; Elizabeth, 84, 85, 90 ; George, 84 ; John, 73, 83, 84, 85, 90 ; Margaret, 83, 84, 296 ; Mary, 84 ; William, 84. Baynard, Ann, 149 ; Arms, 149 ; Thomas, 149. Baynham, Adam, 95 ; — , 95. Beadon, Agnes, 199, 200 ; Annabella, 198 ; Arms. 197, 198 ; Arthur E., 199 ; Augusta, 286 ; Canon, 97 ; Caroline, 198, 199 ; Caroline M., 199 ; Cecil, 200 ; Cecil (Sir), 199 ; Cecil (Col.), 199 ; Ceoil H., 199 ; Charles, 198 ; Charles a, C, 200 ; Charles C, 200 ; Doris, 200 ; Edith, 200 : Edward, 200 ; Edward S., 200 ; Edwards (Rev.), 97, 198 ; Eirene, 199 ; Eleanor, 199 ; Eleanor K., 199 ; Eleanor R., 199 ; Elizabeth, 198 ; Ellen, 199, 200 ; Eve, 199 ; Florence. 200; Frances, 199; Frances A., 199; Frederick (Canon), 197, 198; Frederick F. (Rev.), 286; Gertrude A., 199; Grace, 200 ; Guy C, 199 ; Harold, 200 ; Harriet, 199 ; Helen, 199 ; Henry C, 199, 200 ; Henry S., 199 ; Hilda a C, 199 ; Hyde E.. 200 ; Hyde W., 199 ; Imogene, 199 ; Isabel, 199 ; Isabella, 198; Isabella S., 198; Jessie, 198 ; Jessie C, 198 Jessie E., 198 ; Jessie M., 198 ; Julia S., 198 Lancelot, 199 ; Madeline, 199 ; Margaret, 199 Mary, 97, 197, 198, 199 ; Mary A., 198 ; Phoebe C, 199 ; Philip C, 199 ; Phyllis, 200 ; Rachael, 196, 198 ; Richard (Bishop), 93, 97, 196, 197, 198 ; Richard, 198, 199 ; Richard a C, 198 ; Richard G., 199 ; Richard R. a C, 199 ; Robert, 197, 198 ; Susan, 198 ; Vernon, 200 ; Violet, 199 ; William a C, 200 ; WiUiam F., 198; William F. a C, 199; William V., 198. Beakes, Lucy, 95. Beard, Hannah, 165. Beauchamp, Eleanor, 120 ; Elizabeth, 120 : John, 264 ; Philippa, 121 ; Richard, Earl of War- wick, 120 ; Sarah, 264 ; Thomas, Earl of Warwick, 121. Beaumont, Beaumond, Alice, 263, Ann, 263 ; Anthony, 263 ; Christiana C, 248 ; Constance, 263 ; Elizabeth, 263 ; Grace, 263 ; Hannah, 263 ; Henrietta, 263 ; Henry, 263 ; Jane, 262, 263 ; John, 263, 264 ; John D., 263 ; John H, 263 ; Martha, 263 ; Mary, 263 ; Mr., 263 ; Mrs., 263 ; Sarah, 264 ; Thomas, 263 ; William, 263 ; — , 59. Beckett, Constance, 199. Beckham, John, 292. Beckington, Bekynton, Arms, 1, 38, 39, 285 ; Thomas de (Bishop), 1, 8, 38, 275. Bellamie, Ann, 73 ; John, 73 ; William, 73. Bennett, Charles, 3 ; Elizabeth, 95 ; Elizabeth M., 276 ; Emily, 276 ; Helen F., 276 ; Henry (Rev.), 276 ; James, 104 ; Jane, 95, 104. Bere, John, 127 ; Mary, 127. Berenger (of Provence), Elenor, 118 ; Raymond, 118 ; Sanchia, 118. Berkeley, Arms, 110, 122 ; Edward, 84, 85, 286 ; Elizabeth, 36, 84, 85, 118, 120; Eva, 118; Gilbert (Bishop). 110; Isabel, 118; James (Sir), 120; Jane, 122; Joane, 118; John (Sir), 120 ; Lastitia, 286 ; Laatitia P., 231 ; Margaret, 118, 120; Maurice, 85; Maurice (Lord), 118, 120 ; Maurice, Viscount Fitz- harding, 122; Maurice (Sir), 118; Robert (Lord), 118; Thomas (Lord), 36, 118, 120; William, 101. Bernard, Arms, 243 ; Caroline, 243 ; Charles, 243 ; Daniel, 243 ; John, 243 ; John (Rev.), 237 ; Margaret A., 243 ; Mary, 243 ; Samuel. 243 ; Thomas, 243 ; Thomas D. (Canon), 243. Berry, Butler (Rev.), 183 ; Mary R., 183. Bethell. Ann, 234 ; Arms, 234 ; Charles, 234 ; William H, 234 ; Lord Westbury, 235. Bewes, Arms, 50 ; Catherine, 50 ; Elishaba, 50 ; Harry, 50 ; Sarah, 50 ; Thomas, 50. Beyman, J. C, 290 ; Sarah C, 290. Bickham, John, 285. Bidgood. Humphrey, 99 ; Mary D., 98. Bihatshell, Mary, 139. Bilbee, Edward, 69. Billingsley, — , 27. Bingham, Arms, 153 ; Elizabeth, 153 ; John R. (Sir), 153 ; Richard (Col.), 153. Birport, Elizabeth, 52 ; William, 52. Bishop, Elizabeth, 95 ; Francis, 95 ; Thomas. 95. Bisse, Arms, 177 : George, 64, 241 ; Robert, 69, 177, 181 ; Susanna, 69, 177, 181. Blackhall, Bishop, 99 ; Theophilus, 99. Blakeman, Edmund, 3. Blandy, Sarah, 243. Blount, Mary, 150 ; Richard, 150. Bluett, Elizabeth, 120 ; John (Sir), 120. Boddam, Ellen, 199 ; Gen., 199. Bohun, Eleanor, 121 ; Humphery de, Earl of Hereford, 121. Bolton, Alice, 143; Arms, 143; Isabell, 143; Johan, 143 ; John, 143 ; Mowatt, 143. Bond, Charles, 153 ; Charlotte, 153 ; Charlotte M., 153. Bonham, Ann, 52 ; John H, 52. Botreaux, Ann, 121 ; Elizabeth, 294 ; Margaret, 294 ; William (Lord), 121, 294. Bouchier, Cecily, Countess of Bath, 38 ; John, Earl of Bath, 38. Boulting, Christiana, 143 ; William, 143. Bourne, Ann, 46. 149, 294 ; Arms, 94 ; Bridgett, 96 ; Canon, 149 ; Edmund, 94, 294 ; Eleanor, 35, 94 ; Elizabeth, 95 ; Frances, 96 ; Francis D, 95 ; George, 95 ; Gilbert, 35, 94, 95, 96 ; Henry, 96 ; Jane, 35, 96 ; Jasper, 95, 96 ; Joan, 95 ; John, 3, 35, 94, 95, 96, 149; John (Rev.), 94, 95 ; Jonas. 95 ; Mary, 96 ; Philip, 94 ; Philippa, 96 ; Richard, 95 ; Roger, 94, 95, 96 ; Sarah. 95 ; Silvester, 96 ; Susan, 95 ; Susanna, 94, 95 ; Thomas, 95, 96 ; William, 95, 96. Bouverie, see Pleydell-Bouverie. Bowett, Arms, 161 ; Bishop, 161. Bowles, Phineas, 134. Bown, John, 3, 35 ; Mary, 50 ; Robert, 50. Bradley, Francis, 69 ; Jane, 69 ; Katherine, 69 ; William, 3. Bragge, Arms, 100, 184, 185 ; Mary, 100, 185 ; William, 100, 185. INDEX. 299 Braham, John (Canon), 237. Brailsford, Matthew, 107. Brancker, Ann, 82 ; Hannah, 267. Braunche, Arms, 117 ; Nicholas (Sir), 117. Brent, Ann, 12 ; Thomas (Rev.), 12. Brewih, James, 245. Brian, Dianna, 14 ; Thomas, 14. Briant, Elizabeth, 33. Brick, Mrs., 164. Brickenden, Ann, 26 ; Edmund (Rev.), 25, 26 ; Elizabeth, 26 ; Frediswade, 25, 26. Britbaine, Margaret, 180. Broad, Helen, 251 ; John, 251 ; Ruth, 249 ; Sarah, 251 ; Sophia, 251 ; Sophia L., 251 ; William, 249. Broderip, Edmund, 168, 169; Edward, 169; Eleanor, 169 ; Elizabeth, 169 ; Frances, 168 ; Frediswade, 168, 169; Jane, 169; John, 168, 169 ; Maria, 169 ; Martha, 168, 169 ; Mary, 169 ; Robert, 168 ; Sarah, 168, 169 ; William, 25, 168, 169. Brokehampton, Elizabeth, 88 ; John, 88. Brookes, Frederick, 262 ; George, 262 ; Henry, 261 ; Mary, 261 ; Sarah, 261. Browne, Brown, Ann, 186; Charles, 186; Deborah, 76, 186 ; Eleanor, 23 ; Elizabeth, 57, 185, 186, 187 ; Frances, 186 ; Frederick (Rev.), 43, 134 ; Grace, 186 ; Hugh, 186, 187 ; James, 186 ; Joan, 186 ; John, 186, 187 ; Jonas, 186 ; Joseph, 186, 187 ; Martha, 185, 186; Mary, 33, 186; Nathaniel, 186; Phillis, 186 ; Robert, 186 ; . Sarah, 186 ; William, 186. Bruce, Annabella, 199 ; Constance, 199 ; Frances L., 154 ; Henry, 199 ; Henry, Lord Aberdare, 199 ; Henry L., 199 ; Jessie, 199 ; Margaret C, 199 ; Rachael, 199 ; —,154. Brun, Alice Le, 116 ; Guy Le, 117 ; Hugh Le, 116, 117 ; Isabel Le, 117. Bryant, Elizabeth, 77 ; John, 77. Brydges, Ann, 204, 205 ; Arms, 109, 204, 205, 296 ; Catherine, 205 ; Edmund, 204, 205 ; Eleanor, 204, 205 ; Elizabeth, 204, 205 ; Frances, 110, 112, 114, 204, 205, 208 ; Francis, 205 ; Francis W. T., 205 ; Frideswade, 205 ; Hester, 205 ; John, Lord Chandos, 149; Kemp, 204 ; Mar- garet, 124 ; Marshall, 109, 112, 114, 204, 205, 208 ; Marshall (Rev.), 204, 205 ; Mary, 204, 205 ; Philippa, 149 ; Rachael, 203 ; Richard, 205 ; Robert, 112, 204, 205 ; Robert (Rev.), 114, 124, 204, 205 ; Thomas, 205 ; Thomas (Sir), 149 ; William, 204, 205. Brymer, Arms, 279 ; William T. P. (Rev.), 146. Bubwith, Arms, 1, 9, 275 ; Nicholas, Bishop, 1,9, 275, 296. Buffett, Mary, 285 ; — , 285. Bull, Ann, 46, 47, 48, 49 ; Arms, 43, 44. 46, 47, 48, 49 ; Arthur, 50 ; Betty, 47 ; Bridget, 48 Charles, 46, 47 ; Dorothea, 48 ; Dorothy, 47 Edward, 46, 47, 48 ; Eleanor, 46, 47, 48, 49 50 ; Elizabeth, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 181 Frances, 47 ; Francis, 47 ; George, 46, 47, 48 50 ; Grace, 48 ; Henry, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52 149, 181, 289 ; Honor, 46 ; James, 45, 46, 47 ; Jane, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49 ; Joane, 289 ; Joanna 50 ; John, 45, 46, 47, 149 ; Judith, 45, 46 Lawrence, 46 ; Lucy, 45 ; Margaret, 43, 45 47, 49, 289 ; Mary, 46, 47, 48, 50, 280 Rachael, 48 ; Richard, 45, 46, 47, 48, 289 Robert, 48, 50, 285 ; Samuel, 47 ; Sarah, 46, 48 ; Southworth, 49 ; Susan, 46 ; Thomas, 45, 47 ; Walter, 45 ; William, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 131. Buller, Alexander, 38 ; Amy, 38. Bunbury, Abraham, 181 ; Isabella, 181. Burge, Jane, 18 ; William, 18. Burland, Ann, 102, 214, 230, 231 ; Arms, 102, 230, 296 ; Claver M., 231 ; Elizabeth, 101, 102, 185, 214, 231 ; John, 101, 102, 185, 214, 231 ; John (Sir), 230 ; John B., 230, 231 ; Letitia, 230, 231 ; Margaret, 101, 231 ; Mary, 101, 231 ; Miss, 231 ; Morris, 231 ; Robert, 231 ; William, 231. Burnaby, Arms, 209 ; Elizabeth M., 209 ; Wil- liam (Adm. Sir), 209. Burns, Thomas, 2. Burrell, Arms, 174 ; Margaret I., 174, 181 ; Peter, 174, 181. Burton, Mary, 52 ; — , 52. Burye, Mary, 285 ; William, 240. Bussell, Bushell, Arms, 178 ; James, 178 ; Mary, 178. Butler, Ann, 180 ; Jane, 180, 181 ; John, 180 ; Mary, 148 ; Thomas, 180, 181 ; — , 148. Butson, Christopher (Bishop), 286 ; J. S. (Archd.), 286 ; Sarah, 286. Button, Bitton, de Bytton, Adam (Sir), 288 ; Arms, 287 ; John (Preb.), 288 ; John (Sir), 287 ; Philip, 288 ; Richard (Precentor), 288 ; Robert, 288 j Thomas (Bishop), 288 ; William de (Bishop), 38, 85, 288. Bygod, Anselme, 117; Isabel, 117; William, 117. Byng, Arms, 237 ; Elizabeth, Viscountess Tor- rington, 237 ; George, Viscount Torrington, 237 ; Lucy E. (Hon.), 237. Byrd, William (Prior), 116. C Cahill, Margaret, 97. Cairnes, Arms, 128. Camden, William, 53. Camvell, Maud, 121; William, 121. Cantilupe, Millicent de, 118 ; William de, 118. Capel, Edward, 178 ; Mary, 178. Card well, Elizabeth, 80 ; Viscount, 80. Carente, William (Sir), 45. Carew, Arms, 67, 68 ; Elizabeth, 67, 68 ; George, 68 ; John, 68 ; Margery, 68 ; Martha, 44 ; Mary, 68, 99 ; Thomas, 67, 68, 99 ; Thomas (Sir), 44. Carleile, Christopher J., 95 ; Eleanor, 36, 95 ; Francis, 95. Carpinter, George, 247 ; Grace, 247. Carricke, Arms, 72, 73 ; Henry, 74 ; Martha, 73 ; Martin, 74 ; Patience, 73 ; Robert, 73. Carslake, Abraham, 163. Carver, Francis, 126. Cary, Arms, 280 ; James, 12 ; Jane, 12 ; Joane, 167 ; Lucius, Viscount Faulkland, 155 ; Mary (Hon.), 155 ; William, 167. Castell, Castle, Ann, 219 ; Grace, 56 ; Henry, 130 ; John, 56 ; Sarah, 131. Castile, Eleanor of, 117, 118, 119 ; Ferdinand III. of, 118, 119. Cavan, Richard G., Earl of, 285. Cawood, John, 142. Cayley, Sarah, 276. 300 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Cecil, Arms, 43, 296 ; Marquis of Salisbury, 43 ; Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 43 ; Thomas, Earl of Exeter, 61 ; William, Lord Roos, 61. Ceely, — , 52. Chalmer, Ann, 78 ; George, 78. Chamberlain, Frederick, 264 ; Jane, 259, 264 ; M.. 259 ; Mary, 264 ; R. T., 259 ; Robert, 264. Champernoune, Bridget, 152 ; Gawen, 152 ; Gabrielle R., 152. Champion, Ann, 249 ; George, 249 ; Mary, 249. Chaperdine, Alice, 187. Chapman, Betty, 48 ; Elizabeth, 48 ; James, 48 ; Jane, 48 ; Joanna B., 48 ; John, 48 ; Joseph, 48, 49 ; Joseph J., 48 ; Joyce, 48 ; Katherine. 48 ; Mary, 49 ; Mary E., 49 ; Richard, 48 ; Sarah, 49, 290 ; Sarah A., 49 ; Thomas, 48 ; Walter, 48, 177 ; William, 48. Chariole, Harriet, 199 ; Pierre, 199 ; Richard, 199. Charlton, Alice. 120 ; Edward, Lord Powis. 120 ; Eleanor. 120 ; Joan, 120 ; John, 3 ; John, Lord Powis, 120 ; Joyce, 120 ; Maud, 120. Cheddar, Joanna, 36, 120 ; Thomas, 36 ; Tho- mas (Sir), 120. Cheeseman, Elizabeth, 287. Cheney. Alice, 121 ; Ann, 121 ; Edmund (Sir), 121 ; Elizabeth. 121. Chester, Col., 71. Chichester, Elizabeth, 49 ; John, 49. Child, Alfred (Rev), 158 ; Louisa C, 158. Chittenden, Jane, 238 ; Margaret, 238 ; Sarah, 238 ; Thomas, 238. Chomeley, Charlotte, 155 ; Montague (Sir), 155. Christian, John, 190 ; Mary, 190. Christie, Archibald. 188 ; Isabella, 188 ; Sarah, 188. Church. Alice E., 276 ; Ann, 276 ; Arms, 275, 280 ; Arthur J. B., 276 ; Bromley C, 276 ; Bromley J., 276 ; Charles F. I., 276 ; Charles M. (Rev. Canon). 275, 276, 280 ; Edith F., 276 ; Eliza, 276 ; Elizabeth M., 276 ; Emily A.. 276 ; Frederic J., 276 ; Gertrude E. M., 276 ; Helen B., 276 ; Helen F., 276 ; Isabel E., 276 ; Jane, 276; John D., 276; Mary A., 276; Mary C, 276 ; MaryM., 276 ; Matthew, 276 ; Maurice, 276 ; Richard (Sir), 276 ; Richard W. (Very Rev. Dean), 276 ; William. 276. Churchill, Arms, 127. Clare, Arms, 108, 115, 118; Eleanor, 118, 120 ; Gilbert de. Earl of Gloucester, 116, 118, 119, 120; H. de (Canon), 115; Isabel de, 116; Joan de, 118, 119; Margaret, 116, 118, 119: Richard de, Earl of Gloucester. 116, 119 ; Roger de (Canon), 115 ; William de, 118. Clarke, Clark, Clerk, Agnes, 143 ; Alice, 142, 294 ; Ann, 142 ; Anthony, 142 ; Arms, 143, 144 ; Betty, 144 ; Christian M., 278 ; Dorothea {alias Woodchurch), 152 ; Eleanor, 97 ; Edith, 143 ; Edward. 144 ; Elizabeth, 142 ; Harry, 142; Henry, 142, 272; Humphrey (alias Woodchurch), 152; Joan, 142, 143; John (Bishop), 144, 272, 294; John, 143, 178; Margaret, 143, 178 ; Mary, 142, 143 ; Mr., 143 ; Mrs., 143 ; Richard, 143, 144 ; Rowland (Sir), 142, 272, 273; Stroud, 17; Susanna, 143 ; Thomas, 142, 143, 144, 294 ; Thomas (Major), 97 ; William, 3, 142, 143. Claxton, Ann, 142. Clement, Col., 155 ; Florence E., 155 ; William, 128 ; William (Archd.), 128. Clements, Henry, 289. Clevedon, Clivedon, de Clyvedon, Arms, 292 ; Edmund, 293 ; Emmeline, 293 ; John, 86, 294 ; John (Sir), 118, 293 ; Katherine. 118 ; Margaret, 294 ; Mary, 86, 294 ; Matthew, 293 ; Sara, 293. Clinton, Ann, 140, 141 ; Arms, 296 ; Elizabeth, 140, 283 ; Guy, 141 ; Guydo, 140, 141 ; John, 141 ; Martha, 140 ; Sara, 285 ; Sarah, 140 ; Thomas, 140. Close, Ada Maria, 258 ; J. Douglas, 258 ; Katherine, 258. Clothier, Robert, 135. Clutterbuck, Eleanor, 46 ; John, 46. Cockburn, James P., 198; Jessie M. W., 198; Julia S., 198 ; William A. P., 198. Cockerell, Arms, 107 ; Frances, 107 ; Samuel P., 107. Cockling, Michael, 2 ; Patrick, 2. Codrington, Ann, 148; Arms, 148; Elizabeth, 148 ; Jane, 148 ; John, 148 ; Samuel, 148. Coker, Jane, 52 ; Robert, 52. Cole, Mary W., 29 ; William W., 29. Coleridge, J. D., 73. Coles, Agnes, 258 ; Charles, 3 ; Frances, 4 ; Lieut.-Col., 4 ; James, 18 ; Mary, 18. Coleshill, Elizabeth, 121 : John (Sir), 121. Collier, Charles (Capt.), 134. Collings, Marguerite W., 258 ; W. T., 258. Collins, John, 3, Colville, Arms, 211. 212 ; Catherine, 211, 212 ; John (Lord), 211,212. Comes, Elizabeth, 56 ; R., 64. Compton, Frances, Countess of Northampton, 282 ; George, Earl of Northampton, 282. Coney, Jane, 286 ; Thomas B. (Rev.), 286. Conway, John, 187 ; Martha, 187 ; Sarah, 187. Cook, Mary, 254. Cooper, Angelica, 34 ; Sarah, 14, 34. Corham, Sarah, 24. Cornish, Arms, 160 ; Thomas (Dean), 160. Cornwall, Edmund. Earl of, 116, 119 ; Margaret, Countess of, 119; Richard. Earl of, 116, 118. Corston, Dr., 275 ; Emily E., 275. Cosens, Coussens, Cozens, Christian, 136 ; Eliza- beth, 136 ; Francis, 136; John, 136 ; Mary, 136 ; Maurice, Morris, 136 ; Nicholas, 136 ; Richard, 136. Cottesham, Mrs., 95. Cottle, Arms, 150 ; Moses, 150 ; Sylvestra, 150. Court, a Court, Annabella, 198 ; Edward, 49 ; Eleanor, 49 ; Elizabeth, 49 ; Isabella S., 198 ; John, 49 ; Sarah, 49 ; William, Lord Haytes- bury, 198 ; William P. A. (Sir), 198 ; Wil- liam F., 198 ; W. Holmes (Hon.), 198. Courtenay, Edward, 120 ; Edward, Earl of Devon, 120; Eleanor, 49, 120; Grace, 49 Hugh de, 119; Hugh, Earl of Devon. 119 John. 49 ; Maud, 119 ; Richard (Dean), 119 Sarah 49. Coward,' Agnes, 136 ; Alice, 136, 137, 294 ; Amy, 134, 135 ; Andrew, 136 ; Ann, 132, 135 ; Arms, 132, 134 ; Arthur, 137 ; Bess, 136 ; Bridget, 133 ; Catherine, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 ; Christopher, 132, 135 ; Edith, 135 ; Edward, 132, 133, 135, 136; Elizabeth, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137 ; Frances, 135, 136 ; Francis, 132, 133, 134, 135 ; George, 133 ; Grace, 134, INDEX. 301 135 ; Hannah, 135 ; Henry, 135, 136; Hum- phrey, 136 ; James, 137 ; Jane, 132, 133, 134; Jillan, 137 ; Joane, 135, 136 ; John, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 142 ; Julian, 136 ; Katherine, 133 ; Madam, 133 ; Margaret, 136 ; Martha, 137; Mary, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136; Peter, 136 ; Philippa (Lady), 134 ; Priscilla, 133 ; Rebecca, 137 ; Richard, 136 ; Robert, 133, 136, 137 ; Samuel, 132, 133 ; Sarah, 132 ; Susan, 137 ; Thomas, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 ; Tristram, 136, 137 ; Walter, 137 ; William, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136. Cox, — , 58. Crabtree, — , 204. Crauford, Annabella, 107 ; Henry W., 107. Credonia, Isabel, 117, 118 ; Maurice, 117, 118. Creech, Mary, 291. Creswick, Sarah, 152 ; — (Rev.), 152. Creyghton, Creighton, Abigail, 207 ; Alexander, 208, 295 ; Ann, 208 ; Arms, 8. 28, 111 ; Cathe- rine, 112, 114, 206 ; Elizabeth, 208 ; Frances, 111, 112, 114, 204, 206, 207, 208 ; Francis, 111, 205; Fredeswade,207,208; Frisel, 114; George, 206, 207, 208 ; Hannah, 208, 295 ; Henry, 208 ; Jane, 207 ; John, 207, 208 ; Katherine, 206, 207, 208 ; Margaret, 111, 206, 207, 208, 222 ; Mary, 207, 208 ; Matthew, 208 ; Robert, 207,208 ; Robert (Bishop), 28, 88, 111, 112, 205, 206, 208 ; Robert (Dr.), 8, 110, 112, 113, 114, 124, 205, 206, 207, 208, 222 ; Stuart, 208 ; Susanna, 207; Thomas, 111, 205, 206, 208; William, 207. Crook, Joane, 86 ; Joanna, 86 ; Philip, 86 ; Thomas (Rev.), 137. Cross, Crosse, Andrew, 57 ; Ann, 140 ; Eliza- beth, 15 ; Francis, 95 ; Philippa, 95 ; Richard, 95, 140. Cruckshank, Harriet, 98 ; Robert, 98. Cuff, Alice, 136. Cupper, Catherine, 36 ; Eleanor, 36 ; Grace, 35 ; Mary, 36 ; Richard, 35, 36, 140, 257 ; Sarah, 36 ; Thomas, 36 ; William, 36. Curie, Arms, 269 ; Walter (Bishop), 269 ; Walter (Sir), 269. Curtice, Elizabeth, 188 ; James, 188. Curtis, Arms, 139 ; Charles, 139 ; Elizabeth, 139. Dacres, Arms, 156 ; Emma, 156 ; Harold S., 156 ; Helen F., 156 ; Irene E., 156 ; Mary O., 156 ; Ranulph H, 156 ; Richard (Gen. Sir), 156 ; Richard (Vice-Adm. Sir), 156 ; Sydney C. (Adm. Sir), 156 ; Sydney L., 156. Dale, Grace, 73 ; William, 73. Daniell, Ursula, 18. Darbyshire, Mr., 94. D'Arcy, Philip (Sir), 75. Dash wood, Alexander, 157 ; Alexander T., 157 ; Alice, 158 ; Arms, 157 ; Arthur, 157 ; Charles K., 157 ; Charlotte L., 157 ; Charlotte S., 158 ; Emma B., 157 ; Emma M., 158 ; Frederick J., 157 ; George L., 158 ; Herbert, 157; James (Sir), 157; Louisa C, 158; Marian, 157 ; Marion, 158 ; Selina G., 158 ; Thomas, 157. Daubeny, Alice, 38 ; Amy, 38 ; Arms, 38, 162 ; Cecily, 38 ; Elizabeth, 38 ; Giles, Lord, 38, 162 ; Henry, Earl of Bridgewater, 38 ; William, 38. Davidge. Adrian, 24 ; Alice, 24 ; Ann, 23, 24 ; Arms, 24 ; Catherine, 24 ; Charles, 24 Edmund, 24 ; Jane, 291 ; John, 23, 24 Katherine, 23, 24 ; Mary, 24 ; Master, 24 Richard, 24 ; Sarah, 23, 24 ; Susan, 24 Susanna, 177 ; Thomas, 24 ; Tristram, 23 — , 285. Davie, John, 238 ; Mary, 238. Davies, Edmund, 130 ; Lucy, 45 ; Randel, 130. Davis, Ann, 244 ; Arms, 57, 177, 178 ; Daniel, 244; Dodington, 181; Francis, 20; Grace, 47; Jane, 181, 244; Jemima, 250; Job, 3 ; John, 69, 90, 177, 178, 181, 237, 250 ; Margaret, 90, 177. 181 ; Mary, 20, 181, 244 ; Peter, 69, 90, 177, 178, 179, 181. 292 ; P., 57 : Rachael, 254 ; Rees, 178 ; Richard, 90, 181 ; Robert, 181; Kuth, 214; Samuel, 48; Sarah, 250; Susanna, 69, 181 ; Thomas, 244 ; William, 47, 254. Dawe, Arms, 185; Edmund, 185; Elizabeth, 185 ; Hill. 173 ; Marianne, 173. Dawes, John, 125 ; Robert, 125. Dawson, Eleanor, 205. Day, Ann, 16, 17; Arthur, 16; Bridget, 18; Catherine, 16 ; Charles, 16 ; Edward, 16, 17 ; Elizabeth, 16 ; Francis, 15, 16 ; Jane, 16 ; Joane, 16, 18 ; John, 15, 16, 17, 164 ; Joseph, 16 ; Margaret. 16 ; Mary, 15, 16, 17 ; Mrs., 16 ; Rachael, 16 ; Susanna, 15, lis, 17 ; William, 16. Dayes, Arms, 43 ; Elizabeth, 43 ; Nicholas, 43. Dearman, Ann, 276; Elizabeth, 276; John, 276. Dennis, Arms, 148 ; Cecily, 149 ; Dorothea, 148; Henry, 148; Jane, 148; John, 148, 149 ; Mary, 148 ; Sarah, 57 ; William, 148. Despencer, Eleanor, 120 ; Elizabeth, 120 ; Hugh, Lord Lee, 120. Dethick, William (Sir), 147. Devenish, Elizabeth, 88 ; William, 88. Dibden, Marianne, 278 ; — , 278. Dickenson, Arms, 279 ; Francis H., 280. Dighton, Henry, 149 ; Martha, 149. Dingley, Mary, 6. Dixon, Col., 200 ; Florence, 200. Dodd, Juliana, 181 ; — , 181. Dodington, Arms, 70, 178 ; Catherine, 70 ; Christopher, 70, 177, 178, 181 ; Eleanor, 50; Florence, 103, 105 ; George, 50, 70 ; John, 103, 181 ; Margaret, 103, 177, 178, 181 ; Mary, 70 ; Thomas M., 170 ; William, 70. Dory, Mary, 138. Douglas, Margaret, 29 ; Percy, 29. Dover, William, 135. Dowden, Jane, 207. Drake, Ann, 287 ; Clement, 295 ; Francis, 295 ; Francis (Rev.), 295. Drayton, Ellen F., 244. Drewe, Edward, 99 ; Edward (Rev.), 98 ; Eliza- beth, 98, 99 ; Francis, 98, 99 ; Herman (Rev.), 99 ; Joan, 98 ; Juliana, 99 ; Mary, 99, 286 ; Mary D., 99 ; Sarah E., 99. Drokensford, Andrew, 293 ; Arms, 85, 86 ; Joanna, 86 ; John (Bishop), 86, 89, 293 ; John de. 85, 86, 293 ; Mary, 86, 292, 294 ; Michael, 293 ; Nicholas, 294 ; Philip de, 86, 293, 294. Dubber, Betty, 48. Ducane, Arms, 295 ; Arthur (Rev.), 248, 295 ; Richard (Major), 248. 302 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Ducarel, Adrian C, 155 ; Mary, 155. Duck, Arms, 44 ; Arthur, 13, 44 ; Margaret, 43, 44 ; Martha, 44 ; Mary, 44 ; Nicholas, 44 : Richard, 44 ; William, 44. Dudoc, Bishop, 87. Dun, John, 126. Dunbar, Arms, 51 ; Hamilton, 51 ; Jacobina, 51 ; James (Sir), 51. Duncan, James, 2, 3. Dunn, — , 289. Dunt, Jane, 248. Durant, Arms, 158 ; Charlotte S., 158 ; Richard, 158. Dursen, Mary, 17. Dutton, Arms, 43 ; Isabel, 43 ; Thomas (Sir), 43. Dyer, John, 80 ; Lydia, 80. E Ede, Christian, 136 ; Elizabeth, 136 ; Frances, 136; John, 136; Richard, 136; Robert, 136. Eden, Mary, Baroness Auckland, 255 ; Robert J. (Lord Auckland, Bp.), 255. Edghill, Charity, 138 ; Richard, 138 ; Sarah, 55. Edwards, Arms, 149 ; Charles, 200 ; Edith, 200 ; Elizabeth, 149. Ellis, Elizabeth, 259 ; James, 259 ; Joan, 149 ; John, 52, 149 ; Mary, 52 ; Richard, 137, 149. Elton, Abraham, 108, 232 ; Abraham (Sir), 232 ; Ann, 232 ; Arms, 232 ; Isaac, 232 ; Jacob, 232. Elwes, Arms, 275 ; Edward L. (Rev.), 275 ; Emily E., 275 ; John M., 275 ; George M. (Sir), 275 ; Hervey (Sir), 275 ; Sarah, 232. Ely, Emily, 29 ; Thomas, 29. England, Stephen, 2. Erghum, Bishop, 25. Erie, Elizabeth, 167; John, 208 ; Thomas, 167. Ernley, Edward, 105. Eustace, Clotilda, 170 ; Maurice (Sir), 170, Evans, Abiah, 287 ; Catherine, 33 ; Elizabeth, 33 ; Hester, 33 ; James, 33 ; John, 33 Joseph, 33 ; Katherine, 33 ; Margaret, 34 Mary, 33 ; Orange, 33 ; Susannah, 33 Thomas, 33 ; Tristram, 33 ; William, 33, 34. Everett, Elizabeth, 81 ; William, 81. Everingham, Elizabeth, 294 ; John de, 294. Eyre, Ann, 201 ; Arabella, 201 ; Arms, 149, 201 ; Frances, 201 ; George (Sir), 125 ; Gervase (Sir), 127 ; Henrietta, 201 ; James (Sir), 201 ; Margaret, 201 ; Margaret A., 201 ; Richard, 149, 201 ; Robert, 149 ; Thomas, 149 ; Tho- mas (Rev.), 201. Fagan, George H. U. (Rev.), 256. Farquharson, James. 89 ; Mary, 89. Farr, Farra, Arms, 230 ; Joanna, 10 ; John, 10, 230. Farrand, Thomas, 2. Faussaille, Ann La, 56, 58 ; John Le (Major- Gen.), 56, 58. Fawknor, Margaret, 105 ; William, 105. Fayremay, Arms, 116 ; Robert, 116. Fell, James, 208. Fellgate, Brother, 43. Fendles, Margaret, 119 ; William, 119. Ferrers, Joane, 118 ; Margaret, 118 ; William de, 118. Fielding, Edmund, 285 ; Edmund (Lieut.-Gen.), 285 ; George, Earl of Desmond, 285 ; Henry, 285 ; John (Rev.), 285 ; Sarah, 285. Fillingham, Emma L., 283 ; George, 283. Filmer, Ann, 152 ; Edmund (Sir), 150 ; Robert, 152. Fisher, Joan, 281 ; Thomas, 281. FitzAlan, Alice, 37, 117, 118, 119, 120; Arms, 36, 37 ; Edmund, 118 ; Eleanor, 118 ; Hugh, Earl of Arundel, 117 ; Isabel, 116,117 ; John, 119 ; Richard, Earl of Arundel, 37, 118, 120 ; Maud, 116. FitzGerald, Alice C. F., 80 ; Augustus O., 79 ; Gerald A. R., 80 ; James R., 80 ; Mabel, 80 ; Maurice H., 80 ; Maurice O., 80 ; Robert G., 80. FitzWarine, Barony of, 78. Fleming, Mrs., 96. Fletcher, Betty, 245 ; Silas, 245. Flood, Mary F., 29 ; William H., 29. Flower, Arthur, 205 ; Henry, 45 ; Judith, 45. Floyer, Anna M., 188 ; — , 180. Foote, Henry, 149. Ford, Ann, 193 ; Edward, 193 ; Elizabeth, 106, 193 : Gilbert, 219 ; Henry, 193 ; James (Dr.), 106, 193 ; John, 193 ; Mary, 219 ; Sarah. 193 ; Thomas (Rev.), 193 ; William, 219. Fordway, Elizabeth, 174 ; Robert, 174. Forest, John (Dean), 115. Forrest, Richard H., 188. Forward, Anne, 47 ; William, 47. Foster, Aaron (Rev.), 224, 225, 226 ; Andrew, 222, 225 ; Ann, 224, 225, 226, 295 ; Ann D., 239 ; Arabella F., 222 ; Arms, 222, 223 ; Caroline M., 227, 239 ; Charles E., 224, 225 ; Charles S., 243 ; Charles W., 226 ; Edward (Rev.), 225, 226, 239, 286, 295; Elizabeth, 225, 226, 239 ; Frances, 225, 226 ; Francis D, (Rev.), 226, 227, 239 ; Henry, 226 ; Joanna S. 223, 224 ; John (Eev.), 225 ; Katherine, 226 Margaret A., 225 ; Mary, 56, 226, 239, 283 Robert (Rev.), 222, 223, 224, 232, 239 ; Tho- mas, 225, 226 ; William, 225, 226 ; William J. S., 224. Foweracre, Grace, 282. Fowler, Lavinia, 51 ; — , 51. France, Margaret of, 119; Philip III. of, 119. Francis, Georgina A, 212 ; John T. (Col.), 212. Frankland, Ann, 212 ; Arms, 211, 212 ; Arthur, 212 ; Augustus C, 212 ; Catherine, 211, 212 ; Catherine H., 212 ; Charles C, 212 ; Clara, 212 ; Edward A., 212 ; Emma, 212 ; Frederick W., 212 ; George, 212 ; Georgina A., 212 ; Matilda, 212 ; Octavia, 212 ; Roger (Rev.), 99, 211, 212 ; Sophia, 212 ; Sophia C, 212 ; Thomas (Adm. Sir), 211. Franklyn, Ann, 292 ; Francis, 292 ; Francis (Rev.), 65, 292 ; Joanna, 65, 292 ; John, 292 ; Mary, 292 ; Mary A., 292 ; Samuel, 292 ; Sarah, 292. Freeman, Philippa, 32 ; Robert, 32 ; ThomaB, 32. Fuller, Arms, 280 ; — , 296. INDEX. 303 G Gaisford, Jane C. 79, 234, 258 ; Thomas (Dean), 79, 234, 258, 294. Gale. Arms, 150 ; Elizabeth, 287 ; John, 150 ; Mary, 150. Gapper, Abraham, 52 ; Christian, 52 ; Henry (Rev.), 30 ; Mary, 30. Garnire, Maria, 79 ; Thomas (Dean), 79. Garrett, Emma B., 157 ; John (Capt.), 157. Gastrell, Jane, 48. Gatcombe, William, 95. Gay, Anne, 64 ; Anthony, 64 ; Arms, 63 ; John, 64 ; Martha, 64 ; Thomas, 64. Gendrault, Ann, 123 ; Arms, 122 ; Charles, 122 ; James, 122, 123 ; Jane, 122, 123. Genevill. Joane. 119 ; Peter, 119, 121 ; — , 121. George, Arms, 77 ; Elizabeth, 4. Germany, Henry IV. of, 117. Gibbon, Ann B., 279 ; Scawen K., 279. Gibson, Arms, 277, 280; Edgar C. S., 277; Frank S., 277 ; Kenneth S.. 277 ; Louisanna, 277; Mary G., 277; Ralf S., 277 ; Theodore S., 277; William (Rev.), 277; William S., 277. Giffard, Henry, 262 ; Iset, 262. Giles, Mary, 57. Giso, Bishop, 124. Godeley, John de, 85, 86. GOdsall, Anne, 64 ; John, 64 ; Thomas, 64. Godwin, Anthony, 35, 94 ; Dr., 35, 95, 96 ; Isa- bella, 35 ; James, 57 ; Thomas, 94 ; Thomas (Bishop), 269. Golden, John (Rev.), 235 ; J., 290 ; Sarah, 285. Goldfinch, Frances, 6, 282 ; William, 282. Gooch, Arms, 196 ; Harriet, 196 ; John (Rev.), 93, 196, 198 ; Mary, 196 ; Rachael, 196, 198 ; Thomas (Sir, Bishop of Ely), 196, 198. Good, Jane, 180 ; William, 180. Goodenough, Annabella, 107 ; Arms, 107 ; Edmund (Rev.), 106 ; Edmund V., 107 ; Elizabeth, 106 ; Frances, 107 ; Frederick A., 107; James G., 107; Lucy, 107; Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle, 106; Sophia, 106, 107; William (Rev.), 106. Goodfellow, Fanny, 240 ; George, 240. Goodford, Arms, 155 ; Arthur J., 156 ; Charles O. (Rev.), 155 ; Charlotte, 155; Charlotte C, 156 ; Emily S., 156 ; Georgiana P., 156 ; Gertrude H., 156 ; Harriett, 156 ; Henry, 155 ; Henry F., 156 ; Katherine L., 155 ; Katherine M., 156 ; John, 155 ; John W., 156 ; Mary C, 156 ; Montague C, 156. Goodchild, Joseph, 152 ; Sarah, 152. Gordon, Edward, 286. Gore, Ann, 294. Gorges, Elizabeth, 149 ; Thomas, 149. Gouge, Mary, 70 ; William (Rev.), 70. Gough, Elizabeth, 281 ; Mary, 281 ; William, 281. Gould, Andrew, 285 ; Anne, 285 ; Arms, 194, 195, 296 ; Davidge, 285 ; Davidge (Sir), 286 ; Edith, 285 ; Elizabeth, 50, 285, 286 ; Grace, 285 ; Harriett, 283 : Henry, 9, 285 ; Henry (Rev.), 194, 286 ; Henry (Sir), 285 ; Honora, 285 ; Honora M.. 285 ; James, 278, 285 ; Jane, 286 ; Joan, 285 ; John, 285 ; Marianne, 278 ; Maud, 285 ; Martha, 141 ; Mary, 10, 285 ; Mrs., 9 ; Richard, 9, 10, 286 : Sarah, 286 ; Susan, 286 ; Susanna, 9, 10, 296 ; Stephen, 285 ; S. Baring- (Rev.), 285 ; Thomas, 286 ; William, 50, 285 ; William (Rev.), 286. Graham, Anna M., 51 ; Arms, 51, 53 ; Thomas, 51. Granville, Frances, 203 ; George, 203 ; George B., 203. Gravill, Abigail, 10 ; Ann, 10 ; Frances, 10 ; Thomas, 10. Gray, Deborah, 15. Greene, John, 281 ; Thomas, 262. Gregory, Alexander (Rev.), 48 ; Bridget, 48. Grene, John, 37. Grey, Anne, 120 ; Arms, 1 ; Earl of Stamford and Warrington, 279 ; Edward (Sir), 120 ; Edward (Lord), 120 ; Elizabeth, 120 ; Henrietta C. (Lady). 270 ; Jane (Lady), 76 ; John (Sir), 120 ; Thomas. Earl of Stamford, 76 ; Thomas (Sir), 120 ; Thomas (Lord), 76. Grindall, Arms, 127. Grinsteed, Humphrey, 136. Grosvenor, William, 2. Grove, Arms, 75, 76 ; Dorothy, 76 ; Grey J., 76, 78 ; James, 76 ; Troth, 76, 78. Guilford, Abigail, 60, 216 ; Arms, 60, 216, 217 ; Charles, 60, 217 ; Mr., 218 ; Richard, 60, 216. Guise, Anna, 149 ; Arms, 149 ; Cecily, 149 ; Christopher (Sir), 149 ; Henry, 149 ; John W. (Gen. Sir), 149; Philippa, 149; William, 149 ; William (Sir), 149. Gundry, Eliza M., 157 ; Joseph, 157. Gunter. Arms, 45 : Blanche, 45, 131 ; Elizabeth, 44 ; Francis, 44, 45, 131 ; Jane, 44, 131. Gunthorpe, Arms, 75, 270 ; John (Dean), 74,75, 270. Gutch, Ann, 22 ; Arms, 144 ; Barbara, 22, 23 Charles, 22, 23 ; Eleanor, 23 ; Elizabeth. 22 Frances, 22 ; Flora, 22, 23 ; Hannah, 22, 23 Henry, 23 ; Jane, 21 ; John, 22. 23, 144 Joseph, 22, 23 ; Mary, 22, 23 ; Mary A., 22 Robert, 21, 22, 23 ; Samuel, 23 ; Thomas G., 22. Hagatt, Susan, 97. Hale, Mary, 48 ; Matthew (Sir), 48. Hall, Arms, 134 ; Bridget, 133 ; Thomas, 133. Halliday, Arms, 155 ; Dr., 155 ; Emma, 155 ; Frederick J. (Sir), 155 ; John (Gen.), 155 ; Maria M., 155 ; Thomas, 155. Hamilton, Ann, Duchess of, 157 ; Arms, 51 ; Jacobina, 51 ; John, 51. Hanbury, Alice, 98 ; Arms, 98. Hannam, Ann, 18. Harbord, Mary, 44 ; William, 44. Harcourt, A. V., 199 ; Bernard, 199 ; Mabel, 199 ; Mildred, 199 ; Rachael, 199. Harebottle, Frank, 2. Harewell, Agnes, 288, 289 ; Arms, 39 ; Elizabeth, 289; John (Bishop), 39, 288; Richard (Canon), 39, 288; Roger, 288; Thomas (Canon), 288 ; William, 39, 288, 289. Harkness, Jane W., 92 ; Robert (Rev.), 92, 194. Harman, Thomas. 134. Harold, Henry, 250. Harptre, Arms, 85, 296. Harris, Ann, 215 ; George, 215 ; John (Bishop), 215 ; Katurah, 253 ; William, 253, 296. Hartnoll, Mr., 69. 304 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Harvey, Ann I., 278 ; W. M., 278. Haselriggre, Dorothy, 71 ; Frances, 71 ; Rebecca, 71 ; Thomas, 71. Haselshaw. Bishop. 21. Hatch, Catherine. 248 ; Martha, 248 ; William, 248. Hawkins, Frank. 2 : John, 76 ; Mary, 76. Hawley, Arms, 74 ; Henry, 74 ; Margaret, 74 ; William, 74. Hawtry, Dr., 155. Hayes, John, 2 ; Sarah, 290 ; Thomas, 290. Haynes, Thomasine, 278. Haylesbury. William, Lord, 198. Hayward, Bridget, 153 ; Mary, 49 ; Robert, 153 ; William, 49. Healy, Arms. 164 ; Frances, 4, 5, 6, 165, 282; Mary, 4. 165. 166 ; Ralph, 4, 165 ; Richard, 4, 5, 165 ; Richard (Rev.), 4, 5, 164, 165, 166, 282; Susanna, 165 ; Thomas, 165; William, 165. Heard, Elizabeth, 148 ; Isaac (Sir), 82, 83, 148, 179; John, 148. Heath, Alice, 137 ; Ann, 137 ; Arms, 135 ; Charles, 137 ; Edmund, 137 ; Edward, 137 ; Elizabeth, 137 ; Frances, 137 ; George, 137 ; Margaret, 137 ; Martin, 137 ; Samuel. 134, 137 ; Sarah, 137 ; Thomas, 134, 137 ; Virtue, 137; WiUiam, 137. Heather, Arms, 151 ; Martha, 151 ; William, 151. Heatley, Mary, 68 ; Thomas, 68. Hebden, Arms. 31, 233 ; John (Sir), 34, 233 ; John, 34, 233 ; Richard, 34, 233 ; Thomas, 233. Heeling, Jessie M., 81. Hellier, Mary, 133. Hemens, Giles, 165, 166 ; Hannah, 165. Hennah, Capt., 51 ; Margaret, 51. Henning, Arms, 202 ; Charles M., 202 ; Susannah L., 202. Henton. Elizabeth, 109. Henwood, Elizabeth, 170, 187 ; Peter, 170, 171, 187. Heme, Jane C, 256 ; Robert, 256 ; T., 62. Hervey, Alice L. P., 29 ; Arms, 268, 280 ; Arthur C. (Lord, Bishop), 28, 265 ; Arthur C. C, 29, 268, 277, 280 ; Arthur H. W., 28, 29, 265 ; Caroline A., 29 ; Constantine R.W., 29 ; Douglas G.. 29 ; Elizabeth C, Marchioness of Bristol, 28 ; Emily, 29 ; Emma, 29 ; Frederick W., Marquis of Bristol, 28 ; George (Lord), 28 ; George H. W., 29 ; Gerald A, 29 ; Geraldine, 29 ; Gwendolin, 29 ; James A., 29 ; John F. A., 29 ; Katherine P. G.. 29 ; Margaret, 29 ; Mar- garet C, 29 ; Mary F., 29 ; Mary W., 29 ; Patience (Lady Arthur), 28, 265 ; Patience M., 29; Sarah E. H., 29 ; Sydenham H. A., 29 ; Thomas P. A.,29 ; Victoria, 29 ; William, Marquis of Bristol, 28, 278 ; William (Lord), 28. Hervey- Bathurst, Alice C, 286 ; Frederick H. (Sir), 286. Hicks, Arms. 149 ; Mrs., 134 ; Martha, 149 ; Thomas, 149. Highatt, Arms, 150 ; Frances, 150 ; Richard. 150. Hill, Arms, 274 ; Catherine, 65 ; Edward, 65 ; Elizabeth, 142; Frances, 65; John, 287; Katherine, 65 ; Ralph (Sir), 287 ; Samuel, 215 ; Samuel (Rev. Archdeacon), 65, 295 ; Sarah, 65 ; William, 65, 287, 292. Hinchcliffe, Frances, 205 ; — , 205. Hine, Charles, 2. Hoare, Charles, 29 ; Henry, 29 ; Katherine P. G., 29. Hobday, Arms, 151 ; Elizabeth D., 151 ; Marie H. E., 151 ; WiUiam A., 151. Hobhouse, Arms, 77 ; Arthur (Sir), 77 ; Catherine, 77 ; Edmund (Bishop), 77 ; Eleanor, 77 ; Eliza, 77 ; Harriet, 77, 78 ; Henry, 77, 78 ; John, 77 ; Reginald (Rev.), 77 ; Sarah, 77. Hockmore, Gregory, 285 ; Honora, 285 ; Mary, 285 ; William, 285. Hockeyns, Frances M., 290 ; J. (Rev.), 290. Hodges, Eleanor, 46 ; John, 46 ; Martha, 281 ; Philip, 141,281. Hodgkinson, Eleanora M., 254 ; Mable K., 254. Holland, Alice, Countess cf Kent, 37, 119 ; Ann, Countess of Kent, 121 ; Arms, 36, 37, 119 ; Eleanor, 120 ; Joan, 119, 120, 121 ; John. Earl of Kent, 121; Maud, 119; Philippa, 85; Thomas, Earl of Kent, 36, 117, 119, 120, 121 ; — , 85. Hollis, Ann. 48 ; DanzilL 148 ; Francis (Lord), 148 ; Jane, 148 ; Lady, 149. Hollowav, Margaret Julia, 258. Holt, Thomas (Rev.), 22. Holmes, Jane, 97 ; Mary, 152 ; — , 152. Hopkins, Frances J., 279 ; William, 279. Hopton, Catherine, 167 ; Ralph, Lord, 167 ; Robert. 167. Hooper, Abigail, 59, 60, 216, 217 ; Arms, 216, 217, 296 ; George (Bishop), 59, 60, 216, 217 ; Rebecca. 60, 217. Hordaker, Sister, 126. Horman, William, 142. Home, — , 58 ; Bishop, 154. Horner, Arms, 147 ; Bridget, 152 ; Jane, 147, 152 ; John (Sir), i47 ; Margaret, 45 ; Thomas, 45, 152. Horsey, Lucy, 52 ; Thomas, 52. Hoskins, Margery, 56. Hothersall, Ann I., 278 ; Arms, 278, 280 ; John, 278. Howard, Charles, 276 ; Marianne, 276. Howe, Arms, 152 ; Dorothea, 152 ; George (Sir), 152 ; George G. (Sir), 152 ; Mabel, 153 ; Mary, 152 ; William. 153. Huddleston, — {nee Purland), 231 ; Rev. Mr., 231. Hughes, Ann, 157 ; Arms, 63, 151 ; Cecilia, 64 ; Charles, 64 ; Dorothea, 151 ; Edward, 64 ; Frances, 31 ; Henry, 157 ; John, 151 ; Mary, 64 ; Talbot de B., 151 ; Thomas, 64, 283 ; William. 63, 64, 151. Huish, Bridget, 54 ; Edward, 55 ; Frances, 55 ; James, 54, 55 ; Maud, 54 ; Robert, 49 ; Sarah, 54, 55. Hulet, Eleanor, 109. Hull, Jane, 169 ; William, 169. Hulle, Walter de, 108. Humphries, Guido, 140 ; Sarah, 140. Humphreys, Roger (Rev.), 62. Hungerford, Arms, 274 ; Anthony, 167 ; Fran- ces, 167 ; Margaret (Lady), 294 ; Robert (Lord), 294. Hunt, Archdeacon, 130 ; Arms, 49 ; Elizabeth, 49 ; Robert, 49 ; Sarah, 130. Huntley, Clara J., 80 ; George, 35 ; Richard (Rev.), 80; Silvester, 35. Hur, Mary, 50. INDEX. 305 Hurdaker, Sister, 126. Hussee, Hussey, Arms, 37 ; Elizabeth, 47 ; Henry (Dean), 37, 116, 121; Margery, 37; Rebecca, 47 ; Robert (Sir), 47 ; William, 37, 119. Hyde, Alexander, 103 ; Ann, 149 ; Elizabeth, 103, 104, 105 ; George, 192, 282 ; John, 192, 284 ; Lawrence (Sir). 103, 149 ; Lawrence, 103, 104 ; Mary, 192, 284 ; Robert (Sir), 103. Ilderton, Rosa, 79 ; Thomas (Rev.), 79. Ingram, Anne, 81, 82 ; John, 81, 82. Inman, Mary. 255. Ireland, Arms, 116 ; Walter (Rev.), 294. Irish, Edmund, 126; Elizabeth, 126; Grizell, 126 ; Joane, 126 ; John, 126 ; Theophila, 126. Irving, Elizabeth, 221 ; James, 261 ; Mary H., 51 ; William, 221. Ivory, Elizabeth, 151 ; William, 151. Ivyleaf, Mary, 47. Jacob, Ellen, 233 ; John (Sir), 233. James, Arms, 45 ; Blanche, 44,45, 131 ; Francis, 45, 131, 132; J. Fencot, 2; Katherine, 18; Mary, 132 ; Mary A., 229 ; Philippa, 131 ; William, 134 ; William (Rev.), 229. Jane, Constance, 140. Jebo, Mary, 17. Jeboult, Anne, 203. Jefferys, Augustin, 109 ; Eleanor, 109 ; Widow, 50. Jenkyns, Jenkins, Anna, 78 ; Anna E., 77 ; Anna M., 77 ; Anne, 76, 77. 79 ; Arms, 75, 76, 77, 78, 145 ; Arthur, 79 ; Bertram H., 79 ; Catherine, 79 ; Dean, 120 ; Deborah, 76 ; Dora S., 79 ; Dorothea E., 79 : Edith, 79 ; Eliza- beth, 76, 77, 78 ; Elizabeth A., 79 ; Emmeline M. S., 79 ; George, 78 ; Gerald T. I., 79 Gwendoline, 79 ; Harriet, 77, 78 ; Helen S. 79 ; Henry, 78 ; Henry J., 79 ; Hugh H., 79 James B., 79 ; Jane, 78, 79, 234 ; Jane C, 79 234, 258 ; Joane. 18 ; John. 77, 78, 79, 234 Madeline S.. 78 ; Mary, 76, 77 ; Reginald R. 79 ; Richard, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 145 ; Robert 76, 77 ; Rosa, 79 ; Sarah, 76, 77, 79, 81 Stephen S., 79 ; Thomas, 76 ; Troth, 76, 78 145. Jennings, Francis, 135. Joanes, John, 137. Johnson, Barbara, 32 ; Charles, 33 ; Edward (Rev.), 32 ; Elizabeth, 33 ; George H. S. (Dean), 265 ; Lelia, 80 ; Thomas, 33 ; Wil- liam, 80. Joley, Anne, 290 ; T., 290 Jones, Ann, 242 ; Caroline, 199 ; Jessie, 199 ; John, 104 ; Margaret, 199 ; Mary, 149 ; Seston, 149 ; Thomas, 242 ; William, 104, 149 ; W. Wynne (Rev.), 199. Jordan, Amy N., 278 ; G. W., 278. Kearney, William, 2. Keate, Anne, 102, 214, 215 ; Elizabeth, 214, 215 ; John, 214, 215; Thomas. 215; Thomas M., 214 ; William, 215 ; William (Rev.), 214, 215. Keen, Arthur, 19, 296; Christopher, 122, 123; Elizabeth, 19; Francis. 19, 183; Irene, 122; Jane, 123 ; Joseph, 19 ; Katherine, 19 ; Sarah, 183. Kelly, Arthur, 99 ; Juliana, 99. Kempe, Francis, 204 ; Mary, 204. Ken, Arms, 145 ; Christopher, 112 ; Elizabeth, 112 ; Thomas (Bishop), 145. Kennedy, John, 2. Kidder, Aim, 159 ; Arms, 158, 159 ; Richard (Bishop), 158, 159. King, Ann, 214, 260 ; Arms, 213, 214 ; Frances, 214 ; James (Dean), 214 ; Maria (Hon.), 214; Walker (Bishop), 213, 214; Walker, 214. Kingsbury, Mary, 15 ; Patience, 73. Kingston, Ann, 12 ; Arms, 11, 287 ; Barbara, 11, 287 ; Elizabeth, 11, 12 ; Francis, 12 ; James, 12; Jane, 12; Joanna, 11, 12; John, 11, 12, 287; Margaret.ll; Mary.ll, 12, 36. 287; Robert, 11, 12, 287 ; Robert (Rev.), 11, 12, 287 ; Sarah, 11, 12 ; Thomas, 12 ; William, 12. Kirby, Catherine, 51 ; — , 51. Kitson, Margaret, 85 ; Thomas (Sir), 85 ; Tho- mas, 85. Knapp, Margaret, 237 ; Thomas (Rev.), 238. Knight, Arms, 8, 144 ; Sarah, 292 ; William (Bishop), 8. 144. Knollis, Miss, 252, 253. Koch, Caroline M. L., 80 ; Herr, 80. Lackett, Elizabeth, 153 ; Richard, 153. Lake, Almeric, 61 ; Arms, 61 ; Arthur (Bishop), 44, 61, 281 ; Thomas (Sir), 61. Lambart, Honora M., Countess of Caven, 283 ; Richard, Earl of. 283. Lambert, Edmund, 92 ; Elizabeth, 92 ; John, 156 ; Mary, 57, 291 ; Sarah, 252. Lamont, Arms, 183 ; Hannah, 183 ; John, 183 ; Norman, 183. Langmead, Elizabeth, 237 ; Philip, 237. Lansley, Robert, 241 ; Sarah, 242. Lavington, Arthur E., 250 ; Charles W., 250 ; Jane. 250. Law, Alfred S., 155 ; Ann, 88, 190 ; Arms, 155, 189,190; Bishop. 88; Charlotte, 155 ; Edith S., 156 ; Edmund (Bishop), 190, 279 ; Edward, Lord Ellenborough, 190 ; Emma, 155 ; Florence E., 155; George, 155; George H. (Bishop), 189 ; George S., 155 ; Gertrude M., 155 ; Harry D., 155 ; Helen F., 156 ; Henrietta C. (Lady), 279 ; Horace F., 155 ; Howard F., 155 ; James T.. 279 ; Jane, 190 ; John (Rev.), 155 ; Katherine L., 155 ; Margaret, 88, 190 ; Mary, 155, 190 ; Stephen, 155. Lawrence, Anne, 290 ; Arch., 290 ; Edward, 51 ; Harriet A., 51. Laws, Widow, 126. Lax, Charles, 229; Elizabeth, 229; Frances, 240; George, 10, 240; John, 229; Sophia, 229 ; Robert G., 229. Layng, Catherine, 114, 124, 206, 208 ; Creighton, 114, 203 ; George, 114, 202, 203, 220 ; Henry. 114, 202, 206, 208, 220 ; Mary, 114, 202, 221 ; Peter, 114 ; Robert, 203. Lee, Hugh, 98 ; Mary, 98. Legge, Ann, 26 ; Thomas, 26. Leigh, Catherine, 60 ; Henry, 60. B It 306 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Lessey, Thomas (Rev.), 127. Lewis, Arms. 231 ; Edward, 136 ; Margaret, 136 ; Richard, 136. Leyton, Admiral, 98 ; Charlotte E., 98. Liides, John (Sir). 281 ; Thomas, 281. Limbeare, Maud, 285. Linley, Arms, 170 ; Elizabeth A., 169, 170 Mary, 169, 170 ; Thomas, 169, 170 ; William, 170 Lisle, de, Joanna, Viscountess, 36, 78, 117, 120 John, Viscount, 36, 120 ; Margaret, 120 Warine, Lord, 120. Lite, Catherine, 135. Little, James, 281 ; John, 281. Lloyd, Arms, 44, 151 ; Dorothea, 151 ; Edward, 44, 45, 131 ; Jane, 44, 45, 131 ; John, 10 ; Mary, 10 ; Peter G., 10 ; Richard H., 151. Lock, Ann, 287 ; Sarah, 172 ; Robert, 287 ; Tho- mas, 82, 83 ; Thomas (Clarencieux), 179. Lockett, Ann, 77 ; Henry (Rev.), 77. Loder, Elizabeth, 15. Long, John, 15. Longman, Miss, 66. Loscombe, Catherine, 156 ; Katherine B., 156 ; Winteringham (Major), 156. Lovell, Arabella, 9 ; Arms, 167, 296 ; Catherine, 9; Edward, 171, 189; Edmund, 171, 189; Edmund (Rev.), 167, 168 ; Esther, 9 ; Frances, 259 ; George, 9, 168 ; Hester, 9, 245 ; John, 9, 259; Joseph, 9; Joseph L., 171. 189; Mar- garet, 179, 181 ; Martha, 167, 168 ; Mary, 167, 168 ; Robert, 188 ; Thomas, 171 ; Thomas F., 245 ; William, 245. Loveridge, Jane, 16. Lowry, Jane, 290. Lucas, Arms, 151 ; Christopher, 106 ; Clement, 151 ; Elizabeth, 151 ; John, 151 ; Mrs., 106 ; Thomas, 151. Ludlow, Henry, 52 ; Margaret, 52. Luff, Ann, 49 ; Joanna, 50. Lukin, Arms, 237 ; Emma E., 237 ; George W., 237 ; John, 237 ; John M., 237 ; Lucy E. (Hon.), 237. Lush, Hannah, 295. Lutterell, Arms, 275 ; Earl of Carhampton, 285 ; Elizabeth (Hon), 285 ; Temple S. (Hon.), 285. Lynch, Mary F., 3 ; William W. (Major- Gen.), 3. Lyne, John, 55 ; Mary, 55. M Maby, John, 135. MacCarthy, Catherine, 70. Mackintosh, Louisa, 29. Macreth, Arms, 216. Maddock, William, 208. Magee, Catherine L., 157. Malet, Margaret, 83 ; William, 83. Malherb, Adam, 293 ; Arms, 292 ; Hugh, 293 ; Margery, 293 ; Robert, 293 ; Roger, 293 ; Sara, 293 ; William, 293. Mallock, Charlotte, 153 ; Rawlin, 153. Maltravers, Arms, 119; Elizabeth, 121 ; John (Sir), 119, 121. Man, John, 137. Mansell, Edward, 44 ; Margaret, 44. Mapson, Nicholas, 136. Marcel, John, 89. Marchant, Mary, 144 ; Priscilla, 187 ; Rose, 144; William, 187. Marchia, Arms, 36, 116 ; William de (Bishop), 36, 116. Markham, Elizabeth, 47 ; Rebecca. 47 ; Robert (Sir), 47. Marks, Anna, 7. Marshall, Ann, 205 : Edmund, 205 ; Isabel, 116; Mary, 48; Maud, 116, 117; William; Earl of Pembroke, 116, 117, 118. Martin, George, 252 ; Mary, 252. Masey, George, 2. Maskell, Elizabeth, 95 ; Jane, 95 ; John, 95 ; Richard, 95. Mason, Ann, 212 ; Charles, 46, 47 ; Elizabeth, 46, 47 ; Mary, 135 ; Thomas, 212. Matthew, — , 152 ; — , 152. Matthews, Elizabeth, 6, 257, 258 ; Hannah, 258 ; Sarah, 258 ; Thomas, 257, 258. Mattock, Ann, 138, 139; Arms, 132, 139; Arthur, 138, 139, 140; Catherine. 138; Charles, 132, 138, 139 ; Charity, 138 ; Eliza- beth, 138, 139 ; George, 138, 139, 140 ; James, 138 ; Jane, 132, 138 ; Jasper, 138 ; John, 138, 139; Joseph, 138, 139; Katherine. 132, 138. 139 ; Margaret, 138, 139 ; Martha. 138, 139 ; Mary, 132, 138, 139 ; Matthew, 138 ; Richard, 139 ; Robert, 138 ; Sophia, 140 ; Thomas, 132, 138, 139, 140 ; William, 139. Maundrell, Susan, 283 ; Thomas, 150 ; Tho- masine, 150. Maunoir, Arms, 277 ; Jane, 277 ; J. P., 277. Maurice, Arms, 270 ; Harriet T., 270 ; Michael (Rev.), 270. Maxwell, Hamilton (Major), 181 ; Innes E., 181 ; Isabella, 181. May, Mary, 21. Mayger, Elizabeth, 18. Maynard, — , 147 ; Elizabeth C.,278 ; Jonas, 278. Mayne, Ellen O., 97. McLean, Hector, 3, 267 ; John D., 267. Meade, Richard J., 255. Melhuish, Mary, 263. Merchant, John, 77 ; Sarah, 77. Meredith, Lydia, 80 ; Lydia E. D., 80 ; Samuel (Capt.). 80. Merricke, Hester, 205 ; William, 205. Merrifield, Arms, 141 ; Christable, 141 ; Wil- liam, 141. Metzner. Bromley C, 276. Michell, Benjamin, 148; Elizabeth, 148. Middleton, Adela, 156 ; Arms, 156 ; Arthur P., 156; Charlotte L., 156; Edith M., 156; Ernest, 156 ; Frank, 156 ; Georgina, 156; Harriett, 156; Hastings B., 156; Hastings C, 156 ; Hastings N., 156 ; John de, 111; Mabel K., 156; Mary A., 156; Walter, 156 ; William, 156. Mildmay, Carew. 265 ; Henry P. St. J. (Sir), 265 ; Jane, 265 ; Kitty A., 265 ; Walter St. J. (Rev.), 265. Miles, Maria C, 286 ; William (Sir), 286. Millard, Ambrose, 147 ; Ann, 16 ; Arohibald, 17; Arms, 17; Catherine, 17; John, 17; Joseph, 15 ; Martha, 17 ; Mary, 17 ; Mary A., 17 ; Rebecca, 17 ; Samuel, 17 ; Susannah, 15, 17 ; Thomas, 17. Miller, Catherine, 221 ; Harriet, 196 ; Thomas (Sir), 196, Mills, Clara J., 80 ; Elizabeth, 297 ; Flora, 257 ; Julia J., 80 ; Robert, 257 ; Robert W., 257 ; Susanna C, 80 ; Thomasine, 73. Milton, George B., 241 ; John de, 111. INDEX. 307 Moberley, Edward, 276 ; Emily, 276. Mohun, Charles, 134 ; Philippa, 134. Molyneux, Annabella, 270 ; Francis (Sir), 270. Monck, Elizabeth M., 290 ; Frederick, 290. Montagu, Arms, 269 ; Edward (Sir), 269 ; James (Bishop), 269. Moutall, Millicent, 118 ; William, 118. Montgomery, Gabrielle R. (Lady), 152 ; Samuel, 2. Mooney, Patrick, 3. Moore, Arms, 134 ; Grace. 134, 135 ; James, 28 ; John, 164 ; Sarah, 28 ; Thomas, 134, 135. Morgan, Arms, 149 ; Sarah, 149 ; William, 149. Morley, Arms, 95 ; John, 95. Morrell, Baker, 49 ; Mary E., 49. Morrice, James (Rev.), 155 ; Maria M., 155 ; Mary, 155. Morris. Arms, 99, 100, 184, 296 ; Claver, 96, 100, 101, 102. 184, 185, 231 ; Elizabeth, 102, 231 ; Mary, 100, 185 ; William. 99, 100, 185 ; Wil- liam (Rev.), 184. Mortimer, Ann, 120 ; Arms, 161 ; Earl of March, 38, 161 ; Edmund, 38, 119, 120, 121 ; Eleanor, 120; Elizabeth, 119; Joane, 119; Margaret, 118, 119 ; Maud, 37, 119 ; Philippa, 119; Roger, 118, 119, 120. Morton, Sarah, 28 ; Thomas, 98 ; — , 98. Moss, Ann, 31 ; Arms. 200 ; Bishop, 93 ; Caro- line, 93 ; Charles (Rev.). 31,32, 200; Frances, 31 ; Joane, 31, 57; John, 30, 31, 57. 200; John B., 31 ; Mary, 31, 200 ; Sarah, 31, 200. Mount, Agnes F., 157 ; C. M. (Rev.), 157. Mountstevens, Robert, 137. Mudesley, Henry de, 293. Musgrave, Ann, 294 ; Joseph, 294 ; Rachael, 167; Robert, 167. Muttlebury, Ann, 242 ; Frances W., 242 ; George, 242 ; James E., 242 ; Margaret, 244 ; Mary, 242 ; Thomas, 244 ; Thomas B., 242. Mowbray, Ann, 120 ; John (Lord), 120. Mynne, Jane, 44 ; Nicholas, 44. N Napier, Edward B., 283 ; Letitia S., 283. Nares, Arms, 202 ; George (Sir), 202 ; Susanna L., 202. Nash, Anna, 257. Nelson, Arms, 174 ; Edith (Lady), 286 ; Horatio (Earl), 286 ; —,181. Nevill, Elizabeth. 120; George, Lord Latimer, 120. Newton, Dorothy, 150; John (Sir), 125, 127, 150, 237, 296 ; Mary, 125, 127; Penelope, 125, 127, 296 ; Sarah, 115 ; Thomas, 115. Nichol, Arms, 161 ; William, 161. Nicholls, Dorothy, 281 ; Easter, 281 ; Elizabeth, 245 ; Fanny, 246 ; James, 281 ; J. F., 246 ; Mr., 246; Mary, 281. Nooth, Winchcomb, 283. Norton, Elizabeth, 141 ; William, 141. Nulty, William, 2. O Ogilvy, Arms, 182 ; Charles S., 182. Oglethorpe, Ann, 21, 22 ; James, 21, 22 ; Sarah, 21, 22. Old, Margaret, 15. Oldham, Ann, 30 ; James, 29, 30 ; Joseph, 29, 30. Orange, Edward, 46 ; Elizabeth, 46 ; Mary, 46 ; William, 46. Orchard, Arms, 135. Owgan, Agnes, 288 ; Henry (Sir), 288. Oxley, Henry, 267. Ozzard, Col., 278 ; Mabel, 278. Paget, Anna A. E., 89 ; Francis (Rev. Canon), 276 ; Helen B., 276 ; John (Rev.), 89. Paine. Ann, 7 ; Edith, 283 ; Elizabeth, 6, 7, 141 283; Elizabeth F., 6, 174; Frances, 5,6,7 282 ; Francis, 6, 7, 283 ; Hester, 5, 7, 283 John, 5, 6, 7, 91, 141, 283 ; John (Rev.), 5, 6 7, 174, 283, 286 ; Mary, 6, 7, 283, 286 ; Phillis 7, 283; Richard, 4, 6, 7, 283; Samuel, 7 William, 7, 283. Palmer, Ann, 65, 66, 292 ; Arms, 65, 66, 67 Catherine, 66, 292 ; Elizabeth, 65, 66, 292 Frances, 65, 66, 166, 167, 292; John, 65 Nathaniel, 65, 66, 67, 166, 167 ; Peregrine, 65 66, 292 ; Rachael, 66, 67 ; Thomas, 65 ; Tho mas (Sir), 65. Palmer-Morewood, Clara, 29 ; Charles R., 29 Patience M., 29 ; Roland, 29. Pardoe. George A. (Lieut.), 2. Parfitt, Alice, 15 ; Anne, 13, 14, 210 ; Catherine, 2, 14, 15. 241 ; Deborah, 15 ; Dianna, 14 ; Edward, 13, 14, 15, 210, 241 ; Eliza, 210 ; Elizabeth, 2, 14, 15 ; Elizabeth G., 14, 241 ; Frances, 2, 14, 15 ; Francis, 14, 15 ; George, 14 ; Hannah, 15 ; James, 13, 15 ; Joane, 15 ; John, 13, 14, 15 ; Jonathan, 14, 15 ; Joseph, 14 ; Leonard, 15 ; Margaret, 13 ; Margaret C, 13 ; Mary, 13, 15 ; Mary S., 13 ; Nathaniel, 14 ; Owen, 14 ; Owen G., 14 ; Peter, 12, 13, 14, 15 ; Peter L., 210 ; Richard, 14 ; Roger, 15 ; Samuel, 14, 15 ; Sarah, 14, 219 ; Susannah, 13 ; Thomas, 13, 14, 15, 219 ; William, 13, 14, 15, 210. Parker, Agape, 290 ; Anna M., 49, 290 ; Anne, 290 ; Arms, 155, 273 ; Caroline, 290 ; Cathe- rine, 290; Charles, 290; Charles J.. 290; Charles L., 49, 290 ; Eadward G.. 290 ; Ed- ward, 290 ; Edward (Rev.), 291 ; Edward B., 290 ; Elizabeth, 155 ; Elizabeth M., 290 ; Ellen, 98 ; Frances M., 290 ; Frank S., 290 ; Gilbert, 289 ; Henry, 273 ; Hubert, 290 ; Irene, 290; James, 110, 290; James H., 290 ; Jane, 290 ; John, 49, 290 ; John H., 290 ; Joseph, 290 ; Joseph P., 290 ; Lewis B., 290 ; Rebecca, 289 ; Richard, 49, 290 : Sack- ville, 289; Samuel, 289; Samuel (Bishop), 289 ; Samuel P., 49, 290 ; Sarah, 49, 290 ; Sarah C, 290 ; Sophia, 290 ; Susannah, 290 ; Thomas, 290; William F., 290; William G. (Sir), 155. Parsons, Eliza, 264 ; William, 264. Pascall, Hannah, 152 ; Thomas. 152. Pasley, Jane, 78 ; Madeline S., 78 ; Thomas (Sir), 78. Pavy, Rebecca, 137 ; William, 137. Payne, Anna, 7 ; Arms, 190, 191, 192, 283 ; Catherine, 284 ; Frances, 282 ; Henry T. (Canon), 282 ; John, 192, 284 ; Judith, 108, 192, 284 ; Mary, 192, 284 r Samuel (Clerk), 7 ; 308 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sarah J.. 284 ; Thomas (Rev.), 6, 108, 191, 284 ; — , 296. Peach. Sarah, 232 ; Samuel, 232. Peake, Arms, 243 ; George (Rev.), 51 ; Maria S., 51. Pearsall, Ann, 152 ; Arms, 150 ; Edward. 151 ; Elizabeth, 151 ; Frances, 150 ; Frank, 152 ; George, 151 ; Hannah, 152 ; Henry, 150, 152 ; Henry R., 152 ; Henry S., 152 ; Henry W., 150 ; Herbert, 152 ; Humphrey, 150 ; John, 150, 151, 152 ; John (Sir), 150 ; John S., 151 ; Judith, 150 ; Marie H. E., 151 ; Martha, 151, 152 ; Mary, 150, 152 ; Philippa, 151 ; Philippa S., 151 ; Richard, 150, 151 ; Richard S., 151; Robert, 150, 151, 152; Robert L., 151 ; Samuel, 152 ; Sarah, 152 ; Still, 150 ; Thomas, 150 ; Thomasine, 150 ; William, 150, 151, 152. Pearse, Sarah, 12. Pedder, Alice, 78 ; Annie, 78 ; Catherine, 78 ; Edward, 78 ; Elizabeth, 78 ; Harriet, 78 ; John, 78 ; Margaret, 78. Pegg, John. 2. Peirse, Piers, Pearce, Arms, 268 ; Bishop, 236 ; Dorcas, 236 ; Elias, 236 ; John, 236 ; Joseph, 236 ; Judith, 236 ; Katherine, 236 ; Martha, 236 ; Mary, 236 ; Rebecca, 236 ; Sarah, 12 ; Thomas, 132, 236 ; William (Archdeacon), 132, 134, 236 ; William (Bishop), 268 ; William, 132, 236. Pelsent, Pellsent, Arms, 43, 44 ; Elizabeth, 43, 44, 49 ; John, 43, 44, 49. Pemberton. Amy, 98 ; James (Sir), 98. Penny, Ann, 17, 18, 19, 104, 105 ; Bridget, 18 ; Charles, 17, 18, 19 ; Christopher, 18 ; Edith, 18 ; Edward, 18 ; Elizabeth, 17, 18 ; Ger- trude, 18 ; Hannah, 17 ; Henry, 18 ; Hugh, 18 ; James, 18, 19 ; Jane, 18 ; Joane, 16, 18 ; John, 16, 18, 19, 104, 105 ; Katherine, 18 ; Martha, 18, 19, 138 ; Mary, 18, 19 ; Richard, 18 ; Robert, 18 ; Sarah, 18 ; Susannah, 18 ; Thomas, 18 ; Ursula, 18 ; William, 18. Perceval. Joanna, 293 ; Roger (Sir), 293. Perkins, Ann, 245, 246 ; Hod, 245, 246 ; Eliza- beth, 246 ; George, 246 ; John, 47 : Margaret, 246 ; Margaret C, 246 ; William, 246, 252. Perrott, Catherine, 290 ; Charles, 290. Pheasant, Rebecca, 289. Phelips, Anna A. E., 89 ; Arms, 89 ; Charles (Rev.), 89; John, 89; Mary, 89; Mary A., 89 ; William. 89 ; William (Rev.), 89. Phelps, Christian, 235, 236 ; John W., 235 ; Julia. 235, 236; Mary P.. 236; William (Rev.), 235, 236. Phillipps, Anne, 204 ; Arthur, 204 ; Mary, 132 ; Richard, 132. Philpott, Mary G., 277 ; Richard S. (Prebendary), 277 ; Thomas, 204. Phipps, Arthur C, 286 ; Frances H., 286 ; John. 286 ; Mary, 286. Pilkington, Anne, 79 : Archibald C, 79 ; Arms, 79 ; Charles (Rev.), 79 ; Charles H. (Rev.), 79 ; Dorothea M., 79 ; Grace B., 79 ; Leonard, G., 79 ; Maria, 79 ; Mary C. 79. Pinder, Amy X., 278 ; Ann, 279 ; Ann B., 279 ; Ann I., 278 ; Arms, 278 ; Catherine, 279 ; Edward, 279 ; Elizabeth, 278 ; Elizabeth C, 278 ; Elizabeth M., 279 ; Elizabeth S., 278 ; Elizabeth W., 278 ; Fanny, 278 ; Frances I., 279 ; Francis F., 278, 279 ; George (Col.), 278 ; Harriet, 278 ; Humphrey F., 278 ; Humphrey S., 278 ; Isabella, 279 ; James G., 278 ; John H., 278 ; John H. (Rev.), 275, 278, 279 ; Marianne, 278 ; Mary, 46 ; Mary H., 279 ; Mary J., 278 ; Martin, 46 ; Matthew, 279 ; North, 279 ; Thomasine, 278 ; William, 278 ; William L., 278 ; William M.. 279. Pinney, Arms, 155 ; Charles, 80 ; Frances M., 80, 155 ; Frederick W., 155 ; John, 155 ; Mary J., 80, 155. Pipard, Margaret, 120 ; William (Sir), 120. Pitcher, Edward, 27 ; Helen, 27 ; Jane, 27 ; John, 27 ; Sarah, 27 ; Susan, 27 ; Thomas, 27. Pitman, Jane, 153 ; T., 153. Pitt, Arms, 50 ; Samuel, 50 ; Sarah, 50. Plantagenet, Alice, 116, 117 ; Ann, 121 ; Edward I., 117, 119, 151 ; Edward III., 121 ; Edward, Black Prince, 121 ; Edward, Duke of York, 120 ; Eleanor. 113 ; Eleanor (Queen), 118 ; Edmund, of Woodstock, 119 ; Elizabeth, 273; Geoffery, 116, 117; Hamelin, 116, 117; Henry I., 117 ; Henry II., 1 16, 117 ; Henry III., 118; Henry, Earl of Lancaster, 118; Isabel, 116, 117; Joan, 118; Joan, of Kent, 119; John, 116, 117, 118; Lionel, 119; Margaret, 119 ; Maud, 116, 117 : Philippa, 119 ; Richard II., 37, 45, 117 ; Richard III., 119 ; Richard, 118; Richard, Earl of Cambridge, 120; Richard, Duke of York, 120 : Thomas, Duke of Gloucester, 121 ; William, 116, 117, 118. Pleydell-Bouverie, Caroline, 199 ; P. (Hon.), 199. Plowden, Col., 199 ; Eleanor, 199 ; Helen, 199 Henry M. (Sir), 199. Plumptre, Annabella, 270 ; Arms, 270, 230 Charles, 270; Edwari H. (Dean), 266,270 280, 295 ; Edward H, 270 ; Harriet T., 266 270 ; John, 270 ; Septimus, 270. Pomeroy, Arms, 271 ; Richard, 271, 272, 273. Ponsonby, Frances, 199 ; Georgina, 181 ; Wil- liam (Lord), 181 ; William (Lieut.-Gen.), 199. Poole, Mary, 16 ; John, 287. Pope, Arms, 274 ; Frances, 123 ; Fredeswade, 123; John, 3, 57, 113, 123, 124, 274; John (Rev.), 206,208 ; Margaret, 113, 123, 124, 206, 208, 221 ; Martha, 260 ; William, 123, 124 ; William (Archdeacon), 130. Popham, Alexander, 49, 73 ; Dulcibella, 73 ; Edward, 73 : Eleanor, 73 ; Elizabeth, 49 ; Grace, 73 ; Martha, 73 ; Thomas, 73. Porch, Helen E., 21 ; Henry, 20 ; John, 20, 21 ; John de C, 21 ; John E., 21, 234 ; Martha, 20 ; Mary, 20, 21 ; Mary A., 21 ; Richard, 20 ; Thomas, 20, Porter, Robert, 240. Portman, Ann, 230 ; Lastitia B., 230, 231 ; Wil- liam B., 230, 231. Post, Alice, 158 ; Thomas, 158. Poulett, Arms, 113 ; Catherine, 112, 113 ; Eliza- beth. 112; Francis, 112, 113; John (Lord), 112, 113 : Katherine, 112, 207 ; Michael, 113. Powell, Frances. 130 ; Joan, 103 ; John, 130 ; Mary, 131 ; Philip, 130 ; Robert. 130 ; Sarah, 130 ; Valentine, 130, 131. Powles, George, 2. Pratt, Charles C. (Major-Gen.), 254 ; Maria, 254 ; Mary, 125 ; William, 125. Praetor, Arms, 155 ; John, 155. Price, Arms, 154 ; Charles (Sir), 154 ; Laura F., 154 ; Ralph, 154. Prickman, Abraham, 54 ; Ann, 21, 54, 55 ; Barbara, 54 ; Benjamin, 21 ; Charles, 21, 55 ; Christian, 54 ; Henry, 55 ; Jane, 21, 22, 51, 55, INDEX. 309 141; John, 21, 22, 54, 55; Katherine, 54; Mary, 21, 22, 54. 55 ; Samuel, 21 ; Sarah, 21, 22, 54, 55 ; Thomas, 22, 54. Provence, Eleanor of, 118 ; Raymond, Comte de, 118. Prowse, Abigail, 217, 218; Arms, 68, 69; Charles, 68 ; Elizabeth, 68 ; George (Rev.), 68 ; John (Rev.), 68 ; Maria, 68 ; Mary, 68. Pryn, Mary, 178 ; Thomas, 178. Pulsford, Benjamin, 220 ; Charles H. (Rev.), 10 Charles H., 195, 286 ; Frances, 219 ; Frances G., 286 ; James, 220 ; Jane, 219, 220, 286 John N., 219,220 ; Lsetitia S.,286 ; Lucas, 219 220, 286 ; Martha, 220 ; Susanna, 219, 220 Susanna F., 219, 220 ; William, 219, 220. Pyle, Ann, 148; Arms, 148; Elizabeth, 148 James (Sir), 148 ; Jane, 148. Q Quincy, Roger de, 118 ; Margaret, 118. B Rackham, Elizabeth, 154 ; John R., 154. Radcliffe, Elizabeth, 51 ; Mary, 196 ; William (Rev.), 51 ; — , 196. Ralph, Bishop, 127. Ramsey, Alexander. 212 ; Christian, 251 ; Christian A. K., 251 ; Elizabeth, 250 ; Fran- ces, 251 ; John, 251 ; Mary, 242. Rawlings, George, 219. Read, Edmund, 136 ; Frances, 136 ; Henry, 136. Redman, Elizabeth, 50 ; Timothy (Rev.), 50. Redpath, Samuel, 3. Reldon, Sister, 135. Revett, Arthur, 131 ; Katherine, 131 ; Michael, 131; Timothy (Archdeacon), 131, 132,134; Timothy, 131, 132, 134. Reynell, Mary, 283 ; Richard (Sir), 283. Reynolds, Reynell, Maria T., 30. Rich, Ann, 3, 4 ; Elizabeth, 4, Frances, 4 ; George, 3, 4 ; Mary, 3, 4 ; William, 4. Richards, Anna M., 49, 290 ; Dr., 290 ; George, 49 ; Mary, 210 ; Thomas, 240. Richmond, Bruce L., 199 ; Douglas C, 199 ; Margaret C, 199. Rickards, — , 148 ; — , 148. Ridout, Elizabeth, 153 ; John, 153. Rintoul, Agnes V., 154 ; Peter, 154 ; Janet, 154. Roberts, Jane, 132, 134 ; Mrs., 139 ; Nathaniel (Rev.), 134 ; Thomas, 132, 134, 139. Robins, Ann, 248 ; Christopher, 136 ; Robert, 136 ; Thomas, 136. Robinson, John, 254 ; Mrs., 254 ; Thomas, 3. Rock, Catherine, 281. Rodney, Anna, 205 ; Arms, 277 ; George, 61 ; Henry, 277 ; Maurice, 178 ; Sarah, 277 ; Wil- liam, 277. Rogers, Margaret, 256 ; Richard, 76. Roland, — , 141. Roos, Eleanor, 120 ; Thomas, Lord, 120. Rose, Mary, 99 ; Thomas, 99. Rosewell, or Rousewell, Thomas, 127. Routledge, John, 208 ; Mary, 208. Rowley, Anthony, 289 ; Elizabeth, 289. Royal, see Plantagenet and Stuart. Rowe, Edmund, 148 ; Elizabeth, 148. Rundle, Elizabeth, 180. Russell, Catherine, 156 ; Robert, 156. Ruthen, Lords of, 111. Ryder, Caroline, 290. S Sage, Arms, 172, 173; Elizabeth, 172, 173; Emily, 172, 173 ; Isaac, 172, 173. St. Aubyn, St. Albon, Arms, 11 ; Elizabeth, 287 ; John, 287 ; Lancelot, 287. St. Barbe, Arms, 116; John, 116. St. Loe, Anne, 103, 104, 105; Arms, 105; Dorothy, 105; Edmund, 104; Edward, 104, 105; Elizabeth, 103, 104, 105, 293; Ferdi- nand, 103 ; Florence, 103, 104 ; Frances, 104 ; George, 101 ; Gertrude, 103 ; Jane, 101 ; Joan, 103 ; John, 103, 101, 105, 293 ; John (Sir), 104 ; Lawrence, 103, 104 ; Lawrence (Rev.), 103 : Margaret, 103. 104, 105, 293 ; Martha, 103, 101, 105 ; Mary, 104. St. Paul, Maud, Countess, 119; Valeran, Earl of, 119. Salisbury, Philippa, 119; William, Earl of, 119. Salmon, Arms, 26 ; William, 26. Samborne, Mary, 46 ; Thomas, 46. Sampson, Mary, 291. Sandford, Ellen, 29 ; Sarah E. H., 28, 29 ; Wil- liam A., 23, 29. Sands, Mary, 134 ; William, 134. Sanford, Elizabeth, 68 ; John, 68 ; Nicholas, 134. Savage, — , 98 ; Susan, 98. Say, Maria, 243. Seaman, Jane, 74 ; Lionel, 74. Segar, William (Sir), 53, 54. Selfe, Anne, 76 ; Thomas 'Rev.), 76. Sellick, Anne, 125. 126/ 294 ; Deborah, 76 ; Elizabeth, 125, 126 ; Henry, 127, 294 ; Honor, 126; Joane, 125, 126, 127; John, 125, 126, 127, 294; John (Rev.), 124, 125, 126, 127; Margaret, 126, 127, 287 ; Mary, 126, 127, 294 ; Nathaniel, 125. 126, 127 ; Nathaniel (Rev.), 126, 294 ; Penelope, 125, 127, 294 ; Robert, 125, 126 ; Susanna, 125, 126 ; Theophila, 125, 127; Raguel, 267. ■ Selway, Jacob, 281. Senhouse, Elizabeth, 278 ; William, 278. Seymour, Ann, 230 ; Arms, 190, 191, 270 ; Cathe- rine, 133, 191, 192, 284 ; Edward, Duke of Somerset, 190, 191 ; Edward (Sir), 133, 230; Edward, 191, 192; Eleanora, 109; Ellen (Lady), 29 ; Frances, 79 ; Francis (Lady), 108, 109, 192 ; Francis (Lord), 108, 109, 190, 191, 192, 245, 284 ; Francis, 108, 109, 192, 284 ; Francis C, 191, 193, 245 ; Henry, 29 ; Henry J. H., 109, 245 ; John, 105 ; Leonora, 10'8, 191, 193, 245, 284 ; Mary, Duchess of Somerset, 191 ; Mary, 192, 284 ; Michael (Sir), 79 ; Robert (Sir), 105 ; — , 296. Sheaff, Anne, 71, 105, 106 ; Arms, 71 ; Grindall, 71, 106 ; Rebecca, 71 ; Samuel, 71 ; Thomas, 71. Sheathstone, Isabella, 180. Sheep, Agnes, 147. Shelton, Bridget, 152 ; Francis, 152. Sheppard, William, 3. Sheridan, Arms, 170; Elizabeth A., 169, 170; Mary, 169, 170 ; Richard B., 169, 170 ; Tho- mas. 170. 310 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Sherlocke, Mary, 196 ; Thomas (Bishop), 196 ; William (Dean), 196. Sherman, Gabriel, 64 ; Martha, 64. Sherston, Agnes, 180 ; Alice M., 182 ; Ann, 180 ; Arms, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179 ; Arthur, 180 ; Beryl M., 181 ; Bridget, 91, 176, 181 ; Charles D., 181 ; Charles I. T., 181 ; Doding- ton. 91, 176, 178, 181; Edith, 181; Eleanor, 180 ; Elizabeth, 180 ; Ethel J., 182 ; Florence M., 181 ; Francis, 180 ; George P., 181 ; Georgina I., 181 ; Innes E., 181 ; Isabel, 180 ; Jane, 90, 178, 181 ; John, 180, 182 ; John D. (Capt.), 80, 181 ; John R., 182 ; Julianna F. A., 181; Mabel, 80, 182; Margaret, 50, 91, 178, 180, 181 ; Margaret I., 90, 181; Mary, 178, 181 ; Maxwell, 181 ; Nora I., 182 ; Peter, 50, 91, 174, 175, 177. 178, 179. 180, 181 ; Peter D., 90, 175. 181 ; Sarah, 180 ; Somerset A., 181 ; Sophia, 181 ; Thomas, 180 ; Thomas D., 181 ; T. Peter D., 182 ; Weyman, 180 ; Wey- mouth, 180 ; William, 90, 91, 178, 180, 181 ; William D., 182 ; William M., 182 ; William T, 176, 181. Shirley, Mabel, 153 ; Thomas, 154. Shrewsbury, John, Earl of, 36 ; Margaret, Countess of, 36. Sidney, Philip C. (Sir), 78. Sinclair, Arms, 182. Singleton, John, 28 ; Patience, 28 ; Sarah, 28. Skrine, Alice C. F.. 80; Arms, 153 ; Elizabeth 153 ; Henry D., 80 ; Richard D., 153 ; Sarah 153 ; Susanna C, 80. Slade. Anne, 225 ; Helen, 27 ; Martha, 236 Richard, 236. Smith, Brother, 43 ; Dora S., 79 ; Eleanor, 35, 94 Elizabeth, 81 ; Frances, 79 ; George (Rev.), 81 ; Spencer, 79 ; Thomas, 35, 94. Sneyd, Harriet, 199 ; Major, 199. Somerset, Edmund, Duke of Beaufort, 120 ; Eleanor, Duchess of, 120 ; Regiment, 2, 3. Somner, Edward, 191. Southey, Alice, 24. Southworth, Arms, 43 ; Christopher (Sir), 43 Edward, 44, 45, 131 ; Elizabeth, 43, 49 Gilbert (Sir), 43 ; Henry, 43, 44, 45, 49 Isabel, 43 ; Jane, 43, 44, 45, 49, 131 ; Mar garet, 43, 44 ; Thomas, 44, 45. Sparke, Hellen, 57 ; Sarah, 58 ; William, 57. Sparrow, Anthony (Bishop), 99 ; Joan, 98. Speckington, John (Canon), 237. Speke, George (Sir), 167 ; Rachel, 167. Spencer, Ann, 157 ; Charlotte L., 157 ; Edward, 157, 233 ; Mary, 132, 234 ; Mary K., 234. Squire, Francis, 173, 174, 198 ; F. (Rev. Dr.), 197; Mary, 173, 174, 197, 198; Samuel (Bishop), 197. Stables, Alfred W.. 156; Arms, 156; Daniel W., 156 ; Enid G., 156 ; Katherine B., 156 ; LoscombeL., 156 ; Robert S., 156 ; Wintering- ham N., 156. Stacy, Stasey, Ann, 140, 141 ; Constance, 140 ; Richard, 140, 141. Stafford, Alice, 121 ; Ann, 120. 121 ; Arms, 1, 121 ; Catherine. 121 ; Edmund, Earl of, 121 ; Edmund (Lord), 121 ; Edmund (Bishop), 121 ; Edward, Earl of, 120 ; Elizabeth, 121 ; Hugh, Earl of, 120, 121 ; Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham, 121 ; Humphrey (Sir), 121 ; Joane, 120, 121 ; John (Bishop), 1, 121, 274 ; John (Sir), 121 ; Margaret, 121 ; Philippa, 121 ; Ralph, Earl of, 121 ; Richard (Lord), 121 ; Richard (Sir), 121 ; Richard, 120 ; Roger (Lord), 121 ; Thomas (Sir), 121 ; Thomas, 121 ; William (Sir), 121. Standfast, Mr., 69. Stanesby, Ann, 241 ; John. 241 ; Richard, 241 ; Sarah, 241 ; William R., 241. Stanhope, Charles W., Earl of Harrington, 151 ; Elizabeth S., Countess of Harrington, 151 ; Mr., 96. Stanley, Maud, 121 ; Thomas, 121. Stent, John, 154 ; Susanna, 154. Sterndale, Agnes, 199 ; Eleanor, 199 ; W., 199. Stephens, Anne, 48 ; Edward, 48 ; Elizabeth, 48 ; Joseph, 48 ; Katherine, 48 ; Margaret, 104 ; Mary, 48 ; Rachael, 48 ; Richard, 104 ; — , 48 ; — , 48 ; — , 95. Stephenson, John, 3. Stevens, William. 219. Still, Agnes F., 157 ; Agnes V., 154 ; Albert P., 154 ; Alice, 147 ; Ann, 147, 148, 149. 150, 152, 154, 157 ; Arms. 46, 146, 147 ; Arthur, 154 ; Arthur D., 157 ; Bridget, 152, 153 ; Caroline C, 154 ; Catherine L.. 157 ; Charles, 154 ; Charles J. G., 157 ; Charlotte, 154, 155 ; Char- lotte L., 154 ; Charlotte M., 153 ; Constance J., 154 ; Constance R., 154 ; Edith M., 154 ; Edward, 147; Eleanor, 153; Eliza, 154; Eliza M., 157 ; Elizabeth, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155 ; Ellen L., 154 ; Emma, 153 ; Ernest R., 154 ; Florence C, 154 ; Frances, 147, 150, 152, 154 ; Frances M., 80, 155 ; George. 147, 153 ; George P., 153 ; Henrietta, 153 ; Henry, 95, 147, 149, 153 ; Henry (Rev.), 150; Henry B., 153; Henry H. (Rev.), 157 ; Henry T., 153 ; Henry W., 154 ; Honor, 153 ; James, 154, 157 ; James C, 154, 155, 157 ; James T., 153 ; Jane, 147, 148, 152, 153 ; Joane, 147 ; John (Bishop), 46, 80, 146, 147, 148, 152 ; John, 46. 80, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154 ; John (Rev.), 154 ; John N., 154 ; John T., 153 ; Judith, 147, 150 ; Laura C, 157 ; Laura F., 154 ; Laura M. M., 157 ; Lelina F., 154 ; Mabel, 153 ; Mabel M., 154 ; Margaret G., 152 ; Marian, 157 ; Mary, 46, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 157 ; Martha, 149, 150 ; Mary A., 154 ; Nathaniel, 146, 148, 149, 153 ; Nathaniel T., 153 ; Peter, 154 ; Peter (Rev.), 155 ; Philippa, 149. 150, 151 ; Richard, 153 ; Robert, 153, 154 ; Sarah, 149, 153, 154 ; Selina, 157 ; Selina A., 157 ; Selina E., 157 ; Stafford F., 154 ; Susanna, 154, 155 ; Sylvestra, 150 ; Thomas, 147, 149, 152, 153 ; Thomas P., 154 ; Thomas W., 157 ; Ursula, 152 ; William, 147, 153, 157 ; William S., 154 ; Willoughby E., 154. Stillington, Arms, 161, 162, 274 ; Bishop, 161, 162, 274 ; John, 162. Stokes, Arms, 135. Storthwait, John, 37. Stott, John, 144 ; Thomas, 144. Stourton, Alice, 38 ; John, 38. Strangways, Alexander A., 51 ; Ann, 52 ; Arms, 50, 53, 174; Bonham, 52; Bridget, 52; Catherine, 51 ; Christian, 52 ; Cordelia E., 51 ; Cordelia E. M., 51 ; Dorothy, 52 ; Edmund, 52 ; Edmund L., 51 ; Eleanor, 121 ; Elishaba, 50 ; Elishaba L., 51 ; Elizabeth, 50, 51, 52, 181, 286 ; George, 51, 52 ; Giles, 50, 51, 52 ; Grace, 52 ; Hamilton D., 51 ; Harriet A., 51 ; Helen M., 51 ; Henry, 50, 52, 286 ; Henry B., INDEX. 311 50 ; Henry B. T., 51, 53 ; Henry F. H., 51 ; Henry L., 52 ; Jane, 52 ; John, 50, 52 ; Lavinia, 51 ; Lucy, 52 ; Mabel, 52 ; Margaret, 50,51.52,175,181; Maria C, 51 : Maria S., 51 ; Mary, 50, 51, 52, 291 ; Rebecca, 52 ; Robert, 291 ; Rose C, 51 ; Sarah, 50 ; Selina, 52 ; Sophia G., 51 ; Sophia I., 51 ; Thomas, 50, 52, 121, 175, 181, 291 ; Thomas B., 51 ; Ursula, 52 ; William, 50, 51, 52, 53 ; William S., 52. Strickland, Elizabeth, 148 ; Thomas (Sir), 148. Strode, Strowde, Edward, 132; Henry, 132; John, 16, 186, 208 ; Mary, 16 ; Mercy, 132. Strong, Mary, 154 ; William, 154. Stuart, James II. of Scotland, 205 ; John, Earl of Athol, 205; John, 205; Margaret, 111,205. Sugar, Arms, 8, 161, 273 ; Hugh, 8, 161, 273. Sully, Betty, 232. Sumner, Arms, 277 ; Charles H. (Bishop), 277 ; Jane, 277 ; Louisanna, 277. Swanne, Arms, 1, 161, 274 ; Richard, 161, 274. Swayne, Arms, 77 ; Deborah, 76. Sweeting, Hugh, 287 ; Thomas, 287. Swinnerton, Margery, 257. Sydenham, Col., 47. Talbot, C. (Adm. Sir), 181 ; Edith, 181 ; Eliza- beth, 120 ; Georgina, 181 ; Joane, 120 ; John, Earl of Shrewsbury, 120 ; John, Vis- count de L'Isle, 120 ; Margaret, 120 ; Thomas (Viscount de L'Isle), 120. Talboys, Alice, 121 ; Eleanor, 121 ; Walter, 121. Tatam, Sarah, 153 ; Thomas (Dr.), 153. Tattersall, Richard, 277. Taylor, Alice, 228 ; Arms, 227, 228 ; Catherine, 228 ; Charles, 228 ; C. W., 227 ; Elizabeth, 16, 228, 229 ; Frances, 228, 229 ; Frediswade, 228 ; Jacob, 228 ; Jane, 228, 235 ; Joanna, 229 ; John, 208, 228, 229, 244 ; Jonathan, 228 ; Joseph, 228, 229 ; Laatitia, 228 ; Mary A., 154 ; Peter. 227, 228; Robert, 228, 229; Samuel, 154 ; Sarah, 228 ; Stephen, 228 ; Susan, 208 ; Susanna, 244 ; William, 227, 228, 229. Teasdale, Elizabeth, 171 ; Marmaduke, 171. Teek, John L., 253 ; Margaret L., 253. Templer, AnnaM., 51 ; Arms, 51, 53 ; George H. (Rev.), 51 ; Sophia J., 51. Thirlby, Charles, 139. Thompson, Arms, 55, 59 ; Catherine, 59, 279 ; Elizabeth, 276 ; George (Rev.), 279 ; Kathe- rine, 59 ; Martha, 58 ; William, 276 ; William (Capt.), 58, 59. Thorpe, Ann. 152 ; Robert, 152. Thring, Alice A., 81 ; Amy G. M., 81 ; Anne, 81, 82 ; Arms, 82 ; Arthur T., 80 ; Brancker, 81 ; Caroline M. L., 80 ; Catherine, 81 Charles H. M.. 81 ; Christopher B., 81 Cyril T., 80 ; Dora J., 80 ; Douglas T., 80 Edward (Rev.), 80 ; Elizabeth, 81 ; Eliza- beth (Lady), 80 ; Elizabeth M., 79 ; Ernest W. C, 81 ; George H., 80 ; Gertrude E. L., 81 ; Godfrey (Prebendary), 80, 155 ; Henry, 79; Henry (Lord), 80 ; Joel, 81 ; John, 81, 82 ; John C. (Rev.), 80 ; John G., 80 ; John G. D., 79, 81 ; John H., 81, 182 ; Julia J., 80 ; Katherine, 81 ; Katherine A. (Hon.), 80 ; Lawrence T., 80 ; Lelia, 80 ; Leonard G. P., 80 ; Lionel C. R., 81 ; Llewellyn C. W., 81 ; Lydia E., 80 ; Lydia M., 81 ; Mabel, 80, 182 ; Margaret S., 80 ; Martha, 81 ; Mary, 81 ; Mary A., 80, 155 4 Mary G., 80 ; Mary J., 80 ; Nona A. L., 81 ; Samuel, 81 ; Sarah, 79, 81, 292 ; Sarah E., 80 ; Theodore, 80, 292 ; Theresa, 79 ; Theresa A. L., 81 ; Walter H. C. S., 81 ; William, 81 ; Wrench, 81, 82. Tickell, Arms, 170 ; Clotilda, 170 ; John, 170 ; Mary, 169, 170; Richard, 169, 176; Thomas, 170. Tidy, Francis S. (Col.), 278 ; Mathew, 278. Tierney, Ann, 232 ; Arms, 232 ; James, 232. Tilley, Sarah, 88. Tippetts, Ann, 154; T., 154. Tiptoft, John (Lord), 120 ; Joyce, 120. Tomlinson, — , 277 ; — , 277. Tonkin, Peter, 50 ; Sarah, 50. Tooker, see Tucker. Tothill, Jane, 96 ; Richard, 96 ; William, 96. Tovey, Alexander, 51 ; Arms, 51 ; Hamilton, 51 ; John, 51 ; Mary H, 51. Towse, Tristram, 58, 131. Trebble, Bartholomew, 52 ; Elizabeth, 52. Trent, Ann, 261 ; Christiana, 263 ; Edward, 260, 261 ; Elizabeth, 260, 261 ; Frances, 260 ; Mrs., 261. Try me, Trime, Anna, 46 ; David, 281 ; Eleanor, 46 : George, 46 ; Margaret, 46 ; Valentine, 46. Tryon, Arms, 153 : Elizabeth, 153 ; John, 153. Tucker, Tooker, Anne, 46 ; Arms, 46, 176, 177 ; Bridget, 181 ; Caroline, 252 ; Edith, 283 ; Edward, 252 ; Edward T., 252 ; Honor, 46 ; Joane, 289 ; John, 46 ; Mary, 20 ; Richmond, 20 ; Samuel, 283. Tudway, Alice C, 286 ; Augusta, 286 ; Charles, 253, 254, 295 ; Charles C, 286 ; Edith (Lady), 286 ; Elizabeth, 253, 295 ; Emma L., 286 ; Frances G., 286 ; Frances H., 286 ; Harriet H., 253 ; Henrietta, 286 ; Henry G., 286 ; Jane, 286 ; John, 254 ; John P., 286 ; Madeline C, 286 ; Maria C, 286; Mary, 253, 254, 283, 286, 295 ; Rachael, 253 ; Richard C, 253, 254 ; Robert, 254, 283, 286 ; Robert C, 286 ; Robin- son, 254 ; Thomas, 253, 254. Turberville, Amy, 57 ; Elizabeth, 57 ; George, 57 ; Mrs., 56. Turner, Arms, 209 ; Elizabeth M., 209 ; Harriot A., 210 ; Isabel, 180 ; John (Sir), 142 ; John (Rev.), 209, 210 ; Marianne, 210 ; William H., 210. Turton, Harriet, 77, 78 ; John, 77. Tymbury, Margaret, 74 ; Thomas, 74. Tyrrell, — , 50. U Unges, Emily, 97. Upton, Elizabeth C. (Hon.), 28. Vannen, Andrew, 154 ; Janet, 154. Vaughan, Eleanor, 46 ; William, 46. Venning, John, 3. Verdon, Arms, 37 ; Margery, 37 ; Maud, 37, 119 ; Mary, 119 ; Theobald (Lord), 37, 119. 312 WELLS CATHEDRAL. Vere. George (Sir), 120 ; Joane, 118 ; Margaret, 120 ; Robert de, Earl of Oxford, 118. Vernai, Elizabeth, 65 ; Hugh, 65. Vialls, Caroline C , 51 ; Charles E., 51 ; Harry G., 51 ; Helen M., 51 ; Heien S.. 51 ; Henrietta M., 51 ; Henry T., 51 ; Kathlene, 51 ; May, 51. Vicary, Ellen F., 244 ; John. 213 ; Maria, 243 ; Martha, 243. Vigors, Hester, 33. Villiers, Arms, 269 ; George B., Earl of Jersey, 96 ; Harriet, Countess of Jersey, 96. Vincent. John, 137. Vinen, James, 260 ; Mary, 260. Violet, — , 243. Vowles, Betty, 68 ; Joane, 15 ; Thomas, 68. W Wake, Arms, 154 ; Charles (Rev.), 154 ; Edmund (Rev.), 154; John (Lord), 119; Margaret, 119; Mary, 154. Walker. Archd., 285 ; Edward (Sir), 233 ; Eliza- beth, 95, 285 ; John, 95. Wallace, Geraldina E., 34, 172 ; John, 34, 172. Waller, Elizabeth, 104 ; Walter, 104. Wallis, Peter, 74 ; William, 3. Walrond, Amos, 88, 91, 92, 139; Arms, 87, 139, 206. 207 ; Elizabeth, 88, 92 ; Frances, 111, 206 ; George, 92 ; Henry, 88 ; Humphrey, 88 ; Lawrence, 88 ; Sarah, 88 ; Susan, 88 ; Wil- liam, 87, 88, 91, 111, 206. Walter, Mary, 23 ; Thomas, 136. Ward, Anne, 265 ; Charles, 265 ; Henry (Lieut. - Gen. Sir), 265; Jane, 132; Kitty Anne, 265. Ware, Eleanor, 49 ; Thomas, 49. Warner, Ann, 204 ; Henry L. (Rev.), 204. Warren, Arms, 116; Catherine, 221; George, 221 ; Isabel, 116; Maud, 116; William, Earl of Warren and Surrey, 116, 117. Warrington, George H., 68 ; Mary, 68. Warwick, Elizabeth, Countess of, 36 ; Richard, Earl of, 36. Wason, John, 18 ; Mary, 18. Watson, Ann, 32 ; Arms, 135, 197 ; George (Rev.), 158 ; Mary, 97, 198 ; Robert, 208 ; Robert (Rev.), 32 ; Selina G., 158 ; William (Sir), 97, 198 ; William, 142. Watts, Amicia, 26 ; Arms, 135 ; Elizabeth, 126 ; James, 26 ; Martha, 20 ; Sarah, 18 ; Widow, 126 ; William, 18. Way, Lewis (Rev.), 99 ; Mary, 99. Waygood, Alfred, 3. Weaver, F. W. (Rev.), 62. Webb, Daniel, 191 ; Eleanor, 30 ; Elizabeth, 30 George, 30 ; Henry V. S., 30 ; Jane M. A, 30 Mary, 30, 191 ; Samuel, 38 ; Thomas (Sir), 15 Thomas, 30. Webber, Mary, 221. Weightman, Daniel, 3. Welles, Barony of, 88. Welsh, Betty, 254 ; Eliza C. L., 255 ; Elizabeth S., 255 ; James, 255 ; Jane, 265 ; John, 254 ; Joseph, 255 ; Mary, 255 ; Richard, 255 ; Robert, 255 ; William I., 255. West, Arthur N., 275. Westley, Amicia, 26 ; Ann, 25, 26 ; Arms, 26, 296 ; Dorothy, 26, 27 ; Eleanor, 168 ; Elizabeth, 26, 167, 168, 287 ; Frediswade, 26 ; Margaret, 26, 221 ; Martha, 167 ; Mary, 26 ; Pierce, 26 ; R., 221 ; Rev. Mr., 26 ; Sarah, 19, 25, 26, 183 ; Thomas. 26. 27. 167, 168, 291 ; William, 19, 25, 26, 27, 139, 287. Weston, Catherine, 256 ; John, 256. Whalley, Arms, 172. 173. 174; Elizabeth, 173, 174; Elizabeth F., 173, 174; Frances, 87, 173 ; Francis. 173; John. 174 ; John (Rev.), 173, 174; Martha F., 87; Mary, 173, 174; Richard, 174 ; Richard (Rev.), 174 ; Richard C. (Rev.), 173, 174 ; Richard C, 87 ; Sarah, 173. Wharton, Joshua, 48. Whateley, Grace, 126. Wheble, Richard, 3. Wheeler, Catherine, 247 ; Jane, 248 ; John, 247 ; Mrs., 248 ; Robert (Rev.). 248 ; Robert, 248 ; Sarah. 247. Whitaker, Arms, 153 ; Henry, 153 ; Honor, 153. Whitchurch, Margaret, 47, 289 ; Mary, 47 ; William, 47. White, Clementina E., 259 ; Elizabeth, 259 ; Gertrude, 18 ; Isabella, 19S ; Jane, 49 ; James, 259 ; Rev. — , 198 ; Thomas, 49, 141, 259. Whiting, Eleanor, 109; Elizabeth, 109; Hercules, 109. Whitmarsh, John, 104. Whitmore, Arms, 148 ; Jane, 148 ; Richard, 148 ; William (Sir), 148 ; William, 148. Whittaker, Joyce, 48. Whittington, John, 133. Wickham, Francis D., 173 ; Hill D. (Rev.), 172, 173 ; James, 173 ; James A., 173 ; James W. D. T., 173 ; Marianne, 173 ; Mary, 173 ; Mary J., 278 ; R. S., 278. Wicksted, John (Rev.), 128, 129. Wiggins, Henry, 251 ; Susan, 251. Wigley, Maria C, 51 ; H. R., 51. Wilcox, John, 208. Wilder, Henry (Rev.), 198 ; Mary A., 198. Wilkins, Frances, 244. Williams, Clara, 212 ; H., 212 ; John (Rev.), 48. Willis, Ann, 74 ; Arms, 73 ; Harriett, 286 ; Humphrey, 72, 73 ; Jane, 74 ; Henry, 74 ; Martha, 73 ; Mary, 74 ; Thomas, 74 ; Walter, 73 ; William (Archd.), 286. Willison, John (Lieut.), 183 ; Mary R., 183. Willmott, Elizabeth, 6 ; James, 27, 28 ; Sarah, 28 ; William, 6. Willoughby, Ann, 121, 153 ; Arms, 135 ; Eliza- beth, 153 ; John, 121 ; William, 153. Wills, Ann, 74 ; Mary, 73 ; Thomas, 73, 74. Wilmot, Marianne, 276 ; Mary A., 276 ; Robert (Sir). 276. Wilson, Harriet, 278 ; — , 278. Wincle, Ann, 152; Mary, 152; Sarah, 152; Thomas, 152. Winter, Susan, 198. Winthorpe, Adam, 147 ; Alice, 147 ; Agnes, 147 ; John, 147. Wist, Thomas, 178. Wdtham, Arms, 161 ; William (Dean), 161, 237. Watherell, Biggs, 24 ; Eleanor, 24 ; John, 24 ; Mary, 23, 24, 262 ; Samuel, 23 ; Simon, 24 ; Simon D., 24. Witts, Edward F. (Rev.), 279 ; Elizabeth M., 279 ; Simon, 23, 24 ; Simon D., 24. Woleman, Arms, 144 ; Richard, 145. Wolsey, Arms, 268 ; Cardinal, 268. Wood, Mary, 73 ; Rebecca, 228. Woodchurch, see Clarke. Woodersen, Ann, 152 ; Charles, 152. Woods, C. M., 227. INDEX. 313 Woodward, Dorothy, 150 ; Frances, 150 ; Fran- cis, 150 ; Newton, 150. Woodyates, Sarah, 133. Wookey, Alice, 136. Worm, Elizabeth, 137. Worsley, Edward (Sir), 155 ; Henry (Rev.), 155 ; Susannah, 155. Worthington, Ann, 98 ; William (Sir), 98. Wright, Joane, 149 ; Richard, 149. Wroth, Cecily, 66 ; Elizabeth, 66 ; John (Sir), 66 ; Thomas (Sir), 66. Wyclyffe, Arms, 75 ; Robert, 75. Wykeham, Arms, 269 ; William (Bishop), 269. Wykes, Alice, 35 ; Arms, 35 ; Edward, 35, 94, 96 ; Elizabeth, 35 ; Isabella, 35 ; Jane, 35, 94 ; Nicholas, 35 ; Philippa, 35 ; Sarah, 35 ; Silvester, 35 ; Thomas, 94 ; William, 35, 94, 96 ; — , 95. Wyndham, Catherine, 167 ; Edward (Sir), 167 ; Elizabeth, 167 ; Frances, 65, 167 ; Joane, 167 ; John, 167 ; Margaret, 68 ; Rachael. 167 ; Thomas (Sir), 68 ; William (Sir), 65, 167. Wyne, John, 126, 127 ; Susanna, 125 ; Theophilus, 125, 126 ; Thomas, 126. Wynniatt, Catherine, 204 ; Reginald (Rev.), 204. Wynyard, Jane, '78 ; Montagu J. (Rev.), 78. Yard, Elizabeth S., 278 ; Thomas, 278. Yea, William (Sir), 68. York, Col., 181 ; James, 57 ; Julianna, 181 ; Julianna F. A., 181. Young, Edward, 3 ; Robert (Rev.), 247. Younge, Arms, 147 ; Frances, 147 ; John, 147. Zouche, Arms, 108 ; Eva, 118 ; Millicent, 118 William (Lord), 118. Note. — Many armorial bearings will be found in the List of Arms which are not in this Index, such generally being either incidentally mentioned, or quarterings ; the reference to Arms is also fuller in that list. ft London : Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 W ardour Street, W. RETURN TO MAIN CIRCULATION ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 06 1996 RECEIVED JHA1 07 « 96 cincin imoi4PEn FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720