/ --. ; / AN ENGLISH-LATIN GRADUS OR VERSE DICTIONARY. COMPILED BY A. C. AINGEK, M.A. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE H. G. WINTLE, M.A. CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD ASSISTANT MASTERS IN ETON COLLEGE. ' Est quadam prcxlire terms, si non datur ultra." LONDON: JOHN MUEKAY, ALBEMAELE STEEET. 1891. PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITKD, STAMFORD SrSKKP AXD CHABISa CBOSS. PREFACE. IT is now upwards of ten years since this book was first taken in hand. Continued, as was necessarily the case, only in the holidays, and frequently interrupted by other work, not to speak of more attractive occupations, it had progressed so far that a copy was being made by a type-writer with a view to printing, when in the autumn of 1889 a short illness was followed by the early death of the younger of its authors. This is no place to dwell at length on those qualities which earned for him the love of many friends his simple, loyal, and manly nature " Multis ille bonis flebilis occidit." But one who was associated with him in very much of his work may be permitted to say how great a part of whatever usefulness it may possess this book owes to his unwearied zeal and patience, his accuracy in minute details, and his thorough knowledge of the words and thoughts of the Latin poets while many of the smaller errors, which will no doubt be found, are due to the want of that final revision, which it would have been his pride to render as complete as possible. The practice of Latin verse composition has been an object of scorn to so many writers for so many years past, that one, who ventures to claim any merit for it, can easily forecast the kind of criticism to which he will be exposed. Still, whatever risks the statement may involve, Latin verse composition seems to possess two advantages, as an instrument of education, for 6 iv Preface. which it would be difficult to find substitutes. First, it is the proof and the flower of that scholarship which loves the old writers with an unselfish love, and delights to clothe modern thoughts and modern expressions in the dress of ancient metre and rhythm. Secondly, it is an unrivalled form of drill for beginners, teaching them in all cases a good deal about the structure and powers of the Latin tongue, forcing them from the very first to think for themselves, and in some cases awakening a true poetic feeling, and a power of appre- ciating the best thoughts of the best men of all ages and countries. Nevertheless the time has unquestionably arrived when the urgent claims of other subjects must force verse composition to content itself with fewer of an ordinary student's hours. The chief aim of this book is to aid in effecting economy in this direction. It is strange that no book of the kind should have appeared in the palmy days of verses. All existing English-Latin dictionaries concern themselves mainly with words suitable for Latin prose. It could not be otherwise, but one result must clearly be a great increase in the diffi- culty of finding words suitable for Latin verse. No dictionary can remove this difficulty altogether. As soon as the stage of ' Full sense ' is passed, questions of taste, though in a humble way, begin to arise, and need the assistance of a tutor, a Latin-English Dictionary or Gradus, and some acquain- tance with Latin poets. But it is hoped that the present book may help young scholars to get together a good store of poetical words and phrases, and to avoid the pitfalls of prosaic phraseology with which all teachers are familiar. Our object was to make our work useful to beginners, and, in consequence, brief and simple. We therefore selected arbi- trarily from Webster's Dictionary such words as were adapted to our purpose, and gave the best Latin equivalents we could hit upon. We consulted throughout Smith's English-Latin Preface. v Dictionary, Lewis and Short's Latin-Englisli Dictionary, and Quicherat's Gradus, an excellent and laborious work, but almost useless to the young scholar, since the compiler attaches equal value to the authority of writers of the Augustan age and that of their successors many centuries later. We sometimes guarded our statements by the word ' perhaps,' but more often they appear in an unqualified form. We cannot expect that our judgment will in all cases approve itself to that of others, or deserve to do so, but our critics will, when competent to criticise, have gained from other sources or from this book all that it aspires to teach them. We give without comment or reference (as a rule) words which occur in Virgil, Ovid, or the lyrical poems of Horace. The names of the authors are appended to words used only by writers before or after the Augustan age, or by the less famous writers of that period. Words used by Horace in the Satires or Epistles are marked (H). In the case of rare words and unusual phrases we have given the full reference to the passage where they occur. Such references might have been very largely increased in number by a more thorough examination of the Latin poets. The task, however, would have delayed indefinitely the publication of this book, without materially increasing its usefulness, when published, for that class of scholars for whom it is designed. Our best thanks are due to the Eev. W. E. Inge, M.A., of Hertford College, Oxford, for help in the course of the work, to H. Brinton, M.A., of New College, Oxford, for undertaking the task of correcting the proofs, and to many other friends for useful suggestions. A. C. AINGEE. ETON, August, 1890. NOTICE TO BOYS USING THIS BOOK. 1. This book does not contain nearly all the words in the English language. Therefore, if you wish to find the Latin for a rare English word which is not in this book, you must try to think of a common English word with the same meaning, and look that out instead. 2. Most of the substantives in this book are followed by two or three epithets. You must not think that you are obliged to take one of them, or that others cannot be found but you must learn to choose an epithet suitable to the verse you are doing, either one of those given, or one which you think of for yourself. 3. The numerals following Latin words shew for a substantive its declension, for a verb its conjugation. 4. Words not followed by any author's name are found in Virgil, Ovid, or the lyrical poems of Horace, and these you may use without hesitation. As to other words you had better ask advice, until you become familiar with their use. NAMES OF THE CHIEF LATIN POETS. i. Before Augustan Age. ii. Augustan Age. iii. After Augustan Age. Cat. Catullus. Hor. Horatius. Auson. Ausonius. Eon. Ennius. [(H.) Satires or Epistles.] Claud. Claudianus. Lucil. Lucilius. Ov. Ovidius. Juv. Juvenalis. Lucr. Lucretius. Prop. Propertius. Luc. Liieamis. Plaut. Plautus. Tib. Tibullus. Mart. Martialis. Ter. Terentius. Verg. Vergilius. Pers. Persius. Sil. Silius. Stat. Statius. ENGLISH-LATIN GRADUS. ABAFT adv., phr. a puppl ; a wind abaft, ventus sScundus. ABANDON, to v. act. (a) desSro 3 ; rSlinquo 3 ; destltuo 3 ; linquo 3 ; abdlco 1. (b) a city, desSro 3 ; r&llnquo 3. (c) a general, desSro 3 ; rSlinquo 3 ; prodo 3. () story, translate by verb, e.g. rem narro 1, I give an account of the matter. (c) value, prStium 2. Phr., essS in prftlo, to be of account. Ep. A. great, very great (summits), &c. ; B. cheap, small, worthless (nullus). &c. ACCOUNT, to v. act. and neut. See COTJNT, TO. ACCOUNT subst., to lay to one's account, imputo 1. ACCOUNT prep., on account of, Sb, propte'r. sometimes pro. ACCOUNTABLE adj., Obnoxiits, rms. ACCOUTRE, to v. act. = to dress, to equip, q. v. ACCOUTREMENT subst. = dress, equipment, q. v., perhaps gestamhia 3 pi. ACCRUE, to v. neut. = to be added to, dccedo 3 ; dccresco 3 ; dddor 3 ; dd- jungffr 3 ; ddjiclur 3. ACCUMULATE, to v. act., cumulo 1 ; dccumulo I ; dggSro 1 and 3 ; acervo 1 ; cdacerro 1 ; struo 3 ; exstruo 3 ; glSmSro 1 ; cogo 3. v. neut., cresco 3 ; Incresco 3 ; and passive of verbs above. ACCURATE adj. = correct, q. v. ACCURSED adj., sacSr, exsecrdndiis, Jiorrendus, nlfandus, in/dndus, dctv*ior- rfyo 3. See GIVE, TO. AFFKAY, to v. act. = to terrify, q. v. AFFRAY subst. = fight, rixa 1; pugna 1 ; proelmm 2. ]Ep. bold, bloody, brief, deadly, bar- barous, &c. AFFRIGHT, to v. act. = to terrify, q. v. AFFRIGHT subst. = terror, q. v. AFFRONT, to v. act. (a) to meet, q. v. (6) to insult. Translate by phrases, probra 2 ; conmcta 2 ; opprobria 2 ; malSdlcta 2, &c. ; injiclo 3 ; cano 3 ; jdcto 1 ; ingero 3, &c. = to inflict or utter insults, prdbris, opprobrtis, mal&dlctis, &c. ; lacesso 3 ; pifto 3 ; aggrSdi&r 3, &c. = to assail with insults. AFFRONT subst. = insult, q. v. AFIELD adv. = in the fields, or to the fields. See FIELD. AFIRE adv. = on fire. Translate by drdens, flagrant. See BURN, TO, v. neut. AFLOAT adv. = floating. Trans- late by natdns, nans. Phr., to set a ship afloat, ndvem llt- tdrS deducSrS. AFOOT adv. = on foot. Translate by pSdSs 3 m. Phr., the design is afoot, res (5) agl- tur. AFORE adv. = before, q. v. AFORE prep. = before, q. v. AFORESAID adj., phr. ante', prius, supra, dictus, mSmSrdtus, &c. AFORETIME adv., in time past, Slim, quondam, dntS, prtus. AFRAID adj., tlmtdus, pavidus, ter- rttus, mStuentlSr (comp.), with gen. : mStuens with gen. is found (H.). AFRAID OF, to be v. act. = to fear, q. v. AFRESH adv. = again, q. v. Phr., the war breaks out afresh, bel- lum (2) r&ndvdtur, rSdlntegrdtur, in- staurdtur ; the order of the ages begins afresh, ab Integra sseclorum ndscttur ordo. AFT adv. = astern, in puppi; or towards the stern, in puppim. Phr., a wind aft, a puppi ventus (2), ventiis sScundus. AFTER adv., post, indS, of time or place ; ponS, d tergo, of place ; deindS, dSliinc (sometimes scanned as a mono- syllable). AFTER prep., post. Phr., dltSr ab illo, next after him. AFTER conj., postquam, quum, or use abl. abs. : e.g. after seeing the king they retreat, visa rege recedunt. AFTERMATH subst. Translate by phrases, dltSra or sScunda messts 3 f. ; herba rSndscens. AFTERNOON subst. Translate by phrases, sol (3) dies (5) vergit, indinat meridtes (5) ; Iongl6r umbra est, sol (3) mSdlum trdjeclt orbem, &c. ; sometimes vespgr 2. AFTERTHOUGHT subst. Trans- late by phrases : e.g. serlus In mentem subltt, later it occurred to my mind, &c. AFTERWARDS adv., see AFTER. AGAIN AH AGAIN adv., tterum, rursus: often rendered by compound verbs, e.g. rS- pSto 3, I seek again ; rSndscur 3, I am born again ; rSsurgo 3, I rise again, &c. Phr., again and again = often, ds- sidue, usque", terquS quaterquS. AGAINST prep., contra, ddversus, In : often rendered by compound verbs, e.g. occur ro 3, incurro 3, I run against or counter to ; injlcla 3, 1 hurl against, &c. AGAPE adv. = gaping, liiam, In- hlans. AGATE subst., achates 3 m. ; lapis 3 m. ; lapillus 2 ; gemma 1. Ep. dear, dark, purple, &c. AGE subst. (a) period of time, sxculum 2 ; sseclum 2 ; eevum 2 (no plural) ; setds 3 f. ; tempus 3 n. ; annl pi. 2. Ep. long, rolling, swift, recurring, &c. (6) old age, sSnlum 2; sSnectus 3 f. sinecta 1 ; cdnttles 5 (lit. hoariness). Phr., setds (3 f.) sera, serltfr, sSnilis. Ep. A. honourable, praised, happy peaceful, &c. B. morose, peevish feeble, tedious, &c. AGE, to v. neut. = to grow old, sSn- esco 3 ; to age together, consenesco 3. AGED adj., dnnosus, senills (old man's), anllls (old woman's). AGENT subst., minister 2. AGGRANDIZE, to v. act., see AD- VANCE, TO (b). AGGRAVATE, to v. act. = to in- crease, augfo 2 ; acuo 3 ; accendo 3 ; acerbo 1 ; ingravo 1. Phr., fortunam pdrce" gravdrS mgam, do not aggravate my misfortune. AGGRESSION subst., impetus 4. AGGRESSOR subst., hoMs 3 m. Phr., he is the aggressor, ultra pro- vdcat, lacesslt. Ep. unscrupulous, impious, fierce, bloody, &c. AGGRIEVED adj., Isestis. AGHAST adj. = horror-struck, at- tdnttus, stupffuctus. Phr., pavorS stupens, mStu dmens. AGILE adj., agllls, gnavus, ace"r, pernix. AGILITY subst., ISvltus 3 f. ; nta 3 f. AGITATE, to v. act. (a) to move, m8v$o 2 ; commSi-So 2 ; permSvSo 2 ; Sgtto 1. (6) to disturb, dglto 1 ; solltclto 1 ; tur- bo 1 ; vexo 1. AGITATED adj., of mind, solllcituf, trSpldus, turbtdus ; of the sea, turbldui, tumultudsvs, turbulentug, and partieipli -s of verbs above. AGITATION subst. (a) movement, motiis 4 ; pulsus 4 ; sometimes asstiis 4. Ep. rapid, violent, &c. (6) fear, q. v. ; p&i-Sr 3 m. ; tUmultUs 4 ; sestus 4. Ep. tremulous, anxious, wild, &c. AGO adv., obliinc. Long ago, jiim- dudum, jdmpridem, dudum, pridem. AGONY subst. (a) pain, ddldr 3 m. ; dngdr 3 m. ; crii- cldttis 4. Ep. bitter, long, undeserved, &c. (b) contest, discrimSn 3 n. ; certdmSn 3n. Ep. fierce, stubborn, manly, long, pitiless, &c. AGREE, to v. n. = to consent, con- vSnlo 4 ; consentio 4 ; concordo 1 ; non discrSpo 1 ; sometmies SbsZqudr 3. AGREEABLE adj. (a) pleasant, Smdbilis, dcceptm, grdtiis, placens. (b) suitable, convVnlens, non allenus, par, dpfiis. AGREEABLY adv., con i-fri lentfr. AGREED, it is sSdet, stat, condat, conrSn It. AGREEMENT subst. (a) concord, concordia 1 ; pax 3 f . ; fcedus 3 n. (ft) bargain, pdctnm 2 ; fcedus 3 n. ; con- dttld 3 f. ; lex 3 f. Ep. faithful, sure, lasting, sacri'd, &c. AGROUND adj. = stranded. Trans- late by phrases : e.g. the ship is aground, ndvls JiserSt scdpulis; inflxii rupiliis hserSt ; stat UttOrS fixa ; Ittto sidtt, &c. AGUE subst., qudrtdna (febrts), Ep. chilly, recurring, &c. AH interj., of sorrow, dh, heii, vie, eJieu, me miserum ; of surprise, en '. ecce"! of longing (ah! that), si! ft utlnam ! AHEAD ALIMENT AHEAD adj. = in front, prlSr. Translate by phrases with verb : e.g. to be ahead of, prxcurro 3 ; prseverto \ 3 ; prsevertor 3. AID, to v. act. = to help, jui:o 1 ; succurro 3 ; udjuro 1 ; auxlliSr 1 ; sub- cSnlo 4 ; ddsplro 1 ; ddsum, irr. AID subst., auxillum 2 ; sulstdhim 2 ; ddjumentum 2 ; Spem 3 f. (no nom.). Ep. present, swift, prompt, just, de- sired, &c. AIDER subst., adjutiSr 3 (H.) ; dd- jutrix 3 f . AIL, to v. neut., ddlSo 2 ; of the body, jacSo 2; cubo I ; segrdto 1. Phr., morbo tentSr 1 ; prSmSr 3 ; cru- cWr 1 ; vexSr 1 ; urdr 3 ; torquSSr 2 ; exercSSr 2 ; agitSr 1. AILMENT subst. = disease, dUlSr 3 m. ; morbus 2 ; IdnguSr 3 m. Ep. painful, tedious, &c. AIM, to v. act., e.g. a spear, libro 1 ; = to poise, dlrigo 3 ; tendo 3. AIM AT, to v. act., pSto 3 ; jaculfr 1 (Hor. Od. ii. 16, 17). Phr., to aim at the kingdom, regnum dffectdrS 1, spectdrS 1. AIM subst. (a) mark aimed at, phr., jaculi cer- tdmina ponlt in ulmo, he places on the elm a mark (or aim) for the javelin (Verg. Georg. ii. 530). (b) purpose, consilium 2 ; prop&sttwn 2. Ep. fixed, long sought, &c. AIMLESS adj., incertus, dubius, Ir- rtWfe. AIR subst. (a) atmosphere, der 3 m. ; (lower air) setlier 3 m. ; (upper air) mirse 1 pi. Phr., sub JtirH, in the open air. Ep. liquid, clear, misty, &c. (b) breeze, aura 1 ventus 2. Ep. gentle, strong, favouring, ad- verse, &c. (c) tune, numeri 2 pi. ; mSdl 2 pi. Ep. tuneful, loud, sylvan, &c. (d) gesture, gestus 4 ; motus 4 ; hubitus 4 ; spScles 5. Phr., to give oneself airs, superbto 4 ; tumSo 2. Ep. proud, graceful, womanly, manly, girlish, &c. AIR, to v. act., venttlo 1. AIR-HOLE subst., splrdmentum 2. AIRY adj., agrfus, setliSrSus, ccdestis. (a) unsubstantial, ISvis, exilis. (b) thin, lvts, exilts. AKIN adj., cogndtus, consangitfnSus^ prSplnquus, dfflnls. ALABASTER subst., mdrmtir 3 n. Ep. gleaming, hard, white, &c. ALABASTER adj., mdrmdrgus. ALACRITY subst., strenuttds 3 f. ; gedulttas 3 f. ; Industrta 1. Ep. eager, vigorous, quick, &c. ALARM subst. = panic, pav&r 3 m. ; tumultus 4. Phr., to sound an alarm, bellum clerS, ttibd c&nSrS, Mdrtem dccendSrS cdntu, &c. Ep. sudden, timid, unexpected, noc- turnal, &c. ALARM, to v. act. = to terrify, q. v. ALAS interj., lieu! eheu! vie! me mis 6 rum ! ALBEIT adv. = although, q. v._ ALCOVE subst., rScessus 4; lafebrse Ipl. Ep. secluded, quiet, beloved, fami- liar, &c. ALDER subst., dlnus 2 f. Ep. light, green, river, &c. ALE subst., see instead WINE, Crrs, DRAI-GHT. ALEHOUSE subst., taberna 1 ; cau- pona 1. Ep. hot, crowded, smoky, full, &c. ALERT adj., vigil, dttentiis, drrectus, deer, sedulus. ALIEN subst., hospffs 3 m. ; ulienus 2 ; pSregrlnus 2 ; ddvSna 1 m. ALIENATE, to . act., separo 1 ; divido 3; dlsjungo 3; dlssfcio 1. See DIVIDE, TO. ALIGHT, to v. neut. (a) from a carriage, descendo 3; sllto 4. (b) of a bird, sido 3 ; consido 3. Phr., terram capio, I alight on the earth. ALIGHT adj. = on fire, drdens, m- census, fldgrdns. ALIKE adv. = equally, paritSr, seqtie, communltSr, SsqudlUS'r. Phr., pan mtido, part ration^, simtli mddo, nullo discrlmtne', &c. ALIKE adj. = equal, par, simllts, parllis. ALIMENT subst. = food, q. v. de- ALIVE ALTEU ALIVE adj., vlvus, vivdx, spirdns, vi- vens. = surviving, super stes, inctflumis. ALL adj., omnls, totiis. Phr., nullus nan. ALL adv. = altogether, omnino, plane, pSnltus. ALL subst. = all men, all things, omnes, omnta. Phr., nemo non ; for the use or good of all, in medium. ALL-PRODUCING adj., epithet of the earth, omnlfSr, omniparens. ALLAY, to v. act. = to quiet, sedo 1 ; compesco 3 ; pldco 1 ; tranijuillo 1 ; sSreno 1 ; mitigo 1 ; molllo 4 ; lenio 4. ALLEGE, to v. act. = to assert, died 3 ; dffirmo 1 ; dssSro 3 ; juro 1. ALLEGIANCE subst., fides 5 ; of- ficium 2. Ep. A. loyal, sure, lasting, &c. B broken, treacherous, &c. ALLEVIATE, to v. act. = to relieve, iSro 1 ; dllSvo 1 ; rSlSvo 1 ; lento 4 ; mulcSo 2 ; sedo 1 ; compesco 3. See ALLAY, TO. ALLEY subst., semtta 1 ; frame's 3 m. ; cdllis 3 m. ; dngiportus 4. Ep. narrow, winding, shady, slant- ing, steep, &c. ALLIANCE subst., fcedus 3n.; pdc- tum 2 ; amicltla 1. Phr., pacts lex 3 f. ; pdcti fides 5 ; amicltlx fcedus 3 n. Ep. sacred, lasting, constant, &c. ALLIED adj., suclus, socidtus, aux- llldrlt. Phr., fcedere junctus, sdciutus, &c. ALLOT, to v. act., sortlSr 4; dis- tribiio 3 ; pdrtlSr 4 ; dispenso 1. Phr., sorts divido 3 ; dssigno I; do I. ALLOW, to v. act. = te permit, stno 3 ; patWr 3 ; permitto 3 ; concedo 3 ; do 1 ; sometimes prsesto 1. It is allowed, licit, imp. ALLOWANCE subst. = permission, vcn / a 1. ALLOY, to v. act., corrumpo 3 ; adultSro 1. ALLUDE, to v. neut., tango 3 ; sig- nifico 1. ALLURE, to v. act., capto 1; dl- licio 3 ; iUaque'd 1 ; pelllclo 3 ; bldndidr 4 ; mtir&r 1 ; prolecto 1 ; dUecto 1 ; ex- cunto 1 (Prop.). ALLUREMENT subst., iWcSbrse 1 ; bldnditise 1 ; ttdndimentum 2 ; pelldclii 1 (Luc.). Ep. wily, womanly, treacherous, vain, &c. ALLY, to v. act., sScio 1 ; consSctd 1 ; dssdcto 1 ; jungo 3 ; cdnjungo 3. Phr., sdctum ddscisco 3 ; sumo 3 ; dc- cipio 3. ALLY subst., sdcius 2. Ep. A. firm, constant, loyal, faithful, brave, &c. B. faithless, perjured, &c. ALMIGHTY adj., omnipotent. ALMOND subst., amygdalurn 2. Ep. white, flowering, spring, &c. ALMOST adv., ffre, psenS^ prOpS, m8dS-non, tdntum-non. ALMS subst., stipern (no nom.) 3 f. ; sportula 1 (Juv. ; lit. basket, thence dole). Use munus 3 n. ; donum 2. ALOE subst., aide 1 f. Ep. rare, long-lived, proud, &c. ^ ALOFT adv., super, superne, supra, sublime, sursum (Mart.). From aloft, desupSr. ALONE adv. = only, solum, juddd, tdntummddS, tdntum. ALONE adj., solus, inctimitatiis. Phr., nullo cfimitdnte', nuUig cQmltanil- l)us. Left alone = abandoned, desertus, rSlictus. ALONG prep., p^r, prieier, often ex- pressed in the verb : e.g. litfils iPgere, prxtervUhi, to coast along the shore. To go along with a person, cSmltSr 1, &c. ALOOF adv., prScul. ALOUD adv. = loudly, cldre, cldrius. Phr., mdgnd vocS. ALP subst. = a mountain pasture, clivus 2; sdltus 4. (The Alps, Alpes 3m.). Ep. grassy, high, sunny, near snow, &c. ALPINE adj. = mountainous, mon- tdnus, sdrdsiis, dlpinus. ALREADY adv., jam, jdmjam. ALSO adv., et, Stlam, qutiqut, nee ndn. ALTAR subst., dra 1 ; dltdrld 3, pi. only ; fScus 2. Ep. sacred, ancient, ancestral, gilded, garlanded, &c. ALTER, to v. act., muto 1 ; varto 1 ; ' immuto 1 ; verto 3 ; trdnsformo 1 ; adiil- ALTERATION AMETHYST Wro 1 ; corrlgo 3 (Hor. Od. i. 24, 20); difflngo 3 (ib. in. 29, 47). v. neut. Use passives of verbs above : to alter into, fid, abSo ; with In, e.g. in vlllos abeunt vestes, clothes alter into hair. ALTERATION subst. = change, q.v. ALTERCATE, to v. neut. = to quarrel, q. v. ALTERNATE, to v. act., dlterno 1. To alternate with, exclplo 3 : e.g. Day alternates with night, sol exclplt umbras. ALTERNATE adj., dlternus, dl- terndns. ALTERNATELY adv., vtcissim, m- vlcem (or In vlcem), dlternls. Phr., per vices, dlternls vlclbus. ALTERNATION subst., vices 3 pi. f. ALTERNATIVE subst. = choice, q.v. ALTHOUGH conj., qudnquam, qudmi'ls, ctsl, llcSt, iit. ALTITUDE subst. = height, q. v. ALTOGETHER adv., omnlno, pfni- tus, fundttiis. Phr., ex toto. ALUM subst. = alumtn (?) 3 n. ALWAYS adv., sempfr, nunquam non, seternum, perpStuo, usque 1 , constdnter = invariably. Phr., omrii temptire 1 , tempus in omnS, slnSfmS, nullo flnS, in sevum, omnes pSr dnnos, quod supSrest tempSrls (Ov. Her. v. 158). AMAIN adv. = mightily. Phr., multd ri, summis viribus, mdgno nisu, mdgnd condmlnS. Or use verb, enlt&r^. AMARANTH subst., amardntus 2. Ep. lasting, evergreen, &c. AMARANTHINE adj. = unfading, q. v. AMASS, to v. act. = to accumulate, q.v. AMATORY adj., mollis, tentr. AMAZE, to v. act,, obstuptfacio 3 ; percello 3 ; nttSno 1 . AMAZED, to be v. neut., slupe'o 2 ; obstupesco 3 ; stupesco 3. AMAZED adj., dttdnitus, stupens, stupSfdctus. AMAZEMENT subst. (a) astonishment, horror 3 m. ; pavSr 3 m. ; stupor 3 m. ; tiimultus 4. Ep. sudden, wild, fearful, &c. (b) admiration, q. v. AMAZING adj., mlrus, mirdbtlis, mi- rdndus. See ADMIRABLE. AMAZON subst., Amazon 3; virdqo 3f. Ep. warlike, maiden, fearless, armed, bearing quiver, lance, &c. AMAZONIAN adj., amdzdnius. AMBASSADOR subst., legdtus 2 ; ordtdr 3 m. Ep. venerable, sacred, eloquent, &c. AMBER subst., electrum 2 ; succlna 2 pi. Phr., PhaSthontis gutta I ; lacrlma 1. Ep. bright, precious, warm, &c. AMBER adj., succinus. AMBIENT adj., drcumfusus, tir- cumfluens, clrcumtens. AMBIGUOUS adj. = doubtful, dt- bius, dmb/guus, mcertus. AMBITION subst., gloria 1 ; dmbltlo 3f. Phr., fdm.se, laudls, nSnorum, cupido 3 f. ; sltls 3 f. ; fames 3 f. Ep. rash, eager, proud, brief, burn- ing, mad, &c. AMBITIOUS adj., dmbltlosus. Phr., cupldus hffno-rum, &c. ; laudis amor 8 cdptus, perculsus, incensus, deciis, labordns, tumens. AMBLE, to v. neut. Translate by phrases : e.g. segnltSr ire 1 , lento cursu, &c. AMBROSIA subst., dmbrSsla 1. Ep. divine, heavenly, sweet, &c. AMBROSIAL adj., dmbrdsius, cceles- tls, dlvlnus, &c. AMBUSCADE, AMBUSH subst., Insldlse 1 ; doll 2 pi. To lie in ambush, Instdtdr 1 ; or phrases, Instdlds paro 1, struo 3, tendo 3, me~dlt8r 1, &c. Ep. secret, lurking, dark, blind, treacherous, &c. AMEND, to v. act., corrlgo 3 ; emendo 1 ; cdstlgo 1. AMEND, to v. neut. Phr., mSllor fio, culpam or villa exuo 3, &c. AMENDS subst. = atonement, pld- culuin 2 ; pldmSn 3 n. Phr., I make amends for, plo 1, ex- plo 1, purgo 1, luo 3. Ep. late, bitter, ample, ordered, &c. AMERCE, to v. act = to fine, q. v. AMETHYST subst., amSthystus 2 f. Ep. pure, bright, clear, shining, &c. AMETHYSTINE ANGLER AMETHYSTINE adj., amSthystinus. AMIABLE adj., dmdbilis, grdtus, dulcls, amdndus, pldcens. AMICABLE adj. = friendly, amicus, J)Snignus. AMID prep., intfr, in. AMISS adv. = faultily, prove. Phr., to do amiss, peccdrS, culpam dd- mitte're. To take amiss, quSr&r 3 ; iegre JSro, irr. ; IndlgnGr 1. AMITY subst. = friendship, q. v. AMMUNITION subst. Phr., belli instruments 2 ; apparatus 4. AMNESTY subst. Phr., culpx oblivid 2 pi. ; venla 1, -&c. AM03BEAN adj., dlternus. AMONG prep., inter, In. Phr., among the crowd, mSdid turbd. AMOROUS adj., dmdns, dmdtffr (subst.) ; sometimes tSnSr. AMOUNT subst., summd 1. AMOUR subst., SmOr 3 m. AMPHITHEATEE subst., thSdtrum :2. Ep. spacious, thronged, gorgeous, proud, fec. AMPLE adj., Idrgus, abandons, dm- plus, benignus; of folds of dress, &c., use Idtus, Idxus. AMPLIFY, to v. act., auggo 2. AMPLY adv., abunde (quantity of e doubtful), large, satis, sat. AMPUTATE, to v. act., dmputo 1 ; puto 1. AMULET subst. = a charm. Trans- late by phrases, e.g. mdgicum tutdmSn o n. Perhaps build 1. AMUSE, to v. act., delecto 1 ; oblecto 1 ; jftro 1 ; cdpto I. AMUSEMENT subst., Indus 2 ; jScus 2 ; nugse 1 pi. ; obtictdmen 3 n. Ep. childish, simple, easy, &c. ANALYZE, to v. act., r&olvo 3; discerno 3. ANARCHY subst., licentta 1. Ep. riotous, bloody, guilty, &c. ANCESTOR subst., pater 3 m. ; avus 2 ; prtiaviis 2 ; atavus 2 ; mdjores 3 pi. ; progSnltSr 3 m. Ep. mighty, celebrated, old, proud, &c. ANCESTRAL adj., aviius, pater nUs, j>atrlu8. Phr., ancestral halls, cf. Ovid, Fast. i. 591 ; gSnSrosa dtrid, cf. avis ata pdtens, Verg., and Hor. Od. i. 1, 1. ANCESTRY subst. Translate by phrases, sSrles (5) ucorum, gentls ordo (3 m.), &c. ANCHOR subst., dncSra 1. Phr., dens (3 m.) ferrSus, dens adun- cus, &c. RSUndciUa 2 pi. (mooring cables) may sometimes be used. Ep. iron, firm, curved, &c. ANCHOR, to v. neut. Translate by phrase, tSnSt dncSra (1) ndvem, &c. v. act. Phr., dppellrS ndvem, portum Ineo (irr.), tango 3, &c. ANCHORAGE subst., statlo 3 f. Ep. safe, unsafe, &c. ANCHORITE subst. Phr., sacSr incOla (1) mantis, rdllls, &c. ANCIENT adj., dntiquiis, vStus, vStustus, prlscus, pr'ittinu*, dnnosus. ANECDOTE -subst.,/6fiZ l;fabella 1. Ep. witty, strange, familiar, worthy or unworthy of credit. ANEMONE subst., anemone 3 f. (used by Pliny). Ep. dewy, spring, pure, &c. ANENT prep., de or siipSr with abl. ANEW adv. = afresh, and again, q. v. ANGEL subst. Translate by phrases, caelestls minister (2), satelle's (3 m.) or famulus (2) dSl, ccelictilie (1 pi.), cohors (3 f.) xtlierSa, dl'ujSri coetus (4), &c. Ep. pure, winged, swift, faithful, &c. ANGELIC, ANGELICAL adj., cceles- \ tis, diviniis, lethe're'us ; if used meta- | phorically, piirus, sine IdbS, &c. ANGER subst., Ira 1 ; furfo 3 m. ; rabies 5 ; dOlfir 3 m. ; bills 3 f. ; indig- i ndtio 3 f . ; antmi 2 pi. Ep. A. righteous, stern, brief, &c. , B. wild, fierce, unrestrained, impious, &c. ANGER, to v. act. = to enrage, q. v. ANGERED adj., irdtus, furens, rabi- dus, irdcundus. Phr., ird incensus, ferridus, &c. ANGLE subst., dngulus 2. Ep. retired, dark, &c. ANGLE, to v. neut., pizcSr 1. Phr., cdptdrS pisces hdmo, virgd, arundlnS, &c. ANGLER subst., piscdtSr 3 m. Ep. wily, patient, &c. ANGRILY ANTIQUITY ANGRILY adv., Irate, dcrltSr. ANGRY adj., irdtus, furens, rabtdits, irdcundus, dspSr. Phr., Ira. incensus, fervldus, &c. ANGRY, to be v. neut., IrascSr 3 ; seevlo 4 ; furd 3 ; indign&r 1 ; succensSo 2 ; stffmachSr 1 (H.). ANGUISH subst., dngSr 3 m. ; dolor 3 m. ; mzerOr 3 m. Ep. sorrowful, painful, mad, &c. ANILE adj., Snills. ANIMAL subst., animal 3 n. Some- times animans. = wild beast, fSra 1. Ep. wild, tame, savage, gentle, faith- ful, treacherous, &c. ANIMATE, to v. act., animo 1 ; ex- clto 1. Phr., anlmam dddo 3. ANIMATE adj. = alive, q. v. ANIMOSITY subst. = hatred, (Sdlum 2 ; Ira 1 ; inlmlcltla 1 ; slmultds 3 f. Ep. lasting, deadly, bloody, &c. ANISE subst., anethum 2. ANKLE subst., tdlus 2. Ep. A. firm, upright, &c. B. weak, tottering, &c. ANNALS subst., dnndles 3 pi. m. ; fasti 2 pi. ; m&numenta 2 pi. Ep. ancient, ancestral, mindful, &c. ANNEX v. act. = to add to, q. v. ANNIHILATE v. act., delSo 2; perdo 3; abdleo 2; exstinguo 3; everto 3; destruoS. ANNIVERSARY subst. Phr., dnnua sacra (2 pi.), annum dies (5), &c. ANNOUNCE, to y. act., nuntto 1 ; denuntio 1 ; rSfSro, irr. ; de/Sro, trr. ; itcirro 1; apSrio 4; profSro, irr.; rS- cludo 3 ; perfero, irr. ANNOY, to v. act., Ixdo 3 ; vexo 1 ; auUielto 1 ; nticSo 2 ; gravo 1 ; lacesso 3 ; irrlto 1 ; turbo 1. ANNOYED, to be v. neut., dtilSo 2 ; and passive voice of verbs given under ANNOY, TO. ANNUAL adj., dnnuus. ANNUALLY adv. = yearly, q. v. ANNUL, to v. act., abrSgo 1 ; re- sclndo 3. See ANNIHILATE, TO. ANODYNE subst., mSdlclna 1 ; mS- dtcamSn 3 n. Ep. soothing, gentle, health-bring- j ing, &c. ANOINT, to v. act., ungo 3 ; Inungo 3 ; perungo 3 ; lino 3 ; imbSii 3 ; infield 3 ; mSdPfacld 3. = to consecrate, sacrd 1 ; cdnsecrd 1 ; died 1 ; dedlco 1. ANON adv. = soon, max, postmSdd, cltS, cltlus, oclus. sometimes inter- dum, nonnunquam, est ubl. ANOTHER adv., alter, allus. ANSWER, to v. act. (a) responded 2 ; exclpid 3 ; refSro, irr. ; subjlclo 3. Phr., responsum dart?, reddSrS, vocem referrP, &c. (6) of an echo, dssffno 1. ANSWER subst., responsum. Phr., vox reddltd. See above. Ep. A. longed for, pleasant, brief, welcome, &c. B. angry, sharp, tardy, discourteous, &c. ANSWERABLE adj., rSus, obnoxius. ANT subst., formica. 1. Ep. industrious, prudent, tiny, &c. ANTAGONIST subst. = adversary, q. v. ANTARCTIC adj. = southern, q. v. ANTECHAMBER subst., vestibulum 2 ; llmSn 3 n. ; portlcus 4 f. Ep. lofty, regal, &c. ANTEDATE, to v. act. = anticipate, q. v. ANTELOPE subst., caprSa 1; c&p- rSdlus 2. Ep. graceful, agile, swift, timid, mountain, &c. ANTE-ROOM subst. = antechamber, q. v. ANTHEM subst. Translate by phrases, cdrmtna (3) sherd, numSri (2) mSdl (2), sQ.cn, pla nenld (1), &c. ANTIC subst., trickjtfcws 2; ludus 2. ANTICIPATE, to v. act., prassumo 3 ; prsRdplo 3 ; occiipd 1 ; preeverto 3. ANTIDOTE subst., mSdlcina 1 ; mSdlcdmSn 3 n. ; perhaps panacea 1. Ep. powerful (prxsens), health- bringing, &c. ANTIPATHY subst., Sdlum 2; in- vldla 1. Phr., Inlmica mens (3 f.), dversa vol- untds (3), &c. Ep. lasting, unjust, undeserved, &c. ANTIQUE adj. = ancient, q. v. ANTIQUITY subst., vStustds 3 f. Phr., prised tempord (3 pi.), prised mds (3 f.). Ep. early, sacred, &c. ANTLER APPOSITE ANTLEE subst., cornu 4. Ep. branching (arbdrSus), high, curved, &c. ANTLERED adj., corritgSr. ANVIL subst., Incus 3 f. Ep. solid, hard, iron, unbroken, &c. ANXIETY subst., euro. 1; anxietds 3 f . ; solllcltudd 3 f . Ep. gnawing, slow (lentils), unsatis- fied, &c. ANXIOUS adj., dnxlus, solllcitus, trSpldus, dublus. ANY subst., guts (after si,num, &c.), qulsquam, qtilvis, quilibe't. ANY adj., omuls, ullus. ANYHOW adv. () at least, saltern, tamSn. (6) in some way or other, quocunquS mddo. ANYWHEEE adv., ubivls. Phr., toto orM, omnibus terrls, &c. APACE adv. = quickly, cltS, cltlus, ocliis. Phr., nulld mSrd, APART adv., prffcGl. Translate by adjectives, dlvlsiis, dlscretus, semotus, rSmotus; sometimes by verbs, absum, disto 1. APATHY subst., stttpdr 3 m. ; tor- pdr 3 m. ; inertia 1. Ep. dull, lifeless, sluggish, &c. APE subst., simlUs 2 ; Simla 1 ; cer- cdplthecus 2 (Mart.). Ep. mischievous, crafty, imitative, forest, &c. APE, to v. act. = to imitate, q. v. APERTURE subst. = opening, q. V. APIECE adv. Use distributive numerals. APOSTATE subst., perhaps proditffr 3 m. ; or use adjectives, implus, per- fldus, perjurus; or verbs, Isede're', vlti- IdrS, /idem, &c. APOSTLE subst., nuntiiis 2. Ep. bold, unselfish, wandering, &c. APPAL, to v. act. = to terrify, q. v. APPAREL subst. = dress, q. v. APPARENT adj. = visible, mani- festiis, apertus. APPARITION subst. = spectre, q. v. APPEAL, to v. neut., provSco 1 ; test&r 1 ; obtest&r 1 ; obsecro 1. APPEAL subst. (a) prayer, q. v. (b) challenge. Translate by verb. APPEAR, to v. neut., apparfo 2; 2 ; patSo 2 ; putexcd 3 ; extd 1 ; and passives of verbs meaning " to see " or " to show," vtd?dr 2 (I seem). APPEARANCE subst. = mien, spe- cies 5 ; fades 5 ; rultus 4. Phr., habitus (4) orls. Ep. A. proud, kingly, courteous, joyous, strange, &c. B. mean, sordid, sorrowful, hostile, angry, &c. APPEASE, to v. act., placo 1 ; Unto 4 ; mittgo 1 ; mulcSo 2 ; exoro 1 ; sedo 1 ; compesco 3 ; plo 1. APPEND, to v. act. = to add, q. v. APPERTAIN, to v. neut., pertlnfo 2; tango 3; or express by possessive genitive. APPETITE subst. = desire, cupido 3 m. and f.; amor 3 m. ; drdSr 3 m. ; studtum 2 ; libido 3 f. = hunger,/ames 3 f. ; sometimes sapffr 3 m. (lit. flavour : Hor. Od. iii. 1, 19). Ep. eager, unrestrained, mad, laud- able, &c. APPLAUD, to v. act, plaudo 3; fave'd 2 ; prdbo 1 ; laudo 1 ; collaudo 1. APPLAUSE subst., plausus 4 ; favSr 3 ; frSmltus 4. Ep. loud, redoubled, popular, feigned, &c. APPLE subst., mdlum 2 ; pomum 2. APPLE-BEARING adj., pomife'r. APPLE-TREE subst., mdlus 2 f. APPLY, to v. act. and neut. Phr., vires ddmdrSt or adhlbSt, he ap- plies strength; ignes ddmdvSt, he ap- plies fire; amorl incumbtt, he applies himself to love ; Spem drat, he applies for aid ; cdlcar dddit or siibdlt, he ap- plies the spur ; mentem ddjtcit, he ap- plies his mind, &c. APPOINT, to v. act. (a) to fix, statuo 3; died 3; edico 3. See INSTITUTE, TO. (b) to nominate, crSo 1 ; faclo 3 ; nomino 1 ; destino 1. (c) to equip, instruo 3 ; orno 1 ; ex- orno 1. APPOINTMENT subst. = equip- ment, q. v. APPORTION, to v. act. = to allot, q. v. APPOSITE adj., dptus, convenient, idonfus. APPRAISE ARGUMENT APPRAISE, to v. act. = to set a price, aestlmo 1. APPREHEND, to v. act. () to seize, prlhendu 3 ; comprendo or comprSliendo 3. Phr., munus injicto 3. (6) to understand, Intelligo 3 ; percipto 3. (c) to fear, q. v. APPREHENSION subst. = fear, q. v. APPRENTICE subst., tiro 3 m. APPROACH, to v. act. and neut., tided, irr. ; advSnio 4 ; uccedo 3 ; sub&o, irr. ; prSpinquo 1; dlldbor 3; ddvertor 3; ddvento 1. APPROACH subst., atZ^ws 4; ad- / ventii.< 4 ; ingre^fis 4 ; iva 1 ; !fn"n'iilis 3 f., and novdlS 3 n. ARBITER subst., arbiter 2 ; judex 3. Phr., mSdlus pads belllquS, arbiter of peace and war. Ep., just, worthy, dread, &c. ARBITRARY adj. = despotic, Im- peridsiis, siiperbus. Phr., legS sOlutus. ARBITRATE v. act. and neut. = to judge, q. v. ARBOUR subst., .umbrSciilum 2. Phr., silvestres latebrse 1 pi. ; silvestrS tectum 2, or tegmSn 3 n. ; drbdrSus rSces- sus 4 ; frondosa or frondSa sedes 3 f . ; nSmdrosa sSdilta 2 pi., &c. ARBUTE subst., drbittus 2 f. ARCADE subst., porttcus 4 f. ; cSlumnx 1 (lit. columns) ; umbra 1 (lit. shade). Ep. shady, cool, long, &c. ARCH adj. = saucy, q. v. ARCH subst., drcus 4 ; fornix 3 m. Ep. high, royal, massive, &c. ARCH, to v. act., (of a horse's neck) r&curvo 1. ARCHED or ARCHING adj., cavils, concacus, &c. (of sky, &c.). ARCHAIC adj. = ancient, q. v. ARCHER subst. Phr., qui flectlt or dlrtgit drcum ; drcus, nerri, pdtens, or d&mlniis; qui lunat or sinuat drcum; pSrltus or aptus tela or splcula mlttSrS, &c. In plural, pharetrdtHe, saglttlfSrse, catervse 1 pi., cdhortes 3 pi. f., or manus 4f. ARCHITECT subst., drtlfex 3 m. Ep. skilful, learned, ambitious, &c. ARCHIVES subst. = annals, q. v. ARCTIC adj., Irctlcus, Irctdus, Aqullonius, Hyperbtir&us, glacidlls. ARDENT adj. = burning, drdens, flagrdns, calidus, fervtdus, Incensus, calens, sestiiosus, IgnSus. ARDOUR subst. (a) drdSr 3 m. ; calSr 3 m. ; fervtfr 3 m. (6) courage, virtus 3 f. ; vigSr 3 m. ; animus 2. Ep. martial, spirited, youthful, in- vincible, &c. ARDUOUS adj., drduiis, dlfficills, SpSrosus, gravts. ARENA subst. Phr., in cdmpum descenders ; ddmttdnt in pulvSrS currus. ARGUE v. neut., dispiitd 1 ; dissSro \ 3 ; discepto 1. = to prove, drguo 3. ARGUMENT subst., ratio 3 f. Ep. sagacious, learned, Socratic (So- cratlcus), &c. ARID AKI:O\V ARID adj. = dry, q. v. AEIGHT adv. = rightly, q. v. ARISE v. neut., surgo 3 ; exsurgo 3 ; consurgo 3: of the sun, GrlUr 4; ex- OrWr 4. ARK subst., area 1 ; clsta 1. Ep. wooden, secure, closed, &c. ABU subst. (a) of the body, hume'rus 2 ; lacertus 2 ; brachlum 2 ; ulnse (pi. only). Ep. strong, weak, smooth, rough, &c. (6) of a tree, brachlum 2 ; rdmus 2. Ep. knotty, aerial, intertwined, leafy, &c. (c) of the sea, frStum 2. Ep. curving (slnuosus*), &c. (d) of a river, cornu 4. (e) = embrace, dmplexus 4 ; complexus Ep. close (arctus). (/) = weapon, see ARMS. ABM, to v. act., armo 1 ; dbdrmo 1. Phr., drmd induere', dptdrf, drmis cingSrS, orndrS, instruSre', circumdarS, accommSdarS. ARMAMENT subst., drma 2 pi. = army, q. v. Ep. warlike, martial, death-bearing, &c. ARMED adj., drmdtus, drmlfe'r, drmlptftens, drmls&nus, ferrdtus. Phr., drmis, sere 1 , indutus, orndtus, tectus, dccinctus, cinctiis, nltens, Jiomns, fl&grdns, &c. ARMISTICE subst., fcedus 3 n. ; pdctum 2. ARMLET subst. = bracelet, dr- mlUa 1. ABMOTJB subst. See ARMS. ARMOUR-BEARER subst., drmigSr. Ep. faithful, brave, &c. ARMOURER subst., fabSr 2. Ep. robust, skilful, &c. ARMOURY subst., armamentarium 2 (Juv.). ARMS subst., drma 2 pi. only ; telum 2. Use names of particular weapons or parts of armour, e.g. ensis 3 m. ; glddlus 2 ; ferrum 2 ; Itdsta 1 ; dipSiis 2 ; galSa 1 ; lorlca 1 ; 6crSx 1 pi., &c. Ep. warlike, martial, iron, just, un- just, useful, useless, hostile, impious, mad, cruel, bloody, brazen, shining, deadly, sorrowful, &c. ARMY subst., tsercitus 4 ; ucie* 5 ; dgmZn 3 n. ; editors 3 f . ; catervu 1 ; phalanx 3; ISgto 3 f . ; turma 1; manl- plus 2 ; manue 4 ; copise 1 pi. ; dntnltl 2 pi. ; mites 3 m. (noun of multitude) ; jucentus 3. Ep. brave, ready, armed, U-aring sword, spear, &c. ; clad in brass, iron, &c. AROMATIC adj. = fragrant, q. v. AROUND adv., circtim, circa, jli-ftd, prdpS. AROUND prep., cirol, ar<>i>m. AROUSE, to v. act., excito 1; cieo 2 ; conctto 1 ; suscito 1 ; vdco 1 ; ecScu 1. ARRAIGN, to v. act. = to accuse, q. v. ARRANGE, to v. act., ordlno 1 ; iwtriid 3; dispano 3; compotw 3; di- gSro 3. ARRANGED adj.. cumpGeltus, rS- compMtiis, disptfsitSs, digest us ; ar- ranged beforehand, priecompOf'ttiif. ARRAS subst. = tapestry, uTiJiva 2 pi. ARRAY subst., ordo 3 m. Battle array, acies 5. Ep. martial, well-ordered (di ready, gleaming, &c. = dress, q. v. ARRAY, to v. act. = to q. v. = to dress, vestio 4 ; uno 1 : f-s- orno 1 ; dScSro 1. ARREARS subst. = debts, iW.rta 2 n. pi. ARREST, to v. act. = to seize. See APPREHEND, TO. ARREST subst. = delay, mfoii 1. = seizure, translate by participle. ARRIVAL subst., 'ddi-entu* 4; Sdl- tiis 4. Ep. early, late, sudden, longed-for, welcome, pleasant, &c. ARRIVE, to v. neuf., perv^nid 4; adSo, irr. See APPI:OACH, TO. ARROGANCE subst., superbla 1; fdstus 4 ; perhaps supercittum 2. Ep. regal, vain, foolish, mad. \-c. ARROGANT adj. = proud, q. v. ARROGANTLY adv. = proudly, q. v. ARROGATE, to v. act. = to appro- priate, q. v. ARROW subst., fagitta 1 ; telinn 2 ; tpMttum 2 ; ferrum 2 ; arundo 3 f. ; calamus 2. ARROW-BEARING ASIDK Ep. certain, sharp, pointed, swift, Parthian (Parthus), Scythian (Scythi- cds), &c. ARROW-BEARING adj., saglttiffr. ARSENAL subst. See ARMOUKY. If referring to ships, naval 8. ART subst. = skill, ars 3 f. Some- times may be translated by cdllldltas 3 f. ; IngSnlum 2 ; acutne'n 3 n. ; sollertta 1 ; facultas 3 f . = artifice, q. v. Ep. divine, learned, inspired, vain, unavailing, &c. ARTERY subst. Translate by vena 1. ARTFUL adj., in good sense, cdl- lldus, habllls, doctus, pSritus, sollers, vafer, ingSnlosus, catus, prudens, drtlfex, dsedalus (of workmanship); in bad sense, cdllldtis, vafSr, dstutus (H.), ver- sutus, dolosiis, fdlldx, insldldsus, sub- dolus, versutus, duplex. ARTFULLTT adv., drtff (lit. with art), dstu, frauds. ARTFULNESS subst., in bad sense, ddlus 2 ; fraus 3 f . ; insldlse 1 pi. ; dstus 4 : (in abl. onlv) fdlldcla 1 ; cdllldltas 3f. Ep. base, unworthy, servile, &c. ARTICULATE adj., (of the voice of man as distinct from beasts) vocdlls. Translate by humdnus, perhaps ddrus, drgutus, certils, non dublus. ARTIFICE subst. = a trick, dSlus 2 ; fraus 3 f. ; insldlx 1 pi. ; dstus 4 (in abl. only) ; fdlldcla 1 ; cdllldltas 3f. Phr., drs (3) mala. Ep. base, unworthy, secret, &c. ARTIFICER subst., arttfex 3 m. f. ; fabSr 2 ; Splfex 3 m. f . ARTIFICIAL adj. (a) made by art. Phr., drtS or m&nu fdctus, crSdtiis, labordtus, &c. (b) not genuine, fdlsus, fdlldx, menddx, mentitus, fictus, vdnus. ARTILLERY subst., tormenta 2 n. pi. ; bdllista 1 ; dries 3 m. Ep. warlike, destructive, &c. ARTISAN subst., arttfex 3 m. f . ; fabSr 2 ; Splfex 3 m. f . ARTIST subst. (a) painter, plctdr 3 m. ; sculptdr 3 m. Phr., qul m&vet coelum or scdlprum, he who plies the chisel; sellers sdxo dSum ponSrS, skilful to represent a god in marble ; ducSrS vultus de indrmdre', to bring a face out of marble. (b) skilful man. Use adjective, doctus, pSrltus, sollers. See ARTFUL. Ep. skilful, inspired, &c. ARTLESS adj. Use phrase, sing drtS, drtS car ens; sometimes use simplex, Inconditus, incdmpdsltus, rudls, inddcllts. ARTLESSLY adv., slmplicltSr, tg- Phr., stnS arts. AS conj., often = the relative qui. See Orammar. Sometimes qudlltSr, ut, vSlut, prSut, quo morS. ASCEND, to v. act., scdndo 3; ds- cendo 3; supSro 1. Phr., dscensu supSro 1. - v. neut., surgo 3 ; consurgo 3 ; exsurgo 3. ASCENT subst., dscensus 4. Ep. difficult, steep, &c. ASCERTAIN, to v. act. = to learn, q. v. ASCETIC adj., durus, gravts, SpSro- sus, dijf'lcllls, rlgldus, perhaps stolciis. ASCRIBE, to v. act., trlbuo 3; at- trlbuo 3 ; dsslgno 1 ; Imputo 1 ; rSfSro, irr. ; reddo 3. ASH (the tree) subst., frdxlnus 2 f . ; ornus 2 f. Ep. forest, mountain, wind-shaken, &c. ASH subst., usually in plural, ashes, tints 3 m. ; fa-iiUa 1. Ep. dry, sad, funereal, &c. ASHAMED adj. = abashed, q. v. ASHAMED, to be v. neut., pudSt, impers. Phr., hoc mlhl pudorl est, I am ashamed of this. Sometimes erubesco 3, with inf. (cf. Verg. Eel. vi. 2)-; some- times pudor est or pudorl est may be used. Nee pudor est emlssS palam, she is not ashamed to buy them openly (Ov. A. A. iii. 167). ASHEN adj., frdxlnSus, frdxlnus. ASHORE adv. (a) on shore. Phr., In UttSrS, In 6rd, in terra, &c. (6) to the shore. Phr., in llttus, In dram, &c. ASHY adj. = pale, q. v. ASIDE adv., sometimes prOcul, clam (secretly). Usually translate by com- pound verb, seposult gemmds, he put c 2 ASININE ASSISTANT the jewels aside ; ensem rKmovlt, he put aside his sword, &c. ASININE adj. = foolish, q. v. ASK, to v. act. (a) to enquire, rSgo 1 ; InierrSgo 1 ; percontor 1 ; rdglto 1 ; qusero 3. (6) to beg, rSgo 1 ; pStd 3 ; posed 3 ; prScdr 1. ASKANCE adv. Phr., limit dculis, limis tfcellis, obliquo Sculo, trdnsversa tuens. ASLANT adv. = obliquely, In obliquum, pSr obliquum, ab obliquo. ASLEEP adv. Translate by part, or adj. sopitus, dormiens, sdpordtus, In- experrectus : or by phrases, sdporS ric- tus, conquered by sleep ; somno gravls, sSpultus, obrutus, heavy or buried in sleep ; or by abl. abs., somno gravdntS, prSmentS, urgentS soporS, &c. ASP subst, dspis 3 f. (Lucan) ; ser- pens 3 m. ; c&lubSr 2 ; dnguls 3 m. Ep. deadly, lurking, poisonous, &c. ASPECT subst. (a) appearance, q. v. (6) of a building, situs 4 ; pdsltus 4 ; pdsltura 1 (Prop.). ASPEN subst., populus 2 f. Phr., drbSr (3) Hercules, PhaStliontla, &c. Ep. trembling, unquiet, pale, &c. ASPEN adj., populous. ASPERITY subst. = roughness, ds- pSrltds 3 f. ; durltla 1 ; duritles 5. ASPEBSE, to v. act. = to sprinkle, q. v. ASPERSION subst. = calumny, q. v. ASPHALT subst., bitumtn 3 n. ASPHALT adj., bituminous. Ep. black, fiery, tenacious, &c. ASPHODEL subst. Pliny uses ds- pliodelus (2) and dlbucus (2). Perhaps Ely&ii flares (3); meads of asphodel, fetices cdmpi (2), bSdta prdta (2 pi.), &c. Ep. Elysian, everlasting, flowering, &c. ASPIRE, to verb act., (with to) dffecto 1 ; pSto 3 ; sometimes specto 1. Phr., I do not aspire to reach heaven, non SgS sidSrSds dffecto tdngSrS sedes (Ov. A. A. ii. 39). See AIM AT, TO. ASPIRING adj. = ambitious, q. v. ASS subst., astnus 2; aseUus 2; wild ass, OndgSr 2. Ep. stubborn, indocile, disobedient, patient, &c. ASSAIL, to v. act., oppugno 1 ; pSto 3; dggrSdlSr 3; lacesso 3; insilio 3 ; lento 1. ASSAILANT subst. = enemy, q. v. ASSASSIN subst., Mmlcida 1 m. ; sicdrius 2 (H.) ; grdgsdtSr 3 m. (Juv.)j; perhaps l&tro 3, prsedo 3. Ep. nocturnal, stealthy, impious, cruel, &c. ASSASSINATE, to v. act. = to mur- der, q. v. ASSAULT subst., impetus 4; in- cursus 4. Ep. eager, fearless, sudden, &c. ASSAULT, to v. act. = to assail, q. v. ASSAY subst. = test, proof. Use verb spectdrS or part, spectdtus. ASSAY, to v. act. = to test, specto 1. ASSEMBLE, to v. act., concdco 1 ; compello 3 ; cogo 3 ; ddroco 1 ; cilfimtro 1. v. neut., cdfo, irr. ; convSnlo 4 ; concurro 3 ; confluo 3 ; dffliio 3 ; and passive voice of verbs above. ASSEMBLY subst., coitus 4; con- ventiis 4 ; corona 1 ; turbo. 1 ; concilium 2; concursus 4; frSquentla 1. Ep. thronged, excited, noisy, etc. ASSENT subst. = consent, q. v. ASSENT, to v. neut. = to consent, q. v. ASSERT, to v. act. = to affirm, q. v. ASSESS, to v. act. = to appraise, q. v. ASSESSOR subst. Translate by verb dssldSo 2. ASSEVERATE, to v. act. = to affirm, q. v. ASSIDUOUS adj., strenuus, gndvus, impigSr, promptH*, sedulus. ASSIGN, to v. act. = to allot, q. v. ASSIMILATE, to v. act. = to make alike, dsslmllo 1. Phr., slmllem reddo 3. ASSIST, to v. act. = to help, q. v. ASSISTANCE subst. = to help, q. v. ASSISTANT subst., minister 2; famulus 2 ; satellSs 3. Phr., SpSrls sdclus 2; or pdrtlceps 3m. Ep. faithful, ready, &c. ASSIZE ATTACK ASSIZE subst. Use judicium 2. ASSOCIATE, to v. act. = to join, sdclo 1 ; comffcio 1 ; jungo 3 ; conjungo 3 ; ddjungo 3. v. neut. = to accompany, q. v. ASSOCIATE subst. = partner, suctus 2 ; scSlSris, &c. ; pdrticeps (3 m.), con- sclus. ASSOIL, to v. act. = to absolve or acquit, q. v. ASSOKT, to v. act., dlgSro 3; dis- trlbud 3 ; dlspono 3. ASSUAGE, to v. act. = to allay or alleviate, q. v. ASSUME, to v. act. (a) to appropriate, q. v. (6) to counterfeit (assume an appear- ance), q. v. ASSURANCE subst. (a) trust, fides 5 ; fiducia 1 ; sometimes cornua 4 pi. Ep. certain, just, bold, &c. (I) impudence, auddcta 1 ; pStulantla 1. Sometimes use os 3 n., or from 3f. Ep. shameless, base, &c. ASSURE, to v. act., pdngo 3 ; flrmo 1 ; confirmo 1. ASSURED adj., pdctus, certus, non dubius. ASTER subst., amellus 2 m. See Vergil. Georg. iv. 271. ASTERN adv. Phr., d puppi; a wind astern, ventus sScundus. ASTIR adj. = on the move, trSpldus, tr&piddns, agitdtus. ASTONISH, to v. act. = to amaze, q. v. ASTONISHMENT subst. = amaze- ment, q. v. ASTOUND, to v. act. = to amaze, q. v. ASTRAY adv. Use adj. devius, avius. Phr., via deversus, or dversus. To go astray, erro 1 ; pdldr 1 ; vagSr 1. ASTRIDE adv., (a horse) use SquSs 3m. Phr., e'quo vectus. ASTROLOGER subst., magus 2 ; perhaps vgneficus 2, Chdldseus 2. Ep. learned, foreseeing, skilled in the stars, aged, &c. ASTROLOGY subst. Phr., drs 3 f. ; magica, Chaldzea. ASTRONOMER subst. Phr.^ qul sidSra servat; ccell pSritus; qul ccelum radio descrtbit. Perhaps sapiens 3 m. ASTUTE adj. = artful (in bad sense), q. v. ASTUTENESS subst. = artfulness, q. v. ASUNDER adv. Translate by compound verbs, dllacffro 1 ; dllanio 1 ; dlvello 3. ASYLUM subst., asylum 2; per- fuglum 2 ; dra 1 ; portus 4. Ep. safe, secret, sacred, &c. AT prep., ad, apud. AT ALL adv., omnino. AT HOME adv., ddml. AT ONCE adv., protinus, continiio, extemplo. Phr., nulld mSrd, nulla mdra est. ATHIRST adj., sitiens, siccus,drfdus. ATHLETE subst, athletd 1 (Hor. Ep.) ; pugtl 3 m. ; palsestrita 1 (Mart.). Sometimes gladidtffr 3 m. Ep. robust, skilful, fearless, am- bitious, &c. ATHWART prep. = across, q. v. ATMOSPHERE subst. = air, q. v. ATOM subst. Phr., rerum semina 3 n. pi. ; prlmordia 2 pi. To dash to atoms, delSo 2; perdo 3; elido 3, &c. ATONE, to v. act., plo 1 ; expio 1 ; purgo 1 ; luo 3 ; corrigo 3 : sometimes compenso 1 ; rSpendo 3 ; emendo 1 (Ov. Fast. iv. 596, v. 205). ATONEMENT subst., pmculum 2; pidme'n 3 n. Ep. just, late, sufficient, &c. ATOP adv., superne. See ABOVE. ATROCIOUS adj., nefdndus, impiiis, scSlgratus, scSlestus. ATROCITY subst., fdclnus 3 n. ; scSlOs 3 n. ; n&fas, indec. Ep. unspeakable, dire, unheard of, impious, &c. ATTACH, to v. act. = to join, jungo 3 ; ddjungo 3 ; conjungo 3 ; ddjicio 3 ; ligo 1 ; all/go 1 ; vlncio 4 ; devincio 4. ATTACHMENT subst. = affection, q. v. ATTACK, to v. act., opptigno 1 ; pSto 3 ; dppSto 3 ; agcjrSdlSr 3 ; laceaso 3 ; invddo 3 ; incesso 3 ; incurso 1 ; (of a disease) tento I. ATTACK AUSPICIOUS ATTACK subst. = assault, impetus 4 ; tncursus 4 ; dssultus 4. Kp. eager, fearless, sudden, warlike, martial, &c. ATTAIN, to v. act. = to obtain, ail/plscfir 3 ; consSquOr 3 ; pdttSr 4 ; paro 1 ; pario 3 ; occupo 1. ATTEMPT, to v. act., tento 1 ; donor 1 ; IneliOu 1 ; nlttir 3 ; dffecto 1 ; mollSr 4 ; expSrlSr 4 ; dggrSdlOr 3 ; adorldr 4. ATTEMPT subst. (a) effort, nlsiis 4 ; conatus 4 ; conamitn 3 n. ; luctamSn 3 n. (fc)_enterprise, inceptum 2 ; caeptum 2 ; awwm 2 ; constlium 2 ; propdsltum 2 ; orsa 2 pi. ; tentdmn 3 n. ; tentdmen- t a in 2. Ep. vigorous, unwearied, bold, lucky, &c. ATTEND, to y. neut._ (a) to pay attention to, audio 4. Plir., aurS bibo 3; senslbus imls rS- pono (Verg. Ed. iii. 54). (fc) to accompany, c&mltdr 1 ; sSqudr 3 ; prosffqudr 3 (used also with exsSqutds, of accompanying to the grave). (c) to wait for, mango 2 ; exspecto 1 ; observe 1. (d) to attend to = to mind, q. v. ATTENDANCE subst., offlclum 2; 'mi n'ldSrlum 2. ATTENDANT subst., famulus 2; minister 2 ; satellSs 3 m. ; cSmltdtus 4 (a baud of attendants). ATTENDANT, to be an v. act., minlstro 1 ; famulSr 1 (Cat.) ; servlo 4. Ep. faithful, constant, &c. ATTENTION subst. (a) in phrase to give attention = to attend, q. v. (b) kindness, consideration, offlclum 2. ATTENTIVE adj., sedulus, promp- t MS, dcr, ojf'iciosus ; = listening, auritiis. Phr.,jdrrectls or acutls aurtbus ; sus- pens'ig aurlbus (Prop.). ATTENTIVENZSS subst., sedulttds 3f. ATTENUATE, to v. act., tfnuo 1; iittfnuo 1 ; mdcSro 1. ATTEST, to v. act. = to bear wit- ness to, testdr 1 ; testifictir 1. ATTIC subst., cazndculum 2. Ep. squalid, poor, near the roof, &o. ATTIEE subst. = dress, q. v. ATTITUDE subst., Mbitus 4 ; pffst- tus 4 ; status 4. Ep. regal, proud, servile, humble. ATTKACT, to v. act., traho 3; dt- traho 3 ; ddduco 3 ; cdpto 1 ; dlllclo 3 ; o 1 ; corrlplo 3. ATTEACTION subst. = charms, ll- I pi. ; blanditiae 1 pi. ATTEACTIVE adj., bldndus. ATTRIBUTE v. act. = to ascribe, q. v. ATWAIN adv. = asunder, q. v. AUBUEN adj., fiilcus, ourSSs, fldvus. AUDACIOUS adj., ouddx, oudens, Improbiis. AUDACITY subst., ouddctS 1 ; ti- prSbitds 3 f. Ep. reckless, mad, shameless, &c. AUDIBLE adj., cldriis. AUDIENCE subst. (a) assembly, q. v. (ft) interview. Phr., fdndl or ISquendi copta 1 ; facultds 3 f . ; libertds 3 f . ; renta 1, &c. AUDITOE subst., auditor 3 m. Ep. unwilling, weary, eager, &c. AUGMENT, to v. act., augSo 2. v. neut., crescd 3 ; incresco 3. AUGUE subst., augur 3 ; lidrutpiix 3 ; i-dtes 3 ; auspex 3. Ep. foreseeing, inspired, aged, pro- phetic, &c. AUGUE, to v. act., prsedlco 3 ; vdtlclnSr 1 ; auguro I ; aitgurSr 1 ; prte- wittio 4 ; prsesagio 4. AUGUE Y subst., augurtum 2 ; om8n 3n. Phr., Sves 3 pi. (lit. birds). Ep. lucky, unlucky, sure, uncertain, true, false, &c. AUGUST adj., augustus, sac&r, sdnc- tus, dfnffrSndHs, i-Srendiif, v^nfrdbllis. AUNT subst., amita 1 (Persius); matertSrd 1. AUEEOLE subst., nimbus 2; per- haps corona 1. Phr., surrounded with an aureole, radiis frontem vdUdtus acutls (Ov. Her. iv. 159). Ep. golden, light, divine, &c. _AUEIFEEOUS adj., aurlfSr, aureS*, aiiratus. AUSPICE subst. = augury, q. v. AUSPICIOUS adj., a&nmd&s, dexter, felix (of persons) ; faustus (of things). AUSTERE AWAY AUSTERE adj., amterus, dspSr, iin'i-lius, amdrus, tonus. AUTHENTIC adj. = genuine, q. v. AUTHOR subst., auctdr 3 m. ; prin- ceps 3 m. ; inventGr 3 m. ; rSpertdr 3 in. ; condittfr 3 m. ; sometimes capiit 3 n. ; fans 3 m. ; Srigo 3 f. ; princlplum 2 ; of a poem, compSslttir (Ovid, Trist. ii. 356). Ep. ancient, truthful, weighty, &c. AUTHORITY subst., ImpSrlum 2; regnum 2 ; pStestds 3 f . ; drbttrium 2 ; ditto 3 f . ; nutus 4 ; (of a god) niim&n 3 n. or mddSrdmSn 3 n. Ep. royal, unrestrained, wide, last- ing, &c. AUTOCRAT subst., tyrunnm 2 ; rex 3 in. Ep. proud, wide ruling, restrained by no law, &c. 'AUTUMN subst., aiictumnus 2. Substitute sometimes names of months. Phr., pomtffr dnniis 2, &c. Ep. rich, glowing, bounteous, olive- bearing, grape-bearing, apple-bearing, late, forerunner of winter, &c. AUTUMNAL adj., autumnus, au- tumnaKs. AVAIL, to v. neut. to be of use, prosum, irr. ; val&o 2 ; juvo 1 ; proficio 3 ; ilttlnffd 2. Phr., What avails it me ? quo miJn ? (Ov. Her. iv. 157.) Cf. also nil HScates sacra pStentls agunt (Ov. Her. xii. 168); ecquld ago prCclbus (xv. 207) : so too Am. ii. 19, 7 ; iii. 4, 41. AVALANCHE subst. Phr., lapsse nines 3 pi. ; Idpsa nix 3 f . ; nlvts lapsus 4 ; perhaps torrem 3 m. Ep. headlong, destructive, sudden, &c. AVARICE subst., amrltta 1 ; avari- tfes 5. Phr., lucri, auri amSr (3 m.) ; fames 3 f. ; cupido 3 f., &c. Ep. sordid, accursed, hated, wicked, &c. AVARICIOUS adj., avdrus. Phr., lucri studios/is, cuptdiis, &c. AVAUNT ! interj. Phr., i prdcul, prCicul 8$. AVENGE, to v. act., vlndlco 1 ; uleiseor 3 ; punio 4 (Prop.). Phr., pcends exeSquffr 3 ; rSposco 3. AVENGER subst., ult6r 3 m. ; mn : dex 3 m. Ep. just, warlike, frenzied, full of wrath, &c. AVENUE subst. (a) approach, q. v. (6) of trees, perhaps sdltus 4 ; silva 1 ; ordo 3 m. ; sSries 5. Ep. long, arching, shady, ancient, &c. AVER, to v. act. = to affirm, q. v. AVERSE adj., dversus, infensus, allenus, tnimicus. AVERSION subst. = hatred, q. v. AVERT, to v. act., dverto 3; dreSo 2; prdhibSo 2; pello 3; defendd 3; a bad omen, ISvo 1 ; procuro 1. AVIDITY subst. = greediness, q. v. AVOID, to v. act., vito 1 ; emto 1 ; fuglo 3 ; dversor 1 ; exSo, irr. (of a blow) ; sometimes cared 2 (Hor. Od. ii. 14, 13). Phr., avoid speaking, pdrce', mlttS, 8mitt&, orfugS, Idqul. AVOUCH, to v. act. = to affirm q. v. AVOW, to v. act. = to affirm, q. v. AVOWAL subst. = confession, q. v. AVOWED adj . = undisguised, aper- tiis, manlfestus, professiis, patens. AWAIT, to v. act., mango 2; ex- specto 1 ; oppSrlSr 4 ; demSrSr 1. AWAKE, to v. act = to arouse, q.v. v. neut., experglscor 3 (H.). Phr., somnum excutlo, somno exciiti&r, &c. AWAKE adj. See VIGILANT. AWARD, to v. act. = to adjudge, q.v. AWARD subst. = judgment, judt- cium 2 ; sententta 1 ; drbttrium 2. Ep. righteous, unrighteous, royal, fixed, &c. AWARE, to be v. act. = to know, q. v. = to be on guard, vtgilo 1. AWARE adj., vigil. AWAY adv. Compound with verb, e.g. to go away, abSd, irr., discedo 3 ; to send away, dlmitto 3; to take away, aMfSro, irr. AWAY interj., obi, i prticul, prScul 8$; sometimes in a good sense, pergf. pergttS, i, ItS; sometimes transitive, e.g. away with care, excMS curam. AWE BACKGROUND AWE subst., rfrerentta 1 ; cultus 4 ; li&n&r 3 m. ; perhaps curd 1 ; religio 3 f . Ep. humble, trembling, sacred, pious, &c. AWESTRUCK adj., attSnitus, pavi- dus, obstupSfactus, stupSfdctus. AWFUL adj., vSrendus, mStuendus. See AUGUST. AWHILE adv., paullispe'r, paullum parumpSr. AWKWARD adj., leevus, stdlidus. Phr., parum ditcurm. AWNING subst., velum 2 ; velarium 2 (Juv.); umbrdculum 2; conopium 2 (lit. mosquito net). Ep. linen, silk, cooling, &c. AWRY adv., perhaps male 1 , or use Inlqutis, inOequdlis; with nose awry, ndso prdvo (H.). AXE subst., sScurls 3 f. ; bipennis 3 f . ; ferrum 2. Ep. sharp, two-edged, heavy, iron, &c. AXE-WIELDING adj., sScurlfer, sScurlgSr, btpennife'r. AXIS subst., axis 3 m. AXLE subst., axis 3 m. ; sometimes rdta 1, currus 4, &c. Ep. revolving, glowing, &c. AYE ! adv. = for ever, in xternum, tempus in omn. See ALWAYS. AZURE adj. = blue, ccerulSus, COR- rulus ; sometimes glaucus, viridts. (Cf. Verg. Oeorg. iv. 335.) BABBLE, to v. neut., perhaps gar- rid 4 ; Mlbutto 4. Phr., blseso orS Idqul, balba Itfqui, gdr- riiliis sum; perhaps crSpo 1, blatSro 1 (H.) : of a brook, aqua. trSplddt cum murmur^ the water babbles. BABBLER subst., garrulus, ISqudx, multildqum. BABBLING subst., gdrrulttds 3 f. Phr., gdrrula lingua (1), Idqudx lingua (1). BABE subst., Infdns 3 m. f. ; some- times pdrvulus or pdrrula. Ep. feeble, innocent, ignorant of sor- row, happy, &c. BABOON subst., simlus 2 ; simia 1. Ep. fierce, mischievous, &c. BABY subst. See BABE. BABYHOOD subst., infuntia 1 ; per- haps puertia 1. Phr., prima, tSnSrd gstds (3), a cunlts, from babyhood. Ep. tender, innocent, stainless, &c. BABYISH adj., pugrills. BACCHANAL subst., BacchS 1. Ep. frenzied, full of the god, swift, ivy-crowned, thyrsus-bearing, &c. 'BACCHANALIAN adj., Bacchica*, Bdccheius, Bdccheus. Phr., Bacchanalian rites, trt&terica (n. pi.), orgia (n. pi.). BACHELOR subst. or adj., ccelebs 3m. Ep. happy, unhappy, lonely, bashful, selfish, &c. BACK subst., tergum 2 ; dorsum 2 ; tergus 3 n. (only in literal sense). Ep. (lit.) long, sharp, shaggy, &c. ; (metaph.)of fugitives, shameful, tunic < I in flight, &c. BACK, on the adj., suplnus, rS- supinus. BACK adv., retro, retrorsum (H.) : often translated by compound verbs, e.g. to give back, reddo 3 ; to go back, rSdSo, irr. ; to look back, respicto 3, &c. BACK v. neut. (nautical phrase), remis tnhlbeo (Luc.). Phr., the hand moved neither back nor forward, dexter a nee cltrd motu ntc ultra est (Ov. Met. v. 186). BACKBITE, to v. act., cdrpo 3 ; rodo 3. BACKBITING adj., invldus, lirldus. BACKBITING subst., HvSr 3 m. ; invtdla 1. Ep. jealoTis, mean, spiteful, &c. BACKBONE subst., splna 1 ; pi-r- haps dorsum 2. Ep. flexible, long, &c. BACKDOOR subst., pottlcum (H.). Phr., pastes (3 pi.) a tergo rSllctl. Ep. remote, secret, &c. BACKER subst., /awWr 3 m. ; laiid- dtOr 3 m. Ep. eager, excited, full of hope, fear, &c. BACK-FLOWING adj., suplnus, re- current, relabens. BACKGROUND subst. Phr., in the background, prScul, longe, perhaps In prospectu. BACK \VAHD BALM BACKWARD adv. = back, q. v. Phr., water flowing backward, unda (1) siiplna. BACKWARD adj. = slow. BACON subst., perna 1 ; Idrdum 2. Ep. rich, fat, &c. BAD adj. () malus, pra-Kiif, vttiosus, imprSbus, scSlSrdtiis, nScens, scSlestus. (b) hurtful, malus, noxlus, fifteens, ddm- ndsus,ftinestus, exittdlis, pernictosus. (c) of weather = foul, q. v. BADGE -subst., liisignS 3 n. ; signum 2; pignus 3 n. ; indicium 2; perhaps spSclmSn 3 u. Ep. conspicuous, honourable, dis- honourable, &c. BADGEE subst., meles 3 f. (Mart.). Ep. tenacious, brave, lurking, &c. BADLY adv., male', prdve, &c. See BAD. Phr., badly hurt, gravltSr Ixsiis, grain vulnSrS leesus, &c. BAFFLE v. act. = to foil, folio 3; ludo 3 ; illudo 3 ; deludo 3 ; deciplo 3 ; frustror 1 ; eliido 3. BAG subst., sdcciis 2 ; crumena 1 ; perii 1 ; locull 2 pi. ; reticulum 2 (none of them used by Vergil or Ovid or Hor. Od.). Ep. full, empty, leathern, &c. BAGGAGE subst., perhaps sarcina I ; sometimes fdscts 3 m. ; perhaps pondus 3 n. ; Oniis 3 n. Ep. heavy, warlike, excessive, &c. BAGPIPE subst. Use tibia 1 ; fis- tula 1. See PIPE. Ep. shrill, joyful, Scottish (Cale- ddnlus), &c. BAIEN subst. = child, q. v. BAIT v. act. = to put bait upon, phr., liamum or He.ro. supremls clbls con- dSrS {see Ov. -B. Am. 209, 10). = to enrage, q. v. BAIT subst. (a) esca 1 ; cibus 2. (b) allurement, lllec&ree 1 pi. ; bldn- dittx 1 pi. Ep. treacherous, deadly, full of guile, &c. BAKE v. act., ctiquuS; torrSo 2. BAKED adj., coctills; of bricks, tostus, adiistus, flcctis, dridus. BAKEE subst., plstur 3 m. Ep. industrious, skilful, &c. BALANCE subst., Idnx 3 f. ; libra 1 ; truttna (H.), tongue of balance ; exdmfn 3n. Ep. even, just, movable, &c. BALANCE v. act. (a) libra 1. (b) to compensate, rependo 3 ; sequo 1 ; compenso 1 ; penso 1. BALCONY subst. Use portions 4 f. ; umbra 1. Ep. cool, facing south, lofty, &c. BALD adj., cdlvus, levts, niidus, glabSr (hairless). = unadorned, Inur- ndtus, simplex. BALDNESS subst., cdlva 1 (Mart.) calrif/eg 5 (no poetical authority). Ep. smooth, old man's (sSnllls) in- creasing, &c. BALDEIC subst. = belt, q. v. BALE subst. (a) bundle, sdrctna 1 ; fastis 3 m. ; pondus 3 n. ; 6nus 3 n. Ep. heavy, precious, difficult, &c. (b) loss, ddmnum 2 ; pernicles 5 ; maltim 2 ; rttlna 1 ; pestis 3 f . ; exltlum 2 ; fdtum 2 ; strdges 3 f. Of. also TrlstS lupus stabulls (Verg. Ed. iii. 80). Ep. dire, grievous, lasting, &c. BALEFUL adj. = bad, q. v. BALL subst. (a) plla 1 (small ball) ; follis 3 m. (in- flated ball) ; pdtjdnica 1 (ball stuffed with feathers); glomus 3 n. (ball of wool); a round body, glSmSramSn (Lucr.). Ep. round, light, swift, &c. (6) bullet, gldns 3, or gldns plumbe'a. (c) dance, cliSrus 2 ; chdred 1. Ep. nocturnal, bright, graceful, &c. BALLAD subst. = song, q. v. BALLAST subst., saburra 1 ; per- haps pondus 3 n. Ep. heavy, worthless, close-packed, &c. BALLOON subst., perhaps curriis -t ; dgrius, voldns, vSldtilis. BALLOT subst. = vote, suffrdglum 2 ; calculus 2. BALLOT-BOX subst., urna 1; cal- culus 2. Ep. doubtful, lucky, unlucky, capa- cious, &c. BALM subst. (a) perfume, unymntum 2 ; bdlsamum 2 ; SpHbdhama u. pi. (Mart.) ; mdltiba- BALM-CRICKET BARB thrum 2; Sddr 3 m. ; amomum 2; ntirdus 2 ; m&llsphyllum 2 (the plant ' bairn "). Ep. scented, precious, Eastern, &c. (1) medicine, mSdlcind 1 ; medicumSn 3 n. ; l&vam&i 3 n. ; UnimSn 3 n. Ep. soothing, health-giving, power- ful, &c. BALM-CEICKET subst, grllliii 2. Ep. noisy, sunny, merry, &c. BALMY adj. = fragrant, q. v. BALSAM subst. = balm, q. v. BALUSTRADE subst., perhaps cif-. luiunse 1 ; portions 4 f. Ep. long, marble, curved, &c. BAMBOO subst., calamus 2 ; arundo 3 f. ; canna 1. Ep. tall, light, Eastern, Indian, &c. BAN subst. = curse, q. v. BAN, to v. act. =to curse, q. v. BAND subst. (; a company, turba 1 ; catena. 1 ; cuhors 3 f . ; coitus 4; munus 4 f. ; (Igme'n 3 n. ; frSquenlld 1 ; concursus 4 ; grex 3 m. ; chorus 2 ; glolus 2. Ep. small, great, weak, powerful, warlike, faithful, treacherous, &c. (b) a tie, vinculum or vinclum 2 ; Ifga- iitfti 3 n. ; copula 1 ; nexus 4 ; nodus 2 ; rStlndcula 2 pi. ; fascia 1 ; funls 3 m. (lit., a rope). Ep. firm, knotted, unbroken, &c. (c) a head-band, Infula 1 ; ritta 1 ; tfenla 1 ; rSdimlculum 2. Ep. sacred, womanly, woollen, silky, &c. BAND, to v. act. = to associate, q. v. BANDED adj., cunjurdtus, suclus. BANDIT subst., latro 3 in.; prxdo 3 m. Ep. bold, lurking, remorseless, greedy, &c. BANDY, to v. act. = to exchange. 1'hr., to bandy words, rerba jactarS. BANDY-LEGGED adj., loripes 3 (Juv.), varus ; knock-kneed (H.), cutlus (Mart). BANE subst. = bale (6). q. v. BANEFUL adj. = bad (6), q. v. BANG, to v. act. = to beat, q. v. BANISH, to v. act., ejtcio 3; pello 3 ; expelW 3 ; rSlego 1 ; abigo 3 ; ex- cuti'o 3, of fear, &c. ; resolco 3, of care, fear. &c. So also expSdlo \ (Hor. Od. i. 22, 11); exlmo 3 (Hor. Od. iii. 14, 14). BANISHED adj., puMs, expwhus, fii supSro 1 ; subigo 3 ; deemed 3. BEAT, to v. neut. (a) of the pulse, solid 4 ; wfco 1 ; trSmo 3 ; cdntrlmo 3. (6) of a ship. Phr., vento labordrS (1), fn ventum nltl (3). BEAT subst., (in music) Ictus 4. BEATING subst., (of the breast in sign of mourning) ictus 4 ; pldngor 3 m. Ep. womanly, repeated, sorrowful, &c. BEAUTEOUS, BEAUTIFUL adj., pulcli&r, formosiis, vSnustiis (Cat.), dS- corus, dScens, sp&ciosus, lionestus, nitldus, spectdbills. BEAUTIFY, to v. act. = to adorn, q. v. BEAUTY subst., vEnustas 3 f. ; forma 1 ; spMes 5 ; dScor 3 m. ; gratia 1 ; vSnus 3 f. ; candor 3. Ep. youthful, modest, godlike, &c. BEAVER subst., castor 3 m. Ep. industrious, river, &c. BECALMED adj., trdnqullMs, pla- ctdus, pdcatus. Phr., the ship is becalmed, ndris (3 f.) liserSt, ventum rSqulrlt, flamlna posctt, &c. BECAUSE conj., qutid, qula. BECK subst. = nod, nutus 4 ; dr- bltrium 2. Ep. proud, &c. BECK, to v. act. = to beckon. Phr., nutu voco (1), nutu posco (3), &c. BECOME, to v. neut. (a) fio, irr. ; efficior 3. Often trans- late by inceptive verbs, e.g. sSnesco 3, 1 become old ; pdllesco 3, I become pale, &c. (6) to suit, d&et (in 3rd person only), cdnvSnlt (do.). Phr., decorum est, non dedlcet. BECOMING adj. = suitable, dcens, dgcorus, cdnvSnlens, dptus. BECOMINGLY adv., decentSr, con- i-ffnientSr. BED subst. (a) torus 2 ; cubilS 3 n. ; lectus 2 ; stra- tum 2 ; fulcrum 2 (Prop.) ; grabatum 2 (Verg. Mor.). Ep. soft, hard, downy, beloved, slc-ep- bringing, nocturnal, &c. (fe) in a garden, e.g. a rose-bed, ro- sarium 2; r6setum 2; violet beds, viSldrla 2 pi. Ep. flowery, spring, &c. (c) of a river, dli-Sus 2. Ep. hollow, rocky, sandy, muddy, &c. BEDABBLE v. act., tinguo 3; lino 3 ; spar go 3 ; ddspergo 3 ; fcedd 1. BEDAUB v. act., lino 3; dUlnd 3; illlnoS; collinoS', inquiiw 1. BEDCHAMBEE subst., tltalamiis 2 ; often cubilS 3 n. BEDECK v. act. = to deck, q. v. BEDEW v. act., roro 1 ; irroro 1 ; rigd 1 ; irrigo 1 ; tinguo 3 ; madffacid 3. 'BEDIGHT part. = adorned. See ADORN. BEDIM, to v. act. = to make dim, obscuro 1 ; tibumbro 1 ; cxco 1 ; 6pdco 1. BEDIZEN v. act. = to adorn, q. v. BEDEOOM subst., tlialamus 2; often cubilS 3 n. BEE subst., apis 3 f. Ep. busy, tawny, honey-bearing, &c. BEE-EATER subst., merops 3 m. Ep. greedy, &c. BEECH subst., fdgus 2 f. Ep. high, shady, spreading, forest, ancient, &c. BEECHEN adj., fagmeiis, fdglnus. BEEF subst. Phr., terga (2 pi.) b8vis. Ep. rich, fat, &c. BEEHIVE subst., alvSus 2 ; dh-Sdria 2 pi. (scanned dhdrla): perhaps ctllas 1 pi. ; caxeK 1 pi. ; praesepia 3 pi. Phr., Spurn ddmus 2 and 4 f .; sedes 3 f.; limina 3 pi. ; cerfa cdstra 2 = waxen camps. Ep. thronged, hot, &c. BEEE subst., fermentum (Verg.), but generally translate by wine, cups, &c. BEET subst., beta 1 (Mart.). BEETLE subst. (a) scarabxus 2 (Pliny) ; black-beetle, perhaps bldtta 1 (Verg. Georg. iv. 243). BEETLING BELIEF Ep. scaly, winged. (6) mallet, malleus 2. BEETLING adj., prseceps, prx- ruptus, dbruptus, impending. BEFALL, to v. act. and neut., ac- cldo 3 ; evSnlo 4 ; cdntmgo 3 ; (in good sense) cedo 3. Plir., what will befall me? quid mllfi flSt ? BEFIT, to v. act. = to become (6), q. v. BEFORE adv., ante, prlus, dntShac (scanned - -), olim, quondam, hdctSnies (hitherto). BEFORE conj., dntSquam, prlus- quam, either of which may be used as a single word, or divided into two words, e.g. ante, PudSr, quam te vtSlo, before I wrong thee, Modesty. BEFORE prep., ante. Phr., before the judge, coram judlce" '; before the king, coram regS. BEFOUL, to v. act. See BEDAUB, TO. BEFRIEND, to v. act. = to help, q. v. BEG, to v. act., rtigo 1 ; pSto 3 ; posed 3 ; oro 1 ; prScdr 1 ; mendico 1 (Juv.). BEGET, to v. act., glnSro 1 ; pro- gSnSro 1 ; glgno 3 ; crSo 1 ; prdcrSo 1. BEGGAR subst., mendlcus 2 (H.); pauper 3 m. ; inops 3 in. ; Sgenus 2 ; rOgdtdr 3 m. (Mart.). Ep. ragged, importunate, humble, &c. BEGGAR, to v. act. Phr., InSpem reddo 3. Use perdo 3. BEGGARY subst., paupertds 3 f . ; pauper tes 5 ; egestds 3 f. ; penuria 1. Ep. narrow, chilly, base, &c. BEGIN, to v. act. and neut., cae.pl (defect.); inclplo 3; mollOr 4; mstttuo 3; often surgo 3; drWr 3. Use in- ceptive verbs, as mdrcesco 3, I begin to wither, &c. BEGINNER subst. (a) originator, aiictSr 3 m. ; conditSr 3m. Ep. first, ancient, &c. (6) novice, tiro 3 m. Ep. ignorant, anxious, &c. BEGINNING subst., prlnclplum 2 ; 6rigo 3 f. ; fans 3 m. ; caput 3 n. ; riidl- mentum 2 ; SlSmenta 2 pi. ; exordium 2. Ep. first, hard, hidden, &c. BEGIRD, to v. act. = to gird, q. v. BEGONE interj. See AVAUNT. BEGRIME, to v. act. = to bedaub, q. v. BEGRUDGE, to v. act. = to grudge, q. v. BEGUILE, to v. act., fdllo 3; de- clpio 3 ; ludo 3 ; deludo 3 ; caplo 3. BEHALF, on behalf of prep., pro. BEHAVE, to v. neut. Phr., me gSro 3 ; prsesto 1 ; ostendo 3. BEHAVIOUR subst. (a) character, mores 3 m. pi. ; IndOUs 3f. Ep. courteous, proud, &c. (Z>) gesture, gestus 4 ; species 5. Ep. stately, awkward, &c. BEHEAD, to v. act., obtrunco 1 ; caput demeto 3 ; demSttt ense caput (Ov. Met. v. 104). Cf. meto 3, used of be- heading flowers (Ov. Fast. ii. TOG). Translate by "to cut the head or neck." BEHEST subst. = bidding, q. v. BEHIND adv., post, ponf. Phr., a tergo. BEHIND prep., post. BEHOLD, to v. act. = to sec, q. v. BEHOLD! interj., en! eccff! asplcSl BEHOLDER subst., spectdtSr 3 m. ,- arbiter 2 ; testis 3 in. Ep. pleased, frightened, astonished, &c. BEHOVE, to v. act., decSt 2 (im- pers.); expgdtt 4 (impers.); convSntt 4 (impers.). BELABOUR, to v. act. = to beat, q. v. BELATED adj., serus, tdrdug. BELDAM subst., anus 4; i-etulu 1 (Juv.). Ep. aged, wrinkled, sagacious, &c. BELEAGUER, to v. act. = to blockade, q. v. BELFRY subst. Use turris 3 f. Ep. high, mossy, ancient, &c. BELIE, to v. act., dissimulo 1 ; de- decOro 1 ; inlionesto 1. BELIEF subst. (a) fides 5. ; (6) confidence, fides 5; fiducla 1. Phr., the thing is past belief, res \ fldem excedtt, res fide majGr est. BELIEVE BEREFT BELIEVE, to v. act., credo 3 ; fido 3 ; confido 3. Phr., ftdem do I, dddo 3, adhiUo 2, prsesto 1, sum credulus. BELL subst. Use ses 3 n. Some- times, tintinnabulmn 2 (Juv.), a small bell. Ep. resounding, solemn, harsh, &c. BELLE subst., mrgo 3 f. ; puelld 1 ; perhaps domtna 1. Ep. blooming, proud, &c. BELLOW, to v. neut., mugto 4 ; rS- muglo 4 ; bdo 1 ; rSbdo 1 ; fremo 3. BELLOWING subst., mugitus 4. Ep. harsh, repeated, threatening, Ac. BELLOWS subst., follls 3 m^ Ep. hollow, windy, leather (ta/urinus). BELLY subst., venter 3m.; alvus 2 f. Ep. round, fat, shameless (improbus). BELLYING adj., sinuosiis, turgidus, turgens, pleniis. Phr., vento tentus. BELONG, to v. neut., sum (with gen. or dat.) ; pertinSo 2. BELOVED adj. = loved, q. v. BELOW adv., infra, subtSr, infSrius. Phr., the realms below, Plutonia regna, &c. BELOW prep., sub, subtSr, infra. BELT subst., zonS 1 ; balte'us (gen. battei, Verg.) ; bdltfum (Prop.) ; cingula 1 ; cingulum 2 (use pi.) ; life-belt, cor- tex (H.). Ep. leathern, adorned with gold, studs, &c. ; tough, &c. BELT, to (a sword, &c.) v. act., accommSdo 1 ; acclngd 3 ; apto 1. BELTED adj., acclnctus, sometimes Uns'tfSr. BEMOAN, to v. act. = to lament, q. v. BENCH subst. (a) scdmnum 2 ; transtrum 2. Ep. wooden, hard, nautical, &c. (&) seat of justice, tribunal 3 n. Ep. august, sacred, &c. BEND, to v. act., flecto 3 ; curnl 1 ; incurvo 1 ; intendo 3 ; luno 1 (of a bow) ; xinuo 1 ; inclino 1 ; concavo I (of a bow) ; deduce 3 (of boughs); lento 1 (of an oar) ; to bend back, rSsuplno 1 (Prop.). BEND, to v. neut. Use se fleeter 8, curvdrS, &c., or passive voices of verbs given above. BEND subst., curvatura 1 ; curvd- mSn 3 n. ; flexus 4. Ep. sinuous (stnuosus), gentle, gradual {lentus). BENDING adj., flexllts, flexlbtlis, lentils, inollls. BENEATH adv. and prep. See BELOW. To think a thing beneath me, see Ov. Fast. iii. 158. BENEDICTION subst. = blessing, q. v. BENEFACTOK subst. Use amlciis 2 ; patronus 2 ; fa/utSr 3 m. Ep. kind, loyal, true, &c. BENEFICIAL adj. = advantageous, q. v. BENEFIT subst, bSnefdctum 2; offtclum 2 ; mSrltum 2 ; munus 3 n. Ep. friendly, deserved, undeserved, &c. BENEFIT, to v. act., prosum, irr. ; prof (eld 3; ju>'6 1. BENEVOLENCE subst. (a) of feeling, gratia 1 ; amor 3 in. ; favdr 3 m. (b) of act, = benefit, q. v. BENEVOLENT adj. = kind, q. v. BENIGHTED adj. Perhaps sertts, tdrdus. Phr., caeca noctS vagdns, wandering in dark night; t.Siiebrls oppresses tibortls, &c., overtaken by darkness, &c. BENIGN adj". = kind, q. v. BENIGNANT adj., benignus. See KIND. BENIGNITY subst., bonitds 3 f . ; dementia 1. Phr., metis benlgna. Ep. kind, friendly, true. BENISON subst. = blessing, q. v. BENT subst. = inclination, un 2 ; vdluntas 3 f. BENT adj., flexiis, rSflexus, rScurvus, recurvdtus, slniidtiis, liinatii*, Incurvus, Inflexus, incurvdtus, duplicatus (of the knee), succiduus (of the knee). BENUMB, to v. act., perhaps Jtfbfto 1 ; deliiltto 1 ; obscuro 1. BENUMBED adj., torpens, tners, plg&r. BEQUEATH, to v. act., lego 1. BEEEAVE, to v. act,, orbd 1 ; spQllu 1 ; prim 1 ; vlduo 1. BEREFT adj., orbtis, orbdtus, rlduus, vidudtus, privdtus, spoliatus, cdssiis. BERG BEWITCH BERG subst, (of ice) mom 3 m. ; moles 3 f. Ep. frozen, Arctic, glittering, glassy, &c. BERRIED adj., bacctffr. BEERY subst., bdcca 1. Ep. dewy, abundant, autumnal, red, yellow, &c. BERYL subst., beryllus 2 m. Ep. green, shining, &c. BESEECH, to v. act. = to beg, q. v. BESET, to v. act., obsldgo 2 ; urgSo 2 ; clngo 3 ; sseplo 4 ; vexo 1. BESIDE prep, (a) = near, q. v. ; beside oneself = mad, q. v. (6) = in addition to, prsetSr. BESIDES adv., prsetSrSd, InsupSr, supffr. BESIEGE, to v. act., SbsldSo 2 ; op- pugno 1 ; clngo 3. Phr., obstdionS prSmo 3; clngo 3. BESIEGER subst., obsess&r 3 m. Ep. tenacious, ruthless, eager, &c. BESMEAR, BESMIRCH, to v. act. = to bedaub, q. v. BESOM subst., scopse 1 pi. only (H.). BESOTTED adj., stSMus, stultus, ineptus. BESPANGLE, to v. act., dlstlnguo 3; plngo 3; varto 1. BESPATTER, to v. act. = to be- daub, q. v. BESPEAK, to v. act. = to address, q. v. BESPRENT adj. = besprinkled, spdrsus, rdrdtus, Irrordtus, madefdctus. BESPRINKLE, to v. act., spdrgo 3 ; roro 1 ; irroro 1 ; tlngo 3 ; tlnguo 3 ; mddSfacto 3 ; rlgo 1 ; irrtgo 1 ; hu- mecto 1. BESTEAD, to v. act. = to benefit. BESTIR, to v. act. = to stir, q. v. BESTOW, to v. act. = to give, q. v. BESTREW, to v. act., spdrgo 3; sterna 3 ; consterno 3 ; conspergo 3. BESTRIDE, to v. act., (a horse) Squlto 1. BETAKE, to v. act. (oneself) = to have recourse to. Phr., me confSro (irr.) ad; confugto (3) 3d ; vert&r (3) ad ; convertdr (3) ad. BETHINK, to v. act., (oneself of) rSvolvo 3. Phr., in mentem rSfSro, irr. BETIDE, to v. act = to befall, q.v. BETIMES adv. Phr., in tempSrS; jussd mdturlus hord, earlier than the appointed hour; perhaps cltS ; to do betimes, mdturo 1 (Verg. Georg. i. 261). BETOKEN, to v. act. = to augur, q.v. BETRAY, to v. act. (a) a person, prodo 3. Sometimes fdllo 3 ; declplo 3 ; destltud 3. (6) a secret, &c., prodo 3 ; manifesto 1 ; patSfaclo 3. BETRAYAL su\>st.,_proditio 3 f . ; perfidia 1 ; ddliis 3 ; frcius 3 f . Ep. base, cowardly, &c. BETRAYER subst., proditdr 3 ; de- sert&r 3 m. Sometimes Index 3 m. . Phr., drcdnl or tacltl vulgdtSr 3, &c. Ep. base, faithless, perjured, &c. BETROTH, to v. act., desponded 2. Phr., fed sponsdlla, I was betrothed. BETROTHAL subst., sponsdlla n. pi. ; perhaps pdctum (2), fcedus (3 n.) comjuglalS. BETROTHED adj., sponsus, pdctiis. BETTER, to v. act., perhaps augSo 2 ; fir mo 1 ; conflrmo 1. BETTER adj., meiidr, pStidr. Phr., it is better, prxstat. BETTER adv., mSllus, pStlus, some- times satlus (Verg. EC. ii. 14). BETWEEN, BETWIXT prep., intSr. Phr., mSdlus juvSnum, between young men. BEVY subst. = band, q. v. BEWAIL, to v. act. = to lament, d8l&o 2 ; ploro 1 ; lugSo 2 ; mcerSo 2 ; flSo 2 ; deflSo 2 ; deploro 1 ; quSrdr 3 ; conquSrSr 3 ; gmo 3 ; IngSmo 3 ; pldngo 3 ; depldngo 3. BEWARE, to v. neut., (with "of") cavSo 2 ; vlto 1 ; emto 1 ; fuglo 3 ; aver- sdrl. BEWILDER, to v. act., turbo 1; golliclto 1 ; obstupSfaclo 3 ; percello 3. BEWILDERED adj., dttdnltus, stu- pefdctus, perculsue, &c. BEWILDERMENT subst. Phr., mens (3 f.) dubia, turbdta, &c. BEWITCH, to v. act., fdscino 1 ; devdcSo 2 ; perhaps fdllo 3 ; declplo 3 ; caplo 3. BEWITCHING BISON BEWITCHING adj., fdlldx. See CHARMING. BEYOND prep., ultra, trans, some- times supe'r, antS, prxtgr; or use com- pound verb, e.g. to go beyond = to surpass, prsecurro 3. BEYOND adv., ultra, ultSrius, Ion- grffis, dmpllus. BIBULOUS adj., bibulus. BICZEE, to v. neut., rixOr 1. BID, to v. act. (a) to command, q. v. (6) to invite, jubSo 2 ; vSco 1 ; Imito 1. Phr., bid defiance = to defy, q. v. ; to bid farewell, vale dlco 3. BIDDING subst. = command, jus- sum 2 ; mdnddtum 2 ; prxceptum 2 ; dictum 2 ; sometimes missus 4. Ep. royal, stern, repeated, &c. BIDE, to v. act. = to abide, q. v. BIER subst., fSretrum 2. Ep. sorrowful, dark, huge, &c. BIFOEMED adj., blfdrmis. BIG adj., mdgnus, Ingens, vdstus, Immdnis, grdndis. = pregnant, prseg- ndns, grams, gravidus, foetus. BILBEREY subst., vdcdnium 2. Ep. dark, low-growing, &c. BILE subst. (a) Kits 3 f. (6) anger, q. v. Ep. bitter, black, &c. BILL subst. (a) axe, q. v. (ft) beak, q. v. BILLET subst., of wood, lignum 2 ; stipes 3 m. ; sudls 3 f. Ep. dry, hewn, beavy, &c. BILL-MAN subst., sScurlge'r 2 ; blpennlfSr 2. BILLOW subst., undo. 1 ; fluctus 4. See WAVE. BILLOWY adj., undosus, asstuosus, prScellosus. BIN subst. Use TiorrSum 2 ; area 1 ; clstd 1. Ep. capacious, shut, full, &c. BIND, to v. act., llgo 1 ; vincio 4 ; necto 3 ; rSllgo 1 ; dlligo 1 ; connecto 3 ; innecto 3; devlncio 4; strlngo 3; con- stringo 3 ; nodo 1 ; cdercgd 2 ; cdhlbSo 2 ; ImpSdto 4 ; Implied 1 ; clrcumllgo 1 ; dstrlngo 3. BIPED adj., bipes. BIECH subst., betula (Pliny) ; per- haps you can substitute another tree, e.g. sallx 3 f., a willow. Ep. feathery, graceful, &c. BIED subst., avis 3 f. ; vSlucris 3 f. ; dls 3 m. and f. Ep. winged, timid, swift, tuneful, airy, &c. BIRDCAGE subst., perhaps cavSd 1 ; cdrcffr 3 m. Ep. wicker, narrow, &c. BIEDCATCHEE subst., auceps 3 m. Ep. ruthless, deceitful, unscrupulous, &c. BIED-HAUNTS subst., avidrla 2 pi. Ep. sylvan, rustic, &c. BIEDLIME subst., viscum 2. Ep. sticky, &c. BIRK subst. = birch, q. v. BIETH subst. (a) being born, artus 4. Phr., vita; Origo 3 f. ; ndtdlis drlgo 3 f., &c. Ep. first. (&) lineage, sdnguls 3 m. ; gSnus 3 n. ; stlrps 3 f. ; ortiis 4 ; drigo 3 f. ; semSn 3 n. ; gens 3 f. ; d8mus 2 and 4 f. Ep. ancient, honourable, low, &c. (c) giving birth, pdrtus 4. Phr., from birth, primls ab dnnls, tSnSro ab sevo, &c. BIETHDAY subst., ndtdlis 3, or dies (5) ndtdlis, or lux (3 f.) ndtdlis. Ep. joyous, recurring, &c. BIETHPLACE subst., patria 1, perhaps Incunabula 2 n. pi. ; cunse 1 f. pi. Or use a verb, e.g. Mantua me gfnuit, Mantua was my birthplace. Phr., ndtdlS sdlum 2 ; ndtdlis humus 2f. Ep. loved, familiar, &c. BIETHEIGHT subst., perhaps jus (3 n.) ndtdlS,jus (3 n.) heredls. Ep. sacred, certain, &c. BISHOP subst., pontlfex 3 m. ; sacerdos 3 m. Ep. aged, august, benignant, &c. BISON subst. Use bos 3 m. ; taurus 2 ; urus 2. Ep. huge, shaggy, ungainly, loving the plains (cdmpestrls). BIT BLASPHEMY BIT subst. (a) of a horse, frenurn 2 ; lupatum 2 ; lupi 2 pi. Ep. hard, tough, foaming, iron, &c. (6) a piece, frustum 2 ; purs 3 f. Ep. tiny, broken, &c. BITE, to v. act., mordSo 2; some- times mdndo 3 ; rddd 3. Phr., dentS prSmo 3 ; Ixdo 3 ; bitten, ddmorsus (Prop.) ; to bite back, rS- , mdrdgd 2. BITE subst., morsus 4. Sometimes use dens 3 m. Ep. quick, tenacious, hostile, &c. BITING adj., (of cold) pSnetrdbllls. BITTER adj. (a) acerbus, dcSr, amdrus, dspSr. (6) of words, tongues, persons, &c., acerbus, dc.Sr, amariis, dspSr, morddx, lividus, invldus. BITTEEN subst. Use ardSa 1. BITTERNESS subst., dspMtds 3 f. ; amdrlttes 5 ; arndrSr 3 m. BITUMEN subst., bitumen 3 n. Ep. black, viscous, &c. BIVOUAC subst. Use excubise 1 pi. Ep. nocturnal, wakeful, &c. BLAB, to v. neut. = to tell tales. Phr., fidem folio 3 ; arcanum, cdm- missum, prodo 3 ; vulgo 1 ; one who blabs, drcdnl prodlgus. BLACK adj. {a) nlgSr, utSr, mgrdns, ferruginous, plc&us. Phr., plcS n^grWr = blacker than pitch. (6) gloomy, nlger, dtSr, nlgrdns, furvus, tetSr, fuscus, tristts, msestus, obscurus, horrendus. (c) wicked, Ttorrendus, nSfdndus, in- fdndus, impiiis, scSlSrdtus. BLACKBERRY subst., morum 2 ; a blackberry bush, rubus 2, rubetum 2. Ep. autumnal, purple, &c. BLACKBIRD subst., mSriild 1. Ep. spring, tuneful, &c. BLACKEN, to v. act., obsciiro 1 ; vbumbro 1 ; Cpdco 1 ; condo 3 ; fused 1 ; Infused 1 (to stain black). v. neut., rilgresco 3 ; inlior- resco 3. BLACKENED adj., dtrdtus, infus- cdtus. Phr.,/ScZa ntgrdfumd (Hor.). BLACKSMITH subst., fabSr 2. Ep. sturdy, Vulcanian (Vulcdnlus), diligent, &c. BLACKTHORN subst., spina 1 ; spinus 2 f. Ep. bare, early, wintry, &c. BLADDER subst., utSr 3 m. Ep. slippery, hollow, &c. BLADE subst. (a) of grass or corn, arista 1 ; spica 1 ; herba 1 ; culmus 2. Ep. straight, growing, tender, &c. (&) of a sword, Sctes 5 ; mucrd 3 m. ; lamina 1. See SWOED. Ep. sharp, bare, &c. (c) of an oar, tonsa 1 ; pdlmuld 1. See OAK. Ep. broad, wet, &c. (d) of a saw, lamina 1. BLAME v. act., culpo 1 ; incuso 1 ; incrSpo 1 ; IncrSplto 1 ; cdstlgu 1 ; cdr- ripio 3 ; rSprSltendo 3 ; drguo 3. BLAME subst., culpa 1 ; ndxa 1 ; crimSn 3. Ep. just, unjust, small, great, un- expected, &c. BLAMELESS adj., innfaens, m- ndcuus, insdns, inndxlus, IntSgSr, prdbus, plus, cdstus, purus, IrrSpreliensus. Phr., culpse, fraudts, &c. ; expers, immunis, Insclus, &c. ; slnS criming, sln6 IdbS, IdbScarens, &c. BLAMELESSNESS subst. = inno- cence, q. v. BLANCHED, to be v. neut., pallesco 3 ; pdllSd 2 ; expallSd 2. BLAND adj. = affable, q. v. BLANDISHMENT subst. = allure- ment, q. v. BLANK adj., perhaps inops. BLANKET subst., Iddix 3 f. (Mart.). See COVERLET. Ep. thick, warm, woollen, &c. BLARE, to v. neut., stino 1 ; ca.no 3 ; strSpo 3 ; perstrSpo 3. BLARE subst., cldngSr 3 m. ; sSnltus 4 ; sffnus 2 ; strSpltus 4 ; canfir 3 m. Ep. harsh, martial, terrible, &c. BLASPHEME, to v. act., maiedlco 3. BLASPHEMOUS adj., Implus, nS- fdndus, infdndus, prdbrdsus. BLASPHEMY subsi, maUdlcta 2 n. pi. ; convicla 2 pi. ; probra 2 pi. ; op- probrta 2 pi. Ep. impious, ill-omened, &c. D 2 BLAST BLOOD BLAST subst. (a) of -wind, flainSn 3 n. ; flatus 4 ; flabrum 2 ; splritus 4. Ep. violent, loud, angry, fierce, &c. (&) of sound, clamor 3 m. ; clangor 3 m. ; s&nus 2 ; sSnltus 4 ; strSpltus 4 ; candr 3 m. Ep. harsh, warlike, &c. BLAST, to v. act. (a) to wither, torrid 2; uro 3; cor- rumpo 3 ; vltio 1 ; polluo 3. (b) of lightning, tango 3 (see Verg. EC. i. 17); /rto 4. Perhaps perdo 3; BLAZE subst., nltSr 3 m. ; splendffr 3 m. ; ardtfr 3 in. ; fulgOr 3 m. Ep. bright, destructive, dread, &c. BLAZE, to v. neut. = to burn (6), q. v. - v. act. = to publish, q. v. BLAZONED adj. Perhaps cxldtus. BLEACH, to v. act = to make clean or white, purgo 1 ; lavo 1 and 3. Phr., nitldum reddd 3, maculas aufe'rd, irr. BLEACH, to v. neut. = to grow white, dlbesco 3 ; cdnescd 3 ; albgd 2 ; congo 2. BLEAK adj., frigidus, gSlldus, frl- gens, ventosiis, inhospitus, nudus. BLEAE-EYED adj., llppus. BLEAT, to v.-neut, bald 1. BLEAT subst., bdldtus 4. Ep. tender, repeated, senseless, &c. BLEED, to v. neut. Phr., vulnus (3 n.) sanguine", cruorS, stillat, the wound drops with blood ; or stillat, mdnat crudr (3 m.) e vulnerf, the blood drips from the wound. BLEEDING adj., cruentiis. See BLOODY. BLEMISH, to v. act., maculo 1; Inhdnesto I ; polluo 3. BLEMISH subst., mendS 1 ; macula 1 ; vltium 2 ; lobes 3 f ; nStd 1. Ep. dishonourable, ugly, &c. BLENCH, to v. act. = to shrink, q. v. BLEND, to v. act., tempSro 1 ; mis- co 2 ; commlscSo 2 ; con/undo 3. BLESS, to v. act. (a) to make happy, be~o 1. (6) to wish happy. Use b&n&dlco 3; laudo 1. (c) to prosper, se~cundo 1 ; favSo 2 ; juvo 1 ; ddjuvo 1. Phr., frugum prospPru, blessing the crops (Hor. Od. iv. 6, 39). BLESSED adj., Matus, fellx. BLESSING subst. (a) good wishes. Use prices 3 f., vota 2. (b) good gifts. Use phrase cozll or cdUestla munSra (3 n.), dona (2). Ep. lucky, well-deserved, &c. BLIGHT subst., roblgo 3 f. ; lues 3 f. Ep. noxious, rough, dire, &c. BLIGHT, to v. act = to blast, q. v. BLIND adj., ctecus. Phr., Sculls cdptus, lumlrils orbus (Ov.) ; blind rocks, cseca or latentia saxu (2 pi.). BLIND, to v. act., cseco 1 ; obsciird 1. Cf. too Ov. A. A. i. 339 : " Quid fvdis immfritJf, Phiren, si/n liimirw niltU?" BLINDNESS subst. Use tgnebrS 1 ; nox 3 f . Phr., clades (3 f.) lucis, ddmnum (2) lucis. Ep. perpetual, dark, &c. BLINZ,_to v. neut. Phr., malt cerno (3), zegre vldSo (2). BLINKING adj., pxtus^ BLISS subst. Use gaudta n. pi. ; Isetitia 1 ; perhaps cce.ll regnd 2 pi. Ep. endless, sudden, new, &c. BLISSFUL adj. = happy, q. v. BLITHE adj., festus, hilaris, Isetus. BLOATED adj., turgidus, tumcn*, tumidus, Infldtus. See Verg. Eel. vi. 15 ; Ov. Med. Fac. 70. BLOCK subst. (a) of wood, lignum 2 ; stipe's 3 m. Ep. solid, heavy, &c. (6) an obstruction, obex 3 m. and f. ; claustrum 2. Ep. firm, unbroken, &c. BLOCK, to v. act., obsidSo 2 ; clalid 3 ; obstruo 3 ; praistriio 3. BLOCKADE subst., obsidlo 3 f. Ep. long, hostile, &c. BLOCKADE, to v. act., dbsidSo 2; claudoS; clngoS; pr8mo3; clrcumdo 1. BLOOD subst. (a) sdnguis 3 m. ; cruffr 3 m. ; sanies 5 ; caides 3 f . Ep. red, outpoured, warm, &c. (b) race, sdnguis 3 m. ; stlrps 3 f. ; gens 3 f. ; gSnus 3 n. ; Srlgo 3 f. ; fons 3 m. Ep. noble, humble, proud, &c. BLOODHOUND BLUSH (c) hot blood = anger, q. v. (d) cold blood = deliberation, q. v. (e) juice (of grape), succus 2 ; llqudr 3 in. Ep. purple, flowing, &c. BLOODHOUND subst., perhaps Ich- nGbates 3 m. ; ca.tu.lus 2 ; JlGldssus 2. Ep. sagacious, certain, following tracks, &c. BLOODLESS adj., exsdnguts. Phr., a bloodless victory, victoria slnS cxdS. BLOOD-RED adj., sdngulnSus, sdn- quin&lentus, cruentus, rubffr, rubens. BLOODSHED subst., cxdes 3 f. ; strdges 3 f. Phr., sdnguts (3 m.) fusus, cruSr (3 m.) effusus. Ep. impious, dire, useless, just, &c. BLOODSHOT adj. (of eyes) su/ectus ednguinS. BLOODSTAINED adj. = bloody, q. v. BLOODTHIRSTY adj., sdngulnSus, cruentus, fSrus, effSrus. Phr., sitiens crudrem. BLOODY adj., sdngulnSus, cruentus, sdngulndlentus, cruentdtus. Phr., tlnctus, madidus, pdllutus, rubS- Jdctus, &c. ; sanguine 1 , cruorS, &c. ; I make bloody, cruentd 1. BLOOM subst. (a) flower, fids, 3 in. Ep. tender, spring, scented, &c. (V) down, Idnugd 3 f. Phr., blooin of youth, fids (3 m.) setdtls, juventse, jiiventutts; sometimes perhaps cdltir (3 m.) may be used. Ep. brief, early, lovely, &c. BLOOM, BLOSSOM, to v. neut., florid 2 ; vlgSo 2. Twice-blooming, use adj. blfSr (cf. Verg. Georg. iv. 119). BLOT, to v. act. (a) to erase, deled 2 ; abulSo 2. (6) to disgrace, dedScoro 1 ; mdculo 1 ; InJiSnesto 1 ; nStd 1 ; fcedd 1. BLOT subst. (a) Idbes 3 f. ; lltura 1 ; macula 1 ; ntta 1. Ep. dark, indelible, &c. (6) disgrace, dedScus 3 n. ; Idbes 3 f. ; ndta 1. Ep. foul, lasting, &c. BLOTCH, to v. act. = to blemish, q.v. BLOTCH subst. = blemish, q. v. BLOW subst. (a) ictus 4 ; verbSr 3 n. ; percussus 4 ; pldgd 1 ; rulniis 3 n. (only of wounds). Ep. violent, angry, fatal, hasty, &c. (6) a calamity, ddlQr 3 m. ; vulnus 3 n. ; pldga 1 ; serumna 1. Ep. cruel, bitter, incurable, &c. BLOW, to v. neut. (a) of the wind, fid 1 ; spiro 1 ; dd- splro 1. (b) to flower, q. v. v. act. (a) of a trumpet, infto 1. Phr., tuba ca.no 3. (b) to blow out = to extinguish, q. v. BLOWZY adj., rublcundus (Ov. Med. Fac. 13; A.A.HL3QS). BLUE adj., cxrulSus, cterulus; dark blue, ferruginous ; llvtdus (of ripening grapes), Hor. Od. ii. 5, 10. BLUEBELL subst. Use liyacin- tlius 2. Ep. moorland, summer, &c. BLUE EYED adj., cxrulSus. BLUFF adj., perhaps durus, ro- biistus ; sometimes figrestls, rusticus, in- comptus, Incdnclnnus. BLUFF subst. = cliff, q. v. BLUNDER, to v. neut., erro 1; pecco 1. Phr., culpam ddmlttd 3. BLUNDER subst., errSr 3 m. ; pec- cdtum 2; culpa 1. Ep. foolish, avoidable, &c. BLUNT -adj. (a) not sharp, ubtusiis, rStusus, heWs. (b) rough, plain-spoken. See BLUFF. BLUNT, to v. act., JiSbSto 1; rt- tundd 3 ; obtundo 3. BLUNTLY adv., libSrius. Phr., missis dmbdgibus, abandoning circumlocution. BLUNTNESS subst., perhaps liber- tds3t. Phr., mSra libertds (H.). BLUR, to v. act., dbscurd 1. BLURT, to v. act., perhaps eldtrd 1 (H.). BLUSH, to v. neut., erubescd 3; rubPo 2 ; subrubed 2. Phr., rubSr (3 m.) Inftclt dra, a blush tinges the face. So suffundd 3 ; tinyd 3; nOtol. BLUSH subst., rubdr 3 m. Ep. modest, youthful, becoming, &c. BLUSTER BONFIRE BLUSTER, to v. neut, sxvlo 4 ; furo 3; bdcchffr 1. BLUSTER subst., tumultus 4; frff- mitiis 4. Ep. noisy, unpleasant, &c. BOAR subst., apSr 2 ; verres 3 m. ; SUB 3 m. and f. Ep. tusked, forest-lurking, &c. ; Lu- canian (Lucdnus), Sabine (Sabelltcus'). BOARD subst. (a) trabs 3 f. ; tabula 1 ; tabella 1. Ep. oaken, hard, smooth, &c. (b) banquet, q. v. (c) on board ship. See ABOARD. BOARD, to v. act. = to storm, ex- pug no 1. BOAST, to v. neut., gldrlSr 1; su- perblo 4. - v. act., jdcto 1. BOAST subst. Translate by verb, e.g. He makes a boast of his birth, gentS superbtt, jdctat gSniis, &c. BOASTFUL adj., insSlens, superbus, superbiens, tumldus, tutnens, mdgnilS- quiis, mdgnus (Hor. Od. iv. 6, 1). BOAT subst., cymba 1; UntSr 3 f . ; lembus 2 ; phaselus 2 ; scapha 1 ; dl- Ep. gliding, swift, river, black, pitchy, &c. BOATMAN subst., ndvita 1 m; nauta 1 m. Ep. sturdy, courteous, &c. BOATSWAIN subst., perhaps ma- g'tstSr 2 ; guberndt&r 3 m. See Ovid, Met. iii. 618-19. Ep. prudent, cautious, &c. BODE, to v. act. = to augur, q. v. BODILESS adj., perhaps te"niiis, exllis. Phr., sine" corp&rS. BODILY adj., corpSrSus. BODY subst. (a) corpus 3 n. ; sometimes membra 2 pi. ; artus 4 pi. Ep. tender, tough, fair, ugly, mortal, vigorous, &c. (&) of troops, men, &c., vis 3 f. See BAND (a). Ep. dense, ready, &c. BODYGUARD subst. Use custos 3 m. ; satellfs 3 m. ; stlpdtSr 3 m. (H.). Often translate by verb, stipo 1 ; c8ml- Wr 1. Ep. watchful, faithful, armed, &c. BOG subst. = marsh, palus 3 f. ; stagnum 2 ; perhaps lacus 4. Ep. swampy, rushy, uncertain, &c. BOIL, to v. neut., sestud I ; fervfo 2 ; exsestud 1 ; effertescd 3 ; efferv&o 2 ; sometimes of cooking, madSo 2. v. act., ctiquo 3 ; decSquo 3 ; in- ctiquo 3. BOILING adj., sestuosus, sestudn?, fervidus. BOISTEROUS adj., tumultuosus, tur- bldus, ventosug, turbdtus, agltatus, prS- cettdsus, ImmSdtcus, immtideratu.*. BOLD adj., audax, audens, deer, fldens, fortls, anlmosus, interrltus, im- perterritm, flrox. Phr., non tlmldm. BOLDLY adv., a/uddctgr, fartit&r. BOLDNESS subst. = courage, q. v. BOLE subst., truncus 2 ; stipes 3 in. ; sometimes robur 3 n. ; drb8r 3 f. Ep. wrinkled, smooth, mossy, round, &c. BOLT subst. (a) arrow, q. v. (b) thunderbolt, q. v. (c) bar, q. v. BOLT, to v. act. = to bar, q. v. BOMB subst. Use fulme'n 3 n. ; telum 2. Ep. missile, loud, deadly, &c. BOMBAST subst. Use ampulla, or phrase, xerba sesquipeddlla (cf. Hor.). BOND subst. (a) mnciilum 2; vlnclum 2; catena 1. Phr., in bonds, finctus, catendtus. (b) bonds of friendship. See ALLIANCE. BONDAGE subst., servjtium 2 ; vin- cula 2 n. pi. ; jugum 2. Ep. grievous, lasting, unjust, &c. BONDMAID subst., serva 1 ; dnclllu 1 ; famula 1 ; ministra 1. Ep. sad, unwilling, impatient, &c. BONDMAN subst., eervus 2 ; famii- lus 2 ; mlnist&r 2 ; puSr 2. Ep. angry, chained, &c> BONE subst. (a) os 3 n. Ep. hard, dry, &c. (b) dead bones, os 3 n. ; finis 3m.; relllqulie 1 pi. Ep. dry, mournful, buried, piled up, &c. BONE adj., ossSus. BONFIRE subst. = beacon, q. v. BONNY ( 39 ) BOUNTEOUS, BOUNTIFUL BONNY adj. = beautiful, q. v. BONY adj. (a) ossgiis (Juv.). (b) strong, valldus, robustus, tffrosus, lacertosus. BOOK subst., lib?r 2; llbellus 2; clidrtse 1 pi. ; vSlumSn 3 n. ; 8pm 3 n. ; scrlpta 2 pi. Phr., to finish, a book, 3d umbillcum ddduco 3 (Hor. Epodes, xiv. 8). Ep. learned, small, light, heavy, short, full of wisdom, lore, &c. BOOKCASE subst. Use scrinla 2 pi. ; fSriill 2 pi. (Juv.). Ep. full, dusty, &c. BOOKWORM subst. (a) lit., tinZd 1 ; bldtta 1. (6) student. Translate by verb, m- cumbSrS llbris. Ep. lazy, destructive, &c. BOON subst. = gift, q. v. BOOB subst., rmticus 2; Jigrestls 3 m. ; ctilonus 2 ; bubulcus 2 ; dgrlcSla 1 m. ; rurlcSla 1 m. Ep. clumsy, ignorant, &c. BOORISH adj., rustlcus. fiqrestts, m- - - - ~ - J_ " i comptus, mconcinnus, rudis, perhaps durus, stdlldus, plnguls. BOORISHNESS subst., bdrbaries 5 ; rusticltds 3. BOOT, to v. act. = to avail, q. v. BOOT subst., perhaps caliga 1 (Juv.) ; cdthuntus 2 ; pero 3 m. Ep. high, strong, tough, &c. BOOTED adj., cStliurndtus, caligdtus (Juv.), perdndtm (Pers.). BOOTLESS adj. = useless, q. v. BOOTY subst., prsedu 1; spfflta 2 n. pi. ; rapina 1 ; exuvtse 1 ; rdptum 2. Ep. warlike, sought-for, hard-won, rich, &c. BORDER subst., finis 3 m. and f. ; mdrgo 3 m. and f . ; of a robe, Umbiis 2 and orfi 1 ; coiifinla 2 n. pi. Ep. outside, doubtful, certain, &c. BORDER, to v. act. = to fringe, q. v. BORDERER subst., fmlttmus. BORDERING on adj., subjectus, finitimus. See NEAK. BORE, to v. act. = to pierce, tSrebro 1 ; perfdro 1. BORN part., ndtus, ortus, ggrittus, satus, crSdtus ; born again, rSndtiis ; born from, prugndtus. BORROWED adj., of money, mutuus (H.). More generally, as borrowed plumes, alienus, non prdprius. BOSOM subst., sinus 4 ; grSmlum 2 ; pectus 3; perhaps dmplexus 4, corn- plexus 4. Ep. open, friendly, &c. BOSS subst., umbd 3 m. Ep. brazen, martial, &c. BOTH conj., St, qug. BOTH pron., dmbo, uterquS. Phr., unus St dMr ; sometimes duff, gSminus. Of. eequSris dsplciens liuius St liuius aquas (Ov.). BOTTLE subst. Use lagena 1 ; dm- plitira 1. Ep. full, empty, joyous, deadly, &c. BOTTOM subst., fundus 2; fundd- mSn 3 n. Phr., ima palus 3 f., the bottom of the pool ; imus putSus 2, the bottom of the well. Ep. lowest, dark, unseen, &c. BOTTOMLESS adj. Use prdfundus, immensus. BOUGH subst., rdmus 2 ; brdchium 2. Ep. knotty, mossy, fruit-bearing, leafy, shady, &c. BOULDER subst. = rock, q. v. BOUND subst. (a) border, q. v. ; or boundary, q. v. (6) leap, sdltus 4. Ep. agile, easy, hasty, rash, &c. BOUND adj., vinctus, catendtHs, 6b- ligdtus. See BIND, TO. BOUND, to v. act. = to terminate, flnio 4 ; daudo 3. v. neut. = to leap, solid 4 ; de- silto 4 (to leap down); trdnsllio 4 (to leap across); prosllid 4 (to leap for- ward). BOUNDARY subst., finis 3 m. and f. ; terminus 2 ; conflnla 2 pi. ; limSs 3 m. ; lapis 3 m. ; meta 1 ; prsescrlptum 2 (Hor. Od. ii. 9, 23). Ep. certain, fixed, doubtful, well- known, distant, &c. BOUNDLESS adj. (a) immensus. Phr., sin*!" finS or flnibus, nullo fine". (6) excessive, ImmSderdtus, immddlcus, riimius. BOUNTEOUS, BOUNTIFUL adj., ! Idrgiis, mun'iftcus, bSnlgnus. BOUNTEOUSLY, BOUNTIFULLY ( 40 ) BRAND BOUNTEOUSLY, BOUNTIFULLY adv., large, bSnlgne, abunde (quantity of e doubtful) ; sometimes sat, satis. Phr., bSnigno, largo, pleno, cornu, &c. BOUNTY subst. (a) kindness, dementia 1 ; bdnttds 3 f. Phr., bSnlgna mantis (4 f.), largo. mantis (4 f.). Ep. generous, free, lavish, &c. (b) gift, munus 3 n. ; donum 2. Ep. royal, magnificent, pious, &c. BOUEN subst. = border, q. v. BOUT subst. = contest, q. v. BOW, to v. act. = to bend, q. v. v. neut. (a) = to bend oneself. See BEND, TO. (6) to make a bow. Substitute to bend the knee, or to stoop with bent knee. BOW subst. (a) drcus 4 ; cornu 4 ; sometimes nervus 2. Ep. curved, flexible, tough, sound- ing, deadly, Cretan, Apollinean, &c. (6) rainbow, drciis 4 ; Iris 3 f . Ep. bright, many-coloured, rainy, &c. BOWED adj. (a) cernuus. (6) (of an old man) curvus, incurvus, &c. BO WEE subst., umbrdculum 2; thalamus 2 ; latebrx 1 pi. See ARBOUR. Ep. shady, leafy, secluded, familiar, fro. BOWL subst., crater 3 m. ; crdtera 1 ; perhaps pociilum 2 ; calyx 3 m. ; slnum 2. Ep. golden, large, studded with gems, full of wine, &c. BOW-LEGGED adj., lorlpes (Juv.) = bandy-legged, q. v. BOWMAN subst. = archer, q. v. BOWS subst., (of a ship) prora 1. BOWSHOT subst. Use telijdctus 4. BOWSTEING subst., nervus 2. Ep. twanging, taut, loose, &c. BOX subst. (a) box-tree, buxus 2 and 4 f. Ep. evergreen, Idaean (JdaJws), yel- low (of the wood), smooth (rdsllts) ditto. (b) chest, area 1 ; cista 1 ; cdpsa 1 (Mart.) ; small box, 6nyx 3 m. (Hor. Od. iv. 12, 17). Ep. polished, capacious, solid, &c. BOXEN adj., (of boxwood) buxSus; sometimes buxlfe'r. BOX-GEOVE subst., buxetum 2. BOY subst., puffr 2 ; sometimes mas 3. Cf. Hor. Od. i. 21, 10. Ep. tender, eager, rash, docile, loyal, &c. BOYHOOD subst., puertla 1. Phr., puSrilis setds (3 f.), te'ne'ra setds (3 f.), primi dnnl (2 pi.). Ep. early, happy, short, &c. BOYISH adj., pugrilts. BOYISH adv., pugrllltfr. BEACE subst. = couple, par 3 n. BEACE, to v. act., firmo 1 ; con- fir mo 1 ; robOro 1. BEACELET subst., drmilla 1. Ep. golden, precious, &c. BRAG, to v. neut. = to boast, q. v. BEAID, to v. act., texo 3 ; necto 3. BEAIN subst. (a) in literal sense, cSrebrum 2. Ep. hot, vital, tender, &c. (6) the seat of intelligence, cor 3 n. ; pectus 3 n. Ep. witty, learned, &c. BEAINLESS adj. = silly, q. v. BRAKE subst. = thicket, q. v. BEAMBLE subbt., rubus 2 ; rubelum 2 ; veprls 3 m. ; sentes 3 m. pi. ; spind 1 ; dumus 2 ; dumetum 2. Ep. thorny, dense, matted, flowering, &c. BEAMBLY adj., dumosus. Of brambles, rub8us. BEANCH subst. = bough, rdmus 2 ; brdchlum 2 ; termSs 3 m. Ep. spreading, leafy, shady, mossy, ancient, &c. BEANCH adj., ramSus. BRANCH, to v. neut., (of a river) phr., me flndo. BEANCHING adj. (a) of trees, rdmosus, patulus. (b) of stags' horns, rdmosus, drbdrfus. BRAND, to v. act., n6to 1 ; inuro 3 ; perhaps dedScSro 1 ; InhSnesto 1 ; ma- culo 1. Phr., I stamp with a brand, slgnum imprimo (Georg. i. 263). BRAND subst. (a) fax 3 ; teeda 1 ; funalS 3 n. ; torris 3m. Ep. shining, fiery, dry, destructive, BRANDISH BREAK (fc) mark of infamy, ndta 1. Ep. dishonourable, lasting, unde- served, &c. (c) = thunderbolt, q. v. BRANDISH, to v. act., cffrusco 1; vibro 1 ; aglto 1 ; rdfo 1 ; mtivgo 2 ; tor- quSo 2; prsectitio 3; crispo 1. For brandishing torches, see Ov. Am. i. ii. 11, 12. BRASIER subst., batlllum 2 (H.). BRASS subst. Use xs 3 n. ; per- haps Srichdlcum 2 ; adamds 3 in. Ep. hard, shining, yellow Corinthian, &c. BRAVE adj. (a) courageous, ftirtis, streniius, anl- mosus, mdgnanimiis, Impavtdus, fir- mus, cdnstans, fSrox, certus, auddx, interritiis, imperterrttus. Phr., non mollis, &c. (b) fine, splendidus, nitidus, v&nustus, mdgniflcus, lautiis, superbus. BRAVE, to v. act. = to defy, q. v. BRAVELY adv. (a) courageously, fortite'r, dcrlte'r, vlrill- t&r, auddcte'r, constant&r. Phr., non segnlte'r, &c. (&) finely, see Adjectives. BRAVERY subst. (a) courage, virtus 3 f. ; animus 2 ; vis 3 f. ; cdnstdntia 1. Ep. manly, warlike, rash, constant, &c. (6) finery, splendor 3 in. ; nitOr 3 m. ; v&nustas 3 ; superbla 1 ; species 5. Ep. proud, elegant, becoming, &c. BRAWL, to v. neut. = to quarrel, q. v. BRAWL subst. = quarrel, q. v. BRAWLING adj. = quarrelsome, q. v. BRAWN subst. = muscle, ttfri 2 pi. ; lacerti 2 pi. (lit. arms). Ep. sinewy, manly, rigid, &c. BRAWNY adj. = strong, tdrosiis, lacertosus, rvbiixtii*, validiis, valens, in- gens, magnfe, durfis, nervosiis. BRAY, to v. act. = to pound, q. v. v. neut. (a) of an ass, ritdo 3. (&) of a trumpet, sCnio 1 ; r?s8nd 1 ; fttrppo 3 ; cano 3. BRAY subst. (a) of an ass, perhaps strSpltus 4; sSnus 2. Ep. harsh, repeated, foolish, &c. (6) of a trumpet = blare, q. v. BRAZEN adj. (a) xr&us, alienSus or SenSus, aheniis or aenus ; sometimes adamdntgus or ada- mdntlnus. (6) = impudent, impudens, auddx. BRAZEN-FOOTED adj., xnlpes. BREACH subst. (a) in a wall, phr., mcenla (2 pi.) rupta, frdcta, perrupta ; perhaps ruina 1. Ep. ruinous, falling, &c. (6) of a treaty, phr., faedfra (3 pi.) rdpta, vldldta ; fides (5) Isesa, &c. Ep. dishonourable, &c. BREAD subst. (a) lit. pants 3 m. ; CPres 3 f. Ep. wheaten, baked (tost&s), white, &c. (6) food, clbus 2 ; e*ca 1 ; alimentum 2 ; vlcttis 4. Perhaps dupes 3 f . pi. ; Spulx 1. Ep. simple, gained by toil, scanty, &c. BREADTH subst., spatlum 2 ; trdc- tus 4. Translate generally by broad, e.g. the breadth of the sea, aiqu&ra Idta. Ep. immense, without end, &c. BREAK, to v. act. (a) frdngo 3 ; rumpo 3 ; perfrlngo 3 ; rffringo 3 ; confringo 3 ; perrumpo 3 ; dirumpo 3. (&) a promise, fdtto 3 ; vWld 1 ; rumpo 3; IsedoS. (c) a horse, dtimo 1 ; flecto 3 ; moderSr 1. (d) the heart, frdngo 3 ; vinco 3 ; de- blllto 1. (e) to break off = to interrupt, q. v. (/) to break force of waves (as a rock), lasso 1 ; debtlito 1 ; prsideldsso 1. (g) to break slumbers, excutio 3 ; rum- po 3. v. neut. (a) of dav, 6rWr 4 ; exorlSr 4 ; dlluce'd 2 (H.)f nascor3. (b) of waves, use passive of frdngo 3. Perhaps spumo I ; spumesco 3 ; dl- besco 3 ; cdnesco 3. (c) to break loose, erurnpo 3 ; prorumpo 3 ; prosilio 4. BREAK BRIDE (d) of trees, &c.,pdrturio 4. See words under SPRING. BREAK subst. (a) pause, mSru 1. Phr., mSrse spattum 2. Ep. brief, long, unpleasant, &c. (&) of day, Aurora 1 ; drtus 4. Phr., at break of day, primd luce*, mdnS, mdnS nfivo, SrlentS solff, &c. Ep. first, returning, golden, &c. BREAKER subst. = wave, q. v. BREAKWATER subst., moles 3 f. ; plla 1 ; dggr 3. [&c. Ep. solid, marble, facing the waves, BREAST subst. (a) pectus 3 n. Sometimes use SIMMS 4 ; grffmium 2 ; dmplexus 4 (embrace) ; latus 3 n. (the side) ; prxcordla n. pi. ; cor 3 n. ; pulmo 3 m. (6) the seat of emotion, as " firm breast," " tender breast," &c., pectus 3 n. ; animus 2 ; mens 3 f. ; cor 3 n. Perhaps indoles 3 f. ; IngSnlum 2. Ep. tender, womanly, motherly, pious, &c. BREAST, to v. act. = to meet, q. v. BREASTPLATE subst., lorica 1; thorax 3 m. Ep. brazen, iron, hard, unbroken, warlike. &c. BREASTWORK subst. Use munl- mZn 3 n. ; perhaps pinna 1. Ep. solid, safe, &c. BREATH subst. (a) splritus 4 ; Mlltus 4 : anhelltus (panting) 4; animd 1; flatus 4; affla- tus 4. Ep. hurried, eager, &c. Phr., to hold one's breath, animam tgnere". (fe) life, vita 1 ; anlma 1 ; splritus 4. Ep. short, vital, &c. Phr., auras duco 3 ; cdpto 1 ; traho 3 ; haurio 4. (c) breeze, aura 1 ; ventus 2 ; fldmSn 3 n. ; flatus 4. Ep. gentle, spring, murmuring, &c. (d) of flowers, hdlltus 4 ; SdOr 3 m. Ep., pleasant, fresh, spring, &c. BREATHE, to v. neut. (a) spiro 1 ; re*piro 1 ; anhelo 1. (6) to live, splro 1 ; vivo 3. Phr., vescl aura, to feed on air. v. act., (fragrance, odour) splro 1 ; halo 1 ; exhdlo 1. Perhaps jdcto 1 dlffundo 3 ; spdrgo 3. To breathe into, Insplro 1. BREATHING TIME subst. = pause, q. v. BREATHLESS adj. (a) anhelus, anheldns. (6) lifeless, exanimus, mortuus. BREATHLESSNESS subst., anlie- llttis. Ep. sickly (seg^r), deep, &c. BREECHES subst., bracx 1. Wear- ing breeches, brdcdtus. BREED, to v. act., g?nSro 1 ; pro- gSnro 1 ; glgno 3 ; erf o 1. = to rear, educo 1 ; aid 3 ; nutrlo 4. BREED subst. = blood (&), q. v. BREEZE subst., aura 1; veidus 2 ; fldmfn 3 n. ; flatus 4 ; splritus 4. Often use names of winds, e.g. Zfphyrux, Favdniiis, &c. Ep. favouring, adverse, gentle, vio- lent, cool, hot, &c. BREEZY adj. Use phrases, e.g. a breezy grove, lucus, quern ventllat did or aura Favonl ; breezy elms, ulml dS- rtai. &c. BRETHREN subst. See BROTHER. BREVITY subst., brSvltds 3 f. Ep. Spartan, Laconian, wondrous. &o. BREW, to v. act. = to plot, q. v. v. neut., (of a storm) SrWr 3 and 4 ; cStfrltfr 3 and 4 ; mlscFd'r 2 ; surgu 3 ; glffmPrfir 1 ; densSr 1 ; densSOr 2. BRIAR subst. = bramble, q. v. BRIBE subst., munus 3 n. ; donum 2 ; munusculum 2 ; prStlum 2. Ep. base, lavish, &c. BRIBE, to v. act., corrumpo 3 ; prsecorrumpd 3. Phr., mune'rlbus, aiiru. rnicd (3), ca- plo (3), dmbio (4), Smo (3), &c. BRICK subst., later 3 m. Ep. hard, baked, &c. BRIDAL subst., txdse (lit. torches) 1 pi. ; nuptlse 1 pi. Perhaps conjuglum 2 ; HymSnseus 2. Ep. joyous, lucky, auspicious, early, &c. BRIDAL adj., jugdlis, conjugldlis, nupttdlls; bridal veH,Jidmmgum (Mart.). BRIDE subst., nupta 1 ; sometimus nuptura 1 ; uxdr 3 ; conjux 3 ; sponsa 1 ; marlta 1. Ep. virgin, beauteous, modest, &c. BRIDECHAMBER BROACH BRIDECHAMBER subst., thdlamus 2. BRIDEGROOM subst., spdnsii* sometimes procus 2 ; marltus 2 ; cdnjux 3 ; vlr 2. Ep. manly, handsome, eager, &c. BRIDESMAID subst. Use vlrgtnga (time's (3 f .), paella, &c. ; sometimes prd- niibd 1. BRIDGE subst., pdns 3 m. Ep. stone, wooden, firm, solid, &G. BRIDGE, to v. act., trajiclo 3 ; jiingd 3 (lit. to join). Phr., pdnt& trajiclo orjungd. BRIDLE subst., frena 2 n. pi. ; ca- plstra 2 n. pi. ; Idrmn 2 ; habena 1. Ep. tough, leathern, martial, &c. BRIDLE, to v. act. (a) fre.no 1 ; Infrend 1. (b) to restrain, frend 1 ; cdlitbPd 2 ; co- ercfd 2 ; trSmd 3 ; temp&rd 1 ; cdntl- ned 2 ; r (frend 1 ; rfgd 3 ; mdderOr 1. BRIDLED a([j.,capistrdtus,frendtus. BRIEF adj., brSvis, tSnuls, pdrvits ; of life, ~brSvls, caducus. BRIEFLY adv., brSvtte'r. Phr., paucls (verKs). BRIG subst. = ship, q. v. BRIGADE subst., Ivgld 3 f. See ARMY. Ep. warlike, armed, bristling with spears, &c. BRIGADIER subst., legdtus 2 ; dux 3m. BRIGAND subst., latro 3 m. ; prsedd 3m. BRIGHT adj., nltldus, splendldus, splendens, nit ens, fulgens, lucldus, co- riiscus, refulgens, radians, micdns, cSrus- cdns, prselustrls, aurcGlus (Cat.) ; of eyes, dcSr. " BRIGHTEN, to v. act. (a) lit. terged 2 ; polio 4 ; expdlld 4 (Cat.). Phr., ntttdum reddd (3), nlterS facto (3). (b) to cheer, hllard 1 ; recred 1 ; 06- lecto 1. v. neut., splendescd 3 ; nitescdS ; lucescd 3 ; fidgeted 3. BRIGHTNESS subst., splendSr 3 m. ; nitur 3 m. ; fulgdr 3 m. ; lux 3 f. ; lumen 3 n. ; jiibar 3 n. ; sometimes color 3 m. (Hor. Od. ii. 2, 1). Ep. morning, mid-day, golden, &c. BRILLIANT adj. See BRIGHT. Of eyes, acSr. BRIM subst., ISbrum 2 ; margo 3 m, and f. Ep. uppermost (summits'), &c. BRIM, to v. act., corona 1. = to overflow, q. v. BRIMFUL, BRIMMING adj., (of a goblet) spumdns, plenus. BRIMSTONE subst., sulfur 3 n. Ep. yellow, living, smelling, smok- ing, &c. BRINDLED adj. Perhaps discol&r, versicdlffr. Phr., maculls insignis = spotted. BRINE subst. (a) sal 3 ; salum 2. (b) = sea. q. v. (c) = tears, q. v. Ep. bitter, sea, &c. BRING, to v. act. (a) fero, irr. ; dffSro, irr. ; duco 3 ; dd- duco 3 ; vho 3 ; ddvSho 3 ; porto 1 ; dpporto 1. (6) bring about, efflclo 3. (c) bring back, refSro, irr. ; rgduco 3 ; SvSho 3 ; rfparto 1. (- Mnus). [b) besom, scopse 1 pi. (H.). Ep. cheap, dusty, &c. BROTH subst., jus 3 n. (H.). Ep. hot, rich, liquid, &c. BROTHER subst., frutSr 3 m. ; ger- mdnus 2. Ep. beloved, loyal, of one mind, &c. BROTHER-IN-LAW subst. Phr., uxoris or conjiiytxf rater (3 m.). BROTHERHOOD subst. ) Use f rater num fcedus (3 n.), frd- ternm animus (2). (6) band of brothers, perhaps convlctus 4 ; saddlltlum 2. Ep. brotherly, of one mind, united, &c. BROTHERLY adj., frdternus. BROW subst. (a) fruns 3 f. ; superctltum 2 ; some- times nutus 4. Ep. smooth, wrinkled, broad, narrow, learned, &c. (b) of a hill, superciltum 2 ; vertex 3 m. ; cacumfn 3 n. ; juguni 2. Ep. aerial, steep, beetling, &c. BROWBEAT, to v. act., mlndr 1; minUSr 1. Phr., ore 1 , vultu, fronts, minor 1. BROWN adj. USC/MSCM*' orfurvus. BROWSE, to v. act. and neut., pdsctfr 3 ; cdrpo 3 ; tondl'd 2 ; dttondeo 2 ; depditctir 3. Browsed, depdstus. BRUISE, to v. act., tundo 3 ; con- tundo 3. Perhaps Ixdo 3 ; pulso 1 ; fSrlo 4 ; cxdo 3 ; vulne'ro 1. BRUISE subst., livSr 3; often = wound, q. v. BRUISED adj., livens, llvldus, often = wounded, q. v. BRUITED part., (of a rumour) vul- gatitit, uparifSx, dl/ugm. BRUNETTE adj., perhaps fusca, mgra. BRUNT subst., impetus 4 ; Incur- siis 4 ; perhaps labffr 3 in., dlscrlmSn 3 n., Snus 3 n. Ep. warlike, hostile, excessive (tnl- quiis). BRUSH subst. (a) = broom (b), q. v. (b) (of a painter), perhaps you may use gruphium 2, or substitute a dif- BRUSH BULL ferent idea, e.g. mantis 4 f., drs 3 f., c8lare 3 m. pi. (c) (of a fox) caudd 1. Ep. thick, hairy, tawny, &c. BRUSH, to v. act., rerro 3. BRUSHWOOD subst., rubus 2 f . ; rubetum 2 ; dumus 2 f. ; dumetum 2 ; veprts 3m.; sentes 3 pi. in. and f. ; splna 1 ; frutlcetum 2 ; frutex 3 m. ; vlrgul- tum 2 ; drbustum 2. Ep. dense, matted, woodland, leafy, growing, &c. BEUTAL adj.,/#riZs, efferus, ssevus, crudelis, sdngulnSus, cruentus, immitls, dspSr. BRUTE adj. = senseless, brutus. Phr., brute force, vis consill expers (Hor. Od. iii. 4, 65), vis slnS legS, rutlonS carens, &c. BRUTE subst., fSra I ; animal 3 ; pfcus 3 n. Ep. woodland, mountain, wild, &c. BR YON Y subst., bryontu 1 (Pliny) ; perhaps labrusca 1. Ep. tangled, berried, creeping (sttquax). BUBBLE subst., bulla 1 ; (of a spring or rivulet) scatebree 1 pi. Ep. many-coloured, brief, watery, &c. BUBBLE, to v. neut. (a) = to boil, q. v. (6) (of a spring or rivulet) trPpldo 1 ; sometimes deslllo 4. BUCCANEER subst. = pirate, prsedo 3 m. ; latro 3 m. Ep. sea, bold, rash, impious, &c. BUCK subst., cervus 2 m. Ep. antlered, forest, swift, timid, &c. BUCKET subst., Mma 1 (Juv.). Ep. wooden, full, empty, &c. BUCKHOUND subst., catulus 2; cants 3m.; MSlossSs 2 ; Lacon 3 m. BUCKLE subst., fibula 1. Ep. golden, curved, tenacious, &c. BUCKLE, to v. act., subnecto 3 ; necto 3. BUCKLER subst., pelta 1. See SHIELD. BUCKLERED adj., peltattis. BUCKSKIN subst. See LEATHER. BUCOLIC adj. = pastoral, bucMicus, pastordlis, pastorms, rusttciis, agrestis. BUCOLICS subst. pi., phr., pdsto- rum carmina (3 pi.) ; bucSllcl mOdl (2 pi.) ; SlcSlldes musse (1 pi.) ; SyrdciStlus versus (4) ; carmen (3) SyracSslum, &c. BUD -subst., gemma 1 ; germSn 3 n. ; (a bud inserted) Oculm 2 ; termSs 3 m. Ep. tender, spring, early, dewy, &c. BUD, to v. neut., pullulo 1 ; ger- mino 1. Phr., gemmds trudo 3. BUDDING part. Perhaps lactens, frondetcens, virescens. BUDGE, to v. neut. = to stir, q. v. BUFF adj. = leathern, scortfiis. BUFFALO subst., bos 3 m. ; tauriis 2 ; urus 2. Ep. horned, roaming, of the prairie (cdmpestris), &c. BUFFET subst. = blow (a), q. v. BUFFET, to v. act. = to beat (a) y q. v. BUFFOON subst., scurru 1 (H.). Ep. deceitful, unscrupulous, wander- ing, flattering, &c. BUGBEAR subst., formido, 3 f. Ep. vain, false, dread, &c. BUGLE subst., tuba 1; cornu 4; lltuus 2 ; bucclnd 1. Ep. loud, warlike, morning, evening, &c. BUILD, to v. act., sedlfico 1 ; fabrics 1 ; condo 3 ; striio 3 ; exstruo 3 ; con- struo 3 ; munio 4 ; statud 3 ; moltSr 4. Phr., to build walls, mcenia ducSrS; to build walls round a city, clngSrS or clr- cumdarg mcenlbug urbSm; to build a ship, tex&rg navem. BUILDER subst., cmdltSr 3 m. - munltSr 3 ; ptfslt&r 3 m. ; molltdr 3 m. ; fabricator 3 m. ; funddttfr 3 m. ; WuctSr 3m. Ep. first, sagacious, bold, &c. BUILDING subst., sedes 3 f.; tec- turn 2 ; dSmus 2 and 4 f. Ep. stone, wooden, high, ruinous, &c. BULB subst., bulbus 2 (Pliny), usually an onion. Perhaps radix 3 f. ; stlrps 3 f. Ep. buried, dry, &c. BULK subst., moles 3 f. ; mdssa I ; pondiis 3 n. ; corpus 3 n. Ep. huge, giant, excessive, &c. BULKY adj. =_big, q. v. BULL subst., tauriis 2. Ep. horned, threatening, &c. BULL adj., taurfus, taurlnus ( = bull's hide). BULL-DOG BURST BULL-DOG subst, cams 3 m. ; M8- lossus 2. Ep. tenacious, faithful, &c. BULLET subst., glans 3 f. ; gldns plumMa, a leaden bullet. Ep. deadly, certain, &c. BULLFINCH subst. Perhaps /rm- ijllla 1 (Mart.). Ep. tuneful, bold, &c. BULLION subst., aurum 2; drgen- tum 2. Ep. shining, solid, heavy, &c. BULLOCK subst., juvencus 2 ; bos 3m. Ep. fat, sturdy, &c. BULLBUSH subst., juncus 2 ; cala- mus 2 ; cdnna I ; arundo 3 f. Ep. bending, river, marshy, musical, &c. BULLY, to v. act. See BROWBEAT, TO. BULWARK subst. (a) = bastion, q. v. (&) metaphorically, e.g. a bulwark of the city, urbls presidium 2 ; columSn 3 n. ; iuiela 1. Ep. huge, sure, immovable, &c. BUMPEE subst. Substitute "full cup." Phr., pocula 2 pi. plena, &c. BUMPKIN subst., Mbulcus 2. Ep. rustic, untaught, clumsy, &c. BUNCH subst., racemus 2. Ep. purple, heavy, ripe, &c. BUNDLE subst., fastis 3 m. ; sar- clna 1 ; Snus 3 n. Ep. heavy, familiar, excessive, &c. BUNTING subst. Use vexlllum, signum ; perhaps ldn?a vexilla, woollen .flags ; sometimes purpura. Ep. joyous, triumphant, bright, &c. BUOY v. act., smtln&o 2 ; tollo 3, irr. ; ISvo 1. BUOYANT adj., iSvts; perhaps Jilla- rls, Isetus, &c. BUE subst., Idppa 1. Ep. tenacious, &c. BUEDEN v. act. = to load, q. v. BUEDEN subst. (a) load, dniis 3 n. ; pondus 3 n. ; sdr- oina 1 ; fdscis 3 m. Ep. heavy, familiar, excessive, griev- ous. &c. .(&) of a song, translate by verb It fro 1 ; Inge'mind 1 ; e.g. Grief was the bur- den of his song, itgrabat carmine luctum. BUEDENED adj., Snmtii*, onifrdtus, gravtx, gravdtiis. BUEDENSOME adj., mdlesttts, gra- ?/".-. itiirroxQs. BUEGESS subst. = citizen, q. v. BUEGH subst. = city, q. v. BUEGHEE subst. = citizen, q. v. BUEGLAE subst., latro 3 m. ; fur 3m. Ep. nocturnal, stealthy, unscrupu- lous, &c. BURIAL subst., sSpulcrum 2 ; $&- pultura 1 (Propert.). Use also funu* 3 n. ; justS 2 n. pi. ; exsSqulas 1 pi. Ep. sad, hasty, nocturnal, &c. _BUEIN subst. = engraving chisel, coelum 2 ; scdlprum 2. Ep. skilful, sharp, hard, laborious, &c. BUELESQUE adj. Perhaps ridt- culus (H.). BUELY adj. = big, q. v. BUEN, to v. act., uro 3 ; comburdS ; udiird 3 ; exuro 3 ; p&ruro 3 ; crSmo 1 ; incemdo 3 ; succendo 3 ; dccendo 3 ; tor- rid 2. v. neut., drdfo 2 ; drdesco 3 ; flfigro 1 ; uddlesco 3 ; exdrdfo 2 ; ignesco 3 ; tnardesco 3 ; incdndesco 3 ; some- times lestuo 1, and passive voice of transitive verbs above. To burn anew, rSddrdescd 3. BUENING subst., incendium 2 ; ig- nis 3 m. Ep. unrestrained, 'neglected, noctur- nal, &c. BUENISH, to v. act. = to brighten (a), q. v., pSllo 4 ; expdlio 4. BUEEOW v. act. and neut.,/^a?o 3 ; defffdio 3 ; card 1. BUEEOW subst. Use d&mue 2 and 4 f. ; cubllS 3 n. See CAVE. Ep. secret, earthy, safe, dark, &c. BUEST, to v. act. = to break (a), q. v. v. neut. (a) dissillo 4 ; dissulto I ; findSr 3 ; rumpdr 3 ; dirumpSr 3. Phr., to burst into tears, in lacrimds solvi. (6) to burst out or forth, erumpo 3; ruo 3 ; prxcipito 1 ; exo irr. ; egrS- dlSr 3 ; prSpero 1 ; festlno 1. BURTHEN CABBAGE (c) of a flower, pullulo 1; germlno 1 ; I'Jgf^fo 2. Piir.,./7ores edd 3. BURTHEN subst. = burden, q. v. BURY v. act., humo 1 ; tumulo 1 ; contumulo 1 ; s?pSllo 4 ; de/Sdlu 3 ; often compono 3. BUSH subst. (a) frutex 3 m. ; vlrgultum 2 ; arbus- tum 2. (Z>) = brushwood, q. v. Ep. leafy, budding, shady, &c. BUSHY adj. (a) frutlcosus, dumosus. (b) = thick, spissus, densus. BUSIED about adj., SpSrosus, with gen. or abl. ; studtosus, with gen. BUSINESS subst., res 5 ; nSgotlum 2 ; euro. 1 ; labtfr 3 m. ; dpSra 1 ; Spus 3 n. ; munus 3 n. ; offlcium 2 ; jura n. pi. Ep. tedious, long, unpleasant, &c. BUSKIN subst., cSthurnus 2. Ep. high, tragic, &c. BUSKINED adj., ctithurnatus. BUSS, to v. act. = to kiss, q. V. BUST subst., imago 3 f. ; simula- crum 2 ; e/igies 5. Ep. marble, living, &c. BUSTLE, to v. neut., trSpldo 1 ; cur- sito 1. BUSY adj ., sedulus, mdustrlus(J\iv.~), gndvus, dcSr, strenuus, promptus,festinus. BUT conj. (a) s8d, at, ast, verum (Verg. EG. iii. 2). (&) except, nisi, prxtSr (prep.). BUT adv. = only, e.g. he loved but one, solum, tantum, non nisi. BUTCHER, to v. act., trucldo 1 csedo 3 ; jugulo 1 ; lanio 1 ; lacSro 1 ; dilanlo 1 ; dilacSro 1 ; obtrunco 1 ; nffco 1 ; occldo 3. BUTCHER subst., larittis 2 (Mart. ; H.). Metaphorically, cdrnifex 3 m. Ep. sturdy, ruthless, &c. BUTCHERSBROOM subst., ruscum 2 ; gSnista 1 ; perhaps cytlsus 2. Ep. yellow, spring, &c. BUTCHERY subst., cxdes 3 f . ; strages 3 f. ; sanguis 3 m. ; clddes 3 f. Ep. impious, unjust, dire, &c. BUTLER subst., promus (H.). BUTT subst., cadus 2 ; dolium 2. Ep. full, capacious, old, &c. BUTT, to v. act. and neut., ariSto 1 scanned arjgto) ; pStu 3. Phr., cdrnuferid 4. See ATTACK, TO. BUTTERCUP subst. Perhaps mdlva 1 (Mart.). Ep. yellow, &c. BUTTERFLY subst., pdplllo 3 m. ; perhaps musca 1. Ep. winged, of divers hues (versi- ctfl&r), flying, golden, &c. BUTTERMILK subst., strum 2. BUTTING adj., pStulcus. BUTTON subst. Perhaps lulla 1 (in a girdle, &c.), Verg. Aen. xii. 942. BUTTRESS subst., fulcimgn 3 n. ; firmdm&n 3 n. Ep. solid, unmoved, &c. BUXOM adj. (a) elastic, e.g. the buxom air, liquldus sether 3 m. (&) gay, htlaris, jucundiis, grains, comis, festus, facllis, jficosus. BUY, to v. act., Smo 3; cSSmo 3; mercSr 1 ; paro 1 ; comparo 1. BUYER subst., empt&r 3 m. BUZZ, to v. neut., musso 1 ; susurro 1 ; strided 2. BUZZ subst., strldSr 3 m. ; sSnus 2 ; sSnltus 4. Ep. repeated, busy, merciless (Im- prSbus). BY adv. = near, q. v. BY prep. (a) = near, q. v. (&) expressing the agent, d or ab. (c) expressing the instrument, &c., e.g. by the sword, not translated in Latin. BYGONE adj. = past, lapsus, prx- titritus, dnteactus, dctus, exdctus. BYPATH subst., semtta 1 ; trdme's 3 m. ; cdllls 3 m. Ep. steep, narrow, flowery, secluded, &c. BYRE subst., stabulum 2 ; prxsepS 3n. Ep. familiar, full, &c. BYSTANDER subst. Use p_art. dd- stdns ; for plur. cOrona 1 ; coitus 4 ; turbo, 1, &c. BYWORD subst. Perhaps ludl- brium 2. CABBAGE subst.^Mg 3 n. (H.); brdssica 1 (Prop.) ; cavils 3 m. (H.). CABIN Ep. fresh, cheap, &c. CABIN subst. () cottage, cam 1. (6) (in a ship). Substitute seat, bed, recess, &c. CABINET subst., area 1 ; citta 1. CABLE subst., funis 3 m. ; vinclum 2 ; mnculum 2 ; rudens 3 m. Phr., llnum tortum. Ep. strong, taut, loose, &c. CACKLE, to v. neut., strSpo 3. CACKLING subst., strSpltus 4. Ep. incessant, joyous, loud, &c. CADENCE subst. Use mSdl 2 ; ntf- mSrl 2. Ep. tuneful, soothing, &c. CAGE subst., cavlta 1 ; career 3 m. Ep. osier, closed, unpleasant, &c. CAIRN subst., tumulus 2 ; acerrus 2. Ep. mountain, rain- wetted, conspi- cuous, &c. CAITIFF subst. Perhaps furcifer 2 (H.) ; perdltus 2 ; fur 3 m. CAJOLE, to v. act. = to beguile, q. v. CAKE subst., libum 2. Perhaps Ep. steaming, honey, sweet, &c. CALAMITOUS adj. (of thing_s only) infdustus, exltldlte, lacrtmosus, Idmentd- bllts, flebtlts, lugubris, pernlclosus, fu- nestus. CALAMITY subst., clades 3 f. ; pes- tls 3 f . ; csedes 3 f . ; rulna 1 ; exitium 2 ; pernicles 5 ; mala 2 n. pi. ; ddversa 2 n. pi. Ep. sudden, undeserved, fatal, &c. CALCULATE, to v. act., numSro 1 ; diiiumPrd 1 ; eestlmo 1. CALCULATIONS subst., numSrl 2 pi. (Hor. Od. i. 11, 3). CALDRON subst., lebes 3 m. ; ahe- num 2 ; ees 3 n. Ep. brazen, hot, magic, &c. CALF subst. (a) (the animal) vltulus 2 ; juvencus 2. Ep. tender, joyous, &c. (6) (of the leg) sura 1. CALL, to v. act. (a) to name, vSco 1 ; nomlno 1 ; dppello 1 ; died 3 ; nuncupo 1. Phr., I am called, i.e. named, audio 4; e.g. proditdr (3 m.) audis, you are called traitor. (b) to summon, vdco 1 ; ddvoco 1 ; con- vSco 1 ; drcesso 3 ; clSo 2. (c) I call to witness, teator 1 ; clto 1 ; obtesttir 1. (cZ) I call back, rSvoco 1. (e) I call to mind = to recollect, q. v. (/) I call upon = I invoke, q. v. () an object of love, dellclse 1 pi. ; ignis 3 m. ; amor 3 m. ; flamma 1. CHAEMING adj. = amiable, q. v. CHAENEL-HOTISE subst. Use sSpulcrum 2 ; ossa 3 pi. ; relliqulse 1 pi. ; clnls 3 m. Ep. grim, ghastly, shadowy, black, dread, &c. CHAEEED part., ambustus, semius- tus (scanned semustus), semicrPmus, Sbustiis, prseustiis, semicre'mdtus. CHAET subst., charts 1. CHAETEE subst. Use pdctum 2; fcedus 3 n. ; lex 3 f . ; jus 3 n. Ep. sacred, ancient. CHARY adj., pdrcus, pdrcens. CHASE, to v. act. (a) agito 1 ; sSquSr 3 ; ago 3 ; petto 3 ; exagito 1 ; sector 1 ; urggd 2 ; prfmo 3; ins&quor 3; persSquor 3; venffr 1. (6) to engrave, cselo 1 ; incldo 3. CHASE subst. (a) hunting, vendtus 4. Phr., amOr (3 m.), cura (1), studlum (2), vendndi. Ep. keen, dangerous, &c. (6) of an enemy. Translate by fuga 1, or adj. fugdx (lit. flight, run- away). Ep. swift, &c. (c) ground fitted for the chase, sdltus 4 ; sllva 1 ; campus 2, &c. Ep. wooded, grassy, &c. CHASM subst., hiatus 4; bara- thrum 2. Sometimes os 3 n. ; gurgSs 3 m. ; vdrdgo 3 f. Ep. huge, dark, steaming, &c. CHASTE adj., cut-tuz, purus, piidicus, v&recundus, IntlmSrdtug, intdctus, rir- glnPus, dbstineHs. CHASTEN, to v. act., cdsttgo 1; plecto 3 ; exercPo 2 ; perhaps emeiido 1. CHASTENED adj., tempfrdtu.-:. CHASTISE, to v. act. = to punish, q. v. CHASTISEMENT subst. = punish- ment, q. v. CHASTITY subst., cdstitds 3 f . ; pudicltia 1 ; rlrginitds 3 f. ; prdbltds 3f. Phr., vita (1) pudica, mens (3 f.) cdsta, &c. Ep. inviolate, pure, stainless, &c. CHATTEE subst., gdrrulltds 3 f . j perhaps nugse 1 pi. (H., Mart.). Phr., garrula, Idqudx lingua (1). Ep. idle, incessant (imprdbus), odious, troublesome, &c. CHATTEE, to v. act., (with "of") crSpo 1 (H.) ; gdrrio 4 (H.) ; jdctd 1 ; of the teeth, crepo 1 ; creplto 1. CHATTEEEE subst., gdrrulus 2 ; Idqudx 3 m. ; multilSqufis 2. CHATTERING adj., gdrruliis, 18- qudx. CHEAP adj., rills. CHEAT, to v. act., fdllo _3 ; de- clplo 3 ; ludd 3 ; deludo 3 ; fraudo 1 ; eludo 3; desMuo 3 (to defraud); im- pono 3 (with dai, Mart.); ffrto 4 (Prop.). CHEAT subst. (a) fraud, fraus 3 f. ; ddlus 2. (b) one who cheats, planHs 2 (H.). Translate by adj. fdlldx, dtflosus, perfidus, menddx, &c. Ep. base, secret, malignant, &c. CHECK, to v. act, cdTiibto 2; cSercSo 2 ; freno 1 ; prlmo 3 ; conttnSo 2 ; rStinfo 2 ; InMbSd 2 ; sisto 3 ; m8r8r CHKC'K CHIME 1 ; rSprlmd 3 ; sometimes prsepgdlo 4 ; imp f did 4. CHECK subst., mSra 1. Ep. troublesome, tedious, unwelcome, &c. CHEEK subst., ggnse 1 pi. ; malx 1 pi. ; sometimes os 3 n. ; vultus 4 ; f ti- des 5. Ep. smooth, bearded, maiden, wrinkled, &c. CHEER subst. (a) courage, animus 2 ; perhaps Isetltla 1 (no pi.). Ep. joyous, full of hope, &c. (6) entertainment, Spulse 1 pi. ; dapes 3 f. pi. Ep. festive, hospitable, &c. (c) shout, plausus 4 ; favor 3 m. ; frS- mitus 4 ; vox 3 f. Ep. loud, repeated, &c. CHEER, to v. act. (a) to encourage, flrmo 1 ; confirmo 1 ; hilaro 1 ; exhilaro 1 ; robtiro 1. Phr., anlmum, vires, dddo (3). (6) to applaud, q. v. CHEEREUL adj., Marls, lsetus,fes- tus, gPniali*. CHEERFULLY adv., Isete, gtnidli- tSr. CHEERFULNESS subst., IsRtltla 1 (no pi.). CHEESE subst., cusSus 2 ; cdsMlus 2. Phr., lac (3 n.), pressum, cOdctum, concretum. Ep. milky, yellow, &c. CHEQUER, to v. act., varto 1 ; dls- tlnguo 3 ; pliigo 3 ; maculo 1. CHERISH, to v. &ct.,fdvgd 2 ; some- times tumr 2, tSneo 2. CHERRY subst., ctrasus 2. Ep. ripe, red, &c. CHESS See Ov. A. A. ii. 207; iii. 357. CHEST subst. (a) area 1 ; clsta 1 ; capsa 1. Ep. hollow, capacious, &c. (6) breast, q. v. CHESTNUT subst., cdstanSd 1. Phr., cdstanSa nux (3 f.). Ep. shady, leafy, &c. CHEVALIER subst. = cavalier, q. v. CHEW, to v. act. (a) mdndo 3. See EAT, TO. (&) of a cow, rumlno 1. CHICK, CHICKEN subst., pullus 2 ; fcettis 4 ; nidi 2 pi. ; ndtl 2 pi. ; proles 3 f. ; progenies 5 ; prdpdgd 3 f. Ep. tender, downy, noisy, &c. CHICORY subst., intuba 2 n. pi. ; clchdrea 2 n. pi. Ep. bitter, green, &c. CHIDE, to v. act.=to blame, q. v- CHIEF adj., prlnceps, primus. CHIEF, CHIEFTAIN subst., prln- ceps H m. ; dux 3 m. ; prlmores 3 m. pi. (H., Juv.) ; prlml, prd'ce'res 3 m. pi. ;: ducttir 3m.; prxsSs 3 in. Ep. noble, high-born, brave, proud, &c. CHILD subst. (a) baby, Infdns 3m.; pdrvulus 2, or pdrvula 1. Ep. tender, helpless, &c. (6) son or daughter, puSr 2 ; pitella 1 j ndtus 2 ; ndta 1 ; filius 2 ; filla 1. Ep. beloved, worthy, &c. (c) in plural, any of the above words or proles 3 f., progenies 5, prSpdgo 3 f., subdles 3 f., stlrps 3 f., gens 3 f., satl 2 pi., sdnguis 3 m., miiiores 3 pi. (d) with child, prsegndns, gravls, gra- vida, foeta. CHILDBIRTH subst., pdrtus 4. A woman in childbirth, puerpera 1. Phr., labordns utSro puella 1 (Hor. Od. iii. 22, 2). CHILDHOOD subst., pufrttta (may be scanned puertia). Phr., tcnSrl dnnl (2 pi.), prima setd (3 f.), &c. Ep. careless, sportive, brief, &c. CHILDISH adj. (a) puSrills. (b) foolish, ineptus, stultiis, vdnus, indnis. CHILDISHLY adv., pugrll'Mr. CHILDLESS adj. (a) barren, stSrllls, infecundus. Phr., slnS prole. (&) bereft of children, orbiis, drbdtus. Phr., prli'dtus or spdltdtus prolS or progenfe. CHILL adj. = cold, q. v. CHILL subst. = cold, q. v. CHILL, to v. act., refrlgfro 1. For passive voice use horrfo 2, horresco 3 y pffrhorrfd 2, pFrlwrresco 3. CHIME subst., concentits 4. Ep. harmonious, joyous, &c. CHIME CHURL CHIME, to v. neut., constind I. Phr., to chime in, succlno 3 (H.). CHIMERA subst., perhaps Imago 3 f. ; vdna spSdes 5 ; somnlum 2. Ep. idle, empty, &c. CHIMNEY subst., foramfn 3 n. ; or use camlnus 2 (lit. furnace), focus 2 (lit. hearth). Ep. black, fire-vomiting, full of soot, &c. CHIN subst., mentum 2. Some- times use bdrba 1 (lit. beard). Ep. bearded, smooth, &c. CHINA subst., perhaps murrlia 1 (Mart.) ; murrliina 2 n. pi. (Mart.). Phr., murrliSa pocula (Prop.). For common ware use flotilla 3 pi. (Prop.). Ep. fragile, precious, painted, &c. CHINE subst., dorsum 2 ; tergiim 2 ; tergiis 3 n. Ep. long, sharp, rigid, &c. CHINK subst., rima 1 ; sometimes fgnestra 1. Ep. narrow, cleft, &c. CHIP subst., (of wood) perhaps llgna 2 pi. Ep. dry, light, &c. CHIRP, to v. neut., plpllo 1 (Catul- lus) ; perhaps quSrdr 3. Use " to sing." CHIRP subst., perhaps questus 4; concentus 4 ; vox 3 f. See SOXG. Ep. tuneful, incessant, shrill, &c. CHIRPING adj., gdrrulus, Idqudx, argutus, sometimes qufrulus. [2. CHISEL subst., cselum 2 ; scdlprum Ep. iron, sharp, &c. CHISEL, to v. act., cselo 1 ; scdlpo 3 ; incldo 3. CHIVALROUS adj., ingPnuus, tus, mdgnanlrniis, gFne'rosus. CHIVALRY subst. (a) chivalrous feeling, i-lrtus 3 f. ; nobllltds 3 f. ; perhaps fide* 5, con- st diitla 1. Ep. ancient, honourable, unstained, &c. (6) lxdy of knights, fqufs 3 m. ; Pqul- tdtus 4. Phr., flos (3 m.) fquttum, agmfn (3 n.) fqueatrg. Ep. valiant, loyal, armed, &c. CHOICE subst. (o) delectus 4 ; electus 4 ; arbltrlum 2. Vsually translate by verb, e.g. Take or make your choice, ellgS ; or ex- press choice or alternative by vSl, out, e.g. stat vlnce're noljis out suprema pati; or by verbs implying prefer- ence. See PREFER, TO. (6) flower, e.g. the choice of knights, flos (3 m.) ?qultum. Ep. special, &c. CHOICE adj. = precious, q. v. CHOIR subst., cli&ruf 2 ; concentus 4. Ep. joyous, harmonious, solemn, &c. CHOKE, to v. act. (a) elido 3 ; prfmo 3 ; comprimo 3 ; strangulo 1 ; sometimes impfdlo 4. Phr., fauces, cdllfi prfmo 3 ; constringo 3 ; prsestrlngo 3 ; Ixdo 3 ; laqufo 1 (with a halter). (6) to block, q. v. ; of weeds choking corn, officlo 3 (Verg. Georg. i. 69). CHOLER subst. = anger, q. v. CHOLERIC adj. = angry, q. v. CHOOSE, to v. act., lego 3 ; ellgo 3 ; dellgo 3 ; seligo 3 ; opto 1. See also PREFER, TO. CHOP, to v. act., minuo 3 ; concldo 3 ; cdmminuo 3. CHORD subst., chorda 1 ; nervtis 2 ; filum 2. Use lyra 1 ; cltliara 1 ; fides 3 pi. Ep. tuneful, harmonious, tremulous, Apollinean (Apolllnfus), Heliconian (HPliconlus), Aonian (Aontus). CHOUGH subst., perhaps grdculua 2, or cori-us 2. [q. v. CHRISTEN, to v. act. = to name, CHRONICLE subst. See ANNALS. CHRONICLE, to v. act. = to record, q. v. CHRONICLER subst., tcrlptSr 3 m. (H.) ; ouctor 3 m. Sometimes pdeta 1 m. ; votes 3 m. Ep. veracious, lying, ancient, &c. CHRYSOLITE subst., cJm/sdllthus 2. Ep. yellow, bright, &c. CHR'YSOPRASE subst., beri/nas 2. Ep. green, precious, &c. CHURCH subst. Use templum 2; aides 3 f . Phr., sficra dSmus (2 and 4 f.). Ep. ancient, moss-grown, marble, sacred, &c. CHURCHYARD subst. = cemetery. CHURL subst. (a) boor, q. v. (6) surly fellow. See CHURLISH. CHURLISH CLAN CHURLISH adj., Qgrestis, rusttcus, tnhumdnus (H.), dljficilis (H.), mcultus, dspSr, morosus, mallgnus (Hor. Od. i. 28, 23). CHTJKN v. act. the sea (with oars), torquffo 2. Cf. salts icta frffquentl dlbesctt pulsd fades (Sil.). CIDER subst. Perhaps you may use sorbum 2 (Verg. Georg. iii. 380). Ep. mellow, acid, &c. CINCTURE subst. = girdle, q. v. CINDER subst.,/a/ZZa 1 ; clnls 3 m. Ep. black, extinguished, dead, &c. CINNAMON subst., clnnamum 2. Perhaps casta (Verg. Georg. ii. 466). CIPHER subst., numgrus 2 (H.). CIRCLE subst. (a) orbls 3 m. ; gyrus 2 ; metaph. rota 1 (Prop.). Ep. perpetual, revolving, &c. (6) a circle of men, cdrona 1 ; coitus 4. See BAND (a). Ep. crowded, joyous, angry, &c. CIRCLET subst., clrculus 2 ; mffiillg 3 n. ; torque's 3 m. Ep. golden, gemmed, &c. CIRCUIT subst., clrcmtus 4 ; flexQs 4 ; orbis 3 m. ; gyrus 2 ; ambitus 4 (H.). Phr., to make a circuit, circume'd, irr. Ep. long, doubtful, obscure, &c. CIRCULAR adj., rdtundus. Flir.,Jlexus in orbem, curved into a circle. CIRCUMFLUENT adj., clrcumfluus, circumfusus. CIRCUMSCRIBE v. act. = to limit, q. v. CIRCUMSPECT adj. = cautious, q. v. CIRCUMSTANCE subst., res 5. CIRCUMVENT, to v. act. = to cheat, q. v. CIRCUS subst., circus 2. Perhaps caved 1 (tiers of seats) ; cunSl 2 pi. (blocks of seats); arena 1 (sand); pulvls 3 m. (dust); curriculum 2 (course) ; spatla 2 pi. (laps). Ep. crowded, marble, cruel, &c. CISTERN subst., laciis 4. Ep. cool, full, empty, &c. CITADEL subst., drx 3 f. ; some- times Capltolium 2 (used also in plural). Ep. fortified, high, rocky, safe, &c. CITE v. act. = to call (6), q. v. CITIZEN subst., clvls 3 m. Ep. brave, frightened, loyal, &c. CITRON subst., citrus 2 f. (Lucan). CITRON adj., cttreHs (Persius) ; citronwood, citrum 2 (Mart.). CITY subst., urbs 3 f. Ep. beloved, familiar, fortified, crowded, hot, dusty, full of men, &c. ; famous, ancient, &c. CIVIC adj., clvicus, urbdnus. CIVIL adj. (a) of or belonging to a city or state, clvllis, urbdnus, civicus. Phr., civil war, civile bellum, clvllta drma, clvlca bella, clvllis vulnSra dextrse (Luc.). (6) courteous, urbdnus, humdnus, comts, lenis, bffnlgnus. CIVILITY subst. = courtesy, obsS- qulum 2 ; bSnitds 3 f. ; dementia 1 ; Indulgentla 1. Ep. humble, manly, adroit, &c. CIVILIZE, to v. act., emollto 4; molllo 4. CLAD part. = clothed. See CLOTHE, TO. CLAIM, to v. act., vlndtco 1 ; dssSro 3 ; arrSgo 1 ; occupo 1 ; posed 3 ; pos- tulo 1. CLAIM .subst. Translate by verb, e.g. he lays claim to the whole world, totum slb\ mndlcat orbem. CLAMBER, to v. neut.=to ascend, q. v. CLAMMY adj. (a) cold, q. v. (fe) sticky, tffndx, lentus. CLAMOROUS adj., raucus, sSndns, frSmens, Idqudx. CLAMOUR subst., clamor 3 m. ; strSpltus 4 ; fre'mltus 4 ; murmur 3 n. ; vox 3 f . Ep. harsh, warlike, angry, repeated, &c. CLAMOUR, to v. neut., cldmo 1; concldmo 1 ; vdcifSrdr 1 ; strSpo 3 ; frSmo 3 ; and the substantives above with do (1), edd (3), miscHo (2), &c. CLAMP subst., clavus 2. Ep. iron, adamantine, biting, &c. CLAN subst., gens 3 ; dSmus, 2 and 4f. Phr., gentiles manus (4 f. pi. ) = clans- men. Ep. brave, loyal, united, &c. CLANDESTINE CLEFT CLANDESTINE adj. = secret, q. v. CLANG subst., ddngSr 3 m. ; striddr 3 m. Ep. brazen, loud, &c. CLANG, to v. neut., sSno 1 ; rS- sSno 1. CLANK, to v. neut., strictto 2; cr&po 1. CLANK subst., strldOr 3 m. Phr., the clank of chains, trdctse catente (1 pi.). CLAP, to v. act., plaudo 3 ; incrSpo 1. CLAP subst., (of thunder) tdnltru 4 ; fragtir 3 m. ; fulmSn 3 n. ; crPpUtis 4. Ep. loud, repeated, heavenly, &c. CLAPPING subst., (of hands) plausus 4. Use alsofavtfr 3 m. Ep. favouring (sScundus), repeated, joyous, &c. CLARION subst., lltuiis 2. Use also tuba 1 ; cornu 4. Ep. clear, martial, dread, &c. CLASH, to v. neut., s8no 1 ; str&po 3; crffpo I ; crSpltd 1. CLASH subst., ddngdr 3 m. ; sSnitus 4 ; strPpltus 4 ; crfpltus 4. Ep. brazen, harsh, loud, &c. CLASHING adj. Often render by adjectives compounded with s&nus, e.g. drmisffnus, with clashing arms. CLASP subst. (a) buckle, fibula 1. Ep. curved, tenacious, biting, &c. (&) embrace, q. v., dmplexus 4 ; corn- plexus 4. Ep. close, loving, maternal, &c. CLASP, to v. act. (a) to buckle, necto 3; subnedo 3; cdTitWo 2. (ft) to embrace, dmplector 3; com- plectfir 3. CLASS subst., ordo 3 m. CLATTEE, to v. neut., cr?pito 1 ; crSpo 1 ; str?po 3; strSplto 1 ; sfino 1. CLATTER subst. = noise, q. v. CLAW subst., unguts 3 m. Phr., pes (3 m.) uncut (lit. hooked foot). Ep. tenacious, cruel, &c. CLAY subst., argllla I ; liitum 2. Ep. moist, sticky, white, yellow, &c. CLAY-COLD adj. = lifeless, q. v. CLEAN adj. (a) literally mundtts, lautus, purus, nUtdus. (b) innocent, mndcens, purus, innfaiiw, ins&ns, tmmunls, cdstus, plus, Intiqfr, Phr., slnS lab?, without stain. CLEAN adv. = quite, q. v. CLEAN, CLEANSE, to v. act. (a) purgo 1 l&vo 1 and 3 ; SblSd 3 ; eluo 3 ; perluo 3 ; tergfo 2. (6) in religious sense, lustra 1 ; puryo 1 ; plo 1 ; perhaps spdrgo 3. CLEAB adj. (a) bright, q. v. (6) serene, (a clear sky) gSrenus, llqul- dus, lucidiis, sudus. (c) of water, limptdus, illlmis, argent fits, vltrSus, liquldus, pelluctdus. (d) evident, ddrus, manlfestus, certus. It is clear, llquet. (e) guiltless, insons, inn&cens, integer. (/) of sound, drgutug, ddrus, s5nurus, canoriis, ddrtsdnus (Cat.). To grow clear, ddresco 3. () of soldiers, agmen 3 n. Ep. dense, armed, long, &c. COMB subst. <(a) for the hair, &c., pectfn 3 m. Some- times use dens 3 m. (the tooth of the comb); e.g. Pburno dent?, with an ivory comb. Ep. toothed, boxwood, ivory, &c. (&) of a cock, crista 1 (Juv.). Ep. red, high, &c. (c) of bees, favus 2 ; also cellse 1 pi. (the cells) ; mil 3 n. (honey). Ep. yellow, waxen, &c. COMB v. act., pecto 3 ; como 3 ; dis- pono 3 ; orno 1. COMBAT, to v. neut. = to fight, q. v. v. act. = to oppose, q. v. COMBAT subst. = battle, q. v. COMBATANT subst. = enemy, q. v. COMBATIVE adj., pugndx. Phr., promptus ad drma, ready for ,rms ; avldus pugnse, greedy of fight, &c. COMBE subst. = valley, saltiis 4; vdllig 3 f . ; re'cessus 4 ; latebrse 1 pi. ; "convdllts 3 f. Ep. grassy, woody, green, retired, &c. COMBINE, to v. act. and neut. = to unite, q. v. COME, to v. neut. (a) to approach, vSnlo 4 ; adPo, irr. ; ddvfnlo 4 ; dccedo 3 ; subPo, irr. ; dd- vento 1 ; prtfpinquo 1 ; ddsum, irr. (ft) to come of (of birth) = born, q. v. (c) to come off = to escape, q. v. (), q. v. COMPROMISE subst. See BAB- GAIN. COMPROMISE, to v. act. (a) to settle, perhaps dlrlmo 3; com- pesco 3 ; compdno 3. (b) to jeopardize, perhaps objecto 1 pSrldis. COMPULSION subst., vis 3 f. Use the verb to compel. Phr., I did it under compulsion, Invltus fed. Ep. sterii, irresistible, ), q. v. COUNTER subst. (a) perhaps tesse'ra 1. (b) of a shop, mensa 1 ; perhaps talerna 1 (a shop). Phr., trdn^ pondfra, across the counter (lit. the weights) ; (H.). COUNTER adv. See AGAINST. COUNTERACT, to v. act., uccurro 3 ; obslsto 3. COUNTERBALANCE, to v. act. = to compensate, q. v. COUNTERCHARM subst., perhaps moly, n. indec. (lit. the root given by Hermes to OdysSes to countervail Circe's charm). COUNTERCHARM, to v. act. Use vlnco 3. See CONQUER, TO. COUNTERFEIT, to v. act., slmulo 1 ; dsstmulo 1 ; flngo 3 ; mentldr 4 (Yerg. Ed. iv. 42 ; Ov. Met. xi. 253). COUNTERFEIT COURTESY COUNTERFEIT adj., adultSrJdUus, fictus, mentltiis, simiildtus. COUNTERFEIT subst., imago 3 f. ; imltamgn 3 n. Ep. living, &c. COUNTERMAND, to v. act. = to annul a command. Phr., jussa or consilium verto (3), muto (1), mSror (1), inhibed (2). COUNTERPLOT, to v. neut. Phr., fraudem fraudl oppone're', &c. COUNTERPOISE, to v. act. = to compensate, q. v. COUNTERSIGN subst., perhaps tes- se'ra 1. COUNTERVAIL, to v. act. = to compensate, q. v. COUNTESS subst. Use dtimtna 1 ; matrona 1 ; Mr a 1. COUNTLESS adj., InnumSrus, innu- Phr., numero cdrens. COUNTRY subst. (a) fatherland, patrta 1. Phr., terra (1) paterna, ndtdlis, sSlum (2) ndtdlff, patrll (3 pi.) fines, &c. Ep. beloved, familiar, &c. (6) as opposed to town, riis 3 n. ; agfr 2 ; pdgus 2. Ep. peaceful, retired, &c. (c) region or kingdom, terra 1 ; tellm 3 f. ; rSglo 3 f. ; plaga 1 ; trdctus 4 ; regna 2 pi. ; fines 3 in. and pi. Ep. extensive, cold, hot, &c. COUNTRYMAN subst. (a) fellow-countryman, clvis 3 m. ; pffpu- Idrls 3 m. (6) rustic, rusticus 2 ; figrestis 3 m. ; coloniis 2 ; buliulcus 2 ; dgrlcOla 1 m. ; ruricdla I m. Ep. honest, sturdy, simple, &c. COUPLE subst. (a) copula 1. See CHAIN. (&) pair, par, 3 n. COUPLE, to v. act. = to join, q. v. COUPLET subst., dlstlcMn 2 (Mart.). Phr., versus imparlte'r junctl (H.) impares numSri, perhaps Slegi (2). Ep. uneven, rhythmical, &c. COURAGE subst. = bravery, virtus 3 f. ; animus 2 ; vis 3 f. ; constdntia 1 ; auddcia 1. Ep. manly, warlike, firm, invincible, true, &c. COURAGEOUS adj. = brave (a), q. v. COURAGEOUSLY adv. = bravely, q. v. COURIER adj., nuntius. COURSE subst. (a) progress, cursus 4 ; USr 3 n. ; via 1 ' T te'nffr 3 m. ; sometimes fuga 1. Ep. swift, unbridled, &c. (b) order of succession, e.g. course of events, rerum ordo (3 m.) series (5) Ep. unceasing, fatal, &c. (c) of life, ratio 3 f . ; cursus 4 ; tSn&r 3 m. (vitse). Ep. serene, happy, miserable, &c. (d) of a dinner, perhaps fercula 2 pL (Juv.) mensze 1. Ep. served in succession (conttnua- tus), &c. (e) of course, certe, nemptf, quipp?, nimlrum, scllicSt. COURSE, to v. act. = to hunt, q. v, v. neut. = to run swiftly, dis~ curro 3 ; sometimes venSr 1. See RUN> TO. COURSER subst. = horse, q. v. COURT, to v. act. (a) to woo, p8to 3 ; fSvSo 2 (Verg. Ed, iii. 4). (&) to pay court to, sollicltd 1 ; ambio 4 ? colo 3 ; caplo 3 ; exctpio 3. COURT subst. (a) palace, regia 1 ; aula 1, perhaps Paldtia 2 pi. Phr., domus (2 and 4 f.) or sedesr (3 f.), regia, regdlis. Ep. marble,' towering, sublime, an~ cient, &c. (6) of justice, tribunal 3 n. ; judMum 2 (Luc.). Phr., the courts are closed, tria verba silentur (Ov. Fast. i. 47). Ep. solemn, august, &c. (c) of a house, aula 1 ; atrium 2 ; some' times llmPn 3 n. ; vestlbulum 2 ; por* ticus 4 f. Ep. open, high, &c. (cZ) courtiers, editors 3 f. ; aula 1 ; cSmt" tdtus 4. Ep. loyal, flattering, &c. COURTEOUS adj., counts, urbdnus, facllls, bPnignits, humdnus, dffdbllis, offl' closus, &c. COURTESY subst., dbsSquium 2 ' T Wnitds 3 f. Ep. gentle, bland, &c. COURTIER CRACKLE COURTIER subst., perhaps satellte 2 m. ; minister 2 ; famulus 2. See COURT (d). Ep. loyal, flattering, faithless, &c. COURTLY adj. = elegant, vSnustus, .concinnus (H.). COT7ET8HIP subst., amor 3 m. ; studium 2 ; perhaps sponsdlla 3 pi. .(betrothal). COURTYARD subst. See COUKT (c). Phr., in the courtyard, ant? f tires, or profSribus (lit.be fore the doors). COUSIN subst., patruells 3 m. ; -often cogndtus 2 ; prdplnquus 2 ; frdtSr 3 (Ov. Her. viii. 28; xiv. 117; Met. xiii. 31). So sOrSr 3 (Ov. Met. i. 351 ; Her. viii. 29). COVE subst. = bay, sinus 4. Ep. rocky, retired, &c. COVENANT subst. = bargain, pdc- tum 2 ; fcedus 3 n. Ep. just, lasting, &c. COVER, to v. act., t?go 3; contPgo S ; obtfgo 3 ; celo 1 : opSrlo 4 ; obduco 3 ; condo 3 ; dbscondo 3 ; abdo 3 ; involvo 3 ; occulto 1 ; pr&mo 3 ; amlclo 4 ; re?o 1 ; mster no 3 ; occiilo 3. COVER, COVERING subst. te0mn 3 n. ; t&glme'n 3 n. ; sometimes dbtentus 4 (Verg. uEn. xi. 66). Ep. thick, dark, &c. COVERLET subst., t&pes 3 m. ; pallium 2 ; strdgula 2 n. pi. (Tib.). Ep. woven, woollen, purple, white, Ac. COVERT subst. {a) latebrse 1 pi. ; lustra 2 n. pi. ; cubllS 3 n. See COPPICE. b) cover, q. v. Ep. woodland, shady, retired, &c. COVERT adj. = secret, q. v. COVET, to v. act., cdncuplsco 3 *(Mart.) ; cuplo 3 ; exopto 1 ; appeto 3 ; avo 2 ; addmo 1. COVETOUS adj., ai-arus, cupldus, ,&vldus. COVEY subst., perhaps grex 3 m. Use nidi 2 pi. ; pulll 2 pi. Ep. startled, timid, swift, &c. COW subst., vdcca 1 ; juvenca 1 ; .bucula 1 (heifer). Ep. peaceful, white, horned, &c. COW, to v. act. = to frighten, q. v. .COWARD subst. Translate by adj. igndvus, Imbellis, tlmldus, inauddx, Iners, deggnfr, mollis, segnls, ptger. Phr., male fortts. COWARDICE subst., igndvld 1 ; inertia I segntties 5 ; desidla 1. Phr., metis (3 f.) Igndvu, &c. Ep., base, unworthy, &c. COWARDLY See COWARD. Phr., non l>SnS. COWER, to v. neut., parto 2 ; ex- pavesco 3 ; norrSo 2 ; trSmo 3. Phr., g&nua submittSrS, JlectSrS ; sub- mlsso gSnu procumbSrS. COWHERD subst., bubulcus 2. COWL subst., cucullus 2 (Mart.). Ep. thick, dark, &c. COWSLIP subst. Use flos (3 m.) lutSus, crticSus, viirnus. Often trans- lated by primula. 1, but there is no classical authority for it. COXCOMB subst., perhaps ntbulo 3 m. (H.) ; Phsedx 3 m. (H.) ; (lit. a Phseacian). Phr., Alcinfjl juventus (3 f.), lit. courtiers of Alcinous (H.). Ep. worthless, vain, dainty, elegant, &c. COY adj., dlfficilis, rusticus, agrestis. Phr., perhaps male pertindx (Hor. Od. i. 9, 24). COYNESS subst., perhaps rustlcltds 3f. Ep. shy, feigned, maiden, &c. COZY adj., perhaps contrdctus (H.). See COMFORTABLE. CRAB subst., cancer 2 ; cdmmarus 2 (Mart.). Ep. red, eight-footed, oblique, &c. CRABBED adj., dl/icllls, morosu<<, dspSr, acerbus, amdrus, tStrlcus, sPverus, tristis, rigtdus, austerus (Prop.) gravls. CRACK subst., rlma 1 ; hiatus 4 ; fVnestra 1 ;' sometimes splrdmentum 2. (See Verg. Georg. i. 90 ; iv. 39). Ep. narrow, increasing, &c. CRACK, to v. act., frdngd 3 ; flndo 3 ; sclndo 3 ; dlldmiiio 1 (of nuts). v. neut., hid I ; fdtlsco 3 ; dS- hisco 3 ; findffr 3 ; hlsco 3 ; sclndffr 3 ; lilulco 1 (Cat.). Phr., rlmds ago. CRACKLE, to v. neut., crfplto 1; crSpo 1. For crackling in the fire, see Ov. Fast. i. 344. CRACKLING CREDIT CRACKLING subst., crfyUus 4; s&nus 2. CRACKLING adj., crSpdns, saliens (Hor. Od. iii. 23, 20). Ep. dry, harsh, &c. CRADLE subst., curiee 1 pi. ; cund- bula 2 n. pi. ; Incunabula 2 pi. (not in literal sense). Ep. peaceful, tender, safe, &c. CRAFT subst. (a) in good sense, drs 3 f. See ART. (6) in bad sense, fraus 3 f . ; ddlus 2 ; drs 3 t. See AKTIFICE. Ep. base, treacherous, unworthy, &c. (c) ship, q. v. CRAFTILY adv. = by craft, fraud?, art?, ddlo, &c. CRAFTSMAN subst., drttfex 3 m. and f. ; Splfex 3 m. and f. ; fabSr 2. Ep. adroit, diligent, &c. CRAFTY adj. = artful (ft), q. v. CRAG subst. See CLIFF. CRAGGY adj., salgbrosiis, sdxosus, scrupgus, scabSr, dspSr, horrens. CRAM, to v. act., stlpo 1 ; dlstendo 3 ; complSo 2 ; denslo 2 ; cogo 3. CRAMP subst. (a) perhaps rlgSr 3 m. (no poetical authority, in this sense). Ep. sudden, old man's (sSnllii), &c. (b) uncus 2. CRAMPED adj., contract/is, dngus- tus, drctus. CRANE subst., grus 3 f. Ep. foreign, wintry, Thracian (Tlirdcius, Threiclus), airy, &c. CRANNIED adj., rlmosus, Titans, flssus, fatlscens, hiulcus. CRANNY subst. = chink, q. v. CRASH, to v. neut. Phr., fragorem dar, edSre", ruinam darS or trahSrS. CRASH subst.,/ra^r 3 m. ; rulna 1. Ep. loud, mighty, destructive, &c. CRASS adj. = stupid, q.v. CRATER subst., crater 3 m. ; per- haps hiatus 4 ; os 3 n. Ep. fire-vomiting, smoky, sulphu- reous, &c. CRAVE, to v. act., posed 3; ex- posed 3 ; oro 1 ; exoro I ; prScSr 1 ; imploro 1. CRAVEN subst. = coward, q. v. CRAVEN adj. = cowardly. See COWABD. CRAVING adj., avidus, ciipidus. CRAVING subst., cupido 3 f.f ardSr 3 m. ; studtum 2 ; sltts 3 f. ; fames 3 f. Perhaps stimuli 2 pi. Ep. fierce, unrestrained, lasting insatiate, &c. CRAWL, to v. neut., serpo 3; repo 3 (H.) ; prorepo 3 (H.) ; ddrepo (H.), CRAZY adj. (a) mad, q. v. ; dtttirittus (Hor. Od. iii, 19, 14). (&) feeble or shattered,/racfwg, Inflrmus, fragtlts, debllts; of a ship, rimosus (lit. leaky). CREAK, to v. neut., stridgo 2 ge'mo 3 ; (of a wheel) instrSpo 3. CREAKING subst., strldSr 3 m. CREAKING adj., strldulus, striding. CREAM subst. Use milk. CREAM-COLOTTRED adj., (of a- horse) glh'iis. CREAMY adj., Idcteus. CREATE, to v. act., crSo 1; pro- duco 3 ; glgno 3. CREATION subst. (a) the act of creating. Translate by" verb, or substantive, e.g. Since the creation of the world, ex quo mundum dSus IpsS crSdvit, or ex quo mundum' dSdlt essS crSdtSr. (b) the world, mundus 2. CREATOR subst., auctor 3 m. ; con- ditor 3 m. ; crSdtSr 3 m. ; patfr 3 m. ; genltSr 3 m. ; fabricator 3 m. ; rSpertdr 3m. Ep. omnipotent, eternal, &c. CREATURE subst. (a) any created being, animal 3 n. CREDENCE subst.,/rdes 5 ; flducia 1. Phr., to give credence = to believe, q. v. ; to obtain credence, fldem nun- clsc&r, haMo. (Of. also Ov. Her. vi. 102.) CREDIBLE adj., credibllls. Phr., fide dlgnus. CREDIT subst. (a) belief, fides 5 ; flducta 1. Ep. sure, vain, hasty, &c. (b) honour, fides 5 ; prfibttds 3 f. Phr., a man of credit, vtr (2) prijbus, hSnestiis, &c. Ep. worthy, great &c. (c) influence, gratia 1. CREDIT CRONE rocuZ dsplcio DESECRATE, to v. act., jwffiZo 3 ; ffo 1 ; liiqulno 1 ; fcidu 1 ; prS/ano 1 ; 1 ; cdnt$m&ro 1. DESERT subst., deserta 2 pi.; fe- 2 pi. (H.) ; (Ji-?a 2 n. pi. Phr., Z&a wZa, nullis Idea cognita, rPcessus (4 pi.) incultl. Ep. arid, sandy, rocky, uncultivated, wild, &c. DESERT adj., desert us, solus, dvlus, inrtiis, rPmotus, semotiis, secret us. DESERT, to v. act., desfrd 3; rSlinqw 3 ; destituo 3 ; llnqud 3 ; prodo 3 ; abdlco 1. v. neut. (of a soldier), phr., signfi rtfinqiio (3). DESERT subst. = merit, mSrltum 2 ; lifnPfactum 2 ; sometimes ausum 2 ; virtus 3 f. ; laus 3 f. Ep. conspicuous, unwonted, &c. DESERTED adj., rcUctus, desertus; often sdliit, orbits, orliutus. DESERTER subst. (a) of a soldier, trdnsfuga 1. (6) generally prodltor 3 m. ; desertor 3m. Ep. cowardly, treacherous, base, &c. DESERTION subst. Use fiiga 1 ; proditlo 3 f. Ep. cowardly, treacherous, base, &c. DESERVE, ' to v. act., ?nWo 2 ; mffrfor 2 ; emPrfo 2 ; comme're'd 2 ; pro- mtirPo 2 ; promere'or 2. Phr., digniis sum, non indignus sum, &c. DESERVED adj. (a) well-deserved, me'ritiis, jiistus, debt- tiis, digniis. Phr., non immSrltus, non mjustus, non iiulebitus. (6) ill-desen r ed, imme'rttus, Indignus, injustiis, indebltus. Phr., non or male" mgrttus, debltus, dlgnus, &c. DESERVEDLY adv., m?ritojure~. Phr., Ol> mPrltum, ex mfrlto. DESERVING adj., mtritus, digniis, prdiufrttus, emPrltus. DESIDERATE, to v. act. = to ivirivt, deldfrd 1; rPqulro 3. DESIGN, to v. act. (a) to purpose, coglio 1 ; mcditdr 1 ; paro 1 ; aglto 1 ; volvo 3 ; texo 3 ; fingo 3 ; mollSr 4 ; verso 1. (b) to depict, q. v. DESIGN DESTROY DESIGN subst. = purpose, con- silium 2 ; propffsitum 2 ; sententla 1 ; mens 3 f. ; animus 2 ; inceptum 2. In bad sense, often fraus 3 f . ; dttli 2 pi. ; drs 3 f. ; ratio 3. Ep. A. noble, pure, wise, brave, &c. B. base, cowardly, secret, unjust, bloody, &c. DESIGNEDLY adv., consulto (Prop.), cdnsilZo (abl.). Use prudens. DESIGNING adj. = artful (6), q. v. DESIRABLE adj., optdbllis, optdn- dus, cupiendus. DESIRE subst, cupido 3 f. ; arntir 3 in. ; stiidtum 2 ; drdOr 3 m. ; libido 3 f. ; animus 2 ; vota 2 pi. Use also sitts 3 f. (thirst) ; fames 3 f. (hunger). Ep. A. noble, manly, worthy, &c. B. base, accursed, secret, &c. DESIRE, to v. act., cuplo 3 ; opto 1 ; exopto 1 ; fold, irr. ; pSto 3 ; expeto 3 ; ardSo 2 ; avSo 2 ; gettlo 4 (H., Lucret.). DESIROUS adj., cupldus, avldus, studiosus, amdns. DESIST, to v. neut., (with from) desino 3 ; deslsto 3 ; dbslsto 3 ; abstln&o 2. See CEASE, TO. DESK subst. Use scrinia 2 n. pi. ; capsa 1 (Juv., H.); area 1. Ep. closed, hated, dear, &c. DESOLATE adj., desoldtus, solus, desertus, vdstus. DESOLATE, to v. act. = to depopu- late, q. v. DESOLATION subst. Translate by phrase, e.g. Idea sola, Idea desoldta. DESPAIR subst., desperdtio 3 f. (Juv.). But you must use phrases, e.g. spes (5) perdlta, or dbjecta, mens (3 f .) exspes ; in despair, exspes. DESPAIR, to v. neut., despero 1. Phr., non spero (1); why should I despair of becoming a mother ? cur gtt desperem flSrl matSr? (Ov. Fast. v. 2-il). DESPATCH, to v. act. (a) to send away, dlmltto 3 ; mltto 3. (b) to kill, q. v. (c) to finish, q. v. DESPERATE adj., perditus, imprS- biis, temSrdriiis. DESPERATELY adv., tSmSrS. Use adjective. Phr., I love more desperately, pejus dmo 1, (Ov. Her. iv. 26 ; vii. 30). DESPICABLE adj. = contemptible, q. v. DESPISE, to v. act., sperno 3; temno 3 ; contemno 3 ; dsperndr 1 ; despicio 3 ; fdstidio 4 ; dedign&r 1 ; respiio 3 ; rejicio 3; dversdr 1. DESPISER subst., spretdr 3; con- tern ptor 3. DESPITE subst. Use invidia 1; Ira 1 ; Imprifbitds 3 f. Phr., in despite of, translate by abl., abs., e.g. te invlto, in your despite; regS vStdntg, in spite of the king. DESPITEFUL adj. = malicious, malignus, imprtfbus, invidus, malm, infestus, noxlus, injuriosus. DESPOIL, to v. act., nudo 1 ; spSl'io 1. DESPOND, to v. neut. = to despair, q. v. DESPONDENCY subst. = despair, q. v. DESPONDENT adj. Phr., animo or ment dejectus, demlssus. DESPOT subst., tyrdnniis 2; dffmi- niis 2 ; rex 3 m. Ep. cruel, lawless, bloody, proud, &c. DESPOTIC adj. ImpSrlosus, super- bus. Phr., leg? sfdutus. DESSERT subst. Phr., mensa (1) sffcunda, or dlte'ra. Also in plural. DESTINE, to v. act. (a) to appoint, destino 1; statud 3; constitud 3 ; died 3. (&) to devote, destino 1 ; devdvgo 2 ; died 1 ; dedico 1 ; dddlco 3 ; servo 1 ; rSservo 1. DESTINED adj., desttndtus, fdtdlts, certus. DESTINY su\)st.,fdtum 2 ; sors 3 f. ; fortuna 1 ; nScessltds 3 f . Ep. glorious, humble, lucky, un- lucky, blind, fixed, doubtful, unknown, &c. ^DESTITUTE adj., Sgenus, inops, paupPr, fgens. DESTITUTION subst., Sgestds 3 f. ; paupertds 3 f. DESTROY, to v. act. (a) to demolish, verto 3 ; everto 3 ; ruo 3 ; derud 3 ; proriio 3 ; dejicio 3 ; destrito 3 ; exscindo 3 ; sterna 3 ; pro- sterno 3 ; deled 2 ; demollOr 4 ; perdo 3 ; dbsumd 3. DESTROYER DEWLAP (6) to kill, casdo 3 ; ocddo 3 ; n#cd I ; interficio 3 ; pSrlmo 3 ; IntSrlmo 3 ; perdd 3. DESTROYER subst., ecersdr 3 m. Use pestis 3 f . ; pernlctes 5, &c. DESTRUCTION subst., ruina 1 ; exltium 2 ; eludes 3 f . ; pernicles 5 ; cdsus 4 ; exctdium 2 ; f units 3 n. Ep. complete, just, unjust, sudden, &c. DESTRUCTIVE adj., exitiosus (Mart.), perriiclosus, exltldlis, funestus, ddmnosus, noxius, fulmlnSus (of a boar's tusk). DETACH, to v. act., separo 1 ; dl- vldo 3 ; dlsjuiigo 3 ; secerno 3 ; dissdcio 1; divelldS. DETAIL, to v. act., narro 1 ; ex- pSdlo 4 ; pando 3. DETAIL subst. Phr., in detail, drdinS '; each detail, singula 2 pi. DETAIN, to v. act., tenPo 2; de- tlnSo 2 ; rStlnSo 2 ; cShlbSo 2 ; m5r5r 1 ; dem&r&r 1 ; tdrdo 1. DETECT, to v. act. = to discover, detSgo 3; rSpSrlo 4; rSdudo 3; patS- faclo 3 ; deprendo 3 ; rlt&go 3 ; pdndo 3 ; apSrld 4. DETEE, to v. act., deterrSo 2 ; dverto 3 ; dlssuadSo 2 ; abigo 3. DETERMINATION subst., con- sllium 2 ; proposttum 2 ; sententia 1 ; metis 3 f . ; animus 2 ; mceptum 2. Ep. fixed, manly, constant, &c. DETERMINE, to v. act. = to de- cide, statuo 3 ; constltuo 3 ; decerno 3. Phr., it is determined, sffdit, stat, fert animus, certum eat, &c. DETERMINED adj. (a) resolute, constans, flrmus, Immo- bilis, immotus. (6) resolved, certus, with gen. of gerund or infin., e.g. mihi certus, determined to die ; certus Sundl, determined to go. DETEST, to ddl, defect.; detestSr 1 ; abominfir 1 ; dversdr 1. Phr., 8dlo hab?o 2. DETESTABLE adj., invlsiis, detes- tdtus, fidiotus, cibmnliidtus. DETHRONE, to v. act.=to depose, q. v. Phr., sdlio depello 3. DETRACT, to v. neut. (with from) = to carp, to disparage, q. v. DETRIMENT subst. = damage, ddmnum 2 ; jdctura 1 ; incommddum 2 ; detrlmentum 2 (H.); injurla 1. DEVASTATE, to v. act., vdsto 1 ; ptipiilo 1 ; pffpulffr 1 ; depffpulSr 1 ; de- solo 1. DEVIATE, to v. neut. = to go astray. See ASTRAY. DE'VICE subst. (a) armorial bearings, inslgne" 3 n. ; spScimSn 3 n. ; cseldmSn 3 n. Ep. conspicuous, gilded, ancient honourable, &c. in good sense = design, q.v. (c) in bad sense = artifice, q. v. DEVIL subst. Use phrases from Latin mythology, e.g. Furlse 1 pi., the furies. DEVIOUS adj., devius, dvlus. DEVISE, to v. act. = to design (a) q. v. ; rSpSrlo 4 ; extundo 3. DEVOID adj., vaciius, expers, llbSr. DEVOLVE, to v. neut., cado 3. DEVOTE, to v. act. (a) vfae'd 2 ; devdvSo 2 ; dedtco 1 ; died 1 ; sacro 1 ; consecro 1 ; destino 1 ; addled 3. (b) to devote oneself to, mvigild 1 ; im- DEVOTED, to adj., dedttus, devotu* ; sometimes studlosus, devinctus. DEVOTEE subst., perhaps cultffr 3m.; cultrlx 3 f. ; famulus 2. Ep. faithful, perpetual, &c. DEVOTION subst. = zeal, stiidium 2 ; drddr 3 m. ; sedulltds 3 f. ; curd 1. Ep. sincere, eager, feigned, &c. DEVOUR, to v. act. (a) vSro 1; devtiro 1; absumo 3; con- sumo 3 ; fdo 3, irr. ; pSrSdo 3 ; exfdo 3 ; adedo 3. (b) in general sense = to destroy, q. v. DEVOUT adj., plus, sdnctus. T > hr.,pie'tdtls amdns, rSve'rens cfcorum, dSorum cultSr 3. DEVOUTLY adv., pie, sdncte, pure. DEW subst., ros 3 m. Phr., roscidus humtir 3 m. Ep. morning, moist, cold, sparkling, falling, heaven-sent, &c. DEWDROP subst. Phr., rosclda gutta 1. DEWLAP subst., pale'dria 3 n. pi. Ep. soft, &c. DEWY DIKE DEWY adj., roscidus, rorans, huml- dus. Phr., rorS maidens, &c. DEXTERITY subst., sollertld 1 ; callidltds 3 f. Ep. wondrous, magic, learned, &c. DEXTEROUS adj., sailers, cdllidus. DIADEM subst., dladema 3 n ; cffrona 1 (generally in this sense with epithet, such as aurSa, regdlis, cldra owro gemmisquS, &c.) ; apex 3 m. (See Hor. Od. iii. 21, 20.) DIAL subst., solarium 2 (no poeti- cal authority). Phr., quintd dum linSa tdngitur Umbra (Pers. 3, 4). DIAMOND subst., adamds 3 m (Mart.). Ep. precious, sparkling, hard, &c. DIAPER, to v. act., vario 1 ; pingo 3; distinguo 3. DIARY subst., e'pJieme'ris 3 (Prop.). DICE subst., dlSa 1 ; tessSrd 1 ; talus 2. Ep. deceitful, ruinous, rash, &c. DICE-BOX subst., fritillus (Mart.) ; phlmus (H.). Ep. shaken, doubtful, &c. DICTATE, to v. act. (a) dido I ; verba pr So, irr. (6) to command (a), q. v. DICTATOR subst., dictdtffr 3 m. Ep. brave, illustrious, powerful, &c. DIE, to v. neut., mtiriSr 3 ; emSrlSr 3 ; SbSo 4, irr. ; interfo 4, irr. ; perSo 4, irr. ; exspiro 1 ; occldo 3 ; excido 3. Phr., mortem tibSo, fata subSo, vitdm linquo (3), pond (3), animam or vltdm do (1), mortS lumina cldudo (3), &c. To die upon or in, immSriffr 3; e.g. stirori immffrttur, she dies upon her sister; Euxinis aquls immSritiir, he dies in the Euxine ; priemSrWr (3), I die young. DIE subst. See DICE. DIET subst., v ictus 4 ; mensa 1 ; clbus 2. Ep. scanty, abundant, wholesome, noxious, &c. DIFFER, to v. neut. (a) to be different from, diffSro, irr. ; disto 1 ; dlssidSo 2 ; discrSpo 1. (6) to be at variance with, dissentlo 4 ; dissideo 2 ; perhaps certo 1 ; con- tendo3. DIFFERENCE subst. (a) discrimSn 3 n. Often translate by verb, e.g. there is a difference be- tween this and that, hoc distal ab illo, &c. Phr., It makes no difference, nil interest. (b) quarrel, q. v. DIFFERENT adj., discors, dissimi- lls, diversus, varius, abstinus (H.), non idem, dlte'r. DIFFERENTLY adv., varie, alitZr, diverse. DIFFICULT adj. (a) difflcilis, duriis, drduus, SpSrosus, gravis. (b) doubtful, dubtiis, ambiguus, incertus, dnceps. DIFFICULTY subst. Phr., res (5) drdiise, dublse, dngustas, &c. To be in difficulties, loboro 1. DIFFIDENCE subst., pudSr 3 m. ; mSdestla 1 ; diffidentia 1 (Ov. B. Am. 543). Ep. youthful, becoming, ingenuous, &c. DIFFIDENT adj. (a) modest, pudicus, ve'recundus, mS- destus. (6) doubtful, dubius. Phr., male certus, matt fidus. DIFFUSE, to v. act., di/undo 3; spdrgo 3 ; dispergo 3 ; disslpo 1. DIG, to v. act., fSdlo 3; cavo 1; verso 1 ; verto 3. DIGEST, to v. act. (a) cSquo 3 ; of cattle, rumino 1. (6) to distribute, digSro 3 ; distribuo 3 ; divido 3 ; dispono 3 ; ordlno 1. DIGGER subst., fossor 3 m. ; SrdtSr 3m. Ep. sturdy, diligent, weary, rustic, &c. DIGHT part. = decked. See DECK, TO. DIGNIFIED adj., gravis, augustus, ve'rendus, vSnSrSbllts. DIGNIFY, to v. act., orno 1; de- cffro 1 ; tollo 3, irr. DIGNITY subst., hffntir 3 m. ; md- jestds 3 f . ; gravltds 3 f . Ep. royal, proud, venerable, &c. DIKE subst. (a) channel, fossa 1. DILAPIDATED DISAPPOINT Ep. traced (ductus), broad, full of water, &c. (Z>) mound, moles 3 f . ; dggSr 3 m. ; obex 3m. Ep. heaped up, grassy, &c. DILAPIDATED adj. = ruined, q. v. DILATE, to v. act., dilato 1; ex- tendo 3. v. neut. (a) to expand, patesco 3; dildtffr 1. (fe) with " on," expSdlo 4 ; pdndo 3. DILATORY adj., tardtts, lentils, iners, segnis. As subst., dilat&r 3 (H.). DILIGENCE subst., sedulltds 3 f . ; cura 1 ; studlum 2 ; labor 3 m. ; SpSra 1 ; strenultds 3 f. ; Industrta 1. Ep. praiseworthy, unflagging, pre- tended, &c. DILIGENT adj., sedulus, studiosus, strenuus, gndvus, industrius (Juv.), dcSr, impigSr. DILL subst., anethnm 2. Ep. sweet-smelling, luxuriant, hum- ble. &c. DILUTE, to v. act., diluo 3; tem- pSro 1 ; restinguo 3 ; miscSo 2. DIM adj., obscurus, sublustris, tim- brosus, tenebrosus, incertus, malignus, (only of light) dpacus. DIM, to v. act. = to darken, q. v. Phr., to dim the sight, visits (!) DIMINISH, tc v. act. = to lessen, mlnuo 3 ; deminuo 3 (Prop.) ; Immlnuo 3; dttSnuo 1 ; extlnuo 1 ; ifnuo 1. v. neut., decresco 3 and passives of verbs above. DIMLT adv. Phr., dimly seen, male or obscure, or eegre vims, &c. DIMNESS subst. See DARKNESS. DIMPLE subst., lacuna 1 ; gglasinus 2 (Mart.). Ep. tiny, rosy, &c. DIN subst., strlpitus 4 ; fragSr 3 m. ; murmur 3 n. ; tumultus 4 ; frSmitus 4 ; cldmSr 3 m. ; cldngffr 3 m. ; strlddr 3 m. Ep. martial, harsh, increasing, angry, &c. DINE v. neut., cxno 1 ; Spultir 1. DINGLE subst. = dell, q. v. DINGY adj., sordidus, squalidus, squalens, immundus, fixdus, turpls. DINNEE subst., cxna 1. Ep. thrifty, sumptuous, royal, .pre- pared, evening, simple, luxurious, festive, &c. DINT subst., perhaps sulciis 2, or nets 1. DINT, to v. act., perhaps siilco 1 ; ntito 1 ; slgno 1 ; fSrlo 4. See STRIKE, TO. DIP, to v. act., mergo 3 ; immergo 3 ; merso 1 ; demerge 3 ; demitto 3 ; obruo 3 ; lavo 1 and 3 ; tlngo 3. v. neut. Use passives of verbs above. Also sido 3 (Prop.) ; subsido 3 ; cadoS. DIEE adj., dirus, horrendus, mStu- endus, terrlbllis, horrlbllis, formidandus, formidabilTs, grafts, mind?, sairiis, dspgr, atrox, wfesius, fdrmidtflosug, trux. DIRECT adj., rectus, directiig. DIRECT, to v. act. () to aim, q. v. (6) to guide, rfgo 3 ; dlrlgo 3 ; mSdSrdr 1 ; guberno 1. DIREFUL adj., = dire, q. v. DIRGE subst., nenia 1 ; quSrella 1 ; que'rlmonia 1. Phr., ferdlS cdrmZn (3 n.) or exsS- quldlS. Ep. sorrowful, funeral, pious, nightly, &c. DLRK slca 1 (Mart.). Ep. hard, steel, bloody, &c. DIRT subst., lutum 2 ; ccenitm 2 ; limits 2 ; eluvles or llluvles 5 ; sordes 3 f. pi. Ep. foul, ancient, &c. DIRTY adj., sordidus, immundus, fcediis, turpls, squalidus, squdlens, spurcus (Mart.). DISADVANTAGE subst., incommS- dum 2; ddmnum 2; injuria 1. Ep. present, troublesome, &c. DISAFFECTED adj., rebellis, tni- mlcus. DISAGREE, to v. neut. = to differ, q. v. DISAGREEABLE adj., ingrdtus, gravis, mdlestus, difftcllis. DISAPPEAR, to v. neut. = to vanish, vdnesco 3 ; evdnesco 3 ; discedo 3 ; fuglo 3 ; e/ugio 3. DISAPPOINT, to v. act., fdllo 3; eludo 3 ; ludo 3 ; deciplo 3 ; fraudo 1 ; sometimes deficlo 3. Phr., let me only not be disappointed of my hope, Spem mo'dti ne nostrum DISAPPROVE DISCOURSE ftSri patldrS caducam deprfcffr (Ov. Her. xvi.j 169). For crops disappoint- ing the husbandman, see Ovid. Fast. iv. 641, 2 ; Verg. Georg. i. 220, &c. DISAPPROVE, to v. act., culpo 1 ; imprdW 1 ; damno 1 ; cdndemnd 1 ; drgud 3 ; rvpr&liendo 3 ; cdrrtpid 3. DISARM, to v. act. Use phr. drmls exud (3), sptfllo (1), nudo (1), drma adlmo (3), dufSro (irr.), &c. DISARRANGE, to v. act., turbo 1 ; misce'd 2 ; commiscSd 2 ; con/undo 3 ; er- bla 1 ; apparatus 4 ; pardtus 4 ; orndtus 4 ; luxus 4. Ep. foolish, excessive, regal, &c. DISPLEASE, to v. act., displicfo 2 ; offendo 3 ; ZaJdo 3. Phr., gravls, mtflestus sum. DISPLEASING adj., gravls, mtfles- tiis, ingrdtus, Inamoznus, inamdbllls. Phr., malg grdtus, parum cdmls. DISPLEASURE subst. (a) offence, offensa 1. (5) anger, Ira 1 ; dSlSr 3 m. ; Ulis 3 f . ; / Sdlum 2. Ep. heavy, just, unjust, &c. (c) disfavour, q. v. [q. v. DISPORT, to v. neut. = to play. DISPOSE, to v. act. (a) to arrange, q. v. (Z>) to incline, use dpto 1 ; dccomm&do 1. Phr., if you are so disposed, si fert Ita cords vSluntds, or animus. See DIS- POSED. (c) to dispose of, uttir 3. DISPOSED adj. (towards a thing), pronus. DISPOSER subst., dator, 3 m. Ep. powerful, benignant, &c. DISPOSITION subst. (a) array, q. v. (b) temper of mind, indSles 3 f. ; IngS- nlum 2 ; mores 3 m. pi. ; natura 1 ; animus 2 ; mem 3 f. ; pectiis 3 n. Ep. A. kindly, friendly, gentle, cour- teous, manly, &c. B. morose, hostile, fierce, rude, haughty, &c. DISPOSSESS, to v. act, dejlcio 3; ejlclo 3 ; pello 3 ; depello 3 ; detrudo 3. Phr., exultur regnis, he is dispossessed of his kingdom. DISPRAISE, to v. act. = to blame, q. v. DISPRAISE subst. = blame, q. v. DISPROVE, to v. act., rfddrguo 3 ; re-fello3; rSfutol. DISPUTE, to v. neut. = to contend, contendo 3 ; certo 1 ; pugno 1 ; dimlco 1 ; confligo 3 ; congrSdldr 3. DISPUTE subst., certdmtn 3 n. ; jurglum 2 ; Us 3 f . ; rlxa 1 ; pugna 1 ; prozUum 2 ; dtscrtmSn 3 n. Ep. raging, vain, rash, &c. DISQUIET subst. = anxiety, cura 1 ; dnxlStds 3 f . ; soUlcttudo 3 f . Ep. growing, troublesome, needless, &c. DISQUIET, to v. act., turbo 1 ; lacesso 3 ; vexo 1 ; irrltd 1 ; sdUlclto 1 . DISREGARD, to v. act. = to despise, q. v. DISREPUTE subst. = dishonour, q. v. DISRESPECT subst., perhaps im- plStds 3 f. Translate by verb, e.g. he held the gods in disrespect, dSos con- tempslt, &c. DISROBE, to v. act., nudo 1 ; spdllo 1 ; exuo 3. DISSEMBLE, to v. act., dlsslmiilo 1 ; celo 1 ; tego 3 ; occulto 1. DISSEMBLER subst., disrtmuldtdr 3 m. ; sometimes fictor 3 m. Ep. deceitful, clever, &c. DISSENSION subst. = discord, q. v. DISSENT, to v. neut. = to differ (&), q- v- DISSENT subst. Translate by verb. DISSEVER, to v. act., sted 1 ; scln- do 3 ; separo 1 ; dlsjungo 3 ; dlvldo 3 ; diveUd 3 ; secerno 3 ; findo 3 ; diffindo 3 ; dbscindo 3. DISSIMILAR adj., dlsslmllls, dis- pdr, diversus ; sometimes fn&qudlts, im- pdr. DISSIPATE, to v. act. = to dis- perse, q. v. DISSIPATED, DISSOLUTE adj. Use discinctus or (subst.) n?pos 3. DISSOLVE, to v. act. (a) to melt, solvo 3 ; dissolvo 3 ; moUlo 4; diluo3. (6) to break up, mltto 3; dlmltto 3; dissolvo 3. [(H.). DISSONANT adj., dlscors, dbsSnus DISSUADE, to v. act., dlssuddfo 2. DISTAFF subst., c&lus 2; fusus 2 (lit. spindle). Ep. womanly, full, dear to Minerva, &c. ; loaded with wool, &c. DISTANCE subst., spatlum 2; in- tervdllum 2 ; dlscrlmSn 3 ; v la 1 ; ltr 3. Often translate by verb, e.g. What is the distance between Inachus and Codrus ? Quantum dlstat ab Inaclio Codrus ? DISTANCE DIVERSE DISTANCE, to v. act. = to outstrip, sup&ro 1 ; prsecurro 3 ; prseverto 3. DISTANT adj. = remote, rSmotus, distdns, longinquiis, re'postus, separates, semotus. DISTASTE subst. = dislike, use Odium 2; invidia 1. DISTASTEFUL adj., ingrdtus, gra- vis, mSlestus. DISTEND, to v. act., tendo 3 ; dls- tendo 3. See FILL, TO. DISTICH subst. = couplet, q. v. DISTIL, to v. neut., stlllo 1; de- stlllo 1 ; sometimes sudd 1 ; fluo 3. DISTILLED adj., lacrimdtus, su- ddtus. DISTINCT adj. (a) different, q. v. (&) bright, q. v. (c) adorned, pictus, distlnctus, drndtus. DISTINGUISH, to v. act. (a) to distinguish between, discerno 3 ; dlgndsco 3 (H.). (6) to honour, q. v. DISTINGUISHED adj., egrPgtus, eximius, cldriis, nobilis, illustris, msignis, DISTORT, to v. act., torquSo 2 ; distorquSo 2. DISTEACT, to v. act. (a) diduco 3 ; dlstraho 3 ; divello 3. (Cf., too, Ov. It. Am. 443: Secta bipdrtlto quum mens dlscurrit utroque.) (b) = to disturb, q. v. DISTRACTED, DISTRAUGHT adj. = mad, q. v. DISTRESS subst., doWr 3 m. ; luetus 4 ; mcerffr 3 m. ; dngSr 3 m. ; serumna 1 ; sometimes paupertds 3 f. (poverty), egestds 3 f. (want). Phr., res (5) infestse, ddversse. Ep. grievous, increasing, excessive, incurable, present, &c. DISTRESS, to v. act., sotticito 1 ; criicid 1 ; vexo 1 ; dngo 3 ; torquSo 2 ; exerc&o 2. DISTRESSFUL, DISTRESSING adj., gravls, mise'rabilis, acerbus, miestus, lacrimdbilis, lacrlmosus, mlsSr. DISTRIBUTE, to v. act., divido 3 dispense 1 ; pdrttSr 4. DISTRICT subst., rigid 3 f. ; trdctiis 4. Ep. level, mountainous, deserted, populous, barren, fertile, &c. DISTRUST, to v. act., dlffido 3; sometimes susplcSr 1, time's 2. Phr., maU credo (3), male fido (3), tndublto 1. DISTRUST subst., dlffidentia 1. Phr., concussa fides (Luc.). DISTRUSTFUL adj., lncr$dulus (H.), suspicdx. Phr., male or non credulus. DISTURB, to v. act., turbo 1 ; lacesso 3 ; vexo 1 ; irrito 1 ; solllcito 1 ; aglto 1 ; mdvgd 2 ; commd've'd 2 ; quatio 3. DISTURBANCE subst., tUmultus 4 ; motus 4 ; sometimes turbo. 1 ; cldmSr 3 m. ; murmur 3 n. ; rlxa 1. Ep. wild, stormy, civic, increasing, &c. DISUNION subst. See DISCORD. DISUNITE, to v. act., separo I; divido 3 ; disjungo 3 ; dissdcio 1 ; di- vello 3. DISUSE subst., desuetudo 3 f. DISUSE, to v. act., perhaps dedlsco 3 (to unlearn), obliviscdr 3 (to forget). DISUSED adj., desuetus, inter- missus. DITCH subst., fossa 1; sulcus 2 ; sometimes scrtibts 3 m. and f. Ep. deep, moist, overgrown with shrubs, full of water, &c. DITCHER subst., fossdr, 3 m. Ep. sturdy, weary, diligent, rustic, &c. DITHYRAMB subst., ditJiyrdmbus 2. See HYMN. Ep. bold, inspired, joyous, &c. DITTANY subst., dictdmnus 2 f. (Cf. Verg. JEn. xii. 412.) Ep. healthgiving, dear to goats, &c. DITTY subst., nsenla 1. See SONG. Ep. pastoral, simple, familiar, &c. DIURNAL adj. = daily, q. v. DIVE, to v. neut., perhaps prse- cipito 1. Phr., me mergo (3), submergo (3), me in undds do (1), jaclo (3), me prsectpito DIVER subst., (the bird) mergm 2. Ep. swift, sea, timid, &c. DIVER subst., (the man) scrutator pSlagl (Claud.). DIVERGE, to v. neut., discurro 3 ; dlffluo 3 (Lucret.). 'DIVERSE adj. = different, q. v. H 2 DIVERT DOLE DIVEBT, to v. act. (a) to turn aside, flecto 3 ; defledo 3 ; averio 3. (6) to amuse, q. v. DIVEST, to v. act., nudo 1 ; sptillo 1 ; extio 3. DIVIDE, to v. act. (a) to distribute, divldo 3 ; dispense 1 ; pdrtlSr 4 ; distrlbud 3. (6) to disunite, separo 1 ; divide 3 ; dtsjungo 3 ; dissScto 1 ; divello 3 ; discerno 3; secerno 3; distermtno I (Lucr.). DIVIDE, to v. neut. (a) Phr., mefindo (3), &c., and passive of verbs above. (b) of violent division, dissilto 4; di- hisco 3 ; hid 1 ; discedo 3 ; patesco 3 ; fatisco 3. DIVIDED adv., dlvldum. DIVIDING adj., (of the sea) inter- fusus, dissticldbtlts. DIVINE adj., dii-intis, ccelestts, DIVINE, to v. act., divino 1 ; vdtt- clnOr 1 ; prsedlco 3 ; a/uguro 1 ; augurfir 1 ; prsesagto 4 (Prop.) ; prxvidSo 2 ; 2>riesentid 4. DIVINELY adv. = from heaven, diKimtiiB. DIVINER subst., vdtes 3 m. ; vdti- ctndttir 3 m. ; augur 3 m. ; Mruspex 3m. Ep. cautious, far-seeing, inspired, &c. DIVINITY subst., niimtn 3 n.; pStestds 3 f . ; nutus 4 ; sometimes dSus 2, diviis 2. Ep. heavenly, powerful, present, &c. DIVISION subst. () discrimSn 3. (6) discord, q. v. DIVORCE subst., divortia 2 pi.; dlscldium 2. DIVORCE, to v. act. Use dlmitto 3 ; mltto 3. [q. v. DIVULGE, to v. act. = to disclose, DIZZINESS subst., vertigo 3 f. (Juv.). Ep. blind, sudden, &c. DIZZY adj. (a) See DAZED, FAINT, TREMBLING. (6) of height, dlrius, prseceps, prservp- tus. DO, to v. act. and neut., ago 3 ; facto 3 ; perficio 3 ; pfrago 3 ; efflclo 3 ; fungtir 3 ; prsesto 1 ; exsfqutfr 3. Very often the English " do " is translated by a different Latin verb, e.g. he does his duty, prsestat oft'iclum, fungitur offtcw. How do you do ? ut rales ? DOCILE adj., ddcills, facllU; some- times trdctdbllls, mobllis. DOCK subst., (for ships) ndvdU 3 n. Ep. capacious, safe, &c. DOCK, to v. act., trunco 1 ; curto 1 (H.). See CUT, TO. DOCTOR subst. (a) teacher, doctffr 3 m. ; maglste'r 2. Ep. learned, kind, stern, just, &c. (&) physician, mSdicus 2 ; mfdens 3 m. Ep. skilful, bland, friendly, &c. DOCTRINE subst., doctrlna 1. DOCUMENT subst. Use scripts 2 n. pi. DOE subst., cerva 1 ; ddma 1. Ep. timid, sylvan, mountain, swift, &c. DOER subst., sometimes aiictdr 3 m. Usually translate by verb, e.g. the doer of the wrong, qui Ixsit, qui scSlus ddmislt, &c. DOFF, to v. act., exuo 3 ; depono 3 ; pono 3 ; rSpono 3. DOG subst., cants 3 ; often_ catiiliis 2 ; Mtflossiis 2 ; Lacon 3 m. ; Umber 2 ; Cres 3. Phr., go to the dogs, pSrSag male", &c. Ep. faithful, sagacious, friendly, fierce, &c. DOG, to v. act., sFquffr 3 ; insio 1 ; insPqutir 3 ; persSqutir 3 ; urgSo 2 ; prS- mo 3. DOG-DAYS subst. Phr., flagrdntls hora Canlculx ; sometimes Cants 3, Canlcula 1, Sirius 2. DOGE subst., dux 3 m. ; perhaps coHc'i/7 3 m. ; maglstrdtus 4. DOGGED adj., imprtibiis, indttcllts, penicdx, obstlndtus, perttndx, tftidx. DOGGEREL subst., perhaps nugse 1 (H.) ; ineptix (Cat., Mart.). DOG-ROSE subst., riibus 2. DOG-STAR subst., CanU 3; Cdnl- cula 1 ; Sirius 2. Ep. burning, mad, deadly, &c. DOIT subst. = a small coin, stips 3. DOLE subst. (a) alms, use sportuld 1 (Juv.). (6) grief, q. v. DOLE DOUBT DOLE, to v. act. = to distribute, q. v. DOLEFUL adj., tristis, mxstus, lugu- brls, dnxius, sdllicltus, flebilis, luctlsSnus. DOLL subst., pupa 1 (no authority except one passage in Persius). Ep. waxen, beloved, &c. DOLOROUS adj. = doleful, q. v. DOLOUR subst. = grief, q. v. DOLPHIN subst., delpnln 3 m. ; del- plilnus 2 (Hor. A. P.). Ep. sea, curved, scaly, sportive, wandering, &c. DOMAIN subst. (a) estate, prsedtum 2 (H.) ; fundus 2 ; agSr 2 ; jugSra 3 n. pi. Ep. wide, ancestral, fertile, &c. (2) empire, Impfrlum 2; regnum 2; ditto 3 f . ; pdtestds 3 f . Ep. royal, proud, unbounded, &c. DOME subst., ihSlus 2 ; fornlx 3 f. ; tesludo 3 f.; cumSra 1 (Prop.). Ep. lofty, vaulted, sacred, &c. DOMESTIC adj. (a) belonging to the house, dtfmesticus, privdtus = opposite to "foreign," civills, dSmesticus. (b) tame, ddmttus, dScills, mdnsuetus. DOMINATE, to v. act. = to rule, q. v. DOMINEER, to v. neut., dSminSr 1 ; ImpSrlto 1 ; superbio 4. DOMINION subst., lmp_Srlum 2 ; regnum 2 ; ditto 3 f . ; pStestas 3 f . Ep. wide, royal, unbounded, proud, &c. DON, to v. act., induo 3 ; indued 3 ; sumo 3 ; caplo 3 ; drcumdo I ; dpto 1 ; dccommSdo 1. DONKEY subst. = ass, aslnus 2; asellus 2. Ep. stubborn, patient, &c. DONOE subst., dattir 3 m. DOOM, to v. act. = to condemn, ddmno 1 ; condemno 1. Phr., trddo (3) or oppono (3) morti. DOOM subst., fdtum 2 ; sors 3 f. ; pcena 1 ; suppllclum 2. Ep. stern, just, unjust, sudden, &c. DOOR subst., jdnud 1 ; / 'ores 3J. pi. ; llmSn 3 n. ; pastes 3 m. pi. ; vdlvx 1 pi. (not the house-door) ; ostium 2. Some- times porta 1 ; adltiis 4 ; ingressus 4 ; vestlbulum 2. Phr., bifdres vdlvse (2 pi.), blpatens porta (1). Ep. open, shut, barred, familiar, gilded, lofty, &c. DOORKEEPER subst. JdnWr 3 m. ; custos 3 m. Ep. faithful, stern, awful, &c. DOORPOST subst., postis, 3 m. Ep. solid, immovable, proud, &c. DOORSILL subst., limSn 3 n. DOORWAY subst., porta 1 ; vestibu- lum 2 ; ostium 2. DORMANT adj.= sleeping, sopltus, sSpordtus, dormiens. DORMOUSE subst., glis 3 m. (Mart.). Ep. sleepy, &c. DOSE subst., ha/ustus 4 ; succus 2. Ep. unpleasant, excessive, bitter, &c. DOT subst., punctum 2 (Mart.). DOTAGE subst., sSnlum 2 ; sSnectus 3 f. ; sSnecta 1. Ep. imbecile, morose, sad, &c. DOTARD subst., sSnex 3 m. DOTE, to v. neut. (a) to be in dotage, sSnesco 3; consS- nesco 3. [TO. [b) to dote upon, adamo 1. See LOVE, DOTING part., amdns, amdtSr, cupi- diis, drdens ; of a husband, uxorius. DOUBLE adj., gSmlniis, duplex, dn- ceps. DOUBLE adv., bis; sometimes itS- rum. DOUBLE, to v. act. (a) duplico 1 ; gSmino 1 ; IngSmino 1 ; congSmino 1 ; itSro 1. (b) to double a cape, supSro 1 ; perhaps flecto 3. Phr.,mefas ImtrdrSPachym, to double Cape Pachynum. v. neut., (of a horse), perhaps phr., gyros ago (3) rSfgro (irr.). DOUBLE-EDGED adj., dnceps. DOUBLE-MINDED adj., mutabllls. DOUBLE-TONGUED bilinguls. DOUBLET subst., tunica 1. See DRESS. Ep. woollen, woven, red, white, &c. DOUBLY adv., bis. DOUBT, to v. neut., dubito 1 ; ligsrSo 2 ; fluctuo 1 ; fliiito 1 (H.) ; pendeo 2. DOUBT, to v. act. = to distrust, dif- fido 3 ; sometimes susplcSr 1 ; timffo 2. Phr., male credo (3) maUfido (3). DOUBT ( 102 ) DRAW DOUBT subst., sometimes difftdentta 1 (= distrust) ; dnxlStds 3 f. (= anxiety). Usually translate by phrases with verb or adj., e.g. doubt is wrong, dubitdrS nifds ; it is in doubt, in dubto or In dmblguo or In incerto est, or dmblgltur. DOUBTFUL adj. (a) dubliis, Incertus, dnceps, dmblguus, dubltdbiUs, dlterndns, prScdrlus. (fc) hazardous, pgriculosw, drduus, dlffl- cllls, graves. DOUGH subst., farina (Mart.). Ep. moist, white, &c. DOUGHTINESS subst. = bravery, q. v. DOVE subst., c&lumba 1 ; palumbes 3 m. and f. ; turttir 3 m. Phr., Chddnls alts (3 f.). Ep. shy, timid, sylvan, tuneful, peaceful, friendly, &c. DOWEE subst., dos. 3. Phr., given as a dower, dotdlls, adj. ; e.g. dower gifts, dotdlla munSra (3 pi.). Ep. large, excessive, &c. DOWEE, to v. act., doto 1. DOWERED adj. (a) dotdtus. (6) endowed with, prsedltus (Lucret.), ditdtus, orndtus, auctus, prxstdns, pollens. DOWEELESS adj., indotdtus. Phr., sine dote. DOWN subst. (a) soft plumage, pluma 1. Ep. soft, growing, tender, &c. (6) applied to youths, Idnugo 3 f. ; pluma 1 (Hor. Od. iv. 10, 2). Ep. first, yellow, new, &c. (c) hill, collis 3 m. ; clivtis 2. Ep. grassy, sloping, &c. DOWN prep., de, ex (down from), pitr (down along); of a river, down stream, pfr, or by phrase, dmnS slcundo, &c. ; siib (down under). DOWN adv. Render by de com- pounded with the verb, e.g. dejtcio 3, I throw down ; decldo 3, I fall down ; desplclo 3, I look down ; debello 1, I war down ; deciirro 3, I run down. Phr., to kick a man when he is down, cdlcdrS jacentem (Ov.). DOWNCAST adj., dejedus, demis- KUS. See SAD. DOWNFALL subst., ruina 1 ; clddes 3 f . ; excldlum 2 ; exlttum 2 ; cdsus 4. Ep. headlong, sudden, just, unjust, &c. DOWNHEAETED adj. = downcast, q. v. DOWNHILL adj., declivts, pronfo. DOWNEIGHT adj. (a) plain-spoken, simplex, libfr, verdx. (&) unmixed (e.g. a downright lie), DOWNTEODDEN adj., Mmllis, ja- cens, depressus, stratus. DOWNWAED adv. See DOWN. DOWNWAED adj., declMs, pronus, prseceps. DOWNY adj., plume-its; often=soft, q. v. DOWEY subst., dos 3 f. Phr., given as a dowry, dotdlls, adj. ; e.g. dowry gifts, dotdlla mungra (3 pi.). Ep. large, sturdy, excessive, &c. DOZE subst. See SLEEP. DOZE, to v. neut., dormlto 1 (EL). See SLEEP, TO. DEAB adj., perhaps fufcSs. DKAG, to v. act., traho 3 ; trdcto 1 (very rare in this sense) ; protrahd 3 (to drag forward) ; dbstraho 3 (to drag away). Sometimes rapid 3 ; Sbrlplo 3. DEAG-NET subst., funda 1. DEAGON subst., draco 3 m. ; ser- pens 3 m. ; dnguls 3 m. ; coluber 2. Ep. fierce, scaly, fire-breathing, DEAGON-BOEN adj., draconlggnd. DEAGON-FOOTED a.dj.,serpentlpes. DRAIN, to v. act., hourlo 4; ex- Bleed 1 ; exhourlo 4; sicco 1. DEAIN subst., clddca 1 (H.), (Juv.). Ep. foul, hidden, dry, &c. DEAINED adj., (of a cask, flask, &c.) potus. DRAPE, to v. act. = to clothe, q. v. DE AUGHT subst., haustiis 4 (cf., too, Ov. Trist. iii. x. 24, hausta mSri) ; amystls 3, a deep draught (see Hor. Od. i. 36, 14). Ep. eager, poisoned, healthful, &c. DEAUGHTS subst. Use latruncii- lus 2 ; latro (see Ov. A. A. ii. 207 ; iii. 367, & foil.). DEAW, to v. act. (a) traho 3 ; trdcto 1 (very rare in this sense) ; protrahd 3 (to draw forward) ; DRAWBRIDGE ( 103 ) DRESS abstraho 3 (to draw away). Some- times duco 3. (b) to attract, q. v. (c) to sketch, descrlbo 3. See DEPICT, TO. (d) to draw off (of liquids), depromo 3. See DRAIN, TO. (e) to draw up (of troops), instruo 3 ; dispono 3 ; ordlno 1. (/) to draw a sword, strlngoB; nudo 1 : destrlngo 3 ; duco 3 ; edited 3. (g) to draw back, draw a curtain, rS- duco 3. v. neut. (a) to draw back, rffcedo 3 ; refugio 3 ; cedo 3. (6) to draw on or near = to approach, q. v. DRAWBRIDGE subst. Use bridge, pans 3 m. DRAWN adj., (of a sword) nudus, strlctus, destrlctus, exsertus ; (of breath) phr., deep-drawn breath, latSrS pgtltus imo splrltus 4 (Hor. Epod. 11. 10). DRAWWELL subst., putSus 2. DRAY subst. = waggon, q. v. DRAYMAN subst., bubulcus 2. DREAD subst., terrtir 3 m. ; timSr 3 m. ; mStus 4 ; Jidrrtfr 3 m. ; formido 3 f. ; pav&r 3 m. Ep. sudden, vain, increasing, cow- ardly, excessive, &c. DREAD adj. (a) in bad sense, dlrus, horrendus, me'tuendus, formlddbills, formlddndus, mlndx, formldolosus, seevus. (b) in good sense, sdnctus, augustus, vgrendus, vSn^rdndus, sacer, vSnSrd- bilis, graves. DREAD, to v. act., tlmSo 2 ; mStuo 3 ; vSrSSr 2 ; pave~o 2 ; formido 1 ; re- formldo 1 ; expavesco 3 ; hdrrPo 2 ; hor- resco 3 ; exhorresco 3 ; pSrhorresco 3 ; exttmesco 3 ; tritma 3 ; contre'misco 3. DREADFUL adj., dlrus, horrendus, mgtuendus, horrlbilts, formiddbtlis, for- mlddndus, gravis, mlndx, sseviis, dspSr, atrox, Infestus, fdrmldoldsus, trux. DREAM ubst., somnlum 2 ; In- somnia 2 p 1; often vlsum 2, visits 4 (vision), simulacrum 2 (phantom), Imago 3 f. (ghost), effigies 5 (shape), &c. Ep. nocturnal, dread, pleasant, vain, true, &c. DREAM, to v. neut. (a) Translate by a different verb with the substantives given above, e.g. cerno 3 (I see), tlmSo 2 (I fear) ; or say dreams visit, frighten, console, beguile, &c.. me or my senses. (b) to dream of = to think of, q. v. DREAMER subst. No exact equi- valent. Use phr., e.g. quern somnla vexdnt (he whom dreams trouble), qui simulacra vldSt (he who sees phan- toms), &c. Sometimes dreamer = idle thinker, perhaps desldiosus, Iners. DREAMLAND subst., perhaps IScus (2) or aula (1) or sedes (3), umbra- rum (the place of shades). (See also Verg. Mn. vi. 283, 894-899; Hor. Od. iii. 27, 40.) DREAMLESS adj. Phr., a dream- less sleep, perhaps sSpdr 3 m. (Cf. Verg. JEn. vi. 522 : dulcls Si dlta qules placidieque' stmlllima mortl.') DREAMY adj., perhaps suplnus, vdnus, Iners, taclturnus. DREAR, DREARY adj. =_dismal, q. v., lugubrls, ferdlls, trlstls, ms&stux. DREGS subst., fxx 3 f. Ep. thick, lowest, &c. DRENCH, to v. act., proliio 3; rigo 1 ; per/undo 3 ; tlngo 3 ; humecto 1 ; madefacJo 3 ; Inundo 1. DRESS, to v. act. (a) vestio 4 ; velo 1 ; if go 3 ; induo 3 ; indued 3 ; clngo 3 ; drcumdo 1 ; d&cffro 1 ; orno 1 ; exornd 1. Some- times flngo (Ov. R. Am. 341) ; of the hair, flngo 3 ; como 3 ; dispono 3. (6) a wound, fOvSo 2 ; curd 1 ; m$d$or 2. (c) = to cook, q. v. DRESS subst., vestls 3 f. ; amlctiis 4 ; tegmn 3 n. ; iSgumSn 3 n. ; vestltiis 4 ; veldmfn 3 n. ; vestlmentum 2 (H.) ; vestlmenta 2 n pi. (H.) ; habitus 4 ; orndtus 4 ; cultus 4. Often translate by particular parts of dress, e.g. chlamys 3 f . (mantle) ; tunica 1 (doublet) ; pallium 2 (robe); Isena 1, lacerna 1 (mantle) ; toga 1 (gown, of men only) ; pdlla 1 (shawl) ; Instlta 1 (gown) ; stola 1 (gown) ; pdnnl 2 pi. (rags). For ladies' dresses of various kinds, see Ov. A. A. ii. 297-301 ; iii. 169-192. Ep. A. neat, becoming, clean, splen- did, royal, new, &c. B. ragged, squalid, mean, old, &c. DRESSER ( 104 ) DROP DRESSEK subst., fronddtdr 3; (of vines) vinltor 3. DRIFT subst. (a) impulse, impetus 4 ; vis 3 f . ; vtd- lentia 1 ; motus 4. (6) snow-drift, use dggSr 3 m. ; acervus 2 ; cumulus 2, Phr., nix (3) cumuldta, cSdcta, c&acer- vdta, dggesta, &c. DRI* T, to v. neut. (a) to accumulate, cumul(fr 1 ; cogdr 3 ; cSacervSr 1 ; dccumulor 1 ; cresco 3 ; incresco 3. (6) of a ship, ftrSr, irr. ; agOr 3 ; me ventis do 1. DRILL, to-^v. act. (a) to bore, tSrebro 1 ; perfSro 1. (6) of soldiers, exercSo 2 ; InstUuo 3 ; erudlo 4. DRINK, to v. act. (a) bibo 3 ; poto 1 ; haurlo 4 ; exhaurlo 4 ; exslcco 1 ; steed 1 ; dwco 3 ; frafto 3 ; eblbo 3 ; comblbo 3. (6) to drink in, sorbSo 2 ; exsorbSo 2 ; haurlo 4 ; exhaurld 4 ; blbo 3 ; traho 3. (c) to drink to the health of, propino 1 (Mart., Juv.). DRINK subst. (a) the act of drinking, haustiis 4 ; potus 4. (6) liquor drunk, liquor 3 m. Gene- rally use a different word, e.g. cups, wine, water, milk, &c. DRINK-OFFERING subst., Itbdmitn 3. See LIBATION. Ep. pious, customary, &c. DRINKABLE adj. Use bibendus, poldndus, &c. DRINKER subst., potdr 3 m. Ep. thirsty, eager, &c. DRIP, to v. neut., stillo 1 ; destlllo 1 ; mono 1 ; roro 1 ; fluo 3 ; pliio 3 (Mart.). v. act., sudd 1 ; stillo 1 ; fundo 3 ; lacrlmo 1. DRIPPING adj. (a) wet, q.v. (&) distilled, l&crimdttis, suddtus, stilldns. DRIVE, to v. act. (a) to force along, ago 3 ; aglto 1 ; cogo 3 ; pello 3 ; impello 3 ; compello 3 ; urgSo 2 ; adurgSo 2 ; sublgo 3 ; adigo 3; exstimulo l=to impel. (6) of horses, ago 3 ; aglto 1 ; urgPd 2 ; rUgo 3 ; mOdSrdr 1 ; flecto 3. (c) to drive away, pello 3 ; expello 3 ; fugo 1 ; depello 3 ; ablgo 3 ; ejiclo 3 ; drcSo 2 ; excludo 3. (d) of weapons. See THRUST, TO. DRIVEL, to v. neut. = to dote (a), q.v. DRIVELLER subst. = dotard, sSnex 3 m. DRIVEN adj., (of snow) see DRIFT. DRIVEN AWAY adj., abdctus. DRIVEN HOME adj., (of a blow) addctus, DRIVER subst., auriga 1 ; agltdtSr 3 m. ; mSdSrdtSr 3 m. ; rector 3'm. ; cur- s6r 3 m. ; dctOr 3 m. (of cattle). Phr., qul flectlt habends, qui lord tSnSt, &c. Ep. skilful, rash, &c. DRIZZLE, to v. neut. See DKIP, TO. DRIZZLE subst., perhaps ros 3 m. ; Imoffr 3 m. Phr., roscidus imbSr (3 m.). Ep. persistent, troublesome, &c. DROLL adj. j8cosus, iSpidus (H.), drgutus (H.), ridiculus (H.). DROLLERY subst., jScus 2 ; risus 4 ; sales 3 f. pi. (H., Mart.) Ep. festive, witty, &c. DRONE subst., fucus 2. Ep. idle, useless, unoccupied (im- munls). DRONE, to v. act., musso 1 ; some- times decdnto 1 (see Hor. Od. i. 33, 3). DRONINGLY adv. trdctim ; (Verg. Georg. iv. 260). DROOP, to v. neut. = to languish, IdnguSo 2 ; Idnguesco 3 ; deftclo 3 ; mdr- cSo 2 ; reldnguPo 2 : succldo 3. DROP, to v. act. (a) to shed in drops, stillo 1. See POUR, TO. (6) to drop anchor, jaclo 3 ; dejiclo 3. (c) to let go, rSmittd 3 ; Srnitto 3. (d) to spangle, q. v. (Milton, Para- dise Lost, vii. 406). (e) to drop (after labour). Phr. con- nlxa rSlinquo (Verg. Eel. i. 15). v. neut. (a) to drip, q. v. (6) to fall, q. v. (c) to die, q. v. DROP subst., gutta 1. DROPSY ( 105 ) DUCTILE DROPSY subet., hydrops 3 m. (See Ov. Fast. i. 215 ; Hor. Od. ii. 2, 13.) Ep. watery, deadly, &c. DROSS subst., perhaps spuma 1 ; vitium 2 (Ov. Fast. iv. 785; Met.); fxx 3. DROUGHT subst., sltis 3 f . ; ardor 3 m. ; xstiis 4. Use phr., e.g. slccus caldr (3 m.), Sinus 2 (the dog-star), tempdra (3 pi.) sicca, &c. Ep. dry, parching, fiery, &c. DROVE subst., grex 3 m. : drmen- tum 2 ; pScus ((5m) 3 n. ; pScus (udls) 3 f. ; turbo. 1 ; caterva 1. DROVER subst., bubulcm 2 ; pasttfr 3 m. ; drmentdrius 2 ; uplllo 3 in. (of sheep). Ep. rustic, diligent, &c. DROWN, to v. act. (a) mergo 3; submergo 3 : obruo 3 : op- prlmo 3 ; demergo 3 ; immergo 3 ; perdo 3. (6) to inundate, Inundo 1 ; ofcrwo 3 ; proluo 3. (c) to overpower, e.g. to drown a voice, vlnco 3 ; supSro 1 ; obmurmuro 1. (d) to drown care, &c. in wine, cf. Ov. 4. A. i. 238, cwra /gr multo dilui- turque mSro. v. neut., sldo 3 (Prop.) and passive voice of verbs under v. act (a). DROWNING subst. Translate by verb or participle, e.g., Icarus mersus, the drowning of Icarus. DROWSY HEAD, DROWSINESS subst., stupor 3 m. : torpor 3 m. ; Idngudr 3 m. ; vSternus 2 ; sometimes inertia 1. Ep. sleep-giving, languid, sluggish, &c. DROWSY adj. sffporus, sSporlfgr, somntfe'r (these two properly mean causing drowsiness) often iners, pigSr, somniculdsus (ilart.). DRUDGE, to v. neut. Phr., servile 1 muniis (3 n.), exs&qu&r (3), pSrago (3) ; servl pdrtes (3 pi.), ago (3), servllla patiffr (3). DRUDGE subst. = slave, q. v. DRUDGERY subst., sermlis labSr (3 m.), sernlS muniis (3 n.), &c. DRUG subst., mSdlclna 1; mffdicd- mSn 3 n. ; succus 2 ; herbae 1 pi. ; poculum 2 (lit. cup). In bad sense, vSnenum 2 ; toxlcum 2. Ep. A. healing, useful, powerful, &c. B. poisonous, deadly, &c. DRUID subst., Druidse 1 pi. (Lucan). Use sacerdos 3 m. ; votes 3 m., &c. Ep. sacred, aged, venerable, &c. DRUM subst., tympanum 2. Phr., taurSa terga (n. pi.), the ox hide. Ep. loud, hollow, warlike, &c. DRUM, to v. neut. = to beat the drum, tympana pulso 1, fSrio 4, tundo 3, &c. DRUNK adj., ebrius, uvldus. Phr., Bdccho, m&ro plenus, madens, &c., male 1 sdbrtus, nlmius mSro, vino gravls, dtfmltus, &c. DRUNKENNESS subst.. ebrietda 3f. Ep. mad, excessive, &c. DRY adj. (a) slccus, drtdiis, drew, siccdtus, stti- culosus. (6) thirsty, sitlens, bibulus. DRY, to v. act. (a) slcco 1 ; exsicco 1. (6) to scorch, torrSo 2; cdquo 3; ex- ctiquo 3. See PARCH, TO. v. neut., dresco 3; ar&o 2; sltio 4. DRYAD subst., Dryas 3 f. ; Napsea 1. Phr., dSa (1) or nymphd (1) sllves- trts, silvlc&la, &c. Ep. agile, joyous, kind, woodland, &c. DRYSHOD adj. Phr., sleds pSdt- bus. Ovid has sicca pSrerrat aquas, she traverses the sea dryshod. DUB, to v. act. Use crSo 1 ; vtico 1 ; facto 3, irr. Phr., jubed (T) essS. DUBIOUS adj = doubtful, q. v. DUCAL adj. Use regdlls; perhaps superbiis, gSnSrosus. DUCAT subst. Use nummus 2 (H.) ; perhaps Phlllppus (Hor. Epis. ii. 2, 234). DUCK subst., anas 3 m. and f. (Mart.). Ep. marshy, river, &c. DUCKPOND subst., v&lutdbrum 2. DUCTILE adj., lentus, ductilis (Mart.). DUE ( 106 ) DYE DUE adj. (a) owed, debttus ; sometimes pdctus (cf. Ov. Her. ii. 4). Phr., turn indebltug. (6) appropriate, debttus, mZrt tits, j ustus, dignus. DUE subst. (a) debt, debitum (no authority). Phr., pfcunla (1) debita. (b) in general sense. Phr., to give each his due, suum cuique reddSrS ; to pay the dead their dues, justa solve're', dare 1 mortuis. DUEL subst. See CONTEST. DUG subst., mamma 1 ; papilla 1 ; vbfr 3 n. DUKE subst. Use dux 3 m. DULCET adj. = sweet (usually of sounds). See SWEET. DULCIMEE subst., sdmbuca (1) (Persius). DULL adj. (a) blunt, hbs, obtusus, re'tusus. (b) dim (of colour) USbSs, obscurus, nubflus. (c) of sound, gratis, decus (Verg. 2En. xii. 591). (d) of the mind, tdrdus, Tube's, segnis, Iners, stdlldus, pinguls. Phr., the dull earth, bruta tellus (3). DULL, to v. act. (a) to blunt, htbeto 1 ; rStundo 3 ; ob- tundo 3. (fc) to dim, MbSto 1 ; Spdco 1 ; obscuro 1 ; fused 1. DULNESS subst., perhaps txdta 2 pi. DULY adv., rite', recte, de more'. DUMB adj., mutus, infdns (H.) Phr., vocff carens, &c. DUN adj., perhaps furvus, fuscus, ferruginous, gilvus (used by Verg. of a horse). DUNG subst, fimiis 2; merda 1. DUNGEON subst., career 3 m. Often use vincula (chains). Ep. dark, iron, damp, barred, &c. DUPE subst., perhaps credulus, mall credulus. DUPE, to v. act. = to cheat, q. v. DURABLE adj., durabllts, dlu- turnus, stabllts, firmiis, ma.nsv.rus. DUEANCE, DUEESS subst., cus- todia 1 ; generally use career 3 m. or vincula 2 n. pi. DUEING prep., pgr. DUSK subst., crfpuscula 2 pi. Use also vespgr 3 m. : tfnebrie 1. Ep. dewy, late, first, &c. DUSKY adj. See DARK (a), (6), and (d). DUST subst. (a) pulvls 3 m. Phr., pulvSrSiis turbo (3), pulfe're'S nubes (3), &c. (b) Phr., to bite the dust, Mmum mor- derS. Ep. dry, thirsty, rising, &c. DUSTY adj., pulvfrfSs, pulve'ru- lentus, sometimes sicciis, arenosus, dridus, btbuliis, sltlens. DUTEOUS, DUTIFUL adj., plus, offlclosus, amdns. DUTY subst. (a) officium 2 ; munus 3 n. ; mlnis- iSrlum 2 ; pdrtes 3 f. pi. ; vices 3 f.pl. Ep. easy, hard, pious, pleasing, un- pleasing, &c. (6) = duteousness, obsfquium 2 ; rSvS- rentia 1. (c) on duty (of a soldier), milSs (3 m.) In stations, mile's qui excublds aglt. DWAEF subst., ndnus 2 (Prop.); pumllto 3 m. (Mart.). Ep. tiny, &c. DWAEF adj., pygmxus. DWELL, to v. neut., Jiabltd 1 ; mdnSo 2 ; mSrSr 1 ; rSmanCo 2. Gene- rally use transitive verb, e.g. cdlo 3 ; incdlo 3 ; tgnSo 2 ; frSquento 1 ; cllebro 1. Phr., to dwell near, dccdlo 3. DWELLEE subst., media 1 m. and f. ; Mbltdtdr 3 m. (Mart.) ; cultSr 3 m. DWELLING subst., dSmus 2 and 4 f. ; sedes 3 f . ; seden 3 f. pi. ; tectum 2 ; lime'n 3 n. ; Penates 3 m. pi. (house- hold gods) ; Lares 3 m. pi. (household gods) ; p^nftrdlla 3 pi. (lit. recesses of house) ; focus 2 (hearth). Ep. familiar, beloved, ancient, paternal, humble, proud, &c. DWINDLE, to v. neut., tdbesco 3; tdbSd 2; mdcffrSr I (to grow lean); mdcresco 3 (H.). Phr., minor usque" fio, irr. DYE, to v. act., tingo 3 ; Infield 3 ; fuco 1 ; me'dtcd 1 ; cdloro 1 ; pingo 3 ; ! imbud 3 ; decoloro 1. DYE ( 107 ) EARTHENWARE DYE subst., fucus 2 ; vSnenum 2 ; mSdicdmfn 3 n. The dye most fre- quently mentioned is Tyrian purple or scarlet : ostrum 2 ; murex 3 m. ; pur- pura 1. Ep. red, purple, &c. DYED adj. Phr., twice dyed, itSratus, bis tinctUs. DYING subst. () death, q. v. (6) dying day. Phr., suprema or tsumma dies (5). DYKE subst. See DIKE. DYNASTY subst., ddmus 2 and 4 f. ; gSnus 3 n. ; sdnguls 3 m. ; stirps 3 f. Ep. royal, proud, &c. E EACH pron., quisqu#, often omrits. Each day, quotqudt Sunt dies ; each year, qudtdnnis ; each of two, uterqug. EAGEK adj., avldus, cupldus, dcSr, strenuus, studiosus (with gen.), aldcSr, alacris, promptus, impigSr, agllis, gnd- vus, drrectus, erectus. EAGEELY adv., dcrite'r, vlfflentSr, multum, avlde, cuplde (H.), studlose, studiosius (comp.), impenslus (comp.). EAGERNESS subst., cupido 3 f.; stiidium 2 ; strenultds 3 f. EAGLE subst., aqutla 1. Phr., Jffvis drmlgSr die's (3 m.), rex (3 m.) avium, fulmtnis minister (2) ale's 3 &c. Ep. fierce, swooping, swift, royal, &c. EAGLE-EYED adj., dce'r. EAGLET subst. Use pullus 2 ; nidi 2 pi. EAR subst. (a) auris 3 f. ; auricula 1 (H.). Phr., to give ear = to hear, q. v. Ep. attentive, open, &c. (ft) of corn, arista 1 ; spied 1. Ep. yellow, golden, rich, dear to Ceres (OMOK\ EARLY adj. (a) maturus, mdtutinus (early in the morning), vernus (early in the year), primus, ntivus. (6) premature, acerbus, immdturus (Prop.), prssmdturus (Juv.) of death, prSpSrdtus, immitis ; of flowers, festi- ndtus (Mart. xiii. 127, 1). EARLY adv., mature, mane" (in- the morning), verS (in spring). ~ , EARN, to v. act., mire'd 2 ; mSrSSr 2 ; eme're'd 2 ; commSrSo 2 ; promSrSo 2 ; paro 1 ; compare 1 ; quxro 3 ; parlo 3. EARNED adj. (a) well-earned, mSrltus, Justus, debitus, dignus. Phr., non immSrltus, non injustus, non indebltus. (V) ill-earned, imme'rltus, indignus, In- justus, indebitiis. Phr., non or male" me'rltus, debitus, dignus, &c. EARNEST subst. = pledge, pignus 3 n. Ep. sure, &c. EARNEST adj. (a) eager, q. v. (6) serious, gravls, serius. EARNESTLY adv. See EAGERLY. EARNESTNESS subst. = eagerness, q. v. EARRING subst., tnaurls 3 f. (but no good authority). Ovid speaks of laptdes, bdccte, lapilli, which hang (pen- dSo) from the ear, or with which the ear is burdened (ffngrdtur). Cf.,*^oo, Ovid, A. A. i. 432. Ep. hanging, &c. EARSHOT subst. Translate by phrase, e.g. mSds vox (3 f.) ddvSnlt aures, I am within earshot. EARTH subst. (a) the globe, terra 1 ; orbis 3 m. ; tel- lus 3 f. Ep. broad, round, &c. (6) soil, terra 1 ; tellus 3 f. ; humus 2 ; sttlum 2 ; gleba 1 ; agSr 2 ; campus 2 ; drvum 2 ; prdtum 2. Ep. fertile, barren, crumbling, clayey, &c. (c) of a fox, spe'cus 4 ; latebrse 1 pi. ; lustra 2 pi. ; cavum 2 ; ddmus 2 and 4f. Ep. safe, secret, dark, &c. _EARTHBOARDsubst.,;(of a plough) aurls 3 f . EARTHBORN adj., terrlgSnd. EARTHEN adj., ficttlis, terrenus. EARTHENWARE subst., fictilia 3 n. pi. Ep. cheap, &c. EARTHLY ( 108 ) ECLIPSE EARTHLY adj., terrestrls, terreniis, mortdlls. EARTHQUAKE subst. Phr., lerrse motus (4), trSmSr (3 m.) Often trans- late by verb, e.g. terra trSmlt, sdlum muglt (groans), &c. Ep. violent, sudden, dread, &c. EAETHWOKK subst., agger 3 m. EARTHY adj., terreniis, terrestrls; sometimes corpSrSus. EASE subst. (a) otlum 2 ; gules 3 f . ; rfqules 5. Phr., a life of ease, vita facllls, otlosa ; at ease, lentus, securus ; adv. tSmfrS. Ep. well-earned, tranquil, pleasing, &c. (6) in bad sense, inertia 1 ; desldia 1 ; igndvla 1 ; IdnguSr 3 m. ; torpSr 3 m. ; segnltles 5 ; pigrltla 1 (Mart.). Ep. unmanly, unworthy, sluggish, &c. (c) facility, sometimes facultds 3 f. Usually render by adverb. See EASILY. EASE, to v. act. (a) to alleviate, Urn 1 ; rSlSvo 1 ; lenlo 4 ; mulce'd 2 ; sedo 1 ; compesco 3 ; rttcrSo 1 ; rSflclo 3. (b) to ease of, I8vo 1 ; reHvo 1 ; ex&nZro 1 ; solvo 3 ; Itbfrd 1 ; expSdlo 4 ; cxlmo 3. EASILY adv., facile'. Phr., non eegre, in promptu, ex faclli. EAST subst. (a) place of sunrise, ffrtens 3 m. ; ortiis 4; Aurora 1. Ep. distant, golden, &c. (b) eastern regions, drlens 3 m. Phr., oa tettus (3 f.), Eoum lltus (3 n.), Ease plagx (1 pi.), Eoa rfglo (3 f.). So regna (2 pi.), trdctus (4), fines (3 pi.), &c. Ep. cold, threatening, pitiless, &c. (c) Phr., from east to west, ab ortu soils ad occdsiis; so, too, west to east, occdsiis ad ortus, or a vespSrS soils ad ortum ; east and west, drlens occlduusqU'S dies, occdsiis St ortiis, &c. (d) the East wind, Euriis 2. EASTERLY, EASTERN adj., Sous, drlens, Eurosus ; sometimes mdtutinus (lit. morning). EASTWARD adv. Phr., In ortum, in Aurwam. EASY adj., factlls, Uvls, perfactlts (H.), prdnus (rare in this sense). Phr., now difficllls, non durus, non Sp&rosm, &c. ; it is easy, in promptu est. EAT, to v. act., Sdo, irr. ; dbsumo 3 ; consumo 3 ; vesctir 3 ; pdscSr 3 ; mdndo 3 (to chew) ; pSrSdo 3 (to eat through or away) ; mordfo 2 (to bite) ; adSdo 3 (Prop.). Phr., dentS pre"mo (3), conficlo (3) morsu, &c. EATABLE adj., faults (H.), escu- lentus (Mart.). EAVES subst. Use tectum. Phr., tecti strdme'n 3 n. (the thatch), tecti culmus 2, &c. EBB subst., rScessus 4, or rgcurms 4 (Ovid, Ibis, 423). Ep. daily, certain, alternate, &c. EBB, to v. neut. (o) rScedo 3 ; rgcurro 3 ; rffluo 3. (6) to decay, q. v. EBBING adj., refluus, rSldbens ; sometimes supinus. EBON adj. = black, q. v. EBONY subst., gbenus 2 ; SbSnum 2. Ep. black, hard, Indian (Indus), Eastern (Sous). ECHO subst., echo f. (in nom. only) ; more usually Imago 3 f. ; sometimes dssensiis 4. Phr., vox (3 f.) ingSmlndta, rFpercussa, &c. Ep., talkative, vocal, watchful, imi- tative, resounding, &c. ECHO, to v. act., rSsSno 1 ; reddo 3 ; rSfSro, irr. ; ItSro 1 ; ingfmlno 1 ; rPpSto 3 ; responded 2 ; circumsSno 1, to make a place echo. v. neut., resSno 1 ; rSsulto 1 ; rffmugio 4 ; rPcldmo 1 ; rebdo 1 ; remur- muro 1 ; responded 2 ; dssdno 1. ECHOING adj., rSsonSbllls, rgsonus, rSsdndns, sSnorus. Sometimes pulsus (struck by sound) may be used (Verg. Ed. vi. 84). ECLIPSE subst., defectus 4 ; labores 3 m. pi. Ep. sudden, dark, dread, &c. ECLIPSE, to v. act. (a) to darken, q. v. (b) to extinguish, q. v. (a) to be eclipsed, deficlo 3. See DARKEN, TO, or COVER, TO. ECLOGUE ( 109 ) ELDER ECLOGUE subst. Phr., carmSn (3 n.) bucollcum, pasto- rale ; Sicelides musx (1 pi.). ECSTASY subst. Use impetus 4; fur&r 3 m. ; amentia 1 ; turbo 3 m. and f. (Hor. Odes, ii. 19, 5, &c. : rScentl mens trSpldat metu . . . turbldum Isetdtur). In ecstasy, sometimes bedtus. Ep. frenzied, inspired, joyous, &c. EDDY subst., vdrago 3 f. ; vortex 3 m. ; gurgSs 3 m. ; barathrum 2. Ep. turbid, vast, awful, &c. EDDY, to v. neut., rSvolvtir 3; lestud I ; exsestuo 1 ; ferve'd 2. Phr., volvSrS vortices. EDDYING- adj., turblnSus; perhaps aistuosus, sestudns, &c. EDGE subst. (a) Scies 5. See SWORD. Ep. sharp, threatening, &c. (b) bank, mdrgo 3 m. and f. ; rlpa 1 ; or a 1. Ep. grassy, abrupt, &c. EDGE, to v. act. (a) to sharpen, q. v. (b) to fringe, q. v. EDGED adj. = sharp, q. v. Two- edged, dnceps. EDICT subst. = decree, q. v. EDIFICE subst. = building, q. v. EDIFY, to v. act. (a) to build, q. v. (b) to teach, q. v. EDUCATE, to v. act., educo 1 ; In- stttud 3 ; dSceo 2 ; erudto 4 ; educo 3. EEL subst., dnguilld 1 (Juv., Mart.). Ep. slippery, &c. EFFACE, to v. act., detto 2 ; abSleo 2 ; erddo 3 ; tollo 3 ; emendo 1. EFFECT subst., e/ectus 4 ; finis 3 m. and f. ; exltus 4 ; sometimes pondtis 3 n., fides 5. EFFECT, to v. act.=to accomplish, q. v. EFFEMINACY subst., mollttlS 1; mollitles 5. Ep. base, unworthy, &c. EFFEMINATE adj. = womanish, q. v. EFFETE adj. = worn out, confec- tiis, fessus, gravis, frdctus, Idnguenz, fdtlgdtus, deficlens, debllltdtus, debllis, Idnguldus, effetus. EFFIGY subst. = image, q. v. EFFORT subst., nisus 4 ; condtus 4 ; cdndrnffn 3 n. ; luctame'n 3 n. ; mollmSn 3 n. ; labdr 3. Ep. repeated, strong, vain, &c. EFFULGENCE subst. = brightness, q. v. EFFULGENT adj. = bright, q. v. EFT subst., lacerta 1. Ep. marshy, &c. EGG subst., ovum 2. Ep. white, common, &c. EGG, to v. act., (to egg on) inctto 1 ; concito 1 ; Scud 3 ; stlmulo 1 ; exstimulo 1 ; dccendo 3. EGLANTINE subst., perhaps rubus 2 ; rSsa 1 ; or acanthus 2. Ep. climbing (sgqudx), tangled, &c. EGRESS subst., egressiis 4 ; exltus 4 ; abttus 4 ; fuga 1 ; effuglum 2. EIGHT num. adj., odd, octonl pi. Phr., bis quatudr. EIGHT-FOOTED adj., dctlpes. EIGHTH adj., octdviis. EITHER pron. (a) uterquS. (b) each, qwsquS. CITHER conj., out, vtt, ve", swe", sen. EJACULATE, to v. act. = to cry (a), q. V. EJECT, to v. act., pello 3; expello 3 ; ftigo 1 ; abigo 3 ; yield 3 ; depello 3 ; excludo 3. EKE, to v. act. (to eke out) per- haps produco 3 ; prof fro, irr. ; augSo 2 * cumulo 1 ; dddo 3. EKE adv. = also. ELAPSE, to v. neut. (of time) IdbSr 3 ; fluo 3 ; abed 4, irr. ; preete're'd 4, irr. ; volvSr 3. ELASTIC adj., perhaps mollis, flexi- lis, flexibilis, lentus. Translate by verbs rSslllo 4; re'sulto 1. ELATE adj., superbus, eldtus, lu- mens, tumtdus, tumefdctus (Prop.),/^rox, Insdlens, sublimis, superbtens. ELBOW subst., cubltus 2 ; umbo 3 m. (Mart.). ELD subst. = old age. See AGE (6). ELDER adj., sSnlSr, mdjSr. Phr., eevo, dnnls, &c. ; provectldr mdturlSr, &c. ELDER subst. sPnex 3 m. sZniffr 3 m., vStulus 3 (Juv.). ELDER EMBOSS ELDER subst., (tree) gbulus 2 m. ; sdmbucXs 2 m. (no good authority). Bp. black-berried, &c. ELDEST adj. superl. Phr., ndtu mdximus, or mdximus. ELECT, to v. act. = to choose, q. v. ELECTION subst. = choice, q. v. ELEGANCE subst., vSnustds 3 f . ; gratis 1 ; dScSr 3 m. ELEGANT adj., vSnustus, dScorus, pulchSr. ELEGT subst. (a) Sltgela or Slggla 1 (Ov. Am. in. i. 7, 8); elSgi 2 pi. (Of. also Ov. Her. xv. 5-7; Fast. ii. 121.) (b) dirge, q. v. ELEMENT subst. (a) elSmentum 2. (6) of a science, principlum 2; rudi- mentum 2. ELEPHANT subst., SlSpJids 3 m. (H., Mart.); ettphdntus 2 (Juv.); bellua 1. Ep. huge, wise, Indian (Indus), African (Libycui), &c. ELEVATE, to v. act., Kvo 1 ; tollo, irr. ; ev&ho 3 ; sublSvo 1 ; erlgo 3 ; educo 3 ; dttollo, irr. ; effSro, irr. ; extollo irr. ELEVEN num. adj., undScim (Mart.). ELEVENTH adj., unde'clmus. ELF subst., perhaps Amores 3 pi. ; Cupidities 3 pi. (Cat., Mart.). ELFIN, ELFISH adj., perhaps Cu- pidlnffus ; sometimes Idscivus, prScdx. ELICIT, to v. act., ellclo 3. See ATTRACT, TO. ELIXIR subst., perhaps phlltrum 2. Ep. powerful, magic, wondrous, &c. ELK subst., cervus 2. Ep. antlered, forest, roaming, &c. ELL subst., ulna 1. ELM subst., ulmus 2 f. Ep. branching, huge, dark, ancient, &c. ELM adj., ulmffus (Juv.). ELOPE, to v. neut. See ESCAPE, TO. ELOQUENCE subst., fdcundla 1 ; elfiqulum 2. Use lingua 1. Ep. easy, persuasive, learned, &c. ELOQUENT adj .,fdcundus, disertm. Phr., lingua, ore", voc$, &c., ptitens ; eldqulo pollens or prsestdns ; fdndi pSrl- tus or ddctisslmus, &c. ELSE adv., prsetgrSd, ultra. ELSEWHEEE adv., alibi ; some- times allundS. ELUDE, to v. &ct.,fdlld 3 ; ludo 3 ; deludo 3 ; eludo 3. ELTSIAN adj., Elyslus ; sometimes felix, bSdtus, plus, fortundtus, lietus, amoenus, quietus, secretus, dlscretus. ELYSIUM subst., Elysium 2^ Phr., Elysli cdmpl (2 pi.), Elysium nSmus (3 n.). So sedes (3 f.) dtimus (2 and 4), ora (1), aula (1), vdllts (3), agSr (2), lucus (2), plagx (1 pi.). Ep. happy, careless, well-deserved, &c. EMACIATED adj., macer. EMANCIPATION subst. Use vin- dlct& 1 (liberating rod). EMBALM, to v. act., perhaps con- did 4 (but no poetical authority) or seterno 1 (to immortalise). EMBANKMENT subst., agglr 3 m. ; moles 3 f . - pi?re, prtipifrdnter (Luc.). (Ovid uses prSpSrantlus.) FASTEN, to v. act.,/zgo 3 ; affigo 3 ; mfigo 3 ; priefujo 3 ; deflgo 3. Often ligo 1 ; vlncio 4 ; llllgo 1 ; ddstrlngo 3 See BIND, TO. FAST-HANDED adj. = avaricious, avdriis. Phr., lucrl studlosus, cupidus, &c. FASTIDIOUS adj., lautus, delicdtus art., Cat.), fdstldiosus, mollis, tSnSr. FASTNESS subst. = castle, drx 3 f. ; turrts 3 f. ; cdstellum 2. Ep. fortified, high, rocky, &c. FAT adj., plnguis, tibesus, ttpimus. FAT subst., plnguS 3 u. ; unguSn 3 n. ; sometimes drmna 1 (lit. suet.). Ep. rich, abundant, solid, &c. FATAL adj. (a) deadly, fdtdlis, letiffr, letdlts, morli* fSr, exttldlis, extttdbilts, funestus, fdtifgr, perniciosus. (b) appointed by destiny,/afa?*s, certus, fixus, destindtus. FATALLY adv. (a) mortally. Render by adj., e.g. He was fatally wounded, vulnSrS letdli stratus cadit. (b) by destiny, fatdlltSr, fdto (abl.). FATE subst. (a) destiny, fdtum 2 ; sors 3 f . ; fortunfl 1 ; nScessltds 3 f. Use also Pdrcse 1 (the fates), or tres titirores, Pdrcdrum or trium sSrorum stamina 3 pi., fila 2 pi. ; fusl 2, spindles. Alsofdtorum ordo 3 m. ; sSrles 5 ; lex 3 f . Ep. certain, unknown, unavoidable, unconquerable, dread, &c. (b) death, mors 3 f . ; letum 2 ; (fottiis 4 ; funus 3 n. ; fdtum 2 ; IntSrttus 4 j exUus 4 ; nex 3 f . (of violent death only). Phr., fune'ris liora 1 or lex 3 f . ; leti jdnua 1 or via 1 ; dies 5 fdtdlis, funestu or summa ; vltHe terminus 2 or meta 1 j nox 3 f . seterna or pSrennis ; somnus 2 ferrgus or Letliseus ; sSpSr 3 n. perpS" tuus ; sors 3 f . ultima. Ep. sudden, cruel, immature,. &c. FATED adj. = destined, fdtdlis, certus, fixus, destindtus. Phr., so it was fated, sic Srat in fdtls, sic placuit fdtls, sic fata fSrebdnt. FATHER subst. (a) patSr 3 m. ; parens 3 m. ; gSnltOr 3m.; crSdtSr 3 m. (rare); gSnSrdtor 3 m. ; SltSr 3 m. (rare). Ep. loving, careful, stern, &o. (V) the universal father, pate'r 3 m. ; gSnitOr 3m.; parens 3m.; satSr 3m.; FATHER ( 126 ) FEAR auctffr 3 m. (the last two with gen. following). Ep. venerable, almighty, &c. , drdfo 2, nidrdesco 3,flftgrd 1. FERMENT subst. (a) fermentum 2. (6) (figuratively) to be in a ferment, see verb. FERN subst., flllx 3 f. Ep. A. abundant, graceful, summer. &c. B. barren, hateful to farmers, useless, &c. FERNY adj. Phr., fillcg obductu^. tectus, obsitus, &c. FEROCIOUS adj., fSrus, ssevus, cru- dells, immitis, bdrbdrils, atroz, triix, truculentus, cruentiis, diriis, eJt'Priis, in- humuniis, ferr&iis, sdnguinffi*. FEROCITY subst., ssevltta 1 ; ffritds 3 f. ; dspfritds 3 f. ; ffrocia 1. Ep. barbarous, unbridled, warlike, &c. FERRET subst., vlrerra 1 (no poetical authoritv), or perhaps mustela (H.). Ep. biting, keen, &c. FERRY, to v. act., trdnsrtlw 3; subvecto I ; trajfcio 3; trdnspwrto 1. FERRY subst. (a) the act of crossing, perhaps trdn- sltus 4 ; cursiis 4. (b) the place of crossing. Use unda 1 : aqua 1; dmnisS; JlumenS; flueu- tum 2, &c. FERRY-BOAT subst., cymM or cumba 1 ; lintfr 3 f. FERRYMAN subst., pdrtltffr 3 m. Ep. diligent, poor, &c. FERTILE adj., ffrdx, fertilis, fe- cundus, dive's, tfplmus, tijrulentris, Idrgu*. abunddns, pingms, prieplnguis, ubfr. btfgr, friig/ffr, lietiis, gffnialls. "FERTILITY subst., fertnuds 3 f. ; ubfr 3 n. ; copia 1. Ep. luxuriant, rich, &c. FERTILIZE, to v. act.,fecundd 1. FERULE subst., fe'riilu 1 (H., Juv . Mart.). Ep. cruel, hard, Are. [q. v FERVENT, FERVID adj. = ardent, FERVOUR subst. = ardour, q. v. FESTAL su\j.,fe&tXs, often = joyful, q . v. FESTER v. neut. (of a wound), perhaps vivo 3 ; cresco 3 ; invPte'rdsco 3 (Lucret.). A festering wound, perhaps rulniis immedicdblle'. FESTIVAL ( 129 ) FIGHT FESTIVAL subst. = feast, q. v. FESTIVE adj. = joyful, q. v. FESTIVITY subst. = feast, q. v. FESTOON subst. Use cOrona 1; vitta 1 ; serta 2 pi. Ep. hanging, long, joyful, &c. FETCH, to v. act. (a) of persons, drcesso 3 ; ddduco 3. (6) of thing s,pto 3 ; dffgro, irr. ; porto 1. FETID adj., teter, gravis, pestifSr, vitidtus, gravSSlens, virosus. FETTEE subst., compSs 3 f. See CHAIN (a). Ep. hard, iron, close, &c. FETTEE, to v. act. See CHAIN, TO. FETTEEED adj. See CHAINED. FETTEELESS adj. Phr., compete or vinclo liber, stflutiis, expSditus. FEUD subst., Us 3 f. ; rixa 1 ; jur- gium 2 ; simultas 3 f . ; discdrdla 1 ; cer- tdmSn 3 n. ; tidlum 2 ; inlmicitise 1 pi. (H., Mart.). Ep. ancient, bloody, dire, pitiless, &c. FEUDAL adj., perhaps hSrllls. FEVEE subst., febris 3 f. Phr., aestus (4) febris. See DISEASE. Ep. burning, deadly, panting, &c. FEVEEISH adj. (figuratively) Ig- nPus, drdens, fervens, trSpldus. FEW adj., poMci (pi.), rdrl (pi.) Phr., not many, non multi ; how few, quStusquisquS, fern. quSt&qusequS. FIBEE subst., fibra 1. FICKLE adj., ISvls, mobilis, mutdbl- lis, instabilis, ventosus. Phr., a fickle lover, desult&r (3 m.) Smarts. FICKLENESS subst., mobilltds 3 f. ; iSvltds 3 f. ; inconstdntia 1. Phr., mens (3 f.) 18 vis. Ep. treacherous, light, &c. FICTITIOUS adj. = false, q. v. FIDDLE subst. Use lyra 1; cltli- ara 1 ; fides 3 f . pi. Ep. tuneful, Apollinean (Apdllin&iis*), &c. FIDDLEE subst., fidicen 3 m. FIDELITY subst., fides 5; prSbltas 3 f. ; virtus 3 f. ; constdntia 1. Ep. proved, ancient, sure, &c. FIELD subst. () agSr 2 ; agelliis 2 ; campus 2 ; some- times sSlum 2 ; terra 1 ; tellus 3 f . ; humus 2 ; rus 3 n. ; cultd 2 pi. ; sata 2 pi. Ep. fertile, barren, green, naked, an- cestral, &c. (fe) battle-field. Use acies 5, pugna 1, drSa 1, prc&lium 2, certdmSn 3 n. ; sometimes Mars 3 m. Ep. dire, blood-stained, stubborn, &c. (c) field for ambition, genius, &c. ; dre& 1 ; campus 2 (Juv.). FIELDFAEE subst. Use turdus 2. FIELDMOUSE subst. _ Phr., mus (3 m) rustlcus, mus (3 m.) hgrestls. FIEND subst. Use Furlse 1 pi., EumSnldes 3 f. pi. ; sometimes man- strum 2, simulacrum 2. Ep. hellish, dark, ruthless, Stygian (Styr/ius), &c. FIENDISH adj., immdnis, infdndus, nSfdndus. FIEECE adj., fSrus, effSrus, ssevus, crudelis, sdnguinSus, cruentus, immitls, dspSr, trux, bdrbarus, inhumdnus, tru- culentus, atrox, dirus, duriis, ferrous ; of heat, the sun, &c., raptdus. To grow fierce, v. neut., cdndesco. FIEECELY adv., dcrltSr, vltftentgr, often m (by force). Phr., less fiercely, mSd&rdtlus, lenius. FIERY adj., igne'us, flamm&us, flam- mans, Jldmmdtus, fldmmlf&r, ignifSr, dccensus, drdens, fl&grdns, cdndens, in- census, ignlvffmus. FIEEY-FOOTED adj., ignipes. FIFE subst. Use fistula 1 ; tibia 1. Ep. shrill, martial, mixed with drums, &c. FIFTEEN num. adj., qulndScim. Phr., quinquf dZcemque (Ov. Fast. iii. 458) tSr qulnquS. FIFTEENTH adj., quindecimus. Phr., t?r quintus (Ov.). FIFTH adj., quintus. FIFTY YEAES OLD. Phr., circa lustra, de'cem (Hor. Od. iv. 1, 6). FIG subst., ficiis 4 f . [1 . FIG adj., ficulnus. Dried fig, cdrica Ep. sweet, ripe, purple, &c. FIGHT subst., pugna 1 ; prcellum 2 ; certdmSn 3 n. ; acles 5 ; Mars 3m.; sometimes Us 3 f. ; rixa 1 ; jurgium 2 ; simultas 3 f. Ep. stubborn, bloody, glorious, &c. FIGHT, to v. act. oppugno 1 ; pSto 3 ; lacesso 3 ; dggrSdldr 3 ; invddo 3. V. neut., pugno 1 ; contendo 3 ; certo 1 ; concurro 3 ; dlmlco 1 ; confligo K FIGHTER ( 130 ) FINISH 3 ; cdngre'dlor 3 ; decerto 1 ; dffo 4, irr. ; millto 1 ; bellffr 1. Phr., in a n ii* confUro, irr. ; pugnam, prxlla, &c. ; mSfSo 2, ciffo 2, mlsce'6 2, tento 1 ; Mdrtem lacesso 3 ; In Jiostes fSrdr, irr., procurro 3. FIGHTER subst., wife's 3 m. ; pugr- natfr 3 m. ; belloWr 3 m. ; vir 2. Ep. gallant, eager, fierce, &c. FIGHTING subst. = fight, q. v. Phr., by fighting, vl, manu, drmis, &c. FIGUEE subst. (a) shape, forma 1 ; figv.ro. 1 ; spfcles 5 ; some times fades 5, vultus 4, ds 3 n. Ep. tall, short, bold, modest, &c. (ft) statue, imago 3 f . ; effigies 5 ; simu- lacrum 2 ; signum 2 ; statua 1 (H.). Ep. dumb, marble, life-like, &c. FIGURE-HEAD subst., rostrum 2; prora 1 ; xs 3 ; hplustrS 3 n. (Juv.). Ep. painted, gilded, &c. FILBEET subst. Use nux 3 f. Ep. hard, woodland, &c. FILCH, to v. act. = to steal, q. v. FILE subst. (a) of soldiers, ordo 3 m. ; sSrles 5. Ep. even, serried, &c. (6) to rasp with. Use lima 1. Ep. biting, hard, &c. FILE, to v. neut. = to march, q. v. v. act. = to rasp (as a car- penter), limo 1. FILIAL adj. Use plus. FILL, to v. act., rSplfo 2 ; ImplSo 2 ; complPo 2 ; explSo 2 (H.) ; sometimes cumulo 1, accumulo 1, acervo 1, Snlro 1. Other words may often be substituted for to fill, e.g. crdtera cdrondnt = they fill the bowl ; vox persSnat auras = a voice fills the air, &c. FILL subst. (e. g. take your fill). Phr., quSd satis est, quod placet, per- haps quantum llbtt. FILLET subst. (hand for the head), ritta 1 ; infula 1 ; txnia 1. Ep. woollen, white, sacred, &c. FILLY subst. Phr., fqua trima = three year old. FILM subst. (over the eyes). Use nubes 3 f. (see Verg. Mneid, ii. 604- 606). Ep. dark, blind, &c. FILTEE, to v. act., llquS 1 ; sdcco 1 (Mart.). v. neut., mdno 1 ; fliid 3 ; stillo 1. FILTH subst., sordes 3 f. pi. ; illu- rles 5 ; squalor 3 m. Ep. loathsome, foul, &c. FILTHY adj. = dirty, q. v. FIN subst., pinna 1 (no poetical authority). Back fin, splna 1 (Ov. Hal. 46)'. See FIXXY. FINAL adj., ulttmus, summits, su- premus, postremus, extremus, sometimes novlsslmus. FINALLY adv., derilquS, demum, postremo (H.), in fin? (Juv.). FINCH subst., fringiUS 1 (Mart.) ; acalantlils (Verg. Georg. iii. 338). Ep. tuneful, woodland, &c. FIND, to v. act. (a) invSnto 4 ; rfpfrio 4. (6) to find in one's heart to do, sutttnfd 2 ; possum, irr. To find a person kind, harsh, &c., invPn'io 4 (Ov. Her. x. 1) ; utSr (Ov. Met. xiii. 52 ; Htr. x. 29) ; experlor 4 (Hor. Od. iv. 4, 3). FINDEE subst., rfpertdr 3 m. ; in- ventdr 3 m. ; auctor 3 m. Ep. first, skilful, &c. FINE adj. (a) not coarse, tPniiis, subtills. (6) pure, refined, purus, slnceriis, subtl- lis ; of gold, purus, spectatus. (c) of weather, ddrus, splendidus, splen- dens, sCrenus, lucUlus, llquldus, cdn- dld&s. Phr., a fine day, tin? nub? die*, claro solS dies ; fine weather, s&renum (Luc.). (d) glorious, egrfgius, eximius, ddrus, nobilis, illustrls. (e) beautiful, q. v. FINE adv. (with " in "). See FINALLY. FINE, to v. act., mulcto 1. See PUNISH, TO. FINE subst., mulcta. 1 ; puna 1. Ep. excessive, small, &c. FINEEY subst. (usually of dress), perhaps splendor 3 m. ; nltor 3 m. Phr., purpurfse vestes (3 f . pi.) ; Ty- rlus, &c. pardtus (4), orndtus (4), apparatus (4). FINGEE subst., d/gitiis 2 ; drticuliis 2 ; pollex 3 m. (lit. thumb). Ep. tender, coarse, &c. FINGEE, to v. act., trdcto 1 ; tango 3 ; dttrecto 1 ; contrecto 1. FINISH, to v. act. (a) conflcld 3 ; perficlo 3 ; pcrago 3 ; FINISHING FISH termlno I ; decurro 3 (Verg. Georg. ii. 39) ; firiio 4 ; concludo 3 ; exlgo 3 ; expl&o 2. T?hr.,finem or mSdum facto 3, statuo 3, pond 3, dddo 3, udhlbFo 2, To finish a book, 3d umbtllcum ddduco 3 (see Hor. Epode xiv. 8). (6) to polish, q. v. FINISHING part, (the finishing touch), phr., manus (4 f.) summd, ex- trema, ultima. FINITE adj., fmltus. FINNY adj., plnnlggr. FIE subst., plnus 2 and 4 f. ; ables 3 f . (gen. SbjStts). A fir grove, plnetum 2. Phr., nSmiis (3 n.) comferum. Ep. tall, evergreen, dark, &c. FIE adj., plnffus, abiegnus (trisyll., Prop. iv. 1, 42). / FIEE subst. r* (a) ignis 3 m. ;/\ Vulcdnus 2 ; often flamma 1. Use fffcus 2 (hearth) ; camlnus 2 ; or forndx 3 f . (furnace). (6) conflagration, Incendium 2 ; ignis 3 m. ; Vulcdnus 2. Ep. bright, fervid, destructive, un- bridled, &c. (c) of disposition, ardtir 3 m. ; sestus 4 ; fervor 3 m. (d) of love, ca/tfr 3 m. ; drdSr 3 m. ; sestus 4 ; ijjwifs 3 m. ; flamma 1. (e) of poetry, caZdr 3 m. ; furor 3 m. (/) on fire. Translate by part, drdens, fl&grdns, mcensus, dccenaus, succensus. FIEE, to v. act. (a) to kindle, incendo 3 ; dccendo 3 ; succendo 3 ; uro 3 ; aduro 3 ; torrPo 2 ; exuro 3 ; pSruro 3 ; comburo 3 ; cr&mo 1. (6) to discharge (of missiles), mltto 3 ; emitto 3 ; t /ac?o 3 ; torquPo 2 ; ejlcto 3 ; projicio 3. FIEE-BEAEING adj., z>r/r. FIEEBEAND subst., ^a 1; fdx 3f. FIEE-BEEATHING adj. Phr., spirdns ndrtbus ignem. (Of., too, Ov. Her. xii. 15.) ee FIERY. FIEED, to be v. pass, (a) drdSo 2 ; flfigro 1 ; and passives of verbs under FIRE, TO (a). (6) of a missile, viflo 1 ; Po, irr. ; and passives of verbs under FIRE, TO (&). FIEEFLY subst. Use ignea mused \,fldmmSa muaca 1. FIEE-SHIP subst. Use IgnifSrd ndvls 3 f., ratis 3 f., &C. FIEESIDE subst., fScus 2. Use also Pffndtes 3 m. pi., Lares 3 m. pi. dffmus 2 and 4 f., tectum 2, &c. Ep. familiar, dear, &c. FIEEWOOD subst., lignum 2; rd- mdlia 3 pi. Ep. dry, collected, &c. FIEEWOEKS subst. No equiva- lent. Use phrases, e.g. imttdntes sldSra fidmmse, similes ccelestlbus ignibus Ignes, &c. FIEM adj. (a) of persons, firmus, constdns, fortts, validus, intrSpidus, immdtus, Immo- bllis. Phr.,propffsitl tSndx, firm of purpose ; to be firm, obduro 1. (6) of things, firmus, staliilis, Immotus, validus, sdlidus, lllabSfdctus, certiis, Immobilis ; of grasp, &c., tSndx. FIEMAMENT subst. Use ccelum 2 ; either 3 m. _ Phr., indnla (3 pi.) call, spattd(2 pi.) iethe'ris, ssthSrel trdctus (4). See HEAVEN. Ep. boundless, airy, &c. FIEMLY adv., tgndciter ; some- times constdntSr. Render also by adj., q. v. ; or phrases, e.g. mentg sSlldd. ftrmo animo, &c. FIEMNESS subst., constdntla 1; robur 3 n. (Mart.). Phr., mens (3 f.) flectl nescta, mens Immota, &c. Ep. manly, iron, invincible, &c. FIEST adj. (a) primus, pnnceps ; often prtSr, prl- misevus. (b) at first, prlmo, prlmum, Imprimis (H.). (c) first or last = sooner or later, serlus out cltius, serlus oclus (a/ut omitted). (f?) to be the first, dcciipo 1 ; prsesurno 3 ; prxcipio 3 ; prseverto 3. FIESTBOEN adj., primus. Phr., ndtu or dnnls mdximus. [pi. FIESTFEUITS subst., prlmltlse 1 Ep. glad, welcome, annual, &c. FISH subst., plscis 3 m. Phr. finny race, scaly brood, brood of sea, mute tribes, &c. For various kinds of fish, see Ovid, Halieuticon. Ep. scaly, swift, dumb, sea, river, &c. K 2 FISH FLANK FISH, to v. act. and neut. pisc&r 1 (H.)- Phr., I catch fish with rod, line, bait, net, &c. See Ovid, Met, iii. 587, xiii. 922, &c., 934, &c. ; Art. Am. i. 763, &c. FISHEE, FISHERMAN subst., pi- cdtfir 3m. Ep. wily, patient, &c. FISH-HOOK subst., Mmus 2. Ep. curved, deadly, crafty, &c. FISHPOND subst., vivarium 2 (H.) ; piscina 1 (Mart.). Ep. full, quiet, &c. FISHY adj. = full of fish, piscosiis. FISSURE subst. = cleft, rima 1. FIST subst., pugnus 2. Ep. threatening, uplifted, hard, &c. FIT subst. In such phrases as " a fit of rage," either omit the word or translate by a participle, e.g. furor (3) ddditus. The word itself might some- times be rendered by impetus 4, vis 3 f., eestus 4, vWlentta 1. FIT, FITTING adj., dptus, iddngus, iitilis, comm&dus, dccommddus, oppor- tunus, habilis, capdx, ingSniosus, con- vfniens. Phr. to be fit for, facto ad (Ov. Her. vi. 128, xiv. 56, &c.) ; at fitting time, In Idco (Hor. Od. iv. 12, 28). FIT, to v. act. (a) dpto 1 ; dccdmmddo 1. (6) to fit out = to equip., orno 1 ; in- struo 3; paro 1 ; instltuo 3; drmo 1. FITFUL adj., mutdbilis, varius, in- certus ; perhaps intermissus. FITLY adv., dpte, cdnvSnlentSr, FIVE num. adj., quinque". FIVEFOLD adj. qulncuplex, (Mart.). FIX, to v. act. (a) to make fast, figo 3 ; dffigo 3 ; infigo 3 ; defigo 3 ; prsefigo 3. (6) to transfix, figo 3 ; trdnsfigo 3 ; confOdlo 3. See PIEBCE, TO. FIXED, to be v. pass, (of the eyes), dertgesco 3. FIXED part. (a) firm, q. v. (6) settled, e.g. a fixed day, &c., certus, ratus. FLABBY, FLACCID adj., tintus, Idxiis, sdlutus, rPmissus, fluldus. FLAG, to v. neut. = to droop, q. v. FLAG subst. (a) rush, junciis 2 ; calfimus 2 ; cdnna 1 ; arundo 3 f. Ep. bending, river, moved by wind, &c. FLAG subst. (a) a banner, vexittum 2; signurn 2. For the Koman banner, use SqullS. 1. Ep. waving, warlike, shining, &c. (6) signal flag, signum 2 ; perhaps in- dicium 2. (c) for decoration. See BrNTiNG. FLAGON subst., lagena 1 (H.); urna 1 ; ampli&ra 1 ; dWta 1 ; testa 1 ; vds (ra?) 3 n. Ep. full, joyous, &c. FLAGRANT adj . = notorious, ndtus, infdmls, prtilrrosus, apertus, manlfestus, certus. FLAGSTAFF subst., perttca 1; per- haps hastily 3 n. See FLAG. FLAIL subst. Use pertlca 1 (no poetical authority in this sense) ; fus- tis 3 m. (no poetical authority in this sense). Ep. moved, uplifted, rapid, &c. FLAKE subst. (a) lamina 1 ; brdcte'd 1. (6) of snow. No exact equivalent. Perhaps pluma 1 (feather) or land, 1 (wool) might be used. Martial uses tacltarum i^eUus aqudrum = snow. FLAMBEAU subst. = torch, q. v. FLAME subst. (a)fldmma 1. Use also words for fire, q. v. Ep. sparkling, living, &c. (6) of love, of genius, &c. See FIRE (d) and (e). (c) in flames = on fire. See FIRE (/). FLAME, to v. neut, drdSo 2; dr- desco 3 ; flhgrd 1 ; ignesco 3 ; tndrdesco 3. FLAMING adj. fldmmiffr, fldm- mdnz, dccensus, radians. FLANK subst. (a) latus 3 n. ; ilia 3 pi. Use also costx 1 pi. (ribs) ; fSmur 3 n. (thigh). (6) of an army, latus 3 n. ; dla 1 (no poetical authority for either word in this sense). Cf. Verg. JEneid iv. 121. Phr., dispdsitx dextrd IxvdquS c8- h dries. FLANK, to v. act.= to accompany, q. v. FLAP ( 133 ) FLEETING FLAP subst. = border or flounce, instlta 1 ; lirnbus 2. FLAP, to v. act. (a) to fan, venttlo 1. (b) to strike, fSrlo 4 ; percutlo 3. (c) to flap the wings, pla/udo (3) pennls. v. neat., flulto 1. FLARE, to v. neut. = to flash, q. v. FLASH subst. (a) fulgdr 3 m. ; ritt&r 3 m. ; flammd 1 ; jubar 3 n. ; lux 3 f . ; lumSn 3 n. ; splendor 3 m. ; scintilla 1. (6) flash of lightning, fulgur 3 n. ; ful- gSr 3 m. Use also fulmn 3 n. ; tti- mtru 4: ; sometimes ignes 3 m. pi. Ep. bright, sudden, &c. FLASH, to v. neut. = to glitter, mlco 1 ; scintilla 1 ; splendSo 2 ; fulgSo 2 ; nltSo 2 ; cSrusco 1 ; radio 1 ; dbsisto 3 ; emlco 1 ; rutilo 1. FLASHING adj., verstcffMr, or par- ticiples of above verbs. FLASK subst., lagena 1. See FLA- GON. FLAT adj. (a) level, lequiis, planus, jacens. (6) dull (d), q. v. (c) downright (a) and (b), q. v. (d) of sound, gravls. FLAT subst. (a) level ground, pldntttes 5 ; dre'd 1 ; sequQr 3 n. ; cdmp&s 2. Ep. smooth, level. &c. (6) stories (of a building), tabulatum 2. FLAT-NOSED adj., slmus. FLATTEN, to v. act., s&quo 1. FLATTER, to v. act., adulfir 1; bldndtdr 4 ; mulcSo 2. Phr., blandtttis or bldndls dlctls cdpto 1, drnblo, irr., aggredltir 3,fdllo 3, &c. FLATTERER subst., uduldtOr 3 m. (Juv.); dssentutSr 3 m. (H.); perhaps cultdr 3 m, cllens 3 m., salutdtSr 3 m. (Mart.), lauddtor 3 m., lauddtrlx 3 f., dssecla (Juv., dub.). Often use dmbitt- osus. Ep. false, cringing, &c. FLATTERY subst., bldndittse 1 pi. ; bldndlmentum 2. Phr., bldndd vox (3 f.), bldnda dicta (2 pi.), &c. Ep. false, persuasive, &c. FLAUNT, to v. act. = to display, q. v. V. neut. supvrbio 4 ; tiimSo 2. FLAVOUR subst., sapdr 3 m. ; succus 2. Ep. sweet, bitter, strange, familiar, &c. FLAVOURED adj., imbutug. FLAW subst. (a) blemish, menda 1 ; macula 1 ; vitlum 2. Ep. hidden, pernicious, &c. (6) sudden gust. See GXJST. FLAWLESS adj., purus, perfectus, intdctus, emeiiddtus. FLAX subst., llnum 2. Ep. white, textile (texttlls), &c. FLAXEN adj. (a) llngus. (b) flax-coloured, fldvus, fldvens, crS- cfus. FLAY, to v. act. Phr., pellem altcui exuo 3, detralw 3 ; pellS aliquem sptilto 1, nudo 1. FLEA subst., pulex 3 m. (Mart.). Ep. tiny, troublesome, biting, &c. FLECK, to v. act., vario 1 ; distln- gud 3 ; plngo 3 ; spdrgo 3. FLECK subst. = spot, macula 1. FLECKED adj., varius, varldtus, spdrsus, dlstlnctus, maculosug, pictus. FLEDGED adj., adultus. FLEE, to v. neut. See FLY, TO. FLEECE subst., vellug 3 n. Use also Idna 1 (wool). Ep. white, thick, woollen, &c. FLEECY adj. (a) Idniggr, Idndtug (Juv.). (6) of clouds. Verg. Georg. i. 397 : Tenula Idnx pSr ccelum vellSra fern = thin fleecy clouds wafted through the sky. FLEER, to v. act. = to mock, q. v. FLEET subst., classls 3 f. Use also naves 3 f. pi. ; rates 3 f. pi. ; carmai 1 pi., &c. Ep. martial, ready, sail-winged (vellfSr). FLEET adj., cSlSr, cltus, rapidug, iSvts, velox, pernlx, prseceps, alacSr, prtipgrus, festinus, festiiidns, prtipPrdng, vOluce'r, cltdtus, concttus, ddmlssus, ven- tosus (of horses = swift as the wind). FLEET, to v. neut. See FLY, TO. FLEETING adj., caducus, brfvlg, pSrlturus, fugdx; perhaps rffugtig, lu- brlciis. FLESH ( 134 ) FLORID Phr., non dluturnus, non mdnsurus, &c. FLESH subst. (a) card 3 f . (6) body, corpus 3 n. ; membra 2 pi. ; drtus 4 pi. FLESH, to v. act., imbuo 3. FLESHY adj. = fat, q. v. FLEXIBLE, FLEXILE adj., lentus, fiexlbllis, flexllis, moltis; sometimes facllis, rffsdlubllls (Verg. Culex.). FLICKER, to v. neut., corusco 1 ; trfmo 3 ; trfpldo 1 ; perhaps dormlto 1 ; sternuo 3. (Of. Ovid, Heroides, xix. 151.) FLICKERING part., coruscus, corus- cans, trPpldus, trSplddns; perhaps in- certus (Verg. Ed. v. 5, &c.). FLIGHT subst. (a) of birds, (the act of flying), voldtus 4; lapsus 4; cursus 4. Use also fuga 1. Ep. swift, silent, timid, aerial, &c. (fc) a flight of birds = a flock, grex 3 m. ; dgmSn 3 n. ; nubes 3 f. Ep. winged, dense, aerial, &c. (c) a flight of arrows = volley, tempes- tds 3 f . ; imblr 3 m. Ep. deadly, dense, iron, &c. (d) running away, fuga 1 ; effiigium 2 (escape). Phr., to take to flight, terga do 1, verto 3, or simply fuglo 3. See FLY, TO. Ep. base, swift, unmanly, &c. FLIMSY adj., ttvls. FLINCH, to v. neut. (a) deficio 3 ; cesso 1 ; succido 3. (6) to flinch from, detrecto 1 ; rScuso 1 ; rSffujld 3; vito 1. FLING, to v. act. (a) jacld 3 ; projlcio 3 ; ejlcio 3 ; jdcto 1 ; jaculor ' 1 ; mltto 3 ; emltto 3 ; fundo 3 ; effundo 3 ; spdrgo 3 ; tor- qu?o 2 ; contorqufo 2 ; Intorqufo 2. (b) to fling away, dbjicto 3 ; projlcio 3. (c) to fling down, dejlcld 3. See DEMOLISH, TO. (cZ) to fling upon, superjiclo 3 ; siipe'rin- jlc'io 3. (e) to fling at, pfid 3 ; lacesso 3. (/) to fling headlong, prxclplto 1. FLING subst., jactiis 4. Ep. swift, powerful, headlong, &c. FLINT subst., sllex 3 f. ; (metaph.) adamds 3, cautes 3 f. Ep. hard, unbroken, rough, pointed, &c. FLINT-HEARTED adj. = hard- hearted, q. v. FLINTY adj. = hard, q. v. FLIPPANT adj., prdcdx, IneptSs, prdterrii*. FLIRT subst. Phr. ldsch-3 piiella 1. FLIT, to v. act., vollto 1 ; clrcum- rolito 1. FLITCH subst. (of bacon), perna 1 (HA Ep. smoky, fat, &:c. FLITTERMOUSE subst. = bat, q. v. FLOAT, to v. neut. (a) flulto 1. Use also nato 1 ; no I ; rSnd 1 ; fSror, irr. ; ldl>Sr 3. ) to float in the air, (of banners) flulto 1. Cf. also Ovid, Fast. iii. 373 (of the dncili?). FLOCK subst. (a) of sheep, grex 3 m. ; pPcus 3 n. (-Orls gen.); pPcus 3 f. (-udls gen.). Use also turbo. 1 ; caterva 1 ; ores 3 f. pi. ; bidentes 3 f. pi. Ep. timid, fleecy, soft, sti~/*. FLOOR subst., solum 2 ; pavlmen- tum2. Ep. marble, variegated, shining, tes- selated, &c. FLORAL adj., florfiis, florldus. FLORID adj., rubens, rubicundus. FLOUNCE ( 135 ) FOG FLOUNCE subst., perhaps Insttta 1 ; sinus 4. FLOUR subst., farina 1. Ep. white, dusty, &c. FLOURISH, to v. neut., florSo 2 ; vfyPd 2 ; valSo 2 ; verno 1 (Prop.). FLOURISHING adj., florens, vt- gens, prospSrus, b&dtus, se'cundus, fellx, Isetus. FLOUT, to v. act. See MOCK, TO. FLOW, to v. neut. (a) fluo 3 ; ma.no 1 ; profluo 3 ; decurro 3 ; labSr 3 ; deldbdr 3 ; ffrSr 3, irr. ; volvffr 3 ; ffo, irr. ; defluo 3. Of poetry flowing from the writer's pen, provSnlo 4. Dark flowing of a river, nlgSr (Verg. Georg. iv. 126). (fc) of the tide, dlldbor 3 ; cresco 3. (c) to flow between, Interluo 3. (d) to flow beneath, subterldbtfr 3. FLOWEE subst., flos 3 m. Ep. fresh, scented, spring, summer, red, white, purple, &c. FLOWER, to v. neut., florto 2; vlgeo 2 ; sometimes virSo 2 ; verno 1. Phr., gemmds pdndo 3, trudo 3, cSmds explico 1. FLOWER-CULLING &&j.,florilggus. FLOWERET subst., flosculus 2 (Juv.). FLOWERING adj., late-flowering, sera ctimdn* (rare). FLOWERY adj., florSus, florldus. FLOWING adj., (of robes, &c.) sinuosus, fluens ; flowing backwards (of rivers) siiplnus, rPcurrens ; of hair, see DISHEVELLED and LONG. JFLUCTUATE, to v. neut., dublto 1 ; liierCo 2 ; flulto 1 (H.) ; flvctUo 1 ; pen- tied 2. FLUENT adj., disertus, facundiis. FLUID a,dj.,fluidiis, fluens, Itquidus, liquens, liqudtus, liquffdctus. FLUID subst., liqutir 3 m. ; humffr 3 m. ; latex 3 m. Ep. clear, thick, &c. FLUKE subst., (of an anchor) dens 3m. Ep. curved, tenacious, iron, &c. FLUSH, to v. neut. = to blush, q. v. FLUSH subst. = blush, ruWr 3 m. Ep. modest, maiden, &c. FLUTE subst., fistula 1 ; tibia 1. Use also arundo 3 f. ; cdnna 1 ; cala- mus 2 ; arena 1 ; cicuta 1 ; Sl)ur 3 n. Ep. clear, sweet, pastoral, &c. FLUTTER, to v. neut. (a) Use vSltto 1. Phr., tento vSldtus, alas, pennds, &c. ; pennls cffrusco, &c. (6) to be agitated, trSpldo 1 ; trSmo 3 ; pavSo 2 ; mico 1 ; salto 4. FLY, to v. neut. (a) of birds, vtilo 1 ; viflito 1 ; evtflo 1 ; ddvtfld 1 (to fly towards). Use also IdbSr 3 ; fSrSr, irr. ; end 1. Phr., to cut the air ; to move, try, &c., wings ; to rise upwards, glide along liquid path, &c. ; to use oarage (remigium) of wings, &c., pervtilo 1, supgrevtilo 1 (Luc.), to fly over ; rSvtilo 1, to fly back. (6) to run away, fuglo 3 ; a/ufuglo 3 ; effuglo 3. Phr., to urge, hasten, attempt, &c., flight, to turn the back (terga do 1) in flight, to trust to feet, &c. (c) of time, v6ld 1 ; fuglo 3 ; Idb&r 3. (d) to fly at = to attack, q. v. (e) to let fly = to discharge, q. v. v. act. = to avoid or fly from, fuglo 3 ; vlto 1 ; evlto 1. FLY subst., musca 1 (Mart.). Ep. summer, troublesome, swarming, FLYING adj. (a) of darts, &c., vtilatllls, vtfldm, vSlucfr. (fe) of time, &c. = fleeting, q. v. FOAL subst., pullus 2. Ep. skittish, timid, new-born, &o. FOAM subst., spuma 1 ; dspergo 3 f. Ep. white, sea, salt, &c. FOAM, to v. neut., spumo 1 ; spu- mesco 3 ; xstud 1. FOAMY adj., spumfus, spumdns, spumosus, spumife'r. FODDER subst., pabulum 2 ; fenum 2 ; perhaps alimentum 2 ; nutrlmSn 3 n. ; nutrlmenhtm 2. Ep. abundant, collected, &c. FOE, FOEMAN subst., hostis 3 ; Int- mlcus 2 ; sometimes semuliis, rlvdlts. Ep. ruthless, warlike, cruel, bloody, &c. FOG subst., nebula 1 ; nubes 3 f. ; vapor 3 m. ; der 3 m. Phr., Tiumens umbra 1. Ep. dense, collected, silent, &c. FOGGY ( 136 ) FOOT FOGGY adj., ntfbulosus, nubllus, crds- sw8, obscurus, humldus, humens. FOIL, to v. act. = to baffle, q. v. FOIL subst. (a) a blunt sword for fencing, rudls 3 f . Ep. wooden, well-deserved, &c. (&) a thin plate of metal, lamina 1 ; Idmna 1 ; brdctSa 1. Ep. golden, copper, &c. FOLD subst. (a) for cattle, dvllS 3 ; coulee 1 pi. ; septa 2 pi. ; stabulu 2 pi. ; prsesepS 3n. Ep. safe, familiar, full, &c. (b) of a garment, sinus 4. Ep. fine, purple, &c. FOLD, to v. act. (a) of sheep, clmido 3 ; includo 3. (b) to double, duplico 1 ; piled 1. (c) to enfold, involve 3 ; implied 1 ; cingo 3 ; circumdo 1 ; dmblo 4. FOLDING-DOORS subst., vdlvse 1 pi. Phr., biffires valvse. Ep. high, royal, &c. FOLIAGE subst. = leaves, frons 3 f. ; /Slid 2 pi. ; coma 1 ; cfhnss 1 pi. Ep. shady, dense, waving, &c. FOLK subst. (a) homines 3 m. (b) country folk, agrestes 3 n. pi. ; dgrl- colse 1 pi., &c. Phr., amdtor 3 m., inctila 1 m, &c., rurls. (c) townsfolk, urbdni 3 pi. ; cives 3 pi. Phr., amdtOr 3 m. urbls. FOLLOW, to v. act. (a) sSquor 3 ; subs&qutir 3 ; sector 1. (Z>) to chase, sSquor 3 ; aglto 1 ; ago 3 ; 2>e^o 3 ; exaglto 1 ; sector 1 ; urgSo 2 ; prSmo 3 ; insgquttr 3 ; persSquSr 3. (c) to succeed, sSquffr 3 ; exclplo 3 ; SMC- cedo 3. (d) to imitate, sSquor 3 ; imltdr 1. (e) to obey, s&quor 3 ; pdrSo 2 ; exsSquSr 3 ; faclo 3 ; capesso 3. FOLLOWER subst., famulus 2 ; minister 2 ; satelle's 3 m. ; cZzens 3 m. (fern, clienta). Ep. trusty, warlike, &c. FOLLY subst., stultitia 1; vecordia 1 ; sometimes emJr 3 m., furSr 3 m., stlnd 1. FOREFATHER subst = ancestor, put&r 3 m. ; avus 2 ; prSavus 2 ; atuvus 2 ; mdjores 3 m. pi. Ep. illustrious, ancient, &c. FOREFEND, to v. act. = to avert, arerto 3 ; arc/So 2 ; prtfhlbSd 2 ; pello 3 ; defendo 3. Phr., Heaven forefend! Dl me'lius! qu6d abdmlndr (Ov.). FOREFINGER subst., Index dlgltus 2 (H.). FOREFRONT adj. = front (of a battle), phr., prlma acles (5), prlmum agmSn (3 n.). FOREGO, to v. act. See FOKGO, TO. FOREGROUND subst., phr., pars (3 f.) prior (of a picture, &c.). FOREHEAD subst., frons 3 f. ; superclltum 2 ; sometimes nutus 4 (nod), cuput 3 n. (head), vultus 4 (coun- tenance), &c. Ep. broad, narrow, &c. FOREIGN adj., externus, pPregrinus, bdrbarfif, alienus, advSna, ext&rus, ad- vectm, hospitd (only fern. sing, and neut. pi.). FOREIGNER subst., adv?na 1 m. ; Jidspes 3 m. ; hosplta 1 f . ; pe'regrlnus 2 ; externus 2 ; bdrbarus 2. FOREKNOW, to v. act., prxsclsco 3 ; prxnosco 3 ; prsevldSo 2 ; praisen- tloi. FOREKNOWING adj., prxsctiis, prudens, dlvlnus. FOREKNOWLEDGE subst., pru- dent la 1. Phr., mens (3 f.) prsescia, dlvlna, praisaga. FORELAND subst., promdntdrium 2 (scanned also promontorjum). Phr., sdxa (2 pi.) procurrentia, rupes (3) projecta. Ep. windy, high, sea-beat, &c. FORELOCK subst., cirrus 2 (Mart., Juv.). Phr., to take time by the forelock, diem carpo 3. FOREMOST adj. = first, q. v. FORENOON subst., phr., tertla, quarto, or quinta hora. Sometimes fore- noon may be rendered morning, q. v., or midday, mSridles 5 ; mSdtus diet 5. FORERUN, to v. act., prxcedo 3; prserfnlo 4. Phr., prsevius fo, irr. FORERUNNER subst. (a) harbinger, pr&nurMus, nunttus, prsevius. Ep. swift, early, wonted, &c. (6) ancestor, q. v. FORESEE, to v. act., prsevidfo 2 ; prUescisco 3 ; prsenosco 3 ; auguro 1 ; augurd'r 1 ; priesentlo 4. FORESHADOW, to v. act., portendo 3 ; monstrd 1 ; ostendd 3 ; prsesagio 4, (Prop.) ; afiguror 1 ; auguro 1 ; signified 1 ; deniintlo 1. FORESIGHT subst. = prudent la 1. Phr., mens (3 f.) provlda. FOREST subst., slh-a 1 ; sometimes sdltus 4, nfmus 3 n., lucug 2. Phr., sihdrum latebrse (1 pi.), rPces- sm 4 ; fSrdrum lustra (2 pi.), haunts of wild beasts. Sometimes use quercetum 2 (oak forest), plnetum 2 (pine wood), &c. Ep. shady, pathless, ancient, se- cluded, leafy, &c. FORESTALL, to v. act., praeclplo 3 ; prsecurro 3 (Lucr.). FORETASTE, to v. act. prsesumo 3. FORETAgTE subst., perhaps plg- niis 3 n. Ep. sweet, welcome, &c. FORETELL, to v. act., prwllco 3 ; prseclno 3 ; vdtlclnSr 1 ; cano 3 ; ougiiror 1 ; auguro 1 ; prsemGnSo 2 ; denuntlo 1 ; portendo 3 ; dlvlno 1. FORETELLER ( 139 FORSWEAR FORETELLER subst. = prophet, votes 3 m. ; augur 3 ru. Ep. inspired, truthful, &c. FORETHOUGHT subst., prudentta 1 ; constltum 2. Ep. wise, sane, careful, &c. FOREWARN, to v. act., mffneo 2 ; ddmSneo 2 ; pnemSnSd 2. ^FORFEIT subst. = fine, mulcts, 1 ; pcena 1. Ep. heavy, undeserved, &c. FORFEIT, to v. act., dmltto 3; per do 3. FORFEIT, FORFEITED adj., debt- tus. FORGE subst., camlnus 2 ; forndx 3 f. ; offlclna 1. Ep. fiery, Vulcanian, (Vulcantus), vast, gloomy, &c. FORGE, to v. act. (a) fabrtco 1 ; procudo 3 ; excudo 3 ; confto 1. Use also fingo 3 ; formo 1 ; facto 3 ; efficlo 3 ; duco 3. (6) to invent (lies, &c.) fingo 3 ; InvSnlo 4; excoglto 1 (Mart.), (c) to forge anew, dlfflngo 3 ; rScSquo 3. FORGED adj., = false, q. v. also subjectus. FORGET, to v. act., obllvtscdr 3; dedlscd 3 (lit. to unlearn). Phr., non memtnl, non mPmfir sum, Immemdr sum, mentS cudit, dbllvta me capiunt, &c. ; forget not to come, fuc or fucito rdnlas. FORGETFUL adj., ImmSinSr, oblitus. Phr., TioM mffmdr, parnm memSr, (filivtusiis causing forgetfulness. FORGETFULNESS subst., Sblivld 3 ; oblivla 2 pi. Phr., Letheai aquae. (1 pi.), Letliiea poculii (2 pi.), metis (3 f.) Imm&mffr. Ep. long, jealous, un^Yelcome, &c. FORGIVE, to v. act. (a) (a person) ignosco 3 ; pared 3 ; In- dulged 2. Phr., vSntam do (1), pcenam rSmlttd (3). (b) a fault, iyndscd 3 ; exc"fC 1. (c) a debt, remltto 3. FORGIVENESS subst., venta 1; often pax 3 f . Ep. easy, undeserved, welcome, &c. FORGIVING adj., placabilis, exord- btlls, clemens, mitts. FORGO v. act. = to resign, reslgnd 1 ; dlmltto 3 ; rSmltto 3 ; pond 3 ; ffmltto 3. FORGOTTEN adj., oblitus (once in Verg.) Phr., mente', anlmo, &c., lapsus. FORGOTTEN, to be v. neut., effluo 3 ; inter 'cido 3. FORK subst. (a) a farmer's, furca 1 ; btdens 3 m. Ep. iron, pronged (bicornis'), &c. (&) of branches, dngulus 2. Phr., rdmus blfurcus. (c) of a road, blvlum 2. FORKED adj., (of lightning) trt- ftdus, trlsulcus. ^FORLORN adj., fgenus, inops, pauper, fgens, solus, desertus; often orbits, orbdtus. See WRETCHED. FORM subst. (a) outward appearance, forma 1 ; sp&cles 5 ; figura 1 ; li&bltus 4. Ep. graceful, majestic, puny, &c. (b) of a hare, use cubllS 3 n. Ep. safe, dark, retired, &c. FORM, to v. act., formo 1 ; fingo 3 ; facto 3 ; efftcio 3 ; conficlo 3 ; fab- rlco 1. V. neut. (of ice), cresco 3 ; in- cresco3; concresc53; (of skin-forming), rSsldo 3 (Hor. Od. ii. 20, 9). FORMAL adj. = ceremonious, gra- vis, sSverus, rtgidus, durus, trlstls. In due form, Justus, legltimus. FORMER adj. (a) prldr, often prlsciis, dntlquus, vStus. (6) the former of two persons, HIS, alter. FORMERLY adv., Slim, quondam, prius, ante, dntehdc (scanned, antehdo as a spondee) ; lidctenus = hitherto. FORMIDABLE adj. = dreadful, q. v. FORMLESS adj., (of chaos) ; phr., rudis indigestaque moles (Ovid). FORSAKE, to v. act. = to abandon, q. v. FORSAKEN adj., desertus, solus, rSllctus, Incffniltdtus. FORSOOTH adv., scilicet, nempS, qulppe. FORSPENT adj. = weary, q. v. FORSWEAR, to v. act. (o) dbjuro 1 ; respuo 3 ; rfcdnto 1. FORSWORN ( 140 ) FOUL (6) to forswear oneself, to be perjured, perjuro 1 ; pejSro 1 ; mentlur 4. FOESWOEN adj., perjurug, per- fldus, menddx, fdlldx. FOET subst., drx 3 f. ; cdstellum 2 ; turrls 3 f. ; opptdum 2 ; moenta 3 pi. Ep. high, inaccessible, rockv, &c. FORTH adv. (o) must be rendered usually by ex, ab, pro compounded with the verb : e.g. egrgdlor 3, I go forth ; emitto 3, I send forth. (b) forth = out of doors, fffrds. (c) from that time forth, IndS. FOETHWITH adv., prottnus, con- tlnuo, extemplo, illcSt. Phr. nulla mtira, nulla mtfra est, hand mora (est\ ne'e mfira. FOETIFY, to v. act., munlo 4f valid 1 ; firmo 1 ; emunlo 4. Phr. muris, munimtng or mcenibus te"go 3, cingo 3, circumdo 1, defendo 3, seplo 4. FOETITTTDE subst. = courage, q. v. FOETNIGHT subst., phr., bis sep- tem die^ . FOETRESS subst. = fort, q. v. FOETUITOUS adj. = accidental, fartuitus. FOETTJNATE adj.,felix,fortundtus, bSdtSs, prospSrus, sfcundus (of things only), uetS^fcSMSt (of things only), dextfr (of things only). FOETUNATELY adv., feltcttSr, Phr., laetls ausptcils, Wriis avlbus, &c. FOETTTNE subst. (o) fortuna 1 ; sors 3 f. ; vices 3 f. pi. ; cdsus 4; fors 3 f. (nom. and atl. only). (&) good fortune, fortuna 1 ; (rarely of bad fortune) res (5) se'cundte, Ixtie, &c. Ep. smiling, golden, joyous, &c. (c) bad fortune, cdsus 4 (rarely of good fortune) ; Infortunlum 2 (H.) ; ddversa 2 pi. ; mala 2 pi. ; labores 3 m. pi. Phr., res (5) ddversse, sors (3 f.) ds- pSra, full indementia (1). Ep. sudden, fatal, undeserved, &c. (d) goods, res 5 ; bffna 2 pi. ; Spes 3 f. pi. ; dlrltlse 1 pi. ; gdzse 2 pi. FOETTJNE-HTINTEE subst., cdp- tdtfr 3 m. (H.). FOETUNE-TELLEE subst., sdgd 1 ; magus 2. Ep. deceitful, foreknowing, &c. FOEWAED adv., porro, usually ex- pressed by pro, compounded with the verb, e.g. proded irr., I go forward ; pro- jlclo, I throw forward. FOEWARD adj. (a) eager, q. v. (6) premature, immdturus, crudus, Seer- bus. FOEWAED, to v. act., sSciindo 1 ; favSo 2; jttco 1; adjuro 1; promdcSo 2 ; provPho 3 ; extendo 3. FOSSE subst., fossa 1. Ep. deep, inaccessible, &c. FOSSIL subst. Use phrase, e.g. sevi mSnumenta (2 pi.) priorls, ossd (3 pi.) sfpulta ; so too relliquiie (1 pi.), slgna (1 pi.), monstra (2 pi.), &c., with epithets. Ep. dry, dried up, long-buried, strange, &c. FOSTEE, to v. act., fSi-So 2 ; aid 3; nutrlo 4 ; pdsco 3 ; servo 1 ; tuPSr 2. FOSTEE-CHILD subst., alumnus 2. Ep., dear, cherished, &c. FOSTEEING adj., bemgnus, seduliis, offictotti*. " FOSTEE-FATHEE subst., altar 3. FOSTEE - MOTHEE, FOSTEE- NUESE subst., dllrlx 3 f., nutrix 3 f. Ep. careful, diligent, loving, &c. FOIIL adj. (a) dirty, sordidus, immundus, foediis, turpls, sijitdlfdiig, vqualeiiS, spurcus (Mart.), tetZr. (fc) wicked, turpls, fcedus, nffdndus, in- faitdus, tmpiiis, scflfratus, scSlestus, malus, immdnls, ImprObus. (c) ugly, turpls, iiifdrm'n-, deformis, ob- scenus, fcedSs, horridus. (d) of weather, foul weather = a stormy sky, prSceUosus, hibernus, i-entosiis, nimbdsus, plurlus, pluildlis, ImbrlfSr. See STORM, KAIN, &c. Phr., 7ion trdctdblie cce.lum, inul&s Jupplte'r. (e) a foul wind = a contrary wind, ddcersus, contriirtiis, inlmlcus. Phr., non sHcundus, non suus. See FAIR (c). (/) foul play = fraud, q. v. FOUL, to v. act., foido 1 ; Inquino 1 ; lino 3 ; obit no 3 ; iflino 3 ; cdlltuo 3. FOUL-MOUTHED FRAUGHT FOUL - MOUTHED adj., perhaps morddx, amariis. Translate by convlcla 2 pi. (abuse) ; e.g. lie is a foul-mouthed fellow, convlcla jdctat, fundlt, dlclt, faclt, &c. FOULNESS subst. = filth, q. v. FOUND, to v. act., / 'undo 1; condd 3 ; stdtud 3 ; constltuo 3 ; pond 3 ; struo 3 ; exstruo 3 ; mollSr -i. Phr., fundaments, funddmlna, loco 1, pond 3, &c. ; muros, or mcenta, jaclo 3, tdllo, in., &c. FOUNDATION subst., funddmSn 3 n. ; funddmentum 2. Ep. deep, solid, stone, &e FOUNDER subst., funddtdr 3 m. ; condltor 3 m. ; auctSr 3 m. ; molitSr 3 m. ; pdsltor 3 m. Ep. ancient, first, famous, &c. FOUNDER, to v. neut., (of a ship) sldo 3 (Prop.) ; mergtir 3 ; submerg&r 3 ; obrudr 3 ; detnergffr 3. FOUNDLING subst. Use puSr (2) orbus, in/dm (3 n.) orbits or desertus, &c. FOUNT, FOUNTAIN subst., fom 3 m. ; sometimes vena 1, tfrigo 3 f. Ep. sacred, bubbling, babbling, wandering, perennial, living, bright, transparent, glassy, pure, swift, &c. FOUR num. adj., qudttuSr. Phr., bis dutf. FOURTH adj., qudrtus. A fourth time, quarto. FOUR TIMES adv., quatSr. FOWL subst. (a) bird, q. v. (6) chicken, gdlllna 1 (Mart.). Phr., coTiortls ares, farm-yard fowls. Ep. tender, unfledged, &c. FOWLER subst., auceps, 3 m. Ep. cunning, eager for prey, &c. FOWLING subst., aucuplum 2 (Prop.). Phr., to go a-fowling, aves, &c., calamo, lino, pffdtcls, &c. ; cdpto 1, fdllo 3; avibus, &c. retla, Insldids, laqugos tendo 3, pond 3, &c. FOX subst., vulpes, 3 f. Ep. crafty, lurking, red, &c. FOXGLOVE subst., bdccar 3 n. FOXHOUND subst., cams 3 m. ; catuliis 2 ; MSlossiis 2 ; Lacon 3 m. ; Umber 2. Ep. eager, keen, sagacious, &c. FOXHUNTER subst., vendtSr 3 m. ; vendtrlx 3 f. FOXLIKE adj. = artful (6), q v. FRAGILE adj. [a) fragllls, tSnSr, InsSlldus. (6) frail, q. v. FRAGMENT subst., frdgmtn 3 n.; frdgmentum 2. Ep. huge, broken off, rough, &c. FRAGRANCE subst., 8dor 3 m. ; hdlttus 4 ; aura 1. Ep. welcome, familiar, &c. FRAGRANT adj., Sdortis, ddordtus, dddrtffr, frdgrdns, rSdolens, hdldns, (liens, dmbrdslus. FRAIL adj., fragllls, caducus, brS- vts, Inflrmus, debllts, Idngwns, fugdx. ~\ FRAILTY subst., mobllitds 3 f. ; IS vitas 3 f. ; Inconstdntia 1. Ep. weak, light, &c. FRAME, to v. act. (a) to form, q. v. (&) to contrive, q. v. (c) to invent, flngo 3 ; Inv&nld 4 ; ex- coglto 1 (Mart.). FRAME subst. = form, q. v. _FRAMER subst., fabrlcdtdr 3 m. ; auctSr 3 m. FRANK adj., ingSnuus, simplex, cdndidus, slncerus (Mart.). FRANKINCENSE subst., tus 3 n. Phr., turSa dona (2 pi.), turls ddores (3 pi.), &c. Ep. Eastern, Sabean, smoking, odo- rous, fragrant, pious, &c. FRANKNESS subst., slmpllcltds 3 f . ; cdnddr 3 m. Phr., IngSnlum 2 simplex, &c. Ep. open, bare, guileless, &c. FRANTIC adj., demens, dmens, In- sdnus, male'sdnus, lymphdtus, vesdniis, furens, vecors, furlosus. FRATERNAL &dj.,frdternus; some- times cogndtus, consdngulneus. FRATERNITY subst. = brother- hood (a) and (6), q.v. FRAUD subst., fraus 3 f. ; dSlus 2 often with malus ; fdlldcla 1 ; Invidlse 1 pi., perfidia 1, scSlus 3 n., npfds 3 n. (indec.). Ep. base, secret, lying, prepared, &c. FRAUDFUL, FRAUDULENT adj. = deceitful q. v. FRAUGHT part. = laden, tinustiis, FRAY ( 142 ) FRIAR SnSrdtus, plenus, gravls, gramtus, rffer- tus, abunddn^ rSpletus. FRAY subst. (a) battle, pugna 1 ; prcelium 2 ; certd- mSn 3 n. ; deles 5 ; Mars 3 m. Ep. bloody, stubborn, nocturnal, deadly, doubtful, &c. (fe) strife, rlxa 1 ; jurgium 2 ; Us 3 f . ; slmultds 3 f. Ep. eager, fierce, pitiable, &c. FRAY, to v. act. = to rub or wear, FREAK subst., jScus 2 ; lusug 4 ; ludus 2. Ep. foolish, sportive, idle, &c. FRECKLE, to v. act., perhaps ma- culo 1. Use also torrSo 2 ; inftclo 3 ; cSloro 1. FRECKLE subst. Use macula 1; nSta 1. FREE adj. (a) liber. Phr., free to return, rSvertendi libSr (Ov.). (b) frank, q. v. (c) free from, libSr, stflutiis, expers, vacuus, immunls, exsors. FREE, to v. act., libfro 1 ; solvo 3 ; expfdlo 4 ; expltco 1 ; eximo 3 ; vlndico 1 ; asslro 3. FREEBOOTER subst., latro 3m.; prsedo 3 m. Ep. lawless, cruel, &c. FREEBORN adj., ttb?r, ingZnuus. FREEDMAN subst., libertus 2 (H.) ; libertlnus 2 (H.). Ep. trusty, &c. FREEDOM subst., llbertds 3 f. FREELY adv., large, bPnigne, abun- de, largltSr (H.), licentfr (H.), licentlus (Verg.) ; sometimes gratis. Phr., to speak more freely, verbis f&tulantlus uti (Ov. Her. xvi. 245). FREEMAN subst., llbSr. FREESPOKEN adj., verdx, sim- plex, sincerus (Mart.). FREEZE, to v. neut. (a) corujSlo 1 ; concreted 3 ; induresco 3 ; rigesco 3 ; g&l&r 1 (Mart.) ; glaclo 1. - v. act. (a) congelo 1 ; duro 1 ; induro 1 ; gflo I (Mart.); glaclo 1. (6) used figuratively, like curdle (c), q. V. FREIGHT, to v. act., Snfro 1 ; gra- vo 1 ; rSplSo 2 ; impleo 2 ; comptto 2 ; explPo 2 ; cumulo 1 ; acerrd 1. FREIGHT subst., tinus 3 n. ; some- times pondiis 3 n. Ep. precious, sought, &c. FRENZIED adj. = frantic, q. v. FRENZY subst. Insanla 1 ; demen- tia 1 ; furSr 3m.; amentia 1. Phr.,/ror<* stimuli 2 pi., ictus 4 pi., impetus , &c. Sometimes use iru 1. Ep. wild, unbridled, heaven-sent, &c. FREQUENCY subst. Translate by part., rSpStitus, ltratus,fre'quens. FREQUENT adj.,/r^H.*, WrJtus, rgpStitu*, creb&r, multus, plurlmus ; sometimes densu*, spissiis. FREQUENT, to v. act., ctlebro 1 ; frSquento 1 ; cfilo 3. FREQUENTLY adv. = often sxpg, stepius, crebro, rulgo, dsstdiie,fre'quente'r, frSquentiiis (both rare), perssepS. FRESH adj. (o) cold, frigem, frigldm, ggltdus, eggli- dus (coldish), purus. (6) new, ndcus, rScens, intdctiis ; liornus (of corn, lit. "of this year," Hor. Odes, iii. 23, 3). (c) vigorous, acSr, lietus, ralidus, rirl- dus, vtgens, impiger, crudus. (d) not salt, (of water) dulcls. FRESH-BLOWN adj., rfcenx. FRESHEN, to v. nc-ut. (of wind) crebresco 3 ; increbresco 3 ; cresco 3. FRESHET subst., torrens 3 m. Ep. sudden, mountain, , prutervus. FRITH subst. = strait of sea, fr&tum 2. Ep. narrow, surging, rocky, fishy, &c. FRIVOLOUS adj., If vis, indnls,fu- tilis. FRO adv. Phr., to and fro, Ituc illuc. FROCK subst. (a) long dress of women, sttila 1 ; pdlla 1 ; Instlta 1. (b) of men, use tunica 1 ; perhaps sa- gum 2. See CLOAK. FROG subst., rdna 1. Ep. marshy, ugly, croaking, trouble- some, &c. FROLIC subst., ludus 2 ; jocus 2 (pi. I or a) ; lusus 4 ; risus 4. Ep. sportive, idle, nocturnal, &c. FROLIC, to v. neut., ludo 3. Phr. jocos, ludos, &c. tento 1, moi-So 2, &c. FROLICSOME adj., jScosiis, hilaris, Idscivus, prdtervus, festus; sometimes alacSr. FROM prep., d, ab, ex, de, often compounded with verb, e.g. dbrlplo 3, I snatch from. FROND subst. = leaf, q. v. FRONT subst., frons 3 f . ; generally in phrases, e.g. the front of the line, prima ucies ; in front of the house, ante domum, &c. In front, adj. prx- vius. FRONT, to v. act., obsto 1 ; dbslsto 3. Phr., obvius sum, with dative ; contra sto 1, oppdnd 3, me tibi, &c. FRONTIER subst., fines 3 pi.; conflnia 2 pi. Ep. outside, distant, &c. FRONTLET subst., of horses, pJia- iSrse 1 pi. Ep. gilded, ornamented, shining, &c. FROST subst., gSlu 4 (abl. only); frlgus 3 n. ; prulna 1. Often use glades 5 (ice), nix 3 f. (snow), bruma 1, hiems 3 f. Ep. wintry, keen, sudden, cruel, &c. FROSTY adj., gSlidus, glacidli*, frlgidus, hibernus, prulnosus ; perhaps nivdlis. FROTH subst. = foam, spuma. 1 ; dspergo 3 f . (of the sea). Ep. white, salt, leaping, &c. FROTH, to v. neut., spumo 1 ; spumesco 3 ; sestud 1. FROTHY adj., spumosiis, spumSus. FROWARD adj., di/tcilis, morosus, tStrlcus, dsper, sScerus, protervus, pro- cdx, improbus. FROWN ( 144 ) FURNACE FROWN v. neut. Flir., frontem contralto 3. FKOWN subst. Phr., front 3 f. contracts, sSvera, tarva ; tristS supercillum 2 ; nubes 3 f . or ruga 1 ; frontls. Sometimes tristltia 1 ; unf^ritas 3 f. FROZEN adj., gSldtus, concretus, durdius, ddstrictus, constrictus, torpens, glactdlts. FRUGAL adj., pdrcus, mSdestus, sobrtus. Phr., pdrvo contentus, or bfdtus ; frugal fare, ccena 1 brSvls, victus 4 tSnuls. FRUGALITY subst. = thrift, q. v. FRUIT subst. (a) fructus 4 ; pdma 2 pi. ; fetus 4 ; proventus 4 ; bdca 1. Ep. ripe, early, sweet, &c. (6) fruits of the earth, i.e. corn,friiges 3 f. pi. ; fetus 4 ; stye's 3 f . ; messts 3 f. ; CSres 3 f. ; frumentum 2. Ep. yellow, ripened, abundant, &c. (3) fruit of the womb, offspring, proles 3 f. ; subfiles 3 f. ; progSnles 5 f. ; prtipdgo 3 f . ; fetus 4 ; pdrtiis 4. Ep. longed-for, beloved, worthy, &c. (d) result, e.g. the fruits of victory, toil, &c., premium 2 ; munus 3 n. ; merces 3 f . ; lucrum 2 ; pdrtum 2. Ep. fitting, desired, &c. FRUITFUL adj. (a) of trees, pomlfSr. (6) of the earth, &c., fecundus, fertllis, fSrdx, ubgr,frugife'r,felix, Isitus, gSnl- tabllis (Lucr.). (c) with " in," abunddns, dive's, plenus, fffrdx, fertllU. FRUITLESS adj., irritus, vdnus, in- dnis, inutills, stfrtlls. FRUSTRATE, to v. act. = to baffle, frustror 1 ; eludo 3. FRY, to v. act.,frlgo 3. FUEL subst., llgna 2 pi. ; alimen- tum 2 ; nutrlmentum 2 ; nutrime'n 3 n. Ep. dry, collected, &c. FUGITIVE adj. (a) runaway, fugdx, fugitiviis (rare ; usually means an escaped slave), fiigiem, prdfugus ; sometimes exul (an exile), (fc) fleeting, q. v. FULFIL, to v. act. = to accomplish (a), q. v. FULFILMENT subst., sometimes fides 5 ; exttus 4 (Fasti, vi. 565) Translate by participle, e.g. the fulfil- ment of my wishes = rata vota (2 pi.). FULL adj. (a) copious, plenus, distentus, ub&r. (6) full of, plenus, impletus, rPpletus, r&- fertiis, abunddns, rSdunddns, dive's. Full moon, luna plena (Lucr.). FULLBLOWN adj., perhaps aper- tus, mdturus. FULLY adv., pgnttus. FULSOME adj. Use nlmius, immff- dicus. FUME, to v. neut. = to be angry, q. v. FUMES subst., vapdr 3 m. FUMIGATE, to v. act., su/lo 4; vapor o 1. FUN subst., jdcus 2 (plural -t m. and -a n.) ; ludus 2 ; lusus 4 ; risus 4. ; Ep. sportive, kindly, childish, &c. FUNERAL subst.j exsSquise 1 pi. funus 3 n. ; justa 2 pi. ; often sSpul- chrum 2, rSgus 2, faces 3 f. pi. Phr., ferdlfs pompa (1), exsPquidlis htfnfr (3 m.), supremus hffnos (3 m.), fldmma (1) rogdlls, supremum munus (3), &c. Ep. mournful, dark, splendid, sordid, &c. FUNEREAL adj., funPrgus, fune- brls, exsSquldltg, sSpulchrdlis, ferdlls ; sometimes rdgallz, supremus. FUNNEL subst., perhaps cornu 4 (cf. Verg. Georg. iii. 509). FUNNY adj., jScosus, jucundus, Jii- larls, lepldus (Cat.). FUR subst. No exact equivalent. Use Idna 1 ; villus 2 ; pellls 3. Fur- clad, pellitus. FURBISH, to v. act., rSnSvo 1 ; rS- flclo 3 ; tergSo 2 ; polio 4. FURIOUS adj., furiosus, furens, fu- rldtus, furibundus, demens, dmens, in- sdnus, lymphdtus, irdtus, rabidus, ird- cundus. Phr., ird, furore', or furiis incensus, sttmuldtus, deem, &c. ; sometimes impS- tens (Hor. Od. iii. 30, 3). FURL, to v. act., contralto 3; ttgo 3 ; subdued 3 ; traho 3 (Verg. Georg. iv. 117). FURNACE subst., forndx 3 f . ; ca- minus 2. FURNISH ( 145 ) GAIXLESS Ep. fiery, Vulcanian (Vulcdriius), glowing, &c. FURNISH, to v. act. (a) prsebSo 2 ; sufflclo 3 ; ministro 1 ; paro 1 ; dol; mppKdlto 1 ; porrlgo 3 ; preesto 1. (6) to furnish with, instruo 3 ; orno 1 ; armo 1. FURNITURE subst., supellex 3 f. Ep. old, cheap, splendid, &c. FURROW 8ubst. (a) sulcus 2. Ep. drawn by plough, long, deep, &c. (2) wrinkle, sulcus 2 ; ruga 1. Ep. aged (sgnilis, anills), &c. FITRROW, to v. act., sulco 1 ; aro 1 ; ddduco 3 (of the skin) ; exa.ro 1 ; pSraro 1. FURRY adj. Use villosus. FURTHER adv., Ultra, ulte'rius, lon- gius, ampltug. [q. v. FURTHER, to v. act. = to forward, FURTHEST adj., ultlmus, extremus. FURTIVE adj., furtiviis, occultus, tacltiis, tectiis, secretus. FURY subst. (a) furor 3 m. ; Ira 1 ; rabies 5 ; insania 1 ; dementia 1 ; sometimes ssevltia 1, furise 1 pi., bills 3 f., dSldr 3 m. Ep. dire, unbridled, heaven-sent, &c. (6) The Furies, Furlx 1 pi. ; EumSnldes 3 pi. ; dirx 1 pi. ; Erinnyes 3 pi. Ep. Tartarean (TdrtarSus) Stygian (Styyius), dread, snaky-haired, &c. FURZE subst. Use instead gfnista 1 (broom) ; rubiis 2 ; rubetum 2 (bram- ble). Ep. yellow, thorny, mountain, &c. FUSE, to v. act. = to melt, q. v. FUSS subst., tumultus 4; turbo, \. _FUSTIAN subst. = coarse cloth, gausapg 3 n. ; gausapa 2 pi. Ep. coarse, woven, &c. FUTILE a,dj.,vdnus, irrltus, tneptiis. FUTURE adj., futurus, venturus, _ FUTURE subst., futurum 2; ven- turum 2 ; Centura 2 pi. ; erenturd 2 pi. Phr., futurum or venturum tempiis (3 n.), futura or Centura sieculd (2 pi.). So dies 5 ; fata 2 pi. ; cdsiis 4 ; sevum 2 1 dnni 2 pi. ; Jiora 1 ; Hetas 3 f. ; sors 3 f., with epithets. Ep. doubtful, blind, &c. G GABBLE, to v. neut. See CHATTER, TO. GABERDINE subst. See FROCK (6). GABLE subst., (of a house) fdsti- glum 2. See HOOF. Ep. high, pointed, &c. GAD, to v. neut., vagSr 1. GADFLY subst., ORstrus 2 ; asilus 2. Ep. troublesome, stinging, humming, &c. GAG, to v. act., claudo 3 ; cSercSo 2 ; fre.no 1 ; rSfreno 1 ; cdhibSo 2 ; ddmo 1 ; prSmo 3 ; rSprlmo 3 ; comprlmo 3. GAG subst. Use frenum 2. GAGE subst., pignus 3 n. Ep. sacred, plighted, &c. GAGE, to v. act. = to pledge, pa- ciscSr 3 ; pdngo 3 ; spondSo 2 ; pro- mitto 3. Phr.,/rdero do (1), obstringo (3). GAIETY subst., Ixtltia 1 (no plu- ral); gaudtum 2. GAILY adv., Ixte, genidlitSr. See GAY. GAIN, to v. act. (a) paro 1 ; pario 3 ; pdtlSr 3 and 4 ; adtpiscdr 3 ; fffro, irr ; lucrSr 1 ; c&pio 3 ; quse.ro 3. Phr., lucrum facio (3), lucro dppono (3), to count as gain. (6) to reach, tango 3 ; pStlffr 3 and 4 ; tSnSo 2 ; caplo 3 ; adSo, irr. ; dt- tingo 3 ; contingo 3. (c) to gain a victory, vinco 3, used in- transitively. (d) to gain over to one's side, conci- liate, concilia 1 ; demSrSo 2. v. neut., in a race, use prSmo3 ; subSo, irr. ; urgSo 2. GAIN subst., lucrum 2 ; compen- dium 2 ; compendia 2 pi. ; sometimes usus 4, fructus 4, commSdum 2, utllltds 3 f., emSlumentum (Lucr.). Ep. abundant, well-deserved, hard- earned, &c. GAINFUL adj., lucrosus, commtidus, utllls. GAINLESS adj., inutilis, indnls, ir- rltus, vdnus. GAINSAY ( 146 ) GAOL GAINSAY, to (a) to contradict, q. v. (6) to deny (a), q. v. 'GAINST prep. = against, q. v. GAIT subst. (a) way, via 1 ; Iter 3 n. ; cursus 4. (&) manner of walking, incessus 4 ; gra- dus 4 ; gressus 4. See AIR (d). Ep. stately, royal, modest, &c. GAITER subst., pero 3 m. ; ScrSse 1 pi. Ep. thick, leathern, rustic, &c. GALAXY subst. See ASSEMBLY. GALE subst. (a) breeze, q. v. (6) storm, q. v. subst., a plant, use myriad 1. GALL subst. (a) gSlla 1 (Verg. Georg. iv. 267). (6) bitterness of temper, bills 3 f. ; Ira 1 ; fSl 3 n. See BITTERNESS. Ep. black, hot, angry, &c. GALL, to v. act., uro 3 ; pSruro ; dtte'ro 3. See FRET, TO ; VEX, TO. GALLANT adj. (a) beautiful, fine (d), q. v. (6) brave, q. v. (c) courteous, q. v. GALLANT subst. (a) a youthful knight. Use jui-Snis 3 m. ; SquSs 3 m. Ep. armed, eager, valiant, &c. (6) lover, amdttir 3m.; prdcus 2 ; amdns 3m. GALLANTLY adv., fortltffr, dcrltSr, auddcte'r, constdntSr. GALLANTRY subst. (a) magnificence, splendSr 3 m. ; ntttfr 3 m. ; fdstiis 4. Ep. royal, excessive, proud, &c. (fc) bravery, virtus 3 f ; animus 2 ; vis 3 f ; constdntla 1. Ep. distinguished, noble, manly, &c. (c) courtship, amSr 3 m. ; studtum 2. Ep. eager, glowing, &c. GALLED adj., pSrustus. GALLEON subst. See SHIP. GALLERY subst. Use portlcus 4 f. ; cfilumrise 1 pi. Ep. long, marble, receding, &c. GALLEY subst. See SHIP. GALLEY-SLAVE subst. See SLAVE. GALLING adj. = annoying, bitter. See BITTER (fc). GALLOP, to v. neut., (of the horse) use vdlo 1 ; prQp&ro 1 ; curro 3 ; fSrSr, irr. ; festino 1. Phr., cur&u ddmisso, clto, or anhelo e~o, irr. A galloping horse, ddmissus v. act., (of the rider) urgeo 2. Phr., frena or habends do (1). GALLOP subst., cursus 4. Ep. unrestrained, furious, headlong, &c. GALLOWS subst., crux 3 f. ; per- haps drbtir (3 f.), infelix,funesta, &c. Ep. base, cruel, &c. GAMBLE, to v. neut. Phr., tdlis ludo (3) = to play with dice. v. act. with " away," perdo 3 ; dbsumo 3. GAMBLER subst., lusffr 3 m. Ep. mad, foolish, &c. GAMBLING subst., dUa 1. Ep. rash, foolish, ruinous, deceitful, doubtful, &c. GAMBOL, to v. neut., ludo 3 ; luxu- rlo 1 ; Idscivio 4 ; exsulto 1. GAMBOL subst., Indus 2; lusus 4; sdltus 4. Ep. childish, joyous, &c. GAME subst. (a) Indus 2 ; lusus 4. Use also jfaiis 2 ; nugse 1 pi. (H.). Ep. joyous, boyish, idle, &c. (fc) of birds, animals, &c., use prseda 1. Translate by names of birds, ani- mals, &c. ; e.g. apSr 2 (wild boar). Ep. timid, woodland, mountain, &c. (c) public games, ludi 2 pi. ; spectdcu- lum 2 ; ludlcra 2 pi. (H.). Ep. public, thronged, &c. GAMESOME adj., = frolicsome, q. v. GAMESTER subst., lusfr 3 m. Ep. mad, foolish, &c. GAMMON subst., (of bacon) perna 1 (H.); pStaso 3 m. (Mart.); pSta- sunculus 2 (Juv.) Ep. dry, smoky, &c. GANDER subst. dnse'r 3 m. GANG, to v. neut. = to go, q. v. GANG subst. See BAND. GANGWAY subst.,/tfri 2 (pi. only). GAOL subst., career 3 m. Often use rincula 2 pi. ; claustra 2 pi. Ep. iron, dark, barred, &c. GAOLEE ( 147 ) GATHER GAOLER subst., (ustos 3; perhaps vigil 3. Ep. stern, trusty, &c. GAP subst. See BREACH. Phr., interlucetque cdrona non tarn splssa vlrls = there is a gap in the ring of warriors (Verg. JEn. ix. 508). GAPE, to v. neut. (a) to yawn, hid 1. (6) to split or open, lilo 1; hisco 3; dShlsco 3 ; flndor 3 ; ap&rlor 4 ; scln- dffr 3 ; fatlsco 3. Phr., rlmds ago (3), duco (3). (c) to be astonished at, stuped 2; inhio 1. GAEB subst. = dress, q. v. GARBLE, to v. act., vttio 1 ; cor- rumpo 3. GARDEN subst., liortus 2 ; vireta 2 n. pi. ; septa 2 pi. (Cat.) ; rfoetum 2 (rose garden) ; rSsdrtd 2 pi. (rose gardens) ; vlSldrla 2 pi. (violet beds). Ep. cultivated, fertile, &c. GARDENER subst. Use cultSr 3 m. Phr., hdrtorutn euro, 1 ; custos 3 m. ; OlltSr 3 m., market gardener (H.) ; ritlsattir 3 m., vine grower ; putdtSr 3 m. (Mart.), a pruner ; frondator 3 m., a dresser of trees. Ep. diligent, skilful, &c. GARISH adj. = gaudy, q. v. GARLAND subst., cSrond 1 ; serta 2 pi. ; vlttu 1. Use names of flowers or plants, e.g. roses, violets, bay, pars- ley, &c. Ep. fresh, woven, short-lived, festal, &c. GARLANDED participial adj., cdro- ndtus, vlttdtus. Phr., cSrona, sertls, rSsls, &c. ; vlnctus, rSdlmltus, impSdltus, impllcltus, inclnc- tus. GARLIC subst., alllum 2, sing, or pi. Ep. smelling, disgusting, &c. GARMENT subst. See DKESS. GARNER subst., horrfum 2, sing or pi. ; grdndrla 2 pi. (H.). Ep. huge, full, rustic, &c. GARNER, to v. act., condo 3. GARNET subst. Use gemma 1 lapis 3 m. ; laplllus 2 (H., Mart.), with epithets of colour. GARNISH, to v. act. = to adorn q. v. GARRET subst., ccendculum 2 (H., Juv.). Ep. high, near roof, narrow, &c. GARRISON subst., presidium 2. Ep. strong, brave, &c. GARRULITY subst., gdrrulltds 3 f. Ep. troublesome, pertinacious (Im- trSba), excessive, &c. GARRTILOTTS adj., Itiqudx, gdrrulus, rnultilSquus (Plautus). GARTER subst., ge'nudM 3 pi. Use also llgdmen 3 n. ; vinclum 2. GASH, to v. act., vulnero 1 ; fSrlo 4 ; sometimes haurto 4, aperlo 4. See WOUND, TO. GASH subst., vulniis 3 n. ; pldgd 1 ; Ictus 4. Ep. deep, deadly, bloody, &c. GASP, to v. neut., anhelo 1 ; some- times slngulto 1. Phr., slngulto (1) anlmam, slngultus mitto (3), slngultu peetiis quatto (3), &c. GASP subst., slngultus, 4. Ep. deep, panting, &c. GATE subst., porta 1. Sometimes use adltus 4 (approach) ; jdnua 1 ; fSres 3 f. pi. (door) ; llmSn 3 n. (threshold) ; vestibulum 2 ; or portlcus 4 f. (porch). Ep. open, closed, high, broad, nar- row, brazen, &c. GATEKEEPER subst., jdnitdr 3 m. ; custos 3 m. Ep. stern, powerful, &c. GATE-POST subst., postis 3 m. Ep. proud, gilded, &c. GATHER, to v. act. (a) to collect, (of things) colligo 3 ; cogo 3 ; congero 3 ; dggero 3 ; dgggro 1 ; dccumulo 1 ; cumulo 1 ; struo 3 ; exstruo 3 ; gldmSro 1 ; cSacervo 1 ; cdnfSro, irr. (b) to collect, (of persons) convffco 1 ; compello 3 ; cogo 3j ddvdco 1 ; gld- mSro 1. (c) to pluck, cdrpo 3 ; l?go 3 ; sSco 1 ; subsSco 1. (d) to infer, colligo 3. v. neut. (a) See ASSEMBLE, TO (6). (6) the storm gathers, prticella (1), tem- pestds (3 f.), imber (3 m.), &c. ; In- griitt, densetur, se glomSrat, nigresclt, &c. ; gathering clouds, subffuntla nu- Wa (Ov. Fast. ii. 493). L 2 GATHERING ( 148 ) GERM GATHERING subst. = an assem bly, q. v. GAUD subst., orndtus 4 ; dScSr 3 m. Ep. womanly, excessive, &c. GAUDY adj., splendtdus, superbus, maqrilftcug, lautus. GAUNT adj. (a) haggard, q. v. (6) grim, q. v. GAUNTLET subst., cestiis 4 m. Phr., to throw down the gauntlet = to challenge, q. v. Ep. raw, iron, leaden, heavy, huge, &c. GAUZE subst. Use Coa 2 n. pi. (lit. Coan garments) ; sometimes Serica 2 n. pi. (Mart., Prop), bombycina 2 n. pi. (Mart.), lit. silken garments; a gauze net, conopeum 2. GAUZY adj. (a) of garments, Cous, Serfcus, bombyci- nus, cdrbasfus. (6) light, tenuls, iSvls, indnls (Verg. Georg. iv. 196). GAY adj^ (a) lillarls, Isetus, festiis, gZnidlis, Scans, alace'r. (V) smart, gaudy, q. v. GAZE, to v. act., (with " at " or " on ") specto 1 ; ddspecto 1 ; contemplSr 1 ; tu?8r 2 ; Intuedr 2 ; upe'culffr 1 ; con- nidPro 1. Phr., Sculof, &c., flgo 3, deflgo 3 (with in) ; Sculls, &c., Imtro 1, metitir 4, &c. GAZE subst., visits 4 ; spectus 4 ; obtutus 4 ; circumspectus 4. Ep. fixed, eager, &c. GAZELLE - subst., c&prfa 1; c&prf- 8lus 2 ; dorcas 3 f. (Mart.). Ep. timid, flying, mountain, &c. GEAE subst. (a) dress, q. v. (6) equipment, q. v. (^) business, q. v. (d) of a ship. See TACKLE. GEM subst. (a) a jewel, gemma 1 ; lapis 3 m. ; la- ' Ep. precious, sparkling, &c. (6) a bud, gemma 1 ; germe'n 3 n. Ep. spring, swelling, &c. GEM, to v. neut = to bud, q. v. GEMMED, GEMMY adj., gemmSus, fjemmatus, gemmans, gerr.mife'r (Prop.). Phr. gemmis, &c., orndtus, distlnctus, mlcans, &c. GENDEE, to v. act. = to beget, q. v. GENERAL subst., dux 3 m. ; diic- tSr 3 m. ; prlnceps 3 m. Ep. prudent, warlike, &c. GENERAL adj. (a) communis. (6) usual, sSlitiis, usttatus, suetiis, dssue- tus, conKuetus. [q. v. GENERATE, to v. act. = to beget, GENEROSITY subst. (a) liberality, be'nlgnttds 3 f. Phr., largo, or bSnigna manus 4. (6) clemency, q. v. GENEROUS adj. (a) high-born, ggnSrosus, nobilis. Phr., stlrpS, sanguine', &c. ; clarlis, lllustris, &c. (6) liberal, Idrgus, bSnignus, munificus. GENIAL adj. ^a) of soil, bPnigniig, Spimus, fertills. (b) of warmth, bSmgnus, grdtus. (c) gay, q. v. GENIE subst. = genius (c), q. v. GENIUS subst. [a) power of mind, IngSnium 2 ; mens 3 f . ; sollertla 1 ; prudentia 1 ; acu- men 3 n. (H.). Ep. skilful, heaven-sent, foreknow- ng, wondrous, &c. (6) disposition, inge'nium 2 ; inddles 3 f. ; ndtura 1 ; more* 3 m. pi. Ep. kindly, courteous, &c. (c) genius 2. GENTLE adj. (a) high-born. See GENEROUS (a), (fc) mild, lenis, mitts, plactdus, plus, trdnquillus, ISvls, mdnsuetiis, trdctd- GENTLEMAN subst. No Latin equivalent. Use perhaps hffnestus, generdfus vir. e'fftte's, &c. GENTLENESS subst., perhaps de- mentia 1 ; Sbsequlum 2 ; bonitdg 3 f. GENTLY adv., Under, lemter, lene~, tacite, furtim, mollliSr. Phr., taclto pSdS, cum pace, &c. GENUINE adj., verus, sincerus (Mart.), inggnilus (Juv.), ndtiviis. GERFALCON snbst. See FALCON. GERM subst., semen 3 n. ; gemma 1 ; germe'n 3 n. ; perhaps incrementum 2 (see Ov. Met. iii. 103.) GESTURE ( 149 ) GIVER GESTURE subst., gestus 4; motus 4 ; habitus 4. Ep. proud, graceful, &c. GET, to v. act. (a) to gain, paro I ; parlo 3 ; adiplscSr 3 ; ptftitfr 4 ; caplo 3 ; quxro 3 ; corn- par o 1. (6) to get ready = to prepare, q. v. v. neut. 1. (a) to go, q. v. (b) to get off = to escape, q. v. (c) to get up = to rise, q. v. GEWGAW subst. = trifle, nugse 1 pi. (H., Mart.) Ep. idle, silly, &c. GHASTLY adj. () death pale, pdllldus, lurldus, trlstis, mStuendus, exsdnguis, pollens, luteiis. (6) horrible, q. v. GHOST subst., umbra 1 ; manes 3 m. pi. ; vlsum 2 ; Imago 3 f. ; simulacrum 2 ; ISmures 3 m. pi. See, too, Ov. Fast. ii. 551, &c. ; Verg. Aen. i. 353, &c., vi. 426, &c. Phr., to give up the ghost, anlmam Imquo 3, reddo 3, exspiro 1, exhdlo 1. See DIE, TO. Ep. thin, pale, Tartarean (Tdrta- r&us), ghastly, &c. GHOSTLY adj., exllls, IMs, tSnuls, exsdnguis. GIANT subst., glgds 3 m. ; terrl- gPnae 1 pi. ; Tltdnffs 3 m. pi. Phr. g/gdntum cfihors (3 f.) or turbo. : (1) ; Terrse proles (3 f.) Telluris juve'nes I (3 m. pi.) ; subfiles (3 f.) TltdnlS, &c. Ep. huge, fierce, threatening, &c. GIANT-LIKE adj., glgdnteus, im- mdnls. GIBBER, to v. neut. crSpo 1 ; cre 1 - plto 1 ; strldeo 2. GIBBET subst. Use crux 3 f. Ep. high, disgraceful, &c. GIBE, to v. act. See MOCK, TO. GIBE subst., probrum 2 ; convlclum 2 ; opprobrium 2 .' malSdlctum 2 ; jur- gluin 2. Ep. spiteful, unjust, repeated, &c. GIDDY adj. (a) See DIZZY. (6) changeable, q. v. GIFT subst., donum 2 ; munus 3 ; munusculum 2. Ep. liberal, welcome, precious, &c. GIGANTIC adj. gigdnteus, Inmdnls, ingens. Phr. mdxlmus membris St corpSre (Ov.). GIGGLE, to v. neut., rldfo 2. Phr., cachinnos IngSmino (l) = to re- double laughter. GILD, to v. act. (a) inauro 1. (6) to brighten, inauro 1 ; ciflord 1 ; tingo 3. GILT part, aurdtus, inaurdtus. Phr., circumlitus auro. GIN subst. = trap, q. v. GINGERLY adv. cautiously, q. v. GIPSY subst., NSmadSg 3 m. pi. ; erro 3 m. Ep. roaming, lawless, careless, sun- burnt, &c. GIRD, GIRDLE, to v. act. (a) cingo 3 ; dcclngo 3 ; prseclngo 3 ; in- clngo 3. (b) to clothe, q. v. (c) to gird on a sword, phr. latSrl ensem dpto (1), dccommSdo (1) ; gladlo, &c. cingtir (3) declngSr (3) ; girt up, clnc- tutus. GIRDLE subst., zona 1 ; bdltgus 2 ; clngula 1 ; cingiilum 2 (use plural) ; cestus 2 (Mart.), girdle of Venus. Ep. rich in gems, studded with gems, soft, maiden, &c. GIRL subst., puella 1 ; virgo 3 f. ; sometimes nympha 1, nymphe 3 f. Ep. modest, beauteous, fair, &c. GIRLHOOD subst. Use setds (3 f.) tSnSra, molles dnnl (2 pi.). GIRLISH adj., puelldris, virglneus ; sometimes tSnSr, mollls. GIRTH subst., cingula 1. GIVE, to v. act. (a) do 1 ; trlbuo 3 ; prsebSo 2 ; trddo 3 ; dond 1 ; IdrgWr 4 ; dddo 3 ; sufficio 3 ; rSmltto 3 ; mlriistro 1 ; prsssto 1. (6) to give back, reddo 3 ; restltud 3 ; rSmltto 3 ; rSdono 1 ; rSfSro, irr. (c) to give forth, edo 3 ; mltto 3 ; emltto 3 ; pro/Sro, irr. (d) to give up, = to abandon, or to surrender, q. v. (e) to give way, = to surrender, q. v. ; cedo 3 ; concedo 3. (/) Phr., to give ear, = to hear, q. v. GIVER subst., datdr 3. Ep. bounteous, kind, &c. GLACIER ( 150 ) GLOAT GLACIER subst. Phr., glades (5) concretd, moles (3 f.) gldcldlis, dmnls (3 m) Iners, sfflidd undo. (1), &c. GLAD adj. (a) hlldrls, laiitus, festus, dvdns, Isetdbllls. (6) to be glad, gaudSo 2. GLADDEN, to v. act., hllaro 1 ; ex- htlaro 1 (Mart.) ; rScrSo 1 ; juvo 1 ; Sblecto 1 ; bfo 1. GLADE subst., sdltus 4 ; nSmus 3 n. ; sometimes vallis 3 f. ; convallts 3 f. ; silva 1 ; Idtebrse 1 pi. ; rScessus 4. Ep. shady, forest, retired, silent, &c. GLADIATOR subst., gladldtSr, 3 m. Ep, fierce, ruthless, armed, &c. GLADSOME adj. See GLAD. GLANCE subst., (of the eye) use uculus 2 ; lumSn 3 n. ; visits 4 ; dspectus 4 ; dcies 5. Phr., with a stern glance, torva tuens. Ep. quick, shifting, sideways, fixed, &c. GLANCE, to v. neut. () of light, scintilla 1 ; rPpercuti&r 3 ; mlco 1 ; redddr 3 ; vtflito 1. (6) of a dart or arrow, use stringo 3 ; priestrlngo 3. GLARE, to v. neut. See FLASH, TO. GLARE subst. (a) brightness, q. v. (b) glance, q. v. GLARING adj. (a) lurldus, lucldus, spUndldus. See BRIGHT. (b) notorious, use patens, dpertus. GLASS subst. (a) vitrum 2 ; hyalus 2. Ep. clear, transparent, &c. (6) drinking glass. See COP. (c) mirror, speculum 2. Ep. silver, golden, smooth, polished, faithful, &c. (d) hour glass. No exact equivalent, perhaps arena 1, cadens, or Idpsa ; hard 1 fugax ; or substitute allusions to sun-dial, e.g. umbra 1, llnSd 1. GLASSY adj. (a) mtrSus. (b) of water, &c., v\tr8us, liicidus, pellu- cldus, illimis ; calm, plactdus. (See Verg. Eclog. ii. 26.) See CALM. GLAVE subst. = sword, q. v. GLEAM, to v. neut. See FLASH, TO. GLEAM subst = flash, q. v. GLEAMING part., scintllldm, rutl- Idns, nltens, radians, micdns, splendent, fulgens. GLEAN, to v. act., l?go 3, colligo 3. GLEANER subst. No exact equi- valent. Phr., ponS l/gens splcds, picking up ears behind ; rdrds qua; cdrptt drlstds, she who gathers scanty ears. Some- times rtisticd vlrgo (3 f.), poupe'r anus (4 f.), hdsp^s (3 f.) Inops, &c. GLEBE subst., glebd 1; siflum 2 ; ) money, q. v. Ep. yellow, shining, precious, fatal, &c. GOLDEN adj. (a) in literal sense, aurSus, aurdtus. Phr., auro foetus, rlgens, gravls, sdli- dus, &c. ; aurlcSmus, with golden leaves. (6) bright, q^v. (c) yellow, aurSus, lutSus, crtic$us,fldi-us, fulvus. (d) happy, bgdtiis, aurgus, fellx. GOLDEN-HAIRED adj., aurlcSmus. GOLDFINCH subst., perhaps frln- gllla (Mart.) ; acaldnthls 3 f. (Verg. Georg. iii. 338). _GOLDFISH subst., perhaps pltcig uurtu.i, or auro Insignls, or squdmls in- signls ki auro. GOLD-LEAF ( 153 ) GOVERNMENT GOLD-LEAF subst., bmctSa 1. GOLDSMITH subst., aurlfex 3 m. (Plant.); fubSr 2. GONDOLA subst. See BOAT. GONDOLIER subst. See BOATMAN. GONFALON subst. = banner, q. v. GONG subst., xs 3 n. Ep. resonant, echoing, &c. GOOD adj. (a) of moral qualities, bonus, prtfbus, sdnctm, plus, integer, JiSnestus, 1)8- nlgnus, rectus. (b) a good crop, leeta segSs, so btina, fer- tills, bfnigna, Idrga. (c) good omens,/oMs<, se'cunda, dextSra, felicla omlna 3 pi. (d) brave, q. v. GOOD subst. (a) as opposed to bad, bdnum 2. (b) Phr., what good is it, or what good does it do ? Quid prodest ? quid valet ? (c) to do good, prosum, irr. (d) goods = property, bdna 2 pi. ; res 5 ; Spes 3 f. pi. ; dlvltlse 1 pi. GOOD-BYE vale, vale'ds, valetg (pi.). See ADIEU. GOOD-HUMOURED adj., bSnlgnus, facllls, corn-Is, humdnus (Mart.). GOODLY adj. (a)^f cattle, crops, &c., pulcliSr, pinguls, lietus, tipimus. (b) of men, pulchSr, formosus, egrPglus, exlmliis, vSnustus (Cat.), prxstdns, insignia. GOODMAN subst. = master of the house, hSrus 2 ; dSmlnus 2 ; sometimes maritus 2 (husband), IwspSs 3 m. (host), pater 3 m. (father of the family), vlr 2. Ep. hospitable, kindly, &c. GOOD-NATURED adj. See GOOD- HUMOURED. GOODNESS subst. Wnttas 3 f. ; plStas 3 f. ; benignltds 3 f. ; dementia 1. Ep. candid, liberal, simple, familiar, &c. GOOD-TEMPERED adj. See GOOD- HUMOURED. GOOD WIFE subst., htra 1 ; d&ml- na 1 ; sometimes conjux 3 f., uxdr 3 f., .mater 3 f ., ctilona 1 (farmer's wife), anus 4 (old woman). Ep. diligent, chaste, prudent, &c. GOOSE subst., dnsfr 3 m. Ep. white, noisy, pertinacious (tm- prSbus), &c. GORE subst., sdnguls 3 m. ; criiSr 3 m. ; sanies 5 ; csedes 3 f. Ep. outpoured, red, flowing, &c. GORE, to v. act. Phr., cornu pSto 3 = to wound, q. v. Cf . also Ov. A. A. ii. 374. GORGE subst. (a) throat, q. v. (5) defile, sdltus 4 ; fauces 3 pi. Ep. rocky, shady, narrow, &c. GORGE, to v. act. (a) to glut, q. v. (6) to swallow, q. v. GORGEOUS adj., splendldus, super- bus, mdgnlficus, rffulgens. GORGON subst., Gorgon 3 f. ; Phor- cldSs 3 f. pi. Ep. snake-haired, deadly, dire, &c. GORGON adj., GorgonSm, MSdu- GORSE subst., perhaps frutex 3 m. ; frutlcetum 2. Ep. yellow, thorny, &c. GORY adj., cruentus, sdngulnSus. See BLOODY. GOSHAWK subst. Use acclpMr 3 m. ; miluus 2 ; milvus 2. GOSLING subst. Use dnsfr 3 m. GOSSAMER subst., phr., tffnuisslma stamina (3 pi.) ; telse (1 pi.) quds texlt ardnSa (1) ; tenulafila (2 pi.). GOSSIP subst. (a) boon companion, stiddlls. [(H.). (6) tattler, gdrrulus 2 ; percontdtSr 3 m. (c) tattle, gdrrulltds 3. Phr., lingua ISqudx, nimla, grdvls, importuna, mfflesta, &c. GOSSIP, to v. neut., crSpo 1 (H.); garrlo 4 (H.). GOURD subst., cucurbits 1 (no poetical authority in this sense). Ep. swollen, &c. GOUT subst., pddagra 1 ; ch&rCigra 1 (H., Mart.). Ep. slow, knotty, troublesome, &c. GOVERN, to v. act., rSgo 3 ; impSro 1 ; impSrlto 1 ; guberno 1 ; mSdSr6r 1 ; dCmlndr 1 ; tempSro 1. GOVERNESS subst., magistra 1. > GOVERNMENT subst., impSrlum 2 ; regnum 2 ; ditto 3 f . ; ptftestds 3 f . ; drbltrium 2 ; mddSrdmSn 3 n. Ep. wide, lasting, sole, &c. GOVERNOR ( 154 ) GRAPPLE GOVERNOR subst., prases 3 m. ; rector 3 m. ; arbiter 2 ; dffmlnus 2. Ep. sublime, powerful, &c. GOWN subst. (a) of a man, tOga 1. Ep. stately, manly, Eoman, &c. (b) of a woman, stdla 1 ; instltd 1 ; pallium 2. See DRESS. Ep. long, flowing, white, purple, &c. GOWNED adj., tffgdtus. GRACE subst. (a) beauty, vSniistds 3 f. ; forma 1 ; dScSr 3 m. ; sp&cies 5 ; gratia 1 ; VSnus 3f. Ep. conspicuous, maiden, &c. (b) clemency or favour, q. v., gratia 1 ; favSr 3 m. ; obsSqulum 2 ; indulgentia 1 ; dementia 1 ; bOnltds 3 f. Ep. free, benignant, &c. (c) pardon, vSnla 1. (d) Phr., with a good grace, libens, ItbentSr ; with a bad grace, invitus. (e) The Graces, Grdtise, Charite's (Ov. Fast. v. 219), Gratia (Ov. Met. vi. 429). See, too, Hor. Od. in. xix. 16; iv. vii. 5. GRACE, to v. act. = to adorn, q. v. GRACED part, adj., prsedltus, In- dutus, dScSrdtus, orndtus, &c. GRACEFUL adj. = beautiful, q. v. GRACEFULLY adv., dtcenter. GRACELESS adj., imprtibiis, pruriis, malus, ineptus. GRACIOUS adj., b&mgniis, clemens, bSniis, favens, dextSr, vSlens. GRACIOUSLY adv. See GRACIOUS. GRADE subst. = rank,- q. v. GRADUAL adj., lentils. GRADUALLY adv., paulldtim, sen- sim, pffdPtentim (Lucr.). Phr., p?r gradus. GRAFT subst., mrculus 2 ; jlagel- lum 2 ; germSn 3 n. Ep. living, strange, &c. GRAFT, to v. act., Insero 3. Phr., graft bough on bough, fdc i-dmum rdmiis adoptSt. GRAFTED adj. = inserted as a graft, adoptlviis, insitivus. GRAFTER subst., insttdr 3 m. (Prop.). GRAFTING subst., Insltto 3 f. GRAIN subst. (a) lit. grdnum 2 ; (of salt) mica 1. (6) corn, q. v. GRAIN subst., (of wood) no exact equivalent, perhaps robur 3 n. ; mSdulla 1 (pith). GRAIN subst. = dye, q.v. GRAIN-PICKING adj., frugllfgus. GRAMPUS subst., perhaps prlstts 3 f. ; ceteSn. pi. Ep. boisterous, foaming, &c. GRANARY subst., horrSum 2 (sing, or plural) ; grdndrla 2 pi. (H.). Ep. full, huge, rustic, &c. GRAND adj., grdndis, mdgnus, in- gens, insignis, lllustrls, egrSglus, nobtlls, superbus, vrxlustris. GRANDCHILD subst., nSpos 3. See DESCENDANT. GRANDDAUGHTER subst., neptis 3. GRANDEE subst., rex 3 m. ; pr8- c^res 3 m. pi. GRANDEUR subst., splendtir 3 m. ; nobilltds 3 f. ; mdjestds 3 f. ; dcflr 3 m. ; dSeus 3 n. ; laus 3 f. ; MnSr 3 m. ; prse- lustria 3 n. pi. Ep. royal, proud, excessive, &c. GRANDFATHER subst., arus 2. See ANCESTOR. Great great grand- father = qudrtiis patSr 3 m. GRANDMOTHER subst., avrs 1. GRANDSIRE subst., avus 2 = grandfather. GRANDSON subst., nSpos 3 m. ; pr8- ne'pos 3 m. See DESCENDANT. GRANGE subst. = farm, q. v. GRANITE subst. Translate by " hard rock," " marble," " adamant," &c. GRANT, to v. act. (a) to allow, q. v. Phr., grant that our husbands de- served death, fingS viros mSruissS mdri (Ov. Her. xiv. 63 : xvi. 351). (6) to give, dnn&o 3. See GIVE, TO. GRAPE subst., uva 1 ; bunch of grapes, racemus 2. [&c. Ep. purple, swelling, autumn, sweet, GRAPNEL subst., dnctira 1; un- ciis2. Ep. tenacious, iron, &c. GRAPPLE, to v. act. (a) to clutch, q. y. (fe) to grapple with = to contend with, q.v. GRAPPLE subst. (a) contest, certdrnPn 3 n., q. v. GRASP ( 155 ) GREASE (6) grapnel, phr., maniis (4 f.) ferre'a, unca maniis (4 f.). GEASP v. act., prSliendo 3 ; prendo 3 ; prenso 1 ; corrtpw 3 ; drriplo 3 ; tenSo 2 ; rStinSd 2 ; prSmo 3 ; comprimo 3. GRASP subst. Translate by adj. or adv., e.g. be bolds him in a firm grasp, drctlus drreptum tSnSt; holding his hand in a friendly grasp, manurn or dextram complexus amice. GEASS subst., gramSn 3 n. ; lierba 1 ; often csespSs 3 m. Ep. green, fresh, abundant, dewy, rich, &c. GRASS-GREEN adj. () green with grass, grdminus, her- (b) green as grass, viridts, viriddns. GEASS-GEOWN adj., herbosus. Phr., herbis, or gramlnS dbductus. GEASSHOPPER subst., clcdda 1. Ep. noisy, chirping, summer, &c. GEASSPLOT subst., viretum 2. GEAS8Y adj., grdmineus, herbosus, lierbidus, herbifer (used also of a river flowing through pastures). GEATE subst. See BAR. GEATE, to v. act., tSro 3 ; Isedo 3 ; lacesso 3. v. neut., strldSo 2; crSpo 1. GEATEFUL adj. (ft) full of gratitude, gratiis, pius, mS- mffr. Phr., non mgrdtSs. (6) pleasing, grdtus, placens, jucundus, dulcis, amicus, placltuB, dcceptus. GEATIFY, to v. act., to please, q. v. GEATING subst. See BAB. GEATITTTDE subst.. gratia 1 ; grates 3 f . pi. For gratitude, see Ov. Trist. i. v. 9. Ep. simple, abundant, worthy, fit- ting, &c. GEATUITOUS adj., memptus. Often translate by adv. gratis, or phrase, nulld mercedS, prStio car ens. GEATULATE, to v. act. = to con- gratulate, gratiiltir 1 ; grdtdr 1. GEAVE subst., s^pulchrum 2. Often tise tumulus 2 ; bustum 2 ; mdimmentum 2 ; sometimes lapis 3 m., saxum 2, nidnnSr 3 n., urna 1. See ASHES, FUNERAL, &c. Ep. sad, final, silent, &c. GEAVE, to v. act. See ENGRAVE, TO, or CARVE, TO. GEAVE adj. (a) solemn, gravis, se'verus, austerus, rlgidus, tStricus, aspSr, tristls, durus, inhumdnus. (6) deep (of sound), gravis. GEAVE-CLOTHES subst., perhaps vestis 3 f., sindon 3 f. (Mart.), llntSa 2 pi. (Mart.) ; with epithets, e.g. ferdlis, funebrls, funSrSus. GEAVE-DIGGEE subst., fosstir 3 m. GEAVE-STONE subst. Use lapis 3 m. ; sdxum 2 ; mdrmdr 3 n. ; mtinu- mentum 2 ; sSpulclirum 2. Ep. sad, mindful, &c. GRAVEL subst., glarta 1. Ep. dry, hungry, hard, &c. GRAVELY adv. Usually translate by adjective. " GRAVER subst. () of persons, cseldtSr 3 m. (Juv.). (b) of things, cselum 2 ; scdlprum 2 ; tornus 2 (Verg. Eclog. iii. 38). GRAVING subst. = carved work, caildme'n 3 n. ; perhaps signa 2 pi., flgurx 1 pi. GEAVITY subst. (a) weight, pondus 3 n. ; gravitds 3 f. ; tiniis 3 n. Ep. huge, excessive, &c. (6) solemnity, gravitds 3 f. ; mdjestds 3f. Ep. stately, austere, old man's, &c. GEAVY subst., jus 3 n. Ep. fat, tepid, &c. GEAY adj. See GREY. GEAZE, to v. neut. = to eat grass, pufcdr 3 ; depdscSr 3. Phr., pdbula (2 n. pi.) cdrpo (3), &c. ; grdmSn (9) pdbula (2 pi.), &c. ; VJndSo 2. v. act. to attend cattle, - &c., pdsco 3. Phr., ad pdscua duco (3), ago (3), &c. ; grdmSn (3) pdbula (2 pi.), &c. ; prlebeo (2), sufficio (3), suppSdlto 1. GEAZE, to v. act. = to touch lightly, stringo 3 ; prsestrlngo 3 ; de- stringo 3 ; rddo 3 ; sometimes tango 3, libo.l. GEAZIEE subst. Use lubulcus 2; uptlto 3 m. ; pdsttfr 3 m. See FARMER. GEEASE subst., drvina 1 ; perhaps GREASY ( 156 ) GRIEVOUSLY GREASY adj., unctus, lubricus, pln- guls. GREAT adj., mdgnus, ingens, vdstus, immdnis, grdndis. Often = glorious, proud, &c., q. v. GREATLY adv. multum. GREATNESS subst., fdma I ; laus 3 f. ; gloria 1 ; iwmSn 3 n. ; d&cus 3 n. ; hdnffr 3 m. ; splendtir 3 m. ; ndbilltds 3 f. ; pdtestds 3 f. ; ma 3 f. [&c. Ep. ancient, ancestral, conspicuous, GREAVES subst., OcrSse 1 pi. ; pero 3m. Ep. tough, leathern, &c. GREED subst., SvdrUia 1; acdrl- tles 5. Phr., lucri or auri, &c. ; fames (3 f.) cupidd (3 f.) am&r (3 m.) studium (2), &c. Ep. base, sordid, &c. % GREEDILY adv.* avlde, dcr'dSr, viSlenllr. GREEDINESS subst., gula 1 (H.). Phr., obsSqulum (2) venirU (H.). Ep. base, excessive, &c. GREEDY adj. (a) avldus, v&rdx, gulosus (Mart.). (b) avaricious, avdrus. Phr., lucri t &c., sludtosus or cupidus. GREEK adj., Grxcus, Achlvus, PS- Idsgus, Argoltcus, Arglviis, Achseug, Achdiciis, Gratus, GrdjugSna 1 (subst.). GREEN adj. ( a) of colour, virtdts, viriddns, prastnus (Mart.), vlrens. Pale green, pollens. (fe) flourishing, virens, vigens, flarens, nSvus. (c) unripe, crudus, immdturus. GREEN subst. (a) green colour. Use c6l6r (3 m.) ; vtrldls. (b) lawn, viretum 2 ; sdltus 4 ; nSmu 3 n. ; csespfs 3 m. ; herba 1 ; grdmSn 3 n. ; sometimes chSred 1 (a dancing lawn). GREEN, to be v. neut., vtrfo 2 ; vlresco 3 ; rSvtresco 3 ; florSo 2 ; floresco 3 (Lucret.). GREENS subst., Slus 3 ; caulls 3 m. GREENSWARD subst. = green (6), q. v. GREENWOOD subst. = wood, q. v. GREENWOOD adj., gllvestrts, n$- nidrdlls. GREET, to v. act., saluto 1 ; ex- cipto 3. Phr., salutem do (1), died (3); some- times use cumplertor 3, dinpledftr 3. See ADDRESS, TO, EMBRACE, TO, &c. GREETING subst., salw 3 f. GREY adj. (a) of colour, glauciis, pullus ; perhaps rdvus (Hor. Od. iii. 27, 3). (b) of age, hair, &c., cdnus, inctinus, cdnens, cdnescens. GREY HAIR subst., cdnltles 5 ; canl 2 pi. Phr., capltls nTves 3 pi. f. (Hor. Od. iv. 13, 12). GREYBEARD subst. = old man, sSnex 3m.; vStfdus 2. GREY-EYED adj., cxstus (Lucret., Cat.). GREY-HEADED -See GREY (ft). GREYHOUND subst., vertfigus 2 (Mart.). Phr., cants Mxnaltus (Ov. A. A. i. 272). Ep. swift, keen, &c. GRIEF subst., d6l6r 3 m. ; luctu* 4 ; mxrdr 3 m. ; dngor 3 m. ; trlstitta 1 ; mUstltla 1 ; serumna 1. Ep. sudden, excessive, lasting, fresh, redoubled, &c. GRIEVANCE subst., que'runonld 1 ; quSrella 1. GRIEVE, to v. act. (a) to cause grief, sdlltclto 1 ; vexo 1 ; torquSo 2 ; turbo 1 ; crucio 1 ; iirgffo 2 ; fatigo 1 ; prSmo 3 ; opprtmo 3 ; lacesso 3 ; ango 3. (6) to feel grief for, to lament, dollo 2 ; lugffi 2 ; fl?o 2 ; de/^To 2 ; pMro 1 ; dtpldro 1 ; qufrSr 3 ; gr^mo 3 ; in^i?- mo 3 ; pldngo 3 ; mair&d 2 ; conqufrdr 3 ; lacrimo 1. v. neut. = to be sad, 2 ; ?M{7?o 2 ; mserSo 2 ; itidSlesco 3 ; and passives of verbs given under GRIEVE, TO, v. act. (). [q. v. GRIEVING subst. = lamentation, GRIEVOUS -adj., grai-tx, frlxtif, Iwjn- bris, sollicitu*, acerbus, mdlestSs, aspPr, luctuosiis, flendus, IScrlmostis, Idmentd- btlis, lacrlmdbilis, flebllls, mls&r, misvrd- bllis, mtestus. GRIEVOUSLY adj. (a) dcrttfr, riSlenttr. I (6) lamentably, GRIFFIN ( 157 ) GROW GRIFFIN subst., gryps 3 m. ; draco 3m. Ep. taloned, -winged, &c. GRIM ad., torvus, horrendus, diriis, terrtbilis, atrox, trux, mindx, ssevus, tru- cuUntun, me'tuendus, Informix. GRIMACE subst., to make a gri- mace, ducSrS or distorquerS vultum. GRIMY adj. = dirty, q. v. GRIN, to v. neut. () like a dog, ringor 3 (H.). (6) to laugh, q. v. GRIN subst., cachlnnus 2 ; rictus 4. Ep. free (solutus), joyous, &c. GRIND, to v. act. () commlnuo 3 ; frdngo 3 ; iSro 3 ; iittSro 3; contero 3; contundo 3. See, too, Ov. Fast. vi. 381. (b) to whet, acuo 3 ; exacuo 3. (c) to oppress, q. v. GRINDSTONE subst. (a) millstone, mOldrls 3 m. ; mdla 1. (6) whetstone, cos, 3 f. Ep. hard, biting, &c. GRIP, GRIPE subst. (of the hand). See GRASP. GRIP, to v. act. See CLUTCH, TO. GRISLY adj. See GRIM. GRIST subst. = corn, frumentum 2 ; far 3 n. GRIZZLED adj. See GREY (6). GROAN, to v. neut., gfmo 3 ; IngS- mo 3 ; guspiro 1 ; cditgfmd 3. Phr., g&mitw, suspirta, &c., do (1), edo (3), mitto (3), duco (3), cWo (2), &c. Perhaps laboro (Hor. Od. i. 9, 3) ; mu- glo 4 (Hor. Od. iii. 29, 57). GROAN subst., gemttus 4 ; susplria 2 pi. Ep. deep, sad, repeated, vain, &c. GROAT subst. () a small piece of money, stips 3 f . ; ses 3 n. ; as 3 m. (6) oatmeal. Use far 3 n. ; farina 1. GROIN subst., fSmur 3 n. ; ingue'n 3n. GROOM subst. (a) calo 3 m. (H.) ; agaso 3 m. (H.). (6) bridegroom, q. v. [3 m. GROOVE subst., perhaps candlts Phr., gyro currf, pdeta, tuo = keep your own groove, poet. GROPE, to v. act. (with "for") fcrutffr 1 ; riinor 1 ; often = to seek, q. V. GROPE, to v. neut., to wander blindly = to wander, q. v. GROSS adj. (a) big, q. v. (6) unseemly, impurus, turpls, spurcus (H.), faedus, sordidus, immundus, ob- scenus. (c) dense, crdssiis, pinguts. GROSSNESS subst., rusticltds 3 f. GROT subst., cavum 2 ; caverna 1 ; spelunca 1 ; spltcus 4 ; dntrum 2 ; lafe- brsi 1 pi. Often translate by vattts 3 f. ; sllva 1 ; nSmus 3 n. ; rScessus 4. Ep. shady, retired, overgrown with ivy, &c. ; dear to nymphs, &c. ; ceol, mountain, &c. GROTESQUE adj. No exact equi- valent, perhaps insolltiis, insuetus, in- expertus, &c., or mfdrmis, mlriis, nSvm. GROTESQUELY adv. See GRO- TESQUE. Perhaps slnS legS. GROUND subst., sdlum 2; humus 2f. Ep. solid, unmoved, &c. GROUND, to v. neut. and act., (of a ship or boat). See AGROUND. GROUNDLESS adj. = useless, q. v. GROUND, GROUNDLING adj., M- milis. GROUP subst., globus 2; ccetus 4; cffrona 1. See BAND. GROUSE subst., perhaps dttagen 3 m. ; lagols 3 f. (H.). GROVE subst., nSmuf, 3 n. ; lucus 2 ; sometimes sllva 1. Use names of par- ticular trees, e.g. quercetum 2 (an oak grove) ; pinetum 2 (a pine grove) ; salicetum 2, salictum 2 (a willow grove), &c. Ep. shady, leafy, ancient, holy, familiar, &c. GROVEL, to v. neut., jace'd 2; ster- nSr 3 ; serpo 3 ; provolvdr 3. GROVELLING adj., humilis, jacens, sordidus, vllls, contemptus. GROW, to v. neut. (a) cresco 3 ; SdSlesco 3 ; incresco 3 ; increbresco 3 ; gllsco 3 ; provitnio 4 (of crops) ; vSnio 4. Perhaps me sub- jicio (3) (of quick growth) ; promlnSo (2) (Hor. Od. i. 21, 6). (6) to become, fid, irr. (c) Often translate by inceptive verbs, e.g. pinguesco 3, I grow fat ; so GROW ( 158 ) GUILTY lucesco 3, nigresco 3, frondesco 3, addlesco 3, juvSnesco 3, llquesco 3, &c. GROW, to v. act., cold 3 ; aid 3 ; nutrlo 4 ; fSvSo 2. GROWL subst. Use frfmltus 4; murmur 3 n. ; Idtrdtus 4 ; sometimes mtwa; 1 pi. (threats). Ep. angry, hoarse, redoubled, &c. GROWL, to v. &ci.,frSmo 3; Idtro 1 ; perhaps musso 1 ; sometimes minor 1 (to threaten). Dentlbus InfrendSrS, to gnash the teeth, snarl. GROWN adj., adultus. GROWTH subst., mcrementum 2. Usually render by participle, e.g. the growth of panic = a/uctus pavor (3 m.), tlmSr (3 m.). GRUB subst. Use vermls 3 m. GRUDGE, to v. act., invidSo 2. Phr. to grudge doing a thing, use nolo, irr. GRUDGE subst., slmultds 3 f. ; Sdlum 2 ; invldia 1 ; dolor 3 m. ; irilml- cittae 1 pi. (H.). Ep. bitter, lasting, &c. GRUFF adj., rustlcus, durus, se've- rus, tStrlcus, dlfflcllls, morosus, dspSr. GRUMBLE, to v. neut. (a) to complain, 'q. v. (fe) to growl, q. v. GRUNT, to v. neut., grunnio 4 (Juv.). GRUNT subst., grunnltus 4 (no good poetical authority). GRYPHON subst. = griffin, &c. .GUARD, to v. act., custodlo 4 ; servo 1 ; defendo 3 ; defenso I ; pro- tSgo 3 ; tuSGr 2 ; tutor 1. Phr., prsesldlo, tutelss, &c., sum (with dative). v. neut., custodlo 4 ; vigllo 1 ; cavSo 2. Phr., excublds ago (3), or servo (1). GUARD subst. (a) custos 3 m. ; vigil 3 m. ; custodla 1. (fc) body of guards, satellites 3 m. pi. ; sometimes obsessSr 3 m. Ep. faithful, armed, watchful, &c. (c) protector, custos 3 m. ; tutela 1 ; cura 1 ; presidium 2 ; servdtffr 3 m. Ep. powerful, august, &c. GUARDIAN subst. (a) guard (a) and (6), q. v. (6) in legal sense, tutdr 3 m. ; cmtos 3 m. (H.) ; curator 3 m. (H.). (c) Phr., guardian angel. Use gSnlus 2 ; perhaps tutela 1. GUERDON subst. = reward, q. v. GUESS^ to v. neut. and act., sugpl- cdr 1 ; auguro 1 ; dugurdr 1 ; rSSr 2 ; sometimes colltgo 3. PdtSs ex antmo cdlligSrS IpsS tuo (Ov. Her. xi. 88). GUESS subst., conjectura 1. Trans- late by verb, e.g. I make a good guess, bSnS augurSr 1, &c. GUEST subst. (a) stranger, hdspe's 3 m. ; pSregnnus 2 ; ddv8na 1 m. Ep. foreign, strange, &c. (6) invited guest, convlva 1 ; so/lulls 3m. Ep. sudden, welcome, frequent, joy- ous, &c. GUEST-CHAMBER subst. Use 7tos- pltlum 2. See CHAMBER. GUIDANCE subst., mSderdmen 3 n. ; ductus 4. Often translate by dux 3 m., auctdr 3 m. ; e.g. te duce=under your guidance. GUIDE, to v. act., duco 3 ; dlrtgo 3 ; rego 3 ; sometimes guberno 1, mSderdr 1. Phr., dux (3 m.) sum. GUIDE subst., dux3 m. ; ductor 3 m. Ep. prudent, sure, faithful, &c. GUILD subst., perhaps convictus 4 ; sSddlitlum 2; collegium 2 (H). GUILE subst., ddlus 2 ; fraus 3 f. ; Insldise 1 pi. ; dstus 4 (only in ablative) ; fullacla 1 ; cdllidltds 3 f . Ep. base, impious, strange, &c. GUILEFUL adj., dSldsus, insldldsus, fdlldx, cdllldus, vafffr, dstutus, versiitits, subdoliis. GUILELESS adj. See ARTLESS. Phr., slnS frauds. GUILT subst., scSlus 3 n. ; noxa 1 ; crlmSn 3n. ; culpa 1 ; delictum 2 ; f aci- nus 3 n. ; ne~fds 3 n. (indec.) ; peccatum 2 ; ddmlssum 2 ; fldgltlum 2 ; commls- sum 2 ; pldculum 2. Ep. base, impious, shameful, &c. GUILTLESS adj., innOcens, innff- ciius, insane, mnaxlus, intfgSr, sdnctus, cdstus, htfnestus, plus, purus. Phr., crlmlnla, culpse, &c. ; expers, Immunls, insclus, &c. ; frauds carens, &c. GUILTY adj., ndcens, sons, ndxtus, implus, malus, sdcrllSgus, scSlSrutus, scSlestus ; sometimes rSus. Phr., culpse, &c., consclus. GUINEA HAIR GUINEA subst., aurius 2 (Juv.) ; aurSOlus 2 (Mart.)- GUISE subst., spgcies 5; vultus 4; habitus 4 ; gestus 4 ; motus 4. Ep. strange, stately, &c. GULF subst. (a) bay, sinus 4. Ep. winding, retired, safe, &c. (6) abyss, q.v. (c) eddy, gurgSs 3 m. ; vSrdgo 3 f . ; vor- tex 3 m. ; barathrum 2. Ep. foaming, deep, &c. GULL subst., mergus 2. GULLET subst. = throat, q. v. GULLY subst. Use torrens, 3 m. GULP, to v. act., haurto 4; sorb&o 2 ; absorbed 2 (H.) ; duco 3 ; v8ro 1 ; devdro 1. GULP subs., haustus 4. GUM subst. (a) the liquid, gumml n. (indecl.) ; gluten 3 n. ; perhaps lacrlma 1 ; gutta 1. Phr. gdfhanSl ddores (3 pi.) = fra- grant gum. (Cf. Verg. Gevrg. iv. 264 ; iii. 415.) (6) of the mouth, glnglva 1 (Cat., Juv.). GUMMY adj., tgndx, vlscdtus ; per- haps gdlbanSus. GUN subst. No equivalent ; tor- mentum 2 sometimes used. Phr., sei (3 n.) igriiv&mum. Substi- tute other weapons, e.g. sling, bow, &c. GURGLE, to v. neut., sono 1 ; trS- pldo 1 ; murmur 5 1. GUEGLING adj., Uquax, trSpldus. GUSH, to v. neut., exundo 1 ; effluo 3 ; vohSr 3 ; devdlvtfr 3 ; exSo, irr. ; pro- rumpo 3 ; seated 2 (Lucret.). Phr., se erumpirS (3), emittSrg (3). GUSH subst. Use vis 3 f. ; fliimSn 3; copta 1. Ep. abundant, flowing, &c. GUST subst.,/a&rm 2 ; fldmSn 3 n. ; prdcella 1. E. violent, stormy, &c. GUSTY adj., prScellosus, ventosus, nimlwsus, agltdbilis ; perpaps insequdlls (Hor. Od. ii. 9, 3). GUTTEE subst. Use/ossa 1; candlts 3 m. ; rivSs 2 ; sometimes clSdcd 1, a sewer (H., Juv.). GYVE subst. = chain, q. v. H HABEEGEON subst., lorlca 1. HABIT subst. (a) custom, mos 3 m. ; SMS 4 ; consue- tude 3 f. ; dssuetudo 3 f. Ep. old, new, &c. (6) dress, q. v. HABITABLE adj., habitdbllis. HABITANT subst., inctila 1 m. and f. ; cultdr 3 m. ; sometimes clvis 3 m., habltdtdr 3 m. (Mart.). HABITATION subst. = dwelling, q.v. HABITUAL adj. = customary, q. v. HABITUDE subst. = habit (a), q.v. HACK, to v. act., lacSro 1 ; lanio 1 ; dilanto 1 ; dllacero 1 ; comminuo 3. HACKNEYED adj., trltus. HAFT subst. = handle, q. v. HAG subst. Use anus 4 ; vStula 1 ; vSneftcd 1 ; saga 1 ; maga 1. Ep. wrinkled, deceitful, wise, fore- knowing, &c. HAGGAED adj., perhaps mdcSr. Phr., made, &c., confectus, turpis, deformis. HAGGAED subst. = hawk, q. v. HAIL subst., grdndo 3 f. Ep. dancing, cold, thick, &c. HAIL, to v. neut. = to fall [like hail. See FALL, TO. Ovid uses de- grdndlnat (impers.). v. act., to pour like hail. See POUR, TO. "HAIL ! interj., Salve, sdlvetS (pi.); ave, avetS (pi.). HAILSTONE subst. No exact equi- valent ; perhaps laptdosus ImbSr 2. HAIE subst. (a) of men, caplllus 2 ; coma 1 ; crinls 3 m. ; csesarles 5. For various methods of dressing hair, see Ov. A. A. iii. 136-168. Ep. long, flowing, scented, &c. (b) grey hair, candles 5; cdnl 2 pi. (with or without capilll 2). Ep. white, old (sSnills, anills), honour- able, &c. (c) of animals, vlllus 2 ; seta 1. Often use pellis 3 f. ; vellus 3 n. Ep. thick, brown, black, &c. HAIR ( 160 ) HAND (d) single hairs, pllus 2 ; seta. 1 (bristle). HAIR adj., crlndlls. HAIRLESS adj. = bald, q. v. HAIRPIN subst., acws 4 ; crlnoU 3. HAIRY adj. (a) of human hair, ctimdns, cSmdtus (Mart), capllldtus (Mart., Juv.), crl- nltus, Intonsiis (all these mean " with flowing hair " or " with beautiful hair") ; hlrsutus, lncdmptus = shaggy, uncombed, &c. (6) of animals, vlttosus, setlge'r, setosiis, hlrtus, hlspldus, hlrsutus, pllosus (Mart.). Phr., vlllls, setts, &c. ; horrens, hor- rtdus, hlrsutus, &c. HALBERD subst. = axe, q. v. HALCYON subst., Alcytine 3 f. HALCYON adj., peaceful, placldus, tranqulllus, quietus, lenls, mills. HALE adj. = healthy, sdnus, va- lens, salubSr, sospSs, virens, Inctilumls, IntfgSr, valldus. Phr., flrmo cdrpSrS, flrmls vlrlbus ; a hale old age, cruda vlrldlsquS sSnectus (Verg.). HALE, to v. act. = to drag, q. v. HALF subst., dimldlum 2. Phr., pars dlmldla, or dltSrd. HALF adj., dimldlus (only with pars), dlmldldtus (Julius Caesar). Eng- lish words compounded with "half" are often to be translated by Latin com- pounds with semi, e.g. : half-beast, semlfSr 2, semlvlr 2, semlhomS 3 ; half- buried, semlsSpultus ; half-burnt, seml- crSmus, semlcre'mdtus (Mart.), semuslus ; half-dead, semlnex (no nominative), se- manlmls or semianlmus; half -eaten, semesus ; half-finished, Imperfectus (see, too, Ov. Trist. I. vii. 28-30) ; half-goat, semlcape'r 2 ; half - god, semldSus 2 ; half-goddess, semtdfa ; half -open, semj- adapertus ; half - ox, semlbds ; half- pruned, semtputdtus ; half-reclining, or lying on one's side, semlsupln&s, seml- rSductus, semlfultus (Mart.); half -re- paired, semlrSfectus ; half-torn, semi- . HALF THE WORLD sectiis orbls 3 m. (Hor. Od. iii. 27, 75). HALF-PENNY subst. Use as 3 m. ; stlps 3 f. HALF-WAY adv. Use media via (1), mSdlum ItSr (3 n.), mSdlus cursus (4), &c. ; dimldlum vise, &c. HALF-WITTED adj. Use siultus, Ineptus. See FOOLISH. HALL subst., aula 1 ; atrium 2 ; sometimes regla 1. See HOUSE. Ep. high, royal, &c. HALLOW, to v. act. = to consecrate, sacro 1 ; consecro I ; died 1 ; dedtco 1. HALLOWED adj. = holy, q. v. HALO subst. Use cSrona 1 ; nim- bus 1 (aureole). HALT, to y^neut. (a) to limp, daudlco 1. (6) to stop in a march, sto 1 ; conslsto 3 ; subslsto 3. Phr., gressum, gradum, vestigia, itfr, &c. ; prmd 3, tgnfo 2, Inlilb&u 2, sl#to 3. HALT adj. = lanie, daudus. HALT subst. Use mffra 1. See the verb. HALTER subst., laqufus 2; funls 3 m. ; vestls 3 f . ; Wrum 2 ; sometimes vlnculum 2, vlnclum 2, caplstrum 2. To tie with a halter, caplstro 1. HALVE, to v. act. No exact equivalent. See CUT or DIVIDE, TO. HALYARDS subst., pes 3 m. See HOPE. HAM subst., perna 1 (H.) ; pCtaso 3 m. (Mart.) ; pStasunculus (Juv.). Ep. dry, smoky, &c. HAMADRYAD subst., Hamddryds 3 f. ; Dryds 3 f. See NYMPH. HAMLET subst., vicus 2 ; pdgus 2. Ep. rustic, retired, small, &c. HAMMER subst., malleus 2. Phr., to send to the hammer (i.e. to auction), sub tltulum mlttSrS \Q\ . E. Am. 302). Ep. iron, strong, &c. HAMMER, to v. act., collldo 3. See BEAT, TO. HAMMOCK subst., phr., cfiftfZ^(3n.) pendens, lectus (2) pensllls, &c. See BED. HAMPER, to v. act. = to hinder, q. v. HAND subst. (a) manus 4 f. ; pdlma 1 (lit. palm of hand) ; dextra or dextSra 1. (lit. right hand) ; stnlstra 1 or Iseta 1 (lit. left hand). HAND HARBOUELESS Ep. strong, delicate, weak, boun- teous, &c. (b) Phr., at hand = near, q. v. or trans- late by ddsum, I am at hand. (c) hand to hand, cominus, adv. (cZ) hand in hand, adv., und, simul. (e) off hand, rSpente", sublto. See FORTHWITH. (/) to take in hand = to undertake, q. v. (g) on this hand ... on that, Jilo . . . illlc. (/*) from this hand . . . from that . . . hlnc . . . illinc. (f) on right and left hand, dextrd IsevdquS. (_/) on either hand, utrinquff. HAND, to v. act., trddo 3 ; trdns- mltto 3. HANDCUFF subst. = fetter, q. v. HANDFUL subst. (a) manlplus 2 ; merges 3 f. ', fasciculus 2 (H.); pdrtlculd 1 (Hor. Od. i. 28, 25). Cf. Ov. Med. Fac. 93, a handful of dried rose leaves, Aren- tlsquS rSsse quantum manus und prS- henddt. (6) a small number, e.g. a handful of men, use paucus, rdrus, with sub- stantive ; perhaps manlplus 2. HANDICEAFT, HANDIWORK subst., Spus 3 n. ; drs 3 f. HANDKERCHIEF subst., perhaps mantel? 3 n. ; mdppa 1 (H., Mart. 1). HANDLE, to v. act., trdcto 1 ; verso 1 ; exerctfo 2. HANDLE subst., manubrium 2 (Juv.) ; dnsa 1 (of a jug, &c.) ; capulus 2 (hilt of a sword). HANDMAID subst., dncllla 1 ; fd- mula 1 ; servo, 1 ; minlstra 1. Ep. diligent, faithful, &c. HANDSEL, to v. act., imhuo 3. HANDSOME adj., pulch?r,fdrmosus, vSnustus (Cat.), decorus, d?cens, specio- sus, hSnestus, nitidus, spectdbtlis. HANDWEITING subst. Bender by manus 4 f. "HANDY adj., MbiKs, dptus. HANG, to v. act. suspendo 3 ; some- times flgo 3. v. neut., pendSo 2 ; depended 2 ; suspendSr 3. Phr., to hang back, mSrSr 1. HANGING subst. (a) aulxum 2 ; velum 2. Ep. purple, heavy, &c. (?>) the act of hanging, suspendia 2 pi. HANKEE, to v. neut., with " after" = to desire, q. v. HAP subst. = fortune, q. v. HAPLESS adj. = unlucky, mMr, infellx, misSrdbilis, misPrdndus, tristis, deflendus. HAPLY adv. (a) perhaps forsitan, fortassS, fors, for- san, fortS (after si and nisi). (6) as it chanced, fortS, cdsu, fors. HAPPEN, to v. neut., dcctdo 3; evSnio 4 ; fid, irr. ; prdv&nio 4 ; con- tingo 3 (in good sense only). HAPPILY^ adv., felicltSr, MuZ. Phr., Isetis ausptclis, bffnis avlbus. HAPPINESS subst., fortiina 1; prospSra 2 n. pi. ; Ixia 2 n. pi. Phr., fortuna (1), res (5), sffcunda; res (5 pi.) Isetae ; fata (2 pi.) arnica, b&- nigna. HAPPY adj., felix, fortundtus, be'd- tus, Isetus, fausiiis (of things only), sS- cundus (of things only). HARANGUE subst. Use voces 3 f. pi. ; verba 2 pi. ; perhaps loquela 1, mSnitus 4, ddmonitus 4, hortdtus 4, hor- tdmen 3 n. Ep. long, loud, royal, &c. HARANGUE, to v. neut., elSqudr 3 ; eft'tir 1 ; prof or 1. Use also ordlor 4. HARASS, to v. act. (a) to annoy, q. v. (b) to fatigue, q. v. HARASSED adj., exercttiis, vexdtus, fessiis. See WEABY. HARBINGER subst., nunttus 2; prsenuntlus (adj.) ; vates 3 m. Ep. early, welcome, &c. HARBOUR subst., portus 4; ostta 2 pi. ; sometimes ndvdlS 3 n., ndvdlia 3 pi., static 3 f. (roadstead), sinus 4, ora 1, lltus or llttus 3 n., &c. Ep. safe, desired, &c. HARBOUR, to v. act. = to shelter, tSgo 3 ; celo 1 ; excipio 3. HARBOURLESS adj . (a) of the ship, vagus. Phr., portu carens, portu rSmotus, cul portus abest, &c. (6) of the shore, irihospitus, irihospltdlis, indccessus. HARD ( 162 ) HARPOON HARD adj. (a) durus, edurtis, rigtdus, ferrSus, ada mdntlnus. (b) cruel, durus, sSveriis, seevits, Immltts fSriis, effSrus, crudelts, dspSr, bdrbarus trux, dirus, atrox, truculentus, ferrSus sdngulnSus, cruentus, Irihumdnus. (c) difficult, durus, difftcMs, drduus gravis, SpKrosus. HARD adv., Phr., hard by, juxta prffpe". HARD-EARNED adj., phr., emptus, qusesltus, pdrtus, pardtus, multo labor?, &c. ; sometimes SpSrosus (Ov. Her. ii 63). HARDEN, to v. neut., duresco 3; induresco 3 ; rigSo 2 ; rtgesco 3 ; duror 1 ; adstringSr 3. - v. act. duro 1 ; induro 1 ; dd- stringo 3 ; constringo 3 ; gSlo 1 (Mart.), to freeze ; congSld 1 (to freeze) ; sdltdo 1 ; cdquo 3 (in the fire). HARD-FOUGHT adj., dublus, dn- cep*, incertus. HARD-HANDED adj. = rustic, use durus, Qgrestis, rutticus, &c. HARD-HEARTED adj., ferrSus, durus. See CRUEL. HARD-HEARTEDNESS subst. = cruelty, q. v. HARDIHOOD, HARDINESS subst. = courage, q. v. HARDLY adj. (a) harshly, dure, crudelitPr, gr&vltSr. (6) scarcely, vix, segre ; sometimes non HARDNESS subst. (a) rfgSr 3 m. ; durltia 1 ; dufttles 5. (b) barbarity or cruelty, q. v. HARDSHIP subst., malum 2 ; d3l8r 3 m. ; labSr 3 m. ; serumnd 1 ; ddmnum 2 ; clddes 3 f. ; ddversa 2 pi. ; cdsus 4 ; sometimes pestis 3 f. ; pernlcies 5 ; in- forturiium (H.). Ep. sad, sudden, lasting, undeserved, &c. HARDY adj., robustus, vaMus, rlgl- dus. See BOLD. HARE subst., Upiis 3 m. Ep. timid, woodland, &c. HARE-BRAINED adj., t^me'rarius, incautus, prxceps. HARE ! interj., audin (i.e. aiidlsnS, do you hear ?). HARLEQUIN subst., ludtus 2. HARM subst., ddmnum 2 ; detrl- mentum 2 (H.) ; malum 2 ; clddes 3 f. ; IncommSdum 2 ; ja.ctu.ra 1 (loss). HARM, to v. act., nScSo 2 ; Ixdo 3 ; obsum, irr. ; offlcio 3, irr. HARMFUL adj.. iidxiiis, ndcens, nocUurus, perniclosus, gruvls, ddmnostis, m&lestus, mfestus, Inlmicus, exltlosus, exttldlls, funestus, fdtdlls, tristls, exltld- btlls. HARMLESS adj., innfcens, Innff- cuus, Insons, Innoxlus. HARMLESSLY adv., phr., sine" frauds. HARMONIOUS adj. (a) consOnus ; of colour, conctflfir. (b) agreeable, q. v. HARMONIZE, to v. neut., concdrdo 1. HARMONY subst. () concordta 1 ; concentus 4. (6) concord (a), q. v. Ep. tuneful, sweet, &c. HARNESS subst. (a) of a horse, perhaps drma 2 pi. (Cf. Ov. Am. I. ii.). Use also words for different parts of harness : e.g. Ivra 2 pi., frena 2 pi., Mbenx 1 pi. = reins, jugum 2 = yoke, plialSrse 1 pi. = trappings, caplstrum 2 = halter, &c. I)) armour, q. v. HARNESS, to v. act., jungo 3. Phr., sub juga cogo (3), mltto (3), duco (3), &c. ; jugo colla subdo (3), sup- pond (3). HARNESSED adj., c&plstrdtus. HARP subst., lyrd 1 ; cftJiara 1 ; bdrbitds 2 ; testudo 3 f. ; fides 3 f. pi. ; cliSlys 3 f. ; Sbur 3 n.. Use also cliordse 1 pi. ; fila 2 pi., nervi 2 pi. = strings. Ep. tuneful, vocal, Apollinean (Apol- linSus\ Phoebsean (Phcebseus\ sweet, &c. HARP, to v. neut., cano 3 ; sihio 1 ; ydXlOr 1 ; psdllo 3 (H.). v. act., to harp upon, crSpo 1 ; decdnto 1. HARPER subst., fidicen 3 m. ; Ztharsedus (Juv., Mart., H.). Ep. tuneful, aged, &c. HARPOON subst., lidstllS 3 n. ; cor- itts, 2. Ep. iron, deadly, unerring, &c. HARPY ( 163 ) HAUL HAEPY subst., Harpyla 1. Ep. voracious, loathsome, foul, &c. HAEPY adj. = greedy, q. v. HAERIEK, HAEEOW subst, ros- trum 2. Phr., rdslrl pondus (3 n.). Bush- harrow may perhaps be rendered by vlminSx crates, (Verg. Georg. i. 95). Ep. iron, heavy, &c. HAEEOW, to v. act. (a) deed 1 (H.). Phr., glebds frdngo (3), commXnuo (3). (6) to distress, q. v. HAEEY, to v. act. (a) to annoy, q. v. (4) to ravage, dverto 3 (prseddm) ; vds- to 1 ; devdsto I ; desolo 1 ; pOpulo 1 ; ptipuWr 1 ; depSpfdSr 1. HARSH adj., austeriis, dspe~r, s&ce- %us, amdrus, torvus, tStrlcus, durus, edu- rus, ssevus, immltts, crudelts, bdrbarus, trux, atrox, truculentiis, inhumdnus, dlfficilis, drtdus (used by V. of sound). 'HAESHLY adv., armdSXUfr; acerba, n. pi. ; hostilltir. HAET subst., cervus 2. Ep. horned, woodland, timid, &c. HAEVEST subst. (a) messts 3 f. ; sSgls 3 f . ; Ceres 3 f. ; fruges 3 f. pi. ; spicx 1 pi. ; arlstx 1 pi. ; sata 2 pi. Phr., dona (2 pi.) Cfrerts or CSrSdlla, telluris Spes (3 f. pi.), &c. Ep. abundant, ripe, rich, &c. Q)) reward, prsemlum 2 ; prStlum 2 ; fructus 4 ; merces 3 f. HAEVEST-HOME subst., phr., sac- rum (2) Ceredle, CerSdlia festa (2 pi.), &c. HAEVESTEE, HAEVESTMAN subst., messSr 3 m. HASTE subst. No exact equiva- lent. Translate by adj. or adv., e.g. trSptdus, cttS, oclus, &c. ; or by a phrase, nulld mffrd, ptiilta mSru, non cunctdtus, non lentus, non segnis, &c. HASTE, HASTEN, to v. act., prS- pPro 1 ; deprSpSro 1 ; mdturo 1 ; c$l?ro 1 ; dccelSro 1 ; urgSo 2 ; pr&mo 3 ; in- sto 1 ; festlno 1 ; corrlpio 3 (a journey, &c.) ; prorlpio 3 (Hor. Od. 1, 8, 16.) v. neut., festlno 1 ; prSpSro 1 ; dcc&le'rd 1 ; mdturo 1 ; curro 3 ; prsecl- plto 1 ; ddvOlo 1 ; dccurro 3. Phr., non mSror. To hasten to may be translated by adverbs, e.g. hasten to bring water, citfi, citlus, or octus fSr aquam ; hasten to the shore, citlus pStS lUtffra. HASTILY adv., cttS, citlus, ocius, prdpSre, prSpSrdntSr (Lucret.). Ovid uses prSpSrdntlus. HASTY adj. (a) quick, cttus, celSr, tr&pldus, prSpS- rus, prSpgrdns, festlnus, prxfestlndtus. (b) rash, tfrnPrdrtus, prxceps, Incautus, imprudens, csecus. Phr., prxceps animl. HAT subst. Use mitra 1 ; pile'dT.um 2 ; galerus 2 ; ca/usta 1 (Mart.). HATCH, to v. act. (a) exclude 3 (Lucret.). (b) Phr., to hatch a plot, struo (3), mo- USr (4), necto (3), texo (3), verso (1), dtilum, instdtds, &c. HATCHET subst., sScurls 3 f . ; bi- pennls 3 f . ; ferrum 2. Ep. sharp, two-edged, iron, &c. HATE, to v. act., odl, defect. ; de- testtir 1 ; abomindr 1 ; dversdr 1. Phr., 6dlo sSqutir (3), persSqufo (3), ddlls exercSo (2). HATE subst., Sdlum 2; detestdtto 3 f. ; Inimlclttd 1. Ep. dire, lasting, unjust, &c. HATED, HATEFUL adj., mvlsus, detestdtus, Sdlosus. Use ^,lso mtilestus, Inamdbllis, ingrdtux, Inamcenus, offensus (Hor. Epod. xv. 15). HATEE subst., Inlmlcus 2. HATEED subst., Sdtum 2; detes- tdtto 3 f., iritmicitla 1 ; sometimes si- multds 3 f., invldia 1, Ira 1, furor 3 m. Ep. dire, lasting, unjust, bitter, in- expiable, hidden, deadly, relentless, &c. HAUBEEK subst., lorlca 1. HAUGHTILY adv., superbe. Trans- late usually by adjective. HAUGHTINESS subst., superbla 1 ; fdstus, 4. See PRIDE. HAUGHTY adj., superbus, fdstldl- osus, insdlens, lumens, tilmldus, rSsuplnus (with head erect), sublimis, superbiem, ImpSrlosus. Phr., fdstu or anlmls eldtus, lumens, &c. HAUL, to v. act. = to drag, q. v. For hauling at a line, see Ov. Her. x. 104. M2 HAULM ( 164 ) HEADSTRONG, HEADY HAULM subst., culmits 2 ; arena 1 ; c&lSmusZ; sttpula 1. HAUNCH subst., fgmur 3 n. ; latus 3 n. ; sometimes eras 3 n. HAUNT, to v. act., ctlebro 1 ; frS- quento 1 ; ctflo 3. Phr., frequent adSo (irr.), visa (3), HAUNT subst. (a) of wild animals, lustrum 2 (usually in plural); of birds, avidrlum 2 late- bras 1 pi., dtfmws 2 and 4 f. See CAVE. Ep. remote, solitary, woodland, &c. (6) of men. Phr., Idea (2 pi.) nota, Ufca cglgberrlma. Use also street, market-place, &c. HAVE, to v. act. = to possess, Jiabe'd 2 ; possldSo 2. Phr., I have a father, est mllil patfr ; we have ripe apples, sunt nobis mltta poma. HAVEN subst. See HARBOUB. HAVERSACK subst. See BAG. HAVOC subst., clddes 3 f. ; perriicles 5 ; ruina 1 ; exltium 2 ; funus 3 n. ; excldtum 2. Phr., to make havoc of = to devas- tate, vasto 1 ; pSpulo 1 ; pSpuldr 1 ; depSpuWr 1 ; desolo 1 ; devdsto 1. Ep. deadly, bloody, impious, &c. HAW subst., bdcca 1. HAWK subst., acclpltSr 3 m. Use also milvus 2 ; mlluus 2, Ep. keen, cruel, swift, &c. HAWKEE subst. = pedlar, mstttSr 3m. HA WSEE subst. = cable, q. v. HAWTHORN subst., spina 1 ; rubtis 2 ; sentes 3 m. pi. ; veprls 3 m. ; usually in plural, dumiis 2. Use also rubetum 2 ; dumetum 2. Ep. white, spring, thorny, &c. HAT siibst., fxnum 2. Phr., gramlna (3 pi.) tosta or slcca. (Of., too, Ov. E. Am. 191, 2.) HAYLOFT subst., fcenllS 3 n. (Verg.). HAYMAKER subst. Use mess&r 3 m. ; agrestts 3 m. ; rusticus 2. HAZARD subst. (a) chance, alta 1. See CHANCE. (6) danger, q. v. HAZARD, to v. act. = to endanger, q. V. HAZARDOUS adj. = dangerous, q. v. HAZE subst., nebula 1 ; nubes 3 f. ; vdpSr 3 m. ; der 3 m. Phr., Jtumens umbra (1). Ep. obscure, gathered, evening, &c. HAZEL subst., cSrylus 2 f. ; nux 3 f . ; c&ryletum 2 (a hazel grove). Ep. fragile, woodland, &c. HAZEL adj., ctilurnus. HAZY adj., nebulosua, nubtlus, ob- scuriis, crdssus, humldus, Itumens. HE pron., hie, HIS. HEAD subst. (a) capiit 3 n. Sometimes vertex 3 m. Ep. honourable, venerable, beaute- ous, youthful, &c. (6) chief, princeps 3 ; dux 3 m. ; duc- tSr 3 m. ; praise's 3 m. Ep. valiant, august, aged, warlike, &c. (c) top, vertex 3 m. ; apex 3 m. ; cacu- mfn 3 n. Ep. (of a mountain) snowy, aerial, inaccessible, &c. (d) fountain-head, fons 3 m. ; capiit 3n. (e) Phr., to give his head (to a horse), do (1) lord, habends, &c. (/) Phr., to make head against = to resist, q. v. HEAD, to v. act. = to take the lead, duco 3 ; prxsum, irr. ; dirigo 3. HEAD-ACHE subst., capltls dtilttr (Ov. Am. I. viii. 73). HEAD - BAND, HEAD - DRESS s\il>st.,vttta 1 ; infula 1 ; mltru 1 ; tsenla 1 ; ctfrona 1. Ep. white, womanly, long, &c. HEADFOREMOST adj., prseceps, cernuus (Verg. JEn. x. 894). HEADLAND subst. = cape (a), q. v. HEADLONG adj., prseceps, tSme'r- drfus, incautiis, cxcus. HEADLONG adv. Translate by adjective. HEADPIECE subst. = helmet, q. v. HEADSHIP subst. = authority, q. v. HEADSMAN subst., cdrnifex 3 m. HEADSTONE subst., (of a grave) use lapis 3 m. ; mdrmffr 3 n. ; sdxum 2. Ep. mindful, engraved, marble, &c. HEADSTRONG, HEADY adj., prx- ceps, tStnSrdrius, furidsus, furlbundus, HEAL ( 165 ) HEATHCOCK incautus, csecus, omens, demens, Insdnus, vidlentus. HEAL, to v. act., mSdSSr 2 ; sand 1 ; mSdlcor 1. v. neut., sdnSr 1 ; c6So 4, irr. Phr., cicdtrlcem duco (3), to form a scar. HEALER subst., me'dicus 2. HEALING adj., salubgr, salutdris, salutife'r, medicus. Use also praisens. HEALTH subst., solus 3 f . ; vale- tudo 3 f. (H.). Your health ! solve, bPne 1 sit tibi, bUng te. Cf . dd puSr augurls Murense (Hor. Od. iii. 19, 10). Ep. firm, sound, lasting, failing, &c. HEALTHFUL, HEALTHY adj., sa- lutdris, saluber, salutife'r, sdniis, valens, validus, Integer, sincerus. HEAP subst., Scervus 2 ; moles 3 f. ; dggSr 3 m. ; cumulus 2 ; strues 3 f. ; con- geries 5 ; congestus 4 (Lucret.). Ep. high, piled-up, huge, &c. HEAP, to v. act., cumulo 1 ; decu- mulo 1 ; dggpro 1 and 3 ; acervo 1 ; rS- g&ro 3 ; cddcervo 1 ; struo 3 ; exstriio 3 ; glSmfro 1 ; cogo 3 ; augSo 2. HEAB, to v. act., audio 4; excipio 3 ; dcclpio 3 ; sometimes cognosco 3 (Verg. Eclog. vi. 25). Phr., aure' blbo (3), to drink in with the ear. Often use disco 3 ; sentio 4. HEARER subst., audltdr 3 m. Ep. attentive, weary, careless, &c. HEARING subst. (a) Phr., to give a hearing = to hear, q. v. See AUDIENCE (c). (6) within hearing. Phr., and? pStest audlrf, whence he can hear ; quo vox adit, pervSnit, &c., whither the voice reaches. HEARKEN, to v. act. = to hear, q. v. v. neut. ausculto (H.) HEARSAY subst. = rumour, fdrna 1 ; rumSr 3 m. HEARSE subst. Use fgretrum 2. HEART subst. (a) cor 3 n. ; often pectus 3 n. ; vlscSra 3 pi., prs&cordla 3 pi., animus 2, mens 3 f. " [&c. Ep. tender, hard, relentless, loving, (6) courage, animus 2 ; virtus 3 f . ; vis 3 f. ; constdntia 1 ; auddcid 1. Ep. brave, fearless, youthful, &c. (c) to learn by heart, edlsco 3. (