tl 3 =? 5? i i ^lUVANUlfJ^ c?. ar ^ S 1 1 fe .^OF-CALIFOff^ A LIST OF .., REEVE & MUGGLETOFS WRITINGS, LIST OF THE BOOKS, TH PART OP THEIR TITLB PAGES AND THE PRICE OF EACH HOC OF THE THIRD AND LAST TESTAMENT OF THE ONLY GOD, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. WRITTEN BY JOHN REEVE AND LODOWICK MUGGLETON, It may be well to remember the council of G amalial, ACTS v, verses 38 and 39, "And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this council or this work be of men, it will come to nought ; but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. 1 ' " The people that sat in darkness saw great light; and them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up." MAT. iv. 16. "To give light to them that sit in darkness, and to guide our feet into the way of peace." LUKE i,79. LONDON: PRINTED nv R. FKF.N-V, 26, ST. JOHN STREET, CLKRKKXWEI.L. 1843. StacK Annex THE FOLLOWING BOOKS MAY BE HAD OP "7 Q MESSRS. J. & I. FROST, 61 & 62, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, And will be forwarded to any place required, on receipt of the Prices specified, either in a Post Office Order or otherwife. A TRANSCENDANT SPIRITUAL TREATISE upon several Heavenly Doctrines from the Holy Spirit of the Man Jesus, the only true God, sent unto all his Elect . Price Is. A GENERAL EPISTLE FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT unto all Prophets, Ministers, or Speakers in the World . . . Price 3d. A REMONSTRANCE FROM THE ETERNAL GOD ; declaring several Spiritual Transactions unto the Parliament and Commonwealth of England ; unto his Excellency, the Lord General Cromwell ; the Council of State ; the Council of War ; and to all that love the Second Appearing of the Lord Jesus, A 2 Cage ft V the only God, and Everlasting Father bles- sed for ever . . . Price Qd. A DIVINE LOOKING GLASS ; or the Third and Last Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world. Being the Commission of the Spirit, agree- ing with, and explaining the former Com- missions of the Law and the Gospel, differing only in point of worship. Set forth for the trial of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever- living true Jesus, the only high and mighty God, personally appears in the air, with his saints and angels . . Price 2s. 6d. JOYFUL NEWS FROM HEAVEN ; or the last in- telligence from our Glorified Jesus above the stars ; wherein is infallibly recorded how that the Soul dieth in the Body, and lieth in the grave until the day God will raise it from death, with a true description of the Kingdom of Heaven and of Hell. P> ire l.s. A TRUE INTERPRETATION OF THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER or THE REVELATIONS OF ST. JOHN, and other Texts in that book, as also many other places of Scripture ; whereby is unfolded, and plainly declared, the whole council of God concerning Himself, the Devil, and all Mankind, from the founda- tion of the World to all eternity, never before revealed by any of the sons of men, until now .... Price 2s. A TRUE INTERPRETATION OF ALL THE CHIEF TEXTS, and Mysterious Sayings and Visions opened of the whole Book of the Revela- tions of St. John ; whereby is unfolded and plainly declared those wonderful deep Mysteries and Visions interpreted, con- cerning the true God, the Alpha and Omega, with a variety of other Heavenly Secrets, which have never been opened nor revealed to any man since the creation of the World to this day, until now. Price 3s. A TRUE INTERPRETATION OF THE WITCH OF ENDOR, spoken of in the First Book of Samuel, 28th chapter, beginning at the llth verse, showing 1st. How she, and all other Witches, do beget or produce that familiar spirit they deal with, and what a familiar spirit is, and how those voices are procured, and shapes appear unto them, whereby the ignorant and un- believing people are deceived by them. 2nd. It is clearly made appear in this Treatise, that no spirit can be raised without its body, neither can any spirit assume any body after death, for if the spirit doth walk, the body doth walk also. 3rd. An Interpretation of all those Scriptures that doth seem as if spirits might go out of men's bodies when they die, and subsist in some place or other without bodies. 4th and lastly. Several other things needful for the mind of man to know, which who- ever doth understand, it will be great satisfaction .... Price Is. THE NECK OF THE QUAKERS BROKEN, or cut in sunder by the two-edged sword of the Spirit : 1st. In a Letter to Edward Bourne, a Quaker. 2nd. In answer to a Letter to Samuel Hooton and W. S. 3rd. In a Letter to Richard Farnsworth, Quaker. 4th. In an answer to a printed Pamphlet of the said Richard Farnsworth, entitled, " Truth Ascended ; or, the Anointed and Sealed of the Lord Defended." AND IN A LETTER SENT TO THOMAS TAYLOR, QUAKER; being an Answer to some things of concernment for the reader to know : the particular heads are seven. 1st. That Christ could not make all things of * nothing. 2nd. That earth and waters were eternal, and out of that matter God created all living creatures. 3rd. That there was a place of residence for God to be in, when he created this world. 4th. How all Children are saved, though the seed of the serpent, if they die in their childhood. 5th. Of the difference of the fruit of the womb, and the fruit of the flesh ; and how they are two several trees, and two several fruits. 8 6th. How the seed of faith, the elect seed, did all fall in Adam, and therefore made alive in Christ ; and how the reprobate seed did not fall in Adam, so not made alive in Christ ; and what it is that purifies the Quakers' hearts. 7th. How Adam and Eve were not capable of any kind of death before their fall ; and how their fall did procure but a temporal death to all the seed of Adam : but the fall of the serpent did procure an eternal death to all his seed who live to man and woman's' estate, and more especially to those that doth deny the person and body of Christ to be now living in Heaven above the stars, without a man, as all the speakers of the Quakers do ... Price Is. Qd. A LOOKIXG-GLASS FOR GEORGE Fox, QuA- KER ; in answer to George Fox, his Book, called, " Something in Answer to Lodo- wick Muggleton's Book, which he calls 'The Neck of the Quakers Broken;'" wherein is set forth the ignorance and blind- ness of the Quakers' doctrine of Christ within them, &c. Contents in 36 heads. Price Is. 6d. THE ANSWER TO WILLIAM PENN, QUAKER, his Book, entitled, " The New Witnesses proved Old Hereticks ; " wherein he is proved to be an ignorant spatter-brained Quaker, who knows no more what the true God is, nor his secret decrees, than one of his coach-horses doth, nor so much ; " For the Ox knoweth his owner, and the Ass his master's crib," but Penn doth not know his Maker, as is manifest by the Scriptures, which may inform the reader, if he mind the interpretation of Scripture in the Dis- course following : 1st. That God was in tlie form, image, and likeness of man's bodily shape, as well as his soul from eternity. 2nd. That the substance of earth and water was an eternal, dark, senseless chaos, and that earth and water were eternal in the original. 3rd. That the soul of man is generated and begotten by man and woman with the body, and arc inseparable. 10 4th. That the soul and body of man are both mortal, and doth die and go to dust until the resurrection. 5th. That to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah, God descended from Heaven into the Vir- gin's womb, and transmuted his spiritual body into a pure natural body, and be- came a man child, even the Child Jesus, Emanuel, God with us. 6th. That God by his prerogative power, hath elected the seed of Adam to be saved, and pre-ordained the seed of the serpent, such as Penn the Quaker is, to be damned, without any other inducement but his own prerogative will and pleasure. 7th. A reply to the discourse between Penn and me. 8th. What is meant by the Armour of God, the wilderness, and the wild beasts I fought with in the wilderness . . Price 2s. AN ANSWER TO ISAAC PENNINGTON, ESQ. his Book, entitled " Observations on some pass- ages of Lodowick Muggleton's Interpre- tation of the llth chapter of the Eevela- 11 lations " ; also some passages of that Book of his, entitled, " The Neck of the Quakers Broken ; " and in his Letter to Thomas Taylor. Whereby it might appear what spirit the said Lodowick Muggleton is of, and from what God his commission is ; as by what authority his spirit is moved to write against the people called Quakers. This Answer was Written to inform those that do not know the anti-christian spirit of false teachers, in these our days. By Lodowick Muggleton . . . Price 9d. A STREAM FROM THE TREE OF LIFE; or the Third Record vindicated ; being the Copies of several Letters and Epistles wrote by the two last Witnesses of Jesus Christ; wherein truth rides triumphant, and imagination is confounded. A Copy of a letter to W. Medgate, proving that God takes no immediate notice, -except in particular cases. A Letter to Walter Bohenan on the same subject. To James Whitehead, answering six queries. To Colonel Pharr, concerning eating the flesh 12 of devils; as also explaining the mustard grain, Luke xiii. 19. To Edward Fewteril concerning witchcraft. A discourse between John Reeve and Richard Leader, wherein philosophy is confounded. To Tomkinson, relating, in part, the Prophets sufferings for declaring truth. An Epistle to a Quaker, shewing the blindness of those people. An Epistle of the Prophet Muggleton's, prov- ing his power to give sentences ; also explain- ing how the devil entered the herd of swine. To Christopher Hill, containing his own Thomas Martin, William Young, and Elizabeth Wyles's blessings. To Alice Webb, containing the six principles, and her blessing. To a friend concerning true and false preachers. An epistle concerning spirits. To Isaac Pennington, Esq. concerning God's visibly appearing in flesh. The Death of Moses unfolded. An epistle, proving that Christ had inherent power to die and live again, without assist- ance from anv in heaven or on earth. 13 To Ann Adams shewing the peace of a pure life . . . . . Price Is. SACRED REMAINS; or a Divine Appendix, being a collection of several treatises, epis- tolary and public, written by the Lord's last immediate Messenger, John Reeve, and after careful examination by the most correct copies, communicated for the consolation and establishment of the Church of Christ by their Brethren, whose faith in these, and all other his irremandable declarations doth (and by divine protection will) remain unshaken to eternity. Questions sent to Mr. Sedgwick, by the Pro- phet John Reeve. Mr. Sedgwick's Replies. The Prophet's Answer to Mr. Sedgwick. Of the one Personal uncreated Glory. The Prophet John Reeve's Answer to a letter sent him by Esquire Pennington. John Reeve's Epistle sent to the Earl of Pembroke. John Reeve's Epistle to his Kinsman. An Epistle on what was from Eternity, con- cerning the only true God ; of his glorious 14 throne; and the pure creation, from that which is false. A General treatise of the three Records or Dispensations. A cloud of unerring witnesses plainly prov- ing there neither is nor ever was any other God but Christ Jesus the Lord. Scriptures proving that Christ Jesus is the only God. . . . Price Is. 6d. A BOOK OF LETTERS, or Spiritual Epistles; being copies of 168 Letters, written by the last Prophets and Messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ; contain- ing variety of spiritual Revelations, and deep Mysteries, manifesting to the elect seed the prerogative power of true Prophets ; who by virtue of their commission, did truly give the blessing of life everlasting to those that believed their declarations ; and to all despising Reprobates the curse or sen- tence of eternal damnation. Collected by the great pains of Alexander Dalamaine, a true believer of God's last commission of the Spirit; intended at first only for his own spiritual solace, but finding they in- 15 creased to so great a volume, he leaves it to posterity that ages to come may rejoice in the comfortable view of so blessed and heavenly a treasure . . Price Is. SUPPLEMENT TO THE BOOK OF LETTERS ; being the copies of twenty-three Letters written by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton, on various subjects . . Price \s. THE ACTS OF THE WITNESSES OF THE SPIRIT, in five parts, by Lodowick Muggleton, one of the two Witnesses and true Prophets of the only high immortal glorious God Christ Jesus ; left by him to be published after his death; that after ages may see some of the acts of the two Witnesses of the Spirit, as well as their writings, and their doctrine now in this last age. As they have read of some of the wonderful acts of Moses and the Prophets, and the Acts of the Apostles, so there will be some remarkable acts of the Witnesses of the Spirit left upon record, of their Births, Parentage, Revelations, Disputes, Troubles, Trials by Jury, Imprisonment and Punish- 16 ment they underwent for declaring the Lord Jesus Christ to be the only God, which declaration of theirs accords with that Prophecy of Isaiah, chap, ix, verse 6th : "For unto us a Child is born , unto us a Son is givea; and the government shall be upon his shoulders ; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the migbtv God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." Price 2s. A SET OF THE PROPHETS' WORKS, bound in 3 Volumes . . . Price 2. 7s. A GENERAL INDEX TO JOHN REEVE AND LODOWICK MUGGLETON'S WORKS, where- in is inserted the contents and subjects of their Works . . . Price Is. Beloved Brethren, The afore mentioned Books may be considered the whole of the Writings of the Lord's last Prophets, John Reeve and Lodo- wick Muggleton, as far as the Church is in sion of. We have given the contents of each Book, in a General Index, to make reference more easy to those that would willingly be in- structed in the knowledge of the true God and their own eternal salvation. JOSEPH & ISAAC FROST. 11. FEENY, Printer, 26, St. John Street, Clerkenwell. Believers ofJol, Muggletori's Commissi A True Account of the Trial and Sn ! of Lodowick Muggleton. By Powell. Truth's Triumph ; Witnesses. By T. Tompkinsor. None but Christ. By T. Tompki 'ce \s. A Discourse upon the Epistle by -f together with the Mystery of 1' By T. Tompkinson . . Price Is. Gd. A System, of Eeligion. By T. Temp* Pri Muggletonians' Principles Prevailing. By T. Tompkinson . . . Price Is. Perspective Glass for Saints and Sinners. By J. Saddington . . i'rice Is.. ONIV. OF CALIF. 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