5 2 2 3 i 1 ; i LIBRARY j DNIV R.ITY Of I SAN DIEGO ! VA ATLAS TO THE MEMOIRS OF JOHN DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH; CONTAINING ARMORIAL BEARINGS, FACSIMILES, MAPS, MILITARY PLANS. ^iC LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1820. ■^^ .# A'*"'*;. (^ \i ..,-'''• • ivvV ATLAS. Older of A rraiigeinetit fur the Plates ami References. 'I'HK larger plates, with the military mans and plans, being on too great a scale to fold in tills octavo edition, are arranged in this Atlas, in the following order: 1. Arms of His Grace George Spencer Churchill, Duke of Marlborougli, referring to the dedication, vol. i. 2. (juiirterings, crest and supporters of John, first Duke of Marlborough, referred to in the Genealogical Account of the Churchill Family, vol. i. 3. Fac Simile of the draught of a letter, from John Duke of Marlborough to Lord Godolphin, without date, but written from tlie Hague, in 1705, beginning, " I came hither this day." 4. Fac Similes of the hand-writing of King William and Queen Anne. 5. Outline map of tlie theatre of war, in 1702, 1703, and 1705. G. Map of the operations in Germany in 1704, before a)id after the battle of Blenheim, referring to chapters 22 — 27. vol. i. and ii. 7. I'lan of the attack on the Scliellenberg, chap. 23, vol. i. 8. References to tiie plan of tlie battle of Blenheim, cha)) 2(>, vol. i. 9. Plan of the battle of Blenheim, chap. 2G, vol. i. 10. Map exhibiting the operations on the Moselle in 1705, chap. 34, vol. ii. I 1. Plan of tlie attack on the French lines iu Brabant, in 1705, chap. 36, vol. ii. 12. Map of the Princi])ality of Mindelheim, cliaj). 43, vol. ii. 13. Arms borne by the Duke of Marlborough, as Prince of Mindelheim, ibid. 14. Plan of the battle of Kamilies, 1706, chap. 45, vol. ii. 15. Map for the siege of Ostend in 1706, and the affair of Wynendale in 1708, chap. 46, vol. ii. and 73. vol. iv. 16. Outline of a Map for the campaign of 1707, and part of 1708, chap. 56. — 72, vol iii. and iv. 17. Plan of the battle of Oudenard, in 1708. chap. 69, vol iv. 18. Map for the siege of Lille, in 1708, chap. 70, vol. iv. 19. Map of the operations of the Confederate armies, from the 4th to the 11th of September, 1709, chap. 81, vol. v. 20. References to the ]ilaii of the battle of Malplaquet, chap. 82, vol. v. 21. Plan of the battle of Malplaquet, chap. 82, vol. v. 22. Operations of the campaign of 171 1, chap. 102, 103, and 104, vol. \\. A 2 .M f^._ ■^ iM AT/ /'///.J OiiJirtoriiio's Crest Jiiid Supporters ol* ^OM\'' ///:sy j:)rKE o/\M.^RZ,BOROrGU. ^^ t<^ / -i^ ^ ^^X^^ ^j^ ^^S^ ^^r^^ ^JLi^.^y^' yy /^ .c^^^-*->^ ^ Xl^^-^/>-^ >-^^ -^^^?-^ 24>;^ X^dr- -tX^^;^y^ ^ /^'^ ff /-<^ ^;^.r^ ^ ^.jyi^ f^^ A^T^ ny^~~L^'^-<-y J^r fl^^ i^Wy i/^/ ^zV^^A /^^ ^ ^^^^ /^ .4 A^^/.^ ^ w^ ^^..t^T*^ ^,^^/<^ ^-^^iL^YZ^ ,%^^ %f^^^<^ r^jAjz.,^-^ ^/^^ <^^^^>^ ^^^*-^^<_> ' /-^ -o-^--^ (^-U.y-'ryt^LAy^^^ (HC^^J C}^4n^ /i^^t^^ /Xl ^ ;./• J^^ ,^^ ^;l^^^ ^.^/.y Letter ftvm KiatrWUiam to the Tlarl of Mai-lborouc-h. e.ijL /v^-,*^ ^-T^t-i. t^ yxA^t-^.w' M,irifJiWif-il.vt.im.m iiV/'.tf.rX.s^.''/:.'. ^ UiTiSET tyrtfyt' f/ifrenrht/unt oT^Schei^^iiherxj ii 'i&^.JTim/u.vhi*/ ffttrts or the Mttf'fiicitiNtfU. CC tii//t/' or'tht' /''f>/ir/i timi Jiiiytirians btJuttd t/r \fuwt po-\'ifion i>r't/u- /*///».•■ or' Jiriti-y/t /.tv ■//?* .!• AtZtt bit/7 t/i/'Oit n ift U.Ii. i'^i.vpo.vi'tion t't't//*- /-'/'t/tr/i it//*/ /i4irtif/4/ji Tt\u \Ahi/t/i vt'tht ti4iti//7Mm.v tt' /•*■//}/*> fit tfti point c \taui titivtiriii' in'th*- 3 Jitoi/umts o/^J-'/^ifo/t li/i'4 K. . Vu'fi poxin'on oi't/if J/n/'nut/ tr/t //tiif/tr.f |.V///t7/ ////// titttio/i o/'t/it /dfif/it, i//it/t/- J^tt'/it^ {or fitiittti . M . AWttt /iiitttrus. S Thf Ijnpiritil Troops o/i/t/int/ tiw liei^' tun/ {t/if A// /7»iiiA' or the fCnt/ni; OSiK>MouU- or't/it I^rt:no/i a/ui fiui'Mt'ii/i TrtHp-f S /ift't/tft- or' Po/i&uyfhy fyro/cttt *iofn ly tht' H-e, ' i tht' Fu*jitiv*\t\ ^S^. JLii/4iziH4\f A'tton fzjt' ujui til*4UitL*/t»-d f>\' tfy»y £fi K, . t'ti/iip tntirknf out hv t/u Kutjuy 4im/ p4t/'t/\- ock S. /7//X fi,tttii//ofi.v nh/t'ti itinu oat or't/io 7\*ion to asA'/'st i/t t/fo 4ifri'fUf or't/to ///it.*: Seal*." oFiooo Coiniuoii i'lii'os. 1>. E. I.I- X.X. N. ~V'kxcy <, f'/'t/tr , / > Ci ilj; i ilS i^r IB IL ii G /'//. '^ / /ff/'// /. /.. fr//f/r/-////- I f/// ///f/ yfff /•/ ■~~^'— ff//// — ^-^— ^— ^ 'J^IfJ.Vf'/i' /.Of '/.!• nt'/i.J/JJK:^, l'°'^lulvl/04-. ) v^. 1 l.\f,4r,htlS17 hit I^-i.im.,H Unn ATLAS. No. 8. References to the Plan of the Battle of Blenheim. A. Position of the Allied Army on the 12th of August. B. March in 9 columns towards the enemy. C. Corps of the Duke of Marlborough deployed in 4 lines. D. Corps of Lord Cutts. E. Corps of Eugene before his reserve had entered tlie line. F. Allied Batteries. G. First movement of Marlborough towards the Nebel. H. March of the Brigades under Lord Cutts, and passage of the rivulet at the water-mills. I. Spot where the first attacks were made, and where the different charges took place between the French Gens d'Armes and the 5 Squadrons of British. K. French and Bavarian Camp. L. Order of Battle of the French, at the beginning of the Engagement. M. Part of the Centre of Infantry under General Churchill, who first passed the Nebel, and took post behind a Hedge. N. The .Cavalry, while advancing to occupy the ground, charged by the first line of the enemy, and partly repulsed behind the Infantry. O. Troops in columns endeavouring to pass at the same moment. P. Bothmar's Brigade of Dragoons, which charged the right flank of the Enemy's Horse, and in conjunction with the fire of the Infantry, first checked and then drove back the hostile Cavalry behind the Meulweyer. Q. March in close order of the Allies, and halt, with the left between ihe Nebel and Meulweyer, the Brigade of Ross thrown back, while the Infantry entered into the first line; the Centre and Right of the French rallied. General Churchill's Infantry forming, and the 3 Battalions of Hanoverians engaged with the Brigade of Robec. R. Attack of the French Infantry upon the Division of Prince Holstein Beck. S. Movement of the Brigade of Bernsdorfli", and Charges of Marsin's right against the Danes and Hanoverians. T. Directionof the Allied Line, after the great charges, which broke theCentre of the French. U. The Cavalry of Marshal Tallard and part of Marsin's, endeavouring to rally in line behind the Tents. V. The remainder of Marsin's right falling back behind Oberglaugh. W. Last charge of the Allied left Corps, driving the Enemy partly into the Danube, and partly towards Deissenhofen. X. French Gens d'Armes, &c. rescued by the movements of the Brigade of Grignan, which obliged the Dragoons of Botlimar to retire, a a. First attack of Prince Eugene. b.b. The Bavarian Horse repulsing the Cliarge, and a part taking the Infantry in Flank, c.c. Second attack of Eugene's cavalry. d.d. The Imperial Cavalry driven back to the Nebel tlie third time, e.e. March and attacks of the Prussian and Danish Infantry. f f. Retreat of the Elector and Marsin, after setting fire to Lutzingen and Oberglaugh. g.g. Cliarge of the Imi)erial Cavalry upon the last Battalion of Bavarians. ' h.ii. March of General Churchill to invest Blenheim, i. i. Dispositions to surround the village. k.k. Attacks of liord Orkney and General Ingolsby repulsed. 1. 1. Last position of the Elector and Marsin. Y. Last charge of General Ilompesch. 7,. Position of the Allies the evening of the Battle. \rrlr,iV.S55.Sl»BJ. w ^ aj{ Jii'itisli Milos SwinMtfttf 1 \ iL.S'n tith. 2[iih>r. ¥« montiTiti Cli.ili-nii Kony^' Nevi.-.i;- ;•..'•::. sii.nia. ')) )\ • '/'.i/.i ,■/ //ir ( iif//ii/. K' A:.,/,,„ /„/,„ /y//,r. ////r.y ,,/,'r> /i,iitn,//,im///ir .^//ir.; ,1/ .Trrr/if.ipi-ii. Otrr/fi.v/irii. II I'lm/ •(:t7u-/tnill P. • ''//■'""•■■•■///irt/if„li/.i,-/t>,-/it.i,A,',-f,i/„r/r/;, ■'/ F. 11 ■ //•/'-•/.. ,-///,r ( nr/n !/,/>;■/„ //irt > At.//,/. t/'Atr/i • lir r/uiiyr,/ /■!/ ///r . ■/f/tr.T,,'i it// '/f r^u i/odoi^^ . .'^! ..//,:■» ,y//^. ////r.,- „//rf /■/. 1'/'/,,///, . ^f.if/if'tt ty /Ar £'//r///r. f// /At' //^.* Xv/v/. LimJM* fuMJii^ .i.mJ'if iVth^l,:mam.tm le tr fM^X'^a-fi.-* >',^ fe Soct .v: ; •^-1 ^ ^ t ' ''("rt i^So to ^lector MatO^'^ Arms ol' the TiVKK orihirihoroiuth n.' lit'iisttTiil >il Miiiililhnm PithlijticJ aj tlu .la .iifutr ilanAmuAJI-h\ Li'naman //iiret Jiff.* ih-mf .i Hrrm-n A/rmt'Xar/i'i T MilMfK fft^ \ 1\ wwf% -:^ Hcth*cuf c. ^'^^ ^.r, Vlifx.m^m Huir^Miin-/t ,in litih^ Column*-. iii/Ur upon till Troo/w in Tijiuns. ft>-.p .Vw/ A- fin>m-n /\t/iT .Ww/rr RiH ^ itHJ)i/r,-/i Jifi\iii>/<:f rlfiirliui Hi, lun-inf.r on t/if /ir> or't/ii tUsth- or" Biitn- . N. /•'irxi Poxitii'ii of Miuvhal TtOuti-Hirkc . O . X.-.viul y>i' .Thi'/ti imniim-nt or' 7)? .roiniioni^fth,iir^u'bmm(n'hors«Bnrithlmihtldihjttu,-m3ny:rUit ■ Miin-li ofioiinirHlv i^-t/u r-U'r'.\,;ui to oaackriic trnm iii the rrar . rnm/t //oii.t.ho/j n->'opy ,w,/ /)iitt)ooiis. . luiii-ni/ /uwrno/i or't/ii- enams rioht n-iiut ,rttli< o/o.n orViiMiit//!-. . .IVi ,vi liooinunrj tv'/)ni,ioons. /•io.Tf{i JCHIetl or ra/an . nirorrioii or'tAr i-^cufo oi'ii/'oviflooo mm tOHimit J^'nauf. I'iivt /'oxttion or'r/if hostilt .Irim: J'li, oiitr, r or'bir!mrrt noir Afii/U-ni .miieiwouriiw tt' i).tjut llif isoiipo o/'t/io ri'oht. .(■<»/«/' or't/to A/h'ts iirtor tJieBtitdr. C.a.S. MEXtX A rr- ' /-ate ^celiem aaAOK ! ISa^ii /l.ir,i h Irl^vn^Maut LlDlrllrl Ai f;jAif^ be.'n/r< V u fC-'if/t /l-Hr Ovu^ /JtanJiJ . • Hrr?f:ai Poiil n&v.uw^w ->:. trHH.'U • .W«iy J .- J'^ fMlr-uylii* ti ff>u.,r b-H*nJ • Xs(aimp>ii ^ --EmtuwM ZtralAjMf. ''^' aSiSS .h-J\im- Eit^untboi • /« Ovit-fir \ I ^'Wad-dtZeM-iib '0^.u. ri ""l""S"'"'K Lomoi* .A.(./.<./«..-- 'rtnlfiirf, ^f^ii'-J' •.M„„„„r„< s ■ ''"r>-\ 'J, -.4- /li*inf-.^ti "i>--. /■'//,' //.'iu>'*" / 7\ Honclim Wntiignict / f«rbo ' L.M1.U /^t>fifVI/t ■ ' fatange )*tAtfi»ui i/. J thjovafiif^' ' L>^.J ^ It-OlpUMDSII Saunilii at l4-» I yftrfiOUiiU' """*'• cp.."! ,« 'jn-V^™ /^ .V.uiu/b Buiirvi-lui >(!«/. :-2j' AuiiCTiiTiiiii •fieuiyiii niMUpUL ] Alttrbl!* •^ '1 ••<.,>•• tf ^r^uniain -^. >. ^lEGE OF LILLE, 'jiis 3* s la IE :r*r c 'JE - II /*,* /.V C I\vilifn iit'iloail Li'ltiim ••'• 'hr ■i" D fhtiUiin w/'.Ut/rfAviAWt/A o/f «.- /.- * or.lupiut E D'tm t/tf ijr' r D'on /Ar.tf'^ ti It'pii thf.fl " II />Ti-/i the 1 1'pr'Sffiinnt'tr I l\nilii-n iif'tAr iviyii-iiu'l f'lTttt^ .Iniiie* «n Mr I -^ ef Srptftnt'fr K Ai.-a*- .VI ttf .■■."' ^ L /i-MIU'ii .'f .\kirtl>i»vutih /tf'n f^ -t totflrtff. M fiuOii-H ottht- Knntfr rh' .■// tkf tf* ^ S /<.-.«,«- ;.r T tMtffinuflt ,>fl.- if,ltbi/i.>li^ ,<■■ V- A.iU.t'tntu kit .it/ivin/ M*^i .«Btf>«i'«//f m^rrfial on th,- __ j^i^i g^r_.. "_* in m^nt K.WJ t>rntM»v„n ra/im-irrr K'-tr — --' ^^ " M^l,p&»* ::^'"V' ^i. ^iia/j i^---'' i.?! r!H^&ii «f "^r CltlXLMX li r /^i»" Nr r/U. .*oK / A- \ , Pr )• y »UlMlU..-5/ ^ y' V^ 1 Blail^* "^^l A •on.-.. /L m % ] tirwiru ^t^ • VALKNflKNNKB llaulMa^* Sauliflui r Cljf oiumaniltft bii) f ' /////■///•/W///,/ , \ ( ////I- < //„rJ,i/ '/'///„,. nxiinthi.- O."-'!" ihtr irN>l' Sq>lV • I T%{!i*(cvhi4»Bi- .y/Af iimfit/iTMtf fifrar .-nAe ettruH., ^r tfir M^ I . ■ ' -I lO JisMfii"! If' I'tltiir* I'll M." ,v. iJUvmw -■'■<*'» . , m,«_.»j(W«../."Wl ."■.'"-"•"■■'■'»"'*•*"■'"*''"'" -'"'1'^ .',.',]. «M^.<* .././/.'A.)A>>.m«..»-Xin5,»..«<».»" .*«'.<»»™i">v" ■;(.4»«v'»^ .»■'"''"• ""»' "" "^ lrt-v^*r/w.ArtA/.yrtn«/J/'./.--f^-/ A- n-ii* n-'i"^ il,.{,: Hinting -{f*^/.ii.iM /.«r *,-/>« A.** fc.'A^A^^A/' .»'•■'•'■'■''''"'*"'• "•*•'■""''•' BriiiJiMiU- a .l»'*»*orf- »..('»"• ~'" •■'"'«" "•"'•^' ""■"■"-' ""''""*'' Ijl .W' /I ArfHUiuui wil/i Ihr r*i* ,^r l/ir /nTunlKi- u> f.>,iii,-'- ■•■^■"r"'* t-.- lAi- J-niin- .■itl..^.' .lunn-l l/i' '>"* t^r ATLAS. No. 21. References to the Plan of the Battle of Malplaquet. A A The bivouac of the confederate army, posted in order of battle two days and nights before the action. BB The enemy's infantry behind their intrenchments. C C Their cavalry in several lines. D Attack of 40 battalions of Eugene's army under the immediate comrnand of Baron Schulemburg, upon the left flank of the wood of Taisniere, penetrating to r. E Forty pieces of British artillery and four mortars, directed against the wood, and after- wards moved to ruin the redans at b, and facilitate the advance of the infantry and cavalry. jF Dutch batteries. G Nineteen hundred men, from the blockade of Mens, commanded by Brigadier Gauvain, to turn the morass. H Twenty-two battalions, led on by Count Lottum, attacking the other flank of the angle, in the wood of Taisniere. / First movement of the British and Prussian horse from their bivouac. K Fifteen battalions under the Earl of Orkney, advancing gradually as the attacks on the right gained ground, and ultimately forcing the redans in their front. L Thirty squadrons of Prince D'Auvergne, who first entered the intrenchment, and with- stood the first charges of the French cavalry aid; they had originally formed behind the woods of Tiry, at c c. M Second movement of British and Prussian horse, hastening to sustain D'Auvergne. JV First movement of the Imperial cavalry, at the time the infantry began the attack. O Nineteen battalions and ten squadrons, who arrived from Tournay, commanded by General Withers, and having passed round and through the woods, attacked the enemy's extreme left in the hedges of Iia Folic, with fifteen battalions. P The otlier four battalions and ten squadrons, posted in reserve. Q Second advance of the Imperial cavalry to pass the redans. R General Hamilton's attack with four battalions, including the Dutch Highland brigade. S Spaar and Oxenstiern's attack with the Dutch guards, &c. forming 9 battalions, against the point T: this corps was led by the Prince of Orange in person. U General Doiina with six battalions attacking the battery F. W General Welderen with four battalions directed against the point A'. Y General Pallant's division of seven battalions,superintended by General Fagel.attackingZ a Twenty-one squadrons under the Prince of Plesse, sustaining the Dutch : the remainder of his horse remaining in reserve at q. e Lord Orkney in possession of the redans, extending his right to Lottum's left at/. q Last advance, and cross fires of the British artillery. 'h Attack of Rantzau, followed by the cavalry of Prince Hesse at k m French batteries. n Bivouac after the battle. i e t o Sybourg Kullum ~ Orrery . r--^ Hacii . . — .o eu CO c ^ a; i a bo v ^ 1 a O "S^ ei ■ ■-3 - 3 o — " S c ,■ ^ *- o o a3 «J •*S u -'^ 05 t; 1 < « •= = -i .s ^- ■*" b •— ( .S_-_-a|5 o O •— . i ^ -o . £ M i 1^ S S „- = "- c> .»• ' a ._ tj ^ =; o H •5 X ■— >. = S = "5 ^! H gss^aj 5 b O ii^ir "^ >■ ;3 Hi=^5 ^^ -^ S o a tS, — H "^ = -2 1 ei < Q ^ o^ 1 u ^ o o c w •c ^ g 2 :£ Pens Lallo Gauvain ■S BS o n c « Cambric . Berkhoffer Lapadis Mulsburg . Hurler . . Douglas I Steincalfels J Linden Bentheim . i«5 I Fabrice Rechtercn Sayers . Masbach . «3 Cavalry. First line . . 78 squadrons Second line 67 ditto 145 ATLAS. . 3 Stair dragoons 2 Ross ditto . 2 Lumley horse 2 Cadogan 2 Sclionibcrg 1 Palms 2 \Voo Uorffling ditto fe es Duportal 1 Gens d'.Armes J •5 3 Leib regl. Pniss. 1^ '^^ 3 Pr. Philip :^^ 2 Crown P. von Pruss = J ^ 3 Wartensleben ;z'« Spaar 3 Schlippenbach ¥r \^ 3 Duportal s 1 1 Heyde <- 2 Catt ^' ;2^ Bozk . . 1 batt. Gard Pruss. Gren. " 2 Guards a-« 3 Crown P. of Pruss. Du Trousse 2 Prince Albert = C:i 2 Lottum ■5 = a Croon 1 Alt Dohna J|o 1 Young Dohna = 2 to 1 Tenhof Z C u .5 s Grumbkow 1 Prince Hered. de Hesse "0 £ c 1 Anhalt Zerbst s4 — - § K, «* s t^ ^ 1 Du 'i'roussel Z ^■ils Du Bruhl 1 Du Bruhl fa fe^l 1 Zecklenburg .J ^y 1 Lcs Cour l°-=\]- .2\ 1 Du Lar ^ « eTs; 5 1 Cozeritz z -sli- 1 Rantzau S-3 =a s= 53 Hompesch 1 Welderen w* 1 Yvoy -3 fe - Rechteren 1 Heukelom 1 Heyden 1 >--"a Mey . . 1 Nassau Wondenburg 2 Mey l.a'5 We deren 2 Schmitz ■f^s 1 Keppel 1 Oxenstiern Cronstrom 2 Medrael V 1 Pallant &c_- C 3 B a o j- X £? . 3 IS Q « CS . c« •i <" c5=r : .42 <1 .2 Palfy G Mercy 2 Westerlo 3 Vehlen dragoons 2 Leib regt. 3 Witgenstein .2> 05 ^Imperial . . 6 Reyssing dragroons 6 Falkenstein ditto Wurtemberg 4 Helmstadt ditto Palatin . . 3 Haen 3 Hatzfeld 3 Tennigcr carab. V n Z o D o ei ^ p m c « .S "^ .^ ^ ■S "o "O = — " s 3 ^ S a I i 3 a . Qj - O 3 a N " J -S »3 < « -a -s -3 « C3 «; "J CO I Imp. ... 2 Thungen batt. 2 Baden Munster . . 1 Elberfeld 1 Lemsberg 1 Duren Wolfenbuttle 1 Pr. Her. of Wolfenbuttle 1 Beveren Anspach . . I Castel 1 Jabanach Mecklenberg 1 Floor Holstein Walloons Palatin . Hesse Saxon Danes V 1 Hemelis 1 Jobrokofsky bj . 1 Delsuperehe Z 1 Carls - • 2 Gren. Cards Palat. "^ 1 Lubeck q 1 Fredenberg g. 1 Iselbach q 1 Gren. Gardes Hessoises zj 1 Pr. Hered. de Hesse S3 1 Baumbach ^^ I Wilkins . 1 Waekerbach 1 Ogil^y 2 Gardes Saxonnes 1 Schwartzel 1 Donop 1 Boisset 1 Pless 1 Gardes Danoises •C H s ^ Oj o a to / %" ■£ .a cj> (a ^ e I C! ^ Imperial . 2 Faygenbach 1 Daldberg 1 Deaston Wurtemberg 2 Gard Gren. Wurt. 2 Hermans Steinfels Saxe Mciningtn Sidzbacb Dillenburg Spiegel Exter Stuckerad 1 Wartensleben 1 Furstenberg 1 Wcissenfels 1 Chur. Saxon 1 Von Stecken 1 Pretorius 1 Sponeck 1 Bielke Palatin Hesse Saxe . Danes -a . /'Saxon . 4 Leib regt. Saxons o ^ 4 Winkel ».. >^ Hesse . 2 Leib regt. Hesse ■I %} 2 Weissenfels 1 t- J 4 Pr. Her. de Hesse Cassel ^ \ 1 Burckdorff £> Danes . . 2 Devitz 1 2 Rantzau J 2 Leib. reg. Danes ^*^ ^ 3 Wurtemberg Oels Cavalry- First line ... 64 squadrons. Second line . . 46 <3 ^ Danes . . 4 Milkou dragoons Hesse . . 2 Spiegel 2 Boineburg 4 Aurochs I Danes . . 1 Clieuse 2 Wurtemberg 2 Schmettau 2 Jahl 2 Wurtemberg Oels drag. First line . Second line Infantry. ■ ■ 34 battalions. . . 25 Forces of Marlborough 110 145 255 Forces of Marlborough 59 81 140 '# 4.«*^ ■•«*J .l»4.;»ta3.\ J'ftl.^'./'tr/l, V L/^' '<*'■•*'> >• « i: X c H Hli /iy •'r' Miir^/'t ■r\1ii//i t"* r/f i/'.",/tinf \tit I t liiuhr \jHtUnX .(• ft/t>flil t/M- fyi-rw \ ,^: A/Tw/r !■/)•■ liO//- ,'r Hi.- .i-" \t/u- rt„l „r rl,<- .I'i.tf <■<:/>•:. _ iS*.lunf. KE//" or'tiu- i^'.ti'^iiiyt tl/ttmir/ityf r.ini/. '.fi f/t.- .-fAtr .ri.ff t'/' fA^ liA Me .. - ^l^ Jtiiv FF/J" nrrAfj^r"' (,Mi^/ Lfir' tAi ft' ^t*sint*n t*n lAt- e>^ 'rtitntt ft' rAf ->! ^tir Fitriy-tt ttttttvA f'ffii' ■/. I liuii/' fvw^r/rt/ it/f' "''"1 I rj-ittin.t N««-l* .«- :San Sridp al iic;:'iSL 000 522 310