OF THK University of California. GIF^X OK Class ^,,-.K tS9S OXFORD HONOURS I220 — 1894 £onbon HENRY IROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.C. MACMII.LAN \- CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE OXFORD HONOURS 1220—1894 REING AN ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF DISTINCTIONS CONFERRED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES I' UMIVERSITY AT THE CLARENDON PRESS I 894 LIST (»F AHP,I{EVIATIONS. CI. =s('laKtirit or Claii^inif. 1 CI., 2 CI., (Src siLMiify First ClasP, .Second C'laes, &c'. in t'lasfics at tlie final Kxaniinations. CI. Exam, signifies an Examiner in the Clamcal Schtml. Math. 18 used for Mathematics or Mathematical. L. & H. in reforenre to the old SchoxA of Lmc and Modern Ilistoi-y, Jur. in rffereiicv to the School of Jurit^prudence ; Hist, in reference to the .School of MtHkrn UUtinii; Theol. in reference to the School of Theology, and Or. Stud, in reference to the .School of Oriental Studies. Nat. Sc. is used in reference to the School of Scientia Naturalis or Physics. Beginning with the Clasps List for 1886, the several subjects of the Natural Science Sdiool are distinguished by the following abbreviations:— Phys. for Phlisics; Chem. for Chemistry; Geol. for Geolofjy, Physiol, for Animal Vhyi'ioh'iiy, Morph. for Animal Moriihology, and Bot. for Botany. B.C.Ii. is used in refei"ence to the Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law instituted in the year 1873. 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math, Mod., &c. signify the Honours awarded by Moderators in their respective Schools. The lower portion of the Second Class within the period 1809 — 1824 is indicated by the figure 3, as being really equivalent to a Third Class. *»• In this Indix are included the names of
nal- Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1870 2 Jur. 1878 TlicoG0 Coiiiinissary l.VKJ, 1 Marg. Trof. Divinity ir»01 John A. Neio 1 CI. Mod. I8 Hist. 1894 Balch, Eohert, Wadham Proctor 1680 Balderston, William, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1885 Baldwin, Edward T. Trin. 3 L. & H. 1868 Henry (afterwards Henry Che- nevix), Worcester 2 CL Mod. 1862 Montague, PemhroU 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Octavius de L. Bras. 3 L. & H. 1860 Baldwyn, Timothy, Princl. Hert Hall 1660 Bale : see Dale, Philip. Balfour, Andrew, Petuh. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 Rt. Hon: Arthur J. Trin. Coll. Camh. Hon. D.C.L. 1891 Blayney T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1821 Cecil C. Magdalen 3 L. & H. 1871 Charles F. Coip. 1 CL Mod. 1893 Henry, Trinity 2 Nat. Sc. 1885 *Isaac Bayley, Magdalen Professor of Botany 1884 James L. Queen's 3 CL 1849 Denyer Prize 18.52 Patrick, Balliol 3 Hist. 1893 Thomas G. Woi-c. 1 CL Mod. 1880 2 CL 1882 Balfour of Burleigh, 6th Lord, Oriel 2 L. & H. 1871 Ball, Charles J. Queen's 2 CL Mod. 1870 1 CL 1872 Edward, Brasenose 3 CL 1835 Eustace A. E. S. John's 4 Hist. 1881 Frederick, Exeter 2 Math. Mod. 1883 2 Math. 1885 Fred. J. Pembroke 2 CL Mod. 1866 4 CL 1868 Henry J. S. John's 4 CL 1845 Herbert, Trinity 3 CL Mod. 1885 3 Hist. 1887 *John, S. John's 3 CL 1822 Select Preacher 1830 J. T. Trin. Coll. Dublin. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 ♦Sidney, Oriel 1 CL Mod. 1877 2 CL 1879 Fellow of S. John's 12 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Ball, Simon, Merton Proctor I'iiiG Ballantyue, George M. M. riiiicmUi/ 1 Math. Mod. 1H81 'J Math. 1S8;} Balle, Simon Trincl. yilhn, Ihill 1.0'* IJalleinp. Alfred J. Queeu'ii 4 Hist. 1879 •U. O. Queen's Tayl. Scholar ISftJ 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 18(;:} 1 CI., 1 Math. m->r, James A. Exeier 3 Math. Mod. 1872 3 Math. 1874 Balloch. Robert H. New 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 Jur. 1886 Ballow, T. Ch. Ch. Prof. Moral Phil. 1030 William, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1G()4 Balls. Robert H. Mertou 1 CI. Mod. 18G0 •Balmor, Edward L. Magd. Hull 2 CI. Mod. 1802 1 Math. Mod. 1802 1 Math. 1864 Senior Math. Scholar 1866 Math. ^Moderator 1872, 3 Fellow of Herfford John P. Oriel : see also Percival- Balmer, J. 1 CI. 1862 Balsall, Thomas, Merton Proctor 1451 •Balaton, Chas. Corpus 2 CI., 1 Math. 1831 •Francis, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1840 Henry, Magdalen 1 CI., 2 Math. 1837 Stanworth, Li»c. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Thomas, Bras. 3 CI., 2 Math. 1844 William E. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 4 CI. 1870 Baly, Joseph, Worcester 4 CI. 1846 Bampfield, George F. L. Lincoln 1 CI. 1849 John, Ti-inUy 4 CI. 1843 Bampfylde, Fran. G. Magd. I CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Banard, John Chancellor 1411 Banbury, Edm. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1874 2 Math. 1876 Bancroft, George P. Bras. 3 Jur. 1892 John, Jesus 1 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 John Master of University 1600 Richard Chancellor 1608 Thomas, Bras. Craven Scholar 1780 •Bandinel, Bulkeley, New College Bodley's Librarian 1813 Proctor 1814 James, Jesus Proctor 1766 Public Orator 1776 Bampton Lecturer 1780 James, Wadham 4 CI. 1836 James J. F. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 186.5 4 CI. 1866 3 L. «£ H. 1867 Ranfield, Francis, Wadham 2 Hist. 1875 Banister, William, Wadham 4 CI. 1838 Banke, Thomas Rector of Lincoln 1493 Commissary 1501, 2 Bankes, Edw. W. J. L'niv. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 1 Hist. 1878 Eldon S. University 3 CI. 1851 Eustace R. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Theol. 1883 Henry C. Alban Hall 3 CI. 1811 John E. University 2 Jur. 1876 Ralph V. Univ. 2 Jur. 1889 Bankes-Price, Hugh. Ch. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1888 Llewellyn, Jesus 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1889 Banks, Charles P. Queen's 3 Theol. 1879 Edward, New Inn Hall 2 Math. 1852 Edward G. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 18G8 Ernest W. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1891 Frederick, Magd. Hall 4 CI. 1847 James (afterwards Davies, J.), Lincoln 3 CI. 1844 Morris L. Lincoln 3 Hist. 1886 •Moses, Wadham 3 CI. 1814 Banning, Henry T. TrinUy 2 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1867 Bannister, Arthur T. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Henry M. Pemh-olce 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 Theol. 1877 Barber, Alfred S. Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Ambrose, Wadh. Eng. Verse 1822 2 CI. 1823 Edward, Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1862 2 Math. Mod. 1862 2 Math. 1864 George E. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 4 CI. 1892 Henry W. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1802 3 CI. 1864 Howard C. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 John H. Wadham 3 CI. 1820 John S. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1877 2 Hist. 1879 Richard Warden of All Souls 1565 William, Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1855 Barchard, Francis, Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1884 Barclay, Henry A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 4 CI. 18.54 John, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1838 Select Preacher 1856 Barclay-Brown, William, Ball. 2 Jur. 1886 •Barclay-Thompson, J. Queen's 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Proctor 1878 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 13 Bardsley, Cyril C B. Xeto Aeg. Jur. 1802 Ernest J. Wore. 3 Theol. 1890 Frederick W. Queen's 4 Hist. 1880 G. W. Worcester 2 Math. Mod. 18G2 4 Math. 1864 Herbert J. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 2 Theol. 1888 Samuel M. CJi. Cli. 2 Math. Mod. 1884 3 Hist. 1886 Bardswell, Charles H. JVgio 3 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 18:10 Charles W. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 1 L. & H. 1854 Bardwell, Thomas K". F. Pemhrol-e 4 Hist. 1873 Barff, Albert, Pemhrole 4 Math. 1851 Barham, Eichard H. D. Oriel 4 CI. 1838 Baring, Alex. H. (afterwards 4th Lord Ashburton), Ch. Ch. 1 L. . 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 John Master of Balliol 1706 Yice-Chancellor 1715 John, Brasenose 2 CI. 1819 •John, Queen's 4 CI. 1838 Richard, Merton Proctor 14(59 William, Wadham 3 CI. 1819 William J. Queen's 4 Math. 1850 Barras, George, Lincoln 3 CI. 1850 ♦Barratt, Alfred, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1864 1 INIath. Mod. 1864 1 CI. 1865, 1 Math., 1 L. & H. 1866 Eldon Law Scholar 1870 Fellow of Brasenose John B. S. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 4 CI. 1891 Barret, Eichard, Oriel Proctor 1574 Barrett, James, S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Jur. 1875, 2 B.C.L. 1876 Nugent J. Exeter 4 Hist. 1889 Thomas Princl. I\ew Inn H. 1529 William, Lincoln 3 CI. 1844 Barrington-Ward, M. J. Magd. Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1867 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 Barron, Albert H. Jesus Henry M. Wadh. Herbert G. C7». C7j. John H. Exeter Barrow, Edwin P. Oriel Francis, Wadham Hugh, Corpus •John, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 3 Jur. 1889 3 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Nat. Sc. 1874 2 CI. Mod. 1894 3 CI. Mod. 1865 2 Math. 1841 Proctor 1679 2 CI. 1830 Select Preacher 1853 Princl. Edmund Hall 18-54 John, Wadham 4 CI. 1831 John S. Wadham 4 CI. 1848 Thomas F. Alhan Hall 4 CI. 1832 William Chancellor 1413, 4, 5, 6, 7 William Queen's English Essay 1778 Bampton Lecturer 1799 Select Preacher 1806 Barry, Alfred, Trinity College, Cambridge Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Bampton Lecturer 1892 Edward S. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1878 4 CI. 1880 Francis H. Mert. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Jur. 1889 •Henry, All Bonis Class List 1803 Michel Fellow of Queen's Henry B. Queen's 2 CI. 1842 English Essay 1843 Ellerton Prize 1845 John W. Cor2ms 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 •Barter, Charles, New 3 CI. 1843 Henry, Merton 2 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1855 3 CI., 2 Math. 1857 William, Balliol 3 CI. 18.54 ♦Wm. B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1809 Fellow of Oriel Bartholomew, Arthur C. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Francis M. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 John, Corpus 2 CI. 1812 WiUiam H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1864 4 CI. 1866 Barthropp. Nath. S. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1864 •Bartlam, John, Merton English Essay 1794 Bartlet, James V. Exeta- 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1886 1 Theol. 1887 Senior Greek Test. Prize 1889 Bartlett, Alfred D. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 Arthur H. Oiiel 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 Jur. 1887 1 B.C.L. 1888 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 15 Bartlett, Arthur R. Wadham 3 Theol. 1874 Charles 0. Exeter 4 Theol. 1882 Ellis Ashmead S. Mary H. (afterwards Ch. Ch.) 3 CI. Mod. ISO.) 1 L. & H. 1871 Frank, Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Frederick A. Pemh. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 3 Theol. 1873 John B. S. John's 4 Nat. Sc. 18.57 Eichard G. Wadham 3 Hist. 1889 ♦Eobert E. Trinity 2 CI. 18.52 Denyer Prize 18.57 Bampton Lecturer 1888 William, Cor2m8 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1883 English Essay 1884 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 188.5 Ellerton Essay 1886 ■William A. Wadham 3 L. & H. 1855 William L. A. (afterwards Burdett-Coutts-Bartlett- Coutts, W. L. A.) Kelle 3 Hist. 1874 Bartley, Arthur H. Queen's 4 L. & H. 1870 ♦Barton, Alfred T. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1861 1 CI. 1863 Fellow of Pembroke CI. Mod. 1872, 3, 9 ; 80 •Charles, Corpus Select Preacher 1804, 12, 15 Charles H. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1852 Dunbar P. Carpus 2 CI. Mod. 1875 4 CI. 1877 Henry Warden of Merton 1759 Henry J. Brasenose 2 Math. 1818 Joseph, Wadham 4 L. & H. 1853 Mordaunt, Ereter 3 CI. Mod. 1856 Walter J. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1880 1 Math. 1882 Bartram, Henry, Worcester 1 Theol. 1881 Bartrum, Benj. T. Bras. 1 Math. Mod. 1872 2 Math. 1874 3 Jur. 1875 3 B.C.L. 1876 Edward, Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI. 1855, 2 L. & H. 18.56 Henry H. Merton 4 Theol. 1887 Joseph P. Edmund Hall 3 CI. 1819 Joseph E. P. BoZZ. 3 Math. Mod. 1877 Barttelot, David B. Corjms 4 Math. 1844 Bascombe, John E. New 3 CI. Mod. 1878 Basevi, Nathaniel N. Balliol 2 CI. 1814 Basing, 1st Lord, see Sclater-Booth, G. Baskervyle, Simon, Exeter Proctor 1606 Easkett, Bertram G, M. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 Jur. 1885 Bassano, Alfred H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Charles W. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Bastard, Edm. E. Ball. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1846 Edward W. Wadh. 3 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 James M. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Hist. 1889 Bastow, Thomas C. V. Tn«. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Batchden, Eichard Chancellor **** Batchellor, Francis H. Wore. 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Batchelor, Beetham A. L. Trin. 3 Hist. 18r4 Thomas, Magd. Ball 3 CI. 1832 Bate, Charles W. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Herbert N. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 Eobert S. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1883 Walter, Lincoln Proctor 1447 Bateman, Arthur W. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc. 1867 Eadcliffe Travelling Fellow 1871 Edmund H. : see Buckby, E. H. Balliol Edward L. University 4 CI. 1856 Edward S. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1891 James, Magdalen 4 CI. 1834 John B. Balliol 2 CI., 2 Math. 1828 •Eowland L. J. Keio 2 CI. 184.^ Batenson : see Patenson, W. *Bates, John E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1830 John H. New 2 CI. Mod. 1892 1 Jur. 1894 John L. Trinity 4 CI. 1861 Eaymond C. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Thomas C. Universily 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Bateson, Alexander D. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1887 Harold D. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1878 James S. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 William, S. John's College, Cambridge EoUeston Prize 1888 Bathe, Allan A. Ch. Ch. •2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1891 Anthony, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Stephen B. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1863 3 L. & H. 1865 Bather, Edward, Merton 1 CI. 1840 Francis A. Neiu 1 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1886 EoUeston Prize 1892 16 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. ]iathgate, William, BnUiol 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Bathie, "William, Qtteen's 2 CI. Batho, Eich. W. Queen'al Math. Mod. 1 Math. •Bathiirst, Alffernon, New 2 CI. •Charles, Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. Latin Essay Charles, I'niv. 3 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. 4th Earl : see Apsley, Lord. 5th Earl : {gee aho Bathiirst, Hon. W. L.) Hon. D.C.L. Frederick A. Merlon 4 CI. Hon. Lancelot J. Xew 3 CI. Mod. 4 Jur. Ealph President of Trinity Vice-Chancellor •Robert, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. •Eobert, New 4 CI. Stuart L. Queen^n 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. •Wm. H. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. •Hon. W. L. All Souls 2 CI. Batson, Thomas, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Batteley, Oliver, Ch. Ch. Proctor Batten, John, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Battersby, George H. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 2 Math. 1 Theol. 2 Math. 2 Math. 3 Theol. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Batty, Arthur M. Oriel 3 Hist. Espine, Bi-asenose 2 CI. Henry M. Merton 2 CI. Battye, Eichard, Braseywse 2 CI. Mod. 3 L. & H. Baty, Thomas, Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 2 Jur. 2 B.C.L. •Baugh, Folliott, Eirefer 1 CI. Fellow of All Souls William J. Magd. H. 4 L. & H. Baumann, Arthur A. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Baumgarten, Charles 0. Mert. 3 Hist. Baumgartner, Chas. A. O. Oriel 4 CI. Baverstock, Alban H. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Bax Arthur N. Balliol 2 Hist. Baxter, Arthur G. Worcester 3 C. John H. Balliol Thomas D. H. Balliol William J. St. J. Battishill, Wm. J. Exeter 1873 1875 1821 1878 1880 1843 1810 1811 1888 1890 1870 1849 1888 1890 16G4 1673 1815 1839 1882 1884 1818 1812 1866 1869 1731 1860 1862 1880 1881 1884 1841 1844 1888 1864 1866 isno 1813 18.50 1856 1857 1890 1892 1894 1831 1855 1875 1878 1884 1848 1892 1894 1892 1840 Baxter, Arthur W. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1885 1 CI. 1887 Dudley, Univernily 3 Hist. 1894 Heury, University 2 Hist. 1885 John T. C. Neio Inn H. 4 Theol. 1883 William, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1830 2 Hist. 1891 Bayley, Arthur, Pemhrole 3 Hist. 1890 •Edmund G. Pemb. Proctor 1835 Francis S. Queen's 1 Math. 1811 Henry E. Corpus 3 CI. 1848 Thomas, President of Magdalen 1704 Thomas Princl. New Inn Hall 1684 Thomas H, University 3 CI. IMod. 1883 4 CI. 1885 Baylie, Henry, New Proctor 1547 Nicholas, Corpus Proctor 1621 Eichard, S. John's Proctor 1615 President of S. John's ica3, 1660 Vice-chancellor 16.36, 1661 Walter, Magdalen Proctor 1666 Baylis, Fred. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1878 1 Math. 1879 1 Nat. Sc. 1881 Moseley S. Lincoln 2 Hist. 1893 William H, Wadham 2 Math. 1817 Bayliss, William M. Wadh. 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Bayly, Charles A. Lmcoln 3 Cl. IMod. 1874 Bayne, Percy M. Hertf. 1 Cl. Mod. 1886 3 Cl. 1888 Eonald, University 3 Cl. Mod. 1880 2 Cl. 1882 •Thomas V. C7i. C7j. 2 Cl. 1852 Proctor 1867 Keeper of tbe Archives 1885 Thomas V. Jesns 2 Cl. 1823 Baynes, Arthur H. Oriel 3 Cl. Mod. 1876 1 Cl. 1879 Francis H. New 1 Cl. Mod. 1863 3 Cl. 1865 Eobert E. Neio 3 Cl. Mod. 1872 2 Hist. 1874 •Eobert E. Wadh. 1 Math. Mod. 1870 1 Math. 1871 1 Nat. Sc. 1872 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Nat. Sc. Examiner 1878, 9 ; 81, 2 ; 91, 2 Proctor 1886 Bazalgette, Charles N. Magdalen 3 Cl. Mod. 1868 Evelyn, BaMol 1 Cl., 2 Math. 1822 Bazely, H. C. B. Brasenose 1 Cl. Mod. 1863 2 Cl. 1865 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1868 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 17 •Bazely, Thomas T. Queen's 1 CI. 1829 Fellow of Brasenose CI. Examiner 1837 Proctor 1838 Select Preacher 1840 Bazett, Henry, Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1878 2 Jur. 1880 Bazley, Gardner S. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 2 Jur. 1886 Beach, John X. Corpus 2 CI. Jlod. 1883 Sir M. E. Hicks, Bart. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 18.57 4 CI. 1857, 1 L. & H. 1858 Hon. D.C.L. 1878 Beachcroft, Francis P. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1862 4 CI. 1868, 4 L. & H. 1864 Beadon, Kichd. B. Univ. 2 Math. Mod. 1870 3 Math. 1872 Eohert J. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1867 Beal, Samuel G. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1864 Beale, Arthur G. Trinity 3 Hist. 1879 Daniel C. Exeter 4 CI. 1864 John D. University 3 CI. 1850 Beames, John, Lincoln 2 CI 1808 Bean, Alexander H. S. Peynb. 3 Theol. 1871 Edwin, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Bearcroft, Philip, Eehle 3 Hist. 1874 Beart, Frederick E. Wadli. 4 L. & H. 1871 Beasley, William C. Lincoln 4 CI. 1836 Beatson, William M. Triri. 3 CI. Mod. 1877 Beatson-Bell, Nicholas D. Ball. : see also Bell, Nicholas D. B. Or. Stud. 1889 Beauchamp, 6th Earl Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Beaufort, Henry Chancellor 1397, 8 Leicester P. Queen's 4 Jur. 1876 Beaumont, A. J. Queen's 1 CI., 1 Math. 1825 Edward A. H. A. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1877 3 Nat. Sc. 1879 Francis M. New 3 CI. Mod. 1877 *Francis M. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 18.58 3 CI. 1860 Henry H. D. Ball. 3 Hist. 1883 Herbert G. Ball. 4 Hist. 1886 Robert Proctor 1421 Eobert, All Soids Proctor 1581 Samuel, Ch. Ch. 3 Math. Mod. 1871 3 Math. 1873 William, Neio Proctor 1717 Beauvoix, William, PemhroJce Eeg. Prof. Medicine 1729 Beavan, Alfred E. Tl'orc. 3 L. & H. 1870 Beaven, Alfred, Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 Math. :Mod. 1866 4 CI., 2 L. & H. 1868 Beaven, James, Edmund Hall Select Preacher 1837 Beavis, Charles E. H. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 18P4 *Beazley, Charles R. Balliol Lothian Prize 1889 1 Hist. 1889 Fellow of Merlon Bebb, Eustace W. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 ♦Llewellyn J. M. New 3 Math. Mod. 1882 1 CI. Mod. 1883 Junior Gk. Test. Prize 1884 1 CI. 1885 Fellow of Brasenose Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1887 Senior Gk. Test. Prize 1888 Ellerton Essay 1888 Beck, Frederick J. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 4 CI. 1875 James P. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1852 1 CI. 1853 William, Pembrol-e 3 CI. 1850 Becker, Charles O. Merton 2 Theol. 1882 Wilfred, New 1 Math. Mod. 1870 1 Math. 1871 2 Nat. Sc. 1873 Beckett, William T. Trinity 3 CI. 1839 Beckton, Arthur C. New 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Beckwith, Edward G. A. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1890, 3 CI. 1892 Henry W. Univ. 3 CI. 1843 Herbert B. New 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Math. 1887 John, Ne20 4 Jur. 188:3 Beckyngham, Edm. Warden of Mert. 1398 Bedale, Frederick, Wore. 3 Theol. 1891 Beddard, Frank E. New 2 Nat. Sc. 1880 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1894 Beddoes, Wm. F, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1880 Beddome, John A. Pemb. 3 L. & H. 1800 Bedford, Jasper, Duke of High Steward 1485? John, Earl of: see Eussell, John, Baron. John, Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1857 Bedminster, John, Oriel Proctor 1423, 4 Bedson, Alfred, Brasenose 3 CI. IVIod. 1877 Bedwell, Francis, Corpiis 2 CI. Mod. 1858 4 CI. 18.59, 2 L. & H. 1860 Beebe, Henry T. New Inn H. 4 Theol. 188;5 William N. P. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 Hist. 1882 Beeching, Frank S. New 3 CI. Mod. 1892 Harold A. Magd. 4 Hist. 1886 Henry C. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 188U 18 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Beecroft, Geo. A. B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 18GC 2 Nat. Sc. ISfiS Beeke, Henry, Oriel Proctor 1784 Reg. Prof. Modern History ISOl Select Preacher 1S(M3 Bpcrbdhm, Henry M. .1/. rt. .! CI. Mod. I8!t2 Beesly, Augustus H. Wudli. 1 CI. :Mod. ISCO .■5 CI. 1>} Hist. Examiner 1881, 2 Beeston, Henry AVarden of iVcfo 1G79 Beeton, Mayson M. Mayd. 2 CI. Alod. 18^5 2 Hist. 1887 *Beever, Frederick J. H. JesKs 4 CI. 18."j2 •William H. Jesns 3 CI., 2 Math. 1840 Begbie, Alex. G. Queens 2 CI. Mod. 185.5 S. Mary Hall 3 CI. 1857 Alfred J. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1871 2 Hist. 1873 •Behrends, John B. S. Jolni's Jun. Math. Scholar 1851 2 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1852 3 CI., 1 Math. 1853 Behrens, George B. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1885 Harry, Neio 3 Jur. 1877 Oliver P. Oriel 2 Hist. 1885 Beibitz, Joseph H. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 1 Theol. 1891 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 18r2 Senior Greek Testament Prize 1893 Bek, Thomas Chancellor 1269 Beke, Jobn Eector of Lincoln 1435 Commissary 1450, 1, 2 Beket, Thomas Proctor 1454 Belcher, Brymer, Wadham 4 CI. 1841 Herbert G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Hugh W. Magd. 3 Math. Mod. 1881 3 Math. 1883 Thomas H. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 Beldam, James W. Bidl. 3 CI. Mod. 1882 Valentine E. New 3 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 Belfield, Frederick, New 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 188G Henry C. Oriel 4 Hist. 1877 John F. Oriel 4 CI., 1 Math. 1833 Belfour, Francis C. Magd. Hall 2 CI. 1823 *Belgrave, Charles, L-incoln 3 CI. 1811 Bell, Alexander D. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. m'A Alex. J. M. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 18C6 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1867 2 CI. 1868 Archibald W. TT'orc. 3 Hist. 1893 Bertie E. S. John's i Jur. 1888 Bell, Charles C. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1804 Chnrles C. K>hle 3 Theol. 18'.k) Charles W. Irin. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 Francis J. Magd. 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1892, 3 Frank L. Merton 3 Jur. 1885 Frederick, New 3 Math. Mod. 1882" 3 Nat. Sc. 1884 Frederick, L'nicersity 2 CI. Mod. 1868 4 CI. 1870 •George C. Wore. 1 Math. Mod. 18.52 1 CI. 1854, 1 Math. 1855 Senior jMath. Scholar 1857 Math. :Moderator 1859, 60 Math. Examiner 18C3 Select Preacher 1867, 85 George J. Balliol 4 CI. 1836 George M. New 2 CI. Mod. 1893 James, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1866 4 CI., 3 L. & H. 1868 James A. "W. Corj). 2 CI. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 John, University 4 Jur. 1878 John S. Queen's 4 Hist. 1880 John W. B. Magd. H. 3 CI. ]Mod. 1861 3 CI. 1863 Maurice F. ITerff. 3 Theol. 1884 Nicholas D. B. Ball.: see also Beatson-Bell, N. D. Boden Scholar iaS9 Thomas, Exeter 1 CI. 1843 Denyer Prize 1848 Thomas, Exeter 4 CI. 1860 Thomas A. Trin. 2 CI. INIod. 1890 2 Hist. 1892 Walter Provost of Queen's 1421 William Master of Balliol 1494 William, Bj-asenose 2 CI. 1849 William, THnity 4 Math. 1844 William C. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1880 4 CI. 1882 William L. L. S. Join's 3 Jur. 1800 Bellairs, Frederick J. W. Magdalen 2 Math. Mod. 1864 Henry L. Worcester 3 Jur. 1874 Henry S. K. Pemb. 4 L. & H. 186.3 Ealph H. Ball. Abbott Scholar 1887 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 ^Bellamy, C. S. John's 1 CI., 1 Math. 1819 Vinerian Fellow 182.5 *Edw. S. John's 2 CI., 1 Math. 1813 »Jas. S. John's 2 CI., 1 Math. 1841 Math. Moderator 18.53, 4 President of ,S. John's 1871 Vice-chancellor 1886 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 19 Belletory, John, Merlon Bellewes, George 0. Bras, Bellingham, Henry, Neio Bellot, Charles F. Non-C. Hugh H. L. Trinity Bellow, William, Queen's Belly, John Belsire, Alex Proctor 1528 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Proctor 1598 3 Hist. 1873 4 Hist. 1884 3 L. & H. 18G7 Provost of Onel 15G6 President of S. John's 1555 Bemysley, Thomas Proctor 1457 Benbow, Moiintford, Line. 4 Theol. 1891 William L. Vh. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Bence- Jones, Archibald,Ea;eton Lecturer 1880 Theological Examiner 18:tl, 2, 15 Select Preacher 18'.tl Charles S. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 4 ("1. 18'.)0 Henry "Warden of New 172.5 •Bigge, Arthur, UniverxUj/ 3 Math. 1840 Eellow of AH Souls •Edward, Unirersiti/ 4 CI. 1831 Fellow of Merton Henry J. UniverKiti/ 3 CI. 1^38 •Lewis A. S. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1883 Fellow of University Proctor 1891 Philip M. Ncio 2 CI. Mod. 1882 WUliam E. New 3 CI. Mod. 1871 2 Jur. 1872 Biggin, Thomas, Corp. 1 Math. Mod. 1801 1 Math. 1893 *Biggs, Charles E. D. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 188G Fereday Fellow of S. John's Louis C. Edmund Hall 3 CI. 18&3 Bigshy, Henry J. Wadham 2. L. & H. 1855 Biham, Gilbert de Chancellor 124G Bilbrough, Harold E. New 3 Theol. 1880 Bllderbeck, Alfred A. S. Ball. 4 Hist. 187S Biles, Eobert M'^B. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1884 1 Math. 188G Bilgrami, Syed H. Marcon's Hall 3 Hist. 1893 BiU, Arnold F. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 188G 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Charles, University 2 L. & H. 1805 Charles F. New 3 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1894 Robert, Oriel 2 CI. 1810 Billett, Frederick, Hertf. 2 Math. Mod. 1881 2 Theol. 1883 Billings, John S. Hon. D.( '.L. 1889 Billsou, Charles J. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Billups, Howard B. Worcester 1 Math. Mod. 1893 Stanley B. Non-C. 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1892 Bilton, William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1820 Bindley, Thomas H, Mert. 2 Theol. 1384 Biudon, Ernest R. R. Non-C. 4 Hist. 1888 Bingham, George, All Souls Proctor 1747 George V. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 18J4 Peregrine. Magdalen 3 CI. 1809 Richard, Maadulen Hull 2 CI. 1821 Samuel H. Worcester 3 CI. Mod. 18G1 Thomas, .S'. John's 3 Theol. 1883 Wm. G. B. remhrole 2 CI. Mod. 1809 Bingley, Frederick S. N. Magdalen 4 Nat. Sc. (Chera.) 1888 John G. Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1855 William, Trinity 2 Math. 1835 Binney, Douglas B. Wadham 3 CI. 1852 Edward H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1893 •Hibbert, Wore. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1842 John E. Bras. 2 Math. Mod. 1857 4 Math. 1858 William H. Neio 2 Hist. 1879 Binns, Francis A. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Taylorian Exhibitioner 1885 Taylorian Scholar 1880 Binyon, Robert L. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1890 English Verse 1890 2 CI. 1892 Walter, Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1883 1 Math. 1885 Birch, Arthur P. Clu Ch. 3 Theol. 1893 Edward J. Wadham 3 CI. 1849 Ernest E. H. New 3 Nat. Sc. (Cham.) 1887 George, Oriel 2 Math. Mod. 1852 1 Math. 1854 George T. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Samuel Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Wickham M. Trinity 2 L. & H. 18.54 William C. New 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 William S. Oriel 3 CI. 1816 Birchall, Joseph, Brasenose 3 CI. 1828 Oswald, Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1807 Bird, Arthur F. R. Edm. H. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Arthur H. Trinity 3 Jur. 1891 Benweli H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Douglas S. 3Iagd. 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Math. 1888 Edward S. Balliol 4 Jur. 1880 Harold B. New Inn H. 3 Theol. 1880 Montague B. Queen's 4 Theol. 1890 Reginald E. 0. All So«7s 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 S. W. E. S. Mary Hall 4 CI. 1859 Birds, James A. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1852 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HOXOURS. 23 Birdwood, Francis T. Wore. 4 Hist. Bires, or del Byrys, R.,Prov. oiQupen's Birkbeck, William J. 3Iagd. 2 Hist. Birkett, Daniel M. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. •Henry, Queeii's 3 CI. Lloyd B. Trinitij 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. William, Brasenose 2 CI. Birkmyre,HenryN. Ko)i-C. 3 CI. Mod. afterwards Wo7-cester 3 CI. Xeville Y. Corpus 2 Theol. Birks, Arthur H. Bras. 4 Theol. Birley, Alfred, BaUiol 2 CI. Mod. Arthur, Pemhrole 2 CI. Mod. Edward H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. ]Mod. Francis, TJniiersity 3 Jur. Hugh A. Pemhrole 3 L. & H. Maurice, Neio 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Robert, BaMol 3 CI. Wm. H. Balliol 3 Math. Mod. 3 Math. Birnbaum, Albert B. Mert. 3 CI. Mod. Birt, John, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Bischoff, Charles E. Trin. 2 Jur. Biscoe, Charles T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. •Fredk. Ch. Ch. 2 CL, 2 Math. Henry T. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. ♦Robert, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Bishop, Alfred C. Queeri's 3 CI. Henry, Oriel 3 CI. Sir H. E. Mngd. Prof. Music ♦William, Oriel Select Preacher 1808, Bisset, Alexander, Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Bisshopp, George W. Queeii's 3 CI. Bissill, Henry J. G. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Bissland, Thomas, Balliol 3 Math. Biswas, Suresh C. Balliol 4 Jur. Bittleston, Henry, ,S'. John's 3 CI. Thomas G. Pemhrole 4 Math. Blaauw, Hen. W. G. Ch. Ch. 1 L. & H. William H. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Blachford, Fitzroj^, Brasenose 3 CI. Lord : see Rogers, Frederick. Black, Alexander W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Arthur, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Charles, New 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Charles A. H. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. Henry A. Ch. Ch. John W. Brasenose Patrick, Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 3 CI. 1887 1426 1881 18G9 1872 1828 1875 1877 1814 1883 188.5 1873 1890 1853 18.54 18G3 1872 18C8 1891 1893 1847 1855 1856 1892 1809 1894 1867 1829 1800 1822 1834 1814 1843 1813 1886 1888 1813 1865 1867 1821 1880 1842 1869 1856 1815 1835 1833 1865 1867 1870 1872 1867 1871 18G0 1862 1834 Black, Robert C. Wm-cesfer 4 Math. 1843 ♦Blackall, Henry, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1832 John O. Merton 3 Hist. 1886 Blackburn, Edw. B. Brasenose 4 CI. 1867 Ernest M. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Ernest W. S. John^s 2 Math. Mod. 1887 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1890 John, Exeter 2 Jur. 1876 ♦Robert, Balliol 1 CI. 1834 Fellow of Brasenose William R. Merton 3 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1856 1 Math. 1858 Blackburne, Francis W. Merton 4 Hist. 1873 John, Brasenose 2 CI. 1808 Blacker, CecH J. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 3 B.C.L. 1889 Maxwell J. Merton 3 CI. 1845 ♦Blackett, John F. B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1841 Fellow of Merton Montague, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1848 Blackett-Ord, Charles E. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1880 ♦Blackmore, John, Exeter 2 C1-. 1816 Richard, Ch. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 18.57 4 CL, 4 Math. 1858 Richard, Merton 3 CI. 1812 Richard D. Eireter 2 CI. 1847 William D. Pemh. 3 CI. Mod. 1892 3 Theol. 1894 Blackstone, Chas. Corp. Eng. Verse 1848 ♦Frederick C. New Select Preacher 1820 ♦Frederick E. New 4 CI. 1852 Henry, New Eng. Essay 1785 Jas. All Souls Prof. Com. Law 1793 Assessor 1801 Princl. New Inn Hall 1803 Wm. All Souls Assessor 1753 Prof. Com. Law 1758 Princl. New Inn Hall 1761 Blackwood, Arthur R. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1873 Thomas, Queen^s 2 CI. Mod. 1861 4 Math. 1862 Blagden, Charles O. Corp. 2 CL Mod. 1884 1 CL 1887 Claude M. Corp. 1 CL Mod. 1894 James N. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1889 Blagg, John W. New 2 CL Mod. 1880 4 CL 1882 Blair, Alexander, Exeter 3 CL 185G Arthur A. Edm. Hall 3 Theol. 1885 24 ALrHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. IJlair. Harrison F. Corpm 3 CI. Mod. 1800 ♦William, New Proctor IT'.tT Klake. Charles H. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. IHM 1 L. & H. 18.57 yrancis T). Vniveraity li Jur. 1878 Eobert, lidlliol 2 CI., 2 I^Iath. 1808 Yoriion. Wudham 4 Math. 18.50 William F. Lincoln 4 L. & H. 1870 Wm. J. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 18-'G Latin Essay 1827 Hlakelock, Ralph Lincoln 4 Math. 1863 Ralph B. S. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 2 Theol. 1891 Blaker, "Walter I. Edm. Hall 3 Theol. 1876 Blakesley, Arthur H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 1 Theol. 1887 JUakeway, Charles E. Ch. Ot. 2 Hist. 1892 Blakiston, Archibald C. H. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 18D4 •Herbert E. D. Triu. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 Eochfort F. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 Hist. 1883 Blanch, George E. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. So. (Chem.) 1886 Blanchard, Thomas Princl. of Bras. 1.565 Bland, Isaac H. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1882 3 Math. 1884 Philip D. University 3 CI. 1847 Blandford, George F. Wadham 3 CI. 1852 Henry W. S. John's 4 Hist. 1887 •Henry W. Wadham 3 CI. 1847 "Walter Warden of Wadham 16.59 Vice-Chancellor 1CG2 Blandy, Richard X. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 18-^0 Blane, Henry, Brasenose 3 CI. 1833 Blanshard, Charles T. Queen's 1 Xat. Sc. 1874 Blatch, Frederick R. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1860 George F. S. Mary Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1877 Blathwayt, Theodore B. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1885 Blaxland, Bruce, Oriel 1 Hist. 1882 George C. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 1875 •Blaydes, F. H. M. Ch. Ch. Hertf. Sch. 1838 2 CI. 1840 Blayda, Chas. S. (afterwards Calver- ley, C. S.) Balliol Latin Verse 1851 ♦Henry C. (afterwards Calverley, H. C.) Corpus 4 CI. 1848 Blayney, Benjamin, Hertford Reg. Prof. Hebrew 1787 Blazfe, John T. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Bleackley, Horace W. Univ. 2 Hist. 1890 Blechynden, R. I'rincl. Gloucester H. 1712 Provost of Worcester 1714 Blencowe, Anth. Oriel Proctor 1571, 2 Provost of Oriel 1573 Charles (afterwards Shuckburgh, Charles), Lincoln 1 Math. 1815 Charles E. WufViam 2 Nat. Sc. 1870 •Edward, WadJtam 1 01. 1828 Fellow of Oriel John I. Brasenose 4 Jur. 18S3 Robert W. Oriel 2 CI. 1814 Thomas, Wadham 3 CI. 1834 Blenkarne, Jas. C. Pemhrole 3 Math. Mod. 1856 4 Math. 18.58 Blenkins, Lewis S. S. John's 4 Hist. 1882 Blennerhassett, Arthur C. B. Balliol 3 Hist. 1894 Eligh, Stanley P. M. Trin. 3 Hist. 1892 Bliss, Hen. w"^. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1860 James. Oriel 1 CI. 18.30 Nath. Pemb. Prof. Geometry 1742 •Philip, S. John's Registrar 1824 Keeper of Archives 1826 Princl. S. Mary Hall 1848 William, Oi-iel 3 CI. 1812 Blisset, George, Balliol 3 CI. 1838 Block, William E. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1882 Blogg, Fowler B. Oriel 2 Theol. 1874 Henry B. Wadh. 2 L. & H. 1869 •Blomefield,T.W.C;(.C7*. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1811 Fellow of Mei-ton *Blomfield, Alfred, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1853 Latin Verse 1854 1 CI. 1854 Fellow of All Souls Select Preacher 1869 Alh-edC. IE. S.John's 3 Math. Mod. 1877 4 Math. 1879 Edward G. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Frederick G. Balliol 2 CI. 1844 James E. Magdaleyi 1 Nat. Sc. 1879 Eadcliffe Travelling Fellow 1884 Reginald T. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1879 Blood, John N. Magdalen 3 Jur. 1891 Maurice, Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1891 2 INIath. 1893 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1894 Bloor, Robert H. U. .S'. John's 4 Hist. 1888 Blore, George H. New 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 ALPHABETICAL REGISTEE OF HONOURS. 25 *Blore, George J. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 18.56 1 CI., 2 L. & H. 1858 Blount, George H. Netv 'd CI. Mod. 1890 3 Jur. 1831 ♦Bloxam, Andrew, Worcester 3 CI. 1824 ^John R. Magdalen 4 CI. 1831 Bloxham, John Warden of Merton 1.375 Bloxsidge, Sam. J. B. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 18C0 1 CI. 18C3 Blundell, Chas. J. P. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1877 2 Theol. 1879 Blunt, Alexander C. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 18.55 Edward P. Corpus Latin Verse 1825 2 CI. 1826 *Herbert W. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 Arnold Prize 1887 Student of Ch. Ch. James St. John, Balliol 3 CI. 1850 Joseph, Magdalen 4 CI. 1859 Thomas G. E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 Hist. 1889 Thos. P. Magd. Hall 1 Nat. Sc. 1864 Blyth, Benjamin, Magdalen 4 Math. 1845 Thomas A. Queen's 4 Theol. 1882 Blythman, Arthur, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1862 Boas, Frederick S. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 1 Hist. 1886 ♦Boase, Charles W. Exeter 2 CI. 1850 L. & H. Exam. 1857, 8, 65, 6, 7, 9, 70, 1 CI. Exam. 1862, 3 Hist. Exam. 1872, 3, 4 Reader in Foreign History 1884 Bobart, Jacob Prof. Botany 1684 Bocher, or Butcher, William Pres. of Corpus 1559 Bockett-Pugh, Henry G. Hertford 3 CI. Mod. 1891 Boddington, Robert St. J. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 Hist. 1876 Bode, Charles L. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Clement W. L. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 George H. Edm. Hall 3 Theol. 1886 John E. Neio 1 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1872 ♦J. E. Ch. Ch. Hertford Scholar 18.35 1 CI. 18:37 CI. Examiner 1846, 7, 8, Select Preacher 1848 Bampton Lectitrer 18.55 Reginald H. New 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 Jur. 1888 Bodey, Ralph T. Trin. 2 Math. Mod. 1884 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Bodington, Eric J. Brasenofe 2 CI. 1885 •Nathan, Wadham 1 CI. 1871 Fellow of Lincoln Bodley, Thomas, Merton Proctor 1569 Boeselager, Baron von, Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1833 Boevey, Richard C. Univ. 3 Theol. 1875 Roger, Alnod J. Magd. 4 Jur. 1894 *Edmund, Exeter 3 CI. 1845 Boileau, Francis G. M. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 18.52 Boissier, Peter E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1812 Bokhyng, William Proctor 1487 Bold, Henry, Ch. Cli. Proctor 1662 Bolitho, Thomas R. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 18C1 Bolland, William, Vniversity 4 CI. 1842 William E. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 Bolton, Arthur J. Bcdliol 3 CI. Mod. 1878 Charles E. Merton 4 Hist. 1893 Charles N. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 18C5 Henry, Exeter 3 CI. 1816 William H. Trinity 2 Hist. 1876 Boltzmann, Ludwig Hon. D.C.L. 1804 Bomford, Woodburne J. Queen''s 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 Bompas, Harold B. Ch. Cli. 3 Hist. 1885 Bonar, James, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1875 1 CI. 1877 ♦Bond, Edward, S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1SC4 1 CI. 1866 Fellow of Qiieen's Edward C. Exeter 2 CI. 1846 Francis, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Frank, Braseoiofe 3 Jur. 1880 ♦Frederick H. Exeter 2 CI. 1843 George, Lincoln 3 CI. 1852 Henry C. Bras. 2 Math. Mod. 1879 2 Nat. Sc. 1881 John, S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 John B. University 4 CI. 18.33 John W. G. Oriel 2 Hist. 1887 Nicholas, Magdalen Vice-chancellor 1.589, 92 Pres. of Magdalen 1.590 Rd. or Rt. Princl. Kew Inn H. 1499 Richard W. Queen's 2 Cl. Mod. 1878 3 Cl. 1880 William P. Qwens 2 Cl. Mod. 1889 2 Cl. 1891 Bone, Wm. M. PemhroJce 2 Cl. Mod. 1868 4 Cl. 1870 Bonghi, Ruggiero Hon. D.C.L. 1888 Bonham, Sir G. F., Bt. Exeter 3 L. & H. 1868 John, Brasenose 3 Math. 1819 Bonham-Carter, Edgar, Neto 2 Jur. 1892 26 ALPHABETICAL REGlSTEll OF HONOURS. Bonifaunt : nee Twyngn. Bonner, Arthur T. l.i)ilH .'{ CI. IR.'Sl (ieorjjp A. AVip 4 Jur. 1883 Bounerjee, Karaalkrishna S. New 4 CI. 1801 Bonnin. Alfred, Trinity 3 Jur. 1893 Bonnor, Richard M. Ch. Ch. 3C1., 2Math. 1S25 Bonnor-Maurice, E. A. New 3 CI. Mod. 186!) 2 L. & H. 1871 Bonus, Albert, remhrole Junior Greek Test. Prize 1879 3 Theol. 1880 Ernest M. New 1 CI. Mod. 1800 2 CI. 1802 Bonyupworth, Thos. Commissary 1435? Boodle, Benjamin J. ;S. Johii''s 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Richard, Oriel 3 CI. 1838 Richard W. 3Iagdalen 2 CI. 1872 1 Hist. 1873 Booker, John K. Queen's 4 L. & H, 1854 John L. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Robert P. L. New 1 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 *Boone, Jas. S. Ch.Ch. Craven Scholar 1817 Latin Yerse 1817 English Verse 1817 Latin Essay 1820 Select Preacher 1853 Boorton, Robert. Merfon Proctor 1489 Boost, or Bost, H. Provost of Queen's 1483 Booth, Charles, University 3 CI. Mod. 1889 2 Hist. 1891 Charles L. S. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 •George, Lincoln 1 CI. 1813 Fellow of Magdalen George L. S. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 John, Brasenose Proctor 1520 John, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1893 i. Jolin B. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1889 2 Theol. 1890 John "W. W. PemhroTce 4 Theol. 1877 Wilfrid, Exeter 4 Theol. 18^4 William H. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1877 2 Hist. 1879 Boothby, Herbert C. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1888 •Boraston, Gregory B. Queen's 2 CI. 1824 Boringdon, Viscount, Balliol: see aluo Morley (3rd Earl of) 1 CI. Mod. 1863 •Borlase, William, Queen's 3 CI. 1831 Borough, Reginald J. M. Pembroke 4 Jur. 1800 Borradaile, Abraham, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1836 William, Brasenose 2 Math. 1814 Borrer, Carey H. Oriel 4 CI., 4 Math. 1836 Borrer, Francis H. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. •Borrett, Charles W. Magdalen Ireland Scholar 2 CI. John, Queen's Proctor Borrow, William, JJar^-Zer 4 CI. Borrows, WilUatn, Edmund TTall 3 CI. Berwick, Frank, Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. •Bosanquet, Bernard, Ball. 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of University CI. Exam. C. B. P. Balliol : see also Pulleine- Bosanquet C. B. 3 CI., 4 L. & H. Charles H. Balliol 1 CI. Claude, Oriel 1 L. & H. Claude C. C. Oriel 2 Theol. Edwin, Coi-pus George, Ch. Ch. Henry, Corpus Henry, Balliol Reginald A. Ch. ♦R. H. M. Balliol Robert W ^Samuel C. 3 CI. 2 CI., 1 Math. 3 CI. 2 CI. Ch. 4 Theol. 2 Math. Jlod. 1 Nat. Sc. 1 Math. Fellow of S. John's Math. Moderator Nat. Sc. Exam. 1871 Balliol 2 CI. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 2 CI., 1 Math. Senior Math. Scholar Johnson's Math. Scholar Samuel R. Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. ♦William C. New 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Boscawen, Lord (afterwards 2nd Earl of Falmouth), Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Bosco, William de Chancellor 1273, Bose, Hari D. Wadha^n 3 Jur. Bost : see Boost, Henry. Bostock, Henry, Wadham 3 CI. Boston, 6th Lord, Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. Boswell, James, Brasenose Vinerian Fellow Robert B. Lincoln 2 Nat. Sc. Thomas A. Brasenose 3 CI. Bosworth, Frederick W. Merton 3 CI. Jos. Ch. Ch. Prof. Anglo-Saxon Bosworth-Smith, Bertram N. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. Bothamley, Westley, Magdalen 2 Math. Mod. Botsford, John W. Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. 18C8 ia-2:) 1832 1727 18,^2 1812 1888 1890 186K 1870 1882 1857 1810 1856 1885 1822 1813 1815 1825 1880 1861 1862 1863 1871 ,2,3 1821 1852 1854 1855 1855 1822 1887 1889 1832 1308 1894 1830 1882 1812 1860 1818 1848 1858 1894 1880 1877 1870 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 27 Bottomley, CautleyH. Ch.Ch. 4 Hist. 1881 Moses N. Ch. Ch. 3 Jur. 1870 Bouch, Joseph, Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1893 Boucher, Barton, BnUiol 3 CI. 181G Henry, Wadham 3 CI. 181'J James, Worcester 4 CI. 1833 Bouchier, James, All Souls Assessor 1710 Eeg. Prof. Civil Law 1712 Princl. Alhan Hall 1723 Thomas Chancellor 14:33, 4, 5, C, 7 Thomas, All Souls Beg. Prof. Civil Law 1G72 Assessor 167G Princl. Alban Hall 167'j Boulger, John, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1811 Boiiltbee, Joseph, Oriel 3 CI. 1811 Boulter, Hugh Dean of Ch. Ch. 1719 Sidney, Kehle 2 Theol. 1873 Boulton, Harold E. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Oscar E. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 188G 2 Hist. 1888 William, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1828 William, Queen's 3 CI., 2 Math. 1828 Bourchier, Amaury K. McJJ. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 18G9 3 CI. 1871 ♦Walter, New 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Bourdillon, Bernard K. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1875 4 CI. 1878 Francis W. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Gerard, Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 Henry, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 Hist. 187G Bourke, Cecil F. J. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 18G2 2 L. & H. 1864 Bourne, Chas. F. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 ^Gilbert C. Neio 1 Nat. Sc. 1885 Hugh C. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Malcolm S. TJniv. 3 CI. Mod. 188G 2 Hist. 1888 R. Wore. Aldrichian Prof. Med. 1803 Clinical Prof. Med. 1824 ♦Eohert B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1820 Thomas W. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Walter K. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Bousfield, Barthol. Provost of Queen's 1575 Christopher H. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 18G0 3 CI. 1862 Fred. S. N. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1875 1 CI. 1877 Hugh D. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Bousfield, James H. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 18G1 .2 CI. 1863 »William, Lincoln 4 CI. 1842 William, Merton 2 L. & H. 1866 Boustead, James, Queen's 3 CI. 1833 John M. University 4 CI. 1876 Philip P. University 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 Boutcher, William E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1881 Boutflower, Cecil H. Ch. Ch. English Verse 1884 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 188G 2 Theol. 1887 Boutmy, ±m\\e Hon. D.C.L. 1894 *Bouverie, William A. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1816 Fellow of Merton Proctor 1828 Bovell, Wm. H. B. Alhan Hall 3 CI. 18a3 Bovill, Elliot C. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1871 Frederick W. New 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1887 Simon de Chancellor 1238, 44 Et. Hon. Sir William Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Bowcott, Eichard, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Bowden, Charles S. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 James, University 1 Math. Mod. 1854 2 Math. 1856 John W. Trinity 2 Math. 1820 Thomas A. Magd. Hall 4 CI. 1845 Bowden-Smith, Frederick H. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1882 Godfrey, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 Bowden-Trend, J. S. 3Iary H. 4 Math. 1859 Bowdin, Ealph H. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1882 Junior Math. Scholar 1883 1 Math. 1884 1 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1886 Bowell, Ernest W. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 *Bowen, C. S. C. (Lord Bowen) Ball. Hertford Schol. 1855 1 CI. Mod. 1856 Ireland Scholar 1857 Latin Verse 1857 1 CI. 1858 Arnold Prize 1859 Hon. D.C.L. 1883 Edward, University 3 CI. 1850 Elias J. JesHs 4 Theol. 1875 Francis R. S. (afterwards Bowen- Graves, F. E. S.), New 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 28 ALrilABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. •Bowcn, George F. TViniV// 1 CI. 1844 Fellow of Pra*enoi>e Hon, D.C.L. 1875 Hubert C. BaUiol 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1887 John St. V. Brawnose 3 CI. 1821 William E. BaUiol 3 CI. Mod. 1883 3 Hist. 188.5 Bower, George C. UniversUy 2 Hist. 1883 George S. New 1 CI. Mod. 1874 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 187G 1 CI. 1877 English Essay 1878 John, Erefer 2 CI. 1808 William Le N. Alb. H. 3 Theol. 1877 Bowerbank, Edward, Queen's Proctor 1773 Bowers, Frank G. Wwc. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 4 Hist. 1886 Bowes, Chas. K. Cli. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1883 2 Math. 1885 Frederick, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Bowes-Lyon, Hon. Herbert, Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1883 Bowke, John Warden of New Coll. 1403 •Bowlby, Henry B. Wadham 3 CI. 1844 Henry T. BaUiol 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1887 Bowles, Henry, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1875 Hen. A. ,S'. John's 4 CI., 4 Math. 1840 Jos. Magd. Hall 3 CI., 3 Math. 1836 Jos. Oriel Bodley's Librarian 1710 Thomas, Queen's 4 Math. 1847 Wm. L. Trinity Latin Yerse 1783 Bowley, James L. Keble 2 Math. Mod. 1878 Bowman, Alfred, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Frederick, Exeter 2 CI. 1824 James C. Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1876 3 CI. ]Mod. 1877 1 Math. 1878 Senior Math. Scholar 1880 Philip E. Hertford 1 Math. ]Mod. 1881 1 Math. 1884 •Thomas, Wadham 1 Math. Mod. 1873 1 CI. Mod. 1874 1 Math. 1875 Fellow of Merton Senior Math. Scholar 1878 Math. Moderator 1882, 3, 4 ; 90, 1, 2 Math. Exam. 1885, 6, 7 Bown, Frederick W. Vniv. 2 Math. ]Mod. 1800 4 Xat. Sc. (Physics) 1802 George H. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1802 1 CI. 1894 Bowring, Edgar G. Hertf. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Godfrey C. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 3 Theol. 1878 Henry I. Trin. 3 Jur. 1801 3 B.C.L. 1802 Bowsfield, Thomas Princl. Edm. H. 1581 Bowstead, Joseph, Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1853 Bowyer, Alf. W. Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1864 1 Math. 1866 Henry, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1809 Eobt. W. Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1866 1 Math. 1867 2 Nat. Sc. 1868 William P. Tnn. 2 CI. Mod. 1878 1 Jur. 1880 Box, George H. S. John's Pusey and EUerton Scholar 1889 1 Theol. 1802 Junior Kennicott Scholar 1803 1 Or. Stud. 18)4 Henry A. Wadh. 3 CI., 4 Math. 1842 Boxall, William Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Boyce, Henry Le Grand, Wore. 3 CI. 1834 Boycott, Eichd. H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1863 3 CI. 1865 Boyd, Alexander B. Oi. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1885 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1886 Archibald H. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Hist. 1874 Frederick, University 4 CI. 1843 •Henry, Exeter 2 CI. 1852 EUerton Prize 1853 Denyer Prize 1856, 7 Fellow of Hertford Principal of Hertford 1879 Select Preacher 1879 Vice-chancellor 1890 Sidney A. Wore. 2 Jur. 1879 3 B.C.L. 1881 •William, Univ. 3 CL, 1 Math. 1831 Wniiam G. Hertford 3 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Boyer, Percy J. BaUiol 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Pusey & EUerton Scholar 1882 2 Theol. 1882 Kennicott Scholar 1883 Boyes, John F. S. John's 2 CI. 1833 Boyle, Cecil W. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Charles S. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Courtenay E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1868 •Edward C. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1858 1 CI. 1860 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 29 Boyle, Hon. Fitzadelm A. "W. Keto 3 CI. Mod. 188G 4 Jur. 1888 John, Balliol 3 CI. 1843 •Eobert F. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1863. Fellow of All Souls Vicars A. Ch. Ch. WilUam S. Magd. Boys, Henry H. H. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 2 CI. Mod. 1864 2 L. & H. 1866 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 Hist. 1879 Proctor 1791 3 CI. 1810 Thomas, New Boyse, Bichard, Ch. Cli. Brabant, Frederick G. Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1874 1 CI. Mod. 1875 1 CI. 1877 Brabourne, John Princl. New Inn H. 1709 ♦Bracken, Richard, Queen's 2 CI. 1819 Brackenbury, E. B. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1865 Henry L. Corp. M. J. F. New Robert A. Non-C. Bradburne, C. R. Trinity Charles R. Trinity Bradbury, John S. Bras. Bradby, Edward H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1889 4 CI. 1891 2 CI. Mod. 1868 4 CI. 1870 3 Theol. 1883 3 CI. Mod. 1859 4 Jur. 1887 1 CI. Mod. 1893 1 CI. 1848 Select Preacher 1886 Godfrey F. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Henry C. New 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Braddyll, Ralph Princl. S. Mary H. 1.591 Bradelegh, Richard, Exeter Proctor 1474 Bradford, Charles C. Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 Hist. 1888 Edwin E, Exeter 3 Theol. 1884 •Bradley, Andrew C. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1873 English Essay 1875 •Charles, Worcester 4 CI. 1836 Edward, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1839 Edward, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1872 •Francis H. Vniv. 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Fellow of Merton •George G. University 1 CI. 1844 Latin Essay 1845 Master of University 1870 CI. Moderator 1871, 2 Select Preacher 1874 Gilbert, University 2 Math. 1851 Bradley, Jas. Balliol Prof. Astronomy Prof. Experimental Phil. James F. Exeter 4 L. & H. Orton, Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 4 CI. •Thomas, Queeri's 3 CI. William, Brasenose 3 CI. William C. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. Boden Scholar 4 CI. Chinese Scholar William H. Exeter 2 Theol. William R. Balliol 3 Math. Mod. 4 Math. Wm. W. Magd. 4 CI., 4 Math. Bradridge, Hen. Wadh. 3 CI., 2 Math. Bradshaw, Francis T. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. George Master of Balliol James D. Magdalen 2 Nat. Sc. John M. Lincoln Robert W. Ch. ai. . 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. William, New Proctor Dean of Ch. Ch. Bradwardyne, Thos de, 3Iert. Proctor Brady, John H. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 4 Math. Braidwood, Hai-old L. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. Brain, Joseph H. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. Braithwaite, Herbert M. Univ. 4 Hist. Robert, Wadham 3 L. & H. Walter, Wadham 2 L. & H. Brajendranath D^, S. Mary Hall Boden Scholar Brakkely, Stephen Proctor Bramall, John, Exeter 4 CI. Bramborow, Edward, New Proctor Brameld, George W. Lincoln 4 CI. William A. Keble 2 Theol. •Bramley, Henry R. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Magdalen Thomas, Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Brampton, John Proctor •Bramston, John, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 L. & H. Fellow of All Soids •John, Oriel 2 CI. Fellow of Exeter John T. New 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Select Preacher 1721 1749 1857 1880 1882 1813 1814 1877 1879 1880 1881 1872 1875 1876 1845 1810 1883 1885 1648 1870 1856 1858 1857 1859 1711 1724 1325 1872 1874 1893 1885 1886 1868 1869 1874 1393 1832 1.559 1839 1874 1854 1856 1856 1858 1400 1852 1853 1854 1823 1863 1865 1891 30 ALl'lIABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 'Bramston, Thomas Wm. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1818 Fellow of All Souh William M. lialliol 2 CI. M.xl. It^'A 3 CI. 18.>"., 2 L. A U. UM IJramwell, Frederick C. Iilag Henry F. G. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1877 Craven Scholar 1878 Branch, Charles C. New 3 Jur. 1888 Brancker, Henry, Wadham 2 Math. ia39 ♦Thomas, WaiUi. Ireland Schol. 18;'.l 2 CI., 3 Math. 1834 Brandon, Wm. Balliril Proctor 1431, 2 Master of Balliol 1432 Brandram, Andrew, Oriel 1 CI., 1 Math. 1812 Samuel, Trinil;/ 4 Math. 184<3 Samuel T. Wudhnm 4 CI. 1845 Thomas P. Onel 3 CI. Mod. 1861 Brandreth, Henry, S. John's 3 CI. 1819 Brandt, Francis, Brasenose 3 CI. 181.5 Francis, Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1860 Eichard F. W. Exeter 3 Jur. 1876 Branfill-Russell, Champion, Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Jur. 1883 Branfoot. Edward P. Ball. 3 CI. ]Mod. 1877 Walter H. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 *Branson, George, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1852 4 CI. 1853, 4 L. & H. 1855 Fellow of Magdalen Bohert T. Pembjoke 4 CI. 1850 •Branthwaite, John, Queen''s 2 CI. 1843 Princl. Edmund Hall 1861 Thomas A. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Theol. 1894 Brantingham,Franci8 E. Ch.Ch. 3 Jur. 1877 Brashaw, Thomas L.S. Jo?! n's 3 Theol. 1891 Brass, John, Pemlirole 4 Nat. Sc. 1860 Brassey, Thomas (afterwards Lord Brassey) University 3 L. & H. 1859 Hon. D.C.L. 1888 Thomas A. Balliol 2 Hist. 1886 Brathwaite, Thos. Warden of ^Veio 1703 Vice-chancellor 1710 Brathwayte, Myles, Princl. Edmund Ball 1528 Braunche, Eichard, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1591 Bravo, C. D. : see Turner, C. D. Bray, Joseph, remJirole 4 Hist. 1891 Sir Reginald High Steward 1404 Eichard Princl. New Inn Hall 1570 Thomas Eector of E-reter 1771 Brayhrooke, Arthur P. Trin. 2 Hist. 1893 Breach, William, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1685 Bree, William T. Oriel 2 CI. 1808 Breffit, George. Merlon 3 Hist. 1881 Bremridge, Richard H. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1891 1 (Physiol.) 1893 4 Theol. 1877 3 CI. Mod. 1871 4 Theol. 1873 Proctor 1411 3 CI. 18;il Proctor 1(507 Bren, Henry A. Wadham Robert, ^yorcesler Brent, Benedict, Exeter Daniel, UnirersUy Nathaniel, Merton Warden of Merton 1621, 46 William B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1808 Brenton, Lancelot C. L. Oriel 3 CI. 1828 Brereton, Edward W. Non-C. (after- wards Ch. Ch.) 3 CI. Mod. 1874 2 Theol. 1876 John, Neto 3 CI. 1834 Joseph L. Univ. English Verse 1844 Brereworth, S. All Souls Proctor 1459 Brether, J. hn. All So'ils Proctor 14.56 Bretherton, Walter K. Non-C. 3 CI. 3Iod. 1892 Brett, Michael, New 2 Jur. 1893 Thomas B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1824 Brew, William, Exeter Proctor 1470 Brewer, John S. Queen's 1 CI. 1832 Brewerton, George, University 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 Math. ilod. Is66 3 CI. 1868 3 CI. Mod. 1883 3 Hist. 1885 1 Math. Mod. 1889 1 Math. 1892 Brewster, Herbert C. Queen's 4 CI. 1853 John, University 3 Math. 1813 Waldegrave, Trinity 4 Math. 1838 Brian, George F. J. J. Were. 4 CI. 1842 Brice, Edward H. Mert. 3 Theol. 1890 Durbin, Queen's 4 CI. 1833 Brickdale, Charles F. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1879 •Matthew I. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1838 Brickenden, Col well Master of Pemb. 1709 ♦Francis H. Worcester Proctor 1809 Bridge, George F. New 3 CI. Mod. 1882 3 Hist. 1884 John, TrinUy 4 CL, 1 Math. 1846 Joseph C. Exeter 4 Hist. 1875 Thos. F. H. Ch. Ch. 2 CL, 2 Math. 1829 Bridger, E. L. New 3 CI. Mod. 1861 William M. Ch. Ch. 3 CL 1812 Bridges, Alexander H. Oriel 4 CL 1835 ♦Brook E. Oriel 2 CL 1835 Fellow of Merton ♦Brook H. Oriel 2 CL 1820 Fellow of Merton Charles, Ch. Ch. 4 CL 1852 Charles B. Oriel 4 CL 1837 Brewin, Clement, Neio Lancelot, Ball. ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOUES. 31 •Bridges, John H. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 185.3 3 CI. 1854 Fellow of Oriel Arnold Prize 1S5G Kobert S. Corpus 2 CI. 18G7 •Thomas E. Corpus President of Corpus 1823 Bridgewater, John, Earl of High Steward 16G3 John Rector of Lincoln 15G3 Bridlyngton, Robt. de, Mert. Proctor 1311 Bridson, Arthur P. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1881 Harry, Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1869 Brien, Robert B. Lincoln 2 CI. 1850 Brierley, Edgar, University 2 Jur. 1880 Harold, Wadham 3 Hist. 1875 Joseph H. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 18G1 2 L. & H. 18G3 Briggs, Francis, Queen'' s IMath. Mod. 1893 H. Merlon Prof, of Geometry 1G19 Nathaniel F. S. John's 3 Jur. 1877 Rawdon, ,S'. John's 4 Theol. 187G Thos. H. S. John's 3 Math. Mod. 18G6 3 L. & H. 18G8 Bright, George C. Balliol 1 Nat. Sc. 1863 •James F. University 1 L. & H. 18.54 Hist. Exam. 1876, 7, 8 ; 80, 1, 2 ; 93, 4 Master of University 1881 Et. Hon. John Hon. D.C.L. 188G John B. Balliol 3 CL Mod. 1874 •John E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 18.34 •WiUiam, University 1 CI. 1846 Johnson's Theol. Scholar 1847 Ellerton Prize 1848 Reg. Prof. Eccles. Hist. 18G8 William R. Balliol 4 CI. 1846 Brightman, Frank E. University 1 Math. Mod. 187G 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 2 Theol. 1880 Senior LXX Prize 1882 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1882 Brightwell, Thomas Chancellor 1.388, 9 Brigstock, Wm. P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1809 Brigstocke, C. B. Edm. Ball 4 CI. 18.52 Brindle, Joseph F. Brasenose 3 Math. 1850 Joseph F. Jesus Abbott Scholar 1884 2 CI. Mod. 18SG 3 CI. 1888 Brine, Algernon L. S. John's 4 Theol. 1885 •Jas. G. S. John's 2 CI., 3 Math. 1841 Proctor 1851 Brinkworth, James B. Non-C. Houghton Syriac Version Prize 1893 Brinton, Hubert, Xew 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 Brinton, Percival R. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 189-3 Reginald S. New 2 CI. Mod. 18:;0 Wilfred, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 •Briscoe, Alan, Queen's 1 Math. 1813 Alfred L. Corpus 3 Jur. 1891 George, Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Hist. 1883 John I. University 3 CI. 1812 •Richard, Jesus 3 CI. 1823 •Thomas, Jesus 1 CI. 18.33 William A. Brasenose 3 Hist. 1882 •William K. B. Jesus 2 CI. 18;50 Brise, Evelyn J. R. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1880 Bristowe, Arthur L. 3Iagd. 4 Hist. 1883 Leonard S. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1878 1 CI. 1880 Brittain, Arthur H. B. Edm. Hall 3 Theol. 1879 William, Exeter 3 Jur. 1894 Brittan, Geo. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1867 3 Math. 1869 Britten, Frank C. Ch. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 George, Non-C. 4 Hist. 1881 Britton, Thomas H. Exeter Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 18.39 Broad, Francis, Merton Proctor 1644 John S. Edmund H. 3 CI. 18.31 Broadbent, Benj. Queen's 2 Hist. 1874 George, Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1877 1 Nat. Sc. 1880 •Henry, Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1871 Ireland Scholar 1873 1 CI. 1874 Craven Scholar 1874 Latin Essay 1875 Derby Scholar 1875 Herbert, Hertford 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Hist. 1892 John F. H. Ilertf. 2 CI. Mod. 188G 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 188S Percy G. A. Keble 3 Hist. 1894 Theodore P. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1887 Broadley, Alexander, Wadh. 3 CI. 1836 Broadmead, William B. Trin. 1 Hist. 1875 Broadwood, Edward, New 4 Hist. 1876 Brock, Henry W. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Isaac, Queen's 1 Math. 1851 Thomas, Onel 4 Math. 1838 William, Queen's 2 CI. 1827 William, Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 18C8 3 CL 1870 Brockman, Ralph T. Non-C. 2 Theol. 1880 Brodhurst, Bernard E. S. Magd. 3 Jur. 1888 3 B.C.L. 1880 32 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Brodhuret, Edward H. H. KebU Brome, Adam de Provost of Oriel L'i2n '1 Hist. 188.5 Viscount, New 2 CI. 18:35 Brodie, Benjamin C. (afterwards Sir Bromet, Alfred, Magdalen 4 Jur. 1887 Benjamin C. Brodie, Bt.), JJalliol 3 B.C.L. 1890 2 Math. 1838 Bromiield, Samuel W. (afterwards Aldrichian Prof. Chemistry la'x) Worthington, S. W.), Ch. Ch. WayiiHete Trof. Chemistry 18^5 1 Math. Mod. 1867 Hon. D.C.L. 1872 1 Math. 1868, 3 CI. 1809 Douf^las M. W. Worcexter Math. Exam. 1874, 5 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 Bromhall, or Bromolde, Eoger, Neic Erasmus H. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 18.52 Proctor 1541 3 CI. 1854 Princl. Bert Hall 1541 Norman S. Ch. Ch. Bromley, Eobt. Ch. Ch. 4 CI., 4 Math. 183G Boden Scholar 1887 Sir Thos. Deputy-Chancellor 1585 2 Or. Stud. 1887 Thomas M. 3IertOH 1 CI. Mod. 1868 •Eobert, TrinUi/ 1 CI. Mod. 18G0 3 CI. 1870 1 CI. 18G3 William, Ch. Ch. Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Burgess 1701, 2, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 22, 27 Brodribb, Arthur A. Exeter 4 CI. 1873 William, Oriel Burgess 1737 Brodrick, Alan, BiiUiol 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Brook, Alfred, Ezeter 3 CI., 1 Math. 1850 3 L. & H. 18G2 Alfred, Exeter 2 Math. Mod. 1878 Alan, Exeter 3 CI. 1849 1 Math. 1879 George, OHel 2 CI. 1819 Alfred, Kehle 2 Theol. 1882 •George C. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1852 Arthur, Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1852 1 CI. 1853, 1 Hist. 1854 3 CI., 1 Math. 1853 Arnold Prize 1855 James, Worcester 4 Math. 1854 English Essay 1855 William : see Broke Fellow of Merton AVilliam S. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1876 Warden of Merton 1881 2 CI. 1878 Hon. Lawrence A. Merton Brooke, Francis C. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1831 3 Hist. 1886 Henry, All Souls William (afterwards 8th Eeg. Prof. Civil Law 1736 Viscount Midleton), Balliol Assessor 1748 2 CI. 1851 Henry, Ezeter 2 CI. Mod. 1880 William E. B. Pemhroke 2 Hist. 1882 2 Math. Mod. 188G Henry, Trinity 2 Jur. 1891 3 Math. 1888 John E. Oriel 1 CI. IMod. 1869 William J. (afterwards 7th 1 CI. 18n Viscount Midleton), Balliol John T. Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 1867 1 CI. 1820 Joshua I. University : see aUo William J. H. Corp. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Ingham-Brooke J. 2 CI. 1859 Hon. William St. J. F. Balliol Samuel E. Ccrrpiis 2 CI. Mod. 1804 3 CI. ]«od. 1876 3 CI. 1866 2 Hist. 1878 Stopford W. W. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Broke, Horace G. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1881 4 Hist. 1883 WiUiam, Oriel Proctor 1511 Philip V. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 Princl. ;S. Mary H. 1511 2 Hist. 1889 William, S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1876 Eichard Princl. Edm. H. 1478 2 CI. 1879 Broke, w Brook, Wm. Ward. All S. 15a3 2 Theol. 1880 Commissary 1520 William H. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1873 Brokes, oi- Brooks, Jafties 4 CI. 1875 Fellow of Cm-pus William H. Wadh. 3 Theol. 1889 Master of Balliol 1.547 Brooke-Jones, Eich. Wadham 4 CI. 1837 Commissary 1552 Brookes, Charles C. New 3 Hist. 1888 Bromby, Chas. H. N. I. H. 3 L. llor 17.")0 John C. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1H.54 2 CI. 18.56 John F. Exeter Boden Scholar 18.">3 John G. Worcest. Select Preacher 1893 Burrup, Henry de W. Penih. 4 INIath. 1852 Burslem, Wm. Penib. 1 Math. Mod. 1876 2 Math. 1879 Burstall, Stephen, University 3 CI. 1840 Burt, Ernest W, Non-C. (afterwards Balliol] Chinese Scholar 1890 3 Lit. Ind. 1892 Henry, Worcester 3 CI. 1825 Burton, Albert E. Wore. 2 Math. Mod. 1882 1 Math. 1884 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HOXOrRS. 39 Bm-ton, Charles H. Trinity 4 Jur. 188r» •Charles J. Queen's 3 CI., 3 Math. 1813 •Edward, Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1815 Select Preacher 1824, 7 CI. Exam. 1826 Bampton Lecturer 1820 Keg. Prof. Divinity 1829 John Hill Hon. D.C.L. 1878 John R. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Eichard P. Pembroke 4 CI. 1836 Eobert Master of University 1420 Thomas M. S. John's 3 Hist. 1887 •Walter H. Exeter Latin Verse 1816 1 CI., 1 Math. 1818 Vinerian Fellow 1822 "William L. Pemb. 2 Math. Mod. 1884 2 Math. 1886 Bury, Arthur Eector of Exeter 1666 Arthur M, Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Edward, University 3 CI. 1810 Edward A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 3 Theol. 1873 John B. Trinity Coll. Dublin Hist. Examiner 1894 Phineas, Wadham Proctor 1665 Busby, William, New 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 2 Theol. 1890 William B. Non-C. 3 Math. Mod. 1885 afterwards Worcester 3 Math. 1887 Busfeild, William, University 2 CI. 1823 Bush, Harry E. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1886 Henry B. Carptts 2 Hist. 1882 James, Oriel 2 CI. 1812 James W. Queen's 3 CI. 1865 Joseph, Wadham 3 CI. 1834 Eobert F. E. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 •Eobert W. Worcester 2 CI. 1842 Ellerton Prize 1844 Denyer Prize 1845 Select Preacher 1849 Bushby, Dudley C. Trin. 3 Theol. 1889 Bushnell, Arthur J. de H. Edm. H. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 1 CI. 1871 John, Pembroke 2 CI. 1808 Thomas B. Pembroke 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Thomas H. Pembroke 3 CI. 1846 Bussell, Edwin A. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Fred. Y. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1806 ♦Fred. W. Magdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 Craven Scholar 1885 1 Theol. 1886 Fellow of Brasenose Bust, Henry, Magdalen Proctor 1.3G7 John, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1574 | Butcher, Edward E. (afterwards Pemberton, E. E.), University 2 CI. 1814 •Samuel H. Fellow of University CI. Moderator 1878, 9 William : see Bocher, Wm. •Butler, Alfred J. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1871 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1872 (Verse) 1873 1 CI. 1873 Fellow of Brasenose Proctor 1892 •Arthur G. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. ia52 Ireland Scholar 1853 1 CI. 185.3, 2 L. & H. 1854 Fellow of Oriel Select Preacher 1883 Arthur S. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1875 1 Math. 1877 Charles S. Magdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1869 Daniel. Lincoln 4 CI. 18.34 Edward President of Magdalen 1722 Yice-Chancellor 1728 Burgess 1737, 41 Francis H. Worcester 1 Nat. Sc. 1874 Francis L. S. John's 3 Math. Mod. 1877 3 Jur. 1879 3 B.C.L. 1881 FrsLUcis'^. S.John's 3 Hist. 1882 Frederick B. Merton 2 CI. 1863 Frederick G. A. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 •George, Exeler Hertford Schol. 1841 1 CI. 1843 CI. Examiner 1851, 2 George W. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1859 Henry D. Trinity 3 Hist. 1881 Henry M. Trinity Coll. Camb. Select Preacher 1878, 83 Hercules S. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 Theol. 1873 •Paul, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1841 Eichard. Balliol 1 CI. 1817 Eobert J. Brasenose 3 CI. 1842 Eoland, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1874 Slade, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Jur. 1873 Stephen, Wo)-cester 3 CI. 1824 Thomas, Magdalen Proctor 1799 Thomas H. Corpus 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1893 William, Queen's 2 CI. 1833 William H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1822 •William J. Magdalen Proctor 1837 William J. C. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1885 Butler-Harris, Arthur, Trin. 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Butler-Johnstone, H. A. C7*. Ch. 1 CI. 1860 40 ALI'HABETICAL REGISTKR OF HONOURS. Hutsou, Christopher. .NVir Knglish Verse 1771 Butt, Arthur, Balliul \i Nat. Sc. iHxl (ieorKO. Ch. Ch. 4 C'l. ls:57 John. Limnlu 2 Math. 1826 Georpe, Balliol 3 CI. 1844 John C. 8. John's 2 Theol. 1876 Joseph H. Exeter 2 CI.. 2 Math. 1836 Button, Ralph, Merlon Proctor 1648 Public Orator 1048 Buxton, Harry J. W. Brasenose 2 L. & H. 1866 Travers, Nelo 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Buzzard, Edward F. Magdalen 4 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 Byard, Douglas J. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Byfeild. Samuel, Corpus Proctor 1657 Bygott, John P. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1882 afterwards Hertford 3 Hist. 1884 3 Jur. 1885 Byles, Maurice B. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 2 L. « •Charles L. S. New 4 CI. 1844J Charles N. Trinity 3 Jur. 18'.tO Charles P. UuiversUi/ 1 L. . S. John's 4 Hist. 1888 John R. WixcUtam 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 188fl Joseph, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1821 Nicholas Princl. Edm. H. 15G9 Philip H. Kehle 4 Jur. 1804 Eohert, Hi-asenose Proctor 1582 Robert B. Cli. Cli. 1 CI. 1823 •Sam. H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 3 Math. 1839 Selwyn M. S. Joint's Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1891 2 Theol. 1893 Simon E. (afterwards Pigott S. F.) Vniv. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1814 1 CI. 1813 3 Jur. 1800 Proctor 1780 4 Hist. 1891 3 Theol. 1884 4 CI. 1834 Thomas, Oriel Thomas P. Nero Washbourne, New "William Eehle William A. Worcester Cookes, Denham C. J. Wore. Cookesley, Thomas H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 18G2 Cookson, Bryan Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1804 Chas. A. Orkl 2 CI. Mod. 1852 2 CI. 1853 ♦Christopher, S. John's 1 CI. 1840 Christopher, Cm-pm 1 CI. Mod. 1880 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1881 2 CI. 1883 Geoffrey M. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Gaorge H. F. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1802 4 CI. 1804 Harry E. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 188G •Montague H. (afterwards Crackanthorpe, i\I. H.) .S. John's Jun. Math. Scholar 1852 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 18.52 ICI.,1 Math. 1854 Eldon Law Scholar 1856 •Coolidge, William A. B. Exeter Taylorian Scholar 1871 1 Hist. 1873 2 Jur. 1874 Eellow of Magdalen Coorabes, Arthur H. S. John's 1 Math. Mod. 1884 2 Math. 1886 Coop, James 0. Exeter 3 Hist. 1892 Coope, Henry G. (7/. Ch. 3 CI. 1837 Joseph R. Ch. Ch. 3 CI., 2 Math. 1833 Cooper, Allen, Oriel 3 CI. 1813 Arthur N. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1874 Benjamin, Merton Registrar 1G59 Cecil H. H. Juhle 2 Theol. 1893 Charles D'O. Vniv. 3 Jur. 1894 Charles P. Wadh. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1814 Edward, Queen's Latin Verse 1791 Edward, Queen's 4 Math. 1845 Edward B. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 Edward C. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1886 ICl. 1888, 2 Hist. 1880 Edward^. JJniv. 3 Hist. 1889 •Edward P. S. John's 2 CI. 1815 Frank, Queen's 2 L. & H. 1871 Frederick W. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 18&3 George, Merton Registrar 1701 George H. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Harry, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 188G *Henry B. Keble 1 CI. Mod. 1882 ICl. 1884 Fellow of Hertford Henry G. W. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Henry S. AllSotds 1 Math. Mod 1869 1 Math 1871 1 Nat. Sc. 1872 James P. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Hist 1874 •John, Wadhayn 3 CI. 1837 Proctor 1849 Leonard, Corpus 4 Hist. 1888 Naunton R. A. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1854 Sydney, Neic 2 CI. Mod. 1882 1 Hist. 1884 Thomas M. A. Wore 1 Math. Mod. 1880 2 Math. 1882 Vincent K. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 William, Queen's 4 L. & H. 1853 William, S. John's 2 Hist 1877 William E. S. Keble 2 Math. Mod. 1879 2 Math. 1881 William H. W. S. John's 3 Theol. 1883 William N. B. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1892 Winfield, Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1865 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 57 Coore, Alban, Bragenose 2 CI. Mod. 1893 George B. M. Corp. 1 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Coote, Algernon, Brasenose 2 CI. 1840 Charles L. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1876 Charles M. University 4 Theol. 1872 ♦Charles T. Queen's 2 CI. 1844 Fellow of PembroJce Nat. Sc. Exam. 1857, 8 Cootes, Cotys, <»• Cotes, George Proctor 1531 Master of Balliol 1539 Copas, Ed-wan C Balliol 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 Cope, Alan, Magdalen Proctor 1558 Alfred D. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1860 Charles H. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1862 3 CI. 1865 Herbert E. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1866 2 L. & H. 1868 "William, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Jur. 1883 Copeman, Fred. J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1863 *Copleston, Edw. Corpus Latin Yerse 1793 Eellow of Oriel Engl. Essay 179G Examiner 1801, 2 Prof, of Poetry 1802 Proctor 1807 Select Preacher 1808, 16, 23 Provost of Oriel 1814 Edward G. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Ernest A. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 John G. Oriel 3 CI. 1824 John H. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1861 4 L. & H. 1862 John H. H. Corjms 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 ♦Reginald E. Ep-eter 2 CI. 1832 ♦Reginald S. 3Ierton 1 CI. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 Fellow of S. John's ♦"WilUam J. Corpus 2 CI. 1825 Fellow of Oriel Copley, E. Mert. Prof. Moral Phil. 1648 Coppleston, Thomas, Exeter Proctor 1445 Corbet, Edward, Merlon Proctor 1638 Public Orator 1648 Hugh D. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 John D. : see Pigott, J. D. Ch. Ch. Richard, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1612 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1620 Roland, Ch.Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 Corbett, Charles J. H. Neir 1 Hist. 1875 2 Jur. 1876, 3 B.C.L. 1877 Corbett, Eustace K. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1874 3 Jur. 1876 Leonard B. All Souls 3 CI. Mod. 1892 3 Hist. 1894 Lionel, Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 18-54 ♦Uvedale, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1839 William A. Pembrole 3 Jur. 1873 Corbould, Edward J. Herff. 2 CI. Mod. 188.i 4 CI. 1885 E. J. Wadham 4 CI., 3 Math. 1851 Corbrygge, Hugh de Master of Ball. 1343 Cordery, Arthur, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1867 1 CI. 1870 John G. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 *Cordeux, Godfrey P. Worcester 2 CI. 1850 Cordner, Antony A. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Corfe, Arthur T. All S. 3 CI., 1 Math. 1829 Charles W. Ch. Ch. Coryph^us 1856 Choragus 1860 Edward C. Magd. H. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 Joseph, Magdalen 1 Math. 1827 Corffe, "William de Provost of Oriel 1410 Corfield, George, Balliol 2 Math. 1883 ♦"Wm. H. Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1863 1 Math. 1864 1 Nat. Sc. 1865 Fellow of Pemhrol-e Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1866 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1867 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1873, 4 Cork and Orrery, Hamilton, Earl of, Ch. Ch. High Steward 1762 Corkling, Reg. R. Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1873 Corlette, James C. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1858 3 CI. 1860 Combury, Henry, Yiscount, Ch.Ch. Burgess 1732, 4, 41, 7 ♦Corne, "William, Ch. Ch. Exam. 1805, 6 ; 1815, 6, 7 Proctor 1808 Select Preacher 1814 Comes, Archibald J. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Julian, Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Cornewall, "William F. Neiu 4 Jur. 1894 Cornish, Arthur A. Exeter 4 CI. 1838 Basil S. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Charles, New 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Theol. 1880 Charles E. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Charles J. Corpus 2 L. & H. 185-5 Charles J. Hertfoi-d 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 •Charles L. Exeter 1 CI. 1831 58 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Cornish, Frank F. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 2ri. George J. Corpus 1 CI. Honry H. Magdalen IT.iU 2 CI. Corpus Princl. New Inn H. •Hubert K. drrptis 2 CI. Fellow of Exeter James F. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. James G. Hertford 1 Hist. •John R. (afterwards Mowbray, J. R.), Ch. Ch. Robert, Onel 2 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 L. & H. 2 CI. 3 CI. Mod. •Sidney W. Exeter Stephen, Oriel Theodore, Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. .TCI. Thomas Provost of Oriel •Thomas B. Triuiti/ 1 CI. Fellow of Oriel Walter, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. William F. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 4 CI., 4 Math. 4 L. & H. Cornthwaite, Tullie, Trinitp 2 CI. Comu, M. Hon. D.C.L. Cornubia, J. de Princl. Edmund Hall Rt. L. de Princl. Edmund Hall Cornwall, Alan W. I'niiersit}/ 2 Hist. Edward W. Eeble 2 CI. Mod. Stephen de Princl. Balliol Walter E. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Corrance, Henry C. Ch. Ch. 2 Theol. Corry, Hon. Henry T. L. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Corser, Chas. W. S. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Haden, Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. Corte, William, Balliol Proctor Coscia, Carlo F. Teacher of Italian Cosser, Walter M. Trinity 4 CI. William W. L. Magd. 2 L. & H. Costard, George, Wadham Proctor Costelloe, Benj. C. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Coster, Martin E. Chanley H. 4 Jur. Cos-way, William H. (afterwards Halliday, W. H.), Balliol 2 CI. Cotes, Charles C. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. Charles H. Queen's 3 L. & H. Digby, All Souls Public Orator Princl. Maffdalen Hall Digby O. Vniv. 4 CI., 1 Math. Everard C. Xon-C. 3 Math. Mod. Everard D. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1858 1860 1813 1*8.39 1806 1825 1872 1874 I8f.)2 1836 1807 180T 1822 1870 1874 1870 1403 1837 1805 1867 1856 1857 1858 1827 1804 1317 1319 1880 1887 1303 188.5 1887 1880 1823 1877 1879 1869 1463 1883 1838 1870 1742 1876 1878 1890 1850 1868 1871 1712 1716 1836 1883 1883 Cotes, Kenelm D. All Souls 3 Jur. 1878 Peter, Wadham 2 CI. 1824 Thomas Proctor 1422 William C. Pemhroke 3 CI. Mod. 1882 4 Theol. 1884 William H. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 4 CI. 1875 Cotes : see Cootes, G. •Cother, William, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1833 Cotman, Leonard, Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1800 3 CI. 1892 Cottam, Samuel E. Exeter 2 Theol. 1885 Cottesloe, Lord: see Fremantle, Thomas F. Cottisford, or Cottysford, John, Line. Proctor 1515 Rector of Lincoln 1519 Commissary 1527, 8, 9, 30, 2 Cotton, Arthur B. Ch. Ch. 1 :Math. 1854 Benjamin T. Merfon 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Edward, Ch. Ch. Harry E. A. Jesus 3 Jur. 1878 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 Hist. 1891 2 Jur. 1892 •Henry, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1810 •Henry, Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1842 Hon. D.C.L. 1877 Henry A. E.xeter 2 CI. Mod. 1850 Hugh B. Magd. 3 Jur. 1894 ♦James S. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1868 1 CI. 1870 Fellow of Queen's Julian J. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1891 Latin Verse 1892 2 CI. 1892 •Richard L. Worcester 2 CI. 1815 Provost of Worcester 1839 Select Preacher 1840 Yice-Chancellor 1852 William, Exeter 3 CI. 1814 •Wm. C. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 2 Math. 183.5 Cottysford : see Cottisford. Cotys : see Cootes, G. Couch, Arthur T. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Couchman, Ernest H. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1885 Henry, Triyiity 2 CI. Mod. 1859 3 CI. 1862 Malcolm E. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Coulson, Arthur B. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1862 John, University Proctor 1756 Coulthard, Rd. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Thomas, Queen's 4 CI. 1840 Coulthurst. Conrad H. Bras. 3 CI. 1817 Counsell, Hugh A. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1889 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTEK OF HONOURS. 59 Coupland, Herbert, Carp. 1 CI. Mod. 189:5 Court, Edward D. New 3 CI. Mod. 1882 3 Hist. 1884 Courtenay, Hon. Charles L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI., 4 Math. 1837 •William E. (afterwards 12th Earl of Devon), Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1827 Fellow of All Souls Courteney, or Courtney, Eichard Chancellor 1407, 11, 12 Courthope, Arthur H. Ch. Ch. 4 Theol. 1877 George J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 4 L. & H. 1871 George K. Wadham 3 L. & H. 1871 William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1837 Denyer Prize 1844 William J. Neio 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1865 English Verse 1864 English Essay 1868 Courtney, William Chancellor 1367, 8, 9 •William L, University 1 CI. Mod. 1870 1 CI. 1872 Eellow of Merton Fellow of New CI. Exam. 1881, 2, 3, 8, 9 Proctor 1884 Cousins, Dennis C. Neiv 2 CI. Mod. 1879 1 CI. 1882 1 Jur. 1883 Frederick C. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 Herbert H. Merton 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1889 Coussmaker. John 0. Trinity 3 Theol. 1875 Coveney, Thos. Princl. Magd. Hall 1553 Proctor 1554 President of Magdalen 1558 Coventry. John, 3Tagd. Hall 4 CI. 1842 Hon. Eeginald W. New 3 Math. Mod. 1890 3 Jur. 1893 Eichard G. T. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Hist. 1892 Covernton, Alfred L. ;?. John^s 2 CI. Mod. 18^3 James G. F. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. 1801 Cowan, Alexander, Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 18H James, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1873 3 CI. 1876 Cowburn, Allan (afterwards Smith- Masters, A.), Exeter 2 CI. 1842 George H. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Cowell, Edw. B. Magd. H. 2 Math. Mod. 1852 1 CI., 4 Math. 1854 Herbert, Wadh. Stanhope Prize 1857 2 Math. Mod. 1858 2 L. & H. 1859 Cowell, Maurice B. Wadham 4L.&H. 1857 Sibert F. A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 4 CI. 1886 Wilfred H. A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Cowie, Arthur T. C. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1869 Donald W. G. Balliol 2 Jur. 1886 George S. New 3 CI. Mod. 18 '3 Henry G. Pembrole 4 Math. 1862 Cowles, Denis J. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 Cowley, Arthur E. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1881 • 4 CI. 1883 1st Earl Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Cowper, 7th Earl : see Fordwich, Viscount Thomas, Magd. Dean of Ch. Ch. 1567 Commissary 1567 Vice-Chancellor 1567—70 Cox, Alfred, Lincoln 3 CI. 1&30 Alfred P. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1884 Alfred V. Wadh. 3 Math. Mod. 1868 3 Math. 1870 Algernon, Ch. Ch. 2 Math. 1837 Arthur G. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Cecil W. Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1865 2 Math. 18G7 Frederick, Wadham 4 CI. 1852 Frederick, Wadham 4 Theol. 1877 George W. Trinity 2 CI. 1848 Graeme V. Trinity 4 Jur. 1879 Hubert H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1885 4 Theol. 1886 Hugh B. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1883 3 B.C.L. 1884 John, New Proctor 17.34 John, S. Mar J Hall Assessor 1773 John, S. Mary Hcdl 3 CI. 1824 Joseph M. Lincoln 2 CI. 1848 Samuel, University 3 CI. 1811 Thomas A. Oriel 1 Math. 1852 •Wm. H. Pemh. 1 CI., 2 Math. 182.5 Michel Fellow of Queen's CI. Exam. 1&30, 4, 5, 6 William S. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1891 2 Theol. 1893 *Coxe, Henry J. F. S. John's 4 CI. 1834 H. O. Corp. Select Preacher 1842 Bodley's Librarian 18t»0 Hon. Fellow of Worcester Hilgrove, Corpus 3 Math. 1868 Philip H. Brasenose 3 Jur. 187G •Eichard Dean of Ch. Ch. 1.546 Chancellor 1547 Eichard (C), Worcester 2 CI. 1821 Select Preacher 18,50 GO ALriLVUETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Coxe, Spymonr 7\. Ilmft. 2 CI. Mod. ISC'Z Will. Henry, Jitill. liodcn Sch. Ist;] Coxed, John Wurdon of \i m ITM) ('oxhead, John J. Vorpitu 2 CI. Mod. ls."»7 a CI. ISo'.t Cozeup-Hardy, ■William H. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1889 » CI. iH'.tl Crabb, George. Magd. Hall 3 Math. 1817 Crabtree. Jaiues. I'tiirergitif \i CI. 1821 Cnu'kauthorpo, M. H. : see Cookson, M. H. .S. Jolai'g Crackinthorpe, Thomas, Queen^s Proctor 140G Cracroft, Robert W. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1S80 1 Jur. 1881 Thomas, Mngdalen Proctor ir).54 Craddock, Fred. H. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 •Cradock, formerly Grove, Edward H. Balliol 2 CI. 1831 Fellow of Brasenose Principal of Brasenose 1853 ' Select Preacher 1857 William, Magdalen Proctor 1680 Cradocke, E. Ch. Ch. Marg. Prof. Div. 1565 Thomas, Magd. Public Orator 1677 Craft, Richard H. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1884 Craft, or Croft, Wm. Magd. Proctor 1484 Craies, William F. New 1 CI. Mod. 1875 1 CI. 1877 Craig, Alain T. WadJiain 4 Math. 1857 Basil T. Magd. Hall 4 Math. 1855 Douglas T. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1S87 Edwin S. Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1884 1 Math. 1887 Craig-Sellar, Gerard H. Ball. 4 Hist. 1893 Craigie, William A. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 Craik, Henry, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI., 1 L. & H. 1869 James B. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Crailsheim, Francis W. Corpns 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 Jur. 1885 Frederick A. Trin. 3 Jur. 1883 Crake, Arthur H. Pemh. 4 Hist. 1885 Ernest E. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 John H. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 ♦Cramer, Henry E. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1844 Mohn A. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1814 Examiner 1822, 3, 4 Select Preacher 1826, 31 Public Orator 1829 CI. Exam. 1831 Princl. New Inn Hall 1831 Beg. Prof. Modern Hist. 1842 Cranipton, Francis W. Jesus 3 Hist. 1889 Thomas, Hertford 4 Hist. 1882 Crauborue, Visct. Univ. 3 Math. Mod. 1882 2 Hist. 1884 Cranbrook, Viscount: see Hard}-, Gathorne Crane, Charles P. Ereter 3 Hist. 1878 Hubert W. Exeter 3 Hist. 1878 ('rank, Edward, Trinity Proctor 1706 CranleighjCraule, or Cranley,Thos.de Princl. Hed H. 1384 Warden of New Coll. 1389 Chancellor 1390 Cranley, Viscount, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1840 Cranstoun, Hon. Charles (afterwards 11th Lord Cranstoun), Jesns 2 CI. 18:^6 John P. Oriel I CI. Mod. 1877 2 Theol. 1879 Crauford, Robert G. Magd. Hall 1 CI. 1837 Craufurd, Alexander H. G. Oriel 2 CI. 1865 Craule : see Cranleigh. Craven, Charles D. Lincoln Craven Scholar 1849 4 Math. 1852 C. J. S. John's Craven Scholar 1806 Dacre, S. John's Craven Scholar 1850 2 CI. Mod. 1853 G. V. Exeter Craven Scholar 1830 Herbert, Pemh. Craven Scholar 18-58 John, Ch. Ch. Craven Scholar 1726? Thos. P. TT'wc. Craven Scholar 1847 William D. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 ♦Crawford, Donald, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI. 1860 Fellow of Lincoln John, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1816 John R. Lincoln 2 CI., 3 Math. 1838 Mark S. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 William A. Exeter 4 Math. 1853 Crawfurd. Chas. H. P. Corp. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Gibbs P. Corp. 3 CI. Mod. 1875 Lionel P. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1887 Raymond H. P. New 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Crawley, Charles, University 2 CI. 1811 George J. L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1842 •Richard, University 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1865 Fellow of Worcester Vicary, G. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1889 1 Hist. 1891 Crayford, John Master of University 1546 Crayne, Robert, Balliol Proctor 1580, 1 Princl. Neil) Inn Hall 1586 Creaser, Thomas W. Pembroke 4 CI. 1831 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 61 Crecklade, de, or Canutus, Eobert Chancellor 1122 Cree, Arthur W. Exeter 4 Jur. 1874 Charles E. University 3 CI. Mod. 1870 4 L. & H. 1872 Edward D. OHel 3 CI., 3 Math. 1849 Herbert E. S. John's 4 Hist. 1891 ♦John A. JJniv. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1847 Fellow of Magdalen Creed, John A. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1863 2 Math. Mod. 1863 2 CI. 1865 William, S. John's Proctor 1644 Eeg. Prof. Divinity 1661 *Creighton, Archibald, Lincoln 2 CI. 1811 •Mandell, Merion 1 CI. Mod. 1864 1 CI., 2 L. & H. 1866 L. & H. Exam. IBH, 2 Hist. Exam. 1872, 3, 5, 6, 7 ; 83, 4, 5 Select Preacher 1875 ; 86 Hon. D.C.L. 1894 Cremer, Frederick D. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1868 Gabriel H. Xeto Latin Terse 1866 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Cresswell, Oswald E. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1867 Oswald J. Corpus 3 CI. 1824 E. H. S. Mary Hall 3 Math. 1867 Crewe, Hon. Nathaniel, Line. Proctor 1663 Eector of Lincoln 1668 Offley, Merton 4 CI. 1842 •Creyke, Stephen, Corpus 1 CI. 1816 Crichton, William J. 3Ierton 2 CI. 1828 Crick, Thomas, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Walter, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Crickitt, Percy S. H. Merton 4 Jur. 1889 Cripps, Alfred J. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Arthur S. Trinittj 2 Hist. 1891 Charles, Magdalen Hall 4 CI. 1841 •Charles A. Neio 1 Math. Mod. 1872 1 Hist. 1874 1 Jur. 1875 1 B.C.L. 1876 Fellow of S. John's Henry L. New 1 CI. Mod. 1866 3 L. & H. 1868 *Heni*y W. Neio L. & H. Exam. 185.5, 6 Reginald, Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Wilfred J. Trinity 2 L. & H. 1863 William, Trin. Vinerian Fellow 18^35 Crisall, James S. Wadham 4 Hist. 1893 Crispe, Andrew, Corpus Prof. Moral Philosophy 1664 CrispjTie, Edmund, Onel Proctor 1.547 Eichard, Oi-iel Proctor 1.522 Critchley. John W. Bolliol 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Croasdill, William, Peinb. 2 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Crockford, William, Brasenose 4 CI. 1835 Croft, Alfred W. Exeter 1 ]Math. Mod. 1860 2 CI., 2 Math. 186:'> George, Univ. English Essay 1768 Bampton Lecturer 1786 John F. Balliol 3 CI. 1849 •Eichard, Balliol 2 CI. 1829 Fellow of Exeter William B. Pemh. 1 Math. Mod. 1872 1 Math. 1873 1 Xat. Sc. 1875 Croft : see Craft, W. Crofton, KMimn.Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1867 Sir Malby, Bart., Univ. 2 Hist. 1879 Crofts, Christopher, Magd. Hall 4 CI. 1838 John D. M. Worcester 3 CI. 1851 William C. Bras. 1 CI. ilod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 William C. Merton 4 CI. 1869 Croftys, George, Oriel Proctor 1520 Crokat. John, Magd. Hall 2 CI. 1839 Croke, Charles, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1616 Croker, Arthur, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1868 Edward J. University 3 CI. Mod. 1861 Crombie, Ernest J. Worcester 4 Hist. 1891 Crommelin, H. B. 3Iagd. H. 4 Math. 18-32 Crompton, John, Jesns 2 Math Mod. 1886 Sir Thomas, Merton Burgess 1604 William, PemhroU 3 CI. Mod. 1863 Cromwell. John G. Brasenose 3 CI. 1846 Oliver Chancellor 16.50, 1 Eichard Chancellor 1657 Cronshaw, George B. Queen's 1 Nat. Sc. fChem.) 1804 Herbert P. All Souls 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 2 Theol. 1886 Crook, Charles, Oi-iel 2 CI. 1809 John H. Xeio 2 Hist. 1879 Thomas A. Balliol 1 Hist. 1884 Crookenden, George P. Trin. 2 Hist. 1890 Croome, Arthur C. M. Magdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 William M. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 Crosby, Allan J. Worcester 4 L. & H. 18.58 Cross, Alexander S. Exeter 4 Hist. 1874 Carlton, New 3 01. Mod. 1880 4 Hist. 1882 Francis J. K. New 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 ()2 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Cross, Henry, llntfonl 2 CI. Mod. IfWf. 3 ("1. IHSS Henry A. Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1S41) James, Exeter :? CI. Mod. 18r.,S 4 CI. 1870 Jolin Ashton. J{,illi„l 1 CI. Mod. IHTO 1 CI. 1871 John E. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. 184:{ Joseph, Corpus 1 CI. ;Mod. 18(;.') 2 CI. 18G7 Richard A, (the 1st Viscount Cross) Hon. D.C.L. 1877 Thomas U. Exeter "^ Theol. 187:^ William H. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 187'.) Crosse, Edward I. Exeter 2 Jur. 1875 John (afterwards Hamilton, John), Exeter 2 CI. 1833 John D. O. Exeter 3 CI. 182G Joshua, Lincoln " Proctor 1648 Fellow of Magdalen Trof. Natural Philosophy 1G48 Ormonde, Wadham 3 Hist. 1879 Robert, Line. Reg. Prof. Div. 1G48 Thomas W. Bidliol 1 Nat. Sc. 1874 Crossfield, Edward M. Magd. H. 4 CI. 1833 Crosskey, Ernest, Herffm-d 4 Hist. 1883 Crossley, Ernest, Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 Sir Saville B., Bart. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1878 *Crossman, Chas. D. Tl'orc. 1 CI. Mod. 1857 2 CI. 1858 Charles S. New Hertf. Scholar 1800 1 CI. Mod. 1891, 1 CI. 1893 Crosswell, Robert J. OHel 3 CI. Mod. 18.57 Crosthwaite,C.H.T.S. Jo^iM's 1 CI. Mod. 1856 Robert H. B. Univ. 3 Hist. 1892 Robert J. liraxenose Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1860 3 CI. Mod. 1861 Thomas, Queen\o Proctor 1672 Princl. Edmund Hall 1684 Crotch, William, Ch. Ch. Prof. Music 1707 William J). New 2 Nat, Sc. 1855 Croten, or Crowton, Wm. Oriel Princl. ;S. Mary H. 1436 Proctor 1436 •Crouch, James F. Corpus Proctor 1840 Warwick W. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 Crowden, Charles, Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1857 2 CI. 1859 (^rowder, John H. Merton 3 CI. 1841 Thomas M. Wadham 2 CI. 1852 William I. R. Exeter 4 Hist. 1874 ('rowdy. Anthony, Tirasenose 3 CI. 1823 1880 Francis D. Oriel 3 Nat. Sc. Crowdy, William M .Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 Hist. 1889 Crowe, William, Nein Public Orator 1784 Select Preacher 1804, 6, 16, 21 •Crowfoot, John H. Tnn. 1 CI. Mod. 1862 1 CI. 1864 Fellow of Jesus John W. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Crowther, Alfred B. N. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Arthur H. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 George F. S. John's 4 Theol. 1878 Henry S. Eehle 2 CI. Mod. 1884 4 CI. 1886 J. S. John's Reg. Prof. Greek 1660 Princl. S. Mary Ball 1664 James H. L. Kehle 4 Hist. 1887 Crowton : see Croten. •Crucknell, Henry H. Onel 2 CI. 1852 Cruft, William G. Exeter 2 Theol. 1892 •Cruickshank, Alfred H. New 1 CI. Mod. 1882 Hertford Scholar 1883 1 CI. 1885 Cniikshank, John W. Line. 2 Hist. 1886 Crum, Walter E. Baliiol 2 Hist. 1888 Crump, Charles A. W. Trin. 1 Math. 1852 Charles C. Exeter 3 CI. 1814 Charles G. Balliol 3 Jur. 1883 Frederick C. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Harry A. Balliol 3 Math. 1885 John H. New 3 Hist. 1875 Robert S. Queen's 2 CI. ]\rod. 1885 2 Hist. 1887 William B. Queen's 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1890 Crum- Watson, Walter, New 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 Hist. 1893 Cruse, David A. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Cruso, Henry A. A. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Henry E. T. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 Math. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 •Cruttwell, Chas.T. S.John's 1 CI. Mod. 1868 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1869 1 CI. 1870 Craven Scholar 1871 Kennicott Scholar 1872 CI. Moderator 1873, 4, 5 Fellow of 3Ierton Clement A. W. Univ. 3 CI. INTod. 1860 4 CI. 1871 Harry E. Worcester 4 CI. 1839 Hugh M. Ch. Oi. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 63 Crutwell, Wilson H. G. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1878 4 Hist. 1880 Cubitt, Bertram B. BalUol 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1885 Charles P. C7i. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. 1867 Cuffe, Hen. Merton Eeg. Prof. Greek 1.590 Proctor 1594 Cull, John B. BalUol 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1873 Cullen, Pdchard, Magd. Registrar 1579 Robert W. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 3 CI. 1857 Culley, Edward H. Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1880 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 Math. 1883 M. J. i'niv. 4 CI. 1&55, 3 L. & H. 1856 Culpepper : see Colepeper. Culsha, Edward W. Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1849 Cumberbatch, Edward C. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1877 4 CI. 1879 Cumberland, Charles E. All Souls 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Cumberlege, Hen. A. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 Cumin, Patrick, BalUol 3 Math. 1845 Cuming, Charles G. Trin. 3 Jur. 1880 Francis E. Univ. 3 CI. 1885 Gordon, Eehle 4 Hist. 1891 Joseph, Oriel 3 CI. 1813 Cumming, Alexander X. BalUol Cobden Prize 1880 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Jur. 1882 James, Xew Latin Verse 1776 John G. BaU. Boden Scholar 1890 2 Or. Stud. 1890 Cundey, John W. Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1865 1 Math. 1867 Cunliffe, Arthur T. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 John W. BalUol 1 Hist. 1879 Robert E. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1878 ,3 CI. 1880 Walter F. Erefer 3 Jur. 1881 Cunningham, Charles T. CJk Ch. 4 CI. 1833 Daniel J. Trin. Coll. Diibl. Hon. D.C.L. 1892 Edward, Brasenose 4 L. & H. 1861 Edward J. Corjms 2 CI. Mod. 1867 Henry S. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 English Essay 1857 Herbert X. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 3 CI. 1875 •Cunningham, Joseph T. BalUol 1 Math. Mod. 1879 1 Nat. Sc. 1881 Fellow of Unii-ersity Philip, Edm. H. 3 Theol. 1889 Thomas J. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1881 2 CI. Mod. 1882, 3 CI. 1884 Cunningham-Graham, Malise A. Oriel 3 Theol. 1882 •Cure, Edward C. BalUol 2 CI. 1851 Fellow of 2Ierton Francis C. Trinity 3 Hist. 1878 Henry C. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 Hist. 1889 Lawrence C. Ball. 3 L. & H. 1856 Cureton, Wm. Ch. Ch. 3 CI., 3 Math. 18.30 Select Preacher 1840 Curgenven, Cecil. A. Wadh. 4 Hist. 1891 *F. H. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1857 2 CI. 1859 Curjel, Harold W. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1887 1 Math. 1890 Curling, Edward, Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1871 3 Theol. 1873, 3 CI. 1874 Joseph J. Oriel 2 Theol. 1890 Thomas H. Wadh. 3 Theol. 1894 *Currer, Charles S. BalUol (afterwards Eoundell, C. S.) 1 CI., 2 Math. 1850 English Essay 1852 L. & H. Examiner 1862, 3 Fellow of Merton William (afterwards Eoundell, W.), Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1838 Reginald H. A. Hertf. 2 Jur. 1888 Currey, Cyril C. Bras. 2 Jur. 1892 Eeginald H. S. Eehle 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 Theol. 1883 Currie, Charles S. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Edmund, Wadham 3 CI. 1822 Horace, Oriel 3 CI. 1822 James, Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1890 John E. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1892 Leslie B . Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Walter L. E. Eehle 3 CI. Mod. 1877 4 CI. 187.t •Curteis, Arthur M. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 18.56 •George H. University 2 CI. 1846 Select Preacher 1857, 66, 74, 88 Fellow of Ereter Bampton Lecturer 1871 Curtis, Alfred C. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1882 Charles G. Merton 3 CI. 1844 Edward B. C. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 Hist. 1884 Francis, BalUol 4 CI. 1833 04 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF IIONOLRS. a CI. 2 CI. Mod. 4C1. :j b.c.l. 3 CI. Mod. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Curtis-Hayward. A.C.3/«r/. 1 L. & H. Curtler, Keginald I). Corj). 2 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. •William H. Trinity Wm. H. H. Corptm Curtis, Francis H. Mi-rlon Frederick J. Jesun Lionel G. New Walter T. Vuiv. (^urtois, Algernon, Wore. Atwill, Lincoln Curtoya, Wm. F. D. Oriel ICl. 1 CI. Mod. 4 Theol. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 Hist. 4 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Curzon, Hon. Alfred, Bras. 3 CI. Hon. Fran. Bras. Latin Verse 1 CI., 1 Math. Hon. Francis N. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. •Hon. George N. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Lothian Prize Fellow of All Souls Arnold Prize Hon. Henry D. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. Cust, Hon. Charles H. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. William A. P. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. Custance, Arthur F. M. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. Cuthbert, G. S. Gi. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Cuthbertson, Clive, Vniv. 3 Hist. John Princl. Edm. H. Cutler, Edward, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. John, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. Kichard, Exeter 3 CI. D'Aeth, W. C. H. H. Corp. 3 CI. Mod. 1857 Daifen, Thomas F. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 Dakers, Hugh J. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 188G Dakyns, George D. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 2 Hist. 1880 Dalai, Barzore J. Exeter 3 Math. Mod. 1893 .J)alby, Francis H. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1873 2 Math. 1875 •William, Exeter 2 CI., 1 Math. 1811 Examiner 1818, 9, 20 Proctor 1825 Select Preacher 1825 18-'i2 188G 1888 ih;h> 18'.t3 18',ll 1803 18G9 1880 1882 ISM 187G 1878 1879 188G 1888 1833 1880 1882 1822 1822 1823 1886 1888 1880 1882 1883 1884 184G 1833 1877 1886 1861 1862 1885 1520 1852 1853 1859 1815 •Dalby, Wm. li. Kadh. 3 CI., 1 Math. 1852 Dale, Christoiiher, Merton Proctor 1003 Frank U. li. Balliol Craven Scholar 1891 1 CI. Mod. 1892 Ireland Scholar 1892 1 CI. 1894 George, Oriel Proctor 1.587 Princl. S. Mary Hall 1.587 George E. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Godfrey, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 Henry, Magdalen 1 CI. 1834 Herbert J. New 1 L. & H. 1871 John A. Balliol 2 Math. 1837 Math. Scholar 1839 Johnson's Math. Scholar 1839 Math. Moderator 1855, 6 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1857, 8, 9 ; 63,4; 70,1,4,5 Math. Exam. 1861, 2 Langham, Queen's 2 Math. 1847 {or Bale) Philip, Exeter Proctor 1524 Reginald F. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1865 1 Math. Mod. 1865 1 Math. 1866 2 CI. 1867 Eobert, Merton Proctor 1494 William Proctor 1501 Dalebrook, John, Kehle 3 Hist. 1890 D'Alessio, Albert P. Ch. Ch. 4 Jur. 1893 Dalgado, Eduardo A. P. iVon-C. 3 Jur. 1893 Dalgairns, John D. Exeter 2 CI. 1839 Dalhousie, Marquis of: see Eamsay, Lord Dalkeith, Earl of: see Eskdaill, Lord, Ch. Ch. Dallas, Eobert C. Oriel 2 CI. 1824 DaUer, Arthur G. H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 Dallin, Francis T. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1894 •Thos. F. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1860 2 CI. 1862 Fellow of Queen's CI. Moderator 1871, 2, 4 Public Orator 1877 •Dalton, Chas. B. Wadh. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1833 Select Preacher 1845 Frederick T. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1878 Ellerton Prize 1879 English Essay 1880 •Herbert A. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1875 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Joseph B. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1862 Ormonde M. New 1 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTEK OF HONOURS. 65 Daltry, Sidney J. Wore. 1 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Daly, Edward O. University 2 Nat. Sc. 1875 Dalzell, Eobert S. Queen'e 4 Nat. Sc. 1881 *Daman, Charles, Magdalen 1 CI. 1834 CI. Examiner 1845, 6 Fellow of Oriel •Henry, Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1863 Junior Math. Scholar 1863 2 CI., 1 Math. 1865 Senior Math. Scholar 1867 Math. Examiner 1870 Damant, George H. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1876 Damer,Lionel D.W.D.TWw. 1 CI. Mod. 1853 3 CI. 1855 Dames-Longworth, Edward T. New 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 Jur. 1884 Dammann, John F. K. Line. 4 Hist. 1888 Dampier, Augustus, S. John's 2 L. & H. 1857 Leonard, Trinity 3 Jur. 1880 *Dand, Thomas, Queeti's 3 CI. 1832 ♦Dandridge, John, Worcester 3 CI. 1819 Daneis, Elyas de Commissary 1230 Danet, Thos. Princl. Alban Hall 1468 Dangar, James G. S. John's 4 CI. 1864 4 Math. 1864 Dangerfield, John H. S. Mary H. 3 CI. 1851 Eobert G. S. Mary Hall 4 CI. 1846 Daniel, Alfred, Exeter 3 CI. 1830 ♦Charles H. 0. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 1 CI. 1858 CI. Moderator 1864, 5 Proctor 1873 CI. Exam. 1876, 7 David, Jesus 3 CI. 1818 George W. T. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Henry T. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1881 John, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1835 John, Jesus 3 CI. 1814 Joseph H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 William, University Proctor 1449 Wilson E. Ware. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1866 Grinfield Lecturer 1889 Daniel-Tyssen, Amhurst, Merton : see also Tyssen, A. D. 1 Math. Mod. 1863 Daniell, Arthur S. University 2 Jur. 1874 Egerton E. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1856 George W. Balliol 2 CI. 1876 Keginald A. Univ. 3 Jur. 1894 Reginald P. (afterwards Daniell- Bainbridge,R.P.)£a;eroke 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 George S. Corpus 2 01. Mod. 1874 1 CI. 1877 James, Baron : see Saumarez, James De S^lincourt, Ernest, University 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 Despard,Arthur V. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1882 4 Hist. 1884 Des Voenx, Charles, Oriel 2 CI. 1824 De Tabley, 3rd Lord : see Leicester- Warren, Hon. J. L., and Warren, Hon. J. B. L. •De Teissier, George F. Corp. 1 CI. 1842 CI. Moderator 1853, 4 Philip A. Corpus 4 CI. 1841 De Tivoli, Vital Teacher of Italian 1861 Devas, Arthur C. Ch. Ch. 3 L. <' Dawnay, Hon. Win. H. 8th Viscount, Ch. Vh. 2 L. & H. l.S<>,'i Downer, Arthur C. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 18(>« a CI. 1870 Downes, Arthur M. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1878 1 Math. 1880 William E. Wadham 2 CI. 1850 William J. Worredcr 3 CI. 182G Downing, Henry, Triniti/ 4 CI. 1838 Downton. Huph M. Wore. 4 Theol. 1881 Downward, Owen G. Slagd. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Dowsett, John, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Dowson, William, rniversit;/ Proctor 14;i3 Commissary 144^3, 4, 5, C, 7, 9 Princl. of Little Univ. Hall Fellow of Merton William Princl. Edm. Hall 1787 •Doyle, Francis H. (afterwards Sir F. H. Doyle, Bart.), Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1832 Prof. Poetry 1867 Hon. D.C.L. 1877 Fellow of All Souls Henry R. Hertf. 1 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 •John A. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 Math. Mod. 1865 1 CI. 1867 Arnold Prize 1869 Fellow of All Souls D'Oyly-Watkins, Christopher, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1883 Drabble, Peter B. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1854 4 CI. 1856 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 2 Nat. So. 1881 3 Theol. 1894 3 CI. 1825 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Frederick W. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Herbert L. S. John''s Herbert M. Kelle Drage, Geoffrey, Ch. Ch. Lovell, Ch. Ch. William H. Merton Drake, Francis, Wor< ester Francis C. New John R. Ch. Cli. Walter Y. New William, Lincoln Draper, Charles R. Wadh. Henry M. Lincoln Warwick H. Univ. William H. Keble 1 CI. Mod. 1893 3 Hist. 1891 3 CI. 1829 1 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 1875 3 CI. 1829 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 2 CI. 186.5 2 CI. Mod. 1894 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 3 Theol. 1880 Draper, William H. Wore. 3 Nat. Sc. 18.59 Drax, Thomas, Lincoln Proctor 1497 Rector of Lincoln 1.503 Commissary 1511 Dredge, Joseph A. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Drew, Frank E. C. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 18CMJ 3 CI. 1892 Harry, Kehle 2 Hist. 1878 John G. Wadham 4 Jur. 1875 Josias H. Exeter 4 CI. 1852 Drewitt, Charles, Pembroke 2 CI. 1821 F. G. D. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1870 John A. J. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 •Driffield, George T. Brasenose 3 CI. 1839 Vero G. Brasenose 2 CI. 1842 Drinkwater, Albert E. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1873 3 Matli. 1875 •Driver, Samuel R. New Pusey Duffield, Thomas Master of Univ. 1.39G William, Merton Proctor 1407 Dugard, George F. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Dugdale, James Master of Univ. 1558 Sidney, Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1870 Sydney, Brasenose 2 Theol. 1882 William F. S. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 William S. Balliol 1 CI. 1849 Duggan, Wm. B. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1866 Duignan, Carl, Triu. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Duke, Edward, Exeter 4 CI. 1836 Bobert E. Qtieen's 4 CI. 1849 Thomas, New Proctor 1529, 30 *Dukes, Edward E. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1839 *Bobert M. Lincoln 1 CI. 1838 Michel Fellow of Queen's Dulley, Benjamin, Keble 2 Theol. 1874 Dumble, James J. Non-C. 3 Math. Mod. 1880 3 Math. 1882 Dumbleton, Edgar C. Keble 4 Jur. 1876 Du Moulin : see Moulin. Dun, Fiulay, Trinity 4 Jur. 1884 Bobert H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Dunbabin, Bobert L. Corp. I CI. Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 *Dunbar, George B. New 1 CI. Mod. 18-54 2 CI. 1855 Thos. Bras. Keeper of Ash. Mus. 1815 Duncan, George A. Corpus 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1889 Geo. W. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1873 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 Math. 1876 James C. Queen's 2 Theol. 1883 ♦John S. Neiv Keeper of Ashmolean Mus. 182;i Leonard E. H. Exeter 3 Jur. 1879 Patrick, Balliol Craven Scholar 1890 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 •Philip B. New Keeper of Ashmolean Mus. 1826 Bashleigh J. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Viscount (afterwards 3rd Earl of Camperdown), Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1861 1 CI. 186;J Dunckley, William, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1873 Duncombe, Arthur, Univ. 4 L. & H. 1862 Augustus G. Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 1872 76 alphabeticXl register of honours. Duncorabp, Charles, Ch. Ch. :\ CI. 1817 William I). Jlrus. 2 CI. Mod. 18.03 3 CI. Iiiii5 •Dundas, Charles L. ISras. 1 CI. M(k1. 18G8 1 Thool. 1X70 D^yer and Johnson Scliolar 1871 Senior tlk. Test. I'rize 1873 Fellow of i7ei8«« David, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 187G George, Exeter 2 CI. 1824 George S. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 18G2 4 CI. 1864 Robert J. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1854 4 CI. 1856 Robert N. New 2 Jur. 1889 Dunham, Harrison, Queen^s 3 Jur. 1879 Dunkin, Henry, New 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 *Dunlap, Arthur P. S. John's 3 CI. 1831 Dunlop, Charles, Pembroke 4 CI. 1835 Charles J. T. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 John, Wadham 3 L. & H. 18.55 Lewis G. BalHol 3 CI. Mod. 1875 Dunn, Egbert H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Henry A. C New 2 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 James C. New 1 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Jonathan, Exeter 3 Jur. 1877 John M. Exeter 4 Math. 1&37 Major W. M. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1880 Oliver J. Edm. H. 2 L. & H. 1870 Stephen T. Merton 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1880 Thomas M. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1881 Dunnage, James A. Brasenose 3 CI. 1829 Dunne, Charles W. Coj-pus 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1886 Sir Daniel Princl. New Inn Hall 1580 Burgess 1604, 14 Dunn-Gardner, Arthur A. C. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1874 2 Jur. 1874 Dunning, Leonard, Exeter 3 Jur. 1881 Dunsany, 15th Lord: see Plunkett, Hon. Eandal E. Dunstan, Malcolm J. R. Merton 2 Nat. Sc. 1885 Dunster, John, Magdalen Proctor 1611 Thomas, Wadhnm Proctor 1688 Warden of Wudham 1689 Dunston, Fred. W. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1873 3 CI. 1875 Thomas W. Exeter 4 CI. 18:^6 Dunwell, Francis, Queen's 4 CI. 1843 Du Pontet, Ren6 L. A. Trinity Hertford Scholar 1888 1 CI. MckI. 1889 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1889 Taylorian Scholar 188'.t Latin Verse 1890 Craven Scholar 1890 2 CI. 1891 Latin Essay 1892 Derby Scholar 1892 Du Port, Arthur D. Jlertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Duppa, Baldwin F. Brasenose 3 CI. 1824 Brian, All Souls Proctor 1619 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1629 Vice-chancellor 1632 Du Pre, Caledon G. S. Mary Hall 2 CI. 1825 Du Pre, James, Corpus 4 L. ■. John's 4 CI. 1840 William A. Mnffdalen 4 Theol. l'<85 Garratt, Charles F. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. ia>3 :i CI. IS.'iS .lohn, Ch.Ch. 2 CI. 18:3.3 Garrett, Abraham, Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Alfred W. BalHol 3 CI. Mod. 18G5 3 CI. 18G7 Garrick, George, rniversity 4 CI. 1832 (iarrod, Archibald E. Ch. Ch. Johnson Prize 1879 1 Nat. Sc. 1880 Herbert B. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1870 English Verse 1869 2 CI. 1872 Garry, Francis X. A. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1883 Thomas N. Queen's 3 CI. 1852 (xarside, Charles B. Brasenose 3 CI. 1841 Garstang, Thomas W. H. BaUiol 1 Math. Mod. 1871 3 Math. 1872 •Walter, Jesus 2 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1888 Fellow of Lincoln Garrie, Alfred E. Non-C. 1 Theol. 1892 Garwood, Redmond, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1894 William W. Queen's 4 CI. 1883 Gascoigne, Thos. Oriel Comm. 14:34, 5, 9 Thomas Chancellor 1442 — 5 Gaselee, Binsteed, Ball. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1833 Stephen, Balliol 2 CI. 1828 Oaskell, George E. P. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Walter H. Trinity Coll., Camb. Nat. Sc. Exam. 1887, 8 Gassiot, J. P. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Gate, Anthony Master of Univ. 1584 Gater, William H. New 4 Hist. 1876 Gates, Arthur C. Corj). 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Jut. 1893 Roger, Merton Proctor 1408 Gathorne-Hardy, Hon. Alf. E. : see Hardy, A. E. Hon. G. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1893 •Hon. Harold : see Hardy, Harold Gattie, Walt. M. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. ]Mod. 1876 2 Math. 1878 (ratty, George, Tri}dtv 2 L. & H. 1854 Robert H. Trinity 4 Math. 1840 Gaul, Frederick L. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 Hist. 1883 I (Jaunt, Charles, Brt Godden, John K. W. Kehle :i Hist. 1875 Wilfred. TrinUil 2 Jur. 1881 Godding, Jumes W. S. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 188C 2 CI. 1888 Godfray, Humphrey M. Ereter 2 Jur. 1887 Godfree, w Godestrey, H. de Proctor 1267 Godfrey, Charles, Worcester 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 18G0 2 CI., 3 Math. 1802 Daniel Race, Queen's 3 CI. 1810 ♦Daniel Race, Queen's 1 CI. 1834 Ernest W. Magdalen 2 Jur. 1878 Frederick, Lincoln 3 CI. IMod. IS.'in 4 L. & H. 1801 Georpfe, Queen's 4 Hist. 1887 Godfi'ey-Faussett, Edward P. G. ;S'. John's 4 Jur. 1S89 •Godley, Alfred D. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1875 Latin Verse 1877 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1878 2 CI. 1878 Latin Essay 1879 Craven Scholar 1880 Fellow of Magdalen CI. Moderator 1887, 8 James, Exeter 2 CI. 1844 John, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1835 •John A. Balliol Latin Verse 18G7 1 CI. Mod. 18G8 Hertford Scholar 1868 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1869 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1870 Ireland Scholar 1870 Eldon Scholar 1874 Fellow of Hertford John C. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1884 Godmond. Isaac S. Queen's 3 CI. 1830 Godson, AujTustus F. Queen's 4 CI. 1857 Edward A. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1893 Godwin, George H. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Richard B. Brasenose 4 CI. 1849 Godwjm, Thomas Dean of Ch. Ch. 1505 Goe, Field F. Magdalen Hall 3 CI. 1857 Goetz, Charles E. Balliol 3 Hist. 1894 Goff, Park, Trinity 4 Jur. 1892 Richard, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1814 Goldberg, Edward C. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 William F. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 •Goldesbrough, John, Magd. Proctor 1808 Select Preacher 1809 Goldesburgh, Anthony Proctor 1327 Goldie» Bruce M. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Golding-Bird, Golding, Herl. 3 Theol. 1891 Goldner, Alfred L. Balliol 2 Jur. 1892 Golduey, Charles, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 L. A H. 1867 Samuel, Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 185C Goldschmidt, Charles A. Ball. 2 Jur. 1894 Walter O. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1873 3 Jur. 1876 Goldsmid, Nathaniel, Exeter 2 CI. 1827 ♦Goldsmith, Edmund H. Cor2ms 3 CI. 1851 Frederick, S. John's 3 Hist. 1876 Goldstein, Isidor, Non-C, afterwards of Exeter Pusey and EUerton Schol. 188.5 Golightly, Charles P. Oriel 3 CI. 1828 Golland, Charles E. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1880 3 Hist. 1881 Gomersall, William J. Edmund Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1877 Gompertz, Henry H. J. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Gondal, The Thakore of Hon. D.C.L. 1892 Gonner, Edward C. Lincoln 1 Hist. 1884 Gooch, Charles E. Balliol 2 CI. 1892 Good, Edward H. Brasenose 3 Theol. 1885 John, Ne20 Proctor 1636 Nicholas, Magdalen Proctor 1471 Thomas Master of B(dliol 1672 Goodchild, William, New 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1875 Goode, Alexander, Pembroke 3 CI. 1823 Charles W. Brasenose 4 Math. 1846 •Goodenough, Edm. Ch. Ch. Class List 1804 Examiner 1811, 2, 3 Proctor 1816 Select Preacher 1817 Leonard, W. V. Neio 4 Hist. 1888 •Robert, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1830 Robert P. Ch. Ch. Engl. Essay 1797 Examiner 1802, 3, 7, 8, 9 Goodier, Joseph H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 Goodison, Benj. C. Wore. 2 Math. 1820 Goodlake, Thos. S. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1870 ♦Thomas W. Pembroke 3 CI. 1834 Goodman, Christopher, Ch. Ch. INIarg. Prof. Divinity 1548? Goodrich. Bartlett, University 3 CI. 1812 William J. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 •Goodrick, Alfred T. S. 3Iagd. 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 ei. 1879 Fellow of S. John's Ellerton Prize 1880 Classical Moderator 1889, 90 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTEK OF HONOURS. 101 Goodson, Eicharcl, Cli. Ch. Prof. Music 1718 Kichard, Neio Prof. Music 1682 Goodwin, Albert, Jesus 4 Theol. 1878 ♦Alfred, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 18G9 Hertford Scholar 18G9 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1868 Ireland Scholar 1872 1 CI. 1872 Craven Scholar 1873 Derby Scholar 1873 CI. Moderator 1881, 2 Alfred, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1879 Arthur C. KebU 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Arthur W. Kelle 4 Hist. 1893 Harry S. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Hist. 1893 Harvey, Caius Coll. Camb. Select Preacher 1873, 84 Hon. D.C.L. 1885 Henry, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1842 John H. T. New 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Thos. A, Balliol 2 Math. Mod. 1871 2 Jur. 1873 WiUiam W. Hon. D.C.L. 1890 Goodwyn, Fred. W. Bras. 3 L. & H. 1872 Thomas Pres. of Magdalen 1650 William Dean of Ch. Ch. 1611 Vice-chancellor 1614, 17 Goodyear, Charles M. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Math. 1889 Goolde, John, Magdalen Proctor 1505 Goolden, \y alter T. 3Iagd. 1 Nat. Sc. 1871 Gordon, Adam S Onel 2 CI. Mod. 1852 4 CI. 1853 Alexander, Trinity 4 Hist. 1876 Hon. Sir Arthur H. (afterwards 1st Lord Stanmore) Hon. D.C.L. 1879 Charles J. M. Ball. 2 CI. jMod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Edward, Oriel 3 CI. 1835 George, Neio 3 Jur. 1885 Gerald C.-E. P. Balliol 4 Hist. 1882 Henry, Exeter 3 CI. 1819 ♦Henry D. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 Hugh, New 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 James, New 2 Nat. Sc. 1884 John, Brasenose 1 Math. 1839 Math. Scholar 1840 John H. Magd. 3 Math. Mod. 1886 4 Math. 1887 John N. Magd. 3 Math. Mod. 1871 Gordon, John S. M. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 Ellerton Prize 1873 Denyer & Johnson Schol. 1875 Mervyn H. Eeble 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 •Osborne, Ch. Ch. Ireland Schol. 18.35 1 CI., 1 Math. 18.36 Proctor 1846 CI. Exam. 1848, 9, 50 Select Preacher 1849, 62 CI. Moderator 1852, 60, 1 Eichard G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 18C4 3 CI. 1866 *Eobert, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1807 Eobert W. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Walter, Non-C. 2 CI. 1871 "William, University 4 Theol. 1890 William A. Trinity 4 Hist. 1891 William E. Brasenose 4 Jur. 1874 William P. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1883 Gordon-Eoss, Alexander, Ball. 3 Hist. 1887 •Gore, Charles, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1872 1 CI. 1875 Eellow of Trinity Select Preacher 1883, 94 Bampton Lecturer 1891 Henry J. 3Ierton 4 CI. 1837 Gore-Brown, Frank, New 2 Hist. 1881 Gorges, Eobert, S. John's Proctor 1653 Goring, George, Brasenose 3 CI. 1812 John, Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1845 Gorsuch, John, Lincoln Commissary 1437, 8, 9 ; 40, 1, 2 Gorsych, John Princl. Hert Hall 1425 Gorton, Arthur H. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Charles V. Hertf. 2 Math. Mod. 1877 2 Hist. 1879 William E. New 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1878 Gosbourne, Eobert, Merton Proctor 1479 Princl. Alban Hall 14^ Gfischen, George J. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1852 1 CI. 185:3 Hon. D.C.L. 1881 Gosling, Bennett, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1818 Edward, Magd. H. 4 Math. 1831 Frederick P. S. John's 3 Hist. 187G George B. Trinity 3 Hist. 1891 Henry, Merton 4 Hist. 1883 John F. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI. 18.55 Goss, John, S. Mary Hall 4 Math. 1848 Thomas, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1855 William N. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1804 102 AITIIABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Gossage, Alfred M. M. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Thomas S. Merton 3 Hist. 1893 *Goudy, Henry, All Smiln Rog. Prof. Civil Law 1893 Oough, Alfred B. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Alfred W. 8. John's 2 Hist. 1885 Archibald E. Lincoln Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 18G3 Boden Scholar 1864 Kennicott Scholar 1806 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1867 Arthur Y. Br asenose 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Erancis J. Non-C. 3 Hist. 1886 Frederick H. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 •Henry, Queen's 3 CI., 1 Math. 1834 WiUi'am C. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 188.5 "William H. Wadham 3 Jnr. 1890 •Goulburn, Edward M. Ball 1 CI. 1839 Fellow of Merton Select Preacher 1845, 56, 64, 71 Barapton Lecturer 1850 ♦Frederick A. Merton 2 CI. 1842 Fellow of All Sotils Gould, Alex. P. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 Hist. 1879 Charles H. New 3 Hist. 1887 Edward F. E. Exeter 2 CI. 1875 George, University 3 CI. 1821 Joseph, Balliol 2 CI. 1818 Lewis E. Merton 3 Hist. 1875 Marius H. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1872 1 CI. 1874 Theodore W. Exeter 2 CI. INIod. 1879 1 CI. 1881 William, Balliol 3 CI. 1829 Gouldsmith, Herbert, Exeter 3 Theol. 1886 Govett, Francis A. Vniversity 3 Jur. 1879 Frederick L. New 3 Hist. 1877 Henry, Worcester 3 CI. 1841 Lionel A. Neio 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 •Govett, Bobert, Worcester 2 CI. 18.34 Gower, Abel, Oriel Proctor 1.5;h5 Lord Francis L. (afterwards Ist Earl of Ellesmere), Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1820 George G. L. Balliol 2 CL Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1880 Henry Chancellor 1322, 3 Fellow of Merton John A. Magdalen 2 CI. 1826 William Provost of Tl'orc. 1736 Gowlland, Peter J. Bras. 3 Jur. 1885 Gowring, George J. Magd. Hall 2 CI., 4 Math. 1850 Grace, Granville M. Jesus 2 Nat. Sc. (Physics) 1892 Grseme, Robert S. Trinity 4 CI. 1872 Graham, Allen D. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1859 Arthur E. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1856 Edward, University 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1882 Francis E. M. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 Taylorian Scholar 1869 George, E.reter 3 CI. Mod. 1858 Harry E. Exeter Taylorian Exhibitioner 1870 3 CI. 1872 Henry J. Queen's 4 Math. 1862 2 L. & H. 1863 Henry J. L. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 John, Corpi(s 3 L. & H. 1872 John, Wadham English Verse 1833 Malcolm, Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1873 4 Theol. 1875 Eutherford J. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1819 William B. Magd. Hall 2 CI. 1839 William P. Queen's 3 CI. 1839 William W. Neic 2 Math. Mod. 1878 2 Math. 1880 3 Nat. Sc. 1881 Graham-Jones, Charles E. Queen's 3 L. & H. 1871 Grahame, Archibald J. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1881 Walter, Balliol 2 CI Mod. 1893 Grane, John W. Exeter 2 CI. 1842 Granet, William G. Balliol 2 Hist. 1889 •Grant, Alexander, Balliol 2 CI. 1848 Fellow of Oriel CI. Exam. 1857, 8 Hon. D.C.L. l&SO ^Alexander, Mert. 1 CI. j\Iod. 1885 1 CI. 1888 1 Jur. 1889 2 B.C.L. 1890 Eldon Scholar 1891 Fellow of All Souls ALPHABETICAL EEGISTEK OF HONOURS. 103 Grant, Alfred H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Arthur J. Magd. 1 Or. Stud. 1889 •Anthony, New Latin Essay 1830 Ellerton Prize 1832 Bampton Lecturer 1843 Select Preacher 1852, 61 Archibald D. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1860 Cecil, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 *Charles B. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1888 1 Hist. 1889 Cyril F. BalUol 3 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Stanhope Prize 1869 Ellerton Prize 1872 Edward, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1866 •Edward P. New 2 CI. Mod. 18.54 Sir Francis Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Sir Geo. M., Bt. Ch. Ch. 4 Nat. Sc. 1861 Hugh B. New 3 Jur. 1889 John A. Merton 3 Hist. 1892 John P. Trinity 2 Hist. 1880 Ludovic J. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Matthew G. New 2 Math. Mod. 1882 2 Math. 1884 Patrick C. M. Balliol 4 Hist. 1883 Thomas, Oriel Proctor 1430 Grant-Dalton, Colin, Trinity 2 Hist. 1880 Grant-Duff, Ainslie (afterwards A. Douglas Ainslie), Balliol Taylorian Scholar 1858 Arthur C. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1881 2 Hist. 1883 Mountstuart E. Balliol 2 CI. 18.50 Grant-Thorold, Harry C. Cor2?. 3 Hist. 1892 •Grantham, Thomas, 3Iagdalen 1 CI. 1813 Exam. 1822, 3, 4 Granville, Gray, Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 1866 Gratrex, Jonathan J. Wadham Syriac Version Prize 1878 Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1881 Grattan, John, New English Essay 1775 Grave, John de la, Merton Proctor 1313 Graves, Charles (Bishop of Limerick) Tri7i. Coll. Dublin Hon. D.C.L. 1881 Charles L. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 George C. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1877 Henry, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 2 Nat. Sc. (Geol.) 1894 John, Exeter 4 CI. 1833 John S. Brasenose 2 CI. 1817 Kobert V. 0. S.John's 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 01. 1877 Gray, Andrew E. P. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Jun. Gk. Test. Prize 1875 Arthur, University 3 CI. 1845 Arthur St. J. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 Hist. 1883 Asa Hon. D.C.L. 1887 Charles H. Univ. 3 Math. Mod. 1888 4 Math. 1890 Edward B. Exeter 4 CI. 1853 Clin. Lect. in Med. 1883 Edward F. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1892 Ernest A. S. Magd. 2 Math. Mod. ISfiO 2 Math. 1892 George B. Non-C. Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1889 Junior LXX Prize 1890 1 Or. Stud. 1891 Junior Kennicott Scholar 1891 Senior 1893 Henry J. S. Keble 3 Theol. 1881 Henry E. Wore. 3 CI., 2 Math. 1851 Herbert B. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Herbert E. Magdalen 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 Horace F. Corpus 2 CI. 1837 James, University 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 •James B. S. John's 3 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1855 4 Math. 1856 John D. Balliol 4 CI. 1843 John E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1823 Eobert, Oriel 3 CI., 1 Math. 1809 Bob. S. Mary H. Bampton Lect. 1796 Kobert, University 4 CI. 1831 Kobert D. H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 2 Theol. 1871 Senior Gk. Test. Prize 1872 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1873 •Kob. H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI., 3 Math. 18.39 Johnson Theol. Scholar 1841 William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1819 William A. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 William F. Wadham 3 CI. 1846 William E. ,S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 •Grayson, Anthony Princl. Edm. H. 1824 Greathed, Edward A. New 4 Hist. 1888 Edward W. O. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1891 Greatorex, Konald H. S. John's 2 Math. Mod. 18a3 3 Math. 1884 4 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1886 Greaves, Charles S. Queen's 3 CI. 1823 Edmund, Lincoln 2 Theol. 1889 Herbert T. Worcester 3 Hiet. 1880 104 ALrHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Greaves, James, Non-C. 3 Hist. 1887 Jolin. Mtrtoii I'rof. Astronomy 1(>4"J Johu 11. Ut r{ford 1 Jur. 18.H7 ;} B.C'.L. iHH'.t Nicholas, All Souls I'roctor KVK) Kitliard, Wa.Ih.mi :?C1.,:{ Math. 1810 Kitlianl W. Kdm. II. 4 Math. 184<) William E. Kel>le 3 CI. Motl. 1890 3 CI. 1892 William H. Edmund II. 3 Jur. 1879 Green, Alexander H. Ch. Ch. Professor of Geology 1888 Nat. So. Examiner 1883 ; 90, 3, 4 Charles, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1831 Charles, Worcester 4 L. & H. 1854 Charles A. H. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1887 Charles V. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1876 4 CI. 1878 Edmund T. 5. Jo^ii's 1 Theol. 1886 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1887 Eldred, Queen's 4 CI. 1845 Frederick T. New 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 ^George B. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 1 CI. 1887 Fereriay Fellow of S^ John's George R. Lincoln 1 Math. Mod. 1852 3 CI., 2 Math. 1854 Gilbert L. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1«70 3 CI. 1872 Herbert, Queen's 2 Nat. Sc. 1872 Herbert W. University 2 Hist. 1831 James S. Pembroie 2 Jur. 1883 3 B.C.L. 1885 James W. Balliol 2 CI- 1840 John Princl. Hert Hall 1408 John Princl. Magd. Hall 153C John H. Wadham 3 L. & H. 1802 John E. Jesus Hist. Exam. 1874, 5 John W. E. Balliol 2 CI. 1821 Joseph B. Trin. Coll. Camb. Rolleston Prize 1800 Leonard, Corpus 3 Math. Mod. 1881 3 Math. 1883 •Martin H. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1870 Hertford Scholar 1870 2 CI. 1872 Fellow of Trinity •Martin J. Lincoln 3 CI. 1&3C Proctor 1847 Beginald S. G. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 TheophiluB H. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Thomas, Brasenose 2 CI. 1840 •Green, Thomas H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1857 1 CI., 3 L. & H. 1859 English Essay 1862 CI. Exam. 1870, 1, 5, 0, 7 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1878 Thomas L. Trinity 4 Math. 1853 Thomas R. Lincoln 4 CI. 1842 Valentine, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1852 William, Worcester 4 Math. 1838 William C. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1864 3 L. & H. 1866 William E. Tl'or^. Sacred Poem 1854 William H. Queen's 4 Nat. Sc. 1877 Wm. West, Magdalen Hall Select Preacher 1804, 10 Greenall, Richard, Brasenose 3 CI. 1828 Greene, Charles H. Wadh. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 Hist. 1888 Dawson J. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1863 ♦Herbert W. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1879 Fellow of Magdalen CI. Moderator 1894 Thomas, Oriel 3 CI. 1814 Thomas W. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 L. & H. 1864 Walter L. E.reter 3 CI. Mod. 1881 2 Hist. 1883 William C. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1874 Greenfield, Thomas J. M. Magdalen 3 Math. Mod. 1884 3 Math. 1880 Greenhill, Henry J. Trinity 3 L. & H. 1861 Greenhow, Edward, Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1867 *Greenidge, Abel H. J. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 Fellow of Hertford Greenland, Hubert F. F. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Greenlaw, Ed. B. Wore. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1816 William, Wadham 3 CI. 1813 Greenly, E . H. : see Allen, E. H. Ball. Greenstreet,Clement M. Keble 3 Theol. 1881 Greentree, Richard, Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Greenway, Lionel, Trinity 3 Theol. 1891 Greenwell, Francis J. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 CI. 1876 William J. Neto 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Greenwood, Charles, Univ. Proctor 1609 Daniel Princl. of Brasenose 1648 Vice-Chancellor 1650 Edgar F. Tri7iity 3 Hist. 1882 Frederick W. T. Wadham 3 Theol. 1889 Henry, Magdalen 2 CI. 1852 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 105 Greeven, Eichard, Ch. CK 2 Jur. 1888 Greg, Favour J. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 18G8 Thomas T. OneZ 3 Jur. 1881 Gregford, William Master of Univ. 1474 Gregorie, Geo. W. Wore. 2 L. & H. 1870 Gregory, Benj. A. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 18G9 1 CI. 1872 David, Balliol Prof. Astron. 1691 David, Ch. Ch. Eeg. Prof. Modern Hist. 1724 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1756 David Wm. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1810 Francis, Exeter 3 CI. 1823 Francis A. CocpMS 2 CI. Mod. 1860 3 CI. 1871 Henry, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1721 Herbert, Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 2 Hist. 1885 John P. University 3 CI. Mod. 1859 3 L. & H. 1861 Maze W. Wadham 4 Math. 1846 Eobert, Corpus Denyer Prize 1850 Select Preacher 1867 Eobert S. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1868 4 CI. 1870 Thomas, Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1876 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 Math. 1878 2 CI. 1879 Ellerton Prize 1881 Thomas H. Bras. 2 Math. Mod. 1863 Walter G. Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1880 1 Math. 1882 Gregson, Frederick, Alban E. 3 Jur. 1877 John, Brasenose 3 CI. 1838 William, Brasenose 1 CI. 1810 Greig, Duncan McB. Queen's 2 Nat. So. 1879 Grene, Simon, or Fotherby, Lincoln Commissary 1503, 5 Greneway, Thomas Pres. of Corpus 1562 Grenfell, Algernon, Univ. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1824 Math. Exam. 1828 Algernon G. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Bernard P. Queen's 1 CI- Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 Craven Fellow 1893 Claude G. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1878 Edward F. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1860 1 CI. 1863 William H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1876 Grenley, Grenely, or Greneley, Thomas, Oriel Proctor 1424 Commissary 1436, 7 Grenside, Charles E. Wadh. 2 L. & H. 1872 Grenside, Charles K. Brasenose 4 CI. 18-37 Ealph, University 3 CI. 1827 Grensted, Fred. F. Univ. 1 Nat. Sc. 1870 Grenville, W. Wyndham, Baron, Ch. Cfi. Latin Verse 1779 Chancellor 1809 Grenville-Murray,DouglasN.W.E.C. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 Gresham, George F. S. Elm. Hall 2 Theol. 1889 Gresley, Laurence S. Exeter 3 Hist. 1878 Nigel E. University 3 Hist. 1883 Nigel W. Exeter 3 L. & H. 1872 ♦Eichard N. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 182-5 -William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1822 Select Preacher 1836 Gresson, John G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 18-52 4 CI. 1853 Gresswell, Albert, Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1879 Dan A. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1874 George, Ch. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. 1880 Greswell, Arthur E. 3Iert. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 ♦Clement, Corpus 1 CI. 1827. Fellow of Oriel ♦Edward, Coi-pus 1 CL, 1 Math. 1818 ♦Francis H. Brasenose 2 CI. 1826 ♦Eichard, Wore. 1 CL, 1 Math. 1822 Math. Exam. 1826 CI. Exam. 1839, 40 Walter, Eeble 2 Theol. 1881 ♦William, Brasenose 1 CI. 1817 Fellow of Balliol Wm. H. P. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Gretton, Thomas, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1818 (rrevill, Francis, Merton Proctor 1617 *Grey, Charles E. Onel Eng. Essay 1808 Charles E. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 Edmund, New Proctor 1516 Sir Edward, Bart., Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Jur. 1884 Edward C. W. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1868 George, Blagd. Hall 4 L. & H. 1853 George, Oriel 1 CI. 1821 Harry G. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Henry, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1857 Eoger, University Proctor 1442 William Commissary 1442 Chancellor 1440, 1, 2 William (afterwards 9th Earl of Stamford), Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1873 106 ALPHABETICAL REOLSTER OF HONOURS. Gribble, Francis H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1884 Oribbon, Walter O. S. John"* -' CI. Mod. 18(K; 2 L. & H. 1SG8 (irice, John, Qwen''fi 4 Math. 18GI (Jridley, Arthur R. Wadham 2 Math. Mod. lS7r. 3 Math. 1877 Grierson, Herbert J. C. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1801 1 CI. 189.3 Griess, Philip H. P. Neic 2 CI. Mod. 1802 2 Jut. 1804 GriflBn, Edmund F. Magd. Hall 2 01. Mod. IS.'JO 2 CI. 1861 Edward, Linmln 2 CI. 1808 Fred. C. G. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. Ur->1 1 Nat. Sc. 1860 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1863 George G. : see Tyler, G. G. Ch. Ch. (iriffinhoofe, Thos. H. Vnir. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 Griffith, Alexander, Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Arthur E. Keble 3 Jur. 1885 Augustus F. Merton 3 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1850 4 CI. 1860 1 Math. 1861 Charles, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1827 Charles, Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1853 Craven Scholar 18.54 3 CI. 1855 Charles H. Exeter 4 Hist 1882 Charles M. Wadhavi 2 CI. 1852 Clement W. H. Corp. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Francis LI. Queen^a 3 CI. Mod. 1882 George, Jesits 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 18.55 1 Nat. Sc. 1856 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1861, 2, 4, 5 George M. Neto 2 Hist. 18S8 Henry T. Pembroke 3 CI. 18.50 Henry W. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1871 3 Hist. 1873 James Master of Vniversity 1808 John, All Souls Eeg. Prof. Civil Law 1550 Princl. New Inn Hall 1561 John E. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 18(Vt 2 CI. 1867 *John AV. Queen's 3 CI. 1816 Joseph P. Wadham 2 CI. 1817 Llewelyn J. T. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Griffith, Montague C. L. Vniverritu 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Ralph T. H. Queen's 4 CI. 1846 Boden Scholar 1840 •Robert, Wadham. 1 CI. Mod. 1855 Ireland Scholar 18.56 2 CI. 1857 •Robert C. Wadham 3 CI. 1813 Thomas H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Griffith-Boscawen, Arth. S. T. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 2 Hist. 1889 Griffiths, Alban L. Jesua 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1880 Benjamin P. S. John's 3 Theol. 1880 David E. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1803 David T. Jesus 1 Math. Mod. 1800 1 Math. 1892 Edward T. Balliol Hertford Scholar 1877 Ireland Scholar 1877 1 CI. Mod. 1877 4 CI. 1879 George P. Wadham 4 Math. 1840 •John, Jestis 1 Math. Mod. 1857 Junior Math. Scholar 1858 1 Math. 1860 Senior Matli. Scholar 1862 Math. Exam. 1871, 2 ; 84, 5, 6 Math. Moderator 1876, 7 ; 80, 1, 2 John, ,S. John's 3 Theol. 1884 •John, Wadham 2 CI.. 2 Math. 1827 Select Preacher 1850 Keeper of Archives 1857 Warden of Wadham 1871 Leonard F. Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1881 3 Math. 1883 Maurice, Exeter 3 Theol. 1889 Robert G. Edm. H. 3 Theol. 1893 •Thomas, Wadham 3 CI. 1815 Thomas W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. :Mod. 1869 Walter G. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Grigg, Henry B. Queen's 4 L. & H. 1864 Grignon, Montague F. Pemh. 3 CI. 1850 Grigsby, William E. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1872 1 Jur. 1873 Vinerian Scholar 1873 Grimes, Edward, Oriel 4 Math. 1835 Grimwood, Francis St. C. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1874 3 Jur. 1875 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 107 Grindle, Edm. S. Qu's. 2 Math. Mod. 1860 4 CI. 1861 3 Math. 1862 ♦Gilbert E. A. Corxi. 1 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. isai English Essay 1802 Grindley, Eobert D. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Grindrod, George H. New 2 Hist. 1890 William H. Keble 3 Hist. 1888 Grinling, Charles H. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 Grisewood, Arthur G. Ch. Ch. 4 Theol. 1877 Gristock, Alf. G. Magd. H. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 Gritten, William G. H. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 Grocott, Wm. 0. S. John's 2 Theol. 1882 Grogan, George E. Keble 2 Theol. 1879 Gronow, William L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1844 Groom, John, Wadham 4 CI., 2 Math. 1841 *Grose, Thomas H. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1866 1 Math. Mod. 1866 1 CI., 1 Math. 1868 Fellow of Queeti's CI. Exam. 1876, 7, 8 ; 80, 1, 5, 8, 9 ; 90 Gross, Samuel David Hon. D.C.L. 1872 Grosthead, or Grossteste, Kobert Chancellor 12^ Grosvenor, Eich. C. BaJl. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 Hon. Eobert (afterwards 1st Lord Ebury), Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1821 Grotrian, Harold H. Bras. 3 Jur. 1893 Herbert B. Trinity 3 Jur. 1891 3 B.C.L. 1892 Grove, Coleridge, Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1860 2 Math. 1862 Edward Princl. Magd. Hall 1499 •Edward H. : see Cradock, E. H. William, Oriel 3 CI. 1817 Sir William E. Hon. D.C.L. 1875 Grover, Ernest S. New 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Groves, Archibald N. Alb. H. 2 Hist. 1878 2 Jur. 1879 Herbert B. New 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 1 CI. Mod. 1856 2 CI. 1858 4 Nat. Sc. 1877 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 4 Math. 1840 Growse, Fred. S. Queen's William, Pembroke Gruchy, Sorel J. Non-C. Grueber, Chas. S. 3Iagd. H. Erwin, Balliol Eeader in Eoman Law 1881 Jurisprudence Examiner 1890, 1, 2 Grundy, Frederick, Jesiis 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Grundy, George, Mert. 2 Math. Mod. 3 CI. George B. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. George D. Brasenose 3 CI. George F. Bras. 4 CI., 4 Math. Thomas E. Brasenose Taylorian Scholar ♦William, Worcester 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Grylls, Henry, Exeter 3 CI. Guerrier, William J. Wore. 2 Theol. Guest, Arthur, Worcester 3 Theol. James M. PembroJce 3 CL Mod. Samuel B. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. Guilding, Lansdowne M. Worcester Abbott Scholar 2 CI. Mod. Guilford, Fred., Earl of: see North, Frederick, Baron Guille, Hubert G. de C. Tnnitj/ 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Philip, PembroJce 3 CI. William, Oriel 1 CI. ♦Guillemard, Henry P. Trinity 2 CI. Proctor Walter G. New 3 CI. Mod. Guinness, Claude H. C. New 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Eichard N. Trin. 3 Hist. Guise, Julian, Magdalen 3 Hist. William C Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Gull, Joseph E. Alban Hall 3 Theol. William C Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1 Jur. Vinerian Scholar Gulley, Henry J. Eeble 4 Theol. Gulliver, George, Pembroke 1 Nat. Sc. Gully, James W. H. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. John, Wadham 2 Nat. Sc. Samuel T. Wadham 3 CI. Gumbleton, George, Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. Gunion, Eobert H. Lincoln 3 CI. Boden Scholar Gunner, George H. New 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Wm. Henry, Trinity 2 CI. Gunning, Spencer G. Brasenose 3 CI. Gunson, Herbert E. Edm. H. 4 Theol, Giinther, Eobert W. T. Magdalen 1 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) William J. Qtieeu's 3 L. & H. Gurney, Cyril, Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. Frederick, Balliol 3 CI. Gerald, New Inn Hall 4 HJist. Joseph J. Merton 2 L. & H. Gutch^ John, All Souls Eegiatrar 1877 1879 1890 1891 1828 1852 1860 1872 1874 1816 1884 1874 1855 1873 1878 1879 1882 1884 1827 1814 isas 1844 1868 1872 1874 1892 1877 1833 1872 1880 1882 1883 1893 1873 1888 1857 1811 1866 1873 1873 1884 1886 1834 1823 1894 1892 1862 1891 1864 1885 1870 1797 108 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Guthrie, .Tamos A. ir(j.>3 Lancelot W. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1888 Halsbury, Lord: see Giffard, Hard- inge S. Merlon Hon. D.C.L. 1891 Halse, John, Exeter Proctor 14:32 Provost of Oriel 144(3 Kichard, White Hall Proctor 1499 Halsey, Frederick, Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1801 3 Hist. 18a3 Walter J. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1889 2 Jur. 1801 Halswell, Hugh, All Souls Proctor 1627 Nicholas, All Sonls Proctor 1480 Halton. John, Queen's Proctor 1G81 Thomas, Brasenose 3 CI. 1830 Timothy Provost of Qweew's 1677 Yice-Chancellor 1679, 85 Hamann, Albert Teacher of German 1873 Hamber, Thomas, Oriel 4 CI. 1851 Hambleton, John, Edxiiind H. 2 CI. 1825 Hamdon, John, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1608 Hamer, Henry, Queen's 3 CI. 1834 Hamersley, Herbert, Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 4 Hist. 1892 Hamerton, Samuel C. TJniveraity 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 18.54 2 CI. 1855 3 Math. 1856 Hamilton, 11th Duke of: see Douglas, Marquis of. Alexander C. University 3 CI. 1870 Archibald R. New 3 Math. Mod. 1800 Arthur H. S. John's 3 CI. 1844 Charles C. University 4 Theol. 1873 Charles R. Keble 2 Hist. 1888 Charles W. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1872 Douglas J. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1878 Edward W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1867 Eugene Jacob L. Oriel Taylorian Scholar 1864 Francis R. A. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 Gavin F. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1878 1 CI. 1880 Gawayne B. Ballid 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 George, University 3 Theol. 1873 George A. THnity 3 CI. 1822 George F. C. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 01. 1893 Hamilton, Henry B. Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 18G4 Hubert, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1855 2 CI. 1857 James, S. John's 4 CI. 1836 James L. University 3 CI. Mod. 1874 2 Jur. 1876 John : see Crosse, John, Exeter •3 ohu A. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1879 1 CI. 1881 Fellow of Magdalen John L. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1810 Philip J. Merton 4 CI. 1876 •Sidney G. Balliol Hertford Scholar 1875 Latin Verse 1875 1 CI. Mod. 1875 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1877 2 CI. 1878 Fellow of Hertford Thomas, Exeter i Theol. 1889 •Walter K. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1830 Select Preacher 1857 Fellow of Merton William R. C. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1889 4 CI. 1891 William S. Balliol 1 CI. 1810 William S. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 1 Cf 1892 Hamlyn, Orlando (afterwards Ham- lyn- Williams O.), BaRiol 3 CI. 1823 Vincent W. C Balliol Stanhope Prize 1876 1 Hist. 1877 Hammans, Henry C. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Hammick, Ernest V. Exeter 3 L. & H. 1872 St. Vincent A. Balliol 2 Math. Mod. 1859 4 CI. 1860 4 Math. 1861 •St. Vine. L. Ex. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1828 Hammond, Anthony, Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1886 Charles, Kon-C. 3 Hist. 1882 •Charles E. Exeter 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1857 3 CI., 1 Math. 1858 Math. Moderator 1862, 3 Proctor 1867 •Edmund, (afterwards Lord Hammond), University 3 CI. 1823 Egbert L. L. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1804 George A. Brasenose 2 Hist. 1888 Henry, Magd. Public Orator 1G45 Henry E. D. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 John L. le B. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1893 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Ill Hammond, Sidney, University 3 CI. 1819 Wm. A. Ch. Ch. Latin Verse 1814 •Hampden, Edw. R. New Tnn H. 4 CI. 1848 John, Queen's 2 CI., 2 Math. 1808 *Eenn D. Oriel 1 CI., 1 Math. 181.3 Latin Essay 1814 CI. Exam. 1829 ; :J0, 1, 2 Bampton Lecturer 1832 Princl. S. Mary Hall 1833 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1834 Reg. Prof. Divinity 1836 Hampshire, Harry, Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Hampson, George F. Exeter 4 Hist. 1880 Henry C. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Jur. 1894 John N. Keble 4 Hist. 1890 Thos. A. C. Neto 3 Math. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 ■William, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 Hamptesford, Michael de Proctor 1343 Hamsterley, Ralph, Merton Proctor 1481 Princl. Alhan Hall 14« Master of University 1509 William Princl. Edmund Hall 1381 Hanbury, John C. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 1856, 4 L. & H. 1857 Robert W. Corpus 2 CI. 1868 Hanbury-Williams, Charles, Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1878 Hancock, Frederick, Wadham 2 L. & H. 1872 Hubert H. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 ♦William, Magdalen 3 CI. 1809 Hand, Cecil S. Qtieen's 2 CI. Mod. 1879 Herbert R. ,S'. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1865 Thomas, Trinity 3 CI. 1827 Handley, Hubert, Lincoln 2 Jur. 1875 Hands, Charles H. Non-C. 3 Nat. Sc. 1882 Thomas, Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1876 1 Math. 1878 2 Nat. Sc. 1880 Handsombody, Henry E. S. John's 1 Math. Mod. 1870 1 Math. 1872 Hankey, Arthur, New 3 CI. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 Fred. A. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1853 Norman F. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 Hist. 1888 Reginald, S. Mary H. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 4 CI. 1854 Hankin, Charles W. Oriel 2 CI. 1850 Julian de K. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1882 St. John E. C. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Hankins, Richard F. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Hist. 1889 Hanley, Roger Proctor 1477 Hanmer, John, All Souls Proctor 1605 Thomas, Brasenose 3 CI. 1834 ♦Hannah, John, Corpus 1 CI. 1840 Fellow of Lincoln Bampton Lecturer 1863 Select Preacher 1880 John J. Balliol 4 CI. 1866 Hannam, Andrew, Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1861 3 CI. 1863 Thomas, Magdalen Hall 2 CI. 1835 ♦Hannay, James, Worcester 3 CI. 1836 Proctor 1847 Robert K. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Thomas S. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Hannen, James C. Trinity 2 Hist. 1873 Sir James (Lord Hannen) Hon. D.C.L. 1888 Hanrett6, Charles J. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 Lit. Ind. 1893 Hansard, Arnold G. University 3 Math. Mod. 1886 3 Hist. 1889 Hugh H. Oriel 4 Jur. 1891 Hansen, Edw. A. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 4 CI. 1872 *Edw. H. Magd. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1835 Denyer Prize 1840 Select Preacher 1846 CI. Exam. 1842, 3; 58,9 Math. Exam. 1851, 2, 3 L. & H. Exam. 18.55, 6 CI. Moderator 1857 Grinfield Lecturer 1861 Edward W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Henry P. Magdalen 2 Hist. 1885 Percy J. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1891 3 Math. 1893 3 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1894 •Peter, University 2 CI. 1826 Hanson, Eric D. Ch. Ch. 2 Theol. 1885 John A. Brasenose 3 CI. 1823 Philip H. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1892 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1892 1 CI. 1894 Hanyngton, Edw. Princl. New L H. 1462 ♦Harbin, Charles, WadUam 3 CI. 1822 •Wadham, Wadham 3 CI. 1817 Proctor 1826 Harcla, Hercley, or Hertley, Henry de Chancellor 1313, 4, 5 112 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. •Harcoiirt, Augustus G.V. BalUol : gee also Vemon-Harcourt, A. G. 1 Nat. Sc. 1858 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. ICat. Sc. Ex. lH«il. 2, 3, 7, 8 ; 71, G ; 83, 4, 5 Henry, PemliroU 2 CI. Mod. 18W Leveson F. V. Balliol 2 Math. Mod. 18.50 1 Math. 1801 1 Nat. Sc. 18C2 Sir Robert High Steward 14(X) Hardcastle, Thos. Merion Proctor 1782 Prof. Anglo-Saxon 180() Hardeman, Joseph T. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Hardie, John, .S. Mary Hall 4 CI. 1845 Robert P. Merton 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1888 •William R. Balliol 1 CI. IMod. 1881 Hertford Scholar 1882 Ireland Scholar 1882 Gaisford Prizes (Terse & Prose) 1882 Latin Terse 1883 1 CI. 1884 Craven Scholar 1884 Derby Scholar 1885 Classical Moderator 1891, 2 Proctor 1893 Harding, Arthur R. Merton 3 Hist. 1875 David, Ereter 4 Math. 1850 Edward G. Wadhayn 1 CI. Mod. 18G0 2 CI., 4 Math. 18G2 George T. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 Jur. 1887 James J. Magd. 4 Jur. 1876 John, Balliol 3 CI. 1822 John, Brasenose 1 Math. Mod. 1862 2 Math. 1864 John, Magdalen Proctor 1589 Reg. Prof. Hebrew 1591, 1604 Pres. of Magdalen 1608 John, Worcester 3 CI. 1826 John D. Oriel 2 CI. 1830 Thos. Teip Reg. Prof. Hebrew 1546 Thomas, Worcester 2 CI. 1826 •William, Wadham 2 CI. 1821 Proctor 1834 Hardinge, 2nd Tiscount : see Hardinge, Charles S. •Arthur H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1879 Lothian Prize 1880 1 Hist. 1880 Fellow of All Souls Charles S. (afterwards 2nd Tiscount Hardinge), Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1844 John, Worcester 4 CI. 1837 Molyneux S. C. F. New 2 Hist. 1873 Hardinge, William M. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1874 English Terse 1876 Hardman, Edward T. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 4 Hist. 1883 Harold F. Merton 4 Hist. 1888 James, Oriel 4 CI. 1888 Hardwick, Francis W. New 2 Hist. 1884 John, Balliol 3 CI. 1812 Hardwicke, Edward, Queen^s 4 CI. 1831 Hardy,Alfred E. (afterwards Gathorne- Hardy, Hon. A. E.), Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1864 1 L. & H. 1867 Alfred H. Worcester 3 L. & H. 1869 Arthur O. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Charles Henry, Bras. 3 CI. 1810 Charles R. W. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1867 •Ernest G. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1872 1 CI. 1874 Fellow of Jesus Francis A. Eeble 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Gathome (afterwards Ist Tisct. Cranbrook), Oriel 2 CI. 1836 Burgess 1865 Gerald H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Jur. 1874 Harold, Keble 3 Jur. 1886 •Harold (afterwards Gathome- Hardy, Hon. H.), Univ. 1 L. & H. 1871 FeUow of All Souls Henry, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Henry E. Kehle 4 Theol. 1891 Henry J. New 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1883 John F. LI. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 John P. Wadham 3 CI. 1850 Laurence, Ch. Ch. 1 Hist. 1875 Oswald H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 Jur. 1876 Percival, Merton 3 Hist. 1882 Reginald E. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 Robert, Balliol 3 CI. 1835 Sir Thomas Duffus Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Hare, Alfred T. Wadh. 1 Math. Mod. 1875 1 Math. 1877 1 Nat. Sc. 1878 Arthur H. M. Kon-C. 4 Theol. 1882 Hugh, Hertford Abbott Scholar 1879 2 CI. Mod. 1880 John H. M. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1878 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 113 Hare, William E. K. Queen^s 3 Math. Mod. 1889 4 Math. 1890 Harenc, Charles J. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1833 Harford, Edward, Oriel 2 L. & H. 1854 William H. BalHol 3 CI. 1850 Hargreaves, John K. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1879 Hargrove, Chris. Lincoln Proctor 1554 Kector of Lincoln 1556 Harington, Arthur H. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1860 Charles S. Oriel 3 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1855 Edward, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 4 Hist. 1886 •Henry D. Exeter 3 CI., 2 Math. 1827 Herbert B. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 James D. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1857 2 Nat. Sc. 1859 Sir John E., Bt. Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1841 ♦Richard, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1821 Fellow of Brasenose Princl. of Brasenose 1842 Select Preacher 1848 ♦Eichard, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1855 2 CI. 1856 1 L. & H. 1857 Vinerian Scholar 1858 Eichard, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 Harkness, John, Cm-pus 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Harland, Cecil, S. John's 4 Jur. 1884 Edward, Wadham 4 CI. 1831 Harling, Joseph, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1819 Harmar, John, Magd. Eeg. Prof. Greek 1650 John, New Eeg. Prof. Greek 1585 Proctor 1587 Harnett, Wm. H. L. Pemb. 3 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Harper, Charles C. Kehle 3 Hist. 1889 Edmund T. H. Pembroke 3 CI. 1845 Edward J. Pembroke 4 L. & H. 1868 Frederick, Queen's 2 Theol. 1874 Henry J. C. Queen's 3 CI. 1826 Henry R. Trinity 4 Hist. 1881 Henry W. 3Ierton 2 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 1856 •Hugo D. Jesus 2 CI., 1 Math. 1844 Senior Math. Scholar 1845 Johnson's Math. Scholar 1845 Principal of Jesus 1877 Julian F. Oriel 3 Jur. 1874 Walter, Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1870 4 CI. 1872 Walter H. University 2 Theol. 188G Harpesfeild, Nicholas, New Eeg. Prof. Greek 1546 Harpur, Eliot C. New 2 CI. Mod. 1887 4 CI. 1889 Thomas, Mert. Commissary 1498 Warden of Merlon 1507 Harries, Gilbert C. F. Jesus 4 Math. 1849 Hadrian, Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 John H. A. Trinity 3 Math. 1839 Harrington, Walter, Non-C. 4 CI. 1879 Harriott, Charles W. Merton 3 Jur. 1892 William, Exeter 3 CI. 1810 Harris, 3d Lord : see Harris, Hon. G. F. Alfred H. Trinity Chinese Scholar 1892 Charles, Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1883 1 Math. 1886 Charles, Univ. 4 Nat. Sc. 1882 Charles, Wadham 1 Ci. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 •Hon. C. A. Oriel 4 CI., 2 Math. 1835 Fellow of All Souls Charles E. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Theol. 1892 Charles H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Claude S. Trinity 3 Jur. 1878 Edward, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1858 3 CI. 1860 Edward, University 3 CI. Mod. 1872 4 Hist. 1874 Frank, Queen's 2 Nat. Sc. 1878 Frederick C. Keble (afterwards Charsley's Hall) 3 Math. Mod. 1884 4 Math. 1886 George C. Exeter 3 CI. 1856 Hon. George F. (afterwards 3rd Lord Harris), Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1831 George M. New 2 Jur. 1891 George W. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 Hist. 1882 Henry, Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1893 •Henry, Magdalen 2 CI. 1841 Select Preacher 1872 Henry F. W. Merton 4 Jur. 1882 Henry P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 2 Jur. 1880 Herbert, S. John's 4 CI. 1841 •James L. Exeter 2 CI. 1815 John, Exeter Proctor 1687 John, Worcester 4 CI. 1838 Eobert President of Trinity 1648 Eobert W. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1886 Samuel C. New 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Samuel G. Exeter 4 CI. 1847 Seymour F. Wore. 2 L. & H. 1872 2 B.C.L. 1874 114 ALPHABETICAL REGISTEll OF HONOURS. •Harris, Thomas, Matfdulen 2 CI. 183.1 Proctor 1845 Thomas W. S. Jo/inV .'J Jur. 1886 Wm. A. Dalliol 2 Math. Mod. 1805 2 Math., 15 L. A H. 18G7 Win. r. Tirni>enoKe 2 CI. Mod. 1862 Harris-Uurlaiul, Juha li. Exeter English Verse 1893 Harrison, Alb. R. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Alfred H. New 2 CI. Mod. 1800 Anthony R. Queen's 4 CI. 183G Arthur L. Netc 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Arthur S. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 188 ) 2 CI. 1891 •Benj. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 2 Math. 18.30 Ellerton Prize 1831 Kennicott Scholar 1831 Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1832 English Essay 1832 Select Preacher 1835 Charles B. Neio 2 Theol. 1888 Christopher F. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 Theol. 1876 Christopher R. All Sonh 2 CI. 1841 Cuthbert W. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 David P. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Denwood, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 18G0 3 CI. 1878 Edm. G. Merton 1 Math. IMod. 1869 2 Math. 1871 Edward H. Xeio 2 CI. Mod. 1861 Francis, Queen's Proctor 17;jO ♦Francis, Queen's 3 CI., I Math. 18.j0 Senior Math. Scholar 1852 Fellow of Oriel Math. Exam. 1855 ; 67, 8 ; 74, 5, 6 Math. Mod. 1856, 7 ; 62, 3 ; 70, 8, 9 Proctor 1864 Frank, Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 1880 3 Math. 1882 Fred, Neic 1 Math. Mod. 1885 Junior Math. Scholar 1886 1 Math. 1887 1 Nat. So. (Phys.) 1889 ♦Frederic, Wadlmm 2 CI. Mod. 1852 1 CI., 4 L. & H. 1853 Jur. Exam. 1879 ; 80, 1 Frederick S. Wore. 3 Math. Mod. 1856 4 Math. 1857 George C. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1883 Gustavus W. N. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 4 Theol. 1873 Harrop W. A. Univ. 4 Jur. 1887 Harry G. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Harrinon, Ht-npage E. B. Oriel 1 Hist. 1S73 Henry, ]{hir« ;5 l. a h. I8r>2 Thomas M<-M. Neto '2 CI. ISIod. 1H84 2 CI. 1886 Hastings-Keike, W. H. Jintsenose 3 CI. Mod. 1800 Haswell, Edward W. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1801 Hatch, Edwin, rembrole 2 CI. 1857 Ellerton Prize 1858 S. Mary Hnll Bampton Lecturer IRSO Grintield Lecturer 1880, 2 Reader in Eccl. History 1884 Select Preacher 188G Theological Examiner 1887, 8, 9 •Walter M. New 2 CI. Mod. 18G4 Stanhope Prize 1865 1 CI. 1806 Wilfrid S. Trin. 3 Jur. 1887 Hathaway, Edward P. Queen's 4 CI. 1839 ♦Frederick, Worcester 2 CI. 1836 Walter L. New 3 CI. Mod. 1S85 Hatherly, Arthur W. S. John's 3 Theol. 1894 Hatsell, James, Oriel 2 CI. 1837 Hatton, Sir Christopher Chancellor 1.588 James W. Wadh. 2 Nat. Sc. 1871 John James, Edmund Hall 1 CI 1826 John L. S. Hertf. 1 Math. Mod. 1887 1 Math. 1889 2 Nat. Sc. (Physics) 1890 Haughton, John, Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1861 Havell, Herbert L. TJniv. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Havelock, Henry, Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 *Haverfield, Francis J. New 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 18&3 Conington Prize 1891 Student of Ch. Ch. Havergal, Ernest, Edm. H. 3 Theol. 1885 Eustace, Edm. H. 4 Hist. 1883 Havers, Arthur C. Trinity 2 Jur. 1893 William J. Triniti/ 2 Jur. 1892 Hawarden, Hugh, Bias. Proctor 1502 John Princl. of Bras. 1548 Hawe, Nicholas Princl. Hert HaU 1360 Hawell, John, Queen''s 3 Nat. Sc. 1878 Hawes, Edward B. Trin. 2 Hist. 1803 Fred. W. Edm. H. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 William Pres. of Trinity 1658 Hawke, HaiTy C. Wadham 4 Hist. 1887 John A. .S. John's 1 Jur. 18:)1 Hawken, Charles S. Merton 3 Hist. 1883 Hawker, Cecil M. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Theol. 1882 Hawker, Edward G. Wadh. 1 Hist. 1892 (Jeorge h. Exeter 3 Nat. Sc. 1878 Henry G. Vuii: 2 CI. Mod. 1886 John M. Biilliol 3 CI. 1842 Robert S. Matjd. H. Engl. Verse 1827 Hawkes, George J. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 18.56 1 CI., 4 Math. 1859 •Samuel J. Queen's 2 CI. Mod., 3 Math. Mod. 1856 3 CI., 4 Math. 1858 Thomas, revih. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Hawkesworth, Charles E. M. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. 1891 1 Hist. 1802 William de, Prov. of Oriel 1347 Commissary 1.348 Hawkin, Robt. C. Pemh. 2 Math. Mod. 1891 2 Math. 1893 Hawkins, Antony H. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 Charles, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1842 Charles C. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 Edgar, Mert. 4 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Edward, BaJliol 2 CI. Mod. 1&54 3 CI. 1&55 2 L. & H. 18.56 ♦Edward, PemhroU 3 CI. 1822 ♦Edw. S. John's 1 CI., 1 Math. 1811 FelloAV of Oriel Select Preacher 1820, 5, 9, 42 Provost of Oriel 1828 Bampton Lecturer 1840 Prof. Exegesis 1847 Edward C. Exeter 2 CI. 1849 Edward L. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1872 4 CI. 1875 •Edw. W. Pemh. 2 Math. Mod. 1854 3 Math. 1856 •Ernest, Balliol 2 CI. 1824 Fellow of Exeter Select Preacher 1839 •Francis, S. John's Engl. Verse 1813 2 CI., 2 Math. 1816 Francis B. Exeter 3 CI. 1818 •George, Corpus 3 CI. 1821 Henry C. New 3 Jur. 1870 Henry C. H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1821 Henry F. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1885 3 Jur. 1887 2 B.C.L. 1888 Herbert P. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1879 1 Nat. Sc. 1882 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1886 James B. H. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 1865 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 117 Hawkins, John C. Oriel Ellerton Prize 1859 William, Pemb. Prof. Poetry 1751 William, Pemb. Bampton Lect. 1787 William B. L. Exeter 3 CI. 1824 Hawksford, Cyril V. 3IerL 4 Jur. 18.t0 Hawkyns, Thomas Provost of Oriel 1476 Hawles, Charles, Magdalen Proctor 1680 Hawley, Arthur, Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 18'.)2 Henry, Onel Proctor 1661 John Princl. Gloucester Hall 1593 Haworth, Albert J. E. Wore. 4 Theol. 1888 John G-. Neio 3 Hist. 1892 John P. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 4 Theol. 1874 Hawtayne, John, Exeter 3 CI. 1811 William, 3Iaffd. Hall 4 CI. 1837 Hawthorne, Adrian Princl. Magd. H. 1558 H-awtrey, George P. Pemb. 3 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 Hawtrine, William Fellow of Neio Commissary 1438 ? Hay, Alexander T. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 2 Hist. 1880 Charles E. Merton 3 CI. 1840 Sir J. C. Dalrymple, Bart. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 John Y. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 L. & H. 1872 3 CI. Mod. 1890 4 CI. 1892 3 Theol. 1880 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1887 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Haycraft, Thomas W. S. John's 3 Hist. 1881 ♦Hayden, Charles F. Cor2ms 3 CI. 1846 Oswald E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 4 Hist. 1894 4 CI. 1851 1 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 Haydon-Cardew, John, Easier 4 Math. 1845 Hayes, Alfred, New 3 CI. 1880 Charles, 3Iagd. Hall 4 CI. 1834 Edward (afterwards De la Hey, E.) Alb. H. 3 CI. Mod. 1858 3 CI. 1860 •Edward H. Balliol Junior Mathematical Scholar 1875 1 Math. Mod. 1875 1 Math. 1877 1 Nat. Sc. 1878 Fellow of New Nat. Sc. Exam. 1883, 4, 5 Math. Moderator 1888, 9 Math. Examiner 1893, 4 Marianus, Non-C. Maynard W. Neio Eichard A. H. Wore. Walter E. Ch. Ch. Haydon, John, Trinity Walter D. Neto George G. Oriel William G. New William G. Trinity Hayton, Edward C. Magd. *Geo. Queen's Hayes, Philip, New Prof, of Music 1777 Thomas, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 18G1 William, 3Iagd. Prof, of Music 1741 William A. Worcester 4 CI. 187 I Hayes-Eobinson, Eoger, Mert. 3 Hist. 1893 Theodore, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 Haygarth, Fred. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1869 *Hayman, Henry, S. John's 2 CI., 2 Math. 1845 Westby H. P. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Hayne, Eeighton G. Queen's Coryphaeus 1863 Haynes, Charles E. Bertf. 3 Theol. 1889 Everard J. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 William Provost of Oriel 1540 Hays, David Commissary 1499 Edward E. C. Pembroke 4 CI. 1852 Hayter, Arthur D. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1855 4 CI. 1857 2 CI. 1841 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 2 CI. 1813 2 CI. Mod. 1894 1 Math. Mod. 1852 2 CI., 2 Math. 1853 Thomas, Queen's 3 CI. 1818 Hay ward, Charles J. W. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Jur. 1892 2 B.C.L. 1893 Charles S. Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1882 3 Math. 1884 Charles W. Keble 2 Jur. 1888 Charles W. A. Exeter 3 Jur. 1888 Gabriel G. W. New 3 CI. Mod. 1875 George C. Pembroke 2 CI. 1819 •Henry E. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1852 4 CI., 3 Math. 1853 James E. All Souls Proctor 1770 Joseph, Exeter 3 CI. 1830 Joseph, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1858 4 Nat. Sc. 1859 Thomas Warden of New 1764 Haywood, Jos. H. Hertf. 2 Math Mod. 1879 2 Math. 1881 Hazel, Alfred E, W. Jesus 1 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 1 Jur. 1893 2 B.C.L, 1894 Hazell, William, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1825 Hazledine, Frederick J. Queen's 4 Theol. 1893 118 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. •Hoatl, Eihmiiul W. OnV/ 1 CI. Fellow of Merton CI. Kxam. Frederick D. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. Percy R. Lincoln 2 Jur. Richard, Oriel Proctor •Headlam, Arthur C. New 2 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of >l«Sou/« Cecil, Magil. 2 CI. Mod. •Fraucis J. Unirersiti/ • 2 CI. James G. Braseiwse 3 CI. Lionel W. New 3 Math. Mod. 4 CI. Maurice F. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. Morley L. C. All Soitls 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Heal, Frank, Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Heale, Edw. M. Qneen^s Boden Schol. William H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. Healey, Edward, S. Joints 3 CI. Mod. 4 Hist. Heap, William E. Brae. Heard, Malcolm, Corpus William A. Trinity 2 Xat. Se. 3 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 2 Theol. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Proctor Heam, Frank 'B.New James, Brasenose •Thomas J. Neio Hearne, John, Exeter Heath, Christopher H. E. Pemhroke 3 CI. Mod. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Senior Math. Scholar Richard F. Hertford 3 Theol. Robert, Brasenose 1 CI. •Robert, S. John's 3 CI. William B. Wadharn 2 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 3 CI. 2 Math. Heathcote, Arthur M. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 3 L. & H. Gilbert, Neio Select Preacher Gilbert A. Hertford 3 Theol. John C. Oriel 4 Hist. Samuel S. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. Thos. G. J. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. •William (afterwards Sir Wm., Bart.), Oriel 1 CI. Fellow of All Sruls Burgess 1854, 7, 1S27 l^U 1H87 1881) 1878 1775 188:J 1885 1893 1852 i8;io 1890 18;»2 1894 1889 181)1 1867 1869 1844 1880 1880 1882 1865 1878 1880 1868 1870 1888 1894 1847 1664 1865 1865 1866 1868 1876 1810 1814 1857 1858 1859 1867 1869 1805 1879 1873 1870 1869 1871 1821 9,65 Heaton, Albert E. Kehle •Charles W. Jesus Frederick L. Jesits George, Ulagdalen Guy, Herifot-d William H. Bras. •Heathcote, William Bcadon, Neio Select Preacher 1851 Wyndham S. T> jti. 3 Theol. 1885 Heather, Henry J. S. Balliol 2 Math. Mod. 18&3 2 Math. 1886 Heatley, H. D. S. John's 3 CI., 1 Math. 1842 Henry R. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 4 Theol. WfO 4 CI. 1841 Proctor 1858 3 CI. Mod. 1857 1 Nat. Sc. 1859 1 Nat. Sc. 1883 4 Hist. 1884 1 Math. Mod.1876 1 Math. 1878 1 Nat. Sc. 1880 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1884, 5, 6 Heaven, Hudson G. Trinity 3 CI., 4 Math. ia51 Heawood, Edward, Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1815 Edward B. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. 1842 Percy J. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1881 Junior Math. Scholar 1882 1 Math. 1883, 2 CI. 1885 Sen. Math. Scholar 1886 Hebb. Harry A. Queen's 2 Hist. 1873 •Heber, Reginald, Bras. Latin Verse 1801 Fellow of All Souls English Verse 1803 English Essay 1805 Bampton Lecturer 1815 Select Preacher 1816 Richard, Brasenose Burgess 1821 •Heberden, Charles B. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1869 1 CI. 1871 Fellow of Brasenose Proctor 1881 CI. Moderator 1884, 5, 6 ; 91 Principal of Brasenose 1889 George, Oriel 3 Math. Mod. 1855 Henry B. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1860 3 L. & H. 1862 Thomas, Oriel 2 Math. 1823 •William, Oriel 3 CI. 1825 Fellow of Exeter Wm. B. Ch. Ch. 4 CI., 4 Math. 1860 Hebson, Henry, Queen's 4 CI. 1831 Robert, Queen's 4 CI. 1839 Hecksher, Edward J. New 1 Math. Mod. 1889 2 Math. 1891 Hedger, Ernest, S. John's 4 Theol. 1889 Hedges, Fentham, Exeter 2 Jur. 1875 Hedley, BasU, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1884 4 CI. 1886 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 119 Hedley, George W. Merton 3 Math. Mod. 1802 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1894 *Wm. Queen's 1 CI., 1 Math. 1841 Fellow of University Math. Exam. 1848, 9 Select Preacher 1859 CI. Exam. 1851, 2, G, 7 ; 62 Heelis, Arthur J. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 John, Queen's 4 CI. 1848 Hegan-Kennard, Auberon C. New 3 CI. Mod. 1890 4 CI. 1892 Heginbottom, George A. Penibrol-e 4 Theol. 1893 Heigham, John Commissary 1288 Heighterbury, m- Heytisbury, Wm. de Fellow of Merton Chancellor 1371 Heitland, Henry, Wadham 4 CI. 1837 Helbert, Lionel H. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1891 Hellicar, Ames, Ti-inity 2 CI. 1821 Arthur G. Wadham 3 CI. 1858 Charles J. Magdalen 1 CI. 1814 Hellins, J. All Souls 4 CI. 1851 Helm, Wm. H. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1852 2 CI. 1854 Helmore, Francis J. 0. Oriel 4 Theol. 1874 *Heming, Henry, S. John's 4 CI. 1834 Thomas J. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1826 Hemmerde, Charles L. 3Iagd. 2 Jur. 1889 Edward G. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1834 Hemsley, George H. 3Ierl. 4 Hist. 1893 WUliam J. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Hemsted, John, Magdalen Hall 4 CI. 1841 Hendeman, or Hyndman, Thomas Chancellor 1395, 6, 9 Henderson, Bernard W, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1892 1 CI. 1894 •Gilbert, Brasenose 1 CI. 1817 Henry V. New 1 L. & H. 1870 James A. Qiieen's 4 CI. 1852 John D. Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 1879 4 Hist. 1881 ♦Patrick A. (afterwards Wright- Henderson, P. A.) Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1865 Fellow of Wadham Proctor 1876 Peter, Queen's 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1892 Robert, Wadham 3 CI. 1842 Bobert A. Keble 2 Theol. 1893 Henderson, Eobert W. University 3 CI. Mod. ia55 Stanhope Prize 1856 Wilfrid, Keble 3 Theol. 1888 *Wm. Geo. Magd. Latin Verse 1839 1 CI., 2 Math. 1840 Latin Essay 1842 Ellerton Prize 1843 Proctor 1850 Hendy, Abel D. Oriel Class List 1802 English Essay 1804 Frederick J. E. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 •Heneage, Geo. H. W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1820 Henl6, Frederick T. H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Henley, Arthur K. New 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 Theol. 1886 2nd Lord : see Eden, Hon. R. H. Hon. Robert, Balliol 2 CI. 1852 Henn, Charles C. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1886 Percy U. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 *Henney, Thomas F. PembroTce 1 CI., 2 Math. 1833 CI. Exam. 1846, 7 CI. Moderator 1852 Henniker, John G. mnity 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Robert, Trinity 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1854 1 CL, 2 Nat. Sc. 1856 Johnson's Theol. Scholar 1857 Henniker-Gotley, George, Oriel 3 Theol. 1893 Henning, Edward N. Corpus 3 Jur. 1894 Henrici, Olaus Math. Exam. 1879, 80 Henriques, Heni-y S. Q. Worcester 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 1 Jur. 1890 Vinerian Scholar 1891 2 B.C.L. 1891 Quentin Q. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Henry, Douglas W. Non-C. 3 Math. Mod. 1888 John W. Pembroke 3 CI. 1823 Henshall, Samuel, Brasencse Exam. 1801 Henshaw, Henry : see Heronshaw, H. Hensley, Charles E. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1865 4 CI. 1867 Cyril W. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Egerton J. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 *Hen8on, Herbert H. Non-C. 1 Hist. 1884 FeUow of All Souls 120 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Henson. John, Wf>rretfer 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Hepburn. Arnold, BuUiol a Hist. 1891 HephfT. Cyril, Xew 3 CI. Mod. 18;»3 •Herbert, Hon. Algernon, Exeter 1 CI. 1813 Fellow of Merlon •Hon. Auberon E. W. M. i>. John's 2 CI. Mod. IST)? Dennis H. Wadham 3 Hist. 1802 Edw. H. C. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1857 Edward W. Jesxi» 3 CI. Mod. 1887 2 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Math. 1889 Henry, BalUol 4 CI. 1833 Henry B. Exeter 2 Math. Mod. lasa 3 Math. 1801 •Robt. G. W. Ball. Hertf. Schol. 1851 Ireland Scholar 18.52 1 CI. Mod. 1852 Latin Verse 1852 2 CI. 1853 Eldon Law Scholar 1854 Fellow of All Souls St. Leger A. WadJi. 1 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 Hon. Sidney (afterwards Lord Herbert of Lea), Oriel 4 CI. 1831 ^Hon. Wm. Ch. Ch. Latin Verse 1797 Fellow of Merton Herbert of Lea, Lord : *ee Herbert, Hon. Sidney Hercley : see Harcla. Here, or Hery, Ed. Princl. Bert Hall 1426 Hereford, Nicholas Chancellor 138* ? Fellow of Queen's Heretage, or Eritage, Thomas, Oriel Princl. S. Mary Hall 1506 Proctor 1509 Harford, William LI. Kehle 3 Theol. 1888 Hering, Maurice G. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 Hist. 1890 Herington, Sydney, BaUiol 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Herkomer, Hubert, AU Souls Slade Professor of Fine Art 1885 Herks, or Garbrand, Tobias Princl. Gloucester H. 1647 Hermann, Lndimar Hon. D.C.L. 1894 Hermon-Hodge, Robert T. : see Hodge, R. T. Worcester Hernaman, Arthur F. Kehle 3 Math. Mod. 1881 Heron, Francis A. New 2 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1887 Heronshaw, w Henshaw, Henry Rector of Line. 1558 Herrick, William, Vniver^ty 2 CI. 1815 Herringhara, "Wilmot P. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Herry, Nicholas Provost of Oriel 1425 Herschel, John C. W. Ch. Ch. 4 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1892 Sir William J., Bart. Non-C. 1 Theol. 1881 Herschell, 1st Lord Hon. D.C.L. 1886 Hersent, John, New Proctor 1671 Hertford, Wm. Marquis of, Mapd. Chancellor 1643, 60 Hertipoll, Hugo de Procur. of Ball. 12** Hertley: sf'e Harcla. •Hervey, Lord Francis, BaZMCl.Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1869 Fellow of Hertford ^ John J. Trinity 3 CI. ^Nlod. 1870 Hesketh. Marsh, Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1802 William, Brasenose 3 CI. 1812 Hesketh-Fleetwood, Peter L. N. Inn H. 4 Math. 1861 Heslop, Alexander, Queen's 3 CI. 1840 •George H. Queen's 1 CI. 1846 Walter, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 ♦Hessey, Francis, S. John's 2 CI. 1837 •James A. S. John's 1 CI. 1836 CI. Exam. 1842, 3, 4 Select Preacher 1849 Bampton Lecturer 1860 Grinfield Lecturer 1865, 7 •Robert F. Magd. Latin Verse 1848 1 CI. 1848 Heth, o»- Heath. Richard Proctor 1419 Hethingham : see Echingham. Hetou,Martin,C^.C*. Vice-Chancellor 1588 Hett, William, Lincoln 3 CI. 1821 Heurtley, Archibald C. 3 CI. Mod. 1892 Aeg. Theol. 1894 •Charles A. Corpus 1 Math. 1827 EUerton Prize 1828 Select Preacher 1834, 8, 51 Bampton Lecturer 1845 Marg. Prof. Divinity 1853 Charles A. Oriel 3 L. A H. 1869 Hewart, Gordon, Univ. 2 CI. INIod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Hewby, Lewis J. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Hewetson, James, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1894 John, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1872 Joseph, Worcester 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Junior Gk. Test. Prize 1882 1 Theol. 1883 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1884 William, Wore. 3 Theol. 1886 He-wett, Charles, Brasenose 3 CI. 1818 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 121 Hewett, John, University 3 CI. Mod. 1885 William A. S. Univ. i Hist. 1892 Hewins, William A. S. Pemhi-ol-e 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Math. 18S7 Hewitt, Copley D. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Edward B. S. John's 3 Theol . 1874 Edward S. Wadha7n 4 Theol. 1877 Hon. James (afterwards 4th Viscount Lifford), Ch. Cli. 4 Math. 1833 •James K. F. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 3 CI. 1858 Hon. John P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1817 Hewlett, Alfred S. Exeter 3 CI. 1852 Arnold M. Queen's 2 Theol. 1873 Charles E. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1878 G-eorge, Hertford 1 Math. Mod. 1893 Mathematical Exhibitioner 1894 Hewson, Fred. S. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Hewster, William, Magdalen Proctor 1489 Hewys, John, Merton Proctor 1510 Hext, Edward F. A. Trin. 4 Hist. 1889 ♦George, Corpus 1 CI. 1840 CI. Exam. 1852 George K. Corpus 3 Jur. 1886 Hey, William C. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Heycock, Francis W. New 3 Hist. 1890 Heyes, John F. Magdalen 1 Nat. Sc. 1881 Heygate, Ambrose, Eeble 3 Theol. 1874 Arthur C.G.S.Jo7i»j's 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 William A. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 WiUiam E. S. John's 3 CI. 1839 William U. Merton 3 CI. 1847 Heyham, Ealph de Chancellor 1240, 1 Heyth, John Princl. Hert Hall 1426 John, jun. Princl. Hert Hall 1428 Heytisbury : see Heighterbury. Heywood, Daniel F. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Kobert, Brasenose Proctor 1639 William R. Trimly 2 Jur. 1890 Hibbert, Gerald K. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 Hichens, Arthur S. Magd. 3 Hist. 1889 Fred. H. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1857 James B. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1893 James H. Queen's 2 Nat. Sc. 1882 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1885 John KL J. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1857 1 CI. 1859 John O. Trinity 4 Hist. 1892 Peverell S. Magdalen 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1802 Eichard, Exeter 3 CI., 4 Math. 1851 Hichens, Thomas S. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 18-53 3 CI. 1856 ♦William, iS. John's 1 CI. 1847 Fellow of Exeter Hickes, George, Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Thomas H. F. Pemh. 3 CI. 1867 Hickey, Godfrey M. V. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1803 Percy A. S. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1879 ♦Hickley, John G. Trinity 2 CI. ia37 Hickman, Henry R. B. Cli. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 William, Wadh. 3 L. & H. ia57 Hickox, Sidney E. Eehle 2 Theol. 1800 ♦Hicks, Edward L. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1866 Fellow of Corpus Craven Scholar 1867 Latin Essay 1868 CI. Moderator 1871, 2, 3 Select Preacher 1880 Theological Examiner 1888, 9 ; 90 Francis B. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Frederick C. N. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Frederick J. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 George A. Eehle 3 CI. Mod. 1878 George G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1857 John P. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1853 3 CL, 3 Math. 1855 Hickson, Sydney J. Camh. Nat. Sc. Examiner 1891, 2 William H. Trin. 3 Theol. 1877 Higgins, Edward, Brasenose 2 CI. 1824 Francis M. Eehle 3 CI. Mod. 1875 4 Hist. 1877 Francis T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 Hist. 1887 Henry LI. Exeter 2 Math. Mod. 1883 3 Nat. Sc. 1885 Thomas, Brasenose 2 CI. 1818 Thomas L. Magdalen 4 Jur. 1877 Higgon, James, S. Mary Hcdl 3 CI. 1818 Higgs, Arthur, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1871 Griffin, Merton Proctor 1622 Richard P. S. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 ♦Ed. William, S. John's 3 CI. 18a5 * Higham, James, Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Highmore, Philip A. Queen's 4 Theol. 1877 Highton, Alfred C Queen's 4 Jur. 1875 ♦Henry, Queen's 1 CL, 2 Math. 1837 Hugh P. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc.fChem.) 1888 Hignell, Sydney R. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Hignett, Edward A. Ball. 4 Hist. 1892 George E. Bras. 4 L. & H. 1863 Harry R. Wadh. 3 Hist. 1892 122 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Ililbers, George C. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Hildeaheim, Paul, S. John's 2 Jur. :\ u.c.L. Hildesheimer, Alfred A. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. Hildyard, Charlns F. irorc. 4 CI. William, Triniti/ 2 CI. Hiley, Arnold .T. W. Exeter 3 Hist. Richard W. S. M"> 18G7 188'J 1891 1804 1849 1812 1881 1852 1854 1856 1848 1858 1885 1887 1873 1874 187G 1852 1871 1873 1890 1893 1830 56,7 1839 1853 1846 1872 1880 1881 1884 1879 1877 1887 1881 1867 1869 1835 1858 1876 1828 1889 1891 1893 1840 1869 1879 1887 1882 1421 1825 1809 1877 Hill, Melsup S. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1867 •Nicholas F. New 4 CI., 4 L. & H. 1851} •Ricliard. Balliol Richard, Braxenose Richard H. Magdalen Richard M. New Robert H. Corpus Rowland B. Non-C. Rowland T. Oriel Stephen, Queen's Thomas, New Thomas, Queen's Thomas B. Wadham Thomas B. Wadham Thomas G. Queen's Thomas S. Magd. Vernon T. Oriel Walter, Edmund H. Walter W. Oriel •William, Wadham William E. Balliol William H. Line. Hillard, Albert E. Ch. Ch 3 CI. 1838 Proctor 1624 2 CI. 1846 3 Hist. 1880 3 CI. 1876 3 Theol. 1876 4 Jur. 1888 3 Hist. 1875 Commissary 1466 1 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1871 3 CI. 1826 3 CI. 1851 3 Theol. 1881 4 Math. 1845 3 Jur. 1893 1 Nat. Sc. 1860 4 L. & H. 1871 2 CI. 1827 3 CI. Mod. 1881 1 Hist. 1883 2 CI. Mod. 1893 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 Frederick A. Merton 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1894 2 Hist. 1891 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 Theol. 1872 4 Hist. 1891 4 Jur. 1885 3 Hist. 1886 Hillingdon, 1st Lord : see Mills, Charles H. Ch. Ch. Hills, Arnold F. Univ. Hilliard, Edward, Magd. Ernest S. €h. Ch. John E. Wadham Robert 0. Balliol Hillier, Arthur C. Wore. Charles L. Trin. Eustace G. Ball. Henry G. Keble Herbert A. Balliol John W. Balliol 1894 William J. Jesus Hillyar, William J. M. Bras Hillyard, Temple, Brasenose Hilton, Henry, Worcester Walter K. Corpus Hincks, Thomas, Balliol Thomas C. Brasenose Hind, Allen B. Ch. Ch. Stanhope Essay 1892 1 Hist. 1892 Edward, Keble 3 Theol. 1893 Jesse W. Trinity 4 Jur. 1888 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 Hist. 1879 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1S94 3 Hist. 1891 3 Hist. 1888 2 CI. 1859 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 2 CI. 1852 3 CI. 1848 3 CI. 1829 4 CI. 1832 2 CI. Mod. 1867 1 CI. 1864 2 CI. 1808 ALPHABETICAL REGISTEK OF HONOURS. 123 Hind, Eichard, Ch. Ch. William, Balliol Proctor 2 CI. Mod. Latin Verse 3 CI. 3 CI., 1 Math. 3 CI. Mod. 2 CI. William, I'liiv. Hinde, Benj. Ch. Ch. Thomas, Ch. Ch. William H. F. Univ. 4 Math. Hindley, Godfrey J. D. Ch. Ch. 2 Xat. Sc. (Physiol.) Hindmarsh, Thos. C. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Hinds, Samuel, Queen's 2 CI. Latin Essay Hine-Haycock, Trevitt E. Neiv 3 Jur. Hingeston, Francis C. (afterwards Hingeston -Randolph F. C), Exeter 4 CL, 4 Math. Hingeston-Eandolph, Francis P. E. KeUe 3 CI. Mod. Hingley, Alfred E. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Hingston, James E. W. Alhan Hall 3 Hist. Hinton, Chas. H. Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. 2 Nat. Sc. Hinxman, Edward, Exeter 4 CI. Hippisley, John, Oriel 2 CI., 2 Math. Hipwood, Charles, Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1 CI. 4 Xat. Sc. 3 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. 3 CI. Mod. 4 Jur. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 3 Jur. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Hirtzel, Frederick A. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. Craven Scholar ICl. Hitchcock, Wm. M. Wadh. 4 Nat. Sc. Hitchings, Jas. Ch. Ch. 3 CL, 1 Math. Hives, Cliarles V. Corpus 3 Jur. Hoare, Arthur F. Bcdl. 2 Nat. Sc. 3 Hist. 2 CI. Mod. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 3 CI. Mod. 2 CI. James E. Worcester 4 CI. Joseph Princl. of Jesus W^ilfred E. Mert. 2 Math. Mod. Hird, James D. Non-C. Hirst, Edward T. Ball. Francis J. Ball. Francis W. Wadh. Henry E. Queen's John L. Queen's William A. Wore. Henry S. Neio Henry W. Balliol Hugh E. Balliol 1744 1873 1S74 1875 1827 185.5 1808 1847 1894 1869 1872 1815 1818 1884 18.5.5 1883 188'J 1891 1880 1873 1874 1876 1832 1825 18J0 1S'J2 1875 1878 1880 1881 1883 1894 18G9 1871 1886 1891 1833 1891 1891 1893 1857 1810 1893 1876 1878 1870 1863 1866 1873 1875 1833 1768 1884 Hobart, Vere H. Trinity 2 CI. Hohart-Hamixien, Alfred B. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 4 Hist. 4 Theol. 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 Hist. Proctor Arthur K. New Edward H. Lincoln Ernest M. Bras. Hobbs, Owen K. Exeter Hobbys, Thos. AH Souls Warden of All Souls Hobhouse, Alfred H. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Arthur (afterwards Lord Hobhouse), Balliol 1 CI. Edmund, Neio 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Henrv. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1 CI. ^Leonard T. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Merton Eeginald, Bcdl. 4 CI., 2 Math. Thomas B. Balliol 2 CI. •Walter, New 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Eertfo^-d English Essay Latin Essay CI. Moderator Student of Ch. Ch. Hobille, John, New Proctor Hoblyn, Eichard D. Balliol 2 CI. Hobson, John A. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 3 L. & H. Proctor 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Hocker, Charles, Exeter 4 CI. Hocking, Hen. H. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1 L. & H. Vinerian Scholar Hockley, Guy W. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Hockliffe, Ernest, Line. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Hockmeyer, John, Queen's 2 Hist. John P. Woi-cester Thomas, Univ. Thomas F. Ch. Ch. Thomas F. New Hodge, Chas. F. D. Ball. Edw. V. Balliol George H. Eeble Harold, Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 3 L. & H. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 1840 1881 1883 1881 1881 1883 1885 1882 1491 1494 1877 1879 1840 1880 1883 1873 1875 1884 1887 1839 1828 1881 1884 1885 1886 1894 1487 1824 1878 1880 1872 1513 1880 1882 1878 1881 1835 1862 1864 1866 1889 1891 1883 1886 1886 1860 1862 1868 1871 1881 1883 188:3 188.3 124 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HOXOURS. Hoilge, John R. Vh. Ch. 1 CI. :Mod. 1 n. 1 flist. John M. .V.( Edward J. W. Ch.Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1S89 2 CI. 1«)1 Tliomas, .S. Johns 3 Hist. ISSi House, Harry H. tV«;>H8 1 CI. Mod. 188:3 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1884 2 CI. 188G William J. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 181)1 1 CI. 1893 Household, Horace W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 Hist. 1892 Housman, Alfred E. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1879 Hoveden, Eobert Warden of All S. 1571 Vice-chancellor 1582 •How, Archibald B. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1883 Charles W. Tnn. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 2 Jur. 1880 Frederick D. Trinity 4 Jur. 1876 George A. M. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1861 John H. Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 18.t3 •Walter W. J^ew 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1884 Fellow of Merlon William M. New 2 CL Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 William W. Wadham 3 CI. 1845 Select Preacher 1868 Howard, A. W. H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1870 Edward I. Lincoln 2 CI. 1847 Frederick T. Balliol 2 Nat. Sc. (Geol.) 1890 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1890 Hon. George W. F. (afterwards 7th Earl of Carlisle), Ch. Ch. Latin Verse 1821 English Verse 1821 1 CI. 1822 Hon. Greville T. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1858, 3 L. & H. 1859 Hon. Henry E. J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1817 Henry F. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1866 Hon. Hubert G. L. Ball. 2 Hist. 1893 John. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1858 Middleton, Wadh. Engl. Verse 1768 Nathaniel A. Exeter 3 CI. 1840 •Hon. Richard E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1833 Fellow of All Souls Eobert, Triniti/ 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 Hon. Wm. Ch. Ch. 3 CL, 3 Math. 1837 Howard of Morpeth, Lord, Ball. 1 Hist. 1889 Howe, Henry A. Vnic. 4 Hist. 1885 John W. S. Keble 3 Theol. 1878 •Howell, A. P. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1855 2 CI. 1856, 4 L. & H. 1857 Bulmer, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1870 1 Jur. 1872 Conrad G. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. ia58 4 CI. 1859 David L. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1887 Edward T. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1855 2 CI. 1857 Elias P. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Theol. 1881 Francis, Exeter Proctor 1652 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1654 Princl. of Jesus 1657 Frederick B. Merlon 2 Nat. Sc. 1869 John, All Souls Proctor 1534 John A. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1875 4 Theol. 1877 •Eobert W. Jesus 2 CI. 1852 William C. Brasenose 1 Math. 1840 WilUam T. New 3 CI. Mod. 1883 3 Jur. 1885 3 B.C.L. 188C Howells, Edward, Non-C. 3 Nat. Sc. 1876 Howell, Jesus 3 Jur. 1877 Howes, George B. Nat. Sc. Examiner 1890, 1 Howley, Thomas, Balliol Teacher of Telugu 1878 Wm. Ch. Ch. Eeg. Prof. Div. 1809 Howman, George E. (afterwards Little, G. E.), Balliol 3 CI. 1818 Howse, George F. Balliol Junior Math. Scholar 1891 1 Math. Mod. 1891 1 Math. 1894 Howson, Francis, Lincoln 4 CI. 1855 George W. S. 3Ierton 1 Nat. Sc. 1883 John, Ch. Ch. Vice-Chancellor 1602 Thomas H. Non-C. 3 Hist. 1890 Hoy, Thos. ,S. Joh n's Eeg. Prof. Med. 1698 Hoyland, John, Worcester 4 L. & H. 1853 Hoyle, Alan F. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1881 Joshua Master of University 1648 Eeg. Prof. Divinity 1648 William E. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1877 Hozier, James H. C. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 John W. Balliol : see also Wallace-Hozier, John, BaU. 3 CI. Mod. 1855 Hubbard, Egerton (afterwards 2nd Lord Addington), Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1864 1 L. & H. 1865 Evelyn, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Hist. 1874 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 129 Hubbard, Henry D'A. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1882 Theodore S. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 William F. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Huckin, H. K. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1862 1 Math. Mod. 18G2 2 CI., 2 Math. 1864 Huckwell, Joseph J. Jestis 1 Math. Mod. 1880 2 Math. 1882 Huddesford, George, Trin. Proctor 1729 Keeper Ashm. Museum 1730 Pres. of Trinity 1731 Vice-Chancellor 1753 "William, Trinity Keeper of Ashm. Museum 1755 Proctor 1765 Huddleston, Thomas J. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1862 1 L. & H. 1864 Hudleston, Cuthbert, Neto 4 Hist. 1886 Hudson, Alfred E. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Arthur E. L. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 Ernest K. Hertfwd 3 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Henry A. Eehle 3 Theol. 1887 James F. Jesus 1 Math. Mod. 1893 John, TJniv. Bodley's Librarian 1701 Princl. S. Mary Hall 1712 John K. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1888 1 CI. 1890 Thomas W. Brasenose 2 Hist. 18^3 Walter, Exeter 1 Hist. 1892 3 Theol. 1894 William C. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1882 William H. Herff. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 WilUam H. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1859 Hugate, John Master of Balliol 1366 Huggins, William Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Hughan, T. Balliol 4 CI., 2 Math. 1832 Hughes, Alfred, Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1879 2 Math. 1881 1 Hist. 1883 Arthur, S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Arthur J. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Arthur McC. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1879 Arthur M. D. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Augustus, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 18G2 2 L. & H. 1864 Charles E. Keble 3 Hist. 1889 Charles E. W. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 David Principal of Jesus 1802 George B. Wore. George E. Oriel Henry, Ch. Ch. Hughes, David, Jesus Examiner 1810, 1 Edmund W. Wore. 3 CI. 1831 Geoffrey, Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1867 2 Math. 1869 2 Math. Mod. 1877 1 Math. 1878 2 CI. 1844 1 Math. Mod. 1864 Junior Math. Scholar 1864 1 Math. 1865 Henry, Trinity 2 CI. 1829 James, Jesus 3 CI. 1825 *Jame3 H. Magdalen 3 CI. 1828 * James Eoydon, New Select Preacher 1845 Jenkin, Jesus 3 CI. 1828 •John, Jesus 3 CI. 1811 John, Oriel Latin Verse 1811 2 CI. 1812 John, Oriel 4 CI. 1846 John W. Trinity 3 CI. 1817 John W. C. New Inn H. 3 CI. 1849 Joshua P. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Leonard, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1889 3 Hist. 1891 Nathaniel T.Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 18.55 2 Math. 1866 Eeginald, Jesus Eeginald, S. John's 4 Math. 18.50 3 CI. Mod. 1863 1 L. & H. 1865 Proctor 1549 Examiner 1806 Eichard, Magdalen *Eobert, Jesus Eobert E. Jesus 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1892 Eowland T. A. Eehle 3 Jur. 1885 Thomas B. New 2 CI. Mod. 1872 1 Jur. 1874 Thomas E. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 2 CI. 1816 3 CI. 1825 2 CI. 1838 1 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 Proctor 1888 Hughes-D'Aeth, N. Wadham 4 Math. 1845 Hughes-Games, Harold G. W. Worcester 2 Math. Mod. 1893 Joshua : see Jones, Joshua. Stephen H.W. TForc. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Sacred Poem Prize 18a3 Hughes-Hughes, Walter 0. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 L. & H. 1863 Thomas L. Brasenose William, Oriel William H. Ch. Ch. •William H. Jesus 130 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Uug]iling9, John P. Pemhmle ;5 (M. Mod., ;J Math. Mod. l^Tu, •Hugo, John r. Wudh. 4 CI., 1 Math. IHIKJ Math. Scliolar 1834 Fellow of Exeter Hulbert. George A. Trinity 4 ISIath. 1R48 John, Aew 3 Gl. Mod. 1887 4 Hist. 1889 Huleatt, Charles B. Mugd. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 188G Hulet, James, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1G78 Hulkes. Cecil J. G. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 188.5 Hull, Chas. W. Queen's 3 CI. IMod. 1802 2 CI. 1864 Henry M. Univ. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1850 Johnson's Math. Scholar 1851 Henry W. Oriel 3 CI. 1825 Herbert E. Bras. 2 Jlath. Mod. 1868 3 Math. 1870 John TV. Bras. 3 CI., 4 Math. 1847 Robert B. Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 18G5 Robert P. (afterwards Brown, E. P.), Brasenose 4 jMath. 1836 WilUam B. Penib. 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1867 •William W. Brasenose 1 CI. 1814 •William W. S. Mary Hall (afterwards Ch. Ch.) 2 CI., 3 Math. 1844 Hullah, Thomas, Brasenose 4 Math. 1844 Hulman : see Hulum. Hulme, Edward, Balliol Edward W. Corpus Francis. Alhan Hall Frank H. Worcester George, Balliol 2 CI George, Balliol •Samuel J. Wadham 4 CI. 1846 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1823 3 Hist. 1893 3 Math. 1809 4 CI. 1835 2 CI. 1845 CI. Moderator 1858, 9 Select Preacher 1867 Hulse, Hamilton J. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 Henry G. 3Ierfon 4 CI. 1849 Hulton, Campbell B. A. G. Bras. 2 CI. 18*5 EUerton Prize 1837 Henry E. Trinity Samuel F. New William, Balliol Hulum, Thomas, Merton Humbert, Francis A. Bras. Lewis M. 6'. John's 3 L. us 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 1880 1879 1870 1871 1875 1870 1870 1872 1872 1877 1600 1560 1561 1571 1892 1839 1891 1893 1829 1882 1884 1878 1876 1868 1871 1372 1883 1885 1876 1851 1852 1891 1893 1841 1879 1871 1878 1880 1876 1878 1846 1810 1894 1848 1870 1647 1723 1836 1886 1879 1889 1891 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 131 Hunt, Robert W. C. Merton 3 Hist. 1887 *Thomas, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1808 Thomas, Hert Hall Laudian Prof. Arabic 1738 Ld. Almr.'s Prof. Arabic 1741 Eeg. Prof. Hebrew 1747 Wilfrid M. BalUol 1 Jur. 1892 Vinerian Scholar 1893 1 B.C.L. 1813 "William, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1862 1 L. & H. 18G4 Hist. Exam. 1877, 8, 9 ; 81, 2 William, Wadham 3 CI. 1829 Wray W. M. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1873 3 Hist. 1874 Hunter, George E. Wadli. 3 CI. 1819 John M. S. S. Edm. H. 2 Hist. 1888 Matthew, Queen^s 2 Nat. Sc. 1885 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1888 Patrick F. Univ. 4 Jur. 1893 Eobert S. New 3 Jur. 1891 •William, S. John's 4 CI. 1835 William C. Ball 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Sir William W. Balliol Or. Stud. Examiner 1888, 9 ; 90 Huntingford, Edward W. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1883 2 Theol. 1884 Huntington, Henry E. Eeble Taylorian Scholar 1882 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Huntley, Osmond C. Oriel 2 CI. 1829 Richard F. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 1 CI. 18.55 •Eichard W. All Souls Proctor 1824 Huntman, John Proctor 1382 Hurbach : see Burbach, John. Hurdis, James, Magd. Prof. Poetry 1793 Hurlock, Joseph, Wadham 3 CI. 1811 Hurrell, William P. Oriel 4 Hist. 1881 Husband, David Commissary 1463 Husey, John, Magdalen Proctor 1488 Hussey, Arthur L. Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1852 Edward W. Cli. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1876 2 Math. 1878 Henry P. New 3 CI. Mod. 1885 4 CI. 1887 Henry W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1860 2 L. & H. 1861 James, New Eegistrar 1589 Princl. Magdalen Hall 1602 James, Wadham 3 Theol. 1874 John, Eeble 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Theol. 1889 •Hussey, Eobert, Ch. Ch. 1 CI., IMath. 1824 Select Preacher 18.31, 46 Proctor 1836 CI. Exam. 1838, 9 Eeg. Prof. Eccles. Hist. 1842 Thomas, Brasenose 2 Math. 1836 Victor E. G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1894 William, Balliol 1 CI. 1834 •William L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1835 Hussey-Freke, Denis J. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 188& Hutchenson, Ealph President of iS. John's 1590 Hutchings, C. E. THnity 1 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 George C. Keble 2 Hist. 1886 Eobert, Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1843 William Jos. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1811 Hutchins, Arthur G. Eeble 3 CI. Mod. 1876 4 CI. 1878 Peter B. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1864 3 L. & H. 1866 Richard, Lincoln Proctor 1732 Eector of Lincoln 1755 William H. Queen's 4 CI. 1845 William T. Worcester 1 CI. 1841 Hutchinson, Arthur, Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1892 4 Hist. 1894 Charles A. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1888 4 Theol. 1889 Charles H. Exeter 4 CI. 1845 Charles E. Brasenose 2 CI. 1849 Francis E. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Hist. 1894 Francis E. University 4 CI. 1852 Frederick W. Eeble 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Henry, University 3 CI. Mod. 1858 Henry M. University 3 CI. 1811 Horatio G. Cm-pus 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Leonard, Balliol Proctor 1514 Master of University 1518 Sanford W. New 3 Math. Mod. 1874 4 Hist. 1876 Hutchison, Ernest A. S. John's 4 Theol. 1887 Eobert, Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 18C6 3 CI. 1868 Huthwaite, Stokeham, Wadh. 3 CI. 1820 Hutton, Arthur W. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1869 1 Theol. 1871 •Charles H. Balliol 3 CI. 1815 Fellow of Magdalen Edward M. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Francis H. Wadham 3 CI. 1817 k2 132 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Hutton, Fmloriok R. C. New 3 Theol. (loorpo, Mdj/il'tleH Proctor Gerard M. Iniv. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Henry, Ball. Select Preacher Henry E. lialliol Henry L. New Henry W. Trinity •Maurice, Wore. 2 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 1 Nat. Sc. 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Merton Robert R. Trinity 3 CI. Rufus, Exeter 3 CI. Selby, Wadham 4 CI. Thomas P. Magdalen 3 CI. •William H. Magdalen Stanhope Prize 1 Hist. Fellow of 5. John'' 8 Proctor Hist. Examiner 1802, \Vm. R. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Huxley, Leonard, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Thomas, Jesus Proctor Thomas H. Hon. D.C.L. Romanes Lecturer Thomas S. Exeter 4 CI. Huyck, Robert Princl. Alban Hall Huyshe, Francis J. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. John, Brasenose 1 Math. •Hyde, Edgar, Corpus Jun. Math. Schol. 3 CI., 1 Math. Sir Edward (afterwards Earl of Clarendon), Magd. Hall Chancellor Francis, Ch. Ch. Proctor Francis A. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. James Princl. Magd. Hall Ref?. Prof. Medicine Hon. Lawrence Burgess Thomas, Queen's Bodley's Librarian Laudian Prof. Arabic Reg. Prof. Hebrew William, Balliol 2 CI. Hygden, Brian Princl. Broadgates H. John President of Magd. Dean of Ch. Ch. Hyll, Walter, New Proctor Warden of New •Hyman, Orlando H. B. Wadham Ireland Scholar ICl. 1H70 179.5 1S84 188G 18<)5 18.V2 1888 1800 18.57 1877 1879 1848 1828 1837 1827 1881 1882 1801 ,3,4 1882 1884 1881 1883 1674 1885 1803 1845 1535 1862 1864 1822 1840 1851 1660 1627 1823 1662 166.5 1661 1665 16tl 1607 1823 1.505 1516 1532 1463 1475 1834 1834 Hyndman, Frederick A. N. I. H. 4 Theol. 1873 Hyndman, oi- Hendeman, Thomas Fellow of Exeter Chancellor 1395, 6, 9 Iddesleigh, Ist Earl of: see North- cote, S. H. 2nd Earl of: see Northcote, W. S. Idle, Joseph H. Lincoln 2 Math. Mod. 1862 3 CI. 1864 •Ilbert, Courtenay P. Balliol Hertford Scholar 1861 1 CI. Mod. 1862 Ireland Scholar 1862 1 CI. 1864 Craven Scholar 1864 Eldon Law Scholar 1867 Owen, Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 •lies, John H. Lincoln 2 CI. 1849 Thomas Princl. Hert Hall 1622 IlifF, Kenneth D. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1890 lUingworth , Edw. A. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1860 George, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1797 •John R. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1869 1 CI. 1871 Fellow of Jesus Select Preacher 1882, 91 Bampton Lecturer 1894 im Thum, Colin C. Mert. 3 Hist. 1883 *Ince, William, Lincoln 1 CI. 1846 Fellow of Exeter Proctor 1856 Select Preacher 1859. 70, 6 CI. Examiner 1866, 7, 8 Reg. Prof. Divinity 1878 Incledon, Chas. P. Wore. 4 Math. 1847 Incledon-Webber, William B. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 4 Jur. 1894 Ind, Charles E. Jesus 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1890 James. Queen's 2 CI. 1825 Inderwick, Walter A. Magd. 3 Hist. 1893 Inge, Charles C. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Francis G. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1861 3 CI. 1863 •William, Worcester 1 CI. Mod. 1852 1 CI. 1853 Provost of Worcester 1881 *William R. Hertford Select Preacher 1893 Ingestre, William Proctor 1346 Ingham, George, Merton ' 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1892 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 133 *Inghain, Eobert, Ch-iel Robert W. Corpus 1 CI. 1815 1 CI. Mod. 18G7 1 CI. 1869 Ingham -Brooke, J. : see also Brooke, J. L Vniversily 2 CI. Mod. 1857 •Ingilby, Henry D. Magd. 4 Math. 1848 Ingle, Frederick A. S. John^s Pxisey & Ellerton Scholar 1893 Ingleby, Holcombe, Ccn-pus 3 Hist. 1877 Ingledew, Hugh M. Merton 4 Jur. 1887 Ingles-Chamberlayne, Walter C. Pemb. 4 Jur. 1874 Inglis, John, Balliol 3 CI. 1833 John A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 John C. Keio 2 CI. Mod. 1887 1 Hist. 1889 Sir Et. H., Bt. Ch. Ch. Burgess 1829 Eupert E. University 3 Hist. 1885 Inglysset, . . . Proctor 1485 Ingoll, Daniel, Queen's Proctor 1618 Ingram, Arthur D. Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Jur. 1892 Arthur P. W. Kebh 1 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Select Preacher 1891 Francis M. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Gerald C. W. New 1 CI. Mod. 1889 •James, Trin. Prof. Anglo-Saxon 1803 Keeper of the Archives 1815 President of Trinity 1824 James C. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1864 Joseph, All Soids Proctor 1778 Eobert de Proctor 1348, 9 Wniiam F. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. 1891 Ingrams, Wm. S. Exeter 4 Nat. Sc. 1882 Inkersley, Arthur, Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1875 3 Theol. 1877 J\mior LXX Prize 1878 3 CI. 1878 Inman, Arnold, Magdalen 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1890 Herbert F. Lincoln 3 CI. 1842 Innes, Arthur D. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1886 Cosmo X. Balliol 3 CI. 1820 George, Trinity 3 CI. 1826 Insley, Wm. P. Wadh. 3 Math. Mod. 18.59 4 CI. 1861 lonides, Constantine A. Ball. 3 Hist. 1885 Irby, George P. Merton 4 CI. 1860 Ireland, David, Magd. Proctor 1478 William E. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1892 Irish, Harold J. H. Brasenose 4 Hist. 1893 Irons, William Josiah, Queen's Bampton Lecturer 1870 Ironside, Gilbert Warden of Wadh. 1665 Vice-Chancellor 1687 Irvine, Alexander C. Exeter 2 CI. 1848 Alex. C. Q. H. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 Francis H. Neio 3 Hist. 1876 George P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1809 John, Magd. H. 4 CI. 1832 Eobert, Magd. H. 3 CI. 1823 Walter : see Douglas, W. Ch. Cli. Irving, Edward E. Hertf. 1 Math, Mod. 1894 Edward H. Non-C. 3 CI. 1879 Henry B. New 2 Hist. 1891 M. H. Ball. Jim. Math. Schol. 1850 1 CI., 2 Math. 1852 Irwin, Edmund A. Keble 3 Hist. 1891 George E. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1875 Henry C. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1868 Sydney T. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 William, Queen's 2 Math. 1823 Irysh, T. E.xeter Princl. Hert Hall 1514 Proctor 1517 Isaac, Charles P. Balliol 3 CI. 1852 Gerald M. Pembroke 2 Theol. 1873 John F. V. S. John's 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1891 *Isham, Arthur, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1831 Fellow of All Souls Edmund Warden of All Soids 1793 Vice-Chancellor 1797 Euseby Eector of Lincoln 17.31 Vice-Chancellor 1744 Ive, William, Magd. Commissary 1461, 2 Ivens, Charles LI. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1877 Ives, Cornelius, Exeter 3 CI. 1814 Ivory, Thomas, Balliol 2 CI. 1842 Iwan-Miiller, Ernest B. New 2 CI. Mod. 1874, 1 CI. 1876 Ixworth, Et. Glouc. Coll. Commissary 1465 Izard, Arthur, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1873 3 Theol. 1875 Izat, John R. S. John's 3 Theol. 1877 Izod, Lorenzo Nickson, Trinity 4 CI. 1833 Izon, Wm. Y, S, Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 4 Math. 1853 Jack, Charles (afterwards Fletcher C), Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1872 Jackman, Joseph A, Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Jackson, Abr. W. Wore. 1 Math. Mod. 1854 3 Math., 3 Nat. Sc. 18.56 Arthur C. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Arthur M. Queen's 3 Nat. Sc. 1880 134 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Jackson Arthur ^l. T. ItraxmoKe Hodeii Scholar 1888 1 Or. Stud. 1«88 Blomfield, Exeter 2 CI. :Mod. Ism 4 CI. 1802 Charles W. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 18G8 ♦Clement N. Magd. H. 2 CI. Mod. 18(JG 3 CI. 18G8 Proctor 1882 Fellow of Hertford Cyril Dean of Ch. Ch. 1783 Cyril, New 2 CI. Mod. 18^3 2 CI. 1S85 Cyril H. New 3 Jur. 1889 [Johu] Edward, Bras. 2 CI. 1827 Edward, Oriel 3 CI. 1888 Edward M. New 2 Jur. 1888 Frederick H. Balliol 2 Hist. 1887 George E, Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Harry H. Ch. Ch. 2 Theol. 1888 Henry, Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Henry M. Trinity 2 CI. 1853 Herbert, Noti-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 John, Brasenose 3 CI. 1814 John, Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 John, Pemhrole 1 CI. 1833 Ellerton Prize 1834 Select Preacher 1845, .50, 62, 6 John, Queen's English Essay 1802 John, Queen's 3 CI., 2 Math. 1821 John C. S. John's 4 CI. 1850 Joseph, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1853 3 CI. 1854 Joseph T. Trinity 3 Hist. 1882 Moses J. ,S. John's 1 Nat. Sc. 1881 Eaynsford V. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc. 1881 Robert H. Litton's Hall 3 CI. Mod., 3 Math. Mod. 1857 Eoundell P. Exeter 3 Jur. 1875 Samuel, Balliol 2 CI. 1814 Samuel, Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1881 2 Math. 1884 Thomas President of Corpus 1031 Thomas, Brasenose 4 CI. 1840 .Thomas, S. John's 3 Hist. 1876 Thomas, S. Mary Hall 3 CI. 1834 •Thomas G. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1856 3 CI. 1858 ♦Thomas W. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1860 2 CI. 1862 Fellow of Worcester CI. Moderator 1879, 80, 1, 5, 6, 7 "William, Ch. Ch. Latin Verse 1770 Eeg. Prof. Greek 1783 Jackson, William, Magdalen Hall 3 Math. Mod. 1860 3 L. & H. 1862 ♦William, Queen's 2 CI. 1811 Provost of Queen's 1862 William, Queen's 4 Math. 1841 Denyer Prize 1846, 7 William, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 Jur. 1885 3 B.C.L. 1887 ♦William, Wm-cester 4 CI. 1841 Bampton Lecturer 1875 William, Worcester 4 Theol. 1873 William A. S. Mary Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1868 William D. S. John's 3 CI. 1&39 William H. Brasenose 3 CI. 1847 William H. New 1 Nat. Sc. 1873 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1889 ; 90 ♦William W. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI. 1860 Fellow of Exeter Proctor 1872 CI. Moderator 1874, 5 Select Preacher 1880 Censor of Non-Coil. Stud. 1883 Rector of Exeter 1887 Jacob, Edgar, New 1 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1867 Edwin, Corpus 2 CI. 1814 Ernest H. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1869 1 Nat. Sc. 1871 George A. Worcester 1 CI. 1829 Select Preacher 1854 Harry, Kehle 3 Hist. 1887 John A. Kehle 4 Theol. 1888 ♦Jacobs, Henry, Queen's 1 CI. 1845 Hugh, Qi(een's 4 CI. 1849 Maurice, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Jacobson, Walter H. A. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1867 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 •William, Lincoln 2 CI. 1827 Ellerton Prize 1829 Fellow of Exeter Select Preacher 1833, 42, 69 Public Orator 1842 Reg. Prof. Divinity 1848 Theol. Examiner 1870, 1 Wm. B. R. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1861 3 CI. 1863 Jacques, William, Alhan Hall 3 CI. 1828 ♦J ago, John, Exeter 3 CI. 1810 James, Arthur O. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Benjamin, Mert 2 Math. Med. 1894 Benjamin F. Exeter 2 CI. 1846 ALPHABETICAL EEGTSTER OF HONOUES. 135 •James, Charles A. BaUiol 1 CI. Mod. 1878 Hertford Scholar 1879 Latin Verse 1879 Ireland Scholar 1881 Eldon Scholar 1881 Craven Scholar 1881 1 CI. 1881 Fellow of Hertford Derby Scholar 18a3 Charles W. Exeter 3 Hist. 1880 •Edward B. Queen's 2 CI. 1842 Proctor 1856 Francis F. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 Frank, S. John's 4 Hist. 1881 Henry D. 3Iagd. Hall 4 CI. 1844 Henry L. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 188G Henry E. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1885 ♦Herbert A. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1865 1 CI. 1867 Fellow of S. John's Select Preacher 1887 Hugh S. TrinitJj 2 Jur. 1894 James Williams, Jestis 3 CI. 1811 John, Qiieen's Latin Yerse 1782 John, Qiteen's 2 CI. 1828 John C. H. E.re(er 2 CI. Mod. 1862 John E. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1878 4 CI. 1880 John H. Exeter 4 Jur. 1881 ♦John H. University 1 CI. 1847 Fellow of Brasenose •John T. Ch. Ch. Select Preacher 1825 Joseph, New 3 Jur. 1878 Lionel, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Montague, Exeter 4 CI. 1864 Eobert Princl. S. Mary Hall 1530 .. Theodore W. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 Thomas "Warden of All Souls 1665 Thomas, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 18-32 Thomas, New Bodley's Libr. 1-598 Thomas H. Exeter 1 bl. Mod. 1857 3 CI. 1859 Sir "Walter C, Bart, (afterwards 1st Lord Northbourne), Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1836 Walter H. Balliol 4 CI. 1850 Walter H. (afterwards 2nd Lord Northbourne), Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1868 Walter J. 3I(igd. 3 Hist. 1891 William Master of Vnii-ersit)j 1572 Vice-Chancellor 1581, 90 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1584 William, Ch.Ch. Public Orator 1601 ♦WiUiam, Corpus 2 CI. 1810 Fellow of Exeter ♦James, William, Oriel 2 C1-, 2 Math. 1807 Proctor 1821 Select Preacher 1827 William, Pembroke 3 CI. 1814 William E. Corp. 3 CI. Mod. 1888 3 Jur. 1889 WiUiam E. Jesus 4 CI. 1852 William P. Oriel English Verse 18-56 2 CI. Mod. 1857, 2 CI. 1858 William P. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 Jameson, Ernest A. Exeter 3 Theol. 18.'2 Geo. M. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 Hampden G. Exeter 3 Theol. 1877 Jamieson, Eobert, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1860 Jane, Joseph, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1747 William, Ch. Ch. Eeg. Prof. Div. 1680 Jane : see Jaune. Janion, Eichard, Brasenose 3 CI. 1813 Eichard G. New 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Hist. 1874 Jannings, George E. Trin, 4 Jur. 1892 Jansen, Francis C. T. Xon-C. 3 Theol. 1888 Janson, Charles A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 L. & H. 1872 Jaques, John H. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1891 4 CI. 1893 Jardine, Hugh E. Ball. 4 Jur. 1892 Malcolm E. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Jarsey, Peter, Pembroke Proctor 1652 Jauncey, Henry J. Magd. Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Theol. 1874 Jaune, Thomas, alias Jane, Neiv Commissary 1459, 68, 9 Jay, Samuel, Oriel 3 CI. 1822 ♦Jayne, Francis J. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1865 1 CI., 1 L. & H. 1867 Senior Gk. Test. Prize 1870 Theol. Exam. 1877, 8, 9 Fellow of Jes^ls Select Preacher 1884 Jeaffreson, Chas. H. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1864 3 CI. 1866 WiUiam J. XiHCohi 2 CI. Mod. 1860 3 CI. 1862 ♦Jeans, George E. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1869 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1871 2 CI. 1871 Latin Essay 1872 Fellow of Hertford John L. Pembroke 3 CI. 1817 WiUiam, Wadham 4 CI. 1834 Jeayes, Charles L. New 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 CI. 187 130 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Jeayes, John, Ch. Ch. .Tebb, Arthur T. BaUioI 2 CI. Mod. 18.19 4 CI. 18a) 1 CI. Mod. 18«2 3 01. 18G4 Richard C. Triti. Coll. Camb. Hon. D.C.L. 1891 Jeffcock, Charles A. C. Keble 4 Jur. 1894 John T. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1855 2 CI. 1857 Jefferson, Francis R. Edm. H. 4 CI. 1861 4 Nat. Sc. 1862 JefFray, Lockhart William, Balliol 1 Math. ISM Jeffrey, Percy S. Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 188-5 Peter, Balliol 3 Hist. 1892 Robert Balliol 4 Hist. 1893 Jeffreys, Arthur F. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1868 2 Math. 1870 •Henry A. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1831 Math. Scholar 1833 Herbert C. Neic 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1893 ♦John E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1823 \Vm. H. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1878 4 Math. 1880 Jelf, Arthur R. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI., 4 Math. 1860 Charles R. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Ernest A. Neta 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 George D. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1868 •George E. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI. 1856 •Richard W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1820 Fellow of Onel CI. Exam. 1825 Bampton Lecturer 1844 •WiUiam E. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1833 CI. Exam. 1840, 1 ; 55, 6 Proctor 1843 Select Preacher 1855 Bampton Lecturer 1857 CI. Moderator 1862, 3 Jellett, John H. Trin. Coll. Dublin Hon. D.C.L. 1887 Jellicoe, Fred. G. G. New 2 CI. Mod. 1878 4 CI. 1880 Jelly, Frank E. Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1889 1 Math. 1891 3 Nat. Sc. (Phys.^ 1893 James 0. Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1876 1 Math. 1878 2 Nat. Sc. 1880 John E. Wadh. Abbott Scholar 1883 1 Math. Mod. 1884 , 2 Math. 1887 Jemmett, George E. Trinitv 4 CI. 1841 John F. Ch. Ch. 1 L. & H. 1870 Jenkins, Chas. E. C. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Charles M. Lamp. 3 Math. Mod. 1886 Edward, Jestis 2 Math. Mod. 1862 2 Math. 1864 Edward J. Trin. 3 Nat. Sc. 1878 Griffith W. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 Henry C. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 187G 2 Jur. 1878 John C. Lincoln 3 CI. 1818 •John D. Jesus 3 CI. 1850 John L. Wadham 2 Jur. 1879 Laurence H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 1 Jur. 1881 Leoline (afterwards Jenkins, Sir Leoline) Princl. of Jesus 1661 Assessor 1662 Burgess 1679, 81, 5 Richard A. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Thomas L. Hertford 4 Theol. 1885 •William J. Balliol 4 CI. 1841 William 0. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 188.5 William S. Keble 4 Theol. 1889 Jenkinson, Hen. T. J. Balliol 2 Math. 1847 John W. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Jenkyus, Henry, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1858 1 CI. 1860 •Henry, Corp. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1816 Fellow of Oriel Select Preacher 1832 John, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 •Richard, Balliol Examiner 1811, 2, 3 Master of Balliol 1819 Select Preacher 1820 Vice-chancellor 1824 Richard, Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 4 CI. 1865 Jenner, Arthur C. W. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1886 Gilbert, Non-C. (afterwards Magd.) 3 CI. Mod. 1892 3 Hist. 1894 Hugh C. R. F. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Lewis L. Trinity 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Rt. Trin. Reg. Prof. Civil Law 1754 Tliomas, Magd. Marg. Prof. Div. 1728 Pres. of Magdalen 1745 Sir William, Bt. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Jennings, James G. Lincoln 2 Hist. 1892 R. E. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1865 2 L. & H. 1867 Thos. F. Wadkam 3 CI., 2 Math. 1816 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 137 Jennison, George, BaUiol 3 Hist. 1894 Jephsou, Maynard H. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Jepson, Edgar A. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Jermyn, Edmund, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 Nat. Sc. 1868 Burdett-Coutta Scholar 1870 Jerram, Chaa. S. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1858 Jamea, Wadham 3 CI. 1826 Samuel J. Worcester 4 CI. 1837 Jerrard, Alfred W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 1 Hiat. 1873 Jervis, Arthur S. Bertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 George W. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 "William H. : see Pearaon, W. H. Ch. Ch. Jervoise, Francis J. : see Ellis, F. J. Merion Jervoise-Scott, Walt. : see also Scott, W. J. 3Ierton 1 CI. Mod. 1856 Jeaael, Albert H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Charles J. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Jur. 1882 Jessep, Joseph G. Queen's 4 Math. 1842 * Jeudwine, Geo. W. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 Fellow of Queen's *Jeuue, Francis, Pembroke 1 CI. 1827 CI. Examiner 1834 Master of Pembroke 1843 Select Preacher 1845 Vice-chancellor 1858 •Francis H. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1863 Stanhope Prize 1863 1 CI. 1865 Arnold Prize 1867 Fellow of Hertfm-d Jevons, Frank B. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1879 Henry H. Univ. 4 Theol. 1889 Jex-Blake, Arthur J. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Thomas B. Ball. Latin Verse 1891 2 CI. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 *Thos. W. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1853 1 CI. 1855 Fellow of Queen's Jeyes, Samuel H. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 * Joachim, Harold H. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1888 1 CI. 1890 Fellow of Merton Jobling, George C. Exeter 4 Hist. 1894 Jobson, William H. O. S. Worcester 2 Math. Mod. 1882 Jodrell, Neville P. Tnnity 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 Hiat. 1882 Philip N. Pembroke 3 Hist. 1885 John * * * Proctor 1392 Edw. E. S. H. Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 1892 4 Math. 1894 Johns, Edward F. Exeter Abbott Scholar 1881 2 CI. Mod. 1882 George H. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1861 William S. : see also Stabback- Johna, W. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1859 •Johnson, Arthur (afterwards Johnaon-Daniel, A.), Wadham 1 CI. 1817 CI. Examiner 1825, 7 Prof. Anglo-Saxon 1827 Arthur B. Wwcester 3 Theol. 1873 Arthur B. N. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 •Arthur H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1866 1 L. & H. 1868 Fellow of All Souls Hist. Exam. 1878, 9; 80, 8, 9; 90 Arthur K. Ch. Ch. 4 Jur. 1877 Charles, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 Charles A. Brasenose Craven Scholar 18.39 Charles H. JB?-as. Engl. Verse 1809 3 CI. 1809 Charles T. Brasenose Craven Scholar 1807 David L. Worcester 3 Jur. 1880 Edward A. G. G. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 Edward M. Oriel 3 Hist. 1886 Ernest, Brasenose 4 Jur. 1891 Erneat C. Jesus 4 Theol. 1883 Emeat W. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 Ernie S. W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1881 Francis Master of University 1655 Frederick P. Magd. 3 Nat. Sc. 1867 George, Oriel 3 CI. 1811 George D. ,S'. John's 3 CI. 18.32 •George H. S. Queen's Ireland Scholar 1827 1 CI., 1 Math. 1828 Math. Scholar 1831 Math. Exam. 18.34, 5 ; 50, 1, 2 Prof. Astronomy 1839 Prof. Moral Phil. 1842 George S. M. Keble 1 Jur. 1880 Gifford H. Merton 3 Theol. 1884 Harold W. Lincoln 3 Hist. 1886 138 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Ivor L. Mil (id. James T. S. John's John T. Magdalen Lionel P. Ntio Johnson, Harry. Qiii-cn'a 1 CI. Mod. ICl. 2 Hist. •Henry A. Ch. Ch. English Verse Henry J. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. Herbert, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. Herbert, ]yadham 1 CI. Hugh H. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 Nat. Sc. 2 CI. Mod. ICl. Manuel J. Magdalen Hall Radcliffe Observer Oswald C. New 3 Theol. •Peter, Exeter 2 CI. Philip Princl. Edm. Hall Robert, Jesiis 1 CI. Mod. 2C1. Robert H. Brasenose Craven Scholar Robert T. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Thomas, Brnaenose 3 CI. Thomas F. Uuiversify 3 Hist. Walter L. New 3 Xat. Sc. (Chem.) Wm. H. TT'orc. Craven Scholar William K. Merton 1 Hist. WiUiam P. Univ. 2 Math. Mod. 2 Theol. William W. Brasenose 1 Math. Johnson-Daniel, Arth. : see Johnson, Johnston, David, S. Mary Hall Kennicott Scholar George A. Trinity 3 Jnr. Henry G. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Henry H. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. James A. Ball. 2 CI. Mod 2 Jur. 4 Theol. 2 L. & H. 2 CI. 1 Theol. Senior Gk. Test. Prize Theol. Examiner 1890, Prideaux S. W. Corj). 3 CI. Mod. William Downes, S. John's 2 CI. Johnstone, Chas. E. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Chas. F. Ball. John G. Trinity John L. Corpus John 0. Keble Francis H. Wadh. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 L. & H. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. IRT.'i 1877 1878 180G 1871 18Gfi 1829 1878 1880 1804 1834 1885 1888 1890 ia30 1890 1810 1.572 1887 1889 1802 1886 1888 1817 1877 1804 1829 1891 1873 187G 1829 A. 1875 1892 1882 1884 1869 1887 1889 1877 1857 1878 1879 1880 1,1,2 1891 1826 1886 1888 1860 1862 1863 1887 1889 Johnstone, Frederick R. Exeter 3 CI. 18.52 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Hist. 1892 2 CI. Mod. 1859 3 L. & H. 1861 2 Hist. 1888 Henry A. Keble Heni-y B. Merton •James, S. John's Philip M. C. Kehle Pierce de L. Balliol Taylorian Scholar 2 CI. Mod. Boden Scholar Robert S. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Verney L. Merton 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Jolliff, John, Exeter Proctor *JollifFe, Arthur K Balliol Junior Mathematical Scholar 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Senior Mathematical Scholar Fellow of Corpus Hon. Hylton G. H. Oriel 2 Hist. Jolly, William A. New 1 Hist. Jollye, Henry C. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 3C1- Jones, Albert, S. John's 2 Math. Alex. F. Bras. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. 1 Nat. Sc. 1 Math Mod. 1 Math. 3 CI. Mod. 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 3 Math. Mod. 2 Math. 3 Hist. 2 Nat. Sc. 2 CI. Mod. 4 Math. Bulkeley 0. Brasenose 3 CI. Calvert Richd. Oriel 1 Math. Cecil W. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Charles G. G. Ch. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. Charles S. Magdalen 3 Hist. Daniel, Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Daniel, Jesus David, Brasenose David, Jesus Alfred C. Bras. Alfred H. Jesus Alfred V. E-reter Arthur G. Oriel Arthur M. Keble Arthur W. Queen's Basil M. Jesus David, Jesus David, Jesus David A. Coi-pus David A. Kehle David A. Merton 3 CI. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 4 Math. 3 Math. 3 Hist. 3 Theol. Aeg. Theol. 1868 1869 1869 1883 1885 1889 1891 1493 1889 1889 1891 1892 1885 1891 1863 1865 1822 1874 1875 1876 1891 1893 1879 1867 1869 1888 1890 1881 1885 1862 1863 1846 1825 1879 1881 1880 1894 1869 1871 1817 1848 1866 1868 1858 1894 1893 1890 1890 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 139 Jones, David E. Jesus David J. Jesus David M. Wore. 3 CI. Mod 1888 2 Math Mod. 1891 3 Theol. 1893 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Denton, New 3 Hist. 1881 Eden N. Exeter 4 Jur. 1881 Edgar, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Edgar M. New 2 Math. Mod. 1886 1 Math. 1889 Edmund 0. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Edward Burne, Exeter Hon. D.C.L, 1881 Edward B. H. Jems 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 Edward 0. Jestis 4 Theol. 1893 ♦Edward E. Brasenose 1 CI. 1839 Michel Fellow of Queeri's Edward E. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Edward T. D. (afterwards Foxcroft, E. T. D.), Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1857 Edward W. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CL 1889 Ellis, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1762 Ernest Y. Pemhrolce 2 Math. Mod. 1893 Evan, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1876 Evan B. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1889 4 Jur. 1890 Francis A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Hist. 1883 Francis T. Wore. 1 Jur. 1887 Frank E. T. Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Hist. 1892 Frederick W. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1892 George, Oriel 2 Theol. 1883 George F. Lincoln 4 CI. 1878 Gilbert M. New 3 Jur. 1889 Griffith, Jesus 3 Math. Mod. 1873 1 Nat. Sc. 1875 Griffith H. Jesus 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 Latin Essay 1885 Henry, Ch. Ch. 4 Nat. Sc. 1863 Henry, Exeter 3 CI. 1821 Henry, Jesus 3 CI., 1 Math. 1832 Henry Bence Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Hen. C. P. Worcester 1 Math.' Mod. 1852 Henry M. Netv 3 Hist. 1888 Henry 0. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1894 *Jones, Henry S. Balliol Hertford Scholar 1886 1 CI. Mod. 1888 Ireland Scholar 1888 Craven Scholar 1888 Gaisford prize (Prose) 1890 , 1 CI. 1890 Fellow of Trinity Craven Fellow 1890 Derby Scholar 1891 Herbert C. Ch. Ch. 3 Nat. Sc. 1879 Howel, Pemh. 4 Jur. 1885 *Hugh, Jesus 3 CI. 1836 Hugh E M. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 ♦James, Jesus 3 CI. 1831 James J. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1892 2 Math. 1894 John, Ch. Ch. ^ Proctor 1675 John, Jesus 3 CL 1812 ♦John, Jesus 3 CI. 1816 John, Jesus 3 CI. 1817 John, Jesus 2 Math. 1818 John, Jesus Bampton Lect. 1821 John, Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1863 3 CI. 1865 John, Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1864 4 CI. 1866 John, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1869 John, Lamp. 3 Math. Mod. 1889 John A. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Hist. 1889 ♦John C. Exeter Exam. 1812, 3, 4 Eector of Exeter 1819 Select Preacher 1819 Vice-chancellor 1828 John D. Merton 4 Theol. 1875 John D. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 John E. (afterwards Jones- Machen, J. E.), Jesus ^li. & H. 1854 John E. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1881 John E. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1884 John E. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1889 4 Hist. 1891 John F. Balliol 3 CI. 1813 John H. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1874 John M. Jesus 2 Math Mod. 1885 3 Math. 1887 John P. Balliol 1 Hist. 1888 John R. Trinity 4 Jur. 1894 John S. Jesus 3 CI. 1862 JohnT. iawp. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 John T. Wadham 4 CI. 1889 John V. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1877 1 Math. 1879 1 Nat. Sc. 1880 Nat. So. Exam. 1887, 8, 9 1-10 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Jones, John Wilym, Jew* 3 1j. & H. Joshua (afterwards Hughes- Games, J.), Lincoln 3 CL, 1 Math. Johnson Math. Scholar Senior Math. Scholar Lancelot J. N. Je»u» 2 CI. Mod. Leifchild S. Trin. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Llewellyn W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 4 Jur. Llewellyn "W. Merton Junior Math. Scholar 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Lloyd T. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. Maurice, Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1 Theol. Nathaniel, Non-C. 1 Theol. Oliver H. Exeter 2 L. & H. Owen, Jesus 1 Math. Mod. 3 Math. 4 Xat. Sc. 1 Math. Mod, 2 Math. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CL, 3 Math. 3 Math. Mod. 4 Math. 3 CI. 1871 Owen C. Queen''s Percy H. Ch. Ch. Rees D. Jesus Eichard, Corpus Kichard, Jesus Richard. Wore. Richard C. S. TT'orc. 3 CI. Mod. 2 Theol. Richard E. Alban Hall 4 Theol. Richard E. Jesus 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Rohert, Pembrole 3 CI. Robert A. Corpus Junior Math. Scholar 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Robert A. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Samuel F. Pembroke 4 Math. Secretan D. : see also Secretan- Jones, D. Vniversity 3 CI. Theophilus, Brasenose 4 CI. Thomas, Jesus 4 Theol. Thomas B. Jesus 3 Math. Mod. 4 Math. Thomas B. Lincoln Thomas E. Ball. Thomas T. L. TJniv. Timothy, Magd. Ball Todd T. Oriel Trevor, Oriel Walter, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. 3 CI. 3 CI. 3 CI. 2 CI. William Princl. of t/esus 1852 1853 IS-H 1891 1882 1885 1879 1881 1877 1877 1879 1877 1884 1886 1886 1868 1880 1882 1878 1886 1888 1883 1811 1875 1877 1818 1886 1888 1872 1883 1885 1829 1872 1872 1873 1891 1893 1851 1857 1845 1876 1873 1875 1892 1881 1880 1882 1841 1828 1813 1819 1720 Jones, William, Jesus 3 CI. 1809 •Wm. B. T. Trin. Ireland Schol. 1842 2 CI. 1844 Michel Fellow of Queen's Fellow of University CI. Moderator 18-56, 7, 60 Proctor 1861 Select Preacher 1860,6; 76 Theol. Examiner 1870 •William E. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 185C William H. (afterwards Rich- Jones, W. H.) Magd. Hall Boden Scholar 1838 3 CI. 1840 William H. Merton 3 Xat. Sc. 1876 William H. Queen's 4 CI. 1843 William M. Non-C. 2 Theol. 1894 William S. Lincoln 4 CI. 1884 William T. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1854 William W. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc. 1876 Eadcliffe Travelling Fellow 1880 •Wm. W. S. John's 2 CL Mod. 1858 4 CL, 4 Math. 1860 Jones-Machen, J. E. : see Jones, J. E. Jesus Jopp, Charles H. New Boden Scholar 1871 2 L. & H. 1871 Jordan, Ernest D. Wadham 3 CL Mod. 1882 Gibbes W. Magd. Henry, Keble 4 Math. 1860 2 Hist. 1890 3 B.C.L. 1892 3 Jur. 1892 3 L. (fe H. 1868 James H. Vniversity Jorie, William F. Trinity Joscelyne, Albert E. Jesus 2 CL Mod. 1886 3 CL 1888 Fred. H. Ball 3 Math. Mod. 1881 3 Hist. 1883 Jose, Stephen P. Pemb. 2 Math. Mod. 1852 3 Math. 1853 Josekyn, John, Merton Proctor 1357 Joseph, Alexander, Bras. 4 Math. 1844 •Horace W. B. Neio 1 CL Mod. 1888 Junior Greek Test. Prize 1889 1 CL 1890 Arnold Essay 1891 Hugh G. New 2 CL Mod. 1873 3 Math. Mod. 1874 Jourdain, Reginald T. KebU 3 Hist. 1891 •Jowett, Benj. Ball. Hertford Scholar 1837 1 CL 1839 Latin Essay 1841 Select Preacher 1849 CL Examiner 1849, 50, 1, 3 Reg. Prof. Greek 1855 CL Moderator 1859, 60 Master of Balliol 1870 Vice-chancellor 1882 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 141 Jowitt, John F. Exeter Joy, Edward B. Neio 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 2 CI. Mod. 1880 4 CI. 1888 Frederick W. Oriel 4 Theol. 1875 George F. Worcester 3 Jur. 1832 Henry A. K. Wore. 2 Theol. 1891 Henry H. Cli. Ch. 1 CI. 1808 Percival H. Trinity 4 Hist. 1880 Percy C. Oriel 3 Theol. 1889 Eichard E. Wmc. 4 Jur. 1889 Samuel, Wore. 4 CI., 4 Math. 18.56 Joyce, Arthur G. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1878 Charles, Exeter 3 L. & H. 1857 ♦Francis H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1851 Frederick W. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1874 George H. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 Gilbert C. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 James B. Kehle 4 Theol. 1875 James G. Magcl. Hall 2 CI. 1846 Kobert B. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 •Sydney, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 1856 Joyner, Martin, New Proctor 1458 »Joynes, Eichard, Corpus 4 Math. 1839 Jubb, Geo. Ch. Ch. Eeg. Prof. Hebr. 1780 Judson, John E. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1871 1 Math. 1873 1 Nat. Sc. 1874 Thomas H. Merton 1 Nat. Sc. 1879 Julian, James E. J. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1875 4 CI. 1877 Jung, Sir Salar Hon. D.C.L. 1876 Jupp, Edward K. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Herbert B. 3Iaad. 3 Math. Mod. 1874 2 Math. 1876 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 William T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Just, Hartmann W. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1874 Taylorian Exhibitioner 1876 2 CI. 1877 Juster, Thomas, Merton Proctor 1420 Juxon, William Pres. of S. John's 1621 Vice-Chancellor 1626 Kalisch, Alfred, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1885 Kamshale, Eich. Mert. Commissary 1325 Kane, James P. Trinity 4 CI. 1855 ♦Karslake, Edward K. Ch. Ch. Ireland Scholar 1840 1 CI. 1841 Fellow of Balliol Eldon Law Scholar 1843 John B. P. Trinity 2 Jur. 1889 Karslake, William, Oriel 3 CI., 2 Math. 182f> •William H. Balliol 1 CI. 1848 Fellow of Merton William E. Oriel 3 Hist. 1890 Karvour, Thomas, Magd. Proctor 1482 Kay, Andrew C New 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 Laurence, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 •William, Line. 1 CI., 2 Math. 1839 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1842 Select Preacher 1865 Grinfield Lecturer 1869 Theol. Exam. 1871, 2 •William, Magdalen 1 Math. 1820 Fellow of Lincoln Math. Exam. 1825, 6, 9 ; 30 William H. Wore. 3 Math. Mod. 1866 Kaye, Arthur, Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1864 2 Math. 1866 Cecil W. University 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Joseph, Merton 3 CI. 1850 Walter T. University 2 CI. 1882 William A. Magd. 4 Jur. 1894 Wm. F. J. Ball. 3 CI., 2 Math. 1844 Kayle, Henry Provost of Oriel 1420 Keable, Charles H. Wadh. 4 Theol. 1875 Kealy, Edward H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Keate, John, Balliol 4 CI. 1843 Eobert W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1836 Keates, Edmund L. New 3 Jur. 1884 Herbert A.. New 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 Hist. 1888 Keating, Fran. A. ,S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 Keatinge, Maurice W. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Keays, Edward H. Trin. 4 Jur. 1804 Kebbel, Thomas E. Lincoln 2 CI. 1849 Kebbell, Francis C. New 4 Hist. 1877 Keble, George C Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 •John, Corpus 1 CI., 1 Math. 1810 English Essay 1812 Latin Essay 1812 Fellow of Oriel Exam. 1814, 5, 6 ; 21, 2, 3 Select Preacher 1821, 8 Prof. Poetry 1831 JohnE. ^eWe 2 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 •Thomas, Corpus 2 CI., 3 Math. 1811 ♦Thomas, Magdalen 4 CI. 1846 Keddle, Samuel S. Corpus 3 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1858 1 Math. 1859 U'2 ALrilABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Keelinp, Albert S. Kehle \Vm. H. M'adham 2 Hist. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. •Keene, Chaa. E. (afterwards C. E. Euck-Keene), Ch. Ch. :i CI., .3 Math. Fellow of All Soiih Charles R. lialUol 4 CI. Rees, Jesus 2 Theol. William, lit'ofenose 3 Math. Keenlyside, Eras. H. Tnn. 3 CI. Mod. Keep, Alfred P. University 2 Hist. 2 Jur. Ernest E. Corpus 2 Hist. Keerl, Eversfield F. Corpus 3 CI. Keil, John, Bulliol Prof. Astronomy Keilor, John D. D. Bras. 3 TheoL ♦Kekewich, Arthur, Balliol ■2 ]\rath. Mod. 1 CI. 1853, 2 Math. Fellow of Exeter Arthur L. Uitiv. 3 Hist. Charles G. Neio 3 Jur. George W. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Samuel, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Kelaart. Wm. H. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. Kele, William Warden of All Sotils Kellett, Ern. E. Tl'atZ. 1 Math. Mod. 2 CI. Ellerton Essay Kelly, Alfred D. New 3 CI. Mod. Arthur, Queen's 3 CI. Charles A. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. Denys H. S. Mary Hall 3 CI. Edward E. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. Francis H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 3L.&H. Herbert H. Qtieen's 3 Math. Mod. 2 CI. Mod. 4 Hist. James D. Wadham 2 CI. Kennicott Scholar John, Ch. Ch. Reg. Prof. Med. WiUiam F. C. Keble 4 Hist. Kemble, Arthur, New 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Kemer, Gilbert : see Kymer, Gilbert Kemmis, Lewis G. N. Wadh. 3 Jur. Kemp, Charles W. M. Oriel 3 Jur. Francis D. Kehle John, Lincoln John, S. Johri's John C. Balliol Manley C. Hertford 3 CI. Mod. 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 4 CI. 4 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 1885 1K.'.'.1 18C2 1814 1847 1883 ia51 1859 1880 1881 1882 1886 1712 1890 18.52 1854 1885 1881 1861 1863 1817 1873 1445 1883 1886 1887 1893 1884 1859 1819 1866 1861 1863 1881 1882 1883 1851 1852 1759 1887 1864 1866 18S0 1878 1893 1864 1866 1849 1851 1882 1884 Kemp, William C Tl'orc. 2 Math. Mod. 1883 2 Math. 1885 Kempe, George, Exeter 3 CI., 2 Math. 1831 •John, Exeter 2 CI. 1849 Thomas Proctor 1437 Wilfred J. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1870 4 CI. 1872 Kempson, Edwin H. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1883 1 Math. 1885 Henry, Ch. Ch. Kendall, Arthur G. Mert Neville, Pembroke Percy J. Exeter 2 Ci. Mod. 1887 2 CI. Mod. 1869 4 CI. 1871 2 CI. Mod. 1891 4 Hist. 1893 2 Jur. 1890 3 B.C.L. 1892 4 Math. 1853 3 CI. 1848 3 Jur. 1883 Robert, Jesus Walter, Oriel Kendrick, Walter E. Lincoln Kennall, John, Ch. Ch. Commissary 1.564, 5, 6 Kennard, Edward H. Ball. 3 L. -l 3 CI., 3 Math. 182fi Robert F. Kadliam 4 L. & H. 18G2 Kimber, Henry D. Lincoln 3 Jur. 1884 Kimberley, 1st f^arl of: see also Wode- house, Lord, Ch. Cli. Hon. D.C.L. 1894 Kinch, Arthur E. liras. 2 L. & H. 1872 Kindersley, John M. Her(f. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Richard S. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 William L. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Kindon, Joseph, Non-C. 4 Hist. 1877 King, Armine F. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1877 4 CI. 1879 Bolton, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 Hist. 1883 •Bryan, Brasenose 3 CI. 1834 Charles, Magdalen 4 CI. 1831 Charles E. Oriel 2 Hist. 1886 Charles J. S. Hertf. 3 Math. Mod. 1881 4 Math. 1883 Charles W. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1852 2 CI. 1853 Edward, Oriel Reg. Prof. Pastoral Theol. 1873 George A. Corp. 3 Math. Mod. 1879 2 Jur. 1881 George C. Merton 3 Jur. 1890 •Henry, Wadham 2 CI. 1838 Henry B. Oinel 3 L. & H. 1867 Henry R. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Henry T. F. Brasenose 3 Jur. 1881 Horace S. F. Ti-in. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Hugh C. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1893 James E. Oriel 2 CI. 1840 . John, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1589 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1605 Vice-chancellor 1607 John, Ch. Ch. Public Orator 1621 •John E. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 CI. Moderator 1890 John M. Balliol 2 CI. 1823 •John R. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1855 1 CI. 1857 CI. Moderator 18&5, 6, 8, 9 ; 70 ; 84 Denyer Prize 18G3 Fellow of Merton Fellow of Oriel •John W. Carpus 3 CI. 1814 King, Joseph, Trinit;/ 3 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1883 Philip, Ereter Public Orator 1625 Richard H. Merton 4 CI. 1847 Robert M. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1852 2 CI. 1854 Theodore, Queen's 3 L. & H. 1870 Thomas M. Qneen's 3 CI. Mod. 1869 William Princl. S. Mary H. 1719 William, Corpus 3 CI., 1 Math. 1819 William A. Keble 3 Theol. 1887 William J. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1885 4 Jur. 1887 •William M. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1817 William R. C. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Hist. 1889 WilUam S. Vniv. 1 Math. Mod. 1875 2 Math. 1877 William W. Queen's 3 CI. 1821 WilUam Y. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Kingdon, George H. Merton 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1894 John A. Femb. 1 Math. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1882 •Paul A. Exeter 3 CI., 1 Math. 1841 Math. Scholar 1843 Reginald A. Keble 2 Theol. 1890 Thomas K. Exeter 2 CI. 1834 Kingescote, William de Chancellor 1289 Kingsborough, Viscount, Exeter 2 CI. 1818 Kingsbury, Wm. E. Trin. 4 Theol. 1888 Kingsford, Brenchley, Exeter 3 CI. 1843 Charles L. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 2 Hist. 1886 Arnold Essay 1888 Edward L. Corpxis 3 Hist. 1890 Francis, Exeter 4 Jur. 1874 Hamilton, Worcester 3 CI. 1855 Henry L. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 Walter B. Oriel 2 CI. 1864 Kingsmill, Thomas, Magdalen Public Orator 1565 Reg. Prof. Hebrew 1569 Kingston, Walter P. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1892 William de Master of Balliol 13** Kington, Thos. L. (afterwards Kington- Oliphant T. L.), Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1853, 2 L. & H. 1854 Kinloch, Alfred, S. Mary H. 4 CI. 1842 David A. University 3 Hist. 1877 Francis, New 3 Hist. 1886 •Kinsey, Wm. M. Trinity Proctor 1821 Kinsman, Frederick J. Keble 2 Theol. 1894 Kippen, William J. Trin. 3 Hist. 1887 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 145 Kirby, Edward, Chii Princl. New Inn Hall 1.506 Lade, James, VniversHi/ 1 Jur. 1892 Lafifan, Robert S. de C. Merton 1 01. Mod. 1876 1 CI. 1878 Laidlay, Andrew, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1866 Laind. Harold G. Jestis 3 CI. Mod. 1893 James M. Exeter 2 01. Mod. 1878 2 01. 1880 Laing, Charles M. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1885 2 Jur. 1886 2 B.C.L. 1887 •Robert (afterwards Shields, Outhbert), Wadham 3 01. Mod. 1861 1 L. & H. 1863 L. & H. Examiner 1869 Hist. Examiner 1875, 6 Fellow of Corpus Samuel, Balliol 1 01. Mod. 1891 4 01. 1893 Lake, Arthur Warden of New 1613 Vice-chancellor 1616 Edward, Wadham 2 Nat. Sc. 1860 Herbert J. New 1 01. Mod. 1866 3 L. & H. 1867 John J. Eyefer Examiner 1807, 8 Kenneth A. Magd. 3 01. Mod. 1892 Reginald J. New 3 01. Mod. 1871 2 Jur. 1872 •WiUiam 0. Balliol 1 01. 1838 Latin Essay 1840 Proctor 1852 L. & H. Exam. 1853, 4 Select Preacher 18-54 01. Exam. 1855 Laldn, Thomas 0. Oriel 4 01. 1836 Lakjmg, Peter "Warden of Merton 1272 Lamb, Charles W. Wadh. 4 Theol. 1894 Edmund G. Merton 3 Hist. 1886 George F. Oriel 3 01. Mod. 1862 John J. G. Hertford 2 01. Mod. 1876 Matthew Princl. Magd. H. 1786 Maurice, Q7teen''8 4 Theol. 1890 Robert, S. John's 2 01. 1835 Lambert, Fred. F. Corpus 2 L. & H. 1865 George B. Magd. 1 01. Mod. 1894 Henry 0. M. New 1 01. Mod. 1889 1 01. 1891 Lionel, Ch. Ch. Aeg. Hist. 1892 Percival, Lincoln 3 Jur. 1883 Percival B. Queen's 1 01. Mod. 1866 1 Math. Mod. 1866 2 Math. 1868 {or Lambard), William Master of Balliol 1406 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 147 Lambert, William, Corpus 2 CI. 1825 Wniiam H. 3ferton 3 CI. Mod. 1854 Lambourne, Simon, Merton Proctor 13G1 Lambton, Hon. Claud, Balliol 4 Hist. 1887 Henry E. Univ. 4 Math. 1846 William, Balliol Proctor 1446 Master of Balliol 1461 William Proctor 1492 Laming, Henry, Queen's 3 Hist. 1872 Lamington, 2nd Lord : see Cocbrane- Baillie, Hon. C. W. A. N. Lamont, Donald M. Mert 2 CI. Mod. 1889 La Motte, Digby H. K. H. THnifv 1 CI. Mod. 1882 Latin Verse 1884 Lamotte, George T. C. Balliol 4 CI. 1834 Lamphire, John, New Prof. Ancient History 1660 Princl. Ne7i' Inn H. 1662 Princl. Hert Hall 1663 Lamplugh, Thos. Princl. Alban H. 1664 Lamprill, Edward A. Corp. 3 CI. Mod. 1888 4 Hist. 1890 Lancaster, Ernest Le C. S. John's 1 Nat. Sc. 1883 Henry H. Ball. 1 CI., 3 L. & H. 1853 Arnold Prize 1854 John Principal Edm. Hall 1564 Richard T. Exeter 2 CI. 1819 Eobert W. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1882 Thomas B. 3Ierton 3 CI. 1826 ♦Thomas W. Oriel 2 CI. 1807 Bampton Lecturer 1831 Select Preacher 1831 CI. Examiner 1832, 3 Michel Fellow of Queen's William Provost of Queen''s 1704 Vice-chancellor 1706 Lance, Philip, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Lancelot, John B. Jesns 1 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 Lanciani, Eodolfo, Hon. D.C.L. 1894 Land, John, Balliol Proctor 1737 Landale, David L. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 4 L. & H. 1864 Landon, Guy, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Horace E. TT'orc. 2 Theol. 1881 James. Oriel Proctor 1798 ♦James T. B. Worcester 1 CI. 1840 CI. Exam. 1847, 8, 9 Fellow of Magdalen Perceval, Hertford 3 CI. INIod. 1890 3 Jur. 1892 Whittington Provost of Woi-c 1795 Keeper of Archives 1796 Vice-chancellor 1802 Select Preacher 1808 Whittington H. Wore. 3 CI. 1827 Landseer, Sir Edwin Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Lane, Charles, Queen's 3 CI. 1815 Charles J. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1890 Charles P. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 4 Hist. 1874 Edmund, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1839 •Ernald, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1858 3 L. <. 2 Math. Mod. 1888 2 Hist. 1891 William J. E. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 4 CI. 1892 Martelli, Charles H. A. Trin. 3 CI. 1832 Francis, Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Marten, Edm. Warden of Merton 1704 Sir Henrj', New Burgess 1628 John T. New 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Martiall, Richard Commissary 1.5.52, 3 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1.553 William, Merton Proctor 1551 Martin, Alfred T. Ware. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 •Arthur, Corpus 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 18.52 1 CI., 2 Math. 1854 ♦Charles, New 2 CI. Mod. 1861 Stanhope Prize 1862 1 CI. 1863 Select Preacher 1869 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Clifford H. W. Non-C. 3 Hist. 1887 David B. Non-C. 3 Hist. 1881 Francis P. B. Wadham 4 CI. 1835 F. W. Wykeham, Ball. 4 Math. 1832 George E. Merton 2 Math. 18.52 George H. Mert. 2 Math. Mod. 1892 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1894 Harold, Lincoln 3 Jur. 1888 Henry, Edmund H. 4 Theol. 1872 Henry, Non-C. 2 Hist. 1890 Henry A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 S. Mary H. 4 Math. 1855 John, Magdalen Proctor 1480 John B. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1861 John S. Oriel 3 CI. 1825 Joseph, Jesus 4 CI. 1832 ♦Joseph J. -Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1811 Fellow of All Souls ♦Richard, Oriel 1 CI. 1823 CI. Exam. 1830 Fellow of Exeter Reginald H. Line. 3 Hist. 1893 Roger Princl. Alhan Hall 1437 Thomas A. Balliol 2 Jur. 1880 Walter W. Brosenose 4 Math. 1861 William, Merton 2 CI. 1819 ♦William, New 4 CI. 1852 Martin- Atkins, G. A. Trin. 3 Math. 1866 ]\rartinea\i, James Hon. D.C.L. 1888 Martival, Roger de Chancellor 1293 Martley, William G. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 1 Theol. 1885 Marton, John Master of Vuir. 1441 Martyn, George H. Exeter 4 Hist. 1880 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTEK OF HONOURS. 167 Martyn, Orlando B. Merton 1 Math. Mod. 1876 2 Math. 1878 Thomas, Merton ' Proctor 1405 Wm. E. C^. Ch. 1 Math. IVIod. 1877 2 Math. 1879 Martyr, Peter, Cli. Ch. Eeg. Prof. Div. 1548 Marvin, Francis S. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1884 1 CI. 1886 2 Hist. 1887 Masheder, Eichard, Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Maskery, John, Wadham 3 CI. 1846 Mason, Alexander L. A. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 Hist. 1873 Alfred E. W. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Alfred V. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Arthur B. S. John's, 3 CI. Mod. 1863 Arthur J. Trin. Coll., Camh. Select Preacher 1892 Charles, Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1855 Charles A. BaUiol 4 Hist. 1881 Edmund E. Queen's 3 Theol. 1871 Frederick L. Corp. 2 CL Mod. 1861 *Henry W. Ch. Ch. 3 CL 1848 Sir John, All Souls Chancellor 1552— «, 9—64 John W. Jesus 4 CI. 1842 Richard, Queen's 3 Theol. 1885 Eichard W. Jesus 2 CI. 1839 Sydney, Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1888 2 Hist. 1890 Maspero, Gaston, Queen's Hon. D.C.L. 1887 Masse, Henry J. L. J. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Jur. 1883 Massey, Edwyn E. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1867 4 CI. 1869 Gerard, Brasenose Proctor 1601 , John, Merton Proctor 1684 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1686 Eichard, Alban Hall 4 CL 1873 Slassie, Edward, Wadham Ireland Scholar 1828 2 CL 1830 Massingberd, Fran. C. Magd. 2 CL 1822 . William O. Magdalen 3 L. & H. 1871 Massingberd-Mundy, Godfrey B. Vniv. 3 CL Mod. 1893 Massingham, Alfred M. Ch. Ch. 3 CL Mod. 1874 •Joseph J. Balliol 2 CL Mod. 1875 1 CL 1877 Fellow of Merton Master, James S. Balliol 2 CL 1820 Eobert M. Balliol 2 CL 1815 Master, Streynsham M. Balliol 2 CL Mod. 1854 3 CL 1856 *Masterman, John S. Corpus 1 CL Mod. 1870 1 CL 1872 Fellow of Brasenose Nevil, Corpus 1 CL Mod. 1872 1 Hist. 1874 Thomas, Wadham 3 CL 184G "William, Wadham 2 CL Mod. 1860 3 CL 1868 Masters, Henry Princl. Alban H. 1603 Eobert Princl. Alban Hall 1599 Mather, Edward L. Bras. 4 Math. 1848 John Pres. of Corpus 1715 Vice-Chancellor 1723 Eoger, Bras. Public Orator 1749 Matheson, Alan, New 3 Theol. 1893 Alexander, Ball. 2 CL Mod. 1893 *Charles, S. John's Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1851 1 CL Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1852 1 CL 1854 Kennicott Scholar 1855 Heylyn F. Ch. Ch. 2 CL Mod. 1878 3 CL 1880 •Percy E. BaU. 1 CL Mod. 1878 1 CL 1881 Fellow of Nev) CL Moderator 1894 Mathew, Theobald, Trinitij 2 Hist. 1888 Toby, Ch. Ch. Public Orator 1569 Pres. of -S. /o/ni's 1572 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1576 Vice-Chancellor 1579 Mathews, Charles A. F. Queen's 2 CL Mod. 1888 3 CL 1890 H. J. Exeter Boden Scholar 1866 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1870 Murray A. Mert. 2 CL Mod. 1857 3 CL 1859 Mathias, Edward, Jesus 2 CL Mod. 1874 4 CL 1876 Hugh H. Keble 2 Theol. 1887 Eussell F. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1875 2 Math. 1877 Maton, Leonard J. Line. 2 CL Mod. 1866 Osbert S. M. P. E.xeter 2 Jur. 1890 Matson, John, Merton Proctor 1502 Eobert B. Merton 3 Hist. 188b Matthew, EolandG. Wadh. 2 Cl.Mod. 1872 2 CL 1874 Walter E. S. John's 2 CL Mod. 1868 2 CL 1870 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1871 •Matthews, Arthur, Bras. 2 CL 1808 168 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Matthews, Arthur J. Neto 3 CI. Mod. 1879 :{ Jur. 1881 Ernest L. Ii>,lliol 2 Hist. 1892 Henry W. Jesus 1 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Francis H. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1884 John E. remh. 2 Math. Mod. 1859 1 Math. 1801 John II. D. Vnii: 1 CI. Mod. 18G4 3 CI. 186G Richard M. Lincoln 3 CI. 1811 William S. Bras. 1 Math. Mod. 18G2 3 CL, 4 Math. 18G4 Matthews-Duncan, Andrew J. Neio 2 Hist. 1887 Maud, Henry G. University 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 John P. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 Hist. 1883 Maude, Arthur, Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1865 Charles B. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1869 3 Theol. 1871 Frederick, Brai^. 3 CI. 1827 Gerald E. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Hist. 1874 John, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 •Joseph, Queen's 1 Math. 1826 •Joseph H. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 1875 Fellow of Hertford Proctor 1892 Ealph, Brasenose 2 CI. 1823 Eaymond W. de L. Magd. 3 Math. INIod. 1873 4 Math. 1875 Samuel, Wadham 4 L. & H. 1867 Thomas, Uuiversittj 3 CI. 1822 Thomas W. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1853 Maudit, John, Exeter Proctor 1649 Maudson, Arthur H. Brasenose 1 Math. Mod. 1888 3 Math. 1890 Maugham, Henry M. Onel 3 Math. 1852 INIaughan, DaAdd, Ball. 2 Math. Mod. 1893 •Maule, Geo. B. Ch. Ch. 1 CL, 1 Math. 1832 Harry C. .S. John's 3 CL Mod. 1879 John B. Ch. Ch. 3 CL 1838 •Thomas C S. John's 3 CL 1839 Matmnesfeld, or Mammesfeld, Henry de Chancellor 1309, 10 Fellow of Merton MaunseU, Frederick B. L. Brasenose 3 CL Mod. 1893 Eichard C. Wadham 2 CL Mod. 1888 2 CL 1890 Maurice, Chas. E. Ch. Ch. 3 CL Mod. 1863 Henry, Jesus Marg. Prof. Div. 1691 John Frederick Denison, Exeter 2 CL 18.31 Select Preacher 1848 Robert B. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1826 Eobert B. Lincoln 2 CL Mod. 1889 2 CL 1891 Thomas, Merton 3 CL 1830 William J. Keble 3 CL Mod. 1877 3 CL 1879 Mavrogordato, Eustratius IE. Nejo 2 Jur! 1893 Mavrojani, Spyridion A. Trin. 3 Jur. 1888 3 B.C.L. 1890 Mawdsley, Alfred A. Line. 3 Hist. 1886 Max-Mliller, William G. Univ, 2 CL Mod. 1887 3 Jur. 1889 Maxwell, Charles, Balliol 3 CL 1833 Charles F. M. Corj). 3C1. Mod. 1894 Frederick M. Ball. 1 Jur. 1885 Henry G. S. John's 3 CL Mod. 1866 Joseph E. Merton 2 Jur. 1879 3 B.C.L. 1880 J. Clerk, Carrth. Hon. D.C.L. 1876 Thomas D. Ball. 3 CL Mod. 1894 Sir W. Stirling, Bt. Hon. D.C.L. 1876 Maxwell-Lj^te, H. C. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1870 John, Magdalen 4 Theol. 1873 May, Alston J. W. Oriel 1 CL Mod. 1890 2 CL 1892 2 Theol. 1893 Arthur S. S. John's 2 Hist. 1888 Edmund, Merton 4 CL 1837 Edward, Ch. Ch. 3 Math. 1822 Edward J. Worcester 4 Math. 1842 Edward L. S. John's 2 CL Mod. 1893 Frank M. Edm. Hall Abbott Scholar 1878 Frederick G. New 2 Hist. 1880 George C. S. John's 3 Hist. 1890 Henry, Brasenose 1 CL Mod. 1876 3 CL 1878 •Henry T. New Proctor 1849 Henry W. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1864 Herbert H. Wadham 2 CL Mod. 1882 2 CL 1884 Thomas A. ,S. Mary H. 2 CL Mod. 1873 4 CL 1875 Sir Thomas Erskine (after- wards Lord Farnborough) Hon. D.C.L. 1874 William, New 2 CL Mod. 1883 4 Hist. 1884 Mayer, Henry, Brasenose Proctor 1769 Mayers, John, University 3 CL 1824 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 169 Mayew, Eichard, New Proctor 14G9 Pres. of Magdalen 1480 Commissary 1484, 5 Chancellor 1502—6 Maynard, Herbert J. S. John's Stanhope Prize 1885 1 Hist. 1886 John H. P. A. M. Pemh. 2 CI. 1847 Joseph Kector of Exeter 1662 •Mayne, Henry B. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1834 Jonathan W. C. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1889 Eobert D. Balliol 4 CI. 1865 Mayo, Augustus F. Onel 3 CI. 1842 •Charles, Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1858 Charles, S. Johti's Prof. Anglo-Saxon 1795 •Charles, S. John's 2 CI. 1814 Charles, Trinity 4 Jur. 1888 Charles H. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1868 Charles T. Balliol 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1854 2 Math. 1855 Edmund G. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Francis B. Wore. 2 Theol. 1886 John A. Merton 3 Jur. 1881 John P. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Eichard, S. John's 2 CI. 1822 Eobert, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 3 CI., 3 L. & H. 1855 •Thomas, Oriel 1 CI. 1811 Mayoh, Eichard Princl. Hert Hall 1468 Mayou, Arthur D. Non-C. 4 Hist. 1883 Meade, Charles H. Trinity 3 Hist. 1887 De Courcy, Exeter 2 CI. 1846 Edward, Wadham 2 CI. 1829 Francis H. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1893 Eichard J. Balliol 2 CI. 1815 William, Balliol 3 CI. 1843 Meade-King, George C. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1889 1 Hist. 1891 Meadows, Douglas S. PembroJce 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI., 2 L. & H. 1855 Meales, Henry Proctor 1448 Meare, John Princl. of Brasenose 1681 Vice-Chancellor 1697 Mears, Edward, Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1887 Meates, Thomas A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 4 CI. 1880 Meaux, Peter : see Mews, P. Medburn, Peter de Chancellor 1294 •Medd, Charles S. University 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1859 2 CI., 2 Math. 1861 Arnold Prize 1864 John C. University 3 CL Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 •Peter G. University 1 CL 1852 Theol. Exam. 1878, 9 ; 84, 5, 6 Select Preacher 1881 Bampton Lecturer 1882 Mede, Thos. Exeter Princl. Eert Hall 1510 Proctor 1513 •Medland, Thomas, Corpus 1 CI. 1824 Medley, Dudley J. Keble 1 Hist. 1883 John, Wadham 2 CI. 1826 Medlicott, Eobert S. 3Iagd. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 4 Hist. 1892 Medwin, Thomas, Worcester 2 CI. 1830 •Mee, Edward M. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1876 Fellow of Queen's Frederick F. Wadham 3 Jur. 1894 ♦John H. Queen's 1 CL Mod. 1873 1 CL 1875 Fellow of Merton Coryphaeus 1890 •Meech, 'William, Neio Proctor 1837 Meeres, Eustace W. M. New 2 CL Mod. 1888 3 CL 1890 Horace, Exeter 3 CL Mod. 1858 4 CL 1860 Meese, Nicholas, Trinity Proctor 1661 Meetkirk, E. Ch. Ch. Eeg. Prof. Hebr. 1621 Meggy, George "W. Wadham 3 Math. Mod. 1860 Meiklejohn, Max J. C. Oriel 2 CL Mod. 1886 4 CL 1888 Melhuish, Geo. E. Mert. 1 CL Mod. 1855 3 CL 1857 John E. Wadham 2 CL Mod. 1872 3 CL 1874 Mellish, George, University 2 CL 1836 Hon. D.C.L. 1874 Henry, Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1877 1 Nat. Sc. 1879 Peter B. Coi-pus 2 CL Mod. 1887 4 CL 1889 Mello, Henry J. Corpus 3 CL Mod. 1858 Mellor, George H. Lincoln 2 CL Mod. 1873 3 CL 1875 MelviU, Harry E. University 4 Hist. 1888 Melville, Beresford V. Brasenose 3 CL Mod. 1882 David, Brasenose 2 CL 1836 Frank, Non-C. 4 Theol. 1894 170 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Melville, Robert, ^luydalen 2 CI. Motl. IR^.O 4 CI. 18C1 Menabrea, Count Hon. D.C.L. 1K81 Mence, John W. Worcester 3 CI. 1839 Mendclocf, D. Hon. D.C.L. 1894 Mendhani, John, Edm. H. 3 CI. 1821 Mendl, Sij^isiuuml F. I'niv. 2 Jur. 1887 Menet, Joliii, Exrtrr 4 CI. 184r» Menneer, Frank B. Xon-C. 2 Math. Mod. 1893 Mentha, Frederick H. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 Menjil, Wm. de Procurator of Bull. 12** *Menzies. Alfred, Trin. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1832 Alfred I. lilerlon 3 Xat. So. (Chem.) 188G Alfred S. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 •Frederick, Brusenose 3 CI. 1837 Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1&38 •John, Corpus 2 CI. 1824 Select Preacher 183G John H. Exeter 4 Jur. 1894 Eobert S. Ch. Cb. 2 Hist. 1879 William F. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Mercer, Charles H. L. Non-C. 2Theol. 1881 Fletcher J. Merton 4 Hist. 1884 Francis R. Cm-pus 2 Math. Mod. 1874 2 Math. 187G Henry C. Ereter 2 L. & H. 18G9 Nicholas A. Exeter 3 Hist. 1874 Eichard, Exeter Proctor 1584 Richard, Hertfm-d 4 Theol. 1883 William H.TFarWi a TO 2 CI. Mod. 187G 2 CI. 1878 Mercier, Lewis P. Vnivernty 3 CI. 1841 Meredith, Edw. Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1815 John, All Souls Proctor 1632 Warden of All Souls IGGl John, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 18G5 Samuel E. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 Thomas, Exeter 3 Nat. Sc. 18G8 William G. Brasenose 3 CI. 1824 William M. 3Iagd. H. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 1 Theol. 1871 Merewether, John, Queen's 3 CI. 1817 Walter L. Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 1869 Merick, John, New Proctor 15G5 Maurice, Neto Eegistrar IGOO Rowland Princl. New Inn H. 1.534 Merivale, George M. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1875 2 Hist. 1877 •Merivale, Herman, Trinity Ireland Scholar 182-5 1 CI. 1827 English Essay 18.30 Eldon Law Scholar 18,31 Prof. Political Economy 1837 Fellow of Balliol Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Herman C. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1859 2 CI. 1861 Merk, Frederick H. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 Merriman, George, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1858 *Henry G. New 2 CI. 1846 Nathaniel J. Brasenose 2 CI. 1831 Merriott, John H. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1863 Merry, George E. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 Walter M. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1883 William J. C. Magdalen 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1889 *William W. {see also Walter- Merry, W.), Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 1856 4 Nat. Sc. 1857 Latin Essay 18.58 CI. Moderator 1863, 4, 9 ; 70,1,4,7; 82,3,4 Fellow of Lincoln Select Preacher 1878, 89 Public Orator 1880 Eector of Lincoln 1884 Merry weather, John H. W. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1869 1 CI. 1871 Mertens, Lionel G. Vniversity 2 Hist. 1888 Eowland D. S. John's 3 Theol. 1889 Mesham, Arthur, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 18.58 ♦Arthur B. Corpus 2 CI. 1822 Messenger, J. P. Line. 1 Math. Mod. 1857 3 CI., 3 Math. 1859 Messer, Allan E. S. John''s 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Jur. 1887 Messervy, Alfred, Exeter Taylorian Scholar 1867 1 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 Messiter, George M. Wadham 4 CI. 1840 Messynger, Rowland Princl. of Little Univ. Hall Proctor 1.508 Metcalfe, Chas. H. T. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 2 Jur. 1877 Edmund L. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1891 John, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1830 Meugen8,Allan G. M. Queen's 3 L. & H. 1869 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOUES. 171 Mew, James, Wadha^n 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1857 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1858 3 CI., 4 Math. 1859 Kenaicott Scholar 1860 Mews, or Meaiix, Peter President of R John's 1667 Vice-chancellor 1669 Meyer, Charles J. Ball. 2 Math. Mod. 1890 3 Jur. 1892 Panl Hon, D.C.L. 1893 Meyler, Hugh H. Jestis 3 Hist. 1888 Meyrick, Edwin, Queen's 3 CI. 1836 ♦Frederick, Trhiifi/ 2 CI. 1847 Select Preacher 1855, 65, 75 CI. Examiner 1856 Proctor 1857 Frederick J, Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 •James, Queen's 4 CI. 1839 ♦LI. Magdalen 4 CI., 4 Math. 1852 Thomas, Corpus 1 CI. 1838 Michael, John, Jesus 4 Theol. 1872 Michel, Henry E. New 3 Math. 1837 Michell, Arthur T. Oriel 4 Theol. 1874 Edward B. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 L. & H. 1865 Fi-ancis B. Wadhani 3 Theol. 1891 James C. New 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Theol. 1880 John, Balliol Proctor 1645 John, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1823 •Eichard, WadJiam Proctor 1803 Examiner 1804, 5 Select Preacher 1804, 10 •Eichard, Wadham 1 CI. 1824 CI. Exam. 1829 ; 30, 3, 5, 9 ; 40, 1 Select Preacher 1837 Fellow of Lincoln Prof. Logic 1839 Public Orator 1848 Bampton Lecturer 1849 li. & H. Exam. 18.53, 4 ; 61, 2 Princl. Magd5 Rector of Lincoln IT.Sl George F. LI. Bidliul 2 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 George F. W. Queen's 1 CI. 182G Select Preacher 1844 Harry P. Trinity .". Jur. 1802 Hi-nry B. New 1 Hist. 187:3 Mansel W. Balliol 4 Jur. 1890 AVilliain Marg. Prof. Divinity 1530 Mortlock, C. F. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Morton, D'Arcy S. Worcester 4 Jur. 1884 E. J. Wadliam 2 Math. Mod. 18G7 Jolm. BuUiol Chancellor 1494 IMatthew C. Exeter 3 CI. 1841 Percy, Exeter 2 Nat. Sc. 1883 Robert, Oriel Proctor 1420 ilorweut, Robert Pres. of Corpus 1537 Moscardi, Alexander F. G. BnU. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Edward H. Tl'ojc. 2 Math. Mod. 1873 3 Math. 1874 Mosditchian, Harootune N. Balliol 4 Jur. 1885 Moseley, Edwin S. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1859 Henry, Camb. Hon. D.CL. 1870 Henry J. New 3 CI. Mod. 1867 Magd. Hall 4 L. & H. 18G9 •Henry K Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. 1868 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1809 Linacre Prof, of Human and Comparative Anatomy 1881 Fellow of Merton Nat. Sc. Examiner 1884, 5, 6 Herbert H. Worcester 2 Jur. 1894 Wm. H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI. 1856 Moses, Samuel, Trinity 2 Math. I\Iod. 18S3 1 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 William S. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Mosley, Godfrey, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 Hist. 1886 Henry, Kehle 3 Hist. 1890 Henry, Worcester 4 CI. 1872 Tonman, Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Alhan Hall 3 L. & H. 1872 Moss, Cyril R. Echle Aeg. (Physiol.) 1804 Reginald H. KeUe 3 Theol. 189U Samuel, Worcester 2 Jur. 1878 2 B.C.L. 1880 Moss-King, Robert C. H. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1892 Mosse, or Mowse, William Reg. Prof. Civil Law 1554 MoBSop, Leonard, Trinity 2 Jur. 1891 2 B.C.L. 1893 MoBtyn, Sydney G. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1886 1 Math. 1888 1 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1889 Mott, Cliarles E. Oriel 2 Hist. 1892 John, C/i. Ch. 4 CI. 1831 Moulder, Thomas H. K. New 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Moulding, John B. Trinity Proctor 1788 Moule, Handley C. G. Trinity Coll., Camh. Select Preacher 1894 Moulin, Lews du. Prof. Ancient Hist. 1648 •Moullin, Charles W. M. Pemb. 2 CI. I\rod. 1870 1 Nat. Sc. 1872 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1875 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1881, 2 James A. Pembroke 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Moulsdale, Robert 0. Jesus 1 CI. IVlod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Motilson, John, New 3 CI. Mod. 1876 4 CI. 1878 Moulton, William, University Proctor 1418 Moultrie, Augustine, Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1887 Bernard, 7\eble 3 Hist. 1882 Gerard, Exeter 3 CI. 1852 John, New 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 Hist. 1883 •Mount, Charles M. Corpus Select Preacher 1809, 14. 26 Francis, New 3 Hist. 1894 George T. New 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 William A. New 3 CI. Mod. 1887 2 Hist. 1889 William G. Balliol 4 CI. 1845 Mount Edgcvimbe, 4th Earl of : see Valletort, Viscount. Mountain, Jacob G. Merton 2 CI. 1841 James, Queen's 4 Theol. 1873 Mourilyan, Charles T. Wadham 3 Theol. 1894 •Mousley, J. Ball. Examiner 1804, 5, 8, 9 •Mowat, John L. G. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Fellow of Pembroke Proctor 1885 Mowatt, Francis H. Corp. 3 Hist. 1889 Mowbray, Archibald J. H. Magd. 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1891 Edm. G. L. New 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1882 John R. : see also Cornish, JohnB.. Ch.Ch. Burgess 1868, 74, 80, 85, 86, 92 Reginald A. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1874 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 179 •Mowbray, Eobert G-. C Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1870 1 CI. 1872 Fellow of All Souls Moxon, Archibald J. Eeble 3 Theol. 1893 Moyle, George, Lincoln 2 CI. 1836 •John B. New 1 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1875 Jur. Exam. 1884, 5, 6 ; 94 Eobert E. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1885 Vyvyan H. C. Lincoln 3 Hist. 1894 Moysey, C. A. Ch. Ch. Bampton Lect. 1818 •Frederick L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1&37 Mozley, Alfred D. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1868 1 Math. Mod. 1868 1 Math. 1870 Francis W. Neio 1 CI. Mod., 3 Math. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 ♦James B. Oriel 3 CI. 18-34 English Essay 1835 Fellow of Mar/dalen Bampton Lecturer 1865 Select Preacher 1869 Keg. Prof. Divinity 1871 Theol. Exam. 1873 •Thomas, Oriel 3 CI. 1828 Muckalt, James, Queen''s 4 Math. 1831 Muckleston, John, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1822 *Eowland, Worcester 1 CI. 1833 CI. Examiner 1847, 8 CI. Moderator 1854, 5 Mugliston, Francis U. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1892 John, Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1858 4 CI. 1859 Select Preacher 1892 Mnir, Eobert J. Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1868 2 Math. 1869 2 CI. 1870 WiUiam, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1877 1 Jur. 1879 3 CI. 1880 Sir William Hon. D.C.L. 1882 William E. Trinity 3 Hist. 1893 Muir-Mackenzie, Kenneth A. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 ♦M. J. Brasenose 1 Math. Mod. 1868 1 Math. 1870 Fellow of Hertford Muirhead, James, Balliol 3 CI. 1835 John H. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Latin Essay 1881 Mulcaster, John, Univ. Commissary 1463 •Mules, Philip, Brasenose 2 CI. 1S3G Fellow of Exeter N Mulgan, James M. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 Mulholland, Alfred J. Balliol 2 Hist. 1879 Andrew W. Balliol 2 CI. 1875 Henry L. Balliol 2 Hist. 1880 •Muller, F. Max, Ch. Ch. Prof. Modern Languages 1854 Prof. Comparative Philology 1868 Fellow of All Soids Or. Stud. Examiner 1887 Karl, Edm. Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 Mullins, Charles H. Keble 3 Jur= 1891 Geo. H. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1858 4 CI., 4 Math. 1859 John, Exeter Select Preacher 1807 Joseph D. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 Eobert G. Keble 3 Hist. 1889 3 Theol. 1890 Multon, Eobert Proctor 1435 *Mulvany, Charles M. Magdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1888 Craven Scholar 1888 1 CI. 1890 Wm. C. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Mumm, Arnold L. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1883 1 Jur. 1884 Munby, John P. Lincoln 2 CI. 1833 Mundy, James T. : see J. T. Patch, Exeter Matt. Exeter 2 CI., 1 Math. 1817 Munk, William G. Ware. 3 Theol. 1887 Munn, John T. University 1 Theol. 1886 Munns, Hugh S. University 3 Jur. 1891 3 B.C.L. 1893 Munro, Alexander E. B. Queen^s 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 Henry A. New 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Hugh, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Hugh A. J. Hon. D.C.L. 1873 Hugh St. J. S. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 •John A. E, Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 Fellow of Lincoln CI. Examiner 1894 Macdonald, Exeter 3 Theol. 1884 Muntz, Duncan A. Coi-pns 3 Jur. 1890 Murdoch, Lewis F. McG. C. Trin. 3 01. Mod. 1894 Murdock, William, Nan-C. 2 Math. Mod. 1893 2 180 ALrHABETICAL TwEGISTER OF HONOURS. •Mure, James, Ch. Ch. Philip, Ch. Ch. Keg. J. C7*. Ch. 1 CI. 1817 3 CI. 1822 3 CI. Mod. 18(;3 4 CI. l.sfj.5 Mnrloy, Chaa. H. ir Murphy, Chark>s H. Queen's 4 Theol. 1875 Herl)ort. liaUioI 2 Hist. 1884 Murray, AUau K. Bolliol I CI. 18C9 Arthur S. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 3 Jur. 1881 3 Theol, 1875 3 CI. 1841 4 Hist. 1887 4 CI. 1854 3 CI. 1840 Arthur T. University Douglas S. Exeter ♦Francis H. Ch. Ch. Frederick A. Kehle George, M(ujd. H^ll •George E. Ch. Ch. Fellow of All Souls *George G. A. S. John's Hertford Scholar 1885 Ireland Scholar 1885 1 CI. Mod. 1885 Latin Verse 1886 Craven Scholar 1886 Gaisford Prizes (Verse) 1886 (Prose) 1887 1 CI. 1888 Fellow of New Derby Scholar 1889 George H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 George H. L. Keble 4 Jur. 1892 •George S. D. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Harold J. E. Ball. 2 Math. Mod. 1888 1 Math. 1890 Henry S. Ch. Ch. 3 CL, 3 Math. 1.^:33 John, Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1871 John H. P. 31agd. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1885 Oswyn A. R. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Robert E. H. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1874 Eobert H. Alban Hall 3 CI. 1830 Wilfrid G. E. Balliol 2 Hist. 1894 William, Magdalen 2 Hist. 1889 William F. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1862 Murray-Smith, Charles : see also Smith, Charles M. Neio 3 CI. 1882 Murton, Charles D. Univ. 2 Jur. 1888 George, Pembroke 3 Theol. 1880 Muschampe, Wm. : see Muskam, W. Musgrave, Arthm- G. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 2 Hist. 1892 Chardin Provost of Oriel 1757 •Charles B. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1851 Sir Chris. Queen's Burgess 1698, 1701 George M. Brasenose 2 CI. 1819 Eichard, Trin. 3 CL, 3 Math. 1811 John E. Corpus Louis G. Corpus Eobert S. Oriel Musgrave, Thomas, Merton Proctor 1517 Commissary l">2;i, 4, 5,6 Wm. A. B. Balliol 2 CI. Mod, 1877 3 Hist. 1879 Mushet, Eobert S. New 3 CI. Mod. 1878 2 Hist. 1880 Muskam, Wm. de Provost of Queen's 13** Mychell, John, Exeter Commissary 1510 Myers, Charles, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 Theol. 1879 •Ernest J. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1864 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1865 2 CI. 1866 Fellow of Wadham William H. Balliol 1 CL Mod. 1875 3 CL 1877 Mylne, George F. Ball. 2 CL Mod. 1861 2 CL 1863 James W. Balliol 1 CL 1823 English Essay 1825 2 CL Mod. 1865 2 L. & H. 1867 2 CL Mod. 1864 1 CL 1866 2 Hist. 1876 3 Jur. 1877 2 B.C.L. 1879 Mynne, Henry Provost of Oriel 1538 *Myres, John L. Netv 1 CL Mod. 1890 1 CL 1892 Craven Fellow 1892 Fellow of 3Iagdalen Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1892 Wm. M. Brasenose 2 CL Mod. 1860 3 CL 1861 Mytton, John (afterwards Thorny- croft, J.), Brasenose 4 CL 1831 Naef, Conrad J. Merton 1 CL Mod. 1892 2 CL 1894 Naffarton, Thomas, Univ. Proctor 1396 Nafford, Henry Commissary 1386 *Nagel, David H. Triniti/ Taylorian Exhibitioner 1883 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1894 Naghten, Frederick, Corpus 2 CL 1842 Nail, George H. Queen's 2 CL Mod. 1881 2 CL 1884 2 CL Mod. 1893 1 CL Mod. 1872 1 CL 1874 Fellow of S. John's NankiveU, Robert W. B. Hertford 2 CL Mod. 1893 Nanson, Arthur C. Trinity 4 Hist. 1884 William, Trinity 2 Hist. 1872 Nance, Ernest M. Jestis •James T. New ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 181 •Napier, Arthur S. Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. 1877 Merton Prof. Eng. Lang, and Literature 1885 Fellow of Merton Charles F. Kehle 3 Jur. 1883 Charles W. A. Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1839 of Magdala, 1st Lord Hon. D.C.L. 1878 •Kichard, Oriel 1 Math. 1810 Fellow of All Souls Walter J. Corpus 1 Jur. 1880 Napleton, Stephen, All Souls Proctor 1694 Nares, Edward, 3Iert. Bampton Lect. 1805 Select Preacher 1807, 14, 25 Eeg. Prof. Modern Hist. 1813 Nash, Alfred M. Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1872 1 Math. 1873 Augustus, Trinity 2 CI. 1874 C. E. F. Pemb. 1 Math. Mod. 1857 1 Math. 1859 Edward H. Non-G. 3 CI. Mod. 1888 Edward H. Trinity 3 Jur. 1875 Edward J. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1882 4 CI. 1884 Francis L. New 1 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 *George L. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1849 James O. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Spencer H. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1882 Thomas, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1865 2 Math. Mod. 1865 2 Math. 1866 1 CI. 1867 ■William D. G. New 1 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Neal, John R. S. John's 3 Theol. 1892 Neale, Edgar, Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1893 ^Edward F. S. John's 3 CI. 1849 Edward V. Oriel 3 CL, 2 Math. 1831 Francis, Trinitp 3 CI. 1820 John Eector of Exeter 1566 John A. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Thomas, Neio Eeg. Prof. Hehr. 1559 Thomas, Tl'orc. 1 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Math. 1890 •Walter E. S. John's 3 CL Mod. 1859 4 CI. 1861 Neate, Arthur, Trin. Math. Exam. 1833, 4 •Charles, Lincoln 1 CI. 1827 Fellow of Oriel L. & H. Exam. 1853, 4, 5 Prof. Political Economy 18.57 Neave, Sheffield, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1821 Sheffield H. M. Ball. 2 Nat. Sc. 1876 Neech, Henry, Merton 2 CI. 1822 Needham, George A. Keble 4 Hist. 1876 Neeld, Algernon W. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1868 Negus, Albert E. Lincoln 4 Hist. 1892 Neilson, William, Brasenose 3 CI. 1821 Neish, Edward W. Univ. 2 d. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 George W. Corjms 2 L. & H. 1871 Nelson, Edward J. Hertford 2 Hist. 1890 George H. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 Hector, S. John's 3 CI., 2 Math. 1838 Horace B. Worcester 2 Jur. 1883 3 B.C.L. 1884 James P. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1855 4 CI. 1857 John, S. John's 1 CI. 1822 Oswald T. P. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Nelson- Ward, Hugh H. E. Bras. 4 Theol. 1886 Nepean, Evan A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 1 Jur. 1888 Nesbitt, Alan C. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Alfred M. Cw^). 1 Math. Mod. 1874 1 Math. 1876 Cosby T. Brasenose . 1 CI. 1837 Eobert, University 2 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CL 1881 Eobert H. Jesws 1 Math. Mod. 1861 2 CL, 1 Math. 1863 Nesfield, John C. Merton 2 CL Mod. 1857 Eobert W. M. University 4 CL 1838 Ness, Edward, S. Mary Hall Craven Scholar 1822 Eichard D. Lincoln 2 CL 1819 Nettleship, Arthur, Trinity 4 CL 1849 •Henry, Corims 1 CL Mod. 18-58 Hertford Scholar 1859 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 18.59 2 CL 1861 Craven Scholar 1861 Latin Essay 1863 CL Moderator 1867 ; 86, 7 Fellow of Lincoln Prof, of Latin 1878 Fellow of Cwpus •Eichard L. Balliol Hertford Scholar 1866 1 CL Mod. 1867 Ireland Scholar 1867 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1868 2 CL 1869 Craven Scholar 1870 Arnold Prize 1873 CL Exam. 1879, 80, 6 William, 3Ierfon 3 CL 1828 Nettleton, George A. T. Exeter 2 CL Mod. 1891 2 Theol. 1893 Nettylton, John Proctor 1473 182 ALrHABETICAL RKOISTER OF HONOURS. Neubauer, Adolf, Exeter deader in Rabbinical Lit. 1884 Orient. Stud. Examiner 1801, 2 Neve, Charles, Exeler 3 Hist. 1880 Eperton K. Mrton Proctor 179i) Frederick W. Merton 3 Theol. 1879 Timothy, Merlon Bampton Lecturer 1781 Marg. Prof. Divinity 178:$ Nevile, Charles, Trin. 3 CI., 2 Math. 183U Nevill, Dudley F. New 2 CI. Mod. 18t13 Edmund E. Line. 3 Theol. 1886 George, Balliol Chancellor 1453, 7. 61, 72 Henry E. Universitv 2 CI. 1844 James Y. Oriel 4 CI. 1842 Neville, "William L. Queen's 2 CI. 182.5 •Nevinson, Charles, Wadham 1 CI. 1838 Henry W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Newall, Edgar, Nero 2 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 Newark, Viscount, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1826 Xewbald, Samuel, Waflham 3 CI. 1842 Newbery, Stobart B. Ne2o 3 Jur. 1892 •Newbold, Clement M. Bras. 2 CI. 1828 •Francis S. Brasenose 1 CI. 1819 Newbolt, Francis G. Balliol 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1887 Henry J. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1885 "W. C. E. Pemhrohe 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1867 Select Preacher 1893 Newbrygge, Eichard, Mert. Proctor 1440 Newby, Joshua, Magdalen 3 CI. 1809 Newcastle, 6th Duke of: see Lincoln, Earl of Newcomb, Charles J. Oriel 4 CI. 1838 Clement E. Queen's 4 Theol. 1887 John E. W. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1887 4 Theol. 1889 Newdigate, Alfred, Ch. Ch. 3 Math. 1851 Sir Eoger, Bt. Univ. Burgess 1750, 4, 61, 8, 74 Newell, Ebenezer J. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Newey, Thomas, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1689 Newhouse, Eobert P. Woj-cester 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 Newland, Frederick W. Merton 3 Math. Mod. 1878 3 Math. 1879 2 Hist. 1881 George, Magdalen Proctor 1726 Montague S. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1804 Newland-Smith, James N. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 Theol. 1891 Newlin, Eobert Pres. of Corpus 1640, 60 Newman, Arthur P. S. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Augustus, S. John'' 8 4 Math. 1854 Charles D. Wadh. 2 CI., 3 Math. 1843 Denis, University 3 CI. Mod. 1894 ♦Francis W. Wwcester 1 CI., 1 Math. 1826 Fellow of Balliol Fred. S. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1856 3 CI., 4 Math. 1858 George W. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Henry, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1860 •Henry B. Wadham 3 CI. 1819 •John H. Trinitij 3 CI. 1820 Fellow of Oriel CI. Exam. 1827, 8 Select Preacher 1830 Philip, Exeter 3 CI., 3 Math. 1852 Eichard, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 •Eichard, Wadham 3 CI. 1809 William A. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1886 William J. Oriel 1 CI. 1838 ♦Wm. L. Ball. Hertford Scholar 1853 1 CI. Mod. 1853 Ireland Scholar 1854 1 CI. 1855 CI. Moderator 1SG2, 3 CI. Exam. 1806, 7 Eeader of Ancient History 1868 William M. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1868 William S. Wadham 3 CI. 1840 Newmarch, Charles, Alban Hall 2 CI. 1833 Francis W. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1874 1 CI. 1876 Newnham, Fred. J. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 •G. W. Corpus 2 CI., 3 Math. 1827 Philip H. Wadham 4 CI. 1853 William H. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI.. 4 Math. 1856 Ne^Tort, Eobert, Jesus 1 Math. ]\Iod. 1877 2 Math. 1879 Eobert E. Exeter Abbott Schol. 1872 Newsom, George E. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 1 CI. 1894 John A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Newte, Samuel, Balliol Proctor 1714 Newton, Arthur E. Pemh. 3 CI. Mod. 1882 •Benjamin W. Exeter 1 CI. 1828 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 183 Newton, Cecil E. Balliol Abbott Scholar 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) •Charles T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Hon. D.C.L. Francis J. Unirersit)j 3 Jur. Francis W. Pembroke 4 CI. George H. Xon-C. (afterwards Exeter) 3 CI. Mod. 3 Theol. George "W. Brasenose 2 CI. Henry, Merlon 2 Math, Mod. 3 Math. Eichard Princl. Hert HaU Princl. of Eertf. CoU. Robert Eector of Exeter William, Balliol 4 CI. "VTilliam J. Corpus 4 CI. Xias, Joseph B. Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. Burdett-Contts Scholar Eadcliffe Travelling Fellow Niblett, Arthur E. Exeter 3 Jur. Harry E. Trinity 1 Xat. Sc. (Chem.) Stephen "Warden of All Souls Vice-Chancellor Nichol, John, Balliol 1 CI., 4 Math. John P. Balliol 3 Hist. Nicholas, Geo. D. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. John Warden of Neio Yice-ChanceUor Tressilian G, Waclham 4 CI., 4 Math. William LI. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Nicholl, Charles S. Keble 3 Hist. Christopher E. Oriel 3 Hist. Conrad E. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. George F. Balliol Ld. Almoner's Prof, of Arabic •John, Ch. Ch. John I. D. Ch.Ch. John E. Exeter Thomas B. Jesus ICl. 4 Hist. 4 CI. 3 CI. Mod. 3 L. & H. Nicholls, Charles H. New 3 Nat. Sc. (Bot.) Francis H. Wadh. 4 Theol. •Nichols, Francis M. Wadham 2 CI. John B. B. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. English Verse Sebastian E. Marjdalen 3 Theol. Nicholson. Arthur C. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. Arthur W. Magdalen 4 Hist. Charles A. New 3 Hist. Edward E. TT'orc. 2 CI. Mod. Edward H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 1889 1893 1837 1875 1879 1835 1890 1808 1890 1891 1710 1740 1570 1834 1883 1878 1881 1882 1875 1890 172G 1735 1859 1886 1857 1675 1677 1842 1870 1872 1879 1894 1856 1878 1818 1884 1831 1S64 1866 1890 1878 1847 1881 1883 1873 1885 1873 1889 1879 1866 1868 Eichard, Magd. Eichard T. Univ. Thomas, Qneen''8 William, Trinity William S. Ch. Ch. Nicol, Harold D. Non-C. Nicholson, Edw. W. B. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. Gaisford Prize (Verse) 3 L. & H. Junior Gk. Test. Prize Bodley's Librarian Hughs. TWn. 3 Hist. John, Magdalen Proctor John H. Corjms 3 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. Prof. Music 2 CI. Proctor 2 CI. 4 L. & H. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Nicoll, Alexander, Balliol 2 CI. Eeg. Prof. Hebrew Nicolls, Ernest H. Keble 3 CI. Mod. ♦Jasper H. Oriel 2 CI. INlichel Fellow of Queen's Nicolson, Arthur B. Univ. 3 Hist. Nihill, Henry D. Jesus 3 CI. 4 Nat. Sc. Nind, Hubert G. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. Niven, Eobert, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. WilUam D. Trinity Coll., Camb. Math. Exam. Nix, John S. Trin ity 3 CI. Mod. 3 Hist. •Nixon, Francis E. /S. John's 3 CI. Howard, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Noad, George F. Woi-cester 2 CI. Noble, John Princl. of Broadgates H. John H. B. Balliol 3 Hist. Eobert, Brasenose 3 CI. • Walter E. W. Wadham 3 Hist. William, Alban H. 2 Theol. Nolan, Edward, S. John's 1 CI. Mod. Fred. Exeter Bampton Lect. Thomas, S. John's Nolloth, Chas. F. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Mod. Proctor Norbury, John F. Trin. Willoughby, Bras. Norfolke, William, Oriel Norgate, Gerald Le G. Erase?iose 3Hist. Norman, Alfred G. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 3 Hist. 2 Nat. Sc. 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. 3 CI. Mod. Proctor 4 CI. Proctor George A. Lincoln George E. W. Line. Herb. G. H. Ch. Ch. James, Merton John P. Exeter Eobert 1869 1871 1871 1872 1882 1884 1638 1880 1882 1626 1886 1764 1829 1856 1889 1891 1811 1822 1881 1840 1887 1856 1857 1866 1869 1882 1889 1890 1827 1879 1881 1836 1511 1888 1817 1874 1876 1866 18:33 1864 1870 1872 1862 1870 1555 1888 1879 1881 1865 1859 1861 1858 1769 1841 1454 184 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Normanvillo, Eustace de Chancellor T2TG Norric. .lolm A. Hull. Hoden Scholar 1892 Korris, C'harh'S L. New 'A Jur. 1884 Edward G. New 1 CI. Mod. 1801 2 CI. 1«03 Henry R. Jirax. 2 CI. I^Iod. 18'.t2 .3 CI. 1894 Hugh L. TiiM. 4 Hist. 1885 •James, Corpus 2 CI. 1818 Pres. of Corpus 1843 Samuel, Exeter Proctor 1(37!) AVilli;un F. Trinity • .3 CI. 1848 AVilliam F. Trinitv 3 Theol. 1881 Norrys. John Hif^Ii Steward 1453 Korth. Charles A. Exeter 3 CI. 1852 Eustace H. K^le 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Fred., Baron (afterwards Earl of Guilford). Trin. Chancellor 1772 Ford, I'nirersity 2 CI. 1852 John, Magdalen Proctor 1490 Walter :M. Brasenose 4 CI. 18C9 William, Jesus 3 CI. 1829 Nortliampton, Henry, Earl of High Steward 1609 Northboxirne, 1st Lord: see James, Sir Walter C, Bart. 2nd Lord : see James, Walter H. C7(. Ch. Northbrook, 1st Earl of: see also Baring, Thomas G. Hon. D.C.L. 187G 1st Lord : see Baring, Francis. Xorthcote, Arthur F. New 1 Nat. Sc. 1874 Augustus B. Queen's 1 Nat. Sc. 1861 Eadcliffe TraveUing Fellow 1864 •George R. New 1 CI. Mod. 18^;:i Hertford Scholar 188-1 Ireland Scholar 1885 1 CI. 1886 Derby Scholar 1887 Eldon Scholar 1888 James S. Corpus 1 CI. 1841 Stafford H. (afterwards 1st Earl of Iddesleigh), Balliol 1 CI., 3 Math. 1839 Walter S. (afterwards 2nd Earl of Iddesleigh), Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1865 Korthfolke, Wm. Princl. S. Mary H. 1550 Northumberland, 6th Duke of Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Northwick, 3rd Lord : see Eushout, G. Ch. Ch. Northwode, John de Chancellor 1345 — 8 Norton, Cecil G. Keble 3 Hist. 1888 David E. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 188;i 2 CI. 1885 David E. Oriel 2 CI. Mod.. 2 Math. Mod. 1852 2 CI. 1853, 1 Math. 1854 •Norton, George, Queen's 3 CI. 1812 James L. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 James L. New 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1888 John Chancellor 1439 Fellow of New William A. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 •Nott, George F. All Sotds Proctor 1801 Bampton Lecturer 1802 Gilbert H. Balliol 3 Math. 1889 Nottingham, Ist Earl of: see Finch, Sir Heneage, Bart. Richard de Chancellor 1316 Nourse, Henry D. : see Nurse, H. D. Nowell, Alexander Princl. of Bras. 1595 Alexander D. Brasenose 4 CI. 1846 Henry, Corpus 2 Math. 1830 Thomas, Oriel Public Orator 1760 Proctor 1761 Princl. S. Mary Hall 1764 Reg. Prof. Modern Hist. 1771 •Thomas W. Brasenose 3 CI. 1846 Nowers, George P. Wadh. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1874 Jas. E. L. Wadhatn 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 Math. Mod. 1862 2 CI., 4 Math. 18G4 Noyes, Thomas H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1849 Nugee, Francis E. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1876 3 Hist. 1878 Nugent, Edmund L. Exeter 3 CI. 1839 Hammond, Nero 3 CI. Mod. 1873 Nunn, Harold, Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 John J. Wadham 3 Math. Mod. 1856 2 Math. 1858 Nurse, Henry D. (afterwards Nourse, H. A.), Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1864 3 CI. 1866 Nussey, Anthony F. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1860 Cecil A. Keble 2 CL Mod. 1893 Nutt, Charles H. Magdalen 3 CI. 1851 •George, New 1 CI. Mod. 1866 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1866 1 CI. 1868 Craven Scholar 1869 Fellow of Exeter George A. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1882 2 Math. 1884 •John W. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1853 1 CI. 1855 Kennicott Scholar 1856 Boden Scholar 1857 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1857 Fellow of All Soids Grinfield Lecturer 1874 Theol. Exam. 1875, 6, 9 ; 80j 3, 4, 5 ; 90, 1 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 185 Nuttall, Charles E. Mert. i Hist. 1892 Ebenezer A. Wore. 3 Hist. 1883 Thomas K. Pembroke 1 Theol. 1885 Nutter, Alfred B. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 3 Jm-. 1894 Oakden, Ealph, Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 •Oakeley, Frederick, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1824 Latin Essay 1825 English Essay 1827 EUerton Prize 1827 Select Preacher 1831 CI. Exam. 1836, 7 Fellow of Balliol •Herbert, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1810 James B. B. Corpus 2 Hist. 1876 William G. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1812 Oakes, James, Trinity 3 Hist. 1880 Oakeshott, Frank B. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1883 2 Math. 1880 Jonathan, Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1880 1 Jur. 1882 Oakley, Charles E. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1854 1 L. & H. 1855 Demy of Magdalen Johnson Theol. Scholar 1855 • L. & H. Exam. 1859, 60 Charles S. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1865 Eoland E. G. S. John's 4 Hist. 1892 William J. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. Mod. 1894 Gates, John, Lincoln 2 CI. 1846 O'Beirne, Hugh J. Ball. 2 Or. Stud. 1887 O'Brien, Fran. A. Ch. CJi. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Ranald M. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1888 O'Bryen-Taylor, Philip S. Exeler 4 Jur. 1889 O'Connor, Edward, Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 4 CI. 1886 *Oddie, John W. Wadham 1 CI. 1865 Fellow of Corpus Odell, Fran. J. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Odgers, Arthur W. Line. 4 Hist. 1893 Charles E. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 *Odling, William, Magdalen Waynflete Prof. Chemistry 1872 Fellow of Woreester Nat. Sc. Exam. 1875, G, 9 ; 80, 1 O'Donoghue, Edward G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1876 4 CI. 1878 O'Driscoll, W. J. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1867 3 L. & H. 1869 O'Dwyer, Charles P. F. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1887 O'Flaherty, Alfred E. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1892 Offley, Charles, University 2 CI. 1843 Ogden, Alexander McE. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1884 3 Math. 1886 •Ogilvie, Charles A. Balliol 1 CI. 1815 English Essay 1817 Exam. 1823, 4 CI. Exam. 1825 Select Preacher 1825, 32, 44 Bampton Lecturer 1836 Eeg. Prof. Pastoral Theology 1842 Glencairn S. mdv. 3 Jur. 1880 John C. M. (afterwards Ogilvie- Forbes, J. C. M.), Eeble 3 Theol. 1875 William F. Balliol 3 Hist. 1888 Ogilvy, Lord (afterwards 9th Earl of Airlie), Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1847 Charles W. N. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1862 Gilbert F. M. Univ. 4 Hist. 1892 Reginald H. A. Oriel 2 L. & H. 1854 Ogilwy, Alfred, Eeble 3 Nat. Sc. 1883 Oglander, John Warden of Neiv 1768 Ogle, Ambrose A. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Arthur, Magd. Stanhope Prize 1893 Aeg. Hist. 1894 Arthur J. S. ,S. John's 2 Jur. 1875 Cyril, Triniti/ 2 Nat. Sc. 1884 *Harman C. 3Iagd. 1 CI. Mod. 1863 Ireland Scholar 186:3 1 CI. 1865 Craven Scholar 1866 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1868 CI. Moderator 1869, 70 James Adey, Trinity 1 Math. 1813 Aldrichian Prof. Medicine 1824 Math. Exam. 1825 Clin. Prof. Medicine 1830 Eeg. Prof. Medicine 1851 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1854, 5 James Ambrose, Brasenose 4 Math. 1846 John, Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 John G. Keble 2 Nat. Sc. 1884 •Octavius, Wadh. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1850 CI. IModerator 1854, 5 Fellow of Lincoln Ponsonby D. New 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 •Eichard J. Lincoln 1 CI. 1848 186 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Ogle, Wilfred K. Trinitti 3 CI. Mod. 1879 :; Thool. 1881 •William, Cm-pm 2 CI. 1841) Nat. Sc. Exam. 1871, 2 William L. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 Oglethorpe, Owen, Mofld. Proctor 1533 Pres. of Magdnlen 1S.W>, 53 Commissary 15.51 •O'Hanlon, Hugh F. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 18G3 1 CI. 1805 Fellow of Lincoln Ohren, Cecil, Unhrrsitu 3 CI. Mod. 1887 2 Hist. 1889 Oldaker, Francis A. Ball: 3 01. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 Oldfield, Charles B. New 4 Jur. 1888 •Edmund, Wore. 3 CI. 1839 Frederick B. New 3 Jur. 1893 John E. Oriel 4 L. & H. 1872 Josiah, Non-C. 2 Theol. 1885 2 B.C.L. 1887 William J. CT. C/j. 4 Theol. 1878 Oldham, Henry Y. Jems 2 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1886 John R. Oriel 3 CI. 1830 Joseph H. Trit). 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Reginald W. Kehle 2 Nat. Sc. 1875 Richard S. Wadham Kennicott Scholar 1847 Walter F. Ball. 2 Hist. 1892 Oldis, William, Neio Proctor 1G23 Uldridge-de-la-Hey, Edward W. M. University 1 CI. Mod. 1887 OUphant, Cyril F. Ball. 2 CI. ISIod. 1876 2 CI. 1879 Francis R. Neio Inn H. 4 CI. 1882 Olive, Carlton, Exeter 3 Theol. 1871 Charles D. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 Leontine W. Worcester 4 Nat. Sc. 1876 Lionel A. Ch. Ch. 3 Theol. 1871 Oliver, Alexander, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1857 2 CI. 1859 Alfred C. Exeter 3 Theol. 1890 Arthur W. Queen's 3 Theol. 1883 Ernest S. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1892 4 CI. 1894 F. W. Nat. Sc. Examiner 1893, 4 •Fred. W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1855 3 CI. 1857 George, Neio 4 Theol. 1876 Henry F. Exeter 4 Hist. 1876 John Dean of Ch. Ch. 15.33 John Pres. of Magdalen 1644, 60 Richard, S. John's Proctor 1681 Robert D. M. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 1 Hist. 1874 Oliver, Weston A. W. S. Mary Hall 4 Hist. 1880 William T. Brasenose 3 CI. 1811 Olivier, Uacres E. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 Hist. 1881 Henry E. New 2 Hist. 1888 Reginald E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Hist. 1893 Sydney H. Coi-pus 2 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1881 Ollivant, Joseph E. Ball. 2 L. & H. 1862 William S. Corpus 3 L. & H. 1857 Olphert, John, Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1879 O'MaUey, Bryan F. K. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1893 •Oman, Charles W. C. New 2 CI. Mod. 1879 1 CI. 1882 1 Hist. 1883 Fellow of All Souls Lothian Prize 1884 Proctor 1894 Ommanney, Edw. A. Exeter 3 CI. 1827 George C. Wadham 3 Theol. 1872 •Omond, Thomas S. Balliol Stanhope Prize 1870 2 CI. 1872 English Essay 1872 Fellow of S. John's O'Neil, John R. C^-piis 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI., 4 L. & H. 18.55 O'Neill, Frank B. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 4 Hist. Ig92 William H. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 •Onions, John H. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1873 Ireland Scholar 1875 2 CI. 1875 Craven Scholar 1876 CI. Moderator 1886, 7, 8 Onslow, Augustus C. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1835 Frederick P. Pemh. 1 L. & H. 1858 Vinerian Scholar 1859 Openshaw, Thomas W. Bras. 1 Math. Mod. 1858 2 Math. 1860 Opp6, Albert S. University 4 Hist. 1892 3 B.C.L. 1894 Oppenheim, Edwin C. Cliarsley H. 3 Jur. 1891 Frederick S. Trin. 3 Jur. 1894 Oppenheimer, Francis, Ball. 2 Jur. 1893 Orange, Hugh W. iVew; 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 Orchard, Henry L. Pemh. 3 Math. Mod. 1874 3 Math. 1876, 4 Nat. Sc. 1877 John, Non-C. 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Orchardson, William Q. Hon. D.C.L. 1890 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 187 Ord, Christopher C. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. James P. University 3 CI. Kichard, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 2 L. & H. William W. Vniv. 4 Nat. Sc. Orde, Charles W. University 4 CI. James H. Oriel 4 CI. Thorlief L. M. Balliol 4 Hist. William, Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 2 Jur. O'Kegan, John K. H. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 2 Hist. O'Reilly, WiUiam E. New 2 CI. Mod. Orell, William Proctor Orger, Edward E. Pemh. 2 CI. John G. Wadham 2 CI. William, Edm. H. 2 CI., 3 Math. Orlehar, Arthur B. Lincoln 3 CI., 1 Math. Augustus, Wadham 4 CI. Augustus S. TForc. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Orme, James B. Brasenose 4 CI. Ormerod, Arthur, Exeter 3 CI. Arthur L. New 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) Edward, Keble 4 Theol. George T. B. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 2 L. & H. 3 CI. 1 CI. Mod. Latin Verse 2 CI. Fellow of Jesus 1 Nat. Sc. •Thomas H. New Latin Verse English Verse •Thomas J. Brasenose 1 CI. Select Preacher Ormond, Ernest W. New 3 Jur. ♦John, Pemhi-ol-e 3 Math. Ormonde, James, first Doke of Chancellor James, second Duke of, Ch. Ch. Chancellor Ormsby, Hen. M. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. William A. University 4 CI. Ornsby, John A. Lincoln 2 Hist. •Eobert, Lincoln 1 CI. Fellow of Trinity ♦John A. Brasenose •Joseph A. Corpus Orr, Alexander, Oriel 4 Math. Andrew A. Ch. Ch. 3 Theol. Orred, John W. Merton 4 Hist. Orsoware, Edmxmd Proctor Orsoworth, Eoger Proctor 1890 1892 1810 1870 1872 1883 18.31 1852 1888 1875 1877 1891 1893 1894 1893 1439 1849 1844 1826 1832 1847 1881 1883 1861 1843 1892 1891 1865 1867 1835 1869 1869 1870 1871 1818 1818 1829 1844 1885 1850 1669 1688 1862 1864 1834 1873 1840 1836 1870 1873 1404 1410 Orton, Owen, Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1859 2 CI. 1861 Orum, John, Univ. Commissary 1407 Osborn, Edward B. Magdalen 2 Math. Mod. 1886 3 Math. 1888 Edw. H. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1855 English Verse 1855 Francis W. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 •Montagu F. F. Balliol 4 CI. 1845 Fellow of Merton Montagu J. Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Nathaniel F. B. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Math. Mod. 1892 2 Jur. 1894 Percy L. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 Osborne, George E. C. Trin. 2 BQst. 1889 Sydney E. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1869 3 L. & H. 1871 Wniiam A. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1864 4 CI. 1866 Osboum, Matthew, Wadham Proctor 1620 William, All Soids Proctor 1599 Oseworhd, John de Commissary 1304 Osier, Eichard S. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1880 Osmaston, Fran. P. B. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Ossulbury, Nicholas Warden of New 1435 Ossulston, Lord : see Denison, John E. Ostler, John M. (afterwards Lely, J. M.), 3Iagd. 1 CI. Mod. 1859 2 CI. 1861 Oswald, Alexander, Ch.Ch. 4 CI. 18.34 Henry M. Ch. Ch. 1 L. & H. 1855 Oswell, Francis, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1883 George D. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1872 Henry L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1834 Ottaway, Cuthbert J. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 *Otter, Francis, Corpus 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1&52 2 Math. 18.54 INlath. Moderator 1859. 61, 9 Henry S. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1876 Ottey, Geo. F. Oriel 3 CI., 2 Math. 1815 Ottley, Edward B. Kehle 2 Theol. 1876 Francis J. Oriel 1 Math. 1848 Senior Math. Scholar 1840 Henry B. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Herbert T. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 188 ALniABETIPAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. •Ottley, John Ti. (formerly Hooker, J. B.), Oriel 1 CI. 1818 Latin Essay 1822 •Robert L. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. ISTf) Hertford SchoLar 187C Latin Verse 1876 1 CI. 1878 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Craven Scholar 1879 Derby Scholar 1879 Fellow of Magdalen Select Preacher 1890 ( »tto, John E. Magdalen 2 Jur. 1803 ( >uld, Robert, Keble 3 Nat. So. (Physiol.) 1894 Ouseley, Sir Fred. A. G., Bt., Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1845 Prof. Music 18.55 Ouvry, Arthur G. Wadham 2 Hist. 1882 O verbeck, Joseph, Teacher of German 1862 Overend, Frederick L. Jesus 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Thomas G. Non-C. 2 L. & H. 1872 Walker, Balliol 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1886 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1887 Wilkinson, Kehle 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1887 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1888 Overton, Edmund S.Pem6.2 CI. Mod. 18&3 3 CI. 1865 Frederick A. Exeter 2 Theol. 1887 •Isle G. Corpus 2 CI. 1831 John H. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1855 3 CI. 1857 Overy, Henry, Queen^s 4 CI. 1873 Owen, Arthur E. B. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Nat. Sc. 1880 Arthur S. New 1 CI. Mod. 1892 1 CI. 1894 Arthur W. Non-C. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1876 •Brisco, Jesus 3 CI. 1829 David S. Queen's 3 Jur. 1881 ♦Donald M. Balliol 2 CI. 1852 •Edward, Jesus 3 CI. 1848 Edward C. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. 1891 •Edward C. E. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1883 Fellow of New Feamley W. i? rase jiose 2 Jar. 1891 3 B.C.L. 1892 Harry, Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1864 1 L. & H. 1866 Herbert D. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Hugh D. Jesus 2 CI. 1816 Owen, Humphrey, Je«M« Bodley's Libr. 1747 Princl. of Jesus 1763 •James A. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1862 1 CI. 1864 Fellow of University James R. Jesus 4 CI. 1834 John Dean of Ch. Ch. 1651 Vice-chancellor 1652 Burgess 10.54 John, Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Math. Mod. 1874 2 Math. 1876 John, Non-C. 4 CI. 1892 John M. D. Brasenose 2 CI. 1850 Langer, New 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 •Lewis W. Balliol 2 CI. ia34 Loftus M. Corpus 2 CI. IMod. 1885 4 Hist. 1887 •Owen, Jesus 2 CI. 1817 Owen, Jesus 2 01. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 Owen A. Jesus 3 CI. 1821 Reginald S. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Richard E. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1891 Richard T, Jesus 2 Math. Mod. ia57 3 Math. 1859 •Robert, Jesus 3 CI. 1842 L. & H. Exam. 1859, 60 ^Sidney G. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1879 Latin Verse 1880 2 CI. 1881 Latin Essay 1882 Student of Ch. Ch. •Sidney J. Worcester 3 CI. 1852 L. & H. Exam. 18&3. 4, 5 ; 71, 2 Hist. Exam. 1872, 83, 4, 5 Teach, of Ind. Law and Hist. 1861 Reader of Indian History 1878 Student of Ch. Ch. Or. Stud. Examiner 1887 Thankful, or Gracious, Lincoln Proctor 1650 Pres. of S. Jo7(n'sl650 Thomas : see Cholmondeley, T. Oriel Thomas G. Exeter 4 Theol. 1887 Thos. W. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1867 2 Math. 1869 William D. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1878 Owtram, Cuthbert E. TT'orc. 3 Theol. 1887 Oxenham, Henry N. Balliol 2 CI. 1850 Robt. G. Exeter 4 CI., 3 L. & H. 1860 Oxford, Arnold W. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1875 3 Math. 1876 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 189 Oxmantown, Viscount (afterwards 3rd Earl of Rosse), Magd. 1 Math. 1822 *Oxnam, George N. (afterwards Oxenham), Wadham 2 CI. 1820 Fellow of Exeter *Nutcombe (afterwards Oxen- ham), Exeter 1 CI. 1832 William, Wadham 1 CI. 1823 Ozanne, Eichard J. Pe7nb. 3 CI. 1846 Robert J. T. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Packard, Edward T. Trinity 3 Jur. 1891 Packe, Alfred E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 Latin Verse 1873 2 Jur. 1S73 1 B.C.L. 1874 Henry V. Brasenose 4 CI. 1847 William J. Ch. Ch. 2 Xat. So. 1855 Packer, Isaac a. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 3 CI. 1858 Paddison, Charles B. Bras. 4 Theol. 1894 George F. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1894 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Eichard, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1884 Page, Arnold H. BaJliol 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 Charles, Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 Francis, Xeio Burgess 1768-1801 Freeman, Exeter Proctor 1633 Herbert V. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 ♦John, Bras. Select Preacher 1815, 19 liaurence B. Queen^s 2 CI. Mod. 1874 1 Jur, 1876 Sidney H. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 •Thomas D. Pemh. 3 CI. Mod. 1857 4 CI. 1858 1 L. & H. 1859 Proctor 1872 Vernon F. S. Mary B. 4 Jur. 1882 Paget, Cecil G. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 Edward C. Eehle 1 Hist. 1874 •Francis, Ch. Ch. Hertf. Schol. 1871 Latin Verse 1871 1 CI. Mod. isn 1 CI. 1873 Eeg. Prof, of Pastoral Theol. 1885 Dean of Ch. Ch. 1892 George E. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Henry L. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Eichard A. S. Magdalen 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1891 Stephen, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1878 Paget, Thomas, Corpus Proctor 1737 Paige, John B. (afterwards Paige- Bro\\Ti, J.), Exeter 2 CI. 1837 Pain, John L. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1853 3 CI. 1854 Thomas H. Brasenose 4 CI. 18-53 Thomas L. Brase^iose 2 CI. 1821 Paine, Ernest C. Wadham 4 CI. 1889 William H. Magd. 3 Hist. 1885 WUliam W. New 2 CI. Mod. 1882 1 Jur. 1884 Painter, Harold L. Ball. 3 Math. Mod. 1893 William : see Paynter, W. Pakenham, Hon. Henry E. Brasenose 3 CI. 1845 Viscount (afterwards 5th Earl of Longford), Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1885 •Palairet, Charles, Queen's 1 CI. 1825 Eichard, Worcester 2 CI. 1828 Septimus H. Worcester 2 CL 1829 Palgrave, Augustine G. Merton 4 Jur. 1888 Francis M. T. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1885 3 Theol. 1887 •Francis T. Exeter 1 CI. 1847 Prof, of Poetry 1885 WiUiam G. Trinity 1 CI., 2 Math. 1846 •Palin, Edward, S. John's 1 CI. 1848 CI. Exam, 1861, 2 Edward W. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1891 Palk, Ashley, University 4 CI. 1856 4 L. & H. 1857 PaUett, Thomas C. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI., 4 Math. 1860 Palmer, Arthur, Trin. Coll., Dublin Hon. D.C.L. 1894 •Edwin, BaTliol Hertf. Schol. 1843 Ireland Scholar 1843 Latin Verse 1844 1 CI. 184.5 Latin Essay 1847 CI. Moderator 1856, 7, 8 Select Preacher 1865, 73 Prof. Latin 1870 Canon of Ch. Ch. •Edwin J. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1889 Craven Scholar 1889 1 CI. 1891 Felix H. P. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Hist. 1881 Fran. Ch. Ch. Prof. Moral Phil. 1660 Francis, Merton 4 CL 1850 George H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1861 Greville H. Magdalen 3 L. & H. 1868 Hubert, Magdalen 3 Hist. 18S9 Hurley P. Wadham 2 CL 1879 190 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Palmer {or Vaulx), John Warden of AU Foulu 1648 John H. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1884 2 Math. 1886 Joseph B. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1871 Tercgrine, All Sotd» Burgess 1745, 7, 54, 61 Ralph C. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1861 •Roundell (afterwards Earl of Selbome), Trin. Latin Verse 1831 English Verse 1832 Ireland Scholar 1832 1 CI. 1834 Eldon Law Scholar 1834 Latin Essay 1835 Fellow of Magdalen Sambourne S. Exeter 3 CI. 1824 Thomas Princl. Gloucester Hall 1563 •William, il/ai^c/a/ew Latin Verse 1830 1 CI. 1830 Latin Essay 1833 CI. Exam. 1837, 8, 9 William, S. Mary Hall 2 CI. 1825 William, Wore. Select Preacher 1832 Wm. J. Bras. Select Preacher 1828 Hon. Wm. W. (afterwards Vise. Wolmer), Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 1 Hist. 1881 Palmes, Arthur L. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 CI. 1876 George, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 Palmoma, Wm. de. Fellow of Exeter Eector of Exeter Chancellor 1350, 1 Pandit. Surajbal M. : see also Surajbal :Maniihul, Pandit, Oriel 3 Jur. 1874 Pannel, John, S. J/ar?/ Hall 2 CI. 1808 Pauter, Eichard Princl. Hert Hall 1488 Pantin, Robert G. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Thomas, Pembroke 2 CI. 1842 William E. P. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Panting, Laurence C. Balliol 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1891 Matthew Master of Pe?«6. 1714 Eichard, Cli. Ch. 4 CI., 4 Math. 1836 Panton, John E. W. University 2 CI. 1820 Pantry, or Pantre, John a Provost of Queen's 1515 Papillon, Pelham R. University 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 Jur. 1887 1 B.C.L. 1888 Philip 0. Univ. 4 CI., 2 Math. 1848 •Papillon, Thos. L. Balliol Hertf. Schol. 1862 1 CI. Mod. 1862 Latin Verse 1863 1 CI. 1864 Fellow of Merlon Fellow of New CI. Moderator 1879 ; a5, 6, 7 •Paramore, D. R. S. John's 3 CI. IMod. 1860 3 CI. 1862 •Paravicini, Francis de, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1864 Hertford Scholar 1864 2 CI. 1866 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1866 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. CI. Moderator 1877, 8, 9 Fellow of Balliol Pardo, Thomas Princl. of Jesus 1727 Pardoe, George 0. Universitij 3 Theol. 1872 Pargiter, Alfred A. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 Frederick E. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1871 Boden Scholar 1872 1 Math. 1873 George E. A. Merton 2 Theol. 1879 Parham, Fran. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. Mod. 1856 4 Math. 1857 Parish, Henry, Edmund Hall 3 CI. 1812 William D. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1856 Park, Mungo T. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1865 Philip L. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1880 1 Theol. 1882 Parke, Edward, Non-C. 4 Hist. 1893 Parker, Alfred T. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1858 Hon. Archibald, Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1881 Arthur W. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1863 Charles A. C. Wadham 3 L. & H. 1871 Charles J. Non-C. 3 Nat. Sc. 1882 Charles L. E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1882 4 Hist. 1884 Charles P. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1874 1 CI. 1876 •Charles S. Univ. 1 CI., 2 Math. 1852 CI. Exam. 1859, 60, 3, 8 Charles S. Univ. 4 Hist. 1887 Claude C. Kehle 3 Theol. 1890 Cuthbert J. Oriel 3 Theol. 1879 Edward. Oriel 3 CI. 1829 Edward B. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1859 4 CI. 1861 Edward M. Kehle 2 Math. IMod. 1876 2 Theol. 1878 Ernest J. Bmsenose 2 CI. Mod. 1893 ALPHABETICAL REGISTEE OF HONOUKS. 191 Parker, Evelyn S. New 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Jur. 1891 Francis H. M. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 189-i Francis W. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1891 Frederick M. S. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 4 CI. 1893 Frederick P. Oriel 4 CI. 1864 Frederick W. Pemh. 3 CI. 1846 •Henry, Universitij 2 CI. 1850 Fellow of Oriel Latin Essay 1852 Henry B. Hertf. 2 Math. Mod. 1893 John, Brasenose 2 CI. 1820 John Henry, Exeter Keeper of Ashm. Museum 1870 John O. Oriel 4 CI. 1833 John T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1808 Joseph T. Qneen's 3 CI. 1823 Eeginald, Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 4 CI. 1858 Eichard Princl. Alhan H. 1621 Richard, Queen's 4 L. & H. 1858 Eichard T. S. Mary H. 4 Theol. 1870 Eichard W. E. Ch. ai. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Samuel Pres. of Magdalen 1687 •Samuel P. Trin. Craven Schol. 1784 Fellow of Merton Proctor 1799 Thomas, Brasenose 3 Jur. 1889 Thomas B. J. Tl'orc. 3 Theol. 1883 ♦William, Neiv Select Preacher 1832 William S. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1872 4 CI. 1874 Parker-Hutchinson, Standish G. J. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1892 Parkhouse, John Princl. Hert Hall 1506 Eobert Princl. Magd. Hall 1529 Parkhurst, John, Magd. Proctor 1597 Master of Balliol 1617 Lewis E. Jesus 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Parkin, Lewis, S. John's 2 Math. 1844 Parkins, William T. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 WiUiam T. 3Ierton 2 CI. 1845 Parkinson, Chas. L. Brasenose 4 CI. 1848 Claude J. M. Jesus 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1892 Israel, Queen's 4 Theol. 1875 John P. : see Wilson, J. P. Eobert J. H. Magd. 3 L. & H. 1866 William, Oriel 3 Jur. 1881 Parkyns, Thomas M. F. Bras. 3 Jur. 1876 Parmenter, Thos. Merton Proctor 1477 Parmiter, Spurrier C. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 Parnell, Arthur H. Merton 4 Theol. 1885 Parnell, Frank, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1858 3 CI. 1860 •Paul, S. John's 1 CI., 1 Math. 1843 Victor A. L. D. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1875 Parr, Cecil F. Exeter 2 L. & H. 1871 John, Exeter 3 Hist. 1874 John O. Brasenose 2 CI. 1818 Percival C. New 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Eobert, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 Thomas H. Wwc. 1 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 WUloughby C. 3Iagd. 3 Theol. 1875 Parret, or Perrot, Simon Princl. 3Iagd. Hall 1541 Proctor 1545, 6 Parrott, James A. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Jur. 1873 Parry, Charles H. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1870 Charles H. H. Exeter 2 L. & H. 1870 Choragus 1884 David, Jesus Keeper of Ashm. Museum 1709 Edmund W. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Hist. 1883 Edward, Balliol 1 CI. 1852 Edward A. Oriel 2 Theol. 1882 Edward H. Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1874 2 Theol. 1876 Syriac Version Prize 1879 Edward H. Exeter 2 CI. Slod. 1876 3 Hist. 1878 Edward St. J. Balliol 1 CI. 1848 English Essay 1849 Latin Essay 1850 Frederick S. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Henry H. Balliol 4 CI. 1851 •John, Brasenose Craven Scholar 1822 3 CI. 1825 Joseph H. New 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1881 Methold S. University 3 Hist. 1893 Oswald H. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Owain G. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1889 Eobert, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Samuel P. Queen's 2 Theol. 1888 •Thomas, Oriel 2 CI., 1 Math. 1816 Fellow of Balliol Parsons, Charles, Jesus 3 CI. 1852 Charles, Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1875 Daniel, Oriel 4 CI. 1831 •Frederic J. Magdalen 1 CI. 1819 192 ALPHABETICAL IlIlQISTEIi OF HONOURS. Parsons, Frederick "SV. M(i(idnlfn 1 CI. Mfid. ISfiG 3 CI. 1808 Harold G. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 James, New 3 CI. Mod. 1870 1 Hist. 1872 John Master of lialliol 1708 Select Preacher 1804 Vice-chancellor 1807 John, C7/. Ch. Clin. Prof. ISIed. 1780 John, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 CI. 1874 Hon. J. C. Magd. 1 Math. 1822 Philip Princl. Jlert Hall 1633 Hon. Ralph L. Balliol 3 Math. Mod. 1894 Partridge, Aubrey A. H. Ball. :5 Hist. 1884 Parys, Thomas Princl. S. Mary H. 1458 Pascoe. James, Exeter 3 CI. 1845 •Richard C. Maqd. H. 3 CI. 1851 Fellow of Exeter Pasley, Hamilton S. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1857 Patch, James T. (afterwards J. T. Miindy), Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1860 1 CI. 1862 Patchell, Charles W. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Patenson, or Batenson, Wm. Queeti's Proctor 1505 •Pater, Walter H. Queen's 2 CI. 1862 Fellow of Brasenose Paterson, Alexander M. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Archibald R. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Arthur B. Hertf. 3 Math. Mod. 1881 3 Hist, 1883 James A. Pemhrol-e Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1874 2 CI. Mod. 1875 Syriac Version Prize 1876 Leslie R. Kehle 4 Theol. 1888 Marwood, Exeter 2 Theol. 1894 Noel H. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1865 2 L. & H. 1867 Paton, Alfred V. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 Frederick H. V. Lincoln 4 Hist. 1891 Morton B. Balliol 3 Hist. 1894 Thomas L. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1889 Walter B. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 3 CI. 1876 William R. University 1 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1880 Patten, James, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1872 Pattenden, Frederick W. W. New 1 CI. I^Iod. 1877 2 CI. 1880 Patterson, James B. Jesns 2 CI. Mod. 1891 4 CI. 1893 Melville W. New 1 CI. Mod. 1894 •Patteson, John C. Balliol 2 CI. 1848 Fellow of Merton Thomas, Exeter 3 CI. 18.30 Thomas C. Merton 4 CI. 1858 William, Balliol 3 CI. 1811 •Pattison, Mark, Orid 2 CI. 1836 Fellow of Lincoln Denyer Prize 1841, 2 01. Exam. 1848, 9 ; 53, 4; 70, 1 Rector of Lincoln 1861 Mark J. Brasenose 2 CI. 1808 Patton, Frederick J. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1874 Patynson, Wm. Princl. Edm. H. 1503 Paul, Dolben, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1854 Frederick C. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1884 Frederick W. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1880 Herbert W. Corpiis 2 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1875 John, 3Iagd. Hall 4 Math. 1840 ♦Robert B. Exeter 2 CI. 1819 CI. Exam. 1826 Robert M. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1861 Pauli, Reinhold Hon. D.C.L. 1874 Paulson, Fred. a. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 George R. Balliol 3 CI. 1820 William H. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1868 Pavy, Walter Princl. New Inn H. 1461 Pawnton, Thomas, Line. Proctor 1464 Commissary 1484 Paxton, Francis V. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1856 2 CI., 1 Nat. Sc. 1858 Radcliffe TraveUing Fellow 1862 Payne, Charles H. Merton 3 Math Mod. 1889 4 Theol. 1891 Charles W. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1879 Boden Scholar 1882 1 Math. 1882 •Edward J. Charsley's Hall 2 CI. Mod. 1869 1 CI. 1871 Fellow of University Fred. E. H. ^. John's 3 L. & H. 1871 John Princl. New Inn H. 1520 ALPHABETICAL REGISTEE OF HONOURS. 193 »Payiie, Joseph F. Magdalen 2 Math. Mod. 18G0 1 Nat. Sc. 18C2 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1863 Eadcliffe Travelling Fellow 18G5 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1860, 70 Julius D. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 2 Theol. 1894 Peter Princl. Edmund H. 1410 Peter G. S. Univ. 2 Jur. 1883 •Peter S. H. Balliol Ireland Scholar 18.30 1 CI. 1831 Bobert W, Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1893 William Princl. Hert Hall 1414 William A. Pemb. 4 Nat. Sc. 1877 Paynink, Eobert Chancellor 1338 ? Paynter, John, Edmund H. 3 CI. 1812 William Eector of Exeter 1690 Vice-chancellor 1698 Payntour, John, Mert. Proctor 1464 Peacey, William J. Merton 3 Hist. 1884 Peachey, James H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1888 2 Hist. 1890 Arnold Essay 1892 Peacock, Arthur B. Non-C. 2 Hist. 1892 Basil W. Merton 4 Theol. 1891 Mark B. Trinity 3 Jur. 1883 Matthew H. Exeter 1 CI. Mud. 1878 2 CI. 1880 Walter G. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Hist. 1875 Peacocke, G. M. W. (afterwards Sandford, G. M. W.), New Inn Hall 4 Math. 1844 Pead, Prince, Wadham Proctor 1749 'Peake, Arthur S. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1885 1 Theol. 1887 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1889 Ellei-ton Essay 1890 Fellow of Merton Charles W. Hertf. 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Math. 1887 2 Nat. Sc.(Phys.) 1888 Edward, Oriel 4 Hist. 1883 Henry, Jesus 2 CI. 1833 James E. Magd. Hall 2 CI., 2 Math. 18.36 John, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1846 William H. Co^-p. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Hist. 1875 Pearce, Alexander, Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1867 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 John W. E. Mert. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Pearman, Morgan T. PemhroJce 2 L. & H. 1857 Pears, Hugh V. C&iyus 3 CI. Mod. 1876 2 Hist. 1878 ♦James E. Magdalen 2 CI. 1824 Philip W. Wadh. 3 L. & H. 1867 *Steuart A. Cwpus 2 CI. 1836 Ellerton Prize 1839 Denyer Prize 1841 Pearse, Arthur H. Carpus 2 Math. 18.52 Brice H. Brasenose 3 CI. 1849 ♦George W. Corpus 3 CI. 1845 Nicholas, Brasenose 2 CI. 1822 Eobert W. Brasenose 4 CI. 1849 -Thomas, Magdalen 3 CI. 1839 Vincent, Lincoln 3 CI. 1856 Pearson, Albert H. Neio 3 L. & H. 1863 Alexander, Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1879 Alfred, Lincoln 2 Theol. 1872 Arthur C. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1859 4 aiith. 1860 Arthur H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1878 Charles B. Oriel 2 CI. 1828 ♦Charles H. Exeter 1 CI. 1852 Fellow of Oriel Sacred Poem 1857 Charles H. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 Charles J. Corpus Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1862 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1863 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1865 Charles W. Non-C. 2 Theol. 1886 Ernest W. Une. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 Fred. J. N. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Frederick W. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1893 George, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1835 George H. New 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Hugh, Balliol 3 CI. 1839 Hugh N. S. John's Buchanan Prize 1807 Proctor 1813 Select Preacher 1813 John, Balliol 1 CI. 1828 John Y. New 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Eichard, S. John's 3 CI. 1818 Thomas Princl. Edmund H. 1707 •Thomas, Queen's 2 CI. 1830 William, University 3 CI. 1832 William H. (afterwards Jervis, W. H.), Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1835 194 ALrilABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Pease, Cyril A. Lincoln Howard, BaUiol 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1801 2 CI. Mod. 1H84 :$ CI. l!wr, John W. B. New 3 Hist. 18'.tl •rechell, Augustus, Ch. Ch. A CI. 1812 Pechey, Richard F. HertJ. 3 CI. Motl. 1892 Peck, Henry C. Univ. 4 Jur. 1887 Philip, Wadham 2 CI. :Mod. 18GG 3 CI. 1808 Robert H. Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. 1878 Wm. A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 Hist. 1884 Peckhara, Henry J. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 18f.2 3 L. & H. 18()4 Pedder, Arthur L. Magd. 1 INIath. Mod. 1887 1 Math. 1890 Edward, Bras. 3 CI., 1 Math. 1842 John, Oriel 1 CI. :Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 John "W. Bras. 4 Theol. 1874 AYm. G. Exeter 2 CI. IMod. 18.")2 4 L. & H. 1854 Peddie, James D. Triniti/ 4 Hist. 18S0 Pedyll, William, Merton Proctor 15.32 Princl. Alban Hall 1532 Peebles, Lewis H. I. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Peel, Arthur G. V. New 2 CI. Mod. 1888 1 CI. 1890 Arthur W. Balliol 2 CI. 1852 Hon. D.C.L. 1887 Edward L. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 Frederick, Oriel 4 L. & H. 18.58 Herbert R. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1852 Johu D. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 Jur. 1894 John G. New 3 CI. Mod. 1892 3 Hist. 1894 Jonathan Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Maurice B. Neio 2 Hist. 1894 Robert, Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1808 Burgess 1817, 18, 20, 8 Robert K. Balliol 4 CI. 1847 Sidney C. New 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 TVilliam. Brasi-nose 1 CI. 1819 ■\Villiam R. W. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 18S9 Peers, Herbert J. Worcester 4 Jur. 1887 Peet, Henry H. Nevj 4 Jur. 1890 Pegge, Sir Christopher, Ch. Oi. Reg. Prof. Medicine 1801 Peil, John A. Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1878 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Peile, James B. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1^53 1 CI. 18.55 James H. F. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1886 Walter O. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 18G5 2 L. & H. 18G7 Sacred Poem 1872 Peirce, John, S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1888 Pekyns, John, Exeter Proctor 153;j •Pelham, Henry F. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1860 1 CI. 1809 Fellow of Exeter English Essay 1870 CI. Exam. 1878, 80, 4 Proctor 1879 Reader in Ancient History 1887 Camden Prof, of Anc. Hist. 1889 Fellow of Brasenose Herbert, Magdalen Proctor 1034 Herbert, Magdalen 3 Theol. 1877 Nathaniel, Neic Proctor 1670 Sidney, Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Pell, Albert J. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 Jur. 1886 Jens, Exeter 4 CI. 18.34 Pellatt, Thomas, Trinity 1 Hist. 1887 Pellew, Hon. George, Corpus 3 CI. 1814 Pelling. John, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1701 Pelly, Frederick W. Line. 3 Hist. 1877 •Theophilus, Corpus 3 CI. 1834 *Pember, Edw. H. C7/. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1852 1 CI., 3 L. & H. 1854 *Francis W. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1881 Ireland Scholar 1884 1 CI. 1884 Fellow of All Souls Craven Scholar 1885 Eldon Scholar 1887 Howard E. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1888 Pemberton, Bertram R. 'S,.New 4 Hist. 1890 •Christopher, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1822 Edward R. : see Butcher, E. R. Vuiversity *John S. G. New 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1884 Fellow of All Souls Robert, University 3 CI. Mod. 1888 2 Hist. 1890 Pembrey, Marcus S. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1889 Radclitte Travelling Fellow 1890 Johnson Memorial Prize 1891 Pembroke, Wm. Earl of Chancellor 1010 Pembroke and Montgomery, Philip, Earl of, New High Steward 1615 Chancellor 1041, 8 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 195 Pendlebury, John E. Bras. 2 Theol. 1883 William H. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1885 Penfold, Edward B. Worcester 1 L. & H. 1867 Penlington, Edmund T. New 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Penn, Llewellyn M. Jestis 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 William C. Exeter 3 Hist. 1888 Pennant, David, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1817 Pennefather, William, Balliol 2 CI. 1831 Pennell, Aubray P. Ch. Ch. Boden Scholar 1886 1 Jur. 1886 George H. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 Ed. L. Ch. Ch. 3 CI., 2 Math. 1850 Penney, WUliam C. Herff. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 William H. S. John's 4 Theol. 1877 Penny, Charles, PembroJce 2 CI. 1831 Charles W. Corjnts 3 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1858 1 Math. 1860 Edward, S. John's 3 CI. 1831 Edward W. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 18G4 2 CI. 1866 Eraser H. S. John's Frederick P. ^/ S. 3 Theol. 1878 3 CI. Mod. 1878 4 Hist. 1880 2 CI. Mod. 1858 2 Math. 1836 Eobert G. Oriel •William G. Ch. Ch. Math. Scholar 1838 Penrhyn, Oswald H. L. Ball. 3 CI. 1849 Penrice, Jol^n, Brasenose 4 CI. 1840 Penrose, Charles, Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1874 *John, Balliol 3 CI. 1836 Eellow of Lincoln John, Corpus Bampton Lect. 1808 Select Preacher 1807, 10 ♦Thomas, New Latin Verse 1790 *Thomas T. Corpus 1 CI. 1814 Fellow of Exeter Penson, Edward A-. Vn iversity 3 Hist. 1893 John P. Worcester 4 CI. 1831 Peter, New 2 CI. 1807 Penton, Stephen Princl. Edm. H. 1676 Pentreath, Arthur G. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1888 Frederick E. Woj-cester 1 CI. Mod. 1855 2 CI. 1857 Pentycross, Fred. J. No7i-C. 2 Theol. 1876 Pepin, John, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1879 2 Theol. 1881 Peppin, Arthur H. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1885 Stephen F. B. Edmund Hull 4 L. & H. 1854 O Peppin, Talbot S. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Pepys, George D. Oriel 3 Hist. 1890 Perceval, Diidley M. Ch. Ch. I CI. 1822 Edward F. Brasenose 4 CI. 1844 Henry, Brasenose 3 CI. 1820 Percival, Francis W. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1865 1 CI. 1867 * John,' Queen's Junior Math. Scholar 1855 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1856 1 CL, 1 Math., 4 L. & H. 1858 President of Trinity 1878 Select Preacher 1881, 8 •John, Wadham 2 CI. 1808 John G. Magdalen 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1889 Lewis, Oriel 2 L. & H. 1854 Lovibond J. E. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 Philip E. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1893 2 Math. Mod. 1893 Percival-Balmer, J. (see also Balmer, J. P.), Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1860 Percy, Hon. Charles, Ch. Ch. 3 CL 1815 Hon. Josceline, Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1893 Pereson, or Peyrson, John Provost of Queen's 1460 Perfect, Eobert, Queen's 2 CI. 1822 Periam, William, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1712 Perin, John, S. John's Eeg. Prof. Greek 1597 Pering, John S. Oriel 3 CL 1818 Peter, Oriel 3 CL 1822 Perkes, Edmund, Corpus Proctor 1702 Perkins, Algernon, Oriel 1 Math. 1831 Benjamin E. Lincoln 3 CL 1824 Charles M. Uncoln 3 CL Mod. 1858 George, Bras. 2 CL, 3 Math. 1840 Jocelyn H. T. Magd. 2 Hist. 1892 John, Ch. Ch. 3 CL 1824 ^Oswald T. New 1 CL Mod. 1878 1 CL 1881 Fellow of TJniversity Eobert C. L. Jesus 4 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1889 Perks, Bernard, Magdalen 3 Hist. 1889 Perowne, John J. S. Corpus, Camh. Select Preacher 1887 Perrin, Lewis, Magd. 3 CL Mod. 1875 2 Jur. 1877 Perrot : see Parret, Simon. Perrott, Charles, is. John's Assessor 1680 Burgess 1679, 81, 5 George St. J. Worcester 4 Jur. 1877 Humphrey, Oriel Craven Schol. 1738 Perry, Charles C. New 3 CL 1875 2 106 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Perry, Charles E. ^•. John's 2 Hist. 1804 Edward J. Worcester Pusey and EUerton Scholar 1878 2 Theol. 1878 Kennicott Scholar 187'.) *George G. Corpus 2 CI. 1840 Fellow of Lincoln George H. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 John, Iit 2 Jur. 1885 2 CI. Mod. IS.5.5 Chancellor 1284 Pilcher, Alexander M. W. Magd, 4 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1803 Cecil TV. Kehh 3 CI. Mod. ISOl Francis, Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1801 3 Math. Mod. 18G1 4 Math. 18C2 Giles T. Corpus 2 CI. IVIotl. 1870 2 CI. 1872 John H. W. Magchden 2 B.C.L. 1888 Pile, George H. H. Neio 2 Jur. 1893 •Pilkington, Charles H. New 3 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 185G 3 CI., 2 :\rath. 1858 Ernest S. Magdalen 4 Hist. 1890 Pilsbury, Ernest H. Wore, 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Pim, Henry B. Merfon 2 Jur. 1886 Pimblett, Charles B. Queen's 3 Theol. 1887 James B. Wadham 3 Theol. 1892 Pinchin, Hugh T. Kon-C. 3 Theol. 1889 Pin eke, Eobert, New Proctor 1610 Warden of Neic 1617 Yice-Chancellor 1634, 43 Pinder, Edward, Wadham 3 CI. 1847 •North, TrinUv 1 CI. 1850 CI. Moderator 1858, 9 ; 65, 6, 7 CI. Exam. 1861, 2 Pinel, Arthur E. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Ping, Andrew, Non-C. 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1888 Pinhey, Eobert W. S. Univ. 3 Math. Mod. 1873 4 Jur. 1875 Pinhorn, George, Edmund H. 3 CI. 1830 •Pinkerton, John S. S. Jofni's 3 CI. 1833 Proctor 1842 Eobert H. Boll. 1 Math. Mod. 1878 1 Math. 1880 Pipon, James C. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1862 2 Math. Mod. 1862 Pirie, Francis L. Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1862 1 Math. 1863 'Pitcaim, David Senior Math. Schol. 1861 Fellow of Moffdnlen David L. 3Iagdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 Pitcher, John E. Onel 3 CI. 1826 Pitman, Allan A. Magdalen 4 Hist. Francis E. Ereter 4 Theol. Harry A. New 2 Nat. Sc. (IVIorph.) Horace, Oriel 1 CI. ^Mod. 2 CI. James C. New 3 Hist. Wm. D. Ereter 3 CI. Mod. Pitt, Joseph, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Vernon H. Herlf. 1 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Pittman, Joseph M. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Pitt-Eivers, Augustus H. L. F. Hon. D.C.L. Pix, George B. Line. Plaistcd, Henry, Kehle Plarr, Victor G. TT'orc. Platel, John J. BalUol Plater, Herbert, Merton William E. TJniv. Piatt, Charles H. Kehle •Hugh E. P. Trinity 4 CI., 1 Math. 3 Theol. 2 Hist. 2 Jur. 2 CI. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 3 Theol. 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Lincoln Proctor Samuel. Magd. Hall 3 CI. Winfred A. C. Eertf. 3 Math. Mod. 4 Jur. Platten, Thos. E. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Platts, John T. Balliol Teacher of Persian Or. Stud. Examiner Playfair, Chas. S. M. Non-C. 3 Theol. Playne, Herbert C. University 2 Math. Mod. 1 Math. William H. New 4 Jur. Plenderleath, Wm. C. Wadh. 4 Math. Ploetz, Eichard A. Magdalen Taylorian Scholar 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Plot, Eobert, Magdalen Hall Keeper of Ashm. Miaseum Plum, Harry V. Hertf. 1 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Plumb. Charles E. Wore. 1 Theol. Thomas S. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 2 Jur. ♦Plumer, Charles J. Balliol 2 CI. Latin Essay English Essay Fellow of Oriel Henry, Bullid 2 CI. 1881 1874 1889 1890 1892 1887 1865 1817 1889 1891 1882 1884 188C 1846 1875 1886 18a3 1849 1874 1876 1890 1862 1864 1877 1824 1880 1882 1863 1865 1880 1892 1883 1891 1893 1892 1852 1869 1870 1872 1683 1888 1891 1894 1871 1873 1820 1821 1823 1824 of ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. ro^^^^JO^ Plumer, Thomas H. BaUiol 2 CI. 1816 •Plummer, Alfred, Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 18C1 2 CI. 18G3 Fellow of Trinity ♦Charles, Coi-pus 1 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1873 ^ Proctor 1890 Charles S. Oriel 4 Math. 1842 Francis B. Trinity 3 Math. Mod. 1872 2 Theol. 1874 Rowland T. Pemh. 3 CI. Mod. 18G9 2 Theol. 1871 Seth B. Universitv 3 CI. 1827 Plumpton, Adam, BaUiol Proctor 1367 Roger de Proctor 1267 Plumptre, Ai'thur H. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Theol. 1892 •Edward H. University 1 CI., 1 Math. 1844 Select Preacher 18.51, 64, 72 Fellow of Brasenose Theol. Exam. 1872, 3 Grinfield Lecturer 1872 •Frederick C. University 2 CI. 1817 Master of University 1836 Vice-Chancellor 1848 Henry P. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Theol. 1893 Henry S. Blerton 3 CI. 1813 Henry W. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 Hist. 1890 Henry W. University 1 CI. 1824 Henry W. University 4 CI. 1857 John B. Oriel 4 Theol. 1886 John V. N. University 3 Jur. 1890 Eohert G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 1 Theol. 1889 Eohert W. University 4 CI. 1848 Plunkett, Horace C. University 2 Hist. 1877 Hon. Eandal E. (afterwards 15th Lord Dunsany), Ch. Ch. 3 CI., 3 Math. 1828 Hon. Eandall E. S. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1869 2 L. & H. 1871 Pocklyngton, John de, Princl. of Ball. 1332 Master of University 1362 Pocock, Isaac J. I. Merton 2 CI. 1841 •Nicholas, Queen's 2 CI., 1 Math. 1834 Johnson Math. Scholar 18.35 Math. Scholar 18.36 Math. Exam. 1839, 40, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 50 CI. Exam. 1842 Math. Moderator 1852, 3 Pocock, Theodore I. Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1889 1 Math. 1891 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1893 Pococke, Edward, Corims Laudian Prof. Arabic 16.36 Eeg. Prof. Hebrew 1648 Pode, Charles C. Exeler 2 CI. Mod. 1862 1 Nat. Sc. 1864 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1866 Ernest D. Y. Kehle 3 Nat. Sc. 1884 Podmore, Frank, Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. 1875 1 Nat. Sc. 1877 George, Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 •Thompson, S. John's 1 CI. 1846 Pokyswell, or Poxwell, John Princl. Alhan Hall 1510 Pole, Edward A. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Evan W. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. Mod. 1880 4 CI. 1882 Eeginald, Magdalen Fellow of Corpus Chancellor 1556 Eichard, Balliol 3 CI. 1822 William, Balliol 3 CI. 1819 •William E. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1&37 Polehampton, Charles A. Mert. 3 CI. 1887 Edward H. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 ^Thomas S. Pemhrole 2 Math. 1850 Poley, Arthur P. ,S'. John's 2 Hist. 1878 Thomas W. Merton 4 Hist. 1873 Pollard, Albert F. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1889 1 Hist. 1891 Lothian Prize 1892 Alfred W. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1879 1 CI. 1881 Arthur T. Wadham 1 CI. 1876 Cecil S. Kehle 2 Theol. 1882 Henry B. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. vMorph.) 1890 Henry S. Lincoln 4 CI. 1833 John Proctor 1531 Pollen, Arthur J. H. Trin. 2 Hist. 1888 *John H. Merton Proctor 1851 Eichard H. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1836 Pollet, or Pollard, John, Lincoln Proctor 1.534, 5 ♦Pollock, Sir Frederick, Bart. Corpus Jur. Exam. 1881, 2, 3, 5, 9 ; 90, 1 Corpus Prof, of Jurisprudence 1883 Wilfred D. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. Mod. 1880 Pollock-Hill, William, Kehle 4 Theol. 1890 PoUok, Allan G. .S'. John's 4 Jur. 1894 Pomeroy, Hon. Ealph L. Bcdl. 3 Hist. 1891 Ponsouby, Hon. M. J. G. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1863 200 ALPHARETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Pontifcx, Refjinald D. Magd. 4 .Tur. 3 B.C.L. Pontissarn, .Toliii de Chancellor Poole, Alcxaiuh'r, Trinity 3 Theol. Alf re«l, FAlm u ud Ihill 3 CI. Arthur W. Wore. Charles, Ch. Ch. Henry J. Pembroke 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Proctor 3 CI. 3 CI. Mod. Hugh, All Souls John, Ch. Ch. Reginald L. Wadh Ballinl Lothian Prize (See also Lane-Poole, R.) Robert B. Vniversity 3 CI. Mod. Robert H. J. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Samnel, Pembrolce 3 CI. Sealy, Exeter 2 Math. Mod. 3 Math. William, Oriel 4 CI. William H.W. Magd. 1 Nat. Sc. William M. Magdalen 3 Math. Mod. 4 Xat. Sc. (Chem.) Poole-Hughes, William W. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Pooley, Herbert, Eehle 3 Math. Mod. Pope, Arthur F. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. Ambrose, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Charles A. Worcester 3 Jur. •Edward, Queen's 3 Math. Ed-vvin, University 2 CI. George H. Wadham 1 L. & H. George U. Teacher of Tamil and Telugu •Henry M. R. S. Joh »',s 1 CI. Mod. 1 Math. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Lincoln Craven Scholar John Warden of All Souls Montague M. .S'. Joh n's 3 CI. Mod. 3 Theol. Richard W. M. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Proctor Censor of Xon-Coll. Stud. Select Preacher Samuel, Trinity 3 Jur. Septimus, Queen''s 4 CI. Simeon L. Trinity 3 CI. Walter, Wadham Proctor 1«82 1280 1882 1K4S 1871 1873 1875 1877 18.52 18.")3 1.5()7 18GG 187G 1879 1861 1870 1881 1848 1871 1873 1841 1874 1892 1894 1886 1888 1877 186n 1891 1893 1878 1816 18.51 1862 188.5 1869 1869 1871 1872 1.5;58 1873 1875 1860 1871 1884 1887 1890 1891 183.5 1823 1658 Pope, William, Vniv. William li. New 3 CI. Mod. 1801 3 Math. Mod. 18G1 3 CI. 186.3 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Popham, E. W. L. QiieerCs 3 CI. Mod. 1865 •Francis L. University 2 CI. 1831 Fellow of All Soids Vy vyan W. Exeter 3 L. & H. 185<; Popy, Henry Princl. S. Mary H
V. Pemhmle 3 CI. Mod. IST)! Thomas, Oriel Proctor 1538 Thomas F. S. Joint's 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1883 •Tljomas (J. BniM-nnst 1 CI. 1815 "Win. Princl. New Inn Hull 1530, 5 AVilliam, Corpua Enpl. Essay 1788 ^Villiam, Jesn>i 2 Math. Mod. 1877 4 Math. 1879 "William A. Non-C. 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1887 \Villiam C S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1894 "William D. Lamp. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 afterwards Jesus 4 CI. 1887 Robertson, Abram, Ch. Ch. English Essay 1782 Prof, of Geometry 1797 Prof, of Astronomy 1810 Eadcliffe Observer 1810 Archibald, ,S. Mxri/ Hill 3 Hist. 187G ♦Archibald, Trinitv 2 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1876 Theology Examiner 1894 Charles Demonstrator of Physiology 18G0 Chas. G. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1874 *Charles G. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 Stanhope Prize 1891 1 CI. 1892, 1 Hist. 1893 Fellow of All Souls Eben "W. Worcester 3 CI. 1837 •Edmimd, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1868 1 CI. 1870 Fellow of Corjms Yinerian Scholar 1871 Jur. Exam. 1877, 8, 9 Edward H. Neto 2 Hist. 1888 Frederick "W. Brasenose 4 CI. 1840 George M. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 1 Hist. 1884 4 L. & H. 1866 George P. Trinity George S. New Junior Greek Test. Prize 1892 1 CI. Mod. 1803 Gaisford Prize (Verse) 1894 James, Pemhroke 2 CI., 1 Math. 1831 John, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Theol. 1875 John C. University 2 CI. 1831 John E. T. University 2 CI. Mod. 1876 2 Jur. 1878 Thomas H. mif,(l. 2 L. & H. 1872 Thomas S. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 ■William Princl. Edmund Hall 1.530 ♦William, E.)-eter 1 :Math. 1824 Fellow of Magdalen Robeson, Arthur H. Univ. Frederick E. Mert. Hemming, Balliol Robertson, William A. C7/. C/(. 2 Hist. William H. New 3 Jur. Robertson-Glasgow, Charles P. Mai/d. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Robertson-Honey, C. Mafjdalen Hall 2 Math. Mod. Robertson-Macdonald, David M. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Ijatin Essay Herbert E. Ori^l 4 Hist. Robin, Arthur H. New 1 Math. Mod. 2 Jur. Charles J. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Philip R. Brasenose 2 CI. Robins, Charles M. Oriel 4 CI. George A. Fembi-oke 4 L. & H. Sanderson, Exetvr 2 CI. William A. Trinitij 4 Hist. *Eobinson, Alfred, University 1 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1 CL, 1 Math. Fellow of New CI. Exam. 1872, 3 ; Arthur B. New 3 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. Charles J. Ch. Ch. 2 Theol. Christopher, Magd. Proctor Christopher T. Brasenose 3 CI. David, Qtieen's 3 CI. Edmund, Balliol 3 CI. Ellis A. Balliol 3 Nat. Sc. Ernest K. Lincoln 3 Jur. ♦Francis, Corpus ■ 3 CI. Francis D. Jesus 3 Theol. Francis E. Exeter 4 Math. Francis J. Non-C. 4 Hist. Francis W. Wm-cester 3 L. & H. Frederick, New 1 CI. Mod. Frederick G. J. Univ. 3 Hist. Frederick S. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. George, Ballid 3 CI. •George C. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. George E. Jesus 3 Theol. George G. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. George S. New Junior Gk. Test. Prize George W. Queen's 3 Hist. Harold, Ch, Ch. 3 Jur. 189.3 1890 1891 1893 18G4 1877 1879 1883 1890 1892 1853 1854 18.56 1889 1872 1874 1869 1871 1837 1848 1855 1823 1891 1862 1864 84,5 1890 1891 1872 1753 1821 1824 1820 1867 1885 1823 1889 1853 1894 1868 1893 1880 1884 1886 1837 1861 1883 1873 1877 1892 1873 1892 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 215 Kobinson, Harry, Kehle Harry P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. Mod. 1880 4 CI. 1882 Harry T. S. John's 4 Theol. 1894 Henry Princl. Edm. Hall 1576 Provost of Queeii's 1581 Henry H. Magdalen 3 Math. Mod. 1877 1 Nat. Sc. 1879 Hubert C. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 1883 James E. New 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 Jur. 1887 John President of S. John's 1564 John Warden of Merton 1750 John, Oriel 4 CI. 1846 John G. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1887 4 CI. 1889 *Josiah, Brasenose 2 CI. 1814 Julian, Balliol 3 Math. Mod. 1869 3 Math. 1871 Percy, Corjms 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Eaphael, Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 18S7 4 CI. 1889 *Eichard, TFoj-c. 1 CI. Mod. 1804 1 CI. 1865 2 L. & H. 1866 Fellow of Queen's Eobert, Queen's 4 Math. 1838 Thomas, Merton Proctor 1730 Thomas W. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Math. 1887 •Walter C. Keto 2 CI. Mod. 1859 William, Balliol 3 CI. 1822 William, Oriel 2 CI. 1845 William A. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1893 William D. (afterwards Kobin- son-Douglas, W. D.), Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1873 WUliam G. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1864 1 L. & H. 1865 William H. Queen's 1 Xat. Sc. (Chem.) 1889 2 Hist..lS91 William P. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1882 4 CI. 1884 Robson, George Y. University 3 CI. 18^3 John, Trinity 3 Hist. 1894 Eoch, William, Trinity 3 CI. 1818 Eoche, Alexander A. Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1892 1 CI. 1894 Francis W. A. Trinity 1 Hist. 1875 Eochester, H. Earl of (afterwards Earl of Clarendon) High Steward 1711 Lawrence,Earl of,High Steward 1709 •Eocke, Alfred B. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 Eodborne, Thos. Mert. Proctor 1399, 1401, 2 Warden of Merton 1416 Chancellor 1420 Eodd, Edward, Exeter Proctor 1802 James E. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1878 English Verse 1880 2 CI. 1880 Eoddon, Eobert L. Kehle 2 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1890 Eoderham, Ed. Ball. Commissary 1426, 31 Eoderick, Evan M. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Eodgers, Eobert H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Denyer & Johnson Schol. 1872 Eodney, Harley. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1877 Eodocanachi, Emmanuel M. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 Jur. 1877 EodweU, George E. C.Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1886 4 Theol. 1887 Eobert M. Exeter 3 CI. 1844 Eoe, Charles A. 3Ierton 2 CI. Mod. 1861 Bodeu Scholar 1863 Eeginald H. Ball. J. Math. Mod. 1871 3 CI. Mod. 1871 1 Math. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Sir Thomas, Magdalen Burgess 1640 Eofe, Henry J. Ball. 3 Nat. Sc. iChem.) 1894 Eoffey, John, Kon-C. 3 Hist. 1884 Eogers, Arthur, Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1889 Arthur E. New 2 Hist. 1892 Arthur G. L. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 Hist. 1887 *Benj. B. Wadh. 1 CI., 4 Math. 1851 Bertram M. H. Exeter 2 Nat. Sc. 1883 Charles F. Trin. 2 Math. Mod. 1809 2 Math. 1871 Chr. Princl. Neiv Inn Hall 1626, 40 Clement F. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Theol. 1889 Edgar, S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1894 *Edward, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1840 Euys H. Keble 3 Nat. Sc. 1883 Ernest, New 2 Or. Stud, 1887 Francis B. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1882 2 Theol. 1885 Francis E. N. Ball 3 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Francis J. N. Oriel 2 CI. 1811 •Fred, (afterwards Lord Blach- ford), Oriel Craven Scholar 1829 1 CI., 1 Math. ia32 Vinerian Fellow 1840 Frederick E. Trinity 2 Nat. Sc. 1883 George B. Pembroke 4 CI. 18.32 George H. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 21G ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. ItORcrfl, Gerard S. Corpm 3 CI. Mod. 1880 4 Hist. 1882 Herbert L. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod, 1892 2 CI. 1894 James E. Thorold Magd. Hall (afterwards ^yorceKt^•r) 1 CI. 1846 CI. Exam. 1857,8; 70 CI. Moderator 1801, 2 Prof. Political Economy 1862, 1888 •lohn Pres. of 3/a(/. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1821 •Charles D. Wadham 1 CI. 1847 Charles S. Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1838 David M. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1881 George G. S. Mary Hall Nat. Sc. 1853 L. & H. 1854 George H. W. L. Queen's 3 Theol. 1876 Henry N. Ch. Ch. Davis Chinese Scholar 1888 2 Theol. 1889 Hugh M. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 Reginald R. H. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1875 4 CI. 1877 3 Jur. 1878 William D. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 . 2 Jur. 1893 Ross-Barker, Edmund J. P. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 RoBs-Hume James A. Mert. 3 Hist. 1877 Rosse, 3rd Earl of: see also Oxman- town, Viscount Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Rosseter, Robert, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1843 Rossiter, Francis S. Wadh. I CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 2 Hist. 1890 Rostron, Laurence W. S. New 2 Hist. 1894 Rote, or Roke, John, Oriel Proctor 139-5, '.) Roterham, Richard, Balliol Chancellor 1439, 40 Roth, Walter E. Magd. 2 Nat. Sc. 1884 Rotherham, Alan, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1883 2 Jur. 188.5 Roth well, Hugh, Non-C. 3 Theol. 1894 Thomas (afterwards Fitzher- bert, T.), Oriel 4 CI. 1835 Rotton, William, Wadham 3 CI. 1848 Round, Charles G. Balliol 1 CI. 1818 Edmund, Balliol 4 CI. 1841 Francis R. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 Math. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 •James T. Balliol 1 CI., 1 Math, 1820 CI. Exam. 1826, 7 Proctor 1820 John H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1876 1 Hist. 1878 Joseph, Balliol 3 CI. 1824 •Roundell, Chas. S. : see Currer, C. S. W. : see Currer W. Rous, Hon. Hugh A. Bras. 3 CI. 1821 Rouse, John, Keble 1 Theol. 1886 John. Oriel Bodley's Librarian 1620 Routh, Cuthbert, Queen's 3 CI. 1865 Martin J. Magd. Proctor 1785 Pres. of Magdalen 1791 •Martin J. Pemb. 4 CI. 1842 Robert G. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Row, Charles A. Pembroke 2 CI. 18-38 Bampton Lecturer 1877 Rowbery, Robert Proctor 1392 Rowbotham, John F. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1871 Taylorian Scholar 1872 4 Hist. 1873 Rowcliffe, Henry, S. John's 3 CI. 18-51 •Rowden, Edw. New Select Preacher 1816 •Edward W. New Registrar 1853 •Francis, Merton Proctor 1815 Select Preacher 1816 •George C. New 4 CI. 1840 Rowe, Charles W. Lincoln 3 CI. 1849 George D. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Hist. 1880 Reginald P. P. Magd. 2 Hist. 1891 •Richard M. Magd. H. 3 CI. 18-51 Fellow of Exeter Samuel N. B. Wore. 4 L. & H. 1854 •William C. Balliol 1 CI. 1823 Michel Fellow of Queen's 218 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Eowe, William IT. P. 7?.///. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 Kowell, or Rudowoll, Koger de Chancellor 12a'i Eowland, Alfretl N. Balliol 2 Hist. 180;J Charles S. S. John's 4 Thcol. 1880 Percy F. Ilnlford 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 180:5 English Essay 1894 AVilliam, Wore. 4 L. & H. 18C7 Ilowland-Bro^vn, Henry, Univ. .3 CI. Mod. 188.') Eowlands, Harry F. Trhiittj 4 Hist. 1892 Horace J, Exeter 4 Jur. 1893 John G. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1884 4 CI. 1886 Eobert E. Queen's 3 Hist. 1880 Wm. B. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 18oC Eowlaiulson, Arthur, Bras. 2 CI. 1822 •Edward, Queen's 2 CI. 1823 John, Queen's 3 CI. 18.32 Eowlatt, James C. Oriel 3 CI. 1809 Eowley, Ernest, Oriel 3 Jur. 1892 •George, Univ. Class List 1803 Exam. 1810, 1, 2 Master of Universitij 1821 Yice-Chancellor 1832 Hugh E. Pemh. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 •Eichard, CIt. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 3 CI. 1855 Thomas, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1819 William W. Queen's 3 CI. 1835 Eoxburgh, Alexander B. Exeter 4 Nat. Sc. 1882 William H. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 4 CI. 1881 William J. Lampeter (after- wards Trinitij) 3 CI. Mod. 1888 3Theol.l890 Eoyce, Da^^d, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1840 Eoj-den. Thomas, 3Iagd. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Eoyse, George Prorost of Oriel 16D1 Eubie, Alfred E. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 1 CI. 1886 George, Wore. 2 Theol. 1881 John F. Keiv 2 Hist. 1880 •Eiicker, Arthur W. Brasenose 1 :Math. Mod. 1869 Junior Math. Scholar 1869 1 Math. 1870 1 Nat. Sc. 1871 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1870, 7 ; 82, 3 Frederick G. Bra^. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 4 CI. 1878 Reginald W. Netv Inn Hall 2 Hist. 1878 Eudall, Edward, Pembrole 3 CI. 1822 Eudd, D'Arcy S. Queen s 2 Hist. 1892 •Edward M. Oriel Engl. Essay 1800 Eudd, George E. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1888 Henry, Corpus 4 CI. 1^57 Henry A. L. Jeswa 3Math. Mod. 1888 3 Math. 1890 Leonard H. Pembroke 3 CI. 1837 Eudde, Ealph Princl. Edm. H. 1540 Euddock, Mark E. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1807 Eudoryth, Eudruth, or Euderhith, Ealph, Oriel and Exeter Chancellor 1392 Eudge, Edw. L. Exeter 3 Math. Mod. 1870 3 Hist. 1878 Euell, David, Edmund Hall 3 CI. 1810 Eiii^er, Marc A. Bras. 4 Nat. Sc. 1881 Eugg, William E. Wore. 3 Theol. 1880 Eugge, John Princl. Hert Hall 1501 Eugge, or Eygge, Eobert Chancellor 1381, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 91 William Chancellor 1382 ? Ruggles-Brice, Harold G. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1833 Eumsey, Almaric, S. Mary Hall 1 Math. 1849 •Henry L. New 3 CI. INIod. 1859 3 CI. 1801 James, Pembroke 3 CI. 1846 Eobert F. Brasenose 1 Math. Mod. 1864 4 CI. 1865 1 Math. 1866 Rumworth, Henry Princl. Edm. H. 1399 Eundall, George W. New 1 CI. Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1875 Eundell, Ernest W. M. C. Magd. H. 4 Theol. 1872 Eundle, Thomas S. Queen's 3 Theol. 1873 Wilfrid C. Lineoln 1 Hist. 1891 Eush, Henry J. Worcester 4 CI. 1843 Eusher, William E. 3Iagd. H 3 CI. 1842 Eushforth, CoUingwood McN. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI 1890 Gordon M^N. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Rushout, George (afterwards 3rd Lord Northwicki, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1832 Euskin, John, 67*. Ch. Eng. Verse 1839 4 CI., 4 Math. 1842 Slade Prof. Fine Art 1869, 83 Eussel-Eendle, Charles E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1883 4 Hist. 1884 Eussell, Alfred 'F. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 4 CI. 1874 Arthur E. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1887 1 Hist. 1889 Arthur J. Oriel 4 Jur. 1884 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 219 Kussell, Cecil H. St. L. Trinity Latin Verse 1882 2 CI. Mod. 1882 Gaisforcl Prize (Verse) 1883 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1884 2 CI. 1885 Charles, Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Claude F. W. BalUol 3 Hist. 1894 Cyril, University 3 Hist. 1886 Edward J. S. Mary H. 1 Theol. 1870 Edward W. : see also Watts Kussell, Edw., Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1865 Francis, Balliol 2 Math. Mod. 18G2 4 Math. 1862 Francis X. J. Oriel 1 Jur. 1890 George W. E. Univ. 3 Hist. 1876 Harold J. H. BalUol 2 Hist. 1890 Henry Princl. Gloucester H. 1576 Herbert, Eeble 3 CI. Mod. 1873 3 Hist. 1875 Herbert D. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 James C. 3Tagd. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 2 L. & H. 1864 John, Baron (afterwards Earl of Bedford) High Steward 1542 John, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 Class List 1806 Select Preacher 1834 Proctor 1771 Chancellor 1483 3 CI. 1849 3 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 •John W. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1871 Junior Math. Scholar 1871 1 Math. 1872 Senior Math. Scholar 1873 Fellow of Merton Math. Moderator 1877, 8; 86, 7, 8 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1881 Math. Exam. 1882, 3 ; 91, 2, 3 Proctor 1889 Louis P. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 L. & H. 1872 Eobert, Merlon 4 Jur. 1889 3 B.C.L. 1890 Eobert B. Magdalen 3 CI. 1867 •Sam. H. S. John's 4 CI., 1 Math. 1836 •Spencer C. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1868 2 CI. 1870 Thomas, S. John's 4 CI. 1852 Thomas B. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Western F. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1882 1 Math. 1884 John, Ch. Ch. John, Corpus John, Neiv John F. Wadham John F. V. Jesiis Russell, William, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1888 2 Jur. 1890 3 B.C.L. 1891 William, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 ♦William, Magd. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1808 Proctor 1818 Select Preacher 1818 William, New Inn Hall 4 CI. 1840 Wm. A. 3Iagd. H. Engl. Verse 1850 3 CI. 1852 William E. Corpus 2 Hist. 1875 Eussell-Eoberts, Francis E. V. Neio 2 Jur. 1892 Eust, Clement E. ,S. John's 4 Nat. Sc. 1879 George, Brasenose 3 CI. 1815 George, Pembroke 3 CI. 1841 •James, University 1 CI. 1819 Eutherford, Arthur, Bras. 1 Math. Mod. 1884 1 Math. 1886 Charles E. Wadham 2 Jur. 1891 •William G. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1874 2 Nat. Sc. 187G Fellow of University Eutland, 7th Duke of : see Manners, Lord J. J. E. •Eutson, Albert 0. University 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Magdalen Eutter, John H. E.reter 2 Hist. 4 Theol. Denyer & Johnson Scholar Euxton, Arthur F. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Eyan, Vincent J. Wadham 3 Theol. Vincent W. Magd. Hall 2 CI. Eyde, John G. 8. John's 1 CI. Lewis F. ,S. John's 2 Theol. Walter C. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 4 CI. 2 CI. ICl. Eyder, George D. Oriel Henry D. Oriel •James 0. Pembroke Ellerton Prize Fellow of AH Bonis •Eichard C. W. Wadham 3 CI. Thomas D. Oriel 3 CI. William D. E.xefer 4 CI. Eye, Geo. Oriel Eeg. Prof. Divinity James B. Ball. 1 Hist. Eygater, John de Chancellor Eygge, Eugge, or Eigge, Eobert, Exeter Chancellor 1381 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, J Fellow of Merton Ryle, Arthur J. New 3 Hist. 1857 1859 1876 1878 1879 1891 1893 1871 184(> 1846 1883 1877 1879 1833 1824 1849 1850 1844 1837 1834 1737 1892 1239 S;91 1881 22(» ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. l{ylo, John C. Cli. Ch. Craven Scholar 183C 1 CI. 1837 Select Preacher, 1874, 9 Bepinald J. Trinity 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 Rylcy, Arthur B. Trinity 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) ISOl Cyril L. ./.'mjs 2 CI. Mod. 1894 (Jt'olTroy C. E. Triu. 3 Theol. 1889 Harold B. Exvter 2 CI. Mod. 1889 4 CI. 18'»1 Ryves, Alfred E. Triuitu 3 Jur. 1887 George Warden of New 1.599 Vice-Chancellor IGOl Cienrge T. Braseuvse 3 CI. Mod. 1855 "William L. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Sackville-West, Lionel E. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1888 Sadler, Charles, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Francis J. Wmlham 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1890 Gilbert T. Nov-C. 2 Theol. 1894 ^Michael E. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1884 Student of Cli. Cli. Thomas Princl. S. Mary H. 14C9 Saffi, Aurelio Teacher of Italian 1856 Saham, Hervey de Chancellor 1285, 6, 7 .St. Agatha, Richard de Chancellor 1256 St. Barbe, Henry L. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1870 "St. Cyres, Viscount, Mert. 1 Hist. 1892 Student of C7(. Ch. *St. Hill, Edward A. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Fellow o{ New Ralph W. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 *St. John, Ambrose, Cli. Ch. 3 CI. 1837 Edward, Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1836 Edward B. Alhnn Hall 2 CI. 1825 Henry T. University 3 CI. 1840 Robert, Balliol Teacher of Hindustani 1880 St. Leger, Anthony F. B. Brasenose 2 CI. 1829 Edward (afterwards Gth Vis- count Doneraile), New 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 St. Pattrick, Reginald, Queen's 4 CI. 1857 4 L. & H. 1858 St. Quintin, Wm. H. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1874 Saintsbury, G. E. 13. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1866 Sale, Charles J. Lincoln 3 CI. 1840 Sale, George J. New •Thomas, Moydaleii Thomas R. New Proctor 1763 2 CI. 1825 3 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Thomas W. Wadhnm 4 CI. 18.57 •Salisbury, 3rd Marquis of, All Soiih Chancellor 1869 (see aho Cecil, Lord Robert A. T. G.) Salkeld, Henry L. Non-C. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Salmon, Edward, Exeter ?. CI. 18137 George, Trinity Coll., JJnhlin Select Preacher 1877 Henry G. C. Jems 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Henry T. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1856 3 L. & H. 1857 Robert C. Trinity 4 Hist. 1886 Robert I. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1855 3 CI. 1857 Thomas, Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Thomas S. Brasenose Engl. Verse 1823 Salmond, James L. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Salt, Francis, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1819 Joseph, Balliol 3 CI. 1832 Thomas, Balliol 1 L. & H. 1853 Thomas F. New 3 CI. Mod. 1891 4 Jur. 1893 Thomas F. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Salter, Herbert E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1886 1 Theol. 1887 James C. Pemb. 1 Math. Mod. 1875 2 Math. 1877 •John, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1813 Nathaniel, Wadham Proctor 1673 Richard Princl. Neiv Inn H. 1504 •Thomas, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1811 Walter J. Worcester 3 CL INIod. 1875 4 Hist. 1877 William, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 •William C. Balliol Princl. Alban Hall 1861-82 Salting, William S. Qtieen's 3 Nat. Sc. 1861 Salveyn, Anthony Master of Univ. 1557 Richard Master of Univ. 1547 Salwey, Geoffrejs Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1893 •Henry, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1857 2 Nat. Sc. 1859 •Herbert, Cli. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1862 1 CI. 1864 Proctor 1874 John, Hertford 3 CI. Mod. 1888 Richard, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1823 Salzmann, Frederick H. New 3 CI. Mod. 1894 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 221 •Sampson, Chas. H. Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1879 Jun. Math. Scholar 1880 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 Math. 1881 Fellow of Brasenose Mathematical INIoderator 1890, 1 Mathematical Examiner 1804 Desmond H. W. Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1863 3 Math. Mod. 1863 3 CI. 1865 •Edward E. S. John's 1 Math. Mod. 1867 1 Math. 1868 1 Nat. Sc. 1869 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. Math. Mod. 1874, 5; 87, 8; 91, 92 Gerald V. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1885 Henry Princl. S. Mary Ball 1438 ProTOSt of Oriel 1449 Thomas Dean of Ch. Ch. 1561 Samson, Edward, Cli. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1868 Edward M. Trinify 2 Hist. 1891 Gavin H. Kehle 2 Theol. 1889 Herbert, Orit-l 3 Jur. 1884 Louis, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1864 Samuel, Frank V. Magd. 2 CJ. Mod. 1894 Herbert L. Ball. 1 Hist. 1893 Samuelson, Francis, Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 Godfrey B. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 Sanctuary, Campbell F. S. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Charles LI. Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Sandars, John S. Magdalen 3 Jur. 1875 2 B.C.L. 1876 •Thos. C. Ball. Latin Verse 1846 1 CI. 1847 Fellow of Oriel William C. Non-C. Taylorian Exhibitioner 1871 •Sanday, William, Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1865 Fellow of Trinity Theol. Exam. 1876, 7 Prof, of Exegesis 1882 Fellow of Exeter Bampton Lecturer 1893 Sandbach, Edward L. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Gilbert R. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 Henry, New 3 Hist. 1885 Sandherg, Carl, Herff. 1 Math. Mod. 1892 Sandby, George, Merton 2 CI. 1820 Sanders, Alexander S. Wo^-cester 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Alfred W. C. New 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Sanders, Arthur, Balliol 4 CI., 2 Math. 1847 Arthur A. Exeter 4 Hist. 1885 Francis, New 1 Hist. 1878 Frederick A. Kehle 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 •Henry, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1827 Lloyd C. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 Stanhope Prize 1880 1 Hist. 1880 Robert A. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1888 1 Jur. IfOO Thomas C. Magd. H. 2 CI. Mod. 1864 William S. Exeter 2 CI. 1846 Sanderson, Antony A. Vniversitij 3 Hist. 1894 Archibald, rniversity 3 Hist. 1892 Edward A. G. S. John''s 2 Math. Mod. 1890 3 Math. 1892 John, ,S. John's 2 Theol. 1885 ♦John S. B. Magdalen Nat. Sc. Exam. 1879, 80, 9 ; 90, 3, 4 Waynflete Prof. Physiology 1883 Robert, Lincoln Proctor 161(; Eeg. Prof. Divinity 1642, 60 Robert, Worcester 2 Nat. Sc. 1878 Robert E. Lincoln 2 CI. 1850 Robert N. Magd. H. 2 CI. Mod. 18.54 Stephen, Pembroke 1 CI. 1817 Sandes, John, Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 18^3 4 Jur. 1885 •Sandford, Charles W. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1851 Proctor 1859 CI. Moderator 1867, 8, 9 Select Preacher 1868 Daniel K. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1820 English Essay 1821 Edward A.. Gli. Gi. 4 Theol. 1875 Ernest G. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1860 Francis E. D. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Francis F. C/i. CT. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Francis J. Balliol 1 CI. 1846 George H. W. New 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Godfrey R. W. New 4 Jur. 1876 G. M. W. : see Peacocke, G. M. W. New Inn Hall Henry R. P. Magd. Hall 2 CI. 1849 John, Balliol 1 CI. 1824 Bampton Lecturer 1861 John D. Trinity 1 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1853 1 CI., 4 Math. 1855 Roger Princl. Broadgales H. 1503 Saudham, James M. S. John's 4 Math. 1840 oil ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Isamlluirst, 1st Loixl: sec ^laiisfield, Sir William R. Saudilaiuls, K. S. B. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1812 Sanclun, Visct. (afterwards 2Hd Earl of Harrowby), Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1819 "SVilliani H. WacViam 3 L. . 2 CI., 2 Math. 1807 Harold A. P. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 Robert, Merton 4 CI. 1843 William C. Oriel 4 L. 3 Schloss, David F. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1873 Schmid, John W. H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1887 Schneider, Edward 0. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 188G Schoedelin, Emile T. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 Taylorian Exhibitioner 1889 Schoen, George L. S. John's Assessor 1798 Schofield, Rob. H. A. Line. 1 Nat. Sc. 1873 Junior Greek Test. Prize 1873 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1874 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1876 Scholefield, Ernest H. New 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1894 Robert E. Ch. Ch. INat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1889 Scholfield, Henry W. B. Bras. 4 Jur. 1878 Schomberg, Reginald B. New 3 CI. 1871 SchCnberg, Thos. A. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1873 3 Theol. 1875 Schorstein, Gustave I. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Schrader, Lewis W. C. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Schreiber, John, Balliol 4 CI. 18:38 Schrovesbury, Richard de Proctor 1340 Schulhof, John M. Non-C. (afterwards of Exeter) 1 CI. Mod. 1886 Ireland Scholar 1886 Craven Scholar 1886 1 CI. 1887 Schuster, Claude, Neio 2 Hist. 1892 Edmund V. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1868 1 L. & H. 1870 Schwabe, Walter G. S. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Schwann, Henry S. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 Schwartze, Chas. E. R. Trin. 2 Hist. 1882 Schweder, Albert J. Jltrton 3 Hist. 1885 Sclater, George (afterwards 1st Lord Basing), Balliol 2 CI. 1847 John M. JHerton 3 CI. 1814 •Philip L. Corpus 1 Math. 1849 William L. Brasenose 2 CI. 1810 William L. Kehle 1 Nat. Sc. 1885 Sclater-Booth, Charles L. Bull. 2 Jur. 1883 George, see Sclater, G. Scobell, Edward, Magdalen Hall 3 CI. 1809 224 AT.rilABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Scohell. Edward C. Pi'mhrole 2Theol. 1S72 John, Jhilliol 3 CI. 181.1 John F. LinnJn 4 L. & H. 18(J7 Scobyl. . . . rriiu'l. Broadgates Hall 1508 Scofiold, Herbert H. Ch. Ch. 4 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1803 Scoltock. William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1846 Sconce, R<»bert K. Branenose 4 CI. 1840 Sc.ioues, UfHey, Ch. ai. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Paul, New 1 Math. Mod. 1894 Scot, Alan Provost of Queen s 1.565 Thomas, Triuitp Proctor 1560 Scotcher, David F. Worcester 3Theol.l889 Scott, Alexander N. Exetei- 3 CI. Mod. 1876 4 CI. 1878 Alfred, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1870 2 Hist. 1873 Alfred L. Brasenose 4 Theol. 1870 Alwyne G. Ch. Oi. 2 CI. 1872 Archibald E. Mertmi 3 CI. Mod. 1872 Arthur S. H. Wore. 3 Theol. 1888 Baliol E. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Basil, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1879 2 Hist. 1882 Charles E. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1883 Charles H. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1892 Charles J. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1857 1 Nat. Sc. 1858 Charles P. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1867 1 CI. 1869 Dukinfield H. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1876 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1890, 2 •Edward, Queen's 3 CI. 1818 Edw. J. L. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1860 4 Nat. Sc. 1862 Boden Scholar 1862 Ernest F. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Sir Francis E., Bt., Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1845 Frederick E. Ch. Ch. 2 Theol. 1886 George, Merton 2 Jur. 1887 ♦George A. J. Ch. Ch. 1 L. & H. 1856 Fellow of All Souls George H. Exeter 4 CI. 1831 George P. W. Brasenose 3 CI. Mod., 3 Math. Mod. 1855 •George R. Neiv 1 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1873 Craven Scholar 1875 Fellow of Merton CI. Moderator 1888, 9 Harold S. New 3 Hist. 1887 Hon. Henry R. Ball. 2 L. & H. 1870 Herbert R. Magd. 3 Theol. 1884 John : see Eldon, 1st Earl of. John A. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1867 3 li. & H. 1860 Scott, Joseph, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Math. Mod. 1S72 4 CI. 1874 Leslie F. New 2 CI. MckI. 189(» 2 CI. 1892 Patrick W. E. University 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Hist. 188:1 Robert, Balliol 2 CI. 1828 •Robert, Ch. Ch. Craven Scholar 18:30 Ireland Scholar l&lli 1 CI. ISX*. Latin Essay 1834 Fellow of Balliol Denyer Prize 183S Select Preacher ia52, 74 CI. Moderator 1&53, 4 Master of Balliol 18.54 Prof. Exegesis 1861 Samuel G. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1860 Thomas, Ball. 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 189(» Thomas, Queen's 2 CI. 1808 •Walter, Balliol 1 CI. INIod. 1875 Ireland Scholar 1876 1 CI. 1878 Fellow of 3Terton Latin Essay 1880 Craven Scholar 1880 Derby Scholar 1880 Walter, Exeter 2 Jur. 1877 Walter J. : see also Jervoise- Scott, W. Merton 3 L. & H. 1857 Sir William fafterwards Lord Stowell), University Prof. Ancient History 1773 Burgess l.SOl— 21 William, Keble 2 Theol. 1879 William, Queen's 2 CI. 1835 William, Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 18.52 2 CI. 1854 William D. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Nat. Sc. 1880 •William H. Trinity 4 CI. 1843 Fellow of Brasenose William T. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. ISGO 2 CI. 1867 Scourfield, John H. : see Philipps, J. H. Oriel Scratchley, Charles J. Bras. 3 CI. 1838 Philip A. University 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Scratton. Thomas, Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1843 Scrimgeour, Walter, New 3 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Jur. 1874 •Scriven, Charles, Worcester 3 CI. 1835 Scrivener, Fred. G. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1862 Frederick H. A. Hon. D.C.L. 1876 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 225 Scrivener, Harry S. Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Scrope, Eichard, Magdalen Proctor 1762 Scrymgour, Edward P. Oriel 1 Math. Mod. 18C6 2 Math. 1868 Scudamore, Cyril, S. Johi's 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 Hist. 1879 Scudamore-Stanhope, Hon. Charles H. New 4 Hist. 1887 Scully, Vincent, Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1867 Seabrooke, James H. Queens 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Seager, Charles, Magdalen Hall Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1834 Scholar of Worcester 3 CI. 1836 Kennicott Scholar 1836 Sealy, Edward U. (afterwards Sealy- Vidal, E. U.), Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1837 Edward W. Lincoln 3 Hist. 1892 Evan M. Trinity 2 Math. Mod. 1863 3 CI. 1865 • B-enry A. Eeble 4 Theol. 1875 John, Exeter 2 CI. 1829 Thomas H. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1865 2 L. & H. 1867 Searchfield, Eowland, S. John's Proctor 1596 Sears, Frederick W. Keble 4 Hist. 1892 Seaton, Edward A. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Jur. 1881 James B, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 James C. University 2 CI. Mod. 1875 James S. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1884 1 Jur. 1885 Yinerian Scholar 1886 1 B.C.L. 1886 Jurisprudence Exam. 1892, 3, 4 John A. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1859 4 Math. 1860 Seawell, Frederick Y. Keble 1 Theol. 1886 Sebastian, Lewis B. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1871 1- Jur. 1873 Vinerian Scholar 1874 1 B.C.L. 1874 Seccombe, Thomas, Balliol Stanhope Prize 1887 1 Hist. 1889 Seeker, Augustus W. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1864 4 L. & H. 1866 "William H. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Secretan, Charles F. Wadh. 2 CI. 1842 Kennicott Scholar 1843 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1844 Secretan-Jones, David : see also Jones, S. D. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1855 Seddon, Henry C. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 1875 William H. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 Sedgwick, James H. Non-C. (afterwards of Pembroke) Univ. Chinese Scholar 1885 •John, Magdalen 4 CI. 1845 Segden, John, Principal of Stajile Hall Proctor 1440 Master of Balliol 1472 Selbie, William B. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Senior LXX Prize 1888 *Selborne, Earl of: see also Palmer, Boundell High Steward 1891 *Selby, Arthur L. Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1880 1 Math. 1882 1 Nat. Sc. 1884 Fellow of Merton Nat. Sc. Examiner 1889 ; 90 Edward, Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1890 3 Math. 1892 Francis G. Wadh. 1 CL Mod. 1873 1 CI. 1875 Prideaux E. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1894 William, New Proctor 1438 Princl. Broadgates Hall 1443 Selby-Lowndes, Edward A. Exeter Pusey & EUerton Scholar 1892 Houghton Syriac Version Prize 1894 Selden, John, Hert Hall Burgess 1640 Selfe, Edward H. Ch. Ch. 3 CL Mod. 1864 3 L. & H. 1866 William L. Coi-pus 1 CI. Mod. 1865 1 CI. 1867 Selkirk, 6th Earl of, Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1830 Sellar, Alexander C. Ball. 1 CI. 1858 Alexander K. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 •William Y. Balliol 1 CI. 1847 Fellow of Oriel Seller, Thomas, Trinity Proctor 1612 Sellon, Edmund, Ehnund Hall 3 Math. Mod. 1859 4 Math. 1861 William E. : see Smith, W. E. Exeter Sells, Arthur, Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1857 2 CI., 4 L. & H. 18.59 Vincent P. New 1 Nat. Sc. 1880 William, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1863 3 CI. 1865 Q 226 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Sellwood, John li. t>. Johns 3 CI. 1H.")2 Selot, John Commissary 1445 Selwood, William, New I'roctor lUWl •Solwyn, Sidnoy G. New 4 CI. 1844 Sempynghara, Kalph de, Chancellor 1252, 3 Sendo, ■NVilliam Princl. llert Jlall 1443 Senior, Nassau, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1843 •Nassau W. Magdalen 1 CI. 1811 Prof. Political Economy 182.5, 47 Walter N. Viiivcrsitv 2 Jur. 1872 Sercombe, llupert T. W. Exeter 3 Jur. 1883 Sergeant, Edmund W. BaUiol 1 CI. Mod. 1856 1 CI. ia58 Philip W. Trinify 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Sergison, Warden, Brasenose 3 CI. 1822 Sergrove, William Master of Pemb. 1789 Serjeantson, Kobert M. Keble 2 Hist. 1883 William F, Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1885 Serocold, Charles S. P. Neio 3 Hist. 1894 Servante, William, Exeter 2 CI. 1816 Seton, Henry de Princl. of BaUiol 1323 Malcolm C. C. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Eobert G. New 3 CI. Mod. 1881 Walter J. New 3 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Seton-Karr, Henry, Corpus 3 Math. Mod. 1874 2 Jur. 187G "Walter S. Or. Stud. Exam. 1887 Seton-Smith, William, New 3 CI. Mod. 1889 2 Jur. 1891 Seton-Steuart, Douglas A. Keble 2 Hist. 1881 Sever, w Sewer, Henry, Merlon Proctor 1427 Chancellor 1442, 3 Warden of Merton 1455 Severn, John P. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1835 Seward, Harold, Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1881 2 Nat. Sc. 1883 1 Math. 1884 Sewer : see Sever. Sewell, Capel J. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI. 1856 Henry, Queen's 2 Math. Mod, 1886 3 Math. 1888 Henry, University 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 18G0 •James E. Warden of New 1860 Vice-Chancellor 1874 James W. Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 1884 John R. Merton 3 Hist. 1885 ♦Eich. C. Magdalen English Verse 1825 2 CI. 1826 Thomas J. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1877 1 Math, 1879 •Sewell, William, Merton 1 CI. 1827 Fellow of Ejceter English Essay 1828 Latin Essay 1829 CI. Examiner 1832, 3 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1&36 Select Preacher 1852 •AVilliam, New 3 CI. Mod. 1858 Seymer, John G. Alban Hall 2 CI. 1831 Seymour, Albert E. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 Charles R. Merton 2 Hist. 1876 Edward A. W. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 Francis P. BaUiol 4 CI. 1837 •George [Hamilton], Merton 3 CI. 1818 Henry D. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1814 Henry D. Magdalen 3 CI. 1842 •Henry F. BaUiol 2 Math. 1849 Fellow of All Souls Henry H. C. New 3 L. . Jo/zuV 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1879 Shears, Hubert. Queens .T CI. Mod. 1871 Shebbeare, Charles, rniveraifn 3 CI. 1847 Charles J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 188C 4 CI. 1888 Ernest R. Kehle 3 Theol. 1893 Sheen. Samuel. Halliol 3 CI. 1815 Sheffield, (ieorge, Prmh-oke 4 L. & H. 1858 William, WorrtHfer Keeper of Ashm. Museum 1772 Provost of Worcester 1777 William J. New 3 CI. ISIod. 1878 4 Hist. 1880 Sheldon, Gilbert Warden of All 8. 1G3G, 60 Chancellor 1GC7 HenryG. S. Jo/iji's 3 J ur. 1801 William K, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Shelmerdine, Nathan, Exeter 3 Theol. 1875 Shepard, JamesW. BaZZioZ 2 CI. Mod. 1853 1 CI. 1855 Shephard, Charles S. Bras. 3 L. & H. 1870 Horatio H. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1802 2 CI. 1865 John, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI. 1860 Shepheard, George, Trinity Proctor 1719 Keeper of Ashm. Museum 1729 Harold B. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 •Henry, Worcester 1 CI. 1835 Fellow of (h-iel •Shepherd, Alfred J. P. Qneen's 1 Math. INIod. 1874 1 Math. 1876 Augustus B. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1859 1 Xat. So. 1861 Edward F. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1888 Ernest B. S. Corp. 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 Frederick, Wwcester 3 CI. 18-54 4 L. & H. 1855 George, ZTniversity Examiner 1802, 3, 6, 7, 8 Select Preacher 1808, 14. 25 Herbert H. Magd. 2 Jur. 1890 3 B.C.L. 1891 James F, Lincoln 3 Hist. 1893 Joseph M. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1862 Rich. Corp. Bampton Lecturer 1788 *Richard A. Trinitj 1 CI. Mod. 1883 1 Jur. 1885 Vinerian Scholar 1887 1 B.C.L. 1887 Fellow of ^H SojjZs Shepherd, Thomas T). Queen"* 2 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. l.SoC 4 CI. 1858 Walter C. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 William B. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI. 1856 William L. Trin. 4 Hist. 1892 Sheppard, Arthur F. Oriel 4 Math. 1835 Harry B. New 3 CI. Mod. 1888 1 Hist. 1890 James, Queen's 3 CI. 1843 John G. Wadham 2 CI. 1839 Sacred Poem 1851 Select Preacher 1855 •Thomas H. Oriel 2 CI. 1837 Fellow of Exeter •William, Trinity 1 CI. 1833 Fellow of Oriel William J. L. Queen's 2 Theol. 1888 Shepperd. William D. Queen's 3 Hist. 1883 Sherard, Charles W. Kehle 3 Theol. 1875 •Sherbrooke, Viscount : see Lowe, Robt. •Sheriffe, Thomas, Magdalen Proctor 1822 Sheringham, Harry A. Pembrol-e 4 Theol. 1874 Sherlock, Thomas D. Merlon 3 L. & H. 1870 Sherwen, William B. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 Theol. 1892 Sherwood, Edward C. Magd. 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Frederick W. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 William E. C7i. C7(. IMath. Mod. 1872 3 ]Math. 1874 Shethor, Edmund, All Souls Proctor 1.535 Shewell, Edward L. Wadham 3 CI. 1852 Shields, Cuthbert, see Laing, Robert Shiers, Joseph, Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1870 4 Theol. 1872 Shipley, Conway L. New 1 Math. Mod. 1876 2 Math. 1879 Shipman, John G. Ne.io 2 Jur. 1875 Vinerian Scholar 1878 1 B.C.L. 1878 Shippen, Robert Princl. of Brasenose 1710 Vice-Chancellor 1718 William, University Proctor 1604 Shirley, Ralph, Neto 2 CI. Mod. 1886 •Walter A. New Eng. Essay 1822 Bampton Lecturer 1847 Walter K. New 1 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 Walter R. Trinity 4 Jur. 1881 Walter S. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Jur. 1875 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOUES. 229 •Shirley, Walter W. Wadham 1 Math. 1851 Math. Moderator 1857 L. & H. Examiner 1861, 2, 3 Select Preacher 1862 Eeg. Prof. Eccles. History 1864 William, Keble 2 Hist. 1879 Shirreff, Fras. A. P. Queen's 1 Theol. 1872 Shirres, Logan, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1875 3 B.C.L. 1876 Shoobridge, Leonard K. H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1880 Shore, Thomas E. T. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 Theol. 1890 WilHam E. K. Hertford 2 Math. Mod. 1885 2 Math. 1887 William T. Oriel 3 CI. 1809 Shore-Smith, Lewis H. Corpns 3 CI. Mod, 1887 3 Jur. 1889 Shorland, Maitland A. Wadh. 4 Jur. 1885 *Short, Ambrose, New 2 Math. Mod. 1853 3 Math. 1855 ♦Augustus, Cli. Ch. 1 CI. 1823 CI. Examiner 18-33, 4 Select Preacher 1835, 43 Bampton Lecturer 1846 John H. Jilerton 3 CI. 18.33 Percy, Lincoln 2 Jur. 1884 2 B.C.L. 1886 •Thomas, Trinity 3 CI. 1811 •Thomas V. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1812 Examiner 1820, 1, 2, 4 Select Preacher 1823, 30 Proctor 1823 •Walter E, New 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 18.55 Proctor 1869 •William, Ch. C7(. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1814 Shorthose, Wm. H. Bcdl 2 CI. Mod. 1882 Shorting, C. G. H. Corims 1 CI. Mod. 1861 (afterwards New Inn Hall) 2 CI. 1863 Shortland, John E. Oriel 4 CI. 1837 Shorto, Denys E. Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1887 1 Math. 1890 2 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1891 Shortt, Alex. G. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. :\Iod. 1882 3 JNIath. 1884 Joseph E. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1884 Shrewsbury, Charles P. S. Joh ji's 3 CI. Mod. 1862 3 L. & H. 1864 Ealph of Chancellor 1328 •Shrubb, Henry, Corpus 3 CI. 1814 Shuckburgh, Charles : see Blencowe, C. Lincoln Charles J. Bras. 4 Jur. 1891 Shuffrey, William A. A^on-C.2 Theol. 1870 •Shuldham, John, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1817 CI. Examiner 1827, 8 Select Preacher 1838 •Naunton L. Mngd. 4 L. & H. 18;54 William A. University 2 CI. 1808 Shute, George B. H. Wadham 3 CI. 1840 Hardwicke, Pembroke 4 CI. 18.35 ♦Eichard, Neio Inn HaU 1 CI. 1872 Senior Student of CJi. Ch. CI. Examiner 1882, 3, 4 Proctor 1880 Shuttleworth, Edward S. S. Mary H. 3 CI. 1876 Henry C. S. Mary H. 2 Theol. 1873 Sir James P. Kay, Bart. Hon. D.G.L. 1870 •Philip N. Neio Latin Yerse 1803 Proctor 1820 Select Preacher 1820, 4, 9 ; 38 Warden of New 1822 ♦Philip JJ.Ch.Ch. 2 CI. 1848 Shyrefe, Wm. Princl. Alhan H. 1450 Sibly, George W. Lincoln 4 Math. 1875 Sibthorp, Humphrey, Marjdalen Prof. Botany 1747 John, Vniv. Prof. Botany 1784 •Sibthorpe, Eichard W. Magd. 2 CI. 1813 Sich, Alexander E. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Sichel, Walter S. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 Sidebotham, Herbert, Balliol Craven Scholar 1892 1 Cr. Mod. 1893 Gaisford Prizes (Yerse) 1893, (Prose) 1894 Sidebottom, Alfred K. Cli. Ch. 3 CI. 1848 •Henry F.,S.Jo7(h'8 3 CI. 1817 Eadclyfie A. Keble 3 Theol. 1888 Sidgwick, Alfred, Lincoln 4 Jur. 1873 ♦Arthur, Coi-pus CI. Moderator 1880, 1 ; 90, 1 Eeader in Greek 1894 Henry, Trinity Coll., Camb. Hon. D.C.L. 1890 •William C. Coi-pus 1 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1854 1 CI., 4 Math. 1856 Fellow of Merton CI. Examiner 1805 ; 74, 5 Sidmouth, 1st Viscount, see Adding- ton, H. Sidney, Francis, Ch. Cli. Proctor 1599 John, Brasenose 4 CI. 1834 230 ALrHARETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. SieiiK ns, rharlps "W. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Sillar, Alexander C. C. Ch. Ch, 3 CI. Mod. 1801 Sillem, Steu.irt A. Prasenose 2 Jur. 1882 Silver. Ed^ar. Orivl 3 CI. 1852 Ernest W. Corpus 2 CI. 1885 •Thomas, S. Jofin's Prof. Anglo-Saxon 1817 Silvester, Ernest F. University 3 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 John, Quceix's 2 Math. Mod. 18G6 3 L. & H. 1868 Sim, Archibald C. New 2 Hist. 1877 Stewart, Trinity 3 Theol. 1880 Simcoe, Henry A. Wadham 3 CI. 1821 Simcox, Arthur H. A. Maqdnlen 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Edward G. Wadh. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1822 •George A. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1860 Ireland Scholar 1861 1 CI., 3 L. & H. 1862 Craven Scholar 1862 Fellow of Queen^s Latin Essay 1864 Henry K. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Thos. G. Wadh. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1831 •William H. BalUol 1 CI. Mod. 1863 2 Math. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1864 Fellow of Qween's Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1865 Craven Scholar 1865 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1867 English Essay 1867 Arnold Prize 1868 Sime, Donald, Worcester 1 CI. Mod. 1874 Simeon, Geoffrey, New Proctor 1478 Hugh B. Kehle 3 Hist. 1879 John, Ch. at. 2 CI. 1837 Simey, George I. BaUiol 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Kalph I. Co)-pu8 1 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1885 Simmonds, Mark J. BaUiol 3 Math. Mod. 1882 3 Theol. 1884 Kennicott Scholar 1885 Simmons, Argent, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1881 2 Theol. 1883 Charles, BaUiol 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Francis W. Lincoln 2 CI. 1852 George N. Trimly 3 CI. ia'31 Graham, Merlon 3 Jur. 1885 •William, Brasenose 1 CI. 1819 Simms, Edward, Wadhixm 2 CI. 1826 Simms, Spencer E. f:j:cter 3C1. Mod. 1883 3 Theol. 1885 Simon, Arthur P. New 3 Jur. 1891 John A. Wadham 2 Math. Mod. 1893 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Maurice, Wadhatn 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Sidney A. Crn-pus 1 Math. Mod. 1893 Simonds, Arthur, Queen^s 1 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Eobt. H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 1875 Simonson, George A. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1887 Paul F. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Simpkinson, Charles H. Ball. 1 Hist. 1877 Edward F. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Hist. 1882 Simpson, Alexander B. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1891 Alexander P. Brasenose 4 Jur. 1880 Alfred J. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Charles E. Bras. 2 Math. Mod. 1874 3 Math. 1875 3 Nat. Sc. 1876 Edmund K. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Elliott, S. Joh ns 4 Theol. 1894 Francis H. ;S. John^s 3 Math. Mod. 1886 3 Hist. 1888 Francis P. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1873 2 CI. 1875 Craven Scholar 1877 Harry B. Magdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1883 James G. Trinitt/ 2 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 1 Theol. 1889 John, Oriel 4 Theol. 1875 John P. Worcester 3 Jur. 1883 Joseph, Qiteen's 3 CI. 1821 Eichard, Oriel 2 CI. 1842 Eichard V. BaUiol 2 CI. 1833 Stephen, S. Johnh 4 Jur. 1885 Thomas D. Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1891 Simson, David J. New 2 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Jur. 1883 Sinclair, Charles A. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 John S. Oriel 2 Hist. 1875 William, S. Mary Ball 4 CI. 1835 William M. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 Singleton, Thomas, Bras. Proctor 1585 Princl. of Brasenose 1595 Vice-chancellor 1598, 1611 Sinnett, James M. Queen^s 4 Jur. 1878 William H. Exeter 4 Theol. 1875 Sinyanki, John M. Hertfm-d 3 Hist. 1876 Sisam, William B. Oriel 3 Hist. 1878 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTEK OF HONOURS. 231 Sitzler, George C. New 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Skeete, Francis de C. Non-C. 2 Nat. Sc. 1877 Skeffington, Hon. Hen. E. Wore. 4 CI. 1843 •Sidney W. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1862 1 CI. 1864 Fellow of University Skeggs, Thomas C. Hertford 4 Theol. 1878 Skelton, Adam, Queen''s Proctor 1406 Arthur W. Neiv 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Charies A. S. John's 4 Theol. 1879 WiUiam de Proctor 1322, 3 Fellow of Merton Chancellor 1339, 40 •Skene, W. B. : see Baillie-Skene, W. William F. Hon. D.C.L. 1879 Sketchley, Ernest P. S. John's 2 Theol. 1872 Eichard F. Exeter 3 CI. 1850 Skilton, Edward W. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 4 CI. 1888 Skinner, F. J. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Henry B. Wot-ceder 4 Jur. 1889 James H. S. John's 4 Theol. 1876 Joseph H. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1871 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Ealph Warden of iVeiy 1551 Eichard, Corpus Proctor 1760 Stephen S. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Skipsey, Eichard, Queen''s 2 Math. 1828 Skipton, Henry S. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 3 Hist. 1877 Skipwith, Grey H. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1882 3 Hist. 1884 Skirrow, Benj. B. Univ. 1 Math. Mod. 1883 Junior Math. Scholar 1884 1 Math. 1885 2 Nat. Sc. (Physics) 1887 William, University 3 CI. 1838 Skottowe, Britiffe C. New 1 Hist. 1879 2 Jur. 1880 •Charles M. Jesiis 3 CI., 4 Math. 1842 Skrine, Edward H. Wadh. 3 L. & H. 1871 Henry D. Wadham 3 CI. 1837 Henry M. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1865 Herbert H. Wore. 2 Theol. 1886 •John H. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1869 English Verse 1870 1 CI. 1871 Fellow of Merton Vivian E. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Hist. 1874 Skyrme, Francis E. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 Hist. 1886 Slack, Samuel, Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1812 Samuel B. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1882 •Slade, George, Balliol 2 L. & H. 1854 Fellow of All Souls George, Magdalen 4 Jur. 1888 Henry A. W. Neto 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Mark W. New 2 Hist. 1888 Windham N. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1888 3 Jur. 1890 Sladen, Douglas B. W. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1877 1 Hist. 1879 Edward, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1864 E. H. Mainwaring, Balliol 4 CI. ia37 Francis D. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Joseph, Balliol 3 Or. Stud. 1888 Lawrence B. Pemb. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Ellerton Essay 1891 Slater, David A. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Edward T. University 2 CI. 1888 Leonard, University 4 CI. 183.5 Samuel M. Exeter 3 Jur. 1884 3 B.C.L. 1886 Walter, Worcester 4 Theol. 18&3 Slator, Thomas, Pemh. 1 Math. Mod. 1891 1 Math. 1894 Slatter, John, Lincoln 3 CI., 1 Math. 1838 Phipps G. Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1809 Slaughter, Edward M, Trin. 4 Jur. 1889 Sleap, Edward, Brasenose 1 CI. 1837 Slee, Frederick E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Jur. 1882 3 B.C.L. 1884 Sleeman, Philip A. Magdalen 1 Math. Mod. 1894 Slegg, John W. New Jnn Hall 1 CI. 1844 Slessor, Arthiu- K. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 •John H. University 2 CI. 1844 •Slight, Henry S. Corp. 3 CI., 3 Math. 1834 Select Preacher 1848 Slipper, Eobert G. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1865 4 Nat. Sc. 1865 Slocock, Arthur E. 0. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Benjamin, Pemb. Proctor 1720 Sloman, Arthur, Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Ernest, Edmund H. 3 CI. ]\Iod. 1875 4 Theol. 1877 Sloper, Charles, Pembroke Proctor 1697 Slythurst, Thomas Pres. of Trinity 15.56 Smale, Henry J. Exeter 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1888 Small, William J. Exeter 3 CI. :Mod. 18C4 2 L. & H. 1866 232 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Sninllwell, Edward, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1754 Siuallwood, Arthur W. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Smalridge, George Dean of Ch. Ch. 1713 Smart, Edward R. Jesus 1 Nat. Sc. 1868 George, Littcoln 4 CI., 4 Math. 1845 Johu K. Jems 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Newton G. University 2 Math. 1847 Roger, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1890 4 CI. 1892 Sydney D. Keble 2 Hist. 1893 Smethurst, James, Brasenose Proctor 1708 Smith, . . . Proctor 1485 Adam C. Worcester 4 CI. 1850 Alan G. New 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Albert, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod., 2 :^rath. Mod. 1854 1 CI., 4 Math. 1856 Alex. K. D. Bras. 2 Theol. 1882 Alfred C. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 Archibald R. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 •Arthur L. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1873 Lothian Prize 1874 2 Hist. 1874 Fellow of Trinity Proctor 1882 ' Fellow of Balliol Hist. Examiner 1884, 5, 6, 7 Arthur W. Corp. 3 CI. Mod, 1892 Baldwin M. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1863 1 L. & H. 1865 Barnaby, Corpus Proctor 1725 Basil M. New 1 CI. Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 •Bernard, Magdalen 3 CI. 1835 Boteler C. Kehle 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Charles E. Oriel 3 CI. 1819 Charles G. Wadham 4 CI., 2 Math. 1836 Charles H. Lincoln 3 CI. 1867 Charles J. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1841 Johnson Theol. Scholar 1843 Charles M.: see aho Murray- Smith, C. Xeio 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Charles P. Queen's 1 Theol. 1883 Charles R. Wadham 4 CI. 1850 Charles S. Ch. Ch. 3 Theol. 1879 • Charles S. Trinity 4 Theol. 1876 Charles T. Exeter 3 Hist. 1891 Charles W. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1862 3 CI. 1864 Smith, Christopher S. Corpus 2 CI. 1818 Clement, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1866 Constantine M. Balliol Taylorian Scholar 1861 3 CI. Mod. 1863 3 L. & H. 1865 Culling Eardley (afterwards Eardley, Sir Culling, Bart.), OHel 2 CI. 1827 Douglass R. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 Drummond, Balliol 3 L. & H. 1860 Edgar, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1852 Edmund, Magdalen 3 CI. 1820 Edward, Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 1872 4 Math. 1873 Edward, Wadham 2 CI. 1833 •Edw. B. Queen's 2 CI., 1 Math. 1837 Math. Exam. 1842, 3 Edward C. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1878 Edward F. N. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 1871 2 Theol. 1873 •Edward 0. Corpus 2 CI. 1810 Ernest, Univ. 2 Math. Mod. 1889 3 Math. 1891 Ernest F. Line. 2 Theol. 189^ Ernest M. New 3 Jur. 188Q Fletcher W. Magd. H. 2 Math. 1844 Francis E. J. New 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1888 Francis J. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1894 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Frank, Hertford 2 Theol. 1883 Frederick E. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Frederick J. Balliol 1 Math, Mod. 1877 3 Nat. Sc. 1880 RadcUffe Travelling Fellow 1885 Frederick N. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1871 Gainsford, Magdalen Exam. 1805, 6 George, Magdalen Hall 3 CI. 1837 George, Nein Proctor 1751 George, Queen's 4 Math. 1835 George, Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. 1891 George E. Exeter 4 Jur. 1873 George F. Edmund H. 3 Theol. 1874 George F, D. New 2 CI. Mod. 1894 George F. H. New 1 Math. Mod. 1892 George G. Balliol 2 Hist. 1888 George H. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1872 4 CI. 1874 George H. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Gerard W.Ej-e. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1857 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1860 •Thomas C. Queen's 2 CI., 3 Math. 1847 .Southwell, Herbert B. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 2 Theol. 1880 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1881 Southworth, William, Balliol Proctor 1476 Souttar, Robinson, Non-C. 2 Hist. 1888 3 Jur. 1889 1 B.G.L. 1890 Sowler, Harry, Vniversity 3 Hist. 1891 Thomas, Magdalen 3 Hist. 1889 Spackman, Charles, Neio Inn Hall 3 Math. 1845 NorxN-ych, Ch. Cli. Proctor 1611 Spankie, John, Merton 2 CI. 1846 Sparkes, Charles W. Kehle 4 Theol. 1885 Sparks, Edmund J. Jesus 3 Theol. 1886 Edward I. Cwp. 2 CI. Mod. 1864 1 Nat. Sc. 1866 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1868 Frederick, Wore. 2 Math. Mod. 1868 2 Math. 1870 Wm. B. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1862 William R. Exeter 2 Theol. 1872 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1873 Sparling, John, Oriel 4 CI. 1837 Sparrow, Cecil B. Oriel 2 Jur. 1881 Isaac, Corpus 3 Hist. 1893 SpauU, Frank W. Kehle 4 Theol. 1889 Speak, Frederick W. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Spearing, Martin, Cli. Ch. 1 01. Mod. 1894 Spearman, Rudolph H. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 Speed, Robert, New Proctor 1745 Speke, Frederick J. Corpus 3 Hist. 1893 Philip, Wadham Proctor 1726 Spekyngton, John Proctor 1435 Spence, Joseph, Xew Prof. Poetry 1728 Reg. Prof. Modern Hist. 1742 William A. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1891 Spencer, Abraham, Brasenose 1 Math. Mod. 1869 2 Math. 1871 Aubrey J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 Charles St. D. New 1 Nat. Sc. 1884 Edmund V. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1887 4 Nat Sc. (Chem.) 1889 Frank E. Queen's 2 Theol. 1875 Frederick C. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1816 Henry T. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1894 Hugh S. Non-C. 3 Hist. 1891 John G. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 Jur. 1884 John L. Wm-cester 4 CI. 1832 Thomas, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1552, 3 •Walter B. Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. 1884 Fellow of Lincoln Walter E. Neto 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 William, 3Ierton 4 Theol. 1873 Wmiam C. Herif. 1 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Math. 1889 Spencer-Smith, Faithorne A. : see also Smith, Spencer F. A. Uiiiv. 3 CI. Mod. 1863 •Spencer-Stanhope, Walter T. W. Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1848 Spender, Arthur E. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1894 Edward H. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 1 CI. 1887 John A. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1885 Spenser, John Pres. of Corpus 1607 William Provost of Queen's 1442 Sperling, Childers G. Merlon Boden Scholar 1858 Spiers, Isidore H. B. University 2 CI. Mod. 1876 Taylorian Scholar 1877 4 CI. 1878 Victor J. T. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 Taylorian Exhibitioner 1881 3 Hist. 1883 Spinks, Thomas, S. John's 3 CI. 1842 Spong, Harry, Queen's 4 Nat. Sc. 1883 Spooner, Charles S. B. Unattached 3 Theol. 1874 George H. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 2 Theol. 1874 •Henry M. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1865 1 CI. 1868 Fellow of Magdalen ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 237 Spooner, William, Oriel 2 CI. 1832 •William A. New 1 CI. Mod. 18G4 1 CI. 18GG CI. Exam. 1876, 7 ; 91, 2, 3 Willis T. Exeier 2 Theol. 1892 Spottiswoode, William, Ball. 1 Math. 1845 Senior Math. Scholar 184G Johnson Math. Scholar 1847 Math. Exam. 1855, 6 Hon. D.C.L. 1878 Spragge, Charles, Exeter 2 CI. 1835 Spranger, Francis J. Gr. Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1894 •Eobert J. Exeter 1 CI. 1834 Spring, Fred. J. Edmund Hall 4 Math. 1833 George T. Edmund Hall 3 CI. 1840 Spring-Eice, Cecil A. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1879 1 CI. 1881 Springett, Wm. D. Queen's 3 Theol. 1873 Springmann, Paul, Balliol 2 Jur. 1880 Sproston, William M. S. Corp. 4 Jur. 1885 Sproule, Arthur St. Q. Keble 4 Theol. 1874 James W. B. Non-C. 3 Math. Mod. 1873 4 Math. 1874 Wilfred C. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Spry, Arthur B. Trinity 4 CI. 1834 Edward G. Magd. H. 2 N'at. Sc. 1857 John H. Oriel Bampt. Lect. 1816 Select Preacher 1817, 22 Spry-Carlyon, Thos. T. C7(. Ch. 4 CI. 1842 SpurUng, Cuthbert, Cli. Cli. 1 Hist. 1890 2 B.C.L. 1892 Francis, Brasenose 2 Hist. 1875 Fred. W. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1864 1 CI. 1866 Henry W. New 2 Math. Mod. 1894 Spurrell, George J. Balliol Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1880 2 Theol. 1880 Junior LXX Prize 1881 Kennicott Scholar 1881 Syriac Version Prize 1882 Senior LXX Prize 1883 •Spurway, John, Exeter 1 CI. 1811 Spyers, Henry A. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1860 4 CI. 1860 3 L. & H. 1861 Thomas G. Magd. 2 CL Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Thomas E. Eehle 2 CI. Mod. 1889 Squire, Adam, Balliol Proctor 1567 Master of Balliol 1571 George, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Squire, Graham H. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1858 Lovell, S. Mary Hall 2 Nat. Sc. 1867 William H. S. John's 3 Jur. 1884 Stabback- Johns, William: see also Johns, W. S. Exeter 3 CI. 1861 Stable, Alfred H. Kehle 4 Hist. 1882 Stackhouse, Alfred, Lincoln 4 CI. 1834 *Stacpoole, Andrew D. New Proctor 1843 Stafford, Chas. E. F. New 2 CI. Mod. 1863 3 CI. 1865 *James C. Magdalen 3 CI. 1816 Stainer, Charles T,.Cli.Ch. 3 Hist. 1893 Edward, Magdalen 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1892 Sir John, Magdalen Professor of Music 1889 John F. E. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Stains, Eobert, Oriel 4 L. & H. 1867 Stallard, Frederick C. F. Merton 3 Jur. 1893 George, Eeble 1 Xat. Sc. 1876 Henry F. Mert. 2 Hist. 1887 Leonard B. Eehle 4 Hist. 1894 Oswald W. Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1890 2 Theol. 1892 Stalman, William, Brasenose Proctor 1784 •William, Magdalen 1 CI. 1818 Fellow of Brasenose Stamford, 9th Earl of : see Grey, William, Exeter Stampa, Lelio, Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1894 •Stanbridge, John W. New 1 CI. Mod. 1867 Latin Verse 1868 2 CI. 1869 Fellow of S. John's CI. Moderator 1880 Standen, James E. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Standish, Wm. Magdalen Eegistrar 1552 Stantield, Arthur J. C. Vniv. 4 Jur. 1887 Stanford, William B. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI. 1860 Stanger, Henry Y. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1870 1 CI. 1872 Stanger-Leathes, Thomas D. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Hist. 1894 Stanhope, Charles S.ai.ai. 3 CI. 1816 ♦Hon. Edward, Ch. Ou 1 Math. Mod. 1861 4 CI. 1862 Fellow of ^//SomZ-s Hon. Henry A. C7i. CT. 3 L. r> Ralph, Exeter Proctor 1482 •Stanley, Arthur P. Jialliol Ireland Scholar 1837 English Verse 1837 1 CI. 1837 Fellow of University Latin Essay 1839 English Essay 1840 Ellerton Prize 1840 Select Preacher 1845, 73 Eeg. Prof. Eccles. Hist. 185G Hon. Edward G. : see also Derby, 14th Earl of, Oi. Ch. Latin Verse 1819 Edward James, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1843 Edward John (afterwards 2nd Lord Stanley of Alderley), Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1825 ♦Hon. E. Lyulph, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1859 1 CI. 1861 Edward M. Wo7-cester 4 CI. 1832 George S. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 18.32 Henry M. Hon. D.C.L. 1890 Herbert J. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Richard, Brasenose 3 Math. 1837 Thomas, Brasenose Proctor 1708 Stanley of Alderley, 2nd Lord : see Stanley, Edward John Stanmore, 1st Lord : see Gordon, Hon. Sir A.H. Stanton, Alfred H. New 2 Math. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1878 Charles H. Balliol 3 CI. 1848 Henry de Chancellor 1280, 1 John D. Exeter 2 Jur. 1876 Richard, Brasenose 3 Math. 1842 Stapylton, Henry C. Univ. 3 CI. 1843 Henry G. C. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Jur. 1875 Robert Master of Balliol 1429 ♦William C. Mertoti 3 CI. 1847 ♦Starkey, Arthur B. C. S. John's 2 CI. 1839 Cyril E. F. Pembroke 1 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Starling, William H. Kehle 4 Hist. 1884 Statham, Fran. F. Magd. H. 3 Math. 1842 Staunton, Edmund Pres. of Corjius 1648 James, Oriel Proctor 1361 Stavert, William J. New 3 Nat. Sc. 1880 Stavordale, Lord, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1837 Stead, John, All Souls Proctor 1717 ♦Stebbing, Thos. R. R. Worcester 1 CI. Mod. 1854 2 CI. 1856 1 L. & H. 1857 ♦Stebbing, William, Worcester 1 CI. Mod. 1852 1 CI. 1853 1 L. & H. 1864 Stedman, Algernon M. M. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 John, rembroke 4 CI. 1851 Steedman, Charles M. Edm. H. 2 Theol. 1884 James W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. :Mod. 1893 Steel, Charles G. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1875 1 CI. 1877 Charles H. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1839 Robert E. Magd. 3 Math. Mod. 1874 1 Nat. Sc. 1876 Steele, George, Worcester 3 CI. 1854 Thomas, New 2 Hist. 1879 Steeton, Robert Commissary 1270 ♦Steevens, George W. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 Fellow of Pembroke Steinmetz, Bernard, New 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Stennett, John H. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1863 1 CI. 1865 Stenning, Frederick G. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1893 John F. Wadham Pusey & Ellerton Scholar 1887 Junior LXX Prize 1888 2 Theol. 1889 Junior Kennicott Scholar 1889 Houghton Syriac Version Pr. 1890 1 Or. Stud. 1891 Senior LXX Prize 1892 Denver & Johnson Scholar 1892 Senior Demy oi Magdalen Stephen, Sir J. Fitzjames Hon. D.C.L. 1878 Stephens, Archibald C. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Edward, Exeter 2 CI. 1831 Henry, Kehle 2 Hist. 1880 Henry, Merton Proctor 1707 Henry J. Brasenose 3 CI. IMod. 18G4 2 L. & H. 1866 Henry L. Oriel 4 CI. 1831 Henry M. Balliol 1 Hist. 1880 3 Jur. 1881 Herbert H. New 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Horace, Qtieen's 4 Theol. 1877 James A. P. Queen's 4 Jur. 1879 Philip, New Proctor 1650 Princl. Hert Hall 1654 ♦Richard, Bras. Proctor 1815 ♦Wm. J. Queen's 1 CI., 3 Math. 1852 Wm. R. W. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1860 1 CI. 1862 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 239 Stephenson, Edmonds H. C. Exeter 2 Theol. 1882 Henry S. G. Qwen's 2 Nat. Sc. 18G8 Hugh L. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 John H. N. Trinity 3 Hist. 1894 John W. Queen's 3 CI. 1821 Joseph, Queen's Class List 1803 Stuart, Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Math. 1889 Stephyn : see Stevyn. •Sterky, Frederick A. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1824 Sterling, Charles J. S. Mary H. 4 CI. 1835 Stern, Henry A. Corpus 2 Math. Mod. 1881 Sterry, Francis, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1855 4 L. & H. 1856 Wasey, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Stert, Lionel E. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1885 Stevens, Arthur B. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1873 Francis J. Exeter 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1890 Fred. H. Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1873 1 Math. 1875 Henry, Oriel 2 Math. 1821 Herbert P. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 James, S. John's 3 CI. 1829 Denyer Prize 1836 James W. G. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1880 John, Merton Proctor 1736 •Eobert S. Wadham Proctor 1811 Thomas M. Cli. Ch. 2 Jur. 1883 2 B.C.L. 1885 Stevenson, Francis S. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1884 George A. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1879 John S. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 Seth W. S. Mary Hall 4 CI. 1843 WiUiam H. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 WiUiam E. H. New 3 CI. Mod. 1875 Stevinson, John S. PembroJce 3 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 Stevyn, m- Stephyn, Thomas, Exeter Commissary 1466, 7, 8 ; 70-80 Stevyns, John, Oriel Proctor 1518 Steward, Arthur B. 3Iagd. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 L. & H. 1869 Charles E. Magdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1858 3 CI. 1860 Edward L. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 4 Theol. 1874 Henry A. H. New 1 Jur. 1886 Herbert, Magd. 4 Hist. 1883 Stewart, Alan, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1867 Arthur H. New 1 Nat. Sc. (Morph.) 1891 David D. Exeter 3 CI. 1840 Ellerton Prize 1841 Sir Donald M., Bart. Hon. D.C.L. 1891 Edward, Oriel 3 CI. 1829 Hon.Fitzroy S. K. Univ. 3 Hist. Is78 Sir Francis, Ch. Cli. Burgess 1626 Francis H. H. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 Hist. 1894 Francis W. S. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1887 3 B.C.L. 1888 Haldane C. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1889 4 CI. 1891 James H. Exeter 3 CI. 1843 •John A. Lincoln I CI. Mod. 186S English Verse 1868 1 CI. 1870 Senior Student of Ch. Ch. CI. Examiner 1878 ; 86, 7 Mark J. Ch. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1857 Eichard, All Souls Proctor 1622 Eobert B. Trinity 3 Jur. 1886 Eobert M. Worcester 3 CI. 1866 Walter J. L. S. John's 4 Hist. 1894 William, Brasenose 2 CI. 1808 William J. Ezeter 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1871 Stickland, Chas. E. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1883 Stifle, Charles E. (afterwards Everitt, C), Balliol 1 L. & H. 1872 Norman C. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 StUl, Arthur L. Ch. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. (Bot.) 1894 Ernest E. Brasenose 2 Jur. 1874 Stillingfleet, Henry J. W. Bras. 2 CI. 1848 Stillman, Wm. B. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1878 Stilwell, Bernard C. New 2 Hist. 1879 Stinton, George, Exeter Proctor 1764 Thomas Eector of Exeter 1785 Stirling, Archibald W. it hcoZh 2 Jur. 1878 1 B.C.L. 1831 Arthur F. G. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 L. & H. 1869 Charles G. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1887 John, University 2 Math. Mod. 1881 1 Math. 1883 Waite H. Exeter 4 CI. 1851 William, D. M. Edinburgh Nat. Sc. Exam. 1886 William F. Trinity 3 CI. 1844 Stobart, George E. M. Orid 3 Hist. 1879 James W. H. Worcester 4 CI. 1857 1 L. & H 1858 St. Clair K. M. Oriel 4 Hist. 1884 240 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Stock, Frank H. Kebh Henry W. Worr. St. George, I'emb. 3 Hist. 1882 3 CI. Mod. 1872 1 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 Stockdale, Kobert, Queen''s 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1888 Stocke, or Stocker, Wm. Princl. GlourcKter HnU 15G0, 4 Pres. of .S. J«/i>r»15G3 Stocker. Basil B.S.Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 187G •Chas.W. S.Johu'i 1 CI., 2 Math. 1816 Examiner 1823, 4 CI. Exam. 1831, 2, 3 Select Preacher 1832 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1841 William, All Souls Proctor 1500 •William, .S. John's 2 Math. 18.30 •Wm. N. Non-C. 1 Math. Mod. 1871 Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1873 1 Nat. Sc. 1874 Fellow of Brasenose Nat. Sc. Exam. 1879 ; 80, 1 ; 92, 3 Stocks, Edward V. M\idh. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 John E. Ch. Ot. 3 CI. 18G7 Samuel H. Alhan Hall 4 CI. 1863 William C. Neic 1 CI. Mod. 1893 •Stoddart, William W. S. John's 2 CI. 1832 Denyer Prize 1837 Stoehr, Frederic O. Trinitu 2 CI. 1894 Stokeley, Roger Warden of All Soids 1534 Stoker, Henry E. Pembrol-e 2 CI. Mod. 1868 ♦Stokes, Edward, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1843 Select Preacher 18.")1 Proctor 1854 F. Peter Commissary 1382 Francis G. Merlon 1 Math. Mod. 1874 2 Math. 1876 Hopetoiin G. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Eichard, Magdalen Proctor 1506 Princl. Magdalen Hall 1.509 TATiitley, Jexus Hon. D.C.L. 1885 William H. Wadham 4 CI. 1837 Stokesley, John Princl. Magd. Hall 1,502 Magdalen Proctor 1503 Stokoe, Cecil G. Trinity 4 Hist. 1892 Henry R. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Thomas H. Lincoln 1 CI. 1855 Denyer Prize 1859 Stokys, John Warden of All 'Souls 1466 Stona, John, Worcester 3 Theol. 1884 Stonar, Sir William High Steward 1492? Stone, Darwell, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Edward James, Ch. Ch. Radcliffe Observer 1878 Frederick, Non-C. 3 Theol. 1886 Stone, Fred. W. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. John Princl. Heil Hall Neville R. Oriel 4 Jur. Park N. Balliol 3 Jur. Samuel J. Pembroke 3 CI. Mod. •Thomas, Bras. Select Preacher Thomas, Ch. Ch. Proctor William Princl. New Inn Hall •William, Brasenose 1 CI. William, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. William, Wadh. 2 CI., 3 Math. William G. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. William H. Balliol 1 CI. Stone-Wigg, Montague J. University 3 CI. Mod. 4 Hist. Stones, George B. .?. John's 4 Theol. Harry, Merton 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Stoney, Ralph S. CI). Ch. 2 Hist. WiUiam, Ch. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Stonham, Frank, Worcester 2 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Stonhouse, Wm. L. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 4 CI. Latin Verse Stoodley, T. A. S. Mary Hall 3 L. & H. •Stopford, Arthur F. All Souls Proctor Sackville (afterwards Stopford- SackviUe, S. G.), at. Ch. 2 li. & H. Storey, Ant. M. R. Wadham 1 CI., 1 Math. M. H. N. : see Story-Maskelyne, M. H. N. Storr, Francis, Queen's 4 CI. Frank, New 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Frederick A. Queen's 3 Math. Mod. 4 Math. George G. Brasenose 3 Math. Mod. 3 Math. Vernon F. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. ICl. Story, Charles E. Exeter 3 Theol. John Princl. Broadgates Hall Reg. Prof. Civil Law Thomas W. Non-C. 2 Nat. Sc. William Hon. D.C.L. Story-Maskelyne, Ant. M. R. : see Storey, A. M. R. 18G9 1871 1407 1894 1889 1860 1814 1580 166:i 1822 1854 i8a3 1887 1889 1852 1882 1883 1872 1892 1894 1894 1887 1889 1878 1880 1860 1861 1861 1867 1855 1862 1810 1833 1892 1894 1886 1888 1881 1883 1890 1892 1872 1537 1546 1884 1887 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOURS. 241 Story-Maskelyne (formerly Storey), M. H. N. Wadliam 2 Math. 1845 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1855, 6 Prof. Mineralogy 185G *Stott, George, Worcester 3 CI. 18.37 Stourton, Hen. J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 18C6 2 L. &. H. 1868 *Stowe, Alfred, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1855 3 CI. 1857 Edwin, Brasenoee 2 CI. Mod. 1857 4 CI. 1858 •William H. Wadham 1 CI. 1848 Fellow of Oriel Stowell, Ernest A. C. Queen^s 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Hugh, Brasenose 4 CI. 1852 Hugh F. La M. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 John H. Non-C. 2 Theol. 1890 Thomas A. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1853 4 L. & H. 1855 Vere A. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Wm. Lord: see Scott, Sir Wm. Stowey, Augustus, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1821 Stoyt, John, 3Ierton Proctor 1539, 45 *Strachan-Davidson, James L. : see Davidson, J. L. S. Strachey, John St. L. Ball. 1 Hist. 1882 Theodore E. Trin. 3 Math. Mod. 1881 3 Jur. 1883 Strafford, third Earl of: see Byng, Hon. G. H. C. Strahan, George, Vniv. Engl. Essay 1769 Strang, Alexander E. Neiv 3 CI. Mod. 1889 Strange, Wm. A. Pemb. Boden Schol. 1833 4 CI. 1833 Strangewayes, or Strangwich, George, Lincoln Proctor 1469 Eector of Lincoln 1480 Strangman, Edward, Pemb. 3 Hist. 1800 Strasburger, Edward Hon. D.C.L. 1894 Stratford, Eobert de Chancel. 13-3.5, G, 7, 8 Stratford-Dugdale, John, Merlon 4 CI., 4 L. &. H. 1857 Stratton, William, Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI., 2 L. & H. 1856 William E. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1802 3 Hist. 1894 Strawbridge, William A. Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 Streat, Eichard, Merton Proctor 1723 Streatfeild, Arth. N. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Henry B. Exeter 4 Hist. 1874 •William, Trinity 3 CI. 1813 Streatfield, George S. Cori). 1 L. & H. 1866 Street, Alfred E. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Alfred W. Magd. Hall Craven Scholar 1835 2 CI. 1837 Scholar of Pembroke Arthur E. 31agd. 2 CI. Mod. 1876 3 CI. 1878 Frank, C7<. C7i. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 George S. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Stephen, Queen's Engl. Essay 1777 . Streeten, Eobert H. Queen's 1 Math. ]Mod. 1871 3 CI. Mod. 1871 Stretch, John C. T. 3Iagd. Hall 4 CI. 1845 Theodore, New 3 L. & H. 1867 Theodore C. B. Wore. 2 CI. 1841 Stretford, Thomas de Proctor 1348, 9 Streton, Eoger de Chancellor 1329 Stretton, John G. M. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 Theol. 1872 Strickland, Henry E.Sras. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 Hugh E. Oriel 3 CI. 1832 Stride, William J. F. K. E.veter 2 Hist. 1894 Stringer, Henry, New Eeg. Prof. Greek 1625 Proctor 1630 Warden of Neic 1647 Strode, Edmund, Qjieeii's 2Math. Mod. 1873 3 Hist. 1875 WiUiam, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1629 Public Orator 1629 Strong, Edmund, Exeter 2 CI. 1824 Frederick W. Mert. 3 Theol. 1885 Herbert A. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1862 *Thomas B. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 Bampton Lecturer 1895 Thomas L. Oriel 2 CI., 2 Math. 1807 Select Preacher 1816, 9 •William A. Ch. Ch. 3 Math. 1852 Stronge, James H. Bras. 2 L. &. H. 1872 Stroud, John, Merton 3 CI., i Math. 18.51 Lewis, Pembroke 3 Jur. 1888 Eichard A. H. Wadham 4 CI. 1841 William, Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1882 1 Math. 1884 1 Nat. Sc. 1885 Nat. Sc. Examiner 1894 Struthers, John, Worcester 2 CI. Mod. 1883 1 CI. 1885 Stuart, Douglas, Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1877 K 242 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTEPw OF HONOURS. Stuart, Edmund A. (afterwards Stuart-Gray, K. A.) Exeter 2 L. & H. 1863 James, VnivertUv 3 CI. Mod. 1K58 2 CI. IKCO John, Bnlliol 1 Nat. 8c. 1881 John L. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 187G 3 CI. 1878 William C. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 180G 3 CI. 18G8 Stuart-Menteath, Charles G. S. Jo/ot's 4 Theol. 1891 Stuart-Wortley, Archibald J. Mert. 2 L. & H. 1870 Charles B. Ballid 3 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Jur. 1874 Stubbs, Edward, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1852 Laaucelot H. A. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1890 Aeg. Jur. 1892 Laurence, Magdalen Proctor 1504 Commissary 1514, G Pres. of Magdalen 1525 •William, Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 3 Math. 1848 Fellow of T)-inity L. & H. Exam. 1865, G Keg. Prof. Modern Hist. 18CG Select Preacher 1870, 87 Fellow of Oriel Theol. Exam. 1871, 2 Hist. Exam. 1873, 4, 7, 8 ; 82, 3 Hon. D.C.L. 1893 "Wmiam W. S. John's 4 Hist. 1888 Stubbys, Richard Master of Bulliol 1518 Studd, Edward F. TJniv. 2 CI. Mod. 187G 3 B.C.L. 1879 Studholme, William P. Magd. 2 Jur. 188G •Stupart, Gusta\'us T. Exeter 2 CI. 1834 Sturdy, Henry C. Non-C. 2 Theol. 1872 William A. Magdalen 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1893 Sturge, Clement Y. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 4 CI. 1883 Sturgis, Julian E. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1860 2 CI. 1872 Sturt, Henry C. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1884 1 CI. 1886 2 Hist. 1887 Stutchbury, Harold O. Co^-pus 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Stutfield, George H. Un iversity 1 Jur. 1879 Vinerian Scholar 1880 Vincent C. Jesus 3 Math. Mod. 1894 •►Style, Charles M. ,S'. John's Pusey and EUerton Scholar 18.50 2 CI. Mod. 1853 3 CI. 1853 Frederick, S. John's 3 CI. 1838 Style, Frederick N, Line. 1 CI. Mod, 1867 2 CI. 1869 George M. New 4 Jur. 1891 Matthias, Exeter Proctor 1621 Styleman, Henry Le S. (afterwai-ds Styleman-Le-Strange, H.), Ch. Ch. 4 Math, 1836 Suffolk, John, Duke of, High Steward 1472? Sugars, John E. Pevih. 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Sugden, Henry, Alban Hall 4 Math. 1834 Henry K. Exeter 4 Hist. 1884 Supge, Tristram, Wadham Proctor 1642 Sulburge, William Chancellor 1410, 2, 3 Sulivan, Henry W. Bulliol 4 CI. 1838 •Sullivan, Frederick, Bra^enose 2 CI. 1817 Fellovf of All Souls Henry E. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1856 Ponsonby A. M. Chars. Hall 3 Hist. 1881 Sully, Arthur B. Lincoln 2 Hist. 1894 Summayster, Wm. Princl. Hert H. 1463 Summerfield, Ed. A. TT'orc. 4 L. & H. 1866 Summers, Walter, Worcester 3 CI. 1855 William, University 3 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Sumner, Charles, Balliol 4 CI. 1840 George H. Balliol 4 CI. 1845 George H. M. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1874 Eobert, Balliol 2 CI. 1841 Robert G. M. Balliol 4 CI, 1846 Surajbal Manphfll, Pandit, Oriel 3 B.C.L, 1876 Surcombe, John L. S. John's 3 Math. Mod. 1880 Surrage, Thomas L. J. Hertford 2 Jur. 1888 2 B.C.L. 1889 Surridge, Henry A, D. Magd. Hall 2 CI, Mod, 1858 2 CI, 1859 Surtees, Anthony, Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1869 Chai-les H. Oriel 3 CI, Mod, 1891 Edward A, Oriel 2 CI, Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Stevenson V. University 2 CI. 1826 William E. University 4 CI. 1833 Sutcliffe, James, Edmund Hall 3 CI. 1827 •Sutherland, Alex. J. C7j. Ch. 4 CI. 18.32 George H. V. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Henry C. Lincoln Boden Schol. 1855 Sutton, Anthony, Magdalen Proctor 1525 Edmund, Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1863 2 CI. 1865 Edward, University 3 L. & H. 1872 Edward W. Trin. ' 1 CI. Mod. 1892 Eichard, Merton Proctor 1.363 •Eobert S. Exeter 4 CI. 1841 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 243 Sutton, William Proctor 14G7 [Princl. Brasenose Hall 1480] Commissary 1480, 1, 2 William, Balliol 3 CI. 1814 Swabey, Henry, Pembroke 2 Math. 1848 Mark K. New 3 Hist. 1882 ♦Maurice C. M. Ch. ai. 3 CI. 1842 Maurice J. Oriel 3 Hist. 1881 Stephen, Pemh-oke 3 CI. Mod. 188.5 Swaine, Frederick, Worcester 2 CI. 1847 •Swainson, Chas. L. S. Joint's Proctor 1828 John G. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1865 Oswald L. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 185-5 3 L. & H. 1850 Swale, Hogarth, Queen's 4 CI. 1831 Swallow, Ernest, Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1883 Swan, Charles A. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1875 4 Theol. 1877 Charles E. J. A. Eehle 3 Nat. Sc. 1885 Eichard, Kehle 2 Theol. 1874 William, Queen's 4 Xat. Sc. 1863 Swann, Frederick S. P. Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1892 James N. WacUiam 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 John, Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1856 3 CI. 1858 i^athaniel E. E, Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Swanton, Calvert H. Queen^s 3 Jur. 1890 Swanwick, Bruce, JJniv. 3 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Eric D. University 3 Jur. 1893 Philip S. Brasenose 4 CI. 1844 Swanzy, Thomas E. S. John's 2 Theol. 1893 *Swayne, George C. Co7-pus 2 CI. 1839 CI. Moderator 18.58 Henry Chancellor 12rt2 ? Henry, S. 3Iary Hall 4 Math. 1841 Eohert G. Wadh. 4 CI., 4 Math. 1842 Wniiam J. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1853 1 L. & H. 18.55 2 Nat. Sc. 1856 WiUiam S. New 3 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1884 1 Theol. 1885 Sweet, Charles. Balliol 4 CI. 1835 Charles F. L. Kehle 4 Hist. 1882 Henry, Ball. Taylorian Schol. 1870 4 CI. 1873 James B. Balliol 4 CI. 1839 Sweetapple, Henry D. S. Queen's Junior LXX Prize 18&3 1 Theol. 1884 Sweet-Escott, William S. E. Trinity 3 Jur. 1890 Sweeting, Henry E. Pemh. 2 CI. Mod. \m\ 4 CI. 18GS E '^ Sweit, Giles Assessor 1634 Princl. Alhan Hall 1661 Eeg. Prof. CivU Law 1661 Swete, John B. Oriel 2 CI. 1809 Swetenham, Edmund, Bras. 4 Math. 1844 Swift, Benjamin E. Co7-pus 1 CI. Mod. 1886 1 CI. 1888 Francis D. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887, 2 Hist. 1888 S^vinboume, Alfred J. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Swinburne, Algernon C. Balliol Taylorian Scholar 1858 2 CI. Mod. 1858 Swinden, George, Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Swinnerton, Geo. I. S. John's 3 Theol. 1875 Swinton, John, Wadham Keeper of Archives 1767 Swire, Samuel, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Swithinbank, Herbert S. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1874 4 CI. 1876 Sworn, Sidney A. Balliol 1 Xat. Sc. (Chem.) 1888 Sydenham, Hopton, 3Iagd. Proctor 1626 John, Balliol 2 CI. 1843 John, Exeter 3 CI. 1817 Sydnore, Eichard, 3Iagd. Proctor 1497 Syers, Henry S. Brasenose 3 L. & H. 1861 Sykes, Edward F. Ball. 2 Math. Mod. 1893 Ernest W. Non-C. 2 Hist. 1894 George W. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1889 4 Hist. 1891 John C. G. New 2 CI. Mod. 1890 1 CI. 1892 Joseph, Oriel 4 CI. 1834 Eobert, Queen's 3 Or. Stud. 1888 Stephen F. Trinity 4 Theol. 1893 Thos. Tnnity Marg. Prof. Div. 1691 Pres. of Trinity 1704 Sylvester, Chas. F. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 ♦James J. New Hon. D.C.L. 1880 Professor of Geometry 1883 Samuel A. K. New 3 Hist. 1874 Symes, Gustaviis P. Lincoln 2 Jur. 1878 Symon, James D. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Symond, William, Univ. Proctor 1412, 13 Symonds, Arthur, Brasenose 4 Hist. 1877 Arthur G. Carpus 2 CI. Mod. 1865 2 CI. 1867 Edward, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1868 Francis H. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 George D. University 2 CI. Mod. 1885 9 244 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Symonds, Ilorntio P. Clin. l-pcturor in Surpory 18S7 •John A. BuUiol 1 CI. INIod. 1860 English Verse 1860 1 CI. 1862 Fellow of Maodalen English Essay 1863 Stephen C. New 3 CI. Mod. 1894 •Symons, Benjamin P. Wadham Class List 1805 Select Preacher 1812, 21, 31 Proctor 1818 Exam. 1819, 20, 1, 4 Warden of Wadhmn 1831 Yice-Chancellor 1844 •Edward W. Uuiv. 1 Math. Mod. 1877 1 Math. 1879 Fereday Fellow of S. John's Henry, Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 Richard, Merton Proctor 1512 Thomas, Slerton Proctor 1548 Syms, William, Wadham 2 CI. 1829 Synge, John, Magdalen 3 Math. 1809 Tabberer, Hugh B. Bras. 2 Hist. 1888 Taberer, Henry M. Kehle 3 Theol. 1893 Tabor, William C. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1863 Tackley, Frederick J. Queen's 3 Theol. 1893 Tadman,Ernest J. Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 3 CI. 1894 James, University 4 CI. 1865 Tahourdin, Charles, Coi-pus Proctor 1783 Charles J . Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 18G1 Graham, S. John's 4 Jur. 1877 Tailer, Robert, Merton Registrar 1529 Viincl.Alhun HaU 1530 Taine, Hippolyte Hon. D.C.L. 1871 •Tait, Archibald C. Balliol 1 CI. 1833 CI. Exam. 1841, 2 Select Preacher 1843 Chas. W. A. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Craufurd, Ch. Ch. 1 L. & H. 1872 Herbert G. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1867 *James, Balliol 1 Hist. 1887 Fellow of Pembroke James A. A. Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 •Walter J. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1860 1 CI. 1862 Fellow of Worcester Takakusn, Jyun, Non-C. Chinese Scholar 1892 2 Or. Stud. 1894 Talbot, Arthur H. Kehle 3 Theol. 1878 Christopher R. M. Oriel 1 Math, 1823 •Talbot, Edward S. C7/. Ch. 1 CI. 1865 1 L. & U. 1866 Ellerton Prize 1869 Warden of Keble 1870 Select Preacher 1874, 83 CI. Exam. 1874,5,6 Frederick H. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1867 1 Math. 1868 1 Kat. Sc. 1869 •George J. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 1 CI. 1884 Fellow of All Souls Henry, Queen's 3 CI. 1823 •Hon. Jolin C. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1825 John E. 3Iagdalen 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 2 Theol. 1894 John G. Ch. di. 2 CI. Mod. 18.55 4 CI. 1857 Burgess 1878, 80, 85, 86, 92 Hon. D.C.L. 1878 Reginald T. Exeter 1 Theol. 1885 Theodore M. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1859 2 Math. 1860 Hon. William C. Ch. Clt. 3 CI. 1834 Taliacarne, Arthur J. B. (afterwards Bertie, A. J.), Trinity 4 Jur. 1880 Tallents, George W. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1879 Talmadge, William, Lincoln 4 CI. 18.% Talmage, John M. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1834 Tamplin, George, S. John's 3 CI. 1847 John M. University 3 Hist. 1886 Tancock, Charles C. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1872 1 CI. 1874 Osborne W. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1&59 2 CI. 1862 ♦Tancred, Thomas Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1830 Fellow of Merton William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1840 Tange, Thos. Princl. Broadgates H. 1445 Tanner, Alex. R. Wadh. 4 L. & H. 1862 Hen. W. LI. Jesus 1 Math. Mod. 1870 1 Math. 1872 1 Nat. Sc. 1873 James, Pembroke 1 Math. Mod. 1852 2 Math. 1853 James, Queen's 3 CI. 1827 Joseph, Queens 1 CI. Mod. 1854 Demy of Magdalen 2 CI. 1856 Thomas, Balliol 3 Math. 1809 Thomas, New Proctor 1660 Walter J. Pemb. 2 CI. Mod. 1876 2 CI. 1878 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 245 Tarbet, William D. a>.ai. 2 Math. Mod. 1873 2 Nat. Sc. 1875 Targett, Arthur W. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 1 Math. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 •Tarpley, K. M. E. Ch. Ch. Proctor 1813 Tarver, Matthew A. J. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1802 Tassell, Alick J . New 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Douglas S. M. C7(. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 Taswell-Langmead T. P.S. 3Iary Hall 1 L. & H. 1866 Stanhope Prize 1866 Vinerian Scholar 1867 •Tate, Chas. K. Coi-pus 2 CI., 3 Math. 18-35 Francis, University 1 CI. 1840 James, Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1856 Tatham, Edward, Lincoln Bampton Lecturer 1789 Rector of Lincoln 1792 Edward H. R. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1880 Lothian Prize 1881 George E. Slerton 3 CI. 1852 John, Ultrton Proctor 1573 Rector of Lincoln 1574 Meabum T. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1881 Tattersall, Robert W. Exeter 3 Theol. 1885 ♦Tatton, Robert G. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1868 1 CI. 1871 Tatum, George B. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1875 Henry F. Balliol Ireland Scholar 1874 1 CI. Mod. 1874 4 Math. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Taunton, Charles B.Ch.Ch. 4 CI. 1852 Ernest H. Magd. 3 Math. Mod. 1875 •George, Corpus Select Preacher 1811 Henry, Lord : see Labouchere, Henry. Wm. E. C7). a>. English Essay 1793 Tavemer, Frederick J. W. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1889 4 Hist. 1891 Tavistock, Marqtiis of, Ball. 3 Hist. 1874 •Tayler, Archdale Wilson, Cli. Ch. Select Preacher 1813 Charles W. C7i. C7(. 4 Math. 1844 Ernest H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1882 4 CI. 1884 3 Theol. 1885 Pierre H. University 4 Hist. 1887 Richard S. 0. Eclm. H. 2 Theol. 1882 Tayler, William, New Inn H. 4 Math. 183.", •Taylor, Alex. Queen's 3 CI., 1 Math. 1845 EUerton Prize 1846 *Alfred E. New 1 CI. Mod. 1889 1 CI. 1891 Fellow of Merlon Arnold C. University 1 CI. Mod. 1888 1 CI. 1890 Arthur, Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1888 1 Math. 1890 Arthur B. Bras. 2 Math. :Mod. 1894 Arthur W. Exeter 3 Hist. 1882 Aubrey C. A. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 Charles, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1820 Charles, Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. 1880 Charles R. KeUe 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Charles S. 3Ierton 1 Xat. Sc. 1870 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1871 Edward, Brasenose 3 CI. 1810 Ernest G. Wadh. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 L. & H. 1870 Frank, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1894 English Verse 1894 Frank H. W. S. John's 3 Theol. 1893 Francis B. Hertf. 2 Math. Mod. 1881 Francis W. Univei-sity 3 Math. Mod. 1868 3 Math. 1870 Frederick X. Jesus 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Harrison, University 3 CI. 1811 Henry W. Magd. Hall 4 CI. 1850 Herbert, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Hugh M. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Jackson, Oriel 3 CI. 1855 James, Brasenose 3 CI. 1811 James H. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1861 1 Math. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1863 James W. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 4 CI. 1854 John Provost of Oriel 1479 Commissary 1480 •John, Pembroke 3 CI. Mod., 2 Math. :Mod. 1857 2 Math. 1858 John C. M. New 3 Hist. 1889 John F. Wadham 4 CI., 3 Math. 185(J John J. Ch. Ch. 1 Nat. Sc. 1877 John K. Pemhrol-e 3 Theol. 1880 John O. Brasenose 2 CI. 1840 Joseph, S. John's Assessor 107(» Lewis W. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Jur. 1880 Percy W. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1885 246 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Taylor, Pryco T. Exder Bobert, Ma(jd. Hall I\t)l)ort E. (Jiiecu'n Kobert F. Ch. Ch. 2C1. Mod. 1881 3 CI. 188.3 4 CI. 1837 3 Thool. 187G 3 CI. Mod. 1808 1 Nat. Sc. 18G9 Rowland D. Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1880 Samuel, Jiraseuose 4 Math. 1842 •Simon, Oiiel 1 CI. 1820 Fellow of All Soxih Stafford, Trinity 3 Jur. 1804 Thomas, Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 18G3 2 L. & H. 18C5 Thomas, 3Tagd. Hall 4 INIath. 1834 Walter B. Braseitose 1 CI. Mod. 1875 3 CI. 1877 Senior LXX Prize 1879 Walter B. University 3 CI. Mod. 1882 2 Hist. 1884 William, Trinity 4 Math. 1840 William, University 3 CI. 1851 William A. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1878 William E. Hertf. 3 CI. Mod. 1876 William F. E.re. Ch. 3 Theol. 1879 •James Rector of Lincoln 1851 James E. Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1808 3 CI. 1870 John V. Wadham 1 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 John W. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1881 Joseph, Lincoln 1 CI. 1882 Joseph H. Jfaj7(f. fla?i 4 CI. 1845 Thompson, Joseph S. University 4 CI. 1875 Percy, Brasenose 2 Math. Mod. 1892 3 Math. 1804 Balph P. S. John's 2 Theol. 188ti Reginald B. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 3 Hist. 1886 Reginald W. Wore. 3 Theol. 187(1 Richard, Brasenose 1 CI. 1834 Sydney, Merton 3 Hist. 1870 •Thomas B. Queen's 3 CI. 1833 William, Brasenose Proctor 1700 William, Non-C. 3 Jur. 1880 •WiUiam, Queen's 3 CI. 1814 Princl. Edmund Hall 1843 William, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 William, University Proctor 1507 William B. Oriel 3 Jur. 1889 3 B.C.L. 1890 William C. Wadham 1 CI. 1820 William E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1868 2 Nat. Sc. 1870 William F. S. Joh n's 4 Hist. 1877 William 0. E.reter 4 Xat. Sc. 1862 William R. Mtrt. 2 Theol. 1880 William R. Trinity 3 Jur. 1891 William S. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1881 1 Math. 1884 3 B.C.L. 1885 Thomson, Adam S. Line. 1 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Allen Hon. D.C.L. 1882 Archibald S. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 2 Theol. 1891 Arthur Lect. in Anatomy 1885 Prof, of Anatomy 1893 Arthur R. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1892 3 Hist. 1894 Clement R. rn)u7?/ 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 [John] Cockburn, S. Mary Hall Boden Scholar 1857 George 0. L. Extter 2 CI. 1865 Harry R. University 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 James F. A. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1872 4 Hist. 1875 John L. Exeter 4 Math. 1839 Ninian H. Balliol 3 CI. 1853 Thomas K. Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Wilfred F. H. New 2 Jur. 1881 William, Hertf. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1886 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 249 •Thomson, William, Queen's 3 CI. 1840 Select Preacher 1848, 5C, G4 Bampton Lecturer 1853 Provost of Queen's 18.55 William E. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 •Thorley, George E. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 18o2 1 CI., 4 L. & H. 1853 Proctor 1866 CI. Examiner 1868, 9 ; 70, 4, 5 Warden of Wadham 1881 Thorn, John T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 Thornber, Hugh, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1863 4 L. & H. 1871 Thornden, oi- Thornton, John Commissary 1503, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 Thome, Ernest A. Exeter 2 Theol. 1890 Frederick G. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Herbert S. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1886 4 Jur. 1888 Wm. New Keg. Prof. Hebrew 1598 Thornewill, Chas. F. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1861 2 Nat. Sc. 1863 Thomhill, Charles E. Ch.Ch. 4 CI. 1837 Thornley, Alfred, Merlon 1 Nat. Sc. 1879 Thornton, Charles, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1832 •Edward, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 18::;4 Sir Edward Hon. D.C.L. 1877 Henry S. E. TritiUy 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Hugh A, C7(. Ch. John : see Thornden. •John, Wadham John G. Eeble Leslie M. University 2 CI. 1808 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 1 CI. Mod. 1878 1 Jur. 1879 3 Theol. 1876 Bichard T. S. John's •Kobinson, S. John's Junior Math. Scholar 1845 1 CI., 2 Math. 1847 •Samuel, Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 2 Nat. Sc. 1856 Swinford L. Lincoln 3 Jur. 1875 Thomas, Ch. Ch. Vice-chancellor 1583, 99 •Thomas H. S. John's Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1852 1 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI., 2 L. & H. 1855 William Princl. Hert Hall 1688 Thorn ycroft, John : see Mytton, John. John M. Corpus 2 Hist. 1879 Thorold, Anthony W. Queen's 4 Math. 1847 Select Preacher 1878 Arthur C. C. Woix. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 •Thorold, Edmund, Wore. 1 CI. Mod. 1864 Fellow of Magdalen 3 CI. 1850 Ellis F. Corpus 3 CI. 1851 George A. AV. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1868 2 L. & H. 1870 John L. de B. New 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1887 Thorp, . . . Princl. Edmund Hall 1351 Edward, 3Iagd. Hall 4 Math. 1864 •Eobert A. Corpus Proctor 1829 Kobert A. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1873 4 Hist. 1875 •Thorpe, Henry, S. John's Proctor 1836 James C. Cmpus 2 Nat. Sc. 1880 John, Lincoln Proctor 1461 Threlfall, Thomas, Brasenose 1 Math. Mod. 1866 1 Math., 2 Nat. Sc. 1868 Threlkeld, Collin, Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1856 2 CI. 18.58 Thresher, Frederick E. Queen's 2 CI. 1820 James H. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Philip, University 3 CI. 1824 Thring, Arthur T. Neio 1 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1883 Christopher B. New 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Jur. 1880 Lawrence T. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1886 Thrupp, Edward, Wadham 3 CI. 1830 Horace, ExMer 4 Math. 1846 Eobert W. Lincoln 3 Hist. 1877 Thurburn, Arthur H. Trinity 4 Hist. 1882 Thurbury, or Thurburne, Eobert, New Proctor 1395, 6 Thurland, Francis E. Neio 4 CI. 1841 Thurnall, Arthur, Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Thursby-Pelham, Augustus, Univ. 3L.&H. 1855 Thursfield, James H. Trinity 1 01. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 •James E. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1861 1 CI. 1863 Fellow of Jesus CI. Examiner 1873, 4 Proctor 1875 William H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 4 CI. 1893 Thurston, Edward de B. Trin. 4 Hist. 1889 George, Kehle 3 CI. Mod. 1874 4 Hist. 1876 Thwaytes, Edward, Queen's Eeg. Prof. Greek 1707 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1708 '250 ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Thwayts, Thwaytes, or Thwaite?, Kobert, liallidl Proctor 1423 Commissary 1441, IVt-i Chancfllor 144.">, Master of IiMi„l 1451 Thynno, Arthur C. Balliol 4 Math. 1855 Ji)hn A. K. New 3 CI. Mod. 1885 Thomas, Ch. Ch. Burgess 1G74 Tihbits, Richard J. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1815 Tibbs, James W. Keble 2 Math. Mod. 1877 2 Math. 1879 John H. Wore. 1 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Percival AV. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Ticehurst, Rowland F. Univ. 3 Jur. 1894 Tickell, Edward A. Ball. Latin Verse 1840 2 CI. 1842 "George, BalUol 1 CI. 1835 Stowell Fellow of Univ. Henry, Qiieen's 3 CI. 1843 Henry E. Du M. TTad^. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Tidd, Edgar M. New 3 CI. Mod. 1889 Tiddemau, Richard H. Oriel 2 Nat. So. 1862 Tidman, Arthur, Lincoln 3 CI. 1849 Tidmarsh, Thomas W. Exeter 2 Theol. 1887 Tidswell, Sam. W. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 Walter I, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Tidy, Thomas M. Queen's 4 CI. 1863 William M. Merton 1 CI. Mod. 1858 Tiffen, Herbert J. Wmc. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 TUden, William A. Lond. Nat. So. Ex. 1881, 2 ; 91, 2 Tillard, Henry C. KeUe 3 Ci. ]\rod. 1879 2 Hist. 1881 Tillyard, Francis, Ball. 1 Math. Jlod. 1884 1 Math. 1886 Vinerian Scholar 1888 1 Jur. 1888 Timbrell, Wm. F. J. Non-C. 4 Theol. 1892 Timmis, Thomas S. Ch. Cli. 3 Jur. 1889 Tinck, Charles F. Exeter 4 Math. 1848 Tindal, Charles H. Magd. 3 Cl.-Mod. 1872 3 Jur. 1874 Tindal-Atkinson, W. G. Abbott Scholar 1894 Tindal-Robertson, Percy, Neio 2 CI. 1892 2 Hist. 1893 Tindall, Gilbert J. Coi-p. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Robert, Queen's 1 Nat. Sc. 1873 Tinley, Charles E. University 4 CI. 1844 Robert, Magdalen Proctor 1595 Tinn6, John E. University 3 CI. Mod. 1865 3 CI. 1867 •Tinney, Wm. H. Magd. Class List 1805 Fellow of Oriel Vinerian Fellow 1813 I Tinniswood, Joseph, Queen^s 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 •Tireman, Wm. W. Wadham English Verse 1826 Proctor 1841 Fellow of Magdalen Titchener, Edw. B. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CL 1889 Titchfield, Marquis of, Ch. C7(. 2 CI. 1818 Titherington, Arthur F. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 2 Hist. 1889 Richard H. ilagd. 1 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 Tivoli, Vital de Teacher of Italian 1861 Tod, Alexander H. Trin. 2 CL Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1880 Todd, Arthur H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1877 Charles J. 3Iagdalen 2 Jur. 1877 David B. Lincoln 3 Hist. 1889 George, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 George, Pemb. 1 Math. Mod. 1874 1 Math. 1876 Robert H. Hertford 3 CL Mod. 1880 3 Nat. Sc. 1882 Thomas M. Queen's 3 CL Mod. 1870 Todhunter, Arthur L. Corpus 3 CL Mod. 1889 Francis G. Neiv 2 CL Mod. 1893 Toke, John, Brasenose 3 CL 1818 Tollemache, Arthur F. C. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1882 Lionel A. Ball. 1 CL, 4 Math. 1860 Toller, Samuel B. Trinity 3 CL 1825 Tollinton, Henry P. Ball. 1 CL Mod. 1891 2 CL 1893 Richard B. Ball. 1 CL Mod. 1887 2 CL 1889 Tollit, Arthur H. Lincoln Aeg. CL 1891 Percy K. Magd. 1 Math. Mod. 1882 1 Math. 1885 1 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1886 Tolson, John, Oriel Proctor 1607 Provost of Oriel 1621 Vice-Chancellor 1643 Tomasczewski, Alfred H. Jesus 3 CL Mod. 1891 Taylorian Exhibitioner 1891 4 CL 1893 Tombleson, James B. Corpus 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 Tombs, James S. 0. Mert. 1 CL Mod. 1878 3 CL 1880 Tomes, Charles S. CJi. Cli. 1 Nat. Sc. 1866 Robert, Magd. Hall 3 Math. 1830 ALPHABETICAL EEGISTER OF HONOUES. 251 Tomes, Eobert J. Exeter James W. S. Neio Thomas J. C. New Herbert, C7i. Ch. James F. Ch. Ch. John, Wadham John "W. Trinity Robert C. L. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Tomkins, Henry B. Non-C. 4 Jur. James G. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Tomkinson, James, Ball. 2 CI. Mod. Tomkyns, Thomas, All Souls Proctor Tomlin, Edward L. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 4 Hist. 2 CI. Mod. 1 Hist. 3 CI. Mod. 1 Jur. 2 B.C.L. Tomlins, Richard, S. Mary E. 4 CI. Tomlinson, Bernard D. Brasenose 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. •Charles H. Worcester 2 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1 Nat. Sc. 2 Math. 1 Math. Mod. 2 Math. 2 Nat. Sc. 3 Hist. 3 L. & H. 2 CI. 3 CI. Mod. 3 Theol. Robert Gr. Slagdalen 2 CI. Mod. "Wm. E, M. Ch. ai. 2 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Tompkins, Herbert C. Neio 4 Hist. Tompson, John E. Ch. Cli. 3 CI. Mod. Toms, Humphrey "W. Exeter 4 CI. Toneworth, Adam : see Towworth, A. Toneworthe, E. de : see Towworth, E. Tonga, Arthur W. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 2 CI. George, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 2 CI. Robert, Universifi) Proctor Thomas Princl. Broadgates H. Tonks, Edmund, Queen^s 4 Math. Tooke, Arthur W. Alban Hall 4 CI. William A. Ch.Ch. 2 L. & H. Tooker, John, Cardinal College Proctor Tootell, Henry, Univ.\ 2 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Toovey, Henry, Worcester 3 L. & H. Topclyff, Eobt., Princl. Broadgates H. Topham, George St. J. Wore. 4 Hist. Topping, Geo. L. Brasenose 3 Math. ToppjTig, Ottewell Princl. Edm. H. Torkington, Charles, Bras. 4 Math. 1859 1861 1879 1882 1884 1861 1663 1876 1878 1892 1894 1887 1889 1891 1839 1883 1885 1856 1857 1858 1867 1868 1869 1886 1858 1821 1877 1879 1890 1858 1860 1881 1858 1841 1890 1892 1858 1860 1417 1445 1847 1832 1865 1525 1864 1866 1868 1453 1885 1854 1538 1840 Torr, James E. Pembroke "William G. S. John^s 3 L. & H. 1870 4 Theol. 1889 3 B.C.L. 1891 Torry, James E. Worcester 3 CI. 1872 Tosswill, Alick C. Oriel 1 Math. Mod. 1866 Tourgeneff, Iwan Hon. D.C.L. 1879 Tournay, Wm. Warden of Wadham 1806 Tourtel, William E. Peonh. 4 Theol. 1890 *Tout, Thomas P. Balliol 1 Hist. 1877 2 CI. 1879 Fellow of Pembrolce History Examiner 1889, 90, 1 Tovey, De Blossiers Princl. Neiv Inn Hall 1732 Tower, Bernard H. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1880 1 CI. 1882 Charles M. A. Magd. 3 Theol. 1872 Towers, Eobert M. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 2 Hist. 1891 Townend, Douglas A. S. Jolin^s 2 CI. Mod. 1891 1 Theol. 1893 2 Theol. 1875 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 3 CI. 1841 2 CI. Mod. 1859 3 CI., 4 Math. 1861 Townsend, Chas. W. Keble 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CL 1877 James, Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Theyer L. Worcester 2 CI. 1828 William, Lincoln 3 CI. 1843 William C. Queen's 2 CI. 1824 Townshend, William, Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1870 3 Hist. 1872 Townson, Eobert, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1852 3 CI. 1854 Eobert W. S. John's 3 Theol. 1889 Thomas, Magdcden Proctor 1749 Towworth, or Tonworthe, Adam de Chancellorl366, 9, 77 Eichard de, Merton Proctor 1358, 60 Warden of New 1376 Princl. Hert Hall 1378 Toye, Arlingham J. Magd. 3 CI. Mod. 1862 3 Nat. Sc. 1864 Joseph T. Queen's William J. Univ. Edward, Exeter Henry, Hertf. John, Oriel Townley, Edm. J. Bras. 3 CI. 1829 2 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 3 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 18.50 Toynbee, Paget J. Balliol *Tozer, Henry F. Exeter CI. Mod. 1866, 7, 8; 73, 8, 9 ; 82, 3, 4 Tracey, Campbell, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Frederick, Exeter 3 Math. Mod. 1883 252 ALrilABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Tracey, John, Brasenose 1 CI. ilod. 1S83 1 CI. 1885 John, WaiOiam 4 CI. 1833 Tracy. Hon. Hubert Hanbury, NoH-C. 4 Hist. 1877 Hon. John (afterwards 7th Viscount Tracy), All Souls Proctor 17.55 Warden of ,1// Souls 1766 TrafWcs, Richard Warden of Neio 1701 Trafford, Richard, Merlon Proctor 1597 William C. Merlon 3 Nat. Sc. 1883 •Tragitt, Thomas H. Corpus 3 CI. 1819 Trahern. Edward, lirasenose Proctor 1738 ♦Traies, WUliam, Wore. 1 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 Fellow of Merton •Traill, Henry D. S. John's 1 CI. Mod. 1863 2 Nat. Sc. 1865 Ellerton Prize 1868 •Wm.T. S.John's 2 CI. Mod. 1858 2 CI. I860 Trapp, Joseph, Wndh. Prof. Poetry 1708 Trappe, Richard, Nero Proctor 1484 Travis, James, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 1864 Treacy, Joshua, Queen's 3 CI. 1835 Treadgoldj Arthur N. C. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1886 Trechmann, Emil J. Queen's 4 CI. 1879 Tredcroft, Henry, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1810 Treffry, Edward J. : see Wilcockg, E. J. Magdalen Edward L. Magd. 3 Math. Mod. 1874 3 Math. 1876 •Trefusis, Hon. Chas. E. (afterwards 19th Lord Clinton), Oriel 3 CI., 1 Math. 1814 Eellowof ^n;?o)e?8 Hon. C. H. R. (afterwards 20th Lord Clinton), Ch. Ch. 1 L. & H. 1856 Treganson, John Princl. Ilert Hall 1451 Tregarthen,Hugh P. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Tregory, Michael, Exeter Proctor 14.34 Trehearne, Geo. H. S. John's 3 Hist. 1873 Treherue, George G. T. : see Thomas, G. G. T. Balliol Trelawney, Charles T. : see Collins, C. T. Balliol Tremeuheere, George H. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. 1882 Seymour G.iVe!<; 1 CI. Mod. 1869 2 CI. 1871 Wm. B. Oriel 2 L. & H. 1872 Trench, Francis, Oriel 2 CI. 1828 •Trench, Frederick H. Kehle 1 Hist. 1888 Fellow of All Souls George H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1873 Trenchard, William, Pevih. 2 CI. 1830 Treng, Robert Warden of Merlon 1328 Trengof, m- Treugof, Walter Chancellor 1418, 19, 20, 22? Trept^, George H. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1802 Tresham, William, Mert. Registrar 1524 Commissary 1532-46 ; 50, 6, 8 Trethewy, Anthony W. Trin. 2 Jur. 1885 Trevelyan, Edward O. Cwpus 3 CI. 1831 Et. Hon. George O. Trin. Coll., Camb. Hon. D.C.L. 1885 Trevor, Arthur C. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Arthur H. Cwpiis 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Jur. 1881 George, Magd. Hall 4 CI. 1836 Henry E. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1866 2 CI. 1868 William, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1877 3 CI. 1879 Trew, Charles O. All SouJs 2 Math. Mod. 1873 2 Math. 1875 2 Nat. Sc. 187G Trewhy, Norman, Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Trewynard, Michael Princl. Hert Hall 1436, 43 Trier, Emil A. Trinity 3 Hist. 1886 ♦Trimmer, Charles, Corpus 4 CI. 1847 •Robert, Wadham 2 CI. 1842 Denyer Prize 1846 Trinder, Daniel, Exeter 2 CI. 1851 Ellerton Prize 1852 •Tripp, Henry, Worcester 2 CI. 1839 Robert H. Exeter 2 CI. 1822 Trist, George H. Eehle 4 Theol. 1878 Samuel J. OHel 2 CI. 1813 Tristram, Charles E. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1889 •Henry B. Oi. Ch. 2 CI. 1817 Henry B. Hertfwd 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 Henry B. Lincoln 2 CI. 1844 James F. Merton 2 Math. Mod, 1885 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1887 Thomas H. Lincoln Boden Scholar 1848 Tristrope, John, Line. Proctor 1443, 4 Rector of Lincoln 1460 Trithen, Frederick H. University Prof. Modern Languages 1848 Trollope, Andrew H. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1881 4 Hist. 1883 John J. Pembi-olce 4 CI. 1840 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 253 Trollope, Mark N. Neto 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Thomas A. Magd. H. 4 CI. Trotman, Arthur L. S. Mary Hall 3 Theol. Clement N. New 2 CI. Mod. 3 Hist. Trott, . . . Princl. Hert Hall Trotter, Ernest B. Univ. 3 Jur. John G. S. John's 4 Theol. Thomas H. Y. Neto 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Victor M. C. Balliol Hertford Scholar Troughear, Thomas, Queen's Proctor Troughton, Arthur P. Eeble 1 Theol. James, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Leslie "W. Kehle 2 Theol. Trouncer, Harold M. University 2 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Troup, Charles E. Ball. Cobden Prize Trousdale, William G. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 3 Theol. Troutbeck, John, Queen's 4 Jur. 3 B.C.L. Trowe, Gilbert, 3Iert. Prof. Botany •Trower, Charles F. Ball. Latin Verse ICl. Fellow of Exeter Gerard, Keble 3 Theol. John, Exeter 3 CI. Mod. 4 CI. •Walter J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. Fellow of Oriel Trumbull, Sir William, All Sonls Burgess Trustram, Edward J. Tl'orc. 4 Jur. Trye, Eeginald E. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 3 L. & H. Tubbs, Henry A. Pemh. 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Craven Fellow Arnold Essay Tucker, Charles, Wadham 2 CI. •Charles C. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. ICl. *John, Corpus 2 CI., 2 Math. John M. Alban H. 4 Theol. John S. Balliol Math. Exhibitioner 1 Math. Mod. Junior Mathematical Scholar 1 Math. Senior Mathematical Scholar •Marwood, Balliol 3 CI. Fellow of Exeter 1883 1885 1834 1870 1892 1894 1495 1874 1872 1875 1877 1893 1718 1882 1817 1888 1891 1894 1883 1873 1875 1880 1881 1724 1838 1838 1885 1865 1867 1826 1695 1886 1864 1866 1884 1887 1888 1889 1823 1865 1867 1813 1873 1887 1887 1888 1889 1890 1825 Tucker, Marwood, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1856 4 CI., 3 L. & H. 1858 William, Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1871 William H. Exeter 2 CI. 1812 William H. B. S. Marif Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1872 William L. Exeter 3 Theol. 1891 •William M. Balliol 3 CI. 1814 Tuckett, Philip D. Trin. Aeg. Hist. 1890 Tuckey, James G. W. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Tuckfield, John H. H. (afterwards Tuckfield-Hippisley, J. H. H.), Oriel 2 CI. 1824 •Kichard C. H. Oriel 2 CI. 1823 Fellow of All Souls Tuckwell, Alfred J. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1876 3 Hist. 1878 Charles W. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1871 3 CI. 1873 Henry M. Lincoln 1 Nat. Sc. 1856 Eadcliffe Travelling Fellow 1859 Philip E. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1878 3 CI. 1881 •William, Neio 4 CI. 1852 Tudor, John L. Exeter 4 CI. 1875 4 Theol. 1876 Tudor-Evans, George S. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Tudor-Owen, Edward, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Hist. 1893 Tufnell, Edward C. Balliol 1 Math. 1828 •Edward W. Wadham 3 CI. 1837 Proctor 1857 Select Preacher 18.58 Frederick, Magd. 4 Hist. 1884 Frederick, Wadham 3 CI. 1843 Henry, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1828 John C. F. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1818 Thomas P. Wadham 4 CI., 4 Math. 1841 Tugwell, Arthur B. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1873 Lewis, Brasenose 3 CI. 1822 Tull, Henry, Edmund Hall 2 Math. 1822 Tulley, Eobert Commissary 1469 Tully, Thomas Princl. Edmund H. 1658 Tunnard, Ambrose B. Oriel 3 Math. Mod. ISH Tunstill, Harry K. Trinity 3 Hist. 1880 Tupholme, Benjamin S. Magd. Hall 2 CI. Mod. 1857 3 CI. 1858 3 L. & H. 1859 Wilfrid S. Corpus 3 CI. Mod. 1888 4 CI. 1890 254 ALrHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. Tupper, Charles L. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1868 Henry B. de V. Line. li Hist. 1889 Jolm H. E. Qu,-eu'8 2 CI. Mod. 1H93 Willi.im (}. Triiiit!/ 4 CI. 184G Tupi>or-Care.v, Albert D. (7(. Ch. 2 Hist. 1888 2 Theol. 1889 Tur})orvylo, James, New Registrar 1521 Turing. .1 ulius M. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Turke, John Fellow of Merton Chancellor 1376 Tliomas Princl. Uert Hall 1399 Turle, William H. New 4 CI. 1851 TurnbuU, George L. Magdalen 2 Math. Mod. 1880 1 Math. 1882 Turner, Adolphus H. Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1870 Augustus, Trinity Charles, Wadham •Charles A. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1823 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 3 L. & H. 1872 4 CI. 1838 Charles McL. Trin. *Cutlibert H. New Charles A. Trinity Charles B. Balliol Charles D. (afterwards C. D. Bravo), Trinity 2 L. & H. 1868 Charles H. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 3 CI. Mod. 1800 Aeg. Hist. 1892 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 1 Theol. 1884 Denyer and Jolmson Scholar 1886 Fellow of Magdalen David P. Pe77ibroke 4 CI. 1857 Dawson W. Magdalen 2 Ci. 1838 Edward J. Wadh. 1 CI. Mod. 1861 3 Math. Mod. 1861 2 CL, 4 Math. 1863 •Edward T. Ti^nity 1 CI. 1844 Fellow of Brasenose Proctor 1859 Eegistrar 1870 Frederick C. University 2 CI. Mod. 1893 George E. 3Iagd. H. 4 Math. 1.S34 George E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1878 4 CI. 1880 George K. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1868 Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1870 2 Theol. 1870 ^Herbert H. New. Savilian Prof, of Astronomy 1893 Herbert W. S. John's 1 CL Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 James A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Turner, John, Corpus 2 Math. Mod. 2 Hist. John, Exeter John, Exeter John E. Lincoln John E. P. Merton John F. Worcester John M. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Mod. 2 Nat. Sc. 2 CI. Mod. 3 Jur. 3 B.C.L. 3 CI. Class List Select Preacher Peter, Merton Prof. Geometry Eeginald, Merton 3 Hist. Richard, New 3 CI. Richard S. Queen's 3 CI. INIod. Thomas Pres. of Corpus Sir William, Rlin. Hon. D.C.L. William, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. W^illiam E. Balliol 2 CI. •William H. Corjms Tumor, Edmund, Ch. Ch. Turrell, Hanry J. Exeter Henry J. Lincoln Turton, Robert B. Ball. Proctor 3 L. & H. 3 Jur. 2 B.C.L. 3 CI. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Proctor 4 CI. 2 Theol. 4 CI. William, Magdalen Tuting, Thomas, Lincoln William C. Lincoln Tuttiett, Edward, Ch. Ch. Tweddell, Ralph B. Edm. H. 3 Theol. •Tweed, Henry E. Trinity 1 CL Latin Essay Fellow of Oriel •James P. Pemh. Ireland Schol. Fellow of Exeter ICL John E. Ch. Cli. Craven Scholar Eobert, Exeter 3 CL Tweedy, Charles W. Queen's 2 CL Mod. 2CL Twells, Philip, Worcester 2 CL Twemlow, Francis E. Ch. Cli. 1 Hist. Jesse A. Ch. Ch. 2 Hist. Thomas F. Ch. Ch. 4 CL William H. Ch. Ch. 2 CL Twentyman, Arthui- E. Brasenose 3 CL Mod. 2 Hist. Twidell, John C. Trinity 1 CL Mod. ICL T^vigg, Edward B. Eehle 3 Theol. Twining, Aldred, Oriel 4 CL, 3 Math. William, Balliol 4 CL •Twisleton, Edw. T. B. Trinity 1 CL Fellow of Balliol Twiss, Edward E. University 3 Math. 1877 1870 1857 1869 1871 1878 1890 1893 1828 1804 1819 1031 1892 1878 1867 1688 1890 1873 1852 1817 1860 1885 1887 1848 1880 1882 1707 1848 1885 1839 1893 1850 1851 1841 1842 1843 1846 1887 1889 1830 1875 1894 1837 1822 1889 1891 1891 1893 1889 1834 1836 1829 1841 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 255 •Twiss, Travers, University 2 CI., 1 Math. 1830 CI. Exam. 1835, 6, 7 Math. Exam. 1838, 9 ; 40 Prof. Pol. Economy 1842 Eeg. Prof. Civil Law 1855 Twist, George C. Trinity 4 Hist. 1891 Joseph T. Vniversiti/ 3 Hist. 1878 Joseph W. Queen's 3 CI. 1837 Twopeny, Eichd. Oriel Craven Schol. 177G Twycross, George F. Hertford 2 Hist. 1888 Twyford, Thomas, Magdalen 2 CI. Mod. 1866 4 CI. 1868 Twynam, James L. S. 3Iary H. 2 Nat. So. 1871 TwjTie, Brian, Corpus Keeper of the Archives 1634 Twynge, m- Bonifaunt, T. Queen's Commissary 1455, 8 Twynihoe, Christopher, Merton Proctor 1753 Twysden, Chas. Princl. New In n H. 1619 Tyacke, Joseph S. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1855 3 CI. 1857 Thomas, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Tybard, or Tybart, William Proctor 1431 Pres. of Magdalen 1458 Tydd, Alma P. L. Vniv. 2 CI. Mod. 1875 2 CI. 1877 Tyers, Thomas, New 3 CI., 2 Math. 1827 Tylden, Henry J. Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1880 Eichard J. S. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 Hist. 1876 William, Balliol 4 CI. 1841 •Tylecote, Charles B. L. Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1870 2 Math. 1872 Eereday Fellow of S. John's ♦Edward F. S. S. John's 1 Math. Mod. 1870 Junior Math. Schol. 1870 1 Math. 1872 Math. Moderator 1881 Henry G. New 3 Math. Mod. 1875 3 Math. 1877 Thomas B. Queen's 4 Math. 1866 Tylee, Charles H. Co}-2}us 2 CI. IMod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 Edward G. Magd. H. 3 CI. IVIod. 1873 Hertford 3 Jur. 1876 Thomas G. Trinity 4 Theol. 1873 •Tyler, George G. (aftei-wards Griffin, G. G.), Cli. Ch. 2 CI. 1851 ♦James E. Oriel 1 CI., 2 Math. 1809 Examiner 1816, 7, 8 ; 24 Select Preacher 1822, 9 Tylor, Edward B. Balliol Hon. D.C.L. 1875 Keeper of the Univ. Museum 1883 Eeader in Anthropology 1883 Tyndale, Edm. F. G. Magd. 3 Hist. 1874 ♦Tj-ndall, Charles M. New Inn H. 3 CI. 1849 ♦George, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1818 Fellow of Merton Henry, Merton Proctor 1.521 Warden of Merton 1544 John Hon. D.C.L. 1873 •Onesiphorus (afterwards Tyndall-Bruce, O.), Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1811 SaA'age, All Sotils Proctor 1740 TyreU, Eobert Y. Trin. Coll., Dublin Hon. D.C.L. 1893 Tyrer, Cuthbert E. Non-C. Taylorian Exhibitioner 1879 Tyrrell, William G. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 Tyrwhitt, Eichard E. Brasenose 2 CI. 1831 ♦Eichard St. John, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1849 Thomas, Ch. ai. 3 CI. 1823 Walter S. S. Gi. Ch. 4 Hist. 1882 Tyrwhyt, Thomas Master of Balliol 1371 Tyssen, Amherst D. : see also Daniel- Tyssen, A. Merton 1 CI., 1 Math. 1865 Charles A. D. Merton 4 Hist. 1879 Eidley D. Oriel 3 L. & H. 1863 Udall, Thomas B. Queen's 1 Nat. Sc. 1873 Udny, Samuel, Magdalen 3 Hist. 1882 Ullathorne, Percy, Exeter 4 Math. 1865 Ullerston, E. Queen's Commissary 1394 Chancellor 1407 Underdown, William G. Wadham 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Underhill, Charles B. Balliol 1 Math. Mod. 1892 Jun. Math. Scholar 1893 1 Math, 1894 ♦George E. Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 1 CI. 1881 Proctor 1894 Herbert G. Cor2}us 3 CI. Mod. 1881 John, New Proctor 1575, 6 Eector of Lincoln 1577 Vice-chancellor 1584 John S. Ch. Ch. 4 Jur. 1874 Keginald S. Jesus 2 Math. Mod. 1891 3 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1893 Underhyll, Edward, 3Iagd. Proctor 1608 ♦Underwood, Frederick F. Ch. CIi. 2 CI., 1 Math. 1827 John H. Brasenose 3 CI. 1823 Thomas, ^yo1■cc8ter 3 CI. 1822 Uniacke, Eichard G. F. Trinittj 3 Hist. 188S 25G ALniABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. •William J. New Uran, John A. Non-C. Urch, Frank, Ch. Ch. Ure, John F. F. W. Ch. Ch. Uuinoko, Richard J. Allan 11. 4 CI. 1832 Unit. Matthow, Tihn'ti/ Proctor 10.">1 Unaworth, Rcoce. Vuir. :i CI. 1803 Unwin, Walter M. I'lnrernifu 4 CI. Ifil Upcott, Arthur W. Kxeter 1 CI. Mod. 18TG 2 CI. 1879 Ernest A. liaUiol 1 CI. Mod. 1877 2 Math. Mod. 1878 (Jaisford Prize (Verse) 18«0 1 CI. laso Lewis E. Ccn-pus 1 CI. Mod. 1872 2 Math. Mod. 1872 1 CI. 1874 Upstone, Philip, Non-C. 3 Theol. 1800 Upton, Cecil, Edmund /T. 3 CI. Mod. 18G7 Edward Princl. Edmund II. 138.5 Isaac, Mapdalen Proctor 1.579 James R. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 18.53 4 CI. 1855 3 CI. 18:J8 4 Theol. 1888 1 01. Mod. 1804 2 Hist. 1890 3 B.C.L. 1802 Urmson, George H. Ch. Ch. 1 Jur. 1873 Urquhart, Edw. W. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1859 1 L. & H. 18G1 Francis, Ball. Stanhope Prize 1894 1 Hist. 1894 •Henrj' J. New English Verse 1819 Urwick, Edward J. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1.S88 1 CI. 1890 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1887 2 CI. Mod. 1894 1 CI Mod. 1837 1 CI. 1889 1 Hist. 1890 Utermarck, Chas. Exeter 4 CI., 4 Math. 1848 Uthwatt, Henry A. Triniti/ 4 L. & H. 1862 Utterton, John S. Oriel 1 CI. 1836 Vaile, Arthur, Oinel 3 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Theol. 1881 Valentine, George, Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1862 William, Worcester 3 CI. 1852 Valetta, John N. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Valintine. Thomas, Magd. H. 3 CI. 1809 Vallack, Benj. W. S. Exeter 1 Math, 1825 Vallance Henry W. Pemh. 3 Jur. 1889 Valletort, Viscount (afterwards 4th Earl of Mount Edgecumbe), Ch. Ch. 4 Math. 1853 Vallings, George R. Wwc. 2 Hist. 1890 James F. Keble 3 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 Valpy, Abraham J. Pembroke 3 CI. 1809 Robert A. Exeter 2 L & H. 1868 William E. Trin. Usbome, Charles F. Ball. Ussher, Beverley G. New Van, John Commissary 14."i0, 1 Van Benedcn, Edward Hon. U.C.L. 1894 Van Cooten, Harold, Jexus 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Van Mildert, William, Queen's Reg. Prof. Divinity 1813 Hampton Lecturer 1814 Van Neck, Arthur P. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 1 Jur. 1892 Van Wart, Reginald B. S. John's 3 Math. Mod. 1892 3 Hist. 1894 Vance, George, Exeter 4 CI. 18.38 George O. Lincoln 2 CI. 1850 •Vane, Frederick, Queen's 3 CI. 1814 Henry de V. Brasenose 4 Hist. 1876 Vane-Tempest, Francis A. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1882 Vanes, Sydney A. Jesus 1 Math. IMod. 1884 2 Math. 1886 Vansittart, George H. Balliol i 'Math. 1844 Rt. All S. Reg. Prof. Civil Law 1767 Wm. Ch. Ch. Select Preacher 1810 Varley, Frederick J. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1893 John, Oriel 1 CI. Mod. 1864 1 CI. 1866 1 L. & H. 1866 3 CI. Mod. 1880 2 CI. ]Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1870 1 CI. Mod. 1874 1 CI. 1877 Charles J. Trinit;/ Coll., Camh. Select Preacher 1873 Edward L. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Edward P. Balliol 2 CI., 1 Math. 18.32 Edward T. Pe7nbrol-e 3 L. & H. 1863 Francis P. Neio 3 Jur 1892 George F. 8. John's 1 CI. 1883 •Henry H.at.Ch. 1 CI. 1833 Fellow of Oriel English Essay 1836 Reg. Prof. Modern Hist. 1848 Herbert M. Kehle 2 Hist. 1892 James, Bnlliol 1 CI. 1827 James, Woi-cester 3 CI. 1834 Jenkin, All Souls Proctor 1614 Peter, Merton Latin Verse 1788 Proctor 1805 Warden of Merton 1810 Richard Princl. S. Mary H. 1.502 William W. New 2 CI. Mod. 1885 2 CI. 1888 •Vaughan- Williams, Hervey, Cli. Ch. 2 CI. 1852 Hervey W. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Rowland E. L. Merton 2 Hist. 1890 Vassall, Henry, Hertford Vaughan, Arthur P. Ball. Charles E. Balliol ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 257 Vaughton, Eobert, New Inn H. 4 CI. 1844 Rowland G, Pembrol-e 2 Math. Mod. 1889 1 Math. 1891 Vaulx, John Warden of All Souls 1C48 Vaiix, Bowyer, Triniti/ 4 CI. 1832 George B. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1873 Henry E. Exeter Craven Schol. 1822 Richard A. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1813 3 CI. 1892 ♦Wm. Ball. Select Preacher 1813, 7 ; 42 Bampton Lecturer 1826 "William S. W. Balliol 4 CI. 1840 Vavasonr, John F. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1859 Marmaduke, Bras. 2 CI. 1820 Richard St. J. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Yavasseur, Eobert, Ch. Cli. 1 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Vawdrey, Alexander A. C. X. Exeter 3 Theol. 1893 •Daniel, Brasenose 3 CI. 1829 Daniel, Carpus 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Jur. 1874 Veale, Rawdon A. Queen^s 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Wm. G. Pemb. 2 Math. Mod. 1883 3 Jur. 1885 Vecqueray, Gerard C. Univ. 4 Theol. 1874 Veley, Fred. C. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1862 Victor H. University 1 Nat. Sc. 1878 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1887, 8, 9 Venables, Addington E. P. Exeter 4 CI. 1848 Gilbert, Wadham 3 L. & H. 1868 Herbert A. Neia 3 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Hist. 1874 Venis, Arthur: see Lazarus, A. V. Ball. Venn, Edward S. WacTliam 2 CI. 1840 John Master of Balliol 1678 Vice-chancellor 1686 •Venn-Dicey, Albert, Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1856 (See also Dicey, A. V.) Venning, Edw. J. TT'o?r. 3 Math. Mod. 1861 William M. Worcester 3 Jur. 1872 3 B.C.L. 1873 Verity, Richd. H. M. Exeter 1 L. & H. 1866 Verman, George, Exeter Proctor 1672 Vernede, Arthur H. Corp. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Verney, Fred. W. Cli. Ch. 3 L. & H. 1868 Hon. Richard G. Neic 3 Jur. 1892 Vernon, Charles V. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Edward, Cli. Clt. Latin Verse 1805 Edward, Matjd. Hall 4 CI. 1837 •Egerton V. (afterwards Vernon- Harcoui-t E.) Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1824 ♦Fred. ,9. John's 3 CI. Mod. 1860 •Granville E. H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1838 •Vernon, G. V. Ch. Cli. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1813 Horace M. J/ert 4 L. & H. 18GG Voysey, Annesly M. Merton 3 Theol. 1885 Vyvian, Thomas Princl. Hert Hall 1546 Wace, Henry, Bras. 1 Math. Mod. 18.58 2 CI., 2 Math. 1860 Bampton Lecturer 187!( Select Preacher 1880 Henry C. Neio 2 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 180O 1 Theol. 1891 Waddell, William W. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1872 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 187.3 2 CI. 1874 Waddilove, Edward G. Oriel 4 Jur. 1885 Waddingham, T. J. Oriel 2 CI. Mod Waddington, Charles W. Oriel 1 CI. Mod 2 CI. Evelyn de B. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. Horace, Univ. 1 CI. M(k1. 1 CI. -R. Allan Jfnll 4 CI. William H. Trin. CoU., Cnmh. Hon. D.CL. William W.nrasenose2 L. 5 1857 18CG 1892 1858 1887 1889 1886 1888 1889 1882 1884 1877 1870 1872 1881 1882 1883 1885 1890 1892 1879 1882 1894 1878 1880 1850 1850 1846 1873 1881 1883 1872 1874 1884 1885 1802 1892 1894 1882 1884 1889 1891 1880 1886 1875 1876 1881 1868 1870 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 259 Waite, William, Balliol 3 Hist. 1884 Waitt, Thomas B. Lincoln 1 Hist. 188G Wake, George, Magdalen Proctor 1G43 Sir Isaac, Merlon Public Orator 1G04 Burgess 1624 Wakefield, Chas. C. Mcujd. 3 CI. Mod. 1865 John, Edmund Hall 3 CI. 1823 Bichard D. Pemhroke 4 Theol. 1884 WiUiam H. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Hist. 1893 Wakeling, George H. Trinitv 1 Hist. 1890 *Wakeman, Henry O. Ch. Ch. 1 Hist. 1873 Fellow of All Souls History Examiner 1888, 9 ; 90 Maurice K. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Sir Offley, Bt. Cli. Ch. 1 L. & H. 1872 Wakfeld, William Proctor 1376 Walbrand-Evans, Frank W. 3Iert. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Walcott, Mackenzie E. C. Exeter 3 CI. 1844 Walde, Cornelius P. New 1 CI. Mod. 1893 Waldeby, Thos. de Princl. of Balliol 1321 Waldegrave, Hon. Aug. Brasenose 3 CI. 1823 Hon. Granville A. W. (afterwards 3rd Lord Kadstock), Balliol 2 L. & H. 1854, 2 Nat. Sc. 1855 •Samuel, Balliol 1 CI., 1 Math. 1839 Fellow of All Souls Math. Exam. 1842, 3, 4 Select Preacher 1845 Bampton Lecturer 1854 Thomas, Magd. Proctor 1745 Waldock, Frederick W. Hertford 2 CI. Mod. 1887 3 CI. 1889 Waldy, Arthur G. Merton 2 Hist. 1873 Wales, Frank H. Kehle 3 Hist. 1888 John A. G. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1891 1 CI. 1893 ♦Walesby, Francis P. Wadliam 1 CI. 1820 Fellow of Lincoln Prof, of Anglo-Saxon 1829 L. & H. Exam. 1857 Waley, John F. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Walford, Charles, Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 Edward, Balliol Latin Verse 184:3 3 CI. 1845 Denyer Prize 1848, 9 Henry, Wadham 2 CI. 1846 Select Preacher 1865 Walker, Alex. J. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1800 Archibald, Trinitij 1 Nat. Sc. 1880 Arthur H. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Arthur J. New 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Walker, Arthur T. J. Trinity 4 Hist. 1889 Charles G. Queenh 3 CI. Mod., 1 Math. Mod. 1857 2 Math. 1859 Charles H. Oriel 1 Theol. 1881 Ellerton Prize 1882 Charles H. H. University 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1893 Cyril, Kehle 4 Theol. 1874 Dawson, Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Edward, Exeter 2 Math. Mod. 1865 3 Math. 1867 »Edward M. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1880 CI. Examiner 1891, 2, 3, 4 Ernest, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Ernest W. Cli. Cli. 2 Math. Mod. 1892 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1894 Francis A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1862 3 CI. 1864 *Frederick W. Cm-pns 1 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1852 1 CI., 2 Math. 18.53 Boden Scholar 18.54 Vinerian Scholar 1854 CI. Exam. 1868 George C. New 1 Math. Mod. 1874 George G. Balliol 4 Math. 1852 George H. D. Neio 2 CI. Mod., 3 Math. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1868 Gilbert G. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1878 3 Hist. 1880 Henry, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1831 Henry M. Oriel 4 CI. 1844 Horace, Merton 3 Hist. 1880 Hubert S. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1865 Hugh, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 CI. 1883 Hyde E. Wwc. 1 CI. Mod. 1863 2 CI. 1865 James, C7<. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1878 1 Math. 1880 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1886, 7, 8 James, New 2 CI. 1816 James D. University 3 CI. 1864 James E. Coi-pus Junior Gk. Test. Prize 1871 Junior LXX Prize 1872 1 Theol. 1872 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1873 Senior LXX Prize 1875 Senior Gk. Test. Prize 1876 James L. Queen's 4 Hist. 1877 James M. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 3 CI. 1884 s 2 260 ALniABETICAL llEQISTER OF HONOURS. Walker, James R. Ch. a». 4 CI., 4 Math. IS.')! James R.O»iW li.Iur. 1X94 John, Uriifenofie 2 CI. 1817 John, Jh-atienoiie 2 CI. 1841 John, S. Man/ n. 4 CI., 3 Math. 1852 John A. Magdalen ' 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1804 •John E. Balliol 1 CI. 1830 Fellow of Orifl John R. Exeter 2 Math. Mod. 1808 2 Math. 1870 John R. Universiti/ 3 CI. Mod., 2 Math. Mod. 1858 2 CI. 1859 John S. M. Oriel 4 Theol. 1875 •Joseph, Bras. Math. Exam. 1838, 9 •Joseph, Wadham 2 CI., 2 Math. 18:33 Obadiah Master of I'vii-ersit!/ 1G7G Onebye R. S. John's 3 CI. :Nrod. 1871 4 Theol. 1873 Ralph, All Souls 2 CI. Mod. 18G9 2 Math. Mod. 18G9 •Richard. Magdalen 3 CI. 1814 Rich. Merlon Princl. Al1>an H. 1.509 Proctor 1516 Richard J. Ball. Hertford Scholar 1887 Craven Scholar 1888 1 CI. Mod. 1889 Ireland Scholar 1800 2 Jiir. 1801 Robert, Lincoln 4 CI. 1841 Robert, Wadham 2 CI., 1 Math. 1822 Math. Exam. 182G, 7, 8, ; 31, 2, o, 6 ; 41, 2, C, 7, ; .50, 2, 6 Prof. Experimental Philos. 1839 Select Preacher 1840, 7 Nat. Sc. Exam. 1853, 4, 7, 8 Robert F. Keiv 3 CI. 1811 Robert H. Wadham 1 Math. Mod. 1855 1 Math. 18.5G 1 Nat. Sc. 1857 Robert O. S. John's 3 CI. 1840 Russell D. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 18G2 •Samuel H. Ball. 2 CI., 2 Math. 1832 Thomas, Queen's 2 CI. IMod. 1874 Junior Gk. Test. Prize 1876 Junior LXX Prize 1877 3 CI. 1877 Thomas Master of Vn h: 1632, 60 Thomas, Wadham Sj'riac Version Prize 1885 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1886 Junior Kennicott Scholar 1887 Thomas A. D. Line. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 4 CI. 1893 Walker, Thomas H. Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1881 2 Math. 188:i Thomas H. Oriel 3 CI. 1821 AVilliam, Oriel Proctor 1002 William Princl. New Inu If. 1745 Pres. of S. John's 1757 William, Wadham 2 CI. Mod. 1*53 4 CI. ia55 William C. Trinity 4 CI. 1860 William G. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1871 William H. Univ. 2 jSlath. Mod. 1894 •Walkcy, Charles C. Woicester 2 CI. 1825 Walkington, Thomas, New Proctor 1442 Walkley, Arthur B. Cm-pus 1 Math. Mod. 1875 1 Math. 1877 Wall, Charles B. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1816 *HenT J, Allan Hall 1 CI. 1832 English Essay 1833 Fellow of Balliol CI. Exam. 18.38, 0, 40; 60, 1 Prof, of Logic 1849 John, Queen's 4 Jur. 1877 Martin, Neto Clin. Prof. Med. 1785 Reginald C. B. Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1893 Robert, Merlon Proctor 1792 Thomas W. Kehle 3 Nat. Sc. 1878 Wallace, Alexander, Trin. 4 Math. 1851 Alexander J. TrinHy Latin Verse 1849 Alfred R. Hon. D.CL. 1889 Charles H. Pemh. 1 CI. Mod. 1853 4 CI., 4 L. & H. 1855 •Edwin, Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1869 1 CI. 1871 Fellow of Wo^-cester George W. Cwpus 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1885 Houston S. 8. John's 3 Hist. 1893 John D. C. Worcester 4 Hist. 1878 Lewis A. R. University 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1889 Percy M. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 ♦William, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1866 1 CI. 1867 Fellow of Merton Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1867 Craven Scholar 1869 CI. Exam. 1877; 82,3,8 Proctor 1878 Prof. Moral Philosophy 1882 Wallace-Hozier, John : see a/«o Hozier, J. W. Balliol 1 CI. 1856 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 261 Wallas, Graham, Coi-pus 2 CI. Mod. 1879 Walsh, Henry W. Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1881 4 CI. 1884 John, Queen's 3 CI. 1838 John E. Exeter 1 Jur. 1887 Waller, Adolphus, Ch. Cli. 3 CI. Mod. 1858 John H. Balliol 3 CI. 1825 4 CI. 1860 Jos. N. S. John's 3 CI., 1 Math. 1825 Charles H. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1861 Hon. Nigel C. Ch. Ch. 4 Jur. 1889 2 Math. Mod. 1861 Thomas P. Non-C. 2 Lit. Ind. 1892 2 CI., 3 Math. 1863 WiUiam T. H. S. John's Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1866 2 CI. Mod. 1887 David G. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1802 3 CI. 1889 4 CI. 1894 Walshe, Wm. H. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 Edmund, VniversiCv 3 Hist. 1894 2 CI. 1872 Ernest A. Trini'y 3 Math. 1858 Waltenberg, Theophilus E. Exeter George C. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1859 2 Theol. 1880 4 CI. 1861 Walter, Arthur E. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1867 John T. S. John's 4 Hist. 1883 3 CI. 1869 Stephen E. Brasenose 3 CI. 1834 Frank, Wwcester 2 CI. 1847 William C. University 4 CI. 1875 Henry M. Oriel 3 Hist. 1875 Walley, Thomas, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1563 Hubert, New 3 CI. Mod. 1890 Walliugton, Edw. W. Oriel 4 Theol. 1877 4 CI. 1892 Wallis, Arthur B. R. Wore. 2 Jur. 1888 John Princl. Hert Hall 1387 Arthur W. Magd. Hall . John, Exeter 2 CI. 1840 Boden Scholar 1837 John B. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 186.5 Henry T. M. University 2 L. & H. 1867 3 Math. Llod. 1882 John H. F. 3Ierton 3 L. & H. 1869 4 Math. 1884 Eobert, Wmc. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Henry W. Non-C. 2 Nat. Sc. 1884 Stackhouse W. Char. Hall James A. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 4 Theol. 1887 John, Exeter Prof. Geometry 1649 *Walter-Merry, William, Ball. 2 CI. 1850 Keeper of Archives 1658 (See also Merry, William W.) John, Magdalen Walters, Frederick W. Exeter Laudian Prof. Arabic 1703 2 Theol. 1886 Wallop, Hon. Arthur G. E. Ch. Ch. James, Pembroke 3 CI. 1813 3 Theol. 1892 John E. Wwc. 2 CI. Mod. 1894 Hon. Oliver H. Balliol Percy M. Oriel 3 J ur. 188.5 2 CI. Mod. 1881 Eadclyffe, Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 Wallroth, Frederick A. Brasenose 3 L. & H. 1871 1 Math. Mod. 1867 Eeginald E. Liiic. 3 Theol. 1884 1 Math. 1869 Thomas D. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1840 Walmsley, Hugh, Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 William, Ch. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1854 3 CI. 1894 William C. Femh. 1 CI. Mod. 1880 John, Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1882 3 CI. 1888 Walton, Francis W. Kehle 2 Theol. 1889 3 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1887 Senior Greek Testament Prize 1890 Fred. P. Lincoln 1 CI. Mod. 1881 Walpole, Arthur S. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 2 CI. 1883 3 CI. 1873 Hariy B. New 3 CI. Mod. 1893 Thomas, H. All Souls 2 Math. 1821 •Henry B. Pemhrol-e 1 CI. 1840 Walrond, John, All Souls Proctor 1686 Fellow of Merton •Theodore, Ball. 1 CI., 2 Math. 1846 Herbert H. B. New 2 CI. Mod. 1883 Senior Math. Scholar 1847 1 CI. 1885 Theodore H. H. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 1 Hist. 1886 Theodore E. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 Lancelot T. B. John's 4 CI. 1852 2 CI. 1883 Thomas Princl. Broadgates H. 1458 Walsh, Albert 0. Queen's 3 Theol. 1873 Commissary 1467 Arthur G. D. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Walter E. B. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 Cecil H. S. John's 3 Hist. 181)0 2 Jur. 1887 Ernest, Non-C. 4 Theol. 1880 2 B.C.L. 1888 2G2 ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. AVahvayno, Klias Proctor 1327 ■Wnmlcsfonl, Wultor, Oriel Proctor 1363, 4 Wanklyii, Kdward, Qneeti^g 2 Math. Mod. IHTA Jamea H. Trinity 3 CI. 18.J0 ■Wainiop, Arthur E. lirnseiinne 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CI. 1872 3 B.C.L. 1874 "Wansbrough, Henry A. S. John's 3 Math. Mod. 1875 4 Hist. 1877 Wanstall, Edward, Qtieen'tt 3 CI., 3 Math. 1810 Wantinp, Jolin Warden of Merton 1209 Waple, Edward, 8. John's Proctor 1675 Warblysdon, Kichard Warden of Merton 128G Warburton, Arthur K. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1889 3 CI. 1891 Fred, Kehle 4 Hist. 1803 IVIark, Queen's 3 CI. 1843 Peter, Bras. 3 Math. Mod. 1859 Kichard, Bras. Proctor 1C77 William D. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1855 •William P. 7^rt//iW 1 CI. 184) Fellow of All Souls Ward, Charles, Br5 1889 1889 1891 1802 1850 1801 18o7 1894 1894 1806 188G 1891 1893 1858 1800 1851 1855 1847 1809 1825 18&3 1885 1822 1890 1892 1883 1886 1816 1847 1847 1780 1800 1834 1875 1872 1874 1835 1876 1878 1884 1885 Wells, John, WaiUiam 3 CI. 1804 •Joseph, Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1877 1 CI. 1879 1 Hist. 1880 Fellow of Wadham CI. Examiner 1886, 7, 8 William M<"C. K. Queen's 3 CI. Jlod. 1875 Welsh, Hugh R. Trinifi/ 3 CI. Mod. 1885 Philip Princl. New Inn H. 1469 Wendover, John, Merfon Proctor 1377 Warden of Merton 1387 Wenham, John G. Magdalen 3 CI. 1843 Wenman, Thomas, Ballinl Public Orator 1594 Hon. Thomas F. All Souls Keeper of Archives 1781 Reg. Prof. Civil Law 1789 Wentworth, William C. New 3 Jur. 1893 Were, Edward A. New 1 CI. Mod. 1867 2 CI. 1869 Ellis, Qxieen's 2 CI. 1832 Thomas K. Corpus 2 Nat. Sc. 1861 Werninck, Frederick, Non-C- 3 Theol. 1881 Weseham, Roger de, Chancellor [1294, 5, 6] Wesley, Berkley, Lincoln 3 CI. Mod. 1860 West, Arthur G. B. New 3 CI. Mod. 1885 3 Hist. 1887 Charles E. BMiol 1 CI. Mod. 1893 •Charles F. C. S. John's 2 CL Mod. 1855 3 CI. 1857 Frederick M. Non-C. 3 CI. Mod. 1885 afterwards Trinity 2 Hist. 1887 Frederick W. at. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 George H. CJi. Ch. 2 Nat. Sc. 1866 Stanhope Essay 1867 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1868 Henry T. T. Brasenose 2 Math. 1852 John, Exeter 3 CI. 1816 John O. Non-C. 2 Theol. 1888 John W. Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1859 4 CI. 1860 Melbourne R. Queen's 4 CI. 1865 Percival C Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1894 •Richard T. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1849 Samuel H. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 1 Nat. Sc. 1871 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1874 Stephen H. Worcester 4 L. & H. 1872 Thomas E. S. John's 2 CL Mod. 1853 2 CI. 1855 •Washbourne, Lincoln 3 CI. 1834 William D. S. John's 2 CI. 1845 1 Math. 1845 Westacott, Charles F. Queen's 4 Jur. 1884 Westbury, 1st Lord: see Bethell, Richard ALPHABETICAL KEGISTER OF HONOURS. 267 Westcott, Brooke F. Ti-in. Coll., Camb. Select Preacher 1878 Hon. D.C.L. 1881 George J. B. Queen''s 1 Math. Mod. 1890 Math. Exhibitioner 1891 1 Math. 1893 Westkarre, Wm. Commissary 1442, 3, 4, 6 Westlake, John Princl. HeH Hall 1438 Westmacott, Aiigustus F. 3Iert. 4 CI. 1842 Charles E. Brasenose 3 Jur. 1892 Edward V. Maffd. 2 CI. Mod. 1859 Westmeath, 11th Earl of, Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1894 Westmoreland, John, Earl of High Steward 1754 Chancellor 17.59 Weston, Frank, Trinity 1 Theol. 1893 Hugh, Lincoln Proctor 1537 Eector of Lincoln 1.539 Marg. Prof. Divinity 1540 Robert Princl. Broaclgates H. 1546 Westphaling, Herbert, Ch. Ch. Marg. Prof. Divinity 1562 Vice-Chancellor 1576 Westwood, John O. Magdalen Prof. Zoology 1861 Wetherall, Henry E. Brasenose 3 CI. Mod. 1869 4 CI. 1871 Wethered, Herbert N. Corp 2 Hist. 1891 Owen H. Ch. Ch. 3 Jur. 1888 Vernon, Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Wetherell, Charles, Woi-cester 4 CI. 1833 *Henry, University Proctor 1802 Nathan Master of University 1764 Vice-chancellor 1768 Wetherfield, S. All Souls 3 CI. Mod. 1863 Wetherton, Wm. All Souls Proctor 1536 Wethey, Eugene K. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1881 1 Hist. 1883 Weyman, Stanley J. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1875 2 Hist. 1877 WeymouthjGeorge A. Line. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Viscount, BalKol 4 Hist. 1884 Whalley, James P. University 4 CI. 1839 Oswald P. Edmund IL 3 Theol. 1887 Pryor B. Merton 3 Hist. 1879 Whapham, Richard H. W. Jesus 1 Math. Mod. 1891 1 Math. 1893 Whamcliffe, 2nd Lord : see Wortley, John S. Wharton, Edgar, Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1867 1 Math. 1870 •Wharton, Edward E. Trinity 1 CI. Mod. 1865 Ireland Scholar 1865 1 CI. 1867 Fellow of Jesus CI. Moderator 1874, 7 Henry T. WadJium 3 Nat. Sc. 1871 John, Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 18.57 3 CI. 1858 Joseph C. Worcester 3 CI. 1843 *Whately, Arthur P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1851 Charles, S. Mary Hall 3 CI. 1837 ♦Henry T. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1844 *Eichard, Oriel 2 CI., 2 Math. 1808 English Essay 1810 Select Preacher 1818, 25, 7 Bampton Lecturer 1822 Princl. Alhan Hall 1825 Prof. Political Economy 1830 Whatley, Arthur T. Ch. Cli. 2 CI. Mod. 1871 1 Jur. 1872 1 B.C.L. 1873 Henry L. PembroJce 3 CI. 1823 Thos. D. Queen's 2 CI., 1 Math. 1829 Whatman, James, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1834 W^illiam G. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1840 Whear, D. Exeter Prof. Ancient History 1622 Princl. Gloucestir Hall 1626 Wheare, Charles, Gloucester Hall Proctor 1645 Wheat, Charles T. S. John's 2 Hist. 1888 James C. Oriel 4 Jur. 1879 •Wheatley, Henry, Queen's Proctor 1810 Robert A. Exeter 2 Jur. 1894 W^illiam, Brasenose 3 CI. 1810 Wheeler, Arthur F. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 Benjamin, Magd. Prof. Poetry 1766 Prof. Natural Philosophy 1767 Proctor 1768 Eeg. Prof. Divinity 1776 Charles B. Neiv 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 Jur. 1884 Daniel W. Exeter 4 Hist. 1890 David, Edmund Hall 4 CI. 1834 Emmanuel, Non-C 2 Theol. 1894 ♦George D. Wadham 4 CI. 1836 George D. C. KeUe 3 CI. Mod. 1878 George W. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI. 1887 Percy F. Oriel 1 Jur. 1879 1 B.C.L. 1881 Vinerian Scholar 1882 Robert G. TT'oj-c. 4 Theol. 1871 Thomas L. Worcester 3 CI. 1826 268 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. "Wlipflor. Thomas L. Worrenler 1 Math. MfKl. 1>*.>I 1 Math. 1S;")(J Thomas W. (1. T'uir. 3 Jur. 1800 William V. E. Keble 4 Hist. 1881 AVilliam H. Wtulhtnn 4 CI. 1858 "Wheelhouse, Ueorge, Pembroke 3 CI. Mod. 1881 3 Theol. 1882 Wheelwright, Edwn W. Balliol 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1801 Wheen, Richard, Magd. 2 CI. Mod. 1802 3 CI. 1804 \STielpdale, or Quelpdale, Roger, Queen's Proctor 1403 Provost of Queen^s 1404 Whelpyngdon, Richard de, Merton Proctor 1303 Whicker, Robert B. Pemb. 3 CI. Mod. 1890 3 CI. 1894 Walter G. S. Corp. 1 01. Mod. 1886 2 Math. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Whidborne, George, Queen's 4 CI. 1831 "SMiigham, David D. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 18-53 4 CI. 1854 Henry J. Queen's 2 CI. IMod. 1890 3 CI. 1892 Whinfield, Edw. H. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1857 2 CI. 1858 Walter G. Magdalen 3 Hist. 1888 Wbinney, Fred. Wojx. 1 Math. Mod. 1874 1 Jur. 1875 , Vinerian Scholar 1876 1 B.C.L, 1876 Whipham, Theodore W. Ball. 2 CI. 1837 Thomas R. C. New 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1893 Thomas T. Oriel 4 Na't. Sc. 1861 Wbishaw, Alexander, Trinity 4 CI. 1846 Bernhard, Queen's 2 Hist. 1883 Whitaker, Charles, Brasenose 4 CI. 1837 Charles P. Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1883 1 Theol. 1885 •Edward W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Harold T. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 Walter E. Brasenose 2 CI. jMod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 William, Exeter 3 Hist. 1894 William, Lincoln 4 Math. 1854 Whitbread, Gordon, Bras. 2 CI. 1836 Whitchurch, Thomas? Cli. Ch.l Craven Scholar 1764? Whitcombe, Charles, Oriel 2 CI. 1819 Erancis, Magdalen Proctor 1791 Robert H. Neio 1 Math. Mod. 1882 1 Nat. Sc. 1885 White, Alfred C. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1870 Ambrose, Keble 3 CI. Motl. 1884 3 CI. 188<-. Cecil A. NeiD 2 CI. Mod. IH'M\ 2 CI. 1892 Charles A. Neic 2 Hist. 1881 Charles L. Trinity 2 Hist. 1878 Edward A. Hert/oi-d 1 Math. Mod. 1800 1 Math. 1802 Francis G. Lincoln 4 CI. 1844 Frederick E. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1885 •Fred. M. Magdalen 2CI., 3 Math. 1852 Ellerton Prize 1854 George, S. John's 2 CI. 1811 Gilbert, Oriel Proctor 1752 Gilbert, S. Mary Hall 3 CI. Mod. 1879 Oriel 3 CI. 1881 2 Theol. 1882 Glyd, Oriel 2 CI. 1812 Harold H. Ball. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 CI. 1881 Heury Commissary 1531 *Henry A. Neio 1 CI. Mod. 1884 Junior Gk. Test. Prize 1886 1 CI. 1887 1 Theol. 1888 Senior Kennicott Scholar 1891 Henry J. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 3 CI. 1882 1 Theol. 1883 Denyer and Johnson Scholar 1884 Senior Gk. Test. Prize 1885 •Henry M. New 1 CI. 1842 2 Math. 1842 Johnson Math. Scholar 1843 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1846 •Herbert, Corpus 3 CI. 1815 Herbert M. F. New 3 Hist. 1889 Horace, Lincoln 2 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 ♦John, Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1860 English Verse 1861 2 CI. 1862 Fellow of Queen's Sacred Poem 1860 John, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1716 John, Lincoln 4 CI. 1840 John, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1884 4 Hist. 1886 John, Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1889 2 Math. 1892 •John E. New 1 CI. Mod. 18.52 1 CI. 1&54 Latin Essay 1855 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 269 "White, John E. Worcester Junior Math. Scholar 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. Senior Math. Scholar John T. Corpus 4 Math. Joseph, Wculham Laudian Prof. Arabic Bampton Lecturer Eeg. Prof. Hebrew Leonard H. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. ♦Lewis B. Queen's 2 01., 2 Math. • Ealph L. New 3 01. Mod. 3 01. Eichard, .S. Mary Hall Proctor Eobert E. New 2 Hist. ♦Eobert M. Magdalen Proctor Prof. Anglo-Saxon Stuart A. F. Wadham 1 Math. Mod. Mathematical Exhibitioner 1 Math. 1 Nat. Sc. (Physics) Senior Mathematical Scholar Thomas A. Hertf. 2 Hist. Thomas H. Oriel 3 L. & H. Wallis H. B. Line. 3 01. Mod. 3 Hist. "William, Brasenose 3 01. William, Ch. Gli. 2 Math. "William E. Oriel 4 01. "William H. Wadham 3 01. "Whitefoord, Benjamin, New 3 01. Mod. 3 01. 4 Jur. "Whitehead, Ohristopher J. Exeter 3 01. Edward, Wadh. 3 01., 3 Math. George H. Trinity 3 Hist. Henry, Lincoln 2 01. •Henry, Trinity 1 01. Mod. 101. Joseph L. Exeter Stanhope Prize 2 Hist. Julius M. All SotUs 3 01. Mod. 4 Hist. 2 01. Mod. 2 01. Mod. IHist. 3 01. Ealph E. Ball. Eowland E. Univ. Thomas, Exeter Thomas 0. Wadham 4 01., 4 Math. "Whitehouse, Arthur S. "W. Oriel 3 01. Mod. "Whitelaw, Walter H. New 2 01. Mod. Whitelegg, William, Queen's 4 01. 1874 1874 187G 1879 1833 1774 1784 1802 1887 1889 1848 1892 1894 1668 1887 1831 1834 1888 1889 1890 1892 1894 1889 1865 1892 1894 1820 1839 1858 1809 1871 1873 1874 1880 1836 1884 18.50 1874 1877 1888 1889 1881 1883 1874 1883 1886 1846 1840 1886 1894 1837 "Whiteside, John, Brasenose Keeper of Ashm. Museum 1714 Joseph, Trinity 3 01. Mod. 1882 William O. Ch. Oi. 3 01. Mod. 1857 4 01. 1858 Whiteway, Eobt. H. Wore. 4 01. 1838 "Whitfeld, John, 67*. C7(. Prof. Poetry 17?>8 Proctor 1739 "Whitfelde, Hen. de Prov. oiQueen's 1.361 ? "Whitfield, Oharles 1^. Queen" si Theol. 1876 George, Magdalen 3 01. 1893 *Thos. S. John's Proctor 1796 "Whitford, Eobt. W. Edtn. H. 3 01. 1829 Whitham, Arthur E. Magd. 1 01. Mod. 18a3 1 01. 1885 1 Hist. 1886 "Whitley, Edward, Wadliam Proctor 1788 Edward W. Kehle 3 Hist. 1890 "Whitlock, Aston L. Ch. C1i.3 01. Mod. 1878 4 Jur. 1880 3 B.O.L. 1881 George S. Brasenose 3 01. 1847 John A. Brasenose 2 01. Mod. 1856 4 01. 18.58 Sir Wm. Burgess 1703, 5, 8, 10, 1.3, 15 •"Whitmore, Charles A. Ball. 3 01. Mod. 1872 1 Jur. 1874 Fellow of All Souls Edward, New Craven Scholar 17.54 ? Proctor 1768 Whittaker, Thos. Exeter 2 Xat. Sc. 1880 Whittingham, Wm. Oriel Eegistrar 1651 "Whittington, Charles S. A. S. John's Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1888 2 01. Mod. 1890 Junior LXX Prize 1891 1 Theol. 1892 Eichard, Merton 2 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1893 Efchard P. Keble 3 01. Mod. 1890 3 Hist. 1892 3 CI. Mod. 1862 3 Theol. 1888 2 01. Mod. 1863 2 Nat. Sc. 1865 ♦Whittuck, Chas. A. Oriel 2 01. Mod. 1870 2 01. 1872 Fellow of Brasenose Edward A. Oriel 3 01. Mod. 1865 1 L. & H. 1867 Jur. Examiner 1882, 3 "Whitwell, John M. Pemb. 2 01. Mod. 18.59 4 Math. 1861 •"Whitworth, William H. Corpus2Cl. 1831 *"\^Tiorwood, Thomas H. Magd. 4 01. 18.32 Whyte, James E. Oriel 4 Math. 1831 John Princl. Hert Hall 1401 Eichard T. Bras. Eobert W. Wadham Watkin P. Jesus 270 Al.rilABETICAL REQISTER OF HONOURS. Whj'tP, John Princl. Ihrt JMl IVJT .Inlin D. Oriel 2 CI. I^Iod. IHTr) Tayloriau Exhibitioner 1H75 :j CI. 1H77 Tlioiuas Warden of New l/if>3 Commissary l.^'iT; C'i, .'5 Thomas, Corpus Proctor IKC William Master of lUtUiol 1525 Whytelioad, Hugh, lUirlmm Coll. (Trhiitu) Commissary 1514 William F. Queeii's 3 Tlieol. 1871 Whj-tehede. Jnhn, l')iiv. Commissary 14<>6 Whytwey, William, New Proctor 14()5 Whytyng, or Wystyiif^', Heury Princl. Magd. H. 1520 Wich, or Wyke, Richard de la Chancellor 1240 Wickens, Arthur A. Balliol 4 CI. 1879 Henry, Exefer 2 CI. 1830 James, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 18;}8 John, Balliol 1 CI., 1 Math. 1836 Wickham, Archdale P. New 2 CI. Mod. 187G 3 CI. 1878 Edmund D. Balliol 2 CI. 1831 ♦Edward, Nov Latin Essay 1823 •Edward C. New 1 CI. Mod. 18.54 2 CI. 185(5 Latin Verse 1856 Latin Essay 1857 CI. Moderator 1803, 4 ; 71 Select Preacher 1866 ; 83 Frederick, Woi-ce»ter 3 CI. Mod. 1882 •Frederick E. New 2 CI. Mod. 1858 4 L. & H. 1860 (Jordon B. New 4 Theol. 1872 •Henry L. r;*. e//. 2 CI. 1810 James D. C. Exeter 3 L. & H. 1863 Latham, Ch. Ch. 2 Math. Mod. 1855 2 arath. 1857 Reginald W. Mafjd. 2 ^\xx. 18<,t3 Robert, Cli. Ch. 2 CI. 1823 Wm. New Inu Hall 4 L. & H. 1854 William H. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1856 Wicksteed. John H. Wore. 4 Math. 1861 Joseph H. Lincoln 4 Hist. 1892 Widevill, or Woodvill, Lionel Chancellor 1479, a3 Wigan, Alfred E. Kehle 4 CI. 1878 Arthur L. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1888 3 CI. 1890 Ernest E. Univ. 4 Jur. 1886 George Princl. New Inn H. 1726 James L. Vniversity 4 Nat. Sc. 1881 Percy F. Merton 3 Theol. 1890 William L. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1^39 William L. Kehle 3 Nat. 8c. 1876 Wigg, Clement S. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1876 Wiggctt, William L. (afterwards W. L. W. Chute), I'nivernilv 2 CI. 1821 Wiggin, Edw. H. R. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 186;i 2 L. & H. 18fk') Wight, Alfred, New 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1871 Henry Princl. New Inn If. 1529 Nathaniel, Merton Proctor 1677 Wightman, Charles E. Lincoln 3 CI. 1838 •Wightwick, Charles, Pemh. Proctor 1812 Henry Master of Pembroke 1647, GO William, Maydalen Proctor 1735 Wigley, Charles M. Balliol 2 CI. 1824 Wigram, Ernest, SJagd. 3 CI. Mod. 1861 2 CI. 1863. Herbert, Univ. 2 CI. INIod. 1862 4 CI., 4 L. & H. 1863 Lewis, New 2 CI. Mod. 1864 4 CI. 186.5 Spencer R. Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1856 4 CI. 1859 •Wilberforce, Henry W. Oriel 1 CI. laSO 2 Math. 18.30 Ellerton Prize 1833 Denyer Prize 1830 •Robert I. Oriel 1 CI., 1 Math. 1823 CI. Examiner 1830 Select Preacher 1849 Samuel, Oriel 2 CI., 1 Math. 1826 Select Preacher 1837, 44, 54, 60, 8 Bampton Lecturer 1841 William, .S. Marij Hall 3 CI. 1845 William F. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1854 3 CI., 3 L. & H. 1856 Wilbraham, Cecil (t. Mert. 3 Jur. 1889 Donald F. Trin. 3 CI. ]Mod. 1887 4 Jur. 1888 Wilcocks, Edward J. (afterwards Treftry, E. J.), Lincoln 4 CI. 1831 Wild, Herbert L. Exeter 1 CI. INIod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Wilde, James D. Bras. 2 CI. Mod. 1872 3 Jur. 1874 3 CI. 1875 Oscar O'F. Magd. 1 CI. Mod. 1870 English Verse 1878 1 CI. 1878 Wilder, Henr>' B. Balliol 3 CI. 1856 Henry W. Oriel 3 CI. 1819 Wildig, George L. Nezo 3 CI. Mod. 1871 1 Hist. 1873 Wildman, Richard, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1823 William B. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Wilford, John W. Exeter 3 Jur. 1891 Wilgress, George F. Exetrr 3 CI. 1851 Wilkes, Alpheus N. P. Lincoln • 2 CI. Mod. 1894 ALPHABETICAL EEGtISTER OF HONOUES. 271 Wilkes, Lewis C V. Htrtf. 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 Wilkins, Henry J. Non-C. 4 CI. 1887 •Henry M. Trinity 1 CI. 1845 Fellow of 31erton John Warden of Wadlunn 1C48 Lawrence, New 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Roland F. Ball. 1 CI. Mod. 1892 Craven Scholar 1893 2 CI. 1894 William H. F. Eertf. 3 CI. 3Iod. 1892 Wilkinson, Alfred M. Pemh. 2 Hist. 1878 Bernard K. R. New 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Charles E. Hertf. 1 CL Mod. 1894 Charles S. Wadham 3 CL Mod. 18.59 Edward, Exeter 1 CI. Mod. 1862 3 Math. Mod. 1862 2 CI. 1864 Erasmus, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1867 Ernest, Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1868 3 CI. 1871 Ernest G. Jesus 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 George, Woi-cester 2 CI. Mod. 1871 4 CI. 1873 George H.'OWeZ 2 CI. Mod. 1853 2 CL 1854 Select Preacher 1879 Henry, sen., Magdalen Marg. Prof. Divinity 16.52 Henry, jun. Princl. 3Iagd. H. 164S Prof. Moral Philosophy 1649 Henry A. Worcester 4 Theol. 1888 Henry J. Brasenose 4 L. & H. 1872 Henry X. Keble 4 Theol. 1881 Henry S. Merton 2 CL Mod. 1875 2 CL 1877 Herbert, Merton 2 CL Mod. 1873 3 CL 1875 Hiram P. Exeter 3 Jur. 1887 3 B.C.L. 1890 John, Brasenose 3 CL IMod. 1879 4 Hist. 1881 John, Magdalen Princl. Magd. Hall 1605, 46 Pres. of JiLcigdalen 1648 John, Merton 3 CL 1838 John F. Wadham 2 Theol. 1873 John H. Queen's 1 CL Mod. 1883 1 CL 1885 John E. TT'orc. 1 Math Mod. 1885 1 Math. 1887 3 CL 1889 Josiah, Queen's 2 CL Mod. 1866 3 CL 1868 Lancelot C. 3Ierton 3 Hist. 1886 Leonard E. Ch. Cli. 2 CL Mod. 1889 3 CL 1891 Wilkinson, Marlow W. Wwc. 2 CL 1810 Eichard H. PemhroU 2 Math. 1850 Eobert L. Brasenose 3 CL 1850 Eobert P. Lincoln 3 CL 1846 Thomas H. Bras. 4 CL, 4 Math. 1850 Thomas H. Exeter 3 CL 1816 ♦Walter G. Worcester 3 CL 1852 William, Ch. Ch. 3 CL 1818 William H. Balliol 2 CL Mod. 1878 Chinese Scholar 1879 Willan, James X. Pemb. 2 CL Mod. 1866 3 CL 1868 Willats, William H. Gi. Ch. 2 L. & H. 1858 Willcocks. Josiah O'F. Eeble 2 Hist. 1876 William K. Exeter 2 CL Mod. 1873 3 CI 1875 *Willert, Paiil F. Corpus Taylorian Scholar 1863 2 CL Mod. 1864 1 CL 1866 Fellow of Exeter Hist. Exam. 1879, 80, 1 •Willes, Edmund H. L. Queen's 2 CL Mod. 1852 2 CL, 4 L. & H. 1853 Edward H. Ch. Ch. 4 CL 1843 George, Ch. Ch. 3 CL Mod. 1865 3 CL 1867 John W. S. Merton 4 L. & H. 18.58 William, Balliol 4 CL 1845 Willett, Basil W. Magd. 3 Hist. 1892 Edgar W. Neic 1 Nat. Sc. 1879 Herbert B. Vniv. 3 Jut. 1891 Jolin A. University 4 Nat. So. (Physiol.) 1894 Willey, John, University Proctor 1439 Commissary 1449 Williams, Archibald, Keble 2 CL Mod. 1892 3 CL 1894 Arthur [Dyson], Corp. 3 CL Mod. 1882 Arthur F. B. New 1 CL Mod. 1888 2 CL 1890 Arthur S. New 3 Hist. 1886 Arthur T. Wadham 4 C]. 1889 Charles, Corpus Latin Yerse 1804 Fellow of New ♦Charles, Jesus 1 CL, 2 Math. 1827 Select Preacher 1846, 58 Princl. of Jesus 1857 Charles, Magdalen Proctor 1781 Charles D. Ch. Ch. 3 Theol. 1880 Charles E. E. Bras. 3 CL Mod. 1871 2 Theol. 1873 ♦Charles K. Pemb. 3 CL, 1 Math. 1823 aiath. Exam. 1820 Charles P. M. Jemis 4 CL 1846 Charles T. Pembroke 2 Nat. Sc. 1860 Claude, Lincoln 3 Theol. 1892 272 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF IIONOUKS. •Williams, David David, Jinun David, Lamp. aftorwards Non-C David J. Ji'khs David J. Wore David L. Je/nis •Donplas A. Wndhnm Kdwanl A. Jistis Edward O. Triu. Edward S. Jesnn Edward S. ^ya(Vl. Edwin, Je»Hg Francis, Lincoln Frederick B. A. Wadh. 2Theol. Frederick H. A. Wore. 2 Theol. ♦George, Corpus Prof. Botany Ra« 4 CI. 18.58 Kennicott Scholar 185!) Wilmot, Darwin, Magd. 2 CI. Mod. IHGC 2 CI. lH(i8 Francis E. W. Triii. 2 CI. Mod. LSC.) :j CI. ISTl John E. BdlJiol Latin Verse 1829 Wilshei-e, Alfred X. M. Ihrtford 2 CI. Mod. 1892 •Wilson, Ambrose J. S. Juh h'« 2 CI. Mod. 187.3 1 CI. 1875 Fellow of Qtieen^s Andrew B. liallwl 2 Jur. 1884 Archibald W. Keble 3 Hist. 1893 •Arthiir C. Ch. Ch. 3 CI.. 4 Math. 1848 Benjamin, Exeter 2 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 18Gn Bernard R. KeUe 2 Math. Mod. 1877 2 CI. Mod. 1878 2 CI. 1880 Charles Rivers Balliol 3 L. & H. 1853 Charles R. Wadham 1 Math. Mod. 18&3 1 CI. 188(j Charles T. Magd. Hall 2 CI. 1837 Charles T. S. Miry IMl •2 Nat. Sc. 1874 Sir Charles W. Hon. D.C.L. 1883 Charles W. G. Pembroke 2 Hist. 188;i Clifford P. Keble 1 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Daniel, Edmund Hall English Essay 1803 Darcy B. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1872 2 CI. 1874 Donald, Lincoln 4 CI. 188G Donald M. Neio 2 Theol. 1879 Duncan H. H. Pembrol-e Taylorian Scholar 18G6 Edmund A. A^ew 2 CI. Mod. 1883 3 CI. 1885 Edward, Merton 3 CI. 1822 Iklward B. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1873 Edward C. C. Wore. 4 Theol. 1879 Edward T. Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. 1855 Francis H. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 18G8 3 CI. 1870 Wilson, Frederick R. L. Kfble 2 Nat. Sc. (Chera.) 1892 Georpe, h'chle 3 Theol. 1888 (ieorge H. Ejrefer 4 Hist. 18!)4 (Jorge H. S. Jolm'ii 3 Hist. 1892 Henry, OrH 3 CI. 1820 •Henry A. WaiUiam 1 CI. Mod. 1874 2 CI. 1876 Fellow of Magdalen Theology Examiner 1893, 4 •Henry B. S. John's % 2 CI. 1825 CI. Exam. 18.30.7,8; 50, 1 Prof. Anglo-Saxon 18.39 Select Preacher 1842 Bampton Lecturer 18;")! Henry F. Triniti/ 2 CI. Mod. 1876 2 Jur. 1877 Herbert W. Trin. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 2 CI. 1889 Horace E. Wore. 2 CI. Mod. 1892 Horace H. Ex. Prof. Sanskrit 1&32 James, Balliol Boden Scholar 1875 •James A. Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 1 Math. 1815 James E. B. Trinity 4 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1887 James H. Wadham 2 Math. 18.50 James H. G. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1889 John Prof. Music 1656 •John, Corpus 2 CI. 1834 Denyer Prize 1839 John, Magd. English Verse 1806 •John, Queen's 2 CI.. 1 Math. 1813 CI. Exam. 1826, 7 •John, Trinity 1 CI. 1809 Pres. of Trinity l&JO •John Cook, Ball. 1 Math. Mod. 1809 1 CI. Mod. 1870 1 Math. 1871 1 CI. 1872 Latin Essay 1873 Fellow of Oriel Conington Prize 1882 Proctor 1885 CI. Examiner 1887 Professor of Logic 1889 John C. Exeter 4 Math. 1852 Jur. Exam. 1876, 7, 8 ; 87, 8, 9 John E. Edmund H. 3 CI. Mod. 1872 *John M. Corpus 2 CI. 1836 CI. Exam. 1844, 5, 6 ; 50, 3, 4 ; 62, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Prof. Moral Philos. 1846, 51, 58 Pres. of Corpus 1872 •John P. (afterwards Parkinson, J. P.), Magdalen 2 CI. 1831 Proctor 1841 John P. Queen's 3 CI. Mod. 1889 3 Theol. 1891 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 275 Wilson, Percival E. Hertfwd 4 Hist. 1878 Percy W. A. Wadham 1 Math. Mod. 18(12 2 Math. 1S94 Kobert D. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1850 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 18.57 1 CI. 1858 Eobert F. Oriel 1 CI., 2 Math. 18.31 Robert H. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1891 3 Theol. 1893 •Robert J. Mertou 3 CI. Mod. 18G0 2 CI. 18C2 Warden of Kehle 1888 •Robert S. Brasenose 2 CI. 1852 Robert S. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1878 Roderick J. Mugd. 3 Math.Mod. 1868 2 L. & H. 1870 Theodore P. Brasenose 3 CI. 1841 Theophilus S. B. Trinitu Aeg. Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1893 Thomas, Queen''s 4 CI. 1854 Thomas D. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Walter F. Trinity 3 Hist. 1884 Walter N. Queen's 1 Math. Mod. 1878 1 Math. 1879 1 Xat. Sc. 1881 William, Ch. Ch. 3 CL, 3 Math. 1810 •William, Queen's Proctor 1819 William, Queen's 4 CI. 1836 William, Wcidhum 2 Math. 1814 William. Wadham 3 Math. 1843 William D. Wadham 3 Math. 1841 William F. A. S. Mary Hall 2 Math. Mod. 1854 4 CI. 18.55 WiUiam G. Wore. 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Hist. 1889 William H. Keble 1 Nat. Sc. (Physiol.) 1888 Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1891 William J. Wadh. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 CL 1872 William' L. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 18G2 1 Nat. Sc. 18G4 William M. S. John's 3 Hist. 1887 William O. P. Bull. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 4 L. & H. 1853 William S. W. Exeter 2 Jur. 1877 Wilson-Green, Arthur M. Nein 2 Hist. 1802 Wilson-Lynch, Mark, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1887 2 Hist. 1888 Wiltshire, J. W. Trin. Craven Schol. 1842 Wimberley, Chas. I. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1853 Wimble, Henry, Queen's 2 CI. Mod. 1808 4 CI. 1870 Wimbush, James S. Oriel 3 CI. Mod. 1887 3 Hist. 1889 Winbolt, Samuel E. Cm-p. 1 CI. Mod. 1889 2 CI. 1891 Winchelsey, Robert de Chancellor 1288 Winchester, William, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1837 Winchilsea & Nottingham, 10th Earl of : see Maidstone, Viscount. 11th Earl of: «ee Finch-Hatton, Hon. Murray E. G. Windebank, Sir Francis, Kdwar.l (i. A. luhlr 4 TIi.m.I. IHTC JJuhort H. .V«f/(/. //. :! L. .til. is.".!) Stcplifii M. AV/r :5 CI. INIod. 1S"4 William T. V. Wntth. 4 Tht-ol. 1,S77 Wintprhr.ttoin. K. T. y;<(//. 2 :\Iath. 1K2 ) VVititlin)]). n. K. ir. Jlrafettose 3 CI. 1810 Witts, Edward F. Magd. JI. 3 CI. 18117 Wix, Cyril P. New 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Wodo, John, MerOm Proctor 1440 Wodchill, Thomas Proctor 1457 Wodehoiise, Lord (afterwards Eurl of Kimljerleyj, Ch. Ch. 1 CI. 1«47 •W» 3 CI. Wolde, Frank, S. John's 3 CI. Mod. Wolfe, Benjamin S. Magdalen 1 Math. Mod. 2 Math. Wollaston, Charles B. Exeter 4 Math. Charles H. R. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. Sutherland S. Trinity 4 Hist. •W^m. M. Triniti/ 1 CI. Mod. ICl. Fellow of Exeter Wolmer, Viscount: see Palmer, Hon. W. W. Wolseley, Sir Garnet J. (afterwards 1st Viscount Wolseley) Hon. D.C.L. Wolseley-Lewis, Arthur B. Trin. 3 Hist. Wombill, Herbert W. ITeWe 3Nat. Sc. Woochurch, or Woodchurch, H. ISIert. Proctor Wood, Alan P. Kehle Alfred, Non-C. Alfred H. Bras. Andrew G. Peuih. 4 Hist. 2 Theol. 2 Math. INIod. 3 Math. 2 Jur. Latin Verse Junior LXX Prize English Essay Ellerton Prize Arthur H. New 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Arthur B. Ball. 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Chas. (afterwards 1st Viscount Halifax), Oriel 1 CL, 1 Math. Charles F. B. Pemhrole 3 CI. Charles H. T. Ch. Ch. 1 CI. INIod, 2 CI. *CharIes J. Brasetwse 1 CI. Mod. 1 CI., 2 L. & H. Charles P. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. Chas. R. ^\■adh. 3 CI., 3 L. & H. Edward a, Merton Edward J. Non-C. Edwin G. Bulliol Ernest M. Merton Fergus H. Lincoln Frederick, fi. John' Proctor 2 Hist. 3 CI. Mod, 4 CI. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 3 Hist, 2 CI. Mod. 3 CI. 18;'.7 1K.50 IH.50 18.58 1840 1810 18'.t4 1802 1804 18.38 1870 1881 1853 1855 1874 1800 1878 1415 1880 1886 1887 1880 1872 1872 1873 1873 1874 1801 1803 1884 1880 1821 1820 i8;io 1802 1852 1853 1805 18.58 1&55 1885 1877 1870 1883 1885 1880 1H80 1888 ALPHAEETICAL REGISTEll OF HONOUllS. 277 •Wood, George, Trinitu 1 CI. Mod. 1871 1 CI. 1874 Fellow of Pemhroke CI. Examiner 1888, 9 ; 90 George, Vnifcrisity 2 CI. 1847 George A. BalUol 1 Hist. 1888 Stanhope Prize 1889 George K. Merton 2 Math. Mod. 1889 3 Math. 1892 •Henry H. Queen's 2 CI. 1848 Herbert, Edmund H. 4 CI. 188:5 John, CI. Ch. 3 CI. 1821 John E. Bulliol 1 CI. Mod. 1891 3 CI. 1893 John B. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1870 2 L. & H. 1872 John Ravenshaw, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1851 John Kyle, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1827 Select Preacher 1839 John T. Non-C. (afterwards Herf/M-d) 3 Math. Mod. 1889 4 Math. 1891 •Joseph, Bulliol 1 CI. Mod. 1862 1 CI. 1865 Fereday Fellow of S. John's CI. Moderator 1875, 6 Kenneth F. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 Llewellyn, Trinitu 3 CI. Mod. 1877 3 Hist. 1879 Michael H. M. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1886 2 CI. 1887 2 Theol. 1888 Montague C. S. John's 4 Jur. 1880 Philip F. Balliol 2 Jur. 1881 2 B.C.L. 1884 Richard B. Hertf. 1 CI. Mod. 1892 2 CI. 1894 Richard G. Exeter 4 Theol. 1873 Richard S. Exefer 4 Hist. 1882 Robert G. Luiuj}. 3 CI. Mod. 1884 Samuel, Exeter 1 Math. Mod. 1871 3 Math. 1873 Samuel F. Oriel 1 CI. 1831 Samuel G. Balliol 4 Nat. Sc. 1882 Samuel T. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1865 3 L. & H. 18G7 Tliomas, New Assessor 1706 Walter B. Woi-c. 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 Walter J. Mcujd. 2 Math. Mod. 1889 2 Math. 1891 Western, Pemhroke 4 CI. 1852 •William, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1800 Select Preacher 1804 William, Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1863 2 CI. 1865 •Wood, William, Trinity 2 CI. 1851 William E. C. Mugdalen 1 CI. 1834 William H. Ch. Cli. 2 Nat. Sc. 1881 William H. Vniv. 2 CI. Mod. 1850 William J. P. Mugd. 3 Nat. Sc. 1876 William M. Wm-cester 3 Hist. 1878 William P. Exeter 4 Hist. 1880 Woodall, John W. Oriel 1 Nat. Sc. 18.54 Woodard, N. Herlf. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Woodburne, Geo. B. L. Queen's 3 Jur. 1878 Woodcock, John N. Magdalen 3 CI. Mod. 1894 Woodd, George N. Wadham 3 CI. 1834 Laurence H. O. Magd. 2 Hist. 1873 * Wooddeson, Richard, Magd. Proctor 1776 Prof. Common Law 1777 Woode, William Princl. B. Marg H. 1553 Woodford, Edward F. Neiv 2 CI. Mod. 1870 W. New Reg. Prof. Med. 1730 Woodforde, Fran. C. Exeter 3 Nat. Sc. 1869 Woodforde: see Fcokes, W. Exeler Woodgate, George S. Univ. 3 CI. 18.33 (xordon, Pembroke 3 L. & H. 1868 •Henry A. S. John's 1 CI. 1821 CI. Examiner 1827, 8 Select Preacher 1835, 64 Bampton Lecturer 1838 Walter B. Bras. 4 CI. 1863 Woodham, Wm. H. Woi-c. 3 L. & H. 185S Woodhead, Abraham, Univ. Proctor 1041 Woodhouse, Edward J. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1890 2 CI. 1892 F. J. S. John's 2 CI. Mod. 1866 3 CI. 1869 Francis V. Exeter 1 Math. 1826 George, ,S'. Jo7/m'.s 2 CI. Mod. 18!:)4 George G. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1852 2 CI., 4 L. & H. 1854 George W. ,S'. 3Iarv Bull 2 CI. 1824 Samuel H. University 2 CI. Mod. 1869 3 CI. 1871 Sidney C Ch. Ch. 1 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1S93 Thomas S. Joh n's 2 CI. Mod. 1852 2 CI. 18.53 [or WodehouseJ William H. Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1836 William J. Queen's 1 CI. Mod. 1887 1 CI. 1889 Craven Fellow 1891 Coningtim Prize 1894 Woodman, Henry C. Bras. 1 CI. Mod. 1894 Woodrotte, Benj. Princl. Glonc. If. 1692 Duncan, Oriel 4 Theol. 1870 John G. Unicasity 2 Jur. 18,S8 2 B.C.L. 1889 278 AT-PlIAr.KTir'AL KEGISTEll OF HONOURS. Woodrooffe, H. R. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. M(xl. 1H.H ;j ci. isoo •Thoinns, .«:. Johng 2 CI. islu Woodruff, CharU's K. Orld .1 Hist. 1878 Cuiiil)orluii»l H. Mnt. 2 L. Theology Examiner 18!t2, 3, 4 George, I'uirersiti/ 1 CI. 183;} (ieorge H. Wndham 3 CI. 1824 •Heury G. Corpus 1 CI. Mod. 18(>i 1 CI. 18G5 Fellow of Trinity CI. Moderator 18G9 Proctor 1877 President of Trinity 1887 Woodvill : ."w Widevill. Woodward, Fred. Bras. 3 CI. Mod. 1860 Frederick W. M. Hertford 1 CI. Mod. 188G 1 CI. 1888 George D. BaUiol 2 Jvir. 1804 Lionel M. Oriel 3 CI. 1851 Michael Warden of New 1658 Kobert Warden of .1// Soids 1.527 Eobert, E.reter 1 Nat. So. 1861 Wni.? Mertoul Craven Schol. 1762? William E. Bidl. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Theol. 1801 William H. Ch. ai. 2 CI. Mod. 1874 1 Hist. 1877 Willoughby, Ereter 3 CI. Mod. 1861 Woodyatt, Edward, Brasenose 3 CI. 1819 Edward, Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 1^54 Roger G. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1886 3 Jur. 1888 Woolcock, William P. (afterwards Pye. W. P.), Tri)iiti/ 4 CI. 1844 Wooldridge, George F. Kehle 3 Math. Mod. 1882 Woollacott, Francis J. Qiiee)i\'t 2 IMath. Mod. 1886 3 Xat. Sc. (Pbysiol.) 1888 Woollam, John, S. John's 1 CI. 1850 Woollcombe, Charles B. Trinity 3 CI. Mod. 1873 •Edward C. Oriel 1 CI. 1837 Fellow of Bidliol CI. Examiner 1843, 4 Select Preacher 1850 Griutield Lecturer 1878 Woollcombe, George, Ch. Ch. 4 CI. 1840 (Jeorge L. lUdliol 3 Math. 1S51 (fcorgo P. Ch. Ch. 3 Hist. 1888 Hurry St. J. S. Kehle 3 Hist. 1802 2 Theol. 1803 •Henry, Ch. Ch. 1 CI., 2 Math. 18:J4 Johnson Theol. Scholar l8.'Jo Herbert L. Kehle 4 Theol. 1885 •Louis, Pembroke 2 CI. 1835 Fellow of Exeter Walter G. Trinity 2 Nat. Sc. 1880 Wm. Walker, Exeter 4 CI., 1 Math. 1842 •Wm. Wyatt, Exeter 3 CI. 18.34 Woolley, Charles, Kehle 3 Hist. 1803 Chas. B. Oriel 3 CI., 2 Math. 1813 Fred. .S. Mary H. 4 CI., 4 Math. 1847 •John, Exeter 1 CI. 1836 Fellow of University Woollin, John, Oriel Proctor 1729 Woolluough, J. B. W. Worcester 2 Math. Mod. 1854 Woolmer, Charles E. S. Exeter 4 CI. 1849 Woolrych, Bertram B. Exeter 3 Theol. 1800 Herb. E. Femh. 1 CI. Mod. 1879 2 CI. 1881 Woolward, Spencer A. Kehle 2 Theol. 1882 Wootten, John, Bidliol 3 CI.. 1 Math. 1820 Wootten-Wootten, Aubrey F. Oriel 2 Jur. 1889 Worcester, John B. Magd. Hall 2 CI. Mod. 1867 1 L. & H, 1869 •Wordsworth, Charles, Ch. Ch. Latin Verse 1827 1 CI. 18;W Latin Essay 1831 Charles S. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1868 4 CI. 1870 Christopher, Trin. Coll., Camh. Hon. D.C.L. 1870 Gordon G. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Hist. 1882 •John, New 1 CI. Mod. 1863 2 CI. 1865 Fellow of Brasenoxe Latin Essay 1866 Craven Scholar 1867 CI. Moderator 1870, 1, 2 Proctor 1874 Grintield Lecturer 1876 Select Preacher 1876, 88 Bampton Lecturer 1881 Theol. Exam. 1882,3 Prof, of Interpretation of Holy Scripture 1883 Fellow of Oriel William, BalUol 1 L. & II. 1859 ALPHABETICxVL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 279 Worgan, John, Pembrol-e 2 CI. 1820 Workman Arthur S.Herff. 3Cl.Mod..l884 Worley, Henry T. Queen's 2 CI. 1827 Wormald, Eobert B. Luicohi 4 CI. 18.i6 Worrall, Ai-thur H. S. Joli n's 1 CI. Mod. 1888 2 CI. 1890 Walter, Wc»-c. 2 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Worsfold, Wm. B. Univ. 1 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1883 Worship, William H. E. Corjms 2 CI. Mod. 1880 2 Hist. 1882 Worsley, Chas, F. 3Iag(l. 2 CI. Mod. 1859 *Edward, 3Iag(l. 2 CI. Mod. 1864 2 CI. 1866 Henry, Exefer 2 CI. 1842 Michel Scholar of Queen's John H. Magdalen 3 CI. 1836 •Philip S. Corpus Engl. Verse 18.57 William, Magd. Hall 3 CI. 1829 WiUiam H. A. Neio 3 CI. Mod. 1882 2 CI. 1884 Wortham, Biscoe H. Trin. 4 L. & H. 1867 Worthiall, John Princl. Nevj Inn H. 1514 Worthille, John, Balliol Proctor 1418 Worthington, Arthur M. Trinitij 3 Math. Mod. 1872 2 Nat. Sc. 1874 Prank, Univ. 3 Jur. 1887 Henry B. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1884 2 CI, 1886 Herbert E. Merton 3 Theol. 1885 Percy S. Corpus 2 CI. Mod. 1885 Samuel W. : see Bromfield, S. W. Ch. Ch. Worthy, Edward A. Neio 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Wortley, John S. (afterwards 2nd Lord Wharncliffe), tli. Ch. 2 CI., 1 Math. Wotherspoon, Geo. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. Wotton, Henry, Ch. Ch. Proctor Woulfe-Elanagan, Terence, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. Wragg, Walter T. Woi-c. 1 L. & H. Wragge, Walter, Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Wrangham, Digby C. Brasenose 1 CI., 1 Math. Walter E. Exefer 3 CI. Wrangwais,Eobt. Qi'eew's Commissary *Wratislaw, Geo. G. A. Magd. 2 CI. Wreford, John, Vniversity 4 L. & H. Wren, Christopher, All Souls Prof. Astronomy Wrench, Harry O. Worcester 4 CI. 1864 1866 1821 1874 1876 1556 1879 18C7 1886 1888 1826 1852 1482 1815 1861 1661 18:i4 Wrench, Eobert G. K. Pembroke 2 CI. Mod. 1862 4 CI. 18G4 Wilfred H. New 4 Theol. 1874 Wrenn, Christopher, jS. John's Proctor 1619 Wrey, Henry B. Balliol 3 CI. 1818 Wright, Arthur C. Magdalen 3 Math. Mod. 1890 1 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1893 Arthur H. New Arthur J. Exeter Arthur S. Neio Augustus E. Queen's Benjamin, Kehle Charles E. L. Wore. Charles F. Brasenose 4 Theol. 1877 3 CI. Mod. 1867 3 L. & H. 1869 2 CI. Mod. 1888 4 CI. 1890 3 Theol. 1876 1 Hist. 1888 3 Hist. 1887 2 Jur. 1875 3 B.C.L. 1876 Charles H. C. Trinity 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Charles H. H. Exeter Bampton Lecturer 1878 Grinfield Lecturer 1893 Or. Stud. Examiner 1894 Erancis B. Queen's 3 CI. 1832 Francis L. New Fran. M. Queen's George, Exefer George, Worcester George A. Non-C. George H. B. Queen's Denyer & Johnson Scholar 1876 Kennicott Scholar 1876 Syriac Version Prize 1877 Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1877 1 CI. Mod. 1873 2 Jur. 1875 1 Math. Mod. 1876 1 Math. 1877 3 CI. 1843 4 Math. 18.35 1 Nat. Sc. 1873 2 Theol. 1875 Henry, Balliol Henry, C7;. Ch. Henry C. Pembrol-e 3 CI. 1855 2 Nat. Sc. 1856 2 CI. 1843 1 CI. Mod. 1874 3 CI. 1876 3 Hist. 1886 1 Jur. 1876 3 Hist. 1882 3 Jur. 1886 2 CI. 1817 Henry F. Ch. Ch. Henry L. New Henry W. Herff. Henry W. B. Merton ♦Ichabod C. Ch. Ch. Fellow of Magdalen John C. Merton 2 CI. Mod. 1881 2 CI. 1884 Eeginald G. Univ. 2 Hist. 1893 Eobert Warden of Wadham 1613 *Eobert B. Worcester 2 CI. 1847 Eobert J. Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1894 280 ALniAr.KTICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. •Wricrht, Ro1)crt S. BitHlol Jiatin Verse ISA!) 1 CI. Mod. ia->9 1 CI. 18(J0 Fellow of Oriel Craven Scholar 18f)l Knjjlish Essay 18G1 Arnold Prize 18G2 CI. Moderator 18G8 Sidney, New 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 Hist. 1882 Thomas, Brasenose Proctor 1702 Thomas, S. John's 3 CI. 1809 •Thomas H. TritiUi/ 2 CI. Mod. 1870 1 CI. 1873 Fellow of Merfon Walt. [Governor of D»(j7/rt»J2 Coll.] Commissary 1;147, 8, Walter N. rnh: 4 Math. 188G Walter R. WafUiam Pusey & i:ilerton Scholar 1800 1 Theol. 1802 William Hon. D.CL. 1887 William, Edm. Hull 4 Theol. 1872 William, Merton Proctor 17.50 William, S. John's 3 CI. 1814 William, S, John's Pusey and Ellerton Scholar 1840 4 CI. 18.")1 Kennicott Scholar 1851 AYilliam Aldis, Trin. Coll., Camh. Hon. D.CL. 18SG William E. F. Nov-C. 2 Math. Mod. 1882 William H. Eeble 4 Theol. 1881 Wright-Henderson, P. A. : see Hen- derson, P. A. Balliol Wrigley, George F. 3Iert. 2 CI. Mod. 1885 3 CI. 1887 Robert, Wadham 2 CI. INIod. 1S78 Writer, Simon le Prinel. Hert Hall 1410 •Wrottesley, Chas. All Sonls Proctor 181G Edward J. ruiversUi/ 3 CI. 1837 Francis J. Wmc. 3 CI. Mod. 18G9 John (2nd Lord Wrottesley), Ch. Ch. 1 Math. 1810 Wroughton, Philip, Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 18GG Wryght, Wm. Master of Balliol 1545, 55 Wryngton, John Priucl. Hert Hall 1.301 Wyatt, Charles P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. 1832 Edward G. P. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1880 3 Hist. 1801 Harold F. Exeter 4 Hist. 1881 Henry H. Queen's 4 CI. 1844 Hugh E. P. Ch. Ch. 4 Hist. 1882 John, Balliol 3 CI. Mod. 1801 Paul W. Ch. Ch. 3 CI. Mod. 1870 Richard, Oriel Proctor 1040 Wyatt, Thomas, S. John's Proctor in.")0 . Thomas (}. Trin. 3 CI. Mod. 187.') 4 Theol. 1877 William, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 18(;2 3 CI. 18G4 William, Brasenose 3 CI. 1822 William, Ch. Ch. Public Orator 1G79 Prinel. S. Mar;/ Hall 1G!M) William T. Exeter 1 Nat. Sc. 1870 Wybergh, Fred. L. Non-C. 3 Theol. 1882 4 CI. 1883 Wycliff, John INIaster of Balliol i:}(;i Wyer, Thomas R. Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1871 Wygrim, John, Merfon Proctor 1428 Wyke, Edward de, Merton Proctor 1333 Richard De la : see Wich. Wykeham, Nicholas de Warden of Xeic 1379 Prinel. Hert Hall 1381 Philip J. D. E.reter 4 L. & H. 18G4 Wykeham-]Martin, Philip, Bull. 4 CI. 1850 Wykeham-Musgrave, Herbert W. New 4 Hist. 1803 Wykes, John T. Jesvs 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1886 Wykis, Robert, New Proctor 1400 Wylcyer, Eichd. Prinel. S. Mari/ H. 1445 Wylde, John Proctor 1521 John, JMarjdalen 3 CI. I\Iod. 1801 2 CI. 1803 *Wylie, Francis J. Bull. 1 CI. Mod. 188G 1 CI. 1888 Fellow of Brasenose •George, Queen's 3 CI. 1825 Henry de, Merfon Proctor 12SG James H. Pemb. 1 CI. Mod. 1805 2 CI. 1807 Wyllie, John W. S. Trinit>/ 1 CI. Mod. 18.55 Wyllis, Francis Pres. of S. John's 1577 Yice-Chancellor 1587 Wylsford, Edmund. Oriel Margaret Prof. Divinity 1407 Provost of Oriel 1.507 Commissary 1.511, 2, 4, 5 Wylton, William de Chancellor 1373—5 Fellow of Balliol (afterwards of Vniv. and Queen's) Wylyot, John Chancellor 1349 Fellow of Merton Wyman, John, Maf/dalen Proctor 1.541 Wynch, Lionel M. Balliol 4 Jur. 1885 Wyndham, Geo. Warden of Wadh. 1744 Hon. George O'B. Neiv 2 Hist. 1800 John E. Oriel 4 CI. 1830 Percy, Queen's 2 Math. Mod. 1887 2 Jur. 1880 Percy C. H. New 3 Hist. 1888 ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF HONOURS. 281 *Wyndham, Thomas H. G. Oriel 1 Nat. Sc. 1865 Burdett-Coutts Scholar 1867 Demonstrator of Chemistry 1873 Fellow of Merton Wynford, 2iid Lord : see Best, W. S. "Wynhale, Walter Commissary 1458 Wynn, Arthur W. W. : see also Williams-Wynn, A. W. Ch. Ch. 2 CU Mod. 1876 Wynn- Williams, Ernest, Corpus 2 Hist. 1894 Wynne, Charles Or. (afterwards Wynne-Finch, C. G.), Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1836 Henry Le P. Oriel 2 CI. Mod. 1857 4 CI. 1858 John, Jesus Marg. Prof. Div. 1705 Princl. of Jesus 1712 John A. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. 1823 Eichard, Woix. 2 CI. Mod. 1884 3 CI. 1886 WiUiam, All Soiils Proctor 1732 WiUiam L. Jesus 3 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Wynne-Edwards, John E. Cli. Ch. 1 Math. Mod. 1884 1 Math. 1885 2 Nat. Sc. (Phys.) 1887 Wynne-Ffoulkes, Piers J. B. Eehle 3 Theol. 1880 WjTine-Finch, Heneage, Neio 3 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) 1892 Wynne- Jones, John W. Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1870 3 CI. 1872 Wynter, Ahraham F. S. John's 4 CI. 18.33 *Philip, ,S. John's 2 CI. 1815 CI. Exam. 1825, 6 Pres. of S. Jo7(n'sl828 Select Preacher 1828, 33 Vice-chancellor 1840 WjTitle, Eobert Warden of Merton 1734 Wystow, Humphrey Princl. Edmund Hall 1499 Wystyng, or Wliyting, Henry Princl. Magd. H. 1.526 Wyte, or Whyte, John Princl. Hert Hall 1401 Wytham, William Princl. Broadgates Hall 1436 Wythers, John, Magdalen Proctor 1491 Wytheton, William de Proctor 1331 Wythington, Oliver, Bras. Proctor 1561 Wytnam, John Princl. Hert Hull 1397 Wytney, Wm. Princl. Neiv Inn H. 1445 Wytton, Eichard Master of Univ. 1426 Yafi'ord, see Naflord. Yalden, George, ai.Ch. 4 CI. 1843 Yapp, Eichard, Worcester 2 L. & H. 1857 Yarborough, Francis Princl. of Brasencse 1745 Yarde, Walter B. S. Trin. 2 CI. Mod. 1867 3 CI. 1869 Yardley, George W. Brag. 4 Jur. 1882 Yarker, Eobert, Queen's 2 CI. 1821 Yate, Thomas Princl. of Bras. 1G48, 60 Yates, Arthur G. Kehle 2 Math. Mod. 1881 2 Math. 1883 George J. Queen's 2 Math. ;Mod. 1883 3 Math. 1885 James D. Univ. 2 CI. Mod. 1879 3 Jur. 1881 John W. Mert. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 3 CI. 1888 Samuel W. Balliol 1 CI. 1815 Stanley C. Merton 3 CI. Mod. 1894 •William, Lincoln 1 CI. 1852 Fellow of Brasenose Proctor 1866 Yearsley, John H. Queen's 3 CI. Mod 1889 3 CI. 1891 Yeatman, Harry Farr, Balliol 3 CI. 1809 Yeld, George, Brasenose 2 CI. Mod. 1865 English Verse 1866 3 L. & H. 1867 Yeldard, Arthur Pres. of Trinity 1559 Vice-Chancellor 1580 Yeo, Gerald, Univ. 4 Jur. 1888 Gerald F. Nat. Sc. Examiner 1891 Yeomans, Eobert, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 1893 Yerburgh, Eobert A. Univ. 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Yftele, or Eifley, Simon de, 3Ierton Proctor 1322 Yonge, Charles, S. 3Iary H. 1 CI. 18-^ Geoffrey, Kehle 4 Theol. 1891 ♦James, Balliol 2 CI. 1814 Fellow of Exeter James, Exeter 2 CI. 1815 John, Merton Proctor 1453 York, Edward C. Ch. Ch. 4 L. & H. 1864 Y'orke, John E. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1856 2 CI. 1858 Philip C. Magdolen 2 Hist. 1889 Young, Alexander, Ch. Ch. 2 CI. Mod. 1869 4 CI. 1871 Alexander, Keble 2 CI. Mod. 1883 2 CI. 1885 2 Theol. 1886 Alexander J. Pemb. 3 CI. Mod. 1874 Sir Chas. L., Bt., Neio 4 CI. 1860 Charles P. E. Pernb. 2 CI. Mod. 1886 2 CI. 1888 Dalhousie J. Balliol 4 CI. 1889 Daniel E. Pembroke 4 Theol. 1875 David, Balliol 3 CI. 1816 •282 ALPIIABKTICAL KKGISTER OF HONOURS. Younp, Edwanl, AVir Proctor Kdwanl N. Ch. Ch. •^ CI. Francis G. ('(n-pus '.i CI. Mod. Francis S. Qiirf'u''it 2 Nat. Sc. (Chem.) Frederick C. Keble Henry T. BaUiol Henry T. Kehlc Herbert, Queen's 3 CI. Mod. :j Hist. :{ CI. 2 CI. Mod. .3 CI. 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. James C. Pemb. 3 01. Mod. James F. Brasenote 3 Jur. James F. Corpus 1 Math. Mod. 1 Math. John Warden of Neio John, Balliol 2 CI. Mod. 2 Math. Mod. 2 Math. John (afterwards Lord Lisgar), Corpus John C. Queen's John J. B. Trin John K. Corpus Peter, Exeter •Richard, New Eichard, Oriel Thomas, Jesus 2 CI. 4 Math. 3 Jur. 2 CI. Mod. 2 CI. 3 CI. Proctor 4 CI. 1 CI. Mod. 3 CI. Walter G. Mogd. 1 Matli. Mod. 2 Math. 1042 1818 188'J 1804 1HS4 188f! 1832 18H8 1800 1870 1872 1865 1874 1887 1890 1521 1870 1870 1872 1829 1857 1891 1878 1880 1838 1&32 1835 1892 1894 1885 Younp, William li. .S". John's 3 CI. ISlfi William E. A. Worcester 4 L. & H. 185«; William H. Pembroke 4 CI. 1853 Younge, John, Uuiversiti/ 3 CI. 1810 Thomas Princl. Brondgntes H. 1542 Younger, Robert, Balliol 3 CI. IMod. 1881 2 Jur. 188:j Robert E. N. Balliol 1 CI. Mod. 1892 Craven Scholar 1892 1 CI. 1894 Younghusband, Ernest R. Nexo Cobden Prize 1893 Youngman, Geo. M. Worcester 1 Theol. 1883 Yule, Henry W. Wadliam 3 L. & H. 1867 Yweyn, or Chalke, w Tweyn, Thos. Fellow of New Commissary 1452, 4 ; 60 Zanchj', Hierome, All Souls Proctor 1649 Zedlitz, George W. E. E. Triuily 2 CI. Mod. 1891 2 CI. 1893 Zillwood, John, Wadham 2 CI. 1811 Zincke, Foster B. Wadham 2 CI. 1839 Zinzan, Peter, Magdalen Proctor 1739 Zouch, Richard, New Reg. Prof. Civil Law 1620 Vrincl. Allan Hall 1625 Assessor 1626 William, Ch. Ch. Proctor 1579 oxford: HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY November^ ^894.] ^be ©yforb £noU6b 2)ictionar^. |Ct Issue of Letters D and F in punctual Quarterly Sections. A NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY, ON HISTORICAL PRINCIPLES, FOUNDED MAINLY ON THE MATERIALS COLLECTED BY THE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (printed at i^t (Bx^J^tee of i%t QXntveretfg of Oxford, d. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Introduction and Canto I, with Preface and Notes, by W. MiNTO, M.A [Paper covers, 6d. Lord of the Isles. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Thomas Bayne [Extra fcap. Svo, 3J, 6d. Marmion. Edited by T. Bayne. . 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