7 LIBRA GLEANER TALES SECOND SERIES. nt.-rr /,v/r HOBKKT SKLI.AK Moxi'in: al: i\ k. ck'aI'Ton a s<».\r 1 S«H> mo 55j HKMIX)CK. l-AOE I. THK Sl'V 1 II. THE SlvIKMISH • 15 111. IV. H KM M »C Iv'S VKNGKASCK M(»KTO> IN PKKU- ■" . . ;;4 V. MAiiUIK .U>UKNKVS TO OKA . til' VI. HEMLOCK AT HIS DAK^iHTEK' ^ Gkavk •iT VII. Colonel Scott • IW viu. MOUTON RKll SKS TO Fl-V . 1(W IX. HEMLOCK'S AI»VI(E TO THE ( .ENEKAL !•.>(• X. The Invasi<)S . i;>o XI. HEMLOCK TELLS HlS STOUV i;5i» XI[. The Amekk ans Bakflei> • . 141) XIII Hemlock Fai-i-s • Kil XIV. Mks Foksvth's death . lJ*i XV. MOKTON RETL'KNS * IIM AROHANiiK ANt> MAKIK, 462 HEMLOCK. CHAPTER I. The rain of the forenoon had been followed by^ an outburst of heat and the sunshine beat with, fierce intensity on the narrow square that formed the yard of the barracks at Montreal. There was a milkiness in the atmosphere which, conjoined with the low bank of black cloud that hung over the St Lawrence where it rolled out of sight, indi- cated a renewal of the downpour. The yard was deserted. Dinner was over and the men loung- ed and snoozed indoors until the sun abated his fervor, always excepting the sentry, who stood in the shade of the gateway, his gaze alternately wandering from the refreshing motion of the blue waters of St Mary's current to the cluster of log houses, interspersed by stone edifices with high tin roofs, which formed the Montreal of 1813. Pre- sently the sound of hoofs was heard, and there came galloping to the gate an orderly from the general's headquarters. . Passing tlie sentry, he GLEANER TALES. pulki] up at the door of that portion of the bar- racks where the officer of the day was quartered, And who, in another minute, w^as reading the de- sj atch he had brought. It was an order for a detachment of 20 men to report without delay at headquarters. Instantly the voice of a sergeant was lieard shouting the order to those who had to turn out and the barracks became a bustling scene of soldiers rubbing their accoutrements and pack- ing their kits. In half an hour they had fallen into rank and marched to the general's residence. The lieutenant in charge went in to report and i(Mnd General de Watte ville writing. 'You ready for the route? Ah, yes; very good, Morton. I will write you one order. You will escort an ammunition-train to camp La Fourche and there go under command of Major Stovin." "I hope, General, there is a prospect of our help- iEg to use the cartridges w^hen we get there?" "I cannot say. Yankee very cautious; put his nose one, two, three time across the frontier and then run back, like rat to his hole. Maybe Hamp- ton come; we must be ready. Here is your order. You will lind the train at King's Posts and use all expedition." Saluting the General, Morton withdrew and, re- ■joir.ing his men, they marched down the narrow^ iind crooked maze of St Paul street, attracting little attention, for the sight of soldiers had be- coioe familiar even to the habitant wives, who were HEMLOCK. 6 joggino; homeward in their market-carts. By the time the town was cleared, and the Lachine road gained, the sun was inclining to the west, and his rays being more endurable, the men stepped out briskly, bandying coarse jests, while the officer, some paces behind, eyed with surprised delight the foaming rapids, which he now saw for the first time. The afternoon was calm, which made the spectacle of a wide expanse of water tossed into huge billows without apparent cause, all the more singular. "Why," said Morton inwardly, "all the rivers of the United Kingdom, with their falls and cataracts, if added to this vast river, would not per- ceptibly add either to its volume or its tumult." At the head of the rapids, where the St Lawrence expands into the lake named St Louis, stood the King's Posts, an extensive collection of buildings, with wharves in front, at which were moored a large number of boats. King's Posts was the depot of supplies for the country west of Montreal, and therefore a place of bustle in time of war, boats stemming the rapids and long trains of carts con- veying to its storehouses daily the supplies brouo-ht by shipping from England to Montreal, to be in turn sent off as required to the numerous garrisons along the upper St Lawrence and lakes Ontario and Erie, while the troops, then being hurried to the front, here embarked. Reporting his command, Morton was informed the boat with the supplies he was to guard would not be ready to sail until 4 GLEANER TALES. late in the evening, and quarters were assigned his men and to himself an invitation to join the mess- dinner. Thus relieved, he strolled to the water's edge, and watched the shouting boatmen and the swearing soldiers as they loaded the flotilla that was in preparation, and was fortunate enough to see a bateau arrive from Montreal, poled up against the current by part of its crew while the others tugged at a tow-rope, reinforced by a yoke of oxen. Then he watched the sun, which, as it neared the horizon, dyed the waters of the majestic river with many hues. Slowly it neared the thick battalion of pines behind which it would disappear, and as Morton noted the broad crimson pathway that it seemed to stretch across the placid lake as a temptation to follow it into its chamber of glory, he thought he never beheld anything more im- posing. Slowly the throbbing orb descended and was lost to sight, and, as if evoked by angel-spell, cloudlets became revealed and were transformed into plumage of scarlet and gold. The train of Morton's reverie was snapped by the tread of troops behind him. Turning he saw a file of soldiers with a manacled man between them. When they reached the head of the wharf, the order to halt was given. Morton knew what it meant. The tall thin man in his shirt-sleeves was a spy and he was going to be shot. It was supper-time and boats and wharfs were for the time no longer the scene of activity, but the grimy bateau-men paused HEMLOCK. 5 in their cookery, to watch the tragedy about to be enacted. Two soldiers lifted from their shoulders the rough box that was to be his coffin, and the doomed man stood beside it. Behind him was the St Lawrence, a lake of molten glass ; in front the line of soldiers who were to shoot him. There was no hurry or confusion; everything being done in a calm and business-like manner. The prisoner stood undauntedly before his executioners; a man with a sinister countenance, in which low cunning was mixed with imperturable self-possession. He wav- ed the bugler away when he approached to tie a handkerchief over his eyes. "Guess I want ter hev the use o' my eyes as long as I ken; but say, kurnel, moughtn't you loose my arms. It's the last wish of a dyin man." The officer gave a sign with his hand, and the rope was uutied. "Prisoner, are you ready?" "Yes, kurnel." Turning to the firing party, the officer gave the successive orders — make ready, — present, — fire ! Hardly had the last word been uttered, than the prisoner, with surprising agility, gave a backward leap into the river, and the volley swept over where he stood, the bullets ricochetting on the sur- face of the river behind. "The Yankee scoundrel I Has he escaped? Ten pounds for him alive or dead!" shouted the officer. There was a rush to the edo-e of the wharf, and the soldiers fired at ran- dom amid its posts, but the American was not to 6 GLEANER TALES. be seen. "It is impossible for him to escape," the captain said to Morton, who had come to aid in the search. "He would have been hung had we had a gallows handy, and if he has escaped the bullet it is only to be drowned, for the river runs here like a mill-race and will carry him into the rapids." The soldiers jumped on the boats and scanned wharf and shore, and seeing no trace came to the con- clusion that from his backward leap he had been unable to recover himself and did not rise to the surface. Satisfied the man was drowned, the sol- diers were ordered back to the guard -room and the stir and hurry in getting the flotilla ready were re- sumed. Soon afterwards Morton was seated at the mess- table, which was crowded, for there were detach- ments of two regiments on their way from Quebec, where they had landed the week before, to Upper Canada. The company was a jovial one, composed of veteran campaigners who had learned to make the most of life's pleasures when they could be snatched, and joke and story kept the table in a roar for a couple of hours, when the colonel's servant whispered something in his ear. "Comrades," he said, rising, "I am informed the boats are ready. The best of friends must part when duty calls, and the hour we have spent this evening is a pleasant oasis in our long and toilsome journey through this wilderness. We do not know what difficulties we may have to encounter, but we who braved the sun HEMLOCK. 7 of India and stormed the Pyi-enees will not falter before the obstacles Canadian flood and fore.-t may present, and will carry the flag of our country to, victory, as we have so often done under our glori- ous chief, Wellington. We come to cross swor'ls- not for conquest but to repel those invaders, who, professing to be the champions of liberty, seek to bolster the falling cause of the tyrant of Europe by endeavoring to create a diversion in his favor on this western continent. We shall drive the boasters back, or else will leave our bones to be bleached by Canadian snows; and we shall do more, we shall vindicate the independence of this vast country against the ingrates who smite, in the hour of trial, the mother that reared them, and shall preserve Canada to be the home of untold millions who will perpetuate on the banks of these great rivers and lakes the institutions and customs that liave made the name of Britain renowned. Com- rades, let us quit ourselves in this novel field of conflict as beflts our colors, and I propose, as our parting toast, Success to the defenders of Canada, and confusion to the King's enemies." With clank of sword and sabre each officer sprang to his feet and the toast was drank with shout and outstretched arm. Amid the outburst of enthusi- asm, a broad-shouldered captain started the chorus, *' Why, soldiers, why, should we be melancholy, boys? Why, soldiers, why, whose basiaess 'tis to die?" It was taken up with vigor until the roar wa? deaf- 8 GLEANER TALES. ening, and then the colonel gave the signal to dis- miss. From the heated room, Morton stepped out and drew his breath at the spectacle presented. The moon, full orbed, hung over the woods of La- prairie and poured a flood of light upon the rapids beneath, transforming them where shallow into long lanes of glittering network and where the huge bil- lows tossed in endless tumult, sable and silver alter- nated. Above, the waters slumbered in the soft light, unconscious of the ordeal towards which they were drifting and scarcely ruffled by the light east breeze tliat had sprung up. Directly in front were the boats, loaded, and each having its complement of ;Soldiers. The officers took their places among them and they cast off", until over a hundred were en- gaged in stemming the rapid current with aid of sail and oar. After passing between Caughnawaga and Lachine, indicated by their glancing spires, the leading boats awaited on the bosom of the lake for those that had still to overcome the river's drift. When the last laggard had arrived, the flotilla was marshalled b}^ the naval officers who had control into three columns, some sixty yards apart, and, the oars being shipped, and sails hoisted, moved majestically for the head of the lake. Surely, tliought Morton, as he eyed the imposing scene, tlic far-searching lake embosomed by nodding for- est, " This country is worth fighting for." The air was balmy, the motion of the boats plea- sant, the moonlight scene inspiring, so that the HEMLOCK. 9 men forgot their fatigues, and burst into song, and chorus after chorus, joined in by the entire flotilla, broke the silence. A piper, on his way to join his reofiment, broke in at intervals and the colonel or- dered the fife and drum corps to strike up. The boat in which Morton sat brought up the rear, and softened by distance and that inexpressible quality which a calm stretch of water gives to music, he thought he had never heard anything finer, and he could not decide whether the singing of the men, the weird strains of the pibroch, or the martial music of the fifes and drums was to be preferred. About an hour had been spent thus, when the captain of the boat shouted to shift the sail, and putting up the helm, the little barque fell out of line and headed for an eminence on the south shore, so sharp and smooth in outline, that Morton took it to be a fortification. When their leaving was noted, the men in the long lines of boats struck up Auld Lang Syne, the fifes and drums accom- panying, and when they had done, the piper suc- ceeded. Morton listened to the strain as it came faintly from the fast receding flotilla, it was that of Lochaber no More. As the shore was neared the boat was brought closer to the wind, and lying over somewhat deeply, the helmsman told those on the lee side to change seats. In the movement a man rubbed against Morton, and he felt that his clothes were wet. Looking sharply at him, he saw he was one of the 10 GLEANER TALES. boat's crew, wlien liis resemblance to the spy he had seen escape the bullets of the tiring - party struck him. The more he looked the more con- vinced he grew that he was correct, and, improba- ble as it seemed, within an arm's length, almost, sat the man he saw plunge into the river and whom he, with everybody else, believed to have been swept into the deadly rapids. With all a soldier's detestation of a spy, he resolved he should not escape, yet to attempt to seize him in the boat would be to imperil all in it, for that the fellow would make a desperate struggle Morton knew. Prudently resolving to make no move until the boat neared its moorings, he slipped his hand into liis breast-pocket and grasped the stock of one of his pistols. As the -boat approached the shore the sharply- cut eminence, which Morton had taken to be a fortification, resolved itself into a grassy knoll, destitute of glacis or rampart, and round the east- ern exti-emity of which they glided into a smooth narrow channel, whose margin was fretted by the shadows cast by the trees which leant over from its banks. The sail now flapped uselessly and the order was given to get out the oars. The suspect- ed spy rose with the other boatmen to get them into place and stood on a cross-bench as he lifted a heavy oar to its lock. It was a mere pretence. In a moment his foot was on the gunwale and he made a sudden spring towards the bank. HEMLOCK. 11 There was the sound of a plunge, of a few brief strokes by a strong swimmer, a movement among the bushes, and then silence. Morton was intensely excited, he drew his pistol, rose and cocking it fired at random. Turning to the captain of the boat he shouted in fury, "You villain; you have assisted in the escape of a King's prisoner." With stolid coun- tenance the captain shifted the helm to suit the windings of the channel, and answered, "Me no spik Ingleese." Feeling he was powerless, Mor- ton resumed his seat and in a minute or two a cluster of white-washed huts came in view and the boat drew alongside a landing-stage in front of them. Several soldiers were standing on it await- ing them, and on asking wdiere he would find the commissariat officer, Morton was directed to one of tlie houses, in front of which paced a sentry. En- tering he perceived it consisted of two rooms, divided by a board-partition. In the larger end was a woman, surrounded by several children, cooking at an open-fire, and in the other, the door and windows of w^hich were open, for the evening was sultry, were four officers in dishabille, seated round a rickety table playing cards, and with a pewter-measure in the middle of it. One of them rose on seeing the stranger, while the others turned carelessly to examine him. Assuring himself he w^as addressino- the officer of the commissariat, Mor- ton explained his business. "Oh, that's all right; the powder-kegs must remain in the boat and in 12 GLEANER TALES. the morning I will get carts to forward them to the front. There's an empty box, Lieutenant Mor- ton; pull it up and join us," and hospitably handed him the pewter-measure. It contained strong rum o-roff, of which a mouthful sufficed Morton. Not so the others, who, in listening to what he had to tell of the news of Montreal and of the movements of the troops, emptied it, and shouted to the woman to refill it, and, at the same time, she brought in the supper, consisting of fried fish and potatoes. That disposed of, the cards were reproduced and the four were evidently bent on making a night of it. On returning from seeing how his men were quartered, Morton found that the grog and the excitement of the card-playing were telling on his companions, who were noisy and quarrelsome. Ask- ing where he should sleep, the woman pointed to the ladder that reached to a trap in the roof, and he quietly ascended. It was merely a loft, with a small window in either gable and a few buffalo robes and blankets laid on its loose flooring. The place was so stiflingly hot that Morton knew sleep was out of the question even if there had been no noise beneath, and he seated himself by the side of one of the windows through which the wind came in puffs. The sky was now partially clouded and the growl of distant thunder was heard. Fatigue told on the young soldier and he dozed as he sat. A crash of thunder awoke him. Startled he rose and was astonished to find himself in utter dark- HEMLOCK. 13 ness, save for the rays that came through the chinks of the flooring from the candle beneath, where the oflficers were still carousing. He leant out of the window and saw that the moon had been blotted out by thick clouds. While gazing there was a flash of lightning, revealing to him a man crouched beside the window below. In the brief instant of intense light, Morton recognized the spy, and guessed he was listening to the ofiicers, hoping to pick up information, in their drunken talk, of use to his employers. "He cheated the provost-marshal, he cheated me, but he shall not escape again," muttered Morton, who drew his pis- tols, got them ready, and, grasping one in each hand, leant out of the window to await the next flash that he might take aim. It came and in- stantly Morton flred. The unsuspecting spy yelled, jumped to his feet, and rushed to the cover of the woods. Then all was darkness. A crash of thunder, the sweep of the coming hurricane and the pelting of rain, increased the futility of attempting to fol- low. "I hope I've done for him," said Morton to himself, "and that like a stricken fox he will die in cover." The pistol-shots together with the crash of the elements had put a stop to the carousal downstairs and Morton heard them disputing as to who should go up and see what had happened. "I will not go," said one with the deliberation of a stupidly drunk man. "I am an officer of the Royal Engineers and 14 GLEANER TALES. have nothing to do with personal encounters. If you want a line of circumvallation laid down, or the plan of a mine, I am ready, hut my commission says nothing about fighting with swords or pistols. I know my office and how to maintain its dignity." "Yes, Hughes, and the integrity of your skin. I'd o-o myself (here he rose and tried to steady himself by holding on to the table) but I'll be jiggered if I can go up such a stair-case as that. It would take a son of a sea-cook," and with these words, losing his grip, the speaker toppled over and fell on the floor. The third officer, a mere lad, was asleep in his chair in a drunken stupor. The commissariat offi- cer staggered to the foot of the ladder, and, after vainly attempting to ascend, shouted, "I say you there; what's all the shooting for? Are you such a greenhorn as to be firing at mosquitoes or a bull- frog. By George, when in company of gentlemen you should behave yourself. I will report you to your shuperior officer," and so he maundered on for a while, receiving no answer from Morton. Finally the woman of the house helped him to a corner, where he lay down and snored away the fumes of the liquor that had overcome him. Mean- while the storm raged, and when it had passed away, and the moon again calmly came forth, and the frogs again raised their chorus, Morton was too sleepy to think of going to look for the body of the spy, and making as comfortable a bed as he could, he lay down and rested until late next morning. CHAPTER ir. On descending from his sleeping place, Morton found the woman preparing breakfast, and, looking into the adjoining room, saw that three of its in- mates were still sleeping surrounded by the litter of their night's carousal. Stepping out of doors, he was surprised by the beauty of the sylvan scene. The air had the freshness and the sky the deep tender- blue that follows a thunder-storm, and the sunshine glittered on the smooth surface of the river that, in all its windings, was overhung by towering 'trees, except where small openings had been made by the settlers, from which peeped their white shanties. The eminence whicli had ex- cited his curiosity the night before, he perceived to be an island, with a largish house at its base, flank- ed by awind-milh At the landing, was the bateau, with a group of men. Approaching them, he found the captain, whose bloodshot eyes alone indicated his excess of the preceding night. "Ah, Morton," he exclaimed, "you were the only wise man among us; you have your wits about you this morning. For me, I had a few hours' pleasure I now loathe 16 GLEANER TALES. to think of and a racking headache. Come, let us have a swim and then go to breakfast." Following him to the nook he sought, Morton told of his shot at the spy. The captain listened attentively to the story. "I hope you winged him," he said, "but he will escape. The settlers, except a few Old Countrymen, are all in sympathy with the Yankees, and will shelter and help him to get away. We cannot make a move that word is not sent to the enemy. I will warn the Indians to look out for him. Had it not been for the rain, they could trace him to his lair." On returning to the house, they found their com- rades trying to make themselves presentable and sat down to a breakfast of fried pork and sour bread, to which Morton did ample justice. The commissariat officer told him he could not start for some time, as carts were few and the rain would have filled the holes in the track called a road. He could have forwarded him more quickly by canoes, but there was a risk of wetting the powder at the rapids. It was noon before sufficient carts arrived to enable Morton to start, when a laborious journey ensued, the soldiers being called on constantly to help the undaunted ponies to drag the cart-wheels out of the holes in which they got mired. When they had gone a few miles the carts halted and the kegs were placed in boats, which conveyed them to their destination. Camp La Fourche was found to consist of a few temporary buildings, or rather HEMLOCK. 17 sheds, which, with the barns and shanties of the settlers near by, housed a few hundred men, of whom few were regulars. Morton's orders were to remain and time passed heavily, the only excite- ment being when a scout came in with reports of the movements of the American army on the fron- tier, which were generally exaggerated. The camp had been purposely placed at the forks of the English and Chateaugay rivers, to afford a base of operations against the invader, should he ap- proach either by way of the town of Cham plain or of Chateaugay. Morton relieved the tedium of waiting by hunting and fishing, for his proper duties were slight. At first he did not venture into the woods without a guide, but experience quickly taught one so active and keen of observa- tion sufficient bush-lore to venture alone with his pocket-compass. The fishing, at that late season, was only tolerable, and while he enjoyed to the full the delight of skimming the glassy stretches of both rivers in a birch canoe, he preferred the more active motion and greater variety of travers- ing the pathless woods with his gun. He had been in camp over a week when he started for an afternoon's exploring of the woods. After an hour's tramp he struck the trail of what he be- lieved to be a bear. Following it was such plea- sant exercise of his ingenuity that he took no note of time, and he had traversed miles of swamp and ridge before prudence cried halt. The sun was 18 GLEANER TALES. sinking fast, and to retrace his track was out of the question. He resolved to strike due north, which he knew would take him to the Chateaugay where he would find shelter for the night. The flush of the sunset was dying from the sky when he emerged from the woods on the banks of the river, which flowed dark and silent between the endless array of trees which sentinelled it on either side. Threading his way downward he, in time, came upon a clearing — a gap in the bush filled with ripening grain and tasselled corn. The shanty, a very humble one, stood at the top of the bank, with the river at its feet. Gratified at the prospect of rest, he paused before swinging himself over the rude fence. There rose in the evening air the sound of singing: it was a psalm- tune. The family were at worship. Reverently the soldier uncovered his head and listened. The psalm ended, he could hear the voice of supplication, though not the words. When Morton approached the house he saw^ a heavily-built man leave the door to meet him. "Gude e'en, freen; ye're oot late. But I see ye're ane o' the military and your wark caas ye at a' hoors. Is there ony news o' the Yankee army?" Morton explained he had not been on duty but had got belated in hunting and craved the boon of shelter until morning, for which he would pay. "Pay! say ye. A dog wearing the King's colors wad be welcome to my best. You maun be new HEMLOCK. 1 9 to this country to think the poorest settler in it wad grudge to share his bite with ony passerby^ Come your ways; we are richt glad to see you." Entering the shanty Morton was astounded at the contrast between the homelike tidiness of the interior and the rudeness of the (*xterior, every- - thing being neatly arranged and of spotless clean- liness. "Truly," he thought, "it is not abundance that makes comfort, but the taste and ingenuity to make the best of what we have." The glow of the log-tire in the open chimney was supplemented by the faint light afforded by a candle made from, deer-fat, which showed him a tall young woman, who came forward to shake hands without the slightest embarrassment, an elderly woman, evi- dently the mother, who kept her seat by the lire, explaining she "wasna very weel," and two stout young men. "Sit in by the fire, Mr Morton; there is a snclL touch in the evening air that makes it no unplea- sant, and Maggie will get ye something to eat An hae ye nae news frae the lines? Does it no beat a' that thae Yankees, wha mak such pretensions to be the only folk i' the warld wha understan what liberty is, should fail in practice? What hae we done that they shud come in tae disturb us? Hae we nae richt to live doucely and quietly under our appointed ruler, that they should come into our ain country to harry and maybe kill us? Dod, they are a bonny lot! In the name o' freedom drawing '20 GLEANER TALES. i:he sword to help the oppressor of Europe and the slangliterer of thousands of God's children by crea- tion, if no by adoption." "We have the comfort," replied Morton, "that they have not got Canada yet." "An never will,' replied the settler, "there's no -an Auld Countryman on the Chateaugay wha wad na sooner tint life an a' than gie up his indepen- dence. My sons an mysel are enrolled in Captain Ogilvie's company and mair Yankees than they count on will hansel it's ground afore they win oor puir biggin." "Dinna speak sae, gudeman," said his wife, "tho' the Lord may chastise he w^ll not deliver us to the oppressor, but, as with the Assyrian, will cause him, oin he come doon on us, to hear a rumor that shall make him to return to his own land. We are but a feeble folk here by the river-side, but He winna f ;\il them wha trust Him." Maggie here beckoned the young officer to draw to the table, and the bread and milk tasted all the sweeter to him that they had been spread by so winsome a damsel. After supper Morton was glad to fall in with the family's custom of going early to bed, and accompanying the lads, whom he found to be frank, hearty fellows, to the outbuilding, slept cojnfortably alongside them on top of the fragrant fodder. At daylight they w^ere astir, when their guest joined them in their labors, until a shout from Mao-gie told of breakfast being ready. Seen HEMLOCK. 2 1 by daylio;ht the favorable impression made upon ^lorton the previous evening was deepened, and he did not know which most to admire, her tact wl.icli never placed her at a disadvantage or the deftness with Avhich she discharged her household duties. Reluctantly he left, accepting readily the invitation to revisit them. In a couple of hours he was in- camp and reported himself. The acquaintance thus accidentally formed was cultivated by Morton, and few evenings passed that his canoe did not end its journey at the foot of the bank whence the settler's shanty overlooked the Chateaugay. The more he knew of the family the more he was attracted, and before long he was on familiar terms with all its members. Tlie in- action of camp-life in the backwoods ceased to be- wearisome and there was a glow and a joyousness in his days which he had never before known. So it came, that when, one afternoon, the oi'derly- sero-eant notified him the officer in command de- sired to see him, the prospect of being sent avray caused him a pang of vexation. His orders were to be ready to start at daylight for the frontier with despatclies for the Indian guard and to collect what information he could with regard to the Am- erican army encamped at Four Corners. "I trust to your discretion," said the officer, "as to what means you will use to get it, but we want to know the extent of the force and the prospect of their movino;-. I will mve you an Indian as a £:^uide, and '22 GLEANER TALES. one who speaks English." Morton withdrew, pleased that the order was not one of recall to his regiment at Montreal, and spent the evening with the For- syths. The news of his departure, on an errand that involved some danger, even though it would last only a few days, dampened the innocent mirth of the household and the soldier was vain enough to think Maggie gave his hand a warmer pressure than usual when he left. He rose with the first streak of daylight and had finished his breakfast ^vhen he was told his guide was waiting. Hastily strapping his cloak on his back and snatching up liis musket, he went out and beheld an Indian standing stolidly on the road. Morton noted that he was taller than the average of his race, and, de- spite his grizzled hair, gave every sign of unabated ^'igor. He was dressed in native fashion and his face was hideous with war-paint. Without utter- ing a word, he led the way and they were soon iDuried in the woods. The Indian's pace, consider- ing the nature of the ground and the obstacles presented, was marvellously rapid, and induced no fatigue. Morton vigorously exerted himself to keep up with him and, as he did so, admired the deftness with which the Indian passed obstacles which he laboriously overcame. The ease and smoothness with which the red man silently slip- ped tlirough thickets and fallen trees, he compared to the motion of a fish, and his own awkwardness to that of a blindfolded man, who stumbled at every HEMLOCK. 2'] obstacle. They had travelled thus for over two hours when suddenly the Indian halted, peered carefully forward, and then signed to Morton to stand still. Falling on his knees the guide crept, or rather glided forward. Disregarding his sign, Morton shortly followed until the object of the In- dian's quest came in sight. Three deer were graz- ing on a natural meadow by the side of a creek. Slowly the hunter raised his gun and its report was the first intimation the timid creatures had that an enemy was near. The youngest and plumpest had fallen; the others bounded into the bush. Standing over the graceful creature, whose sides still palpitated, the Indian said, "Lift." It w^as the first word he had uttered. Morton drew the four hoofs together and did so. "Put on your shoulder," added the guide. Morton laughed and set the animal down; he could lift it but to carry it was out of the question. Without moving a feature, the Indian grasped the deer by its legs, swung it round his neck, and stepped out as if the load were no burden, and which he bore until the swamp was passed and a ridge was reached, when he tied the hoofs together with a withe and swung the carcase from as lofty a branch as he could reach. Half an hour afterwards he pointed to a slioht disturbance in the litter of the forest. "In- dian passed here this morning." "How do you know it was an Indian?" " By mark of moccasin." 24 GLEANER TALES. "But some white men wear moccasins." "Yes, but white man steps differently. The wild duck flies no more like the tame duck than the In- dian walks like the pale face." Following the trail thus struck, they were soon hailed by a scout and in the midst of the camp of the frontier guard they sought. Morton counted seventeen- Indians lounging or sleeping about the fire, and was told there were as many more lurking in the bush, watching the enemy, who had, of late, been sending in strong parties to make petty raids upon the few settlers who lived on the Canadian side of the boundary. As the captain was absent and would not be back until the afternoon, Morton could only await his return, and the rest was not unwelcome, for the rapid journey had induced some fatigue, and he was interested in watching the Indians, this being his first experience witli them apart from white men. They paid much deference to his guide, whose name he now learned w^as Hemlock, and the Indian of whom he made enquiry told him the reason was that he was the son of a great sachem in a tribe now destroyed, and was "a big medicine." Hemlock accepted their tributes to his superiority with unmoved counten- ance and as a matter of course, until, after a lono- pow-wow, he stretched himself on the ground, face- downwards, and went to sleep. Associating the Indians with gloomy moroseness, and a stolidit}^ insensible alike to pain or mirth, Morton was sur- HEMLOCK. 25 prised to see how, wlien left to themselves, tliey chattered like children, laughed, and played boyish tricks upon one another, and regretted he could not understand what they were saying. If he had, he would have found their talk was the shallowest of banter. Late in the afternoon the captain returned and wannly welcomed Morton. Although dressed like an Indian, his only distinguishing feature being a captain's scarlet sash. Captain Perrigo was a white man and English in speech, his familiarity with the Indians and their lanmiai^-e havinor been ac- quired during his residence at Caughnawaga. He was thoroughly conversant with all that was pass- ing in the American camp and expressed his belief that only the timidity of General Hampton pre- vented a move on Canada. The force was so strong and well-equipped that he believed it could not be checked until the island of Montreal was readied. "How can so large an army move through these woods?" asked Morton; "why, even your handful of Indians could cut up a regiment in half an hour." "You forget," replied Perrigo, "that the larger part of these American soldiers have been reared on farms and are familiar with the bush. They are at home with the axe, and have scouts as well- trained to bush-fighting as our own. Worse than that, many of the xlmerican settlers who left the Chateaugay and the other Huntingdon settlements at the declaration of war are with them as guides." 26 GLEANER TALES. "I should like to see the American army," said Morton. "That is easy; we reconnoitre their camp this evening and you may go with us." By this time dinner was ready and it was more appetizing than Morton looked for. Hemlock, on his arrival, had told where he had left the carcase of the deer, which two of the Indians went for and returned with it slung between them on a pole. This they had cooked along with pieces of fat pork. The venison, for a wonder, proved to be tender and succulent, and was eaten with biscuit, of which there was an abundance. When the time came to move, Perrigo gave the word, when 28 of his men fell into line, Hemlock and Morton accompanying them. They moved in silence in single lile, the fleetest runner of their number leading about two hundred yards ahead, to see that the way was clear. No word was spoken except when, on gaining the summit of a stony knoll, Perrigo whispered to Morton that they had crossed the boundary and were in the United States. As they proceeded they moved more slowly, showing they were near- ing the enemy, and twice their scout signalled to them to halt while he reconnoitred. The second time Perrigo went forward and they waited while he scanned the enemy's position. On returning, they moved westward, when the accustomed sound of the tramp of a numerous body of troops met the ear of Morton, followed by the commands of the HEMLOCK. 27 adjutant. Motioning to Morton to follow him, Per- rigo cautiously crept forward to a clump of under- growth, and peering through it the American camp was seen. To the right stood the cluster of wooden huildinors which formed the village of Four Corners, and on the fields that sloped up from it southwards, shone peacefully in the setting sun long rows of w^hite tents. On a small field between the camp and the village two regiments were being drilled ; at one corner was a body of mounted officers ob- serving them. The woods, in which the British party lay concealed, so closely hemmed in the thin line of buildings that formed the village, that the parade-ground was not over 300 yards distant. Morton scanned the troops as they went through their evolutions and marked, with some complac- ency, that, although tall and wiry men, they were slouchy in their movements and marched like dock- laborers. "Could we not give those fellows a fright?" he whispered to Perrigo. "If we were sure their patrols are not out we could. If they are, they might flank us." "No danger," interposed Hemlock, "see!" and he pointed to the guard -house, where the men detailed for the night's patrols were waiting. "All rifrht," answered Perrigo, "I will send two or tliree to creep round to the bush on the right to cause a diversion." "Stay," said Morton, "I want to get a closer view and Hemlock will go with me." 28 GLEANER TALES. It was so decided upon, and while they picked their way to the west, Perrio-o busied himself in extendincT liis little force aloncr the edo^e of the woods, so as to make their numbers appear formid- able. The most dangerous part of Morton's move- ment was crossing two roads, but Hemlock, who knew the ground thoroughly, selected parts where there were bends, so that they could not be seen by travellers approaching either wa}^ When Hemlock dropped on all fours and crept he was followed by Morton, ^v]lo found he was at the edge of the Held on which the drill was in progress. The troops had gone through the routine movements and were drawn up in line, awaiting the inspection of 'the o^eneral officer, who, with his escort, was ridin^^ from the lower part of the iield. A stout, elderly man rode in advance on a splendid black horse. Hemlock whispered it was General Hampton. As they drew nearer Morton started in amaze, for among his staff, despite his handsome uniform, he recognized the countenance of the spy he had twice shot at. His astonishment was checked by a gurgling sound of anger from his companion, and turning he saw that Hemlock had partly risen, grasping his musket as if about to tire, his face so swollen with rage that the cords of the neck stood out. "Stop," said Morton, as he clutched his buck- skin jacket, "if we fire now while they are in rank we are lost; wait until they are dismissed and in disorder." HEMLOCK. 2D "I care not; thrice have I missed him oi' hite; now he falls and Hemlock is revenged." He pulled the trigger, but the flint snapped harmlessly, for the priming had been lost. The disappointment restored his self-possession and he drew back with a scowl that made Morton's flesh creep. On the cavalcade of officers came, chatting unconcernedly, and wheeled within twenty yards of where Morton stood. He had a good view of the spy's face, and he thouo-ht he had never seen one where cunnino- and selflshness were so strongly marked. "A man who would kill his mother if she stood in his w^ay," muttered Morton. "And for his passing pleasure tear out the heart of a father," added Hemlock in a bitter tone. They noticed how haughtily Gen. Hampton bore himself and how superciliously he glanced at the men as he passed up and down their ranks. When he had finished, he put spurs to his horse and galloped towards the house in the village where his quarters were established, followed by his escort. The troops were then dismissed and as each company filed away in the early twilight to- wards its respective camp, Morton said "Now is our time." Hemlock rose, drew himself to his full height, seemed for a few seconds to be gathering strength, and then let out a screech, so piercing and terrific that Morton, who had not before heard the war-whoop, would not have believed a human being could make such a sound. It was the signal to Perrigo's men, and they answered from different 30 GLEANER TALES. parts of the bush in similar fasliion. The Ameri- can soldiers, on their way to their tents, halted in amaze, while from new and unexpected quarters, rose the blood-curdling yell, giving the impression that they were being surrounded from the north and west by a horde of Indians, a foe of whom they were in mortal dread. Taken by surprise, they broke and ran towards the camp, and Morton could see the inmates of the tents svvarminix out and running to meet them, as if to find out the cause of alarm. Hemlock and Morton were now loading and tiring as quickly as they could, the former never intermitting his ear-piercing shrieks, while the edge of the bush to their left was dotted with puffs of smoke from the guns of Perrigo's band. "O for five hundred morel" cried Morton in his excitement, "and we would rout this army of cowards." The confusion and clamor in the camp increased and the contradictory orders of officers were paid no heed to by men who only wanted to know wliere they could fly to escape the detested Indians. Amid the excitement rang out a bugle, and turning whence the sound came, Morton saw it was from the General's headquarters and that, to its summons, horsemen were urging their way. ''Huh!" exclaimed Hemlock, "these are scouts; some of them Indians. We must go, for they will hold the roads." With a final yell he plunged into the bush and Morton followed. They had not gone far when Hemlock turned and grasped his shoul- HEMLOCK. 31 cler. As they stood, the hoot's of advancing horses were heard. The sound came nearer and Morton guessed they were riding along the east and west road in front of where he stood and which they had been about to cross. The troop swept past and then the order "Halt!" was shouted. "Louis, take five men and scour the bush from the river up until you hear from the party who are search- ing the bush from above. The screeching devils who hid here cannot escape between you. We will patrol the road and shoot them if the}^ do." The motion of the men ordered to dismount was heard. "Quick," whispered Hemlock, "or they will be upon us/' and facing westward he led to the brink of what seemed to be a precipice, from the foot of which rose the sound of rushing water. Hemlock slipped his gun into his belt in front of him and did the same with Morton's, then, before he knew what was meant, Morton was grasped in his iron clutch, unable to move, his head tucked into his breast, and with a wild fling over the edge of the bank they went rolling and crashing downwards, throuojh the bushes and shrubs that faced it. On they rolled until a final bounce threw them into a pool of the river. Without a moment's delay, Hem- lock caught Morton's right arm and dragged him a considerable distance down the narrow and shal- low stream behind a clump of bushes. Breath- less and excited by the rapid motion, Morton sank prone on the turf, while Hemlock, laying aside the 32 GLEANER TALES. guns, which the water had rendered useless, drew his tomahawk, wliich he held ready for use, while he bent forward listening intently. In a few min- utes Morton became conscious of men stealthily approaching, and devoutly thanked God when he perceived they were all on the other side of the river from where they were concealed. On they came, searching every place of possible conceal- ment, with a rapidity that only children of the woods can attain. Soon they were directly oppo- site and passed on. Hemlock relaxed his strained attitude, drew a long breath, and sat down beside Morton. "They did not think we had time to cross the river, but when they do not find us they will come back on this side." " What shall we do next?" asked Morton. "Wait till it is dark enough to creep across the road at the brido-e." "And if they come back before then?" "Fight them," abruptly answered Hemlock. In the narrow gorge where they lay the gloom quickly gathered, and it soon grew so dark that Morton's fears as to the searching-party returning were relieved. When the last streak of day had disappeared. Hemlock led the way, and they crept as quickly as the nature of the ground would per- mit down the river, whose noisy brawl blotted out the sound they made. Coming out at a pond, where the water had been dammed to drive a small mill. Hemlock stopped HEMLOCK. 3.3 and listened. The road with its bridge was directly in front, and it was likely guards were there posted. As they watched, the door of a house opened, and a man came out with a lantern. It was the miller going to the mill. As he swung the light its beams shone along the road, failing to reveal a sentinel. When he passed into the mill. Hemlock led the way under the shade of the trees that fringed the mill-pond, crossed the road, and down into the rocky bed of the stream on the other side. Paus- ing- to let Morton orain his breath after the run, he said in his ear, " We are safe now and can wait for the moon." "Can't we rejoin Perrigo?" asked Morton. "No; scouts in woods over there; hide tonight and go back tomorrow. The strain of excitement over, Morton stretched himself on the ferns that abounded and quickly fell asleep. CHAPTER III. When Morton opened his eyes he found the dell, or rather gorge, for the sides were almost precipit- ous though clad with vegetation, was lit up by the moon, and Hemlock by his side, sitting Indian fashion, clasping his knees. Without uttering a word, he rose on perceiving the young officer w^as awake and lifted his gun to move on. Morton obeyed the mute sign and they began to descend the bed of the stream. It was a task of some diffi- culty, for it abounded in rocks and often there was no foothold at the sides, the water laving the cliffs that formed the banks. Had it not been that the season was an unusually dry one, leaving the river bed largely bare, Morton could not have kept up with his companion. Chilled by his wet garments, the exercise was rather grateful to him and he ex- erted himself to overcome the obstacles in his path. As they went on, the banks grew higher and the gorge more narrow, until, turning a bend, Morton perceived the river dashed down a channel cleft out of a rock, which rose a pillared wall on one HEMLOCK. 35 side and on the other had been rendered concave by the washing down of the debris of ages. High above, shafts of moonlight struggled tliru' the foli- age and, falling irregularly on the sides, brought into ghastly relief the nakedness of the walls of the rocky prison. Deeply impressed Morton fol- lowed his guide down the gloomy chasm, whence the sound of falling water came, and they passed two small falls. Below the lower one, where the walls drew nearer, as if they grudged the scanty space the}^ had been affording the tumultuous stream for its passage, the cliifs grew loftier. Hemlock halted, and pointing to a water-worn re- cess in the rocks, that afforded some covering, said, "Sleep there." Morton lay down, but he was in no humor to sleep again. The magnificence of the rock-hewn chamber in which he lay, with a giant cliff" bending over him, had excited his imagina- tion, and his eyes wandered from the foaming falls in front of him to the solemn heights, whose walls were flecked with shruls and topped by spruce trees. The contrast of the unceasing noise and motion of the river with the eternal silence and imperturb- ability of the rocks, deeply impi-essed hi in. Thus time passed and when he had scanned the scene to his satisfaction, his interest turned to his compan- ion, who had left him and stood beneath a pillar of rock higher than its fellows, where the chasm narrowed into a mere tunnel. Evidently supposing" that Morton was sound asleep, he was going through 36 GLEANER TALES. those motions of incantation by which Indian medi- cine-nion profess to evoke the spirits. He writhed until his contortions were horrible, while the work- ing of his features showed he was inwardly striving to induce an exalted and morbid condition of feel- ing. He smote his breast resounding blows, he flung himself downwards on the rock and shook himself until his body jerked with involuntary twitch ings, he shrieked in hollow tones and pluck- ed at his hair, until the sweat rolled down his cheeks. After a fit of hysterical laughter he sank in a swoon, which lasted so long that Morton was debating whether he should not go over to him. All this time the moon had been sailing upward and now stood directly over the chasm, its beams transforming the foaming river into a channel of milky whiteness and, where it broke into curls at the falls, into streams of pearls, while the foliage that tempered the stern outline of the rocks, be- dew^ed by the spray that kept them constantly moist, glistened as if sprinkled with diamond-dust. The moonlight streamed on the prostrate body of the Indian, and as he awoke from his trance and slowly raised himself, Morton read in his face a wonderful change — a look of calmness and of su- pernatural ecstasy. With great dignity he drew himself up and stepped forward a few paces until he stood directly beneath the pillar of rock. Then he spoke: "Spirit of the wood and stream, who loves this best of all thine abodes, come to me. HEMLOCK. 37 Hemlock seeks thee to help him. The wounded moose will never breathe again the morning-air, the stricken pine-tree never put forth fresh shoots, and Hemlock is wounded and stricken and growing old. Shall the hand grow feeble before the blow is dealt, the eye grow dim before mine enemy is slain, and my ear grow deaf before it liears his death-ofroan ? The leaves that fall rot and the water that passeth returneth not ; therefore, oh Spirit, grant to Hemlock his prayer, that before night comes he may find whom he seeks. Again, this day, has he escaped me, shielded by his medi- cine. Break the spell, O Spirit; take away the charm that holds my arm when I aim the blo^^■, and pluck awa}^ the shield the evil ones hold over him ! The eao-le has his nest on the hill and the fox his lair in the valley, but Hemlock has no home. The doe fondles its fawn and the tired swallow is helped across the great w^ater on the wings of its sons, but Hemlock has no children. The light of his eyes w^as taken from him, the joy of his heart was frozen. The Yankee stole his land, slew his brothers, bewitched his only daughter, and drove him away, and now he is a sick-struck man, whom none come near. Spirit, grant the prayer of Hem- lock; break the spell that binds me, that I may taste the blood of mine enemy and I shall die happy." He paused and assumed a listening attitude as it awaitinor an answer. That in his morbid state of 38 GLEANER TALES. mind he fancied he heard the Spirit in reply was evident, for he broke out again: "I am desolate; my heart is very bitter. The smoke of the wigwams of my clan rises no more; I alone am left. When the north wind tells where are the leaves of last summer I will say where are the wai-riors of my tribe. As the beaver the white man came among us, but he crushed us like the bear; the serpent sings on the rock but he bites in the grass. We were deceived and robbed of the lands of our fathers. Our destroyer is near, he is on the war-path, his hatchet is raised against the Great Father. Blind his eyes, trip his feet with magic, O Oki, and take the spell from the arm of Hemlock. The eagle soars to the mountain when the loon keeps to the valley; the snow-bird breasts tlie storm when the moose seeks the cedar-brake: the wolf knows no master and the catamount wnll not tl^^ so the Indian clings to his hunting-ground and will not be the slave of the stranger. Spirit, help to destroy the destroyer and to rob the robber, Tlie hunted deer dies of his wounds in the strange forest. Tlie arrows of the Indian are nigh spent and he mourns alone. The glory of our nation has faded as the fii-e of the forest in the morning-sun, and few live to take revenge. Oki, speak, and strengthen the heart of Hemlock for battle!" The Indian fell prostrate before the gaunt pillar of stone to which he spoke and lay there for some time. When he rose, there was a weary look in his im- HEMLOCK. 39 passive features. "The Spirit has spoken: he tells Hemlock he will answer him in a dream." Ad- vancing towards Morton he lay down and fell asleep. High above him shafts of sunlight w^ere inter- woven with the foliag-e of the trees that overhuno; the crest of the chasm, forming a radiant ceiling, when Morton awoke. The weirdly romantic gulf in which he lay, coupled with the strange scenes of the night, caused him to think the past was a dream, but going over the several details the sense of reality was restored, and there, a few feet from him, was stretched the sinewy form of the Indian. "Who could fancy that a being so stolid, heav}^ and matter - of - fact," asked Morton of himself, "should show such keenness of feelincr and so active an imagination? And, yet, how little we know of w^hat sleeps in the bosoms of our fellows. Mark that sullen pool above the cataract! How dead and commonplace its water appears. It is swept over the brink and, breaking into a hundred new forms, instantly reveals there dwelt dormant be- neath its placid surface a life and a beauty un- dreamt of. We are not all as we seem, and so with this much-tried son of the forest." He rose to bathe his stiffened limbs in the river and the motion caused Hemlock to spring to his feet. He glanced at the sky, and remarked that he had slept too long. While Morton bathed, Hemlock busied himself in contriving a scoop of withes and birch bark, with which, standing be- 40 GLEANER TALES. neatli the fall, he quickly tossed out a number of trout. A flint supplied fire and on the embers the fish as caught were laid to roast, and whether it was so, or was due to his keen appetite, Morton thought the}^ tasted sweeter than when cleaned. With the biscuit in their pouches, though wet, they made a fair breakfast. As they finished, a faint echo of drums and fifes was wafted to them. "We will stay a little while," said Hemlock, "to let the scouts go back to camp, for they would search the woods ao'ain this mornino^." "And what then?" asked Morton. "We will go back to Perrigo, who is near-by." "Would they not fly to Canada after wliat they did?" "Indians are like the snake. When it is hunted, it does not fly; it hides. They are waiting for us." "Where were you taught to speak English so well. Hemlock?" "I did not need to be taught; I learnt it with the Iroquois. I was born near an English settle- ment and my choice companion was an English girl, we played together, and were taught together by the missionary; long after, she became my wife.'* "But you are not a Christian?" "No; when I saw the white man's ways I wanted not his religion." "And your wife, is she living?" "Hemlock does not lay his heart open to the stranger; he is alone in the world." HEMLOCK. 41 Respecting his reserve, and tho' curious to know if the guardian-spirit of the ohasm had spoken to him in his dreams, Morton changed the subject, the more so as he did not wish his companion to know that he had been the unwitting witness of his in- vocation ceremonial. He asked about the chasm in whose solemn depths they found shelter, and Hemlock told how it had been known to all the seven nations of the Iroquois and regarded by them as a chosen abode of the spirits, the more so as its origin was supernatural. There had been a very rainy season and the beavers had their villages Hooded and were in danger of being destroyed. Two of them volunteered to visit the spirit-land and beseech the help of their oki, which he pro- mised. He came one dark night and with a single liap of his tail smote the rock, splitting it in two and allowing the waters to drain into the low country beneath. Morton listened gravely, seeing his companion spoke in all seriousness, and thought the tale might be an Indian version of the earth- quake, or other convulsion of nature, by which the bed of sandstone had been rent asundei', and a channel thus afforded for the surplus waters of the adjoining heights. The trees and bushes which had found an airy foothold in crevices, and the weather-beaten and lichened faces of the cliffs, told how remote that time must have been. It was wearing on to noon before Hemlock con- sidered it safe to move. The delay they spent in 42 GLEANER TALES. cleaning their arms, and Morton, to his regret, found that his powder was useless from being wet. The Indian, more provident, had saved some in a water-proof pouch of otter skin, but he had too little to do more than lend a sinHe charo^e for his gun. Morton took the opportunity to clean and arrano-e his uniform as he best could and when ready to move felt he looked more as became an officer of the King's army than when he awoke. Hemlock led the way to where a cleft in the wall of rocks afforded a possibility of ascent, and, with the occasional aid of his outstretched arm, Morton managed to reach the summit. When he had, he perceived he stood on a plain of table-rock, the cleavage of which formed the chasm, of whose ex- istence the explorer could have no intimation until he reached its brink. They had not gone far, until Hemlock halted and looked intently at the ground. "A party of Yankees have passed here within an hour; a dozen or more of them. See the trail of their muskets!" "How do you know they have just passed?" "The dew has not been dry here over an hour and they passed when it was gone. They are searching for us, for one went to that bush there to see no one was hiding." Morton looked perplexed, for nothing was more distasteful than to be taken prisoner. "Had we not," he susrsrested, "better return to the chasm and wait for nifrht?" HEMLOCK. 43 "It is too late," replied Hemlock, "when they come back they would see our trail and follow it. We will have to go on and if we get across the road we are safe," and without another word he went on until the road was reached. On scanning it, before making a dash across, they perceived, to their dismay, a mounted sentry so posted as to give a clear view of the portion of the road they w^ere standing by. Hemlock gave a grunt of dis- appointment and returned into the bush and after a few minutes' rapid walking turned to Morton with the ^vords, "You stay here, until I go and see the road. Over there is the track of a short-cut between Four Corners and the blockhouse, so if Yankees pass they will keep to it and not see you. Do not leave until I come back." Morton threw himself on the grass to await his report, and the rest was grateful, for the day was hot and their short tramp fast. The minutes sped \vithout sign of the Indian, who he conjec- tured was finding it difficult to discover a clear passage. It was now plain that the Americans had discovered their tracks of the preceding even- in cr and had established a cordon to ensure their capture. So absolute was Morton's faith in Hem- lock's skill that he felt little perturbed and was confident they would be in Perrigo's camp before long. Then his thoughts wandered to a subject that had come of late to be pleasant to him, to the household by the Chateaugay, and he saw in fancy 44 . GLEANER TALES. Maggie bustling about her daily tasks, and he smiled. "In the name of the United States of America I command you to yield as prisoner," shouted a \ oice with a nasal twano^. Morton bounded to his feet. In front of him, within four yards, stood the spy, holding a musket, with his fincrer on the triofo'er. "I mout hev shot ye dead a- laying there," he said, "but I mean to take game like you alive. I can make more out o' your skin when you can wag yer tongue. Yield peaceable, young man, and giv up yer arms." "Yield! And to a sp}^! Never!" shouted Morton indignantly, and he sprang like a panther at his foe. Quick as was his movement, the American was not quite taken by surprise, for he fired, but the bullet missed. The next moment Morton was on him and they grappled. Both were strong men, but the American was older and had better staying power, and as they wrestled Morton felt he would be th]-own, when he bethought him of a certain trip he had often used successfully in his school days. He made the feint, put out his foot, and the American fell with a crash, underneath him. "Villain," lie whispered hoarsely, "you twice es- caped me, but will not again," and he grasped his throat with one hand while he held his riofht arm with the other. "Quarter," gasped the American, who was in dan- ger of being choked, "I yield." HEMLOCK. 45 "Quarter to a spy!" exclaimed Morton. "I ain't no spy. I'm Major Sloeum, brevet-rank, of Ginral Hampton's staff." "Not a spy! You were to have been shot for one " "T was on special service, when I was informed on by an ongrateful cuss. I'm an honorable officer and appeal to yer honor as a Britisher. Take my sword; I yield your prisoner." "If I let you go; will you lead me in safety across your lines, and, release my guide Hemlock, if he has been taken prisoner?" "Sartainly I will; Slocum's word is as good as his bond. Take your hands off me and I will set you and your Injun to hum in an hour." Morton released his grasp, and stood up, drew his sword, and awaited Slocum's rising. With a deft movement the American thrust his hand into his belt, drew a heavy, short-bladed knife, and shot it forward from his palm with an ease and dexter- ity that indicated much practice. Morton's eye caught the gleam of the steel and he sprang back, and in so doing saved his life, for the point of the blade, which would have pierced his breast, stuck in his right thigh for an instant and dropped out. In a towering passion of indignation, which made him unconscious of the pain and flow of blood, he rushed upon the American, who had sprung to his feet and lifted his sword in time to foil Mor- ton's thrust. "Vile wretch, you shall die as traitors die!" exclaimed Morton, and the clash of steel was 46 GLEANER TALES. incessant. He was much the better swordsman, but his impetuosity and anger deprived liim of the advantage of his skill, and stepping backward, Slocum's long sword, wielded by his long arm, kept liim at bay. Morton's anger increased with the difficulty in dealing a deadly thrust, until, in mak- ing a lunge, he stumbled over a fallen log. Had he been unwounded he would have instantly re- covered himself. The wrench to his pierced leg shot a thrill of agony to his heart, and the weak- ened knee refused its office. In a moment Slocum had him on his back and planting his foot on the bleeding wound, pressed it with all his might, while he placed the point of his sword on his throat. A mocking leer lit up his yellow face as he said composedly: "I don't see how yer mother let 3^ou go out alone; you're green as garden-sass. Thought Major Slocum would be your obedient servant and lead you and yer infernal Injun past the lines! You poor trash of a Britisher! An you sucked in my talk about honor and let go yet holt on my throat! You poor innocent, its like stabbing a baby to put my sword through j^er gizzard. Say, sonny, wouldn't you Hke to live?" The pain of his wound was excruciating, yet Morton answered composedly, "I'd die a thousand times before I would beg my life of you. I am not the first of His Majesty's service to liave lost liis life through believing there was honor in an American officer." HEMLOCK. 47 "I'm a citizen of the great Republic and will be doing a patriotic dooty in killing you, and, like Washington, after hanging Andre, will take a good square meal with the satisfactory feeling that there is a red-coat less in the world. But there ain't no comfort in killing a chick like you. Say, what will ye give, if I let you go? I will take an order on Mon- treal. Slocum ain't the man to refuse to earn an honest dollar and do a charitable action. Yer father maybe is a Lord or a Dook, and he can come down handsum. Why don't yer speak? I ain't a mind to do all the talking." "If I was fool enough to believe you and spare your life it is enough. Torture me not with your dishonorable proposals. I can die as becomes a British soldier." "Yer can, eh? Waal, what if I don't mind to kill you? Perhaps Slocum sees he can make more by toting you into camp. It ain't every day a British officer is caught and I mout get promotion. Kurnel Slocum would sound well. Come now, hadn't yer better sign a little order on your fa- ther's agents for a neat little sum, payable to Major Slocum for vally received? Yer wound hurts, don't it?" enquired Major Slocum with a grin, as he thrust the toe of his boot into it. Involuntarily, Morton gave a stifled shriek of pain and lay gasping, while his tormentor looked down upon him with a smile, enjoying his suflerings. As Morton's eyes rolled in agony, the sight of Hemlock met their 48 GLEANER TALES. gaze. He was stealing stealthily up behind Slocum, who stood all unconscious of his danger, torturing his victim in the hope he would purchase his re- lease. Nearer the Indian came ; his arms now opened out, — he stood behind Slocum, — they closed, — he w^as in their grasp, and was thrown with a heavy thud on the ground, when. Hemlock bound his arms and legs with his sash. Then, with dreadful calmness, he drew his scalping-knife and knelt, one knee on the breast of the prostrate man. "Many times you have escaped me, Slocum, but you die now. The oki granted what I asked; the spell is gone. I tracked you long, but now you are mine. I will not kill you at once. You shall die by inches, and have a taste, before the dark cloud swallows you, of the bitterness I have drank at your hands for years." So saying, with infernal ingenuity, the heritage of his tribe in the art of torture, he stripped Slocum of his clothing and proceeded to draw cuts with his knife on different parts of the body, nowhere mak- ing an incision any deeper than requisite to cause the quivering flesh to feel the full pain. The wretched man plied the Indian with all manner of promises to induce him to desist, and on seeing he was relentless in his purpose, was about to shriek in the hope of attracting aid, when Hemlock caught him by the throat, and snatching up handfuls of forest-litter forced them into his mouth. Then he resumed his dreadful task. Morton, who had alter- HEMLOCK. 49 nated from a state of semi-stupor to that of insensi- bility, looked on in his lucid intervals with sickened horror, and begged Hemlock to desist. He paid not the slightest heed but went on for hours, gloating over the agonies of his victim, and adding a fresh wound as the others dulled. Alert even in his dreadful employment, a rustle in tlie bush caught his ear, and he listened. "It is the Yankee picket ffoinor to the blockhouse. If Hemlock could take you with him he would, but you cannot travel. They will make you prisoner and care for your wound. And now Hemlock must finish his re- venge." With one swift sweep of the knife, he cut the throat of his now fainting victim, with another he severed his scalp, and flourishing it above his head, vanished in the woods. Immediately after- wards a body of blue uniformed soldiers appeared, who shouted with surprise at seeing the major, naked, stiff" and scalped, and a wounded British officer lying near him. Part hurried to each. As those who went to the side of Morton stooped over him and moved him, he fainted. CHAPTER IV. When Morton recovered consciousness he found he was in a large apartment, the sides formed of heavy logs, and surrounded by American soldiers, who were talking excitedly of the discovery of the dead body of Major Slocum. On seeing their pri- soner was restored to his senses, they plied him with questions, in the hope of clearing up the mystery, but he felt so languid that he made no reply, and simply begged for water. On the ar- rival of two ox-carts, the corpse was lifted into one and the wounded man into the other. On being carried into the air, Morton saw that the building he had been in was a small blockhouse, so placed as to command the road which led to Canada. The jolting of the cart during the short drive was agony to him, and he was thankful when the log shanties of the village of Four Corners came in sight and the rows of tents of the camp. The cart halted at the door of a tavern, where he assumed the general must be, and soon an orderly came out and directed the driver to an outhouse, into which two soldiers carried him. It was a small, low^-roofed stable, and in one of the stalls they laid Morton. Closing the door, he was left in darkness, and so remained until it reopened to HEMLOCK. 51 admit what proved to be a surgeon. He examined the wound, picked it clean, put in a few stitches, bound a wet-bandage round it, and had a pail oi' water placed near. "You keep that cloth wet," he said to Morton, "and drink all you please, it will keep down the fever, and you will be well in a week. You have only a flesh-cut; had it been on the inside of the leg instead of the front you would have been a dead man in five minutes." "I am very weak." "Yes; from loss of blood; I will send you some w^hisky and milk." When the attendant appeared with the stimu- lant, Morton sickened at the smell of the whisky, but drank the milk. The man approved of the ar- rangement and disposed of the whisky. Having placed clean straw below Morton, he left him, barring the door. The soothing sensation of the wet bandage lulled him to sleep, and he slumbered soundly until awakened by the sound of voices at the door. "Now, mem, you'd better go home and leave Jim alone." "You tell me he's wounded, and who can nurse him better than his old mother?" "Be reasonable; the doctor said he was not to be disturbed." "Oh, I will see him; look what I have brought him — a napkin full of the cakes he liked and this bottle of syrup." 52 GLEANER TALES. "Leave them, my good woman, with me and he 'will o-et them." "No, no, I must see my handsome boy in his uni- form; my own Jimmy that never left my side until lie listed the day before yesterday. The sight of ane will be better than salve to his hurt." "I can't let you in; you must go to the colonel for an order." "An order to see my own son! Jimmy, don't you bear me; tell the man to let me in to you. (A pause.) Are you sleeping, Jimmy? It's your mo- ther has come to see you. (Here she knocked). Are you much hurt? Just a scratch, they tell me; per- haps they will let you go home with me till it heals. O, Jimmy, I miss you sorely at home." Again the woman knocked and placing her ear to a crack in the door listened. "He ain't movinorl Sog-er man, tell me true, is any Jinmiy here?" "He is, mem; you must go to the colonel. I can- not let you in; I must obey orders." "If Jimmy is here, then he must be worse than they told me." "Very likely, mem; it is always best to be pre- pared for the worst." "He may be dyin' for all you know. Do let me in." "There is the captain passing; ask him." "What's wanted, Bill?" "This is Jimmy's mother and she wants to sec liim. Come and tell her." HEMLOCK. 5 3 "That I ^Von't," answered the captain, with an oath, "I want to have a liand in no scene; do as you like to break it to the old woman," and on the captain passed. "What does he mean? Jimmy ain't to be pun- ished, is he? He would not do wrong. It was just Tuesday week he went to the pasture for the cows and as he came back, there marched a lot of sogers,. with flags aflying and drums and fifes play in' beau- tiful. 'O, mother,' says he, 'I would like to join em,' an he kept acoaxin an aworryin me until I let him come up to the Corners an take the bounty, which he brings back to me, dressed in his tine clothes, the lovely boy." "Now, good woman, you go home an' I will send you word of him." " That I w^on't; if Jimmy is liere I see him. Word came this morning that the Injuns had sprang on to the camp an' there was a soger killed, stone dead, an' two taken prisoners. An', says I, lucky Jimmy ain't one of them, for so tliey told me, an' I will hurry up my chores an' go and see him this evenin', an' here I am. An' at the camp they tells me he is over here, and won't you let me see him?" "Your Jimmy, mem, yes, your Jimmy is By God, I can't speak the word. Here, take the key and go in; you'll find him right in front o' the door." The door opened and Morton saw a tidy little woman, poorly dressed, step in. She looked won- deringly around, glancing at him in her search for 54 GLEANER TALES. her son. Not seeing him, she stepped lightly to- wards a heap covered with an army blanket, ot* which she lifted a corner, gave a pitiful cry, and fell sobbing on what lay beneath. To his horror and pity, Morton perceived it was the corpse of a youth, the head with a bloody patch on the crown, from having been scalped. "This is what Perrigo's men did," he thought, "and this is war." Here two women, warned by the sentry of what was passing, entered and did what they could to soothe the in- consolable mother. The succeeding half hour, dur- ing which preparations were made for burial, was accounted by Morton the saddest in his life, and when the detachment arrived with a coffin to take the body away, and he saw it leave, followed by the heart-broken mother, he breathed a sigh of relief and took a mental oath that it would go ill with him if he did not help the poor woman to the day of her death. Some biscuit were brought to him, the bucket refilled with spring- water, the door closed, and barred, and he was left for the night. Weakness from loss of blood made him drowsy, and forget- ting his miserable situation, he slept soundly until next morninff, when he woke feeling more like himself than he could have believed possible. His wound felt easy and he was glad to find he could move without much pain. Tiie doctor looked in, nodded approval of his condition, and said he would send him breakfast, after partaking of which Mor- HEMLOCK. 55 ton turned his attention to his personal appearance, and with the aid of water, which the sentry got him as wanted, improved it somewhat. The day passed without incident, no one interrupting the monotony of his imprisonment. From the sound of wagon- wheels and the hurrying of messengers to and from the tavern, he surmised the army was preparing to move, and that in the bustle he was forgotten. The following morning his vigor had returned to such a degree that he fell to examining his prison-house and so far as he could, by peeping through crevices in its walls of logs, his surround- ings, with a view to endeavoring to escape. He had finished breakfast, when an officer appeared, who introduced himself as Captain Thomas of the staff* and announced that the General wished to see him. By leaning rather heavily on the American, who proved to be a gentlemanly fellow, Morton managed to hobble the short distance to Smith's tavern, and was led directly to the General's room. On entering, Morton saw a fine-looking old gentle- man of dignified bearing, whom he recognized as the one he saw inspecting the troops on the even- ing of the surprise. He sat in a rocking-chair and before him stood a roucjh-lookino- farmer, with whom he was speaking. Waving Morton to take a seat, he went on with his conversation. "You tell me your name is Jacob Manning and that you are acquainted with every inch of the country between here and Montreal. I will give 56 GLEANER TALES. you a horse from my own stud, which no Canadian can come within wind of, and you will go to the British camp and bring me w^ord of its strength?" "No, sir," replied the backwoodsman. "You wdll be richly rewarded." "That's no inducement." "Fellow, you forget you are my prisoner, and that I can order you to be shot." "No, I don't, but I'd rather be shot than betray my country." "Your country! You are American born. What's Canada to you?" "True enough, General, I was brought up on the banks of the Hudson and would have been there yet but for the infernal Whigs, who robbed us first of our horses, then of our kewows, and last of all of our farms, and called their thievery patriotism. If we Tories hadn't had so much property, there wouldn't a ben so many George Washington - Tom Jefferson patriots. When we were hunted from our birthplace for the crime of being loyal to the oood Kinof we w^ere born under, we found shelter and freedom in Canada, and, by God, sir, there ain't a United Empire loyalist among us that wouldn't fiofht and die for Canada." "You rude boor," retorted Gen. Hampton hotl}^ "we have come to give liberty to Canada, and our armies will be welcomed by its down-trodden people as their deliverers. I have reports and letters to that effect from Montreal and, best of all, the per- HEMLOCK. 57 sonal report of one of my staff, now dead, sent on a special mission." "Don't trust 'em, General. We who came from the States know what you mean by liberty— free- dom to swallow Whigery and persecution if you refuse. The Old Countrymen are stiff as hickory against you, and the French— why, at heart, they are against both." "It is false, sir. I have filled up my regiments since I came to this frontier with French." "It wa'nt for love of you; it was for your 840 bounty." The General rose and throwing open the shutter, closed to exclude the sunshine, revealed the army in review; masses of infantry moving with passable precision, a long train of artillery, and a dashing corps of cavalry. Proudly turning to the farmer he said, "What can stop the sweep of such an army? England may well halt in her guilty career at the sight of these embattled sons of liberty and loosen her bloody clutch upon tliis continent of the New World." Neither the sight of the army nor the pompous speech of the General appalled the stout farmer, who replied, "The red-coats will make short work of 'em, and if you don't want to go to Halifax you'd better not cross the lines." General Hampton made no reply, his good-sense apparently checking his pride, by suggesting the 58 GLEANER TALES. folly of arguing with a backwoodsman, who had chanced to be taken prisoner in a foray. Summon- ing an orderly, he commanded that Manning be taken back to prison and not released until the army moved. "And now. Lieutenant Morton, for so I under- stand you are named, you are the latest arrival from Canada; and what did they say of the Army of the North when you left?" "They were wondering when they would have the pleasure of seeing it," replied Morton. "Ha! it is well to so dissemble the terror our presence on the frontier has stricken into the mer- cenaries of a falling monarchy. They will see the cohorts of the Republic soon enough: ere another sun has risen we may have crossed the Rubicon." "The wonder expressed at every mess-table has been the cause of your tarrying here." "So I am the topic of the conversation of your military circles," said Hampton, with a pleased ex- pression. "And what was their surmise as to the cause of my tarrying here." "That you were awaiting orders from General Wilkinson." The General sprung to his feet in anger and ex- citement. What! Do they so insult me? Look you, young man, are you telling the truth or dare come here to beard me?" "On my honor. General Hampton, I only repeat what I have heard a hundred times." HEMLOCK. 59 "Then, when you hear it again, that I await the orders of that impudent pill-maker who masquer- ades at Oswego as a general, say it is a lie! General Hampton takes no orders from him; he despises him as a man and as a soldier-a soldier, quotha: A political mountebank, a tippler and a poltroon. Here I have been, ready to pluck up the last ves- tio-e of British authority on this continent for two months past, and been hindered by the government entrusting the Western wing of my army to a craven who refuses to recognize my authority and who lets I would wait on I dare not." "I meant no offence by my statement," said Mor- ton, as the General paused in striding the room. "It is well for you that you did not, for I brook no aspersion upon my independence or my reputa- tion as a veteran who has done somewhat to de- serve well of his country, and that is implied in alleging, I take my orders from Wilkinson. Morton reiterated his regret at having unwit- tin<.ly given offence and would assure the General thaUie had entertained so high an opinion o him that he did not attribute to him the harsh treatmen he had received since taken prisoner. Asked ot what he complained, he told of his having been thrust into a miserable stable and having received no such attention as is universally accorded to a wounded officer in camp. The General smiled somewhat grimly as he said: "Lieut. Morton, your treatment is no criterion of 60 GLEANER TALES. our hospitality to those whom the fortunes of war throw into our hands. You forget that you were made prisoner under most suspicious circumstances. You were found lying wounded beside the muti- lated corpse of that influential citizen who, I may so express it, stepped from the political into the military arena, the late Major Slocum, and every- thing points to your having been associated with those who slew him and violated his remains. Apart from that grave circumstance, the mere fact of your being found on the territory of the United States government would justify my ordering your execution as a spy." "Sir," indignantly interrupted Morton, "I am no spy. My uniform shows I am an officer of the King's army and I came upon American soil en- gaged in lawful warfare, declared not by King George but by your own government. I am a pri- soner-of-war but no spy." "It is undoubted that you consorted with In- dians, that you were present with them in the child- ish attempt to surprise my army the other e\'ening, and that you were with one or more redskins when Major Slocum ofl'ered up his life on the altar of his country in a manner that befitted so cele- brated a patriot, who to liis laurels as a statesman had added those of a soldier. You must under- stand, for you appear to be a man of parts and education, tliat Indians and those who associate with them are not recognized as entitled to tlie HEMLOCK. ^'■ rights of war. They are shot or hung as barbar- ous murderers without trial." "If that is your law, General, how conies it that you have Indians in your army?" The General looked nonplussed for a moment. "Our Indians," he answered, "are not in the same cate<^ory They have embraced the allegiance ot a free^crovernment; yours are wild wretches, refugees from" our domain and fugitives from our justice, and now the minions ot a bloody despotism. "I do not see that if it is right for your govern- ment to avail themselves of the skill of In^^ans as scouts and guides that it can be wrong for His Ma- jesty's oovernment to do the same. Between the painted savages I perceived in your camp and those in the King's service, I could distinguish no differ- ence. (3 "Keep your argument for the court martial which, tho' I do not consider you entitled, I may grant. Leaving that aside, sir, and reminding you of your perilous position, I would demand whether you are disposed to make compensation, so far as in your power, to the government of the United States by givino- information that would be useful in the pre- sent crisis? As an officer, you must know much of the strength and disposition of the British force who stand in my onward path to Montreal. Morton's face, pale from his recent wound and confinement, flushed. "If you mean, sir, that you offer rae the choice of proving traitor or of a rope, 62 GLEANER TALES. you know little of the honor of a British soldier or of his sense of duty. It is in your power to hang me, but not to make me false to my country and my King." "Come, come young man; do not impute dishonor to a Southerner and a gentleman who bore a com- mission in the Continental army. Leave me, who am so much older and, before you were born, saw service under the immortal Washington, to judge of what is military ethics. We are alone, and as a gentleman speaking to a gentleman, I demand whe- ther you are going to give me information useful in the movement I am about to make upon Mont- real?" "You have had my answer." The General took up a pen, wrote a few lines, and then rang a bell. Captain Thomas entered. "Take this and conduct the prisoner away," said the General handing him a folded paper. Morton bowed and left tlie room, fully believing that the missive was an order for his execution. Conducted back to the stable, he threw himself on his straw- heap, indignant and yet mortified at being treated as a spy. He thought of his relations, of his com- rades, of his impending disgraceful death, and then clenched his teeth as he resolved he would not plead with his captors but die without a murmur. The marching of a body of men was heard with- out. They halted and the door w%as thrown open. The officer in command said he had come to escort HEMLOCK. 63 him to the court-martial. Morton gave no sign of surprise and limped as firmly as he could, surround- ed by the files of men, to the tent where the court was awaiting him. The clerk read the charges, which were, that he was a spy, that he had associ- ated himself with Indian marauders in an attack on the camp and, that he had been an accomplice in the murder of Major Slocum. In reply to the usual question of guilty or not guilty, Morton an- swered that he scorned to plead to such charges, that his uniform was the best reply to his being a spy and if they doubted his right to wear it, he re- ferred them to Major Stovin at Camp la Fourche; that he had made war in a lawful way and with men regularly enrolled in the British service, and, before God, he protested he had no hand in the killing of Major Slocum. "That," said the presid- ing officer/'is equivalent to your pleading not guilty. The prosecutor will now have to adduce proof of the charges." The only witnesses were the soldiers who had found him lying in the bush beside the corpse of Major Slocum. Morton peremptorily refused to answer questions. "You place us in a painful pos- ition, Lieutenant Morton, by refusing to answer, for we must conclude that you can give no satis- factory explanation of the circumstances under which you were captured. A foul, a diabolical murder has been committed, and everything points to you as being, at least, a party to it. Your 64 GLEANER TALES. wound in itself is witness against you that you assailed our late comrade-in-arms," Morton rose to his feet, and holding up his hand said: "Gentlemen, I stand before you expecting to receive sentence of death and to be shortly in presence of my Maker. At this solemn moment, I repeat my declaration, that I had no part in the death of Major Slocum, that I did not consent to it and that if it had been in my power I would have saved him." "I submit, Mr President," said a member of the court, "that the statement we have just heard is tantamount to Lieutenant Morton's declaring he knows how and by whom Major Slocum came to his death. As one who has practised law many years, I assert that the statement just made is a confession of judgment, unless the defendant in- forms the court who actually committed the murder and declares his willinorness to srive evidence for the state. If a man admits he was witness to a murder and will not tell who did it, the court may conclude he withholds the information for evil purpose, and is justified in sentencing him as an abettor at least. In this case, the wound of the accused points to his being the principal. Before falling. Major Slocum, in his heroic defence, deals a disabling wound to this pretended British officer who thereupon leaves it to his associated red-skins to finish him and wreak their deviltry on the corpse." HEMLOCK. 65 "The opinion you have heard," said the presid- ing-offieer, '"commends itself to this board. What have you to say in reply?" "Nothing," answered Morton. "We will give you another chance. We cannot pass over the murder of a brother officer. Only strict measures have prevented many citizens in our ranks, who esteemed Major Slocum as one of their political leaders and of popular qualities, from taking summary vengeance upon you. We make this offer to you: make a clean breast of it, tell us who committed the murder, give us such assistance as may enable us to track the perpetrator, and, on his capture, we will set you free." "And if I refuse," asked Morton, "what then?" "You will be hanged at evening parade." "With that alternative, so revolting to a soldier, I refuse your offer. What the circumstances are which bind me to silence, I cannot, as a man of honor, tell, but I again affirm my innocence." "Lieutenant Morton, what say you: the gallows or your informing us of a cruel murderer: which do you choose?" "I choose neither; I alike deny your right to take my life or to extort what I choose not to tell." " Withdraw the prisoner," ordered the presiding- officer, "while the court consults," and Morton was led a few yards away from the tent. He could hear the voice of eager debate and one speaker in his warmth fairly shouted, "He must be made to 6 66 GLEANER TALES. tell; we'll squeeze it out of him," and then followed a long colloquy. An hour had passed when he was recalled. "We have deliberated on the evidence in your case, Lieutenant Morton; and the clerk will read the finding of the court." From a sheet of foolscap the clerk read a long minute, finding the prisoner guilty on each count. Standing up and adjusting his sword, the presid- ing officer said, "It only remains to pronounce sen- tence: it is, that you be hanged between the hours of five and six o'clock this day." Morton bowed and asked if the sentence had been confirmed by the commanding-officer. "It has been submitted and approved," was the reply. "In the brief space of time that remains to me," said Morton in a firm voice, "may I crave the treat- ment that befits my rank in so far that I may be furnished with facilities for writing a few letters?" "You may remain here and when done writing, the guard w411 conduct you back whence you came, there to remain until execution." With these words he rose, and the others followed, leaving Morton alone with the clerk and the captain of his guard. He wrote three letters, — to Major Stovin, to his colonel, and the longest to his relatives across the Atlantic, — being careful in all to say nothing about Hemlock, for he suspected the Americans would read them before sending. When done, he was taken back to the stable, and left in darkness. He EEMLOCK. 67 had abandoned all liope: his voyage across life's ocean was nearly ended, and already he thought tlie mountain-tops of the unknown country he was soon to set foot upon loomed dimly on his inward eye. The hour which comes to all, when the things of this life shrink into nothingness, was upon him, and the truths of revelation became to him the only actualities. The communings of that time are sacred from record: enough to say, they left a sobering and elevating influence on his character. He was perfectly composed when he heard the guard return, and quietly took his place in the centre of the hollow square. On the tield used as a parade ground he saw the troops drawn up in double line. At one end were the preparations for his execution, a noose dano^lino^ from the limb of a tree and a rough box beneath to serve as his coflin. There was not a whisper or a movement as he passed slowly up between the lines of troops. It seemed to him there was unnecessary delay in completing the arrangements; and that tlie pre- liminaries were drawn out to a degree that was aoronizinor to him. At last, however, his arms were pinioned and the noose adjusted. The officer who- had presided at his trial approached "By auth- ority of the General," he whispered, "I repeat the offer made you: assist us to secure the murderer of Major Slocum and you get your life and liberty." Morton simply answered, "Good friend, for Jesn's sake, leave me alone." (68 GLEANER TALES. The word was not given to haul the tackle and Morton stood facing the assembled ranks for what .seemed to him to be an age, though it was only a few minutes. The bitterness of death was passed and the calmness of resignation filled his soul. -Again the officer spoke, "What say you, Lieutenant Morton?" Morton merely shook his head. Pres- ently a horseman was seen to leave the General's quarters and an orderly rode up. "By command of the General, the execution is postponed." Mor- ton's tirst feeling w^as that of disappointment. As he was hurried back to the stable, the order dismissing the troops was given. As they broke up, a soldier remarked to his comrade, "They'd sooner have him squeal than stretch his neck." CHAPTER V. On the afternoon of the second day after the events of last chapter, Allan Forsyth returned from his daily visit to Camp la Fourche excited and indignant. "What think ye," he said to his wife and Maggie, ''Lieutenant Morton is in the liands o' the Yankees and they're gaun to hang^ him." Maggie paled and involuntarily stepped nearer^ her father. "The deils that they be; hoo did they get haud o' him?' asked Mrs Forsyth. "The story is sune tell't," replied her hushand. "He was sent, as ye ken, wi' a despatch tc the lines; while there he took part in a bit skirmish, an' the day after was found by the Yankees lyin wounded in the woods beside the body o' a Yankee officer." "Weel, they canna hang him for that. Gin the- Yankees will fecht, they maun expect to be kilt." "Ah, ye dinna understan. They say their officer wasna kilt in regular coorse o' war. The body was scalped and carvt in a gruesome fashion, showing- plainly the hand o' the Indian, an' they hold Mr Morton accountable." "But he didna scalp the Yankee?" 70 GLEANER TALES. "Trne, o^udewife, but he winna tell them wha did. His sword they found beside the corpse, showing they had been in mortal combat." "Is he sorely wounded?" asked Maggie. "I canna say for that. It's no likely, for they had him oot ae evening to hang him, and took a ibetter thocht when he was below the gallows." "How did you hear all this?" "A messenger came in today with letters from him, sent across the lines under a flag o' truce. It w^as said in camp Major Stovin was stampin' angry .and was going to w^rite back that gin a hair o' the Lieutenant's head is harmed he will hang every Yankee officer that fa's into his bans. I gaed ower to see the messenger and he tell't me the word went that Morton defied General Hampton and his •officers to do their worst, that, to save his life, he -wadna brings diso^race on his commission." "Who is the messenger: has he gone back?" "He's a young lad, a son o' ane o' the settlers in Hinchinbrook. He goes back tomorrow with letters from Major Stovin." " Will he see Morton?" "No, no: to be sure thae folk on the lines gang back an' forrit, but they're no likely to let him near. His letters will be taken at the outposts." "Do you think Major Stovin's letter will save him?" "That it won't. The lad said the Yankees were fair wild ower the death o' tlieir officer an' will HEMLOCK. 7l hang puir Morton to a dead certainty gin he doesna reveal to them wha did the deed." "An' for what will he no tell?" asked Mrs For- syth. "That he kens best. Maybe gratitude to an In- dian ca'd Hemlock seals his lips, for oor men be- lieve he was with him at the time." "What does Hemlock say?" interjected Maggie. "He's no in camp. He came back three days ago and left for Oka, where he bides." Until bedtime Morton was the subject of con- versation, and the more they talked of him the keener their interest grew in his serious situation. That one whom they had learned to like and re- spect so much should die an ignominious death shocked them, and even Mrs Forsyth was con- strained to say, that much as she disliked Yankees, "Gin I were near eneuch to walk to him, I wad gang on my knees to Hampton to beg his life." Next morning, while engaged in the stable, Mr Forsyth was surprised by the appearance of his daughter. "Hey, my woman, what's garrd you to come oot in the grey o' the mornin'? Time eneuch an hour frae this." "Father, I could not sleep and I wanted to speak to you. If Hemlock was brought back, would he not save Morton?" "Ah, he winna come back. Doubtless he kens the Yankees wad rax his neck for him. His leevin 72 GLEANER TALES. tor hame shows he is afeard o' what he has dune." "Yet there's no other hope of saving Morton." "Too true; gin the actual slayer o' the officer is not surrendered within a few days poor Morton will suffer." "Well, then, father, you cannot go to seek for Hemlock, and my brothers would not be allowed to leave their duty in camp, so I will go. I can be in Oka before dark and will see Hemlock." "Dinna think o' such a thing," entreated the father, "the road is lang an' the Indian wad just laugh at you gin you found him, wdiich is dootful." A favorite child has little difficulty in persuad- ing a parent, and before many minutes Mr Forsyth was won over, declaring "it w^ad be a shame gin we did naething to try an' save the puir lad." It was arranged she should go at once, the father un- dertakino; to break the news to his wife. All her other preparations having been made beforehand, the slipping of a plaid over her head and shoulders rendered her fit for the journey, and with a cheery goodbye to her father she stepped quickly away. She went to the camp at La Fourche, where slie surprised her brothers and got them to search out the messenger who had brought the startling tid- ings. She had a talk with him, learning all lie knew of Morton. Then she went to see the In- dians in camp, who readily enough told what little they knew of Hemlock. They believed he was at Oka and did not expect him back, as he said lie HEMLOCK. 73 would join the force that was being assembled above Cornwall to meet Wilkinson. Thus inform- ed she took the road, a mere bush track, that led to Anniield Mills, now known as the town of Beauharnois, which she reached in the course of two hours or so and walked straight to the house of the only person in it who she thought could lielp her. It was a log-shanty built on the angle where the St Louis rushes brawling past and the calm waters of the bay, and was of unusual length, the front end being devoted to the pur- poses of an office. The door stood open and Maggie walked into a little den, in one corner of wh^h stood a desk with pigeon-holes stuffed with papers, and beside it were a few shelves tilled with bottles and odds-and-ends, the whole dusty, dark, and smelling of tobacco. At the desk sat a little man, dressed in blue with large gilt buttons. "Oh, ho, is this you, Maggie Forsyth? Often have I gone to see you, but this is the first time you have dropped in to see me." "See you,you withered auld stick! I just dropped in to speer a few questions at you." "Auld stick, Mag; I'm no sae auld that I canna loe ye." "Maybe, but I dinna loe you." "Look here, lassie; see this bit airn kistie; its fu o' siller dollars; eneuch to varnish an auld stick an keep a silken gown on yer back every day o' the year." 74 GLEANER TALES. "An eneuch in thae dirty bottles to pooshen me when ye wad?" "Ha, ha, my lass; see what it is to hae lear. I didna gang four lang sessions to new college, Aber- deen, for naething. I can heal as well as pooshen. It's no every lassie has a chance to get a man o' my means and learnin." "Aye, an its no every lassie that wad want them alang wi' an auld wizened body." "Hech, Mag, ye're wit is ower sharp. When a man's going down hill, ilka body gies him a jundie. If ye winna, anither will, but we'll let that flee stick i' the wa' for awhile. Where is your faither?" "At hame: I just walked ower." "Walked ower yer lane, an a' thae sogers an* In- dians roun !" "If yer ceevil ye'll meet wi' ceevilty, Mr Milne; an' I'm gaun farther this day, an' just looked in for yer advice." "Oh ye maun hae a drap after your w^alk," and here he pulled out a big w^atch from his fob. "Gra- cious! it is 20 minutes ayont my time for a dram." Stooping beneath the table that answered for a counter, he filled a grimy tin measure, which he tendered to Maggie, who shook her head. "Na, na, I dinna touch it." Finding persistence useless, he raised the vessel to his mouth and with a "Here's tae ye," emptied it. "Hech, that does me guid, — but no for lang. Noo, lass, what can I do to serve you?" HEMLOCK. 75 Maggie unreservedly told him all. "An' what's this young Morton to you?" "Naething mair than ony neebur lad." "Tell that to my grannie," said the old buck, "I can see through a whin stane as far as onybody an' noo unnerstan why ye turn yer back on a graduate o' new college, Aberdeen, wi' a kist o' siller, and a' for a penniless leftenant." "Think what thochts ye may, Mr Milne, but they're far astray. The lad is naething to me nor me to him. 1 am going to Oka because nae man- body is allowed to leave the camp, and I couldna stay at hame gin it was in my power to save a fellow-creature's life." "An what can I do to help you to save him?" "Help me to reach Oka and Und Hemlock." " Were it no for thae stoury war-times I wad get out my boat and gang mysel', and there's naebody to send wi' you. My lass, gif ye'U no turn hame again, ye'll have to walk the road your lane." ''"I hae set my face to the task an' I'll no gang hame." "Weel, then, yell hae a snack wi' me an' 111 direct ye as well as may be." A few imls up the St Louis, in the centre of the stream, where it trickled over a series of rocky shelves, stood a small mill, and on the adjoining bank the house of the miller, and thither they went and had something to eat. The miller's wife, a good-looking woman, could not speak English, but 76 GLEANER TALES. made up her lack in lively gesticulations, while Maggie helped the common understanding with odd words and phrases in French. Justice done to the food hurriedly spread before them, Maggie walked back with Milne until they stood in front of the house. "There," he said, pointing to planks resting on big stones, "you cross the St Louis and keep the track until you come to the first house after you pass the rapids. It is not far, but the road is shockingly bad. There you will ask them to ferry you to the other side, when you've a long walk to the Ottawa before you. I'd advise 3^ou to turn yet." Maggie shook her head decisi\'ely. "Weel, weel, so be it ; he that will to Cupar maun to Cupar. Here tak this," and he put in her hand two silver dollars. Maofofie winced. "I'll hae nae need o' siller." "Ye dinna ken; ye may get into trouble that money will help you out o'. Dinna fear to take it; I've made (and here his voice sank to a whis- per) I've made a hunner o' thae bricht lads by ae guid run o' brandy kegs across the Hinchinbrook line. It's Yankee sillei*." Maggie smiled and, as if the questionable mode of their acquisition justified their acceptance, clasp- ed them, and nodding to the little man, tripped her way to the other side of tlie river, The road, as predicted, proved execrable. Walled in and shad- owed by trees, neither breeze nor sunlight pene- HEMLOCK. trated to dry it, and it was a succession of holes filled with liquid mud. So bad was it, that an attempt to haul a small cannon along it had to be abandoned despite the efforts of horses, oxen, and a party of blue jackets. Tripping from side to side, and occasionally passing an unusually deep hole by turning into the bush, Maggie made all haste. Once only she halted. A party of artillery- men and sailors were raising a breastwork at the head of the Cascade rapids, whereon to mount a gun that would sweep the river, and she watched them for a while. That was the only sign of life along the road until the white-washed shanty of the ferryman came in sight, in front of which a troop of half-naked children were tumbling in boisterous play, and who set up a shrill cry of wonder when they saw her. Their mother, so short and stout as to be shapeless, came to the door in response to their cries and gazed wonder- ingly at the stranger. She volubly returned Mag- gie's salutation and led her into the house, the interior of which was as bare as French Canadian houses usually are, but clean and tidy. Her hus- band was away, helping to convey stores to the fort at the Coteau, and there was not, to her know- ledge, a man within three miles capable of ferrying her across. Could not madam paddle her over? The woman's hands went up in pantomimic amaze- ment. Would she tempt the good God by venturing in a canoe alone with a woman? Did she not know 78 GLEANER TALES. tlie current was swift, and led to the rapids whose roaring she heard! No, she must stay overnight, and her gfood man would take her over in the morning. Maggie could only submit and seated herself behind the house, to gaze towards the other bank which she was so anxious to set foot upon. From where she sat, the bank abruptly sank to a depth of perhaps thirty feet, where a little bay gave shelter to a canoe and a large boat fitted to convey a heavy load. Beyond the rocks that headed the tiny inlet, which thus served as a cove for the ferryman's boats, the river swept irresist- ibly, and where in its channel between the shore and the islands that shut out the view of the north bank, any obstacle was met, the water rose in billows with foaming heads. Maggie knew that she was looking upon the south channel of the great river, and that the main stream lay on the other side of the tree-cov» red islands, which variejv -OAlsj DEPT ttC CIB.JI IL 1 7 77 LD 21A-40m-2,'69 (J6057sl0)476— A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley m. ■mm