Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/belorroyaloainsboscorich BOSCOBEL OB THE ROYAL OAK. A TALE OF THE YEAR 165L BY WILLIAM HAREISON AIJSTSWORTH. AtJTHOB OF "the tower OF LONDON," &C. 2 LXiXTSTIt A-TEID. In that fair part where the Hch Salop gains An ample view o'er all the Western plains, A grove appears which Boscobel they name, Not Ijnown to maps ; a grove of scanty fame. And yet henceforth no celehrated shade Of all the British groves shall be more glorious made. Cowley's iylva. Book VI. LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS, Limited Broadwav, Ludgatb Hill GLASGOW, MANCHESTER, AND NEW YORK INSCRIBED TO THE MEMORY OF MY OLD FRIEND, JOHN HUGHES, Esq., DONNINGTON HOUSE, BERKS, %\t " ^osfobd Cratls, MRS. HUGHES, OF KINGSTON LISLE, FATHER OF THOMAS HUGHES, M.P. 4G2 PREFACE. In his letter to Mr. Hughes, the then Bishop of Llandaff describes King Charles the Second's Wanderings after the Battle of Worcester "as being by far the most romantic piece of English history we possess." I have always entertained the same opinion, and after reading the " Boscobel Tracts," so admirably edited by Mr. Hughes, I resolved to write a story on the subject, which should compre- hend the principal incidents described in the various narratives of the King's adventures ; but not having at that time visited any of the hiding-places, I deferred my design, and possibly might never have executed it, had I not seen a series of Views depict- ing most graphically the actual state of the different places visited by Charles, and privately published by Mr. Frederick Manning, of Leamington. Stimulated by these remarkable sketches, 1 at once com- menced my long-delayed Tale. An enthusiast on the subject, Mr. Manning has collected all the numerous editions of the " Boscobel Tracts," and has printed a list of them, which is exceedingly curious. The collection is j)robably unique. His nephew, Mr. John E. Anderdon, whose death occurred while this work was in the press, was also an enthusiastic collector of all matters relating to Boscobel and the King's escapes, and from both these gentlemen I have derived much valuable assistance*. I am under equal obligations to my excellent friend, Mr. Parke, of the Deanery, Wolverhampton, who has furnished me with many curious tracts, prints, plans, and privately printed books relating to Boscobel, Jirewood, and Chillington. I shall always retain a most agreeable recollection of a -visit paid to Chillington in company with Mr. Parke and the Hon. Charles * Several of the Illustrations accompanying the Tale are engraved by Air. J. H. Riinbault from Mr. Manning's Series of Views of the Places visited by Charles during his wanderings. The views of Old Powiek Bridge, of the Site of Fort Eoyal, and the lioom in the Commandery, were sketched on the spot by Captain J. H. L. Archer. Wrottesley, and of our hearty reception by the hospitable Squire. Among the various works relating to Boscobel that have come under my notice is a charming little volume written by the Rev. George Dodd, Curate of Doddington, Salop, the village where Boscobel is situated, who has ascertained all the facts connected with the story. Boscobel House, I rejoice to say, is in very good preservation, and I sincerely hope it may not be altered, or itnpi'oved, as is the case with Trent — a most interesting old house. Moseley Hall is still extant ; but, alas ! Bentley House and Abbots Leigh are gone. Finer figures do not appear in history than those of the devoted Jane Lane and the stalwart and loyal Penderel Brothers. " The simple rustic who serves his sovereign in time of need to the utmost extent of his ability, is as deserving of commendation as the victorious leader of thousands." So said King Charles the Second to Richard Penderel after the Restoration. It is pleasant to think that several descendants of the loyal family of Penderels are still in existence. With some of them I have been in corre- spondence.* Good fortune seems to have attended those who aided the fugitive monarch. Many representatives of the old families who assisted him in his misfortunes are to be found — Mr. John Newton Lane, of King's Bromley Hall, near Lichfield, a lineal descendant of the Lanes ; Mr. Tombs, of Long Marston ; Mr. Whitgreave, of Moseley ; the Giffards, of Chillington ; and the ennobled family of Wyndham. In describing the King's flight from "Worcester to White Ladies on the night of the fatal 3rd of September, I have followed exactly the careful topographical description furnished by the Rev. Edward Bradley, Rector of Stretton, Oakham, to Notes and Queries, June 13tli, 1868. Mr. Bradley has been the first to trace out the King's route, and to him all credit is due.f * Mrs. Jane Llewelyn, eldest daughter of Richard Penderel, of Pentwrch Ystradgynlais, great, great-grandsoi: of John Penderel of Boscobel, died 19lh of June, 1872, aged eighty, and was interred in the churchyard of Llaugynwyd, Glamorganshire. f Since the publication of the first edition of the work, Mr. Manning has pointed out an error which shall be rectified in his own words. The mistake is, perhaps, not impoitimt in a work (if iiction, but it is desirable that the precise route taken by tlie royal fugitive sliould be ascertained, and Mr. Manning's description is very intercsiing as well as accurate. " You have kept !-trirtly to the line of route pursucct by the King and Jane Lane from Buntley House, excejit as regards their arrival at Slrat ford-on- Avon. They must have come across country until they touched the high road from Bir- mingham. Wlien within a mile of Stratford they retraced their course, and, according to Mr. Wise's account, turned to the village of Wootton "VVawen, seeking the higher ground, and getting to Stratford by a laue, now called the PREFACE. Vll " I know of no part of our annals," remarks Mr. Hno;hes, "which continues to be so familiar a subject of conversation amon^ the commonalty as tliat connected with /King Charles and the Royal Oak.' In every village directly or indirectly marked by particular incidents of the King's escape, the honest I'ustics preserve their scattered legends in a shape more or less correct, and mixed and transposed as they must necessarily be in many cases ; and it is pleasing to witness the yeomanly pride with winch, like Catholics zealous for the honour of Our Lady of some particular shrine, they contend for the appropriation of some well-known incident, as connected with the good and loyal service performed by the companions of their forefathers. The interest is, in most cases, strengthened by the existence of the identical houses where the circumstances in question took place, and of the principal families whose names figure con- spicuously in the Tale, as .well as by the slightness of difference between our present domestic habits and those of a time com- mencing, as it were, the more familiar era of dates. And to all ranks, in fact, the occurrences in question are calculated to present one of those pleasing episodes in history, distinct from the wearying details of bloodshed and political intrigue, which we dwell on with unmixed satisfaction as reflecting honour on our national good faith, and as brought home to our fancy by those domestic miniitice, which form so great a charm in the Odyssey. The reality here presents all those features of romance which the imagination chiefly supplies in the Partie de Chasse d'Henri IV., or the incognitos of Haroun Alrascliid." It has been very pleasant to me to follow the King in his wanderings from place to place ; and I have reason to believe that the story excited some interest in the different loca- lities as it proceeded, when first published in a serial form. In describing the old and faithful city of Worcester at the time of the Battle, I have received very great assistance from a distinguished local antiquary, which I have acknowledged in its place. Never did Charles bear himself better than after the Battle. King's Lane. Henley is some miles to the right. One field from the lane just mentioned stood an oak belonging to a friend of mine called the Kfng's Oak. On descending from this point, they would come to the i)ridge at Stratford, on the outskirts of the town ; but we do not exactly know where they passed the river. At dry seasons the Avon could be forded about a mile above the bridge, but the water is generally dec]) in this part." Suum cuiane. It is right to mention tli'at the striking description of the seventh Earl of Derby (cited in Chap. xxii. Book I.) is from the nen of the late William Robert Wliatton, Esq., E.S.A., who contributed the able Histo- rical and Biographical Memoirs of illustrious Natives of Ijancashire to Baiiics's History of tlic County. Mr. VVhattou's masterly portraiture has been erro- neously ascribed to Mr. Baines. Tin PREFACE, Though vanquished he was not overcome. Truthfully, though in somewhat high-flown strains, has Cowley sung of him i Yet still great Charles's valour stood the test. By fortune though forsaken and opprest. Witness the purple-dyed Sabrina's stream. And the Red Hill, not called so now in vain. And Worcester, thou who didst the misery bear. And saw'st the end of a long fatal war. The Tale closes with the King's departure from Heale. How he journeyed from Salisbury to Brightelmstone, and embarked safely on board Captain Tattersall's bark at Shoraham, I have elsewhere related. HUBSTPIERPOINT, October 9, 1872. Note by Mr. Manning. When Cbarles arrived within a mile of Stratford, perceiving a body of troopers, he and his party proceeded, by the road marked A in the plan, as far as the junction B. They then returned by the road marked C, and at the end of the lane, went down the hill into Stratford between the two large estates of Clopton and Welcombe, and over the bridge to Marston. Dedication PKEfACB , CONTENTS. BOOK I. THE BATTLE OF WORCESTEE. CHAPTER I. How Chakles the Second arrived before Worcester, and captuPvED A Fort, which he named " Fort Royal- CHAPTER II. Showing how the Mayor of Worcester and the Sheriff were TAKEN TO UPT0N-0N-SE\T:RN, AND HOW THEY GOT BACK AGAIN . , 9 CHAPTER HI. llow Charles made his Trilt^iphal Entry into Worcester ; and how HE WAS proclaimed BY THE MaYOR AND SHERIFF OF THAT LOYAL CiTY 15 CHAPTER IV. How Charles was lodged in the Episcopal Palace ; and how Doctor Crosby preached before his Majestj' in the Cathedral , 21 CHAPTER V. IIow Charles rode to Madresfield Court ; and how Mistress Jane Lane and her Brother, with Sir Clement Fisher, were PiiESENTXD to his Majesty 24 CHAPTER YI. How Charles ASCE^^)ED the WoRCESTERsniia: Beacon ; and oi' the Ambuscade prepared for him as he came dqwv 29 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. PAOB How Colonel Legge brought important News to the King, and how HIS Majesty paid a Visit to Severn End 32 CHAPTER VIII. Of the Counsel given by Colonel Lesley to the Iuno , • .38 CHAPTER IX. Of the Grand Muster at Pitciicroft ,••.•• 40 CHAPTER X. The Bivouac on the Plain . . . . • • • • 44 CHAPTER XI. Colonel Roscarrock relates how the Earl of Derby was routed at Wigan , , . 48 CHAPTER XII. How Urso Gives was wedded to Mary Rushout . . • .51 CHAPTER XIII. SHO^VING how the King had fortified the City 53 [CHAPTER XIV. By -WHAT MEANS GENERAL LaMBERT GAINED THE PaSS AT UpTON Bridge 56 CHAPTER XV. How CROinVELL RECONNOITRED THE CiTY FROM ReD IIiLL , .60 CHAPTER XVI. In WHICH Massey proposes A Night Attack ON THE Enemt. , ,63 CHAPTER XVI L How the Suburbs of the City were Burnt , ♦ , • • 66 CHAPTER XVIII. How Urso Gives had an Interview with the Lord General in THE Stable of Spetchley Manor-house 69 CHAPTER XIX. The Camisade • • 76 CHAPTER XX. How Urgo Gives was arrested • • 79 CHAPTER XXI. Showing now Dame Gives became a Widow , # . • . 87 CHAPTER XXIL How THE Earl of Derby arrived at AVorcesteb , ^ , .91 CHAPTER XXIII. pAGs In what IVIanner Jane Lane was captured, and brought before Cromwell 97 CHAPTER XXIV. What Charles beheld from the Summit of the Cathedral Tower . 100 CHAPTER XXV. How Cromwell constructed a Bridge of Boats across the Se\'ERN . 106 CHAPTER XXVI. How Crom^tcll threw a Flying Bridge over the Teme , • . 108 CHAPTER XXVII. The Fight of Powick Bridge 110 CHAPTER XXVIII. How the Battery on Perry Wood was taken by the Kinq , , 113 CHAPTER XXIX. How the Battle of Worcester was lost by the King . , . 117 CHAPTER XXX. How the EnEJIY ENTEhED THE CiTY, AND HOW THE KiNG QUITTED n . 119 CHAPTER XXXI. The Last Stand made by the Royalists , • , . . .123 CHAPTER XXXIT. The Consultation at Barbourne Bridge, and the King's Flight . 125 BOOK II. white ladies. CHAPTER I. How Crojiwell visited the dying Duke of Hamilton at the Com- mandery; and what passed betwekn them 128 CHAPTER II. How THE fugitive King and his Companions rode from Babbourne Bridge to White Ladies 133 CHAPTER III. The Pent)erels ^ I37 XU CONTEXTS. CHAPTER IV. TAG. How Chakles was disguised as a Woodman . • . • . 142 CHAPTER V. How Charles was concealed m Spring Coppice, and how n rained THERE, AND NoWHERE ELSE IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD .... 147 CHAPTER Vr. How Charles supped at Hobbal Grange, and whom he met there . 150 CHAPTER VII. How Charles and Trusty Dick were frightened bt the Miller of EVELITH 155 CHAPTER VIII. How THE King was received by Mr. Francis Woolfe at Madeley CouKt 156 BOOK III. THE ROYAL OAK. CHAPTER I. Showing how the Hunting-lodge was built by the Lord oP Chil- LINGTON, AND HOW IT ACQUIRED ITS NaME 163 CHAPTER IL How Trusty Dick bethought him of the Oak , , , . . 1G7 CHAPTER III. How THE King and Careless took Refuge in the Oak . , . 172 CHAPTER IV. How Careless captured an Owl in the Oak 174 CHAPTER V. How THEY breakfasted in THE Oak . . . • • . .176 CHAPTER VI. How Colonel James HALTED BENEATH THE Oak 179 CHAPTER VII. How THEY PLATED AT DiCE IN THE OaK 180 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER VIII. PAOB How THET HAD A VISITOR IN THE OaK, AND IN WHAT MANNER THEY TREATED HiM 182 CHAPTER IX. How Charles slept in the Secret Closet; and how Careless slept IN A Priest's Hole in the Garret 185 CHAPTER X. In which the King proves Himself a good Cooit .... 189 CHAPTER XI. What brought Father Huddlestone to Boscobel . , , , 191 BOOK IV. moseley old hall. CHAPTER L Chillington House 195 CHAPTER II. How the King was well-nigh captured by Madmannah , , , 198 CHAPTER III. How the King rode the Miller's Horse ; and how he was escorted during his Ride 203 CHAPTER IV. Where the King foltto Jasper 208 CHAPTER V. By vniAT Device the King escaped being caitured by Colonel Asilenuuest 211 CHAPTER VI. How THE King bade Farewell to the Penperels ; and how his Majesty was received by Mr. Thomas 'Wiutg reave of Moseley Old Hall 215 CHAPTER VII. IIow THE King was puesented to Mrs. Whitgreave .... 220 CHAPTER VITI How Two F pies came by Night to Mosei-ey Old Hall . . . 223 XIV CONTENTS. BOOK V. /ANE LANE. CHAPTER T. PAOB Bt whom the Two Spies were put to Flight . , . • . 227 CHAPTER II. How THE KtNG ARRIVED AT BeNTLEY HOUSE . • # • . 231 CHAPTER III. How Will Jones found a Friend in the Stable • • • . 234 CHAPTER IV. How Will Jones breakfasted with the Men-servants in the Buttert 236 CHAPTER V. How they set out on the Journey . ..•••• 238 CHAPTER VI. What passed between Will Jones and the Blacksmith , , , 241 CHAPTER VII. How they were received at Packington Hall , . • • . 243 CHAPTER VIII. How they were stopped by the Troopers at Wootton Wawen . . 247 CHAPTER IX. How they arrh'ed at Long Marston . ••••.. 249 CHAPTER X. How Charles incurred the Cook's Displeasupj; • • • . 252 BOOK VI. ABBOTS LEIGH. CHAPTER T. How THE Two Grooms ciiangku Horses at Stoke-on-the-Wold . . 258 CHAPTER 11. How Charles took Siiei.teh during a Storm in Rats Abbey Barn ; AND HOW HE DELIVERED CARELESS AND DaME GH'ES FROM THE Troopei{S 2G2 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER III. pioK "What passed in tiie Bahber's Shop at Cirencesteh • • . . 266 CHAPTER IV. Bristol in the Seventeenth Century 269 CHAPTER V. How Charles found a Faithful Adherent at Abbots Leigh . . 272 CHAPTER VI. Careless brings the King good News 275 CHAPTER VII. The Tavern-keeper and the Skipper . . # . » . 278 CHAPTER VIIL St. Augustine's Green • . . 2S1 CHAPTER IX. The Gorge of the Avon 283 BOOK yii. TRENT. CHAPTER I. Of the Vengeance taken by Careless on the Troopers , , . 287 CHAPTER II. How Jane Lane agreed to attend the King to Trent . , . 291 CHAPTER III. Colonel Francis W-j-ndham, of Trent ..,,.. 293 CHAPTER IV. JvLLf^A Coningsbt 299 CHAPTER V. IIow Charles arrived at 'J'rent ..,,,.. 30 1 C IIAPTER VI. Of the Parting between tiiic King and Jane Lane . , , . 306 CIIAPTEIl VJT. Of the Interview between the King and Sir John Strangwats en .Melbury Park 30S CHAPTER VI IT. Ifow the KiNC IIKARD THL rARTICULARS OF HIS OWN DeATH AND BURIAL 311 'XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAOB Captain Ellesdon. of Ltoe Regis ...,,,. 315 CHAPTER X. Stephen LiiiBRT OF Charmol'th, Shipjlvster , , , , .313 CHAPTER Xr. Of the Arrangements made by Harry Petep^ with Dame Swak . 322 CHAPTER XII. How THE King played at Hide-and-Seek at Trent , , , .324 CHAPTER XIII. How Charles set out for Charmouth . 329 CHAPTER XIV. How THE King and Juliana were received by Dame Swan . 332 CHAPTER XV. The Watchers by the Sea 337 CHAPTER XVI. How the Grey Mare proved the Better Hop.se 339 CHAPTER XVIL The Reverend Bartholomew Wesley 34,2 CHAPTER XVIII. How the King fled from Bridport Harbour 348 CHAPTER XIX. Broad Windsor 352 CHAPTER XX. Colonel Robin Philips, of Montacute House , , . , .354 CHAPTER XXL How the King left Trent 357 CHAPTER XXII. How they Dined at the George at Mepj: ; and how the Host related hls Dream 3G0 CHAPTER XXIII. Heale House 3G2 CHAPTER XXIV. How Charles encountered Desborough on Salisbury Plain , .304 CHAPTER XXV. The Parting at Stonehenge 3CG ILLUSTRATIONS. Charles and Careless hiding in the Oak . , . To face Site of Fort Royal Jane Lane Presented to Charles II llOO.M IN THE COMJIANDERY Old Bridge at Powicic . Plan of Worcester in lfi5 White Ladies Boscobel House PooM AT Boscobel House pRONT View of Boscor.el House Charles hiding in the Secret Closet at Boscobel House :M()skley Hall Charles and Jane Lane setting out fi:om Bentley House Abrots Leigh Trknt House ; . 'J Hi: King's Room in Trent House h Title. . 9 27 . 65 . 110 . 128 137 . 15» . 103 . 107 . 199 . 223 . 23S . 272 . 293 . 300 BOSCOBEL; Oil, THE ROYAL OAK. 23ooi{ i\)£ J^irst. THE BATTLE OF WORCESTER. CHAPTER I. now CIIAKLES THE SECOND ARlllVED BEFORE WORCESTER, AND CAPTURED A FORT, WHICH UE NAMED " FORT ROYAL." During the Civil Wars, the old and faithful city of Worcester suffered severely for its devotion to the royal cause. Twice was it besieged — twice sacked by the Parliamentarians. In 1642, the Earl of Essex marched with a large force against the place, stormed and pillaged it, and sent several of the wealthier citizens prisoners to London. Four years later — namely, in 1G4G — the city again declared for the king, and being captured by the Roundheads, after an obstinate defence, underwent harder usage than before. Besides plundering the inhabitants, the soldiers of the Commonwealth, exasperated by the resistance they had en- countered, did much damage to the public buildinirs, especially to the catliedral, the interior of wliich magnificent edifice wa'i griev- ously injured. According to their custom, the troopers stabled their horses in the aisles, and converted the clioir into a barrack, and the chapter-house into a guard-room. The organ was de- stroyed; the rich painted glass of the windows broken ; many monuments mutilated; and the ancient records preserved in tlie library burnt. The exquisitelv carved stone cross in the churcli- yard, from the pulpit of which Latimer and Wliitgift had preaciieJ. was pulled down. Before this, John Prideaux, somewhile Bishop of Worcester, had been deprived of his see, and the dean and B 2 boscobel; or, prebends dismissed — Clnircli of England divines having given place to Presbyterian ministers, Independents, and Anabaptists. But notwithstanding their sufferings in the good cause, the loyalty of the Worcester Cavaliers remained unshaken. Heavy fines and imprisonment could not subdue their spirit. To tlie last they continued true to the unfortunate king, though any further attempt at rising was checked by the strong garrison left in charge of the city, and commanded by Colonel John James, one of the strictest of the Republican leaders. Aiter the terrible tragedy of Whitehall, the Cavaliers of Wor- cester transferred their allegiance to the eldest son of the royal martyr and heir to the crown. All the principal citizens put on mourning, and every countenance, except those of the soldiers of the garrison, wore a sorrowful aspect. A funeral sermon, the text being, " Judge, and avenge my cause, O Lord," was preached by Doctor Crosby, the deprived dean, to a few persons assembled secretly by night in the crypt of the cathedral, and prayers were offered up for the preservation of Prince Charles, and his speedy restoration to the throne. The service, however, was interrupted by a patrol of musketeers, and the dean was seized and lodged in Edgar's Tower, an old fortified gate-house at the entrance of the cathedral close. Never had Worcester been so gloomy and de- spondent as at this period. Nor did the hopes of the loyal citizens revive till the middle of August, 1651, when intelligence was received that Charles, who had been recently crowned at Scone, had escaped Cromwell's vigilance, and crossing the border with a considerable army, had pursued the direct route to Lancaster. Thence he continued his rapid march through Preston to Warrington, where he forced the bridge over the Mersey, in spite of the efforts of Generals Lambert and Harrison to arrest his progress. The young king, it was said, was making his way to his faithful city of Worcester, where he meant to establish his head-quarters and recruit his forces before marching on London. The news seemed too good to be true, yet it obtained ready credence, and it was evident Colonel James believed it, for he forthwith began to put the fortifications in order. The com- mandant, in fact, had received a despatch from General Lambert, informing him that he and General Harrison had failed in pre- venting the young King of Scots from passing the bridge over the Mersey at AVarrington, and had been disappointed in their expectation that he would give them battle on Knutsford Heath, where they awaited him. Favoured by night, the young king had continued his march unmolested, it being understood from prisoners tliey had taken, that he Avas making lor Worcester. Cliarles Stuart's forces, Lam- bert said, had been greatly reduced by desertions since he entered THE ROYAL OAK. 6 England, and now amounted to no more than eight tliousand infantry and three thousand horse, and he was only provided with sixteen leathern guns. As yet he had obtained few recruits, the country gentlemen holding aloof, or being prevented by the militia from joining his standard. But the Earl of Derby had iindertaken to raise large levies in Lancashire and Cheshire, and had been left behind by the king for that purpose. It was to defeat the earl's design that the two Parliamentary generals deemed it expedient to remain where they were rather than pursue the royal army. Many malignants, Papists, and Presbyterians, ill affected towards the Commonwealth, would doubtless join Lord Derby, who, unless he were speedily discomfited, might become formidable. But discomfited he assuredly would be, and his forces scattered like chaff, since the Lord would fight on the side of his elect. This good work achieved, the two generals would hasten to the relief of Worcester. Speedy succour might also be expected from the Lord General Cromwell, who was in close pursuit of the Scots' king, at the head of twelve thousand cavalry and infantry. Colo- nel James was, therefore, exhorted to hold out. General Lambert further stated in his despatch, that Charles was accompanied by the most experienced leaders in the Scottish army — by the crafty and cautious Colonel Lesley, who had so long baffled Cromwell himself — by Generals Montgomery, Middleton, Massey, and Dalyell, and by the valiant Colonel Pitscottie, with his Highland regiment. Besides these, there were several English and Scotch nobles, the Dukes of Buckingham and Hamilton, the Earls of Rothes, Lauderdale, Carnworth, and Cleveland ; Lords Spyne, Sinclair, and Wilmot; Sir John Douglas, Sir Alexander Forbes, and others. While scanning this imposing list, and reflecting that the royal forces numbered at least eleven thousand men, Colonel James asked himself how he could possibly hold out against them with a garrison of only five hundred? He was ill supplied with cannon and ammunition, and the fortifications were ruinous. Moreover, the citizens were hostile, and so far from lending him aid, were ready to rise in favour of the king. He should have to contend against foes within as well as enemies without. His position seemed desperate, and though as brave a man as need be, he was filled with misgiving. Before proceeding, it may be proper to ascertain how far the old city was capable of dcience. Five years previously it had etood a lengthened siege, but the circumstances then were wholly different, for the citizens were arrayed against the besiegers, and fought obstinately. Tlie walls were much damaged at that time, and had only been partially repaired, consequently the towers and bastions were in a dilapidated state. Outside the walls, on the south-east, there was a strong detached fort of recent b2 4 BOSCOBEL ; OR, construction. Tlic castlo, which in days of yore rose proudly on the south side of the catliedral, completely comirianding the navi- gation of the Severn, had long since been pulled down, the only vestiges of it left being some fragments of the donjon. The mound on which the mighty fabric once stood could have been easily fortified, if time had permitted, and would have formed an important work. The city, which was of great antiquity, had four gates, each flanked with towers. The strongest resembled a barbican, and commanded the quay and the ancient stone bridge across the river. On the north was the Foregate, "a Axir piece of work," as it is described by old Leland, and not far from it was bt. ]\Iartin's-gate. On the south was Sidbury-gate, giving access to the London-road. The Sidbury-gate was covered by the modern detached fort to which reference has already been made. Deep dykes, supplied by the Severn, strengthened the defences on the east and south-east, but the suburbs constituted a danger, since the habitations would afford shelter to an enemy. Thus it will be seen that the city was not in a condition to stand a siege, and the commandant might well despair of holding out, even for a few day?, against the royal forces. No city can be more charmingly si uated than Worcester on the banks of England's noblest river, in the midst of fair and ■fertile plains, abounding in orchards and hop-gardens, and in full view of the lovely Malvern Hills; but in the middle of the seventeenth century it was eminently picturesque, as well as beautiful. It was then full of ancient timber houses, with quaintly carved gables and open balconies, from the midst of whicli rose the massive roof and tower of the venerable cathedral, and the lofty spire of St. Andrew's Church. The old walls, grey and ruinous as they were, the fortified gates, the sculptured crosses, and the antique stone bridge, with its many-pointed arches, contributed to its beauty. The noble episcopal palace, the group of old buildings near the cathedral, and the ruins on the castle hill — all formed a striking picture when seen from St. John's on the opposite side of the river. "The wealth of Worcester standeth most by drapery," quoth old Leland, who wrote in Henry VIII.'s time, and the place had long been noted for its broadcloths and gloves. But many of the wruhhiest drapers, glovers, and hop-merchants had been ruined by the heavy fines inflicted upon them by the grasping Parliamen- tarians, and the city had scarcely yet regained its former prosperity. Almost simultaneously with the arrival of General Lambert's despatch, a letter was brought by a secret messenger to Mr. Thomas Lysons, then mayor of Worcester, and an avowed Royalist. It came from Captain Fansliawe, the king's secretary, and gave a very difierent version of the affair at Warrington from that furnished bv Lambert. THE KOYAL OAK. 5 According to Fanshawe, his majesty liad displayed great per- sonal courage on the occasion. He found the enemy, consisting of about seven thousand men, united under Lambert and Harrison, in possession of the bridge across the Mersey, which they had partly broken down, and he immediately attacked them with his advanced troops. His impetuosity proved irresistible. A passage being forced, the whole army followed, and the enemy retreated in great disorder, and with heavy losses. During the night, up- wards of three tliousand of the " rebellious rogues," as Fanshawe styled them, disbanded. The Parliamentary generals did not venture to attack the king again, but allowed him to continue his march towards Worcester without further interruption. The faithful citizens might, therefore, prepare to welcome their sove- reign, who would soon be with them. The mayor immediately called a public meeting in the Guild- hall, and read Captain Fansliavve's letter to the assemblage. Great was tlie enthusiasm excited by it. The hall resounded with cries of " Long live Charles II. 1" The joyful intelligence quickly spread throughout the city, and crowds collected in the High- street, shouting " Down with the Commonwealth ! Up with the Crown !" The concourse was dispersed by Colonel James and a troop of horse, but in the conflict several persons were wounded, and some killed. The mayor and the sheriff, jNIr. James Bridges, were seized, and detained as hostages for the good behaviour of the citizens — the commandant threatening to hang them both if any further disturbance occurred. Luckily for the two gentle- men, the city remained tranquil throughout the night, for most assuredly the commandant would have been as good as his word. Next day — Friday, the 22nd of August, 1651 — the scouts sent out by Colonel James reported that the first division of the royal army, commanded by the young king in person, was close upon Red Hill — already described as a woody eminence about a mile distant, on the south of the city. Shortly afterwards, the enemy's cavalry skirmishers could be distinguislied on Perry Wood. Then the advanced guard ap- peared — the helmets and corslets of the cuirassiers glittering in the sunbeams. Tliousands of loyal citizens, who were forbidden to mount the fortifications, climbed to the roofs of the houses, and to the tops of the churches, to obtain a glimpse of the royal army, and could not restrain tlieir enthusiastic feeling when they beheld it. Colonel James, who had been actively employed throughout the whole night in making the best defensive preparations in his power, had seen that all the engineers on the ramparts were at their posts, and he now proceeded to the detached fort near the Sidbury-gate. Mounring to the summit, which bristled with cannon, he turned his spy-glass towards the brow of the hill opposite to him, and G BOSCOBEL; OR, presently belield a company of richly accoutred officers ride out of the wood that clothed the eminence, and proceed to reconnoitre the fortifications from various points. That the foremost of the troop was the young kinp; himself he had no doubt, as well from the splendour of his accoutrements and the white plume in his hat, as from the deference paid him by his attendants. Evidently his majesty's brilliant staff was composed of the general officers and nobles "mentioned in General Lambert's despatch. That they were plannin