^ i ! t I II y DEFT, Q DOCUMENTS DEPT, J I PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR WOMEN AND GIRL WORKERS EMPLOYED IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. Prepared by the Home Office from information supplied by H.M. Inspectors of Factories. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERT OFPICB. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the foUowing addresses : IMPSWAL House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W. 1 ; 87, Peter Street, JIanchester ; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cakdifv ; 23, Forth Street, EoiNBnRGH ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, DtTBLm ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, Ltd., London, W.C. 2. 1917. Pric€ 3d. n*i. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR WOMEN AND GIRL WORKERS EMPLOYED IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS, (^t:Br;f. y-o-^^ -left Prepared by the Home Office from information supplied by H.M. Inspectors of Factories. I^ O N D O N ; PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.5I. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : IJIPERIAL HoDSE, KiNGSWAY, LONDON, W.C. 2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W. 1 ; 37, Peter Street, JL^nchestei; ; I, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, Ltd., London, W.C. 2. 1917. Price Sd. net. a t^^ r'\ IT^ H U O - M ^ C5 o s H O >J O £=^' ►-< b H o 7] p o s o X ■f. o Q:: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR WOMEN AND GIRL WORKERS EMPLOYED IN FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. The acconipanyiiig statement of processes in which there is special need of protective clothing for the women and girl workers, and of the most suitable types of jorotective clothing, has been compiled from information supplied by the Factory Inspectors. The statement does not include processes in trades certified as dangerous under the Factory Act where protective clothing is already required by Regulations ; but it includes the chief manufacturing processes in which, though not brought under Regulations, protective clothing as been found to be required for safeguarding the worker against accident or injury to health, or for securing her comfort and convenience in her work, or for protecting her ordinary clothing against damage caused by the materials, machinery, etc., used in the process on which she is employed, or resulting from the conditions under which the work has to be done. Under Section 7 of the Police, Factories, etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1916, the Home Office is empowered to require the provision of such clothing in any cases where it appears to be necessary for securing the welfare of the workers . In the great majority of cases the need for protective clothing arises from one or other of the following causes : — Dusty or dirty processes. Working about machinery, climbing ladders, etc. Use of acids or caustic liquids. Wet processes. Excessive heat. Exposure to weather. The statement is divided into two j^arts. Part I describes the different types of protective clothing recommended. These are illustrated in the photographs. Part II specifies in respect of each process the nature of the risk to be guarded against and (by reference to the distinguishing letters prefixed to the types in Part I) the particular type of clothing recommended. In a few cases protection of a special kind is required ; this is described specially in each case. (B1954) Wt. 8388— 486. 7500. 11/17. Sir J. C. & S. Gp. 32. 377829 PART I. There are two main types of protective clothing in general use : — The overall suit — Type A. The trouser or knicker suit with tunic — Type B. One or other of these types will as a rule be suitable wherever the work is dusty or dirty, or where women are employed on or near machinery not of a sj^ecia-lly dangerous character. Special types will be required in cases where there is exposure to acids or alkalis (Type C) ; excessive wet (Type D) ; machinery involving special risk (Type E) ; excessive heat (Type F) ; or where the employment is in the open air (Type G). The full descriptions of the several types are as follows : — Type A. — Overall d/jss and cap ; also ajjron in some cases. No outside pockets — sleeves to fasten closely at wrists. Type B. — Trouser or knicker suit with close-fitting coat or tunic, and leggings. No outside pockets. Type C. — Overall dress or trouser suit of woollen material (biize, etc.) ; cap ; leather apron (with bib) ; and high-topped waterproof boots or leather or flannel leggings, or puttees covering the open tops and lace-holes of clogs or boots. Gloves, in some cases, of rubber. Goggles where there is risk of sjjlashing. Type D. — Overall dress or trouser suit ; cap ; apron (with l:>i))) of waterproof material such as rubber, oilskin, mackintosh, pegamoid or leather ; and high-topped waterproof boots, or leggings or puttees covering the open tops and lace-holes of boots, or clogs. Type E. — Boiler suits ; cap. No outside pockets — sleeves to fasten closely at wrists. Type F. — Thin overall dress or trouser suit ; cap. The material may be cotton, drill, or jean, etc., or linen, of thickness according to need. Type G. — Weatherproof coat or trouser suit and clogs ; waterproof cap (" sou'wester "), Type A. — Overall dress and cap; apron. No outside pockets — sleeves to fasten closelv at wrists. G J, o A i ■ ^ ■iPWI 13 WL ' ^ & W •t; c A &-So i^ +^ W) ■^ 4J ^ ""^ '^ ,— t; Jh r- 5J ^ o . ■^ o •-' ^ ^ o 5 rt X o l-M '-^ u ^ t. c •s. • '-^ •4-J pq^ r 0) "" " Pi >> H 13 ' j»ri»w-.i»tai.< Type C — Overall dress or trouser suit of woollen material ; cap ; leather apron with bib ; high-topped waterproof boots. 8 . o o •- a> -c! ■*-' +^ ^ ••-H TO is [/3 0) - i-t t—1 O (/) m I - — - > H a; o l-H 03 u 0) > o 3 en 5 Pi H .... [/J .^ _rt o oj vs ^ , - — ~ !/2 O -^ •T' O .«« O tfi +^ 03 o u '$ O :^r2 2 in 03 O aj is <^ Oh Oh o3 O '•st»2^,JSA.ir;ai u o C/3 o U ^3 ci3 o C ■^ H rr-J t. o c :2; "2 35 o c o •- = WO?; a,.:: a> P< >> H lu 1-c en 3 C . O 1- u V -I '■J en +-> O 03 I RETURN DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT TO— » 350 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 7 DAYS 642-2569 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUL 8. 1981 APR 15 1981 lo^ii-iLi- R5CD IN KffAY 13 19 }^ DOC '■-"^i ^ JUN 1 2002 MftY 0120U )^a :;!j ::i: uayiord Bros. 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