THE HATIOHAL SERIES GF STANDARD SCHOOL-BOOKS COMPRISES STANDARD WORKS la every department or instruction and of every grade. The teacher in want of a book for any par- ticular purpose or class, will always Ond the best of its kind in our catalogue. No other scries even claims to be as complete as this. None is so extensive* or so judiciously selected. Among so many volumes a high standard of merit is maintained, as it is our aim never to permit our imprint upon a poor or unworthy book. It Is also our plan to make books not for a class or sect, but for the wnole country— unobjectionable to parties and creeds, while inculcating the great principles of political freedom and Christianity, upon which all right-minded persons are agreed. Hence, and from their almost universal circulation, the name — " National Series." Among the pi iucipal volumes are Parker & Watson's Rodders— in two distinct series, each complete in itself. 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I BARE MENTION can be made in this summary of all the other standard texts published by our house, as in English Language— Cleveland's Compendiums of Literature — Boyd's Annotated Authors, Composition, Logic, Criticism, &c. — Smith's Etymology, from every source of language— De- finers, Dictionaries, Writing Spellers, False Orthography, Dictation, Topical Lexicon— North- end's Series of Speakers— Zachos' Elocution, &c. History.— Mo.ntkIth's Child's U. S.— Mrs. Willard's Series; U. S. and Universal— Berauds •• s Rome— Summary of Hist., in 10J pages— Bible Hist.— Ecclesiastical Hist. 1'en and 1'encil Beers' Round hand Penmanship— Copy-book Cover— National Steel Pens — Sv.mi A Martin's Bookkeeping— On apman s Drawing Book— Drawing Cards— Allen's Map Dram Natural Science Norton & Porter's First Book— Peck's Ganot's Philosophy— Porter's Chemistry— McLntyre's Astronomy— Packs Geology— Jarvis' Physiology— Wood's Botany— hers' Zoology— Peck's Mechanics— Baktle:tt s College Philosophy. Important Works also are PUJOL'S French Class Book— Dwigtit's Mythology— TIunting- \rts—'s Political Economy— Mansfield's Government Manual— Alden's Ethic I ranal of Devotion— Tracy's School Record, Ac. Hie T. -.cliry't: /, ibrarj/ consists of over: 30 volumes of strictly professional literature, asPAGE's BOOK'S Normal Methods— Northend's Teacher's Assistant, Ac. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of all these and many more may be obtained by enclosing stamp to the Publishers, A. 2. BARHBS & COMPAHT, National Educational Publishers, 111 & 113 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK. PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS, DRAWING AND MENSURATION, APPLIED TO THE MECHANIC ARTS. BY CHARLES DAVIES, LL.D., AUTHOR OF FiHST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC; ARITHMETIC J UNIVERSITY ARITHMETIC ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA; ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY; ELEMENTS OF SURVEYING ; ELEMENTS OF ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY ; DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY ; SHADES, SHADOWS, AND LINEAR PERSPECTIVE ; AND DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. A. S. BARNES & COMPANY, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. *f 1875. DAVIES' MATHEMATICS. fa® viit F@ini ©@wssa 8 And Only Thorough and Complete Mathematical Series. IIST THREE PAETS. /. COMMON SCHOOL COURSE. Davies' Primary Arithmetic— The fundamental principles displayed in the Object Lessons. Davies' Intellectual Arithmetic. — Referring all operations to the unit 1 as the only tangible basis for logical development. Davies' Elements of Written Arithmetic. A practical introduction to the whole subject. Theory subordinated to Practice. Davies' Practical Arithmetic* — The most successful combination of Theory and Practice, clear, exact, brief, and comprehensive. //. ACADEMIC COURSE. Davies' University Arithme tic*— Treating the subject exhaustively as a science, in a logical series of connected propositions. Davies' Elementary Alyebra.*— A connecting link, conducting the pupil easily from arithmetical processes to abstract analysis. Davies' University Alyebra.*— For institutions desiring a more complete but not the fullest course in pure Algebra. Davies' Practical dlathem a tics. —The science practically applied to the useful arts, as Drawing, Architecture, Surveying, Mechanics, etc. Davies' Elementary Geometry. — The important principles in simple form, but with all the exactness of vigorous reasoning. Davies' Elements of Survey inr/.— Re-written in 1870. The simplest and most practical presentation for youths of 12 to 16. ///. COLLEGIATE COURSE. Davies' Bourdon's Alyebra.* — Embracing Sturm's Theorem, and a most exhaustive and scholarly course. Davies' University Alyebra.*— A shorter course than Bourdon, for Insti- tutions have less time to give the subject. Davies' Eeyendre's Geometry.— Acknowledged the only satisfactory trea- tise of its grade. 300,000 copies have been sold. Davies' Analytical Geometry and Calculus.— The shorter treatises, combined in one volume, are more available for American courses of study. Davies' Analytical Geometry. )The original compendiums, for those de- Davies' Diff. & Int. Calculus. > siring to give full time to each branch. Davies' Descriptive Geometry.— With application to Spherical Trigonome- try, Spherical Projections, and Warped Surfaces. Davies' Shades, Shadows, and Perspective— A succinct exposition of the mathematical principles involved. Davies' Science of Mathematics. — For teachers, embracing I. Grammar of Arithmetic, TIT. Logic and Utility of Mathematics, II. Outlines of Mathematics, IV. Mathematical Dictionary. * Keys may be obtained from the Publishers by Teachers only. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by CHARLES DAVIES, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. FRAC. MATH. PREFACE. The design of the present work is to afford an ele- mentary text-book of a practical character, adapted to the wants of a community, where every day new demands arise for the applications of science to the useful arts There is little to be done, in such an undertaking, ex- cept to collect, arrange, and simplify, and to adapt the work, in all its parts, to the precise place which it is intended to fill. The introduction into our schools, within the last few years, of the subjects of Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Drawing, has given rise to a higher grade of elementary studies , and the extended applications of the mechanic arts call for additional in- formation among practical men. To understand the most elementary treatise on Natu- ral Philosophy, or the simplest work on the Mechanic Arts, or even to make a plane drawing, some knowledge of the principles of Geometry is indispensable ; and yet, those in whose hands such works are generally placed, or who are called upon to make plans in the mechanic arts, feel that they have hardly time to go through with a full course of exact demonstration. The system of Geometry is a connected chain of rig- orous logic. Every attempt to compress the reasoning, by abridging it at the expense of accuracy, has been uni- formly and strongly condemned. IV PREFACE. All the truths of Geometry necessary to carry out fully the plan of the present work, are made accessible to the general reader, without departing from the exactness of the geometrical methods. This has been done by omit- ting the demonstrations altogether, and relying for the impression of each particular truth on a pointed question and an illustration by a diagram. In this way, it is "be- lieved that all the important properties of the geometrical figures may be learned in a few weeks ; and after these properties are developed in their practical applications, the mind receives a conviction of their truth little short of what is afforded by rigorous demonstration. The work is divided into seven Books, and each book is subdivided into sections. In Book I. the properties of the geometrical figures are explained by questions and illustrations. In Book II. are explained the construction and uses of the various scales, and also the construction of geo- metrical figures. It is, as its title imports, Practical Geometry. Book III. treats of Drawing. — Section L, of the Ele meats of the Art ; Section II., of Topographical Draw ing ; and Section III., of Plan-Drawing. Book IV. treats of Architecture, — explaining the dif- ferent orders, both by descriptions and drawings. Book V. contains the application of the principles of Geometry to the mensuration of surfaces and solids. A separate rule is given for each case, and the whole is illustrated by numerous and appropriate examples. Book VI. is the application of the preceding parts to Artificers' Work. It contains full explanations of all the scales and measures used by mechanics — the construc- tion of these scales — the uses to which they are applied PREFACE. V — and specific rules for the calculations and computa- tions which are necessary in practical operations. Book VII. is an introduction to Mechanics. It ex- plains the nature and properties of matter, the laws of motion and equilibrium, and the principles of all the sim- ple machines. Book VIII. embraces a description of the Table of Logarithms and their applications to many practical questions ; also, many problems on the measurement of heights and distances, and an article on the Strength of Materials, adopted from Chambers' Educational Course. From the above explanations, it will be seen that the work is entirely practical in its objects and character Many of the examples have been selected from a small work somewhat similar in its object, recently published in Dublin, by the Commissioners of National Education, and some from a small French work of a similar charac ter Others have been taken from Bonnycastle's Men suration, and the Library of Useful Knowledge was freely consulted in the preparation of Book VII. A friend, Lt. Richard Smith, also furnished most of the first and second sections of Book III. ; and the third section was chiefly taken from an English work. The author has indulged the hope that the present work, together with his First Lessons in Arithmetic for Beginners, his Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, and Ele mentary Geometry, will form an elementary course of mathematical instruction adapted to the wants of Prac- tical men, Academies and the higher grade of schools. Fishkill Landing, ^September, 1852. * DAVIES' COURSE OF MATHEMATICS. DAVIES' FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC— For beginner* DAVIES' ARITHMETIC— Designed for the use of Academies and Schoola KEY TO DAVIES' ARITHMETIC. DAVIES' UNIVERSITY ARITHMETIC— Embracing the Science of Numbers, and their numerous applications. KEY TO DAVIES' UNIVERSITY ARITHMETIC. DAVIES' ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA— Being an Introduction to the Science, and forming a connecting link between Arithmetic and Algebra. KEY TO DAVIES' ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. DAVIES' ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY— This work embraces the elementary principles of Geometry. The reasoning is plain and con- cise, but at the same time strictly rigorous. DAVIES' PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS*, WITH DRAWING AND MENSURATION— Applied to the Mechanic Arts. DAVIES' BOURDON'S ALGEBRA— Including Sturms' Theorem,- - Being an Abridgment of the work of M. Bourdon, with the addition of practical examples. DAVIES' LEGENDRE'S GEOMETRY and TRIGONOMETRY — Being an Abridgment of the work of M. Legendre, with the addition of a Treatise on Mensuration of Planes and Solids, and a Table of Logarithms and Logarithmic Sines. DAVIES' SURVEYING— With a description and plates of the Theod- olite, Compass, Plane-Table, and Level : also, Maps of the Topo- graphical Signs adopted by the Engineer Department — an explana- tion of the method of surveying the Public Lands, and an Elementary Treatise on Navigation. DAVIES' ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY— Embracing the Equa- tions of the Point and Straight Line — of the Conic Sections — of the Line and Plane in Space — also, the discussion of the General Equation of the second degree, and of Surfaces of the second order. DAVIES' DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY,— With its application to Spherical Projections. DAVIES' SHADOWS* and LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. DAVIES' DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS CONTENTS. BOOK I.— SECTION I. _•"" Page Of Lines and Angles 13 Of Parallel Lines — Oblique Lines 14 Of Horizontal Lines — Vertical Lines 14 Of Angles formed by Straight Lines — By Curves 15 Of the Right Angle — Acute Angle — Obtuse Angle 15—16 Two Lines intersecting each other 16 — 11 Parallels cut by a third Line — Oblique Lines 17 Ol the Circle, and Measurement of Angles 17 Degrees in a Right Angle — Quadrant 18 Sum of the Angles on the same Side of a Line 19 Sum of the Angles about a Point 19 SECTION II. Plane Figures 20 Different Kinds of Polygons 21 Different Kinds of Quadrilaterals 20—22 Diagonal of a Quadrilateral 23 Square on the Hypothenuse of a Right-angled Triangle 23 SECTION III. Of the Circle, and Lines of the Circle 24 Radius of the Circle — Diameter of the Circle 24 Arc — Chord — Segment — Sector 25 Angle at the Centre — At the Circumference 26 Angle in a Segment — Secant — Tangent 26 Figure inscribed in a Circle — Figure circumscribed about it 27 Measure of an Angle at the Centre — At the Circumference . . . 27 — 28 Sum of the Angles of a Triangle— Chords of ihc Circle 28 — 29 V1I1 CONTENTS. BOOK II.— SECTION I. Tape Practical Geometry 30 Description of Dividers, and Uso 30 — 31 Ruler and Triangle, and Use 32 — 33 Scale of Equal Parts, and Use 33 — 34 Diagonal Scale of Equal Parts, and Uso 36—37 Scale of Chords, and Use 38 Protractor, and Use 38 Gunter's Scale 39 Practical Problems.. 40—50 Questions for Practice 50 — 52 BOOK III.— SECTION I. Drawing in General 53 Illustration of Form— Of Shade and Shadow 53—60 Manner of using the Pencil 60 — 61 General Remarks 61 — 63 SECTION II. Topographical Drawing..... 63 Description of Topographical Drawing 63 Explanation of the Figures and Signs 64 — 70 SECTION III. Plan Drawing 70 Geometrical Drawings — Denned 70 Horizontal Plane — Denned 70 Vertical Plane — Defined 71 Plan — Denned 71 Illustrations of Plan 71—78 Sections 78—82 The Elevation 82—86 Remarks on Elevations 86* — 88 Oblique Elevations 88 — 95 General Remarks 95 — 96 BOOK IV.— SECTION I. Of Architecture 97 Definition of Architecture — How divided 97 Elements of Architecture — Mouldings 97 — 100 CONTENTS. IX SECTION IL Page Orders of Architecture — Their Parts 102 — 104 Tuscan Order : 105 Doric Order .. 105 Ionic Order , 107 Corinthian Order \. ]07 BOOK V.— SECTION I. Mensuration of Surfaces 109 Unit of Length, or Linear Unit 109 Unit of Surface, or Superficial Unit 109 Meaning of the term Rectangle 110 Denominations in which Areas are computed 1 12 — 1 14 Area of the Triangle ' 114 — 117 Properties of the Right-angled Triangle 117 — 119 Area of the Square 119—120 Area of the Parallelogram 120 — 121 Area of the Trapezoid 121—122^ Area of the Quadrilateral — Of an Irregular Figure 122 — 1 25 Areas and Properties of Polygons 125 — 132 Of the Circle— Area and Properties 132—143 Of Circular Rings 143—144 Area of the Ellipse 144—145 SECTION II. Mensuration of Solids 145 Definition of a Solid— Different Kinds 145—147 Content of Solids— Unit of Solidity— Table 147—149 Of the Prism 149 — 152 Of the Pyramid 152—157 Of the Frustum of a Pyramid 157 — 159 Of the Cylinder 159—163 Of the Cone 163—166 Of the Frustum of a Cone 167—169 Of the Sphere 169—173 Of Spherical Zones „ 174 Of Spherical Segments 1?4 — 176 Of the Spheroid 176—178 Of Cylindrical Rings 178—179 Of tho Five Regular Solids 179—183 1* \ X CONTENTS. BOOK VI. Pag» Artificers' Work , 184 SECTION I. Of Measures 184 Carpenters' Rule — Description and Uses 184 — 187 To multiply Numbers by the Carpenters' Rule 187 — 190 To find the Content of a Piece of Timber by the Carpenters' Rule 190 Table for Board Measure 191 Board Measure 192 SECTION II. Of Timber Measure 193 To find the Area of a Plank 193—194 To cut a given Area from a Plank 195 To find the solid Content of a square Piece of Timber 195 — 197 To cut off* a given Solidity from a Piece of Timber 197 To find the Solidity of round Timber 198 Of Logs for Sawing 199 To find the Number of Feet of Boards which can be sawed from a Log 200 SECTION III. Bricklayers' Work 201 How Artificers' Work is computed 201 Dimensions of Brick 202 To find the Number of Bricks necessary to build a given Wall 202 Of Cisterns 204 To find the Content of a Cistern in Hogsheads 204 Having the Height of a Cistern, to find its Diameter that it may contain a given Quantity of Water 205 Having the Diameter, to find the Height 205 SECTION IV. Masons' Work 20G SECTION V. Carpenters' and Joiners' Work 207 Of Bins for Grain 203 CONTENTS. XI Page To fiud the Number of cubic Feet in any Number of Bushels 208 To find the Number of Bushels which a Bin of a given Size will hold 208 To find the Dimensions of a Bin which shall contain a given Number of Bushels.... 209 SECTION VI. Slaters' and Tilers' Work 210 SECTION VII. Plasterers' Work 210 To find the Area of a Cornice 211 SECTION VIII. Painters' Work 212 SECTION IX. Pavers' Work 212 SECTION X. Plumbers' Work 213 BOOK VII. Introduction to Mechanics 215 SECTION I. Of Matter and Bodies 215 Matter— Defined 215 Body— Denned 215 Space — Defined 215 Of the Properties of Bodies 215 Impenetrability — Defined 215 Extension — Defined 2l(i Figure— Defined . 2lfi Divisibility— Defined 216 Inertia — Defined 217 Atoms— Defined 217 Attraction of Cohesion 217 Attraction of Gravitation 218 Weight— Defined 219 Xll CONTENTS. SECTION II. Page Laws of Motion, and Centre of Gravity 219 Motion — Defined 219 Force or Power — Defined 219 Velocity— Defined 219 Momentum — Defined 221 Action and Reaction — Defined 221 Centre of Gravity— Defined 222 SECTION III. Of the Mechanical Powers 224 General Principles..... 224 Lever— Different Kinds 224—227 Pulley 227—229 Wheel and Axle 230 Inclined Plane 231 Wedge— Screw 232 General Remarks 233 SECTION IV. Of Specific Gravity 234 Specific Gravity — Defined 234 When a Body is specifically heavier or lighter than another 234 Density— Defined 234 To find the Specific Gravity of a Body heavier than Water 236 To find the Specific Gravity of a Body lighter than Water 237 To find the Specific Gravity of Fluids 238 Table of Specific Gravities 239 To find the Solidity of a Body when its Weight and Specific Gravity are known 240 BOOK VIII. Applications of Mathematics 241 Logarithms 241- 253 Applications to Heights and Distances 253- -271 Strength of Materials 271 —296 GEOMETRY. BOOK I. SECTION I. OF LINES AND ANGLES. 1. What is a line? A Line is length, without breadth or thickness. 2. What are the extremities of a line called ? The Extremities of a Line are called points ; and any place between the extremities, is also called a point. 3. What is a straight line ? A Straight Line, is the shortest dis- tance from one point to another. Thus, AB is a straight line, and the shortest distance from A to B. 4. What is a curve line ? A Curve Line, is one which changes its direction at every point. Thus, . ABC is a curve line. 5. What does the word line mean ? The word Line, when used by itself, means a straight line; and the word Curve, means a curve line. 14 BOOK I. SECTION I. 6. What is a surface ? A Surface is that which has length and breadth, without height or thickness. 7. What is a plane, or plane surface ? A Plane is that which lies even throughout its whole ex tent, and with which a straight line, laid in any direction, will exactly coincide. 8. When are lines said to be parallel? Two straight lines are said to be paral- lel when they are at the same distance — from each other at every point. Parallel ^nes will never meet each other. 9. When are two curves said to be parallel? Two curves are said to be parallel or concentric, when they are at the same dis- tance from each other. Parallel curves will not meet each other. 10. What are oblique lines? Oblique lines are those which ap- proach each other, and meet if suffi- ciently prolonged. 11. What are horizontal lines? Lines which are parallel to the horizon, or to the water level, are called Horizontal Lines. Thus, the eaves of a house are horizontal. 12. What are vertical lines? All plumb lines are called Vertical Lines. Thus, trees and plants grow in vertical lines. 13. What is an angle? How is it read? An Angle is the opening or inclination of two lines which OF LINES AND ANGLES. ^ 15 meet each other in a point. Thus the lines AC, AB, form an angle at the point A. The lines AC, and AB, are called the sides of the angle, and their intersec- tion A, the vertex. The angle is generally read by placing the letter at the vertex in the middle : thus, we say the angle CAB. We may, however, say simply, the angle A. 14. May angles be formed by curved lines 1 Yes, either by two curves, CA, BA A forming the angle A, called a curvilinear angle : Or, by two curves AC, AB, forming the angle A: £ Or, by a straight line and curve, which is called a mixtilinear angle. D 15. When is one line said to be perpendicular to another ? One line is perpendicular to another, when it inclines no more to the one side than to the other. Thus, the line DB is perpendicular to AC, and the angle DBA is equal to DBC. A ~W 16 BOOK I. SECTION I. 16. What are the angles called? When two lines are perpendicular to each other, the angles which they form are called right angles. Thus, DBA and DBC are right angles. Hence, all right angles are equal to each other. B ~fi 17. What is an acute angle? An acute angle is less than a right angle. Thus, DBC is an acute angle. 18. What is an obtuse angle? An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle. Thus, EBC is an obtuse angle. D ~C B 19. If two lines intersect each other, what follows? If two lines intersect each other, the opposite angles A and A are called vertical angles. These an- gles are equal to each other, and so also are the opposite angles B and B. iy4_ 20. What follows when two parallel lines are cut by a third line ? If two parallel lines CD, AB, are *- D cut by a third line IG, the angles IHD and AFG, are called alternate > angles. These angles are equal to ^ /H each other. The angle IHD is also G equal to the angle IFB, and to the opposite angle CHG. 21. What follows when a line is perpendicular to one of several parallel lines ? If a line be perpendicular to one of several parallel OF LINES AND ANGLES. 17 E H lines, it will be perpendicular to all the others. Thus, if AB, CD, and EF, be parallel, the line CH drawn perpendicular to AB, will also be per- pendicular to CD and EF. 22. How many lines can be drawn from one point pcrpen dxcular to a line? From the same point D, only one line DB, can be drawn, which will be perpendicular to AB. £ 2? q y 23. If oblique lines are also drawn, what follows ? If oblique lines be drawn, as DC, DF* then: — 1st. The perpendicular DB, will be shorter than any of the oblique lines. 2d. The oblique lines which are nearest the perpendic- ular, will be less than those which are more remote. OF THE CIRCLE AND MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 24. What is the circumference of a circle 1 The circumference of a circle is a curve line, all the points of which are equally distant from a certain point within, called the centre. Thus, if all the points of the curve AEB are equal- ly distant from the centre C, this curve w r ill be the circumference of a circle. 25. For what is the circumference of a circle used? The circumference of a circle is used for the measure- ment of angles. 26. How is it divided? It is divided into 360 equal parts called degrees, each 18 BOOK I. SECTION I. degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called seconds. The de- grees, minutes, and seconds, are marked thus, °, / , " ; and 9° 18' 10", are read, 9 degrees, 18 minutes, and 10 sec- onds. 27. How are the angles measured? Suppose the circumference of a cir- cle to be divided into 360 equal parts, beginning at the point B. If, through the point of division marked 40, we draw CE, then, the angle ECB will be equal to 40 degrees. If we draw CF through the point of division marked 80, it will make CB an angle equal to 80 degrees. 28. How many degrees are there in one right angle, — in two — in three — in four ? If two lines AB, DE, are perpen- dicular to each other, the four angles BCD, DC A, ACE, and ECB, will be equal. These two lines will divide the circumference of the circle into the four equal parts BD, DA, AE, and EB, and each part will measure one of the right angles. But one quarter of 360 degrees, is 90 degrees. Hence, one right angle contains 90 degrees, two right angles 180 degrees, three right angles 270 degrees, and four right angles 360 degrees. 29. What is one quarter of the circumference called?--' one half of it ? One quarter of the circumference is called a quadrant, and contains 90 de-i grees. One half of the circumference is called a semi-circumference, and con- OF LINES AND ANGLES. 19 tains 180 degrees. Thus, AC is a quadrant, and ACB is a semi-circumference. 30. If one straight line meets another, what is the sum of the two angles equal to ? If a straight line EB meets anoth- er straight line AC, the sum of the angles ABE and EBC, will be equal to two right angles, since these two angles are measured by half the circumference. 31. If there be several angles, what will their sum be equal to ? If there be several angles CBF, e n FBE, EBB, DBA, formed on the same side of a line, their sum, for a like reason, will be equal to two right 32. What is the sum of all the angles formed about a point equal to? The sum of all the angles ACB, BCD, DC A, which can be formed about any point as C, is equal to four right angles, or 360 degrees, since they are measured by the entire circumference. 20 BOOK I. SECTION IX. SECTION II. OF PLANE FIGURES. 1. What is a plane figure ? A plane figure is a portion of a plane, terminated on all sides by lines, either straight or curved. 2. When the bounding lines are straight, what is it called? If the bounding lines are straight, the space they enclose is called a rectilineal figure, or polygon. 3. What are the lines themselves called? The lines themselves, taken together, are called the pe- rimeter of the polygon. Hence, the perimeter of a polygon is the sum of all its sides. 4. Name the different kinds of polygons. A polygon of three sides, is called a triangle. A polygon of four sides, is called a quadrilateral. A polygon of five sides, is called a pentagon. OF PLANE FIGURES. 21 A polygon of six sides, is called a hexagon. A polygon of seven sides, is called a heptagon. A polygon of eight sides, is called an octagon. A polygon of nine sides, is called a nonagon. A polygon of ten sides, is called a decagon. A polygon of twelve sides, is called a dodecagon. 5. What is the perimeter of a polygon ? The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of all its sides 6. What is the least number of straight lines which can enclose a space? Three straight lines, are the smallest number which can enclose a space. 7. Name the several kinds of triangles. First. — An equilateral triangle, which has its three sides all equal. JD Second. — An isosceles triangle, which has two of its sides equal. Third — A scalene triangle, which has its three sides all unequal. I / fi/Wtf A ALA fs 22 BOOK I. — SECTION II. Fourth. — A right-angled triangle, which has one right angle. In the right-angled triangle BAC, the side BC opposite the right angle, is called the hypothenuse. B 8. What is the base of a triangle ? — what its altitude ? The base of a triangle is the side on which it stands Thus, B A is the base of the right-angled triangle BAC. The line drawn from the opposite angle perpendicular to the base, is called the altitude. Thus, A C is the altitude. 9. Name the different kinds of quadrilaterals. First. — The square, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right an- gles. Second. — The rectangle, which has its angles right angles, and its opposite sides equal and parallel. Third. — The parallelogram, which has its opposite sides equal and parallel, but its angles not right angles. Fourth. — The rhombus, which has all its sides equal, and the opposite sides parallel, without having its angles right angles. Fifth. — The trapezoid, which has only two of its sides parallel. 10. What is the base of a figure ? What its altitude ? The base of a figure is the side on which it stands, and OF PLANE FIGURES. 23 the altitude is a line drawn from the top, perpendicular to the base. 11. What is a diagonal? A diagonal, is a line joining the vertices of two angles not adjacent. Thus, AB is a diagonal. 12. What is the square described on the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle equal to? In every right-angled triangle, the square described on the hypothenuse, is equal to the sum of the squares de- scribed on the other two sides. Thus, if ABC be a right- angled triangle, right-angled at C, then will the square D, described on AB, be equal to the sum of the squares E and F, described on the sides CB and AC. This is called the carpenter's theorem. By counting the small squares in the large square D, you will find their number equal to that contained in the small squares F and E. D 24 BOOK I. SECTION III. SECTION III. OF THE CIRCLE, AND LINES OF THE CIRCLE. 1. What is a circle? What is a circumference? A circle is a plane figure, bounded by a curve line, all the points of which are equally distant from a certain point within, called the centre. The curve line is called the circumference. Thus, the space enclosed by the curve ABD is called a circle : the curve ABD is the circumference, and the point C, the centre. 2. What is the radius of a circle ? Are all radii equal 1 Any line, as CA, drawn from the cen- . tre C to the circumference, is called a radius, and two or more such Knes, are radii. All the radii of a circle are equal to each other. 3. What is the diameter of a circle ? the circumference? The diameter of a circle is any line, as AD, passing through the centre and terminating in the cumference. Every diameter circle divides it into two equal parts, called semicircles, or half cir cles. How does it divide OF THE CIRCLE, ETC. 25 4. What is an arc ? An arc is any portion of the circum- ference. Thus, AEB is an arc. 5. What is a chord? A chord of a circle, is a line drawn within a circle, and terminating circumference, but not passing through the centre. Thus, AB is a chord. A chord divides the circle into two unequal parts. 6. What is a segment? A segment of a circle, is a part cut off by a chord. Thus, AEB is a seg- ment. • The part AOB, is also a segment, although the term is generally applied to the part which is less than a semi- circle. 7. What is a sector? A sector of a circle, is any part of a circle bounded by two radii and the arc included between them Thus, ACB is a sector. 2 26 BOOK I. SECTION III. 8. What is an angle at the centre? An angle at the centre, is one whose vertex is at the centre of the circle. Thus, BCE, or ECD, is aa angle at the centre. 9. What is an angle at the circumfe- rence ? An angle at the circumference, is one whose angular point is in the circum- ference. Thus, BAC, or BOC, is an angle at the circumference. 10. What is an angle in a seg- ment ? An angle in a segment^ is formed by two lines drawn from any point of the segment to the two extremities of the arc. Thus, ABE is an angle in a seg- ment. 11. What is a secant line? A secant line, is one which meets the circumference in two points, and lies partly within and partly without. Thus, AB is a secant line. 12. What is a tangent line? — What position has it with the radius passing through the point of contact ? A tangent is a line which has but one point in com- OF THE CIRCLE, ETC 27 mon with the circumference. Thus, EMD is a tangent. The point M at which the tangent touches the circumference is called the point of contact. The tangent line is perpen- dicular to the radius passing through the point of contact. Thus, CM is perpendicular to EMD. 13. When is a figure said to be inscribed in a circle? — What is said of the circle ? A figure is said to be inscribed in a circle when all the angular points of the figure are in the circumference. The circle is then said to circumscribe the figure. Thus, the triangle ABC is inscribed in the circle, and the circle circumscribes the triangle. 14. When is a figure said to be circumscribed about a circle ? A figure is said to be circumscribed about a circle, when all the sides of the figure touch the circumference. The cir- cle is then said to be inscribed in the figure. 15. How is an angle at the centre of a circle measured? An angle at the centre of a circle is measured by the arc contained by the sides of the angle. This arc is said to subtend the angle. Thus, the angle ACB is measured by the degrees in the arc AEB i and is subtended by the arc AEB. 2b BOOK I. SECTION III. 16. What measures an angle at the circumference? An angle at the circumference of a circle, is measured by half the arc which subtends it. Thus, the angle BAD is measured by half the arc BD. Hence, it follows, that when an angle at the centre and an angle at the circumference stand on the same arc BD, the angle at the centre will be double the angle at the circumference. ] 7. What is the sum of the three an- gles of any triangle equal to ? To 180 degrees, since they will be measured by one half of the entire cir- cumference. 18. What is an angle in a semicircle equal to? An angle inscribed in a semicircle, is a right angle. Thus, if AB be the diameter of a cir- cle, then will the angle ACB be equal to 90 degrees. This angle is measured by one half the semi-circumference, that is, by one half of 180°, or by 90°. . 19. Are the arcs intercepted by parallel chords equal, or unequal ? Two parallel chords intercept equal arcs. That is, if the chords AB and CD are parallel, the arcs AC and DB, which they intercept, will be equal. OF THE CIRCLE, ETC. 29 20. If cu line be drawn from the centre of a circle perpen- dicular to a chord, what follows ? If from the centre of a circle a line be drawn perpendicular to a chord, it will bisect the chord, and also the arc of the chord. Thus, CFE drawn from the cen- tre C, perpendicular to AB, bi- sects AB at F, and also makes AE = EB. 21. How is the distance from the centre of a circle to a chord measured? The distance from the centre of a circle to a chord, is measured on a perpendicular to the chord. 22. How are chords which are equally distant from the centre ? In the same, or in equal circles, chords which are equally distant from the centre, are equal. Thus, if CA = CB, then will the chord FG = chord DE. \l 30 BOOK II. SECTION I. BOOK II. SECTION I. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 1. What is Practical Geometry? Practical geometry explains the methods of constructing, or describing the geometrical figures. 2. What is a problem ? Any question which requires something to be done ; and doing the thing required, is called the solution of the prob- lem. 3. What are necessary in the solution of geometrical prob- lems ? Certain instruments which are now to be described. 4. What are the dividers or compasses ? The dividers is the most simple and useful of the in- PROBLEMS 31 struments used for describing figures. It consists of two legs, ba and be, which may be easily turned arourd a joint at b. 5. How will you lay off on a line, as CD, a distance equal to AB? Take up the dividers with the thumb and second finger, and place the fore-finger on the joint at b. Then, set one foot of the dividers at A, and ex- tend the other leg with the thumb t -? and fingers, until the foot reaches c U n to B. Then, raising the dividers, place one foot at C, and mark with the other the distance CE, this will evidently be equal to AB. 6. How will you describe from a given centre, the circum- ference of a circle having a given radius ? Let C be the given centre, and CB the given radius. Place one foot of the dividers at C, and extend the other leg until it shall reach to B. Then turn the dividers around the leg at C, and the other leg will describe the required circumference. 7. How may this* be done on a black board with a string and chalk ? Take one end of the string between the thumb and fore- finger of the left hand, and place it at the centre C. Then take the length of the radius on the string, at which point place the chalk held between the thumb and finger of the right hand. Then, holding the end of the string firmly at C, turn the right hand around, and the chalk will trace the circumference of the circle. 32 BOOK II. SECTION I. 8- Describe the ruler and triangle. A ruler of a convenient size, is about twenty inches in length, two inches wide, and one-fifth of an inch in thick- ness. It should be made of a hard material, perfectly- straight and smooth. The hypothenuse of the right-angled triangle, which is used in connection with it, should be about ten inches in length, and it is most convenient to have one of the sides considerably longer than the other. We can resolve with the ruler and triangle the two following problems. 9. Describe the manner of drawing through a given point a line, which shall be parallel to a given line, with the ruler and triangle. Let C be the given point, and AB the given line. Place the hypothenuse of the tri- c angle against the edge of the ruler, l and then place the ruler and trian- ji_ ]$ gle on the paper, so that one of the sides of the triangle shall coincide exactly with AB — the triangle being below the line AB. Then placing the thumb and fingers of the left hand firmly on the ruler, slide the triangle with the other hand alonor the ruler until the side which coincided with AB reaches the point C. Leaving the thumb of the left hand SCALE OF EQUAL PARTS. 33 on the iuler. extend the fingers upon the triangle and hold it firmly, and with the right hand mark with a pen or pen- cil a line through C : this line will be parallel to AB. 10. Explain the manner of drawing through a given point, a line which shall be perpendicular to a given line, with the ruler and triangle. Let AB be the given line, and D the given point. Place, as before, the hypothenuse of the triangle against the edge of the ruler. Then place the ruler and tri- angle so that one of the sides of the A triangle, shall coincide exactly with the line AB. Then slide the triangle along the ruler until the other side reaches the point D. Draw through D a straight line, and it will be perpendicular to AB. 11. What is a scale of equal parts ? . , I .7 .s ..T.A.5 .6 .7 .8 .'J I? A scale of equal parts is formed by dividing a line of a given length, into equal portions. If, for example, the line ab, of a given length, say one inch ; be divided into any number of equal parts, as 10, the scale thus formed is called a scale often parts to the inch. 12. What is the unit of a scale, and how is it laid off? The line ab which is divided, is called the unit of the scale. This unit is laid off several times on the left of the divided line, and the points marked 1, 2, 3, &c. The unit of scales of equal parts, is, in general, either an inch oi an exact part of an inch. If, for example, the unit of the scale ab, were one inch, the scale would be one of ten parts to the inch ; if it were half an inch, the scale would 2* 34 BOOK II. SECTION I. be one of ten parts to half an inch, or of 20 parts to the inch. 13 How will you take from the scale two inches and six- tenths ? Place one foot of the dividers at 2 on the left, and ex- tend the other to .6, which marks the sixth of the small divisions : the dividers will then embrace the required dis- tance. 14. How will you lay down, on paper, a line of a given length, so that any number of its parts shall correspond to the unit of the scale ? Suppose that the given line were 75 feet in length, and it were required to draw it on paper, on a scale of 25 feet to the inch. The length of the line, 75 feet, being divided by 25, will give 3, the number of inches which will represent the line on paper. Therefore, draw the indefinite line AB f on which lay off a ' ■ tr° a distance AC equal to 3 inches: AC will then represent the given line of 75 feet, drawn to the required scale. 15. What does the last question explain? The last question explains the method of laying down a line upon paper, in such a manner that a given number of parts shall correspond to the unit of the scale, whether that unit be an inch or any part of an inch. When the length of the line to be laid down is given, and it has been determined how many parts of it are to be represented on the paper by a distance equal to the unit of the scale, we find the length which is to be taken from the scale by the following PROBLEMS. 35 RULE. Divide the length of the line by the number of parts which is to be represented by the unit of the scale : the quotient will show the number of parts which is to be taken from the scale. EXAMPLES 1. If a line of 640 feet in length is to be laid down on paper, on a scale of 40 feet to the inch ; what length must be taken from the scale ? 40)640(16 inches 2. If a line of 357 feet is to be laid down on a scale of 68 feet to the unit of the scale, (which we will suppose half an inch,) how many parts are to be taken ? ( 5.25, parts, or Ans ' ( 2.625 inches. 16. When the length of a line is given on the paper, how will you find the true length of the line represented ? Take the line in the dividers and apply it to the scale, and note the number of units, and parts of a unit to which it is equal. Then, multiply this number by the number of parts which the unit of the scale represents, and the pro- duct will be the length of the line. EXAMPLES. 1. Suppose the length of a line drawn on the paper, to be 3.55 inches, the scale being 40 feet to the inch: then, 3.55 X 40 = 142 feet, the length of the line. 2. If the length of a line on the paper is 6.25 inches, and the scale be one of 30 feet to the inch, what is the true length of the line 1 Ans. 187.5 feet. 36 BOOK II. — SECTION I. 17. How do you construct the diagonal scale of equal PARTS ? rlf l^l X I !!» ■'■A>A Fig. 2. i f f f f f f f i I f 1» tf 'P tftf i iff tf * f * tf " L "S Telegraph Fig. 4. Post-office House Fiff. 5. 66 BOOK III. — SECTION II. 3. Explain the figures on the next page. Fig. 1 represents a rice-plantation ; Fig. 2, an ornamen tal garden ; Fig. 3, a cotton-field ; Fig. 4, ploughed land , Fig. 5, an orchard; and Fig. 6, a vineyard. Figs. 1, 3, 5, and 6, are drawn as was described in the case of page 65, Fig. 2. Where it is not necessary to describe minutely the kind of crop existing upon the land, every kind of cultiva- tion may be expressed as is done in Fig. 4. Figs. 7, 8, and 9 indicate, respectively, the details of the leaves for oak, fruit, and chestnut trees, whenever their use in a plan is desirable. Fig. 10 represents a. heath and common road. It is left white, being a level, with the exception of the tufts of grass. Fig. 11 is an oak, &c. forest. Fig. 12 is a salt marsh. This is drawn in a different manner from a fresh-water marsh, being composed of un- broken Horizontal lines, with tufts of grass interspersed among them. Fig. 13 represents meadow, or bottom land, with a small stream running through it. The sign for the grass is here more regularly disposed than in a heath, or common. Fig. 14 shows the mode of indicating different kinds of roads, fences, paths, &c. 4. How is water represented! Running water, the water of lakes, and water that is affected by tides, are always represented by lines drawn within the outline, and parallel to the shores, in such a manner, that by gradually increasing the distance between the lines, which are at first very close together, the shade may be uniformly lightened from the shores to the middle. The course of the current is indicated by an arrow, with the head turned in the direction in which the water runs. Fig 1. !■£> £-$! ;