p fc53 k\Z Ufc UC-NRLF *c iflD mi /i n I U. S. DSPARTI.ENT OF LABOR- LIBRARY, ^"^^^ WASHINGTON RECONSTRUCTION: A PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY* Compiled by Laura A, Thompson. ^ • ;• BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. 1 American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia . America's interests after the European war, Philadelphia, Amer. acad. of polit, and social science, 1915. 323 p. 25cm. ( Its Annals, v, 61, whole no. 150.) Includes a number of papers on problems of unemployment. 2 America's relation to the world conflict and to the coming peace. Philadelphia, 1917. 250 p. 25cm, (its Annals, v, 72, whole no. 161.) Besides papers on the problems of a durable peace includes also the following: Planning the future America, by H.A.W. Wood; Growth of industrial democracy, by A.E. Holder; Equipment for the post-bellum period, by C.H. Sherrill; Democratic organization for the coming peace conference, by E.A. Filene. Financing the war. Philadelphia, 1918 Dt55 » 244 p. 24^m. (its Annals, v. 75, whole no. 164.) Rehabilitation of the wourided. Philadelphia, 1918. 164 p. ( Its Annals, v. 80, whole no. 169.) Includes am,ong other papers: Returning the disabled soldier to economic independence,, by D.C. McMurtrie; Employment opportunities for Pennsylvanians disabled in war service, by Lew R. palmer; Placing the disabled in industry, by Gertrude Stein; The employment of disabled service men, by F.W. Keough; A practical help for cripples, an open suggestion to all employers of labor, by F. Mack; The organization and operation of the St, Louis placement bureau for handicapped men, by G.C. Robinson. War adjustments in railroad regulation. Philadelphia, 1918. 333 p. 24^m. ( Its Annals, v, 76, whole no. 165.) Papers discuss also the control of railroads after the war* AQ,erica after the war, by an American jurist. New York, The Century Co., 1918. 208 p. 18cm. Reprinted from the New York Times. Contents America and the v;ar. Belgium and Luxemburg The Balkans. — The sequel of the war. — Mexico. — Canada. — The West Indies.— Asia and the Pacific. — America after the war.— Democracy.— An Ameri- can merchant marine. — Preparedness. American federation of labor, Report of proceedings of the 37th-38th annual convention of the American federation of labor. Washington, Law reporter printing co., 1917-1918, 2v. 1917: Reconstruction proposals, p. 136-141, 1918: Resolutions relating to reconstruction, p. 235-237. Covers only literature in the Department of Labor Library. A more comprehensive bibliography is in preparation. Includes only recent references on disabled soldiers. For bibliographies of earlier literature, see nos. 200-201. • ••«•«••.•••••• • • 8 '.Ariicrici: n industrial comtdssion to Frr.ncc . Report to the Anericnn nrnuf t cturers export r^ssociation by the /jnericr n industrial conmiFsion to France, Sept .-Oct .1916 . Nev York, Precis of Redfield-Kendrick-Odell co. inc. 1917 256 p. A Ftudy of French Pocirl and industrial condition?? v-ith some suggestions regarding reconstruction. Bibliography: p. 233-238. 9 American problems of reconstruction; a nrtional symposium on the economic r nd finrncial rspects.ed. by Elisha j.'. Friedman, rith a forerord by Franklin K. Lane.'^iecretary of the Interior - Ner York, E.P.Dutton company ,1918, xxvi,471 p. 21cm, pi . ,f old .map . Contents .-The problem of reconstruction in the U.S., by E.i'. Friedman. -Principles of reconstruction in Europe , by E .;.;.Friedi..an. -Economic probleus during the rar and aftervards, by D. Noyes.-Our mineral resources, by Geo, Otis Smith. -Technical research, by 7r.V' .IVhitney .A.A.Potter , and A.Rogers .-Scientific management, by F.B. and L .Gilbreth. -Readjustment of industries, by Charles li.Schvab and B .G.Hesse .-Capital , labor and the stfte, by Louis B. Wehle .-Concentration and control in industry and trade, by W.B .Colver.-Rail-T y problem, by Ray L.orris .-Distribution of agricultural products, by Charles J .Brand .-Shipping problem, by Emory R. Johnson. -Free port as an instrument of vorld trade, by Edv'in J, Clapp.-Interm tional cor.imerce , by 0. P. Austin. - Government aids to trade, by C.D.Snov.-Finnncing our foreign trade , by Henry E. Cooper .-Strbilizing foreign, exchange, by Robert L .0\','en. -Foreign investments , by F.H.Sisson. -Stabilizing the dollar in purchasing po?'er,by Irving Fisher. -War and interest rates, by E .v. Ke:-.imerer.-Nf tional thrift, by Frank A. Vanderlip. -Fiscal reconstruction, by Edwin R.A.Selignan.-Can Democracy be efficient? The mechanics of administrr tion,by Frederick A.Cleveland. 10 Auburtin,J .I'irrcel and H.Blr.nchard . La cite'^ de demain dans les regions devastecs . Paris , A. Colin, 1917 . 317 p. 254cm. A study of the problems surroundinfT the vork of rebuilding the ruined to^ns and villages of France, including a discussion of the problem of labor shortage in the building trades '■ith suggestions as to hov/ it may be met . 11 Badley,John Haden. Educrtion rfter the r-ar... Oxf ord.B .H .Blackv'ell,1917. ix. 125 p. 194ci.:. 12 Brn"cll,H.N. South Australia - Soldiers' settlements. Repatriation in relation to the establisharnt of nev; industries for returned soldiers ani^ toT/n planning problems connected therewith. Adelride, 1918. 16 p. 13 '*-Bauer, Stephen. Arbeitschutz und volkerger.ieinschaft . Zurich, 1918. 157 p« Includes the text of the international protective labor progrnus set up by the conferences of Leeds (1916) and Berne (1917) * Ordered. I I rie p-c und nn.ch f ricndcnpchlus? . 7. crcinipunr zur forderung des intf cntlichuncen. Heft. 42.) 3. 14 Sozir.lpolitik in kriepr und nn.ch f ricndcnpchlus? . Zurich, 1917. ' rnrtii^nr len . _ Intrrn^tionrl rector of the L^nr 1 Lrbor Office . 15 Belevpky, A» ...Les orpr.niso.tions publiquef^ rupses et leur role pendr.nt Ir puerre . . . Pnris, Hrchette et cie.,1917. xxxii, 336 p. IQcn. 16 Ecnn, Ernest J. P. Trade parlirnents end their v^rk . London, Nisbct vtA cr.,1918, 91 p, IVcn. Author ip chrarman of the Induptrirl Reccnstructi':'n Council . By a Trade Parliament in inernt practically the surie thing as the Joint Standing Industrial Council of the IJhitley report (see no. 105). DIpcupscp the vcrk v:hich lies before such councils , particularly in the period of reconstruction. 17 '^Bevan, Edn-yn. German social dcip.ocracy durinr the var, London, G .Allen rnd Unr-in, 1918. 19 Errdcn,Sir Robert Lrird- The v/ar and the future, bcinp a narrative compiled froa speechcfl delivered at various periods of the var in Canada, the United States, and Great Britain, rith an introductory letter to the compiler, Percy Hurd . . . London, New York etc. Redder r nd> Stourhton, 1917. xxiv , 164 p. front, (port.) 19cu. "Refare'nces": td. 163-164. 20 Barrel, Antoine. La lutte contre le chonare, "vant , pendant et apres la oicrre . Paris, Dunod et Pinat, 1917. 336 p. 21^cm. (Encyclopedic p.'.rlcmcntaire des sciences politiques et flociales .) Chapters cover unemployinant and iieasures to prevent it in France, Enpland, Germany, Switzerland, '\cr\vry, Belgium and other European countries and the v'ork of the "Association internationale pour la lutte contre Ir ch8mar.-e »" 20; Bray, Rerina.ld Arthur. The perils of demobilisation. (In Gt.Brit. Board of education. Papers read at a conference on the Choice of eraployiricnt act. London ,1917 p. 44-54.) Discusses the effects of the vrr on juvenile employi.;ent, Qc:aobilization as it effects juvenile "'orkers , end the pr rt v;hich can be played by Juvenile Employment Con/dtteef' . '^ Ordered . 4. 21 The problem of juvenile emplojment after the vmr . London? 1917? 13 p. 24^cm. 22 British r.ssocir.tion for the rdvr.ncenent ^f science. ...Drrft interin report of the conference to investigc.te into outlets for l-^bor after the vr.r . IuTnchester,1915. 82 p. 21-^m. Sec niso Kirkrldy.Adrji V/. (Nos .134-136) 23 Butcher, Gerrld Y'. Allotments for rll'.the story of a grer.t movement. London, Allen rnd Unvan, 1918. 96 p. Author is superintendent and instructor of the Vacant Land Cultivation Sociity and orf^anizinp director of the London and Southern sections of the National Union of Allotment Holders . 24 . Cr.nada . Commission of conservr-tion . ...Rural planninr and development, a study of rural conditions rnd problems in Crnada,.by Thomas Adcns . . . Ottr.v/a,1917. 281 p. illus . 25Tcra, Returned soldiers nnd land settlement: p. 207-216; Land settlement and cfter-vnr employment problems :p. 268-270. Revieved in ;v;onthly reviev, April 1918, p. 283-286. 25 « ■ Parliament . House of commons . Soldiers' pension rerulations. Ottava, 1918. 349 p. Includes regulations relating to disabled soldiers . 26 ■ " ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Special committee on returned soldiers . Returned soldiers; proceedings of the special committee appointed to consider, inquire into andreport upon the reception, treatment, care, trr.ining and re-education of. the v-ounded, disabled and convalescent vho have served in the Canadian expeditionary forces , and the provision of employment for those vho hrve been honorably discharged, and the tr-'inin- and re-education of those so discharged vrho are unable to enrage in their former occupation. Comprising the evidence taken and statements submitted in connection therewith, February 7th to July 17th, 1917. Ottawa, J .de L. Tache, 1917. xxxviii, 1262 p. plates, fold. form. 25-^m. 27 Carter, Huntly, ed. Industrial reconstruction; a symposium on the situation after the rrr and ho'" to meet it. London, T.F.Unv;in,ltd . 1917, XV, 295 p. 19cm. Mainly reprinted from the Nev; age, November, 1916-April, 1917 . The questions submitted vere : (l) ^Vhat in your opinion vill be the industrial situation after the vrr as regards (a) Labor; (b) Capital; (c) the nation as a single commercial entity? (2) TTiat in your view is the best policy to be pursued by (a) Labor;(b) Capital; (c) the Stntc? Contributions give the vier's of a number of leading employers, business men, trade unionists, economists, and members of social org!::ni2ationB . 28 Cbrnce, ?ir V/illirLin. Industrir.l unrest; the reports of the comhdssjioners (July 1917) collated and epitomised, .... London, i'ub. for the British constitution association, by P.S.Kinr and son, ltd . ,1917. 39 p. 21-^crn. Suirmcry of the reports on industrial unrest listed under no. 70. 29 Chapman, Sydney John ed . Lrbor and capital after the vt.r , by various writers, vith an introduction by the Rirht Hon. J .H.V/hitley, :■;.?,. . London, J .Aiurray ,1918- X, 280 p. 19cm. Appendix: First report of the Committee of the i'.inistry of reconstruction on relations bttv^een employers and employed, J . H.Whit ley, chairman - Reviewed in the Nev Statesman, June 1, 1918, p, 175-176. Includes papers by the Eishop of Birmin~h::in, J.R.Clynes, Lord Leverhulme , Adelaide I'. Anderson, R .H.Tavmey, F. Dudley Docker, F.S. Button, Sir Huph Bell, A, Susan Lcv/rence and B. Seebohra Rovntree . Five of the contributors vere mecibers of the v^hitley committee. 30 Cole .Georpe Dourlas Hov/ard . Self -povernment in industry, London, G. Bell and sons, ltd., 1917. X p, , 1 1,, 329 p. 19cn. Reprinted i n part from the Nev- ap-e and other periodicals. Conference of v/orkinr class association, Oxford . see Ruskin college, Oxford. Cooper, Sir V'. Earnshav see Farnshaw-Cocper , Sir T. 31 Corless , C.V. "The V^hitley scheme": a step tovards denocratisinr industrial relations . 15 d. Paper read at annual meetinr of Canadian Lininc Institute, Montreal, 1918. 32 D^voust, Henri. L'avenir du scldrt francais , Paris , Houvelle libraric nationale, 1918. 157 p. 33 Dr.rson.^r'illipn Harbutt , ed. After-^'-ar problems, by the Earl of Cromer, Viscount Haldane, the Bishop of Exeter, Professor Alfred I'-arshall, and others; ed . by Villirjn Harbutt Dav-son. Lond -n, G. Allen and Unrin ltd. 1917. 366 p. diaprs , 22cm. Contents . -Introduction, by the editor .-I .Empire "nd citizenship: Iraperi-^l federation, by the Krrl of Cramer. The state '.nd the citizen, by Bishop Welldon. The cultivation of patriotism, by the Earl of Liec-th. The alien question, by Sir H.H. Johnston. -II .National efficiency :Nf'.tionnl education, by Viscount Ht.ldrne .Organization of the national resource?, by Sir J .Compton-Pickett .The ptate and industry, by r'.Gr.rnett .The str.te and labor, by S . J .Chapmr-.n . The relations betu-een capitf.l and labor: 1, The standpoint of labor, by G .H.Roberts . 2 .The standpoint of capital, by Sir B.C. Brovnc . The land question, by W.Joynson-Hicks . The position of v.'oraen in economic life, by its. Fa\^cett .-III . Social refonn: The rehabilitation of rural life, by the Bishop of Fxeter (Lord W. Gnscoyne-Cecil) .Housing after the v;ar , by H.R.Aldridpc. National health, by J. Kerr. The care of child life, by u.arparet i/icivlillan. Unsolved problems of the En.f^lish poor law by Sir W. Chance. -IV. National finance and taxation:Naticnal taxation after the war, by A. Marshall, Nrtional thrift, by A. Shervrell. 34 Dean, Arthur D. Our schools in v/ar time- and after. Boston, G-inn and co., 1918. 335 p. 19-g-cm. 3 5 Desliniei;s ,Lucien . . .Orpanisons-nous , Solution des problemes d'apres puerre . . . Paris ,M.GiRrd & E .Briers, 1917. 2p.l., 88 p., 2 1. 19|-cm. 36 ^Devon and Cornwall associations for industrial ond commercial reconstructionj Report on the reconstruction of industry .prepared rfter a series of conferences of Plymouth and Cornish citizens vho v/ere also employers and trade unionists, held at Plymouth in March and April, 1918. 28 p. Discusses causes of unrest, demobilisation and unemployment, vath suggestions for industrial reconstruction. Reviewed in Monthly Labor rewiev; , Oct. 1918, p. 51-54. 3 7 Drake, Barbara V/omen in the enpineerin? trades; a problem, a solution, and some criticisms; beinp- a report based on an enquiry by a Joint coimnittee of the Fabian research department and the Fabian Women's group... Westmi dster, Fabian research department; London, G. Allen and Unv/in ltd., 1917. 143, 3 p. 21-§-cm. (Fabian society, London. Research dept. Trade union series, no, 3) Reconstruction outlook and recommendations', p. 81 -112. Reviewed in Monthly reviev;, June, 1918, p. 156-160 under title "Women in the British engineering trr.des after the v/ar." 38 Drew , i"alter. After-the-?/ar and other current labor problems. New York, 1917 3 typewritten leaves. 28cra. 39 Dutcher, George M. A selected critical bibliography of publications in English relating to the world ?/ar. Phila. i.xKinley pub. co., 1918. 36 p. (War supplement to the History teacher's magazine, lV.arch,1918.) The war and democracy; Results of the war; problems of peace: p. 28-29. 7. 40 Easlcy, Ralph After the v-ar problcmp ; no Bolshevik revolution in America after the var; overv'helraing and sane forces of organized labor vill prevent revolutionary overturning of order... New York? 1918 22 p. 23cm. Elements of reconstruction. Articles in London Times see Wells, H.G. 41 EernRhav -Cooper, Sir W, ...The land industry... Published by the Central committee for national patriotic organizations, London ^Suttley and Silverlock, ltd., 1916, cover-title, 51, 1 p. 18^cm. (BritiFh industries after the v;ar,no.l,) 42 Ellinger, Barnard. Productivity of labor after the r'ar...a paper read before the Bankers' institute, L'anchester . . .1917. . Leeds ,1917. cover-title, 24 p% 22cm. 43 Fabian society, London . Research dept . Ho7' to pay for the v,'ar:being iders offered to the Chancellor of the Exchequer by the Fabian research department, Ed. by Sidney Yebb. London, Fabian society 1916. 278 p. 22-5-cm. Contents .-The development of the Post Off ice. -A public service of rail7/ay and canal transport .-The nationalisation of the coal supply. -A state insurance department .-A revolution in the income tax, 44 Fayle, C. Ernest. Industrial reconstruction, by C. Ernest Fayle ., .^London, VJ.Clov.'es and sons, limited, 1916?^ 23 p, 22cm, Reprinted from the Quarterly reviev;, Oct. 1916. A discussion of the Carton foundation's memorandum on the industrial situation after the var. 45 Federation of British industries. Industrial councils .Recommendation? on the I'fhitley report put forv-ard by the Federation of British industries. Aug. 3, 1917. . London, 1917, 4 p. 46 Fisher, Herbert A.L, Educational reform speeches. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1918. 101 p, Speeches delivered on the goverrcnent 's education bill, 1917-1918, by the president of the British Board of Education. 47 Fleury, R de . La production industrielle intensive: son influence sur le prix de revient... Paris, 1917. 2 p.l,, 72 p., 1 1. 22^cra. Friedman, Elisha L', ejd. American problems of reconstruction see American problems of reconstruction (no, 9). / 48 Furniss, Henry Sanderson, ed . The industrial outlook, by various writers, London, Chatto and Windus , 1917 ix, 402 p. incl . tables, diagrs . 19^cra. Bibliography at end of each chapter. Contents . -Introductory ,by H. Sanderson Furniss .-Employees and property, by George T'. Daniels. -The war and the status of the v/age-earnrr , by Henry Clay. -Labor orpanisa+ion, by J.R. Taylor. -The control of industry by producers and consumers, by V.'illiam Piercy .-Rural problems, by Arthur V'. Ashby .-Credit and banking, by T.E. Gregory .-Industry and taxation, by Vf.H.Pringlc.- The state and the control of industry, by V/,H. Pringle . 49 Gardner, Lucy, ed. ^ The hope for society; essays on "social reconstruction aftfr the Tar," by various v/riters, ed . by Miss Lucy Gardner for the Interdenominational conference of the social service unions. London, G. Bell and sons, ltd,, 1917. 236 p. 19cm. Cont ents .-The hope for society, by the Bishop of Oxford. - Industrial and financial position after the var, by J.A.Hobson.- Austerity, art and joy, by A. Glutton Brock. -Trade union regulations: employer's viev/, by Sir H. Bell. -Trade union regulations: the trade union vien, by A.J .Carlyle .-The nev,' social conscience as to use of income, by J.St. G. Heath. -The position of women in industry, by Margaret Poudf ield ,'-The neT outlook of the woman's movement, by ivirs . Pethick Lav/rence.- The development of the agricultural side of English life, by C. Tumor, -The land question after the var , by C R. Buxton. - The meaning and purpose cf the British commonv.-ealth, by P. Kerr. - Social relations cf men after the war, by E. Barker. 50 Garton foundation, London ■ Memorandum on the industrial situation after the v/ar , the Garton foundation; privately circulated among employers, representatives of labor, and public men of all parties, May-September, 1916, Now pub. as revised in the light of criticisms and suggestions received, October, 1916. London, Harrison and sons 1916. 96 p. 2&^cm. 51 Gould, Frederick J. British education after the war. London, Watte and Co., 1917. 140 p, 20km. Reconstruction and its aim: p, 1-17. 52 St. Erit. Board of agricu-.ture an d f isherie p . Scheme for land settlement of ex-ervice men. London, 1918. 2 p. Leaflet issued June, 1918. 9. 53 . ■ Committee on land settlement for sailors and soldiers . ...Final report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of agriculture and fisheries to consider the settlement and employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers and Iviinutes of evidence. •. London, H .f.I. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottisv/oode , printers, 1916. 3v . fold. plan. 33-5-cm. (Parliament .Papers by command Cd.8182, '8277, 8347) A lav; entitled "Small holding colonies act, 1916" v,'as passed as a result of this report. For a brief statement as to the colonies already settled under the act see Jvlonthly labor reviev, Sept. 1918, p, 88-89. 54 .. n ' ■ ..■ ——British agriculture the nation's opportunity! being the Minority report of the departmental Committee on the employment of sailors and soldiers on the land, by the Hon. Edvard G. Strutt, Leslie Scott... and G.H.Roberts .. .together v/ith addenda on housing, etc., by the signatories, some con- siderations by "A free trader" in favor of their policy, and a preface and appendix on the reclamation of land, by A.D.Hall... London, J .i.iurray,1917 . xi , 168 p. 19cm, Essential elements i nthe reconstruction of agriculture as here set forth are threefold .The establishment of such a level of prices as v:ill render intensive farming possible; the improvement of the position of the laborer as regards v/ages , housing and the amenities of life; and the recognition that the ovmership of land carries with it a duty to the community. 55 Boar d of education . Comaitte e on .iuvenile education in relation to employment after ihe v/ar . ... Interim report of the departmental committee on juvenile education in relation to employment after the v/ar. . .London, H.lv;. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode , limited, printers, 1916. 4 p, 33-gcm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd. 8374) 56 — — — ——...Final report of the departmental committee on juvenile education in relation tc emplo'jTnent after the v.-ar . vol. I-II.. London, H.ivl. Stationery off,, 1917. 42, 89 p. 33cm. (Gt.Brit. Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 8512, 8577) Vol. 1: Renort; vol. II: Summaries of evidence and appendices. Recommended a minimum school leaving age of 14, vith a system of continuation clcsses for yoving persons 14-18, the establishment of school scholarships and an extension of the system of juvenile employment bureaus, supported by local education authorities. Since the publication of this report Great Britain has passed the Education Act (Aug. 8, 1918) v/hich prohibits employment of children under 14 and makes attendance at continuation schools obligatory from 14-18 years for 320 hours per year. 57 - " Board of trade Coal trade. Report of the Departmental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the po^^iition of the coal trade after the var... London, K.i. .Stationery off.,lS13. 33 p. 33-^cm. (Parlian-ient . Papers by conmand Cd . 9093) 58 Flectrical trades. Report of the Dtpartmental comnittee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the electrical trades after the var . , . London, H.Ii .Stationery off., 1918. 14 p. 33cm. (Parliament, Papers by couiriand Cd. S072) 59 ^Engineering trades . Report of the Depart'.~iental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the enginecrinp- trades after the v-ar... London, -'.:'». Stationery off- Dar-i-ing and son , United, printers 1913. 54- p. incl . tables. 33-rcra. (Parliaraent . Papers by conicand Cd . 9073) 60 - ' .11 ■ Iron and steel trades. Report of the Departmental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the iron and steel trades after the v/ar. . .London, H-M. Stationery off. Darling and son, limited, printers 1918. 50 p. incl. tables, diegrs. 33-VcBi. (Parlieinent . Papers by command Cd. 9071) 61 • Shipping and ship-building industries . Reports of the Departmental cor.-imittee appointed by the Board of trade to. consider the position of the shipping and shipbuilding industries after the rar... London, H,K, Stationery off.. Darling and son limited 1918. 156 p. 334cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9092) 62 ^Textile trades. Report of the Departmental committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of the textile trades after the v/ar... London, H .j,:. Stationery of f . Darling and son, limited, printers 1918. 130 p. incl. tabloF. 334cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd.9070) This series of reports vhile prepared with especial relation to international competition discuss also problems of output, labor restriction and conditions in the industries, need for extension of technical education, etc . Three of the reports are reviev/ed in iiionthly labor revirv, Au*;. 1918, p. 90-93. 63 ...Memorandum vith respect to the re-organisation of the Board of trade... London, H,M. Stationery off. Darling and son, limited, printers, 1918. 7 p. 334cm. (Parliarient . Papers by cor.jnand Cd . 8912) On the reorganisation needed to meet after-v/ar conditions. Proposes two main division - a department of commerce and industry and a Department of public service administration - and describes the functions of each. 11. 64 Gt. Brit. Board of trade . Summary of information received by Board of trade from advisory' committees for juvenile employment for the use of the departmentel committees on juvenile education in relation to employment after the war. London, 1916. 13 p. Marked "confidential." 65 Commercial intelligence committee . British trade after the war. Report of a sub-committee of the Advisory committee to the Board of trade on commercial. intelligence with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry... London, H.M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoods , limited, printers, 1916. 1 p. 1, 18 p. 33-^m. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8181) Summaries of evidence taken. London, H.M. Stationery off., 1916. 33 p, 33-^ cm. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8275) 66 Committee o n fina ncial facilities for trade . Financial facilities for trade. Report to the Board of trade by the committee appointed to investigate the question of financial facilities for trade... Lonrlon, H.M.Stationery off., Hayman, Christy, and Lilly, limited, printers, 1916. 8 p. 33-^ cm, (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd, 8346) On the best means of meeting the needs of British firms after the war as regards financial facilities for trade, particularly with reference to the financing of large overseas contracts. 67 Electric power supply conmif-tee . ...Report of the committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the question of electric power supply... London, H,M» Stationery off., 1918, 17 p. 33cm. (Cd. 9062) 68 Pre-war contract committee . Pre-war contracts. Report of the committee appointed by the Board of trade to consider the position of British manufacturers and merchants in respect of pre-war contracts... London, H.M.Stationery off,, Darling and son, limited, printers, 1918. 3 p. 33cm. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd, 8975) 69 Colonial office . Empire settlement committee. ...Report to the secretary of state for the colonies of the committee' appointed to consider the measures to be tiik-en for settling within the empire ex-service men who may desire to emigrate after the war... London, H.M.Stationery off,, printed by Darling and son, limited, 1917. iii, 62 p. 34 cm. (Parliament. Papers by command, Cd. 8672) Summarized in Labour Gazette (Gt.Brit.) Sept, 1917, p. 313, 70 Commission of enquiry into industrial uri regt . RsRorts... Lomlon, H. M, Stationery off , , 1917. 8v. 33-^Ta, (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 8662-8669) The reports of the eight divisions composing the commission. Reprinted in Bulletin of U.S. Bureau of labor statistics no. 237. For a summary and analysis of the reports see Chance, Sir lllto, (no. 28 12. 71 Gt.Brit. Committee on commrrcial and industrial policy . ...Interim report on certain essential industries... Londo.n,H.K;, Stationery off. Eyre and Spottiswoode, ltd., printers 1918. 16 p. ?3cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9032) 72 ... Interim report on the importation of goods from the present enemy countries after the var... Londo n,H .M. Stationery off, Darling and son, limited, printers 1918. 4 p. 34cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9033) 73 ...Intet-im report on the treatment of exports from the United Kingdom and British overseas possessions and the conservation of the resources of the empire during the transitional period after the vmr... London, H, I... Stationery off. Eyre and Spottisv;oode , ltd., printers 1918. 14 p. incl . tables. 33-5-cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd. 9034) .. 74 '...Final report of the Committee on commercial abd industrial policy after the rar... London, H, '.I. Stationery off. Darling and son, limited 1918. 81 p. 33-g-cra. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9035) 75 -I . -- ■ .Committee to enquire into the position of natural science in the educational system of C-re at Britain . ♦..Report of the committee appointed by the prime minister to enquire into the position of natural science in the educational system of Great Britain. . .London, H.M, Stationery off. Darling and son, limited 1918. 86 p. 33-g-cm, (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9011) - Last part of the report deals vith the supply of trained scientific vorkers of all grades for industrial and other purposes . 76 -'■■ -■ Committee to enquire into the position of modern languages in the educational system of Great Britai n . ...Report of the committee appointed by the prime minister to enquire into the position of modern languages in the educational system of Great Britain... London, H.,.. .Stationery off... 1918. viii, 82 p, 33-5-cm, (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9036) 77 Lav/s , statute s . etc . An act to provide for the establishment of a Ministry of Recon- struction, and to make provision as to the right of certain ministers to sit in Parliament. 7 and 8 Geo. 5, c. 44, Aug.* 21, 1917. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1917, 5 p. 27-5^cm . The first reconstruction committee vas made up of cabinet ministers . This v/as succeeded by a Reconstruction committee v/hich included members of Parliament, representatives of labor, of business and finance and of social vork, vdth the Prime Minister as chairman. For a brief history of these committees and of the establishment of the Ldnistry of Reconstruction see. the Report of the War Cabinet for 1917, p. 199-202 (no. 106 in this list) ■ 1 13 77a Ot.Frit. . injstry of labour . Industrial councils: The rccommendationF of the Vhitlry report. Quotations from leafirt puuliphcd i n Labour Oazette (Gt.Brit.) i.iay, 1918, p. 174, and reprinted in monthly labor revier, July, 1918, p. 27-28. 78 ...Industrial council?, Thr. "'hitlcy report , together vith the letter of the : inirter of labour explaining the r-overnment 's viev of its propopalp... London, 1917. cover title, 19 p. 21-k;n. (Industrial reports, no.l) Contains the text of the "'hitley report (sec no. 105 in this list) and a letter dated Oct. 20,1917 from the Ministry of Labour to the leading employers' asrociationc and trade unions ex- plaining the attitude of the fovernncnt tov.-ards the proposals of the report. (Reprinted in the '-'onthly reviev;, March, 1918, p. 81-84.) ...V/orks committee'-. Report of an enquiry made by the Iiiinistry of labour... London, 1916 cover-title, 146 p. 2lTcn;. (Its Industrial reports, no. 2) Preface dated iliarch, 1918". Covers the constitution and ^rorking of typical '''orks committees in a number of differ<,nt industricF , including engineering, shipbuildincr. , iron and steel, boot and shoe, nining, printing, v'oollen and v.'orsted, pottery and furniture. The introdution includes a survey of V/orks committees before the v ar and the influence of war developments upon them. Reviewed in the i'lonthly labor revicvr, Aug. 1918, p« 81-84, SO Employment deot . Reports upon openings in indu-try suitable for disabled sailors and soldiers... no. 1-17 April, 1917- London, 1917- V. 23Tcm. Contents: 1. Attendants at electricity Pub-stations ; -2. Employment in picture theatres .-3, Tailoring, -4, Agricultural motor tractor '/-ork in England and ^"ales .-5 .The furniture trade. - 6. Leather goods trade .-7»Hand-Eev'n boot and shoe making and boot and shoe repairing. -8. Gold , silvsr, jcvcllery, and vatch and clock jobbing. -9 .Dental mechanics . -lOiAircraft manufacture. Fusilagc making and erection of engine on fusilagc «-ll . ^''holesale tailoring, -12. Boot and shoe manufacture ,-13 . The basket making trade including the manufacture of cane and wicker furniturc- 14. The building trade, -14a, appendix to no. 14. The building trade. -15. Engineering. Part 1.-16. Printing and kindred trades. - 17. Engineering, Part 2. Labor resettlement committee . see Labour resettlement committee (no, 300) 81 I.iiniFtrv of munitions , Cor-uTiittcc on sulphuric «x_id and fertiliser trades . ... Reports of a departmental committee on the post-var position of the sulphuric acid and fertiliser trades... London, H.m, stationery off. Darling and son, limited, printers 1913. 14 p. incl. tables. SS^Vcm, (Parliament. Papers by coraijand Cd . 8994) 14 Terras of reference: To consider and report on the position- of the sulphur acid aad fertiliser tredes ar. affected by the ncv' acid plants v?hich have been erected during the var by the i.;inistry of munitions for the Government . Sumrae.ry of recoranenr'ationp '. p» 11-12. 82 Gt .■ rit , ! iniotry of rnunitions % Health of munition vorkers conunittce . ...Final report. Industrial health and efficiency. ...London, K.ivi. Stationery off ice, 1918. 182 0. illus . .plans . 33crn. (Gt. Brit, parliament, Papers by command Gd . 9065) 33 I.iinistry of reconstruction . Housing in England and Wales. London, 1918. 24 p. (Reconstruction problems no. 2) For the lav establisinf^ the 1 Ministry of Reconstruction see no. 77 in this list. 34 85 .. .Industrial councils and trade boards, i.iemorandum by the idnistry of reconstruction and the Canister of labour... London, H.M. Stationery office 1918. 4 p, 33cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9085) i:e.morandum is dated June 7 ,1918 and vas issued "to set forth th*^ modifications rr-hich the Government regard as necesrary in puttinp into operation the recommendations of the Second report on Industrial councils, ( see .Jo. 95) and' also to make clear the relations betveen trade Boards pnd Industrial Councils," Reprinted in full in lionthly labor reviev/ , Sept, 1918, p., 53-54. , . .A list of commissions and committees set up to deal vrith questions v/hich vill arise at the close of the var .. .London, H.i,. .Stationery off., 1918. 34 p, 33cra. (Pariiai.'ient . Papers by co:nmand Cd . 8916) The list of these commissions and committees vith their terms of reference tut without their personnel vas printed in the Official Bulletin of ..arch 14,1913, p. 9-12. Briefly summarized also in the Jour, of Indus, and engineering chemistry, iv;ay,1918, p. 399-400. 86 Acquisition of povers Pub-committee . Report of the Acquisition of po^'ers sub-committee of the Reconstruction committee. London, K.'i. Stationery off. £yre and Spottisv'oode.ltd. 1918. 10 p, 33-.Vcm, (Parliament. Paperc by command Cd . 3982) 15. 87 Qt ,Brit . ■ inirtry o^ re cor-stru cj ^ gn. ^Ad visory council . Women's h ousing; cub-cor-miitec . ...First interim report... London, H.L. Stationery off. Darling and son, li;-iitcd 1913. 7 p. 33-i-c;n. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9166) Committee vap appointed to visit specimen houses vrhich have been erected by the i^inistry of munitions and to advise on plans received from the Architects' committee, v;ith special reference to the convenience of the housevife. Report covers general recommendations of the conmittee on urban housing. A separate report is to be made on rural housing. 38 Advisory housin"' panel . ...Housing in England and Wales. I/Iemorandum by the Advisory housing panel on the emergency problem. . .London, H .ivi. Stationery office, 1918. 15 p. 33cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 908?) Estimated a shortage of 250,000 houses v.ith 50,000 in rural regions by the end of 1917 and an additional shortage of 75,000 each year the var contimts. Proposed state construction v/ith ownership for a limited period after the var , the local authority acting as the agent of the state and becoming ov/ner under certain conditions at the end of the period. Urged the need of preparing plans and procuring sites so that the v.'ork might begin immediatrly after the v;ar and absorb part of the labor released by dcmoblization. 89 _____ _____ Agricultural policy sub-comxaittee . ...Report of the Agricultural policy sub-committee of the Recon-^ struction committee, appointed in August 1915, to consider and report upon the methods of effecting an increase in the home- grovn food supplies having regard to the need of such increase in the interests of national security, together v/ith reports by Sir Latthev; G. Wallace .. .London, H.u. Stationery off .,1918. 136 p. 33cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd. 9079) 90 ...Summaries of evidence taken before theAgricultural policy sub-committee of the Reconstruction conmittee .. .London, H.M. Stationeryof f . Darling and son, limited 1918. iv, 129 p. 33^cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9080) Recommendations cover establishment of minimum v/ages for agricultural laborers, and setting up of vage boards in each administrative county, problems of rural housing, etc » Summarized in Journal of Britif'h Boerd of Agriculture, July, 1918, p. 385-402 under title "Agricultural reconstruction." 90a _____ _ Civil \'/ar vorkrrs ' cominittre . ...First (interim) report of the Civil ijvar vorkers ' coriimittee . . . London, H .i,i. Stationery off. Eyre and Spottiswoode ,ltd . 1918. 11 p.. 33-i-cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9117) Terms of reference vere: "To consider and report upon the arrangements vhich should be made for the demobilization of 1 7, In this Recond report the Committee proposed for trades "vhers or,e;anipaxion is at present very v/eak or non-exiftcnt an adaptation and expansion of the systpin of Trade Boards vorking under an amended Trades Boards Act; and for tradf ;? in v/hich organisation is considerable, but not yet general, a system of Joint council-s v'ith some GovernLicnt assistance vhich may be dispensed v/ith as these industries advance to the stage dealt vith in our first report." Reprinted in i.ionthly labor reviev;', Sept. 1918 p. 53-58. 96 St ,Brit . ^iiiii^irx ^f reconr tructio n. Committee on relation s betv/een qm ploy'rF and ompj oyed . ...Supplementary report on vrorks committees ., .London, Pub. H.I.:. Stationery off., 1918. 4 p, 33^cm, (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9001) As supplemenxary to the scheme for industrial councils, the committee recommends that there should be in each ftLctory or T;orks"aop, ivhero the circumstances of the industry permit, a V'orks Committee, representative of the raanaFement and the men and women employed, meeting regularly to considrr questions peculiar to the individual factory or v/orkshop affecting the daily life and comfort of the workers and the efficiency of the v^ork . Reprinted iu Monthly reviev/, June, 1918, p. 163-165. For the report of the enquiry made by the hinistry of Labour into the constitution and v/orking of Works committees in different industries sec no» 79 in this list. 97 ...Report on conciliation and arbitration. (In substitution of Cd. 9081) .. .London, H.iv.. Stationery off. Eyre and Snottipv'oode, ltd .1918, 5 p» 33cm. (Parlieanent. Papers by command Cd .9099) Differs from edition noted above only in substitution of name of one member signing the report . 98 . . .Pvcport on conciliation and arbitration... London, H .L. Stationery off. Fyre and Spottiswoode , ltd .printers 1918. 5 p. 334cm, (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 9081) CoiTimittec declared itself opposed to any system of compulsory arbitration or to any scheme relating to conciliation vhich corapulsorily prevents strikes or lock-oato pending inquiry. In addition to the machinery discussed in earlier reports the Committee recomintnded the establishment of a small Standing arbitration council. Reprinted in Uonthly labor reviev, Aug. 1918. p. 237-240, 99 ...Final report .. .London ,H .li. Stationery off., 1913. 4 p, 3'i\cm. (Parliament. Papers by coiTimand Cd. 9153) Contains no nev/ recommendations. io 100 Gt.Brit» j'liniftry of rpcon^^truction . Comr.ittee on the chemical trade . . , .RcDort of committee appointed to advipe as to the procedure v'hich phould be adopted for dealing \vith the chemical trade,.. London, H.Ivi. Stations ry off. Darling, and f on, limited, printers 1917. 4 p. 334-cm. (Parliament. Paper? by command Cd . 8882) 101 Committee to consider the Icral interpretation of the term " period _of the var ." . . .Reports of the Committee appointed by the Attorney-General to consider the. legal interpretation of the term "period of the var" ...London, H.iY. Stationery off .1918, 50 p, 33-ycm, (Parliajuent , Papers by command Cd . 9100) Includes the interim reports of the Committee issued earlier in the year as v/ell as the final report. The first report discussed the meaning of "termination of the var" and other similar phrases (of vrhich Bomo 20 different ones have been used) in the Emergency acta and the rules and orders made thereunder and also in government end private contracts} the second, the effect of the termination of v.ar upon the Defense of the Fiealm acts; the third, the effect of the vrar upon contracts or apprenticeship and similar arrangements for learning a tre.de or profession and upon duration of service in the amy under the enlirtmcnt and compulsory systems. The final report covers the rest of the emergency legislation. Appendix includes a summary of emergency legislation to Oct. 1917. 102 ^ Forestry pub-committee . ...Final report .. .London , K.iu .Stationery off. Fyre and Spottisvoode, ltd., printers 1918. 105 p. diagr. 33cm. (Parliament, Papers by command Cd . 8881) Terms of reference vere:"To consider and report upon the best means of conserving and developing the voodland and forestry resources of the United Kirgdom, vith regard to the experience gained during the var," 103 Local government committee . . . .Reoort on transfer of functions cf poor lav authorities in Fngland and '^ales .. .London, H.i:. Stationery off. Eyre ard Spottisvoode, ltd., printers 1918. 26 p. 33cm. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd . 8917) Recommended the abolition of the boards of guardians and of the Poor Lav.' Union and the merging of all the functions of the poor lav authorities in those of the county council and county borough council . 104 Parliament , House _of lords . Chairman of comi'nittees . Acquisition of land .. .Correspondence betveen the Chairman of coramittoes, House of lords, and the Minister of reconstruction vith respect to the Reoorts of tvo committees on the acquisition of land; and Observations on those Reports by the Counr^el to the Chairman of committees. House of lords .. .London, H.n. .Stationery off. J. Tru-cott and son, ltd. 1918. 14 p. 33-^cm, (Parliament, 1918. H. of L. Papers and bills 91) 19. 105 St .Brit. Reconstruction conmittce . Sub*commi^^tep on relationa bctv^een cmploverp and niuployed ■ . . .Interia report on joint standing industrial councils... London, H.i,:. Stationery off., 1917. 8 p. 33-l^m, (Parliament. PaperR by comtaand. Cd , 8506) The termp of reffrencc of this committee (popularly knovn a? the ^''hitloy conmittee)v.'-cre : (l) To make and consider suggestions for sccurint^ a pcnnanrnt improvement in the relatione bctvcen rmploycrp and rorkmen; (2) To recommend means for securing that industrial conditions affecting the relations betveen employers and vforkmen shall be systematically reviewed by those concerned, vith a view to improving conditions in the future . The Committee recoriraendcd in this report the establiphraent for each of the principal "'cll-organiBcd industries of a triple form of organisation, representation of employers and employed, consisting of Joint Industrial Councils, Joint District Councils and "orks Committees, each of the three forms being linked up v/ith the others so as to constitute an organization covering the whole of the trade, capable of considering and advising upon matter? affecting the v/elfare of the industry, and giving to labour a definite and enlarged share in the discussion and settlement of industrial matters vith vhich employers and employed are jointly concerned. Reprinted in full in U.S. Bur. of labor statistics bulletin no. 237, p. 229-235 and summarized in iuonthly reviev,- for Sept ,1917, p. 130-132. For list of the industries vhich have adopted joint industrial councils sec British Labour Gazette, July, 1918, p. 261 and Aug. p. 308. The constitution of the council of the pottery industry is given in the ILabour Gazette for Feb. 1918, p. 49. For later rooorts see Gt .Brit . iuinistry of reconstruction (Nos. 95-99) 106 VJar cabinet . Report for the year 1917 . London, H.:.;. Stationery office, 1918. 236 p, 25cTri. (Parliament. Papers by command Cd.9005) Chap. XVI is on the Ministry of Reconstruction, its establishment, functions and administration- Includes also an account of the earlier Reconstruction committees . 107 La guerre et la vie de domain; conferences de 1 'Alliance d 'hygiene social^, 1914-1916.. .Paris, F. Alcan, 1916-17. 2v . 19cm. { On cover : Bibliotheque d'histoire contcmporaine) Contents: I. T.nfance et jeunesse .-II . Les risqucs immediats de la guerre et leur re'paration. A third volume is announced entitled "Les risques futurs de la guerre et la reorganisation de la France . 108 Guillct, Leon, 1873- . . .L'enseigncment technique supcrieur a I'apres gaerre. Preface de L.Henry Le Chatelicr. . .Paris , Payot et cie , 1918. 3 p. 1., 9-294 p. 187cm. (Bibliotheque politique & economique) 20, 109 Halcror, J ,B. ...Imperial democracy and united empire: an "after-the-war" progra"une . By J .B .Halcrov.F .R.G.S . London, J .B .Halcrov',1917. 8 D. 2Qit;ra. (Tracts for the times, no. l) 110 Hail, A.D. Agriculture after the var . London, J .Lurray ,1917, 137 p. The preparation of schemes for reclamation of all waste lands as a means of furnishing employment during th « period of industrial readjustment at the end of the v/ar, as v/ell as a means of providing land for soldier's settleuent colonies and increased areas for food production. 111 Hamp, Ficrre La France, pays ouvrier.3rd. ed . Paris, Nouvelle revue f rancaise , 1916. 66 p. On the outlook for French laboring nan after the var. 112 Harris j^merson P. Cooperation, the hope of the consuccr. Nev; York, The j^Aacmillan CO. 1918. 328 p. solera. t *113 Henderson, Arthur The league of nations and labour,. London, Oxford university press, 1918. 114 115 A people's peace. London, 1917. 4 p. 116 117 Reprinted from the Daily ncv/s» Sept .28,1917. The aims of labsur, b;^ the Rt . Hon. Arthur Henderson, ...P., secretary of the Labour party. London, Hcadley bros.,ltd. 1918. 108 p., 1 1. 18|-cm. Appendixes: I. Memorandum on war aims approved by the Special conference of the labour movement held at the Central hall, ¥'estminipter, . .Dec .28th ;1917. II. Labour and the nev social order. A draft report on re-conrtruction. Hichens , V'.L. Some problems of modern industry, bring the Watt anniversary lecture for 1918, by ^" .L. Hichens .. .Londo n, Nisbet and co., ltd. 1912. 61, 1 p. 17-g-cm. Last part of address is on industrial reconstruction. Hobson, John A. Democracy after the var . London, G.Allen and Unv/in,1917. 215 p. 19c'ni Contents .-Preface .-I The enemies of democracy ., ndlitarisn and capitalism, The deff^nce of improperty. Protectionalism and im.pprialipin. Political and intellectual reactionists. Spiritual and social reactionists .-II . The defence of democracy :Hov' to break the vicious circle. The nev economic situation. Tvo problems for labour. The conquest of the state. The close state versus internationalism. * Ordered . 21. 118 Hob&on, J ohn A. The fight for democracy. London, i^ational labour press 1917. 58 p. 20km. 119 Hobpon, 3. G, Guild principles in v;ar and peace .. .London, 1917. 176 D. 16-'/crn. 120 la National ^uild? . An inquiry into the rage system and the v;ay out. 'jid. by A. R. OrafTe.,.2d ed . I^ondon, 1917. viii,370 p. ISg-cra. Hogge, J. ¥•. 8. T. :i. Gartdde "/ar pensions and allovrances . London, Hodder and Stcughton, 1918. 463 p. 19crc. Includes lav's and regulations relating to the treatment and traininr o** disabled noldicr<^ and "ystem of allov/ances. .22 Hutchins, B. L, Women in industry after the ver. London, The Athenaeum 1917? 28 p. 21om, (Social reconstruction pamphlets, no. 3) Sections treat of possibility of unemployment;, the organiza- tion of roraen's industry after the var, and the health of the v/orking voman at horae . 1^3 Inter-allird conference on the after-care of disabled men. Zi, iiOndon, 191 n . The Inter-allied conference on the after-care of disabled men, Second annual meeting held in London, iiay 20 to 25, 1918. Reports presented to the conference. London, H.Ivi. Stationery off., 1918. 6, 2,7-528 p. 24|-cr. '123a Supplement to volume of reports containing verbatim reports of the discussions, together rith some presented to the conference but 1913. not included in the volume of reports. London, H .M. Stationery off 192 p. 24cm. Reports and papers cover the v-ork being done mall the allied countries for the re-education and return to indu'-'trial life of disabled soldiers and sailors. 124 Interallied labour and socialist conference. 3d, 1918. Memorandum on war aims. Agreed upon at Central Hall, V/cstminster Feb. 20-24, 1918. London, Labour party, 1918. 16 p. Reprinted in the Nevr Republic, Kar. 23,1918. Fo- an account of the 4th conference ece "L 'information ouvriere et socialc" Sept .29,1918; :>.nchoster guardian. Sept .19-23,1918; Christian comnom-calth, Sept. 18 * 25, 1918. Joint conimittee on labour problems after the v/ar. ' Committee comprised representatives from the Parliamentary Coromittcc, the Trades Union Conprcss, the F.xocutivc Coromittcc of the Labour party, the Management Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions and the V'orkers' National Committee, Special advisory coivimittees v/erc added for the different problems taken up. 22. 125 125 27 128 iZ9 130 131 Joint committee on Irbour problcme after the war . ■ A Billion ncv houses after the var ; a statement on the housing problem as affected by the r-ar and some supgepxions . London, Cooperative printing poc . ltd., 1917. 8 p. 24cm, The luunitions Acts and the restoration of trade union custoas. London, Cooperative printing- soc. ltd., 1916. 11 p. ?4c.a. Report prepared by r .D.H.Cole and Henry H.Slesser* , The position of vomen efter the var. Report of the Standin-^ joint corainittee of Industrial vonen's organisations presented to the Joint committee on labour problems after the var... London 1917. 20 p. 23-^m. Standinf' joint committee vas repreFtntative of ^"'omen's Trade Union League, V'omen's Labour League, National Federation of \''o;'aen Workers, Railvray V'oraen's Guild and ^.''omcn'p Cooperative Guild, Report discusses the effects of the var upon romcn and the gains and losses vhich it has broup;ht, especially vdth reference to their industrial position. Considers alc-o vhat measures can be taken to retain the gains and retrieve the lossef. and hov the period of re- construction can best be used to improve the general social, eco- nomic and political position of '-omen. The problem of demobilzation. A statement and some suggestions • includinf? proposals for the reform of employment exchanges. London, Cooperative printing soc. ltd., 1915. 8 p. 2;'-^cm. The problem of unemployment after the war. Meraorandu-n on the pre- vention of unemployment snd thr necessity for the revision of the Un- employment Insurance acts. London, Cooperative printing soc. ltd. ,1917^ 7 p. 24cm. . The restoration of trade union custoiiis after the '"ar i a statcnent and analysis of the government guarantees... London, Cooperative printing soc. ltd., 1917. 14 -). 23^cm. Contcn-.s . — Introduction. — Before the /,unitions i.ct. — The ..unition?. of War set, 1915. — The Munitions of V.'ar (Ainendraent) act, 1916. — Sum- mary of guarantees .--Mote on (?;overnment establishments » --Extracts from speeches of members of the government. The restoration of trade union conditions in cases not covered by the I»;unitions act. London, Cooperative printing soc. ltd., 1917, 9 p. 24cn. Contents .--Introduction. — ^Treasury agreement. — Pledges given by employers. — Substitution agreements .--Substitution vithout agreement.. --The factory acts. — Dilution in comiAcrcial vork. — I.icthods of en- forcement. 132 Kahn, Otto H. The menace of paternalism. Mev York, 1918. 93 p. Address before the convention of American Pankers association, Chicago, Sept. 27, 1918. 23. 133 Kahn, Otto H. Government ovncrphip of railroads and war taxation, Ncv York, 1918, 50 p. Address before the Nf.tional Indurtrial Conference Board, N.Y. Oct. 10, 1918. 134 Kirkaldy, Adam v;illis , 1867- ed. Credit, industry, and the var ; being reports and other, matter presented to the Section of economic science and statif^tics of the British association for the advancement of science. Manchester, ,1915; cd . by Adan W. Kirkaldy .. .vith a preface by Y'illiara Robert Scott... pub. by authority of the council. London, Ncr York etc i^ Sir I. Pitman and sons, ltd. 1915 ix, 268 p. 22cm, Outlets for labour after the varcConf ercnce committee report! p. 68-192. Economic problems after the v'&r by Y'. Cunningha;.::?. 25'i-266, 135. _Labour, finance, and the vrar; beinp: the results of inquiries, arranged by the Section of economic science and statistics of the British association for the advancement of science, during the years 1915 and 1916, ed. and vith a prefsce by Adam T, Kirkaldy. . .Pub . by authority of the council. London, Nev York ' etc. Sir I. Pitnan and sons, ltd. 1916. vii, 344 p, diaprs, 21cra« .Contents. 1. Som.. thoughts on reconstruction after thp v/ar, by A,F. Kirkaldy ,-2 .Industrial unrest .-3 .Replacement of men by vomen in industi-y . -4 . Effects of the var on credit, currency and finance. -5. Land settlement, by Christopher Turner, 136 Industry and Finance; var expedients and reconstruction, being • the results of cnquirEs arranged by the Section of economic science and statistics of the British association, during the years 1916 and 1917, ed . by Adan T. Kirkaldy ., .Pub . by authority of the Council. London, Nev York etc. Sir I. Pitman and sons, ltd, 1917? viii, 371p. fold, tab. 21-J-cm. Contents .-Preface -i^ survey and a v/arnlng, by Sir H. Bell, bartt- The replacement of men by vomen in industry during the var and their employment after the var.-romen vorkers in agriculture, by Iviiss F .N .Thomas .J''orkshop committee^: suggested lines of development, by C. G. Renold.-Thc effects of the var on credit, currency and finance .-Ti'ensportationtthe new sub-section of the Section of economic rcience and statistics, by A .V/. Kirkaldy . 137 Krug, Alfred ...Pour la repopulation et centre la vie ch6re . Lettrc-pri^f ace de ill. Ed. Herriot .. .Paris , Uancy , Bergcr-Levrault ,1913. vii, 304 p. IB^m. 138 Labour co-partnership association. Co-partnership after the v/ar; a memorandum submitted Feb. 1917, to the Reconstruction committee appointed by H.;.. government cLondon,1917j 15,c1tP. 28^cm, 24, 139 Labour party (Gt.Brit.) Labour problems after the war. London, National labour press ltd, 1917. 15, .lap* 20cm. Resolutions adopted at the annual conference of the Labour party in Manchester, Jan, 1917. Cover demobilisation, restoration of trade union conditions, prevention of un- employment, legal minimum wage, nationalization of railways and mines, taxation, position of women, education, and child welfare. 140 Labour and the nev; social order; a report on reconstruction... London, The Labour party 1918. 22 p. 24cra. . ■ "Draft report on the general policy of the party on , 'reconstruction' .. .prepared by a sub-committee of the Executive for the consideration of the party." Reprinted in llev! republic, Feb, 16, 1918 (Suppl) ; • Monthly review, April, 1918, p, 63-83; Congressional record, June 17,1918, p. 8610-8614 (speech by Meyer London) . 141 Resolutions on reconstruction to be discussed at the party conference at the Central iiall, Westminister June 26-28,1918. London, Labour party, 1918. 14 p. The -text of the resolutions as actually adopted were printed in the Survey, Aug. 3,1918, p, 500-504. See also article on "Annual conference of the British labour party" Monthly labor review, Sept. 1918, p. 319-327. 142 Agenda of resolutions on reconstruction and amendments to be discussed at the Party conference .. .June 26-28. London, Labour party, 1918. 23 p. Labour party (Gt.Brit.) see also Joint committee on labor problems after the war. 143 Launay , L de . . , .France-Allemagne , problemes miniers -munitions -blocus-apres -guerre • Paris, A. Colin, 1917. 3 p. 1. , 279 p. 19cm. 144 Lavedan, Henri ...La famillc f rancaise . Paris, Perrin et cie., 1917 » 304 p. 18cm. La femme apres la guerre: p, 169-179. 145 Lawrence, F. V'. Pethick A levy, on capital* London, G, Allen 'and Unwin, 1918. 94 p. States the case for a levy on capital as a means of paying off part of the war debt. Reviev'ed in the Economic journal (London) Sept. 1918, p. 315-317* 25. 146 Lebon, AmJre Probleraes economiquea nes de la guerre. Paris, payot et cie, 1918. 274 p. 18-?-cm. Covers also the problems of denobilization and the employment of women after the war, 147 Leclerq, J. La main' d'oeuvre nationalo aprbs la guerre, Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1918. 148 Liverpool Fabian society. ...Industrial conditions after the war: the place of the labour exchange. Liverpool, 1916. 14, 1 p, 21^m. (Tract no. 14) 149 Macaigne, Andre ,. .Notre France d'apres-guerre; comment reorganiser la France, corjnent developper sea forces productives, solutions pratiques, Paris, P. Roger et cie, 1917, 304 p. 19cm. On after-war industrial and agricultural reorganization of France, Includes also discussion cf question of wages, apprenticeship, labor organization, etc. 150 Macdonald, J. Ramsay Socialism after the war. London, National labour press, 1918? 80 p, ^ . • 151 Mactabish, John IvI. What labour wants from education. London, The workers" educ. assoc.j 1915. 10 p. 21-^m. 152 Mallock, W. H. Capital, vrar and wages. London, Blackie and sons, 1918. 86 p, 154 Maws on, Thomas Hayton An imperial obligation: Industrial villages for partially disabled soldiers and sailors... 2d ir^prcssion, London, G. Richards, ltd., 1917. xxii, 124 p. incl. col. front., illus., pi. 25^rn. 155 Afforestation and the partially disabled. A sequel to An imperial obligation... Lonaon, Grant Richards liriitod, 1917, xii, 46 p. illus. 25cm. (Concrete example series, no. 1) 156 Mazel, Henri La nouvelle cite de France; reorganisation nationale d'apres guerre. Paris, F. Alcan, 1917. 320 p. 23cm* 156a Mead, El wood Summary cf soldier settlements in English-speaking countries, V/ashington, Govt, print, off., 1918. 28 p. Covers Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Union cf South Africa. Issued by the U. S. Dept, of the Interior. 26. 157 National foreign trade council, New York City . World trade conditions after the war. An analysis of the preparation England, France, and Germany are now making to extend their foreign trade. New York, 1918. 72 p, 158 National institute of social sciences. Reconstruction after the war... Boston, Mass. 1918. vii, 242 p. 23|cra, (its. Journal vol. 4, 1918) Papers read before the annual meeting of the Institute. Included are papers "On the general principles of a policy of reconstruction" by Thorstein Veblen, "Financial reconstruction after the war" by George E. Roberts, "Problems of immigration and the foreign born after the war" by Henry P. Fairchild, "Educational preparedness for after the war" by A. Caswell Ellis, "After-the-war food problems" by Charles L. Pack. 159 National union of women's suffrage societies. ...Women and reconstruction, some considerations relating to the position of women after the v/ar... London, May, 1917. 28 p. 33cm, 160 New towns after the war: an argument for garden cities. By New Townraen. London, Dent, 1918. 84 p. 18cm. 161 New Zealand employers' federation, ..."After the war" problems. Paper read by Mr. William Prior, secretary New Zealand employers Federation... 23rd August, 1916, Wellington, 1916. 10 p. 21-5-cra. 162 New York (City) Mayor's committee on unemployment . How to meet hard tines, a program for the prevention and relief of abnormal unemployment. New York City, Mayor's committee on unemployment, 1917? 132 p. The committee was appointed "to deal constructively with the problem of unenplcjTnent and prepare against a recurrence of unemployment cTxsoe.'" Studies made by John R. Shillady and Bruno Lasker are incorporated in the report of which Henry Bruere signs the foreword. The recommendations are of interest in connection with the problems of industrial demobilization. Chapter XII is on "measures concerning juvenile workers," 163 Nims , Marion R. comp . Woman in the war: a bibliography. Washington, Govt, print, off, 1918, 77 p. Includes some references on reconstruction problems affecting women. Issued by the News dept, of the Woman's committee of the Council of National Defense. f.': i.. ) •• .'.." (-■; i : i ,t .l,■^ ". / I ?.l. 164 Outlets for labour aftor the v/ar. Report cf the conference comnittee of the British association. (In Kirkaldy, A. U. _cd. Credit, industry ?,nd the war. 1915) 3ce also Draft interim report listed under British association (no. 22) . Discusses the replacemunt of men by women iu industries during the war, the permanent effects of this after the v/ar, and the prublens con- nected with tho ro-instatornent in industry cf enlisted and drafted nen. 165 Paeuw, Leon do Le reeducation prof ossionelle des soldats nutiles et estropic^s. ,.Bolgiuffi.j Paris, 3erger-Levrault, 1917. 245 p. 166 Penal reform league, London . A national minimum for youth. Lordon, Pensl reform len-guo, 1917. 20 p. 167 Phillips, Marion, ed, Women and the Labour Party by various v/omen Virriters. London, Headley bros. rl918?3 110 p. Contents . — Foreword, by Rt.Hon. Arthur Henderson; Introduction by Marion Phillips; 'Vomon trade unionists' point of view, by Mary R.Macarthur; The claims of mothers and children, by Margaret Llev/elyn Davies; The nursery of tc-morrcw, by Margaret McMillan; The end of the Poor Law, by Beatrice Webb; ?/omen as brain'.-.'orl'.ers, by nebocca West; Vv'omen as domestic v;orkars, by Margaret G, Bondfiold; The working woman's hou^e, by Averil D. Sanderson Furniss; The labour woman's battle MTith dirt, by Katharine Bruce Glasier; The woman wage earner, by A. Susan Lawrence; Women a:id intornationriism, by Mary Longman, 58 Problems of reconstruction, Loctures and addret^ses delivered at the sum- mer meeting of the Hampstead Garden Suburb, Aug. 1917, mth un intro- duction by the Marquess of Crewe. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 315 p. 23cffi. Includes among other papers "Industrial reconstraction" by Sidney Webb; "The future cf women in industry" by Mary P.. Macarthur; "Agri- culture: the problem cf reccnstructicn" by A.D.Hall; "Rural housing" by Ernest Betham; "The work of women on thu land and their place in agricultural reconstruction" by Mrs. Rowland Wilkins; "The garden suburbs: its past and plans" by Mrs, Barnett. Purdom, Charles Benjamin The garden city after the war; a discussion of the position of the gar- den city at Letchworth, and a proposal for a national housing policy, cLetchworth? 1917? a 22 p., 1 1. 24^m. 170 Ramsay, Alexander Terms cf industrial peace. London, Gonrtable, 1917. 144 p. t 28. Rcadines in the cccnomica of vjar: od. by J. Maurice Clark, V/alton H. . Hamilton; Harold G. Koulton, Chicago, University of Chicago press, clyl8. 676 p. 23^cm. Partial contents . — XV. Economic factors in an enduring peace. — X\^I. After war problems; Reasons for reconstruction proposals in Great Britain, by Ordway Toad; The factors in the problem; England's Ministry of Reconstruction; The task of demobilization; Will there be a sex war in industry, by Mary Stocks; The war aims of American union- ists; British labor and the new social order; Program of the world's peace, by Woodrow Wilson. 172 Reconstruction: a selected bibliography. New York, Russell Sago Foundation Library, 1918, 3 p. (Bulletin of Russell Sage Foundation Library, no. 31, Oct. 1918) 173 Renold, G. G. ' Workshop comrnittoGs: suggested lines of dovelcpracnt, (In Kirkaldy, A. W. ed . Industry and finance, war expedients and reconstruction. London 19177 p. 160-186) The gist of this memorandum which was prepared for the British Association's special saKcomi-dtteo on industrial unrest, was printed as a supplement to the Survey of Oct, 5, 1918 (as Reconstruction series no. 1) The author is head of a large industrial concern in the North of England, 174 La reorganisation do la France; conferences faites a I'Ecole des hautes etudes sociales (novombro 1915 a Janvier 1916) par IM. Ch.Soignobos , . . Ch.Chauinet, etc. ... Paris, F. Alcan, 1917. 2 p.l., 275 p. 18-^m. (Bibliothbque rendrale des sciences sociales... 2.sc^r. ,2) Contents . — I-II. La politique intcrieure; La politique exte'rieure, par Ch.Seignobos.— III. Le d^veloppement cconomiquo, par Ch.Chaumet. — IV, L' organisation de 1' Industrie apr^s la guerre, par R. Legouoz,— V, L'agriculture apres la guerre. La terrc de France, par Marcel Vachor — VI. Lc beau de vrai, I'utile et la rdorganisation do la France, par Adolphe Dervaux, — VII, La roconstitution de la popula- tion frangaise, par Charles Gide, Reorganisation of industry conference, Oxford . see . Ruskin college, Oxford. 175 La reparation dos dcmmages do guerre; Confe'ronces faites k I'Ecole des hautes e'tudes sociales (nov.1915 - Jan. 1916) Paris, F. Alcan, 1917. 254 p, (Biblioth"bque gdne'ralo dos sciences sccialcs) 176 Rothband, Henry L. The Rothband emplcyment scheme for sailors and soldiers disabled in the v/ar. Official objections examined. ^Manchester & London, 1917^ 51 p, 21^n, Scheme is for a national roll of employers vdlling to employ one or more disabled men, to give a permanent guarantee of employ- ment on the basis of which a register •'TOuld be prepared for the use of all employment agencies, For present status of the plan see Manchester Guardian for Oct. 19, 1918, p, 8. 177 Rothband, Henry L. A scheme for finding cmplojmiont for disabled soldiers k sailors. Manchester &. London, J. Koyv/ood, 1916. 72 p, 24^171. 178 Rcwntrcc, B. Soobohm The human needs of labour. Lcndon, T. Nelson "z sons, 1918, 168 p. Chapters cover food requirements, dietary, housing, clothing, fuel and sundries and the cost of supplying these. Pre-war wages of laboring men wore normally insufficient for support of family. Urges the establishment of adequate minimum wages in all industries after the war, 179 Rowntroe, Maurice L. Cooperation or chaos, Rcv.ed, London, Headley Brcs., 1918, 108 p. 18cm. 180 Rural organisation council. Village life after the war; being special reports of conferences on the development of rural life convened by the Rural organisation council in 1917, London, Headley brcs. 1917? v, 118 p. 21cm. Conferences held in Feb. and Oct. 1917, The problems dealt vdth are: wages, rural credit, rural planning and housing, small holdings and do-urbanization of industries, rural education and village amenities. 181 Ruskin college, Oxford . Reorganisation of industry... Oxford, Ruskin college, 1916-1918, 4 v, 21cm. Four conferences of workin.;: cla;;s associations held by Ruskin college during 1916, 1917 and 1918 to discuss the problems which labor vn.ll have to f'-.ce when peace comes. Reports were published under the following titles; I. Reorganisation of industry. Oxford, 1916. 85 p. Contents . — The -disorganisation of industry, commerce and finance; the problems to be faced, by A.C.Pigou; How readjustment may be facil- itated after the war, by j^rthur Greenwood; The contribution of indus- try to revenue, by Sidney Webb; The control of industry after the war, by A. C.Zimmern. — Discussion. (Reviewed in Monthly Revicv;, Aug, 1917, p. 129-138) II. Some problems of urban and rural industry, Oxford, 1917. 97 p. Contents .— Scientific managcnent, by G. D.H.Colo. — Women in industry by Marion Phillips.— Position of agriculture ia industry, by C.S.Orvdn — The position of the rural worker in industry, by Arthur W. Ashby. — Discussion, III. Some eccnornic aspects of international relations, Oxford, 1917. 89 p. Contents . — Cc:/.merciul policy and our food supply, by H. Sanderson Furniss . — The influ.r.c^ of the v/ar on commercial policy, by Edv/in Cannan.-- Capital isn and international relations, by A. E. Zimmern,-- Discussion. IV. The state and industry during the war and after. Oxford, 1918. 84 p. Contents — The state and the citizen, by H. Sanderson Furniss, — The state and the producer, by John Hilton. — The sxate and the consumer, by J. J. Mall on, — Criticisms. 30. 182 Russell, Bcrtrand Principles of social reconstruction. London, Allen, 1916. .251 r. 183 Sauvairo-Jourdan, F, ' La vitalitc^ ^conomiquo de la France avant et apres la guorre... Paris, F. Mean, 1918. .276 p. 19cn). Addresses delivered at a conference in Bordeaux, March 1917. Subjects covered are productive forces, banks and credit, external forces and the colonies. Reviewed in Journal of Royal statistical society, July 1918, p, 652-654. 184 Scotland. Local govornmcnt board . Provision of houses for v/orking classes after the v/ar. Edinburgh, 1918. 4 p, (Housing and town planning, no, 1) Reviewed in Monthly Review, May 1913, p. 287-289. 185 Scott, William Robert Economic problems of poaco after war; the W. Stanley Jevons lectures at University college, London in 1917* Cambridge Eng. The University press, 1917. ' xii, 122 p. 22-|cm* 186 Seine ( Dcpt , ) Commission mixto du travail et du chomap-e . ...Rapport au nom de la Comnission mixte du tfavail et du chomage.*. rolativcment aux mesures a prendre pour procddor a 1' organisation du travail au moment de la demobilisation.., Paris, Imprimerie munici- pals, 1916. 59 p.. 26cm» 187 Shimmin, Arnold N. . ...Taxation and social reconstruction. London, The Athenaeum, 1917? 32 p. 21cm. (Social reconstruction pamphlets, no. II) "Short list of books and articles for supplementary reading": p. 32. 188 Smith, James C. Economic reconstruction: a paper read at the Royal Coloniallnstituto on June 15, 1916, London, P. S. King, 1913, 188a Socie^list party (U.S.) Congressional platform of Socialist party. Now York, 1913, 8 p. Gives the program of the party on reconstruction. 189 South Australia. Department o_f agriculture . Mount Remarkable training farm: its object and the chief regulations governing returned soldiers admitted to the farm, Adelaide, 1917? 8 p. 190 Laws, statutes . etc . Act to make further and better provision for the settlement of discharged soldiers on the land (no. 1313, 1917. Assented to Nov. 15, 1917) 7 p. 191 ■ Ministry of repatriation and agriculture . Land settlement of soldiers. Adelaide, 1918, 4 p. 31. 19? SparkcF, i'.alcoln A memorandum on industrial asif -government, together v/ith a draft scheme for a builders' national industrial parliament. ^London, Har- rison and sons , 1917?^ 28 p. 25|-cra. Reviewed and text of proposals reprinted in konthly Labor Reviev/, Oct. 1918, p. 54-61. 193 cStrayer, Paul iM.j ed ♦ Outline studies on the problems of the reconstruction period. Prepared by a F.pecial committee. Nev York, Association press, 1918. 39 p. Contents . — Alcoholism,— Social vice. — ^The broken family. — The status of woman, — The home-coming man,--DeFiocracy and the v.ar . — Industry, — The ending of v;ar. — Nationalism and intcrnationaliar. — War finance and the increased burden of living. — The nev task of organized relir.ion. --The ncvr spirit of cooperation and service. -- The goal of civilization. Brief lists of references given under each topic. 194* Tead, Ordvay The people's part in peace. Nev; York, Holt Si co.,1918. 195 Thompson, F .Longi-'orth & Ernest G.Allen The town plan and the house; an opportunity for national economy, London, The Garden cities & tov/n planning association, 1916? 41 p. 25^cm. 196 Turner, Samuel From var to vork. London, Nesbet L co.ltd,, 1918- 110 p, 17cm. 197 Unionist social reform committee, London The health of the people --a ncv national policy. London, Argus printing co.ltd. 1917. 63 pv • ■ . 198 U .5. Bureau of foreign and, domestic commerc^ « Economic reconstruction. Analysis of main tendencies in the principal belligerent countries of Europe, vith statistics of production, consu.ap- tion, and trade in important foodstuffs and industrial rav materials. ?/ashington, Govt .print , off . ,1918. 74 p. 23cm, (Lisccllaneous series, no. 73) Appendices: A. Economic conference of allied governments. — B, Report of British committee on commercial and industrial policy after the rar.--C. Imports and exports (Temporary control) biii.--D. British non-ferrous metal industry act. Reviewed inofficial Bulletin, Oct. 29, 1918, p»15. 199 German trade and the var. Commercial and industrial conditions in vrar time and the future outlook, by CD. Snow and J. J, Krai. Washinrton, Govt. print. of f , ,1918. 236 p, 23c;a. (liiscellaneous series, no .65) '^ Ordered. 32. 200 u .s . Bureau of labor stetii^tics .' Vocational education and cnploymcnt of the handicapped, v/ith r'pccial reference to crippled soldicrp. An annotated list of ref erencts , ^''ashinrton, Govt, print. off., .1917. 29 p. 23cm. Reprinted from Monthly Revicr, Sept .1917, p»187-212. Revised to Oct.i2, 1917. 201 Federa l board for vocational educr-tion . The evolution o^ national systems of vocational re-education for disabled soldiers and sailors- Washington, Govt .print .of f . ,1913. 319 p. 23cm. ( Its Bulletin no. 15) Covers France, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Austria-Hun- gary, Canada and other British dominions. Bibliography: p. 267-318. 202 Department of agri culture . The business of agriculture during the var and after. Discussion of the nation's most vital industry, by D .F .Houston •• . R.A.Pearson and G. Ouslcy. Washington, Dept . of agriculture, 1913. ■ 35 p. ^ 203 Vandervrldc, Emilc . . .Le socialisrae contre 1 'Etat . Paris, bergcr-Levrault , 1913. lvi,174 p, 18-Tcrn. (Problemes d 'aprcs-guerre) 204 Vcblen, Thorstein B. An inquiry into the nature of peace and the tei-ms of its perpetuation. Mev York, Liacmillan, 1917. 367 p. 20cra, 205 Victor, E.A. sd. Canada's future, vhat she offers after the var ; a sympoeium of official opinion. Toronto, The ivlacmillan compr.ny of Canada, 1916 , xv,320p. 24cm. 206 Villicr?, Brougham Britain after the peace; revolution or reconstruction. London, T.F.Umdn, 1918. 263 p. 21cm. Contents . — ^uropc in revolution. — The probleu of demobilization. — The problem of finance.— The problem of industry. — ^The problem of the land. — The problem of development. — A natioiial works department. — Belovr the battle . 7 Walling, William English, cd . The socialists nnd the v;ar ; a documentary statement of the position of the socialists of all countries; with special reference to their peace policy, including a summary of the revolutionary state socialist measures adopted by the governments at var. Nev; York, H.Holt & co., 1915. xii, 512 p. 19-|i:m. "A part of the materials utilized has appeared in the Nov Review. " — Pref . 208 Webb, Beatrice "Mrs. Sidney V^cbb" 1^. The abolition of the poor lav. London, Fabian society, 1918* ■k 11 p, (Fabian tract no. 185) 33, 209 Fcbb, Sidney Great Britain after the war, by Sidney Vkbb and Arnold Freeman; brinp; facts and figures, quotations and queries, suggestions and forecasts, desip;ned to help individual inquirers and study circles in considering vhat rill happen after the v;ar with regard to trade, employment, wages, prices, trade unionisr.i, co-operation, women's labour, foreign commerce, the railways, the coal supply, education, taxation, etc. Dedicated to the vrorkers ' educational association, London, G.Allen and Unvin, ltd., 1916. 80 p . 21^m . 210 The new constitution of the Labour Party. .',:eaning of the changes. Handworkers and brainworkers . Labour programme and prospects. London, Cooperative printing soc . ltd., 1917. 4 p. 24cm. 211 The restoration of trade union conditions. London, Nisbet and CO, ltd., New York, Huebsch, 1917 109 p. Contents .-Thr suspension of the conditions .-The nation's Pledge »-The danger of a sham rest oration. -V'anted - a nev; settlement. -The five points of the nev,' charter .-Bibliography . Predicts the impossibility of fulfilling the government's pledge of a restoration of trade union conditions, discusses the danger of a "sham restoration" and proposes instead an industrial charter for the joint adainistration of industry by employers and employees, 212 The war and the workers, handbook of some immediate measures to prevent unemployment and relieve distress. London, 1914. 23 p. 23cm. (Fabian tract no, 176.) Suggestions while made at the time of mobilzation are many of them applicable to. the period of demobilization. 213 When peace comes: the v'ay of industrial reconstruction... London, The Fabian society, October ,1916 . cover title, 32p. 22cra, (Fabian tract no. 181). 214 Fells, Herbert G. The elements of reconstruction. London, Misbet and co, 1917. 120 p.. A series of articles contributed anonymously to the London Times in July and August, 1916 with an introduction by Lord Milncr, Titles of chapters are: Science in education and industry; Scientific agriculture and the nation's food; The long viev; and labour; Problems of political adaptation; An imperial constitution; Higher education in the empire. ?15 Whitakcr, Charles Harris. The housing problem in war and in peace, by Charles Harris V/hitakcr... Frederick L. Ackerman. . .Richard S. Childs . . . and Edith Elmer i"ood . . ,V,'ashington,D.C . , The Journal of the American institute of architects ,1918. 116 p, incl . illus . , plates, plans. 28^12. Running title: What is a house? "All of the material. . .with the exception of a few illustrations, is reprinted from the Journal of the American institute of architects, issues of September, 1917 to February, 1918 inclusive," "Tiitley .report sec , Gt, Brit. Reconstruction corainittee (l\'o.l05) 216 Wilson, Woodrow, prep . U.S. Address to congress Jan, 8, 1918, Congressional record, Jan, 8, 1918, r). 707-708. Printed as H. Doc. no, 765, 6 5th Cong. Address of President T'ilson delivered in Mew York City , Sept. 27, 1918. Yfashington, Govt, print, off. 1918. 8 p. 217 Y'olff, Henry V/illiam The future of our agriculture ,, .London, P,S»?Cinr and son, ltd., 1918. vi p., 1 1., 503 p, 22cni. 218 VJorkcrs' education association, London. Child labor and education;during the rar and after. London, 1915. 28 p» 21-3^m> 219 _Rcport of National conference, on educational reconstruction held at Central Hall, Westminister, May 3, 1917. London, Workers' educational association, 1917. 75 p. Resolutions of conference; p. 53-55. 220 Zebitch, Miloradc La Serbie agricole et sa democratic. Paris, Berger-Levrault , 1917. 82 p. Treats of the agricultural situetion of Servia at the beginning of the var and the means of bettering it after the conclusion of peace. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 221 Administration plan for reconstruction^ Iron age, Oct. 10, 1918, v, 102:889 Gives the text of the Overman Sill. 222 Af tcr-var conditions , (Editorial) Public, Sept. 21, 1918, v. 21:1203-1205. 223 After war reconstruction in Great Britain - some radical proposals. Outlook, Feb. 27, 1918, v. 118:320, 224 Alden, Percy Reconstruction. Progress, Jan-Apr. 1918, v, 13:1-6. 225 An allied economic agreement . New republic, Aug. 10, 1918, v. 16:35-36. 226 ^American electro-chemical sociaby. Summary of papers read at Atlantic City, Sept. 30-Oct , 2, 1918_3 Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Oct. 15, 1918, v .19:609-615 On the position of electro-chemical industries after the var. H ►! X"! ■ r *, I *■ J 35. 227 American journal cf caro for cripples, New York During the v;ar this journal has been devoted mainly to caro and training of disabled soldiers. 228 Anderson, B» M. jr, A peace adjustment program for American business. Annalist, Nov. 18, .1918, p. 485-486. Predicts a sharp drop in commodity prices and wages, though no accompanying crisis, 229 Anderson, Norman L. Gorman measures for foreign trade extension. Commerce reports, Nov. 19, 1918, no, 272, p, 679-581. 230 Are we prepared for peace? Now statesman, Oct, 5, 1918, v, 12:4-6. A discussion cf the various problems of reconstruction and a criticism of the British government for the slow progress made in formulating definite plans. 231 An army for agricultural restoration, Survey, Sept. 14, 1918, v, 40:571-672. Greenhut proposal to the V/ar Dopt. for largo scale farming operations to bo carried on under the military organization by men retained in the sorvico, 232 Arnold, Sydney A capital levy: the problems of realisation and valuation. Economic journal, June, 1918, v. 28:157-166. 233 Attolico, B. and F. Giannini The industrial position of Italy. Jour, of Royal statistical society, May, 1918, v. 81:449-498. Includes discussion of Italy's aftor-vi/ar problems. S34 Australian industrial and labor preparations for the post-war period. Economic world, Mar. 23, 1918, v. 15 (N.S.): 407. From a correspondent at Sydney. p5 Austrian employers' preparation for peace time. Monthly labor review, Oct. 1918, p, 61. Correspondenzblatt dor gowerkschaften Doutschlands , Berlin. June 8, 1918. }36 Bailward, W.' A. State control and reconstruction. Charity organisation review, Juno, 1913, p. 226-242. Paper found among the papers of Mr, Bail^mrd after his death. Marked "uncorrected. " ^37 Baker, S, Education in citizenship and reconstruction. Canadian municipal jour. July, 1918, v, 14; 204-205. ■•■,r 36. 238 The banker 'f pert in rcconf^truction. Sociological reviev. , Auturan,1917 , v, 9:149-175. 239 Bathon.ringrove The President's readjustment and reconstruction coimnission. American nachinist, June 6,13 and 27, 1918, v ,48: 971-2 ,1005-6, 1087-9 J115-llld. Appeared also in Chemical and metallurgical engineering, June 15, July 1 and 15, 1918. 240 __Vfar industries board may be a reconstruction agency. Chenical and metallurgical engineering, Nov. 15,1918 ,pi703-704, 241 Belgian reconstruction, (In Amer. industrial co.nmission to France report, 1916, p. 227-230, 242 Bibliography on reconstruction. Progress, Jan.-Apr .1918 , v. 13:42-46. 243 Bill for the creation of labor boards in Germany. Monthly revier, 'ay, 1918, p. 68-72, 244 Blondel, Georges Le movement e'conomique et social, Allemagne, Autriche-Hongrie La Re'forne sociale, Apr .1-16 ,1918 , v. 75:251-265. 245 Chronique du movement social - Allemagne , Autriche-Hongrie. La R^forme sociale, July 1-16,1918, v» 76:74-87. 246 Boutroux, Enile After the var ♦ North American review Ilarch, 1918, v. 207:388-399, 247 Cady , Vernon . ■ A western experiment in land settlement. Survey, Sept. 21, 1918, v .40:684-687 . 248 Carry on. A magazine on the reconstruction of disabled soldiers and sailors. Fdited by office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army, Washington, June, 1913 - 249 CherinEton, Paul T. Priority after peace comes . Nation's business, Nov. 1918, p. 14, 34-36. f; 250 Le commissariat imperial pour la p/riode de transition economiquc. (Germany) Bulletin du I»linistere du travail et de la pr^voyance sociale (France) Jan-Feb.1918, p, 85-87.' \bl Cooper, Herbert J. Reconstruction in Canada after the var. Industrial Ganftdfi. Nov. 1918, v. 19:65-68, 138-144. 37. 252 Crovrll, Benedict Diversion pf industries from var to pence possibilities . Commerce reports, Nov. 18, 1918, ro, 271, p« 661. StPtemcnt by rssistcnt secretrry of I'Pr Crovcll v/ho is specially charged with the industrial aspect of demobilization. 252r. Cu^A'.-.inf, Albert A,. Joint co.-nmittecs on reconstruction. Coiigrcssionr.l record, Nov. 21, 1918, p. 12711-12712 . Includes text of S. Con. Res. 25 vhich provides for six joint congressional committees on reconstruction to deal vdth subjects of demobilization, forci"-n trade and commerce, interstate trans- portation, domestic business , relations of cnploycrs and employees and natural resources. 253 Drvics, Erail Wanted - a national reconstruction Organiser, Apr. 1913, v. 22; 246-247. 254 Demobilization in Austria after the vmr Lionthly revicvr, iJay 1918, p, 73-74. 255 Devine , Edvard T. Betv/een war and peace . Survey, Nov. 16, 1918, v. 41:179-185. 256 Dev;ey, John VvTiat are v;g fighting for? Independent, June 22, 1918, v. 94:474, 480-483. 257 Dilution on optical munitions v.'ith discharged soldiers Dilution of labor bulletin (British Ministry of lifunitions) Oct. 1917, p. 9. [58 Discussion groups on reconstruction Survey, July 20, 1918, v. 40:455 Plan for a chain of study groups on the problems of social reconstruction originating in the division on industrial and economic problems of the National conference of social work, ( See also no. 359) 259 Employment of maimed soldiers Dilution of labor bulletin (British Ministry of Jviunitions) Oct. 1917, p, 3-8. 259a Employment service plans to provide jobs for '-'orkers released from Far plants . Official bulletin, Kov, 19, 1918, p. 3, 260 English reconstruction problems from the standpoint of employers and trade unionists. Lonthly labor reviev, Oct. 1918, p, 51-54. Review of the report of the Devon and Cornwall association on reconstruction noted under no. 36 in this list. 261 Expect to rjlace disabled soldiers at useful work, Official bulletin, July 17, 1918, p. 4. Statement of policy of Y.'ar Dept. regarding training for disabled soldlr.rR . ' . .-..:* r ... t 7 ri , r .- i- ■ 38, 262 Extracts from German periodicals relating tc the v.'ar. Sconondc journal, Sept. 1918, v, 28:336-340, Includes summary of articlt3 by Dr, Kathe Gacbel in Sozialo Praxis on the problem of women's v/ork after the war and articles in other journals on Germany's war bill and how it is to be mot, 253 Falck, Sfcionne, Notro avenir cconomiquo, ' La Rd'forme sociale, Apr. 1-16, 1918, v, 75: 230-241. 264 Farnum, C. G. Fitting hr^dicapped men for industrial posts. Hospital management, Oct. 1918, v. 6;28, 265 Federation of British industries and industrial councils. Monthly labor review, Oct, 1918, p. 44-47, 266 Finney, Ross L. The social scientist's bit. Amer, Jour, of sociology, May, 1918, v, 23;754-762. 267 Fleisher, Alexander When the war ends. Now republic, Oct. 12, 1918, v, 16: 313-315,- ^ 268 c;_Franco,3 Establishncnt of a council for developing cooperation. Labour p;azottc (Gt. Brit.) April, 1918, p, 140. 268a French, Burton L. H. joint resolution 342 to select a commission of seven members to be known as U, S. Emplcymont Commission. Congressional record, Nov, 7, 1918, p, 12614. 269 French experience in the placement of disabled soldiers. Monthly review, May, 1913, p. 86-92. 270 Friedman, Slisha M. Reconstruction commissions in foreign countries. Congressional record, Oct, 14, 1918, v, 56:12203-5, 271 Gadsby, Mrs, M. A, Economic aspects of the disabled soldier problem with particular reference to Canada. Monthly labor review, Sept. 1918, p. 68-30. 272 Finding jobs for Great Britain's disabled soldiers. Monthly review, Dec. 1917, p, 55-79. 273 Gary, E. H. Judge Gary looks hopefully to future. He points out dangers that may arise and calls for unity and a fraternal spirit in solving post war problems. — Value of cooperation shown in the past, Iron arc, Nov. 14, 1918, p. 1211-1212. 274 German plans for transition-period economics, Commerce reports no, 152, June 29, 1918, p, 1226-1227, From Berliner Tageblatt. 39. 275 276 ti ^76a Qlbsoa, i'ar.orn The place of nublicity in comiiicrcial reconstruction. The Organiser, Kr\r , -Apr. 1918, v. 22:133-134,241-242, Gleueon, Arthur British labor bre?ks the trucp . Survey, July 27, 1918, v. 40:467-472, British Ir'.bor and the issues of reconstruction. 277 278 279 Survey, Aug. 3, 1918, v. 40:496-504. Includes the text of the 26 resolutions on reconstruction passed at the conference of the British Labour Party, London, June 26-28, 1918. ^The var policy of British labour. 290 281 232 P 283 284 235 286 Survey, May 13, 1913, v, 40:191-192. Goldsmith, S.A. Problem of returned soldiers . Industrial management, kay, 1918, v, 55:373. The povcrnracnt and the V-'hitley report. New state'5inen, June 1, 1918, v. 11:164-166. Criticises the British government for not inaugurating the "Fhitley constitution" in its ovn .."■,'■ :)X- ■•* ,. ,;^rf . •■ ■! • :k :.j '■..■:"■ -..i:- -•■,f.- ,'•.■. fr (> "M. 'it : J :-u;:^?tj i-J f > ;V \ •7'- .-.> 42, 310 Land sottleircnt fcr soldisrs in Australia. Monthly rcvicv, Oct, 1917, p. 53-56. From Christian science monitor, Aug. 21 and 25, 1918. 311 Lane, Franklin K. The purpose of reconstruction* Survey, Nov, 21, 1918, v. 40:120. Preface to collection of papers by various writers entitled "American problems of reconstruction" New York, Button, 1918. ( SCO no, 9) 312 Lasker, Bruno French books on reconstruction. Survey, Aug. 3, 1918, v, 40:517-520. 313 A lesson from Australia, Her systoras of land sottlomcnt for the roturninp soldier. Survey, JunolS, 1918, v. 40:313-315. 314 ^ The way to durable peace, Yalo review, Oct, 1917, v. 7:24-42 315 Lavedan, Henri Small-house reconstruction in France, Jour, of Amer. inst, cf architects, March, 1918, v, 6:120-130. Trans, from article in "L' Illustration," 316 Lchfcldt, R. A. British industry after the war. Economic journal, Sept. 1916, v. 26:306-312. 317 Lemonon, Ernest La guerre et la situation economique de 1' Italic, Journal des (^conomistee, Feb. 15, 1918, v. 77:179-195, 318 Lidbettor, E. J. Reconstruction and public health. Eugenics review, Jan. 1918, v, 9:307-315, 319 The limitation of state interference, A symposium. Organiser, Aug. -Sept, 1918, p. 124-129, 225-230. Views of a number of leading business men and men of affairs in Groat Britain on three questions: (1) What will bo the sit- uation immediately after the war as regards state regulation; (2) What should be the limit of state interference; (3) Wliat is the best after-war policy to be pursued to further the highest interests in trade, commerce and industry, 320 Lipson, E. Agriculture after the war. Fortnightly review, Apr. 1, 1918, p, 618-626. Loans authorized to French war pensioners as aid in establishing homes, Monthly labor review, Oct. 1918, p. 69-71. 321a London, Meyer H. Con. Res. 54 crcatin-^ a conmittec to be known as tho Joint Congressional Comnittec on reconstruction. Congressional rocord, Oct. 4, 1918, p. 12114. 322 MacKayc, Benton The soldier, the worker and the land's rosourcos. Monthly review, Jan, 1918, p. 48-56, 322a Madden, Martin B. H, Con. Res, 53 providing for a Joint Congressional Coiranittee on roconstrijcticn. Congressional record, Oct. 2, 1918, p. 11955. 323 Makgill, Gccrge Indus-crial organisation and empire. Nineteenth century, July, 1917, 108-116, 324 Mantoux. Paul Trade v.lth France before and after the war. Royal statistical society journal, May, 1917, v. 80:383-410. 325 Marsh, v^rthur R, Britirh labor party's program for reconstruction after the war. Economic world, Feb, 23, 1918, v, 15 (N.S.): 255-256. 326 Martin, Thomas S, Important measures limited to the period of the war on the face of the statutes providing for them, Congrossicnal record, Nov. 15, 1918, v. 56:12650-12652 (current issue). 327 Maws on, Thomas H, . ' A tree nursery. Manchester guardian, Oct. 10, 1918, p. 8. iji account of the project to reclaim the Meathop Flats on Morccanabe Bay and establish a groat tree nursery and industrial settlement for maimed and nerve- wrecked soldiers. Plan would provide for about 400 men and their families. 328 rrMiners' federation of Great Britain. Report of meeting at Southport, July, 1918.--'. Manchester guardian, July 10-13, 1918.- Resolution was passed favoring nationalization of the mines "with joint control and administration by the wcrkm.en and the state." Declared also for a six-hour v/crk day, for after the war abolition of piece work in mines, s,nd old ago pensions. Districts were instructed not to enter into any agreements after the declaration of peace which do net make provision for the continuance in the wage rate of all advances in wages paid either in consequence of a rise in the average scaling price of coal or in consequence of advances given to raeot the increased cost of living due to the war,", 329 Mitchell, A. A. A levy on capital. Economic journal, Sept. 1918, v, 28:268-275- 330 A model village for the disabled. Survey, Apr. 20, 1918, v. 40:72. Account of Scottish veterans' garden city association at Longniddry, Scotland, tt. 331 Monioz-Torrachar, Donisc La reconstruction socialc en anglotorro. La Revue philanthropiquo, Sept. 15, 1918, v. 39:369-377. 332 More "roconstruction" after the war. Now ataterman, June 1, 1918, v. 11:175-176» Review of recent books on reconstruction, 333 Moving sv/iftly from war to peace* Iron t-.'adc review, Nov. 14, 1918, p. 1099-1101. This journal announces that its annual number to bo published Jan. 2, 1919 will be on "World-wide reconstruction." 334 Munroo, Jamos P. The war's cripples. How they may bo made assets both to themselves, and to society. Survey, May 18, 1918, v, 40:179-183. 335 National council of the pottery industry. Labour gazette, Gt» Brit,, Feb, 1918, p. 49. The pottery industry was the first industry to put into effect the rccomiiicndations of the Whitley report. Constitution printed also in the Organiser, Fob. 1918, p, 49, and in Monthly review, April, 1918, p, 234-23^. 335 National economic leapjuo, Boston, Conditions and problems after the war, (In National economic league quarterly, vol, 2, no. 3, November, 1915, 147 p.) Brief statements from a number of business and professional men. 337 New French law relating to rehabilitation of disabled soldiers. Monthly review. May, 1918, p. 81-86. J38 Notes on the employment of maimed soldiers. Dilution of labor bulletin (British Ministry of Munitions) Dec. 1917, p« 35-36. )39 The Organiser. The journal of new conditions in industry. London. Feb. 1918 - date. Devoted to problems of reconstruction. 340 Our preparation for after the war. (On the chemical industries.) Jour, of Indus, and engineering chemistry, Nov. 1918, v,lC;: 881-887, 341 Overman, Leo S. Federal commission on roconstruction. Congressional record, Oct, 3, 1918, v. 56:11974-11975. Includes text of S. 4968. 341a Owen, Robert L. S. Con. Ros. 22 providing for a committee on reorganization. Congressional record, Sept. 28, 1918, p. 11799^11800. 342 Pantalconi, Maffeo Probl ernes italiens d'apres la guerre. Journal dcs e'conomistes , June, 1916, v. 50:383-402. 343 Peace perils. New statesman, Oct. 26, 1918, v, 12:64-66. On the problems of demobilization, particularly of civil war v/orkers. i -.5, 344 Pease, F.&vtrd R, The reconstruction of our villngea. Progreps, Jan-Apr. 1918, v- 13:7-13. 345 Pigou, i..C. A special levy to dischr.rge vr.r debt. Economic journal, June 1918, V4 28:135-156. 346 Planning for peace in England. Survey, Apr. 5, 1913, v. 40:16. 347 The position of industriop. aftrr the v-ar. Labour gazette, Aug. 1918, p. 306-307. Summaries of renorts of comrnittecg of the British Board of Trade (Listed under no?. 57-62) 348 Preliminary to reconstruction. Nev' republic, Oct. 12, 1918, v. 16:304-305. A discussion of the bills on reconstruction before Congress. (S. Con. Res. 21 and 22, H. Con. Res. 53, S.4968) 349 Priority policy advocated during peace trade reeumption* Annalist, Nov, 18, 1918, p. 484, 502, Includes revievs of the reconstruction period, 1861-1363. 350 The problem of demobilization, Nev- statesman, Feb, 19, 1916, v. 6:462-464, 351 Proceedings of joint industrial councils. Labour gazette, Oct. 1918, p. 391-392- 352 Ratehesky, A.C. Looking ahead of vorld's trade che.os . New York Times, May 26, 1918, sec. 5, p, 1-2. On the financial state of the vorld after the war. 353 Recalled to life, A journal devoted to the care, re-education and return to civil life of disabled sailors and soldiers . June 1917-April 1918, Nos..l-?. Succeeded by Reveille. 354 Reconstruction period re c crime ndat i o ns . Important memorandum presented by the labor committee of the Canadian manufacturers association to the Labor sub-coniraittee of the Reconstruction and development committee of the Dominion government at Ottava on October 23rd . Industrial canada , Nov, 1918, v. 19:43, 355 Reconstruction. A bulletin published by the Department of soldiers civil re-establishment. Canada. After Jan. 1,1919 bulletin will change its name to "Back to mufti." 46. 356 Reconstruction: Abstracts cf reports of various f-overmnont committees, Gt, Brit. Progress, Jan. -Apr. 1918, v. 13:20-32. ■ 357 Reconstruction before Congross. Survey, Oct, 12, 1918, v. 40:47-49. Comparison of tho reconstruction bills before Congross, 358 Reconstruction program of German trade unions. Monthly review, April 1918, p. 83-89. n^u?o^M'*°^^°"n^",'^^''^* ^^"^ Generalkomraission der gewerkschaften DeutschlcndG, Berlin, Oct. 20, 1917, 359 Reconstruction study groups. Survey, Nov. 2, 1913, v. 41:133-134. (S£e also no. 258.) 360 Reconstruction - What does it mean? Amcr, inst. of architects jour. Aug. 1918, v. 6:377-82. 361 Redfield, William C, Responsibilities that ^vill come with ^oaco. Commerce reports, Nov. 14, no. 268, p'. 609-611, Extract from address delivered before Ar.iorican manufacturers export association Oct. 31. 362 Report. of the joint committee for the post-war cnploymcnt of women clerks. Women's industrial news, Apr. 1918, v. 21:8-11. ''' ""Ta'lTelTinll ''''''''"" ^"^^^ Appointment Labour gazette. May 1918, p. 175, - 364 Return of labor to the factory. American machinist. May 2, 1918, v. 48-740 den^bUiLttnf^^ ''''"''' ^'"'''°'* '' ^^'^"^'^ ^^^-° ^- 365 ReveiUo. Devoted to the disabled sailor and soldier, London, AU£. I, 1918- (Succeeds "Recalled to life.") ^^^ ^ZiltZl '•"'^ adjustments of govornmont war contracts. Commerce^rcports Nov. 16, 1918, no. 270, p. 641-642. oxaooment from War industries board. ''' "'mutilJsT'?'''' '°"' ''^^*"'° ''' ^"^^*i°- interessant los mutUcs do la guerre, Paris, April 1918- 47. 3C3 Reynolds, Arthur Economic and financial problems growing out of tho war' and how they may bo met. Economic world, Juno 22, 1918, v. 15:870-873. Parts of an address delivered before the Bankers' club of Pittsburgh, Juno 10, 1918. 369 Ridin,cton, John The university, the university library and tho returned soldiers. Library journal, Nov. 1918, v, 43:808-815. 370 Sanger, Sophy Labor questions in tho peace settlement. Contemporary review, Oct. 1918. 371 Scott, V;. R. Some aspects of tho proposed capital levy. Economic journal, Sept, 1918, v. 28:247-267. 372 Senior, C, Norman Canada's industrial re-education system. Industrial Canada, Sept, 1918, p. 46-49. 373 Sergeant, Elizabeth S. Battle of tho rear. Nev/ republic, June 15, 1918, v. 15:196-9. Work of the Red Cross reconstruction bureau in France. 374 Tho simplification of plant for operation by discharsod soldiers. Dilution of labor bulletin (British Ministry of Munitions). June, 1918, p. 30. 375 Skinner, Robert P. British reconstruction plans, American machinist, A^ril 4, 1918, v. 43:574-577. Abstract in eng, and min. jour., March 23, 1913, v. 105:562. 37fi Smith, George E. Tho realities to bo faced in connection with our forcit];n trade after the war. Economic world, Nov. 9, 1918, v. 15 (N.S. ) :655-657, Reprinted from Leslie's weekly, 377 Snyder, Lcroy E. -A local reconstruction program. National municipal review, Nov. 1918 v, 7:574-576. Rochester Bur. of municipal research is making a study of what are the public works in Rochester that need to be done, which can bo done at the end of tho war in order tc help absorb labor re- leased by demobilization. 378 Sobriety by statute. Effect of war time control: a suggested scheme, Manchester rniardian, Oct. 25, 1918, p. 8, Outlines scheme for permanent control of drink traffic after the war. 4». 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386' 387 388 1339 1:390 391 The Socialist party on reconstruction. Survey, Sept. 7, 1918, p. 6'3rO-642. The Socialist progranme . New Republic, Sept. 14, 1918, v. 16:182-183. Stanley, Sir Albert. British commerce and industry after the var. Commerce reports, no. 266, Nov. 12 » 1918, p. 577-582. Address by the President of the Board cf Trade before the Industrial Reconstruction Council (Reprinted from the British Board of Trade journal, Oct, 10, 1918.) Stearns, Harold Why reconstruction! Dial, Oct. 5, 1918, v.. 45:249-252, Steps to reconstruction:V/hat the federation is doing. Federation of British industries bulletin, July 18, 1918, p. 355-356, Stern, Rose G. Our deafened soldier??. Survey, Sept, 7, 1913, v. 40:627-630. Discusses the occupations in which the deaf mir^ht easily and profitably be employed and the classes of occupations to be avoided . Tardieu, Andre The cononiic losses which France has to repair by reason of the v;ar . Economic rorld , Nov. 16, 1918, p. 691-692. Tead , Ordray The British reconstruction programs. Political science quarterly, March, 1918, v, 33: 56-76. Labor and reconstruction. Yale reviev, April, 1918, v. 7:529-542. Productivity and reconstruction. Public, L'arch 16, 1918, v, 21:332-334. Ray materials and peace* Public, Aus. 10, 1918, v. 21:1011-1013* Towards industrial democracy. Ner republic, Sept. 11, 1917, v. 12:121 -123. Training and employment of disabled soldiers and civilians in Germany* Settlrment of disabled soldiers on the land. Honthly rcvier, April 1918, p. 123-131. '. 1-. I ■ 49 392 Vast schenc under rsy by British Reconstruction :;inistry to meet f inancifil , trp.de, and social problcins after we.r. Official bulletin, torch 14, 1918, p, 9-12, A li-^t of the 87 cor.rnirsions and ccimittces set up to deal Yith aftcr-var queptions vith their tcr-ns of reference, 393 Village scttleacnts for disabled soldiers in Great Britain. Monthly review, 1 larch, 1918, p. 96-98. From the Lancet, Nov. 3, 1918, 394 Vocational reeducation and employment of disabled soldiers in Italy. The National commission for the protection and assistance of men cisablod in the var. Monthly labor review, Oct. 1918, p, 71-85, 395 Vorst, Hans. Conditions in Russia. Nev Republic, Oct. 5, .1918, v. 16:283-290. ^Published in the B^irliner Tageblatti^i [396 V.'alling, ^-'iliiam English ' Internationalism and government ov.'nership . Public, Jan. 11, 1918, v. 21:49-52, '397 V/ar pensions gazette. A uonthly journal issued by British Ministry of pensions, iklay, 1917 - Devoted to xhe v/ork for disabled soldiers. 398 War restriction iron and steel are cut in half by War Industries . Board, Iron Trade review, Nov. 14, 1918, p. 1110-1112. 399 Washington "nuch at sea over readjuftment - Chairmavi Baruch's staten.ent of policy -Board of contract adjustment.' PYoungstovn alive to the situation.-Deraobili zation and labor problem.' Definite steps to remove restrictions on industry. Iron age, Nov. 14, 1913, p. 1215-1217, 1224-1225, 400 Weeks, J.','. Joint congressional committee on reconstruction. (Includes text of S. Con. Res. 21) Congressional record, Sept. 27, 1918, 11760-3. At a meeting of republican senators Nov. 19 it v'as decided to ?..dopt the amendment prcpoped by Senator Cummins providing for six reconstruction committees to deal v/ith the subject of demobilization, foreign trade, interstate transportation, domestic business, relations of employers and employees and national resources, (Washington Post Nov. 20) 401 V/eeks • resolution: scope and purpose as explained by the Senator. American econonist, Oct. 18, 1918, v .62:227. 50. 402 Welliver, Judson C» Building for r, ncv world after the war* Hov Britain is preparing for the momentous changes that will follov; the end of the great conflict, Munscy'c magazine, Novt 1917, p. 201-207, 40? cV'Tiitley, J.H.a The V'fhitley report . Local government chronicle, Oct • 12, 1918, p. 594. Suiimary of address on "The broad principles underlying the report" made at Sheffield in Oct. 1918 ■. For the report • see no. 105 in this list. 404 Will Chicago be cockpit of retail post-var competition. Removal of zoning restrictions against eastern coals would precipitate struggle for con-croi of domestic business .-Steam trade v;ill be unaffected by rny cnrnge . Coal tri.de journal, Nov. 20, 1918, p. 1374-1375. 405 Yfilliamp, Pi^.rcs C, Reconsti'uction of French iron and steel industry. Commerce- reports, no. 267, Nov, 13, 1918, p. 593-594. 406 V/illison, Sir John Canada must prepare for reconstruction. Industrial Canada, June, 1918, p. 46-47. 407 Canadian conception of a sound policy of national reconstruction after the var; a Ptatement on behalf of the Canrdian induetriai reconstruction association. Economic world, Augi. 10, 1918, v. 16 (N .S .) ;i85-l-91 , 408 Organization for af tcr-the-vrar problems. Industrial Canada, July, 1918, p, 187-188. Address before the Canadian manufacturors ' association, Montreal, June 12, 1918. 409 T he progress of industrial reconBtruction. Industrial Canada, Aug. 1018, p, 50-51; Sept. p. 51-52, 410 Progress of the reconstruction movement . Permanent organization of the Canadian reconstruction association being rounded out - Possibilities of greatly improved trade relations with France - Survey to be made to determine extent and character of Canada 'f; indurtrial organization. Industrial Canada, Nov, 1918, v, 19:57-58. fll The reconstruction movement in the V.'ert. Industrial Canada, October, 1918, p. ^8-59- 413 The rinninp of Russia; a practical policy for the allies. By a Russian correspondent. Manchester guardian, Oct. 19, 1913, p. 3. Su,^geBt3 that the beet approach to Russir is through the cooperative movement and proposes the suramoning of an Inter-alli-d committee of cooperation. Cooperative soci(~ties in Russia have a membership o-f 13g- millions , or counting the families, approximately 67-5- mllions , about 39 per cent, of the total population. 413 Foinen vorkers after the vrar. Survey, Nov. 2, 1913, v. 41:131-132. Proposal of the National Women's Trade Union League for a conference of vorking vomen in the allied and neutral countr-.'.es to discuss their specific aims in social recon- struction. 414 V/orks comriittee in Germany. Labour gazette, May, 1913, p. 176, 415 Zimand, S. A ministry of reconstruction. Public, Sept. 21, 1918, v. 21:1208-1210. Ad-ocrtes the establishment of a department of reconstruction in the federal government. CALENDAR OF CONFERFNCES . Academy of political science, New York, Dec. 6-7, 1918. Subject: War labor policies and reconstruction. Amer.lcan association for labor legislation in conjunction with Am^iricrn Economic association and /uTierican sociological society. Richmond, Va> Dec. 27-28, 1918, Subject: Industrial reconstruction. • Chamber of commerce of U.S. Atlantic City, N.J. Dec .4-6, 1918. War emergency and reconstruction conference of industrial var service committees. Lumbermen. Chicago, Nov. 22, 1918, To discuss preparation for peace « National raurfcipal league. Rochester, N.Y. Nov. 20-22, 1918. To discuss American reconstruction problems. 52. SUBJECT INDEX. (Numbers refer to items, not to pages.) Agriculture .24,41,49,53-4,89,110, 149,158,174,202,214,217,220,231,320 Distribution of products 9 Wages 54,89,90,178,180. V/'omcn workers • . ................•>..•. i . . .136 ,168 See also Housing, Rural. American Federation of Labor , ,.....,. ,7,124,171 Australia: Disabled soldiers 123 ,123a, 200-1 Reconstruction plans i . . .234,270 Soldiers' settlements 12 ,69, 156a, 189-191, 310,313 Austria-Hungary ., 244, 245, 294, 308 Demobilization •..,.. i .254 Disabled soldiers .201 Labor 235,308 Reconstruction plans 198,270 Asia. , , 1 6 Balfour committee reports ......>....< i ...,,. .71 ,74 Balkans , > • • 6 Belgium ,6,20,241,270,303 Disabled soldiers 123-123a, 165, 200-201 Bibliographies 8,19,39,48,187,211 Disabled soldiers ......200,201 Reconstruction. 172,193,242,312,332 Women's vork i >...........< ► .163 Bills on reconstruction. see Congress . Board of trade (Gt.Brit.) 57,62 Brazil ^ 270 Building trades » . . ,10 Bulgaria « • '270 Canada 6,19,205,251 ,270,354 ,369,372,406-411 Disabled soldiers 24-26,123,200-201,271,355 Land colonies 24,26,156a Capital and labor. Sec Industrial reconstruction; Industrial councils; State control of industry. Chemical industries ...100,226,340 Child labor 20a, 21, 46, 55, 64,162,218, 56 Child velf are 33 , 107,139,144,155 ,167,178 Chile ..270 Citizenship. .33,237 Coal mines : Coal conservation. .91-2 Coal trade 57 ,404 Nationalization of 43,139,140-42,209,328 Conciliation and r.rbitration > • • • '97, 98 See also Industrial councils . ■ I 53. Conferences on rc30>u-.truction, p. 51. Congrtvsw, Billa before , 252n, 268r.,321r., 322a, 341, 3^ia, 400 Discussion on ". . ." 221,239,240,281,343,357,401 Coopcrction 112,179,209,268 Copartnership 138 Credit and brnking 9,66,134-136,153,180,183,206,238,352 Deruobilization.. . .20;:., 26 ,36 ,90r , 126 ,128-131 ,140,145 ,164,171 ,186 ,206,' 230 , 252 , 252.r. , 254 , 259d , 278 , 309 , 343 , 3 50 , 354 , 363,364,399 pee alFQ Public vorke . Democrpcy 2,6,9,39,94,114,117,118 ,139-140,193-4,256,287 Disabled soldiers 271,278,334,337 Bibliop-ruphies 200-201 Eraployrnent 4, 26, 80, 123, 123n, 176-1 77, 257, 259, 261 ,264,269,272, 282 , 268 , 338 , 374 , 384 ,391 , 394 . Pensions ». 25, 121, 123 Periodicr-ls 227,248,353,355,365,367,397 Reeducation 4,26 ,123, 123a, 165, 200, 201 ,391 ,394 see also Land colonics . Drink traffic, Control of ...140,378 Dye industry, See Textile trr.des Education 11 ,33-4,46 , 51 , 55r6,76 ,94, 151,218-9 Technical education. .9,62,75,92,108,. 214. Electrical trades , , .58 Electric power supply , .67,91 Electro-chemictil industries .226 Imployment exchanges 20a, 128, 282 , Engineering trades , ,3" ,59 Europe ..6,9 see also nameB of particular countries. Financial reconstruction. See Credit and banking; Taxation; War, Costs of. Fertiliser trr-.des 81 • Food, Production of . eee Agriculture. Forestry 102,155 Frr.nce .35,107-3,137,143-4,149,174-5,263,268,270,280,385 ■ Eioliogrsphy .8,200-1,312 Doraobiliz?'.tion . .1^6,185 DiPuDlcd foldiers 32,123-,1''3p ,200-x ,269,337,367 Foreign trade 157,183,198,324 Industries R, 47, 147 ,174,405 Labor 10,20,32,111,146,149 Rebuilding 10,155,303,315,321,373 Cerraany 17,20,143,244-24 5,262 Disabled noldicrs 200-201,391 Labor 243,262,356,414 Reconstruction prograinr 198-199,229,250,270,274 54. Great Eritciin -3»42-3, 52-106, 109, 133, 1^0-150,152, 159, 185, 187-3,136-7, 223 -4, 232, ?36, 233, 253, 283,302, 304, 319, 323, 329, 34 5, 350,^71, 375, 373, 392 Agriculture 41 ,49, 51-5^,89,110,214,217,320 Child Irbor.. 20r.,21 , 55-6,64,2lG Dcmol3ili2t;tion 36, 90a, 128, 139-142, 250, 309, 343 ,350, 363 Disr.bled soldicrr 80,121,123-123- ,176-7,200-1 ,257,259 272,282,338,353,365,374,397 Education 11,33,46,51,55-6,73-76,92,94,151,214,218-9 ForciOT trndft 57-62,65-6,71-74,157,198,225,275,381, 68 Industrial reconstruction 16, 27. 29-31, 36-44-5, 48, 50, 77a-79, 34, 95-99, 105, 115-20, 125-131, 134-136, 139-1'±2, 170,173,181,192,209,213,250,265,279,235,293, 300,316,335,339,351,383,386-7,403,414 Indue triril unrept. ...23,36,70,135 Houf^ing 54, 83, 37-8, 89-90, 93-4, 125, 157-8, 130, 184, 289,344 Land Colonies 23 , 52-4, 69, 110, 135, 154-5, 155r., 327, 330, 393 Poor Uv , 33 ,103 ,15V , 208 Socirl reconstruction 49,04,117-8,140,173-9,182,344,402 T o-n-pianni np , 160,168-9,195 Women in industry 22,29,33,37,49,122,127,134-6,163, 167-8,181,209,362 Her 1th 82,197, 318 Hollrnd , 270 Housing 33,83,85,37-8,93,125,167,134,215,230,239,315 Rurr.l ,54:, 89-90, 94, 168, 180, 344 Tovm planninr: 10,155 ,160,168-169,195,303 Hungary. See Austria-Hungcry . Immigration after var ^58 India ..*201 Industrial councilp .16,192,243 ,265,293,351 Whitley reports 31 ,45, 77r., 78-84, 95-99, 105, 279, 403 Pottery industry -. 300, ''35 sec alro ^."orks comnittee Industrial efficiency '^'^ Indur^trial reconstruction 9 ,27 ,29,30,36 ,44,48, 50, 115r7. 125-131,139,42,149,170,174,181,192,209,213. 260,280,285,316,336,339,390 see also Industrial councils; State control of industry. Industrial unrest 23,36,70,135 see also Industrial councils • Internatio'nr-1 coraraerce 9,57-62,65-6.71-74,157,181, 198-9 , 209 , 225 , 324 , 375 ,331 International labor standards ... .13 ,14 ,113,124,292,306,307 Iron -nd steel trader 60,295,390,405 , Italy • 3 , 233 , 317 , 342 Disabled soldiers 123,200-201,394 Reconstruction plans... 270,296,297 Japan 270 "Key" industries 62,71,302 Labor and peace, see Peace conference. Labor standards 94.14U-142 ,173, 328 see also Intcrm.tional labor standards • 55. Labour pr.rty (Gt .Brit.) , 1X5,125-131 ,l^S,142,210,223,276-?» 301,306-7,325,386. Ln.nd Colonics: Australia .12,69, 156r., 189-191 ,310, 313 Canada 24,26,69,156a Germany - 391 Great Britain 23 , 52-54, 69, 110, 13 5, 154-5, 156a, 327,330,393 New Zealand 69,156a South Africa 69,156a United States 247,298-299,322 Land question.. ..........33 ,49,206 League of nations and labor .113,292 see also International labor standards . Lumber .286 Luxemburg ,.,,,.. 6 Jierchant marine . •& Mexic 6 Mineral resources (U.S.) .9 National Guilds 119,120 National minimum, see Standard of livine Nev- Zealand 161 Disabled soldiers 123, 123a, 201 Land Colonies .69,156a Non-ay 20 , 270 Output ,42,47,57-62,170,338 Pacific 6 Peace 2,6 ,39,171 ,20^- ,207 ,216 , 314,389 Labor at conference 47,13,113-5,124,171,194,292, 306-7,370 "Period of war" 101,326 Poor lav.' (sec Great Britain) Pottery industry , 300,335 Prc-var contracts , , , . , ,.,.,,.... .68 ,101 Production, Increased, see Output. Public works. . 86 ,90a, 104,186 ,206 ,268a ,377 , 93 Rrilroads 5,9,43,133,139-142 Raw materials 198,389 sec also International commerce Reconstruction. Ministry of (Gt.Brit) Committees , 85,224,392 History .106 Lav: creating .77 Reports , 83,103,105 Rothband scheme 176,177 Rural life 24,33,49,53-54,89-90,94,168,174,180-1,344 see also Housing; Land colonies. Russia ....15,270,395,41? Scientific management .9,181 56. Self govcrruncnt in i/xluPtry sec Industrirl reconstruction; Industrir.l councils. Servia 123 , 220 , 270 Shit>t)in]2 rnd ship-buildincc , 9,61 Social reconstruction... 49,9^,117-18,139-142,152,284,287,331 ,413 sec also InduPtric.l reconstruction Socir.lisra 17,150,203,207,396 Socii-list pn.rty (U.S.)... 188.- ,207,379,380 Soldiers , Returned 22,26,32,135,278,353 see also Demobilization; Disabled soldierF,; Land colonies. Soldiers* settlements, see Land colonics. South Africa 69,123,156a South Australia. Sec Australia Spain 270,291 Standard of living 29,94,140-142,178,328 State control of industry 9,27,29,48,106,132,140-142, 181,236,319,404 Steel trades. See Iron and steel trades. Study groups on reconstruction • .,,..258,359 Sulphuric acid trades. •#..*.. • -^-^ Sreden 270 Sritzerland 20 Taxation 3,33,43,48,140-1,187,209,368 Technical education. See Fducation Textile trades • '62 Thrift ^ ...9,33 Trade boards ,- . ,. 84,95 see also Indur^trinl councils Trade Union Congress (Gt.Brit). Sec Labour party (GtrBrit.) Trc.de unions .49 , 209 , 3 58 Restoration of pre-i'-rr conditions ....126,130,131,211 Unemployment 1 ,20,22, 94,129,139-142 ,162 ,186 ,212 Labor exchangep. , 20a, 128, 148 Insurance .129,140 see also Demobilization; Disabled soldiers. United States. ...1-7,9,158,171,193,222,226,228,249,255-6,258 267 , 281 , 286 , 295, 311 ,333 ,336 , 340, 349,359 , 361 , 368 , 382 398,404,413. Agriculture 9.202,231 American federation of labor ,7,124,171 Bills before Congress 221 ,239, 40, 252a, 268t. 281, 321a, 322r., 341, 341a, 348, 357,400-1 Costs of war 3,133,193. Demobilization 252, 252u, 259a, 263a ,278,377 ,399 Disabled soldiers, 4,123,200-201,261,264,288,334 Education 34,158 Foreign trade 8 , 9 , 352 , 361 ,157 ,198,376 Indus. Asocial reconstruction . .2,9,36,40,193,228,252,273,290,305,333 Land colonies 247,298-299,322 "Period of war"... ..326 Priority 249,349,398. Railroads , .5,9 Socialist party 188a, 207, 379, 380 War contracts.'. 252,366,399 :i9 -JKAi-ly-'-,^ U. S. DEPARIMEI IT OF L/vBOR LIBRARY .,' "otTHT WASHINGTON f TJNi\.-iiXi . RECONSTRUCTION: SUPFLMENTARY LIST OF REFERENCES. ^^:l^Oj^j^- C! Compiled by Laura A. Thompson. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia . A reconstruction labor policy. . .Editor in charge of this volume: G, H. Crennan. Philadelphia, The Am.erican academy of political and social science, 1919. 211 p. ( Its Annals, vol. Ixxxi, \7hole no. 170, Jan., 1919.) Contents — Reviev; of the elements in a reconstruction labor policy, by C. H. Crennan. — pt. 1. Release of man power for post-v/ar industry: Brit- ish demobilization plans, by Robert C. Clothier. Release of industrial leaders from government service for industrial supervision, by Mark M. Jones. — pt. 2, Industrial displacement: United States employment service and demobilization by I. W, Litchfield. Lessons of the \var in shifting labor, by John B. Densmore, The extension of selective tests to industry, by Beardsley Ruml . War's challenge to employment managers, by Joseph H. Willits . Housing and transportation problems in relation to labor place- ment, by John Ihlder. A national policy — public v/crks to stabilize employ- ment, by OttoT. Mallery. Placing soldiers on farm colonies, by El wood Mead, Immigration standards after the war, by Henry P, Fairchild, — pt. 3« Standards for replaced labor: Seven points for a reconstruction labor policy, by V. Everit Macy. Federal policies for wrmen in industry, by Mary Van Kleeck, Can we eliminate labor unrest? by Robert \7, Bruere, Post-war causes of labor unrest, by Malcolm Keir. The measurement of the cost of living and wages, by William F. Ogburn, Wages for v/omen workers, by Mary Anderson, Health problem.s of industrial workers, by John A. Lapp, Training labor; a necessary reconstruction policy, by G. T» Clayton. The employment manager and applied vocational guidance, by Ida M. Wilson. Resolutions of the v/ar emergency congress of the Chamber of commerce of the United States. Capital and labor, by Charles M. Schwab, Post-war standards for industrial relations, by Henry P. Kendall, Representation in industry, by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Labor standards after the war, by Samuel Gompers, Resolutions on reconstruction of the British labor party, from the Survey, American eagle fire insurance company, America's future. Our reconstruction opportunities in legislation; shipping, banking, insurance, commerce and labor. New York, 1918, 48 p, American federation of labor. Labor and the war. American federation of labor and the labor movements of Europe and Latin America, From the Proceedings of the conventions of 1914- 15-16-17-18 American federation of labor, and from the .taerican federation- ist November and December, 1916, January, May, and November, 1917, and April, 1918, Washington, American federation of labor, 1913, 288 p. Resolutions adopted by Pan American Federation of Labor at Laredo, Nov. 13-16: p. 171-173, Correspondence with foreign trade union federations and with the inter- national federation: p, 174-283, Declaration of principles, Inter-allied labor conference, London, Sept, 17-19, 1918: p. 284-286, i\raer.ican federation of labor. Reconstruction program. Y/ashington, D. C, American federation of labor, 1919? 16 p. Program •'vas drafted by the Committee on reconstruction appointed by instruction of the Convention held at St, Paul, June 10-20, 1918, and unanimously indorsed by the lilxecutive Council of the imerican Federa- tion of Labor, ianong the subjects covered are the right of labor to organize, the abolition of child labor, the eight-hour day, living wage, equal pay for equal work, unemployment, prohibition of immigration for two years after peace, housing, education, militarism. Andrews, John B. Labor in the peace treaty, N. Y. 1919, 12 p, Reprint from the American labor legislation review, Aohbee, C, R, Where the' great city stands, A study in the now civics. London, Essex house press, 1917, 165 p. Association of national advertisers, New York . Reconstruction of foreign and domestic markets, Pt. 1, manufacturing capacity and world trade. Mew York, 1918, 37 p. Associazione nazionale fra mutilati e invalidi di guerra, Milan, II bolletino. Organo ufficiale della associazione nazionale fra mutilati e invalidi di guerra, anno 1 - agosto 1918 - Milano, 1918. L'avenir de la France, Reformes necessaires. Paris, Librairie Felix Alcan, 1918, 568 p. The chapters v/hich are by various authors cover the political, social, economic and industrial problems of France, Baker, James H. After the war - what? Boston, Stratford company, 1918, 177 p. Bathon, Wingrove, After the war what? New York, McGraw-Hill company, 1918. 30 p. Booklet is a reprint of articles from Chemical and metallurgical engineering and other magazines. Black, Clementina, A new way of housekeeping. London, W. Collins and company, 1918. 132 p. Presents a scheme for the reorganization of domestic service as a modern industry. A chapter on labor-making houses criticizes many of the details of modern house planning and fittings for their labor wasting features. There is also a chapter on housing for federated households. Bureau of industrial research, Washington, D, C, see no, 72. Butler, Nicholas Murray. ■ The war and after the war, n,p., 1918. 6 p. Reprinted from Doings of the San Francisco commercial club for Aug., 1918. L4 California. State Ir.nd settlornent board . Farm allotments e.nd farm laborors' allotments in the Durham State land settlement, Sacramento, State printing off., 1918. 7 p. The purpose of the California Land settlement act of 1917 was to pro- mote "closer agricultural settlement, assisting deserving and qualified persons to acquire small improved farrasj, providing homes for farm labor- ers, increasing opportunities under the Federal farm loan act^ and dem.on- strating the value of adequate capital and organized direction in sub- dividing and preparing agricultural land for settlement." This pamphlet gives the location, area and prices of the farms and allotments open to settlement in the Durham State land settlement in Butte county and the terms on which thoy may be purchased. Canada , Privy council . Repatriation and employment committee . V/ar to peace. The programme of the Canadian government regarding the returned soldiers and readjustment of industrial conditions, n. p., 1919, 29 p. A Repatriation and employment committee of the Canadian cabinet was formed in November, 1918, to secure the closest cooperation of all the departments of the government and of other agencies, for the purpose of dealing with the following; (a) The absorption into civil life and occupation of discharged soldiers; (b) Industrial labor conditions v/hich may arise from industrial dislocation and readjustment. Pamphlet describes the arrangements miade by various government agencies concerned in demobilization and settlement in civil life of returned sol- diers, and the care and reeducation of the disabled, (See also nos. 149, 319, 385.) 16 Canadian national reconstruction groups. The problems of national reconstruction. A summary by the standing com- mittee on plans and propaganda of the Canadian national reconstruction groups. Montreal, Oct., 1918. 71 p. Chapters cover problems of reconstruction, demobilization, military and civil, employment, trade and industry, the employer, labor, politi- cal and industrial status of women, industrial councils, scientific management, soldiers and vocational training, education, scientific and industrial research, land and agriculture, health and housing, the state in its relation to industry, taxation and finance, aliens and naturali- zation, constitutional problems, 17 Canadian reconstruction association. Woman' 3 department . Women and reconstruction. Published by the Woman's department, Canadian reconstruction association, November 25, 1918, 9 p. "An appeal for the cooperation of Canadian women in solving economic and industrial problems and an examination of the relationship of hones to national business," 18 Chamber of commerce of the United States of /imerica. A digest of the Reconstruction congress of American industries, Atlantic City, December 3, 4, 5 and 6, 1918, held at the call of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, V/ashington, D. C, 1918. 14 p. Gives the text of the resolutions adopted which relate to war contracts, surplus government supplies, removal of restrictions on industry, pivotal industries, industrial cooperation. Federal trade commission, industrial relations, relocation of labor, public works, taxation, water pov/er, ^ European coimiission, markets for foreign trade, etc. Resolutions are printed also in Chemical and metallurgical engineering Dec, 15, 1918, p« 789-801; in Coal trade journal for Dgc« 11, 1918, p, 1445- 1448; Black diamond, Dec. 28, 1913, p» 580-581, Some of the addresses delivered at the conference are printed in the Dec, 1918, and Jan., 1919, numbers of the Nation's business, I Chamber of commerce of the State of New York. Memorial to Congress on termination of war contracts. New Yorkj Dec. 7, 1918. 6 p. . . I Cham-berlin, T. C. World organization after the world Y^ar - An omninational confederation. 1918. 27 p. Reprinted from the' Journal of geology, Nov. -Dec, 1918. The author proposes a confederation of nations not as a mode of political or social government but as a cooperative economic agency controlling the essence of international affairs. Cole, G. D. H. , and W. Mellor. The meaning of industrial freedom. London, G, Allen and Unwin, 1918? 44 p, The author is an advocate of guild socialism, the fundamental idea of which is a "partnership between the producers and the state in the con- trol of industry." 22 Commission des traitos internationaux da travail. Rapport deM. Ernest Lairolle, depute des Alpes-Maritimes , sur la reciprocite des lois de pr^voyance entre la France et les nations Paris, Impr* Chaix, 1918. 26 p. 23 Confederation ge'nerale du travail. ^ ^ Questions ouvrieres: 1« La raain-d' oeuvre etrangere; 2. Les clauses ouvrieres a inserer dans le trait6 de paix; 3, La situation ouvriere, ameliorations \ obtenir; 4. La question deo loyers. Paris, " Confederation general e du travail, 1916. 35 p. t Rapports des comite's et des commissions pour 1 • exercise^ 1914-1918 "TTisentes au XIX congres corporatif XIII de la C.G.T. tenu a Versailles, du 15 au 18 juillet, 1918, Paris, Impr. nouvelle, 1918. 89 p. For memorandum on international labor legislation submitted to French government see nos. 221, 226, 333, 5 Conference on demobilization and the responsibilities of organized social agencies, New York, Nov, 29-30, 1918, Survey, Dec 7, 1918. x • ^ +v<. Contents .-A new purpose, by Felix Adler; The conservation of the new 'federal standards, by Felix Frankfurter; The contribution of the Red Cross home service to organized social effort: its luture, by ^' Frank Persons; Permanent values in war camp community service, by Charles F. Weller; Community councils as a basis for an effective recreational program, by Jessica Peixotto; The war labor board and the living wage, by Frank P. Walsh; A national council of social agencies, m by William T» Cross; Demobilization and social agencies; The carrying forward of war-time industrial standards; Social demobil- ization; Adaptation of recreation and community service to condi- tions of peace; Gains to be consolidated in war-time industrial relations; Shall social agencies unite for reconstruction?; The unsettled Mooney case, by John A. Fitch; War's heretics, by Norman Thomas « 26 Conwell, Russell H. Hov/ a soldier may succeed after the \m.r. New York, Harper, 1918, 140 p. i27 Dawson, Sir Bert rand. The nation's welfare: the future of the medical profession. (Cavendish lecture) London, Cassell, 1918, 40 p. 128 Delaware, State council of defense , Americanization in Delaware. A state policy initiated by the Delaware state council of defense. Prepared by Esther E. Lape. n,pi,,1919? 48 p. 129 Denman, Thomas. The discharged consumptive soldier: his treatment in relation to the treatment of consumption as a whole, London, John Bale, sons & Danielsson, 1917. 40 p. 130 Duplessix, E. ...La renaissance industrielle en France et les lois les societes.., Paris, Rousseaux, 1917, 47 p. 22:^ m. 131 Ely, Richard T. ' The world war and leadership in a democracy. New York, Macmillan company, 1918. 189 p. (The citizens' library.) 32 Ernest-Charles, J. La reeducation prof essionnelle des mutiles et 1 'union des colonies ^trang^res en France. Paris, Union des colonies ^trang^res en France, 1917. 58 p. 33 Federation of British industries. Report and resolutions of the second annual general meeting held in London, Oct. 30-31, 1918. London, 1918. 30 p. The resolutions and addresses relate to industry and the state, industry and the community, economic policy, taxation, industrial cooperation, Whitley report, housing, education. 34 Findlay, J. J. ed. The young wage earner and the problem of his education. Essays and reports edited by J. J. Findlay with the committee of the Uplands association. London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1918, 211 p. 35 France. Ministfere de 1 'agriculture et du ravitaillement . Recueil des lois, d^creta, arretes, circulaires, rapports, documents int^ressant le ravitaillement de la France (to April 1, 1918). Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1917-1918. 2 v. Vol. 1 was issued by the Ministire du ravitaillement g^n^ral. 6 Fuller, Raymond G. Peace-time patriotism, What shall the coning of peace nean to the work- ing children of America? New York, National child labor committee, 1919. 3 p, ( its pamphlet 293.) !? Gary, Elbert H, Statement given to and at the request of the public press on after-the- war conditions. New York, November 13, 1918, 6 p. G Gephart, William F, Effects of the war upon insurance. With special reference to the substi- tution of insurance for pensions. Ne\T York, Oxford univ, press, 1918. 302 p. (Carnegie endo\wnent for international peace. Preliminary economic studies of the war no, 6.) 9 Grabo, Karl H. The world peace and after. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1918, 154 p. Contents . - 1, The opportunity of the peace. 2. International relations. 3, The citizen and the state, 4. The new social morality, 5, Some practial considerations, tO Gt. Brit, Board of education . Circular 1072 Nov. 12, 1918, to local authorities; Scheme for the estab- lishment of juvenile una3npl03anent centers by the Board of education. London, 1918, 2 p. For a discussion of the scheme see Times (London) Educational Suppl. Jan. 23, 1919, p. 37. il Gt. Brit. Board of trade . Memorandum by the Board of trade and the Foreign office with respect to the future organization of commercial intelligence. London, K.M. Sta- tionery off., 1917. 33 p. (Cd. 8715.) State assistance to the dye industry. Memorandum by the Board of trade on the scheme for the allocation and administration of the funds provided by Parliament for the development of the dye industry by means of financial assistance to companies and firms in aid of developments, exten- sions and research, London, H, M, Stationery off., 1918. 12 p, (Cd,9194) Committee on currency and foreirrn exchan-^ies , First interim report of the Committee on currency and foreign exchanges after the war. London, H.M. Stationery off., 1918, 12 p. (Cd. 9182.) Committee on financial facilities. Report of the committee on financial facilities, London, H.M. Stationery off., 1918. 10 p. (Cd. 9227.) Committee appointed jointly by Treasury and Ministry of reconstruction to consider and report whether existing banking and other financial facilities were likely to be adequate for the needs of British industry after the war, with particular reference to facilitating the conversion of v/orks and factories engaged on war work to normal production and to meet the exceptional demands for raw materials arising from the depletion of stocks. 45 Gt, Brit, L&ws , statutes^ et c. Education act, 1918. (8 and 9 Geo, 5, ch, 39.) London, H. M, Stationery off., 1918, 40 p. Prohibits the labor of children un^er 14 and provides for compulsory- part-time education up to 18 3rear3 of age. Became law Aug, 8, 1918. 46 Local government board . Local government boards for England and Wales and Scotland, Report of the con-mittee appointed by the president of the Local government board and the Secretary for Scotland to consider questions of building con- struction in connection v/ith the provision of dwellings of the vi^orking classes of England and Wales and Scotland and report upon methods cf securing economy and despatch in the provision of such dwellings. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 97 p. (Cd. 9191.) Report covers statutes, local acts and byelaws regulating real estate development and house building, questions relating to sites, lay-out and development, conversion of existing buildings, communal services, economy in construction, supply of building materials and labor, and organisation. Included are a number of diagrams and house plans. Appendix B gives the quantities of materials needed in the erection of 300,000 cottages and Appendix C the specifications of typical cottages on v/hich the estimated quantities of materials are based. 47 Maternity and child welfare. Circular to county councils Tother than London county council) and sanitary authorities concerning the provisions of the Maternity and Child Welfare Act, 1918, London, H, M, Stationery off,, 1918, 17 p. The circular gives the list of services for which the government grant (of not exceeding one-half of approved net expenditure) will be paid to local authorities and to voluntary agencies, and makes suggestions as to how they m,ay best develop their maternal and infant welfare work. The principal additional services for which the grant was made available by the Maternity and child welfare act of 1918 cover hospital treatment for children up to five years of age, lying- in homes, home helps, provision for food for expectant and nursing mothers and for children under five years of age, creches and day nurseries, homes for children of vddowed and deserted mothers and for illegitimate children, and experimental work for the health of expectant and nursing mothers and of young children. The Local government board considers it important that working women should be represented on the Maternity and child welfare committees to be appointed by the county councils under the act. 48 Ministry of food . Official handbook of national kitchens and restaurants. Issued by the National kitchens division of the Ministry of food, London, 1918. 64 p. Gives detailed information as to organization, equipment, finance, etc,, of national kitchens and restaurants with numerous plans, illus- trations and cuts of types of apparatus. ■ f : ; . .' . .1 49 Gt, Brit, Ministry of ln.bov.r, Denobiliaation and resettlement department « Release of officers and men from the forces, London, K, M» Stationery off., 1919, Leaflet issued Jan, 8, 1919, explaining arrangement made for the release of officers and men. Appendix 2 gives list of industries which have been asked to supply quotas of pivotal men through a cen- tral authority, 49a Industrial councils and trade boards. Joint memorandum of the Minister of reconstruction and the Minister of labour, explaining the government's view of the proposals of the second Whitley report, together with the text. of the report. London, H. M. Stationery off,, 1918, 16 p, ( Its industrial reports, No. 3,) Ministry of munitions , Report of the controller of the Department for the development of mineral resources in the United Kingdom, London, H, M. Stationery off,, 1918. 62 p, (Cd, 9184,) Relates partly to after-war period. Besides questions of develop- ment and output of mines discusses briefly labor problems. Ministry of pensions . The disabled soldiers' handbook, 1918. London, 1918, 32 p. Pamphlet given every disabled man on discharge, containing infoxnna- tion as to pensions and allowances, medical treatment, provision for training and employment, Ministrv of reconstruction. The aims of reconstruction, London, H. M. Stationery off,, 1918. 18 p, (Reconstruction problems, I() Housing in Scotland, London, H, M. Stationery off,, 1918, 23 p. (Reconstruction problems 4.) Surveys Scottish housing needs after the war. Juvenile employment during the war - and after. The report of an enquiry, With a forev/ord by the Rt. Hon, C, Addison, Minister of reconstruction, London, H, M, Stationery off,, 1918. 114 p. Report is based on the material gathered in an inquiry into the present conditions of juvenile employment and the probable conditions after the war made by the Ministry of Labour in 1917 and 1918, The chapters cover the increase and shifting of juvenile employment during the war, the effect of v/ar emplojnment upon training and character, the probability of unemploj^nent among juvenile workers and proposals for a policy. Memorandum on the Ministries of Health Bill, 1918, London, H, M, Stationery off,, 1918. 4 p, (Cd. 9211,) Memorandum explaining the object and effect of the various provisions of the government bill to establish a ministry of health. 10 Gt. Brit, Minjgtry of reconstruction . Corrmittee on building industry . Report of the Committee appointed by the Ministry of reconstruction to con- sider the position of the building industry after the war. London, H, M. ^.tationery off,, 1918. 13 p. (Cd. S197.) Terms of reference of this co'rjnittes were: (l) to inquire into the probable demand for building materials for all purposes after the war ^ and the available supply and form of such material; (2) to inquire hov/ far these quantities of material are capable of increase, v/hat are the difficulties in increasing them and hov; they may be removed and to re- port to whP-t extent an increase in production will affect the price of materials; (3) in the event of the supply of material and labor being insufficient to fulfill the total building demand to consider methods by which priority of various claims shall be settled; (4) to consider and report upon any conditions affecting the building trades which tend to cause unduly high prices and make recommendations regarding measures of control, Housing (financial assistance) committee . Interim report on public utility societies. London, H, M. Stationery off,, 1918. 16 p. (Cd. 9223.) Term.s of reference: To consider and advise on the practicability of assisting any bodies or persons (other than local authorities) to build dwellings for the working classes immediately after the war, whether by means of loans, grants or other subsidies, and whether, through the agency of state or municipal banks or othenvise. The Committee recom.monded that long-term loans up to 80 per cent of the estimated value of the property should be made to public utility societies bv the Central authority at the lowest rate at which the state can afford to loan, the rate of interest to be revised periodically; that grants should be made bv the state up to 75 per cent of the difference between tho approved cost and the estimated value of the houses on their completion, and that the powers of the local authorities with respect to housing and the purchase of land should be enlarged. The conditions under which loans or subsidies to public utility societies should be made are set forth in section D of the recommendations (p. 12-14). Machinery of government committee . Report of the machinery of government conmitteo, London, H. M, Stationery off», 1918. 30 p. ^Cd.y^daj This cormittee was appointed in 1917 "to inquire into -.he responsioili- ■ ties of the various government departments of the central executive gov- ernment and to advise in what manner the exercise and distribution by the Government of its functions should be Improved." The comraittee in its re- port attempts to sort out the 40 or 50 separate government departments into which, during the wur, the executive government has spread itself and to rearrange their manifold activities c-nong a dozen or so distinct ministries. The reorganization proposed is strictly according to the nature of the service rendered and the divisions suggested are Finance, Defense, External affairs, Research and information, Production, Einploym.ent , Supplies, Educa- tion, Health and Justice. Perhaps its moct radical proposal is that for a Ministry of Research because of the need in the sphere of civil government for the continuous acquisition of knowledge and the prosecution of research in order to form a proper basis for policy. The committee is opposed to the organization of independent boards and commissions with executive _ powers and strongly advocates increased parliamentary control of the admin- istration. It recommended an extension of the range and variety of the duties entrusted to women in the civil service. Reviewed in the New Statesm.an, Jan, 11, 1919, p. 292-293, li 65 Gt < Brit. Ministry of recongxr u ction . Women's employment com mi ttee . Memorandum on subsidiary health and kindred services for women. Prepared by Miss A. M. Anderson at the request and for the consideration of the Women's employment committee. London, H, M. Stationery off., 1918. 24 p. The services cover raidwivei?, home h3lps , sanitary inspectors and health visitors, maternity and infant volfare centers, nursery schools and day nurses, mothers' pensions, play centers, country holidays, public baths and laundries, invalid kitchens, superintendents and forevomen in factories, care committee organisers, police ■'"omen, probation officers, orderlies in hospitals, Appendix gives the chief departments j authorities, societies and institutions from vhom information as to training and existing openings can be obtained . 66 Treasury . Building construction contracts. First report of the Treas- ury standing committee on coordination of government action in regard to contracts. (Colv/yn committee.) London, H. M. Stationery off.) 1918* 4 p* (Cd. 9179.) The Committee recommended (l) That where, as in the majority of cases, a lump sum contract is no longer practicable, the basis of cost, plus a fixed profit to the contractor, be adopted in lieu of a profit increasing with expenditure; (2) That as an additional stimulus to the contractor he shall be granted, at the discretion of the government, a bonus for expedi- tion in construction; (3) That prior to the contract being placed the wofk contemplated must be set out in approximate detail, with drawings and specif icationr; , in order to secure that the estimated cost, on which the contractor's remuneration is to be based, is as accurate as possible; (4) Careful selection of contractors for the larger contracts, and, most impor- tant of all, close supervision of the vork by a competent staff. Salaries paid by government for efficient inspection should be saved over and over again; (5) Competition for labour amongst contractors, or by government departments, engaged on government work, by the holding out of special inducements must be prevented . A copy of this report, as applying \»'ith equal force to local authorities vas sent out by the Local Government Board with its circular of November 14th asking local authorities to prepare a programme of public Vv-ork to be put in hand as soon as requisite materials and labour were available. (Local government chronicle, Dec. 14, 1918, p, 752,) War office . General staff . Reconstruction supplement to the Daily 69 reviev of the foreign press, issued by the General staff, War office. London, 1916.- A complete set of this publication is available at the Library of Congress . Working classes cost of living com rr.ittee. 1918, Reoort of the committee appointed to enquire into and report upon (l) the actual increase since June, 1914, in the cost of living to the v/orking classes, and (2) any counter- balancing factors (apart from increases of v/ages) vhich may have arisen under var conditions. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1918. 28 p, (Gd. 8980.) Guaranty trust comp a ny of New \or k . Taking stock of the future. Outlines of the plans of various foreign countries for commercial reconstruction. Nev; York, Guaranty trust company, 1918. 162 p. Covers Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Norway and Sweden, Germany, Japan, Canada and Australia, * Ordered . \ 12 70 Halcrow, J, B. The commercial future and its relation to labour and capital. London, J. M. Baxter and co., 1918, 16 p, (Tracts for the times, no, 2.) 71 Indiana conference on reconstruction and readjustment. Proceedings of Indiana conference on reconstruction and readjustment called by Gov. James P, Goodrich at State House, Indianapolis, Nov. 26, 1918, Indianapolis, Wm, B. Burford, state printer, 1918. 83 t). Addresses treat of labor, social welfare, vomen in industry, the colored man, education, health, municipal government, agriculture, good roads, etc. Resolutions of the National Grange on agricultural reconstruction are given on p. 60-66. 72 The industrial council plan in Great Britain. Reprints of the reports of the ^•Tiitley committee on relations between employers and employed of the Minis- try of reconstruction and of related documents. Compiled by the Bureau of Industrial Research, Washington, D. C,, 1919. 132 p. The documenis reprinted include besides all of the reports of the ""hitley committee < the report of a conference of operatives and manufac- turers on the establishment of a joint industrial council in the pottery industry, the constitution of the pottery council, the first meeting of the pottery council and pari of the report of. the Ministry of Labour on the 6peration of works committees. 73 Kettering and district trades council, Ketterlngj Eng . An urgent problem. Unemployment in relation to control 6f industry. A statement embodying a resolution for the consideration ot trades councils throughout the United Kingdom. Kettering, 1918. 8 p. Suggests increased control of industry: (l) by extending trade union effort in the management of private and public companies, particularly in regard to hours of labour, speeding up of production, etc., so as to prevent employers from using unemployment to reduce v/ages I (2) by using ^ trade union funds for providing employment on a cooperative basis for the members of the unions instead of paying out-of-rrork benefits. 74 King, W, L. Liackenzie. Industry and humanity: a study in the principles underlying industrial reconstruction. Boston, Houghton Mifflin co., 1918, 567 p. Contents: 1. Industrial and international unrest. 2. The world aspect* 3. The human aspect, 4, Confusion or progress, 5. The parties to indus- try. 6. The basis of reconstruction. 7, Principles underlying peace ■ 8, Principles underlying work . 9. Principles underlying health. 10, Representation in industry. 11. Government in industry, 12. Education and opinion. Appendix: Charts and diagrams illustrative of industrial relations . Author was formerly Canadian Minister of Labour and was commissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation to make a study of industrial relations . 75 Leclercq, J, and P. Mazel. La main-d'oeuvre nationale apres la guerre. Paris, Librarie Larouese, 1916? 163 p , Contents: Le probleme de la main-d'oeuvre nationale apres la guerre, - Les mutiles et les tare's devant la loi sur les accidents du travail. - Le systems de Taylor,- Utilisation physiologique de I'ouvrier. La fiche medicale et physiologique,- L 'utilisation socials des mutiles. La reeduca- tion,- L apprentissage . L'enseignement technique prof essionnel* La main- d'oeuvre ffemipine.- L'ouvrier et le milieu.- Conclusion. » • i I 13 76 Leverhulme, Lord * The six-hour day and other industrial questions • Edited by Stanley Un^wini London, G. Allen and Unwin, 1918. 331 p. The sections of the book treat of the six-hout' day, copartnership, housing and social welfarfc, education and business, s6me industrial questions. The author advocates the adoption of a six-hour working day of txvo shifts, among other reasons because this arrangement would increase production by enabling machinery to be used longer hours, an important consideration at present v;hen nevf plants and machinery cast from 100-200 per cent above pre-c/ar rates; the elimination of fatigue would enable the individual worker to keep up his output in spite of the shortened hours while provision would be made for the employment of a greater number of workers. 77 Liebknecht, Karl. The future belongs to the people. Edited and translated by S. Zimand . New York, Macmillan, 1918, 144 p. Speeches made during the period of the war. 78 London county council. Housing after the war. Reports of the housing of the working classes committee, being extracts from the minutes of proceedings of the council on 23d July and 15th October, 1918. London, 1918. 47, 4 p. 79 Macara, Sir Charles W. Social and industrial reform. Manchester, Sherratt and Hughes, 1918. 207 p. A number of the articles have appeared in the Manchester Guardian, the Cotton factory times, the Textile recorder and other papers. They relate mainly -to problems in the cotton industry and the outlook for the future but discuss also industrial reconstruction in general. Author is President of the Cotton Control Board. 80 McCurdy, Charles A. A clean peace. The war aims of British labour. Complete text of the offi- cial war aims memorandum of the inter -allied labour and socialist conference, held in London, February 23, 1918. New York, George H, Doran Co., 1918. 26 p. 81 McMurtrie, Douglas C, The disabled soldier. New York, the Macmillan Co., 1919. 232 p. 82 The organization, work and method of the Red cross institute for crip- pled and disabled men. New York, Red cross institute for crippled and dis- abled men, 1918. 34 p. 83 Reconstructing the crippled soldier. New York, Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men, 1918. 40 p. 84 Rehabilitation of the war cripple. New York, Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men, 1918. 24 p. 85 A training course in vocational reeducation of disabled soldiers and sailors. Nev; York, Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men, 1918. 6 p. •'V. - ' . ■Vf-- t. ' I. , ^ , , I / . ' ;\-. '^ i : ; . -t I'" :r 'f w;£ .•••:;v;' .-r-'v ..., , , -No^,' )•' ?; r-.' i :;r • . ■ » I r - t' fi ^.^ ::t' •' ■ l •)• ■■■■-li. :->r> t li'i . :'•■ ■.", -■ - The new relation of the federal government to state and local communities, by Howard Lee McBain. - Nation planning, by Frederick I. Ackerman. - Public employment j by Charles A. Beard. - Problem of reconstruction v;ith respect to urban transportation, by Delos F. V'ilcox. - What r/ill become of the government housing, by Richard S. Childs . - The present and future government of war communities, by Ernest Cawcroft. - President Purdy's viev/e on reconstruction* - Story of the Rochester conference and after, by Clinton R, Woodruff- A brief account of this meeting was given in Survey, Nov. 30, 1918, p. 241-242, and platform adopted, p. 266. 94 New York state federation of labor, Reconstruction program adopted in conference of representatives of the unions of the state. Approved by the Executive council. Albany, Jan. 16, 1919. • 14 p. Program includes abolition of employment of children under 16, the adoption of the 8-hour day and 6 -day week with Saturday half -holiday, prohibition of night work for women and minors, provision against unemployment, extension of social insurance, increased wages and bet- ter living conditions, voice and vote in industry, and in international affairs, the adoption of international labor standards through a league of nations. 95 Orage, A. R, An alphabet of economics. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1918- 172 p. "The following alphabet grew out of an attempt to compile a glossary of economic and political terms for the use of readers of the New age in general and of National Guilds in particular. It developed, hov/erer, into a more or lees systematic attempt to define economics in terms of the wage system and, at the same time, to suggest an alternative for it." — Introduction, p. 4. 95a Peddie, J. Taylor. Economic reconstruction. A further development of "A national system of economics," London and New York, Longmans Green and co., 1918. 242"p. 96 Pennsylvania, Dept , of La b or an d inriustry. Pennsylvania's part in the national plan for rehabilitating and placing in industry soldiers and sailors disabled in v/ar service. Prepared by S. S. Riddle. 124 p. (Its Bulletin, v, 5, series of 1918, no. 2.) Part IV deals with the placement of disabled soldiers and sailors in employment. 97 Penty, Arthur J. New worlds for old. A study of the post-industrial state. London, Allen and Unwin, 1917. 186 p. Author renounces socialism on the ground that it would perpetuate most of the evils of industrialism besides bringing- in a few of its ov;n. Believes present system must give way to an adaptation of the guild systeTi 'V'' , r <■ r, , » * .. J ' ;■■ X I 16 98 Railway business association. President Wilson and the railways. What has been said by various persons, organizations and newspapers about the transportation prob- lems, set forth in the message to Congress, condensed and arranged for busy citizens. Railway business association, New York, Dec. 11, 1918, 18 p. 99 Reckitt, Maurice B. and C. E. Bechhofer. The meaning of national guilds. London, C. Palmer and Hayward, 1918. 452 p. "The establishment of national guilds involves the abolition of the wage-system, the attainment of self-government in industry, and the modification of state sovereignty." 100 Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men, New York, Publications ... New York, 1S18.- Contents . - Ser, 1, no. 1. McMurtrie, D.C. A bibliography of %he war cripple. - 2, Faries , J.C» The economic conisequences of physical dis- ability. - no. 3, McMurtrie, D.C, Memorandum' oh provision for disabled soldiers in New Zealahd. - no » 4. Rubinov/, I.M. A statistical consider- ation of the number of men crippled in war and disabled in industry. - no. 5. Todd, J.L. The French system foi" return to civilian life of cri{)- pled and discharged soldiers. - no. 6. Hirschfeld> G* Tourvielle: a trade school for war cripples, -no, 7. Faries, J.C The development in England of a state system for the care of the disabled soldier* - no*124 Underbill, Ruth. Provision for war cripples in Italy, - no. 13. Undefhill Ruth. Provision for war cripples in Germany, -no. 14. Whiteside, G.G* Provision for vocational re-education of disabled soldiers in France, - no. 15. Vfhiteside, G.G, Provision for the re-education of Belgian war cripples, -no. 16. Redding, H.E. Opportunities for the employment of disabled men. Ser, 2, no » 1. Harper, G.S. Vocational re-education for war cripples in France. - no, 2, V/ilson, Philip. Principles of design and construction of artificial legs. - no. 3. Welfare federation of Cleveland. Education and occupations of cripples, juvenile and adult, 101 Red cross institute for the blind, Baltimore . Publications ... Baltimore, 1918,- Contents . - Ser. 1, no. 1, Our blinded soldiers; instructions for directors of schools, by Eugene Brieux ; no. 2. The re-education of the Italian war blind, by Lavinia Mondolfo. 102 The Red cross institute for the blind. Baltimore, 1918? 16 p. Pamphlet descriptive of work being done for returned blinded soldiers and sailors, 103 Renard, Georges, Les repercussions economiques de la guerre actuelle sur la France (1®^ Aout 1914 - 15 Mai 1917) Paris, Librairie Felix Alcan, 1917. 516 p. Includes discussion of after-war problems* ■.■y:i J I •.■:i :• .i'-- i!" ■.{■■■•■ I ■:•: ■ • i , ) •• , . f . -i . -r. - . ■■'; ; . ■' , ' .■■■ ■■ I r- ■ • ■: -f-.i '. ■:' , .-■• ■. 1 -' ..■■' f . \ ' .: , :..-;: (Tf . j •■ i ' ( •-: '■ ■--: -j; ; . :■■■'■■ 17 104 Reports on reconstruction from English sources. Published hy U. S. Shipping board, Emergency fleet corporation, Industrial relations division, Philadelphia, 1918. 57 p. Reprint of the reports of the V/hitley committee on relations between employers and employed with the exception of the final report, the joint memorandum of the Ministry of reconstruction and the Ministry of labour explaining the government's vier; of the proposals of the second report on industrial councils and the letter addressed by the Ministry of labour to the leading employers' associations and trade unions - (nos. 78, 84, 95-98, 105 of main list). 105 Rochester bureau of municipal research. A municipal reconstruction program, suggesting certain steps that may be taken to plan for the after-the-war Rochester. Rochester, N. Y., Oct., 1918. 14 p. 106 The Rothband employment scheme for sailors and soldiers disabled in the war. Parliament to the rescue. Manchester and London, 1918. 34 p. Describes the formation of a Parliamentary committee to consider the scheme and discusses the machinery for putting it into operatiort. (For two earlier pamphlets tn the Rothband scheme for a national roll of employers willing to employ one or more disabled men see nos. 176 and 177 of main list) . 107 Scott, William Robert. Economic problems of peace after war (second series) . Cambridge, University press, 1918. 136 p. Chapters are on the freedom of the seas and development of aerial communication, a league of nations, and commercial policy, the finan- cial burden of today and tomorrow, the conscription or proscription of capital, period of financial transition. Author condemns the policy of an economic war on financial grounds. 108 Scottish council for women's trades, Glasgow . Industrial housing from the housewife's point of viev;, by Margaret H. Irwin; some notes on twentieth century housing, by William Twaddle. Glasgow, Scottish council for women's trades, 1918. 57 p. Appended to Miss Irwin's paper are notes on various Scottish housing schemes. 109 Smith, E. G. Race regeneration, London, P. S. King and sons, 1918. 223 p. Discusses housing, standards of family life, endowment of motherhood. 110 Study outline in the problem of the reconstruction period. Rev. ed« New York, Association press, 1918. 47 p. Published in Sept., 1918, T\dth different arrangement of contents, under title: Outline studies on the problem of the reconstruction period. : ■ . I ,' ■ t ■:f:"> ■ :. ■I . .-'■ .' ■.■■■■ .'f ■■ !. '"* . (• .■,;. -> -x .■/■ :.f ■: ,.v:. V , t ■ >.,. •.. -■• i, 'J.' < : ■ S • *^1 ■ n ■ - 18 111 Tead, Ordway, Instincts in industry; a study of working-class psychology, by Ordway Tead, Boston and Nevr York, Houghton Mifflin companyi 1918. 221 p. 194-cni. Reviewed in the Survey, Jan. 11, 1919, p. 507-508. 112 The people's part in peace i An inquiry into the basis for a sound internationalism. New York, Holt and co«, 1918. 156 p« Contents. - 1. Introduction. - 2. League of nations. - 3. Economic guarantees of peace. - 4, International labor legislation. - 5. Basis of representation. - 6. The national economy. - 7» The spiritual guar- antees of peace. 113 Tweedie, Mrs. Alec. Women and soldiers. London, John Lane» 1918. 184 p., After the wart p. 162-184. 114 Union des ayndicats patronaux des industries textiles de France . Rapport pr^sente a MM. les ministres du commerce et du travail sur lea industries textiles en France: leur importance avant la guerre; leur situation pendant la guerre; ce qu'elles desirant pour apres la guerre. Paris, 1915? 43 p. 115 U. S. Department of labor 6th annual report of the Secretary of labor for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1918. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1918. 231 p. War labor administration: p. 93-139. Making new opportunities for employment: p» 143-146. Employment for returning soldiers: p. 219-222. 116 U. S. Department of the interior . Annual report of the Secretary of the interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1918. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1918, 193 p. Plan for the reclamation of government swamp and cut -over lands end the colonization of returned soldiers upon them: p. 12-21. Americanization of immigrants: p. 21-30, 117 U. S. Federal board for vocational education . Monograph no. 1 - 4 (Rehabilitation joint series no. 1 - 4.) Washington, Govt, print, off., 1918. Contents . - No. 1, To the disabled soldier and sailor in the hospital, - no. 2. The soldier returning to civil life. - no. 3, V/hat the employers of America can do for the disabled soldiers and sailors. - no. 4. The nation's workers and the disabled soldiers and sailors . 118 Opportunity monographs (Vocational rehabilitation series no. 5, 7-8, 10-12, 1-7) Washington, Govt, print, off., 1919. The numbers issued are on army occupations as preparation for • civilian employment. - The metal trades. - Factory woodv/orking trades. - Forestry pursuits. - Automobile maintenance and service. - Employment management: a new executive position in industry. - The practice of medicine as a vocation. L ■■ .- :*■■-: 1 ;!<•( •■•0 '. t-Tt:c' ' I- f,;-- t-i k , -u t- .=. .il 19 i I 119 U. S, Federal board for vocational education . Re-education series no, 1 - 4. Washington, 1918 - 1919, Contents . -No. !♦ Vocational rehabilitation of disabled soldiers and sailors; a preliminary study, -no. 2. Training of teachers for occupational therapy for the rehabilitation of disabled soldiers and sailors, -no. 3. The evolution of national system of vocational re-education for disabled soldiers and sailors, by D. C, McMurtrie . - ho, 4. Ward occupations in hospitals. 120 Woolf, L. S. International government. Two reports prepared for the Fabian research department, together vdth a project by a Fabian committee for a super- national authority that v/ill prevent war. London, Fabian society, 1916. "International labor legislation": p. 180-192. "The internationalisetion of commerce, industry and labour" 5 p. 206-216. 121 Zimmern, Alfred E. Nationality and government. London, Chatto fcWindus, 1918. 364 p. Contents . - I, German culture and the British commonvealth . - II. Nationality and government. - III. True and false nationalism. - IV, The passing of nationality. - V. Education, social and national. - VI. The universities and public opinion. - VII. Progress in government,- VIII, Progress in industry. - IX, The labour movement and the future of British industry. - X. Reconstruction. - XI. The control of industry after the war. - XII. Capitalism and international relations. - XIII. The new German empire. - XIV. Three doctrines in conflict. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 122 Abercrombie, Patrick, The basis of reconstruction: the need for a regional survey of national resources , Town planning review, March, 1918, v» 7:203-210, 123 Adams, Thomas. The need of government action in housing. American contractor, Jan. 25, 1919, v, 40:20-22, 124 Afforestation as a national industry. Local government chronicle, Dec. 21, 1918, p. 759. 125 Aldrich, Chester. Outside the walls of Pisa, Survey, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 41:423-424. ^26 Alexander, Magnus W. Important phases of the labor problem. Recruiting of men, low labor waste, high productivity and the promotion of contentment, collective bargaining discussed. Iron age, Nov. 21, 1918, v. 102:1258-1261, Address before Nat'l Founders' Assn. N. Y, Nov. 14. J, 20 127 The alien menace after the war. Local government chronicle, Nov» 9, J. 918, p, 655-656 « 128 Allen, J, A. Increased production and national prosperity. Local government chronicle, Jani 11, 1919, p» 21-23. 129 Alwyn -Schmidt, L. W. ' Organizing the nation x'or peace* Industrial management, Jan., 1919, v. 57:45-48. Author surveys the general plans of England, France and Germany looking toward industrial readjustment. 130 America and the leaguA of nations. New republic, Nov. 30, 1918, v, 17J116-118, 131 American dyestuff industry and its prospects. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Dec. ,1918, v. 10:1026i 132 Anderson, B. M, jjp. Price-fixing in war time and price freedom in peace* Economic world, Dec. 14, 1918, v, 16:832-835. 133 VJhen the war ends and prices drop. Economic world, Nov. 23, 1918, p. 727-731, 134 Barzun, Henri -Martin . French reconstruction problems. American review of reviews, Feb., 1919, v. 59:167-175. 135 Beard, Charles A. Public employment. National municipal review, Jan., 1919, v. 8:26-33, 136 Belgian reconstruction and trade. Commerce reports, Dec. 7, 1918, no, 287, p. 920-921, 137 Billy, Edouard de . The economic and financial situation in which France will be left by the war* Economic world, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 103:9-10. 138 Birrell, Francis. Back of Verdun. Battlefield yesterday; reconstruction sector today; a countryside of peace tomorrow. Survey, Jan. 4, 1919, v, 41:429-438, 139 Bloomfield, Meyer. From war to work in Great Britain. Saturday evening post, Feb. 1, 1919, p. 8-9,97-98,101. 140 Bodio, L. Dei problemi del dop« guerra relativi all* emigrazione. Giornale degli economisti e revista di statistica, Oct. ,1918, v. 57:153-165. 141 Brandt, Lilian. A program for child protection. Fourteenth national conference on child labor. Survey, Dec. 14, 1918, v, 41:338-342. / , • ■■' I ' ■■;.'/■' i '-'■ J ^ . .■ ^.•■i /• \: •! ^ 1 ■ ■ ' V. T<' . ■■ I ■ . .. : -, (• •■.( \ ' \ ; •:■'' •'■ ■ '■ . ■ . -i-X I • .i'. ■ i a t ■T ■ • .< S I ■I i.,-i /.'!•-■■ ' - ; ■ ■' "'.{'*'., ■'"' ■■■■ --'1 ■'■• ' * ■- '■" . -;.'H! ■! ■ : i - .J 1 i: ' i ■ : 1 ' f f ■. , ■(; 21 142 British reconstruction plans. Nation, Jan. 25, 1919, p. 119-121, 143 Brock, H. G. Effect of the armistice on British shoe and leather trades* Commerce reports, Dec. 28, 1918, no. 304, p. 1185. 144 Build public works now. American contractor, Jan. 25, 1919, v» 40:17. 145 Burleson, Albert S. Telegraph and telephone in governmeni hands. American review of reviews, Dec,, 1918, v« 58:619-624. In support of government ownership. 146 Bursley, Herbert S. How Great Britain is handling demobilization* Commerce reports, Jan, 24, 1919, p. 372-373, Printed also in Official U. S. bulletin, Jan. 30, 1919, p. 8. 147 Burton, Howard, The business man and the future . New republic, Dec. 21, 1918, v. 17:220-221. On the Reconstruction conference at Atlantic City called by the Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. 148 Cabinet committee to coordinate reconstruction programs. Labour gazette (Canada) Dec, 1918, v. 18:1041-1042. Gives text of Canadian order in council creating Repatriation and Employment Committee. 149 Calder, J. A, Work of coordinating fabric of rehabilitation. Canadian official record, Jan. 14, 1919, p. 1-3. Resume of work of Canadian Repatriation Committee by the Minister of Immigration and Colonization* 150 Calloway, A. W, What the coal industry faces today. A statement of the facts and a plea for a continuance under proper leadership of helpful features of control. Black diamond, Dec, 14, 1918, p, 520-521. 151 Can we meet our vast war debt out of current income? Annalist, Nov. 25, 1918, v, 12:507-508, 152 The Canadian farmers' reconstruction platform. Farmers' open forum (Bulletin of the Farmers' natirnal headquarters, Washington, D. C.) Jan., 1919, p. 7,14-15. 153 Casey, Josephine. DWien a woman and a man want the same job. Reconstruction, N, Y., Jan., 1919, p. 11. 154 Gates, Dudley, Preliminary survey of industrial reconstruction. Journal of political economy, Jan., 1919, v, 27:39-46, t . i. ' ( . . ■.-; ; ■ ,1 . -X > I. i.'- ■ i •• i ■ ■,r. ■ ',• *■ ».»••• t r 22 155 Chancellor, W. E. Some economic objections to government wrrnership. Annalist, Dec, 30, 1918, p. 630-631,646. 156 Childs, Richard S. The government's model villages. Survey, Feb. 1, 1919, v, 41:585-592. A description of some of the industrial village built by the government. 157 A reconstruction program for city managers . American city, Dec, 1918, v. 19;463-464« 158 What will become of the government housing. National municipal review, Jan., 1919, v« 8:48-52. 159 The Christmas of unemployment. Nev statesman, Dec. 28, 1918, v« 12:253-254. 160 City club of New York. A practical reconstruction program for the state of New York. American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:11-12. Part of memorandum submitted to Governor-elect A. E. Smith. 161 A city set on a hill. An account of the first American conference on recon- struction problems, Rochester, Nov, 20-22. Survey, Nov. 30, 1918, v, 41:241-242. For papers read at this conference see no. 93 in this list. 162 Clark, Mary V. Peace uses for war plants. The part conservation may play in a program of reconstruction. Survey, Feb. 1, 1919, v. 41:592-593. Advocates the use of the cantonments for caring for tuberculosis patients, and persons suffering from nervous and mental disease and defect . 163 Claypool, Horatio C. H. Res. 529 to initiate the necessary step to open opportunities for employ- ment to all v.'orkers in the United States who face enforced idleness. Congressional record, Jan. 27, 1919, p. 2281. 164 Clearing houses for distribution of labour. Elaborate plan to handle unemployment . Canadian official record, Dec. 24, 1918, p. 7. 165 Coal men plan their own trade future. Black diamond, Nov. 30, 1918, p. 469. 166 Cole, G. D. H. British labor and reconstruction. Dial, Nov. 30, 1918, p. 465-468. 167 Colver, W. B. As to reconstruction. Southern textile bulletin, Dec. 5, 1918, v. 16:3. 168 The coming of the Labour party. New statesman, Jan, 4, 1919, v. 12:273-275. 23 169 The common sense of equal pay for equal work. Organiser, Oct., 1918, v, 23:329-331. ■170 Comprehensive plans for repatriating army* Demobilization problems handled by Committee. Canadian official record, Dec. 31, 1918, p. 1-2. On the work of the Canadian Repatriation and Employment Committee. jl71 Le Conseil sup^rieur de la cooperation. Bulletin du Ministere du travail et de la pr^voyance social (France) . Aout -Sept. -Oct., 1918, p. 390-391. Report of first meeting .of the Council held in Oct., 1918. Was instituted by decree of Jan. 22, 1918, [172 Cotton mill scheme. The new scale of pay for unemployed. Manchester guardian, Dec. 27, 1918, p. 8» Statement of the Cotton Control Board of the new scale of unemployment benefits in the cotton industry in Gt» Brit. By arrangement v/ith the Minister of Labour the out-of-work donation on the government scale is to be paid when it exceeds the Control board scale for the 13 weeks for which it is allowed; after v^hich the operatives who are still "played off" will again. become entitled to Control bdard payments at the usual Control board rates. Payments are made through the trade unions from money advanced by or recovered from the Board. 173 Cramp, Concemore T. The railway industry after the war. Organiser, Dec, 1918, v. 23:591-593. 174 Crozier, W. P. Demobilization in England. Atlantic monthly, Feb., 1919, v. 123:275-283. 175 Cutler, Bun?;ell S. "Resumption" not "reconstruction" America's watch word. Annalist, Jan. 20, 1919, p, 95, 112. An analysis of America's problem in contrast with Europe's by the Chief of the Federal Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 176 Davenport, Frederick M. The spirit of political reconstruction in America. Outlook, Jan, 8, 1919, p. 61-62. 177 Demobilisation and labour notes. Local government chronicle. Nov. 16, 1918, p» 681; Nov. 23, p. 698; Nov. 30, p, 720; Dec. 7, p. 735; Dec. 14, jp. 751; Dec. 21, p. 765-767; Dec. 28, p. 781-782; Jan. 4, 1919, p. 6-7; Jan. 11, p. 28; Jan. 18, p.43-44. Besides news items regarding demobilization and labour conditions summarizes the various government orders v'eek by week. 178 Demobilisation and reconstruction. Bulletin of the Federation of British industries, Nov. 21, 1918, p. 475-481; Dec. 5, 1918, p. 492-496. Summarises notices and orders issued by British government. - 1 ■ ' ; -^^ t. .1. , r • ■; ( 24 179 Demobilisation and resettlement. Labour gazette (Gt.Brit.) Nov,, 1918, p, 436-438; Dec, 1918, p. 482-484. Gives the official announcements made by the British government for the demobilisation of the military forces and of civil workers, the release of pivotal men in advance of general demobilisation and the unemployment donations . 180 The demobilisation crisis . New statesman, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 12:291-292. Discusses the soldiers' demonstrations at Folkestone and Dover and the causes of dissatisfaction v.dth the British government's methods of demobilisation. See also editorial "The trouble with the soldiers" in Manchester guardian, Jan» 6, 1919, p. 9« 181 La demobilisation dan^ les usines de guerre. L 'information ouvriere et sociale, Paris, Dec. 8, 1916, p. 2; Dec » 26, 1918, p. 2, 182 Demobilization difficulties and dangers. Local government chronicle, Nov. 16, 1918, p. 676-677. 183 Demobilisation et march^ du travail. Bulletin des usines de guerre (France) Dec. 9, 1918, v< 3, no. 33:262-263. Circular letter dated Nov. 18, 1918, *Bent by the French Minister of labour to the prefects regarding provision for employment for returned soldiers. 184 Demobilisation in Germany. Labour gazette (Gt. Brit.) Nov., 1918, p. 438. On the appointment of a commission for the demobilisation of wage workers . 185 La demobilisation, Le nouveau Ministers de la reconstruction industrielle. L'inf ormation ouvriere et sociale, Dec. 1, 1918 (no. 77), p. 2. 186 La demobilisation. Les pro jets du government. L'inf ormation ouvriere et socials, Nov, 28, 1918, p. 2-4. 187 Demobilisation, Sir Eric Geddes 's task. The turnover to peace industry, Manchester guardian, Jan, 1, 1919, p« 8. Sir Eric Geddes has been appointed by the British government to con- trol demobilisation and co-ordinate the work of the fourteen ministries that have to do v;ith getting men out of the army and navy and settling them in industry. 188 Demobilisation, Soldiers and sailors --government proposals* Local government chronicle, Nov. 23, 1918, p, 703-704. The out-of-work donations described came into operation Nov, 25, 1918. 189 Demobilization and venereal diseases . Journal of Amer. Medical Assoc, Dec. 7, 1918, v. 71:1915-1916, 190 Denmark's trade connections after the war. Commerce reports, Jan. 6, 1919, p. 64-65, 191 Dennison, E. H. Effect of the armistice on the Midland iron and steel trades (Gt. Brit.). Commerce reports, Dec. 28, 1918, no. 304, p. 1195-1197. r i' ■■. '.. t •, ^;- !■ .••! f 25 192 Devine, Edward T* Allotments and ailo^'ances . Survey, Jan, 25, 1919 (section 2), p, 561-568, 193 Dewey, John. The post-war mind* New republic, Dec, 7, 1918, v. 17:157-159. 194 Dewing, Arthur S. The theory of railroad reorganization. American economic review, Dec,, 1918, v. 8:774-795i 195 The difficult task of demobilizing industry. Cancelation of contracts and distribution of raw material important considerations. Textile world journal, Nov.. 23, 1918, v. 54:36-38, 196 Director of labour research appointed, important duties, Canadian official record, Dec, 24, 1918, p, 4. Text of Order-in-council establishing office of Director of labour research and employment service under the Minister of labour, whose duty it will be to treat v;ith provincial governments as to establish- ment and development of employment offices and their standardization and to study and report on unemployment and means of improving employ- ment* 197 Division of public works and construction development organized, (In U, S. Department of Labor.) Official U. S. bulletin, Fels. 3, 1919, p. 3, 198 Easley, Ralph M. The British Labor Party's program, A scheme for revolutionary socialism promoted under the guise of social reform. National civic federation review, Dec, 5, 1918, p. 14-15. 199 L'economie de transition en Allemagne. Bulletin des usines de guerre (France) Dec. 9, 1918, p, 257-258, 200 Edmonds, George W, H. R, 12139. A bill to create a commission to investigate the problems of reconstruction. Congressional record, May 16, 1918, p. 7181. 201 The new Canadian federal employment service. U. S. Employment service bulletin, p. 6-8, 202 Edwards, Paul L, Demobilization of Netherlands army. Commerce reports, Jan, 30, 1919, no, 25, p. 451, 203 Eliot, Charles W, Draft board revelations cause Dr, Eliot to urge national reforms* Reconstruction:, N. Y., Jan., 1919, p. 21-25. 204 Emery, James A. Industrial readjustment. American industries, Jan., 1919, v, 19:12-15, A discussion of after-war topics and problems under aonsideration by the Committee on readjustment. National association of manufacturers. ! i '■ • i ■ .1 ' r 26 205 An employer's reasons for favouring the creation of iforlcshop committees. Labour gazette (Canada), Dec, 1918, p. 1107-1110. Summary of memorandum by G. G. Renold printed in the Survey of Oct« 5, 1918< 206 Employment service given task of finding work for soldiers, sailors, civilian war mrorkers ; opening bureaus throughout U. S. to unify all national and. community efforts. U. S* Employment service bulletin, Dec. 10, 1918, p« 1-8. !207 Evans, Henry, The transition from war to peace from the standpoint of American fire insurance. Economic world, Nov* 30, 1918, p. 777. 208 Every state is organized to place demobilized men. U. S. Employment service bulletin, Dec. 31, 1918, p. 4. 209 To expedite demobilization of soldier chemists. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Dec. 1, 1918, p*769. 210 An experiment in workers ' control* Economist, Jan. li, 1919, p. 36. 211 Fawcett/Mrs. M. G.' ' Equal pay' for equal value . " ' Contemporary review, Oct., 1918, p. 387-389. 212 Fayle, C. Ernest. The principles of reconstruction. Quarterly review, April, 1918, no. 455:414-438. 213 Federal and provincial housing schemes. Federal loan of $25,000,000, Conservation of life (Compission of conservation, Canada), Jan., 1919, p. 1-4. Labour gazette (Canada) 214 Federal loan in aid of provincial housing schemes ./jjec. , 1918, p. 1104. Gives text of Order-in-council dated Dec. 3, 1918, setting aside 25 million dollars for loans to the provinces for the purpose of promoting house building. Printed also in Canadian official record, Dec. 10, 1918, p. 7. 215 Fellow, Henry Coffin. Some Quaker contributions to reconstruction. Educational foundations, Feb., 1919, p. 212-217. 216 The first All-Russian congress of labour cooperative societies. Russian cooperator, Oct., 1917, v. 1:175-176. 217 Fish, E« H, Industries and education after the war. Industrial management, Dec, 1918, v. 56:475-476. 218 Fitch, John A. Labor reconstruction. The conference of the Academy of political science. Survey, Dec. 14, 1918, v, 41:335-338. ' '. ■ :. ';X (• • ■^ ' ■:./'■ : > -f . • 27 219 Freeing Germany* Soviet decrees". A demobilisation ministry. Manchester guardian, Nov. 14-| p. 5, Berlin soviet has declared an 8-hour v/ork day. Central government at Berlin has established a special secretary of state to deal with demobilisation. o 20 Ford, George B. Devastation in France: its extent and character; what is being done officially and otherv/ise to reestablish the regions affected. Survey, Feb, 1, 1919, v. 41:602-611. 221 France; labouf and i*adical opinion. International review, Jan., 1919, p« 46-50, Includes reconstruction and peace program of the French General Confederation of labor. 222 Laws, statutes, etc . Decret du 26 Novembre, 1918, portant trans- formation du ministe^e de I'arraement et des fabrications de guerre en un ministere de la reconstitution industrielle et fixant les attribu- tions de ce ministeVe. Bulletin legislatif Dalloz, v. 1, no. 9, 1918, p. 740-741. The text of this decree changing the French ministry of munitions into a ministry of industrial reconstitution is given also in Bulletin des usines de guerre, Dec, 2, 1918, p. 250; in Journal officiel, Nov. 27, 191.S; and in L 'information ouvriere et sociale, Dec. 1, 1918, p. 2, 223 Francke , Louis . Johnstown's program of public improvement for the readjustment period. American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:10-11. Extract from the message of the mayor to the common council, Johnstown, Pa. 224 Frederick, J. George. Reconstructing American business . The Dial, Oct. 19, 1918, p. 294-297. 225 French labor and the new social order. Minimum program of the General Confederation of labor. Survey, Jan, 11, 1919, v. 41:500-501. 226 French labour ideals. The econ'^mic problem of the future, M. Jouhaux's programme. Manchester guardian, Jan* 14, 1919, p. 10, Summary of pamphlet issued by Confederation gen^rale du travail. 227 Frost, Ranold , Ex -officers and the future. Athenaeum, Nov., 1918, p. 467-468. The British Ministry of Labour has set up a special appointments department for the re-settlement of ex-officers in civil life and for securing for them needed training. 1- ■•■ •■ -^ I .•• i % t.i <••■? ■ '■ :.■■ 1 r •'•, I •. i X i ' i , « « f - 28 228 Gandy, Harry L. H. R. 13106: A bill to establish a National Land Settlement Commission to provide labor and homes for returning soldiers, sailors and marines and for other purposes. Congressional record, Oct. 19, 1918, p. 12440. 229 Gannett, Lewis S. The temper of the French v/orkers . Their attitude toward President Wilscn, the peace conference and reconstruction. Survey, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 41:488-493. 230 Gen. McCain's model demobilization plan insures employment for discharged soldiers. Employment census made prior to release of men. Plan used at Camp Devens . U. S. Employment service bulletin, Jan. 10, 1919, p. 1, 5. 231 General Smuts and a league of nations. Manchester guardian, Jan. 11, 1919, p. 9. Quotes at length from General Smuts' memorandum on a league of nations. A summary was given in the Washington Star for Jan. 14, 1919, p. 14. 231a General Smuts 's plan for the league of nations. The nation, Feb. 8, 1919, sec. 3, p. 225-237. 232 Gerstenberg, Charles W, For a reconstruction that reorganizes fundamentals. Annalist, Jan. 6, 1919, p. 13, 25-26. 233 Getting a starting point on reconstruction* Three plans that have been ^ proposed and the impossibilities contained in the Overman proposal. Black diamond, Nov, 30, 1918, p. 468, 481. Criticism of the bills on reconstruction before Congress . 234 Gleason, Arthur and Paul U. ?Cellogg. The England they've been fighting for. Survey, Nov. 30, 1918, v. 41:243-249. 235 Gleason, Arthur. The new constitutionalism in British industry. Survey, Feb. 1, 1919, v. 41:594-598. 236 _^___ The shop stewards and their significance. Survey, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 41:417-422. 23 7 Gompers , Samuel. Political labor party-— Reconstruction— -Social insurance. American f ederationist , Jan., 1919, v, 26:33-46. Address delivered in New York, Dec. 9, 1918. 238 Gove, George. Housing the vorkers — An unfinished job. The present status of government housing projects — A challenge to local chambers of commerce to meet an emergency which Congress seems um'dlling to face. American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:23-25. 239 Governors in conference plan public works policy. U. S. Employment service bulletin, Dec. 17, 191.8, p. 3. 29 240 Grundy, Joseph R. Readjustment means "protection." American economist, Jan. 17, 1919,' v. 63:35-37, 48. Address before the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association, Phila., Jan. 13, 1919. 241 Guyot , Yves . L'industrie de la laine et las autres industries textiles. Journal des economistes, Oct. 15, 1918, v. 60:3-33. 242 Hadfield. Sir Robert. After-war housing for workers. Organiser, Nov., 1918", v. 23:433-434. Partly on German housing proposals. 243 Hamilton, Walton H. Wh , ,• <« - t '1U<^ ». . )• f ■ :, 't - ■ T." . ■rfXifC' 30 253 How labor representation operates. Plan adopted by Youngstown Street and . Tube CO. typical of latest methods for promoting industrial efficiency and harmony . Iron trade review, Dec. 12, 1918, p. 1349-1351. 254 How the disabled soldier may become of use to industry. American machinist, Nov. 28, 1918, v. 49:972-976. 255 Hudson, Palliser, State control of shipping: the case for private ownership. Organiser, Oct., 1918, v. 23:321-322. 256 Hughes, Charles E. Some reflections on conditions following the war. Economic world, Dec. 7, 1918, p. 800-801. Part of addresses delivered before American institute of arts and sciences at Columbia University, N. Y. city, Nov. 30, 1918, 257 Iden, V^ G. Peace catches America unprepared. Same lack of constructive planning which marked entry into war, now appears in country's efforts to meet restored trade conditions throughout the world. Iron trade review, Jan, 2, 1919, v. 64:2-9. 258 Ihlder, John. Card houses. Can the federal government afford tc febahdon its industrial villages? Survey, Jan, 18, 1919, v. 41:519-521. 259 Industrial Canada. Published by the Canadian manufacturers' associaticn monthly , Number for Jan., 1919, reviev/s situation in various Canadian indus- tries with reference to future prospects. 260 The industrial demobilisation. New statesman, Nov. 30, 1918, p. 172-173. Urges the public reorganisation of the labour market by which the government can whenever it v/ishes prevent any vddespread or continued unemployment at less cost than is involved in letting unemployment occur and then, by insurance or otherwise, relieving the unemployed, 261 Industrial readjustment. Machinery, Feb., 1919, v. 25:553-554, 262 Industrial readjustment. Chamber of commerce of the U. S, of America, War service bulletin no, 38, Dec, 10, 1918. Correspondence of President of Chamber of commerce with chairman of Vfar Industries Board regarding the functions of that board and dcfcuments referred to on cancellation of war contracts. 31 263 Industry asserts its confidence in the future. Greater Nev; York (Bulletin of Merchants Association of New York) Dec, 23, 1918, v. 7:1-11. In response to an inquiry from the Merchants Association the manufac- turers of the Nev/ York Metropolitan Industrial District enumerate the obstacles to complete readjustment to peace conditions and declare their faith in continued prosperity. 264 Ingram, Augustus E. Reconstruction problems in British woolen trade. Commerce reports, Dec. 18, 1918, no. 296, p, 1057-1060. 265 Intercollegiate socialist, Oct. -Nov., 1918. Reconstruction number. Contents . — The minimum of education, by Ellen Hayes « - American coopera- tion - its first national convention, by Agnes D. Warbasse . - The orienta- tion of British labor, by Richard Roberts. - The farmer and reconstruction, by Robert J. VJheeler. - War-time control of industry, by ?!arry W, Laidler. — Health conservation as a social program, by James P. Warbasse. - The I. S, P. Conference on "Reconstruction after the war." - Notes on labor and socialist movements, 266 Irv/in, Will. France and the future. Saturday evening post, January 11, 1919, p. 11,90,93-94,97. 267 James, Harleon, Service - the keynote of a new cabinet department. American review of reviews, Feb., 1919, v. 59:187-190, Advocates the organization of a Department of civic economy* 268 Jones, Wesley L. S.J. Res. 119 providing for a commission to report upon legislation to meet the problems whi'ih will confront tiiis country upon the con- clusion of the war. Congressional record, Jan. 4, 1918, v. 56:558. 269 Jouhaux, Leon. Les "clauses ouvriores" de la paix. L'information ouvriere et sociale, Oct. 31, 1918, p. 1. 270 Les travailleurs devant la paix. I L'information ouvriere et sociale, Paris, Dec. 15, 1918, p, 3-4. 271 Kallen, H. M. The crisis among the allies. New republic, Dec, 7, 1918, v. 17:164-158, On the league of nations, 272 Kelly, Melville Clyde. H, R. 13415. A bill to provide for the present emergency arising out of the demobilization of soldiers and sailors by securing for them opportu- nities for permanent and profitable employment through the settlement, colonization, and development, upon a systematic and comprehensive basis, of agricultural lands, and of the forest, mineral, and other natural re- sources vrithin the United States and Alaska, and for other purposes. k Congressional record, Dec, 17, 1918, p. 605. 273 Kelly, Poy W. Planning for the labor factors in production after the war. Textile world journal, Nov. 9, 1918, p. 131-133. 32 274 Kennedy, Philip B. ... British post-war financial policy. Commerce reports, Dec, 2, 1918, n.p, 282, p. 833-835. A review of the report of the committee appointed by the British Treas- ury and the Ministry of Reconstruction to consider various problems con- nected with currency and foreign exchangee during the period of recon- / struction, 275 Readjustment of British industry to peace conditions. Commerce reports, Dec. 31, 1918, no. 306, p. 1217-1219, 276 Kenwood, H. R. Medical reconstruction. Lancet, Nov. 2, 1918, p, 599-601. Part of presidential address before Society of medical officers of health on the proposed Ministry of Health bill and the relation of the general practitioner to the Public Health Service* 577 Kenyon, V/illiam S. S, 5397 a bill to provide for the commencement or prosecution of public works in order to provide increased opportunities for employment during the period of demobilization and industrial readjustment, and for other purposes. Congressional record, Jan. 21, 1919, p. 1879, ;278 S. Res .382 instructing the Committee on education and labor to investi- gate and recommend to the Senate methods of promoting better socifc.1 and industrial conditions in the country. Congressional record, Dec, 11, 1918, p. 290. Resolution was adopted. 279 Labor after the war, Shoeworkers' journal, Nov., 1918, p. 11-12. j280 Labor objectives at the peace conference. Economic world, Feb, 1, 1919, p. 155. Gives text of memorandum prepared by the French General Confederation of Labor. J81 Labor party plan of reconstruction. Christian science monitor, Dec. 2, 1918, p. 2» Summarizes the British Labour Party's election manifesto "Labor's call to the people" which gives the views of the party on reconstruction and the peace conference. [282 Labor surplus fast growing over wide areas. Official U. S. bulletin, Jan, 29, 1919, p. 4, Statement of Dept. of Labor on increase of unemployment. 283 Labour and capital present joint recommendations on reconstruction to the Dominion government. Labour gazette (Canada), Dec, 1918, p, 1102-1103. Memorandum prepared by a committee representing the Canadian manufac- turers association, the Trade and labour congress of Canada and the Joint committee on technical organizations. Recommendations cover the estab- lishment of a Bureau of public welfare, survey of imports, raw materials, scientific and industrial research, immigration, public works, technical education, land settlement, employment bureaus, demobilization, etc. .'-■'' j: ;/..'. •..■ ' ii'. ' 'z '.' { ••■- :.!-: /Y ■ :'t ■ ': : ■ f r j. ■'-.*■» \ •r -i : ■■.■■■■■ ■\.':i "1 "T t- : ■ i: }.>:; ,n' ..:f ,r. 33 •f 284 Labor legislation in the peace treaty. Survey, Dec. 14, 1918, v, 41:350, 285 Labor's fourteen points. The platform of an independent labor party launched by the Chicago federation of labor. Survey, Nov. 30,1918, v. 41:265. 285a Labor's voice at the peace table. Literary digest, Feb. 8, 1919, v. 60:11-13. '286 A labourist's view of equal pay for equal work» Organiser, Oct., 1918, v» 23:340-341. 1287 LaFarge, C. Grant. The case of government housing. New republic, Jan, 18, 1919, v« 17:335-337. 288 Laidler, Harry W, Books on the national guild movement. Survey, Feb, 1, 1919, v. 41:643-644. 289 Land and the returning soldier t Journal of American institute of architects, Nov., 1918, v. 6:503-505. 290 Land settlement plans announced for soldiers. Canadian official record, Nov. 19, 1918, p. 9. During demobilization period soldiers may take courses on farms v,'hich will act as schools of instruction. 291 Landesco, Alexander A. ' Would add home building to Uncle Sam's reconstruction plans. Annalist, Jan. 13, 1919, p, 69. Scheme proposes the transformation by the government of tenement districts into model dwelling neighborhoods, while at the same time providing employment during the transition period. 1292 Lane, Franklin K. Farms for returned soldiers, A quarter of a billion acres of unused land. Scientific American, Nov. 9, 1918, p. 372-374,382. 2 93 Lasker, Bruno. More English books on reconstruction, Survey, Nov. 30, 1918, v. 41:268-269,271-275,277-279, 294 The League of nations. I. Its making and political work. II. Its economic functions . New statesman, Nov. 16, 1918, p. 125-128. 295 League of free nations association. Statement of principles. New republic, Nov. 30, 1918, v. 17:134-137. La legislation internationale du travail. L'information ouvriere et sociale, Paris. Dec. 5, 1919, p. 2, Gives the text of the recommendations of the Commission en labor of the French chamber of deputies on the clauses on international labor legislation for insertion in treaty of peace. il 34 397 Lehfeldt, R. A, ' ' . Controle international de la production de I'or* Journal des e''conomistes , Oct. 15, 1918, v. 60J34-42. '^6 Liquidating the rar industries. The transition period* Manchester guardian, Dec. 23, 1918, p. 6. Sumcary of statement of Mr. Winston Churchill, Minister of Munitions at a conference of representatives of employers and trade unions advis- ory committees • 99 A list of books on the "League of nations" idea. Outlook, Jan. 15, 1919, p, 105. 300 Litchfield, I. W. United States Employment service and demobilization. U. S. Employment service bulletin, Jan, 31,, 1919, p. 3,8. 301 Little danger of labor congestion through demobilization. Annalist, Dec. 2, 1918, v, 12:531-2, Decrease in immigration v/ill offset number of returning soldiers* 302 Lloyd, W. H. Human reconstruction reclaims war's disabled for industry* Iron trade re.view, Jan, 2, 1919, v. 64:80-86, 303 Luchars , Alexander. Readjustment in Great Britain and France. Machinery, Feb,, 1919, v, 25:558-560. 304 The lumber industry is united for reconstruction. American lumberman, Nov. 30, 1918, p, 36-39. Account of annual meeting of National Lumber manufacturers' associa- tion, Chicago, Nov. 22, 1918. 305 Lundeen, Ernest. H.R. 13592. A bill to amend an Act entitled: "An act to create the Department of labor" by providing for a bureau of the unemployed. Congressional record, Jan. 2, 1919, p. 955. 306 H.Res. 525 direct'.ng certain commit"': ts of the House to make investi- gations regarding the possibilities of v;G--J: ;'or unemployed in industries coming v'ithin the jurisdiction of such c au; iv-tees , Congressional record, Jen. 27, 1919, p. 2281. 307 McBain, Howard Lee. The new relation of the federal government zv state and local communities. National municipal review, Jan., 1919, v. s.3-15. 300 Mc Gil li cuddy, Owen E. Canada's care of her soldiers. How the Dom-lnion Department of soldiers' civil reestablishment carries out its work, American review of reviews, Feb., 1919, v. 59:177-180. I 35 309 McGrath, _Sir Patrick T. Canada's after-'var problsms , American review of revievrs , Jan., 1919, v. 59:30-32. 310 Mackay, Clarence H. Government ownership of the telegraph lines and the national economy. Econcmic world, Jen. 18, 19.19, v. 103:79-81* Against government Ovvnership, By the president of the Postal Telegraph-Cable company. Reprinted from the Nev; York Times, December 22, 1918, 311 McMurtrie, Douglas C* The work of an American school for the rehabilitation of the disabled. Boston medical and surgical journal, Jan. 16) 1919, p. 59-65. On the work of the Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men, New York City, 312 Man power problems are attacked, Iron trade review, Dec. 12, 1918, p. 1357-1359. Discussion on human relations in industry at meeting of American society •f mechanical engineers, Dec. 3, 1918. 313 Maoussa, Georges. Industrial efforts in France during the v;ar. A view of the conditions under which the chemical industry of France has- developed during the T/ar - Coal tar dyestuff , synthetic nitrogen, Alsatian potash, Algerian phosphate, soap and oil industries have great possibilities. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Jpt.. 15, 1919, v. 20:56-58. Lecture delivered at the Soci^t4 de Chimie industrielle, N, Y. Nov. 19, 1918. 314 March, Peyton C. War department's policy relative to discharges from army outlined in letter of General March to Mr • Mann. Official U. S. bulletin, Jan. 29, 1919, p. 10-11, 315 Marot, Helen. Reconstructisn at work. The Dial, Oct. 19, 1918, p. 303-305. 316 Marsh, Arthur R, What labor seeks at the Peace Conference. Economic world, Feb. 1, 1919, p. 14-7-148. 317 Mead, Elwood. Farms for the soldiers when they come back. World's work, Nov., 1918, v. 37:61-67. 318 The meaning of reconstruction. New republic, Dec. 14, 1918, v. 17:182-183, 319 Meighen, Arthur » To bridge chasm for soldier between war and his peaceful occupation* Canadian official record, Jan. 21, 1919, p. 1-3. Address by Canadian Minister of Interior on the work of the various departments and committees concerned v/ith demobilization. 'i ■ I ; ■ I »•;.(•' i , ! ... ■ '.I I '■ •■ r . -1 i . .• ■ i 36 320 Michener, Carroll K. . Ships and seaports for after -the -war trade . Northwestern miller, Jan, 22, 1919, p. 313, 332-333; Jan. 29, p. 417-418, 436-437. 321 Miller, A. C. After-v-ar readjustment in the United States: liberating gold. Economic v'orld, Jan. 18, 1919, v, 103:76-79, An address before the American economic association, Richmond, Dec. 28, 1918. Author is member of the Federal Reserve Board. 322 After-war readjustment in the United States: rectifying the price situation. Economic world, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 103:4-9. An address before the American academy of Political and social science, Philadelphia, Dec, 21, 1918, 323 Million mark is passed in army demobilization General March announces in weekly press statement. Official U. S. bulletin, Feb. 1, 1919, p, 1,5. 324 Miltoun, Francis. Unconquerable French spirit turns to reconstruction* Iron trade review, Jan. 2, 1919, v, 64:11-18. 325 Minister of militia on demobilization problems. Canadian official record, Dec. 24, 1918, p. 3. 326 Le ministbre de la reconstitution industrielle . Bulletin des usinea de guerre (France) Dec. 2, 1918, v. 3, no .32 :249-250, Gives the text of the report recommending the conversion of the French Ministry of munitions into Ministry of induotrial reconstitution and the decree of Nov. 26, 1918, by which that change v/as effected. Printed also in L 'inf c-mation ouvrifere et sociale, Dec. 1, 1918, p, 2. 327 Ministries of health bill. Local government chronicle, Nov. 23, 1918, p, 705-706. Summarizes the provisions of the bill and the statement made in the House of Commons on its first reading. 328 The Ministry of health bill.' Medical officer, Nov, 16, 1918, v. 20;165,168, 329 Morgan, Barbara S. Problem of the returning soldier. North American review, Oct., 1918, v. 208:524-535. 330 Morgan, Samuel T. Consumption taxes as a relief to the country and industry and trade in the reconstruction period. Economic world, Nov. 30, 1918, v. 102:773, 331 Morris , Bert J . Industrial restoration of disabled soldiers. Industrial management, Dec, 1918, v. 56:477-481, Brief survey of what is being done in France, England, Canada and Austria. ,:F:1 :. i t. s. ■- ' 37 332 A motive and a method for American reconstruction. American city, Nov., 1918, v. 19:347-352. Gives resolutions on reconstruction adopted by various organizations concerned vith municipal problems and makee suggestions for action by municipalities and civic bodies. 333 Mowrer, Paul S. International labor lars given in outline by French. Washington evening star, Jan. 30, 1919. Proposals for internal labor legislation submitted to French govern- ment by the French General Federation of Labor. Program covers wages, working hours, regulations for work of women and children, Sunday labor, old age, safety and hygiene. 334 Municipal reconstruction in America. Municipal reference library notes, New York City, Nov. 13j 1918. 335 The nation-wide campaign to find available employment worthy of the return- ing soldiers, sailors and marines. Americ&n city, Dec, 19i8, v. 19:465-466. On the community labor boards . 336 National civic federation. Industrial reconstruction. After v/ar immigration policy - government ownership or control of public utilities and basic industries - future of labor mediation - commissions to study relations of employers and employ- ees and economic adjustments at home and abroad. Report of the meeting of the Reconstruction Committee of the National Civic Federation, New York, Dec. 2, 1918. , 336a National council to discuss labor. Christian science monitor, Feb. 8, 1919, p. 1. A conference of state governors is to be called in Washington soon after President Wilson's return to determine a plan for the solution of the unemployment problem, 337 National scholarships. New republic, Jan. 18, 1919, v. 17:329-330, Advocates the giving of national scholarships instead of continuing the S.A.T.C. 338 New French ministry of industrial reconstitution. Commerce reports, Jan. 6, 1919, no. 4, p. 49-50. Translation of statement explaining change from Le Matin, Paris, Nov. 27, 1918. 339 The new labor allignment. New republic, Dec, 7, 1918, v. 17:155-156, 340 Nichols, W. H. The future of the American dye industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Jan., 1919, v.ll;53-55, 341 Ohio retailers adopt plan of reorganization at annual meeting. Southern lumberman, Jan. 25, 1919, p. 29-30, Summary of proceedings of annual meeting of Ohio association of retail lumber dealers. Association pledged its support to a nation- wide building campaign to provide employment for discharged soldiers. ''''O ". i". ^ - /f '! ,'f^'f^-l .... y. ■I---' i : "V % ■ '..r.-j ..; ■-■■,1 1 .:•'. ■": .■ .1 . r ' •.•i ' J. ' ■i • •: I ■■ '• .■ •'J'' ■ :' ,1 ■ '? , .^ ••^.! <> ' . ; , ."T.' + •, ;jc>. /.;-..'■ V . .': i ■; " - /» •*.■. ■J.O. :•■<..". yf ' -, •(.:.' : •.< t. 38 342 'Sullivan, Mary K. ?/hat women v'orkers want to got out of reconstruction. Reconstruction, N. Y,, Jani, 1919, p, 10, 343 Otlet, Paul. The foundations of world society and the need of an intellectual and civic center of international reconstruction. Survey, Feb. 1, 1919, v. 41:598-601. Project for an international city. 344 Oualid, William. The special problems of reconstruction in France* Athenaeum, Oct., 1918, p. 420-424. 345 Out-of-T/ork donation. Labour gazette (Gt. Brit.) Jan., 1919, p, 6. Gives in detail the British government's scheme of unemployment bene- fits provided for the period of demobilisation, payable up to thirteen weeks and valid for six months in case of civilians, and up to 26 weeks and valid for twelve months in case of ex-members of the Forces, 1346 Ovington, Mary W. Reconstruction and the negro. Crisis, Feb., 1919, v. 17;169-173. 347 Parker, Edwin B. Lumber industry's part in the reconstruction program. American lumberman, Nov. 30, 1918, p. 33-35. Address before National Lumber Manufacturers' association annual meeting at Chicago, Nov. 22, 1918. 348 Paull, Charles H. Aims and standards in industrial Americanization. Industrial management, Feb,, 1919, v. 51:148-151. 349 Pawlowski, Auguste . ' L' Industrie chimique francaise et la guerre. Journal des economistes, Oct. 15, 1918, ". 60:43-53. 350 Peabody, F. S. The coal industry's reconstruction creed. Black diamond, Dec, 14, 1918, p. 536-537. 351 Peace time standards for women in industry ir sued by Department. Experience during war is basis. Industry asked to up!- old standards include equal pay for equal work, 48 -hour week and joint negotiation. Statement issued by women in industry ;:ervice of U. S. Department of Labor. (U.S .Employment service bulletin, Dec. 17, 1918, p. 1,4.) 352 Per un programma organico nsll' opera de restaurazione sociale. La cooperazione Italiana, Nov. 29, 1918, v. 32:1-2. •4 »■ '^-■"^ 4 \ 39 >3 Petit, R. Nev; after-var preparations in the chemical industry of Germany. The agreement between the dyestuff trust and the cartel of explosives, reduction of the tax on war profits in favor of products manufactured for export, The need for an interallied technical organization. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Dec, 1918, v ,10:1025-1026 . Translation of an article in Chimie et Industrie for June 1, 1918. ^54 Pigou, A. C. Labour problems after the war. Quarterly review, September, 1916, no, 609:334-345. 5 Pitt, William, Where the men settle their own troubles. Factory, Jan., 1919, vol. 22, No. 1:21-31. An account of the working of a board of appeals composed entirely of employees with jurisdiction over all controversies concerning wages, hours of work, discharges, promotion and other conditions of employment in the Irving-Pitt manufacturing company. 6 A plan of civic and industrial development for Albany, American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:8-9. From the report of the Reconstruction committee of the Albany Chamber of commerce. >57 Plan to place soldiers on the land. Department of interior's part in v/ork of reconstruction is reviev;ed, Canadian official record, Jan. 7, 1919, p. 1-3. !58 Planning and building new towns in Canada. Kipawa. Conservation of life (Commission of conservation, Canada), Jan., 1919, p, 10-16. 59 Plans for demobilization are completed. How Canada's soldiers will be brought back to their civil occupations . Canadian official record, Nov. 19, 1918, p. 1,3. 60 The policy and program of American farmers. I, For economic reconstruction in America; II, For international reconstruction. Farmers' open forum (Bulletin of the Farmers' national headquarters, the Farmers' national council and affiliated organizations, Washington, D. C), Jan., 1919, p. 1-7, Includes the resolutions adopted and synopsis of addresses delivered at the Farmers' national reconstruction conference, V/ashington, D. C, Jan. 7-9, 1919, 61 The policy of the labour party, New statesman, Nov. 23, 1918, p, 148-149, On social reconstruction. 162 Post-war committee - Preliminary outline of programme. Journal of American institute of architects, Jan., 1919, v. 7:25-28. An inquiry of a special committee of the American institute of architects into the status of the architect and architectural prac- tice . 40 363 Post-^«'ar labor program of the International association for labor legislation. Monthly labor review, Nov., 1918| p. 55-62. Includes the text of the memorandum of June 11, 1918, submitted by the International association for labor legislation to the Swiss Federal Council requesting the latter 's support for the incorporation in the v'orld peace treaty of a program of international protective labor legis* lationt 364 Post-war priority in Great Britain. Commerce reports, Nov. 23, 1918, no. 276, p, 737-8. Statement of British Minister of reconstruction in Parliament on Oct. 23, 1918. 365 Preparatifs de 1 'apre^'s -guerre (Germany) • La reforme sociale, Oct* 1-16, 1918, v. 76:325-328. 366 Pret^, Henry. The French socialist congress. New republic, Nov. 23, 1918, v. 17:96-98. Brief review of the congress held in Paris, Oct* 6-10, 1918. 367 Price, George M. After-v'ar public health problems. New Tendencies, new methods, new agencies in the future of public health activities. Survey, Dec. 21, 1918, v. 41:369-374. Summary of papers read at the meeting of American Public Health Association at Chicago, Dec, 1918. One of the resolutions urges the use of the army cantonments and training camps for the care of certain diseases, particularly tuberculosis. 386 The problem of demobilization. Journal of political economy, Dec, 1918, v. 26:921-940, 369 The problem of demobilization. Local government chronicle, Nov. 16, 1918, p. 681. Summarizes statement of Dr. Addison (Minister of reconstruction) in House of Commons Nov. 12 regarding government demobilization program and unemployment benefits, 370 Probl^mes d 'apres -guerre . La reconstitution industrielle . Inquietudes chez les ouvriers et chez les industriels . L'information ouvriere et sociale, Paris, Dec 5, 1918, p. l-2» 371 Le programme de la C.G.T. L'information ouvriere et sociale, Nov. 28, 19l8, p. 5, 372 Provincial cooperation to aid demobilization, Canadian official record, Dec 10, 1918, p. 8. Report of conference at Ottawa to establish close working arrange- ments between federal and provincial bodies for repatriation schemes. ... . , . , . . , . ■ • a:-t :;:■;•■ to-/-; .,:;. -oX- '.'^ T' • V tl'ic 'f ': "^ rr . ' f/ •■; , J .J- r ;,' "i ■■! ; r j -^ '■ '•. -x { ■ .1. /.I .^■: •> > j- .^UC .\ •■ J- ■ • • ' 1 ■ ■ • »..,,,,. I . , .. , , ■*.♦.. ;^ \ . . V ; I.- :v ;■ ■■•>.- '■'!:■.'' J ' i^tr 'i" i,.tr.;' •'• -i c ■'^'i.r<;i. • •• :-;••• •.• r'-" .■■,■■/ ,..■:, . .v. ■ , •, • : ■ ■ --.iv; ..•1 ■ 1 "-i:;! i .. :'?.:■: .'..'< r'.-> ■:■ ■■ :.: r :■- ■ ■■ h-: , -■:■ ri ':■■•■ .. •■ -f- •■•: - : '.. , ■■■■: '. r ■< r;T;V ": - • ■ • -•- J > • . ■ . , > J. ■'; .' TV JO .i^. ^ 41 373 Pubiic v'orks act outline submitted to governors. State executives no"/ con- sidering unemployment safeguard plan of Labor Policies Board. U. S. Employment service bulletin, Dec. 31, 1918, p, 9, 12. 374 Public works and new governmental activities proposed for Rochester. American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:5-6. 375 Rabault, M. G. Comment intensifier notre production agricole d 'apr^s -guerre . La r/forme sociale, Oct. 1-16, 1918, v, 76:280-291, 376 Rathbone, Eleanor. The endo"i'/ment of motherhood. Athenaeum, Oct., 1918, p. 427-430, Advocates the national end07/ment of mothers and children. 377 La reconstitution industrielle . Un debet a la Chambre sur la crise des transports et la demobilisation. L'inf ormation ouvrieVe et sociale, Paris, Jan. 5, 1919, p. 4. 378 Reconstruction: A herald of the new time. Published monthly by the Reconstruction publishing co., Nev; York City. Allan L. Benson, editor. First number issued in January, 1919. 379 Reconstruction in industry. Proposed legislation on reconstruction in the United States, Monthly labor review, Nov., 1918, p. 48-53, Review of some of the bills on reconstruction introduced into Congress. 380 Reconstruction news. Timely information for live machine shops. American machinist. Nov, 21, 1918, v. 49:961-965; Nov. 28, p. 1009-1011; Dec. 5, p. 1058-1059; Dec. 12, p. Il01-l]03t Dec, 19, p. 1147-1148; Dec, 26, p. 119:i.-il92; Jan. 2, 3919, v. 50:39-41; Jan. 9, p. 86-87. Covers statements larusd by War Industries Board, War department, and other government departments as well as general news items. 381 Reconstruction platform of Chicago plan commission. American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:7. 382 Reconstruction program of the Italian Superior Labor Council, Monthly labor review, Nov., 1918, p. 72-74. 383 Relation of industrial and social conditions to adult education. Monthly labor revievj, Nov., 1918, p. 63-70. Stimmarizes the report of the Committee on adult education, British Ministry of reconstruction (see entry no. 94 in main list) ♦ 384 Remobilization of our industrial resources. Consumers' League bulletin (N.Y.), Jan., 1919, v. 8, no. 4. 385 La reorganisation ^conomique. Un rainist^re de reconstitution nationale, L'inf ormation ouvri^re et sociale, Nov. 21, 1918, p. 1-2, On the report recommending that the Ministry of munitions be trans- formed into a Ministry of industrial reconstitution. r •/ • .; /" ■; ■■■ :.■ ; ■^ ■ V ; V r.'.. • ■i:-.-'^' -<«-f- . •m; 4 . : - t ■■> "I J r / 42 !86 Repatriation committae appeals to the councils, Canadian municipal journal, Jan., 1919, v« 15:8-11, p87 Resolutions adopted at meeting of National lumber manufacturers* association at Chicago, Nov, 23, 1918. American lumberman, Nov. 30, 1918, p, 1,35, Resolutions cover definitions of invested capital, rate increases, shipping lav.'B, lumber duties, etc. Association also adopted resolution opposing any general readjustment of wage scales not in keeping with general adjustments of living costs and economic conditions. J88 Revictualling Europe, New statesman, Jan. 18, 1919, v. 12:316-317. I88a The revolt of labour. New statesman, Jan. 25', 1919, p. 339-340. On the labour situation in Great Britain. 389 Revolution vs.. reaction in Russia, New republic, Jan, 4, 1919, v. 17:267-270. 190 Roberts, Ernest B, The part of food control in reconstruction. Canadian municipal journal, Nov., 1918, v. 14:365. i391 Roberts, George E. Reconstruction: a starting point for our war industries the way out is the 7;ay in----government control. Nation's business, Dec, 1918, p. 13,48. 392 Roberts, Richard, Quo vadis? An inquiry into the purpose of reconstruction commissions and programs . Survey, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 41:439-440. On the bills before Congress . 393 The -rock of reconstruction. By Appius Claudius. Athenaeum, Nov., 1918, p. 460-462. On the British governiaent's pledge to restore trade union conditions at close of v;ar. 394 Rockell, Frederick. Russian cooperation during war time. Russian cooperator, Nov., 1918, v. 2:181-182. 395 Safe demobilization. New republic, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 17:277-278. 396 Scheme for the reorganization of domestic service as a modern industry, Women's industrial news, Jan., 1918, v, 21:1-3. 397 Secretary of V'ar instructs that men be allowed to stay in army pending employment . U. S. Employment service bulletin, Jan. 31, 1919, p. 1,5. Reprints V/ar Dept . order. 3 98 Service to gather data necessary to proper demobilization of army and war industries. Community labor boards ?dll be used for task. V. S, Emolovment service bulletin, Nov. 26, 1918, p. 1-4. I : •:i--.'-.; \-- +1^ , l-.L . . ■■■:. : , J. ■■■'■ •n^i ■•■■t:i -,i,r-. '(,;■ ; • :■ ■ '■•j,y^*: i;.x' r -•■ r. ...» , . /^ V ; ■^ V. f- .-ii. . f • , . i one -v } -'. -• i V 43 399 Shipper., Eugene R. Community houses as soldiers and sailor?' memorials. American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:27-31. 400 Shipping control after the peace. New republic, Jan. 25, 1919, v. 17:361-362. 401 Simonds, Frank K. Europe in tranrfition. American review of reviers , Feb., 1919, v. 59 1145-151. Includes section on demobilization. 402 Smith , Hoke , 5. 4987 a bill to create a Department of education, to appropriate money for the conduct of said department, to appropriate money for Federal cooperation with the staten in the encouragement and support of education, and for other purposes. Congressional record, Oct. 10, 1918, p. 12148. Bill includes provision for giving federal aid to the states for the abolition of illiteracy and the Americanization of immigrants. 403 Smyth, Nathan A. Solution of demobilization to be activity of industry; trying period for labor, U. S. Employment service bulletin, Jan. 10, 1919, p. 1,3,5. Part of address on "Mustering out the national army" before American association for labor legislation, Richmond, Dec, 1918. 404 Smyth, wiHiam H. Human instincts in reconstruction. An analysis of urges and a cuggestioji for their direction. Industrial management, Feb., 1919, v. 57:39-91. 405 Socio-political program of the Germen employers. Monthly labor review, Nov., 1918, p. 70-72. From an article in Soziale Praxis, Aug. 22, 1918. 406 Soldier settlement plans in the reconstruction program. Annalist, Dec, 9, 1918, p. 558, 575. 407 Soldiers ^'ho ir^ould settle on the land. Canadian official record, Nov. Z't^ 1918, p,. 8. Canvas made of 230,000 member? of Canadian expeditionary force shoved that 43,9 per cent vished to go on the land. 408 Solving V/hitley council difficulties. Organiser, Nov., 1918, v. 23:432. 409 Some cities which have taken definite steps tor/arde securing community houses or liberty buildings as victory memorials . American city, Jan., 1919, v. 20:36-37. 410 Some radical programmes of reconstruction. Catholic charities reviev, Jan., 1919, v. 3:3-5. Discusses the reconstruction programmes of the California and Ohio Federation of Labor and the Chicago Federation. ■■ ■■' ■■I.'"' :? ' .: /. <• ) ..c-'- - . • ? .1.1 " •;:-■. 'r- ,- t- : ,...., , ■ ."» ,' • '^ • 'J.:.i ,f .- ■■■ ', 'A 44: |411 Sprague, 0, M. v:. Gold and credit as related to r/orld reconstruction! Annalist, Jan. 6, 1919, p« 19-20. Author is Converse professor of Banking and finance at Harvard University. il2 Relations bet^T'ean labor and capital and reconstruction. American economic review, Dec, 1918, v. 8:763-773. |4-12a State reconstruction. Survey, Feb. 8, 1919, v. 41:664-665. On the reconstruction commission appointed by the governor of New York. 413 Stevenson, J. A. Reconstruction in Canada and the social and economic forces v/hich will condition it. Survey, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 41:441-446. 414 Stocks, Helen, The endoT'/ment of motherhood: another point of view. Athenaeum, December, 1918, p. 500-503. Against the proposal for the state endowment of motherhood. 415 Survey reveals encouraging industrial outlook - Greater New York, Dec. 9, 1918, p. 2-9. Give results of the survey made of industrial conditions in about 40 of the most important industries in the New York Metropolitan District with an analysis of plans and opinions of manufacturers in these indus- tries made by the Industrial Bureau of the Merchants Association of New York. Regards the general prospect good for the coming months. 416 Taussig, F, W. The problems of the dyestuff industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Jan., 1919, v. 11:55-57. 417 Taylor, Clara I. A ne7' era in Russian industry . Survey, Feb, 1, 1919, v. 41:612-614. Relates mainly to women'r work* 418 Taylor, Graham. Demobilization and reemployment. Survey, Dec. 14, 1918, v. 41:342-343. 419 _____ Selective service aid for reconstruction. Survey, Nov. 30, 1918, v, 41:256-257. 420 Tead, Ordway . The economic guarantees of peace. The Dial, Now. 2, 1918, p. 343-346. 421 The Third Internationale. Survey, Feb. 8, 1919, p. S60-662. 422 Thomas, Albert. Probl^mes d 'apres guerre . L'inf ormation ouvriere et socials, Nov, 7, 1918, p. 1; Nov. 14, p. 1; Nov, 28, D. 1. t . ('.- .V < '-.I: ■ ■• ;;' r !.;.;• .i ■:•%'■ ■ -i--'- '■ •^' '^ ■ i. I X ■:. : ! •;■ 1 > ■: ^< j .'I'- ^■. ■' ^ ■■■'.■■ •■: :■■■■ I I-. ."»,■* • 'v, ■ I ■ ■■ .• ' • •r ■• :■' : . , <. . >' •I- t.;'" 45 23 Thompson, G. V/. Our chemical industries , made permanent. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Feb. 1, 1919, v. 20:118-123. Address delivered at Chicago meeting of American institute of chemical engineers, Jan. 15, 1919. 2i Travaux en 1918 des commissions mixtes departementales pour le maintien du travail national. Avis sur les modalit^s ^ envisager pour que la demobi- liaation s'effectue dans les conditions les plus favorables a la reprise de 1 'activite economique . Bulletin de Ministere du travail et de la prelvoyance socials (France) Aout -Sept .-Oct., 1918, p. 353-360. 25 Turner, Mrs. V. B. List of references on reconstruction. Monthly labor review, Dec, 1918, p. 47-79. 26 The urgency of the housing problem in the province of Quebec. Conservation of life (Commission of conservation, Canada) Jan., 1919, p. 4-9. r27. Union of Canadian municipalities , Proceedings of the 17th annual convention, Victoria, B.C., July 9-11, 1918. Canadian municipal journal, Oct. -Nov. ,1918, v. 14:302-312, 366-369. Topics covered include public works and problems of the returned soldiers. r2B Veditz, C. W. A. America's interest in French industrial reconstruction. Annalist, Feb. 3, 1919, v. 13:143. t29 Walling, William E. French workers planning to rule their country. Reconstruction, N. Y. Feb., 1919, p. 54-55. t30 Social democratic league of America. America labor v;orld , Jan., 1919, p. 12-14. Gives program on reconstruction. t31 Walsh , Frank P . Walsh warns employers not to try to cut wages or increase hours. Reconstruction, N. Y. Jan., 1919, p. 9. :32 Washington, Forrester B. Reconstruction and the colored woman. Life and labor, Jan., 1919, p. 3-7. r33 Webb, Sidney. The new British Parliament . New republic, Jan, 25, 1919, p. 364-367. 1-34 _____ The reconstruction of industry. Christian commonwealth, Nov. 20, 1918, p. 72. Summary and quotations from speech in LondoAf 35 West Virginia uncertain as to reconstruction trend. Operators count upon quality to win back markets cut off by zone regulations, but fear perma- nent curtailment in western trade. The Coal trade journal, Dec. 25, 1918, p. 1493-1494. »-.'f .,."•• •> t b , f. •' '" •; / ■■ • ■ . . i. -K ..:■■■: 46 >6 Weyl, Walter. Buffer employirent . New republic, Dec. 7, 1918, v, 17:159-161, 137 Planless demobilization. New republic, Nov. 30, 1918, v. 17:125-127. t38 VlTieeler, Harry A. Industry's congress for reconstruction. Nation's business, Dec, 1918, p. 9-10, 42-44 On the purpose and plans of the conference at Atlantic City, Dec. 4-6, by the president of Chamber of Commerce of the United States. *39 _.^___ A peace program for industry. Nation's business, Jan., 1919, p. 11-12, 61. 440 The Whitley report and the civil service. New statesman, Dec. 21, 1918, v. 12:236-238. On the difficulties involved in extending the councils recommended by the Whitley committee to the civil service of the government. 441 Wilhelm, Donald, Is Uncle Sam to keep the railroads. Independent, Nov. 30, 1918, p. 286-7, 302-3, 442 Will commence at once organization of labour bureaus. Canadian official record, Nov. 26, 1918, p. 7. Conanencement of plans for the Canadian national pystem of employment offices. The text of the Employment Offices Coordination Act 1918 v/as printed in the Canadian Labour Gazette for May, i918, p. 355-356. Regulations governing the establishment and administration of Dominion and Provincial government employment offices are embodied in an Order-in-Council signed Dec. 17, 1918, the text of which is given in Canadian official record, Dec. 24, 1918, p. 7* For report of progress made in the coordination of employment offices in Canada see Labour Gazette (Canada), Jan., 1919, p. 52-55. 443 Will negroes stay in industry. Survey, Dec. 14, 1918, v, 41:348-349. 444 Williams, Nathan B. Adjustment of unofficial contracts . American industries , Jan., 1919, v, 19:16-18. 445 Williams, Pierce C. Industrial reconstruction of Department of Nord . Commerce reports, Nov. 30, 1918, no. 281, p. 817-819, 446 ______ Reconstituting the devastated regions of France. Commerce reports, Jan. 15, 1919, no, 12:209-218. Reprinted in the Economic vrorld, Feb. 1, 1919, p. 150-154. ./: .-U- i ■■ J < ■' '.' ( .-• • ■ ( i'. ■ 1/' '• f ■. V 'ior;:; ■; L . ■ ■ f ."• "^ ; 1 J - ■ ' / . . 47 Al Wilcox, Delos F. Problem of reconstruction vdth respect to urban transportation. National municipal review, Jan., 1919, v. 8:33-48, Address at National municipal league's reconstruction conference at Rochester, Wap printed in part in American city, Dec, 1918, p. 440-444, ■48 V/ilson, Samuel. The community house - an element in reconstruction. * American city, Dec, 1918, v. 19:467-470, 449 Wollman, Henry, The constitution during the war and afterwards*. The Annalist, Jan. 6, 1919, p. 8-9. 4 50 The woman street car conductor - shall she have fair play? Life and labor, Jan., 1919, p. 14-16. 4 51 Women's work after the war. New republic, Jan. 25, 1919, v. 17:358-359. 52 Women workers in the reconstruction period. Life and labor, Dec, 1918, p. 272-273. 453 Woodruff, Clinton R. After-T/ar problems - Respective obligations of national, state and local governments . American city, Nov., 1918, v. 19:352-354. 1 454 World banking as the war is ending. Commerce reports, Dec. 30, 1918, no. 305, p, 12(^-1210. From the Statist, London, Nov. 2. 455 The world of industry. Trade union notes. (Great Britain) Athenaeum, Dec, 1918, p. 510-511. Briefly discusses proposals of the Railway clerks* association for railway nationalization and that of the Miners' Federation for the nationalization of the mines; also the demands of these and other organizations for shorter hours. 456 World problem of supplies. A matter for the peace conference. National food journal (Gt.Brit.), Dec 11, 1918, p, 200-201, 457 World rationing or world scramble* International review, Jan., 1919, p. 14-18. 458 The world's welfare. Edited by Stanly W. Finch. Published by General welfare league, New York City, vol. 1, no. 1 - , Feb., 1919 - 459 Wuarin, Albert. L'ind^pendence ^conomique de la Suisse et 1 'aprfes - guerre. Journal des ^conomistos, Dec. 15, 1918, v. 77:376-396. 460 Zihlman, Frederick N. H.R. 13352. A bill authorizing the appointment of a commission to collate information and to consider and recommend legislation to meet the economic and industrial problems of reconstruction. Congressional record, Dec 12, 1918, p. 399. ■ I ••+ . I r j.'i ^* 48 SUBJECT INDEX. (Numbers refer to items ^ not to pages,) Agriculture 14,16 ,71 ,152 ,360,3*75 See also Land colonies. Albany, N» Y. , Reconstruction plan for 356 American federation of labor 3-4,237 American public health association ,... ., 367 Americanization . 28,90,116,348,402 Architects , 362 Atlantic City conference. Sec Chamber of commerce of U. S, Aust ral ia , 69 Belgium 100 ,136 Bibliographies 88,100,110,288,293,299,334,425 Bills o-n reconstruction. See Congress. Board of trade (Gt. Brit.) 41-42 Building trades , ...,.,» 46 , 62 , 66 California state federation of labor * .,...., 410 Canada 15-17,59,259,233,309,390,413 Agriculture , , 16,152 Demobilization 15-16,148-149,170,283,308,319,325,359,3 72,386,427 Disabled soldiers , 15,81,89,100,331 Employment exchanges 164,196,201,442 Housing 213-214,252 ,358 ,426 Land colonies . ,' , 290,357,407 Chamber of commerce of United States conference 1,18,147,262,438 Chemical industries , 313,349,423 See also Dye industry. Chicago federation of labor .., 285,410 Chicago plan commission 381 Child labor 4,34,36,40,45,54,50,91,94,141 See, also International labor legislation. Citizenship ,' ,, 31,39 Coal mines. See Mines . Community houses as soldiers' memorials 399,409,448 Community kitchens 12 ,48 Community labor boards ., 206,208,335,398 Confederation g^n^rale du travail ... 23-24,221,225-226,229,265,280,333,371,429 Congress, Bills before 163,200,228,268,272,277,278,305,306,402,460 Discussion 233,379,392 Cooperation 171,215,265 Cost of living , , 1,68,103,387 Cotton. See Textile trades. Credit and banking 2,18,30,43-44,36,274,321,411,454 49 Demobilization 189 ,202 ,401 Canada 15,16,148-149,170,283,308,319,325,359,372,386,427 France 181 ,183 ,185-186,424 Germanj^ ■ 184,219 Gt. Britain 1,49,60-61,139,142,146,174,177-180,182,187 188,260,298,345,369 United States 1 ,25,206,208-209 ,230,243,282 ,300-301 ,314,323 335,368,395,397-398,403,418-419,437 See also Disabled soldiers; Land colonies, Denmark 1^0 Disabled in industry ,, , 75,100 Disabled soldiers 29,51,117 Bibliographi es ,100 , 119 Employment 81 ,96 ,100 ,254 Reeducation 8,32-81-85 ,89 ,100-102 ,118-119 ,302 ,311 ,331 See also Land colonies, Domestic service »• 12,396 Durham state land settlement 14 Dye industry , 42,131,340,353,416 Education 34,40,45,74-75,90-91,121,217,265,383,40-2 In army • 58,337 In reconstruction programs •• 16,33 EndoTOnent of motherhood 109,376,414 Europe , 175,388,401 Farmers' national reconstruction conference 360 Financial reconstruction see Credit and banking. Food 89 ,388,390 ,456,457 Foreign trade see International commerce. Forestry • 124 France 22,69,103,137,171,266,296,344,366,422 Agriculture 375 Chemical industries ..•• 313,349 Demobilization 181 ,183 ,185-186,424 Disabled soldiers 32 ,100 ,331 General federation of labor 23-24,221,225-226,229,280,333,371,429 Industrial reconstruction 9,30,75,129,303,370 377,428,445 Rebuilding and revictualling 35,89,134,138,215,220,324,446 Reconstruction ministiTr 185,222,326,338,385 Textile trades 114,241 Garton foundation 86a Germany 121 ,129 ,199 ,242 ,365,405 Chemical industries 353 Demobilization 184,219 Disabled soldiers ♦ » 100 Foreign trade • • • • 69 , 88 Gold 297,411 Guild socialism see National guilds. Gt, Brit 27, 40-70, 80, 86, 95a, 107, 109, 124, 127-128, 142-143, 191 255,274-276,293,298,303,327,364,433,455 Child Welfare 34,40,45,47,54,55,91,109,376,414 Demobilization 1,49,60-61,139,142,146,174,177-180,182 187-188,227,250,298,345,369 ■^ 50 Gt, Brit. (Continued) Disabled soldiers 29,51,81 ,100,106,331 Education 34,40,45 ,58.91,121 ,383 Housing and town planning 6,12,46,57,52-3,66,78,122,250-251 Industrial reconstruction 21 ,33 ,52 ,73 ,76,79 ,86a, 121 ,128,166 , 205, 210, 212, 234-6, 354, 388a, 393, 434 Iron and' steel industries ...... i ......»*» 191,249 Railroads , 59 ,173 ,455 Reconstruction ministry 52-65 ,72 ,104 Textile industries 79,172,264 Unemployment 60,73,159,172,179,188,260,345 Women in industry 60-61,64-65,113,169,211,286 See also Industrial councils; Labour party (G^'Briti) ; National guilds. Health w 1,15,47,65,265,367 Discharged soldiers , «.«....... i . .... ..«...« 1 1 .«•««<> . 29 ,189 Ministry of health bill i«. i» 55,276,327-328 Hours of work see Labor standards. Housing 1,16,46,53,57,76,78,109,123,242,250-251,358,426 Loans for 63,213-214,247-248,252 Resolutions on , 4,33 U. S. Housing 93,156,158,236,258,287,291 House planning 12,46,108 Immigration 1,3,16,127,140,283,301 See also Americanization, Indiana conference on reconstruction , 71 Industrial councils ,, 16, 33, 49a, 72, 104, 235, 315, 408, 440 Industrial reconstruction 1 ,16, 18, 25, 70- 71, 73-76, 86a, 88, 95a, 97, 103, 111,121,154,204,212,218,261-262,273,278-279, 312,336,352,370,412,431,438-439 See also Industrial councils; National guilds; State control of industry. Industrial unrest , 1,74,115,388a See also Industrial reconstruction. Insurance , 2,38,207,237 International commerce 7,18,20,41,69,88,107,120,167,190 International labor legislation , 3,5,22,23,94,112,120,221,246,269,270, 280, 284, 285a, 296, 316, 333 ,363 Iron and steel trade , 191,249 Italy 69,125,140,352, 382 Disabled soldiers 8,100, 101 Japan 69 Johnstov/n' s program .•,... 223 Juvenile unemployment centers .....,...,..., 40,54 Labor at peace conference see International labor legislation. Labor parties (U.S.) 237,285,339,410 Labor standards 1,3-4,25,76,94,410 See also International labor legislation; Standards of living. Labour party (Gt.Brit.) 1,80,89,166,168,198,265,281,361 Land colonies 1,14,116,283,289,290.292,317,357,406,407 Bills before Congress 228,272 Laredo labor conferences see Fan-American federation of labor. League of nations 20, 94, 107, 112, 120, 130, 231, 231a, 271 ,294,295,299 ,343 Lumber industry 304,341,347,387 Maternity and child welfare 47,109,376,414 Medical profession 27 276 .'Pi-. -I'" .■ , 1 ■ < 1 • < • ( ■; \-. (■ 51 'ines , ..'4,. 50,150,165,350,435 'unicipal reconstruction 87,93 ,105,157,332 ,-334,356,381 ,447,453 National civic federation conference .«... .,., 336 National grange resolutions ....,, 71 National guilds 21,95,97,99,288 National municipai league conference .........»....;...... ,..,93,161 Negro and reconstruction *. i,,,i.,*,i 71,245,346,432,443 Netherlands *....,...♦ ........♦...' 202 ~'e\v Zealand ...««. i ..*«....«...*.«..... 100 :;ew York federation of labor 94 New York state .,., * .........*. .4 . .i 160,356,415 Commissioh oft reconstruction 412a Norway and Sweden ■• • • ♦ 69 Output 50,76,126,128,244 Pan American federation of labor «.««.«.. ,,...,. ., .♦..♦. 3 Peace t 39,90,420,456 See also International labor legislation) LeagUe of nations. Pivotal industries 18,42,49,179 Production, Increased see Output, Public works 1,18,57,66,105,144,157,197,223,239,277,283, 332,341,373,374,381,427,436 See also Housing, Railroads 59 ,98,155,173 ,194,441 Raw materials , 56,195,283,364 Reconstruction congress of American industries see Chamber of commerce of U. S, Red cross .,,. , ■ 25,89 Red cross institute for the blind ,.. r 101-102 Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men , 1,81-85,100,311 Repatriation and employment committee see Canada (Demobilization). ; Rochester, Public v/orks program of .« 374 i Rochester reconstruction conference see National municipal league. ! Rothband scheme ,,., .».,,... 106 t Russia 216,389,394,417 Scotland , 46,53,108 Sslf government in industry see Industrial councils; Industrial reconstruction; National guilds. Shipping and shipbuilding 2,255,320,400 Shoe and leather trades 143 Smuts, General 231,231a Social democratic league of America .«, , ». 430 Social reconstruction 25,76,89,162,203,352,361 See also Industrial reconstruction. Socialism 3 ,77,265,366,421 Soldiers , Returned 26,115,116,183 ,217,227,308,329 ,427 See also Demobilization; Disabled soldiers; Land colonies. Soldiers' settlements see Land colonies. Spain , .,,...., .69 Standard of living 1,68,89,109,383,387 See also Labor standards . State control of industry ,. 33,74,121,132,150,322,391 See also Industrial reconstruction; National guilds. Switzerland 459 Taxation 16,18,33,92,107,151,330 Telegraph and telephone .....,,, 145,310 .•(••. 52 „ ^.- . , 79.114,172,241,264 Cextile trades - •' , , » > See also Dye industry. ^ 22 ^''''^ planning • • • ["".'.] 'HI '94*393 ^410 |455 Bills before Congress T-,' ^a'toa'^Ai vr^k ?nfl 442 Employment exchanges ^ '^^^'^^^ '^^^ •^^^^^sl'gO Juvenile unemployment Ao'i72'i74*]L79 188.345 Out of work benefits ■. 60,172,17^,1 /y.xoo.o See also Public works; U. S, Employment service. „ , ,,^ , ,, , .,, i m United States 10-11 .1^26,28.31 ,37-38,87-90 ,92-4 130-133 147 15^ 192,224,232,244,256-7,261-3.267,307,321-322,329,330, 332, 334-7, 348, 367, 399-400 ,409, 412a, 415, 453 Bills before Congress 163.200,228,268,272,277-8.305-6,379 392,402 460 Child labor • ' ' 111 lll'ttt conferences 18,25.89 .93-94,161 ,218,265 336 360 357 438 Demobilization 1,25,^06,208-209.230.243 ,282 300-301 314, 323,335,368,395.397-398.403,418-419,437 Disabled soldiers 81-85.56,100-102,117-119,254.302,311 Foreign trade ^•'^'^^»'^'^'2'ocI'o«S'?o? Housing 93,156,158,238,247-248,258,287,291 Industrial and social reconstruction 1,4,18,25,89,93-94,126,129,154 203-204,253,273,279,312,355,378,380,384,391,412,430-431 ZV°'°''''' ::■:::-::::::::: ^'^fn'^'^W pubiic'^orks ;;;'.;!!...!. i,i8, 105, 144,157, i6«, 197. 223. 239, 373-374,381,436 Railroads and telegraph ...:..!...!...! -58,145. 155, 194. 310, 441 Special industries 131 ,150,165,304,340-1 ,347,350,387,416,423 435 Unemployment ♦ • ' • ^^I'l^Ji'^lT' war contracts 18-19,195.262,444 Women in industry 1.4,71,94,153.342,351,450-2 See also American federation of labor; Labor parties (U.S.)- U. S.-i;;;i^ent servic ' •'WJg '195*262 f*! war contracts ^ * ' 'III 'tin War industries board ti'^^^ War labor board lAo'JJn War plants , Uses for • l^^ .367 War risk insurance bureau • Water power .,,,....,.. ' * * Whitley reports see Industrial councils. ; ».,..„ ^.^ r« Women in industryTT. . 16-17,60-61,64-65,71,75,94,103,113,153,342,345,417,450-52 Federal policy regarding * " " ' 'Ti ^q'ot i 'pqa'^^i Equal pay for equal work 4,169 ,^il ,