GIFT OF Mrs. F.J.B. Cordeiro r PUBLICATIONS BY THE AUTHOR SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, NEW YORK [EIGHTS. BAROMEIRICAL DETERMINATION OF B 30.50 THE ATMOSPHERE. A Manual of Meteorology 32.50 THE GYROSCOPE. Theory and Applications 31.50 MECHANICS OF ELECTRICITY. What is Electricity 31.25 PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 32.50 PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY BY F. J. B. CORDEIRO AUTHOR OF 'MECHANICS OF ELECTRICITY," "THE GYROSCOPE," 'THE ATMOSPHERE," "BAROMETRICAL HEIGHTS," ETC. NEW YORK: SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 123 Liberty Street LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, Limited, 57 Haymarket, S.W. 1917 -- \r Pinkham Press Boston PREFACE Natural philosophy is the study of nature, or the uni- verse. Experience shows that all effects are preceded by causes, and under identical circumstances all changes are always effected in the same manner. Nature is in a con- tinual state of flux, this flux consisting of a ceaseless inter- change of energy between its various parts, but its action is always uniform and unique. It is this in variableness and uniformity which renders possible a philosophy of nature. The investigation of the manner or laws under which changes take place is comprised under such names as Physics, Dynamics, Mechanics, or Natural Philosophy, but since in this book we shall not confine ourselves merely to the investigation of such processes, but shall consider ourselves free to speculate upon them, insofar as that is possible, the latter term is preferable. It was used by Newton in this sense. The ultimate, or primordial causes of nature must ever remain unknown to us, since the infinite cannot be grasped by finite minds, but a certain proximate region has been explored and it is to the credit of mankind that its borders are being continually extended. No important result can ever be achieved without serious and concentrated thought and close and careful reasoning. Such a method, in any of its forms, constitutes mathematics, and any man who reasons carefully and accurately is a mathematician. The theory of changes was called by Newton, its dis- coverer. Fluxions, symbolizing thereby the fluxions of nature. It is now known as The Calculus, and it is only decent that every man with more than a rudimentary education should know the calculus and thereby some- thing of the universe in which he lives. It is the ability and willingness to think which has raised civilized man TZ>^' i '-f i «-, vi PREFACE from the savage, and it is our knowledge of nature and natural forces which determines our present, or any- future civilization. The study of such a subject must react upon the student in forming within him a new realization of what truth actually is. He will find that many of his most cherished beliefs would not stand before the Court of Nature, or for that matter before an ordinary law court. For ages man has seemed incapable of distinguishing between the true and false, and has had little desire to do so even when the means were at hand. The idea prevailed, and still prevails, that truths could be created by authority. A statement if loudly proclaimed and accepted by a sufficient following was, and is, supposed to be true irrespective of any in- herent quality. A man may say that he believes and ac- cepts as a truth something which he does not understand, but unless he clearly recognizes for himself the reasons why a thing must be true, it is not a truth for him. The student of mathematics learns from the beginning that nothing but the truth can ultimately prevail and that what is false necessarily carries with itself its own annihilation. Authority has no place in Science, for its results do not rest, or need to rest, upon any personal sponsor, no matter how distinguished, but solely upon the truth or falsity of the reasoning by which they are derived. Text books on this subject have been overfull of prob- lems concerning rods and strings and flies walking on circular wires or perfectly smooth tables, so that it is perhaps natural that the impression has prevailed that instead of being an instrument for the acquisition of truth, mathematics are chiefly an agglomeration of symbols by which fantastic results, having no human or practical interest, are obtained. But natural philosophy is not the study of rods and strings. It is the story of the universe. For this reason we shall confine ourselves to processes which are actually occurring about us all the time — to our earth, and to our solar system. PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 1. The Fundamental Law The first efforts of man to understand the universe were by metaphysical processes. Without examining the uni- verse as it is, they sought to evolve its plan out of their inner consciences. They conceived in their minds a uni- verse as they thought it might be, or could be, or should be, and sometimes by deduction sought to fit their theory to the case. Generally they did not trouble themselves to go so far as this, but rested content with their imaginary universe. The method consisted of assuming causes instead of interrogating nature herself. They further exhibited the strange tendency of mankind to imagine that by the use of sufficient meaningless words, definite thoughts could be expressed. There were necessarily as many systems as philosophers. But truth is unique, so that only one of all these systems could possibly be true, while the a priori probability was that all were false. In the middle ages when there was no science (knowledge) it was natural that men should have exercised their minds with "Beating the air," but that such methods should persist to the present day is an anachronism. Sooner or later these relics of mediaevalism must disappear. Among certain workers on the present borderland there is a tend- ency to revert to these unsound methods, and within recent years a new kind of metaphysical physics has been developed. The student of natural philosophy must carefully avoid the unclean thing. We recognize that the universe consists of matter although we do not know what matter is, or when or how it came into existence, or that it did come into existence. 1 2 NATURAL PKILOSOPHY We simply know that it is there. We further recognize two general forms of matter — ordinary gross matter and the ether. Gross matter is of various kinds — some 70 odd elements — while the ether is apparently uniform, ex- tending through all space, and in fact occupying all space with the exception of that occupied by the atoms of gross matter. We further recognize that none of this matter is ever at rest, but that it changes its position rela- tively to space incessantly — or it is always in motion. We recognize therefore in the universe, matter and motion, and these are the only elements of which we have any cognizance. The ether is the connecting medium of the universe, through and by means of which, gross matter imparts its motion to other particles at a distance. We shall see that matter in motion results in a conception called force, and also in a conception called energy, and that these three inseparable entities — motion, force, and energy — are transferred to distant points through the medium of the ether. If two particles of matter were separated by an absolute vacuum, i.e., a space containing no matter of any kind, it would be impossible for the motion of one particle to impress itself upon another, or to influence it in any way. It is further evident that, since matter is neither created nor destroyed, and since motion in a body only arises after it has been transferred to it from some other body — the body imparting the motion losing as much as it transfers — the total amount of matter and motion in the universe must always remain constant. We know very little of the ether except that it is a fluid of extraordinary tenuity and under a very high pressure. What its density and pressure are, we know only roughly, but we know that it is a kind of matter, since it possesses the fundamental property of all matter, viz., inertia. Inertia means literally the helplessness of matter, or the inabiUty of matter, from any virtue within itself, to ac- quire motion, or when in motion to bring itself to rest. THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW 3 Some external 'motion or force is necessary to produce motion or a change of motion in matter. The pressure of the ether, which is a force, must be due to some kind of internal motion in the ether, but of the nature of this motion there is, as yet, hardly a surmise. The atoms of gross matter take up and reflect this motion of the ether and thus become points or centres from which disturbances radiate in all directions. Every atom therefore influences every other atom in the universe, and the observed attractional and repulsional effects are due to these radia- tions.* The reservoir of motion (energy) is therefore the ether, of which it contains an infinite amount. It has been surmised that the ether is the ground stuff out of which all gross matter has been formed by compression — the density of an element varying with the conditions of pressure, and possibly temperature, under which it was formed. But of such matters we know little or nothing. It has also been suggested that inertia is a property of the ether alone and that gross matter in an ether vacuum would yield to a push without any resistance and cease its motion instantly when the push was removed. Any motion of a body necessarily sets up a disturbance in the ether and it has been suggested that the reaction against the body of such a disturbance might account for the resistance to motion which we call inertia. But granting such a possibility, we have no explanation of the inertia of the ether. Inertia therefore is at present the one great mystery of nature. It is not enough to say that it is an inherent property of all matter, for there must be some cause. To move a large body — isolated in space — re- quires a very considerable force and it yields to this force only slowly and reluctantly, but when once in motion there is an equal difficulty in bringing it to rest. Experiment shows that the resistance to motion of all *The author has shown with some probability, that attraction and repulsion are due to longitudinal waves in the ether, v. "Mechan- ics of Electricity." 4 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY matter is proportional jointly to the mass, or quantity of matter, and to the acceleration, or rate at which the motion changes. Naturally two identical bodies would offer twice the resistance of a single body, and when no forces are applied we should expect the state of motion, or velocity, to remain unaltered both in amount and direc- tion. It is only when the state of motion is being altered that we should expect to meet with any resistance, and such we find to be a fact. The simplest relation between change of motion and resistance to motion is one of simple proportionality and experiment proves that this is the relation, or the resistance is proportional to the rate at which the motion changes. If we denote the resistance by r, this is expressed by the dv relation, r = —m-r- We define a force as the product of a mass by its acceleration. To change the motion of a body, therefore, we shall have to apply a force, /, equal and dv opposite to r, and we have the equation /=wt- (1), dv where/ and -r- are directed quantities, or vectors, having the same direction. Equa. (1) is Newton's second law of motion which he stated "Change of motion is proportional to the applied force and such change is effected in the direction of the force." It also contains his third law, which is, "The action of the force is equal and opposite to the reaction (of the inertia)." His first law is merely a corollary of the other two. Equa. (1) may be called the Fundamental Law of the universe, for from it we shall derive all the principles and laws of natural philosophy. There is nothing in it which is axiomatic or a priori evident, although Newton's laws have been called "Axiomata Sive Leges Motus." dv But the fundamental law,/ = w -r- , is not actually a law, or it does not express exactly the relation between the THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW 5 variables. It is merely the statement of experimental results under certain limited conditions, and even under these conditions the law gives the relations only to a very close approximation. If a force acting upon a body at rest in the air imparts a certain acceleration in unit time, the force will have overcome what we call the inertia of the body and in addition a very slight resistance from the air, provided the force is small. Applying the force continu- ously we find that the increment of the acceleration is not constant, but is a function of the previously existing velocity. A curve expressing the relation between the force and the acceleration will be nearly a straight line at the beginning, as it would be for any continuous func- tion expressing a relation. But in our present case the curve will fall away because the resistance of the air increases with the velocity. At a certain velocity the resistance is as the square of the velocity, and when the body has a velocity beyond that with which a disturbance travels in the air — about 1100 ft. per second — a vacuum forms behind the body, because the body moves at the same rate as the vacuum tends to close up. A constant force equal to the pressure of the air would therefore give no acceleration, but merely maintain the velocity constant. Let us now repeat our experiments in an air vacuum. We now find that the curve is very nearly a straight line, or the resistance of the inertia is very nearly proportional to the acceleration. But the body is moving in the ether and any motion in a medium is resisted. The velocity of a disturbance in the ether is about 186,000 miles per second, so that if a body were moving with a greater velocity than this it would require a force equal to the pressure of the ether to maintain this velocity constant without imparting any acceleration. Now the greatest velocity in gross matter which has ever been observed is about 300 miles per second. This is insignificant in comparison with the dis- turbance velocity of the ether, and we are therefore justi- fied in concluding that our law — verified by experiment — 6 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY holds to an extreme degree of approximation for all matter moving with ordinary velocities. But we cannot apply the formula to matter moving with extraordinary velocities. There are certain bodies called electrons, which are possibly ethereal vortical rings of the smallest size pos- sible (without a lumen), which may move with a velocity approaching an ether wave. As such bodies meet with a resistance which increases with the velocity, it has been assumed that their mass increased with the velocity, and it has been lightly stated that the mass, or quantity of matter, in all bodies — gross or ethereal — is not constant, but a function of the velocity! This is an example of latter day metaphysical physics. The amount of matter in a body is at all times, of course, definite, and can only change by the addition or subtraction of matter. The energy of a body in motion, called its Kinetic Energy, is defined as half its mass into the square of its velocity, or 7 = -pr- . The work done by a constant force is defined as the product of the force into the distance through which it acts in the direction of the force, or W =fs. If the force is not constant, J 2 n dv , n w / 2 2 \ i^^ = J ^d'r^ ^ J ^^^^ ^ 2 V2 ~ ^ / or the increase of the kinetic energy is equal to the work done upon the body between any two positions. Kinetic energy and work are thus equivalent, and we may define energy in general as that which is capable of doing work, and the doing of work as the transference of energy from one body to another. All such processes are evidently reversible. In measuring these quantities certain standard units are selected, usually the gramme for mass, the centimeter for length and the second for time, these units constituting the C. G. S. system. Accordingly the unit of force, called a dyne, is one which acting upon a gramme for a second W CENTRIFUGAL FORCE imparts to it a velocity of a centimeter a second. The earth's attraction upon a gramme at its surface gives it a velocity of about 981 cms. per second, for every second that it acts, and the force is therefore 981 dynes. The attractional force on a kilogram is 1000 times as much, but the acceleration is the same. Hence all bodies fall (in a vacuum) in the same time. The symbol g is used to express this constant acceleration at the earth's surface. -.04 cms. , dv f.o4 J g = 981 . f = m-j-=mg=m 981 dynes, sec. at where m is expressed in grammes. If the earth and moon were brought to rest and allowed to fall to the sun from the same position, the sun being fixed, they would perform the journey together and reach the sun at the same instant. The accelerations and hence the velocities would be the same at all times. 2. Centrifugal Force Let us suppose a particle of mass, m, attached to a string, OP, and moving in a circle about without gravity. In the short time dt, it would, if free, move to A. Calling / the average pull of the string, both in amount and direction, we have Fig. 1. AB =/ 2m d
Integrating, 8 C (w + T\dt = Sm/'^Sx + ^^8y + dt^y\h 10 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Since the variations vanish at the upper and lower limits, '{W + T)dt = 0. \r Negative work, or stored up energy, is called Potential energy, designated by V, and W = — V. Hence 8 f V - V)dt = 0. ,r<- This result is known as Hamilton's Principle. It is entirely general and applies to non-conservative as well as con- servative systems. Since in a conservative system 51^ = 8T, d rV + W)dt = 25 r Tdt = 0. For the natural paths, therefore, these integrals have a stationary value, or for all other infinitely near paths they are either greater or less. As a matter of fact all these integrals are minima, for taking the expression 5 i Tdt = 0, it is evident that by causing a particle to execute an in- finitesimal loop at any point of the actual path, the in- tegral must be greater than for the actual path, and the actual or free path cannot be a maximum. The integral I Tdt is called the action of the system, and we have proved that in a conservative system the natural action is less than that in any other infinitely near path. This is known as the Principle of Least Action. It means that the average work, or kinetic energy, for the time, or the time mean of the work or kinetic energy, mul- tiplied by the time, cannot possibly be made less. Or if we desire to effect a given change in any way different from the natural way, we shall have to expend more energy, or do more work than nature does, provided the change is effected in the same time. This is a remarkable result contained implicitly in the fundamental law. Let us take the case of a body moving under the in- PRINCIPLE OF LEAST ACTION 11 fluence of gravity between any two points. Taking the vertex of the path as origin, the time as abscissas and the work as ordinates, the action between and 2 will be rep- 2 ' 072 will be a parabola, though bola of the path. The action, resented by the area 023. Since W = ^' the action curve not of course the para- 6 3 s o Witi . The time mean of the work, or the average work for the time is therefore }4 of the total work, and the product of this mean by the time, or the area 023 = 0453 = the action, cannot possibly be made less. If the motion is be- tween two points on the same level, corresponding to 1 and 2, the action is zero, for the action between 1 and is a minus area, since W is negative in this part, and the action between and 2 is an equal positive area. There are two free paths by which a body may move between any two points — say points corresponding to 1 and 7 — but the action in each case will be the same, viz., 076 — 023 and —6723. Between points corresponding to 1 and 2 there are two free paths and an infinite number of possible guided paths, but in every case the action is zero. In this case alone, which is an absolute minimum, it is possible for a guided path to have no greater action than the free path, but in all other cases the free action is less than any constrained action, and in all cases the free action is the least possible. Nature, therefore, takes no care of time but is very exacting as to how her energy shall be expended. She insists that the action shall be the least possible. When, however, no energy is expended she becomes economical both as to time and space '.r™-?g vds = 0. When no energy 12 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY is expended, v is constant, and s is a minimum as well as t, for the path between any two points becomes a straight line. A body under no forces, or a ray of light, moves in a straight line, or they traverse the shortest possible path between any two points in the shortest possible time. 4. Brachystochrone and Tautochrone Whenever energy is expended it is easy to improve upon nature in the matter of time, and we shall construct a path such that a body moving under gravity may pass from one point to another in the least possible time. -^1 ^-"^^ ^ i^ ^^ .B Let us suppose (Fig. 3) f\ [ \ J that our body is at the point \^^V \<>^)jt^ 1 a-nd we wish to conduct it ^ to the point 2 in the shortest p ^ possible time. It has a veloc- ity 2^0 at 1, and we take as our base of ordinates a line AB which is ^r above 1. 2g t= I — = I = — dy, where X =--T- ■J 8dx _ dx. x' r 6xd. ( — ^' \ J VVI -\-x''- yl2gy/ The variations vanish at the points 1 and 2, so that for ^ to be a minimum, the last term must vanish, or x' 1 ■= must be a constant — say => where ^\+x'^ V 2gy 2yjag a is a constant to be determined directly. If r is the angle which the path at any point makes with the y ordinate, x' sin r = — . Hence, the required path, in terms of y and r, is 2a sin^r = y. This is the equation of a cycloid BRACHYSTOCHRONE AND TAUTOCHRONE 13 where a is the radius of the generating circle and y is measured from its base Hne. The solution is entirely- general and unique, since a circle can always be found which rolling along a given base line will trace with one of its points a curve which shall pass through two given points, and there is only one such circle. The radius of the generating circle is readily found from the data. The cyloid has also the property that the time taken in falling from rest to the lowest point, C, of the curve, is the ds V 1 4- x'^ same for all starting points. For dt = — = dy, V ^2g{y-y,) where y\ is the ordinate of the starting point. t^ {''jA±^dy, yiJ ^2g{y - yi) But l+x'^ = ,r^^^—, and t = ('""J ^ = 2^ - y yj llgiy - y^) {la - y) 2^ sin "Vf^^r = -V^- J g J2a - y{[yi ^g Or the time is independent of the starting point. The time of a complete oscillation is 2x ^— . Since a cycloid is the involute of two equal cycloids placed above it as in Fig. 3, or since it can be described by fixing a string of length 4a at D and wrapping it around the upper cycloids, it is evident that small os- cillations of a particle about the lowest point, C, will co- incide very nearly with those of an ordinary simple pendulum of length 4a. Hence the time of a small oscilla- tion of a simple pendulum is 2^-^—, I being its length. We can easily derive this tautochronous property of the cycloid in another way. The intrinsic equation of a cycloid is 5 = 4a sin
"the curve is horizontal and it does 2g _ not extend above this level since values become imaginary. Let c2 = lag, where a will be determined directly. Hence x' = -^ ^ and ^ = 2 Va ^y — a + C. We have not yet jy — a fixed our origin of co-ordinates, but shall take it, so that C = 0. Hence the required path is x2 = Aaiy — a). This is the equation of a vertical parabola with its directrix as the X axis, and a the distance of the vertex from the directrix, or from the focus. The velocity of any projectile at its highest point is thus the same as if it had fallen to that point from the directrix from rest. The required path of least action is therefore a parabola passing through the two points and bearing a certain relation to the initial velocity. Since three conditions fix any conic, the parabola is determined. But this parabola is precisely the free path. 6. Central Forces Let a particle of mass m move subject to a force which radiates from a fixed point. Let r be the distance Jrom the point to the particle at any instant and
^ I r^dcp = Ct, and this area is proportional to the time, which is Kepler's second law. If the body is subject also to circumferential forces, it does not preserve its moment of momentum constant. For the moment of the elementary circumferential force, or the elementary couple, is m -7- (r^cp) ='yyi -rr (^^c)> and the time integral of this is mrvc We have thus a second important principle — the time integral of a couple about a fixed axis is measured by the increase (or decrease) of the moment of momentum about that axis. Or, since the moment of momentum of a body is its moment of inertia about an axis into the angular velocity about the axis, this is evidently the time integral of the couple acting about that axis. Further, since the kinetic energy about any axis is half the moment of inertia about the axis into the square of the angular velocity, this is evidently the angle integral of the couple. For a particle, w, the couple at any instant is mrDtr
= t?o when t? becomes zero, we have i>2 cos 2t?o - cos 2t? in T? cos r? [ co2 — \ Integrating and putting r> = t?( Lve ^ . aj2 + O (tan2 t?o - tan2 i^). cos 2t?o - cos 2i? = 2 C /"-^ - ^ j and tan2t?o - tan^i} = ^ ( lAo - ^Aj- Hence t?2 = C (t/'o - ^) A - ^ j (1). There are two values of ^ which makes t^ vanish. One of these we have already taken as xpo, and the other is -i— The path is tangent to a parallel of latitude at these points and the whole curve must lie between these two parallels. Writing the angular velocities at the upper and lower parallels as ypu and ^l/o, we have ^^ = -^ {■^p^ _ ^) (^ _ ^^) (2). We shall call linear velocities along a parallel, horizontal veloci- ties, and linear velocities along a meridian, polar velocities, designated by vu and v^,. Since \l/ = ^ = r» we ^ r cos t? cos2 ?? have from (2), Vp2 = i- {vh^ - Vo^) {v^^ - Vh^) (3). It must be borne in mind that these are absolute hori- zontal velocities — not relative to the earth. Designating the relative horizontal velocity by Vrh, Vrh = r cos t? (co — ^) = -rC r^ (i)C ... r cos t? CO = vu (4). cos ?> Vh Let Vr be the total velocity relative to the earth. Then, from (3) and (4), ■M^„, ^± r^o o • /- ^0 cos t?o "i^u COS T?„ J Now n 0)2 62 = vq^ Vu^, smce C = — = — -, and ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION 19 co2 = \Po xj/u. Hence Vr^ = vq^ — 2r2coC + ^u^ (5). Or the velocity relative to the earth is constant. It will be seen that the maximum polar velocity occurs on that parallel where there is no poleward acceleration, or where \p = cc = ^\j/o yj/u. This maximum polar velocity is v^ — Vq. Designat- ing the absolute horizontal velocity at this parallel of equilibrium by Ve, ^ = v^ Vq, or the horizontal velocity at this point is the geometric mean of the extreme hori- zontal velocities. Since cos2 t?o^o = cos2 ^u'^u and ^i* = -7-. r cos ^Q-j/Q = r cos t?„co, or the absolute horizontal velocity at the lower limit is equal to the velocity of the earth at the upper limit, and the absolute horizontal velocity at the upper limit is equal to the velocity of the earth at the lower limit. The motion is thus completely deter- mined. As on all planets the temperature is greater on the whole at the equator and becomes gradually less towards the poles, the atmosphere rises at the equator and is replaced by other portions flowing along the surface from north and south. Such streams, effected by differences of tempera- ture, will be forced to execute such paths as we have just determined, and as in crowds when a general trend is once established there is little mutual interference, so the circulation of the air must approximate closely to the dynamical factors. The equatorial circulation of a planet is shown in Fig. 5. The currents flowing towards the equator are at first close to the surface but are continually deflected — to the right in the northern hemisphere, to the left in the southern hemisphere. They do not reach the equator, but are de- flected due west at a high level. At the parallels of equilib- rium, indicated by the dotted lines, the directions are due north and south, the upper currents going poleward while the surface currents are towards the equator. The limiting parallels, north and south, are functions of the difference of temperature between these parallels and also 20 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY of the rotational velocity of the planet. Since the curva- ture of the paths is a minimuni nearest to the equator, the general trend of this circulation is constantly to the west. There is likewise a fiat polar circulation the extent and characteristics of which are determined to a certain extent by the elements we have just discussed. Between the equa- torial and polar circulations is the temperate circulation composed of several partly independent and not sharply Fig. 5. differentiated zones. The temperate circulation as a whole moves towards the east with varying northerly and southerly components. As Lord Kelvin has pointed out, there is on the whole a slow shifting, due to friction, of the surface currents towards the poles with a counterbalanc- ing slow shifting at higher levels from the border of the polar circulation to that of the equatorial circulation. The circulation of any planetary atmosphere is thus differentiated into six distinct circulations, the borders of which are very sharply marked. The currents of the equa- torial circulation are very constant both as to their in- tensities and the shapes of their paths, the polar circulation less so, while the temperate circulation is still less stable. It is hardly necessary to state that what would be a con- stant and stable condition in all the circulations, pro- vided our postulated conditions existed, viz., that the earth had a homogeneous surface and were symmetrically heated about the equator, does not actually exist because MOTION OF RIGID MASSES 21 the inclination of the sun to the equator is constantly- shifting and because the surface is irregularly divided into land and water, the land being of varying altitudes. In the ideal conditions the equatorial circulations would never reach the equator, while in the actual conditions they frequently cross it. This leads at times to cyclones and various other abnormal disturbances, a fuller discussion of which will be found in "The Atmosphere," by the author. It is interesting to note that Dr. Percival Lowell has observed ** Faint lacings. . . criss-crossed by darker lines" in the equatorial zones of both Jupiter and Saturn. It is quite possible that these are cloud streams in their equatorial circulations, and a glance at Fig. 5 shows that they might have just such an appearance when viewed in a telescope.* From the law of constant moments of momentum, 4/ = 2C sec2 ^ tan M = 2yp tan M, and RcoS'&^ = 2R^ sin t?^. Putting ypr for the relative angular horizontal velocity, or i/'y = ;/' — CO, we have R cos ■&4^ = 2R {xj/r + co) sin ^4, and R^ = —R sin i} cos ^.2o)-j/r approximately, if xpr is small compared with co. Hence we may write approxi- mately, R cos ^^ = 2Roi sin M. Consequently if p be the radius of curvature of the path and Vr the relative V ^ 1) velocity at any point,— = 2co sin i^Vr, or p = tj ^ — jr. p zco sm V The curvature of the path is therefore nearly proportional to the sine of the latitude and inversely proportional to the relative velocity. This result was first given by Ferrel. 8. Motion of Rigid Masses We have hitherto considered the motion of particles, or of masses of matter supposed concentrated into a mathe- matical point. We shall now investigate the motion of masses having definite dimensions. We can consider a rigid body as made up of an infinite number of particles which are held together by an unyielding non-material frame. *Dr. Percival Lowell. Popular Astronomy. April, 1910. 22 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY In any field of force every particle will be subjected to a force, F, which we shall call the applied force. It cannot obey this force, as a detached particle would do, by reason of its fixed connections, but the effective force on each particle will be the geometrical resultant of the applied force and the sum of the reactions of the neighboring particles, and the particle will obey this effective force the same as if it were free. That is, the actual infinitesimal path, ds, will be in the direction of this force, and it will (Ps oppose to this force its inertia, measured by m-7— , which likewise measures the effective force. Summing all the forces we have three groups — the applied forces, the reactions of the neighboring particles, and the forces of inertia or the effective forces. Now the sum of the reactions among the particles must be zero, since there is no relative motion between them. Hence the geometric sum of all the applied forces must be equal to the geometric sum of all the effective forces. Or SF = Sm-r—, where ds is the actual elementary path of each particle, and S signifies geometric sum — not algebraic sum. This is D'Alembert's Principle. Taking any ± axes, and resolving each applied force, F, into X, y, Z, parallel to these axes, we have Putting l^mx = Mx, Zmy = My, Xmz = Mz, where M is the total mass, these equations determine a point in the body having co-ordinates oc, y, 2, and this point is called the centre of inertia, or centre of mass. It is evidently a fixed point in the body, irrespective of whatsoever forces act upon it. The interpretation of these equations is that if we transfer every applied force to the centre of inertia, parallel to itself, the geometrical sum of these forces will be equal to a single force acting upon the entire mass considered as concentrated at this point and this force will, of course, MOTION OF RIGID MASSES 23 be equal and opposite to the inertianal force of such a concentrated mass. In other words, the motion of the centre of inertia will be same as the motion of a ma- terial point or particle of mass M, under a force which is the geometrical resultant of all the applied forces acting at this point parallel to their original directions. We have next to consider that the applied forces do not act at the centre of inertia, but on the several particles. Since sy = Sm-^, l^xY = Sm^c -^ and S^^X = ^my -^, xY is, the moment of the force Y about the axis of Z, and yX is the moment of X about this axis. Hence i:,{xY— yX) = ^mfx-r^ — y -7^ j means that the couple about the z axis due to all the applied forces is equal and opposite to the couple about this axis due to the inertianal forces. We have then, ;(xmx\ h^myj and B. .(,z-.y) = ..(.g-.S) = d ^ / dz dy\ _ s^^y J, - ^ ^ j d -, / dx dz\ d2z d2 / \ J2 dt2 dt2\ J dt2 - 24 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Equas. A state that the sum of the momenta of all the particles in any direction is equal to the component in that direction of the momentum of the total mass moving with the velocity of the centre of inertia. Equas. B state that the derivative with respect to the time of the moment of momentum about any axis is equal to the couple about that axis, a result which we have already obtained. It follows that the motion of a rigid body under the action of any forces can always be re- solved into a translational motion of the centre of inertia and a rotation about an axis through that centre. It is further evident that these two motions are entirely in- dependent of each other, so that if we oppose the transla- tional motion, the rotation will occur as before, and if we prevent the rotation the translational motion will be un- influenced. We can arrive at these results more simply as follows: The applied forces can be reduced (geometrically) to a single force acting through some line within or without the body (but if without the body to be considered as rigidly connected with it) , and the geometric sum of all the inertianal forces is a single force acting through this same line, but in the opposite direction. Dropping a ± from the centre of inertia to this line, and applying to the centre of inertia a force equal and parallel to the resultant of the applied forces and two forces equal to half this force, but opposite in direction, to the extremity of the _L and an equal distance on the other side of the centre of inertia respectively, this system will be in equilibrium. But this system combined with the resultant of the applied forces is equivalent to a single force acting at the centre of inertia equal and parallel to the resultant, together with a couple about an axis through the centre of inertia. Likewise, revers- ing all the directions, the resultant of all the inertianal forces is equivalent to an equal and parallel force acting at the centre of inertia, together with a couple about an axis through this centre. The axis of the couple is JL to the plane MOTION OF RIGID MASSES 25 through the line of action and centre of inertia, and the intensity of the couple is the moment of the resultant of all the applied forces about the centre of inertia. If the resultant of the applied forces passes through the centre of inertia there can be no rotation. A homogeneous sphere in a centrally attracting field can acquire no ro- tation and is said to be centrobaric. That is, the resultant line of attraction of an attracting point always passes through the centre of inertia of the sphere. This is evident from symmetry. Likewise no body, whatsoever its shape, can acquire a rotation in a uniform parallel field, such as the field at the earth's surface. It is to be observed that generally the motion of the centre of inertia is not the same as if the whole mass were first concentrated into its centre of inertia and then acted upon by the field. What we have proved is that for any field it is the same as if the applied forces were applied to the total mass at the centre of inertia, parallel to their original directions. However, in certain fields the result will be the same in either case. In uniform parallel fields such will obviously be the case, and also {v. Art. 24) when the forces tend to a fixed centre and vary as the distance from that centre. If we define the centre of gravity as a point in a body such that when fixed the body is not rotated by the field in any position, it is evident that when there is such a point it is the centre of inertia, but that generally there is no such point. The earth being a spheroid is not centrobaric for central fields and therefore has no such point. The sun's field and the moon's field both produce rotations of the earth which result in the precession of the equinoxes. Usually the term Centre of Gravity is taken as synony- mous with Centre of Inertia. Since every mathematical conception should have a single name and as there are other fields than gravitational, it would seem advisable to employ the term Centre of Inertia alone. Using polar co-ordinates, x = r cos i^, y = r sin t?, where 26 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY t? is the angle between a radius in the %, y plane and the X axis, sint?z?2 J. Hence the couple about the z axis is llmr^d- = ^Zmr^. The integral Swr2 is called the moment of inertia of a body about an axis ± to r. Letting Swr2 = Mr2, r is called the Radius of Gyration, and it is the average radius which would give the same moment of inertia if the whole mass were concentrated at its extremity. A couple is therefore measured by the moment of inertia into the angular acceleration about an axis. 9. Moments of Inertia Taking some point in a body as origin of rectangular co-ordinates, let us draw radii in all directions from the origin of such lengths that the moment of inertia about any radius as an axis shall be equal to the square of the reciprocal of the radius, or J = — , where I is the moment of r2 inertia. The locus of the extremities of these radii will be a surface. Designating the moments of inertia about the j_ = i^,/,=2m(:^2 + ^2)= 1 7-22 ' 7-3. is 2 Smr2, a constant, where r is the distance of any element from the origin, and ri, r2, rs refer to the momental surface. We have taken any axes, so that our surface has the property that the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of any three X radii is constant. Such a property belongs to an elHpsoid alone. For let ai, jSi, 71, : ^2, ^2, 72; "3, i^a, 73 be the direction angles of any three mutually J_ radii referred to the principal axes of an ellipsoid, a, b, c. Then 1 COS2q;i COS2j8i COS27i r^2 = a2 + 62 + ""^T" etc., axes as 7*, ly, I^, I^ = Sw (y^ +22) = :r^yly = 2m {x^ + z^) , Iz = 2w {x^ -\- y2) =, ^, The sum of these moments IMPULSIVE FORCES 27 Hence, at any point of any body it is possible to con- struct an ellipsoid with this point as a centre such that the square of the reciprocal of any radius is equal to the moment of inertia of the body about that radius as an axis. The ellipsoid corresponding to any point is called the Mo- mental Ellipsoid for that point. The principal axes of this ellipsoid are called the principal axes of inertia of the body for that point. The principal axes of inertia corresponding to the centre of inertia are called simply the Principal Axes of the body, and the moments about these axes are the Principal Moments of Inertia. Generally the three principal moments of inertia have different values and such bodies are said to be triaxial. When two of the moments are equal, the body is biaxial and when all three are equal the body is uniaxial. Taking any axis about which we wish to find the mo- ment of inertia as the z axis and x, y as the co-ordinates of the centre of inertia and x^, y^ as the co-ordinates of an element referred to parallel axes through the centre of inertia, since x = x-\- x^ and y = y ^y^, the moment of inertia about our axis is Sm (^2 _|- ^2) = 2m (^2 -|. yi) + Sm {x'"^ -h ^'2) since ^mx^ = llmy^ = 0. Hence the moment of inertia about any axis is equal to the moment about a parallel axis through the centre of inertia plus the moment of the whole mass concentrated into the centre of inertia about our axis. The moment of inertia about an axis through the centre of inertia is therefore less than that about any other parallel axis. 10. Impulsive Forces We have already seen that a force acting continuously is measured by the mass it acts upon into the acceleration it produces in the mass in unit time. We now wish to deter- mine how a force acting only for a brief interval may be measured. A force cannot of course act instantaneously or 28 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY for absolutely no time, for in such a case to produce any finite effect the force would have to be infinite and there is no such thing as an infinite force. Two elastic balls of mass, wi and W2, and velocities Vi and V2, meet, going either in the same or opposite directions. We shall suppose that no energy is lost by the impact or no heat developed. The velocity of the first ball is changed, not instantaneously, but in an exceedingly short interval of time, from vi to V]_\ and that of the second ball from V2 to V2'. During the short interval that they are in contact they must move with the same velocity, v, and this velocity is the average velocity while the change in the velocities is being effected. During the time of contact the first ball has changed its velocity from vi to ^1' and its average velocity during this time must have been 2 while the average velocity of the second ball was 1)2 -\- V2' — X . The kinetic energy of the system remains un- 1 J XI ^ m\vi2 m2V2^ mxvi'^ m2V2^ changed, so that -^ 1 ^^ = 2 ' 2 * Hence mi r ^ 2 ^ ) ^^^ ~ "^^'^ "^^ \~Y^ ) ^^^' ~ '^^^' But — ^ — = ^ — = V, and wi(^i — Vi) = m2\V2 — V2). We have thus the measure of a force which acts for a short time and which is called an impulsive force or an impact. The measure is the increase (or decrease) of the momentum which it produces in a body. 11. Pendulum We have seen that the time of a complete small oscilla- tion of a suspended particle is lir-J—. If we have a rigid body of mass M oscillating about a horizontal axis, the gravitational couple is Mgh sin t?, where h is the distance PENDULUM 29 of the centre of inertia from the axis and t? the angle it makes with the vertical. If I is the moment of inertia about the axis, !-& = —Mgh sin ^ (1). li k is the radius of gyration about a parallel axis through the centre of inertia, I = M{k2 -\- h^). For a small oscillation sin ^ is sensibly- equal to z?. Integrating (1), I? = -J — ^ — V??i2 _ ^2, where t9i is the maximum excursion. Integrating again, t = ^^IjhJjL f y — sin Y I • The time of a complete oscillation is T = lir -J "^ and the length of the T gh J^2 J- /j2 equivalent simple pendulum is I = 7 If we wish to find the time for any amplitude we may proceed as follows: Integrating (1) ?? = Jl V2(cost?-cos^o) = iJ^Jsin^^- sin2!L. Let sin ^ sin <^ = sin y » where (p is an auxiliary angle. When t? = 0, ^ = and when ^ = 1^0,
r, we have / = — t-—:
\i h = r, f = 4x0-: and if h < r, we have to take the
limits as r -\- h and r — h, and the integral becomes
Hence any homogeneous spherical shell attracts, and is
attracted by, any external mass precisely as if its mass
were concentrated at its centre, but within the shell it
exercises no attraction, or there is no force. And any
sphere made up of homogeneous spherical shells attracts in
the same way.
Let us suppose a homogeneous sphere with two diame-
ters bored out _L to each other. The attraction of the
sphere on unit mass at the surface is -^r = -^ — , and the
attraction at any level in the interior is ^ , where r is
the distance from the centre. Hence if we drop unit mass
into one of these holes, it will oscillate harmonically be-
tween two diametrically opposite points of the surface, the
motion being harmonic because the force is proportional
to the distance from the centre. Let 2^-^ hek. If we pro-
ject the mass along the surface with a velocity, v = kR,
which makes the centrifugal force just equal to the
attraction, it will revolve about the sphere, just grazing
the surface. The time for the outside mass to traverse a
quadrant is -^ ,and the time to reach the centre is the same.
k2r, r = k^ R2 — r^ and ^ = rsin -^
Hence the outside and inside masses will regularly meet as
the outside mass passes over each hole. Using the holes as
axes of X and y, the positions of the inside masses will be
the co-ordinates of the outside mass.
The inside bodies execute simple harmonic motions,
while the outside body executes a compound harmonic
motion made up of two equal simple harmonic motions ±
1 -If
to each other. Since ^ = ^- sm —
k To
where Yq is some
level within the sphere from which we drop a body, the body
thus dropped will have the same period as if dropped from
the surface. Thus the period of any harmonic motion
is independent of the amplitude of the motion. It is for this
reason that such a motion is called harmonic. The vibrating
parts of all musical instruments execute harmonic motions.
Otherwise the period (pitch) would change with the
intensity (amplitude) and music or harmony would become
Two ± simple harmonic motions with the same period
and amplitude, and one of the motions a quadrant in
advance (or behind) of the other, result in a circular
harmonic motion. If the amplitudes are not equal we have
TT 1 . ~^^
elliptic harmonic motion. Since ^ = -^ + -r- sin ^^ for
one mass when ^ = r sin - for the other, we may write
y = ro sin kt and
R sin
(" - r)
R cos kt.
+ 21 =
1, or the path for the com-
pound motion is an ellipse. The angle in these expressions
is called the phase of the motion and the difference be-
tween the phases of the two components is always y-
The reciprocal of the period is called the frequency, or the
number of vibrations in a second. The complete period is
— . It is evident that any number of simple harmonic
motions making any angles with each other, but all having
a common centre, can be compounded. If there is a com-
mon period the result will be a steady elliptic motion.
If the periods are different the resultant motion will be
continually shifting, forming what are known as Lissajon's
curves. If the periods have a common multiple the changes
will periodically repeat themselves.
14. Tidal Forces
A homogeneous ring revolves about an attractional
centre, S, which is in its plane, and the plane of the ring
is ± to its orbit. The
distance SC = D is
constant and (p is the
angle any element of
the ring makes with
CA . D is so great that
all lines from 5 to the
ring may be regarded
as sensibly parallel.
The centrifugal force
for any element is (D + r cos cp) yj/^rdip, where yp is the
orbital angular velocity. Integrating, we find that the
Fig. 7.
centrifugal force for the outer half is TrrDxp'^ + 2r2^2^ and
for the inner half 7rrD\l/^ — 2r2^2. Calling the mass of the
ring, M, these two centrifugal forces are
-^ Z)i/'2 ^ —-. — p and -^ DrP^ " T' — "l"^'
— is the distance of the centre of inertia of a half ring from
C, so that the rotational centrifugal force for each half of
the ring is the same as if its mass were concentrated at its
centre of inertia.
Let / be the acceleration due to the central attraction
at unit distance. Then the total attraction of the ring is
J frdip r2/ sin (p _
(D + r cos component
becomes kl" sin t? sin at cos a/.
Since the nutation is small compared with ??, we may
consider t? as sensibly constant, and since
I = A + {C - A) sin2 ?? sin2 a^
the total 4 component can be thrown into the general form
AS^ = —bi sin2 at + 62 sin* at — 63 sin^ at
^ b„ sin2« at -f etc. (2).
Likewise the xp sin ?? component can be thrown into the
general form
A^p sin d^ = ct sin at eos at — C2 sin^ at cos at +
C3 sin^ a^ cos at ... . =±= Cn sin^^*-^ ai cos at + etc. (3).
sin2n at can be written as the limited series,
sin2» at = k — ki cos 2 at -{• kz cos 4 ai — ^3 cos 6 at . . . .
=t kn cos 2m a^ (4).
For cos 2 a/ = 1 — 2 sin2 a^
cos 4 a^ = 1 — 8 sin2 at -{■ S sin^ a^
and so on.
Conversely, cos 2n at can be written as the limited series,
cos 2n at = m — mi sin2 at + m2 sin^ at — mz sin*? at
=t mn sin^** at. (5).
Hence the t? couple has the general form
i4t? = 6—61 cos 2 a^ + ^2 cos 4 ai — 63 cos 6 a^
=t 6„ cos 2n a^ (6).
By differentiating (4) we have the series
sin2«-i ^^ (.Qg ^^ ^ ^j gj[j;^ 2 at — ci sin 4 af + ^3 sin 6 a^ . . . .
=±=Cn sin 2m a^ (7),
and we can throw the yj/ sin t? couple into the general form
of (7).
Combining any two terms of the series (6) and (7) having
the same period, it is evident that we have an elliptic har-
monic motion, the axes of the ellipse being determinable
in each case. The fundamental period is -, a being the
angular velocity of the attracting body, and this is the
period of the first ellipse due to the two couples, — hi cos 2 at
and c\ sin 2 at. The following ellipses represent the higher
harmonics of this fundamental period, viz.,
— ^__ PTP
2a' 2>a' 4a' 5a'
Fig. 21 represents the first four ellipses viewed from
outside the orbit. The long arrow shows the direction of
motion of the attracting body. The first ellipse is vertical,
the second horizontal and so on alternately, the motion in
the vertical ellipses being always to the left, while that in
the horizontal ellipses is to the right.
Taking the case of the earth and the moon, since the
distance between these bodies is great, the gravitational
series (1) decreases very rapidly and the first ellipse is the
only one which is appreciable. Let us investigate this
ellipse. Taking the first term of
(M + Ml) F (|\
we readily find that At? = -X sin t? cos t? sin2 at (8)
and i4i// sin t? = K sin d^ sin at cos at (9),
V Tl
The elliptic motion due to these two couples can be repre-
sented by a material point, or particle, moving harmoni-
cally in a vertical ellipse, to the left, with constant angular
velocity 2a. The major axis of the ellipse is ^rp- sin t>,
and the minor axis is tt?^ sin t? cos t?. The vertical veloc-
ity in the ellipse will be t? = — tt^ sin t? sin 2 at and
the horizontal velocity, xp sin t> = tttt- sin t? cos t? cos 2 a^
If now we suppose the ellipse to move bodily to the left
with a horizontal angular velocity — 7^7=^ sin t> cos z?, the
total horizontal velocity of the particle will be yp sin t? =
777T- sin ^ cos I? (cos 2 at — 1) = — 7;- sin t? cos ^ sin2 at.
Substituting the extremity of the axis of the earth for the
particle, the horizontal angular velocity xp sin t> will gyro-
scopically cause a vertical angular acceleration,
K sin ^ cos t? sin2 at,
and the vertical velocity, t? = — ^r^ sin t? sin 2 a/, will cause
a horizontal angular acceleration — ^^ sin t? sin 2 at.
But these gyroscopic couples are exactly equal and op-
posite to the gravitational couples (8) and (9). We
have seen that gyroscopic couples are purely internal
forces, representing merely the moments of the centrifugal
forces, which are forces of inertia. The gravitational
couples are the applied forces and the gyroscopic couples
are the forces of inertia, due to the motion. These forces are
exactly balanced and therefore the axis of the earth moves
freely (without constraint) in the first ellipse. The axis
of the earth executes a harmonic motion in the first ellipse
with constant angular velocity, 2a, in a counter clockwise
direction, while the ellipse itself performs a constant
horizontal retrograde precession about the pole of the
moon's orbit with angular velocity, ^o = — 97^ cos t?o>
where 1^0 is the constant inclination of the centre of the
In Equa. (6) there is a single unpaired term, b. This is
equal to ^0 sin ??o = — — r- sin ^0 cos t?o- The motion of the
mean position of the axis, t?o, thus produces a gyroscopic
couple, Cwi/'o sin t?o, which exactly balances the gravita-
tional couple for this inclination, viz., — y sin t?o cos ^oy
with a resulting constant and smooth precession of this
mean position, viz., the centre of the harmonic ellipse.
It will be noted that in deriving Equa. (6) every term
gave a harmonic not only of the order of the term but also
of all the lower harmonics, together with a constant
(zero harmonic) which is a part of 6, the couple pro-
ducing the constant retrograde precession. The constant
precession is therefore represented by a series made up of
alternating plus and minus terms, and the value derived
from the first ellipse alone, viz., xf/o = — ^r^- cos t?o, is
slightly greater than the actual value. The actual motion is
the following: The centre of the first ellipse executes a
constant retrograde horizontal precession. A point in this
ellipse moves with a constant angular velocity, 2a, in a
positive direction (to the left). About this point another
point describes the second ellipse with an angular velocity
4a in a negative direction. About the last point another
point describes the third ellipse with an angular velocity
6a, and so on, while the axis of the earth moves in the last
ellipse of all.
Whenever the couple ceases, the axis comes instantly to
rest, and starting from any position it immediately falls
into motion in that part of the harmonic ellipse necessary
to bring it to rest at the node. Considering only the first
ellipse, the inclination of the axis to the pole of the orbit
is always greatest at the nodes and least at quadratures.
That is, the axis is always at the bottom of the ellipse at
the nodes. Where two biaxial bodies revolve about each
other at a distance which is not an excessive multiple of
their diameters — and there are such instances among
heavenly bodies — not only the fundamental period but a
number of the higher harmonics would be appreciable,
constituting a veritable "Music of the Spheres."
33. Simplification of Motion
In investigating the precession of a planet we saw that
the gravitational couple tending to bring the equatorial
plane into the line joining the centres of inertia of the two
bodies was
K sm 7 cos 7 = ^3 (C — A) sm 7, cos 7,
where 7 is the declination of the attracting body. But
the action is mutual and an equal couple strives to
bring the attracting body into the plane of the equator.
This couple causes the plane of the orbit to precess about
the pole of the planet just
as the attractional couple y/^ / a
of the satellite causes the
polar axis of the planet to
precess about the pole of
its orbit. Let us suppose
a satellite, Fig. 22, to re- p^^^ 22
volve about a spheroidal
planet at a constant distance from 0. If the planet were
a sphere, the satellite would describe a circular orbit
NAN'. The component of our couple in the direction
of the path of the satellite is K sin 7 cos 7 cos r, where
T is the angle the path makes with a meridian. The
velocity, instead of being constant, will therefore be
retarded from N to A and accelerated from A to N\
but the velocity in the equator will always be the same,
viz., the velocity for the circular orbit. It is evident, there-
fore, that a satellite cannot describe a circular orbit about
a biaxial body, unless it keeps in the equatorial plane. It
executes a path NBC wholly within the circular orbit,
and making the same angle with the equatorial plane at
N and C as the uninfluenced path NAN\ The node C
occurs before the node N' and the effect of the couple
is to make the nodes regress, while the average inclination
of the path to the plane of the equator and the average
velocity remain constant. The inclination of the plane of
the path to the plane of the equator is least at the summit,
B, and greatest at the nodes, where it is the constant in-
clination of the uninfluenced path. The motion of the orbit
is the same as that of a solid ring, into which we may sup-
pose the mass of the satellite to be uniformly distributed^
rotating with the same angular velocity. A point on this
ring gives the position of the satellite at any time. The
motion of such a ring is obviously a precession of its axis
about the pole of the planet, accompanied by nutations,
precisely as in the case of a top.
The above is on the supposition that the satellite main-
tains a constant distance from the planet. Actually such a
condition is only possible when the orbit coincides with the
equatorial plane.
Actually the orbit not only precesses, but gradually
loses its inclination until it finally coalesces with the equa-
torial plane, in somewhat the same way as a plate spinning
on its edge on a table eventually coincides with the table.
A biaxial body eventually brings any revolving body
permanently into the plane of its equator. Rigorous proofs
of this have been given by Laplace and Tisserand. An in-
formal explanation may be found in "Popular Astronomy,"
Sept. 1915.* Having got our satellite into the equatorial
plane, let us see what happens next. A body launched in
the equatorial plane will, in general, describe an orbit
which is nearly an ellipse, although not exactly an ellipse,
provided the planet is biaxial. Taking first the case of a
spherical planet of mass, M, the orbit will be an ellipse
and by Art. 32 it is readily seen that — = -rrz ,
where ri is the least distance of the orbit from the planet,
n the greatest distance, and A^ = r2^. if now we suppose
the planet to be slightly flattened, the attraction at all
points in the equatorial plane will be increased, so that
starting from n the corresponding maximum distance
r2^ will be shorter than rz. The path will be nearly an
ellipse corresponding to a slightly greater mass at the
focus. Likewise starting from r2, the corresponding
minimum distance n^ will be shorter than n.
1 _ 2 (M + dM) 1 1 2 (M + dM) 1
rii A^2 r2' n' " m n*
* Some problems in Gravitational Astronomy. — The Author.
Whence r = and — > — (1).
That is, owing to the flattening of the planet, the satel-
lite describes an approximate ellipse with a major axis
which is slightly less than that of the original ellipse and
the maximum distance from the focus is decreased by a
greater amount than the minimum distance. Calling the
eccentricity of the original ellipse, e, and that of the new
1 — ^1 \ — e
approximate ellipse, e^, we have from (1) :; — — - > -. — ; — ,
1+^1 \ -\- e
ox e > el, or the new approximate ellipse is less eccentric
than the original one. It will be seen that in the inward
journey the new path is within the original ellipse, while on
the outward journey it is without. Thus the inward half of
the new path is more eccentric than the old path, while the
outward half is less eccentric, but on the whole the new
path is less eccentric. It is further evident that owing to
the greater eccentricity of the inward half, the minimum
radius will be slightly ahead of the old one, while owing to
the lesser eccentricity of the outward half
the maximum radius will be behind the
old one.
In other words, the major axis pro-
gresses at minimum distance and re-
gresses at maximum distance, but the
former exceeds the latter, so that on the
whole the major axis progresses, or moves
in the direction of the motion with each
revolution. In Fig. 23, the full line rep-
resents the original ellipse and the dotted
line the transformed path. We see then that a satellite
revolving in the equatorial plane of a biaxial planet: 1.
Alternately increases and decreases its eccentricity, but on
the whole progressively decreases it, until it revolves in
a perfect circle. 2. The approximate major axis, by alter-
nate progressions and regressions, on the the whole pro-
gresses. 3. The semi-major axis, or mean distance, pro-
gressively decreases until the final circular orbit is attained.
Better, however, than any theoretical proof is the direct
experimental proof which meets our eyes at many points
of the heavens. All the nearer satellites revolve nearly
in their equatorial planes in almost perfect circles, and they
would perform these motions exactly if it were not for the
disturbing action of the sun. There can be no more beauti-
ful experiment than the following: Suppose some power
able to hurl masses of matter at some planet isolated in
space. The planet would catch them, and winding them
about itself would gradually bring them all into its
equatorial plane, moving in nearly perfect circles. A single
satellite would describe an exact circle.
We shall see directly that the disturbing action of the
sun causes the orbits of satellites to assume a compromise
position between the equatorial and orbital planes of the
planet. The plane about the axis of which an orbit per-
forms its precessions is called the fundamental plane of
the orbit. It is not necessary that the influencing body
should be within the orbit, for a distant body can like-
wise produce a precession of the orbit. The sun causes the
moon's orbit to precess exactly as the earth's equatorial
protuberance does, and it happens that the sun's influence
is considerable, due to his great mass, while the earth's
influence is slight. We may represent such a precession by
a vector perpendicular to its fundamental plane, having a
length equal to the precessional velocity, and in the case of
several influencing bodies we can compound the effect by
compounding the vectors. Thus the precession of the
moon's orbit due to the sun has the ecliptic for its funda-
mental plane, while the precession due to the earth has the
earth's equatorial plane for its fundamental plane. The
resultant precessional axis lies in a plane containing the
axis of the ecliptic and the earth's polar axis, and inclined
to the former about 12'. The inclination of the moon's
orbit to this resultant axis is about 84° 40'. Hence as the
moon's orbit rotates about this resultant axis, its in-
clination to the ecliptic varies from a maximum of 5° 20' to
a minimum of 4° 56'.
This effect of the equatorial protuberance of a planet in
bringing a satellite into its plane and then destroying its
eccentricity, is very strong when the satellite is near the
planet. It is strikingly shown in the case of the satellites
of Mars and of all the nearer satellites of our system.
The equatorial planes of the planets are, of course, con-
stantly shifting, due to planetary precession, but they
carry their nearer satellities with them practically the same
as if their orbits were rigidly attached.
These gravitational effects all exemplify a general
principle in Nature which we may call the Simplification of
Motion. There is everywhere a tendency to reduce com-
plicated and irregular forms of motion to simpler and more
regular forms. By the development of gyroscopic couples,
two or more rotations tend to fuse into a single rotation.
This tendency may result only in an oscillation about the
position of fusion (equilibrium) but frictional forces
eventually effect the fusion. The motion of a triaxial body
with its instantaneous axis in the separating polhode is an
example of the simplification of motion. Tidal forces tend
to equalize rotational and revolutional motions and even-
tually do equalize them — this being the simplest form of
such a double motion. We shall see directly that all ro-
tational planes tend to coalesce with revolutional planes.
The first, second, and third satellites of Jupiter are an
example of the harmonizing of motions. Considering a
revolution as a vibration, and circular orbits are composed
of two simple harmonic motions perpendicular to each
other, the frequencies of these vibrations are ^, ^, and -=-,
i 1 i 2 ^3
where T is the period. By their mutual interactions, they
have been able to bring their frequencies into a simple
harmonic relation. The frequencies are very nearly as
1, ^> J- The five inner satellites of Saturn have frequencies
nearly as ^^1, 1, 1 . . . 1 . . . ^. A vibrating
body not only tends to set up harmonic vibrations in other
bodies, but when that is impossible and the shape is
changeable, actually tends to shake them into forms capa-
ble of such harmonics. A rigid body can only respond to
certain fixed frequencies, but an elastic body may adjust
itself to the proper frequencies.
The mutual tendency of the orbits of our system is to
coalesce into a single plane, and, given time enough, they
will eventually coalesce into the Invariable Plane of the
system. And nowhere is there an opposite tendency. Simple
and regular motions never degenerate into complex and
irregular forms, for the simpler the motion the more stable
does it become, and all irregular and complex forms are
essentially unstable.
34. Effect of Moon's Orbital Precession on Earth's Axis
Owing chiefly to the sun's action, the moon's orbit per-
forms a complete precession, with the ecliptic as its
fundamental plane, in about
/^ ^s. 18^ years. This in turn exerts
\ an influence on the earth's
^ \ axis which we shall now ex-
amine. Let A, Fig. 24, be the
position of the earth's axis,
C the pole of the ecliptic, d^
the angle CA, B the pole of
the moon's orbit, and CB the
constant angle, a. Actually d^
is about 23° 27' and a is nearly
5°. It is evident that we can
effect the steady retrograde
precession caused by a revolving body, by fixing half its
mass at the pole of its orbit and supposing it to exert a
repellent instead of an attractive action. We have then to
consider the action of a body having half the moon's
mass and moving in a retrograde direction in the small
circle with constant angular velocity, —b. Let the angle
BA be c. Then the gravitational couple is —K sin c cos c.
If the angle CAB = A, the & and rp sin t? couples are
— K sine cos c cos A and K sin c cos c sin A .
Since yp, the precession of the earth's axis about C, is
small compared with 6, the angle ACB = C, measured from
a position of conjunction, will for a short time be sensibly
- sin A sin a ... -
equal to — bt. — — 7^ = ~. — (1) and cos c = cos a cos t} +
^ sm C sm c
sin a sin ^ cos C (2).
Hence the
t^ couple is — K cos c V sin2 c — sin2 a sin2 C.
sin2 c — sin2 a sin2 C = (cos a sin ^ — sin a cos t? cos C)2^
and the t? couple is
— K" cos c (cos a sin t? — sin a cos i} cos C) .
Substituting the value of cos c from (2) this becomes
A^ = —K cos2 a sin t? cos t? + i^T sin a cos a cos 2 t? cos C +
K sin2 a sin ?? cos t? cos2 C (3). Likewise
Axp sin i> = K" sin c cos c sin A = K sin a cos a cos z? sin C +
K' sin2 a sin z? sin C cos C (4) .
Our equations of motion therefore are
K sin2 a sin z? cos t> cos2 bt -]- K sin a cos a cos 2 t? cos 6i —
K cos2 a sin t? cos t? - Ccoxp sin t? + i4i/'2 sin ?? cos t> = At?. (5) .
— K" sin2 a sin t? sin 6^ cos bt — K sin a cos a cos t? sin 6^ +
Cco^ - Ai^ cos M = A)A sin t? (6).
[We have dropped the angles A and C and these symbols
now resume their usual significance.]
4 and \p are so small that we can neglect second powers and
T? is sensibly constant. The motion is so small that we can
use X in place of xp sin t? and y in place of ??. In other words
we can use rectangular in place of spherical co-ordinates.
Hence our equations of motion become,
K sin2 a sin t> cos t? cos2 bt -{- K sin a cos a cos2 t? cos 6^ —
K cos2 a sin t? cos t? — Co3X = Ay (7)
and — K sin2 a sin t? sin 6/ cos bt — K sin a cos a cos i> sin 6/ +
Cw>' = Ax (8).
Integrating (8), Ccoy — A {x — Xo) =
r^ • o • « sin2 bt
K sm^ a sm t?
K sin a cos a cos ?>
( cos bt - 1)
Since x is small compared with co, we can write this
^ r^ • o • o sin2 bt ,
C(i}y = A. sin2 a sm t? — yr h
T^ ' (1 ~ cos bt) .^.
A sm a cos a cos t> ^ r (9).
Integrating (7),
^ rx • -> • o Q I ' . (sin6/cos60\ ,
Ccoic = K sm2 a sm I? cos t? (7^ H ^T ^ ) +
K sin a cos a cos 2 t> — r — — K cos2 a sin ^ cos ??. / (10).
Plotting the curve from these equations we find that it
has the shape given in Fig. 24.
Starting with the origin at the time when the poles
are on the same celestial meridian (conjunction), the
inclination of the earth's axis to the pole of the ecliptic is
here a minimum. After this it increases until a maximum is
reached with bt = x. It then regains its former minimum
when bt = It and the two poles are again in conjunction.
The path of the earth's axis is thus an unsymmetrical
wavy curve. There are about 1400 such complete waves in
every complete precessional circle of the earth's axis about
the pole of the ecliptic. The variation of t?, or the depth of
the curve is about 9''.
35. Effect of the Moon*s Orbital Precession on her
Own Axis
This action upon the earth's axis, due to the shifting of
the moon's orbit, is purely reciprocal.
The earth's attraction upon the moon's equatorial pro-
tuberance causes the moon's axis to precess (retrograde)
about the pole of her own orbit. As far as the precessional
effect is concerned, it is a matter of indifference whether
the moon revolves about the earth or the earth revolves
about the moon in the moon's orbit. We can cause the same
precessional effect upon the moon's axis by supposing
half the earth's mass to be at the pole of the moon's orbit
exerting a repulsional instead of an attractional action.
If then in Fig. 24 we suppose A to be the pole of the moon's
orbit moving with a constant retrograde precession, — 6,
and half the earth's mass to be at this pole, while the
moon's axis is at B, the problem, though reversed, is
exactly similar to the previous one. The action of the
earth will be to cause the moon's axis to precess in the
small circle, B, with nutations, forming a wavy curve
precisely as in the other problem. Calling now the angle
CA, ??, and the angle CA, a, the equations of motion are
K sin2 a sin t? cos t? cos2 {y^/ — hi) -f-
K sin a cos a cos 2 ^ cos (i/' — bt) — K cos2 a sin t^ cos x? —
Ccot/'sint? = A^ (11) and
K sin2 a sin ?? sin (^ — bt) cos (yj/ — bt) -f
K sin a cos a cos ^ sin (^ — bt) + Ccor? = Axf' sin r> (12),
where K and rp now refer to the moon. The angle, xf/ — bt^
is the difference between the precession of the moon's axis
and the precession of the pole of her orbit.
Calling ^ — bt,a, the equations of motion can be written
D cos2 a + Ecosa - F - Cco^ sin t? = At? (13).
G sin a cos a + ^ sin a + Ccoz? = A4^ sin t? (14),
where D, E, F, etc., are determined constants. The natural
independent precessions of the two poles we are consider-
ing, viz., xj/ the precession of the moon's axis and bt the
precession of the pole of her orbit, are not the same.
However, they are forced into coincidence by a peculiar
action which we shall now discover. The natural pre-
cessions being different, one pole will eventually overtake
the other and at some time a will be momentarily zero,
and at some other time momentarily tt — conjunction or
opposition. From Fig. 24, we see that in these positions
!? is momentarily zero.
Let us suppose that a has become tt, the two poles
being at their maximum distance apart, with C the pole of
the ecliptic between them. From (14), the precessional
acceleration, \j/ sin t?, is here zero, and the precessional
velocity is momentarily constant. But ^ and h not being
equal, the moon's axis will directly either get ahead of or
lag behind the orbital pole. If the angle a becomes negative,
from (14) the precessional acceleration becomes negative
and a couple is brought into play tending to bring the
moon's axis back into coincidence (opposition) with the
orbital pole. If the moon's axis gets ahead and the angle a
becomes positive, from (14) a positive couple arises tending
to turn the moon's axis back into coincidence with the
other pole.
There is a limit beyond which this regulatory couple
could not overcome the difference between the natural
velocities, but in the case of the moon, her mass being
slight, the couple is well within this limit.
When a is zero, if the moon's axis gains from this
position, a becomes negative and a negative couple arises
which tends to increase the gain still further, while if the
moon's axis lags, a becomes positive and a positive couple
arises which tends to set it still further back. Hence,
when the two poles are in conjunction they exert a mutually
repellant action and are in unstable equilibrium, while
when they are in opposition they are in stable equilibrium.
We have here another case of the simplification of mo-
tion. Instead of pursuing an irregular motion with two
independent precessions, the poles fall into step 180°
apart, and the motion is afterwards performed as if the
moon and her orbit were rigidly connected, moving to-
gether as a whole in the symmetrical position where the
moon's axis, the axis of her orbit and the axis of the
ecliptic all lie in one plane. The moon's axis thus moves
with a nearly constant precession and with a nearly con-
stant inclination to the pole of the ecliptic — practically
a Poinsot motion, or a motion under the action of no
The same regulatory couple exists for the earth's axis in
the problem previously considered, and there is a tendency
to force the earth's precession to keep step with the pre-
cession of the moon's orbital pole, but the masses being
reversed, the regulatory couple is unable to force the
earth's axis to the proper velocity and it constantly lags
behind. The distortion of the curve in Fig. 24 plainly
indicates the effort which the orbital pole makes to carry
the earth's axis along with itself.
This peculiar motion of the moon's axis has been
exactly confirmed many times by observation. Cassini
first discovered it in 1675 by observation, and it is known
as Cassini's Theorem. It is usually stated thus: "The
plane of the moon's orbit, her equatorial plane, and a
plane through her centre parallel to the ecliptic, always
intersect in the same line, and the ecliptic plane always
lies between the other two."
In all revolving systems, both the central and the satel-
litic bodies always tend to fall into a Cassini motion, and
the smaller bodies generally acquire such a condition at an
early stage. It is quite certain that all the nearer satellites
of our system execute Cassini motions, and from tidal
forces all the nearer, and probably also the remoter ones,
perform their rotations and revolutions in the same
period. There is however no connection between the two
phenomena except in so far as a low rotational velocity
favors the action of the regulatory couple.
A certain historical interest attaches to Cassini's
theorem. Shortly after this peculiar motion was discovered,
it was perceived that there must be some cause and
an explanation was eagerly sought. In 1754, D'Alembert
attempted a solution without success. Finally in 1764 the
French Academy offered a prize for the discovery of the
cause and this prize was won by Lagrange in 1780. His
solution, however, was only a partial one. Lagrange proved
that if the moon is triaxial with the axis of least moment,
always pointing nearly towards the earth, then, such a
condition of the three planes once existing, it would
persist. Routh, in his "Advanced Dynamics," has given a
proof along similar lines. Both of these proofs postulate
that the axis of least moment shall always point approxi-
mately towards the earth. But we have seen that the
coincidence of the rotational and revolutional periods is
not essential and the body need not be triaxial. In fact we
have supposed the moon to be biaxial.
36. Glacial Epochs
We have seen that two bodies revolving about their
common centre of inertia are subject to tidal forces
tending to tear each body apart from its centre towards
and away from the other body. They are thus lengthened
in the direction of the line between them and compressed in
a direction perpendicular to their orbits. If the rotation
and revolution are not the same, the matter of the body in
rotating through these body tides is subjected to a kneading
process which reduces its rotational velocity by transform-
ing rotational energy into heat. In the case of the earth
these body tides are not inappreciable. They are slight
but they certainly exist, and the continuous operation of
even a slight action for immense periods of time has, as
we shall see, far-reaching effects.
The earth is rotating at all times about two axes — the
polar axis and the precessional axis which is perpendicular
to the former. As these rotations have to be executed
through the tidal distortion, they are constantly being
opposed. The angular velocity of the tide is the orbital
angular velocity, a, of the attracting body — sun or
moon — and for both bodies the average axis of the tide is
perpendicular to the ecliptic. If H is the tidal effect, or
couple, we may suppose it decomposed into two tides,
H cos d^ about the diurnal axis and H sin i? about the pre-
cessional axis. The effect of either tide is proportional to
the difference of the tidal and rotational velocities, or
the couple about the diurnal axis is proportional to H cos t?
(a — co), while that about the precessional axis is pro-
portional to H sin ?? (a — ^ sin d). The former couple is
negative and tends to reduce w to a, while the latter is
positive and tends to reduce the negative precession,
yj/ sin t?.
The constant negative precessional velocity, yj/ sin t?,
which is just sufficient to balance the average gravitational
couple and maintain the inclination constant, we have
found to be — j^ sin t? cos t?. If we reduce this negative
velocity by braking, or accelerate positively, it will no
longer be able to support the gravitational couple and the
axis will yield in part to this couple. In the case of a top,
which is precisely similar, if we reduce the precession by
the slightest amount, it begins to fall, and if we abolish
the precession altogether it falls exactly as if there were no
rotation. The effect of the tidal brake is that the earth
never has quite the full amount of precession, or the free
precession, necessary to maintain its inclination constant,
and the axis slowly falls away.
We may therefore divide the motion into two parts,
viz., the actual precession combined with nearly all, but
not quite all, of the gravitational couple, resulting in a
precessional motion with constant inclination, together
with an extremely minute gravitational couple which is
unbalanced by any precession and which results in a
pendulation through the pole of the attracting orbit,
exactly as if there were no rotation.
Regarding it from another point of view, we may
consider the actual precession to be a free precession to-
gether with a minute precession in the opposite, or posi-
tive, direction, the algebraic sum of the two being the
actual precession. The motion can thus be divided into
two parts — the free precession which exactly balances the
gravitational couple and which would maintain the in-
clination with no other forces, together with a minute
direct, or positive, precession unbalanced by any gravita-
tional couple, which causes the axis to pendulate through
the pole of the ecliptic, exactly as in the case of the gyro-
scopic compass. Whether regarded as an ordinary gravita-
tional pendulum, or as a gyroscopic pendulum, the motions
are equivalent.
Considering the earth as absolutely rigid, its axis
would precess in a small circle about the pole of the
ecliptic at a constant average inclination forever. But the
sweep of the tide is equivalent to a minute positive couple
about an axis ± to the ecliptic, with the result that the
precessional curve is not exactly re-entrant but gradually
spirals in towards the pole.
Let us consider the following problem which is similar
to, but not identical with, the actual case. We shall con-
sider the earth to be absolutely rigid (non-def ormable) ,
and a constant positive couple, H, is applied about an
axis through its centre perpendicular to its orbit. Let co
be the rotational velocity of the earth at the beginning of
an epoch and a>3 that at any subsequent time. The average
gravitational couple for a complete revolution we have
found to be — -r- sin ^ cos t?, or half the maximum couple.
We can effect the same average precessional motion by
placing the half mass of the attracting body at the pole of
its orbit at a distance equal to its average distance, and
supposing it to repel instead of attracting.
The equations of motion are,
- y sin t? cos t? - Cco3 i/' sin t? + Ayp^ sin t? cos t? = A^ (1)
if sin T> + Coi3 ^ - A>P cos m = ADt (rp sin t>) (2)
Hcost? = CDtc^s (3)
From (2) and (3) we derive the momental equation,
Ht = Cco3 cos i^ - Ceo cos t?o + A\l/ sin2 t? (4),
which states that the increase of the moment of momentum
about the axis of the couple is measured by the time
integral of the couple. From (4),
ZJf2 C2
^ Sin2 Mt = -^ Jrf (^3^ - 0)2) + Ceo COS t?o^,
C(x)3 COS t?(i^ = ^^ (CO32 — co2) .
From (1) and (2) we have the energy equation,
■J (sin2 t?o - sm2 1?) + -^j- - ^ (C032 - w2) H j—± H =
y (t?2 + (^Sin^)2). (5).
It is evident that the axis spirals in towards the pole with
a negative precession and at the pole, Ht = C{ca3 — w cos t?o),
while the value of t?2 at the pole is
t?2 = ^ sin2 t?o H- ^ co2 sin2 t?o.
Since K' is small compared with w, we may write
t> = -J CO sin t?o.
Thus the polar value of t> depends only upon co and is
independent of any intermediate values, C03, of the rota-
tional velocity. If there were a couple retarding the rota-
tional velocity, as in the actual case, instead of an ac-
celerating couple, the polar value of t? would be the same.
We shall now start from the pole, as a new epoch, with a
& = -T- (i) sin i?o-
Let o)p be the rotational velocity at the beginning of this
epoch. The momental equation is now
Ht = Cco3 cos d^ - Co)p + A\l/ sin2 ?? (6).
It is evident that as the axis spirals outwards the preces-
sion will be direct, or in a positive direction. Equa. (5)
now becomes
y^^2 -^sin2 t?o) +y (v^sint?)2. (7).
Putting the value of Ht from (6) in (7) and making t? = 0,
Ayj/ sin t? cos t> = Cco3 sin t? =±= OcoZ sin2 t?o j- sin2|? V (8) .
Since K is small compared with oj, we can write
i4^ sin t? cos t? = Caj3 sin t? =*= Ceo sin t?o. (9).
This is the condition for the extreme outward swing. It is
evident that the precession will still be positive when 4 be-
comes zero. 4/ sin t? cos t? and C03 sin t? are the components in
the orbital plane of the rotational velocities about their
respective axes. These components are about the same
axis but in opposite directions and therefore have different
signs. If we consider 1/' sin d^ cos ?? negative, then 0)3 sin t? is
positive and for the right member of (9) to be negative we
must use the lower sign and Cwz sin t? < Ceo sin t?o- If we
consider ^j/ sin t? cos d^ positive, then Cco3 sin t? is negative
and for the right member to be positive, we must use the
upper sign and CC03 sin d^ < Cm sin t?o- But C03 > co, whence
sin ^ < sin t?o- Consequently the axis starts on its second
swing towards the pole from a nearer position than on the
first swing. It will be noted that in Equa. (9) the rotational
velocity 03 p for the beginning of the epoch does not appear.
Consequently if during the outward swing the rotational
velocity were retarded, as is actually the case, instead of
being accelerated, the motion would be similar. Any
variation of the velocity about the polar axis does not
influence the direction or general nature of the motion
about the other axes: it merely modifies slightly the
amount of such motions.
Making^ sin t? = 0, we have
'- A
(co2 sin2 t?o - W32 sin2 ^) V.
The point where the precession becomes retrograde is
therefore within the original starting point and it is evident
that the axis will finally come to rest _L to the orbit.
The motion is represented diagrammatically in Fig. 25.
The full curve represents the retrograde spiral inward
and the dotted curve the direct spiral outward. At A the
axis has ceased going outward and at B the precession
becomes retrograde. Each inward spiral is begun succes-
sively nearer to the pole. If the couple, H, is very small,
the period of each swing is very great.
The actual case of the earth, while generally similar,
differs in some respects from the preceding problem. The
diurnal rotation, instead of being
accelerated, is retarded, but the ,,.J^
precessional rotation is acceler- ■>^