UC-NRLF SB E7M Ifl? GIFT OF * : / THE LOTUS PATH BY ELIZABETH DELVINE KING Published by J. F. ROWNY PRESS Los Angeles, California 1917 Copyright, 1917 b* ELIZABETH DELVINE KING Los Angeles THE LOTUS PATH BY ELIZABETH DELVINE KING Published by J. F. ROWNY PRESS Los Angeles, Cal. 30113o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A MESSAGE FOR THE NEW AGE THE LOTUS PATH, a text-book for Truth seekers, brings a message of unmeasured worth that will appeal to all minds. It opens a path; it reveals a hope; it shows a way; and when practically applied will set divine law in action for the attainment of Illumination, God-consciousness and Freedom Divine. Beautiful in concept, practical in its purpose, it is of untold and eternal value to the searcher after Truth, regardless of church, sect, creed or cult, whether one be Christian, Jew, Roman, Metaphysician, New Thought- ist or Materialist, for conflicting doctrines and pre- vailing materialism are but honest outgrowths of erron- eous views and limited conceptions. This Message reveals a balance acceptable to all, and the ultimate is the Super-conscious Man of the New Age and the Free Soul in Freedom Divine. To the selfish, or those ambitious for worldly things only, it is not written, and for them it has no message, excepting this : every honest one, desiring to unfold the highest within, may gain glints of Truth that should advance their unfoldment many centuries; for all are immortal ! We are in the dawn of the New Age, and the mass of mankind are hungering for something, they know- not what. "I will lead you by a way ye know not," said a prophet of old, and God is ever leading His chil- dren as of yore, and he who reads this message earnestly and unselfishly will not fail to find the hidden way. The Message is a profound one. It is a torch that lights the way of escape from the bondage of sense; yet those who cannot attain will find the mind enriched by priceless gems, rarely divine, which bring peace to the Soul. Truth Absolute is the foundation of this Message, and Truth is God. Down through the dust of the Ages, The rays of the Light Supernal Penetrate the darkness of ignorance, As they quicken each Soul in the Universe. THE LOTUS PATH, written by Elizabeth Delvine King, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of Truth. Price: Cloth Bound, $1.25; Paper Bound, 75 cents. For Sale by ELIZABETH DELVINE KING 927 West 36th Place, Los Angeles, Cal. 3G1135 Werds of Appreciation From a Student. THE LOTUS PATH reveals the way of attainment unto Spiritual Illumination by entering upon the Knowledge Path. Then through prayer and devotion one comes unto the Portal where the student-devotee becomes immersed in Love Divine; then becomes aware of the Great White Brotherhood; and, having met the requirements, he may then enter upon the path, which leads to final redemption or spiritual illumination. Los Angeles, Cal. Center of Living Truth. April 16, 1917. My Dear Friend Mrs. King: I have read your book, "THE LOTUS PATH," with deep interest. The vibration it carries is most remarkable. We, having been fellow students and close friends, makes my appreciation beyond words. Very Sincerely, Yours in Truth, ROSALIND GREENE PEASLEY, M. E. L., Teacher and Lecturer, Author of "The Philosophy of Living." The little volume, "THE LOTUS PATH," is not describable. pealing with what we call supernatural, it is natural. Lead- ing away from materiality, yet its spirituality is delightfully free from man-made theology. The hidden gems in the book are not the mere expressions of thought, cast in a literary mould ; and that is what no review can reveal. To be appreciated, it must be read ; to be understood, it must be studied. In every line is both the mystery and its unravelling. Its very elusiveness is fascinating; yet the earnest one must work for the Pearl of vast value. This comes to the searcher. DR. J. T. PENROSE. DEDICATION IN LOVE WE DEDICATE THIS LITTLE BOOK WITH ITS RARE AND PRECIOUS JEWELS OF TRUTH TO ALL WHO CATCH THE DEEP SOUNDING CHORD AND VIBRATE THEREWITH. I * * * * * * 4. , i 301135 INDEX EXPLANATORY PREFACE - 7 INTRODUCTION 1} LESSON IN THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH - - 13 ONE TRINITY - - 18 ILLUMINATION - - 21 THE ONE ESSENCE DIVINE - 26 THE FOURTH DIMENSION - - 29 VIBRATIONS - - 33 COMPLETENESS - - 37 RENUNCIATION 41 THE HEART CENTER - - 46 FINDING ATMAN - 50 AT-ONE-MENT WITH THE GREAT "I AM" - 51 FREEDOM 53 THE BALANCE - - 55 Is PRAYER ESSENTIAL? 63 LIGHT, THE SOURCE - - 69 DOES THE STUDY OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH ASSIST MAN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS IN His RELA- TIVE LIFE? - 75 THE RELATIVE - - 81 THE AWAKENING INTELLECT 91 ILLUMINED UNTO THE TRUTH - - 97 THE INFINITE 99 OCEAN DIVINE - - 104 MY DIVINE MOTHER - - 107 A LESSON IN THE ABSOLUTE - - - 109 THE ONENESS - - 112 FAITHFUL AND TRUE - - 114 THE CONCLUSION - - - 116 THE INFINITE LULLABY 123 West 33 f Place, Los Angeles, Cal. r. J. 0. Rowell, Librarian, Berkeley, Calif, ear Sir:- In compliance with your quest of July 17 ff , I have the or to present to your library, copy of The Lotus Path, with jutop^raph. Sincerely, VP j2/Ls\syi(? y, ?<&" 1917. EXPLANATORY PREFACE To all readers of this message of Absolute Truth, I desire to simply say, my own mind has had noth- ing to do with it whatsoever, not even in the Intro- duction, wherein the Divine Source of the Message is stated. The book was written in one week, and typewritten for the publisher by my son after busi- ness hours. As the manuscript was thus prepared, under certain practical difficulties, I will trust to the charity of critical readers as to the style, punctua- tion, paragraphing and arrangement, much prefer- ring to leave the message untouched by a literary critic, than to risk depriving it of one iota of the pristine Spiritual vigor and force of Truth which no pen can portray. What pen can portray to the men of earth the Message of Truth? None! Not one! But the Vibrations from the Infinite that come from the Heart of the Christ, and those that are Christed, They portray the Truth ! To you who are, perchance, unfamiliar with inde- pendent spiritual instrumentality, please know, that with appreciation for subjective mediumship and spiritualism in their recognized places, I will simply state this message is not brought forth in any such way. I am not and never have been a medium or a spiritualist, have never been hypnotized nor mesmer- ized nor controlled psychically in any way whatso- ever, nor relinquished my individual will to any entity or influence. The path of my individual unfoldment came through prayer, devotion, renunciation and self-de- vii viii EXPLANATORY PREFACE nial years before I was made aware of the informa- tion revealed in the Introduction. This message was received and passed on much as an operator transmits his telegraphic message. He must recognize and be true to the vibrations he under- stands if he is to be true to the message given. And the vibrations from the Heart of Aum will vibrate so strong through this Message of Truth that the little mistakes, which are mine, will cause no stumbling to seekers of Truth. Revelation has been given to the world ever since God inspired the first Scriptures to the human race, thousands of years ago. Have we any reason to think God's Love for His children is not as great as when He spake to them in the begin- ning of Creation ! So I do not wish to say any more of self, in being the instrument, than to attempt to convince those in- terested of the Divine Source of the Message. Those on the Sacred Path will recognize its Divine Nature and Purpose if they will study and meditate rever- ently upon it. And God will quicken those who read it in this spirit. Such is my prayer. To these few explanatory remarks I will simply add certain incident in my life turned me to God in greater earnestness than ever before, and to His Love for humanity, for many years previous to the quickening of the Holy Spirit, mentioned in the In- troduction. I believed it was for me. Others had re- ceived it. I sought and prayed for it. After it came, thank God, no room for doubt was left ! Ah ! 'Would that every Soul could know God, and experience the sweetness of the blessing of the New Birth! After such an experience, how could I desire other than to abandon myself into God's will, which I did as near as I knew how, and dedicated myself to His work, to what He would have me to do. It is a Path leading to Life Eternal in its fullest EXPLANATORY PREFACE ix sense, and the Spiritual Blessings more than com- pensate for sacrifices made. The Greater Book, spoken of in the Introduction, was written in retirement, and finished some time ago. It awaits publication. My heart vibrates in Love to all humanity. I bow my head to the Father-Mother-God in grateful acknowledgment for this message, knowing it will reach all for whom it is intended, for the work of the Master 's is never in vain ! They are God 's Mes- sengers, Conscious of God's Life, Individualized Ex- pressions of His Life hid with Christ in God, and ever working for humanity in harmony with the Divine Will, that all men of earth may come into that same fullness of Expression of the Life which God gave. Glorious Truth! Glorious Hope! Glorious Immor- tality! Our Goal! Essence Divine! Peace, Love, Good Will, to all men. ELIZABETH DELVINE KING. 927 West Thirty-sixth Place, Los Angeles, California. January 16th, 1917. INTEODUCTION. God in His Love and Wisdom, ever knoweth when the children of men require another deep note of the Truth. This being a time when a message of Truth Abso- lute must go forth we, the Brothers of Love and Compassion, or, "The White Brotherhood," who are ever assisting the family of men in the direction of the High Initiate, Jesus Christ, have chosen this instrument, Elizabeth Delvine King; after she hath been tested and tested until she is found, "not want- ing." She, after receiving the New Birth, which is called the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, in the Hebrew Scrip- tures, entered direct upon the Sacred Path, and for nearly nine years, her life voluntarily dedicated to God, has been under the direct teaching and guidance of the Masters in the White Brotherhood, Jesus Christ being the head. Those who do not like the word, Masters, may har- monize more evenly with God's Messengers; and that is what we are. God hath ever dealt direct with High Initiates all down the ages, the history of which is recorded in all Scriptures. This instrument has moved forward, and pierced the Veil of Flesh: she is, therefore, a Free Soul in Freedom. This message could not be given through any, only a Free Soul. She hath left creeds of men far behind. Therefore she is a chosen vessel and in- strument, chosen by the Infinite to do this work ; this is the work which is the object of her taking birth at this time. This book covers the main points of the Message of Truth Absolute; therefore, is a text book to be used in connection with the Greater Book which is to be published. This message is to assist those who are at the place upon the Path, where they can hear the deep Truth. Prudes will find nothing here; and babes will not be able to partake of the strong meat of the Word as given here. But to those who desire to, "Know the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, " we will say, come and vibrate with the deep notes of this mes- sage, and you can find the "Pearl of vast value." Truth, God, is One; therefore, we accept the Truth which the Infinite hath spoken through the lips of the Incarnations in all climes, and all ages; per- ceiving as we do there is no East, and no West in God, the Omnipresent One ; but Unity, Love, Peace ; and these express in Harmony. We stoop to catch a note of Truth, if a blade of grass hath a message for us. We thankfully read a message of the Infinite through Nature; but ever re- membering Nature is, "the outer garment of God." We see the light of Christ shining through the eyes of every one; remembering, "the eyes are the win- dows of the Soul." We see the Divine Mother, Love Divine, in the heart of every man, and thing. We appreciate every expression of God; therefore, we tread lightly upon the grass, sand, and even the earth. The Oneness of the All, is one important point, ere the Chela upon the Path reaches full Illumination. This book is under the watchful care of the Broth- ers of Love and Compassion ; and everywhere it may be, their vibrations are. There is only one God! Our Father-Mother. We send this book forth in Love ; and on the vibra- tion of Love Divine. So-Be-It. CHAPTER I. LESSON IN THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. "TRUTH ABSOLUTE, is the Reality which is just back of the relative; or, nature and the natural man; although " nature is the outer mantle of God" the Absolute Truth, which is in no way touched or contaminated by the relative which is ever changing and fleeting. When man is aroused from his slumber in the rela- tive dream, having heard the Silent Voice of the Deep, whispering soft and low, my son awake ! arise ! thy Father-Mother-God calleth to thee : he then finds him- self a natural man and in subjection to his ambitions, desires, hopes, fears and doubts. However, he, hav- ing heard the call from a different clime is not longer satisfied with the world, or himself, as he sees each. This is the place where man begins to search for light : not knowing that the light which he is seeking is within himself, he seeks far and near; and when he becomes a sincere seeker, he searches in every crevice, hoping to find the Light; he here is search- ing for entrance into the Knowledge Path, it having been brought to his remembrance in seeking, that Jesus Christ, the Great Initiate, Master and Saviour, said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." Here he has become a student of Truth. These lessons which are written and placed in this little book are called Lessons upon the Knowledge Path. We are fully aware that none but the earnest student of Truth will glean the golden nuggets which 13 !'* THE LOTUS PATH are hidden away; but those who do, will find their way to a Spiritually Illumined Guru (Teacher), whom, if he requests it, will instruct him in the Secret Heart Teaching, which will enable him to become a student-devotee ; here it is, the Guru who is an initiate upon the Sacred Path, and is in touch with the Mas- ters in the Great White Brotherhood, and has received transmission from ancient spiritual Gurus, will trans- mit of their God-consciousness, which is a vital quick- ening to the soul of man. The student-devotee is informed that it is im- portant he keep his link strong with his spiritual Guru, as he is the link which at present holds him in the silent mystic light, and will so do, if the student- devotee remaineth steadfast until he gleans the Light of Wisdom where he perceives he is the Light, yea, "he is that Light which lighteth every man who com- eth into the world." God, and His ambassadors, the "Masters in Love and Compassion, * ' are ever watching over the student- devotee, and when the time is ripe, the student-dev- otee will hear the call of the "Great"; then let him go to his Guru, and deeper instructions will be given him concerning the entrance to the Sacred Path, and the necessary preparations. No man can accomplish this great task alone, neither is it necessary; for the Father-Mother-God, the Incarnations and their assistants, "The Masters of Love and Compassion," are ever ready and de- sirous to assist man, at all times, and especially so, when he is nearing the portal at the entrance of the Sacred Path. The Illuminated Spiritual Gurus are now prepared to teach the Secret Heart Teaching of the Ancients, it being handed down to them through revelation and inspiration. Search them out, there are some in your midst. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH 15 Remember, the Ancients have said, "if you desire Wisdom, ask of God." Therefore, if the student of Truth desires to find an Illumined Teacher, or Guru, ask in the silent chamber of your own soul, which is forever at one with the Great Over-Soul (the Father- Mother-God) ; and if you will open the window of your soul for guidance, you will be led to your Guru. In ancient days the searcher after the Sacred Lore found it necessary that man find a spiritually Illum- ined Guru, one versed in the Sacred Teaching of the Secret Heart; and they, coming into his spiritual vibration, were assisted and quickened thereby; also, that transmission is necessary. We find this handed down by the Illuminati, from time before ages. After man has the teaching upon the Knowledge Path, which assists him to understand and place in their right place, "the Absolute Truth, "and the "Rel- ative, ' ' man seemingly goes in a circle as he seeks the Light, until he gleans light strong enough to reveal to him the straight line which lieth direct between the Real and the Relative, that which is Permanent, Eternal and Unchanging; and the ever changing, shifting and fleeting. When man becomes fully Illumined concerning the Real and the Relative, he walks shoulder to shoulder with the Illuminati. Then his light shall shine, and his brothers who are still lost in Maya can see it, and if they so desire, and place their desire in expression, he, the Guru, through the grace of God, can assist them toward the Light. The Illuminati have found that the "Light which lighteth every man who cometh into the world," is that Flame which ever burns in the center of the heart; here it is the carnal man will eventually find his link with this Flame, which is Atman, the Real Self of every man. Become conscious of this, friends, then arise to the greatness of your being, and become 16 THE LOTUS PATH a "Son of the Solitude," and join the silent throng in the Mystic 's mission of carrying the flaming torch of Truth; and let the vibrations of Purity, Holiness, Righteousness and Obedience, Humility and Sincerity radiate from you. Look not to results, or, as Krishna said, "look not to fruits of action," but "arise above the Pairs of Opposites," into the sublime, the "Holy of Holies," yea into the Shekinah, and stand forth the Illumined individual on the mountain summit, in the Ocean Essence of Love Divine. Soar thou on pinions from the mountain top while singing hosannas to your God; at the same time, vi- brate with the Great Heart of the Infinite, and prove yourself a blessing to mankind. Attain thou to Nirvana where the Soul in God-Con- scious Freedom abides. Here it is your karmic debts have been erased when you attained unto the Illum- inated state of Freedom from the Wheel of Birth and Death. Man at the Portal of Nirvana can merge into the Ocean of Bliss, and rest throughout the Kalpas, if he so decrees : or he can, through great Love, expressing in his heart for his brothers who are still lost in Maya (Carnality), become active in assisting them to find the Light, under the guidance of the Great Initiate, Jesus Christ. When man has reached the Absolute, through Il- lumination in the heart, as well as the head, he dwells in peace, he walks in Conscious Freedom, although he complies with all the laws of the land; he under- stands what the Nazarene Master meant, when He told them to "render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God those things which are God's." When the student-devotee desires to enter upon the Secret Path, the requirements are: 1. Renunciation. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH 17 2. Heart Center. 3. Finding Atman the Real Self. 4. At-one-ment with the Great "I AM." 5. Freedom, which is the result. Freedom is God-Conscious Illumination, this ex- presses in humility, gentleness, yet courage, strength, power and ability to stand erect amidst the experi- ences of the relative life ; and Mastership in the Spirit of Truth will become evident. Attain unto this, friends, and you have achieved. CHAPTER II. ONE TRINITY. Father, Aum, The Great Ocean Essence, our Mother, Kali, the expression of Aum, and Christ, the Son, are Eternally resplendent in the deep blue dome of the great Over-Soul. God, the Father was one, the Essence Ocean Divine; God the Father expressed and Kali, the Divine Mother, took form, She being the Word ex- pressed; then God and the Word brought into ex- pression the Universes and all forms therein. Father-Mother-Son, the Trinity! Glean the esoteric meaning of this great mystery. This is the age when the hidden secrets of God are being revealed to man. Let man perceive, this Trinity as it transcendently radiates its sublimity and divinity in the Great Ocean Essence, is above carnality ; and has not name, creed, nor doctrine of man; but is radiating its blessing to all men, of all climes, all races and colors, that each Incarnation that has ever dwelt upon the earth hath pointed to the ONE TRINITY; and the doctrinal teachings have formed according to the traditions, superstitions, ignorance and enlightenment of the peo- ple who have followed the different Incarnations; we will mention a few, Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Mo- hammed, Zorathurstra and others of lesser degree of light, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Great In- itiate ; He whom the Christian world expects to come to earth again. As the prophesies concerning His coming as the babe, and His life as the Messiah have proven true, it 18 ONE TRINITY 19 is reasonable to presume the prophesies concerning this coming will prove true. The Great Ones who are watching over great events, like as a Messiah or an Avatar, coming to earth, know whereof they speak, and if the Prophets and Seers re- ceive the prophesies correctly, they prove true in every detail. The time has arrived according to all prophesies for the next Incarnation to come upon the stage, and enact His part in the Divine Drama of this age. The Great Master the Avatar comes today with the full web of Truth, and will gather the redeemed ones into the Nirvana of the Soul, where death is not for them henceforth, forever more, except they choose to come to earth again to help teach the true Light that will enlighten men so they will understandingly turn away from the Wheel of Birth and Death. When a ship has crossed the great sea, and cast anchor in the harbor of the desired port (after seeing that the anchor is. sure and fast), it remains there until the captain receives the call for action; it is thus with the faithful, trusting and abiding child of God today. We trust that all who love the name of Jesus Christ will be as the wise virgins in His parable which He spake nearly two thousand years ago, have their lamps filled, trimmed and, not only that, but burning ; thus doing they are as the stately ship ; have crossed the sea of carnal illusion and anchored in port, wait- ing for the call to higher duties. We remember the Nazarene said, "when I come, shall I find faith upon the earth?" Then let not the mind weave a fancy web, and expect the Great One will walk in every delicate thread just as your ideas may require, for, lo, God is greater than man ! and His ways are past finding out by the mind of man. God ever calleth to the heart of man; for the heart of man, ' ' give me thy heart, ' ' has been the mes- 20 THE LOTUS PATH sage of the Infinite through the lips of all Incarna- tions, Prophets and Saints. Let the heart be sure and steadfast, and securely anchored in the Absolute ; and a balance in thy hand, and thou wilt be ready to recognize the Great One, our Beloved, when He comes; we then will be inter- ested in Him, and not in the way He came, neither the color of His form, the custom of His dress, nor the manner of His speech. Let the lamp in thy heart be trimmed and burning, for the bridegroom may come at an hour when ye think not. Jesus Christ sent His message to the Gentiles; our prayer is that they may not follow in the footsteps of the Jews when He comes this time. The man who has reached the place upon the path where he has left creeds and man-made doctrinal beliefs behind, and launched out upon the deep in search of the Absolute Truth, and has cast anchor deep enough in the Divine Essence to burst the Veil of Flesh, and the Illumination of the Christ expresses in and through him, even to his perceiving he is the christed son of the Living God, will be ready to re- ceive the Great Teacher, the Avatar, when He arrives ; it will matter not to him what way He comes. The coming of great Teachers, Prophets or Saviour is only an event in the Realm of the Real, to assist mankind that they may find the Path, which, if they travel upon they will pass through, and out, from the Illusive Forest (carnality). In the Absolute, Eternity forever is. Time hath no abiding place there, the dividing line is on the shore wjhere the sand is ever shifting. But the Ocean Essence lieth there; launch thy bark out upon the deep, and become anchored; through understanding, wisdom and love, unto Illumination ; and abide there. Then thou canst see the changing effects upon the shore of time, but they do not touch or disturb thee ! Thou art anchored in Eternity The Absolute. CHAPTER III. ILLUMINATION. \Y7HEN man has attained Illumination in the Abso- lute, what happens to him ? He has passed from the carnal concept of himself to the perception of his Real Self (Atman), that part of him which "God created in His image and likeness. " He lives in the Divine Concept of himself; and as his Illumination becomes more of a conscious reality to him, he begins to express Mastership. This mastership which results from the Illumina- tion from the heart, through the Secret Heart Teach- ing is not of the mind, and does not express in Mas- tership over other men's minds. When man has the Heart Illumination he becomes conscious Atman; "Atman being the Knower Self," is ever at-one with the Infinite, through the heart. Jesus Christ said, "I (Truth) stand at the door of every man's heart and knock, if he will open the door, and invite Me, I will enter, I will sup with him, yea, I will abide with him." When the mind touches Atman, the flame in the center of the heart, the door opens ; Atman arises and draws from the Infinite Ocean that which he may de- sire; if it is Love he anchors in the current of Love Divine. If Life, he touches Prana, the Life Essence. If Peace, he vibrates with that, and becomes that in expression; as the Illuminated man continues in the teachings of the Secret Heart Teaching, as handed down from the Ancients, he will eventually become Atman in expression ; the carnal ego becoming merged 21 22 THE LOTUS PATH into Atman. Man then is the superconscious being in expression ; the body will cease to be the shadow, when there is no carnal ego to cast thought shadows; he then becomes the Illuminated Body, figuratively spoken of as the Illuminated Cross; he truly having carried the carnal cross unto the final, and it becom- ing merged into the Illuminated Cross (the Christed Son of God in expression) ; the next step is where he comes into the full God- Consciousness ; here he per- ceives, he being a drop of the Essence Divine, in the Ocean, and one with it, is the Essence itself; he then understandingly having reached the Source, and be- ing one with it, is God expressed; therefore a God- conscious being ' * Brahman. ' ' This is the destiny of man; even though this may disturb the mind of the unillumined. This deep teaching of the Absolute is not for prudes nor babes; it is for the man after studying the mes- sage of the Infinite, given through his chosen ones in the ages past, which is portrayed in all the different scriptures of the world, according to the light the people have to which the message is given; and have felt that Divine touch which softly speaks to the Soul; and has the courage to seek until he not only arrives at the Portal, but has entered, and passed in- itiations until he has that Illumination which not only enables him to "give a reason for the hope within him," but to proclaim, "I am the Light." "Soham, Soham." If a man has lived his life in a cave he knows not concerning the sunlight ; if a brother enters the cave to tell him about the bright sunshine, let his only motive be to stir a desire within him to see the sun- shine; if he responds, tell him to go out and see it, and feel its warmth. If he passes out into the sun and settles contentedly there, you have done your part, at that time at least; but when he desires to ILLUMINATION 23 understand concerning the warmth and light of the sun, when he comes to you for the light, teach him the Truth. He, himself, must become quickened and perceive that he is the man who, having been long in the darkness of Maya, now, if he desires the true Light, must do the work himself, after the teacher has taught him. On the Knowledge Path man learns to concentrate his mind, then to bridle it securely. Then he must find his Heart Center; the Secret Heart Teaching cannot be given in printed form; it must be given orally. A Spiritual Guru is here necessary. In the work of the Heart teaching, man works from his Heart Center, not from his Mind Center. When man awakes from the carnal sleep he is men- tally awake ; there the first stage of his efforts is the mental ; many think this the highest, the final ; having not felt the urge of the Soul in the Heart Center, he, like the man in the cave knoweth not of it; as long as man is content there, let not the Illumined Guru give him any time, but when he desires more light than the mind can give, if he desires and meets the requirements, teach him; if he does not meet the re- quirements, give thy time to one who will; as it is futile to endeavor to assist a man to come into Illum- ination in Truth Absolute, until he is willing to make a sacrifice to attain the great value. It truly is the pearl of vast value, and once having tasted of the Divine Satisfaction, which is Truth Divine, naught else will satisfy for long. Have deep tolerance, and sincere compassion for the brother, who, after hearing the Truth desires a little longer playtime along the shore of time , he not having become Illumined as yet concerning the straight line between the Absolute (The Real) and the Relative (The Unreal) or that which is fleeting, changing. 24 THE LOTUS PATH That which changes is in the Forest of Illusions, that which changes not is God expressed. The Illum- ined man perceives this; the unillumined knoweth it not, therefore, let the Spiritual Guru have patience, knowing as he does the day will arrive when the Chela will become athirst for the Living Water which floweth out from the Heart of God, and hungry for the Manna which cometh down from God ; the Manna of the wilderness having lost its power to satisfy him. When man is athirst for the Water of Life, even as a "hart panteth after the water brooks, " he then is ready to partake of the meat of the message of Truth, and digest and assimilate it. As man partakes of the strong meat of the mes- sage of the Absolute Truth, the Bright and Shining Ones draw near, yes, very near him, and as he prays to the Father-Mother-God, they, acting in the will of the Father, assist him, and teach him and even while he, the outer man, sleeps, they assist him to under- stand the deep truths which he has studied in his awake state ; and when he has come to the place where it is possible, and desirable, the Great Teachers can assist him to leave his body in sleep, and go with them in his astral body and learn many deep things. This is a stage of progress upon the Path, but comes not until the time is ripe. In the Teaching of the Secret Heart, we find the disciple upon the Path is watched over by God (the Father-Mother) and the Masters in the White Brotherhood, as he moves along merging from the carnal concept of himself into Atman consciousness (the Divine Man). Rejoice with us, our brothers, that this is true ; also that this blessed knowledge has come to you, and that it is your privilege to become so illumined into the Light of Truth, that you consciously walk and talk with God, and the Bright and Shining Ones here in this expression. ILLUMINATION 25 Some may criticize this, or not understanding con- cerning it correctly, condemn ; become not moved, for this is the same message which has come to high in- itiates all down the ages; it was a Bright and Shin- ing One, one of God's messengers, who appeared to Abraham, and prophesied concerning his son Isaac, which was to be born to him. Also one of these Mas- ters, who is ever about his Father's business, who ap- proached Mary and revealed to her concerning the child Jesus: also, that came to Zachariah in the Temple, and told him his wife, Elizabeth, would give birth to John, who became the forerunner of Jesus. Let the Western World awake to this great fact, and open the door (of the heart) that the Masters in The Great White Brotherhood may draw near; even now their vibrations are doing much to awaken the souls of men; awake, rejoice! and improve your opportunities, as the closing of a cycle, and the be- ginning of a new age, happens only once in many centuries. The Spiritually Illumined man beholds, perceives, understands, and trustingly bides the Father's will. CHAPTER IV. THE ONE ESSENCE DIVINE. THE One Essence Divine is the Source and Sub- stance from which all forms came into expression. What is this One Essence Divine? It is Aum, the Impersonal and Omnipresent God. ' ' God was the One, He desired to become the many, and creation came forth," this we read in Sacred Ancient Lore. God's desire expressed in the Word, and Kali, the Divine Mother, came forth, clothed in form, the form being pressed out, as it were, from the One Essence Divine ; thus we have Aum, the impersonal and omni- present God (the Father) ; and Kali, the Divine Mother (the personal God). Thus we perceive God to be both Impersonal and Personal; and only One Essence. God, the Father, and Kali, the Divine Mother (the Word) expressed, and Christ (the Son), became evident; and only One Essence. As we follow in creation, or, God becoming mani- fest, we find the Universes and Systems of Universes coming into expressed form, and all forms, from the least to the greatest, expressing the One Essence ; and man, the highest expression, is destined, at the final of his pilgrimage in the Illusive Forest (carnality) to become a full God-Consciousness, and to thus walk among the men of earth, who are living in the Forest. Only One Essence! only One Source! not two. Let us bring this Essence under the microscope of the mind, and see what we find it to be composed of; we find Light there, we find Life there, we find Love 26 THE ONE ESSENCE DIVINE 27 there, we find Peace there, we find Rhythm, Harmony and Bounty there: and Intelligence, Power and Purity. This One Essence Divine is the Absolute from which all men came, and to which all will return. This Essence Divine being omnipresence, truly there is no distance to travel to arrive at home ; even though man may find himself in a strange, or "far country. ' ' If it is not by traveling that man returns home, or back to the Source from whence he came, how does he accomplish it? He awakens from the Carnal Dream, which has caused him to remain in the Illu- sive Forest (Carnality) ; since he went to sleep in the Garden of Eden. A man's body may lie upon a cot, but the man in his dreams travels far, and passes through varied ex- periences, yet the man remains in the same place. If he dreams he is in a strange land and among peo- ple who are unfamiliar to him, let him awaken, and he finds himself at home, having not departed from it. Herein lies the Great Delusion, which holds the children of men in confusion ; as confusion is not har- mony, and man cannot live in two states of concept at the same time, it follows, when man is in confusion, he is in Maya, the Great Illusion, which expresses in and through the Relative world. When one becomes Illumined even unto Realiza- tion concerning the One Essence Divine, he will soon leave the land of dreams behind, and pass into the Source ; when he consciously lives here he is not only harmonious, but he is harmony, yea, he becomes the Tree of Life, in the Radiant Essence Divine; he is at Home. To attain unto the Source, and abide at Home, an Illumined Atman, it is necessary after man awakens, 28 THE LOTUS PATH that he study the teaching along the Knowledge Path, which leads him to, and through the Hall of Learning where he, if he has gleaned the Golden Grains of Truth, may merge into the Ocean Essence Divine, and become one in it, one with it, yes, become it; as there is no separation in One, neither can there be division in The One. Jesus said, "The Father and I are one, but the Father is greater than I." In other words, Jesus being Illumined concerning the Oneness of the Ocean Essence Divine, perceived He, being a drop of the Ocean Essence, was not so great as the Ocean, and He expressed this by saying, "the Father is greater than I." The "I," being the individual expression of God, could not be so great as that which expressed Him. Jesus had reached the fullness of Illumination concerning the Oneness, and At-One-Ment of that which is. He called, and it echoes down the corridor of time, "Follow thou me!" Awake, Soul of man ; raise thine eyes and behold thy destination. The carnal mind in man may continue to ring in confusion, thereby leading man around the Wheel of Human Experience for ages, or kalpas; nevertheless there comes a day when the urge of the Soul which desires freedom from Maya, will vibrate strong enough to penetrate the confused mind sufficiently to cause it to listen; this is when the Silent Voice of God speaks: it saith, "Adam, where art thou?" This question will cause any carnal man who hears it to begin to think; and if he thinks deep enough he will become desirous of obtaining the Source from whence the "Still Small Voice came." Search for that Source, Friends, until you find it ; become enlightened; and walk in the consciousness that you are a drop of Essence Divine, in the Great Ocean Essence. So-Be-It. CHAPTER V. THE FOURTH DIMENSION. YY/'HEN man has Illumination concerning the One- ness and the At-one-ment of the Infinite ; if God expresses as Aum (the impersonal), or as Kali (the personal), or any form he sees, he functions in the next dimension and sees Oneness in the midst of seeming division. The Carnal Mind in man cannot even arrive at the ^Portal, at the entrance to that Di- mension. It is Atman, the Real, or Divine Self, who reaches the entrance to the Fourth Dimension, and passes the Portal, not only by one degree initiation, but six, and here he finds himself in the sweet and sublime border- land of the Fourth Dimension. In this borderland, man becomes a conscious At- man, and arises to the full statue of manhood (Divine Manhood), even unto the ''full Statue of the man, Christ Jesus." This is the highest state of man's expression on the earth plane. When man passes fully into the Fourth Dimension he transcends the earth man; and Atman, the super- conscious self, is the man: naught else remains. He is a free soul, in Freedom Divine ; God limitless Free- dom ; he has scaled the heights. The earth man with his ambitions, fears, hopes and doubts is forever left behind; this earth man is the "lower self" of every man of earth; and none, no, not one, scales the heights, and soars into Nirvana, until the old man (the carnal self), has been crucified, an4 has died upon the cross. Then let it be laid in the tomb, where Atman, the higher self (the Divine 29 30 THE LOTUS PATH Man), assisted by the Great-Over Soul, the Father- Mother; Christ, and His ambassadors (the Great White Brotherhood), bring forth the body; resur- rected by the vibration of the Absolute, becoming the one vibration operating in and through it; the vibra- tions of the carnal man being consumed by the vibra- tion of the Infinite, when man has accomplished his part. Glorious resurrection morn! when the dim grey of dawn fades away, lost behind the beautiful tinted rays of the rising sun ! Glorious resurrection day, the son of righteousness has risen and shines resplendent in the consciousness of the risen one ! Let him move forward to the high noon hour ; at this supernal hour, let the Atman arise to the full statue and there remain throughout the kalpas; for the man who passes across the border- line and arrives at the Portal of the Fourth Dimen- sion, remains throughout the Eternities, in the hicrh noon hour; there are no more risings and settings of the sun. He has passed beyond Maya (the Great Illusion). It is the carnal self of man, that is lost in the Illu- sive Forest ; Atman, the Real Self, is never lost ; and when man reaches the place upon his karmic path, where he can hear the " Still Small Voice," Atman begins to retrace his steps, that he may again reach Home, the Father's House, from whence he came. Here we are reminded of the parable of the Naza- rene Master, of the Prodigal Son, his wanderings in the strange land, his awakening, his arising and turn- ing his face homeward, his arrival at home; and the welcome reception given him by his Father-Mother- God. This is symbolical of every man's ongoings through the Illusive Forest. We, the Brothers of Love and Compassion, who are untiringly and unceasingly about the Father's THE FOURTH DIMENSION 31 business, announce to our brothers (who are living in the thraldom of the carnal mind, which is ever con- fusion, it matters not how intellectual or cultured it may be, because it is composed of beliefs, ideas and understandings which are ever changing, no stability, no permanency), that there is a way out from this Forest. The Illumined reveal the Path of Knowledge which lieth in the Forest, that you may find, and if you travel upon it, you will glean knowledge sufficient, to enable you to find the wisdom path; which walk- ing thereupon you may become wise enough to find the Portal to the Ocean Essence, Divine Love. If you desire to live in the Fourth Dimension, merge thou into the Essence which is Love Divine, Our Father-Mother-God. In this Essence of Love man does not lose the Wis- dom he has gained, but it becomes absorbed in Intel- lectual Illumination ; then it is the ego of Atman, the superconscious self becomes the expressed man; the inner has become the outer, the subjective his real, the objective being merged into Spirit Divine. This is redeemed man; "it is finished." This man's abiding place is not the Heaven of the man who is not free from the Wheel of Birth and Death, who still hath karmic debts waiting to be paid, "even unto the very last farthing." But Nirvana, the abode of the man who has broken the shackles of the carnal illusion, through the Spiritual quickening called the New Birth, or Baptism of the Holy Ghost, then gained Illumination sufficiently strong that the veil of flesh is rent in twain before his face. Here he finds himself, when his Illumination has merged into consciousness, in Nirvana, the home of the Free Soul. Gautama Buddha 's message is the call to Soul Free- dom. Jesus Christ said, "know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." Touch this Illuminated state, friends, where you 32 THE LOTUS PATH perceive you are at-one with God, that you are an individual Soul, in the Great Over-Soul ; then through your Vision Divine, you will understand there is none over thee, but the Supreme Spirit of the Uni- verse. To this state of Illumination, "even the gods bow." The door through which you pass, that you may attain unto the consciousness of Divinity is in thy heart. The lock is on the inside, it cannot be opened from without. Thou art the Key, open it and invite the entrance of the Father-Mother-God, the Christ, and His ambassadors. And according to your heart's desire, and request, will assistance be given you. Man himself, must open the door of his heart; but he requires assistance from high heaven until he stands a Free Soul, in Freedom. As the Free Soul, in conscious Freedom abides, Atman, being the reigning sovereign, man becomes Yogi, Adept, Rishi, Mohatma. Move forward, friends, move forward! God-con- scious freedom is the Goal, and Nirvana is thy destination. Man is here a Master, he is gentleness, kindness and serenity; these express in strength and courage, clothed in humility. The Christ, the Buddha, stand resplendent in Light ; which is the Glory of God. There is one destination for every Soul, Home. Thou the individual, art Atman, your Real Self, and forever in the Ocean Essence Divine, Aum. CHAPTER VI. VIBRATIONS. "* HE carnal man may study vibrations, trace them to their source, and understand their scientific workings; he may become able to detect the different vibrations in nature, and throughout the natural world. But the vibration of the Spirit, the Supreme Essence of the Universe, is the subject of this short chapter. God breathes, and the Breath of the Infinite ex- presses in Rhythm, in Harmony; if man is attuned to this key, he will detect the vibrations at once. If he is versed in the esoteric sufficiently to be a Divine Mystic, he at once vibrates in that key; he then expresses Rhythm and Harmony, and his environ- ments become attuned to this key ; then the vibrations of the Infinite are recognized by all Divine Mystics, as they come within the radius of his world. The Infinite breathes and Love vibrates throughout Infinity; but only ^hose who are attuned to the key of Love observe it: if he has deep insight, he will vibrate in rhythm with Love's vibration; and if he is perfectly attuned, he expresses Love, and his world vibrates in Love's vibration. And so long as he understandingly keeps himself in accord with the Spiritual Vibration of Love, he sees Love and Kind- ness expressed around him. The Infinite breathes, and the vibration of Peace vibrates throughout the length and breadth of Infin- ity. When man, through Love and Understanding, 33 34 THE LOTUS PATH vibrates in the key of Peace, there will be no more war in him, or his world. The Infinite breathes, and Life vibration expresses, and the man who is alert to vibration, becomes attuned to that key; and the abundant Life of the Spirit of God becomes vibrant in and through him. When man becomes attuned to the vibration of Life, Love, Peace and Harmony, he reads the differ- ent degrees of the vibration of the Soul concept ; even as easily as he reads the words which are written on the sign posts as he passes along. Those attuned to the same key vibrate together be they few or many. And as long as they vibrate in the one key, harmony expresses. But if one or more permit themselves to strike a lower key, he is out of tune, and will be carried out from the midst of those who are vibrating in harmony. If he desires to return and join this harmonious band, he must bring himself back to their vibration. The vibrations of the har- monized initiates do not change to suit the one who has struck the discordant note; he must again strike the harmonious note and vibrate in the vibration of harmony, ere he will be permitted to again meet with the circle of initiates. A discordant person will cause a cross-current of vibration from his mind, which will cause very much work on the part of the high initiates to counteract. Then we inform our chosen and prepared Gurus (teachers) that it no longer is required of them to give extra time to a chela who strikes a low, or dis- cordant vibration; except you know the heart link is very strong; "be the witness!'* and remember no illumined teacher has words or time to give to any one except they are sincerely in earnest: those who are not can easily find teachers who are teaching from the intellect only; these are not in so vital a mission as the Illumined One whose heart and head are united. VIBRATIONS 35 Every state of understanding of Truth hath its rate of vibration, therefore the one who is a spiritual reader of vibrations needs not to meet the personal of any man, he enters into the silence, touches his vibra- tion, and the spiritual seer easily reads, even though the man may run. It is vitally important that the student-devotee learns to read vibration, he then knoweth just where to place each one he meets. When the scribes approached The Master Jesus, He said to them, "Ye hypocrites! why come ye here to lay traps to ensnare me in my words?" He knew the thoughts in their minds, by first reading their vibrations. Spiritual vibration remains, after the carnal mind of man has become merged into the Divine Ego, (Atman). There are God-Conscious Masters dwelling in phys- ical bodies today, that they may be a radiant center for the God- Vibrations to vibrate through to bless the human family, by raising the vibrations of the earth man; and none but those who are attuned to these vibrations can stand in their presence. This can be attested to, by those who have traveled in India and come in touch with these holy men. It follows, if man reads the Spiritual Vibration, he is also a perfect reader of the vibrations in the natural world. There are two ways to get a cart to the top of the hill ; one is to draw it, the other is to get behind and push. Both will reach the hilltop, but one is much more laborious than the other. The man who learns to read the Spiritual Vibra- tions, and to vibrate in rhythm with them, draws the cart easily and directly to the summit of the hill; he turns neither to the right nor left. 36 THE LOTUS PATH Everything in the Universe is in vibration; the heart of the Mountain, the depth of the Sea, through- out the ethers of the Universe, the vibrations of the Infinite are ever in ceaseless action. Nature, the outer of God, vibrates in a lower, a slower vibration; and at certain places and times, the vibrations in nature become so low, stagnation is evident, and death is the result, that is, a change takes place, that the atoms which have become stag- nant in the low vibrations, may pass into a change where they eventually will vibrate in the vibration of Life again. Thus we see, in the process of nature, death takes place, that Life may become more fully expressed. We are not speaking of the Soul here, neither the Divine Man, as he does not belong in nature ; he does not vibrate in the lower vibration ; he, being a higher rate of vibration, can easily read the vibrations of nature and the natural man, and understandingly vibrate above them. When man becomes Illumined through the Secret Heart Teaching, he does not place the horse behind the cart, but he proceeds in order and godliness, with the Balance of Equilibrium in his hand; he, reading the vibrations moves steadily along, realizing the man who is vibrating in the vibration of Aum, is ever at the right place at the right time. CHAPTER VII. COMPLETENESS. 'W/'HAT do we understand completeness to be? The message given in this book is direct to the indi- vidual. Therefore, it is the completeness of the indi- vidual we here refer to. Man does not come into the full consciousness of completeness until he has passed around the circle of human experience, and arrives at the place where the karmic cloud shifts sufficiently that he may pierce the mist, and see the light-house with its light shining bright, not far from the shore. If man desires the benefit of the Light which shines from the light-house, he must arise and travel over the land which lies between him and the shore of the Ocean where the light-house stands ; then he must launch his bark upon the bosom of the Deep. Here Faith is necessary. It is not possible for man to reach the state of Completeness without Faith, it being the necessary implement; it is the lever; therefore, man having Faith moves along the Path even though he sees not the foot-prints of the Master in the Path before him ; he wavers not so long as he hath the lever in his heart and hand. St. Paul, an Initiate, said, " Faith is the evidence of things not seen." As long as man has Faith, he has the evidence of the unseen things : in the state of completeness Faith has merged into Vision Divine, then man sees and knows things as they are. Faith is the evidence of the Reality until Atman Con- sciousness is attained, then the seer sees with the eyes of Atman, which is Vision Divine ; it then is no longer 37 38 THE LOTUS PATH Faith but Reality to him. When man has reached the Atman Consciousnes he will walk a Master among his fellow men. Remember Atman is the Divine Man, and the superstitions and conceit of the East has fallen from him, also the bigotry and self-righteousness of the West. To Atman there is no East or West. He is conscious of the Absolute only. We inform you, friends, when man has scaled the heights even unto the Summit of Truth Absolute; Atman (the Divine Man), perceiveth the Fatherhood and Motherhood of God, and the Universal Brother- hood of the Sons of God; yes, he takes a step deeper in the Ocean Divine and perceives the " Oneness of All, and the Allness of the One.** The man in completeness sees completeness and per- fection in any direction he may look ; as he, seeing with the inner eye, seeth correctly. He sees unity in the midst of seeming diversity. An apple may be cut into two pieces, or a thousand ; it is one apple. Is it not? Is this subject of Completeness of any assistance to the man who is searching for the Truth? We see it is: therefore, we give a little light concerning it. We read in Genesis of the Hebrew Scriptures, that God created man in His Image and Likeness. An Image of God surely must be perfect. Can a thing be perfect and not be complete? Let us see: we see a rose bud, a beautiful bud, a perfect bud; is it com- plete? surely not. Because, completeness means the full blown rose. We see a beautiful babe, perfect in every part of its body. But we, even as we look at the perfection of the child, realize it is not complete ; because, we could not desire it to remain a babe; but desire it to grow into manhood, and to express perfect manhood. When perfect manhood is expressed, this is completeness. COMPLETENESS 39 "We see the man, whom God created in His Image and Likeness, and placed in Paradise, a perfect be- ing; however, he is as the innocent babe, he lovingly and trustingly abides in his Father's house until he desires a change ; he then passes out into a lower vi- bration, and the next record is the Garden of Eden; the next he passes into is a still lower rate of vibra- tion, and moves out from the Garden of Eden into human experience. When once man has stepped into the Garden of Eden, then out into the Wheel of Human Experience, he remains thereon, until he gleans the Light of Truth; which results in Illumination; which frees him from his shadows and illusions. Man is the perfect being whom God created in His image and likeness, but he does not bring this per- fection into completeness, until he is consciously a Free Soul, in Freedom Divine, and clothed with a completed form; the debris of earth having been washed away. He is then not only an innocent per- fect babe, in Paradise, but he is the full grown man, and returns to that place from whence he came, (his Father's House, the Source;) in Completeness. The carnal mind merged into Atman Ego, his physical body merged into the Atman form, which is composed of the Essence Divine. Do not be satisfied with anything less than com- pleteness. Remember it requireth a Master to ex- press completeness. The opportunity is at your door. The Essence Divine, is Aum, the Absolute ; * * Christ, was a conscious expressed drop of the Ocean Essence, in completeness; Buddha another." Thus we see the completed completeness expressed in Christ, through the man Jesus and the man Gau- tama; they proved their comprehension of complete- ness by their lives. Jesus Christ stands a Master in Completeness ; and, 40 THE LOTUS PATH by His works, causes men to see when the Divine Man has the reins ; he has God-given ability to prove himself a blessing to his fellow man. In completeness, there is Harmony, Life, Peace, Love and the completed man has no anxious thought concerning the things which he requires; he, in the conscious understanding of completeness, knoweth the Father's universe hath abundance for every expres- sion of Aum. He abides in this inner light, and rests in peace. Chelas, catch this abiding consciousness of a com- pleted man, and in peace and trust gather the lus- cious fruits which grow abundantly in the Father's Realm. Vibrate in that Realm, and no ill shall befall thee. Thou wilt not lack for any good thing, for God is able to raise the stones into bread if He so decrees. '"The prayers of a righteous man availeth much." Forget not to talk to the Father-Mother-God, through Christ, the Son. We have a good example of how to pray in Jesus Christ's prayers; we also recall the life He lived. The man who talks to God, from the deep of a self- ish heart, prays amiss. He not having made renun- ciation, is endeavoring to, ''fill a vessel which is al- ready full." Let completeness become expressed in completeness ; then the individual has solved his problem, and stands at home in the Source; in the Paradisiacal state; not only a perfect man, but a complete being; a drop of the Ocean Essence, in the Ocean, (Aum). CHAPTER VIII. RENUNCIATION. man awakens from the carnal sleep, he be- gins to search for something which is not found in carnality: he does not know this in his first en- deavors, therefore, he in all probability will walk close to the old and familiar paths, and search deep in the teachings which are of man's origin. These may enlighten his intellect, please his fancy and flatter his personal ego ; he may become so egotis- tical by being fed from that source, that the conclu- sion forms in his mind that he, the personal ego, can accomplish anything he may desire through his own thought and spoken word, and it is possible this ego may become so enlarged by feeding upon such food, he concludes that if, ' ' there is only one Being, ' ' and "he is that being," he can walk this earth, a lord over all who have not his light, and that he no longer needs, therefore, does not desire God's assistance. In this state, this personal ego scorns the assistance of the Masters of Love and Compassion, even though he may have read in some of his intellectual search- ings that these Masters in the White Brotherhood are the ambassadors of Christ. A bigoted and self-righteous state is not becoming to any one. "Pride cometh before a fall." Can the orange scorn the tree ? If it does, it loosens its close link, and falls to the ground. It has severed its connection from the tree; the tree remains un- moved; and continues to sustain all oranges which keep their conscious touch, or link with the tree. 41 42 THE LOTUS PATH The personal ego cannot carry man beyond its own realm; if there is a desire for that which is in the next dimension it is necessary he make a sacrifice; we are fully aware that many of our friends do not appreciate the word sacrifice, however, we shall use a stronger one, Renunciation. When man reaches the place where he desires the, ''Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, " the first requisite is Renunciation; this means the re- nunciation of the personal ego. Jesus Christ said, ' ' you cannot fill a vessel already full." Renunciation is the emptying of the vessel, that it may be filled with the Truth. When the personal ego is renounced, even unto ex- tinction, where is the man? What remains of him? He is in God, the Ocean Essence Divine. He is At- man, the Divine Man whom God brought into expres- sion at that dim dawn when God brought creation forth. When man has eliminated the personal ego sufficiently, he discovers his Real Self, that he is ; then Atman, the Real Self, continues to disrobe himself of the human ego, until he is stripped of his personal ego; he casts away selfishness, greed, self-righteous- ness, bigotry, conceit ; when these are gone, fear, doubt and superstition retire, having no place in the Atman to abide. Renounce the Self-will, " surrender thy human will unto God 's will. ' ' Then Atman, the Divine Self, which is the Son of God, being the Divine Essence, draws from Aum, all Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Peace and Harmony, as he desires. Atman in man, being that which God caused to be- come expressed in form, rests in peace in the Ocean Divine; he perceives his Father-Mother-God, "know- eth what he hath need of before he asks." He takes not anxious thought concerning anything, he under- standingly knows the Father sustains him; and the RENUNCIATION 43 bounty of the Infinite Universe is for him, not only for today, but throughout the Eternities to come. At- man understands that as long as he vibrates with the Heart of the Infinite, which centers in his heart (the Flame) he is perfectly linked with the Source, and like the orange, he draws his sustenance from the tree, (Aum, the Ocean Essence,) the Omnipresent God. The Master Jesus said, "Flesh and blood doth not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Flesh and blood of the physical man is a low vibration of the One Essence. What causes a low vibration? A discord- ant note. Sin is not necessarily the only thing that causes the vibrations to become low. We ask what is Sin? A mistake. When man makes a mistake, he misses the mark. The orange on the tree makes a mistake, when it begins to cause the link between itself and the tree to loosen, and thinking it can live independently of the tree, its vibrations become lower than the vibration of the tree ; as two rates of vibration cannot be united in harmony, the orange falls to the ground, a low vibra- tion. The orange has not committed sin, it only made a mistake. The vibrations of the earth do not vibrate in rhythm with the vibrations of the tree; neither do vibrations of flesh and blood vibrate with the vibrations of the Kingdom of Heaven. Man cannot be in two rates of vibration at the same time. We have the saying of the Illumined Initiate, ' ' choose ye this day whom you will serve. ' ' If man chooses to vibrate with the vibrations of Heaven (harmony) he finds it necessary at the start to renounce the lower vibrations. When man becomes deeply in earnest about attain- ing unto the Illumination, which brings him to the consciousness that he is Atman, the Divine Self; that he has lived in form, since the Father caused him to become an individualized form at the dawn, that he 44 THE LOTUS PATH was, " never born, and shall never die/' although he has lived many lives upon the earth; and that the destination of the Soul is the Source from whence he came, that this is Freedom ; and when he has returned there he is a Free Soul, and his home is Freedom, this is the God Conscious Freedom of the Soul; he then will desire to make any sacrifice, that he may attain unto this Illumination. This place is not attained by the personal ego ; it is entirely eliminated. Renunciation is the only way that will entirely un- clothe man of the human self. How does man re- nounce ? Begin by. being willing to submit his will to God's Will. Let human desires depart from the mind : ambition for wealth, for fame, for great luxury and idleness are among the first obstacles to be re- nounced; these do not belong to the Real Self, and are in no way appreciated by those who are walking upon the Sacred Path. Man does not lose when he makes this Renunciation, but gains, as the foundation of Atman the Divine Self, is the Eternal Rock, (God). Atman stands serenely upon the Rock (Truth) he trustingly abides in the Harbor of Peace and Love. He hath no care ; how could he when he is consciously in God, even as the drop is in the Ocean? He has nestled down close to the Father-Mother-God, and, 4 'God covers him with His feathers;" yes, "under His wing doth he abide." Man in that state is in a high vibration, he hears the throbbing Heart of the Infinite, as it touches the strings of the Infinite Harp, and he listens to the lul- laby of the Father-Mother, as She whispers so tender- ly that the vibrations reverberate throughout Infin- ity; he, with his ear attuned, hears the sweet melody of the lullaby ; his heart's door open, the heart vibrates with the Infinite Heart ; this is Heaven ; and truly no flesh or blood can enter here. With the eye of the RENUNCIATION 45 Divine Self he sees the Real as it is ; and he perceives perfection is expressed everywhere. This is what man gains by making his Renunciation, if he continues up- on the Sacred Path until he arrives at the destination. The call is to surrender thy self-will, unto God's Will and be guided by the Wisdom Divine, and be- come clean. * ' Your body is the Temple of the Living God," and Atman is the living God that dwells with- in it. When the personal ego is surrendered, the senses have been entirely subjugated by the outer ego; and when Atman Consciousness expresses in man, there are no longer the human sense desires ; they are gone, lost in the mist, where the personal ego has merged. The Divine Self, when it is the man, expresses in Purity, Holiness, Gentleness, Strength and Power. In Renunciation, man gains all, if he continues steadfastly upon the Path until he has become con- scious of the, * * Oneness of All, and the Allness of the One ; " or, that God and God manifest is all there in Reality Is. So-Be-It. CHAPTER IX. THE HEART CENTER. "* HERE are two centers the awakened man func- tions in ; the mind center, and the heart center, (the spiritual center). There are those who awake in the heart center and live a spiritual life in faith, love and obedience. There are those who awake in the mental; and this being the closing of a cycle, and the beginning of an- other, men's minds are very active. It is important that man becomes enlightened about the impersonal God, but when the mind touches this, it becomes an instrument of energy; having touched the Ocean of Energy. When the mind awakes to the reality of the imper- sonal God, in man's effort to forget his former con- ception of a personal God, he, endeavoring to eliminate his idea of personality, may lose his reverence, love and appreciation of, and for, God. As we have ex- pressed in previous lessons, this changes his vibra- tions; and he comes into the mental vibration. If he continues thus he will finally stand in the outer or mental ego, and having changed his vibration from spirit to mind, he has not a strong link with the om- nipresent God, therefore it becomes necessary he de- pend upon his own efforts in teaching the Truth as he sees it, or in healing, along the line of thought and spoken word. It is quite easy, when man awakens and is taught to use his mind to bring to him things which he desires. We then see him set about to use his mind to gather to him wealth, fame and personal 46 THE HEART CENTER 47 luxury ; he works from the mind center, the head ; but we remember that John the Baptist, who symbolizes the intellect, was beheaded. And the call of the Fath- er-Mother-God, has ever been, "give me thy heart/' The awakening of the mind is necessary, and a cer- tain work necessarily must be done in the mind, that the individual may attain Freedom. The Carnal Mind in man is the only thing that hangs between thee and thy God. As there is naught between thee and the dome of the blue vault above, so there is nothing between thyself and the Infinite. When the Carnal Mind is caught, bridled and fastened securely in its stall; leave it there, it has held you in Maya (the Great Illusion) long enough. Atman, the Divine Self, is the Super-Conscious Man, and ever At-one-ment with the Father-Mother- God; and has the Divine Intelligence operating in him: therefore he has wisdom, and acts wisely. At- man, the Real Self, does not draw his wisdom from the Brain, it is not his center of action; the Brain is merely his instrument to express through. Atman is the spiritual man, the heart is the spiritual center of man ; therefore, he centers in the heart, and draws that which he desires from the Omnipresent Ocean Essence, which is Aum, through the open door of his heart; Atman swung wide the door of his heart, he remembers Jesus, the Elder Brother hath said, speak- ing from His God-consciousness, l ' I stand at the door of every man's heart, and knock; if he will open it and invite Me, I will enter and abide with him." And that he would, "sup with him." What is the mean- ing of the term, "sup with him?" He will co-operate with man when he becomes spiritually awakened, and centers in the heart center. Then it is easy to be seen it is in the heart center that prayer is to be spoken, when the desire is the assistance and guidance of the Father-Mother-God; 48 THE LOTUS PATH if the heart is clean, having renounced selfishness, and the prayer is unselfishly uttered, it is heard by the Infinite, and the answer is sure if man is in tune with the Infinite. When man has made his renunciation and entered upon the Sacred Path, he abandons the mind center. It is a stage which he has left behind. When man has passed thus far upon the Path, those in the men- tal realm cannot deceive him; he reads them with clear vision; as the vision of the spirit, is far more clear and strong than the vision of mind. When a man is climbing the mountains, he climbs to the highest one he sees, he may become satisfied this is the highest peak, however, there may be those standing near him who know far different, because they have found other peaks much higher. As long as man is self-satisfied, or bigoted in his belief that he is on the highest peak, even though it may be a foot- hill, the Sage passes him by; but smiles at the little- ness of his conception. The mind center is limited, and all who become an- chored there become limited. Why? Because, mind will finally become merged into the Essence Divine. When this is accomplished his center is his heart. The Atman, the Super-Conscious Self, looks into the heart center; he finds the flame there, a flame of the Infinite Fire. Separate a flame from its source, and the flame becomes extinct. The Flame in man's heart is a flame of the Infinite Fire; and from the fact it is not extinct, proves it is connected with the Infinite. We read in Scripture, "God is a consum- ing fire," man being the flame, and at-one with the Infinite Fire, all dross will eventually become con- sumed, then Atman, the Divine Self, has arrived at Home ; He here perceives he is a drop of, and a drop in, the Ocean Divine; and this is Aum. (the imper- sonal God). THE HEART CENTER 49 Shall man at the state where he finds himself at home in the Ocean Divine, forget the Personal God? Not so. Here he becomes acquainted with the Divine Mother (Kali). She is God-Love expressed in form, and She expresses universal Love. When man has passed from the ancient belief of a personal God of wrath, into the mental understanding of the imper- sonal God, his next step is to become acquainted with the Divine Mother (the Personal God). The Ancients symbolized Her by using the White Lotus, which ex- presses in form, from the formless; and is a symbol of purity and love, (white being a symbol of purity, and deep yellow of Love). She rests serenely and steadfastly upon the Bosom of Aum, as the lily rests on the bosom of the water. Thus we have the blue Ocean symbolic of Aum, (the impersonal God), the Father; and the Lotus reposing upon the bosom of the water, symbolic of Kali, the Divine Mother, the Personal God. Go deep into your heart center, sincere friends, you may find a Lotus of purity and love there; if you do, dig deep and find where its roots are anchored. Should you touch the Consciousness-Divine, (all things being possible with God) you may see with the Vision Divine that you are the Lotus. Look up friends! and search out the Divine possi- bilities of man. It has not been idle play that the different Incarnations have come to earth, and dwelt among the men of earth. Brothers! those who have become self-righteous, and self-satisfied, let us inform you the Living God is near, even in thy heart; you cannot from Him depart ; because He is Omnipresent ; you cannot live without Him; for God is your very Breath, your Life. When man finds the heart center, and how to enter there and become in one accord with the " Being that Is, ' ' he begins to taste of satisfaction, and it will final- ly become Divine Satisfaction. CHAPTER X. FINDING ATMAN. of the requirements of the Chela upon the Path is that he find his Real Self. Only a few words are given here, as much teaching is necessary that man may come to the full Realiza- tion of his Divine Self which is Atman, the Knower Self. This is wrought out through the heart center. The Path of the White Lotus, or the Secret Heart, is the Path of Love and Devotion. When the Chela upon the Bhakti Path, finds, then realizes he is Atman, the Knower Self, he finds him- self in the Ocean Essence Divine ; then reverence and appreciation, for the Great God becomes expressed in him through devotion. It is in the heart center he expresses his gratitude to God; and in the Atman consciousness, he in strength, courage and ability expresses; but he is clothed in gentleness and humility; these express in kindness and tolerance toward his fellow man. 50 CHAPTER XI. AT-ONE-MENT WITH THE GREAT "I AM." I T IS in the Illuminated state in man where he comes into the realization of himself as Atman, the Divine Self ; and the at-one-ment of the Divine Self with the Great"! Am." In this deep recognition of the Real as it is, man realizes that, ' ' as above, so it is below. ' ' The ' ' I Am ' ' being the Omnipresence of the Infinite, it being the All, and expressed in All, the dew-drop can easily slip into the shining sea, the "I Am" yet remain in the sea, and retain its individuality. When man has the full Illumination which brings him into conscious soul freedom, in Freedom Divine, he is consciously and understandingly in the Ocean Essence Divine, but he in this Illuminated state of at- one-ment, loses not his individuality, but retains it; not only as an idea, but his form is as perfect as at the dawn. Thus you can see when man has found Atman, and merges into him, he then being one man, and has his realization of his at-one-ment with the "I Am", which is the Infinite, his next step is redemption for the body, (the Temple) ; this through the vibration of the Atman becomes merged into the Divine Vibra- tion, and is finally merged into Atman ; he then is the Illuminated Cross, or, a Bright and Shining One. Man then enjoys the companionship of the Glorified Ones, and he, as they, lives conscious of his at-one-ment with his Father-Mother-God. Then he moves along softly, yet in strength, and is willingly and sincerely about his Father's business; it matters not to him where his field of action is. He is the "Son of the Solitude", he is a "Divine Mystic", he hath touched 51 52 THE LOTUS PATH the Great Mystery when he perceived his at-one-ment with the Infinite; he ever remembers God being the Great Mystery can at any time express above man's vainest imaginations. He has learned that God, the Great Mystery, ex- presses in the bulb, and the beautiful white lily comes forth. He expresses in the tree, and fruit comes forth. Man may dissect the bulb, he may carve it into pieces, but the mystery evades him. The carnal man even by searching, cannot find God. But Atman, the Divine Self, ever knoweth his At- one-ment with the Father ; thus we see if man desires to touch the Great Mystery, God, he must become Atman- Consciousness : this is the Great Mystery ; when man perceives this, he is a Divine Mystic ; and if he is alone in the mountain vastness, or the desert deso- lation, or the busy marts of a great city, he vibrates with the mystics who are conscious of their at-one- ment with the "I Am" of the Universe, which is the Infinite: and ere many moons pass he will come in touch with them in the outer, if he so desires. When man has realized the At-one-ment with the Omnipresent Aum, the Father-Mother-God, he then rests in the green fields of Paradise; he walks be- side the River of Life, he rests in the shade of the Tree of Life. He lives in consciousness of the One- ness of the All; and of the Eternity as it IS. In contentment he serenely dwells here; he appre- ciates the song of the birds ; he enjoys seeing the sheep gathered into the fold; there is no night there; he has merged into Eternity, where Light is Supernal, and there is no setting sun. The soft zephyrs fan his brow, he inhales the per- fume from the flowers of Paradise. He may watch the soft fleecy clouds as they pass between him and the blue dome above him, but they do not disturb him; he is serenely anchored in the Heart of God. AT-ONE-MENT. CHAPTER XII. FREEDOM. pREEDOM divine ! it is the home of the Soul, It is the Realm of Light, Love and Peace. No cloud of darkness passes here, all is Light. And man is rocked in the cradle of the Deep. The Soul at home in freedom, consciously Rests in the Soul's bliss supernal; The chains of darkness are snapped asunder, His home is the Infinite Universe. He soars in realms divine, and Rides on the crest of the waves of the sea ; He rests on the mountain summit, Or spreads his pinions to other climes. What careth he for forest dark? Or the bleakness and cold of the north, Or the soft breezes of the tropical clime? He has scaled the heights. Things of the carnal disturb him not, He is anchored in the great deep ; And holdeth a balance in his hand: He loveth both God and man. The Illumined Soul in Freedom, Is conscious of the great completeness. He abides in the center of his being; Thus doing, he is forever at home. 53 54 THE LOTUS PATH The soul in freedom, knoweth his Father, He recognizes the Supreme Spirit, And boweth in reverential appreciation Of his Source, his Father-Mother-God. He rests serenely upon the bosom of Aum; Even as the Lotus nestles upon the water; He has learned the secret of the Universe. "To Be." He, anchored in the deep serenely abides at home. He lists to the lullaby of the Infinite, Chanting soft and low over the harp of infinity; He feels the touch of the Infinite Heart, And knows he is at one with All. CHAPTER XIII. THE BALANCE. \Y/'HEN man has studied concerning the deep things of God, until they become a reality to him, he then perceives, he, being an individual ex- pression of the Father-Mother-God, it is his province to bring into expression in the outer world, the per- fection and completeness of that which he, in the Di- vinity of himself, is. In bringing the Divine Man, (Atman) into expres- sion in the outer form, and manifesting this in the outer world, man requires balance. Therefore the Father places a balance in the hand of every student- devotee as he approaches the Portal of entrance to the Sacred Path. When man has heard the " Still Small Voice of God" sufficiently to become aroused, and begins to study concerning the Truth, which is God, and His message to man ; if in his searchings he strikes a key that vibrates with his inner self, the Real Self (At- man) he soon becomes so deeply in earnest he is a student-devotee, one who in reverence and apprecia- tion goes deep into the teachings concerning the Ocean Essence Divine, which is the Omnipresent God. As man studies concerning this Ocean Essence of which his form, He, the Real Man, is formed; then of the Father-Mother-God who ever abides in this Essence, both personal and impersonal, Love Divine begins to express within him ; for this Infinite is ever near, yea, even within him, and at the same time is everywhere; and realizes that the center of the In- 55 56 THE LOTUS PATH finite to him, is in his own heart, and can hear every thought and word there spoken; and that the "circumference of the Infinite is nowhere, " it being the Absolute, and all there in reality is. Man hav- ing touched the Essence Divine, walks upon the Bhakti Path, which is the Path of Love and devotion. As man moves along upon the Path he becomes con- scious of the Absolute Truth, concerning God, man and the Universe ; however, this is the Inner, or Spir- itual to him; and he sees the reality of it with the eye of Faith, and the eye of Inner seership ; which eye, is the eye of Atman, (the Real Self) ; and we will add here, as man becomes clearer in inner sight, he moves forward into deeper seership, until he has the fullness of the inner sight; this is Vision Divine. And all Souls upon the Bhakti Path will come into this clear vision, as the Atman pierces the veil of the carnal mind. The vision of Atman has never grown dim, and he is the man who has moved down the ages, since that dim dawn when man became an in- dividual, God causing him to take form in "His im- age and likeness." This is digressing just a little from the main sub- ject; however, it is an opportune place to express a deep secret to the awakened man, and we are fully aware the unawakened will not hear it; but we call to remembrance, that same state of mind did not hear Gautama Buddha, neither Jesus, the Christ. This secret is, "God has created man in His Image and Likeness." This being true, what is man? God said He created man in His image and likeness, did He not? Then, to perceive what man is, man necessarily must know what God is. This is the mystery just back of the curtain. With Insight and Illumination, brush the curtain aside ; and behold, thou art At-one with God. THE BALANCE 57 What have the Incarnations, the Illumined Sages, Prophets and Rishis discerned God to be? Aum, the impersonal and omnipresent One, and Kali (the Word), the personal. Let the deep devotee search here, and he will become quickened by God Himself, into the Truth concerning man. As we stated above, the vision of Atman, thy Divine Self, has never grown dim; but he being encased in the physical body when he takes birth, the physical man being the outer man, has control, in fact thinks he is the man, and sincerely so; because his vibra- tions are lower than the vibration of Atman, and he does not know Atman, the Real Self, exists; then man begins to feel the urge of Atman, and some one exclaims, man has a Soul; then another cries out, Soul is of God ; then another one catches a flash light from the Infinite, and he announces the Soul is Im- mortal, therefore cannot die. As man moves along in the Light of Truth Abso- lute concerning God, Man and the Universe, he real- izes the inner, or the reality of that which is, in its impersonal or unmanifest presence; and the expres- sions of this unmanifest Essence into forms ; and that these expressions compose the Infinite Universe ; and the myriad systems of universes within it, including all forms from the atom, the blade of grass, the grain of sand, the mountains and seas; and all the differ- ent kingdoms, and man, ll God's crowning glory." This the Illumined Sage perceives to be the Absolute, as it is. However, the student-devotee finds as he looks around him with his outer eye the eye of the physi- cal man, he sees the relative world; this is nature; and man, and all things, live in nature's laws, and is subject to them. The unawakened man believes this to be the Real. But the awakening man soon sees there is something behind this changing panorama that is permanent, therefore, Eternal. 58 THE LOTUS PATH When the awakened man starts upon the Sacred Path, it is necessary he carry a balance in his 'hand, also, a Square and Compass. But without the Bal- ance, he most likely will not travel far upon the Path. This Sacred Path is where man comes into the understanding of himself as he really is, and the Uni- verse as it is ; and Nature as it is. This is a new route to him; not having traveled it before, he treads lightly; but with the Balance in his hand his steps are strong and firm. He, with the Balance in his hand, will not become fanatical about the Real, as it is; but accept it and in under- standing become serene, sure and steadfast; and in reverence, and appreciation he walks bravely on ; and ever wears a robe of humility ; and this will eventually cover a Master, if he always carries the Balance. It is not fanaticism which helps men through the Great Illusion, Maya; or assists our fellow men to find the way out of the Illusive Forest. Neither does it as- sist man, if the other side of the Balance hangs low, and he steps aside into the green fields to gather the carnal flowers, as these will fade and disappear, and he will perceive he has been delayed awhile ; this may be the few years of one birth, or a few centuries. How- ever, when he gets the Balance so it hangs even he will again walk direct in the center of the Path, and if he has learned his lesson he will not loiter again. As man, (even though Illumined concerning Truth Absolute), moves in the world, he requires constant vigilance on his part to meet each and every experi- ence of daily life, be it pleasant or unpleasant, and remain serene and unmoved. This he can do, if he remembers to carry the Balance; remembering there is a time for all necessary things ; and a proper place for him to be at all times. To thus do, and be, it re- quires constant, prayer, "in season and put of sea- son;" a constant realization of the Real as it is ; and THE BALANCE 59 Love and appreciation for the great "I AM/' which is, was, and ever will be ; the One that is the All, and the All that is the One. Carry thy Balance steadily here, brothers, as the Light is strong, and it requires the strength of the Soul, "the Real, the Divine Self," to soar into this realization; and there the Balance must be kept in thy hand if you be empowered to remain. We see Nature, "which is the outer garment of God, ' ' all about us ; we love Nature in all its different moods; we stand in awe, before the darkening clouds as we watch the cyclone approach. We bow in ap- preciation as we watch the setting sun, and its beauti- ful after glow as it is spread on mountain-tops, over the valleys, deserts and plains. We walk amidst the mystery of Nature in the ice-embraced North. We rest in the shade of the trees of the tropical climes; and list to the songs of the little songsters, as they warble forth in gratitude to AUM. We silently sit by the seaside, and while listening to its sound, mur- muring in the softness of low tide, or the thunderous tones of the high ! We think on the mightiness of it all ; and as we meditate upon the wonders of Nature, man may pierce the veil, and find Almighty God, just there, and everywhere. Man may climb to the moun- tain summit, and become entranced by the beauty with which God hath clothed all : he may, through the emotions being stirred, (the emotions ever belong to the outer man, and not to the Real Self) express in ryhthmic harmony, in music or in verse. Man in the emotional state, has not become Illum- ined concerning the Real and the Relative. But he is in a fair way to reach the straight line if he desires to be taught to find that straight and direct line, which lieth between that which is Eeternal, which is God, and God in expression; and Nature, "which is the outer garment of God," (the Eternal). 60 THE LOTUS PATH Nature is ever changing ; we have Springtime, Sum- mer, Autum and Winter; then Springtime, Sum- mer, Autum and Winter; a continuous change; for- ever coming and forever going. Do we place a scan- dal upon Nature or condemn it in any way ? No ! The fully Illumined Sage moves out from his cave of deep meditation with a Balance in his hand; he sees the dividing line everywhere; he sings his songs of praise to the invisible Omnipresence; and appre- ciates Nature in any mood it approaches him. The Sage has learned ere he attained full Illumination, that it is necessary to disentangle himself from the carnal man's nature, desires and ambitions. He has listened to the teachings of the Ancients concerning Renunciation; and at this place on the Path hath learned them, and put them into practice and proved them true; and stands an Illumined Sage. He hath held the Balance firmly in his hand, and now can love and appreciate Nature, and at the same time remain anchored deep in God, the Omnipresent Aum. The unawakened man requires a Balance even as he moves along in the world. Equilibrium! This is required in the world; and it is necessarily essential in the Spiritually Illumined Sage. An Illumined Sage means an Illumined Saint. There are many Saints who have become thus through Faith; this is good; we would there were more. There are no mis- takes in the workings of the Great Law, and every one is at the right place upon his Path. The Illumined Saint heard a call sound one day; it said to him, Jesus Christ, the Great Initiate, said to His fellow man, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." And started in the di- rection it indicated. St. Paul said, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." When THE BALANCE 61 we know this, we have the Real within our midst. The Real is the Truth. This consciousness of the Truth brings man to the Oneness, also the At-one-ment with the Infinite. It is necessary man carry his Balance in his hand every moment of the day, and every hour in the twen- ty-four. As man meets unexpected and perplexing problems, if he is anchored, and has understanding unto Illumination, he is ever poised amidst any con- dition, be it the calmness of the blue sky, or the raging storm of the great Deep. The Father-Mother-God hath whispered through the lips of His Prophets, "Abide in Me." "I will never leave or forsake thee." King David so closely nestled to the Heart of the Infinite in his trysting times, that he sang to his brothers about the sublimity of it. He said, ' * He that dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." "He will cover you with His feathers, under His wing shall you trust. " Come with us, our brothers, into the deep Light of the Absolute ; and let your Souls sing the song of the Eternal, that is never silenced by setting suns. Come climb with us to the mountain summit; and view the Universe o'er, and with the Vision Divine see Nature merge into the Absolute and perceive the Infinite, as He expresses His Eternal Self in all the different forms; then keeping the Balance in your hand, you walk in the world amidst your fellow man, in the appearance of a mortal ; but an Immortal hath taken his place; you, realizing this, are a blessing to your fellow man. David, when only a shepherd lad quietly watched his sheep, taking them out to pasture in the morning, remaining with them through the day, and gathered them into the fold at even-tide that they may be pro- 62 THE LOTUS PATH tected through the night; we here have a picture of his faithfulness to his outer duties ; and the time came, when the people required help, that the land might become freed from the giant, Goliath. When they told the lad about it, he said, "I can do that." The giant came clothed in the preparation of de- fense from his view-point. David had brought his sling along, (his Balance), He went to the brook and gathered five small stones. The giant scorned the idea of combat with such a lad. What did David do ? He reminded them, that his God was great enough to re- move any evil influence from the land, if the people trusted in Him; then prayed. In every department of man's ongoings, the Bal- ance is necessary; and remember it must hang even- ly balanced, that the vibrations of the Infinite may vibrate in and through man, that he be assisted at all times, and like ^David, is ready to prove himself a blessing to his brothers. CHAPTER XIV. Is PRAYER ESSENTIAL? I N GIVING forth the message of the Absolute Truth, ' upon the Knowledge Path, to assist man to find his way out from Maya: our foundation is the Abso- lute, which is God and God manifest, and which is all there in reality is. Different states of the awakening man wonder why, if this is true, man should pray, or in any way ask assistance from any source, as he is informed by the Illuminati that God's works are perfect, and change not. It is easily to be seen, such a state of mind is not Illumined. If it were, it could see that man, although in his Divine Self is a perfect expression of God, yet, in his outer, or physical self, he requires assistance that he may pass out from the Great Illusion. After the Soul of man becomes encased in the form of the physical, or natural world, and vibrating in that vibration, he having lost his way, requires guid- ance and assistance that he may find his way out from this state; the Ancients have called it the, " Forest of Illusion," or, "Maya"; and some call it the, "Mist." We read in Genesis of the Hebrews Scrip- tures, "that a mist arose." The Soul of man, as it vibrates in low enough vibra- tion to touch the mist, becomes lost in it; and when he is quickened so the desire becomes evident within him, to escape from it, he knows not the way that will bring him to the open. Here is where man prays; it may at first be the 63 64 THE LOTUS PATH prayer of blind faith to a vague and far away God; but remembering St. Paul, a high Initiate, said "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evi- dence of things not seen." Man in prayer is setting in operation a law which will bring to him his desired guidance, and assistance. God ever heareth the call of His children, even though it may be a feeble one; if it is unselfish and sincere. The innocent child can utter its prayer in childlike trust and faith, not knowing anything about, if God is far, or near; and it will be answered; the child has met the requirements, belief; it believes in God and His ability and willingness to hear and answer its prayer, when it expresses its desire. Herein lieth a secret; prayer must be expressed, it matters not if it is silent or audible, although there are times when it is wise, and best, to voice the request or prayer aloud. And at other times it is wise to silently commune with the Father-Mother-God. It is well when man requires assistance from high Heaven, to solve his problems in his relative life, that he call to remembrance David, the shepherd lad; he was faithfully tending his flocks, doing that which was duty at hand, at the same time he was so con- centrated, contented, balanced and poised, that he could step .from the quiet grazing ground of the flock in the hill country, or on mountain side, into an open conflict with the giant Goliath. Goliath, the giant, who was causing such deep dis- turbance among the people, is symbolical of the Ad- versary. The Adversary is that opposing force which is ever operating, that the mist may remain so thick that man may not find his way out; but when one becomes strong enough to brush the mist aside and start upon the Path, which, if he travels he will pass out from Is PRAYER ESSENTIAL? 65 the Illusive Forest, then the Adversary operates, first in one guise and another. It is here again, that prayer is necessary; and if man will continue to call to the Father-Mother-God, remembering Jesus Christ said, "Ask, seek and knock. " The Father's Light will light his path and he will see the way. As man comes near the edge of the Forest, more is required of him than calling for assistance; here it is, he must get so close to God understandingly, that he can talk face to face with God; because, the Light is very bright and strong beyond the Illusive Forest and man must understandingly vibrate with the Light, as he nears the edge of the Forest ; so, when he steps into the full Light, he can become that Light; and not be blinded by its brightness. As man approaches the outer edge of the Illusive Forest, Carnality, being upon the Sacred Path, where the Holy Initiates of all ages have trod, he vi- brates in the vibrations of those who have passed along before him. Here, he being near the fullness of Light, prays as Jesus, the Great Initiate, did; Jesus talked as familiarly to the Father-Mother-God, as a child talks to its fleshly parents. Brothers, get the key of Prayer from the example which Jesus Christ set. Even though Jesus fully and understandingly knew that the Infinite knew all, He said, "The Father ever knoweth what ye have need of before ye ask Him." But we find Jesus placed in expressed form His re- quests to the Father-Mother. Note the results of His prayers. He, not asking amiss, His prayers were an- swered; but we note this, His prayers were not for Himself, but His brothers; in other words, His were unselfish prayers, and voiced unselfishly. Thus pray- ing, the Esoteric Laws were set in action, and they acted unceasingly until the request was fulfilled. 66 THE LOTUS PATH The widow woman, to whom Elijah came, limited her request by the number and size of the vessels she placed to be filled with oil. Elijah prayed, the oil ran until all the vessels were filled, then the oil ceased to run. The operation of the Law had not ceased, neither the Power to cause the oil to flow; but the Occult spring was touched by the widow woman. Now, if that was sufficient oil, she acted in wisdom; but if not, she showed lack of Faith. There is a deep secret in prayer, and the Godly man finds the Key. Jesus Christ used the key, unlocked the door, and stood At-one-ment with the Father- Mother-God ; and when the call came from the hungry multitudes that had been listening so long to the mes- sage of Truth, and had neglected the physical man and were hungry ; Jesus, taking the loaves and fishes in His hands, prayed to the Father; He touched the Source from which a thing comes; He blessed them; then breaketh them, and gave them to the Disciples to distribute to the hungry people. What else do we read in connection with this ? Every one received sufficient ; and twelve baskets full of the fragments were gathered. There are two points worth notice to the man who is nearing the Light at the edge of the Forest. Jesus wisely prayed; there was sufficient for all. And the fragments were gathered ; showing the Law and Order in operation, also that nothing is to be wasted. Thus we see the expression of good stewards; all devotees upon the Path are called to be good stewards. These take notice of the little things, as well as the great. We here again re- member the Nazarene said, "not even a sparrow fall- eth, but the Father knoweth." If the Father, the In- finite, takes note of the sparrow, shall not man pa- tiently, lovingly, serenely and courageously move along, and through Love and Understanding nestle Is PRAYER ESSENTIAL? 67 close to the Bosom of God, even as King David did when he sang his Psalm. If Jesus, the Elder Brother, the Conscious Son of God, talks to the Father-Mother-God, we can surely see it is important we do so. We remember what He said about the prayer of the Pharisees. Also, the recognition He gave to the prayer of the Publican. A student-devotee should pray much ; and endeavor to gain understanding as to how to pray. And he should become so Illumined that he is willing that God answers prayer, in any way He desires. God has ever used His angels in answering the prayers of the men of earth when He deems best. These are those who have been so long around the Throne of God, they know no will but the Will of the Father. This is the White Brotherhood, which is ever assisting mankind under the direct guidance of Jesus Christ. God is the Infinite Mystery: He can manifest in the heart of a tree, in a fuller expression of life, in answer to the spoken prayer of a Son of the Solitude, in His Great Mystery: or He can respond through sending a Master in the Great Brotherhood to assist, if He so decrees. Who is man that he should decree to God, that He must answer his prayer in just the way he desires? O man, thou art only a drop in the Infinite Ocean; and while thou art calling to remembrance thy greatness by being one drop of the Divine Source, forget not, that a drop has a small place to fill and call upon the Infinite for guidance and assistance, that you may fill the place perfectly; that is, in Wisdom, Humil- ity, Love and Gentleness; and at the same time in such strength, that Mastership may become evident within thee. Love for God, and your fellow man; these are the expressions of a master; a Master ever remembers to 68 THE LOTUS PATH pray. He loves the quiet hours of sweet communion with the Omnipresent God. He loves the Infinite Lullaby, as the Divine Mother softly chants it to the children of men. He eats of the Bread of Heaven, and drinks of the Water of Life. Prayer is essential, ere man passes out from the Il- lusive Forest into the full Light of God, and perceives he is a Son of the Living God in expression : yet, that he is God expressed; and becomes God-conscious. Let your prayers be unselfish, sweet and sublime: nestle close down in the Infinite Heart, then whisper soft and low thy request ; and the promise is, God will answer your prayer. CHAPTER XV. LIGHT, THE SOURCE. TTHE Son of God, Christ, was begotten in Light: yes, He is Light; as God is Light and expresses in Light, there is naught there but Light. We read in the Hebrew Scriptures darkness was over the face of the deep, and God moved upon the face of the Deep. How can there be darkness in Light 1 This darkness exists in the minds of the men of earth. Light is God, and God is omnipresent. Where can darkness be? The Light of God being omnipresent it shines in the Forest of Illusions, Maya; but man being con- fused while living there perceives it not; confusion causes a mist to form before the eyes. Man cannot see clearly in mist; and if he wanders into deep mist, darkness expresses in him, and he does not perceive the Light. Every man, as he lives and moves onward through the great Illusion, Maya; sees according to the dens- ity of the mist which enfolds him: even as men with different colored glasses, see according to the color of the glass which he sees through ; if blue, all things appear blue to him, and if he is not enlightened he be- lieves the whole world is blue. If he talks to another man who has red glasses and tells him all things are red, and this man is not awake to the fact it is only the glasses he is looking through that conveys to him this color; and each believing in the limited view of their own vision, they at once clash. However, the world remaineth the same, and is not disturbed over 69 70 THE LOTUS PATH the clash of one or many of the children of earth. They being in the mist see things as, ''through a glass darkly. " A blind man may live in the sunlight, he may feel its warmth and be benefitted by its health-giving rays. But he sees only darkness. The blind man, losing the objective consciousness of sight, is plunged into dark- ness. But, if Atman expresses strong enough within him, he will become able to see with the inner eye, the eye of the Real Self ; hear with the inner ear, and through Atman within his heart's center, touch the Essence Divine, which is Light. This within his heart being the God Light, has never grown dim. Thus we find many men who are blind, enjoying a depth of Divine Assurance which the man who sees with the outer eye only, may not have tasted. It matters not how dark the Forest in which man is, it remaineth true, Light is Omnipresent. When man is in a dark forest, and knoweth not the way out, he may become weary of searching far and near, and calling aloud ; but if he should pray for guidance, and feel the silent presence of Love flutter near him, and a hand, (the hand of God) touch him, then listen in the Silent Chamber of his Soul, he will be informed the, "Light is within thee!" Thou art, "the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world;" this is the message of the Infinite to all Sons of God. Then be ye still in the secret silent chamber of your own soul, and behold the light will spring forth ; and it will light thy path, until thou hath reached the edge of the Forest where it is merged into the Light which is the Source; and in which no darkness can enter, or abide. Then thou canst see, 0, Soul Divine, thou dost be- come the Essence of the Source, as you leave the For- est of Illusion behind, which is Carnality; the LIGHT, THE SOURCE 71 Wheel of Birth and Death. Thou here, art the Flame which thou didst discover in thy heart away back in the Forest. By your pressing on toward the ''High Calling of Jesus Christ," the Flame in thy heart has been in constant action, fed by the Infinite Fire, and as you moved along the Path toward the place where the Forest merges into the Infinite Fire, (the Light Supernal), it has been consuming every thing around it which is unlike itself. Let the wise virgin stand with the lamp trimmed and burning; he then is ready to receive his call for action; it matters not to him if it comes at the mid- night hour, at dawn, at the rising of the sun, at high noon, or the quiet evening time as the sun sinks be- hind the western horizon, he is ready. He can step at the sound of the bell into the Light Absolute. This is the Source from which Atman, the Divine Self, of every man, came, and the destiny to which all will return. It is man's prerogative, if he chooses to wan- der in the Great Forest for ages, or Kalpas, or if he becomes in earnest, and goes direct to the Light. The destiny of Atman, the Divine Self, of every one upon the earth in this or any age is fixed, it is sure and steadfast; it is the Source from which he came, the Ocean Essence Divine, the Father-Mother-God. Paradise his home ! But man in his carnal concept of himself shapes his own destiny in this; by his thoughts, words, and deeds, he sets the law of Cause and Effect into opera- tion ; and the Master Jesus said, * ' man does not then escape until he has paid even unto the very last farth- ing." This is called Karma by the Ancients. As long as man is asleep in the carnal dream, and living in the Forest of Illusions, in his ignorance he causes, sometimes, a strong chain of karma to be forged, not knowing he must return and break every link of the chain, ere he has finished his problem ; and 72 THE LOTUS PATH we find the family of men in all states and stages of unhappiness, unrest, limitation, and so forth. When Gautama, the Hindu Bard, looked out upon the Rela- tive Life of his fellow man, he was stirred,; and he desired to ascertain the cause of the suffering he saw around him. To do so, he renounced all, and became a Holy Beggar ; that he might come close to the Omni- present One, and thereby glean the Light. After sev- en years of thus living, and sweetly desiring to find the Light, one day as he sat under the "tree/* the Light came; Gautama became Buddha, the Enlight- ened One. Then he exclaimed, "ignorance is the cause of this misery." As long as man is lost in the mist he lives in that state which Gautama called ignor- ance, and continues to cause link after link to become attached to his chain. Man may be very intellectual in the world's way of doing and standing; and at the same time be in ignorance concerning the vital things of the Soul. About Five Hundred Years after Gautama became Buddha, Jesus Christ announced to His brothers, the men of earth, "ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." Thus we see the Hindu Bard discovered the cause of man's misery; and Jesus, the Nazarene Master, gave the instructions by which, if carried out to the final, man will find himself free ; not only free in the Forest, and this is good; but a Free Soul, at home in the Source ; having left the For- est entirely behind. This is better : yes, it is best. This Soul, then, as he steps from the edge of the Forest into the Source, the Light, passes into Nir- vana; and this is Nirvana as Buddha described; he here still having the power of choice, can choose to merge into the Ocean Essence, and rest throughout the Kalpas; or become an active Brother, and work with the Brothers of Love and Compassion, to assist mankind who are still lost in the Forest of Illusion, to find the Light, become the Light; and step forth LIGHT, THE SOURCE 73 into the Source. This Soul has passed beyond the heavens, into the seventh stage, where there are no longer any karmic debts for him to pay, therefore, no more births except he so desires, that he may come to earth again and work direct on this plane. Beware, brothers, when you entertain strangers, ''You may be entertaining angels unawares." When man arrives near enough to the edge of the Forest, that his brothers, the Illumined Gurus, can talk these deep mystical truths to him, he will pro- gress rapidly, if he so desires and is willing to pay the price. Renunciation is the price. It is important that man becomes willing to be taught, when he approaches an Illumined Guru, or Teacher ; as they have no time to give to the whims of the personal ego. God hath too much for His pre- pared instruments to do, for that waste of time. Every man, when he touches the Light findeth his place; and the one who is here in his last birth, and is Illumined, and realizes it, hath much, yes, much to do. It is he, who, if he retains, and lives unto the full- ness of this Light, that understandingly touches every Soul, which it is his to touch, as he finishes his earth 's pilgrimage. It is not with him as with the man who will return to earth again, being bound by the Karmic Chain, and continue in his problem, after a rest in other realms. But he is free ! A Free Soul in Free- dom ! His Karmic debts are all paid, and the receipts are consigned to the flames, and the wind has blown the ashes away. It is finished for him ; he has solved his life's problem; and stands in the Source, a Flame of the Infinite Fire, (the Light). That Light, which is the Father-Mother-God; and he, the son, when he arrives at the Source becomes the Trinity, Father- Mother-Son: (the Individual Triangle). The triangle is the symbol of the Heart Teaching; 74 THE LOTUS PATH and this little band of Chelas who have been called together from the four directions of space, as it were, then taught this deep Truth, the Absolute, and tested until they have proven their trustworthiness, and now chosen, and are high initiates, and are co-operating with the Masters in the Order of Ancient Monks ; or, The White Brotherhood; these are brothers in Love and Compassion. We will give a message through this chosen instrument which will vibrate throughout the earth. It requires a Free Soul to express this message through ; this we have in this chosen instrument, who has scaled the height, and burst the Veil of Flesh; has stood on the "wall," where she made her choice as to which state of Nirvana she desired to abide in. In speaking of Freedom, and a Free Soul; we are not referring to the Carnal Man ; or Carnality's Laws: but to the Soul of Man, which is the Divine Man whom God caused to become individualized: and the Free- dom Divine is that of the next Dimension. However, as man gains this Illumination, he be- comes a Spiritually Illumined man; the Christ being born in him, he lives in peace and harmony in the world ; and these according to the Occult Law will ex- press in his outer surroundings ; health will become a result of this Illumination; and he will not lack any good thing if he lives as unto his Illumination. In the Light, which is God, the Source from which all men came, and to which all return, we find Love, Warmth, Peace, Life, Purity and Power. When man becomes Illumined concerning the Truth Absolute, which is the Reality about God, man, and the uni- verse, he no longer rushes hither and thither; but quietly and serenely abides at home; and remembers the Center of his Home, is in his heart. And if he lacketh any good thing, he asketh of God, * ' who giveth freely." CHAPTER XVI. DOES THE STUDY OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH ASSIST MAN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS IN His RELATIVE LIFE ? DEAR this in mind, friends, when man begins the ^ study of Truth, he is the carnal man in conscious- ness and living in the carnal world, and under the laws of the carnal world; this he knows; but a stir within his heart, which is the urge of the Soul, causes him to begin to search for a deeper foundation than the carnal man has; a foundation which is steadfast and sure. The carnal man does not at first know that the foun- dation which is sure and steadfast, is Truth Absolute, our Father-Mother-God. But, if he is sincerely in earnest he will find this to be true. And so powerful is this Omnipresent God, that many, many of the children of earth, having felt the touch of His Grace and Love, have accepted this by faith and walked upon the earth daily drinking by bread, which satisfies the Soul. There truly is a vital reality in this invisible, yet Omnipresent God, that man by faith reach out and touch Him, and they are healed of their infirmities, if this is their desire. In the study of the Truth Absolute, man while re- taining the gift of Faith, which had been bestowed up- on him when he began to reach out for something more substantial than he had found in the carnal world, but as he moves forward upon the Sacred Path, faith, 75 76 THE LOTUS PATH becomes knowing, and knowing will become Realiza- tion; if he passes forward toward the Light. It is in the state of Realization, or when man de- sires to realize the Real as it is, that man begins to study Truth Absolute. He must know the reality of the Absolute, that he may realize it, and thereby be- come Illumined and perceive he is just as God formed hini in the dim long ago. By man studying the teachings which we term les- sons upon the Knowledge Path, which will enlighten him, he will gain an intellectual conception of Truth Absolute, which is the source from which he came, and to which he will return. Note, Chelas upon the Path, "You" in the Real, the Absoluteness of it all, have never been away from the Source ; for it is God, and Omnipresent. But you have become confused in the Forest of the carnal man, which is Maya, (the Great Illusion). To return to a clear concept of his Real Self as God created him, and realize that the very God is here, there and everywhere, which is Omnipresent; man requires assistance, and if he sincerely and un- derstandingly prays to the Source, the Father-Moth- er-God, (Aum, Kali) ; he will receive guidance and assistance from God. When man not only believes, but becomes fully con- scious there is only one God., and He Omnipresent, this being the foundation of the teaching of Truth Absolute, it is plain to be seen man, standing upon that Eternal Rock, Truth, and understanding his nearness to the Father, can talk to God ; and the stud- ent of the Truth Absolute, knoweth the Father hear- eth: because there is no distance between him and his God, he then not only touches the hem of the Christly Robe, but moves closer to God: as he stud- ies more deeply into the Truth, he will become con- scious of the meaning of Jesus saying, when He said, ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND MAN'S RELATIVE LIFE 77 "ye shall know the Truth, an the Truth shall make you free." And, "The Father knoweth what ye have need of before ye ask Him. ' ' Jesus Christ is our Elder Brother, and He has giv- en the Truth Absolute in His message to the children of earth, and His example is before us. St. James said, * ' your prayers are not answered be- cause you ask amiss." There are two kinds of pray- ers which reach the Throne of God, or, touch the Heart of the Infinite. One is the prayer of Faith and sincerity, which the Saint offers up to the Throne of God. The other is the one where man has studied the Truth Absolute, which is the Essence that is behind Jesus* message; and come into rapport with the In- finite, and understandingly touches the key of the Infinite Heart, which responds in expression of that which man desires, and expresses in his prayers. If a man is Illumined in Truth Absolute, selfish- ness has departed from him; therefore, his prayers are not tainted with selfishness. This being the strongest hold the Adversary hath upon man, when it is renoujiced he has moved quite far upon the Path; and is each day drawing closer to God. When man reaches Illumination, through the study of the Truth Absolute, he sees with the inner eye, the Real as it is; this is a great assistance to him, as he meets and solves his problem in the relative life. If man is Illumined as to the Omnipresence of God, His Love, and Omnipresent power, he freely, under- standingly and unselfishly voices his prayer to this Omnipresent One. He cannot doubt concerning God hearing him, be- cause God is Omnipresent. He cannot doubt, because he realizes God is Love. He cannot doubt, because God is Omnipotent. Man studying Truth Absolute, stands upon the 78 THE LOTUS PATH Eternal Rock, (the unchangeable God;) but he having learned God is both personal and impersonal, seeth not only God personal, but God Omnipresent; which is God, and God manifest everywhere. An Ancient Sage hath said, "The center of God is here, circumference nowhere." When man through the study of the Absolute Truth reaches Illumina- tion, he perceives, he realizes, and sometimes visions that the Infinite Universe, and the universes therein, and all forms in the Real as it is, is God, and God expressed. He sees man "The crowning glory of God," to, "Whom God gave dominion." He understanding clearly the man to whom God gave dominion, is At- man, the Real Self, and with the eye of Illumination, he sees the perfect Universe, which is the home of Atman, the Real Self. From this standing place upon the Eternal Rock, Truth, he can courageously meet any and every ex- perience he encounters upon the highway through the relative life. He Realizing Life is Eternal, death hath no hor- ror to him, and he, in the Grace of God, and with as- sistance from above, brushes the dark cloud of ap- proaching death aside; or bravely, "Agrees with the Adversary, while he is in the way with him." In the Illumined state, man can, and does, pass through the portal of death and retain consciousness, and walk in the green fields without delay. This truly is a great blessing. Man understanding that Life is Eternal, sees death as an experience, that is all ; he moves on, and is not benefitted, or disturbed by it. He has gained the Light of the Truth Absolute, which is, Life is God; therefore Eternal. Man understanding this comes into the Light, that he, the Real Self, is Immortal. One state of understanding when near the portal of ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND MAN'S RELATIVE LIFE 79 death, biddeth earth and its inhabitants a sweet good night: as he will return the next day, (Another Birth). The Soul which has the full Light of Truth Ab- solute unto Freedom Divine, if he approaches the portal of death, being a Free Soul, triumphantly swings past the portals ; they mean nothing to him, he, the Immortal, hath cast aside the outer robe, that is all; but he sees himself clothed upon with a form which is resplendent, it vibrating with the vibra- tions of the Fourth Dimension, the home of the Free Soul, Freedom Divine. There are no tomorrows for him, he has left the shores of time behind; he lingers not to watch the setting sun, or enjoy the brilliant after-glow. He has crossed the border-line of time, which lieth be- tween time and Eternity. And now abides in Etern- ity. 0, the Bliss of that Eternal Clime, where shad- ows are not found. It is Eternally Sublime; Etern- ally sure and Steadfast. Death hath no part in placing the Soul in this place, it is brought about through Illumination. Thus it is plain to be seen, the study of Truth Ab- solute assists man to solve his problems in the relative life. When man has gained Illumination concerning the Absolute as it is, he has perceived the bounty of God is Omnipresent ; in this state of conscious understand- ing, he can talk to the Father concerning those things which he may need; his faith should not waver, be- cause he perceives the bounty of the Universe is Om- nipresent. Jesus Christ, the Great Initiate, understanding the Absoluteness of the Father-Mother-God, and the Om- nipresence, and knowing the occult, or hidden Law, when He desired to feed the hungry multitudes, talk- 80 THE LOTUS PATH ed to the Father; by so doing, the Inner Law re- sponded, and out from the Essence Divine came the loaves and fishes, which fed the multitude. His foun- dation was, and is, the One God; and the study of Truth Absolute, brings man to the Foundation, God. CHAPTER XVII. THE RELATIVE. I F man were not embodied in the physical body, and living in a physical world, and his eyes holden so that it appears to him as the Real, and he so psychol- ogized by the universal mind of the physical man, that he believes this the only mind, then there would be no occasion for the Infinite to express at the beginning of each age in a deep message to the men of earth. If a man goes from the tropical clime to the north regions, he at once proceeds to place the clothing up- on his form which is necessary to keep him warm and comfortable. As long as he remains in that cold country he wears that kind of clothing. But when he begins to think of returning to his home in the southern clime, he sets about to make preparations, one of his first thoughts, or consid- erations, is his clothing; he calling to remembrance the conditions of the home land, knoweth right well he cannot wear the same clothes there, that he is wear- ing in the far north. In this north land man is surrounded with snow and ice; and the bleakness of the north region, he kills the animals and uses their fur to keep his body warm. He lives in comfort in his home, which perhaps is almost buried beneath the snow and ice; he during the season when it was possible having gathered fuel and food sufficient for his comfort and sustenance. In that tropical clime, the home from which he came, there are no winter blasts ; the soft zephyrs of spring- 81 82 THE LOTUS PATH time ever caress him. There is no bleakness ; the lux- uriant growth of trees, shrubbery, flowers and grass he sees everywhere. The rivers, lakes and babbling brooks are never ice-bound, therefore, their water is ever pure and beautiful. Man gathers the fruits and vegetation there with- out strenuous effort. When the sun's rays are too bright for his appreciation, he serenely sits in the shade of the trees and enjoys the caress of the zephyr breezes as they fan his brow. If he is alert to his surroundings in full appre- ciation, he will catch the rhythm of the murmur of the brook as it moves over the pebbles, or moss cov- ered rocks. He will listen in love's deep key to the songs of the many birds as they fill the wood-land with the vibrations of contentment, joy and appreciation. Here man can serenely abide, there are not so many urgent demands pressing upon him ; it is here, he, in serenity and contentment can commune with his Fath- er-Mother-God ; and in raptures grand, soar into the realms divine; where he becomes dis-robed entirely and forever of the heavy clothing of the north. When the man in the north grows weary of the cold, the bleakness and the strenuousness of the life as lived amidst these environments he begins to think of home, the far south, where the grass is ever green, and the cattle and flocks are continuously grazing in the green fields; where the flowers bloom, and the song of the birds can be heard at all times ; if man is alert and appreciates his environments, it is truly a picture of his idea of heaven painted upon earth. When man desires to start home, he makes prepara- tion. Some men require much time in preparation, while others go more direct to the thing at issue: and ac- complish the task more quickly. THE RELATIVE 83 When man starts from his abiding place in the north regions, he is clothed upon with the clothing of that clime ; as he travels south, he at certain points on the way lays aside some of his wearing apparel; until, when he reaches his destination, he is clothed upon with the raiment that is worn in the tropical clime. What did he do with his garments which he wore when he started upon his journey? He left them be- hind him. He did not leave them all at once ; he left those which he perceived he no longer desired, at the different stations as he moved along upon his jour- ney. And truly when he has reached his desired des- tination he no longer requires the furs and heavy clothes he had worn while in the ice-bound north. The man in the north is alive, he enjoys life to its fullness; he vibrates in health and strength as he travels over the snow, and breathes the clear atmos- phere of that clime. He appreciates his trips in the sleds which are drawn by his faithful dogs; and the sound of the sleigh bells is music to his ear. He en- joys the quiet evening by the fire side. Man adjusts himself to his surroundings as long as he vibrates to them. When he feels a change in his vibrations and begins to feel an unrest within him, man calls this discontent. We find many men in the physical life and world who do not have the change of vibration take place within them, and they live their life from childhood to old age in one en- vironment ; perhaps never traveling many miles from home. We find some men where their vibrations change in their youth, and they no longer vibrating to the vibrations of their environment, even though they may be good, they feeling this change, desire to travel. One of these may come to a place where his vibra- tions harmonize with the vibrations of that place, be it a village, city, country or state; and he may 84 THE LOTUS PATH settle and live there the remainder of his life. Or he may stay in one place a while, then another. The physical man is born with the inheritance of the physical man attached to him. He may inherit a rov- ing disposition, or a settled and contented one ; how- ever, there is also something back of this which in- fluences man and of which the physical man knows nothing, as long as he contentedly lives in the physi- cal man's conception of himself and the world. This of which he knows not, while he is wearing the heavy clothing of the north region, but is shaping his desti- nation, is in operation, even though he knows it not. Amidst the different cares of man, as he has awak- ened from the hypnotism of the physical man, and began to search out God, and learn of Him; very many superstitions have come into expression. One is that God, our Father-Mother, is a God of Wrath, and visiteth the children of men and pours out His wrath upon them; and men find themselves in wars, and pestilence, famine and distress in all manner of forms. In this state of superstition man places the responsibility of man's unhappiness upon God. This conception of a God of Wrath is born in superstition ; it belongs in the physical man's brain, it originated there. It remains in the mist of earth; it can never stand the miscroscopic glance of Truth Absolute; which is the Light of God. As long as man vibrates with that vibration, he is satisfied with that version of God, as given to him by his parents, handed down from father to son. When his vibrations begin to not vibrate evenly with that conception of God, an unrest stirs within him, then he, no doubt, will begin to make preparations to move to a different clime. The first station upon his way that he vibrates with, there he will remain as long as he vibrates with the vi- brations of that village, city or country. And when he leaves, he will leave the garments which he no longer THE KELATIVE 85 requires ; and the belief that God is a God of Wrath, is among the first garments he leaves, as he starts to- ward the sunny south. When man learns that God is Love, a "God of Love"; a picture of a tropical clime will present it- self to his mind; where the zephyrs are soft and ca- ressing, the flowers bloom continually, the grass is ever green and the birds chant forth their joyous glee. When man hears his fellow man talking of a God of Wrath, the bleak winds of the north chill him, and the picture which he sees is the bleakness of the snow- covered north. If there is no God of Wrath to visit unpleasantness and hard experience upon man, while He permits some of His children to enjoy the Opulence of the Universe, what causes it? What brings it about? Man, in the physical world, living the relative life, is the ruler of his thoughts, words and deeds. There are laws within law ; however, these are all within the One Law, and will in time merge into the One Law for each man as he travels from the north-land, to the tropical clime. The physical man, as long as he knoweth only the laws pertaining to the outer life and lives contentedly the physical life, enjoys to the fullness the pleasant, and pleasing experiences ; he al- so goes to the depth when disagreeable experiences present themselves to him. It is beautiful (although sad) as we, with the eye of spiritual sight, see the courage and strength which our brothers express while living the physical life: they truly being the Sons of God, yet not knowing it, live as unto the physical man, who believes what he sees, hears and feels. And if it were not for faith in the heart of man it would be sadder still. But out from the midst of any experience, we see man arise. He may, like the giant oak, have bent low in the midst of the raging storm; but when the storm has 86 THE LOTUS PATH passed, and the sun shines, and he feels the strength and warmth of its bright rays, he takes courage ; and like unto the oak tree, he stands erect again. The storms leave their traces upon the oak tree. But it stands, a splendid reminder to man, to retain his courage, even when the storms rage, and keep anchor- age even as the oak tree keeps its roots deep in the ground. It is in the midst of the storm man requires cour- age, strength, faith and anchorage. It takes a strong man to so do; weaklings drag anchor in the severe storm; and seek shelter in different ports. But the oak tree, the giant oak, stands on the hill top, faces the storm and keeps anchorage. If there is no ruling sovereign that conducts the affairs of man in wrath, why does man have such va- ried experiences, some pleasant, some unpleasant? By man's thoughts, words, deeds and desires, he sets one of these laws in operation. As we have said before, there are laws within law, which although it is beyond the comprehension of the physical man, works in unceasing and untiring accuracy and a cor- rect record is kept of every thought, word, deed and desire of man. These being a cause set in action, a result is sure to follow, and, as man in his free-will sets the cause in operation, the accuracy of this law will reap every effect. This is what Jesus Christ of Nazareth referred to, when He .said, ' ' as you sow, so shall you reap. ' ' He gave a comparison that the physical man could under- stand ; He said, ' ' If man sows wheat, he reaps wheat ; if tares, he reaps tares." Jesus also said, "man does not thence escape, until he has paid even to the last farthing." The esoteric of this which Jesus gave to the physical man, who is living in the physical world consciousness only, is this inner law, and from which man does not escape until he has struck the balance, THE RELATIVE 87 and paid all debts. This law is called Karma by the Ancients. This concept of the relative life certainly will help man to become more tolerant toward his fellow man, and give him courage and willingness to meet any con- dition, and even the balance until justice is meted out. There is but one God: and when man has lived in the far north, the physical world, until he has been relieved of his indebtedness sufficiently, that his vi- brations change so he does not vibrate with the vibra- tions of that land, the urge of the Soul within the physical man, will cause him to move forward until he finds a place where his vibrations are in rhythm with it ; and there remain until the inner urge causes him to move forward. All karmic debts have not been paid when he starts to seek another clime, but man soon learns there is another Law, which is God 's Law ; and when he comes directly under this Law, he is no longer subject to the law of karma. Here is where Love consumes hate, and man draws close to the God who is Love. When man draws near to the God who is Love, Peace, Purity, and Light, he perceives the God of wrath which took form in the superstitions of man, is a myth. Man has cast away quite a few of his heavy gar- ments ere he comes into understanding concerning the One God, which ever expresses in tender Love and Compassion toward the children of men. When man, living in the ice-bound and snow cov- ered north, although quite satisfied, feels the inner urge of his Soul, which indicates to him, (even though he has not the faintest conception of the depth of his feeling, and the law in which it is acting,) the change in his vibrations, and he begins to desire a home in the far south, his mind presents pictures of that clime, 88 THE LOTUS PATH which are pleasing to him, and causes him to more steadily desire to reach there and to take up his abode. When the physical man living the physical life, after feeling the inner urge of the Soul, desires to draw near to the God of Love, Peace, Purity, Life and Power, at once his mind presents pictures that he may perceive how it would be to be close to such a God, yes, to dwell there, nestled in nearness to Him. Man following his desires, draws nearer and nearer unto God, until he is near. In this nearness to the God of Love, man soon learns that, "God is a pres- ent help in time of trouble.' 7 That if he is caught in a storm at Sea, he can call to Him, and He will still the storm. When the storm is stilled, a calm is evident. If man is ill, and the physical body needs and re- quires healing, call to God in the same way you called when in the storm on the Sea, except you call for healing. When healing takes place, health is evident ; when man is in limitation let him call for Freedom; when God expresses, Freedom is evident. When man desires the bounty of God's universe to express to him in unlimited amount, he calls to God, the Source ; and when the limited condition is removed, bounty is evident. The physical man can live winter after winter, in the far north; or he can come to a warmer clime. When the physical man awakens to the Absolute Truth as it is, he will start in search for it, and each step he takes he is drawing closer to the warmer clime; and as he willingly casts aside his heavy gar- ments which he wore while in the north, the way will become more smooth, and as he moves along drawing closer to God, he calls to Him for assistance at every critical time. When he comes into the edge of the tropical clime he feels the assurance of the very presence of the THE RELATIVE 89 Living God; it is here the Eternal and Omnipresent God becomes a reality to him: he then calls to Him for guidance, for Protection, Wisdom and Love. Here is where the Inner Man, whom God created, "In His image and likeness, 7 ' is beginning to come into expression ; as long as the physical man lived in the far north, (the physical world) ; unconscious of the tropical clime, (the Spiritual World) ; Atman, the Inner Man, is as a smouldering flame in the heart of the physical man. The physical encasement is so dense and heavy, the Atman 's vibrations do not quicken his conscious mind. When the physical man feels the quickening urge of Atman, (his Inner Self), he, if sufficiently quick- ened, will become somewhat changed, at least enough to become quiet, that he may come into an under- standing what this strange occurrence may mean: here it is man hears "the Still, Small Voice"; this voice is so sublimely silent, the physical man must become still ere he can hear it. When man has heard that Sweet, Silent Voice, he is nevermore satisfied. He has heard the call from another clime. He desires to eat of the fruit of that country, to drink of the clear water; to become in rhythm with the joy of the songs of the birds; to inhale the perfume of the flowers, where the wintry blasts do not approach. When the desire is thus strong in man, he will, as the prodigal son in the parable of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, "arise and return to his Father's House." And every man will find as joyous a reception await- ing him from the Father-Mother-God, when he arrives at home, as did the prodigal in the parable. He left the field, the swine, and all the associates behind him : he arose, and returned to his Father's House. He made complete renunciation. He did not endeavor to drive the swine with him, or bring his companions with him. He left all. 90 THE LOTUS PATH When the physical man awakens, and' starts toward the Father's House, it is his individual work; and he must leave all behind; here we call to remem- brance, when the rich young man came to the Master, Jesus, and inquired of Him what he must do that he may enter into Eternal Life, Jesus said to him, "Go sell all thou hast, then come and follow Me/' Jesus also said, "Ye cannot serve two masters," "Ye can- not serve both God and Mammon." Is the line too straight? The way too narrow? And is the price too high? Not for the man who is so deeply awakened he is on fire with the fire of God, the Fire, which is Love Divine. CHAPTER XVIII. THE AWAKENING OF THE INTELLECT. IWT AN may be very intellectual in the wisdom of the world; he may have many degrees conferred upon him from the universities and colleges of the land, but the subject of this chapter is the Awek- ening of the Intellect to Spiritual Reality. When Atman, the inner or Real Self, stirs suffi- ciently strong that the mind of the physical man recognizes it, and begins to take cognizance of the vibration of the Soul, which is stirring within his Heart Center; the intellect of the physical man does not understand; here it is that a conception of the Spirit Life of man and God begins to take place in man 's mind ; this is the awakening of the Intellect to Spirituality as it is ; here man, being familiar with the intellect of the outer, or carnal man, uses it to find the way. If the intellect of man finds the goal, and mounts to the summit, yea, even unto the highest peak, and by standing there in that bright light, becomes Illumined; and perceives all things as they are, and the Absolute as it is, his intellect is awakened and Illumined; he may read the minds of men, even know their many thoughts, he may live in that Illumined state, and his aura become as clear as his mind. In the awakening of the intellect, man searches deep into the deep things of God; he may travel far and near that he may walk upon the very ground, which the feet of God's great ones have trod. He may study in many, or all, the schools of philos- 91 92 THE LOTUS PATH ophy concerning the deep things; he may climb the golden stairs and enter the Hall of Learning; but to his chagrin and disappointment he finds not the goal which he is seeking there. He may think by passing into many experiences he will glean light, and he may search long and deep in experience, only to again see he has been following the Will- 'o-the- wisp. Man may, as the intellect is awakening unto the Reality of the Real as it is, hope to find something which will enlighten him, by studying phenomena; he may linger long here amidst these shadows of illu- sions; and he may glean light which he thinks adds to his intellectual store. He may here seek to pierce the veil which hangs between himself and the place where his departed loved ones dwell. He here may gain light sufficiently strong to convince him the "dead" live. This awakening intellect may lead man to the do- main of mind, and he may search deep and long in metaphysics, and glean much light concerning the science of mind, and its operations ; here the intellect finds a large field to operate in; and, so great is this field, the awakening intellect may lose its way, and, having nothing but mind to guide it, may wander many long and perchance weary years in that realm, ere he finds the edge where he can pass out from it. However, the awakening intellect is searching, and it is through intellectual attainment he hopes to achieve ; therefore, he may pass through the different Cults, Creeds and Doctrines of men that his intellect may understand each and all. There is such a thing as cramming the intellect until it becomes congested, then a state of fermenta- tion may take place. Man then may let go, as it were, of the intellectual search, and quite often he seems to stand still. However, every grain of Truth THE AWAKENING OF THE INTELLECT 93 which he has gleaned, while in his intellectual search for Truth, has life within it; it may, like the grains of wheat which are in the mummy 's hand, lie dormant for a long time, or even, as those grains, for centuries ; yet, when that wheat is brought forth into the sun- light and given the right environment, the life comes forth. The darkness of the tomb, nor the encasement of the mummy's shroud and bandages have touched the life in the center of the grain of wheat; neither will time, nor experience kill the life in the grains of Truth which the awakening intellect has gleaned; although it, like the wheat in the hand of the Egyp- tian Mummy, may lie dormant a long time, or even centuries; it, some time, in the sunlight and right environment will burst forth from its cloistered cell, and announce to the world, Life is Immortal. The awakening intellect perceiveth, the life in the grain of wheat that was held in the hand of the mummy for centuries, when brought into the right conditions bursts forth. The life expressed from that grain of wheat is just as the life which comes forth from the grain that grew the preceding season. He then saith, what can touch Life, or what can limit Life ? The intellect in its search through the relative to find the Real, having found the life of the grain of wheat was not changed by the long dormant state, or, by its short duration between experiences, reaches to man, he having learned that there is but one Life, and this Life is the life which is in every thing; he saith, what about man? Here the intellect uses its reason, and saith, if the One Life expresses in man, surely it is as great and strong as the life in the grain of wheat; therefore time cannot touch, harm, or hold Life. This is a strong Flash of Light, and assists much toward Illumination. Friends, it means much to the intellectual searcher after Truth when he clearly sees Life cannot die. Is 94 THE LOTUS PATH therefore Eternal. Then the awakening intellect saith : where is the home of the Soul of Man, when the body hath returned to earth, from whence it came? In the intellectual gleanings man has found Life is God, therefore forever one with God, and living and moving in God. Then his reason tells him the Soul of his departed loved one, which is Conscious Life, is in God. Can he have any anxiety about those whom he has loved, when he intellectually perceives they are in God, the Ocean of Life? Truly he cannot. This will bring to him a great peace and contentment. It could not be otherwise; as his loved ones have passed beyond his care, assistance and protection, he is thankful to understand they are in God. The awakening intellect finds in its searching, that each and every man is, in his inner self, a Divine man, a Son of the Living God. Therefore, he per- ceives there is a place in God, "a place prepared/' for every soul, in every stage of its ongoing. There "it is man finds the sweet assurance that God loveth and careth for all. We read Jesus said, "not a sparrow falleth, but the Father knoweth." Thus the awakening intellect through the rays of Light which he has gleaned, dis- covers the Soul of man, which is the Conscious Life of man, is watched over by the Father-Mother-God, at all times, and in all places; whether it is expressing life in bodies on this plane, or some other. That Life itself is never touched by this which man calls death. The awakening intellect learns of the Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience of God; and that he being an expression of God, cannot stray beyond His Love and Care. As the awakening intellect is fed on these grains of deep Truth, it becomes fully awake, and Illumi- nation becomes evident to him. He then is an Illum- ined philosopher; he has solved the problems of the THE AWAKENING OF THE INTELLECT 95 deep things of God, and sees with his intellectual Il- lumination the workings of the Infinite, as He causes Universes to take form, or to merge back into the formless essence. Yes he may have intellectually burst the veil and perceive the workings of the Great Mys- tery. He may be able to teach this to his fellow man who is intellectually seeking to find God. However, there is a depth so very deep in the In- finite, it is hid away in the Heart of the Infinite, and the intellect of man cannot find it; it not being of the same vibration, ever remaineth a will-o'-the-wisp to the intellect of man. To find this depth and enter there, the intellect of man is laid aside, and the Soul of man, the Real of each and every man, begins to express its vibrations; being Spiritual they vibrate in the Heart of man; the vibrations sent from the heart of man, touch the Heart of the Infinite and vibrate therewith. When the one who has searched for Truth in earn- est, as his intellect is awakening, if he does not tarry in the intellectual concept of the Truth, and desires to go deeper, and in the depth of his heart merges his intellect of the physical man into the Ego of Atman, will soon come into the Illumination of himself as he is; of God as He is; and the Universe as it is. This is Spiritual Illumination, and man's heart is then enrapport with the Heart of the Infinite ; his Soul in tune with the Great Over-Soul. He is not only Illumined about the Truth, but is Illumined into the Truth. He perceives the Whole as it is ; which is God, and God-manifest. This is that which is. God hath spoken through an Ancient Bard and said, "I am God, " " there is none beside me ! " Let the head, and heart illumined one, move forward with us, and live in conscious at-one-ment with this Omnipresent God. 96 THE LOTUS PATH Fear not, trouble not, and be not dismayed at any experience in the relative life; but stand erect and firm upon the Rock of Truth when the storm is rag- ing ; and sit serenely in the shade of the Tree of Life when calmness is expressed. The awakening intellect finally merges into Atman, he then abides at home. CHAPTER XIX. ILLUMINED UNTO THE TRUTH is man, and how does he express when he is Illumined into Illumination unto the Truth? It will require only a short chapter to answer this. However, it has required many books, many Illumined Sages, Saints and the Incarnations; and centuries of time have passed in giving the Light of Truth to the men of earth, so they can catch it and at their final, or last birth, become Illumined unto the Truth. A direct answer to this question is an Incarna- tion: and He expresses the Light of Truth to every man, as He perceives man requires. An Incarnation, one who is fully Illumined unto the Truth, comes to earth only once in many centuries. The children of earth have their objective life, and teachings before them. Become thou like them ! The Nazerene Master said, " follow thou Me/' The Chela on the path expresses each day as best he can the Light he hath ; remembering he hath the ex- ample of Jesus Christ before him. Jesus did not stand still ; He moved along the Path. Then to follow Him, the disciple must step in his foot-prints. His foot-prints as He carried His cross to Calvary, were not the same as when He at the marriage in Caanan turned the water into wine. Move along contentedly, Chelas upon the Path, and express the Light you have today, that is all that is required today; however, a greater Light will be ex- pected tomorrow. When man has become individualized, and Illum- 97 98 THE LOTUS PATH ined unto Truth he will express Mastership. He hav- ing passed beyond the Pairs of Opposites, he is not affected or disturbed by them. He does not become entranced by pleasure, neither cast down by adver- sity. A Master serenely folds his hands and abides at Home. He is content, it matters not to him if he is functioning on this plane, or spheres beyond; he knows! he perceives! he is at Home. CHAPTER XX. THE INFINITE soar with us into the Infinite Universe ; come 1 dive with us into the Infinite Ocean. And walk with us upon the topmost peaks of the mountain rang- es ; come with us, and visit the myriads of suns ; and the planets of their universes. Now come with us into the depths of the earth, and into the center of every atom; then we will visit the heart of every blade of grass, and all in its kingdom ; let us touch the heart of every living thing. This is the Cosmos. And Consciousness is every- where. There is not a speck of space in all the Infinite Universe where Consciousness is not. There is not a speck of space in the Infinite Uni- verse where Life is not. There is not a speck of space where Love is not : there is not a speck of space where Peace, Rhythm, Harmony are not : and no place where Intelligence is not. This is the Living, Loving and Conscious Being, in whom we, "Live, move and have our being. " With this vision of the Infinite, man can clearly perceive he cannot stray beyond the Father's Love, Care and sustenance. Man, an expression of the Infinite, or a child of the Living God, as he comes into Illumination concern- ing the Reality as it is, understandingly perceives he truly is at home in any part of the Universe he may be; as the Infinite Universe is his Home. 99 100 THE LOTUS PATH Come with us into this concept of the Greatness of God, and of His nearness to every man. Let faith merge into the Reality: remembering, " Faith is the substance of things hoped for/' Understandingly abandon thyself into the Heart of the Omnipresent God. The eagle soars from the mountain top, it spreads its wings and flies into the misty heights. But it ever keeps its eye upon the sun. It is the King of birds. The lion roams through the jungles ; he f eareth not, he is conscious of his strength. He is the King of beasts. When man becomes a conscious Son of God, he will, like the eagle rest on the mountain summit; or soar into the higher realms. He, like the lion, will walk the earth conscious ; he, in his Divine Self, is mas- ter over all experiences he encounters. Come with us, Chelas, into the Heart of the Infi- nite; and sit with us awhile, that we may inform you of this Omnipresent Heart. The Heart is the center of the Infinite, even as the heart is the center of man, and all living things. We have informed you that the Consciousness of the Infinite is everywhere; that the Intelligence of God is everywhere; that the Love of the Father-Mo th- er is everywhere; that the Life of Aum is every- where. Then the student-devotee can clearly perceive, this being true, the Son of God, who knoweth this, is Il- lumined. However, friends, even though this is true, it does not especially benefit man until man has found his own heart center. "Om Mani Padme Hum." Man being the "Image and likeness of God," we finding the Infinite hath a Heart which is the vital center of God; man, "God's image and likeness," necessarily hath a heart. THE LshwNiTE 101 Then it follows, if man desires Soul union with the Infinite, who is the Father-Mother-God, it is vi- tally essential that man locate his heart, then search until he finds the Silent Chamber of his Soul therein. This being accomplished we have the Infinite Heart which is everywhere, or Omnipresent. We also have the heart center of the student-devotee. This is where the intellect has become wise in this deep secret : however, this is not sufficient. Why ? Because, it leaves man a separate being from God, even though he perceives he is living and moving in God. The next requisite, is a golden link which not only joins man with his Creator ; but unites him so securely he is forever at-one with his Father-Mother-God. How is the individual, "The Drop/' to become one with, and one in, the Ocean Divine? By understand- ingly desiring his At-one-ment with the Father-Moth- er-God: then expressing this desire in request. There is no loftier desire, or holy aspiration, that can come from the heart of man, than to be at home in God consciously: this means man's Illumination. This link is formed and established in the heart of man. God hath never changed, neither ceased to be Omni- present ; but the individual has changed and this took place when he lost his consciousness of his, not only At-one-ment, but even of his nearness to his Heaven- ly Father. Thus it is clearly to be seen it is man's prerogative to remain in consciousness dis-joined from the Father; or to, through Illumination, become again conscious of his At-one-ment. Here is where the Golden Link in the Heart of Man begins to form. If man desires to touch the Heart of God, and be- come consciously linked therewith, we call to remem- brance, the Ancients have said, "as above, so below." Then it is the heart of man which must come into one accord with the Heart of God; that the link be- comes welded, and unity takes place. 102 THL LOTUS PATH The heart of man must link with the Heart of God, if man desires to vibrate in the rhythm of the Soul's Essence Divine ; and like the drop in the Ocean, that lives, moves and has its being in this Infinite Heart. The drop in the Ocean does not lose its individuality, although it is in the center of the Ocean. The wise drop in the Ocean center, perceiving its At-one-ment with the great Ocean in understanding, love and ap- preciation, abandons itself to the Ocean; it is sus- tained by the Ocean; and when thus abandoned it is in rhythm with the Law of the Ocean; having non- resistance through Illumination; it is moved by the action of the Great Law which is the Life, Action, Strength and Power of the Ocean. Can any harm befall the one thus abandoned? Not if he ever trust- eth in the Omnipresent God; and remaineth aban- doned into the Heart of God; he, thus being, is in the care of our Father-Mother-God. As long as man retains the conscious realization, that he is in the Ocean Divine, no ill can come to him. How can there? When there is only God and His expressions there? Man, in the Illumination of the Infinite, and man the expression of the Infinite, as he sees himself the individual drop in the Ocean Divine, is the same as the Ocean, as a drop of water is composed of the same elements as the Ocean from which it came; he also sees every man is the same; (and in using the term man, let the Chelas under- stand we mean man and woman.) We read in Gene- sis, "Male and female created He the men of earth." We prefer the term man, this is the positive side. However, we lose not sight of our Divine Mother. The Lotus Mother who is Love Divine: and forget not that every man becomes the Divine Mother, Love Divine. Does not the white rose harmonize with the yellow? Yes, they join hands and harmoniously blending become one. The Lotus Mother is the full- ness of the expression of God. THE INFINITE 103 Canst thou follow us into the depths here, Chelas? We are fully aware that none but an Illumined Soul can pass this deep into the Ocean Divine. But the age is now ripe and very many of the people are here upon the earth at this time, that they may attain un- to Illumination. These will be able to glean the Light of the Absolute Truth ; and by gaining understand- ing unto Illumination come with us into the deep. And there cast anchor, and become a conscious indi- vidual expression of the Infinite: and having his Heart Center, and united with the Infinite Heart is forever content; he trusts the Infinite and serenely abides at Home. Man must ever keep this conscious heart link with God, if he desires to live in content in the Home of the Soul ; which is the Great Over Soul. The Infinite. CHAPTER XXI. OCEAN DIVINE A BANDON thyself into the Ocean Divine, and be * at peace with God. When man has become Illumined through the Secret Heart Teachings, the human ego is merged into the Divine Ego; the Atman consciousness only ex- presses in him, Atman is the Knower Self; he being the Knower Self, will express in wisdom, knowledge, intelligence and understanding, when the carnal mind is bridled and permits Atman to so do. When the Real Self is the ruling sovereign in the man it becomes " quite easy to abandon thyself into the Ocean Divine, and there be at peace with God. To become understandingly abandoned to God, man must know he must realize the Truth Absolute, which is the Oneness and At-one-ment of God, the Great All. How is man to reach this Light? By quieting the carnal mind, and listening to the " Still Small Voice" which speaks in thy heart. With the carnal mind meditate in the heart; the outer mind having learned of Atman the Divine Self, if he is sincerely in earnest will desire to find it, and uncover it, and like the diamond miner, he digs deep into the heart; and the miner, when he finds the diamond, brushes the debris from around it so the sparkling gem may be presented to the world. The mind finds the heart center of his being and quietly meditating there finds the sparkling gem, Atman (the Real Self.) As the polishing process progresses, the 104 OCEAN DIVINE 105 carnal mind, it being the debris, is chiseled away, when this is accomplished, Atman the Divine Man is the ruling one. Atman is the individual expression of AUM, and from everlasting to everlasting is the Knower Self. The Atman has never lost consciousness, though the outer mind in man may not know of , his existence. The unawakened man living, acting and speaking in the carnal mind, saith, I am the man, I shape my destiny, I decree a thing, and all things must bend to my will. The unawakened man does not know that Atman, his Real Self, abides within him, and is the Divinity of himself; at this stage of man's concept, the flame in the heart seems smouldering, when the carnal mind first finds it ; but fan a flame and it will soon become a burning fire ; this the carnal mind discovers as soon as it opens the window of the soul. As the fire burns it consumes the debris; when this is accomplished it becomes easy to abandon thy self into the Ocean Di- vine, and be at peace with God. Note this! not at peace with all things! but at peace with God; here the Atman perceives that every expression in form in the universe is Aum in its center; from the grain of sand, the blade of grass, fish, foul, animal and Man; he perceiving the Oneness of AUM (the- Living' God, ) does not see division when he beholds the multi- tudes of forms about him, he is conscious of the "One" only, the omnipresent Aum, our Father- Mother-God. Become a conscious Atman, and abandon thyself into the Ocean Divine; our Father-Mother's Love is there, His bounty is there; then lave thou in this Ocean of Life. Become thou a conscious drop of Life Divine, and when thou art conscious in fullness of your abandonment into the Ocean Divine you will par- take of Immortality, and willingly abide at home. 106 THE LOTUS PATH This is the Source from whence you came in the long ago, abide here, and consciously remain at Home throughout the Eternities to come. "Om Tat Sat Om/' Abide in this Ocean of Peace Let thy heart melt into Love. Let thy strength become Life. Let thy Power become Purity. Forever more. So-be-jt. CHAPTER XXII. MY DIVINE MOTHER A S FAR BACK as the time when the morning / ~* t stars sang sweetly together, and the Pleiades swung into place, and the Sons of God sang for joy; and farther and farther, even unto the time when the minds of men run not to the contrary, my Divine Mother, ever reposing upon the Bosom of the Abso- lute, enfolds the children of men in Love's embrace. My Divine Mother is Love Divine, Love Abso- lute; my Divine Mother expresses in the dew-drop, in the heart of the rose, on the tip of the blade of grass; She, my Divine Mother, is the nectar of bliss that quickens within our hearts, and expresses in ap- preciation of the grace of Aum the Father and in brotherly kindness to the children of men. My Divine Mother abides in the depth of the Deep ; She also travels in the soft fleecy clouds; She dwells in the heart of the Saint ; and the Sinner too. She, my Beloved Mother, dwelling in the Heart of Aum, and resting on the Bosom of the Absolute, God is above the Pairs of Opposites, and perceives no stain of sin. My Divine Mother, in rapture com- plete, quickens the Soul of all men. My Divine Mother will quietly abide in the Heart of Aum, and silently Love us all back home. What wandering son, as he dwells in distant lands does not rejoice to think of that day when he will re- turn to his native place, and hear his mother's sweet voice again ; and feel the seal of Love upon his brow ; and to hear the words : ' ' My son ! is at home again ! ' ' 107 108 THE LOTUS PATH My Divine Mother does not sleep nor slumber, and She, resting in the Heart of Aum, even as the lotus rests upon the bosom of the water, is ever and anon softly cooing her divine lullaby to the children of meji ; it echoes and reechoes throughout Infinity ; and the vibrations of Love will finally touch every key on every string of the Infinite Harp ; then throughout Infinity my Mother speaks to the hearts of men, and silently chants Her sweet lullaby, ' * Come home ! come home ! ' ' where Love is supreme, and in its golden glow is robed in purity white; where each expression of Aum rests in its perfect expressed form, even as a lotus. My Divine Mother, then softly chants, ''Abide in Me" ; and list to the music of the Harp of Love, which is softly whispering, ' * Come home ! come home ! ' ' So-be-it. CHAPTER XXIII. A LESSON IN THE ABSOLUTE TTO THE Knower-self, that individual ray of the * Infinite, known as Atman The Real Self. When man has gnosis, he lives in the Atman con- sciousness, and acts and speaks from that center of his being. The Atman who is conscious gnosis ' ' bows to none in the three worlds;" and the gods make obeisance to him : man in the gnosis state is conscious God expressed; the Atman being the Knower Self, dwells in vibrations above the earth's surface. An adage of old says, " water finds its level," so man will as Atman, the Gnosis Self, arise to his Source and become one with it, one in it. Man having become the Gnosis Atman, perceives the oneness of the Great All; also the Allness of the Great One. When the Gnosis Atman has returned to the source, and is one with it, he is at that place from whence he came. What has man gained by passing out from the Source, and returning thereto, when he is Atman all the time? Man, having become Gnosis Atman, is now conscious of the Infinite in all its separate divisions; and hav- ing traversed the length of the path which winds through the Forest of Maya, stands at home in the Source, a conscious God ; and is thus known and rec- ognized by all Gnosis Atman who have arrived at their Source. Man passed out from the Source, Atman the Real Self but he being conscious of Bliss Supernal, like a trusting child, enjoyed the Divine Bliss which only the Soul knows ; but as the child in the physical, nec- 109 110 THE LOTUS PATH essarily must pass into manhood; so Atman, must pass from the state of blissful innocence into the Gnosis Atman. To attain this, man must travel over the winding path which leads through Maya the il- lusive forest. What is the illusive Forest? Carnal- ity. When Atman has once started upon the Illusive Path, he is by his own thoughts, words, acts and deeds bound thereunto as by chains, and does not be- come freed from it until his karmic debts are paid, the small as well as the great. When this is accomplished, man, through becoming Gnosis Atman has mounted the golden stairs of knowl- edge, until he has reached the Hall of Learning; as he passes through this he gains wisdom. As he, the Gnosis Atman, passes out from the Hall of Learning he merges into the Ocean of Love, God. This is the Source. He not only now abides here in the Source, as an innocent babe in Bliss Super- nal, the Pure-Spirit-Essence; but graciously stands erect, a Gnosis Atman ; a Redeemed Soul. A God, at home in the Source! This Source is not reached by traveling distance, it is here ; and you are in it always : but, as the babe taketh no conscious recognition of its surroundings, so the Soul in that blissful state did not comprehend its environment; but when Atman has traversed the labyrinth of the path which winds through carnality until he desires the Divine Satisfaction which the At- man has not forgotten, although the mind knows not of it; then through searching he will find the golden steps by which, if he climbs, he will reach the Hall of Wisdom, pass through it, and merge into the Abso- lute Ocean Divine, a Gnosis Atman. The Earth is always blest when a Soul reaches the Source ; as he is sure to let his Light shine, he, having become that Light, cannot hide it behind the curtain, A LESSON IN THE ABSOLUTE 111 but places it upon a high tower, that all who desire may see it. The Source, the Absolute, is everywhere present, at all times ; but man, walking upon the path in Maya, perceives it not, until he ascends the Golden Steps, then through climbing them becomes Gnosis Atman, he then has reached the Source, the Absolute. CHAPTER XXIV. THE ONENESS TO COMPREHEND the Oneness, it is necessary one have an understanding of the Absolute. Un- derstanding is first gained through the mind ; then an understanding heart is required. The mind comes to understanding through man's own efforts, he being assisted by those who have gain- ed the understanding in advance of him. Man must know how to stand, in other words, "know the Truth. " The understanding heart comes, when the mind has become clarified and tamed, and held in subjection by the bridle of understanding. That which places the bridle over the mind, is the Spiritual Ego, that Real Self, which is the Son of the Living God. It is the human ego that is bridled. That which expresses understanding in the heart is the Atman, thy Self of all ages. It ever abides in understanding in thy heart, but as long as the carnal mind is roaming over the sur- face of the sea, the mountain ranges and deserts, it being the consciousness of the outer man, knows not of the Atman, the Knower Self, which centers in the Heart. Learn thou of the Secret Heart Teaching and live in the understanding of the Heart; and all shall be well. Then from that center, you will come into the comprehension of the Oneness of the All, and the Allness of the One; One Completeness. 112 THE ONENESS 113 When man understands this secret of the Infinite, that Father, Mother, Son are One; expressed in the highest form, Man; and that all lesser expressions are each filling their place, and that all are expres- sions of Aum, the enlightened one will despise none, but he will tread caressingly upon the Bosom of Mother Earth, that wonderful magnetic and power- ful expression of Aum. The Illumined one perceives the Oneness of the Law, as it operates in and through the Oceans, caus- ing the impurities cast therein to become pure; and in and through the earth, causing all impurities there in to become pure. The Oneness of Life, as it manifests in and through all forms, animate and inanimate! The Oneness of Love, as it throbs in the hearts of all living things! The Oneness is completeness. Chela, upon the Sacred Path, clarify thy mind, and bridle it fast. Having found thy heart center, where Atman, thy- self abides ; list to the knowing one, and become united with the All. Let the mind reflect the wisdom of the Atman self, it having traveled down the ages, knows the One- ness. CHAPTER XXV. FAITHFUL AND TRUE DE faithful and true, my brothers; Let your bark float out on the deep, There cast anchor, and be at peace. This is the Essence Ocean, the Absolute. Be faithful and true, my brothers, Abide serenely upon the Ocean blue, and There drink of the Water of Life And become immortal; faithful and true. Be faithful and true, my brothers, And recognize the many blessings of God; Gather the flowers along the roadside And scorn not anything, even the lowly sod. Be faithful and true, my brothers. Walk not in the muddy thoroughfares, Nor scan the face of darkening clouds: But walk in the sunlight, and gather the jewels there. Be faithful and true, my brothers; And look for the smile of God ; You truly will find it everywhere, If you are awake, and looking that way. Be faithful and true, my brothers; And gather the flowers that grow at your feet, Be they daisy or .orchid, they are the smile of God, Inhale their perfume, and let your prayer ascend. 114 FAITHFUL AND TRUE 115 Be faithful and true, my brothers. Thus being, you're in the sunlight of God, 'Tis there, you sweetly commune with the Father- Mother, And become refreshed by the Omnipresent One. CHAPTER XXVI. THE CONCLUSION. I N SUMMING up the conclusion, what have we found? That, Truth Absolute, is all there real- ly is. We have found God, our Father-Mother, to be Omnipresent, and from everlasting to everlasting; yea, beyond everlasting ; even the Eternity of all that is, was, or ever will be. That the Father-Mother-God is Love, Life, Peace, Purity, Harmony and Wholeness. That man, being an individual expression of this Omnipresent God, and living and moving and having his being in this Reality, he is at Home in God. We have also learned, even unto perception, that man, an expression of God, and living in Him, is the Divine Man, and he being formed from the One Es- sence Divine is not only a Conscious Son of God, but that he, being God expressed, is a God Conscious Be- ing. And if man is this, which the Illumined perceive to be true, is it possible for this man to be sick ? We, following the Secret Heart Teaching, unto Illumina- tion into the Absolute Truth, perceive it is not, as Divinity cannot become afflicted. Why? Because, it is a vibration above the vibration of disease. It, being in the vibration of harmony, a discordant note never touches or disturbs that abode, neither the ex- pressions of God who are inhabitants of that vibration, and vibrate with it. We perceive the personal ego, as it becomes active here, and begins to ask questions about the man who is sick, and about God healing the sick. 116 THE CONCLUSION 117 We have found, when man awakens and begins to solve his problems that he may, like the Prodigal, in the parable of Jesus of Nazareth, arise and return to his Father's house; here man seemingly is of two parts. We read in Scriptures, "the body is the Tem- ple of the Living God." This expresses the two men (which are one,) when man starts toward God. We have found, as man passes into the depth of the deep of the Real as it is ; that the Living God within the Temple (body) is Atman the Divine and Real Self of each and every man. And the Temple, (the body) is the outer "sheath" or garment which is nec- essary that he have to express through as he lives and expresses upon earth. This body is the Physical Man, which is generated in Nature's Law, and lives in, and expresses in Nature and Nature's Laws. This being the Temple of the Real Self, it is ever desirous this body be strong, healthy and harmonious. As we appreciate a perfect rose and its fragrance far more than we do one that is in a state of disease, which is discord. If man, or, as long as man continues to live in rhy- thm with Nature's Laws, he is harmonious, therefore expresses health ; and even though the Temple of the Soul, under Nature's Law passes from infancy to childhood, to manhood, thence into old age ; he, if he continues in harmony with Nature's Laws, will ex- press health. The physical Man, (the Temple) is in the vibration of Nature, and as long as he vibrates in the vibration of Nature, is in generation. That Atman, the Divine, and Real Self of every man, lives in the vibration of the Divine, the One Essence of the Universe, which is God. That he was "never born, therefore, shall never die." For birth and death take place in the natural world, and not in the Ocean Essence, which is God. 118 THE LOTUS PATH Here we find the two men, when he awakens from the Carnal Slumber, one the outer man (the physi- cal) the other the inner man (the Divine Self). When man awakens, his own problem stretches out before him. Here is where the earnest searcher after Truth Absolute will exclaim, how is this? How is this ? I have been quietly living the life of the physi- cal life, so long as I did not feel the inner urge of my soul. We have found, after the outer man awakens, he will search until he finds his Higher Self, and be- comes linked therewith, and the Higher Self is linked with the Father-Mother-God. We have found, in man's process of attaining the fullness of Light, concerning God and himself, and in solving his own problem, that he may come into the full consciousness of a God-conscious Son; that he passes from the laws of the physical man, and the natural world, into the Divine Man, and the Divine World. He then lives under the Divine Law. He then has passed from generation to regenera- tion : and out from the state of regeneration he passes into the Essence Divine; which expresses in man at this place upon the Path as Immortality. He then can triumphantly sing, "0, death where is thy sting, 0, grave, where is thy victory ?" We are here reminded of a few who have reached this high state of conscious spiritual vibration ; where they have floated apast the grave; it touching them not: and carried the body, which was physical, with them into higher realms. First, the Great Initiate, Master, Elder Brother and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Elijah, who disappeared from the sight of those who were near him, in a chariot of fire, (an esoteric or mystical term). Enoch, also passed over physical death. And St. John, the be- loved of the Lord, we having no record of his death, THE CONCLUSION 119 he being so close to the heart of Jesus, it is pleasing to presume, spread his pinions and soared above the tomb. In order for man to vibrate in the vibration of the Divine, which is the Infinite Heart, it is neces- sary he renounce the physical man's desires, lusts and cares. As man gleans the light, he, finding himself at first, two beings in one, the inner man, the Living Truth Divine; and the other man the physical, (his Temple or body:) he does not despise this body, but taketh care of it; he having learned among his first lessons that the inner, or Real Self, is "the man to whom God gave dominion," and commanded to go forth and subdue the earth; here he learns, his first efforts are to control his thoughts, and guard well his spoken words. To do this, he, the Atman Ego, neces- sarily must subdue the carnal mind; and hold it in subjection to the Divine Ego, Atman, even by plac- ing a bridle upon it : when a horse has a bridle bit in his mouth, the one who has the reins guides it wher- ever he wills. The will of the Atman ego is the will of God. The will of the Physical Man when subjected unto Atman, (the Divine Man,) is forever at-one with God. We here remember when Atman expresses the con- sciousness of his At-One-Ment with God, through the outer man ; the subjective hath become the objective ; and the superconscious man, expresses in God con- sciousness, and the men of earth exclaim, a Master is passing by. A Master truly is passing by, as, man when he has attained mastership, no longer vibrates with the vibrations of earth; and in time his vibra- tions will become so high, he will pass from the vision of the children of earth, who are in the low vibration of nature and the natural man. When an Illumined one passes along amidst his fel- 120 THE LOTUS PATH low man, does he condemn his brothers who are still living in the carnal concept of themselves and the world, and are contentedly enjoying the risings and settings of the sun, and the darkness of the storm, and the brightness of the calm? A Christ-Illumined man hath left condemnation far behind him ere he touched even the hem of the Christly robe: therefore, hath no condemnation for any one. He, with the understanding of Illumination per- ceiveth every man is in his right place, according to Karma 's Law; therefore, he radiates Love, the Love which is Divine, to each and every one ; to those "who may use him unkindly, as well as to those who are kind to him. He ever remembers to voice his prayer to the Fath- er-Mother-God that His grace may be extended to friend or foe alike. The Christ Illumined man, if he has learned the Secret Heart Teaching is anchored in the center of his heart, and there being at-one with the Father- Mother-God, touches with his Golden Key of Love the secret spring of the Infinite Heart, and then requests the Father, to guide, bless, and heal his fellow man. In man's awakening period, as the change is taking place in him, where he is subjecting the carnal man to the Divine Self, man requires assistance; here is where he prays to the Father-Mother-God, ' grayer is ever the working tool of the Christ-awakening man." And he uses the method which appeals to him. The method hath nothing to do with the prayer or its an- swer; it is for man's convenience, that is all: there- fore, the awakening man ever uses the method that is the most vital to him today; tomorrow he may find another; however the sincere desire of the heart re- maineth the same. The physical man becomes healed as man vibrates in THE CONCLUSION 121 rhythm with the Divine Law. But there may be times when the body is afflicted; then trust in God, and always remember, "God is able to heal all your infirmities;" but the one who has the Light, and is walking close to God, keeps his faith in God; but if his prayers are not answered let him call upon the teachers for assistance. The teacher will voice the prayer as is indicated by the Voice of God; the Voice of God ever speaketh to the God-conscious one. He may use the silent prayer, he may voice the audible prayer, he may lay his hands upon the body of the afflicted one, that a closer link may take place, that the vibration of Health and Strength may touch and heal him ; closing this service in the name of Christ. We read in Holy Writ, "if any man lack any good thing, let him ask of God." We also recall, Jesus sai^l, "go sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you." We here perceive, even after man is healed by God, the Divinity, it is necessary he hold his thoughts and words in subjection, and keeps the reins of the bridle of his mind strongly in hand. Jesus Christ, when the leper returned to Him to express his appreciation of his healing said, "there were ten healed, here is only one. Where are the nine?" One became attuned to the Source from which his healing came; the others went into the world life again and became lost in the mist, but the one who returned has his name written in the "Book of God's Remembrance." And the children of men will never forget him, wherever the Hebrew Scrip- ture is read: yea, his name is immortal. Yet only known as one of the ten lepers. Faith is a gift from God, to the men of earth ; they cannot manufacture it by thoughts or words; but if they desire faith, "let them ask of God." 122 THE LOTUS PATH Man, without faith, cannot pierce the curtain which hangs between the Real and the Relative ; the Divine Self (the Atman) and the outer self (the carnal man). It is in the destiny of all men that they will come to the place in their ongoings upon the carnal path, when he awakens from the carnal sleep and begins h\s journey toward h's Source; to find himself in the Forest of Illusion, (Maya.) Man's destination is the Source, where there are no illusions, no shadows. The Illusive Forest, or Maya, is Carnality. Man lives the carnal life in the Forest where every tree casts a shadow, and where life is continuous joy and sorrow; birth and death; sunshine and darkness. Krishna, the Hindu Incarnation, said, " arise above the Pairs of Opposites." Then we perceive, as we arise above carnality (Maya) and are Illumined in the Absolute Truth, man will soar into the realm of the Infinite. It is here he rests in peace ; Divine Satisfaction is his portion. He laves in the Ocean Essence Divine ; he hath not care ; he hath laid them down at the foot of the Cross, and the Illumined Son of God beareth them away. He, serene and calm, walks in the green fields of Paradise: this being his Father-Mother-God's House, he is at Home ; he gathers the fruit, and drinks of the cool and refreshing water of the River of Life Eter- nal ; he rests in the shade of the Tree of Life. He is content, and knows naught but Divine Satisfaction. He serenely and understandingly abides at home. This is man 's destiny ! To return to the Source, the Father-Mother-God, from whence he came. To reach that place carnality is left behind ; and man arrives at the Portal of his Divine Abode, a God Conscious Man. CHAPTER XXVII. THE INFINITE LULLABY. The Infinite Lullaby, is ever vibrating throughout the Universe. Kali, the Divine Mother, with Her finger of Love, Touches each string of the Infinite Harp ; And its music reverberates through land and sea. The Divine Mother is ever and awe, singing Her Lul- laby. It is heard in the rustle of the leaves of the trees; And through the branches of the trees in the forest deep; and In the throat of the little songster, she warbles forth. In the roar of the raging torrent, Mother ever sings. In the thunderous rumbling of the mighty deep, it is heard ; In the gentle patter of the rain drops, Mother sings, And in the heart of every living thing. The Infinite Lullaby is ever vibrating throughout the Infinity. This harp hath a string which touches the heart of everything ; Then over this harp of many strings, if man will list, He will hear the Music of the Spheres. The Father-Mother-God, is ever singing soft and low. This is the Song of Love, wafted from the Heart of God, 123 124 THE LOTUS PATH To the heart of every living thing, it says, come home ! Return to our Heart, our children, we are waiting for you. The Father-Mother ever sings, nestle close to our heart. Dear children; we are holding you secure. The Infinite Lullaby softly sings, abide in me: I will uphold you with my omnipotence. The Infinite Lullaby, murmurs soft and low at even- tide, At the high noon hour, or, at the midnight call. Our Father-Mother God is ever chanting soft and low, Come home ! my son, come home ; Love vibrates to all. Soft and low is the chanting of the Infinite Lullaby. It reaches the low and humble; and vibrates Through the palaces of kings; the same sweet song Is for all, my son, I love you! come home. The Infinite Lullaby vibrates over the Harp of Love. Coming from out the Infinite Heart, it touches Each heart that is attuned to the Key of Love. The heart, thus attuned, hears its sweet soft music. LOVE DIVINE Love Divine ! what a vibrant key ! If touched by the understanding heart, It rings throughout the Universe; It is the secret key of the Infinite. Love Divine ! thou art the very heart of God ; Thou art the Essence itself, the Holy Breath. Love Divine, it is Thee that paints the petals of the flowers, And drapes the western sky at the setting of the sun. THE INFINITE LULLABY 125 Love Divine ! thou art the silent companion of man, As his bark is tossed on the rough sea, or is anchored in the calm. Thy silent presence touches the heart of man, as he Moves along in the mountain solitude. Love Divine! thou art eternal and omnipresent Love. When the heart of man is attuned to this Essence Divine, Love embraces him; his fear departs! He rests in peace. 0, Love Divine, thou art immortal! because thou art God. Love Divine! touch the heart of all men, That they may vibrate in rhythm in the Infinite Heart. And closely embrace these our brothers, that They May remember Thee. Arise! and return Home. THE LOTUS The Lotus rests on the Bosom of Aum, And serenely expresses its perfect form, dressed In the raiment of Purity and Love, And remembers its part is, just "To Be." Just "To Be" is the silent song of the Lotus. It trustingly rests on the bosom of the water; As it is gently rocked by the waves, it Sweetly listens to the Infinite Lullaby. It hath not fear, its roots are anchored in the deep: It is sustained and upheld by the Omnipotent Aum. Contentedly it abides on the Infinite Breast, and Listens as Kali, the Divine Mother sings, remember, just "To Be." 126 THE LOTUS PATH ATMAN Let Atman, my soul sing a song, It will tell of its radiant self: As it sees, as God hath seen it always; It perceives it is a soul of the Great Over-Soul. Out from the Soul of the Infinite I came ; Remembering my Source, I abide therein. In cognition of the Source, I bow in reverence; And sweetly sing my praise to God, the Over-Soul. Contentedly I walk on the pathway of Life ; It matters not where my foot-steps may lead : for I am serenely at home in the Over-Soul, And I perceive this is the Omnipotent God. AUM Aum, our Father-Mother, we in love's appreciation bow To Thee; and understandingly know, thou art the Source from Which all men came, and to which all will return: and that Thou hast expressed the Universe, and thy bounty for man. We love thee, AUM, "the center and circumference of all." We voice our silent prayer to Thee ; and express aloud Our gratitude, for the many blessings thou hast be- stowed. And sing thy praises, that all men may Love Thee. Aum, we thy sons, walk in thy beautiful garden; Inhale the perfume of the rare and beautiful flowers ; THE INFINITE LULLABY 127 And gather the luscious fruits from the trees in thy orchard, And the golden grain, we gather into the granary. Thy bountiful supply is ever at hand, Our Father. As we partake of thy bounty, our hearts touch Love's key Of the Infinite Heart : and Love responds ; and we Are refreshed; we have found the Mystic Key, Love. Aum, our Heavenly Father, help us to become so at- tuned To thee; that we may never forget Thee; but ever keep our Hearts, and ears attuned, that the Lullaby is ever heard ; And that we may, though tried, prove True. 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