Reference THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES AUSTRAL ENGLISH: A DICTIONARY AUSTRAL ENGLISH A DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALASIAN WORDS PHRASES AND USAGES WITH THOSE ABORIGINAL- AUSTRALIAN AND MAORI WORDS WHICH HAVE BECOME INCORPORATED IN THE LANGUAGE AND THE COMMONER SCIENTIFIC WORDS THAT HAVE HAD THEIR ORIGIN IN AUSTRALASIA BY EDWARD E. MORRIS M.A., OXON. PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE itonfcon MACMILLAN AND CO. LIMITED NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1898 REPUBLISHED BY GALE RESEARCH COMPANY, BOOK TOWER, DETROIT, 1968 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-18003 TO THE DEAR MEMORY OF CALLED HENCE ON APRIL 19, 1896. Librajj INTRODUCTION CONTENTS i. ORIGIN OF THE WORK ix First undertaken to help O. E. D. The Standard Dictionary n. TITLE AND SCOPE OF THE BOOK xi Not a Slang Dictionary in. SOURCES OF NEW WORDS : 1. Altered English ... ... xii 2. Words quite new to the language : (a) Aboriginal Australian ... xiii (i>) Maori xiv iv. THE LAW OF HOBSON-JOBSON xv Is Austral English a corrup- tion? v. CLASSIFICATION OF WORDS ... xvi vi. QUOTATIONS. THEIR PURPOSE xvii vn. BOOKS USED AS AUTHORITIES xviii vin. SCIENTIFIC WORDS ix. ASSISTANCE RECEIVED ABBREVIATIONS : 1. Of Scientific Names 2. General xix XX XX111 xxiv I. ORIGIN OF THE WORK. ABOUT a generation ago Mr. Matthew Arnold twitted our nation with the fact that " the journeyman work of literature" was much better done in France the books of reference, the biographical dictionaries, and the translations from the classics. He did not especially mention dictionaries of the language, because he was speaking in praise of academies, and, as far as France is concerned, the great achievement in that line is Littre' and not the Academy's Dictionary. But the reproach has now been rolled away nous avons change tout cela and in every branch to which Arnold alluded our journeyman work is quite equal to anything in France. It is generally allowed that a vast improvement has taken place in translations, whether prose or verse. From quarter to quarter the Dictionary of National Biography continues its stately progress. But the noblest monument of English scholarship is The New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society, edited by Dr. James Murray, and published at the cost of the University of Oxford. The name New will, however, be unsuitable long before the Dictionary is out of date. Its right name is the Oxford English Dictionary ('O.E.D.'). That great dictionary is built up out of quotations.spacially gathered for it from English books of all kinds and all periods ; and Dr. Murray several years ago invited assistance from this end of the world for words and uses of words peculiar to Australasia, or to parts of it. In answer to his call I began to collect ; but instances of words must be noted as one comes across them, and of course they do not x INTRODUCTION occur in alphabetical order. The work took time, and when my parcel of quotations had grown into a considerable heap, it occurred to me that the collection, if a little further trouble were expended upon it, might first enjoy an independent existence. Various friends kindly contributed more quotations .: and this Book is the result. In January 1892, haying the honour to be President of the Section of "Literature and the Fine Arts" at the Hobart Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, I alluded to Dr. Murray's request : A body like this Section, composed of men from different parts of scattered colonies, might render valuable help in organising the work of collecting authori- ties for our various peculiar words and usages. Twenty or thirty men and women, each undertaking to read certain books with the new dictionary in mind, and to note in a prescribed fashion what is peculiar, could accomplish all that is needed. Something has been done in Melbourne, but the Colonies have different words and uses of words, and this work is of a kind which might well extend beyond the bounds of a single city. At first it may seem as if our words were few, as if in the hundred years of Australian life few special usages have arisen ; but a man with a philological turn of mind, who notes what he hears, will soon find the list grow. Some philologers speak, not perhaps very satisfactorily, of being "at the fountains of language " : we can all of us testify to the birth of some words within our own memory, but the origin of these, if not noted, will in time be lost. There are many other words which the strictest cannot condemn as slang, though even slang, being the speech of the people, is not undeserving of some scientific study : words, for instance, which have come into the language from the Aborigines, and names of animals, shrubs, and flowers. It might even be possible, with sufficient co-operation, to produce an Australian dictionary on the same lines as the New English Dictionary by way of supplement to it. Organisation might make the labour light, whilst for many it would from its very nature prove a pleasant task. These suggestions were not carried out. Individuals sent quota- tions to Oxford, but no organisation was established to make the collection systematic or complete, and at the next meeting of the Association the Section had ceased to exist, or at least had doffed its literary character. At a somewhat later date, Messrs. Funk and Wagnall of New York invited me to join an "Advisory Committee on disputed spelling and pronunciation." That firm was then preparing its Standard Dictionary , and one part of the scheme was to obtain opinions as to usage from various parts of the English-speaking world, especially from those whose function it is to teach the English Language. Subsequently, at my own suggestion, the firm appointed me to take charge of the Australian terms in their Dictionary, and I forwarded a certain number of words and phrases in use in Australia. But the accident of the letter A, for Australian, coming early in the alphabet gives my name a higher place than it deserves on the published list of those co-operating in the production of this Standard Dictionary ; for with my present knowledge I see that my contribution was lamentably incomplete. Moreover, I joined the Editorial Corps too late to be of real use. Only the final proofs were sent to me, and although my corrections were reported to New York without delay, they arrived too late for any alterations to be effected before the sheets went to press. This took the heart out of my work for that Dictionary. For its modernness, for many of its INTRODUCTION xi lexicographical features, and for its splendid illustrations, I entertain a cordial admiration for the book, and I greatly regret the unworthiness of my share in it. It is quite evident that others had contributed Australasian words, and I must confess I hardly like to be held responsible for some of their statements. For instance " Aabec, An Australian medicinal bark said to promote perspiration." I have never heard of it, and my ignorance is shared by the greatest Australian botanist, the Baron von Miiller. " Beauregarde, The Zebra grass-parrakeet of Australia. From F. beau, regarde. See BEAU n. and REGARD." As a matter of fact, the name is altered out of recognition, but really comes from the aboriginal budgery, good, and gar, parrot. " Imou-pine. A larg-e New Zealand tree .... called red pine by the colonists and rimu by the natives." I can find no trace of the spelling " Imou." In a circular to New Zealand newspapers I asked whether it was a known variant. The New Zealand Herald made answer "He maybe sure that the good American dictionary has made a misprint. It was scarcely worth the Professor's while to take notice of mere examples of pakeha ignorance of Maori." " Swagman. [Slang, Austral.] r. A dealer in cheap trinkets, etc. 2. A swagger." In twenty-two years of residence in Australia, I have never heard the former sense. " Taihoa. [Anglo-Tasmanian.] No hurry ; wait." The word is Maori, and Maori is the language of New Zealand, not of Tasmania. These examples, I know, are not fair specimens of the accuracy of the Standard Dictionary, but they serve as indications of the necessity for a special book on Australasian English. II. TITLE AND SCOPE OF THE BOOK. In the present day, when words are more and more abbreviated, a "short title" may be counted necessary to the welfare of a book. For this reason "Austral English" has been selected. In its right place in the dictionary the word Austral will be found with illus- trations to show that its primary meaning, " southern," is being more and more limited, so that the word may now be used as equivalent to Australasian. "Austral" or "Australasian English" means all the new words and the new uses of old words that have been added to the English language by reason of the fact that those who speak English have taken up their abode in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Hasty inference might lead to the remark that such addition is only slang, but the remark is far from being accurate ; probably not one- tenth of the new vocabulary could fairly be so classified. A great xii INTRODUCTION deal of slang is used in Australasia, but very much less is generated here than is usually believed. In 1895 a literary policeman in Melbourne brought out a small Australian Slang Dictionary. In spite of the name, however, the compiler confesses that "very few of the terms it contains have been invented by Australians." My estimate is that not one word in fifty in his little book has an Australian origin, or even a specially Australian use. The phrase "Australasian English" includes something much wider than slang. Those who, speaking the tongue of Shakspeare, of Milton, and of Dr. Johnson, came to various parts of Australasia, found a Flora and a Fauna waiting to be named in English. New birds, beasts and fishes, new trees, bushes and flowers, had to receive names for general use. It is probably not too much to say that there never was an instance in history when so many new names were needed, and that there never will be such an occasion again, for never did settlers come, nor can they ever again come, upon Flora and Fauna so completely different from anything seen by them before. When the offshoots of our race first began to settle in America, they found much that was new, but they were still in the same North Temperate zone. Though there is now a considerable divergence between the American and the English vocabulary, especially in technical terms, it is not largely due to great differences in natural history. An oak in America is still a Quercus, not as in Australia a Casuarina. But with the whole tropical region intervening it was to be expected that in the South Temperate Zone many things would be different, and such expectation was amply fulfilled. In early descriptions of Australia it is a sort of common- place to dwell on this complete variety, to harp on the trees that shed bark not leaves, and the cherries with the stones outside. Since the days when " Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field " never were so many new names called for. Unfortunately, names were not given by the best educated in the community, but often by those least qualified to invent satisfactory names : not by a linguist, a botanist, an ornitholo- gist, an ichthyologist, but by the ordinary settler. Even in countries of old civilisation names are frequently conferred or new words in- vented, at times with good and at times with unsatisfactory results, by the average man, whom it is the modern fashion to call " the man in the street." Much of Australasian nomenclature is due to " the man in the bush " more precise address not recorded. Givers of new names may be benefactors to their language or violators of its purity and simplicity, but in either case they are nearly always, like the burial- place of Moses, unknown. III. SOURCES OF NEW WORDS. Of Australasian additions to the English language there are two main sources, which correspond to the twofold division of them into new words and new uses of old words. i. Altered English. The commoner origin of Australasian English words is the turning INTRODUCTION xiii and twisting of an already existing English name. The settler saw a fruit somewhat like a cherry. Though he knew well that it was not a cherry, he christened it the " native cherry." It may here be remarked that the prefix native is not a satisfactory distinguishing adjective. Native bear, native cherry, may teach the young Austra- lian that the bear and the cherry so named are not as the bear of the Arctic Regions or the cherry of Europe. But in the British Museum the label does not help much. The settler heard a bird laugh in what he thought an extremely ridiculous manner, its opening notes suggesting a donkey's bray he called it the "laughing jackass." His descendants have dropped the adjective, and it has come to pass that the word "jackass" denotes to an Australian something quite different from its meaning to other speakers of our English tongue. The settler must have had an imagination. Whip-bird, or Coach-whip, from the sound of the note, Lyre-bird from the appearance of the outspread tail, are admirable names. Another class of name brought the Australian word nearer to its English use. " Robin " for instance is applied to birds of various species not known in Europe. Bird-names, fish-names, plant-names, are sometimes transferred to new species, sometimes to a new genus, sometimes to an entirely different Natural Order, bearing a resem- blance to the original, either real or fancied, as for instance "Magpie." It is hardly necessary to dwell longer on this point, for almost every page of the Dictionary bears witness to it. 2. Words new to the Language. (a) Aboriginal Australian. Many of the new Australasian words are taken from the languages of the aborigines, often with considerable alteration due to misun- derstanding. Such words are either Australian or Maori. Whilst in New Zealand careful attention has been paid by competent scholars to the musical Maori language, it can hardly be claimed that the Australian family of languages has ever been scientifically studied, though there is a heap of printed material small grammars and lists of words rudis indigestaque moles. There is no doubt that the vocabu- laries used in different parts of Australia and Tasmania varied greatly, and equally little doubt that the languages, in structure and perhaps originally in vocabulary, were more or less connected. About the year 1883, Professor Sayce, of Oxford, wrote a letter, which was published in The Argus, pointing out the obligation that lay upon the Austra- lian colonies to make a scientific study of a vanishing speech. The duty would be stronger were it not for the distressing lack of pence that now is vexing public men. Probably a sum of ^300 a year would suffice for an educated inquirer, but his full time for several years would be needed. Such an one should be trained at the University as a linguist and an observer, paying especial attention to logic and to Comparative Philology. Whilst the colonies neglect their opportunities, and Sibylla year by year withdraws her offer, perhaps "the inevitable German" will intervene, and in a well- arranged book bring order out of the chaos of vocabularies and small pamphlets on the subject, all that we have to trust to now. xiv INTRODUCTION The need of scientific accuracy is strong. For the purposes of this Dictionary I have been investigating the origin of words, more or less naturalised as English, that come from aboriginal Australian, in number between seventy and a hundred. I have received a great deal of kind assistance, many people taking much trouble to inform me. But there is a manifest lack of knowledge. Many supplied me with the meanings of the words as used in English, but though my appeal was scattered far and wide over Australia (chiefly through the kindness of the newspapers), few could really give the origin of the words. Two amongst the best informed went so far as to say that Australian words have no derivation. That doctrine is hard to accept. A word of three syllables does not spring complete from the brain of an aboriginal as Athene rose fully armed from the head of Zeus. It is beyond all doubt that the vocabularies of the Aborigines differed widely in different parts. Frequently, the English have carried a word known in one district to a district where it was not known, the aboriginals regarding the word as pure English. In several books statements will be found that such and such a word is not Aboriginal, when it really has an aboriginal source but in a different part of the Continent. Mr. Threlkeld, in his Australian Grammar, which is especially concerned with the language of the Hunter River, gives a list of " barbarisms," words that he considers do not belong to the aboriginal tongue. He says with perfect truth " Barbarisms have crept into use, introduced by sailors, stockmen, and others, in the use of which both blacks and whites labour under the mistaken idea, that each one is conversing in the other's language." And yet with him a "barbarism" has to be qualified as meaning " not belonging to the Hunter District." But Mr. Threlkeld is not the only writer who will not acknowledge as aboriginal sundry words with an undoubted Australian pedigree. (b) Maori. The Maori language, the Italian of the South, has received very different treatment from that meted out by fate and indifference to the aboriginal tongues of Australia. It has been studied by competent scholars, and its grammar has been comprehensively arranged and stated. A Maori Dictionary, compiled more than fifty years ago by a missionary, afterwards a bishop, has been issued in a fourth edition by his son, who is now a bishop. Yet, of Maori also, the same thing is said with respect to etymology. A Maori scholar told me that, when he began the study many years ago, he was warned by a very dis- tinguished scholar not to seek for derivations, as the search was full of pitfalls. It was not maintained that words sprang up without an origin, but that the true origin of most of the words was now lost. In spite of this double warning, it may be maintained that some of the origins both of Maori and of Australian words have been found and are in this book recorded. The pronunciation of Maori words differs so widely from that of Australian aboriginal names that it seems advisable to insert a note on the subject. INTRODUCTION xv Australian aboriginal words have been written down on no system, and very much at hap-hazard. English people have attempted to express the native sounds phonetically according to English pronunciation. No definite rule has been observed, different persons giving totally different values to represent the consonant and vowel sounds. In a language with a spelling so unphonetic as the English, in which the vowels especially have such uncertain and vari- able values, the results of this want of system have necessarily been very unsatisfactory and often grotesque. Maori words, on the other hand, have been written down on a simple and consistent system, adopted by the missionaries for the purpose of the translation of the Bible. This system consists in giving the Italian sound to the vowels, every letter vowel and consonant having a fixed and in- variable value. Maori words are often very melodious. In pro- nunciation the best rule is to pronounce each syllable with a nearly equal accent. Care has been taken to remember that this is an Australasian English and not a Maori Dictionary ; therefore to exclude words that have not passed into the speech of the settlers. But in New Zealand Maori is much more widely used in the matter of vocabulary than the speech of the aborigines is in Australia, or at any rate in the more settled parts of Australia; and the Maori is in a purer form. Though some words and names have been ridiculously corrupted, the lan- guage of those who dwell in the bush in New Zealand can hardly be called Pigeon English, and that is the right name for the "lingo" used in Queensland and Western Australia, which, only partly repre- sented in this book, is indeed a falling away from the language of Bacon and Shakspeare. IV. LAW OF HOBSON-JOBSON. In many places in the Dictionary, I find I have used the expression "the law of Hobson-Jobson." The name is an adaptation from the expression used by Col. Yule and Mr. Burnell as a name for their interesting Dictionary of Anglo-Indian words. The law is well recognised, though it has lacked the name, such as I now venture to give it. When a word comes from a foreign language, those who use it, not understanding it properly, give a twist to the word or to some part of it, from the hospitable desire to make the word at home in its new quarters, no regard, however, being paid to the sense. The most familiar instance in English is crayfish from the French ecrevisse, though it is well known that a crayfish is not a fish at all. Amongst the Mohammedans in India there is a festival at which the names of " Hassan " and " Hosein " are frequently called out by devotees. Tommy Atkins, to whom the names were naught, converted them into " Hobson, Jobson." That the practice of so altering words is not limited to the English is shown by two perhaps not very familiar instances in French, where "Aunt Sally" has become ane sale, "a dirty donkey," and "bowsprit" has become beau pre, though quite- unconnected with "a beautiful meadow." The name "Pigeon English" is itself a good example. It has no xvi INTRODUCTION connection with pigeon, the bird, but is an Oriental's attempt to pronounce the word " business." It hardly, however, seems necessary to alter the spelling to " pidjin." It may be thought by some precisians that all Australasian English is a corruption of the language. So too is Anglo-Indian, and, pace Mr. Brander Matthews, there are such things as Americanisms, which were not part of the Elizabethan heritage, though it is perfectly true that many of the American phrases most railed at are pure old English, preserved in the States, though obsolete in Modern England ; for the Americans, as Lowell says, " could not take with them any better language than that of Shakspeare." When we hear railing at slang phrases, at Americanisms, some of which are admirably expres- sive, at various flowers of colonial speech, and at words woven into the texture of our speech by those who live far away from London and from Oxford, and who on the outskirts of the British Empire are brought into contact with new natural objects that need new names, we may think for our comfort on the undoubted fact that the noble and dignified language of the poets, authors and preachers, grouped around Lewis XIV., sprang from debased Latin. For it was not the classical Latin that is the origin of French, but the language of the soldiers and the camp-followers who talked slang and picked words up from every quarter. English has certainly a richer vocabulary, a finer variety of words to express delicate distinctions of meaning, than any language that is or that ever was spoken : and this is because it has always been hospitable in the reception of new words. It is too late a day to close the doors against new words. This Austral English Dictionary merely catalogues and records those which at certain doors have already come in. V. CLASSIFICATION OF THE WORDS. The Dictionary thus includes the following classes of Words, Phrases and Usages ; viz. (1) Old English names of Natural Objects Birds, Fishes, Animals, Trees, Plants, etc. applied (in the first instance by the early settlers) either to new Australian species of such objects, or to new objects bearing a real or fancied resemblance to them as Robin, Magpie, Herring, Cod, Cat, Bear, Oak, Beech, Pine, Cedar, Cherry, Spinach, Hops, Pea, Rose. (2) English names of objects applied in Australia to others quite different as Wattle, a hurdle, applied as the name of the tree Wattle, from whose twigs the hurdle was most readily made ; Jackass, an animal, used as the name for the bird Jackass ; Cockatoo, a bird- name, applied to a small farmer. (3) Aboriginal Australian and Maori words which have been incorporated unchanged in the language, ai\d which still denote the original object as Kangaroo, Wombat, Boomerang, Whare, Pa, Kauri. INTRODUCTION xvii (4) Aboriginal Australian and Maori words which have been similarly adopted, and which have also had their original meaning extended and applied to other things as Bunyip, Corrobbery, Warrigal. (5) Anglicised corruptions of such words as Copper-Maori, Go- ashore, Cock-a-bully, Paddy-melon, Pudding-ball, Tooky-took. (6) Fanciful, picturesque, or humorous names given to new Australasian Natural Objects as Forty-spot, Lyre-bird, Parson-bird, and Coach-whip (birds); Wait-a-while (a tangled thicket); Thousand-jacket, Jimmy Low, Jimmy Donnelly, and Roger Gough (trees) ; Axe-breaker, Cheese-wood, and Raspberry Jam (timbers) ; Trumpeter, Schnapper and Sergeant Baker (fishes) ; Umbrella-grass and Spaniard (native plants), and so on. (7) Words and phrases of quite new coinage, or arising from quite new objects or orders of things as Larrikin, Swagman, Billy, Free- selector, Boundary -rider, Black-tracker, Back-blocks, Clear-skin, Dummyism, Bushed. (8) Scientific names arising exclusively from Australasian necessi- ties, chiefly to denote or describe new Natural Orders, Genera, or Species confined or chiefly appertaining to Australia as Monotreme, Petrogale, Clianthus, Ephthianura, Dinornis, Eucalypt, Boronia, Orni- thorhynchus, Banksia* (9) Slang (of which the element is comparatively small) as Deep- sinker, Duck-shoving, Hoot, Slushy, Boss-cockie, On-the- Wallaby. VI. QUOTATIONS. With certain exceptions, this Dictionary is built up, as a Dic- tionary should be, on quotations, and these are very copious. It may even be thought that their number is too large. It is certainly larger, and in some places the quotations themselves are much longer, than could ever be expected in a general Dictionary of the English Language. This copiousness is, however, the advantage of a special Dictionary. The intention of the quotations is to furnish evidence that a word is used as an English word ; and many times the quota- tion itself furnishes a satisfactory explanation of the meaning. I hope, however, I shall not be held responsible for all the statements in the quotations, even where attention is not drawn to their in- correctness. Sundry Australasian uses of words are given in other dictionaries, as, for instance, in the parts already issued of the Oxford English Dictionary and in The Century, but the space that can be allotted to them in such works is of necessity too small for full explanation. Efforts have been made to select such quotations as should in themselves be interesting, picturesque, and illustrative. In a few cases they may even be humorous. Moreover, the endeavour has been constant to obtain quotations from all parts of the Australasian Colonies from books that describe different parts of Australasia, and from newspapers published far and b xviii INTRODUCTION wide. I am conscious that in the latter division Melbourne papers predominate, but this has been due to the accident that living in Melbourne I see more of the Melbourne papers, whilst my friends have sent me more quotations from books and fewer from newspapers. The quotations, however, are not all explanatory. Many times a quotation is given merely to mark the use of a word at a particular epoch. Quotations are all carefully dated and arranged in their historical order, and thus the exact chronological development of a word has been indicated. The practice of the 'O.E.D.' has been followed in this respect and in the matter of quotations generally, though as a rule the titles of books quoted have been more fully expressed here than in that Dictionary. Early quotations have been sought with care, and a very respectable antiquity, about a century, has been thus found for some Australasian words. As far as possible, the spelling, the stops, the capitals, and the italics of the original have been preserved. The result is often a rich variety of spelling the same word in consecutive extracts. The last decade has been a very active time in Australian science. A great deal of system has been brought into its study, and much rearrangement of classification has followed as the result. Both among birds and plants new species have been distinguished and named : and there has been not a little change in nomenclature. This Dictionary, it must be remembered, is chiefly concerned with vernacular names, but for proper identification, wherever possible, the scientific name is added. In some cases, where there has been a recent change in the latter, both the new and the older names are recorded. VII. AUTHORITIES. The less-known birds, fishes, plants, and trees are in many cases not illustrated by quotations, but have moved to their places in the Dictionary from lists of repute. Many books have been written on the Natural History of Australia and New Zealand, and these have been placed under contribution. Under the head of Botany no book has been of greater service than Maiden's Useful Native Plants. Unfortunately many scientific men scorn vernacular names, but Mr. Maiden has taken the utmost pains with them, and has thereby largely increased the utility of his volume. For Tasmania there is Mr. Spicer's Handbook of Tasmanian Plants; for New Zealand, Kirk's Forest Flora and Hooker's Botany. For Australian animals Lydekker's Marsupials and Monotremes is excellent ; especially his section on the Phalanger or Australian Opossum, an animal which has been curiously neglected by all Dic- tionaries of repute. On New Zealand mammals it is not necessary to quote any book ; for when the English came, it is said, New Zealand contained no mammal larger than a rat. Captain Cook turned two pigs loose ; but it is stated on authority, that these pigs left no descendants. One was ridden to death by Maori boys, and the other was killed for sacrilege : he rooted in a tapu burial-place. Nevertheless, the settlers still call any wild-pig, especially if lean and bony, a "Captain Cook." INTRODUCTION xix For the scientific nomenclature of Australian Botany the Census of Australian Plants by the Baron von Miiller (1889) is indispensable. It has been strictly followed. For fishes reliance has been placed upon Tenison Woods' Fishes and Fisheries of New South Wales (1882), on W. Macleay's Descriptive Catalogue of Australian Fishes (Proceeding's of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, vols. v. and vi.), and on Dr. Giinther's Study of Fishes. For the scientific nomenclature of Animal Life, the standard of reference has been the Tabular List of all the Australian Birds by E. P. Ramsay of the Australian Museum, Sydney (1888); Catalogue of Australian Mammals by J. O. Ogilby of the Australian Museum, Sydney (1892) ; Catalogue of Marsupials and Monotremes, British Museum (1888) ; Prodromus to the Natural History of Victoria by Sir F. McCoy. Constant reference has also been made to Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Societies of Victoria and Tasmania, and to the Journal of the Field Naturalist Club of Victoria. The birds both in Australia and New Zealand have been hand- somely treated by the scientific illustrators. Gould's Birds of Australia and Buller's Birds of New Zealand are indeed monumental works. Neither Gould nor Sir Walter Buller scorns vernacular names. But since the days of the former the number of named species of Australian birds has largely increased, and in January 1895, at the Brisbane Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, a Committee was appointed to draw up a list of vernacular bird-names. By the kindness of a member of this Committee (Mr. A. J. Campbell of Melbourne) I was allowed the use of a list of such vernacular names drawn up by him and Col. Legge for submission to the Committee. VIII. SCIENTIFIC WORDS. The example of The Century has been followed in the inclusion of sundry scientific names, especially those of genera or Natural Orders of purely Australasian objects. Although it is quite true that these can hardly be described as Australasian English, it is believed that the course adopted will be for the general convenience of those who consult this Dictionary. Some of these " Neo-Latin " and " Neo-Greek " words are extra- ordinary in themselves and obscure in their origin, though not through antiquity. In his Student's Pastime, at p. 293, Dr. Skeat says " Nowhere can more ignorant etymologies be found than in works on Botany and ' scientific ' subjects. Too often, all the science is reserved for the subject, so that there is none to spare for explaining the names." A generous latitude has also been taken in including- some words undoubtedly English, but not exclusively Australasian, such as Anabranch, and Antipodes, and some mining and other terms that are also used in the United States. Convenience of readers is the excuse. Anabranch is more frequently used of Australian rivers than of any others, but perhaps a little pride in tracking the origin of the word xx INTRODUCTION has had something to do with its inclusion. Some words have been inserted for purposes of explanation, e.g. Snook, in Australasia called Barracouta, which latter is itself an old name applied in Australasia to a different fish ; and Cavally, which is needed to explain Trevally. IX. ASSISTANCE RECEIVED. There remains the pleasant duty of acknowledging help. Many persons have given me help, whose names can hardly be listed here. A friend, an acquaintance, or sometimes even a stranger, has often sent a single quotation of value, or an explanation of a single word. The Editors of many newspapers have helped not a little by the insertion of a letter or a circular. To all these helpers, and I reckon their number at nearly 200, I tender my hearty thanks. Various officers of the Melbourne Public Library, and my friend Mr. Edward H. Bromby, the Librarian of this University, have rendered me much assistance. I have often been fortunate enough to obtain information from the greatest living authority on a particular subject: from the Baron von Miiller, from Sir Frederick M'Coy, or from Mr. A. W. Howitt. [Alas ! since I penned this sentence, the kind and helpful Baron has been taken from us, and is no longer the greatest living authority on Australian Botany.] My friend and colleague, Professor Baldwin Spencer, a most earnest worker in the field of Australian science, gave .many hours of valuable time to set these pages right in the details of scientific explanations. Mr. J. G. Luehmann of Melbourne has kindly answered various questions about Botany, and Mr. A. J. North, of Sydney, in regard to certain birds. Mr. T. S. Hall, of the Biological Department of this Uni- versity, and Mr. J. J. Fletcher, of Sydney, the Secretary of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, have rendered me much help. The Rev. John Mathew, of Coburg, near Melbourne, has thrown much light on aboriginal words. The Rev. E. H. Sugden, Master of Queen's College in this University, has furnished a large number of useful quotations. His name is similarly mentioned, honoris causd,, in Dr. Murray's Preface to Part I. of the 'O. E. D.' Mr. R. T. Elliott of Worcester College, Oxford, has given similar help. The Master himself, the Master of all who engage in Dictionary work, Dr. Murray, of Oxford, has kindly forwarded to me a few pithy and valuable comments on my proof-sheets. He also made me a strong appeal never to pass on information from any source without acknow- ledgment. This, the only honest course, I have striven scrupulously to follow ; but it is not always easy to trace the sources whence information has been derived. When gaps in the sequence of quotations were especially apparent on the proofs, Mr. W. Ellis Bird, of Richmond, Victoria, found me many illustrative passages. For New Zealand words a goodly supply of quotations was contributed by Miss Mary Colborne-Veel of Christchurch, author of a volume of poetry called The Fairest of the Angels, by her sister, Miss Gertrude Colborne-Veel, and by Mr. W. H. S. Roberts of Oamaru, author of a little book called INTRODUCTION xxi Southland in 1856. In the matter of explanation of the origin and meaning of New Zealand terms, Dr. Hocken of Dunedin, Mr. F. R. Chapman of the same city, and Mr. Edward Tregear of Wellington, author of the Maori Polynesian Dictionary, and Secretary of the Poly- nesian Society, have rendered valuable and material assistance. Dr. Holden of Bellerive, near Hobart, was perhaps my most valued correspondent. After I had failed in one or two quarters to enlist Tasmanian sympathy, he came to the rescue, and gave me much help on Tasmanian words, especially on the Flora and the birds ; also on Queensland Flora and on the whole subject of Fishes. Dr. Holden also enlisted later the help of Mr. J. B. Walker, of Hobart, who contributed much to enrich my proofs. But the friend who has given me most help of all has been Mr. J. Lake of St. John's College, Cambridge. When the Dictionary was being prepared for press, he worked with me for some months, very loyally putting my materials into shape. Birds, Animals, and Botany he sub-edited for me, and much of the value of this part of the Book, which is almost an Encyclopaedia rather than a Dictionary, is due to his ready know- ledge, his varied attainments, and his willingness to undertake research. To all who have thus rendered me assistance I tender hearty thanks. It is not their fault if, as is sure to be the case, defects and mistakes are found in this Dictionary. But should the Book be received with public favour, these shall be corrected in a later edition. EDWARD E. MORRIS. The University, Melbourne, February 23, 1897. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES Ait. . . . Aiton. Haw. . . . Haworth. Andr. . . . Andrews. Hens. . . Henslow. B. and L. . Barere and Leland. Herb. . . Herbert. Bail. . . . Baillon. Homb. . . Hombron. Bechst. . . Bechstein. Hook. . . J. Hooker. Benth. . . Bentham. Hook. f. . . Hooker fils. Bl. ... Bleeker. Horsf. . . Horsfield. Bodd. . . . Boddaert 111. . . . Illiger. Bp- ) Bonap. J Bonaparte. Jacq. . . . Jard. . . . Jacquinot. Jardine. R. Br. . . Robert Brown. L. and S. Liddell and Scott. Brong. . . Cab. . . . Brongniart. Cabanis. Lab. \ Labill. / Labillardiere. Can. . . . Carriere. Lacep. . . Lacepede. Castln. . . Castelnau. Lath. . . . Latham. Cav. . Cavanilles. Lehm. . . Lehmann. Com . Correa. Less. . . Lesson. Cunn. 1 A. Cunn. / A. Cunningham. L'herit. . . Licht. . . L'Heritier. Lichtenstein. Cuv. . Cuvier. Lindl. . . Lindley. De C. . . . De Candolle. Linn. . . . Linnaeus. Dec. . . . Decaisne. Macl. . Macleay. Desf. . . . Desfontaines. McC. . . . McCoy. Desm. . . Desmarest. Meissn. . . Meissner. Desv. . . Desvaux. Menz. Menzies. De Tarrag. . De Tarragon. Milne-Ed. Milne-Edwards, Diet. . . . Dietrich. Miq. . . . Miquel. Donov. . . Donovan. Parlat. . . Parlatore. Drap. . . . Drapiez. Pers. . . . Persoon. Dryand. . . EndJ. . . . Dryander. Endlicher. Plan. 1 Planch. / Planchol. Fab. . . . Fabricius. Poir. . . . Poiret. Forsk. . . Forskael. Q. . . . Quoy. Forst. . . Forster. Raffl. . . . Raffles. F. v. M. . . Ferdinand von Mitller. Rein. . . . Reinwardt. G. Forst. G. Forster. Reiss. . . Reisseck. Gaertn. Gaim. . . . Gaertner. Gaimard. Rich. . \ Richards. / Richardson. Garn. . . . Garnot. Roxb. . . Roxburgh Gaud. . . Gaudichaud. Sal. . . . Salvadori. Geoff. . . Geoffroy. Salisb. . . Salisbury. Germ. . . Germar. Schau. . . Schauer. Gmel. . . Guich. . . Gmelin. Guichenot. Schl. ) Schlecht. j Schlechtendal. Giinth. Giinther. Selb. . . . Selby. Harv. Harvey. Se>. . . . Seringe. Hasselq. . . Hasselquin. Serv. . . . Serville. xxiii XXIV INTRODUCTION Sieb. . . Sm. . . Sol. . . Sow. . . Sparrm. . Steph. Sundev. . Sw. \ Swains. J Temm. Thunb. Sieber. Smith. Solander. Sowerby. Sparrman. Stephan. Sundevall. Swainson. Temminck. Thunberg. Tul. . . . Tulasne. V. and H. . Vigors and Horsfield. Val. . . . Valenciennes. Vent. . . . Ventenat. Vieill. . . Vieillot. Vig. . . . Vigors. Wagl. . . Wagler. Water. . . Waterhouse. Wedd. . . Weddell. Willd. . . Willdenow. Zimm. , . Zimmermann. OTHER ABBREVIATIONS q.v. quod vide, which see. i.q. idem quod, the same as. ibid, ibidem, in the same book. i.e. id est, that is. sc. scilicet, that is to say. s.v. sub voce, under the word. cf. confer, compare. n. noun. adj. adjective. v. verb. prep, preposition. interj. interjection. sic, " thus," draws attention to some peculiarity of diction or to what is believed to be a mistake. N.O. Natural Order, sp. a species, spp. various species. A square bracket [ ] shows an addition to a quotation by way of comment. O.E.D. "Oxford English Dictionary," often formerly quoted as "N.E.D." or "New English Dictionary." AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY Absentee, n. euphemistic term for a convict. The word has dis- appeared with the need for it. 1837. Jas. Mudie, ' Felonry of New South Wales, ' p. vii. : " The ludicrous and affected philan- thropy of the present Governor of the Colony, in advertising runaway con- victs under the soft and gentle name of absentees, is really unaccountable, unless we suppose it possible that his Excellency as a native of Ireland, and as having a well-grounded Hiber- nian antipathy to his absentee country- men, uses the term as one expressive both of the criminality of the absen- tee and of his own abhorrence of the Acacia, n. and adj. a genus of shrubs or trees, N. O. Legumi- nosce. The Australian species often form thickets or scrubs, and are much used for hedges. The species are very numerous, and are called provincially by various names, e.g. " Wattle," " Mulga," "Giddea," and " Sally," an Ang- licized form of the aboriginal name Sallee (q.v.). The tree peculiar to Tasmania, Acacia riceana, Hensl., JV.O. Leguminosce, is there called the Drooping Acacia. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales, vol. i. p. 202 : " We possess above a hundred and thirty species of the acacia.'-* 1839. Dr. J. Shotsky, quoted in 'Sydney Morning Herald,' Aug. 5, p. 5, col. 2 : "Yet, Australian sky and nature awaits and merits real artists to portray it. Its gigantic gum and acacia trees, 40 ft. in girth, some of them covered with a most smooth bark, externally as white as chalk. . . ." 1844. L. Leichhardt, Letter in 'Cooks- land, by J. D. Lang, p. 91 : " Rosewood Acacia, the wood of which has a very agreeable violet scent like the Myal\a.(A.fenduIa) in Liverpool^ Plains." 1846. C. P. Hodgson, ' Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 149 : " The Acacias are innumerable, all yielding a famous bark for tanning, and a clean and excellent gum." 1869. Mrs. Meredith, ' A Tasmanian Memory,' p. 8 : " Acacias fringed with gold." 1877. F. v. Muller, 'Botanic Teachings,' p. 24: " The name Acacia, derived from the Greek, and indicative of a thorny plant, was already bestowed by the ancient naturalist and physician Dioscorides on a Gum-Arabic yielding North- African Acacia not dissimilar to some Australian species. This generic name is so familiarly known, that the appel- lation 'Wattle' might well be dispensed with. Indeed the name Acacia is in full use in works on travels and in many popular writings for the numerous Australian species. . . . Few of any genera of plants contain more species than Acacia, and in Australia it is the AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [ACR-AMB richest of all ; about 300 species, as occurring in our continent, have been clearly defined." Acrobates, n. the scientific name of the Australian genus of Pigmy Flying-Phalangers, or, as they are locally called, Opossum-Mice. See Opossum-Mouse, Flying-Mouse, Fly- ing- Phalanger, and Phalanger. The genus was founded by Desmarest in 1817. (Grk. cuc/so/tar^?, walk- ing on tiptoe.) JEpyprymnus, n. the scientific name of the genus of the Rufous Kangaroo-Rat. It is the tallest and largest of the Kangaroo-Rats (q.v.). (Grk. CUTTUS, high, and o'v, the hinder part.) Ailuroedus, n. scientific name for the genus of Australian birds called Cat-birds (q.v). From Grk. aiAovpos, a cat, and eTSo?, species. Ake, n. originally Akeake, Maori name for either of two small trees, (i) Dodoncea viscosa, Linn., in New Zealand; (2) Olearia tra- versii, F. v. M., in the Chatham Islands. Ake is originally a Maori adv. meaning "onwards, in time." Archdeacon Williams, in his ' Dictionary of New Zealand Language,' says Ake, Ake, Ake, means "for ever and ever." (Edition 1852.) 1820. ' Grammar and Vocabulary of Language of New Zealand ' (Church Mis- sionary Society), p. 133 : " Akeake, paulo post futurum." 1835. W. Yate, ' Some Account of New Zealand,' p. 47 : "Aki, called the Lignum mice of New Zealand." 1851. Mrs. Wilson, ' New Zealand,' p. 43 : " The ake and towai . . . are almost equal, in point of colour, to rosewood." 1883. J. Hector, ' Handbook to New Zealand,' p. 131 : "Ake, a small tree, 6 to 12 feet high. Wood very hard, variegated, black and white ; used for Maori clubs ; abundant in dry woods and fdrests." Alarm-bird, n. a bird-name no longer used in Australia. There is an African Alarm-bird. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. vi. pi. 9 : " Lobivanellus lobatus (Lath.), Wat- tled Pewit, Alarm Bird of the Colon- ists." Alectryon, n. a New Zealand tree and flower, Alectryon excelsum, De C., Maori name Titoki (q.v.); called also the New Zealand Oak, from the resemblance of its leaves to those of an oak. Named by botanists from Grk. dXe/crpvwv, a cock. 1872. A. Domett, 'Ranolf,'!. 7, p. 16 : "The early season could not yet Have ripened the alectryon's beads of jet, Each on its scarlet strawberry set." Alexandra Palm, n. a Queens- land tree, Ptychosperma alexandra, F. v. M. A beautifully marked wood much used for making walking sticks. It grows 70 or 80 feet high. Alluvial, n. the common term in Australia and New Zealand for gold-bearing alluvial soil. The word is also used adjectivally as in England. 1889. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Robbery under Arms,' p. 403 : "The whole of the alluvial will be taken up, and the Terrible Hollow will re-echo with the sound of pick and shovel." Ambrite (generally called am- brit), n. Mineral [from amber + ite, mineral formative, 'O.E.D.'], a fossil resin found in masses amidst lignite coals in various parts of New Zealand. Some identify it with the resin of Dam- mara australis, generally called Kauri gum (q.v.). 1867. F. von Hochstetter, ' New Zea- land,' p. 79 : ANA-ANG] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY "Although originating probably from a coniferous tree related to the Kauri pine, it nevertheless has been errone- ously taken for Kauri gum." [Foot- note] : " It is sufficiently character- ised to deserve a special name ; but it comes so near to real amber that it deserves the name of Ambrite." [This is the earliest use of the word.] Anabranch, n. a branch of a river which leaves it and enters it again. The word is not Aus- tralian, though it is generally so reckoned. It is not given in the 'Century,' nor in the 'Imperial,' nor in 'Webster,' nor in the ' Standard.' The ' O.E.D.' treats Ana as an independent word, rightly explaining it as anastomos- ing ; but its quotation from the 'Athenaeum' (1871), on which it relies, is a misprint. For the origin and coinage of the word, see quotation 1834. See the abo- riginal name Billabong. 1834. Col. Jackson, 'Journal of Royal Geographical Society,' p. 79 : " Such branches of a river as after separation re-unite, I would term ana- stomosing-branches j or, if a word might be coined, ana-branches, and the islands they form, branch-islands. Thus, if we would say, ' the river in this part of its course divides into several ana-branches^ we should im- mediately understand the subsequent re-union of the branches to the main trunk." Col. Jackson was for a while Secretary and Editor of the So- ciety's Journal. In Feb. 1847 he resigned that position, and in the Journal of that year there is the following amusing ignorance of his proposed word 1847. ' Condensed Account of Sturt's Exploration in the Interior of Australia Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,' p. 87: " Captain Sturt proposed sending in advance to ascertain the state of the Ana branch of the Darling, discovered by Mr. Eyre on a recent expedition to the North." No fewer than six times on two pages is the word anabranch print- ed as two separate words, and as if Ana were a proper name. In the Index volume it appears "Ana, a branch of the Darling." 1847. L. Leichhardt, 'Overland Ex- pedition,' p. 35 : " The river itself divided into anabranches which . . . made the whole valley a maze of channels." 1865. W. Howitt, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. i. p. 298 : "What the Major calls, after the learned nomenclature of Colonel Jack- son, in the ' Journal of the Geographi- cal Society,' anabranches, but which the natives call billibongs, channels coming out of a stream and returning into it again." 1871. 'The Athenaeum,' May 27, p. 660 ('O.E.D.'): " The Loddon district is called the County of Gunbower, which means, it is said, an ana branch [sic]." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Squatter's Dream,' p. 48 : " A plain bordering an ana-branch sufficient for water." Anchorwing, n. a bird-name, Falco melanogenys, Gould. The Black-cheeked Falcon, so called because of the resemblance of the wings outspread in flight to the flukes of an anchor. Anguillaria, n. one of the ver- nacular names used for the common Australian wild flower, Anguillaria australiS) R. Br., Wur- mbsea dioica, F. v. M., N.O. Liliacece. The name Anguillaria is from the administrator of the Botanic Gardens of Padua, three centuries ago. There are three Australian forms, distinguished by Robert Brown as species. The flower is very common in the meadows in early spring, and is therefore called the Native Snou<- drop. In Tasmania it is called Nancy. AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [ANT 1835. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 67: " Spotted Anguillaria. Nancy. The little lively white flower with blue spots in the centre, about 2 inches high, that everywhere enlivens our grassy hills in spring, resembling the Star of Beth- lehem." 1878. W. R. Guilfoyle, 'Australian Botany,' p. 83 : " Native Snowdrop. Anguillaria Australis. The earliest of all our in- digenous spring-flowering plants. . . . In early spring our fields are white with the flowers of this pretty little bulbous-rooted plant." Ant-eater, n. (i) i.q. Ant-eating Porcupine. See Echidna. (2) The Banded Ant-eater (q.v.). Ant-eater, Banded. See Band- ed Ant-eater. Antechinomys, n. scientific name for the genus with the one species of Long-legged Pouched- Mouse (q.v.). (Grk. avn, opposed to, c^tvos, hedgehog, and /AVS, mouse, sc. a mouse different to the hedgehog.) It is a jumping animal exclusively insectivorous. Antipodes, n. properly a Greek word, the plural of avTiVous, lit. "having feet opposed." The an- cients, however, had no know- ledge of the southern hemisphere. Under the word Trc/oiWos, Liddell and Scott explain that avrtTroScs meant "those who were in op- posite parallels and meridians." The word Antipodes was adopted into the Latin language, and occurs in two of the Fathers, Lactantius and Augustine. By the mediaeval church to believe in the antipodes was regarded as heresy. ' O.E.D.' quotes two examples of the early use of the word in English. 1398. 'Trevisa Earth. De P. R.,' xv. Hi. (1495), P- 506: " Yonde in Ethiopia ben the Anti- podes, men that have theyr fete ayenst our fete." 1556. ' Recorde Cast. Knowl.,' 93 : "People . . . called of the Greeks and Latines also dvrtTro&c, Antipodes, as you might say Counterfooted, or Counterpasers." Shakspeare uses the word in five places, but, though he knew that this "pendent world" was spherical, his Antipodes were not Australasian. In three places he means only the fact that it is day in the Eastern hemisphere when it is night in England. ' Midsummer Night's Dream,' III. ii. 55 : " I'll believe as soon This whole earth may be bored, and that the moon May thro' the centre creep and so displease His brother's noontide with the Anti- podes." ' Merchant of Venice,' V. 127 : " We should hold day with the Anti- podes If you would walk in absence of the sun." 'Richard II.,' III. ii. 49 : "Who all this while hath revell'd in the night, Whilst we were wandering with the Antipodes." In 'Henry VI.,' part 3, I. iv. 135, the word more clearly de- signates the East : " Thou art as opposite to every good As the Antipodes are unto us, Or as the South to the Septentrion." [sc. the North.] But more precise geographical in- dications are given in ' Much Ado,' II. i. 273, where Benedick is so anxious to avoid Beatrice that he says " I will go on the slightest errand now to the Antipodes that you can devise to send me on. I will fetch you a tooth-picker now from the farthest inch of Asia ; bring you the length of Prester John's foot ; fetch you a hair of the great Kam's beard ; do you any embassage to the Pygmies rather than hold three words con- ference with this harpy." ANT-APP] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 5 Now the Pygmies lived on the Upper Nile, near Khartoum, Prester John in India, and the great Kam (Khan) in Tartary. The word Antipodes in modern use is applied rather to places than to people. Geographically, the word means a place exactly opposite on the surface of the globe, as Antipodes Island (East- ward of New Zealand), which is very near the opposite end of the diameter of the globe passing through London. But the word is often used in a wider sense, and the whole of Australasia is regarded as the Antipodes of Great Britain. The question is often asked whether there is any singular to the word Antipodes, and 'O.E.D.' shows that antipode is still used in the sense of the exact opposite of a person. Antipod is also used, especially playfully. The adjectives used are Antipodal and Antipodean. 1640. Richard Brome [Title] : " The Antipodes ; comedy in verse." [Acted in 1638, first printed 410. 1640.] Ant-orchis, n. an Australian and Tasmanian orchid, Chihglottis gunnii, Lind. Apple and Apple-tree, n. and adj. The names are applied to various indigenous trees, in some cases from a supposed resem- blance to the English fruit, in others to the foliage of the English tree. The varieties are Black or Brush Apple Achrcis an s tralis, R. Br. Emu A. Owenia acidula, F. v. M.; called also Native Nectarine and Native Quince. Petalostigma quadriloculare, F. v. M.; called also Crab-tree, Native Quince, Quinine-tree (q.V.). Kangaroo A. See Kangaroo Apple. Mooley A.(WestN.S.W. name) - Owenia acidula, F. v. M. Mulga A. The Galls of Acacia aneura, F. v. M. Oak A. Cones of Casuarina stricta, Ait. Rose A. Owenia cerasifera, F. v. M. 1820. John Oxley, 'Journal of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales, 'p. 187: " The blue gum trees in the neigh- bourhood were extremely fine, whilst that species of Eucalyptus, which is vulgarly called the apple-tree . . . again made its appearance. . . ." 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, 'Transac- tions of Linnsean Society,' vol. xv. p. 260: " It builds its nest of sticks lined with grass in Iron-bark and Apple-trees (a species of Angophord)? 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 200 : " The apple - trees resemble the English apple only in leaf." 1830. R. Dawson, ' Present State of Australia/ p. 195 : " In looking down upon the rich flats below, adjoining the stream, I was perpetually reminded of a thriving and rich apple-orchard. The resem- blance of what are called apple-trees in Australia to those of the same name at home is so striking at a distance in these situations, that the comparison could not be avoided, although the former bear no fruit, and do not even belong to the same species." 1846. C. P. Hodgson, ' Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 52 : " I have heard of men employed in felling whole apple-trees (Angophera lanccolata] for the sheep." 1846. J. L. Stokes, ' Discoveries in Australia,' vol. ii. c. iv. p. 132 : " Red Apple, Quonui, affects salt grounds." 1847. J. D. Lang, 'Phillipsland, 1 p. 256: " The plains, or radier downs, around it (Yass) are thinly but most pictur- esquely covered with ' apple-trees,' as they are called by the colonists, merely from their resemblance to the European AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [APP-ASH apple-tree in their size and outline, for they do not resemble it in producing an edible fruit." 1850. J. B. Clutterbuck, 'Port Phillip in 1849,' p. 32 : "The musk-plant, hyacinth, grass- tree, and kangaroo apple-tree are in- digenous." 1852. G. C. Mundy, 'Our Antipodes' (edition 1855), p. 219: " Pomona would indignantly disown the apple-tree, for there is not the semblance of a pippin on its tufted branches." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 113: "Sandy apple-tree flats, and iron- bark ridges, lined the creek here on either side." 1896. H. Lawson, 'When the World was Wide,' p. 158 : "The desolate flats where gaunt apple-trees rot." Apple-berry, n. the fruit of an Australian shrub, Billardiera scandens, Smith, N. 0. Pittosporece, called by children " dumplings." 1793. J. E. Smith, ' Specimen of Botany of New Holland,' pp. I, 3 : " Billardiera scandens. Climbing Apple Berry. . . . The name Billardi- era is given it in honour of James Julian la Billardiere, M.D., F.M.L.S., now engaged as botanist on board the French ships sent in search of M. de la Peyrouse." Apple- gum, n. See Gum. Apple-scented gum, n. See Gum. Apteryx, n. [Grk. d privative and 7rrc'pv, a wing.] A New Zealand bird about the size of a domestic fowl, with merely rudi- mentary wings. See Kiwi. 1813. G. Shaw, ' Naturalist's Miscel- lany,' c. xxiv. p. 1058 (' O.E.D.') : " The Southern Apteryx." 1848. W. Westgarth, ' Australia Felix,' P- 137 = "The present Apterix or wingless bird of that country (New Zealand)." 1851. ' Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diem en's Land, 'vol. i. p. 300 [Letter from Rev. W. Colenso, Waitangi, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Sept. 4, 1850] : "You enquire after an Apteryx. How delighted should I be to succeed in getting you one. Three years ago Owen expressed a similar wish, and I have repeatedly tried, but failed. Yet here they still are in the mountain forests, though, doubtless, fast hasten- ing towards extinction. I saw one in its wild state two years ago in the dense woods of the interior ; I saw it clearly. . . . Two living specimens were lately taken by the Acheron, steamer, to Sydney, where they died ; these were obtained at the Bay of Islands, where also I once got three at one time. Since then I have not been able to obtain another, although I have offered a great price for one. The fact is, the younger natives do not know how to take them, and the elder ones having but few wants, and those fully supplied, do not care to do so. Further, they can only be captured by night, and the dog must be well trained to be of service." 1874. F - p - Cobbe, in ' Littell's Age,' Nov. 7, p. 355 (' Standard') : "We have clipped the wings of Fancy as close as if she were an Apteryx. ' Arbutus, Native, n. See Wax- Cluster. Ardoo, n. See Nardoo. Artichoke, n. name given to the plant Astelia alpina, R. Br. r N.O. Liliacea. Ash, n. The name, with various epithets, isapplied to the following different Australasian trees- Black Ash Nephelium semiglaucum, F. v. M. , N. O. Sapindacetz ; called also Wild Quince. Black Mountain A. Eucalyptus leucoxylon^ F. v. M., N.O. Myrtacea. Blue A. Elfeodendron australe, Vent., N.O. Celastrina. Blueberry A. Elceocarpus holopetaluSy F. v. M., N.O. Tiliacece. ASS-AST] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY Brush Apple Acronychia baueri, Schott. (of Illawarra, N.S.W.). Crow's A. Flindersia australis, R. Br. , IV. O. Meliacece. Elderberry A. (of Victoria) Panax sambucifolius, Sieb., N.O. Araliacecs. Illawarra A. Elceocarpus kirtonia, F. v. M., N.O. Tiliacece. Moreton Bay A. Eucalyptus tessellaris, Hook., N.O. Myrtacece. Mountain A. (see Mountain AsJi). New Zealand A. (see Titoki}. Pigeonberry A. Elceocarpus obovatus, G. Don., N.O. Tiliacece. Red A. Alphitonia excelsa, Reiss, N.O. Rhamnacece. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 75 : " The Moreton Bay Ash (a species of Eucalyptus) . . . was here also very plentiful." Assigned, past part, of verb to assign, to allot. Used as adj. of a convict allotted to a settler as a servant. Colloquially often reduced to " signed." 1827. ' Captain Robinson's Report,' Dec. 23: "It was a subject of complaint among the settlers, that their assigned serv- ants could not be known from soldiers, owing to their dress ; which very much assisted the crime of ' bush-ranging.' " 1837. J- D - Lang, 'New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 31 : " The assigned servant of a respect- able Scotch family residing near Sydney." 1845. R. Howitt, ' Australia,' p. 75 : " Of the first five persons we saw in Van Diemen's Land, four were con- victs, and perhaps the fifth. These were the assigned servants of the pilot." 1848. W. Westgarth, 'Australia Felix,' P- 324 : "Under the old practice, the con- victs, as soon as they arrived from Britain, were assigned among the various applicants. The servant thus assigned was bound to perform dili- gently, from sunrise till sunset, all usual and reasonable labour." Assignee, n. a convict assigned as a servant. The word is also used in its ordinary English sense. 1843. ' Penny Cyclopaedia,' vol. xxv. p. 139, col. 2 : " It is comparatively difficult to ob- tain another assignee, easy to obtain a hired servant." 1848. W. Westgarth, ' Australia Felix,' P- 324 : "Any instance of gross treatment disqualified him for the future as an assignee of convict labour." Assignment, n. service as above. 1836. C. Darwin, 'Journal of Re- searches' (1890), c. xix. p. 324 : " I believe the years of assignment are passed away with discontent and unhappiness." 1852. John West, 'History of Tas- mania,' vol. ii. p. 126 : " That form of service, known as as- signment, was established by Governor King in 1804." 1861. T. McCombie, 'Australian Sketches,' p. 117 : "The assignment system was then in operation, and such as obtained free grants of land were allowed a certain proportion of convicts to bring it into cultivation." Asthma Herb, Queensland, n. Euphorbia pilulifera, Linn. As the name implies, a remedy for asth- ma. The herb is collected when in flower and carefully dried. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 183 : " This plant, having obtained some reputation in Australasia in certain pulmonary complaints, has acquired the appellation in the Colonies of ' Queensland Asthma Herb.' Never- theless, it is by no means endemic in Australasia, for it is a common tropical weed." 8 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [AUA-AUS Aua, n. Maori name for a New Zealand fish, Agonostoma forsteri, Bleek. Another Maori name is Makawhiti; also called Sea-Mullet and sometimes Herring (q.v.). It is abundant also in Tasmanian estuaries, and is one of the fishes which when dried is called Picton Herring (q.v.). See also Maray and Mullet. Agonostoma is a genus of the family Mugilidce or Grey- Mullets. Aurora australis, n. the Southern equivalent for Aurora borealis. 1790. J. White, ' Voyage to New South Wales,' p. 214 : "Sept. 5, 1788. About half after six in the evening, we saw an Aurora Australis, a phenomenon uncommon in the southern hemisphere." Austral, adj. " Belonging to the South, Southern. Lat. Aus- tralis, from auster, south-wind." (' O.E.D.') The word is rarely used in Australasia in its primary sense, but now as equivalent to Australian or Australasian. 1823. Wentworth's Cambridge poem on ' Australasia ' : " And grant that yet an Austral Mil- ton's song, Pactolus-like, flow deep and rich along, An Austral Shakespeare rise, whose living page To Nature true may charm in every age; And that an Austral Pindar daring soar, Where not the Theban Eagle reach'd before." 1825. Barron Field, 'First Fruits of Australian Poetry,' Motto in Geographical Memoir of New South Wales, p. 485 : " I first adventure. Follow me who list; And be the second Austral har- monist." Adapted from Bishop Hall. 1845. R. Howitt, 'Australia/ p. 184: " For this, midst Austral wilds I waken Our British harp, feel whence I come, Queen of the sea, too long forsaken, Queen of the soul, my spirit's home." Alien Song. 1855. W. Howitt, 'Two Years in Vic- toria,' vol. i. p. 43 : " Every servant in this Austral Uto- pia thinks himself a gentleman." 1868. C. Harpur, 'Poems' (ed. 1883), p. 215 : " How oft, in Austral woods, the parting day Has gone through western golden gates away." 1879. J. B. O'Hara, 'Songs of the South,' p. 127 : " What though no weird and legendary lore Invests our young, our golden Aus- tral shore With that romance the poet loves too well, When Inspiration breathes her magic spell." 1894. Ernest Favenc [Title] : " Tales of the Austral Tropics." 1896. [Title]: "The Austral Wheel A Monthly Cycling Magazine, No. i, Jan." 1896. 'The Melburnian,' Aug. 28, p. 53 = " Our Austral Spring." [Title of an article describing Spring in Australia.] Australasia, n. (and its adjec- tives), name "given originally by De Brosses to one of his three divisions of the alleged Terra australis:' ('O.E.D.') Now used as a larger term than Australian, to include the continent of Aus- tralia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Fiji and islands. For peculiar use of the name for the Continent in 1793, see Australia. 1756. Charles de Brosses, ' Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes,' torn. i. p. 80: " On peut de meme diviser le monde austral inconnu en trois portions. . . . L'une dans 1'ocean des Indes au sud de 1'Asie que j'appellerai par cette rai- son australasie." AUS] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 1766. Callander, ' Terra Australis,' i. p. 49 (Translation of deBrosses)('O.E.D.'); "The first [division] in the Indian Ocean, south of Asia, which for this reason we shall call Australasia" 1802. G. Shaw, ' Zoology,' iii. p. 506 ('O.E.D.'}: " Other Australasian snakes." 1823. Subject for English poem at Cam- bridge University : ' Australasia.' [The prize (Chancellor's Medal) was won by Winthrop Mackworth Praed. William Charles Wentworth stood second.] The concluding lines of his poem are : "And Australasia float, with flag un- furl'd, A new Britannia in another world." 1846. C. P. Hodgson, ' Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 77 : " How far had these ideas been acted upon by the Colonists of Austral Asia?" [sic.] 1852. J. West, ' History of Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 109 : " ! The Austral-Asiatic Review,' by Murray, also made its appearance [in Hobart] in February, 1828." 1855. Tennyson, 'The Brook,' p. 194: "Katie walks By the long wash of Australasian seas Far off, and holds her head to other stars, And breathes in converse seasons." [Altered in Edition of 1894 to " breathes in April-autumns."] 1857. Daniel Bunce [Title] : " Australasiatic reminiscences." 1864. 'The Australasian,' Oct. I, First Number [Title] : "The Australasian." 1880. Alfred R. Wallace [Title] : " Australasia." [In Stanford's ' Com- pendium of Geography and Travel.'] 1881. David Blair [Title] : " Cyclopaedia of Australasia." 1890. E. W. Ilornung, 'Bride from the Bush,' p. 29 : " It was neither Cockney nor Yan- kee, but a nasal blend of both : it was a lingo that declined to let the vowels run alone, but trotted them out in ill- matched couples, with discordant and awful consequences ; in a word, it was Australasiatic of the worst descripron." 1890. ' Victorian Consolidated Statutes,' Administration and Probate Act, Section 39: " ' Australasian Colonies,' shall mean all colonies for the time being on the main land of Australia . . . and shall also include the colonies of New Zea- land, Tasmania and Fiji and any other British Colonies or possessions in Australasia now existing or here- after to be created which the Governor in Council may from time to time declare to be Australasian Colonies within the meaning of this Act. " 1895. Edward Jenks [Title] : " History of the Australasian Col- onies." 1896. J. S. Laurie [Title] : " The Story of Australasia." Australia, n., and Australian, adj. As early as the i6th century there was a belief in a Terra aus- tralis (to which was often added the epithet incognita], literally "southern land," which was be- lieved to be land lying round and stretching- outwards from the South Pole. In ' Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Austra- lasia, 'Sydney, Jan. 1892, is printed a paper read at the Geographical Congress at Berne, by E. Delmar Morgan, on the ' Early Discovery of Australia.' This paper is illus- trated by maps taken from ' Nor- denskiold's Atlas.' In a map by Orontius Finceus, a French cos- mographer of Provence, dated 1531, the Terra anstralis is shown as "Terra Australis recenter in- venta, sed nondum plene cognita." In Ortelius' Map, 1570, it appears as "Terra Australis nondum cognita." In Gerard Mercator's Map, 1587, as "Terra Australis" simply. In 1606 the Spaniard Fernandez de Quiros gave the name of Terra Australis del Espiritu Santo to land which he thought formed part of the Great Southland. It is in fact one of the New Hebrides. 10 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [AUS The word " Australian " is older than "Australia" (see quotations, 1693 and 1766). The name Aus- tralia was adapted from the Latin name Terra Australis. The earliest suggestion of the word is credited to Flinders, who certainly thought that he was inventing the name. (See quotation, 1814.) Twenty- one years earlier, however, the word is found (see quotation, 1793) ; and the passage contain- ing it is the first known use of the word in print. Shaw may thus be regarded as its inventor. According to its title-page, the book quoted is by two authors, the Zoology by Shaw and the Botany by Smith. The Botany, however, was not published. Of the two names Australia and Australasia suggested in the opening of the quotation, to take the place of New Holland, Shaw evidently favoured Australia, while Smith, in the ' Transactions of the Linnaean Society,' vol. iv. p. 213 (1798), uses Australasia for the continent several times. Neither name, however, passed then into general use. In 1814, Robert Brown the Botanist speaks of " Terra Australis'' not of " Aus- tralia." " Australia " was re- invented by Flinders. Quotations for " Terra Australis " 1621. R. Burton, ' Anatomy of Melan- choly' (edition 1854), p. 56: "For the site, if you will needs urge me to it, I am not fully resolved, it may be in Terra Australis incognita, there is room enough (for of my know- ledge, neither that hungry Spaniard nor Mercurius Britannicus have yet discovered half of it)." Ibid. p. 314: " Terra Australis incognita . . . and yet in likelihood it may be so, for without all question, it being extended from the tropic of Capricorn to the circle Antarctic, and lying as it doth in the temperate zone, cannot choose but yield in time some flourishing king- doms to succeeding ages, as America did unto the Spaniards." Ibid. p. 619 : " But these are hard-hearted, un- natural, monsters of men, shallow politicians, they do not consider that a great part of the world is not yet inhabited as it ought, how many colonies into America, Terra Australis incognita, Africa may be sent ? " Early quotations for "Australian " 1693. ' Nouveau Voyage de la Terre Australe, contenant les Coutumes et les Mceurs des Australians, etc.' Par Jaques Sadeur [Gabriel de Foigny]. [This is a work of fiction, but inter- esting as being the first book in which the word Australiens is used. The next quotation is from the English translation.] 1693. : New Discovery, Terra Incognita Australis,' p. 163 (' O.E.D.') : " It is easy to judge of the incom- parability of the Australians with the people of Europe." 1766. Callander, 'Terra Australis' (Translation of De Brasses ), c. ii. p. 280 : " One of the Australians, or natives of the Southern World, whom Gonne- ville had brought into France." Quotations for " Australia " 1793. G. Shaw and J. E. Smith, ' Zoology and Botany of New Holland,' p. 2: "The vast Island or rather Con- tinent of Australia, Australasia, or New Holland, which has so lately attracted the particular attention of European navigators and naturalists, seems to abound in scenes of peculiar wildness and sterility ; while the wretched natives of many of those dreary dis- tricts seem less elevated above the inferior animals than in any other part of the known world ; Caffraria itself not excepted ; as well as less indued with the power of promoting a com- fortable existence by an approach towards useful arts and industry. It is in these savage regions however that Nature seems to have poured forth many of her most highly orna- mented products with unusual liber- ality." 1814. M. Flinders, 'Voyage to Terra Australis,' Introduction, p. iii. and foot- note: AUS] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY II " I have . . . ventured upon the re- adoption of the original Terra Austra- tis, and of this term I shall hereafter make use, when speaking of New Holland \sc. the West] and New South Wales, in a collective sense ; and when using it in the most exten- sive signification, the adjacent isles, including that of Van Diemen, must be understood to be comprehended." [Footnote] : " Had I permitted myself any innovation upon the original term, it would have been to convert it into Australia ; as being more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the names of the other great portions of the earth." 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 9 : " New South Wales (or Australia, as we colonials say)." 1839. C. Darwin, ' Naturalist's Voyage ' (ed. 1890), p. 328 : " Farewell, Australia ! You are a rising child, and doubtless some day will reign a great princess in the South ; but you are too great and ambitious for affection, yet not great enough for respect. I leave your shores without sorrow or regret." 1852. A Liverpool Merchant [Title] : "A Guide to Australia and the Gold Regions." 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' c. viii. (new ed.) p. 152 : " The colonies are determined to be separate. Australia is a term that finds no response in the patriotic feel- ing of any Australian. . . . But this will come to an end sooner or later. The name of Australia will be dearer, if not greater, to Australian ears than the name of Great Britain." [Mr. Trollope's prophecy has come true, and the name of Australia is now dearer to an Australian than the name of his own separate colony. The word " Colonial " as indicating Australian nationality is going out of fashion. The word "Australian" is much pre- ferred.] 1878. F. P. Labilliere, ' Early History of the Colony of Victoria,' vol. i. p. 184 : " In a despatch to Lord Bathurst, of April 4th, 1817, Governor Macquarie acknowledges the receipt of Captain Flinders's charts of ' Australia.' This is the first time that the name of Aus- tralia appears to have been officially employed. The Governor underlines the word. ... In a private letter to Mr. Secretary Goulbourn, M.P., of December 2 1 st, 1817, [he] says . . . 'the Continent of Australia, which, I hope, will be the name given to this country in future, instead of the very erroneous and misapplied name hitherto given it of New Holland, which, properly speaking, only applies to a part of this immense Continent.'" 1883. G. W. Rusden, ' History of Aus- tralia,' vol. i. p. 64: " It is pleasant to reflect that the name Australia was selected by the gallant Flinders ; though, with his customary modesty, he suggested rather than adopted it." 1895. H. M. Goode, 'The Argus,' Oct. 15, p. 7, col. 4: " Condemning the absurd practice of using the word ' Colonial ' in con- nection with our wines, instead of the broader and more federal one, 'Aus- tralian.' In England our artists, cricketers, scullers, and globe-trotters are all spoken of and acknowledged as Australians, and our produce, with the exception of wine, is classed as follows : Australian gold and copper, Australian beef and mutton, Australian butter, Australian fruits, &c." Ibid. p. 14 : " Merops or Bee-Eater. A tribe [of birds] which appears to be peculiarly prevalent in the extensive regions of Australia." Australian flag, n. Hot climate and courktry work have brought in a fashion among bushmen of wearing a belt or leather strap round the top of trousers instead of braces. This often causes a fold in the shirt protruding all round from under the waistcoat, which is playfully known as " the Australian flag." Slang. Australioid and Australoid, adj. like Australian, sc. abori- ginal a term used by ethnolo- gists. See quotations. 1869. J. Lub.bock, 'Prehistoric Times/ vol. xii. p. 378 : " The Australoid type contains all 12 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [AUS-AXE the inhabitants of Australia and the native races of the Deccan." 1878. E. B. Tylor, ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' vol. ii. p. 112 : " He [Professor Huxley] distin- guishes four principal types of man- kind, the Australioid, Negroid, Mon- goloid, and Xanthochroic, adding a fifth variety, the Melanochroic. The special points of the Australioid are a chocolate-brown skin, dark brown or black eyes, black hair (usually wavy), narrow (dolichocephalic) skull, brow- ridges strongly developed, projecting jaw, coarse lips and broad nose. This type is best represented by the natives of Australia, and next to them by the indigenous tribes of Southern India, the so-called coolies." Austral Thrush, n. See Port- Jackson Thrush. Avocet, 11. a well-known European bird-name. The Aus- tralian species is the Red-necked A., Recurvirostra norce-hollandice, Vieill. Aweto, //. Maori name for a vegetable-caterpillar of New Zea- land. See quotation. 1889. E. Wakefield, ' New Zealand after Fifty Years,' p. 81 : "... the aiueto, or vegetable-cater- pillar, called by the naturalists Hipialis virescens. It is a perfect caterpillar in every respect, and a remarkably fine one too, growing to a length in the largest specimens of three and a half inches and the thickness of a finger, but more commonly to about a half or two-thirds of that size. . . . When full- grown, it undergoes a miraculous change. For some inexplicable reason, the spore of a vegetable fungus Sphccria Robertsii, fixes itself on its neck, or between the head and the first ring of the caterpillar, takes root and grows vigorously . . . exactly like a diminutive bulrush from 6 to 10 inches high without leaves, and con- sisting solely of a single stem with a dark-brown felt-like head, so familiar in the bulrushes . . . always at the foot of the rat a" 1896. A. Bence Jones, in ' Pearson's Magazine,' Sept., p. 290: " The dye in question was a solution of burnt or powdered resin, or wood, or the aweto, the latter a caterpillar, which, burrowing in the vegetable soil, gets a spore of a fungus between the folds of its neck, and unable to free itself, the insect's body nourishes the fungus, which vegetates and occasions the death of the caterpillar by exactly filling the interior of the body with its roots, always preserving its perfect form. When properly charred this material yielded a fine dark dye, much prized for purposes of moko." [See Axe-breaker, n. name of a tree, Notel&a longifolia, Vent., JV. O. Jasminece. 1889. J. II. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 579 : "Axe-breaker. Wood hard, close- grained and firm. Its vernacular name emphasizes its hardness." BAA-BAC] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY Baal, or Bail, interj. and adv. "An aboriginal expression of disapproval." (Gilbert Parker, Glossary to ' Round the Compass in Australia,' 1888.) It was the negative in the Sydney dialect. 1893. J. F. Hogan, ' Robert Lowe,' p. 271, quoting from 'The Atlas' (circa 1845): " Traces, however, of the Egyptian language are discoverable among the present inhabitants, with whom, for instance, the word ' Bale ' or ' Baal ' is in continual use. . . ." [Evidently a joke.] Babbler, n. a bird-name. In Europe, " name given, on account of their harsh chattering note, to the long-legged thrushes." ('O.E.D.') The group " contains a great number of birds not satis- factorily located elsewhere, and has been called the ornithological waste-basket." ('Century.') The species are The Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis, V. and H. Chestnut-crowned B. P, ruficeps, Hart. Red-breasted B. P. rubeculus, Gould. White-browed B. P. superciliosus, V. and H. Back-blocks, n. (i) The far in- terior of Australia, and away from settled country. Land in Australia is divided on the survey maps into blocks, a word con- fined, in England and the United States, to town lands. (2) The parts of a station dis- tant from the frontage (q.v.). 1872. Anon. ' Glimpses of Life in Vic- toria," p. 31 : "... we were doomed to see the whole of our river-frontage purchased. . . . The back blocks which were left to us were insufficient for the support of our flocks, and deficient in perman- ent water-supply. ..." 1880. J. Mathew, Song 'The Bush- man ' : " Far, far on the plains of the arid back-blocks A warm-hearted bushman is tending his flocks. There's little to cheer in that vast grassy sea : But oh ! he finds pleasure in think- ing of me. How weary, how dreary the stillness must be ! But oh ! the lone bushman is dream- ing of me." 1890. E. W. Hornung, ' A Bride from the Bush,' p. 298 : " ' Down in Vic ' you can carry as many sheep to the acre as acres to the sheep up here in the 'back- blocks.'" .1893. M. Gaunt, 'English Illustrated,' Feb. , p. 294 : " The back-blocks are very effectual levellers." 1893. Haddon Chambers, 'Thumbnail Sketches of Australian Life,' p. 33 : "In the back-blocks of New South Wales he had known both hunger and thirst, and had suffered from sun- stroke." 1893. 'The Australasian,' Aug. 12, p. 302, col. I : "Although Kara is in the back- blocks of New South Wales, the clothes and boots my brother wears come from Bond Street." Back-block, adj. from the interior. 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Sydneyside Saxon,' vol. xii. p. 215 : AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BAC-BAI "'What a nice mare that is of yours ! ' said one of the back-block youngsters." Back-blocker, ;/. a resident in the back-blocks. 1870. 'The Argus,' March 22, p. 7, col. 2 : " I am a bushman, a back blocker, to whom it happens about once in two years to visit Melbourne." 1892. E. W. I-Iornung, 'Under Two Skies,' p. 21 : "As for Jim, he made himself very busy indeed, sitting on his heels over the fire in an attitude peculiar to back- blockers." Back-slanging, verbal n. In the back-blocks (q.v.) of Australia, where hotels are naturally scarce and inferior, the traveller asks for hospitality at the stations (q.v.) on his route, where he is always made welcome. There is no idea of anything underhand on the part of the traveller, yet the custom is called back-slanging. Badger, n. This English name has been incorrectly applied f in Australia, sometimes to the Band- icoot, sometimes to the Rock- Wallaby, and sometimes to the Wombat. In Tasmania, it is the usual bush-name for the last. 1829. 'The Picture of Australia,' p. 173: "The Paramelcs, to which the col- onists sometimes give the name of badger. . . ." 1831. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 265 : " That delicious animal, the wombat (commonly known at that place [Mac- quarie Harbour] by the name of bad- ger, hence the little island of that name in the map was so called, from the cir- cumstance of numbers of that animal being at first found upon it)." 1850. James Bennett Clutterbuck, M.D., ' Port Phillip in 1849,' p. 37 : "The rock Wallaby, or Badger, also belongs to the family of the Kangaroo ; its length from the nose to the end of the tail is three feet ; the colour of the fur being grey-brown." 1875. Rev. J. G. Wood, 'Natural History,' vol. i. p. 481 : " The Wombat or Australian Badger as it is popularly called by the colon- ists. . . ." 1891. W. Tilley, ' Wild West of Tas- mania,' p. 8 : " With the exception of wombats or ' badgers,' and an occasional kangaroo . . . the intruder had to rely on the stores he carried with him." Ibid. p. 44 : " Badgers also abound, or did until thinned out by hungry prospectors." Badger-box, n. slang name for a roughly-constructed dwelling. 1875. ' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania,' September, p. 99 [' Port Davey in 1875,' by the Hon. James Reid Scott, M.L.C.j: "The dwellings occupied by the piners when up the river are of the style known as ' Badger-boxes,' in dis- tinction from huts, which have per- pendicular walls, while the Badger-box is like an inverted V in section. They are covered with bark, with a thatch of grass along the ridge, and are on an average about 14 x 10 feet at the ground, and 9 or 10 feet high." Bail, n. "A framework for securing the head of a cow while she is milked." ('O.E.D.') This word, marked in ' O.E.D.' and other Dictionaries as Austra- lian, is provincial English. In the ' English Dialect Dictionary,' edited by Joseph Wright, Part I., the word is given as used in " Ireland, Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampshire and New Zealand." It is also used in Essex. 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 83 : " In every milking yard is an ap- paratus for confining a cow's head called a 'bail.' This consists of an upright standiron, five feet in height, let into a framework, and about six inches from it another fixed at the heel, the upper part working freely in a slit, in which are holes for a peg, so that when the peg is out and the mov- able standiron is thrown back, there BAl] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY is abundance of room for a cow's head and horns, but when closed, at which time the two standirons are parallel to each other and six inches apart, though her neck can work freely up and down, it is impossible for her to withdraw her head . . ." 1874. W. M. B., ' Narrative of Edward Crewe,' p. 225 : "The former bovine female was a brute to manage, whom it would have been impossible to milk without a 'bail.' To what man or country the honour of this invention belongs, who can tell ? It is in very general use in the Australian colonies ; and my ad- vice to any one troubled with a naughty cow, who kicks like fury during the process of milking, is to have a bail constructed in their cow-house." Bail up, v. (i) To secure the head of a cow in a bail for milking. (2) By transference, to stop travellers in the bush, used of bushrangers. The quotation, 1888, shows the method of trans- ference. It then means gener- ally, to stop. Like the similar verb, to stick up (q.v.), it is often used humor- ously of a demand for subscrip- tions, etc. 1844. Mrs. Chas. Meredith, ' Notes and Sketches of New South Wales,' p. 132: " The bushrangers . . . walk quickly in, and 'bail up,' i.e. bind with cords, or otherwise secure, the male portion." 1847. Alex. Marjoribanks, ' Travels in New South Wales,' p. 72 : "... there were eight or ten bul- lock-teams baled up by three mounted bushrangers. Being baled up is the colonial phrase for those who are at- tacked, who are afterwards all put to- gether, and guarded by one of the party of the bushrangers when the others are plundering." 1855. W. Howitt, 'Two Years in Victoria,' vol. ii. p. 309 : " So long as that is wrong, the whole community will be wrong, in colonial phrase, ' bailed up ' at the mercy of its own tenants." 1862. G. T. Lloyd, ' Thirty-three Years in Tasmania and Victoria,' p. 192 : " ' Come, sir, immediately,' rejoined Murphy, rudely and insultingly push- ing the master ; ' bail up in that corner, and prepare to meet the death you have so long deserved.' " 1879. W. J. Barry, 'Up and Down,' p. 112 : " She bailed me up and asked me if I was going to keep my promise and marry her." 1880. W. Senior, 'Travel and Trout,' p. 36: " His troutship, having neglected to secure a line of retreat, was, in colonial parlance, ' bailed up.' " 1880. G. Walch, 'Victoria in 1880,' p. 133: "The Kelly gang . . . bailed up some forty residents in the local public house." 1882. A. J. Boyd, 'Old Colonials,' p. 7 6: " Did I ever get stuck-up ? Never by white men, though I have been bailed up by the niggers." 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia,' p. 105 : " A little further on the boar ' bailed up' on the top of a ridge." 1888. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Robbery under Arms,' p. 368 : " One of the young cows was a bit strange with me, so I had to shake a stick at her and sing out ' Bail up ' pretty rough before she'd put her head in. Aileen smiled something like her old self for a minute, and said, ' That comes natural to you now, Dick, doesn't it ? ' I stared for a bit and then burst out laughing. It was a rum go, wasn't it ? The same talk for cows and Christians. That's how things get stuck into the talk in a new country. Some old hand like father, as had been assigned to a dairy settler, and spent all his mornings in the cow-yard, had taken to the bush and tried his hand at sticking up people. When they came near enough of course he'd pop out from behind a tree, with his old musket or pair of pistols, and when he wanted 'em to stop, ' Bail up, d yer,' would come a deal quicker and more natural - like to his tongue than ' Stand.' So ' bail up ' it was from that day to this, and there'll have to be a deal of change in the ways of the colonies, and them as come from 'em 1 6 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BAI-BAN before anything else takes its place, between the man that's got the arms and the man that's got the money." Bailing-up Pen, n. place for fastening up cattle. 1889. R. M. Praed, 'Romance of Sta- tion,' vol. i. c. ii. [' Eng. Dial. Diet.'] : " Alec was proud of the stockyard, and pointed out . . . the superior con- struction of the ' crush,' or branding lane, and the bailing-up pen." Bald-Coot, n. a. bird - name, Porphyrio melanotus, Temm.; Blue, P. bellus, Gould. The European bald-coot is Fulica atra. Ballahoo, n. a name applied to the Garfish (q.v.) by Sydney fishermen. The word is West .Indian, and is applied there to a fast-sailing- schooner ; also spelled Bullahoo and Ballahou, Balloon - Vine, n. Australian name for the common tropical weed, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Linn., N.O. Sapindacece ; called also Heart-seed, Heart-pea, and Winter-cherry. It is a climbing plant, and has a heart-shaped scar on the seed. Balsam of Copaiba Tree, n. The name is applied to the Australian tree, Geijera salicifolia, Schott, N.O. Rutacece, because the bark has the odour of the drug of that name. Bamboo-grass, n. an Austra- lian cane-like grass, Glyceria ramigera, F. v. M. ; also called Cane Grass. Largely used for thatching purposes. Stock eat the young shoots freely. Banana, n. There are three species native to Queensland, of which the fruit is said to be worthless Musa Banksii, F. v. M. M. Hillii, F. v. M. M. Fitzalani, F. v. M., N.O. Scitamtnece. The Bananas which are culti- vated and form a staple export of Queensland are acclimatized va- rieties. Banana-land, n. slang name for Queensland, where bananas grow in abundance. Banana-lander, n. slang for a Queenslander (see above). Banded Ant-eater, n. name given to a small terrestrial and ant-eating marsupial, Myrmecobius fasciatus, Waterh, found in West and South Australia. It is the only species of the genus, and is regarded as the most closely allied of all living marsupials to the ex- tinct marsupials of the Mesozoic Age in Europe. It receives its name banded from the presence along the back of a well-marked series of dark transverse bands. 1871. G. Krefft, 'Mammals of Australia': "The Myrmecobius is common on the West Coast and in the interior of New South Wales and South Australia : the Murumbidgee River may be taken as its most eastern boundary." 1893. A. R. Wallace, 'Australasia,' p. 34: " Thus we have here [W. Aus- tralia] alone the curious little banded ant - eater {Myrmecobius fasciatus), which presents the nearest approach in its dentition to the most ancient known mammals whose remains are found in the oolite and Trias of the Mesozoic epoch." Banded-Kangaroo, i.q. Banded- Wallaby. See Lagostrophus and Wallaby. Banded- Wallaby, n. sometimes called Banded - Kangaroo. See Lagostrophus and Wallaby. Bandicoot, n. an insect-eating marsupial animal ; family, Pe- ramelidce ; genus, Perameles. "The animals of this genus, com- monly called Bandicoots in Aus- tralia, are all small, and live en tirely on the ground, making nest AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY composed of dried leaves, grass and stick','in hollow places. They are rather mixed feeders ; but insects, worms, roots and bulbs, constitute their ordinary diet." ('Encyclopaedia Britannica,' gth edit., vol. xv. p. 381.) The name comes from India, being" a cor- ruption of Telugu pandi-kokkuy literally "pig-dog," used of a large rat called by naturalists Mus malabaricus, Shaw ; Mu- giganteus, Hardwicke ; Mus bandis coota, Bechstein. The name has spread all over India. The Indian animal is very different from the Australian, and no record is pre- served to show how the Anglo- Indian word came to be used in Australia. The Bandicoots are divided into three genera the True Bandicoots (genus Pera- meles, q.v.), the Rabbit Bandicoots (genus Peragale, q.v.), and the Pig-footed Bandicoots (q.v.) (genus Chceropus, q.v.). The species are Broadbent's Bandicoot Perameles broadbenti, Ramsay. Cockerell's B. P. cockerelli, Ramsay. Common Rabbit B. Peragale lagotis, Reid. Desert B. P. eremiana, Spencer. Doria's B. Perameles doreyana, Quoy & Gaim. Golden B. P. aurata, Ramsay. Gunn's B. P. gunni, Gray. Less Rabbit B. Peragale minor, Spencer. Long-nosed B. Perameles nasuta, Geoffr. Long-tailed B. P. longicauda, Peters & Doria. North-Australian B. P. macrura, Gould. Port Moresby B. P. moresbyensis, Ramsay. Raffray's B. P. raffrayana, Milne-Edw. Short-nosed B. P. obesula, Shaw. Striped B. P. bougainvillii, Quoy & Gaim. White-tailed Rabbit B. P. leucura, Thomas. Pig-footed B. Chceropus castanotis, Gray. 1802. D. Collins, ' Account of New South Wales', vol. ii. p. 188 (Bass's Diary at the Derwent, January 1799) : " The bones of small animals, such as opossums, squirrels, kangooroo rats, and bandicoots, were numerous round their deserted fire-places." 1820. W. C. Wentworth, 'Description of New South Wales,' p. 3 : " The animals are, the kangaroo, native dog (which is a smaller species of the wolf), the wombat, bandicoot, kangaroo-rat, opossum, flying squirrel, flying fox, etc. etc." 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 316 : " The bandicoot is about four times the size of a rat, without a tail, and burrows in the ground or in hollow trees." 1832. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' vol. ii. p. 28 : " The bandicoot is as large as a rabbit. There are two kinds, the rat and the rabbit bandicoot." 1845. R. Howitt, ' Australia,' p. 233 : " The common people are not desti- tute of what Wordsworth calls 'the poetry of common speech,' many of their similes being very forcibly and naturally drawn from objects familiarly in sight and quite Australian. ' Poor as a bandicoot,' 'miserable as a shag on a rock.'" Ibid. p. 330 : " There is also a rat-like animal with a swinish face, covered with ruddy coarse hair, that burrows in the ground the bandicoot. It is said to be very fine eating." 1845. J. O. Balfour, 'Sketch of New South Wales,' p. 26 : " The bandicoot is the size of a large rat, of a dark brown colour ; it feeds upon roots, and its flesh is good eating. This animal burrows in the ground, and it is from this habit, I suppose, i8 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BAN that when hungry, cold, or unhappy, the Australian black says that he is as miserable as the bandicoot." 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' p. 92: " The bandicoots are good eating even for Europeans, and in my opinion are the only Australian mammals fit to eat. They resemble pigs, and the flesh tastes somewhat like pork." Bangalay, n. a Sydney work- men's name for the timber of Eucalyptus botrioides, Smith. (See Gum.} The name is aboriginal, and by workmen is always pro- nounced Bang Alley, Bangalow, n. an ornamental feathery-leaved palm, Ptychosperma elegans, Blume, N. O. Palmece. 1851. J. Henderson, ' Excursions in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 229 : " The Bangalo, which is a palm . . . The germ, or roll of young leaves in the centre, and near the top, is eaten by the natives, and occasionally by white men, either raw or boiled. It is of a white colour, sweet and pleasant to the taste." 1884. W. R. Guilfoyle, ' Australian Botany,' p. 23 : "The aborigines of New South Wales and Queensland, and occasion- ally the settlers, eat the young leaves of the cabbage and bangalo palms." 1886. H. C. Kendall, 'Poems,' p. 193: " You see he was bred in a bangalow wood, And bangalow pith was the principal food His mother served out in her shanty." 1889. J- H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 592 : " Bangalow. . . . The small stems sometimes go under the name of ' Moreton Bay Canes.' It is a, very ornamental, feathery-leaved palm." Bang-tail muster. See quota- tion. 1887. W. S. S. Tyrwhitt, ' The New Chum in the Queensland Bush,' p. 61 : "Every third or fourth year on a cattle station, they have what is called a ' bang tail muster ' ; that is to say, all the cattle are brought into the yards, and have the long hairs at the end of the tail cut off square, with knives or sheep-shears . . . The object of it is . . . to find out the actual number of cattle on the run, to compare with the number entered on the station books." Banker, n. a river full up to the top of the banks. Compare Shakspeare: " Like a proud river, peering- o'er his bounds." (' King John,' III. i. 23.) 1888. Cassell's 'Picturesque Australasia,' vol. iii. p. 175 : " The Murrumbidgee was running a ' banker' water right up to the banks." 1890. Lyth, 'Golden South,' c. vii. P- 5 2 : " The driver stated that he had heard the river was 'a banker.'" 1896. H. Lawson, 'When the World was Wide,' p. 45 : "The creeks were bankers, and the flood Was forty miles round Bourke." Ibid. p. ico : " Till the river runs a banker, All stained with yellow mud/' Banksia, n. "A genus of Australian shrubs with umbellate flowers, now cultivated as orna- mental shrubs in Europe." ('O.E.D.') Called after Mr. Banks, naturalist of the Endeavour, after- wards Sir Joseph Banks. The so-called Australian Honeysuckle (q.v.). See also Bottle-brush. 1790. J. White, ' Voyage to New South Wales,' p. 221 : "The different species of banksia. The finest new genus hitherto found in New Holland has been destined by Linnaeus, with great propriety, to transmit to posterity the name of Sir Joseph Banks, who first discovered it in his celebrated voyage round the world." 1798. D. Collins, 'Account of English Colony in New South Wales,' p. 557: " A few berries, the yam and fern root, the flowers of the different banksia, and at times some honey, make up the whole vegetable cata- logue." 1829. Vigors and Horsfield, 'Trans- BAG-BAR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY actions of the Linnasan Society,' vol. xv. p. 312: " Scrubs where the different species of banksia are found, the flowers of which I (Mr. Caley) have reason to think afford it sustenance during winter." 1833. C. Sturt, 'South Australia,' vol. ii. c. ii. p. 30 : " Some sandhills . . . crowned by banksias." 1845. J. O. Balfour, 'Sketch of New South Wales,' p. 39: " Many different species of banksia grow in great plenty in the neighbour- hood of Sydney, and from the density of their foliage are very ornamental." 1846. L. Leichhardt, quoted by J. D. Lang, 'Cooksland,' p. 331: " The table-land is covered by forests of stringy-bark, of melaleuca-gum, and banksia." 1851. 'Quarterly Review,' Dec., p. 40: " In this they will find an extremely rich collection of bottle-brush-flowered, zigzag-leaved, grey-tinted, odd-looking things, to most eyes rather strange than beautiful, notwithstanding that one of them is named Banksia speciosa. They are the ' Botany Bays ' of old- fashioned gardeners, but are more in the shrub and tree line than that of flowering pots. Banksia Solandri will remind them to turn to their ' Cook's Voyages ' when they get home, to read how poor Dr. Solander got up a mountain and was heartily glad to get down again." 1877. F. v. Miiller, 'Botanic Teachings,' p. 46: "The banksias are of historic in- terest, inasmuch as the genus was dedicated already by the younger Linne* in 1781 to Sir Joseph Banks, from whom the Swedish naturalist received branchlets of those species, which in Captain Cook's first voyage more than 100 years ago (1770) were gathered by Banks at Botany- Bay and a few other places of the east coast of Australia." 1887. J. Bonwick, ' Romance of the Wool Trade, 'p. 228: "A banksia plain, with its collection of bottle-brush-like-flowers, may have its charms for a botanist, but its well- known sandy ground forbids the hope of good grasses." Baobab, n. a tree, native of Africa, Adansonia digitata. The name is Ethiopian. It has been introduced into many tropical countries. The Australian species of the genus is A. gregorii, F. v. M., called also Cream of Tartar or Sour Gourd-tree, Gouty -stem (q.v.), and Bottle-tree (q.v.). Barber, or Tasmanian Barber, n. a name for the fish Anthias rasor, Richards., family Percida ; also called Red-Perch. See Perch. It occurs in Tasmania, New Zea- land, and Port Jackson. It is called Barber from the shape of the prceoperculum, one of the bones of the head. See quotation. 1841. John Richardson, ' Description of Australian Fish,' p. 73 : " Serranus Rasor. Tasmanian Barber. . . . The serrature of the pre- operculum is the most obvious and general character by which the very numerous Serrani are connected with each other . . . The Van Diemen's Land fish, which is described below, is one of the ' Barbers,' a fact which the specific appellation rasor is in- tended to indicate ; the more classical word having been previously appropri- ated to another species . . . Mr. Lempriere states that it is known locally as the ' red perch or shad.' " [Richardson also says that Cuvier founded a subdivision of the Serrani on the characters of the scales of the jaws, under the name of ' les Barbiers,' which had been previously grouped by Block under the title Anthias.} Barcoo-grass, n. an Australian grass, Anthistiria membranacca, Lindl. One of the best pasture grasses in Queensland, but grow- ing in other colonies also. Barcoo Rot, n. a disease affect- ing inhabitants of various parts of the interior of Australia, but chiefly bushmen. It consists of persistent ulceration of the skin, chiefly on the back of the hands, and often originating in abrasions. 20 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BAR It is attributed to monotony of diet and to the cloudless climate, with its alternations of extreme cold at night and burn- ing heat by day. It is said to be maintained and aggravated by the irritation of small flies. 1870. E. B. Kennedy, * Four Years in Queensland,' p. 46 : " Land scurvy is better known in Queensland by local names, which do not sound very pleasant, such as ' Barcoo rot,' ' Kennedy rot,' according to the district it appears in. There is nothing dangerous about it ; it is simply the festering of any cut or scratch on one's legs, arms or hands. . . . They take months to heal. . . . Want of vegetables is assigned as the cause." 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' p. 58: " In Western Queensland people are also subject to bad sores on the hand, called Barcoo-rot." Barcoo Vomit, n. a sickness occurring in inhabitants of vari- ous parts of the high land of the interior of Australia. It is char- acterized by painless attacks of vomiting, occurring immediately after food is taken, followed by hunger, and recurring as soon as hunger is satisfied. The name Barcoo is derived from the district traversed by the river Barcoo, or Cooper, in which this complaint and the Barcoo Rot are common. See Dr. E. C. Stirling's ' Notes from Central Australia,' in 'Intercolonial Quar- terly Journal of Medicine and Surgery,' vol. i. p. 218. Bargan, . a name of the Come-back Boomerang (q-v.). (Spelt also barragan.} 1892. J. Fraser, 'Aborigines of New South Wales,' p. 70: " The ' come-back ' variety (of boom- erang) is not a fighting weapon. A dialect name for it is bargan, which word may be explained in our language to mean ' bent like a sickle or crescent moon.' " Barking Owl, n. a bird not identified, and not in Gould (who accompanied Leichhardt). 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expedi- tion," p. 47: "The glucking-bird and the barking- owl were heard throughout the moon- light night." Barrack, v. to jeer at oppo- nents, to interrupt noisily, to make a disturbance ; with the pre- position "for," to support as a partisan, generally with clamour. An Australian football term dating from about 1880. The verb has been ruled unparlia- mentary by the Speaker in the Victorian Legislative Assembly. It is, however, in very common colloquial use. It is from the aboriginal word borak (q.v.), and the sense of jeering is earlier than that of supporting, but jeering at one side is akin to cheering for the other. Another suggested derivation is from the Irish pro- nunciation of " Bark," as (accord- ing to the usually accepted view) "Larrikin" from' "larking." But the former explanation is the more probable. There is no connection with soldiers' " barracks ; " nor is it likely that there is any, as has been ingeniously suggested, with the French word baragouin, gib- berish. 1890. ' Melbourne Punch,' Aug. 14, p. 106, col. 3: " To use a football phrase, they all to a man 'barrack' for the British Lion." 1893. 'The Age,' June 17, p. 15, col. 4 : " [The boy] goes much to football matches, where he barracks, and in a general way makes himself intoler- able." 1893. ' The Argus,' July 5, p. 9, col. 4, Legislative Assembly: "Mr. Isaacs: . . . He hoped this ' barracking ' would not be continued." [Members had been interrupting him.] 1893. ' The Herald' (Melbourne), Sept. 9, p. i, col. 6 : BAR-BAS] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY " He noticed with pleasure the decrease of disagreeable barracking by spectators at matches during last season. Good-humoured badinage had prevailed, but the spectators had been very well conducted." Barracker, ;/. one who bar- racks (q.v.). 1893. 'The Age,' June 27, p. 6, col. 6: "His worship remarked that the ' barracking ' that was carried on at football matches was a mean and con- temptible system, and was getting worse and worse every day. Actually people were afraid to go to them on account of the conduct of the crowd of 'barrackers.' It took all the interest out of the game to see young men acting like a gang of larrikins/' 1894. 'The Argus,' Nov. 29, p. 4, col. 9 : " The ' most unkindest cut of all ' was that the Premier, who was Mr. Rogers's principal barracker during the elections, turned his back upon the prophet and did not deign to discuss his plan." Barracks, n. a building on a station with rooms for bachelors. 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Colonial Reformer,' p. 100 : "A roomy, roughly-finished building known as the 'barracks.' . . . Three of the numerous bedrooms were ten- anted by young men, . . . neophytes, who were gradually assimilating the love of Bush-land." Barracouta, or Barracoota, n. The name, under its original spelling of Barracuda, was coined in the Spanish West Indies, and first applied there to a large vora- cious fish, Sphyncna pecuda, family Sphynenidce,. In Australia and New Zealand it is applied to a smaller edible fish, Thyrsites atun, Cuv. and Val., family THchiurid- 2 5 : "The basalt or 'bluestone,' which is well adapted to structural purposes, and generally obtains where durability is desired." 1883. J. Hector, 'Handbook to New Zealand,' p. 62 : " Basalts, locally called ' bluestones,' occur of a quality useful for road- metal, house-blocks, and ordinary rub- ble masonry." 1890. ' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania,' p. xx. [Letter from Mr. S. H. Wintle] : "The newer basalts, which in Vic- toria have filled up so extensively Miocene and Pliocene valleys, and river channels, are chiefly vesicular Zeolitic dolerites and ancemesites, the former being well represented by the light-coloured Malmsbury 'bluestone ' so extensively employed in buildings in Melbourne." Blue-tongued Lizard, n. name given to Tiliqua nigroluteus, Gray, a common Australian and Tas- manian lizard belonging to the family Scinddce. The name is derived from its blue-coloured tongue, and on account of its sluggish habits it is also often called the Sleepy lizard. 1887. F. McCoy, ' Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria,' Dec. 14, pi. 131 : " Not uncommon about Melbourne, where it is generally called the ' Blue- tongued Lizard,' or ' Sleepy Lizard.' " Blue-wing, n. a sportsman's name (as in England) for the bird called the Shoveller (q.v.). Bluey, n. (i) A blue blanket, commonly used by swagrnen in Australia. He wraps his bundle in it, and the whole is called a Swag (q.v.). To hump bluey means to go on the tramp, carrying a swag on the back. (2) In the wet wildernesses of Western Tasmania a rough shirt or blouse is made of this material, and is worn over the coat like an English smock-frock. Sailors and fishermen in England call it a " Baltic shirt." AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BOA-BON 1890. 'The Argus,' Aug. 16, p. 13, col. 2 : "We shall have to hump bluey again." 1891. R. Wallace, ' Rural Economy and Agriculture of Australia and New Zealand,' P- 73 = " Humping bluey' is for a work- man to walk in search of work." 1891. W. Tilley, 'The Wild West of Tasmania,' p. 29 : "Leehan presents an animated scene. . . . Heavily laden drays, pack- horses and mules, form constant pro- cessions journeying from Dundas or Trial ; miners with their swags, sur- veyors in their ' bluey s ' ... all aid effectively in the panorama." Board, n. term used by shearers. See quotation. 1893. 'The Herald '(Melbourne), Dec. 23, p. 6, col. I : " ' The board ' is the technical name for the floor on which the sheep are shorn." With a full board, with a full complement of shearers. 1894. ' The Herald,' Oct. 6, p. I, col. 2: " The secretary of the Pastoralists' Association . . . reports that the fol- lowing stations have started shearing with full boards." Boar-fish, . a name applied in England to various dissimilar fishes which have projecting snouts. ('Century.') In New Zealand it is given to Cyttus australis, family Cyttid which is related to the John Dory (q.v.). This name is sometimes applied to it, and it is also called Bastard Dory (q.v.). In Melbourne the Boar-fish is Histiopterus recurvi- rostris, family Percidce, and Penta- ceropsis recurvirostris, family Penta- cerotidce. Mrs. Meredith, in ' Tas- manian Friends and Foes,' 1880 (pi. vi.), figures Histiopterus re- curvirostris with the vernacular name of Pig-faced Lady. It is a choice edible fish. Boil down, v. to reduce a state- ment to its simplest form ; a con- stant term amongst pressmen. Over the reporters' table in the old ' Daily Telegraph ' office (Mel- bourne) there was a big placard with the words " Boil it down." The phrase is in use in England. 'O.E.D.' quotes 'Saturday Re- view,' 1880. The metaphor is from the numerous boiling-down establishments for rendering fat sheep into tallow. See quotation, 1878. 1878. F. P. Labilliere, 'Early History of the Colony of Victoria,' vol. ii. p. 330: " The first step which turned the tide of ill-fortune was the introduction of the system of boiling down sheep. When stock became almost worthless, it occurred to many people that, when a fleece of wool was worth from half- a-crown to three shillings in England, and a sheep's tallow three or four more, the value of the animal in Aus- tralia ought to exceed eighteenpence or two shillings. Accordingly thou- sands of sheep were annually boiled down after shearing . . . until . . . the gold discovery ; and then ' boiling down,' which had saved the country,, had to be given up. . . . The Messrs. Learmonth at Buninyong . . . found it answered their purpose to have a place of their own, instead of sending their fat stock, as was generally done, to a public ' boiling down ' establish- ment." 1895. ' The Argus,' Aug. 17, p. 8, col. 2 r " Boiled down, the matter comes to- this." Bonduc Nuts, ;;. a name in Aus- tralia for the fruit of the widely distributed plant Cczsalpina bon- ducella, Flem., N. O. Leguminosce. Called Molucca Beans in Scotland and Nicker Nuts elsewhere. Bonito, n. Sir Frederick Me Coy says that the Tunny, the same fish as the European species- Thynnus thynnus, family Scombrida, or Mackerels, is caJled Bonito, erroneously, by the colonists and fishermen. The true Bonilo is Thynnus pelamys, Linn., though BON-BOO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY the name is also applied to various other fishes in Europe, the United States, and the West Indies. Bony - Bream, i.q. Sardine (q.V.). Boobook, n. an owl. Ninox boobook (see Owl} ; Athene boo- book (Gould's ' Birds of Australia,' vol. i. pi. 32). "From cry or note of bird. In the Mukthang language of Central Gippsland, BawBaw, the mountain in Gipps- land, is this word as heard by the English ear." (A. W. Howitt.) In South Australia the word is used for a mopoke. 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, ' Transac- tions of Linmean Society,' vol. xv. p. 188: " The native name of this bird, as Mr. Caley informs us, is Buck'buck. It may be heard nearly every night during winter, uttering a cry corre- sponding with that word. . . . The lower order of the settlers in New South Wales are led away by the idea that everything is the reverse in that country to what it is in England : and the cuckoo, as they call this bird, sing- ing by night, is one of the instances which they point out." 1894. 'The Argus,' June 23, p. n, col. 4 : " In most cases it may not be in all the familiar call, which is sup- posed to sound like ' More-pork,' is not the mopoke (or podargus) at all, but the hooting of a little rusty red feather-legged owl, known as the Boo- book. Its double note is the opposite of the curlew, since the first syllable is dwelt upon and the second sharp. An Englishman hearing it for the first time, and not being told that the bird was a 'more-pork,' would call it a night cuckoo." Booby, n. English bird-name. Used in Australia for the Brown- Gannet. See Gannet. Booby alia, or Boobialla, n. the aboriginal name for the tree Acacia longifolia, Willd., N.O. Legu- minosce, also called Native Willow. A river in Tasmania bears the name of Boobyalla, the tree being plentiful on the coast. 1835. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 63: "Acacia sophora. Sophora podded Acacia or Booby-aloe. This species forms a large shrub on the sand-hills of the coast." 1843. J. Backhouse, ' Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies,' p. 59 : "The sandbanks at the mouth of Macquarie Harbour are covered with Boobialla, a species of Acacia, the roots of which run far in the sand." 1855. J. Milligan, 'Vocabulary of Dia- lects of the Aboriginal Tribes of Tasmania,' ' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tas- mania,' vol. iii. p. 238 : " Wattle tree seaside. {Acacia Maritima) Booby allah." 1861. Mrs. Meredith, 'Over the Straits,' vol. ii. p. 62 : " Boobyalla bushes lay within the dash of the ceaseless spray." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 359 : " Boobyalla ... an excellent tree for binding coast-sands." 1894. 'Melbourne Museum Catalogue, Economic Woods,' p. 4 : " On the coast it is known by the native name, Boobyalla." Boomah, or Boomer, . name of a very large kangaroo, Macro- pus giganteus, Shaw. The spelling "boomah" seems due to a sup- posed native origin. See quota- tion, 1872, the explanation in which is probably erroneous. It is really from the verb to boom, to rush with violence. 1830. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. no : " Snapped the boomah's haunches,, and he turned round to offer battle." 1833. Lieut. Breton, ' Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and' Van Diemen's Land,' p. 251 : "Boomah. Implies a large kan- garoo." Ibid. p. 254 : "The flying gin (gin is the native word for woman or female) is a boo- mah, and will leave behind every de- scription of dog." AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BOO 1852. Mrs. Meredith, 'My Home in Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 244 : "The Great or Forest Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), the ' Forester ' of the Colonists. . . . The oldest and heaviest male of the herd was called a * Boomer,' probably a native term." 1853- J- West, ' History of Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 325 : "The forester (Macropus major, .Shaw), the male being known by the name of 'boomer,' and the young female by that of ' flying doe,' is the largest and only truly gregarious species." 1854. G. H. Haydon, 'The Australian Emigrant,' p. 124 : " It was of an old man kangaroo, .a regular boomer." 1855. G. C. Mundy, 'Our Antipodes,' p. 169: "An officer from Van Diemen's Land told me that he had once killed in that colony a kangaroo of such magnitude, that, being a long way from home, he was unable, although on horseback, to carry away any por- tion except the .tail, which alone weighed thirty pounds. This species is called the boomah, and stands about ;seven feet high." 1857. W. Howitt, ' Tallangetta,' vol. i. P- 47: " Sometimes starting a grand boo- mah, or great red kangaroo." - 1862. F. J. Jobson, 'Australia,' c. v. p. 124 : " Some of the male kangaroos, called 'boomers,' were described as being four or five feet high." 1864. J. Rogers, 'New Rush,' p. 55 : " The Boomer starts, and ponders What kind of beasts we be." 1867. W. Richardson, ' Tasmanian Poems,' p. 26 : " The dogs gather round a ' boomer' they've got." 1872. Mrs. E. Millett, 'An Australian Parsonage,' p. 195 : "A tall old Booma, as the natives call the male kangaroo, can bring his head on a level with the face of a man on horseback. ... A kangaroo's feet are, in fact, his weapons of defence with which, when he is brought to bay, he tears his antagonists the dogs most dreadfully, and instances are not wanting of even men having been killed by a large old male. No doubt this peculiar method of disposing of his enemies has earned him the name ofjBooma, which in the native language signifies to strike." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' p. 16: "As he plunged into the yellow waters, the dogs were once more by his side, and again the 'boomer' wheeled, and backed against one of the big trees that stud these hollows." Applied generally to something very large. 1885. 'Australasian Printers' Keepsake,' p. 76: " When the shades of evening come, I choose a boomer of a gum." Boomerang, n. a weapon of the Australian aborigines, de- scribed in the quotations. The origin of the word is by no means certain. One explanation is that of Mr. Eraser in quota- tion, 1892. There may perhaps be an etymological connection with the name woomera (q.v.), which is a different weapon, being a throwing stick, that is, an in- strument with which to throw spears, whilst the boomerang is itself thrown ; but the idea of throwing is common to both. In many parts the word is pro- nounced by the blacks bum- merang. Others connect it with the aboriginal word for "wind," which at Hunter River was burra- maronga, also boomori. In New South Wales and South Queens- land there is a close correspond- ence between the terms for wind and boomerang. 1827. Captain P. P. King, 'Survey of Intertropical and West Coasts of Australia,' vol. i. p. 355 : " Boomerang is the Port Jackson term for this weapon, and may be retained for want of a more descriptive name." 1830. R. Dawson, ' Present State of Australia,' p. 1 08 : BOO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 43 "We gambolled all the way up, throwing small pieces of bark at each other, after the manner of the native youths, who practise this with a view of strengthening their arms, and fitting them for hurling a curious weapon of war called a 'bomering,' which is shaped thus : " Ibid. p. 280: "Around their loins was the opos- sum belt, in one side of which they had placed their waddies, with which they meant to break the heads of their opponents, and on the other was the bomering, or stick, with which they threw their spears." [This is a confusion between boomerang and woomera (q.v.). Perhaps Mr. Dawson wrote the second word, and this is a mis- print.] 1839. Major T. L. Mitchell, 'Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia,' vol. ii. p. 348 : " The bommereng, or their usual missile, can be thrown by a skilful hand, so as to rise upon the air, and thus to deviate from the usual path of projectiles, its crooked course being, nevertheless, equally under control/'' 1845. R. Howitt, ' Australia,' p. 186: " The admirable dexterity with which they fling the bomerangs. To our thinking the thrower was only sending the instrument along the ground, when suddenly, after spinning along it a little way, it sprung up into the air, performing a circle, its crescent shape spinning into a ring, constantly spin- ning round and round, until it came and fell at his feet." 1845. O. Wendell Holmes, 'Modest Request' (in Poems): " Like the strange missile which the Australian throws, Your verbal boomerang slaps you on the nose." 1849. J. P. Townsend, ' Rambles in New South Wales,' p. 39 : " This instrument, called a bommer- eng, is made of wood, and is much like the blade of a scimitar. I believe it has been introduced into England as a plaything for children." 1850. J. B. Clutterbuck, 'Port Phillip in 1849,' p. 57 : "The boomerang is an extraordinary missile, formed in the shape of a crescent, and when propelled at an object, apparently point blank, it turns in any direction intended by the thrower, so that it can actually be directed in this manner against a person standing by his side. The consummate art visible in its unnatural- looking progression greatly depends upon the manner in which it is made to rebound from the ground when thrown." 1865. W. Howitt, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. ii. p. 107 ; " He [Sir Thomas Mitchell] applied to the screw propeller the revolving principle of the boomerang of the Australian natives." 1867. G. G. McCrae, ' Balladeadro,' p. 25 = " While circling thro' the air there sang The swift careering boomerang." 1888. A. Seth, ' Encyclopaedia Britan- nica,' vol. xxiv. p. 530, col. 2 : "He [Archbishop Whately] was an adept in various savage sports, more especially in throwing the boomerang." 1889. P. Beveridge, ' Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina," p. 49 : " Boomerang : a thin piece of wood, having the shape of a parabola, about eighteen inches or two feet long from point to point, the curve being on the thin side. Of the broad sides of the missile one is slightly convex, the other is flat. The thin sides are worked down finely to blunt edges. The peculiar curve of the missile gives it the property of returning to the feet of the thrower. It is a dangerous instrument in a mle"e. Of course the wood from which it is made is highly seasoned by fire. It is therefore nearly as hard as flint." 1890. C. Lumholtz," Among Cannibals,' p. 49: [A full description of the use of the boomerang is given, with illustrations.] " The boomerang is a curved, some- what flat, and slender weapon, made from a hard and heavy wood, Brigalow (Acacia excel so), or Myall (Acacia 44 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BOO-BOR pendula\ but the best one I found was made of a lighter kind of wood. The curving of the boomerang, which often approaches a right angle, must be natural, and in the wood itself. One side is perfectly flat, and the other slightly rounded. The ends are pointed." 1890. G. W. Rusden, ' Proceedings, Royal Colonial Institute,' vol. xxii. p. 62 : " You hardly ever see an allusion in the English Press to the boomerang which does not refer to it as a weapon of war which returns to the thrower, whereas the returning boomerang is not a weapon of war, and the boomer- ang which is a weapon of war does not return to the thrower. There are many kinds of boomerang some for deadly strife, some for throwing at game, and the returning boomerang, which is framed only for amusement. If a native had no other missile at hand, he would dispatch it at a flight of ducks. Its circular course, how- ever, makes it unfit for such a purpose, and there is a special boomerang made for throwing at birds. The latter keeps a straight course, and a native could throw it more than two hundred yards." 1892. J. Fraser, 'The Aborigines of New South Wales,' p. 69 : "The name bumarang has always hitherto been written boomerang ; but, considered etymologically, that is wrong, for the root of it is buma strike, fight, kill ; and -ara, -arai, -arang, are all of them common formative terminations." 1893. ' The Argus,' July I, p. 8, col. 7 : " ' I tell you, sir,' said Mr. Healy at an Irish political meeting, 'that there are at the present moment crystallizing in this city precedents which will some day come home to roost like a boomerang.'" Boongary, n. the tree-kanga- roo of North Queensland, a mar- supial tree-climber, about the size of a large wallaby, Dendrolagus lumholtzii, Collett. A native name. Bangaray = Red Kangaroo, in Governor Hunter's vocabulary of the Port Jackson dialect (1793). 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' p. 226: " The tree-kangaroo is without com- parison a better-proportioned animal than the common kangaroo. The fore -feet, which are nearly as perfectly developed as the hind-feet, have large crooked claws, while the hind-feet are somewhat like those of a kangaroo, though not so powerful. The sole of the foot is somewhat broader and more elastic on account of a thick layer of fat under the skin. In soft ground its footprints are very similar to those of a child. The ears are small and erect, and the tail is as long as the body of the animal. The skin is tough, and the fur is very strong and beautiful. . . . Upon the whole the boongary is the most beautiful mammal I have seen in Australia. It is a marsupial, and goes out only in the night. During the day it sleeps in the trees, and feeds on the leaves." Bora, n. a rite amongst the aborigines of eastern Australia ; the ceremony of admitting a young black to the rights of manhood. Aboriginal word. The word bur, given by Ridley, means not only girdle but 'circle/ In the man-making ceremonies a large circle is made on the ground, where the ceremonies take place. 1875. w - Ridley, ' Kamilaroi,' p. 24: " Girdle bor or bur. Hence Bora, the ceremony of initiation into man- hood, where the candidate is invested with the belt of manhood." 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life/ p. 24: "The great mystery of the Blacks is the Bora a ceremony at which the young men found worthy receive the rank of warriors." 1892. J. Fraser, 'Aborigines of New South Wales,' p. 6 : " These ceremonies are . . . called the Bora." Borage, Native, a plant, Polli- chia zeylanica, F. v. M., N.O. Bora- ginea. The so-called Native Borage is not endemic to Australia. In India it is used as a cure for snake bites. BOR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 45 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 124 : "The native borage (Trickodesma zeylanica, R. Br.)." Borak, ;;. aboriginal word of New South Wales, meaning- ban- ter, chaff, fun at another's ex- pense. (See quotation, 1845.) Prior to 1870 the word was much in use on the stations in New South Wales. About 1870 Vic- torian farmers' sons took shearing work there, and brpught back the word with them. It was subse- quently altered to barrack (q.v.). 1845. C. Griffith, ' Present State and Prospects of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales,' p. 162 : "The following is a specimen of such eloquence : ' You pilmillally jumbuck, plenty sulky me, plenty boom, borack gammon,' which, being interpreted, means ' If you steal my sheep I shall be very angry, and will shoot you and no mistake.' " 1856. W. W. Dobie, ' Recollections of a Visit to Port Phillip, Australia, in 1852-55,' p. 93: ' ... he gravely assured me that it was 'merrijig' (very good), and that ' blackfellow doctor was far better than whitefellow doctor.' In proof of which he would say, ' Borak you ever see black fellow with waddie (wooden) leg. Bungalallee white fellow doctor cut him leg, borak black fellow stupid like it that." 1885. ' Australasian Printers' Keepsake,' P-75' " On telling him my adventures, how Bob in my misery had ' poked borack ' at me. . . ." 1888. Alfred J. Chandler, 'Curley' in 'Australian Poets,' 17881888, ed. Sladen, p. too : " Here broke in Super Scotty, ' Stop Your borak, give the bloomin' man a show.'" 1893. 'The Argus,' Aug. 26, p. 13, col. i : "It does not do for a man whose mission it is to wear stuff and a horse- hair wig to ' poke borak ' at that vener- able and eminently respectable insti- tution the law, and still worse is it for a practising barrister to actually set to work, even in the most kindly spirit, to criticise the judges, before whom at any moment he may be called upon to plead." Borboby, n. i.q. Corrobbery (q.v.), but the word is rare. 1890. Carl Lumholtz, 'Among Canni- bals' [Title of illustration], p. 122 : " A warrior in great excitement just before Borboby commences." Boree, n. aboriginal name for the tree Acacia pendula, A. Cunn., JV. O. Leguminosce ; a variety of Myall, probably from Queensland aboriginal word Booreah, fire. It would be preferred by black or white man as firewood over any other timber except giddea (q.v.). 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 363 : " Weeping, or true myall. It is sometimes called bastard gidgee in Western New South Wales. Called boree by aboriginals, and often boree, or silver-leaf boree, by the colonists of Western New South Wales. Nilyah is another New South Wales name." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Squatter's Dream,' iii. p. 30 : " Myall and boree belts of timbers." 1893. ' The Times,' [Reprint] ' Letters from Queensland,' p. 60 : " The timber, of course, when seen close at hand is strange. Boree and gidyah, coolibah and whitewood, brig- gelow, mulgah, and myall are the un- familiar names by which you learn to recognise the commonest varieties." Borer, n. name applied to an Australian insect. See quotation. 1876. W. Harcus, ' South Australia,' p. no : " There is another destructive insect called the ' borer,' not met with near the sea-coast, but very active and mischievous inland, its attacks being chiefly levelled against timber. This creature is about the size of a large fly." Boronia, n. scientific and ver- nacular name of a genus of Aus- tralian plants, certain species of which are noted for their peculiar fragrance. The genus is especi- 4 6 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BOS-BOT ally characteristic of West Aus- tralia, to which out of fifty-nine species thirty-three are confined, while only five are known in Tas- mania. Boronia belongs to the N.O. Rittacecc. 1835. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' P- 72: ''Boronia variabilis. A beautiful little heath-like plant growing about the Cascade and other hills round about Hobart Town. . . . This genus is named after Borone, an Italian servant of the late Dr. Sibthorp, who perished at Athens. . . . Another species found in Van Diemen's Land is the Lemon plant of the mountains." 1896. 'The Melhurnian,' vol. xxii., No. 3, August 28, p. 53 : " Winter does not last for ever, and now at each street corner the scent of boronia and the odour of wattle- blossom greet us from baskets of the flower-girl." Boss-cockie, n. a slang name in the bush for a farmer, larger than a Cockatoo (see Cockatoo, n. 2), who employs other labour as well as working himself. Botany Bay, n. lying to the south of the entrance to Port Jackson, New South Wales, the destination of the first two ship- loads of convicts from England. As a matter of fact, the settle- ment at Botany Bay never existed. The " First Fleet," consisting of eleven sail under Governor Phillip, arrived at Botany Bay on January 18, 1788. The Governor finding the place unsuitable for a settlement did not land his people, but on January 25 removed the fleet to Port Jackson. On the next day (January 26) he landed his people at Sydney Cove, and founded the city of Sydney. The name, how- ever, clung topopular imagination, and was used sometimes as the name of Australia. Seventy years after Governor Phillip, English schoolboys used "go to Botany Bay " as an equivalent to " go to Bath." Captain Cook and his naturalists, Banks and Solander, landed at Botany Bay, and the name was given (not at first, when the Bay was marked Sting- ray, but a little later) from the large number of plants collected there. 1770. ' Captain Cook's Original Jour- nal,' ed. by Wharton, 1893, p. 247 : "6 May. . . . The great quantity of plants Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander found in this place occasioned my giving it the Name of Botany Bay." 1789. [Title] : " The Voyage of Governor Phillipto Botany Bay," published in London. 1789. Captain Watkin Tench [Title]: "A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay," published in London. 1793. G. Harrington [Title] : "Voyage to Botany Bay," [published in London.] This was the popular book on the new settlement, the others being high priced. As Lowndes says, "A work of no authority, but frequently printed." Barring- ton, the pickpocket, whose name it bears, had nothing to do with it. It was pirated from Phillip, Collins, etc. It went through various editions and enlargements to 1810 or later. After 1795 the name was altered to ' Voyage to New South Wales.' 1798. D. Collins, ' Account of the Eng- lish Colony in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 5 2 : " The word ' Botany Bay ' became a term of reproach that was indiscrimin- ately cast on every one who resided in New South Wales." 1840. Thos. Hood, 'Tale of a Trum- pet: ' " The very next day She heard from her husband at Botany Bay." 1851. Rev. David Mackenzie, ' Ten Years in Australia,' p. 50 : "... a pair of artificially black eyes being the Botany Bay coat of arms." DOT] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 1852. J. West, ' History of Tasmania,' vol. ii. p. 91 : " " Some gentlemen, on a visit to a London theatre, to draw the attention of their friends in an opposite box, called out cooey ; a voice in the gallery answered ' Botany Bay ! ' " 1894. 'Pall Mall Budget,' May 17, p. 20, col. I : " The owner of the ship was an ex- convict in Sydney then called Botany Bay who had waxed wealthy on the profits of rum, and the ' shangai-ing ' of drugged sailors." Botany- Bay Greens, n. a vege- table common to all the colo- nies, Atriplex cinereum, Poir, N.O. Salsolacece. 1810. G. Barrington, ' History of New South Wales,' p. 263 : " Botany Bay greens are abundant ; they much resemble sage in appear- ance ; and are esteemed a very good dish by the Europeans." 1834. Ross, 'Van Diemen's Land Annual,' P- 134: " I do not think it necessary to enter upon any description of the Barilla shrubs (Atriplex halimus, Rhagodia billardieri, and Salicornia arbiiscula], which, with some others, under the promiscuous name of Botany Bay greens, were boiled and eaten along with some species of seaweed, by the earliest settlers, when in a state of starvation." 1835. Ibid. p. 69 : "Atriplex Halimus. Barrilla. Bot- any Bay Greens. This is the plant so common on the shores of Cape Barren and other islands of the Straits, from which the alkaline salt is obtained and brought up in boats to the soap manu- factory at Hobart Town. It has been set down as the same plant that grows on the coast of Spain and other parts of Europe." 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 9 : " Once used as a pot-herb in New South Wales. Leichhardt used species of Atriplex as a vegetable, and spoke very highly of it." Botany-Bay Oak, or Botany- Bay Wood, n. a trade name in England for the timber of Casii- arina. See Beef-wood. Bottle-brush, n. name given to- various species of Callistemon and Melaleuca, N.O. Myrtacece ; the Purple Bottle-brush is Melaleuca squamea, Lab. The name is also more rarely given to species of Banksia, or Honeysuckle (q.v.). The name bottle-brush is from the resemblance of the large hand- some blossoms to the brush used to clean out wine-bottles. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 389: " Red Bottle-brush. The flowers of some species of Callistemon are like bottle-brushes in shape." Bottle-Gourd, ;/. an Australian plant, Lagenaria vu/garis, S6r. r JV.O. Cucurbitacece. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 192 : " Bottle Gourd. This plant, so plentiful along the tropical coast of Queensland, is said to be a dangerous poison. It is said that some sailors were killed by drinking beer that had been standing for some time in a bottle formed of one of these fruits. (F. M. Bailey.) " Bottle-Swallow, n. a popular name for the bird Lagenoplastis ariel, otherwise called the fairy Martin. See Martin. The name refers to the bird's peculiar retort- shaped nest. Lagenoplastis is from the Greek Aayr/vos, a flagon, and TrXavr^s, a modeller. The nests are often constructed in clusters under rocks or the eaves of build- ings. The bird is widely dis- tributed in Australia, and has occurred in Tasmania. Bottle-tree, n. an Australian tree, various species of Stercu- tia, i.q. Kurrajong (q.v.). So named from its appearance. See quotations. 1846. C. P. Hodgson, 'Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 264 : "The sterculia, or bottle-tree, is a AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BOX- BOW very singular curiosity. It generally varies in shape between a soda-water and port-wine bottle, narrow at the basis, gradually widening at the middle, and tapering towards the neck." 1848. L. Leichhardt, Letter in 'Cooks- land, by J. D. Lang, p. 91 : "The most interesting tree of this Rosewood Brush is the true bottle- tree, a strange-looking unseemly tree, which swells slightly four to five feet high, and then tapers rapidly into a small diameter ; the foliage is thin, the crown scanty and irregular, the leaves lanceolate, of a greyish green ; the height of the whole tree is about forty-five feet." 1865. Rev. J. E. Tenison- Woods, ' His- tory of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia,' vol. i. p. 127 : " It was on this range (Lat. 26 42') that Mitchell saw the bottle-tree for the first time. It grew like an enor- mous pear-shaped turnip, with only a small portion of the root in the ground." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 60 : " A ' Kurrajong.' The ' Bottle-tree ' of N.E. Australia, and also called ' Gouty-stem,' on account of the extra- ordinary shape of the trunk. It is the ' Binkey ' of the aboriginals. " The stem abounds in a mucilagin- ous substance resembling pure traga- canth, which is wholesome and nutri- tious, and is said to be used as an article of food by the aborigines in cases of extreme need. A similar clear jelly is obtainable by pouring boiling water on chips of the wood." Bottom, 11. in gold-mining-, the old river-bed upon which the wash-dirt rests, and upon which the richest alluvial gold is found; sometimes called the gutter. 1887. H. II. Hayter, 'Christmas Ad- venture,' p. 5 : " We reached the bottom, but did not find gold." Bottom, v. to get to the bed- rock, or clay, below which it was useless to sink (gold-mining). 1858. T. McCombie, ' History of Vic- toria,' c. xv. p. 219 : " In their anxiety to bottom their claims, they not seldom threw away the richest stuff." Boundary-rider, n. a man who rides round the fences of a station to see that they are in order. 1890. E. W. Hornung, 'A Bride from the Bush,' p. 279 : " A boundary-rider is not a ' boss ' in the Bush, but he is an important personage in his way. He sees that the sheep in his paddock draw to the water, that there is water for them to draw to, and that the fences and gates are in order. He is paid fairly, and has a fine, free, solitary life." 1892. 'Scribner's Magazine,' Feb., p. 147: " The manager's lieutenants are the 'boundary-riders,' whose duty it is to patrol the estate and keep him informed upon every portion of it." Bower-bird, n. an Australian bird. See quotation, 1891. See PtilonorhynchitKz. The following are the varieties Fawn-breasted Bower-bird Chlamydodera cennniventris, Gould. Golden B. Prionodura newtoniana, De Vis. Great B. Chlamydodera nuchalis, Gould ('Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. pi. 9). Queensland B. C. orientalis, Gould. Satin B. Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, Vieil- lot. Spotted B. Chlamydodera maculata, Gould (ibid. pi. 8). Yellow-spotted B. C. guttata, Gould. And the Regent-bird (q.v.). 1845. R. Howitt, 'Australia,' p. 140: " The same person had the last sea- son found, to his surprise, the play- house, or bower, of the Australian satin bower-bird. 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' p. 28: " Any shred of glass or metal which BOX AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 49 arrests the eye or reflects the rays of the sun is a gem in the bower-bird's collection, which seems in a sense to parody the art decorations of a modern home." 1891. 'Guide to Zoological Gardens, Melbourne ' : " In one is a representation of the playing place of the spotted bower- bird. These bowers are quite inde- pendent of the birds' nests, which are built on neighbouring trees. They first construct a covered passage or bower about three feet long, and near it they place every white or bright object they can find, such as the bleached bones of animals, pieces of white or coloured stone, feathers, shells, etc., etc. ; the feathers they place on end. When these curious playing places were first discovered, they were thought to be made by the native women for the amusement of their children. More than a bushel of small pieces of bleached bones or shells are often found at one of these curious sporting places. Sometimes a dozen or more birds will assemble, and they delight in chasing each other through the bower and playing about it." Box, Box-tree, Box-gum, n. The name is applied to many Eucalypts, and to a few trees of the genus Tristania, as given be- low, all of the N.O. Myrtacecc, \ chiefly from the qualities of their timber, which more or less re- sembles "Boxwood." Most of these trees also bear other verna- cular names, and the same tree is further often described verna- cularly as different kinds of Box. China-, Heath-, and Native-Box (q.v. below) are of other Natural Orders and receive their names of Box from other reasons. The following table is compiled from Maiden : Bastard Box Eucalyptus goniocalyx, F. v. M. ; E. largiflorens, F. v. M. (called also Cooburtt)', E. longifolia, Link.; E. microtheca, F. v. M.; E. polyanthema, F. v. M.; E.populifolia, Hook, (called also Bembil or Bimbil Box and Red Box); Tristania conferta, R. Br. ; T. laurina, R. Br., all of the N.O. Myrtacece. Black Box Eucalyptus obliqua, L'HeYit. ; E. largiflorens, F. v. M.; E. microtheca, F. v. M. Brisbane Box Tristania conferta, R. Br. Broad-leaved Box Eucalyptus acmenoides, Schau. Brown Box Eucalyptus polyanthema, Schau. Brush Box Tristania conferta, R. Br. China Box Murraya exotica, Linn., N.O. Rutacecz (not a tree, but a perfume plant, which is found also in India and China). Dwarf, or Flooded Box Eucalyptus microtheca, F. v. M. (Also called Swamp Gum, from its habit of growing on land inundated during flood time. An aboriginal name for the same tree is goborro.} Grey Box " Eucalyptus goniocalyx, F. v. M.; E. hemiphloia, F. v. M.; E. largiflorens, F. v. M.; E. polyanthema, Schau.; E. saligna, Smith. Gum-topped Box Eucalyptus hemiphloia, F. v. M. Heath Box Alyxia buxifolia, R. Br., N.O. Afocynetz (called also Tonga- beanwood, owing to its scent). Iron-bark Box Eucalyptus obliqua, L'Herit. Narrow-leaved Box Eucalyptus microtheca, F. v. M. Native Box Bursaria spinosa, Cav., N.O. Pittosporea. (Called also Box- AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BOX thorn and Native-Olive. It is not a timber-tree but a forage- plant. See quotation, 1889.) Poplar Box Eucalyptus populifolia, Hook. Red Box Eucalyptus populifolia, Hook.; E. polyanthema, Schau.; Tristania confer ta, R. Br. Thozet's Box Eucalyptus ravtretiana, F. v. M. White Box Eucalyptus hemiphloia, F. v. M.; E. odorata, Behr.; E. populifolia, Hook.; Tristania conferta, R. Br. Yellow Box Eucalyptus hemiphloia, F. v. M. E. largiflorens, F. v. M. E. melliodora, A. Cunn. 1820. John Oxley, ' Two Expeditions,' p. 1 26 : " The country continued open forest land for about three miles, the cypress and the bastard-box being the prevail- ing timber ; of the former many were useful trees." 1838. T. L. Mitchell, 'Three Expedi- tions,' vol. ii. p. 55 : " The small kind of tree . . . which Mr. Oxley, I believe, terms the dwarf- box, grows only on plains subject to inundation. ... It may be observed, however, that all permanent waters are invariably surrounded by the 'yarra.' These peculiarities are only ascertained after examining many a hopeless hollow, where grew the l go- borro ' only ; and after I had found my sable guides eagerly scanning the ' yarra ' from afar, when in search of water, and condemning any view of the 'goborro' as hopeless during that dry season." [See Yarra, a tree.] 1865. W. Howitt, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia, vol. ii. p. 6: " Belts of open forest land, princi- pally composed of the box-tree of the colonists, a species of eucalyptus (in no respect resembling the box of Europe)." 1877. F. v. Miiller, 'Botanic Teachings,' p. 15: "The Honey-Eucalypt (Eucalyptus melliodora}. This tree passes by the very unapt vernacular name Yellow Box-tree, though no portion of it is yellow, not even its wood, and though the latter resembles the real boxwood in no way whatever. Its systematic specific name alludes to the odour of its flowers, like that of honey, and as the blossoms exude much nectar, like* most eucalypts, sought by bees, it is proposed to call it the small-leaved Honey-Eucalypt, but the Latin name might as easily be conveyed to memory, with the advantage of its being a universal one, understood and used by all nations." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 46: " Poor country, covered with ti-tree, box, and iron-bark saplings, with here and there heavy timber growing on sour-looking ridges." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs/ p. 7: " The clumps of box-gums clinging together for sympathy." 1888. J. Hewlett Ross, ' Laureate of the Centaurs,' p. 41 : " Box shrubs which were not yet clothed with their creamy- white plumes (so like the English meadowsweet)." 1889. P. Beveridge, 'Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina,' p. 59: " These spears are principally made from a tall-growing box (one of the eucalypts) which often attains to an altitude of over 100 feet ; it is indi- genous to the north-western portion of the colony, and to Riverina ; it has a fine wavy grain, consequently easily worked when in a green state. When well seasoned, however, it is nearly as hard as ebony." 1889. J. II. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 121 : " Native box is greedily eaten by sheep, but its thorny character pre- serves it from extinction upon sheep- runs : usually a small scrub, in con- genial localities it developes into a small tree." Box, n. See succeeding 1 verb. 1872. C. H. Eden, 'My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 67 : " Great care must of course be taken that no two flocks come into collision, for a ' box,' as it is technically called, causes an infinity of trouble, which is BOX-BRE AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY the reason that the stations are so far apart." Box, v. to mix together sheep I that ought to be kept separate: , apparently from " to box" in the | sense of to shut up in narrow : limits ('O.E.D.' v. i. 5) ; then to i shut up together and so confuse the classification ; then the sense of shutting up is lost and that of confusion remains. 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 253: "All the mobs of different aged lambs which had been hitherto kept apart were boxed up together." 1889. RolfBoldrewood, 'Robbery under Arms,' p. 356 : " After they'd got out twenty or thirty they'd get boxed, like a new hand counting sheep, and have to begin all over again." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Colonial Reformer, ' p. 84 : "At nightfall, the fifteen flocks of sheep were all brought in, and ' boxed,' or mixed together, to Ernest's astonish- ment." 1890. Tasma, 'In her Earliest Youth,' p. 166: " He must keep tally when the sheep are being counted or draughted, I'm not sure which, and swear no, he needn't swear when they get boxed." 1896. A. B. Paterson, ' Man from Snowy River,' p. 54: " But the travelling sheep and the Wilga sheep were boxed on the Old Man Plain. 'Twas a full week's work ere they drafted out and hunted them off again." Boxer, n. This word means in Australia the stiff, low-crowned, felt hat, called a billy-cock or bowler. The silk-hat is called a bell-topper (q.v.). 1897. ' The Argus,' Jan. 9, p. 14, col. 2 : " And will you wear a boxer that is in a battered state ? I wonder, will you now that you're a knight ?" Box-wood, . a New Zealand wood, Olea lanceolata, Hook., 7V. O. Jasminece (Maori name, Maire). Used by the ' Wellington In- dependent ' (April 19, 1845) for woodcuts, and recommended as superior to box-wood for the pur- pose. See also Box, n. Boyla, n. aboriginal word for a sorcerer. 1865. W. Howitt, 'Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. i. p. 384: " The absolute power of boylas or evil sorcerers ... he chanted gloomily : Oh, wherefore would they eat the muscles? Now boylas storm and thunder make. Oh, wherefore would they eat the muscles ?" Bramble, Native, n. See Blackberry. Bread, Native, ;/. a kind of fungus. " The sclerotium of Poly- porus mylitta, C. et M. Until quite recently the sclerotium was known, but not the fructification. It was thought probable that its fruit would be ascomycetous, and on the authority of Berkeley it was made the type of a genus as Mylitta Australis. It is found throughout Eastern Australia and Tasmania. The aborigines ate it, but to the European palate it is tough and tasteless, and pro- bably as indigestible as leather." (L. Rod way.) 1843. James Backhouse, ' Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies,' p. 40 : " Natural Order. Fungi. . . . My- litta Australis. Native Bread. This species of tuber is often found in the Colony, attaining to the size of a child's head : its taste somewhat resembles boiled rice. Like the heart of the Tree-fern, and the root of the Native Potato, cookery produces little change." 1848. ' Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land,' vol. i. p. 157 : "nth October, 1848. . . Specimens of \htfungus known as ' native bread,' Mylitta Australis, lay upon the table. AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BRE-BRI A member observed that this sub- stance, grated and made into a pud- ding with milk alone, had been found by him very palatable. Prepared in the same way, and combined with double its weight of rice or sago, it has produced a very superior dish. It has also been eaten with approval in soup, after the manner of truffle, to which it is nearly allied." 1857. Dr. Milligan, in Bishop Nixon's ' Cruise of the Beacon,' p. 27 : " But that which afforded the largest amount of solid and substantial nutri- tious matter was the native bread, a fungus growing in the ground, after the manner of the truffle, and generally so near the roots of trees as to be reputed parasitical." 1896. ' Hobart Mercury,' Oct. 30, p. 2, last col. : " A large specimen of ' native bread,' weighing I2lb., has been unearthed on Crab Tree farm in the Huon district, by Mr. A. Cooper. It has been brought to town, and is being examined with interest by many at the British Hotel. It is one of the fungi tribe that forms hard masses of stored food for future use." Breadfruit-tree, name given by the explorer Leichhardt to the Queensland tree, Gardenia edulis, F. v. M., N. O. Rubiacece. Breakaway, n. (i) A bullock that leaves the herd. 1893. 'The Argus,' April 29, p. 4, col. 4: " The smartest stock horse that ever brought his rider up within whip dis- tance of a breakaway or dodged the horns of a sulky beast, took the chance." (2) The panic rush of sheep, cattle, or other animals at the sight or smell of water. 1891: " The Breakaway," title of picture by Tom Roberts at Victorian Artists' Exhibition. Bream, n. The name is applied in Australia to various species of Chrysophrys, family Sparida, and to other fishes of different families. The Black-Bream (q.v.) is C. australis, Giinth. The Bony- Bream is also called the Sardine (q.v.). The Silver-Bream (q.v.) or White-Bream is Gerres ovatus, Giinth., family Percidce. The Red- Bream is a Schnapper (q.v.) one year old. The popular pronunci- ation is Brim, and the fishes are all different from the various fishes called Bream in the northern hemisphere. See also Tanvhine and Blue-fish. Brickfielder, n. (i) Originally a Sydney name for a cold wind, blowing from the south and ac- companied by blinding clouds of dust ; identical with the later name for the wind, the Southerly Buster (q.v.). The brickfields lay to the south of Sydney, and when after a hot wind from the west or north-west, the wind went round to the south, it was accompanied by great clouds of dust, brought up from the brickfields. These brickfields have long been a thing of the past, surviving only in "Brickfield Hill," the hilly part of George Street, between the Cathedral and the Railway Sta- tion. The name, as denoting a cold wind, is now almost obsolete, and its meaning has been very curiously changed and extended to other colonies to denote a very hot wind. See below (Nos. 2 and 3), and the notes to the quotations. 1833. Lieut. Breton, R.N., 'Excursions in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land,' p. 293 : "It sometimes happens that a change takes place from a hot wind to a 'brick- fielder,' on which occasions the ther- mometer has been known to fall, within half an hour, upwards of fifty degrees ! That is to say, from above loo degrees to 50 degrees ! A brick- fielder is a southerly wind, and it takes its local name from the circumstances of its blowing over, and bringing into town the flames [sic] of a large brick- BRl] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 53 field : it is nearly as detestable as a hot wind." [Lieut. Breton must have had a strong imagination. The brickfields, at that date, were a mile away from the town, and the bringing in of their flames was an impossibility. Perhaps, however, the word is a misprint for fumes; yet even then this earliest quotation indicates part of the source of the subsequent confusion of mean- ing. The main characteristic of the true brickfielder was neither flames nor fumes, and certainly not heat, but choking dustJ] 1839. W. H. Leigh, ' Reconnoitering Voyages, Travels, and Adventures in the new Colony of South Australia,' etc., p. 184: "Whirlwinds of sand come rushing upon the traveller, half blinding and choking him, a miniature sirocco, and decidedly cousin-german to the delight- ful sandy puffs so frequent at Cape Town. The inhabitants call these miseries ' Brickfielders,' but why they do so I am unable to divine ; probably because they are in their utmost vigour on a certain hill here, where bricks are made." [This writer makes no allusion to the temperature of the wind, whether hot or cold, but lays stress on its especial characteristic, the dust. His comparison with the sirocco chiefly suggests the clouds of sand brought by that wind from the Libyan Desert, with its accompanying thick haze and darkness {' half blinding and chok- ing '), rather than its relaxing warmth.] 1844. John Rae, ' Sydney Illustrated,' p. 26 : "The 'brickfielder' is merely a colonial name for a violent gust of wind, which, succeeding a season of great heat, rushes in to supply the vacuum and equalises the temperature of the atmosphere ; and when its baneful progress is marked, sweeping over the city in thick clouds of brick- coloured dust (from the brickfields), it is time for the citizens to close the doors and windows of their dwellings, and for the sailor to take more than half his canvas in, and prepare for a storm." [Here the characteristic is again dust from the brickfields, as the origin of the name, with cold as an accompani- ment.] 1844. Mrs. Meredith, ' Notes and Sketches of New South Wales,' p. 44: " These dust winds are locally named ' brickfielders,' from the direction in which they come" [i.e. from neigh- bouring sandhills, called the brick- fields]. [Here dust is the only characteristic observed, with the direction of the wind as the origin of its name.] 1845. J. O. Balfour, 'Sketch of New South Wales,' p. 4: " The greatest peculiarity in the climate is what is called by colonists a brickfielder. This wind has all the characteristics of a sirocco in mini- ature. . . . Returning home, he dis- covers that the house is full of sand ; that the brickfielder has even insinuated itself between the leaves of his books; at dinner he will probably find that his favourite fish has been spoiled by the brickfielder. Nor is this all ; for on retiring to rest he will find that the brickfielder has intruded even within the precincts of his musquito curtains." [Here again its dust is noted as the distinguishing feature of the wind, just as sand is the distinguishing feature of the ' sirocco ' in the Libyan Desert, and precipitated sand, ' blood rain ' or 'red snow,' a chief character of the sirocco after it reaches Italy.] 1847. Alex. Marjoribanks, ' Travels in New South Wales,' p. 61 : " The hot winds which resemble the siroccos in Sicily are, however, a draw- back . . . but they are almost invaria- bly succeeded by what is there called a 'brickfielder,' which is a strong southerly wind, which soon cools the air, and greatly reduces the tempera- ture." [Here the cold temperature of the brickfielder is described, but not its (fust, and the writer compares the hot wind which precedes the brickfielder with the sirocco. He in fact thinks only of the heat of the sirocco, but the two preceding writers are thinking of its sand, its thick haze, its quality of blackness and its suffocating character, all which applied accurately to the true brickfielder.} 1853. Rev. II. Berkeley Jones, 'Adven- tures in Australia in 1852 and 1853,' p. 228 : 54 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BRI "After the languor, the lassitude, and enervation which some persons experience during these hot blasts, comes the ' Brickfielder,' or southerly burster." [Cold temperature noticed, but not dust.} 1853. ' Eraser's Magazine,' 48, p. 515 : "When the wind blows strongly from the southward, it is what the Sydney people call a ' brickfielder ' ; that is, it carries with it dense clouds of red dust or sand, like brick dust, swept from the light soil which adjoins the town on that side, and so thick that the houses and streets are actually hidden ; it is a darkness that may be felt." [Here it is the dust, not the temper- ature, which determines the name.] (2) The very opposite to the original meaning 1 , a severe hot wind. In this inverted sense the word is now used, but not frequently, in Melbourne and in Adelaide, and sometimes even in Sydney, as the following quota- tions show. It will be noted that one of them (1886) observes the original prime characteristic of the wind, its dust. 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketches,' p. 79: " She passed a gang of convicts, toiling in a broiling 'brickfielder.'" 1862. F. J. Jobson, 'Australia with Notes by the Way,' p. 155 : "The ' brickfielders ' are usually followed, before the day closes, with ' south-busters ' [sic.]." 1886. F. Cowan, 'Australia, a Char- coal Sketch ' : " The Buster and Brickfielder : aus- tral red-dust blizzard ; and red-hot Simoom." This curious inversion of mean- ing (the change from cold to hot) may be traced to several causes. It may arise (a) From the name itself. People in Melbourne and Adelaide, catching at the word brickfielder as a name for a dusty wind, and knowing nothing of the origin of the name, would readily adapt it to their own severe hot north winds, which raise clouds of dust all day, and are described accur- ately as being ' like a blast from a furnace,' or ' the breath of a brick-kiln.' Even a younger generation in Sydney, having received the word by colloquial tradition, losing its origin, and knowing nothing of the old brick- fields, might apply the word to a hot blast in the same way. (b) From the peculiar phe- nomenon. A certain cyclonic change of temperature is a special feature of the Australian coastal districts. A raging hot wind from the interior desert (north wind in Melbourne and Adelaide, west wind in Sydney) will blow for two or three days, raising clouds of dust; it will be suddenly succeeded by a ' Southerly Buster ' from the ocean, the cloud of dust being greatest at the moment of change, and the thermometer falling sometimes forty or fifty degrees in a few minutes. The Sydney word brickfielder was as- signed originally to the latter part the dusty cold change. Later generations, losing the finer dis- tinction, applied the word to the whole dusty phenomenon, and ulti- mately specialized it to denote not so much the extreme dusti- ness of its later period as the more disagreeable extreme heat of its earlier phase. (c] From the apparent, though not real, confusion of terms, by those who have described it as a ' sirocco.' The word sirocco (spelt earlier schirocco, and in Spanish and other languages with the sh sound, not the s) is the Italian equivalent of the Arabic root sharaga, ' it rose.' The name of the wind, sirocco, alludes in its original Arabic form to its rising, with its cloud of sand, in the BRl] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 55 desert high-lands of North Africa. True, it is defined by Skeat as 4 a hot wind,' but that is only a part of its definition. Its marked characteristic is that it is sand- 2aden, densely hazy and black, and therefore 'choking,' like the brickfielder. The not unnatural assumption that writers by com- paring a brickfielder with a sirocco, thereby imply that a brickfielder is a hot wind, is thus disposed of by this characteristic, and by the notes on the passages quoted. They were dwelling only on its choking dust, and its suffocating qualities, ' a miniature sirocco.' See the following quotations on this character of the sirocco : 1841. 'Penny Magazine,' Dec. 18, p. 494: "The Islands of Italy, especially Sicily and Corfu, are frequently visited by a wind of a remarkable character, .to which the name of sirocco, scirocco, or schirocco, has been applied. The thermometer rises to a great height, "but the air is generally thick and heavy. . . . People confine themselves within doors ; the windows and doors are shut close, to prevent as much as possible the external air from enter- ing ; . . . but a few hours of the tramontane, or north wind which generally succeeds it, soon braces them up again. [Compare this whole phe- nomenon with (b) above.] There are some peculiar circumstances attending the wind. . . . Dr. Benza, an Italian physician, states : 'When the sirocco has been impetuous and violent, and followed by a shower of rain, the rain has carried with it to the .ground an almost impalpable red micaceous sand, which I have collected in large quantities more than once in Sicily. . . . When we direct our atten- tion to the island of Corfu, situated some distance eastward of Sicily, we find the sirocco assuming a somewhat different character. . . . The more eastern sirocco might be called a re- freshing breeze [sic]. . . . The genuine or black sirocco (as it is called) blows from a point between south-east and south-south-east.' " 1889. W. Ferrell, 'Treatise on Winds,' P- 336 : " The dust raised from the Sahara and carried northward by the sirocco often falls over the countries north of the Mediterranean as ' blood rain,' or as ' red snow,' the moisture and the sand falling together. . . . The tem- perature never rises above 95." 1889. ' The Century Dictionary,' s.v. Sirocco : "(2) A hot, dry, dust-laden wind blowing from the highlands of Africa to the coasts of Malta, Sicily and Naples. . . . During its prevalence the sky is covered with a dense haze." (3) The illustrative quotations on brickfielder, up to this point, have been in chronological con- secutive order. The final three quotations below show that while the original true definition and meaning, (i), are still not quite lost, yet authoritative writers find it necessary to combat the modern popular inversion, (2). 1863. Frank Fowler, 'The Athenaeum,' Feb. 21, p. 264, col. i : "The 'brickfielder' is not the hot wind at all ; it is but another name for the cold wind, or southerly buster, which follows the hot breeze, and which, blowing over an extensive sweep of sandhills called the Brick- fields, semi-circling Sydney, carries a thick cloud of dust (or 'brickfielder') across the city." [The writer is accusing Dr. Jobson (see quotation 1862, above) of plagiar- ism from his book ' Southern Lights and Shadows.'] 1890. Lyth, 'Golden South,' vol. ii. p. u: " A dust which covered and pene- trated everything and everywhere. This is generally known as a 'brick- fielder.' " 1896. ' Three Essays on Australian Weather,' ' On Southerly Buster,' by H. A. Hunt, p. 17 : " In the early days of Australian settlement, when the shores of Port Jackson were occupied by a sparse population, and the region beyond was unknown wilderness and desolation, a great part of the Haymarket was AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BRI-BRO occupied by the brickfields from which Brickfield Hill takes its name. When a ' Southerly Burster ' struck the infant city, its approach was always heralded by a cloud of reddish dust from this locality, and in consequence the phe- nomenon gained the local name of ' brickfielder.' The brickfields have long since vanished, and with them the name to which they gave rise, but the wind continues to raise clouds of dust as of old under its modern name of ' Southerly Burster.'" Bricklow, n. obsolete form of Brigalow (q.v.). Brigalow, n. and adj. Spellings various. Native name, Buriagalah. In the Namoi dialect in New South Wales, Bri or Buri is the name for Acacia pendula, Cunn. ; Buri- agal, relating- to the buri ; Buria- galah = place of the buri tree. Any one of several species of Acacia, especially A. harpophylla, F. v. M., N.O. Leguminostz. J. H. Maiden (' Useful Native Plants,' p. 356, 1889) gives its uses thus: "Wood brown, hard, heavy, and elastic ; used by the natives for spears, boomerangs, and clubs. The wood splits freely, and is used for fancy turnery. Saplings used as stakes in vineyards have lasted twenty years or more. It is used for building pur- poses, and has a strong odour of violets.' 1846. L. Leichhardt, quoted by J. D. Lang, ' Cooksland, ' p. 312: " Almost impassable bricklow scrub, so called from the bricklow (a species of acacia)." 1847. L. Leichhardt, 'Overland Expedi- tion,' p. 4: " The Bricklow Acacia, which seems to be identical with the Rosewood Acacia of Moreton Bay; the latter, however, is a fine tree, 50 to 60 feet high, whereas the former is either a small tree or a shrub. I could not satisfactorily ascertain the origin of the word Bricklow, but as it is well understood and generally adopted by all the squatters between the Severn River and the Boyne, I shall make use of the name. Its long, slightly falcate leaves, being of a silvery green colour, give a peculiar character to the forest, where the tree abounds." [Foot- note] : " Brigaloe, Gould." 1862. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems,' p. 79: " Good-bye to the Barwan and brig- alow scrubs." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 190: " Now they pass through a small patch of Brigalow scrub. Some one has split a piece from a trunk of a small tree. What a scent the dark- grained wood has ! " 1889. Cassell's ' Picturesque Australasia/ vol. iv. p. 69: " There exudes from the brigalow a white gum, in outward appearance like gum-arabic, and even clearer, but as a ' sticker ' valueless, and as a ' chew- gum ' disappointing." 1892. Gilbert Parker, ' Round the Com- pass in Australia," p. 23 : "The glare of a hard and pitiless sky overhead, the infinite vista of salt- bush, brigalow, stay-a-while, and mulga r the creeks only stretches of stone, and no shelter from the shadeless gums." Brill, n. a small and very bony rhomboidal fish of New Zealand, Pseudorhombus scaphus, family Pleuronectida. The true Brill of Europe is Rhombus levis. Brisbane Daisy, n. See Daisy v Brisbane. Bristle-bird, ;/. a name given to- certain Australian Reed-warblers. They are Sphenura brachyptera, Latham ; Long-tailed B. S. longi- rostris, Gould ; Rufous-headed B. S. broadbentii, McCoy. See Sphenura. 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, ' Transac- tions of Linnoean Society,' vol. xv. p. 232 : " He (Mr. Caley) calls it in his notes 'Bristle Bird.'" Broad-leaf, n. a settlers' name for Griselinia littoralis, Raoul ;. Maori name, Paukatea. 1879. W. N. Blair, ' Building Materials ofOtago.'p. 155: " There are few trees in the [Otago] bush so conspicuous or so well known as the broad-leaf. ... It grows to a BRO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 57 height of fifty or sixty feet, and a dia- meter of from three to six ; the bark is coarse and fibrous, and the leaves a beautiful deep green of great bril- liancy." 1879. J. B. Armstrong, ' Transactions of New Zealand Institute,' vol. xii. Art. 49, p. 328 : "The broadleaf (Gnschma htto- ralis) is abundant in the district [of Banks' Peninsula], and produces a hard red wood of a durable nature." 1882. T. H. Potts, 'Out in the Open,' p. 103 : " The rough trunks and limbs of the broadleaf." Broker, n. Australian slang for a man completely ruined, stonebroke. 1891. ' The Australasian,' Nov. 21, p. 1014 : " We're nearly ' dead brokers,' as they say out here. Let's harness up Eclipse and go over to old Yamnibar." Bronze-wing, n. a bird with a lustrous shoulder, Phaps chalcop- tera, Lath. Called also Bronze- wing Pigeon, 1790. J. White, ' Voyage to New South Wales,' p. 145 : " One of the gold-winged pigeons, of which a plate is annexed. [Under plate, Golden-winged Pigeon.] This bird is a curious and singular species remarkable for having most of the feathers of the wing marked with a brilliant spot of golden yellow, chang- ing, in various reflections of light, to green and copper-bronze, and whe'n the wing is closed, forming two bars of the same across it." 1832. J. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' vol. ii. p. 31 : "The pigeons are by far the most beautiful birds in the island ; they are called bronze-winged pigeons." 1857. W. Howitt, ' Tallangetta.' vol. ii. P- 57 = " Mr. Fitzpatrick followed his kan- garoo hounds, and shot his emus, his wild turkeys, and his bronze-wings." 1865. 'Once a Week.' 'The Bulla- Bulla Bunyip.' " Hours ago the bronze-wing pigeons had taken their evening draught from the coffee-coloured water-hole beyond the butcher's pad- dock, and then flown back into the bush to roost on ' honeysuckle ' and in heather." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 122 : "Another most beautiful pigeon is the ' bronze-wing,' which is nearly the size of the English wood-pigeon, and has a magnificent purply-bronze specu- lum on the wings." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' P- 33 = " Both the bronze-wing and Wonga- Wonga pigeon are hunted so keenly that in a few years they will have become extinct in Victoria." 1893. 'The Argus,' March 25, p. 4, col. 6 : " Those who care for museum studies must have been interested in tracing the Australian quail and pigeon fam- ilies to a point where they blend their separate identities in the partridge bronze-wing of the Central Australian plains. The eggs mark the converg- ing lines just as clearly as the birds, for the partridge-pigeon lays an egg much more like that of a quail than a pigeon, and lays, quail fashion, on the ground." Brook-Lime, n. English name for an aquatic plant, applied in Australia to the plant Gratiola pedunculata, R. Br., N. O. Scrophn- larincc. Also called Heartsease. Broom, n. name applied to the plant Calycothrix tetragona, Lab., N.O. Myrtacece. Broom, Native, ;/. an Austra- lian timber, Viminaria denudata, Smith, N.O. Leguminoso'. 1889. T- H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 612 : " Native broom. Wood soft and spongy." Broom, Purple, n. a Tasmanian name for Comesperma retusutn,. Lab., IV. O. Polygalecc. Brown Snake, n. See under Snake. Brown-tail, n. bird-name for the Tasmanian Tit. See Tit. AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BRO-BRU 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia, 'vol. iii. pi. 54 : " Acanthisa Diemenensis, Gould. Brown-tail, colonists of Van Diemen's Land." Brown Tree-Lizard, n, of New Zealand, Naultinus padficus. Browny or Brownie, . a kind of currant loaf. 1890. E. D. Cleland, 'The White Kangaroo,' p. 57 : " Cake made of flour, fat and sugar, commonly known as ' Browny.' " 1890. 'The Argus,' Sept. 20, p. 13, col. 57 : " Four o'clock. ' Smoke O ! ' again with more bread and brownie (a bread sweetened with sugar and currants)." 1892. Gilbert Parker, ' Round the Com- pass,' p. 36 : " Roast mutton and brownie are .given us to eat." Brumby, Broombie (spelling various), n. a wild horse. The origin of this word is very doubt- ful. Some claim for it an abori- ginal, and some an English source. In its present shape it figures in one aboriginal vocabulary, given in Curr's 'Australian Race' (1887), vol. iii. p. 259. At p. 284, boo- rambyis given as meaning "wild" on the river Warrego in Queens- land. The use of the word seems to have spread from the Warrego | .and the Balowne about 1864. Before that date, and in other parts of the bush ere the word came to them, wild horses were called dear-skins or scrubbers, whilst Yarraman (q.v.) is the .aboriginal word for a quiet or broken horse. A different origin was, however, given by an old resident of New South Wales, to a lady of the name of Brumby, viz. " that in the early days of that colony, a Lieutenant Brumby, who was on the staff of one of the Governors, imported some very good horses, and that some of their descendants being allowed to run wild became the ancestors of the wild horses of New South Wales and Queensland." Con- firmation of this story is to be desired. 1880. 'The Australasian,' Dec. 4, p. 712, col. 3 : " Passing through a belt of mulga, we saw, on reaching its edge, a mob of horses grazing on the plains beyond. These our guide pronounced to be 'brumbies,' the bush name here [Queensland] for wild horses." 1888. Cassell's ' Picturesque Australasia,' vol. ii. p. 1 76 : " The wild horses of this continent known all over it by the Australian name of ' brumbies.' " Ibid. p. 178: "The untamed and 'unyardable' scrub brumby." 1888. R. Kipling, ' Plain Tales from the Hills,' p. 160 : "Juggling about the country, with an Australian larrikin ; a ' brumby ' with as much breed as the boy. . . . People who lost money on him called him a 'brumby.'" 1888. Rolf Boldre wood, ' Robbery under Arms,' p. 67 : " The three-cornered weed he rode that had been a 'brumbee.'" 1895. ' Chambers' Journal,' Nov. 2, Heading 'Australian Brumbie Horses': "The brumbie horse of Australia, tho 5 not a distinct equine variety, pos- sesses attributes and qualities peculiar to itself, and, like the wild cattle and wild buffaloes of Australia, is the descendant of runaways of imported stock." 1896. ' Sydney Morning Herald ,'( Letter from ' J. F. G.,' dated Aug. 24) : " Amongst the blacks on the Lower Balonne, Nebine, Warrego, and Bulloo rivers the word used for horse is 'ba- roombie,' the 'a' being cut so short that the word sounds as 'broombie,' and as far as my experience goes refers more to unbroken horses in distinction to quiet or broken ones (' yarraman ')." 1896. H. Lawson, 'When the World %vas Wide,' p. 156 : "Yet at times we long to gallop where the reckless bushman rides In the wake of startled brumbies that are flying for their hides." BRU-BUC] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 59 Brush, n. at first undergrowth, small trees, as in England ; after- wards applied to larger timber growth and forest trees. Its earlier sense survives in the com- pound words ; see below. 1820. Oxley, ' New South Wales ' <'O.E.D.') : " The timber standing at wide inter- vals, without any brush or under- growth." 1833. C. Sturt, 'Southern Australia/ (2nd ed.) vol. i. p. 62 : "We journeyed ... at one time over good plains, at another through brushes." 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. i. Introd. p. 77': "Jungle, or what in New South Wales would be called brush." Ibid. vol. v. pi. 59 : "Those vast primaeval forests of New South Wales to which the colonists have applied the name of brushes." 1853. Chas. St. Julian and Edward K. Silvester, ' The Productions, Industry, and Resources of New South Wales,' p. 20 : "What the colonists term 'brush' lands are those covered with tall trees growing so near each other and being so closely matted together by under- wood, parasites, and creepers, as to be wholly impassable." 1883. G. W. Rusden, ' History of Aus- tralia,' vol. i. p. 67, note : " Brush was allotted to the growth of large timber on alluvial lands, with other trees intermixed, and tangled vines. The soil was rich, and ' brush- land ' was well understood as a descrip- tive te.rm. It may die away, but its meaning deserves to be pointed out." Brush- Apple, ;/. See Apple. Brush-Bloodwood, n. See Bloodwood. Brush-Cherry, n. an Australian tree, Trochocarpa /aurina, R. Br., and Eugenia myrtifolia, Simms. Called also Brush-Myrtle. Brush-Deal, n. a slender Queensland tree, Cupania anacar- dioides, A. Richard. See Brush, above. Brusher, n. a Bushman's name, in certain parts, for a small walla- by which hops about in the bush or scrub with considerable speed. "To give brusher," is a phrase derived from this, and used in many parts, especially of the in- terior of Australia, and implies that a man has left without pay- ing his debts. In reply to the question " Has so-and-so left the tov/nship ? " the answer, " Oh yes, he gave them brusher," would be well understood in the above sense. Brush-Kangaroo, n. anothei name for the Wallaby (q.v.). 1802. G. Barrington, ' History of New South Wales,' c. viii. p. 273 : " A place . . . thickly inhabited by the small brush-kangaroo." 1830. ' Proceedings of the Royal Geo- graphical Society,' i. 29 : " These dogs . . . are particularly useful in catching the bandicoots, the small brush kangaroo, and the opos- sum." 1832. J. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' c. ii. p. 28 : " The brush-kangaroo . . . frequents the scrubs and rocky hills." 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Melbourne Memories,' c. iii. p. 24 : " Violet was so fast that she could catch the brush-kangaroo (the wallaby) within sight." Brush-Myrtle, i.q. Brush- Cherry (q.v.). Brush-Turkey, n. See Turkey. Brush-Turpentine, n. another name for the tree Syncarpia lepto- petala, F. v. M., N.O. Myrtacea, called also Myrtle (q.v.). Bubrush, n. See Wonga and Raupo. Buck, v. Used ' ' intransitively of a horse, to leap vertically from the ground, drawing the feet together like a deer, and arching the back. Also transitively to buck off." ('O.E.D.') Some say that this 6o AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BUC word is not Australian, but all the early quotations of buck and cognate words are connected with Australia. The word is now used freely in the United States ; see quotation, 1882. 1870. E. B. Kennedy, ' Four Years in Queensland,' p. 193 : " Having gained his seat by a nimble spring, I have seen a man (a Sydney native) so much at his ease, that while the horse has been ' bucking a hurri- cane,' to use a colonial expression, the rider has been cutting up his tobacco and filling his pipe, while several feet in the air, nothing in front of him ex- cepting a small lock of the animal's mane (the head being between its legs), and very little behind him, the stern being down ; the horse either giving a turn in the air, or going forward every buck." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 131 : " ' Well,' said one, ' that fellow went to market like a bird.' ' Yes,' echoed another, ' Bucked a blessed hurricane.' ' Buck a town down,' cried a third. ' Never seed a horse strip himself quicker,' cried a fourth." 1882. Baillie-Grohman, ' Camps in the Rockies,' ch. iv. p. 102 ('Standard ') : " There are two ways, I understand, of sitting a bucking horse . . . one is ' to follow the buck,' the other ' to receive the buck.'" 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, 'Advance Aus- tralia,' p. 55 : "The performance is quite peculiar to Australian horses, and no one who has not seen them at it would believe the rapid contortions of which they are capable. In bucking, ahorse tucks his head right between his fore-legs, some- times striking his jaw with his hind feet. The back meantime is arched like a boiled prawn's ; and in this position the animal makes a series of tremendous bounds, sometimes for- wards, sometimes sideways and back- wards, keeping it up for several minutes at intervals of a few seconds." Buck, n. See preceding verb. 1868. Lady Barker, 'Station Life in New Zealand,' p. 224 : " I never saw such bucks and jumps into the air as she [the mare] pei- formed." 1886. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems,' p. 206 : " For, mark me, he can sit a buck For hours and hours together ; And never horse has had the luck To pitch him from the leather." Bucker, Buck-jumper, n. a horse given to bucking or buck- jumping. 1853. H. Berkeley Jones, ' Adventures in Australia in 1852 and 1853,' [Footnote] P- H3 : " A ' bucker ' is a vicious horse, to be found only in Australia." 1884. ' Harper's Magazine,' July, No. 301, p. I ('O.E.D.'): "If we should . . . select a ' bucker,* the probabilities are that we will come to grief." 1893. Haddon Chambers, ' Thumbnail Sketches of Australian Life,' p. 64: " No buck-jumper could shake him off." 1893. Ibid. p. 187 : " ' Were you ever on a buck-jumper ? ' I was asked by a friend, shortly after my return from Australia." Buck-jumping, Bucking, verbal nouns. 1855. W. Howitt, 'Two Years in Vic- toria,' vol. i. p. 43 : "At length it shook off all its holders, and made one of those ex- traordinary vaults that they call buck- jumping.^ 1859. H. Kingsley, 'Geoffrey Hamlyn/ vol. ii. p. 212 : " That same bucking is just what puzzles me utterly." 1859. Rev. J. D. Mereweather, ' Diary of a Working Clergyman in Australia and Tasmania, kept during the years 1850- 1853,' P- 177 : " I believe that an inveterate buck- jumper can be cured by slinging up one of the four legs, and lunging him about severely in heavy ground on the three legs. The action they must needs make use of on such an occasion somewhat resembles the action of bucking ; and after some severe trials of that sort, they take a dislike to the whole style of thing. An Irishman on the Murrumbidgee is very clever at BUG- BUD] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 61 this schooling. It is called here * turning a horse inside out.' " 1885. Forman (Dakota), item 26, May 6, 3('O.E.IV): "The majority of the horses there [in Australia] are vicious and given to the trick of buck-jumping." [It may be worth while to add that this is not strictly accurate.] 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, 'A Colonial Reformer,' p. 94 : " ' I should say that buck-jumping -was produced in this country by bad breaking,' said Mr. Neuchamp oracu- larly. ' Don't you believe it, sir. Bucking is like other vices runs in the blood.' 3 ' Buck-shot, 11. a settlers' term for a geological formation. See quotation. 1851. 'The Australasian Quarterly,' p. 459: "The plain under our feet was everywhere furrowed by Dead men's graves, and generally covered with the granulated lava, aptly named by the settlers buck-shot, and found through- out the country on these trappean formations. Buck-shot is always im- bedded in a sandy alluvium, some- times several feet thick." Buddawong, n. a variation of Burrawang (q.v.). 1877. Australie, ' The Buddawong's Crown,' 'Australian Poets,' 1788-1888, ed. Sladen, p. 39 : "" A buddawong seed-nut fell to earth, In a cool and mossy glade, And in spring it shot up its barbed green swords, Secure 'neath the myrtle's shade. And the poor, poor palm has died indeed. But little the strangers care, ' There are zamias in plenty more,' they say, But the crown is a beauty rare." Budgeree, adj. aboriginal word tor good, which is common collo- quially in the bush. See Budgeri- gar. J 793' J- Hunter, ' Port Jackson,' p. 195: " They very frequently, at the con- clusion of the dance, would apply to us ... for marks of our approbation . . . which we never failed to give by often repeating the word boojery, good ; or boojery caribberie, a good dance." Budgerigar, or Betcherrygah, n. aboriginal name for the bird called by Gould the Warbling Grass-parrakeet ; called also Shell- parrot and Zebra-Grass-parrakeet. In the Port Jackson dialect budgeri, or boodgeri, means good, excellent. In 'Collins' Vocabulary' (1798), boodjer-re = good. In New South Wales gar is common as first syllable of the name for the white cockatoo, zsgaraweh. See Galah. In the north of New South Wales kaar = white cockatoo. The spell- ing is very various, but the first of the two above given is the more correct etymologically. In the United States it is spelt beau- regarde, derived by ' Standard ' from French beau and regarde, a manifest instance of the law of Hobson-Jobson . 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expedi- tion,' p. 297 : " The betshiregah {Melopsittacus Undulatus, Gould) were very numer- ous." 1848. T- Gould, ' Birds of Australia,' vol. v. pi. 44 : . " Melopsittacus Undulatus. Warb- ling Grass-Parrakeet. Canary Parrot colonists. Betcherrygah natives of Liverpool Plains." 1857. Letter, Nov. 17, in ' Life of Fen- ton J. A. Hort ' (1896), vol. i. p. 388 : "There is also a small green creature like a miniature cockatoo, called a Budgeragar, which was brought from Australia. He is quaint and now and then noisy, but not on the whole a demonstrative being." 1857. W. Howitt, 'Tallangetta,' vol. i. P- 48: " Young paroquets, the green leeks, and the lovely speckled budgregores." 1865. Lady Barker, ' Station Life in New Zealand,' p. 7 : " I saw several pairs of those pretty 62 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BUG-BUL grass or zebra parroquets, which are called here by the very inharmonious name of ' budgereghars.' " 1890. Lyth, ' Golden South,' c. xiv. p. 127: "The tiny budgeriegar, sometimes called the shell parrot." Bugle, n, name given to the Australian plant Ajuga australis, R. Br., N.O. Labiates. Bugler, n. a name given in Tas- mania to the fish Centriscus scolo- pax, family Centriscidce ; called in Europe the Trumpet-fish, Bellows- fish, the latter name being also used for it in Tasmania. The structure of the mouth and snout suggests a musical instrument, or, combined with the outline of the body, a pair of bellows. The fish occurs also in Europe. Bugong, or Bogong, or Bou- gong, n. an Australian moth, Danais limniace, or Agrotis spina, eaten by the aborigines. 1834. Rev. W. B. Clarke, ' Researches in the Southern Gold Fields of New South Wales ' (second edition), p. 228 : "These moths have obtained their name from their occurrence on the ' Bogongs ' or granite mountains. They were described by my friend Dr. Bennett in his interesting work on ' New South Wales,' 1832-4, as abund- ant on the Bogong Mountain, Tu- mut River. I found them equally abundant, and in full vigour, in De- cember, coming in clouds from the granite peaks of the Muniong Range. The blacks throw them on the fire and eat them." 1859. H. Kingsley, 'Geoffrey Hamlyn,' P- 355 : " The westward range is called the Bougongs. The blacks during summer are in the habit of coming thus far to collect and feed on the great grey moths (bougongs) which are found on the rocks." 1871. 'The Athenaeum,' May 27, p. 660: "The Gibbs Land and Murray districts have been divided into the following counties : . . . Bogong (native name of grubs and moths)." 1878. R. Brough Smyth, 'The Abori- gines of Victoria,' vol. i. p. 207 : " The moths the Bugong moths {Agrotis siiffusa) are greedily de- voured by the natives ; and in former times, when they were in season, they assembled in. great numbers to eat them, and they grew fat on this food." [Also a long footnote.] 1890. Richard Helms, ' Records of the Australian Museum,' vol. i. No. I : " My aim was to obtain some ' Boo- gongs,' the native name for the moths which so abundantly occur on this range, and no doubt have given it its name." 1896. ' Sydney Mail,' April 4, Answers to Correspondents : " It cannot be stated positively, but it is thought that the name of the moth ' bogong ' is taken from that of the mountain. The meaning of the word is not known, but probably it is an aboriginal word." Bull-a-bull, or Bullybul, n. a child's corruption of the Maori word Poroporo (q.v.), a flowering shrub of New Zealand. It is allied to the Kangaroo-Apple (q.v.), 1845. ' New Plymouth's National Song,' in Hursthouse's 'New Zealand,' p. 217 : "And as for fruit, the place is full Of that delicious bull-a-bull.' 1 Bullahoo, n. See Ballahoo. Bull-ant, n. contracted and com- mon form of the words Bull-dog Ant (q.v.). Bull-dog Ant, n. (frequently shortened \.Q Bull-dog o* Bull-ant], an ant of large size with a fierce bite. The name is applied to various species of the genus Myr- mecia, which is common through- out Australia and Tasmania. 1878. Mrs. H. Jones, ' Long Years in Australia,' p. 93 : " Busy colonies of ants (which every- where infest the country). . . . One kind is very warlike the ' bull-dog ' ;. sentinels stand on the watch, outside the nest, and in case of attack dis- appear for a moment and return with BUL] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY a whole army of the red-headed mon- sters, and should they nip you, will give you a remembrance of their sting never to be forgotten." 1888. Alleged 'Prize Poem,' Jubilee Exhibition : " The aborigine is now nearly extinct, But the bull-dog-ant and the kangaroo rat Are a little too thick I think." 1896. A. B. Paterson, ' Man from Snowy River,' p. 142 : "Where the wily free-selector walks in armour-plated pants, And defies the stings of scorpion and the bites of bull-dog ants." Bull-dog Shark, i.q. Bull-head Bull-head, ;/. The name is applied to many fishes of different families in various parts of the world, none of which are the same as the following two. (i) A shark of Tasmania and South Australia of small size and harmless, with teeth formed for crushing shells, Heterodontus phillipii, Lacep., family Cestraciontida ; also called the Bull-dog Shark, and in Sydney, where it is common, the Port- Jackson Shark ; the aboriginal name was Tabbigan. (2) A fresh- water fish of New Zealand, Eleo- tris gobioides, Cuv. and Val., family Gobi idee. See Bighead. Bulln-Bulln, n. an aboriginal name for the Lyre-bird (q.v.)- This native name is imitative. The most southerly county in Victoria is called Buln-Buln ; it is the haunt of the Lyre-bird. 1857. D. Bunce, 'Travels with Leich- hardt in Australia,' p. 70 : "We afterwards learned that this was the work of the Bullen Bullen, or Lyre-bird, in its search for large worms, its favourite food." 1871. ' The Athenaeum,' May 27, p. 660: "The Gipps Land and Murray districts have been divided into the following counties : . . . Bum Buln (name of Lyre-bird)." BuU-Oak, . See Oak. Bullocky, n. and adj. a bullock- driver. " In the bush all the heavy hauling is done with bullock- drays. It is quite a common sight up the country to see teams of a dozen and upwards." (B. and L.) 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. xii. p. 121 : " ' By George, Jack, you're a regular bullocky boy.' " Bull-puncher, or Bullock- puncher, n. slang for a bullock- driver. According to Barrere and Leland's ' Slang Dictionary,' the word has a somewhat different meaning in America, where it means a drover. See Punch. 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My W T ife and I in Queensland,' p. 49: " The ' bull - puncher,' as bullock- drivers are familiarly called." 1873. J. Mathew, song ' Hawking,' in ' Queenslander,' Oct. 4 : " The stockmen and the bushmen and the shepherds leave the station, And the hardy bullock-punchers- throw aside their occupation." 1889. Cassell's 'Picturesque Australasia,' vol. iv. p. 143 : " These teams would comprise from five to six pairs of bullocks each, and were driven by a man euphoniously termed a ' bull-puncher.' Armed with a six-foot thong, fastened to a supple stick seven feet long. ..." Bull-rout, n. a fish of New South Wales, Centropogon robustus, Giinth., family Scorpanidtz. 1882. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, ' Fish of New South Wales,' p. 48 : " It emits a loud and harsh grunting noise when it is caught. . . . The fisher- man knows what he has got by the noise before he brings his fish to the surface. . . . When out of the water the noise of the bull-rout is loudest, and it spreads its gills and fins a little, so as to appear very formidable. . . . The blacks held it in great dread, and the name of bull-rout may possibly be a corruption of some native word." Bull's-eye, n. a fish of New 64 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [13UL-BUN South Wales, Priacantlius macra- tanthus, Cuv. and Val. Pria- fanthus, says Giinther, is a percoid fish with short snout, lower jaw and chin prominent, and small rough scales all over them and the body generally. The eye large, and the colour red, pink, or silvery. 1884. E. P. Ramsay, ' Fisheries Ex- hibition Literature,' vol. v. p. 311 : " Another good table-fish is the ' bull's-eye,' a beautiful salmon-red fish with small scales. ... At times it enters the harbours in considerable numbers ; but the supply is irregular." Bullswool, n. colloquial name for the inner portion of the cover- ing of the Stringybark-tree (q.v.). This is a dry finely fibrous sub- stance, easily disintegrated by rubbing between the hands. It forms a valuable tinder for kind- ling a fire in the bush, and is largely employed for that purpose. It is not unlike the matted hair of .a bull, and is reddish in colour, hence perhaps this nickname, which is common in the Tas- manian bush. Bully, n. a Tasmanian fish, Blennius tasmanianus, Richards., family Blennidce. Bulrush, n. See Wonga and Raupo. Bung, to go, v. to fail, to become bankrupt. This phrase of English school-boy slang, meaning to go off with an explo- sion, to go to smash (also accord- ing to Barrere and Leland still in use among American thieves), is in very frequent use in Australia. In Melbourne in the times that followed the collapse of the land- boom it was a common expres- sion to say that Mr. So-and-so had "gone bung," sc. filed his schedule or made a composition "with creditors ; or that an insti- tution had "gone bung," sc. closed its doors, collapsed. In parts of Australia, in New South Wales and Queensland, the word "bung" is an aboriginal word meaning ' ' dead," and even though the slang word be of English origin, its frequency of use in Australia may be due to the ex- istence of the aboriginal word, which forms the last syllable in Billabong (q.v.), and in the ab- original word milbung blind, liter- ally, eye-dead. (a) The aboriginal word. 1847. J. D. Lang, ' Cooksland,' p. 430 : "A place called Umpie Bung, or the dead houses." [It is now a suburb of Brisbane, Humpy-bong.] 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queens- land,' vol. ii. p. 175 [in Blacks' pigeon English] : " Missis bail bong, ony cawbawn prighten. (Missis not dead, only dreadfully frightened.)" 1882. A. J. Boyd, ' Old Colonials,' p. 73 = " But just before you hands 'im [the horse] over and gets the money, he goes bong on you " (i. e. he dies). 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, 'Advance Aus- tralia,' p. 142 : " Their [the blacks'] ordinary creed is very simple. ' Directly me bung (die) me jump up white feller,' and this seems to be the height of their ambition." 1895. ' The Age,' Dec. 21, p. 13, col. 6 : " ' Then soon go bong, mummy,' said Ning, solemnly. 'Die,' corrected Clare. 'You mustn't talk blacks' language.' ' Suppose you go bong,' pursued Ning reflectively, ' then you go to Heaven.'" (b] The slang word. 1885. 'Australian Printers' Keepsake,' p. 40: " He was importuned to desist, as his musical talent had 'gone bung,' probably from over-indulgence in con- fectionery." 1893. ' The Argus,' April 15 (by Oriel), p. 13, col. 2 : BUN] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY " Still change is humanity's lot. It is but the space of a day Till cold is the damask cheek, and silent the eloquent tongue, All flesh is grass, says the preacher, like grass it is withered away, And we gaze on a bank in the evening, and lo, in the morn 'tis bung." 1893. Professor Gosman, ' The Argus, ' April 24, p. 7, col. 4: " Banks might fail, but the treasures of thought could never go ' bung.' " 1893. ' The Herald ' (Melbourne), April 25, p. 2, col. 4 : " Perhaps Sydney may supply us with a useful example. One member of the mischief-making brotherhood wrote the words 'gone bung' under a notice on the Government Savings Bank, and he was brought before the Police Court charged with damaging the bank's property to the extent of $d. The offender offered the Bench his views on the bank, but the magis- trates bluntly told him his conduct was disgraceful, and fined him ^3 with costs, or two months' imprison- ment." Bunga or Bungy, n. a New Zealand settlers' corruption of the Maori wordfltnga (q.v.). Bunt, n. a Queensland fungus growing on wheat, fetid when crushed. Tilletia caries, Tul., N.O. Fungi. Bunya-Bunya, n. aboriginal word. \Bunyi at heads of Bur- nett, Mary, and Brisbane rivers, Queensland; baanya, on the Darl- ing Downs.] An Australian tree, Araucaria Iridwillii, Hooker, with fruit somewhat like Bertholletia exce/sa, N.O. Conifera. Widgi- Widgi station on the Mary was the head-quarters for the fruit of this tree, and some thousands of blacks used to assemble there in the season to feast on it ; it was at this assembly that they used to indulge in cannibalism ; every third year the trees were said to hear a very abundant crop. The Bunya-Bunya mountains in Queensland derive their name from this tree. 1843. L. Leichhardt, Letter in ' Cooks- land, by J. D. Lang, p. 82 : "The bunya-bunya tree is noble and gigantic, and its umbrella-like head overtowers all the trees of the bush." 1844. Ibid. p. 89 : " The kernel of the Bunya fruit has a very fine aroma, and it is certainly delicious eating." 1844. ' Port Phillip Patriot,' July 25 : "The Bunya-Bunya or Araucaria on the seeds of which numerous tribes of blacks are accustomed to feed." 1879. \V. R. Guilfoyle, 'First Book of Australian Botany,' p. 58 : "A splendid timber tree of South Queensland, where it forms dense forests, one of the finest of the Arau- caria tribe, attaining an approximate height of 200 feet. The Bunya-Bunya withstands drought better than most of the genus, and flourishes luxuriantly in and around Melbourne." 1887. J. Mathew, in Curr's ' Australian Race,' vol. iii. p. 161 : [A full account.] " In laying up a store of bunyas, the blacks exhibited an unusual foresight. When the fruit was in season, they filled netted bags with the seeds, and buried them." 1889. Hill, quoted by J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 7 : " The cones shed their seeds, which are two to two and a half inches long by three-quarters of an inch broad ; they are sweet before being perfectly ripe, and after that resemble roasted chestnuts in taste. They are plentiful once in three years, and when the ripening season arrives, which is gener- ally in the month of January, the ab- originals assemble in large numbers from a great distance around, and feast upon them. Each tribe has its own particular set of trees, and of these each family has a certain number allotted, which are handed down from generation to generation with great exactness. The bunya is remarkable as being the only hereditary property which any of the aborigines are known to possess, and it is therefore protected by law. The food seems to have a 66 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BUN fattening effect on the aborigines, and they eat large quantities of it after roasting it at the fire." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 377 : " The ' Bunya-bunya ' of the aborigi- nals a name invariably adopted by the colonists." 1892. J. Fraser, 'Aborigines of New South Wales,' p. 50 : "The Bunya-bunya tree, in the proper season, bears a fir cone of great size six to nine inches long and this, when roasted, yields a vegetable pulp, pleasant to eat and nutritious." 1893. ' Sydney Morning Herald,' Aug. 19, p. 7, col. I : "There is a beautiful bunya-bunya in a garden just beyond, its foliage fresh varnished by the rain, and toning from a rich darkness to the very spring tint of tender green." Bunyip, n. (i) the aboriginal name of a fabulous animal. See quotations. For the traditions of the natives on this subject see Brough Smyth, ' Aborigines of Victoria,' vol. i. p. 435. 1848. W. Westgarth, 'Australia Felix,' P- 39 : "Certain large fossil bones, found in various parts of Australia Felix, have been referred by the natives, when consulted on the subject by the colon- ists, to a huge animal of extraordinary appearance, called in some districts the Bunyup, in others the Kianpraty, which they assert to be still alive. It is described as of amphibious character, inhabiting deep rivers, and permanent water-holes, having a round head, an elongated neck, with a body and tail resembling an ox. These reports have not been unattended to, and the bun- yup is said to have been actually seen by many parties, colonists as well as aborigines. ... [A skull which the natives said was that of a ' piccinini Kianpraty' was found by Professor Owen to be that of a young calf. The Professor] considers it all but impos- sible that such a large animal as the bunyiip of the natives can be now living in the country. [Mr. Westgarth suspects] it is only a tradition of the alligator or crocodile of the north." 1849. W. S. Macleay, ' Tasmanian Jour- nal,' vol. iii. p. 275 : " On the skull now exhibited at the Colonial Museum of Sydney as that of the Bunyip." 1855. G. C. Mundy, 'Our Antipodes,' p. 214: " Did my reader ever hear of the Bunyip (fearful name to the aboriginal native !) a sort of 'half-horse, half- alligator,' haunting the wide rushy swamps and lagoons of the interior ? " 1859. H. Kingsley, ' Geoffrey Hamlyn,' p. 258 : "The river is too deep, child, and the Bunyip lives in the water under the stones." 1865. 'Once a Week,' Dec. 31, p. 45, 'The Bulla Bui la Bunyip' : " Beyond a doubt, in ' Lushy Luke's ' belief, a Bunyip had taken temporary lodgings outside the town. This bete noire of the Australian bush Luke as- serted he had often seen in bygone times. He described it as being bigger than an elephant, in shape like a 'poley ' bullock, with eyes like live coals, and with tusks like a walrus's. ***** " What the Bunyip is, I cannot pre- tend to say, but I think it is highly probable that the stories told by both old bushmen and blackfellows, of some bush beast bigger and fiercer than any commonly known in Australia, are founded on fact. Fear and the love of the marvellous may have introduced a considerable element of exaggeration into these stories, but I cannot help suspecting that the myths have an historical basis." 1872. C. Gould, ' Papers and Proceed- ings of the Royal Society of Tasmania,' 1872, p. 33 : " The belief in the Bunyip was just as prevalent among the natives in parts hundreds of miles distant from any stream in which alligators occur. . . . Some other animal must be sought for." . . . [Gould then quotes from ' The Mercury' of April 26, 1872, an extract from the 'Wagga Adver- tiser'] : "There really is a Bunyip or Waa-wee, actually existing not far from us ... in the Midgeon Lagoon, sixteen miles north of Naraudera. . . I saw a creature coming through the water with tremendous rapidity. . . . BUR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 67 The animal was about half as long again as an ordinary retriever dog, the hair all over its body was jet black and shining, its coat was very long." (Gould cites other instances, and con- cludes that the Bunyip is probably a seal.] 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' p. 202 : " In the south-eastern part of Aus- tralia the evil spirit of the natives is called Bunjup, a monster which is be- lieved to dwell in the lakes. It has of late been supposed that this is a mam- mal of considerable size that has not yet been discovered ... is described as a monster with countless eyes and ears. . . . He has sharp claws, and can run so fast that it is difficult to escape him. He is cruel, and spares no one either young or old." 1894. 'The Argus,' June 23, p. II, col. 4: " The hollow boom so often heard on the margin of reedy swamps more hollow and louder by night than day is the mythical bunyip, the actual bittern." (2) In a secondary sense, a synonym for an impostor. 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes ' (edition 1855), p. 214 : " One advantage arose from the aforesaid long-deferred discovery a new and strong word was adopted into the Australian vocabulary : Bunyip became, and remains a Sydney syn- onoyme for impostor, pretender, hum- bug, and the like. The black fellows, however, unaware of the extinction, by superior authority, of their favourite loup-garou, still continue to cherish the fabulous bunyip in their shuddering imagination." 1853. W. C. Wentworth Speech in August quoted by Sir Henry Parkes in * Fifty Years of Australian History ' (1892), vol. i. p. 41 : "They had been twitted with at- tempting to create a mushroom, a Brummagem, a bunyip aristocracy ; but I need scarcely observe that where argument fails ridicule is generally resorted to for aid." Burnet, Native, //. The name is given in Australia to the plant Aaena ovina, Cunn., N.O. Rosacecc. Burnett Salmon, n. one of the names given to the fish Ceratodus forsteri, Krefft. See Burramundi. Burnt-stuflj n. a geological term used by miners. See quota- tion. 1853. Mrs. Chas. Clancy, ' Lady's Visit to Gold Diggings,' p. 112 : " The top, or surface soil, for which a spade or shovel is used, was of clay. This was succeeded by a strata almost as hard as iron technically called ' burnt-stuff' which robbed the pick of its points nearly as soon as the blacksmith had steeled them at a charge of 2s. 6d. a point." Bur, n. In Tasmania the name is applied to Accena rosacece, Vahl., N.O. RosacecR. Burramundi, or Barramunda, n. a fresh-water fish, Osteoglosswn leichhardtii, Gtinth., family Osteo- glossidce, found in the Dawson and Fitzroy Rivers, Queensland. The name is also incorrectly ap- plied by the colonists to the large tidal perch of the Fitzroy River, Queensland, Lates calcarifer, Giinth., a widely distributed fish in the East Indies, and to Ceratodus forsteri, Krefft, family Sirenidce, of the Mary and Burnett Rivers, Queensland. Burramundi is the aboriginal name for O. leichhardtii. The spelling barra- munda is due to the influence of barracouta (q.v.). See Perch. 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 189: " There is a fish too at Rockhampton called the burra mundi, I hope I spell the name rightly, which is very commendable." 1880. Giintlier, ' Study of Fishes,' p. 357: '* Ceratodus. . . . Two species, C. forsteri and C. miolepis, are known from fresh-waters of Queensland. . . . Locally the settlers call it ' flathead,' ' Burnett or Dawson salmon,' and the aborigines ' barramunda,' a name which they apply also to other large- scaled fresh- water fishes, as the 68 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BUR-BUS Osteoglossum leichhardtii. . . . The discovery of Ceratodtis does not date farther back than the year 1870." 1882. W. Macleay, 'Descriptive Cata- logue of Australian Fishes' (' Proceedings of the Linnsean Society of New South Wales,' vol. vi. p. 256) : " Osteoglossum leichhardtii, Giinth. Barramundi of the aborigines of the Dawson River." 1892. Baldwin Spencer, 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria,' vol. iv. [Note on the habits of Ceratodus forsteri} : " It has two common names, one of which is the ' Burnett Salmon ' and the other the ' Barramunda "... the latter name ... is properly applied to a very different form, a true teleostean fish (Osteoglossum leichhardtii) which is found . . . further north ... in the Dawson and Fitzroy . . . Mr. Saville Kent states that the Ceratodus is much prized as food. This is a mistake, for, as a matter of fact, it is only eaten by Chinese and those who can afford to get nothing better." Burrawang, or Burwan, n. an Australian nut-tree, Macro- zamia spiralis, Miq. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 221 : " The burwan is a nut much relished by our natives, who prepare it by roasting and immersion in a running stream, to free it from its poisonous qualities." 1851. J. Henderson, ' Excursions in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 238 : "The Burrowan, which grows in a sandy soil, and produces an inedible fruit, resembling the pine-apple in appearance." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 41 : " Burrawang nut, so called because they used to be, and are to some extent now, very common about Burrawang, N.S.W. The nuts are relished by the aboriginals. An arrowroot of very good quality is obtained from them." Bush, n. Not originally an Australian application. "Recent, and probably a direct adoption of the Dutch Bosch, in colonies originally Dutch " (' O.E.D.'), [quoting (1780) Forster, in 'Phil. Trans.' Ixxi. 2, " The common Bush-cat of the Cape ; " and (1828) Scott, 'Tapestr. Cham- ber,' "When I was in the Bush, as the Virginians call it "]. "Woodland, country more or less covered with natural wood : applied to the uncleared or un- tilled districts in the British Colonies which are still in a state of nature, or largely so, even though not wooded ; and by ex- tension to the country as opposed to the towns." (' O.E.D.') 1830. R. Dawson, 'Present State of Australia,' p. 48 : " I have spent a good deal of my time in the woods, or bush, as it is called here. ' 1836. Ross, 'Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 85 : " With the exception of two or three little farms, comprising about 20 or 30 acres of cultivation, all was ' bush ' as it is colonially called. The undergrowth was mostly clear, being covered only with grass or herbs, with here and there some low shrubs." 1837. J- D - Lang, 'New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 253 : " His house was well enough for the bush, as the country is generally termed in the colony." 1855. From a letter quoted in Wathen's ' The Golden Colony,' p. 117 : " ' The Bush,' when the word is used in the towns, means all the uninclosed and uncultivated country . . . when in the country, ' the Bush ' means more especially the forest. The word itself has been borrowed from the Cape, and is of Dutch origin." 1857. ' The Argus,' Dec. 14, p. 5, col. 7 : " ' Give us something to do in or about Melbourne, not away in the bush,' says the deputation of the un- employed." 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketch- es,' p. 123 : "At first the eternal silence of the bush is oppressive, but a short sojourn is sufficient to accustom a neophyte to the new scene, and he speedily becomes enamoured of it." BUS] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 69 1865. J. F. Mortlock, ' Experiences of a Convict,' p. 83 : " The ' bush,' a generic term synony- mous with ' forest' or 'jungle,' applied to all land in its primaeval condition, whether occupied by herds or not." 1872. A. McFarland, ' Illawarra and Manaro,' p. 113 : " All the advantages of civilized life have been surrendered for the bush, its blanket and gunyah." 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 250 : " The technical meaning of the word ' bush.' The bush is the gum-tree forest, with which so great a part of Australia is covered, that folk who follow a country life are invariably said to live in the bush. Squatters who look after their own runs always live in the bush, even though their sheep are pastured on plains. Instead of a town mouse and a country mouse in Australia, there would be a town mouse and a bush mouse ; but mice living in the small country towns would still be bush mice." Ibid. c. xx. p. 299 : " Nearly every place beyond the in- fluence of the big towns is called ' bush,' even though there should not be a tree to be seen around." 1883. G. W. Rusden, 'History of Australia,' vol. i. p. 67, n. : " Bush was a general term for the interior. It might be thick bush, open bush, bush forest, or scrubby bush terms which explain themselves." 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, 'Advance Australia,' p. 40 : "The first thing that strikes me is the lifeless solitude of the bush. . . . There is a deep fascination about the freedom of the bush." 1890. E. W. Hornung [Title] : " A Bride from the Bush."- 1896. ' Otago Daily Times,' Jan. 27, p. 2, col. 5 : "Almost the whole of New South Wales is covered with bush. It is not the bush as known in New Zealand. It is rather a park-like expanse, where the trees stand widely apart, and where there is grass on the soil between them." Bush, adj. or in composition, not always easy to distinguish, the hyphen depending on the fancy of the writer. 1836. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack, ' P- 75 = " The round trundling of our cart wheels, it is well known, does not always improve the labours of Mac- adam, much less a bush road." 1848. Letter by Mrs. Perry, given in Canon Goodman's ' Church in Victoria, during Episcopate of Bishop Perry, 'p. 75 : " A hard bush sofa, without back or ends." 1849. J. Sidney, ' Emigrants' Journal, and Travellers' Magazine,' p. 40 (Letter from Caroline Chisholm) : " What I would particularly recom- mend to new settlers is 'Bush Partner- ship ' Let two friends or neighbours agree to work together, until three acres are cropped, dividing the work, the expense, and the produce this partnership will grow apace ; I have made numerous bush agreements of this kind. ... I never knew any quarrel or bad feeling result from these partnerships, on the contrary, I believe them calculated to promote much neighbourly good will ; but in the association of a large number of strangers, for an indefinite period, I have no confidence." 1857. W. Westgarth, ' Victoria," c. xi. p. 250 : " The gloomy antithesis of good bushranging and bad bush-roads." [Bush-road, however, does not usually mean a made-road through the bush, but a road which has not been formed, and is in a state of nature except for the wear of vehicles upon it, and perhaps the clearing of trees and scrub.] 1864. ' The Reader,' April 2, p. 40, col. i ('O.E.D.'): " The roads from the nascent metro- polis still partook mainly of the ran- dom character of ' bush tracks.' " 1865. W. Howitt, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. ii. p. 211 : " Dr. Wills offered to go himself in the absence of any more youthful and, through bush seasoning, qualified person." 1880. ' Blackwood's Magazine,' Feb., p. 169 [Title]: " Bush-Life in Queensland." AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BUS 1881. R. M. Praed, ' Policy and Passion,' c. i. p. 59 : " The driver paused before a bush inn." [In Australia the word " inn " is now rare. The word " hotel " has sup- planted it.] 1889. CassellY' Picturesque Australasia,' vol. iv. p. 3 : " Not as bush roads go. The Aus- tralian habit is here followed of using 'bush' for country, though no word could be more ludicrously inapplicable, for there is hardly anything on the way that can really be called a bush." 1894. ' Sydney Morning Herald ' (exact date lost) : "Canada, Cape Colony, and Aus- tralia have preserved the old signifi- cance of Bush Chaucer has it so as a territory on which there are trees ; it is a simple but, after all, a kindly development that when a territory is so unlucky as to have no trees, some- times, indeed, to be bald of any growth whatever, it should still be spoken of as if it had them." 1896. Rolf Boldrevvood, in preface to ' The Man from Snowy River ' : " It is not easy to write ballads de- scriptive of the bushland of Australia, as on light consideration would appear." 1896. H. Lawson, 'While the Billy boils,' p. 104 : "About Byrock we met the bush liar in all his glory. He was dressed like like a bush larrikin. His name was Jim." Bush-faller, n. one who cuts down timber in the bush. 1882. 'Pall Mall Gazette,' June 29, p. 2, col. I : "A broken-down, deserted shanty, inhabited once, perhaps, by rail- splitters or bush-fallers." ['O.E.D.,' from which this quotation is taken, puts (?) before the meaning ; but " To fall " is not uncommon in Australia for " to fell."] Bush-fire, n. forests and grass on fire in hot summers. 1868. C. Dilke, ' Greater Britain,' vol. ii. part iii. c. iii. p. 32 : " The smoke from these bush-fires extends for hundreds of miles to sea." 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Melbourne Memories,' c. xxii. p. 156: " A reserve in case of bush-fires and bad seasons." Bush-lawyer, n. (i)A Bramble. See Lawyer. (2) Name often used for a lay- man who fancies he knows all about the law without consulting a solicitor. He talks a great deal, and 'lays down the law.' 1896. H. G. Turner, 'Lecture on J. P. Fawkner ' : " For some years he cultivated and developed his capacity for rhetorical argument by practising in the minor courts of law in Tasmania as a paid advocate, a position which in those days, and under the exceptional cir- cumstances of the Colony, was not restricted to members of the legal pro- fession, and the term Bush Lawyer probably takes its origin from the practice of this period." Bush-magpie, n. an Aus- tralian bird, more commonly called a Magpie (q.v.). 1888. Cassell's 'Picturesque Australasia,' vol. ii. p. 235: "... the omnipresent bush-mag- pie. Here he may warble all the day long on the liquid, mellifluous notes of his Doric flute, fit pipe indeed for academic groves . . . sweetest and brightest, most cheery and sociable of all Australian birds." Bushman, n. (i) Settler in the bush. Used to distinguish country residents from townsfolk. 1852. ' Black wood's Magazine,' p. 522 ('O.E.D.'): " Where the wild bushman eats his loathly fare." 1880. J. Mathew, song, 'The Bush- man' : " How weary, how dreary the stillness must be ! But oh ! the lone bushman is dream- ing of me." 1886. Frank Cowan : ' Australia ; a Charcoal Sketch ' : "The Bushman . . . Gunyah, his bark hovel ; Damper, his unleavened bread baked in the ashes ; Billy , his tea-kettle, universal pot and pan and i;us] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY bucket ; Sugar-bag, his source of sac- charine, a bee-tree ; Pheasant, his face- tious metaphoric euphism for Liar, quasi Lyre-bird ; Fit for Woogooroo, for Daft or Idiotic ; rum2>y,his pecu- liar term for wild horse ; Scrubber, wild ox ; Nuggeting, calf-stealing ; Juinbuck, sheep, in general ; an Old- man, grizzled wallaroo or kangaroo ; Station, Run, a sheep- or cattle-ranch ; and Kabonboodgery an echo of the sound diablery for ever in his ears, from dawn to dusk of Laughing Jack- ass and from dusk to dawn of Dingo his half-bird-and-beast-like vocal sub- stitute for Very Good. . . ." 1896. H. Lawson, 'While the Billy boils,' p. 71 : " He was a typical bushman, . . . and of the old bush school ; one of those slight active little fellows, whom we used to see in cabbage-tree hats, Crimean shirts, strapped trousers, and elastic-side boots." (2) One who has knowledge of the bush, and is skilled in its ways. A "good bushman" is especially used of a man who can find his way where there are no tracks. 1868. J. Bonwick, 'John Batman, Founder of Victoria,' pp. 78, 79: " It is hardly likely that so splendid a bushman as Mr. Batman would venture upon such an expedition had he not been well. In fact a better bushman at this time could not be met with." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. ii. p. 3 : " The worst bushman had to under- take the charge of the camp, cook the provisions, and look after the horses, during the absence of the rest on flying excursions." 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia," p. 40: "Very slight landmarks will serve to guide a good bushman, for no two places are really exactly alike." 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Sydney-side Saxon,' p. 78: "One of the best bushmen in that part of the country : the men said he could find his way over it blindfold, or on the darkest night that ever was." (3) Special sense. See quota- tion. 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 80: "Some were what is termed, par excellence, bushmen that is, men who split rails, get posts, shingles, take contracts for building houses, stock- yards, etc. men, in fact, who work among timber continually, sometimes felling and splitting, sometimes saw- ing." Bushmanship , n. knowledge of the ways of the bush. 1882. A. J. Boyd, 'Old Colonials,' p. 261 : " A good laugh at the bushmanship displayed." Bushranger, n. one who ranges or traverses the bush, far and wide ; an Australian highway- man ; in the early days usually an escaped convict. Shakspeare uses the verb ' to range ' in this connection. "Then thieves and robbers range abroad unseen In murders and in outrage, boldly here." ('Richard 1 1.,' III. ii. 39.) "Ranger" is used in modern English for one who protects and not for one who robs ; as ' the Ranger ' of a Park. 1806. May 4, 'Sydney Gazette' or ' New South Wales Advertiser,' given in 'History of New South Wales,' p. 265: "Yesterday afternoon, William Page, the bushranger repeatedly advertised, was apprehended by three constables." 1820. W. C. Wentworth, 'Description of New South Wales,' p. 166: [The settlements in Van Diemen's Land have] "been infested for many years past by a banditti of runaway convicts, who have endangered the person and property of every one. . . . These wretches, who are known in the colony by the name of bushrangers. . . " 1820. Lieut. Chas. Jeffreys, 'Van Die- man's [sic] Land,' p. 15 : "The supposition . . . rests solely on the authority of the Bush Rangers, a species of wandering brigands, who will be elsewhere described." AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 1838. T. L. Mitchell, ' Three Expedi- tions,' vol. i. p. 9: " Bushrangers, a sub-genus in the order banditti, which happily can now only exist there in places inaccessible to the mounted police." 1845. R. Howitt, ' Australia,' p. 81 : " This country [Van Diemen's Land] is as much infested as New South Wales with robbers, runaway convicts, or, as they are termed, Bush-rangers." 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketch- es,' p. 77: " The whole region was infested by marauding bands of bush-rangers, terrible after nightfall." 1887. J. F. Hogan, ' The Irish in Aus- tralia, p. 252 : " Whilst he was engaged in this duty in Victoria, a band of outlaws ' bush- rangers ' as they are colonially termed who had long defied capture, and had carried on a career of murder and robbery, descended from their haunts in the mountain ranges." Bush-ranging, n. the practice of the Bushranger (q.v.). 1827. ' Captain Robinson's Report,' Dec. 23: " It was a subject of complaint among the settlers, that their assigned serv- ants could not be known from soldiers, owing to their dress ; which very much assisted the crime of ' bush-ranging.' " Bush-scrubber, . a bushman's word for a boor, bumpkin, or slatternly person. See Scrubber. 1896. Modern. Up-country manservant on seeing his new mistress : " My word ! a real lady ! she's no bush-scrubber ! " Bush-telegraph, n. Confeder- ates of bushrangers who supply them with secret information of the movements of the police. 1878. ' The Australian,' vol. i. p. 507 : " The police are baffled by the false reports of the confederates and the number and activity of the bush tele- graphs." 1893. Kenneth Mackay, 'Out Back,' P- 74: "A hint dropped in this town set the bush telegraphs riding in all directions." [BUS See quota- Bushwoman, . tion. 1892. ' The Australasian,' April 9, p. 707, col. i : " But who has championed the cause of the woman of the bush or, would it be more correct to say bushwoman, as well as bushman? and allowed her also a claim to participate in the founding of a nation ? " Bush-wren, n. See Wren. 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 108 : [A full description.] Bushed, adj. , quasi past parti- ciple, lost in the bush ; then, lost or at a loss. 1861. T. McCombie, 'Australian Sketch- es,' p. 115: " I left my seat to reach a shelter, which was so many miles off, that I narrowly escaped being ' bushed.' " 1865. \V. Howitt, 'Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. i. p. 283 : " The poor youth, new to the wilds, had, in the expressive phrase of the colonials, got bushed, that is, utterly bewildered, and thus lost all idea of the direction that he ought to pursue." 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' P- 29: " I get quite bushed in these streets." 1896. ' The Argus,' Jan. I, p. 4, col. 9 : " The Ministry did not assume its duty of leading the House, and Mr. Higgins graphically described the posi- tion of affairs by stating that the House was 'bushed ;' while Mr. Shiels com- pared the situation to a rudderless ship drifting hither and thither." Bustard, n. "There are about twenty species, mostly of Africa, several of India, one of Australia, and three properly European." (' Century.') The Australian variety is Eupodotis australis, Gray, called also Wild Turkey, Native Turkey, and Plain Turkey. See Turkey. Buster, Southerly, n. The word is a corruption of ' burster,' that which bursts. A sudden and violent squall from the south. BUT] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 73 The name, used first in Sydney, has been adopted also in other Australian cities. See Brick- fielder. 1863. F. Fowler, in ' Athenaeum,' Feb. 21, p. 264, col. i : " The cold wind or southerly buster which . . . carries a thick cloud of dust . . . across the city." 1878. ' The Australian,' vol. i. p. 587 : '''Southerly Busters by ' Ironbark.'" 1886. F. Cowan, ' Australia, a Charcoal Sketch ' : " The Buster and Brickfielder : aus- tral red-dust blizzard ; and red-hot Simoom." 1889. Rev. J. H. Zillmann, ' Australian Life,' p. 40 : " Generally these winds end in what is commonly called a ' southerly buster.' This is preceded by a lull in the hot wind ; then suddenly (as it has been put) it is as though a bladder of cool air were exploded, and the strong cool southerly air drives up with tremendous force. However pleasant the change of temperature may be it is no mere pastime to be caught in a ' southerly buster,' but the drifting rain which always follows soon sets matters right, allays the dust, and then follows the calm fresh bracing wind which is the more delightful by contrast with the misery through which one has passed for three long dreary days and nights." 1893. 'The Australasian,' Aug. 12, p. 302, col. i : " You should see him with Commo- dore Jack out in the teeth of the ' hard glad weather,' when a southerly buster sweeps up the harbour." 1896. H. A. Hunt, in ' Three Essays on Australian Weather' (Sydney), p. 16 : "An Essay on Southerly Bursters, . . . with Four Photographs and Five Diagrams." [Title of an essay which was awarded the prize of ,25 offered by the Hon. Ralph Abercrombie.] Butcher, n. South Australian slang for a long drink of beer, so-called (it is said) because the men of a certain butchery in Adelaide used this refreshment regularly; cf. "porter" in Eng- land, after the drink of the old London porters. Butcher-bird, n. The name is in use elsewhere, but in Australia it is applied to the genus Cracticus. The varieties are The Butcher-bird Cracticus torquatus, Lath.; for- merly C. destructor, Gould. Black B. C. quoyi) Less. Black-throated B. C. nigrigularis, Gould. Grey B. (Derwent Jackass) C. dnereus, Gould (see Jackass). Pied B. C.picatus, Gould. Rufous B. C. rufescens, De Vis. Silver-backed B. C. argenteus, Gould. Spalding's B. C. spaldingi, Masters. White-winged B. C. leucopteruS) Cav. The bird is sometimes called a Crow-shrike. 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, ' Transac- tions of Linnsean Society,' vol. xv. p. 213 : " Mr. Caley observes Butcher-bird. This bird used frequently to come into some green wattle-trees near my house; and in wet weather was very noisy ; from which circumstance it obtained the name of ' Rain-bird.' " 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. ii. pi. 52 : " Cracticus Destructor. Butcher Bird, name given by colonists of Swan River, a permanent resident in New South Wales and South Australia. I scarcely know of any Australian bird so generally dispersed." 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, 'Advance Aus- tralia, p. 50 : " Close to the station one or two butcher-birds were piping their morn- ing song, a strange little melody with not many notes, which no one who has heard it will ever forget." Buttercup, n. The familiar English flower is represented in Australia and Tasmania by 74 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [BUT-BUZ various species of Ranunculus, such as R. lappaceus, Sm., N.O. Ranunculacea. Butter-fish, n. a name given in Australia to Oligorus mitchellii, Castln. (see Murray Perch] ; in Victoria, to Chilodactylus nigricans, Richards, (see Morwong) ; in New Zealand, to Coridodaxpullus, Forst., called also Kelp-fish. The name is in allusion to their slippery coating of mucus. See Kelp-fish. 1850. J. B. Clutterbuck, ' Port Phillip,' vol. iii. p. 44 : " In the bay are large quantities of . . . butter-fish. :) 1880. Gunther, ' Study of Fishes,' p. 533: " The ' butter-fish,' or 'kelp-fish ' of the colonists of New Zealand (C. pullus\ is prized as food, and attains to a weight of four or five pounds." Butterfly-conch, n. Tasmanian name for a marine univalve mol- lusc, Valuta papillosa, Swainson. Butterfly-fish, n. a New Zealand sea-fish, Gasterochisma melampus, Richards., one of the Nomeidce. The ventral fins are exceedingly broad and long, and can be completely concealed in a fold of the abdo- men. The New Zealand fish is so named from these fins ; the Euro- pean Butterfly-fish, Blennius ocel- laris, derives its name from the spots on its dorsal fin, like the eyes in a peacock's tail or butter- fly's wing. Butterfly-Lobster, n. a marine crustacean, so called from the leaf-like expansion of the anten- nae. It is " the highly specialized macrourous decapod Ibacus Pe- ronii." (W. A. Haswell.) 1880. Mrs. Meredith, 'Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 248 : "Those curious crustaceans that I have heard called ' butterfly lobsters ' . . . the shell of the head and body (pro- perly known as the carapace) expands into something like wing-forms, en- tirely hiding the legs beneath them." Butterfly-Plant, n. a small flowering plant, Utricularia dicho- toma, Lab., N.O. Lentibularince. Button-grass, n. Schcenus sphce- rocephalus, Poiret, N.O. Cyperacece. The grass is found covering barren boggy land in Tasmania, but is not peculiar to Tasmania. So called from the round shaped flower (capitate inflorescence), on a thin stalk four or five feet long, like a button on the end of a foil. Buzzard, n. an English bird- name applied in Australia to Gypoictinia melanosternon, Gould, the Black-breasted Buzzard. CAI;] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 7S C Cabbage Garden, a name applied to the colony of Victoria by Sir John Robertson, the Premier of New South Wales, in contempt for its size. 1889. Rev. J. H. Zillmann, ' Australian Life,' p. 30 : " ' The cabbage garden, old cynical Sir John Robertson, of New South Wales, once called Victoria, but a garden notwithstanding. Better at any rate 'the cabbage garden' than the mere sheep run or cattle paddock." Cabbage - Palm, n. same as Cabbage-tree (i) (q.v.). Cabbage-tree, n. (i)Name given to various palm trees of which the heart of the young leaves is eaten like the head of a cabbage. In Australia the name is applied to the fan palm, Livistona inermis, R. Br., and more commonly to Livistona australis, Martius. In New Zealand the name is given to various species of Cordyline, especially to Cordyline indivisa. See also Flame-tree (2). 1769. ' Capt. Cook's Journal,' ed. Wharton (1893), p. 144 : "We likewise found one Cabage Tree which we cut down for the sake of the cabage." 1802. G. Barrington, ' History of New South Wales,' p. 60 : " Even the ships' crews helped, except those who brought the cabbage trees." 1846. J. L. Stokes, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. ii. c. iv. p. 132 : " Cabbage-tree . . . grew in abund- ance." 1847. L. Leichhardt, 'Overland Ex- pedition,' p. 72 : " Several of my companions suffered by eating too much of the cabbage- palm." 1865. W. Howitt, 'Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. i. p. 414: " Clumps of what the people of King George's Sound call cabbage- trees." 1867. F. Hochstetter, ' New Zealand, ' p. 240 : " There stands an isolated ' cabbage- tree ' (Ti of the natives ; Cordyline Australis) nearly thirty feet high, with ramified branches and a crown of luxuriant growth." (2) A large, low-crowned, broad-brimmed hat, made out of the leaves of the Cabbage-tree {Livistond). 1802. G. Barrington, ' History of New South Wales,' 335 : " This hat, made of white filaments of the cabbage-tree, seemed to excite the attention of the whole party." 1852. G. F. P., 'Gold Pen and Pencil Sketches,' xv. : " With scowl indignant flashing from his eye, As though to wither each unshaven wretch, Jack jogs along, nor condescends reply, As to the price his cabbage-tree might fetch." 1864. ' Once a Week,' Dec. 31, p. 45, ' The Bulla Bulla Bunyip ' : " Lushy Luke endeavoured to sober himself by dipping his head in the hollowed tree-trunk which serves for the water-trough of an up-country Australian inn. He forgot, however, to take off his ' cabbage-tree ' before he ducked, and angry at having made a fool of himself, he gave fierce orders, in a thick voice, for his men to fall in, shoulder arms, and mark time." 1865. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, ' His- tory of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia,' vol. i. pp. 160, 161 : "The cabbage-palm was also a new species, called by Mr. Bro\vn the AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CAB-CAM Livistonia inermis. It was abundant ; but the cabbage (the heart of the young budding leaves) too small to be useful as an article of food, at least to a ship's company. But the leaves were found useful. These dried and drawn into strips were plaited into hats for the men, and to this day the cabbage-tree hat is very highly esteemed by the Australians, as a protection from the sun, and allowing free ventilation." [Note]: "A good cabbage-tree hat, though it very much resembles a com- mon straw hat, will fetch as much as /3-" 1878. 'The Australian,' vol. i. p. 527 : "... trousers, peg-top shaped, and wore a new cabbage-tree hat." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 33 : "A brand-new cabbage-tree hat protected his head." Cabbage-tree Mob, and Cab- bagites, obsolete Australian slang for modern Larrikins (q.v)., be- cause wearing cabbage-tree hats. 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes ' (edition 1855), p. 17 : "There are to be found round the doors of the Sydney Theatre a sort of ' loafers ' known as the Cabbage-tree mob, a class who, in the spirit of the ancient tyrant, one might excusably wish had but one nose in order to make it a bloody one. . . . Unaware of the propensities of the cabbagites he was by them furiously assailed." Cad, ;/. name in Queensland for the Cicada (q.v.). 1896. 'The Australasian/ Jan. n, p. 76, col. i : "From the trees sounds the shrill chirp of large green cicada (native cads as the bushmen call them)." Caddie, n. a bush name for the slouch-hat or wide-awake. In the Australian bush the brim is generally turned down at the back and sometimes all round. Cadet, n. term used in New Zealand, answering to the Aus- tralian Colonial Experience, or fackaroo (q.v.). 1866. Lady Barker, ' Station Life in New Zealand,' p. 68 : " A cadet, as they are called he is a clergyman's son learning sheep- farming under our auspices." 1871. C. L. Money, 'Knocking About in New Zealand,' p. 6 : " The military designation of cadet was applied to any young fellow who was attached to a sheep or cattle station in the same capacity as myself. He was ' neither flesh nor fowl nor good red herring,' neither master nor man. He was sent to work with the men, but not paid." Caloprymnus, n. the scientific name of the genus called the Plain Kangaroo-Rat. (Grk. KoAos, beautiful, and irpv/xvov, hinder part.) It has bright flanks. See Kangaroo-Rat, Camp, n. (i) A place to live in, generally temporary ; a rest. l88c H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia, pp. 46, 47 : " I was shown my camp, which was a slab hut about a hundred yards away from the big house. ... I was rather tired, and not sorry for the prospect of a camp." (2) A place for mustering cattle. 188^. II. Finch-Hatton, 'Advance Aus- tralia, p. 64 : "All about the run, at intervals of five or six miles, are cattle-camps, and the cattle that belong to the surround- ing districts are mustered on their respective camps." 1896. A. B. Paterson, ' Man from Snowy River,' p. 26 : " There was never his like in the open bush, And never his match on the cattle- camps." (3) In Australia, frequently used for a camping-out expedi- tion. Often in composition with "out," a camp-out. 1869. 'Colonial Monthly,' vol. iv. p. 289: "A young fellow with even a mod- erate degree of sensibility must be excited by the novelty of his first 'camp-out' in the Australian bush." CAM-CAN] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 77 1880. R. H. Inglis, 'Australian Cousins,' p. 233 : "We're going to have a regular camp ; we intend going to Port Hock- ing to have some shooting, fishing, and general diversion.' (4) A name for Sydney and for Hobart, now long obsolete, originating- when British military forces were stationed there. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 70 : " It is the old resident he who still calls Sydney, with its population of twelve thousand inhabitants, the camp, that can appreciate these things : he who still recollects the few earth-huts and solitary tents scattered through the forest brush surrounding Sydney Cove (known properly then indeed by the name of 'The Camp')." 1852. Mrs. Meredith, ' My Home in Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 193 : " Living during the winter in Hobar- ton, usually called ' the camp,' in those days." Camp, v. (i) Generally in com- position with "out," to sleep in the open air, usually without any covering. Camping out is exceed- ingly common in Australia owing to the warmth of the climate and the rarity of rain. 1867. Lady Barker, ' Station Life in New Zealand,' p. 125 : " I like to hear of benighted or be- lated travellers when they have had to ' camp out,' as it is technically called." 1875. R. and F. Hill, ' What we saw in Australia,' p. 208 : "So the Bishop determined to ' camp-out ' at once where a good fire could be made." 1881. A. C. Grant, ' Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. ii. p. 43 : " There is room here for fifty, rolled up on the floor ; and should that fail them, there is no end of other places ; or the bush, as a fall back, where, in- deed, some of them prefer camping as it is." 1891. ' The Australasian,' Nov. 14, p. 963, col. i : ' A Lady in the Kermadecs : " For three months I ' camped out ' there alone, shepherding a flock of Angoras." (2) By extension, to sleep in any unusual place, or at an un- usual time. 1893. ' Review of Reviews ' (Australasian ed.), March, p. 51 : " The campaign came to an abrupt and somewhat inglorious close, Sir George Dibbs having to 'camp' in a railway carriage, and Sir Henry Parkes being flood-bound at Quirindi." 1896. Modern : " Visitor,' Where's your Mother ? ' ' Oh, she's camping.' " [The lady was enjoying an afternoon nap indoors.] (3) To stop for a rest in the middle of the day. 1891. Mrs. Cross (Ada Cambridge), 'The Three Miss Kings,' p. 180 : "We'll have lunch first before we investigate the caves if it's agreeable to you. I will take the horses out, and we'll find a nice place to camp before they come." (4) To floor or prove superior to. Slang. 1886. C. H. Kendall, 'Poems,' p. 207 : " At punching oxen you may guess There's nothing out can camp him. He has, in fact, the slouch and dress, Which bullock-driver stamp him." Camphor- wood, n. an Austra- lian timber ; the wood of Callitri: (frenea) robusta, Cunn., N.O. Con- ifers. Called also Light, Black, White, Dark, and Common Pine, as the wood varies much in its colouring. See Pine. Canajong, n. Tasmanian abori- ginal name for the plants called Pig-faces (q.v.). 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 44 : " Pig-faces. It was the canajong of the Tasmanian aboriginal. The fleshy fruit is eaten raw by the aborigines : the leaves are eaten baked." Canary, . (i) A bird-name used in New Zealand for Clitonyx ochrocephala, called also the Yellou 1 - head. Dwellers in the back- AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CAN-CAP blocks of Australia apply the name to the Orange-fronted Ephthi- anura (E. aurtfrons, Gould), and sometimes to the White-throated Gerygone (Gerygone albigularis). 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 56 : " Clitonyx Ochrocephala. Yellow- head. ' Canary ' of the colonists." (2) Slang for a convict. See quotations. As early as 1673, * canary-bird ' was thieves' Eng- lish for a gaol-bird. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 117 : " Convicts of but recent migration are facetiously known by the name of canaries, by reason of the yellow plumage in which they are fledged at the period of landing." 1870. T. H. Braim, 'New Homes,' c. ii. p. 72 : " The prisoners were dressed in yellow hence called ' canary birds.' " 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. vi. p. 49 : " Can't you get your canaries off the track here for about a quarter of an hour, and let my mob of cattle pass ? " Candle-nut, n. The name is given in Queensland to the fruit of Aleurites moluccana, Willd., N.O. Euphorbiacea '. The nuts are two or more inches diameter. The name is often given to the tree itself, which grows wild in Queensland and is cultivated in gardens there under the name of A. triloba, Forst. It is not endemic in Australia, but the ver- nacular name of Candle-nut is confined to Australia and the Polynesian Islands. 1883. F. M. Bailey, 'Synopsis of Queens- land Flora,' p. 472 : " Candle-nut. The kernels when dried and stuck on a reed are used by the Polynesian Islanders as a substitute for candles, and as an article of food in New Georgia. These nuts resemble walnuts somewhat in size and taste. When pressed they yield a large pro- portion of pure palatable oil, used as a drying-oil for paint, and known as country walnut-oil and artists' oil." Cane-grass, n. i.q. Bamboo- grass (q.v.). Cape -Barren Goose, n. See Goose, 1852. Mrs. Meredith, ' My Home in Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 114 [Footnote]: " The 'Cape Barren Goose' frequents the island from which it takes its name, and others in the Straits. It is about the same size as a common goose, the plumage a handsome mottled brown and gray, somewhat owl-like in char- acter." [Cape Barren Island is in Bass Strait, between Flinders Island and Tasmania. Banks Strait flows between Cape Barren Island and Tasmania. The easternmost point on the island is called Cape Barren.] Cape-Barren Tea, n, a shrub or tree, Correa alba, Andr., N.O. jRutacece. 1834. Ross, ' Van Diemen's Land An- nual,' p. 134: " Lcptospernium lanigerum, hoary tea- tree ; Acacia decurrens, black wattle ; Corrcea alba, Cape Barren tea. The leaves of these have been used as substitutes for tea in the colony." Cape Lilac, n. See Lilac. Cape "Weed, n. In Europe, Roccella tinctoria, a lichen from the Cape de Verde Islands, from which a dye is produced. In New Zealand, name given to the Euro- pean cats-ear, Hypachoris radicata. In Australia it is as in quotation below. See 'Globe Encyclopaedia,' 1877 (s.v.). 1878. W. R. Guilfoyle, 'First Book of Australian Botany,' p. 60 : " Cape Weed. Cryptostcmma Ca- lendulacciiiii. (Natural Order, Com- posita:.) This weed, which has proved such a pest in many parts of Victoria, was introduced from the Cape of Good Hope, as a fodder plant. It is an annual, flowering in the spring, and giving a bright golden hue to the fields. It proves destructive to other herbs and grasses, and though it affords a nutritious food for stock in CAP-CAR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 79 the spring, it dies off in the middle of summer, after ripening its seeds, leav- ing the fields quite bare." Caper-tree, n. The Australian tree of this name is Capparis no- bilis, F. v. M., N.O. Capparidece. The Karum of the Queensland aboriginals. The fruit is one to two inches in diameter. Called also Grey Plum or Native Pome- granate, The name is also given to Capparis Mitchelli, Lindl. The European caper is Capparis spinosa, Linn. 1894. ' Melbourne Museum Catalogue, Economic Woods,' p. 10 : " Native Caper Tree or Wild Pome- granate. Natural Order, Capparidece. Found in the Mallee Scrub. A small tree. The wood is whitish, hard, close-grained, and suitable for engrav- ing, carving, and similar purposes. Strongly resembles lancewood." Captain Cook, or Cooker, n. New Zealand colonists' slang. First applied to the wild pigs of New Zealand, supposed to be descended from those first intro- duced by Captain Cook ; after- wards used as term of reproach for any pig which, like the wild variety, obstinately refused to fatten. See Introduction, p. xv. 1879. w - Q uin ' New Zealand Country Journal,' vol. iii. p. 55 : " Many a rare old tusker finds a home in the mountain gorges. The immense tusks at Brooksdale attest the size of the wild boars or Captain Cooks, as the patriarchs are generally named." 1894. E. Wakefield, ' New Zealand after Fifty Years,' p. 85 : "The leanness and roughness of the wild pig gives it quite a different appearance from the domesticated variety ; and hence a gaunt, ill-shaped, or sorry-looking pig is everywhere called in derision a ' Captain Cook.' " Carbora, n. aboriginal name for (i) the Native Bear. See Bear. (2) A kind of water worm that eats into timber between high and low water on a tidal river. Cardamom, n. For the Austra- lian tree of this name, see quota- tion. 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' p. 96: "The Australian cardamom tree." [Footnote] : " This is a fictitious name, as are the names of many Australian plants and animals. The tree belongs to the nutmeg family, and its real name is Myristica insipida. The name owes its existence to the similarity of the fruit to the real cardamom. But the fruit of the Myristica has not so strong and pleasant an odour as the real cardamom, and hence the tree is called insipida." Carp, n. The English fish is of the family Cyprinidce. The name is given to different fishes in Ire- land and elsewhere. In Sydney it is Chilodactylus fuscus, Castln., and Chilodactylus macropterus, Richards. ; called also Monvong (q.v.). The Murray Carp is Mur- rayia cyprinoides, Castln., a percoid fish. Chilodactylus belongs to the family Cirrhitidce, in no way allied to Cyprinidce, which contains the European carps. Cirrhitidce, says Gunther, may be readily recog- nized by their thickened undivided lower pectoral rays, which in some are evidently auxiliary organs of locomotion, in others, probably, organs of touch. Carpet-Shark, n. i.q. Wobbegong (q.v.). Carpet-Snake, n. a large Aus- tralian snake with a variegated skin, Python variegata, Gray. In Whitworth's ' Anglo-Indian Dic- tionary,' 1885 (s.v.), we are told that the name is loosely applied (sc. in India) to any kind of snake found in a dwelling-house other than a cobra or a dhaman. In Tasmania, a venomous snake, So AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CAR-CAS Hoplocephalus airtus, Schlegel. See under Snake. Carrier, n. a local name for a water-bag". 1893. A. F. Calvert, 'English Illus- trated,' Feb., p. 321 : " For the water-holders or ' carriers ' (made to fit the bodies of the horses carrying them, or to ' ride easily ' on pack-saddles)." Carrot, Native, (i) Daucus brachiatus, Sieb., N.O. Umbelli- ferce. Not endemic in Australia. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 64 : "The native carrot . . . was here withered and in seed." 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. J24 : " Native carrot. Stock are very fond of this plant when young. Sheep thrive wonderfully on it where it is plentiful. It is a small annual her- baceous plant, growing plentifully on sandhills and rich soil ; the seeds, locally termed ' carrot burrs,' are very injurious to wool, the hooked spines with which the seeds are armed attach- ing themselves to the fleece, rendering portions of it quite stiff and rigid. The common carrot belongs, of course, to this genus, and the fact that it is descended from an apparently worth- less, weedy plant, indicates that the present species is capable of much improvement by cultivation." (2) In Tasmania Geranium dis- sectitm, Linn., is also called " native carrot." Cascarilla, Native, n. an Aus- tralian timber, Croton verreauxii, Baill., N.O. Euphorbiacece. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 408 : " Native cascarilla. A small tree ; wood of a yellowish colour, close- grained and firm." Cassowary, //. The word is Malay, the genus being found in "the Islands in the Indian Archi- pelago." ('O.E.D.') The Aus- tralian variety is Casuarius austra- lis, Waller. The name is often erroneously applied (as in the first two quotations), to the Emu (q.v.), which is not a Cassowary. 1789. Governor Phillip, 'Voyage,' c. xxii. p. 271 : " New Holland Cassowary. [De- scription given.] This bird is not un- common in New Holland, as several of them have been seen about Botany Bay, and other parts. . . . Although this bird cannot fly, it runs so swiftly that a greyhound can scarcely overtake it. The flesh is said to be in taste not unlike beef." 1802. G. Barrington, ' History of New South Wales, ' c. xi. p. 438 : "The cassowary of New South Wales is larger in all respects than the well-known bird called the cas- sowary." 1869. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia' (Supplement) : " Casuarius Aitstralis, Wall., Aus- tralian Cassowary, sometimes called Black Emu." 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' P- 73: " One day an egg of a cassowary was brought to me ; this bird, although it is nearly akin to the ostrich and emu, does not, like the latter, frequent the open plains, but the thick brush- wood. The Australian cassowary is found in Northern Queensland from Herbert river northwards, in all the large vine-scrubs on the banks of the rivers, and on the high mountains of the coasts." Ibid. p. 97. " The proud cassowary, the stateliest bird of Australia . . . this beautiful and comparatively rare creature." 1891. ' Guide to Zoological Gardens, Melbourne ' : "The Australian cassowary. . . . They are somewhat shorter and stouter in build than the emu." Casuarina, ;/. the scientific name of a large group of trees common to India, and other parts lying between India and Austra- lasia, but more numerous in Aus- tralia than elsewhere, and often forming a characteristic feature of the vegetation. They are the so-called She-oaks (q.v.). The word is not, however, Australian,. CAT] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 81 and is much older than the dis- covery of Australia. Its etymo- logy is contained in the quota- tion, 1877. 1806. ' Naval Chronicles,' c. xv. p. 460 : " Clubs made of the wood of the casuarina." 1814. R. Brown, 'Botany of Terra Aus- tralis,' in M. Flinders' ' Voyage to Terra Australis,' vol. ii. p. 571 : " Casuarinae. The genus Casuarina is certainly not referable to any order of plants at present established . . it may be considered a separate order , . . The maximum of Casuarina appears to exist in Terra Australis, Avhere -it-forms one of the character- istic features of the vegetation." 1855. G. C. Muncly, 'Our Antipodes/ p. 160: "The dark selvage of casuarinas fringing its bank." 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketch- es,' p. 10 : "The vegetation assumed a new character, the eucalyptus and casuarina alternating with the wild cherry and honeysuckle." 1877- F. v. Miiller, ' Botanic Teachings,' P- 34: " The scientific name of these well- known plants is as appropriate as their vernacular appellation is odd and un- suited. The former alludes to the cassowary (Casuarius], the plumage of which is comparatively as much re- duced among birds, as the foliage of the casuarinas is stringy among trees. Hence more than two centuries ago Rumph already bestowed the name Casuarina on a Java species, led by the Dutch colonists, who call it there the Casuaris-Boom. The Australian vernacular name seems to have arisen from some fancied resemblance of the wood of some casuarinas to that of oaks, notwithstanding the extreme difference of the foliage and fruit ; unless, as Dr. Hooker supposes, the popular name of these trees and shrubs arose from the Canadian ' Sheack.' " 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 397 : " From a fancied resemblance of the wood of casuarinas to that of oak, these trees are called ' oaks,' and the same and different species have various appellations in various parts." 1890. C. Lumholtz, 'Among Cannibals,' I>- 33 = " Along its banks (the Comet's) my attention was drawn to a number of casuarinas those leafless, dark trees, which always make a sad impression on the traveller ; even a casual ob- server will notice the dull, depressing sigh which comes from a grove of these trees when there is the least breeze." Cat-bird, . In America the name is given to Mimus carolinen- sis, a mocking thrush, which like the Australian bird has a cry re- sembling the mewing of a cat. The Australian species are The Cat-bird Ailurcedus viridis, Lath. Spotted C. Ailurczdus maculosus, Ramsay. Pomatostomus rubeculus, Gould. Tooth-billed C. Scenopceus dentirostris, Ramsay. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. pi. ii : " Its loud, harsh and extraordinary note is heard ; a note which differs so much from that of all other birds, that having been once heard it can never be mistaken. In comparing it to the nightly concert of the domestic cat, I conceive that I am conveying to my readers a more perfect idea of the note of this species than could be given by pages of description. This concert, like that of the animal whose name it bears, is performed either by a pair or several individuals, and nothing more is required than for the hearer to shut his eyes from the neighbouring foliage to fancy himself surrounded by London grimalkins of house-top celebrity." 1888. U. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' p. 36: " One of the most peculiar of birds' eggs found about the Murray is that of the locally-termed 'cat-bird,' the shell of which is veined thickly with dark thin threads as though covered with a sj '-ler's web." 1890. C. -Aimholtz,' Among Cannibals.' p. 96 : "The cat-bird (/Elurcedies macitlo- sits), which makes its appearance to- wards evening, and has a voice strik- ingly like the mewing of a cat." 82 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CAT 1893. 'The Argus.' March 25 : " Another quaint caller of the bush is the cat-bird, and its eggs are of exactly the colour of old ivory." 1896. G. A. Keartlancl, ' Home Expedi- tion in Central Australia,' pt. ii. Zoology, p. 92: " Their habit of mewing like a cat has gained for them the local cogno- men of cat-birds." Cat-fish, n. The name is ap- plied in the Old World to various fishes of the family Siluridce, and also to the Wolf-fish of Europe and North America. It arises from the resemblance of the teeth in some cases or the projecting " whiskers " in others, to those of a cat. In Victoria and New South Wales it is a fresh-water fish, Copidoglanis tandanus, Mitchell, brought abundantly to Melbourne by railway. It inhabits the rivers of the Murray system, but not of the centre of the continent. Called also Eel-fish and Tandan (q.v.). In Sydney the same name is applied also to Cnidoglanis megastoma, Rich., and in New Zealand Kathetostoma monoptery- gium. Copidoglanis and Cnidoglanis are Siluroids, and Kathetostoma is a " stargazer," i. e. a fish having eyes on the upper surface of the head, belonging- to the family Trachinidce, 1851. J. Henderson, ' Excursions in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 207 : " The Cat-fish, which I have fre- quently caught in the McLeay, is a large and very ugly animal. Its head is provided with several large tentac- atae, and it has altogether a disagree- able appearance. I have eat its flesh, but did not like it." 1880. Mrs. Meredith, ' Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 213 [Footnote] : " Mr. Frank Buckland . . . writing of a species of rock-fish, says ' I found that it had a beautiful contrivance in the conformation of its mouth. It has the power of prolongating both its jaws to nearly the extent of half-an- inch from their natural position. This is done by a most beautiful bit of mechanism, somewhat on the principle of what are called ' lazy tongs.' The cat-fish possesses a like feature, but on a much larger scale, the front part of the mouth being capable of being protruded between two and three inches when seizing prey.' " Cat, Native, n. a small carniv- orous marsupial, of the genus Dasyurus. The so-called native cat is not a cat at all, but a marsupial which resembles a very large rat or weasel, with rather a bushy tail. It is fawn- coloured or mouse-coloured, or black and covered with little white spots ; a very pretty little animal. It only appears at night, when it climbs fences and trees and forms sport for moonlight shooting. Its skin is made into fancy rugs and cloaks or mantles. The animal is more correctly called a Dasyure (q.v.). The species are Black-tailed Native Cat Dasyurus geoffroyi, Gould. Common N.C. (called also Tiger Cat, q.v.) D. viverrimus, Shaw. North Australian N.C. D. hallucatus, Gould. Papuan N.C. D. albopunctatus, Schl. Slender N.C. D. gracilis, Ramsay. Spotted-tailed N.C. (called also Tiger Cat) D. maculatus, Kerr. 1880. Mrs. Meredith, ' Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 67 : " The native cat is similar [to the Tiger Cat ; q.v.] but smaller, and its fur is an ashy-grey with white spots. We have seen two or three skins quite black, spotted with white, but these are very rare." 1885. H. H. Hayter, 'Carboona,' p. 35: "A blanket made of the fur-covered skins of the native cat." CAT-CAU] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 1894. 'The Argus,' June 23, p. n, col. 4 : "The voices of most of our night animals are guttural and unpleasing. The 'possum has a throaty half-stifled squeak, the native cat a deep chest- note ending with a hiss and easily imitated." [See Skirr.] Catholic Frog, n. name applied to a frog living in the inland parts of New South Wales, Notaden bennettii, Giinth., which tides over times of drought in burrows, and feeds on ants. Called also "Holy Cross Toad." The names are given in consequence of a large cross-shaped blackish marking on the back. 1891. J. J. Fletcher, ' Proceedings of the Linnaean Society, New South Wales,' vol. vi. (and series), p. 265 : " Notaden bennettii, the Catholic frog, or as I have heard it called the Holy Cross Toad, I first noticed in January 1885, after a heavy fall of rain lasting ten days, off and on, and suc- ceeding a severe drought." Cat's Eyes, n. Not the true Cafs-eye, but the name given in Australia to the opercula of Turbo smaragdus, Martyn, a marine mol- lusc. The operculum is the horny or shelly lid which closes the aperture of most spiral shell fish. Cat's-head Fern, n. Aspidium aculeatum, Sw. 1880. Mrs. Meredith, ' Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 220 : " The cat's-head fern ; though why that name was given to it I have not the remotest idea. ... It is full of beauty the pinnules so exquisitely formed and indented, and gemmed beneath with absolute constellations of Sport Polystichum vestitum!' Catspaw, . a Tasmanian plant, Trichiniumspathulatum, Poir., N. O. Amarantacetz. Cat's Tail, n. See Wonga. Cattle-bush, . a tree, Ata- laya hemiglauca, F. v. M., N.O. Sapindacece. It is found in South Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland, and is sometimes called White-wood. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 117 : " Cattle-bush. . . The leaves of this tree are eaten by stock, the tree being frequently felled for their use during seasons of drought." Cattle-duffer, n. a man who steals cattle (usually by altering their brands). See also Duffer. 1886. ' Melbourne Punch,' July 15, Cartoon Verses : " Cattle-duffers on a jury may be honest men enough, But they're bound to visit lightly sins in those who cattle duff." Cattle-racket, n. Explained in quotation. 1852. ' Settlers and Convicts ; or Recol- lections of Sixteen Years' Labour in the Australian Backwoods,' p. 294 : " A Cattle-racket. The term at the head of this chapter was originally applied in New South Wales to the agitation of society which took place when some wholesale system of plunder in cattle was brought to light. It is now commonly applied to any circum- stance of this sort, whether greater or less, and whether springing from a felonious intent or accidental." Caustic-Creeper, n. name given to Euphorbia drummondii, Boiss., N. O. Euphorbiacea. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 127 : "Called 'caustic-creeper' in Queens- land. Called 'milk-plant' and 'pox- plant' about Bourke. This weed is unquestionably poisonous to sheep, and has recently (Oct. 1887) been reported as having been fatal to a flock near Bourke, New South Wales. . . . When eaten by sheep in the early morning, before the heat of the sun has dried it up, it is almost certain to be fatal. Its effect on sheep is curious. The head swells to an enormous extent, becoming so heavy that the animal cannot support it, and therefore drags it along the ground ; the ears suppurate. (Bailey and Gordon.)" 8 4 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CAU-CEL Caustic-Plant, or Caustic- Vine, n. Sarcostemma australis, R. Br., N.O. Asclepiadece. Cattle and sheep are poisoned by eating it. Cavally, n. the original form of the Australian fish-name Trevally (q.v.). The form Cavally is used in Europe, but is almost extinct in Australia ; the form Trevally is confined to Australia. Cedar, n. The true Cedar is a Conifer (N.O. Conifers) of the genus Cedrus, but the name is given locally to many other trees resembling it in appearance, or in the colour or scent of their wood. The New Zealand Cedar is the nearest approach to the true Cedar, and none of the so- called Australian Cedars are of the order Coniferce. The follow- ing are the trees to which the name is applied in Australia : Bastard Pencil Cedar Dysoxylon rufum, Benth., N.O. Meliacece. Brown C. Ehretia acuminata, R. Br., N. O. Asperifolice. Ordinary or Red C. Cedrela aus traits, F. v. M. Cedrela toona, R. Br., N.O. Meliacece. [C. toona is the "Toon" tree of India: its timber is known in the English market as Moulmein Cedar ; but the Baron von Miiller doubts the identity of the Australian Cedar with the "Toon " tree ; hence his name austral is. ] Pencil C. Dysoxylon Fraserianum, Benth., N.O. Meliacece. Scrub White C. Pentaceras australis, Hook, and Don., N.O. Rutacece. White C.- Melia composita, Willd., N.O. Meliacece. Yellow C. Rhus rhodanthema, F. v. M., N.O. Anacardiacece. In Tasmania, three species of the genus Arthrotaxis are called Cedars or Pencil Cedars ; namely, A. cupressoides, Don., known as the King William Pine ; A. laxi- folia, Hook., the Mountain Pine ; and A. selaginoides, Don., the Red Pine. All these are peculiar to the island. In New Zealand, the name of Cedar is applied to Libocedrus bidwillii, Hook., N.O. Coniferce ; Maori name, Pahautea. 1838. T. L. Mitchell, 'Three Expedi- tions,' vol. i. p. 328: "The cedar of the colony (Cedrela toona, R. Br.), which is to be found only in some rocky gullies of the coast range." 1883. F. M. Bailey, ' Synopsis of Queensland Flora,' p. 63 : "Besides being valuable as a timber- producing tree, this red cedar has many medicinal properties. The bark is spoken of as a powerful astringent, and, though not bitter, said to be a good substitute for Peruvian bark in the cure of remitting and intermitting fevers." 1883. J. Hector, ' Handbook of New Zealand,' p. 123: " Pahautea, Cedar. A handsome conical tree sixty to eighty feet high, two to three feet in diameter. In Otago it produces a dark-red, free- working timber, rather brittle . . . frequently mistaken for totara." Celery, Australian, or Native, n. Apium australe, Thon. Not en- demic in Australia. In Tasmania, A. prostratum, Lab., N.O. Umbel- liferce. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p". 7 : " Australian Celery. This plant may be utilised as a culinary vegetable. (Mueller.) It is not endemic in Australia." Celery- topped Pine. n. See Pine. The tree is so called from the appearance of the upper part CEN-CHE] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY of the branchlets, which resemble in shape the leaf of the garden celery. 1889. T. Kirk, ' Forest Flora of New Zealand,' p. 9 : " The tanekaha is one of the remark- able ' celery-topped pines,' and was dis- covered by Banks and Solander during Cook's first voyage." Centaury, Native, n. a plant, Erythrcea australis, R. Br., N.O. Gentianea. In New South Wales this Australian Centaury has been found useful in dysentery by Dr. Woolls. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 175 : " Native centaury ... is useful as a tonic medicine, especially in diarrhoea and dysentery. The whole plant is used and is pleasantly bitter. It is common enough in grass-land, and appears to be increasing in popularity as a domestic remedy." Centralia, n. a proposed name for the colonv South Australia (q.V.). 1896. J. S. Laurie, ' Story of Austra- lasia, ' p. 299 : "For telegraphic, postal, and general purposes one word is desirable for a name e.g. why not Centralia; for West Australia, Weslralia; for New South Wales, Eastralia ? " ' Cereopsis, n. scientific name of the genus of the bird peculiar to Australia, called the Cape Barren Goose. See Goose. The word is from Grk. o/po'f, wax, and o^c, face, and was given from the peculiarities of the bird's beak. The genus is confined to Aus- tralia, and Cereopsis novce-hollandice is the only species known. The bird was noticed by the early voyagers to Australia, and was extraordinarily tame when first discovered. Channel-Bill, n. name given to a bird resembling a large cuckoo, Scythrops nova-hollandia, Lath. See Scythrops. Cheesewood, n. a tree, so- called in Victoria (it is also called Whitewood and Waddywood in Tasmania), Pittosporum bicolor, Hook., N.O. Pittosporece. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 588: " Cheesewood is yellowish - white, very hard, and of uniform texture and colour. It was once used for clubs by the aboriginals of Tasmania. It turns well, and should be tested for wood- engraving. ('Jurors' Reports, London International Exhibition of 1862.') It is much esteemed for axe-handles, billiard-cues, etc." Cherry, Herbert River, n. a Queensland tree, Antidesma dalla- chyanum, Baill., N.O. Euphorbi- acece. The fruit is equal to a large cherry in size, and has a sharp acid flavour. Cherry, Native, n. an Aus- tralian tree, Exocarpus cupressi- formis, R. Br., N.O. Santalacece. 1801. ' History of New South Wales ' (1818), p. 242: " Of native fruits, a cherry, insipid in comparison of the European sorts, was found true to the singularity which characterizes every New South Wales production, the stone being on the outside of the fruit." 1830. R. Dawson, ' Present State of Australia,' p. 411 : "The shrub which is called the native cherry-tree appears like a species of Cyprus, producing its fruit with the stone united to it on the out- side, the fruit and the stone being each about the size of a small pea. The fruit, when ripe, is similar in colour to the Mayduke cherry, but of a sweet and somewhat better quality, and slightly astringent to the palate, pos- sessing, upon the whole, an agreeable flavour." 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes ' (edition 1851), p. 219: "The cherry-tree resembles a cypress but is of a tenderer green, bearing a worthless little berry, having its stone or seed outside, whence its scientific name of exocarpus." 86 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CHE-CHCE I 8S5- W. Howitt, 'Two Years in Victoria,' vol. i. p. 33: " We also ate the Australian cherry, which has its stone, not on the outside, enclosing the fruit, as the usual phrase would indicate, but on the end with the fruit behind it. The stone is only about the size of a sweet-pea, and the fruit only about twice that size, alto- gether not unlike a yew-berry, but of a very pale red. It grows on a tree just like an arbor vitae, and is well tasted, though not at all like a cherry in flavour." 1877. F. v. Miiller, ' Botanic Teachings,' p. 40: " The principal of these kinds of trees received its generic name first from the French naturalist La Bil- lardtere, during D'Entrecasteaux's Ex- pedition. It was our common Exocarpus cupressiformis, which he described, and which has been mentioned so often in popular works as a cherry-tree, bearing its stone outside of the pulp. That this crude notion of the structure of the fruit is erroneous, must be apparent on thoughtful contemplation, for it is evident at the first glance, that the red edible part of our ordinary exocarpus constitutes merely an enlarged and succulent fruit-stalklet (pedicel), and that the hard dry and greenish por- tion, strangely compared to a cherry- stone, forms the real fruit, containing the seed." 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 30: "The fruit is edible. The nut is seated on the enlarged succulent pedicel. This is the poor little fruit of which so much has been written in English descriptions of the peculiarities of the Australian flora. It has been likened to a cherry with the stone out- side (hence the vernacular name) by some imaginative person." 1893. 'Sydney Morning Herald,' Aug. 19, p. 7, col. I : " Grass-trees and the brown brake- fern, whips of native cherry, and all the threads and tangle of the earth's green russet vestment hide the feet of trees which lean and lounge between us and the water, their leaf heads tinselled by the light." Cherry-picker, n. bird-name. See quotation. 1848. J. Gould, ' Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. p. 70: " Melithreptus Validirostris, Gould. Strong -billed Honey -eater [q.v.]. Cherry -picker, colonists of Van Diemen's Land." Chestnut Pine, n. See Pine. Chewgah-bag, n. Queensland aboriginal pigeon - English for Sugar-bag (q.v.). Chinkie, n. slang for a China- man. "John," short for John Chinaman, is commoner. 1882. A. J. Boyd, ' Old Colonials,' p. 233- " The pleasant traits of character in our colonialised 'Chinkie,' as he is vulgarly termed (with the single varia- tion ' Chow ')." Chock-and-log, n. and adj. a particular kind of fence much used on Australian stations. The Chock is a thick short piece of wood laid flat, at right-angles to the line of the fence, with notches in it to receive the Logs, which are laid lengthwise from Chock to Chock, and the fence is raised in four or five layers of this chock-and-log to form, as it were, a wooden wall. Both chocks and logs are rough-hewn or split, not sawn. 1872. G. S. Baden - Powell, 'New Homes for the Old Country,' p. 207 : "Another fence, known as 'chock and log,' is composed of long logs, resting on piles of chocks, or short blocks of wood." 1890. 'The Argus.' Sept. 20, p. 13, col. 5 : " And to finish the Riverine picture, there comes a herd of kangaroos dis- turbed from their feeding-ground, leap- ing through the air, bounding over the wire and ' chock-and-log ' fences like so many india-rubber automatons." Chceropus, n. the scientific name for the genus of Australian marsupial animals with only one known species, called the Pig- footed-Bandicoot (q.v.), and see CHR-CHU] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY Bandicoot. (Grk. xip 0 a P l * TTOVS, foot.) The animal is about the size of a rabbit, and is confined to the inland parts of Australia. Christmas, n. and adj. As Christmas falls in Australasia at Midsummer, it has different cha- racteristics from those in England, and the word has therefore a dif- ferent connotation. 1852. Mrs. Meredith, 'My Home in Tasmania,' p. 184 : " Sheep-shearing in November, hot midsummer weather at Christmas, the bed of a river the driest walk, and corn harvest in February, were things strangely at variance with my Old- World notions." 1896. H. Lawson, 'When the World was Wide,' p. 164 : " One Christmas time when months of drought Had parched the western creeks, The bush-fires started in the north And travelled south for weeks." Christmas-bush, n. an Austra- lian tree, Ceratopetalum gummi- ferum, Smith, N.O. Saxifrages. Called also .Christmas-tree (q. v.), and Officer-bush. 1888. Mrs. McCann, ' Poetical Works,' p. 226 : " Gorgeous tints adorn the Christ- mas bush with a crimson blush." Christmas-tree, n. In Austra- lia, it is the same as Christmas- bush (q.v.). In New Zealand, it is Metrosideros tomentosa, Banks, N.O. Myrtacece ; Maori name, Pohutukawa (q.v.). 1867. F. Hochstetter, 'New Zealand,' p. 240 : " Some few scattered Pohutukaua trees (Metrosideros tomentosa), the last remains of the beautiful vegetation . . . About Christmas these trees are full of charming purple blossoms ; the settler decorates his church and dwelling with its lovely branches, and calls the tree ' Christmas-tree ' ! " 1888. D. Macdonald, ' Gum Boughs,' p. 186 : " The Christmas-tree is in a sense the counterpart of the holly of the home countries. As the scarlet berry gives its ruddy colour to Christmas decorations in 'the old country,' so here the creamy blossoms of the Christmas-tree are the only shrub flowers that survive the blaze of mid- summer." 1889. E. H. and S. Featon, 'New Zealand Flora,' p. 163 : " The Pohutukawa blossoms in December, when its profusion of elegant crimson-tasselled flowers im- parts a beauty to the rugged coast-line and sheltered bays which may fairly be called enchanting. To the settlers it is known as the ' Christmas-tree,' and sprays of its foliage and flowers are used to decorate churches and dwellings during the festive Christmas- tide. To the Maoris this tree must possess a weird significance, since it is related in their traditions that at the extreme end of New Zealand there grows a Pohutukawa from which a root descends to the beach below. The spirits of the dead are supposed to descend by this to an opening, which is said to be the entrance to 'Te Reinga.'" Chucky-chucky, n. aboriginal Australian name for a berry ; in Australia and New Zealand, the fruit of species of Gaultheria. See Wax Cluster. 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' p. 146 : " To gather chucky-chuckies as the blacks name that most delicious of native berries." 1891. T. H. Potts, ' Out in the Open,' 'New Zealand Country Journal,' vol. xv. p. 198 : "When out of breath, hot and thirsty, how one longed for a handful of chuckie-chucks. In their season how good we used to think these fruits of the gaultheria, or rather its thick- ened calyx. A few handfuls were excellent in quenching one's thirst, and so plentifully did the plant abound that quantities could soon be gathered. In these rude and simple days, when housekeepers in the hills tried to con- vert carrots and beet-root into apricot and damson preserves, these notable women sometimes encouraged children 88 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CHU-CLA to collect sufficient chuckie-chucks to make preserve. The result was a jam of a sweet mawkish flavour that gave some idea of a whiff caught in passing a hair-dresser's shop." Chum, n. See New Chum. Chy-ack, v. simply a variation of the English slang verb, to cheek. 1874. Garnet Walch, ' Adamanta,' Act ii. sc. ii. p. 27 : " I've learnt to chi-ike peelers." [Here the Australian pronun- ciation is also caught. Barbre and Leland give " chi-iked (tailors), chaffed unmercifully," but without explanation.] 1878. ' The Australian,' vol. i. p. 742 : " The circle of frivolous youths who were yelping at and chy-acking him." 1894. E. W. Hornung, ' Boss of Tar- oomba,' p. 5 : " It's our way up here, you know, to chi-ak each other and our visitors too." Cicada, . an insect. See Locust. 1895. G. Metcalfe, 'Australian Zoology,' p. 62 : " The Cicada is often erroneously called a locust. . . It is remarkable for the loud song, or chirruping whirr, of the males in the heat of summer ; numbers of them on the hottest days produce an almost deafening sound." Cider-Tree, or Cider-Gum, n. name given in Tasmania to Eucalyptus gunnii, Hook., N. O. Myrtacecz. See Gum. 1830. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 119: " Specimens of that species of eucalyptus called the cider-tree, from its exuding a quantity of saccharine liquid resembling molasses. . . . When allowed to remain some time and to ferment, it settles into a coarse sort of wine or cider, rather intoxicating if drank to any excess." City, n. In Great Britain and Ireland the word City denotes " a considerable town that has been, (a) an episcopal seat, (If) a royal burgh, or (c) created to the dig- nity, like Birmingham, Dundee, and Belfast, by a royal patent. In the United States and Canada, a municipality of the first class, governed by a mayor and alder- men, and created by charter." (' Standard.') In Victoria, by section ix. of the Local Govern- ment Act, 1890, 54 Victoria, No. 1 1 12, the Governor-in-Council may make orders, 12 : " To declare any borough, including the city of Melbourne and the town of Geelong, having in the year preceding such declaration a gross revenue of not less than twenty thousand pounds, a city." Claim, n. in mining, a piece of land appropriated for mining purposes : then the mine itself. The word is also used in the United States. See also Reward- claim and Prospecting-claim. 1858. T. McCombie, ' History of Vic- toria,' c. xiv. p. 213 : "A family named Cavanagh . . entered a half-worked claim." 1863. H. Fawcett, 'Political Economy/ pt. iii. c. vi. p. 359('O.E.D.') : "The claim upon which he pur- chases permission to dig." 1887. H. H. Hayter, 'Christmas Ad- venture,' p. 3 : " I decided ... a claim to take up." Clay-pan, n. name given, espe- cially in the dry interior of Aus- tralia, to a slight depression of the ground varying in size from a few yards to a mile in length, where the deposit of fine silt prevents the water from sinking into the ground as rapidly as it does elsewhere. 1875. John Forrest, ' Explorations in> Australia,' p. 260 : "We travelled down the road for about thirty-three miles over stony plains ; many clay-pans with water but no feed." 1896. Baldwin Spencer, ' Home Expe- dition in Central Australia,' Narrative, vol. i. p. 17: " One of the most striking features CLE-CLO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY of the central area and especially amongst the loamy plains and sand- hills, is the number of clay-pans. These are shallow depressions, with no outlet, varying in length from a few yards to half a mile, where the surface is covered with a thin clayey material, which seems to prevent the water from sinking as rapidly as it does in other parts." Clean-skins, or Clear-skins, n. unbranded cattle or horses. 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 206 : " These clean-skins, as they are often called, to distinguish them from the branded cattle." 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories,' c. xv. p. 109 : " Strangers and pilgrims, calves and clear-skins, are separated at the same time." 1889. Rev. J. H. Zillmann, ' Australian Life,' p. 82: " ' Clear-skins,' as unbranded cattle were commonly called, were taken charge of at once." 1893. ' The Argus,' April 29, p. 4, col. 4 : " As they fed slowly homeward bel- lowing for their calves, and lowing for their mates, the wondering clean-skins would come up in a compact body, tearing, ripping, kicking, and moaning, working round and round them in awkward, loblolly canter." Clearing lease, n. Explained in quotation. 1846. J. L. Stokes, ' Discoveries in Aus- tralia,' vol. i. c. x. p. 321 : " [They] held a small piece of land on what is called a clearing lease that is to say, they were allowed to retain possession of it for so many years for the labour of clearing the land." Clematis, n. the scientific and vernacular name of a genus of plants belonging to the N.O. Ranunculacece. The common species in Australia is C. aristata, R. Br. 1834. Ross, ' Van Diemen's Land An- nual,' p. 124 : "The beautiful species of clematis called arista/a, which may be seen in the months of November and December, spreading forth its milk- white blossoms over the shrubs . . . in other places rising up to the top of the highest gum-trees." Clianthus, n. scientific name for an Australasian genus of plants, N.O. Leguminosa, contain- ing only two species in Austra- lia, Sturfs Desert Pea (q.v.), C. dampieri ; and in New Zealand, the Kaka-bill (q.v.), C. puniceus.. Both species are also called! Glory-Pea, from Grk. k-Xe'oc, glory, and avOoc, a flower. 1892. ' Otago Witness,' Nov. 24,' Native Trees': " Hooker says the genus Clianthus consists of the Australian and New Zealand species only, the latter is there- fore clearly indigenous. ' One of the most beautiful plants known ' (Hooker). Sir Joseph Banks and Dr. Solander found it during Cook's first voyage." Climbing-fish, n. i.q. Hopping- fish (q.v.). Climbing-Pepper, n. See/V/- per. Clitonyx, n. the scientific name of a genus of New Zealand birds, including the Yellow-head (q.v.)' and the White-head (q.v.) ; from Greek /cXivciv, root K\IT, to lean, slant, and ow, claw. The genus was so named by Reichenbach in 1851, to distinguish the New Zealand birds from the Australian birds of the genus Orthonyx (q.v.),. which formerly included them both.. Clock-bird, n. another name for the Laughing Jackass. See Jackass. Clock, Settlers', n. i.q. Clock- bird ', q.v. Cloudy-Bay Cod, . a New Zealand name for the Ling (q.v.). See also Cod. Clover-Fern, . another name for the plant called Nardoo (q.v.). Clover, Menindie, n. an Aus- tralian fodder plant, Trigonella: AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CLO-COA suavissima, Lind., N.O. Legumi- .nosecR. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 143 : " From its abundance in the neigh- bourhood of Menindie, it is often called * Menindie-clover.' It is the ' Aus- tralian shamrock ' of Mitchell. This perennial, fragrant, clover-like plant is a good pasture herb." Clover-Tree, n. a Tasmanian tree, called also Native Laburnum. :See under Laburnum. Coach, .n. a bullock used as a decoy to catch wild cattle. This ^eems to be from the use of coach as the University term for a private tutor. 1874. W. H. L. Ranken, ' Dominion of Australia,' c. vi. p. no: " To get them [sc. wild cattle] a party of stockmen take a small herd of quiet cattle, ' coaches.' " Coach, v. to decoy wild cattle or horses with tame ones. 1874. W. H. L. Ranken, ' Dominion of Australia,' c. vi. p. 121 : " Here he [the wild horse] may be got by ' coaching ' like wild cattle." Coach-whip Bird, n. Psophodes trepitans, V. and H. (see Gould's ' Birds of Australia,' vol. iii. pi. 15) ; Black-throated C.B., P. mgrogularis, Gould. Called also Whipbird and Coachman. 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, 'Transac- tions of Linnsean Society,' vol. xv. p. 330 : " This bird is more often heard than seen. It inhabits bushes. The loud cracking whip-like noise it makes (from whence the colonists give it the name -of coachwhip), may be heard from a .great distance. 1 ' 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in -New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 158: " If you should hear a coachwhip sequently in universal use among the colonists. . . . There is a story current in the colony of a party of native-born colonists being in London, one of whom, a young lady, if I recollect aright, was accidentally separated from the rest, in the endless stream of pedestrians and vehicles of all descrip- tions, at the intersection of Fleet Street with the broad avenue leading to Blackfriars Bridge. When they were all in great consternation and per- plexity at the circumstance, it occurred to one of the party to cooey, and the well-known sound, with its ten thousand Australian associations, being at once recognised and responded to, a reunion of the party took place immediately, doubtless to the great wonderment of the surrounding Londoners, who would probably suppose they were all fit for Bedlam." 1848. W. Westgarth, 'Australia Felix,' p. 90: " They [the aborigines] warily entered scrubs, and called out (cooyed) re- peatedly in approaching water-holes, even when yet at a great distance/' 1852. J. West, ' History of Tasmania/ vol. ii. p. 91 : "A female, born on this division of the globe, once stood at the foot of -London Bridge, and cooyed for her husband, of whom she had lost sight, and stopped the passengers by the novelty of the sound ; which however is not unknown in certain neighbour- hoods of the metropolis. Some gen- COO-COP] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 97 tlemen, on a visit to a London theatre, to draw the attention of their friends in an opposite box, called out cooey ; a voice in the gallery answered ' Botany Bay!"' 1880 (circa), 'Melbourne Punch,' [In the days of long trains] : " George, there's somebody treading on my dress ; cooee to the bottom of the stairs." Coo - in - new, n. aboriginal name for "a useful verbenace- ous timber -tree of Australia, Gmelina leichhardtii, F. v. M. The wood has a fine silvery grain, and is much prized for flooring and for the decks of vessels, as it is reputed never to shrink after a moderate seasoning." (' Century.') Usually called Mahogany - tree (q.v.). Coolaman or Kooliman, n. an aboriginal word, Kamilaroi Dia- lect of New South Wales. [W. Ridley,' Kamilaroi,' p. 25, derives it from Kiilii, seed, but it is just as likely from Kolle, water. J. Mathew.] A hollowed knot of a tree, used as a seed vessel, or for holding water. The word is applied to the excrescence on the tree as well as to the vessel ; a bush hand has been heard to speak of a hump-backed man as * cooliman-backed.' 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 269 : " Three koolimans (vessels of stringy bark) were full of honey water, from one of which I took a hearty draught." 1863. M. K. Beveridge, ' Gatherings among the Gum-trees,' p. 37 : "And the beautiful Lubrina Fetched a Cooliman of water." [In Glossary.] Cooliman, a hollow knot of a tree for holding water. l86. W. Howitt, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia, vol. ii. p. 24: " Koolimans, water vessels . . . The koolimans were made of the inner layer of the bark of the stringy-bark tree." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. ii. p. 185 : " Coolaman, native vessel for holding water." 1885. Mrs. Praed, 'Australian Life,' p. 76: " Cooliman, a vessel for carrying water, made out of the bark which covers an excrescence peculiar to a kind of gum-tree." Cooper's-flag, n. another name in New Zealand for Raupo (q.v.). Coopers-wood, n. the timber of an Australian tree, Alphitonia excelsa, Reiss, N. O. Rhamnea. The wood becomes dark with age, and is used for coopers' staves and various purposes. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 373 : " Variously called Mountain-ash, Red-ash, Leather-jacket, and Coopers- wood." Coordaitcha. See Kurdaitcha. Coot, n. common English bird- name ; the Australian species is Fulica australis, Gould. See also Bald-Coot. Copper-head, n. See under Snake. Copper Maori. This spelling has been influenced by the Eng- lish word Copper, but it is really a corruption of a Maori word. There is a difference of opinion amongst Maori scholars what this word is. Some say Kapura, a common fire used for cooking, in contradistinction to a ' chiefs fire,' at which he sat, and which would not be allowed to be defiled with food. Others say Kopa. The Maori word Kopa was (i) adj. meaning bent, (2) n. angle or corner, and (3) the native oven, or more strictly the hole scooped out for the oven. 1888. T. Pine, 'Transactions of New Zealand Institute,' 'A local tradition of Raukawa,' vol. xxi. p. 417 : " So they set to work and dug holes on the flat, each hole about 2 ft. across and about i ft. deep, and shaped something like a Kopa Maori." 9 8 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [COP-COR 1889. H. D. M. Haszard, ibid. ' Notes on some Relics of Cannibalism,' vol. xxii. p. 104 : " In two distinct places, about four chains apart, there were a number of Kapura Maori, or native ovens, scattered about within a radius of about forty feet." Coprosma, n. scientific and vernacular name for a large genus of trees and shrubs of the order Rubiacece. From the Greek KdVpos, dung, on account of the bad smell of some of the species. See quot- ation. The Maori name is Kara- mu (q.v.). Various species receive special vernacular names, which appear in their places in the Dictionary. 1889. T. Kirk, 'Forest Flora of New Zealand," p. no: " Coprosma comprises about forty species, of which at least thirty are found in New Zealand, all of which are restricted to the colony except C. pumila, which extends to Australia. Five species are found in Australia, one of which is C. pumila mentioned above. A few species occur in the Pacific, Chili, Juan Fernandez, the Sandwich Islands, &c." Coral, n. See Bat swing- Coral. Coral-Pern, n. name given in Victoria to Gleichenia cirdnata, Swartz, called in Bailey's list Parasol-Fern. See Fern. Coral- Flower, n. a plant, Epacris (q.v.), Epacris microphylla, R. Br., N.O. Epacridece. Coral-Pea, n. another name for the Kennedy a (q.v.). 1896. ' The Melburnian,' Aug. 28, p. 53 : "The trailing scarlet kennedyas, aptly called the 'bleeding-heart' or ' coral pea,' brighten the greyness of the sandy, peaty wastes." Coranderrk, n. the aboriginal name for the Victorian Dogivood (q.v.). An "aboriginal station," or asylum and settlement for the remaining members of the abori- ginal race of Victoria, is called after this name because the wood grew plentifully there. Cordage-tree, n. name given in Tasmania to a Kurrajong (q.v.). The name Sida pulchella has been superseded by Plagianthus sidoides, Hook. 1835. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack/ p. 108 : " Sida pulchella. Handsome Sida. Currijong or cordage tree of Hobart Town. . . . The bark used to be taken for tying up post and rail fences, the rafters of huts, in the earlier periods of the colony, before nails could be so easily procured." Corella, n. any parrot of the genus Nymphicus; the word is dim. of late Lat. cora = Kop-rj, a girl, doll, etc. The Australian Corella js N. novce-hollandice, and the name is also given to Licmetus nasicus y Temm, the Long - billed Cockatoo (q.v.). It is often used indis- criminately by bird-fanciers for any pretty little parrot, parrakeet, or cockatoo. Cork-tree, n. Coral. See Bafs-wing Corkwood, n. a New Zealand tree, Entelea arborescens, R. Br., N.O. Tiliacece. Maori name, Whan. 1889. T. Kirk, 'Forest Flora of New Zealand,' p. 45 : " The whau ... is termed cork- wood by the settlers on account of its light specific gravity." Cormorant, n. common Eng- lish bird-name. In Australia the name is applied to the following birds: Black Cormorant Graculus novtz-hollandice, Steph- Little C. G. melanoleucus, Vieill. Little-black C. G. stictocephalus, Bp. Pied C. G. varius, Gm. COR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 99 White-breasted Cormorant G. leucogaster, Gould. White-throated C. G. brevirostris, Gould. Cornstalk, n. a young man or a girl born and bred in New South Wales, especially if tall and big. 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 116 : " The colonial-born, bearing also the name of cornstalks (Indian corn), from the way in which they shoot up." 1834. Geo. Bennett, ' Wanderings in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 341 : "The Australian ladies may com- pete for personal beauty and elegance with any European, although satirized as ' Cornstalks,' from the slenderness of their forms." 1849. J. P. Townsend, ' Rambles in New South Wales,' p. 68 : " Our host was surrounded by a little army of 'cornstalks.' . . . The designation 'cornstalk' is given be- cause the young people run up like the stems of the Indian corn." 1869. W. R. Honey, ' Madeline Clifton,' Act III. sc. v. p. 30 : " Look you, there stands young cornstalk." 1878. ' The Australian,' vol. i. p. 526 : " If these are the heroes that my cornstalk friends worship so ardently, they must indeed be hard up for heroes." 1893. Haddon Chambers, ' Thumbnail Sketches of Australian Life,' p. 217 : "While in the capital I fell in with several jolly cornstalks, with whom I spent a pleasant time in boating, fishing, and sometimes camping out down the harbour." Correa, n. the scientific name of a genus of Australian plants of the N. O. Rutacea, so named after Correa de Serra, a Portuguese nobleman who wrote on rutaceous plants at the beginning of the century. They bear scarlet or green and sometimes yellowish flowers, and are often called Native Fuchsias (q.v.), especially C. speaosa, Andrews, which bears crimson flowers. 1827. R. Sweet, 'Flora Australasica,' p. 2: " The genus was first named by Sir J. E. Smith in compliment to the late M. Correa de Serra, a celebrated Portuguese botanist." 1859. H. Kingsley, 'Geoffrey Hamlyn,' P- 384 : "The scarlet correa lurked among the broken quartz." 1877. F. v. Miiller, 'Botanic Teachings,' p. 70: "With all wish to maintain ver- nacular names, which are not actually misleading, I cannot call a correa by the common colonial name 'native fuchsia,' as not the slightest structural resemblance and but little habitual similarity exists between these plants ; they indeed belong to widely different orders." Ibid. "All Correas are geographically restricted to the south-eastern portion of the Australian continent and Tas- mania, the genus containing but few species." 1880. Mrs. Meredith, 'Tasmanian Friends and Foes, ' p. 23 : "I see some pretty red correa and lilac." [Footnote] : " Correa speciosa, native fuchsia of Colonies." Corrobbery, n. This spelling is nearest to the accepted pro- nunciation, the accent falling on the second syllable. Various spellings, however, occur, viz. Corobbery, Corrobery, Corroberry^ Corroborree t Corrobbory, Corro- borry, Corrobboree, Coroboree, Cor- roboree, Korroboree, Corroborri, Corrobaree, and Caribberie. To these Mr. Eraser adds Kardbari (see quotation, 1892), but his spelling has never been accepted in English. The word comes from the Botany Bay dialect. [The aboriginal verb (see Rid- ley's ' Kamilaroi and other Aus- tralian Languages,' p. 107) is korobra, to dance ; in the same locality boroya or beria means to sing ; probably koro is from a 100 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [COR common Australian word for emu. J. Mathew.] (i) An aboriginal name for a dance, sacred, festive, or warlike. 1793. Governor Hunter, ' Port Jack- son,' p. 195 : " They very frequently, at the con- clusion of the dance, would apply to us ... for marks of our approbation . . . which we never failed to give by often repeating the word boojery, good ; or boojery caribberie, a good dance." 1830. R. Dawson, ' Present State of Australia,' p. 280 : " Dancing with their corrobery motion." Ibid. p. 311 : " With several corrobery or harle- quin steps." 1833. C. Sturt, ' Southern Australia,' vol. ii. c. iii. p. 55 : " They hold their corrobories (mid- night ceremonies)." 1836. C. Darwin, 'Journal of the Voyage of the Beagle' (ed. 1882), c. xix. p. 450: " A large tribe of natives, called the white cockatoo men, happened to pay a visit to the settlement while we were there. These men as well as those of the tribe belonging to King George's Sound, being tempted by the offer of some tubs of rice and sugar were persuaded to hold a ' corrobery ' or great dancing party." [Description follows.] 1838. T. L. Mitchell, 'Three Expedi- tions,' vol. ii. p. 4 : " There can be little doubt that the corrobboree is the medium through which the delights of poetry aud the drama are enjoyed in a limited degree, even by these primitive savages of New Holland." 1844. Mrs. Meredith. ' Notes and Sketches of New South Wales,' p. 91 : " Great preparations were made, as for a grand corrobory, or festival, the men divesting themselves of even the portions of clothing commonly worn, and painting their naked black bodies in a hideous manner with pipe-clay. After dark, they lit their fires, which are small, but kept blazing with con- stant additions of dry bark and leaves, and the sable gentry assembled by degrees as they completed their even- ing toilette, full dress being painted nudity. A few began dancing in different parties, preparatory to the grand display, and the women, squat- ting on the ground, commenced their strange monotonous chant, each beat- ing accurate time with two boomer- angs. Then began the grand corro- bory, and all the men joined in the dance, leaping, jumping, bounding about in the most violent manner, but always in strict unison with each other, and keeping time with the chorus, accompanying their wild gesticulations with frightful yells, and noises. The whole ' tableau ' is fearfully grand ! The dark wild forest scenery around the bright fire-light gleaming upon the savage and uncouth figures of the men, their natural dark hue being made absolutely horrible by the paint- ings bestowed on them, consisting of lines and other marks done in white and red pipe-clay, which gives them an indescribably ghastly and fiendish aspect their strange attitudes, and violent contortions and movements, and the unearthly sound of their yells, mingled with the wild and monotonous wail-like chant of the women, make altogether a very near approach to the horribly sublime in the estimation of most Europeans who have witnessed an assembly of the kind." 1846. G. H. Haydon, ' Five Years in Australia Felix,' p. 103 : " They have no instrument of music, the corobery's song being accom- panied by the beating of two sticks together, and by the women thumping their opossum rugs." 1847. J. D. Lang, ' Cooksland,' p. 447 [Footnote] : "These words, which were quite as unintelligible to the natives as the cor- responding words in the vernacular language of the white men would have been, were learned by the natives, and are now commonly used by them in conversing with Europeans, as English words. Thus corrobbory, the Sydney word for a general assembly of natives, is now commonly used in that sense at Moreton Bay ; but the original word there is yanerwille. Gabon, great ; narang, little ; boodgeree, good ; myall, wild native, etc. etc., are all words of this description, supposed by the COR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY natives [of Queensland] to be English words, and by the Europeans to be aboriginal words of the language of that district." [The phrase " general assembly " would rise naturally in the mind of Dr. Lang as a Presbyterian minister ; but there is no evidence of anything parliamentary about a corrobbery.] 1848. W. Westgarth, 'Australia Felix,' p. 78: "The exact object or meaning of their famous corrobboree or native dance, beyond mere exercise and patience, has not as yet been properly ascertained ; but it seems to be mutually understood and very ex- tensively practised throughout Aus- tralia, and is generally a sign of mutual fellowship and good feeling on the part of the various tribes." 1849. J. P. Townsend, ' Rambles in New South Wales,' p. loo : "When our blacks visited Sydney, and saw the military paraded, and heard the bands, they said that was 4 white fellows' corrobbory.' " 1854. E. Stone Parker, ' Aborigines of Australia,' p. 21 : " It is a very great mistake to sup- . pose . . . that there is any kind of religious ceremony connected with the ordinary corrobory ... I may also remark that the term corrobory is not a native word." [It is quite certain that it is native, though not known to Mr. E. Stone Parker.] 1862. G. T. Lloyd, ' Thirty-three Years in Tasmania and Victoria,' p. 49 : [In Tasmania] "the assembling of the tribes was always celebrated by a grand corroboree, a species of bestial bal masgu/. On such occasions they presented a most grotesque and demon-like appearance, their heads, faces, and bodies, liberally greased were besmeared alternately with clay and red ochre ; large tufts of bushy twigs were entwined around their ankles, wrists, and waists ; and these completed their toilet." 1879. J- D - Woods, ' Native Tribes of South Australia,' Introduction, pp. xxxii. and xxxiii. : "The principal dance is common all over the continent, and 'corrob- boree ' is the name by which it is commonly known. It is not quite clear what a corrobboree is intended to signify. Some think it a war-dance others that it is a representation of their hunting expeditions others again, that it is a religious, or pagan, observance ; but on this even the blacks themselves give no inform- ation." 1890. C. Lumholtz, ' Among Cannibals,' p. 41 : "The good fortune to witness a korroboree, that is a festive dance by the natives in the neighbourhood." 1892. J. Fraser, ' The Aborigines of New South Wales,' p. 21 : " ' Kardbari ' is an aboriginal name for those dances which our natives often have in the forests at night. Hitherto the name has been written corrobboree, but etymologically it should be kardbari, for it comes from the same root as ' karaji,' a wizard or medicine-man, and ' bari ' is a common formative in the native languages. The karabari has been usually re- garded as a form of amusement . . . these dances partake of a semi- religious character." [Mr. Eraser's etymology is regarded as far-fetched.] (2) The song that accompanied the dance. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 323 : " I feared he might imagine we were afraid of his incantations, for he sang most lamentable corroborris." 1881. A. C. Grant, ' Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 68 : "... listen to the new corroborree. Great numbers arrive ; the corroborree is danced night after night with the utmost enthusiasm. . . . These corro- borrees travel for many hundreds of miles from the place where they origin- ated. . . . These composers [of song and dance] pretend that the Spirit of Evil originally manufactured their corroborree." 1889. Rev. J. H. Zillman, ' Australian Life,' p. 132 : " The story was a grand joke among the blacks for many a day. It became, no doubt, the theme for a ' corroberee,' and Tommy was always after a hero amongst his countrymen." (3) By transference, any large 102 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [COR-COT social gathering or public meet- ing. 1892. 'Saturday Review,' Feb. 13, p. 168, col. 2 : " A corrobory of gigantic dimensions is being prepared for [General Booth's] reception [in Australia]." (' O.E.D.') 1895. Modern : "There's a big corrobbery on to-night at Government House, and you can't get a cab for love or money." (4) By natural transference, a noise, disturbance, fuss or trouble. 1874. Garnet Walch, ' Adamanta,' Act II. sc. ii. p. 27 : " How can I calm this infantile corroboree ? " 1885. H. O. Forbes, 'Naturalist's Wanderings,' p. 295 : " Kingfishers ... in large chatter- ing corrobories in the tops of high trees." 1888. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Robbery under Arms,' p. 242 : "The boy raises the most awful corroboree of screams and howls, enough for a whole gang of bush- rangers, if they went in for that sort of thing." 1897. 'The Herald,' Feb. 15, p. I, col. I : " Latest about the Cretan corroboree in our cable messages this evening. The situation at the capital is decidedly disagreeable. A little while ago the Moslems threw the Christians out and took charge. Now the last report is that/there is a large force of Christians attacking the city and quite ready, we doubt not, to cut every Moslem throat that comes in the way." Corrobbery, v. (i) To hold a corrobbery. 1830. R. Dawson, ' Present State of Australia,' p. 61 : " They began to corrobery or dance, (p. 206) : They ' corroberried,' sang, laughed, and screamed." 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' p. 22 : " For some time the district where the nut [bunya] abounds is a scene of feasting and corroboreeing." (2) By transference to animals, birds, insects, etc. 1846. C. P. Hodgson, 'Reminiscences of Australia, ' p. 257 : " The mosquitoes from the swamps corroboreed with unmitigated ardour." 1871. C. Darwin, 'Descent of Man' (2nd ed. 1885), p. 406 : "The Menura Alberti [see Lyre- bird} scratches for itself shallow holes, or, as they are called by the natives, corroborying places, where it is be- lieved both sexes assemble." (3) To boil ; to dance as boil- ing water does. 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 43 : " ' Look out there ! ' he continued ; 'quart -pot corroborree,' springing up and removing with one hand from the fire one of the quart-pots, which was boiling madly, while with the other he dropped in about as much tea as he could hold between his fingers and thumb." Ibid. p. 49 : "They had almost finished their meal before the new quart corro- borreed, as the stockman phrased it." Corypha-palm, . an obsolete name for Livistona inermis, now called Cabbage-tree (q.v.). 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expedi- tion,' p. 49 : "The bottle-tree and the corypha- palm were frequent." Cottage, n. a house in which all the rooms are on the ground- floor. An auctioneer's advertise- ment often runs " large weather- board cottage, twelve rooms, etc.," or "double-fronted brick cottage." The cheapness of land caused nearly all suburban houses in Australia to be built without upper storeys and detached. Cotton-bush, n. name applied to two trees called Salt-bush (q.v.). (i) Hassia bicornis, Lindl. (2) Kochia aphylla, R. Br., N.O. Sal- solaces. S. Dixon (apud Maiden, p. 132) thus describes it " All kinds of stock are often largely dependent on it during protracted droughts, and when neither grass nor COT-CRA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 103 hay are obtainable I have known the whole bush chopped up and mixed with a little corn, when it proved an excellent fodder for horses." 1876. W. Harcus, ' South Australia,' p. 126 : " This is a fine open, hilly district, watered, well grassed, and with plenty of herbage and cotton-bush." Cotton-shrub, n. a name given in Tasmania to the shrub Pimelea Mtvea, Lab., N.O. Thymeha. Cotton-tree, n. an Australian tree, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Linn., N.O. Malvacea. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 624 : " The fibre of the bark [cotton-tree] is used for nets and fishing-lines by the aborigines." Cotton-wood, n. the timber of an Australian tree, Bedfordia sali- tina, De C.,N.O. Composite. Called Dog-wood (q.v.) in Tasmania. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 386 : " The ' dog- wood ' of Tasmania, and the ' cotton-wood ' of Southern New South Wales, on account of the abun- dant down on the leaves. A hard, pale-brown, well-mottled wood, said by some to be good for furniture. It emits a foetid smell when cut. ;> Coucal, n. a bird-name, "men- tioned probably for the first time in Le Vaillant's ' Oiseaux d'Af- rique,' beginning about 1796 ; perhaps native African. An African or Indian spear-headed cuckoo : a name first definitely applied by Cuvier in 1817 to the birds of the genus Centropus" {' Century.') The Australian spe- cies is Centropus phasianellus, Gould, or Centropus phasianus, Lath. It is called also Swamp- pheasant (q.v.), and Pheasant-cuckoo. Count-fish, n. a large Schnapper (q.v.). See Cock- Schnapper. 1874. ' Sydney Mail,' ' Fishes and Fish- ing in New South Wales ' : " The ordinary schnapper or count- fish implies that all of a certain size are to count as twelve to the dozen, the shoal or school-fish eighteen or twenty- four to the dozen, and the squire, thirty or thirty-six to the dozen the latter just according to their size, the fed- bream at per bushel." Count-muster, n. a gathering, especially of sheep or cattle in order to count them. 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Sydney-side Saxon,' p. i : " The old man's having a regular count-muster of his sons and daughters, and their children and off-side rela- tives that is, by marriage." Cowdie, n. an early variant of Kauri (q.v.), with other spellings. 1889. T. Kirk, ' Forest Flora of New Zealand,' p. 143 : " The native name ' Kauri ' is the only common name in general use. When the timber was first introduced into Britain it was termed ' cowrie-' or ' kowdie-pine ' ; but the name speedily fell into disuse, although it still appears as the common name in some horti- cultural works." Cowshorns, n. a Tasmanian orchid, Pterostylis nutans, R. Br. Cow-tree, n. a native tree of New Zealand. Maori name, Karaka (q.v.). 1860. G. Bennett, ' Gatherings of a Naturalist,' p. 346 : "The karaka-tree of New Zealand ( Corynocarpus Icevigata), also called kopi by the natives, and cow-tree by Europeans (from that animal being partial to its leaves), grows luxuriantly in Sydney." Crab, n. Of the various Austra- lian species of this marine crusta- cean, Scylla serrata alone is large enough to be much used as food, and it is seldom caught. In Tas- mania and Victoria, Pseudocardnus gtgas, called the King-Crab, which reaches a weight of 20 Ibs., is occasionally brought to market. There is only one fresh-water AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CRA. crab known in Australia Tel- phusa transversa. 1896. Spencer and Hall, ' Home Expe- dition in Central Australia,' Zoology, p. 228: "In the case of Telphtisa transversa, the fresh-water crab, the banks of certain water holes are riddled with its burrows." Crab-hole, n. a hole leading into a pit-like burrow, made origin- ally by a burrowing crayfish, and often afterwards increased in size by the draining into it of water. The burrows are made by cray- fish belonging to the genera Eng&us and Astacopsis, which are popularly known as land-crabs. 1848. Letter by Mrs. Perry, given in Canon Goodman's ' Church in Victoria, during Episcopate of Bishop Perry,' p. 7 2 : " Full of crab holes, which are ex- ceedingly dangerous for the horses. There are holes varying in depth from one to three feet, and the smallest of them wide enough to admit the foot of a horse : nothing more likely than that a horse should break its leg in one . . . These holes are formed by a small land-crab and then gradually enlarged by the water draining into them." 1859. H. Kingsley, 'Geoffrey Hamlyn,' p. 368 : " This brute put his foot in a crab- hole, and came down, rolling on my leg." 1875. Wood and Lapham, 'Waiting for the Mail," p. 49 : " Across the creek we went . . . now tripping over tussocks, now falling into crab holes." Crab-tree, n. i.q. Bitter-bark (q.v.). Cradle, n. common in Australia, but of Californian origin. "A trough on rockers in which auri- ferous earth or sand is shaken in water, in order to separate and collect the gold." ('O.E.D.') 1849. ' Illustrated London News,' Nov. J 7 P- 3 2 5 pol. i (' O.E.D.') [This applies to California, and is before the Australian diggings began] : "Two men can keep each other steadily at work, the one digging and carrying the earth in a bucket, and the other washing and rocking the cradle." 1851. Letter by Mrs. Perry, quoted in Canon Goodman's 'Church in Victoria during Episcopate of Bishop Perry,' p. 171 : " The streets are full of cradles and drays packed for the journey." 1858. T. McCombie, ' History of Vic- toria,' c. xv. p. 215 : " Cradles and tin dishes to supply the digging parties." 1865. F. H. Nixon, 'Peter Perfume,' p. 56: "They had cradles by dozens and picks by the score." 1884. T. Bracken, 'Lays of Maori,' p. 154 = " The music of the puddling mill, the cradle, and the tub." Cradle, v. tr. to wash auriferous gravel in a miner's cradle. 1890. RolfBoldrewood, 'Miner's Right/ c. 21, p. 197 : " The laborious process of washing and ' cradling ' the ore." Crake, n. common English bird-name. The Australian varie^ ties are Little Crake Porzana palustris, Gould. Spotless C. P. tabuensis, Gmel. Spotted C. P. fluminea, Gould. White-browed C. P. dnereus, Vieill. See also Swamp-crake. Cranberry, Native, n. called also Ground-berry ; name given to three Australian shrubs, (i) Styphelia (formerly Lissanthe) humi- fusa, Persoon, N.O. Epacridece. 1834. J. Ross, 'Van Diemen's Land Annual,' p. 133 : "Astrolomahumifusum. The native cranberry has a fruit of a green, red- dish, or whitish colour, about the size of a black currant, consisting of a viscid apple-flavoured pulp inclosing a large seed ; this fruit grows singly on the trailing stems of a small shrub CRA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 105; resembling juniper, bearing beautiful scarlet blossoms in autumn." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 8: "Commonly called 'ground-berry.' In Tasmania the fruits are often called native cranberries. The fruits of these dwarf shrubs are much appreciated by school-boys and aboriginals. They have a viscid, sweetish pulp, with a relatively large stone. The pulp is described by some as being apple- flavoured, though I have always failed to make out any distinct flavour." (2) Styphelia sapida, F.v.M., N.O. Epacridece. 1866. 'Treasury of Botany,' p. 688 ('O.E.D.') : " Lissanthe sapida, a native of South- eastern Australia, is called the Aus- tralian Cranberry, on account of its resemblance both in size and colour to our European cranberry, Vaccinium Oxyconos." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 39 : " Native cranberry. The fruit is edible. It is something like the cran- berry of Europe both in size and colour, but its flesh is thin, and has been likened to that of the Siberian crab. [Found in] New South Wales." (3) Fernet ty a tasmanica, Hook., N.O. Ericece (peculiar to Tas- mania). Crane, n. common English bird-name. In Australia used for (i) the Native-Companion (q.v.), Grus australianus, Gould; (2) vari- ous Herons, especially in New Zealand, where the varieties are Blue Crane (Matuku\ Ardea sacra, Gmel. ; White Crane (Ko- tuku), Ardea egretta, Gmel. See Kotuku and Nankeen Crane. The Cranes and the Herons are often popularly confused. 1848. J. Gould, ' Birds of Australia,' vol. vi. pi. 53 : "Ardea Novcs-ffollandice, Lath., White-fronted Heron, Blue Crane of the colonists. Herodias Jugularis, lilue Reef Heron, Blue Crane, colonists of Port Essington." 1848. Ibid. pi. 58 : " Herodias Immaculata, Gould [later melanopus], Spotless Egret, White Crane of the colonists.' 1 1890. ' Victorian Consolidated Statutes,. Game Act, ' 3rd Schedule : "[Close Season.] All Birds known as Cranes such as Herons, Egrets, &c. From First day of August to Twentieth day of December following in each year." Craw-fish, n. a variant of Crayfish (q.v.). Crawler, n. that which crawls ; used specially in Australia of cattle. 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Colonial Reformer,' p. 217 : " Well-bred station crawlers, as the stockmen term them from their peace- able and orderly habits.'' Cray -fish, n. The Australasian Cray-fish belong to the family Parastacidce, the members of which are confined to the southern hemi- sphere, whilst those of the family Potamobiid ' History of New South Wales' (1818), p. 327: " Through Rickerby's grounds upon the riverside and those of the Rev. Mr. Marsden on the creek." 1826. Goldie, in Bischoifs 'Van Die- men's Land' (1832), p. 162 : " There is a very small creek which I understand is never dry." 1848. W. Westgarth, 'Australia Felix,' p. 17: " The creeks and rivers of Australia have in general a transitory existence, now swollen by the casual shower, and again rapidly subsiding under the general dryness and heat of the climate." 1854. ' Bendigo Advertiser,' quoted in ' Melbourne Morning Herald,' May 29 : " A Londoner reading of the cross- ing of a creek would naturally imagine the scene to be in the immediate neighbourhood of the coast, instead of being perhaps some hundreds of miles in the interior, and would dream of salt water, perriwinkles and sea-weed, when he should be thinking of slimy mud-holes, black snakes and gigantic gum-trees." 1861. Mrs. Meredith, ' Over the Straits,' c. iv. p. 134 : " The little rivulet, called, with that singular pertinacity for error which I have so often noticed here, 'the creek.'" io8 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CRE-CRU 1865. Lady Barker, 'Station Life in New Zealand,' p. 29 : " The creek, just like a Scotch burn, hurrying and tumbling down the hill- side to join the broader stream in the valley." 1870. P. Wentworth, 'Amos Thorne,' i. p. II : " A thirsty creek-bed marked a line of green." j872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 39 : " In the rivers, whether large water- courses, and dignified by the name of 'river,' or small tributaries called by the less sounding appellation 'creeks.' " 1887. Cassell's 'Picturesque Australasia,' vol. i. p. 41 : " Generally where the English lan- guage is spoken a creek means a small inlet of the sea, but in Australia a creek is literally what it is etymologic- ally, a crack in the ground. In dry weather there is very little water ; perhaps in the height of summer the stream altogether ceases to run, and the creek becomes a string of water- holes ; but when the heavens are opened, and the rain falls, it reappears a river." Creeklet, n. diminutive of Creek. 1884. T. Bracken, ' Lays of Maori,' p. 91: " One small creeklet day by day murmurs." Creeper, n. The name (sc. Tree- creeper) is given to several New Zealand birds of the genus Certhi- pants, N.O. Passeres. The Maori names are Pipipi, Toitoi^ and Mohona. 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand/ vol. i. p. 51 : " Certhiparus NOVCE Zelandicn, Finsch. New Zealand Creeper." [A full description.] Cronk, adj. Derived from the German krank sick or ill. (i) A racing term used of a horse which is out of order and not " fit " for the contest ; hence transferred to a horse whose owner is shamming its illness and making it "run crooked" for the purpose of cheating its backers. (2) Used more gener- ally as slang, but not recognized in Barere and Leland's ' Slang Dictionary.' 1893. ' The Herald ' (Melbourne), July 4, p. 2, col. 7 : " He said he would dispose of the cloth at a moderate figure because it was 'cronk.' The word 'cronk,' Mr. Finlayson explained, meant 'not honestly come by.' " Crow, n. common English bird-name. The Australian species is White-eyed, Corwus coronoides V. and H. In New Zealand (Maori name, Kokako] the name is used for the Blue- wattled Crow, Glaucopis wilsont and for the (N. island) Orange- wattled, G. cinerea, Gmel. (S. island). Crow-shrike, n. Australian amalgamation of two common English bird-names. The Crow- shrikes are of three genera, Stre- pera, Gymnorrhina, and Cracticus. The varieties of the genus Strepera are Black Crow-shrik;e Strepera fuliginosa, Gould. Black-winged C. S. melanoptera, Gould. Grey C. S. cuneicaudata, Vieill. Hill C. .S. arguta, Gould. Leaden C. S. plumbea, Gould. Pied C.- S. graculina, White. Birds of the genus Gymnorrhina are called Magpies (q.v.). Those of the genus Cracticus are called Butcher-birds (q.v.). Crush, n. a part of a stock- yard. See quotations. 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 69 : "A crush, which is an elongated funnel, becoming so narrow at the end CUC-CUL] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 109 that a beast is wedged in and unable to move." 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Sydney-side Saxon,' p. 87 : " There were some small yards, and a ' crush,' as they call it, for branding cattle." Cuckoo, n. common English bird-name. The Australian birds to which it is applied are Black-eared Cuckoo Mesocalius osculans, Gould. Bronze C. Chalcoccyx plagosus, Lath. Brush C. Cacomantis insperatus. [Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. pi. 87.] Chestnut-breasted C. C. castanei-ventris, Gould. Fantailed C. C. flabelliformis , Lath. Little-bronze C. Chalcoccyx malayanus, Raffles. Narrow-billed bronze C. C. basalts, Hors. Oriental C. Cuculus intermedius, Vahl. Pallid C. Cacomantis pallidus and C. cano- rus, Linn. Square-tailed C. C. variolosus, Hors. Whistling-bronze C. Chalcoccyx lucidus, Gmel. In New Zealand, the name is applied to Eudynamis taitensis (sc. of Tahiti) Sparm., the Long-tailed Cuckoo; and to Chrysococcyx luci- dus, Gmel., the Shining Cuckoo. The name Cuckoo has sometimes been applied to the Mopoke (q.v.) and to the Boobook (q.v.). See also Pheasant-cuckoo. 1855. G. W. Rusden, ' Moyarra,' Notes, p. 30: " The Australian cuckoo is a night- jar, and is heard only by night." 1868. W. Carleton, ' Australian Nights,' P- 19: " The Austral cuckoo spoke His melancholy note, ' Mopoke.'" 1889. Prof. Parker, ' Catalogue of New Zealand Exhibition,' p. 118 : " There are two species of the Long- tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis), and the beautiful Bronze or Shining Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx lucidus}. They are both migratory birds. The Long- tailed Cuckoo spends its winter in some of the Pacific islands, the Shining Cuckoo in Australia." Cuckoo-shrike, n. This com- bination of two common English bird-names is assigned in Aus- tralia to the following Barred Cuckoo-shrike Graucalus lineatus, Swains. Black-faced C. G. melanops, Lath. Ground C. Pteropodocys phdsianella, Gould. Little C. Graucalus mentalis, Vig. and Hors. Small-billed C. G. parvirostriS) Gould. White-bellied C. G. hyperleucus, Gould. Cucumber-fish, n. i.q. Grayling (q.v.). Cucumber-Mullet, n. i.q. Gray- ling (q.v.). Cultivation paddock, ;/. a field that has been tilled and not kept for grass. 1853. Chas. St. Julian and Ed. K. Sil- vester, 'The Productions, Industry, and Resources of New South Wales,' p. 170 : "Few stations of any magnitude are without their ' cultivation pad- docks,' where grain and vegetables are raised . . ." 1860. A Lady, ' My Experiences in Australia,' p. 173 : " Besides this large horse paddock, there was a space cleared of trees, some twenty to thirty acres in extent, on the banks of the creek, known as the ' Cultivation Paddock,' where in former days my husband had grown a sufficient supply of wheat for home consumption." no AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CUR 1893. 'The Argus,' June 17, p. 13, col. 4 : " How any man could have been such an idiot as to attempt to make a cultivation paddock on a bed of clay passed all my knowledge.' Curlew, n. common English bird-name. The Australian species is Numenius cyanopus, Vieill. The name, however, is more generally applied to CEdic- nemus grallarius, Lath. 1862. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems,' p. 43 : "They rend the air like cries of despair, The screams of the wild curlew." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 18 : "Truly the most depressing cry I ever heard is that of the curlew, which you take no notice of in course of time ; but which to us, wet, weary, hungry, and strange, sounded most eerie." 1890. 'Victorian Statutes, Game Act, Third Schedule ' : " Southern Stone Plover or Curlew." 1894. 'The Argus,' June 23, p. n, col. 4 : "The calling of the stone plover. It might as well be a curlew at once, for it will always be a curlew to country people. Its first call, with the pause between, sounds like ' Curlew ' that is, if you really want it to sound so, though the blacks get much nearer the real note with ' Koo-loo,' the first syllable sharp, the second long drawn out." 1896. Dr. Holden, of Hobart, ' Private letter,' Jan. : "There is a curlew in Australia, closely resembling the English bird, and it calls as that did over the Locks- ley Hall sand-dunes ; but Australians are given to calling CEdicnemus gral- larius Latham (our Stone Plover), the ' curlew,' which is a misnomer. This also drearily wails, and after dark." Currajong or Currijong, i.q. Kurrajong (q. v. ) . Currant, Native, n. The name is given to various shrubs and trees of the genus Coprosma, espe- cially Coprosina billardieri, Hook., N. O. Rubiacece ; also to Leucopogon richei, Lab., N. O. Epacridece, various species of Leptomeria, N. O. Santalacece, and Myoporum serra- tum, R. Br., N. O. Myoporinea. The names used for M. serratum^ chiefly in South Australia, are Blueberry Tree, Native Juniper, Native Myrtle, Palberry, and Cock- atoo Bush. See also Native Plum. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 220 : " Our native currants are strongly acidulous, like the cranberry, and make an excellent preserve when mixed with the raspberry." 1834. Ross, 'Van Diemen's Land Annual,' p. 133: " Leucopogon lanceolatum. A large bush with numerous harsh leaves, growing along the sea shore, with some other smaller inland shrubs of the same tribe, produces very small white berries of a sweetish and rather herby flavour. These are promiscuously called white or native currants in the colony." ["The insignificant and barely edible berries of this shrub are said to have saved the life of the French botanist Riche, who was lost in the bush on the South Australian coast for three days, at the close of the last century." (Maiden.) The plant is now called Z. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 19: "Native Currant. . . . This plant bears a small round drupe, about the size of a small pea. Mr. Backhouse states that (over half a century ago) when British fruits were scarce, it was made into puddings by some of the settlers of Tasmania, but the size and number of the seeds were objectionable." Currant, Plain, n. See Plain Currant. Currency, n. (i) Name given especially to early paper-money in the Colonies, issued by private traders and of various values, and in general to the various coins of CUS-CUT] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY IIP foreign countries, which were current and in circulation. Bar- rington, in his ' History of New South Wales ' (1802), gives a table of such specie. 1824. Edward Curr, 'Account of the Colony of Van Diemen's Land,' p. 5 : " Much of this paper-money is of the most trifling description. To this is often added ' payable in dollars at 5.y. each.' Some . . . make them pay- able in Colonial currency." [p. 69, note] : " 25^. currency is about equal to a sovereign." 1826. Act of Geo. IV., No. 3 (Van Diemen's Land): " All Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes ... as also all Contracts and Agreements whatsoever which . . . shall be drawn and circulated or issued, or made and entered into, and shall be therein expressed ... to be pay- able in Currency, Current Money, Spanish Dollars . . . shall be ... Null and Void." 1862. Geo. Thos. Lloyd, ' Thirty-three years in Tasmania and Victoria,' p. 9 : "Every man in business . . issued promissory notes, varying in value from the sum of fourpence to twenty shillings, payable on demand. These notes received the appellation of paper currency. . . The pound sterling re- presented twenty-five shillings of the paper-money." (2) Obsolete name for those colonially-born. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. (Table of Contents) : " Letter XXI. Ctirrency or Colonial- born population." Ibid. p. 33 : " Our colonial-born brethren are best known here by the name of Currency, in contradistinction to Sterling, or those born in the mother-country. The name was originally given by a face- tious paymaster of the 73rd Regiment quartered here the pound currency being at that time inferior to the pound sterling." 1833. H. W. Parker, 'Rise, Progress, and Present State of Van Diemen's Land,' p. 189: " The Currency lads, as the country- born colonists in the facetious nomen- clature of the colony are called, in contradistinction to those born in the mother country." 1840. Martin's 'Colonial Magazine,' vol. hi. p. 35 : " Currency lady." 1849. J. P. Townsend, ' Rambles in New South Wales,' p. 68 : " Whites born in the colony, who are also called 'the currency'; and thus the ' Currency Lass ' is a favourite name for colonial vessels." [And, it may be added, also of Hotels.] 1852. Mrs. Meredith, ' My Home in Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 6 : "A singular disinclination to finish any work completely, is a striking characteristic of colonial craftsmen, at least of the ' currency ' or native-born portion. Many of them who are clever, ingenious and industrious, will begin a new work, be it ship, house, or other erection, and labour at it most assidu- ously until it be about two-thirds com- pleted, and then their energy seems spent, or they grow weary of the old occupation, and some new affair is set about as busily as the former one." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, 'A Colonial Reformer,' p. 35 : " English girls have such lovely complexions and cut out us poor cur- rency lasses altogether." Ibid. p. 342 : " You're a regular Currency lass . . . always thinking about horses." Cushion-flower, n. i.q. Hakea laurina, R. Br. See Hakea. Cut out, v. ( i ) To separate cattle from the rest of the herd in the open. 1873. Marcus Clarke, 'Holiday Peak, &c.,' p. 70 : " The other two . . . could cut out a refractory bullock with the best stockman on the plains." 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories,' c. x. p. "J2 : " We . . camped for the of separating our cattle, either by drafting through the yard, or by ' cutting out ' on horse-back." 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia, p. 70 : " Drafting on the camp, or 'cutting AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [CUT out ' as it is generally called, is a very pretty performance to watch, if it is well done." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Squatter's Dream,' c. ii. p. 13 : "Tell him to get 'Mustang,' he's the best cutting-out horse." 1893. ' The Argus,' April 29, p. 4. col. 4: " A Queenslander would have thought it was as simple as going on to .a cutting-out camp up North and run- ning out the fats." (2) To finish shearing. 1890. ' The Argus,' Sept. 20, p. 13, col. 6 : " When the stations ' cut out,' as the term for finishing is, and the shearers and rouseabout men leave." Cutting-grass, n. Cladium psit- lacorum, Labill., N.O. Cyperacece. It grows very long narrow blades whose thin rigid edge will readily cut flesh if incautiously handled ; it is often called Sword-grass. 1858. T. McCombie ' History of Vic- toria,' vol. i. p. 8 : " Long grass, known as cutting-grass between four and five feet high, the blade an inch and a half broad, the edges exquisitely sharp." 1891. W. Tilley, ' Wild West of Tas- mania,' p. 42 : "Travelling would be almost im- possible but for the button rush and cutting grass, which grow in big tus- socks out of the surrounding bog." 1894. ' The Age,' Oct. 19, p. 5, col. 8 : " ' Cutting grass ' is the technical term for a hard, tough grass about eight or ten inches high, three-edged like a bayonet, which stock cannot eat because in their efforts to bite it off it cuts their mouths." DAB-DAM] D Dabchick, n. common English bird-name. The New Zealand species is Podiceps rufipectus. There is no species in Australia. Dacelo, n. Name given by "W. E. Leach, 1816. An ana- gram or transposition of Lat. Alcedo, a Kingfisher." (' Cen- tury.') Scientific name for the Jackass (q.v.). Dactylopsila, n. the scientific name of the Australian genus of the Striped Phalanger, called locally the Striped Opossum; see Opossum. It has a long bare toe. (Grk. SaVnAos, a finger, and \f/t\6s, bare.) Daisy, Brisbane, n. a Queens- land and New South Wales plant, Brachycome microcarpa, F. v. M., N.O. Composite. Daisy, Native, n. a Tasmanian flower, Brachycome decipiens, Hook., N.O. Composite. Daisy Tree, n. two Tasmanian trees, Astur stellulatus, Lab., and A. glandulosus, Lab., N.O. Com- posite. The latter is called the Swamp Daisy- Tree. Dam, n. In England, the word means a barrier to stop water : in Australia, it also means the water so stopped, as 'O.E.D.' shows it does in Yorkshire. 1873. Marcus Clarke, 'Holiday Peak, &c.,' p. 76: " The dams were brimming at Quartz-borough, St. Roy reservoir was running over." 1892. ' Scribner's Magazine,' Feb., p. 141 : " Dams as he calls his reservoirs scooped out in the hard soil." 1893. ' The Leader,' Jan. 14 : "A boundary rider has been drowned in a dam." 1893. 'The Times,' [Reprint] ' Letters from Queensland,' p. 68 : "At present few stations are sub- divided into paddocks smaller than 20,000 acres apiece. If in each of these there is but one waterhole or dam that can be relied upon to hold out in drought, sheep and cattle will destroy as much grass in tramping from the far corners of the grazing to the drinking spot as they will eat. Four paddocks of 5,000 acres each, well supplied with water, ought to carry almost double the number of sheep." 1896. ' The Argus,' March 30, p. 6, coI7~9 : " [The murderer] has not since been heard of. Dams and waterholes have been dragged . . . but without result." Dammara, n. an old scientific name of the genus, including the Kauri Pine (q.v.). It is from the Hindustani, ddmar, ' resin.' The name was applied to the Kauri Pine by Lambert in 1832, but it was afterwards found that Salis- bury, in 1805, had previously constituted the genus Agathis for the reception of the Kauri Pine and the Dammar Pine of Am- boyna. This priority of claim necessitated the modern restora- tion of Agathis as the name of the genus. Damper, n. a large scone of flour and water baked in hot ashes ; the bread of the bush, which is always unleavened. [The addition of water to the AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DAM-DAP flour suggests a more likely origin than that given by Dr. Lang. See quotation, 1847.] 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 190 : " The farm-men usually make their flour into flat cakes, which they call damper, and cook these in the ashes. . ." 1833. C. Sturt, 'Southern Australia,' vol. ii. c. viii. p. 203 : " I watched the distorted counten- ances of my humble companions while drinking their tea and eating their damper." 1845. J. O. Balfour, ' Sketches of New South Wales,'-p. 103 : " Damper (a coarse dark bread)." 1846. G. H. Haydon, 'Five Years in Australia Felix,' p. 122 : " I must here enlighten my readers as to what 'damper' is. It is the bread of the bush, made with flour and water kneaded together and formed into dough, which is baked in the ashes, and after a few months keeping is a good substitute for bread." [The last clause contains a most extraordinary statement perhaps a joke. Damper is not kept for months, but is generally made fresh for each meal. See quotation, 1890, Lumholtz.] 1847. J. D. Lang, ' Cooksland,' p. 122 : " A cake baked in the ashes, which in Australia is usually styled a damper." [Footnote] : " This appellation is said to have originated somehow with Dampier, the celebrated navigator." 1867. F. Hochstetter, ' New Zealand,' p. 284 : " ' Damper ' is a dough made from wheat-flour and water without yeast, which is simply pressed flat, and baked in the ashes ; according to civilized notions, rather hard of digestion, but quite agreeable to hungry woodmen's stomachs." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 20: " At first we had rather a horror of eating damper, imagining it to be somewhat like an uncooked crumpet. Experience, however, showed it to be really very good. Its construction is simple, and is as follows. Plain flour and water is mixed on a sheet of bark, and then kneaded into a disc some two or three inches thick to about one or two feet in diameter, great care to avoid cracks being taken in the knead- ing. This is placed in a hole scraped to its size in the hot ashes, covered over, and there left till small cracks caused by the steam appear on the surface of its covering. This is a sign that it is nearly done, and in a few minutes the skilful chef will sound it over with his knife, and if he finds it hard will take it out and stand it on its edge to cool. No disagreeable dust or grit ever adheres, and the smell, espe- cially to a hungry bushman, is most seductive." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' p. 9: " Their palates have been ruined by an everlasting diet of mutton and dyspeptic damper." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Colonial Reformer,' p. 85 : " Wedges of damper (or bread baked in hot ashes) were cut from time to time from great circular flat loaves of that palatable and wholesome but some- what compressed-looking bread." 1890. C. Lumholtz,' Among Cannibals,' P- 32 = " Damper is the name of a kind of bread made of wheat flour and water. The dough is shaped into a flat round cake, which is baked in red-hot ashes. This bread looks very inviting, and tastes very good as long as it is fresh, but it soon becomes hard and dry." Damson, Native, n. called also Native Plum, an Australian shrub, Nageia spinulosa, F. v. M., N.O. Coniferce. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 53 : " Native Damson or Native Plum. This shrub possesses edible fruit, something like a plum, hence its ver- nacular names. The Rev. Dr. Woolls tells me that, mixed with jam of the Native Currant (Lepiomeria acida\ it makes a very good pudding." Dandelion, Native, n. a flower- ing plant, Podolepis acuminata, R. Br., N.O. Composites. Daphne, Native, n. an Austra- lian timber, Myoporum viscorum, R. Br., N.O. Myoporinece; called also Dogwood and Waterbush. DAR-DEA AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 575 : " Native Daphne. . . . Timber soft and moderately light, yet tough. It is used for building purposes. It dresses well, and is straight in the grain." Darling Pea, n. an Australian plant, Swainsonia galegifolia, R. Br., N. O. Leguminoscz ; i.q. Indigo Plant (q.v.). See also Poison- tush. The Darling 1 Downs and River were named after General (later Sir Ralph) Darling, who was Governor of New South Wales from Dec. 19, 1825, to Oct. 21, 1831. The "pea" is named from one of these. Darling Shower, n. a local name in the interior of Australia, and especially on the River Dar- ling, for a dust storm, caused by cyclonic winds. Dart, n. (i) Plan, scheme, idea [slang]. It is an extension of the meaning "sudden motion." 1887. J. Farrell, ' How he died,' p. 20: " Whose ' dart ' for the Looard Was to appear the justest steward That ever hiked a plate round." 1890. ' The Argus,' Aug. 9, p. 4, col. 2 : " When I told them of my ' dart,' :some were contemptuous, others in- credulous." 1892. Rolf Boldrewoocl, ' Nevermore,' p. 22 : " Your only dart is to buy a staunch liorse with a tip-cart." (2) Particular fancy or personal taste. 1895. Modern : " ' Fresh strawberries eh ! that's my dart,' says the bushman when he sees the fruit lunch in Collins-street." Darter, n. common English name for birds of the genus Plotus. So called from the way It "darts" upon its prey. The Australian species is Plotus novcK- hollatidicR) Gould. Dasyure, and Dasyurus, n. the scientific name of the genus of Australian animals called Native Cats. See under Cat. The first form is the Anglicized spelling, and is scientifically used in pre- ference to the misleading verna- cular name. From the Greek Sacrvs, thick with hair, hairy, shaggy, and oupa, tail. They range over Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and the adjacent islands. Unlike the Thylacine and Tasmanian Devil (q.v.), which are purely terrestrial, the Dasyures are arboreal in their habits, while they are both carnivorous and insectivorous. The Thylacine, Tasmanian Devil, Pouched Mice, and Banded Ant-eater have sometimes been incorrectly classed as Dasyures, but the name is now strictly allotted to the genus Dasyurus, or Native Cat. Date, Native, n. a Queensland fruit, Capparis canescens, Banks, N.O. Capparidece. The fruit is shaped like a pear, and about half an inch in its largest dia- meter. It is eaten raw by the aborigines. Deadbeat, n. In Australia, it means a man "down on his luck," "stone-broke," beaten by fortune. In America, the word means an impostor, a sponge. Between the two uses the con- nection is clear, but the Austra- lian usage is logically the earlier. Dead-bird, n. In Australia, a recent slang term, meaning "a certainty." The metaphor is from pigeon-shooting, where the bird being let loose in front of a good shot is as good as dead. Dead-finish, n. a rough scrub- tree. ( i ) Albizzia basaltica, Benth. , N.O. Leguminosa. (2) Acacia farnesiana, Willd., AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DEA-DEF N. O. Leguminosce. See quotation, 1889. i88f>. H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia, p. 272 : "On the eastern face of the coast range are pine, red cedar, and beech, and on the western slopes, rose-wood, myall, dead-finish, plum-tree, iron- wood and sandal-wood, all woods with a fine grain suitable for cabinet-making and fancy work." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 355 : " Sometimes called by the absurd name of ' Dead Finish.' This name given to some species of Acacia and Albizzia, is on account of the trees or shrubs shooting thickly from the bottom, and forming an impenetrable barrier to the traveller, who is thus brought to a 'dead finish' (stop)." 1893. 'The Times,' [Reprint] ' Letters from Queensland,' p. 60 : " The hawthorn is admirably repre- sented by a brush commonly called ' dead finish.' " [p. 61]: " Little knolls are crowned with ' dead finish ' that sheep are always glad to nibble." Dead-wood Fence, n. The Australian fence, so called, is very different from the fence of the same name in England. It is high and big, built of fallen tim- ber, logs and branches. Though still used in Australia for fencing runs, it is now usually superseded by wire fences. 1852. Mrs. Meredith, 'My Home in Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 157 : " A ' dead-wood fence,' that is, a mass of timber four or five feet thick, and five or six high, the lower part being formed of the enormous trunks of trees, cut into logs six or eight feet long, laid side by side, and the upper portion consisting of the smaller branches skilfully laid over, or stuck down and twisted." 1872. G. Baden-Powell, ' New Homes for the Old Country,' p. 207 : "A very common fence is built by felling trees round the space to be enclosed, and then with their stems as a foundation, working up with the branches, a fence of a desirable height." Deal, Native, n. an Australian timber, Nageia data, F. v. M., N.O. Coniferce. For other ver- nacular names see quotation. 1869. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 589 : " Pine, white pine, called she-pine in Queensland ; native deal, pencil cedar. This tree has an elongated trunk, rarely cylindrical ; wood free from knots, soft, close, easily worked, good for joiners' and cabinet-work ; some trees afford planks of great beauty. (Mac- arthur.) Fine specimens of this timber have a peculiar mottled appear- ance not easily described, and often of surpassing beauty." [See also Pine.] December, n. a summer month in Australia. See Christmas. 1885. J. Hood, ' Land of the Fern,' p. 34 = " Warm December sweeps with burn- ing breath Across the bosom of the shrinking earth." Deepsinker, . (i) The largest sized tumbler ; (2) the long drink served in it. The idea is taken from deep-sinking in a mining shaft. 1897. 'The Argus,' Jan. 15, p. 6, col 5: "As athletes the cocoons can run rings round the beans ; they can jump out of a tumbler whether medium, small, or deepsinker is not recorded." Deep Yellow- Wood, n. Rhus rhodanthema, F. v. M., N.O. Ana- cardiacetz. A tree with spreading head ; timber valuable. See Yellow- Wood. Deferred Payment, n. a legal phrase. " Land on deferred pay- ment" ; " Deferred payment settler"; "Pastoral deferred payment." These expressions in New Zealand have reference to the mode of statutory alienation of Crown lands, known in other colonies as conditional sale, etc., i.e. sale on time payment, with conditions binding the settler to DEL-DEV] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 117 erect improvements, ending in his acquiring the fee-simple. The system is obsolete, but many titles are still incomplete. Dell-bird, n. another name for the Bell-bird (q.v.). Dendrolagus, n. the scientific name of the genus of Australian marsupials called Tree-Kangaroos (q.v.). (Grk. 6Vv8pov, a tree, and Aayws, a hare.) Unlike the other kangaroos, their fore limbs are nearly as long as the hinder pair, and thus adapted for arboreal life. There are five species, three belong to New Guinea and two to Queensland; they are the Queens- land Tree-Kangaroo, Dendrolagus lumholtzi ; Bennett's T.-k., D. bennettianus ; Black T.-k., D. ursi- nus ; Brown T.-k., D. inustus ; Doria's T.-k., D. dorianus. See Kangaroo. Derry, n. slang. The phrase " to have a down on " (see Down] is often varied to "have a derry on." The connection is probably the comic-song refrain, " Hey derry- down derry." 1896. 'The Argus,' March 19, p. 5, col. 9 : "Mr. Croker: Certainly. We will tender it as evidence. (To the wit- ness.) Have you any particular ' derry ' upon this Wendouree? No; not at all. There are worse vessels knocking about than the Wendouree." Dervener, n. and Denuenter. See quotation, 1896. ' The Argus,' Jan. 2, p. 3, col. 4, Letters to the Editor : " ' Dervener.' An expression used in continental Australia for a man from the Derwent in Tasmania. Common up till 1850 at least. David Blair." Ibid. Jan. 3, p. 6, col. 6 : "With respect to 'dervener,' the word was in use while the blue shirt race existed [sc. convicts], and these people did not become extinct until after 1860. Cymro-Victoria." Derwenter, n. a released con- vict from Hobart Town, Tas- mania, which is on the River Derwent. 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Melbourne Memories,' c. xx. p. 140 : " An odd pair of sawyers, generally ' Derwenters,' as the Tasmanian ex- pirees were called." Desert Lemon, n. called also Native Kumquat, Atalantia glauca, Hook., N.O. Rutacea. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 8: "The native kumquat or desert lemon. The fruit is globular, and about half an inch in diameter. It produces an agreeable beverage from its acid juice." Desert-Oak, n. an Australian tree, Casuarina decaisneana, F. v. M. See Casuarina and Oak. 1896. Baldwin Spencer, 'Home Expe- dition in Central Australia,' Narrative, p. 49: " We had now amongst these sand- hills come into the region of the ' Desert Oak ' (Casuarina Decaisne- ana). Some of the trees reach a height of forty or fifty feet, and growing either singly or in clumps form a striking feature amongst the thin sparse scrub. . . . The younger ones resemble nothing so much as large funeral plumes. Their outlines seen under a blazing sun are indistinct, and they give to the whole scene a curious effect of being ' out of focus.' " Devil, Tasmanian,. an animal, Sarcophilus ursinus, Harris. Form- erly, but erroneously, referred to the genus Dasyurus (q.v.), which includes the Native Cat (see under Cat) : described in the quotations. 1832. J. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' vol. ii. p. 29 : "The devil, or as naturalists term it, Dasyurus ursinus, is very properly named." 1853. J. West, ' History of Tasmania,' vol. i. p. 323 : "The devil (Dasyurus ursinus, Geoff.), about the size of a bull terrier, is an exceedingly fierce and disgusting- iiS AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DEV-DIG looking animal, of a black colour, usu- ally having one white band across the chest, and another across the back, near the ..tail. It is a perfect glutton, and most indiscriminate in its feeding." 1862. F. J. Jobson, ' Australia,' c. vii. p. 186: " Dasyurus ursinus a carnivorous "marsupial. Colonists in Tasmania, where only it exists . . . called it the ' devil,' from the havoc it made among their sheep and poultry." 1891. ' Guide to Zoological Gardens, Melbourne' : " In the next division is a pair of Tasmanian devils (Dasyurus ursinus); these unprepossessing-looking brutes are hated by every one in Tasmania, their habitat, owing to their destruc- tiveness amongst poultry, and even sheep. They are black in colour, having only a white band across the chest, and possess great strength in proportion to their size." Devil's Guts, n. The name is given in Australia to the Dodder- Laitrel (see Laurel), Cassytha fili- formis, Linn., N.O. Lauracea. In Tasmania the name is applied to Lyonsia straminea, R. Br., N.O. Apocynea. 1862. W. Archer, 'Products of Tas- mania,' p. 41 : " Lyonsia (Lyonsia straminea, Br.). Fibres of the bark fine and strong. The lyonsia is met with, rather spar- ingly, in dense thickets, with its stems hanging like ropes among the trees." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 14 : " This and other species of Cassytha are called 'dodder-laurel.' The em- phatic name of ' devil's guts ' is largely used. It frequently connects bushes and trees by cords, and becomes a nuisance to the traveller." [This plant is used by the Brahmins of Southern India for seasoning their buttermilk. (' Treasury of Botany.')] Ibid, p.: 162: " It is also used medicinally." Devil-on-the-Coals, n. a Bushman's name for a small and quickly-baked damper. 1862. Rev. A. Polehampton, ' Kangaroo Land,' p. 77 : " Instead of damper we~~occasionally made what is colonially known as ' devils on the coals.' . . . They are convenient when there is not time to make damper, as only a minute or_so is required to bake them. They are made about the size of a captain's biscuit, and as thin as possible, thrown on the embers and turned quickly with the hand." Diamond Bird, n. a bird-name. In the time of Gould this name was only applied to Pardalotus punctatus, Temm. Since that time it has been extended to all the species of the genus Pardalotus (q.v.). The broken colour of the plumage suggested a sparkling jewel. 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, 'Transac- tions of Linntean Society,' vol. xv. p. 238: "We are informed by Mr. Caley that this species is called diamond bird by the settlers, from the spots on its body. By them it is reckoned as valuable on account of its skin." Diamond Snake, n. In Queens- land and New South Wales, Python spilotes, Lacp. ; in Tasma- nia, Hoplocephalus superbus, Gray, venomous. See under Snake. Digger, n. a gold-miner. The earliest mines were alluvial. Of course the word is used else- where, but in Australia it has this special meaning. 1852. Title: " Murray's Guide to the Gold Dig- gings. The Australian Gold Diggings ; where they are, and how to get at them ; with letters from Settlers and Diggers telling how to work them. London : Stewart & Murray, 1852." 1853. Valiant, 'Letter to Council, 'given in McCombie's ' History of Victoria' (1858), c. xvi. p. 248 : "It caused the diggers, as a body, to pause in their headlong career." 1855. W. Howitt, ' Land, Labour, and Gold,' vol. ii. p. 148, Letter xxx : "Buckland River, January 29th, 1854. The diggers here are a very quiet and civil race, at the same time that they are a most active and laborious one. DIG] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 119 . . . The principal part of the diggers here are from the Ovens." 1864. J. Rogers, 'New Rush,' pt. ii. P. 3i: " Drink success to the digger's trade, And break up to the squatter's." 1896. H. Lawson, 'While the Billy boils,' p. 148: " His Father's Mate had always been a general favourite with the diggers and fossickers, from the days when he used to slip out first thing in the morning and take a run across the frosty flat in his shirt." Digger's Delight, n. a flower, Veronica perfoliata, R. Br., N.O. Scrophularinece, described in quo- tations. 1878. W. R. Guilfoyle, 'First Book of Australian Botany,' p. 64 : " Digger's Delight, Veronica perfo- h'a/a, JV. O. Scrophularinecz. A pretty, blue-flowering shrub, with smooth stem-clasping leaves ; found in the mountainous districts of Victoria and New South Wales, and deriving its common name from a supposition that its presence indicated auriferous country. It is plentiful in the elevated cold regions of Australia." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' p. 147 : " Such native flowers as the wild violet, the shepherd's purse, or the blue-flowered ' digger's delight.' This latter has come, perhaps, with the seeds from some miner's holding amongst the iron-barks in the gold country, and was once supposed to grow only on auriferous soils. When no one would think of digging for gold in this field, the presence of the flower is, perhaps, as reliable an in- dication of a golconda underneath as the reports and information on the strength of which many mining com- panies are floated." Diggerdom, n. collective noun, the diggers. 1855. W. Howitt, ' Two Years in Victoria,' vol. i. p. 43: " Diggerdom is gloriously in the ascendant here." Diggeress, n. a digger's wife. 1855. W. I lowitt, ' Two Years in Victoria,' vol. i. p. 43: " The digger marching off, followed by his diggeress, a tall, slim young woman, who strode on like a trooper. . . . Open carriages driving about, crowded with diggers and their dig- geresses." 1864. J. Rogers, 'New Rush,' pt. ii. p. 36: " I'm tir"d of being a diggeress, And yearn a farmer's home to grace." Diggings, n. a place where gold-mining is carried on. The word is generally regarded as singular. Though common in Australia, it is very old, even in the sense of a place where digging for gold is carried on. 1769. De Foe's ' Tour of Great Britain,' i. 39 ('O.E.D.'): " King Henry VIII. was induced to dig for Gold. He was disappointed, but the Diggings are visible at this Day." 1852. J. Morgan, ' Life and Adventures of William Buckley '(published at Hobart), p. 183 [quoting from the ' Victoria Com- mercial Review,' published at Melbourne, by Messrs. Westgarth, Ross, & Co., under date September I, 1851] : "The existence of a 'goldfield' was not ascertained until May last. . . . Numbers of persons are daily 'pro- specting' throughout this Colony and New South Wales in search of gold. . . . In Victoria, as well as in New South Wales, regular 'diggings J are now established." 1852. Murray, ' The Australian Gold Diggings : where they are and how to get at them,' p. I : "It cannot but be acceptable to the crowds of intending colonists and gold seekers, to present them with a picture of the 'Progress of the Diggins,' [sic] drawn by the diggers." 1858. T. McCombie, ' History of Vic- toria,' c. xv. p. 234 : " Immigrants who had not means to start to the diggings." 1870. J. O. Tucker, ' The Mute,' p. 48 : "Ye glorious diggings 'neath a southern clime ! I saw thy dawn." ['Ye,' 'thy.' Is this singular or plural ?] 120 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DIL-DIN 1887. H. H. Hayter, 'Christmas Ad- yenture,' p. I : " Fryer's creek, a diggings more than 90 miles from Melbourne." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Miner's Right,' c. vii. p. 71 : "It was a goldfield and a diggings in far-away Australia." Dilli, later Dilly-bag, n. an aboriginal word, coming from Queensland, for a bag made either of grasses or of fur twisted into cord. Dhilla is the term for hair in Kabi dialect, Mary River, Queensland. Dirrang and jirra are corresponding words in the east of New South Wales. The aboriginal word dilli has been tautologically increased to dilly- bag) and the word is used by bushmen for a little bag for odds- and-ends, even though made of calico or holland. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Ex- pedition,' p. 90 : "In their 'dillis' (small baskets) were several roots or tubers." Ibid. p. 195 : " A basket (dilli) which I examined was made of a species of grass." 1885. R. M. Praed, ' Australian Life, 'p. 34 : " I learned too at the camp to plait dilly-bags." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. xvii. p. 210 : " Mayboy came forward dangling a small dilly-bag." Dingle-bird, n. a poetical name for the Australian Bell-bird '(q.v.). 1870. F. S. Wilson, ' Australian Songs,' p.- 30 : " The bell-like chimings of the dis- tant dingle-bird." 1883. C. Harpur, ' Poems,' p. 78 : "I ... list the tinkling of the dingle- bird." 1896. A. J. North, ' Report of Austra- lian Museum,' p. 26 : " Dilly-bag (partly wool and partly grass)." Dingo, n. the native dog of Australia, Canis dingo. "The aborigines, before they obtained dogs from Europeans, kept the dingo for hunting, as is still done by coast tribes in Queensland. Name probably not used further south than Shoalhaven, where the wild dog is called Mirigang. " (A. W. Howitt.) 1790. J. White, ' Voyage to New South Wales,' p. 280 : [A dingo or dog of New South Wales. Plate. Description by J. Hunter.] " It is capable of barking, although not so readily as the Euro- pean dogs ; is very ill-natured and vicious, and snarls, howls, and moans, like dogs in common. Whether this is the only dog in New South Wales, and whether they have it in a wild state, is not mentioned ; but I should be inclined to believe they had no other ; in which case it will constitute the wolf of that country ; and that which is domesticated is only the wild dog tamed, without having yet pro- duced a variety, as in some parts of America." 1798. D. Collins, ' Account of English Colony in New South Wales,' p. 614 [Vocab.]: "Jungo Beasts, common name. Tein-go D in -go. Wor-re-gal Dog." 1820. W. C. Wentworth, 'Description of New South Wales,' p. 62 : " The native dog also, which is a species of the wolf, was proved to be fully equal in this respect [sport] to the fox ; but as the pack was not sufficiently numerous to kill these animals at once, they always suffered so severely from their bite that at last the members of the hunt were shy in allowing the dogs to follow them." 1834. L - E - Threlkeld, 'Australian Grammar," p. 55 : "Tigko a bitch." 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes ' (1855), p. 153: " I have heard that the dingo, war- ragal or native dog, does not hunt in packs like the wolf and jackal." 1860. William Story, ' Victorian Govern- ment Prize Essays,' p. 101 : "The English hart is so greatly superior, as an animal of chase, to that cunning poultry thief the fox, DIN-DIP] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 121 that I trust Mister Reynard will never be allowed to become an Australian immigrant, and that when the last of the dingoes shall have shared the fate of the last English wolf, Australian Nimrods will resuscitate, at the anti- podes of England, the sterling old national sport of hart hunting, con- jointly with that of African boks, gazelles, and antelopes, and leave the fox to their English cousins, who cannot have Australian choice." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 103 : " In the neighbourhood of Brisbane and other large towns where they have packs, they run the dingoes as you do foxes at home." 1880. Garnet Walch, 'Victoria in 1880,' p. 113: " The arms of the Wimmera should be rabbit and dingo, 'rampant,' sup- porting a sun, ' or, inflamed.' " 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 71 : " Dingoes, the Australian name for the wild dogs so destructive to sheep. They were . . . neither more nor less than wolves, but more cowardly and not so ferocious, seldom going in large packs. They hunted kangaroos when in numbers, or driven to it by hunger ; but usually preferred smaller and more easily obtained prey, as rats, bandi- coots, and 'possums." 1800. C. Lumholtz, 'Among Cannibals,' P- 38 : " On the large stations a man is kept whose sole work it is to lay out poison for the dingo. The black variety with white breast generally appears in Western Queensland along with the red." 1891. ' Guide to Zoological Gardens, Melbourne' : "The dingo of northern Australia can be distinguished from his brother of the south by his somewhat smaller size and courageous bearing. He always carries his tail curled over his back, and is ever ready to attack any one or anything ; whilst the southern dingo carries his tail low, slinks along like a fox, and is easily frightened. The pure dingo, which is now ex- ceedingly rare in a wild state, partly through the agency of poison, but still more from the admixture of foreign breeds, is unable to bark, and can only express its feelings in long-drawn weird howls." 1894. 'The Argiis,' June 23, p. n, col. 4 : "Why is the first call of a dingo always apparently miles away, and the answer to it another quavering note slightly more shrill so close at hand? Is it delusion or distance?" Dinornis, n. the scientific name given by Professor Owen to the genus of huge struthious birds of the post-Pliocene period, in New Zealand, which survive in the traditions of the Maoris under the name of Moa (q.v.). From the Greek Setvos, terrible, and opvis, bird. 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand," vol. i. Intro, p. xviii : " The specimens [fossil-bones] trans- mitted . . . were confided to the learned Professor [Owen] for determination ; and these materials, scanty as they were, enabled him to define the generic characters of Dinornis, as afforded by the bones of the hind extremity." Ibid. p. xxiv : " Professor Owen had well-nigh exhausted the vocabulary of terms expressive of largeness by naming his successive discoveries ingens, gigan- teus, crassus, robustus, and elephanto- pus, when he had to employ the superlative Dinornis maximus to dis- tinguish a species far exceeding in stature even the stately Dinornis giganteus. In this colossal bird . . . some of the cervical vertebras almost equal in size the neck-bones of a horse ! The skeleton in the British Museum . . . measures 1 1 feet in height, and . . . some of these feathered giants attained to a still greater stature." Dipper, n. a vessel with a handle at the top of the side like a big tin mug. That with which one dips. The word is not Aus- tralian, but is of long standing in the United States, where it is used as a name for the constellation of the Great Bear. 122 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DIP-DIV 1893. ' Australasian Schoolmaster,' Feb. : " These answers have not the true colonial ring of the following, which purports to be the remark of the woman of Samaria : ' Sir, the well is very deep, and you haven't got a dipper.' " Dips, n. tion. Explained in quota- 1859. G. Bunce, ' Travels with Leich- hardt,' p. 161 : ". . . Dr. Leichhardt gave the party a quantity of dough boys, or as we called them, dips . . ." [p. 171]: "Inthisdilemma, Dr. Leich- hardt ordered the cook to mix up a lot of flour, and treated us all to a feed of dips. These were made as follows : a quantity of flour was mixed up with water, and stirred with a spoon to a certain consistency, and dropped into a pot of boiling water, a spoonful at a time. Five minutes boiling was suffi- cient, when they were eaten with the water in which they were boiled." Dirt, n. In Australia, any allu- vial deposit in which gold is found ; properly Wash-dirt. The word is used in the United States. See quotation, 1857. 1853. Mrs. Chas. Clancy, ' Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings,' p. 109 : " And after doing this several times, the ' dirt,' of course, gradually dimin- ishing, I was overjoyed to see a few bright specks." 1857. Borthwick, 'California,' [Bartlett, quoted in ' O.E.D.'] p. I2O: " In California, ' dirt ' is the univer- sal word to signify the substance dug ; earth, clay, gravel, or loose slate. The miners talk of rich dirt and poor dirt, and of stripping off so many feet of ' top dirt ' before getting to ' pay-dirt,' the latter meaning dirt with so much gold in it that it will pay to dig it up and wash it." 1870. J. O. Tucker, 'The Mute,' p. 40: " Others to these the precious dirt convey, Linger a moment till the panning's through." 1890. RolfBoldrewood, ' Miner's Right,' c. xiv. p. 142 : " We were clean worked out . . . before many of our neighbours at Greenstone Gully were half done with their dirt." Ibid. c. xviii. p. 177 : " We must trust in the Oxley 'dirt' and a kind Providence." Dish, n. and adj. a small and rough vessel in which gold is washed. The word is used in the United States. 1890. 'Goldfields of Victoria,' p. 17 : " I have obtained good dish prospects after crudely crushing up the quartz." Dishwasher, n. an old English bird-name for the Water-wag- tail ; applied in Australia to Seisura inquieta, Lath., the Restless Fly-catcher (q.v.). Seisura i's from Grk. a-fiftv (to shake), and ovpd (a tail), being thus equal in meaning to Wagtail. Also called Dishlick, Grinder, and Razor-grinder (q.v.). 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, ' Transac- tions of the Linnsean Society,' vol. xv. p. 250 : " This bird is called by the colonists Dishwasher. It is very curious in its actions. In alighting on the stump of a tree it makes several semi-circular motions, spreading out its tail, and making a loud noise somewhat like that caused by a razor-grinder when at work." Distcechurus, n. the scientific name of the genus of the New Guinea Pentailed-Phalanger, or so-called Opossum-mouse (q.v.). It has a tail with the long hairs arranged in two opposite rows, like the vanes of a feather. (Grk. SIOTOIXOS, with two rows, and ovpd, a tail.) Diver, n. common bird-name used in Australia for a species of Grebe. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. vii. pi. 80 : " Podtceps australts, Gould ; Austra- DOC -DOG] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 123 lian Tippet Grebe ; Diver of the Colonists." Doctor, n. word used in the South Australian bush for "the cook." 1896. 'The Australasian,' June 13, p. 1133, col. i : " 'The doctor's in the kitchen, and the boss is in the shed ; The overseer's out mustering on the plain ; Sling your bluey down, old boy, for the clouds are overhead, You are welcome to a shelter from the rain.' " Dodder Laurel, n. i.q. Devil's Guts (q.v.). Dog-fish, n. The name be- longs to various fishes of distinct families, chiefly sharks. In Aus- tralia, it is used for the fish Scyllium lima, family Scylliidce. In New South Wales it is Scyllium maculatum, Bl. The Spine Dog-fish of New Zealand is Acanthias maculatus, family Spinacidce. The Spotted Dog-fish of New South Wales is Scyllium anale. The Dusky Dog-fish of New South Wales is Chiloscyllium modestum, Giinth., and there are others in Tasmania and Australia. Dogleg, adj. applied to a primi- tive kind of fence made of rough timber. Crossed spars, which are the doglegs, placed at inter- vals, keep in place a low rail resting on short posts, and are themselves fixed by heavy sap- lings resting in the forks above. 1875. R. and F. Hill, 'What we saw in Australia,' p. 61 : " . . we made acquaintance with the ' dog's leg ' fence. This is formed of bare branches of the gum-tree laid obliquely, several side by side, and the ends overlapping, so that they have somewhat the appearance that might be presented by the stretched-out legs of a crowd of dogs running at full speed. An upright stick at intervals, with a fork at the top, on which some of the cross-branches rest, adds strength to the structure." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' P- 13 : . " While the primaeval ' dog-leg ' fence of the Victorian bush, or the latter-day 'chock and log' are no impediments in the path of our foresters." sc. kangaroos ; see Forester.] 1888. Rolf Bolclrewood, ' Robbery under Arms,' p. 71 : " As we rode up we could see a gunyah made out of boughs, and a longish wing of dog leg fence, made light but well put together." Dog's Tongue, n. name given to the plant Cynoglossum sitaveolens, R. Br., N.O. Asperifolice. Dogwood, n. various trees and their wood ; none of them the same as those called dogivood in the Northern Hemisphere, but their woods are used for similar purposes, e.g. butchers' skewers, fine pegs, and small pointed wooden instruments. In Aus- tralia generally, facksonia scoparia, R. Br., also Myoporum platycarpum, R. Br. In Tasmania, Bedfordia salicina, De C., JV.O. Composite, which is also called Honeywood, and in New South Wales, Cotton- wood (q.v.), and the two trees Pomaderris elliptica, Lab., and P. apetala, Lab., N.O. Rhamnacece, which are called respectively Yellow and Bastard Dogwood. See also Coranderrk. In parts of Tasmania, Pomaderris apetala, Lab., N.O. Rhamnece, is also called Dogwood, or Bastard Dog- wood. 1836. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 164: " There is a secluded hollow of this kind near Kangaroo Bottom, near Hobart Town, where the common dogwood of the colony (pomaderris apetala) has sprung up so thick and tall, that Mr. Babington and myself having got into it unawares one day, had the greatest difficulty imaginable to get out after three or four hours' 124 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DOG-DOT labour. Not one of the plants was more than six inches apart from the others, while they rose from 6 to 12 yards in height, with leaves at the top which almost wholly excluded the light of the sun." 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. ii : " Iron-bark ridges here and there, with spotted gum, with dogwood (Jacksoma) on a sandy soil." (p. 20) : " A second creek, with running water, which from the number of dogwood shrubs (Jacksoma), in the full glory of their golden blossoms, I called * Dogwood Creek.'" 1894. ' Melbourne Museum Catalogue Economic Woods,' p. 46 : "Native dogwood, a hard, pale- brown, well-mottled wood ; good for turnery." Dogwood Poison-bush, n. a New South Wales name; the same as Ellangowan Poison-bush (q.v.). Dollar, n. See Holy Dollar. Dollar-bird, n. name given to the Roller (q.v.). See quotations. 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, ' Trans- actions of Linnsean Society,' vol. xv. p. 202: "The settlers call it dollar-bird, from the silver-like spot on the wing." 1848. J. Gould, ' Birds of Australia,' vol. ii. pi. 17 : " Eurystomns Australis, Swains., Australian Roller. Dollar Bird of the Colonists. During flight the white spot in the centre of each wing, then widely expanded, shows very distinctly, and hence the name of Dollar Bird." 1851. J. Henderson, ' Excursions in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 183 : "The Dollar-bird derives its name from a round white spot the size of a dollar, on its wing. It is very hand- some, and flies in rather a peculiar manner. It is the only bird which I have observed to perform regular mi- grations ; and it is strange that in such a climate any one should do so. But it appears that the dollar-bird does not relish even an Australian winter. It is the harbinger of spring and genial weather." Dollar-fish n. a name often given formerly to the John Dory (q.v.), from the mark on its side. See quotation, 1880,. The name Dollar-fish is given on the Ameri- can coasts to a different fish. 1880. Gunther, ' Study of Fishes,' p. 45i: "The fishermen of Roman Catholic countries hold this fish in special respect, as they recognize in a black round spot on its side the mark left by the thumb of St. Peter, when he took the piece of money from its mouth." 1882. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, ' Fish of New South Wales,' p. 62 : "The dory has been long known, and when the currency of the colony was in Mexican coin it was called a ' dollar-fish.' " Dorca-Kangaroo, n. See Dor- copsis and Kangaroo. Dorcopsis, n. the scientific name of a genus of little Kangaroos with pretty gazelle-like faces. (Grk. Sop/cas, a gazelle, and 01/^15, appearance.) They are called Dorca-Kangaroos, and are confined to New Guinea, and form in some respects a connecting link between Macropus and the Tree- Kangaroo (q.v.). There are three species the Brown Dorca Kan- garoo, Dorcopsis muelleri ; Grey D., D. luctuosa ; Macleay's D., D. macleayi. See Kangaroo (e). Dottrel, n. formerly Dotterel, common English bird-name, applied in Australia to Charadrius australis, Gould. Black-fronted Dottrel Charadrius nigrifrons, Temm. Double-banded D. C. bicincta, Jord. and Selb. Hooded D. C. monac/ia, Geoff. Large Sand D. C. (JEgialitis) geoffroyi. Wag. Mongolian Sand D. C. (/Egialitis) mongolica, Pallas. Oriental D. C. veredits, Gould. DOV-DRA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY I2J Red-capped Dottrel Charadrius ruficapilla, Temm. ; called also Sand-lark. Red-necked D. C. (/Egialitis) master si, Ramsay. Ringed D. C. hiaticula, Linn. [See also Red-knee^ Dove, n. a well-known English bird-name, applied in Australia to the Barred-shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis, Temm. Ground D. G. tranquilla, Gould. Little D. G. cuneata, Lath. [See also Ground-dove, ,] Dove-Petrel, n. a well-known English bird-name. The species in the Southern Seas are Prion turtur, Smith. Banks D.-R P. banksii, Smith. Broad-billed D.-R P. vittata, Forst. Fairy D.-R P. ariel, Gould. Dover, n. a clasp knife, by a maker of that name, once much used in the colonies. 1878. ' The Australian,' vol. i. p. 418 : " In plates and knives scant is the shepherd's store, ' Dover ' and pan are all, he wants no more." 1893. April 15, ' A Traveller's Note ' : " ' So much a week and the use of my Dover' men used to say in making a contract of labour." 1894. ' Bush Song ' [Extract] : " Tie up the dog beside the log, And come and flash your Dover." Down, n. a prejudice against, hostility to ; a peculiarly Austra- lian noun made out of the adverb. 1856. W. W. Dobie, Recollections of a Visit to Port Philip,' p. 84 : "... the bushranger had been in search of another squatter, on whom ' he said he had a down ' . . ." 1884. J. W. Bull, ' Early Life in South Australia,' p. 179 : " It was explained that Foley had a private ' down ' on them, as having stolen from him a favourite kangaroo dog." 1889. Cassell's ' Picturesque Australasia, vol. iv. p. 1 80 : " They [diggers] had a ' dead down r on all made dishes." 1893. Professor Gosman, ' The Argus/ April 24, p. 7, col. 4 : " That old prejudice in the minds of many men to the effect that those who represented the churches or religious people had a regular down upon free- dom of thought." 1893. ' The Age,' June 24, p. 5, col. I : " Mr. M. said it was notorious in the department that one of the com- missioners had had ' a down ' on him." 1893. R. L. Stevenson, ' Island Nights' Entertainments,' p. 46: " ' They have a down on you,' says Case. 'Taboo a man because they have a down on him ! ' I cried. ' I never heard the like.' " Down, adv. "To come, or be down," is the phrase used in Australian Universities for to be "plucked," or "ploughed," or " spun," i. e. to fail in an examin- ation. It has been in use for a few years, certainly not earlier than 1886. The metaphor is either taken from a fall from a horse, or perhaps from the prize- ring. The use has no connection with being "sent down, "or "going down," at Oxford or Cambridge. Draft, v. to separate and sort cattle. An adaptation of the meaning "to select and draw off for particular service," especially used of soldiers. 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories," c. vi. p. 46: " I should like to be drafting there again." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' The Squatter's Dream,' p. 2 : "There were those cattle to be 126 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DRA-DRO drafted that had been brought from the Lost Waterhole." Draft, n. a body of cattle separated from the rest of the herd. 1884. Rtf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories,' c. ii. p. 22: "A draft of out-lying cattle rose and galloped off." Drafter, n. a man engaged in drafting cattle. 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Colonial Re- former,' c. xviii. p. 227 : " They behave better, though all the while keeping the drafters incessantly popping at the fence by truculent charges." Drafting-gate, n. gate used in separating cattle and sheep into different classes or herds. 1890. ' The Argus,' Aug. 1 6, p. 4, col. 7 : " But the tent-flap seemed to go up and down quick as a drafting-gate." Drafting-stick, n. a stick used in drafting cattle. 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories,' c. x. p. 72: " We . . . armed ourselves with drafting-sticks and resolutely faced it." Drafting-yard, n. a yard for drafting cattle. 1890. 'The Argus,' Aug. 16, p. 13, col. I : " There were drafting-yards and a tank a hundred yards off, but no garden." Dray, n. an ordinary cart for goods. See quotation, 1872. 1833. C. Sturt, ' Southern Australia,' vol. i. Intro, p. xlix: "They send their produce to the market . . . receiving supplies for home consumption on the return of their drays or carts from thence." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 31 : "A horse dray, as known in Aus- tralia, is by no means the enormous thing its name would signify, but simply an ordinary cart on two wheels without springs." [There are also spring-drays.] 1886. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems,' p. 41 : " One told by camp fires when the station drays Were housed and hidden, forty years ago." Dromicia, n. the scientific name of the Australian Dormouse Phalangers, or little Opossum- or Fly- ing-Mice, as they are locally called. See Opossum, Opossum-mouse, and Phalanger. They are not really the " Flying "-Mice or Flying- phalanger, as they have only an incipient parachute, but they are nearly related to the Pigmy Petaurists (q.v.) or small Flying- Phalangers. (Grk. Spo/iiKos, good at running, or swift.) Drongo, n. This bird-name was "given by Le Vaillant in the form drongeur to a South African bird afterwards known as the Musical Drongo, Dicrurus musicus, then extended to numerous . . . fly- catching, crow-like birds." ('Cen- tury.') The name is applied in Australia to Chibia bracteata, Gould, which is called the Spangled Drongo. 1895. W. O. Legge, ' Australasian Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science ' (Brisbane), p. 448 : "There being but one member of the interesting Asiatic genus Drongo in Australia, it was thought best to characterize it simply as the Drongo without any qualifying term." Drop, n. (Slang.) To " have the drop on " is to forestall, gain advantage over, especially by covering with a revolver. It is~ curious that while an American magazine calls this phrase Australian (see quotation), the ' Dictionary of Slang ' one editor of which is the distinguished American, Godfrey C. Leland says it is American. It is in common use in Australia. 189^ 'Atlantic Monthly,' Aug., p. 179: " His terrible wife, if we may borrow DRO-DUC] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 127 a phrase from Australia, ' had the drop on him ' in every particular." Drooping Acacia, n. See Acacia. Drove, v. to drive travelling cattle or sheep. 1890. A. J. Vogan, ' Black Police,' p. 334 = " I don't know how you'd be able to get on without the 'boys 'to muster, track, and drove." 1896. A. B. Paterson, ' Man from Snowy River ' [Poem ' In the Droving Days'], P- 95 : "' For though he scarcely a trot can raise, He can take me back to the droving days." Drum, n. a bundle ; more usually called a swag (q.v.). 1866. Wm. Stamer, ' Recollections of a Life of Adventure,' vol. i. p. 304 : ". . . and 'humping his drum' start off for the diggings to seek more gold." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 17: "They all chaffed us about our swags, or donkeys, or drums, as a bundle of things wrapped in a blanket is indifferently called." 1886. Frank Cowan, 'Australia, Char- coal Sketch,' p. 31 : " The Swagman : bed and board upon his back or, having humped his drum and set out on the wallaby . . ." Drummer, n. a New South Wales name for the fish Girella elevata, Macl., of the same family as the Black-fish (q.v.). Dry-blowing, n. a Western Australian term in gold-mining". 1894. ' The Ar gus,' March 28, p. 5, col. 5 : "When water is not available, as unfortunately is the case at Coolgardie, ' dry blowing ' is resorted to. This is done by placing the pounded stuff in one dish, and pouring it slowly at a certain height into the other. If there is any wind blowing it will carry away the powdered stuff; if there is no wind the breath will have to be used. It is not a pleasant way of saving gold, but it is a case of Hobson's choice. The unhealthiness of the method is apparent." Duboisine, n. an alkaloid de- rived from the plant Duboisia myo- posides, N. O. Sofanacea, a native of Queensland and New South Wales. It is used in medicine as an application to the eye for the purpose of causing the pupil to dilate, in the same way as atropine, an alkaloid obtained from the belladonna plant in Europe, has long been employed. Duboisine was discovered and introduced into therapeutics by a Brisbane physician. Duck, n. the well-known Eng- lish name of the birds of the Anatince, Fuligu lines, and other series, of which there are about 125 species comprised in about 40 genera. The Australian genera and species are Blue-billed Duck Erismatura australis, Gould. Freckled D. Stictonetta n&vosa, Gould. Mountain D. (the Shel-drake, q.v.). Musk D. (q.v.) Biziura lobata, Shaw. Pink-eared D., or Widgeon (q.v.)- Malacorhynchics membranaceus, Lath. Plumed Whistling D. Dendrocygna eytoni, Gould. Whistling D. D. vagans, Eyton. [Each species of the Dendrocygna is called also by sportsmen Tree- duck.] White-eyed D., or Hard-head (q.v.)- Nyroca australis, Gould. Wild D. Anas superciliosa, Gmel. Wood D. (the Maned Goose ; see Goose). The following is a table of the ducks as compiled by Gould nearly fifty years ago. 128 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DUC-DUF 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. vii: Plate Anas superciliosa, Gmel. Aus- tralian Wild Duck ......... 9 Anas ncevosa, Gould, Freckled Duck .................. 10 Anas punctata, Cuv. Chestnut- breasted Duck ............ ii Spatula Rhyncotis, Australian Shoveller ............... 12 Malacorhynchus membranaceus, Membranaceous Duck ...... 13 Dendrocygna arcttata, Whistling Duck (q.v.) ............... 14 Leptotarsis Eytoni, Gould, Ey- ton's Duck ............... 15 Nyroca Australis, Gould, White- eyed Duck ............... 16 Erismatura A us f rail's, Blue-billed Duck .................. 17 Biziura lobata, Musk Duck ...... 18 The following is Professor Parker's statement of the New Zealand Ducks. 1889. Prof. Parker, ' Catalogue of New Zealand Exhibition,' p. 117: " There are eleven species of Native Ducks belonging to nine genera, all found elsewhere, except two the little Flightless Duck of the Auckland Islands (genus Nesonetta) and the Blue Mountain Duck (Hymenolcemtis). Among the most interesting of the non-endemic forms, are the Paradise Duck or Sheldrake (Casarca varie- gata\ the Brown Duck (Anas chlorotis], the Shoveller or Spoonbill Duck (Rhyn- chaspis "variegata\ and the Scaup or Black Teal (Fiiligula Novce-Zea- Duckbill, . See Platypus. Sometimes also called Duckmole. Duckmole, n. See Platypus. 1825. Barren Field, 'First Fruits of Australian Poetry,' in ' Geographical Me- moirs of New South Wales,' p. 496 : "When sooty swans are once more rare, And duck-moles the museum's care." [Appendix : " Water or duck-mole."] 1875. Schmidt, 'Descent and Darwin- ism,' p. 237: " The Ornithorhyncus or duck-mole of Tasmania." Duck-shoving, and Duck- shover, n. a cabman's phrase. In Melbourne, before the days of trams, the wagonette-cabs used to run by a time-table from fixed stations at so much (gener- ally 3*/.) a passenger. A cabman who did not wait his turn on the station rank, but touted for pas- sengers up and down the street in the neighbourhood of the rank, was termed a Duck- shover. 1870. D. Blair, 'Notes and Queries,' Aug. 6, p. in : " Duck-shoving is the term used by our Melbourne cabmen to express the unprofessional trick of breaking the rank, in order to push past the cab- man on the stand for the purpose of picking up a stray passenger or so." 1896. ' Otago Daily Times,' Jan. 25, p. 3, col. 6 : "The case was one of a series of cases of what was technically known as ' duck shoving,' a process of getting passengers which operated unfairly against the cabmen who stayed on the licensed stand and obeyed the by-law." Dudu, n. aboriginal name for a pigeon, fat-breasted, and very good eating. 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes ' (3rd ed. 1855), c. vii. p. 170: " In the grassland, a sort of ground pigeon, called the dudu, a very hand- some little bird, got up and went off like a partridge, strong and swift, re- alighting on the ground, and returning to cover." Duff, v. to steal cattle by altering the brands. 1869. E. Carton Booth, ' Another England,' p. 138 : " He said there was a ' duffing pad- dock ' somewhere on the Broken River, into which nobody but the owner had ever found an entrance, and out of which no cattle had ever found their way at any rate, not to come into their owner's possession. . . . The man who owned the ' duffing paddock ' was said to have a knack of altering cattle brands . . ." DUF-DUM] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 129 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Squatter's Dream,' c. xiv. p. 162 : " I knew Redcap when he'd think more of duffing a red heifer than all the money in the country." 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Sydney- side Saxon,' p. 95 : "As to the calves I'm a few short myself, as I think that half-caste chap of yours must have ' duffed.' " Duffer, n. a cattle stealer, i.q. Cattle-duffer (q.v.). 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. xxv. p. 352 : " What's a little money ... if your children grow up duffers and plant- ers?" Duffer 2 , n. a claim on a mine which turns out unproductive, called also shicer (q.v.). [This is only a special application of the slang English, duffer, an in- capable person, or a failure. Old English Daffe, a fool.] 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketch- es,' p. 193 : " It was a terrible duffer anyhow, every ounce of gold got from it cost 20 I'll swear." 1864. J Rogers, 'New Rush,' p. 55 : " Tho' duffers are so common And golden gutters rare, The mining sons of woman Can much ill fortune bear." 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 291 : "A shaft sunk without any produce from it is a duffer. . . . But of these excavations the majority were duffers. It is the duffering part of the business which makes it all so sad. So much work is done from which there is positively no return." 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia,' p. 266 : " The place is then declared to be a 'duffer,' and abandoned, except by a few fanatics, who stick there for months and years." 1891. 'The Australasian,' Nov. 21, p. 1014 : " Another duffer ! Rank as ever was bottomed ! Seventy-five feet hard delving and not a colour ! " Duffer out, v. A mine is said to duffer out, when it has ceased to be productive. 1885. H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia, p. 279 : "He then reported to the share- holders that the lode had 'duffered out,' and that it was useless .to con- tinue working." 1889. Cassell's ' Picturesque Australasia,' vol. iv. p. 73 : " Cloncurry has, to use the mining parlance, duffered out." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Miner's Right,' c. vi. p. 58 : " ' So you're duffered out again, Harry,' she said." Dugong Oil, n. an oil obtained in Australia, from Halicore dugong, Gmel., by boiling the superficial fat. A substitute for cod-liver oil. The dugongs are a genus of marine mammals in the order Sirenia. H. dugong inhabits the waters of North and North-east Australia, the southern shores of Asia, and the east coast of Africa. The word is Malay. Dug-out, n. a name imported into New Zealand from America, but the common name for an ordinary Maori canoe. Duke Willy, . See Whistling Dick. Dummy, n. (i) In Australia, when land was thrown open for selection (q.v.), the squatters who had previously the use of the land suffered. Each squatter exer- cised his own right of selection. Many a one also induced others to select nominally for them- selves, really for the squatter. Such selector was called a dummy. The law then required the selector to swear that he was selecting the land for his own use and benefit. Some of the dummies did not hesitate to commit per- jury. Dictionaries give " dummy, adj. fictitious or sham." The Australian noun is an extension I 3 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DUM of this idea. Webster gives " (drama) one who plays a merely nominal part in any action, a sham character." This brings us near to the original dumby, from dumb, which is radically akin to German dumm, stupid. 1866. D. Rogerson, 'Poetical Works,' P- 23 = " The good selectors got most of the land, The dummies being afraid to stand." 1866. H. Simcox, 'Rustic Rambles,' p. 21 : " See the dummies and the mediums, Bagmen, swagmen, hastening down," 1872. A. McFarland, ' Illawarra and Manaro,' p. 125 : " Since free selection was introduced, a good many of the squatters (they say, in self-defence) have, in turn, availed themselves of it, to secure ' the eyes ' or water-holes of the country, so far as they could by means of ' dummies,' and other blinds." 1879. R. Niven, ' Eraser's Magazine,' April, p. 516 : " This was the, in the colony, well- known ' dummy ' system. Its nature may be explained in a moment. It was simply a swindling transaction between the squatter on the one hand and some wretched fellow on the other, often a labourer in the employ- ment of the squatter, in which the former for a consideration induced the latter to personate the character of a free selector, to acquire from the State, for the purpose of transferring to him- self, the land he most coveted out of that thrown open for selection adjoin- ing his own property." 1892. ' Scribner's Magazine,' Feb. p. 140 : "By this device the squatter him- self, all the members of the family, his servants, shepherds, boundary-riders, station-hands and rabbiters, each registered a section, the dummies duly handing their ' selection ' over to the original holder for a slight con- sideration." (2) Colloquial name for the grip-car of the Melbourne trams. Originally the grip-car was not intended to carry passengers : hence the name. 1893. 'The Herald' (Melbourne), p. 5, col. 5 : " Linked to the car proper is what is termed a dummy." 1897. 'The Argus,' Jan. 2, p. 7, col. 5 : " But on the tramcar, matters were much worse. The front seat of the dummy was occupied by a young Tas- manian lady and her cousin, and, while one portion of the cart struck her a terrible blow on the body, the shaft pinned her by the neck against the front stanchion of the dummy." Dummy, v. to obtain land in the way above described. 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' c. vi. p. 101 : " Each partner in the run has pur- chased his ten thousand, and there have been many Mrs. Harrises. The Mrs. Harris system is generally called dummying putting up a non-existent free-selector and is illegal. But I believe no one will deny that it has been carried to a great extent." 1896. ' The Champion ' (Melbourne), Jan. 1 1 : "The verb 'to dummy' and the noun 'dummyism' are purely Austra- lian, quotations to illustrate the use of which can be obtained from ' Han- sard,' the daily papers, and such works as Epps' monograph on the ' Land Tenure Systems of Australasia.' " Dummyism, n. obtaining land by misrepresentation. See Dum- my, n. 1875. 'The Spectator' (Melbourne), June 19, p. 8, col. 2 : " ' Larrikinism ' was used as a synonym for ' blackguardism,' and ' dummyism ' for perjury." 1876. ' The Argus,' Jan. 26, p. 6, col. 6: " Mr. Bent thought that a stop should be put to all selection and dummyism till a land law was introduced." 1887. J. F. Hogan, ' The Irish in Aus- tralia, p. 98 : " This baneful and illegal system of land-grabbing is known throughout the colonies by the expressive name of ' dummyism,' the persons professing to DUM-DUN] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY be genuine selectors, desirous of estab- ' lishing themselves on the soil, being actually the agents or the ' dummies ' of the adjoining squatters." Dump, n. a small coin formerly used in Australia and Tasmania. Its history is given in the quota- tions. In England the word for- merly meant a heavy leaden counter ; hence the expression, " I don't care a dump." See Holy Dollar. 1822. ' Hobart Town Gazette,' Decem- ber 14 : " Government Public Notice. The Quarter Dollars, or ' Dumps,' struck from the centre of the Spanish Dollar, and issued by His Excellency Governor Macquarie, in the year 1813, at One Shilling and Threepence each, will be exchanged for Treasury Bills at Par, or Sterling money." 1823. 'Sydney Gazette,' Jan. ['Cen- tury']: "The small colonial coin denom- inated dumps have all been called in. If the dollar passes current for five shillings the dump lays claim to fifteen pence value still in silver money.'' 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 44 : " He only solicits the loan of a ' dump,' on pretence of treating his sick gin to a cup of tea." Ibid. p. 225 : " The genuine name of an Australian coin, in value is. 3^.'' 1852. J. West, ' History of Tasmania,' vol. ii. p. 141 : " Tattered promissory notes, of small amount and doubtful parentage, flut- tered about the colony ; dumps, struck out from dollars, were imitated by a coin prepared without requiring much mechanical ingenuity." 1870. T. H. Braim, 'New Homes,' c. iii. p. 131 : " The Spanish dollar was much used. A circular piece was struck out of the centre about the size of a shilling, and it was called a ' dump.' " 1879. W. J. Barry, ' Up and Down,' p. 5: "The coin current in those days (1829) consisted of ring-dollars and dumps, the dump being the centre of the dollar punched out to represent a smaller currency." 1893. ' The Daily News ' (London), May u, p. 4 : "The metallic currency was then [1819-25] chiefly Spanish dollars, at that time and before and afterwards the most widely disseminated coin in the world, and they had the current value of 5-y. But there were too few of them, and therefore the centre of them was cut out and circulated under the name of ' dumps ' at is. -$d. each, the remainder of the coin called by way of a pun, ' holy dollars ' still retaining its currency value of 5-r." Dump, v. to press closely ; applied to wool. Bales are often marked "not to be dumped." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland, 'p. 98: "The great object of packing so close is to save carriage through the country, for however well you may do it, it is always re-pressed, or ' dumped,' as it is called, by hydraulic pressure on its arrival in port, the force being so great as to crush two bales into one." 1875. R. and F. Hill, 'What we saw in Australia,' p. 207 : " From the sorting-tables the fleeces are carried to the packing-shed ; there, by the help of machinery, they are pressed into sacks, and the sacks are then themselves heavily pressed and bound with iron bands, till they be- come hard cubes. This process is called 'dumping.'" Dumplings, n. i.q. Apple-berry (q.v.). Dundathee, or Dundathu Pine, n. the Queensland species (Agathis robusta, Sal.) of the Kauri Pine (q.v.) ; and see Pine. Dungaree-Settler, n. Now ob- solete. See quotation. 1852. Anon, ' Settlers and Convicts ; or, Recollections of Sixteen Years' Labour in the Australian Backwoods,' p. 1 1 : " The poor Australian settler (or, according to colonist phraseology, the Dungaree-settler ; so called from their 132 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [DUN-DWA. frequently clothing themselves, their wives, and children in that blue Indian manufacture of cotton known as Dun- garee) sells his wheat crop." Dunite, n. an ore in New Zea- land, so called from Dun moun- tain, near Nelson. 1883. J. Hector, 'Handbook of New Zea- land,' p. 56 : " Chrome ore. This ore, which is a mixture of chromic iron and alumina, is chiefly associated with magnesian rock, resembling olivine in composition, named Dunite by Dr. Hochstetter." Dust, n. slang for flour. 1893. Dec. 12, ' A Traveller's Note ': " A bush cook said to me to-day, we gave each sundowner a pannikin of dust." Dwarf-box, n. Eucalyptus micro- theca, F. v. M. See Box. This tree has also many other names. See Maiden's ' Useful Native Plants,' P- 495- 1833. C. Sturt, 'Southern Australia,' vol. i. c. i. p. 22 : " Dwarf-box and the acacia pendula prevailed along the plains." EAG-EBO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 133 E Eagle, n. There are nine species of the true Eagle, all confined to the Old World, except one. The word is also applied to birds of the genus ffaliaetus, such as the J3 aid headed Eagle (H. leucocephalus\ the national emblem of the United States. (' Century.') In Australia the name is assigned to Little Eagle Aquila morphnoides, Gould. Wedge-tailed E. (Eagle-hawk) A. audax, Lath. Whistling E. ffaliaetus sphenurus, Vieill. White-bellied Sea E. H. leucogaster, Gmel. White-headed Sea E. Haliastur girrenera, Vieill. Eaglehawk, n. an Australian name for the bird Uroaetus, or Aquila audax, Lath. The name was applied to the bird by the early colonists of New South Wales, and has persisted. In 'O.E.LV it is shown that the name was used in Griffith's translation (1829) of Cuvier's 'Regne Animal ' as a translation of the French aigle-autour, Cuvier's name for a South American bird of prey of the genus Morphnus, called Spizae- tus by Vieillot ; but it is added that the word never came into English use. See Eagle. There is a town in Victoria called Eagle- hawk. The Bendigo cabmen make the name a monosyllable, " Glawk." 1834. L. E. Threlkeld, 'Australian Grammar,' p. 56 : "The large eaglehawk, which de- vours young kangaroos, lambs, etc." 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. i. pi. I : "Aquila. Fucosa, Cuv., [now A, audax Lath.] Wedge-tailed eagle. Eaglehawk, Colonists of New South Wales." 1863. B. A. Heywood, 'Vacation Tour at the Antipodes,' p. 106 : "We knew it was dying, as two large eaglehawks were hovering about over it." 1880. Fison and Howitt, ' Kamilaroi and Kurnai,' p. 251 : " The hair of a person is tied on the end of the throwing-stick, together with the feathers of the eagle hawk." l88c H. Finch-Hatton, ' Advance Aus- tralia, p. 106 : " Since the destruction of native dogs and eagle-hawks by the squatters, who stocked the country with sheep, the kangaroos have not a single natural enemy left." 1888. D. Macdonald, 'Gum Boughs,' P. 35: " On the New South Wales side of the river the eagle-hawk is sometimes so great a pest amongst the lambs that the settlers periodically burn -him out by climbing close enough to the nest to put a fire-stick in contact with it." Eagle-hawking, n. bush slang : plucking wool off" dead sheep. Eagle-Ray, n. name belonging to any large Ray of the family Myliobatida ; the New Zealand species is Myliobatis nieuhofii. Eastralia, n. recent colloquial name, fashioned on the model of Westralia (q.v.), used in West Australiafor the Eastern Colonies. In Adelaide, its application seems confined to New South Wales. Ebony, n. a timber. The name is applied in Australia to two species of Bauhinia, B. carronii, AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [ECH F. v. M., and B. hookeri, F. v. M., N. O. Leguminosce. Both are called Queensland or Mountain Ebony. Echidna, n. a fossorial Mono- treme, in general appearance re- sembling 1 a Porcupine, and often called Spiny Ant-eater or Porcupine, or Porcupine Ant-eater. The body is covered with thick fur from which stiff spines protrude ; th muzzle is in the form of a long toothless beak ; and the tongue is very long and extensile, and used largely for licking up ants ; the feet are short, with strong claws adapted for burrowing. Like the Marsu- pials, the Echidna is provided with a pouch, but the animal is oviparous, usually laying two eggs at a time, which are carried about in the pouch until the young ones are hatched, when they are fed by a secretion from mammary glands, which do not, however, as in other mammals, open on to a nipple. The five- toed Echidnas (genus Echidna) are found in New Guinea, Aus- tralia, and Tasmania, while the three-toed Echidnas (genus Pro- echidna) are confined to New Guinea. The species are Com- mon E., Echidna aculeata, Shaw ; Bruijn's E., Proechidna bruijni, Peters and Doria ; Black-spined E. , Proechidna nigro-aculeata>R.oths- child. The name is from Grk. e^tSva, an adder or viper, from the shape of the long tongue. 1832. J. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' c. ii. p. 29 : "The native porcupine or echidna is not very common." 1843. J. Backhouse, ' Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies,' p. 89 : "The Porcupine of this land, Echidna hystrix, is a squat species of ant-eater, with short quills among its hair : it conceals itself in the day time among dead timber in the hilry forests." 1851. ' Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land,' vol. i. p. 178 : " Mr. Milligan mentioned that one of the Aborigines of Tasmania reports having oitendiscovered the nest of the Echidna Setosa, porcupine or ant eater, of the colony ; that on several occasions one egg had been found in it, and never more : this egg has always been found to contain o. foetus or chick, and is said to be round, considerably less than a tennis ball, and without a shell. The mother is said to sit continuously (for a period not ascertained) in the manner of the common fowl over the eggs ; she does not leave the young for a considerable time after having hatched it ; at length, detaching it from the small teat, she moves out hurriedly and at long intervals in quest of food; the young one becoming, at each suc- cessive return, attached to the nipple. . * ^ The Platypus {Ornithorhyncus paradoxus) is said to lay two eggs, having the same external membranous covering, but of an oblong shape." 1860. G. Bennett, ' Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia,' p. 147 : " The Porcupine Ant-eater of Aus- tralia (Echidna hystrix) (the native Porcupine or Hedgehog of the colon- ists), and the Ornithorhynchus, to which it is allied in internal organiza- tion, form the only two genera of the order Monotremata." 1888. Cassell's ' Picturesque Australasia,' vol. ii. p. 230 : " Among the gigantic boulders near the top he may capture the burrowing ant-eating porcupine, though if per- chance he place it for a moment in the stoniest ground, it will tax all his strength to drag it from the instan- taneous burrow in which it will defi- antly embed itself." 1892. A. Sutherland, ' Elementary Geo- graphy of British Colonies,' p. 273 : " The echidna is an animal about a foot or 1 8 inches long, covered with spines like a hedgehog. It lives chiefly upon ants. With its bill, which is like a duck's but narrower, it burrows into an ant's-hill, and then with its long, whip-like, sticky tongue, draws the ants into its mouth by hundreds." 1894. R- Lydekker, ' Marsupialia and Monotremata,' p. 247 : " In order to enable them to procure ECH-EGR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 135 with facility their food of ants and their larvae, echidnas are provided with very large glands, discharging into the mouth the viscid secretion which causes the ants to adhere to the long worm-like tongue when thrust into a mass of these insects, after being ex- posed by the digging powers of the claws of the echidna's limbs. . . . When attacked they roll themselves into a ball similar to the hedgehog." Bchu, n. the name of an Aus- tralian bird which has not been identified. The word does not occur in the ornithological lists. 1862. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems Evening Hymn,' p. 53 : *' The echu's songs are dying with the flute-bird's mellow tone." 1896. 'The Australasian,' Jan. II, p. 73, col. I : " ' Yeldina ' (Rochester) writes While I was on the Murray, a few days before Christmas last, some miles below Echuca, my attention was at- tracted to the melancholy note, as of a bird which had lost its mate, calling ee-k-o-o, e-e-koo, which was repeated several times, after .which a pause, then ee-koo, ee-ko, coolie, coolie, ee- koo. This happened in the scrub at sunset, and came, I think, from a bird smaller than the Australian minah, and of a greenish yellowish hue, larger, but similar to the members of the feathered tribe known to young city 'knights of the catapult ' as greenies. It was while returning to camp from fishing that I noticed this bird, which appeared of solitary habits." "'Crossbolt' (Kew) writes The echu is probably identical with a handsome little bird whose peculiar cry ' e-e- -choo ' is familiar to many bush ramblers. It is the size of a small wood-swallow ; black head, back, wings, and tail more or less blue - black ; white throat ; neck and breast light to rich brown. The female is much plainer, and would scarcely be recognized as the mate of the former. The melodious ' e-e-choo ' is usually answered from a distance, whether by the female or a rival I can- not say, and is followed by a prolonged warbling." Eel, n. The kinds present in Australia are Common Eel Anguilla australis, Richards. Conger E. Conger labiatus, Castln., and Gonorhynchus grayi, Richards. Green E. (New South Wales) Murcena afra, Bl. Silver E. Murcenesox cinereus, Forsk. ; also called the Sea-eel (New South Wales). Conger wilsoni, Castlri. (Mel- bourne). The New Zealand Eels are Black Eel Anguilla australis, Richards. Conger E. Conger vulgaris, Cuv. Sand E. Gonorhynchus grayi, Richards. Serpent E. Ophichthys serpens, Linn. Silver E. Congromur&na habenata, Rich- ards. Tuna E. Anguilla aucklandii, Richards. The Sand Eel does not belong to the Eel family, and is only called an Eel from its habits. Eel-fish, n Plotosus tandanus, Mitchell. Called also Catfish (q.v.), and Tandan (q.v.). 1838. T. . L. Mitchell, ' Three Expedi- tions,' vol. i. pi. 5, pp. 44 and 95 [Note] : '''Plotosus tandanus, tandan or eel-fish. Tandan is the aboriginal name." Egret, n. an English bird-name. The following species are present in Australia, some being European and others exclusively Austra- lian Lesser Egret Herodias melanopus, Wagl. Little E. H. garzetta. Linn. Pied E. H. picata, Gould, 136 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [ELD-EMU Plumed Egret Herodias intermedia, v. Hasselq. White E.- H, alba, Linn. Elder, n. See next word. Elderberry, Native, n. The two Australian species of the Elder are Sambucus gaudichaudiana, De C., and S. xanthocarpa, F. v. M., N.O. Caprifoliacecz. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 56: " Native elderberry. The fruit of these two native elders is fleshy and sweetish, and is used by the aborigines for food." Elephant-fish, n. a fish of New Zealand, South Australian, and Tasmanian waters, Callorhynchus antarcticus, Lace" p., family Chima- ridce. " It has a cartilaginous prominence of the snout, ending in a cutaneous flap" (Giinth.), suggesting a comparison with an elephant's trunk. Called also King of the Herrings (q.v.). l8O2. G. Barrington, ' Voyage to New South Wales, 'p. 388: "The sea affords a much greater plenty, and at least as great a variety as the land ; of these the elephant fish were very palatable food." Ellangowan Poison-bush, n. a Queensland name for Myoporum deserti, Cunn., N. O. Myoporintz ; called "Dogwood Poison-bush" in New South Wales. Ellan- gowan is on the Darling Downs in Queensland. Poisonous to sheep, but only when in fruit. Emancipatist, and Emanci- pist, n. (the latter, the commoner), an ex-convict who has served out his sentence. The words are never used nowexcept historically. 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. p. 118 : " Emigrants who have come out free from England, and emancipists, who have arrived here as convicts, and have either been pardoned or completed their term of servitude." 1830. R. Dawson, 'Present State of Australia,' p. 302 : " Men who had formerly been con- victs, but who, after their period of servitude had expired, were called 'emancipists.'" 1837. J as - Mudie. ' Felonry of New South Wales,' p. vii : " The author begs leave to record his protest against the abuse of language in the misapplication of the terms emancipists and absentees to two por- tions of the colonial felonry. An eman- cipist could not be understood to mean the emancipated but the emancipator. Mr. Wilberforce may be honoured with the title of emancipist ; but it is as absurd to give the same appellation to the emancipated felons of New South Wales as it would be to bestow it upon the emancipated negroes of the West Indies." 1845. J. O. Balfour, 'Sketch of New South Wales,' p. 69 : " The same emancipist will, however, besides private charity, be among the first and greatest contributors to a new church." 1852. 'Eraser's Magazine,' vol. xlvi. p. 135: " The convict obtained his ticket-of- leave . . . became an emancipist . . . and found transportation no punish- ment." Emu, n. an Australian bird,. Dromaius nova-hollandice, Lath. There is a second species, Spotted Emu, Dromaius irroratus, Bartlett. An earlier, but now unusual, spell- ing is Emeu. Emeus is the scien- tific name of a New Zealand genus of extinct struthious birds. The word Emu is not Australian,, but from the Portuguese Ema, the name first of the Crane, afterwards of the Ostrich. Form- erly the word Emu was used in English for the Cassowary, and even for the American Ostrich. Since 1885 an Emu has been the design on the twopenny postage stamp of New South Wales. EMU] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 137 1613. ' Purchas Pilgrimmage,' pt. I. vol. v. c. xii. p. 430 ('O.E.D.') : "The bird called Emia or Erne is admirable." 1774. Oliver Goldsmith, 'Natural History,' vol. iii. p. 69, Book III. c. v. [Heading] : "The Emu." 1788. ' History of New South Wales ' (1818), p. 53: " A bird of the ostrich genus, but of a species very different from any other in the known world, was killed and brought in. Its length was between seven and eight feet ; its flesh was good and thought to resemble beef. It has obtained the name of the New South Wales Emu." 1789. Captain W. Tench, 'Expedition to Botany Bay,' p. 123 : " The bird which principally claims attention is a species of ostrich, ap- proaching nearer to the emu of South America than any other we know of." I 793- Governor Hunter, 'Voyage,' P. 69: " Some were of opinion that it was the emew, which I think is particularly described by Dr. Goldsmith from Lin- neus : others imagined it to be the cassowary, but it far exceeds that bird in size . . . two distinct feathers grew out from every quill." 1802. D. Collins, 'Account of English Colony in New South Wales,' vol. ii. P- 3<>7 : " These birds have been pronounced by Sir Joseph Banks, of whose judg- ment none can entertain a doubt, to come nearer to what is known of the American ostrich than to either the emu of India or the ostrich of Africa." 1804. ' Rev. R. Knopwood's Diary ' (J. J. Shillinglaw ' Historical Records of Port Phillip,' 1879), p. 115: [At the Derwent] 26 March, 1804 " They caught six young emews [sic], about the size of a turkey, and shot the old mother." 1832. J. Bischoff, 'Van Diemen's Land,' p. 165 : "We saw an emu track down the side of a hill." 1846. J. L. Stokes, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. i. c. ix. p. 276 : " The face of the emu bears a most remarkable likeness to that of the aborigines of New South Wales." 1846. C. P. Hodgson, ' Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 160 : "They will pick up anything, thimbles, reels of cotton, nails, bullets indiscriminately : and thus the proverb of 'having the digestion of an emu' has its origin." 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. vi. pi. i : " Dromaius Novce Hollandice. The Emu. New Holland Cassowary. 'Governor Phillips' Voyage, 1789."' 1850. J. B. Clutterbuck, ' Port Phillip in 1849,' p. 42 : " The emu strides with such rapidity over the plains as to render its capture very difficult even by the swiftest grey- hound." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 52 : "A couple of grave-looking emus. These wobble away at an ungainly but rapid pace directly they sight us, most probably vainly pursued by the dray dogs which join us farther on, weary and unsuccessful indeed the swiftest dog finds an emu as much as he can manage." 1878. A. Newton, in ' Encyclopaedia Britannica' (9th edit.), vol. viii. p. 173 : " Next to the ostrich the largest of existing birds, the common emeu . . ." 1881. A. C. Grant, ' Bush Life in Queens- land,' vol. i. p. 210 : "... points out two emus to John. . . . They resemble ostriches, but are not so large, and the tail droops more. . . . John can distinguish every point about them, from their black cast-iron, looking legs, to the bare neck and small head, with its bright eye and strong flat beak." 1890. 'Victorian StatutesGame Act,. Third Schedule ' : "Emu. [Close Season.] From the 1 4th day of June to the 2oth day of December following in each year." 1893. 'The Argus,' March 25, p. 4,. col. 5 : " The chief in size is the egg of the cassowary, exactly like that of the emu except that the colour is pale moss green instead of the dark green of the emu." Emu-Apple, n. See Apple. Emu-Bush, ;/. an Australian 138 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [EMU-EUC shrub, Eremophila longifolia, F. v. M., TV. O. Myoporinece. 1875. T. Laslett, 'Timber and Timber Trees,' p. 206 : "Emu-tree. A small Tasmanian tree ; found on low marshy ground ; used for turners' work." 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 317 : " Emu-bush. Owing to emus feed- ing on the seeds of this and other species. Heterodendron olecefolium, Desf." Ibid. p. 132 : "The seeds, which are dry, are eaten by emus." Emu-Wren, n. a bird-name. 'See Malurus. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. iii. pi. 31 : " Stipiturus Malachurus, Less. Emu Wren. The decomposed or loose structure of these [tail] feathers, much resembling those of the emu, has sug- gested the colonial name of Emu-Wren for this species, an appellation singu- larly appropriate, inasmuch as it at once indicates the kind of plumage with which the bird is clothed, and the Wren-like nature of its habits." 1860. G. Bennett, 'Gatherings of a Naturalist,' p. 213 : " The delicate little emeu wren." 1865. Lady Barker (letter from Mel- bourne), ' Station Life in New Zealand ' p. 8: "Then there is the emu-wren, all sad-coloured, but quaint, with the tail- feathers sticking up on end, and exactly like those of an emu, on the very small- est scale, even to the peculiarity of two feathers growing out of the same little quill." Eopsaltria, . scientific name for the genus of Australian birds vcalled Shrike-Robins (q.v.). (Grk. jyws, dawn, and \}/aX-pia, a female .harper.) Epacris, n. scientific name of the typical genus of the order Epacridea, a heath-like flower of which there are twenty - five species, mostly Australian. From Greek eVt, upon, and a*pov, top (the flowers grow in spikes at the top of the plant). In Aus- tralia they are frequently confused with and called Ericas. Ephthianura, n. scientific name of a genus of very small Austra- lian birds, anglicized as Ephthia- nure. For species see quotation, 1848. A fourth species has been discovered since Gould's day, E. crocea, Castln. and Ramsay, which inhabits Northern Australia. The name was first given by Gould, in the ' Proceedings of the Zoo- logical Society of 1837,' p. 148, as a genus novum. The origin of the word is not certain, but as the tail is unusually small, it is suggested that the name is from the Greek ovpd, tail, and Homeric imperfect 3rd person sing. 2<0iv, wasted away, from 0iw ( = <0iW). [The word occurs //. xviii. 446.] 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. iii. pi. 64 : "Ephthianura Albifrons, White- fronted Ephthianura," pi. 65. "Auri- frons, Gould, Orange-fronted E.," pi. 66. " Tricolor, Gould, Tricoloured E." 1890. 'Victorian Statutes Game Act, Third Schedule' : " Close season. Ephthianuras. The whole year." Escapee, n. one who has es- caped. Especially used of French convicts who escape from New Caledonia. The word is formed on the model of absentee, refugee, etc., and is manifestly influenced by Fr. echapp'e. Escaper is the his- torical English form. (See Bible, 2 Kings ix. 15, margin.) 1880. ' Melbourne Argus,' July 22, p. 2, col. 3('O.E.D.'): " The ten New Caledonia escapees . . . are to be handed over to the French consul." Eucalyn, n. a sugar obtained, together with laevulose, by fer- mentation of melitose (q.v.) with yeast, or by boiling it with dilute acids. EUC] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 139 Eucalypt, n. shortened English form of Eucalyptus used especially in the plural, Eucalypts. Euca- lypti sounds pedantic. 1880. T. W. Nutt, ' Palace of Industry,' p. II : " Stems of the soaring eucalypts that rise Four hundred friendly feet to glad the skies." 1887. J. F. Hogan, ' The Irish in Aus- tralia, p. 126 : " There is no unmixed good, it is said, on this mundane sphere, and the evil that has accompanied the exten- sive settlement of Gipps Land during recent years is to be found in the wide- spread destruction of the forests, re- sulting in a disturbance of the atmo- spheric conditions and the banishment of an ever-active agent in the preserv- ation of health, for these eucalypts, or gum-trees, as they are generally called, possess the peculiar property of arrest- ing fever-germs and poisonous exhal- ations. They have been transplanted for this especial purpose to some of the malaria-infested districts of Europe and America, and with pronounced success. Australia, to which they are indigenous, has mercilessly hewn them down in the past, but is now repenting of its folly in that respect, and is re- planting them at every seasonable opportunity." 1892. A. Sutherland, ' Elementary Geo- graphy of British Colonies,' p. 270 : " Throughout the whole of Australia the prevailing trees are eucalypts, known generally as gum-trees on ac- count of the gum which they secrete, and which may be seen standing like big translucent beads on their trunks and branches." Eucalyptene, n. the name given by Cloez to a hydrocarbon obtained by subjecting Eucalyptol <(q.v.) to dehydration by phos- phorus pentoxide. The same name has also been given by other chemists to a hydrocarbon be- lieved to occur in eucalyptus oil. Bucalyptian, adj. playfully formed ; not in common use. 1870. A. L. Gordon, 'Bush Ballads,' p. 8: " Gnarl'd, knotted trunks Eucalyptian Seemed carved, like weird columns Egyptian, With curious device quaint inscrip- tion And hieroglyph strange." Eucalyptic, adj. full of gum- trees. 1873. J. Brunton Stephens, ' Black Gin, etc.,' p. 6: " This eucalyptic cloisterdom is any- thing but gay." Eucalyptol, n. a volatile oil of camphor-like smell, extracted from the oil of Eucalyptus globulus., Labill., E. amygdalina, Labill., etc. Chemically identical with cineol, got from other sources. Eucalyptus, n. the gum tree. There are 120 species, as set forth in Baron von Muller's ' Eucalypto- graphia, a Descriptive Atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia.' The name was first given in scientific Latin by the French botanist L'He"ritier, in his Sertum Anglicum, published in 1788. From the Greek cv, well, and KoAvTrreiv, to cover. See quotation, 1848. N. O. Myrtacece. The French now say Eucalyptus; earlier they called it Vacajou de la nouvelle Hollande. The Germans call it Schonmutze. See Gum. 1823. Sidney Smith, ' Essays,' p. 440 : " A London thief, clothed in Kan- garoo's skins, lodged under the bark of the dwarf eucalyptus, and keeping sheep, fourteen thousand miles from Piccadilly, with a crook bent into the shape of a picklock, is not an uninter- esting picture." 1833. C. Sturt, ' Southern Australia,' vol. i. c. ii. p. 80 : " A large basin in which there are stunted pines and eucalyptus scrub." 1848. W. Westgarth, 'Australia Felix,' p. 132 : " The scientific term Eucalyptus has been derived from the Greek, in allu- sion to a lid or covering over the 140 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [EUR-EXP blossom, which falls off when the flower expands, exposing a four-celled capsule or seed-vessel." 1851. G. W. Rusden, ' Moyarra,' canto i. p. 8 : " The eucalyptus on the hill Was silent challenge to his skill." 1879. 'Temple Bar,' Oct., p. 237 ('O.E.D.'): " The sombre eucalypti . . . inter- spersed here and there by their dead companions." 1886. J. A. Froude, 'Oceana,' p. 118: "At intervals the bush remained untouched, but the universal eucalyp- tus, which I had expected to find grey and monotonous, was a Proteus in shape and colour, now branching like an oak or a cork tree, now feathered like a birch, or glowing like an arbutus, with an endless variety of hue green, orange, and brown." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Miner's Right,' c. v. p. 46 : "A lofty eucalyptus . . . lay with its bared roots sheer athwart a tiny watercourse." Euro, n. one of the aboriginal names for a Kangaroo (q.v.) ; spelt also Yuro. 1885. Mrs. Praed, ' Head Station,' p. 192 : " Above and below . . . were beetling cliffs, with ledges and crannies that afforded foothold only to yuros and rock-wallabies." Exclusionist, n. and adj. See quotation. 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. ii. pp. 118-19 : ". . . one subdivision of the emi- grant class alluded to, is termed the exclusionist party, from their strict exclusion of the emancipists from their society." Exileism, n. a word of same period as Exiles (q.v.). 1893. A. P. Martin, ' Life of Lord Sher- brooke,' vol. i. p. 381 : " A gentleman who was at this time engaged in pastoral pursuits in New South Wales, and was therefore a sup- porter of ' exileism.' " Exiles, n. euphemistic name for convicts. It did not last long. 1847. A. P. Martin, 'Life of Lord Sher- brooke ' (1893), vol. i. p. 378 : " The cargoes of criminals were no longer to be known as ' convicts,' but (such is the virtue in a name !) as ' exiles.' It was, as Earl Grey ex- plained in his despatch of Sept 3, 1847, 'a scheme of reformatory dis- cipline.' " 1852. G. B. Earp, 'Gold Colonies of Australia,' p. 100 : " The convict system ceased in New South Wales in 1839 ; but 'exiles' as they were termed, i.e. men who had passed their probation at home, were forwarded till 1843." Expiree, n. a convict whose term of sentence had expired. 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes * (ed. 1885), p. 107 : " A hireling convict emancipist, expiree, or ticket of leave." Expiree, adj. See preceding. 1847. J. D. Lang, ' Cooksland,' p. 271 : "Very many of their servants, being old hands or expiree convicts from New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, are thoroughly unprincipled men." 1883. E. M. Curr, 'Recollections of Squatting in Victoria' (1841 1851), p. 40 : "Hiring men in Melbourne in 1841 was not by any means an agreeable job, as wages were high, and labourers (almost all old gaol-birds and expiree convicts) exceedingly independent and rowdy." FAI-FAR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 141 Fairy Gardens, n. a miner's term, explained in quotation. 1852. F. Lancelott, 'Australia, as it is,' vol. ii. p. 221 : "On the south-eastern portion of this county is the world-famed Burra Burra copper mine. . . . Some of the cuttings are through solid blocks of ore, which brilliantly glitter as you pass with a lighted candle, while others are formed in veins of malachite, and from their rich variegated green appearance are not inaptly called by the miners ' Fairy gardens.' " Pake-mucker, . a Tasmanian name for the Dusky Robin (Petroica vittatd). See Robin. Falcon, n. English bird-name. The Australian species are Black Falcon Falco subniger, Gray. Black-cheeked F. F. melanogenys, Gould. Grey F. F. hypoleucus, Gould. Little F. F. lunulatus, Lath. See also Nankeen-Hawk. Fantail, n. bird-name applied in England to a pigeon ; in Aus- tralia and New Zealand, to the little birds of the genus Rhipidura (q.v.). It is a fly-catcher. The Australian species are Rhipidura albiscapa, Gould. Black-and-White Fantail (called also the Wagtail, q.v.) R. tricolor, Vieill. Dusky F. R. diemenensis, Sharpe. Northern F. R. setosa, Quoy and Gaim. Pheasant F. Rhipidura phasiana, De Vis. Rufous F. R. rufifrons, Lath. Western F. R. preissi, Cab. White-tailed F. R. albicauda. North. Wood F. R. dryas, Gould. The New Zealand species are Black F. Rhipidura fuliginosa, Sparrm. (Tiwaiwdka). Pied F. R. flabellifera, Gmel. (Piwaka- waka). In Tasmania, the R. diemenensis is called the Cranky Fantail, be- cause of its antics. 1847. L. Leichhardt, 'Journal,' vol. ii. p. 80: " We also observed the . . fantailed fly-catcher (Rhipidura)? 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 69 : " The Red Fantail, ever flitting about with broadly expanded tail, and per- forming all manner of fantastic evolu- tions, in its diligent pursuit of gnats and flies, is one of the most pleasing and attractive objects in the New Zea- land forest. It is very tame and familiar." Farinaceous City, or Village, n. a playful name for Adelaide. The allusion is to wheat being the leading export of South Australia. 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' vol. ii. p. 184 : " [Adelaide] has also been nick- named the Farinaceous City. A little gentle ridicule is no doubt intended to be conveyed by the word." 142 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FAT-FER Fat-cake, n. ridiculous name sometimes applied to Eucalyptus leucoxylon, F. v. M., according to Maiden (' Useful Native Plants,' p. 471). Pat-hen, n. a kind of wild spinach. In England the name is applied to various plants of thick foliage. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 40 : " The fat-hen (Atripkx) . . ." 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I in Queensland,' p. 120 : " Another wild vegetable grew in the sandy beds of the rivers and creeks, called ' fat-hen.' It was exactly like spinach, and not only most agree- able but also an excellent anti-scor- butic, a useful property, for scurvy is not an unknown thing in the bush by any means." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 156. " Boiled salt junk, with fat-hen (a kind of indigenous spinach)." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 1 6 : " Chenopodium murale, Linn., Aus- tralian spinach. Bentham considers this may have been introduced." Felonry, n. See quotation. 1837. Jas. Mudie, ' Felonry of New South Wales,' p. 6 : " The author has ventured to coin the -word felonry, as the appellative of an order or class of persons in New South Wales an order which happily exists in no other country in the world. A legitimate member of the tribe of appellatives ... as peasantry, ten- antry, yeomanry, gentry." 1858. T. McCombie, ' History of Vic- toria,' c. xv. p. 24 : " The inundation of the Australian colonies with British Felonry." 1888. Sir C. Gavan Duffy, 'Contem- porary Review,' vol. liii. p. 14 [' Cen- tury '] : " To shut out the felonry of Great Britain and Ireland." Ferns. The following list of Australian ferns is taken from 'The Fern World of Australia,' by F. M. Bailey of Brisbane (1881), omitting from his list all ferns of which the vernacular and scientific names coincide with the names of ferns elsewhere. Bat's-wing Fern Pteris incisa, Thunb. Black Tree F. of New Zea- land Cyathea medullaris, Sw. Blanket F. Grammitis rutcefolia, R. Br. Braid F. Platyzoma microphyllum, R. Br. Caraway F. Athyrium umbrosum, J. Sm. Curly F. Cheilanthes tenuifolia, Sw. Deer's-tongue F. Acrostichum conforme, Sw. Ear F. Pteris falcata, R. Br. Elk's-horn F. Platycerium aldcorne, Desv. Fan F. Gleicheniaflabellata, R. Br. Golden Swamp F. Acrostichum aureum, Linn. Grass-leaved F. (q.v.) Vittaria elongata, Sw. * Hare's-foot F. Davallia pyxidata, Cav. Jersey F. Grammitis leptophylla, Sw. * Lady F. Aspidium aculeatum, Sw. * Maiden-hair F. Adiantum, spp. Meadow-rue Water F. Ceratoptoris thalictroides, Brong. Parasol F. Gleichenia circinata, Sw. Pickled-cabbage F. Lomaria capensis, Willd. Potato F. (q.v.) Marattiafraxinea, Sm. Prickly F. (q.v.) Alsophila australis, R. Br. * Elsewhere the name is applied to a different species. FER] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY Prickly-tree Fern Alsophila leichhardtiana, F. v. M. Ribbon F. Ophioglossum pendulum, Linn. Shiny F. Polypodium aspidoides, Bail. Snake's-tongue F. Lygodium, spp. Tiie following are not in Bailey's List: Parsley F. Cheilanthes tenuifolia, S w. (Name Parsley applied to a different Fern elsewhere.) Sword F. Grammitis australis, R. Br. Umbrella F., Tasmanian name for Fan F. (q.v.). Other ferns not in this list appear elsewhere. See also Fern- tree. _Fern-bird, n. a New Zealand bird of the genus Sphencecus. Also called Grass-bird, and New Zealand Pipit. There are three species The Fern-bird Sphenwcus punctatus, Gray. Chatham Island F.-b. S. rufescens, Buller. Fulvous F.-b. S. fulvus, Gray. 1885. ' Transactions of the New Zealand Institute,' vol. xviii. p. 125 : "The peculiar chirp of the fern bird is yet to be heard among the tall fern." 1885. A. Hamilton, 'Native Birds of Petane, Hawke's Bay': " Fern-bird. The peculiar chirp of this lively little bird is yet to be heard among the tall fern, though it is not so plentiful as in days gone by." 1888. VV. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 59: " Fern Bird . . . This recluse little species is one of our commonest birds, but is oftener heard than seen. It frequents the dense fern of the open country and the beds of Raupo." Fern-tree, n. Name applied to various species of ferns which grow to a large size, the stem in the fully grown plant reaching often a height of many feet before the leaves are given off. Such Tree-ferns clothe the sides of deep and shady gullies amongst the hills, and give rise to what are known as Fern-tree gullies, which form a very characteristic feature of the moister coastal Ranges of many parts of Australia. The principal Fern-trees or Tree- ferns, as they are indiscriminately called, of Australia and Tasmania are Dicksoma antarctica, Lab. ; Alsophila au straits, R. Br. ; Todea africana, Willd. ; Cyathea cun- ninghami, J. Hook. ; Alsophila ex- celsa, R. Br. ; the last named, how- ever, not occurring in Tasmania or Victoria. 1836. Ross, ' Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 164: " We entered a beautiful fern-tree grove, that also concealed the heavens from view, spreading like a plantation or cocoa-nut tree orchard, but with far more elegance and effect." 1839. C. Darwin, ' Voyage of Beagle ' (ed. 1890), p. 177 : " Tree-ferns thrive luxuriantly in Van Diemen's Land (lat. 45), and I measured one trunk no less than six feet in circumference. An arborescent fern was found by Forster in New Zealand in 46, where orchideous plants are parasitical on the trees. In the Auckland Islands, ferns, according to Dr. Dieffenbach, have trunks so thick and high that they may be almost called tree-ferns." 1857. F. R. Nixon (Bishop of Tasmania), ' Cruise of the Beacon,' p. 26 : " With these they [i.e. the Tasma- nian Aborigines] mingled the core or pith of the fern trees, Cibotium Billar- dieriand Alsophila Australis (of which the former is rather astringent and dry for a European palate, and the latter, though more tolerable, is yet scarcely equal to a Swedish turnip.)" 144 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FER-FIO 1870. S. H. Wintle, ' Fragments of Fern Fronds,' p. 39 : "Where the feet of the mountains are bathed by cool fountains, The green, drooping fern trees are seen." 1878. William Sharp, 'Australian Bal- lads,' 'Canterbury Poets ' (Scott, 1888), pp. j8o-8i : " The feathery fern-trees make a screen, Wherethrough the sun-glare cannot pass Fern, gum, and lofty sassafras." " Under a feathery fern-tree bough A huge iguana lies alow." 1884. R. L. A. Davies, ' Poems and Literary Remains,' p. 83 : " There were mossy fern-trees near me, With their graceful feathered fronds, Which they slowly waved above me, Like hoar magicians' wands." 1893. A. R. Wallace, ' Australasia,' vol. i- P- 53 = " Here are graceful palms rising to 70 or even 100 feet ; the Indian fig with its tortuous branches clothed with a drapery of curious parasites ; while graceful tree ferns, 30 feet high, flourish in the damp atmosphere of the sheltered dells." Fern-tree Gully. See Fern- tree and Gully. Fever-bark, n. another name for Bitter-bark (q.v.). Fibrous Grass, n. a Tasmanian grass (see Grass], Stipa semi- barbata, R. Br., N.O. Graminea. 1862. W. Archer, ' Products of Tas- mania,' p. 41 : " Fibrous grass (Stipa semibarbata, Br.). After the seed has ripened the upper part of the stem breaks up into fibre, which curls loosely and hangs down waving in the wind." Fiddle-back, n. name given in Australia to the beetle, Schizor- rhina australasia. Fiddler, n. a New South Wales and Victorian name for a species of Ray, Trygonorhina fasdata, Mull. and Heule, family Rhinoba- tidce. Fig-bird, n. a bird-name. Sphe- cotheres maxillaris^ Lath. ; Yellow- bellied, S. flaviventris, Gould. S. maxillaris is also called Mulberry- bird (q.v.). Fig-eater, . a bird, i.q. Grape- eater (q.v.). Fig-tree, n. The name is applied in Australia to the following species : Blue Fig Elceocarpus grandis, F. v. M., N.O. Tiliacea. Clustered F. Ficus glomerata, Willd., N.O. Urticacece. Moreton Bay F. F. macrophylla, Desf., N.O. Ur- ticacice. Prickly F. Elceocarpus holopetalus, F. v. M., N.O. Tiliacece. Purple F., or White F., or Rough- leaved F., or Flooded F. [Clarence River] Ficus scabra, G. Forst., N.O. Urticaria. Ribbed F. F. pleurocarpa, F. v. M., N.O. Urticaria. Rusty F., or Narrow-leaved F. [or Port Jackson] F. rubiginosa, Desf., N.O. Urti- caria ; called also Native Banyan. 1862. H. C. Kendall, 'Poems,' p. 119: "And I forget how lone we sit beneath this old fig-tree." 1870. F. S. Wilson, ' Australian Songs,' p. 115: "The fig-tree casts a pleasant shade On the straggling ferns below." 1882. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 537: " Moreton Bay fig. This noble- looking tree has a wood which is FIL-FIR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY '45 sometimes used, though it is very difficult to season." [It is a handsome evergreen with dark leaves, larger than those of a horse-chestnut, much used as an ornament in streets and gardens, especially in Sydney and Adelaide. The fig is not edible.] 1890. RolfBoldrewood, 'Miner's Right,' c. 44, P- 380: " The . . . venerable church with its alleys of araucaria and Moreton Bay fig-trees." File-fish, n. name given in New Zealand to the fish Monacanthus rudis, Richards, family Schroder- mi; in New South Wales to species of the genus Balistes. The first of the spines of the dorsal fin is roughened in front like a file. Balistes maculatus is the "Spotted File-fish" of Sydney. It is closely allied to the genus Monacanthus, called Leather-jacket (q.v.), which is much more numer- ously represented in Australasia. Finch, n. a bird-name, first applied in Australia, in 1848, by Gould, to the genus Poephila (Grass-lover), and since extended to other genera of birds. The species are Banded Finch Stictoptera bichenovii, Vig. and Hors. Black-ringed F. S. annulosa, Gould. Black-rumped F. Poephila atropygialis, Diggles. Black-throated F. P. cincta, Gould. Chestnut-breasted F. Munia castaneothorax, Gould. Chestnut-eared F. Taniopygia castanotis, Gould. Crimson F. Neochmia phaeton, Homb. and Jacq. Fire-tailed F. Zonaginthus bellus, Lath. Gouldian F. Poephila gouldia, Gould. Long-tailed F. P. acuticauda, Gould. Masked F. P. personata, Gould. Painted F. Emblema picta, Gould. Plum-head F. Aidemosyne modesta, Gould. Red-browed F. ALgintha temporalis, Lath. Red-eared F. Zonceginthus oculatus, Quoy and Gaim. Red-tailed F. Bathilda ruficauda, Gould. Scarlet-headed F. Poephila mirabilis, Homb. and Jacq. Spotted-sided F. Staganopleura guttata, Shaw. White-breasted F. Munia pectoralis, Gould. White-eared F. Poephila leucotis, Gould. Yellow-rumped F. Munia flaviprymna, Gould. Fire-stick, n. name given to the lighted stick which the Aus- tralian natives frequently carry about, when moving from camp to camp, so as to be able to light a fire always without the neces- sity of producing it by friction. The fire-stick may be carried in a smouldering condition for long distances, and when traversing open grass country, such as the porcupine-grass covered districts of the interior, the stick is used for setting fire to the grass, partly to destroy this and partly to drive out the game which is hiding amongst it. The fire-stick (see quotations) is also used as em- blematic of the camp-fire in cer- tain ceremonies. 1847. J. D. Lang, 'Cooksland,' p. 126, n. : "When their fire-stick has been 146 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FIR-FLA extinguished, as is sometimes the case, for their jins or vestal virgins, who have charge of the fire, are not always sufficiently vigilant." 1896. F. J. Gillen, 'Home Expedition in Central Australia,' Anthropology, pt. iv. p. 170: " Carrying fire-sticks, they place rings, woven of fur and vegetable down, round the boy's neck and arms and sometimes over and under the shoulders ; the fire-sticks are then handed to him, the lubras saying : ' Take care of the fire ; keep to your own camp.' " Firetail, n. name applied in Victoria to the bird digintha temporalis, Lath. ; and in Tas- mania to Zonaginthus (Estrelda) bellus, Lath. In New South Wales, s. temporalis is known as the Red-head. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. iii. pi. 78: " Estrelda Bella, Fire-tailed finch. Fire-tail, Colonists of Van Diemen's Land." Fire-tree, n. a tree of New Zealand ; another name for Pohu- tukawa (q.v.). For Queensland Fire-tree, see Tulip-tree. Fireweed, n. a name given to several weeds, such as Senecio lautus, Sol., N.O. Composite ; so called because they spring up in great luxuriance where the forest has been burned off. Fish-hawk, n. English name applied to Pandion leucocephalus, Gould ; called also the Osprey. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. i. pi. 6 : " Pandion Leucocephalus, Gould, White-headed osprey. Little fish hawk, Colonists of New South Wales. Fish-hawk, Colonists of Swan River." Fist, v. to use the hands. The word is not unknown in English in the sense of to grip. (Shak- speare, 'Cor.' IV. v. 124.) 1846. C. P. Hodgson, ' Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 366: "'Fist it,' a colonial expression, which may convey to the uninitiated the idea that knives, forks, plates, etc., are unknown in the bush ; such -was formerly the case, but the march of improvement has banished this pecu- liar simplicity." Five-corners, n. name given to the fruit of an Australian tree and to the tree itself, Styphelia triflora, Andr., N.O. Epacridea. There are many species of Sty- phelia (q.v.), the fruit of several being edible. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 61 : " Five-corners. These fruits have a sweetish pulp with a large stone. They form part of the food of the aboriginals, and are much appreciated by school- boys. When from a robust plant they are of the size of a large pea, and not at all bad eating." 1896. H. Lawson, 'When the World was Wide,' p. 158: " Still I see in my fancy the dark- green and blue Of the box-covered hills where the five-corners grew." Flame-tree, n. The name is given in India and elsewhere to several trees with bright scarlet, or crimson, flowers. In Australia, two different trees are called Flame-trees (1) A tree of Eastern Australia, with profuse bright coral-like flowers, Brachychiton acerifolium, F. v. M., N.O. Sterculiacece. (2) A tree of Western Aus- tralia, with brilliant orange-col- oured flowers, Nuytsia floribunda, N.O. Loranthacece ; which is also called Tree Mistletoe, and, locally, a Cabbage-tree. 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' p. 96: "There are flame-trees showing in spring vivid patches of crimson." Flannel Flower, n. an Austra- lian flower, Actinotus helianthi, Labill., N.O. Composite. It ranges from Gippsland to Southern FLA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 147 Queensland, but is particularly abundant in New South Wales. Sometimes called the Australian Edelweiss. For the reason of the name see quotation. 1895. J. H. Maiden, ' Flowering Plants of New South Wales,' p. 9 : " We only know one truly local name for this plant, and that is the ' Flannel Flower' a rather unpoetical designa- tion, but a really descriptive one, and one universally accepted. It is, of course, in allusion to the involucre, which looks as if it were snipped out of white flannel. It is also known to a few by the name of Australian Edelweiss." Flathead, n. name given to several Australian marine fishes, Platycephalusfuscus, Cuv. and Val., and other species of Platycephalus, family Cottida. The Red Flat- head is P. bassensis, Cuv. and Val., and the Rock F. is P. Iczvi- gatus, Cuv. and Val. See also Tupong and Maori-chief. 1793. Governor Hunter, ' Voyage,' p. 410 (Aboriginal Vocabulary) : " Paddewah, a fish called a flat- head." 1832. J. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' c. ii. p. 32 : "The market of Hobart Town is supplied with small rock cod, flat- heads, and a fish called the perch." Flat Pea, n. a genus of Aus- tralian flowering plants, Platylo- fa'um, N. O. LeguminoscB. 1793. ' Transactions of Linncean Society,' vol. ii. p. 350 : " Its name I have deduced from n-Xari/f, broad, and \of36s, a pod." " P. formosum. Orange flat-pea . . . A figure of this . . . will soon be given in the work I have undertaken on the botany of New Holland." [The figure referred to will be found at p. 17 of the 'Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.'] Flax, Native, n. The European flax is Linum usitatissimum, JV. O. Linea. There is a species in Australia, Linum marginale, Cunn., JV. O. Linacea, called Native Flax. In New Zealand, the Phormium is called Native Flax. See next word. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 626: " ' Native flax.' Although a smaller plant than the true flax, this plant yields fibre of excellent quality. It is used by the blacks for making fish- ing-nets and cordage." Flax, New Zealand, n. Phorm- ium tenax, N. O. Liliacecz. A plant yielding a strong fibre. Called also, in New Zealand, Native Flax, and Flax Lily. 1807. J- Savage, ' Some account of New Zealand/ p. 56: " Small baskets made of the green native flax." 1845. E. J. Wakefield, ' Adventures in New Zealand,' vol. i, p. 63 : "The plant is called Phormium tenax by naturalists. The general native name for the plant, we are told, is ' korari,' but each sort, and there are ten or twelve, has its distinctive name. Any portion of the leaf, when gathered, becomes here 'kie kie,' or literally, ' tying stuff.' The operation of scrap- ing is called 'karo,' the fibre when prepared, 'muka.'" [Mr. Tregear says that Wakefield's statements are mis- taken.] 1851. Mrs. Wilson, 'New Zealand,' p. 23: " His robe of glossy flax which loosely flows." 1861. C. C. Bowen, ' Poems,' p. 57 : " And flax and fern and tutu grew In wild luxuriance round." 1870. T. H. Braim, ' New Homes,' c. viii. p. 375: " The native flax (Phormtum tenax) is found in all parts of New Zealand ; it grows to the height of about nine feet." 1872. A. Domett, 'Ranolf,' v. 3, p. 93 = " In flowing vest of silky flax, un- dyed." 1893. ' Murray's Handbook to New Zealand,' p. 29: "The so-called native flax (phorm- ium tenax)? 148 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FLA-FLY Flax-blade, n. the leaf of the New Zealand Flax (q.v.). 1872. A. Domett, ' Ranolf,' i. 5, p. II: " With flax-blades binding to a tree The Maid who strove her limbs to free." Flax-bush, n. the bush of the New Zealand Flax. 1854. W. Colder, ' Pigeons' Parliament,' Intro, p. v : " I had ... to pass a night . . . under the shade of a flax-bush." 1872. A. Domett, ' Ranolf,' x. 4, p. 171: " And the louder flax-bushes With their crowding and crossing Black stems, darkly studded With blossoms red-blooded." Flax-flower, n. the flower of the New Zealand Flax (q.v.). 1872. A. Domett, ' Ranolf,' xiv. 3, p. 221 : " little isles Where still the clinging flax-flower smiles." Flax-leaf, n. the blade of the New Zealand Flax (q.v.). 1884. T. Bracken, ' Lays of Maori,' p. 69: " Zephyrs stirred the flax-leaves into tune." Flax-lily, n. (i) An Australian fibre plant, Dianella Icevis, var. aspera, R.Br., N.O. Liliacece. (2) Phormium tenax. See Flax, New Zealand. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 621 : " Flax-lily. The fibre is strong, and of a silky texture. The aboriginals formerly used it for making baskets, etc. All the colonies except Western Australia.'' Flindosa, and Flindosy, n. two trees called Beech (q.v.). Flintwood, . another name for Blackbutt (q.v.), Eucalyptus pillularis. 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 502 : "From the great hardness of the wood it is often known as flintwood." Flounder, n. The Flounders in Australia are In Sydney, Pseu- dorhombus russelii, Gray ; in Mel- bourne, Rhombosolea victoria, Castln. ; in New Zealand and Tasmania, R. monopus, Giinth. Maori name, Pdtiki ; family Pleu- ronectida. They are all excellent eating. 1876. P. Thomson, ' Transactions of New Zealand Institute,' vol. ix. art. Ixvii., p. 487 : "Patiki (flounder). Flounders are in the market all the year." Flower-pecker, n. bird-name used elsewhere, but in Australia assigned to Dicceum hirundin- aceum, Lath. Flowering Rush, n. name given to the rush or reed, Xyris opercu- lata, Lab., N.O. Xyridea. Flute-bird, n. another name for the bird Gymnorrhina tibicen, Lath. Called also Magpie (q.v.). 1862. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems,' p. 53 : " The flute-bird's mellow tone." Fly-catcher, . bird-name used elsewhere. The Australian species are Black-faced Fly-catcher Monarcha melanopsis, Vieill. Blue F. Myiagra concinna, Gould. Broad-billed F. M. latirostris, Gould. Brown F. [called also Jacky Winter (q.v.)]- Micraca fascinans, Lath Leaden F. Myiagra rubecula, Lath. Lemon-breasted F. Micracaflavigaster, Gould. Lesser Brown F. M. assimilis, Gould. Little F. Seisura nana, Gould. Pale F. Micrcsca pallida. Pearly F. Monarcha canescens, Salvad. FLY] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 149 Pied Fly-catcher Arses kaupi, Gould. Restless F. Seisura inquieta, Lath, [called also ~Razor-grinder, q.v., and Dishwasher ; q.v.] Satin F. Myiagra nitida, Gould [called Satin -robin, q.v., in Tas- mania]. Shining F. Piezorhynchus nitidus, Gould. Spectacled F. P. gouldi, Gray. White-bellied F. P. albiventris, Gould. White-eared F. P. leucotis, Gould. Yellow-breasted F. Macharirhynchus flaviventer, Gould. 1790. J. White, ' Voyage to New South Wales,' p. 161 : " We this day caught a yellow-eared fly-catcher (see annexed plate). This bird is a native of New Holland." [Description follows.] Ply-eater, n. the new ver- nacular name for the Australian birds of the genus Gerygone (q.v.), and see Warbler. The species are Black-throated Fly-eater Gerygone personata t Gould. Brown F. G. fusca, Gould. Buff-breasted F. G. lavigaster, Gould. Green-backed F. G, chloronota, Gould. Large-billed F. G. magnirostris, Gould. Southern F. G. culitivora, Gould. White-throated F. G. albogularis, Gould. Yellow-breasted F. G.flavida, Ramsay. 1895. W. O. Legge, ' Australasian Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science ' ( Brisbane), p. 447 : "[The habits and habitats of the genus as] applied to Gerygone sug- gested the term Fly-eater, as distin- guished from \y-catcher, for this aberrant and peculiarly Australasian form of small Fly-catchers, which not only capture their food somewhat after the manner of Fly-catchers, but also seek for it arboreally." Flyer, . a swift kangaroo. 1866. T. McCombie,' Australian Sketch- es,' second series, p. 172 : " I may here state that the settlers designate the old kangaroos as 'old men ' and ' old women,' the full-grown animals are named 'flyers,' and are swifter than the British hare." Flying-Fox, n. a gigantic Aus- tralian bat, Pteropus poliocephalus> Temm. It has a fetid odour and does great damage to fruits, and is especially abundant in New South Wales, though often met with in Victoria. Described, not named, in first extract. 1793. Governor Hunter, 'Voyage,' p. 507: "The head of this bat strongly resembles that of a fox, and the wings of many of them extend three feet ten inches. . . . [Description of one domesticated.] . . . They are very fat, and are reckoned by the natives ex- cellent food . . . It was supposed more lhan twenty thousand of them were seen within the space of one mile." 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 31$ : " One flying fox is an immense bat, of such a horrific appearance, that no wonder one of Cook's honest tars should take it for the devil when encountering it in the woods." 1830. R. Dawson, 'Present State of Australia,' p. 310 : "... a flying fox, which one of them held in his hand. It was, in fact, a large kind of bat, with the nose resembling in colour and shape that of a fox, and in scent it was exactly similar to it. The wing was that of a common English bat, and as long as that of a crow, to which it was about equal in the length and circumference of its body." 150 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FLY 1849. J. P. Townsend, 'Rambles in New South Wales,' p. 97 : " Some of the aborigines" feed on a large bat popularly called ' the flying fox.' . . We found the filthy creatures, hanging by the heels in thousands, from the higher branches of the trees." 1863. B. A. Heywood, ' Vacation Tour at the Antipodes/ p. 102 : " The shrill twitter of the flying fox, or vampire bat, in the bush around us." 1871. Gerard Krefft, ' Mammals of Aus- tralia ' : "The food on which the 'Foxes' principally live when garden fruit is not in season, consists of honey-bear- ing blossoms and the small native figs abounding in the coast-range scrubs. . . . These bats are found on the east coast only, but during very dry seasons they occur as far west as the neighbourhood of Melbourne." 1881. A. C. Grant, 'Bush Life in Queensland," vol. ii. p. 20: " A little further on they came to a camp of flying foxes. The huge trees on both sides of the river are actually black with them. The great bats hang by their hooked wings to every available branch and twig, squealing and quarrelling. The smell is dread- ful. The camp extends for a length of three miles. There must be millions upon millions of them." Flying-Mouse, n. See Opossum- mouse and Flying-Phalanger. Flying-Phalanger, n. included in the class of Phalanger (q.v.). The " flying " Phalangers " have developed large parachute-like expansions of skin from the sides of the body, by means of which they are able to take long flying leaps from bough to bough, and thus from tree to tree. . . . While the great majority of the members of the family are purely vegetable feeders, ... a few feed entirely or partly on insects, while others have taken to a diet of flesh." (R. Lydekker.) They include the-so-called Fly- ing-Squirrel, Flying- Mouse , etc. There are three genera Acrobates (q.v.), called the Flying- Mouse , and Opossum - Mouse (q.v.). Petaurotdes commonly called the Taguan, or Taguan Flying- Squirrel. Petaurus (q.v.), commonly called the Fly ing- Squirrel. The species are Lesser F.-Ph. Petaurus breviceps. Papuan Pigmy F.-Ph. Acrobates pulchellus (confined to Northern Dutch New Guinea). Pigmy F.-Ph. A. pygmceus. Squirrel F.-Ph. Petaurus sciureus. Taguan F.-Ph. Petauroides volans. Yellow-bellied F.-Ph. P. australis. Flying-Squirrel, n. popular name for a Flying-Phalanger, Petaurus sciureus, Shaw, a mar- supial with a parachute-like fold of skin along the sides by which he skims and floats through the air. The name is applied to entirely different animals in Europe and America. 1789. Governor Phillip, 'Voyage to Botany Bay,' c. xv. p. 151 : " Norfolk Island flying squirrel." [With picture.] 1827. P. Cunningham, ' Two Years in New South Wales/ vol. i. : "The flying squirrels are of a beautiful slate colour, with a fur so fine that, although a small animal, the hatters here give a quarter dollar for every skin." 1849. J. P. Townsend, 'Rambles in New South Wales/ p. 37 : " The squeal and chirp of the flying squirrel." 1850. R. C. Gunn, 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land/ vol. ' P- 253 ' " In the year 1845 I drew the atten- FLY-FOR] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY tion of the Tasmanian Society to the interesting fact that the Petaurus sciureus, or Flying Squirrel, of Port Phillip, was becoming naturalized in Van Diemen's Land. ... No species of Petaurus \s indigenous to Tasmania. ... It does not appear from all that I can learn, that any living specimens of the Petaurus sciureus were im- ported into Van Diemen's Land prior to 1834 ; but immediately after the settlement of Port Phillip, in that year, considerable numbers of the flying squirrel were, from their beauty, brought over as pets by the early visitors." 1851. J. B. Clutterbuck, 'Port Phillip in 1849,' p. 78 : " The flying squirrel, another of the opossum species of the marsupial order, is a beautiful little creature, and disposed over the whole of the interior of New South Wales : its fur is of a finer texture than that of the opossum." 1855. W. Blandowski, 'Transactions of Philosophical Society of Victoria,' vol. i. p. 70: " The common flying squirrel (Pe- taurus sciureus) is very plentiful in the large gum trees near the banks of a creek or river, and appears to entertain a peculiar aversion to the high lands." 1890. C. Lumholtz, 'Among Cannibals,' p. 90: "Flying squirrel." [Footnote] : "The marsupial flying phalanger is so called by the Australians." Fly-Orchis, n, name applied in Tasmania to the orchid, Pra- sophy Hum patens, R. Br. Forest, n. See quotation. 1839. T. L. Mitchell, 'Three Expedi- tions into the Interior of Eastern Aus- tralia,' vol i. p. 71 [Footnote] : " A ' forest ' means in New South Wales an open wood with grass. The common 'bush' or 'scrubb' consists of trees and saplings, where little grass is to be found." [It is questionable whether this fine distinction still exists.] Forester, n. the largest Kan- garoo, Macropus giganteus, Zimm. 1832. J. Bischoff, ' Van Diemen's Land,' vol. ii. p. 27 : "There are three or four varieties of kangaroos ; those most common are denominated the forester and brush kangaroo." 1847. L. Leichhardt, 'Overland Ex- pedition,' p. 423 : " I called this river the ' Red Kan- garoo River,' for in approaching it we first saw the red forester of Port Essington." 1862. H. C. Kendall, ' Poems,' p. 67 : " And the forester snuffing the air Will bound from his covert so dark." 1880. Mrs. Meredith, 'Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 15 : "We have never had one of the largest kind the Forester Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) tame, for they have been so hunted and destroyed that there are very few left in Tas- mania, and those are in private pre- serves, or very remote out-of-the-way places, and rarely seen. . . . The ab- origines called the old father of a flock a Boomer. These were often very large : about five feet high in their usual position, but when standing quite up, they were fully six feet . . . and weighing 1 50 or 200 pounds." 1890. RolfBoldrewood, 'Miner's Right,' c. xix. p. 181 : "The dogs . . . made for them as if they had been a brace of stray foresters from the adjacent ranges." Forest-Oak, n. See Oak. Forget-me-not, n. The species of this familiar flower is Myosotis australis, R. Br., N.O. Asperifolia. Fortescue, or 4O-skewer, n. a fish of New South Wales, -Pen- taroge marmorata, Cuv. and Val., family Scorpcenida ; called also the Scorpion, and the Cobbler. All its names allude to the thorny spines of its fins. The name Fortescue is an adaptation of Forty- skewer by the law of Hobson- Jobson. 1882. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, { Fish of New South Wales,' p. 49 : "Of this fish Mr. Hill says: The scorpion or Fortescue, as these fish are popularly termed by fishermen, I 5 2 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FOR- FOS have been known for a long time, and bear that name no doubt in memory of the pain they have hitherto inflicted ; and for its number and array of prickles it enjoys in this country the alias ' Forty-skewer ' or ' Fortescure.' " 1896. F. G. Aflalo, ' Natural History of Australia,' p. 228 : " Fortescue is a terrible pest, lurking among the debris in the nets and all but invisible, its spines standing erect in readiness for the unwary finger. And so intense is the pain inflicted by a stab, that I have seen a strong man roll on the ground crying out like a madman." Forty-legs, n. name given to a millipede, Cermatia smithii. Forty-spot, n. name for a bird, a Pardalote (q.v.). Pardalote it- self means spotted "like the pard." See also Diamond-bird. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. ii. pi. 37 : " Pardalotu s quadragintus, Gould, Forty-spotted pardalote. Forty-spot, Colonists of Van Diemen's Land." 1896. 'The Australasian,' Aug. 28, p. 407, col. 5 : ' ' Lyre bird ' is obvious ; so, too, is ' forty-spot ' ; only one wonders why the number 40 was pitched upon. Was it a guess ? Or did the namer first shoot the bird and count ? " Fossick, v. intrans. to dig, but with special meanings. Derived, like fosse, a ditch, and fossil, through French from Lat. fossus, perfect part, of fodere, to dig. Fossicking as pres. part., or as verbal noun, is commoner than the other parts of the verb. (1) To pick out gold. 1852. W. H. Hall, 'Practical Ex- periences at the Diggings in Victoria,' p. 16 : "Or fossicking (picking out the nuggets from the interstices of the slate formation) with knives and trowels." (2) To dig for gold on aban- doned claims or in waste-heaps. 1865. F. H. Nixon, ' Peter Perfume,' p. 59 = " They'll find it not quite so ' welly good ' As their fossicking freak at the Buckland." 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' c. xix. p. 286 : " Here we found about a dozen Chinamen 'fossicking' after gold amidst the dirt of the river, which had already been washed by the first gold-seekers." 1880. G. Sutherland, ' Tales of Gold- fields,' p. 22 : " He commenced working along with several companions at surface digging and fossicking." 1894. 'The Argus,' March 14, p. 4, col. 6 : "The easiest and simplest of all methods is ' fossicking.' An old dig- gings is the place for this work, because there you will learn the kind of country, formation, and spots to look for gold when you want to break new ground. ' Fossicking ' means going over old workings, turning up boulders, and taking the clay from beneath them, exploring fissures in the rock, and scraping out the stuff with your table knife, using your pick to help matters. Pulling up of trees, and clearing all soil from the roots, scraping the bot- toms of deserted holes, and generally keeping your eye about for little bits of ground left between workings by earlier miners who were in too great a hurry looking after the big fish to attend much to small fry." (3) To search for gold gener- ally, even by stealing. 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketch- es,' p. 60 : "A number of idle and disorderly fellows had introduced a practice which was termed ' fossicking.' .... In the dead hours of midnight they issued forth, provided with wax tapers, and, entering upon the ground, stole the auriferous earth." (4) To search about for any- thing, to rummage. 1870. S. Lemaitre, ' Songs of Goldfields,' p. 14: "He ran from the flat with an awful shout Without waiting to fossick the coffin lid out." FOS-FRE] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 153 1890. ' The Argus,' Aug. 2, p. 4, col. 3 : " Half the time was spent in fossick- ing for sticks." 1891. 'The Argus,' Dec. 19, p. 4, col. 2 : " I was ... a boy fossicking for birds' nests in the gullies." 1893. ' The Australasian,' Jan. 14 : " The dog was fossicking about." Fossicker, n. one who fossicks, sc. works among 1 the tailings of old gold-mines for what may be left. 1853. C. Rudston Read, ' What I heard, saw, and did at the Australian Gold Fields,' p. 150: "The man was what they called a night fossicker, who slept, or did nothing during the day, and then went round at night to where he knew the claims to be rich, and stole the stuff by candle- light." 1861. T. McCombie, ' Australian Sketch- es,' p. 87 : " I can at once recognize the ex- perienced ' fossickers,' who know well how to go to work with every chance in their favour." 1864. J. Rogers, ' New Rush,' pt. ii. p. 32: "Steady old fossickers often get more Than the first who open'd the ground." 1869. R. Brough Smyth, ' Goldfields of Victoria,' p. 612 : "A fossicker is to the miner as is the gleaner to the reaper ; he picks the crevices and pockets of the rocks." 1891. 'The Australasian,' Nov. 21, p. 1015. "We had heard that, on this same field, years after its total abandonment, a two hundred ounce nugget had been found by a solitary fossicker in a pillar left in an old claim." 1891. 'The Argus,' Dec. 19, p. 4, col. 2 : " The fossickers sluiced and cradled with wonderful cradles of their own building." Four-o'clock, n. another name for the Friar-bird (q.v.). Free-select, v. to take up land under the Land Laws. See Free- selector. This composite verb, derived from the noun, is very unusual. The word generally used is to select. 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories,' c. xix. p. 134 : " Everything which he could have needed had he proceeded to free-select an uninhabited island." Free-selection, ;;. (i) The pro- cess of selecting or choosing land under the Land Laws, or the right to choose. Abbreviated often into Selection. See Free- selector. 1865. 'Ararat Advertiser' [exact date lost] : "He was told that the areas open for selection were not on the Geelong side, and one of the obliging officials placed a plan before him, showing the lands on which he was free to choose a future home. The selector looked vacantly at the map, but at length be- came attracted by a bright green allot- ment, which at once won his capricious fancy, indicating as it did such luxurious herbage ; but, much to his disgust, he found that ' the green lot ' had already been selected. At length he fixed on a yellow section, and declared his in- tention of resting satisfied with the choice. The description and area of land chosen were called out, and he was requested to move further over and pay his money. ' Pay ? ' queried the fuddled but startled bond fide, 'I got no money (hie), old 'un, thought it was free selection, you know.' " 1870. T. H. Braim, 'New Homes,' ii. 87 : " A man can now go and make his free selection before survey of any quantity of land not less than 40 nor more than 320 acres, at twenty shil- lings an acre." 1878. ' The Australian,' vol. i. p. 743 : " You may go to nine stations out of ten now without hearing any talk but ' bullock and free-selection.' " 1880. G. Sutherland, 'Tales of Gold- fields,' p. 82 : " His intention . . . was to take up 154 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FRE-FRI a small piece of land under the system of ' free-selection.' " 1884. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Melbourne Memories,' c. xx. p. 162 : "This was years before the free- selection discovery." (2) Used for the land itself, but generally in the abbreviated form, Selection. 1887. R. M. Praed, ' Longleat of Koo- ralhyn,' vol. vi. p. 56 : " I've only seen three females on my selection since I took it up four years last November." Free-selector, n. (abbreviated often to Selector), one who takes up a block of Crown land under the Land Laws and by annual payments acquires the freehold. [320 acres in Victoria, 640 in New South Wales.] 1864. J. Rogers, ' New Rush,' pt. i. p. 21 : " Free selectors we shall be When our journey's end we see." 1866. 'Sydney Morning Herald,' Aug. 9 : "The very law which the free selector puts in force against the squatter, the squatter puts in force against him ; he selected upon the squatter's run, and the squatter selects upon his grazing right." 1873. Ibid. p. 33 : " Men who select small portions of the Crown lands by means of land orders or by gradual purchase, and who become freeholders and then per- manently wedded to the colony." 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 33 : " The condition of the free-selector that of ownership of a piece of land to be tilled by the owner is the one which the best class of immigrants desire." 1875. 'Melbourne Spectator,' June 12, p. 70, col. 2 : " A public meeting of non-resident selectors has been held at Rushworth." 1884. Marcus Clarke, 'Memorial Vol- ume,' p. 85 : " A burly free selector pitched his tent in my Home-Station paddock and turned my dam into a wash." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. xii. p. 116 : " No, no ; I've kept free-selectors out all these years, and as long as I live here I'll do so still." Freezer, n. a sheep bred and raised in order that its mutton may be frozen and exported. 1893. J. Hotson, Lecture in ' Age,' Nov. 30, p. 7, col. 2 : "In the breeding of what are in New Zealand known as ' freezers ' there lies a ready means of largely increasing the returns from our land." Fresh-water Herring, n. In Sydney, the fish is Clupea rich- mondia, Macl. Elsewhere in Aus- tralia, and in Tasmania, it is another name for the Grayling (q.V.). Fresh-water Perch, n. name given in Tasmania to the fish Microperca tasmania. Friar-bird, n. an Australian bird, of the genus called Philemon, but originally named Tropidorhyn- chus (q.v.). It is a honey-eater, and is also called Poor Soldier and other names ; see quotation, 1848. The species are Friar-Bird Philemon corniculatus, Lath. [Called also Leather-head, q.v.] Helmeted F. P. buceroides, Swains. Little F. P. sordidus, Gould. Silvery-crowned F. P. argenticeps, Gould. Yellow-throated F. P. citreogularis, Gould. Western F. P. occidentalis, Ramsay. 1798. D. Collins, ' Account of English Colony in New South Wales,' p. 615 (Vocab.): "Wirgan, bird named by us the friar." FRI-FRO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 155 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, 'Transac- tions of Linnsean Society,' vol. xv. p. 324: " Friar, a very common bird about Paramatta, called by the natives ' col- ~dong.' It repeats the words 'poor soldier' and 'four o'clock' very dis- tinctly." 1845. ' Voyage to Port Phillip,' p. 53 : "The cheerful sedge-wren and the bald-head friar, The merry forest-pie with joyous song." 1848. J. Gould, ' Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. pi. 58 : " Tropidorhynchus Corniculatus, Vig. and Hors. "From the fancied resemblance of its notes to those words, it has ob- tained from the Colonists the various names of 'Poor Soldier,' ' Pimlico,' ' Four o'clock,' etc. Its bare head and neck have also suggested the names of 'Friar Bird,' 'Monk,' 'Leather Head,' etc." 1855. W. Blandowski, ' Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria,' vol. i. p. 64 : " The Tropidorhynchus comiculatus is well known to the colonists by the names ' poor soldier,' ' leather-headed jackass,' ' friar-bird,' etc. This curious bird, in common with several other varieties of honey-eaters, is remarkable on account of its extreme liveliness and the singular resemblance of its notes to the human voice." Frilled-Lizard, n. See quota- tion. 1875. G. Bennett, ' Proceedings of Royal Society of Tasmania,' p. 56 : " Notes on the Chlamydosaurus or frilled-lizard of Queensland (C. Kin- Frogsmouth, n. an Australian bird ; genus Podargus, commonly called Mopoke (q.v.). The mouth and expression of the face re- semble the appearance of a frog. The species are Freckled Frogsmouth Podargus phalcenoides, Gould. Marbled F. P. marmoratus, Gould. Plumed F. P. papuensis, Quoy and Gaim. Tawney F. P. strigoides, Lath. 1895. W. O. Legge, ' Australasian As- sociation for the Advancement of Science ' (Brisbane), p. 447 : " The term ' Frogsmouth ' is used in order to get rid of that very objectionable name Podargus, and as being allied to the other genera Batrackostomus and Otothrix of the family Steatornince in India. It is a name well suited to the singular structure of the mouth, and presumably better than the mythical title of 'Goatsucker.' 'Night-hawk,' sometimes applied to the Caprimul- gince, does not accord with the mode of flight of the genus Podargus? Frontage, . land along a river or creek, of great import- ance to a station. A use common in Australia, not peculiar to it. 1844. ' Port Phillip Patriot,' July 1 8, p. 3, col. 7 : "... has four miles frontage to the Yarra Yarra." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Squatter's Dream ,' c. iii. p. 29 : " Jack was piloted by Mr. Hawkes- bury through the 'frontage' and a considerable portion of the ' back ' regions of Gondaree." Frost-fish, n. name given in Australia and New Zealand to the European Scabbard-fish, Lepi- dopus caudatus, White. The name is said to be derived from the cir- cumstance that the fish is found alive on New Zealand sea-beaches on frosty nights. It is called the Scabbard-fish in Europe, because it is like the shining white metal sheath of a long sword. Lepi- dopus belongs to the family Tri- chiurida; it reaches a length of five or six feet, but is so thin that it hardly weighs as many pounds. It is considered a delicacy in New Zealand. AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [FRU-FUR 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand,' vol. ii. p. 51 : "The frost-fish ... the most deli- cately flavoured of all New Zealand fishes, is an inhabitant of deep water, and on frosty nights, owing probably to its air-bladders becoming choked, it is cast up by the surf on the ocean- beach." Fruit-Pigeon, . The name is given to numerous pigeons of the genera Ptilinopus and Car- pophaga. In Australia it is as- signed to the following birds : Allied Fruit-Pigeon Ptilinopus assimilis, Gould. Purple-breasted F.-P. P. magnified, Temm. Purple-crowned F.-P. P. superbus, Temm. Red-crowned F.-P. P. swainsonii, Gouil. Rose-crowned F.-P. P. ewingit, Gould. White-headed F.-P. Columba kucomela, Temm. And in New Zealand to Car- pophaga novce-zealandia, Gmel. (Maori name, Kereru Kuku, or Kukupa?) Fryingpan-Brand, n. a large brand used by cattle-stealers to cover the owner's brand. See Duffer and Cattle-Duffer. 1857. Frederic De Brebant Cooper, 'Wild Adventures in Australia,' p. 104 : "... This person was an ' old hand,' and got into some trouble on the other side (i. e. the Bathurst side) by using a 'frying-pan brand.' He was stock-keeping in that quarter, and was rather given to ' gulley-raking.' One fine day it appears he ran in three bullocks belonging to a neighbouring squatter, and clapt his brand on the top of the other so as to efface it." Fuchsia, Native, ;/. The name is applied to several native plants. (i) In Australia and Tasmania, to various species of Correa (q.v.), especially to Correa speciosa, And. , N.O. Rutacea. (2) In Queensland, to Eremo- phila maculata, F. v. M., N.O. Myoporinea. (3) In New Zealand, to Fuchsia excorticata, Linn., N.O. Onagraria. (Maori name, Kotukutuku, q.v.) See also Tooky-took and Konini. 1860. Geo. Bennett, ' Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia,' pp. 371-2: "The Correa virens, with its pretty pendulous blossoms (from which it has been named the 'Native Fuchsia'), and the Scarlet Grevillea (G. coccinea) are gay amidst the bush flowers." 1880. Mrs. Meredith, ' Tasmanian 1 riends and Foes,' p. 23 : " I see some pretty red correa and lilac." [Footnote]: ''Correa speciosa native fuchsia of Colonies." 1883. F. M. Bailey, 'Synopsis of Queensland Flora,' p. 374 : "E. maculata. A ... shrub called native fuchsia, and by some considered poisonous, by others a good fodder bush." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 126 : " E. maculata Called ' Native Fuchsia ' in parts of Queensland." 1892. 'Otago Witness,' Nov. 24, 'Na- tive Trees ' : " A species of native fuchsia that is coming greatly into favour is called [Fuchsia] Procumbens. It is a lovely pot plant, with large pink fruit and upright flowers." Full up of, adj. (slang), sick and tired of. "Full on," and "full of," are other forms. 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Miner's Right,' c. xxiii. p. 213: "She was 'full up' of the Oxley, which was a rowdy, disagreeable gold- field as ever she was on." Furze, Native, n. a shrub, Hakea ulicina, R. Br. See Hakea. Futtah, n. a settlers' corruption of the Maori word Whata (q.v.). 1895. W. S. Roberts, 'Southland in 1856,' p. 28 : PUT] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 157 "These stores were called by the Europeans flitters^ but the Maori name was Whata." 1896. ' Southland Daily News,' Feb. 3 : " ' Futtah ' is familiar as ' household words.' There were always rats in New Zealand that is, since any tradi- tions of \tsfauna existed. The original ones were good to eat. They were black and smooth in the hair as the mole of the Old Country, and were esteemed delicacies. They were al- ways mischievous, but the Norway rat that came with the white man was worse. He began by killing and eating his aboriginal congener, and then made it more difficult than ever to keep any- thing eatable out of reach of his teeth. Human ingenuity, however, is superior to that of most of the lower animals, and so the 'futtah' came to be a storehouse on four posts, each of them so bevelled as to render it impossible for the cleverest rat to climb them. The same expedient is to-day in use on Stewart Island and the West Coast in fact, wherever properly constructed buildings are not available for the storage of things eatable or destruc- tible by the rodents in question." I 5 8 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GAL-GAR G Galah, n. a bird. (The accent is now placed on the second syllable.) Aboriginal name for the Cacatua roseicapilla, Vieill., the Rose-breasted Cockatoo. See Cocka- too. With the first syllable com- pare last syllable of Budgerigar (q.v.). 1890. 'The Argus,' Sept. 20, p. 13, col. 5 : " They can afford to screech and be merry, as also the grey, pink-crested galahs, which tint with the colours of the evening sky a spot of ^rass in the distance." 1890. Lyth, 'Golden South,' c. xiv. p. 127 : "The galahs, with their delicate grey and rose-pink plumage, are the prettiest parrots." 1891. Francis Adams, 'John Webb's End,' p. 191 : "A shrieking flock of galahs, on their final flight before they settled to roost, passed over and around him, and lifting up his head, he saw how all their grey feathers were flushed with the sunset light, their coloured breasts deepening into darkest ruby, they seemed like loosed spirits." Gallows, n. Explained in quota- tion. Common at all stations, where of course the butchering is done on the premises. 1866. Lady Barker, ' Station Life in New Zealand,' p. 64 : " The gallows, a high wooden frame from which the carcases of the butchered sheep dangle." Gang-gang, or Gan-gan, n. the aboriginal word for the bird Callocephalon galeatum, Lath., so called from its note ; a kind of cockatoo, grey with a red head, called also Gang-gang Cockatoo. See Cockatoo. 1833. C. Sturt, ' Southern Australia,' vol. i. Intro, p. xxxviii : " Upon the branches the satin-bird, the gangan, and various kinds of pigeons were feeding." 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. v. pi. 14 : " Callocephalon Galeatum, Gang- gang Cockatoo, Colonists of New South Wales." Gannet, n. the English name for the Solan Goose and its tribe. The Australian species are The Gannet Sula serrator, Banks. Brown G. (called also Booby] S. leucogastra, Bodd. Masked G. S. cyanops, Sunder. Red-legged G. S. piscator, Linn. The species in New Zealand- is Dysporus serrator, Grey ; Maori name, Takapu. Garfish, n. In England the name is applied to any fish of the family BelonidcK. The name was origin- ally used for the common Euro- pean Belone vulgaris. In Mel- bourne the Garfish'^ a true one,^os, the belly, and \6f3iov, dim. of Ao/3ds, "the capsule or pod of leguminous plants." ('L. & S.') Geebung, or Geebong, n. aboriginal name for the fruit of various species of the tree Per- soonia, and also for the tree itself, N.O. Proteacetz. 1827. P. Cunningham, 'Two Years in New South Wales,' vol. i. p. 221 : "The jibbong is another tasteless fruit, as well as the five corners, much relished by children." 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 478 : "We gathered and ate a great quantity of gibong (the ripe fruit of Persoonia falcata)." 1852. G. C. Mundy, 'Our Antipodes,' c. vii. p. 176, 3rd edition 1855 : " The geebung, a native plum, very woolly and tasteless." 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' p. 113 = " We gathered the wild raspberries, and mingling them with geebongs and scrub berries, set forth a dessert." 1885. RolfBoldrewood, ' Robbery under Arms, p. 255 : " You won't turn a five-corner into a quince, or a geebung into an orange." 1889. J. H. Maiden, ' Useful Native Plants,' p. 584 : " A ' geebung ' (the name given to the fruits of Persoomas, and hence to the trees themselves)." Gerygone, n. scientific and vernacular name of a genus of small warblers of Australia and New Zealand ; the new name for them is fly-eater (q.v.). In New Zealand they are called Bush- warblers, Grey-warblers, etc., and they also go there by their Maori name of Riro-riro. For the species, see Fly-eater and Warbler. The name is from the Greek yc/auydn/, " born of sound," a word used by Theocritus. 1895. W. O. Legge, ' Australasian Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science ' (Brisbane), p. 447 : "[The habits and habitats of the i6o AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GHI-GID genus] Gerygone suggested the term Yly-eater, as distinguished from Fly- catcher, for this aberrant and peculiarly Australasian form of small Fly-catchers, which not only capture their food some- what after the manner of Fly-catchers, but also seek for it arboreally." Ghilgai, n. an aboriginal word used by white men in the neigh- bourhood of Bourke, New South Wales, to denote a saucer-shaped depression in the ground which forms a natural reservoir for rain- water. Ghilgais vary from 20 to 100 yards in diameter, and are from five to ten feet deep. They differ from Claypans (q.v.), in being more regular in outline and deeper towards the centre, whereas Claypans are generally flat-bottomed. Their formation is probably due to subsidence. Giant-Lily, n. See under Lily. Giant - Nettle, i.q. Nettle-tree (q.V.). Gibber, n. an aboriginal word for a stone. Used both of loose stones and -of rocks. The G is hard. 1834. L - E - Threlkeld, 'Australian Grammar,' p. x. [In a list of ' barbarisms '] : " Gibber, a stone." [face Mr. Threlkeld, the word is aboriginal, though not of the dialect of the Hunter District, of which he is speaking.] 1852. ' Settlers and Convicts ; or Re- collections of Sixteen Years' Labour in the Australian Backwoods,' p. 159 : " Of a rainy night like this he did not object to stow himself by the fire- side of any house he might be near, or under the ' gibbers ' (overhanging rocks) of the river. . . ." 1890. A. J. Vogan, 'Black Police,' p. 338: " He struck right on top of them gibbers (stones). 2 ' 1894. Baldwin Spencer, in 'The Argus,' Sept. i, p. 4, col. 2: " At first and for more than a hun- dred miles [from Oodnadatta north- wards], our track led across what is called the gibber country, where the plains are covered with a thin layer of stones the gibbers of various sizes, derived from the breaking down of a hard rock which forms the top of endless low, table-topped hills belong- ing to the desert sandstone formation." Gibber-gnnyah, n. an abori- ginal cave-dwelling. See Gibber and Gunyah, also Rock-shelter. 1852. ' Settlers and Convicts ; or, Re- collections of Sixteen Years' Labour in the Australian Backwoods,' p. 211 : " I coincided in his opinion that it would be best for us to camp for the night in one of the ghibber-gunyahs. These are the hollows under over- hanging rocks." 1863. Rev. R. W. Vanderkiste, ' Lost, but not for Ever,' p. 210 : " Our home is the gibber-gunyah, Where hill joins hill on high, Where the turrama and berrambo Like sleeping serpents lie." 1891. R. Etheridge, jun., 'Records of the Australian Museum,' vol. i. no. viii. P- 171 : " Notes on Rock Shelters or Gibba- gunyahs at Deewhy Lagoon." Giddea, Gidya, or Gidgee, adj. aboriginal word of New South Wales and Queensland for (i) a species of Acacia^ A. homalophylla, Cunn. The original meaning is probably small, cf. gidju, War- rego, Queensland, and kutyo, Adelaide, both meaning small. (2) A long spear made from this wood. 1878. ' Catalogue of Objects of Ethno- typical Art in National Gallery, Melbourne,' p. 46: " Gid-jee. Hardwood spear, with fragments of quartz set in gum on two sides and grass-tree stem. Total length^ 7 feet 8 inches." 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' P- Si : " Gidya scrubs." 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 357 : " A. homalophylla. A ' Spearwood.' Called ' Myall ' in Victoria. . . . Abori- ginal names are . . . Gidya, Gidia, or Gidgee (with other spellings in New OIL-GIN] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 161 South Wales and Queensland). This is the commonest colonial name . . . much sought after for turner's work on account of its solidity and fragrance. . . . The smell of the tree when in flower is abominable, and just before rain almost unbearable." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. xvii. p. 211 : "I sat ... watching the shadows of the gydya trees lengthen, ah ! so slowly." 1890. C. Lumholtz, 'Among Cannibals,' P- 37 = " Kind of scrub, called by the colon- ists gidya-scrub, which manifests itself even at a distance by a very character- istic, but not agreeable odour, being especially pungent after rain." 1896. Baldwin Spencer, ' Home Expe- dition in Central Australia,' Narrative, p. 22 : " We camped beside a water-pool on the Adminga Creek, which is bor- dered for the main part by a belt of the stinking acacia, or giddea (A. homa- lophylld]. When the branches are freshly cut it well deserves the former name, as they have a most objection- able smell." Gill-bird, n. an occasional name for the Wattle-bird (q.v.). 1896. ' Menu ' for October 15 : " Gill-bird on Toast." Gin, n. a native word for an aboriginal woman, and used, though rarely, even for a female kangaroo. See quotation 1833. The form gun (see quotation 1865) looks as if it had been altered to meet yvv-rj, and of course generate is not derived from yvvij, though it may be a distant relative. In * Collins's Vocabulary ' occurs "din, a woman." If such a pho- netic spelling as djin had been adopted, as it well might have been, to express the native sound, where would the ywtj theory have been ? 1798. D. Collins, 'Account of English Colony in New South Wales,' Vocabulary, p. 612 : " Din a woman." 1830. R. Dawson, 'Present State of Australia,' p. 152 : " A proposition was made by one of my natives to go and steal a gin (wife)." Ibid. p. 153 : " She agrees to become his gin." 1833. Lieut. Breton, R.N., 'Excur- sions in New South Wales,' p. 254 : "The flying gin (gin is the native word for woman or female) is a boo- mah, and will leave behind every de- scription of dog." 1834. L. E. Threlkeld, 'Australian Grammar,' p. x : "As a barbarism [sc. not used on the Hunter], jin a wife." 1845. J. O. Balfour, 'Sketch of New South Wales.' p. 8 : " A gin (the aboriginal for a married woman)." 1846. C. P. Hodgson, ' Reminiscences of Australia,' p. 367 : " Gin, the term applied to the native female blacks ; not from any attach- ment to the spirit of that name, but from some (to me) unknown deriva- tion." 1846. J. L. Stokes, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. I. c. iv. p. 74 : " Though very anxious to ... carry off one of their 'gins,' or wives ... he yet evidently holds these north men in great dread." 1847. J. D. Lang, 'Cooksland,' p. 126, n. : "When their fire-stick has been extinguished, as is sometimes the case, for their jins or vestal virgins, who have charge of the fire, are not always sufficiently vigilant." 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes ' (edition 1855), p. 98 : " Gins native women from mulier, evidently ! " 1864. J. Rogers, ' New Rush,' pt. 2, p. 46: " The females would be comely looking gins, Were not their limbs so much like rolling-pins." 1865. S. Bennett, 'Australian Dis- covery, ' p. 250 : " Gin or gun, a woman. Greek ywn and derivative words in English, such as generate, generation, and the like." M 1 62 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GIN-GO A 1872. C. H. Eden, ' My Wife and I jn Queensland,' p. 118 : " The gins are captives of their bow and spear, and are brought home before the captor on his saddle. This seems the orthodox way of wooing the coy forest maidens. . . . All blacks are cruel to their gins." 1880. T. Brunton Stephens, 'Poems' [Title] : " To a black gin." 1885. R. M. Praed, 'Australian Life,' P- 23: " Certain stout young gins or lubras, set apart for the purpose, were sacri- ficed." Ginger, Native, n. an Australian tree, Alpinia ccerulea, Benth. , JV. O. Scitaminea. The globular fruit is eaten by the natives. 1890. C. Lumholtz, 'Among Cannibals,' p. 296 : "Fresh green leaves, especially of the so-called native ginger {Alpinia cceruled)" Give Best, v. Australian slang, meaning to acknowledge superi- ority, or to give up trying at any- thing. 1883. Keighley, ' Who are You?' p. 87 : " But then the fact had better be con- fessed, I went to work and gave the schooling best." 1887. J. Farrell, ' How he Died,' p. 80 : " Charley gave life best and died of grief." 1890. RolfBoldrevvood, ' Miner's Right,' c. xviii. p. 174 : " It's not like an Englishman to jack up and give these fellows best." Globe-fish, n. name given to the fish Tetrodon hamiltoni, Rich- ards., family Gymnodontes. The Spiny Globe-fish is Diodoti. These are also called Toad-fish (q.v.), and Porcupine-fish (q.v.). The name is applied to other fish elsewhere. Glory Flower, or Glory Pea, i.q. Clianthus (q.v.). Glory Pea, i.q. Clianthus (q.v.). Glucking-bird, n. a bird so named by Leichhardt, but not identified Probably the Boobook (q.v.), and see its quotation 1827 ; see also under Mopoke quotation, Owl, 1846. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expedi- tion,' p. 23 : " The musical note of an unknown bird, sounding like 'gluck gluck' fre- quently repeated, and ending in a shake . . . are heard from the neigh- bourhood of the scrub." Ibid. p. 29 : " The glucking bird by which name, in consequence of its note, the bird may be distinguished was heard through the night." Ibid. p. 47 : " The glucking-bird and the barking owl were heard throughout the moon- light nights." Ibid. pp. 398, 399 : " During the night, we heard the well-known note of what we called the ' Glucking bird,' when we first met with it in the Cypress-pine country at the early part of our expedition. Its re- appearance-with the Cypress-pine cor- roborated my supposition, that the bird lived on the seeds of that tree." Glue-pot, n. part of a road so bad that the coach or buggy sticks in it. 1892. ' Daily News,' London (exact date lost) : "The Bishop of Manchester [Dr. Moorhouse, formerly Bishop of Mel- bourne], whose authority on missionary subjects will not be disputed, assures us that no one can possibly under- stand the difficulties and the troubles attendant upon the work of a Colonial bishop or clergyman until he has driven across almost pathless wastes or through almost inaccessible forests, has struggled through what they used to call 'glue-pots,' until he has been shaken to pieces by ' corduroy roads,' and has been in the midst of forests with the branches of trees falling around on all sides, knowing full well that if one fell upon him he would be killed." Goai, n. common name in southern island of New Zealand GOA-GOL] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 163 for Kowhai (q.v.), of which it is a corruption. It is especially used of the timber of this tree, which is valuable for fencing. The change from K to G also took place in the name Otago, formerly spelt Otakou. 1860. John Blair, ' New Zealand for Me': " The land of "Cb&goai tree, mapu, and pine, The stately totara, and blooming- wild vine." 1863. S. Butler, ' First Year in Canter- bury Settlement,' p. 104 : " I remember nothing but a rather curiously shaped gowai-tree." Goanna, Guana, and Guano, n. popular corruptions for Iguana, the large Lace-lizard (q.v.), Var- anus varius", Shaw In New Zea- land, the word Guano is applied to the lizard-like reptile Sphenodon punctatum. See Tuatara. In Tas- mania, the name is given to Tiliqua scincoides, White, and throughout Australia any lizard of a large size is popularly called a Guana, or in the bush, more commonly, a Go- anna, See also Lace-lizard. 1802. G. Barrington, ' History of New South Wales,' c. viii. p. 285 : " Among other reptiles were found . . . some brown guanoes." 1830. R. Dawson, ' Present state of Australia,' p. 118 : " At length an animal called a guana (a very large species of lizard) jumped out of the grass, and with amazing rapidity ran, as they always do when disturbed, up a high tree." 1864. J. Rogers, ' New Rush,' p. 6 : " The shy guana climbs a tree in fear." 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, ' A Sydney-side Saxon,' p. 99 : " A goanna startled him, and he set to and kicked the front of the buggy in." 1896. H. Lawson, 'When the World was Wide,' p. 139 : "And the sinister 'gohanna,' and the lizard, and the snake." Go-ashore, n. an iron pot or cauldron, with three iron feet, and two ears, from which it was suspended by a wire handle over the fire. It is a corruption of the Maori word Kohua (q.v.), by the law of Hobson-Jobson. 1849. W. Tyrone Power, ' Sketches in New Zealand with Pen and Pencil,' p. 160 : " Engaged in the superintendence of a Maori oven, or a huge gipsy-looking cauldron, called a ' go-ashore.' " 1877. An Old Colonist, ' Colonial Ex- periences,' p. 124 : " A large go-ashore, or three-legged pot, of the size and shape of the caul- dron usually introduced in the witch scene in Macbeth." 1879. C. L. Innes, ' Canterbury Sketches,' p. 23 : "There was another pot, called by the euphonious name of a ' Go-ashore," which used to hang by a chain over the fire. This was used for boiling." Goborro, n. aboriginal name for Eucalyptus microtheca, F. v. M. See Dwarf-box, under Box. Goburra, and Gogobera, n. variants of Kookaburra (q.v.). Goditcha. See Kurdaitcha. Godwit, n. the English name for birds of the genus Limosa. The Australian species are Black-tailed G., Limosa melanu- roides, Gould ; Barred-rumped G., L. uropygialis, Gould. Gogobera, and Goburra, n. variants of Kookaburra (q.v.). Gold-. The following words and phrases compounded with "gold " are Australian in use, though probably some are used else- where. Gold-bearing, verbal adj. auri- ferous. 1890. ' Goldfields of Victoria,' p. 13 : " A new line of gold-bearing quartz." Gold-digging, verbal n. mining or digging for gold 1880. G. Sutherland, ' Tales of Gold- fields,' p. 36 : " There were over forty miners thus i6 4 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GOL playing at gold-digging in Hiscock's Gully." Gold-digger, n. 1852. J. Bonwick [Title] : " Notes of a Gold-digger." Gold-fever, n. the desire to obtain gold by digging. The word is more especially applied to the period between 1851 and 1857, the early Australian dis- covery of gold. The term had been previously applied in a simi- lar way to the Californian excite- ment in 1848-49. Called also Yellow-fever. 1888. A. J. Harbour, ' Clara.' c. ix. p. I3 : "The gold fever coursed through every vein." Gold-field, n. district where mining for gold is carried on. 1858. T. McCombie, ' History of Vic- toria,' c. xv. p. 215 : " All were anxious to get away for the gold fields." 1880. G. Sutherland, [Title] 'Tales of Goldfields,' p. 19 : " Edward Hargreaves, the discoverer of the Australian goldfields ... re- ceived ; 1 5,000 as his reward." Gold-founded,/0r/. adj. founded as the result of the discovery of gold. 1890. RolfBoldrewood, ' Miner's Right.' c. ix. p. 91 : " I rode up the narrow street, ser- pentine in construction, as in all gold- founded townships." Gold-hunter, n. searcher after gold. 1852. G. S. Rutter [Title] : " Hints to Gold-hunters." 1890. RolfBoldrewood, 'Miner's Right,' c. v. p. 48 : " I was not as one of the reckless gold-hunters with which the camp was thronged." Gold-mining, verbal n. 1852. J. A. Phillips [Title] : " Gold-mining ; a Scientific Guide for Australian Emigrants." 1880. G. Sutherland, 'Tales of Gold- fields,' p. 23 : " He had already had quite enough of gold-mining." Gold-seeking, adj. 1890. RolfBoldrewood, 'Miner's Right,' c. xv. p. 150 : " The great gold-seeking multitude had swelled ... to the population of a province." Golden Bell-Prog, n. name ap- plied to a large gold and green frog, Hyla aurea, Less., which, unlike the great majority of the family Hylida to which it belongs, is terrestrial and not arboreal in its habits, being found in and about water-holes in many parts of Australia. 1881. F. McCoy, 'Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria,' Dec. 6, pi. 53 : " So completely alike was the sound of the Bell-frogs in an adjoining pond at night to the noise of the men by day." Golden-chain, n. another name for the Laburnum (q.v.). Golden-eye, n. the bird Cer- thia lunulatu, Shaw ; now called Melithreptus lunulatus, Shaw, and classed as White-naped Honey- eater (q.v.). 1827. Vigors and Horsfield, ' Transac- tions of Linnaean Society,' vol. xv. p. 315: "'This bird,' Mr. Caley says, 'is called Golden-eye by the settlers. I shot it at Iron Cove, seven miles from Sydney, on the Paramatta road.' " Golden-Perch, n. a fresh-water fish of Australia, Ctenolates am- biguus, Richards., family Percida, and C. christyi, Castln. ; also called the Yellow-belly. C. ambiguus is common in the rivers and lagoons of the Murray system. Golden-Rosemary, n. See Rosemary. Golden- Wattle, n. See Wattle. 1896. ' The Argus,' July 20, p. 5, col. 8: " Many persons who had been lured GOO] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 165 into gathering armfuls of early wattle had cause to regret their devotion to the Australian national bloom, for the golden wattle blossoms produced un- pleasant associations in the minds of the wearers of the green, and there were blows and curses in plenty. In political botany the wattle and black- thorn cannot grow side by side." 1896. 'The Melburnian,' Aug. 28, p. 53 = " The last two weeks have been alive with signs and tokens, saying ' Spring is coming, Spring is here.' And though this may not be the ' merry month of May,' yet it is the time of glorious Golden Wattle, wattle waving by the river's bank, nodding aloft its soft plumes of yellow and its gleaming golden oriflamme, or bending low to kiss its own image in the brown waters which it loves." Goodenia, n. the scientific and popular name of a genus of Australian plants, closely resem- bling the Gentians; there are many species. The name was given by Sir James Smith, presi- dent of the Linnaean Society, in I 793- See quotation. I 793- ' Transactions of the Linnsean Society,' vol. ii. p. 346 : " I [Smith] have given to this . . . genus the name of Goodenia, in honour of ... Rev. Dr. Goodenough, treasurer of this Society, of whose botanical merits . . . example of Tournefort, who formed Gundelia from Gundel- scheimer . . ." [Dr. Goodenough became Bishop of Carlisle ; he was the grandfather of Commodore Goodenough.] 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 1 88 : " A species of Goodenia is supposed to be used by the native gins to cause their children to sleep on long journeys, but it is not clear which is used." Goodletite, n, scientific name. for a matrix in which rubies are found. So named by Professor Black of Dunedin, in honour of his assistant, William Goodlet, who was the first to discover the rubies in the matrix, on the west coast. 1894. ' Grey River Argus,' September: " Several sapphires of good size and colour have been found, also rubies in the matrix Goodletite.'' Goondie, n. a native hut. Gundai = a shelter in the Wirad- huri dialect. It is the same word as Gunyah (q.v.). 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, 'Colonial Re- former,' c. xvii. p. 204 : " There were a dozen ' goondies ' to be visited, and the inmates started to their work." Goose, n. English bird-name. The Australian species are Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis nova-hollandice, Lath. [Gould ('Birds of Australia,' vol. vii. pi. i) calls it the Cereopsis Goose, or Cape Barren Goose of the Colon- ists.] Maned G. (or Wood-duck, q.v.) Branta jubata. Lath. Pied G. Anseranus melanoleuca, Lath. Called also Magpie-Goose and Swan-Goose. 1843. J. Backhouse, ' Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies,' p. 75 : " Five pelicans and some Cape Barren Geese were upon the beach of Preservation Island [Bass Strait]." Goose-teal, n. the English name for a very small goose of the genus Nettapus. The Aus- tralian species are Green, Net- tapus pulchellus, Gould ; White- quilled, N. albipenniS) Gould. Gooseberry- tree, Little, n. name given to the Australian tree Buchanania mangoides, F. v. M., N,O. Anacardiacece. 1847. L. Leichhardt, 'Overland Expe- dition,' p. 479 : " My companions had, for several days past, gathered the unripe fruits of Coniogeton arborescens, R. Br., which, when boiled, imparted an agreeable acidity to the water. . . . When ripe, i66 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GOR-GRA they became sweet and pulpy, like gooseberries. . . . This resemblance induced us to call the tree ' the little gooseberry-tree.' " Gordon Lily, n. See under Lily. Gouty-stem, n. the Australian Baobab-tree (q.v.), Adansonia gregorii, F. v. M. According to Maiden (p. 60), Sterculia rupestris, Benth., is also called Gouty-stem, on account of the extraordinary shape of the trunk. Other names of this tree are the Sour-gourd, and the Cream-of-tartar tree. 1846. J. L. Stokes, ' Discovery in Aus- tralia,' vol. II. c. iii. p. 115 : " The gouty-stem tree . . . bears a very fragrant white flower, not unlike the jasmine." [Illustration given at p. 1 1 6.] 1865. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, ' His- tory of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia,' vol. i. p. 289 [Note] : "This tree is distinguished by the extraordinary swollen appearance of the stem, which looks as though the tree were diseased or the result of a freak of nature. The youngest as well as the oldest trees have the same deformed appearance, and inside the bark is a soft juicy pulp instead of wood, which is said to be serviceable as an article of food. The stem of the largest tree at Careening Bay was twenty-nine feet in girth ; it is named the Adansonia digitata. A species is found in Africa. In Australia it occurs only on the north coast." Government, n. a not unusual contraction of " Government ser- vice," used by contractors and working- men. Government men, n. an obsolete euphemistic name for convicts, especially for assigned servants (q.v.). 1846. G. H. Haydon, ' Five Years in Australia Felix,' p. 122 : "Three government men or con- victs." 1852. J. West, ' History of Tasmania,' vol. ii. p. 127 : " Government men, as assigned serv- ants were called." Government stroke, n. a lazy style of doing work, explained in quotations. The phrase is not dead. 1856. W. W. Dobie, ' Recollections of a Visit to Port Phillip,' p. 47 : " Government labourers, at ten shil- lings a-day, were breaking stones with what is called ' the Government stroke,' which is a slow-going, anti-sweating kind of motion. . . ." 1873. A. Trollope, ' Australia and New Zealand,' c. ix. [near end] p. 163 : " In colonial parlance the govern- ment stroke is that light and easy mode of labour perhaps that sem- blance of labour which no other master will endure, though govern- ment is forced to put up with it." 1893. 'Otago Witness,' December 21, p. 9, col. I : "The government stroke is good enough for this kind of job." 1897. ' The Argus,' Feb. 22, p. 4, col. 9 : "Like the poor the unemployed are always with us, but they have a pen- chant for public works in Melbourne, with a good daily pay and the 'Govern- ment stroke ' combined." Grab-all, n. a kind of net used for marine fishing near the shore. It is moored to a piece of floating wood, and by the Tasmanian Government regulations must have a mesh of z\ inches. 1883. Edward O. Cotton, 'Evidence before Royal Commission on the Fisheries of Tasmania,' p. 82 : " Put a graball down where you will in 'bell-rope' kelp, more silver trum- peter will get in than any other fish." 1883. Ibid. p. xvii : "Between sunrise and sunset, nets, known as 'graballs,' may be used." Grammatophore, n. scientific name for "an Australian agamoid lizard, genus Grammatophora" (' Standard.') Grape, Gippsland, n. called also Native Grape. An Australian fruit tree, Vitis hypoglauca, F.v.M., N.O. Vinifera ; called Gippsland Grape in Victoria. ORA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 167 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 66 : " Native grape ; Gippsland grape. This evergreen climber yields black edible fruits of the size of cherries. This grape would perhaps be greatly improved by culture. (Mueller.)" Grape, Macquarie Harbour, or Macquarie Harbour Vine (q.v.), n. name given to the climb- ing shrub Miihlenbeckia adpressa, Meissn., N.O. Polygonacetz. Called Native Ivy in Australia. See under Ivy. Grape-eater, n. a bird, called formerly Fig-eater, now known as the Green-backed White-eye (q.v.), Zoster ops gouldi, Bp. 1848. J. Gould, 'Birds of Australia,' vol. iv. pi. 82 : " Zosterops chloronotus, Gould, Green-backed Z. ; Grape and Fig-eater, Colonists of Swan River." Grass, n. In Australia, as else- where, the name Grass is some- times given to plants which are not of the natural order Grami- nece, yet everywhere it is chiefly to this natural order that the name is applied. A fair propor- tion of the true Grasses common to many other countries in the world, or confined, on the one hand to temperate zones, or on the other to tropical or sub-trop- ical regions, are also indigenous to Australia, or Tasmania, or New Zealand, or sometimes to all three countries. In most cases such grasses retain their Old- World names, as, for instance, Barnyard- or Cock-spur Grass (Panicum crus-galli, Linn.) ; in others they receive new Austra- lian names, as Ditch Millet (Pas- palum scrobitulatum, F. v. M.), the ' Koda Millet ' of India ; and still again certain grasses named in Latin by scientific botanists have been distinguished by a vernacular English name for the first time in Australia, as Kangaroo Grass (Anthistiria ciliata, Linn.), which was " long known before Aus- tralia became colonized, in South Asia and all Africa " (von Miil- ler),~ but not by the name of the Kangaroo. Beyond these considerations, the settlers of Australia, whose wealth depends chiefly on its pastoral occupation, have intro- duced many of the best Old- World pasture grasses (chiefly of the genera Poa and Festucd), and many thousands of acres are said to be " laid down with English grass." Some of these are now so wide-spread in their acclimatiz- ation, that the botanists are at variance as to whether they are indigenous to Australia or not ; the Couch Grass, for instance ( Cynodon dactylon, Pers.), or Indian Doub Grass, is generally con- sidered to be an introduced grass, yet Maiden regards it as indige- nous. There remain, "from the vast assemblage of our grasses, even some hundred indigenous to Aus- tralia" (von Miiller), and a like number indigenous to New Zea- land, the greater proportion of which are endemic. Many of these, accurately named in Latin and described by the botanists, have not yet found their vernacu- lar equivalents ; for the bushman and the settler do not draw fine botanical distinctions. Maiden has classified and fully described 158 species as " Forage Plants," of which over ninety have never been christened in English. Mr. John Buchanan, the botanist and draughtsman to the Geographical Survey of New Zealand, has prepared for his Government a ' Manual of the Indigenous Grasses of New Zealand,' which enumerates eighty species, many i68 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GRA of them unnamed in English, and many of them common also to Aus- tralia and Tasmania. These two descriptive works, with the assist- ance of Guilfoyle's Botany and Travellers' notes, have been made the basis of the following list of all the common Australian names applied to the true Grasses of the N.O. Graminecz. Some of them of very special Australian charac- ter appear also elsewhere in the Dictionary in their alphabetical places, while a few other plants, which are grasses by name and not by nature, stand in such alphabetical place alone, and not in this list. For facility of com- parison and reference the range and habitat of each species is indicated in brackets after its name ; the more minute limitation of such ranges is not within the scope of this work. The species of Grass present in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand are 1. Alpine Rice Grass Ehrharta colensoi, Cook. (N.Z.) 2. Alpine Whorl G. Catabrosa antarctica, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 3. Bamboo G. Glyceria ramigera, F.v. M. (A.) Called also Cane Grass. Stipa verticillata, Nees. (A.) 4. Barcoo G. (of Queensland) Anthistiria membranacea, Lindl. (A.) Called also Lands- borough Grass. 5. Barnyard G. Panicum crus-galli, Linn. (A., not endemic.) Called also Cockspur Grass. 6. Bayonet G. Aciphylla colensoi. (N.Z.) Called also Spear-Grass (see 112), and Spaniard (q.v.). 7. Bent G. Alpine Agrostis muellerii, Benth. (A., N.Z., not endemic.) Deyeuxia setifolia, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 8. Bent G. Australian ~ Deyeuxia scabra, Benth. (A., T., N.Z.) 9. Bent G. Billardiere's D. billardierii, R.Br. (A., T., N.Z.) 10. Bent G. Brown Agrostis carina, Linn. (N.Z.) n. Bent G. Campbell Island A. antarctica, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 12. Bent G. Dwarf Mountain A. subululata, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 13. Bent G. Oat-like Deyeuxia avenoides, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 14. Bent G. Pilose D.pilosa, Rich. (N.Z.) 15. Bent G. Slender Agrostis scabra, Willd. (A., T., N.Z.) 16. Bent G. Spiked Deyeuxia quadriseta, R.Br. (A. r T., N.Z.) Called also ./to?*/ Grass. 17. Bent G. Toothea D. forsteri, Kunth. (A., T., N.Z.) 18. Bent G. Young's D. youngii, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 19. Blady G. Imperata arundinacea, Cyr. (A.) 20. Blue G. Andropogon annulatus, Forst. (A.) A.pertusus, Willd. (A.) A. sericeus, R.Br. (A.) 21. Brome G. Seaside Bromus arenarius, Labill. (A., N.Z.) Called also Wild Oats. 22. Canary G. Phalaris canariensis. (A. ) 23. Cane G. (i.q. Bamboo Grass. See 3.) 24. Chilian G. (i.q. Rat-tailed Grass. See 97.) 25. Cockspur G. (i.q. Barnyard Grass. See 5.) GRA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 169 26. Couch G. Cynodon dactylon, Pers. (A., not endemic.) Called also Indian Doub Grass. 27. Couch G. Native Distichlys maritima, Raffin- esque. (A.) 28. Couch G. Water (i.q. Seaside Millet. See 50.) 29. Feather G. (Several species of Stipa. See 101.) 30. Fescue G. Hard Festuca duriuscula, Linn. (Aus- tralasia, not endemic.) 31. Fescue G. Poa-like F. scoparia, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 32. Fescue G. Sandhill F. littoralis, R.Br., var. triti- coides, Benth. (A.,T.,N.Z.) 33. Fescue G. Sheeps' F. ovina, Linn. (A., T.) 34. Finger G. Cocksfoot Panicum sanguinale, Linn. (A., not endemic.) Called also Hairy Finger Grass , and Reddish Panic Grass. 35. Finger G. Egyptian Eleusine cegyptica, Pers. (A., not endemic.) 36. Finger G. Hairy (i.q. Cocksfoot Finger Grass. See 33.) 37. Foxtail G. (i.q. Knee-jointed Foxtail Grass. See 42.) 38. Hair G. Crested Koeleria cristata, Pers. (A., T., N.Z.) 39. Hair G. Turfy Deschampia ccespitosa, Beavo. (N.Z., not endemic.) 40. Holy G. Hierochloe alpina, Roem. & Schult. (Australasia, not endemic.) 41. Indian Doub G. (i.q. Couch Grass. See 26.) 42. Kangaroo G. (A., T., not endemic) Andropogon refract us, R.Br. Anthistiria avenacea, F. v. M. (Called also Oat Grass.} A. ciliata, Linn. (Common K.G.) A. frondosa, R.Br. (Broad- leaved K.G.) 43. Knee-jointed Fox-tail G. Alopecurus geniculatus, Linn. (Australasia, not endemic.) 44. Landsborough G. (i.q. Barcoo Grass. See 4.) 45. Love G. Australian Eragrostis brownii, Nees. (A.) 46. Manna G. Glyceria fluitans, R.Br. (A.,T.) 47. Millet Australian Panicum decompositum, R.Br. (A., not endemic.) Called also Umbrella Grass. 48. MilletDitch Paspalum scrobitulatum, F. v. M. (A., N.Z., not endemic.) The Koda Millet of India. 49. Millet Equal-glumed Isachne australis, R.Br. (A.,. N.Z., not endemic.) 50. Millet Seaside Paspalum distichum, Burmann. (A., N.Z., not endemic.) Called also Silt Grass, and Water Couch Grass. 51. Mitchell G. Astrebla elymoides, F.v. M. (A.,. True Mitchell Grass.) A. pectinata, F. v. M. (A.) A. triticoides, F. v. M. . (A.) 52. Mouse G. (i.q. Long-haired Plume Grass. See 72.) 53. MulgaG. Danthonia racemosa, R.Br. (A.) Neurachnea Mitchelliana, Nees. (A.) 54. New Zealand Wind G. Apera arundinacea, Palisot. (N.Z., not endemic.) 55. Oat G.- Anthistiria avenacea, F. v. M. (Called also Kangaroo Grass. See 41.) 170 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GRA 56. Oat G. Alpine Danthonia semi-annularis, R.Br., var. alpina. (N.Z.) 57. Oat G. Buchanan's D. buchanii, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 58. Oat G. Few-flowered D. pautiflora, R.Br. (A., T., N.Z.) 59. Oat G. Hard D. pilosa, R.Br., var. stricta. (N.Z.) 60. Oat G. Naked D. nuda, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 61. Oat G. New Zealand D. semi-annularis, R.Br. (A., T., N.Z.) 62. Oat G. Purple-awned D. pilosa, R.Br. (A., T., N.Z.) 63. Oat G. Racemed D. pilosa, R.Br., var. racemosa. (N.Z.) 64. Oat G. Shining Trisetum antarcticum, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 65. Oat G. Sheep Danthonia semi-annular is, R.Br., var. gracilis. (N.Z.) 66. Oat G. Spiked Trisetum subspicatum, Beauv. (Australasia, not endemic.) -67. OatG. Thompson's Naked Danthonia thomsonii (new species). 68. Oat G. Wiry-leaved D. raoulii, Steud, var. Aus- tralis, Buchanan. (N.Z.) 69. Oat G. Young's Trisetum young-it, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 70. Panic G. Reddish (i.q. Cocksfoot Finger-Grass, See 34.) 71. Panic G. Slender Oplismenus satarius, var. Rcem. and Schult. (A., N.Z., not endemic.) 72. Paper G. Native Poa ccespitosa, Forst. (A., T., N.Z.) Called also Wiry Grass, Weeping Polly, and Tussock Poa Grass ; and, in New Zealand, Snow Grass. 73. Plume G. Long-haired Dichelachne crinita, Hook. f. (A., T., N.Z.) 74. Plume G. Short-haired D. sciurea, Hook. f. (A., T., N.Z.) 75. Poa G. Auckland Island Poa foliosa, Hook, f., var. a. (N.Z.) 76. Poa G. Brown-flowered P. lindsayi, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 77. Poa G. Brown Mountain P. mackayi (new species). (N.Z.) 78. Poa G. Colenso's P. colensoi, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 79. Poa G. Common Field P. anceps, Forst., var. b, foliosa, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 80. Poa G. Dense-flowered P. anceps, Forst., var. d, densi- flora, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 81. Poa G. Dwarf P-pigmcea (new species). (N.Z.) 82. Poa G. Hard short-stemmed P. anceps, Forst., var. c, brevi- calmis, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 83. Poa G. Kirk's P. kirkii(nQVf species). (N.Z.) 84. Poa G. Large-flowered P. foliosa, Hook, f., var. B. (N.Z.) 85. Poa G. Little P. exigtta, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 86. Poa G. Minute P. foliosa, Hook, f., var. C. (N.Z.) 87. Poa G. Minute Creeping P.pusilla, Berggren. (N.Z.) 88. Poa G. Nodding Plumed P. anceps, Forst., var. A, elata, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 89. Poa G. One-flowered P. uniflora (new species). (N.Z.) 90. Poa G. Short-glumed P. breviglumis, Hook. f. (N.Z.) CRA] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 171 91. Poa G. Slender P. anceps, Forst., var. E, debilis, Kirk, Ms. (N.Z.) 92. Poa G. Small Tussock P. intermedia (new species). (N.Z.) 93. Poa G. Tussock P. ccespitosa, Forst. (A., T., N.Z. See 71.) 94. Poa G. Weak-stemmed Eragrostis imbecilla, Benth. (A., N.Z.) 95. Poa G. White-flowered Poa sclerophylla, Berggren. (N.Z.) 96. Porcupine G. (q.v.) Triodia (various species). 97. Rat-tailed G. Sporobulus indicus, R.Br. (A., N.Z., not endemic.) Called also Chilian Grass. Ischceum laxum, R.Br. (A.) 98. Reed G. Pragmites communis, Trin. (N.Z. See 16.) 99 Rice G. Leersia foxandriaySwartz. (A.) 100. Rice G. Bush Microtcena avenacea, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 101. Rice G. Knot-jointed M.polynoda, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 102. Rice G. Meadow M. stipoides, R.Br. (A.,T., N.Z.) Called also Weeping Grass. 103. Roly-Poly G. Panicum macractinum, Benth. (A.) 104. Rough-bearded G. Echinopogon ova/us, Palisot. (A., T., N.Z.) 105. Sacred G. Hierochloe redo lens, R.Br. (Australasia, notendemic.) Called also Scented Grass, and Sweet-scented Grass. 106. Scented G. ChrysopogonparvifloruS) Benth. (A.) See also 105. 107. Seaside Brome G. (i.q. Brome Grass See 21.) 108. SiltG. (i.q. Seaside Millet. See 50.) 109. Seaside Glumeless G. Gymnostychum gracile, Hook. f. (N.Z.) no. Snow G. (q.v.) (i.q. Paper Grass. See 72.) (N.Z.) in. Spear G. (q.v.) Aciphylla colensoi. (N.Z.) Called also Spaniard (q.v.). Heteropogon contortus, Rcem. and Shult. (N.Z.), and all species of Stipa (A., T.). 112. Spider G. Panicum divaricatissimum, R. Br. (A.) 113. Spinifex G. (q.v.) Spinifex hirsutus, Labill. (A., T., N.Z., not endemic.) Called also Spiny Rolling Grass. 114. Star G. Blue Chloris ventricosa, R.Br. (A.) 115. Star G. Dog's Tooth C. divaricata, R.Br. (A.) 116. Star G. Lesser C. acicularis, Lindl. (A.) 117. Sugar G. Pollinia fulva, Benth. (A.) 118. Summer G. (i.q. HairyFinger Grass. See 36.) 119. Sweet G. Glyceria stricta, Hook. f. (A., T., N.Z.) 1 20. Sweet-scented G. (i.q. Sacred Grass. See 105.) 121. Traveller's G. (N. O. Aroidea). (i.q. Settlers 1 Twine, q.v.) 122. Tussock G. (See 93 and 72.) 123. Tussock G. Broad-leaved Oat Danthonia flavescens, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 172 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [GRA 124. Tussock G. Erect Plumed Arundo fulvida, Buchanan. (N.Z.) Maori name, Toi- toi (q.v.). 125. Tussock G. Narrow-leaved Oat Danthonia raoulii, Steud. (N.Z.) 126. Tussock G. Plumed Arundo conspicua, A. Cunn. (N.Z.) Maori name, Toi- toi (q.v.). 127. Tussock G. Small-flowered Oat Danthonia cunninghamii, Hook. f. (N.Z.) 128. Petrie's Stipa G. Stipa petriei (new species). See 101. (N.Z.) 129. Umbrella G. (i.q. Australian Millet. See 47-) 130. Wallaby G. Danthonia penicileata, F. v. M. (A., N.Z.) 131. Weeping G. (i.q. Meadow Rice Grass. See 102.) 132. Weeping Polly G. (i.q. Paper Grass. See 72.) 133. Wheat G. Blue Agropyrum scabrum, Beauv. (A., T., N.Z.) 134. Wheat G. Short-awned Triticum multiflorum, Banks and Sol. (N.Z.) 135. White-topped G. Danthonialongifolia^^Er. (A.) 136. Windmill G. Chloris truncata, R.Br. (A.) 137. Wire G. Ehrharta juncea, Sprengel ; a rush-like grass of hilly country. (A., T., N.Z.) Cynodon dactylum, Pers. ; so called from its knotted, creeping, wiry roots, so difficult to eradicate in gardens and other culti- vated land. (Not en- demic.) See 26. 138. WiryG. (i.q. Paper Grass. See 72.) 139. Wiry Dichelachne G. Stipa teretefolia, Steud. (A., T., N.Z.) 140. Woolly-headed G. Andropogon bombyrinus, R.Br. (A.) 141. Vandyke G. Panicumflavidum, Retz. (A.) Grass-bird, n. In New Zea- land, Sphenceacus punctatus, Gray, the same as Fern-bird (q.v.) ; in Australia, Megalurus (S>phen Hutton, all belonging to the family Gadidce or Cod-fishes. The European species of Merlucius is known as the " Hake." Haeremai, inter/. Maori term of welcome, lit. come hither ; haere is the verb. It has been collo- quially adopted. 1769. J. Hawkesworth, 'Voyages,' vol. iii. p. 229 (ed. 1785) : " When they came near enough to be heard, they waved their hands, and called out ' Horomai.' These ceremo- nies we were told were certain signs of their friendly disposition." 1832. ' Henry Williams' Journal,' in H. Carleton's ' Life of Henry Williams,' p. 112 : " After breakfast we went to them all ; they were very glad to see us, and gave us the usual welcome, ' Haeremai ! Haeremai ! ' " 1845. E. J. Wakefield, ' Adventures in New Zealand,' p. 249 : " As I ascended the steep hill with my train, scarcely any greeting was addressed to me, no shouts of haeremai, so universal a welcome to the stranger, were to be heard." 1863. F. E. Maning (The Pakeha- Maort), ' Old New Zealand,' p. 14 : " The boat nears the shore, and now arises from a hundred voices the call of welcome, ' Haere mai ! haere mai ! hoe mai ! ' Mats, hands, and certain ragged petticoats all waving in the air in sign of welcome. Then a pause. Then, as the boat came nearer, another burst of haere mai ! But unaccustomed as I was then to the Maori salute, I disliked the sound. There was a wailing, melancholy cadence that did not strike me as being the appropriate note of welcome." 1867. F. Hochstetter, ' New Zealand,' (English edition) p. 438 : " Rev. Mr. Chapman received me at his garden gate with a hearty wel- come, the natives shouted their friendly ' haeremai,' and ere long we were all in comfortable shelter beneath the missionary's roof." 1883. F. S. Renwick, 'Betrayed,' p. 34 = " Haire mai ho ! 'tis the welcome song Rings far on the summer air." Hair-trigger, n. a Tasmanian name for any plant of genus Stylidium. Called also Trigger- plant, Sin&Jack in a Box (q.v.). 1852. Mrs. Meredith, ' My Home in Tasmania,' vol. ii. p. 71. " The Stylidium, or as we named it, the ' Hair-trigger,' is common all over the colony." Haka, . Maori word for a dance. 1845. E. J. Wakefield, 'Adventures in New Zealand,' p. 198 : " A haka was now performed by about one hundred and fifty men and women. They seated themselves in ranks in one of the courtyards of the pa, stripped to the waist. An old chieftainess, who moved along the ranks with regular steps, brandishing an ornamental spear in time to her movements, now recited the first verse of a song in a monotonous, dirge-like measure. This was joined in by the others, who also kept time by quivering their hands and arms, nodding their heads and bending their bodies in accordance with each emphasis and pause." 1852. G. C. Mundy, ' Our Antipodes,' c. xvi. p. 409 (3rd ed. 1855) : " I witnessed a national spectacle 190 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [HAK-HAN which was new -to me a sort of in- cantation performed by women alone the haka, I think it is called." 1872. A. Domett, 'Ranolf,' XV. c. vi. p. 242 : " The M6a-dances, where she shone supreme " 1873. 'Appendix to Journal of House of Representatives,' G. I, B., p. 8: " Thursday was passed by them [the natives] in feasting and hakas." 1883. F. S. Renwick, ' Betrayed,' p. 34 : " A rushing throng in the furious haka share." 1896. 'Otago Witness,' Jan. 23, p. 50, col. 5 : " He also received a visit from three or four hostile natives, who, with blood-curdling yells, duly performed the indispensable haka." Hakea, . the scientific name given, in honour of Baron Hake of Hanover, to "a large Austra- lian genus of plants belonging to the follicular section of the Proteacea, tribe Grevillea, and dis- tinguished from Grevillea by its axillary inflorescence and sama- roid seeds. The species, nearly loo in number [Maiden's index to ' Useful Native Plants ' gives sixteen], are all evergreen shrubs, or small trees, with alternate cori- aceous, variously lobed, often spiny leaves. They are orna- mental in cultivation, and several have acquired special names H. ulicina, Native Furze ; H. lau- rina, Cushion-flower ; H. acicularis (Lissosperma), Native Pear ; H. Jlexilis, Twine-bush." ('Century.') 1877. F - v - Muller, 'Botanic Teach- ings/ p. 50 : " Proteacece are more extensively still represented in Victoria by the well known genera Grevillea and Ha- kea, the former dedicated to the Right Hon. C. F. Greville, of Paddington, the latter genus named in honour of Baron Hake, of Hanover, both having been alike patrons of horticulture at the end of the last century." 1897. ' The Australasian,' Jan. 30, p. 226, col. 3 : " Recently, according to ' Nature,' Mr. G. M. Thomson, an eminent au- thority on New Zealand botany, has shown that one of the genera, namely Hakea, though absent at present from the islands [of New Zealand], formerly existed there. Plant remains were found at St. Bathans, in a bed of clay, which have been identified by him as Hakea. The question of the identi- fication of fossil plants is always a difficult one, but as Mr. Thomson announces that he has obtained fruit capsules and leaves there can be but little doubt as to the correctness of his determinations. Hitherto the genus has been regarded as Australian only, and about 100 species are known, of which no less than 65 are West Aus- tralian. It would seem then that the Hakeas had obtained a footing in Eastern Australia before the connec- tion with New Zealand had disap- peared, and that probably the genus is a far older one than had been antici- pated. Why, after finding its way to New Zealand, it should have died out there is a question to which no answer can as yet be supplied." Hand-flsh, n. a Tasmanian fish, Brachionichthys hirsutus, Lac6p. , family Pediculati. The name is used in the northern hemisphere for a different fish, which is also called there the Frog-fish and Toad-fish. The name arises from a fancied resemblance of the pro- file of the fish to a human hand. It is also called Frog-fish and Tortoise-shell fish. Mrs. Meredith calls it Tortoise-shell Fish from its colour, when figuring it in ' Tasmanian Friends and Foes ' under its former scientific name of Cheironectes politus. The sur- face of its skin is hirsute with minute spines, and the lobe at the end of the detached filament of the dorsal fin called the fintacle hangs loose. The scientific names of the genus are derived from Grk. ftpa^it^v, "the arm," HAN-HAP] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 191 and x"P> "the hand." The arm- like pectoral fins are used for holding on to stones or seaweed. 1850. ' Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land,' Jan. 9, vol. i. p. 268 : "A little spotted fish belonging to the genus Chironectes . . . Mr. Champ writes thus respecting the frog fish : ' It was found in the sea at Port Arthur by a person who was with me, and when caught had all the appearance of having four legs, from the position and shape of the fins ; the two longest of which, from the sort of elbow in them, and the division into (rays) what resemble fingers, seem to form a con- necting link between fins and legs or arms.'" 1880. Mrs. Meredith, 'Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 249 : " It has fins like feet ; one small pair where pectoral fins usually are, and a larger pair, with absolute elbows to them, and apparently shoulder- blades too, only those do not belong to the fore pair of feet ! A very anti- podean arrangement truly ! The markings on the body and on the delicate pellucid fins are like tortoise- shell." Hand, Old, n. one who has been a convict. 1861. T. McCombie, 'Australian Sketches,' p. 141 : " The men who have been convicts are termed 'old hands' ; they are mostly rude, rough men, with no moral prin- ciple or religious feeling, and who have little sympathy for humanity." 1865. J. O. Tucker, ' Australian Story,' c. i. p. 85 : " Reformed convicts, or, in the lan- guage of their proverbial cant, 'old hands.'" 1865. F. H. Nixon, 'Peter Perfume,' p. 102 : " ' Boshman ' in the old-hand ver- nacular signifies a fiddler." [" Bosh in gypsy means music and also violin." Barrere and Leland.] 1885. J. Rae, ' Chirps by an Australian Sparrow,' p. 99 : " The old hands were quite tidy too With hats of cabbage-tree." Hang up, v. to tie up a horse. i860. W. Kelly, ' Life in Victoria,' p. 49 [Footnote] : " In Melbourne there are posts sunk in the ground almost opposite every door. . . . Fastening your horse to one of these posts is called ' hanging him up.'" 1885. II. Finch -Hatton, 'Advance Australia,' p. 32 : " We got off, hung our horses up to a tree." 1890. E. W. Hornung, ' Bride from the Bush,' p. 296 : " The mail-boy is waiting impatiently in the verandah, with his horse ' hung up ' to one of the posts." Hapalote, n. Anglicized form of Hapalotis (Grk. aTroAo's, soft, and ous, ems, ear), a peculiar Australian genus of rodents of the mouse family. They are called Jumping Mice, and have soft ears, and en- larged hind limbs like the jerboa, but are not marsupial like the kangaroo. There are many species. Hapu, n. Maori word for sub- tribe ; sometimes even, family. 1857. C. Hursthouse, ' New Zealand, the Britain of the South,' vol. i. p. 162 : " The 70,000 semi-civilised natives now in New Zealand are divided into some dozen chief tribes, and into numerous sub-tribes and ' harpu.' " 1873. ' Appendix to Journals of House of Representatives,' vol. iii. G. 7> P- 87 : " Were not all your hapu present when the money was paid ? My hapu, through whom the land was claimed, were present : we filled the room." 1882. T. H. Potts, 'Out in the Open,' p. 171 : "An important structure that en- gaged the united labours of the hapu." 1887. J. White, 'Ancient History of the Maori,' vol. i. p. 290 : " Each of which is subdivided again into Hapu, or smaller communities." 1891. Rev. J. Stacks, ' Report of Aus- tralasian Association for the Advancement of Science,' vol. iii. sect. G. p. 378 : " On arriving in New Zealand, or Ao-tea-roa, the crews of the colonizing I 9 2 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [HAP-HAR fleet dispersed themselves over the length and breadth of these islands, and formed independent tribes or nations, each of which was divided into hapus, and the hapus into families." Hapuku, n. Maori name for a fish, Oligorus gigas, Giinth., called later Polyprion prognathus (see quo- tation, 1895), pronounced hapu- ka, frequently corrupted into habuka, the Groper (q.v.). It is variously called a Cod, a Perch, and a Sea-Perch. See quotations. 1845 (about). ' New Plymouth's National Song, Hurstliouse's 'New Zealand,' p. 217: " Lowing herds on every side, Hapuka in every tide." 1855. Rev. R. Taylor, 'Te Ika a Maui,' p. 411 : " Hapuku, or whapiiku, commonly called the cod, but a much richer fish in flavour : externally it more resembles the salmon, and is known in New Hol- land as the dew or jew-fish. It attains a large size and is considered the best fish of New Zealand." 1862. Anon. , ' From the Black Rocks on Friday,' 'All the Year Round,' May 17, 1862, No. 160 : " A kind of codfish called by the natives whapuku or hahpuka." 1878. P. Thomson, 'Transactions of New Zealand Institute,' vol. XI. art. lii. p. 383: " The hapuka, or groper, was in pretty regular supply." 1880. Giinther, ' Study of Fishes,' p. 392: "The second (Oligorus gigas) is found in the sea, on the coast of New Zealand, and called by the Maoris and colonists ' Hapuku "... Dr. Hector, who has had opportunities of examin- ing it in a fresh state, has pointed out anatomical differences from the Murray Cod." 1880. W. Colenso, ' Transactions of the New Zealand Institute,' vol. XIII. art. ii. p. 46: " A feast of good things prepared eels, and hapuku (codfish), and taro." 1884. W. D. Hay, in the 'Field,' May 10, p. 637, col. i : " The pakirikiri (Percis colias) is the fish to which settlers in the north of New Zealand generally give the name of whapuka," 1895. 'Oxford English Dictionary' (s.v. Cod): " In New Zealand, a serranoid fish Polyprion prognathus, called by the Maories hapuku." Hardhead, n. the English sportsman's name for the ruddy duck (Erismatura rubidd). Applied by sportsmen in Australia to the White-eyed Duck, Nyroca aus- tralis, Gould. See Duck. Hardwood, n. The name is ap- plied to many Australian timbers something like teak, but especially to Backhousia bancroftii, F..v. M. and Bailey, N.O. Myrtacece. In Tasmania, it means any gum- timber (Eucalyptus]. It is in constant and universal use for building and fencing in Australia. 1888. Candish, ' Whispering Voices,' p. 108: " Sitting on a block of hardwood ... is the gray-haired forest feller." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Miner's Right,' c. iii. p. 24 : "It was a hammer-like piece of hard- wood above a plate of tin." 1891. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Sydney-side Saxon,' p. 93 : "A hardwood slab-door weighs a goodish deal, as any one may find out that has to hump it a hundred yards." Hardyhead, n. name given in Sydney to the fish Atherinapinguis, Lacep., family Atherinidcz. Hare-Kangaroo, n. a small Kangaroo, resembling the British hare. Called also Hare-Wallaby. The scientific name is Lagorchestes (q.v.). 1871. G. Krefft, 'Mammals of Aus- tralia ' : "The Hare-kangaroos, so called from their resemblance to that well known rodent, are the fleetest of the whole tribe, and though they do not exceed a common hare in bulk, they HAR-HAT] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 193 can make clear jumps of eight and ten feet high." Hare- Wallaby, n. See Hare- Kangaroo > Wallaby, and Lagor- chestes. Harlequin-Pigeon, n. formerly referred to the genus Peristera, but now to the genus Phaps. It is commonly called in the interior the " flock " pigeon. 1847. L. Leichhardt, ' Overland Expe- dition,' p. 296 : " Large flocks of Peristera histri- onica (the harlequin - pigeon) were lying on the patches of burnt grass on the plains." Harmonic Thrush, n. See Port- Jackson Thrush. Harpagornis, n. a scientific name for a partly fossilised, huge raptorial bird of New Zealand. From Greek a/o7ra|, robbing, and opvis, a bird. 1878. A. Newton, ' Encyclopedia Bri- tannica,' vol. iii. p. 731 : "There is a harpagornis, a bird of prey of stature sufficient to have made the largest dinornis its quarry." Harrier, n. English bird-name (that which harries), assigned in New Zealand to Circus gouldii, Bonap. (also called Swamp-hawk], and in Australia to C. assimilis, Jard. and Selb., or C.approximans, Bonap., called Spotted Harrier. 1888. W. L. Buller, 'Birds of New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 206 : " Circus Gouldi, Bonap., New Zea- land harrier, or Gould's harrier." Hat, Black, n. slang for a new immigrant. 1887. R. M. Praed, ' Longleat of Kooralbyn,' c. xxviii. p. 277 : " Lord ! if I were Mr. Dyson Mad- dox, I'd never let it be said that a black hat had cut me out sweet- heartin'." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, ' Colonial Re- former,' c. iii. p. 21 : " A ' black hat ' in Australian par- lance means a new arrival." Hat, Old. See Old-hat. Hatter, (i) A solitary miner miner who works without a mate partner : sc. one who has every- thing under his own hat. 1869. Brough Smyth, 'Goldfields of Victoria,' p. 613 ('Glossary of Mining Terms ') : " One who works alone. He differs from the fossicker who rifles old work- ings, or spends his time in trying abandoned washdirt. The hatter leads, an independent life, and nearly always holds a claim under the bye-laws." 1884. R. L. A. Davies, ' Poems and Literary Remains,' p. 267 : " Oh, a regular rum old stick ; . . . he mostly works a 'hatter.' He has worked with mates at times, and leaves them when the claim is done, and comes up a 'hatter' again. He's a regular old miser." 1890. Rolf Boldrewood, 'The Miner's Right,' p. 37 : " Instead of having to take to fos- sicking like so many ' hatters ' solitary miners." (2) By extension to other pro- fessions. 1893. 'The Herald' (Melbourne), Aug. 28, p. i. col. 7 : " He had been a burglar of the kind known among the criminal classes as ' a hatter.' That is to say, he burgled 'on his own hook,' never in a gang. He had never, he told me, burgled with a companion." Hatteria, n. scientific name for a genus of reptiles containing a Lizard peculiar to New Zealand, the only living representative of the order Rhynchocephalina, See Tuatara. Hatting, quasi pres. partic., solitary mining. See Hatter. 1891. ' The Age,' Nov. 25, p. 6, col. 7 : "Two old miners have been . . . hatting for gold amongst the old alluvial gullies." Hat-tree, n. name given to a species of Sterculia, the Bottle- trees (q.v.). 194 AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY [HAU-HEA Hau-hau, n. a. Maori super- stition. This superstition arose in Taranaki in 1864, through the crazy fancies of the chief Te Ua, who communed with angels and interpreted the Bible. The mean- ing of the word is obscure, but it probably referred to the wind which wafted the angels to the worshippers whilst dancing round an erect pole. Pai Marire was another name for the superstition, and signifies "good and peace- ful." (See Gudgeon's 'War in New Zealand,' p. 23 sq. ; also Colenso's pamphlet on ' Kereopa,' P-4-) Hawk, n. This common Eng- lish bird-name is applied in Aus- tralia to many species Brown-Hawk Hieracidea orientalis, Schl. Crested-H. Baza subcristata, Gould. Eagle-H. Another name for Wedge-tailed Eagle. (See Eagle and Eagle- hawk. ) Fish-H.- Another name for Osprey. (See Fish-hawk.} Gos-H. Astur approximans, V. and H. Grey Gos-H. A. cinereus, Vieill. Lesser Gos-H. A. cruentus, Gould. Lesser White Gos-H. A. leucosomus, Sharpe. Red Gos-H. A. radiatus, Lath. Sparrow-H. Acdpiter cirrhocephalus, Vieill. Striped Brown-H. Hieracidea berigora, V. and H. [See Berigora.] Swamp-H. [See Harrier.] White Gos-H. Astur novtf-hollanditf, Gm. See also Nankeen-Hawk, and Night-Hawk. In New Zealand, the varieties appear in the quotation, 1889. 1888. W. L. Buller, ' Birds of New Zealand,' vol. i. p. 206 : [A complete description.] 1889. Prof. Parker, ' Catalogue of New Zealand Exhibition,' p. 117 : " Of the three species recognized, two, the quail-hawk (Harpa Nova? Zealandice) and the bush-hawk (H. ferox) [or sparrow-hawk], belong to a genus peculiar to New Zealand." [The third is the New Zealand harrier, Circus Gouldi^ also found in Australia.] Hazel, n. name applied in Victoria to the tree Pomaderris apetala, Labill., N.O. Rhamnacea. 1889. J. H. Maiden, 'Useful Native Plants,' p. 590 : " Called ' hazel ' in Victoria. A tall shrub, or small tree. The wood is excellent, of a beautiful satiny texture, and adapted for carvers' and turners' work. [Grows in] all the colonies ex- cept Western Australia and Queens- land." Head, n. the rammer for crush- ing quartz in gold-mining. 1890. ' Goldfields of Victoria,' p. 7 : " Forty additional heads will be shortly added to the crushing power, bringing the battery up to sixty heads." Head-Station, n. the principal buildings, including the owner's or manager's house, the hut, store, etc., of a sheep or cattle run. 1885. Mrs. Campbell Praed [Title] : " The Head Station.'' Heart-Pea, n. i.q. Balloon-Vine (q.v.). Heartsease, n. i.q. Brooklime, (q.v.). Heartseed, n. i.q. Balloon- Vine (q.v.). Heartwood. ;/. See Iron-wood. Heath, n. In Tasmania, where the Epacris is of very beautiful HED-HER] AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY 195 colour, this name is popularly used for Epacris impressa, Labill., . Epacridetz. See Epacris. Hedgehog - Fruit, n. popular name applied to the fruit of Echinocarpus australis, Benth., N. O. Tiliacea. The tree is also called Maiden's Blush (q.v.). Hedge-Laurel, n. a name given to the tree Mapau (q.v.), an ever- green shrub of New Zealand, of the genus Pittosporum (q.v.). It has dark glossy foliage and hand- some flowers, and is planted and cultivated in the form of tall garden hedges. See also Laurel. Hei-tiki, n. Maori name for a neck ornament made of green- stone (q.v.). 1835. W. Yate, ' Account of New Zea- land,' p. 151 : " The latter idea [that they are re- presentatives of gods] was conceived from the hei-tiki being taken off the neck, laid down . . . and then wept and sung over." 1889. Dr. Hocken, ' Catalogue of New Zealand Exhibition,' p. 81 : " Hei means ornament for the neck. Tiki was the creator of man, and these are the representations of him. By a sort of license, they are occasionally taken to represent some renowned ancestor of the possessor ; but wooden Tikis, some of immense size, usually represented .the ancestors, and were supposed to be visited by their spirits. These might be erected in various parts of a pa, or to mark boundaries, etc. The Maories cling to them as sacred heirlooms of past generations, and with some superstitious rever- ence." Helmet-Orchis, n. This Eng- lish name is applied in Australia to the orchid Pterostylis cucullata R. Br. 1852. Mrs. Meredith, ' My Home in Tasmania,' vol. ii. p. 168 : " I also found three varieties of a singular green orchis, of a helmet ;hape, growing singly, on rather tall slender footstalks." Hemp, Queensland, n. name iven to the common tropical weed Sida rhombifolia, Linn.,jY. O. Mal- vacece. Called also Paddy Lucerne, and in other colonies Native Lucerne, and Jelly Leaf. It is not endemic in Australia. Hemp-bush, n. the plant Plagi- anthus pulchellus, A. Gray, N.O. Malvacetz, native of Australia and New Zealand. Though not true hemp (cannabis), it yields a fibre commercially resembling it. He-Oak, n. See Oak and She- Oak. Heron, n. common English bird-name. The species present in Australia are Ashy Reef H. Demiegretta as/ia, Sykes. Great-billed H. Ardea sumatrana, Raffl. Grey H. A. cinerea, Linn. Night H. Nycticorax caledonicus, Lath. Reef H.- Demiegretta sacra, Gmel. White-fronted H. Ardea novcz-hollandi