DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF PENSIONS 3-1240 CARD RECORDS IN USE IN THE BUREAU OF PENSIONS 1916 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation 3—1240 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Franklin K. Lane, Secretary BUREAU OF PENSIONS Gaylord M. Saltzgaber, Commissioner CARD RECORDS IN USE IN THE BUREAU OF PENSIONS 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 '^-^^Ki^i'-y-i.^t/hi. FOREWORD. The card records in use in the Bureau of Pensions have grown to such proportions and serve such important yet different purposes that it is very desirable to have them pubHshed, both because of their great value to the employees of the bureau, who are required to make daily use of the information contained therein, and also because of their importance to the general public as an index to vast and varied information. The work for this purpose has been very carefully performed by the following employees of the bureau, namely, Mr. Charles M. Yeates, Mr. Thomas R. Raines, Mr. George Scharf, and Mr. Alexander K. Meek, who acted under the personal direction of the commissioner. Gaylord M. Saltzgaber, Commissioner. June 1, 1916. 34297G PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 1. The card-index system of this bureau is something more than an index to the records of the bureau; it is, indeed, a complete system of card records, which has taken the place of all the heavy and cum- bersome book records formerly in use. This system consists of many kinds of card records embracing all the activities of the bureau and is believed to be one of the largest card-index and record systems in existence. All the divisions of the bureau have cards appropriate to their particular work which are herein described in logical order, sample cards being shown in their proper place as described. RECORD DIVISION. 2. This division has completed cards which are in active, everyday use, and, besides serving the purposes for which they were established, as will be seen later from their description in detail, they furnish information from which hundreds of letters of inquiry, received daily in the bureau, are answered, concerning particular claims for pension, lost relatives who, the writers think, can be located by the bureau, the whereabouts of former comrades, sometimes the expression of opinions, favorable or unfavorable, regarding pension matters and numerous other things. In very many cases these letters are illegible, inaccurate, and incom- plete, but the cards supply their deficiencies and make , possible satisfactory replies. After many years of experience it is believed that this system of records is as nearly perfect as can be established when dealing with records of such immense magnitude. 3. The large number of claims filed in the bureau made it necessary to evolve a scheme by which anyone of them might readily be located, and to meet this necessity a numerical arrangement, by series, was adopted, so that all claims are filed in numerical order according to serial number by classes. Therefore, with the number of the claim, the name of the soldier or sailor upon whose service the claim is based, and the designation of that service, we have three essentials by which to identify any paper that may be filed in support of a claim. Hence the card-index records of this division consist principally of three separate and distinct records, namely, Alphabetical, Numerical, 5 6 PENSION BUEEAIJ CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. and Service Records J "each complete in itself as to its particular function. 4. The '^Alphabetical" cards (3-H-3) (3-H-lO) (3-H-ll) are the records based on the soldiers' names, arranged alphabetically, and constitute a record of all claims arising out of service in the Volunteer and Regular Establishment, Army and Navy since the Revolution, except in the War of 1812. They show the name and service of the soldier and the name of each dependent claim- ant or guardian; also the number and date of filing of each claim, the State from which filed, the name of the attorney, and the certificate number of the claim. On these cards is also a space for '^ Remarks" which is used in cross references. While these cards are arranged alphabetically by the name of the soldier, a sec- ondary consideration is given to the service, so that ''John Smith," having an Alabama service, is placed ahead of "John Smith," having a New York service. The importance of this is realized in the fact that there are on file about 1,300 claims based on the service of ''John Smith." 5. This record is of great importance; it is the legal record of the bureau; and, in answering inquiries, is used where the soldier's name only is given, or when both the number of the claim and the service are incorrectly given. It supplies in the least possible time the missing data necessary to find the case in the files, and which, in fact, could not be furnished from any other records of the bureau. 6. The cards of the different series of this record are as follows, namely, the Army, the Navy, the Mexican War, the Indian wars, and the "old war," the latter being for claims for disability incurred in the service prior to March 4, 1861. These cards vary somewhat in the arrangement of spaces for entries upon them, but are of uniform size to allow filing in an un- broken order, and are of different colors to make distinct their class for facility in locating them. PENSION BUREAU CAED-EECOED SYSTEM. Name of Soldiee: (8-H-8) Name of Dependent: Widow Minor.... Service: Date of Filing. Ct.ars. Appucation No. Ceetificate No. State feom Which Filed. Invalid Widow.. . . Minor Attoenet: Remaeks: Name of Sailoe: (8-H-lO) Name and Class OF Dependent: Naval Seevice: Rank E nlisted Discharged Additional Seevice: Date of Filing. Class. Application No. Law. CEETmCATE No. Law. State. Invalid... WidotJD... , Remaeks: 1 PENSION BUREAU CABD-RECORD SYSTEM. Name of Soldier: (8-H-ll) Name and Class of Dependent: Seevice: Rank Enlisted Discharged Additional Service: Date of Filing. Class. Applica- tion No. Certificate No. File No. Act. State. 1 1 1 1 Bounty Land: Remarks: 7. The ''Numerical Records" consist of cards (3-H-4 to 4-H-8 inclusive) numbered and filed consecutively from 1 to 1423905, the highest number reached to date. These cards contain the name and service of every soldier of the several wars and periods of service since the beginning of the Revolu- tion, by whom, or by whose dependent relative, a claim for pension has been filed, or to whom a certificate bearing the number of the particular card has been issued. 8. While not a full record of any one case, this card is an invaluable index or key to the case. It presents in small compass what is for that purpose the essential part of a dozen or more records formerly entered in separate books. For instance, card No. 1 is the index to the records and files of 22 cases arising out of the service of as many different soldiers of various periods since the beginning of the Revolution, for each of which periods of service an independent series of numbers was used in recording claims and certificates and in filing the jacketed papers. The number of entries on the cards of the index, therefore, decreases with the card following that on which the last case of each series is entered. 9. All claims filed since August 15, 1910, based upon service in the Volunteer and Regular Estabhshment Army and Navy subsequent to March 4, 1861, are numbered in one series. Consequently, the card in use for indexing current claims arising out of such service provides space for only 4 entries — of the correspondingly numbered invalid and dependent claims and certificates. Entries for current PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECOED SYSTEM. 9 claims of the Mexican War and Indian wars series, since such serial numbers are lower, find place on the larger cards bearing appropriate numbers. 10. As each new invahd claim is filed in the current series, a card is added which will contain only the entry of that claim until the dependent claims filed and the invalid and dependent certificates issued shall have been numbered, each series respectively, to that point. 11. As the earlier cards in this series contained each the records of a larger number of claims than at a later date, those now being made containing the entries of only four, this series is not of uniform size. (3-H^) < > Grig. Name Serv. Ctf. No. 1 Ctf. Name Serv. Ph ft Grig. Name Serv. Ctf. No. Ctf. Name Serv. 1 (3-H-5) INVALID. DEPENDENT. Grig. Ctf. Name Name i P5 Service Service 1 Ctf. Ctf. < Name Name Service Service Grig. Ctf. Name Name >^ > 1 Ctf. 1 CV. ;z; Name Name 10 PEN^SION BUKEAU CAED-KECOED SYSTEM. 2 5 s s 6 _2 5 o o 5 Kej. Ctf. File. o " < > ^ O p. c PENSIOISr BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 11 6 i « s 5 5 3 5 - !3 ■ S :3 c S o S Kej. Ctf. File. Is O ^ > p < 3 > > pi < o « Pi c p < 3 P < < 12 PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECORD SYSTEM. o 5 p2S i S / S rS f^ s 5 5 o o o 5 S Pri. File. 0. A. File. O. A. Roj. •5- -• i P^ O fi. o S o ^ o ^ e i < S H > < - P3 S O 5 C p: < < ^ PENSION BUREAU CAKD-BECORD SYSTEM. 13 12. The ^ ^Service Record" consists of cards (3-H-l) based on the soldier's service, and while these cards are indexed and filed accord- ing to service — that is, the organization in which the service was rendered — they also permit a subsidiary alphabetical arrangement throughout, including the smallest military unit, the company, and, aided by a scheme of guides, no difficulty or delay is encountered in at once finding the desired card. 13. These cards contain spaces for the soldier's name, his service, the dates of his enlistment and discharge, the date of filing and the number of each claim based on his service, and the law under which filed; also the number of every certificate issued on his service; addi- tional service, if any; the date and place of death of soldier, and any explanatory remarks or references to other claims. On the back of these cards are spaces for the soldier's post-office address at the time of filing claim and for subsequent changes. 14. The old method of recording claims was by book entries in chronological order, having the soldier's name as a basis and indexing the, entries by the first two or three letters of his surname. This method was supplemented about the year 1879 by establishing a new form of record, a book in which the entries were classified with refer- ence to the designation of the organization in which the soldier served. After that records of all claims based on service in the Army (Volun- teer or Regular Establishment) subsequent to March 4, 1861, were entered in this new book as well as in the alphabetically indexed books above mentioned until the year 1911, when the card system of records was inaugurated, giving rise to this series of service records. 14 PENSION BUREAU CARD-KECOKD SYSTEM. [Face.] Name of Soldier: (3-H-l) Service: Late rank, Co Reg't Term of Service: Enlisted , / Discharged , 1 Date of Filing. Class. Application No. Law. Certificate No. Widow Minor 1 Additional Services: Remarks: Died . , / ,at [Back.] RECORD DIVISION. (3-H-l) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF PENSIONS. P. address ... ,/ No , . , Street, Town Co. ,State r. 0. address ,1 No , Street, Town , Co , State P. 0. address , / No , ,State Street, Street, Town ,Co P. 0. address ,1 No , Town >Go , State P. 0. address , / , No , Street, Town , Co , State P. 0. address , / , Ao. , Street, Town , Co ,State PENSION BUKEAU CAKD-RECOKD SYSTEM. 15 REMARRIED WIDOWS' RECORD. 15. In the book record of claims filed under the act of March 3, 1901, adopted soon after the passage of that act, the soldier's name was made the basis of the entry. The record was indexed only by the first letter of his name, and the entries were made in chronological rather than alphabetical order. The search for a record was, there- fore, often long and tedious. When the card system of records was adopted a card (3-H-9) for recording these claims was designed to contain, on the first line, the name of the claimant, and these cards are now arranged alphabetically as to the names of the claimants. In the spaces below are placed the name of the soldier and his service, the number of the widow certifi- cate or claim, the date of filing under this act, and any '^ cross refer- ence," e. g., to a claim as widow or mother of another soldier. (8-H-9) REMARRIED WIDOW. Name oi Claimant: Name of Soldier: Service: Number: Orig. 1 ctf. 1 Date of Filing: Remarks: Other card records in this division are as follows: GEOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 16. In compliance with the requirements of section 5 of the act of May 11, 1912, a system of card records has been established showing, in addition to the name and length of service of each pensioner, the monthly rate of pension granted him and the county and State of his residence, also the age of pensioner as required by the amendment of March 4, 1913. This card (3-F-3) also shows the number of his certificate, his pensionable service, the date of filing claim, and his post-office address. Cards written since the date of the amendment show the date of pensioner's birth and a schedule of the ''automatic" increase for which the amendment also provides. When information of a change of pensioner's post-office address is received, the card is corrected and filed in its proper place. Upon 16 PENSION BUREAU CAED-EECOKD SYSTEM. receipt of notice of the pensioner's death the card is stamped ''dead" in the upper left-hand corner. 17. The plan of filing the cards is alphabetically by names of pensioners at each post office, of post offices in each county, of coun- ties in each State, and of States in the Union. This not only provides a record which satisfies the particular aims of the act, but is a valu- ble adjunct to the card system of records as used in the current work of the bureau. Certificate No (3-F-3) Act of May 11, 1912. Name of soldier . Length of service Years. Months. Days. Monthly rate « Age Residence State County P. Service Date of filing THE ADJUDICATING DIVISIONS. 18. The purposes and work of the Army and Navy Division and the Civil War Division, known as the adjudicating divisions, being practically the same, their cards are herein described together as being identical. They show the whereabouts of all the cases in the jurisdiction of either division, past or present. All cards bear the stamped name of the division to which they per- tain, and a sample of each is given herewith at the place of its description. 19. On receipt of a claim for pension by an adjudicating division it is counted by the clearance section (the accounting section) as a pending claim. A clearance section card, Form No. 3-415, bearing the title of the claim and a check mark (x/) opposite the name of the law under which filed, is strapped to the claim, where it remains until the claim shall have been finally disposed of by allowance or other- wise, the object of the card being to show that the claim has been properly counted, and thus prevent the recounting of a claim into the division account. PENSION BUREAU CARD-KECOED SYSTEM. 17 (8-415) Keep on outside of case until final action is taken. CLEARANCE SECTION Invalid Widow Name PENDING. Act May 11, 1912.. Act April 19, 1908. General laws Other acts Check. In case of error, bring papers to Clearance Desk. 46218—16 2 18 PENSION BUREAU CABD-RECORD SYSTEM. 20. A card, Form No. 3-414, is attached by the clearance section to nonpending claims temporarily in the division, and is intended to prevent the counting of the case as a pending claim. (3-414) NOT PENDING. AFTER ACTION, RETURN TO CLEARANCE SECTION LEAVE THIS SLIP ON OUTSIDE CASE PENSION BUREAU CABD-EECOED SYSTEM. 19 21. A claim, having been properly counted as pending by the clearance section of the division, is ready to be charged to an examiner for action, and for this purpose a card, Form No. 3-417, is used, bearing, in addition to the title of the claim, the name of the examiner to whom the claim is charged, with the date when it is turned over to him. This card is then placed in its numerical order in the files of the division, there taking the place of the claim itself and showing who in the division has the claim and is to be held responsible for it. This card remains in the files until the claim shall have been disposed of by allowance, rejection, or abandonment. 22. When a case is sent from an adjudicating division to some other division for an opinion or for action, a brown card. Form No. 3-418, is used, showing the title of the claim, the claimant's post-ofiice address, the name of the division to which the claim is forwarded, and the date and purpose of the same, the card being signed by the examiner in charge of the claim. When the case passes through the clearance section this card is forwarded to the files of the division, where it is strapped to the examiner's charge card (3-417), to remain there until the claim is finally disposed of elsewhere or returned to the division. A duplicate of this card is held in the clearance section, should the case be forwarded to a division having no regular files, in order that the return of the case to the adjudicating division may be assured. 20 PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. (3^17) FILES SLIP, No. EXAMINER. (3-418) FILES SLIP. Orig. Cert. Name: [Post-offlce address.] [Service.] Submitted to the Board of Review for Examiner. To Medical Div J Examiner. To Record Div . . .... , Examiner To Law Div . J Examiner. To S E Div J Examiner. To Div Examiner. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECOED SYSTEM. 21 23. When a case is submitted to the Board of Review for final dis- position, two cards, Forms 3-419 and 3-420, go with it from the divi- sion. Form 3-419 shows the title of the claim, the date of its submis- sion to the Board of Review, and the name of the examiner submit- ting it, and remains with the case until final action. If the case has more than one pending claim a card is made for each one. If the claim be rejected by the Board of Review, this card is returned to the adjudicating division with the case and stamped ''Rejected." It is then returned to the division files, and shows by indorsement thereon that the case was forwarded to the Abandoned or Admitted files. 24. Should the claim be allowed, or other disposition than rejection be made of it by the Board of Review, proper notation of the action taken is made thereon and the card is returned to the adjudicating division and placed in its files to show the whereabouts of the case. (8-419) DIVISION. , Examiner. (Write surname first plainly.) No (Class.) Soldier, Co , Reg't Submitted for , 19 , Reviewer, , 19 Resubmitted for ,19 , Reviewer, , 19 FROM BOARD OF REVIEW TO Examiner 2d charge 3d charge Sp. Ex. Div 2d charge Law Div Finance Div Misc. charges Cert. Div (Use this slip in resubmitting the case.) 22 PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECOED SYSTEM. 25. Card Form No. 3-420 is a green record card for use in the Board of Review. (3-420) DIVISION. {Orig. No. Cert. No. Soldier, Co Reg't ADJUDICATING DIV. Ret'd on Review. Rejected. MEDICAL DIV. FINANCE DIV. SPECIAL EX. DIV. COMMISSIONEE. First Deputy. Second Deputy. CERTIFICATE DIV. MISCELLANEOUS. SECEETARY. ADMITTED FILES. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECOED SYSTEM, 23 26. When an original claim is allowed, a new number is given it by the Certificate Division, and the place of filing of the claim is changed from the files of claims bearing the original serial numbers to the files composed of claims bearing certificate numbers. 27. The adjudicating divisions are notified of thi§ change in num- ber, through the medium of a card — Form No. 3-752 in case of an invalid claim and Form No. 3-753 in case of a widow's, minor's, or dependent's claim. This card bears the full title of the claim, includ- ing both original and certificate numbers, and is substituted in the files of the division for all former cards representing the claim. By referring to this card, any matter that is filed for use in one of these claims, but bearing only the original number, can readily be forwarded and applied to the claim. (3-752) INVALID. Claim No Certificate No. ... Mailed ,191 Class NAME. (8-758) WIDOWS. Claim No Certificate No , Issued 19. Class NAME OF SOLDIER. 24 PENSION BUEEAU CAED-EECOKD SYSTEM. 28. If, upon examination of a claim in one of the adjudicating divisions, it is found that because of the service rendered by the sol- dier the claim properly belongs to the other division, card Form No. 3-422 (called ''Transfer slip") is filled out to show the title of the claim, the division to which it belongs, and the date of forward- ing to that division, being signed by the examiner to whom the claim was charged. This slip is placed in the division files to show the action taken. (3-^22) - .Div. TRANSFER SLIP. (Invalid No. J Widow. NAME OF SOLDIER. Service: CASE SENT TO Division, ,190... PENSION BUREAU CAKD-RECOED SYSTEM. 25 29. As invalid claims are filed under one series of numbers, while claims of widows, minors, etc., bear a different series of numbers, whenever it becomes necessary to bring together any two cases bearing different numbers, card Form No. 3-070 is used to show the consolidation, and the card is put in the files, in the place from which the first claim was drawn, and remains there as a permanent reference. The upper part of the card shows the full title of the first claim and the lower part the full title of the second. (3-070) Do not remove this slip. Attach nothing to it. Orig. No. _ Cert. No.. _ Class CONSOLIDATED WITH. Orig. No Cert. No.. --- - Class 26 PEN^SION BUREAU CAED-EECOED SYSTEM. 30. All claims that have been allowed are kept in numerical order and by series in permanent files, called the ''Admitted files." Invalid pensioners, however, are constantly filing applications for increase of pension, and, in case of their death, their widows or minor children make claims for pension, or there may be an inquiry regarding some point not made clear to the pensioner in his case. When, therefore, these applications or inquiries are received, the original papers are withdrawn from the admitted files for consideration in connection with the new matter received. For this purpose a withdrawal card, Form No. 3-421, is used, showing, in addition to the title of the claim, the name of the division requiring the papers, the name of the party — usually the chief of division— drawing the papers, and the specific purpose for which they are wanted; on the bottom of the card is stamped the date and the words ''Admitted files — Received." 31. This withdrawal card is held in the admitted files as a receipt for the original papers, and will not be removed from its place in the files except upon the return of the original papers, when it is •destroyed. 32. In case the original papers were previously taken from the admitted files, this card is returned to the division, with a notation made on its lower portion, showing when, by whom, and for what purpose they were borrowed. PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECORD SYSTEM. 27 (8-421) ADMITTED FILES. Certificate No. Series Pensioner Soldier Service Drawn hy. for. Division. Charged _ , 191 to on slip signed. File Cleric. 33. The abandoned files contain such claims as have not been allowed, their further prosecution having been abandoned by the claimants, either temporarily or permanently, and for various reasons. 28 PENSION BUREAU CAED-BECOBD SYSTEM. 34. Whenever anything is received in the bureau relative to an abandoned claim, such claim is withdrawn from the abandoned files; and for this purpose card Form No. 3-426 is used, the card being put into the abandoned files in place of the claim and kept there as a receipt for the same until it be returned or disposed of permanently or otherwise. This card shows by whom the claim is wanted and the date and purpose for which it is withdrawn from the abandoned files. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. (8-426) ABANDONED FILES. No -.-. Series Soldier Service Drawn hy for _ Division. Charged , 19 to on sli'p signed -. , File Cleric. 29 30 PENSION BUKEAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. MEDICAL DIVISION. 35. The card system used in this division is as follows: Several sets of cards which are rosters of the 1,292 boards of exam- ining surgeons, arranged alphabetically by States and cities, show: The location of the board (geographical). Meeting days for examinations. The place of meeting. Official mail address when different from the meeting place. The names of members, showing the president, the secretary, the treasurer, and the ad interim member if one has been appointed. These cards also include the single surgeons and their addresses^ which number 128. 36. Several sets of roster cards of expert surgeons are kept, from which a surgeon may be selected to make expert examinations when necessary. These cards show the names of 550 available surgeons and the cities where they reside. 37. A card index and record of examinations ordered is main- tained, showing: The date of the order. The character of the claim and service. The name of the organization in which service was rendered. The name of the claimant. The number of the claim. The date of examination. The date of filing the certificate with the case. The dates of request for, and receipt of, an amendment, should such be necessary, and also the date of mailing call slips in case of delay. 38. A set of signature cards, giving the personal signatures of the surgeons and the names of the boards of which they are members, or the location of the single surgeons, is arranged alphabetically and maintained in the accounting section of the division. 39. Card Form 3-417, which is used in the adjudicating divisions, is also used in this division and filed numerically. It is a record of the case while in this division. After a case has been checked out of the division, as having been sent elsewhere, this card is destroyed. A sample is shown on page 20. 40. A card, Form 3-347, is used primarily by each board of sur- geons in making a report when no examinations are made on a regular meeting day, and is returned as a postal card. In the division these cards are filed according to States and cities and are available for reference for a period of two years. Upon these cards indorsements by rubber stamps indicate to which quarter the report belongs. PENSION BUREAU CAED-EECORD SYSTEM. 31 Entries are also made to show when no examinations were made during the quarter. If examinations were made during one or two meeting days during the quarter, the date upon which the vouchers are drawn for payment is stamped upon the card. 41. Another card (a blank) is provided on which to complete the record when examinations are made on each examination day of the quarter. These cards are filed with the incoming vouchers, and all available information on vouchers for the quarter is to be found in one place only. LAW DIVISION. 42. The card index and record systems in this division are numerous because of the diversity and the miscellaneous character of its work^ Card Forms No. 3-414 and No. 3-415 (clearance section sHps) are used here as in the adjudicating divisions, already described, and a card. Form No. 3-917, is used as a file shp for every pension case received into the division. This card shows the number and class of the claim, the name of the claimant, and the name and service of the soldier; also the name of the person in the division to whom the case is charged and the date of same. It is then placed in numerical order in the files. When action on the case is finished a notation is made on the card showing where it is sent and the date thereof, the card remaining in the files. 32 PENSION BUREAU CAKD-RECORD SYSTEM. Law Division. (3-917) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF PENSIONS. Grig. No. . . Cert. No. ... Class Claimant _ Soldier _ Co , Reg't Vessel , U.S.N. PENSION BUREAU GAED-RECORD SYSTEM. 33 43. Card Form 3-916 is used as a call slip for obtaining a case from another division. It contains the data necessary to identify the case, and is retained as a receipt in the division where the case is found until the case shall be returned. Original No. Certificate No. (8-916) CALL SLIP. ffl/IJtM, Claimant Soldier Service Drawn by General Files, L jw Division. for J VI . .__ _.__....... Division. 46218—16 3 34 PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 44. Card Form 3-399 is used when some question is pending in a case in this division and the use of the claim is temporarily desired elsewhere. The card is placed outside the case to insure the latter's return to this division for completion of its work. (8-399.) KEEP THIS SUP ON OUTSIDE OF CASE. RETURN THIS CASE TO THE GENERAL FILES, LAW DIVISION. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 35 45. The following is a description of the card index of the general correspondence in this division: The carbons of miscellaneous correspondence where there are no cases, of congressional and departmental correspondence, of opinions on lawful widowhood and miscellaneous subjects, are arranged as far as possible in chronological order. A card for each is then made for the alphabetical file. Opinions on lawful widowhood and miscella- neous subjects are also indexed under the State and subject files, carbon copies of the alphabetical card being made for this purpose. A carbon letter and aU the cards pertaining thereto are given the same number. The carbon is filed numerically, and the cards like- wise in their proper file. 46. The alphabetical card contains the following: File number, name and address of person written to, or name of soldier, service, and number of claim referred to in the opinion, initial of writer, date, and subject matter. 47. The State card and subject card contain the same items as the alphabetical card. 48. A cross-reference card is also used in the alphabetical file. It contains the file number, the name of the person referred to in the correspondence, the name and address of the correspondent, and the proper reference. CRIMINAL CARD INDEX. 49. A card index and record, arranged alphabetically and by States, is kept of all civil suits and criminal cases. In criminal cases one original and two carbons of the card are made — one for the alpha- betical, one for the State, and one for the general-correspondence file. The card contains the initial of the person writing up the case; the name and address of defendant; the judicial district; the name, serv- ice, and claim number of soldier or claimant; the date case is for- warded to the Secretary of the Interior for transmittal to the Attorney General; the act under which the offense was committed; the offense; the date of indictment; the date of conviction and the sentence. A synopsis of facts is written on the back of the card. 50. A cross-reference card is made, containing the name of soldier and claimant, the reference, and the name of the defendant. These cards are filed in the alphabetical index for criminal cases. In civil suits one original and three carbon cards are made — one for the alphabetical, one for the State, one for the civil-suit, and one for the general-correspondence file. This card contains about the same infor- mation as the card for criminal cases. Cross-reference cards are made and filed in the alphabetical index for criminal cases. 36 PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 51. A card index, arranged chi'onologically, is kept of all indict- ments, convictions, noUe prosequi cases, acquittals and cases returned by United States attorneys where no action is taken. This card con- tains the name and address of the defendant, the judicial district, the date action is taken, the act under which the offense is com- mitted, and the offense. 52. A card index is kept alphabetically of all claims filed under the act of March 3, 1899, known as the '' deserted-wife cases," while the papers of the invahd claim are stiU in the admitted files and prior to the completion of a prima facie claim under said act. This is a correspondence card (Form 3-L-l) showing the title of the case, the group in which payment is made to the pensioner, and the various steps in the correspondence prior to the claim becoming prima facie. When the claim reaches that condition, this card is placed in the claim jacket, the claim being consoUdated with the papers in the invalid case. (8-L-l) Claimant: Pensioner: Address: Service: Attorney: CERTinCATE No. Declaration received: Address: Returned: Returned: Returned: Returned: 53. Card Form 3-918 is used in making a permanent alphabetical index of the claims filed under the act of March 3, 1899, showing the final action of the bureau in each case, and, in case of allowance, the date payment of one-half the invalid pension is ordered. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECOBD SYSTEM. 37 (8-918) No ACT OF MARCH 3, 1899. Class Certificate No Soldier Co , Regt Co , Regt Claimant Post office Date of filing Allowed Rejected Cause Notice to D. C Notice to pensioner Notice to bene! Notice to Gov. Home SPECIAL ACTS. 54. A card index, arranged alphabetically, is kept of all special-act pensions passed by each session of Congress. This card contains the name of the beneficiary, the certificate number, the soldier's name and service, the proposed rate, the prior rate, and the increase caused by the act; also the private number, Congress and session, the omni- bus number, the date of approval by the President, the date the cer- tificate is issued, the number of the original bill, and the name of the Member introducing same. A carbon card is made in each case where the bill provides for $50 or over. 38 PENSION BUREAU CAKD-RECOED SYSTEM. MONEY RECOVERED. 55. A card index, arranged chronologically, is kept of each pension case in which money has been recovered by civil suit or otherwise. This card contains the name of the pensioner, the name and service of the soldier, the certificate number, the date and amount of the recovery, and the manner of making same. A carbon copy of this card is also made and filed in the general correspondence file. PHOTOSTATS. 56. A card index, arranged chronologically, is kept of all photostat work. This card contains the date, the name and number of the case, the number of pieces photographed, the number of pages, the names of the examiner and the chief of division for whom the work is done, the serial number, and the approval of the Chief of the Law Division. ATTORNEYS. 57. A roster of the attorneys practicing before the bureau is kept by an index system of cards of several colors. They are alphabeti- cally arranged by States. A white card (3-L-4) is used where the attorney is in good standing, showing his name, his post-office address, the date of his admission to practice before the department, whether admitted as an agent or as an attorney, and the name of his firm if he be a member of an enrolled firm. No. (8-LHl) State Office notified State Agent, Attorney. Admitted: Remarks: ■ Transfer: PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 39 58. A yellow card (3-L-5) is used for firms admitted to practice before the bureau, showing the name of the firm, the full names of partners with date of admission of each, and the post-office address; also notations as to changes of address, transfers, and other things affecting the status of the firm before the bureau. On a dissolution of partnership, a notation of same is made on the card. No. (8.L.5) State Office notified: Office notified State Partnership dissolved: Remarks: Agent, Attorney. Admitted: Agent, Attorney. Transfer: Admitted: Agent, Attorney. Admitted: 40 PENSION BUBEAU OABD-BECORD SYSTEM. 59. A blue card (3-L-3) is used where the attorney or firm becomes disquaHfied by disbarment, suspension, prohibition, or otherwise, for practice before the bureau. This card displaces the white or yellow card in the files, all data being transferred to it from the white or yellow card. No. (8-L-3) State Oflace notified Agent, Attorney State State Admitted: Disbarred: Office notified Transfer: PENSION BUREAU CAKD-EECORD SYSTEM. 41 60. On the receipt of official information of the death of an agent or attorney, a brown card (3-L-6) containing the date of his death, as well as the data on his white card, is substituted in the files for his white card, the name of his widow, executor, or administrator being placed thereon, if known to the bureau. No. (8-L-6) State Agent, Attorney State Office notified State Admitted: Office notified Died: Transfer: Office notified -' 42 PENSION BUEEAU CAKD-EECORD SYSTEM. 60^. When a call is made for a certificate showing the official char- acter of an officer before whom some pension paper has been exe- cuted, a red card, Form 3-915, is used and filed, showing the name of the officer, his official character, the jurisdiction, the date which it is desired the certificate shall cover, the date of the call for the certificate, and the title of the case in which the call is made. (8-915) LAW DIVISION. Name Official cJiaracter. State County Date called for Date of call Case of PENSION BUREAU CARD-EECOBD SYSTEM. 43 SPECIAL EXAMINATION DIVISION. 61. There are maintained in this division 12 card index records relating to the work of its field and office forces. They are described as follows : INDIVrOXJAL FIELD RECORD. 62. This record, filed alphabetically, shows the official history of each special examiner, including former employees as well as those now in the service. This card gives his name, the date of his birth, his legal residence, the State from which appointed, salary, changes of grade, with dates of assignment, recall, or separation from the service. This constitutes the official record of the field personnel, and certified copies therefrom, under seal of the bureau, are fre-~ quently required in the trial of impostors who fraudulently pose as special examiners. INDEX TO LETTERS OP CRITICISM. 63. This record, dating from December 1, 1905, consists of one or more cards for each special examiner whose work has been the subject of official criticism. The card is designed to show the name of the special examiner and the dates of letters of adverse criticism respecting his field work and the character of delinquency, the latter being indicated by parenthetic letters which refer to cor- responding paragraphs of an error schedule maintained in the review section. This record is consulted by reviewers in shaping corre- spondence with special examiners relative to faulty or insufficient work. It is also of value in the preparation of efficiency reports. These cards are arranged alphabetically. COMMISSION RECORD. 64. This record, inaugurated March 17, 1914, when the current form of commission, with photograph attached, was adopted, is arranged alphabetically, one card for each commission issued. This card shows the name of the examiner, the number of his commission, the names and titles of signatory officials, the date of cancellation, and other pertinent information. RECOVERY RECORD. 65. This record embodies data, in the form of a receipt signed by the Chief of the Finance Division, relative to cash recoveries made by special examiners. Running back to 1897, this record is filed chronologically, showing amounts and methods of refundments made through the Special Examination Division, and description of cases involved. 44 . PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECORD SYSTEM. DAILY REPORT RECORD. 66. This card, Form 3-E-4, adopted July 1, 1909, covers the regular accounting period of one month, and is used as a facing slip for the daily reports of special examiners which, as received, are posted on this record. The face of the card provides space for the name of each special examiner, his legal residence, the number of days employed or days on leave, the number of depositions taken, reports submitted, and days in court; the daily and monthly expense footings, the per diem allowance and remarks, while the back is designed for noting errors, disapprovals, suspensions, and subsequent allowances. When expense accounts are filed they are assembled with the corresponding daily reports and facing slip and carefully compared therewith, after which proper record is made and the account sent to the chief dis- bursing clerk of the department for payment. The daily reports, with facing slips attached, are then placed in the storage files. They are filed alphabetically, covering the period from 1912 to current date. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECOED SYSTEM. 45 [Face.] (8-E-.4) L. R. Days. Deps. Repts. Court. Expense. Remarks Less Per diem. Total, $. [Back.] 46 PENSIOISr BUREAU CARD-RECOED SYSTEM. ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 67. Form 3-E-5 was adopted July 1, 1909. This is a register of vouchers approved for payment from the appropriation '' Investiga- tion of pension cases, Pension Office," showing dates, names of payees, and amounts, classified as to per diem and expense. This register is checked against the abstracts of the chief disbursing clerk in con- nection with the quarterly administrative examination of his accounts. On the back of this card is provided a form for stating from time to time the condition of the appropriation, estimates, and probable balances. Under the practice, a report of this character is submitted monthly to the commissioner through the chi^f clerk of the bureau. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 47 [Face.l (3-E-6) CONDITION OF APPROPRIATION-INVESTIGATION OF PENSION CASES, PENSION OFFICE. 191 . 1 Amount expended to , 19 Net expenditure for , ^9 Estimated expenditure for , 19 1 1 Prospective balance , 19 1 Indicated availablA balance at close of vear [Back.] (8-E-6) ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS-INVESTIGATION OF PENSION CASES, PENSION OFFICE, 191 . Date. Spectat. Examiner. Per Diem. Expense. Total. Remarks. Brought forward Carried forward 48 PENSION BUKEAU CAED-EECORD SYSTEM. SUMMARY OP ACCOUNTS. 68. Form 3-E-6 was adopted July 1, 1909. This is not only a summary of expense vouchers, but also a final record of employ- ment and schedule of work performed by the field force. Each card covers the work and accounts of a special examiner for two years. It is from this record that statistics of results accomplished by spe- cial examiners and the cost thereof are compiled. These cards are filed alphabetically, covering the period from July 1, 1909, to cur- rent date. (8-B-6) Summary of accounts, Special examiner. Days. Deps. Repts. Per Diem. Expense. Total. Approved. Remarks. July.... Aug Sent.... Oct Nov.... Doc Jan Feb - Mar.... May.... June Total. PENSION BUKEAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 49 GENERAL RECORD. 69. This record in present form No. 3-E-7 was adopted July 1, 1910. Its chief purpose is to harmonize discrepancies between the daily reports and the monthly reports of special examiners employed, with double columns in which entries are made under the captions '^Days/' '^Depositions/' and ''Reports/' the data being taken from the daily reports. Such entries are then compared with the monthly reports, and discrepancies are noted in the left-hand division of proper column. ''Discrepancy circulars" are then sent to special examiners in error, and when differences have been properly recon- ciled the permanent record is accordingly revised. The cost column appended to this form is used in verifying the voucher register. These cards are filed alphabetically, covering the period from July 1, 1910, to current date. GENERAL RECORD. (8-E-7) Speclvl Examiner. Days. Deposi- tions. Repoets. Cost. Brought forward Carried forward 46218—16- 50 PENSION BUREAU CAED-BECORD SYSTEM. ATTORNEY REOOBD. 70. This form, adopted in 1912, shows the more important changes bulletined by the attorney's desk, Law Division, such as disbarments, restorations, and transfers. Its chief purpose is to .prevent recog- nition, in correspondence or otherwise, of disqualified attorneys. These cards are filed alphabetically, covering the period from January, 1912, to current date. CASE CARD. 71. The case card, Form 3-275, with retained face brief, index, and copy of letter of reference, represents the case in the files of the divi- sion while the essential papers are in the field. Space is provided in this form for description of the case, the claimant's post-ofiice address, the date papers were received in the Special Examination Division, from whom received, and record of references to successive special examiners with dates and purpose thereof. A ruled card slip, on which indorsements are made in the absence of the jacket, is attached to the back of the case slip proper, the carbon copy of letter of refer- ence being placed between the two to prevent its mutilation or destruc- tion in handling. Upon the completion of the special examination of a case, the corresponding case slip is filed with the other papers therein; hence, the files comprise one case slip for each case in process of special examination, filed numerically. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 51 (8-276) f Record^ Pages :^ No. Claimant: Soldier: Service: _ . Claimant's P. 0. address: County, n Div. , 19 Rec'd inS. E.D. ,19 ,froi REFERENCES. To for orig. ex'm'n at County, - - - - , 19 To for fur. ex. as to County, - - , 19 To ■ .. for fur. ex, as to _ County, , 19 To - for fur. ex, as to .. County^ , 19 To for fur. ex. OrS to . .... . . _ County, 52 PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECORD SYSTEM. FILES SLIP. 72. This Form 3-278 is used as a monument showing the where- abouts of cases and case slips temporarily or permanently removed from the files of the Special Examination Division. It contains spaces for noting description of case and charges to special examiners, reviewers, and others. Cross references are likewise made on this form. They are filed numerically, dating back to 1912, inclusive. (3-278.) FILES SLIP. No. Rec'dS. E.D. EXAMINER. S. E. DIVISION. Jan. Feh. - Mar. Apr. May June - July Aug. .--- Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 53 CASE ACCOUNT. 73, This Form 3-280 was inaugurated in 1911. It shows the condition of the docket of the individual special examiner, as well as the status of the field work as a whole. Space is provided for the name of the special examiner, the description of cases referred to him for special examination, the date of receipt by the special exam- iner, the date returned with or without report, and the nature of his recommendation. BOARD OF EEVIEW. 74. The card records of this division are quite limited. It uses Forms 3-414 and 3-415 (clearance section slips) as ab*eady described in the systems of the adjudicating divisions, and also uses Form 3-421, as do those divisions, to draw cases from the admitted files. 75. The green card. Form 3-420 (shown on page 22), which is attached to and sent with a case from the adjudicating divisions to the Board of Review, is the principal card index in use here. It is filed in numerical order and is retained in the files, showing the vari- ous charges of the case to reviewers or to other divisions until its final disposition. 76. A white ruled card is used for charging cases to reviewers. 77. A card record. Form 3-N-l, recently established, is used as an index to the unprinted decisions of the Secretary of the Interior, to the orders and rulings of the Commissioner of Pensions and the Chief of the Board of Review, and to such other information from various sources as may be of use in the work of the board. The arrangement is alphabetical by subjects and the cards show cross references. (8-N-l) Title. Date. Author- ity. Page. Book. - ■ '54 PENSION BUKEAU CAKD-RECORD SYSTEM. CERTIFICATE DIVISION. 78. The card-index records of this division give the number of and data concerning every pension certificate issued by the bureau since the Revolution. They embrace, however, several series of cer- tificates, each arranged numerically, as of its particular class, accord- ing to the war or period of service on account of which the pension was granted. They are described as follows : 79. The ^'Old war invalid" series. Form No. 3-K-3, includes those based upon disability incurred in the service since the Revolution and prior to March 4, 1861, while the ''Civil War invalid" series, Form No. 3-K-4, embraces all those whose service was subsequent to that date, whether disabled in the service or not. This series was merged into the ''Army invalid'' series after certificate No. 9486 was issued. 80. The ''Old war invalid" cards are white, and are designed to show the law under which the pension was granted, the class of pension — i. e.., whether original, increase, or a restoration, etc. — also the agency group number for payment, the date of issue, and the rate. Each card contains spaces showing issues to and giving the data per- taining to the certificates of four soldiers whose certificates might have borne the same number as on this card, as the same number was often given to the certificates of different soldiers who had served either in the War of 1812, or the Mexican War, or the Indian wars, or in the Regular Service prior to March 4, 1861. 81. Other descriptions of claims on account of the "Old wars" have been made for service of survivors and their widows, as will appear later when described under card, Form 3-K-5. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 55 I 1 53 ^ ^ i ^ S ^ d 1 C3 a g 6 1 -d 'O "2 ■2 § § § ^ >> >-. >> >> .tJ ii i» X< 2 x> S ^ J ^ p ^. p i p o • p j : - , P s 1^' li s " o u >h" >^' >^ >^' o § § _ S p- > > pi (4 (4 . . rt CO tf S M ^ « ^ ft i p i p - , Q >i s li 1^' o u o >h' >^- >^ >^' tf" « tf rt i d g. p o p , P s s 1^' o o o >^ >^* >^ ><■ «■ «■ pi « p p p P i s i ^ 1 s 1 1^ >^* >^' >^' >H* ^ c^ ^ >»S gft g P< § a< ^Ck bc:i ^fe - j 56 PENSION BUREAU CAKD-BECORD SYSTEM. t J aw Q i 1 d s' >^' "^ d ;^' >h' i w p S >^ 5 P s >^' p^' t d S >h' o PENSION BUREAU OARD-RECOED SYSTEM. 57 82. The ''Old war widows" series is also given on card, Form 3-K-5. It shows allowances to all widows of soldiers whose death was due to disability incurred in the service after the Revolution and prior to March 4, 1861. This card is salmon in color, and is designed to show the law under which the pension was granted, the class of pension, the agency group number for payment, the date of issue, and the rate of pension. 83. The several series of certificates for the 1812 War survivors, the Indian War survivors, and the Mexican War survivors, and for the widows of those wars — that is, those not pensioned on account of the death of the soldier having been due to disabiUty incurred in the service — are also made on card Form 3-K-5, described above, so that this card may bear a number which belonged to the certifi- cates issued to seven persons, which in itself shows the necessity for its arrangement in a numerical series. 58 PENSION BUREAU CAED-BECORD SYSTEM. 1 1 1 ' rt ^ ' - 1 A o ^ ft « 1 ft B o O ft ;^ S ;^ Id >h' |H* >^' >h" «■ «■ «• Pi 1 fi ft o Iz; PL| TJ ft . ft i i a 1 a 1 1^ 1 1^ >^ >> >^ >h' 6 d d d c^ &^ 1 § ^ 8 fl ft 8)1 Is > ^2 H' >h' l>H* >^' PJ « « p4 -? ft •d ft* . ft -s ft S s' i ^ i s 3 1 id >^' >^ ^' >h' d c^l 1^' &I II |)g g ft ■ § o o o O i 1 i 1 U9 1^ ^ » ■^ Pi P. o p<; o 1 ^' g ^ S ^ ^ s ^ 6s o 5 o » ca o H ^ o C3 CO h ^ M 02 H ^ 02 02 H ^ ! ^ PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 59 o > p < 1 a 1 Pi S >^' tf 1 1 ft 1^ >H* 6 o o 1 * Pi. : 1^ >^ pi fl 1^' >^ Agencv Group 1^0. , 1 1 t i M ^ Pi ;^ >H* pi 1 pi :^ >^* g ft ■<2 o 1 ^ pi :^ !>h' tf 1 pi a >^' "1 1 J 1 1 ^ fi 1^ >h" I rt i 1 Pi !^' >h" 6 S ft "2 o o a o O Pi S >h' tf 1 « « i^ 1 it -< 2 o g o CQ i 5 6 i 1^ d ft 60 PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECORD SYSTEM. (8-K-2) Navy. 1 a a, ft , ft H >^ rt o • fi a S ^ 1 ""^^ >^ ^ H^ « , ft 1^ >* rt •^ ft :^ >^ ^ g a to^ < 2 . d ^ 12; • o H o 02 OQ 1 PENSION BUREAU CARD-EECOED SYSTEM. 61 84. The '^Navy invalid'' series of card records is of blue cards, Form No. 3-K-2, and gives the numbers of and the data concerning the certificates for pension issued on account of naval service subse- quent to March 4, 1861. The number begins with 1 and runs up to 42035 and there stops, because certificates issued after August 12, 1910, were, under order of the commissioner, placed in the Army series of invalid pensions in the regular order of numbering in that series, which may eventually be called the Army and Navy series. These cards show the certificate number, the name of the sailor, his service, the law under which pensioned, the class of pension, the agency group number for payment, the date of issue, the rate of pen- sion, the disability for which pensioned, and a place for ''remarks.'' 85. The ''Navy widows" series is also given on this card. Form 3-K-2, on the reverse side. These number up to 21618 and record the certificates issued to widows of sailors who served after March 4, 1861. This series also ended after August 12, 1910, being placed since then in the regular order of numbering in the Army series of widow's pensions, which, as before stated, may eventually be called the Army and Navy series. 62 PENSION BUEEAU CABD-EECOKD SYSTEM. &■ g 1^ PENSION BUREAU CARD-EECOKD SYSTEM. 63 86. The '^Army invalid series" is the largest card record in this division and contains more than a million cards. It is made on a white card, Form No. 3-K-4, and gives the numbers of and the data concerning the certificates issued to all those who have received a pension on account of disability incurred in the service since March 4, 1861, or prior to that date in ''Old war" cases merged into this series, or for service alone, or for age and service combined since that date, or for any other reason not included in the preceding classes. The numbering in this series began at 9487, following the last number, 9486, in the ''Old war invalid" series, described above. The certificates issued on account of the War with Spain and the Regular Establishment are also included in regular numerical order in this series. This card contains the same data as the cards above described. 87. The "Army widows" series is the next largest card record of certificates and numbers nearly a million. It also is made on card Form No. 3-K-4, reverse side, and includes certificates issued to the widows and dependents of those who served subsequent to March 4, 1861, including aU classes except those specially named heretofore. This series began with number 1 and has reached to nearly a million. 64 PENSION BUREAU CARD-BECOED SYSTEM. I i 1^ if PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECOED SYSTEM, 65 ^':? W)3 . C3 , o ^: ^ ^ ^ rH (N CO •>*< 6 O" t? 1 >^ •ZC6T •8C6I •6361 •0g6T j !d ^j IH s o <1 >>. a « ^ -- c^ CO rf - (M CO rt< (M CO ■* ^ (N CO Tf 1-^ •8S6I •tcei •9Z&1 •9261 § o 6 <1 >. ■ i P ^ - (N CO ■1' - IM " T)< (M CO "1 - . C3 P ^ -H (N CO •<1< ^ (N CO rj" ^ (N CO r^ -^ M CO ^ hi •ei6i •9T6T •Ll&l •8T6T . ^ O B B . « S <5 -^ 05 CO ■. 1 03 « s 1 Q i <§ - IN CO '1 i - " ■<*< IM CO ^1 ^ IM CO ^ ^ ^ >H 7061 •8061 •6061 •0T6I PENSION BUEEAU CARD-RECOBD SYSTEM. 60 I 1 5 f s o o •< i tf •rt :> ^ 70 PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECOBD SYSTEM. •2 m M O 1 1 o o o H H ^ « 1 o i PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 71 Q < CO 72 PENSION BUEEAU CAKD-BECOED SYSTEM. 1 S" i . w < 1 -< fh J> a •^ o 1 1 1 ;z: (c) ;z; H ^3 ^ o o Pm O ->1 i Q s 63 6h h^ •< 1 ^ g Q o ^ t O ^ W 1 1 > KH S ;z; a ^ S Ex "CJ ^ O s -«S3 ■< 1 ;z; Q f< 1 !z: P4 IS H o !z; » ^ l:^ o o fa o w H i 03 ^ to 1 ■rj 1 1 < o fe .2 ^i s 2 .2 « s Iz; O m Q p^ Eh Q 03 Pm PENSION BUREAU CAED-EECORD SYSTEM. 73 « ^ Cm ^ 2 i 1 o g Q P <^ i w Eh ;z; » 1 O O O ! P3 1 o 1 g S P>3 1^ o ^ -< i o « Q i ^ ^ ^ -N H g B Q tf ^ S 1 >► fe < o i ;?; 8 S 3 H iz K !z; H s s o o h o g -< o d y 1 1 1 1 1 > 5 i ! ! ! i J 1 1 j i ■< O Z w < fcH 1 H Q »:; ^ 125 ij o ! 76 PENSION BUREAU CAED-EECORD SYSTEM. 93. Form 3-P. A. 11, ''Invalid automatic," is used only in con- nection with automatic increase allowances under the act of May 11, 1912, as amended by the act of March 4, 1913. These cards are kept in alphabetical order in connection with the ' ' live ' ' roll file by the quarterly periods in the future within which the increased rates will commence, and thus will serve as a '' tickler" system for ready identification of the cases or cards calling for increase payments as the quarters arrive. A repeated sorting of the roll cards with each quarter to find the ones calling for increased payments is thus saved. NAME: (3-P. A. 11) Certificate No. INVALID. AUTOMATIC. 1 Rate. Date of commencement. Month. Day. Year. 94. Forms 3-1088 and 3-1089 serve as a file for use in the prepara- tion of vouchers for quarterly payments. The vouchers are written from data entered on these cards instead of from the roll cards, which permits of the roll cards remaining in their places and accessi- ble for other purposes during the voucher-writing operation, and the file may be kept in classes by voucher forms instead of according to the roll classification. The file is now comparatively small, as less than 5 per cent of the pensioners are paid on separate individual vouchers. PENSION BUREAU CAED-KECOED SYSTEM. 77 (3-1088) Roll No. Name: Certificate No. Name of Soldier: Rank, Company and Regiment: Rate and commencement of pension: Date of certificate: Names of Minors: Commence- ment: Ending: Post-office address and Remarks: (3-1089) Roll No. Name: Certificate No, Disability: Rank, Co., and Regiment: Rate and commencement of Pension: Class of Certificate: Date of Certificate: Remarks: P. O. Address: Last paid to— 78 PENSION BUEEAU CAKD-RECORD SYSTEM. 95. Form 3-P. A. 10 is used in a file which is in the nature of a desk record for the convenience of the clerks in charge of Soldiers' Home cases in Group III. The form is the same as the one in use in the index file of the disbursing office. Tlie file is made up from the reports of admissions and discharges from the homes, and is needed as a ready reference for the reason that the home members are made up of all classes of invalid or male pensioners, and they are constantly shifting. The average home membership is about 22,000. NAME: (3-P. A. 10) Certificate No. Law: Class: Former agency: Remarks: 96. Form 3-D-l, guardians' record, is used in maintaining a file of all fiduciaries to whom pensions are paid. The file is kept in alphabetical order, by name of the guardian. The file originated with the practice, authorized by a departmental decision, of requiring guardians to account periodically to the bureau for pension received. Said decision was overruled, and, in place of the accounting, guardi- ans were required by a departmental order, which is still in force, to biennially file certificates of the courts appointing them, to show that they had accounted thereto as required by law, or that the requirement for accounting had been waived by the court. The cases under guardianship number about 10,000. (3-D-l) Appt'd. Date. Soldier. Date of Execu- tion. Biennial Year. Class. Certificate No. Vice: Successor: Appt'd: Agency: PENSION BUKEAU CAED-RECOKD SYSTEM. 79 97. Form 3-809 is used in connection with the case work of the division, as a charge-in and charge-out sHp, the charge-in being to the clerk handling the case in the division, and the charge-out to the division to which the case is sent. (8-809) f Orig. No Class. I Cert. No Soldier, ... Co ., Reg't Examiner. Date. Civil War Division Army and Navy Division Law Division Certificate Division Special Examination Division Board of Review . Record Division Abandoned files Admitted files Miscellaneous 80 PENSION BUKEAU CAED-EECOKD SYSTEM, DISBURSING DIVISION. 98. The card index of this division is made on Form 3-P. A. 10, a sample of which is herein shown. There are 47 different sub- visions into which pensioners are classified, but the cards representing them are arranged alphabetically with guides, and make a complete index of all the pensioners on the roll and a key to their cases in the bureau. Each card contains the name of a pensioner, the certificate number, the law under which the claim was allowed, the class of pension, the number of the division section having jurisdiction as to its payment, and a space for remarks and cross references. This index shows readily whether any particular person is a pensioner, and, if so, reference to his addressograph plate shows his last post office address. This index is not only of great importance in the work of this division, but other divisions of the bureau are con- stantly seeking its help. If the name and certificate number are given in an inquiry about any case, it is possible to locate the case in a fractional part of a minute, and even where the certificate number is not given the case is identified and located in a very short time. It is also used in supplying the last-known addresses of survivors of regiments and other organizations of pensioners. The average daily references to this index are more than 600. (3-P. A. 10) Name: Certificate No. Law: Class: Section No. Remarks: 99. The addressograph system of name plates in this division can not be used for ready reference, notwithstanding the plates show the certificate number and the address of the pensioner, because they are divided into sections and further subdivided into laws and classes, so that the entire roU is split up into more than 160 subdivisions; but these plates are used in writing checks and schedules. PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. MAIL AND SUPPLIES DIVISION. 81 100. A set of roster cards of examining surgeons, as was described as being in the Medical Division, is kept in this division for the pur- pose of furnishing supplies to the surgeons in the field. 101. A series of cards (Form 3-A-3), arranged numerically accord- ing to item number of stationery and miscellaneous supplies and form number of blanks, is used, showing the quantity and date of the receipt of supplies and blanks, requisition number, and the quantity issued each month to the several divisions of the bureau, and the total issued each- six months and each year, and the remain- der in stock for each period. (3-A-3) Item No. Form 3— NAME: Balance Requisition No No. received. Year, 19 Day of month Divisions. Drawn. Jan. Feb. Mar. APRIL. May. JUNE. Total. Grand Total. Commissioner Deputy Com'r Chief clerk.. Medical Board of Review . . S.E. Division Army and Navy Civil War Certificate Finance Record . . Law Mail and supplies.. Superintendent Files Disbursing office.. . Special examiners . Ex. surgeons ... . Total . . . Balance 1 1^ r"- 1 "" [ "' ' i 46218—16- 82 PENSION BUREAU CAED-RECORD SYSTEM. 102. A series of cards, Form 3-A-6, numerically arranged accord- ing to the item number on the general supply schedule, shows the name of the item, date of requisition for stationery or miscellaneous suppUes, quantity ordered, date of receipt, cost of the requisition, total quantity and cost of the item used each year, with contract price and name of contractor for each year. , , (3-A-6) ITEM. Date of Order. Quantity. Received. Cost. Used in- Quantity. Cost. Price. Contractor. 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 " Note: 1 PENSION BUREAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. 83 103. Another series of cards (Form 3-A-7)^ numerically arranged according to form number of printed blanks, books, and cards, pro- vides for the form number of item and title, date of requisition, number of requisition and quantity ordered, date of receipt and cost of same; it also shows the division using the form, when the form was adopted, old and new, action of committee when considering the form, date of revision, and quantity used each year. Form No. Title: (8-A-7) Date of ORDER. Quantity. Requisi- tion No. Date REC'D. Cost. Used by: Form adopt- Old. New, Committee A'^tion: ... Revised. Quantity used in— 1908 1900 1909 1901 1910 1902 1911 1903 1912 1904 1913 1905 1914 1906 1915 1907 1916 Note: 104. Money and pension checks received in the division are recorded on 3 by 5 inch cards (Form 3-B-l), ruled on one side. On these cards are recorded, in the case of money, the amount, number of check, draft, or money order, date and place of issue, name and address of remitter, and the information requested. This card with the cash, check, draft, or money order is sent to the Finance Division and receipted for by the chief of that division on the card, which is then placed on file in this division. 105. In the case of pension checks the name of pensioner, number of pension certificate, check number, with the date of issue, amount of check, and a record of any papers with the check are entered on the card, which with the check is sent to the disbursing clerk, who receipts for same on the card, which is then placed on file in this division. 84 PENSION BUKEAU CARD-RECORD SYSTEM. CHIEF CLERK'S BRANCH. 106. The card index records used in the chief clerk's branch are here given, at the end of this report, for the reason that there was no logical place for their description in the arrangement of the several divisions of the bureau. Form 1-034 is the card used in all the divisions for making applica- tion for leave of absence, whether annual leave, sick leave, or leave without pay. This card, pink in color, is filled out in the divisions. The application, recommended by the chief of division, is forwarded to the chief clerk's room, where, after examination of the eraployee's leave record for the year and the statement of same made thereon, on being duly approved, is filed alphabetically for each calendar year. Each card is retained for three years in its series, and is then destroyed. 107. Form l-034a, a blue card, is used for reporting tardiness. It. is forwarded by the division chiefs to the chief clerk's room with a recommendation to excuse or to charge time to the employee. These cards are also filed alphabetically. 108. Form 1-110 is a large card used throughout the several bureaus of the Interior Department. On it is kept the account of all leaves of absence of every kind for every employee. These cards are classified by the divisions and arranged alphabetically as to •employees, and are retained for a period of 10 years before being destroyed. 109. Form 3-1-1 is a consolidated time card. It gives the record of the leave of absence, amount and kind, of every employee for a period of years. CONSOLIDATED TIME CARD. (3-i-i) Name , Appointed 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 Totals. Arinnal Sick W. 0. P Mil Quar Changes PENSION BUKEAU CAKD-RECORD SYSTEM. 85 110. A series of personal cards is also maintained in the chief clerk's room. This card shows the date of appointment in the bureau of each employee, the State from which appointed, the date of any changes in grade, and the division in which employed. These cards are also filed alphabetically. When the connection of an employee with the bureau is terminated, his card is removed to another cabinet and is there filed alphabetically. ! Name: Division. Date of appointment, position, salary: 86 PENSION BUEEAU CARD-RECORD SYSTE^. 111. Another card index shows the salary and address of all employees of the bureau, 112. In connection with the personal files of employees in the appointment room there is kept a card index, Form 3-D-2, alpha- betically arranged, showing the name of the employee, the date of appointment, the position to which appointed, including the method of appointment, the salary, the legal residence, whence appointed, when and where born, naval or military service, if any,- and whether married or single. Every change of status is noted on these cards. On the back of the cards is a place for indorsements, changes of name and of legal residence, etc. 113. Upon the termination of service of an employee, his personal card and file are placed in the ''Out'' files alphabetically, thus forming a complete record of every person employed in the bureau at any time. (8-D-2) Name. Legal residence. Date of appointment, position, salary. Whence appointed. When and where born. Naval or military service. Offlclal record. Division. Married. Single. 1 PENSION BUREAU CARD-ItECOED SYSTEM. 87 114. In the appointment rboni is dso main tallied a card-index record of the boards of examining surgeons, single surgeons, and expert examining surgeons. There are seven sets of cards in use in these records, as follows: First. Board cards showing: Congressional district, city or town, county, day on which boards meet, hour of meeting, and place where board meetings are held. Second. Board card showing: City or town, county and State,'and names of members of board, with their addresses. Third. Personal card showing: Name, date of oath, by whom recommended, where graduated, system of medicine, location of board — county and State, post-office address — age, naval or military service, if any. Fourth. Single surgeon card showing: Town where located, county. State, name. Fifth. Personal card, single surgeon, showing: Name, town where located, county and State. Sixth. Expert examining surgeon card showing: Town where located, county, State, name. Seventh. Personal card, expert examining surgeon, showing: Name, location, county. State. 1 Names. Board: Post-office addresses: 1 (8-M-2) Name. Board. Date of oath: Post-office address: Recommended by: Age: Graduated: Naval or military service: System of medicine: Date and cause of removal: ■ ' 1 88 PENSION ByR5:AU.CAE5>RECOKD SYSTEM. 115. In connection with the pay roll of the bureau there is kept in the appointnment room a card index of the employees, alpha- betically arranged by classes, showing the name, salary, and grade of each. 116. In the library two card indexes are maintained. One is an index of the books; the other pertains to subject matter. o. YC 24456 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY i,,„.,.»(«»*W»'«l«"-'M