A BIBLIOGRAPHY OP PROTOZOA, SPONGES, CCELENTERATA, AND WORMS. iontion: C. J. CLAY AND SON, CAMBEIDGE UNIVEESITY PEESS WAEEHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. LEIPZIG: F. A. BROCKHAUS. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OP PROTOZOA, SPONGES, CCELENTERATA, AND WORMS, INCLUDING ALSO THE POLYZOA, BRACHIOPODA AND TUNIOATA, FOR THE YEARS 1861-1883. D'AKCY W. THOMPSON, B.A., SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. EDITED FOR THE SYNDICS OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1885 PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. JULIO VICTOR! CARUS OLIM ALIENORUM INVENTORUM BIBLIOGRAPHY D1LIGENTISSIMO QUI LIBEIS SUIS IPSIUS PEB MULTOS HOSCE ANNOS FELICITER SCRIPTIS BIBLIOGRAPHY VENTURO RELIQUIT ET QUOD SPERAMUS FORE RELICTURUS EST MATERIEM 258448 PREFACE. THE labour of compiling this book was undertaken by me in the sincere hope that when finished it would be useful. It is meant to link on to the great bibliographical work of Carus and Engelmann, and to cover the time from the publication of their list to the close of 1883. Though I cannot attempt to extend the Catalogue to other groups, I hope to issue a supplement containing omitted titles and recent works in the beginning of next year. In a work of this kind, there can be no such thing as absolute completeness. I know that there are many omissions to be discovered in my list, but I must beg those who use it to judge these leniently and to help me to make them good. I shall acknowledge gratefully and publish in my supplement all additional titles that may be sent me. I have already to thank the following for help given : Prof. W. J. Sollas and Mr S. O. Ridley for additional titles of papers on Sponges ; Mr T. Hincks for additions to Hydroida ; Prof. Alleyne Nicholson for many additions in the sections on Graptolites and Corals ; Prof. Herdman for some titles in Tunicata ; and especially. Mr H. B. Brady, who sent me advance proofs of his Bibliography of Foraminifera (Challenger Reports), from which I drew many important additions, and who read through my own proof-sheets on Protozoa. I am also indebted to Dr Spencer Cobbold for a good many titles taken from the bibliographical lists in his books on parasites. viii PREFACE. But above all, such as use this hook are indebted to Prof. Newton, without whose continual encouragement and help it would not have been written. The preparation of the book was aided by grants from the Royal Society and the British Association, and its publication was undertaken by the Syndics of the University Press. In regard to the classification adopted, I may simply say that I have in all cases thought rather of what would be easy of reference than of what would be most strictly correct according to current views. D'ARCY W. THOMPSON. SECTION I. PROTOZOA. A. General Works. ALLMAN, G. J. Eecent Kesearches among some of the more simple Sarcode Organisms. I. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xm. pp. 261 305, 1876 (19 fig.). II. Ibid. Vol. xni. pp. 385 439, 1877 (17 fig.) (1878). [i BALBIANI, E. G. Les organismes unicellulaires. Les Protozoaires. Lemons faites au College de France. Journ. de Micrographie, Vol. v. pp. 63, 116, 156, 203, 257, 292, 321, 357, 3S8, 435, 472, 1881. Vol. vi. pp. 9, 62, 109, 156, 207, 262, 316, 377, 428, 1882. Vol. vn. pp. 918, 6577, 123-129 (1 pi.), 181188, 236237 (1 pi.), 1883. [2 BAENAKD, W. S. Protozoan Studies. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Vol. xxiv. pp. 240 242, 1876. [3 BEKGONZINI, CURIO. Catalogo dei Protozoi raccolti nel Modenese. Atti Soc. sci. natur. Modena, Vol. ni. pp. 1923, 1883. [4 BLANC, H. Encore une methode pour conserver et colorer les Protozoaires. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 22, 23, 18S3. (Transl.) Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. iv. p. 69, 1883. [5 BRANDT, C. (Gruber, A.) Kerntheilungsvorgange bei einigen Protozoen. Bio- log. Centralbl. Vol. in. pp. 389395, 1883. [6 BRONN, H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Keichs. Protozoa. Neu bearbeitet v. 0. Butschli. Bd. i. 1881. [7 CATTANEO, G. Prime ricerche sui protozoi, 12 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1878. [8 CATTANEO, G. Sui protisti dellagodi Como; nota. 12pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1882. [9 CERTES, A. Note sur un precede de coloration des organismes microscopiques vivants (Communication preliminaire). Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, pp. 21 25, 1881. Notes complementaires, ibid. pp. 36 37. [10 CERTES, A. Sur les resultats de 1'examen microscopique des sediments recueillis pendant 1'exploration zoologique faite en 1881 dans la MMiterrane"e a bord du vaisseau de 1'Etat, "le Travaiileur." Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, Vol. vi. pp. 258 263, 1881. [n CERTES, A. Sur les parasites intestinaux de 1'Huitre. Compt. rend, de Vacad. des sci. Paris, Vol. xcv. pp. 463 465, 1882. La tribune medicale, Vol. xv. pp. 465,466,1882. [12 CIENKOWSKI, L. Protozoa of the White Sea (Abstr.). Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. pp. 213, 214, 1882. (Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. St Petersburg.) [13 CLIVIO, INNOC. I protisti allo sbocco della Valcuvia. Boll, scientif. Vol. iv. pp. 113118, 1883. [14 COSTA, 0. G. Microdoride Mediterranea, o descrizione de' poco ben conosciuti ed affatto ignoti viventi minuti e microscopici del Mediterfanco. Tomo I. xvm 80 pp. 13 pi. 8vo. Napoli, 1862. [15 EHRENBERO, C. G. Ueber das mikroskopische Leben der Insel St Paul im Slid. Ocean. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, pp. 10851102, 1861 (1862). [16 T. 1 2 >o t s j-: ; . PROTOZOA. ; A. General Works. EHRENBERQ, C. G. Uebersicht der seit 1847 fortgesetzten Untersuchungen iiber das von der Atmosphare unsichtbar getragene reiche organische Leben. Abhandl. d. Tconigl. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, Phys. Kl. Vol. i. p. 150, 1871 (1872). (2 pi.) Nachtrag, ibid. pp. 233 275. (1 pi.) [17 ENGELMANN, T. W. Pfliiger's Archiv, Vol. xi. pp. 432464, 1877. (Infusoria, Actinosphaerium, Hydra.) [18 ENGELMANN, T. W. Ueber Gasentwickelung im Protoplasma lebender Protozoen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 152, 153, 1878. Onderzoek. PhysioL Lab. Utrecht, Vol. m. pp. 125127, 1879. [19 ENTZ, GEZA. Zur Gasentwickelung im Protoplasma lebender Protozoen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 248, 249, 1878. [20 EYFERTH, B. Die einfachsten Lebensformen. Systematische Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Sussicasscrbeivohner. iv 104 pp. 5 pi. 4to. Braunschweig, 1878. (Abstr.) Amer. Monthly Microsc. Jonrn. Vol. i. pp. 1012, 3436, 133, 134, 1880. [21 FOREL, F. A. Materiaux pour servir a I'etude de la fauiie profonde du lac Le'man. Ire s<*rie, 164 pp. 8vo. Lausanne, 1874. [22 FOREL, F. A. Faunistische Studien in der Siisswasserseen der Schweiz. Zeitschr. f. ivissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. supplem. p. 384, 1878. [23 GABRIEL, B. Untersuchungen iiber Morphologie, Zeugung und Entwickelung der Protozoen. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. i. pp. 535572, 1876. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Zeitsch.f. ges. Naturwiss. Ser. 2, Vol. xm. pp. 106108, 1876. [24 GRASSI, B. Dei protozoi parassiti, e specialmente di quelli che si ritrovano nell' uomo. 8vo. Milano, 1879. [25 GRASSI, L. Sur quelques Protistes endoparasites, appartenant aux classes des Flagellata, Lobosa, Sporozoa et Ciliata. Archives Ital. Vol. n. pp. 402 444, 1882. Vol. m. pp. 2337, 1883. (4 pi.) [26 GREEFF, B. Protozoen-Fauna der Moos und Flechtenkrusten. Marburger Sitzungsber. p. 23, 1873. [27 GREEFF, B. Zoologische Beobachtungen iiber niedere Thiere. Sitzungsb. Nie- den-hein. Ges., Bonn, 1866, pp. 1012. [28 GREEFF, B. Untersuchungen iiber Protozoen. Sitzungsber. Niederrhein. Ges., Bonn, 1870, pp. 194198. Zeitschr. ges. Naturw. Vol. n. pp. 526 528, 1870. [29 GRIMM, E. O. Aralo-Caspian Besearches. Protozoa. [Bussian.] Tetrad 1, p. 64. St Petersburg, 1876. (2 pi.) [30 GRUBER, AUG. Intorno ai Protozoi italiani. Boll, scientif. Vol. i. pp. 103, 104, 1880. [31 GRUBER, A. Beitrage zur Kenntuiss der Protozoen. Ber. naturw. Gesellsch. Freiburg, Vol. vii. pp. 533555, 1881. (1 pi.) [32 GRUBER, A. Untersuchungen iiber einige Protozoen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvii. pp. 45 70, 329, 1883. (3 pi.) (Transl.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. pp. 266276, 315326, 1883. (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. m. pp. 222, 223, 1883. [33 GRUBER, A. Ueber die Einflusslosigkeit des Kerns auf die Bewegung, die Ernahrung, und das Wachsthum einzelliger Thiere. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. m. pp. 580582, 1883. [34 HJECKEL, ERNST. Monographic der Moneren. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. iv. pp. 64134, 1868. (2 pi.) Nachtrage. Ibid. Vol. vi. pp. 2344 (1 pi.) 1871. [35 H^CKEL, ERNST. Monograph of Monera. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. ix. pp. 2742, 113134, 219232, 327342, 1869. (2 pi.) [36 HJECKEL, ERNST. Biologische Studien. 1 Hft. Studien iiber Moneren und Protisten nebst einer Rede uber Entwickelung 's gang und Aufgabe der Zoologie. xxvi 184 pp., 6 (4to.) pi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. [37 H^CKEL, ERNST. Beitrage zur Plastidentheorie. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. v. pp. 492550, 1870. [38 HJECKEL, ERNST. Das Protistenreich. Kosmos. Vol. n. pp. 10 21, 105127, 215227, 1878. [39 PROTOZOA. A. General Works. 3 H^CKEL, E. Das Protistenreich. Eine populdre Uebersicht uber das- Formen- gebiet der niedersten Lebewesen. Mit einem wissemschaftliclien Anhang ; System der Protisten. 104 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. [40 ELECKEL, ERNST. Le regne des Protistes. Apergu sur la morphologie des etres vivants les plus inferieurs, suivi de la classification des protixtes. Traduit de 1'alle- mand et precede d'une preface par J.' Soury. vm. 121 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880. [41 HJECKEL, E. Classification of the Protista (transl. by H. M. Douglas). Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 152 154, 1880. [42 HARTING, P. Bijdrage tot de kennis der mikroskopische Fauna en Flora van de Banda-Zee, naar aanleiding van eenige door diepzeeloodingen van 990 tot 4000 vademen uit die zee opgebrachte gronden. Verli. d. koningl. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterdam, Vol. x. 34 pp. 3 pi. 1864. [43 HARTING, P. Leerboek van de grondbeginselen der dierkunde in Jiaren geheelen omvang. 3e deel. 7e stuk. Protozoen. 'pp. 1497 1758. 8vo. Tiel, 1871. [44 HEITZMANN, C. Untersuchungen iiber das Protoplasma. Sitzungsber. d. k. k. Akad. Wien, Vol. LXVII. pp. 100115, 141160. LXVIII. pp. 4150, 1873. [45 HITCHCOCK, E. The Phenomena of growth* among the Microscopic Forms of Life. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 2834, 1882. [46 JOHNSON, METCALFE. Transmutation of Form in certain Protozoa. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. v. pp. 222226, 1871. (1 pi.) Ibid. Vol. vi. pp. 184191, 1871. (Ipl.) [47 JOSEPH, GUST. Ueber einige in den Tropfsteingrotten von Krain aufgefundene Urthiere. Ber. naturw. Sect. Schlesw. Ge*. f. vaterl. Cult. pp. 33, 34, 1879. [48 KRUSZINSKI, S. Najnowsze badania swiata pierwotniakow (Newest researches on the Protozoa). Kosmos, Zeitschr. d. poln. Naturf. GeselUch. Kopernicus, Lem- berg, pp. 108119, 197210, 323325, 1882. [49 LANDSBERG, B. Ueber Conservirung von Protozoen. Zoolog. Anzeiger, pp. 336, 337, 1882. [50 LANESSAN, J. L. DE. Traite de zoologie. Protozoaires. vm. 336 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1882. [51 MACDONALD, J. D. On the distribution of the Invertebrata in relation to the Theory of Evolution (chiefly Protozoa). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxi. pp. 218 223, 1873. [52 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. Intorno alia comparsa del nucleolo nello sviluppo di alcuni protozoi. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. ix. pp. 502508, 1876. [53 MAGGI, L. Sull' esistenza del Moneri in Italia. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Vol. x. pp. 360371, 1878. [54 MAGGI, L. II mesoplasmo negli esseri unicellulari. Bollett. scientif. Vol. i. pp. 8183, 1880. [55 MAGGI, L. Esame protistologico delle acque di alcuni laghi italiani. 12 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1880. Boll, scientif. Vol. n. pp. 3343, 1880. [56 MAGGI, L. Protistologia, intorno ai protisti ed alia loro classificazione : nota. 33 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1881. Boll scientif. Vol. n. pp. 107121, 1881. Ibid. Vol. m. pp. 1623, 4856, 1881. [57 MAGGI, L. Protistologia. Una nuova Nuclearia. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. xm. 6 pp. 1881. [58 MAGGI, L. Protistologia. Sull' analisi protistologica delle acque potabili. Rend. R. Istit. Lombardo, Vol. xiv. 6 pp. 1881. [59 MAGGI, L. Gl' Invisibili del Varesotto. Boll, scientif. Vol. in. pp. 9195. 1881. [60 MAGGI, L. Primo esame protistologico delle acque del lago di Loppio (Trentino) : nota. 7 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1881, Boll, scientif. Vol. m. pp. 5761, 1881. [61 MAGGI, L. Protistologia applicata. Sull' analisi protistologica dell' acqua del Lago Maggiore, estratta a 60 metri di profondita tra Angera ed Arona. Rend. R. Istit. Lombardo, Vol. xv. 20 pp. 1882. [62 MAGGI, L. I protisti e le acque potabili. 15 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1882. [63 1-2 4 PROTOZOA. A. General Works. MAGGI, L. Protistologia. 183 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1882. [64 MAGGI, L. Protisti e Malattie. 8vo. 18 pp. Milano, 1882. [65 MAGGI, L. Tecnica protistologica. Cloruro di palladio. Boll. Scientif. Vol. v. pp. 4851, 1883. [66 MARCHAND, LEON. De la reproduction des animaux infusoires (etude medico- zoologique). 95 pp. 2 pi. 8vo. Paris, 1869. [67 MARCHAND, LEON. De la reproduction des animaux infusoires. These pour Vagre- gation (histoire naturelle}. 88 pp. 2 pi. 4to. Paris, 1869. [68 MAUPAS, E. Sur la position systematique des Volvocinees, et sur les limites du reigne vegetal et du regne animal. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris). Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 12741277, 1879. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. iv. pp. 170172. [69 MAUPAS, E. Sur quelques protorganismes animaux et vegetaux multinuclees. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris). Vol. LXXXIX. pp. 250 253, 1879. [70 MEBESCHKOWSKT, C. Studies on the Protozoa of Northern Russia (Russian). 133 pp. 3 pi. 8vo. St Petersburg, 1878. [71 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Studien iiber Protozoen des nordlichen Kusslands. Arch, f. miJcrosk. Anat. Vol. xvi. pp. 153248, 1878. (2 pi.) [72 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Zur Lehre iiber die intracellulare Verdauung niederer Thiere. Zool. Anzeiger, 1882, pp. 310316. [73 Moss, EDWARD L. Preliminary Notice on the Surface Fauna of the Arctic Seas, as observed in the recent Arctic Expedition. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 122126, 1877 (1879). [74 NORSA, G. I protisti delle acque lacustri di Mantova. Studii fatti net Lab. Pavia, 1879. Boll, scientif. Vol. i. pp. 109, 110, 1880. 18 pp. 8vo. Mantova, 1881. [76 PARFITT, E. On the Protozoa of Devonshire. Trans. Devon. Sci. Assoc., Vol. in. pp. 6074, 1869. [77 PARONA, CORRADO. Prime ricerche intorno ai protisti del lago d' Orta, con cenno del loro corologia Italiana. 12 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1880. Boll, scientif. Vol. n. pp. 17 26, 1880. [78 PARONA, CORRADO. Intorno alia corologia dei Kizopodi. Boll, scientif. Vol. n. pp. 4350, 1880. [79 PARONA, CORRADO. Importanza della Protistologia e delV Elmintologia nelV insequemento della Zoologia medica. 8vo. 19 pp. Milano, 1881. [80 PARONA, CORRADO. Material! per la Fauna dell' Isola di Sardegna. I. I pro- tisti della Sardegna. Boll, scientif. Vol. iv. pp. 4458, 1882. [81 PARONA, C. Diagnosi di alcuni nuovi Protisti. Boll, scient. Vol. v. pp. 45 47, 1883. [82 PARONA, C. De quelques nouveaux Protistes rencontres dans les eaux de la Sardaigne et de deux autres formes mal connues. (Transl. from Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. Vol. xxvi.). Journ. de Microgr. Vol. vn. pp. 455 463, 1883. Arch. Sci. Geneve, (3) Vol. x. pp. 225243, 1883. [83 PARIETTI, EMILIO. Intorno ai Protisti della Valtravaglia. Boll, scientif. Vol. iv. pp. 105112, 1883. [84 BEICHERT, C. B. Ueber die contractile Substanz (Sarcode, Protoplasma), und ihre Bewegungs-Erscheinungen bei Polythalamien und einigen anderen niederen Thieren. AbhandL d. konigl. Ak. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, Phys. Kl. pp. 124 293, 1866 (1867). (7 pi.) [85 KEICHERT, C. B. On the Phenomena of Motion in the Pseudopodia of the Rhizopoda, and especially on the so-called Granular Movement and the supposed Coalescence of the Pseudopodia. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. x. pp. 401414, 1862. [86 ROBERTSON, DAVID. Renseignements sur la maniere de re*colter les Microzoaires marins. Bull, scient. du departem. du Nord, pp. 331 338, 1881. [87 PROTOZOA. B. EMzopoda. 5 EOBIN, CH. Structure des animaux unicellulaires. Journ. de VAnat. et Physiol. Vol. xv. 1879. (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 751, 756, 1881. [88 EOSER, KARL. Beitrage zur Biologie niederster Organismen. 8vo. 30 pp. 1 pi. Marburg, 1881. [89 KOSER, K. Beitrage zur Biologie niederster Organismen. 8vo. 30 pp. 1 pi. Marburg, 1881. [90 EOSSBACH, Ueber die rhythmischen Bewegungserscheinungen der einfachsten Organismen. Verhandl. d. Wiirzburger physik.-med. Gesellsch. Vol. n. pp. 179 272, 1872. [91 EONAULT, MARIE. Sur les Amorphozoaires du Silurien inferieur. Compt. rend. Congres internat. Geol. 1878. (publ. sep.) 8vo. 7 pp. Paris, 1881. [92 EYDER, J. A. Occurrence of the same species of Protozoa on both sides of the Atlantic. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 442, 443, 1881. [93 EYDER, J. A. The Protozoa and Protophytes considered as the primary or indirect source of the food of fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish. Commiss. pp. 235 251, 1881. [94 SCHOCH, GUST. Die mikroskopischen Thiere des Siisswasser- Aquariums. Fur Freunde des Mikroskopes und der Naturwissenschaften systematisch dargestellt. I. Buch. Die Urthiere. vi. 60 pp. 8 pi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. [95 SCHULTZE, MAX. Das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden, und der Pflanzenzellen. Ein Beitrag zur TJieorie der Zelle. iv. 68 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1863. [96 SMITA, JOH. Ueber Moneren. 19 Progr. d. ersten deutsch. Staats-Oberrealschule, Prag, pp. 1-17, 1880. (1 pi.) [97 TERRIGI, G. II Colle Quirinale, sua flora e fauna lacustre e terrestre, fauna microscopica marina degli strati inferiori. Atti Accad. Lincei, lloma, Vol. xxv. pp. 145252, 1883 (3 pi.). [98 TRINCHESE, SALV. Osservazioni intorno ad alcune Monere del Golfo di Napoli. Eend. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, pp. 134136, 188081. [99 TYNDALL, JOHN. On the Arrestation of Infusorial Life by Solar Light. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Vol. LI. pp. 450, 451, 1880 (1881). [100 VEJDOVSKIJ, FRANZ. Thierische Organismen der Brunnenwdsser von Prag. Untersuchungen. 70pp. 8 pi. 4to. Prag, 1882. [101 VOL, H. Sur le Sticholonche zanclea, et un nouvel ordre de Ehizopodes. Mem. Instil. Nat. Geneve, Vol. xv. 35 pp. 2 pi., 1883. [102 WALLICH, G. C. The North-Atlantic Sea-bed; comprising a diary of the voyage on board H. M. S. Bulldog, in 1860, and observations of the presence of animal life, and the formation and nature of organic deposits, at great depths in the ocean. Part I. 4to. London, 1862. [103 WALLICH, G. C. The Deep Sea Bed of the Atlantic and its Inhabitants. Quart. Journ. of Science, Vol. i. pp. 36 44, 1864. (1 pi.) [104 WALLICH, G. C. On the Vital Functions of the Deep-Sea Protozoa. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 32 41, 1869. [105 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. Observations on British Protozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. n. pp. 217221, 1862. Edinb. New Philos. Journ. Vol. xvi. 1862. [106 B. Rhizopoda (excluding special papers on Foraminifera, Heliozoa and Radiolaria). ALLMAN, G. J. Note on Polytrema miniaceum. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. v. pp. 372374, 1870. [107 ARCHER, WILLIAM. On some Fresh-water Ehizopoda, new or little-known. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. ix. pp. 250271, 386397, 1869. Vol. x. pp. 1734, 101124, 1870. (3 pi.) [108 ARCHER, WILLIAM. I. On some Fresh-water Ehizopoda, new or little-known. II. On Amphizonella vestita (sp. uov.), Acanthocystis spinifera (Greef), and Plagio- 6 PROTOZOA. E. Rhizopoda. 2)hrys spherica (Clap, et Lachm.). Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. N. S. Vol. i. pp. 67 105, 1870 (1874). (2 pi.) [109 ARCHER, WILLIAM. On Chlamydomyxa labyrinthuloides, nov. gen. et sp., a new Fresh-water Sarcodic Organism. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xv. pp. 107130, 1875. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1874, p. 136, 1875. (2 pi.) [no ARCHER, WILLIAM. New Species of Diffiugia (D. vinosa). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. N.S. Vol. xvm. p. 212, 1877. [in ARCHER, WILLIAM. A new Sarcodine, possibly to be referred to the genus Microgromia. Ann. and Man. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vni. pp. 230, 231, 1881. [112 ARNDT, K. Beobachtungen an Amoeben. Mittheil. Naturwiss. Ver. Neu-Vor- pommern, Vol. xni. pp. 106109, 1882. [113 BALSAMO-CRIVELLI, G., e L. MAGGI. Sulla produzione della Aniibe. Eendic. 1st. Lombardo, Vol. in. pp. 367375, 1870. Vol. iv. pp. 198203, 1871. [114 BARKER, . Diploplmjs Archer i. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvi. p. 123, 1868. [115 BARNARD, W. S. Protozoan Studies (Echinopyxis, Eualypha). Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. (Detroit.) Vol. xxiv. pp 240242, 1875 (1876). [i 16 BARNARD, W. S. New Rhizopods (Echinopyxis, Euglypha). Amer. Quart. Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 8385, 1879. (1 pi.) [117 BLAKE, J. F. On Renulina sorbyana. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xv. pp. 262264,1876. [118 BUCK, EMIL. Einige Ehizopodenstudien. I. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Arcella vulgar is. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 418, 1878. [119 BUCK, EMIL. Einige Rhizopodenstudien. II. Einige Beobachtungen fiber die fernere Entwickelung von parasitischen Flagellaten der Arcella vulgaris. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 18 20, 1878. [120 CARPENTER, W. B. On the Systematic Arrangement of the Rhizopoda. Nat. Hist. Review, Vol. i. pp. 456473, 1861. [121 CARTER, H. J. On Amoeba princeps and its Reproductive Cells, compared with JEthalium, Pythium, Mucor and Achlya. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 3052, 1863. [122 CARTER, H. J. On the Value of the "Villi" on the Surface of Amoeba as a Specific Distinction. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 198200, 1863. [123 CARTER, H. J. On the Presence of Chlorophyll-cells and Starch-granules as Normal Parts of the Organism, and on the Reproductive Process, in Dijfiugia pyri- formis, Perty; also on a Fresh-water Species of Echinocystidia (Acanthocystis). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 249264, 1863. [124 CARTER, H. J. On Fresh-water Rhizopoda of England and India, with illustra- tions (includes Actinophrys). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xin. pp. 18 39,1864. (2 pi.) [125 CARTER, H. J. On the Fresh- and Salt-water Rhizopoda of England and India. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hint. Ser. 3, Vol. xv. pp. 277 293, 1865. (1 pi.) [126 CATTANEO, GIACOMO. Intorno alia anatomia e fisiologia del Podostoma filigerum, Clap, e Lachm. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xxi. pp. 30 36, 1878. Studii fatti nel Lab. di Pavia, 1878. (7 pp.) [127 CATTANEO, GIACOMO. Intorno all' ontogenesi dell' Arcella vulgaris, Ehr. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xxi. pp. 331343, 1878. (1 pi.) Studii fatti nel Lab. di Pavia, 1878. (13 pp.) [128 CATTANEO, G. Intorno ai Rizopodi. Bollet. scientif. pp. 6 8, 25 29, 1879. Studii fatti nel Lab. di Pavia, 1879. [129 CIENKOWSKI, L. Ueber eine Rhizopoden und verwandte Organismen. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. xn. pp. 15 50, 1875. (5 pi.) [130 CIENKOWSKI, L. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Labyrinthuleen. Arch.f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. in. pp. 274309, 1867. [131 PROTOZOA. B. Rhizopoda. 7 CUNNINGHAM, D. D. On the Development of certain Microscopic Organisms occurring in the Intestinal Canal (Monads and Amoebse). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xxi. pp. 234290, 1881. (1 pi., 26 fig.) [132 DUNCAN, P. M. Studies among Amoebae. Pop. Sci. Review, Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 217 234, 1877. (2 pi.) [133 DUNCAN, P. M. On the Syringosphceridce, an order of extinct Bhizopoda. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 297299, 1878. [134 DUNCAN, P. M. On an Organism which penetrates and excavates Siliceous Sponge-spicules (Spongiophagus Carteri). Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xxn. pp. 493, 494, 1881. [135 DUNCKER, H. C. J. Ueber Blepharisma lateritia. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. p. 260, 1879. [136 ENOKLMANN, Th. W. Vampyrella Helioproteux, een nieuw Moueer. K. Akad. Wetens. Amsterdam, Proc. vulg. 188283, pp. 3, 4, Nov. 1882. [137 ENGELMANN, T. W. Sur 1'irritation electrique des Amibes et des Arcelles. Arch. Nterl. Vol. iv. pp. 431442, 1869. Nederl. Arch. Natuurk. Vol. v. pp. 2942, 1870. [138 ENGELMANN, T. W. Sur le developpement periodique de gaz dans le proto- plasme des Arcelles vivantes. Archives Neerl. Vol. iv. pp. 424 430, 1869. Nederl. Arch. Natuurk. Vol. iv. pp. 501508, 1869. [139 ENTZ, GEZA. Einige Worte tiber marine Amceben. Termeszetrajzi Fiizetek. Vol. iv. p. 260, 1878. [140 EVARTS, H. C. A new species of Ophrydium (0. Adce). Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 15, 1880. [141 FISCHER, P. Note sur un type particulier de Khizopodes (Astrorhiza). Journ. de Zool. Vol. iv. pp. 503510, 1875. (1 pi.) [142 GEDDES, P. Observations on the Besting State of Chlamydomyxa labyrinthu- loides, Archer. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xxn. pp. 30 34, 1882. (1 PL) [143 GRASSI, G.-BATTISTA. Contribuzione allo studio delle Amibe. Eendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. xiv. pp. 353, 356, 1881. [144 GREEF, B. Pelomyxa palustris, ein amcebenartiger Organismus des siissen Wassers. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. x. pp. 51 73, 1872. (2 pi.) (Abstr.) Arch, sci. natur. Vol. XLVIII. pp. 358 362. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturwiss. Ser. 2, Vol. vu. pp. 200 202. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. xiv. pp. 161 163. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xiv. p. 97, 1872. [145 GREEFF, B. Ueber einige in der Erde lebende Amoben und andere Bhizopoden. Arch, mikrosk. Anat. Vol. n. pp. 299331, 1866. [146 GREEFF, B. Untersuchungen iiber Bhizopoden. Sitzungsber. Niederrhein. Ges. 1870, pp. 198200. [147 GRUBER, A. Berichtigung (Calcaria synonym mit Gyrocoris). Zool. Anzei- ger t Vol. n. pp. 668, 669, 1879. [148 GRUBER, A. Fortpflanzung bei Euglypha alveolata. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 582584, 1880. [149 GRUBER, A. Der Theilungsvorgang bei den Bhizopoden. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. i. pp. 456459, 1881. [150 GRUBER, A. Der Theilungsvorgang bei Euglypha alveolata. Arch. Sci. phys. et nat. de Geneve, Ser. 3, Vol. vi. pp. 624627, 1881. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxv. pp. 431439, 1881. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of 'Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. rx. pp. 135137, 1882. [151 GRUBER, A. Die Theilung der monothalamen Bhizopoden. Zeitschr. f. wis- sensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 104124, 1882. (2 pi.) (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. i. pp. 905, 906, 1882. [152 GRUBER, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Amoben. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 459470, 1882. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. pp. 208213, 1882. [153 8 PROTOZOA. B. fihizopoda. > GBUBEB, A. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Amoebae. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. ix. pp. 106116, 1882. (1 pi.) [154 H^ECKEL, E. De Rhizopodum ftnibus et ordinibus. 8vo. Berolini, 1861. [155 H^ECKEL, E. Ueber den Sarcodekbrper der Rhizopoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xii. pp. 342370, 1865. (1 pi.) [156 H^CKEL, E. Die Plastiden und das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. v. pp. 527 531, 1870. [157 HJECKEL, E. Ueber die Phaeodarien, eine neue Gruppe kieselschaliger mariner Ehizopoden. Jen. Zeitschr. f. Natur. Vol. xm. pp. 151 157, 1880. (Abstr.) Nature, Vol. xxi. pp. 449451, 1880. [158 HAYCROFT, J. BERRY. Theory of Amoeboid Movements. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. xi. pp. 29 33, 1881. (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. pp. 319, 320, 1882. [159 HERTWIG, R. Ueber Microgromia socialis, eine Colonie bildende Monothalamie des siissen Wassers. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. x. Supplem. pp. 1 34, 1874. (l.pl.) [160 HERTWIG, R. Studien iiber Rhizopoden. 1. SticTiolonche Zanclea. 2. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Heliozoen. 3. Ueber den Bau der Thalamo- phoren. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xi. pp. 324 348, 1877. (2 pi.) [161 HERTWIG, R., und E. LESSER. Ueber Rhizopoden und denselben nahestehenden Organismen. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. x. Supplem. pp. 35243, 1874. (3 pi.) [i6 HITCHCOCK, R. Synopsis of the Fresh-water Rblzopods ; condensed account of the genera and species, founded upon Jos. Leidy's Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America, vin 56 pp. 12mo. New York, 1881. [163 KAFKA, J. Revision der Siisswasser-Rhizopoden Bb'hmens. Sitzungsb. k. bohm. Ges. Prag, 1881, pp. 250254. [164 KENT, W. S. Observations upon Professor Ernst Haeckel's Group of the Physemaria, and on the Affinity of the Sponges. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 117, 1878. [165 KLEIN, JUL. Vampyrella, ihre Entwicklung und systematische Stellung. Eine zool.-bot. Abhandlung. Botan. Centralbl. Vol. xi. 46 pp. 1882. (4 pi.) [166 KLEIN, JUL. Vampyrella und das Grenzgebiet zwischen Thier- und Pflanzen- reich. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. n. pp. 137 143, 1882. [167 KLEIN, JUL. Ueber Vampyrella. Botan. Zeitung. 8 pp. 1882. (1 pi.) [168 KOROTNEFF, A. DE. Etudes sur les Rhizopodes. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vin. pp. 467482, 187980. (2 pi.) (Protamceba, Pelomyxa, Dactylamceba, Longicauda, etc.) Abstr. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. p. 474, 1881. [169 LANKESTER, E. RAY. Lithamceba Discus, nov. gen. et sp., one of the Gymno- myxa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xix. pp. 484 487, 1879. (1 pi.) [i 70 LEIDY, J. Notice of some new Fresh-water Rhizopods. Proc. Acad. of Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 77, 1874. Amer. Journ. of ScL and Arts. Ser. 3, Vol. vin. pp. 223226, 1874. [171 LEIDY, J. Note on the Enemies of Difflugia. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Vol. vm. p. 223, 1874. [172 LEIDY, J. Notice of some new Fresh-water Rhizopods (Ouramozba, Difflugia, Catharia). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 7779, 1875. [173 LEIDY, J. Notice of some Fresh-water and Terrestrial Rhizopods (Amoeba sabulosfi, A. zonalis, Gromia terricola). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 86 88, 1875. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Vol. ix. pp. 70 72, 1875. [174 LEIDY, J. On a curious Rhizopod (Biomyxa vagans). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 124, 125, 1875. [175 LEIDY, J. On Ouramceba. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 126, 127, 1875. [176 LEIDY, J. Notice of a Remarkable Amoeba. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, . pp. 142, 143, 1875. [177 PROTOZOA. B. Rhizopoda. 9 LEIDT, J. On the Mode in which Amoeba swallows its Food. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 143, 1875. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Vol. ix. pp. 155, 156, 1875. [178 LEIDY, J. Notice of some Ehizopods (Deinamceba, Difflugia, Catharia, Nebela). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 155157, 1875. [179 LEIDY, J. Notices of Ehizopods (Raphidiophrys, Amoeba). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 166168, 1875. [180 LEIDY, J. On supposed Spermaries in Amoeba. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, p. 168, 1875. [181 LEIDY, J. Notices of Ehizopods (Eugtypha, Trinema, Cyphoderia, Corycia). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 225227, 1875. [182 LEIDY, J. Kemarks on Ehizopods (Ouramceba, Hyalosphenia, Dinamoeba). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 413415, 1875. " [183 LEIDY, J. Eemarka on the Ehizopod genus Nebela. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 115119, 1876 (1877). (18 fig.) [184 LEIDY, J. Observations on Ehizopods (Amoeba, Hyalosphcenia, etc.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 197199, 1876 (1877). Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Vol. xm. pp. 239241, 1877. [185 LEIDY, J. Ehizopods in an Apple Tree. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 321, 1877. [186 LEIDY, J. The Birth of a Ehizopod. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 261265, 1877 (1878). [187 LEIDY, J. On the Feeding of Dinamceba. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 288290, 1877 (1878). [188 LEIDY, J. Eemarks on Ehizopods, and Notice of a New Form (Campascus cornutus). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 293, 294, 1877 (1878). [189 LEIDY, J. Eemarks on the American Species of Difflugia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 306308, 1877 (1878). [190 LEIDY, J. On the relation of Amoeba quadrilineata and A. verrucosa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 158, 1878. [191 LEIDY, J. Amoeba proteus. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xu. pp. 235238, 1878. [192 LEIDY, J. On Amoeba. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 99, 1878 (1879). [193 LEIDY, J. Species of Euglypha, Trinema, Pamphagus and Cyphoderia, with Synonyma and Descriptions of New Forms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 171173, 1878 (1879). [194 LEIDY, J. On Ehizopods occurring in Sphagnum (40 sp.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 162, 163, 1879 (1880). [195 LEIDY, J. On Amoeba (Endamceba) Blattce. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 204, 205, 1879 (1880). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 193, 194, 1880. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. p. 17, 1880. [196 LEIDY, J. Ehizopods of North America. Rep. of the U.S. Geolog. Survey of the Territories, Vol. xn. xi 324 pp. 48 pi. 4to. Washington, 1880. (Abstr.) Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, Vol. xix. pp. 240244, 1880. [197 LEIDY, J. Ehizopods in the mosses of the summit of Eoan Mountain, North Carolina (Nebela, Hyalosphcena, Difflugia, &c.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 330340, 1880 (1881). [198 LOSCH, F. Amoeba. Arch.f. Anat. u. Physiol. Vol. LXV. pp. 196 211, 1875. [199 MACDONALD, J. D. Astromma yelvertoni. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vin. p. 226, 1871. (1 pi.). [200 MADDOX, E. L. On an organism found in Fresh Pond- Water (Pseudo-amoeba). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. x. pp. 201204, 1873. (1 pi.) [201 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. Sulla conjugazione o zigosi delle Amibe. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 3, Vol. ix. pp. 436 444, 1876. [202 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. Studj anatomo-fisiologici intorno alle Amibe ed in particolare di una innominata. Atti della Soc. Ital. di sci. nat. Milano, Vol. xix. pp. 399 451, 1876. (1 pi.) [203 10 PROTOZOA. B. Mhizopoda. MAOGI, LEOPOLDO. Contribuzioni al Catalogo dei Eizopodi d' acqua dolce della Lombardia, e loro distribuzione; secondo la classificazione di Hertwig e Lesser, modificata da Archer. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xxi. pp. 313 319, 1878. (1 pi.) Studj fatti nel Lab. di Pavia, 1878. [204 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. I Plastiduli nei Ciliati, ed i Plastiduli liberamente viventi (Oxytricha, etc.). Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol xxi. pp. 326330, 1878. Studj fatti nel Lab. di Pavia, 5 pp. 1878. [205 MAGGI, L. Di una nuova Amibina (Trichamceba Lieberkiihni). Boll, scientlf. Vol. i. pp. 108, 109, 1880. [206 MAUPAS, E. Sur le LieberMhnia, Ehizopode d'eau douce multinuclee. Compt. Rend. Acad. d. Sci. Paris, Vol. xcv. pp. 191 194, 1882. Journ. de Micrograph. Vol. vi. pp. 464466, 1882. [207 MERESCHKOWSKY, K. Monopodium Koivalevskyi (Monera). (Abstr.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. p. 139, 1880. [208 NORMAN, A. M. On the Architectural achievements of little masons, Annelidan (?) and Rhizopodan, in the Abyss of the Atlantic. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 284287, 1878. [209 MURRAY, JOHN. Pyrocystis, n. g. C. Wyville Thomson, Voyage of the Chal- lenger (Atlantic). Vol. n. p. 88, 1877. [210 PARONA, CORRADO. Intorno alia corologia dei Kizopodi. Boll, scientif. Vol. n. pp. 4350, 1880. [211 Du PLESSIS, G. Notice sur un Khizopode nouveau marin voisin des Arcelles et des Amphizonelles (Arcellina). Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xv. pp. 13, 1876. [212 Du PLESSIS, G. Arcellina marina, eine neue Ehizopoden aus der Familie der Arcellinen. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. Erlangen, 1876. 8 pi. [213 Du PLESSIS, G. Note sur les Ehizopodes observes dans le limon du fond du lac L6man. Bull. Soc. Vaud. sci. nat. Vol. xv. pp. 497535, 1878. [214 PONZI, G. I fossili del monte Vaticano : Eizopodi. Atti Accad. Rom. Ser. 2, Vol. in. pp. 451, 452, 1876. [215 EEICHERT, C. B. On the Morphological Structure and the Motory Phenomena of the contractile substance of the Polythalamia (Gromia oviformis). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvn. pp. 351, 359, 1866. [216 EOBOZ, Z. v. Calcituba polymorpha, n. g., n. sp. Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. xvm. pp. 421433, 1883. (1 pi.) [217 SARS, M. Memoires pour servir a la connaissance des Crinoides vivants ; p. 52. Rhabdammina abyssicola. [218 SCHNEIDER, A. Sur quelques Ehizopodes terricoles. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVI. pp. 1557, 1558, 1878. [219 SCHNEIDER, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Protozoen (Chlamydomonas, Acti- nosphcerium, Miliola, Trochosphcerium, etc.). Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 446456, 1878. [220 SCHNEIDER, A. Sur les Ehizopodes terrestres. Rev. Scientifique, p. 1037. (May) 1878 (Congres des savants, 1878). [221 SCHNEIDER, AIME. Monobia confluent, a new Moneron. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. iv. pp. 388 391, 1879. (1 pi.) [222 SCHNEIDER, A. Monobia confluens, nouvelle Monere. Arch, de Zool. exper. et gener. Vol. vn. pp. 585, 588, 1879. (1 pi.) [223 SCHULTZE, F. E. Ehizopodenstudien. I. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. x. pp. 328350 (Actinosphcerium). (1 pi.) II. ibid., pp. 377400 (Raphidiophrys). (2 pi.) HI. ibid., Vol. xi. pp. 94139, 1874 (Euglypha, Quinquiloculina). (3 pi.) IV. ibid., pp. 329353 (Quadrula symmetrica). (4 pi.) V. ibid., pp. 583596 (Mas- tigamwba], 1875. VI. ibid., Vol. xin. pp. 9 30, 1876 (Kan du Foraminiferen. Hypothetischer Starnmbaum der Ehizopoden). (2 pi.) [224 SCHULTZE, F. E. Ehizopoden. Jahresber. d. Comm. z. wiss. Untersuch. d. deutsch. Meere, Vol. n. and in. pp. 97 114, 1875. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturw. Vol. xii. pp. 173181, 1875. [225 PROTOZOA. B. Rhizopoda. 11 SEIP, AMOS. Parasites of White Ants (TrichonympJia). Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 228, 229, 1881. [226 SIDDALL, J. D. On ShepJieardella, an Undescribed Type of Marine Ehizopoda; with a few observations on Lieberkiihnia. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 130-145, 1880. (2 pi.) [227 SIMONELLI, VITT. Nuovo genere di Eizopodi del Calcare a Nullipore della vicinanza di San Quirico d' Orcia (Nubeculospira). Atti della Soc. Toscana (proc. verb.) pp. LXXIV LXXVII. 1879. [228 SLACK, H. J. Protean animalcules. Intellectual Observer, Vol. in. pp. 20 25, 1863. [229 SOROKIN, N. Ueber Gloidium quadrifidum, eine neue Gattung aus der Protisten- gruppe. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. iv. pp. 399402, 1878. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. p. 320, 1879. [230 STOKES, A. C. A food habit of Difflugia pyriformis. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. p. 93, 1882. [231 TARANEK, K. J. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser-Ehizopoden Bohmens (n. g. Corythion). Sitzungsber. d. k. b'dhm. Gesellsch. 15 pp. 1881. [232 TARANEK, KARL J. Monographic der Nebeliden Bohmens. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Susswasser-Monothalamien. Abhandl. d. k. b'dhm. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Ser. 6, Vol. xi. 55 pp. 1882. Publ. Sep. 4to. iv. 55 pp. 5 pi. Prag, 1882. [233 TARANEK, K. J. Ehizopodech, etc. (On Ehizopods and Diatoms of S. Bohemia.) (Abstr.) Proc. 2nd Congress of Bohem. physic, and nat. p. 55, 1882. [234 TATEM, J. G. On Free-swimming Amoebae. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 352354, 1869. (1 pi.) [235 TATEM, J. G. On the Conjugation of Amoebae. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vi. pp. 275277, 1871. [236 TATEM, J. G. Note on Stein's genus Hyalosphenia. Monthly Microsc. Journ, Vol. xvn. p. 311, 1876. [237 TRINCHESE, S. Intorno ai cambiamenti di forma dell' Amoeba Umax. Mem. Ace. Bologna, Vol. v. pp. 524, 525, 1875. Eendic. Ace. Bologna, 187475, pp. 113, 114. [238 VEJDOVSKY, FR. Ueber die Ehizopoden der Brunnenwasser Prags. Sitzungsber. d. Bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. 1880. [239 WAGNER, N. Myxobrachia cienkowskii,n. sp. Bull. Acad. St Petersburg, Vol. xvn. p. 140, 1872. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xn. p. 413, 1872. [240 WALLICH, G. C. On an Undescribed Form of Amoeba. (Eev.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. in. pp. 194197, 1863. [241 WALLICH, G. C. On an Undescribed Indigenous Form of Amoeba. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 287290, 1863. (1 pi.) [242 WALLICH, G. C. Further Observations on an Undescribed indigenous Amoeba, with Notices on remarkable Forms of Actinophrys and Difflugia. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 365370, 1863. (1 pi.) [243 WALLICH, G. C. Further Observations on Amaba villosa and other indigenous Ehizopods. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 434453, 1863. [244 WALLICH, G. C. On the value of the Distinctive Characters in Amoeba. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 111151, 1863. [245 WALLICH, G. C. Further Observations on the Distinctive Characters, Habits, and Eeproductive phenomena of the Amoeban Ehizopods. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 329338, 448467, 1863. (1 pi.) [246 WALLICH, G. C. On the Process of Mineral Deposit in the Ehizopods and Sponges, as affording a Distinctive Character. Ser. 3, Ann. and Mag. Vol. xin. pp. 7282, 1864. [247 WALLICH, G. C. On the Extent, and some of the Principal Causes, of Structural Variation among the Difflugian Ehizopodes. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xni. pp. 215244, 1864. (2 pi.) [348 12 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. WALLICH, G. C. On some Undescribed Testaceous Khizopods from the North Atlantic Deposits (Cadium, Protocystis). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 104 110, 1869. (1 pi.) [249 WALLICH, G. C. On the Khizopoda as embodying the Primordial Type of Life. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 228235, 1869. [250 WALLICH, G. C. The Amoeban, Actinophryan, and Difflugian Bhizopods, Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xin. pp. 210213, 1875. [251 WHITE, C. A. Note on Endothyra ornata. Proc. U. S. Nat, Hist. Mus. Vol. n. p. 21, 1880. [252 WILLIAMSON, W. C. The Amoeba; its Structure, Development and Habits. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. v. pp. 188197, 1866. (1 pi.) [253 WEIGHT, E. E. Trichodina pediculus parasitic on the gills of Necturus. Amer. Naturalist, pp. 211, 212, 1880. [254 WEIGHT, T. STEETHILL. On the Eeproductive Elements of the Ehizopoda. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 360363, 1861. (1 fig.) [255 WEIGHT, T. STRETHILL. On the structure and reproduction of Boderia Turneri, a new Ehizopod. Proc. Eoy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. Vol. m. pp. 153159 (1864), 1867. [256 G. Foraminifera. ABICH, Dr H. Geologische Forschungen in den kaukasischen Landern. II. Theil, Geologie des armenischen Hochlandes. 1 Westhalfte. 4to. Atlas, 19 plates, maps, &c. Vienna, 1882. [257 ACKEEMANN, H. Ueber Tiefseeforschungen. Sitzungsb. d. naturwiss. Gesellsch. Isis in Dresden, Jahrg. 1872, p. 168 ; Jahrg. 1874, p. 177. [258 ALCOCK, THOMAS. Notes on Natural History Specimens lately received from Connemara (Foraminifera). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. vi. pp. 7377, 1866. [259 ALCOCK, T. On Polymorphina tubulosa from Dogs' Bay, Eoundstone. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xv. pp. 237240, 1867. [260 ALCOCK, T. On Polymorphina tubulosa. Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Liverpool, Vol. vi. pp. 8590, 1867. Memoirs, do., Vol. in. pp. 244249, 1868. [261 ALCOCK, T. Questions concerning the Life-history of the Foraminifera, suggested by an examination of their dead shells. M em. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Liverpool, Vol. in. pp. 175181, (1865) 1868. (1 pi.) [262 ALTH, ALOIS. galicyjskich gatunkach skamienalych otwornic rodzaju Gy- roporella. (The Galician fossil species of Gyroporella.) Rozprawy i Sprawozd. z poziedzen Wydzialu Matem.-Przyrodn. Akad. Umiejetnosci, Cracow, v., 1878. [263 ALTH, Dr A. Die Versteinerungen des Nizniover Kalksteines. Mojsisovics und Neumayr's Beitrdge zur Palceont. von Oesterreich-Ungam, Vol. i. p. 183, 1881. [264 AECHEE, WM. Be"sume of Becent Contributions to our Knowledge of Fresh- water Bhizopoda. III. Heliozoa (Desmothoraca) and Monothalamia (Monostomata). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xvn. pp. 67 80, 1877. IV. Morio- thalamia (Monostomata) Lobosa, ibid., Vol. xvn. pp. 107123, pp. 197203 (Ipl.), pp. 330353 (1 pi.), 1877. [265 D'AECHIAC, E. J. A. Observations critiques sur la distribution stratigraphique et synonymie de quelques rhizopodes. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 2, Vol. xvin. pp. 461468, 1861. [266 D'ARCHIAC, . Note sur le genre Fabularia, Defrance. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France. Ser. 2, Vol. xxvi. pp. 454459, 1869. [267 BALKWILL, F. P. and WEIGHT, J. Becent Foraminifera of Dublin and Wicklow. Proc. R. Irish Acad. Ser. 2, Vol. m. pp. 545550, 1882. [268 BABEOIS, Dr C. Becherches sur les terrains anciens des Asturies et de la Galicie. Mem. Soc. geol. du Nord, ol. n. pp. 1630, pi. i. xx. 1882. [269 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 13 BENNIE, J. Note on range of Saccammina carteri, Br., in the Carboniferous series. Geol. Mag. Ser. 2, Vol. in. p. 47, 1876. [270 BERTHELIN, G. Coup d'oeil sur la Faune Ehizopodique du Calcaire Grossier inf6rieur de la Marne. Bull, de V Assoc. Franc, pour VAvanc. des Sci., 1880, pp. 553 559. [271 BERTHELIN, G. Liste des foraminiferes recueillis dans la baie de Bourgneuf et a Pornichet, suivie de la traduction des renseignements sur la maniere de r6colter les microzoaires marins, publics par David Robertson, dans les Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow. 55 pp. 8vo, Nantes, 1879. [272 BERTHELIN, G. Foraminiferes du lias moyen de la Vendee. 18 pp. 8vo. Dole, 1879. (Extr. de la Revue et Mag. de Zool. 1879.) [273 BERTHELIN, G. Memoire sur les Foraminif&res fossiles de l'6tage albien do Monteley (Doubs). Mem. Soc. Geol. de France. Ser. 3, Vol. i. (Mem. v.), 84 pp. 4 pi. 1880. [274 BERTHELIN, G. Sur 1'ouverture de la Placentula Partschiana, d'Orb. Bull. Soc. G6ol. de France. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 1618, 364, 1883. [275 BESSELS, E. Hceckelina gigantea, ein Protist aus der Gruppe der Monothalamien. Jen. Zeitschr.f. Natur. Vol. ix. pp. 264279, 1875. [276 BLAKE, Eev. J. F. Lower- Silurian Foraminifera. Geol. Mag. New series, dec. II. Vol. in. p. 134, 1876. [277 BLAKE, Rev. J. F. On Renulina Sorbyana. Monthly Micr. Journ. Vol. xv. p. 262, woodcut. 1876. [278 BORNEMANN, L. G. Ueber die Foraminiferengattung Involutina. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxvi. pp. 702 740, 1874. (2 pi.) (publ. sep.) 40 pp. 2 pi. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. [279 BORNEMANN, Dr L. G. Sopra una specie mediterranea del genere Lingulinopsis. Atti della Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Vol. vi. fasc. 1, 1883. [280 BORNEMANN, J. G. Bemerkungen fiber einige Foraminiferen aus den Tertiar- bildungen der Umgegend von Magdeburg. Zeitschr. d. d. geol. Ges. Vol. xii. p. 156, 1860. (1 pi.) [281 BRADY, HENRY B. Report on the Foraminifera (dredged on the Dogger Bank, etc. 1862). Trans. Tyne-side Nat. Field Club, Vol. v. pp. 291, 294, 1862. [282 BRADY, H. B. Notes on Foraminifera new to the British Fauna. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1863, pp. 100, 101, 105, 1864. [283 BRADY, H. B. On Involutina liassica (Nummulites liassicus, Rupert Jones). Geol. Mag. Vol. i. pp. 193, 196, 1864. (1 pi.) [284 BRADY, H. B. Report on the Foraminifera (dredged off Northumberland and Durham, 1863). Trans. Tyne-side Nat. Field Club. Vol. vi. pp. 193, 194, 1864. Ibid. New ser. Vol. i. pp. 5154, 1867. [285 BRADY, H. B. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Foraminifera. On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Shetlands. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxiv. pt. 3. pp. 463476, 1864. (1 pi.) [286 BRADY, H. B. Notes on Foraminifera from the Valley-deposits of the Nar, Norfolk. Geol. Mag. Vol. n. pp. 306, 307, 1865. [287 BRADY, H. B. Report of the Foraminifera collected by the Deep-sea Dredging Committee. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. and Durham (= Tyne-side Nat. Field Club), Vol. i. pp. 51, 54, 1865. [288 BRADY, H. B. A Catalogue of the Recent Foraminifera of Northumberland and Durham. Trans. Tyne-side Nat. Field Club. N. S. Vol. i. pp. 83107, 1865 (1867). (Ipl.) [289 BRADY, H. B. On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Hebrides (Foraminifera). Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1866. pp. 69, 70, 1867. [290 BRADY, H. B. Notes on the Foraminifera of Mineral Veins, and the adjacent Strata. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1869. Reports, pp. 381 383, 1870. [291 BRADY, H. B. Notes on Brackish- water Foraminifera. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1870. pp. 113, 114, 1871. [292 14 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. BRADY, H. B. On Saccammina Carteri, a new Foraminifer from the Car- boniferous Limestone of Northumberland. Ann. and May. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vn. pp. 177184, 1871. (1 pi.) Trans. Tyne-side Nat. Field Club. N. S. Vol. iv. pp. 269278, 1872. [293 BRADY, H. B. On Archadiscus Karreri, a new type of Carboniferous Forami- nifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xti. pp. 286291, 1873. (1 pi.) Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1873. p. 76, 1874. [294 BRADY, H. B. On a true Carboniferous Nummulite. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xn. pp. 222230, 1874. (1 pi.) [295 BRADY, H. B. On some Fossil Foraminifera from the West Coast District, Sumatra. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. n. pp. 532539, 1875. (2 pi.) [296 BRADY, H. B. Notes on a Group of Kussian Fusulina;. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvm. pp. 414422, 1876. [297 BRADY, H. B. On some Foraminifera from the Loo Choo Islands. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xvi. pp. 404 406, 1876. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. N. S. Vol. n. pp. 589, 590, 1876 (1877). [298 BRADY, H. B. Note on the Foraminifera of the Chalk (?) of the New Britain Group. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. iv. pp. 534536, 1877. [299 BRADY, H. B. . Notes on some of the Eeticularian Khizopoda of the "Chal- lenger". Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xix. pp. 20 63, 1879. (3 pi.) II. ibid. Vol. xix. pp. 261300, 1879. (1 pi.) (Eev.) Bull. Soc. Belg. Microsc. Vol. v. pp. cxiv. cxx., 1879. [300 BRADY, H. B. Notes on some of the Eeticularian Rhizopoda of the "Chal- lenger". III. Classification, New Species, Note on Biloculina Mud. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xxi. pp. 3171, 1881. [301 BRADY, H. B. On the Eeticularian and Eadiolarian Ehizopoda (Foraminifera and Polycystina) of the North-Polar Expedition of 1875-76. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 425440, 1878. (2 pi.) [302 BRADY, H. B. On some Arctic Foraminifera from Soundings obtained on the Austro-Hungarian North-Polar Expedition of 1872-1874. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vm. pp. 393418, 1881. (1 pi.) [303 BRADY, H. B. Ueber einige arktische Tiefsee-Foraminiferen, gesammelt wahrend der osterreichisch-ungarischen Nordpol-Expedition in den Jahren 18721874. Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Wien, Vol. XLIII. pp. 91110, 1881. (publ. sep.) 22 pp. 2 pi. 4to. Wien, 1881. [304 BRADY, H. B. Note on Keramosphtera, a new Type of Porcellanous Fora- minifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 242245, 1882. (1 pl.) [305 BRADY, H. B., W. K. PARKER, and T. E. JONES. A Monograph of the Genus Polymorphina. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxvu. pt. 2. pp. 197 256, 1870. (4 pl.) [306 BRADY, H. B. Synopsis of the Foraminifera of the Upper and Middle Lias of Somersetshire. In Charles Moore's paper On the Middle and Upper Lias of the South-west of England. Proc. Somerset. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xin. p. 104, 1867. (3pl.) [307 BRADY, H. B. Catalogue of the Foraminifera in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. [308 BRADY, H. B. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Scotland. Explanation of Sheet 23 Lanarkshire : Central Districts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. [309 BRADY, H. B. Une vraie nummulite carbonifere. Trad, par E. van den Broeck. Trad. publ. par la Soc. Malacol. de Belgique, 1874. [310 BRADY, H. B. A Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the Genus Fusulina excepted). 4to. 12 plates. Palaontographical Society, 1876. [311 BRADY, H. B. Ehizopoda reticularia, in Sir G. S. Nares' Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-6 in H.M. Ships "Alert" and "Discovery," Vol. n. app. xni. p. 295. 8vo. London, 1878. [312 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 15 BRADY, H. B. Pliocene Foraminifera, in Clement Keid's Geology of the Country around Cromer. Memoirs of the Geological Survey England and Wales (Expla- nation of Sheet 68 E), p. 65. London, 1882. [313 BRADY, H. B. Keport on the Foraminifera of the Faroe Channel. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. xi. pp. 708717, 1882. [314 BRADY, H. B. Note on Syringammiiia, a new type of Arenaceous Foraminifera. Proc. Hoy. Soc. Vol. xxxv. pp. 155161, pi. ii. iii. 1883. [315 BRADY, G. STEWARDSON, and DAVID EOBERTSON. The Ostracoda and Forami- nifera of Tidal Eivers. With an Analysis and Descriptions of the Foraminifera by Henry H. Brady. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. pp. 134, 273 309, 1870. (2 pi.) [316 BRADY, G. S., and DAVID EOBERTSON. Eeport on Dredging off the Coast of Durham and North Yorkshire in 1874. The Foraminifera. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1875. Eeports, pp. 188191, 1876. [317 VAN DEN BROECK, ERNST. Observations sur la Nummulites planulata du Paniselien. Bull, de la Soc. ggol. de France. Ser. 3, Vol. n. pp. 559566, 1874. [318 VAN DEN BROECK, E. Liste des foraminiferes du golfe de Gascogne. 7 pp. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1876. [319 VAN DEN BROECK, E. Quelques considerations sur la decouverte dans le calcaire carbouifere de Namur d'un fossile microscopique nouveau appartenant au genre Nummulites. Ann. Soc. geol. Belg. Vol. i. p. 16, 1875. [320 VAN DEN BROECK, E. Etude sur les Foraminiferes de Barbade. Journ. de Zool. Vol. v. pp. 378381, 1876. (Abstr.) Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. ix. pp. 2729, 1877 (1878). Annales de la Soc. Beige de microscopic, Vol. n. p. 55, 1876. (2 pi.) Les Fonds de la Mer, 1876. [321 VAN DEN BROECK, E. Note sur les Foraminiferes de 1'argile des Polders. Ann. Soc. Belg. Microsc. 10 pp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1877. [322 VAN DEN BROECK, E., et H. MILLER. Les foraminiferes des couches pliocenes de la Belgique. Ire partie. Esquisse geologique et paleontologique des depots pliocenes des environs d'Anvers. Fasc. i. Les sables inferieurs d'Anvers. 101 pp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1877. [323 VAN DEN BROECK, E. Note sur les foraminifeires du littoral de Gand. 7 pp. 8vo. Nimes, 1878. (Extr. du Bull, de la Soc. d 1 etude des sci. nat. de Nimes, Vol. vi. 1878.) [324 VAN DEN BROECK, E. On some Foraminifera from Pleistocene Beds in Ischia. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxiv. pp. 196198, 1878. [325 VAN DEN BROECK, E. and COGELS, P. Observations sur les Couches Quaternaires et Pliocenes de Merxem pres d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. Malac. Belg. Vol. xn.; Bullet, des Seances, p. 68, 1877. [326 VAN DEN BROECK, E. Instructions pour la Eecolte des Foraminiferes vivants. Ann. Soc. beige de Microsc. Vol. iv. p. 5, 1878. [327 BUCK, EMIL. Einige Ehizopodenstudien. III. Phonergates vorax. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 2045, 1878. [328 BUNZEL, Dr E. Die Fauna des marinen Tegels am Porzteich bei Voitelsbrunn unweit Nicolsburg. Jahrb. d. k. k. geol. Relclisanstalt, pp. 202 206, 1869. [329 BUNZEL, E. Die Foraminifera des Tegels von Briinn. Verh. k. geol. Reiclisanst. p. 96, 1870. [ 3S o CARPENTER, W. B. General Eesults of the Study of Typical Forms of Forami- nifera, in their Eelation to the Systematic Arrangement of that Group, and to the Fundamental Principles of Natural History Classification. Nat. Hist. Review, Vol. i. pp. 185201, 456, 1861. [ 33I CARPENTER, W. B. Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. (Eev.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. n. pp. 297 301, 1862. [332 CARPENTER, W. B. On the Ehizopodal Fauna of the Deep Sea (Foraminifera). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xvm. pp. 59 62, 1870. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 161164, 1869. [ 333 16 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. CARPENTER, W. B. On the Shell- structure of Fusulina. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 180182, 1870. (1 pi.) [334 CARPENTER, W. B. On the Genus Astrorhiza of Sandahl, lately described as Heeckelina by Dr Bessels. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xvi. pp. 221 224, 1876. (1 pi.) [335 CARPENTER, W. B. Foraminifera obtained during the Cruise of the "Valorous" to Davis Strait in 1875. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxv. pp. 223227, 1876 (1877). [33<5 CARPENTER, W. B. Kemarks on Mr Carter's Paper (On the Polytremata, etc.). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 380387, 1876. [337 CARPENTER, W. B., and H. B. BRADY. Description of Parkeria and Loftusia, two gigantic Types of Arenaceous Foraminifera. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xvn. pp. 400405, 1869. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 299304, 1869. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLIX. pp. 721754, 1870. (9 pi.) Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. in. pp. 460464, 1869. Geol. Mag., Vol. vi. pp. 273, 274, 1869. [338 CARPENTER, W. B., W. K. PARKER and T. E. JONES. Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. Fol. 22 pi. Ray Soc. London, 1862. [339 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. Preliminary Eeport of Dredging Operations in the Seas to the North of the British Islands, carried on in Her Majesty's Steam-vessel "Lightning," by Dr Carpenter and Dr Wyville Thomson. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xvn. p. 168, 1868. [340 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. Descriptive Catalogue of Objects from Deep-sea Dredg- ings, exhibited at the Soiree of the Eoyal Microscopical Society, King's College, April 20, 1870. 12mo. London, 1870. [341 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. On the Origin of the Eed Clay found by the " Chal- lenger " at great Depths of the Ocean. Report Brit. Assoc. (Bristol Meeting), Trans. Sections, p. 64, 1875. [342 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. Eemarks on Prof. Wyville Thomson's Preliminary Notes on the Nature of the Sea-bottom procured by the Soundings of H.M.S. Challenger. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxm. pp. 234 245, 1875. See also Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 286297. Nature, Vol. xi. pp. 297, 298, 1875. [343 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. Art. Foraminifera. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed. Vol. ix. p. 371, 1879. [344 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. Eesearches on the Foraminifera Supplemental Memoir. On an Abyssal type of the genus Orbitolites ; a Study in the Theory of Descent. Phil. Trans, pp. 551573, 1883. (2 pi.) [345 CARPENTER, Dr W. B. Eeport on the specimens of the genus Orbitolites col- lected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Challenger Reports Zoology. Vol. vii. pt. xxi. pp. 147, pis. i vm. 1883. [346 CARPENTER, W. B. Abyssal type of Orbitolites. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxxv. pp. 276279, 1883. [347 CARTER, H. J. On the Structure of the larger Foraminifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vm. pp. 246251, 1861. [348 CARTER, H. J. Further observations on the Structure of the Foraminifera, and on the larger fossilized Forms of Scinde, etc., including a new Genus and Species (Conulites). J. Roy. As. Soc. (Bombay Br.), Vol. vi. p. 32, 1861. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vm. pp. 309333, 366382, 446471, 1861. [349 CARTER, H. J. On two new Species of the Foraminiferous Genus Squamulina and on a new Species of Difflugia. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. v. pp. 309327, 1870. (2 pi.) [350 CARTER, H. J. Note on the Branched Variety of Squamulina scopula. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. pp. 346, 347, 1870. [351 CARTER, H. J. Points of Distinction between the Spongiads and the Forami- nifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xi. pp. 351356, 1873. [352 CARTER, H. J. On the Striae of Foraminiferous Tests, with Eeply to Criticism. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xiv. pp. 138144, 1874. ' [353 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 17 CARTER, H. J. Relation of the Canal- System to the Tubulation in the Forami- nifera, with reference to Dr Dawson's 'Dawn of Life'. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvi. pp. 420424, 1875. [354 CARTER, H. J. On the Polytremata (Foraminifera), especially with reference to their mythical Hybrid Nature. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 185214, 1876. (1 pi.) [355 CARTER, H. J. Parkeria inferred to have been a species of Hydractinia. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvm. p. 187, 1876. [356 CARTER, H. J. Description of Bdelloidina aggregata, a new Genus and Species of Arenaceous Foraminifera, in which their so-called " Imperforation " is questioned. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 201 201), 1877. (I pi.) [357 CARTER, H. J. On the Locality of Carpenteria balaniformis, with Description of a new Species, and other Foraminifera found in and about Tubipora musica. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 209219, 1877. (1 pi.) [358 CARTER, H. J. Description of a new Species of Foraminifera (Rotalia spi- culotesta). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 470473, 1877. (IPU [359 CARTER, H. J. On the Branched Form of the Apertural Prolongation from the Summit of Carpenteria monticularis. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 6870, 1877. (1 fig.) [360 CARTER, H. J. On a Melobesian Form of Foraminifera (Gypsina melobesioides, mihi); and further Observations on Carpenteria monticularis. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 172176, 1877. [361 CARTER, H. J. Remarks on Prof. E. Hackel's Observations on Wyvillethomsonla Wallichii and Squamulina scop ula. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 337339, 1877. [362 CARTER, H. J. On a new Genus of Foraminifera (Aphrosina informis), and Spiculation of an unknown Sponge. J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 500 502, 1879. (Ipl.) [363 CARTER, H. J. Notes on Foraminifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 407415, 1879. [364 CONRAD, T. A. Catalogue of the Eocene Annulata, Foraminifera, Echinoder- mata and Cirripedia of the United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 7375, 1865. [365 COSTA, A. Di un novello genere di Foraminifera (Pleurostomina). Ann. Mus. Zool. Napoli, Vol. i. pp. 94, 95, 1862. [366 COSTA, 0. G. Sopra i foraminiferi fossili di Messina e della Calabria estrema. Rendic. delV Accad. d. sci.fis. e matem. di Napoli, Vol. v. pp. 366 372, 1866. [367 CROSSKEY, Rev. H. W. and ROBERTSON, D. The Post-tertiary Fossiliferous Beds of Scotland, parts i xx. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. n. p. 267 ; Vol. in. pp. 113, 321; Vol. iv. pp. 32, 128 and 241 ; Vol. v. p. 29, 1867-76. [368 CROSSKEY, Rev. H. W. and ROBERTSON, D. Notes on the Post-tertiary Geology of Norway, Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. vi. p. 346, 1868. [369 DAWSON, G. M. On Foraminifera from the Gulf and River St Lawrence. Canadian Naturalist, Vol. v. pp. 172180, 1870. (1 pi.) [370 DAWSON, G. M. On Foraminifera from the Gulf and River St Lawrence. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. i. pp. 204210, 1871. Ami. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vn. pp. 8390, 1871. (10 fig.) [371 DAWSON, G. M. Note on the Occurrence of Foraminifera, Coccoliths, &c. in the Cretaceous Rocks of Manitoba. Canadian Naturalist, Vol. vn. pp. 252 257, 1875. (2 fig.) [372 DAWSON, G. M. On a new species of Loftusia from British Columbia (L. Columbiana). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxxv. pp. 69 75, 1879. [373 DAWSON, J. W. On some new ppecimens of Fossil Protozoa from Canada (Foraminifera, etc.). Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. (Detroit) Vol. xxiv. pp. 100106/1875 (1876). [374 T. 2 18 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. DAWSON, J. W. Notes on Post -pliocene Deposits at Rivi&re-du-Loup and Tadoussac. Canadian Nat. Ser. 2, Vol. n. p. 81, 1865. [375 DAWSON, J. W. Notes on the Post-pliocene Geology of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, (2) Vol. vi. pp. 19, 166, 241, 369, pi. in. 1872. [376 DAWSON, J. W. Palaeontological Notes. II. Saccamminat (CalcispJucra) Eriana. Canadian Nat. Vol. x. No. 1. 1881. [377 DUNCAN, P. M. On the genus Stoliczkaria, Dune., and its Distinctness from Parkeria, Carpenter. Journ. Geol. Soc. Land. Vol. xxxvui. pp. 69 74, 1882. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. ix. pp. 58, 59, 1882. (1 pi.) [378 DUNIKOWSKY, EMIL. Nowe foraminifery kredowego marglu Iwowskiego (New Foraminifera from the cretaceous marl of Lemberg). Kosmos, Journ. of the Polish Soc. ' Copernicus: Lemberg, pp. 102122, 1878. (1 pi.) [379 EHRENBEBG, Dr C. G. Beitrag zur Uebersicht der Elemente des tiefen Meeres- grundes im mexicanischen Golfstrome bei Florida. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin (1861), pp. 222240, 1861. [380 EHRENBEBG, Dr C. G. IJeber die Tiefgrund-Verhaltnisse des Oceans am Ein- gange d. Davisstrasse und bei Island. Ibid. pp. 275 315, 1862. [381 EHBENBERG, C. G. Ueber die Obersilurischen und Devonischen mikroskopischen Pteropoden, Polythalamien und Crinoiden bei Petersburg in Eussland. Sitz. phys.- math. Kl. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1862, p. 599. (1 pi.) [382 EHBENBEBG, C. G. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der unterseeischen Agulhas-Bank an der Siidspitze Afrikas als eines sich kundgebenden griinsandigen Polythalamien- Kalkfelsens. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, pp. 379394, 1863 (1864). [383 EHBENBERG, C. G. Mikrogeologische Studien iiber das kleinste Leben der Meeres- Tiefgriinde aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Einfluss. Abhandl. d. konigl. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin, Phys. Kl., pp. 131399, 1872 (1873). (12 pi.) [384 EHRENBEBG, Dr C. G. Die zweite deutsche Nordpol'arfahrt, Vol. n. pp. 437 467. (4 pi.) 4to. Berlin, 1874. Transl., with notes by T. EUPEBT JONES. Arctic Manual. 8vo. London, 1875, p. 571. [385 ELCOCK, C. How to prepare Foraminifera. Journ. Postal Micr. Soc. Vol. i. pp. 2529, 139145, 1882. [386 ELCOCK, C. List of Foraminifera from Silt. Journ. Postal Micr. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 119, 120, 1883. [387 ELCOCK, C. Foraminifera at Southport. Journ. Postal Micr. Soc. Vol. n. p. 120, 1883. [388 ETHEBIDGE, E., jun. On the occurrence of Foraminifera in the Carboniferous Limestone of the East of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. n. p. 2, 1874. [389 FISCHEB, PAUL. Bryozoaires, ^chinodermes et foraminiferes marins du ddparte- ment de la Gironde et des c6tes du sud-ouest de la France. 72 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1871. [39 FISCHER, PAUL. Examen d'une serie de sondages executes dans 1'Atlantique sous la direction du Commandant Vignes. Journ. de Zool. Vol. iv. pp. 298 302, 1875. [391 FOLIN, MARQUIS DE. Rhizopodes reticulaires du golfe de Gascogne. Bull. Soc. d?Hist. Nat., Toulouse. 12 pp. 1881. [392 FONTANNES, F. Premiere note sur les Foraminiferes des terrains tertiaires superieurs du bassin du Rhone. Annales de la Soc. d'Agricult. etc. de Lyon, Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 199204, 1879. [393 FORNASINI, C. Nota preliminare sui Foraminiferi della marna pliocenica del Ponticello di Savena nel Bolognese. Bollet. Soc. Geol. Ital. Vol. n. (16 pages, 1 plate.) 1883. [394 FRANZENAU, A. Rakosi Foraminiferak. (Fossil Foraminifera of Buda-Pesth.) Fdldtani Kozlany, Buda-Pesth, 1881, pp. 83107. [395 FEITSCH, K. v. Einige eocane Foraminiferen von Borneo. Palceontographica, Suppl. HI. pp. 139146, 1878. (1 pi.) [396 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 19 FUCHS, T. Welche Ablagerungen haben wir als Tiefseebildungen zu betrachten ? Neues Jahrb. fur Min., d'c., Beilage-Band n. pp. 487584, 1882. [397 FUCHS, T. and F. KABREB. Geologische Studien in den Tertiarbildungen des Wiener Beckens. Jahrb. k. geol. Iteichsanst. Wien, Vols. xvm xxv. 21 pts. 1868-75. [398 GABB, W. M. Description of a Collection of Fossils made by Dr Antonio Eaimondi in Peru. Journ. Acad. Sci. Philad. Vol. vin. pp. 263336, 1877. [399 GEMMELLABO, G. G. Sopra taluni organici fossili del Turoniano e Nummulitico di Judica. Atti delV Accad. gioenia di Sci. Nat. Vol. xv. p. 269, 1860. [400 GIEBEL, C. G. Thalamopora cribrosa. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturwiss. Ser. 2, VoL vii. p. 361, 1872. [401 GOES, A. Om ett oceaniskt Rhizopodum reticulatum, Lituolina scorpiura, Montf., funnet i Ostersjon. Ofvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forhdlg. Stockholm, Vol. xxxvm. pp. 3335, 1882. [402 GOES, A. On the Reticularian Ehizopoda of the Caribbean Sea. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Handlingar, Vol. xix. pp. 150, pi. i xn. 1882. [403 GREEFF, . [Foraminifera of the Canaries.] Madeira und die canarischen Inseln in natunvisstiischaftlicher, besonders zoologischer, Beziehung. Marburg, 1872. [404 GUMBEL, C. W. Beitrage zur Foraminiferenfauna der nordalpinenEocangebilde. Abhandl. d. math.-phijs. Cl. d. kon.-bayer. Akad. der Wissensch. Vol. xi. pt. 2, pp. 579730, 1868. (4 pi.) [405 GUMBEL, C. W. Die sogenannten Nulliporen (Lithothamnium und Dactylopora). IT. Die Nulliporen des Thierreichs (Dactyloporidece). Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. kon.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vol. xi. pt. l,pp. 229290, 1871. (4 pi.) [406 GUMBEL, C. W. Conodictyum bursiforme, Etallon, einer Foraminifere aus der Gruppe der Dactyloporideen. Sitzungvber. d. bayer. Akad. "Vol. in. pp. 282294, 1873. Abstr. Jahrb. f. Mineral, etc. p. 327, 1874. (1 pi.) [407 GUMBEL, C. W. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Organisation und systematischen Stellung von Receptaculites. AbJiandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. kon.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vol. xn. pt. 2, pp. 167216, 1875. (1 pi.) [408 GUMBEL, C. W. Die Streitberger Schwammlager und ihre Foraminiferen- Einschliisse. Jahresh. d. Ver. f. vaterl. NaturJc. in Wiirttemburg. 1861. Idem. (abridged), Wiirttemb. Naturw. Jahreshefte, Vol. xvm. p. 192, 1862. (2 pi.) [409 GUMBEL, C. W. Ueber Foraminiferen, Ostracoden und microscopische Thier- Ueberreste in den St Cassianer und Eaibler Schichten. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Vol. xix. pp. 175186, 1869. (1 pi.) [410 GUMBEL, Dr C. W. Vergleichung der Foraminiferenfauna aus den Gosaumer- geln und den Belemnitellen- Schichten der bayerischen Alpen. Sitzungsb. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss. Vol. n. p. 278, 1870. [411 GUMBEL, Dr C. W. Ueber Dactylopora. Verhandl. d. k. geolog. Eeichsanstalt, Wien, No, 8, pp. 127, 128, 1871. [412 GUMBEL, Dr C. W. Vorlaiifige Mittheilungen iiber Tiefseeschlamm. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min., &c., 1870. pp. 753 767. [413 GUMBEL, Dr C. W. Ueber zwei jurassische Vorlaufer des Foraminiferen-Ge- schlechtes Nummulina und Orbitulites. Neues Jahrbuchfiir Min., &c. Jahrg. 1872, p. 241, pis. iv. vii. [414 GUMBEL, Dr C. W. Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse des Ulmer Cementmergels, seine Beziehungen zu dem lithographischen Schiefer und seine Foraminiferenfauna. Sitz. d. math.-phys. Cl d. k. bayer. Ak. d. Wissensch., 1871, p. 38, pi. i. [415 GUPPY, E. J. L. On the occurrence of Foraminifera in the Tertiary Beds at San Fernando, Trinidad. Proc. Scientific Assoc. Trinidad, pp. 11, 12, 1865. [416 GUPPY, E. J. L. On Foraminifera from the Tertiaries of San Fernando. Proc. Scientific Assoc. Trinidad, n. pp. 13 16, 1872. [417 HAMILTON, A. On the Foraminifera of the Tertiary Beds at Petane, near Napier. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xm. pp. 393 396, 1880. (1 pi.) [418 22 20 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. HANTKEN, MAX v. Die Fauna der Clavulina Szaboi-Schichten. I. Forarnmi- feren. Mittheil. a. d. Jahrb. d. k. ungar. geol. Ami. Vol. iv. 93 pp. 16 pi. 1875. DE HANTKEN, MAX, et SIG. ED. DE MADARASZ. Catalogue des Nummulites exposes a 1'Exposition universelle a Paris de 1'amiee 1878. Budapest, 8vo. 8 pp. 1878. [420 HANTKEN, M. v. A kis-czelli talyag foraminiferai. Magyar. Foldt. Tdrsulat Munkdlatai, Vol. iv. p. 75, pis. i. n. Budapest, 1868. [421 HANTKEN, M. v. Die geologischen Verhaltnisse des Graner Braunkohlengebietes, Jahrb. d. k. ungar. geol. Anstalt, Vol. i. p. 1, pis. i v. 1872. [422 HANTKEN, M. v. Der Ofner Mergel. Jahrb. d. k. ungar. geol. Anstalt, Vol. ir. p. 208, 1873. [423 HANTKEN, M. v. Neue Daten zur geologischen und palaeontologischen Kenntniss des siidlichen Bakony. Jahrb. d. k. ungar. geol. Anst. Vol. in. pp. 340 371, 1875. (5 pi.) [424 HANTKEN, M. v. Ueber den sogenannten Badner Tegel auf Malta. (Von Th. Fuchs.) Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXIII. p. 67, 1876. (1 pi.) [425 DE LA HAKPE, PHIL. Note sur les Nummulites de la Crim6e. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Ser. 2, Vol. xm. pp. 267272, 1874. [426 DE LA HABPE, PHIL. Note sur les Nummulites des environs de Nice et de Menton. Bull, de la Soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. v. pp. 817836, 1877. (1 pi.) [427 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Les Nummulites du comt6 de Nice. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Vol. xvi. pp. 201243, 1879. (1 pi.) [428 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Note sur les Nummulites Partschi et Oosteri, de la H., du calcaire du Michelsberg. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Vol. xvn. pp. 3340, 1880. (Ipl.) [429 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Note sur la distribution par couples des Nummulites 6ocenes. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. Vol. xvn. pp. 429441, 1881. [430 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Etude des Nummulites de la Suisse et revision des especes e'ocenes des genres Nummulites et Assilina. I. Abh. schweiz. palaont. Gesellsch. Vol. vii. 104 pp. 1881. II. ibid. Vol. vm. 1882. [431 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Descriptions des Nummulites des falaises de Biarritz; additions et conclusions. 15 pp. 1 pi. 8vo. Dax, 1882. Extr. du Bull, de la soc. de Borda, Vol. vi. 1881. [432 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Note sur les Nummulites des Alpes occiden tales. Actes de la 60 e Session de la Soc. Helv. des Sc. Nat., art. x. 1878. [433 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Nummulites des Alpes Fran9aises. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xvi. p. 409, 1879. [434 DE LA HARPE, PHIL. Sur 1'importance de la loge centrale cbez les Nummulites, lettre de M. de la Harpe. Bullet. Soc. geol. France, Vol. ix. pp. 171176. TOURNOUER, M. Observations. Ibid. pp. 176178, 1881. [435 DE LA HARPE, PHIL, Monographic der in ^Egypten und der libyschen Wiiste vorkommenden Nummuliten. Paleontographica, Vol. xxx. pp. 157 216, pis. xxx. xxxv. 1883. [436 HARTING, P. De magt van het Kleine zigtbar in de vorming der korst van onzen aardbol, of overzigt van het maaksel, de geographische en de geologische ver- spreiding der polypen, der foraminiferen en polythalamien, der radiolarien of polycistinen en der diatomeen. 2 druk. 258 pp. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1866. [437 HAUSLER, KUDOLF. Note sur une zone a Globige'rines dans les terrains juras- siques de la Suisse. Proc.-verb. Soc. Malacol. Belg. Vol. x. pp. ccxli ccxliii. 1881. [438 HAUSLER, RUDOLF. Notes on the Trochammina of the Lower Malm of the Canton Aargau (Switzerland). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 4961, 1882. (2 pi.) [ 439 HAUSLER, KUDOLF. Additional Notes on the TrochammiuaB of the Lower Malm of the Canton Aargau, including Webbina and Hormosina. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 349358, 1882. <1 pi.) [ 44 o PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 21 HAUSLER, EUDOLF. On the Jurassic Varieties of Thurammina papillata. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. pp. 262266, 1883. (1 pi.) [441 HAUSLER, KUDOLF. Die Astrorhiziden und Lituoliden der Bimammatuszone. Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral, etc. pp. 5561, 1883. (2 pi.) [442 HAUSLER, RUDOLF. Notes on some Upper Jurassic Astrorhizida and Lituolidce. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxix. pp. 2528, 1883. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. pp. 62, 63, 1883. (2 pi.) [ 443 HAUSLER, EUDOLF. Note sur les foraminiferes de la zone a Ammonites trans- versarius du canton d'Argovie. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. natur. Vol. xvm. pp. 220 230, 1883. [ 444 HAUSLER, EUDOLF. Ueber die neue Foraminiferengattung Thuramminopsis. Neues Jahrb. far Min. &c. 1883, Vol. n. pp. 6872. (1 pi.) [445 HEILPRIM, AUG. On the Occurrence of Nummulitic Deposits in Florida, and the association of Nummulites with a Fresh- water Fauna. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. pp. 189193, 1882. [446 HERTWIG, EICHARD. Bemerkungen zur Organisation und systematischen Stel- lung der Foraminiferen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. x. pp. 41 55, 1876. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. xlix li, 1876. [447 HUGUENIN, J. Note on a species of Foraminifera from the Carboniferous For- mation of Sumatra. Proc. Geol. Soc. No. 321, p. 4, 1876. [448 JONES, F. W. 0. EYMER. On some Eecent Forms of Lagence from Deep-Sea Soundings in the Java Seas. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxx. pt. 1, pp. 45 70, 1874. (Ipl.) [ 449 JONES, T. EUPERT. Note on some Tertiary Nummulin(e and Orbitoides from Jamaica. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Vol. xix. pp. 514, 515, 1863. [450 JONES, T. E. Note on the Foraminifera of the Bridlington Crag. Geol. Mag. Vol. i. p'. 55, 1864. [45 r JONES, T. E. The Eelationship of certain West-Indian and Maltese Strata, as shown by some Orbitoides and other Foraminifera. Geol. Mag. Vol. i. pp. 102 106, 1864. [452 JONES, T. E. A Note on the Orbitoides and Nummulina of the Tertiary Asphaltic Bed, Trinidad. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxn. pp. 592, 593, 1865. [453 JONES, T. E. On the Jurassic Foraminifera of Switzerland. Geol. Mag. Vol. x. pp. 208 214, 1873. [ 454 JONES, T. E. On some Foraminifera in the Chalk of the North of Ireland. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, Vol. in. p. 88, 1879. [455 JONES, T. E. Eemarks on the Foraminifera, with especial reference to their variability of form, illustrated by the Cristellarians. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xv. pp. 6192, 1876. (2 pi.) [ 45 6 JONES, T. E. Note on the Foraminifera and other Organisms in the Chalk of the Hebrides. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 739, 740, 1878. [457 JONES, T. E. Catalogue of the Fossil Foraminifera in the British Museum. London. 8vo. pp. i xxiv, 1 100, 1882. [4.58 JONES, T. E. Foraminifera from Orakei Creek, Auckland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xvi. p. 251, 1860. [4.59 JONES, T. E. Chalk Foraminifera, in S. J. Mackie's 'Thoughts on Dover Cliffs'. Geologist, Vol. vi. pp. 293, 432, 1863. [ 4 6o JONES, T. E. On the Fossil Foraminifera of Malta and Gozo. Geologist, Vol. vn. pp. 133135, 1864. [ 4 6i JONES, T. E. On the Eange of Foraminifera in Time. Proc. Geologists' Assoc. Vol. ii. p. 187, 1872. [462 JONES, T. E. Oolitic Foraminifera of England. In Phillips' Geology of the Yorkshire Coast. 3rd ed. p. 278. London, 1875. [4.63 JONES, T. E. The late Prof. Ch. G. Ehrenberg's Eesearches on the Eecent and Fossil Foraminifera. Monthly Micr. Journ. Vol. xvn. p. 338; Vol. xvm. p. 49, 1877, 1878. [ 4 6 4 22 TROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER. On some Fossil and Kecent Foraminifera, collected in Jamaica by the late Lucas Barrett. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1863, pp. 80, 81, 1864. [465 JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER. On the Foraminifera of the Crag. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xiu. pp. 6468, 1864. [466 JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER. On the Foraminifera of the Chalk of Gravesend and Meudon, figured by Prof. Dr Chr. G. Ehrenberg. Geol. Mag. Vol. Tin. pp. 506511, 1871. [467 JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER. On the Foraminifera of the Family Rotalma (Carpenter), found in the Cretaceous Formations ; with Notes on their Tertiary and Eecent Eepresentatives. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxvin. pp. 103131, 1872. [468 JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER. Notes on Eley's Foraminifera from the English Chalk. Geol. Mag. Vol. ix. pp. 123126, 1872. [469 JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER, etc. Lists of English Jurassic Foraminifera. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. n. pp. 308311, 1875. [470 JONES, T. E., and W. K. PARKER. On some Eecent and Fossil Foraminifera dredged up in the English Channel. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvii. pp. 283287, 1876. [47 l JONES, T. E., W. K. PARKER, and J. W. KIRKBY. On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. The Permian Trochammina pusilla and its allies. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 386393, 1869. (1 pi.) [472 JONES, T. E. and W. K. PARKER. On some Fossil Foraminifera from Chellaston, near Derby. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xvi. p. 452, 1860. (2 pi.) [473 KARRER, FELIX, und JOH. SINZOW. Ueber das Auftreten des Foraminiferen-Genus Nubecularia im sarmatischen Sande v. Kischenew. 13 pp. 1 (4to) pi. 8vo. Wien, 1876. Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. Wien, Vol. LXXVI. 13 pp. 1876. [474 KARRER, FELIX. Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in den brakischeri Schichten [Tegel und Sand] des Wiener Beckens. 31 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1863. [Abdruck aus den Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vol. XLVIII. p. 1.] [475 KARRER, FELIX. Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in den Mergeln der marinen Uferbildungen [Leythakalk] des Wiener Beckens. 31 pp. 2 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1865. [Aus den Sitzungsber. d. kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch.] [476 KARRER, FELIX. Ueber das Auftreten von Foraminiferen in den alteren Schichten des Wiener Sandsteins. 6 pp. 1 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1866. [Aus den Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch.] [477 KARRER, FELIX. Die miocene Foraminiferenfauna von Kostej in Banat. Mono- graphische Schilderung. 73 pp. 5 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1868. [Aus d. Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vol. LXVIII. p. 121.] [478 KARRER, FELIX. Ueber die Foraminiferen der tertiaren Thone von Luzon ; in E. v. Drasche's ' Fragmente zu einer Geologic der Insel Luzon.' Wien, 4to. ix. 90 pp. 1877. [479 KARRER, F. Ueber das Auftreten der Foraminiferen in dem marinen Tegel des Wiener Beckens. Site. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. XLIV. p. 427, 1861. (2 pi.) [480 KARRER, F. Zur Foraminiferenfauna in Oesterreich. Gesammelte Beitrage. 'Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LV. p. 331. (3 pi.) 1877. [482 I. Ueber die Foraminiferen des Schlier (Meletta Tegel und Menelitschiefer) in Niederosterreich und Mahren, p. 331. II. Die Foraminiferenfauna von Grund, p. 350. III. Neue Foraminiferen aus der Familie der Miliolideen aus den neogenen Ablagerungen von Holubica, Lapugy, und Buitur, p. 357. IV. Ueber einige Foraminiferen aus dem weissen Jura von St.-Veit bei Wien, p. 364. KARRER, F. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen von oberer Kreideformation in Leit- zersdorf bei Stockerau, und deren Foraminiferenfauna. Jahrb. d. k. geolog. Eeichs- anatalt, 1870, p. 157. (2 pi.) [483 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 23 KARRER, F. Geologie der Kaiser Franz-Josefs Hochquellen-Wasserleitung. Eine Studie in den Tertiar-Bildungen am Westrande des alpinen Theiles der Niederung von Wien. 20 plates. Abhandl. d. k. k. geol Eeiclisanstalt, 1877. [484 KAUFMANN, F. J. Der Pilatus, geologisch untersucht und beschrieben. 4to. 10 plates and map. Bern, 1867. [485 KEEPING, WALTER. On some Eemains of Plants, Foraminifera, and Annelida, in the Silurian Bocks of Central Wales. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. ix. pp. 485491, 1880. (1 pi.) [ 4 86 KENT, W. SAVILLE. The Foraminiferal Nature of Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Bow. (Squamulina scopula, Carter) demonstrated. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 6879, 1878. (2 pi.) [487 KING, Dr W. Oceanic Sediments and their Kelation to Geological Formations. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 198 204, 1875. [488 KIRKBY, J. W. Brachiopoda, Polyzoa, and Foraminifera from the Permian Hocks of S. Yorkshire. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xvn. pp. 306309, 1861. [489 KUBLER, J. Die Foraminiferen d. schweizer. Jura, nach gemeinschaftl. For- schungen mit Pfr. Heinr. Zwingli. iv. 49 pp. 4 pi. 4to. Winterthur, 1871. [490 KUBLER, Dr J. and ZWINGLI, H. Mikroskopische Bilder aus der Urwelt der Schweiz. Neujahrsblatt der Mrgerbibliothek in Winterthur, 1866. [491 LEBOUR, G. A. Bange of Saccamina Carteri. Geol. Mag. (2), Vol. in. p. 135, 1876. [492 LEIDY, J. Bemarks on some Marine Bhizopods (Foraminifera). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 73 76, 1875. (Fig. of Astrorhiza limicola.) [493 LEIDY, J. Foraminifera of the Coast of New Jersey. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1878, p. 292. [494 LtfiDY, J. Foraminiferous Shells of our Coast. Ibid. 1878, p. 336. [495 LINTON, J. On a sample of sand from Dogsbay, Connemara, Co. Galway, skimmed from the surface of the Sea, July, 1866. Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Liver- pool, Vol. vi. pp. 184186, 1867. [496 LOCARD, A. Description de la Mollasse marine et d'eau douce du Lyonnais et du Dauphine. Arch, du Mus. de Lyon, Vol. n. [Foraminiferes, pp. 198, 199.] 1878. [497 MARSSON, TH. Die Foraminiferen der weissen Schreibkreide der Insel Biigen. Mittheil. naturw. Ver. f. Neu-Vorpommern, Vol. x. pp. 115 196, 1878. (5 pi.) [498 MARTIN, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation von Cycloclypeus, Carp., und Orbitoides, D'Orb. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Vol. v. pt. 2, pp. 185206, 1880. (2 pi.) [499 MARTIN, K. Tertiarschichten auf Java, pp. 154 163, pis. xvn. xxvin. Leyden, 187980. [500 MARTIN, Dr K. Die versteinerungen-fiihrenden Sedimente Timers. Nach Sammlungen von Beinwardt, Macklot, und Schneider. Jaarboek van het Mijnweezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, 1882, pp. 69136, pis. n. in. [501 MARTONFI, L. A Kolozsvar vid6ki harmadkori retegek Foraminiferai. (Fossil Foraminifera from the Tertiaries of Klausenburg, Transylvania.) Orvos-termeszet- tudomdnyi Ertesito. 8vo. Klausenburg, 1882. [502 MARTONFI, L. Oslenytani Tanulmanyok a Foraminiferak61. 8vo. Kolozsvart, 1880. [503 MAYER, K. Classification der Foraminiferen nach Beuss, Jones und Van den Broeck, pp. 4. 4to. (Privately issued.) Zurich, 1877. [504 MEASURES, Dr J. W. Foraminifera from Silt. Journ. Postal Micr. Soc. Vol. u. pp. 118, 119, 1883. [505 MEEK, F. B., and A. H. WORTHEN. Descriptions of new Species and Genera of Fossils from the Palaeozoic Bocks of the Western States (Receptaculites formosus, n. sp. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 2256, 1870. [506 24 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. MEEK, F. B. Notes on some of the Fossils figured in the recently-issued Fifth Volume of the Illinois State Geological Eeport. Amer. Journ. of tici. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. vii. pp. 484 490, 1874. (Fusulina, Septopora, etc.) [507 MEEK, F. B. Meek and Gabb's Geological Survey of California Palaeontology, 'Vol. i. 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1864. [508 MEEK, F. B. A. H. Worthen's Geological Survey of Illinois, Vol. v. Palaeon- tology, p. 560; pi. xxiv. 4to. 1873. [509 METZGEE, . [Foraminifera of the East-Frisian coast]. Die wirbellosen Thiere der ostfriesischen Kuste, pt. 2, 1871, p. 15. [510 MILLEB, H. J. Observations sur la Nummulites planulata, var. minor. Ann. malac. Belg. Vol. vm. p. 20, 1875. [511 MILLER, H. J., and E. v. DEN BKOECK. Les Foraminiferes vivants et fossiles du Belgique. Ann. malac. Belg. Vol. vn. pp. 15 48, 1873. (Abstr.) Ann. and May. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xn. pp. 494, 495, 1873. [512 MILLER, K. [Foraminifera (13 sp.) from Spitzbergen]. Heuglin, Eeisen, p. 262. [513 MILLER, S. A. The American Palceozoic Fossils. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1877. [514 MOBIUS, K. Ueber die Bedeutung der Foraminiferen fur die Abstammungslehre. Tagebl. 53. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. pp. 81, 82, 1880. [515 MOBIUS, K. Neue Khizopoden. Tagebl. d. 49. Versamml. d. d. Naturf. 1876, p. 15. [516 MOBIUS, Dr K. Foraminiferen von Mauritius. Beitr. zur Meerc.sfauna der Insel Mauritius und der Seychellen, bearbeitet von K. Mobius, <&c. 4to. 22 plates. Berlin, .1880. (p. 65, pi. i xiv. ) [517 v. MOLLER, VALERIAN. Ueber Fusulinen und ahnliche Foraminiferenformen des russischen Kohlenkalks. Jahrb. f. Mineral, etc. p. 139, 1877. [518 v. MOLLER, VALERIAN. Die spiral-gewundenen Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlenkalks. 147 pp. 15 pi. 4to. St Petersburg, 1878. Mem. de VAcad. de St Pttersbourg, Ser. 7, Vol. xxv. 1879. [519 v. MOLLER, VALERIAN. Die Foraminiferen des russischen Kohlenkalks. Mem. de VAcad. de St Petersbourg, Ser. 7, Vol. xxvu. 131 pp. 7 pi. 1880. (publ. sep.) 4to. 131 pp. 7 pi. St Petersburg, 1879. [520 v. MOLLER, VALERIAN. Ueber einige foraminiferenfiihrende Gesteine Persiens. Jahrb. d. k. k.geolog. Reichsanst. pp. 573586, 1880. (2 pi.) [521 MUNIER-CHALMAS, . Etudes sur les Nummulites l PARKER, W. K., and T. EUPERT JONES. On the Nomenclature of the Forami- nifera. The species figured by Ehrenberg. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. ix. pp. 211230, 280303, 1872. Vol. x. pp. 184200, 253271, 453457, 1872. [54i PARKER, W. K., and T. E. JONES. On Ovulites margaritula. Ann. and Mag. of 'Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 7779, 1877. [542 PARKER, W. K., T. E. JONES, and H. B. BRADY. On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3. Vol. xv. pp. 225 231 (Species enumerated by Batsch). Vol. xvi. pp. 15 41, 1865 (Species enumerated by D'Or- bigny). (3 pi.) [543 PARKER, W. K., T. EUPERT JONES, and H. B. BRADY. On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vin. pp. 145179, 238266, 1871 (Species enumerated by D'Orbigny). (5 pi.) [544 PARKER, W. K., T. E. JONES, and J. E. KIRKBY. On Priority in the Discovery of the Canal-System in Foraminifera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xiv. pp. 6468, 305307, 1874. [545 PEACH, C. W. Additional List of Fossils from the Boulder- Clay of Caithness. Report Brit. Assoc. 1864, Trans. Sections, p. 61. Cf. H. B. BRADY, ibid. 1866, p. 64; [546 PETERS, K. F. Ueber Foraminiferen im Dachsteinkalk. Sitzungsb. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1863, p. 293. [547 POURTALES, COUNT, L. F. DE. Contributions to the Fauna of the Gulf Stream at great depths. Bullet. Museum Comp. Zool. Cambridge, Mass. 1867, p. 103. [548 POURTALES, L. F. v. Der Boden des Golf-Stromes und der Atlantischen Kiiste Nord-America's. Petermann's geogr. Mittheil. Vol. xvi. pp. 393398, 1870. [549 26 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. REICHERT, C. B. Ueber die Bewegungs-Erscheinungen an den Scheinfiissen der Polythalamien. Monatsb. k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1862, pp. 406426. [550 REICHERT, C. B. Ueber die Kornchenbewegung an den Pseudopodien der Poly- thalamien. Arch.f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois). pp. 388405, 1863. [551 REICHERT, C. B. Die sogenannte Kornchenbewegung an den Pseudopodien der Polythalamien. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxx. pp. 191194, 1864. [552 REICHERT, C. B. Ueber die contractile Substanz (Sarcode, Protoplasma) und deren Bewegungserscheinurigen bei Polythalamien und einigen anderen niederen Thieren. Arch.f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois). pp. 749761, 1865. [553 REICHERT, C. B. Bemerkungen zu M. Schultze's Journal- Artikel : Reichert und die Gromien. (Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. 11. p. 140.) Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois). pp. 286, 287, 1866. [554 REICHERT, C. B. Ueber die contractile Substanz Sarcode, Protoplasma, und deren Bewegungserscheinungen bei Polythalamien und einigen anderen niederen Thieren. I. Ergebnisse aus den mitgetheilten Beobachtungen iiber die morphologische Beschaffenheit und iiber die Bewegungserscheinungen der contractilen Substanz bei den Gromia oviformis. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, pp. 491502, 1865 (1866). [555 REINSCH, P. F. Notiz iiber die mikroskopische Fauna der mittleren und unteren frankischen Liasschichten. Neues Jahrb. fur Min., <&c., pp. 176 178, 1877. [556 REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen-Familie der Lagenideen. Monographisch dargestellt. 36 pp. 7 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1863. (Aus den Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch.) [557 REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen des norddeutschen Hils und Gault. Eine Monographic. 100 pp. 13 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1863. (Aus den Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch.) [558 REUSS, A. E. Les Foraminiferes du crag d'Anvers. (Trad, de M. Griin.) Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xv. pp. 137162, 1863. (3 pl.) [559 REUSS, A. E. Die fossilen Foraminiferen, Anthozoen und Bryozoen von Oberburg in Steiermark. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna der oberen Nummulitenschichten. 38 pp. 10 pl. 4to. Wien, 1864. (Aus d. Denkschriften d. kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch.) [560 REUSS, A. E. Zur Fauna des deutschen Oligocans. Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Wien, pp. 435482, 1865. [561 REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen, Anthozoen und Bryozoen des deutschen Septarienthones. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna der mitteloligocanen Tertiarschichten. .98 pp. 11 pl. 4to. Wien, 1866. (Aus den Denkschr. d. kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vol. xxv. pp. 117214, 1866.) [562 REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen und Ostracoden der Kreide im Kanara-See bei Kiistendsche. 26 pp. 1 pl. 8vo. Wien, 1866. (Aus den Sitzungsber. d. kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vol. LII. pp. 445470.) [563 REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Pietzpuhl. 39 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1870. (Aus den Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Vol. XLII. p. 445.) [564 REUSS, A. E. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber 2 neue fossile Foraminiferen-Gattungen (Polyphragma, Thalamopora). Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXIV. pp. 277 281, 1871. [565 REUSS, A. E. Ueber Lingulinopsis, eine neue Foraminiferengattung. Sitzungsber. d. k. bohm. Ges. d. Wiss. Vol. i. p. 23, 1860. [566 REUSS, A. E. Ueber die Foraminiferen aus der Familie der Peneropliden. Sitz. d. k. bohm. Gesell d. Wiss. Vol. i. p. 68, 1860. [567 REUSS, A. E. Ueber die Frondicularideen, eine Familie der polymeren Fora- miniferen. Sitz. d. k. bohm. Gesell. d. Wiss. Vol. i. p. 77, 1860. [568 REUSS, A. E. Ueber Ataxophragmium, eine neue Foraminiferengattung. Sitz. d. k. bohm. Gesell. d. Wiss. Vol. n. p. 52, 1860. [569 REUSS, A. E. Beitrage zur tertiaren Foraminiferen -Fauna, 1. Die Foramini- feren des Crags von Antwerpen. 2. Die Foraminiferen von Dingden in Westpha- len. Sitzungsb. d. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Vol. XLII. pp. 355 and 364, 1860. (1 pl.) [570 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 27 REUSS, A. E. Ueber die fossile Gattung Acicularia. Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. XLIII. p. 7, 1861. (1 pi.) [571 KEUSS, A. E. Palaontologische Beitrage. 2. Die Foraminiferen des Kreide- tuffes von Maastricht. 3. Die Foraminiferen der Schreibkreide von Kiigen. 4. Die Foraminiferen des senonischen Griinsandes von New- Jersey. Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. XLIV. pp. 304, 324, 334, 1861. (8 pi.) [572 KEUSS, A. E. Entwurf einer systematischen Zusammenstellung der Foramini- feren. Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. XLIV. p. 355, 1861. [573 REUSS, A. E. Neuere Untersuchen. 1. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Forami- niferen. 2. Ueber eine neue Gattung, .Haplostiche. Sitz. d. k. bohm. Gesell. d. Wiss. Vol. i. p. 12, 1861. [574 KEUSS, A. E. Kurze Notiz iiber eine neue Foraminiferengattung, Schizophora. Sitz. d. k. bohm. Gesel. d. Wiss. Vol. n. p. 12, 1861. [575 REUSS, A. E., and FEITSCH, A. Verzeichniss von 100 Gypsmodellen von Fora- miniferen welche unter der Leitung der Prof. A. Reuss und Dr Anton Fritsch gear- beitet wurden, 1861. [576 REUSS, A. E. Die fossile Fauna der Steinsalzablagerung von Wieliczka. Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LV. pp. 17 182, pis. i. vm. 1867. [577 REUSS, A. E. Foraminiferen und Ostracoden aus den Schichten von St.-Cassian. Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LVII. pp. 101109, 1868. (1 pi.) [578 REUSS, A. E. Zur fossilen Fauna der Oligocarischichten von Gaas. Sitzungsber. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Vol. LIX. p. 446, 1869. (6 pi.) [579 REUSS, A. E. Die Bryozoen und Foraminiferen des unteren Planers. In Geinitz's Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. l tor Theil. Der untere Quader, p. 79, pis. xxiv. xxxin. Palceontographica, 1872. [580 REUSS, A. E. Die Foraminiferen, Bryozoen und Ostracoden des Planers. In Geinitz's Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. 2 ter Theil. Der mittlere und obere Quader, p. 73, pis. xx. xxvin. Cassel, 1874. [581 ROBERTSON, DAVID. On Foraminifera from the S. Coast of Devon and Cornwall. Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1869, Reports p. 91, 1870. [582 ROBERTSON, DAVID. Notes on the recent Foraminifera of the Firth of Clyde. Tram. Geol. Soe. Glasgow, Vol. v. p. 112, 1875. [583 ROBERTSON, D. Notes on the Post-tertiary Deposit of Misk Pit, near Kilwinning. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. v. p. 297, 1877. [584 ROBERTSON, D. On the Post-tertiary Beds of Garvel Park, Greenock. Trans. Geol. oc, Glasgow, Vol. vu. pp. 137, 1883. (1 pi.) [585 ROBERTSON, D. Foraminifera, in Dr J. Gwyn Jeffrey's paper, Mediterranean Mollusca (No. 3) and other Invertebrata. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. p. 401, 1883. [586 ROBERTSON, D. Report on the Sands and Gravels and Boulder-clays and the top Silt, at the Dock F of the Atlantic Docks, Liverpool. (Appendix to T. Mellard Reade'b paper, The Drift-beds of the North-west of England and North Wales). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxxix. pp. 129132, 1883. [587 v. ROBOZ, Dr Z. Calcituba polymorpha, nov. gen. nov. spec. Sitzungsb. d. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 420432, 1883. (1 pi.) [588 SARS, Dr M. Fortsatte Bemagrkninger over det dyriske Livs Udbredning i Havets Dybder. Vidensk.-Selsk. Forhandlinger, 1868, p. 246. [589 SCHACKO, G. Ueber Vorkommen vollkommen-ausgebildeter Embryonen bei einer Rhizopode, Peneroplis proteus, d'Orb. Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturf. Fr. Berlin, pp. 130132, 1882. [590 SCHACKO, G. Untersuchungen an Foraminiferen. I. Globigerinen Einschluss bei Orbulina. II. Embryonen in Peneroplis proteus. III. Perforation bei Pene- roplis. Arch.f. Naturg. Vol. XLIX. pp. 428454, 1883. (2 pi.) [591 v. SCHLICHT, E. Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Pietzpuhl. xiv. 98 pp. 38 pi. 4to. Berlin, 1870. [592 ScHLUMBERaER, C. Structure intime des Foraminiferes. Assoc. franq. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Lyon). Vol. n. pp. 562, 563, 1873. (2 fig.) [593 28 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. SCHLUMBERGER, C. Eeproduction des foraminiferes. Assoc. franc,, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Nantes). Vol. iv: pp. 800, 801, 1875. (4 fig.) [594 SCHLUMBEBGER, C. Note sur le genre Cuneolina. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 272, 273, 1883. [595 SCHLUMBERGEB, C. Eemarks upon a species of Cristellaria (C. rotulatd). Journ. Cincinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. v. p. 119, 1883. [596 SCHLUMBERGEB, C. Sur un nouveau Pentellina. Assoc. frang. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Eochelle), pp. 230232, 1882. [597 SCHLUMBERGER, C. Note sur les Foraminifdres. Feuille des Jeunes Natura- listes, p. 30, pis. i. m. 1882., [59 8 SCHLUMBERGEB, C. Note sur quelques Foraminiferes nouveaux on peu connus du Golfe de Gascogne. Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes, Vol. xm. pp. 21 28, 1883. (2 pi.) [599 SCHLUTER, CL. Ccelotrochium Decheni, eine Foraminifere aus dem Mitteldevon. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 668675, 1879. [600 SCHMELCK, L. On Oceanic Deposits. Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition, 1876 1878. [The Norwegian North- Atlantic Expedition 1876 1878, IX. Chemistry pt. ii.] pp. 71, 2 Maps, 1882. [601 SCHULTZE, F. E. Etudes sur les Bhizopodes (Foraminiferes). (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. ct gener. Vol. vi. pp. xxm xxv. 1877. [602 SCHULTZE, MAX. On the genus Cornuspira, belonging to the Monothalamia ; with Eemarks on the Organization and Eeproduction of the Polythalamia. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 306321, 1861. [603 SCHULTZE, MAX. Ueber Polytrema miniaceum, eine Polythalamie. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxix. pp. 81102, 1863. (1 pi.) Transl. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 409424, 1863. (1 pi.) [604 SCHULTZE, MAX. Die Kornchenbewegung an den Pseudopodien der Polythalamien. Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxix. pp. 361, 362, 1863. [605 SCHULTZE, MAX. Die Gattung Cornuspira unter den Monothalamien, und Bemerkungen iiber die Organisation und Fortpflanzung der Polythalamien. Wiegmann's Archiv, 1860, p. 287. [606 SCHULTZE, F. S. Ueber den Kern der Foraminiferen. Arch.f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. xm. pp. 930, 1876. (2 pi.) [607 SCHWAGER, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der mikroskopischen Fauna jurassischer Schichten. Wiirt. naturw. Jahreshefte, pp. 81149, 1865. [608 SCHWAGER, C. Saggio di una classificazione dei Foraminiferi, avisto riguardo alle loro famiglie naturali. Boll. Comm. Geol. Ital. Vol. vn. pp. 475, 476, 1876. [609 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Dittmar's Die Contorta-Zone, p. 198, pi. m. 8vo. Munich, 1864. [6 10 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Dr W. Waagen's Ueber die Zone des Ammonites transver- sarius, von Prof. Dr Albert Oppel. Benecke's Geognostisch-paldontologische Beitrdge, Vol. i. Heft n. pp. 205 318, woodcuts. Munich, 1866. [611 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar-Nikobar. Novara-Exped., Geol. Theil, Vol. n. p. 187, 1866. (4 pi.) [612 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Foraminiferen aus der Zone des Ammonites Sowerbyi (Unter- Oolith). Geognost.-paldont. Beit, von Benecke, Schloenbach und Waagen, Vol. i. Heft in. pp. 645665, pi. xxxiv. 8vo. Munich, 1867. [613 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Nota su alcuni Foraminiferi nuovi del Tufo di Stretto presso Girgenti. Bollet. del E. Comitato Geologico, Ann. 1878, No. 11, 12. Eome, 1878. [614 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Ueber die palaontologische Entwicklung der Ehizopoda. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Eeiclis, Edit. Biitschli, pp. 242 260. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. [615 SCHWAGER, Dr C. Carbonische Foraminiferen aus China und Japan. Eichto- fen's Beitrdge zur Paldontologie von China, pp. 107 159, pi. xv. xvm. 1883. [6 1 6 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 29 SCHWAGER, C. Die Foraminiferen aus der Eocanablagerungen der libyschen Wiiste und ^Egyptens. Palceontographica, Vol. xxx. pp. 81 153, 1883. (6 pi.) [617 SEGUENZA, GIUSEPPE. On Ellipsoidina, a new Genus of Foraminifera. With further Notes on its Structure and Affinities by Henry B. Brady. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 333343, 1868. [618 SEGUENZA, G. Prime Bicerche intorno ai Kizopodi fossili delle Argille Pleisto- ceniche dei dintorni di Catania. Atti delV Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Ser. 2, Vol. xvm. p. 85, 1862. (2 pi.) [619 SEGUENZA, G. Brevissimi Cenni intorno la Serie Terziaria della Provincia di Messina. Bollet. del. E. Com. Geol. d'ltalia, 1873. [620 SEGUENZA, G. Le Formazioni Terziarie nella Provincia di Beggio (Calabria). Atti R. Accad. dei Lincei. Ser. 3, Vol. vi. pp. 1446, pis. i. xvn. 18tO. [621 SEGUENZA, G. Studi geologici e paleontologici sul Cretaceo medio dell' Italia meridionale. Atti E. Accad. dei Lincei, Anno cclxxix. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 1 150, pis. i. xxi. 1882. [622 SHONE, W. On the Discovery of Foraminifera, etc., in the Boulder-Clays of Cheshire. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxx. pp. 181 185, 1874. [623 SIDDALL, J. D. On the Foraminifera of the Biver Dee. A nn. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 3748, 1876. [624 SIDDALL, J. D. and H. B. BRADY. Catalogue of British recent Foraminifera, for the use of Collectors. 8vo. 10 pp. Chester, 1879. [625 SILVESTBI, OBAZIO. Le nodosarie fossili nel terreno subapennino italiano, e viventi nei mari d' Italia : monografia. 108 pp. 11 pi. 4to. Catania, 1872. [626 SOLLAS, W. J. On the Foraminifera and Sponges of the Upper Greensand of Cambridge. Geol. Mag. Vol. x. pp. 268274, 1873. [627 SOLLAS, W. J. On the Glauconite Granules of the Cambridge Greensand. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. in. p. 539, pi. xxi. 1876. [628 SOLLAS, W. J. On the Perforate Character of the Genus Webbina, with a notice of Two New Species, W. Icevis and W. tuberculata, from the Cambridge Greensand. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. iv. pp. 102105, 1877. (1 pi.) [629 SPEYER, Dr 0. Die Tertiar-Fauna von Sollingen bei Jerxheim in Herzogthum Braunschweig. 4to. Cassel, 1864. [630 STACHE, Dr G. Die Foraminiferen der tertiaren Mergel des Whaingaroa-Hafens (Provinz Auckland). Novara-Exped., Geol. Theil. Vol. i. Palaont. p. 161, pis. xxi. xxiv. Wien, 1864. [631 STACHE, Dr G. Geologische Keisenotizen aus Istrien. Verhandl. d. k. geol. Eeichsanstalt, 1872, p. 215. [632 STACHE, Dr G. Neue Fundstellen von Fusulinenkalk zwischen Gailthal und Canalthal in Karnthen. Verhandl. d. k. k. geol. Eeichsanstalt, 1872, p. 283. [633 STACHE, Dr G. Neue Petrefactenfunde aus Istrien. Verhandl. k. k. geol. ReicJisanst. 1873, p. 147. [634 STACHE, Dr G. Die palaozoischen Gebiete der Ostalpen. Jahrb. d. k. k. geoL Eeichsanstalt, Vol. xxiv. l ter Absch. p. 135 ; 2 ter Absch. p. 333, 1874. [635 STACHE, DrG. Fusulinenkalke aus Ober-Krain, Sumatra und Chios. Verhandl. d. k. k. geol. EeicJisanstalt, No. 16, pp. 369371, 1876. [636 STEINMANN, G. Microscopische Thierreste aus dem deutschen Kohlenkalke (Foraminiferen und Spongien). Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxxn. pp. 394401, 1880. (1 pi.) [637 STEINMANN, G. Mikroskopische Thierreste aus dem deutschen Kohlenkalke (Foraminiferen und Spongien). Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesells. 1880, p. 394, pi. xix. [638 STEINMANN, G. Die Foraminiferengattung Nummoloculina. Neues Jahrb. fur Min., d-c., Jahrg. 1881, p. 31, pi. n. [639 STOHR, E. Bericht iiber die Tripoli- Schichten auf Sicilien. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesells. Vol. xxix. pp. 638 643, 1877. [640 STOLICZKA, F. Cretaceous Fauna of S. India, Vol. iv. Bhizopoda or Forami- nifera, pp. 61, 62. Mem. GeoL Survey India, 1872, 3. (1 pi.) [641 30 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifem. STUDER, TH. Ueber Foraminiferen aus der Alpinen Kreide. Mittheil. naturf. Ges. Bern, 1869, pp. 177179. [643 SUESS, E. Ueber das Vorkommen von Tuseulinen in den Alpen. Verhand. geol. Ges. Wien, 1870, pp. 4, 5; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxvi. p. 3, 1870. [643 TERQUEM, O. Rechercb.es sur les Foraminiferes de 1'etage moyen et de 1'etage inferieur du Lias. 54 pp. 8vo. Metz, 1862. (Extr. des Mem. de VAcad. de Metz.) [644 TERQUEM, O. Troisieme m^moire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias des departements de la Moselle, de la Cote-d'Or, du Bhdne, de la Vienne et du Calvados. 82 pp. avec plancbes. 8vo. Metz, 1863. [645 TERQUEM, 0. Quatrieme m6moire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias ; comprenant les polymorphines des departements de la Moselle, de la Cote-d'Or et de Flndre. Avec planches, pp. 233308. 8vo. Metz, 1865. [646 TERQUEM, 0. Cinquieme memoire sur les Foraminiferes du Lias des departe- ments de la Moselle, de la Cote-d'Or et de 1'Indre, avec un apergu stratigraphique et P^trologique des environs de Nohaut. 146 pp. 4 pi. 8vo. Metz, 1866. [647 TERQUEM, 0. Sixieme memoire sur les Foraminiferes du lias des d6partements de 1'Indre et de la Moselle. 81 pp. 4 pi. 8vo. Metz, 1866. [648 TERQUEM, 0. Premier memoire sur les Foraminiferes du systSme oolithique. Etude du fullers-earth de la Moselle, pp. 1 138 ; pi. 1 8. 8vo. Metz, 1868. [649 TERQUEM, 0. Deuxieme rn6moire sur les Foraminiferes du systeme oolithique, zone a Ammonites Parkinsoni, de la Moselle, pp. 140 149 ; pi. 9 21. 8vo. Metz, 1871. [650 TERQUEM, 0. Quatrieme memoire (2e serie) sur les Foraminiferes du systeme oolithique, comprenant les genres Polymorphina, Guttulina, Spiroloculina, Trilocu- lina et Quinqueloculina, de la zone a Ammonites Parkinsoni, de Fontoy (Moselle). pp. 277338; pi. 3037. 8vo. Paris, 1875. [651 TERQUEM, O. Becherches sur les Foraminiferes du Bajocien de la Moselle. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. iv. pp. 477500, 1876. (3 pi.) [652 TERQUEM, 0. Observations sur 1' etude des Foraminiferes. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. rv. pp. 506509, 1876. (1 pi.) [653 TERQUEM, 0. Les Foraminiferes etc. du pliocene sup6rieur de 1'Ile de Bhodes. Me-m. Soc. Geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. i. (Mem. in.) pp. 180, 1877. (9 pi.) [654 TERQUEM, 0. Observations sur les Foraminiferes du bassin tertiaire parisien. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 249251, 1879. [655 TERQUEM, 0. Observations sur quelques Foraminiferes des epoques primaires (Placopsilina, etc.). Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. vm. pp. 414 418, 1880. (1 pi.) [656 TERQUEM, 0. Note sur la communication de M. Berthelin (sur la Placentuld). Bull. Soc. geol. de France, Ser. 2, Vol. xi. pp. 39 42, 1883. [657 TERQUEM, 0. Les Foraminiferes de 1'eocene des environs de Paris. Mem. .Soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. n. 197 pp. 20 pi. 1883. [658 TERQUEM, 0. Observation sur une communication de M. Munier-Chalm.as [sur quelques genres de foraminiferes] (Miliolides). Bull. Soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 13, 14, 1883. [659 TERQUEM, 0. Sur un nouveau genre de Foraminiferes du Fuller's earth de la Moselle (Epistomina). Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 3739, 1883. (1 pi.) [660 TERQUEM, 0. and BERTHELIN, G. Etude microscopique des marnes du lias moyen d'Essey-les-Nancy, zone inferieure de 1'assise a Ammonites margaritatus. Mem. Soc. geol. France, Ser. 2, Vol. x. mem. 3, pis. xi xx. 1875. [66 1 TERQUEM, 0. Essai sur le classement des animaux qui vivent sur la plage et dans les environs de Dunkerque. l er fasc. 1875, pp. 1 54, pis. i vi. ; 2 me fasc. 1876, pp. 55 100, pis. vn. xii.; 3 me fasc. 1881, pp. 101152, pis. xm. xvn. [662 PROTOZOA. C. Foraminifera. 31 TERQUEM, 0. Cinquieme me'moire sur les Foraminiferea du systeme oolithiqne, pp. 339406, pis. xxxviii. XLV. Paris, 1883. . [663 TERRIGI, G. I Eizopodi fossili o Foraminiferi dei terreni terziarii di Roma, studiati nelle sabbie gialle plioceniche. Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. faso. x. xn. 1876. [664 TERRIGI, G. Sulla fauna microscopica del calcare zancleano di Palo. Atti dell' Reale Accad. Lincei, Ser. 3, Vol. vi. 1882. [665 THOMSON, C. WYVILLE. Preliminary Notes on the nature of the sea-bottom procured by the soundings of H.M.S. Challenger. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxn. pp. 423, 428; Vol. xxxni. pp. 32, 49, 1874. (3 pi.) Nature, Vol. x. pp. 142, 144 ; Vol. xi. pp. 95, 97, 116, 119, 1874. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. xv. pp. 65, 71, 1875. [666 THURMANN, J. and GALLON, A. Lethaea Bruntrutana, ou etudes paleonto- logiques et stratigraphiques sur le Jura Bernois et en particulier les environs de Porrentruy. Partie 1. 4to. Zurich, 1861. [667 TOULA, Dr F. Die Tiefen der See Ein Vortrag. 12mo. (1 pi.) Vienna, 1875. [668 TOULA, Dr F. Die Tiefsee-Untersuchungen und ihre wichtigsten Eesultate. Mittheil. d. geogr. Gesell. in Wien, Jahrg. 1875, No. 2. Plate and map. 1875. [669 TOURNOUER, E. Sur des Nummulites et une nouvelle espece d'Echinide trouvees dans le "miocene inferieur" ou "oligocene moyen" des environs de Paris. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 2, Vol. xxvi. pp. 974982, 1869. (publ. sep.) 9 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1870. [670 TUTE, J. S. Organisms in Carboniferous Flint or Chert. Science Gossip, August, 1874, p. 188. [671 UHLIG, Dr V. Die Jurabildungen in der Umgebung von Brfinn. Mojsisovics und Neumayr's Beitrdge zur Pakeont. von Oesterreich-Ungarn, Vol. i. pp. Ill 182, pis. xin. xvi. Vienna, 1881. [672 UHLIG, V. Ueber einige oberjurassische Foraminiferen mit agglutinirender Schale. Neues Jahrb. f. Miner. Geol. etc. Vol. i. pp. 152155, 1882. [673 UHLIG, V. Ueber Foraminiferen aus dem rjasarischen Ornatenthone. Jahrb. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. Wien, Vol. xxxin. pp. 735 744, 1883. (3 pi.) [674 VASSEUR, G. Sur les terrains tertiaires de la Bretagne. [Genus, Archiacina. Mun.-Chal.] Comptes Rendus, Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 10481050. 1878. [675 VASSEUR, G. Eecherches geologiques sur les Terrains tertiaires de la France occidentale Stratigraphie. Ann. des Sci. geol. Vol. xin. pp. 1 431, 1880. [676 VINE, G. E. Foraminifera from Shetland. Science Gossip, Vol. xiv. p. 51, 1878. [677 VORCE, C. M. On Cleaning Foraminifera. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journal, Vol. i. p. 24, 1880. [678 VUTSKITR, GYORGY. A nummulite krol ^Italaban kiilonos tekintettel erdely nummulitjeire. Kolosvart. 8vo. 86 pp. 2 pi. 1883. [679 WALLER, EDWARD. Eeport on the Foraminifera obtained from the Shetland Seas. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1867. Eeports, pp. 441447, 1868. [680 WALLER, EDWARD. Eeport on the Shetland Foraminifera for 1868. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1868. Eeports, pp. 340, 341, 1869. [68 1 WALLICH, G. C. Deep-sea researches on the biology of Globigerina. 8vo. London, 1876. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 245, 246, 1876. ' [682 WALLICH, G. C. On Rupertia stabilis, a new form of sessile Foraminifer from the North Atlantic. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xrx. pp. 501 505, 1877. (Ipl.) [683 WALLICH, G. C. On the Fundamental Error of constituting Gromia the Type of Foraminiferal Structure. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xrx. pp. 158 174, 1877. [684 WATERS, A. W. Eemarks on Fossils from Oberburg, Styria. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxx. pp. 339341, 1874. [685 32 PROTOZOA. D. Heliozoa. WATERS, A. W. Quelques roches des Alpes vaudoises etudiees au microscope. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xvi. p. 593, pi. xxiv. 1879. [686 WHITE, C. A. and ST JOHN, O. H. Description of new Subcarboniferous and Coal-Measure Fossils collected upon the Geological Survey of Iowa. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci. Vol. i. pp. 115-127, 1867. [687 WHITE, Dr C. A. Note on Endothyra ornata. Proc. U.S. National Mus. for 1879, p. 291. [688 WHITEAVES, J. F. Notes on a Deep-sea Dredging Expedition round tbe Island of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St Lawrence (Foraminifera, Polycystina, Spongida, Coelenterata, Annelida, Polyzoa, Tunicata). Canadian Naturalist, Vol. vn. pp. 86 100, 1875. [689 WHITEAVES, J. F. On recent Deep-sea Dredging Operations in the Gulf of St Lawrence (Foraminifera, Sponges, Actinozoa, Polyzoa). Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, March, 1874. Canadian Naturalist, Vol. vn. pp. 257267, 1875. [690 WILSON, E. On the occurrence of Foraminifera in the Carboniferous Limestone of Derbyshire. Midland Naturalist, Vol. ra. pp. 220, 221, 1880. [691 WINTHEB, G. Fortegnelse over de i Danmark levende Foraminiferer. Natur. Tidsskr. Ser. 3, Vol. rx. pp. 100132, 1874. [692 WILLIAMSON, W. C. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Foraminifera. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. iv. pp. 171179, 1865. (1 pi.) [693 WRIGHT, E. PERCEVAL. Notes on a small collection of Foraminifera from the Seychelles. Proc. Eoy. Irish Acad. N. S. Vol. n. pp. 586588, 1876 (1877). [694 WRIGHT, E. P. Notes on Foraminifera (from the Seychelles and from Cagliari). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 4044, 1877. [695 WRIGHT, J. A list of the Cretaceous Microzoa of the North of Ireland. Trans. Belfast Nat. Field Club, pp. 7399, 1875. (2 pi.) [696 WRIGHT, J. Foraminifera from Strangford Lough. Rep. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 187677. [697 WRIGHT, J. Eecent Foraminifera of Down and Antrim. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1876-7. Appendix. [698 WRIGHT, J. Eecent and Fossil Foraminifera of Ireland. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, p. 22, 1878. [699 WRIGHT, J. A List of Eecent Foraminifera obtained during the Belfast Natu- ralists' Field Club's Excursion to S. Donegal, August, 1880. Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 1880-1. App. pp. 179187. (1 pi.) [700 YOUNG, J. and J. ARMSTRONG. The Fossils of the Carboniferous Strata of the West of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. iv. p. 267, 1873. [701 YOUNG, JOHN. On the occurrence of Saccammina Carteri in the Limestone series of the Lanarkshire Coalfield. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. iv. p. 263, 1875. [702 ZITTEL, Dr K. A. Die obere Nummulitenformation in Ungarn. Sitzungsb. d. k. AU. Wiss. Wien, Vol. XLVI. p. 353, 1862. (2 pi.) [703 D. Heliozoa. ARCHER, WM. On some Freshwater Ehizopoda, New or Little-known. Fasc. II. On Amphizonella vestita (sp. nov.), Acanthocystis spinifera (Greef), and Plagio- phrys sphserica (Clap, et Lachm.). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xi. pp. 107151, 1871. (2 pi.) [704 ARCHER, WM. Eesum6 of Eecent Contributions to our Knowledge of Freshwater Ehizopoda, I. Heliozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvi. pp. 283 308, pp. 348 376, 1876. Vol. xvn. pp. 67 80, 1877. (2 pi.) [705 ARCHER, WM. A Ehizopod new to Britain (Plagiophrys spheerica). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. xi. p. 101, 1871. [706 ARCHER, WM. Description of a new Actinophrys. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. vin. pp. 6972, 1868. [707 PROTOZOA. D. Heliozoa. 33 BRANDT, KARL. Ueber die Axenfaden der Heliozoen und die Bewegungen von Actinosphcerium. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturf. Fr. zu Berlin, pp. 171177, 1878. [ 7o8 . CATTANEO, G. Sull' anatomia e fisiologia dell' Acanthocystis flava (Greeff). Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xxn. pp. 4663, 1879. (1 pi.) Studj fatti nel Lab. , Pavia, 1879. [709 CIENKOWSKI, L. Ueber die Clathrulina, eine neue Actinophryen-Gattung. Arch, mikrosk. Anat. Vol. in. pp. 311 316, 1867. [710 CLARK, H. JAMES. On Actinophrys. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. pp. 282284,1863(1865). [711 CLARK, H. J. On the cellular structure of Actinophrys Eichornii. Amer. Journ. Sci. Vol. xxxvm. pp. 331, 332, 1864. [712 Cox, J. D. Some Phenomena in the Conjugation of Actinophrys sol. Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. (Cincinnati). Vol. xxx. pp. 105115, 1881 (1882). Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 183 189, 1881. [713 EVARTS, H. C. Notes on Actinosphcerium Eichornii. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 4143, 1880. [714 FOCKE, G. WOLDEMAR, Ueber schalenlose Eadiolarien des siissen Wassers. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 345 358, 1868. (1 pi.) [715 FOCKE, G. W. On Naked Fresh-water Badiolaria. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. ix. pp. 6775, 1869. (3 fig.) [716 FOULKE, S. G. Observations on Actinosphcerium Eichornii. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 125, 1883. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xn. pp 206208,1883. [7,7 FRITSCH, . Die Eesultate einer Untersuchung des Hrn. K. Brandt iiber die Fortpflanzung von Actinosphcerium Elclihornii, St. Sitzungsber. d. naturf. Fr., Berlin, 1877. [718 FULLAGAR, J. On the development of Actinophrys sol. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. iv. pp. 105109, 1876. (2 pi.) Note, ibid. Vol. iv. pp. 135, 1876. [719 GREEFF, B. Ueber Actinophrys Eichornii und einen neuen Siisswasserrhizo- poden, besonders in Riicksicht auf Theilbarkeit derselben resp. Vermehrung durch kiinstliche Theilung. Arch, mikrosk. Anat. Vol. n. pp. 396 403, 1867. [720 GREEFF, B. Ueber Badiolarien und radiolarienartige Bhizopoden des siissen Wassers. Arch, mikrosk. Anat. Vol. v. pp. 464 505, 1869. [721 GREEFF, B. Ueber die Actinophryen oder Sonnenthierchen des siissen Wassers als echte Badiolarien, zur Familie der Acanthometriden gehorig. Sitzungsb. Niederrhein. Ges. Bonn, 1871. pp. 4 6. [722 GREEFF, B. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Actinophryen. Sitzungsb. Niederrh. Ges. Bonn, 1871. pp. 79. [723 GRENACHER, H. Bemerkungen iiber Acanthocystis viridis, Ehrb. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 289296, 1869. (1 pi.) [724 GRENACHER, H. Ueber Actinophrys sol; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Siiss- wasser-Badiolarien. Verh. phys. med. Ges. Wurzburg, Vol. i. pp. 166 178, 1869. Zeitsch. ges. Natunv. Vol. i. pp. 243245, 1870. [725 GRIMM, 0. Ueber eine neue Siisswasser-Badiolarie (Blaster Greejfii). Arch, mikrosk. Anat. Vol. vm. pp. 531 534, 1872. [726 GRUBER, AUG. Beobachtungen an Actinophi'ys sol. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 423426, 1882. [727 GRUBER, A. Dimorpha nutans. Eine Mischform von Flagellaten und Heliozoen. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 445 458, 1882. (1 pi.) [728 GRUBER, A. Bemerkungen iiber die Kerne von Actinosphffirium und Amoeba proteus. Biol. Centralbl. Vol. m. pp. 542, 543, 1883. [729 HERTWIG, B. Development of Acanthocystis. (Abstr. by Wm. Archer). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvm. pp. 205 208, 1878. [730 LEIDY, J. On Actinophrys sol. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 23, 24, 1875. [73 j T. 3 34 PROTOZOA. E. Eadiolaria. LEIDY, J. Apparent Discriminative Power in the Selection of Food by a Helio- zoon (Acanthocystis spinifera). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 291, 292, 1877 (1878). [732 LEIDY, J. A Social Heliozoan (Rhaphidiophrys socialis). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 95, 1883. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xn. pp. 209, 210, 1883. [733 LEIDY, J. On Actinosphcerium Eichhornii. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1832, pp. 260262. [734 Eecent Researches on Heliozoa. (Abstr. of papers by Maggi and Cattaneo. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. pp. 205207, 1882. [735 SCHNEIDEK, ANT. Bemerlumgen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Eadiolarien. (Actinophrys). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pp. 579, 580, 1874. [736 SCHOCH, G. Ueber einige Siisswasser-Eadiolarien und die Stellung der Kadio- larien in der Classe der Ehizopoden. Zurich Vierteljahrsschr. Vol. xin. pp. 281 285, 1868. [737 SCHULTZE, F. E. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung von Actinosphterium Eichhornii. Arch. f. microsc. Anat. Vol. x. pp. 328350. (1 pi.) Rhaphidiophrys pallida, ibid. pp. 377400. (2 pi.) 1874. [73^ TATEM, J. G. On a presumed phase of Actinophryan Life. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vn. pp. 169, 170, 1872. (1 pi.) [739 WALLEB, J. G. Observations on the Conjugation of Actinophrys sol. Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. n. pp. 9398, 1871. [74 1 E. Radiolaria. BKOECK, E. VAN DEN. Preparation des Polycystines. Bull. soc. Beige de Microsc. Vol. iv. pp. ccxxxv ccxxxvm. 1877, 78. [742 BUTSCHLI, 0. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Eadiolarienskelette, insbesondere der der Cyrtida. Zeitschr. f. ivissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 485540, 1882. (3 pi.) (Abstr.) Journ. Hoy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. p. 205, 1882. [743 CABBUTHEBS, W. On Traquairia, a Eadiolarian Ehizopod from the Coal- measures. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1872, p. 126, 1873. [744 CABBUTHEBS, W. On a Eadiolarian Ehizopod from the Coal-measures. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xii. pp. 397, 398, 1872. [745 CIENKOWSKI, L. Ueber Schwarmerbildung bei Eadiolarien. Archiv mikrosk. Anat. Vol. vn. pp. 372381, 1871. [74$ CIENKOWSKI, L. On the Production of Spores in the Eadiolaria. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xi. pp. 396403, 1871. (1 pi.) [747 DANA, JAMES D. On two Oceanic Species of Protozoa related to the Sponges. (Sphccrozoum, Collosphcera). Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 2, Vol. xxxv. pp. 386396, 1863. (fig.) [748 DANA, JAMES D. On two Oceanic Species of Protozoans related to the Sponges. (Spluerozoum and Collosphcera). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 54, 55, 1863. (2 fig.) [749 DONITZ, W. Beobachtungen iiber Eadiolarien. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), pp. 7182, 1871. (1 pi.) [75o DONITZ, W. Ueber neue Entwicklungsstadien von Eadiolarien und iiber die Bildung ihrer Alveolen. Sitzungsb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1870, pp. 71, 72. [751 DUNCAN, P. M. On a Eadiolarian (Aulosphara Pourtalesii), and some Micro- spongida from considerable depths in the Atlantic Ocean. J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 173179, 1881. (1 pi.) [752 v. DUNIKOWSKI, E. Die Spongien, Eadiolarien und Foramiiiiferen der unterlias- sischen Schichten vom Schafberg bei Salzburg (n. gen. Eadiolaria, Spongocystis, Triactinosphcera). 34 pp. 6 pi. 4to. Wien, 1882. Denkschr. d.k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Wien, Vol. XLV. pp. 163194, 1882. [753 PROTOZOA. E. Radiolaria. 35 EHRENBERG, C. G. Ueber massenhafte Gesteinsproben des Polycistinenmergels von Barbados. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. d. naturf. Fr., Berlin, p. 19, 1873. [754 EHRENBERG, C. G. Fortsetzung der mikrogeologischen Studien als Gesammt- Uebersicht der mikroscopischen Palaeontologie gleichartig analysirter Gebirgsarten der Erde, mit specieller Eiicksicht auf den Polycistinen-Mergel von Barbados. 225 pp. 30 pi. 4to. Berlin, 1875. Abhandl. d. konigl. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin, Phys. Cl., pt. 1, pp. 1168, 1875 (1876). [755 GEDDES, P. On the Nature and Functions of the ' Yellow Cells ' of Kadiolarians and Coelenterates. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. pp. 378396, 1882. (Abstr.) Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xxm. pp. 328, 329, 1882. [756 GEDDES, P. Sur la nature et sur les fonctions des ' cellules jaunes ' des Eadio- laires et des Coelenteres. Archives de Zool. exper. et gener. Vol. x. pp. xxviii. xxx. 1882. [757 GREEF, E. Ueber Eadiolarien und radiolarienartige Ehizopoden des siissen Wassers. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. Marburgs, pp. 47 49, 1873 (n. gen. Astro- coccus, Chondropus, Elceochanis, Heliophrys, Pinaciophora, Sphcerastrum). Arch.f. rnikrosk. Anat. Vol. xi. pp. 132, 1874. (2 pi.) [758 H^CKEL, ERNST. Die Eadiolarien. Eine Monographic, xiv 572 pp., 35 pi. Fol. Berlin, 1862. [759 H^ECKEL, E. Monographic des Eadiolaires (Ehizopodes radiaires). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LV. pp. 909911, 1862. [760 H^ECKEL, E. Monographic des Eadiolaires. (Abstr.) Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 233240, 1863. [761 ILECKEL, ERNST. Amylum in den gelben Zellen der Eadiolarien. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. v. pp. 527531, 1870. [762 H^CKEL, E. Eadiolarien und Tiefsee-Medusen der Challenger-Expedition. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturf. Fr. Berlin, pp. 67, 68, 1881. [763 ELECKEL, ERNST. Entwurf eines Eadiolarien- Systems auf Grund von Studien der Challenger-Eadiolarien. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xv. pp. 418 472, 1882. [764 HJECKEL, E. Ueber die Ordnungen der Eadiolarien. Sitz. Jen. Ges. Med. u. Naturw. 19 pp. 1883, [765 HERTWIG, EICHARD. Zur Histologie der Eadiolarien. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Sphserozoiden und Thalassicolliden. 5 pi. 4to. Leipzig, 1876. [766 HERTWIG, EICH. Der Organismus der Eadiolarien. iv. 149 pp., 10 pi. 4to. Jena, 1879. Denkschr. d. med. naturw. Gesellsch., Jena. Vol. n. pp. 125278, 1880. [767 HERTWIG, E. Ueber die Organisation der Eadiolarien. Jen. Zeitsch. Vol. xn. pp. L LIX. 1878. [768 MACDONALD, J. DENIS. On the Structure and Eelationships of the Simple or Nucleated, and the Compound or Punctate Forms of Thalassicollida. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. ix. pp. 147 149, 1869. (1 pi.) [769 MACDONALD, J. D. Examination of Deep-sea Soundings ; with Eemarks on the Habit and Structure of the Polycistina. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vm. pp. 224227, 1871. [770 MIVART, ST GEORGE. Notes touching Eecent Eesearches on the Eadiolaria. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 136186, 1877 (1879). (16 fig.) [771 OWEN, SAMUEL E. J. On the Surface-fauna of mid-Ocean. I. On Polycistina and Allied Ehizopods. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. vui. pp. 202205, 1865. [772 PANTANELLI, DANTE. I diaspri della Toscana e i loro fossili (Eadiolaria). Atti d. R. Accad. dei Lincei, Roma. Ser. 3, Mem. Cl. sci. fis. etc. Vol. vm. pp. 35 66, 1880. (Ipl.) [773 PANTANELLI, D. Eadiolarie dei Diaspri. Atti della Soc. Toscana sci. nat. (proc, verb.) p. 58, 1880. [774 PANTANELLI, D. Eadiolarie nei Calcari. Atti della Soc. Toscana sci. nat. (proc. verb.) pp. Ill, 112, 1880. [775 32 36 PROTOZOA. F. ttathyUus and Coccoliths. PANTANELLI, D., E DE STEFANI. Eadiolarie di Santa Barbara in Calabria. Atti della Soc. Toscana sci.nat. (proc. verb.) pp. 59, 60, 1880. [776 EOTHPLETZ, . Eadiolarien, Diatomaceen und Spliarosomatiten im silurischen Kieselschiefer von Langenstriegis in Sachsen. Zeitsclir. d. deutsch. geol. Geselhch. Vol. xxxn. pp. 447467, 1880. (1 pi.) [777 SCHNEIDER, ANT. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Eadiolarien. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. DuBois), pp. 509 511, 1867. [778 SCHNEIDER, A. Zur Kenntniss der Eadiolarien. Zeitschr. /. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 505512, 1871. (5 figs.) [779 STOKES, T. G. On Polycistina off the Orkneys. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. n. p. 307, 1862. [780 STOHR, EMIL. Die Eadiolarienfauna der Tripoli von Grotte, Provinz Girgeni in Sicilien. Palceontographica, Vol. xxvi. pt. 4, pp. 69124, 1880. (7 pi.) [781 STUART, ALEX. Ueber Coscinosphcera ciliosa, eine neue Eadiolarie. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvi. pp. 328345, 1865. (1 pi.) [782 STUART, ALEX. Neapolitanische Studien (Radiolaria, &c.). Gottinger Nach- richten, pp. 99 103, 1870. [783 STUART, A. Entwickelung von Collozoum inerme. (Abstr.) Zeitschr. f. wis- sensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. p. 290, 1872. ., [784 WALLICH, G. C. On the Structure and Affinities of Polycystina. Trans. Microsc. Soc. Lond. Vol. xin. pp. 5784, 1865. [785 WALLICH, G. C. Observations on the Thalassicollidce. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. in. pp. 97102, 1869. [786 WALLICH, G. C. On the Eadiolaria as an Order of the Protozoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 267281, pp. 368382, 1878. (1 pi.) [787 WALLICH, G. C. Note on the Detection of Polycystina within the hermetically- closed Cavities of certain Nodular Flints. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xn. pp. 52, 23, 1883. [788 WILLIAMSON, W. C. On the Supposed Eadiolarians and Diatoms of the Carbon- iferous Eocks. Eep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1878, pp. 534, 564, 1879. [789 ZITTEL, K. A. Ueber einige fossile Eadiolarien aus der norddeutschen Kreide. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxvm. pp. 7586, 1876. [790 F. G. H. Doubtful Forms ascribed to Rhizopoda. F. Bathybius and Coccoliths. BESSELS, E. Memorandum of the more important discoveries of the American North-Pole Expedition : Protobathybius, p. 546. Ann. Rep. of the Secy, of the Navy, Washington, 1873. Nature, ix. p. 405, 1874. Jen. Zeitschr., Vol. ix. p. 277, 1875. [791 BESSELS, E. Protobathybius. Die amcrikanische N or dpol- Expedition 1879. p. 321. [792 CARTER, H. J. On Melobesia unicellularis, better known as the Coccolith. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. vn. pp. 184189, 1871. [792^ HAECKEL, E. Beitrage zur Plastiden-Theorie. No. 2. Bathybius und das freie Protoplasma der Meerestiefen. Jen. Zeitschr. f. Naturg. Vol. v. pp. 499 519, 1870. (1 Pl) [793 HAECKEL, E. Bathybius und die Moneren. Kosmos. Vol. i. pp. 293 317, 1877. [794 HUXLEY, T. H. On some Organisms living at great depths in the North Atlantic Ocean. (Bathybius, n.g., Coccoliths, Coccospheres). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. xvi. pp. 203212, 1868. (1 pi.) [795 HUXLEY, T. H. Notes from the Challenger (Bathybius, &c.). Nature, Vol. xii. pp. 315, 316, 1875. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. xv. pp. 390392, 1875. [796 PROTOZOA. G. Eozoon. 37 PACKARD, A. S., jr. Life-Histories of the Protozoa. I. Monera. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. vin. pp. 728736, 1874. (See also 'Life-Histories of Animals, . Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. i. pp. 113, 114, 1871. [968 CLATJS, C. Bemerkungen zur Lehre von der Einzelligkeit der Infusorien. Verhandl. d. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, Vol. xxiv. pp. 2536, 1874. [969 COHN, FERD. Verhalten der griinen mikroskopischen Pflanzeii und Thiere zum Lichte. Jahrb. Schles. Gesellsch. Breslau, Vol. XLI. pp. 102105, 1863. [970 COHN, F. Neue Infusorien im Seeaquarium. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvi. pp. 253 302, 1866. (2pl.) [971 COHN, F. Ueber die Gesetze der Bewegung microscopischer Thiere und Pflanzen unter Einfluss des Lichtes. Jahresb. Schlesw. Gesellsch. Vol. XLII. pp. 35, 36, 1864. Deutsch. Naturf. Ber. Vol. XL. pp. 219222, 1865. [972 COHN, F. The Laws of the Movements in Plants and Animals, while under the Influence of Light. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. vu. pp. 256 260, 1867. [973 COSTE, J. C. V. Developpement des Infusoires ciliees dans une maceration de foin. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 240 247, 1864. Comptes rendus, Vol. LIX. pp. 149155, 1864. [974 COSTE, J. C. V. Developpement des infusoires ciliees. Response aux observations de M. Pouchet. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIX. pp. 358363, 1864. [975 Cox, J. D. Multiplication by Fission in Stentor miilleri. Amer. Natur. Vol. x. pp. 275278, 1876. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xvi. pp. 201203, 1876. [976 CUTTER, EPHRAIM. Rhizopods (Asthmatos ciliaris) a cause of disease. Vir- ginia Medical Monthly, Nov. 1878. [977 DALLINGER, W. H., and J. DRYSDALE. Eesearches on the Life-History of a Cercomoiiad; Lesson in Biogenesis. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. x. pp. 53 58, 1873. [978 DALLINGER, W. H., and J. DRYSDALE. Further Eesearches into the Life-History of the Monads. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. x. pp. 245249, 1873. Vol. xi. pp. 710, 6974, 97 103, 1874. Vol. xn. pp. 261269, 1874. Vol. xm. pp. lb'5 197, 1875. [979 DAVIS, JOHN. On a new Species of Cothurnia (C. corrugata). J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 653655, 1879. (1 pl.) [980 DAVIS, J. E. A Piece of Weed, and something on it (Salpingceca, n. sp.). Norther it Microscopist, Vol. i. p. 3, 1881. [981 DEBY, JULIEN. Note sur un Infusoire nouveau pour la faune Beige (Lembus velifer, Cohn). Bull. Soc. Beige de Microsc. Vol. iv. pp. lv. Iviii. 187778. [982 DESGOUTTES, . Observations de la mode de fecondation dans YAmphileptus fasciola. Compt. rend, de VAcad. des sci. Paris, Vol. LIX. pp. 462, 463, 1864. [983 DIESING, K. M. Revision der Protelminthen. Abtheilung Mastigophora. Sitz- ungsber. d. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, Vol. LII. pp. 287401, 1865. [984 PROTOZOA. I. Infusoria. 45 DIESING, K. M. Do. Abtheilung Amastigen. Ibid. Vol. LIT. pp. 505579, 1865. Vol. LIII. pp. 49144, 1866. [985 DoDEL-PoRT, A. Infusorien als Befruchtungsvermittler bei Florideen. Kosmos, Vol. v. pp. 182190, 1879. (Abstr.) Nature, Vol. xx. p. 463, 1879. [986 DODEL-PORT, A. On the Fertilization of Ked Sea-Weeds by Animalcula. Zoologist, pp. 393 402, 1879. [987 DONITZ, W. Ueber Noctiluca miliaris, Sur. Arch.f. Anat. (Eeich. u. du Bois), pp. 137149, 1868. (1 pi.) [988 DONITZ, W. Ueber Noctiluca miliaris. Erwiderung an Hrn. Prof. V. Carus, Max Schultze's Archiv, pp. 351, 352, 1868. Ibid. pp. 750754, 1868. [989 DONNE, AL. De la generation spontanee des moisissures vegetales et des ani- malcules infusoires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXIII. pp. 301305, 1866. [990 DONNE", AL. Sur la generation spontanee des animalcules infusoires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXIII. pp. 1072, 1073, 1866. [991 DUBOIS-EEYMOND, E. Bemerkungen, betreffend den oben (S. 180) befindlichen Aufsatz des Hrn. Mecznikow iiber den Stiel der Vorticellen. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich. u. Du Bois), pp. 406411, 1863. [99 2 DUNCKER, H. C. Ueber BlcpJwrisma lateritia. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. p. 260, 1879. [993 EBERHARD, E. Abhandlung iiber die Infusorienwelt. Oster-Programm d. Real- schule zu Coburg, 1862. [994 EBERHARD, E. Beitrag zur Lehre von der geschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung der Infusorien. Zcitschr. f. icissensch. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 120 123, 1868. [995 EBERHARD, E. On the Sexual Eeproduction of the Infusoria. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. viu. pp. 155158, 1868. [996 EBERTH, Jos. Ueber ein neues Infusorium im Darm verschiedener Vogel. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xi. pp. 98, 99, 1862. [997 EHRENBERG, C. G. Ueber Drepanidium pectijiatum. Bonplandia, p. 317, 1861. [998 EHRENBERG, C. G. Die das Funkeln und Aufblitzen des Mittelmeeres bewir- kenden unsichtbar kleinen Lebensformen. Festschr. naturf. Freunde, Berlin, 1873. [999 ENGELMANN, T. W. Zur Naturgeschichte der Infusionsthiere. Zeitschr. f. icissensch. Zool. Vol. xi. pp. 347393, 1862. (4 pi.) [1000 ENGELMANN, T. W. Contributions to the Natural History of the Infusoria. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. x. pp. 241261, 1862. (1 pi.) [1001 ENGELMANN, T. W. Ueber die Vielzelligkeit von Noctiluca. Zeitschr. f. wis- sensch. Zool. Vol. xii. pp. 564566, 1863. [1002 ENGELMANN, T. W. Ueber Entwickelung und Fortpflanzung von Infusorien. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. i. pp. 573635, 1876. (2 pi.) [1003 ENGELMANN, T. W. Sur le deVeloppement des Infusoires. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. xxxiii. xxxviii. 1876. [1004 ENGELMANN, T. W. Zur Physiologic der contractilen Vacuolen der Infusorien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 121, 122, 1878. Onderzoek. Physiol. Lab. Utrecht, Vol. m. pp. 123, 124, 1879. [1005 ENTZ, GEZA. Ueber einige Infusorien des Salzteiches zu Szamosfalva. Terme- szetrazii fusetek. Vol. m. p. 219, 1879. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. p. 423, 1879. [1006 ENTZ, GEZA. Ueber die Natur der " Chlorophyllkorperchen" niederer Thiere. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. i. pp. 646650, 1881-2. (Hydra, Bonellia, Infusoria.) [1007 EVERTS, ED. Untersuchungen an Vorticella nebulifera. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxin. pp. 592622, 1873. (1 pi.) [1008 EVERTS, E. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Opalinen uit het darmkanaal van Batrachiers (O. discoglossi,n. sp.). Tijdf. nederl. dierk. Vereen. Vol. iv. pp. 9296, 1879. [1009 46 PROTOZOA. I. Infusoria. EYFERTH, B. Die mikroskopischen Siisswasserbewohner. Braunschweig, 8vo. 1877. [1010 EYFERTH, B. Schizophyten und Flagellaten. Supplement- Heft zu der syste- matischen Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Siisswasserbewohner. pp. in. 22. 2 pL 4to. Braunschweig, 1879. [ion FAMINTZIN, . Action de la lumiere sur les mouvemeiits du Chlamydomonas et Euglena. Bull. Acad. Imp. de St Petersb. Vol. x, pp. 534548, 1866. Ann. Sci. Nat. Vol. vn. pp. 178192, 1867. [1012 POL, HERMANN. Contribution a la connaissance de la famille des Tintinnodea (n. gen., Coniocyclis, Cyttarocyclis). Arch, des Sci. phys. et natur. de Geneve, Vol. v. pp. 524, 1880. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vn. pp. 237250, 1881. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. i. pp. 756759,1881. [1013 FOL, H. Further Contribution to the Knowledge of the Family Tintinnodea. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xn. pp. 7388, 1883. (1 pi.) [1014 FOL, H. Sur la famille des Tintinnodea. Eec. Zool. Suisse, Vol. i. pp. 27 64, 1883. (2 pi.) [1015 FOL, H. Nouvelle contribution a la connaissance de la famille des Tintinnodea,. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Geneve (3), Vol. ix. pp. 555 578, 1883. (1 pi.) [1016 FORREST, H. E. On Carchesium spectabile. Midland Naturalist, Vol. n. p. 204, 1879. [1017 FORREST, H. E. The Natural History and Development of the Vorticellidae . Midland Naturalist, Vol. n. pp. 8589, 109111, 1879. [1018 FOUQUET, D. Note sur une espece d'infusoires parasites des poissons d'eau douce. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. 159164, 1876. (1 pi.) (Ichthyophthirius.) [1019 FRAIPONT, JTJLIEN. Kecherches sur les Acinetiniens de la c5te d'Ostende I. (Ophryodendron,Acineta). Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. XLIV. pp. 770814, 1877. (2 pi.) II. and III. (Acineta, Podophrya.) Ibid. Vol. XLV. pp> 247297. (4 pi.) pp. 475516, 1878. (Extr.) Bull. Soc. Beige de Microsc. Vol. iv. pp. ccxlvii. cclvi. 1877-78. [1020 FRESENIUS, G. Die Infusorien des Seewasseraquariums. Zoolog. Garten, pp. 8189, 121129, 1865. Zeitschr. ges. Naturw. Vol. xxv. pp. 301, 302, 390, 1865. [1021 DE FROMENTEL, E. Etudes sur les microzoaires ou infusoires proprement dits, comprenant de nouvelles recherches sur leur organisation, leur classification, et la description des especes nouvelles ou peu connues. Planches et notes descriptives des especespar J. Jobard-Muteau. ler fascicule, pp. vm. 72. 4to. 10 pi. Paris, 1874. [1022 DE FROMENTEL, E. Do. pp. 73364. 30 pi. 4to. Paris, 1876. [1023 GEDDES, P. Sur une nouvelle sous-classe d'infusoires (Pulsatoria). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 10851087, 1881. [1024 GIGLIOLI, E. H. La fosforescenza del mare, colla descrizione di due nuove Noc- tiluche. Atti delVAccad. Torino, pp. 485505, 1870. [1025 GLASON, S. 0. The Study of Infusoria. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. u. pp. 109111, 1881. [1026 GODET, PAUL. Reproduction des Infusoires. Bull, de la Soc. des Sci. Nat. de Neuchdtel, Vol. vi. pp. 266269, 1862 (1864). [1027 GOURRET, P. Sur les Peridiniens. Ann. Mus. d'hist. nat. Marseille, Vol. i. 114 pp. 4 pi. 1883. [1028 GRASSI, B. Dei Protozoi parassiti, e specialmente di quelli che sono nel Uomo. Gazz. med. Italo-Lomb. Vol. xxxix. p. 445, 1880. [1029 GRASSI, B. Intorno ad alcuni Protisti eiidoparassitici ed appartenenti alle classi dei Flagellati, Lobosi, Sporozoi e Ciliati. Milano. 8vo. 95 pp. 4 pi. 1882. [1030 GREEF, E. Beobachtungen iiber die Fortpflanzung von Infusorien. Sitzungsbcr. Unterrhein. Gesellsch. Bonn, pp. 9092, 1868. [1031 GREEF, B. Ueber den Bau der Vorticellen. Entgegnung an Hrn. Dr Everts in Haag. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. Marburg, pp. 5 20, 1874. [i3 2 PROTOZOA. 7. Infusoria. 47 GREEF, E. Ueber den Ban und die Fortpflanzung der Vorticellen. Zeitschr. f. Paras itenkunde, Vol. in. pp. 96100, 1870. [1033 GREEF, K. Untersuchungen Uber den Bau und die Naturgeschichte der Vorti- cellen. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 353384, 1870, Vol. xxxvn. pp. 185 221, 1871. (5 pi.) [1034 GREEF, E. Investigations upon the Structure and Natural History of the Vorti- cella. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. ix. pp. 105112, 196211, 384 398, 462473, 1872. (5 pi.) [1035 GRIFFITH, W. H. On the Contractile Vesicle of Infusoria. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. iv. pp. 295, 296, 1864. [1036 GRIMM, OSCAR. Ueber Synura Urella, Ehrb., und Uroglena Volvox, Ehrb., und den wahrscheinlichen genetischen Zusammenhang der Catallacten mit den Schwam- men. Gottinger Nachrichten, pp. 539, 540, 1872. [1037 GRUBER, A. Die Haftorgane der Stentoren. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 390, 391, 1878. [1038 GRUBER, AUG. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Protozoen (Acineta, Chilodon, Calcaria). Ber. Verh. naturf. Gesellsch. Freiburg i. Br. Vol. vn. pp. 533 535, 1879. (1 pi.) [1039 GRUBER, A. Vorlaufige Mittheilung uber neue Infusorien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 518, 519, 1879. [1040 GRUBER, A. Neue Infusorien. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxm. pp. 439 466, 1880. (2 pi.) (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. m. pp. 282285, 1880. (2 pi.) [1041 GRUBER, A. Dimorpha nutans, eine Mischforra von Flagellaten und Heliozoen. Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 445458, 1881. [1042 GRUBER, A. Beobachtungen an Chilodon curvidentis. Festschr.d. oQ. Versamml. d. Naturf. in Freiburg, 11 pp. 1 pi. 1883. [1043 H.ECKEL, ERNST. Ueber die Catallacten, eine neue Protisten-Gruppe. (Mago- sphcera planula). Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vi. pp. 1 22, 1871. (1 pl.) [1044 ELaECKEL, ERNST. Zur Morphologie der Infusorien. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vn. pp. 516560, 1873. (2 pl.) [1045 H^ECKEL, ERNST. Ueber einige neue pelagische Infusorien (Dictyocystida, Codonellida). Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vn. pp. 561 568, 1873. [1046 HALLER, G. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Loemopodes filiformes. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxxm. p. 395, 1880. (Notice of parasitic Acinetan. ) [1047 HALLEZ, P. Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Turbellariens. Trav. de VInst. Zool. de Lille, Vol. n. 1879. [Notice of Trichodina mitra.] [1048 HARTOG, M. On an undescribed Acinetan (Podophrya infundibulifera). Proc. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc. Vol. xix. pp. 41, 42, 1880. [1049 HENNEGUY, L. F. Sur un infusoire flagelle, ectoparasite des poissons (Bodo necator, n. sp.). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcvi. pp. 658 660, 1883. Journ. de Micrograph. Vol. vn. pp. 216, 217, 1883. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. pp. 293, 294, 1883. [1050 HENSCHEN, S., and J. A. WALDERSTROM. Balantidium coli. Lfikare foren. Fifth. Vpsala, Vol. ix. p. 579, Vol. x. p. 120, 1875. Nord. Med. Ark. Vol. vn. p. 17, 1875. [1051 HERTWIG, EICH. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Acineten. 64 pp. 2 (4to) pl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. [^52 HERTWIG, EICH. Ueber Podophrya gemmipara, nebst Bemerkungen zum Bau und zur systematischen Stellung der Acineten. Morpliol. Jahrb. Vol. i. pp. 20 82, 1876. (2 pl.) [1053 HERTWIG, E. Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Acinetes. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gene"r. Vol. v. pp. viii. xi. 1876. (Abstr.) [^054 HERTWIG, EICHARD. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Spirochona gem- viipara. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xi. pp. 149187, 1877. (8 pl.) [1053 48 PROTOZOA. /. Infusoria. HERTWIG, EICHAED. Ueber Leptodiscus medusoides, eine neue den Noctilucen verwandte Flagellate. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xi. pp. 307 323, 1877. (2 pi.) [1056 HERTWIG, EICH. Ueber Leptodiscus medusoides. Kosmos, Vol. i. pp. 567 569, 1878. [1057 HERTWIG, K. Sur le Leptodiscus medusoides. (Abstr.) (Noctilucida.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vi. pp. xlii. xlvi. 1877. [1058 HILGARD, T. C. Infusorial Circuit of Generations. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. n. pp. 2025, 8896, 1871. [1059 HILGARD, THEOD. C. Infusorial Circuit of Generations. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vi. pp. 227233, 278284, 1871. [1060 HINCKS, T. On the Protozoon Ophryodendron abietinum, Clap, and Lachm. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xin. pp. 1 9, 1873. (1 pi.) [1061 HUDSON, C. T. On Cephalosiphon and a new Infusorian (Archimedea). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xiv. pp. 165 170, 1875. [1062 HITTTON, F. W. On a new Operculated Infusorian from New Zealand (Cothurnia furcifer). J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. i. pp. 49, 50, 1878. (1 fig.) [1063 HTJTTON, F. W. On a new Infusorian parasitic on Patella argentea (Cothurnia patellce). Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xi. p. 330, 1878. [1064 JACKSON, W. HATCHETT. On a new Peritrichous Infusorian (Cydochata spongillce). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xv. pp. 243 249, 1875. (1 pi.) [1065 JOSEPH, G. Ueber Grotten-Infusorien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 114118, 1879. [1066 KELLICOTT, D. S. Cothurnia lata, n. sp. attached to Diaptomus. Proc. Amer. Soc. Micr. Vol. vi. 1883. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. in. p. 668, 1883. [1067 KENT, W. S. On some New Infusoria from the Victoria Docks (Cothurnia, Euplotes, Acineta). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 289293, 1869. (1 pi.) [1068 KENT, W. SAVILLE. Notes on Prof. James-Clark's Flagellate Infusoria, with Descriptions of New Species. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vi. pp. 261 265, 1871. (Ipl.) [1069 KENT, W. SAVILLE. On a New Field for the Microscopist. Pop. Sci. Review, N. S. Vol. n. pp. 113132, 1878. [1070 KENT, W. SAVILLE. Infusoria as Parasites. Pop. Sci. Review, Ser. 2, Vol. iv. pp. 293 309, 1880. (2 pi ) [1071 KENT, W. SAVILLE. Notes on Marine Infusoria. Trans. Bii-mingham Nat. Hist. Soc. p. 7, 1880. Midland Naturalist, Vol. in. pp. 7376, 101104, 1880. (1 pi.) [1072 KENT, W. SAVILLE. A manual of the Infusoria. 8vo. 3 vols. 913 pp. 48 pi. London, 1881-82. [1073 KENT, W. SAVILLE. Infusoria. What are they? Their Collection and Preserva- tion. Trans. Epping Forest Nat. Field Club, Vol. n. p. 44, 1881. [1074 KLEBS, G. Ueber die Organisation einiger Flagellatengruppen und ihre Bezie- Imngen zu Algen und Infusorien. Biol. Centralbl. Vol. in. pp. 609 617, 1883. [1075 KOCH, G. v. Zwei Acineten auf Plumularia setacea, Ellis. 11 pp. 2 pi. 8vo. Jena, 1876. [1076 KORSCHELT, EUG. Ncue Methode zur Conservirung von Infusorien und Amoeben. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 217219, 1882. [1077 KOWALEVSKY, M. Contributions to the Natural History of the Oxytrichinse (Polish). Physiographische Denkschrift, Warsaiv, Vol. 11. pp. 395411, 1882. (2 pi.) Vide Wrzesniowsky, A. [1078 KRASSILSTSCHICK, J. Zur Naturgeschichte und iiber die systematische Stellung von Chlorogonium euchlorum, Ehr. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 627 634, 1882. (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. m. pp. 223, 224, 1883. [1079 PROTOZOA. /. Infusoria. 49 KRASSILSTSCHICK, J. On the Development and Systematic Position of Polytoma, Ehrb. (Eussian.) Trans. New-Russian Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. vin. 80 pp. 2 pi. 1882. [1080 KBASSILSTSCHIK, J. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte und Systematik der Gattung Polytoma. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 426 429, 612, 1882. [1081 KUNSTLER, J. Contribution a 1'etude des Flagellates. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 602605, 746748, 1881. (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. pp. 62, 63, 1882. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vm. pp. 390, 391, 1881. [1082 KUNSTLER, J. Contributions a 1'etude des flae;ell6s. Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, Vol. vn. pp. 1112, 230236, 1882. (3 pi.) (Abstr.) Kosmos, Vol. xn. pp. 52 54, 1882. [1083 KUNSTLER, E. Beponse a 0. Biitschli (Kunckelia gyrans). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 168171, 1873. [1084 KUNSTLER, J. Becherches sur les infusoires flagelliferes. Compt. Eend. de VAcad. de Paris, Vol. xciv. pp. 1432, 1433, 1882. [1085 KUNSTLER, J. Fiat lux apud Infusoria. Journ. de Microgr. Vol. vn. pp. 637 639, 1883. [1086 KUNSTLER, G. Becherches sur les Infusoires parasites ; sur quinze protozoaires nouveaux. Compt. rend. Vol. xcvn. pp. 755 757, 1883. [1087 LAMBL, W. Ueber parasitische Infusorien. Petersburg, medicin. Zeitung, No. 33, 1875. [1088 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On Saville Kent's Manual of the Infusoria. Nature, Vol. xxvn. pp. 601603, 1883. [1089 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Abstract of a Beport on the Spectroscopic Examination of certain Animal Substances presented to the British Association at Exeter, 1869. (Vorticella.) Journ. of Anat. and Phys. Vol. m. pp. 119129, 1870. [1090 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Bemarks on Opalina and its Contractile Vesicles, on Pachydermon and Annelidan Spermatophores. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. x. pp. 143150, 1870. (1 pi.) [1091 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On Undulina, the type of a New Group of Infusoria. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. xi. pp. 387389, 1871. (4 fig.) [1092 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Blue Stentorin. The Colouring matter of Stentor cceruleus. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. xni. pp. 139 142, 1873. (1 fig.) [1093 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Torquatella typica; a New Type of Infusoria, allied to the Ciliata. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. xix, pp. 272274, 1874. (1 pi.) [1094 LEIDY, J. Notice of some Fresh-water Infusoria (Limnias, Dendrosoma). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 140, 1875. [1095 LEIDY, J. Bemarks on some Parasitic Infusoria (Anoplophrya vermicularis, n. sp.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 259, 260, 1877 (1878). [1096 LEIDY, Jos. On Asthmatos ciliaris. Amer. J. of Med. Sci. p. 85, 1879. [1097 LEIDY, J. A new Infusorian (Pyxicola annulata). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, pp. 252, 253> 1882. (Abstr.) Journ. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. in. p. 77, 1883. [1098 LEIDY, J. On Chilomonas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 198, 1877 (1878). [1099 LEIDY, J. A variety of Stentor. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. p. 616, 1881. [noo LEIDY, J. Bemarks on Pond Life. (Stentor amethystinus.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 156158, 1880. [1101 LEIDY, J. Parasites of the Termites. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Vol. vm. pp. 425447, 1881. [1102 LEUCKART, BUDOLF. Ueber Paramcecium coli, Malmst. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxvii. pp. 81 86, 1861. [1103 LEUCKART, B. On Paramecium (?) Coli. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vm. pp. 437441, 1861. (1 pi.) [1104 T. 4 50 PROTOZOA. /. Infusoria. LEVICK, J. A Tube-dwelling Stentor (S. Barrettii). Midland Naturalist, Vol. ii. pp. 280, 281, 1879, / " ... [1105 LEVICK, J. On Dendrosoma radians. Midland Naturalist, Vol. in. pp. 29 34, 1880. (1 pi.) [n 06 LEWIS, T. E. Flagellated Organisms in the Blood of healthy Eats. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. xxix. pp. 109114, 1878. [1107 LIMBACH, J. Contractile Vacuole of Vorticella. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. ii. pp. 355, 356, 1882. [1108 LINDEMANN, CARL. Zoologische Skizzen. V. Entwickelungsgeschicliten von Chilodon cucullulus und Vorticella. Bull, de la soc. imper. des natural, de Moscow, Vol. xxxvii. (pt. 2) pp. 548560, 1864. (1 pi.) [1109 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. Sull' Urocentrum turbo, Ehr. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. vm. pp. 3742, 1875. [mi MAGGI, L. Contribuzione alia morfologia delle Amphizonelle. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Vol. x. pp. 315323, 1878. (1 pi.) [1112 MAGGI, L. Sulla natura morfologica dei Distigma. Rendic. d. R< 1st. Lombardo, Vol. x. pp. 261266, 1878. [1113 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. La mielina nella diffluenza degli Infusorj. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. ix. pp. 508514, 1876. [1114 MAGGI, LEOPOLDO. Intorno alle Cothurnie parassite delle branchie dei gamberi nostrali. Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. xn. pp. 439 448, 1879. [1115 MAGGI, L. Intorno al ' Ceratium furca,' Clap, e Lach. e ad una sua varieta. 4pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1880. [1116 MAGGI, L. Intorno ai Cilio-flagellati. Nota corologica. Rendic. del R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. xm. 20 pp. 1881. [1117 MAGGI, L. Tassonomia e corologia dei Cilio-flagellati. 12 pp. 8vo. Pavia, 1880. Boll, scientif . Vol. ii. pp. 716, 1880. [1118 MAGGI, L. Sopra una varietk della Cothurnia pyxidiformis, D'Udek. Boll, scientif. Vol. i. pp. 6370, 1880. Studj fatti nel Lab. Pavia, 1879. [1119 MAPLESTONE, C. M. On Australian Infusoria. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Victoria, Vol. i. p. 15, 1879. [i 120 MARCHAND, . De la reproduction des Infusoires. Etude medico-zoologique. 8vo. Paris, 1868. [1121 MAUPAS, E. Sur 1'etat mobile de Podophryajixa. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIII. pp. 910912, 1876. [1122 MAUPAS, E. Sur 1'organisation et le passage a 1'etat mobile de la Podophrya fixa. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. 401428, 1876. (1 pi.) [1123 MAUPAS, E. Sur les Suctocilies de M. Mereschkowsky. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcv. pp. 13811384, 1882. [1124 MAUPAS, E. Sur la position systematique des Volvocinees, et sur les limites du regne v6g6tal et du regne animal. Compt. Rend, de VAcad. des Sci. Paris, Vol. LXXXVIII. p. 1274, 1879. [1125 MAUPAS, E. Sur quelques animaux et veg6taux multinuclees. Compt. Rend, de VAcad. des Sci. Paris, Vol. LXXXIX. p. 250, 1879. [1126 MAUPAS, E. Sur YHaptophrya gigantea, Opaline nouvelle de 1'intestin des Batraciens d'Algerie. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 921 923, 1879. (Abstr.) Les Mondes, Vol. XLIX. pp. 131, 132, 1879. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. iv. pp. 9799, 1879. [1127 MAUPAS, E. Contribution a 1'etude des Acinetiens. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. 299368, 1881. (2 pi. ) [1128 MAUPAS, E. Contribution a 1'etude morphologique et anatomique des Infu- soires cilies. Arch. Zool. exper. (2) Vol. i. pp. 427432, 1883. (6 pi.) [1129 McMuRRiCH, J. P. Notes 011 some Canadian Infusoria. Proc. Canad. Instit. N. S. Vol. i. pp. 300309, 1883. (1 pi.) [1130 PROTOZOA. I. Infusoria. 51 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Note on Wagnerella borealis, a Protozoon. Ann. and Mag of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vin. pp. 288290, 1881. [ r I3I MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Les Suctocilies, nouveau groupe d'Infusoires, interm6diaires entre les Cilies et les Acinetiens (Acarella siro). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris) Vol. xcv. pp. 12321234, 1882. [ II3 2 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Les infusoires suctocilies. Comptes rendus (Acad Paris) Vol. xcvi. pp. 276279, 1882. [ II33 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. On some new or little-known Infusoria. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vn. pp. 209220, 1881. (1 pi.) [u 34 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Untersuchungen iiber den Stiel der Vorticellen. Arch. f. Aiuit. (Reich, u. Du Bois). pp. 180185, 1863. Trans. Journ. Microsc. Soc. 1863. ["35 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Gattung Sphcerophrya. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois). pp. 258261, 1864. (1 pi.) [ II3 6 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen iiber den Stiel der Vorticel- linen. Arch. f. Anat. (Keich. u. Du Bois). pp. 291 302, 1864. [1137 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Researches on the Nature of the Vorticella-stem. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. in. pp. 285 289, 1863. [1138 METTENHEIMER, C. Beobachtungen iiber niedere Seethiere. 6. Ueber eine Cothurnia und eine Epistylis aus der Nordsee. Abh. d. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. Vol. m. pp. 309 312, 1861. (10 fig.) [u 4 o MEUNIER, V. Sur la resistance vitale des Colpodes encystees. Compt. rend, de VAcad. des sci. Paris, Vol. LIX. pp. 991, 992, 1864. [1141 MITCHELL, J. Notes from Madras. Vaginicola valvata, etc. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. n. p. 6.1, 1862. [n 42 MITCHELL, J. On ciliated Infusoria in dew-drops on leaves. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, Vol. vn. pp. 23, 24, 1868. [1143 MITROPHANOW, P. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Hamatozoen. Neue monaden- formige Parasiten des Fischblutes (Hcematomonas). Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. in pp. 35-44,1883. (1 fig.) [ II44 MOBIUS, K. Trypanosoma Balbiani, Certes, im Krystallstich schleswigholstein- ischer Austern. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. p. 148, 1883. [1145 MORET, ALFRED. Du r61e des infusoires, et de la place qu'ils occupent dans le monde. XL 84pp. 8vo. Paris, 1870. [1146 MOXON, N. Anatomy of Stentor, and its Mode of Division. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. m. pp. 279293, 1869. [n 47 MULLER, C. J. On Vaginicola valvata. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. ix. pp. 2527, 1869. (1 pi.) [n 4 8 NINNI, A. P. Sulla mortalita, dei gamberi (Astacus Jluviatilis) nel Veneto, e phi particolarmente nella provincia trevigiana. Atti delV Istit. Veneto, Ser. 3, Vol. x. pp. 12031209, 1864-5. [n 49 NINNI, A. P. Sopra un infusorio del genere Cothurnia, Ehrenb. 4 pp. 8vo. Venezia, 1867. (Atti delV 1st. Veneto, Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 12831285, 1865-66.) [1150 PARIETTI, G. Ricerche relative alia preparazione e conservazione di Bacteri e d' Infusori. Boll. Scientif. Vol. v. pp. 95, 96, 1883. [1151 PARKER, T. JEFFERY. Recent Researches on the Cilio-flagellata. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xxn. pp. 416420, 1882. [1152 PARKER, T. J. Recent Researches on the Cilio-Flagellata. N. Z. Journ. of Science, Vol. i. pp. 111114, 1882. [1153 PARONA, CORRADO. Delle Acinete in generale, ed in particolare di una nuova forma (Acineta Dibdalteria.) Boll. Scientif. Vol. n. pp. 7985, 1881. ["54 PARONA, C. Acineta Dibdalteria, nouvelle espece d'Infusoire marin du golfe de Genes. Journ. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. New ser, Vol. i. pp. 472, 473, 1881. Arch, des Sci. phys. et natur. de Geneve, Vol. v. pp. 181183, 1881. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vn. pp. 279, 280, 1881. [1155 42 52 PKOTOZOA. I. Infusoria. PELLETAN, J. Note sur la reproduction du Dinobryon stipitatum. Journ. de Micrograph. Vol. vn. pp. 7780, 1883. [1156 PERTY, MAX. Ueber die Identitat einiger Algen und Infusoriensippen. Bern. Mittheil. pp. 9098, 1863. [1157 PERTY, MAX. Ueber Algen und niedere Seethiere der Elbemiindung. Bern. Mittheil. pp. 89100, 1864. [1158 PERTY, MAX. Bemerkungen iiber Infusorien. Scliweiz. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Zurich, Vol. XLVIII. pp. 527536, 1864. [1159 PHILLIPS, F. W. A new Flagellate, Chlorodesmos hispida. Trans. Hertford- shire Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 9294, 1882. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. in. p. 223, 1883. [1160 PHILLIPS, F. W. On a Species of CJustospira found at Hoddesdon. Trans. Hertfordshire Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. i. pt. 5, 1881. [n6r PHILLIPS, FRED. W. Note on a new Ciliate Infusorian allied to Pleuronema (Calyptotricha pleuronemoides). Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xvi. pp.476 478, 1872 (1883). (1 fig.) (Abstr.) Journ. of Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. n. pp. 799, 800,1882. [1162 PHILLIPS, F. W. On a new peritrichous Jnfusorian (Gcrba caudata). Journ. Linn. Soc. Vol. xvn. pp. 293295, 1883. [i 163 DU PLESSIS, G. De 1'action des substances medicamenteuses sur les Infusoires. Lausanne, 8vo. 1863. [1164 DU PLESSIS, G. Premiere note sur les infusoires cili6s heterotriques des faunes littorale et profonde du Leman. Bull. Soc. Vaud. sci. nat. Vol. xv. pp. 160 165, 1878. [1165 DU PLESSIS, G. Nouvel exemple d'infusoires et d'helminthes repullulant apres six mois de desiccation complete et apres 1'exposition a 1'air libre et aux gele'es de tout 1'biver. Bull. Soc. Vaud. VoL ix. pp. 679683, 1866-68. [1166 POUCHET, F. A. Develtypipement des infusoires cilies. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIX. pp. 422424, 1864. [1167 POUCHET, F. A. Embryogenie des infusoires cilies. Compt. rend, de VAcad. des sci. Paris, Vol. LIX. pp. 276283, 1864. [1168 POUCHET, G. Sur 1'evolution des Peridiniens et les particularites d'organisation qui les rapprocbent des Noctiluques. Journ. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. in. pp. 77, 78, 1883. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris)', Vol. xcv. pp. 794796, 1882. Journ. de Micrograph. Vol. vi. pp. 631 633, 1882. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 477, 478, 1882. [1169 PRITCHARD, ANDREW. A History of Infusoria, including tbe Desmidiacea? and Diatomaceffi, British and Foreign. Fourth edit, enlarged and revised by J. T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ealfs, and W. C. Williamson. 912 pp. 40 pi. 8vo. London, 1860. [1170 QUENNERSTEDT, A. Bidrag til Sveriges Infusorie-fauna. Acta Univ. Lund. Pt. i. 1865. Pt. ii. 1867. Pt. m. 1869. [1171 v. BEES, J. Bijdrage tot de Biologic der Infusorien. Amsterdam. 1 pi. 1876. [1172 v. EEES, J. Ueber einige Falle von Parasitismus bei Infusorien. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxi. pp. 473481, 1878. (1 pi.) [1173 v. EEES, J. Zur Kenntniss der Bewimperung der hypotrichen Infusorien, nach Beobachtungen an Styloplotes grandis, n. sp., und Euplotes longipes, Clap. u. Lachm. 8vo. 44 pp. 1 pi. Amsterdam, 1881. C II 74 EOBIN, CH. Eecherches sur la reproduction gemmipare et fissipare des Nocti- luques. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol Vol. xiv. pp. 562629, 1878. (7 pi.) [i 175 EOBIN, CH. Sur la reproduction gemmipare et fissipare des Noctiluques (Nocti- luca miliaris, Suriray). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVI. pp. 1482 1486, 1878. (Abstr.) Les Mondes, Vol. XLVI. p. 348, 1878. Eevue scientif. Vol. xv. p. 20, 1878. [1176 EOBIN, CH. Memoire sur la structure et la reproduction de quelques infusoires tentacules, suceurs, et flagelles. I. Sur les Ophryodendron. II. De YAcinetopsis rara, Ch. E. III. Helminthe parasite des Ophryodendron. IV. Podophrya Lyngbei. PROTOZOA. /. Infusoria. 53 VII. Trichodina Scorpena. Vin. Codonosiga botrytis, Stein et Ehrenb. etc. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. xv. pp. 529 583, 1879. (5 pi.) [n77 EOUGET, CH. Sur les phenomenes de polarisation qui s'observent dans quelques tissus des vegdtaux et des animaux (Vorticella). Journ. de Physiol. Vol. v. p. 247 271,1861. [1178 EOUOET, CH. Note sur les phenomenes de contraction musculaire chez les Vorticelles. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXIV. pp. 1128 1132, 1867. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. xx. pp. 145148, 1867. [1179 EYDER, J. A. On the occurrence of Freia producta in the Chesapeake Bay. American Naturalist, Vol. xiv. p. 810, 1880. [1180 SAMUELSON, J. On the Development of certain Infusoria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xiv. pp. 546, 547, 1865. [1181 SCHAFFHAUSEN, . Bine Darstellung von der Organisation der Infusorien. Sitzungsber. d. niederrhein. Gesellsch. Bonn, 1869. [1182 SCHMANKEWITSCH, G. W. On the connection of the marine form Diselmis Dunalii with the freshwater Monads (Russian). Protocol Congr. Russ. Nat. 1876. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvm. p. 400, 1876. [1183 SCHMANKEWITSCH, G. WLAD. On the Relation of certain colourless Flagellata to Algae and Lichens (Russian). 71 pp. 1 pi. 8vo. Odessa, 1879. Trans. New- Russ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. vi. 1879. ' [1184 SCHMIDT, 0. Eine Eeclamation, die geformte Sarcode der Infusorien betreffend. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Vol. in. pp. 393395, 1867. [1185 SCHNEIDER, AIME". Ophryocystis Biitschlii, n. sp. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcvi. p. 1378, 1873. (Abstr.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. p. 459, 1873. [1186 SCHNEIDER, A. Sur la Trichodonopsis paradoxa, Clap. Compt. rend. Acad. Sci. Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 537, 538, 1878. [1187 SCHNEIDER, A. Sur le developpement du Stylorhynchus. Compt. rend. Vol. xcvn. p. 1151, 1883. [1188 SCHWALBE, G. Ueber die contractilen Behalter der Infusorien. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. n. pp. 351 371, 1866. [1189 SERRANO-FATIGATI, H. Influence des disperses couleurs sur le d6veloppement et la respiration des Infusoires. Compt. Rend.. Paris, Vol. LXXXIX. pp. 959, 960, 1879. Guide du Natural. Vol. n. p. 12, 1880. [1190 SIMROTH, H. Zur Kenntniss der Bewegungsapgarates der Infusionsthiere. Arch, f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. xn. pp. 5186, 1875. (1 pi.) [1191 SLACK, H. J. Marvels of Pond Life.. &vo., London, 1861. [1192 SLACK, H. J. A supposed new Acineta.. Intellectual Observer, Vol. v. pp. 340 344,1864. [1193 SMITH, EDWIN. Fresh-water Life. Infusoria- Midland, Naturalist, Vol. i. pp. 289292, 320323, 1878. [1194 STEIN, FR. Ueber ein im Darmcanal der Eegenwuumer aufgefundenes neues Infu- sionsthierchen. Sitzungsber. d. k. Bohm. GesdlscJi. p>. 42, 1861.. [1*95 STEIN, FR. Ueber der Conjugation der Infusionsthiere und iiber die geschlecht- liche Fortpflanzung der Stentoren.. Sitzungsb. d. k. Bohm..Ges&llsch..])..85, 1861. [i 196 STEIN, FR. Ueber ein neues parasitisches Infusionsthier aus dem Darmcanal von Paludinen. Sitzungsber. d. k. Bohm. Gesellsch. p. 62,, 1861. [ Ir 97 STEIN, FR. Ueber Paramcecium (?) coli, Malmsteen* Amtl. Br. deutsch. Natur- forscherversamml. Karlsbad, p. 165,. 1862. [ II 9& STEIN, FR. Neue Infusorienformen in der Ostsee. Bericht. deutsch.. Naturf. Versamml. Vol. xxxvn. pp. 161, 162, 1862. [1199 STEIN, FR. Kritische Besprechung der lufusorien-Abhandlungen von E. Eber- hard und A. Wrzesniowski. Sitzungsber. d. k. Bohm. Gesellsch. 1862, pp. 5057. [1200 STEIN, FR. Ueber die Hauptergebnisse der neuen Infusorienforschungen. Ein Vortrag gehalten in der feierlichen Sitzung der kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissen- schaften am 30. Mai 1863. Wiener Almanach, pp. 153179. [Publ. sep.] 29 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1863. [1201 54 PROTOZOA. I. Infusoria. STEIN, FR. Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere nach eigenen Forschungen in systematischer Eeihenfolge bearbeitet. II. Abtb. 1. Darstellung der neuesten Forschungsergebnisse iiber Bau, Fortpflanzung und Entwickelung der Infu- sionsthiere. 2. Naturgescbichte der heterotrichen Infusorien. vm. 355 pp. 16 pi. Fol. Leipzig, 1867. [1202 STEIN, FR. Ueber den Proteus tenax, Miiller, und iiber die Infusoriengattungen Distigma, Ehrenb., und Epiclintes, Stein. Sitzungsber. d. Tc. Bohm. Gesellsch. pp. 4046, 1864. [1203 STEIN, FR. Eine in Eotifera vorkommende neue Monadenform (Trypanococcus). Eeipziger Naturforscherversamml. 1872. [1204 STEIN, FR. Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere nach eigenen Forschungeii in systematischer Eeihenfolge bearbeitet. III. Abth. Die Naturgeschichte der Flagellaten, oder Geisselinfusorien. 1. Halfte, den noch nicht abgeschlossenen alge- meinen Theil nebst Erklarungen der sammtlichen Abbildungen enthaltend. x. 154pp. 24 pi. Fol. Leipzig, 1879. [1205 STEIN, FR. Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere. Zeitschr. ges. Natunv. Vol. xxxi. pp. 167177, 1868. [1206 STEINBERG, . Ueber die auf und zwischen den menschlichen Zahnen sich ansammelnde weisse Substanz. Zeitschr. f. neuere Medicin, Kieiv, 1862. [1207 STERKI, V. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Oxytrichinen. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxxi. pp. 29 58, 1878. (1 pi.) (n. gen. Allotricha, Amphisia, Gonostomum, Histrio, Strongylidium, Stylonethes, Trichogaster.) [1208 STERKI, V. Tintinnus semiciliatus. Eine neue Infusorienart. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxn. pp. 460 465, 1879. (1 pi.) [1209 STERKI, V. Tintinnus semiciliatus, a, new Species of Infusoria. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. iv. pp. 290295, 1879. [1210 STOKES, A. C. A new Thuricola (T. innixa}. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. m. pp. 182, 183, 1882. (fig.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. HI. pp. 78,79,1883. [i 2ir STOKES, A. C. A new Vorticella (V. vestita). Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. iv. p. 208, 1883. [1212 STOKES, A. C. New members of the Infusorial Order Choano-Flagellata. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. iv. pp. 204 208, 1883. [1213 SURIRAY, . Sur la reproduction gemmipare et fissipare des Noctiluques. Compt. Rend, de VAcad. des Sci. Pans, Vol. LXXXVI. p. 1482, 1878. [1214 TATEM, J. G. On a New Infusorium (Vasicola ciliata). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 117, 118, 1869. (1 pi.) [1215 TATEM, J. G. A Contribution to the Teratology of Infusoria. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. m. pp. 194, 195, 1870. (2 pi.) [1216 TATEM, J. G. Notes on New Infusoria (Dijftugia, Stylonichia, Epistylis). Monthlij Microsc. Journ. Vol. iv. pp. 313, 314, 1870. (1 pi.) [1217 TATEM, T. G. On a New Species of Microscopic Animals (Epistylis). Trans. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Lond. Vol. xvi. pp. 3133, 1868. (1 pi.) [1218 TATEM, T. G. New species of microscopic animals (Chtftonotus, Stephanops, Cothurnia). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. VH. pp. 251 253, 1867. [1219 D'UDEKEM, J. Description des Infusoires de la Belgique. Mem. de I'Acad. Roy. de Belg. Vol. xxxiv. 34 pp. 5 pi. 1864. [1220 VEJDOVSKY, FR. Bemerkungen iiber Trichodina Steinii, Clap, und Lachm. Sitzungsber. d. k. bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. pp. 115120, 1881. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. p. 905, 1881. [1221 VIGNAL, W. Eecherches histologiques et physiologiques sur les Noctiluques. Tray. Lab. Inst. Coll. France, p. 197, 1878. [1222 VORCE, C. M. Is it Tintinnus? Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 223, 224, 1881. [ I22 3 WAUDINGTON, HENRY J. The action of Tannin on the Cilia of Infusoria, with remarks on the use of solution of sulphurous oxide in alcohol. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. m. pp. 185188, 18S3. [r22 4 PROTOZOA. K. Gregarinidce. 55 WEISSE, J. FR. Vegetabilische Quellen von Infusorien. Bull. Acad. Imp. de St Petersburg, Vol. iv. pp. 306311, 1861, 1862. [1225 WEISSE, J. F. Verzeichniss aller von mir in einem 30jahrigen Zeitraume zu St Petersburg beobachteten Infusorien, Bacillarien und Eaderthiere. Bull, de la soc. imptr. des natural, de Moscon, Vol. xxxvi. (pt. 2), pp. 236246, 1863. [1226 WILLE, N. Om Chrysopyxis bipus, Stein, og Dinobryon sertularia, Ehrbg. Ofvers. L Vet. AJcad. Forhdlg. Vol. xxxix. pp. 922, 1882. (1 pi.) [1227 v. WiLLEMOEs-SuHM, E. Biologlsche Beobachtungen iiber niedere Meeresthiere. I. Zur Entwickelung eines Peridinium. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 380382, 1871. (3 fig.) [1228 WRIGHT, E. P. Note on Podophrya gemmipara. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. N. S. Vol. xvm. p. 105, 1878. [1229 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. Observations on British Protozoa and Zoophytes (Ophryodendron, Dendrophrys, Lccythia, etc.). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vm. pp. 120135, 1861. (3 pi.) [1230 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. On Ophryodendron abietinum. Quart. Journ. Micr. Soc. New ser. Vol. i. pp. 98, 99, 1861. [1231 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. Observations on British Protozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. n. pp. 217221, 1862. (2 pi.) (Zooteirea, Freya, Ch &c. (London, 1878, 8vo.), Vol. n. pp, 290 292, 1878. [119 ALLMAN, G. J. Hydroida from Kerguelen's Island. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 282285, 1879. (1 pi.) [120 ALLMAN, G. J. Eeport on the Hydroida dredged by H. M. S. "Challenger." I. Plumularida. "Challenger" Eeports, Vol. vii. 55 pp. (20 pi.) 1883. [121 ANDREWS, W. (Zoophytes from the Blaskets.) Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc. Vol. v. p. 479, 1871. [122 ARMSTRONG, J. New Hydroid Zoophytes. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XLVIII. pt. 2, p. 98, 1879. (4 pi.) [ I23 BALE, W. M. On the Hydroida of S. E. Australia,, with descriptions of New Species and Notes on the genus Aglaophenia. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Victoria, 1881, 36pp. (4 pi.) [ I24 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Le Cordylophora lacustris dans les environs d'Ostende. Bull, de I'Acad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxni. pp. 708, 709, 1867. [125 VAN BENEDEN, ED. De la distinction originelle du testicule et de 1'ovaire ; caractere sexuel des deux feuillets primordiaux de 1'embryon ; hermaphrodisme morphologique de toute individualite animale ; essai d'une theorie de f6condation. 90 COELENTERATA. B. Hydroidea. I. Introduction. II. Historigne des recherches faites sur 1'origine des produits sexuels chez les Polypes. III. Etudes sur I'Hydractinia echinata. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxxvn. pp. 530595, 1874. (2 pi.) [126 BERPH, E. S. Nogle Bidrag til de athecate Hydroiders Histologie. Vid. Medd. 1877 78, pp. 182 208. (pi. m.) 1878. [127 BERGH, E. S. Studien iiber die erste Entwicklung des Eies von Gonothyrcea Loveni (Allm.). Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. v. pp. 2261, 1879. (2 pi.) [128 BIANCONI, . (Zoophytes from Mozambique.) Mem. Acad. Bologna, Vol. ix. pp. 211214, 1871. [129 BOECK, CHE. Beskrivelse over en Tubularie fra Belsund paa Spitzbergen, Tubu- laria regalis. Forhandl. Vid. Selsk. (Aar 1859.) Christiania, 1860, pp. 59, 66, 151. [130 BOURNE, A. G. Eecent Eesearcbes upon the Origin of the Sexual Cells in Hydroids, Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. Vol. xxm. pp. 617622, 1883. [131 BROOKS, W. K On the Origin of Alternation of Generations in Hydro-Medusae. John Hopkins Univ. Circular, Vol. u. p. 73, 1883. Ann. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. xi. pp. 458, 459, 1883. [132 BUSK, G. On a new Hydroid Polype belonging to the genus Cordylophora All. discovered by Senator Kirchenpauer off Eitzebiittel. Micr. Journ. p. 283, 1861. [133 CARTER, H. J. Transformation of an entire Shell into Chitinous Structure by the Polype Hydractinia, with short descriptions of the Polypidoms of Five other Species. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xi. pp. 115, 173. (1 pi.) !>3-l CARTER, H. J. On New Species of Hydractiniidce, Eecent and Fossil, and on the Identity in Structure of Milfapora alcicornis with Stromatopora. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 298312, 1878. [135 CARTER, H. J. Eeport on Specimens dredged up from the gulf of Manaar, and presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. W. H. Cawne Warren. (Forami- iiifera, Hydroida, incl. n. gen. Hydradendrium, Sponges. Ann. and Mac/, of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 437457. (2 pi.) Ibid. Vol. vi. pp. 3561 (3 pi.), pp. 129 156 (2 pi.), 1880. [136 CIAMICIAN, J. Zur Frage u'ber die Entstehung der Geschlechtstoffe bei den Hydroiden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 501 510, 1878. (2 pi.) [i37 CIAMICIAN, J. Ueber Lafoea parasitica, n. sp. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxm. pp. 673 676, 1880. (1 pi.) [138 CIAMICIAN, J. Ueber den feineren Bau und die Eutwicklung von Tubularia mesembryanthemum, Allman. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxn. pp. 323 347, 1879. (2 pi.) [139 CLARKE, H. JAMES. On the Eggs of Tubularia and the Female of Rhizogeton fusi- formis. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. p. 342, 18631865. . [140 CLARKE, H. J. Tubularia not parthenogenous. Amer. Journ. Sci. Vol. xxxvn. pp. 6166, 1864. [141 CLARKE, S. F. Descriptions of New and Eare Species of Hydroids from the New England Coast. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Vol. n. pp. 5866, 18711873. (2 pi.) [142 CLARKE, S. F. The Hydroids of the Pacific Coast of the U. S. , south of Vancouver's Island, with a report upon those in the Museum of Yale College. Trans. Con- necticut Acad. Vol. n. pp. 249264, 18711873. (4 pi.) [143 CLARKE, S. F. Eeport on the Hydroids collected on the Coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, by W. H. Ball, U. S. Coast Survey, and Party from 1871 to 1874 inclusive. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 209223, 1876 (1877). (10 pi.) [144 CLARKE, S. F. Eeport on the Dredging Operations of the U. S. Coast Surveying Steamer "Blake." III. Eeport on the Hydroida. Bull. Museum Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. v. pp. 239252, 1878, 1879. (5 pi.) [145 CLARKE, S. F. A new locality for Cordylophora. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xu. pp. 232234, 1878. [146 CCELENTERATA. B. Hydroidea. 91 CLAEKE, S. F. New Hydroids from Chesapeake Bay. Mem. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. in. pp. 135142, 1882. (3 pi.) [i 47 COPE, E. D. New Hydroid Polype. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1883. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. HI. p. 666, 1883. (Rhizohydra.) [148 CONN, H. W. Development of Tubularia cristata. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circular, No. 17, p. 247, 1882. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 483, 484, 1882. [149 COUGHTREY, MiLLEN. Notes on the New Zealand Hydroideae. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. vn. pp. 281-T-293. 1874. (1 pi.) [150 COUGHTREY, MILLEN. Critical Notes on New Zealand Hydroida. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. vm. pp. 298302, 1875. [151 COUGHTREY, MILLEN. Critical Notes on the New Zealand Hydroida, Sub-order Thecaphora. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hint. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 2232, 1876. (1 PL) [15* DONITZ, W. Ueber Cordylophora lacustris. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), pp. 430-433, 1871. (1 pi.) Sitz. naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1871, pp. 81, 82. [153 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN, and H. M. JENKINS. On Palceocoryne, a genus of Tubularine Hydrozoa from the Carboniferous Formation. Phil. Trans. Vol. CXLIX. pp. 693 700, 1869. (1 pi.) [ I54 DUNCAN, P. M. On the genus Palceocoryne and its affinities. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxix. pp. 412417, 1873. [155 FEWKES, J. W. On the Morphology of the Corbula of certain Plumularidae. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xv. pp. 901, 902, 1881. [156 FEWKES, J. W. Report on the Acalephae dredged in the Caribbean Sea, etc. in 18781880 by the U. S. Steamer "Blake." Bull. Mus. Comp. Anat. Harvard, Vol. vm. pp. 127140, 1881. [157 FEWKES, J. W. Notes on Acalephae from the Tortugas. Bull. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. ix. pp. 251 289, 1882. (7 pi.) [158 FEWKES, J. W. On the Acalephie of the East coast of New England. Bull. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. ix. pp. 291 310, 1882. (1 pi.) [159 FILTPPI, F. On two Hydrozoa of the Mediterranean. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. xix. p. 148, 1867. Mem. It. Accad. Sci. Torino, (2) Vol. xxn. 1867. [160 FISCHER, P. Sur les hydrozoaires fossiles du genre Hydractinia. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 2, Vol. xxiv. pp. 689, 690, 1867. [161 FORBES, H. 0. List of Hydroid Zoophytes from the North-east coast of Scotland. Scottish Naturalist, Vol. i. pp. 190, 191, 1871 1872. [162 FRAIPONT, JULES. Recherches sur 1'organisation histologique et le developpe- ment de la Campanularia angidata : contribution a Phistoire del'origine du testicule et de 1'ovaire. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vin. pp. 433 466, 18791880. ( Pi-) [163 FRAIPONT, J. Histologie, developpement et origine du testicule et de 1'ovaire de la Campanularia angulata, Hincks. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xc. pp. 4345, 1880. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. v. pp. 265267, 1880. [164 FRAIPONT, J. Origine des organes sexuels Chez les Campanulairides. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 135 138, 1880. [165 GERBE, Z. Developpement et metamorphoses de la Coryna squamata. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. xi. pp. 441451, 1875. (3 pi.) [166 GOETTE, A. Ein neuer Hydroid-Polyp mit einer neuen Art der Fortpflanzung. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 352358, 1880. [167 GREENE, J. REAY. On the Morphology of the Hydrozoa, with reference to the Constitution of the Sub-Kingdom Coslenterata. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. Vol. vn. pp. 119, 120, 1859 (1861). ' [^68 GREENE, J. R. On Sertularia tricuspidata, and on the Genus Huxley a. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. v. p. 431, 1860. [169 GROBBEN, C. Ueber Podocoryne carnea, Sars. 33 pp. 2 (4to) pi. 8vo. Wien, 1875. [, 70 HAMANN, OTTO. Der Organismus der Hydroidpolypen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xv. pp. 473544, 1882. (6 pi.) [171 92 CCELENTERATA. B. Hydroidea. HAMANN, 0. Der Organismus der Hydroidpolypen. iv 72 pp., 6 pi. 8vo. Jena, 1882. [172 HAMANN, 0. Studien iiber Coelenteraten. I. Zur Anatomie der Nesselkapselzellen. II. Die Pseudopodienzellen bei Hydra. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xv. pp. 545557, 1882. (2 pi.) [173 HAMILTON, A. A Fresh-water Hydrozoon (Cordylophora lacustris?). N. Z. Journ. Sci. Vol. i. pp. 419, 420, 1883. [174 HAETMANN, B. Zur Anatomie der Cladonema radiatum. Sitz. nat. Fr. Berlin, 1877, pp. 17 19. [175 v. HEYDEN, C. und L. Kafer und Polypen aus der Brannkohle des Sieben- gebirges. (Hydra fossilis, Lucernaria elegans [2 fig.].) Palceontographica, Vol. xv. pp. 131 151, 1866. [176 HINCKS, T. On Clavatella, a new genus of Corynoid Polypes, and its Ke- production. Ann. and Hag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 7381, 1861. (2 pi.) [177 HINCKS, T. A Catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and Cornwall. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vm. pp. 152161 (1 pi.); ibid. 251262 (2 pi.); 290297; 360366, 1861. Vol. ix. 2230 (1 pi.); 200207 (1 pi.); 303310; 467475 (1 pi.). Vol. x. 360363, 1862. [ijS HINCKS, T. On some Australian Hydrozoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 279281, 1861. (2 pi.) [179 HINCKS, T. On the production of similar gonozoids by Hydroid Polypes be- longing to different genera. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. x. pp. 459461, 1862. (2 fig.) [180 HINCKS, T. Note on the Development of the Hydroid Polyps, Clavatella and Stauridia, with Kemarks on the Eelation between the Polyp and its Medusoid, and between the Polyp and the Medusa. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1861, p. 145, 1862. [181 HINCKS, T. On some new British Hydroids. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 4547, 1863. [182 HINCKS, T. Zoophytes : the History of their Development. Quart. Journ. of Science, Vol. n. pp. 401418, 1865. (2 pi.) [183 HINCKS, T. On new British Hydroida. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvni. pp. 296299, 1866. [184 HINCKS, T. On Ophiodes, a new genus of Hydroida. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvni. pp. 421423, 1866. [185 HINCKS, THOMAS. History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes. 2 vols. (LXVIII 338 pp. and vol. of plates). 8vo. London, 1869. [186 HINCKS, T. The Sertularian Zoophytes of our Shores. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. vm. pp. 223232, 1869. (2 pi.) [187 HINCKS, T. Supplement to a " Catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall," with Descriptions of New Species. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vm. pp. 7383, 1871. (2 pi.) [188 HINCKS, T. Life-history of Clavatella prolif era. Student, Vol. v. pp. 185 197, 1871. [189 HINCKS, T. Note on Prof. Heller's Catalogue of the Hydroida of the Adriatic. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. ix. pp. 116121, 1872. [190 HINCKS, T. On the Hydroid Lar Sabellarum, Gosse, and its Eeproduction. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. x. pp. 313317, 1872. (1 pi.) [191 HINCKS, T. Contributions to the History of the Hydroida. (I. Nematophores of Plumulariidce. II. New species of Plumularia. III. Fission in Campanularia neglecta. IV. Planoblast of Cladonema. V. Zanclea.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. x. pp. 385396, 1872. (2 pi.) [192 HINCKS, T. Notes on Norwegian Hydroida from Deep Water. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xm. pp. 125137, 1874. [193 HINCKS, T. On Deep-water Hydroida from Iceland. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xm. pp. 146154, 1874. (4 pi.) [194 CCELENTEKATA. J3. Hydroidea. 93 HINCKS, T. Plumularians. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. xm. pp. 225237, 1874. (2 pi.) [195 HINCKS, T. Contributions to the History of the Hydroida. I. New British species. II. Podocoryne carnea, Sars, and its appendages. III. Acharadria larynx, T. S. Wright. IV. Lafoeina tenuis, Sars. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 148153, 1877. (1 pi.) [196 HINCKS, T. Note on Lists of Arctic Hydroida and Polyzoa published in the 'Annals' for February, 1874 and January, 1877. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 6668, 1877. [197 HINCKS, T. On New Hydroida and Polyzoa from Barents Sea. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 277286, 1880. [198 HODGE, GEOBGE. Occurrence of Corymorpha nutans at Seaham. Trans. Tyne- side Nat. Field Club, Vol. v. pp. 8082, 1862. (1 pi.) [109 HODGE, GEORGE. On a new Hydroid Zoophyte (Podocoryne Alderi). Trans. Tyne-side Nat. Field Club, Vol. v. pp. 82 84, 1862. (1 pi.) [200 HUTTON, F. W. On the New Zealand Sertularians (5 n. sp.). Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. v. pp. 256259, 1872. [201 JENKINS, H. M., see DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. No. 154. [202 JICKELI, C. F. Ueber das Nervensystem der Hydroidpolypen. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 43, 44, 1882. [203 JICKELI, C. F. Der Bau der Hydroidpolypen, I. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. vm. pp. 373416, 1883 (1882). (3 pi.) Do. II. Vol. vm. pp. 580680, 1883. (4 pi.) [204 JULLIEN, JUL. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Filellum. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. Vol. v. pp. 291, 292, 1881. [205 KIRCHENPAUER, . On a new Hydroid Polype, belonging to the genus Cordy- lopliora, Allman. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. i. pp. 283, 284, 1861. [206 KIRCHENPAUER, . Neue Sertulariden aus verschiedenen Hamburgischen Sammlungen, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber Lamouroux's Gattung fiyna- mena. Nova Acta Acad. Cces. Leop.-Carol. (Dresden), Vol. xxxi. 16 pp. 1 pi. 1864. [207 KLEINENBERG, N. Ueber die Entstehung der Eier bei Eudendrium. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxv. pp. 326 332, 1881. [208 v. KOCH, G. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber Ccelenteraten. I. Ueber das Ver- haltniss der Medusen zu den Hydroiden. II. Ueber die Entstehung der Eier bei den Coelenteraten. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vn. pp. 464 470, 1873. (1 pi.) III. Zur Anatomic und Entwicklung von Tubularia. Ibid. Vol. vn. pp. 512515, 1873. (1 pi.) [209 v. KOCH, G. Mittheilungen fiber Ccelenteraten: Anatomic von Stylophora digi- tata, Pallas. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xi. pp. 375381, 1877. (1 pi.) [210 KOROTNEFF, A. Histologische Notizen iiber die Myriothela. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 363365, 1879. [21 1 KOROTNEFF, A. Entwickelung der Myriothela. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 187190, 1879. [2! 2 KOROTNEFF, A. Versuch einer vergleichenden Theorie der Coelenteraten. H. Myriothela. III. Hydra. Moscow, 63 pp. (5 pi.) 1880. [213 KROHN, A. Observations on the Structure and Eeproduction of Eleutheria, Quatref. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. ix. pp. 19, 1862. [214 KROHN, A. Ueber Tetraplatia volitans. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 337341, 1865. [215 LANKESTER, E. KAY. Article " Hydrozoa." Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th ed.), Vol. xn. pp. 547565, figs. 158, 1880. [216 v. LENDENFELD, E. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Art der Sprossenbildung bei Campanularien. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 42 44, 1883. [2 r 7 94 CCELENTERATA. E. llydroidea. v. LENDENFELD, K. Ueber das Nervensystem der Hydroidpolypen. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 6971, 1883. [218 MACE, E. De la recherche et de la determination des polypes hydraires. Bull . Soc. ft etudes sci. du Finistere, Vol. v. 38 pp. 1883. [219 MAKCUSEN, . (Black Sea Zoophvtes). Archiv f. Naturg. Vol. xxxm. p. 358, 1867. [220 MEKESCHKOWSKY, C. On a New Genus of Hydroids from the White Sea, with a short description of other new Hydroids (MonobracJiium). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 220229, 1877. (2 pi.) - [221 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Studies on the Hydroida. I. Morphological Considera- tions. II. Eeproduction of Obelia flabellata, Hincks. III. Systematic Facts. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. v. Vol. i. pp. 239256 (3 pi.), 322340, 1878. [222 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Note ; On Selaginopsis, Polyserias and Pericladium. Ami. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 421, 422, 1878. [223 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. New Hydroida from Ochotsk, Kamschatka, and other parts of the North Pacific Ocean (including a Synopsis of the genus Selaginopsis). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 433451, 1878. (2 pi.) ' [224 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. On an Anomaly among the Hydromedusa?, and on their Mode of Nutrition by means of the Ectoderm. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. m. pp. 177181, 1879. (1 pi.) [225 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Sur une anomalie chez les hydrome'duses, et sur leur mode de nutrition au moyen de 1'ectoderme. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. viu. pp. XLII XLIV. 1879-80. [226 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Sur les ne"matophores des Hydroides. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. pp. 280, 281, 1882. [227 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Structure et developpement des nematophores chez les hydroides. Arch, de Zool. exp. Vol. x. pp. 583610, 1882. (2 pi.) [228 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Entwickelung einiger Ccelenteraten. II. Hy- dromedusce. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xv. col. 98 100, 1871. [229 DES MOULINS, CH. Fragments Zoologiques. I. Questions obscures relatives a I'hydractinia echinata, Flem., et a Yalcyonium domuncula, Lamarck, tous deux logeurs de pagures. II. Notes specifiques sur le genre polia, d'Orbigny (solenacees), 51 pp. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1873. Actes Soc. Linn. Bord., Vol. xxvm. [230 MULLER, FRITZ. Ueber die Ursache der Stromungen in der Leibeshohle der Sertularinen. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxix. pp. 3436, 1863. [231 MURRAY, A. On Sertularia tricuspidata. Ann. and Mag. N. H. Vol. v. p. 504, 1860. [232 NORMAN, A. MERLE. On Merona, an undescribed genus of British Hydrozoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xv. pp. 261, 262, 1865. [233 NORMAN, A. M. On Polyzoa, Hydrozoa and Spongozoa dredged off the Coast of Durham and North Yorkshire in 1874. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1875, Eeports, pp. 197 199, 1876. [234 NORMAN, A. M. Note on Selaginopsis (= Polyserias Hincksii, Mereschkowsky), and on the Circumpolar Distribution of certain Hydrozoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. v. Vol. i. pp. 189192, 1878. [235 PANCERI, P. Sur le siege du mouvement lumineux dans les campanulaires. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. p. LII. 1876. (Abstr.) [236 PERRIER, E. Sur 1'existence a Paris du Cordylophora lacustris, Allman. Arch, de Zool. exp. et ge'ner. Vol. n. pp. xvn, xvni. 1873. [237 PHILIPPI, E. A. Kurze Beschreibung einiger Chilenischen Zoophyten (Plexaura arbuscula, rosea, platyclados, Dynamene bidentata, Sertularia Actoni, Cellaria tenella). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxn. pp. 118 120, 1866. [238 PIEFER, . Zwei neue Arten zum Genus Plumularidas gehorender Hydroid- polypen. Jahresber. Westf. Prov.-Ver. Vol. viu. pp. 142 145, 1879 (Aglaophenia parva, Antennularia pentasticha). [239 PIEFER, . Antennularia cruciata, eine neue Hydroide aus der Adria. Jahresber. Westf. Prov.-Ver. Vol. ix. pp. 4043, 1880. [240 CCELENTERATA. E, Hydroidea. 9o PILLSBURY, J. H. Development of the Planula of Clava leptostyla, Ag. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 181, 182. (1 pi.) 1882. [241 Du PLESSIS, G. Sur un cas tie double generation alternante chez la Campanu- laria (Clytid) volubilis. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xi. pp. 167 170, 1871. Vol. xn. pp. 429435, 1873. Abstract, Rev. Zool. (3) Vol. n. pp. xn. 1874. [242 Du PLESSIS, G. Catalogue provisoire des Hydroides Medusipares (Hydromdduses vraies) observes durant 1'hiver, 1879-80, a la Station Zoologique d'e Naples. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. n. pp. 143149, 1881 ; Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xvn. pp. 108118, 1880. [243 Du PLESSIS, G. Observations sur la Cladocoryne flocconeuse (Cladocoryne floccosa, Botch.) Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. n. pp. 176195, 1881. (1 pi.) Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xvn. pp. 119144, 1880. (1 pi.) [244 PRICE, HUGH. On a Polystomatous Condition of the Hydranths of Cordylophora lacustris. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvi. pp. 23 26, 1876. (4 %.) [245 QUELCH, J. J. On Thuiaria zelandica, Gray. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. xi. pp. 247249, 1883. [246 BEICHERT, C. B. Ueber die contractile Substanz und den feineren Bau der Campanularien, Sertularien, und Hydriden. Arch. f. Anat. (Beich. u. Du Bois), pp. 638643, 1866. [247 BEICHERT, C. B. Ueber die contractile Substanz und den feineren Bau der Cam- panularien, Sertularien und Hydriden. Monatsber. d. konigl. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, pp. 504 509, 1866 (1867). [248 BEICHERT, C. B. On the Contractile Substance and Intimate Structure of the Campanularia, Sertularics, and Hydrides. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xix. pp. 5458, 1867. [249 BICHIARDI, S. Idroidi del mare di Toscana. Catalogo Sez. Ital. Esposiz. Berlino, pp. 154, 155, 1880. [250 BOTCH, W. D. On a new Genus and Species of Hydroid Zoophytes (Cladocoryne floccosa}. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vn. pp. 227, 228, 1871. [251 BOTCH, W. D. On a new Genus and Species of Hydroid Zoophytes (Stauro- coryne Wortleyi). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. x. pp. 126, 127, 1872. l>52 SARS, G. 0. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Hydroider. Christiania For- handl. Vol. xv. pp. 91150, 1873. [253 SARS, M. Ueber das Ammengeschlecht Corymorpha und seine Arten, nebst den von diesen aufgeammten Medusen. Archiv f. Nat. 1860, Vol. i. p. 341. [254 SARS, M. On the Nurse-genus Corymorpha and its Species, together with the Medusae produced from them. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. vui. pp. 353_360, 1861. [255 SARS, M. Beniffirkninger over de norske Hydroider. Videns. Selsk. Forhand. 1862. [256 SCHULTZE, F. E. Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung von Cordylophora lacus- tris, Allman, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Vorkommen und Lebensweise dieses Thieres. 4to. Leipzig. 52pp. (6 pi.) 1871. [257 SCHULTZE, F. E. Ueber den Bau von Syncoryne Sarsii, Loven, und der zuge- horigen Meduse Sarsia tubulosa, Lesson. 38 pp. 3 pi. 4to. Leipzig, 1874. [258 SCHULTZE, F. E. Ueber das Priiparieren von Quallen und Hydroidpolypen. Arch. Ver. Mecklenb. Vol. xxv. pp. 107, 108, 1874. [259 SCHULTZE, F. E. Tiarella singularis, ein neuer Hydroidpolyp. Zeitsclir. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvn. pp. 403416, 1876. (2 pi.) [260 SCHULTZE, F. E. Spongicola fistularis, ein in Spongien wohnendes Hydrozoon. Arch. mikr. Anat. Vol. xin. pp. 795817, 1877. (3 pi.) [261 SCHULTZE, F. E. Spongicola fistularis ; hydraire habitant une Sponge. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vn. pp. ix xn. 1878. [262 STEINMANN, G. Ueber fossile Hydrozoen aus der Familie der Coryniden. Palteontographica, Vol. xxv. pp. 101124, 1878. (3 pi.) [263 96 OELENTERATA. B. Hydroidea. STOKM, V. Bidrag til Kundskab om Throndhjemsfjordens Fauna. IV. Om de i Fjorden forekommende bydroide Zoophyter. Kongl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1881, pp. 130. [264 THOMPSON, D'ARCY W. On some new and rare Hydroid Zoophytes (Sertulariidce and Thuiariidce) from Australia and New Zealand. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 97114, 1879. (4 pi.) [265 THOMSON, JAMES. On the Plagiostomous Fishes of the Coal Measures, and on Carboniferous Hydrozoa and Echinoidea. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. iv. p. 187, 1871. [266 THOMSON, JAMES. On Carboniferous Hydrozoa and Echinoidea. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. iv. pp. 187189, 1874. [267 DE VAEENNE, A. De 1'origine de 1'oDuf chez les Hydraires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 345347, 1881. [268 DE VARENNE, A. Sur 1'origine des spermatozoides chez les Hydraires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 10321034, 1881. [269 DE VARENNE, A. Eecherches sur les polypes hydraires, reproduction et developpe- ment. 104 pp. (10 pi.) 8vo. Paris, 1882. Arch. Zool. exp. Vol. x. pp. 611710, 1881. (10 pi.) [270 DE VARENNE, A. Developpement de 1'oeuf de la Podocoryne carnea. Comptes rendus, Vol. xciv. pp. 892894, 1882. [271 VERRILL, A. E. Brief Contributions to Zoology from the Museum of Yale College. Hydroida. (Cladocarpus, 3 new spec.) Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xvii. pp. 309315, 1879. [272 VERRILL, A. E. Kesults of Dredging Expeditions off the New England Coast in 1874. (Gonothyrcea tennis, n. sp., Obelia bidentata, n. sp., 0. bicuspidata, n. sp., Opercularella pumila, n. sp., Halecium articulosum, n. sp.) Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. x. pp. 3643, 1875. (2 pi.) [273 WEISMANN, AUG. Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung der Geschlechtszellen bei den Hydroiden. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. m. pp. 226233, 1880. II. Ueber den Ursprung der Geschlechtszellen bei den Hydroiden. Ibid. in. pp. 367 370, 1880. [274 WEISMANN, AUG. Beobachtungen an Hydroid-Polypen. I. Pulsiren des Korper- schlauchs. II. Selbsstandige Bewegung des Ectoderms. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 61 64, 1881. III. Die Entstehung der Eizellen in der Gattung Eudendrium. Ibid. Vol. iv. pp. 111114, 1881. [275 WEISMANN, AUG. Observations sur 1'origine des cellules sexuelles des Hydro'ides. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. x. 37 pp. (4 pi.) 1881. [276 WEISMANN, AUG. Die Entstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen. Jena, 4to. xin 295 pp. (24 pi.) 1883. [277 WEISMANN, AUG. Ueber eigenthiimliche Organe bei Eudendrium racemosum, Cav. Mittheil a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. in. pp. 1 14, 1882. (1 pi.) [278 WINTHER, G. Fortegnelse over de i Danmark og dets nordlige Bilande fundne hydroide Zoophyter. Naturh. Tidsskr. Vol. xn. pp. 223278, 1880. [279 WINTHER, G. Om Internodiets Bygning og Sammensaetning hos Sertularierne. Naturh. Tidsskr. Vol. xn. pp. 303320, 1880. (1 pi.) [280 WRIGHT, T. S. Observations on British Protozoa and Zoophytes. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. vin. pp. 120135, 1861. [281 WRIGHT, T. S. On Hermaphrodite Eeproduction in Chrysaora hyoscella. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. vn. p. 357, 1861. 282 WRIGHT, T. S. Observations on British Zoophytes and Protozoa (Atractylis coccinea). Edinb. New Phil. Journ. Vol. xiv. p. 150, 1861. [283 WRIGHT, T. S. Observations on British Zoophytes and Protozoa. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. Vol. xvi. p. 154, 1862. [284 WRIGHT, T. S. Observations on British Zoophytes. 1. Eeproduction of Aequorea vitrina. 2. Eeproduction of Atractylis arenosa. 3. Atractylis miniata. 4. Laomedia decipiens. 5. Clava nodosa. 6. Acharadria larynx. 1. Vorticlava Proteus. 8. Trichydra pudica. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. m. pp. 4552, 1863. (3 pi.) . [285 CCELENTERATA. (7. Hydra. 97 WEIGHT, T. S. On the Stem-canals of Tubularia indivisa. Proc. Roy. Phyn. Soc. Edinb. Vol. in. pp. 153159, 1867. [286 WRIGHT, T. STBETHILL. Observations on British Zoophytes and Protozoa. Journ. of Anat. and Phys. Vol. i. pp. 332338, 1867. (2 pi.) (Stomobrachium, Acanthobrachia, Atractylis, Coryne.) [287 C. Hydra. ALLMAN, G. J. Some Account of Klein enberg's Kesearcb.es on the Anatomy and Development of Hydra. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xiv. pp. 1 18, 3874. [288 ASPEB, G. Ueber die Hydra der Limmat. Vierteljahrschr. Gcs. Zurich. Vol. xxiv. pp. 115120, 1879. [289 BRANDT, K. Die Fortpflanzung der griinen Korper von Hydra. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 438440, 1883. [290 BRASS, A. Untersuchungen der Histologie von Hydra. Zeitschr. f. d. gen. Naturw. Vol. LIU. p. 911, 1880. [291 ENGELMANN, T. W. Ueber Trembley's Umkehrungsversuch an Hydra. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 77, 78, 1878. Onderz. Phys. Lab. Utrecht, (3) Vol. n. pp. 120122, 1878. [292 FULLAGAR, JAMES. Notes on the Habits and Economy of the Freshwater Polype. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. xin. pp. 105, 325, 1873. [293 FULLAGAR, JAMES. On the Development of Hydra vulgarly. Journ, of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. in. pp. 263266, 1874. (2 pi.) [294 GREEFF, E. Susswasserpolypen (H r viridis) mit reichlichen Knospen. Sitz. Niederrhein. Ges. 1868, pp. 7, 8. [295 GREEFF, E. Protohydra Leuclearti. Eine marine Stammform der Ccelente- rateu. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xx. pp. 37 54, 1870. (2 pi.) [296 HAACKE, W. Zur Speciesunterscheidung in der Gattung Hydra. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 622, 623, 1879. [297 HAACKE, W. Zur Blastologie der Gattung Hydra, Specielle und gene- relle Studien zur Morphologie und Entwickelungslehre. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xiv. pp. 133154, 1880. (1 pi.) [298 HAMANN, 0. Zur Entstehung und Entwickelung der griinen Zellen bei Hydra. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvn. pp. 457 464, 1832. (1 pi.) [299 HAMANN, 0. Die Fortpflanzung der griinen Korper von Hydra. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 367370, 1883. [300 HARTOG, M. M. On the Mode in which Hydra swallows its Prey, etc. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 243, 244, 1880. Proc. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc. Vol. xix, pp, 2940, 1880. [301 HOUGHTON, W. Hydrse or Fresh-water Polypes. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. v. pp. 267278, 1866. (1 pi.) [302 JENNINGS, T. B. Curious process of division of Hydra. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. iv. p. 64, 1883. [303 JENTINK, F. A. Ueber Trembley's Umkehrungsversuch an Hydra. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. 1879, pp. LI. LIII. [304 JICKELI, C. F. Ueber Hydra, Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 491493, 1882. [305 JUNG, G. Beobachtungen iiber die Entwickelung des Tentakelkranzes von Hydra. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. vm. pp. 339350, 1883 (1882). [306 KERSCHNER, L. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Hydra. (Vorlauf. Mittheil.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 454, 455, 1880. [307 KLEINENBERG, NICOLAS. Hydra. Eine anatomisch-entwickelungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. vi. 90 pp. 14 pi. 4to. Leipzig, 1872. [308 T. 7 98 CGELENTERATA. D. Medusa*. KOKOTNEFF, A. Sur la reproduction de 1'Hydre. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 412 414, 1878. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. n. pp. 351, 352, 1878. [309 KOROTNEFF, A. Anatomischen, biologischen und embryologischen Beobach- tungen an Hydra (Abstr.). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 165167, 1880. [310 LANKESTEB, E. BAY. Preliminary Notice of some Observations with the Spec- troscope on Animal Substances. Journ. of Anat. and Pliys. Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 114 116, 1868. (Spongilla, Hydra, Mesostom'um, Hirudo, Annelids.) [311 LANKESTER, E. BAY. The Chlorophyll Corpuscles of Hydra. Nature, Vol. xxvn. pp. 87, 88, 1882. [312 MARSHALL, W. ITeber einige Lebenserscheinungen der Siisswasserpolypen, und iiber eine neue Form von Hydra viridis, Zeitschr. f. ivissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvii. pp. 664701, 1882. (1 pi.) [313 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. On the Mode of Development of the Tentacles in the genus Hydra. Ann. and Mag. of Nat, Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 251 257, 1878. (Ipl-) [3H PARKER, T. JEFFERY. On the Histology of Hydra fusca. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxxi. pp. 6167, 1879 (1880). (1 pi,) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 219224, 1880. [315 PLESSIS, G. Du. Eemarques sur la coloration des Hydres, a propos de quelques hydres vertes accidentellement teintes en rose. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xv. No. 78, pp. 117120, 1877. [316 KATZEL, . Histologische Untersuehungen an niederen Thieren (Muscles of Hydra). Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Vol, xix. p. 272, 1869. (1 pi.) [317 SABARINSKI, P. Additions to Kleinenberg's monograph on Hydra (Buss.). Trans. New Russ. Soc. Odessa, Vol. vi. 10 pp. 1880. [318 SMITH, S. I., and A. E. VERRILL. Notice of the Invertebrata dredged in Lake Superior in 1871 by the U. S. Survey (Hydra, Worms, etc.). Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. n, pp. 448453, 1871. [319 D. Medusce (including Medusoid gonophores). For Acraspeda (Discophora) see p. 103. AGASSIZ, A. On the Mode of Development of the Marginal Tentacles of the Free Medusae of some Hydroids. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. pp 88 101, 1862 (1865). [320 AGASSIZ, A. New Genus of Medusas. Halopsis. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. pp. 219, 220, 1863 (1865). [321 AGASSIZ, A. Heeckel's ' System der Medusen.' Amer. Journ. of Sci. (3) Vol. xix. pp. 245248, 1880. [322 ALLMAN, G. J. Notes on the Structure of certain Hydroid Medusa). I. Slab- beria. II. Obelia. III. Lithocysts of Campanularia. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1867, pp. 7779, 1868. [323 ALLMAN, G. J. On some Becent Besults with the Towing-Net on the South Coast of Ireland. 3, Ametrangia hemispheric a (nov. gen. et sp., Medusa) ; 4, Circe invertens (nov. sp.). Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1873, Beports, pp. 106110, 1874. [324 ALLMAN, G. J. The Fresh-water Medusa. Nature, Vol. xxn. pp. 218, 290, 1880. ' ALLMAN, G. J. On Limnocodium victoria, a new Hydroid Medusa of Fresh Water. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 131137, 1880(1881). (3 fig.) [3*6 BALFOUR, F. M. Becent Besearches on the Nervous System of the Medusae. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvm. pp. 340344, 1878. [327 BALFOUR, F. M. Be"sume des recherches re"centes sur le systeme nerveux des Me*duses. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. e.rp. et gener. Vol. vm. pp. xxvi xxix. 1879-80. [3*8 CCELENTERATA. D. Medusa. 99 BENEDEN, E. VAN. Note sur des precedes de conservation pour les Medusaires et divers autres animaux marins. Ann. sci. nat. Vol. xv. Art. 9, 1872. [329 BLASCHKA, E. Ueber Hydroidquallen oder Craspedoten. Sitz. Ges. Ms, Dres- den, 1880, pp. 4549. [330 BOECK, A. Om to tilsyneladende bilateral-symmetriske Hydromeduser, Di- pleurosoma typica og stuvitzii. Vid. Medd. 1866, pp. 131 140. [331 BOHM, E. Helgolander Leptomedusen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc Vol. xn. pp. 68204, 1878. (6 pi.) [332 BOHM, E. Uber eine Qualle im Tanganjika-See. Mit Bemerkungen von E. von Martens. Sitzungsber. Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin, 1883, pp. 197 200. [333 BRANDT, ALEX. Ueber fossile Medusen. Mem. de VAcad. de St Petersburg. Ser. 7, Vol. xvi. 28 pp. (2 pi.) 1871. [334 BRANDT, ALEX. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen iiber fossile Medusen. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xvi. col. 413 422, 1871. [335 BROOKS, W. K. Budding in free Medusas. Amer. Natur. 1880, pp. 670, 671. [336 BROOKS, W. K. List of Medusae found at Beaufort N. C. Studies from the BioJ. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ. Vol. n. pp. 135 146, 1882 ; pp. 465475, 1883. [337 CLAPAREDE, ED. Beitrage zur Fauna der Schottischen Kuste. I. Ueber ge- schlechtliche Zeugung von Quallen durch Quallen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 401405, 1860. (1 pi.) [ 33 8 GLAUS, C. Ueber Charybdea marsupialis. Arb. a. d. Zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. i. pp. 221276, 1878. (5 pi.) [ 339 GLAUS, C. Ueber JEquorea ForsJcalea, Esch., als 2Equoride des adriatischeu Meeres. Arb. a. d. Zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. in. pp. 283 312, 1881. [340 GLAUS, C. Zur Wahrung der Ergebnisse meiner Untersuchungen iiber Charybdea, als Abwehr gegen den Haeckelismus. Arb. a. d. Zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. iv. pp. 299312, 1882. [ 34I GLAUS, C. Die Entwickelung des ^Equoriden-Eies. Zool. Anzeigcr, Vol. v. pp. 284288, 1882. (4 fig.) [342 GLAUS, C. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geryonopsiden- und Eucopiden-Entwick- lung. I. Zur Entwickelung von Octorchis, E. H. ; II. Zur Ontogeiiie von Irene ( Tima) pellucida, Will.; III. Zur Entwicklung von Phialidium variabile, Cls. Arb.a.d. Zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. iv. pp. 89 120, 1882. (4 pi.) [343 GLAUS, C. Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation und Entwickelung der Medu- sen. Prag. 4to. 96 pp. (20 pi.) 1883. [ 344 EIMER, THEOD. Die Medusen physiologisch und morphologisch auf ihr Nerven- system untersucht. vni 277pp. (13 pi.) 4to. Tubingen, 1879. [345 EHLERS, E. (Medusas from Nova Zembla). Sitzungs. Ges. Erlangen, Vol. v. p. 10, 1873. [ 34 6 FEWKES, J. F. Eeports on the Eesults of Dredging by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake." XI. Eeport on the Acalephas. Bull. Museum Cornp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. vm. pp. 127140, 1880-81. (4 pi.) [Hydr. Cten. Disc.] [347 FEWKES, J. F. Studies of the Jelly-Fishes of Narragansett Bay. Bull. Museum Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. vm. pp. '141182, 1880-81. (10 pi.) [Hydr. Disc. Cten.] [348 FEWKES, J. F. On a few Medusas from the Bermudas. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. xi. pp. 79 90, 1883. (1 pi.) , [ 349 FOL, HERMANN. Die erste Entwickelung des Geryonideneies. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vn. pp. 471492, 1873. (2 pi.) [350 FOL, HERMANN. Le premier developpement de I'oeuf chez les geryonides. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. in. pp. xvn xix. 1874. [351 GREENE, J. EEAY. Note on a Specimen of Charybdea haplonerna. Proc. Zool Soc. 1879, pp. 793802. [352 DE GUERNE, JULES. Meduses d'eau douce et d'eau saumatre. Bull. Sclent, dn dep. du Nord, Vol. xn. pp. 417424, 1880. [353 GUPPY, H. B. Habits of Scyphomedusae. Nature, Vol. xxvu. p. 31, 1882. [354 72 100 CGELENTERATA. D. Medusa*. EL, ERNST. Beschreibung neuer craspedoten Medusen aus dem golfe von Nizza. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. i. pp. 325 342, 1864. [355 HJECKEL, E. Die Familie der Eiisselquallen (Medusae Geryonidae). (I. Gesch- ichte. II. Organisation. III. Systematik.) Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. i. pp. 433469, 1864. (2 pi.) [356 H^ECKEL, E. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Hydromedusen. 1 Hft. Die Familie der Eiisselquallen (Geryoniden). x 194 pp., (6 (4to.) pi.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. [357 H^CKEL, E. Ueber eine neue Form des Generationswechsel bei den Medusen, und iiber die Verwandtschaft der Geryoniden und ^Eginiden. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, 1865, pp. 8594 (1866). [358 H^CKEL, E. Ueber fossile Medusen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 504514, 1865. (1 pi.) [359 ILECKEL, E. On a new Form of Alternations of Generations in the Medusae, and on the Relationship of the Geryonidce and ^Eginidce. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xv. pp. 437444, 1865. [360 ILECKEL, E. Die Familie der Geryoniden. IV. Anatomic von Glossocodon eurybia. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. n. pp. 93120, 1865. V. Meta- morphose von Glossacodon eurybia (1 pi.), VI. Anatomic von Carmarina hastata (2 pi.). VII. Metamorphose von C. hastata. VIII. Knospenbildung in der Magen- hohle von Carmarina hastata (1 pi.). Ibid. Vol. n. pp. 129 202, 1866. [361 ILECKEL, E. Die Familie der Eiisselquallen. IX. Anatomie von Cunina rhododactyla. (1 pi.) X. Verwandtschaft und Generationswechsel zwischen die Geryoniden und 2Eginiden. XI. Gewebe der Geryoniden. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. n. pp. 263322, 1866. [362 H^CKEL, E. Ueber die fossi]en Medusen der Jura-Zeit. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 538562, 1869. (3 pi.) [363 ILECKEL, E. Sur 1'organisation et le systeme des Meduses. Assoc. franc. pour ravancem. des sci. (Paris), Vol. vn. p. 755, 1878. [364 ILECKEL, E. Das System der Medusen. 1 Th. Monographie der Medusen. 1 Halfte : System der Craspedoten, xn 360 pp., 20 pi. 4to. Jena, 1879. [365 H.ECKEL, E. Ueber da.s System der Medusen. Jen. Zeitschr. Vol. xii. suppl., pp. 7880, 1879. [366 H.ECKEL, E. Ueber Organisation und Classification der Anthomedusen. Jen. Zeitschr. Vol. xn, Suppl., pp. 105-^-107, 1879. [367 H^CKEL, E. Ueber die Organisation und Classification der Discomedusen. Sitzungsber. Jen. Gesellsch. 1880, 4 pp, [368 H.ECKEL, E. Classification der Discomedusen. Jen. Zeitschr. Vol. xin. Suppl., pp. 5154, 1881. [369 HVECKEL, E. Ueber die Organisation und Classification der Leptomedusen. Jena. Zeitsch. Vol. xm. Suppl., pp. 13, 1880. Trachymedusen. Ibid. pp. 108, 109. Narcomedusen. Ibid. pp. 125 127. [370 H^ECKEL, E. Eeport on the Deep-sea Medusas dredged by H.M.S. " Challenger " during the years 187376. Challenger Rep. Vol. iv. 1882. 4to. 154 pp. (32 pi.) [37i HAMANN, 0. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Medusen. Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxxvm. pp. 419429, 1883. (1 pi.) [372 HEETWIG, 0. and E. Ueber das Nervensystem und die Sinnesorgane der Medusen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xi. pp. 355374, 1877. [373 HEBTWIG, 0. and E. Das Nervensystem und die Sinnesorgane der Medusen. x 186 pp. (10 pi.) 4to. Leipzig, 1878. [374 HEBTWIG, 0. and E. Der Organismus der Medusen, und seine Stellung zur Keimblattertheorie, 70 pp. (3 pi.) 4to. Jena, 1878. [375 HEBTWIG, E. Ueber den Organismus der Medusen. Jen. Zeitschr. Vol. xn. pp. 2025, 1879. [376 HINCKS, T. On the Medusoid of a Tubularian Zoophyte (Podocoryne carnea), and its Eeturn to a fixed condition after the Liberation of the Ova. Eep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1861, p. 99, 1865. [377 CCELENTERATA. HINCKS, T. The Hydroid Medusae. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. xi. pp. 337348, 1872. (Ipl.) [378 KEFERSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen tiber niedere Seethiere. II. Ueber einige Quallen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 2631, 1863. (1 pi.) [379 KELLER, C. Ueber Meiusen des rotlien Meeres. Vierteljahrsschr. Nat. Ges. Ziirich, Vol. xxvm. pp. 85, 86, 1883. [380 KELLER, C. Untersuchungen tiber neue Medusen aus dem rothen Meere. Zeitschr.f. wiss. Zool. Vol, xxxvm. pp. 621 670, 1883, (3 pi.) [381 KNER, BUDOLF. Notiz tiber eine Meduse in Feuersteln. 3 pp., 1 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1866. [Aus den Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch.} [382 KROHN, A. Beobachtungen tiber den Bau und die Fortpflanzung der Eleutheria, Quatref. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxvu. pp. 157 170,1861. [383 KRUKENBERG, C. F. W. Ueber den Wassergehalt der Medusen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. p. 306, 1880. [384 KRUKENBERG, C. F. W, Ueber die Curare und Strychninwirkungen an Turris digitalis, Aequorea Forskalea, und Carmarina hastata. Vergl. physiol. Studien, 3 Abth., pp. 124146, 1880. [385 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Summary of Zoological Observations made at Naples in the Winter of 1871-72. (MginQptte.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xi. pp. 8198, 1873. [386 LANKESTER, E. BAT. On a new Jelly-Fish of the order Trachomedusae, living in Fresh Water. Nature, Vol. xxn. pp. 147, 148, 190, 191, 241, 1880. [387 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Further observations on the Fresh Water Medusa (Limno- codium). Nature^ Vol. xxv. pp. 444446, 1882. [388 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On a Fresh-water Medusa of the order Trachomedusaa. Zool. Anzeiger. Vol. in. pp. 321323, 1880. [389 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Oil Limnoc odium (CraSpedacuStes) Sowerbii, a New Trach}-- medusa inhabiting Fresh Water. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xx. pp. 351371, 1880, (2 pi.) [390 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Sur le Craspedacustes Sowerbii, nouvelle Trachymeduse habitant 1'eaU douce. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vm. pp. LIX, LX. 1879-80. (Abstr.) [391 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Note : Medusae and Hydroid Polyps living in Fresh Water. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xx. pp. 483485, 1880, [392 LANKESTER, E, BAY. On the Intracellular Digestion and Endoderm of Linmo- codium. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xxi. pp. 119 131, 1881. (3 pi.) [393 LANKESTER, E, BAY. On Young Stages of Limnocodium and Geryonia. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xxi. pp. 194201, 1881. (1 pi. 4 fig.) [394 v. LENDENFELD, B. Eine ephemere Eucopide. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 186189, 1833. [395 M'KENDRICK, G. Some Observations on the Colouring Matter of Jelly Fishes. Journ. ofAnat. and Physiol. Vol. xv. pp. 261264, 1881 ; Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. xii. pp. 9093, 1882. [396 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. On an Anomaly among the Hydromedusaa and their mode of Nutrition by means of the Ectoderm. Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. in. pp. 177181, 1879. (1 pi.) [397 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Histoire du developpement de la Meduse Obelia. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. Vol. vm. pp. 98129, 1883. (2 pi.) [398 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. Sur 1'origine et le developpement de I'ceuf chez la Meduse Eucope avant la fecondation. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xc. pp. 1012 1014, 1880 ; Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. v. pp. 498-500, 1880. [399 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Studien tiber die Entwickelung der Medusen und Si- phonophoren. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pp. 15 83, 1874. (11 pi.) [400 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Vergleichend-embryologische Studien (Geryonidcc, Cunina). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 433 444, 1882. (Ipl.) [401 D. Medusa. METTENHEIMEK, C. Beobachtungen iiber niedere Seethiere. 5. Ueber eine neue kleine Hutquelle, Thaumantias versicolor, n. sp. Abl. d. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. Vol. m. pp. 302, 308, 1861. (12 fig.) [402 MOBIUS, K. (Stomobrachium octocostatum at Kiel). Schr. Ver. Scldesw. Hoist. Vol. i. p. 5, 1875. [403 MOBIUS, K. Medusen werden durch Frost getodted. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 67, 68, 1880. [404 MOBIUS, K. Wassergehalt der Medusen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 586, 587, 1882. [405 MULLEB, FRITZ. Cunina Kollikeri, n. sp. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der .Eginiden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxvu. pp. 4252, 1861. (1 pi.) [406 MULLER, FRITZ. Ueber die systematische Stellung der Charybdeiden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxvn. pp. 302311, 1861. [407 MULLER, FRITZ. On the Systematic Position of the Cliarybdceidce. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. x. pp. 613, 1862.- [408 MULLER, FRITZ. Ueber die Randblaschen der Hydroidquallen. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. 1865, pp. 143147. (1 pi.) [409 MULLER, FRITZ. Drymonema an der Kiiste von Brasilien. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 220222, 1883. [410 NATHORST, A. G. Om Aftryck af Mediisor i Sveriges Kambriska Lager. Kongl. SvemkaVetensk.-Akad. Handlingar. Vol. xix.pt. I. (6 pi.) 1881. (Bev.) Geol.Mag. Dec. 2, Vol. ix. pp. 24, 25, 1882. [411 NOJINE, N. Sur un cas de generation alternante chez la Geryoniaproboscidialis, et sur la larve du Ehizostoma Aldrovandi^ Bulii de VAcad; de St Petersburg, Vol. vni. col. 214218, 1865. (1 pi.) [412 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Ueber Aufstellung der Quallen in den Museen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvn. pp. 379^381, 1866. [413 PANCERI, P. Intorno alia sede del movimento luminoso nelle meduse. Rendic, deir Accad. d. Sci.fis. e matem. di Napoli, Vol. x. pp. 140 146, 1871. [414 PEACH, C. W. On Naked-eyed Medusas found at Peterhead and Wick, N.B. and other British Localities. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1867, pp. 96, 97, 1868. ^ [415 DU PLESSIS, G. 6tude sur la Cosmetira salinarum, nouvelle meduse paludicole des environs de Cette. Bull. Soc. Vaud. (2) Vol. xvi. pp. 3945, 1879. (1 pi.) (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. xxxvm, xxxix. 1881. [416 DU PLESSIS, G. Eesearches on Cosmetira salinarum, a new Paludicolous Medusa of the environs of Cette. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 385 389, 1879. [417 ROMANES, G. J. An Account of some new Species, Varieties and Monstrous Forms of Medusae, I. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xn. pp.524 531, 1876. II. ibid. Vol. xm. pp. 190194, 1877 (1878). (2 pi.) [418 ROMANES, G. J. On the Physiology of the Nervous System of Medusae. Rep. Bnt. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1875, pp. 158163, 1876. [419 ROMANES, G. J. Preliminary observations on the Locomotor System of Me- dusffl. Proc. Roy. Soc. Land. Vol. xxiv. pp. 143151, 1875 (1876). '(2 pi.) Phil. Trans. (Croonian Lecture), Vol. CLXVI. pp. 269 314, 1877. [420 ROMANES, G. J. Further Observations 011 the Locomotor System of Medusa. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxv. pp. 464487, 1877. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVII. pp. 659752, 1878. (2 pi.) [421 ROMANES, G. J. Concluding Observations on the Locomotor System of Me- dusa3. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond, Vol. xxvm. pp. 266268, 1879. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXXI. pp. 161202, 1881. [422 ROMANES, G. J. Note : Medusae and Hydroid Polypes living in Fresh Water. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xxi. pp. 162165, 1881. [423 SCHULTZE, FR. EILHARD. Ueber die Cuninen-Knospenahren irn Magen von Geryonien. 35 pp. 1 (4to) pi. 8vo. Graz, 1875. [424 CCELENTERATA. E. Acraspeda. 103 SPAGNOLINI, ALESSANDRO. Catalogo degli Acalefi del golfo di Napoli. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xi. pp. 553559, 1868. [425 SPAGNOLINI, ALESSANDRO. Catalogo sistematico degli Acalefi del Mediterraneo. Sifonofori e meduse craspedote* Atti della Soc. Ital. di sci. nat. Milano. Vol. xix. pp. 291333, 1876. (6 pi.) [426 SQUIRE, P. On a method of preserving the Fresh-water Medusa (Limnocodium). Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. in. pp. 484, 485, 18:3. [427 STUDER, TH. Ueber scheinbare Knospen an Herpetolitha Umax. Sitz. Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin, 1880, pp. 173, 174. [428 TOURNEUX, . Eecherches sur le tissu des Meduses. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. iv, pp. 369, 370, 1874 (1875). [429 ULJANIN, B. On the Budding of the Cunince in the stomach of the Geryonidse. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, VoL xvii. pp. 215218, 1876. [430 ULJANIN, B. Sur la production des Cunines par bourgeonnement au fond de 1'estomac des geryonides. (Abstr.) Arch> de ZooL exp. et gener. Vol.v. pp. XLIV. XL vi. 1876. [431 VERRILL, A. E. Descriptions of a remarkable new Jelly-fish and two Actinians from the coast of Maine, Amer. Journ. Sci. 1869, pp. 116 118. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. 1869, pp. 160163. [432 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. On Hermaphrodite Keproduction in Clirysaora hyos- cella. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser* 3, Vol. vn. pp. 357360, 1861. (1 pi.) [433 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. On the Eeproduction of Thaumantias inconspicua. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Sen Vol. n. pp. 221, 222, 308, 1862. [434 WRIGHT, T. STRETHILL. On the Eeproduction of Mquorea, vitrea. Edinb. Neio Phil. Journ. Vol. xv. p. 144, 1862. [435 E> Acraspeda (Discophora). AMMON, L. VON. Ueber neue Exemplare von jurassischen Medusen. AbhandJ. K. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. 2 Cl. 15 Bd. 1 Abth. 1883, 4to. 66 pp* (5 pi.) [436 BLANCHARD, EAPHAEL, Note sur la matiere colorante bleu du Ehizostome de Cuvier. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 6769, 1883. Bull. Soc. Zool Fr. Vol. vn. pp. 402404, 1883. [437 BRANDT, ALEX. Ueber Rhizostoma Cuvier 7, Link. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologic der vielmiindigen Medusen. Mem. de tfAcad. de St Petersburg, Ser. 7, Vol. xvi. 29pp. (Ipl.) 1871. [ 43 8 GLAUS, C. Studien liber Polypen und Quallen der Adria. I. Acalephen [Disco- medusen]. 64 pp. 11 pi. 4to. Wien, 1877. [439 GLAUS, C. Ueber einige bislang noch unbekannte Larvenstadien von Rhizo- stoma. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 79 85, 1881. [440 DAVIDOFF, M. Ueber TheilungsVorgange bei Phialidium variabile, Haeckel. ZooL Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 620622, 1882. [44 r GIARD, A. Sur les modifications que subit 1'oeuf des Meduses phanerocarpes avant la fecondation (Rhizostoma Cuvieri). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIV. pp. 564566, 1877. [442 GIARD, ALF. The Modifications which the Egg of the [Hooded-eyed] Medusa undergoes before Fecundation (Rldzostoina Cuvieri). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xvn. pp. 247249, 1877. [443 GOSSE, P. H. The Blue Cyanea. Intellectual Observer, Oct. 1863. [444 GREEFF, E. Ueber Crambessa Tagi. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 564 570, 1881. [445 GRENACHER, H. und F. C. NOLL. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Systematik der Ehizostomeen. Abh. d. Soickenbcrg. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. Vol. x. pp. 119 180, 1876. (8 pi.) L44~ 104 CCELENTERATA. E. Acraspeda. H-ECKEL, E. Ueber die Crambessiden, eine neue Medusen-Familie aus der Ehizostomeen-Gruppe. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 509537, 1869. (2 pi.) [447 ILECKEL, EBNST. Ueber eine sechszahlige fossile Bhizostomee und eine vierzah- lige fossile Semaeostomee. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vm. pp. 308 330, 1874. (2 pi.) [448 H.ECKEL, E. Ueber directe und indirecte Entwickelung von Amelia aurita. Sitzungsber. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch.f. Medicin u. Naturwiss. pp. 14, 15, 1881. [449 ILECKEL, E. Das System der Medusen, 1 Thl. System der Medusen. 2 Halfte : System der Acraspeden, pp. xin xxvi, 361 672, pi. 41 80. 4to. Jena, 1881. [450 ILECKEL, E. Die Organisation und Classification der hoheren Medusen (Acras- peden). Kosmos. Vol. iv. pp. 310 317, 1880. Siizungsberi Jen. Gesellsch. 20 Feb. 1880. [45i H.ECKEL, E. Ueber die Acraspeden^ Arten des Mittelmeeres, Sitzungsber. Jen. Gesellsch. 1880, 3 pp. [452 ILECKEL, E. Organisation und Classification der Acraspeden. Jena. Zeitsch. Vol. xiv. Suppl. pp. 2029, 1881. [453 ILECKEL, E. Ein neuer Fall von abgekurzter Entwickelung (Aurelia aurita). Kosmos. Vol. v. pp. 2944, 1881. [454 H^ECKEL, E. Ueber die Acraspeden- Arten des Mittelmeeres. Jena. Zeitschr. Vol. xiv. Suppl. pp. 6971, 1881. [455 ILECKEL, E. Metagenesis und Hypogenesis von Aurelia aurita. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgesehichte und zur Teratologie der Medusen. 36 pp. 2 pi. 4to. Jena, 1881. [456 HAMANN, OTTO; Die Mundarme der Bhizostomen und ihre Anhangsorgane. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. xv. pp. 243285, 1882. (3 pi.) [457 HABTING, P. Notices zoologiques faites pendant un sejour a Scheveninque, 1874, Oeufs de Cyanea. Otolithes de Cyanea et de Chrysaore. Anneau nerveux et organes de sens d.'Eucope t Niederl. Arch* f. Zool. Vol. n. pt. 3, pp. 125, 1875. (1 Pi.) [458 HABTING, P. Les ceufs de Cyanea. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. iix xXi. 1876* [459 HINCKS, T. Note on the Habits of the Discophora. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. v. p. 145, 1870. [460 HINCKS, T. The Discophores or Large Medusae. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. x. pp. 117129, 1871. (1 pi.) [461 JOSEPH, GUST. Ueber Resultate seiner in Sylt angestellten Untersuchungen von Rhizostoma Cuvierii. 55 Jahresb. d. Schlesw. Ges. pp. 73, 74, 1878. [462 JOUBDAIN, . Note sur les organes genitaux de la Cyanea aurita (Cuv.). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LV> p. 834. 1862; [463 KEFEBSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere. II. Ueber einige Scheibenquallen. Gottingen Nachricliten^ pp. 62 64, 1862. [464 KKUKENBEBG, C. F. W. Ueber das Cyanem und das Asterocyanin. Vergleich. physiol. Studien, 2te Eeihe, 3te Abth. Heidelberg, pp. 6271, 1882. [465 KEUKENBEBG, C. F. W. Antwort auf Dr Blanchard's Notiz iiber das Cyaneiin. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pj). 215, 216, 1883. [466 v. LENDENFELD, E. Ueber eine Uebergangsform zwischen Semostomen und Ehizostomen (Pseudorhiza). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 380 383, 1882. [467 v. LENDENFELD, E. Ueber Coelenteraten der Sudsee. I. Cyanea Annaskala, n. sp. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvii. pp. 465552, 1882. (7 pi.) [468 MEBESCHKOWSKY, C. DE. DSveloppement des spermatozoides dans la Medusa Cassiopea borbonica. Arch. zool. exper. Vol. x. pp. 577 582, 1882. (1 pi.) [469 METTENHEIMEB, C. Ueber die Gesichtsorgane des violetten Seesterns, nebst Beobachtungen iiber die Ohrenqualle u. Versuchen iiber die Motilitat derselben. Archiv. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1862, p. 214. [470 NOLL, F. C., see GBENACHEB, H. No. 446. [471 CCELENTERATA. F. Hydroid Corah. 105 NORMAN, A. M. On Cyanea imporcata, an undescribed Medusa taken off the Northumberland Coast. Trails. Tyne-side Nat. Field-Club. N. S. Vol. I. pp. 58 60,1867. (Ipl.) [472 Du PLESSIS, G. Sur les metamorphoses de la Cassiopea borbonica, D. Ch. Arch. ScL phys. Geneve, (3) Vol. vi. pp. 312314, 1881. Bull. Soc. Vaud. (2) Vol. xvn. pp. 633639, 1881. [473 SCHAFER, E. A. Observations on the Nervous System of Aurelia aurita. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxvii. pp. 16, 17, 1878. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXIX. pp. 563 576,1879. (2 pi.) [ 474 SCHAFER, E. A. Observations sur le systeme nerveux de Y Aurelia, aurita. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vin pp. xxvii, xxvm. 1878. [475 SPAGNOLINI, ALESSANDRO. Catalogo degli Acalefi discofori del golfo di Napoli. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xiv. pp. 144223, 1871. [476 VERRILL, A. E. Descriptions of a remarkable New Jellyfish and two Actinias from the coast of Maine (Callinema, Edwardsia). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 160163, 1869, [477 F. Recent Hydroid Corals (Mitleporida and Stylasterida). DUNCAN, P. MARTIN, see NELSON, B. G. No. 485. [478 MOSELEY, H. N. Preliminary Note on the Structure of the Stylasteridce, a group of the Stony Corals, which, like the Milleporidae, are Hydroids, and not Anthozoans. Proc. Roy. Soc., Lond. Vol. xxv. pp. 93101, 1876 (1877). [479 MOSELEY, H. N. On the Structure of the Stylasteridce. (Croonian Lecture). Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXIX. pp. 425504, 1879. (11 pi.) Nature, Vol. xx. pp. 339 341, 1879. [480 MOSELEY, H. N. On the Structure of a Species of Millepora occurring at Tahiti, Society Islands. Proc, Roy. Soc., Lond. Vol. xxiv. pp. 448451, 1876. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVII, pp. 117136, 1878. (2 pi.) [48 1 MOSELEY, H. N. Note preliminaire sur la structure des StylasteridaB. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. pp. XLII. XLIII. 1876. [482 MOSELEY, H. N. Sur la structure d'une espece de Millepora^ trouvee a Tahiti. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. pp. XLIII. XLIV. 1876. [483 MOSELEY, H. N. On the Hydroid Stony Corals. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 336338, 1878. [484 NELSON, K. G., and P. MARTIN DUNCAN. On the Actinozoan Nature of Millepora alcicornis, Dana and Linn. (pars). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 354360, 1876. Note, ibid. Vol. xvm. p. 78, 1876. [485 EICE, WILLIAM NORTH. On the animal of Millepora alcicornis. Amer. Jonrn. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xvi. pp. 180183, 1878. [486 STEWART, CHARLES. On a IStew Coral, Stylaster stellulatus ; and Note on Tubipora musica. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. i. pp. 41 44, 1878. (1 pi.) [487 TENISON- WOODS, J. E. On a new species of Millepora (M. undulosa). Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xi. pp. 345347, 1878. [488 TENISON- WOODS, J. E. On a New Genus of Milleporidae (Arachnopora argentea). Proc. Linn. Soc., N. S. Wales, Vol. in. pp. 68, 1878 (1879). (1 pi.) [489 TENISON-WOODS, J. E. On the Anatomy of Distichopora, with a Monograph of the Genus. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. xm. pp. 4963, 1879. (2 pi.) [490 TENISON-WOODS, J. E. On a New Species of Distichopora (D. livida). Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. IT. pp. 301303, 1879 (1880). [491 G. Graptolites. ALLMAN, G. J. On the Morphology and Affinities of the Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. ix. pp. 364381, 1872. [492 106 CCELENTERATA. G. Graptolites. BAILY, W. H. Notes on Graptolites and allied Fossils occurring in Ireland. Journ. GeoL Soc. London, Vol. xxv. pp. 158 162, 1869 ; Phil. Man. Vol. xxxvin. p. 241, 1869. [ 493 BILLINGS, E. On the occurrence of Graptolites in the base of the Lower Silu- rian. Canad. Naturalist, Vol. vi. pp. 344 348, 1861. [494 BILLINGS, E. Geological Survey of Canada. Ileport of progress from its com- mencement to 1863. pp. 983. Montreal, 1863. [495 BROGGER, W. C. Die Silurischen Etagen 2 und 3 im Kristianiagellet und auf Eker. Kristiania, 1882. (Describes and figures a number of species.) [496 CALLAWAY, C. On a new Area of Upper Cambrian Eocks in South Shropshire, with Description of a new Fauna. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxiu. pp. 652 671,1877. (Ipl.) [497 CARRUTHERS, W. On the Systematic Position of Graptolites, etc. Geol. Mag. Vol. iv. pp. 7072, 187, 336, 1867. [498 CARRUTHERS, W. Graptolites, their Structure and Systematic Position. In- tellectual Observer, Vol. xi. pp. 283 292, 365374, 1867. [499 CARRUTHERS, W. Classification of Graptolites. GeoL Mag. Vol. v. pp. 199, 200, 1868. L [ 5 oo CARRUTHERS, W. Enumeration of British Graptolites. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Trans. Sect. 1867, p. 57, 1868. [ 5 oi CARRUTHERS, W. A Kevision of the British Graptolites, with Notes on their Affinities. Geol. Mag. Vol. v. pp. 6474. (1 pi.) pp. 125133, 1868. [502 DAIRON, JAS. On Graptolites from the Silurian shales of the Moffat- district. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. i. p. 268, 1869. [503 DAMES, W. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dictyonema, Hall. Zeitsch. d. deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxv. pp. 383 387, 1873. (1 pi.) [504 ETHERIDGE, E., JUN. Observations on a few Graptolites from the Lower Silurian Eocks of Victoria, Australia ; with a further Note on the Structure of Ceratiocaris. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xiv. pp. 110, 1874. (1 pi.) [505 ETHERIDGE, E. Palaeontology of the Coasts of the Arctic Lands visited by the late British Expedition under Captain Sir George Nares. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxrv. pp. 568636, 1878. (5 pi.) [506 HALL, J. Notices of new forms of the genus Graptolithus and allied genera. 13th Ann. Eep. Regents Univ. N. Y. on Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 5564. 1860. [507 HALL, JAMES. Geological Report of Wisconsin, 1861. [508 HALL, JAMES. Palaeontology of New York, Vol. in. 532 pp. (141 pi.) 1861. (Phyllograptus, Thamnograptus.) [509 HALL, JAMES. On the Graptolites of the Quebec Group. Canadian Naturalist, N. S. Vol. ii. pp. 4253, 1865. [510 HALL, JAMES. Graptolites of the Quebec Group. 151 pp. 23 pi. 8vo. Montreal, 1865. [511 HALL, JAMES. Synopsis der Gattungen der Graptolithen. Neues Jahrb. f. Mineral, 1866, pp. 121125. [512 HALL, JAMES. Introduction to the Study of the Graptolitidae. Twentieth Annual Report of the State Cabinet. 8vo. Albany, 1868, pp. 169 240. [513 HARKNESS, E. and H. A. NICHOLSON. On the Strata and their Fossil Contents between the Borrowdale Series of the North of England, and the Coniston Flags. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxiu. pp. 461484, 1877. [514 HAUPT, KARL. Die Fauna des Graptolithen- Gesteines. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der silurischen Sedimentargeschiebe der norddeutschen Ebene. 85 pp. 5 pi. 8vo. Gorlitz, 1878. ' [515 HEIDENHAIN, F. Ueber Graptolithen-ftihrende Diluvial-Geschiebe der nord- deutschen Ebene. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxi. pp. 143 182, 1869. (Ipl.) [516 CCELENTERATA. G. Graptolites. 107 HERMANN, 0. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber eine neue Graptolithenart und mehrere bisher noch nicht aus Norwegen-gekannte Graptolithen. Nyt Mag. f. Naturvid. Vol. xxvn. pp. 341 358,1883. (Loganograptus Kierulfi). [517 HOLM, G. Afhandling om nyer Graptoliter. Ofvers. af. K. Vet. Akad. For- handl. No. 9, 1884. [518 HOLM, G. Bidrag tel Kannedom om Skandinaviens Graptoliteh. Foemne nya slagten af familien Dichograptida, Lapw. Ofvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh. Stockholm, Vol. xxxvin. pp. 4551, 1882. (2 pi.) [519 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On British Graptolites. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. i. pp. 151167, 1869. (1 pi.) [520 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On the Structure and Affinities of the genus Dicranograptus. Geol. Mag. Vol. vn. pp. 353359, 1870. (1 pi.) [521 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On Dicellograpsus, a new genus of Graptolites. Geol. Mag. Vol. vm. pp. 2027, 1871. (1 pi.) [522 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On a Specimen of Diplograpsus pristis with Reproductive Capsules. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vn. pp. 317 321, 1871. Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. n. pp. 204208, 1871. (2 fig.) [523 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On some New Species of Graptolites from the South of Scotland. Geol. Mag. Vol. ix. pp. 501509, 1872. (1 pi.) [524 HOPKINSON, JOHN. The Graptolites of the Arenig Eocks of St David's, South Wales. Proc. Liverpool Geolog. Soc. Vol. n. (Session xiv.) pp. 36 42, 1872. Brit. Assoc. Rep. Vol. XLII. pp. 107, 108, 1872 (1873). Geol. Mag. Vol. ix. pp. 467, 468, 1872. [525 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On some Graptolites from the Upper Arenig Rocks of Ramsey Island, St David's. Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Vol. n. (Session xv.) pp. 47 50, 1873. Brit. Assoc. Rep. Vol. XLIII. pp. 82, 83, 1873 (1874). [526 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On Callograptus radicans, a new Dendroid Graptolite. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. x. pp. 233237, 1872. [527 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On the occurrence of numerous Species of Graptolites in the Ludlow Rocks of Shropshire. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Trans. Sect. 1873, pp. 83, 84, 1874. [528 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On the Distribution of the Graptolites in the Lower Ludlow Rocks near Ludlow. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Trans. Sect. 1875, pp. 69, 70, 1876. [529 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On some Points in the Morphology of the Rhabdophora. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. vm. pp. 448, 449, 1881. [530 HOPKINSON, JOHN. On some Points in the Morphology of the Rhabdophora, or true Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. ix. pp. 54 58, 1882. [53i HOPKINSON, JOHN. On some Points in the Morphology of the Rhabdophora. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Trans. Sect. 1881, pp. 649, 650, 1882. [532 HOPKINSON, J. and C. LAPWORTH. Descriptions of the Graptolites of the Arenig and Llandeilo Rocks of St David's. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxi. pp. 631 672,1875. (5 pi.) [533 KJERULF, TH. Veiviser, med Geologiske Excursioner i Christiania Oinegn. 4to. Christiania, 1865. [534 KURCH, C. Nagra nye Graptolitarter fran Skane. Geol. For. Forhandl. Bd. vi. 1882. [535 LAPWORTH, C., and J. WILSON. On the Silurian Rocks of the Counties of Rox- burgh and Selkirk. Geol. Mag. Vol. vm. p. 546, 1871. [536 LAPWORTH, C. On the Silurian Rocks of the South of Scotland. Tram. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. iv. p. 164, 1872. [537 LAPWORTH, C. On the Graptolites of the Gala Group. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Trans. Sect. 1871, p. 104, 1872. [ 53 8 LAPWORTH, C. Notes on British Graptolites. I. On an Improved Classification of the Rhabdophora. Geol. Mag. Vol. x. pp. 500 504, 555561, 1873. [539 '108 CCELENTERATA. G. Graptolites. LAPWOKTH, C. Note on the results of some recent Researches among the Grap- tolitic Black Shales of the South of Scotland. Geol. Mag. Vol. ix. pp. 533535, 1872. [ M0 LAPWOKTH, C. On the Diprionidce of the Moffat Shale. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. m. pp. 165168, 1874. [ 54 t LAPWOKTH, C. Note on the Graptolites discovered by Mr John Henderson in the Silurian Shales of Habbie's Howe, Pentland Hills, Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinb. Vol. n. pp. 375377, 1874. [542 LAPWORTH, C. On the Silurian Eocks of the South of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. iv. pp. 164174, 1874. [ 543 LAPWORTH, C. On the Scottish Monograptidse. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. m, pp. 308322, 350360, 4^)9507, 544552, 1876. (5 pi.) [544 LAPWORTH, C. The Silurian System in the South of Scotland (with 4 plates of Moffat graptolites). Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils, by James Armstrorjg, John Young and David Eobertson. pp. 1 24. Glasgow, 1876. [545 LAPWORTH, C. On the Geological Distribution of the Bhabdophora. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 245257, 449455. Ibid. Vol. iv. pp. 333 341, 423431, 1879. Ibid. Vol. v. pp, 4562, 273285, 358370. Ibid. Vol. vi. pp. 1629, 185207, 1880. [546 LAPWORTH C. On new British Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 149177, 1880. (2 pi.) [ 547 LAPWORTH, C. On the Cladophora (Hopk.) or Dendroid Graptolites, collected by Prof. Keeping in the Llandovery Rocks of Mid Wales. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvn. pp. 171177, 1881. (1 pi.) [548 LAPWORTH, C., see HOPKINSON, J. No. 533. [549 LINNARSSON, G. The Vertical Range of Graptolites in Sweden. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. m. pp. 241245, 1876. [550 LINNARSSON, G* Om Gotlands Graptolither, Ofv. af KongL Vetens. Akad. Fork. No. 5, p. 12, 1879. See Lapwoith, Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. vn. pp. 6870, 1880. [ 55 1 LINNARSSON, G. Jakttagelser ofver de graptolitforande skiffarne i Skane. Geol. Foren. Fdrhandl. Stockholm, No. 8, pp. 227258, 1879. See Geol. Mag. Dec. 2, Vol. vii. pp. 2937, 1880. [552 LINNARSSON, G. Graptolitskiffrar med Monograptus turriculattts vid Klubbudelen nara Motata. Sveriges Geologiska Ujidersdkning , Ser. C. No. 46. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1881. [ 553 M'CoY, F. Geological Survey of Victoria. Prodromus of the Paleontology of Victoria. Decades 1, 2. Melbourne, 1874, 1875. [554 M'CoT, F. On a new Victorian Graptolite (Didymograpsus Thureani). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvm. pp. 128130, 1876. [555 MALAISE, C. Description du terrain silurien du centre de la Belgique. Mem. couronnees par VAcad. Roy. de Belg. Vol. xxxvn. 122 pp. (7 pi.) 1873. [556 MILLER, S. A. Megalograptus welchi. Cincinnati Quart. Journ. Sci. 1874. [557 MORTON, G. H. On the Graptolites found in the Lower Llandeilo Strata near the Church, Shelve, Shropshire. Proc. Liverpool Geolog. Soc. Vol. in. (pt. 3) pp. 296298, 1877. [558 NICHOLSON, H. A. On some Fossils from the Graptolite Shales of Dumfries- shire (gonophores of Graptolites?). Geol. Mag. Vol. m. pp. 485, 486, 1866. (1 pi.) Rep. Brit. Assoc. Trans. Sect. 1866, p. 63, 1867. [559 NICHOLSON, H. A. On some Fossils from the Lower Silurian Rocks of the South of Scotland (Graptolites). Geol. Mag. Vol. iv. pp. 107113, 1867. (1 pi.) [560 NICHOLSON, H. A. On a new genus of Graptolites (Pleurograpsus), with Notes on Reproductive Bodies. Geol. Mag. Vol. iv. pp. 256 263, 1867. (1 pi.) Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinb. Vol. i. pp. 5764, 1870. [561 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the Graptolites of the Skiddaw Series. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxiv. pp. 8, 9, 125145, 1868. (2 pi.) Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1867, pp. 71, 72. Geol. Mag. Vol. v. pp. 150152, 1868. [562 CCELENTEKATA. G. Graptolites. 109 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the Graptolites of the Coniston Flags ; with Notes on the British Species of the genus Graptolites. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxiv. pp. 521 545, 186 3. (2 pi.) Phil. Mag. Vol. xxxvn. p. 155, 1869. [563 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the Nature and Systematic Position of the Graptolitidce. Eep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1867. pp. 7196, 1868. [564 NICHOLSON, H. A. Notes on Helicograpsus, a new genus of Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 2326, 1868. [565 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the Nature and Zoological Position of the Graptolltidce. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 5561, 1868. (1 pi.) [566 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the Occurrence of the genus Ptilograpsm in Britain, with Notes on the Ludlow Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 238242, 1868. [567 NICHOLSON, H. A. Graptolites of the Moffat Slates. Geol. Mag. Vol. iv. pp. 135, 136, 1867. [568 NICHOLSON, H. A. On Graptolites. Geol. Mag. Vol. iv. pp. 238, 239, 1867. [569 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the British species of the genera Climacograpsus, Diplo- grapsus, Dicranograpsus and Didymograpsus. Phil. Mag. Vol. xxxvm. p. 402, 1869. [570 NICHOLSON, H. A. Note on the Distribution in Time of the various British Species and Genera of Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 347357, 1868. [571 NICHOLSON, H. A. On some new Species of Graptolites. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 231242, 1869. (1 pi.) Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1869, p. 98. [572 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the British Species of Didymograpsus. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. v. pp. 337357, 1870. [573 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the Genus Climacograpsus, with Notes on the British Species of the genus. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. pp. 370 384, 1870. [574 NICHOLSON, H. A. Migrations of the Graptolites. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxvin. pp. 217231, 1872. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. x. pp. 75, 76, 1872. [575 NICHOLSON, H. A. A Monograph of the British Graptolitidag. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. [576 NICHOLSON, H. A. On some Fossils from the Quebec Group of Point Levis, Quebec. (Graptolites.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser, 4, Vol. xi. 133143, 1873. [577 NICHOLSON, H. A. On a new Genus and some Species of Graptolites from the Skiddaw Slates. (Azygograptus.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvi. pp. 269-273, 1875. (1 pi.) [578 NICHOLSON, H. A. On Azygograptus, a new genus of Graptolites from the Skiddaw Slates. Eep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1874. p. 78, 1875. [579 NICHOLSON, H. A. Second Eeport on the Paleontology of the Province of Ontario. 8vo. 1875. (Diplograptus Hudsonicus.) [580 NICHOLSON, H. A. Notes on the correlation of the graptolitic deposits of Sweden with those of Britain. Geol. Mag. (2) Vol. iv. pp. 245249, 1876. (Ipl.) [581 NICHOLSON, H. A., see HAKKNESS, E. No. 514. [582 POSTLETHWAITE, J. Graptolites of the Skiddaw Slates. Trans. Cumb. Assoc. Lit. and Sci. 1883. [583 KICHTEB, K. Aus dem thiiringischen Schiefergebirge. (Graptolites.) Zeitsch. d. deutsch. geol. Geselhch. Vol. xxm. pp. 231256, 1871. (1 pi.) [584 KICHTEE, K. Ueber Graptolithen. Neues Jahrl). f. Mineral. 1866, pp. 211, 212. [585 KICHTER, E. Aus dem thiiringischen Schiefergebirge. Graptolites, pp. 266 272. Zeitschr. d. deut.sch. geol. Geselhch. Vol. xxvii. pp. 261273, 1875. (1 pi.) [586 110 CCELENTEKATA. //. Sipkonophora. KOEMEE, FEED. Die fossile Fauna der Silurischen Diluvial-Geschiebe von Sadewitz, pp. 3133, Taf. v. Breslau, 1861. [587 KOEMER, F. Ueber die Auffindung von Graptolithen in Silurischen Thonschiefera bei Lauban. Jahresb. Schlesiv. Ges. Breslau, Vol. XLIII, pp. 37 39, Ib65. [588 EOEMER, F. Notiz iiber die Auffindung von Graptolithen bei Willenberg unweit Schonau im Katzbachthale. ZeitscJir. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xx. pp. 565567, 1868. [589 SALTER, J. W. Note on the Skiddaw Slate Fossils. (Graptolites.) Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xix. pp. 135140, 1863. (1 pi.) [590 SALTER, J. W. Mem. Geol. Survey, Vol. in. Appendix, 1866. [591 SPENCER, J. W. Graptolites of the Niagara Formation. Canadian Naturalist, N. S. Vol. vin. pp. 457463, 1878. [592 STACHE, GUIDO. Der Graptolithen-Schiefer aus Osternig-Berge in Karnten. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanstalt, Vol. xxm. p. 175, 1873. [593 STACHE, G. Ueber die Graptolithen der schwarzen Kieselschiefer in Karnthen. Verh. geol. Reiclisanst. Wien, 1872, p. 323. [594 SWANSTON, W. Graptolites, with special reference to those found in County Down. Proc. Belf. Club. (2) Vol. i. p. 115 et seq. 1877. [595 TARAMELLI, T. Scoperta di Graptoliti nella Caruia. Boll. Com. Geol. Ital. 1881, p. 360. [596 TORNGUIST, LEONH. Om Fagelsangstraktens Undersiluriske lager. (Describes and figures a number of Graptolites.) Lunds Univ. Arsskrift, Tom. i. 4to. 1864. [597 TORNGUIST, LEONH. Nagra iakttergelser ofver Dalarnes Graptolitskiffrar. Sveri- ges. Geologisker Undersdkning, Ser. C, No. 40. 8vo. Stockholm, 1880. [598 TORNGUIST, LEONH. Studier ofver Eetiolites. Geol. For. Forhandl. Bd. v. 1880- 81. [599 TORNGUIST, LEONH. Om nagra graptolitesartes fran Dalarne. Geol. For. Forhandl. Bd. v. 1880-81. [600 TULLBERG, S, A. Nagra Didymograptusarter i undre graptolitskiffrar vid Kiviks- Esperod. Geol For. ForJiandl. 1880-81. [601 TULLBERG, S. A. Tvenne nya Graptolitsslagten. Geol. For. ForJiandl. Bd. v. 1880-81. [602 TULLBERG, SVEN. AXEL. On the Graptolites described by Hisinger and the older Swedish authors. Stockholm. 8vo. 22 pp. (3 pi.) 1882. [603 TULLBERG, SVEN AXEL. Skanes Graptoliter. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Ser. C, No. 50. 4to. Stockholm, 1882. pp. 44. [604 WHITE, C. A. Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian, Vol. iv. Part i. Palaeontology. 4to. 1875. [605 WILSON, J., see LAPWORTH, C. No. 536. [606 YOUNG, J. On Graptolites from Silurian Strata of the Girvan Valley. Proc. N. H. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. n. p. 182 et seq. (1872.) [607 H. SipJionopJiora. AGASSIZ, A. New genus of Physophoree (Nanomia card). Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. pp. 180, 181, 1862 (1865). [608 AGASSIZ, A. Exploration of the Surface Fauna of the Gulf Stream under the auspices of the Coast Survey. III. Part i. The Porpitidae and Velellidae, 12 pis. , 16 pp. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College, Vol. vin. No. 2, 1883. [609 BEDOT, M. Sur la faune des Siphonophores du Golfe de Naples. Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. m. pp. 121123, 1882. [610 BEYER, H. G., see CONN, H. G. No. 623. [61 1 CHUN, CARL. Das Nervensystem der Siphonophoren. Zool. Anzeiger. Vol. iv. pp. 107 111, 1881. [612 CCELENTERATA. H. Siphonophora. Ill CHUN, CARL. Ueber die cyclische Entwickelung und die Verwandschaftsver- haltnisse der Siphonophoren. Sitzungsber. d. kon. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., Berlin, Vol. i. pp. 11551172, 1882. (1 pi.) [613 CHUN, CARL. Die Gewebe der Siphonopheren. Zool. Anzeiger, 1882, pp. 400 406. [614 GLAUS, C. Ueber Physophora hydrostatica, nebst Bernerkungen iibere andere Siphonophoren. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 295332, 1860. (3 pi.) [6i5 CLAUS, C. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Structur und Entwickelung der Siphonophoren. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 536 563, 1863. (3 pi.) [616 CLAUS, C. Ueber die Abstammung der Diplophysen, und iiber eine neue Gruppe von Diphyiden. Gdttingen Nachrichten, pp. 257 261,1873. [617 CLAUS, C. Die Gattung Monophyes und ihr Abkommling Diplopliysa, Gbr. Schriften zoologischen Inhalts, Heft i. 2, pp. 2533. - (pi. iv.) 1874. [618 CLAUS, C. Ueber Halistemma tergestinum, n. sp., nebst Bemerkungen iiber den feinern Bau der Physophoriden. Arb. a. d. zoolog. List. Wien, Vol. i. pp. 1 56,1878. (5 pi.) [619 CLAUS, C. Agalmopsis Utricularia, eine neue Siphonophore des Mittelmeeres. Arb. a. d. zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. n. pp. 199 202, 1879. (1 pi.) [620 CLAUS, C. Ueber das Verhaltniss von Monophyes zu der Diphyiden sowie iiber den phylogenetischen Entwickelungsgang der Siphonophoren. Arb. zool. Inst. Wien, Vol. v. pp. 1528, 1883. [62 1 CLAUS, C. Zur Phylogenie der Siphonophoren. Kosmos, 7 Jahrg. (13 Bd.), 9 Heft, pp. 692694, 1883. [622 CONN, H. G. and H. G. BEYER. The Nervous System of Porpita. Studies from the Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ. Vol. n. pp. 433445, 1883. (1 pi.) [623 DONITZ, W. Ueber eigenthiimliche Organe an den Magenstiicken der Siphono- phoren. Arch.f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), pp. 8389, 1871. (1 pi.) [624 DONITZ, W. Ueber die Entwickelung der Zoospermien. bei Schwimmpolypen. Sitzungsber. nat. Fr. Berlin, 1872. [625 FEWKES, J. W. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Tubular Jelly-fishes. (Siphonophora.) 1. Development of Tentacular Knobs of Physophora hydrostatica. 2. The Mantle-tubes of Apolemia uvaria and Gleba hippopus. 3. The Tubes in the larger Nectocalyx of Abyla pentagona. 4. On Halistemma, A g alma and Agalmopsis. 5. Notice of a few Siphonophorte and Velellidas from the Eastern Coast of the United States. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. vi. pp. 127146, 1879 1881. (3 pi.) [626 FEWKES, J. \V. The Embryonic Tentacular Knobs of certain Physophores. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xvn. pp. 667, 668, 1883. ' [627 FEWKES, J. W. The Siphonophores. I. Anatomy and Development of Agalma. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, pp. 617630. II. do., ibid. 1881, pp. 186195. III. Physo- phoridae. Ibid. Vol. xv. pp. 772 782, 1881. IV. Anatomy and Development of Diphyes. Ibid. Vol. xvi. pp. 89101, 1882. V. The Diphyts. Ibid. Vol. xvn. pp. 833845, 1883. [628 FEWKES, J. W. On the structure of EhizopJiysa filiformis. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xx. pp. 292304, 1881. (1 pi.) [629 FEWKES, J. W. The Tubes in the larger Nectocalyx of Abyla pentagona. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xx. pp. 318325, 1881. (1 pi.) [630 GRANGER, ALB. Invasion des Velelles a la plage de Cette. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1879, pp. XLVI XLVII. [631 H^ECKEL, ERNST. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Siphonophoren. Beobacht- ungen iiber die Entwickelungsgeschichte der genera Physophora, Crystallodes, Athorybia, und Eeflexionen iiber die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Siphonophoren im Allgemeinen. (Gekronte Preisschrift), vm 120 pp. (14 pi.) 4to. Utrecht, 1869. [632 HACKEL, E. Ueber Arbeitsthcilung in Natnr- und Menschen-lebcn. Berlin : 1869 (new PhysopJiorid). [633 112 CGELENTERATA. I. Lucernaria. KOROTNEFF, A. Zur Kenntniss der Siphonophoren. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 360363, 1882. Ibid. vi. pp. 492496, 1883. [634 DE LACAZE-DUTHIERS, H. Embryoge~nie des Kayonnes. Keproduction geneagen- tique des Porpites. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIII. pp. 851 853, 1861. [635 MACDONALD, J. D. On the Anatomy of the Nervous System of Diphyes, affording presumptive evidence of the existence of a similar System in the other Forms of Oceanic Hydrozoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. ix. pp. 114 116, 1872. [636 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Entwickelung einiger Coslenteraten. 1. Sipho- nophoren. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xv. col. 95 98, 1871. [637 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger niederen Thiere. 2. Hippopodius gleba. Bull, de I'Acad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xv. col. 503, 1871. [638 MORTIMER, J. H. Notes on Physalia. Proc. Liverpool N. H. Soc. Vol. xxi. pp. Ixxv Ixxvii, 1877. [639 MULLER, P. E. Jagttagelser over nogle Siphonophorer. Naturhist. Tidsskrift, Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 260332, 1871. (3 pi.) [640 MULLER, P. E. Kepetitio hrevis og Rettelser til Jagttagelser over nogle Siphonophorer. Ibid. 541-547, 1871. [64 r PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere aus Cette. VIII. Zur naheren Kenntniss der Velellidenform Eataria, nebst Betrachtungen iiber die Velelliden im Allgemeinen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 496 529, 1863. (2 pi.) [642 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Eine neue Entwicklungsweise bei Siphonophoren. Zeitschr. f. wissenscli. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 244252, 1869. (1 pi.) [643 STUART, ALEX. Neapolitaniscbe Studien (Velella). Gottingen Nachrichten, pp. 99103, 1870. [6 44 STUART, ALEX. Ueber die Entwickelung der Medusenhrut von Velella. Arch. f. Anat. (Keich. u. Du Bois), pp. 366. 373, 1870. (1 pi.) [645 STUDER, TH. Ueber Siphonophoren des tiefen Wassers. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxi. pp. 124, 1878. (3 pi.) Mittheil. d. nat. Gesellsch. Bern, 1877, pp. 8796. [646 STUDER, TH. Sur les Siphonophores des profondeurs de la mer. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vn. pp. xm xv. 1878. [647 WALLICH, C. G. On Physalia, and certain Scombroid (?) Fish which are frequently associated with it in Tropical and Subtropical Seas. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4. Vol. in. pp. 810, 1869. [648 I. Lucernaria. CLARK, H. JAMES. Lucernaria, the Coenotype of Acalephas. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. pp. 47 54, 1862 (1865). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xn. pp. 19 30, 1863. Arner. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 2, Vol. xxxv. pp. 346356, 1863. [649 CLARK, H. JAMES. Prodromus of the History, Structure and Physiology of the order Lucernarise. Boston Journ. of Nat. Hist. Vol. vn. pp. 531 567, 1863. [650 CLARK, HENRY JAMES. Lucernarise and their allies. A Memoir on the Anatomy and Physiology of Haliclystus Auricula and other Lucernarians, with a Discussion of their Eelations to other Acalephae, Beroids, and Polyps. SmitJisonian Contrib. to Knowledge, No. 242, Vol. xxm. 1881 (4to. 130 pp. 11 pi.) [651 FRY, J. Note on Lucernaria Auricula. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. i. pp. 144, 145, 1869. [652 GRAFFE, E. (A) Solla comparsa delle Lucernaria presso Trieste ; Boll. Soc. Adriat. i. p. 191. (B) Ueber die Erscheinungszeiten der pelagischen Hydromeduseii und Akalephen im Meerbusen der Adria bei Triest ; J. c. pp. 303306, 1875. [653 CCELENTERATA. J. Recent Actinozoa. 113 KEFERSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere. 1. Ueber die Gattung Lucernaria. Gottingen Nachrichten, pp. 60 62, 1862. [654 KEFERSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere. I. Ueber die Gattung Lucernaria, 0. F. Miiller. Zeitschr. f. ivissemch. ZooL Vol. xn. pp. 1-26,1863. (Ipl.) [655 KEFERSTEIN, W. On the genus Lucernaria, O. F. Miiller (Trans.) Quart. Jonrn. Microsc. Soc. ; New Ser. Vol. in. pp. 264285, 1863. (1 pi.) [656 KLING, 0. Ueber Crateroloplws Tethys. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic und Histologie der Lucernarien. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. v. pp. 141166, 1879. (3 pi.) [657 DE KOROTNEFF, A. Sur 1'anatomie et 1'histologie de la Lucernaire. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXI. pp. 827829, 1875. [658 DE KOROTNEFF, A. Histologie de 1'Hydre et de la Lucernaire. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. 369400, 1876. (2 pL) [659 STIMPSON, WM. Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata collected by the late Arctic Expedition, under Dr J. L Hayes. (Annelida, Lucernaria, etc.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 138142, 1863 (1864). [660 STEENSTRUP, J. B. Bidrag til Kundskab om de nordiske Lucernarier. Vidensk. Ned. 1859, p. 106. Kjobenhavn, 1860. [66 1 STEENSTRUP, J. B. Om de ved Norges Kyst forekommende arter af Slaegten Lucernaria. Forhand. Vid. Selsk. Christiania, Aar 1860, p, 145, 1861. [662 TASCHENBERG, E. Anatomie, Histologie und Systematik der Cylicozoa. Zeitschr. ges. Naturwiss. (3) i. pp. 1104. (pis. i. iv.) 1877, [663 J. Recent Actinozoa. AGASSIZ, L. On some new Actinoid Polyps from the coast of the U. S. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. vn. pp. 23, 24, 1859 (1861). [h6 4 AGASSIZ, A. On Arachnactis brachiolata, a species of floating Actinia found at Nahant, Massachusetts. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. Vol. vn. pp. 525539, 1863. [665 AGASSIZ, A., and POURTALES, L. F. DE. Recent Corals from Tilbiche, Peru. Bull. Mus. Cornp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. m. 13, pp. 287290, 1876, (1 pi.) [666 AGASSIZ, ALEX. Sur le developpement des tentacules des Arachnactis et des Edwardsies. Arch, de ZooL exp. et gener. Vol. n. pp. xxxvin XLI. 1873. Note par M. de Lacaze Duthiers, Ibid. [667 AGASSIZ, A. Report on the Florida Reefs, accompanied by illustrations of Florida Corals, with an explanation of the plates by L. F. Pourtales, Mem. Museum of Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ. Vol. vn. No. 1. Cambridge. 4to. 61 pp. (22 pi.) 1880. [668 ALDER, JOSHUA. Occurrence of a Sea Pen new to Britain. (Virgularia Christi, Kor. and Daniells.) Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, VoL v. pp. 60, 61, 1862. [669 ALDER, J. Notices of some Invertebrata, in connection with the Report of Mr Gwyn Jeffreys on Dredging among the Hebrides (Pennatula inollis, etc.). Pep. Brit. Assoc. 1866 ; Reports, pp. 206208, 1867. [670 ALLMAN, G. J. On the Structure of Edwardsia. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xii. pp. 394, 395, 1872. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1872. pp. 132, 133, 1873. [671 ALLMAN, G. J. Coral islands and their architects. Pharmaceut. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 10341037, 1873. Proc. Roy. Instit. Vol. vn. pp. 5867, 1873. [672 ANDRES, ANGELO. On a new Genus and Species of Zoanthina malacodermata. (Panceria spongiosa, n. sp.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvn. pp. 222226, 1877. (1 pi.) Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel Vol. n. pp. 123142, 1881. (1 pi.) [673 T. 8 114 CCELENTERATA. J. JKecent Actinozoa. ANDRES, ANGELO. Intorno all' Edwardsia Claparedii. (Halcampa Claparedii, Pane.) Atti d. R. Accad. del Lincei (Roma), Ser. 3, Mem. Cl. Sci. fis. etc. Vol. v. pp. 221236, 1880. (1 pi.) [674 ANDRES, A. Prodromus neapolitanae actiniarum faunae, addito generalis actini- arum bibliograpbiiae catalogo. Mlttheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Vol. n. pp. 305371, 1881. [675 ANDRES, A. Intorno alia scissiparita delle attinie. MittJieil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Vol. in. pp. 124148, Ib82. (1 pi.) [676 BEDWELL, F. A. On the Urticating Threads of Actinia parasitica. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. v. pp. 159163, 1879. (1 pi.) [677 BEDWELL, F. A. On the Anatomy of Actinia mesembryanthemiim. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. v. pp. 213222, 1879. (2 pi.) [678 BENNETT, E. H. Reproduction of Anthea cereus. Proc. Dublin Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. iv. pp. 208211, 1866. Dublin Quart. Journ. Sci. Jan. 1866, pp. 4857. [679 BONNAFONT, . Excursion et peche du corail a la Calle en 1837. 14 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1878. [680 BRUGGEMANN, F. Notes on Stony Corals in the Collection of the British Museum. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 415 422, 1877. [6Si BRUGGEMANN, F. Neue Korallen-Arten aus dem rothen Meer und von Mauritius. (LiOphoseris, Plesiastr&a, Stylophora, Madrepora, Montipora, Pocillopora.} Abli. d. naturwiss. Ver. zu Bremen, Vol. v. (pt. 2) pp. 395400, 1877. (2 pi.) [682 BRUGGEMANN, F. Notes on Stony Corals in the Collection of the British Museum. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 300313, 1877. [683 BRUGGEMANN, F. Ueber einige Steinkorallen von Singapore. Abh. d. naturwiss. Ver. zu Bremen, Vol. v. (pt. 4) pp. 539549, 1878. [684 BRUGGEMANN, F. Ueber die Korallen der Insel Ponape. Journ. du Mus. Godeff'roy, VoL xiv. pp. 201212, 1879. [685 BRUGGEMANN, F. Corals from Rodriguez. (Alcyonaria, Milleporidcc, Zoantharia.} Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 569579, 1879. [686 CANESTRINI, G. E E. II Corallo. Roma, 8vo. 170 pp. 1883. [687 CARTER, H. J. On Antliozoantlms parasiticus, Deshayes, M. S. Ann. and Mat), of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. v. p. 449, 1870. [688 CARTER, H. J. On the Antlpatliaria ^(Milne-Edwards) with reference to Hydra - dendrium spinottum, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 301 305, 1880. [689 CARTER, H. J. Additional observations on the Antipatharia. Ann. and Mng. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 395397, 1880. [690 CARTER, H. J., see GRAY, J. E. No. 744. [691 DE CAVENILLE, CAVALIER. La peehe du corail sur les cdtes de 1'Algerie. 71 pp. 8vo. Nancy, 1875. [692 COLLINGWOOD, C. Note on the Existence of Gigantic Sea-Anemones in the China Sea, containing within them quasi-parasitic Fish. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hut. Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 3133, 1868. [693 COUGHTREY, MILLEN. Description of a new species of Actinia (A Thompsoni}. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. vn. p. 280, 1874. [694 CROSBY, W. O. On the elevated Coral Reefs of Cuba. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. xxn. pp. 124130. Abstr. Amer. Journ. Sci. (3) Vol. xx. pp. 148, 149. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. in. Pt. 6, p. 854, 1883. [695 DE CRESPIGNY, C. C. Notes on the Friendship existing between the Mala- copterygian Fish Premnas biaculeatus and the Actinia crassicornis. Proc. Zool. Soc. pp. 248, 249, 1869. [696 DANA, JAMES D. Corals and Coral Islands. 398 pp. 8vo. London, 1872. [697 DANA, JAMES D. Corals and Coral Islands. New ed., with additional matter. 8vo. New York, 1875. [698 DANIELSSEN, D. C., sec KOREN, J. No. 813. [699 CCELENTERATA. J. Recent Aclinozoa. 115 DARWIN, CHARLES. The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. 2nd ed., revised. 290 pp., 8vo. London, 1874. [700 DARWIN, CH. Ueber den Bau und die Verbreitung der Corallen-Eiffe. Nach der 2. durchgesch. Ausgabe aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von J. Victor Carus. xiv. 231 pp. (3 pi.) 8vo. Stuttgart, 1876. [701 DARWIN, CH. Les recifs de corail, leur structure et leur distribution. Traduit d'apres la 2me edition par L. Cosserat. (3 pi.) 8vo. Paris, 1878. [702 DOLLFUS, GUSTAVE. Sur un fossile nouveau du Cambrien (Palaactis vetula). Bull de la soc. geol. de France, Ser. 3, Vol. iv. pp. 470, 471, 1876. [703 DUCHASSAING, P., and JEAN MICHELOTTI. Memoire sur les Coralliaires des Antilles. Mem. della E. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, Ser. 2, Vol. xix. pp. 279366, 1861. [704 DUCHESSAING, P., and JEAN MICHELOTTI. Supplement au Memoire sur les Coral- liaires des Antilles. Mem. della E. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, Ser. 2, Vol. xxm. pp. 97206, 1866. [705 DUHIL DE BENAZE, see LE CLERC. No. 842. [706 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. Corals and their polypes. Student, Vol. in. pp. 81 91, 241250, 1869. Vol. iv. pp. 95107, 445456, 1870. [707 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On the Madreporaria dredged up in the Expedition of H.M.S. "Porcupine." Ann. and Maa. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. v. pp. 286 298, 1870. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xvm. pp. 289301, 1870. [708 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On the Nervous System of Actinia. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xii. pp. 6579, 1874. (2 pi.) [709 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. Sur le systeme nerveux des Actinia. Arch, de Zool. exp. gener. Vol. in. pp. xxm, xxiv. 1874. [710 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. Notices of some Deep-sea and Littoral Corals from the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Indian, New Zealand, Persian Gulf, and Japanese, &c. Seas. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, pp. 428442. (4 pi.) [711 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. Corals obtained during the Cruise of the "Valorous" to Davis Strait in 1875. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxv. p. 223, 1876 (1877). [712 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. A Description of the Madreporaria dredged up during the Expedition of H.M.S. " Porcupine " in 1869 and 1870. Part I. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. Vol. vin. pp. 303344, 1871 (1874). (11 pi.) Part II. Ibid. Vol. x. pp. 235 250, 1876 (1879). (3 pi.) [713 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On the Eapidity of Growth of some Madreporaria on an Atlantic Cable, with remarks upon the rate of accumulation of Foraminiferal Deposits. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxvi. pp. 183 137, 1877. [714 DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On some Eecent Corals from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882, pp. 213 221. (1 pi.) [715 DUNCAN, P. M. Observations on the Madreporian family, the Fungidas, with especial reference to the Hard Structures. Journ. Linn. Soc. Vol. xvn. pp. 137 162,1883, (2 pi.) [716 DUNCAN, P. M. On the Structure of the Hard Parts of the Fungida?. II. Lophoserina. Journ. Linn. Soc. Vol. xvn. pp. 302 319, 1883. (1 pi.) [717 DUNCAN, P. M. On the Madreporarian genus Phymastrcp.a of Milne-Edwards and Jules Haime, with a description of a new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, pp. 406412. [ 7I 8 DUNCAN, P. M. Eemarks on an Essay by Prof. G. Lindstrom, entitled "Con- tributions to the Actinology of the Atlantic Ocean," and a Eeply to some of his Criticisms. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. xn. pp. 361369, 1883. [719 DYBOWSKI, W. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der inneren Struktur der Tubipora musica. Arch, f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxix. pp. 284 292, 1873. (2 figs.) [720 EATON, A. E. Actinozoa from Kerguelen's Island. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. p. 281, 1879. [721 EISEN, G. Bidrag till Kiinnedom om Pennatulidsliigtet.I? LESLIE, G.. and W. A. HERDMAN. The Vermes of the Firth of Forth. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinb. Vol. vi. pp. 272277, 1881. [ 34 LEVINSEN, G. M. E. Systematisk-geografisk Oversigt over de nordiske Annulata, Gephyrea, Chaetognathi og Balanoglossi. Aftr. af Vid. Meddel. naturh. Eoren. 1882 og 1883, pp. 160251. [35 LEYDIG, FRANZ. Tafeln zur vergleichenden Anatomie. i Heft. Zum Nerven- system und den Sinnesorganen der Wiirmer und Gliederfiissler. 24 pp. (10 pi.) Fol. Tubingen, 1864. [36 LEYDIG, F. (Vermes of Ehenish Prussia). Verh. Ver. Rheinl. Vol. xxxvm. pp. 144150, 1881. [37 LUDWIG, H. Ueber die Eibildung im Thierreich. Verh. Ges. Wiirzb. (n. /.) Vol. vii. pp. 33256, 1874. Arb. List. Wiirzb. Vol. i. pp. 287510, (Platyhelmintha, pp. 49 67, Nematoda, pp. 6678, Echinorhynchi, Gephyrea, &c., pp. 79 87, Jlotatoria, pp. 8789, Chcetopoda and Discophora, pp. 91 111). [38 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the remarkable Annelida of the Channel Islands (Nemer- tini, Polychccta). Proc. Roy. Soc., Edinb., Vol. vii. pp. 438441, 1871 (1872). [39 144 WORMS. B. Mesozoa. M'INTOSH, W. C. On the abyssal theory of light, the protozoic absorption- theory, and the azoic-mud theory, propounded in the Reports of H. M. S. " Porcu- pine," 1869, 1870. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (4), Vol. ix. pp. 112, 1872. [40 MAN, J. G. DE. Die Wormen. Ists, Maandschr. v. Natuurwet. Jg. 3 en 4. Afl. pp. 6586, 1878. [41 MARION, A. F. Draguages profonds au large de Marseille. Rev. Montpellier, Vol. iv. 1876. [42 MABION, A. F. Draguages au large de Marseille. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vm. Art. 7, 1879. ITes' Annelides ChStopodes, pp. 1331. (3 pi.) Gephyriens, pp. 31 33 ; Bryozoaires, pp. 33 36 ; Coalenteres, pp. 45, 46. [43 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Concerning some Little-known Forms of Animal Life (Transl.). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. vi. pp. 241252, 1866. (Chcetonotus, Ichthydium, Echinoderes, Desmoscolex). [44 MOBIUS, K. Vermes (Jahresbericht der Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen Unter- suchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel, f. d. Jahre 1872, 1873. Berlin, 1875), pp. 153 170. [45 MOBIUS, K. The Vermes of Mauritius. Beitr. zur Meeresfauna d. Insel Mauritius u. Seychelles Berlin, 1880, 4to. pp. 43, 44. [46 OLSSON, P. Bidrag till Skandinaviens helminthfauna (Hirudinea, Trematoda). Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. llandl. (Ny foljd). Vol. xiv. (1). 35 pp. 1875 (1878). (4 pi.) [47 PANCERI, PAOLO. Catalogo degli Anellidi, Gefirei, e Turbellarie d' Italia. Atti della Soc. Ital. di sci. nat., Milano, Vol. xvm. pp. 201253, 1875. [48 ROUGEMONT, DE. Notes zoologiques sur la Norwege. Bull. Soc. Neucli. Vol. xi. 2, pp. 232250, 1875. [49 SALENSKY, W. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Anneliden (incl. Branchiobdella, pp. 203208). Biolog. Centralbl Vol. n. pp. 198208, 1882. [50 SARS, G. 0. On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps off the Norwegian coast. Vol. i. Christiania, 1872. [51 SCHNEIDER, ANT. Ueber die Muskeln der Wiirmer, und ihre Bedeutung fiir das System. Arch.f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois). 1864, pp. 590597. [52 SEMPER, C. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der gegliederten Thiere. Strobila- tion und Segmentation. Arb. aus d. zool.-zoot. Inst., Wurzburg, Vol. in. pp. 115 404, 1876. (10 pi.) Rev. Scientif., 1878, pp. 871880, 1878. [53 STIMPSON, W. Descriptions of new species of Marine Invertebrata from Puget Sound, collected by the Naturalists of the North-west Boundary Commission. Proc. Phil. Acad. Vol. in. p. 159, 1864. [55 VERRILL, A. E. Catalogue of New England Worms, in Baird's Report on the condition of the sea-fisheries of the South coast of New England in 1871 and 1872. Part i. Washington, 1873, pp. 580624. [56 WAGENER, G. K. Ueber die Muskelfaser der Evertebraten. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1863, pp. 211233. (2 pi.) (Nemertines, Aulostoma, Dy- tiscus, etc.) [57 B. Mesozoa (Dicyemida and Orthonectida). VAN BENEDEN^ ED. Recherches sur les Dicyemides, survivants actuels d'un embranchement des M6sozoaires. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. XLII. pp. 35 97, 1876. (3 pi.) [58 VAN BENEDEN, ED. Contribution a 1'histoire des Dicyemides. Arch, de Bio- %ze, Vol. in. pp. 196 228,1882. (2 pi.) (Conocyema, Microcyema.) [59 VAN BENEDEN, ED. Researches on the Dicyemida. (Abstr. by D'Arcy Power.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New ser. Vol. xvn. pp. 132 145, 1877. (1 pi.) [60 FOETTINGER, ALEX. Recherches sur quelques Infusoires nouveaux, parasites des Cephalopodes. Bull. Acad. Belg. Vol. i. pp. 887895, 1881 ; Arch, de Biologie, Vol. IT. pp. 345 378,1881. (4 pi.) (Benedenia, Opalinopsis.) (Abstr.) Zoolog. Anzeig. No. 94, p. 613 ; No. 102, p. 33 ; Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 902, 903, 1881, Vol. n. pp. 62, 63, 1882. [61 WORMS. C. Platyelminthes. 145 GIARD, A. Les Orthonectida, genre nouveau de 1'embrancliement des Vermes. Assoc. fran$. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Montpellier), Vol. vm. pp. 751, 752, 1879. [62 GIABD, A. Les Orthonectida, classe nouvelle du phylum des vermes. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. xv. pp. 449464, 1879. (3 pi. ) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 181183, 1879. [63 GIAKD, A. The Orthonectida, a New Class of the Phylum of the Worms. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 225240, 1880. (1 pi.) [64 GIARD, A. Quelques mots sur les Orthonectides. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 3942, 1880. [65 GIARD, A. Nouvelles remarques sur les Orthonectida. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIX. pp. 10461049, 1879. [66 GIARD, A. Sur les Orthonectida, classe nouvelle d'animaux parasites des Echi- nodermes et des Turbellaries. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 812 814, 1877. [67 GIARD, A. Sur 1'organisation et la classification des Orthonectides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIX. pp. 545547, 1879. [68 GIARD, A. Sur 1'organisation et la classification des Orthonectida. Bull, sclent. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 338341, 1879 (1880). [69 JOURDAIN, S. Sur une forme tres-simple du groupe des vers. Le Prothelminthus Hessi, S. J. = (?) Intoshia leptoplance, A. Giard. 8pp. 1 pi. 8vo. Montpellier, 1880. [70 JULIN, CHARLES. Observations sur le deVeloppement des Orthonectidees. Butt, sclent, da dep. du Nord, Vol. xm. pp. 309- 318, 1881. [71 JULIN, CHARLES. Contribution a 1'histoire des Mesozoaires. Kecherches sur 1'organisation et le developpement embryonnaire des Orthonectides. Arch, de Bio- logie, Vol. m. pp. 154, 1882. (3 pi.) (Rhopalura.) [72 METSCHNIKOFF, ELIAS. Zur Naturgeschichte der Orthonectiden. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. ii. pp. 547 549, 1879. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen iiber Orthonectideu. Ibid. Vol. n. pp. 618620, 1879. [73 METSCHNIKOFF, E. Untersuchungen iiber Orthonectiden. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. xxxv. pp. 282303, 1881. (1 pi.) [74 SPENGEL, J. W. Die Orthonectiden. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. i. pp. 175181, 1881. ^ [75 WHITMAN, C. 0. A Contribution to the Embryology, Life-history, and Classifica- tion of the Dicyemids. Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. iv. (Pt. 1) pp. 1 89, 1882. (5 pi.) [76 C. Platyelminthes (general), including General Works on Parasites. BAIRD, W. Description of some New Species of Intestinal Worms (Entozoa) in the Collection of the British Museum. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, pp. 446448. [77 BAIRD, W. Description of some New Species of Entozea. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, pp. 113115. [78 BAIRD, W. Description of a New Species of Entozoon from, the Intestines of the Diamond-snake of Australia (Morelia spilotes) (Bothridium arcuatum). Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, pp. 58, 59. (1 fig.) [79 BALERT, B. Die Bandwiirmer und die iibrigen Eingeweidewiirmer des Menschen, ihre Entstehung und sichere Beseitigung. 45 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877. [80 BEALE, L. S. On Entozoon-like Bodies in the Muscles of Animals destroyed by Cattle-Plague. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. v. pp. 153160, 1866. (1 pi.) [81 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Transformation des Entozoaires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIV. pp. 11571160, 1862. [82 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Migration des Entozoaires; reponse a la Note de MM. Pouchet et Verrier aine. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LV. pp. 132, 133, 1862. [83 T. 10 146 WORMS. C. Platyelminthes. VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Eemarks on the Communication of MM. Pouchet and Verrier, respecting the transmigration of the Entozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. n. pp. 270272, 1862. [84 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Sur la cigogne blanche et ses parasites (Distoma, Tcenia, Holostomum, Agamonema). Bull, de VAcad. roy. des sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxv. pp. 294303, 1868. (2 pi.) [85 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Les Grace's, leurs commensaux et leurs parasites. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxix. pp. 347368, 1870. [86 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Les poissons des c6tes de Belgique, leurs parasites et leurs commensaux (Trem., Cest., Echinorhyncus). Mem. de VAcad. roy. de Belg. Vol. xxxvin. 100 pp. (6 pi.) 1871. [87 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Les parasites des chauve-souris de Belgique. Mem. de VAcad. de Belg. Vol. XL. 42 pp. (7 pi.) 1873. [88 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Les commensaux et les parasites dans le regne animal. 243 pp. (88 figg.) 8vo. Paris, 1876. [89 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Animal Parasites and Messmates. 302 pp. 8vo. London, 1876. [90 VAN BENEDEN, ED. Sur 1'appareil urinaire et les espaces sanguino-lymphatiques des Platodes. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 455 459, 1881. [92 VAN BENEDEN, E. Encore un mot sur le Nephridium et la cavite" du corps des Trematodes et Cestodes. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 14 18, 1882. (fig.) [93 BRAUN, MAX. Die thierischen Parasiten des Menschen nebst einer Anleitung zur praktischen Beschaftigung mit der Helminthologie fiir Studirende und Aerzte. Wiirzburg. 8vo. 233 pp. 1883. [94 BUTSCHLI, 0. Beobachtungen tiber mehrere Parasiten. I. Der Verbindungs- kanal des Hoden und der weiblichen Organe bei Distomum endolobum, Duj. II. Ueber das Mannchen des Trichosomum crassicauda, Bellingh. III. Displiaragus denutatus, Duj., ausLeuciscus erythrophthalmus. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvin. pp. 234249, 1872. (2 pi.) [95 CHATIN, JOANNES. Etudes helminthologiques. I. Cyathostoma Tadorna. II. Sclerostoma Pelecani. III. Amphibdella torpedinis. Assoc. /rang, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Lille). Vol. m. pp. 463465, 1874. [96 CHATIN, J. Etudes sur des helininthes nouveaux ou peu connus (Cyathostoma, Sclerostoma, Amphibdella). Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. i. 18 pp. (2 pi.) 1874. [97 COBBOLD, T. SPENCER. Further Observations on Entozoa, with Experiments (Distoma, Trichocephalus, Tcenia). Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxm. pt. 2, pp. 349_358, 1860 (1861). (1 pi.) [98 COBBOLD, T. SPENCER. Further Observations on Entozoa, with Experiments (Distoma conjunctum, Pentastoma, Trichocephalus). Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. v. pp. 255257, 1861. [99 COBBOLD, T. S. List of Entozoa, including Pentastomes, from Animals dying at the Society's Menagerie, between the years 1857-60 inclusive, with Descriptions of several New Species. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, pp. 117127. (1 pi.) [100 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on all the Human Entozoa. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, pp. 288315. [101 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on Parasites in the Lower Animals. Dublin Med. Press, 1863, p. 154. [102 COBBOLD, T. S. Entozoa: an introduction to the study of Helminthology, with reference more particularly to the internal parasites of Man. 516 pp. 21 pi. roy. 8vo. London, 1864. [103 COBBOLD, T. S. Eeport on experiments respecting the Development and Migra- tions of the Entozoa. Brit. Ass. Reports, 1864, p. 111. [104 COBBOLD, T. S. Brief Notice of Eesults obtained by Experiments with Ento- zoa. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. vm. pp. 141 143, 1865. [105 COBBOLD, T. S. Notes on Entozoa contained in the various metropolitan Mu- seums. Lancet, 1865, p. 503. [106 WORMS. C. Platyelminthes. 147 COBBOLD, T. S. Vegetables, Fruits and Water considered as sources of In- testinal Worms. Popular Sci. Rev. 1865, p. 163. [107 COBBOLD, T. S. On Animal Individuality from an Entozoological point of view. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vm. pp. 163169, 1865. [108 COBBOLD, T. S. Eeport of Experiments respecting the Development and Migra- tions of the Entozoa. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1864, Reports, pp. Ill 119, 1865. [109 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on some Entozoa collected by Mr Charles W. Devis. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, pp. 325, 326. [no COBBOLD, T. S. Tapeworms, their sources, nature, and treatment. 82 pp. 12mo. London, 1866. [m COBBOLD, T. S. Catalogue of the specimens of Entozoa in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. London, 1866. [112 COBBOLD, T. S. Tapeworms and Threadworms [human Entozoa] : their sources, nature and treatment. 2nd ed. 102 pp. 12rno. London, 1867. [113 COBBOLD, T. S. Remarks on the Entozoa and Ectozoa of Fish. Veterinarian, Oct. 1867, p. 671. [114 COBBOLD, T. S. On the Entozoa of Abyssinia. Lancet, 1867. [115 COBBOLD, T. S. On the Prevalence of Entozoa in the Dog, with Eemarks on their Relation to Public Health. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. ix. pp. 281 296, 1867(1868). [n6 COBBOLD, T. S. Entozoa : being a supplement to the Introduction to the Study of Helminthology. Super roy. 8vo. London, 1869. [117 COBBOLD, T. S. On the best methods of displaying Entozoa in Museums. Journ. Linn. Soc. Vol. vm. p. 170, 1865. [118 COBBOLD, T. S. Entozoa in Relation to Public Health and the Sewage Question. Med. Times and Gaz. Jan. 1871. [119 COBBOLD, T. S. On Sewage and Parasites, especially in relation to the dis- persion and vitality of the germs of Entozoa. Med. Times and Gaz. Feb. 1871. [120 COBBOLD, T. S. Our Food-producing Ruminants, and the Parasites which reside in them. Journ. Soc. of Arts, 1871. [121 COBBOLD, T. S. Worms : a series of Lectures on Practical Helminthology, delivered at the Medical College of the Middlesex Hospital, with cases illustrating the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of internal parasitic diseases. 186 pp. 8vo. London, 1872. [122 COBBOLD, T. S. The Internal Parasites of our Domesticated Animals. A Manual of the Entozoa of the Ox, Sheep, Dog, Horse, Pig, and Cat. 150 pp. 8vo. London, 1873. [123 COBBOLD, T. S. Vermi. Serie di lettere sulla elmintologia pratica date al collegio medico dello spedale Middlesex, tradotte dalP inglese ed annotate col permesso dell' autore dal Tommaso Tommasi. 118 pp. 32mo. Milano, etc. 1873. [124 COBBOLD, T. S. Notes on Entozoa. Pt. I. Filaria. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1873, pp. 736742. (1 pi.) Pt. II. (Nematoda). ibid. pp. 124128, 1874. (1 pi.) Pt. HI. Filaria and Echinorhyncus. ibid. pp. 200205, 1876. (1 pi.) Pt. IV. Nematoda. ibid. pp. 294298, 1876. (1 pi.) [125 COBBOLD, T. S. Observations on rare Parasites from the Horse. Veterinarian, Feb. and April, 1874. [126 COBBOLD, T. S. Parasites of the Hog. Veterinarian, 1875. [127 COBBOLD, T. S. On deadly epizootics among the Wallabys in Australia, possibly introduced with the sheep. Veterinarian, Vol. XLVIII. p. 124, 1875. [128 COBBOLD, T. S. On the destruction of Elephants by parasites, with remarks on two new species of Entozoa. Veterinarian, Vol. XLVIII. pp. 733 743, 1875. [129 COBBOLD, T. S. Verification of recent Haematozoal Discoveries in Australia and Egypt. Brit. Med. Journ. June, 1876. [130 COBBOLD, T. S. Parasites of Man. Midland Naturalist, 1878-79. [131 COBBOLD, T. S. Parasites. A Treatise on the Entozoa of Man and Animals, including some account of the Ectozoa. 510pp. 8vo. London, 1879. [132 102 148 WORMS. C. Platijelminthes. COBBOLD, T. S. The Parasites of Elephants. (Abstr.) Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. xv. p. 333, 1881. [133 COBBOLD, T. S. The Parasites of Elephants. Trans, Linn. Soc. Lond. Ser. 2, Zool. ii. pt. 4, pp. 223258, 1882. (2 pi.) [134 DAVAINE, C. Trait6 des entozoaires et des maladies verraineuses de l'homme et des animaux domestiques. 2e ed. revue et corrigee. cxxxii 1003 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1878. [13 5 DEAN, D. V. On Meats and Parasites. Seventh Ann. Eep. of Board of Health of the City of St Louis, 1874, pp. 58 . [136 DIESING, K. M. Kevision der Prothelminthen. Abth. : Amastigen [Schluss]. 97 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1866. (Aus den Sitzungsber. der kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch.) [137 DIESING, K. M. Eevision der Prothelminthen. Abth. : Amastigen. 75pp. 8vo. Wien, 1866. Do. Abth.: Mastigophoren. 115pp. 8vo. Wien/ 1866. (Aus den Sitzungsber. der kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch.) [138 DKASCHE, E. v. Helminthologische Notizen. Verhandl. d. k. zool. bot. Ges. Wien, 1882. pp. 139 142. (1 pi.) [139 Du PLESSIS, G. Notice anatomique sur les Platyhelminthes. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. nat. Vol. xv. pp. 233236, 1878. [140 DYRENFURTH, M. De parasieten van het menschelijk lichaam. Hun ontstaan, hunne levenswijze en de middelen om hen te verdrijven. Uit het Duitsch vertaald door A. W. J. Zubli en A. Arn. J. Quanjer. 86 pp. 8vo. Gravenhage, 1880. [141 FOOT, . Entozoa from some animals in the Koyal Zoological Gardens, Dublin. Proc. Dubl. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. iv. pp. 201 207, 1866. [142 FEAIPONT, JULES. Kecherches sur 1'appareil excreteur des Trematodes et des Cestoides. I. Arch, de Biologic, Vol. i. pp. 415456, 1880. (2 pi.) II. Ibid. Vol. ii. pp. 140, 1881. (2 pi.) [143 FBAIPONT, JULES. Kecherches sur 1'appareil excreteur des Trematodes et des Cestoides. I. (Note preliminaire.) Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. XLIX. pp. 397402, 1880. II. Ibid. Vol. L. pp. 106, 107, 265270, 1880. [144 FBAIPONT, JULES. Kecherches sur 1'appareil excreieur des Trematodes et des Cestoides. Note preliminaire. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. vn x. 1881. [145 FRAIPONT, JULES. Appareil excreteur des Trematodes et des Cestoides. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. xxn xxiv. 1881. [146 FRAIPONT, JULES. L'appareil urinaire des Trematodes et Cestodes. Soc. Beige de Microscopic, Proc. -verb. 1882, pp. 31 42. [147 FRANCOTTE, P. Sur 1'appareil excreteur des Turbellaries, Rhabdocoeles et Den- drocoeles. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belg. (3) Vol. in. pp. 8898, 1882. [148 FRANCOTTE, P. Sur 1'appareil excreteur des Turbellaires, Khabdocoeles et Den- drocoeles. Arch. Zool. Experiment. Vol. ix. Notes, p. 63, 1882. [149 GAMGEE, J. On Cattle Diseases (including those produced by Entozoa). Edinb. Vet. Eev. Dec. 1863. [150 GERVAIS, H. Sur les Entozoaires des Dauphins. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXI. pp. 779781, 1870. [151 GIEBEL, C. Die im zoologischen Museum der Universitat Halle aufgestellten Eingeweidewiirmer nebst Beobachtungen uber dieselben. Zeitschr. ges. Natunoiss. Vol. xxvm. pp. 253352, 1866. [152 GRIMM, OSCAR. Zur Anatomie der Binnenwurmer (Vorlauf. Mittheil.). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 499504, 1871. [154 GRIMM, OSCAR. Zur Kenntniss einiger wenig bekannten Binnenwurmer. (Tamia sagitta, n. sp., T. ambigua, Duj., Echinorhynchus polymorphus, Ascaris dentata, Bud.) Gdttingen Nachrichten, pp. 240250, 1872. [155 HANNOVER, ADOLPH. lagttagelser over indkapslede Indvoldsorme hos Froen. Kongel. Danske Videnskab. Selsk. Skrift. Ser. 5, Vol. vn. pp. 1328, (1864) 1868. (2pL) [157 HELLER, A. Darmschmaroteer. Ziemmsen's Handbuch, Vol. vn. 1876. [158 WORMS. C. Platyelminthes. 149 HELLER, A. Die Schmarotzer, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der fur den Menscben wichtigen. xvi 230 pp. 8vo. Miinchen, 1880. (Die Naturkrafte : eine naturwissenschaftl. Volksbibliothek.) [159 KKABBE, M. H. On tbe Entozoa of Man and the Domestic Animals in Iceland. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xix. pp. 180184, 1867. [160 KRABBE, H. Helminthologiske Undersogelser i Danmark og paa Island, med saerligt Hensyn til Blsereormlidelserne paa Island. Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. Ser. 5, Vol. vn. pp. 345408, 1868. (7 pi.) (Also a French edition, Paris. 4to. 66pp. (7 pi.) 1866.) [161 KRABBE, H. Entozoa. Schiodte's Zoologia Danica. Copenhagen, 1881. Fol. 34 pp. (3 pi.) [162 KREFFT, G. Australian Entozoa. Trans. Entom. Soc. of N. S. W. Sydney, 1871. [163 KREFFT, G. On Australian Entozoa, including a list of tbe species hitherto recorded, and descriptions of sixteen new tape-worm colonies, with figures of each drawn from fresh specimens. 28 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. New South Wales, 1872. [164 KUCHENMEISTER, F., und F. A. ZURN. Die Parasiten des Menschen. Ite Lfg- Cestoden. 256 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. [165 KDCHENMEISTER, F., und F. A. ZURN. Die Parasiten des Menschen. 2te Aufl. 2te Lfg. Trematoden, Nematoden, 1. Abth. pp. 257399. (3 pi.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. [166 LANG, ARNOLD. Sur les relations des Platyelmes avec les Ccelenteres d'un cote", et les Hirudinees de 1'autre. Arch, de Biologie, Vol. n. pp. 533 552, 1881. (8 fig.) [167 LANG, ARNOLD. Untersuchungen zur vergleicbenden Anatomic und Histologie des Nervensystems der Plathelminthen. I. Das Nervensystem der marinen Den- drocoelen. Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Vol. i. pp. 459488, 1879. (1 pi.) II. Ueber das Nervensystem der Trematoden. Ibid. Vol. ir. pp. 28 52, 1881. (3 pi.) III. Das Nervensystem der Cestoden im Allgemeinen und dasjenige der Tetrarhynchen im Besondern. Ibid. Vol. n. pp. 372400, 1881. (2 pi.) IV. Das Nervensystem der Tricladen. Ibid. Vol. in. pp. 5375, 1882. (2 pi.) V. Vergleichende Anatomic des Nervensystems der Plathelminthen. Ibid. Vol. in. pp. 7696, 1882. [168 LANKESTER, E. KAY. On the Body-cavity (Ccelom) and Nephridia of Platyelmia. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. rv. pp. 308 310, 1881. [169 LANKESTER, E. BAY. The Body-cavity and Nephridia of Platyelmia: reply to M. Ed. van Beneden. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 572 575, 1881. [170 LANKESTER, E. BAY. The Ccelom and Nephridia of Flatworms. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 227231, 1882. (fig.) [171 LANDOIS, L. Ueber den Haarbalgparasiten des Menschen. 82 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Danzig, 1863. (Aus den Greifswalder medicinischen Beitragen, Bd. i.) [172 LAWSON, HENRY. On the affinities of the groups Trematoda, Planariae and Hirudinei ; and on the formation of a new Class of Annuloida for the reception of these Animals. Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc. Vol. in. pp. 216 223, 1861. [173 LEGROS, CH. Parasites du poumon chez le chat. Compt. rend, de la soc. de liologie (Paris), Ser. 4, Vol. in. p. 162, 1866 (1867). [174 LEIDY, J. Notice of some Worms (Bothriocephalus, Aulastomum, Gordius). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1871, pp. 305307. [175 LEIDY, J. Notes on some Parasitic Worms (Ascaris, Mermis, Tcenia bipapillosa, n. sp.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1875, pp. 14 16. (2 fig.) [176 LEMAISTRE, P. Lettres sur un entozoaire dans la Haute- Vienne. 62 pp. 8vo. Limoges, 1870. [177 LEMOINE, . Des parasites animaux, &c., de Vorgane de la vue. Paris, 1874. [178 LEUCKART, KUDOLF. Die menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herriihrend- en Krankheiten. Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch fur Naturforscher und Aerzte. 1 Band. 1 u. 2 Lieferung. 448pp. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1862. [179 150 WORMS. C. Platyelminthes. LEUCKART, RTJD. Die menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herruhrenden Krankheiten. 2 Bd. 882. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. [180 LEUCKABT, BUD. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Parasiten, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der bei dem Menschen schmarotzenden Arten. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Zoologen, Landwirthe und Mediciner. x 216 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. [182 LEUCKABT, BUD. Die Parasiten des Menschen und die von ihnen herriihrenden Krankheiten. Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch fiir Naturforscher und Aerzte. 2 Aufl. vm 856 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. [183 v. LINSTOW, 0. Beobachtungen an neuen und bekannten Helminthen (Tcenia, Distomum, Dactylogyrus, Filaria, Sphaerularia, Trichosoma, Angiostoma, Ascaris). Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLI. pp. 183207, 1875. (4 pi.) [185 VON LINSTOW, 0. Helminthologische Beobachtungen (16 n. sp., etc.). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLII. pp. 118, 1876. (2 pi.) [186 VON LINSTOW, 0. Helminthologica (Nematoden, Trematoden, Cestoden). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLIII. pp. 118, 1877. (1 pi.) [187 VON LINSTOW, 0. Enthelminthologica. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLIII. pp. 173198, 1877. (3 pi.) [188 VON LINSTOW, O. Neue Beobachtungen an Helminthen (26 n. sp., etc.). Arch, f. Naturgesch. Vol. xuv. pp. 220245, 1878. (3 pi.) [189 v. LINSTOW, 0. Compendium der Helminthologie. Ein Verzeichniss der be- kannten Helminthen, die frei oder in thierischen Korpern leben, geordnet nach ihren Wohnthieren, unter Angabe der Organe, in denen sie gefunden sind, und mit Beifiigung der Litteraturquellen. xxn 381 pp. 8vo. Hannover, 1878. [190 v. LINSTOW, 0. Helminthologische Studien (19 n. sp. etc.). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLV. pp. 165188, 1879. (2 pi.) [191 v. LINSTOW, 0. Helminthologische Untersuchungen (8 n. sp. etc.). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLVI. pp. 4154, 1880. (1 pi.) [192 v. LINSTOW, 0. Helminthologische Studien (n. sp. etc.). Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. XL vm. pp. 125, 1882. [193 VON LINSTOW, 0. Nematoden, Trematoden und Acanthocephalen, gesammelt von Prof. Fedtschenko in Turkestan. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLIX. pp. 274 288, 1883. [194 LOCKWOOD, S. Abnormal Entozoa in Man. Virginia Med. Monthly, Vol. vn. No. 11, pp. 851856, Feb. 1881. [195 LOWNE, B. T. Notes on the Development of the Nervous System of the Annulosa. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vm. pp. 259262, 1872. (1 pi.) [196 LUNEL, . A list of the Parasites and Intestinal Worms found in the Fishes of the Lake of Geneva. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xvi. pp. 168, 169, 1879. [197 MACLEAY, W. Notes on the Entozoa of a Sun-fish. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. i. pp. 12, 13, 1876. [198 MARCHI, P. I vermi parasiti. 44 pp. (2 pi.) 16mo. Firenze, 1867. [199 MEGNIN, P. Note sur les Helminthes rapportes des c6tes de la Laponie par M. le Prof. Pouchet, et en particulier sur un nouveau Pentastome, le Pentastoma Lari, Megnin. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, Vol. vm. pp. 153 156, 1883. [200 MINOT, C. S. The Classification of the Lower Worms. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xix. pp. 1726, 1876 (1878). [201 MOLIN, BAFFAELE. Prodromus faunae helminthologicse Venetse, adjectis dis- quisitionibus anatomicis et criticis. 150 pp. (15 pi.) Vienna, 1861. [Aus den Denkschr. d. math.-naturwiss. Classe d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch.] [202 MORRIS, . Report on Australian Parasites. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Nov. 1871. [203 MOSLER, FRIEDRICH. Helminthologische Studien und Beobachtungen. vm 89 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Berlin, 1864. [204 OLSSON, PETER. Entozoa, iakttagna hos skandinaviska hafsfiskar. Platyel- minthes. I. 59pp. (2 pi.) II. 69pp. (3 pi.) Lund Univ. Arsskri/t, 1867, 1868. [205 OLSSON, P. Bidrag till Skandinaviens Helmmthfauna. Sv. Ak. Handl. (n. f.) Vol. xiv. 1. pp. 635, 1876. [206 WORMS. C. Platyelminthes. 151 PH. Ueber einen neuen Parasiten, aus den Eiern (Eogen) des Sterlets. (Abstr.) Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. p. 292, 1872. [207 OWSJANNIKOFF, PH. Ueber einen neuen Parasiten in den Eiern des Sterlet. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xvn. col. 103108, 1872. (1 fig.) [208 PAPIER, A. Sur quelques helminthes recueillis sur les bords de 1'Oued Kouba, pres de B6ne. 40 pp. 8vo. B6ne, 1879. [209 PE$AFIEL, A., and A. HERRERA. Apuntes para la Helmintologia Mexicana. Nat. Mex. Ent. 2 a and 8 a , 1869-70, pp. 5356, and 173176. [210 PERRONCITO, E. On the Tenacity of Life of the Helminths, and their cor- responding Larval Forms in Man and Animals. Veterinarian, July, 1877, pp. 457 817. (From the Studente Veter. Parma, 1876, p. 146.) [211 PERRONCITO, E. Helminthological Observations upon the Endemic Disease of the Mount St Gothard Tunnel Labourers. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. vi. pp. 141150, 1880. [212 PERRONCITO, ED. Osservazioni elmintologiche relative alia malattia svilup- patasi endemica negli operai del Gottardo. Atti Accad. Line. mem. Cl.fis. Vol. vn. pp. 381433, 1881. [213 PERRONCITO, E. Helminthologische Beobachtungen beziiglich der unter den Arbeitern am St. Gotthard- Tunnel aufgetretenen endemischen Krankheit. Moleschott, Untersuch. z. Naturlehre d. Menschen. Vol. xn. 5, 6 Heft. pp. 532562, 1881. [214 PERRONCITO, E. I parassiti dell' uomd e degli animali utili : delle piu communi malattie da essi prodotto : profilassi e cura relativa. xn 506 pp. (14 pi.) 8vo. Milano, 1882. [215 PONFICK, and BOLLINGER. Thierische Parasiten. Jahresber. Leist. Forts. Medicin, Vol. x. 1. pp. 375, and 644650, 1875. [216 POUCHET, A., et VERRIER AINE*. Migration des Entozoaires. Expense a la note de M. van Beneden. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIV. pp. 12071209, 1862. [ 2i; POUCHET, A., et VERRIER, AINE. Experiences sur les migrations des En- tozoaires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIV. pp. 958963, 1862. [218 POUCHET, A., and VERRIER. Experiments on the Migrations of Entozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. n. pp. 171 175, 1862. [219 POUCHET, A., and VERRIER. Eeply to M. van Beneden's Note respecting the above. Ibid. Vol. n. pp. 272274, 1862. [220 EATZEL, FRITZ. Beschreibung einiger neuen Parasiten (HeteraMs, Filaria, Monostomum, Psorospermite). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 150 156, 1868. (Ipl.) [221 EOWE, J. Parasitism in Australia. Veterinarian, May, 1874. [222 SCHNEIDER, ANT. Untersuchungen iiber Platyelminthen. 76 pp. (5 4to. pi.) 8vo. Giessen, 1873. (From the Jahrb. oberh. Gesellsch. Vol. xiv.) ' [223 SCHULTZE, F. E. Trichoplax adhtcrens, nov. gen., nov. sp. (incertce sedis}. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 92 97, 1883. (2 fig.) [2230 SIMON, EUGENE. Une expedition helminthologique. 8pp. 8vo. Paris, 1863. [224 SMITH, WM. ABBOTTS. On Human Entozoa ; comprising the description of the different species of worms found in the intestines and other parts of the human body, and the pathology and treatment of the various affections produced by their presence; to which is added -a glossary of the principal terms employed. 258pp. 8vo. London, 1863. [225 SMITH, W. A. On Human Entozoa. 8vo. London, 1871. [226 THUDICHUM, J. W. L. On the Parasitic Diseases of Quadrupeds used as food. Privy Council Med. Officer's Rep. 1865. [227 ULICN^ , J. Helminthologische Beitrage. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLIV. pp. 211219, 1878. (1 pi.) [228 VERRILL, A. E. The External and Internal Parasites of Man and Domestic Animals. 140 pp. 85 wood-cuts, 8vo. Hartford, Conn. 1870. (From the Report of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture.) [229 152 WORMS. D. Cestoda. VILLOT, A. Eecherches sur les Helminthes libres ou parasites des c6tes de la Bretagne. Arch, de Zool. exp. et genir. Vol. iv. pp. 451482, 1875. (4 pi.) [230 VILLOT, A. Sur la faune helminthologique des cotes de la Bretagne. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 1098 1101, 1875. [231 VOGT, CABL. Die Herkunft der Eingeweidewurmer des Mensclaen. 62 pp. 8vo. Basel, 1877. (Also French transl. ibid. 55 pp.) [232 v. WiLLEMOES-SuHM. Helminthologische Notizen. I. Zeitschr. f. ivissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 469475, 1869. (1 pi.) Do. II. Ibid. Vol. xx. pp. 9498, 1870. (Ipl.) [233 v. WiLLEMOES-SuHM, E. Ueber einige Trematoden und Nemathelminthen. 29 pp. (3 pi.) 8vo. Gottinger Inaugural-Dissertation, 1871. [234 v. WILLEMOES-SUHM, K. Ueber einige Trematoden und Nemathelminthen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 177 203, 1871. (3 pi.) [235 WEIGHT, E. EAMSAY. Contributions to American Helminthology. 24 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Toronto, 1879. [236 ZURN, F. A. Die Schmarotzer auf und in dem Korper unserer Haussaugethiere, sowie die durch erstere veranlassten Krankheiten, deren Behandlung und Verhiitung. 1. Theil. Die thierischen Parasiten. xiv, 236 pp. (4 pi.) 8vo. Weimar, 1872. 2te verb. Aufl. xvi, 316 pp. (4 pi.) 1882. [237 ZURN, F. A. Zoopathologische und physiologische Untersuchungen, 1872. [238 D. Cestoda. BAILLET, C. Experiences sur le Cysticercus tenuicollis, et sur le Tasnia qui r6sulte de sa transformation dans 1'estomac du chien. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xvi. pp. 99111, 1861. [240 BAILLET, C. Zoologie v6terinaire. Experiences sur le Cysticercus tenuicollis, et sur le Taenia qui resulte de la transformation dans 1'intestin du cheval. 17 pp. 8vo. Toulouse, 1862. (Extr. des Mem. de la Soc. imper. de medecine, etc. de Toulouse.) [241 BAIRD, W. Description of Two New Species of Cestoid Worms belonging to the genus Tamia. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, pp. 20, 21. (1 pi.) [242 BALERT, B. Die Bandwurmer, &c. 8vo. 1877. [243 BEATSON, GEORGE T. The Disease called Sturdy in Sheep, in its relation to cerebral localisation. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. xiv. pp. 205 220, 1879. (Tsenia Coenurus.) [244 VAN BENEDEN, ED. Sur un Scolex de Cestoide trouve chez un Dauphin. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVII. pp. 1051, 1052, 1868. [245 VAN BENEDEN, ED. Eecherches sur le d<$veloppement embryonnaire de quelques Tenias. Arch, de Biologie, Vol. n. pp. 183210, 1881. (2 pi.) [246 BERTOLUS, . Sur le developpement du Bothrioc6phale de 1'homme. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LVII. pp. 569571, 1863. [247 BILLI, VALDEMARE. Studio sugli echinococchi del cervello. Traduzione dal danese. 24 pp. 8vo. Padova, 1867. [248 BLUMBERG, C. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Tcenia plicata, Tcenia perfoliata, und Tcenia mamillatta. Arch. f. Thierheilkunde, 1877. pp. 3345. [249 BOOKER, . Zur Statistik der Echinococcen. Berlin, 1868. [250 BOETTCHER, A. Mittheilungen iiber einen noch unbekannten Blasenwurm. 12 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Dorpat, 1862. (Aus dem Arch. f. die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth-, und Kurlands.) [251 BRAUN, M. Zwei neue Bandwurmer. Arb. aus d. zool.-zoot. Inst. Wiirzburg, Vol. iv. pp. 297304, 1878. (1 pi.) [252 BRAUN, M. Zur Frage des Zwischenwirthes von Bothriocephalus latus, Brems. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 593597, 1881. Vol. v. pp. 3943, 194196, 1882. Vol. vi. pp. 9799, 1883. [253 WORMS. D. Cestoda. 153 BRAUN, M. Ueber die Herkunft von Bothriocephalm latus. Virchow's Arch. f. pathcl. Anat. Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 119124, 1882. [255 BRAUN, M. Berichtigung betreffend das Vorkommen des Bothriocephalus corda- tus, Leuck. in Dorpat. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. p. 46, 1882. [256 BRAUN, M. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des breiten Bandwurms (Bothrio- cephalus latus). Wiirzburg. 8vo. 56 pp. 1883. [258 BRULLE, M. Observations sur les ligules. 32 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Dijon, 1862. [259 CANDE, J. B. Quelques recherches sur les helminthes cestoiides de 1'homme en Cochinchine, pr6c6dees d'un coup d'ceil sur les caracteres g6neraux et la distribution geographique des teniades et des bothrioce'phalides. 52 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1882. [260 CAPORALI, V. Echinococco del cervello : nota anatomo-patologica. 5 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1882. [261 CARRUCCIO, ANT. Sovra una specie del genere Solenophorus forse nuova trovata nel Python natalensis Smith. Atti R. Accad. Sc. Modena, Vol. xix. 27 pp. (1 pi.) 1880. [261 a CAUVET, . Note sur un Tenia algerien. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xvm. 7 pp. 1873. [262 CHAPMAN, H. C. Description of a new Tapeworm from Rhea. Proc. Phil. Acad. 1876, p. 14. [263 CHAPOT, L. Du taenia ou ver solitaire, de ses especes et de ses vari6tes. Coup d'ceil sur 1'histoire naturelle et medicale de cet entozoaire. 63 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1875. [264 COBBOLD, T. S. On Cystic Entozoa from the Wart hog and Eed Eiver-hog. Proc. Zool. Soc. 186L pp. 9396. (1 pi.) [265 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on Ccenurus. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. v. pp. 9698, 1865. (1 fig.) [266 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on Ccenurus. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vra. pp. 2224, 1865. (1 fig.) [267 COBBOLD, T. S. On Beef, Pork and Mutton, in relation to Tapeworms. Brit. Ass. Rep. 1865, p. 102. [268 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on Beef Measles from a Cow. Path. Soc. Trans. Vol. xvn. p. 463, 1866. [269 COBBOLD, T. S. Experimental Investigations with Cestoid Entozoa. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. ix. pp. 170178, 1866 (1868). [270 COBBOLD, T. S. On a rare and remarkable Parasite (Cysticercus). Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1870, p. 135, 1871. [271 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on eighty cases of Tapeworm. Lancet, June, 1874. [272 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on Megnin's Tapeworm. Veterinarian, Sept. 1874. COBBOLD, T. S. Further Experimental Eesearches with the Eggs of the Beef Tapeworm. Veterinarian, Aug. 1875. [274 COBBOLD, T. S. On Hydatid Diseases of Man and Animals. Brit. Med. Journ. Oct. 1875, to Jan. 1876. [275 COBBOLD, T. S. Tapeworms (human), their Source, etc. 3rd ed. 8vo. Long- mans, 1876. [276 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on the Broad Tapeworm. Veterinarian, July, 1878. COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on Bothriocephalus latus, in relation to Dr Fock's supposition that the Bleak (Leuciscus alburnum) is concerned in its reproduction. Veterinarian, July, 1878. [278 COBBOLD, T. S. Description of Ligula Mansoni, a new Human Cestode. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool. Vol. xvu. pp. 7883, 1883. [280 COBBOLD, T. S. and SIMCNDS. On the production of the so-called 'Acute Cestode Tuberculosis ' by the administration of the Proglottides of Ttenia medio- canellata. Proc. Roy. Soc. May 4, 1865. [281 154 WORMS. D. Cestoda. COHN, H. Ueber fiinf Extractionen von Cysticercen aus dem Augapfel. Bres- lauer drztl. Zeitschr. 1881. [282 CORMAKY, PAUL ACHILLE. Etude du Tcenia solium. These. 39 pp. 4to. Mont- peUier, 1862. [283 CRINON, . Les vers cestoides de 1'homme. 20 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1876. [284 CRINON, . Considerations sur les metamorphoses de certains tasnias et partieulierement de l'origme du ta?nia inerme de Fhomme. 8 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1879. [285 CULLINGWORTH, C. J. Notes on a remarkable specimen of Tapeworm (Tcenia lophosoma). Med. Times and Gaz. Dec. 1873. [286 DAVAINE, C. Sur la question de la transformation du coenure en Tcenia serrata. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LV. pp. 209, 210, 1862. [287 DAVAINE, C. Sur une ligule (Ligula minuta) de la truite du lac de Geneve. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 87, 88, 1864 (1865). [288 DAVAINE, C. Les Cestoides. Diet. Encycl. des Sci. Med. Paris, 1876. [290 DIESING, K. M. Kevision der Cephalocotyleen. Abtheilung: Cyclocotyleen. 74 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1864. (Aus d. Sitzungsber. d. kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1863.) [291 DIESING, K. M. Eevision der Cephalocotyleen. Abtheilung : Paramecotyleen. 146 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1864. [Aus d. Sitzungsber. d. IcaiserL Akad. d. Wissensch. 1863.] [292 DOLLINGER, 0. Cysticercus tenuicollis beim Schwein. Jahresb. d. k. Central- Thierarznei-Schule in Munchen, 1876-77, p. 43. [293 DONNADIEU, A. L. Etudes sur les ligules. (K6sume extrait du Lyon medical.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. Lxm LXIV. 1876. [294 DONNADIEU, A. L. Contribution a 1'histoire de la Ligule. Journ. de Vanat. et de laphysiol. Vol. xm. pp. 321370, 451497, 1877. (7 pi.) [295 DONNADIEU, A. L. Etudes sur les ligules. 7 pp. 8vo. Lyon, 187,7. [296 DUBRUEIL, G. Du t6nia au point de vue de ses causes et particulierement de 1'une d'elles, 1'usage alimentaire de viande de bo3uf crue. 8vo. Paris, 1869. [297 DUCHAMP, G. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les ligules (L. simplicissima, Kudolphi ; L. monogramma, Creplin). vi 66 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1876. [298 DUCHAMP, G. Note sur le d6veloppement des Ligules. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. iv. 3 pp. 1876. [300 DUCHAMP, G. Sur les conditions du developpement des Ligules. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 1239, 1240, 1877. [301 DUCHAMP, G. Experiences sur les conditions du developpement des Ligules. (Extr.) Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vn. 1 p. 1878. [302 DUCHAMP, G. Sur les conditions du developpement des Ligules. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVI. pp. 493, 494, 1878. [303 FEDSCHENKO, . Description of new species of Tetrastemma, Prorhynchus, and Gnathostoma. Moscow, 1872. [304 FEUREISEN, J. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Taenien. Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvin. pp. 161205, 1868. (1 pi.) [305 FOCK, H. C. A. L. De Lintworm en het middel om hem uit te drijven. Utrecht, 1873. [306 FRIIS, . En hidtil ubeskreven Bsendelorm hos Fugle (Ophryocotyle proteus). Videnskab. Meddel. f. d. Naturhist. For. Kjobenh. 1869, pp. 112124. (1 pi.) [307 FRITSCH, G. Zur differentiellen Diagnose von T. solium und T. mediocanellata. Berliner klin. Wochenschr. 1874. [308 GALLICO, E. Occlusione del dutto coledoco da cisti di echinococco: storia. 22 pp. 8vo. Padova, 1878. t ^..., [309 GARROD, A. H. On the Tcenia of the Ehinoceros of the Sunderbunds (Plagotcenia gigantea, Peters.). Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, pp. 788, 789. (1 fig.) [310 WORMS. D. Cestoda. 155 GIACOMINI, C. Sul Cysticercus celluloses hominis e sul Tcenia mediocanellata, contribuzione allo studio del Cestoid! Parassiti dell' Uomo. Torino, 1874. [311 GRASSI, B., e-C. PARONA. Sovra la Tcenia crassicollis. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xxii. pp. 207219, 1879. (1 pi.) [312 GRASSI, B. Contribuzioni allo studio dell' elmintologia. Nota I. La tenia mediocanellata e 1' igiene. 8 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1879. [313 GRASSI, B. Contribuzione allo studio dell' elmintologia. Nota II. II bo- triocephalo lato. 8 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1879. [314 GRENET, . Note sur une nouvelle espece de Tcenia (T. madagascariensis), suivie de 1'examen microscopique de ce Tcenia, par M. le Dr Davaine. Mem. de la soc. de biologie, Paris, Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 233240, 1869 (1870). (1 pi.) [315 GRIESBACH, H. Bindesubstanz und Coelom der Cestoden. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. in. pp. 268270, 1883. [316 GRIESBACH, H. Uber das Nervensystem von Solenophorus meg aloe ephalus. Arch, f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. xxii. pp. 365368, 1883. [3160 GRIESBACH, H. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Anatomic der Cestoden. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. xxii. pp. 525584, 1883. (3 pi.) [317 GRIMM, OSCAR. Nachtrag zum Artikel des Herrn Dr Salensky "Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Amphilina, G. Wagen." Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 214217, 1875. [318 GRUBER, AUGUST. Ein neuer Cestoden-Wirth. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 74, 75, 1878. [319 GRUBER, A. Zur Kenntniss des Archigetes Sieboldii. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 8991, 1881. [3190 GUILLEBEAU, A. Ein Fall von spontanem Vorkommen des Cysticercus von Tcenia saginata. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. p. 21, 1880. [320 VAN DEN HECK, . Sur les T6nias d'Abyssinie (Lettre a M. Van Beneden). Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xvm. pp. 386, 387, 1864. [322 HOEK, P. P. C. Ueber den encystirten Scolex von Tetrarhynchus. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Vol. v. pt. 1, pp. 118, 1879. (1 pi.) [323 HUBER, J. CH. Studien undBeobachtungen iiber den multilocularen Echinococcus der Leber und der Nebenniere. xxvi. Bericht Naturhist. Ver. Augsburg, pp. 151 174, 1881. [324 IHLO, EICH. Ein Fall von Cysticercus celluloses subretinalis. 32 pp. 8vo. Eo- nigsberg, 1875. [325 JANY, LUDWIG. Ueber Einwanderung des Cysticercus celluloses, in's menschliche Auge. Eine Entgegnung auf den in der Breslauer arztl. Zeitschrift publicirten Vortrag v. H. Cohn : " Ueber f vinf Extractionen von Cysticercen aus dem Augapfel." Breslau und Berlin. 23 pp. 8vo. 1882. [326 JoLicffiUR, . Du Tcenia inermis. Nouveau mode de pre*parer les Tsenias. Assoc. franc,, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Eeims), Vol. ix. pp. 712, 713, 1880. [327 KAHANE, Z. Anatomie von Tcenia perfoliata, Goze, als Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cestoden. Zeitschr. f. ivissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 175 254, 1880. (1 pl.) [328 KIESSLING, FRANZ. Ueber den Bau von Schistocephalus dimorphus, Creplin, und Ligula simplicissima, Kudolpbi. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLVIII. pp. 241 280, 1882. (2pl.) [329 ENOCH, J. Die Naturgescbicbte des breiten Bandwurms (Bothrioc ephalus latus, auct.) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner Entwickelungsgeschichte. Mem. de Vacad. de St Petersburg, Ser. 7, Vol. v. 134 pp. (2 pl.) 1863. [330 ENOCH, J. Sur 1'embryologie du Bothriocephalus proboscideus. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. ix. col. 290314, 1866. (1 pl.) [331 ENOCH, J. Der Nachweis des Cysticercus Teenies medio-canellata in den quer- gestreiften Muskeln der Kinder, Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Tcenia medio-canellata. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xu. col. 346 359, 1868. (Ipl.) [ 332 156 WORMS. D. Cestoda. ENOCH, J. Sur le mode de developpement du Bothriocephale large. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVIII. pp. 90, 91, 1869. [333 KNOCH, J. Sur le mode de developpement du Bothriocephale. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. vi. pp. 140146, 1869. [334 KNOCH, J. Neue Beitrage zur Embryologie des Bothriocephahis latus, als Beweis einer directen Metamorphose des geschlechtsreifen Individuums aus seinem be- wimperten Embryo. Bull, de Vacad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xiv. col. 176 188, 1870. [335 KEABBE, H. Die Echinococcen der Islander. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 110126, 1865. [336 KBABBE, H. Trappens Baendelorme. Vidensk. Meddelelser fra Naturh. For. Kjobenhavn, 1867, pp. 122 126. [337 KBABBE, H. Helminthologiske Undersogelser i Danmark og paa Island, med seerligt Hensyn til Blaereormlidelserne paa Island. Vedensk. Selsk. Skr. 5. Ecekke, Vol. vii. pp. 347408, 1868. [338 KBABBE, H. On the Cestode Worms of the Bustard (Tcenia villosa, Idiogenes Otidis). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 47 51, 1869. [339 KEABBE, H. Beretning om 100 Tilfselde af Bsendelorm hos Menesket iagttagne her i Landet. Aftr. af Ugeskrift for Lceger. 1869. [340 KEABBE, H. Bidrag til Kundskab om Fuglenes Bsendelorme. Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. Ser. 5, Vol. vra. pp. 249363, 1870. (10 pi.) Eesume fran9ais du m^moire precedent, ibid. pp. 364 368. [341 KUCHENMEISTEB, FB., u. F. A. ZiJEN. Die Parasiten des Menschen. I Lief. Ces- toden. 8vo. 256 pp. Leipzig, 1878. [342 LABOULBENE, A. Note sur les corpuscles calcaires des Echinocoques. Mem. de la soc. de biologie, Paris, Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 5761, 1870 (1872). (1 pi.) [343 LABOULBENE, A. Observations physiologiques sur le Tcenia solium. Mem. de la soc. de biologie, Paris, Ser. 5, Vol. n. pp. 109112, 1870 (1872). [344 LABOULBENE, A. Sur les Taenias. Mem. de la soc. med. des Hopit. 1876. [346 LABOULBENE, A. Des helminthes cesto'ides de 1'homme a 1'etat sexuel ou stro- bilaire et a I'e'tat de larve (tenia, echinocoque, bothriocephale) et de leur traitement. 48 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1877. [347 LACZK6, KAEL. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Histologie der Tetrarhynchen, hauptsachlich des Nervensystems. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 427 429, 1880. [349 LANDOIS, H. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen der Eiemenwiirmer, Ligula, Jahresber. Westf. Prov.-Ver. 1879 (1880), pp. 27, 28. [350 LAUENSTEIN, GAEL. Ueber das Vorkommen von Echinococcus in der Mamma. 16 pp. 8vo. Gottingen, 1874. [351 LEIDY, J. Tapeworm from the Wombat. Proc. Philad. Acad. 1875, p. 6. [352 LEIDY, J. On Tcenia mediocanellata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1878 (1879), p. 405. [353 LEIDY, J. Notice of a Tetrarhynchus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1878 (1879), p. 340. [354 LEIDY, J. On Bothriocephalus latus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1879 (1880), p. 40. [355 LEUCKAET, BUD. Helminthologische Untersuchungen. I. Ueber Echinococcus. Gottingen Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 1315. [356 LEUCKABT, BUD. Helminthologische Untersuchungen. II. Ueber Tcenia solium und T. mediocanellata. Gottingen Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 15 21. [357 LEUCKAET, KUD. Ueber den Finnenzustand der Tcenia mediocanellata. Gottin- gen Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 195206. [358 LEWIS, T. K. A Beport on the Bladder Worms found in Beef and Pork. App. B to Sth Ann. Rep. of the San. Comm. with Govt. of India. Calcutta, 1872. [359 v. LINSTOW, 0. Sechs neue Tasnien. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvm. pp. 5558, 1872. (1 pi.) [360 WORMS. D. Cestoda. 157 v. LINSTOW, O. Ueber den Cysticercus Tcenice gracilis, eine freie Cestoden- Amme des Barsches. Arch. mikr. Anat. Vol. vni. pp. 535537, 1872. [361 LOMMEB, ED. Der Cysticercus im Muskel- und Unterhaut-Zellgewebe. 38 pp. 8vo. Jena, 1876. [362 MADDOX, E. L. On an Entozoon with Ova, found encysted in the Muscles of a Sheep. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. ix. pp. 245253, 1873. (2 pi.) [363 MAJ, SEVERING. Sulla tenia. Lettera al Antonio Kota. 16 pp. 8vo. Milan, 1874. [364 MAMBRINI, DOMENICO. Dei cisticerchi e del cisticerco cellulose negli animali suini in particolare. Studi ed osservazioni. 30 pp. 8vo. Mantova, 1874. [365 MANOUVRIEZ (fils), . Nidification du ver solitaire (Taenia) dans 1'intestin. Assoc. frang. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Clermont-Ferrand) Vol. v. pp. 547, 548, 1876. [366 MARCHI, PIETRO. Sopra una Tenia della Loxia curvirostra (T. clavata). Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xn. pp. 534, 535, 1869. [367 MARCHI, PIETRO. Sopra un nuovo Cestode, trovato nell' Ascalobotes mawitani- cus. Atti della Soc. Ital. di sci. nat. Milano, Vol. xv. pp. 305, 306, 1872. [368 MARCHI, PIERRE. Sur le d6veloppement du Cysticerque des Geckos en cestode parfait chez le Strix noctula. Assoc. /rang, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Paris) Vol. vn. p. 757, 1878. [369 MASSE, E., et P. POURQUIER. Le tenia inerme et la ladrerie. Assoc. frang. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Clermont-Ferrand) Vol. v. pp. 548, 549, 1876. [370 MASSE, E., et P. POURQUIER. Le Tsenia inerme et la ladrerie du boeuf, nouvelles experiences, &c. Montpellier Med. Journ. Mens. de Med. p. 200. 1876. [371 MASSE, E. De 1'origine du Tenia inerme de 1'homme. Assoc. frang. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Montpellier) Vol. vni. pp. 7fc3 794, 1879. (2 fig.) [372 MASSE, E., et P. POURQUIER. Le taenia inerme et ses migrations, nouvelles experiences. 16 pp. (1 pi.) 4to. Montpellier, 1878. [374 MEGNIN, J. P. Sur le developpement des Cestoides inermes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXIV. pp. 12921295, 1872. Journ. Anat. et Physiol. Vol. vm. pp. 289296, 1873. [375 MEGNIN, J. P. Note sur le deVeloppement d'un petit Tcenia inerme dans 1'intestin d'un cheval, et sur les d6sordres graves qu'il y a causes. Bull. Soc. Centr. Medecine Veterinaire (3) Vol. vi. pp. 110115, 1872. [376 MEGNIN, J. P. Note sur une invasion extraordinaire d'6chinocoques chez un cheval. 7 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Paris, 1875. [377 MEGNIN, J. P. Sur une nouvelle forme de ver v6siculaire, trouv6e chez une Gerboise. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIX. pp. 1045, 1046, 1879. [378 MEGNIN, P. Nouvelles observations sur le developpement et les metamorphoses des Taenias. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 88, 89, 1879. [379 MEGNIN, P. Nouvelles observations sur le developpement et les metamorphoses des T6nias des mammiferes. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. xv. pp. 225 247, 1879. (4 pi.) [380 MEGNIN, P. Sur la caducite des crochets et du scolex lui-meme chez les Taenias. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xc. pp. 715 717, 1880. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, pp. 117120, 1880. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. xvn. pp. 2744, 1881. (2 pi.) [381 ME"GNIN, P. Sur une nouvelle forme de ver v6siculaire (Staphylocystes bilarius). Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. xvi. pp. 181 191, 1880. (4 pi.) [383 MEGNIN, P. Sur le d6veloppement du Tricuspldarla nodulosa ou Trianophorus nodulosus de Eudolphi, et sur son Cysticerque. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcn. pp. 924926,. 1881. [385 MELNIKOW, NICOLAUS. Ueber die Jugendzustande der Tcenia cucumerina. Arch, f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxv. pp. 6270, 1869. (1 pi.) [386 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Entwickelungsgeschichtliche Beitrage. VI. Embryonal- entwickelung von Bothriocephalus proboscideus. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xni. col. 290, 291, 1869. [387 158 WORMS. D. Cestoda. MEYER, FRZ. Ein Fall von Echinococcus multilocularis. 36 pp. 8vo. Gottin- gen, 1881. [388 MIGOLI, U. Echinococchi sviluppatisi entro il cuore, nel fegato e sulla vesica urinaria : osservazioni. 16 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1872. [389 MILNE-EDWARDS, ALPH., et LEON VAILLANT. Experiences sur 1'infection du mouton par le Tcenia cwnurus. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 3, Vol. v. pp. 8082, 1863 (1864). [390 MONIEZ, E. Sur l'embryognie des Cestoides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 974976, 1877. [391 MONIEZ, E. Sur les spermatozo'ides des Cestodes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 112 114, 1878. [392 MONIEZ, E. Sur les Cysticerques. Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 284294, 1878 (1879). [393 MONIEZ, E. Sur le Tcenia Giardi, et sur quelques especes du groupe des Inermes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 1094 1096, 1879. [394 MONIEZ, E. Observations teratologiques sur les Tenias. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 199202, 1878 (1879). [395 MONIEZ, E. Contribution a I'e'tude anatomique et embryologique des Taenias. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 220226, 1878 (1879). [396 MONIEZ, E. Note preliminaire sur les Botbriocepbaliens et sur un type nouveau du groupe des Cestodes, les Leuckartia. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 6779, 1879 (1880). [397 MONIEZ, E. Sur quelques points d' organisation du Solenophorus megacephalus. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. 113123, 1879 (1880). [398 MONIEZ, E. Note sur le Tcenia Krabbei, espece nouvelle de Tffinia arm6. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. 161163, 1879 (1880). ' . [399 MONIEZ, E. Note sur deux especes nouvelles de Taenias inermes T. Vogtii et T. Benedeni. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 163, 164, 1879 (1880). [400 MONIEZ, E. Note sur les metamorpboses des Cestoides. Bull, scient. du dep* du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 233240, 1879 (1880). [401 MONIEZ, E. Note sur une particularity de la formation des ceufs cbez la Ligule. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 323, 324, 1879 (1880). [402 MONIEZ, E. Note sur les Cysticerques. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 346, 347, 1879 (1880). [403 MONIEZ, E. Note sur 1'histologie des Tetrarhynques. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 393398, 1879 (1880). [404 MONIEZ, E. Embryogenie de la Ligule (Ligula simplicissima). Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xn. pp. 112115, 1880. [405 MONIEZ, E. Cestodes et Helmintbologistes. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xii. pp. 281291, 1880. [406 MONIEZ, E. Etudes sur les Cestodes. I. Description du Tcenia Wimerosa. II. Nouvelles observations sur 1'embryogenie des Cestodes. III. Les organes seg- mentaires des Cestodes. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xii. pp. 240 246, 1880. IV. Varia. Ibid. Vol. xn. pp. 356358, 1880. V. Corpuscules calcaires. Vitelligenes et oviductes. Spermatozoides et spermiductes. Cordons nerveux. Ibid. Vol. xn. pp. 407409, 1880. [407 MONIEZ, E. Note sur le Tcenia Barroisii, sp. nov. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xn. p. 448, 1880. [408 MONIEZ, E. Note sur les vaisseaux de YAbothrium Gadi. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xn. p. 448, 1880. [409 MONIEZ, E. L. Essai monographique sur les Cysticerques. 195 pp. (3 pi.) 4to. Lille, 1880. [410 MONIEZ, E. Sur quelques types de Cestodes. Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, Vol. xciv. pp. 661, 663, 1882. [411 MONIEZ, E. Memoires sur les Cestodes. 238 pp. (12 pi.) 4to. Paris, 1881. [412 WORMS. D. Cestoda. 159 MOORE, W. D. An account of Dr Basmussen's work on the development of Echinococci, particularly with reference to the formation of daughter cells. Journ. of Anat. and Phijsiol. Vol. i. p. 183, 1867. [413 MULLER, Jos. Ueber Taenia platycephala bei der Lerche. Sitz. d. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1877. pp. 110112. [414 NAUNYN, B. Entwickelung des Echinococcus. Arch. f. Anat. (Beich. u. Du Bois), 1862, pp. 612637. (2 pi.) [415 NAUNYN, B. Ueber die zu Echinococcus hominis gehorige Tanie. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1863, pp. 412416. (1 pi.) [416 NAUNYN, B. Ueber Bestandtheile der Echinococcus- Fliissigkeiten. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1863, pp. 417421. [417 NEISSER, ALB. Die Echinococcen-Krankheit. vm, 228 pp. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. [418 NETTLESHIP, E. Notes on the Bearing of Tcenia echinococcus in the Dog, from Hydatids, with some Observations on the Anatomy of the adult Worm. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xv. pp. 224226, 1867. [420 NITSCHE, H. Untersuchungen liber den Bau der Taenien. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxni. pp. 181197, 1873. (1 pi.) [421 OLSSON, P. Om Sarcotaces och Acrobothrium, tva nya parasit-slsegten fran fiskar. Ofv. Ak. Forh. 1872, N. 9, pp. 4044. [422 ORDONNEZ, . Note sur le cysticerque cellulaire des muscles. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 3," Vol. iv. p. 124, 1862 (1863). [423 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Zur Naturgeschichte der Cestoden. Zeitsclir. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 171193, 1878. (1 pi.) [424 PANCERI, P. Dei fatti relativi ai Cestodi. Eendic. delV Accad. d. sci. fis. e matem. di Napoli, Vol. vn. pp. 32 34, 1868. [425 PENROSE, F. G. On a Cysticercus from the Peritoneal Cavity of a Baccoon-like Dog (Nyctereutes procyonides). AIM. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 1 7, 1882. (1 pi.) [426 PERRIER, E. Description d'un genre nouveau de Cestoides (Duthiersia). Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. n. pp. 349 362, 1873. (1 pi.) [427 PERRIER, E. Classification des Cestoides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVI. pp. 552 554, 1878. [428 PERRONCITO, ED. Ueber eine neue Bandwurmart (Tcenia alba). Arch. f. Na~ turgesch. Vol. XLV. pp. 235237, 1879. (1 pi.) [429 VAN PETEGHEM, . Du Tamia. 12 pp. 8vo. Lille, 1862 (Extr. du Bulletin me'dical du Nord de la France). [430 PETERS, W. Note on the Tcenia from the Bhinoceros, lately described by Dr J. Murie. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, pp. 146, 147. [431 PIANA, G. P. Di una nuova specie di tenia del gallo domestico (tcenia botrioplitis), e di un nuovo cisticerco delle lumachelle terrestri (cisticercus botrioplitis). 13 pp. (1 pi.) 4to. Bologna, 1881. [432 PIANA, G. P. Le cercarie nei molluschi studiate in rapporto colla presenza del distoma epatico e del distoma lanceolate nel fegato dei ruminanti domestici. 12 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1882. [433 PIANA, G. P. Nuova specie di Tcenia delle galline (T. botrioplites) e di un nuovo cisticerco delle lumachelle terrestri (Cisticercus botrioplites). Eendicont. Accad. Sc. Istit. Bologna, 1880-81, pp. 84, 85. [434 PINTNER, THEODOR. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des Bandwurmkorpers, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Tetrabothrien und Tetrarhynchen. Arb. a. d. zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. HI. pp. 163242, 1881. (5 pi.) [435 PINTNBR, THEODOR. Zu den Beobachtungen iiber das Wassergefasssystem der Bandwurmer. Arb. a. d. zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. iv. pp. 121123, 1882. [436 PONCET, F. Note sur un cas de Cysticerque de I'ceil. Mem. de la soc. de Biologie (Paris), Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 155166, 1873 (1874). (3 pi.) [437 BASMUSSEN, V. Bidrag til Kundskab om Echinococcernes Udvikling, navnlig om Dottreblseredannelsen. Naturhist. Foren. vidcnsJc. Meddelelser, 1865 ; also reprint, 160 WORMS. D. Cestoda. 29 pp. Copenhagen, 1865. Cf. Brit, and For. Medico- Chirurg. Rev. 1866, p. 285, 1867, p. 424. [438 EATZEL, FRITZ. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Cestoden. Arch. f. Natur- gesch. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 138149, 1868. (1 pi.) [439 EEDON, . Experiences sur le deVeloppement rubanaire du Cysticerque de 1'homme. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vi. 3 pp. 1877. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. 676678, 1877. [440 EIEHM, GFB. Studien an Cestoden. Zeits. f. ges. Naturw. Vol. nv. 66 pp. (2 pi.) 1881. [443 BINDFLEISCH, E. Zur Histologie der Cestoden. Archiv fur mikroscop. Anat. Vol. i. pp. 138142, 1865. [444 EIVOLTA, S. Di una nuova specie di Tcenia nella pecora, T. ovilla. Giorn. Anat. Fisiol. e Patolog. degli Animali, Pisa, pp. 302308, 1878. [445 v. KOBOZ, Z. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Cestoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvin. pp. 263285, 1882. (2 pi.) [ 44 6 EOCHAKD, . Note sur la frequence du Tcenia mediocanellata en Syrie, et sur la presence du cysticerque qui lui donne naissance, dans la chaire musculaire des boeufs de ce pays. Bull, de VAcad. de Med. Vol. vi. p. 998, 1877. [447 SAINT-CYB, F. Experiences sur le scolex du Tcenia medio-canellata. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXVII. pp. 536538, 1873. [448 SAINT-CYB, F. Deux experiences sur le scolex du Tcenia medio-canellata. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. ix. pp. 504510, 1873. (1 pi.) [449 SAINT-CYB, F. Experiences sur le scolex du Tcenia medio-canellata. Annales de la Soc. d'agricult. etc. de Lyon, Ser. 4, Vol. vn. pp. 1 8, 1874. [450 SAINT JOSEPH, de. [Supplementary note on Ptychodes splendida.] Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) Vol. n. p. 62, 1878. [451 SANDEBS, ALFRED. On an undescribed Stage of Development of Tetrarhynchu* corollatus. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 72 74, 1870. (1 pi.) [452 SANGALLI, . Dell' echinococco del fegato. M em. del r. istit. Lomb. di sci. e lettere. Classe di sc. mat. e natur. Vol. xi. fasc. 1, 1869. [453 SCHIEFFEBDECKEB, P. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des feineren Baues der Tsenien. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. vm. pp. 458487, 1874. (1 pi.) [454 SEIDEL, M. Zur Casuistik der Entozoen. II. Cysticercus cerebri. Jenaische Zeitsch. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. i. pp. 223 229, 1864. [455 SEIDEL, M. Zur Casuistik der Entozen. III. Echinococcen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. i. pp. 289299, 1864. IV. Nachtrag zu Echinococcen, ibid. Vol. ii. pp. 356364, 1866. [456 SICHEL, A. Note sur un cas de cysticerque ladrique intra-oculaire. 15 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1872. [457 SOMMER, FEBD. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Geschlechtsorgane von Tcenia mediocanellata (Kiichenmeister) und Tcenia solium (Linne). Zeitschr. f. icissensch. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pp. 499563, 1874. (5 pi.) [458 SOMMER, F. , und L. LANDOIS. Ueber den Bau der geschlechtsreifen Glieder von Bothriocephalus Jatus, Bremser. (Beitrag zur Anatomie der Cestoden. ) Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 4099, 1872. (5 pi.) [460 STEUDENER, FB. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau der Cestoden. Ab- handl. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, Vol. xin. pp. 277316, 1877. (4 pi.) [462 STIEDA, LUDWIG. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Plattwiirmer. II. Zur Anatomie des Bothriocephalus latus. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1867, pp. 6363. (Ifig.) [464 STIEDA, LUDWIG. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie des Bothriocephalus latus. Arch, f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1864, pp. 174212. (2 pi.) [465 STIEDA, L. Contribution a 1'anatomie du Bothriocephalus latus. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. HI. pp. 93126, 1865. [ 4 66 STIEDA, LUDWIG. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tanieu. Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxvin. pp. 200209, 1862. (1 pi.) [467 WORMS. D. Cestoda. 161 STIEDA, LUDWIG. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Taeniae. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 101107, 1863. [468 STURGIS, F. B. Human Cestoids : an essay to which is awarded the Boylston second prize for 1867. 81 pp. 8vo. Cambridge, 1867. [469 TASCHENBERG, 0. Helminthologisches. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturwiss. Vol. LI. pp. 562 577, 1878. (Tristomum, Udonella.) [470 ULHERSPERGER, . Cysticercus in palma manus. Zeitsch. f. Parasitenhunde, Vol. n. pp. 91, 92, 1870. (Abeille medicale.) [471 VAILLANT, LEON. Note sur les hydatides deVeloppees ehez un oiseau, et des vers cestoides (Tcenia platydera P. Gerv. et Bothriocephalus) trouv6s chez la genette ordinaire. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 3, Vol. v. p. 48, 1863 (1864). [472 VAILLANT, LEON. De la presence du Cysticercus tenuicollis chez le Phacochcerus Africanus. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 91 93, 1865 (1866). [473 VAILLANT, LEON. Note sur un Taenia monstrueux de 1'homme. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 168, 169, 1869 (1870). [474 VILLOT, A. Sur les migrations et les metamorphoses des Te'mas des Musaraignes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 971 973, 1877. [4/5 VILLOT, A. Migrations et metamorphoses des Tdnias des Musaraignes. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vin. 19 pp. (1 pi.) 1879. [476 VILLOT, A. On the migrations and metamorphoses of the tapeworms of the Shrews. Ann. Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 258, 259, 1878. [477 VILLOT, A. Sur une nouvelle forme larvaire des Cestoides (Staphylocystis bilarius.) Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIV. pp. 1097, 1098, 1877. Vol. LXXXV. pp. 352, 353, 1877. [478 VILLOT, A. Sur les affinites des StapJiylocystes. Journ. de Vanat. et de la, physioJ. Vol. xvi. pp. 697699, 1880. ' [ 479 VILLOT, A. Sur une nouvelle larve de Cestoide, appartenant au type du Cysti- cerque de 1'Arion. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcn. pp. 418 420, 1881. [480 VILLOT, A. Sur une nouvelle forme de Ver vesiculaire, a bourgeonnement exogene. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xci. pp. 938 940, 1880. [481 VILLOT, A. Classification des Cystiques des Tenias fondde sur les divers modes de formation de la v6sicule caudale. Rev. sc. natur. Montpellier, 1882. 9 pp. [482 WEINLAND, D. F. Beschreibung zweier neuer Tanioiden aus dem Menschen ; Notiz iiber die Bandwiirmer der Indianer und Neger; Beschreibung einer Mon- strositat von Tcenia solium, L., und Versuch einer Systematik der Taenien iiberhaupt. Nova Acta Acad. Gees. Leop.-Carol. (Jena), Vol. xxvni. 24 pp. (5 pi.) 1861. [483 WEINLANB, D. F. (Tasnia megaloon.) Zoolog. Garten, Frankfort, 1861, p. 118. [484 WELCH, FRANCIS H. The Anatomy of two Parasitic Forms of the Family Tetrarhynchida. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xii. pp. 329342, 1874 (1876). (3 pi.) [485 WELCH, F. H. Observations on the Anatomy of Tcenia mediocanellata. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. xv. pp. 123, 1875. (2 pi.) [ 4 86 WIERZEJSKI, A. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Calicotyle Kroycri, Diss. Zeitsch. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxix. pp. 550 561, 1877. (1 pi.) [487 ZENKER, F. A. Ueber den Cysticercus racemosus des Gehirns. 22 pp. (1 pi.) 4to. Bonn, 1882. [488 ZOGRAF, G. Ueber Triccnophorus noduloms. (Abstr.) Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvm. pp. 393396, 1877. [489 T. 11 162 WORMS. E. Trematoda. E. Trematoda. BADCOCK, JOHN. Some Kemarks on Bucephalus polymorphus ; together with Translations from Papers of Von Baer, Lacaze-Duthiers, and Alf. Giard, on 13. polymorphus and Haimeanus, by Henry J. Slack. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xm. pp. 141146, 1875. (1 pi.) [490 BAILLET, . Note sur le developpement de 1'embryon dans les oeufs de la douve h^patique. 19pp. 8vo. Toulouse, 1880. [491 BENEDEN, ED. VAN, and HESSE. Pseudocotyle squatiruz, n. s. Mem. Acad. roy. des Sc. Belg. Vol. xxxv. p. 11, 1865. [492 BENEDEN, ED. VAN. Le genre Daciylocotyle, son organisation, et quelques remarques sur la formation de 1'ceuf des Tr6matodes. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxv. pp. 2236, 1868. (1 pi.) [493 BENEDEN, ED. VAN. On the Embryonic Form of Nematobothrium filarina, Van Ben. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. x. pp. 136 143, 1870. (1 pi.) [494 BRADLEY, C. L. Note on the Occurrence of Gyrodactylus anchoratus, Nordm. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. v. p. 257, 1861. [495 BRADLEY, C. L. On the Occurrence of Gyrodactylus elegans on Sticklebacks in the Hampstead Ponds, January, 1860. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. v. pp. 209, 210, 1861. [496 BUTSCHLI, 0. Bemerkung iiber den excretorischen Gefass-apparat der Tremato- den. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 588, 589, 1879. [497 BUTSCHLI, 0. Beobachtungen iiber mehrere Parasiten. I. Der Verbindungs- kanal der Hoden und der weiblichen Organe bei Distomum endolobum, Duj. Arch, f. Nat. Vol. xxxvin. pp. 234236, 1872. [498 BUTSCHLI, 0. TJeber Kunckelia gyrans, Kiinstler. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 679681, 1882. [499 CARTER, H. V. Note on Distoma hepaticum. Bomb. Med. and Phys. Soc. Trans. (App.) 1862. [500 CHATIN, JOANNES. Du Eeceptacle seminal dans le Distomum militare. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologic (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. v. p. 308, 1878 (1880). [501 CHATIN, JOANNES. Structure des elements musculaires chez les Distomiens. Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris, (7) Vol. vi. pp. 200202, 1882. [502 COBBOLD, T. SPENCER. Synopsis of the Distomidcs. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. v. pp. 156, 1861. [503 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on Gyrodactylus elegans. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New Ser. Vol. n. p. 35, 3862. [5030 COBBOLD, T. S. On Flukes. Intellectual Observer, Feb. 1862. [504 COBBOLD, T. S. The common Liver Entozoon of Cattle. Intellectual Observer, March, 1862. [505 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on Dr J. Harley's Distoma capense. Lancet, Feb. 1864. [506 COBBOLD, T. S. New Entozootic Malady; being observations on the probable introduction of parasitic diseases by sewage utilization. London, 1865. 15 pp. (Bilharzia hcematobia.) [507 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on Distoma clavatum from a Sword-fish. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol ix. pp. 200205, 1867 (1868). [508 COBBOLD, T. S. Description of a Species of Trematode from the Indian Elephant, with Eemarks on its Affinities. .(Fasciola Jacksonii.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. ix. pp. 48, 49, 1869. [509 COBBOLD, T. S. On the Development of the Bilharzia hcematobia, together with remarks on the Ova of another Urinary Parasite occurring in a case of Haematuria from Natal. Brit. Med. Journ. July, 1872. [510 COBBOLD, T. S. Further remarks on parasites from the horse and elephant, with a notice of a new Amphistome from the ox. Veterinarian, Vol. XLVIII. pp. 817821, 1875. [511 WORMS. K Trematoda. 163 COBBOLD, T. S. The new Human Fluke. Lancet, Sept. 1875. (D. crassum.) CM* COBBOLD, T. S. On the supposed Karity, Nomenclature, Structure, Affinities, and Source of the large human Fluke (Distoma crassum, Busk). Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xii. pp. 285296, 1875 (1876). (1 fig.) [513 COBBOLD, T. S. Observations on the large Human Fluke, with notes of two cases, &c. Veterinarian, Feb. 1876. (D. crassum.) [514 COBBOLD, T. S. Remarks on the Human Fluke Fauna, with especial reference to recent additions from India and the East. Veterinarian, Apr. 1876. (D. cras- sum.) [515 COBBOLD, T. S. Trematode Parasites from Dolphins of the Ganges, Platanista gangetica and Orcella brevirostris. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xin. pp. 35 46,1876(1878). (1 pi.) [516 COBBOLD, T. S. Description of the new Equine Fluke (Gastrodiscus Sonsinoi). Veterinarian, 1877. [517 COBBOLD, T. S. On the Rot in Sheep. The Times, Wednesday, April 7th, 1880. Zool, Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 257, 258, 1880. [518 COSTA, . Macrurochoeta acalepharum (Trematoda). Rend. Accad. Napoli, Vol. in. pp. 8691, 1864. [519 DESGOUTTES, . Observation du mode de fe'condation dans YAmpliileptw fasciola (Ehr.). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIX. pp. 462, 463, 1864. [520 DUNCKER, H. C. J. Distomeen im Schweinefleisch. Zeitschr.f. mikr. Fleisch- schau, 2 Jahrg. No. 3, 1881. pp. 23, 24. [521 Du PLESSIS, G. Notice sur un nouveau Mesostome. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xiv. pp. 259278, 1877. [522 EECOLANI, G. B. Dell' adattamento della specie all' ambiente. Nuove ricerche sulla storia genetica dei Trematodi. Mem. Accad. d. Sci. di Bologna, Ser. 4, Vol. n. 98 pp. (3 pi.) 1881. (Abstr.) Journ. de Vanat. et de la pkysiol. Vol. xvn. pp. 434 436, 1881. ' [523 EBCOLANI, G. B. Sull' ovulazione dei Distomi epatico e lanceolato delle pecore e dei buoi. Rendicont. Accad. Sc.Istit. Bologna, 1880-81, pp. 123 130. [524 EKCOLANI, G. B. Nuove ricerche sulla storia genetica dei Trematodi. Mem. Accad. Sci. di Bologna, Ser. 4. Vol. n. Bologna, 1882, 4. (3 pi.) [525 EVARTS, HEBM. C. Cercaria hyalocauda Hald. Amer. Monthly Micr. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 230232, 1880. [526 FEWKES, J. W. A Cercaria with caudal Setas (fig-). Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xxm. pp. 134, 135, 1882. [527 GAFFRON, E. Zum Nervensystem der Trematoden. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 508, 509, 1883. [528 GIARD, A. Sur 1'enkystement du Bucephalus Haimeanus. Assoc. franq. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Lille), Vol. in. pp. 466, 467, 1874. [529 GIARD, A. The Encystment of Bucephalus Haimeanus. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xii. pp. 276278, 1874. [530 GIRARD, MAUR. Sur le Gastrodiscus Sonsinoi Cobb. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France, Vol. x. 2 Trim. Bull. pp. 69, 70, 1881. [53 1 GREEF, L. Distomum echiuri, sp. n. (seminal vesicles of Echiurus pallasi). Nova Acta Ac. L. C. Nat. Vol. XLI, Pt. n. p. 130, 1881. [532 HARLEY, J. On the Haematuria of the Cape of Good Hope, produced by a Distoma. Lancet, Feb. 1864. [533 HARLEY, J. On the Endemic Haematuria of the Cape of Good Hope (caused by the Distoma hamatobium). Medico-Chirurgical Trans. Vol. xvn. 18 pp. 1864. [534 HARLEY, J. On the Endemic Hasmaturia of the South Eastern Coast of Africa. Med.-Chimrg. Trans. Vol. LIV. 1871. [535 HATCH, W. K. Case of Bilharzia hamatobia. British Med. Journ. Dec. 14, 1878, p. 875. [ 53 6 HARROP, E. D. Remarks on the Fluke (Fasciola hepatica). Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania (1869), pp. 12 16, 1870. [537 112 164 WORMS. E. Trematoda. HOGG, JABEZ. Cercarice, parasitic on Lymncea stagnalis. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. m. pp. 232235, 1870. (1 pi.) [538 JACKSON, W. H. Note on the Life History of Fasciola hepatica. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 248250, 1883. [539 JOSEPH, G. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Jugendzustande des Leberegels. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 322, 323, 1883. [540 JOURDAN, E. Note sur 1'Anatomie du Distomum clavatum, Kud. Rev. sc. Natur. (Montpellier), Vol. n. No. 4, pp. 438449, 1881. [542 KERBERT, C. Zur Trematoden-Kenntniss. ZooL Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 271 273, 1878. [543 KERBERT, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Trematoden. Arch. mikr. Anat. Vol. xix. pp. 529578, 1881. (2 pi.) [544 KIRK, T. W. On some New Marine Planarians. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xiv. pp. 267, 268, 1881. [545 KUNSTLER, E. Eeponse a 0. Biitschli (Kiinckelia gyrans). Zoolog. Anzeif/er, Vol. vi. pp. 168171, 1883. [546 LANDOIS, L. Uber das Vorkommen von Distomum ovatum in dem Eiweiss eines Hiihnereies. Journ. f. Ornithol. Vol. xxx. ft. p. 13, 1882. [547 LEARED, ARTHUR. Description of a New Parasite (Distoma constrictum) found in the heart of the Edible Turtle. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New ser. Vol. n. pp. 168170, 1862. [548 LEIDY, J. On Distoma hepaticum. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1873, pp. 364, 365. [549 LEIDY, J. On Flukes infesting Molluscs (Monostoma lucanica, Distoma ascoidea, D. appendiculatd). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1877 (1878), pp. 200 202. [550 LEUCKART, KUD. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Leberegels. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 641646, 1881. Vol. v. pp. 524528, 1882. [551 LEUCKART, E. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Leberegels (Distoma hepaticum). Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLVIII. pp. 80119, 1882. (1 pi.) [552 LEUCKART, E. Sur le developpement du Distomum hepaticum. Arch. sc. phys. et nat. (Geneve) (3). Vol. vra. pp. 467472, 1882. [553 LEVINSEN, G. M. E. Bidrag til Kundskab om Gronlands Trematoden fauna. Aftr. af Oversigt k. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forhdlg. 1881, No. 1, pp. 5254. (2 pi.) [555 LEWIS, T. E., and D. D. CUNNINGHAM. Microscopical and Physiological Ee- searches. Appendix C. , Eighth Ann. Rep. of the Sanitary Comm. with the Govt. of India, p. 168, Calcutta, 1872 (Footnote on Distoma conjunctum). [556 LEWIS, T. E., and J. F. P. M C CONNELL. Amphistoma hominis ; a new parasite affecting Man. Proc. Asiat. Soc. of Bengal, Aug. 1876. [557 v. LINSTOW, 0. Ueber Selbstbefruchtung bei Trematoden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvin. pp. 1 5, 1872. (1 pi.) [558 v. LINSTOW, O. Ueber die Entwickelungsgeschichte des Distomum nodulosum, Zed. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxix. pp. 17, 1873. (1 pi.) [559 v. LINSTOW, 0. Einige neue Distomen und Bemerkungen iiber die weiblichen Sexualorgane der Trematoden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxix. pp. 95 108, 1873. (Ipl.) [56o v. LORENZ,LUDWIG. Ueber die organisation der Gattungen Axine und Microcotyle. Arb. a. d. zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. i. pp. 405436, 1872. (3 pi.) [561 v. LORENZ, LUDWIG. Ueber Distomum robustum, n. sp., aus dem afrikanischen Elephanten. Verliandl. d. zool. bot. Gesellsch. Wien, Vol. xxx. pp. 583 587, 1880. (1 PD [563 M C CONNELL, J. F. P. On the Distoma conjunctum. Lancet, 1875-76; ditto, 1878, p. 476. [564 McCRADY, JOHN. Observations on Ostrea virginiana, and a new Parasite (Bucephalus Cuculus). Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xvi. pp. 170 193, 1874. [565 WORMS. E. Trematoda. 165 MACDONALD, J. D. On a new Genus of Trematoda, and some new or little- known Parasitic Hirudinei. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Ser. 2, Zool. I. pt. 4, pp. 209212, 1877. (1 pi.) [566 MAC, E. Sur une forme nouvelle d'organe segmentaire chez les Tr6matodes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcn. pp. 420, 421, 1881. [567 MAC, E. Des trematodes parasites des Grenouilles. 32 pp. (4 pi.) 8vo. Morlaix, 1882. [568 MACE, E. Kecherches anatomiques sur la grande douve du foie (Distoma he- paticum). 99 pp. (3 pi.) 4to. Nancy, 1882. [569 MACGEEGOE, W. A new form of Paralytic Disease, associated with the presence of a new species of Liver Parasite (Distoma Sinense). Glasg. Med. Journ. Jan. 1877. [570 M'INTOSH, W. C. The Trematode Larvae and Ascaris of the Carcinus Moenas. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. v. pp. 201204, 1865. (1 pi.) [571 MADL>OX, E. L. Some Kemarks on the Parasites found in the Nerves, &c. of the Common Haddock, Marrhua ceglefinus. Trans. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Lond. Vol. xv. pp. 8799, 1867. [572 MAECHI, PIETEO. Sopra una specie nuova di Distomum trovata nelle intestina del Delphinus tursio. Atti della Soc. Ital. di sci. nat. Milano, Vol. xv. p. 304, 1872. (1 pl.) [573 MARSHALL, J. F. On a Parasite of Limnaea truncatula [Distoma hepaticum]. Journ. of Conchol. Vol. iv. pp. 1012, 1883. [574 METSCHNIKOW, E. Ueber Distomum lorum, Duj. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 4955, 1865. (1 pl.) [575 MINOT, C. SEDGWICK. On Distomum. crassicolle : with brief Notes on Huxley's proposed classification of Worms. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. in. Pt. 1, 20 pp. (1 pl.) 1878. [576 MOOEE, DANIEL. On Bucephalus Haimeanus, and another Allied Organism. Journ. ofQuekett Microsc. Club, Vol. iv. pp. 5057, 1875. (1 pl.) [577 MUECHISON, C. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Liver. (2nd ed. App.) London, 1877. [580 PACKAED, A. S. JUN. A. new Distomum parasite in the Egg-sack of Apus. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xvi. Feb. 1882, p. 142. (D. apodis.) [581 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere aus Cette. III. Cercaria cotylura. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 283 305, 1863. (2 pl.) [582 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere aus Cette. IV. Ueber einige andere Distomenlarven aus Seethieren. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 305, 306, 1863. (2 pl.) [583 PAGENSTECHEE, H. A. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Trematoden, ins- besondere iiber eine Arbeit des Prof. G. Ercolani : "Dell' Adattamento, &c." Verhandl. nat.-mcd. Ver. Heidelberg, N. F. Vol. in. pp. 3356, 1881. [584 PAULSON, OTTO. Zur Anatomic von Diplozoon paradoxum. Mem. de VAcad. de St. Petersburg, Ser. 7, Vol. iv. 16 pp. (1 pl.) 1862. [586 PAVESI, PIETRO. Trematode nuovo parassita d'un pesce fluviale. (Holostoma cuticola.) Rendic. d. E. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. xiv. pp. 615, 616, 1881. [588 PIANA, G. P. Di una nuova specie di Tenia del Gallo domestico (Taenia botrio- plites). Mem. Accad. Sc. Istit. Bologna. 13 pp. 1881. [589 POIEIEE, J. Description d'Helminthes nouveaux du Palonia frontalis. Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris, (7) Vol. vn. No. 2, pp. 7380, 1883: (Homalog aster, Gas- trothylax, n. gg.) [590 PEUNAC, . De la Douve ou Distome hepatique chez rhomme. Gaz. des Hopi- taux, Dec. 1878, p. 1147. [591 KOLLESTON, G. On the Eot in Sheep. The Times, Wednesday, April 14, 1880. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 258260, Ib80. [592 SALENSKY, W. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Amphilina, Wagn. (Monostomum foliaceum, Rud.). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pp. 291342, 1874. (5 pl.) [593 166 WORMS. E. Trematoda. SCHAUINSLAND, H. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Embryonalentwickelung der Distomeen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 494 498; 1882. [594 SCHAUINSLAND, H. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Embryonalentwicldung der Tre- matoden. Jena. Zeitschr. f. Natunviss. Vol. xvi. pp. 465 527, 1883. [595 SEMPER, C. Zoologische Aphorismen. II. Ueber die Gattung Temnocepliala, Blanchard. Zeitschr. f. luissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 30731], 1872. (1 pi.) [596 SYMONDS, J. B. The Rot in Sheep, its nature, cause, treatment and prevention. London, 1862. [597 SOMMER, F. Die Anatomie des Leberegels, Distomum hepaticum, L. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 539640, 1880. (4 pi.) ' [598 SONSINO, P. Eicherclie intorno alia Bilharzia hcematoHa in relazione colla Ematuria Endemica dell' Egitto e nota intorno un nematoides trovato nel sangue umano. Rend, del E. Accad. di Napoli, 1874. [599 SONSINO, P. Delia Bilharzia hccmatobia e delle alterazione anatomo-patologicbe che induce nell' organisuio umano, loro importanza come fattori della morbilita e mortalita in Egitto, con cenno sopra una larva d' insetto parassita dell' uomo. Estr. dalT Imparziale, Firenze, 1876. [600 SONSINO, P. La Bilharzia hcematobia, et son role pathologique en Egypte. Arch. gen. de Med. June, 1876, p. 650. [60 1 SONSINO, P. Intorno ad un nuovo Parassita del bue (Bilharzia bovis). Rend, del. R. Accad. di Napoli, 1876. [602 SONSINO, P. Sugli ematozoi come contribute alia fauna entozooca egiziana, Cairo, 1877. [603 STEWART, CHARLES. Notes on BucepJialus polymorplms. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xiv. pp. 1, 2, 1875. (1 pi.) [604 STIEDA, LUDWIG. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Plattwurmer. I. Zur Anatomie des Distoma hepaticum. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1867, pp. 52 59. (1 PL) [605 STIEDA, LUDWIG. Ueber den Bau des Polystomum integerrimum. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1870, pp. 660678. (1 pi.) [606 STIEDA, LUDWIG. Ueber den angeblichen inneren Zusammenhang der mann- lichen und weiblichen Organe bei den Trematoden. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1871, pp. 3140. [607 STIMPSON, WM. On the genus BipaUum. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 2, Vol. xxxi. pp. 134, 135, 1861. [608 STOWELL, C. H. A study of one of the Distomes. Amer. Quart. Micr. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 8593, 1879. [609 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Ueber die Geschlechtsorgane ectoparasitischer marineu Trematoden. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. p. 176, 1878. [610 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Beitrage zur Kenntniss ectoparasitischer marinen Trema- toden. 51pp. (2 pi.) 4to. Halle, 1879. [611 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss ectoparasitischer marinen Trematoden. 56pp. (2 pi.) 4to. Halle, 1879. [612 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Zur Systematik der monogenetischen Trematoden. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturwiss. Vol. LII. pp. 232 265, 1879. [613 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Didyrnozoon, eine neue Gattung in Cysten lebender Tre- matoden. Zeitschr. / d. ges. Naturwiss. Vol. LII. pp. 606 617, 1879. [614 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Beitrage zur Kenntniss ectoparasitischer mariner Trema- toden. 1. Tristomum coccineum, Cuv., und T. papillosum, Dies. Abhandl. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, Vol. xiv. pp. 293343, 1880. (2 pi.) [615 TASCHENBEI G, E. 0. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss ectoparasitischer maiiner Trematoden. 2. Onchotyle appendiculata, Kuhn. 3. Paeudocotyle squat ince, Hess, et Beiied. Die Organisation der monogenetiechen Trematoden im Allgenieinen. Festschr. z. Feier des hundertjdhr. Bestehens d. Naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, pp. 25 76,1879. (2 pi.) [6 1 6 WOKMS. E. Trematoda. 167 TASCHENBERG, E. 0. Ueber Tristomum molte, Blanch. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 17, 18, 1880. [617 THIRY, LUDWIG. Beitrase zur Kenntniss der Cercaria macrocerca, Filippi. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 271277, 1860. (2 pi.) [618 THOMAS, A. P. The Eot in Sheep, or the Life History of the Liver Fluke. Nature, Vol. vi. No. 667, pp. 606608, 1882. [619 THOMAS, A. P. The Life History of the Liver Fluke (Fasciola hepatica). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. i. pp. 99133, 1883. (2 pi.) [620 THOMAS, A. P. A Parasite of Limncea truncatula. Journ. of Conchol. Vol. m. p. 329, 1883. (Distoma hepaticum.) [621 VAILLANT, LEON. Note sur deux helminthes trematodes observes chez la sirene lacertine. Compt. rend, de la soc. de Uologie (Paris), Ser. 3, Vol. iv. pp. 6, 7, 1862 (1863). [622 VAILLANT, LEON. Sur quelques helminthes de la Sirene lacertine (Monostomum, Distomum.) Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 347 350, 1863. (1 pi.) [623 VERRILL, A. E. New Flukes (Tristoma lave and Tristoma cornutum) from the mouth and gills of Tetrapterus albidus. Amer. Journ. of Science, 1875, p. 40. [624 VILLOT, A. Sur les migrations et les metamorphoses des Trematodes endo- parasites marins. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXI. pp. 475 477, 1875. [625 VILLOT, A. Sur 1'appareil vasculaire des Trematodes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXII. pp. 13441346, 1876. [626 VILLOT, A. Organisation et developpement de quelques Trematodes endo- parasites marins. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vin. 40 pp. (9 pi.) 1879. [627 VILLOT, A. L'appareil vasculaire des Trematodes. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. p. 505, 1882. [628 VOGT, CARL. Sur les organes reproducteurs de quelques Trematodes marins ectoparasites. (Analyse par M. Maupas.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vi. pp. 363376, 1877. [629 VOGT, C. Ueber die Fortpflanzungsorgane einiger ectoparasitischer mariner Trematoden. Zeitschr. f. iviss. Zool. Vol. xxx. Suppl. 2 Heft, pp. 306342, 1878. [630 WAGENER, G. E. Ueber Redien und Sporocysten, Filippi. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), pp. 145150, 1866. (1 pi.) [631 WEINLAND, D. F. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Leberegels (Distoma hepati- cum L.). Jahreshft. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemb. Vol. xxxix. pp. 89 98, 1883. ' [632 WEYENBERGH, H. Description de'taillee d'une nouvelle espece de la famille des Distomides, savoir Distoma pulciierrimum. Period. Zoolog. Argent, Vol. in. pp. 3138, 1879. [633 v. WiLLEMOES-SuHM, E. Biologische Beobachtungen uber niedere Meeresthierc. III. Zur Entwickeluug ernes appendiculaten Distoms. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 382, 383, 1871. [63 + v. WILLEMOES-SUHM, E. Vorlaufiges iiber die Entwickelung des Polystoma integerrimum. Gottingen Nachrichten, pp. 181 185, 1871. [635 v. WILLEMOES-SUHM, E. Zur Naturgeschichte des Polystoma integerrimum uud des P. ocellatum, Eud. Zeitschr. f. irissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 29 39, 1872. (1 PM [636 v. WILLEMOES-SUHM, E. Helminthologische Notizen. III. Bau und Em- bryologie der Trematoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxni. (331) 332345, 1873. (Ipl.) [6 37 WOODS, W. FELL. On the Eelation of Bucephalus to the Cockle. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. iv. pp. 5865, 1875. (2 pi.) [638 ZADDACH, G. Ueber die im Flusnkrebse vorkommenden Distomum cirrigerum, v. Baer, und Distomum isostomum, Eud. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 308 404, 426431, 1881. [639 168 WORMS. F. Turbellaria. ZELLER, E. Ueber das encystirte Vorkommen von Distomum squamula, Bud., im braunen Grasfrosch. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. ZooL Vol. xvn. pp. 213220, 1867. (1 PM [640 ZELLEB, E. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung und den Bau des Poly- stomum integerrimum, Bud. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. ZooL Vol. xxn. pp. 1 28, 1872 (2 pi.) [6 4 ; ZELLER, E. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Diplozoon paradoxum. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. ZooL Vol. xxn. pp. 168180, 1872. (1 pi.) [642 ZELLER, E. Ueber Leucochloridium paradoxum, Carus, und die weitere Entwickelung seiner Distomenbrut. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. ZooL Vol. xxiv. pp 564578, 1874. (1 pi.) [643 ZELLER, E. Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Polystomen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. ZooL Vol. xxvu. pp. 238 274, 1876. (2 pi.) [644 ZIEGLER, E. Bucephalus und G aster ostomum. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 487492, 1883. [6 45 ZUNDEL, A. La Peste ou Distomatose des Ecrevisses. Journ. de Microgr. (Pelletan), Vol. v. pp. 459465, 1881. [6 4 6 F. Turbellaria. ASPER, G. Die pelagische Fauna und Tiefseefauna der Schweiz. Internationale FiscJierei-Ausstellung in Berlin, Schweizerischer Cat. pp. 127 139, 1880. [647 ASPEB, G. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tiefseefauna der Schweizerseen. ZooL Anz. 1880, p. 132, [648 BAIRD, W. Description of a New Species of Monoecious Worm, belonging to the class Turbellaria and genus Serpentaria. Proc. ZooL Soc. pp. 101, 102, 1866. [649 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Becherches sur la faune littorale de Belgique. Turbellaries. Mem. de VAcad. Roy. de Belg. Vol. xxxn. 56 pp. (7 pi.) 1861. ' [650 VAN BENEDEN, ED. Etude zoologique et anatomique du genre Macrostonmm, et description de deux especes nouvelles. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxx. pp. 116--133, 1870. (1 pi.) [651 BLOMEFIELD, L, Note on the occurrence of Planaria terrestris in the neighbour- hood of Bath. Proc. Bath Nat. Club, Vol. in. p. 1, 1874. [652 BRAUN, MAX. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna Baltica. I. Ueber Dorpater Brunnenplanarien. Arch. f. Naturk. Liv-, Esth- und Kurlands, Vol. ix. 55 pp. 1881. (Bothrioplana, n. g.) [653 CARRIERE, JUSTUS. Ein neuer Fundort von Planaria terrestris, 0. F. Miiller. ZooL Anzeiger, Vol. n. p. 668, 1879. [654 CARRIERE, JUST. Die Augen von Planaria polychroa Schmidt und Polycelis nigra Ehrbg. Arch. f. mikroskop. Anat. Vol. xx. pp. 160174, 1881. [655 CHEESEMAN, T. F. On two new Planarians from Auckland [Thysanozoon auck- landicum and Leptoplana? brunnea]. Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. Vol. xv. pp. 213, 214, 1883. [656 CLAPAREDE, ED. Becherches anatomiques sur les Annelides, Turbellaries, Opa- lines et Gregarines observes dans les Hebrides. Mem. Soc. Phys. et d'Hist. nat. de Geneve, Vol. xvi. pp. 5680, 1861. (3 pi.) [657 CLAPAREDE, ED. (See Humbert, Alois.) Observations anatomiques sur le genre Bipalium. Mem. de la Soc. de Phys. de Geneve, Vol. xvi. pp. 293 311, 1862. (1 pi.) [658 CLAPAREDE, ED. Beobachtungen iiber Anatomic u. Entwickelungsgeschichte \virbelloser Thiere an der Kiiste von Normandie angestellt. Leipzig, Fol. 1863, pp. 1422. (pi. 35.) [659 COLLINGWOOD, CuTHBERT. On thirty-one Species of Marine Planarians, collected partly by the late Dr Kelaart, F.L.S., at Trincomalee, and partly by Dr Collingwood, F.B.S., in the Eastern Seas. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Ser. 2, Zool. Vol. i. pt. 3, pp. 8398, 1876. (3 pi.) [660 WORMS. F. Turbellaria. 169 DIESINO, K. M. Revision der Turbellarien. Abtheilung : Dendrocoelen. Sitz. d. math.-naturw. Cl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien, Vol. XLIV. pp. 485 578, 1861. [662 DIESING, K. M. Revision der Turbellarien. Abtheilung : Rhabdocoelen. Sitz. d. math.-naturw. Cl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien, Vol. XLV. pp. 191 318, 1862. [663 DIESING, K. M. Nachtrage zur Revision der Turbellarien. Sitz. d. math.-naturw. Cl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien, Vol. XLVI. pp. 116, 1862. [664 DUPLESSIS, G. Turbellariees limicoles. Materiaux p. s. a Vetude de la Faune profonde du lac Leman. 2 Ser. pp. 114124, 1874. [665 DUPLESSIS, G. Seconde note sur le Vortex Lemani. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xiv. pp. 254259, 1876. [666 DUPLESSIS, "G. Notice sur un nouveau Mesostome, Mesostomum morglense. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xiv. p. 259278, 1876. [667 DUPLESSIS, G. Sur 1'origine et la repartition des Turbellari6s de la Faune pro- fonde du lac Leman. Actes Soc. Helv. 60 Sess. a Bex, 1878, pp. 233239. [669 DUPLESSIS, G. Notice anatomique sur les Platyhelminthes. Bull. Soc. Vaud. (2), Vol. xv. pp. 233237, 1878. [670 DUPLESSIS, G. Sur quelques nouveaux Turbellaries de la Faune profonde du lac Leman. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xvi. pp. 157 160, 1879. ( Vortex intermedius, n. sp. etc.) [671 ELLIOT, WALTER. Land-planariaB. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. p. 485, 1870. [672 FEWKES, J. WALT. Occurrence of Alaunna in New England Waters. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xvn. p. 246, 1883. [673 FEWKES, J. WALT. Note on Alaurina prolifera, Busch. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xvn. pp. 668, 669, 1883. [674 FOREL, F. A., et G. DUPLESSIS. Esquisse gen6rale de la faune profonde du lac Leman. Materiaux p. s. a Vetude de la Faune profonde du lac Leman, 2 ser. p. 49, 1874. (Planaria lacustris, Mesostomum auditivum, Vortex Lemani, nn. sp.) [675 FRANCOTTE, P. Sur 1'appareil excreteur des Turbellaries Rhabdocoeles et Dendro- co3les. Arch, de Biohgie, Vol. n. pp. 145153, 636645, 1881. (1 pi.) Bull. Acad. Bruxelles (3), Vol. i. pp. 30 34, 1881. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. xxix, Ixiii, 1881. [676 FRANCOTTE, P. Courte notice sur 1'anatomie et 1'histologie d'un Turbellarie Rhabdocele, du genre Derostomum [D. Benedenii]. Bull. Soc. Beige de Microsc. Vol. ix. pp. 143151, 1883. [677 FRIES, S. Die Falkensteiner Hohle, ihre Fauna u. Flora. Wurtembergisclie naturw. JahresJiefte, pp. 34 36, 1874. (Planaria cavatica, n. sp.) [678 FRIES, S. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Dunkelfauna. 3, Planaria cava- tica. Zool. Anz. 1879, pp. 151, 152. [679 FRIES, S. Ergauzende Bemerkung zu den Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Dunkelfauna (Planaria). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 308, 309, 1879. [680 GEDDES, PATRICK. Sur la chlorophylle animale, et sur la physiologic des Pla- naires vertes. Arch, de Zool. exp. et g&ner. Vol. vni. pp. 51 58, 1879-80. Comptes rendus, Vol. LXXXVII, p. 1095, 1878. [68 1 GEDDES, P. Observations on the Physiology and Histology of Convoluta Schultzii. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxvin. pp. 443457, 1879. [682 GIRARD, A. Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Synascidies. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gen. de Lacaze-Duthiers, Vol. n. p. 488. (Planaria schlosseri, n. sp.) [683 GISSLER, CARL F. A marine Planarian and its habitation. American Naturalist, Vol. xvi. pp. 52, 53, 1882. (Bdelloura Candida.) [684 GOETTE, A. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Seeplanarien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 75, 76, 1878. [685 GOETTE, A. Abhandlungen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Erstes Heft. Unters. zur Entw. der Wilrmer. Beschreibender Theil, pp. 1 58, 1881. [686 GOETTE, AL. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der marinen Dendroccelen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 190194, 1882. [687 170 WORMS. F. Turbellaria. GRABER, V. Ueber Amoboidepithelien. Zool. Anz. Vol. n. p. 278, 1879. (Stenostomum, Derostomum.) [688 GRAFF, LUDWIG. Zur Kenntniss der Turbellarien. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pp. 123160, 1874. (6 pi.) [689 GKAFF, L. Ueber die systematiscbe Stellung des Vortex Leniani, Du Plessis. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. Supplem. 3, pp. 335342, 1875. (1 pi.) [690 GRAFF, L. Neue Mittheilungen iiber Turbellarien. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 407425, 1875. (2 pi.) [691 GRAFF, L. Kurze Berichte iiber fortgesetzte Turbellarienstudien. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Suppl. Vol. xxx. pp. 457465, 1878. [692 GRAFF, L. Kurze Mittheilungen iiber fortgesetzte Turbellarienstudien. II. Ueber Planaria Limuli. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 202205, 1879. [693 GRAFF, L. Monographic der Turbellarien. I. Khabdocoelida. xn 441 pp. (20 pi.) Fol. Leipzig, 1882. [694 GRAY, J. E. On Othelosoma, a new genus of African Slugs. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. in. pp. 241, 242, 1869. [696. GREEF, E. Die Echiuren. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.Car. Vol. XLI. pp. 130, 131, 1879. (Nemertoscolex parasiticus, n. g.) [697 GRUBE, ED. Novara-Keise. Zool. Bd. n. Annelid. 1866. (Turbellaria, p. 45, pt. iv. fig. 9. Bipalium univittatum, Gr.) [698 GRUBE, E. Ueber Landplanarien. Jahresber. d. Schles. Gesells. Breslau, 1868, pp. 45, 46. [699 GRUBE, E. Beschreibungen von Planarien des Baikalgebietes. Arch. f. Natur- gesch. Vol. xxxvin. pp. 273292, 1872. (2 pi.) Bericht nat. Sect. Schles. GesellscJi. 1871, pp. 27, 28. [700 GRUBE, E. Geodesmus Hlineatus, Hetsch. in Breslau. 51. Jahresber. d. Schles. Ges.f. vaterl. Cultur, 1873, p. 30. [701 GULLIVER, G. Turbellaria from Kodriguez (Tetrastemma, Geoplana). Phil. Tra?is. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 557563, 1879. (1 pi.) [704 HALLEZ, P. Observations sur le Prostomum lineare (Oersted). Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. n. pp. 558585, 1873. (3 pi.) [705 HALLEZ, P. Sur les glandes accessoires males de quelques animaux et sur le role physiologique de leur produit. Comptes rend. Vol. LXXIX. pp. 47 49, 1874. [706 HALLEZ, P. Sur 1'organisation des Turbellariees rhabdocoeles. (Extr.) Assoc. franc,, pour Vavancem. des Sci. (Lille), Vol. in. p. 465, 1874. [707 HALLEZ, P. Sur le developpement des Turbellarie's. Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 193195, 1878 (1879). [709 HALLEZ, P. Sur quelques especes nouvelles de Turbellaries. Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 196198, 1878 (1879). [710 HALLEZ, P. Contributions a 1'histoire des Turbellaries. 4me note. I. Embry- ologie. II. Secretion intestinale. III. Organes males. IV. (Eufs. V. Forma- tion des organes genitaux. VI. Sur 1'homologie de la trompe des Nemertiens chez les Bhabdocceles. Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 250260, 1878 (1879). [711 HALLEZ, P. Considerations sur la determination des plans de segmentation dans 1'embryogenie du Lcptoplana tremellaris. Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 264 266, 1878 (1879). [712 HALLEZ, P. Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Turbellaries. Trav. de rimtit. zoolog. de Lille, Vol. n. 1879. 4to. pp. vin 215. (11 pi.) [713 HALLEZ, P. Sur les cristalloides des Mesostomum. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 149153, 1879 (1880). [714 HALLEZ, P. Sur les especes du genre Vorticeros de Wimereux. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 187189, 1879 (18bO). [715 HALLEZ, P. Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Turbellaries. (Abstr.) Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 325338, 1879 (1880). [716 WORMS. F. Turbellaria. 171 HERTWIG, R. Ueber das Auge der Planarien. Jenaische Zeit. f. Naturw. Vol. xiv. S-uppl. Heft, pp. 55, 56, 1881. [718 HOUGHTON, W. Note on a species of Planarian worm hitherto apparently not described. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xx. pp. 300, 301 and 449, 1867. (Mesostomum personatum.) [719 HOUGHTON, W. On two species of "Land-Planarite from Borneo. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. pp. 255257, 1870. (3 fig.) [720 HUMBEET, ALOIS. Description de quelques especes nouvelles de Planaires terrestres de Ceylon, suivie d'observations anatomiques sur le genre Bipalium par M. Edouard Claparede. Mem. de la Soc. de Phys. de Geneve, Vol. xvi. pp. 293 311,1862. (Ipl.) [721 JENSEN, OLAF S. Turbellaria ad litora Norvegias occidentalia. Turbellarier ved Norges Vestkyst. pp. in 91. (8 pi.) 4to. Bergen, 1878. [722 v. JHERING, H. G raffia muricicola, eine parasitische Ehabdoccele. Zeitsclir. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 147174, 1880. (1 pi.) [724 KEFEKSTEIN, W. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger Seeplanarieii von St Malo. Abhdl. d. physik. Cl. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen, Vol. xiv. pp. 342, 1869. (3 pi.) Published separately : 38 pp., 3 pi. 4to. 1868. [725 v. KENNEL, J. Bemerkungen iiber einheimische Landplanarien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 2629, 1878. [726 v. KENNEL, J. Die in Deutschland gefundenen Landplanarien Rhynchodemus terrestris, 0. F. Miiller, und Geodesmits bilineatus, Mecznikoff. Arb. aus d. zool.- zoot. List., Wiirzburg, Vol. v. (pt. 1) pp. 120160, 1880. (1 pi.) [728 KNAPPEBT, B. Bijdragen tot de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis der Zoetwater- Planarien. Natuurk. Verh. uitg. d. h. Prov. Utrechtsch Genootschap v. Kunsten en Wetens. 1 Deel, 4 Stuk. 1865. [729 KNAPPEBT, B. Embryogenie des planaires d'eau douce. Arch, neerl. d. sci. ex. et nat. (Haarlem), Vol. i. pp. 271, 272, 1866. [73 KOBSCHELT, EUG. Ueber Bau und Entwickelung von Dinophilus apatris. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 398400, 1882. [731 KOBSCHELT, E. Ueber Bau und Entwickelung des Dinophilus apatris. Zeitsclir. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvii. pp. 315353, 1882. (2 pi.) Nachtriigliche Be- merkung. Ibid. Vol. xxxvii. p. 702. [732 KOWALEVSKY, A. On the structure of the intestinal tract in Dendrocrele Worms (Buss.). Trans. Soc. Naturalists, Kiew, Vol. i. pp. 109, 110, 1870. (1 pi.) [733 KBAUSE, E. Ueber das Anpassungs- und Nachahmungsvermogen der Strudel- wurmer. Kosmos, 3 Jahrg. 1879, pp. 220225. [734 LANG, A. Ueber Conservation der Planarien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 14 16, 1878. [735 LANG, A. Notiz iiber einen neuen Parasiten der Tethys aus der Abtheilung der rhabdocuelen Turbellarien. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. n. pp. 107-112, 1881. (1 pi.) [736 LANG, A. Sur un mode particulier de copulation chez des vers marins den- droceles ou Polyclades. Arch. Sc. Phys. Geneve (3) Vol. vi. pp. 308, 309, 1881. [737 LANG, A. Sur un mode particulier de copulation chez des vers marins Dendro- celes ou Polyclades. Arch, de Sci. phys. et nat. Compte rendu d. tray, de la Soc. helv. d. Sci. nat. a Aarau, 1881, pp. 87, 88. [738 LANG, A. Der Bau von Gunda scgmentata und die Verwandtschaft der Plathel- minthen mit Coelenteraten und Hirudineen. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. m. pp. 187251, 1882. (3 pi.) [739 LANG, A. Die Graff' sche Rhabdocoelidenmonographie. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. in. pp. 134142, 165174, 199207, 1883. [740 LANKESTEB, E. KAY. List of the Turbellaria and Annelida met with in a dredging expedition off Guernsey and the neighbouring islands. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) Vol. xvn. p. 389, 1866. [742 172 WORMS. F. Turbellaria. LANKESTEB, E. BAY. On the Planarias of our Ponds and Streams. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. vi. pp. 388400, 1867. (1 pi.) [743 LANKESTEB, E. BAY. Chlorophyll in Turbellarian Worms and other animals. (Abstr. of researches of Geddes, Sorby, etc.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Hoc. ; New ser. Vol. xix. pp. 434437, 1879. [ 744 LEVINSEN, G. M. B. Bidrag til Kundskab om Gronlands Turbellariefauna. Vid. Meddel.f. d. naturh. Foren. i Kjdbenh. pp. 165204, 1879-80. [746 LOMAN, . Zwei neue Arten von Bipalium. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. p. 168, 1883. [ 747 LUBBOCK, SIB JOHN. Note on the Discovery of Planaria terrestris in England. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. x. p. 193, 1870. [748 LUDWIG, H. Ueber die Eibildung im Thierreich. Arbeit, a. d. Instit., Wilrz- burg, Vol. i. 1874 (Turbellaria, pp. 310320). [749 M'INTOSH, W. C. On two species of Land-Planarias from Borneo. (Bipalium.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. p. 347, 1-S70. [750 DE MAN, J. G. EersteBijdrage tot de kennis der Nederl. Zoetwater-Turbellarien, benevens eene Beschrijving v. nieuwe soorten. Tijd. d. nederl. Dierkundige Vereen, 1875,14pp. [751 DE MAN, J. G. Overzicht der tot dusverre in de zoete wateren van Europa waargenomen Turbellaria. Tijds. d. nederl. Dierkundige Vereen, Deel i. 1875, pp. 1-24. [752 DE MAN, J. G. Geocentrophora sphyrocephala n. gen. n. sp., eene landbewon- ende Bhabdoccele. Tijd. d. nederl. Dierkundige Vereen, Deel 11. 6 pp. 1875. [753 DE MAN, J. G. De gewone europeesche Land-planarie, Geodesnius terrestris O. F. Mull. Tijds. nederl. Dierk. Vereen, Deel n. 1876, 5 pp. [754 MEBESCHKOWSKY, C. Ueber einige Turbellarien des weissen Meeres. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLV. pp. 3555, 1879. (1 pi.) [755 MERESCHKOWSKY, C. On some Turbellarians from the White Sea (Buss.). Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. St Petersburg, 1878, 20 pp. (1 pi.) [756 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Zur Naturgeschichte der Bhabdocoelen. Arch. f. Natur- gesch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 174181, 1865. (1 pi.) [757 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. On the Bhabdocoala. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvm. pp. 5762, 1866. (1 pi.) [758 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Sur Geodesmus bilineatus, Nob. (Fasciola terrestris, 0. Fr. Miiller?), une planaire terrestre d'Europe. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. ix. col. 433447, 1866. [759 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. On the intestinal tract of some Turbellariau worms (Buss.). Trans. New Euss. Soc. Nat., Odessa, Vol. v. 12 pp. 1877. [760 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. On the development of Planaria (Buss.). Trans. New Euss. Soc. Nat., Odessa, Vol. v. p. 16, 1877. [761 METSCHNIKOFF, ELIAS. Ueber die Verdauungsorgane einiger Siisswasserturbel- larien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 387390, 1878. [762 MINOT, C. S. Studien an Turbellarien. Arb. aus d. zool.-zoot. List. Wurzburg, Vol. in. (pt. 4) pp. 405471, 1877. (5 pi.) [764 MOSELEY, H. N. Some Bemarks on the Habits of some Ceylon animals, and Notes on methods for keeping them alive in confinement. Nature, Vol. vi. p. 65, 1872. [765 MOSELEY, H. N. On the Anatomy and Histology of the Land-Planarians of Ceylon, with some Account of their Habits, and a Description of two new Species, and with Notes on the Anatomy of some European Aquatic Species. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxi. pp. 169171, 1873 ; Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXIV. pp. 105172, 1874. (6 pi.) [766 MOSELEY, H. N. Urticatory Organs of Planariau Worms. Nature, Vol. xvi. p. 475, 1877. [767 WORMS. F. Turbellaria. 173 MOSELEY, H. N. On Stylochus pelagicus, a New Species of Pelagic Planarian, with Notes on other Pelagic Species, on the Larval Forms of Thysanozoon, and of a Gymnosomatous Pteropod. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Series, Vol. xvn. pp. 2334, 1877. (1 pi.) [768 MOSELEY, H. N. Notes on the Structure of Several Forms of Land Planarians, with a Description of Two New Genera and several New Species, and a list of all Species at present known. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. New Ser. Vol. xvn. pp. 273292, 1877. (1 pi.) [769 MOSELEY, H. N. Description of a new Species of Land-Planarian from the Hot- houses at Kew Gardens. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 237 239, 1878. (Bipalium Kewense.) [770 NOEL, F. C. Mittheilung iiber die bei St Goar unter einem Steine aufgefundene Planaria terrestris, 0. F. Mull. Zoolog. Garten von Weinland, p. 254, 1862. [771 PACKARD, A. S., jun. A Cave-inhabiting Flat-worm. Vortex cavicolens. American Naturalist, Vol. xvn. pp. 89, 90. 1883. [772 PARADI, K. Szovet-es fejlodestani adatok a tomlobelii b'rvenyfe'rgek kordbol, mit einem deutschen Auszuge " Histologisch-embryologische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der rhabdocoelen Turbellarien." Az Erdelyi Muzeum-egylet evkonyvei, Uj folyam, vi. szdrn, Kolozsvdr 1876 (Jahrb. d. SiebenbiirgiscJien Mus. Vereines Nr. 6, Klausen- burg), pp. 183195. [773 PEREJASLAWZEW, S. Ueber die rhabdocoelen Strudelwiirmer des Schwarzen Meeres. (Abstr.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. p. 186, 1880. [774 KOBOZ, Z. A Polycelis nigra Ehrbg. Kaposvarott, 1881, 8vo. 16 pp. (1 pi.) [775 EYDER, JOHN A. Additional note on the Egg-cases of Planarians ectoparasitic on Limulus. American Naturalist, Vol. xvi. pp. 142, 143, 1882. [776 RYDER, JOHN A. Observations on the Species of Planarians parasitic on Limu- lus. American Naturalist, Vol. xvi. pp. 48 51, 1882. [777 SALENSKY, W. Ueber die Entwicklung eines Enterostomum der Bucht von Sebastopol u. eine Species des Genus Nadina. Protok. der naturf. Gesell. in Kasan, 1872-1873. [778 SCHMIDT, 0. Die dendrocoelen Strudelwurmer aus den Umgebungen von Gratz. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 2433, 1860. (2 pi.) [779 SCHMIDT, 0. Untersuchungen iiber Turbellarien von Corfu und Cephalonia. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xi. pp. 130, 1862. (4 pi.) [780 SCHMIDT, 0. Ueber Planaria torva, Auctorum. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xi. pp. 8994, 1862. (1 pi.) [78 1 SCHNEIDER, A. Einige Bemerkungen zu 0. Schmidt's "Untersuchungen iiber Turbellarien von Corfu und Cephalonia." Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), pp. 783, 784, 1861. [782 SELENKA, E. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Seeplanarien. Biolog. Cen- tralbl.Vol. i. pp. 229239, 1881. [783 SELENKA, E. Les feuillets blastodermiques des Planaires. Bull, scien. du dep. duNord, Vol. xn. pp. 165169, 1881. (From the Soc. phys.-med. Erlangen, 1881.) [784 SELENKA, E. Zoologische Studien. II. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der See- planarien. Ein Beitrag zur Keimblatterlehre und Descendenzlehre, v 44 pp. 4to. Leipzig, 1881. (7 pi.) [786 SELENKA, E. Die Keimblatter der Planarien. Sitz. d. physik.-medic. Soc. zu Erlangen, 1881, pp. 1 4. [787 SELENKA, E. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Art der Kernmetamorphose. Biol. Centralbl. i. Jahrg. 1881, pp. 492497. (Leptoplana, Eurylepta, Thysanozoon. ) [788 SILLIMAN, W. A. Sur un nouveau type de Turbellari6s (Syndesmis). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 10871089, 1881. [789 STEENSTRUP, J. Om Jord-Fladormens (Planaria terrestris O. F. Mull.) Forekomst i Danmark. Vid. Medd. f. d. naturh. Forening i Kjobenh. 1869, pp. 189 194. [790 174 WORMS. G. Nemertina. STIMPSON, W. On the genus Peasla. Silliman's Amer. Journ. Vol. xxxi. p. 134, 1861. (Planariidae.) [791 ULIANIN, W. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber eine pelagische Rhabdocoelenlarve. Pull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1869, p. 61. [792 VAILLANT, L. Sur le developpement du Polycelis laevigatus Quatref. L'Institut, Vol. xxxiv. pp. 183, 184, 1866. [793 VAILLANT, L. Eemarques sur le developpement d'une planariee dendroccele, le polyccMs Icevigatus (cle Quatrefages). 18pp. (1 pi.) 4to. Montpellier, 1868. E.rtr. des Mem. de Vacad. des sci. et lettres de Montpeltier, Vol. vn. 1867. [795 VEJDOWSKY, FEZ. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Turbellarien der Brunnen von Prag, nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige einheimische Arten. Sitzungsber. bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Prag, pp. 501507, 1879. [796 VEJDOVSKY, FR. planarifch ceskych. (Ueber Planarien Bohmens). Bohmisch. Anzeig. II. Vers. bohm. Aerzte u. Naturf. p. 58, 1882. [797 VEJDOVSKY, F. Der Excretionsapparat der Planarien. Sitz. k. bohm. Ges. der Wiss. Prag, 1882, pp. 273280. [798 WIEDEESHEIM, E. Beitrage znr Kenntniss der wtirtembergischen Hohlenfauna. Verh. d. Wurzburger phys.-med. Ges. N. F. Vol. iv. pp. 209, 210, 1873. (Planaria. ) [799 WEIGHT, E. PEECEVAL. Dunlopea ( = Bipalium). Proc. Dublin Univ. Zool. and Bot. Assoc. Vol. n. pt. 1, p. 47, 1858. [800 WYMAN, J. Reproduction of lost parts in Planarice. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. ix. p. 157, 1862. (1865.) [801 WYMAN, J. An account of some experiments on Planaria, showing their power of repairing injuries. Proc. Bost. Soc. 1862-63, Vol. ix. p. 157. [802 G. Nemertina. BARROIS, J. Des phdnomenes generaux de I'embryog6nie des N6mertiens. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 270273, 1875. [803 BARROIS, J. De 1'embryologie des Nemertiens. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXII. pp. 859862, 1876. [804 BAREOIS, J. Me"moire sur 1'embryologie des Ne*mertes. Ann. des Sci. Natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vi. 232 pp. (12 pi.) 1877. [805 BAREOIS, J. Embryog&iie des Nemertes. (Abstr.) Bull, scient. du de"p. du Nord, Vol. ix. pp. 253259, 1877 (1878). [807 BAEEOIS, J. L'Embryoge'nie des Nemertes et rEmbryog^nie des Bryozoaires. Rev. Scient. pp. 989973, 1878. [808 BUTSCHLI, O. Einige Bemerkungen zur Metamorphose des Pilidium. Arch, f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxix. pp. 276283, 1873. (1 pi.) [809 DEWOLETZKY, R. Zur Anatomie der Nemertinen. Vorlaufige Mittheilung, I. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 375379, pp. 396400, 1880. [810 DIECK, GEORG. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Nemertinen. Jenaische Zeitschr. /. Mcdicin, etc. Vol. vm. pp. 500521, 1874. (2 pi.) [8r i EHLEES, E. Nemertes maculosa and N. teres n. spp. (in Heuglin's Reisen), pp. 248,249,1874. [812 FEDSCHENKO, A. P. Fluviatile Nemertines from Tashkend (Russ.). Trans. imp. soc. Nat. Moscow, Vol. x. (1) pp. 100-106, 110, 111, 1872. (1 pi.) [813 GIARD, A. Embryog<5nie des Nemertiens. (Extr.) Assoc. franq. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Paris), Vol. vn. p. 750, 1878. [814 GIARD, A. Sur VAvenardia Priei, Nemertien g^ant de la cote occidentale de France. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 7275, 1878. [815 GRAFF, L. Geonemertes chalicophora, eine neue Landnemertine. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. v. pp. 430449, 1879. (3 pi.) [817 WORMS. G. Nemertina. 175 HOFFMAN, C. K. Over de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van Tetrastemma varicolor, Oersted. Eeiie bijdrage tot de keunis der Nemertinen. Versl. en Meded. d. k. Akad. van Wetensch., Amsterdam (Natuurk.), Ser. 2, Vol. x. pp. 392405, 1876. (Ipl.) [818 HOFFMAN, C. K. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nemertinen. I. Zur Entwickelungs- geschichte von Tetrastemma varicolor, Oersted. Niederl. Arch. /. Zool. Vol. in. pt. 3, pp. 205215, 1877. (1 pi.) [819 HOFFMAN, C. K., and TH. W. ENGELMANN. Over eene verhandeling van den Heer A. A. W. Hubrecht, getiteld " Zur Anat. und Physiol. des Nervensystems bei den Nemertinen." Versl. en Meded. d. k. Akad. van Wetensch., Amsterdam (Natmirk.), Ser. 2, Vol. xv. pp. 175178, 1880. [821 HOFFMAN, C. K., en TH. ENGELMANN. Over eene verhandeling van Dr A. A. W. Hubrecht getiteld " Studien zur Phylogenie des Nervensystems " uitgebracht in de vergadering van 26 Nov. 1881. Versl. en Meded. d. k. Akad. van Wetensch., Amsterdam (Natuurk,.}, Ser. 2, Vol. xvn. pp. 173 175, 1882. [822 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Aanteekeningen over de anatomic, histologie en ontwik- kelingsgeschiedenis van eenige Nemertinen. Utrecht, 1874. (Inaug. Diss.) 58pp. (3 pi.) [823 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Some Kemarks about the Minute Anatomy of Mediter- ranean Nemerteans. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New Ser. Vol. xv. pp. 249 256, 1875. (Ipl.) [824 HUBRECHT, A. A. "W. Untersuchungen iiber Nemertinen aua dem Golf von Neapel. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Vol. n. pt. 3, pp. 99130, 1875. (3 pi.) [825 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. The Genera of European Nemerteans critically revised, with Description of several new species. Leyden Mus. Notes, Vol. i. pp. 193 232, 1879. [826 HUBRSCHT, A. A. W. Vorlaufige Kesultate fortgesetzter Nemertinen-Untersuch- tmgen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 474 476, 1879. [827 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Zur Nemertinen-Anatomie. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 406, 407, 1880. [828 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. New species of European Nernertines. Leyden Mus. Notes, Vol. n. pp. 9398, 1880. [829 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Mededeel. omtrent het Nemertinen-geslacht LoMlabrum. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Vereen D. iv. An. 3, 4, pp. 106, 107, 1879. [830 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Etudes sur les N^mertiens. I. Resultats preliminaires. (Trad.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et genfr. Vol. vm. pp. 521527, 1879-80. [831 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Zur Anatomie und Physiologic des Nervensystems der Nemertinen. Verli. d. koningl. Akad. van Wetensch., Amsterdam, Vol. xx. 47 pp. (4 pi.) 1880. [832 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. The Peripheral Nervous System in Palaso- and Schizone- mertini, one of the layers of the Body- wall. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 431442, 1880. (2 pi.) [834 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Researches on the Nervous System of Nemertines. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 274282, 1880. (1 pi.) [835 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Het peripherischzenuwstelsel der Nemertinen. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Vereenig, 5 D. 3 An. pp. 131137, 1881. [836 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Notiz iiber die wahrend der zwei ersten Fahrten des Willem Barents gesammelten Nemertinen. Niederl. Arch. /. Zool., Supplem. i. 2 pp. 2 fig. 1881-2. [837 KEFERSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere, V. Untersuchungen iiber die Nemertinen. Gottingen Nachrichten, pp. 6770, 3862. [838 KEFERSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere. VI. Untersuchungen iiber die Nemertinen. Zeitschr. /. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 51 91, 1863. (3 pi.) [839 KEFERSTEIN, W. Ueber eine Zwitter-Nemertine (Borlasia hermaphroditica) von St. Malo. Gottingen Nachrichten, pp. 2730, 1868. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 102105, 1868. (1 pi.) [840 176 WORMS. G. Nemertina. v. KENNEL, J. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nemertinen. Arb. aus d. zool.-zoot. Inst., Wiirzburg, Vol. iv. pp. 305381, 1878. (3 pi.) [842 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Gregariniform Parasite of Eorlasia. Trans. Eoy. Microsc. Soc., Lond. Vol. xv. pp. 3841, 1867. [843 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Affinities and Classification of the Nemerteans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Vol. vi. pp. 545548, 1869. [844 M'INTOSH, W. C. Note on the Development of Lost Parts in the Nemerteans. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. x. pp. 251254, 1868 (1870). (1 pi.) [845 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Stylet-region of the Ommatoplean Proboscis. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 6567, 1870. (1 pi.) [846 M'INTOSH, W. C. Monograph of the British Annelids. I. Nemerteans. 2 parts. (23 pi.) Fol. London (Kay Society), 1874. [847 M'INTOSH, W. C. On Valencinia Armandi, a new Nemertean. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond.; Ser. 2, Zool. Vol. i. pt. 2, pp. 7382, 1875. (1 pi.) [848 M'INTOSH, W. C. On Amphiporus spectabilis, De Quat., and other Nemerteans. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xv. pp. 277293, 1875. (2 pi.) [849 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Central Nervous System, the Cephalic Sacs, and other Points in the Anatomy of the Lineidce. Journ. of Anat. and Phys. Vol. x. pp. 231252, 1876. (4 pi.) [850 M'INTOSH, W. C. Beitrage zur Anatomic von Magelona. Zeitschr.f. wins. ZooL Vol. xxxi. pp. 401472, 1878. [851 MARION, A. F. Histologie du systeme nerveux des Ne'mertes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVIII. pp. 1474, 1475, 1869. [852 MABION, A. F. Ne'mertien hermaphrodite de la Me'diterran6e (Borlasia). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXIX. pp. 57, 58, 1869. [853 MABION, A. F. Animaux inferieurs du goife de Marseille. I. Observations sur un nouveau Ne'mertien hermaphrodite (Borlasia Kefersteinii). Ann. des Sci. Nat. Ser. 5, Vol. xvn. Art. 6, pp. 623, 1873. (1 pi.) III. Eemarques compl^mentaires sur le Borlasia Kefersteinii. Ibid. Ser. 6, Vol. i. Art. 1, pp. 1929, 1874. (2 fig.) [854 MABION, A. F. Anatomie d'un type remarquable du groupe des N^mertiens (Drepanophorus spectabilis). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 893 895, 1875. [855 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Studien iiber die Entwickelung der Echinodermen und Nemertinen. in 73 pp. (12 pi.) 4to. St Petersburg u. Leipzig, 1869. (Mem. de VAcad. imper. des Sci. de St Petersburg, Ser. 7, Vol. xiv. No. 8.) [856 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Beitrage. V. Metamorphose einiger Nemertinen. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersburg, Vol. xni. Col. 287290, 1869. [857 MOSELEY, H. N. On Pelagonemertes Rollestoni. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 165169, 1875. (1 pi.) [859 MOSELEY, H. N. On a Young Specimen of Pelagonemertes Rollestoni. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvi. pp. 377383, 1875. (1 pi.) [860 MOSELEY, H. N. Sur le Pelagonemertes Rollestoni. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. LI. 1876. [86 1 NUSSBAUM, M. Zur Befruchtung bei den Nemertinen. Zoolog. Anzeigcr, Vol. vi. p. 515, 1883. [862 SAINT JOSEPH, DE. Note sur 1'armature de la Ptychodes splendida, Dies. (Cerabra- tulus spectabilis, Quat.). Bull. Soc. Philom. 1876-77, pp. 148151. [863 SALENSKY, W. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Borlasia vivipara, Ulj. Bio- log. Centralbl. Vol. n. pp. 740745 (Jan.) 1883. [864 VAILLANT, L. Eemarques sur 1'appareil stylifere de quelques Ne'rnertiens. Compt. rend, de la Soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 8992, 1871 (1873). [866 VAILLANT, L. Contribution a l'6tude anatomique des Nernertiens. Assoc. fran<;. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Bordeaux), Vol. i. pp. 566613, 1872. ' [867 WORMS. //. Nematoda. 177 VERRILL, A. E. Kesults of recent Dredging Expeditions on the Coast of New England. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. vi. pp. 435441, 1873. Macronemertes gigantea, n. sp. [868 VERRILL, A. E. Kesults of recent Dredging Expeditions on the Coast of New England. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. vn. pp. 3846, 1874. Cor- nulariella modesta, n. sp., Ophionemertes agilis, n. sp., Tetrastemma vittata, n. sp. [869 v. WiLLEMOES-SuHM, E. On a Land-Nemertean found in the Bermudas (Tetra- stemma agricola). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xm. pp. 409 412, 1874 (1 pl.) [870 WILSON, E. B. On a new form of Pilidium. Studies Biolog. Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ. Vol. n. No. 3, pp. 341345, 1882. [871 ZELLER, E. Observations sur la structure de la trompe d'un Nemertien herma- phrodite, provenant des cotes de Marseille. Comptes rendus (A cad. Paris), Vol. LXXVI. pp. 966969, 1873. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (4), Vol. xi. 398400, 1873. [872 H. Nematoda. ARAUJO, A. J. P. DA SILVA. Memoria sobre a Filariose, &c. Bahia, 1875. [873 ARAUJO, SILVA. La Filaria immitis et la Filaria sangiiinolenta au Bresil. Lyon Medical, 1879. 10 pp. [874 BABESIN, V. Ueber einen im menschlichen Peritonaum gefundenen Nematodeu. Arch. path. Anat. Vol. LXXXI. pp. 158167, 1880. [875 BAILLET, C. On Dochmius, and on a worm found in the Heart and Vessels of a Dog. Journ. Vet. du Midi. Veterinarian, 1862, p. 549. [876 BAILLET, C. Eecherches sur 1'organisation et sur les fonctions de reproduction de quelques Ne"matoides de la tribu des Scle'rostomiens. 47 pp. 8vo. Toulouse, 1865. [Extr. des Mem. de I'Acad. imp. des sci. de Toulouse.] [877 BAILLET, C. Zoologie veterinaire. Note sur les strongy liens et les scl&rostomiens de 1'appareil digestif des be^tes ovines, suivie d'une re'porise aux observations criti- ques de M. Colin sur 1 'article Helminthes du dictionnaire de me'decine, de chirurgie et d'hygiene veterinaires, lue a la soc. impdr. et centrale vdterinaire dans ses seances le 9 avril et 11 juin, 1868. 64 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1868. [878 BAIRD, "VV. Note on the occurrence of Filaria sanguinea in the body of the Galaxias scriba, a Freshwater Fish from Australia. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, pp. 207, 208. [879 BAIKD, W. Notice of the occurrence of Sclerostoma equinum (?) in the Testicle of the.Horse. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, pp. 271, 272. [880 BAIRD, "VV. Note on the " Spiroptera sangiiinolenta " of Eudolphi, a Parasite found in the Hearts of Dogs in China. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. ix. pp. 296, 297, 1867 (1868). [88 1 BAIRD, W. Description of a New Species of Ascaris found in the Stomach of a Walrus. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p. 71. [882 BAIRD, W. Description of a New Species of Sclerostoma from the Stomach of the African Elephant. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, pp. 262264. (1 fig.) [883 BALBIANI, C. Eecherches sur le developpement et la propagation du Strongyle (jeant. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXIX. pp. 1091 1095, 1869. [884 BARTHELEMY, . Observations sur le me'moire de M. P&rez concernant le Rhabditis terricola ou Anguillule terrestre. Ann. des Sci. Natur. Ser. 5, Vol. vm. pp. 3740, 1867. [885 BASTIAN, H. C. On the Structure and Nature of the Dracunculns, or Guinea- worm. Tram. Linn. Soc. Vol. xxiv. pt. 2, pp. 101134, 1863. (2 pl.) [886 BASTIAN, H. C. Monograph 011 the Anguilhilidce, or free Nematoids, Marine, Land, and Freshwater, with Descriptions of 100 New Species. 'Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., Vol. xxv. pt. 2, pp. 73184, 1865. (13 pl,) [887 T. 12 178 WORMS. H. Nematoda. BASTIAN, H. C. On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nematoids, parasitic and free ; with observations on their Zoological Position and Affinities to the Echino- derms. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Land., Vol. xiv. pp. 371374, 1865. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLVI. pp. 545638, 1866. (7 pi.) [888 BASTIAN, H. C. Free Nematoids. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. vn. pp. 163175, 1878. (Ipl.) [889 BAVAY, . Sur 1'anguillule stercorale. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIII. pp. 694696, 1876. [890 BAVAY, . Sur 1'anguillule intestinale (Anguillula intestinalis), nouveau ver ne'mato'ide, trouv^ par le Dr Normand chez les malades attaints de diarrhe'e de Cochinchine. Canutes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIV. pp. 266 268, 1877. [891 BEALE, L. S. On Entozoa(?) in the Muscles of Animals destroyed by the Cattle Plague. Med. Times and Gaz. Jan. 20, 1866, p. 57. [892 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Note sur le ver de Me"dine. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xvi. pp. 3, 4, 1863. [893 VAN BENEDEN, P. J. Sur les vers n&natodes. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxi. pp. 207, 208, 1866. [894 BOCHEFONTAINE, . Note sur des entozoaires ne'matoides d'une espece indeter- minee (Strangle ?) observes dans le rein d'un chien. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologic (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. iv. pp. 282-285, 1874 (1875). [895 BOCHEFONTAINE, . Note sur le Spiroptere ensanglante (Spiroptera sanguin- olenta). Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. v. pp. 263, 264. 1875 (1877). " [896 BouBEL-KoNCiERE. Pathologie exotique. De 1'he'matozoaire ne"matoide de 1'homme et de son importance pathogenique. Arch, de Med. Nav. 1878, pp. 113 134 and 192 214. [897 BRANDT, ALEX. Ueber die Eifurchung der Ascaris nigrovenosa. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvm. pp. 365 384, 1877. (2 pi.) [898 BROTHERSTON, A. Parasitic Worms in Legs of Grebe (Podiceps minor) and Water-hen (Gallinula chloropus). Science Gossip, Apr. 1878, p. 88. (Nematodes). [899 BUCHANAN, JOHN. On Pseudo-scab and Lung-worm (Strongylus Jilaria) in Sheep. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xiv. pp. 269274, 1881. [900 BUGNION, E. Notes sur les globules sanguins du Memiis aquatilis, Duj., suivies de quelques remarques sur la structure anatomique de cette espece. Actes Soc. Helv. QOme Sess. Bex, 1878, pp. 247 255. [901 BUGNION, ED. L'Ankylostome duodenal et I'Ane'mie du Saint- Gothard. Eev. medic, de la Suisse, No. 5 et 7, 1881. [902 BUTSCHLI, O. Untersuchungen iiber die beiden Nematoden der Periplaneta (Blatta) orientalis L. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 252 293, 1871. (2 pi.) [903 BUTSCHLI, 0. Giebt es Holomyarier ? Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxm. pp. 402 408, 1873. (Ipl.) [904 BUTSCHLI, 0. Beobachtungen iiber mehrere Parasiten. 2. Ueber das Ma'unchen des Trichosomum crassicauda, B. 3. Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Dispharagus denudatus, Duj., des Leuciscus erythrophthalmus. Arch.f. Nat. Vol. xxxvui. pp. 236 -246, 1872. [905 BUTSCHLI, 0. Zur Kenntniss der freilebenden Nematoden, insbesondere der des Kieler Hafens. Abh. d. Senckenberg. natitrforsch. Gesellsch. Vol. ix. pp. 237 292, 1873-75. (9 pi.) [906 BUTSCHLI, O. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der freilebenden Nematoden. Nova Acta Acad. Cces. Leop. -Carol. (Dresden), Vol. xxxvi. 144pp. (11 pi.) 1873. [908 BUTSCHLI, 0. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber Untersuchungen, betreffend die ersteii Entwicklungsvorgange im befruchteten Ei von Nematoden und Schnecken. Zeit- schr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 201213, 1875. [910 BUTSCHLI, 0. Sur le deVeloppernent du Cucullanus elcgans. Arch, de Zool. ex*\- et gener. Vol. iv. LIX. LXI. 1875. (Abstr.) [9^7 WORMS. //. Nematoda. 179 BUTSCHLI, 0. Eechefches sur les premiers phdnomenes du deVeloppement dans 1'oeuf fecond^ des Ne"matoides et Pulmone's. Arch, de Zool. exp, et gener. Vol. iv. xxviii xxx. 1875. (Abstr.) [912 BUTSCHLI, O. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Cucullanus elegans, Zed. Zeit- schi\ f. wissemeh. Zool. Vol. xxvi. pp. 103111, 1875 (1876). (1 pi.) [91$ BUTSCHLI, O. Untersuchungen iiber freilebende Nematoden uiid die Gattung Chcetonotus. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvi. pp. 363 413, 1876. (4 pi.) CARDILE, GIUSEPPE. I filo-parassiti ovvero contribute allo studio di cause morbose ben conosciute degli aiitichi. Secunda edizione con aggiunte, correzioni e modifiche. (22 fig. litb.) 8vo. Palermo, 1870. [915 CARTEB, H. J. On a Bisexual Nematoid Worm which infests the Common House-fly (Musca domestica) in Bombay (Filaria muscce). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, VoL vn. pp. 2933, 1861. (1 pi.) [916 CASALI, T. Nuova varieta di Spiroptera del polio dornestico. Ann. Soc. Mod. (2) Vol. vni. pp. 112, 1876. [917 CHAPMAN, H. C. On Trichocephalus ajfinis, Dies. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, p. 440, 1875. [918 CHATIN, JOANNES. Etudes helminthologiques. I. Spiroptera erinacei. II. Spi- rula stellionls. III. Hedruris hipsirhince. Assoc. fran. pour Vavancem. des Sci. (Nantes), Vol. iv. pp. 801805, 1875. [919 CHATIN, JOANNES. Sur un ne'matoide observd dans 1'oeil de la mouche. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologic (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. in. pp. 305, 306, 1876 (1877). [920 CHATIN, JOANNES. Etude anatomique et zoologique sur 1'Ascaride de 1'Orang- outang. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. iv. pp. 384 387, 1877(1879). [921 CHATIN, JOANNES. Etude anatomique et zoologique de 1'Ascaride du Lion. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. iv. pp. 266, 267, 1877 (1879). [922 CHATIN, JOANNES. Kystes et parasites du Callychthys aspcr (gen. allied to Agamonema). Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. iv. pp. 277, 278, 1877 (1879). ' [923 CHATIN, JOANNES. Sur une forme rare de 1'organe hepatique chez les vers. Compt. rend. Vol. LXXXVI. pp. 974, 975, 1878. (Agamonema, Nematode). [924 CHATIN, JOANNES. Sur une forme rare des elements nrusculaires chez les Nema- to'ides. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. iv. pp. 278, 279, 1877 (1879). [925 CHATIN, JOANNES. Nematodes parasites des vegetaux. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 6, Vol. v. p. 362, 1878 (1880). [926 CHATIN, JOANNES. Sur 1'embryon cili de la Bilharzie. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xci. pp. 554, 555, 1880. [928 CHATIN, J. Observations sur le d6veloppement et 1'organisation du proscolex de la Bilharzia hcematobia. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. x. 11 pp. (1 pi.) 1881. [929 GLAUS, C. Ueber einige in Humus lebende Anguillulinen. Zeitschr. f. icissensch. Zool. VoL xn. pp. 354359, 1863. (1 pi.) [930 GLAUS, C. Beobachtungen iiber die Organisation und Fortpflanzung von Lepto- dera appendiculata. 8chr. Gcsellsch. Marburg, Suppl. Heft, Vol. in. (1869). pp. 24. [93i COBBOLD, T. SPENCER. On Sclerostoma Syngamus, and the Disease which it occasions in Birds. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. v. pp. 304 311, 1861. [932 COBBOLD, T. S. The Whipworm of Ruminants. Intellectual Observer, Dec. 1863. (Trichocephalus.) [933 COBBOLD, T. S. Description of a new Generic Type of Entozoon from the Aard Wolf (Protcles) ; with Kemarks on its Affinities, especially in reference to the Lauestion of Parthenogenesis (Acanthocheiloncma). Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, pp. 9 14. Lc [934 122 180 WORMS. //. Nematoda. COBBOLD, T. S. Stephanurus dentatus. Brit. Med. Journ. Nature, Jan. 26, 1871. [935 COBBOLD, T. S. On the discovery of Stephanurus in the United States and in Australia. Nature, Oct. 21, 1871, p. 508. [936 COBBOLD, T. S. Note on Entozoa in the Crested Grebe. Field, March 29, 1873. [937 COBBOLD, T. S. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Grouse Disease, with description of a new species of Entozoon. Veterinarian, March 1873. (Strongylus pergracilis.} [938 COBBOLD, T. S. Epizooty in the Horse, more especially in relation to the ravages produced by the four-spined Strongyle (S. tetr acanthus}. Veterinarian, Sept. 1875. [939 COBBOLD, T. S. Eecord of preliminary experiments with the Eggs and Embryos of the Husk-producing Strongyle of the Calf. Veterinarian, Dec. 1875. [940 COBBOLD, T. S. Eemarks on recent contributions to our knowledge of the Parasitic Nematoids, especially in reference to the wasting diseases they produce in Man and Animals. Veterinarian, 1876, p. 1. (Anchilostomum}. [941 COBBOLD, T. S. Verification of the Hsematozoal Discoveries in Australia and Egypt. Brit. Med. Journ., June 1876. (Filaria). [942 COBBOLD, T. S. Discovery of the Adult Eepresentative of Microscopic Filariue. Lancet, 1877, p. 70. [943 COBBOLD, T. S. On the Discovery of the Intermediary Host of Filaria sanguinis Uominis. Lancet, Jan. 12, 1878, p. 69. [944 COBBOLD, T. S. On the life history of Filaria Bancrofti, as explained by the discoveries of Wucherer, &c. Pop. Sci. Rev., April 1878. [945 COBBOLD, T. S. On Filaria sanguinis hominis. Lancet, July 13, 1878. [946 COBBOLD, T. S. The life-history of Filaria Bancrofti, as explained by the Discoveries of Wucherer, Lewis, Bancroft, Manson, Sonsino, myself and others. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 356370, 1878 (1879). ' [947 COBBOLD, T. S. Kemarks on Eustrongylus gigas. Veterinarian, April 1879. [948 COBBOLD, T. S. New Entozoon from the Ostrich (Strongylus Douglasii). Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xvi. pp. 184188, 1881 (1883). (1 pi.) [949 COLE, W. Eemarks on a Parasite of Humble Bees. Journ. of the Quekett Microsc. Club, 1875. (Sphcerularia). [950 COLLAS, . Note sur les hematozoaires trouves dans le coeur droit d'un chien. Journ. de Vanat. et de laphysiol. Vol. in. pp. 557, 558, 1866. [951 CRISP, EDWARD. On Filaria gracilis in a Monkey. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, pp. 16,17. [952 , DAVAINE, CH. Sur les Anguillules du vinaigre (Rhabditis). Compt. rend, de la soc. de Mologie (Paris), Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 88, 89, 1864 (1865). [953 DOBSON, G. E. On Pterygodermatites Macdonaldii, the Type of a new Order of Vermes. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 412414, 1880. [954 v. DRASCHE, EICHARD. Eevision der Nematoden Diesing's und Molin's. Verhandl. d. k. k. zool. bot. Gesellsch. in Wien, Vol. xxxn. pp. 117 138, 1882. (4 pi.) [955 v. DRASCHE, EICHARD. Helminthologische Notizen (Heteracis, Ascaris}. Verhandl. d. k. k. zool. bot. Gesellsch. in Wien, Vol. xxxn. pp. 139 142, 1882. (1 pi.) [956 v. DRASCHE, EICHARD. Zur Characteristik der Nematoden- Gattung Peritra- chelius, Diesing. Verhandl. d. k. k. zool. bot. Gesellsch. in Wien, Vol. xxxi. pp. 187194, 1882. (1 pi.) [ 957 EBERTH, C. J. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologie des Trichocephalus dispar. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 233250, 1860. (2 pi.) [958 EBERTH, C. J. Die Generationsorgane von Trichocephalus dispar. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 383400, 1860. (1 pi.) [959 EBERTH, C. J. Ueber die Muskeln und Seitenlinien des Trichocephalus dispar. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xi. pp. 96, 97, 1862. [960 WORMS. //. Nematoda. 181 EBERTH, C. J. Ueber Myoryktes Weismanni, einen iieuen Parasiten des Frosch- muskels. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 530 535, 1863. (1 pi.) [961 EBERTH, C. J. Untersuchungen iiber Nematoden. iv 77 pp. (9 pi.) 4to. Leipzig, 1863. [962 EHLERS, E. Ueber die Entwickelung des Syngamus trachealis. Sitzungsber. Soc. Erlang. Vol. iv. p. 43. [963 EHLERS, E. On tlie development of Syngamus trachealis. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. ix. pp. 236240, 1872. [964 EISIG, H. Bescbreibung einer Filar ia aus Halmaturus. Zeitschr. f. wissemch. Zool. Vol. xx. pp. 99102, 1870. (1 pi.) [965 ERCOLANI, G. B. Osservazioni elmintologicbe sulla dimorfobiosi nei Nematodi, sulla Filaria immitis e sopra una nuova specie di Distoma dei cani. Mem. Ac. Bologn. Vol. v. pp. 391441, 1875 ; Rendic. 1874-75, pp. 7380 ; Oesterr. Viertel- jahrsschr. f. iciss. Veterindrzt. Vol. XLIV. pp. 89, 90, 1875 ; J. B. Leist. Fortschr. Medicin, Vol. x. I. p. 379, 1875 ; Journ. Zool. Vol. iv. pp. 254, 255, 1875. [967 ERNST, A. Ascaris inflexa, End. in einena Hiihnerei. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vr. p. 291, 1883. [968 FAYRER, Sir J. On the relation of Filaria sanguinis hominis to the Endemic Diseases of India. Lancet, Feb. 8 and 15, 1879. [969 FLETCHER, WM. B. Observations on the Structure and Habitat of the Stepha- nitrus dentatus, Diesing, or Sclerostoma pinguicola, Verrill. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser.' 3, Vol. i. pp. 435437, 1871. [970 FLOGEL, J. H. L. Ueber die Lippen einiger Oxyurisarten. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 234243, 1869. (1 pi.) [971 FOSTER, MICHAEL. On the Existence of Glycogen in the Tissues of certain Entozoa (Ascaris). Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xiv. pp. 543 546, 1865. [972 GALEB, 0., et P. POURQUIER. Sur la Filaria hccmatica (Haamatozoaires). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIV. pp. 271 273, 1877. [973 GALEB, 0. Oxyurides parasites des insectes. Assoc. franc,, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Paris), Vol. vn. pp. 766768, 1878. Rev. internal. Vol. n. p. 432, 1878. [974 GALEB, 0. Observations et experiences sur les migrations du Filaria ryti- pleurites, parasite des Blattes et des Eats. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 75 77, 1878. [975 GALEB, 0. Organisation et developpement des Oxyurides. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vn. pp. 283390, 1878. (10 pi.) [976 GALEB, 0. Eecherches sur les entozoaires des insectes ; organisation et de- veloppement des Oxyurides. 110 pp. (10 pi.) 8vo. Paris, 1879. [977 GALEB, 0. Organisation des Oxyurides. Analyse du Mem. par S. Jourdain. Revue Sc. natur. Vol. i. pp. 260266, 1879. [978 GALEB, O. Sur 1'anatomie et les migrations des Oxyuride's, parasites des Insectes du genre Blatta. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 236 239, 1877. [979 GALEB, 0. Note sur 1'anatomie et les migrations de deux Nematoides parasites, Je Pcecilogaster blatticola et Filaria rhytipleurites. Comptes rendus, Paris, July 8, 1878. [980 GANIN, M. S. Ueber die embryonale Entwickelung von Pelodera teres. (Abstr.) Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvui. pp. 412 415, 1877. [981 GRASSI, B. L' Anguillula intestinalis. Nota preventiva. Studj fatti nel Labo- rat. di Pavia, 1878. 8 pp. [982 GRASSI, B. Intorno ad una nuova malattia del Gatto analoga alia clorosi d' Egitto dell' uomo (anemia da Anchilostoma). Studj fatti nel Lab. Pavia, 1878. 8 pp. [983 GRASSI, B. Contribuzione allo studio dell' elmintologia. Nota in. Intorno all' Ascaris mystax. 8 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1879. [984 GRASSI, B. L' Anguillula intestinalis: note preventive. 8 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1879. [985 182 WORMS. //. Nematoda. GBASSI, B., et C. PARONA. Intorno all' Anguillula intestinalis parassita dell' uomo. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di sci. natur. Vol. xxi. pp. 855 858, 1878. [986 GKASSI, B. Nota intorno ad alcuni Parassiti dell' uomo. Gazetta degli Ospe- dali, Anno n. No. 10. (7 p.) 1881. (Oxyuris, Ascaris.) [987 GRASSI, B. Anchilostomi ed Anguillule. Gaz. degli Ospitali, 21 Maggio 1882, No. 41. (4 p.) [988 GKASSI, B. Un' ultima parola al Prof. Perroncito [Anguillula intestinalis]. Gaz. Med. Ital. Lomb. 1883, 7 pp. [989 GREEFF, B. Ueber die hier lebenden Nematoden (Anguillulinen). Verliand. natur. Ver. Preuss. Rhein. 1864, pp. 112, 113. [990 GKEEFF, B. Ueber die frei in Wasser und in der Erde lebenden Nematoden, namentlich die Meeresbewohner. Sitzungsber. Ver. Rheinl. Vol. xxvir. p. 87, 1872. [99 1 GRENACHER, H. Zur Anatomic der Gattung Gordius, L. Zeitschr. f. wissemcli. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 322344, 1868. (2 pi.) [992 GRENACHER, H. On the Anatomy of the Genus Gordius. Ann. and Nag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 361364, 1869. [99*3 GRENACHER, H. Ueber die Muskelelemente von Gordius. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 287, 288, 1869. (1 fig.) [994 GRIMM, 0. Ueber das Vorkommen der Ascaris dentata, Bud., in der Leber von Cobitis barbatula. Nachr. Ges. Getting. 1872, pp. 248 250. [995 GUYON, M. Sur un nouveau cas de Filaire sous-conjonctival, ou Filaria oculi des auteurs, observe au Gabon (cote occidentale d'Afrique). Compt. Rend. Vol. LIX. pp. 743748, 1864. [996 GUYON, M. Sur le Dragonneau, ou Ver de Medine (Filaria medinensis). Compt. Eend. Vol. LXI. p. 475, 1865. [997 HALLEZ, P. Sur le developpement de V Anguillula aceti, Erh. Rev. Sci. Nat. Vol. v. pp. 454466, 1877. [999 HALLEZ, P. Beatification a propos de la these du Dr. Osman Galeb [sur 1'orga- nisation et le developpement des Oxyuride's]. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 251253, 1879 (1880). [1000 HERING, E. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Entwicklung der Ascaris mystax bei jungen Hunden. Wurtemb. naturw. Jahreshefte, 1873, pp. 305337. [1002 HOGG, JABEZ. The Vinegar Eel (Anguillula aceti). Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. n. pp. 213219, 1863. (1 pi.) [1003 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Nachtrag zu den Untersuchungen liber das Nervensystem von Pseudonematon nervosum. Proc.-verb. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 27 Mai, 1882, pp. 7, 8. [1004 HUBRECHT, A. A. W. Studien zur Phylogenie des Nervensystems. Das Ner- vensystem von Pseudonematon nervosum, gen. et sp. nov. Verh. d. Koningl. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterdam, Vol. xxn. 19 pp. (2 pi.) 1883 (1882). [1005 JOSEPH, G. Ueber die in den Krainer Tropfsteingrotten einheimischen frei- lebenden Bundwurmer (Nematoden). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 275 277, 1879. [1006 JOSEPH, G. Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber Musculatur, Excretionsorgane und peripherisches Nervensystem von Ascaris megalocephala und lumbricoides. Zool. Anz. Vol. v. pp. 603609, 1882. [1007 JOSEPH, G. Erwiderung auf die Erklarung des Herrn Dr. Bohde im Zoolo- gischen Anzeiger, Nr. 131. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 125 127, 1883. [1008 JOSEPH, G. Zur Abwehr gegen die ferneren Angriffe des Herrn Dr Bohde auf pp. 196 199 des Zoolog. Anzeigers: "Ueber die Nematodenstudiums, etc. " Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 274 278, 1883. [1009 KOCH, ALOIS. Die Nematoden der Schaflunge. Wien, 1883, 8vo. 32 pp. (From the Oesterr. Monatsschr. f. Thierheilkunde.) [1010 WORMS. II. Nematoda. 183 KOLLIKER, A. On -Myoryktes Weismanni ; a new Parasite, inhabiting the Muscles of the Frog. (Transl. ) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. iv. pp. 2730, 1864. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xn. p. 530, 1863. [1012 KRABBE, H. On the Ascarides of the Seals and Toothed Whales. Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. ii. pp. 430432, 1878. [1013 KRABBE, H. Saelernes og Tandhvalernes Spolorme. Overs. Dan. Selsk. 1878, pp. 4351. (1 pi.) [1015 KUCHENMEISTER, F., und F. A. ZURN. Die Parasiten des Menschen. 2 Aufl. 3 (Schluss-) Lfg. Nematoden, lusecten. pp. i x. 401582 ; 6 pi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. [1016 KUHN, JUL. Ueber die Wurmkrankheit des Eoggens, und iiber die Ueberein- stimmung der Anguillulen des Eoggens mit denen der Weberkarde (Anguillula devastatrix). Sitzungsber. d. naturf. Gesellscli. zu Halle, Vol. x. pp. 1926, 1868. [1017 KUHN, JUL. Die Ergebnisse der Versuche...zur Erforsehung der Natur der Nematoden. Berichte aus d. pliysiolog. Laborat. d. landwirthsch. Inst. Halle, in. Heft, 1881. [1018 LABOULBENE, . [Mermis or Gordius found in a species of Mantis in New Caledonia.] Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. p. 678, 1865. [1019 LAMPREY, J. An account of the occurrence of Spiroptera sanguinolenta at Shanghai. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. ix. p. 297, 1867 (1868). [1020 LANGTON, HERB., and T. SPENCER COBBOLD. Subcutaneous Worms in Peregrine Falcon. Zoologist, Vol. v. pp. 309, 310, 1881. (Filaria attenuata.) [1021 LEIDY, J. Notes on some Parasitic Worms (Ascaris mystax, Filaria spelcea). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 17, 18, 1875. [1022 LEIDY, J. On a Parasitic Worm of the House-fly (Filaria muscce}. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 139, 140/1875. [1023 LEIDY, J. On Mermis acuminata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 400, 1875. [1024 LEIDY, J. On Parasitic Worms in the Shad (Filaria capsularia, Eudolphi). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 171, 1878 (1879). [1025 LEIDY, J. Notice of Gordius in the Cockroach and the Leech. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 383, 384, 1878 (1879). [1026 LEIDY T J. On Gordius, and on some Parasites of the Eat (Tcenia). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 10, 11, 1879 (1880). [1027 LEIDY, J. Notice of the Cruel Thread- Worm, Filaria immitis, of the Dog. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 1012, 1880 (1881). [1028 LEIDY, J. On a Filaria reported to have come from a Man. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 130, 131, 1880 (1881). (fig.) [1029 LEIDY, J. On some Entozoa of Birds. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 109, 1882. (Filaria Wymani, n. sp.) [1030 LEIDY, J. Filaria from the Black Bass. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1882, p. 69. [1031 LEUCKART, EUDOLF. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascaris nigrovenosa. Zugleich eine Erwiederung gegen Herrn Candidat Metschnikoff. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), pp. 641658, 1865. [1032 LEUCKART, E. Helminthologische Experimentalstudien (Nematoden). Gottin- gen Nachrichten, pp. 219 232, 1865. [1033 LEUCKART, E. On the Developmental History of the Nematode Worms. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvn. pp. 331348, 447464, 1866. [1034 LEUCKART, E. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Nematoden. Archiv d. Vereins fur wissensch. Heilkunde, Vol. n. pp. 195235, 1866. [1035 LEUCKART, E. On Metschnikoff s paper on the Development of Ascaris nigro- venosa. (Abstr.) Quart. Joum. Microsc. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vi. pp. 100 104, 1866. [1036 LEUCKART, E. Sur le developpement des nematodes. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xxi. pp. 208215, 1866. (1 pi.) [1037 184 WORMS. IT. Nematoda, LEUCKART, E. Ueber die Lebensgeschichte der sog. Anguillula stercoralis und deren Beziehungen zu der sogenannten Anguillula intestinalis. Ber. math.-pln/x. Cl. k. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss. 1883, pp. 85107. [1038 LEVINSEN, . Clwtosoma. Vid. Medd. 1881, pp. 132, 133. [1039 LEWIS, T. K. On a Hasmatozoon in Human Blood. Sanitary Comm. 8th Rep. Calcutta, 1872. [1040 LEWIS, T. E. Pathological Significance of Nematode Hasmatozoa. 10th Ami. Hep. 1873, Calcutta. [1041 LEWIS, T. E. On Nematode Haamatozoa in the Dog. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xv. pp. 268277, 1875. (1 pi.) [1043 LEWIS, T. E. Eemarks regarding the Hasmatozoa found in the Stomach of Culex mosquito. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Peng. 1878, p. 89. [1044. LEWIS, T. E. The Nematoid Haamatozoa of Man. Quart. Journ. Micros. Soc.; New Ser. Vol. xix. pp. 245260, 1879. (1 pi.) [1045 LEWIS, T. E. Nematoid Hasmatozoon from a Camel [Filaria Evansi]. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1882, pp. 63, 64. [1046 LEYDIG, FR. Haben die Nematoden ein Nervensystem ? Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1861, pp. 606614. [1047 DE LIGNEEOLLE, H. Ascaride lombrico'ide femelle presentant une eVentration avec issue de la plus grande partie de 1'appareil ge'nital, et d'uue portion de 1'in- testin. Compt.rend. de la soc. de biologic (Paris), Ser. 4, Vol. n. p. 210, 1865 (1866). [1048 v. LINSTOW, OTTO. De Eustrongylo gigante, Dies. [Strongylo gigante, ant.] in hominis rene observato. Dissertatio inauguralis medica. 21 pp. (1 pi.) 4to. Kiel, 1866. [1049 v. LINSTOW, 0. Ueber Ascaris cristata, nov. sp. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvm. pp. 148155, 1872. (1 pi.) [1050 v. LINSTOW, 0. Ueber die Zwischenwirthe des Gordius aquaticus. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 373, 374, 1883. [1051 v. LINSTOW, E. Einige neue Nematoden, nebst Bemerkungen iiber bekannte Arten. Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxix. pp. 293, 307, 1873. [1052 v. LINSTOW, E. Ueber Ichthyonema sanguineum (Filaria sanguinea, Eud.). Arch, f. Naturgesch. Vol. XL. pp. 122134, 1874. (1 pi.) [1053 v. LINSTOW, E. Ueber die Muskulatur, Haut und Seitenfelder von Filaroides Mustelarum, van Ben. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XL. pp. 135, 136, 1874. (1 pi.) [1054 v. LINSTOW, E. Beobachtungen an Trichodes crassicauda, Bell. (Trichosoma crassicauda, Aut.) Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. XL. pp. 271286, 1874. (1 pi.) [1055 LONG, E. De I'andmie des mineurs du Gothard, causee par YAnkylostomc duodenal. Trans. Internal. Med. Congr. 7 Sess. Vol. i. pp. 437 440, 1882. [1056 Low, FRANZ. Zoologische Notizen, Mermis. Verhandl. d. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, Vol. xvi. pp. 943, 944, 1866. [1057 Low, FRANZ. Tylenchus millefolii, n. sp., eine neue gallenerzeugende Anguillu- lide. Verhandl. d. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, Vol. xxiv. pp. 1724, 1874. (1 pi.) [1058 Low, FRANZ. Tylenchus millefolii, n. sp., a new Gall -producing Anguillulide. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 342349, 1875. [1059 LOWNE, B. T. The Anatomy of the Eound-Worm (Ascaris lumbricoides, Linn.). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. v. pp. 5564, 1871. (2 pi.) [1060 LUBBOCK, Sir J. On Sphcsrularia bombi. Nat. Hist. Eev. 1864, pp. 265 271. [1061 MACALISTER, ALEX. On the Presence of certain Secreting Organs in Nematoidea. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvi. pp. 4548, 1865. [1062 MACALISTER, A. On the Anatomy of Ascaris (Atractis) dactyluris. Quart. Journ. of Micr. Sci. 1866, pp. 79 86. Proc. Dubl. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. iv. pp. 294 301, 1866 ; Dubl Qtly. Journ. Science, 1866, pp. 178185. [1064 WORMS. //. Nematoda. 185 MACDONALD, J. D. On the Anatomy of a new Parasitic Worm [Pterygoderma- tites Macdonaldii] found in the Intestine of a Bat (Megaderma fronts). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 409 412, 1880. (1 pi.) [1066 MADDOX, E. L. Some remarks on the Parasites found in the Nerves (and other parts) of the Common Haddock (Morrhua seglefinus). Trans. Roy. Micr. Soc. 1867, p. 87. [1067 MAGGI, L. Sugli studj di C. Parona e G. B. Grassi intorno all' Anchilostoma duodenale. Studj fatti net Laborat. di Pavia, 1878. 9pp. [1068 DE MAN, J. G. Ueber einige neue oder noch unvollstandig bekannte Arten von frei in der reinen Erde lebenden Nematoden. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Vereen. D. v. pp. 138143, 1881. [1069 MANSON, PATRICK. On the Development of Filaria sanguinis hominis, and on the Mosquito considered as a Nurse. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 304 311, 1878 (1879). [1070 MANSON, P. The Development of the Filaria sanguinis hominis. Med. Times and Gaz. 1878, p. 731. [1071 MANSON, P. On Filaria sanguinolenta and Filaria immitis. Eep. on Hasmatozoa, in Customs Gaz. No. xxxin. Jan. March, Shanghai, 1877. [1072 MANSON, P. Further Observations on Micro-Filarise, with Descriptions of new Species. Journ. Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. vi. pp. 130140, 1880. [1073 MANSON, PATEICK, JOHN E. SOMERVILLE, JOSEPH BANCROFT, J. F. DA SILVA LIMA, J. L. PATERSON, PEDRO S. DE MAGALHAES, and J. MORTIMER GRANVILLE. Obser- vations on Filarite ; with Notes by T. Spencer Cobbold. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. vi. pp. 58-80, 1880. ' [1074 MANSON, P. On the Periodicity of Filarial Migrations to and from the Circulation. Journ. of Quekett Microsc. Club, Vol. vi. pp. 239248, 1881. (1 pi.) MANSON, P. The Filaria sanguinis hominis and certain New Forms of Parasitic Diseases in India, China and warm countries. London, 8vo. 1883. [1076 MARCET, W. Chemical Examination of the Fluid from the Peritoneal Cavity of the Nematode Entozoa. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Vol. xiv. pp. G9 71, 1865. [1077 MARCHI, PIETRO. Monografia sulla storia genetica e sulla anatomia della Spiroptera obtusa, Eud. Mem. della R. Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, Ser. 2, Vol. xxv. pp. 130, 1871. (2 pi.) [1078 MARION, A. F. Eecherches zoologiques et anatomiques sur des Nematoi'des non parasites. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xm. 100 pp. (11 pi.) 1871. [1079 MARION, A. F. Additions aux recherches sur les N6matoides libres du golfe de Marseille. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xiv. 16 pp. (1 pi.) 1871. [1080 MARION, A. F. Eevision des Nematoides du golfe de Marseille. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 499501, 1875. [1081 MAYZEL, W. Ueber die Vorgange bei der Segmentation des Eies von Wiirmern (Nematoden) und Schnecken. Zool. Anzeiyer, Vol. n. pp. 280 282, 1879. [1082 MEGNIN, P. Note sur le de*veloppement du Tricuspidaria nodulosa, Eud., ou Trloznophorus nodulosus, Eud. Journ. deVanat. et de laphysiol. Vol. xvn. pp.419 426,1881. (Ipl.) [1083 MEGNIN, P. Strongylus gigas provenant d'un chien. Ann. Soc. entomol. France, Bull. 1879, p. 39. [1084 MEGNIN, P. Sur le Syngamus trachealis v. Sieb. des Faisans. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1880, pp. 121141. [1085 MEGNIN, P. Ankylostomes et Dochmies. Bull. Soc. Zoolog. France, 1882, pp. 282289. [1086 MEGNIN, P. Sur 1'organisation de la bouche des Dochmius ou Ankylostomes, a propos de parasites de ces deux genres trouves chez le chien. ' Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. xciv. No. 10, pp. 663666, 1882. [1087 186 WORMS. //. Nematoda. MEGNIN, P. Le Strongylus mimitissimus. Bull, de la Soc. Centrale Vet., in Rec. de Med. Vet., July 1878. [1088 MEGNIN, P. Sur le Strongylus gigas. Bull, de la Soc. Entomol. de France, 1879, No. 3. [1089 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Entwickelung von Ascaris nigrovenosa. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1865, pp. 409420. (1 pi.) [1090 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Entgegnung auf die Erwiderung des Herrn Leuckart in Giessen in Betreff der Frage iiber die Nematodenentwickelung. 23 pp. 8vo. Gottin- gen, 1866. [1091 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Bemerkung iiber eine neue Diplogaster-Art. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1863, pp. 502508. (1 pi.) [1092 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Zur Geschichte der Lehre von der Entwickelung der Nematoden. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1866, p. 144. [1093 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. On the Development of Ascaris nigrovenosa. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. vi. pp. 25 32, 1866. [1094 MONIEZ, E. Des accidents causes par les Ascarides et d'un danger possible dans 1'emploi de la santonin. Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. xi. pp. 305 309, 1879 (1880). [1095 MONIEZ, E. Un Spiroptere d'espece nouvelle (S. leporum). Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xii. pp. 447, 448, 1880. [1096 NOLL, F. C. Ueber einen neuen Eiugelwurm des Eheins (Phreonjctes Heydeni). Arch.f* Naturgesch. Vol. XL. pp. 260270, 1874. (1 pi.) [1097 NORNER, C. Zur Kenntniss der Spicula der Strongyliden. Oesterr. Monatsschr. f. Thierheilkunde. (8 pp.) 1880. [1098 OEELEY, L. On Hair-worms in the Collection of the British Museum. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vm. pp. 325332, 1881. (1 pi.) [1099 OEELEY, L. New Zealand Hair-worms. (Abstr.) N. Z. Journ. of Science, Vol. i. pp. 70, 71, 1882. [noo OERLEY, L. Monographic der Anguilluliden. Termesz. Filzetek, Vol. iv. pp. 154177,1882. [noi OEKLEY, L. Eeport on the Nematodes in the possession of the British Museum, with a Eeview of the Classification of the Order. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. ix. pp. 301319, 1882. (1 pi.) [1102 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Thersites Gasterostei und Leptodera Nicothoce. Eine neue Gattung parasitischer Crustaceen und eine neue Nematodenart. Arch. f. Natur- gesch. Vol. xxvii. pp. 118126, 1861. [1103 PANE, . Nota di un elminte nematoide. Ann. delV Accad. degli aspiranti naturalisti, Napoli, Ser. 3, Vol. iv. 1864. (Filaria labialis.) PARONA, CORRADO, e BATTISTA GRASSI. Di una nuova specie di Dochmius (Doch- mius Balsami). Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. x. pp. 190 195, 1877. (Ipl.) [1105 PARONA, CORRADO, e BATTISTA GRASSI. Sullo sviluppo dell' AncJiistomaduodenale. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di Sci. natur. Vol. xxi. pp. 53 58, 1878. Studj dal Labor. Pavia, 1878. 6 pp. [i r 06 PARONA, C., e B. GRASSI. Sovra F Anguillula intestinale (dell' uomo) e sovra embrioni probabilmente d' Anguillula intestinale. Studj fatti nel Laborat. di Pavia, 1878. 7pp. [1107 PAVESI, PIETRO. Sopra due elminti rari di rettili. (Ascaris helicina, Soleno- phorus megacephalus.) Rendic. d. R. 1st. Lombardo, Ser. 2, Vol. xrv. pp. 292 297, 1881. [no8 PEREZ, . Eecherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur 1'Anguillule terrestre (Rhabditis terricola, Dujardin). Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 152 307, 1866. (6 pi.) [1109 PERRIER, ED. Sur 1' organisation d'une espece nouvelle de Nernatoide apparte- nant au genre Hedruris. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXII. pp. 337 339, 1871. [mo WORMS. II. Nematoda. 187 PERRIEK, E. Kecherches sur 1'organisation d ? un Ne'mato'ide nouveau, du genre Hedruris. Nouv. Arch, du Museum, Paris, Vol. vn. pp. 1 64, 1871. (2 pi.) [mi PERRIER, E. Sur un appareil moteur des valves buccales des Cucullans. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xv. 8pp. (1 pi.) 1872. [1112 P.ERRIER, E. Un dangereux parasite des oiseaux de basse-cour (le Syngamus trachealis, von Siebold). 10 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1875. [1113 PERRIER, E. Sur le Tubifex umbel-lifer (Bay-Lankester). Arch, de Zool. exp. et gentr. Vol. iv. pp. vi viii. 1875. [1114 PERRONCITO, ED. L'ane'mie des mineurs au point de vue parasitologique. Arch. Ital. Vol. ii. pp. 315334; Vol. m. pp. 722; Extr. des Ann. E. Accad. di Agri- colt, di Torino, Vol. xxm. 1880. [1115 PERRONCITO, E. Observations sur le de'veloppement de V Anguillula stercoralis (Bavay), Pseudo-rhabditis stercoralis (mihi), hors de I'organisme humain. Journ. de Vaiiat. et de la physiol. Vol. xvn. pp. 499519, 1881. (1 pi.) [1116 PERRONCITO, E. Les Ankylostomes (Ankylostome duodenal de Dubini) en France et la maladie des mineurs. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xciv. No. 1, pp. 29 31, 1882. [1117 KAILLET, A. Sur le male de 1'Oxyure du Cheval (Oxyurus curvula Kud.). Bull. Soc. Zool. France, Vol. vm. pp. 211216, 1883. [1118 EOHDE, E. Einige Erklarungen zu ' Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber Musculatur, Excretionsorgane und peripkerische Nervensystem von Ascaris megalocephala und lumbricoides von Dr. G. Josephs ' in No. 125 des Zoologischen Anzeigers. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 7176, 1883. [1119 EOHDE, E. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anatomic der Nematoden. Schneider's Zoolog ische Beitrage, Breslau, Vol. i. pp. 1132, 1883, (5 pL) [1120 KOHDE, E. Ueber die Nematodenstudien des Herrn Dr Joseph. Zoolog. An- zeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 196199, 1883. [1121 EOSA, D. Nota intorno ad una nuova specie del genere Gordius, proveniente da Tiflis. 5 pp. 8vo. Torino, 1881. [1122 KOSA, D. Nota intorno al Gordius Villoti n. sp. e al Gordius tolosanus Duj. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, Vol. xvn. pp. 333342, 1882. [1123 SALISBURY, J. H. On the Parasitic forms developed in Parent Epithelial Cells of the Urinary and Genital Organs. Hay's Anier. Journ. Vol. iv. 1868, p. 376. (Filar ia.) [1124 SANGALLI, GIAC. Annotazioui critiche sull' Anchilostoma duodenale. Eendicont. Istit. Lombard. Ser. 2, Vol. xi. pp. 460467, 1879. [1125 SCHNEIDER, A. Ueber eine Nematodenlarve und gewisse Verschiedenheiten in den Geschlechtsorganen der Nematoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 176178,1860. [1126 SCHNEIDER, A. Neue Beitrage zur Anatomie uud Morphologie der Nema- toden. Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Da Bois), 1863, pp. 124. (2 pi.) [ L , 2 -j SCHNEIDER, A. On the Nervous System of the Nematoda. (Eev.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. in. pp. 197200, 1863. [1128 SCHNEIDER, A. Ueber Haematozoen des Huiiies (R]iabditis). Arch. f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1865, pp. 421, 422. [1129 SCHNEIDER, A. Noch ein Wort iiber die Muskeln der Nematoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 284 286, 1869. [1130 SCHNEIDER, A. Sur la Trichidinopsis paradoxa (Clap. ). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVII. pp. 537, 538, 1878. [1131 SCHULTHESS, W. Ankijlostoma duodenale. (Note.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. p. 379, 1881. [ II32 SCHULTHESS, W. Beitrage zur Anatomie von Ankylostoma duodenale (Dubini) = Dochmius duodenalis (Leuckart). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvu. pp. 163 220,1882. (2 pi.) [II33 SCHWAITZER, F. Ein Eingeweidewurm (Filaria labiata) im Herzen einer Ciconia nigra, Journ. f. Ornithologie, 1864, pp. 398, 399. [1134 188 WORMS. II. Nematoda. SLUITEE, C. P. Ueber die bei den Oxyrhyiichen vorkommende Maskirung. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 98100, 1883. [1135 SMITH, S. On Filaria gracilis found in connection with the Great Omentum of a Spider-monkey. Proc. of Bristol Naturalists' Soc. Vol. i. 1873. [1*36 SOLGEK, B. Ueber eine neue Species von Trichosoma, K. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLIII. pp. 1923, 1877. (1 pi.) [1137 SONSINI, PROSPEBO. Delle bilharzie haematobie, e delle alterazioni anatomo- patologiche che induce nell' organismo umano : loro importanza come fattori delle morbilita e mortalita in Egitto ; con cenno sopra una larva d' incetto parassita dell' uomo ; memoria. 42pp. 8vo. Firenze, 1876. ["39 STEEKI, V. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Oxytrichinen. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxi. pp. 29 58, 1878. (1 pi.) [1140 STERKI, V. Contribution a la morphologic des Oxytrichines. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vn. pp. xxxvm, XLI, 1878. [^41 STIRLING, WM. On the Changes produced in the Lungs by the Embryos of Ollulanus tricuspis. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xvn. pp. 145 152, 1877. (Ipl.) [1142 THOMAS, FR. Synchytrium und Anguillula auf Dryas. Botan. Centralbl. Vol. n. pp. 761 764, 1880. [1143 TIMM, E. Beobachtungen iiber Phreoryctes Menkeanv.s Hoffm. u. Nais, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna Unterfrankens. Arbeit, zool.-zoot. Inst. Wiirzburg, pp. 109 157. Journ. E. Micr. Soc. (2), Vol. in. pp. 655 657. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. m. pp. 498505, 1883. [1144 VERNET, H. Quelques mots sur la reproduction de deux especes hermaphrodites du genre Ehabditis. Arch. Sci. Nat. Vol. XLV. pp. 6075, 1872. [n 45 VERRILL, A. E. Description of Sclerostoma pinguicola, a new species of Entozoa, from the Hog. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 2, Vol. L. pp. 223, 224, 1870. (fig.) [1146 VERRILL, A. E. Sclerostoma pinguicola. Rep. of Connecticut Board of Agriculture, 1870. [1147 VILLOT, A. Sur la forme ernbryonnaire des Dragonneaux (Gordius). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXV. pp. 363365, 1872. [n 4 8 VILLOT, A. Sur la forme larvaire des Dragonneaux. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXV. pp. 15391542, 1872. [n 49 VILLOT, A. Monographic des Dragonneaux (genre Gordius, Dujardin). I. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. m. pp. 3972, 1874. (2 pi.) II. Ibid. Vol. in. pp. 181 238,1874. (6 pi.) [1150 VILLOT, A. Sur le systeme nerveux p^ripherique des Nematoides marins. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 400402, 1875. [1151 VILLOT, A. Sur la faune helminthologique des cotes de la Bretagne (Koscoff). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 679 681, 1875. [1152 VILLOT, A. Sur 1'organisation et le deVeloppement des Gordiens. I. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xc. 15691571, 1880. II. Ibid. Vol. xci. 774776, 1880. ["53 VILLOT, A. Nouvelles recherches sur 1'organisation et le deVeloppement des Gordiens. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. xi. 44 pp. (5 pi.) 1881. [1154 Vix, ERNST. Ueber Entozoen bei Geisteskranken, ins Besondere iiber die Bedeu- tung, das Vorkommen und die Behandlung von Oxyuris vermicularis. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Nematoden iiberhaupt. 165 pp. 8vo. Berlin, 1860. [Aus der Zeitschrift fur Psychiatric.] [i 155 Vix, E. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Nematoden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxix. pp. 7580, 1863. [1156 VOGEL, HANS. Ueber Eiibenmiidigkeit (Nematode). Humboldt, Jahrg. i. pp. 223,224,1882. [1157 WEBER, . Anchilostoma duodenale. Pathol. Soc. Trans. Vol. xvm. p. 274, 1867. [1158 WEIJENBERGH, H., jun. Notice sur le Filaroides mustelarum, V. Beneden. Arch, neerl. d. sci. ex. et nat. (Haarlem), Vol. in. pp. 428 434, 1868. ["59 WOKMS. /. Trichina. 189 WELCH, FRANCIS H. On Filaria immitis. Lancet, March 8, 1873. [1160 WELCH, FRANCIS H. A Description of the Thread- Worm, Filaria immitis, occa- sionally infesting the Vascular System of the Dog, and remarks on the same rela- tive to Hasmatozoa in general, and the Filaria in the Human Blood. Monthly Microsc Journ. Vol. x. pp. 157 170, 1873. (3 pi.) Amended Anatomical Detail*, ibid. Vol. xn. pp. 224, 225, 1874. [116! WHITE, . Gordius Trifurcatus, n. sp. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. vu. p. 175, 1859 (1861). [1162 v. WiLLEMOES-Sumi, B. Helminthologische Notizen, III. 1. Ueber das Vor- kommeii der Eictularia plagiostoma, Wedl. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxm. pp. 331, 332, 1873. (1 fig.) [1163 v. WiLLEMOES-SuHii, E. Ueber Beziehung der Filaria medincnsis zu Ichthyo- nema globiceps. Zeitschr. f. loissensch. Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 161 163, 1874. [1164 WILSON, T. W. A Parasitic Worm infesting the Air Sinuses of the Weasel. Midland Naturalist, May, 1878. (Filaroides mustelarum.) [1*65 WYMAN, JEFFRIES. On a Thread-Worm (Filaria anhingcc] infesting the Brain of the Snake-bird (Ploteus anhinya, Linn.). Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xn. pp. 100104, 1868 (1869). [1166 J. Trichina. ALTHAUS, J. Essay on Trichinosis. London, 8vo. 34 pp. 1864. [1167 ARDENGHI, E. Sulla Trichina spiralis. Lo Studente Veterinario, 1876, p. 115. [1168 ASSMUSS, EDUARD. Trichina spiralis. Die Trichinenkrankheit und ihre Ver- hiitung. Popular dargestellt. 32 pp. 4 fig. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. [ il 6g BAKODY, THEODOR. Ueber das combinirte Vorkommen der Trichina spiralis im Verdauungscanale der Hiihner. Zeitschr. f. wissenscli. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 422 427,1872. (Ipl.) [1170 BENECKE, B. Die Trichinen und die mikroskopische Fleischschau. 24 pp. 8vo. Strassburg, 1879. [1171 BESNARD, ANTON FRANZ. Zur Geschichte, Therapie, Prophylaxis, und Sanitats- Polizei der Trichinen. In iibersichtlicher Zusammenstellung mitgetheilt. 38 pp. 8vo. Miinchen, 1864. [1172 BILLINGS, F. S. Trichinae in relation to Public Health. Atner. Monthly Micr. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 4149, 1881. [1173 BOUDIN, . Des epidemies de Trichina spiralis observers en Allemagne dans ces dernieres anndes. Journ. de Med. Vet. Milit. Aug. and Sept. 1864. [1174 BDCHHOLZ, . Trichinen. Schrift. d. konigl. phys.-okon. Gesellsch. zu Konigs- berg, Vol. v. Sitzunc/sber. pp. 6, 7, 1864. [1175 CALZA, C. La Trichina spiralis, ed i suoi rapporti colla publica igiene e colla medicina legale. Memoria. 8vo. Venezia, 1865. [n/6 CASATI, L. Studii riassuntivi sulle trichine e la trichinosi, con 9 figure lito- grafiche del Pagenstecher. 2a edizione, con aggiunte. 44 pp. 8vo. Forli, 1879. CASPARI, A. G. Unterhaltungen iiber das Kleine und Kleiuste im Thierreiche nebst einer Abhandlung iiber Trichinen. 80 pp. 8vo. Zwickau, 1864. LI 178 CHATIN, J. Observations sur 1'enkystement de la Trichina spiralis. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. x. 25 pp. 1881. [i 1 79 GLAUS, C. Ueber die Trichine. Ein Vortrag, gehalten im Vereine zur Ver- breitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kemitnisse in Wien am 6. Decbr. 1876. 42 pp. (2 4to. pi.) 8vo. Wien, 1877. [1180 COBBOLD, T. SPENCER. Experiments with Trichina spiralis. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. ix. pp. 205212, 1867 (1868). [1181 COBBOLD, T. S. On the Discovery of Trichina, in relation to the question of Priority. Lancet, March 3, 1866, p. 244. [1182 190 WORMS. /. Trichina. COBBOLD, T. S. Trichinae in Fish (alleged to have been found in a Pike by Dr Elendenen at Ostend). Lancet, Nov. 16, 1878. [1183 COLASANTI, G. La Trichina spiralis: lezione scientifico-populare. 70 pp. 16mo. Roma, 1879. [1184 COLIN, G. Etudes expe'rimentales sur les Trichines et la trichinose dans leurs rapports avec la zoologie, 1'hygiene et la pathologic. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris'), Vol. LXVI. pp. 11271130, 1868. [i 185 COLIN, G. Sur les Trichines dans les salaisons. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xciv. pp. 8S6 888, 1882. [1186 COSTER, D. J. Finnen en haarwormen. Eene eenvoudige beschrijving van het gevaar, verbonden aan het nuttigen van vleesch, ham, spek, enz., waarin deze dieren huisvesten. Tot voorlichticg van slagters, keurmeesters en verbruikers. 47 pp. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1864. [1187 COSTER, D. J. Hoe moet de Keuring geschieden, ter opspring van haarwormen ? 23 pp. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1864. [1188 DALTON, JOHN C. Observations on Trichina spiralis. 18 pp. 8vo. New York. 1864. [1189 D AMMAN, . Zur Frage der Lebendauer und der Verkapselung der Trichinen bei dem Schweine. Zeitschr. f. Thiermedicin, Vol. in. p. 92, 1876. [nQo DAVAINE, C. Faits et considerations sur la Trichine. Mem. de la Soc. de Bio- logie, 1862, Vol. iv. Ser. 3, 1863. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1863. [1191 DELE, ED. Experiences relatives la culture de la Trichine. 4 pp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1880. ' [1192 DELE, ED. La Trichine et la trichinose. 89 pp. 8vo. Anvers, 1883. [i 193 DENGLER, PAUL. Histoire naturelle et medicale de la Trichine (Trichina spiralis, B. Owen). These, avec planche. 80pp. 4to. Strasbourg, 1864. ["94 DOTJLEY, , et P. GIBIER. De Faction des basses temperatures sur la vitalite des Trichines contenues dans les viandes. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xciv. pp. 1683 1686, 1882. [1195 DUNCKER, H. C. J. Anleitung zur mikroskopischen Fleischschau, &c. 8vo. 46 pp. Berlin, 1878. [1196 EDWARDS, J. BAKER. On Trichina spiralis. Canadian Naturalist, N. S. Vol. iv. pp. 178183, 1869. (1 pi.) [1197 ERB, DR. Ueber das Vorkommen der Trichinen bei Eatten. Verhandl. naturw. med. Ver. zu Heidelberg, Vol. iv. p. 85, 1866. [1198 FEIT, A. C. Bericht der zur Berathung der Trichinen-Frage niedergesetzten Commission der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin iiber b'ffentliche Schlacht- hiiuser. iv 32 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Berlin, 1864. [1199 FLECKLES, F. Die Trichinen und die Trichinenkrankheit. Prag, 1866. [1200 FOURMENT, L. Sur la vitalite des Trichines enkystees dans les viandes saiees. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xciv. No. 17, pp. 1211, 1213, 1882. [1201 FRIG, ANTON. Trickiny cili svalovci. 31 pp. 8vo. V Praze, 1866. [1202 FRIEDLEBEN, ALEXANDER. Die Trichinen und die Bandwiirmer. Ein Wort zur Aufklarung und zur Beherzigung fur Jedermann. 24 pp. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M. 1864. [1203 FUCHS, CH. JOSEPH. Bericht iiber die Trichinen-Frage betreffende Untersuchun- gen. Herausgegeben auf Veraiilassung des Grossherzoglich Badischen Handels- ministeriums. 48 pp. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1865. [1204 GERLACH, . Die Trichinen. Eine wissenschaftliche Abhandlung nach eigenen, besonders im sanitats-polizeilichen und staats-thierarztlichen Interesse angestellten Versuchen und Beobachtungen. Vervollstandigter Abdruck eines Vortrages in der 40. Versammlung der Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Hannover, 1865. vi 92 pp. (6 pi.) Hannover, 1866. [1205 GERLACH, . Die Trichinen. Eine allgemeine Belehrung zum Schutz gegen die Trichinenkrankheit. Ein stenographirter Vortrag. 15 pp. 8vo. Hannover, 1866. [1206 WOJRMS. /. Trichina. 191 GIARD, A. Sur un parasite nouveau du cheval (Trichina, sp. ?) Assoc. franc, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Eeims) Vol. ix. pp. 705, 706, 1880. [1207 GOUJON, L. Experiences sur la Trichina spiralis, Owen. Paris, 4to. 1866. (Eev.) Journ. de Vanat. et de la physioL Vol. iv. pp. 529 533, 1867. [1208 GKIFFALDI, G. B. Brevi cenni sulla Trichina spiralis. 42 pp. 16mo. Ancona, 1879. [, 209 GUZZONI, M. La trichina e la trichinosi : lezione. 29 pp. 8vo. Milano, 1879. [1210 HASSENSTEIN, FR. Der Trichinensucher. 16 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Gotha, 1866. [1212 HAUBNER, KARL. Ueber die Trichinen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schutzmittel gegen die Trichinenkrankkeit beim Menschen. 51 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Berlin, 1864. [1213 HECKEL, E. Sur un cas de trichinose observe chez un jeune hippopotame du Nil, mort en captivite. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 1139, 1140, 1879. [1214 HENSEN, U. Die Trichinen in Bezug auf die Mikroskopie. Archiv f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. n. pp. 132137, 1866. [1215 HESCHL, KICHARD L. Ueber Trichinen, die Trichinenkrankheit und die Schutz- massregeln dagegen. Populare Vorlesung, gehalten den 18. Februar 1866, im landschaftlichen Eittersaale zu Graz. 27pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Graz, 1866. [1216 JONA, A. Sulla trichina spiralis : conferenza popolare. 20 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Eeggio nell' Emilio, 1879. [1217 KALMUS, JAKOB. Die Trichinose in Briinn. Verhandl. d. naturforsch. Ver. in Briinn, Vol. v. pp. 173184, 1866 (1867). [1218 KLENCKE, H. Die Trichinen im Fleische des Schlachtviehs und die Trichinen- krankheit des Menschen nach dem Genusse von Fleischspeisen. Eine popular wissenschaftliche Mittheilung aus zwanzigjahriger Erfahrung. iv 30 pp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1864. [1219 KNOCH, DR. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die auffallende Aehnlichkeit der in Planen im Friihling 1862 vorgekommenen Trichinenkrankheit mit den funf in Magdeburg in den Jahren 1858-62, von Dr Sendler beobachteten, unter dem Namen " acutes Oedem des Zellgewebes und der Muskeln" beschriebenen Epidemien. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 255 262, 1863. [1220 KOCH, A. Ueber Parasiten des Schweines mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Trichinose. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierheilk. Vol. i. p. 5, 1876. [1221 KUNTZ, LUDWIG. Trichinenkuude. Ein Leitfaden fur Fachleute, insbeson- dere fur Fleischbeschauer und deren Examinatoreu. 64 pp. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1876. [1222 LEUCKART, EUD. Untersuchungen iiber Trichina spiralis. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wurmkrankheiten. 2te stark vermehrte und umgearbeitete Auflage. vi 121pp. (2 pi.) Heidelberg u. Leipzig, 1866. 2te ganzlich umgearb. u. vermehrte Aufl. 16pp. 8vo. Breslau, 1878. [ J22 3 LONG, E. Das Wissenswertheste iiber die Geschichte und den Lebensgang der Trichina spiralis, nach den Arbeiten von Hilton, Owen, Farre, etc., sowie Vorschlage iiber die practische Handhabung der im deutschen Eeiche gesetzlich angeordneten Fleischschau. 9 pp. 8vo. Breslau, 1875. [1224 MASSA, C. La trichina spiralis ed il senso commune. 14 pp. 8vo. Genova, 1879. [1226 MEQNIN, P. Sur de petits Helminthes agames enkystes qui peuvent e'tre con- fondus et qui 1'ont dtd avec la Trichina spiralis. Bull. Sac. Zool. France, Vol. vi. 1881, pp. 189 198. [1227 MODEL, A. Zur Orientirung in der Trichinenfrage. Ein Wort fur gebildete Laien. 28 pp. 8vo. Nordlingen, 1866. [1228 NIEMEYER, P. Trichinen-Catechismus in Fragen und Antworten fiir Nicht- Aerzte, besonders fiir angehende Fleischschauer. 18 pp. 16mo. Magdeburg, 1866. [1229 192 WORMS. /. Trichina. NIEMEYER, P. Trichinen-Catechismus in Fragen und Antworten nebst eincm Anhang iiber das Mikroskop fur Nicht-Aerzte. 3te Aufl. 17 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Gentbin (Brandenburg), 1870. [1230 ORDONEZ, E. L. Note sur la distinction des sexes et le de'veloppement de la Trichina spiralis des muscles. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xvm. pp. 325 330, 1862. (Ipl.) [1231 ORDONEZ, E. L. Note sur la Trichina spiralis des muscles. Compt. rend, de la soc. de biologie (Paris), Ser. 3, Vol. v. pp. 61, 62, 1863 (1861). [1233 OWEN, EICH. On Trichina spiralis. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882, pp. 571575. [1234 OWEN, EICH. Lettre a M. Littre' relative a la decouverte de la Trichinose. Journ. de VAnat. de la Physiol. Vol. xix. pp. 108 110, 1883. [1235 PAGENSTECHER, H. ALEXANDER. Die Trichineii. Nach Versucben im Auftrage des grossherzoglich Badischen Handels-Ministeriums ansgefiibrt am zoologiscben Institute in Heidelberg von Joseph Fuchs und H. Alex. Pagenstecher. iv 116 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. [1236 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Ueber Versuche init Trichinen. Verhandl. natur. -med. Ver. zu Heidelberg, Vol. iv. p. 83, 1866. [1238 PAGET, J. Letter relating to the Discovery of Trichina. Lancet, 1866, p. 269. [1239 PERRONCITO, ED. La Trichina spiralis in Italia. Ann. R. Accad. d'Agric. di Torino, Vol. xx. 1877. [1240 PFEIFFER, L. Die bisherigen Erfahrungen iiber Trichiniasis und Fleischbeschau in Thiiringen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Medicin, etc. Vol. iv. pp. 504 521, 1868. [1241 EEYHER, 0. Die Trichinenkrankheit. Leipzig, 1862. [1242 EODET, HENRI. De la trichine et de la trichinose. 57 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1865. EODRIGUEZ, A. SUAREZ. De las trichinas y de la trichinosis en Espafia. vin 104 pp. 8vo. Madrid, 1878. [1245 EUPPRECHT, B. Ein Eundblick auf die Trichinen-Literatur. 57 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1866. [Aus der Medizinisch-chirurgischen Rundschau.'] [1246 SALISBURY, J. H. On a supposed Species of Trichina (T. cystica) from the Human Bladder. Hay's Aincr. Journ. Med. Sci. 1868, p. 376. [1247 SAMUELSON, , Ueber Trichinen. Schrift. d. konigl. phys.-bkon. Gesellsch. zu Konigsberg, Vol. vi. Sitzungsber. pp. 5, 6, 1865. [1248 SCOUTETTEN, H. Etude sur les trichines et sur les maladies qu'elles ddterminent chez 1'homme. vin 108 pp. Paris, 1866. [1249 SEIDEL, M. Zur Casuistik der Entozoen. I. Trichinen. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Med. u. Naturwiss. Vol. i. pp. 2734, 1864. [1250 SIEBERT, . Ueber die Trichinenkrankheit und ihre Vermeidung. Jena, 1863. [1251 STINDE, JULIUS. Kurzer Katechismus der mikroskopischen Untersuchung des Schweine- und Menschenfleisches auf Trichinen. 13 pp. 8vo. Hamburg. [1252 STIRLING, A. B. Note on the presence of Trichina spiralis in the muscles of the Eat. Journ. Anat. Phys. Vol. vi. pp. 425427, 1872. [1253 TICHOMIROFF, WLADIMIR. Notice sur un procede nouveau, facile et sur de trouver les trichines dans la chair suspecte. Bull, de la soc. imper. des natural, de Moscou, Vol. LII. (pt. 1), pp. 153158, 1877. [1254 TICHOMIROFF, W. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Life-history and Structure of Trichina spiralis [Eussian]. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscoiv, Vol. xxxvu. 25 pp. (Ipl.) 1880. [1255 TOMMASI, C. La trichina spiralis e la malattia prodotta da essa. 8vo. Torino, 1863. [1256 VIRCHOW, E. Note on Trichina spiralis. Quart. Journ. Micros. Soc.; New ser. Vol. i. p. 44, 1861. [1257 WORMS. J. Echinorkyncus. 193 VIRCHOW, E. Darstellung der Lebre von den Trichinen, mit Eiicksicht auf die dadurch gebotenen Vorsichtsmassregeln, fiir Laien und Aerzte. 2te vermehrte Auflage. 65 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Berlin, 1864. Vermehrte und umgearbeitete Auflage. 87 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Berlin, 1866. [1258 VIRCHOW, E. Des Trichines, a 1'usage des me'decins et des gens du monde. Traduit de 1'allemand par E. Onimus. xx 55 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Paris, 1864. ["59 VIRCHOW, E. Beschrijving van de haarwormen, met aanwijzing van de daartegen te nemen voorzorgs-maatregelen. Ten deenste van leeken en geneeskun- digen. Naar de 2. Hoogduitsche uitgave, door D. J. Coster, xn 68 pp. (1 pi.) Utrecht en Amsterdam, 1864. [1260 VIRCHOW, E. Studio sulle trichine e considerazioni per la profilassi raccoman- data esposto ai medici ed agli estranei alia scienza. 3a ediz. rifatta ed accresciuta, tradotta dal tedesco pel Antonino Urso Ortega. 80 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Torino, 1868. [1262 VISCONTI, ACH. La trichinia e la trichiniasi. 22 pp. (2 pi.) 16mo. Milano, 1879. [1264 VOGEL, JUL. Die Trichinenkrankheit und die zu ihrer Verhiitung anzuwenden- den Mittel. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 8vo. 54 pp. 1883. [1265 WILKS, S. Letter respecting the discovery of Trichina. Lancet, 1866, p. 269. [1266 ZENKER, . Note sur Faffection trichinaire chez 1'homme. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LVI. p. 303, 1863. [1267 . Finnen und Trichinen, Leichtfasslich fiir Alle, die sich dariiber griindlich unterrichten wollen. 38 pp. 16mo. Berlin, 1864. [1268 . Bericht des zur Erforschung der Trichinen-Krankheit von der k. Gesell- schaft der Aerzte ernannten Comity's, erstattet am 2. November 18C6. [Aus den Medizinisclien Jahrbiichern.] 38 pp. 8vo. Wien, 1867. [1269 J. Echinorhyncus. ANDRES, A. Ueber den weiblichen Geschlechtsapparat des Echinorhyncus Gigas, Eud. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. iv. pp. 584591, 1878. [1270 BALTZER, CARL. Zur Kenntniss der Echinorhynchen. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLVI. pp. 140, 1880. (2 pi.) [1271 BARKER, . [Echinorhynchus porrigens, from the duodenum of Balcenoptera rostrata.] Proc. Dubl. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. iv. pp. 293, 294, 1866, [1272 CHAPMAN, H. C. On Echinorhynchus moniliformis. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, p. 76, 1875. [1273 FOURMENT, L. Observations sur 1'enkystement de 1' Echinorhynchus polymorphus. Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris, (7) Vol. vn. pp. 5355, 1883. [1276 GREEF, E. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Naturgescbichte von Echi- norhynchus milarius, Zenker (E. polymorphic). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxx. pp. 98- -140, 1864. (2 pi.) [1277 GREEF, E. Ueber die Uterusglocke und das Ovarium der Echinorynchen. Arch.f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxx. pp. 361374, 1864. (1 pi.) [1278 LESPES, CH. Sur quelques points de 1'organisation des e'chinorhynques. Rev. des Soc. Savantes, Paris, 1864, p. 370. Journ. de VAnat. et de la Physiol. Vol. i. pp. 683686, 1864. [1279 LEUCKART, EUD. Helminthologische Untersuchungen. III. Ueber Echinorhyn- chus. Gottingen Nachrichten, 1862, pp. 433447. [1280 LEUCKART, EITD. On the Development of Echinorhynchus. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser.Vol. in. p. 5665, 1863. [1281 LINDEMANN, CARL. Zur Anatomie der Acanthocephalen. Bu II. de la soc. impgr. des natural, de Moscoii, Vol. xxxvni. (pt. 1), pp. 484498, 1865. (3 pi.) [1282 T. 13 194 WORMS. K. Rotifera. v. LINSTOW, E. Zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Echinorhynchus angustatus, Eud. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvm. pp. 6 16, 1872. [1283 LOCKWOOD, . Coleops, (n. g.) anguillce. Amer. Nat. Vol. vi. pp. 449 454, 1872. [1284 MEGNIN, P. Note sur quelques points encore obscurs de 1'organisation et du ddveloppement des Echinorhynques. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcin. pp. 10341036, 1881. [1285 MEGNIN, P. Eecherches sur 1'organisation et le developpement des Echino- rhinques. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, v. Ann., 5 Pt. pp. 326 346, 1882. [i285 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Zur Anatomie von Echinorhyncus proteus. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xm. pp. 413421, 1863. (2 pi.) [1287 SCHNEIDER, ANT. Ueber den Bau der Acanthocephalen. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1868, pp. 584597. [1288 SCHNEIDER, ANT. (Acanthocephala.) Sitzungsb. d. OlerJiess. Gesclls. f. Nat. &G. 1874. [1289 WEINLAND, D. F. On the Digestive Apparatus of the Acanthocephala. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Vol. x. (Albany), pp. 197 201, 1856. [1290 WELCH, F. H. The presence of an Encysted Echinorhynclms in Man. Lancet, Nov. 16, 1872, p. 703. [1291 K. Rotifer a. ARCHER, W. On a new species of Eotifer. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. xiv. p. 72, 1868. (Polychcetus spinulosus.) [1292 ATTWOOD, H. F. Brachionus conium. A new Eotifer. Amer. Monthly Micr. Journ. Vol. n. p. 102, 1881. [1293 ATTWOOD, H. F. New Eotifers. Journ. R. Microscop. Soc. (2) Vol. i. pt. 6, pp. 893, 894, 1881. Science, Vol. n. p. 235, 1881. [1294 BADCOCK, J. Eyes in Eotifers. Journ. R. Micr. Soc. London, (2) Vol. n. pt. 4, p. 512, 1882. [1295 BALBIANI, S. Observations sur le Notommate de Werneck et sur son parasitisme dans les tubes des Vaucheries. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vii. 40 pp. (1 pi.) 1878. [i2 9 5 BALBIANI, S. Observations on Notommata Wernickii, and its Parasitism in the Tubes of Vaucheria. J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 530544, 1879. (1 pi.) [1297 BARKER, J. Philodina aculeata, var. (?) or sp. n. (?). Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. xi. p. 210, 1871. [1298 BARROIS, J. Sur 1'anatomie et le developpement du Pedalion mira. Assoc. franc,, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Le Havre), Vol. vi. pp. 661 663, 1877. [ I2 99 BARROIS, J. L'embryoge'nie du genre Pedalion. Rev. Sci. Vol. xm. p. 303, 1877. [1300 BARTSCH, S. Die Eaderthiere und ihre bei Tubingen beobachteten Arten. Wilrtt. Jahresb. Vol. xxvi. pp. 307364, 1871. [1301 BEDWELL, F. A. The Building Apparatus of Melicerta ringens. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xvm. pp. 214223, 1877. (2 pi ) [1302 BEDWELL, F. A. The Mastax-Framework in Melicerta ringens and Conochilm ; with further notes on these Eotifers. J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. i. pp. 176 185 1878. (2 pi.) [1303 BILLET, A. Sur les mceurs et les premiers phenomenes du deVeloppement de 1'ceuf de la Philodina roseola. Bull. Scientif. dep. du Nord, (2) Vol. vi. pp. 1 10, 69-84, 1883. .[1304 CLAPAREDE, ED. Miscellanies zoologiques. I. Sur la manicre dont certains Eotateurs introduisent leur nourriture dans leur bouche. II. Sur le Balatro calvux, nov. gen. etsp., et les Eotateurs entierement d^pourvus de cils vibratiles. III. Type d'un nouveau genre de Gaste'rotriches. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. vm. pp. 1 23,1867. (2 pi.) [1305 WORMS. K. Rotifera. 195 CLAPAREDE, E. On a new Genus of Gastrotrichous Eotatoria. (Hemidaaysagaso). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hi*t. Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 214219, 1868. [1306 GLAUS, C. Ueber die Organisation nnd die systematische Stellung der Gattung Seison. Festschrift z.-b. Geseils. Wien, 14 pp. (2 pis.) 1876. [1307 GLAUS, C. Zur Kenntniss der Organisation von Seison. Zool. Anz. Vol. in. pp. 548550, 1880. [1309 COHN, F. Bemerkungen iiber die Eaderthiere. Zeitsclir. f. loissemch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 197217, 1863. (3 pi.) [1310 Cox, C. F. Keproduction of Rotifer vulgaris. Month. Micr. Journ. Vol. xvii. p. 301, 1877. [1311 CRISP, F. "New Swiss Kotatoria," Anurcca. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. p. 564, 1883. [1312 CUBITT, CHARLES. Floscnl ria coroiietta, a new Species ; with Observations on some Points in the Economy of the Genus. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 133 140,1869. (1 pi.) [1313 CUBITT, CHARLES. Observations on some points in the Economy of Stephano- ceros. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 240249, 1870. (2 pi.) [1314 CUBITT, CHARLES. Floscularia Cyclops ; a New Species. Monthly Micros. Journ. Vol. vi. p. 83, 1871. (1 pi.) [1315 CUBITT, CHARLES. A rare Melicertian; with Eemarks on the homologicul position of this Form, and also on the previously recorded new species Floscularia coroiietta. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vi. pp. 165 169, 1871. (1 pi.) [ T 3i6 CUBITT, CHARLES. On the Winter Habits of the Eotifera. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. v. pp. 168172, 1871. (1 pi.) [1317 CUBITT, CHARLES. Eemarks on the Homological Position of the Members con- stituting the Thecated Section of the Class Rotator ia. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vm. pp. 512, 1872. (2 pi.) [1318 DAVIS, HENRY. A New Callidina (C. vaga) : with the Eesults of Experiments on the Desiccation of Eotifers. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. ix. pp. 201 209, 1873 (1 PL) [1319 DEBY, JULIEN. Is not the Eotiferous Genus Pedalion of Hudson synonymous with Hexarthra of Ludwig Schmarda? J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 384, 385, 1879. Note on M. Deby's Paper, by C. T. Hudson, ibid. pp. 386, 387. [1320 FORBES, S. A. A remarkable new Eotifer [Cupelopagis bucinedax n. g.]. Amer. Monthly Micr. Journ. Vol. in. pp. 102, 103, 1882. [1321 DE FROMENTEL, E. Eecherches sur la revivification cles rotiferes, des anguillules et des tardigrades. Assoc. /rang, pour Vavancem. des sci. (Le Havre) Vol. vi. pp. 641657, 1877. [1322 DE FROMENTEL, E. Eecherches sur la revivification des rotiferes, des anguillules et des tardigrades. 16 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1878. ['3*3 FULLAGAR, JAMES. On Tubicolaria Najas. Journ. of Quckelt Microsc. Club, Vol. iv.-pp. 182185, 1876. (3 pi.) [1324 GARNER, E. On the Power which some Eotifers have of attaching themselves by a thread (Synchceta baltica). Rep. Brit. Asaoc. Trans. Sect. 186(5; p. 73, 1867. [132? XTIGLUOLI, HENRY. On the genus Callidina (Chr.) ; with Description and Anatomy of a New Species. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. in. pp. 237 242, 1863. [1326 GOSSE, P. H. The Crown Animalcule (Stephanoccros Eichornii). Pop. Sci, Review, Vol. i. pp. 2649, 1862. (2 pi.) [1327 GOSSE, P. H. Contribution to the History of the Eotifera. II. The Floscules. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. i. pp. 158169, 1862. (1 pi.) [1328 GOSSE, P. H. Contribution to the History of the Eotifera. III. The Builders (Melicertidce). Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. i. pp. 474 495, 1862. (1 pi.) [1329 GOSSE, P. H. Contribution to the History of the Eotifera. IV. The Flexible Creepers (Notommatina). Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. n. pp. 475490, 1863. (1 pi.) ['33 132 196 WORMS. K. Rotifera. GEEEF, B. Untersuchungen iiber einige merkwiirdige Formen des Arthropoden- und Wurm-typus. I. Ueber den Bau und die Naturgeschichte der Echinoderen, Duj. II. Desmoscolex minutus, Clap. Eine Uebergangsform der echten Neinatoden zu den Anneliden. III. Trichoderma und Eubostrichus. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxv. pp. 71121, 1869. (3 pi.) [1331 GBENACHEB, H. Einige Beobachtungen iiber Baderthiere. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 483498, 1869. (1 pi.) [1332 GRUBER, AUG. Ueber die Baukunst der Melicerta ringens. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 8083, 284, 1882. [1333 HAMILTON, A. On Melicerta ringens and Plumatella repens. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xn. pp. 301303, 1879. [1334 HUDSON, C. T. Notes on Hydatina senta. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. n. pp. 2225, 1869. (1 pi.) [1335 HUDSON, C. T. On Rhinops vitrea, a new Rotifer. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. in. pp. 2729, 1869. (1 pi.) [1336 HUDSON, C. T. On Triarthra longiseta. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. i. pp. 176,177,1869. (Ipl.) [1337 HUDSON, C. T. On Synclmta mordax. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. iv. pp. 26 32, 1870. (1 pi.) [1338 HUDSON, C. T. On Pterodina valvata; a new Species. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. v. pp. 25-29, 1871. (1 pi.) [1339 HUDSON, C. T. On a new Eotifer (Pedalion mira). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vi. pp. 121124, 1871. (1 pi.) Additional note, ibid. p. 215. [1340 HUDSON, C. T. On Euchlanis triquetra and E. dilatata. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. vm. pp. 97100, 1872. (1 pi.) [1341 HUDSON, C. T. Is Pedalion a Eotifer? Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. VIIT. pp. 209216, 1872. (1 pi.) [1342 HUDSON, C. T. Eemarks on Mr Henry Davis' Paper " On the Desiccation of Eotifers." Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. ix. pp. 274 276, 1873. [1343 HUDSON, C. T. On Pedalion mira. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xii. pp. 333338, 1872. (1 pi.) [1344 HUDSON, C. T. On some Male Eotifers. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xin. pp. 45-54, 1875. (1 pi.) [1345 HUDSON, C. T. British Eotifers, their haunts and habits. Proc. Bristol Soc. Vol. i. p. 2, 1875. [1346 HUDSON, C. T. On Cephalosiphon and a New Infusorian (Archimedea remex). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xiv. pp. 165 170, 1875. (1 pi.) [1347 HUDSON, C. T. On a New Melicerta (M. tyro}. Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. xiv. pp. 225231, 1875. (1 pi.) [1348 HUDSON, C. T. On the Classification and Affinities of the Eotifera. Eep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1875, pp. 161, 162, 1876. [1349 HUDSON, C. T. On (Ecistes umbellifer and other Eotifers. J. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. ii. pp. 18, 1879. (2 pi.) [1350 HUDSON, C. T. On (Ecistes Janus, and Floscularia trifolium, two new species of Eotifers. J. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 16, 1881. (2 pi.) [1351 HUDSON, C. T. Floscularia regalis (n. sp.). Midland Naturalist, Vol. v. p. 252, 1882. Journ. Roy. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. n. p. 787, 1882. [1352 HUDSON, C. T. Five new Floscules, with a note on Prof. Leidy's Genera of Acyclus and Dictyophora. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. in. Pt. 2, pp. 161 171, 1883. [1353 HUDSON, C. T. On Asplanchna Ebbesbornii, n. sp. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc. (2), Vol. m. pp. 621628, 1883. [1354 JOLIET, L. Observations sur les Eotateurs du genre Melicerte. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 748750, 1881. [1355 JOLIET, L. Developpement de 1'ceuf des Melicertes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 856 858, 1881. [1356 WORMS. K. Eotifera. 197 JOLIET, L. Monographies des Melicertes. Arch, de Zool. expir. et gener. (2), Vol. i. pp. 131224, 1883. [1357 JOSEPH, G. Zur Kenntniss der in den Krainer Tropfsteingrotten einheimischen Eaderthiere. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 6163, 1879. [1359 JOSEPH, G. Ueber die in den Gewassern der Krainer Tropfsteinhohlen einheimi- schen Kaderthiere. Jahr. Ber. d. Schles. Ges. fur vat. Cult. Vol. LVI. pp. 69 72, 1879. [1360 KKAMEK, . Eine Bemerkung iiber ein Raderthier aus der Familie der As- planchneen von Dr. Kramer in Schleusingen. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLII. pp. 179182, 1876. (1 pi.) [1361 LANKESTEK, E. BAY. Note on the Synaptas of Guernsey and Herm, and a new Parasitic Rotifer. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. vin. pp. 53 55, 1868. (Ifig.) [1362 LANKESTER, E. RAY. Eemarks on Pedalion. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xii. pp. 338342, 1872. [1363 LEIDY, J. Eemarks on the Revivification of Eotifer vulgaris. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1875, pp. 88, 89. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Vol. vin. pp. 223, 224, 1874. [1364 LEIDY, J. Eotifera without Eotary Organ [Acyclus inquietus}. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1882, Vol. n. pp. 243250. [1365 LEVICK, J. A New Eotifer (Anurcea tricornuta A. longispina). Midland Natural. Vol. n. pp. 241243, 1879. (1 pi.) Ibid. in. pp. 166, 167, 1880. [1366 LUDWIG, HUBERT. Ueber die Ordnung Gastrotricha, Metschn. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvi. pp. 193 226, 1875 (1876). (1 pi.) [1367 MAGGI, L. Primo elenco dei Eotiferi o Sistolidi della Valcuvia. Atti d. Soc. Ital. di scL natur. Vol. xxi. pp. 320325, 1878. Studj dal Labor. Pavia, 6 pp. 1878. [1369 MARION, A. F. Eotateurs parasites sur les N^balies. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXIV. pp. 1115, 1116, 1872. [ I3 7o METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Apsilus lentiformis, ein Raderthier. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvi. pp. 346356, 1866. (1 pi.) [1371 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Bemerkungen iiber Echinoderes. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersbourg, Vol. xiv. col. 351353, 1870. [1372 MOBIUS, KARL. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie des Brachionus plicatilis, Mull., eines Raderthieres der Ostsee. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 103 113, 1875. (1 PL) [1373 MOXON, W. On some points in the Anatomy of Eotatoria. Trans. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pt. 3, pp. 455461, 1864. (1 pi.) [1374 PARFITT, E. On Anchisteus plumosus. Month. Micr. Journ. Vol. ix. pp. 210, 211, 1875. [1375 PEIRCE, C. Remarks on Stephanoceros. Proe. Ac. Philad. 1875, pp. 121 123. [1376 Du PLESSIS, G. Note sur VHydatina senta. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Vol. xiv. pp. 167 176, 1877. ' [1377 POGGENPOL, . [Strophosphcera ismailoviensis, n. g.] N. Mem. Mosc. Vol. x. pp. 913, 1876. [1378 EEINHARD, W. Ueber Echinoderes und Desmoscolex der Umgegend von Odessa. (Vorliiuf. Mittheil.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 588592, 1881. [1379 EEITER, HANS H. Das Leben und Treiben der kleinsten Siisswasserthiere. 3. Conochilus volvox. Der Naturhistoriker, Vol. in. p. 92, 1881. [1380 EOSSETER, T. B., and J. BADCOCK. Tube of Stephanoceros Eichhornii. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc. London, (2) Vol. n. Pt. 3, pp. 345, 346, 1882. [1381 SALENSKY, W. Ueber die Entwickelung von Brachionus urceolaris. Entwickelung des Sommereies. (Abstr.) Zeitschr. f, wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 290, 291, 1872. [1382 SALENSKY, W. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Brachionus urceo- laris. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 428 454, 1872. (3 pi.) [1383 198 WORMS. L. Gephyrea. SCHMARDA, LUDWIG. Zur Naturgeschichte Aegyptens. Wien, 1854. (Hexarthra Pedalion, etc. etc.) [1384 SCHMARDA, L. Eosphora caribcea. Scltmarda's Zoologie, Vol. i. p. 341. Artha- canthus quadricornis, ibid. p. 345, 1871 (n. spp.). [1385 SCHOCH, GUST. Die mikroskopischen Thiere des Susswasser-Aquariums. Fiir Freunde des Mikroskopes und der Naturwissenschaften systematise!! dargestellt. 2. Buch. Die Eaderthiere. iv 34 pp. (8 pi.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1869. [1386 SEMPER, C. Zoologische Aphorismen. III. Trochosphcera r. pp. 127131, 1879. [1872 BARROIS, J. Metamorphose de la Pe'dicelline. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcn. pp. 1527, 1528, 1881. [1873 BARROIS, J. Embryogeny of the Bryozoa; an Attempt at a General Theory of the Development, founded upon the Study of their Metamorphoses. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 265279, 388404, 1882. (1 pi.) [1874 BARROIS, J. Embryog^nie des Bryozoaires. Essai d'une Thdorie ge'ne'rale du developpement bas^e sur I'e'tude des metamorphoses. Journ. de VAnat. et de la Physiol. 1882. [1875 BEISSEL, IGNAZ. Ueber die Bryozoen der Aachener Kreidebildung. Heraus- gegeben von der Hollandischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Haarlem. Natuurk. Verhandl. Holl. Maatsch. Vol. iv. 92 pp. (10 pi.) 4to. Haarlem, 1865. [1876 BRAUNS, D. Die Bryozoen des mittleren Jura der Gegend von Metz. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 308338, 1879. (1 pi.) [1877 BUSK, G. On new Polyzoa collected by J. Y. Johnston at Madeira in the years 1859, 1860. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. i. p. 77, 1861. [1878 BUSK, G. Descriptions of New and Imperfectly known Polyzoa. I. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. pp. 153156, 1861. (1 pi.) [1879 BUSK, G. Polyzoa of the London Clay. Geol. Mag. Vol. in. pp. 298302, 1866. (1 pi.) [1880 BUSK, G. On new genera and species of Polyzoa and Sertularians. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. xv. pp. 240244, 1867. (Tennysonia, n. g.) [1881 BUSK, G. New Polyzoa and a Cornularia from the Cape of Good Hope and Australia. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. vn. pp. 241 244, 1867. (1 pi.) [1882 220 WOKMS. 0. Polyzoa. BUSK, G. Notice of a new Polyzoon (Hippuraria egertoni). Proc. Zool. Soc. pp. 29, 30, 1874. (1 pi.) [1883 BUSK, G. Descriptions of some new Species of Polyzoa from Kerguelen's Island. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 116118, 1876. [1884 BUSK, G. Polyzoa from Kerguelen's Island. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 193 199,1879. (Ipl.) [1885 BUSK, G. On recent species of Heteropora. Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 724726, 1879. [1886 BUSK, G. List of Polyzoa collected by Capt. H. W. Feilden in the North- Polar Expedition, with Descriptions of New Species. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 231241, 1880 (1881). (1 pi.) [1887 BUSK, G. Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Cellepora collected on the ' Challenger' Expedition. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 341 356, 1881. (4 fig.) [1888 BUSK, G. Supplementary Note respecting the Use to be made of the Chitinous Organs in the Cheilostomata in the Diagnosis of Species, and more particularly in the Genus Cellepora. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 357 362, 1881. (2 pi.) [1889 BUSK, G. Notes on a Peculiar Form of Polyzoa closely allied to Bugula \Kine- toskias, Kor. and Dan.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 1 14, 1881. (2 pi.) [1890 BUSK, G. On the Use of the Chitinous Elements or Appendages of the Cheilostomatous Polyzoa in the Diagnosis of Species. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. Vol. 1881. pp. 662, 663, 1882. [1891 CARTER, H. J. Kemarkable Forms of Cellepora and Palythoa from the Sene- gambian Coast. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. ix. pp. 416420, 1882. (1 pi.) [1892 CLAPAREDE, ED. Miscellanies zoologiques. IV. Sur le Loxosoma Kefersteinii. V. Bryozoaire mou du golfe de Naples. Ann. des. sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. vni. pp. 28 30, 1867, (Ipl.) [1893 CLAPAREDE, ED. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte-der See- bryozoen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xx. pp. 137176, 1870. (3 pi.) [1894 CLAYPOLE, E. W. On the occurrence of an archimediform Fenestellid in the Upper Silurian rocks of Ohio. Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. (Cincinnati), Vol. xxx. pp. 191, 192, (1881) 1882. [1895 CLAYPOLE, E. W. On Helicopora, a new Spiral Genus of North America Fene- stellids. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxix. pp. 3038, 1883. [1896 COUES, E., and H. C. YARROW. [Tunicata, 3 sp., and Polyzoa, 17 sp., from Fort Macon, N. Carolina.] Proc. Acad. Philad. 1878, pp. 303305. [1897 DANIELSSEN, D. Om to nye Arten Bryozoer. Vidensk. Selsk. Forhand. 1867, pp. 24, 25. (Kinetoskias). [1898 DOLLFUS, G. Sur le Terebripora capillaris. Bull, de la soc. geol. de France, S6r. 3, Vol. vi. pp. 103, 104, 1878. [1901 DOLLFUS, G. Terebripora capillacea. Bryozoaire nouveau du terrain de"- vonien du Contentin. Bull, de la soc. linn, de Normandie (Caen), Ser. 3, Vol. i. pp. 96 102, 1879. (1 pi.) Sur quelques Brachiopodes qui accompagnent le Terebri- pora, Ibid. pp. 103 108. [1902 DUNCAN, P. M. On the Genus Palceocoryne, Duncan and Jenkins, and its Affinities. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxix. pp. 412417, 1873. (1 pi.) [1903 EHLERS, E. Hypophorella expansa. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der minirenden Bryozoen. Abhdl. d. physik. Cl. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen, Vol. xxi. pp. 1156, 1876. (5 pi.) [1905 ETHERIDGE, E., jun. Description of Carinella, a New Genus of Carboniferous Polyzoa. Geol. Mag. Vol. x. pp. 433434, 1873. (1 pi.) [1906 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. 221 ETHERIDGE, K., jun. On the occurrence of a species of Retepora allied to R. phcenicea, Busk), in the Tertiary Beds of Schnapper Point, Hobson's Bay. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. xi. pp. 1314, (1873) 1874. [1907 ETHERIDGE, K., jun. Note on a new Provisional Genus of Carboniferous Polyzoa (Hyphasmopora). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 43 45, 1875. (1 pi.) [1908 ETHERIDGE, K., jun. Notes on Carboniferons Mollusca [and Polyzoa] (Vlncu- laria). Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. in. pp. 150156, 1876. (1 pi.) [1909 ETHERIDGE, E., jun. Observations on some Carboniferous Polyzoa. Proc. Geologists' Assoc. Vol. iv. pp. 116122, 1874 (1876). [1910 ETHERIDGE, K., jun. Notes on some Upper Palaeozoic Polyzoa from Queensland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. xn. pp. 6668, (1875) 1876. (1 pi.) [1912 ETHERIDGE, E., jun. A Synopsis of the Known Species of Australian Tertiary Polyzoa, Trans. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. xi. pp. 129143, 1877. [1913 ETHERIDGE, E., jun. Notes on Carboniferous Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 3038, 1877. (1 pi.) [1914 ETHERIDGE, E., jun. Palasontological Notes (Arbusculites, Ascodictyon). Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. v. pp. 269, 270, 1878. [1915 ETHERIDGE, E., jun. On the Occurrence of Ramipora, a Polyzoon from the Caradoc of Corwen. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. vi. pp. 241244, 1879. (1 pi.) [1916 FISCHER, P. Etudes sur les Bryozoaires perforants, de la Famille des Tere- briporides. Nouv. Arch, du Museum, Paris, Vol. n. pp. 293313, 1866. (1 pi.) [1917 FISCHER, P. Etude sur les Bryozoaires perforants de la famille des Te're'bri- porides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXII. pp. 985 987, 1866. [1918 FISCHER, P. [Fifty species of Bryozoa from the S. W. coasts of France]. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. Vol. xxvu. pp. 170, 1871., [1919 FISCHER, P. [Eelations of the Tunicata, Polyzoa, etc.] Journ. de Conch. Vol. xxviii. p. 238, 1880. [1920 GABB, WM. M. and G. H. HORN. Monograph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the Secondary and Tertiary Formations of N. America. Journ. of Acad. of Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Ser. 2, Vol. v. pp. 111179, 1862. (3 pi.) [1921 GASTALDI, B. Su alcuni fossili paleozoici delle Alpi marittime e dell' Apennino ligure studiati da G. Michelotti. Atti Ace. Lincei, Mem. Sc. Jis. Ser. 3, Vol. i. pp. 113128, 1878. (Polyzoa). [1922 GATTY, Miss. [Polyzoa collected by Capt. W. H. Cawne during a voyage to Australia and the Pacific]. Proc. Liverp. Soc. No. xxi. pp. 72, 73, 1877. [1923 GIARD, M. Les Bryozoaires : exposition des travaux les plus recents. Rev. Zool. (3), Vol. vi. pp. 334, 1874. [1924 GIGLIOLI, E. Nota sul cosi detto sistema nervoso coloniale dei Briozoi. Atti Accad. Sc. di. Torino, Vol. i. pp. 131 134, 1865. [1927 GOLDSTEIN, J. E. Y. Some New Species of Bryozoa from the Marion Islands, with Notes on Bicellaria grandis. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. xvm. pp. 39 46, 1882. (2 pi.) [1928 GRAY, J. E. On Flustra marginata of Krauss, and an Allied Species, forming a new Genus (Flustramorpha) of Escharidse from Natal. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. x. pp. 167169, 1872. [ I9 2 9 GRIMM, . [Polyzoa from the Caspian Sea.] Kaspinskoe more i ego fauna, Vol. i. p. 120, 1876. [1930 HADDON. A. C. On Budding in Polyzoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. i. pp. 516555, 1883. (2 pi.) [r 93 i HALL, JAMES. Bryozoans of the Upper Helderberg Group. 36 pp. 8vo. Albany, 1881, (Albany Institute). [1932 HAMM, H. Die Bryozoen des Mastrichter Ober-Senon. 1 Th. Die cyclostomen Bryozoen. Inaug. -Dissert. Berlin, 1881. [1933 222 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. HANCOCK, ALBANY. On a New Species of Plumatella and on the Occurrence of Fredericella Sultana near Newcastle, and of Lophopus crystallinus in Northumber- land. Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Vol. iv. pp. 67, 68, 1860. [1934 HABTMANN, E. Einiges iiber den Bau von Halodactylus diaphanus. Arch. Anat. Phys. 1871, pp. 489529. (2 pi.) [1935 HASWELL, W. A. On the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa of Port Jackson and Neighbour- hood. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. iv. pp. 350356, 1879 (1880). [1936 HASWELL, W. A. On some Polyzoa from the Queensland Coast. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. v. pp. 3345, 1880 (1881). (3 pi.) [1937 HASWELL, W. A. Note on the Occurrence on the Coast of New South Wales of the Genus Mesenteripora, Bl. (Polyzoa Cyclostomata). Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. vi. pp. 199202, 1882 (1883). ' [1938 HATSCHEK, B. Embryonalentwickelung und Knospung der Pedicellina echinata. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxix. pp. 502549, 1877. (3 pi.) [1940 HELLEE, CAM. Die Bryozoen des adriatischen Meeres. Verhandl. d. zool.-bot. Gesellsch., Wien, Vol. xvn. pp. 77136, 1867. (6 pi.) [1942 HINCKS, T. Note on the Ovicells of the Cheilostomatous Polyzoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New ser. Vol. i. pp. 278281, 1861. [1943 HINCKS, T. On the Ovicells of the Polyzoa, with reference to the Views of Prof. Huxley. Eep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1861, pp. 145, 146, 1862. [1944 HINCKS, T. Note on Dr Hinrich Nitsche's Paper on " Some Interesting Points concerning the Mode of Eeproduction of the Bryozoa." Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xi. pp. 235238, 1871. [1945 HINCKS, T. On Campylonema, a new Genus of Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. x. pp. 396, 397, 1872. (1 fig.) [1946 HINCKS, T. Contributions to the History of the Polyzoa. Quart. Journ. Micros. Soc. New ser. Vol. xm. pp. 1636, 1873. (1 pi.) (Pedicellina, etc.) [1947 HINCKS, T. On Polyzoa from Iceland and Labrador. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 97133, 1877. (2 pi.) [1948 HINCKS, T. On British Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xx. pp. 212218, 520533, 1877. [1949 HINCKS, T. Note on the Kadical Fibres of the Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. iv. Vol. xx. pp. 218220, 1877. [1950 HINCKS, T. Notes on the Genus Eetepora, with Descriptions of New Species. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. i. pp. 353365, 1878. (2 pi.) [1951 HINCKS, T. Note on the Movements of the Vibracula in Caberea Boryi, and on the supposed Common Nervous System in the Polyzoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. New Ser. Vol. xvm. pp. 7 9, 1878. [1952 HINCKS, T. On the Classification of the British Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. m. pp. 153164, 1879. [1953 HINCKS, T. A History of the British Marine Polyzoa. 2 Vols. Vol. i. text ; Vol. ii. plates. 8vo. London, 1880. 1^954 HINCKS, T. On the Terms Polyzoa and Bryozoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 127130, 1880. [1955 HINCKS, T. On a supposed Pterobranchiate Polyzoon from Canada. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 239241, 1880. (2 fig.) [1956 HINCKS, T. Contributions towards a General History of the Marine Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 6992 (3 pi.), pp. 376384 (2 pi.) 1880; Vol. vn. pp. 147162, (3 pi.), Vol. vm. pp. 114 (4 pi.), pp. 122137 (5 pi.) 1881 ; Vol. ix. pp. 116127, 1882. (1 pi.) Vol. x. pp. 160170 (2 pi.) 1882. [i957 HINCKS, T. On certain remarkable Modifications of the Avicularium in a Species of Polyzoon ; and on the Eelation of the Vibraculum to the Avicularium. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. ix. pp. 2025, 1882. [1958 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. 223 HINGES, T. Polyzoa of the Queen Charlotte Islands : Preliminary Notice of New Species. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 248256, 1882. [1960 HINGES, T. Eeport on the Polyzoa of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 459471, 1882. (2 pi.) [1961 HOBSLEY, . Plumatella repens. Note on its statoblasts. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. (2) Vol. xiv. p. 217, 1874. [1962 HOUGHTON, W. Our Fresh-water Polyzoa. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. n. pp. 301 310, 1863. (2 pi.) [1963 HUTTON, F. W. Catalogue of the marine Mollusca of New Zealand, ivith dia- gnosis of the species, Wellington, 1873. 8vo. Brachiopoda, Polyzoa, and Tunicata, pp. 85106. [1964 HUTTON, F. W. Corrections and additions to the List of Polyzoa in the Cata- logue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand (1873). Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. rx. pp. 358361, 1876. [1965 HUTTON, F. W. On some South Australian Polyzoa. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas- mania, (1877), pp. 2325, 1878. [1966 HYATT, A. Observations on Polyzoa. Sub-order Phylactolasmata. Communi- cations Essex Institute, Vol. iv. p. 228, and Vol. v. pp. 97112, 18651866. [1967 JOLIET, LUCIEN. Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Bryozaires des c6tes de la France. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vi. pp. 193304, 1877. (8 pi.) [1970 JOLIET, L. Sur le systeme nerveux coloniale de la Boiverbankia imbricata, Johnst. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris). Vol. LXXXIV. pp. 723725, 1877. [1971 JOLIET, L. Sur quelques points de 1' organisation des Bryozoaires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 406 408, 1877. [1972 JOLIET, L. Sur la presence d'un organe segmentaire chez les bryozaires endoproctes. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 392, 393, 1879. [i973 JOLIET, LUCIEN. Organe segmentaire des bryozoaires endoproctes. Arch, de Zool. exp. et ginir. Vol. vm. pp. 497512, 1879-80. (1 pi.) [1974 JONES, T. KUPEKT. On the Nomenclature of Polyzoa, Busk. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 220, 221, 1880. [1975 JULLIEN, J. 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Briozoi pliocenici italiani. I. 12pp. (2 pi ) 8vo. Vienna, 1869. II. 12 pp. (2 pi.) ibid. 1869. [From the Sitzungsber d. k. Akad. d. icissensch.] III. 15pp. (2 pi.) 1870. IV. 27pp. (6 pi.) 1870. [2016 MANRONI, A. I Briozoi fossili del miocene d' Austria ed Ungheria. II. parte. Celleporidea, Escharidea, Vincularidea, Selenaridea. 30 pp. (17 pi.) 4to. Vienna, 1877. [2018 MANZONI, A. I Briozoi fossili del miocene d'Austria ed Ungheria. III. parte. Crisidea, Idmoneidea, Entalophoridea, Tubuliporidea, Diastoporidea, Cerioporidea. 24pp. (18 pi.) 4to. Wien, 1878. (Denksch. Akad. Wien, Vol. xxxvm.) [2019 MANZONI, A. Bryozoaires du pliocene superieur de File de Ehodes. Mem. Soc. Geol. de France, S6r. 3, Vol. i. (Mem. H.) pp. 5974, 1877. (2 pi.) [2020 MAPLESTONE, J. Observations on Living Polyzoa. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. xvm. pp. 4851, 1882. (1 pi.) [202 r MARION, A. F. [List of 16 Polyzoa dredged off Marseilles.] Ann. Sci. Nat. (6), Vol. vn. Art. 7, pp. 5, 6, 1879. [2022 MEEK, F. B. and A. H. WORTHEN. Note on the Kelations of Synocladia, King, 1849, to the Proposed Genus Septopora, Prout, 1858. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 1518, 1870. [2023 MEEK, F. B. Descriptions of New Species of Invertebrate Fossils from the Carboniferous and Devonian Bocks of Ohio (Ptilodictya Gilberti, n, sp., etc. etc.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 5793, 1871. ' [2024 MEEK, F. B. Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from Ohio and other Western States and Territories (Fenestella delicata, n. sp., Ptilodictyia carbonaria, n. sp., Spirifer texanus, n. sp., etc. etc.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 159184, 1871. [2025 MEEK, F. B. Descriptions of New Western Palaeozoic Fossils, mainly from the Cincinnati Group of the Lower Silurian Series of Ohio (Ptilodictya Sclwfferi, n. sp., Retzia granulifera, n. sp., etc. etc.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 308336, 1871. [2026 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere (Cyphonautes, Mitraria, Actinotrocha). Gdttingen Nachrichten, pp. 227 233, 1869 [2027 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger niederen Thiere. 5. Seebryozoen. Bull, de I' Acad. de St Petersbourg, Vol. xv. col. 506, 507, 1871. [2028 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger niederen Thiere. 6. Alcyonella. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersbourg, Vol. xv. col. 507, 508, 1871. [2029 MOBIUS, K. Die wirbellosen Thiere der Ostsee. Bcricht ub. d. Expedition zur phys.-chemifich. u. biolog. Untersuchung der Ostsee im Sommer 1871, auf S. M. T. 15 226 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. Aviso-dampfer Pommerania.' 1 Kiel, 1873, fol. pp. 97 154. (11 sp. Bryozoa, 2 sp. Tunicata.) [2030 MULLER, FRITZ. On the Common Nervous System (Kolonialnervensystem) of the Bryozoa (Polyzoa), exemplified in Serlalaria Couthinii, n. sp. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. i. pp. 300 305, 1861. [2031 MULLER, FRITZ. Sur 1'existence d'un systeme nerveux colonial chez les Bryo- zoaires. (Abstr.) Ann. des. Sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xvm. p. 212, 1862. [2032 NICHOLSON, H. A. Descriptions of two new Genera and Species of Polyzoa from the Devonian Eocks (Cryptopora, Carinopora). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xni. pp. 7785, 1874. (2 fig.) [2033 NICHOLSON, H. A. Descriptions of Species of Hippothoa and Alecto from the Lower Silurian Eocks of Ohio, with a Description of Aulopora arachnoidea, Hall. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xiv. pp. 123126, 1875. (1 pi.) [2034 NICHOLSON, H. A. Descriptions of new Species of Polyzoa from the Lower and Upper Silurian Eocks of N. America. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 177-184, 1875. (1 pi.) [2035 NICHOLSON, H. A. Descriptions of New Species of Palaeozoic Polyzoa. Geol. Nag. Dec. n. Vol. n. pp. 3338, 1875. (1 pi.) [2036 NICHOLSON, H. A. Descriptions of Polyzoa from the Silurian formation. Paleontology of Ohio (Newberry), Vol. n. pp. 257 268, 1875. [2037 NICHOLSON, H. A. and E. ETHERIDGE, jun. On Ascodictyon, a new Provisional and Anomalous Genus of Paleozoic Fossils. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 463469, 1877. (1 pi.) [2038 NITSCHE, HINRICH. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der phylactolsemen Siisswasserbryozoen, insbesondere von Alcyonellafungosa, Pall. sp. (Inaugural-Dissertation), 60 pp. 2 (4to.) pi. 8vo. Berlin, 1868. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. du Bois), pp. 465521, 1868. (4 pi.) [2039 NITSCHE, H. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bryozoeu. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xx. 136, 1870. (3 pi.) [2042 NITSCHE, H. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 415498, 1871. (3 pi.) [2043 NITSCHE, H. On some Interesting Points concerning the Mode of Eepro- duction of the Bryozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xi. pp. 155 162,1871. (Ing) [2044 NITSCHE, H. Betrachtungen iiber die Entwickelungsgeschichte und Morphologie der Bryozoen, Briefliche Mittheil. an Herrn Prof. C. Th. v. Siebold. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 467472, 1872. [2046 NITSCHE, H. Untersuchungen iiber die Knospung der Siisswasserbryozoen, insbesondere der Alcyonella. Sitz. derNaturf. GeseUsch. Leipzig, Vol. i. pp. 31 36, 1874 (1875). [2047 NITSCHE, H. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. Supplem. 3, pp. 343 402, 1875. (3 pi.) [2048 NITSCHE, H. Ueber den Bau und die Knospung von Loxosoma Kefersteinii, Claparede. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 451 456, 1875. [2049 NITSCHE, H. Organisation et bourgeonnement du Loxosoma Kefersteinii. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. iv. pp. LIII. LV. 1875. (Abstr.) [2050 NORMAN, ALFRED MERLE. Notes on some Eare British Polyzoa with Descriptions of New Species. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. vin. pp. 212 222, 1865. (3 pi.) [2052 NORMAN, A. M. On Loxosoma and Triticella, Genera of Semiparasitic Polyzoa in the British Seas. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 133141, 1879. [2053 NOVAK, OTTOMAR. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen der bohmischen Kreide- formation. 50 pp. (10 pi.) 4to. Wien, 1877. [2054 PARFITT, EDWARD. On two new Species of Freshwater Polyzoa. (Plumate.lla lineata, P. Limnas). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvm. pp. 171 173, 1866. (1 pi.) [2055 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. 227 PARFITT, ED. On a new Species of Cellepora. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xn. pp. 98, 99, 1873. (1 pi.) [2056 PEACH, C. W. On a new Eschara from Cornwall (E. verrucosa). Eep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1868. p. 109, 1869. [2057 PEACH, C. W. Observations on British Polyzoa. Journ. of Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. xm. pp. 479486, 1877 (1878). (1 pi.) [2058 PERKINS, GEORGE H. The Molluscan Fauna of New Haven. Bryozoa. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xn. p. 139, Vol. xm. p. 161, 1869. [2059 PIESSER, . New Adriatic Bryozoa. Journ. E. Microsc. Soc. London (2), Vol. n. p. 494, 1882. [2060 POURTA.LES, L. F. DE. Vmcularia margaritacea, sp. n. Bull. Mus. Harv. Coll. Nos. vi. vii. 1867-68, p. 110. [2061 PROUT, H. A. Fourth series of descriptions of Bryozoa from the Paleozoic Rocks of the Western States and Territories. Trans. St Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. i. pp. 571581, 1860. [2062 PROUT, H. A. Descriptions of new species of Bryozoa. Trans. St Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. n. pp. 410413, 1866. [2063 PROUT, H. A. Descriptions of Polyzoa from the Paleozoic Rocks. Wortlten's Geol. Surv. of Illinois, Vol. n. pp. 412423. (2 pi.) 1866. [2064 RANSON, J. JOSSELYN, and T. GRAHAM PONTON. Notes on Lophopus crystallines. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. v. pp. 438441, 1866. (1 pi.) [2065 REICHERT, C. B. Vergleichende anatomische Untersuchungen liber Zoobotryou pellucidus (Ehrenberg). Verhandl. d. konigl. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, Phys. Kl. pp. 233238, 1869 (1870). (6 pi.) [2066 REINHARD, W. Zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser-Bryozoen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. m. pp. 208212, 1880. [2068 REINHARD, W. Embryologische Untersuchungen an Alcyonella fungosa und Cristatella mucedo. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 234, 235, 1880. [2069 REINHARD, W. Zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser-Bryozoen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 349, 350, 1881. [2070 REPIACHOFF, W. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Tendra zostericola. Zeitschr. wissensch. f. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 129142, 1875. (3 pi.) Vol. xxx. pp. 411423, 1878. (1 pi.) Abstr. Journ. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 300, 301, 1879. 2071 REPIACHOFF, W. Zur Naturgeschichte der chilostomen Seebryozoen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvi. pp. 139160, 1875 (1876). (4 pi.) [2072 REPIACHOFF, W. Zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen (Lepralia Bou'erbankia). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 221224, 1878. [2073 REPIACHOFF, W. Zur Embryologie der Tendra zostericola. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. ii. pp. 6769, 1879. [2074 REPIACHOFF, W. Bemerkungen uber Cyphonautes. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 517, 518, 1879. (Abstr.) Journ. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 707, 863, 1879. [2075 REPIACHOFF, W. Zur Embryologie der Bowerbankia. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. u. pp. 660664, 1879. [2076 REPIACHOFF, W. Zur Kenntniss der Bowerbankia-Larva. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. m. p. 260, 1880. [2077 REPIACHOFF, W. On the Morpology of the Bryozoa [Russian, from Mem. Soc. Nouv. Euss. Vol. vi.]. Odessa, 1880, 69 pp. (4 pi.) [2078 REUSS, A. E. Zur Fauna des Deutschen Oberoligocans. 2te Abth. Bryozoen. Sitz. Ak. Wise. Wien, 1861, pp. 623690. [2079 REUSS, A. E. Die fossilen Foraminifera, Anthozoa und Bryozoa von Oberburg in Steiermark. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. xxm. pp. 138, 1864. [2080 REUSS, A. E. Ueber Anthozoen und Bryozoen des Mainzer Tertiarbeckens. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. i. 1864, pp. 197210. [2081 REUSS, A. E. Ueber einige Bryozoen aus dem deutschen Unteroligocan. 19 pp. (3 pi.) 8vo. Wien, 1867. (Sitzungsber. Akad. Wi*x.) [2082 152 228 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. REUSS, A. E. Ueber tertiare Bryozoen von Kischenew in Bessarabien. 9 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Wien, 1870. (Aus d. Sitzungsber. k. Akad. d. Wiss.) [2083 EEUSS, A. E. Die fossilen Bryozoen des oesterreicb-ungarischen Miocans. 1 Abtb. Salicornaridea, Cellularidea, Membraniporidea. 50 pp. (12 pi.) Wien, 1874. (Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss.) [2084 RICHIABDI, . [List of 63 Polyzoa from the Sea of Tuscany.] Catal. della Sezione Ital. delV Espos. intern, di Pesca in Berlino, 1880, pp. 153, 154. [2085 RIDLEY, STUAKT 0. Polyzoa collected during tbe Expedition of H.M.S. Alert, in tbe Straits of Magellan and on the Coast of Patagonia. Proc. Zool. Soc. pp. 44 61, 1881. (Ipl.) [2086 RIDLEY. S. O. Polyzoa of Franz-Josef Land. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. vii. pp. 442457, 1881. (1 pi.) [2087 ROMINGEE, GAEL. Observations on Chcetetes and some related Genera, in regard to their Systematic Position; with an appended description of some New Species (incl. Callopora, Hellipora, Stromatocerium, Fistulipora). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 113123, 1866. [2088 SALENSKY, W. Untersuchungen anSeebryozen, Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxiv. pp. 343348, 1874. (1 pi.) [2089 SALENSKY, W. Etudes sur les Bryozoaires entoproctes (Loxosoma, Pedicellina). Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. v. 60 pp. (4 pi.) 1876. [2090 SALENSKY, W. The Polyzoa Entoprocta. (Abstr. by Rev. T. Hincks.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New. ser. Vol. xvm. pp. 199 205, 1878. [2091 SABS, G. 0. On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps of the Norwegian coast. Part 1. University Programme. Christiania, 1872. 4to. 82 pp. (6 pis.) (Ehabdopleura, etc.) [2092 SABS, G. 0. Triticella bcecki, n. sp. Fork. Selsk. Chr. 1873, pp. 386400. [2093 SABS, G. 0. On Ehabdopleura mirabilis (M. Sars). Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xiv. pp. 2344, 1874. (1 pi.) [2094 SABS, M. Haliloplus = Ehabdopleura (Allman, 1869). Forh. SelsJc. Chr. 1868, p. 112. [2095 SCHMIDT, 0. Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten iiber Loxosoma. Zeitsch.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxi. pp. 6880, 1878. (2 fig.) [2096 SCHMIDT, 0. Remarks upon the Memoirs upon Loxosoma. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 393404, 1879. ' [2097 SCHNEIDEB, A. Zur Entwickelungsgeschlchte und systematischen Stellung der Bryozoen und Gephyreen. Archiv. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. v. pp. 260 280, 1869. (1 pi.) [2098 SCHULTZE, FB. EILHABD. Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung von Cordylo- phora lacustris [Allman], nebst Bemerkungen iiber Vorkommen und Lebensweise dieses Thieres. Vol. in. 52 pp. (6 pi.) 4to. Leipzig, 1871. [2099 SEMPEB, C. Lettre sur le Cyphonautes compressus. Bull. Acad. Brux. Ser. 2, Vol. in. pp. 353355, 1857. L'Institut, Vol. xxvi. pp. 97, 98, 1858. [2100 SHBUBSOLE, G. W. A Review of the British Carboniferous Fenestellidse. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxv. pp. 275284, 1879. [2101 SHBUBSOLE, G. W. A Review and Description of the Various Species of British Upper- Silurian Fenestellidse. Journ. of Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvi. pp. 241 254, 1880. (1 pi.) [2102 SHBUBSOLE, G. W. Further Notes on the Carboniferous Fenestellidae. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, xxxvii. pp. 178189, 1881. [2103 SHBUBSOLE, G. W. Thamniscus; Permian, Carboniferous and Silurian. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvm. pp. 341346, 1882. (fig.) [2104 SHBUBSOLE, G. W. On the Occurrence of a new Species of Phyllopora in the Permian Limestone. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvm. pp.^347 349, 1882. (fig.) [2105 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. 229 SMITT, F. A. Polymorphism among Bryozoa. Inaug. Address, Upsala, 1863. [2106 SMITT, F. A. Om Hafs-Bryozoernas utveckling och fettkroppar. (Efvers. af K. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl. 1865, No. 1, pp. 550, 1865. [2107 SMITT, F. A. Nagra drag ur Bryozoernas (mossdjurens) lif. Afhandling som jemte theser, kommer att offentligen forvaras infor hogvordigna domkapitlet i Lund. vin-31 pp. 8vo. Stockholm, 1864. [2108 SMITT, F. A. Kritisk forteckning ofver Skandinaviens Hafs-Bryozoer. (Efver- sigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhand. 1867, pp. 3 230. [2109 SMITT, F. A. Floridan Bryozoa, collected by Count L. F. de Pourtales. Pt. i. Kongl Svenska Akad. Handl. (Ny foljd), Vol. x. (11), 20 pp. 1871 (1872). (5 pi.) Pt. 2, ibid. Vol. xi (4), 84 pp. 1872 (1873). (3 pi.) [2110 SMITT, F. A., und C. T. v. SIEBOLD. Bemerkung zu Dr H. Nitsche's Beitragen zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen (Briefliche Mittheil.) Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxn. pp. 281, 282, 1872. [2111 SMITT, F. A. Remarks on Dr Nitsche's Eesearches on Bryozoa. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xn. pp. 246 248, 1872. [2112 SMITT, F. A. Becensio systematica animalium Bryozoorum, quae in itineribus, annis 1875 et 1876, ad insulas Novaja Semlja et ad ostium fluminis Jenisei...invene- runt Doctores A. Stuxberg et H. Theel. (Efvers. k. Vet. Akad. Forhandl. Stockholm, 1878, No. m. pp. 1126. [2113 SMITT, F. A. Becensio animalium Bryozoorum e mari arctico, quae ad peninsu- lam Kola, in itinere anno 1877...invenit F. Trybom. (Efvers. k. Vet. Akad. Forhandl. Vol. xxxv. Arg. No. 7, pp. 1932, 1879. [2114 STOLICZKA, F. Ueber heteromorphe Zellenbildungen bei Bryozoen (Ccelophyma, Beuss). Verhandl. d. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, Vol. xn. pp. 101104, 1862. [2115 STOLICZKA, F. On the Anatomy of Membranipora bengalensis, a new Bryozoon living in brackish water at Port Canning. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Pt. n. 1869, pp. 55 61. (Ipl.) [2116 STUXBERG, A. (Polyzoa from Siberia. Sv. Ak. Handl. Bih. Vol. v. No. 22, pp. 47, 49,5254,56,1881. [2117 TATE, RALPH. On some New Liassic Fossils (Spiropora liassica). Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. n. pp. 203206, 1875. (1 fig.) [2118 TATE, R. Eschara (?) huttoni, sp. n. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasm. 1877 (1878), p. 24. [2119 TENISON-WOODS, J. E. On some Tertiary Australian Polyzoa. Trans. Eoy. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. x. pp. 147150, 1876. (2 pi.) [2120 TENISON-WOODS, J. E. On some New Australian Polyzoa. Trans. Eoy. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. xi. pp. 83, 84, 1877. (2 pi.) (Serialaria.) [2121 TENISON- WOODS, J. E. On a New Genus of Polyzoa (Euktimenaria ducalis). Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. in. pp. 126128, 1878 (1879). (1 pi.) [2122 TENISON-WOODS, J. E. On the genus Amathia, with description of a new species. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. xvi. 1880. [2123 TENISON-WOODS, J. E. On some recent and fossil species of Australian Selen- ariadce. Tr. Phil. Soc. Adelaide, 1880. [2124 UBAGHS, J. C. Die Bryozoen-Schichten der Maastrichter Kreidebildung, nebst einigen neuen Bryozoen-Arten aus der Maastrichter Tuff-Kreide. Verhandl natur- hist. Verein. Preuss. Rheinland u. Westphalen, (3). Vol. xxn. pp. 3162, 1865. [2125 ULJANIN, B. Zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pedicellina. Bull de la soc. imper. des natural, de Moscou, Vol. XLII. (pt. 1), pp. 425 440, 1869. (2 pi.) [2126 VEEBILL, A. E. Results of Dredging Expeditions off the New England Coast in 1874. (Bugulaflexilis, n. sp., Discopora nova, n. sp., Lepralia Americana, n. sp.) Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. ix. pp. 411415, 1875. (1 pi.) [2127 230 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. VEEKILL, A. E. [Nine species of Bugula including 2 new, 2 of Seruparia, Bugu- lopsis, and 1 new Porellina.] Amer. Journ. Sci. (3), Vol. xvm. pp. 52, 53, 1879. [2128 VIGELIUS, W. J. Catalogue of the Polyzoa collected during the Dutch North- Polar cruises of the " Willem Barents " in the Years 1878 and 1879. Niederl Arch, f. Zool Supplem. i, 20 pp. (1 pi.) 1881-82. [2129 VIGELIUS, W. J. Zur Entstehung und Entwickelung der Geschlechts-produkte bei chilostomen Bryozoen. Blolog. Centralbl. Vol. n. pp. 435 442, 1882. [2130 VIGELIUS, W. J. Beobachtungen an Barentsia bulbosa, Hincks. Zool. Anz. Vol. v. pp. 141144, 1882. [2131 VINE, G. E. On Carboniferous Polyzoa and PalceocoryncB. Eep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1879, pp. 350, 351, 1880. " [2132 VINE, G. E. A Eeview of the Family Diastoporida? for the purpose of Classifi- cation. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvi. pp. 356 361, 1880. (1 pi.) [2133 VINE, G. E. On the Carboniferous Polyzoa. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. vn. pp. 501512, 1880. [2134 VINE, G. E. Second Eeport of the Committee of the British Association, con- sisting of Prof. P. M. Duncan and Mr G. E. Vine, appointed for the purpose of reporting on Fossil Polyzoa. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. vm. pp. 471 477, 509 519. 1881. [2135 VINE, G. E. Further Notes on the Family of Diastoporidaa, Busk. Species from the Lias and Oolite. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvu. pp. 381390, 1881. (1 pl.) [2136 VINE, G. E. Silurian Uniserial Stomatopora3 and Ascodictya. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvn. pp. 613619, 1881. (fig.) [2137 VINE, G. E. Eeport (in conjunction with Prof. P. M. Duncan) on the Carbonife- rous Polyzoa. Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1880, Reports, pp. 76 87. II. 1881, Reports pp 161177, 1882. [2138 VINE, G. E. Eeport on Fossil Polyzoa. Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, pp. 161176. [2139 VINE, G. E. Notes on the Polyzoa of the Wenlock Shales, Wenlock Limestone, and Shales over Wenlock Limestone. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvm. pp. 4468,1882. (14 fig.) [2140 VINE, G. E. Eeport (in conjunction with Dr H. C. Sorby), on Fossil Polyzoa (Jurassic Species British Area only). Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1882, Reports, 249 267, 1883. [2141 VOGT, CAKL. Sur le Loxosome des Phascolosomes, (Loxosoma phascolosomatum). Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. v. pp. 304355, 1876. (4 pl.) [2142 VOGT, CARL. Loxosoma. (Abstracted and Annotated by the Eev. T. Hincks.) Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xvii. pp. 354 377, 1877. (1 pl.) [2143 VOGT, CARL. Bemerkungen zu Dr B. Hatschek's Aufsatz iiber Embryonalent- wickelung und Knospung von Pedicellina echinata. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxx. pp. 374378, 1878. (2 fig.) [2144 WATERS, A. W. Sur 1'usage des opercules pour la determination des Cheilosto- mes. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. vn. pp. XLVI. XLVII. 1878. [2145 WATERS, A. W. The use of the Opercula in the Determination of the Cheilostomatous Bryozoa. Proc. Manch. Lit. and Philos. Soc. Vol. xvm. Sess. 1878-79, pp. 8 11. [2146 WATERS, A. W. On the occurrence of Eecent Heteropora. J. Eoy. Microsc. Soc. Vol. n. pp. 390393, 1879. (1 pl.) [2147 WATERS, A. W. On the Bryozoa (Polyzoa) of the Bay of Naples. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 2844. (4 pl.) pp. 114127. (4 pl.) pp. 192202,267281. (2 pl.) 1879. [2148 WATERS, A. W. On the Terms Bryozoa and Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. v. pp. 3436, 1880. [2149 WORMS. 0. Polyzoa. 231 WATERS, A. W. Note on the Genus Heteropora. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 156, 157, 1880. [1250 WATERS, A. W. Keply on the Term 'Bryozoa.' Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vi. pp. 157159, 1880. [2151 WATERS, A. W. On Fossil Chilostomatous Bryozoa from Southwest Victoria, Australia. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvu. pp. 309 347, 1881. (5 pi.) [3152 WATERS, A. W. On Fossil Chilostomatous Bryozoa of the Yarra-Yarra, Victoria, Australia. Ann. of Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. vn. pp. 484, 485, 1881. [2153 WATERS, A. W. On Fossil Chilostomatous Bryozoa from Mount Gambier, South Australia. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvm. pp. 257276, 1882. (3 pi.) 0*54 WATERS, A. W. On Chilostomatous Polyzoa from Bairnsdale (Gippsland). Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvm. pp. 502513, 1882. (1 pi.) [2155 WATTS, H. On Fossil Polyzoa. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. vi. pp. 8284, (1863) 1864. [2156 WHITE, C. A. Description of new species of Invertebrate Fossils from the Car- boniferous and upper Silurian rocks of Indiana and Illinois. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1878, Pt. i. pp. 29 37. (1 n. sp. Polyzoa.) [2157 WHITEAVES, J. F. A recent species of Heteropora from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xxiv. pp. 279281, 1882. [2158 WILSON, J. B. New genus of Polyzoa. Journ. Micr. Soc. Viet. Vol. i. pp. 64, 65. Abstr. in Journ. R. Micr. Soc. Vol. in. p. 774, 1880. (Catenicellopsis.) [2159 WOODS, JULIAN E. On some Tertiary Fossils in South Australia (Polyzoa). Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. vi. pp. 36, (1861) 1864. (1 pi.) [2160 YOUNG, Prof. J., and J. YOUNG. On Polypora tuberculata in Scotland. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. i. pp. 258, 259, 1874. [2161 YOUNG, Prof. J. and J. YOUNG. On a new Genus of Carboniferous Polyzoa (Rhabdomeson Ceriopora). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xm. pp. 335340, 1874. (1 pi.) [2162 YOUNG, Prof. J., and J. YOUNG. On new Carboniferous Polyzoa. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxx. pp. 681 683, 1874. (2 pi.) [2163 YOUNG, Prof. J., and J. YOUNG. On Palceocoryne and other Polyzoal Appendages. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxx. pp. 684689, 1874. (3 pi.) [2164 YOUNG, Prof. J., and J. YOUNG. On new Carboniferous Polyzoa. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 333336, 1875. (2 pi.) [2165 YOUNG, Prof. J., and J. YOUNG. New species of Glauconome from the Carbo- niferous Limestone strata of the West of Scotland, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. n. p. 325, 1876. [2166 P. Discophora. ASPER, G. Abnorm gebildete Geschlechtsorgane bei Aulastoma gulo. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 297, 298, 1878. [2167 BAIRD, W. Descriptions of some new Suctorial Annelides in the Collection of the British Museum. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, pp. 310318. [2168 BAUDELOT, E. Observations sur la structure du systeme nerveux de la Clepsine. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIX. pp. 825828, 1864. Rev. des soc. savantes, Paris, p. 387, 1864. Journ. de Vanat. et de la physiol. Vol. n. pp. 221 224, 1865. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 127136, 1865. (1 pi.) [2169 VAN BENEDEN, P. J., et C. E. HESSE. Kecherches sur les Bdellodes (Hirudinees) et les Trematodes marins. Mem. de VAcad. Roy. de Belg. Vol. xxxiv. 150pp. (15 pi.) 1864. Ibid. Vol. xxxv. 18 pp. (2 pi.) 1865. [2170 BIDDER, A. Ueber das Blutgefasssystem einiger Hirudineen. Dorpat, 8vo. 1868. (Ipl.) [2171 232 WORMS. P. DiscopUora. BOURNE, A. G. On the Structure of the Nephridia of the Medicinal Leech. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 283302, 1880. (2 pi.) [2172 BOURNE, A. G. The Central Duct of the Leech's Nephridium. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xxn. pp. 337, 338, 1882. [2173 BUDDELUND, . Hirudo lineata, 0. F. M. = Nephelis quadristriata, Gr. Forsk. Sk. Naturf. Vol. xi. pp. 424, 425, 1874. [2174 BUTSCHLI, O. Entwickelungsgeschichtliche Beitrage. III. Zur Kenntniss des Furchungsprocesses und der Keimblatterbildung bei Nephelis vulgaris, Moq. Tand. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxix. pp. 239252, 1877. (1 pi.) [2175 CABLET, G. Sur les me'canismes de la succion et de la deglutition chez la Sangsue. Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, Vol. xcvi. pp. 14391440, 1883. [2176 CARLET, G. Le proced6 operatoire de la Sangsue. Eev. scientif. Vol. xxxn. pp. 210213, 1883. [2177 CARLET, G. Le mode de fixation des ventouses de la sangsue, etudie per la methode graphique. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xcvi. pp. 448, 449, 1883. [2178 CABLET, G. Sur la morsure de la sangsue. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xcvi. pp. 12441246, 1883. [2179 DORNER, H. Ueber die Gattung Branchiobdella, Odier. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 464493, 1865. (2 pi.) [2180 FERRARI, FRANCESCO. Sulla moltiplicazione e conservazione delle sanguisughe. 15pp. 8vo. Milano, 1871. [2181 FILIPPI, F. DE. Note di un Viaggio in Persia, 1865, pp. 196, 197. (Three new species of Leeches from Lake Goktscha). [2182 GRATIOLET, PIERRE. Kecherches sur la systeme vasculaire de la sangsue medici- nale et de I'aulastome vorace. Theses pour le doctorat es sciences naturelles. 59 pp. 4to. Paris, 1862. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 174225, 1862. (1 pi.) [2183 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber Landblutegel. Jahresber. Schlesic. Gesellsch. f. Vatcrl. Cultur. 1866, pp. 59, 60. [2184 GRUBE, A. E. Beschreibung einiger Egel-Arten. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvu. pp. 87 121, 1871. (2 pi.) [2185 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber die Fauna des Baikalsee's sowie iiber einige Hirudineen und Planarien anderer Faunen. Jahresber. Schles. Gesellsch. Vol. XLIX. p. 56, 1871. [2186 GRUBE, A. E. Codonobdella truncata, g. and sp. nn. Jahresber. Schles. Gesellsch. 1872, p. 67. [2187 HANSEN, ABMAUER. Sur la terminaison des nerfs dans les muscles volontaires de la Sangsue. Arch, de Biologie, Vol. n. pp. 342344, 1881. [2188 HANSEN, A. Termination of nerves in the Voluntary Muscles of the Leech. Journ. Roy. Microscop. Soc. (2), Vol. n. Pt. 1, pp. 46, 47, 1882. [2189 HARTING, J. E. On the occurrence in England of Dutrochet's Land Leech (Trochetia subviridis). Zoologist (3), Vol. i. pp. 515 523, 1877. [2190 HERMANN, ERNST. Das Central-Nervensystem von Hirudo medicinalis. viii lllpp. (18 pi.) 4to. Miinchen, 1875. [2191 HERTWIG, 0. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bildung, Befruchtung und Theilung des thierischen Eies. I. Die ersten Entwickelungsvorgange im Ei der Hirudineen (Htemopis und Nephelis). Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. in. pp. 1 32, 1877. (3 pi.) [2192 HESSELL, EUD. Artificial culture of Medicinal Leeches and of species of Helix. Bull. U. S. Fish Commiss. 1881, pp. 264, 265. [2193 HOFFMANN, C. K. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Clepsinen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Hirudineen. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Vol. iv. pt. 1, pp. 31 54, 1877. (2 pi.) [2194 HOFFMANN, C. K. Zur Anatomic und Ontogenie von Malacobdella. Versl. en Meded. d. k. Akad. van Wetensch., Amsterdam (NatuurJc) Ser. 2, Vol. xi. pp. 205 231, 1879. (2 pi.) Niederl. Arch. f. Zoologie, Vol. iv. p. 1, pp. 130, 1877. (2 pi.) (publ. sep.) 27 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Amsterdam, 1877. [2195 WORMS. P. Discophora. 233 HOFFMAN, C. K. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Entwickelungsgesch- ichte der Hirudineen. Haarlem, 4to. 12 pi. 1880. [2196 HOUGHTON, WM. Eemarks on the Glossiphonidce, a family of discophorous Annulata. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. i. p. 33, 1861. [2197 JENSEN, 0. [Ten species of freshwater leeches from Southern Norway.] Nyt Mag. Naturw. Vol. xrx. pp. 154186, 1872. [2198 JIJIMA, ISAO. The structure of the Ovary, and the Origin of the Eggs and the Egg-strings in Nephelis. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 12 14, 1882. [2199 JIJIMA, ISAO. On the Origin and Growth of the Eggs and Egg-strings in Ncp helis, with some observations on the Spiral Asters. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xxn. pp. 189211, 1882. (4 pi.) [2200 JOSEPH, G. Ueber die dunkelgriinen Pigmentnetze im Korper des Blutegels. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 323326, 1883. [2201 KEFERSTEIN, W. Bemerkungen iiber die Geschlechtsorgane von Branehiobdella parasita. Gdttingen Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 271 275. [2202 KEFERSTEIN, W. Anatomische Bemerkungen iiber Branehiobdella parasi ta (Braun) Odier. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. du Bois), 1863, pp. 509 520. (1 pi.) [2203 KOEHLER, E. Kecherches sur la structure du systeme nerveux de la nephelis. 9 pp. 8vo. Nancy, 1882. [2204 KUPFFER, C. Blutbereitende Organe bei den Kiisselegeln. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xrv. pp. 337345, 1864. (Ipl.) (Piscicola und Clepsine.) " [2205 LANDOIS, H. Eine westfalische Blutegelzucht in Massenbetriebe. Zool. Gart. Vol. xvni. pp. 281290, 1877. [2206 LANKESTER, E. KAY. The Vascular System of Branehiobdella and the Blood- corpuscles of the Earthworm. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. xn. pp. 591, 592, 1878. [2207 LANKESTER, E. EAT. Observations on the microscopic Anatomy of the Medici- nal Leech (Hirudo medicinalis). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 85 90, 1880. [2208 LANKESTER, E. EAY. On Intra- epithelial Capillaries in the Integument of the Medicinal Leech. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 303 306, 1880. (1 pi.) [2209 LANKESTER, E. EAY. On the Connective and Vasifactive Tissues of the Medicinal Leech. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 307 317, 1880. (2 pi.) [2210 LEE, HENRY. On a new Locality for Trocheta subviridis. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vi. p. 496, 1870. [2211 LEIDY, J. Notice of some American Leeches (Aulastomum lacustris, n. sp., Hirudo decora), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1868, pp. 229-30. [2212 LEIDY, J. On Nephelis punctata, n. sp. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1870, pp. 89-90. [2213 LEMOINE, VICTOR. Eecherches sur 1'organisation des Branchiobdelles. Assoc. franc t . pour Vavancem. des sci. (Eeims), Vol. ix. pp. 745 774, 1880. [2214 LEVINSEN, G. M. E. Notostomum lave, n. g. (Hirudinea) Vid. Medd. 1881, pp. 133-136. [2215 LEVINSEN, G. M. E. Piscicola rectangulata, en ny Igle fra Amurlandet. Aftr. af Vid. Meddel nat. Foren. Kjobenh. 1881, pp. 137140. [2216 LEYDIG, FRANZ. Die Augen und neue Sinnesorgane der Egel. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1861, pp. 588606. [2217 LUCHSINGER, B. Ueber das Centralnervensystem des Blutegels. Mittheil. naturf. Gesellsch. Bern, 1880. Sitzungsb. pp. 12 14. [2218 MALM, A. W. Svenska Iglar afbildade. Goteborg, 8vo. 3 pi. 1863. [2219 MEGNIN, P. Haemopis sanguisuga Moq. T. dans la bouche des chevaux. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France (6). Vol. i. pp. 91, 92, 1881. [2220 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger niederen Thiere. 4. Clepsine. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersbourg, Vol. xv. col. 505, 506, 1871. [2221 MONNIER, . Anatomic des sangsues. Assoc. fran$. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Lyons), Vol. n. pp. 559562, 1873. (2 pi.) [2222 234 WORMS. P. Discophora. OSTROUMOFF, A. Ueber die Art der Gattung Branchiobdella Odier, auf den Kiemen des Flusskrebses (Astacus leptodactylus, Eschh.) Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 7678, 1883. [2223 PAGENSTECHEB, H. A, Ueber den Blutegel in Eiicksicht auf Bdellotomie. Ver- hand. des. naturhist.-mediz. Verein. Heidelberg, Vol. in. pp. 137 146, 1864. [2224 PHILIPPI, E. A. Kurze Notiz iiber zwei Chilenische Blutegel. Arch. f. Natur- gesch. Vol. xxxm. pp. 7678, 1867. (1 pi.) [2225 PHILIPPI, K. A. Ueber Temnocephala chilensis. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 3540, 1870. (1 pi.) [2226 PHILIPPI, K. A. Macrobdella, ein neues Geschlecht der Hirudineen. Zeitsclis. ges. Naturw. (2) Vol. vi. pp. 439 442, 1872. [2227 POLONIO, ANTONIO F. Monographia del genere Aulastomum. Atti della Soc. Ital. di sci. nat. Milano, Vol. in, pp. 39 43, 1861. [2228 POLONIO, ANTONIO F. Bdellideorum Italicorum prodromus. 36 pp. 8vo. Bon- oniae (Bologna), 1863. [2229 EANKE, J. Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Uebergangs-Sinnesorganen. Das Gehororgaii der Acridier und das Sehorgan der Hirudineen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 143164, 1875. (1 pi.) [2230 KATHKE, HEINRICH. Beitrage zur Eiitwickelungsgeschichte der Hirudineen. Herausgegeben und theilweise bearbeitet von Eudolf Leuckart. iv. 116 pp. 7 pi. 4to. Leipzig, 1862. [2231 EATZEL, F. Vorlaufige Nachricht iiber die Entwickelungsgeschichte von Lum* bricus und Nephelis. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 281 283, 1869. [2232 EOBIN, CHAKLES. Memoire sur les sperm atophores de quelques Hirudinees. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIII. pp. 280284, 1861. [2233 EOBIN, CHABLES. Memoire sur les spermatophores de quelques Hirudinees. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 5 29, 1862. (1 pi.) [2234 EOBIN, CHABLES. Sur le mode de production des petits globes vitellins qui forment le blastoderme chez les mollusques et les hirudinees. Journ. de Vanat. et de laphysiol. Vol. n. pp. 256265, 1865. [2235 EOBIN, CHABLES. Memoire sur la developpement embryog6nique des hirudinees. L'Institut de France : Memoires, Vol. XL. 399 pp. 19 pi. 1876. (Publ. sep.) 4to. 476 pp. 19 pi. Paris, 1876. [2236 SAINT-LOUP, . Sur la structure du systeme nerveux des Hirudinees. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xcvi. pp. 1321, 1322, 1883. [2237 SCHNEIDEB, ANTON. Ueber die Auflosung der Eier und Spermatozoen in den Geschlechtsorganen (Hlrudinea). Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp. 19 21, 1880. [2238 SCHNEIDEB, ANTON. -Zur Befruchtung (der Hirudineen u. a.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. m. pp. 252257, pp. 426, 427, 1880. [2239 SCHNEIDEB, ANTON. Ueber die Zahne der Hirudineen. Zoologische Beitrage, Breslau, Vol. i. p. 62, 1883. [2240 SHORE, T. W. On the Structure of the Muscular Tissue of the Leech. Nature, Vol. xxvi. pp. 492, 493, 1882. [2241 SHOBE, T. W. Note on the Structure of the Muscular Tissue of the Leech. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1882, p. 577, 1883. [2242 STANELLI, EUDOLF. Der medizinische Blutegel und seine naturgemasse Auf- zucht. Eine Denkschrift an die Landwirthe Preussens. 23 pp. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. [2243 STANELLI, EUDOLF. Ueber Blutegel und Blutegelzuchtanlagen. Zwei Vortrage gehalten im Central-Institut fur Akklimatisation in Deutschland zu Berlin am 4 November 1862 und 24 Februar 1863. 32 pp. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. [2244 STIBLING, WM., and PHILIP S. BEITO. On the Digestion of Blood by the Common Leech, and on the Formation of Haemoglobin Crystals. Journ. ofAnat. andPhysiol. Vol. xvi. pp. 446457, 1882. (1 pi.) [2245 STOLTEB, G. F. Praktische Vorschlage zur Einfiihrung der Blutegelzucht als landwirthschaftliches Nebengewerbe. Zur Begleitung und Erlauterung der Stolter'- WORMS. P. Discophora. 235 schen Blutegel-Ausstellung bei Gelegenheit der Sacularfeier der Konigl. Land- wirthschafts-Gesellschaft zu Celle am 3. u. 4. Juni, 1863. 2 Auflage. Vol. xn. 5 pp. 4to. Hildersheim, 1864. [2246 TEMPLETON, EOBEBT. Observations on Aulastoma helm. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. vm. pp. 137-140, 1881. (1 pi.) [2247 VAILLANT, L. Note sur Fanatomie de la Pontobdella verrucata (Leach). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVII. pp. 7779, 1868. [2248 VAILLANT, L. Contribution a 1'etude an atomiquedu genre Pontobdelle. Ann. des sci. natur. Se'r. 5, Vol. xin. 71 pp. 2 pi., 1871. [2249 VEJDOVSKY, F. A list of the Discophora and Oligochseta of Bohemia. Sitzungsb. bohm. Ges. 1874, pp. 220224. [2250 VEJDOVSKY, F. Die Segmentalorgane von Clepsine und Nephelis. Sitz. k. bohm. Ges. d. Wiss. Prag. 1882, pp. 410413. [2251 VEKBILL, A. E. Brief Contributions to Zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. xvn. Descriptions of North American fresh-water Leeches. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. HI. pp. 126139, 1872. [2253 VEERILL, A. E. Synopsis of the North American Fresh-water Leeches. In Baird's Report of the U. S. Comm. of Fisheries for 1872-1873, pp. 666-689. [2253 VERRILL, A. E. Freshwater Leeches (Bdellodea, Clepsine, Hirudo, etc.), col- lected in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico. Washington, 4to., 1875. [2254 VIGTJIER, C. Anatomic comparee des Hirudine'es. Organisation de la Batra- cobdelle (Batracobdella Latastii> C. Vig.). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXIX. pp. 110112, 1879. [2255 VIGUIER, C. Me"moire sur 1'organisation de la Batracobdelle (Batracobdella Latastii, C. Vig.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et giner. Vol. vm. pp. 373390, 1879-80. (2 pi.) [2256 VOIGT, W. Die Varietaten der Branchiobdella astaci, Odier. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 121125, 139143, 1883. [2257 WEYENBERGH, H. Algunes nuevas saiiguijuelas o chaucacas de la familia Gnathobdellia y Kevista de esta familia. Period. Zool. Argent. Vol. in. pp. 112 125, 231245, 1880, 1881. (Schlegelia, Hylobdella, Cyclobdella.) [2258 WHITMAN, C. 0. Changes Preliminary to Cleavage in the Egg of Clepsine. Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. (St Louis), Vol. xxvn. pp. 263271, 1878 (1879). [2259 WHITMAN, C. 0. The Embryology of Clepsine. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xvm. pp. 215315, 1878. (4 pi.) [2260 WHITMAN, C. 0. Ueber den Embryologie von Clepsine. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 5, 6, 1878. [2261 WHITMAN, C. 0. A new species of Branchiobdella. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 636, 637, 1882. [2262 Q. Chatopoda (Ollgochceta and Polychaeta). AGASSIZ, ALEX. On alternate generation in Annelids and the embryology of Antolytus cornutus. Bost. Journ. of Nat. Hist. Vol. vn. pp. 384 408, 1862 (1863). (3 pi.) [2263 AGASSIZ, ALEX. On the Young Stages of a few Annelids. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xix. pp. 203219, 242257, 1867. [2264 ALDER, H. Peculiarity in the structure of the shell of Serpula triquetra. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1866, p. 206. [2265 BAIRD, W. Descriptions of some New Species of Worms belonging to the Anne- lida errantia and sedentaria or tubicola of Milne-Edwards. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, pp. 106110. [2266 BAIBD, W. On a new Species of British Ann elides belonging to the Family Chatopterida. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxiv. pt. 3, pp. 477483, 1864. (Ipl.) [2267 236 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. BAIRD, W. Description of a new Species of Annelida belonging to the Family Amphinomida. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxiv. pt. 3, pp. 449-450, 1864. (1 pi.) [2268 BAIED, W. Description of a new British Annelide, belonging to the Tribe Eapacea of Grube, = Annelida errantia of Milne-Edwards (Heteronereis signata). Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vm. pp. 810, 1865. (1 pi.) [2269 BAIRD, W. Description of several new Species and Varieties of Tubicolous Annelides, = Tribe Limivora of Grube, in the Collection of the British Museum. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vm. pp. 10 22, pp. 157 160, 1865. (2 pi.) [2270 BAIRD, W. Description of a new Variety of Lepidonotus (Polynoe) cirratus parasitic in the tube of Chcetopterus insignis. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vm. pp. 161, 162, 1865. [2271 BAIRD, W. Contributions towards a Monograph of the Species of Annelides belonging to the Aphroditacea, containing a List of the known Species, and a De- scription of some new Species contained in the National Collection of the British Museum. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. vm. pp. 172202, 1865, Vol. ix. pp. 31 38, 1865 (1868). [2272 BAIRD, W. Description of a new Species of Earthworm (Megascolex diffringens] found in North Wales. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, pp. 4043. [2273 BAIRD, W. Eemarks on several Genera of Annelides, belonging to the group Eunicea, with a notice of such species as are contained in the Collection of the British Museum, and a description of some others hitherto undescribed. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. x. pp. 341361, 1869 (1870). [2274 BAIRD, W. Additional Eemarks on the Megascolex diffringens. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, pp. 387389. [2275 BAIRD, W. Contributions towards a Monograph of the Species of Annelides belonging to the Amphinomacea, with a List of the known Species, and a Description of several new species contained in the National Collection of the British Museum. To which is appended a short Account of two hitherto Nondescript Annulose Animals of a larval character (Insect -larva ?) Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. x. pp. 215250, 1870. [2276 BARROIS, J. Sur quelques points de 1'embryologie des Annelides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXV. pp. 297 299, 1877. [2277 BARROIS, J. Embryogenie des Annelides et des Lamellibrancb.es. Assoc. fraw;. pour I'avancem. des sci. (Le Havre), Vol. vi. pp. 657 659, 1877. [2278 BARROIS, TH. Note sur la presence du genre Chsetoptere a Groffliers (avec une note supplementaire par A. Giard). Bull, sclent, du dep. du Nord, Vol. ix. pp. 69 71, 1877 (1878). [2279 BEDDARD, FRANK E. Note on some Earthworms from India. Ann. Nat. Hist. (5), Vol. xii. pp. 213224, 1883. (lyphaus, n. g.) [2280 BEHRENS, H. und W. HASWELL. Ueber Phosphorescenz und Athmung bei Eingel- wurrnern. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. in. pp. 505, 506, 1883. [2281 BIANCONI, G. B. Specimen Zoologica Mosambicana. Fasc. 17 [On a Terebella from Mozambique]. Mem. Acad. Bologn. Vol. ix. p. 214, 1871. [2282 BLOMFIELD, J. E. On the Development of the Spermatozoa. Part i, Lumbri- cus. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xx. pp. 79 89, 1880. (2 pi.) [2283 BLOMFIELD, J. E., and A. G. BOURNE. On the occurrence of Corpuscles in the Bed Vascular Fluid of Chaetopods. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xxi. pp. 500, 501, 1881. [2284 BLOMFIELD, J. E., et A. G. BOURNE. Sur la presence des corpuscules dans le sang rouge des vaisseaux chez les ChStopodes. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. p. LXII. 1881. [2285 BOBRETZKY, N. Saccocirrus papillocercus, nov. gen. Zapiski KievsJc. Obsch. Estestv. (Proc. Natur. Soc. Kief), Vol. n. pp. 211259, 1871. (2 pi.) [2286 BOBRETZKY, N. Microphthalmus (Hesionidse). (Abstr.) Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. in. pp.139, 140, 1880. [2287 BOBRETZKY, N. Contributions to the Annelid-fauna of the Black Sea. [Eussian.] Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Kief, Vol. vi. 1881. (2 pi.) [2288 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. 237 BOURNE, A. G. On Haplobranchus, a new Genus of Capitobranchiate Annelids. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. i. pp. 168176, 1883. (1 pi.) [2289 BUCHHOLZ, E. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Alciope. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 9598, 1869. (1 pi.) [2290 BUCHHOLZ, E. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Gattung Enchytrceus. Schrift. d. Kdnigl. Phys.-Okon. Gesellsch. zu Konigsberg, Vol. in. pp. 93132, 1862. (3 pi.) [2291 BUCZINSKI, PET. On the Development of the Earthworm. [Eussian.] Proc. New-Russ. Soc. Odessa, Vol. vin. 61 pp. 3 pi. 1881. [2292 BULOW, C. Ueber Theilungs- und Eegenerationsvorgange bei Wiirmern (Lumbri- culus variegatus Gr.). Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. XLIX. Jahrg. 1883. 1 Heft. (1882. Nov.) pp. 196. [2293 BULOW, C. Die Keimschichten des wachsenden Schwanzendes von Lumbriculus variegatus nebst Beitragen zur Anatomie und Histologie dieses Wurms. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxxix. pp. 6496, 1883. [2294 CARPENTER, W. B., and ED. CLAPAREDE. Further Eesearches on Tomopteris onisciformis, Eschscholtz. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. VoL xxin. pt. 1, pp. 59 68, 1860. (Ipl.) [2295 CARRINGTON, B. On the Chtopod Annelids of the Southport Sands. Proc. Lit. and Philos. Soc. Manchester, Vol. iv. pp. 176188, 1865. [2296 CARTER, H. J. Note on the " Tubulations Sableuses" of the Etage Bruxellien in the Environs of Brussels. (Annelida, BroecJcia, n. gen., and Sponges.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xix. pp. 382393, 1877. (1 pi.) [2297 CHATIN, J. Observations pour servir a 1'histoire du bdtonnet optique chez les Crustaces et les Vers. (Psygmobranchus, Protula, Dasychone, Vermilia.) Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. vn. 36 pp. 3 pi. 1878. [2298 CLAPAREDE, ED. Beitrage zur Fauna der Schottischen Kurste. III. Die hut- formige Larve. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. x. pp. 407, 408,1860. (1 pi.) (Chsetopod?) [2299 CLAPAREDE, ED. Ueber Polydora cornuta, Bosc. Arch. f. Nat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1861, pp. 542545. (1 pi.) [2300 CLAPAREDE, ED. Eecherches anatomiques sur les Oligochetes. Mem. de la Soc. de Phys. de Geneve, Vol. xvi. pp. 217291, 1861 (1862). (4 pi.) [2301 CLAPAREDE, ED. Glanures zootomiques parmi les Annelides de Port-Vendres (Pyre'ne'es orientales). Mem. de la Soc. de Phys. de Geneve, Vol. xvn. pp. 463 600, 1863. (8 pi.) Publ. separately. Bale, 1864. [2302 CLAPAREDE, ED. Eemarks on M. de Quatrefage's " Note on the Classification of the Annelides." Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvn. pp. 100107, 1866. [2303 CLAPAREDE, ED. De la structure des Annelides. Note comprenant un examen critique des travaux les plus recents sur cette classe de Vers. Archives des Sci. de la Bibl. Univ. Sept. 1867, pp. 142. [2304 CLAPAREDE, ED. On the Structure of the Annelida, including a critical Ex- amination of the most recent Works on this class of Worms. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xx. pp. 337391, 1867. [2305 CLAPAREDE, ED. Les annelides chetopodes du golfe de Naples. Mim. de, la Soc. de Phys. de Geneve, Vol. xix. pp. 313584, 1868. (16 pi.) Pt. 2. ibid. Vol. xx. pp. 1225. (15 pi.) Suppl6m. ibid. pp. 365542. (14 pi.) 1870. [2306 CLAPAREDE, ED. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber den Eegenwurm (Lumbri- cus terrestris, L.}. Zeitschr. f. icissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 563624, 1869. (6 pi.) [2307 CLAPAREDE, ED. Pachydrilus Krohnii, sp. n. Footnote in Mem. on the minute Anat. of the Earthworm, p. 571. Zeitschr.f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. 1869. [2308 CLAPAREDE, ED. Eecherches sur la structure des annelides s6dentaires. Mtm. de la Soc. de Phys. de Geneve, Vol. xxn. pp. 1200, 1873. (15 pi.) [2309 CLAPAREDE, ED., und EL. METSCHNIKOFF. Beitrage zur Erkenntniss der Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Chffitopoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 163-205,1869. (8 pi.) [2310 238 % WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda, CLAPAREDE, ED., and PAUL PANCERI. Note on an Alciopid, a Parasite of Cydippe densa, Forskal. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 2934, 1869. [2311 COHN, FEED. Leuchtende Kegenwiirmer. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxni. pp. 459461, 1873. [2312 COSMOVICI, LEON C. E. Glandes genitales et organes segmentaires des Anne"- lides Polychetes. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gentr. 1879-80, pp. 233372. (10 pi.) (Arenicola, Terebella, Ophelia, Chcetopterus, etc.) [2313 COSMOVICI, LEON C. E. Sur les organes segmentaires et les glandes genitales des Annelides polychaetes sedentaires. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVIII. pp. 393396, 1879. [2314 COSMOVICI, LEON C. E. Etude des organes segmentaires et des glandes ge'nitales des annelides polychetes, 141 pp. -(9 pi.) 8vo. Paris, 1880. [2315 COSTA, A. Illustrazione Iconografica degli Annelidi rari o poco conosciuti del Golfo di Napoli. Annuario del Mus. Zool. di Napoli, Vol. n. 1862, pp. 159 171. (Naples, 1864.) [2316 DARWIN, CH. The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the action of Worms. 8vo. London, 1882. [2317 DARWIN, CH. Die Bildung der Ackererde durch die Thatigkeit der Wiirmer, mit Beobachtung liber deren Lebensweise. Aus d. Engl. v. J. V. Carus. Mit Zusatzen nach dem Original, vii. 184 pp. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1882. [2318 DARWIN, CH. E61e des vers de terre dans la formation de la terre vege"tale. Traduit de 1'anglais par M. Leveque. Preface de M. Ed. Perrier, xxvm. 264 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1882. [2319 DAVIES, WILLIAM. On a new species of Fossil Annelide, Terebella Leivesiensi*. Geol. Mag. Dec. n. Vol. vi. pp. 145148, 1879. [2320 DAVY, JOHN. On the Blood of the Common Earthworm. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1861, pp. 165, 166, 1862. Additional Observations, ibid. 1862, pp. 124, 125, 1863. [2321 DAWSON, J. W. On supposed Burrows of Worms in the Laurentian Eocks of Canada. Journ. Geol. Soc. London. Vol. xxn. pp. 608, 609, 1866. (tig.) [2322 DAWSON, J. W. Note on supposed Burrows of Worms in the Laurentian rocks of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, N. S. Vol. in. pp. 321, 322, 1868. [2323 DAWSON, J. W. Impressions and Footprints of aquatic Animals, and imitative markings on Carboniferous Hocks (Arenicolites, etc.) Canadian Naturalist, Vol. vn. pp. 6574, 1875. [2324 v. DRASCHE, R. Ueber die Entwiokelung von Pomatoceros. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 506, 507, 1883. [2325 DUNS, J. On an Unnamed Palaeozoic Annelid (Cymaderma, n. gen.). Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. ix. pp. 352 359, 1877 (1878). (1 pi.) [2326 EHLERS, ERNST. Vorlaufige Mittheilung liber die geschlechtsverhaltnisse der polychseten Anneliden. Gottingen Nachrichten, 1863, pp. 367 371. [2327 EHLERS, ERNST. Die Borstenwiirmer (Annelida chaetopoda) nach systematischen und anatomischen Untersuchungeii dargestellt. 1 Abth. pp. iv. 290 pp. (11 pi.) 4to. Leipzig, 1864. 2 Abth. (Schluss). pp. xx. 269748 ; pi. 1224. 4to. Leipzig, 1868. [2328 EHLERS, ERNST. Ueber die Bildung der Borsten und Euderfortsatze bei den Borstenwurmern. Nachr. Gesells. Wiss. Gottingen, 1865, pp. 335 342. [2329 EHLERS, ERNST. Die Gattung Heteronereis ((Erst.) und ihr Verhaltniss zu den Gattungen Nereis (Gr.) und Nereilepas (Gr.). Nachrichten d. Konigl. Gesellsch. zu Gottingen, 1867, pp. 1 10. [2330 EHLERS, ERNST. Ueber eine fossile Eunicee aus Solenhofen (Eunicites avitus). nebst Bemerkungen iiber fossile Wiirmer iiberhaupt. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 421444, 1868. (1 pi.) [2331 EHLERS, ERNST. Die Neubildung des Kopfes und des vorderen Korpertheiles bei polychaoten Anneliden, 24 pp. 4to. Erlanger Universitdlsschrift, 1870. [2332 EHLERS, ERNST. [Notice of a Fossil Annelid from Solenhofen.] Sitzungsber. Soc. Erlang. Vol. v. p. 12, 1873. [2333 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. 239 EHLERS, ERNST. Armulata nova vel minus cognita in Expeditione "Porcupine" capta. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xm. pp. 292-298, 1874. [2334 EHLERS, ERNST. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Verticalverbreitung der Borsten- wiirmer im Meere. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxv. pp. 1 102, 1875. (4 pi.) [2335 EHLERS, ERNST. Distribution bathymetrique des Annelides. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gen4r. Vol. iv. pp. XLIX LIII. 1875. [2336 EHLERS, ERNST. Eeport on the Dredging Operations of the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake." IV. Preliminary Report on the Worms. Bull. Museum Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. v. pp. 269274, 1878-9. [2337 EHLERS, ERNST. Die Neubildung des Kopfes und des vordern Korpertheils bei polychaeten Anneliden. 8vo. Erlangen, 1881. [2338 EISEN, G. Bidrag till skandinaviens oligochaet-fauna. I. Terricolae. 18 pp. 7 pi. 8vo. Stockholm, 1871. Aftryck ur Ofversigt af K. Vet.-akad. forh. 1870. [2339 EISEN, G. Om nagra arktiska oligochaster. Ofvers. Ak. Forh. Stockholm, 1872, pp. 119124 (1 pi.) [2340 EISEN, G. Bidrag till Kannedom om New Englands och Canadas lumbricider. 11 pp. (1 pi.) 8vo. Stockholm, 1874. [2341 EISEN, G. On the Oligochaeta collected during the Swedish expeditions to the arctic regions in the years 1870, 1875 and 1876. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl. (Ny fdljd), Vol. xv. 49 pp. 1877 (1878). (16 pi.) [2342 EISEN, G. Eedogorelse for Oligochaeter, samlade under de Svenska expedition- erna till Arktiska trakter. Ofvers. k. vet. Akad. Forhdlgr. Stockholm, N. 3, pp. 0379, 1878. [2343 EISEN, G. On the Anatomy of Ocnerodrilus. Nova Ada Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. Ser. 3, Vol. x. 12 pp. (2 pi.) 1878(1879). [2344 EISEN, G. EclipidriUdae and their Anatomy. A new family of the Limicolide Oligochaeta. 4to. 10 pp. (2 pi.) Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsala, 1881. [2345 EISIG, H. Nereis hircinicola (n. sp.). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xx. pp. 103105, 1870. (1 pi.) [2346 EISIG, H. Der Nebendarm der Capitelliden und seine Homologa. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. pp. 148152, 1878. [2347 EISIG, H. Die Segmentalorgane der Capitelliden. Mittlieil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. i. pp. 93118, 1879. (1 pi.) [2348 EISIG, H. Die Seitenorgane und becherformigen Organe der Capitelliden. Mittheil. a d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Vol. i. pp. 278356, 1879. (2 pi.) [2349 EISIG, H. Ueber das Vorkommen eines schwimmblasenahnlichen Organs bei Anneliden. Mittlieil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. n. pp. 255 304, 1881. (3 pi.) [2350 EISIG, H. Sur les glandes hermaphrodites de VHesione sicula. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zoal. exp. et ge"ner. Vol. ix. p. xxxv. 1881. [2351 EISIG, H. Sur la presence d'un organe en forme de vessie natatoire chez les Annelides. (Abstr.) Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. xxxvi., xxxvii. 1881. [2352 ETHERIDGE, E., JUN. Palseontological Notes. (Spirorbis and Hippothoa (?) Hincksii.) Geol. Mag. Dec. II. Vol. iv. pp. 318320, 1877. [2353 ETHERIDGE, E., JUN. On our Present Knowledge of the Invertebrate Fauna of the Lower Carboniferous or Calciferous Sandstone Series of the Edinburgh Neigh- bourhood, especially of that known as the Wardie Shales. (Brachiopoda, Chas- tetes, Annelida.) Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxiv. pp. 1 26, 1878. (2 pi.) [2354 ETHERIDGE, E., JON. British Carboniferous Tubicolar Annelides. Geol. Mag. Dec. II. Vol. vii. pp. 109115, 171175, 215222, 258266, 304308, 362 369,1880. (Ipl.) [ 2355 DE FILIPPI, FILIPPO. Armandia, nuovo genere di Annelidi nel Mediterraneo. Arch, per la Zoologia, Genova, Vol. i. pp. 215 219, 1861. (1 fig.) [2356 240 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. FISCHER, W. Ueber Capitella capitata, Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anatomie und Histologie der Anneliden. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. pp. 271273, 1883. [2357 FISCHER. W. Nachtrag zu der vorlaufigen Mittheilung liber Capitella capitata. Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. vi. p. 487, 1883. [2358 FRAISSE, PAUL. Ueber Spermatophoren bei Eegenwiirmern. Arb. aus d. zool.- zoot. Inst. Wiirzburg, Vol. v. (pt. 1) pp. 3855, 1879. (1 pi.) [2359 FURBRINGER, M. Ueber den Homologie der sog. Segmentalorgane der Anneliden und Vertebraten. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. iv. pp. 663678, 1878. [2360 FURBRINGER, M. Ueber den principellen Standpunkt des Herrn Prof. Semper, Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. v. p. 396, 1879. [2361 Fuss, C. Ueber ein zirpendes Gerauschder Eegenwiirmer. Verhandl d. Sieben- biirg. Ver. fur Naturwiss. zu Hermannstadt, Vol. xn. pp. 17, 18, 1861. [2362 GIARD, A. Note sur 1'embryogenie de la Salmacina Dysteri, Huxley. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXII, pp. 233 235, 1876. [2363 GIARD, A. Note sur le deVeloppement de la Salmacina Dysteri, Huxley. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXII. pp. 285288, 1876. [2364 GIARD, A. Sur les Wartelia, genre nouveau d'Anne"lides considers a tort comme les embryons de Tere" belles. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXXVI. pp. 11471149, 1878. Bull, sclent, du dtp. du Nord, Vol. x. pp. 122125, 1878 (1879). Les Mondes, Vol. XLVI. p. 131, 1877. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) Vol. n. pp. 109, 110, 1877. [2365 GIARD, A. Sur les affinite's du genre Polygordius avec les Anne"lides de la famille des Opheliidce. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xci. pp. 341 343, 1880. Assoc. frang. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Eeims), Vol. ix. pp. 715718, 1880. [2366 GIARD, A. Sur un curieux phe'nomene de pre"fecondation, observe chez une Spi- onide. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcm. pp. 600 602, 1881. [2367 GIARD, A. Sur un type synthetique d'Annelide (Anoplonereis Hermanni) com- mensal des Balanoglossus. Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris. Vol. xcv. pp. 389 391, 1882. [2368- GRABER, V. Die Gewebe und Driisen des Anneliden-Oesophagus. Sitzungsb. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Vol. LXXVII. pp. 201218, 1873. (2 pi.) [2369 GRABER, V. Morphologische Untersuchungen iiber die Augen der freilebenden marinen Borstenwurmer. Arch. f. Microsc. Anat. Vol. xvn. pp. 243 323, 1879. [2370 GRAFF, LUDWIG. Anatomie des Chcetoderma nitidulum, Love'n. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvi. pp. 166192, 1875 (1876). (1 pi.) [2371 GREEF, EICHARD. Ueber die Anneliden-Gattung Sphcerodorum, Oerst. , und eineni neuen Eeprasentanten derselben : S. Claparedii. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxn. pp. 338-351, 1866. (1 pi.) [2372 GREEF, EICHARD. Ueber Autolytus prolifer. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxn pp. 351367, 1866. (1 pi.) [2373 GREEF, EICHARD. On the Annelid Genus Spharodorum (Oersted) and a new Eepresentative of it, S. Claparedii. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xx ; pp. 1-11, 1867. (1 pi.) [2374 GREEFF, EICHARD. On Autolytus prolifer. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 173183, 1868. (I pi.) [2375 GREEFF, EICHARD. Ueber das Auge der Alciopiden. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Baues der Eetina, 24 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Marburg, 1876. [2376 GREEF, EICHARD. Untersuchungen iieber die Alciopiden. Nova Acta Acad. Gees. Leop.-Carol. (Dresden), Vol. xxxix. pp. 33132. (6 pi.) 1877. [2377 GREEF, EICHARD. Ueber die Alciopiden des Mittelmeeres und insbesondere des Golfs von Neapel. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Vol. i. pp. 448 458, 1879. (1 pi.) [2378 GREEFF, EICHARD. Ueber pelagische Anneliden von der Kiiste der Kanarischen Inseln. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxn. pp. 237 283, 1879. (3 pi.) [2379 GREEFF, EICHARD. Typhloscolex Mulleri, W. Busch. Nachtrag und Erganzung zu : Ueber pelagische Anneliden von der Kiiste der canarischen Inseln. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxii. pp. 661 671, 1879. (1 pi.) [.2380 WORMS. Q. C/uetopoda. 241 GREEFF, RICHARD. Ueber die rosettenformigen Leuchtorgane der Toinopteriden (T. Mariana, n. sp.). Zoolog. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 384 387, 1882. [2381 GRIEVE, J. On a Siphonostoma occurring in the Bay of Rothesay. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg. Vol. i. pp. 62, 63, 1871. [2382 GRINNELL, G. B. Notice of a new genus of Annelids from the Lower Silurian (Nereidavus variant), (fig.) Amer. Journ. of Set. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. xiv. pp. 229, 230, 1877. [2383 GRUBE, A. E. Noch ein Wort liber die Capitellen und ihre Stelle im Systeme der Anneliden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxvm. pp. 366378, 1862. [2384 GRUBE, A. E. On the Capitellae and their Position in the System of the An- nelida. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 393402, 1863. [2385 GRUBE, A. E. Beschreibung neuer oder wenig bekannter Anneliden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxix. pp. 3769, 1863. (3 pi.) [2386 GRUBE, A. E. Euzonus arcticus, eine neue Annelide. Jahresb. Schles. Gesell. Breslau, Vol. XLIII. pp. 64, 65, 1865. [2387 GRUBE, A. E. Zwei neue Ophelien : Ophelia polychetes und Ophelia aulopygos. Jahresb. d. Schles. GeselU. Breslau, p. 65. [2^388 GRUBE, A. E. Neue Anneliden aus den Gattungen Eunice, Hesione, Lampro- phoes und Travisia. Jahresb. d. Schles. Genells. Breslau, 1866, pp. 6466. [2389 GRUBE, A. E. Eesultate einer Eevision der Euniceen. Jahresb. d. Schlen. Gesells. Breslau, 1866, pp. 6668. [2390 GRUBE, A. E. Beschreibungen neuer von der Novara-Expedition mitgebrachter Anneliden und einer neuen Landplanarie. Wien. zool. bot. Verhandl. Vol. xvi pp. 173-184, 1866. [2391 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber neue Anneliden. Jahresb. der Schles. Gesells. Breslau, Vol. XLV. pp. 50 52, 1867. [2392 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber die Familie der Maldanien. Jahresb. der Schles. Gesells. Breslau, 1867, pp. 5258. [2393 GRUBE, A. E. Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. v. Wiillerstorf- Urbair. Zoolog. Theil, 2 Bd. 1 Abth. Anneliden, 46 pp. (4 pi.) 4to. Wien, 1868. [2394 GRUBE, A. E. On the Annelid Family of the Maldaniea. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 393399. 1868. [2395 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber Ehler's Entdeckung fossiler Euniciden und eine neue Diopatra. Jahresb. Schles. Gesells. Breslau, Vol. XLVI. pp. 58, 59, 1869. [2396 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber die Familie der Opheliaceen. Jahresb. Schles. Gesells. Breslau, Vol. XLVI. pp. 59, 67, 1869. [2397 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber die Maldanien und Ammochares. Jahresb. Schles. Gesells. Breslau, Vol. XLVI. p. 68, 1869. [2398 GRUBE, A. E. Mittheilungen iiber St Vaast-la-Hougue und seine Meeres- besonders seine Annelidenfauna. Abh. Schles. Gesellsch. 1868-69, pp. 91128. [2399 GRUBE, A. E. Beschreibung neuer oder wenig bekanuter von Hrn. Ehrenberg gesammelter Anneliden des rothen Meeres. Monatsber. d. k.pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, 1869 (1870), pp. 484521. [2400 GRUBE, A. E. Bemerkungen iiber Anneliden des Pariser Museums. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 281352, 1870. [2401 GRUBE, A. E. Mittheilungen iiber St Malo und Roscoff, und die dortige Meeres- besonders die Anneliden-fauna. Abhandl. schles. Ges. 1869 1872, pp. 75146. [2402 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber neue Arten der Gattung Sabella. Ueber die Amphic- teneen und Amphareteen, Mgr. Ueber zwei neue Heteronereis-Formen uud Pycnogoniden. Jahresber. schles. Ges. Vol. XLVIII. pp. 6786, 1870. [3403 GRUBE, A. E. Bemerkungen iiber die Familie der Glycereen. Jahresber. schles. Ges. XLIX. pp. 5668, 1871. [2404 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber die Gattung Lycastis, und ein Paar neue Arten derselben; z. kritischen Uebersicht der bisher beschriebenen 1'erebellen und iiber T. anguicomus T. 16 242 WORMS. Q. Chcatopoda. und einige Serpulaceen; Bemerkungen iiber Lumbriconereis gigantea, Q.; einer neuen (Eiione, &G. Jahresber. schles. Ges. Vol. XLIX. pp. 47 58, 1871. [2405 GRUBE, A, E. Ueber ein paar neue Anneliden aus der Familie der Spiodeen : Periptyches festiva, Paraonis tenera. Jahresb. Schles. Gesells. Vol. L. pp. 57 59, 1872. [2406 GRUBE, A. E. Die Familie der Cirratuliden. Jahresb. schlesw. Gesellsch. Vol. L. 5966, 1872. [2407 GRUBE, A. E. Die Familie der Lycorideen und die Aufstellung von Gruppen in der Gattung Nereis. Jahresber. schles. Ges. 1873, pp. 56 73. [2408 GRUBE, A. E. Descriptiones Annulatorum novorum mare Ceylonicum habitan- tium, ab honoratissimo Holds worth collect Drum. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1874, pp. 325 329. [2409 GRUBE, A. E. Bemerkungen iiber die Familie der Apliroditeen (Gruppe Her- mionea und Sigalionina). Jahresber. schles. Ges. Vol. LII. pp. 57 79, 1875. [2410 GRUBE, A. E. Mittheilung iiber die Familie der Chlorhoeminen. Jahresber. schlsw. Ges. 1876, pp. 3749. [2411 GRUBE, A. E. Anneliden-Ausbeute S. M. S. Gazelle. Monatsb. Ak. Berl. 1877, pp. 509554. [2412 GRUBE, A. E. Ueber die Familie Eunicea. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vol. LV. pp. 79 104, 1878. [2413 GRUBE, A. E. Neue Anneliden aus Japan. Jahresb. Schles. Ges. Vol. LV. pp. 104106, 1878. [2414 GRUBE, A. E. Annulata Semperiana. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anneliden- fauna der Philippinen nach den von Herrn Prof. Semper mitgebracbten Samm- lungen. Mem. de I'Acad. de St Petersbourg, Ser. 6, Vol. xxv. ix 300 pp. 15 pi. 1878. [-2415 GRUBE, A. E. Fortsetzung der Mittheilungen iiber die Familie Eunicea. Jahresb. Schles. Ges. Vol. LVI. pp. 78115, 1879. [2416 GRUBE, A. E. Annelida from Kodriguez (Perichceta, Amphinome). Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 554556, 1879. [2417 GRUBE, A. E. Mittheilungen iiber die Familie der Phyllodoceen und Hesioneen. Jahresber. schles. Ges. Vol. LVII. pp. 204228, 1880. [2418 GRUBE, A. E. Neue Anneliden des zoologischen Museums in Berlin. Sitzungs- ber. Ges. nat. Fr. Berlin, 1881, pp. 109 117. [2419 HANSEN, G. ARMAUER. Oversigt over de Norske Serpulaarter. Arch. Math. Naturv. Christiania, Vol. in. pp. 3944, 1878. [2421 HANSEN, G. ARMAUER. Annelider fra de norske Nordhavs Expedition i 1877. Nyt Mag. f. Naturvid. Christiania, Vol. xxv. pp. 229 234, 1880. [2422 HANSEN, G. ARMAUER. Anatomie om Leanira tetragona. Arch. Math. Naturv. Christiania, Vol. in. pp. 352374, 1879. (10 pi.) [2423 HANSEN, G. ARMAUER. Kecherches sur les annelides recueillies par Ed. van Beneden, pendant son voyage au Bresil et a la Plata. 29 pp. 6 pi. 4to. Bruxelles, 1882. [2424 HASWELL, W. A. On Six New Species of Annelids of the Family Amphinomidce in the Macleay Museum. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. in. pp. 341 347, 1878 (1879). [2425 HASWELL, W. A. On the Segmental Organs of Polynoe. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. v. pp. 540545, 1882. [2426 HASWELL, W. A. On the Structure and Function of the Elytra of the Aphrodi- tacean Annelids. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 238 242, 1882. [2427 HASWELL, W. A. A Monograph of the Australian Aphroditea. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. vn. pp. 250-299, 1882 (1883). (6 pi.) [2428 HASWELL, W. A. Note on the Segmental Organs of Aphrodita. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. vn. pp. 610, 611, 1882 (1883). [2429 HASWELL, W. A. On some new Australian Tubicolous Annelids. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. vn. pp. 633638, 1882 (1883). (1 pi.) [2430 WORMS. Q. Chcbtopoda. 243 HASWELL, W. A. On Methods of Studying Annelida. N. Z. Journ. of Science, Vol. i. pp. 305307, 1883. [2431 HATSCHEK, B. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte und Morphologie der An- neliden. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXIII. pp. 443 461, 1877. (1 pi.) [2432 HATSCHEK, B. Studien uber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Anneliden. Arb. a. d. zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. i. pp. 277 404, 1878. (8 pi.) [2433 HATSCHEK, B. Protodrilus Leiickartii. Eine neue Gattungder Archianneliden. Arb. a. d. zoolog. Inst. Wien, Vol. m. pp. 7992, 1881. (2 pi.) [2436 HENSEN, V. Die Thatigkeit des Kegenwurms (Lumbricw terrestris, L.) fiir die Fruchtbarkeit des Erdbodens. Zeitschr.f. wissemch. Zool. Vol. xxvin. pp. 354 361, 1877. [ 24 37 HINDE, G. J. On Annelid Jaws from the Cambro-Silurian, Silurian, and De- vonian Formations in Canada and from the Lower Carboniferous in Scotland. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxv. pp. 370 389, 1879. (3 pi.) [2438 HINDE, G. J. On Annelid Jaws from the Wenlock and Ludlow Formations of the West of England. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xxxvi. pp. 368378, 1880. UP 1 -) [2439 HOPKINSON, J. On Dexolites gracilis, a new Silurian Annelide. Geol. May. Vol. vn. pp. 77-79, 1870. (1 fig.) [2440 HOEST, E. Die Lumbriciden-hypodermis. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Vereen. D. iv. Afl. 1, p. 56, 1878. [2442 HORST, E. Aanteekeningen omtrent eenige Noordzee-Anneliden. (Nephthys longisetota, Ammotnjpane limacina, Nereis pelagica, Nereis fucata, Glycera goesi, and Trophonia plunwsa.) 2de Jaarverslag omtrent het zoologisch Station der Nederl. Dierk. Ver. in Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. in. 1878. b443 HOKST, E. Ueber erne Periclucta von Java. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Vol. iv. pt. 2, pp. 103 111, 1878. (Ipl.) [2444 HORST, E. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Anneliden van onze kust. Tijdschr. nederl. dierkdg. Vereen. D. v. pp. 121 130, 1880. (1 pi.) [2445 HORST, E. La fecondation et le developpement de VHermella alveolata, M. E. Bull, scient. du dep. du Nord, Vol. xm. pp. 1 4, 1881. [2446 HORST, E. Over Bevruchting en ontwikkeling van HermeJla alveolata, Milne- Edwards. Versl. en Meded. d. k. Akad. van WetenscJi., Amsterdam (Natuurk.), Ser. 2, Vol. xvi. pp. 207217, 1881. [2447 HORST, E. Die Anneliden gesammelt wahrend der Fahrten des ' ' Willem Barents " in den Jahren 1878 und 1879. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Supplem. i. 26 pp. Ipl. 1881-2. [ 244 8 HORST, E. New Species of the genus Mefjascolex, Templeton (Perichceta, Schmarda), in the collections of the Leyden Museum. Ley den Museum Notes, pp. 182196, 1883. [2449 BUTTON, F. W. On New Zealand Earthworms. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. ix. pp. 350 353, 1876. (Ipl.) [2450 JONES, T. E. Note on an Annelid Bed in the Gault of Kent. Geol. Mag., Dec. n. Vol. m. pp. 117, 118, 1876. [2451 JOSEPH, G. Ueber Enchytreeus cavicola, n. sp. Zool. Anzeiner, Vol. m. pp. 358, 359, 1880. [2452 JOURDAIN, S. Note sur le Chetoptere a parchemin (Chcetopterus pergamen- taceus). Mem. de la Soc. nation, des sci. natur. de Cherbourg, Vol. xi. pp. 76 80, 1865. [2453 JOURDAIN, S. Observations sur un Chetoptere des cotes de la Manche. (Abstr.) Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. vn. p. 380, 1867. From the Bull, hebdomad, de VAssoc. scientifique, No. 33. [ 2 454 JOURDAIN, S. Notice zoologique et anatomique sur une espece de che'toptere (Chcetopterus Quatrefagesi Nob.) des cotes de la Manche. 23 pp. 1 pi. 8vo. Paris, 1868. [2455 KALLENBACH, E. Ueber Polynoe cirrata,Q. Fr. M. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna der Kieler Bucht. Inaug. Diss. Jena, 1883. 8vo. [2456 162 244 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. KEFERSTEIN, W. Einige Bemerkungen liber Tomopteris. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. DuBois), 1861, pp. 360368. (1 pi.) [2457 KEFERSTEIN, W. Untersuchungen uber niedere Seethiere. VII. Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger Anneliden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 93 129, 1863. (3 pi.) [2458 KEFERSTEIN, W. Ueber die Annelidengattung Polybostrichus, Oerst. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 465469, 1863. (1 pi.) [2459 v. KENNEL, J. Ueber Ctenodrilus pardalis, Clap. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anatomie und Knospung der Anneliden. Arb. aus d. zool.-zoot. Inst. Wurzburg, Vol. v. pp. 373-428, 1882. (1 pi.) [2460 KINBERG, J. G. H. Annulata nova. Ofvers. af K. Vet. ATcad. Forh. Vol. xxi. pp. 559574, 1865. (Eunicea.) [2461 KINBERG, J. G. H. Annulata nova. Ofvers. af K. Vet. Akad. Forhandl. Vol. xxn. pp. 167179, 1865, pp. 97103, 337357, 1866. [2462 KINBEBG, J. G. H. Om regeneration af hufvudet och de framre segmenterna bos n Annulat. Ofvers. af K. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1867, pp. 53 57. [2463 KINBERG, J. G. H. Om Amphinomernas systematik. Ofvers. af K. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1867, pp. 8391. [2464 KIRK, J. E. On some New Zealand Aphrodites, with Descriptions of supposed new Species. Trans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. xi. pp. 397400, 1878. [2465 KLEINKNBERG, N. Sullo sviluppo del Lumbricus trapezoides. 56 pp. 3 pi. 8vo. Napoli, 1878. [2466 KLEINENBERG, N. The Development of the Earthworm, Lumbricus trape- zoides, Duges. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. xix. pp. 206 245, 1879. (3 pi.) [2467 KLEINENBERG, N. Sull' origine del sistema nervoso centrale degli Annelidi. AttiAccad. Lincei, Transunti, Vol. vi. pp. 15, 16, 1881. [2468 KLEINENBERG, N. De I'oridne du systeme nerveux central des annelides. Archives italiennes de biologie, Vol. i. 1882. [2469 KLEINENBERG, N. Sull' origine del sistema nervosa centrale degli Annelidi. Atti E. Accad. Lincei (3), Mem. Cl. fis. Vol. x. pp. 420430, 1882. [2470 KLEMM, F. Description of the markings of a presumed Chffitopod (Psammo- scolex lunaris) from the Permian (?) system. Abh. Ver. Bremen. Vol. in. p. 362, 1873. [ 247 , KLEMM, F. Psammoscolex lunaris ? Abh. Ver. Bremen, Vol. iv. (pt. 3), pp. 362 -364,1873. (Ipl.) [2472 KROHN, A. Ueber eine lebendiggebarende Syllisart. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxi. pp. 197200, 1869. [2473 KROHN, A., und A. SCHNEIDER. Ueber Annelidlarven mit porosen Hiillen. Arch. f. Anat. (Eeich. u. Du Bois), 1867, pp. 498508. (1 pi.) [2474 KRUKENBERG, C. F. W. Ueber die farbigen Zersetzungsproducte des Chloro- chromins des griinen Pigmentes in den Eiern von Siphonostoma diplocha'itos, Otto. Vergl. physiol. Studien, 2te Eeihe, 3te Abth. Heidelberg, pp. 615, 1882. [2475 KRUKENBERG, C. F. W. Ueber das Blut und die Lymphe von Arenicola pisca- torum. Vergl.-physiol. Studien, 2te E. 2te Abth. pp. 8789, 1882. [2476 KUPFFER, K. Die auf der Pommeraniafahrt nach Arendal gefangenen Anne- liden. Jahresber. d. Commiss. zur wiss. Untersuchung d. deutschen Meere in Kiel, Vol. i. pp. 150152, 1873. [2477 KURZ, WILH. Eunicicola Clausii, ein neuer Annelidenparasit, beschrieben. 8 pp. 2 pi. 8vo. Wien, 1877. [2478 DE LACAZE-DUTHIERS, H. A propos de la station des Chsetopteres et des Myxi- coles sur les plages de Eoscoff et de St. Pol-de-Leon, cdtes de Bretagne (Finistere). Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. i. pp. xvn xxiv. 1872. [2479 LANGERHANS, PAUL, Ueber Acicularia Virchowii, eine neue Annelidenform. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, 1877 (1878), pp. 727 729. (1 pi.) [2480 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. 245 LANGERHANS, P. Die Wurmfauna von Madeira. I. Syllideee. Zdtschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxn. pp. 513592, 1879. (3 pi.) [2481 LANGERHANS, P. Die Wurmfauna Madeiras. II. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxin. pp. 267316, 1880. (4 pi.) Do. IH. Ibid. Vol. xxxiv. pp. 87143, 1880. (3 pi.) [2482 LANGERHANS, P. Ueber einige canarische Anneliden. Nova Acta Acad. Gees. Leop.-Carol. (Dresden), Vol. XLII. pp. 93124, 1881. (2 pi.) [2483 LANKESTER, E. KAY. TuUfex rivulorum, the Bed Worm of our Eivers. Pop. Sci. Review, Vol. n. pp. 1014, 1863. (1 pi.) [2484 LANKESTER, E. RAY. The Anatomy of the Earthworm. Part I. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. iv. pp. 258268, 1864. (2 pi.) Part II. ibid. Vol. v. pp. 718, Part III. ibid. Vol. v. pp. 99116, 1865. (2 pi.) [2485 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On Annelida from Guernsey (Abstr.) Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1865, pp. 65, 1866. [2486 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On some new British Polyno'ina. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxv. pt. 3, pp. 373378, 1866. (1 pi.) [2487 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On the Boring of Limestones by certain Annelids. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1867, p. 85, 1868. [2488 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On Lithodomous Annelids (Sabella, Leucodore). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. i. pp. 233238, 1868. (1 pi.) [2489 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On the Existence of distinct Larval and Sexual Forms in the Gemmiparous Oligochsetous Worms. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 102104, 1869. [2490 LANKESTER, E. BAY. The Sexual Form of Chatogaster Limncei. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. ix. pp. 272285, 1869. (2 pi.) [2491 LANKESTER, E. BAY. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Lower Annelides. (Chcetog aster, sEolosoma.) Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxvi. pt. 3, pp. 631 646, 1869. (2 pi.) [2492 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Outline of some Observations on the Organization of Oligochaetous Annelids. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vn. pp. 90 101, pp. 173, 174, 1871. [2493 LANKESTER, E. BAY. On the Structure and Origin of the Spermatophors, or Sperm-ropes, of two Species of Tubifex. Quart. Journ. Micros. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xi. pp. 180187, 1871. [2494 LANKESTER, E. BAY. A note on the evolution of Terebella. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (4) Vol. xi. p. 87, 1873. [2495 LANKESTER, E. BAY. [The structure of Sternaspis.] Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (4) Vol. xi. p, 92, 1873. [2496 LANKESTER, E. BAY. The Bed Vascular Fluid of the Earthworm a Corpuscu- lated Fluid. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. xvin. pp. 68 73, 1878. [2497 LANKESTER, E. BAY. Terrestrial Annelida from Kerguelen's Island. (Acantho- drilus.) Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 264269, 1879. (1 fig.) [2498 LARBALETIER, A. Etudes de zoologie agricole. Le Lombric, ou ver de terre (Lumbricus agncola), considere aux points de vue agricole et horticole ; histoire naturelle, organisation, utilite, etc. 18 pp. 12mo. Nancy, 1882. [2499 LEIDY, J. Notice of some Aquatic Worms of the Family Naiades. Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xiv. pp. 421 425, 1880. [2500 LEIDY, J. Distichopus, n. g. of Lumbricidae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1882, pp. 145, 146. [2501 LEJTENYI, K. Ueber den Bau des Gastrodiscus polymastos, Leuckart. 22 pp. 3 pi. 4to. Frankfurt a/M. 1881. [2502 LESPES, CH. Etudes anatomiques sur un Chetoptere. Ann. des Sci. Natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xv. 17 pp. 1 pi. 1872. [2503 LEVINSON, G. M. B. Om to nye Slsegter af arctiske chsetopode Annelider. Vid. Meddel. fra d. naturh. Forening, Kjobenh, 1879-80, pp. 9 18. (Dysponetim, Parac tins.) [2504 246 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. LEYDIG, F. Ueber das Nervensystem der Anneliden. Arch, f. Anat. (Keich. u. Du Bois), pp. 90124, 1862. [2505 LEYDIG, F. Ueber Phreoryctes menkeanus, Hoffm., nebst Bemerkungen liber den Bau anderer Anneliden. Archiv f. mikr. Anat. 1865, pp. 249 294. (Lumbricince.) [2506 LEYDIG, F. Ueber die Annelidengattung JEolosoma. Arch, far Anat. 1865, pp. 360366. [2507 LINNARSSON, J. G. 0. On some Fossils found in the Eophyton Sandstone at Lugnas, in Sweden (Annelids, Lingula). Geol. Mag. Vol. vi. pp. 393406, 1869. (3 pi.) [2508 LUTKEN, CHR. En ny Vestindisk Sandorm, Arcnicola (Pteroscolex) antillensis. Ltk. Vid. Medd.fra den naturhist. Foren. i Kjobenhavn, 1864, pp. 120 122. [2509 M'INTOSH, W. C. List of Turbellaria and Annelida of North-Uist. Rep. Brit. Assoc.-. Trans. Sect. 1866, p. 76, 1867. [2510 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Annelids of St. Andrews. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1867, pp. 92, 93, 1868. [2511 M'INTOSH, W. C. Eemarks on M. J. G. Jeffrey's Collection of Hebridean An- nelids. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1867, p. 92, 1868. , [2512 M'INTOSH, W. C. Eeport on the Annelids dredged off the Shetland Islands by Mr Gwyn Jeffreys in 1867. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 249 252, 1868. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1868, Reports, pp. 336340, 1869. " [2513 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Boring of certain Annelids. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. n. pp. 276295, 1868. (3 pi.) Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1868, p. 105, 1869. [2514 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the early Stages in the Development of Phyllodoce macu- lata, Johnston. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. iv. pp. 104108, 1869. (Ipl.) [2516 M'INTOSH, W. C. On some new British Annelids. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. xxv. pp. 305433, 1869. (13 pi.) (Anatomy of Nemertines.) [2518 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the structure of Tubifex. Prod. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1869 70, p. 166. [2519 M'INTOSH, W. C. On Annelids from the S. Coast of Devon and Cornwall. . Brit. Assoc. 1869, Reports, pp. 8991, 1870. [2520 M'INTOSH, W. C. Eeport on a Collection of Annelids, dredged off Northumber- land and Durham. Trans. Tyne-side Nat. Field Club, N. S. Vol. iv. pp. 118120, 1872. [2521 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the remarkable Annelida of the Channel Islands [espe- cially on Prosorlioclimus claparedii, Kef., and Polynoe areolata]. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. vn. pp. 438441, 1872. [2522 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Invertebrate Marine Fauna of St. Andrews, &c. : Annelida. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xiv. pp. 144156, 192207, 1874. [2523 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Annelida of the Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xm. pp. 261270, 1874. (2 pi.) [2525 M'INTOSH, W. C. On a New Example of the Opheliida (Linotrypane apogon). Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. vm. pp. 386390, 1874 (1875). [2526 M'INTOSH, W. C. On British Annelida, Part I. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. Vol. ix. pp. 371394, 1874 (1877). (4 pi.) [2528 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Annelida of the 'Porcupine' Expeditions of 1869 and 1870, Part I. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. Vol. ix. pp. 395416, 1874 (1877). (3 pi.) [2529 M'INTOSH, W. C. Note on Linotryj)ane apogon (Polygordius). Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. pp. 369, 370, 1875. [2530 M'INTOSH, W. C. Annelida collected during the Cruise of the Valorous to Davis Strait in 1875. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxv. pp. 215222, 1876 (1877). [2531 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. 247 M'INTOSH, W. C. Descriptions of some new Species of Annelida from Ker- guelen's Island. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvn. pp. 318 323, 1876. M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Structure of the Body-wall in the Spionidce. Proc. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. ix. pp. 123129, 1876 (1878). [2533 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Structure of Magelona. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. xxv. pp. 55J 564, 1877. [2534 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Annelids of the British North-Polar Expedition. Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 126134, 1877 (1879). (3 fig.) [2535 M'INTOSH, W. C. Note on a new Example of the PhyllodocidaB (Anaitis rosea). Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xm. pp. 215, 216, 1877 (1878). [2536 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Arrangement and Kelations of the Great Nerve-Cords in the Marine Annelids (Abstr.). Proc. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. Vol. ix. pp. 372 381, 1877 (1878). [2537 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Preservation of Annelides. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. i. p. 179, 1878. [2538 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Annelida obtained during the Cruise of H.M.S. * Valorous ' to Davis Strait in 1875. Tram. Linn. Soc. Lond. Ser. 2, pt. 7, pp. 499 512, 1878. (1 pi.) [2539 M'INTOSH, W. C. On a Eemarkably Branched Syllis, dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger.' Journ. of Linn. Soc.; Zool. Vol. xiv. pp. 720724, 1879. [2540 M'INTOSH, W. C. On Budding in the Syllidian Annelids, chiefly with reference to a branched form procured by H.M.S. Challenger. Rep. Brit. Assoc.: Trans. Sect. 1879, pp. 372375. [2541 M'INTOSH, W. C. On the Circulatory System of Magelona. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. xm. pp. 331345, 1879. [2542 M ; !NTOSH, W. C. Marine Annelida from Kerguelen's Island (Polycliceta, Nemer- ' 'tinea). Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXVIII. pp. 258263, 1879. (1 pi.) [2543 MAGGI, L. Intorno al genere JEolosoma. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Natur. Vol. i. pp. 116, 1865. [2544 MALM, A. W. Zoologiska observationer. VII. Annulater i hafvet utmed Sverges vestkust och omkring Goteborg. Gdteb. Handl. (2) 1874, pp. 67 105. [2546 MALMGEEN, A. J. Nordiska Hafs-annulater. Ofvers. af K. Vet. Akad. Fdrh. 1865. Part I. pp. 51110; Part II. pp. 181192; Part III. pp. 355 410. [2547 MALMGREN, A. J. Spetsbergens, Gronlands, Islands och den Skandinaviska halfons hitills kanda annulata polychffita. Ofvers. K. Vet. Akad. 1867, pp. 127 235. (pi. 215.) iv 127 pp. (14 pi.) Published separately. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869. [2548 MALMGREN, A. J. Ueber die Gattung Heteronereis (Orst.) und ihr Verhaltniss zu den Gattungen Nereis (Gr.) und Nereilampas (Gr.). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xix. pp. 476478, 1869. Arch. f. Naturgesch. Vol. xxxv. pp. 5861, 1869. [ 2 549 MARCUSEN, . [Provisional list. ..of the Annelids from the Black Sea.] Archiv f. Naturg. Vol. xxxni. i. p. 358, 1867. [2551 v. MARENZELLER, EMIL. Zur Kenntniss der adriatischen Anneliden. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXIX. pp. 176, 1874. (7 pi.) [2552 v. MARENZELLER, E. Ueber Lagis (Pectinaria) Koreni, Mgr., aus dem Mittel- meere und die Hakenborsten der Amphicteneen. Verh. z. b. Inst. Wien, Vol. xxiv. pp. 217-224, 1874. [2553 v. MARENZELLER, E. Zur Kenntniss der adriatischen Anneliden. 2ter Beitrag (Polynoinen, Hesioneen, Syllideen). Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXII. pp. 129171, 1875. (4 pi.) [2554 v. MARENZELLER, E. Siidjapanische Anneliden. I. Amphinomea, Aphrodi- tidea, Lycoridea, Phyllodocea, Hesionea, Syllidea, Eunicea, Glycerea, Sternaspidea, Chcetopterea, Cirratulea, Amphictenea. 46 pp. (6 pi.) 4to. Wien, 1879. [2555 MARION, A. F. Sur lea organes reproducteurs de VOria Armandi, Clap. sp. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXIV. pp. 12541256, 1872. [2557 248 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. MARION, A. F. Sur les Annelides du golfe de Marseille. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXIX. pp. 398401, 1874. [2558 MARION, A. F. Sur les especes me'diterran6ennes du genre Eusyllis. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 498, 499, 1875. [2559 MARION, A. F. Sur les annelides de Marseille. 12 pp. 1 pi. 8vo. Montpellier, 1876. f [2560 MARION, A. F., et BOBRETZKY. Etudes des Annelides du golfe de Marseille. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 6, Vol. n. 106 pp. 12 pi. [2561 MAU, W. Ueber Scoloplos armiger, 0. F. Muller. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anatomic und Histologie der Anneliden. Zeitschr. /. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 389432, 1882. (2 pi.) [2562 MENGE, A. Ueber ein Ehipidopteron und einige andere im Bernstein ein- geschlossene Thiere. Schriften der natur f. Gesdlscli. in Danzig, (2) Vol. i. 8 pp. 1866. (Enchytrceus, Merrnis, Anguillula.) [2563 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Siunesorgane einiger Anneliden. Berichte deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Giessen, 1864, p. 161. L 2 5 6 4 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chaetopoden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xv. pp. 328341, 1865. (2 pi.) [2565 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Ueber die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere. II. Ueber Mitraria. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxi. pp. 233 244, 1871. (1 pi.) [2566 METSCHNIKOFF, EL. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger niedereu Thiere. 3. Polygordius. Bull, de VAcad. de St Petersbourg, Vol. xv. col. 503505, 1871. [2567 METTENHEIMER, C. Beobachtungen iiber niedere Seethiere. 2. Ueber das Ner- vensystem von Arenicola piscatorum. Abli. d. Senckenberg. naturforsch. Geselkch. Vol. m. pp. 292302, 1861. (12 fig.) [2568 MEYER, ED. Zur Anatomic und Histologie von Polyophthalmus pictus, Clap. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Vol. xxi. 4 Heft. pp. 769823, 1882. [2569 MINOR, W. C. Upon a new species of Tomopteris (T. Dance}. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 2, Vol. xxxin. p. 429, 1862. [2570 MINOR, W. C. Upon Natural and Artificial Section in some Chaetopod Annelids. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 2, Vol. xxxiv. pp. 3544, 1862. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xi. pp. 323333, 1863. [2571 MINOT, C. S. The close relationship between Worms and Vertebrates. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. xix. p. 1, 1876 (1878). [2573 v. MOJSISOVICS, AUG. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anneliden. I. Die Lumbricidenhypodermis. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXVI. pp. 7 20, 1877. (1 pi.) [2574 v. MOJSISOVICS, AUG. Zur Lumbricidenhypodermis. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. n. pp. 8991, 1879. [2575 MOQUIN-TANDON, G. Note sur une nouvelle Annelide chetopode hermaphrodite (Nereis massiliensis). Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. p. 134, 1869. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVIII. pp. 869, 870, 1869. [2576 MORCH, 0. A. L. Eevisio critica Serpulidarum. Naturh. Tids. (3) Vol. n. 1864. (1 Pi.) [2578 MORCH, 0. A. L. On Burrowing Annelids. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. in. p. 87, 1869. [2579 NASSE, D. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Tubificiden. 30 pp. 2 pi. 4to. Bonn, 1882. [2580 NATHORST, A. G. Om spar af nagra evertebrerade djur m. m. och deras palse- ontologiska betydelse. Med. bfversattning till franska spraket: Memoire sur quelques traces d'animaux sans vertebres, etc. et de leur portee paleontologique (Annelides, etc.) Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl. (Ny fdljd) Vol. xvn. (7) 104pp. 1880 (1882). (11 pi.) [2581 NICHOLSON, H. A. On the genera Cornulites and Tentaculites ; and on a new genus Conchicolites. Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Ser. 3, Vol. m. pp. 202 206, 1872. [2582 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. 249 NICHOLSON, H. A. On Ortonia, a New Genus of Fossil Tubicolar Annelides, with Notes on the Genus Tentaculites. Geol. Mag. Vol. ix. pp. 446 449, 1872. (1 ng.) [2583 NICHOLSON, H. A. Descriptions of Two New Species of Fossil Tubicolar Anne- lides (Conchicolites, Ortonia). Geol. Mag. Vol. x. pp. 54 57, 1873. [2584 NICHOLSON, H. A. On Ortonia, a new Genus of Fossil Tubicolar Annelides, with Notes on the Genus Tentaculites. Rep. Brit. Assoc. : Trans. Sect. 1872, pp. 118, 119, 1873. [2585 NICHOLSON, H. A. Contributions to the Study of the Errant Annelides of the Older Palaeozoic Hocks. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud. Vol. xxi. pp. 288 290, 1873. [2586 NOLL, F. C. Ueber einen neuen Eingelwurm des Khins. Arch. f. Naturg. Vol. XL. pp. 260270, 1874. [2587 ORLEY, L. (List of the terricolous Oligochata of Hungary.) Term. Kozl. Pest, Vol. xvi. pp. 563609, 1881. (3 pi.) (Magyar.) [2589 ORLEY, L. Beitrage zur Lumbricinen-Fauna der Balearen. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 284287, 1881. [2590 PAGENSTECHEB, H. A. Untersuchungen liber niedere Seethiere aus Cette. I. Exogone gemmifera und einige verwandte Syllideen. Zeitschr. f.wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 267283, 1863. (2 pi.) [2591 PAGENSTECHEK, H. A. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere aus Cette. V. Zur Anatomie von Sagitta. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xn. pp. 306, 307, 1863. (I fig.) [2592 PAGENSTECHER, H. A. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Seethiere. VII. Entwicke- lungsgeschichte und Brutpflege von Spirorbis spirillum. Zeitschr. f. wlssenscli. Zool. Vol. vn. pp. 486495, 1863. (2 pi.) [2593 PANCERI, P. Altre larve di Alciopide (Rhynconerella) parassite della Cydippe densa, Forsk. Rendic. dell' Accad. d. sci.fis. e matem. di Napoli, Vol. vn. pp. 52 57, 1868. [2594 PARFITT, EDWARD. Description of a new Species of Marine Worm (Phenacia pulchella.) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvni. pp. 1, 2, 1866. (1 pi.) [2595 PARFITT, E. On Agchisteus plumosus (Parfitt). Monthly Microsc. Journ. Vol. ix. pp. 210, 211, 1873. (1 pi.) [2596 PERRIER, E. Sur la circulation des Oligochaetes, du groupe des Nais. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXX. pp. 12251228. 1870. [2597 PERRIER, E. Sur la reproduction scissipare des Na'idiens. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXX. pp. 13041306, 1870. [2598 PERRIER, E. On the Organization of the Worms of the Genus Perichccta. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. vm. pp. 207210, 1871. [2599 PERRIER, E. Sur 1 'organisation des vers du genre Perichata. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXIII. pp. 277280, 1871. [2600 PERRIER, E. Sur un genre nouveau de Lombriciens (Eudrilus) des Antilles. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXIII. pp. 1175, 1176, 1871. [2601 PERRIER, E. Histoire naturelle du Dero obtusa. Arch, de Zool. exp. et g6ner. Vol. i. pp. 6596, 1872. (1 pi.) '[2602 PERRIER, E. Eecherches pour servir a 1'histoire des Lombriciens terrestres. Nouv. Arch, du Museum, Paris, Vol. vm. Fasc. 3, 198 pp. (4 pi.) 1872. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gtner. Vol. i. pp. LXX, LXXXI. 1872. (Abstr.) [2603 PERRIER, E. Etude sur un genre nouveau de Lombriciens (Plutellus). Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. n. pp. 245268, 1873. [2605 PERRIER, E. Etudes sur 1'organisation des Lombriciens terrestres. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gentr. Vol. in. pp. 331530, 1874. (6 pi.) [2606 PERRIER, E. Sur les Lombriciens terrestres exotiques des genres Urocheeta et Prric.litP.ta. Comptf* rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXVIII. pp. 814817, 1874. [2607 250 WOKMS. Q. Chcetopoda. PEBRIEB, E. Sur un nouveau genre indigene des Lombriciens terrestres (Pontodrilus Marionis, E. P.). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXVIII. pp. 15821586, 1874. [2608 PEBBIEE, E. Sur 1'accouplement des Lombrics. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. iv. pp. xin. xv. 1875. [2609 PEBBIEE, E. Sur un nouveau type intermediaire du sous-embranchement des Vers (Pohjgordius 9 Schneider). Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXX. pp. 1101 1105, 1875. [2610 PEBBIEB, E. Les vers de.terre du Bresil. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. Vol. n. pp. 241 247,1877. f J26n PEBBIEB, E. Etudes sur 1'organisation des Lombriciens terrestres. IV. Or- ganisation des Pontodrilus. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gener. Vol. ix. pp. 175248, 1881. (6 pi.) [2612 PETERS, W. Eine neue Annelide, Aphrodite paleacea, aus Adelaide in Siidaustralien. Monatsber. d. k. pr. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, 1863, pp. 369 371, (1864). [2613 POWELL, EEV. T. Kemarks on the Structure and Habits of the Coral-reef Annelid, Palolo viridis. Journ. of Linn. Soc. ; Zool. Vol. xvi. pp. 393 396, 1882 (1883). . [2614 POWEB, D'ABCY, On the Endothelium of the Body-cavity and Blood-vessels of the common Earthworm, as demonstrated by Silver- Staining. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.-, New ser. Vol. xvm. pp. 158161, 1878. (1 pi.) [2615 DE QUATBEFAGES, A. Note sur la distribution geographique des Annelides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LIX. 170 174, 1864. Nouv. Arch, du Museum, Paris, Vol. i. pp. 114, 1865. [2616 DE QUATEEFAGES, A. Note sur la classification des Annelides. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LX. pp. 586600, 1865. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 253296, 1865. [2618 DE QUATBEFAGES, A. On the Classification of the Annelides. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, Vol. xvn. pp. 124, 107118, 1866. [2620 DE QUATBEFAGES, A. Histoire naturelle des Annele's marins et d'eau douce. Annelides et Gdphyriens. 2 volumes, vm 1386 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1866. (Nou- velles suites a Buffon.) [2621 DK QUATBEFAGES, A. Observations sur une brochure de M. Ed Claparede, intitulee " De la Structure des Annelides." Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVI. pp. 113121, 1868. [2622 DE QUATBEFAGES, A. Observations relatives a un ouvrage de M. Claparede, intitule" ; Les Annelides Chetopodes du Golfe de Naples, et reponse a ses critiques. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXVIII. pp. 161 171, 1869. [2623 DE QUATEEFAGES, A. Note sur la disposition des couches musculaires chez les Annelides. Ann. des Sci. Natur. Ser. 5, Vol. xi. pp. 309 348, 1869. (3 pi.) [2624 DE QUATEEFAGES, A. Note sur quelques animaux invertebres du bassin d'Ar- cachon. 1. Diopatra gallica, Q. ; 2. Notocirrha Arcachonis, Q.; 3. Ophelia bicornis, S.; 4. Synapta. Assoc. fra?ig. pour Vavancem. des sci. (Bordeaux) Vol. i. pp. 652656, 1872. [2625 KATZEL, F. Beitrage zur anatomischen und systematischen Kenntniss der Oligo- chaeten. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 563 591, 1868. (1 pi.) [2626 KATZEL, F. Beitrage zur Anatomie von Enchytrceus vermicularis, Henle. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 105 108, 1868. (2 pi.) [2627 BATZEL, F., und M. WAESCHAWSKY. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Begen- wurms (Lumbricus agricola, Hoffm.). Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xvm. pp. 547562, 1868. (1 pi.) , [2628 EEPIACHOFF, W. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Polygordius JJavocapitatus, Uljan., und Saccocirrus papillocercus, Bobr. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. iv. pp. 518 520, 1881. [2629 BEPIACHOFF, W. Polygordius JJavocapitatus. Proc. Neiv Euss. Natur. Soc. (Russian). 1882. [2630 WORMS. Q. Chastopoda. 251 RICHTER, R. Aus dem thiiringischen Schiefergebirge (Serpula decipiens, n. sp.). Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. Vol. xvn. pp. 361376, 1865. (2 pi.) [2631 RIETSCH, MAX. Etudes sur quelques points de 1'anatomie du Sternaspis scutata. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. xcn. pp. 926929, 10661069, 1881. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. v. 426428, 493495, 1881. [2632 ROBERT, E. Sur les moyens employes par les lombrics pour defendre 1'entr^e de leurs galeries souterraines. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXVI. p. 785, 1873. [2633 ROBERT, E. Sur les moeurs des lombrics. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LXXVI. pp. 1033, 1034, 1873. [2634 ROBERTSON, D. On a remarkable undetermined Annelid from Gourock. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. i. p. 9, 1871. [2635 ROBERTSON, D. [Clymene lumbricalis, W. Scotland, Terebellides strcemi and Onuphis eschricJiti, Firth of Clyde, new to Britain.] Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg. Vol. i. pp. 8285, 1871. [2636 ROBERTSON, CHARLES. Note on a double [bifurcated] Earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. ; New ser. Vol. vn. pp. 157, 158, 1877. (2 fig.) [2637 ROBIN, H. A. Observations sur quelques Annelides de 1'etang de Thau. Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris (7), Vol. vii. pp. 3239, 1883. [2638 ROBINET, CH. Recherches physiologiques sur la secretion des glandes de Morren du Lumbricus terrestris. Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, Vol. xcvu. pp. 192 194. Journ. R. Microsc. Soc. (2) Vol. in. p. 657, 1883. [2639 ROLLESTON, GEORGE. The Blood-corpuscles of the Annelides. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. xn. pp. 401 418, 1878. (Incl. Branchiobdella.) [2640 RORIE, JAMES. On the Anatomy of the Nervous System in the Lumbricus terrestris. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc.; New ser. Vol. in. pp. 106 109, 1863. (1 pi.) [2641 ROSA, DAN. Descrizione di due nuovi Lumbrici. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, Vol. xvin. pp. 169173, 1883. [2642 SALENSKY, W. Etudes sur le d^veloppernent des Anuelides. I. Psygmobranchus (Chaetop.). Arch, de Biologie, Vol. in. pp. 345378, 1882. (2 pi.) II. Nereis cultrifera, ibid. Vol. in. pp. 561604, 1882. (3 pi.) III. Pileolaria, Aricia, Terebella, Vol. iv. pp. 143264, 1883. [2643 SALTER, J. W. Note on the Fossils from the Budleigh Salterton Pebble-bed. (Annelida, Brachiopoda, etc.) Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. xx. pp. 286302, 1864. (1 pi.) [2644 SARS, G. 0. Diagnoser af nye Annelider fra Christianiafjorden. (From notes of the late Prof. M. Sars.) Fork. Selsk. Chr. 1871, pp. 406417. [2645 SARS, G. 0. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Christianiafjordens Fauna. III. Annelida. 81 pp. (5 pi.) 8vo. Christiania, 1873. [2646 SARS, M. Fortsatte Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Annelider. Forhand. Vidensk. Selsk. 1864, pp. 520. [2647 SCHENK, S. L. Entwickelungsvorgange im Eichen von Serpula nach der kiinst- lichen Befruchtung. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXX. pp. 387400, 1875. (Ipl.) [2648 SCHMIEDSBERG, 0. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Wohnrohren von Onuphis tubicola, Mull. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. in. pp. 373392, 1882. [2649 SCHNEIDER, ANT. Ueber Bau und Entwickelung von Polygordius. Arch.f. Anat. (Reich, u. Du Bois), 1861, pp. 5160. (2 pi.) [2650 SCHUYLKILL, R. Limnias socialis (? sp. n.) l = Limnias ceratophylli, var. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1874. [2651 SELENKA, EMIL. Das Gefass-system der Aphrodita aculeata, L. Niederl. Arch, f. Zool. Vol. ii. pt. 1, pp. 3348, 1873. (2 pi.) [2652 SEMPER, C. Sur la liaison genealogique des annelides et des vertcbres. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gcner. Vol. in. pp. LVII LIX, 1874. [2653 252 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. SEMPEE, C. On the Identity in Type of the Annelids and Vertebrates. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, Vol. xvii. pp. 462 473, 1876. [2654 SEMPER, C. Beitrage zur Biologie der Oligochasten. Arb. aus d. zool.-zoot. lust., Wurzburg, Vol. iv. (pt. 1), pp. 65112, 1877. (2 pi.) [2655 SEMPER, C. Sind die Segmentalorgane der Anneliden homolog mit denen der Wirbelthiere ? Eine Erwiderung an Herrn Dr Furbringer. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. iv. pp. 322-326, 1878. [2656 SEMPER, C. Erwiderung auf Herrn Prof. Fiirbringer's Artikel "Ueber die Homo- logie," etc. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. v. p. 395, 1879. [2657 SLUITER, C. PH. Ueber einen indischen Sternaspis uud seine Verwandtschaft zu den Echiuren. Natuurkund. Tijdskr. v. Nederl. Ind. Vol. XLI. pp. 235287, 1882. [2658 SPENGEL, J. W. Oligognathus Boncllicc, eine schmarotzende Eunicee. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Stat. zu Neapel, Vol. in. pp. 1552, 1882. (3 pi.) [2659 SPENGEL, J. W. Development of the Central Nervous System of Annelids. (Account of Kleinenberg's researches.) Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. n. pp. 231 286, 1882. [2660 STEEN, JOH. Anatomisch-histologische Untersuchung von Terebellides Stroemi M. Sars. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Naturwiss. Vol. xvi. 1 2 Heft, pp. 201 246, 1882. [2661 STEWART, CHARLES. On a supposed New Boring Annelid. (Lithognatha worslei.) J. Roy. Micros. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. i. pp. 717719, 1881. (1 pi.) [2662 STIMPSON, WM. Descriptions of new species of Marine Invertebrata from Puget Sound, collected by the Naturalists of the North-west Boundary Commission (Phascolosomum, Sternaspis, Cynthia, CheJysoma). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 153161, 1864. [2663 STOSSICH, MICH. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chsetopoden. 12 pp. (2 pi.) 8vo. Wien, 1878. [2664 TAUBER, P. Om Naidernes Bygning og Kjonsforhold, lagttagelser og Bemeerk- ninger. Nat. Tidskr. (3), Vol. vni. pp. 376422, 1873. [2665 TAUBER, P. Undersogelser over Naidernes kjonslose Formering. Nat. Tidskr. (3), Vol. ix. pp. 1100, 1874. [2666 TAUBER, P. Annulata Danica. I. En kritisk Eevision af de i Danmark fundne Annulata Chaetognatha, Gephyrea, Balanoglossi, Discophoreae, Oligochreta, Gynmo- copa og Polychseta. 144 pp. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1879. [2667 TENNENT, J. EMERSON. Note on the Gigantic Earth-worm (Mcgascolex cceruleus) from Ceylon. Proc. Zool. Soc. pp. 25, 26, 1862. [2668 THEEL, HJ. Les ann61ides polychetes des mers de la Nouvelle-Zemble. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl. (Ny f&ljd), Vol. xvi. (3), 75 pp. 1878 (1879). (4 pi.) [2669 TIMM, KUDOLF. Beobachtungen an Phreoryctes Menkeanus Hoffm., und Nais. Biolog. Centralbl. Vol. in. pp. 498505, 1833. [2670 TROUESSART, E. L. Sur les constructions terriformes des Vers de Terre de France. Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, Vol. xcv. No. 17, pp. 739840, 1882. [2671 TURNBULL, F. M. On the Anatomy and Habits of Nereis virens. Trans. Con- necticut Acad. Vol. n. pp. 265280, 1871-73. (3 pi.) [2672 D'UDEKEM, J. Notice sur les organes genitaux des (Eolosoma et des Chceto- gaster. Bull, de VAcad. roy. des Sci. de Belg. Ser. 2, Vol. xn. pp. 243250, 1861. (1 pi.) [2674 D'UDEKEM, J. Mdmoire sur les Lombricins. I. Mem. de VAcad. Roy. de Belg. Vol. xxxv. 44 pp., 4 pi. 1865. [2675 ULJANIN, U. W. Ueber Polygordius. (Abstr.) Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Vol. xxvm. pp. 389392, 1877. [2676 URQUHART, A. T. Earthworms in New Zealand. Neic Z. Journ. of Sc. Vol. i. No. 5, pp. 243, 244, 1882. [2677 URQUHART, A. T. Earthworms in New Zealand. Zoologist (3), Vol. vn. p. 183, 1883. . [2678 WORMS. Q. Chcetopoda. 253 VAILLANT, LON. Sur un nouveau cas de reproduction par bourgeonnement chez les Annelides. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. in. pp. 243250, 1865. (1 pi.) Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1865, p. 358. [2679 VAILLANT, L. Note sur un cas nouveau de reproduction par bourgeonnement, observe" sur une Annelide de la rade de Suez. Comptes rendus (Acad. Paris), Vol. LX. pp. 441443, 1865. [2680 VAILLANT, L. Note sur 1'anatomie de deux especes du genre Perichata, et essai de classification des Annelides lombricines. Ann. des sci. natur. Ser. 5, Vol. x. pp. 225256, 1868. (1 pi.) [2681 VAILLANT, L. Note sur 1'anatomie de deux especes du genre Perich 73 8 > 755. 759/64. 814, 819, 820, 840, 846, 850, 868, 893, 916, 919 (larva), 921 Actinophrys, Pr., 243, 251, 707, 711, 712, 713, 719, 720, 722, 723, 725, 727, 731, 73 6 > 739' 74 ' Actinosphasrium, Pr., 220, 224, 708, 714, 717, 718, 729, 734, 738 Actinotrocha, W., 2027, also p. 218 ACTINOZOA, FOSSIL, p. 126 Classification, 1004, 1156, 1176, 1237 Distribution, new species, cfec. Africa, 1173, 1174, 1177 Arctic, 1051, 1128, 1266 Australia, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1025, 1030, 1032, 1033, 10 54> 1219 1221 Austria (see Germany) Belgium, 1087 Borneo, 1061 Britain, 996, 1015, 1016, 1021, 1034, 1053, 1083, 1158, 1165, 1166,1224, 12251237, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1244, 1271, 1274, 1275 Canada, 986 992, 1003, 1129, 1140, 11421144, 11491151, 1154, 1164 China, 1094 Europe, 1022, 1040 France, 10631065, 1075, 1116, 1157, 1204, 1223, 1245 General, 1062 Germany and Austria, 982 984, 993, 994, loor, 1002, 1039, 1040, 1046 1048, 1070, 1071, 1092, 1 093, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1 103, 1 104, 1117,1120, II2I, 1133, 1135,1138, 1178 1188, 1191 1195, 1197 1199, 1206, I2II, 1212, I2l6, 1239, 1250, 1251, 1257 India, 1009, 1035, nor, 1217 Italy, 975979. i 6 9. !073. J o74 1170, 1190, 1195, 1213, 1214, 1218 Java, ion, 1125, 1189 Malta, 1013 Nattheimer, 982 984, 1135 New Zealand, 1031 Peru. 1068 Eussia, 1119, 1246 1249 Scandinavia, 1040, 1105 1115 Switzerland, 1098, 1118, 1238 Timor, 985 United States, 1059, 1066, 1067, 1077 1081, 1086, 1089 1091, 1122, 1123, 1127,1132, 1137,1169, 1203, 12591264 West Indies, 1006 1008, 1029, 1038, 1175 Reproduction, noo, 1152, 1258 ACTINOZOA, RECENT, p. 113 268 INDEX. Development, 751, 810, 815 818, 834 836, 864, 919, 920, 966 969 Distribution, new species, etc. Africa, 754, 791 793 America, 664, 666, 668, 695, 704, 705, 828, 900, 901, 903, 904, 932, 947, 948, 949, 952958, 960 9 6 3 Antarctic, 721, 749 Arctic, 712, 884 Asia, 693, 908, 911, 931 Atlantic, 708, 713, 714, 715, 719, 775> 776, 779' 849, 898, 905 Australia, 734, 853 Britain, 670, 859, 860, 912 Europe, 675, 708, 713, 788, 813, 853, 943 France, 723, 724, 781, 857 Galapagos, 899 General, 681, 711, 740, 760, 764,812, 870, 871, 874, 897, 910, 926, 927, 928, 929, 944, 970, 974 Mauritius, 909 New Zealand, 772 Oceania, 635, 729, 749, 853 Kodriguez, 686 Nervous system and sense-organs, 709, 710, 759, 762, 790, 814, 850, 893 Pigments, 819 Keproduction, 672, 676, 679, 763, 821, 832, 838, 930 Acyclus, W., 1353, 1365 Adeona, W., 1989 Mgeon, C., 728 JSgina, C., 99 JEginopsis, C., 386 jEolosoma, W., 2492, 2507, 2544, 2674 ^Equorea, C., 285, 340, 342, 385, 435 Agalma, C., 626, 628 Agalmopsis, C., 620, 626 Agamonema, W., 85, 923, 924 Agchisteus, W., 1375, 2596 Aglaophenia, C., 121, 124, 156, 239 Agulhasia, W., 1688 Alaurina, W., 673, 674 Alciope, W., 2290, 2311, 2377, 2378 Alcyonaria, C., 801, 817, 818, 829, 832, 833' 857, 861, 894, 895, 901, 908, 909, 928, 943 Alcyoncellum, Sp., 23, 27, 34, 196 Alcyonella, W., 2029, 2039, 2O 47' 2069. Alcyonium, C., 742, 765, 791, 854 Alecto, C., 1151; W., 2034 Alectona, Sp. , 93 Alemo, Sp. 532 Alexella, .,741 Alicia, C., 775 Allopora, C., 776, 942, 1222 Allotricha, Pr., 1208 Alveolina, Pr., 539 Alveolites, C. , 1056, 1140, 1232, 1266. Amaroecium, T., 92 Amastiga, W., p. 137; Pr., 985 Amathia, W. , 2123 Amblysiphonella, Sp., 484 Ametrangia, .,324 Ammochares, W., 2398 Ammotrypane, W., 2443 Amoeba, Pr., 112, 113, 114, 122, 123, 132, 133. 138, 140^ 144' 146, 153' 154, 174, 177, 178, 1 80, 181, 185,191, 192, 193, 196, 199, 202, 203, 229, 235, 236, 238, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246 Amorphozoa (Silurian), Pr., 92 Amphibdella, W., 96, 97 Amphictenea, W. , 2555 Amphidinium, Pr., 922 Amphileptus, W., 520; Pr., 983 Amphilina, W., 318 Amphineura, p. 254 Amphinome, W., 2268, 2276, 2417, 2425, 2464, 2545 Amphiporus, W., 849 Amphisia, Pr., 1208 Amphistoma, W., 511, 557 Amphizonella, Pr., 109, 704, 1112 Amplexus, C., 1126, 1232 Anaitis, W., 2536 Anchilostomum, W., 941, 983, 1086, 1087, 1106, 1117, 1125, 1132, 1133, 1158 Anchinia, T., 88 Anchisteus, W., 1375, 2596 Angiostoma, W., 185 Anguillula, W., 885, 887, 891, etc. Anoplonereis, W., 2368 Anoplophyra, Pr. , 1096 Anthea, C., 679 Anthophysa, Pr., 907, 965, 966 Anthozoanthus, C., 688 Antipathes, C., 689, 690, 827, 828, 830, 851, 882 Anuraea, W , 1312, 1366; Add. 15 Aphrocallistes, Sp. , 65. 136, 529 Aphrodite, W., 2272, 2427 2429, 2465, 2555, 2613, 2632 Aphrosina, Pr., 363 Aplysina, Sp. 57, 251, 296, 430, 548 a Apolemia, C., 626 Aporea, Pr. , 909 Appendicularia, T. 3, 6, 15, 31, 32, 57, 85, in, 112, 114, 115, 135, 158 Apsilus, W., 1371 Arachnactis C., 665, 667 Arachnopora, C., 489 Arbusculites, W. , 1915 Arcella, Pr., 119, 120, 128, 138, 139 Arcellina, Pr., 212, 213 Archsediscus,Fr., 294 Archseocyathus, C. , 1059 Archiacina, Pr., 675 Archigetes, W., 319 a Archimedea, Pr., 1062 Arenicola, W., 2313, 2476, 2509, 2568 Arenicolites, W., 2323, 2324 Argiope, W., I533'i54 Add. 20. INDEX. 26$ Aricia, W., 2643 Armandia, W., 2356 Arthacanthus, W., 1385 Ascandra, Sp., 498 Ascaris, W., 155, 176, 185, 571, 882, 956, 968, 972 Ascetta, Sp., 341, 416 Ascidia, T., 4, 101, 169, 188, 193; W. 2697 Ascodictyia, W. , 1915, 2038, 2137 Aspidophyllum, C., 1226 Aspidosiphon, W., 1458, 1465, 1468 Asplanchna, W., 1354 Assilina, Pr., 522 Asteroides, C., 804 Asterosmilia, C., 1017, 1036 Asthmatos, Pr., 977, 1097 Astrsea, C., 793 Astrseospongmm, Sp., 128 Astroconia, Sp., 472 Astrococcus, Pr., 758 Astroides, C., 838 Astromma, Pr., 200 Astrorhiza, Pr., 142, 335, 442, 443, 493 Astylospongia, Sp., 328, 547 Ataxophragmium, Pr., 569 Athorybia, C., 632 Athyris, W., 1499, I ^4 1 ' T ^43' l( ->54 Atractylis, C., 283, 285, 287 Atretia, W., 1675 Atrypa, W., 1629, 1639, ^55' 1696, 1832 Aulastoma, W., 57, 175, 2167, 2183, 2212, 2228, 2247 Aulodictyon, Sp., 65 Aulophyllum, C., 1037, 1234 Aulopora, C., 1249, 1754; W., 2034 Aulorhipis, Sp., 148 Aulosphsera, Pr., 752 Aulosteges, W., 1652 Aulostoma, W., see Aulastoma Aurelia, C., 449, 454, 456, 474, 475 Autolytus, W., 2263, 2375 Avenardia, W., 815 Axine, W., 561 Axos, Sp., 199 Azygograptus, C., 578, 579 Balanoglossus, W., 35 ; also p. 255 Balanophyllia, C., 839 Balantidium, Pr., 1051 Balatro, W., 1305 Barentsia, W., 2131 Barroisia, Sp., 355 Baryphyllum, C., 1260 Bathybius, p. 36 Batracobdella, W., 2255, 2256 Battersbyia, C., 1017 Bdellodea, W. , 2254 Bdelloidina, Pr., 357 Bdelloura, W., 684' Beania, C., 845 Beatricea, Sp., 548, 551 Bellonella, C., 734 Benedenia, W., 61 Berbyce, C., 743 Berenicea, C., 1272 Beroe, C., 1277, 1278, 1287, 1296, 1301, 1302 Bicellaria, W., 1928 Bilharzia, W., 511, 536, 599602, 928, 929, 1139 Biloculina, Pr., 301 Biomyxa, Pr., 175 Biopalla, Sp., 514 Bipalium, W., 21, 608, 658, 698, 699, 721, 747, 750, 770, 800 Blastothela, C., 78 Blepharisma, Pr., 136, 993 Boarella, C., 745 Boderia, Pr., 256, 1234 Bodo, Pr., 1050 Bonellein, W., 1450, 1457, 1469 Bonellia, W., 1417, 1447, H49* T 453' 1457, 1461, 1469, 1472, 1473, 1479, 1480 Borlasia, W., 840, 843, 853, 854, 864 Bothridium, W., 79 Bothriocephalus, p. 152, etc.; W., 175 Bothrioplana, W., 653 Bothrophyllum, C., 1151 Botrylloides, T., 196 Botryllus, T., 22, 40, 96, 97, 98, 100, 128, 146 Bovella, C., 745 Bowerbankia, W., 1971, 2076, 2077 Brachionus, W., 1293, 1373, 1382, 1383 BRACHIOPODA, p. 202 Anatomy and histology, 1493, 1494, 1574, 1576, 1603, 1609, 1664, 1698, 1700, 1711, 1800 Classification and affinities, 1511 1513, 1536, 1574, 1628, 1733, 1740, 1741, 1749, 1750, 1755, 1766 Development, 16931695, 1738, 1749, Fossil species, America, 1550, 1622, 1623, 1644, 1649, l6 5' T ^57 1659, ^69 1671, 1720, 1724, 1825, 1829, 1833, 1837 Andes, 1789 Arctic, 1602, 1660 Asia, 1554 1556 Belgium, 1572 Bohemia, 1488, 1489 Brazil, 1589, 1574, 1775 Britain, 1546, 1548, 1562, 1567, r 569, 1570, 1575' ^57^ 1580 1582, 1600, 1601, 1633 1635, 1666, 1705, 1706, 1726, 1753, 1813, 1814, 1821, 1822, 1840 Carinthia, 1691 China, 1490, 1680 France, 1487, 1578, 1584, 1592, 1604 1607, 1662, 1708, 1748, !754> t757. !773 178** 1818 General, 1551, 1707, 1823 Germany, 1492, 1526, 1624, 1637, 270 INDEX. 1661, 1679, ^96, 1701, 1717, J 759> i77 1780, 1781, 1790 1796, 1804, 1809, I 8io, 1841, 1843 Italy, 15161518, 1567, 1626, 1627, 1725, 1762 1765, 1820 Malta, 1552 Russia, 1728, 18151817 Scandinavia, 1617, 1619, I7O3A, 1761 Switzerland, 1758, 1760 Trinidad, 1636 Recent Species, America, 1515, 1543, 1799 Australia, 1510, 1597, 1598 Britain, 1672 Challenger expedition, 1577, 1579, ^ I756 France, 1615 General, 1527, 1541, 1542, 1547, 1590, 1716, 1797, 1807 Italy, 1486 Japan, 1484, 1568 Kerguelen Island, 1802 Lightning expedition, 1676, 1677 Magenta expedition, 1812 Mediterranean, 1563, 1667, 1731 New Zealand, 1668, 1690 Pacific, 1540, 1543, 1631 Porcupine expedition, 1676, 1677 Spain, 1667 West Indies, 1528, 1529, 1537, i544 1557 Willem Barents expedition, 1702 Shell structure, 1493, 1525, 1561, 1683 1685, 1718 Brachiospongia, Sp., 317 Branchiobdella, W., 50, 2180, 2202, 2203, 2207, 2214, 2223, 2257, 2262, 2640 Brandella, C., 741 Broeckia, W., 2297 Bryozoa, p. 218. See Polyzoa. Bucephalus, W., 490, 529, 530, 565, 577, 604, 638, 645 Bugula, W., 1995, 2127, 2128 Bugulopsis, W., 2128 Busella, C., 745 Cabarea, W., 1952 Cadium, Pr., 249 Calamopora, C., 1200 Calapo3cia, C., 990 Calcaria, Pr., 32, 148, 1039 Calcisphaera, Pr., 377 Calceola, C., 1104, 1123, 1215, 1251; W. 1709, 1788 Calcispongise, Sp., 90, 106, 109 Calcituba, Pr., 217, 588 Calicotyle, W., 487 Callidina, W., 1319, 1326 Callinema, C., 477 Callipora, C., 1091 Callograptus, C., 527 Callopora, C., 1140, 1207; W., 2088 Callychthys, W., 923 Calostylis, C., 1107 Calyptrophora, C., 737 Calyptotricha, Pr., 1162 Camarium, W., 1641, 1643 Camarophysema, Sp., 398 Camerospongia, Sp., 495 Campanularia, C., 163 165, 194, 217, 242, 247, 323 Campsacus, Pr., 189 Campylonema, W., 1946 Capitella, W., 2347, 2348, 2349, 2357, 235?, 2385 Carchesium, Pr., 1017 Carijoa, C., 879 Carinella, W., 1906 Carinopora, W., 2033 Carmarina, C., 361, 385 Carnosa, Sp., 101 Carpenteria, Pr., 358, 360, 361 Carterella, Sp., 103, 375 Caryophyllia, C., 769, 839, 1023, 1028 Cassiopeia, C., 473 Catagma, Sp., 465 Catallacta, Pr., 1037, 1044 Catenicella, W., 2004, 2009 Catenicellopsis, W., 2159 Catharia, Pr., 173, 179 Caunopora, see Stromatopora Cavernularia, C. 62 Cellepora, W., 1888, 1889, 1892, 2056 Centronella, W., 1497, 1645, 1647 Cephalodiscus, W., 2011, 2012, 2013 Cephalosiphon, W., 1347, 1390 Ceramopora, C., 1272 Ceratellidse, Sp., 188 Ceratium, Pr., 941, 1116 Ceratiocaris, C., 505 Ceratodendron, Sp., 318 Cercaria, p. 162, etc. Cercomonas, Pr., 978 Cerebratulus, W., 863 Cereopsis, C., 786 Cereus, C., 847 Cerianthus, C., 757 Cestoda, p. 152 Cestum, C., 1280 Chaetetes, Sp., 494; C., 1045, IO 5 2 > To82 > 1090, 1091, 1140, 1148, 1149, 1 202, 1249; W., 2088, 2353 Chaetoderma, p. 254; W., 2371 Chaetonotus, Pr., 1219; W., 44, 914 Chffitogaster, W., 2491, 2492, 2674 Chsetognatha, p. 25(3 CJEOETOPODA, p. 235 Anatomy and histology, 2301 2310, 23132315. 23272329,2350, 2360, 2369. 2370, 2458, 2493, 2505, 2537, 2564, 2565, 2574, 2575, 2603, 2604, 2622, 2624, 2626, 2689 Blood, 2284, 2285, 2321, 2476, 2497, 2640 Development and reproduction, 2264, 2277, 2278, 2299, 2310, 2432, 2433, 24682470, 2473, 2474, 2490, 2565, INDEX. 271 2609, 2660, 2664, 2679, 2 68o, 2705, 2708 2710 Distribution, new species, etc. America, 2337, 2341, 2525, 2695 2699, 2702 Antarctic, 2498, 2532 Arctic, 2340, 2343, 2448, 2504, 2531, ^535' 2548, 2669 Atlantic, 2379 Australia, 2430 Austria, 2589, 2685 Balearic islands, 2590 Blake expedition, 2337 Brazil, 2424, 2611 Britain, 2296, 2510 2514, 2520, 2521, 2523, 2528, 2635 Ceylon, 2409 Faroe, 2706 France, 2302, 2399, 2402, 2558, 2559, 2561, 2638 Gazelle expedition, 2412 General, 2226, 2270, 2335, 2336, 2401, 2419, 2458, 2461, 2462, 2616 2621 Holland, 24432445 Japan, 2414, 2555 Madeira, 2481 2483 Mediterranean, 2306, 2316, 2554, 2623 New Zealand, 2450, 2677, 2678 Novara expedition, 2391 Philippines, 2415 Pommerania expedition, 2477 Porcupine expedition, 2334, 2529 Bed Sea, 2400 Kussia, 2288, 2551 Scandinavia, 2339, 2421, 2422, 2546, 2547, 26452647, 2667 Valorous expedition, 2531 Fossil forms, 2320, 2322 2324, 2331, 2333. 23532355, 2383, 2396, 2438 2440, 2451, 2508, 2563, 2581, 2586, 2631, 2644, 2701, 2711 Methods, 2431, 2538 Phosphorescence, 2281, 2312 Restoration of lost parts, 2293, 2294, 233-2, 2463, 2571, 2598, 2713 Chaetopterus, W., 2267, 2279, 2313,2453, 2455, 2479, 2503, 2555, 2707 Chaetosoma, W., 1039, 2572 Chaetospira, Pr., 1161, 1232 Chalina, Sp., 259, 260 Challengeridae, Pr., 527 Charybdea, C., 339, 341, 352, 407, 408 Chelysoma, T., 167; W., 2663 Chevreulius, T., 17, 105, 106, 131 Chilodon, Pr., 1039, I0 43> IIO 9 Chilomonas, Pr., 1099 Chlamydomonas, Pr., 220, 910, 1012 Chlamydomyxa, Pr., 109, 143 Chlorhaeminae, W., 241 1 Chlorodesmos, Pr., 1160 Chlorogonium, Pr., 1079 Choano-flagellata, Pr., 1213 Chondrilla, Sp., 66 Chondropus, Pr., 758 Chondrosia, Sp., 427 Chonetes, C., 1103, 1651 Chonophyllum, C., 990 Chrysaora, C., 282, 433, 458 Chrysopyxis, Pr., 1227 Ciocalypta, Sp., 210 Ciona, T., 147, 148, 149, 181, 193 Circe, C., 324 Cirratula, W., 2407, 2555 Cladactis, C., 885 Cladq,ngia, C., 852 Cladochonus, C., 1159 Cladocarpus, C., 272 Cladorrhiza, Sp., 502 Clathrina, Sp., 52 Clava, C., 285 Clavellina, T., 162 Clavatella, C., 92, 181, 189 Clavularia, C., 803, 815, 816 Clepsine, W., 2169, 2194, 2205, 2221, 2251, 2254, 2259, 2260, 2261 Climacograpsus, C., 570, 574 Cliona, Sp., 46, 53, 161, 228, 253, 357, 358, 366, 367, 399, 464, 497, 500, 5*5' 5 2 o Clisiophylloides, C, 1043 Clisiophyllum, C., 1020, 1234 Clceosiphon, W., 1426 Clymene, W., 2636 Coccidia, Pr., 1298, 1300 Coccoliths, p. 36, Pr., 372 Coccospheres, p. 36 Codonellida, Pr., 1046 Codonobdella, W., 2187 Codonosiga, Pr., 1177 COZLENTEBATA, p. 84. (See also Hydroi- dea, etc.). General works, 16, 19, 20, 25, 43, etc. Affinities, 6, 12, etc. Development and generative organs, 4, 29, 31, 39, 42, 73, 80, 229. Digestion, 15, 40, 49, 50, 225, 226 Distribution, new species, etc. America, 3, 4, 14, 21, 33, 55, 61, 64, 65' 7679 Britain, 5, 57, 46, 47, 58, 59, 60, 63 Belgium, 7 General, 9, 16 France, 10 Arctic, 18, 48, 54, 66, 81 Europe, 23, 2628, 3436, 38, 45, 5i> 53*6772,74 New Zealand, 32 Histology, 8, 24, 30, 37 Nematocysts, n, 13, 52, 173, 227 Ccelophyma, W., 2115 Cceloplana, C., 1289, 1295 Cceloptychium, Sp., 535 Ccelotrochium, Pr., 600 Coenomorpha, C., 1218 Ccenurus, p. 152 etc. Coleops, W., 1284 272 INDEX. Collosphaera, Pr., 748, 749 Collozoum, Pr., 784, etc. Colpoda, Pr.,ii4i Columnopora, C., 1146 Conchiolites, W., 1252, 2582, 2584 Coniocyclis, Pr., 1013 Conochilus, W., 1303, 1380 ; Add. 9 Conocyma, W., 59 Conodictyum, Pr., 407 Coral reefs, origin of, C., 672, 697, 698, 700702, 726, 770, 780, 842 844, 880, 903905 Conorhynchus, Pr., 1269 Conulites, Pr., 349 Convoluta, W., 68i, 682 Coppinia, C., 100 Corallium, C., 680, 687, 692, 731, 750, 821823, 837, 841, 875, 892, 914, 9 J 5 Cordylophora, C. 104, 125, 146, 153, 174, 206, 237, 245, 257 ; W., 2099 Cornularia, C., 775, 1882 Cornulariella, W., 869 Cornulites, W., 2582 Cornuspira, Pr., 603, 606 Corticium, Sp., 66, 440 Corycia, Pr., 182 Corymorpha, C., 93, 95, 133, 199, 254, 2 55 Coryne, C., 90, 166, 263, 287 Corythion, Pr., 232 Coscinopora, see Stromatopora Coscinosphsera, Pr., 782 Cosmetira, C. 416, 417 Cothurnia, Pr., 980, 1063, 1064, 1067, 1068, 1115, 1119, 1140, 1149, IJ 5 1219 Crambessa, C., 445, 447 Crania, W., 1535, 1538, 1696, 1779 Craspedacustes, see Limnocodium Craterolophus, C., 657 Crater omorpha, Sp, 62, 206 Crepidophyllum, C. 1155 Criodrilus, W., 2690, 2691 Cristatella, W., 2000, 2069 Cristellaria, Pr., 528, 596 Cryptocoelia, Sp., 484 Cryptonella, W., 1645, 1647 Cryptopora, W., 2033 Crystallodes, C., 632 Ctenodrilus, W., 2460, 2713 Ctenophora, p. 140 Cucullanus, W., on, 913, 1112 Culeolus, T., 68 Cuneolina, Pr. 595 Cunina, C., 401, 406, 412, 424, 430, 431 Cupelopagis, W., 1321 Cupulispongia, Sp., 494 Cyanea, C., 444 , 458, 459, 463, 465, 466, 468, 472 Cyathaxonia, C., 1229 Cyathina, C., 773 Cyathophycus, Sp., 512, 513 Cyathophyllum, C., 1099 Cyathostoma, W., 96, 97 Cyclicia, C., 938 Cyclicozoa, see Lucernaria Cyclobdella,W., 2258 Cyclochaeta, Pr., 1065 Cycloclypeus, Pr., 499 Cyclophyllum, C., 1018, 1037, 1234, 1269 Cycloseris, C., 935 Cydippe, C., 1302 Cymaderma, W., 2326 Cynthia, T., 139, 165, 167 ; W. 2663 Cyphoderia, Pr., 182, 194 Cyphonautes, W., 1860, 1861, 2027, 2075, 2I oo Cyrtinia, W., 1653 Cysticercus, p. 152 etc. Cystiphyllum, C., 1043, 1107, 1153 Cytharocyclis, Pr., 1013 Dactylamoeba, Pr., 169 Dactylocalyx, Sp., 29, 254, 479 Dactylocotyle, W., 493 Dactylogyrus, W., 185 Dactylopora, Pr., 406, 407, 412 Darwinella, Sp., 354 Darwinia, C., 1210 Dasychone, W., 2298 Dayia, W., 1683 Deinamoeba, Pr., 179, 183, 188 Deltocyathus, C. , 1220. Dendrina, Sp., 162 Dendrocometes, Pr., 932, 933, 1239 Dendrophyllia, C., 896 Dendrophrys, Pr., 1230 Dendrosoma, Pr., 1095, 1106 Densipora, W., 2008 Deiidrospongia, Sp., 356 Dero, W., 2602 Derostomnm, W., 677, 688 Desmacidon, Sp., 13, 361, 507 Desmophyllum, C. 873, 935 Desmoscolex, W., 44, 1331, 1379 Dexolites, W. , 2440 Diaseris, C., 941 Diastopora, C., 1246, 2003; W., 2133, 2136 Dibunophyllum, C., 1227 Dicellograpsus, C., 522 Dicoryne, C., 91 Dicraniscus, W., 1723 Dicranograpsus, C., 570 Dicranograptus, C., 521 Dictyocystida, Pr. , 1046 Dictyonema, C. , 504 ; Pr. , 897 Dictyophora, W., 1353 Dictyophyton, Sp , 523, 524, 525 Dictyopora, W., 2009 Dicyema, p. 144 Didemnum, T., 22, 40, 42 Didinium, Pr., 916 Didymograpsus, C., 555, 570, 573, 601 Didymosphsera, Sp. , 302 Didymozoon, W., 614 Diechorea, C., 936 INDEX. 273 Difflugia, Pr., in, 124, 172, 173, 179, 190, 198, 209, 231, 243, 248, 251, 350, 1217 Dimerella, W., 1842 Dimorpha, Pr., 1042 Dinamoeba, see Deinamoeba Dinenympka, Pr., 1281 Dinobolus, W., 1586 Dinobryon, Pr., 1156, 1227 Dinophilus, W., 731, 732 Diopatra, W., 2625, 2396 Diphyes, C., 617, 628, 636 Diphyphyllum, C. , 981 Dipleurosoma, C., 331 Diplogaster, W. , 1092 Diplograpsus, C., 523, 570, 580 Diplophrys, Pr., 115, 251, 253 Diplophysa, C., 617, 618, 621 Diplopora, W., 2008 Diplozoon, W., 586, 642 Dircitus, Sp., 56 Dirrhopalum, Sp., 137, 391 Discina, C., 981 ; W., 1535, 1538, 1595, 1736, 1737' 1/79 Discodermia, Sp., 12 Discophora, p. 108 Discopora, W., 2127 Diselmis, Pr., 1183 Dispharagus, W., 95, 905 Distaplia, T., 20 Distichopora, C., 490, 491, 730 Distichoptilum, C., 963 Distichopus, W., 2501; (Pr., 1278) Distigma, Pr., 1113, 1203 Distoma, p. 162, etc. ; W., 95, 98, 99, 185, 967 Dittopora, C., 1045 Dochmius, W., 876, 1087, etc. Doliolum, T., 53, 136, 182, 184 Dorvillia, Sp., 263, 268, 270 Dracunculus, W., 886 Drepanidium, Pr., 998, 1277, 1306 Drepanophorus, W., 855 Drilophaga, W. , 1396 Drymonema, C., 410 Duncanella, C., 1145 Dunlopea ( = Bipahum), W., 800 Duthiersia, W., 427 Dysideida, Sp., 321 Dysponetus, W., 2504 Echinococcus, p. 152, etc. Echinocystidia, Pr., see AcantJwcystis Echinoderes, W., 44, 1331, 1372, 1379 Echinonemata, Sp., 391 Echinopyxis, Pr., 116, 117 Echinorhynchus, W., 85, 12*, 15^, 194, also p. 193 Echinosiphon, W. , 1467 Echinospongia, Sp., 199 Echiurus, W., 1412, 1419, 1420 1425, 1432, 1456, 1471, 1474 Eclipidrilus, W., 2345 Ectyon, Sp., 52 Edwardsia, C., 477, 667, 671, 674, 771, 855, 865 Elaeochanis, Pr., 758 Ellipsoidina, Pr., 618 Enchytraeus, W., 2291, 2627, 2692, 2952 ; (Pr., 1278) Endamoeba, Pr., 196 Endothyra, Pr., 252, 688 Enipo, W., 2697 Enoplocoelia, Sp., 484 Enterostomum, W., 778 Eophyllum, Pr., 845 Eosphora, W., 1385 Eozoon, p. 37 Epiclintes, Pr., 1203 Epistomina, Pr., 660 Epistylis, Pr., 1140, 1217, 1218 Eridophyllum, C., 990 Eschara (Polyzoa), T. 139; W., 2057, 2119 Ethmophyllum, C., 1130, 1131 Euaxes, W., 33, 2686 Eubostrichus, W., 1331 Eubrochus, Sp., 459 Eucklanis, W., 1341 Eucope, C., 399 Eudendrium, C., 278 Eudrilus, W., 2601 Euglena, Pr., 908, 926, 1012 Euglypha, Pr., 116, 117, 149, 151, 182, 194, 224 Euktimenaria, W., 2122 Eunice, W., 2274, 2389, 2390, 2413, 2416, 2461, 2555 Eunicicola, W., 2478 Eunicites, W., 2331, 2333 Euplectella, Sp., 15, 39, 114, 120, 166, 172, 178181, 232, 233, 295, 318, 352, 437. 439' 448, 449' 455 Euplotes, Pr., 1068, 1174 Eurete, Sp., 77, 450, 451 Eurylepta, W., 788 Eusclerides, C., 744 Eustrongylus, W., 948 Eusyllis, W., 2559 Euzonus, W., 2387 Exogone, W., 2591, 2700 Exotokus, W., 2700 Fabularia, Pr., 267 Farrea, Sp., 65 Fasciola, see Distoma Favistella, C., 1141 Favosites, C., 990, 1139, ii=;8, 1208; W., 1789 ' Favositipora, C., 785 Fenestella, W., 1597, 2025, 2101, 2102, 2103 Fieldingia, Sp., 266 Filaria, W., 125, 185, 221, 873, etc. Filaroides, W., 1054", 1159, Il6 5 Filifera, Sp., 417 Fistulipora, C., 1091, 1272; W., 2088 Flabellum, C., 768, 940 18 274 INDEX. Floscularia, W., 1313, 1315, 1316. 1328, 1345, 1351, 1352, 1398, 1399 Flustra (Polyzoa), T., 139; W., 1929 Flustramorpha, W., 1929 FORAMINIFERA, p. 12 General papers, 161, 331, 332, 333, 339, 341, 344, 348, 352, 353, 355, 364, 576, 5^9' 593 59 8 ' 6o2 > 6 9> 6 53, 693 Collecting, 272, 327, 386, 678 Dimorphism, 524 Distribution, Agulhas, 383 Arctic, 302, 303, 304, 312, 336, 381, 385> 5i3' 540 Atlantic, 391, 532, 533, 536, 540, 548, 549, 60 1 Barbados, 321 Belgium, 324, 512 Bourgneuf and Pornichet, 272 Britain, 283, 292, 387, 471, 495, 505, 507, 582, 583, 624, 625 Cagliari, 695 Caribbean, 403 Challenger expedition, 301, 343, 527, 666 Deep-sea forms, various, 258, 301, 333, 34i, 342, 384. 397- 413, 437, 488, 532, 533, 536, 601, 666, 668, 669 Denmark, 692 Dogger Bank, 282 Faroe, 314 Florida, 380 Friesland, 510 Gascony, 319, 392 Gironde, 390 Hebrides, 290 Ireland, 259, 268, 496, 697 700 Istria, 535 Jamaica, 465 Lightning expedition, 340 Loo-Choo Islands, 298 Madeira, 404 Mauritius, 517 Mediterranean, 586 New Jersey, 494 Northumberland, 285, 288, 289, 317 Seychelles. 695 Shetland, 286, 677, 680, 681 Southport, 388 St Lawrence, 370, 371, 689, 690 Valorous expedition, 336 Fossil forms, various, 458. 462, 464, 615, etc. Alps, 405, 410, 411, 635, 642, 643 Asturias, 269 Austria, 264, 329, 330, 395, 398, 410, 415, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 475478, 480484, 502, 503, 534, 535, 547, 563, 577, 578, 579, 632, 633, 634, 636, 638, 672, 673, 674, 679, 68 5 Belgium, 322, 323, 326, 512, 559, 570, 572 Borneo, 396 Britain, 277, 287, 291, 307, 309, 311, 3!3, S 68 , 389, 451, 455, 457, 460, 463, 466, 467, 469, 470, 471, 473, 489 Cauada, 372, 374, 375, 376, 529 Caucasus, 257 China, 615 Chios, 636 Egypt, 617 France, 271, 273, 274, 393, 467, 497, 644663, 675, 676 Galicia, 269 Germany, 281, 409, 411, 498, 528, 556, 558, 560, 56 [, 562, 570, 580, 592, 564, 608, 610, 611, 630, 637 Italy, 325, 367, 400, 537, 614, 619 622, 626, 640, 664, 665 India, 349, 641 Indian Ocean, 296, 448, 479, 500, 501 Japan, 616 Kustendje, 563 Libya, 617 Malta, 452, 461 New Britain, 299 New Zealand, 418, 459 Nicobar, 612 Norway, 369 Persia, 521 Peru, 399 Philippines, 479 Poland, 379 Eussia, 382 Sumatra, 296, 448, 636 Switzerland (see also Alps), 438, 444, 485, 491, 631, 667, 686 United States, 365, 506 509, 514, 570, 687 Protoplasm of, 550555, 605 Eeproduction, 594 Fredericella, W., 1934 Freia, Pr., 1180, 1232, 1233 Frenula, W., 1539 Frondicularia, Pr., 568 Fungia, C., 716, 717, 793 Funiculina, C., 960 Fusulina, Pr., 297, 334, 507, 518520, 633, 636 Gasterostomum, W., 645 Gastrodiscus, W., 517, 531, 2502 Gastrophysema, Sp., 227 Gastrophylax, W., 590 Gastrotricha, W., 1305, 1367 Geocentrophora, W., 753 Geodesmus, W., 701, 728, 754, 759 Geodia, Sp., 44 Geonemertes, W., 817 Geoplana, W., 27, 704 GEPHYRJEA, p. 198 Anatomy and Classification, 1406 Distribution, new species, etc. Arctic, 1435, 1474 INDEX. 275 France, 1428 Indian Ocean, 1463 1468 Norway, 1411, 1446, 1474 Histology, 1418 Gerardia, C., 824 826 Gerba, Pr., 1163 Geryonia, C., 99, 350, 351, 356 362, 394, 401, 412, 424, 430, 431 Glauconome, W., 2166 Gleba, C., 626 Glenodictyum, Sp., 329 Globidium, Pr., 1258 Globigerina, 438, 591, 682, etc. (see Foraminifera, Deep-sea) Gloidium, Pr., 230 Glossiphonia, W., 2197 Glossocodon, C., 361 Glycera, W., 2404, 2443, 2 555 Gnathostoma, W., 304 Gonostomum, Pr., 1208 Gonothyrsea, C., 128, 273 Goodsiria, T. , 18 Gordius, W. , 175, 992 994, 1026, 2703 Gorgonacea, C., 787 Gorgonia, C., 800, 806, 867, 943 Grama, W., 724 Graptolites, p. 105, also W., 1818 Grayella, Sp., 45, 46 Gregarina, Pr., p. 55 Gromia, Pr., 112, 160, 174, 216, 554, 684 Grymoea, W., 2697 Guancha, Sp., 347 Gunda, W. , 739 Guttulina, Pr., 651 Guynia, C., 1027 Gymnosarea, C. , 786 Gypsina, Pr., 361 Gyrocorys, Pr., 32, 148 Gyrodactylus, W., 495, 496, 503^1 Gyroporella, Pr. , 263 Haeckelina, Pr., 276 Haeniatomonas, Pr., 1144 Haemopis, W. , 2192, 2220 Halecium, .,85, 106, 173, 273 Halichondria, Sp., 24, 247 Haliclystus, see Lucernaria Halicryptus, W., 1416, 1481 Haliloplus, see RhaMopleura Haliphysema, Sp., 49, 227, 288, 362, 368 (see Squamulina, Pr. , 487) Halipteris, see Osteocella Halisarca, Sp., 13, 36, 71, 72, 340, 426, 428, 429 Hahsceptrum, C., 758 Halistemma, C., 619, 626 Halodactylus, W., 1935, 1990 Halopsis, C., 321 Halysites, C., 1058, 1254 Hatningia, W., 1434 Haplobranchns, W., 2289 Haplostiche, Pr. , 574 Haptophrya, Pr., 946, 1127 Hartea, C., 971 Hedruris, W., 919, 1 1 10, 1 1 1 1 Helicograpsus, C. , 565 Helicopora, W., 1896 Heliophrys, Pr., 758 Heliolites, C., 990, 1091, 1158 Heliophyllum, C., 1140, 1151, 1155 Heliopora, C., 869, 1091 ; W., 2018 Hemiasterella, Sp., 88 Hemicoralliura, C., 723, 738 Hemidasys, W., 1306 Herklotsia (Benilla), C., 878, 917 Hermella, W., 2446, 2447 Hermionea, W., 2410 Herpetolitha, C., 428 Hesione, W., 2350, 2351, 2389, 2418, 2555 Heterakis, W. ,221, 956 Heterastridium, C., 1183 Heterocyathus, C., 853 Heteronereis, W., 2269, 2330, 2549 Heterophyllia, C., 1017, 1019, 1268, 1270 Heteropora, W., 1886, 2147/1550, 2821 Heteropsammia, C., 939 Hexactinellidre, Sp., 262 Hexarthra, W., 1320, 1384 Higginsia, Sp., 235 Hippopodius, C., 638 Hippothoa, W., 2034, 2353 Hippuraria, W., 1883 Hircinia, Sp., 435 Hirudo, W., p. 231 Bite, 2176 2179, 22 4 Culture, 2181, 2193, 2206, 2224, 2243, 2244, 2246 Development, 2196, 2231, 2235, 2236 Digestion, 2245 Histology, 2208, 2209, 22 10, 2241, Nephridia, 2172, 2173 Nerves, 2188, 2189,2191, 2218, 2237 ^Reproduction, 2181, 2238, 2239 Pigment, 2201 Sense-organs, 2217, 2230 Histiophyllum, C. , 1231 Histrio, Pr., 1208 Hoematozoa, see Gregarinida Holasterella, Sp., 88 Holostoma, W., 85, 588 Holtenia, Sp., 6, 7, 200,490 492 Homalogaster, W., 590 Homopnyton, C., 737 Hormosina, Pr., 440 Huxleya, C., 169 Hyalonema, Sp., 8 n, 20 22, 25, 34, 149 154, 176, 177, 182, 185, 191 195, 198, 204, 216, 295, 305 308, 345, 442, 443, 450, 451, 486490, 529, 530, 533, 546 Hyalosphenia, Pr., 183, 185, 198, 237 Hyalothauma, Sp., 232 Hydatina, W., 1335, 1337 Hydnophorabaoia, C., 977 276 INDEX. Hydra, p. 97; C., 86, 176 Hydradendrium, C., 136, 689 Hydractinia, C., 105, 126, 134, 135, 161, 230 ; Pr. 884, 886 Hylobdella, W., 2258 Hyphasmopora, W., 1908 Hypobythius, T., 134 Hypophorella, W., 1905 HYDROIDEA, p. 88 General, 97, 102, 103, no, 168, 171, 172, 204, 216, 219, 222 Development and reproductive organs, 89, 90, 98, 101, 126, 131, 132, 137, 164, 167, 180, 181, 183, 209, 229, 268 270, 274 277, 280 Distribution, new species, etc. Africa, 129 America, 82, 83, 107, 117, 142 145, 147, 157 159, 238, 273 Antarctic, 116, 120 Arctic, 118, 119, 194, 197, 198, 224, A ' 235 Asia, 123, 136 Australasia, 124, 150 152, 179, 201, 265 Britain, 84, 86, 87, 109, 122, 162, 178, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 196, 234, 281287 Europe, 160, 193, 194, 220, 243, 250, 253, 256, 264, 279, 281, 283285, 287 General, no, 121, 207 Fossil, 105, 266, 267, 154, 155, 176, 266, 267 Histology, 127, 171, 172, 203, 204, 218, 247, 248, 249 Physiology, 275 (see above Medusa) Preservation, 259 Ichthydium, W., 44 Ichthyonema, W., 1053, 1164 Ichthyophthirius, Pr., 1019 Idiogenes, W., 339 Intoshia, W., 70 Involutina, Pr., 279, 284 Iphidea, W., 1502 Irene, C., 343 Isis, Sp., 190; C., 797, 798 Isodictyon, Sp., 13 Janthella, Sp., 197 Juncella, C., 778 Jukella, C., 747 Kalliphobe, C., 864 Kallispongia, Sp., 531 Keramosphaera, Pr., 305 Keratoisis, C., 972 Kinetoskias, W., 1890, 1898 Klossia, Pr., 1301 Koninckia, W., 1751 Kraussia, W., 1767 Kimckelia, W., 499, 546; Pr., 928, 1084 Labaria, Sp., 64, 208, 344 Labyrinthulea, Pr., 131, see also CJdamy- domyxa Lafoea, C., 138 Lagena, Pr., 449, 557 Lagenella, Pr., 1290 Lagis ( = Pectinaria), W., 2543 Lagotia, see Freya Lamprophoes, W., 2389 Laomedea, C., 285 Latrunculia, Sp., 12 Leanira, W., 2423 Lecythia, Pr., 1230 Leioderma, W., 1483 Leiorhynchus, W., 1641, 1656 Lembus, Pr., 982 Lepidonotus, W., 2271 Lepidospongia, Sp., 423 Lepralia, W., 2073, 2077, 2127 Leptasna, W., 1670 Leptocoelia, C., 1201 ; W., 1647, 1786 Leptodera, W., 931, 1103 Leptodiscus, Pr., 1056 1058 Leptoplana, W., 656, 712, 788 Lesinia, W., 1458 Leucandra, Sp., 505, 506 Leucetta, Sp., 106 Leuckartia, W., 397 Leucocella, C., 745 Leucochloridium, W., 643 Leucodore, W., 2489 Leuconia, Sp., 53, 210 Leucosolenia, Sp., 116, 498 Leucothoe, C., 847 Licnophora, Pr., 958 Lieberkiihnia, Pr., 207, 227 Lignella, C. , 745 Ligula, W., 280, 288, 295303, 329, 405 Limnias, Pr., 1095; W., 2651 Limnioides, W., 1394 Limnocodium, C., 325, 326, 353, 387 394,423,427 Lineus, W., 850 Lingula, W., 1506, 1512, 1513, 1534, T 538 1558, 1573, 1588, 1632, 1689, 1704, 1710, 1714, 1736, 1746, 1768, 1801, 1834, l8 3 8 > l8 39> 2508 Lingulella, W. , 1506, 1616, 1665, 1721, 1830 Lingulinopsis, Pr., 280, 566 Linotrypane, (Polygordius), W., 2530 Lissogorgia, C., 950 Lithamceba, Pr. 170 Lithistes, Sp., 65, 538, 539 Lithocystis, Pr., 1267 Lithognatha, W. , 2662 Lithostrotion, C., 1209 Lithothamnium, Pr., 406 Lithonephria, T., 50 Lituola, Pr., 442, 443 Lituolina, Pr., 402 Lobilabrum, W., 830 Lobopsammia, C., 939 INDEX. 277 Loftusia, Pr., 338, 373 Loganograptus, C., 517 Longicauda, Pr., 169 Lonsdaleia, C., 1134, 1196 Lophopus, W., 1934, 2065 Lophoseris, C., 682 Loxosiphon, W., 1426, 1468 Loxosoma, W., 1893, 1984, 1994, 2049, 2050, 2053, 2090, 2096, 2097, 2142, 2143; Add., 17. Lubomirskia, Sp., 143 Lucernaria, p. 112. Also C., 176 Luciae, T., 48 Luffaria, Sp., 236 Lumbriconereis, W., 2405 Lumbriculus, W., 2293 Lumbricus, W., 33, 2232, 2281, 2283, 2292, 2307, 2312,2317, 232:, 2339, 234 1 ' 2 359> 2 437> 2 442, 2466, 2467, 2485, 2499, 2506, 2574, 2575, 2603, 2604, 2615, 2628, 2637, 2639, 2641, 2642, 2675, 2677, 2730 Lycastes, W., 2405 Lycoridas, W, 2408, 2555 Macrobdella, W., 2227 Macronemertes, W., 868 Macrostomum, W., 651 Macrurochseta, W., 519 Madreporaria, C., 682, 708, 788, 789, 792, 805, 891, 907 Magellania, W., 1491 Magelona, W., 851, 2534, 2542 MagosphaBra, Pr., 1044 Maldania, W., 2393, 2395, 2398 Malacobdella, W., 2195 Mammaria, T., 169 Mastigamoaba, Pr., 224 Mastigophora, W., 138 ; Pr., 984 MEDUSAE, p. 98 (including Acraspeda, p. 103) Development, 320, 342, 343, 344, 350, 361, 362, 377, 399, 400, 412, 424, 430, 431, 440, 442, 443, 449, 454, 456, 458, 469, 473 Fossil, 334, 335, 359, 363, 382, 41 1, 436 Fresh water, 325, 326, 333, 353, 387 394, 423, 427 Physiology, 62, 345, 385, 393, 397, 414, 419422, 458 Pigments, 437, 465, 466 Preservation, 329, 413, 427 Megalograpsus, C., 557 Megascolex, W., 2273, 2275, 2449, 2668 Megerlea, W., 1491, 1612, 1613 Melicerta, W., 1302, 1303, 1316, 1329, , 1333. i334 1348, i355i357> 1394 Melobesia, see Coccolith Membranipora, C., 925 ; W., 2004, Menacella, C., 745 Menella, C., 745 Merista, W., 1583, 1641, 1643, J ^5 Meristella, W., 1641, 1643, 1645, 1647, 1654 Mermis, W., 176, 901, 1019, 1024 Merulina, C., 1255 Mesenteripora, W., 1938 Mesostomum, W., 667, 675, 719 Mesozoa, p. 144 Meyerella, Sp., 202 Meyerina, Sp., 62 Michelinia, W., 1785 Micrarbacia, C., 1132 Microciona, Sp., 24, 517 Microcotyle, W., 561 Microcyema, W., 59 Microgromia, Pr., 112, 160 Microphthalmus, W., 2287 Microplasma, C., 1043 Microsporidia, Pr., p. 55 Microstizia, C., 1132 Miliola, Pr., 220, 482, 523, 524, 659 Millepora, p. 1U5 ; C., 135, 869, 874; Pr., 886, 891 Mitraria, W., 1858, 1859, 2027, 2566 Mobiusispongia, Sp., 134 Molgula, T., 55, 56, 87, 107, 138 Monactinellidas, Sp., 542, 543 Monanchora, Sp., 108 Monera, see Bathybius Monera, Pr., 3542, 54, 97, 99, 208, 222 Monilopora, C. , 1159 Monobia, Pr., 222, 223 Monocystis, see Gregarina Monomerella, W., 1500, 1503 Monophyes, C., 618, 621 Monopodium, Pr., 208 Monostoma, W., 221, 550, 593, 623 Monticulipora, C. , 1162 Montipora, C., 682 Montlivaltia, C., 997, 1048, 1050 Mopsea, C., 777 Morchellana, C., 732 Muricea, C., 954 Muritella, C., 745 Mussa, C., 937 Myliusia, Sp., 77 Myoryktes, W., 961, 1012 Myriothela, C., 112 115, 211, 212 Myxobrachia, Pr., 240 Myzostoma, p. 254 Nadina, W., 778 Naiades, W., 2500 Nais, W., 2587, 2597, 2598, 2665, 2666 Nanomia, C., 608 Nebela, Pr., 179, 184, 198, 233 Nematobothrium, W., 424 Nematoda,p. 177 Nemertes, W., 812 NEMERTINA (general papers), p. 174 Anatomy and Histology, 810, 821 823, 827, 828, 831836, 8>8, 839, 842, 844847, 852, 866, 8.V, 872 Development and reproduction, 803 808, 811, 814, 823, 856, 857, 862 ' 278 INDEX. Distribution, new species, etc., America, 868, 869 Britain, 847 Europe, 823, 829 Mediterranean, 825 Tashkend, 813 Willem Barents expedition, 837 Nemertoscolex, W., 697 Neornenia, p. 254 Nephelis, W., 2174, 2192, 2199, 2200, 2204, 2213, 2232, 2251 Nephthys, W., 2443 Nereidavus, W., 2383 Nereilarnpas, W., 2549 Nereilepas, W., 2330 Nereis, W., 19, 2330, 2346, 2408, 2443, 2549, 2 576~, 2643, 2672 Nerine, W., i Noctiluca, Pr., 902, 905, 943, 955, 956, 957, 988,989, 1002, 1025, 1175, 1176, 1214, 1222 Nodosaria, Pr., 626 Nothria, W., 2695 Notocirra, W., 2625 Notommata, W., 1296, 1297, 1330 Notostomum, W., 2215 Nubecularia, Pr., 474 Nubeculospira, Pr., 228 Nuclearia, Pr., 58 Nummoloculina, Pr., 639 Nummulites, Pr., 284, 295, 310, 318, 320, 400, 414, 420, 426436, 446, 450, 453, 511, 522, 560, 670, 679, 703, etc. Obelia, C., 273, 323, 398 Obolella, C., 1059; ^- J 5> 1 53' l $ Q 6> 1507, 1618 Obolellina, W., 1505 Oceanapia, Sp., 211 Ocnerodrilus, W., 2344 Octacuemius, T., 134 Octorchis, C., 343 Oculina, C., 792 Oculinaria, T., 52 (Ecistes, W., 1350, 1351, 1401, 1402; Add. 8 (Enone, W., 2405 Oligoceras, Sp., 435 Oligognathus, W., 2659 Onchotyle, W., 616 Onuphis, W., 2636, 2649 Opalina, Pr., 1009, 1091, 1242 Opalinopsis, W., 61 Opercularella, C., 273 Opercularia, Pr., 539 Ophelia, W., 2313, 2366, 2388, 2526, 2625, 2397 Ophionemertes, W. 869 Ophrydium, Pr., 141 Ophryocotyle, W., 307 Ophryocystis, Pr., 1186 Ophryodendron, Pr., 1020, 1061, 1177, 1231, 1232 Orbicula, W., 1779 Orbitoides, Pr., 450, 452, 453, 499 Orbitolites, Pr., 345 347, 414 Orbulina, Pr., 591, 800 Oria, W., 2556 Orthis, W., 1640, 1646, 1784 Orthisina, W., 1696, 1761 Orthonecta, p. 144 Ortonia, W., 1752, 2583, 2584,2585, 2711 Osculina, Sp., 46 Osteocella, C., 746, 876, 877, 918, 923, 924 Othelosoma, W., 696 Ouramoeba, Pr. , 173, 176, 183 Ovulites, Pr., 542 Oxycorynia, T., 27, 28 Oxytric'hina, Pr., 1078, 1208; W., 1140, 1141 Oxyuris, W., 971, 976 979, etc. Pachydrilus, W., 2308 Pachytragida, Sp., 107 Palaeacis, Sp., 158; C., 1055, 1171 Palaeactis, C., 703, 1005 Paloeocoryne, C., 154, 155 ; W., 1903, 2132, 2164 Palaeocyclus, C., 1017 Paleeotrocbis, C., 1124 Palolo, W., 2614, 2704 Paludicella, W., 1992 Palythoa, W., 1892 Pamphagus, Pr., 194 Panceria, C., 673 Paractius, W., 2504 Paragorgia, C. 735, 959 Paramoecium, Pr., 1103, 1104, 1198 Paraones, W., 2406 Parasmilia, C., 964 Parkeria, Pr., 338, 356, 378, 884 Pasceolus, C., 989 Peasia, W., 791 Pectinatella, W., 1999 Pedalion, W., 1299, 1300, 1320, 1340, 134.2, 1344. 1363, 1384 Pedicellina, W., 1873, 1940, 1947, 2090, 2126, 2144 Pegea, T., 118 Pelagia, C., 39 Pelagonemertes, W., 859 861 Pelobius, Pr., 147 Pelodera, W., 981 Pelomyxa, Pr., 145, 169 Pelonaia, T., 122, 123 Peloryctes, W., 2712 Peneroplis, Pr., 567, 590, 591 Pennatula, C., 670, 796, 808810, 812, 813, 859, 860, 886 890, 906 Pentamerus, W., 1638 Pentellina, Pr., 597 Pera, T., 119 Perichaeta, W., 2417, 2444, 2449, 2599, 2600, 2607, 2681, 2682, 2683 Peridinium, Pr., 940,961, 964, 1028, 1 1 n, 1169, 1228 Periptyches, W., 2406 INDEX. 279 Peritrachelius, W. 957 Perophora, T., 84, 94 Petraia, C., 990, 1151 Phacus, Pr., 908 Phteocella, C., 745 Phasodarias, Pr., 158 Pballusia, T., 150, 166; Add., 19 Pharetronema, Sp., 467 Pharetrones, Sp., 139 Pharetrospongia, Sp., 462 Phascolion, W, 1476 Pbarfcolosoma, W., 1410, 1415, 1426, 1429, 1439, 1454, 1455, 1459, 1460, 1475, 1476, 2663, 2695 Phenacia, W., 2595 Pheronema, ( = Holtenia), Sp., 200, 264, 292, 295 Phialidium, C. , 343, 441 Philasodictyina, Sp., 104 Philodictyia, C., 1260 Philodina, W., 1298, 1304 Pholidophyllum, C., 1099 Phonergates, Pr., 328 Pboriospongia, Sp., 321 Phoronis, p. 218; Add., 16 Phreatothrix, W., 2687 Phreoryctes, W., 1097, 1144, 2506, 2670 Phyllodoce, W., i, 2418, 2516, 2555 Pbyllograptus, C., 509 Phyllopora, C., 936; W., 2105 Phymastrasa, C., 718 Physalia, C., 639, 648 Physemaria, Sp.,227, 272, 273; Pr., 165 Physophora, C., 615, 626, 628, 632 Pileolaria, W., 2643 Pilidium, W., 809, 871, 2299, etc. Pinaciophora, Pr., 758 Pironastraea, C., 977 Piscicola, W., 2205, 2216 Placentula, Pr., 275, 657 Placinia, Sp., 436 Placopsilina, Pr., 656 Placotrocbus, C., 938, 1220 Placuntarion, Sp., 494 Plagiophrys, Pr , 109, 704, 706 Plagospongia,Sp., 183 Plagotaenia, W., 310 Planaria, W., i, p. 168, etc. Platidia, W., 1614, 1730 Platyelminthe?!, p. 145 Plectronella, Sp., 466 Plesiastrtea, C., 682 Pleurobracbia, C., 1292 Pleurochaeta, Add. 6 Pleurodyctium, C., 1201 ; W., 1785 Pleurograpsus, C., 561 Pleuronema, Pr., 1162 Pleurophyllum, C., 1246 Pleurostomina, Pr., 366 Plocamia, Sp., 391, 468 Plumatella, W., 1334, 1855, 1934, 1962, 2006, 2055 Plumularia, C., 85, 96, 121, 156, 192, 195 Plutellus, W., 2605 Pocillopora, C.,682, 869, 875 Podocoryne, C., 170, 196, 200, 271, 377 Podophrya, Pr., 912, 931, 1049, 1053, 1122, 1123, 1177, 1229 Podospongia, Sp., 12 Podostoma, Pr., 127, 944 Poecilogaster, W., 980 Polybostrichus, W., 2459 Polycelis, W., 655, 775, 793, 795 Polycbffitus, W., 1292 Polycistina, see Radiolaria Polydora, W., i, 2300; Add., 13 Polygordius, W. , i, 2366,2530,2610,2629, 2630, 2650, 2676, 2567 Polymastia, Sp. , 384 Polymorphina, Pr., 260, 261, 306, 651 Polyphragma, Pr., 565 Polynoe, W. , 2271, 2426, 2456 Polynoina, W., 2487 Polypora, W., 2161 Polyrhizophora, Sp., 302 Polystomum, W., 606, 635, 641 Polytoma, Pr., 1080, 1081 Polytrema, Sp., 49 ; Pr., 107, 604 POLTZOA, p. 218. See also Pr., 390, 489, 562, 581, 689, 690; Sp., 394, 400; C., 5, 18, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 79, 86, 884, 1077, 1119, 1186, 1188, 1193, 1264; W., 1818 Pomatoceros, W., 2325 Pontobdella, W., 1455, 2248, 2249 Pontodrilus, W., 2608, 2612 Porambonites, W., 1571 Porellina, W., 2128 Porospongia, Sp., 160, 494 Porpita, C. , 609, 623, 635 Potamolepis, Sp., 325 Poterion, Sp., 230,444 Prasopora, C., 1 161 Priapulus, W., 1414, 1436, 1482, 1483 Primnoa, C., 777 Proceraea, W., 2636 Productella, W. , 1652 Productus, W., 1599, 1652, 1819, 1826 Proneomeuia, p. 254 Prorbynchus, W., 304 Prosorhyncbus, W., 2522 Prostomum, W., 705 Protamoeba, Pr., 169, see also under Amceba Proteus, Pr., 1203 Protista, see Monera Prothelmintbes, W., 70, 137, 138 Protobathybius, Pr., 791, 792 Protocyathus, C., 1060 Protocystis, Pr., 249 Protodrilus, W., 2436 Protospongia, Sp., 471, 550 PROTOZOA, p. 1 General papers, i, 2, 7, u, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 57, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 80, 82, 88, 89, 94, 95, 103106 280 INDEX. Distribution (see also Rhizopoda, etc.) America, 3 Antartic, 16 Arctic, 13, 74 Atlantic, 90, 103, 104 Austria, 48, 101 England, 77, 106 Italy, 4, 8, 9, 14, 31, 54, 5664, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 98, 99 Mediterranean, n, 15 Switzerland, 22, 23 Kussia, 30, 71 White Sea, 13 Nuclear Division, 6, 24, 34, 53, 67, 68, 607 Methods of preserving, etc., 5, 10, 50, 66, 8; Parasitic, 12, 25, 26, 65, 80, 132 Protoplasm of, 19, 20, 55, 85, 86, 96, 156. i57' r 59> 550555. 605 Physiology, 18, 19, 20, 24, 46, 47, 73, 91, 100, 105 Eeproduction (see Nuclear Division) Protula, W., 2298, 2363 Psammoryctes, W., 2684 Psammoscolex, W., 2471, 2472 Psammoseris, C., 934 Psetalia, Sp., 208, 344 Pseudo-amoeba, Pr., 201 Pseudochsetetes, C., 1082 Pseudocotyle, W., 492, 616 Pseudonematon, W., 1004, 1005 Pseudo-rhabditis,W., 1116 Pseudorhiza, C., 467 Psorosperms, Pr., p. 55. See also W. , 22T Psygmobranchus, W., 2298, 2643 Pterodina, W., 1339 Pteroeides, C., 758 Pteroscolex, W., 2509 Pterygodermatitis, W., 954 Ptilodictyia, W., 2024, 2025, 2026 Ptilograpsus, C., 567 Ptychodes, W., 451, 863 Ptychophyllum, C., 1095 Pulsatoria, Pr., 1024 Purisphonia, Sp., 82 Pustularia, Sp., 175 Pyrocystis, Pr., 210 Pyrosoma, T., 78, 79, 81, 90, 95, 127, 140, 143 Pyrsonympha, Pr., 1281 Pyxicola, Pr., 1098 Quadrula, Pr., 224 Quinqueloculina, Pr., 224, 651 Kadicipes, C., 222 Kadiolaria, p. 34. Also Pr., 302 ; Sp., 138; C., 884 Eadiopora, W., 1976 Eamipora, W., 1916 Eaphidiophrys, Pr., 180, 224, 733, 738 Kaphidotheca, Sp., 93, 266 Eaphiolerma, Sp., 519 Eataria, C., 642 Eaynerella, C., 741 Eeceptaculites, Pr., 408, 506; C., 981, 989, 1002, 1076 Eeniera, Sp., 12, 257, 281, 322, 323 Eenilla, C., 722, 878, 966969 Eenulina, Pr., 118, 278 Eetepora, W., 1907, 1951 Eetiolites, C., 599 Eetzia, W., 1647, 2026 Eeussastrea, C., 977 Ehabdaminina, Pr. , 218 Ehabditis, W., 19, 885, 953, 1109, etc. Ehabdoliths, see Coccoliths Ehabdomeson, W., 2162 Ehabdopleura, W , 1856, 1857,1863, 1996, 201 1 2013, 2092, 2094, 2095 Ehinops, W., 1336 Ehipidella, C., 745 Ehizochalina, Sp.\ 211 Ehizogeton, C., 140 EHIZOPODA, p. 5 Classification, 121, 155, 162 Freshwater forms (various), 108, 109, 125, 126, 129, 130, 146, 147, 162, 163, 164, 169, 171, 185, i6, 194, 195, 197, 204, 205, 211, 214, 215, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, 232, 234, 239, 248, 265 Eeproduction, 150, 151, 161, 169, 202, 224, 256, etc. Terrestrial forms (various), 146, 174, 186, 219, 221 Ehizohydra, C., 148 Ehizostoma, C., 412, 437, 438, 440, 442, 443, 446, 448, 457, 462 Ehodophyton, C., 736 Ehopalura, W., 72 Ehynchelmis, W., 2686 Ehynchodemus, W., 27, 728 Ehynchonella, W., 1521, 1593, 1621,1626, 1639, 1656, 1673, 1678, 1686, 1713, 1723, 1747 Ehynchonorella, W., 2594 Ehynchopora, W., 1681, 1682 Eictularia, W., 1163 Eobulina, Pr.,528 Eomeria, C., 1208 Eossella, Sp., 61, 73 Eotalia, Pr., 359 Eotalinae, Pr. , 468 Eotifer, W., 1311 EOTIFEEA, p. 194. See also W., 38, 44 Anatomy and Classification, 1310, 1318, 1332, 1345, 1349, J 374> 1393 Distribution, new species, etc. America, 1294 Britain, 1362 France, 1370 Germany, 1301, 13591361 Italy, 1369 Eyes, 1295 INDEX. 281 Habits, 1305, 1317, 1346, 1386, 1403 Revivification, 1319, 1322, 1343, 1364 Bupertia, Pr., 683 Sabella, W., 2403, 2489 Saccammina, Pr., 270, 293, 377, 492, 702 Saccocirrus, W., 2276, 2629 Sagartia, W., 756, 925 Sagitta, p. 256; W., 33, 35, 2592 Sagitella, p. 256, (also W. , 2480) Salmacina, W., 2363, 2364 Salpa, T., i, 7, 10, n, 13, 16, 19, 81, 90, 99, 121, 153 157, 170175, 180 Salpingosca, Pr., 981 Salterella, W., 1501 Samythella, W., 2695 Sarcophyton, W., 869 Sarcotaces, W., 422 Scenella, C., 1059 Schistocephalus, W., 329 Schizocladium, C., 101 Schizophora, Pr., 575 Schlegella, W., 2258 Sclerostoma, W., 96, 97, 877, 878, 880, 33, 970, 1140, 1147 )los, W., 2562 Scoloplos, Scruparia, W., 2128 Sebargasia, Sp. , 484 Seison, W., 1307, 1308 Selenaria, W., 2124 Septopora, Pr., 507; W., 2023 Serialaria, W., 2031, 2121 Seriatopora, C., 875 Serpentaria, W., 649 Serpula, W., 1815, 2265, 2421, 2578, 2631, 2648 Sertularia, C., 90, 169, 187, 201, 207, 231, 232, 238, 247, 265, 280 Shepheardella, Pr. , 227 Siderospongia, Sp., 493 Sigalionina, W., 2410 Silurispongia, Sp., 549 Siphonia, Sp., 463 Siphonophora, p. 110 Development, 613, 616, 625, 628, 632, 635> 637, 638, 645 Histology, 612, 614, 623, 624 Siphonostoma, W., 2382, 2475 Siphonotreta, W., 1831 Siphydra, Sp., 119 Sipunculus, W., 1404, 1405, 1408, 1409, 1428, 1433, 1437, 1438, 14411444, 1451, 14621464, 1466, 1475, 1483 Slabberia, C., 323 Solenastraea, C., 1026 Solenocaulon, C., 734 Solenogorgia, C., 727 Solenophorus, W., 26ia, 316(1, 398, 1108 Solenopora, C., 1045 Solenopus, ( = Neouienia), p. 254 Sollasia, Sp., 484 Spadella, W., 2753, 2754 Sphaerastrum, Pr., 758 SphsBrocoelia, Sp., 484 T. Sphaerodorum, W., 2372 Sphaerosomatites, Pr., (?) 777 Sphasrozoum, Pr., 748, 749, 766 Sphasrularia, W., 185, 950 Spio, W., 2367, 2533 Spirifer, W., 15221524, 1648, 1653, 1683, 1687, 1718, 1720, 1808, 1835, 1836, 2025 Spiriferina, W., 1522 24, 1599 Spirigera, W., 1641, 1643, I 8 44> ^45 Spirochona, Pr., 1055 Spiroloculina, Pr., 651 Spiropora, W., 2118 Spiroptera, W., 881, 896, 919, 1020, 1078, 1096 Spirorbis, W., i, 19, 2353, 2593 Spoggodes, C., 732, 744 Spongelia, Sp., 433 Spongia, Sp., 145, 201, 304, 316, 434, 438 SPONGUDA, p. 59 General Works, 33, 37, etc. Anatomy and Morphology, i, 2, 16, 48, 63, 74, 89, 97, 100, 101, 107, in, 115 118, 156, 168, 217 223, 265, 267, 285, 286, 304, 338 343, 457, 482, 522; Pr., 352 Classification, 26, 33, 74, 97, 100, 101, 107, 184, 186, 205, 212, 223, 404, 409 Distribution, Adriatic, 401 403 Africa, 239 America, 249, 376378, 380, 387, 499, 501, 502; Pr., 689, 690 Antarctic, 32, 58, 78, 393 Arctic, 78, 224, 226, 309, 315, 332, 348, 349, 407, 411, 413; C., 18 Atlantic, 68, 75, 408, 412; Pr., 752 Australia, 231 Austria, 173, 503 Britain, 19, 310, 360, 361, 364, 395, 528 Ceylon, 30, 207 Hungary, 130 Indian Ocean, 229 Italy, 3 Mediterranean, 256, 261, 406 Norway, 400, 469, 474 Pacific, 446 Philippines, 35, 237, 451 Russia, 142, 144, 213, 332, 454 Switzerland, 214 West Indies, 102, 131, 132, 235, 419, 420, 421 Embryology, 13 15, 69, no, 168, 222, 259, 271, 274, 335337. 372, 424 436, 440, 508, 510 Fossil forms, Bathonian, 159 Calcispongieae, 106, 242 Carboniferous, 85, 158, 473, 533; Pr., 637, 638 Cretaceous, 122, 123, 160, 164, 165, 241, 278, 365, 396, 475, 481, 521; C., 1217 19 282 INDEX. General, 41, 170, 245, 246, 275*1, 313, 373, 386, 423, 494, 536 545, 549 Greensand, 51 ; Pr., 627 HexactinellidaB, 76, 81, 82, 487, 533, 546 Lias, Pr., 753 Oolite, 534; C., 1188, 1238 Pharetrona, 139, 484 Silicispongieae, 121, 521 Silurian, 133, 514 Spicules, 121, 215, 241, 397, 470, 47.3 Tertiary, 312, 390 Trias, 290 Urgonian, C., 1118 Histology, 5, 59, 115, 155, 174, 276, 297301, 343, 383, 405 Parasites, 55, 80 Pigments (including chlorophyll) , 2 79 283, 287, 289, 353, 483 Reproduction, 36, 155, 222 Spicules, 43, 67, 70, 86, 87, 90, 98, 135, 138, 215, 219, 248, 255, 392, 410, 441, 473, 521 Spongilla, Sp., 17, 18, 38, 41, 67, 99, 105, 112, 113, 118, 126, 140, 144, 163, 167, 214, 231, 238, 239, 240, 243, 258, 284, 287, 289, 291, 327, 324, 35. 35i 37' 374, 376, 377, 380, 385, 389, 483, 503, 504, 516, 518, 5 2 7> 534 Spongillopsis, Sp., 169 Spongiophaga, Sp., 103, 375 Spongiophagus, Pr., 135 Spongocystis, Pr., 753 Spongophyllum, C., 1207 Sporozoa, Pr., p. 55 Squamulina, (seeHaliphysema), Pr., 350, 351, 362, 487; Sp., 86 iprrj Staphylocystes, W., 383, 478, 479 Stauronema, Sp., 460 Stelletta, Sp., 56 Stenohelia, C., 784 Stenopora, C., 990, 1044, ^62, 1163 Stenostomum, W., 688 Stentor, Pr., 920, 976, 1038, 1093, noo, noi, 1105, 1147, 1196 Stephanoceros, W., 1314, 1327, 1376, 1381; Add., 12 Stephanops, Pr., 1219 Stephanoscyphus, C., 108, nr Stephanosyllis, W., 2696 Stephanurus, W., 935, 936, 970 Sternaspis, W., 2496, 2555, 2632, 2658, 2663, 2693, 2694 Sphserophrya, Pr., 1136 Sticholonche, Pr., 102, 161 Stimpsonia ( = Balanoglossus) W., 2734 Stoliczkaria, Pr., 378 Stomatopora, W., 2003, 2137 Stomobrachium, C., 287, 403; Pr., 1234 Streptorhynchus, W., 1646 Stricklandinia, W., 1259, 1496, 1498, 1828 Stromatocerium, W., 2088 Stromatoporidce, p. 40. See also Pr., 836, C., 135, 980, 1000, 1002, 1249, 1265 ; Sp., 297 Strongylidium, Pr., 1208 Strongylus, W., 878, 884, 900, 938, 939, 949, 1088, 1089 Strophalosia, W., 1652 Strophomena, W., 1646 Strophosphgera, W., 1378 Stylaster, p. 105 ; C., 869 Stylochopsis, W., 19 Stylochus, W., 768 Stylonychia, Pr., 1217 Stylonethes, Pr., 1208 Stylophora, C., 682 Styloplotes, Pr., 1174 Stylorhynchus, Pr., 1188, 1293 Suberites, Sp., 95, no Suctociliata, see Acarella Sycandra, Sp., 13, 372, 424, 425, 431, 43 2 > 5! Syllideae, W., 2481 Syllis, W., 2473, 2540, 2541, 2555 Syrnphillia, C., 937 Sympodium, C., 815, 816 Synanthus, C., 961 Synchaeta, W., 1325, 1338 Syncoryne, C., 99, 258 Syndermis, W., 788 Syngamus, W., 963, 964, 1113 Synocladia, W., 2023 Synura, Pr., 1037 Syringammina, Pr., 315 Syringolites, C. 1085. Syringopora, C., 883 Syringosphaeridse, Pr., 134 Syringostroma, Pr., 898 Syringothyris, W., 1687, 17/9 Tabulipora, C., 1162 Taenia, p. 152 etc. Teichonia, Sp., 84 Telescella, C., 741 Telesco, C., 741 Temnocephala, W., 596, 2226 Tendra, W., 2071, 2074 Tennysonia, W., 1881 Tentaculites, C., 1249, 1259; W., 2582, 2583* 2585 Terebella, W., i, 2282, 2313, 2320, 2405, 2495, 2643 Terebellides, W., 2636, 2661 Terebratella, W., 1598, 1673, 1674, 1727 Terebratula, W., 1485, 1514, 1516, 1518, 1520, 1528, 1531, 1532, 1534, 1540, 1547, 1564, 1565, 1590, 1594, 1606, 1611, 1626, 1675, 1692, 1699, 1729, 1732, 1748, 1769, 1773, 17761778, 1787, 1803, 1806, 1807, 1817, 1821, 1824 Terebratulina, W., 1509, 1530, 1585, 15518, 1613, 1739, 17421744 Terebnpora, W., 1901, 1902, 1977 INDEX. 283 Tethea, Sp., 18, 79 Tethya, Sp., 42, 44, 47, 54, 60, 61, 129, 496 Tethyopsis, Sp., 485 Tetractinellidse, Sp., 542, 543 Tetradium, C., 1160 Tetrarhynchus, W., 323, 452, 485 Tetrastemma, W., 304, 704, 818, 819, 869, 870 Textularia, Pr., 539 Thalamopora, Pr., 401, 565 Thalassema, W., 1413, 1419, 1448, 1452, 1468 Thalassicolla, Pr., 766, 769, 786, etc. Thamnastrsea, C., 1243 Thamniscus, W., 2104 Thamnograptus, C., 509 Thaumantias, C., 402, 434 Thaumastocoelia, Sp., 484 Theca, W., 1666 Thecidium, W., 1553, 1697, 1712, 1751 Thecomedusaa, C., 108, in Theonella, Sp., 29, 187 Thersites, W., 1103 Thetea, Sp., 83 Thonarella, C., 748 Thuiaria, C., 265 Thurammina, Pr., 441 Thuramminopsis, Pr., 445 Thuricola, Pr., 1211 Thysanozoon, W., 656, 768, 788 Tintinnodea, Pr., 1013, 1016 Tintinnus, Pr., 1209, 1210, 1213 Tomopteris, W., 2295, 2381, 2457, 2570 Torquatella, Pr., 1094 Tornaria, p. 255 Trachelomonas, Pr., 911 Trachipora, C., 1095 Trachya, Sp., 47 Trachyphyllia, C., 999 Traquairia, Pr., 744, 745 Travisia, W., 2389 TREMATODA (general papers), p. 162 Anatomy and histology, 502, 528, 543, 544, 611613, 626628, 644 Development and reproduction, 523 525, 584, 625, 627 Distribution, new species, etc. 511, 5*5* 5i6, 545> 555. 5^6, 568, 594, 595, 622 Generative and excretory organs, 497, 558, 559, 567, 607, 610, 629, 630 Trematospira, W., 1647 Triactinosphaera, Pr., 753 Triaenophorus, W., 385, 489 Triarthra, W., 1337, 1389 Trichamceba, Pr., 206 Trichina, p. 189 Trichidinopsis, W., 1131 Trichocephalus, W., 98, 99, 918, 933, . 958960 Trichoderma, W., 1331 Trichodes, W., 1054 Trichodina, Pr., 254, 960, 963,967, 1048, 1177, 1221 Trichodinopsis, Pr., 1187 Trichogaster, Pr. 1208 Trichogypsia, Sp., 53 Trichonympha, Pr., 226, 1281 Trichophrya, Pr., 912 Trichoplax, W., 223 a Trichosoma, W., 185 Trichosomum, W., 95, 905, 1054, 1137 Tricuspidaria, W., 385, 1083 Trichydra, C., 285 Triloculina, Pr., 651 Trimerella, W., 1504, 1586, 1587, 1703, 1722 Trinema, Pr., 182, 194 Trioenophorus, W., 1083 Tristicella, W., 2053, 2O 93 Tristomum, W., 470, 615, 618, 624 Trochammina, Pr., 439, 440, 472 Trochetia, W., 2190, 2211 Trochocyathus, C., 978, 1024, 1245 Trochospheera, W., 1387, 1388 Trochosphaeriuni, Pr., 220 Trophonia, W., 2443 Trypanococcus, Pr., 1204 Trypanosoma, Pr., 1145 Tubicolaria, W., 1324 Tubifex, W., 1114, 2484, 2494, 2519, 2580, 2684; Add., 10 Tubipora, C., 487, 720, 766, 794, 875, 883, 973 Tubularia, C., 94, 95, 102, 130, 139 141, 149, 209, 286 Tubulipora, C., 1273 Tunicine, T., 37,74, 161, 163 TUNICATA, p. 257 Affinities with Vertebrata, 5, 24, 25, 46, 70, 71, 83, 91, TOI, 133, 137, 146 Anatomy and Histology, 8, 9, 14, 21, 23, 34, 38, 44, 45, 54, 60, 62, 64, 67, 72, 75, 76, 108, 109, 187 Circulation, 84, 109, 114, 118, 142, 143, 147, 194 Classification, 26, 120 Development, 5, 9, 35, 36, 39, 43, 46, 49, 89, 93, 107, 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 150, 152, 185, 1 86 Distribution, new species, etc. Adriatic, 59 America, 51, 144, 167, 189, 190, 191, 192; C., 60, 61 Arctic, 58, 103, 117, 139, 195; C., 884 Belgium, 116 Britain, 2, 6r, 63, 164 Challenger expedition, 65, 66, 69 France, 30, no General, 160, 177 Kerguelen Island, 86, 168 Mediterranean, 113 New Zealand, 77 North Sea, 104 Russia, 181, 185, 195 284 INDEX. Scandinavia, 159, 176 Triton expedition, 73 West Indies, 178, 179 Locomotion, 124 TURBELLARIA, p. 168 Anatomy and Histology, 670, 676, 689, 691 694, 706, 707 710, 713, 716, 718, 725, 733, 734, 757, 758, 760, 762, 763, 767, 769, 773, 798 Development and reproduction, 659, 686, 687, 706, 711, 725, 729, 730, 737. 738, 749, 761, 776, 783787. 792 Distribution, new species, etc. Austria, 796, 797 Baikal, 700 Baltic, 653 Belgium, 650 Britain, 657, 672, 742 Germany, 779 General, 662664,699, 736, 752 Greenland, 746 Holland, 751 India, 660, 721 Mediterranean, 780, 782 Norway, 712 Novara expedition, 698 Kodriguez, 704 Kussia, 755, 756, 774 Switzerland, 647, 648, 665, 669, 671, 675 Preservation, 735 Turris, C., 385 Tusculina, Pr., 643 Typbaeus, W., 2280 Typhloscolex, W., 2380 Udonellus, W., 470 Umbellula, C. 811,848 Umbellularia, C., 965 Undulina, Pr., 1092 Uphantsenia, Sp., 127 Urceolipora, W., 2009 Urnatella, W., 2000 a Urnula, Pr., 1239 Urocentrum, see Peridinium Urockasta, W., 2607 Uroglena, Pr., 1037 Vaginicola, Pr., 1142, 1148 Valencinia, W., 848 Vampyrella, Pr., 137, 166, 167, 168 Vasicola, Pr., 1215 Vasillum, C., 936 Velella, C., 609, 631, 642, 644 646 Velinaa, Sp., 511 Ventriculites, Sp., 458, 475 Veretillum, C., 733 Vermilia, W., 2298, 2698 Verongia, Sp., 13 Verrillia, see Osteocella Vexillaria, T., 29 Vincularia, W. , 1909, 2061 Victoriella, W., 1985 Virgularia, C., 669, 725, 960 Visa, C., 745 Volvocinea, Pr., 1125 Vortex, W., 666, 671, 675, 690, 772 Vorticella, Pr., 903, 904, 916, 917, 927, 962, 1008, 1018, 1032 1035, 1108, 1109, 1135, 1137, 1138, 1178, 1212 Vorticeros, W., 715 Vorticlava, C., 285 Wagnerella, 330, 331, 333; Pr., 901, 1131 Waldheimia, W., 1674 Wartelia, W., 2365 Webbina, Pr., 440, 629 Websteria, C., 113 Wyvillethomsonia, Pr., 362 ; Sp., 529 WORMS, p. 142. See also Chcstopoda,etc. General papers, 5, 2325, 28, 40, 41, 44 53 Commensalism, 29 Distribution, new species, etc. America, 2, 55, 56; C., 6r Arctic, C., 1 8, 54 Britain, n, 31, 32, 34, 39 France, C., 10 General, 3, 35 Hungary, 30 India, 6 Italy, 4 8 Lussin, 20 Mauritius, 46 Mediterranean, 41, 42 New Zealand, 27 Novara expedition, 21 Prussia, 37 Eed Sea, 22 Bussia, 10 Scandinavia, 35, 47, 49, 51 ; Sp. 4 oo Spitzbergen, 13, 14 Switzerland, 15 Fossil forms, 12, 16. See also Pr., 365, 486 Histology, 57 Nervous system and sense-organs, 8, 9> 3 6 Eeproduction and development, i, 8, 17, 18, 32, 33, 38, 50 Segmentation, 53 Spermatozoa, 7 Xanthiopus, C., 783 Xenospongia, Sp., 244 Xylospongia, Sp., 189 Zaphrentis, C., 990, 1151, 1232, 1258 Zoanthus, C., 767 Zoobotryon, W., 2066 Zooteira, Pr., 1232, 1233 Zygospira, W., 1642, 1655 CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. y U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 58448