UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES SALE NUMBER 1455 -1 ^r^wVri^V'JfH TO BE SOLD ON THB AFTERNOONS OF MON- DAY AND TUESDAY, JANUARY TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH, AT 2.30 ; WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY FOURTEENTH, AT 10.30, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, JANUARY FOUR- TEENTH, FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH, AT 2.30 O'CLOCK ili!!!)H«illilfl)!!I il lli Mi M l il THE ANDERSON GALLERIES (MITCHELL KENNERLEY, President) 4SP PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK m THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE THEODORE LOW DEVINNE ?Mu*> £ j I/C4^iajl> SALE NUMBER 1455 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, JANUARY FIFTH THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE THEODORE LOW DEVINNE ORDER OF SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 12, LOTS 1-325 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 13, LOTS 326- 639 WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, LOTS 640- 972 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14, LOTS 973-1291 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 15, LOTS 1292-1612 FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 16, LOTS 1613-1945 AT 10.30 AM., AND 2.30 P.M. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1920 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be pes i "i as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lol hall be resold, but the Auctioneer will us< his judgment as to the I faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so re- moved they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. TERMS cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good sixond-hand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned w : ithin ten days from the date of the sale. Xo exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Cofy of this Catalogue way be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-XIXTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9J56 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN z \ v\ K INTRODUCTION DRIVATE Libraries may well be divided into two classes: — Those embodying- the aspirations and attainments of a trained mind which spent years in bringing together books selected with a certain end in view and those which were assembled with the sole idea of acquiring numbers of volumes expensive and rare. The first is a partially realized dream, the heart of the owner's desires: the second, no matter how choice and valuable, is only a collection of books. To the former class belongs the library of the late Theodore L. DeVinne, Master Printer. In it we see the careful accumulation of a lifetime of stud}' and accomplishment; the tools wherewith he fashioned the works on typographical history and criticism which will keep his memory bright for all those who love a well-made book and try to do their part in maintaining a high standard for the "art preservative of all arts," the art of printing. Mr. DeVinne used his library constantly in the preparation of his books as well as to study historic types, etc., with the purpose of improving American printing. He was a great admirer of the early A r enetian printers and had many examples from their pressr- In his "Historic Printing Types," 1886; "Title-Pages as seen by a Printer," 1901; and above all in "Notable Printers of Italy during the Fifteenth Century," 1910, he reproduced specimens from his own collection; indeed nearly all the facsimiles in the lasl mentioned book are from copies now offered for sale. In addition to the many valuable examples from Fifteenth Century Press.-, the library contains a very large collection of reference books on early typography. Taken as a whole, it is the finest library on the history of printing which has ever been offered for sale in this country. To one who has any feeling of reverence and affection for the great minds which have gone before, or any appreciation of ;i 3073 true "Association book," tins library must make ;i Bpecial and compelling appeal. Here are the very books which were used by the mosl aotable American printer since Franklin; the refer< books he consulted, the incunabula from which he selected examples of tin' \\<>ik of his greal predecessors. Here are the presentation volumes, in many Languages, from many Lands, which show that be was nol merely the best known American printer but, in bis r\ "nine's interest in ami enCOUragemenl of all young stu- dents who were starting at the bottom of the Long hill whereof lie had reached the .summit, must always be a pleasure and privilege tn remember. However mueli we may regret that this interesting and important collection, a miniature review of printing from Gutenberg to DeVinne, is now to be dispersed; those of us who Love good book-making will rejoice at the chance to secure a volume of which we may proudly say, "Theodore DeVinne owned and loved that book." HENRIETTA C. BARTLETT Dec. 18, 1919. THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE THEODORE LOW DE VINNE FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-325 1. ADAMS (THOMAS P.). Typographia: A Brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art; with Practical Directions for Con- ducting every Department in an Office. Philadelphia, Printed and Published by the Compiler, 1837 12mo, half morocco, uncut. Plates. 2. ADELINE (JULES). Les Arts de Reproduction Vulgarises. Avec 140 vignettes dans le texte et douze planches hors texte. Paris, Quantin [1893] 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman, with original paper covers, decorated by the author, bound in. Plates and illustration's from designs by the author. 3. yESCHYLUS. AI2X*A0* TPArS2AIAI Z. ^Eschyli Tragoedia? VII. In quibus prater infinita menda sublata, carminum omnium ratio hactenus ignorata, nunc primum proditur; opera Gulielmi Canteri ultraiectini. [Printer's device.] Antverpia?, Ex officina Christophori Plant ini Architypographi Regij, 1580 First Plantin edition; 16mo. Printed in Greek type. Original vellum; margin cut out at foot of title. 4. ^ESOP. Vita di Esopo Frigio, Prudente, & faceto favolatore. Tradotta Dal Sig. Conte Giulio Landi. Allaquale di nuovo sono aggionte le Favole del medesimo Esopo, con molte altre d'alcuni elevati ingegni, ascendenti alia somma di 400. . . In Venetia, Appresso Francesco Ziletti, 1581 12mo. Coll.: A-i 2 . Vellum. Woodcut borders, jvoodcuts in text. Several leaves extended and mended on outer margins. Signature of C. L. F. Regnauld on inside of cover; "Ex libris F. de Gramont" on fly-leaf. First edition of this translation printed at Venice, 1545. 5. AESOP'S FABLES, Boston, 1864; The Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker (Cozzens), N. Y., 1867; Progressive Housekeeping (Owen), Boston, 1889, and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 6. AGRIPPA. Uenrici Cornelii Agrippae, Ab Nettesheym. Arniativ Militiie Equitis aurati, & I. V. ad medicinae Doetoris. Opera, qua? cumque Eactenus vel in lucem prodierunt, vel inueniri potuerunt omnia, in duos tomos conciniie digesta, & diligenti studio recognita: quae pagina post Prffifationem proxime plenissime enumerantur. Lugduni, IVr Beringos fratres. Lyons, no date [c. 1550] First Edition; 2 vols, in 3; 8vo. Italic type, portrait of Agrippa verso of title. Old red French morocco, gilt tooled backs. Vol. - title lias lower portion cut out and mounted, upper portion strengthened. 7 \ I . \ I.-Ms AND DI8CUR8ION8 Chesterton), V i\, L911: The New Paul and Virginia (Mallock), London, i v 7 s ; The Odd (Maupassant), \. jr., [889, and others. mainly Lfimo, cloth. - - \\iii;i;\ And. Alciati Libellus, \>>- Pondsribus el lien snris. 1 1 <-iii . Budtei qusdara de eadem re, adhuc nun oiaa. [tern. Philippi Mi-i.-m, lit ii.iin , de ijsdem ad Qermanor. usum, sententia. Alciati quoq > ' ' Philippi Melachthonif in laudem Inns Ciuilis, orationee due eleguntissime. [Colophon:] Venetije per Melchiorem Sessam, L532 Small Bvo. Paper cover. Title in curious woodcut border. Bare. 9. ALCIATUS ANDREA). Omnia Andreas AJciati V. < '. Emblemata: Cum Commentariis, Quibus Emblematum omnium aperta origine, mens auctoria ezplicatur, & obecura omnia dubiaque illustrantur : Per Clandium Minoem Divionenaem. [Printer'a device.] Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Etegij. M.I ».1.XX v 1 1. Cum Privileg [Colophon:] Antverpiaa Bxcudebal ChriBtophorua Plantinua Architypographus Regius, 1577 8vo. With 191 woodowl devices for the emblems. Bound in half calf by Btikeman, No. 93 of Green's Bibliography of Alciatus. 10. ALCIATUS (ANDREA). Emblemata V. C. Andrea? Alciati Medio lanensia [urisconsulti; ('inn facili & conipondiosa explications . . . per Clandium Minn, in. . . Antverpiae, Ex Officina Plantiniana, Balthasaris Moreti, 1648 L6mo, boards, red edges. Imperfect, several leaves lacking, some leaves mended and extended in margins. Woodcuts. 11. ALCIATUS (ANDREA). Andrea Alciati and his Books of Erobli A biographical study by Henry Green, M.A. London, Triibner & Co., 1872 8vo, cloth. 12. ALDINE PRESS. Coannis Eoviani Pontani Opera Omnia Soluta Oratione Composita. Aldus [Printer's device] Nomina librorum, qui iu hisce tribus partibus continentur, a tergo huius paginse aotata reperiuntur. [Colophon:] Venetiis in JEdibus Aldi, et Andreae Soceri Afense [unio. M.D.XVIIL M Aprili. M.D. XIX. Mense Septemb. M.D.XIX. Venice, 1518-1519 First Edition, 3 vols., 8vo. Fine old red mOrocco, gilt edges. Vol. - has leaves B3 to Bii in duplicate inserted in place of F3 to F6, which are lacking; leaves Gl to 13, which were suppressed by the Agent < of the Cnquisition, are also lacking. Bookplate of Victor Albert George Child Villiers, Earl of Jersey, in each vol. MSS. notes on some leaves. 13. ALDUS. De Aldi Pii Manutii Romani Vita Meritisque in rem Literatam Dissertationem nee dum Editam Observationibus suis Dlustratam . . . Publico Proponit Samuel Lutherus Goret . . . Respondente Gabriele Godofredo Vogt. . . ■tat inn by Christian Thoophilus Vnger.] Vitemberg, Ex Officina Vidvse Schefflerise, 1753 4to, half morocco, uncut. Engraved portrait of Manuti/us; engraved plate of the Aldus Press Device. Page ci.yiiii has been damaged by fire; some leaves stained; manuscript note on title. 14. ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). Ex Libris: Essays of a Collector. With twenty-om copperplates. Boston, 1896 8vo, cloth, uncut. No. 55 of 750 copies. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeVinne. 15. ALVAREZ (FRANCISCO). Verdadeira [nformacao das Terras do Preste .loan das In. lias, polo Padre Francisco Alvares. Nova edicao (Conforme a de 1540, illustrada de di\ ersos fac-similes I . Ldsboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1889 Polio, liall* morocco, uncut. Facsimile of title and first leaf of prologue from original edition of 1540, and of title-pages of various early translations of the ir<}rk\ 16. AMERICAN" BINDING. A Specimen of Printing Types, east in the Franklin Letter-Foundry of A. W. Kinsley & Co., Eagle-Street, aeai the Capitol, Albany, N. Y. (Albany?) Webster & Wood, Printers (ca. 1828) 8vo, stamped calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by Packard & Hoffman, Albany. Plates; printed on one side of leaf only. 17. AMERICAN CHURCHES. .An Enquiry into the Naming of Churches in the United States, some Account of English Dedications, etc. Compiled by two Laymen of the Diocese of Rhode Island. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1891 Small 4to, wrappers, uncut. Presentation copy from D. B. Updike. 18. AMERICAN DICTIONARY of Printing and Bookmaking, containing a History of These Arts in Europe and America, with Definitions of Technical Terms and Biographical Sketches. New York, 1894 4to, half morocco, uncut. Portrait and illustrations. 19. AMES (JOSEPH). Typographical Antiquities: Or, An Historical Ac count of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Considerably augmented . . . by William Herbert . . . London, 1785-90 3 vols., 4to, old calf (broken). Bookplate of Francis Freeling. 20. AMMON (JOST). Kartenspielbuch. Charta Lvsoria. Niirnberg, L. Ileussler, 1588. (Liebhaber-Bibliothek alter lllustratoren in Facsimile-Repro- duction. II Bandchen.) (Munchen, 1880) Svo, half morocco. Reproduction of original title-page in red and black. Illustrations. 21. AMMON (JOST). The Theatre of Women. Designed by Jost Amnion. Edited by Alfred Asplaud. London, 1872 Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Woodcuts. (The Holbein Society's Facsimile Reprints.) 22. ANACREON. ANAKPEONT02 THIOY ME All. Prsefixo Commentario quo Poetae Genus Traditur et Bibliotheea Anacreonteia adumbratur. Additis var. lect. Parma?, In iEdibus Palatinis [J. B. Bodoni], 1791 16mo, morocco (rubbed), gilt tooling, gilt edges, by Hayday. Vignette por- traits. Bookplate of Robert Johnstone. Very good edition, printed iu small capitals. 23. ANACREON. Anacreontis Odae et Fragmenta. Graece el Latine. Kdente Joanne-Baptista Gail. Paris, Didot Natu Majoris, An. VII. [1799] 4to, half morocco, uncut. Greek and Latin text on alternate pages. 24. ANACREON. Poesies de Anacreon et de Sapho. Traduction en vers de M. de La Roche-Aymon. Paris, A. Quantin, 1882 24mo, full brown levant morocco, uncut. Colored vignettes; marginal d< • tio)is in green. 25. ANCIENT SPANISH BALLADS: Historical and Romantic. Trai - lated by J. G. Loekhart. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, L823 4to, cloth, uncut. Bookplate of John Timbrel! Milward Pierce. 26. ANDERSON (ALEXANDER). Life and Works of Alexander Ander son, M.D., the First American Wood Engraver. By Frederic M. Burr. Thret portraits of Dr. Anderson, and over thirty Engravings ft?/ himself. New York, 1S93 Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. One of 725 copiies, autographed by the Author. 27. ANDERSON (CHRISTOPHER). The Annals of The English Bible. London, l s i." 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Frontispiece, pin-trait of Tyndale, facsimiles from early printings of the Bible at end of Vol. 2. First Edition. 28. ANDERSON (MARY). The Stage Life of Mary Anderson. Bj William Winter. New fork, 1886 8vo, cloth. Printer's Specimen copy, unnumbered; issued in addition to 50 numbered and signed copies. Labge Paper copy of the First Edition. 89, ANDRADE (MANOEL CARLOS DE). Lux da Liberal, a Nobre Arte da Cavallaria, OfFerecida ao Benhoi D. Jo&o Principe do Brazil. Lisboa, oa Regis Officina Typografica, L70O 2 parta In i vol., folio; half morocco, ancut, Portrait of the Prince of Bra i' engraved by Frois; plates, sunn folded, engraved by Frois, Manuel dlegre, and others. Pibsi Edition. Verj brillianl plates. 30. LNDREW8 (WILLIAM LOBING). Roger Payne and hia Art. \ A.ccoun1 of hia Life and Work as a Binder. NV« Fork: DeVinne Pi Bvo, cloth, uncut. TitU in red and black; portrait of Payiu ; plates sho\ specimens of his bindings; facsimiles. One of 120 copies. Presentation copy from the author to T. L DeVinne. 31. ANDBEWS (WILLIAM LOSING). The Old Booksellers of New York, and other papers. New York, ' - Bvo, cloth, uncut. Plates engraved by /•.. D. French. One of 142 copies. 32. ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW: A Quarterly Miscellany; edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Vol. I, June, 1899— Vol. 4, March, 1900. London, 1899-1900 1 vnls., Ito, morocco, gilt tooled, uncut. Bach binding in facsimile of a historic specimen. 33. AMMA BRUTORUM COMMENTARIA, Colored illustrations, 17 Ricordi Tipografici (Barbera), Firenze, 1897; Xicolo Bettoni (Barbera), Firenze, 1892, and others. 14 vols'., mainly 12mo and 8vo, paper. 34. ANISSON (Monsieur, le fils). Premier Memoire sur 1 'Impression en Lett res, suivi .le la Description d'une nouvelle Presse executee pour le service du Hoi; et Publiee par ordre du Gouvernement. Paris, De l'lmprimerie de Moutard, 1785 4to, limp boards. Plates, folded. 35. ANNMARY BROWN MEMORIAL. Catalogue of Books mostly from the Presses of the First Printers . . . through the second half of the Fifteenth Century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard, and deposited in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Island. Oxford: University Press, 1910 4to, cloth, uncut. Frontispiece. Presentation copy to T. L. DeVinne from Rush C. Hawkins. 36. ANNUNZIO (GABRIELE D'). Laudi del Cielo, del Mare, della Terra e degli Eroi. Vol. 1. Milano, Fratelli Treves [1903] Vellum, with ties, uncut. Printed throughout in red and black. 37. ANTRIM (BP:NAJAH J.). Pantography; Or, Universal Drawings, in. the Comparison of Their Natural and Arbitrary Laws, with the Nature and importance of Pasigraphy, as a Science of Letters . . . Philadelphia, 1843 l2mo, cloth, red edges. Pkites. 38. APPLETONS' CYCLOPEDIA of American Biography, Edited by .lames Granl Wilson and John Fiske. New Y'ork, 1887-9 t> vols., imp. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Portraits. 39. APTJLEIUS I LUCIUS). Cupid and Psyche: a Mythological Tale, from the Golden Ass of Apuleius. London, J. Wright, ISOO 1 8vo, half calf. Plates engraved. 40. APULEIUS (LUCIUS). L'Ane d 'Or, Ou La Metamorphose. Traduc- tion de Savalete, preface de J. Andrieuz. Avcc notnbreuses gravures dcssinees par A. Racinet, P. Benard. Paris, A. F. Didot, 1872 4to, half morocco, uncut. Illustrations. With bookplate of Brayton Ives. 11. APULEIUS (LUCIUS). L'Ane d'Or. Eaux-fortes de P. Arril. 24mo, levant morocco, uncut, by stikeman. Paris, P. Arnould [n. d.] 42. ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called, in England, the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A new translation from the Arabic, with copious notes, by Edward William Lane. Illustrated . . . hi/ William Harvey. London, C. Knight and Co., L841 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth (worn), uncut. 43. ARBER (EDWARD, Editor). A List, Based on the Registers of tin- Stationers Company, of 837 London Publishers . . . between 1553 and L640 A..D. 4to, boards, uncut. Birmingham, 1890 44. ARIAS MONTANUS (BENEDICTUS). Benedict] Aria Montani Eis- palensis Poemata in quatuor toms distineta. In quorum priore continent ur Humanee salutis Monumenta, & Odas variae. [Printer 's device.] Antverpia?, Ex officina Christophori Plantini Architypographi Regij, 1589 First Edition; 4 vols, in 1; sm. 16mo. Old calf. 45. ARIOSTO (LUDOVICO). The Orlando Furioso. Translated into Eng- lish Verse. With notes by William Stewart Rose. Illustrated with "Engravings on Steel. London, G. Bell & Sons, L880 2 vols., 12mo, calf (hinges weak). 46. ARISTOCRACY IN ENGLAND (Badeau), N. V.. 1886; The World's Rough Hands (Whitmarsh), N. Y., 1898; The Scholar and the State (Potter). N. Y., 1897, and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 47. ARS MORIENDI (The). A Reproduction of the Copy in the British Museum. Edited by W. Harry Rylands, With an Introduction by George Bullen. London, Printed for the Holbein Society, 1883 4to, cloth, uncut. Facsimiles. 48. Another copy. 49. ARTEAGA (STEFANO). Lettera di Stefano Arteaga a Gio: Batista Bodoni, Intorna alia censura pubblicata dal Caval. Clementino Vannetti Accademico Fiorentino contro l'edizione Parmense dell' Orazio del 17'.»;'>. 8vo, boards, leather back, uncut. 50. ARUNDELL (THOMAS). Historical Reminiscences of the City of London and its Livery Companies. London, 18*59 8vo, cloth, uncut. 51. ASCHAM (ROGER). Toxophilus. 1545. Carefully edited by Edward Arber. London, 1869. (English Reprints.) 4to, paper covers, uncut. Large Paper. 52. ASHBEE (H. S.). An Iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. Lon- don, Printed for the author, 1895. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. III.) 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Title in red and black-; platen. 53. ASHENDENE PRESS. The Book of Ecclesiastes or The Preacher. 16mo, original paper covers, uncut. No. 15 of 27 copies. [Ashendene Press, L897J 54. ASHENDENE PRESS. The Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus concerning his Education. [Ashendene Press, 1897 I 16mo, original paper covers, uncut. One of 30 copies. 55. ASHENDENE PRESS. Two Essays of Francis Lord Bacon: Of Build- ings & Gardens. [Ashendene Press, L897] 4to, paper covers, uncut. No. 16 of 16 copies. Presentation copy from the printer, St. John Hornby. 56. ASHENDENE PRESS. The Song-Story of Aueassin ami Nicolete. Done into English by Andrew Lang. Ashendene Press, L900 16mo, original boards, uncut. No. 3 of 40 copies. 9 57. ASHENDENE PRESS. The Bok< off the Bevelacion off Sand Jhon the D( ni- done Into ESnglysshe by William Tyndale. [Colophon:] . . . emprynted \>\ me Si John Hornby on mj Prera al Shelley House, Chelsea, in the County ni London . . . the j ere of oure Lorde 190 1. 8\ o, vellum, uncut. ' me of 5 I copies. V.SHENDENE PBESS. Quinti Horati Flacd Carmina Bapph l2mo, vellum. Chelsea: in £dibus St. J. Hornby, 1903 ASHENDENE PBESS. A Treatyse of Fysshynge Wyth An Angle by Dame Juliana Berners. [Colophon:] . . . printed . . . .-it the Ashendene P Shellej House, Chelsea in the year L903 after the texl of the Boke of St. Albans 'enprynted al Westmestre by Wynkyn the Wbrde the yen.' of thyncarnacion of our lorde MOOCClxixivi. ' London, 1903 Bvo, vellum, uncut. Woodcut on verso of title. One of 150 coj 60. ASHENDENE PBESS. Quinti Horati Placci Carmina Alcaica. Chelsea: in sedibus St. .1. Hornby, 1903 lL'iim, vellum. Presentation copy, with inscription, from the printer. Printed on Japan vellum. 61. ASHENDENE PBESS. A Book of Songs and Poems from the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. Ashendene Press, 1904 L2mo, vellum, uncut. One of 150 copies. (•)!'. ASHENDENE PRESS. L'n Mazzetto Scelto di Certi Pioretti del Glorioso Poverello di Cristo San Francesco di Assisi Insieme col Cantico al sole del Modesimo. (Ashendene Press, 1904.) Polio; original boards, uncut. Printed in red and black. Woodcuts in text. One of 150 copies. 63. ASHENDENE PBESS. Lo Inferno di Dante Alighieri Florentine Nella Stamperia di Ashendene, 1902. (with) Lo Purgatorio di Dante Alighieri Florentine Nella Stamperia di Ashendene, 1904. (and) Lo Paradiso di Dante Alighieri. Nella Stamperia di Ashendene, 1905. 3 vols., small 4to, vellum, uncut, with ties. 64. ASHENDENE PBESS. A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Newe Yle Called Utopia: Written in Latine by Syr Thomas More Knyght and Translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson Citizein. Imprinted at London by Abraham Wele, Dwelling in Pauls Churchyarde at the Sygne of the Lamb. Anno MDLI. [Beprinted by St. John Hornby, Ashendene Press, Shelley House, Chelsea, 1906.] ltd. boards, cloth back, uncut. One of 100 copies. 65. ASH ENDENE PRESS. Tutte le Opere di Dante Alighieri Fiorentino Nuovamente Bivedute nel Testo e Diligentemente Emendate dal Reverendo Dottore Edoardo Moore, ed Ora Stampate per la Gentile Cortesia dei Distinti Direttori della Stamperia della Qniversita di Oxford. Chelsea, Ashendene Press, 1909 Folio; wooden sides, white pigskin hack, stamped, woven pigskin straps with metal fastenings, hound by W. H. S., uncut. Double columns, rubricated. \ IK V FINE COPT. 66. ASHENDENE PBESS. Two consolatory Letters of Plutarch touching the death of a friend 's son annd of his own daughter. Chelsea : Ashendene Press, 1909 L2mo, loards, uncut. Presentation copy from the printer. 67. ASSELINEAD CHAELES). Bibliographie Bomantique. Catalogue anecdotique el pittoresque des editions originales des oeuvres de Victor Hugo — Alfred De Vigny — Prosper Merimee . . . etc. Seconde edition, revue et tres- augmentee. Paris, P. Bouquette, 1872 - o, half blue morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Frontisipeoe by Bracquemond. One of 1 12 copies. 10 68. ASTLE (THOMAS). The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary, Illustrated by Engravings taken from Marbles, Manuscripts and Charters, ancient and modern: Also some account of The Origin and Progress of Printing. London, L876 Atlas folio; half morocco, uncut. Plates. 69. ASTLE (THOMAS). The Origin and Progress of Writing . . . Also some Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing. Second Edition, with additions. London, 1803 4to, full calf, gilt and blind tooled. Portrait, plates, folded. 70. AT DELHI (Fraser), Bombay, n. d. ; Cosas de Espana, 2 vols. (Byr London, 1S66; An Embassy to Provence (Janvier), X. Y., 1893, and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 71. ATHENAEUS. The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned. Trans- lated by C. D. Yonge. London, 1854 3 vols., 12mo, half morocco, uncut, by B. W. Smiith. 72. ATKYNS (RICHARD). The Original and Growth of Printing: Col- lected Out of History, and the Records of this Kingdome . . . London, Printed by John Streater, for the Author, 1664 4to, half morocco. Frontispiece is lacking. 73. AUSONIUS (DECIUS MAGNUS). D. Ausonii I'eonii Burdegalensis Poette. Printer's device. [Colophon]: Habes Lector Lucubrationes Ausonias & insertitias longe emendatius ac prius impressas in chalcographia Aseensiana Ad eidus Iulias. A mm. 1517 Small 4to, mottled calf. Bound in with the above: "D. Ausonii Precatio matutina Ad omnipotentem deum: a Francisco Syluio ambianati lueulente ex- plicata." (Paris, 1518). 74. AUTHOR AND PRINTER (Collins), London, 1905; The Book Lover's Enchiridion, 1883; The Book Lover (Baldwin), Chicago, 1895, and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 75. AVERY (S. P.). Catalogue Raisonnee. Works on Bookbinding, practi- cal and historical. Examples of Bookbindings of the XVlth to Nl.Xth Cen turies; from the Collection of Samuel Putnam Avery, exhibited at Columbia University Library, M DOCCC III. New York, Privately Printed (1903) 8vo, cloth, uncut. Frontispiece. Presentation copy from .Mi. Avery to Mr. DeVinne. 76. AVERY (S. P.). Editorials and Resolutions in Memory of Samuel Put- nam Avery, Born March 17th, 1822, died August Llth, 1904. New York, Privately Printed, 1905 8vo, original paper cover, uncut. Portrait of S. P. Ar< ry. One of L00 ei for private circulation. 77. BACKER (LOUIS DE). Le Droit de la Femme dans ['Antiquity Bon devoir au Moyen Age. D'apres des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Rationale. 12mo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris, A. Claudin, 1880 78. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Franc. Baconii Exemplum Tractatua de Justitia Universali, sive De Fontibus Juris. Paiisiis. Typis Vincent, 17."">2 32mo, mottled calf, gilt edges. 79. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Bacon'a Essays: With Annotations bj Bichard Whately. New Edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1867 8vo, half calf*. With facsimile of manuscript index bound vn ). Notices llistori.|ues sur lea Bib liotheques anciennes et modern&s; suivies d'un Tableau comparatif des pro duits de la Presse de 1812 a L825, e1 d'un Etecueil de Loia e1 ordonnancea concernant les bibliotheques. Paris, l v _ x 8vo, boards, leather back. 11 81. BAIN (P. w, Translator). The Descenl of the Sun, A Cycle of Birth; Translated from the Original Manuscript. London, 1903 8vo, boards, uncut. Frontispiece. 82. BAKER PETEB C). European Becollections. An Address delivered before the New York Typographical Society, on franklin's Birthday, January I". 1861. New York, 1861 Bvo, half innr Pre entation copy from the author to Francis Hart. 83. BAKEB (SIB SAMUEL W.). The Nile Tributaries oJ Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of tin- llamran A raits. London, 1 S67 8vo, 'alt', ^'iit tooling. Frontispiece portrait. 84. BAEEB (W. S.). William Sharp, Engraver; with a Descriptive Cats logue of his works. Philadelphia, 1875 L2mo, cloth, uncut. Portrait. 86. BALCONY STORIES (King), N. Y., 1893; Eve's Daughters (Harland), N. ST., 1882; Decoration and Furniture of Town Houses (Edis), London, 1881, and others. 20 vols, mainly L2mo, cloth. 86. BALDUINUS (BENEDICTU8). B. Balduini Calceus Antiquus et Soysticus, et Jul. Nigronus de Caliga Veterum. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Theodorum Haak, 1711 2 parts in one volume, Il'iuo, old calf. Engraved title and numerous engraved plates. "De Caliga Veterum" has separate title and pagination. Bookplates of Thomas Sedges and Edward Loveden Loveden. ^7. HALZAC (IIOXOHE DE). Monographic de la Presse Parisienne par M. II. De Balzac, illustree de scenes, croquis, charges, caricatures, portraits et grandes vignettes hors texte. avec an tableau synoptique de l'Ordre Gendelettre. Eztrait de la Grande Ville, nouveau tableau de Paris. Paris, 1842 4to, half morocco. Illustrations. 88. BALZAC i BONORE DE). Traite de la Vie Elegante. Paris, 1853 Ilium, half morocco, uncut, by Cuzin. Bookplate, monogram ".IN". First Edition. 89. BALZAC I HONOBE DE). Les Contes Drolatiques Colligez et Abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumiere par le sieur De Balzac. Illustree de 4S5 dessin.t par Gustave Don'. Londres, J. C. Hotten, 1860 •"tli eil. 8vo, boards, leather back. 90. HALZAC (JEAN LOUIS GUEZ, sieur de). Lettres Choisies Du Sr. De Balzac. A Amsterdam: Chez les Elseviers, 1656 12mo. Col.: *, A-B. 12 leaves each. Original vellum; engraved title. Signature of Richard de Beauvoir, 1659, on fly-leaf. Fine specimen of printing; wide margins and in excellent condition. 91. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). History of Alaska 1730-1885. 8vo, calf, mottled edges. Mors. San Francisco, 1890 92. BANCROFT (HUBEBT HOWE). History of Utah 1540-1887. San Francisco, 1890 8vo, half leather (hinge cracked). Portraits and illustrations, some in color. 93. BANCROFT (HUBEBT HOWE). Works. San Francisco, 1883-1890 39 vols., y \o, cloth. Portrait: folded maps; illustrations. Vol. 8, 112-14, 16- 27, 29 32, 34-39 published by the History Co., San Francisco. 94. BABBER (JOHN). An Impartial History of the Life, Character, Amours, Travels, and Transactions of Mr. John Barber, City-Printer, Common- Councilman, Alderman, and Lord Mayor of London. Written by Several Hands. London, E. Cnrll, 1741 8vo, half calf (hinges weak). The Appendix, signed by Bowler Miller, con- tains ,'l original letters written by Alderman Barber to Henry Cornwall; Follow- ing the Appendix is "Of Mr. Barber's First setting out in the World," with Beparate pagination. 12 95. BARBER (THOMAS). Barber's Picturesque Illustrations, of the Isle of Wight, comprising- Views of . . . the Island, Engraved from Original Draw- ings. Accompanied by Historical and Geographical Descriptions. London, Simplan & Marshall [n. d.| 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Engraved title with vignette, and plates by Barber and others. Signature of Mr. Hart on title. 96. BARBERA (BIANOHI E COMP.), and BARBERA (G.). Annali Bib- liografici e Catalogo Ragionato delle Edizioni di Barbera, Bianchi e Coinp. e di G. Barbera; con Elenco di Libri, Opuscoli e Periodici Stampati per Commis- sione. 1854-1880. Firenze, G. Barbera, 1904 Polio; original boards, uncut. Portrait. Presentation copy from Comm. Piero Barbera to T. L. DeVinne. One of 500 copies. 97. BARBERA (GASPERO). G. Barbera. Memoire di un Editore Pubbli- cate dai Figli. Firenze, 1883 12mo, half morocco, uncut. Portrait. Original paper covers bound in. 98. BARCLAY (ALEXANDER). The Ship of Fools, translated by Alex- ander Barclay. Edinburgh, 1874 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Plate; woodcuts in text. A translation of Sebastien Brant's Narrenschiff, first published at Basel, 1494. • 99. BARHAM (RICHARD HARRIS). The Ingoldsby Legends; or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. London, 1875 3 vols., 16mo, half morocco, uncut. 100. BARLOW (JOEL). The Columbiad: A Poem. Philadelphia, Printed by Fry and Kammerer for C. and A. Conrad and Co. (etc.), 1807 First Edition; folio; original russia, gilt and blind-tooled, rebacked, gilt edges. Portrait of Barlow from the painting by Fulton, and plates, engraved by Smirke, and others. Fine copy. 101. BARLOW (JOEL). A Letter to the National Convention of France, on the Defects in the Constitution of 1791, and the Extent of the Amendments which ought to be applied. To which is Added The Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem. New-York: Printed by Thomas Greenleaf, For J. Fellows, No. 192, Water- Street, n. d. 8vo, boards, calf back, uncut. 102. BARRETT (PAUL). Mademoiselle Javotte, Ouvrage peu Moral, Scrit par elle meme, Et Publie par une de ses amies. Bicetre, 1785 16mo, mottled calf, with initial "J" on front cover, "D" on back cover, in gilt. 103. BARRETT (WALTER). The Old Merchants of New York City. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth. New York, 1870 104. BARTLETT (W. H.). Walks About the City and Environs of Jerusalem. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Engraved plates. (London), n. d. 105. BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO). Bartolozzi and his Works, by Andrew W. Tuer. A biographical & Descriptive account of the Life and career ot Francesco Bartolozzi, R.A. . . London, 1885 12mo, vellum, with silk ties, uncut. Title within ornamental border; />lnt>s. Presentation copy from the author, Andrew W. Tuer, to T. L. De Vinne, with EXTRA FRONTISPIECE INSERTED. 106. BARWICK (GEORGE F.). A Book Bound for Mary Queen of Roots; Being a description of the Binding of a Copy of the Geographia of Ptolemy Printed at Rome, 1490, with notes on other Books bearing Queen Mary's In signia. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1901 4to, original paper covers, uncut. Plates in color. 13 in;. BABY] INTOINE LOUIS). Life and Work-. With J6 wood-outs, artotypes •mil prints vn memory >>< an exhibition 0/ his browses, paintings nmi water-colors held ai Neu )">/. In mf 1757 on title, imt in the re-impression the titles hi' the LOtb and Mth Books of the iEneid have been corrected to read "JEneidos Liber Decimus" and "JEneidoa Liber [Jndecimns. ' ' lin. BASKEBVILLE PBESS. Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Boi Paradise Regained. The Author John Milton. Prom the Text of Thomas Newton, D.D. Birmingham, Printed by John Baskerville for J. and R. Ton son in London, 1 758 2 vols., 8vo, old calf, gill tooling. 111. BASKEBVILLE PBESS. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Plaeci Satyrse. Birminghamitt: Typis Johannis Baskerville, 1761 tto, full red morocco, gill tooling, gilt edge-. With sixteen plates by Hollar inserted. Wide margins, some leaves uncut. Bookplate of John Timbrell Mil- ward Pierce. Ml'. BASKEBVILLE PRESS. Catulli, Tibulli, el Propertii Opera. Birminghamise : Typis Johannis Baskerville, 1 77U 4to, red morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges. Bookplate of John Timbrel! Mil- ward Pierce. L13. BASKEBVILLE PBESS. Publii Terentii Atri Comcedias. Birmingham i;e : Typis Johannis Baskerville, 1772 itu. fine contemporary red morocco, rehinged. in. BASKEBVILLE PBESS. Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of). Oharacteristicks of Men, Manners. Opinions, Times. Birmingham, J. Baskerville, 1773 3 vols., 8vo, calf (hinge? weak). Portrait, engraved; vignettes engraved on till, and half titles; engraved by Sim. GribeMn. Clean'copy in contemporary binding. L15. BASKEBVILLE (JOHN). John Baskerville: A Memoir. By Ralph Straus and Roberl K. Dent. Cambridge, University Press, 1907 it... cloth, uncut. Portrait and facsimiles. One of 300 copies. L16. BATTLES AND LEADEBS OF 'NIK CIVIL WAR. Being for the Mosl Pari Contributions by Union and Confederate Officers. Based upon "The Century War Series," Edited by Roberl Underwopd Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel. . . New York. Century Co. (cop. 1887) ils., imp. 8vo, half morocco, gill tops. Plates; illustrat 117. BAUDRIEE I I 'resident ). Bibliographie Lyonnaise. Recherches but les Imprimeurs, Libraires, Relieurs et Fondeurs de Lettres de Lyon an XTVTe Siecle. Par la President Bau drier, Publiees el continuees par J. Baudrier. Premiere Serie. Or ctions en facsimile. Lynn, 1895 I alt' calf, uncut, by Stikeman. MS. HAY PSALM BOOK (The). Being a facsimile reprint of the First Edition, Printed by Stephen Daye at Cambridge in New England in L640. With an Introduction by Wilberforce Eames. New York. 1903 s \ 0, boards. 14 119. BECKFORD (WILLIAM). Vathekj Translated from the original French. Third Edition, revised and corrected. London, W. Clarke, 1816 8vo, full blue calf, gilt tooled, uncut. Plates engraved by Isaac Taylor. 120. BECKMANX (JOHN). A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. Translated from the German, by William Johnston. Fourth Edition, carefully revised and enlarged by William Francis and J. \V. Griffith. 2 vols., 12nio, half calf. Frontispiece portraits. London, L846 121. BELGII C0NFO3DERATI RESPUBLICA: Sev Gelriae. Holland. Zeland. Traject. Fris. Transisal. Groning. Ghorographica Politicaque De scriptio. Lugd. Batav. Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1630 16mo. Col.: ^ , A-Z, 8 leaves each, Z7-Z8, bl. and genuine. Full calf. Engraved title. There were three editions the same year, this copy being either second or third, the collation of both being the same. Fine, clean copy. 122. BELIN (THEOPHILE). Catalogue de L ivies Precieux. l;i Beliures, Ornees et Blasonnees, Provenances illustres. Manuscrits. Paris, T. Belin, 190s 8vo, paper cover. With plates showing examples of work of noted bindi rs. 123. BELL (ROBERT, Editor). Songs from the Dramatist-. Not Fork, 1882 Full maroon levant morocco, uncut, by R. W. Smith. Large Paper copy on Whatman paper. 124. BELL (THOMAS). A History of British Reptiles. Illustrated I wood-engravings. London, J. Van Voorst, 1849 8vo, full calf, gilt tooling, gilt edges, by Mayday. 125. BELON (PIERRE). Les Observations de Plusiers Singularitez & choses memorables, trouvees en Grece, Asie, Indee, Egypte, Arabic, & aut re- pays estranges, Redigees en trois Livres, par Pierre Belon du Mans. Reveuz de rechef, & augmentez de figures, avec une nouvelle Table de toutes les matieres traictees en iceux. [Printer's device.] En Anvers. De l'lmprimerie de Christofle Plantin, pres la Bourse neuve, 1555. Small 8vo. Col.: /',A-Z, a-z, &, M, f, *, [J, 8 leaves each. Half calf, some leaves uncut at bottom; with small woodcuts of animals, birds, &c, in the text, folding map of Mt. Sinai between Q4 and Q."> mended, and several other maps in text. Bookplate of Mr. Beaupre. First edition published at Paris, 1553; this Plantin edition is the rarest and contains a table of contents not found in the two earlier French editions. 126. BELOE (REV. WILLIAM). Anecdotes of Literature and Sci Books. London, F. C. and J. Rivington, 180S-1S14 6 vols., 8vo, half calf. Volumes 1-2 are second edition, published in 1814. 127. Another edition. London, F. C. and . I. Rivington, 1807 1814 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Vol. 1 is second edition, published l s l I. Vol. 2 6 are first edition, 1807-1812. 128. BELOE (REV. WILLIAM). The Sexagenarian; Or, The Recollections of a Literary Life. London, 1817 First edition, 2 vols., half morocco; 8vo. A second edition was published in 1818, in which much which appeared in the earlier edition was suppressed. 129. BELOE (REV. WILLIAM). The Sexagenarian; Or, The Recollections of a Literary Life. London, 1^1 S 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Marginal notes and manuscript notes in serted. 130. BE'NEZET (ANTOINE). Observations sur I'Origine, les Principes, el 1 "Etablisement en Amerique, De la Societe Connue suns la Denomination de 15 Quakers ou Tremblenrs: Bxtrail de divert Auteurs. Redigea, principalement, ii, Favour dea Etrangera. Par Antoine Benezet, a Philadelphie. Chez Joseph Crukahauk, 1780. FmsT Edition in Blench; l2mo, boards. An Bnglian edition was published ii\ Cruikabank the same year. Name torn from title and margin of Brai leaf. 181. BENTLiET (BICHABD). Richard Bentley, D.D.: A Bibliography of liis works and of .-ill the literature called forth by hia acta or his writings; by A. T. Bartholomew . . . Witn an introduction and chronologica] table by .1. W. Clark. . . Cambridge, L908 Bquare 8vo, original boards, uncut. Portrait, 132. BERANGEB (PIEBBE JEAN de). Chansons de P.-J. de Beranj anciennea et posthumes. Now/eUe edition pnimiaire ornfc de vn dissins u ■ (i ill vignettes novnbreuses, . . Paris, Pcrrotin, 1866 Royal s \". cloth, morocco back, gilt edges. 133. BEBGEB ..v WIKTII. Leipzig. Illustrations Proben-Album von Berger & \\ ntli, Leipzig, Buch and Steindruckfarben Fabrik. Gegrnndel inJahre 1823. | Leipzig, Buchbinder-Glanzschwarze von Berber & Wirth, no date.] Polio, cloth. Vlatcs. l.'.t. BEBNAL ( RALPH). A Guide to the knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, ami other objects of vertu. Comprising an Illustrated Catalogue of the Bernal Collection of Works of Art ... To which are added An Introductory Essay on Pottery ami Porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. By Benry G. Bohn. London, 386P 12mo, cloth, uncut. 135. BEBNABD (AUGUSTE). Notice llistorique sur l'Imprimerie Nationale. Paris, Dnmoulin, 1848 24mo, brown morocco, original paper covers bound in, uncut. Frontispiece portrait of Guteribt rg. 136. BEBNABD (AUGUSTE). Archeologie Typographique. Bruxelles, 1853 8vo, half morocco. One of 100 copies. 137. BEBNABD (AUGUSTE). De l'Origine et des Debuts de l'Imprimerie en Europe. Paris, Imprimerie Imperiale, 1853 - \oN., Bvo, half morocco. Facsvimle». 138. BEBNABD (AUGUSTE). Les Estienne et les Types Grecs de Francois Ier, Complement des Annales Stephaniennes, B-enfermant l'Histoire complete des Types Royauz, Enrichie d 'un Specimen de ces caracteres et suivie d*une notice historique sur les premieres impressions grecques. Paris, 1856 8vo, full red morocco, uncut, original paper covers bound in. 139. Another copy. Half calf, uncut. lb'. BEBNABD (AUGUSTE). Antoine Vitre et les Caracteres Urientaux de la Bible Polyglotte de Paris. Origine et vicissitudes des premiers caracteres orientaux introduits en Prance, avec un specimen de ces caracteres. 8vo, half calf, uncut. Paris, Dnmoulin, 1S57 111. BERNABD (AUGUSTE). Ilistoire de l'Imprimerie Boyale du Louvre. Paris. I ni] 'rime par ordre de S. M. l'Empereur, a 1 'Imprimerie Imperiale, 1867 , half morocco. 111'. BEBNAED (AUGUSTE). Ilistoire de l'Imprimerie Boyale du Louvre. smi, half calf, gill top, uncut. Paris: a l'Imprimerie Imperiale. l y| '>7 L43. BEBNEBS DAME JULIANA). A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle Being a facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster, in 1496. With an Introduction by M. (i. Watkins. London, Stock, 1880 4to, stamped vellum, uncut. 16 144. BERTHIAUD. Nouveau Manuel eomplet de l'lmprimeur en Taille Douce, par M. Berthiaud, redige par M. Boitard ; Enriehi de notes et d'un Appendice . . . par MM. Finot, Pointot, Remond, et mitres Lmprimeura i Guiguet, at end. 145. BERTRAND (GEORGES). Guide des Imprimeurs, Protes, Libraires & Publicistes contenant le Tarif des Prix de Paris pour la composition, ]<■ tirage, le clichage, le brochage, la reliure, etc., etc. Suivi principalis edits arrets, ordonnances, lois . . . qui regissent l-'Imprimerie . . . Paris, 1878 8vo, half morocco, uncut, original paper covers bound in. 146. Another copy. Half morocco, by Stikeman. 147. BERTRAND-QUINQUET. Traite de rimprimcrie. Paris, Bertrand-Quinquet, An Vn [1799] 4to, boards, morocco back. With 10 plates at end. 148. Another copy. 4to, boards, calf back, uncut. 149. BEVERLEY (THOMAS, Independent Minister). The Late Great Revo- lution in this Nation; Argued according to Rev. 17. 16, 17 ... In pursuance of a Discourse Published Twelve Months past, viz, The Command of God to come out of Babylon. London, 1689 4to, stamped calf (worn). With this are bound six other religious tracts by the same author, 1690-1696. 150. BEWICK (THOMAS). The Life and Works of Thomas Bewick; being an account of his Career and Achievements in Art, with a notice of the works of John Bewick, by David Croal Thomson. With 100 ill list rat ions. London, 1882 4to, cloth. Illustrations. One of 250 copies, initialed by the author. 151. BEWICK (THOMAS). Memorial Edition of Thomas Bewick's Works. London, B. Quaritch, 1885-1887 5 vols., 4to, half morocco, uncut. Plates. No. 161 of 750 copies. Contents: History of British Birds. 2 vols. History of Quadrupeds, u^sop 's Fables. Memoir. With Holbein and John Bewick: A Chapter in the History of Wood- engraving, by Wendell P. Garrison. 8 pages, Reprinted from the Bibliog- rapher, Feb. 1902, laid in Vol. 5. 152. BIDPAI. The earliest English version of the Fables of Bidpai, ' ' The Morall Philosophic of Doni" by Sir Thomas North, whilom of Peterhouse, Cambridge, Now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs . . . 12mo, half levant morocco. Plates. London, D. Nutt, 1888 153. BIBLE. Contenta. Libri Regum. IIII. Libri Paralipomenon II. Libri Esdras IIII. Liber Tobias Liber Iudith Liber Esther Liber lob. Omnia uiuis rerum simulachris elucidata. Parisiis, Apud Petrum Etegnault. L54] Small 16mo. Old calf, gilt tooling; icoodcuts in text. The second volume of a 16mo Bible with prefaces by St. Jerome, printed by the second Pierre Regnault. 154. BIBLE. POLYGLOT. Biblia Sacra. Eebraice, Chaldaice, Grace, & Latine . . . [With introduction, notes, and commentaries by Benedictus A.rias Montanus.] Antverpiae: Christoph. Plantin, 1572 8 vols., folio. Half calf, worn. Engraved titles, ami plates. Dedication in Vol. 1, dated 1572, no date on title, later volumes dated \:>~i-. Vol. 1-4, Old Testament; Vol. 5, New Testament; Vols. 6 8, commentaries, etc. 155. BIBLE. The Bible: Translated according to the Kl.rew and Creek,'. and conferred with the best Translations in divers Languages. With most profitable Annotations upon all the hard places, and other tilings of great 17 importance. appeare in the Epistle to the Reader. And also a profitable Concordance for the read] finding oul of anything in the same con teined. [mprinted .-it London by Roberl Barker, L6U it.., diced calf. Black letter; with portrait Q abeth fat title, and doubU pagt map of Geneva inserted. Woodcul title. Leaf A2 i from anol her copj . 156. BIBLE. The Holj Bible. Containing the Olde Testament, and the ' Newly translated oul of the Original] Tongues . . . [mprinted a1 London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings must Excellent Maiestie. Anno 1615 s\c., i occo. " ith elaborati woodcut title, printed vn very small type. 157. BIBLE. LATIN. Biblia Bacra vulgatte editionis, Sixti V. Pont. M. instil recognita el dementis VI 1 1 auctoritate edita. i ul. AgrippinaB Sumpt. Haered. Bern. Gualteri el Sociorum. Vols. I IV, containing the Old Testament. 32mo, old brown calf, rebacked. L58. BIBLE. POLYGLOT. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum. Versionumque antiquarum, Samaritanae, Graecae LXXI1 [n1 ep. Chaldaicse, Syriacs, Arabicae, /Ethiopicae, Persicse, Vulg. Lat. Quicquid compara~i poteral . . . Elidil Brianus Waltonus, s.T.D. . . Londini, T. Roycroft, 1657 t; \nN.. folio; original vellum, stamped. I'm/ rait of Walton I by Lombart; plates and plans engraved by W. Hollar 159. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, Containing The Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues. Edinburgh, James Watson, 1 T 1 i> 1 vol. in 2; small 12mo; old Scotch morocco, with gilt tooled corners, gilt -. in morocco pockets. The new Testament has special title. Titles within ornamental woodcul borders; dedication leaf torn at inner margin, 86-7 muti- lated at top. •' Edw. Mott, Jr." on title. With: The Psalms of David in Metre. Edinburgh, 1727, bound in at en 1. Watson printed several editions of the Bible between 1711 and 1722, all of which are considered valuable pocket editions. 160. BIBLE. Biblia Hebraica cum Notis Criticus et Versiane Latina a I Notas i 'lit n-as Pacta. Accedunl Libri, Graeci, qui Deutero-Caniniei vocantur, in s ilistriluiti. Autore Carolo-Francisco Houbigant, Oratorii Jesu Sacerdote. LutetiaB-Parisiorum, A. C. Briasson, & L. Durand. 1753 4 vols., folio, old calf. Manuscript note regarding edition in first volume. 161. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New: Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command . . . Cambridge, John Baskerville. 1763 Polio, full morocco (rubbed), gilt edges. Nice copy of the Baskerville Bible. 162. BIBLE. The Holy Bible. Embellish, ,1 with Engravings from Pictures and Designs by the Most Eminent English Artists. London, Printed for T. Macklin by T. Bensley, 1800 7 Mils., folio, scored russia (some bindings worn), gilt tooled, gilt edges. Vol. 7, the Apocrypha, was published by T. Cadell and W. Davies, in 1816. A very good copy internally of this esteemed '• Macklin" Bible. 163. BIBLE. Biblia Hebraica. secundum Ultiman Editionem Jos. Athise, a Johanne Leusden Denuo Recognitam, Recensita Variisque Xotis Latinis Illus- trata al> Everardo van der Hooght. Editio Prima Americana. Vol. 1, 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1814 164. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament, and the New. . . 2nd Stereotype edition. New York, E. Bliss & E. White, 1822 24mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Tx very unused state, vrith the trimming marks on lateral and lower edg 18 165. BIBLE. The Illuminated Bible, Containing the Old and New Testa- ments. With Marginal Readings, References, and Chronological Dates. the Apocrypha. . . New Fork, Barper, L846 Folio, leather, gilt tooled. Illustrated title, illustrations. 166. BIBLE. The Holy Bible. With illustrations by Chtstave Dorr. 2 vols. large 4to, full brown levant morocco, gill edges. London, n. d. 167. BIBLIA PAUPEKUM. Biblia Pauperum. Reproduced in Facsimile, from one of the copies in the British Museum; with An Bistorical and Biblio graphical Introduction, by J. Ph. Berjeau. London, J. R. Smith, 1859 Folio, half morocco. Facsimiles. 16S. BIBLIA PAUPERUM. A Smaller Biblia Pauperum, conteynynge Thyrtie and Eyghte Wodecuttes Ulustratynge The Lyfe, Parablis, and Miraclis off Oure Blessid Lorde & Savioure Jhesus Crist, With the Propre Descrypciouns theroff extracted fro the Originall Texte Off Iohn Wiclif, Somtyme licet or of Lutterworth. Preface by the late Verie Rev. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. . . London, Unwin Brothers, 1884 8vo; vellum, metal clasps, uncut. Black letter. Text within ornamental borders; woodcuts on alternate leaves with text. 169. BIBLISCHE FIGUREN. [Biblical figures from the Old and New Testament, drawn by Johan Bockspergern the younger, and Joss Amman. Colophon:] Betruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn durch Georg Raben, Sigmund Peyerabend, und Weygand Hanen Erben. [Printer's device.] 1569. Oblong 4to, old stamped vellum. Title and several leaves of wood-cuts lack- ing. Should contain about 120 wood-cuts of Biblical subjects, printed on both sides of the leaves, with descriptive verses in Latin and German with each cut. "Bobart Euton his booke Aprill the 5th 1609" inscribed on last leaf. With this is bound: Solis, Virgil. . . . Ovidii Metam. Lib. XV. . . . Frankfort am Main, 1569 Many of the leaves have old manuscript notes. 170. BIBLIOGRAPHER (THE). March-June, 190?,, in duplicate. 8 num- bers, royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York, 1903 171. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. News Sheet, Feb. 1894 to Dec. 1902, not quite consecutive, 45 numbers; Constitution. Rule- of Members, etc. 13 pieces. Together, 58 pieces, square Svo, sewn. 172. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. 6, Part 11,-1 1. with Index, Vol. 1-9. London, 1903-19-12 7 vols., square 8vo, paper and boards, uncut. 173. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collec- tion of Early Books in the Library of Sale University. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1913 Svo, original boards, uncut. Compiled by Addison Van Name, Librarian Emeritus of Yale University Library. One of 300 copies. Presentation copj from A. Van Name to T. L. DeVinne. 174. BIBLIOMANIE en 1878 (Brunet), Bruxelles, 1878; Recherches Bis toriques et Critiques sur 1 'Etablissemenl de l'Arl Typographique (Nee de la Rochelle), Paris, 1830, and others. 20 pamphlets. 17.->. BIBLIOPHILE (Le), Illustre. Texte e1 Gravures par J. Ph. Berjeau Tand others]. Vol. 1-2. (Nos. I-XXV, Aug. 1861-Jan. 1865). Londres. W. Jeffs, L862-1867 2 vols., 4to and Svo, half morocco, uncut, and (doth. No. I has imprint of Truhner & Co., London, other numbers without special title. Vol. - published by E. Rascol, 1867. Title of Vol. 1 in red and black; facsimiles, woodcuts. 176. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The Letters of Charles Lamb in Which Many Mutilated Words and Passages have been Restored to their Original 19 Form; with Letters never before Published and Facsimiles of Original MS Letters and Poems, With an Introduction by Henry II. Harper. Boston, 1905 B vols., folio and s ^ ", original boards, uncut. Engraved titles. Frontier portrait in ' states. Facsimiles, portraits, plates. < )n«- <>t' l7o copies printed i or members only. 177. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Letters of John Paul Jones printed from the unpublished originals in Mr. \Y. K. Bizby's collection, with introductory remarks by General Horace Porter and Franklin B. Sanborn. Boston, L905 Bvo, half parchment, uncut. Frontispiea portrait <>f ./"/y \v. C. Lawton. Boston, 1905 .". vols., Bvo, original board covers, uncut. One of 177 copies. L79. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The Varick Court <.r Inquiry t., In gate the implication , boards or cloth, uncut. Limited Editions. Boston. 1909-13 1^::. l;l<;i:i.o\V (JOHN). Retrospections of an Active Life. New York, 1909 :; vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portraits and plates. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. Devinne, with inscription by John Bigelow. 1st. BIGMORE (E. C.) axu WYMAX (C. W. II. i. A Bibliography of Printing with Notes and Illustration-. London, 1880-86 3 vols., s \o. cloth, leather hack, uncut. Tit't in red ami black. Presentation copy from ( '. W. II. Wyman to T. L. DeVinne. Autograph letter from E. K. W'yinan inserted in vol. -. is.",. BINDINGS. Foreign Bookbindings in the British Museum. Illustra- tions of sixty-three examples in facsimile, with introduction and descriptions by William Younger Fletcher. . . London. 1M)G Folio, (doth, uncut. Plates. One of 500 copies. 186. BING & GR0NDAHL. Porcellaensfabrikken. 1853-1903. Ito, hoard-. Illustrations. Kohenhavn, 1903 187. BIRD (ISABELLA L.). Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. With map and illustrations. London, 1S80 2 vols., 12mo, calf. 188. BIRD (ISABELLA L.). The Hawaiian Archipelago, six Months among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. L2mo, full morocco, git edges. Illustrations. London. 1SS2 180. BIRD i [SABELLA L.). The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither. London. 1883 Svo, morocco, gill edges. Plates, map, and other illustrations. First Edition. 20 190. BLACK-LETTER BALLADS AND BROADSIDES. A Collection ot Seventy-nine Black-Letter Ballads and Broadsides, Printed in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth between the years 1559 and 1597. Accompanied with an In- troduction and Illustrative Notes. London, 1870 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 191. BLADES (WILLIAM). How to tell a Caxton, with some hints Where and How the same might be found. London, 1870 16mo, half calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Facsimiles. 192. Another copy. Portrait of Caxton inserted. 16mo, half morocco, uncut. 193. BLADES (WILLIAM). Shakspere and Typography; Being an At- tempt to show Shakspere's Personal Connection with, and Technical Knowledge of, the Art of Printing. . . London, 1 V 7J 8vo, cloth, uncut. Plate. Presentation copy from the Author to R. H. Major. 194. BLADES (WILLIAM). Numismatique de la Typographic, Ou Ilis- torique des Medailles de l'Imprimerie. Traduit du Printers' Register. Preface el annotations par Leon Degeorge. Bruxelles, 1880 4to, paper covers, uncut. Plates. One of 200 copies. 195. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Enemies of Books. Third edition. Svo, morocco, uncut. Portrait, plates, facsimiles. London. 1881 196. BLADES (WILLIAM). Les Livres et Leurs Ennemis. Traduit de l'Anglais. Paris, 1883 Svo, original paper covers, uncut. Portrait, facsimile. Presentation copy from the translator, Henry J. Tucker, to T. L. DeVinne. First French edition. 197. BLADES (WILLIAM). Nuniismata Typographical Or, The Medallic History of Printing. London, lss3 Square 4to, half morocco, by Stikeman. Plates. Reprint from the Printers' Register. "Edward Power from William Blades" inscribed at head of title. 198. Another copy. Half calf, by Stikeman. 199. Another copy. Half cloth. 200. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Pentateuch of Printing, with a chapter on Judges. With a Memoir of the Author, and List of his Works, by Talbol B. Reed. Chicago, I 891 4to, cloth, uncut. Plates and illustrations. Newspaper clipping inserted. 201. Another edition. London, 189] 4to, cloth, uncut. Plates and illustrations. Presentation copy from Talbot B. Reed to T. L. DeVinne. 202. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Facsimile of the Original Outlines b< Colouring of The Songs of Innocence and of Experience executed by William Blake. With an introduction by Edwin .) . Ellis. London, 1893 4to, cloth, leather back, uncut. 203 BLANCHARD (ISAAC II.). Actual Costs in Printing, And Bow to Discover and Reckon Them. New York, 190] Folio, cloth. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. I>c\ inne. "04 BLUYSEX (PAUL, Editor). Revue des Arts Graphiques (Gutenberg- Journal) Redacteur en chef : Paul Bluysen. fitrennes, 1906. Paris, L906 Folio, half morocco, uncut, by stikeman. Numerous Hlustratums, some m color. 205. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). Contes de Boccace traduits pat L Babatier de Castres. Nouvelle edition, Revue et Corrigee. 12mo, half morocco, uncut. Plate.' Pans, Gamier Preres, u. d. 21 206. BODEL-NYENHUIS JOHANNES TIBEBIU8). Dissertatio Bit torico-Juridica, de Juribua Typographorum el Bibliopolarum in Segno Belgico . . . Lugduni Batavorum: 8, el •'. Luchtmana, 1819. Leyden, L819 Ito, ball cloth. Large paphr. 207. BODEL-NYENH1 tS (JOHANNIS TIBERIUS). Liste AJphabfitique il'niir Collection de Portraits d 'Imprimeurs, de Libraires, etc, po jedec el decrite par J. T. Bodel Nyenhuis . . . a Leyde. No. I 5. Leyden, 1836-1855 ;. parts in I vol., tto, half vellum, uncut. 208. BODON1 PBESS. Precetti per ben Dirigere uno Stato Volgarizzati dal Testo Greco di Plutarco da G. P. 8. Parma: Co' Tipi Bodoniani, 1796 ltd, boardB. Pine copj . 209. BODONJ (GIAMBATTISTA). Memorie Aneddote per Bervire mi no Ula Vita del Bignor Giovanbattista Bodoni Tipografo di sua Maesta Cattolica e Direttore del Parmense Tipografeo. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Parma: Stamperia Carmignani, 1804 210. BODONI (GIAMBATTISTA). In Morte del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni Bommo Tipografo awenuta il 30 Novembre 1813. Parma: Presso la Vedova Bodoni, 1814 Small Mu, boards, uncut. Library stamp on title. One of a small number printed. i*ll. BODONI (GIAMBATTISTA). Vita del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni Tipografo Etaliano e Catalogo Cronologico delle sue Edizioni. Parma. I > .- 1 1 1 ; i Stamperia Ducale, 1816 2 vols. 4to, full old red straight-grain morocco, gill edges. Large Paper copy. Autograph Letter of Bodoni inserted. Bookplate of L. Veydt. "Es emplaire de la Bibliotheque .\ Large paper.. 215. BODONI (GIAMBATTISTA). La Prefazione al Manuale Tipografico di Giambattista Bodoni. Seguita da una Dissertazione Estetica di Giuseppe Chiantore. Edite per Cura di Salvadore Landi. Bvo, paper, uncut. Pirenze: Tipografia delta Gazzetta d "Italia, 1874 216. BODONI (GIAMBATTISTA). Chronological Catalogue of the Publi- cations of Bodoni No place, no date. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. 217. P.olIX's CLASSICAL AND STANDARD LIBRARY. Frontispieces. 54 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, v. d. Included in the collection are: Apuleius, Ovid, Suetonius, Defoe's Works, Vasari's Lives of the Painters, etc. 218. BOILEATJ DESPREAUX (NICOLAS). OEuvres Po&iques de Boileau Despreaux. Parme: la veuve Bodoni, 1814 2 vols, in 1; folio; boards, uncut, worn. Printed by order of his Majesty Joachim Napoleon, King of Sicily, for the instruction of his eldest son. Prince Achille Napoleon. One of four French Classics printed by Bodoni for Joachim Napoleon. Large paper copy. 22 219. BOITEAU (PAUL). Produits de 1 'Imprimerie et de la Librairie (Groupe II, Classe 6). Paris, 1867 8vo, half morocco. 220. BOKTRYCKERI KALEXDERN, 1910; Frau den Stora Ofredena Dagar (Berg), Goteborg, 1900; Aucassin og Xicolete, Kobenhavn, n. d., and others. 8 vols., various sizes and bindings. 221. BOLLIOUD-MERMET. Crazy Book-Collecting or Bibliomania . . . first published anonymously in 1761, and now done into English and republished for the perusal and delectation of the members of the Grolier Club of Nev York et amicorum. New York, Duprat & Co., 1894 12mo, cloth, uncut. 222. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Early Printed Books (Duff); The Binding of Books (Home) ; Books in Manuscript (Madan) ; Early Illustrated Books (Pollard); Book-Plates (Hardy). London, v. d. 5 vols., 8vo, buckram, uncut. 223. BOOK-LOVER'S LIBRARY. Books Condemned to be Burnt (Farxer) : Book Verse (Roberts) ; Books Fatal to their Authors (Ditchfield) ; Old Cookery Books (Hazlitt). London, v. d. 4 vols. 12mo, half morocco, uncut. 224. BOOK-LOVER'S LIBRARY. Modern Methods of Illustrating Books (Wood; ; The Enemies of Books (Blades) ; The Pleasures of a Book-Worm (Rees) ; The Diversions of a Bookworm (Rees), and others. 7 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, v. d. 225. BOOK-WORM (The). Edited and illustrated by J. Ph. Berjeau. No. 1-12, 25-26; new series 1-12. London, 1868-1870 2 vols., 8vo, one vol. in cloth, and one vol. unbonnd. 226. BOOKS of Royal Bibliophiles, London, n. d.; Catalogue de Musee de Gizeh, Le Caire, 1895; Books of Reference in the Reading Room of the British Museum, and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 227. BOOTH (MARY L.). History of the City of Xew York, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Illustrated with over 100 engrav- ings. ^ ,MV York, i v ">'-' Imp. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Bookplate of Brayton [ves. 228 BORDIER (HENRI). La Saint-Barthelemy et la Critique Moderne. Geneve, L879 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. VignetU portrait and plates, one colored. 229. BOSQUET (EMILE). Traite" Thlorique et Pratique de l'Art an Relieur . . . Avec 16 planches hors texte et 17 figures. Paris, L890 4to, half morocco. With plates snowing specimens of bindings, etc. 230. BOSS (WILLIAM GRAHAM) AND BOSS (HENRY BUSH). An Inquiry concerning the Boss Family and the Name Boss. Correspondence be- tween W. G. Boss and H. R, Boss.' Chicago, 1902 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Portraits. 231 BOSTON. Museum of Fine Arts. American Silver, the Work of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Silversmiths, exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, June to November, 1906. Bust,.,, 4to original paper covers, uncut. Frontispiece portrait o] Paul ffi from the crayon drawing by Saint M< min; plates. The catalogue was prepared by Mr. R. T. H. Halsey and Mr. John IT. Buck. Presentation copy from Mr. R, T. H. Halsey. 232 BOTFIELD -(BERIAII). Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, and of the Sacred Scriptures. Collected and Edited bj ti "R tfi n London, i oo i "4to° boards, roan back, uncut, With autograph letter from Mr. Botfield inserted. 23 13. BOUCHER (FRANCOI8). Lei Artistes Celebres. Francois Boucher par An. in'. Mi.hrl. Paris, - 88 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Btikeman, original paper coven bound in. En graved plates showing reproductions <>f Boucher's work. ;;i. BOUOHOT (HENRI). The Printed Book, It- History, Hlustration, and Adornment, Prom the Days of Gutenberg to the Presenl Time. Translated and Enlarged bj Edward C. Wigmore. New York, ; --r 8vo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations. 235. BOUOHOT (HENRI). The Book: Its Printers, Illustrators, and Binders, from Gutenberg to the Presenl 'rime. With a Treatise on the Art ut' Collecting and Describing Early Printed Books and a Latin-English and English Latin Topographical Index of the Earliesl Printing Ph b. Edited li\ ||. Grevel. Containing /;.' facsimiles. New York. 1890 lie, white cloth, uncut. 236. BOURDILLON (F. W.i. The Early Editions of the Roman de la B London, The Bibliographical Bociety, 1906 itn. half morocco, uncut, by Btikeman. Facsimiles. 237. BOURDON (LOLIS (i A HKI KLL Li- Dure au Cerf; ou L'Origine de l'Affmix Deficil Par in Z&6 Patriote. A Paris, Sur les debris de la Bastille, 1790 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Published anonymously. Title and first two leaves soiled and mended in margin. Engraved portraits. 238. BOUTMT (EUGENE). Dictionnaire de 1 'Argot des Typographes, pr6eed6 d'une Monographic du Compositeur d 'Imprimerie, et suivi d'un Choix de Coquilles Typographiques celebres ou curieuses. Pari-. 883 1 6mo, half morocco. 239. BOUTMT (EUGENE). Les Typographes Parisiens, 3uivis d'un Petit Dictionnaire de la Langue Verte Typoyrapliiquc Paris, 1874 8vo, half morocco, uncut, original paper covers hound in. 240. BOWES (JAMES LORD). Japanese .Marks and Seals. Part I. Pottery. Part II. Illuminated MSS. and Printed Books. Part III. Lacquer, Enamels, Metal, Wood, Ivory, &c. London. 382 4to, cloth. Plates, some colored, reproductions of marls, etc. 241. BOWNE (MRS. WALTER). Letters of Eliza Southgate, Mrs. Walter Bowne. Bom, September 24, 1783. Married, Spring of 1803. Died. February 19. 1809. Aged 25 years. N. p., n. d. 4to, limp leather. Privately printed. 242. BOWYEE WILLIAM). The Origin of Printing: In Two Essays . . . (with) An Appendix. . . London, W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1774 First Edition, 8vo, half leather, red edges. 243. BOWYEB WILLIAM). Anecdotes, Biographical and Literary, of the Late Mr. William Bowyer, Printer. Compiled for private use. [B. v John Nil hols, j London, 1778 First Edition, 8vo, boards. One of 52 copies. "The Gift of Mr. J. Nii-hols, Successor to Mr. Bowyer, 16th Jan. 1779. to J: C: Brooke, Herald's College," inscribed on title. Two other pieces bound in. 244. BOWYEB (WILLIAM). Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, Printer. F.S.A. and of many of his learned friends. By John Nirhols. London Printed by and for the Author, 17S2 tin, mottled calf, mottled edges. With portrait of Bowyer engraved by Basire. 245. Another copy. l'M>. Aunt hoi copy. Front cover loose. 24 247. BOWYER (WILLIAM). Miscellaneous Tracts, by the late William Bowyer, Printer, F.S.A. and several of his learned friends . . . Collected, and illustrated with occasional notes, by John Nichols, Printer, F.S.A.. Edinb. London, Printed by and for the Editor, 178."> 4to, mottled calf, mottled edges. Vignette on title. 248. BOXHORNIUS (MARCUS ZUERIUS). Marci Zuerii Boxhornii De Typographiea? Art-is Inventione, & Inventoribus, Dissertatio. Lugduni Batavo- nun, Ex Ofneina Hieronymi de Yogel. MDC.XL. [Colophon:] Lugduni Bata vorum, Typis Wilhelmi Christiani. M D C.X I.. Leyden, 1640 4to, old calf. With this is bound .1. 1). Schoepfliuus, Lectoribus Salutem. Strassburg, 1740 249. BRADFORD (WILLIAM). An Address delivered at the Celebration by the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Mr. William Bradford, etc. By John William Wallace. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Albany, J. Munsell, 1863 250. Another copy. 251. BRADLEY (J. W.). A Dictionary of Miniaturists, Illuminators, Calli- graphers, and Copyists . . . from the establishment of Christianity to the Eighteenth Century. London, 1887-18S9 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 252. BRADLEY (J. W.) and GOODWIN (T. G.). A Manual of Illumina- tion. On Paper and Yellum. Tenth edition, revised . . . by J. J. Laing. 10th edition, enlarged, 12mo, cloth, red edges. Illustrations. London, n. d. 253. BRADSHAW (HENRY). Collected Papers of Henry Bradshaw, late University Librarian: Comprising I. 'Memoranda'; 2. 'Communications' read before the Cambridge Antiquarian Society . . . Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. With 13 plates. Cambridge, University Press, l sv !» 8vo, cloth, uncut. 254. BRADSHAW (W. R,). Wall Paper: Its History, Manufacture and Decorative Importance. New York, L891 Square 8vo, boards. Compliments of Joseph P. McHugh & Co. inscribed on title. 255. BRASSINGTON (W. SALT). A History of the Art of Bookbinding, with some account of the Books of the Ancients. London, 1894 Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Plates, sorm colored. 256. BREITKOPF (JOIIANX G. I.). Versuch den Ursprung der Spiel- karten die Einfuhrung des Leinenpapieres and den Anfang der Holzsehneidi kunst in Europa zu erforschen. Leipzig, L784 2 vols, in 1, 4to, half calf, by Stikeman. Plates, some folded. Barnneim - copy with his manuscript notes bound in. Copies of the "Serapeum" bound in. 257. BRENTANO (LUJO). On the History ami Development of Gilds, and the Origin of Trade-Unions. London, 1870 8vo, cloth. 258 BRILLAT-SAYARIX (ANTHELME). Physiologic -In Gou1 par Brillat-Savarin, lllustree par Bertall, precedee d'une notice Biographique pax Alph. Karr. (^ria,) G. de Gonet, n. d 8vo, half morocco. Portrait and plates engraved by Geofroy; woodcuts m text. 259 BRIMMER (.MART IX) and CHAPMAN (MRS. JOHN JAY). Egypt; Three Kssavs on the History. Religion and Art of Ancnt Egypt. Royal 8v6, vellum, uncut. Illustrations. < ambxidge, - 260 BRIQUET < C. M.). Papiers et Filigranes des Axchives de Genes 1154 a 1700. ,; " ,,; ' v "' l888 Royal 8vo, half morocco, by Stikeman. Plate8. 261. BRITISH Mi -ii M Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bi Miniatures. Borders, and Initials reproduced in gold and colours. With De Hcriptive Texl bj George P. Warner. Series I I. London, ivm I parts, folio, unbound, in portfolios. Facsimiles. 262. BRITISH MUSEUM. Three Eundred Notable Books added to the Library of the Briti m under the Keepership of Richard Gari 1899. ' - London, [mp. s \ ", cloth, morocco back, uncut. Portrait and Printed prh ate disl riluit Ion, 263. BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of Books printed in the XVth Cen tiny now in the British Museum. London, 1908-1913 :; Mils., folio, boards, uncut. Vols. I III. < lontents : Pari I, Xylographica, and Mainz, Strassburg, Bamberg, and Cologne. Pari 1 1. < lermanj , Ell \ il Trier. Pari III. Germany, Leipzic-Pforzheim; German speaking Switzerland; and \iim i i.i I [ungary. 264. BROGIOTT1 (ANDREAS). Endice de Caratteri, < , ..n I'lnventm aomi di essi, esistenti nella Stamps Vaticana, & Camerale. Roma, 1628 12mo, boards, calf back. Printed on one ride of the leaf only. With are bound four other pieces on similar subjects. 265. BROWN (FRANK ( IK H'TKAI' '>. Letters \ Lettering. A Treatise with 200 Examples. Boston, 1902 8vo, cloth. Illustrations. 266. BROWN ((iOOLD). The Grammar of English Grammars, with an introduction Historical and Critical . . . by Goold Brown . . . Enlarged by . . . a Copious Index of Matters by Samuel U. Berrian. New York, n. d. Large 8vOj cloth. 267. BROWN (HORATIO P.). The Venetian Printing Press. An Histori- cal study based upon documents for the most part hitherto unpublished. With :: facsimiles of early printing. New York, 1891 4to, cloth, uncut. One of 250 copies. 268. BROWNE .WILLIAM). Original Poems, Never before Published. With a preface and notes, by sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. K..T. [Kent, | Printed at the Private Press of Lee Priory, 1815 Ito. half calf, uncut tcover loose). One of 80 copies. Bookplate of Charles Meigh. 269. BROWNING ELIZABETH BARRETT). Poetical Works. N.u York, 1884 5 vols., 1-ino, boards, uncut. One of 150 copies on Holland paper. 270. BROWNING (ROBERT). Selections from the Poetry of Browning. With an Introduction by Richard Grant White. New York, n. d. 12mo, half morocco, uncut. 271. BRUN (MARCELIN AIME). Manuel Pratique et Abreg6 de la Typo graphie Prancaise. Par M. Brun. Paris, Firmin Didot Pere et Fils, 1825 l6mo, half calf. 272. Seconde edition. Bruxclles. Lejeune Fils, 1826 8vo, boards, calf back, uncut. 273. BRUNET (GUSTAVE). Emprimeurs Imaginaires et Libraires Sup- poses. Etude Bibliographique . . . Paris, 1866 . half morocco, gill top, uncut, by Stikeman. 274. BRUNET (GUSTAVE). Lea Livres Cartonnes. Essais Bibliogi. iques par Philomneste Junior. Bruxelles, 1878 8vo, half calf, umut. No. 186 of 500 copies. 26 275. BRUNET (GUSTAVE). Les Fous Litteraires. Essai Bibliographique sur la Litterature Excentrique, les Illumines, Visionnaires, etc., par Philom- neste Junior. Bruxi 8vo, half light calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Xo. 109 of 500 copiies. 276. BEUNET (JACQUES CHARLES). Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres. Cinquieme edition. 6 vols.; Supplement, par I'. Deschamps et G. Brunet. 2 vols.; Dictionnaire de Geographic ancienni moderne. 1 vol.; Bibliographic Methodique et Raisonnee des Beaux-Arts, par Ernest Vinet. 1 vol. Together l(i vols, large Svo, half olive morocco, gilt tops, by Larkins. Paris, 1S60-80 A fine set of this most valuable bibliographical work. 277. BRUNOR (MARTIN). The Practical Electroplater. A comprehen sive treatise on electroplating, with notes on ancienl ami modern gilding, and formulas for new solutions. With illustrations. New York, 1894 8vo, morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges. 278. BRUUN (CHR.). De Nyeste Undersogelser om Bogtrykkerkunsten^ Opfindelse af Chr. Bruun. Kjobenhavn, P. (i. Philipsen, 1889 Folio, half morocco, uncut. Facsimiles. One of 38 examples on handmade paper. 279. BRYAXT (WILLIAM CULL EX. Editor). A New Library of Poetry and Song. New York, 1^77 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, uncut. Portraits, plates. 280. BUCHDRUCKEREY, (Der bey), Wohl unterwiesene Corrector. Oder: Kurtzer Unterricht fiir diejenigen, die Wercke, so gedruckt werden, corrigiren wollen. Wie auch Eine niitzliche und nothwendige Erinnerung fiir diejenigen Welche Hire Schrifften oder verfertigte Wercke ausgehen Lassen. Herausge geben Yon D. H. H. Franckfurth und Leipzig, C. F. Gessner, 1739 12mo, boards. Frontispiece engraved; proof -reader's instructions in red on specimen leaves. With: Ehren-Gedichte auf die Edle freye Kunst-Buchdruckerey. . . Franck- furt und Leipzig, 1739. Signed: Johann Hermann. Bound in at end. 281. BUCKINGHAM (JAMES SILK). Autobiography . . . including hi- voyages, travels [etc.] Interspersed with characteristic sketches of public men. London, 1855 2 vols., 12mo, half green calf, uncut, by Larkins. Portrait, engraved by G. T. Boo. 282. BUDE (GUILLAUME). De Linstitution du Prince. Liure contenant plusieurs Histoires, Enseignements, & saiges Diets des Amiens taut Grecs que Latins. Imprime a l'Arriuour Abbaye (Indict Seigneur, Par Maistre Nicole Paris. 154^ Folio. Col.: A-S, 6 leaves each, A2 and A3, SI (containing coat-of-anns) and S6 (containing printer's device) are lacking. Old calf; title in VBOOdout border, inlaid and mended; Ql to So extended in upper outer corner, injuring some letters. With beautiful woodmi capitals. Manuscript notes regarding book on fly-leaf. Bude was Royal Librarian under Francis I of Frame. 283. BUNNER (H. C). The Story of a New York House. Illustrated by A. B. Frost. New York. Scribner, l sV . 12mo, cloth, uncut. First Edition. 284. BURLEY (WALTERUS). Vita omniu philosophorum & poetarum cum auctoritatilius & sentetus aureis eorundem annexis. [Woodcut.] Cum bonis ambula. Mors pcto pessima. Sic vtere tuo vt alien o mm egess. Paris, | 1520 Small Svo. Black letter. Calf, red f^^<, by Stikeman. 285. BULT (HENRY B.). The Portrait Collector's Manual, A Catalo of Prints, Old, New, Curious, and Rare. Nen Fork, 1884 12mo, leather, gilt edges. Portrait. 27 Bl BOER KONRAD . Buchbandleranzeigen det 15. Jahrhnnderts, in • i Nachbildung, herausgegeben vox\ Konrad Burger. Leipzig, K. w. Eliersemann, 1907 Polio, unbound, in portfolio, boards. Title (n red and black; facsin Diuitnli il mi lilnr in, it pap* r. 287. BURTON (JOHN BILL). The Book-Hunter, etc. Bdinburgh.1862 l2mo, cloth, roan baek, uncut. Title within ornamental border, rmar Edition. 288. BURTON (JOHN EELL). The Book-Hunter, etc. A New Edition, with :i memoir of the Author. Edinburgh, 1882 Bvo, cloth, uncut. Title within ornamental border, portrait of tfa author, etched ' ; vignettes; plate. N"o. 244 of 1,000 copies on I. Paper. 289. BURTON [(SIB BICHABD P.).] Wanderings in Weal Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po. By a P. B. G. B. London, 1863 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Plate and map. First Edition. 290. BURTON (SIB RICHARD P.). Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to AlMadinali & Meccah. 2 vols.; Vikram and the Vampire; or Tales of Hindu Deviltry. 1 vol.; First Footsteps in East Africa; or, An Exploration of Harar. 2 vols. Colored and other illustrations. London, 1893-94 5 vols., 8vo, cloth. Memorial Edition. 291. BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy . . . by Demo- critua Junior (pseud.) with a satirical preface, conducing to the following discourse. A new edition, corrected, and enriched by translations of the numerous classical extracts. By Democritus Minor. To which is prefixed an account of the author. Philadelphia, 1847 Bvo, cloth, uncut. Plate. Reproduction- of title of 165SS edition. 292. I'.FSBECQ (OGIER GHISLAIN de). A. Gislenii Busbequii omnia quae extant. Cum Privilegio. Lugd. Batavorum: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, Anno 1633 l6mo, old calf. Engraved title by C. C. Btisend. Book-plate of Henry Paul. There were two editions published in 3 633, this copy being the second. (See Goldsmid's Elzevier Press.) 293. BUSH (MRS. FORBES). Memoirs of the Queens of France. 2nd ed., 2 vols., 8vo, half blue calf, uncut. Portraits. London, 1843 294. BUSSY-RABI'TIX (ROGER, COMTE DE). Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules, par le Comte de Bussy-Rabutin. Cologne: Pierre Marteau, 17l!2 2 Imo, mottled calf. 295. BYRON (LORD). Poetical Works, with explanatory notes and a life of the author, by Thomas • Moore. Illustrated with numerous fine steel en- 'navin-gs. New York (1867) 4to, brown morocco, gilt edges. 296. C.ESAR. C. I alii Oeesaris qua? extant. Ex emendatione Ios. Scaligeri. Lugduni Batavorum, Ex officina Elzeviriana, Anno 1633 First Elzevir Edition. 12mo, original vellum, stamped. With three folded maps, and plans. Bookplate of Woodside Library. Considered the finest work ever issued by the Elzevir Press. This is a perfect copy, in excellent condition, with wide margins. Height 4 & T s inches. 297. c.F.SAW. History of Julius Caesar [translated from the French of Napoleon III. Emperor of the French]. New York, 1865-66 2 vols., Bvo, and atlas; cloth, uncut. Portraits: atlas with four maps, in paper covers, folded and laid in Vol. 1. 298. CAMBRIDGE PRESS. Famous Presses. The Cambridge Press 1633- 1692. A History of the First Printing Press Established in English America, ther with a Bibliographical List of the Issues of the Press. By Robert F. Boden. New York, 1905 l2mo, boards, uncut. Facsimiles. Limited edition. 28 299. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). Ignez de Castro; Episodio extrahido do canto terceiro do poema epico Os Lusiadas de Luiz de Camoes. Edicao em quinze linguas. Lisboa, Tmprensa Xacional, 1880 Folio, half morocco, uncut. 300. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). Exeerptos dos Lusiadas. Folio, boards, uncut. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1889 301. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). Ines De Castro, Episode des Lusiades. Tra- duction en Vers Hebreux revue par Mr. Le Grand-Rabbin L. Wogue, presentee a la lOeme session du Congres International des Orientalistes par Joseph De M. Benoliel. Lisbonne, Imprimerie Nationale, 1892 Svo, paper covers, uncut. Hebrew and Portuguese text. 302. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). Pcesias de Luiz de Camoes e Outros Vertidas a Italiano por Prospero Peragallo. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1890; Segunda Serie. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1892. 2 vols., imp. Svo, one in half green morocco, the other in wrappers, uncut. One of 20 copies on Japan Paper. 303. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). Pretidao de Amor. Endechas de Camoes a Barbara Escrava Seguidas da Respectiva Traduccjao em Varias Linguas e Antecedidas de um Preambulo. (Edited by Xavier de Cunha.) Lisboa, Imprensa Xacional, 1893 4to, half morocco, uncut. No. 37 of 300 copies. Presentation copy to T. L. DeVinne. Bound by Club Bindery. 304. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). CollecQao Camoneana de Jose do Canto. Tentativa de um Catalogo Methodico e Remissive Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1895 4to, half calf, uncut, by Stikenian. Portrait, "Exemplar offerecido a Theo- dcro L. de Vinne. " 305. CAMPBELL (M. F. A. G.). Annales de la Typographic Neerlandaise an XVe siecle. La Raye, M. Nijhoff [etc.], 1874 Svo, half calf, by the Club Bindery. 306. CAMUS (ARMAND GASTON). Histoire et Procedes du Polytypage el de la Stereotypic Paris, Badouin, Brumaire An X (1802) Svo, boards, calf back, some leaves uncut. Specimen pages of sterotype printing. 307. Another edition. Paris, A. A. Renouard, X-1802 Svo, half calf, uncut, by Larkin. 308. CAPELLE (P.). Manuel da la Typographic Francaise; Ou, Traite Complet de 1 'Imprimerie. Ouvrage utile aux jeunes Typographes, aux libraires et aux gens de lettres. Imprime sous la direction typographique de Rignoux. 4to, half calf. Facsimiles, folded plate. Paris, Rignoux [etc.], 1826 With specimen proof sheet with corrections and notes by hand; auto- graph letter of Alfred Firmin Didot, 1S52; specimen leaves of miniature printing by Laurent & Berny, and by Henri Didot; and newspaper clipping, inserted. Bookplate of Bibliotheque de M. Huguenel Lejay. 309. Another copy. Square 4to, half straight-grained morocco, uncut, by Stikenian. The author, M. Capelle, was Minister under Charles X, and signer of the Ordinances of July 1830. 310. CAPITAINE (ULYSSE). Nouvelles Recherches Bur lea [mprimeurs de Namur. Bruxelles, F. lleussner, 1S53 Svo, half calf, uncut. One of 50 copies. 311. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. New York. 1872 Svo, half calf, mottled edges. Portrait enprared 6.)/ A. B. Walter. 312. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinion, of Herr Teufelsdrockh. In three books. London, l s v 16mo, half calf, gilt tooled, uncut, by Stikenian. Portrait engraved by 1 Lowenstam. 29 318. I \i;l\lk (TH0MA8). The French Revolution, Wit. .1 in traduction bj Julian Hawthorne. Eft Bed edition. Ne* York. The Colonial Press [1899] J Mils., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Photogravwn portrait, plates, reproductions of pages from early printed books and QJ/unrwnated tnanusx olor. 314. CARLYLE THOMAS). Collectanea Thomas Carlyle Edited by Samuel Arthur Jones. Canton, Pa., The ETdrgate Press, 1903 . cloth, uncut. ' >im' of 500 copies. 315. Another copy. Presentation copy From Lewis Buddj III. to T. L. I >eVinne. ' )ne of 500 copies. 316. CARNEIRO DA BILVA JOAQUIW . Bn • Tratado Theorico das Letras Typograflcas, offerecido a sun Alteza ReaJ o Principe Regente Senhor. Lisboa, Na Regis Officina Typografica, 1803 Oblong tto, boards. Engraved plates. 317. CAEPENTEE (RICHARD). Experience, Historic, and Divinitie. Divided into five Books. Written by Richard Carpenter, \ ' i * • : i r of Poling; a small and obscure Village i>.\ the Sea-side, oeere to Arundel in Sussex . . . Printed by Order Er the Souse of Commons. London, Printed by R. C. for Andrew Crooke, 1642 FiKsr Edition. Small 8vo. Col.: A-S5-, Aa-Xx, 8 leaves each; Al lacking probably blank; Xx8 backed. Old calf, rebacked. Engraved portrait of Carpenter by W. Marshall, A2. 318. CARR (J. COMYNS, Editor). Examples of Contemporary Art; Etchings from Representative Works by living English and foreign Artists. Edited with critical notes by J. Comyns Carr. London, 1878 Polio, cloth, uncut. Plates. 319. CARTWRIGHT (W. C). The Jesuits: Their Constitution and Teach- in-. An Historical Sketch. London, 1876 FIRST Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. "Presented by Mr. Murray," stamped on title. With newspaper clipping regarding the Jesuits, inserted. 320. CARVALHO (THOMAZ DE). Congratulate Canum : Colla versione It.iliana di Prospero Peragallo. Lisbona, Stamperia Xazionale, 1893 8vo, boards, uncut. " Examplar offercido a Theodoro L. DeVinne" printed on fly-leaf. Text in Latin and Italian. Printed on China Paper. ::l'1. CARVALHO (THOMAZ DE). Congratulatio Canum: Com a Versao Portugueza por A. A. Lisboa, Emprensa Nacional, 1893 8vo, boards, uncut. Portrait of the anther. Text in Latin and Portuguese. Contains biography of Senhor Carvalho, by F. M. Sousa Viterbo. "Exemplar offercido a Theodoro L. DeVinne" printed on fly-leaf. Printed on China Paper. 322. CASLOX (WILLIAM). A Specimen of Printing Types by Wm. Caslon, letter-Founder to the King. London, C. Whittingham, 1796 8vo, half morocco. Printed on one side of leaf only. 323. Another copy. Original half calf, with guard sheets between the printed leaves. 324. CASTELL (EDMUND). Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebrak-um. Chaldai- ciun, Syriacum, Samaritanum, iEthiopieum, Arabicum con.junctim; Persicum Separatim. . . Cui aceessit Brevis, & Harmonica . . . Grammatieae, Omnium praecedentium Linguarum Delineatio. Authore Edmundo Castello, S.T.D. . . Londini, Thomas Roycroft, 1669 12 parts in 1 vol., folio. Original vellum. The portrait of the author by Faithorne is lacking in this copy. This Lexicon is a Supplementary Volume to the Bible Polyglol edited by Walton, and published by Roycroft in 1657. 325. CASTELLAN] (CARLO). La Statapa in Veneris dalla sua Origine alia Morte di Aldo Manu/.io Seniore. Ragionamento Storico di Carlo Castel- lani . . . con Appendice di Documenti in parte inediti. Venezia, F. Ongania, 1889 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Original paper covers bound in. 30 SECOND SESSION LOTS 326-639 326 CASTIGLIONE (COUNT BALDESAR). The Book of the Courtier Translated from the Italian and annotated by Leonard Eckstein Opdycke With 71 pin-traits and 15 autographs reproduced by Edward Bierstadt. ' . . , , \C\\ York, 1901 4to, original parchment, uncut. No. 7 of 500 copies. With bibliography oi editions in various languages on pp. 417-422. 327. CATALOGUE DES ECRITS, Gravures et Dessins Condamncs depuis 1814 jusqu'au ler Janvier 1850. Suivi de hi liste des individus condamnes pour delits de presse. Paris 1850 12mo, half calf, uncut. 328. CATXACH (JAMES). "The Oatnach Press." A Collection of The Books and Woodcuts of James Catnach, late of Seven Dials, Printer. London, n. d. 12mo, cloth, roan back, uncut. Facsimiles. One of 75 copies on thick paper. 329. CATZ (JACOB). Alle de Wercken, soo Oude als Nieuwe, van den Heer Jacob Cats . . . Hier komen noch by des Dichters Gedachten op Slape loose Nachten, Nevens zijn gansche Twee en Tachtig-Jarig Leven. . . Amsterdam, D. van den Dalen, 1700 Folio, old calf. Portraits and plates. 330. CAXTON CELEBRATION, 1877. Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Antiquities, Curiosities, and Appliances connected with the Art of Printing. South Kensington. Edited by George Bullen. London, Printed at the Elzevir Press, Published by Triibner and Co. [no date | 12mo, cloth. Presentation copy from C. W. II. Wyman to T. L. DeVinne. 331. Another edition. Preliminary Issue. 12mo, boards, roan back. London, The Elzevir Press | L877) 332. CAXTON CLUB. Catalogue of An Exhibit of Books Interest in- through their Associations. February, 1896. Chicago, Caxton Club, L896 Square 8vo, original boards, uncut. Many facsimiles. 333. CAXTON CLUB. Phoenixiana. By Capt. George Horatio Derby. Edited by John V. Cheney. Chicago, L897 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. One of 165 copies. 334. CAXTON CLUB. Relation of Henri de Tonty Concerning the Ex plorations of LaSalle from 1678 to 1683. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. One of 194 copies. Chicago, L898 335. CAXTON CLUB. Relation of the Discovery of the Mississippi River. Written from the Narrative of Nicholas de La Salle. The Translation done by Melville B. Anderson. Chicago, 1898 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. One of 266 copies. 336. CAXTON CLUB. Some letters of Edgar Allen Poe to E. II. N. Patter son of Oquawka, Illinois, with comments of Eugene Field. Chicago, l v - ,s Square 4to, cloth, uncut. Facsimiles. One of 186 copies. 337. CAXTON CLUB. II Pesceballo. Opera in one act. Italian Words by Francis James Child, English Version by .lames Russell Lowell. Chicago, 1899 12mo, cloth, uncut. With facsimile of title-page of original edition inserted: small size double sheet of music set in. One of 210 Copies. 31 888. CAXTON CLUB. Relation of the Discoveries and Voyagei of Cavelier de La Salle from 1670 to L681. The Official Narrative. The Translation done bj M''i'. ille it. Anderson. < !hi< Bvo, boards, vellum back, uncut. One of 224 copi 389. I \.\To\ CLUB. Thomas Berthelet, Royal printei and Bookbinder to Henrj VIII. King of England; with special Reference to bis Bookbindings. By <'yril Davenport. Chicago, L90I Polio, original boards, ancut. Plates, somt colored. One of 252 co] 340. CAXTON CLUB. Wau-Bun. The "Early Day" of the North-Weal by Mi ■-. John II. Kinzie of Chicago, New edition, with an Introduction and bj Reuben Gold Thwaites . . . With numerous illustrations. Chicago, 1901 %\ o, cloth, uncut, i >ne of 256 copies. 341. CAXTON CLUB. The Caxton Club Scrap-Book. Early Eng] L250 L650. Chosen and collocated by John Vance Cheney. Chicago, 1003 Bvo, boards, <■ I < ■ t li hark, uncut. One of 250 copies. ::il'. CAXTON ci.ri'.. The French Bookbinders of the Eighteenth Century, bj Octave CJzanhe. Translated by Mabel Mcllvaine. Chicago, L904 Polio, original boards, uncut. Plates, colored, head-pieces from wash-d ings by Paul AvrU. One of 252 copies. 343. CAXTON CLUB. An Essay on Colophons, with Specimens and Transla- tions by Alfred \v. Pollard, and an Introduction by Richard Garnett. Ini]i. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Facsimiles. One of 252 copies. Chicago, 1905 344. CAXTON CLUB. William Caxton, by E. Gordon Duff . Chicago, 1905 Folio, original hoards, uncut. Plates, facsimiles. One of 2."ii' copies. 345. CAXTON CLUB, Wakefield's History of the Black Hawk War. A reprir.t of the first edition by John A. Wakefield, Ksquire, from the press of Calvin Goudy, Jacksonville, Illinois, 1834; with thirteen photogravure illus- trations, and preface and notes by Prank Everett Stevens. Chicago, 1908 mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. Frontispiece portrait of Black Hani:, colored, portraits and plates. One of 200 copies. 346. CAXTON CLUB. A descriptive catalogue of the etchings and dry- points of dames Abbot! .McNeill Whistler, by Howard Mansfield. Chicago, 1909 (to, original boards, uncut. One of an edition of 300 copies. 347. CAXTON CLUB. The Frankfort Book Fair; The Prancofordiense Emporium of Henri Estienne. Edited with Historical Introduction, original Latin Text with English Translation on opposite pages and Notes, by -lames Westfall Thompson. Chicago,, 1911 Folio, original boards, uncut. Portrait, plates, illustrations, one of 300 copies. 348. (ANTON CLUB. Of Much Love and Some Knowledge of Hooks. By Benry Eduard Legler. (Colophon, Chicago, R. R, Donnelley & Sons, L912) 8vo, boards, uncut. Ornamental title-page and decorations by F. W. Goolcin. ( me of 35 I copies. 349. CAXTON CLUB. Officers, Committees, Constitution . . . Members. 1895, L897 L910, 1912. Chicago, 1895-1912 16 vols., l2mo, doth, uncut. Volumes for 1895 and 1897 bound in boards. 350. CAXTON (WILLIAM). The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's Fust Printer, with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Compiled from original sources by William Blade-. London, 1861-1863 2 vols., Ho, boards, leather back, uncut. With many facsimiles of Carton's printing. First Edition. 351. CAN TON (WILLIAM. ) The Fifteen O 's, and other Prayers. Printed by commandmenl o( the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England and of France, and also of the Princess Margaret, Mother of our Sovereign Lord the King. 32 By their most humble subject and servant, William Caxton. (Circa m.ccc< Reproduced in Photo-lithography by Stephen Ayling. [London,] Griffith and Far ran, 1869 8vo, boards. Facsimile reproduction of the original copy in the British Museum Library. 352. CAXTON (WILLIAM). The Statutes of Henry VII. In exact Fac- simile, from the very rare original, printed by Caxton in 1489. Edited, with notes and introduction, by John Rae. London, 1S69 4to, boards, leather back, uncut. Large Papeb copy. 353. CAXTON (WILLIAM). A Reprint in facsimile of a treatise spek of the arte & crafte to knowe well to dye / translated oute of frenshe in to englysshe by Willm Caxton. London, Assigns of E. Lumley, deceased, 1875 Folio, boards, uncut. Facsimile reproduction of Caxton 's edition of 1485. 354. Another copy. 355. CAXTON (WILLIAM). Facsimiles illustrating the labours of William Caxton at Westminster . . . With a Memoir of our First Printer, and Biblio- graphical Particulars of the Illustrations. By Francis Compton Price. London, Privately Printed, 1877 Square 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates. 356. CAXTON (WILLIAM). Who was Caxton? William Caxton, Merchant, Ambassador, Historian, Author, Translator and Printer. A Monograph [by Rowland H. Blades]. London, 1877 12mo, original paper covers. Frontispiece. Presentation copy from author to T. L. DeVinne, Feb. 1887. Preface signed R. H. B. with full name written in below in Mr. DeVinne 's hand. 357. CAXTON (WILLIAM). The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer. By William Blades. New York, 1882 8vo, cloth. Illustrations. 358. CAXTON (WILLIAM). The Game and Playe of the Chesse. Re- printed from the second edition, undated. London, V. & ,1. Figgins, n. d. 4to, stamped calf, red edges. Reproduction in Black Letter. By Vincenl Figgins, with historical notice by Mr. Figgins. 359. CELEBRATED VIEWS and Costumes of Japan, Pictured by the Arto- Type Process. Tokyo, The Seishi-Bunsha [no date] Oblong 4to, flexible cerise brocade, tied with white silk cord at kirk. Plates, with rite-paper guard-slieets. 360. CELLINI (BENYENUTO). The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, newly translated into English by John Addington Symonds, with engraved portrait and eight etchings by F. Lagiiillcrmic, also eighteen reproductions of ih< works of the Master. New York, L88S 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portrait, j>l'\\ York 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt decorations, uncut. 362. CENNINI (BERNARDO). Di Bernardo Cennini e dell' Arte della Stampa in Firenze nei Primi Cento Anni dall 5 [nvenzione di Essa Sommario Storico con Documenti Inediti (by) Qt. Ottino. Firenze, 1871 First Edition'. Svo, half morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery. Original paper covers bound in. Facsimile, plate. 363. CENTURY (The). Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Not Series. Vols. 1 to 71 inclusive (lacking 4 vols, and with 1 duplicate). N-u York. L881 L917 69 vols., large Svo, half leather. 33 864. I iatiky ASSOCIATION. The Fiftieth Ann of the Found ing of the Century and the Adoption of its Constitution. New fork, 1897 iin. cloth, uncut. Portrait*, pit CERVANTES SAAVEDRA MIGUEL DE). The [ngenious Gentle man Don Quixote of La Mancha. A Translation with Introduction and Nol l.x John Ormsby. . . New fork, 1887 i mi].-., L2mo, doth, uncut. Plate, map. ■ CHAMBEES (ROBERT, Editor). Cyclopaedia of English Literature. 2 vols., iin, half morocco. With Brayton [vea bookplate. London, n. d. 367. CH IMBER8 i EtOBEBT, Editor). The Book of Days, a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities. . . Edinburgh, 1863-64 ■j Mils., 8vo, cloth. Illustrations. 368. CHAMPOUB (DE) and MALEPEYEE (F.). Nouveau manuel complel ilc la Fabrication des Encres de toute sorte . . . suivi de la Fabrication du Cirage. Nouvelle Sdition, considerablemenl augmentee. Paris, Etoret, i s 7." l6mo, half morocco. :jt;;i. ( HAIMN i Wl I. US <). ). Tin' Masters and Masterpieces oi Engraving. Illustrated with 60 Engravings >v Heliogravures. New York, 1894 Royal mii. Leather, gill tooled, uncut. Title in red and black, plates. ::7n. CHARLES I, King of England. Holograph Letter of Charles I. Formerly in possession of John Evelyn. Later in the collection of Win. Upcott and now privately printed for the friends of the present owner. St. Louis, W. K. Hixby, 1915 8vo, original boards, uncut. Portrait, facsimile One of 200 copies. Presen- tation copy from W. K. Bixby to T. L. DeVinne. 371. CHATTQ (WILLIAM ANDREW). Facts ami Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards. London, 1848 First EDITION. 8yo, cloth, uncut. Plates, some colored. 372. CHATTO (WILLIAM ANDREW). Gems of Wood Engraving, from the Illustrated London News. With a History of the Art, Ancient and Modern. London, 1849 Atlas folio, half leather. Plates. Text with separate title, dated 1848 373. I HA'ITo (WILLIAM ANDREW). A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical; with upwards of three hundred illustrations engraved on wood by John Jackson. The Historical portion by W. A. Chatto. Second edition, with a new chapter on the artists of the present day by Henry G. Bohn, and 145 additional wood engravings. London, 1861 Royal Svo, half morocco. 374. CHATTO (WILLIAM ANDREW). A Treatise on Wood Engraving, historical and practical . . . With upwards of (00 illustrations engraved on > h,i John Jackson. A New Edition, with an additional chapter by Henry t;. Bonn. New York, J. W. Bouton, n. d. It n, cloth, uncut. 375. I HAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Nonnes Preestes Tale of the Cok and lien, with Introduction by "William dishing Hamburgh. New York, 1902 Svo, boards, uncut. Portrait. Glossary of hook laid in. 376. CHEROUNT (HENRI? W.). Labor and Liberty. The Historic De- velopment of the Labor Question. Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Constitution Club of the City of New York. Printed for private circulation. New York, 1S85 svo, morocco. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeYinne. rf4 377. CHEVELLIEE (ANDRE). L'Origine de 1 'Imprimerie de Paris. Dis- sertation Historique et Critique. . . Paris, J. de Laulne, 1694 4 parts in 1 vol., 4to, old calf. British Museum Duplicate stamp on verso of title. 378. Another copy, 4to, old calf. Writing on title has slip of paper pasted over. 379. CHEVREUL (M. E.). The Principles of Harmony aad Contrast of Colours, and their applications to the Arts. Trans, from the French bj Charles Martel. London, I860 12mo, cloth, uncut. Plates, in color. 380. CHINCHOLLE (CHARLES). Les Pensees de tout le Monde; Les Phrases Courtes. Paris, L890-189] 2 vols., 32mo, full blue levant morocco, blue levant doublure, ami fly-leaves, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Ornamental borders. 381. CHINNERY (WILLIAM). Writing and Drawing made Easy, Amus- ing and Instructive. Containing The Whole Alphabel . . . Curiously Engrai 'd, by the Best Hands. London, T. Bellamy, n. d. Oblong 4to, half leather. Title, half-title, plates and text engraved, by T. Hutchinson, I. Hitiett and others. The sped nuns of writing wen ><-. 389. [CIR1ER (N.).] L'Oeil Typographique. < inert aus Bommes de Lettres de Tun et de l'autre sexe. Notamment a Mm. les Correcteurs, Protes, Sous-protes, etc. Paris, F. Didol Freres, L839 8vo, full red morocco. Folded frontispiece. 35 890. CLAPPERTON (GEORGE). Practical Paper-making: A Manual (or Paper-maken and Owners and Managers of Paper Mills. London, 1894 il'iihi, cloth. Plates. 891. CLARK (JOHN WILLIS). The Care of Books, An Essaj on the . i.M . < I ..\ It l\ ( .1 < ' I I \ VYllilJlO;. MM' < ill ■• III I .OOK>, . \ II r,.SMl\ i Ml LIU' Development of Libraries and their fittings, from the earliesi times to the end of the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge, University Press, 1901 imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Numerous illustrations. First Edition. Limited edition. 393. CLAUDIN (A.). Origines et Debuts de I'Imprimerie a Poitiers. Bib- [iographie des premiers livres imprimees dans eette ville (1479-1515) avec nutrs. . . Paris, A. Claudin, 1897 tto, half levant morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery, 1898. (Antiquites Typo- graphiques de la France. No. 2.) One of 200 copies. The appendix to this volume containing the Bibliographie has been bound in at the end of his article on the Printing at Bordeaux instead of being put at the end of this volume. 394. CLAUDIN (A.). Monuments de I'Imprimerie a Poitiers. Eecueil de facsimiles des premiers livres imprimes dans cette ville (1479-1515). Specimens de caracteres, lettres ornees, filigranes de papiers, etc. Paris, A. Claudin, 1897 Itn, half levant morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery, 1898. (Antiquites Typo- graphiques de la France. No. 3.) Facsimiles. One of 200 copies. ;!9.">. OLACDIN (A.). Les Origines et les Debuts de I'Imprimerie a Bor- deaux Paris, 1897 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery, 1898. One of 100 copies. Extract from the Revue Catholique de Bordeaux. The appendix to Claudin 's Origines et Debuts de 1 'Imprimerie a Poitiers containing the Bibliographie has been bound in at the end of this volume. 396. CLAUDIN (A.). The First Paris Press; An Account of the Books printed for G. Fichet and J. Ileynlin in the Sorbonne, 1470-1472. London, The Bibliographical Society, 189S 4to, half red morocco, uncut. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. VI.) Title in red and black; plates. .">97. CLAUDIN (A.). Histoire de I'Imprimerie en Frame an XVe et A. Vie Si&de. Paris, Imprimerie Rationale, 1900-1901 2 vols., folio, unbound in portfolio, uncut. Plates, some colored; Illustra- tions, With autograph letters from V. Deslandes of the Imprensa Nacional. Lisbon, regarding Claudin and his work. :>9s. CLHRGET (C. K.). Von der typographischen Verzierung. Ein Versuch fiber Ornamentik in ihrer Anwendung auf die Verzierung der Biicher. Wien, K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1859 8vo, green morocco, uncut. Text and titles in German and French on opposite pages. 399. CLOVIO (GIORGIO G I CLIO). The Life and Works of Giorgio Giulio Clovio .Miniaturist, with Notices of his Contemporaries, and of the Art of Book Decoration in the Sixteenth Century. By John W. Bradley. With 18 plates. London, 1891 8vo, cloth, leather back, uncut. First Edition. 100. COBDEN-SANDERSON (T. J.). The Ideal Book; or, Book Beautiful. A Tract on Calligraphy, Printing, and Illustration & on the Book Beautiful as a Whole. Loudon, The Doves Press, 1900 tto, vellum. 36 401. COLE (TIMOTHY). Old Italian Masters, engraved by Timothy Cole. \\ ith Historical Notes by W. J. Stillman and brief comments by the Engraver. Royal Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. First Edition. New York, 1S92 402. COLE (TIMOTHY). Old Dutch and Flemish Masters. Engraved by Timothy Cole. With Critical Notes by John C. Van Dyke and comments by the Engraver. X ( . vv York, 1895 Folio, boards, cloth back, uncut. One of 45 copies, with the plates printed as proofs on onion skin paper, mounted and matted. Stamped "Office Copy." Signed by J. C. Bauer, who printed the plates on a hand press. 403. Another Copy. One of 65 copies on handmade paper. 404. COLE (TIMOTHY). Twelve Proof Woodcuts by Cole, 9 of which are inscribed to Mr. DeVinne, and with descriptive notes in the handwriting of the engraver. 405. COLLECTION OF SPANISH DOCUMENTS. Manuscripts in the British Museum published in Facsimile by Archer M. Huntington. New York, 1903 Atlas folio; unbound title and facsimile plates in portfolio. 406. COLLECTION of head- and tail-pieces, title vignettes, printer's de- vices, initial letters, etc., taken from various early printed books. Oblong octavo. Bound in half morocco. "From a book-stall near the Odeon. Paris, 1896" inscribed on fly-leaf, in Mr. DeVinne 's hand. 407. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOE). A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. By Thomas J. Wise. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, Bibliographical Society, 1913 408. COLOR PRINTER (The), Autographed copy, Cinn. 1892; The Art of Book Binding (Walker), N. Y. 1850; A Practical Treatise upon Modern Printing Machinery (Wilson and Grey), N. Y. 1888; and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 409. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). The Letter of Columbus on the Dis- covery of America. A Facsimile of the Pictorial Edition, with a New and Literal Translation and a Complete Reprint of the Oldest four editions in Latin. Printed by Order of the Trustees of the Lenox Library. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 410. Another copy. 411. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Christopher Columbus. His own book of Privileges 1502. Photographic facsimile of the Manuscript in tin archives of the foreign office in. Paris', now for tin first time published, with expanded text, translation into English, and an Historical Introduction. The Translation by G. F. Barwick. The Introduction by Henry Harrisse. The whole compiled and edited with preface by B. F. Stevens. London, B. F .Stevens, L893 Folio, full green levant morocco, gilt tooling, by Stikeman. Printed on vellum by the Chiswick Press. Only a few copies 30 printed. 412. COMMINES (PHILIPPE DE). Memoirs of Philip de Comines . . . Faithfully translated from the late edition of Mons. Godefroy . . . By Mr. Uvedale. London, 1712 2 vols., 12mo, calf. Title to Vol. 1 repaired. 413. COMMON PRAY r ER. Liber Preeum Publicarum, sev Ministerij Eccles iastica' adniinistrationis Sacranientoruin, Aliorumque rituum, & caeremoniarum, in Ecclesia Anglicana. Excusum Londini, per Assignationem Francisci Florae. Cum Privilegio Regia? Maiestatis. [Colophon:] Londini Excudebat Thomas vautrollenuB. 1574 Svo, old calf, engraved title (some pp. stained). An early translation oi 37 thr English Prayer Book into Latin. Vautr oilier waa a Huguenol refugee from Prance, wa« made Freeman of Bta i ire Company, London, 1564; had a :it Blackfriara, 1570; waa al Edinburgh, 1580; later returned to London! and printed then until 1587, the supposed date of bia death. in. COMMON PBAYEE. The Book of Common Prayer, And Ad mini tin n of the Sacraments, and other Bites and Ceremonies of the Church, Accord ing ),, the Use of The Church of England. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to !"■ sung or said in Churches. Cambridge, Printed by John Baskerville, Printer to the University, bj whom thej are Bold, and by B. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave-Mary Lane, London, I7t;u. Royal s m>. dark green morocco, elaborate gill tooling, gill edges, contem porary binding. Very fine copy in :i handsome specimen of binding. U5. COMMON PBAYEB. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administra tion tit' the Sacraments, and other Bites and Ceremonies of t li « - Church, accord- ing to the use of the Protestanl Episcopal Church in the United States <>t' America: Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, N. V. New Fork, Henry I. Megarey, 1819 8vo, dark blue morocco. Frontispiece and engraved title, plates. Title dated IMS. With this is bound: The Whole Book of Psalms, in metre. New Fork, L819 116. COMMON PEAYEE. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments . . . according to the Use of the Church of England; To- gether willi the I 'salter. . . London, W. Pickering, 1844 Polio, vellum (covers loose), uncut. Title in red and black, within orna- mental border; rubricated. 417. COMMON PEAYEE. The Rook of Common Prayer, and Administra- tion of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, accord- ing to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. . . London, 1866 8vo, dark green morocco, gilt tooling, by Bradstreet 's. Printed at the Chis- wick Press. 418. COMMON PRAYER, Holbein and Durer illustrations, London, 1863; The Sabbath School Scrap Book (Eeed), X. V. L874; The Holy Bible, N. V. 1815; ami others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. II!'. CONGDON (CHARLES T.). Reminiscences of a Journalist. l2mo, cloth. Portrait of tin author. First Edition". Boston, 1880 420. Another copy. 121. CONTABTNI (GASPORO, Cardinal). Casparis Contareni patricii Yeneti De Republics Venetorum. Libri quinque. Item synopsis reip: Veneta*, el alii de eailem discursus politici. Lugd: Batavorum, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1626 First Elzevir Edition. 16mo, original vellum, blank margin of title torn; engraved title. 122. CONWAY WILLIAM MAETIN). The Woodcutters of the Nether- lands in the Fifteenth Century. In three parts: I. History of the Wood- cutter-. II. Catalogue of the Woodcuts. III. List of the Books containing Woodcuts. Cambridge, University Press, 1884 8vo, cloth, uncut. 123. COOK (CLAEENCE). The House Beautiful. Essays on Beds and Taldes. Stools and Candlesticks. "Profusely illustrated. New York, 1878 4to, cloth, uncut. 124. COPINGEB (W. A.). Incunabula Biblica; or, The First Half Cen- tury of the Latin Bible. . . London, B. Quaritch, 1892 Folio, cloth, uncut. Facsimiles. 3S 425. [CORNISH (MRS.).] Aleestis. (A novel.) London, L873 2 vols., l2mo, half calf, uncut. With autograph of Justice .1. D. Coleridge. 426. CORRARD DE BREBAX. Recherches sur F^tablissemenl e1 L'Exei de rimprimerie a Troyes, contenant la Nomenclature des Imprimeurs di Yille, depuis la fin du 15e siecle jusqu'a 1789, et des notices sur leurs produc- tions les plus remarquables, avec facsimile. 2e edition eorrig£e el augmented. 8vo, half calf, uncut. One of 160 copies. I'm is, 185T 427. COTTON (HENRY). A Typographical Gazetteer. . . Oxford, University Press, L831 8vo, half calf. Signature of John Wilson on title-page. .Marginal nut.-. 428. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The Second and Third Parts of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. The Second containing What was Written and Published by himself in his younger Years: Now Reprinted together. The Seventh Edition, with Additions. The Third containing His Six Books of Plants . . . Now Made English by several Hands. [The Second Edition..] With necessary Tables to both Parts, and several Poems in Praise of tin Author. London: Printed for Charles Harper . . . L700 Folio, half calf. With engraving of tin Cowley monument by I,'. White, facing titl< ; portrait of Cowley engraved by Smh* inserted on verso of titii . "Johannes Mather Chirurgien " inscribed on title. Third Part is second edition, and has special title and separate ['agina- tion. 429. COWPER (WILLIAM). Poetical Works. London, W. Pickering, 1851 3 vols., 16mo, calf (worn). Portrait. Aldine Edition. 430. COWTAN (ROBERT). Memories of the British Museum. London, 1872 Svo, cloth, leather back (worn). Photograph of Panizzi inserted. 431. COX (KENYON). The Blessed Damozel, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti; with drawings by Ken-yon Cox. New York, 1886 Folio, cloth cover, with gilt decorations, designed by Kenyon Cox. 432. CRANE (LUCY). Art, and the Formation of Taste; six lectures . . . with Illustrations drawn by Thomas $ Walter Crane. London, 1882 12mo, cloth. 433. CRANE (WALTER). Of the Decorative Illustration of Books <>hl and New. London, 1896 12mo, cloth, uncut. Illustrated title and facsimiles. 434. CRAPELET (GEORGES ADRIEN). Des Progres de Ulmprimerie en France et en Italic au XYIe siecle, et de son influence sur la litterature; averc les Lettres-Patentes de Francois Ier, en date du 17 Janvier !.">3K, M ui instb tuent le premier imprimeur royal pour le Grec. Paris, L836 Svo, half calf, uncut. 435. Another copy. Boards, calf back. 436. CRAPELET (GEORGES ADRIEN). fitudes Pratiques et Litteraires sur la Typographic. Tome premier. Paris, I s -"" 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Very Scarce. 437. Another copy. Half calf, by Club Bindery. Containing Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 to p. 208. 438. CRAPELET (GEORGES ADRIEN). Des Brevets d 'Imprimeur, des Certificats de Capacity, et de la Necessity actuelle de donner a I'Imprimerie les Reglemens promis par les lois; suivi du Tableau (leie'ral des Lmprimeries de tout la France, en 1704, 1739, 1810, 1830 et Mn. Paris, i s l" Svo, half calf, uncut. 39 439. CUNAEU8 (PETRUS). Petri Cunaei de Republics Hebraeorum. Libri III. ESditio novissima. Lugd, Batavor: \'.\ officins Blzeviriana. Ao. 1632 Third Edition. L6mo, original vellum* 140. OTJNDALL (JOSEPH). On Bookbindings, Aneienl and Modern. Ito, cloth, uncut. Plates, some oolored. London, 1881 ■ill. < T N 1 1 A (XAVIEB DA). [mpressoes Deslandesianas. Divaga Bibliographicas. Ldeboa, Na Emprensa Nacional, M.DCCC.XIXCXTV 2 vols. Bvo, half calf, uncut, by Stikeman. With original paper covers bound in. Facsimiles. iil\ CURTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM). Robert Burns. An Address at the unveiling of the Statute of the Poet. . . . October 2, 1880. Mu, paper covers, uncut. New York, For Private Circulation, 1880 143. CURTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM). An Address at the Unveiling of the Statue of Washington, upon the spot where he took the oath as First President of the United States. Delivered on the (25th) 26th November, 1883. . . 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Portrait. New York, 1883 444. CURWEN (HENRY). A History of Booksellers, The Old and the New. With portraits and illustrations. London [Pref. 1873] 12mo, cloth, uncut. 3 copies. II.". CUTTS (EDWARD L). Scenes amid Characters of the Middle Ages. Mo, cloth. Illustrations. London, 1872 446. DANA (CHARLES A.). Lincoln and his Cabinet. A Lecture de- livered on Tuesday, March 10, 1896, before the New Haven Colony Historical Society. Cleveland and New York, 1896 12mo, boards, uncut. One of 350 copies. 447. DANTE ALIGHT KR I. Ilistoire de Dante Alighieri, par M. le Cheva- lier Artaud de Montor. Paris, A. Le Clere et Cie, 1841 8vo, boards, roan back. Frontispiece portrait of Dante by Raphael, en- graved by M. F. Bien ; plates. Its. DANTE ALIGHIERT. The Vision; Or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, translated by Henry Francis Cary. (With '-'A engravings on steel, after Flax- man.) Corrected edition. . . London, 1865 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut. Engraved title. Portrait and plates. 149. DANTE ALIGHIERT. The Divine Comedy of Haute Alighieri trans- lated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston, 1867 3 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. 450. DARLEY (FELIX O. C). Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle, N. Y. 184S; Illustrations of the Legends of Sleepy Hollow, N. Y. 1849; Compositions in Outline from .ludd's Margaret. New York, 1856. (2 copies.) New York, 1848-56 4 vols., oblong folio, various bindings. With the fine series of illustrations by Barley. 151. DARWIN (KRASMUS). Gli Ainori delle Piante Poema eon Note Filosoliche. Traduzione dall 'Originale Lnglese di Giovanni Gherardini. 8vo, boards. Writing on title. Milano, Pirotta e Maspero, 1805 152. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Adventures de Tartarin, Paris, 1878; Sappho, Paris, lss7; Contes de Lundi, Parrs, 1879, and others. V. p., v. d. 11 vols., ll'tno, mainly half morocco and half calf. 153. DAUNOU (PIERRE CLAUDE FRANCOIS). Analyse des Opinions diverses sur l'Origine de I 'Imprimerie,. 8vo, boards, roan back, uncut. Paris, Renouard, Frimaire An XI 1803 454. Another copy. Red morocco, uncut. 455. Another copy, wrappers. 40 456. DAVENPOET (CYRIL). The Book, Its History and Development. New York, D. Van Nostra ml Co., 190S 8vo, cloth. Plates, facsimiles, illustrations. 457. DAVIS (REAR-ADMIRAL C. II., Editor). Narrative of the North Polar Expedition. IT. S. Ship Polaris, Captain C. F. Hall commanding. Edited under the direction of the Hon. G. M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy, by Eear- Admiral C. H. Davis. U. S. Naval Observatory, 1876. ' Washington, 1870 4to, cloth. Steel engravings of Capt. Hall and of Ship Polaris, plates, maps, §c. 458. DAVIS (JOHN FRANCIS, Compiler). Hien Wnn Shoo. Chinese Moral Maxims, with a free and verbal translation; affording examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London, 1823 First Edition. 8vo, boards (worn), uncut. 459. DAY (LEWIS F.). Penmanship of the XVI, XVII & Wllltli Cen- turies. A Series of typical Examples from English and Foreign Writing Books. London, B. T. Batsford, n. d. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Plates. Presentation copy to T. L. DeVinne. 460. DA YE (STEPHEN). Stephen Daye, The Earliest Printer in this Country. Ten Copies reprinted from ' ' Ten Facsimile Reproductions Relating to New England." By Samuel Abbott Green. No place, 1902 Folio, sewn. Presentation copy from the author, to T. L. DeVinne. Large Paper Copy. 461. DAYOT (ARMAND). Salon de 1884; Cent Planches en Photogravure par Goupil $• Cie. Paris, L. Baschet, 1884 Folio, cloth, uncut. One of 130 copies. Original covers bound in. 462. DEATH AND DISSECTION, Funeral Procession and Will, of Mrs. Regency . . . And An Address to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. London, The Logographic Press, 1789 8vo, half calf. Bookplate of Charles T. Congdon. With this is bound: A Mirror for Princes, by Hampden. London, 1797 463. DEFOE (DANIEL). Memoirs of a Cavalier: Or, A Military Journal of The Wars in Germany, and The Wars in England; From the Year 1632, to the Year 1648. Leedes, .1. Lister, n. d. Old calf, rebacked. Bookplate of John Timbrell Milward Pierce. 464. DEGEORGE (LEON). La Maison Plantin a Anvers. Monographic complete de cette Imprimerie celebre aux XVIe et .PVIIe siecles. . . Bruxelles, Gay et Douce, 1878 2nd ed., 8vo, half calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Portrait of Plantin engraved by J. Wierix. No. 226 of 500 copies. 465. DELABORDE (VICOMTE HENRI). La Gravure en [talie avanl Marc-Antoine (1452-1505). Paris, Librairie de L'Art, a. d. 4to, half calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates. 466. DELALAIN (JULES). La Typographic francaise e1 Gtrangere a l'Exposition Universelle. Simple statistique. Paris, 1855 8vo, half morocco, with original paper covers bound in. Presentation copy from J. Delalain to M. Bodel-Nyenhuis. Pamphlet inserted nt end. Presenta- tion copy. 467. DELANDINE (ANTOINE FRANCOIS). Bistoire abregee de I'lmpri- merie, Ou Precis sur son origine, son etablissement en Prance, lea divers carac- teres qu'elle a employes. . . Paris, n. d. 8vo, boards, calf back. 468. DELEGATION des Ouvriers Belieurs. Paris, Clemence, 1868 L875 2 vols., 12mo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Mill for binding, etc, of Auguste Aubry, and superscription from a second hill, inserted after title in Vol. 1. Photogrm an plaits of bindings. 41 169. DE LORME (PHILIBERT). L'OSuvre de Philiberi de UOrme com- prenanl Le Premier Tome de I 'Architecture el Lea nouvellea [nventions pom bien bastir , t £ petitz Praia. Reproductions en fac simile par lee pro i Motteroz. Publiee par Lea soina de 0. Nizet. Paris, Librairies-Imprimeries Reunis, 1894 Folio, vellum, uncut, worn. Illustrations. Presentation copy Prom Motteroz to T. L DeVinne. 170. DE ME1 BE (J.). \ Classified [ndea of the Fifteenth Centi in the Collection of the late M. J. De Meyer, which were sold .-it Ghent in November, L869. Bj Henry Bradshaw. I Ion, 8vo, half morocco. 171. DE MORGAN AUGUSTUS). Aritii..i,-1 i,-.-,i Books fro,,, the [nvention of Printing to the Presenl Time. . . London, 1847 First Edition. l2mo, half calf, mottled edges, by Larkins. \l\l. DEP< »si'l'l< ) I 'iinniii Typographici. An Account of the German Morality- Play, entitled Depositio Cornuti Typographici, As Performed in the 17th and i s tli Centuries. With a Rhythmical Translation of the German Version of L648. By William Blades. . . To which is added a Literal Reprint of the Unique Original Version, written partly in Plaat-Deutsch by Paul de Vise and Printed in L621. London, L885 8vo, boards, uncut. Plates, facsimiles. Presentation copy from W. Blades to T. L. DeYinnc. 17::. Another copy. 174. DERBY (J. C). Fifty years among Authors, Books and Publisher-. New York. 1SS4 m,», half morocco, uncut. Portraits. One of 500 copies on Large Paper. 17."). DEREUME (A.). Notices Bio-Bibliographiques but quelques Im- primeurs, Libraires, Correcteurs, etc. Bruxelles, 1858 8vo, half red morocco, original wrappers bound in. 476. DE RICCI (SEYMOUR). A Census of Caxtons. Oxford, the Bibliographical Society, 1909 Ho, paper covers, uncut. Plates, facsimile. 177. DESLANDES I X'ENANCIO). Documentos para a Historia da Typo- graplua Portugueza uos Seeulos XV e XVII. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1888 Ito, half morocco, uncut. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeVinne. 17s. DKSORMIvS (E.). Notions de Typographic a lTsage des Eeoles Pro- fessionnelles precedees d'un avant-propos sur L'Origine do l'lmprimerie. Paris, Eeoles Professionnelle Gutenberg, 1888 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. 17!». DEVINNE (DANIEL). History of the Irish Primitive Church to- gether with the Life of St. Patrick, and His Confession in Latin, with a parallel Translation. Xew York, 1870 8vo, cloth. With: St. Patrick's Confession, X. Y., Phillips & Hunt. 1881, 32 pages, laid in. 180. Another copy. With the extra pamphlet. I s 1. Another copy, without the extra pamphlet. 182. DEVINNE (THEODORE LOW). The Invention of Printing. . . Illustrated with facsimiles of Early Types mid Wood-cuts. New York, 1878 Bvo, original cloth. 4S3. A neither copy. 1M. DEVINNE (THEODORE Low,. Bistoric Printing Types. A Lecture Read in-fore the Grolier Chili, January 25, 1885, with Additions and ZVeiO Illustrations. New York, DeVinne Press, 1886 boards, uncut. ■\-2 485. DEVINNE (THEODORE LOW). Notable Printers of [taly during the Fifteenth Century. Illustrated with Facsimiles from early edition* and with remarks on early and recent printing. 4to, original boards, uncut. New York, DoVinne Press, 1 9 1 486. DEVINNE (THEODORE LOW). The Writings of Theodore Low DeVmne, A.M. A Series of Articles written about Printers and Printing have been extracted from various magazines printed during the past thirty six years — some with illustrations. Pittsburgh, A. W. Collins L912 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Portrait of T. L. DeVinne engraved by H. David sou from the bust by Chester Beach. A collection of excerpts from various magazines, with general title and half-titles added. Presentation copy from A. W. Collins to T. L. DeVinne. With lists of "my writings for A. W. Collins" in envelope, laid in. 487. DEVINNE (THEODORE LOW). Theodore Low DeVinne, Printer. New York, Privately Printed, 191 5 4to, old rose crushed levant morocco, gilt tooling, silk doublures, silk-faced fly-leaves, uncut, in walrus case. Frontispiece portrait of T. L. DeVinne, till, within lined border, with vignette of the DeVmne Press Device. Memorial volume prepared from letters and articles written at the time of his death, and printed at the DeVinne Press in the "Renner Type," which was designed by Mr. DeVinne from that used by Pranz Renner of Venice in his " Quadragesimale" of 1472. 488. DEVINNE (THEODORE LOW). Facsimiles of some Printing Types of the Fifteenth Century from Italian Printing-Houses and mainly of Roman Form. With comments by Theodore Lowe DeVinne. [Sample Copy, Not Pub- lished.] Folio, boards, morocco back, uncut. First printing of what was later issued as his ' ' Notable Printers of Italy. ' ' 489. DEVINNE (THEODORE LOW). Early Roman Printing Types. A collection of manuscript notes and facsimiles regarding early Roman Tvpes Not Published. Folio. Boards. Author 's own copy. 490. DEVINNE (THEODORE L., & CO.). The Roman and Italic Printing Types in the Printing House of Theodore L. DeVinne & Co., 12 Lafayette Place. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2 copies. New York, DeVinne Press, L891 491.DE TRIES (A.). Eclaircissemens sur l'Histoire de 1 'Invention de rimprimerie. La Eaye, 1845 8vo, half calf, uncut, original wrappers bound in. 492. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). The Bibliomania; Or, Book- Madness; Containing some account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of this fatal Disease. In an Epistle addressed to Richard Heber, Esq. First Edition, 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1809 493. Bibliomania; or, Book Madness. A Bibliographical Romance, in six parts. Illustrated with Cuts. London, L811 2nd ed., Svo, half morocco, uncut. 494. Another copy. New and improved Kdition, To which are added Preliminary observations, and a Supplement including a Key to the assumed characters in the Drama. London, 1876 Royal Svo, cloth, roan back. Illustrated. 495. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). Typographical Antiquities; Or, The History of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland: I'ontaining Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of the Honks Printed by them. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, Considerably augmented by William Herbert, and now greatly enlarged, with Copious Notes . . . By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. London, W. Miller. 1810 L819 First Edition. 4 vols., 4to, half calf. Engraved portraits by Hodgt tts, Say 43 and others; woodcuts, facsimiles, "Tin Boar's nl -1ii7:2 ). Together with her Prose Remains. With an Introduction by Charles I Norton. The Duodecimos, 1897 8vo, boards, uncut. One of 132 copies. 545. DUPLESSIS (GEORGES). Histoire de la Gravure on France. 8vo, half calf, uncut, by Larkins. Paris, Rapilly, 1861 546. DUPLESSIS (GEORGES). Histoire de la Gravure en Malic, en Espagne, en Allemagne, dans les Pays-Bas, en Angleterre el en Prance. . . . 4to, half morocco, uncut. PI" t es. Paris. Eachette et Cie, 1880 547. DUPONT (PAUL). Histoire do l'Imprimerie. 2 vols., 12mo, half morocco. Paris, Chez tous les Libraries, 1854 548. Another copy. Paris, E. Rouveyre [n. d.] 2 vols., 12mo, half morocco. 47 549. DUPONT I PAUL I. One [mprimerie en 1867. Paris, [mprii erie el Librairie Administral Royal s w. half morocco, uncut. ///" 550. DUPRAT (F, \.i. Precis Historique bui I 'Imprimerie National ses Types. I ' ;i ' is, 1848 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 551. DUPRAT r. \. I. Histoire de I'Imprimerie [mperiale fie Fn Buivie dea Specimens des Types Etrangere el Frangiae di cd fitabli sement. ' . 8vo, half calf, uncut, by Larkins. 552. DURER (ALBERT). Die geheime Offenbarung [ohannis. 15 Voll- bilder nach den Handzeichnungen Albrecht Diirer'a und gleichzeitig uach dei Strassburger Ausgabe von Martin Graeff 1502. Mil einem Voi und begleitender Auslegung von I. N. Sepp. Miinchen, ' '. Eaushalter, 1893 Polio, boards. Original imprint covered by paster of ( . Eaushalter. Wood i nix. :,:,:',. IH'KEK (ALBERT). La Vie de la Sainte Vierge Marie en vingt gravures sur bois par Albert Durer, Nuremberg Anno 1511, decrite en vers latins par Chelidonius. Reproduction, proc6de* de P. V7. Van de Weijer, avec iint' introduction vols., imp. 8vo, cloth. 555. DUTT (SHOSHEE CHUNDER). Bengaliana: a Dish of Riee and Curry, and Other Indigestible Ingredient-. Calcutta. Thacker, Spink, and Co., n. d. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Presentation copy from the author. Book-plate of W. H. Thompson. 556. DU VERDIER (AXTOIXE). La Prosopographie ou Description del Personnes Insignes, enrichie de plusieurs effigies, & rednite en quatrc liures. Par Antoine du Verdier, conseiller du Roy, eleu sur le faict des guerre-, aydes & tailles au pais 1 de Forests. Ce qui est traicte ausdicts quatre liures, se pourra veoir en la page suiuante. [Printer's device.] A Lyon, Par Antoine Gryphius, 1573 Ito, boards, morocco back. Portrait of author on second leaf. On page 469 is a cut representing a printing press, and a curious article an the Art of l>rinting. 557. EADMER. Eadmeri Monachi Cantuariensis Historia? Novorum Siue Sui Sfficuli Libri VI. Res gestas . . . sub Guilielmis I & II & Henrico I Angliae Regibus, ab anno nempe Salutis MLXVI ad MCXXI1 potissimum com- plex'). In lueem ex Bibliotheca Cottoniana emisit Iohannes Seldenus, & Xotu porrd adjeeit & Spicilegium. . . . Londini, Typis & Impensis Guilielmi Stanesbeij, 1623 Folio, old stamped calf, rebacked. Manuscript notes on margins. Eadmer was the friend and historian of Archbishop Anselin. 558. EAGER (SAMUEL W.). An Outline History of Orange County. . . . Together with Local Traditions and short Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers, etc. XVwburgh, 1S46-47 First Edition*. 8vo, original cloth (hinges split). Mr. De Vinne worked en this volume as an apprentice, as evidenced in the presentation inscription on the front cover, from E. M. Ruttenbcr. 559. EARLE (JOHN). Micro-Cosmographie: Or. A Piece of the World Discovered; In Essayes and Characters. By John Earle. Printed from the sixth Augmented Edition of MDCXXXLTI. Cambridge, University Press, 1903 8vo, original boards, uncut. One of 250 copies. 4S EARLY PRINTED BOOKS 560. GEKSON (JOHN). DE simplification.' cordis. Cologne, CTlrich Zell, [ca. I I Quarto, 42 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 27 lines to full page. Bound in mottled calf, gilt tooled, by Riviere \ Sun. Gothic type; initials' and underlines supplied in red. The work is made up of Beveral tracts, and both the British Museum copy and that described by Hain consisted of 70 leaves, the last blank, and included one more tract than this copy. The date is uncertain, as most of Zell 's earlier work was undated. Eain "7681. Proctor 873. Brit. Museum. 561. MAGXI (JACOBUS). Sophologium. Strassburg, The R Printer, no date. [ca. 1465J Collation: [a-dio, e^-p, f«, g-iio, k«, I m\ n-oio, p.qs, r -tio, v-zi"-\ As] 219 leaves without signature marks or foliation. [A7] and [A8] blank and lacking. Folio, calf, gilt tooled, red edges. Initial letters fitted in by ham rubricated, and underlined in red. Some manuscript notes on margin] a few wormholes in margins. Bookplate of Com. Thomas < 'a jetani de Wegry Wegierski. This is the second edition of this work, with some slight variations, and with many of the earlier misprints corrected. Eain *10471. Proctor 240. Brit. Museum, page 62. This book is' the original of the "Book of Gode Manors" which was printed by Caxton in 1487; in a version made by himself from the French translation of the text. 562. CICERO. De Officiis and Paradoxa. Maintz, Fust and Schoeffer, 1466 Collation: 88 unnumbered folios, 28 lines to the page, without signature marks or pagination, folio 88 lacking. Folio, vellum, gilt edges. Reddined margins; large capitals illuminated, small capitals and paragraph marls m red, hi/ ha ml. Folio 88 lacking, 84 wrongly bound between 86 and 87 ; first leaf inlaid, remainder of book re- margined at back and partially at foot; some leaves torn in margins. I > the most important works from this press. Hain *5239. Proctor 82. Brit. Museum. 563. ISIDORUS (SAINT). De summo bono. [and] Cypriani liber de duodecim abusiuis saeculi. Cologne, Ulrich Zell, undated, [ca. 14H7.] Quarto, gothic. type. 136 leaves without signature marks' or foliation; -7 lines to full page; last leaf blank and genuine. Light calf, gilt tooled, mottled edges. Bubricnted, large capitals inserted l>u hand, underlined in red. Manuscript notes on rlydeaves. The British Museum Catalogue says this work was printed not later than 1472. Hain '9281. Proctor 850. Brit. Museum. 564. BONIFACE VIII. Liber sextus Decretalium. Strassburg, Heinrich Eggestein, no date. [ca. 1470.] Folio. 201 leaves without signature marks or foliation: L' columns of 59 lines each [of commentary surrounding text] to full page. Folio 7^ [h5] blank and lacking; folios 79, 105 and 149, | li6, C8, ee4] blank and genuine; folio 201 [EE 12] blank and lacking. Bound in original boards, calf covered, with remains of metal ell Some leaves' uncut; writing on first leaf; some stains mi margins. Initials filed in by hand in various colored inks; paragraph marls a,,, I underlines in red. Unusually large copy, in very good condition. Main *3583. Proctor 271. Brit. Museum. 565. JEROME (SAINT). Epistolares. Rome, Sweynheym 4 Pannartz, 1 )7o 2 vols., folio. 336 leaves; without signature marks or foliation, 16 long lines to page. Bound in old call. With holes and stains through first and last leaves caused by metal clamps of the original binding; folio 11 [b3] of Vol. 1, and folio 9 *[b 1] of Vol. 2, have lower margins with illuminated l>or- 49 iler cul away, and extended. Large capitals illuminated, with marginal Ulumima imns on first ji<"/' of text o) each volume; capitals and paragraph marks im red and blue, alternately. Bookplate of Lord Bopetoun. Bain '8552. Proc- toi 3312. A fine copy of this beautifnl specimen of early typography. 566. TITUS LIVIUS. Historian Romans Decades. "Roman character. 419 unnumbered leaves, without signatures and catchwords, including the blank 3 parta in - vols., folio, levant morocco. Venice: Vendelin de Bpira, 1470 Tin; FIRST DATED EDITION OK l.ivv, 01 GREAT RARITY, AND "THE MOST SPLENDID CLASSICAL MONUMENT OF Till-. PRESS OF VlNDELING DE Si-ika," according to Dibdin (Greek and Latin Glassies, voL II, p. L61), and according to De Bure (Bibliographic instructive) the masterpierce of thai printer. This work is of great typographical interest as the first Deca was printed, according to Gordon Duff, by John of Bpira, the brother of Vendelin. A PINE AND VERY LARGE COPY, PROBABLY THE LARGEST KNOWN, having still numerous leaves with rough edges, and so being practically uncut, anij also preserving the early MBS. signatures. On the margins are numerous interesting notes by a hand of the 15th century, some of which explain words' or passages of the text, a few with reference to Koman Law, and others correct its reading comparing with MBS. codexes. The ancient fly leaves containing manuscript indexes, probably executed about 1480, are still preserved at the end of each volume, and one of the fly leaves of vol. 2 bears the following interesting note: ''Hunc librum legavit librarie pedagogii castrensis magister Jo. Moeselac, cuius anima in pace requiescat"; i. e. Bequeathed by Jean Moeselac to the library of the school of Castres (Languedoc). 567. Another copy. 3 parts in two volumes, folio, in fine old eigh- teenth century red morocco, j^ilt borders, rebacked. Spaces left for initial letters. Slightly imperfect, lacking four leaves, including the last. This copy belonged to the 6th Duke of Devonshire in 1815. 568. PAULUS DE 8. MARIA. Scrutinium seripturarum. Strasburg, Johann Mentelin, no date. [ca. 1471 ', Folio. J IS leaves without signature marks or foliation, 39 lines to full page. Folio 72 [g8] blank and lacking; folios 217 and 21* [y.j-Li] blank and genuine. Bound in old oak boards, leather back, blind tooled, part of old clasps on back. Wormholes through last leaves. Some leaves uncut. Spaces left for capitals. Main *10763. Proctor 209. 569. I'llAI.ARIDES. Epistola?. No place, no date. [Naples, Sixtus Reiednger, ea. 1471.'' Quarto, 53 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 27 long lines to full page. Bound in modern boards, leather back. Initial letters supplied by hand in red. This is not one of the editions printed in Rome, and a note inserted in book in Mr. DeVinne'a hand states that it comes to him certified as being by Reisinger at Naples about 1471. Fine copy, with wide margins. Not in Main, nor Proctor. 570. QUINTILLIANUS. Enstitutiones oratorise. Venice, Nicolas' Jenson, 1471 Folio, 211 leaves, 39 lines to full page, without signature marks or foliation. Old manuseripl foliation, 207 folios, L85, 189, 104, and 196 repeated, making total of 211 folios. Bound in maroon straight-grain morocco, with elaborate blind and gilt tooling, gilt edges. Roman type, with Greek quotations filled in by hand in red, in spaces left for the purpose; spaces for capitals, some tilled in, in black ink. Manuscript notes in an old hand on margins of many leaves; some worm-holes in margins. The Syston Park copy with bookplate. In the introductory note by the editor, Ombonus Leonicenus, Jenson is spoken of as the inventor of printing; Jenson must have agreed to the deceit. Hain "13647; Proctor 4073. 50 571. RODERICUS [SANCIUS] ZAMORENSIS. Speculum vita human*. Augsburg: Gunther Zainer, 1471 128 leaves, without signature marks or foliation, 35-36 long lines to a full page. Heavy Gothic type. Folio, bevelled brown calf, brass corners, by P. Eenhaes. The first leaf from a shorter copy. Capitals in red. Five Hain *13940; Proctor 1525; British Museum. 572. CARACCIOLUS (ROBERTUS). Quadragesimale de paenitentia. Venice, Franz Renner, 1472 Folio, 26S leaves, 36 lines to full page, without signature marks or foliation. Signature [p], 8 leaves, lacking. Old leather on boards, with a piece of old parchment as lining to front cover. Some stains. Manuscript foliation be- ginning with fourth leaf, 265 numbered folios, plus 3 unnumbered, making total of 268 folios, 134-141 [signature p] lacking. Hain calls tor 270 folios, which may have included 2 blank leaves, as the index calls for the final sermon beginning on folio 266, which agrees with our collation of 268 folios. Rubri- cated. Manuscript index on recto of first leaf, with manuscript notes; some manuscript notes in margins. Short manuscript biography of the author, in Italian on last fly-leaf. The first book printed by Homier was Leon, de [Jtino's Quadragesimale aureum, in 1471, this edition of Caracciolus' sermons I the second from his press. Hain *4427, Proctor 4154. 573. EfB (ALBERTUS DE). Margarita poet ha. Strasburg, Georg Husner, no date. [ca. 1472 Folio. 243 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 2 columns of ." l lines each to full page. Bound in vellum from an old illuminated choral, i Some leaves at front have corners torn and mended; last few haves mended in upper comer of margins. Rubricated. The extra leaf in signature [h| folio 84, is printed in one column. Manuscript foliation "ccxxxj ,J leaves, plus 12 pre- liminary leaves of Tabula, makes 243 leaves. The British .Museum Catali differs in its collation of this edition, and has two leaves less, but this copy i> in the original binding and loose at the back so that the arrangemenl of the sheets can be clearly seen. Hain gives 243 leaves, which agrees with this copy. Manuscript note on recto of first leaf. Hain *6814. Proctor 356. Brit. Museum. Extremely Rare axd a very good copy. 574. MARGARITA DAYITICA. Augsburg, Gunther Zainer, late [ca. 1472] Collation: [a-kio^ le^ rn-ns, >fc 2 ], 121 [eaves, folio ij to exxij numbered. Folios i, ii, ix, and 2 last leaves containing the registers, Lacking. Folio. Bound in modern boards, leather back. Imperfect, wanting folios 1, 2, 9, and the last 2 leaves containing the registers. Badlj stained, [asl leaves torn and mended in margins; wormholes. The copy collated by Main had two leaves of registers bound between folios 1 ami 2. Main 10754, Pro 1582, Brit. Museum. 575. VIRGIL. Introduction to works [a fragment ]. Venice, Bartholomseus Cremona, 1472 Folio, 10 leaves without signature marks or foliation, the first blank ami genuine. 40 lines to full page. Modern boards. A fragmenl of the Works of Virgil printed by Cremona in 1472. " Bibliothecam conuentus [pr< decorauit hoc volumine R. Dominus Pranciseus Fentinus Ci t'\>-' s. Martini'' inscribed on first leaf of table. Other writing on same leaf. Not in Main. Proctor 4223, Brunet, Vol. 5, col. 1268. 576. DUNS SCOTUS (JOHANNES). Operis huius per celeberrimi: per fra trem Iohannem de colonia germanum sacrarum litterarum professorem eru ditissimum: amplissimam subtilissimi doctoris [ohannis Scoti. [Colophon:] .... impsse Mgrm Vendelinu de Spira. [Venice, 1173] 11 leaves without pagination; .".7>i hand hi red and blut alternately, first initial illuminated, paragraph marks in nil or blue. ;i_ to a5 repaired in margins. Hain 1268, Proctor 1294. .-,7s. HERODOTUS. Bistariae. Venice, Jacques Le Eouge, 1474 Polio, Roman type, 259 leaves plus I blank (lacking) making 260 les without signature marks or foliation, 35 lines to page, [a 1 | blank and lacking. Bound in morocco, gill tooled, gill edges. Pirst leaf of texl supplied by the same leaf from another copy, writing a1 head of first leaf erased. Sin mi initial letters supplied by hand in blue with red decorations extending on margins; sown other capitals supplied vn red or blue, paragraph marks vn red or blue. Very large copy, with remains of original manuscript quiring; manu- Bcripl notes in some margins. Pirst Edition of this translation from the Greek. Rare. Hain "8469, Proctor 1236. •".7!). EYB (ALBERTUS DE). Margarita poetica. Rome, Ulricb Han, 1475 Folio, 323 folios without signature marks or foliation, 44 lines to full page. Polio L8 [signature a l| blank and genuine. Bound in morocco, gilt tooled, -ill edges, by II. [hrig. First and last leaves slightly soiled, book otherwise in almost perfect condition. Spaces left for initial letters. The first signature [ >fc I may have been quired in 10 originally, with the first leaf blank, but the copy collated by Main agreed with this copy, the Tabula beginning on the first leaf. A rare edition, axd yerv fixe copy. Hain *6819, Proctor 3364. 580. GERSON (JOHANNES). Trilogium astrologies theologisatae. Nuremberg, Johannes Sensenschmidt, no date. [ca. 1475] Collation: [a* 2 ], 12 leaves without signature mark or foliation, 36 lines to page. Folio. Bound in modern boards, morocco bark; some leaves uncut at front. Initial letters supplied by hand in red; rubricated. Main 7711, Proctor, 2197. 581. RAMPEGOLLIS (ANTONINUS DE). Biblia aurea. Ulm, Johann Zainer, 1475 Small folio. L60 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 34- lines and head-line to full page; first and last leaves blank and lacking. Bound in pig- skin, red edges, by Stikeman. Initial letters filled in by hand in red; rubricated and underlined in red, with some marginal corrections modi in red. Last leaf torn in margin, by erasure of writing; "Sum ff. Carmelitarium in Aben- sperg" inscribed at head of first leaf. Hain *13681, Proctor 2508, Brit. Museum. Very fine copy. 582. THOMAS AQUINAS. Tractatus de periculis contingentilms circa eucharistiam. Ulm, Johann Zainer [ca. 1475] Collation: 8 leaves without signature marks or foliation, the first blank and genuine. 33-34 lines to full page. Folio. Modern boards, morocco back. Initial letters printed in outline, un- colored. Some leaves stained, some wormholes, injuring some words. British Museum notes two earlier editions, ca. 1473, but dates this edition "Before 17 June, 1 17.V' because of special typo of capitals. Main "1377, Proctor 2515, British Museum, page 523. 583. BIBLE IX LATIN. \o place, no printer, 1476. [Nuremberg, Johann Sennenschinidt ; or Basel, Bernard Richel.] 2 volumes; folio. 396 leaves, without signature marks or foliation, 2 columns of 7j7 lines each to full page: tirst and last leaves blank and lacking. Bound to vellum, gilt tooled, red edges (covers loose). First leaves mended in margin; some leaves stained and torn in margins: folio 168 torn, injuring some words. The second of the inserts in [b| supplying the omitted end of chapter 46 and beginning of chapter 47 of Genesis, is only part of a leaf; [q7-12] cut away, as ix mi, KNOWN copies. Copinger says these leaves are blank, but this copy 52 has the remains of letters ox one stttb, and may have contained the Fourth Bouk of Esdras which belongs on these leaves. The text of St. Jerome's Epistle at the beginning of the New Testament, folio .'ill!, varies slightly from the col lations of both Hain and Copinger; this copy also has the word- "laus deo" in red after the date at the end, which is not NOTED by Main, Copinger. or the British Museum, and may be inserted by hand. Tin initial letters at thi beginning of the first Epistola and of Genesis ar< illuminated, with marginal illumination at beginning of text of Genesis; largt capitals in red or blue; rubricated. "Mon.. Monacen. Ord. Erem. S. P. 1606" inscribed on firsl leaf. This is ax extremely rare edition, the British Museum Catalogue and Proctor attribute it to Sensenschmidt at Nuremberg, Hain to Richel at Basel. Copinger 's Latin Bibles. 29. Hain *3062, Proctor 2203, British Museum. Pettigrew, in " Bibliotheea Sussexiana" says: "I regard this edition of the Vulgate as of the greatest rarity; and I do not know of any public or private library in which another copy is to be found." Another says: " I am able to trace the existence of no more than five copies. ' ' 584. BIBLE IN LATIN. Venice, Franz Rennet and Nicolaus of Frankfurt 1476 Folio, 2 columns of 51 lines each to full page; t 1 and t 12 supplied in manu- script facsimile. Bound in modern cloth, very large copy, practically uncut; some manuscript notes in margins. Initial letters supplied by hand in colors, with some marginal decorations; small capitals in yellow; list of contents in an old hand on verso of a 1. The two facsimile leaves |t 1 and t 12] are written in an old hand. Manuscript foliation. Copinger's Latin Bibles 27. Hain 3063, Proctor 4165. 585. EUSEBIUS. Chronicon. Milan, Philippus of Lavagna, no date. [ca. 1476] Collation: [a 1 '-, b-z, A-B s , < ''■ | 210 leaves without signature marks or folia- tion, 35 lines to page. Folio 6 [a6], and folio 210 [C6] are blank and lacking; folio 209 [Co J lacking. Folio. Old vellum binding. Home margins slightly stained; writing on second leaf, some marginal notes; |t 1| folio 145, torn. I'roctor places this edition with the works printed by Philippus in 1476. Hain 6716. I'roctor 5851. 586. LIBER CHRISTIANAE RELIGIONIS. No place, printer, or date. [Esslingen, Conrad Pyner, ca. 1476] [Folio 1 begins:] Incipit liber expiane religionis. REligio muda J immac- ula-/ta apud deu hec est. . . [Folio 20, ends:]. . . Ne peccato pus. Bed sit virtute pyro/pus. A. M. E. NT. Quarto, 20 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 27 lines to full page. Modern binding of half leather. Partially rubricated, initial letters printed in outline, uncolored. Barnheim 's copy, with his manuscript notes at beginning. The British Museum Catalogue places date of printing .it aboul 1476. Hain *13854, Proctor 2482, Brit. Museum. 5S7. RAMPEGOLLIS (ANTONINUS DE). Biblia anion. dm, .lohann Zainer, 1 170 Small folio. 160 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 34 lines and headdine to full page, first and last leaves blank and lacking; [p7] lacking and replaced in facsimile. Bound in modern pigskin, red edges. Initial letters, with tin exception o) those in Table, filled in by hand in red; rubricated, underlined in red. First leaf mended, injuring some words, and extended OD lower margin, Btained, writing on first leaf, some wormholes, injuring some words. Printing on verso of folio 62 badly blurred, and rewritten in manuscripl between the lines. Hain *13682, Proctor 2512, Brit. Museum. 588. SALLUST. Opera. Milan, Philippus of Lavagna, 1476 Quarto. Roman type, 68 leaves without pagination, 35 long lines to a page 14 blank and lacking. Boards, vellum back. Spaces I, ft for initial letters. Manv leaves mended on inner margin, stained. Signature of "Del Dott Raffaello Vavnani Marubini," and manuscript notes in Italian and French on inside of cover. Old manuscript notes on some margins. Hain 1 1204, Proctor 5853. 53 589. THOMAS AQUINAS. Qua< tioni de eeritate. Borne, A mold Pannartz, l 1 7" * > Polio, 'ii leaves withoul signature marks or foliation; 2 columns of 12 lines each, in lull pa Mottled calf, gill tooled, red edges. Rubricated, initial letter wi red blue, with decoration in margin. Sain 1420, Proctor 3533. A and w onnholes on I he ma rgi as. 590. ANTONINUS, ABCHBISHOP OP FLOBENCE (SAINT sionale. Florence, Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, 1477 Collation: :i ir, o*o, p*; k omitted by the printer. Octavo, Hound in olil oak boards, clasp broken oil', with modern mot bach and stitching, al, and b.6 are lacking; e6, a duplicate leaf "t' b7, n . ol, and olO are bound in at end of volume, a8 mounted on gauze. Margins worn, with Borne ink-marks anil stains. Paragraph marks in red ink inserted by hand; capital on aS in blue inserted by immi. The Table follows the < lolophon. This press «:is established at the Convenl of Dominican nuns, originally at Kipoli; their confessors acted as treasurers and overseers, and male pn ere sometimes employed. In March 1(77 the printers wen- Fra Domenica, of I'istoia, and Fra Pietro, of Pisa. Proctor 6095. Main 1221. 591. APPIANUS (ALEXANDER). De bellis eivilibus. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, with Maler and Loslein, 1477 Collation: a-cio. il>-, ex" 1 , al blank and lacking. Quarto. Bound in half morocco, red edges. Some leaves stained; wormhole in first leaf, and through margin of last leaves; writing on first leaf, and on verso of last leaf. With woodcut border on first page, and woodcut initial letters. Unusually wide margins. The Gen. Hawkins copy [Annmary Brown Catalogue] lias Appianus' Historia Romanorum bound with it and called Part I, Bain also collates them as Parts I and II, but they are really separate winks. Main '1307 (Part I). Proctor 436S. Annmary Brown Catalogue 250 (Part II). 592. BAETHOLOMAEUS DE CHALMIS. [nterrogatorium seu conf essionale. Nuremberg, Friedrich Creussner, 1477 Collation: [a ki" -, 1\ m i; , n-j. 112 leaves without signature marks or folia- tion, [al] blank and lacking. Folio. Modern boards, morocco back, red edges. "Iste liber est Monasterii Seti Nieolai Pataviensis " inscribed at head of [a2]. ■ Some initial letters rubricated. Main *2482, I'roclor 2133, Brit. Museum. 593. BONAVENTUBA. Speculum beatae Maria- virginis. Augsburg, Anton Sorg, 1477 [Colophon: |. . . Non quidem eyro oraphatus sed p ridedignu virum Anthonium Sorg conciuem Augustense. q. diligent' Lmpressus. Anno salutifere incarnatidis expi. M. ('('('( '.lxx\ ij. Vigesima die mesis Septembris. Folio. Black letter, •" 1 leaves, without signature marks or foliation, ."> x lines to page; first leaf |al| blank and genuine. Modern boards, morocco back. Rubricated. Bain 3567, Proctor Brit. Museum. 594. GEMINIANO (JOHANNIS DE SAINT). De exemplis et similitn- dinibus rerum. [Deventer, Holland, Bichardus Pafraet, ea. 1477] Part 2 only (Liber 5-10); folio. 264 leaves without pagination, double columns, 1.1 lines in a column. Gothic type, al, blank and genuine, dd8 lacking, probably blank. Hound in half leather. Manuscript notes in an old hand on fir-; blank leaf; manuscript aotes on a few margins. Initial letters supplied by hand in red; rubricated. " Hie liber pertinet dommi scte Sophie Constantinopolitanse ordinia Carthusiensis prope Buscumducem quern contulit dominus Otto Vlyemen vicarius in Nulant" inscribed on firsl leaf. Campbell "1040, Proctor 8955. 54 595. HEROLT (JOHANNES). Sermones discipuli de Sanctis. Cologne, Ulrich Zell, 1 1 77 2 vols., folio. Vol. 2, lacking. Collation: Vol. 1, [a-gi°, h 8 , i-nio, «, p-z, A-Cio, D 8 , Es.] 270 leaves without signature marks or foliation. 2 columns of 36 lines each to full page, [al] lacking, probably blank. Bound in old boards, calf covered, blind tooled, with holes in wood, showing where metal medallions, corners, and clasps were originally placed, [pi,] cut close on outer margin. Partially rubricated, initial letters in red or blue. Vellum fly-leaves, and an extra vellum leaf at front, possibly replacing [al], with "Tabula pricipaliu sermonu i hoc pino voliue positoru. Be. ante pmu/ sermone hui' libri. " and 17 lines of contents, in manuscript printing. Manu- script note inserted giving description of book and copy of colophon, which is at the end of Vol. 2, following the 136th sermon. There were three editions of this work by Zell, (1) March 7, 1474; (2) March 25. 1477; (3) May 8, 1478. This is Part 1 of Volume 1, of the second edition. The Colophon is at the end of Part 2. The British Museum has only parts of the second volume. none of them including the Colophon. Eain records only the 1478 edition (Hain 8479). Not in Hain, nor Proctor. 596. MEBULA (GEORGE). Enarrationes satyrarum Iuvenalis. Venice, Gabriele di Pietro, 1478 Impressa Venetiis per Gabrielem Petri/Duce inclyto Andrea Yendramino./ .M.CCCC.LXXVIII. Folio, modern boards, morocco back. Initial letters supplied by hand in red and blue; paragraph marks alternately red and blue, by hand. Hain did not see this edition and does not give the total number of folios, but almost the entire first Satire is lacking, consisting of from six to nine leaves before bl. Hain 11090, Proctor 4202. 597. POMPONIUS MELA. Cosmographie. Venice, Franz Renner, 1478 [Bed] Pomponij Melle Cosmographi de/situ orbis liber primus. Prooemium. [Colophon:] Impressum est hoc opusculu Venetijs/per Franciscum renner de Hailbrun./.M.CCCC.LXXVIII./ Quarto, 48 leaves, without pagination, 26 long lines* to a full page; old boards, vellum back (a few lower margins damaged). With this is bound: Dionvsius Periegetes, "De situ orbis." Venice, 1 178. 36 leaves, with 26 long lines to a page. Hain *11017, Proctor 417 4. 598. SACBOBOSCO (JOANNES DE). De sphaera mundi. Venice, Franz Renner, 1 17 s - Roman type. 48 unnumbered leaves, 2.", long lines to a page. Quarto, limp boards. With 11 astronomical diagrams, which an some of the earliest wood- cuts used for scientific purposes. Somt initials rubricated. First leaf mended in margins. "La sphaera mundi" ends on 28a, verso blank, p. 29a begins "Gerardi eremonensis uiri clarissimi Theqrica planetaro feliciter incipit." The author was one of the first mathematicians of his age. 599. AUGUSTINUS, TRTUMPHUS, DE ANOONA. De Ecclesiastica. Rome, Franciscus de < linquinis l 179 Collation: [a-z, &, , B-B«] 328 leaves withoul signature marks or foliation. 2 columns of 50 lines each, to a page, [al] blank and genuine. Quarto. Bound in modern hoards, calf back; seme margins stained; and [R8] are reinforced at inner margin. 9 leaves of Tables and 1 leaf con taining the Begister follow the text and colophon. The signature mark- have 1 n supplied by hand. Spares are left for filling-in capitals by hand. Hau *962, Proctor 3611. 600. BABTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Tractatus. Rome, Stephen Plannck, ca. 1 I s " | Quarto Gothic type. 9 leaves, 32 long lines to a Cull page. Modern bo: vellum back. Some leaves uncul at front. Hain and Proctor call for 10 l« so it is probable that the last leaf was blank. Plai k began printing at Rome about 1479. This is one of two edition- issued with Plannck - type earlj in his printing career. Hain 2643, Proctor 3767. 55 601. GOBIUS (JOHANN). Bcala coeli. [Jim, Johann Zainer, 1480 < uii.-it ion : [a-a J. Polio. Black letter. 168 leaves, crithoul signature mink- oi foliation, 39 10 lines to full page. Bound in old board . fellura covered, rebacked in paper, with remains of old clasp. Bpaces lefl for initial letters, nol filled in. Sain 9406. Proctor 2524. Brit. Museum. 602. PLATINA (BARTHOLOMEWS [SACCHI] DE). Vitae pontiflcum. Venice, Johann of Cologne and Johann Manthen, 1 )7:< Fiust Edition. Polio. Bound in red morocco, gilt tooled, ;_'ilt gauffred edges, gl has been inserted front another copy; a few wormholes in margin; manuscripl notes on aome margins. The Annmary Brown Catalogue collation <:iiis for 8 leaves in signature p, but the Begistrum calls for 6 and this copy agrees with that; Bain also calls for only 240 leaves, whi< with this copy. Both Bain and Pollard give "Iunij" in the colophon, bul in this copy it is printed "Iuuij" unmistakably, and may !»• an earlier state than either of the other copies. Bookplates of Earl of Roden, and of Lord Hamilton; •'I'imili Sale al London 1790" inscribed on fly-leaf. Hain *13045. Proctor 4336. Annmary Brown Catalogue, 249. 603. THOMAS AQUINAS. De veritate catolice. Venic< , Nicolas Jenson, Folio; y 1 to /. 1, and z 10, are lacking. Modern pigskin, blind-tooled, red odges. Writing on ;i I, wormhole in margin. Spaces left for capitals. The Dedication at the end contains a statement regarding the virtues of Jenson and his superior printing. Hain *1389. Proctor 4125. 604. TURRECREMATA (JOANNES DE). Expositio super Psalterium. Basel, Johann Amerbach, no date [ca. 1480] Collation: a-o 8 , p-q 6 . a 1, blank and genuine. 2 columns. Polio. Bound in pigskin, red edges, by Stikeman. Spaces left for initial letters, sovu filed vn by hand in red. Table of contents supplied by hand on first leaf. "Canonise .Wegarn" inscribed at head of a2. British Museum Catalogue gives date as "not after 1482"; they also call for the last leaf blank, which is a mistake, as it is only the verso of last leaf which is blank. Hain *15689. Proctor 7618. Brit. Museum. 605. .EN KAN SYLVIUS. Epistolse de eonventu mantuano. Milan, Antonius Zarotus, for Johannis of Legano, 1481 4to. Modern boards, leather back. Last leaf of text torn, remounted, part of colophon lacking. Stamp of Museo Cavaleri. Zarotus was the first printer at Milan, and began printing there in 1471. Hain *169. Proctor 5809. 606. CiESAKIUS CISTERCIEN. Dialogue miraculorum. Cologne, Johann Koelhoff, the elder,. 1481 Folio. Bound in mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere & Son. Pew leaves stained. Initial letters filled in by hand in red; rubricated, a 1, a2, and a3 marked by mistake, al', a.'!, and a4. Hain calls for only 265 leaves, but this is evidently a mistake, as there are 267 printed leaves, and 1 blank, making total of 268 leaves, 38 long lines to a full page. Hain 42:->1. Not in Proctor, nor Brit. Museum Cat. 607. DUNS sum's (JOHANNIS). Scriptum super tertio sentetiarum. Venice, Nicolas Jenson, U sl Quarto. Gothic type. 128 leaves, double columns, 46 lines to a column. Original pigskin binding, blind tooled, part of clasp replaced by modern work: some leaves uncut; yellow edges. Initials, capitals, and paragraph marls iii red and blue. Vellum fly-leaves. Wbrmholes through last part of book, injuring some letters. .lenson died September, L480, but his name was used during that year and the next in conjunction with that of John of Cologne, for books printed, apparently by Johann Eerbort. Hain *6418. (Part 3.) Not in Proctor. 56 608. ORIGENES. Contra Celsum. Rome, G g Eerolt, 1481 Collation: [>i°, b-os, p-sio, t-z, A-H s , Ie]. 264 leaves without signature marks or foliation, 33 lines to full page. Folio. Bound in mottled calf, red edges. First leaf reinforced at up margin; last leaf mounted; some leaves stained; marginal notes in an old band on many leaves; a few wormholes. Initial hllir.s aupjiiiiil hi/ hand in red or blue. This copy has the Dedication to Pope Sixtus IV, instead of that t<> Joannis Moeenico; the copy collated by Eain lias the latter, but he says that there are extant copies which have the Sixtus IV dedication in its place. Hain calls for 262 leaves, but either the copy he collated was imperfect, or he miscalculated the number of leaves, as the register calls for 264, the numbei which this copy contains. "Oct: 19th 1793" inscribed on our of last fiv Lea Bookplate of John Timbrel! Milward Pierce. Hain *12078. Proctor 3921. Pare. It was the only edition printed in the Fifteenth Century. 609. PLATINA, BARTHOLOMEWS [SACCHI] DE. Vita? pontificum. .Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, II s ! Folio. Gothic type. 128 leaves, manuscript pagination, double column-, 54-56 lines to a column. Bound in calf, with part of old calf back retained. First leaf mounted, margin torn, injuring some words. Hain *13047. Proctor 2005. Brit. Museum. 610. CAYALCA (DOMENICO). Trnctato contra il peccato della lingua. Florence, Nicolaus Laurentii, no date [ca. L481] Collation: a 10 , b-ps, q 4 ; k omitted by printer: signature q, • leaves, the last blank, lacking; making a total of 118 leaves, 117 printed, 1 blank. Quarto. Bound in half leather. Badly stained, margins worn; some leaves pencil-marked; wormholes through last part of book, injuring some letters; p8 torn in margin. Spaces left for Initial letters. The bibliographers seem to differ as to the collation of this work; Main, who did not see the book, gives the wording as this copy but differs in the Uneing-off, calls it a folio, signatures a-q, 125 leaves, which would be correct if there was a signature "k" in the copy collated for him, and signature "q" had only 4 leaves; Olschki, in the Henry Walters Catalogue, also gives the same wording, his lineing-off agree- ing with this copy also, with the exception of one line mark, which ma\ be merely a typographical omission; he also calls it a folio of 117 leaves and 1 blank (118 in all), with signatures "a-q", which could not make a total of 118 leaves if "k" were included, therefore we must conclude that "k" is omitted in his copy also and that both he and the collator for Hain failed to note the fact; Brunet follows Hain, but gives the original signature mark.s for "a" and "q", viz: "av" and "qij", showing that "a" was quired in 10, "q" in 4. From this evidence we assume the collation as given above to be correct, and that "k" was originally omitted by the printer. Proctor calls' it a quarto. Hain 4771. Proctor 6124. Walters Cat. page L35. 611. MARTINIS (OCTAYIANl's DE). De vita el miraculis 8. Bonaven tura?. Rome, .loh. Phil. Lignamine, L482 Quarto. Roman type. 20 leaves without signature marks or foliati 26-27 lines to full page. Bound in modem hoards. The woodcut of St. Bonaventure is lacking, and the Address of Lignamine which occupies the Becond and third leaves, is bound in at the end of the hook; one leaf lacking in the text, being leaf 7 as the book is bound, but the original leaf 10. The I k i< not dated, but in Lignamine 's Address he mentions the date of the beatification of St. B venture, "xviii.ante kalendas maias anno salutis. rn.CCCC.brmi" which places the work at 1482 or shortly after. Vkky BASE EDITION. Spaces left for initial letters. Main *10S30. Not in Proctor. 612. POMPONIUS MELA. Cosmographie. [and] DIONYSIUS 1'KIU- EGETES. De situ orbis. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, l 182 Collation: A-Ps. Quarto. Bound in a piece of old manuscript done on suede, u oodoui map of the world on Al, verso; ornamental initial letters. The first edition 57 printed with a map. The latter pari of the work consists of Dion} Periegetes, De Bitu orbis, which was first printed by Batdoll in 1477. Bain L3019. Proctor 1385. Extremelj Bare. 618. A.UGIJ8TINE (SAINT). Citj of God. Florence, Antonio Miscomini, no ilate [ca. L483] 'I'lIK |; \ki; FIRST Itai.i LN EDITION. Polio. Roman letter, 324 unnumbered leaves, double columns, 17 lines to a column. Bound in old mottled calf, blue edges. Initial letters filled in by hand, in red. Main *2071. Proctor 6145. Eajn gives date as I 175. Proctor as 1483. 814. A.XJSMO (NICOLAUS DE). Bupplementum Summae Pisanelhe. Venice, Franz Renner, 1483 Octavo. Gothic type, 527 leaves, without pagination, double columns. 1- I iiKs to :i column. A I and I s s blank and genuine. Bound in original bo vellum covered, with metal clasps, leather fasteners torn off; some leave- un- cut. Rubricated and undcrliut d in red, icitk nllum tabular markers on front margins. Pirsl few leaves torn in margins. "Cbnuensus Ordinis Gora;uem(?) Prsedicatonnn Wiinpimi'" inscrilieil at head of al'. Main *2165. PlNE COPY. 615. CRASTONUS ( JOANNIS) . Voeabularium graco-latinum. No place, printer, or date. | Vicenza, Dionysius Bertoehus, ea. 1 183] Quarto. Roman characters, ill leaves, double columns, 30 lines to a full page ial lacking). Bound in pieces of old vellum manuscript, the writing partially erased. Latin and Greek in opposite columns. "Ioannis Monachj Carmelitani Dietionarium Latino-Graecum ' ' printed by hand on fly-leaf; other writing en fly, and first leaf of text, crossed out. Proctor ascribes this edition to Dionysius Bertoehus, Vicenza, no date; Brunet and Plain assign it to an un- known printer at Milan, before 1500. Hain *5815, Proctor 71 78. (il(i. EUSEBIUS. Chronicon. Venice, Ratdolt, 1483 Collation: | -j(c2->|cl2, containing Table, and al, blank) lacking; xlO (blank) lacking. A. W. Pollard in the Annmary Brown Catalogue (Gen. Bush Hawkins*) calls for Ratdoldt's device on verso of x9 above the colophon but this copy doe- nut have it, and must be an earlier state. Printed by Ratdoldt for J. L. Santritter, with woodcut capitals, in tabular farm iii riil ami bind:. The words "Gloria Deo" at end of colophon are at the two ends of the last line. On v3, verso, is an account of the invention of printing. Hain ' lines to a full page; uo pagination. Stamped calf, stani]) of Bibliotheca Conventus Werthensis on title; manuscript notes on title and fly-leaf. Larue capitals inserted by hand, initial one in blue, others in red. In very good condition, with (dean wide margins. Hain 5053. Proctor 9195. Annmary Brown Cat. 487. 631. ALBUMASAR. Flores Astrologi». Augsburg, Erhard Ratdolt, 1488 Quarto. Gothic characters, 19 leaves, without pagination, 40 long lines to a full page, last leaf genuine blank. Paper covers. With woodcuts of tin of the Zodiac, gods and goddesses, etc. First dated Edition". Very rare. Hain *609. Proctor 1877. Brit. Museum. 632. HIEROXYMUS (S.). Epistola?. (Colophon: Yenetias: Impressu per Andrea de Toresanis (alone) M.CCCC.LXXXYIII. 2 vols, folio, old vellum (backs worn). Roman characters, folios numbered at the foot (5), 174, (4), 229. A very large copy of this important work, with ample margins, contain- ing numerous manuscript notes in an old hand. This work is from the Venetian press of Andreas Torresanus, printed by him alone, in his very regular Roman type 5. At the end is his simple device, printed in red. Proctor, *8558. Torresanus was the father-in-law of Aldus, to whom he sold his press. 633. DIODORUS SICTJLUS. Diodorus Siculus [Bibliotheca historica, in Latin. Liber [-VI.1/ Denis Roce (within Printer's device. J/Venundantur in vico sancti lacobi/Sub signo diui Martini. Paris, Denis Roce [1490-15181] Quarto. Roman letter. 123 numbered and unnumbered leaves, 39 long lines to a full page. Round in boards, leather covered (worn); many leaves uncut at foot. Lining of back cover is from a sheet of old parchment manu- script. With this is bound: Justinus, Historia ex Trogo, Paris, F. Regnault, n. d. IS unnumbered and 140 numbered leaves, 38 long lines to a full page. 634. CASSIODORUS (MAGNUS AURELIUS). Expositio in Psalterium. Basel. Johann Amerbach, 1491 Polio, Hound in old boards, morocco covered, blind tooled with brass knobs at corners, some lacking. Old manuscript notes on inside of cover, and on 60 some margins. Capitals in red and blur alternately, hand-colored. Printing was first introduced into Basel about 1468; Amerbach's fixsl book printed 1478. Amerbach gave a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1 191. Hain *4574. Proctor 7591. Brit. Museum. 635. SCHEDEL (HARTMANX). Liber ehronicarum. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, L493 [First leaf with woodcut title, lacking; second leaf:] Tabula operis hui' de tem/poribus . . . [extends to verso of leaf 20.] [Leaf 320, verso, colo- phon:] . . . Ad in/tuitu autem r preces prouidoru ciuiu Sebaldi Schi /r Sebastiani kamermaister hum- librum dominus Antho/nius koberger Nurem berge impressit . . . Consummatu autem duodeci ms asis [ulij. Ann.. salutis nre. 1493. [Leaf Ml'."., recto] De Sarmacia regione Europe. [Leaf 327, verso] Ad deum optimu tnaxLtnu de Ids que mirabilia . . . [ends:] Laus deo. Folio. Collation: 20 unnumbered leaves; folios numbered I to CCXCIX; 9 unnumbered leaves; making 328 leaves. First leaf containing woodcut title, folio CCLX (blank except for heading), and last leaf, blank, are lacking; leaves 279, and 281 [folios CCLYIIII and CCLXI] blank except for head line; leaves 321 and 322, blank and genuine. Modern morocco binding, blind tooled. Some leaves mended in margins, and text. Woodcuts and map, by Michael Wohlgemuth and Wilhelm Pleydenivurff. Very fine copy; lacking only the title; and including the account of Papess Joan and of the alleged discovery of America by Behaim, which are often lacking; also includes two blank and genuine leaves following the map and colophon, which have been cut away and not counted in the British Museum copy, and are not mentioned in Hain nor the Walters Catalogue by Olschki, thus making a total of 328 leaves for this copy, in place of the 326 called for by Hain and Brit. Museum. Hain *1450S. Proctor 2UN4. Brit. Museum. 636. GREGORY THE GREAT (SAINT). Moralia. Paris'. Ulrieh Gering and B. Rembolt, 1495 Collation: a-z, A-S", T™, AA-BBs, CCe, aa«, bb«. T10 and bb6 blank and genuine. Small fojio. Bound in old calf, red edges, al, aa8, and bbl reinforced at inner margin; some marginal notes. Spaces left for capitals. The colophon is specially important because it gives the 7iames of the towns to which Gering and Rembolt belonged. Hain *7932. Proctor 8304. 637. TEXTUS sequentiarum cum optimo comment o. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, no date [ca. 1495] Quarto, 134 leaves, 44 long lines to a full page (last L2 leaves of additions wanting). Half morocco, by Tout and Sons. Title backed and mended, manuscript notes on some margins. Proctor says this work was printed by Quellen after 1495. Hain *14686. Proctor 1428. 638. PICUS (JOHANNIS). Commentationes. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris Knell i, 14iMi Collation: 1 preliminary leaf; aio+i, A-D«, E*, AA-II' ; . KK>. LL MM'. NNs, OO-XXe, YYio; YY10, blank and genuine. Folio. Bound in half calf, mottled edges (covers loose). MM" mended in lower outer corner; first leaf torn at inner margin, discolored, writing on title; some marginal notes', mostly cut away in trimming margins. With this is bound his: Disputationes, Bologna, 1495. Hain 12992. Proctor 6631. 639. PLUTARCH. Vitae. Venice, Bartholomseus de Zanis, 1 196 Collation: a-r s , s*°, A-S\ Folios numbered 1 145; and lit). Folio. Bound in half calf (cover loose), al to a3, and 88, mended and strengthened on margins. Woodcut on a£, with ornamental WOOdoui border; initial letters in ornamental woodcuts. Printed in two parts, with separate foliation. With Life of Carolus Magnus added at end of Pari -, before the colophon. Hain * 13130. Proctor 5335. 61 THIRD SESSION LOTS 640972 640. BIBLE. LATIN. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 1498 Collation: l\ 58, a", a (repeated) -z, (the b double) A-Z, aa-gg 8 , hbio, A A l>l>\ EE«. i:i:> lurking. Quarto. Bound in old oak boards covered with stamped calf, with brass corners, center medallion, and clasps, fasteners torn off. Date 1498 written on Eronl edge. Willi hi dutiful iroorfcnls fucinti first leaf of text, and in text; sonu capitals rubricated by hand. Early manuscript notes on many margins. I'l, and P2, stained, P2 margin torn; hhlO lias last few lines, including colo- phon, torn off; EE4 lacking. Hain calls for 27 leaves of preliminary matter, I. nt Copinger gives only 2(i, and states that the copy collated by Ilain was probably imperfect. The description, collation, signature marks, and text agree with the Copinger copy, and there is no doubt but that this is one of the Bevilaqua 1498 edition, Copinger even mentions the fact of it having been sold by Weigel, whose catalogue note is pasted on inside of front cover. Book- plates of John Matthews, and of George Matthews on title. Copinger, Latin Bibles, 113. Hain *3124. Proctor 5406. 641. GREGORIUS IX. Decretales. Venice, Andreas de Torresanus, 1498 Black Letter. 5 preliminary leaves; one blank; 658 numbered leaves; double columns; 58 lines to a column, with gloss, [EelO, colophon:] Uenetijs per Andrea de Toresanis de Asu/la. M.ccccxcviij. die. iiij. Mareij. /Registru./. . . Octavo, with genuine blank leaf preceding first leaf of text. Bound in stamped morocco. Bub Heated. Torresanus was the father-in-law of Aldus Manutius, and is said to have purchased the types of Jenson in 1479. Hain *S036. Proctor 4744. 642. SAMUEL (RABBI). Epistola contra iudaeos. Metz, Caspar Hochfeder, 1498 Quarto. Gothic type, double columns, 22 leaves, 35 lines to a column. Modern boards, morocco back. Initial letters in red and blue; rubricated. Title and first few leaves mended in margin. Probably the first book printed by Hochfeder at Metz, as he removed there from Nuremberg some time in 1498 or 1499. Pollard, in the Annmary Brown Catalogue, ascribes it to Metz: the British Museum Catalogue, to Nuremberg. Hain *14270. Proc- tor 2298. Brit. Museum. Annmary Brown Cat. 165. 643. STATUTA GENUiE. Bologna, Caligula Bazaleris for Antonio A'is- dominus, 1498 Collation: A, b-l fi , m*, n-06 p-r*; b (repeated) -f 6. r4 blank and lacking. Folio. Vellum. Spaces left for capitals. Al, inlaid; A2 has been reversed by binder and extended on inner margin. Manuscript notes in many leaves: old woodcuts inserted on r.3, and f6 verso. f6 extended at inner margin and lower comer. Apparently a collection of laws of various dates. Hain *15007. Proctor 661!). 644. THOMAS AQUINAS. Super primo libro sententiarum. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavius Scotus", 149^ Collation: A-S s , T ,; . T6 blank and genuine. 2 columns. Folio. Bound in old boards, covered with morocco, blind-tooled, with marks where clasps have been attached. The wording of the Dedication on Al, verso, differs very slightly from that of the copy collated by Hain. Very fine copy, in almost perfect condition. With this is bound: Thomas Aquinas, Quodlibetales questiones Sancti Thome, Venice, 1515. Hain *1475. Proctor 5091. 62 645. EPISTOL^ DIYERSORUM. Venice, Aldus, 1499 [*1, title: five lines in Greek, followed by Latin translation:) Epistolffi diuersorum philosophorum. Ora/torum. [Colophon : | Venetiis apud Aldum mense Martio.M.ID. 2 vols, on one, 4to. Bound in old calf (worn), Mind tooled, with part of metal clasps on back. Some marginal marks and underlines in lavender ink: spaces left for capitals. Very fine copy, wide margins, clean and m ex© condition. The two parts of this work are sometimes found separate, and when bound together are often transposed. The volumes collated by Hain by Mr. Olschki for H. Walters arc the same as this copy, those cited by Renouard in his Annales des Aide, and by Brunet, have the second pari bound as the first part, With this is bound: Palamas, Gregorius, Mentis corpus . . . Paris, 1553. Hain *6659. Proctor 5569. 647. MODUS LEGENDI ABREVIATURAS. [With other tracts. ] Strassburg, Unknown printer, 1499 [al, title:] Modus legendi abbreuiaturas in/vtroq. Lure siue processus iuris. [v5, verso, last colophon:] Finit liber plurimo. tractatuu iur. im-/pressus Argentine Anno dfii. M.cccc.xcix./ Finitus sexta feria post Bartholomew Folio. Gothic letter, 125 folios without pagination, double columns, 51 lines to a column. Modern pigskin, tooled, red edges. First leaf discolored, book otherwise in fine condition. Hain 11488. Proctor 778. Brit. Museum. 648. SEDULIUS (COELIUS). Sedulii Carmen Paschale. Aurelii Prudentii Poemata. Decretorum Distinctions XV. Yenerabilis uiri Sedulii Paschale opus quod Heroicis descripsit uersibus: insignj laude proferimus. [Colophon:] Impresstim Ml' i sumptibus Iani: & Catelliani Cottae; dexteritate Guillelmor. le signerre fratr. Milan, 1501 Small 8vo, half morocco, a few pages stained, bound by Stikeman. Rare Edition; good copy with wide margins, some leaves stained. 649. STATIUS. Statii/Sylvarum Libri Quinque/Thebaidos Libri Duodecim Achilleidos Duo./ [Preceded by] Orthographia Et Flexus Di-/ctdonum Graecarum 0-/mnium Apud Statium/Cum Accentib. Et Ge/nerib. Ex Variis/ Utriusque Lin/gua3 Au-/torib./ [Colophon:] Yenetiis, in Acidemia Aldi Ro./ Mense Novembri. MDII./ Ne quis hoc impune queat bnprimere./ Cautum Est./ [a second colophon:] Yenetiis In Aedibus/Aldi. M( Au/gusto. M.DII./ Cautum est et in hoc, ut in caeteris. Venice, L502 Small 8vo. Collation: a-e, a (repeated)-z, A-Fs, G*, A (repeated) -B s , C ; is blank and genuine. Vellum. Italic type; the Orthographia is in Greek and Latin, Sylvarum in Latin. The rare tract "Orthographia," (first signatures a-e) is sometimes found at beginning of book sometimes at end, but should lie considered a part of the book. Some leaves stained, but otherwise in very good condition, with wide margins; a perfect, complete copy is hard to find. Bookplate ot William Scott. 650. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX (SAINT). Liber florum beati bernardi abbatis clareuallesis. [Printer's device.] Philippe Pigouchet. [Colophon:] . . . Impressum est autem presens opus solerti opa Philippi pigoucheti Impensis Iohanis 1 parui.alme vuiuersitatis Parisiesis librarij comorantis in vico diui Jacobi. in intersignio leonis argentei. Anno salutis aostre millesimo quingentesimotertio. ii.j. Nonas Julij. Sit omnipotent] gloria. Paris', L503 Small 8vo; half morocco, by Stikeman. Woodcut on verso of title. I device of Pigouchet on title. Fixe Copy. 651. MERCURIUS, called HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Aureum planeq. diuimu opusculu Mercutij Trismegisti de potestate ac sapiencia 'lei: interprete Marsilio Ficino Florentino. [Colophon : | Imprcssum r expletum esl diuinis- simum presens opusculum In nobili vrbe maguntina art is impressorie inuentrice 63 illuminatriceq. prima. Per [oannem Bcboeffer Anno dfii Millesimo quingenteai- tnotercio. In rigilia pahnarum. [Printer's device.] Maintz, ]■"">').'{ Quarto. Collation: a-d 8 , e-g 8 , 50 leaves; u ,; probably blank and lacking. Full brown levanl morocco, gill tooled, j^iit edges, by Hardy. Gothic type. 652. EtABANUS. Magnencij Rabani Mauri !><• Laudib' sancte Crueis opus erudicione versu prosaq. mirificum, [Colophon:] Phorcheim, in asdibus Thome Anslit'iini. M:i it io mense. M.I ».i 1 1. Polio. Modem vellum binding. With woodcuts in text, and curious '. Rembolt on it.] [Colophon:] [mpresssum Parrhisiia in Sole aureo vici diui Eacobi expesis mgri Bertholdi rebolt, & [oannis water- loes. Anno dfii M.cccc.x. die mesis octobris. 4to, original vellum. Title within ornamental border. An early edition, in good condition. 657. XENOPHON In Hoc Vblumine Continentur Infra Scriuta Opera Xenophontis. Paedia Cyri Persarum regis. De Venatione. De repul lica & de legibus Lacedaemonioru. De regis Agefilai Lacedaemonioru laudibus. Apologia pro Soerate. Opusculum de Tvramnide. [Colophon:] Explicit feliciter. Anno dn. M.CCCCC.X] Die uero. ij. Mensis Septembris. Expensis honesti uiri Bartholomei trot. Lyons, 1511 Small 8vo. Col.: A-Y, AA-FF*, 8 leaves each; D4 is wrongly marked Hoards, leather back, worn. With erasures and interlinear notes. 64 658. LUCANUS (MAECUS AXX.EUS). Marei Annei Lucani poetse: ac oratons elanssom pharsalia. [Printer's device.] [Colophon:] Parrhisiis elabo- ratum calendis aprilibus. M.D.xii. per Guielinu le rouge. 8vo, calf, gilt tooling, mottled edges; some leaves uncut. Very rare edition, with unusual types. Clean copy, with wide margins, in good condition. Manuscript notes on fly leaf. 659. TRITHEMIUS (JOANNES). Compediu siue Breuiariu primi voluminis annalium sive historiarum, de origine regumet gentis Francorum ad Reverendis- simum in Christo Patrem et principe dominu Laurentiu Episcopu vuirtzpi orietalisq. Francie dueem. Ioannis Tritemij Abbatis. [Woodcut.] [Colophon:] Impressum et completum est presens chronicarum opus anno dni. .\M>XV. in uigilia Margaretae uirginis. In nobili famosaq. urbe Moguntina, huiufl artis impressorie inuentrice prima. Per Ioannem Schoffer . . . [with printer's di at end.] Maintz, 1515 Folio. Half morocco. Full page woodcut on second leaf. Bookplate an. I signature of Ambroise Firmin Didot ; bookplate of Bibliothe< am Episcopal. Spirens. With an incorrect account of the invention of printing in the colophon. 660. OVID. Cla. Ptolemeei Inerrantium Stellarum Bignificationes Nicolaum Leonicnm e gra?co translate. . . I*. Ovidii NTasonia Fastorum Lib. VI. Tristium Lib. V. De Ponto Lib. I III. In Ibin Ad Liviani. A 1 i I'm device) dus. [Colophon:] Venetiis in ^Edibus Aldi, et Andreas Soceri Mense Ianuario 1516. Small 8vo, bound in old calf, blind-tooled, rebacked, mottled edges. Tin' last leaf contains the Register and Colophon, with the Aldus Device on the \ This volume is the third volume of Aldus' second edition of Ovid's Works, and is considered more valuable than tiik first edition. 661. CAESAR. Comentarii Di. C. Iulio Cesare Tradotti per Agostino Crtica Delia Porta Genovese. Et Postillati Delli Nomi Moderni. [Colophon: | Venetiis per Bernardinum Venetian de Vitalibus Anno Domini. M. 1 1. XV 1 1. Die Ultimo Mensis Nouembris Eegnante Serenissimo Principe Dfio. D. Leonardo Lauretano Dux Venetiarnm Tnclytissime. [Printer's device.] 4to, vellum, worm holes through portion of book injuring some letters. Book- plate of Sir Compton Domvile, Bart., and an unidentified armorial plate 662. OPPIANUS. OrriANOY AAIEYTIKQN BIBAIA rENTE. TOT ATTOI KYXHTETIKaX BIBAIA TE22APA. Oppiani do jiiscilms libri V Eius de uenatione libri IIII. Oppiani de piscibus Laurent io Lippio interprete libri V. Al [Printer's device] dus. [Colophon:] Venetiis in Jvlilms Aldi el Andres Soceri Mense Decembri, 1517. First Aldine edition. Small 8vo. Col.: ax, 8 Leaves each; blank leaves a7 and n8 lacking. Straight-grain morocco, gill gauffred edges. Greek and [talic type. The Aldine edition is rare. A fine copy, wide mare ins. 663. MABTIALIS (VALERIUS). Marci Valerij Partialis Epigram, lib, xiiij. diligenter emendati. Adnotationes aliquol auperrime adiects, in quibus multa uerae lectioni restituntur. [Colophon:] Lugduni excusi in sedibus la-old Myt, sumptu honesti bibliopolse Bartholomew trot, Anno a rirginis | inillesiino Quingentesimo duodeuigesimo. XXVI. die men-is Octobris. 8vo. Z8 mended on inner margin. Bound in red levant morocco by Chambolle- Duru. Choice copy. Hare. 664. PLAUTUS (MARCUS ACCIUS). Marci Actii Plauti lingua? latina principis: comoedia? vigiti: viuis pene imaginibus reces exeuttm Nou collatioe floretinae fidelioris Lpressionis: & alioroium: q inueniri pi affatim recognita?. . . [Printer's device.] [Colophon:] . . . ipressaeq. Venetiis per Melchiore sessam & Petru de rauanis socios. Anno dni. M.D.XVIIL die duodecio Augusti. Folio. Boards, leather back. Small woodcuts in text. Fine edition, with interesting woodcuts throughout the text. 65 665. LUTHEB MARTIN). Asaertio Omnium Artieulorum M. Lutberi, pex Bullam I nis, \. nouissima damnatoru. Wittembergte. Anno Quarto. Collation: a-g*, h 6 . Paper '-oxer-. TitU within elaboraU woodcui border. Sea 1 1 1 tiiiti, PETRONIUS. Petronij Arbitri: quatenua extare comperitur, Sal Fragmentum, cuius \H hoc vnum distichon, quod oemini doctiorum non esl in ore, eatimationeni indicat. & precium. [Printer's device.] [Colophon:]. . . Parisiia pridie. Cal. maiaa. Anno. M.D.xx. Quarto. Bhill crimson levanl morocco, ^ilt tooled, gill edges, by Hardy. 667. LANFRANCUS BALBUS (JAFPREDUS). Tractatua plurimarum decisi hi per modum conclusionum <|iii Semita Electa cauaidicorum & ludicum appellatur per renerandum ..v preclarum iuria vtriusq. interpretem dominum [afredum Lafranchum Bpiscopalem Vicarium Foraneum in Cherio nouii [mpressus Feliciter incipil M.h.XXI. [Printer's device.] [Colophon: J Im- presse Mediolani |irr Augustinum de uicomereato. Ad instantiam [o. Eaeobi & Fratribus de Legnano. Anno Domini. M.I). XX I. die. ii. Maii. •ito, boards. 668. LIVY. Romische bistorien Tit i Liuij mit etlichen aewe Translation so kurtzuerschienen jaren im hobe thum sty lit zu Mentz jm latein erfunden and vorhyn nil mer gesehen. Dauon such im emit dea Registers. [Colophon:] . . . Gegeben xu Mentz off Mitwochen nach dem tag dor gehurt der grbcrerin yots Marie im fiinfftzehen hundersten und im drei unnd [sic] zwentzigsten iar Christi misers Qeylandts. [Printer's device.] Maintz, Johann Schoeffer, 1523 Small folio, calf, red edges. Title extended on outer margin. Tith within ornamental woodcut border, numerous woodcuts, some full-page; many of the woodcuts an repeated several times in the bod. Bookplate of E. Kroencke. With printed card laid in, containing note regarding Schoeffer'a claim about the invention of printing, with written note on it in Mr. DeVinne's hand. 669. JUSTINUS. Ivstini Qvatuor & Quadragiuta Librorum Historiarum Trogi Pompeii in totide Libellos cot radio. Lvcii Plori Historie Romane in quatuor volumina i forma Epitomes redactio. Sexti ad hoc Kvfti viri cosularis de Ilistoria Rom ana ad Valetinianti Augustum Opusculum appositissimu: Cu omniu indice literario. | Printer 's device. ] QuaB oia diligentius recognita imprimebat [o. Badi' Ascesi' ad Natale dnicu. 1524. Folio. Roman type, 84 leaves, 46 long lines to a full page. Modern pigskin, blind-tooled, red edges. Title within ornamental woodcut border. Very clean, nice copy. 670. CIRVELLUS (PETRI'S ,. L526. Cursus quatuor Mathematicaru Artiu Liberaliu: quas recollegit atq. correxit magister Petr' Ciruelus Daroeesis Theologus simul r philosophus. [Colophon:] Explicitum est ergo Volume quattuor [ntroductionu Mathematicaliu Magistro Petro Ciruelo Darocensi inter- prete simul & correctore. I.aus deo. 1528. [Complutum, Miguel de Eguia, 1528.] Folio. Bound in mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere and Son. Title within ornamented woodcut border; woodcut geometrical designs iii margins. Rare. 671. DIDYMUS. AIAYMOY TOT rAAAIOTATOT EI2 TUN OAY2S EIAN ESHrHSIS. didymi Antiquissimi Auctoris interpretatio in Odysseam. Al [Printer's device] dus . . . [Colophon:] A r enetiis in Aedibus Aldi, et Andreai Asulani Soceri Mense lunio. M.I). XXVIII. First Aldixe Edition; small 8vo (hinges weak). Stamped calf; printed in Greek type with Greek signature marks. Bookplate of the Duke of Sussex. 672. APPIANTJS (ALEXANDER). Appiani Alexandrini De Civilibus Romanorum bellis historiaru libri quinq. . . . Eiusdem Autoris Liber Hljrius ftCelticus Libycus & Syriua Parthicus& Mithridaticus. Index uocum & rerum. [Printer's device with monogram "IS" in woodcut decoration.] [Colophon:] 66 Impressum Moguntise In Aedibus 1 Ioannis Sehoeffer, A Cuius Avo Chalco- graphice Olim In Urbe Moguntiaca Primum Inventa Exercitaque Est, M.D.XXIX. 4to. old calf (one cover loose). Architectural border on titlt ; marginal notes in mi old handwriting on some pages. 673. CONSUETUDINES GENERALES Bituricen. Turonen. AC Aureli presidatuum. [Colophon:] Impresse Parisiis per Petrum vidouem Typographum. Cmpendio ac ere Galliotti a prato et Francisci Regnault Bibliopolarum imiuersitatis Parisien. . . .Anno ab orbe redempto. M.D.xxix. vi.Idus Junij. Imp. 8vo, contemporary stamped calf, rebacked. with brass binges for clasps; lining papers from old manuscript sheet of music; some Leaves uncut at bottom. Title in woodcut border; text in Latin and French in Black I. with notes in Latin in small Gothic. " Kx Libris A S vandenbosch J. v. Licen tiati et Magni-belgii Consilii Aduocati" inscribed on flyleaf. There is apparently one signature of eight leaves lacking between H6 and LI, H6 being folio 239, LI, folio 249, probably the Reportorium of the second part of the work, which may have been accidentally omitted in the original making-up of the book. 674. PALMIERUS (MATTHEUS). Libro Delia Vita Civile Composta Da Mattheo Palmieri Cittadino Florentine [Printer's device. Colophon:] In Firenze per li heredi di Philippo di Giunta ne 1 'anno del Signore M.D.XXIX. alii 5. di Settembre. Florence, 1529 8vo, full russet calf, blind tooling, gilt edges, by Co-operative Bookbinder's, London. Italic type; Registro and colophon, recto of Q6; printer's device, verso of Q7. Rare edition, in good condition with wide margins. A choice copy. 675. TORY (GEOFROY). Champ Flevry. An quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportion des Lettres Attiques, quon dit autrement Lettres Antiques, & vulgairement Lettres Romanies' Proportionnees selon le Corps & Visage humain. [Colophon:] . . . Qui fut acheue dimprimer Le mercredy. xxviij. lour du mois Dapuril. Lan Mil Cincq Cens. XXIX. Pour Maistre Geofroy Tory de Bourges . . . Et pour Giles Gourmont . . . First Edition. Small folio. [Collation:] As, B-No, O. (Folio XLVITI has a hole due to ink corrosion from an inscription.) Bound in half morocco. Title within ornamental woodcut border, numerous woodcuts in text. Title extended on lower margin, as in nearly all copies the title is shorter than the balance of the pages. One of the earliest books published in the vernacular on French grammar. Rare and precious edition. 676. SABADINO degli ARIENTI (GIOVANNI). Porretane de M. Saba dino Bolognese doue si narra nouelle Settanta una, co moralissimi documeti e dichiaratione de l'anima . . . [Colophon:] Impresse in Venetia per Kfelchio Sessa nel Anno M.D.XXXI. Adi.XX.Ottobrio. Small 8vo. Bound in red levant morocco, gilt tooling, with small oval inlays of dark green at corners, gilt edges. Title within ornamental woodcut border with printer's device at bottom; printer's device repeated on recto of B4. Brunet calls it "rare and beautiful. " Complete, with the five last leaves containing the Table of contents with printer's device .it the end, which is often lacking. Wide margins. Bookplate of Jacobi Manzoni. 677. JEROME (SAINT, and others). Homilia? Sev Mavis Sermones Sive condones ad populum, prsestantissimorum ecclesiffi doctorum, II ieronymi, Augustini, Ambrosij, Gregorij, Origenis, Chrysostomi, Beds, Herici, ffaymonis, aliorumq. . . . Colonise, ex offieina Eucharij Ceruicorni, Anno M.P.XXX. Folio. 2 colunvns. Bound in the original calf (worn), blind tooling, brass clasps, with linings from an old illuminated parchment manuscript of the Fifteenth century. Title within woodcut border. With this is hound: Absalon, Abbot. Sermones. 1534. 67 678. VEGETIU8 (PLAVIUS). PI. Vegetii Benati Viri Urustris de re Militari libri quatuor. Sexti Eulii Frontini Viri Consularii de Strategematii libri totidem. A.ei [ani de instruendia Aciebua liber onus. Biodesti de i*ocabu- lis rei Militaris liber anus. Etem pictures bellicaa cxx passim Vegetio adieete. Collata sunt omnia ad antiquos codices, maxime Budsi, quod testabitur Aali- anus. [Printer's device.] Parisiis. Sul> Bcuto Basiliensi ex officins Christiani Wecheli. M.h.XX.W. Paris, 1535 Polio. Collation : a*, A Y«, '/.-. Full red levant morocco, ^ilt tooled, gilt edges. With numerous futt-pagt woodcuts. First edition with these woodcuts, vegetius' work was BtbI printed aboul I486 and was issued several times with additions and corrections by various editors. With this is hound: Valturius, Bobertus. De re Militari. Paris, 1535. A rare and beautiful book. 679. CICERO. M. T. Ciceronis Orationes, Cum doctorum omnium, qui in eis in nunc usque diem elaboraverunt, Commentariis, in unum volumen collatis. Quibus aecessere non pauca, nunc primum nata & edita, [Printer's device.] Apud Coannem Roigny, sub Basilisco. [Colophon:] Parisiis Ezeudebat Ioannes Lodoicus Impi'iisis Ioannis Roigny, Anno M.D. XXXVI, Mense Augusto. Folio. Yy4 and Yy5, lacking. Bound in pigskin, yellow edges. Tith within or a a mental woodcut border. Aa4 and Aa5 torn on margins, injuring some letters. 680. DURER (ALBERT). Underweysuug (sic) der Messung mit dem Zirckel und ricbtscheyt in Linien Ebnen un gantzen Corporen, durch Albrecht Durer zusamen gezogen, un durch in selbs ... an vil orten gebessert, in sonderheyt mit. xxij. figure gemert, die selbigen auch mit eygner handt auff- gerissen, wie es dann eyn yder werckman erknen wirdt. Nun aberzu nutz alien kunst liebhabenden in truck gehen. 1538. A B. [Colophon:] Gedrucht Zu Nurenberg durch Hieronyinuni Fonnschneyder. 1538. Folio, half morocco. Woodcut drawings and designs. P3-4, and QS-4 are folded on miter edge, forming double-page plates; P5 verso, and P6 recto, have additional slips of paper pasted to margins, which extend and complete drawings on those pages. 681. ARETINO (PIETRO). II Genesi di M. Pietro Aretino con la visione di Noe ne la quale vede i misterii del Testament© Yecchio a del Nuovo. Diviso in tre libri. Nuovamente impresa. [Portrait.] Al B XXXIX. [Colophon:] Impresso in Venetia per Aluuise di Tortis. 1539 Small 8vo. Col.: A-P, 8 leaves' each. Old full red levant morocco. Very Scarce. 682. CICERO. M. T. Ciceronis Academicarvm Qvaestionvm libri primi initium. Ad M. Terentium Varronem. Parisiis: Ex officina Michaelis Yascosani, 1542 Italic type, 12 pp. Small 4to, old polished calf, gilt tooling. Bound in with the above, are the following separate pieces: Cicero: Be Legisbus Lib. III. Paris, 1557; Ruffus : Viri Consularis de Bistoria Bomanorum, Paris, 1543; Bespauteke. Contextus vniuersse grama- tiees, Paris, 1548; Compendium in Vniversam Dialecticam ex Riuio aliisque recentioribus collectum. Paris, 1560; Cassander: Tabvla? Breues & expedite in pra?ceptiones Rhetorics?, Paris, 1564. A Scarce Collection". 683. BIBLE IX LATIN. Biblia Sacrosancta Testameti Yeteris & Noui. e sacra Hebrseorum lingua Gra?eor1imque fontibus, consultis simul orthodoxis interpretib. religiossime translata in sermOnem Latinum. . . [Printer's de- vice.] . . . Tiguri: excudebat C. Froschoverus, 1543. First Edition* of this translation; folio. Collation: d, .?, 2. a-z, A-Z, Aa-Rr«, Ss*, Tt fi , aa-pp 6 , qq 8 , aaa-ttt 8 , a-t>«, e 8 ; final c8 lacking, probably blank. Old boards, covered with stamped pigskin, worn, with remains of old metal clasps. First leaves badly worn in margins; wormholes through some leaves. Title mended, a strip of lower part cut out. Historiated woodcut initials at 68 the beginning of each book. This translation was begun by Leo Juda, and at his death was continued by Theodore Bibliander with the assistance of Conrad Pellican; the New Testament was translated by Peter Cholin and Rudolph Gualter. It was first printed in 1543; reprinted at I'aris, by Robert Stephana in 1545 with the addition of the Vulgate version, but withuot giving the trans lators' names; reprinted later at Salamanca. It is considered a very excellent translation. 684. HEBODIANUS. Herodiani Historian De Tmperio Post Marcum, Vel De Sius Temporibus, e Graeco Translate, Angelo Politiano [nterprete. [Printer's device.] Parisiis: Ex officina Bob. Stephani typographi Regij. 15 11 8vo, original vellum. Manuscript notes on many margins; slip pasted over part of colophon. 685. JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS). *AABIOY IO2HII0T . . . Plavii [osephi Opera. [Printer's device.] P.nsileie, 1514 First Edition; folio. Collation: ^ , a-z, A-Z, Aa-Hhe, Ii», Kk //., AA-MM 6 . Original vellum, worn. Greek text; colophon in Greek ; with Froben's device on verso of last leaf. Bookplate and signature of W. L. Johnson. Well printed and rare edition. In verv good condition. 686. YALEBIUS MAXIMUS. Valerii Maximi Dictorum Factorum Que Memorabilium Exempla. Adieeto Indice propriorum nomininn, rerumque memoriae dignarum locupletissimo. Varise lectiones ex uetustiss. codicibus. [Printer's device.] Lutetian, officina Roberti Stephani typographi Hegi.j. M.D.XLIIII. [Colophon:] Excudebat Bob. Stephanos, Tvposjraphus Kevins. Lutetia?, Ann. M.D.XLV.VII. Id. [an. I'aris 1544/5 8vo, Col.: a-z, A-G*, 8 leaves; G4 (blank) lacking. Calf. CONSIDERED A very good edition. Clean, unusually wide margins. 687. BIBLE IN LATIN. Biblia. Quid in hac editione praestitum Bit, vide in ea quam operi praeposuimus, ad lectorem epistola. | Printer 's device.] Lutetiae. Ex officina Roberti Stephani, typographi Regii. M.D.XI.W 8vo. Coll.: ^< 8 , ^ >)< 4 , a-v4, aa-yy*, aaa-ppp* A-Z*, A.\ ZZ*, 8 leaves each. Stamped vellum. Manuscript notes on fly-leaf, and on inside of cover. 688. HOMEB. Les Dix Premiers Livres de l'lliade d'Homere, Prince des Poetes: Traduictz en vers Francois, par M. Hugues Salel, de la chambre du Roy, & Abbe de S. Cheron. [Woodcut.] Avec Privilege du Roy. On Les veni a Paris, au Palais en la Gallerie, pres la Chancellerie, en la boutique de Vincenl Sertenas. 1545. [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par fcehan Loys M.D.XLV. Folio, boards, morocco back; with woodcut on title and at head of each chapter in the style of Geoffrey Torn, to whom they hav< been attributed. Title mended and backed; ml to n2 and some other leaves Bupplied from a smaller copy. Tall copy, wide margins. 689. LUCANUS (MARCUS ANNAEUS). M. Anneii Lucani De Bello Civili Libri Decern. Eiusdem uita in fine operis. Ad uetustiss. BCripta exemp laria emendati: quorum uarias lectiones ad caloein reiecimus, [Printer's Device. | Lutetiae, Ex officina Rob. Stephani typographi Regij, L545 8vo, calf; wormholes in margins through lasl half of I k. Tall copy, 6y 2 ins. x 4% ins.; good examples of this edition are do1 common. 690. DIO CASSIUS. TON AIQNOS PQMAIKQN [STOPION BIKOZITPIA BIBAIA. Dionis Bomanarum historiarum libri XXIII, a XXXVI ad l.\lll usque. Ex Bibliotheca Begia. [ Printer 's device. | LutetiSB; Bx officina Rob. Stephani, Typographi Begii, typis Begiis, M.D.XLVIIL First Edition. Folio (hinges weak). Scored calf , gilt edges. Tins edition was reproduced from a manuscript in the Royal Library, with notes bj Robert Stephens, and is considered an excellent edition. Signature of the Duk( Grafton, 1783, on title. 69 691. GALEOTT] (MARTIUS). Galeotti Marti] Narniensia, De Doctrina Promiscua Lirer, Varia tnultipliciq. eruditione refertus, ac Qunc primum in lucem editus. Flotenl w apud Laurentium Torrentinum M D XLVII] 8vo, "Li Btamped calf, rebacked; Bome leaves uncut al bottom. Bignatiu Jean Fichardi i .' I L554 on title. With is bound: Obsequens, Julius, Prodi- giorum. BasileaB, L552. 69L'. .Ksor. Aesopi Phrygia PabulsB Elegantissimis Eiconibus uerae animalium Bpeciea ad oiuum adumbrantes*. Gabria Graeci fabelhe XXXX1II1 . . . Eaec omnia cum Latina interpretatione. [Decoration.] Lugduni. Apud [oan. Tornaesium, 1551 l6mo. Col.: a-z, A, 8 leave- each; printed 'a murk verso A.8. Greek and Latin text. Contemporary call binding. Woodcuts vn text; blank margins have several wormholes. Very good edition, of which perfect copies are rare. 693. ARISTOTLE. Aristtotelis De Moribus Ad Nicomachum, Lib.X. . . I'arisiis Apud Adrianum Turnebum typographum Regium, 1555. Folio. Old morocco, gilt cartouche, gilt edges, reliacked. Creek and Latin in opposite columns. 694. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Des. Erasmi Boterodami Colloquiorum Familiarium Opus. Postrerfra AutoriS manulocupletatum, & recognitum. Cum Indicc Triplici, copioso & Accurato . . . Una cum Autoris Vita. Franc, Apud Chr. Egenolphum. [Colophon:] Franc, 1555 8vo, calf. Bookplate of Charles T. Congdon, on which is inscribed : ' ' Theo. L. DeVimie from" 695. RINGHIERI, TNNOCENZIO. Dialogue de la vie et de la mort, Compose en Toscan par Maistre Innocent Ringhiere, Gentilhomme B [torn] nois, Nouvellement tradui [torn] Francois par Jehan Louveau, Recteur & Chastillon & Dombes. Second edition. [Printer's device.] A Lyon, De l'Imprimerie de Robert Granjon, Mil.D.Lviii Small Svo. Bound in old black velvet, worm holes in doublures. Title torn, injuring some words. Printed in curved letters in imitation of hand-writing. First edition, 1557. Rare. 696. ARISTOTLE. Aristotelis de Moribus ad Nicomachum, lilui decern. [Printer's device. Greek quotation.] Parisiis, M.D.LX. Apud Guil. Morelium in Gracecis typographum Regium. Typis Regiis. Paris, 1560 4to; coll.: ae, A*, Bo, C-H*, I<5, K-S±, Te, Y*, X«, Y-Z*, a*. G4 and M4 blank and genuine. Old calf, stamped, red edges. Interleaved throughout ; in original binding, with a leaf of old manuscript bound in as fly-leaves at beginning and end. 697. GUALTHERUS (RODOLPHUS). In Prophetas Duodecim, Quos Vocant Minores, Rodolphi Gualtheri Tigurini Homilise . . . [Printer's device.] . . . Tiguri Escudebat Christophorus Froschouerus Mense Martio, Anno MJD. 1563 Folio. Bound in old stamped pigskin, metal clasps. With a few manuscript notes in margins. 698. iESOP. Aesopi Phrygis Fabulse, Elegantissimia Eiconibus Veras Ani- malium species ad viuum adumbrantes. His Aeeesserunt Ioannis Posthij Germershemij in singulas Fabulas Epigrammata. [Printer's device.] Franco- forti ad Moenum. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. M.D.LXVI. [Colophon:] Francoforti ad Moenum Apud Georgium Corvinum, Sigismundum Feyerabent, & bared. VVigandi Galli. 1566. Small 8vo. Col.: A-R. 8 leaves each; a few leaves repaired. Woodcut* bii VirgU Solis. Bound in vellum. Rare edition. 699. PETRARCH (FRANCESCO). De Rebus Memorandis. Franciscus Petrarcha der Hoehgeleert und weitberiimpt Orator unnd Poet . . . Jetz- 70 miller auffs fleissigst nunc I herrliehst ausa dem Latein inns Teutsch gebrachl • lurch M. Stephauum Vigilium Pacimontanum, und mit schoneo Kiguren gezieret .. . Franckfurt am Meyn, Bey Christian Egenolffs seligen Erben. Folio, half levant morocco, by Stikeman. Woodcuts vn text. " Bibl. Bern- hard; Viatisl," stamped on title. 700. PLANTIN PRESS. NEME2I0Y E RISKO HOY KAI *IAOZO*OY UEPI *TSEQ2 ANePCriOT, BIBAION EN. Nemesii Episcopi et Philosophi De Natura Hominis, Lib. Unus, Nunc primum & in lucem editus, & Latin.' eonuersus a Nicasio Ellebodio Castletano. [Printer's device.] Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1565 First Edition; small 8vo. Col.: Title, text in Greek, Index, &c. Calf, mot- tled edges ; some leaves uncut at foot. First Edition of the Greek text, and a very fine impression ; the Greek characters rival those of the Estienne Press. Tall copy, 6% inches high, in excellent condition. Bookplate of Mr. Em. Mancel. 701. SCHOPPERUS (HARTMAN). IIANOIIAU Omnium Illiberalinin Mechanicarum aut Sedentariarum artium genera eontinens, quotquot unquam vel a veteribus, aut nostri etiam seculi, celebritate excogitari potuerunt, breviter & dilucide eonfecta . . . Francofurti ad Moenum, cum privilegio Caesareo, M.D.LXYIII. [Colophon:] Impressum Francofurti ad Moeuum, apud Georgium Coruinum, impensis Sigismundi Feyerabent. [Printer's device.] 1568 First Edition. Small 8vo. Bound in dark green morocco, gilt edges, by Bousquet. With ISO fine woodcuts by Jost Amnion. Title mended in upper outer corner, writing at bottom; S3 and S4 extended and amended on corners. Very good copy. 702. STEPHENS (HENRY). Artis typographies? Querimonia, De illiteratia quibusdam typographis, propter quos in coutemptum venit. Autore Eenrico Stephano. Epitaphia Gra^ca & Latina doctorum quorundam typographorum, Ab eodem scripta. [Printer's device. \ Anno M.D.LXIX Excudebal Benricua Stephanus. 4to, boards, morocco back. 703. NICOLAY (NICOLAS DE). Les Navigations Peregrinations el Voy ages, Faicts en la Turquie, par Nicolas de Nicolay Daulphino.vs Seigneui d'Arfeville, valet de chambre & Geographe ordinaire dn Roy de Prance, cod tenants plusieurs singularitez que l'Autheur y a veu & obserue. Par Guillaume Silvius, 1~>7. 8vo, cloth. Title and woodcuts within ornamental borders. Tht woodcuts are copied from earlier editions, and are chiefly valuable as showing tht oriental costumes of the period. 704. FLORUS (LUCIUS ANNAEUS). Epitoma, rum Jordani Osnabur gensis De commendatione imperii Romani libello. Cologne, Arnold Ther Eoernen, ao date First Edition; folio. Gothic letters, 30 leaves without signature marl foliation, 2 columns, 46 lines each, to full page. Modern vellum binding, mottled edges. Initial letters, filled in by red, rubricated, Clean nice copy. Hain 7199. Proctor 97 1. Brit Museum. 705. JUYENAL. Satyra. [No place, printer, oi date.] Folio. Roman type, 73 leaves, text in centre, with Calderinu atarj surrounding it. Signature but no pagination. Bound in morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. First leaf mounted, last leaf torn injuring some woi stains. Spaces left for initial letters, some /Hied in. We have been unable to identify this edition from any of the available bibliographies; it may 1- of many editions published by Baptists de Tort is at Venice, or possibrj editions by Thomas de Blauis," Venice, 1 183, which has 59 lines to page. Not in Hain, nor Proctor. A very Rare Edition. 71 706. EASTLAKE (SIR CHABLE8 L.). Handbook of Painting. The [talian Schools. Based on the Handbook of Kugler. Originally edited by the Lai Charles L. Eastlake. Fourth Edition, revised by Lady Eastlake. London, 1874 lL'Mio, half red levanl morocco, gill edges. Plates. 707. EBAUQH (JOHN 8.). A Newly Opened Treasury of Heavenly In- etc, from the Celebrated Work of the Rev, John ZolUkofFer. . . 3vo, old morocco. Portrait. Philadelphia, 1837 708. EDELINCK (GERARD). Les Artistes Celebres. Gerard fidelinck. Ie Vte Henri Delaborde. Paris [ I : itn, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman, original papei covers bound in. Portrait and i>lates. 709. EDES (PETER). Peter Edes, Pioneer Printer in Maine: A Biog- raphy. His Diary while a Prisoner by the British at Boston in 1775 with the Journal of Johu Leach who was a Prisoner at the same time. Edited by Samuel Lane Boardman. Bangor, Me., Printed for the De Burians, ll'iil 8vo, boards, uncut. Title in red and black, plates, facsimiles. Nfo. 58 of 179 copies. Presentation copy from S. P. Avery to T. L. DeVinne. 710. ELOGE EN VERS DE L'IMPRIMERIE, par Un Typographe. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, A. Dupont et Cie, 1827 711. ELSTON PRESS. The Art and Craft of Printing, by William Morris. A Note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, to- gether with a short description of the press by S. C. Cockerell, and an annotated list of the books printed thereat. [New Rochelle, X. Y., Elston Press, 1902] 4to, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Reproduction of engraving by Morris, after drawing by Bume-Jones; reproductions of Morris's Troy and Chaucer type, and of Kelmscott Press device. One of 210 copies. Circular from Elston Press laid in. 712. ELSTON PRESS. Comus, A Maske, by John Milton; Printed, from the original edition of 1637. Printed and sold by . . . Elston Press, New Rochelle, New York . . . 1902. 8vo. cloth, uncut, title in red and black. With first two signatures of Samson Agomstes laid in. One of 160 copies. 713. ELSTON PRESS. Some Notes on Early Woodcut Books, With a Chapter on Illuminated Manuscripts, by William Morris. [New Rochelle, N. Y., The Elston Press, 1902] 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. Woodcut illustrations by H. M. O'Kanc. One of 120 copies. 714. ELSTON PRESS. The Daughters of Colann. By H. M. O'Kane. 12mo, boards, uncut. One of 30 copies. [New Rochelle], Elston Press, 1903 715. ELSTON PRESS. L 'Allegro and II Penseroso. By John Milton. New Rochelle: Elston Press, 1903 Small 4to, boards, linen back, uncut. One of 160 copies. 716. ELSTON PRESS. Poems selected from the Hesperides of Robert Merrick. [New Rochelle, N. V., The Elston Press, 1903.] Square 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Initials and decorations by H. M. O 'Kane. One of 260 copies. 717. ELSTOX PRESS. Daphnis and Chloe Excellently describing the weight of affection, the aimplieitie of loue, the purport of honest meaning, the resolution of men, and disposition of fate, finished in a pastoral] . . . by Angel] Daye. New Rochelle, The Elston Press. 1904 4to, vellum, with ties, uncut. Woodcut headpieces by H. M. O'Kane. One of 160 copies. Presentation copy from the publisher. 718. ELZEVIR FAMILY. Reeherehes Historiques, Genealogiques ct Bib- liographiques sur les Elsevir par A. de Reume. Bruxclles, A. Wahlen et I He, L847 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Frontispiece portrait of Mai Elzevir. 719. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Poems. Boston, 1865 First Edition. 24mo, cloth, gilt edges. 720. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Complete Works. Riverside edition. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1883-93 12 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Portraits, engraved. One of 500 copies on Large Paper. 721. ENGLISH BALLADS, 4 vols. London, 1894; Airs from Arcadv (Bunner), N. Y. 1884; Poems and Ballads (Heine), N. Y. 1881, and otl 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAITS, ETC. 722. BAXTER PRINT. Portrait of the Rev. Dr. Moffatt, African Mission- ary. Fine coloring. 4to. 723. ENGRAVINGS, Etchings, etc., after Durer, Schon, Herkomer, Van Leyden, etc. Mounted. 44 pieces. Folio. 724. ETCHINGS, portraits, views, etc. Mounted. 37 pieces. Folio. 725. ETCHINGS, reproductions, etc. Mounted. 39 pieces. Folio. 726. MARSHALL (J.). Lithographed portrait after the painting by H. Inman. From the original portrait painted by order of the Bar of Phila- delphia. Folio. Philadelphia, 1831 Very Scarce. 727. NEW YORK. Ruins of the Merchant's Exchange, X. Y. after the Destructive Conflagration of Dec. 16 and 17, 1835. Sketched and drawn on stone by J. H. Bufford. Oblong folio, mended. New York, 1835 Very Scarce. 728. PAUL REVERE. Drawn and engraved for the Society of Iconophiles, N. Y. 1899; Portrait of Dr. Robinson, by Sir Joshua Reynolds; Engraved portrait of James Rivington, by Hall. Private plate on India paper, and others. 6 pieces. Folio. 729. PHOTOGRAPHS, Etchings, etc. Mounted. 34 pieces. Folio. 730. PORTRAITS and Views for extra illustrating. 68 pieces. 731. PORTRAITS and Views for extra-illustrating purposes, 8vo. < ; ^ pi 732. PORTRAITS and views for extra illustrating. 70 pieces. 733. PORTRAITS and Views for extra-illustrating purposes, 8vo. '■• pi 734. PORTRAITS, engraved and etched, including several differenl ones of Franklin; Mrs. Pepys, Washington Irving, William Pickering, Thomas I '-■wick, and others. Indian proofs, etc. 79 pieces. 4to and folio. 735. WATER COLORS, Etchings, Engravings, etc. Mounted. 84 pi Folio. 73 736. ENNEMOSEB (JOSEPH). The History of Magic, Translated from the German bj William Howitt. To which is added an Appendix . . . by Mary Howitt. London, 2 \nis._ l2mo, half morocco, uncut. 737. EN9CHEDE (ISAAC & JEAN, OF HAARLEM). Epreuve de C teres de [saac & Jean Enschede a Haarlem, Deuxieme Edition angmentee . , . juBqu 'a l 'An 17 is. | Baarlem, I. & .1. Enschede, 8vo, paper covers. Printed on our side of leaf only. T.-'.s. ENSCHEDE (CH.). Ponderies de Caracterea el Lem Materiel dans les Paya-Baa de XVe au XIXe Siecle. Notice Historiqne principalemenl il ';iiu«"'s lea donneea de la Collection Typographiqne Ex Officina Frobeniana Anno M.D. XXXVIII. [Colophon:] Excusum Basileae In Officina Frobeniana per Hieronymum Frobenium et Nicolaum Episcopium Anno M.D.XLI. Folio, modern boards, morocco back. Many manuscript notes, some stains. Part of the edition of Erasmus' Complete Works, published in S volumes in Basel, 1540-41. 743. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Des Erasmi Roterod. Colloquia nunc emendatiora. Vidit Pervidit Risit. Lugd. Batavorum: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, Anno 1036 12mo, mottled calf, mottled edges, torn and rebacked. The First Elzevir Kditiox, and in very good condition, (p. 11-12 blank missing in this copy.) 744. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). The Apophthegmes of Erasmus, trans- lated into English by Nicolas Udall. Literally reprinted from the BCaree edition of 1564. Edited and illustrated with notes and parallel passages, by Robert Roberts. Boston, Lincolnshire, R. Roberts. 1^77 8vo, 'loth, uncut. Frontispiece. One of 250 copies printed. 7ir,. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). The Colloquies of Erasmus. Translated by N. Bailey. Edited, with Notes, by the Rev. E. Johnson. London. 1878 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 746. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Erasmus Against War. With an Intro- duction by ,1. W. Mackail. Boston, The Merrymount Press. 1907 Svo, original boards, uncut. One of 303 copies. 747. EBNESTI (JOHANN II. (*.). Die Vol-eingerichtete Buchdrnckerey. . . [ngelichen alien ublichen Pormaten besteller, und mit aeeurater Abbildung der Erfinder der loblichen Kun.-t. nebst einre summarischen Nachrieht von den Buchdruckerin in Nuraberg ausgezieret. . . Nurnberg, J. A. Endters, 1733 Oblong Svo, boards, rait' back. Plates, portraits. 74 748. ESGODECA DE BOISSE (d'). Quelques details sur lea Produife 1'Imprimerie Imperiale de France. Deuxicme tirage. 8vo, boards, morocco back, uncut. Paris, Imprimerie Cmperiale I s "" 749. ESDAILE (ARUXDELL). A List of English Tales and P Eomances Printed Before 1740. London, Bibliographical Society, 8vo, original boards, uncut. 750. ESQUEMELIXG (JOHN.) The Buccaneers of America. London, 1898 8vo, cloth. With facsimiles of all the original engravings. 751. EYAXS (CHARLES). American Bibliography, vol. 17. Chicago, Privately printed for the Author by the Blakely Press, 1903-1 912 7 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. 752. EVEX (ED. van). Glanures Bibliographiques, par Ed. van Even. Bruxelles, [& Sq. 8vo, half morocco, by Stikeman. On Large Paper. 761. Another copy. Halt' calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Brevel de librarie de Andre Cailleau, apprentif de M. Jean Baptiste Coignard, 8 Mai. \7<^. mi parchment with signatures of Ballard fils, Coustelier, Michel David, etc., inserted at page 68. On Large Paper. 75 762. FAULMANN (CABL). Da Buch der Bchrifl Bnthaltend die Schriftzeichen und Aiphabete AJler Zeiten and Aller \'iilkcr dee Erdkreia Royal 8vo, 1 1 .- 1 1 1 morocco, uncut. Wien, 1880 763. FAULMANN (CAEL). [Hustrirte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst mil Besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Technischen Entwicklung bis zur Gegen- wart. Wien, A. Bartleben, 1882 Large s \o, half morocco, uncut. Plaits, s<>im f<>i 1903 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. One of 160 copies'. 784. FITZGERALD (PERCY). The Book Fancier; Or, The Romani Book Collecting. 1 Ion, L886 First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. 785. FLAXMAN (JOHN). The Iliad [ami Odyssey] of Homer, engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman, R.A., sculptor, London. London, lsOo 2 vols., oblong 4to, boards (shaken). The Iliad consists of I" plates, tin Odyssey of 35, including engraved titles, engraved by Pvroli, Blake, Parker, N eagle. 786. FLAXMAN (JOHN). Darstellungen aus Eomers Diade [and Odyssee]. Geaezt nach den Zeichnungen das John Flaxmann von E. Schuler. No place, qo date 8vo, old half calf. Iliad has 89 plates; Odyssey has 84 plates; title and description of plates in German and French. 787. FLETCHER (WILLIAM YOUNGER). English Book Collectors. Edited by Alfred Pollard. London, 1902 Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Tith witMn ornamental border, vn red and black; port in its, illustrations. 788. FOLLOWING THE GUIDON (Custer), X. V.. L890; Life and Lei of Erasmus (Froude), N. Y., 1894; Life and Letters of Edgar Allan Po< (Ingram), London, 1886, and others. 20 vols., 12mo and 8vo, doth, 77 789. FONTENELLE (JULIA DE) ■ re POIS80N (P.). Nbuveau manuel complel 'in Marchand Papetier el du Regleur . . . Nbuvelle Edition, Entiere- iiiiiit refondue el ornee de Figures. Paris, Roret, 1854 L6mo, hair morocco, uncut. Folded plates flowing method, o) making jin/it r, i ngra/iH d by Quigm t. 790. POED (JAMES L.). The Literary Shop and Other Talc-. Fibst Edition. L2mo, cloth, uncut. New Fork, 1894 791. PORD (PAUL LEICESTER). The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thoughl of Him. New York, 1894 First Edition. L2mo, cloth. 792. PORENING Cor Boghaandvaerk Aarsskrifl MDCCCXC. Kjobenbavn, a. d. itu, half morocco, uncut. "Reproductions in color and illustrations. One of 650 copies. 793. FOULIS PRESS. TO TOY A10NY210Y AOITINOY nEPI Y'^OYS 'YnOMNHMA. [Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate Commentarius.] Ex Editione Tertia Zachariae Pearce . . . Glasgua?: In Aedibus Academieia Excudebanl Robertas et Andreas Poulis Academiae Typographi, 1763. Small 4to, mottled calf. With text in Greek and Latin on Bookplate of D. Bernard. 794. FOURNIER (eDUARD). Gutenberg, Drame en cinq actes et en vers. Represents, pour la premiere fois a Paris, sur le Theatre Imperial de l'Odeon, le 8 avril 1869. Paris, 1869 8vo, half calf, gilt back, uncut, by Larkins. 795. FOURNIER (HENRI). Traite de la Typographic Bruxelles, 1826 12mo, boards, calf back. 796. FOURNIER (PIERRE SIMON). Manuel Typographique, Utile aux Gens de Lettres, & a eeux qui exercent les differentes parties de l'Art de l'lmprimerie. Paris, Imprime par l'Auteur, & se vend Chez Barbou, 1764-1766. 2 vols.. 12mo, calf (covers loose). Frontispieces engraved by St. Fessard. 797. Another copy. 2 vols., mottled calf, gilt edges, one vol. rebaeked. 798. FOURNIER, le Jeune. Traites historiques et critiques sur l'Origine et les Progres de L'lmprimerie. Paris, 1758-61 First Editions. L2mo, contemporary mottled calf. Contains: Dissertation sur l'Origine & les Progres de l'Art de graver en Bois; De l'Origine & des Productions de l'lmprimerie primitive en taille de Bois; Observations sur un Ouvrage intitule Vindicise Typographic*; Remarques sur un Ouvrage intitule Lettre sur l'Origine de l'lmprimerie, etc. "With separate titles and pagina- tions. 799. Another copy. 12mo, boards. 800. Another copy. 12mo, half calf, by Larkins. Fine copy. 801. Another copy, containing all but the first mentioned part. 12mo, full citron calf. Fine copy. 802. FOURNIER, le Jeune. Dissertation sur l'Origine et les Progres de l'Art de Graver en Bois. Paris, 1758 12mo, boards. 803. FOX (Lieut.-Gen. C. R.). Engravings of Unedited or Rare Greek (dins. With Descriptions. Tart I. Europe. London, Bell and Daldy, 1856 4to, paper covers (shaken). Ten plates engraved by L. Bardel at end. 804. FOXE (JOHN). Arts and Monuments Of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an universall Historie of the same Wherein is set forth at large, the whole Race and Course of the Church . . . and great Persecutions against the true Martyrs . . . Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recommended to the studious Reader, by the Author, Mr. John Fox, the eight time newly Imprinted . . . London, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1 04 1 3 vols., folio, half calf. Black letter; ivoodcut titles, and woodcuts in text. Last edition in black letter with the woodcuts. Portrait of Foxe lacking, woodcut of Windsor Castle mended; first four leaves of Continuation, and last few leaves of Table lacking. Bookplate of John Cunliffe Pickersgill-Cunliffe in each volume. 805. FRANCIS (JOHN W.). Old New York; Or, Reminiscences' of the Past Sixty Years. Being an enlarged and revised edition of the Anniversary Discourse delivered before the New York Historical Society. (November 17, 1857.) New York, 185S 12mo, cloth, uncut. "Mr. Fleming with the respects of H. T. Tuekerman" inscribed on fly-leaf. 806. Another copy. 807. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Y Efordd i Gaffael Cyfoeth; Neu. Rhisiat Druan: Yn Ddiwygiedig gan Doctor Franklin, yr enwog Athronydd ; Gydag Ychwanegiad, y Modd i Wneuther Llawer o Ychydig, ^ r an B. Short. Ac a Gyfieithiwyd idd y Gymraeg gan Thomas Roberts, Llwynrhudol. Llundain, Argraffedig Dros y Cyfieithydd, 3839. 24mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt tooling, uncut. Portrait of "Franklin, engraved by William Barton, 1822. With original paper covers bound in. Translation into Welsh of Franklin's Way to Wealth. 808. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). His Autobiography; With a Narrative of his Public Life and Services. By Rev. H. Hastings Weld. With numerous designs by J. G. Chapman. New York [cop, 1848] 8vo, pebble morocco. 809. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Franklin Before the Privy Council, White Hall Chapel, London, 1774, on behalf of the Province of Massachusetts, to advocate the removal of Hutchinson and Oliver. Philadelphia, I860 8vo, cloth. Frontispiece engraved from the painting by C. Schuessele. with a guide list of names of the persons portrayed. 810. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. By James Parton. New York, 1864 First Edition. 2 vols., cloth. Portraits engraved by H. B. Ball. 811. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin including his private . . . correspondence . . . also the unmutilated and correct version of his Autobiography. Compiled and edited by John Bigelow. New York, 1^7-]8SS 10 vols., cloth, leather back, uncut. Portraits, plates. No. 159 of 600 copies. 812. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Benjamin Franklin and the Dniversitj of Pennsylvania. Edited by Francis Newton Thorpe. 8vo, half calf. Illustrations. Washington, Gov 't Printing Office, L893 813. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The Many-sided Franklin. By Tan I Leicester Ford. New York, 1899 First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations and facsimiles. 814. Another copy. First Edition. 815. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The Autobiography of Benjamin Frank- lin. With illustrations. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1906 4to, original boards, uncut. Title in ml ne of \7o copies. 79 B17. FRENCH (GEORGE). Printing in Relation to Graphic Art. Cleveland, The Imperial Pi Bvo, boards, uncut. Presentation copy from the antbor. FRENEATJ (PHILIP). A Bibliography of the Separate and Col lected Works of Philip Preneau; Together with an Account of bis N< By Victor Hugo Pall Not Fork, L8 L2mo, papei covers. Facsimiles. B19. FRERE (EDOITARD). De I'lmprimere el de la Librairie a Bouen, dans les XVe el KVIe siecles, el de Martin Morin, ceiebre Lmprimeur rouennais: par Ed. Frere. Rouen, A. Le Brument, 1843 Square Bvo, half calf, uncut. With Printer's device of Morin on title; li-t of Norman Printers from L480 to 1550; bibliography of the Martin M Press. 820. PROLICH (LORENS). Mfasaios Hero og Leandros [llustreret af Lorens Prolich Oversal Era Graesk af Sigurd Muller. Kjobenhavn, Saertryk af Foreningen Fremtiden'e Udgave, 1899 Folio, decorat ive hoards, vclhmi back, uncut, by Anker Kyster. .1/" illustrations. One of 10 copies on Japan paper. Presentation copy from F. Hendriksen, the printer, to Mr. T. L. DeVinne. 821. FREY (A.). I'rineipes de Ponctuation fond£s but la oature dn laj . ecrit. 2e Edition, amelioree. Paris, A. Eymery, l v --"> 12mo, half morocco, some leaves uncut at bottom. 822. FREYLINGHAUSEN (JOHN ANASTASIUS). An Abstract of the Whole Doctrine of the Christian Religion. With Observations. From a Manu- script in Her Majesty's Possession. The First Book Stereotyped by the No v Process. . London, 1804 ltd, full red contemporary morocco, gilt edges. "London, Purchased at Christie's Sale of the Queen's Books, June 10th, 1819": Note and Stamp on half-title. 823. FRY (EDMUND). Pantographia; Containing Accurate Copies of all the known Alphabets in the World; Together with an English Explanation of the Peculiar Force or Power of each Letter: to which are added, Specimens of all well-authenticated Oral Languages; forming a Comprehensive Dig of Phonology. Loudon, Cooper and Wilson, 1799 8vo, cloth (blank top of title cut off). 824. FRY AND STEELE. A Specimen of Printing Types by Fry and Steele, Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales, Tvpe-Street. London, Printed by T. Rickaby, 1794 8vo. Printed on one side of leaf only. Bookplate of William Foster Rey- nolds, Carshalton House; signature of W. Wilberforce, Aug. 20th, 1826, on fly-leaf. 825. FTJMAGALU (CARLO). Dei Primi Libri a Stampa in Italia e special- mente di un Codice Sublacense Impresso Avanti il Lattanzio e finora creduto i iore. Lugano, Tipografia Yeladini e Comp., n. d. 8vo, half morocco. .' plates, oru colored. 826. PUMAGALL] (GIUSEPPE). Lexicon Typographicum Italiae. Diction- naire Geographique d 'italic pour servir a l'Histoire de I'Imprimerie dans ce pays. . . Florence, L. S. Olsrhki. 1905 Royal Mo, half morocco, uncut. .Facsimiles, some folded. With original paper covers bound in at end. Bookplate of the Grolier Club. 827. FUMAGALL1 (GIUSEPPE). Antonio Blado Tipografo Romano del ■ lo XVI. Memoria storico-1 ibliografica di G. Pumagalli. Mi'lano. U. Hoepli, n. d. 16mo, cloth, uncut. One of 150 copies on handmade paper. 80 828. FURETIERE (ANTOIXE). Le Roman Bourgeois. Ouvrage comique. Par Antoine Furetiere. . . A Amsterdam, Chez Gerard Kin; 12mo, old calf. Engraved frontispiece. 829. GAINE (HUGH). The Journals of Eugh Gaine Printer, edited by Paul Leicester Ford. \Yu York, 1902 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portrait, facsimiles. One of 350 copies. 830. GARRISON (WILLIAM LLOYD). William Lloyd Garrison, 1805- 1879. The Story of his Life. Told by his Children. New York, 1885-89 First Edition. 4 vols., 8vo, (doth, uncut. Illustrations. 831. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Emaux et Camees. Edition orn6< cent dix aquarelles par Henri Caruchet reproduites en couleurs. Paris, 1895 12mo, full blue calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Must rut inns in color. Original paper cover bound in. 832. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Mademoiselle de Maupin; A Romance of love and passion. Chicago, (no date) 12mo, half morocco. Plates. 833. GAZETTEER of the State of New York (French), Syracuse, 1860; Stormonth's English Dictionary, N. Y., 1885; Adler's German and English Dictionary, N. Y., 1870, and others. 20 vols', various sizes and bindings. 834. GELLIUS (AULUS). Auli Gellii Luculentissimi Seriptoris Noctes Attica?. [Printer's device.] Lugduni, Apud Hatred. Seb. Gryphii, 1559 16mo, original vellum; some leaves uncut. Title torn. 835. GELLIUS (AULUS). The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius: Translated into English, By the Rev. W. Beloe, translator of Herodotus, &c. In Three Volumes. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1795 First Edition. 3 vols'., 8vo, tree calf. First English translation of this work, and an excellent edition. 836. GENERAL SOCIETY of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York. Annals from 1785-1880. Edited by Thomas Earle and Charles T. Congdon. New York, 1882 Folio, cloth. Facsimiles and plates. 837. GENTILIS (ALBERICUS). Alberici Gentilis I. C. ProfessorL Etegii, ad Tit. C. de Maleficis et Math. & Ceter. Similibus, Commentarius. Item Argumenti eiusdem, Commentatio. Ad L.III.C. de Professorib. & Medic. [Printer's device.] Hanovise, Apud Guilielmum Antonium, 1604 Small 8vo. Col.: AH*, 8 leaves each. Original vellum. With this i^ bound his "Disputationes" . . . Hanover, 1607. 838. GEORGIUS Major. Sentential Veterum Poetarum, per Georgium Maiorem in locos communes digestae, ac tandem post authoris supreman manum multum aucta? ae locuplatatas. Antonii Maneinelli De Poetica uirtute Libellus. Index sententiarum & prouerbiorum. [Printer's devic< .\ Lutetise Ex ofheina Roberti Stephani typographi R«gij. M.D.LI. Small 8vo, old French morocco, gilt tooling. Bookplate of C. Girdlestone. Very Scarce. 839. GERARD (BALTHAZAR). Les' Cruels et Horribles Tonnens de Balthazar Gerard. Paris, 1584: R. 'printed, Paris, 1856 12mo, half morocco. One of 150 copies. 840. GERRING (CHARLES). Notes on Printers and Booksellers, with a Chapter on Chap Books. London. 1900 8vo, original boards, uncut. Portrait of Bernard Qwritch, frontwp portraits, plates. 841. GESTA ROMANORUM: or, Entertaining Moral Stories , Trans lated from the Latin, with preliminary observations and copious aotes by the Rev. Charles Swan. New edition, with an introduction by Thomas Wright. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, .1. W. Bouton. 1^.- 81 B42 GE8TA ROMANORUM. Gesta Romanorum: Or, Entertaining Moral Stories . , , translated from the Latin, with preliminary observations and copious ootes, by the Rev. Charles Swan. Revised .- 1 1 1 > I corrected by Wynnard Eooper. London, 1888 lL'nio, cloth, uncut. 843. GIBBON (EDWABD). The Bistory of the Decline and Pall of the Roman Empire. With Notes by Dean Milraan, M. Guizot, and William Smith. London, 1881 8 vols., 8vo, full tree-calf, gilt, gill edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Portrait and maps. The best edition for the notes. 844. GIBSON (WILLIAM HAMILTON). Highways and Byways; or Saunterings in Now England. Ill u.s-i rati I. New York, 1883 First Edition. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. 845. GIBSON (STRICKLAND). Early Oxford Bindings. Oxford, The Bibliographical Society, 190.'! lio, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates. 846. GIEALDEZ (JOS£). Tratado de la Tipografia 6 Arte de la Im- prenta. Madrid, E. Cuesta y Sanchez, 1884 8vo, half levant morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Original paper covers bound in. 847. GIRDNER (JOHN H.). Newyorkitis. 12ino, cloth. New York, Grafton Press, [1901] 848. GIUSTINIANI (LORENZO). Saggio Storico-Critico sulla Tipografia del Regno di Napoli. Napoli, V. Orsini, 1 79o 4to, boards, uncut. 849. GLANVILLE (JOSEPH). A Blow at Modern Sadducism In some Philosophical Considerations about Witchcraft. And the Relation of the Famed Disturbance at the House of M. Mompesson. With Reflections on Drollery, and Atheisme. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Inlarged. London, 1668 Small 8vo, old calf. Most of the impressions of the first edition, published in 1666, were destroyed in the great fire in London, 1666. 850. GOETHE (JOHANN WOLFGANG YON). Goethe's Poems Trans- lated in the original metres by Paul Dyrsen. London, 1878 12mo, half morocco, uncut. 851. GOETHE (JOHANN WOLFGANG YON). A Translation of the Hermann and Dorothea of Goethe: In the Old English measure of Chapman's Homer. By M. Winter. Dublin. 1849 12mo, half calf. Signature of William R. Williams on title. 852. GOLDSMID (EDMUND). A Bibliographical Sketch of the Aldine Press at Yenice . . . Translated and abridged from Ant. Aug. Renouard's "Annales de L'Imprimerie des Aides," anil revised and corrected by Edmund Goldsmid. Edinburgh, Privately Printed, 1887 3 vols., 8vo, paper covers, uncut. One of 75 copies' on Large Paper. 853. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Yicar of Wakefield: a Tale. Sup- posed to be written by Himself. A new edition. Wherein the Accent is plac'd on the most necessary words for the facility of those who are desirous to pronounce the english rightly. Berlin, Printed for August Mylius, 1769 16mo, boards. Signature of 1. W. Rheiuboth. Ax Extremely Rare EDITION, unknown to Austin Dobson, who names a second edition of 1776 and queries "Second Edition?" At the end is a German inscription dated 1 75S, one year earlier than the date on title. 854. GOLHSMTTH (OLIYER). Le Yicaire de Wakefield. Traduction Nouvelle et Complete par B. H. Gausseron. Paris, A. Quantin, n. d. Royal Svo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations from original water colors. 82 855. GOOKIN (DANIEL). Daniel Gookin, 1612-1687, Assistant and Major General of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. His Life and Letters and BOme account of his Ancestry. By Frederick William Gookin. Chicago, Privately Printed, 1912 Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. Frontispiece coal of arms, plates, similes. One of 202 copies. 856. GOOVAEETS (ALPHONSE). Ilistoire et Bibliographic de la Typo- graphie Musicale dans les Pays-Bas. Avec neuf phototypies par M. Jos. M 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. Anvers, P. Kockx, 1880 857. GORDON (GENERAL .JOHN i:.). Reminiscences of the Civil War. With portraits. New York, Scribner, 1903 8vo, cloth, uncut. Eirst Editjox. 858. GORDON (PATRICK). Geography Anatomiz'd: or, the Ceographieal Grammar .... Collected from the best Authors, and illustratt d uilli divers maps. London, 1740 8vo, original calf (worn). 859. GOUDA (GULIELMUS DE). Tractatus de expositio tnisse. No place, no printer, no date Quarto. Modern binding of half vellum. Rubricated in part. "Pro conventu [blotted out] Fratrum Minorum Conventu" inscribed on a2; writing mi a 1; some leaves stained, wormhole in inner margin of first leaves. | i ai blank and genuine; b4 and b5 lacking.) Not in Ilain, nor Proctor. Claudin "17081 . 860. GOWER (JOHN). Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins; being the Con- fessio Amantis of John Gower. Edited by Henry Morley. London, l^ y !» 8vo, cloth, leather back. 861. Another copy. 862. GRAMMAR OF PAINTING and Engraving (Blanc), X. V. I874j Handbuch of Stereotypic (Meyer), Braunschweig, 1838; Proof Reading (Teall), Chicago, 1899, and others. 20 vols., 12mo and larger, various bind 863. GRANT (ULYSSES S.). The Life of Ulysses S. Grant, General United States Army; by Henry C. Deming. Hartford, : - First Editiox. 8vo, cloth. Portrait. 864. GRATIUS (ORTHUINIS). Duo Volumina Epistolarum Obseurorum Virorum, ad D. M. Ortuinum Gratiu, Attico lepSre referta, denud excusa & a mendis repurgata. Quibus Ob Stili & argumenti similitudinem adiecimus in calce Dialogum mire festiuum, eruditis saltilms refertum. Mo place, 2 vols, in one, 12mo. Stamped calf, red edges, by Riviere. Pkivatki.y prixted; privilege reads: "Romse Stampato con priuilegio del Papa. . ." Title of second part varies. 865. GRAYURES SUR BOIS tirees des Livres Francais .In XVe Siecle. Sujets Religieux. — Demons. — Etres Imaginaires. . . Paris, A. Labitte, 1868 4to, unbound, in portfolio, uncut. Facsimiles. 866. GRAY (GEORGE J.). The Earlier Cambridge stationers & Book- binders and the First Cambridge Printer. Oxford, The Bibliographical Society, 1904 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates. 867. GREELEY (HORACE). The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the New York Tribune; by -f- Parton. New Fork, 12mo, cloth. Portrait and plates. 868. GREELEY (HORACE). Recollections of a Busj Lit'.': [ncluding Reminiscences of American Politics and Politicians . . . To which are added Miscellanies . . . also. A Discussion with Robert Dale Owen of the Law of Divorce. X,A Vork, L869 8vo, half calf. Plates. 83 B69. GREENAWA"S (KATE). Birthday Book for Children, with 382 illustrations drawn by Kate Greenaway, printed by Edmund Evans. V bj Mis. Bale Barker. London, u. , MDCCCLXXXIX. 3 vols., 12mo, limp vellum, uncut. One of 297 copies. 886. GROLIER CLUB. Areopagitiea. A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England. With an introduction by James Russell Lowell. New York, 1890 16mo. One of 325 copies. Bound in full red levant morocco, gilt tooling, red levant doublures and fiydeaves, gilt edges over uncut leaves, by Zaehnsdorf, 1899. 887. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Engrave.l Portraits, Chaucer to Johnson; Classified List of Early American Book-Plates (Allen). New York, 1891-1894 2 vols., 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Large Paper Copies. Bookplate of .1. Haraen Purdy in one of the volumes. 888. GROLIER CLUB. Washington Irving: A Sketch. By George William Curtis. New York, 1891 8vo, full red straight-grain morocco, uncut, as issued. One of 311 cop,-. With two portraits and a view of Cockloft Hall Summer house. 889. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts Together with a Few Early Printed Hooks with Illumi- nations. Also Some Examples of Persian Manuscripts, with Plates in Fac- simile and an Introductory Essay. New Fork, L892 8vo, cloth, uncut. Title in red and black. Facsimiles. One of 350 copies. 890. Another copy of the same. 890a. GROLIER CLUB. Barons of the Potomack and the Rappahannock, by Moncure Daniel Conway. New Eork, I s '.'-' 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by the Club Bindi similes, plates, portraits. 360 copies were printed bul the printed statement l- not present in this copy. 891. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Original ami Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Langland to Wither. . . New York, 1 B98 Royal 8vo, tdoth, leather back, uncut. Facsimiles. No. 156 of 100 copies. Presentation copy from E. B. llolden to T. L. DeVinne. 85 PRINTED ON VELLUM 892. GROLIEB CLUB. Facsimile of the Laws and Acta of the General \NsnnU\ for their Majesties Province of New York, etc., etc. At New-York, Printed and Bold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties William & Queen Mary, 1694. Together with an Historical Introduction, Notes (in the Laws, and Appendices, bj Robert Ludlow Fowler. New Vim One "I three copies on vellum. Bound in maroon levanl morocco, ;_ r ilt top, uncut, by «'lnli Bindery, 893. Another <-<>|>y. Full vellum, uncut. One of 312 copies on hand- made paper. 894. GROLIEB CLUB. The Catalogue of Books from the Libraries or Col- lections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings. Exhibited nt the Grolier < "1 n I > in the Month of January, L895. Now Fork, 1895 8vo, boards, uncut. Illustrated with reproductions. Odp of 350 copies. 895. Another copy of the same. 896. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of the engraved work of Asher B. Durand. New Fork, - 15 8vo, paper. Photogravure portrait. One of an edition of 350 copies. VELLUM COPY 897. GROLIER CLUB. A description of the early printed books owned by the Grolier Chili, with a brief account of their printers and the history of typog- raphy in the fifteenth century. New York, 1895 4to. With title in red and black, and facsimiles of examples from early printed books. Bound in red levant morocco, doublures of the same morocco. One of three copies printed on vellum. Portrait of William Caslon laid in. 898. Another copy. Boards, uncut. One of 400 copies on paper. 899. GROLIER CLUB. The Poems of John Donne from the text of the Edition of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell. With the various readings of the other editions of the 17th century, and with a preface, an introduction, and notes by Charles Eliot Norton. New York, 1895 2 \ols., L2mo, full dark green levant morocco, green levant doublures and fiy- leaves, gilt over uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf, 1899. One of 380 copies. 900. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition illustrative of a centenary of artistic lithography. 1796-1896. New York. 18 8vo, paper. Illustrations. One of an edition of 400 copies; printed at the DeVinne Press. 901. GROLIER CLUB. The Charles Whittinghams, printers, by Arthur Warren. New York, 1896 Royal 8vo. Photogravures, illustrations and reproductions of designs used by ih, Chisvnck Press. Malt' morocco, uncut. One of an edition of 385 copies. 902. GROLIER CLUB. 1'nster, in colors, for an Exhibition of Japanese Prints, April May, 1S96. Polio (tear repaired at top). 903. GROLIER CLUB. A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, Pry- Points ami Etchings of Albert Purer as exhibited at the Grolier Club. Com- piled by K. P. Koehler. New York. 1897 4to, cloth, uncut. Illustrated. One of 400 copies. 904. < J HOLIER CLUB. Two Note Books of Thomas Carlyle. Prom 23d March, 1822 to L6th May, 1832. Edited by Charles E. Norton. 8vo, original half leather, uncut. One of 3S7 copies. New York. L898 86 905. GEOLIER CLUB. The life of Charles Henry, Count Hoym, ambassador from Saxony-Poland to France and eminent French bibliophile, 1694 L736; written by Baron Jerome Pichon for the Society of French Bibliophiles and translated into English for the Grolier Club; with a sketch of the life of the late Baron Pichon. New York, L899 Imp. 8vo. Plates. Bound in brocade with leather back; one of an edition of 303 copies ; uncut. 906. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of First and Other Editions of the Works of John Dryden (1631-1700). Together with „ few engraved Portraits and two oil paintings — commemorative of the two hun- dredth Anniversary of his death. New York, 1900 - 8vo, original boards, uncut. One of 200 copies. 907. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Etchings and Dry Points by Rem brandt. Selected for Exhibition at the Grolier Club of the City of New York. April-May, 1900. New York, 190O 8vo, cloth, uncut. Title in red and black. Portrait engraved. One of 310' copies. 908. Another copy of the same. 909. GROLIER CLUB. A Translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's Life of Dante. With an introduction and a note on the portraits of Dante. By G. R. Carpenter. New York, 1900 8vo, original decorated vellum, uncut. One of 300 copies. 910. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition of selected works of the poets laureate of England. New York, 1901 8vo, original boards, uncut. Portrait. One of 300 copies. 911. GROLIER CLUB. The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. Translated by Robert Copland from the French Version published in Paris in 1504. A Literal reprint in the Types of Wynkin De Worde after the unique copy printed by him upon Parchment in London MCCCCCXII. Np\v York. 1901 8vo, pigskin, with clasps, uncut, in case. One of 325 copies. 912. GROLIER CLUB. Title-pages as seen by a printer, with numerous illustrations in facsimile and some observations on the early and recent print- ing of books, by Theodore Low DeYinne. New York. 1901 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Illustrated. One of 325 copies. 913. GROLIER CLUB. One hundred books famous in English literature. with facsimiles of the title-pages and an introduction by George E. Wood- berry. New York, 1902 Imp. 8vo, original boards. One of an edition of 305 copies, printed at the DeViune Press. Uncut. 914. GROLIER CLUB. Bibliographical notes on one hundred books famous in English literature; compiled by Henry \Y. Kent. New York. 1903 Imp. 8vo, half parchment and boards, uncut. One of an edition of 305 copies, printed at the DeYinne Press. 915. GROLIER CLUB. The Boston Port Hill as pictured by a contempo- rary London cartoonist, by R. T. H. Halsey. Wu York. L904 4to. Plates, plain and colored. Calf, uncut. One of 325 copies. 916. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original and Earlj Editions of Italian Books. Selected from a Collection designed to illustrate the Development of Italian Literature. New Fork, 1904 Svo, original boards, uncut. One of 306 copies. With facsimiles titles. 917 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits of Wash- ington. By Charles Henry Hart. New York, 1904 4to, boards, uncut. One of 425 copies. ^7 918. GKOLIEB CLUB. Catalogue of Original and Barlj Bditioni of some -of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Wither to Prior. Ww York, 1905 ■". Mils., 8vo, original cloth, morocco back, oncut. Facsimiles. One of 400 copies. 919. QBOLIEH CLUB. Pirsl Editions of the Work- of Nathaniel Eaw thorne together with Borne Manuscripts, Letters and Portraits, Exhibited al the Grolier Club from December fl to December 24, Hint. With Frontispieci portraits, additions /<> Text and Index. New York, 1905 8vo, original boards, uncut. Front ispii a portrait in >ltn< states. LaKOZ PAPER. NO. 5 of I 11 copies of the enlarged exhibition catalogue, [irivately printed by permission of the G-rolier Club. Presentation copy from I. ( . Chamberlain to T. L. DeYinne. 920. GROLIER CLUB. American Engravers upon Copper ami Steel. By David McN. Stauffer. New York, 1907 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, buckram backs, uncut. One of 350 copies'. 921. GROLIER CLUB. Researches Concerning Jean Grolier, His Life and His Library. With a partial Catalogue of his Books by A.-J.-Y. Le Roux de Lincy: edited by Baron Roger Portalis; translated and revised by Carolyn Shipman. New York, 1907 Folio, half morocco, uncut. Title in red ami black; plates showing repro- ductions of Grolier bindings. One of 300 copies on Arnold hand-made paper. 922. GROLIER CLUB. The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Illustrated by George H. Boughton. New York, 1908 Imp. 8vo. In the original .sheets, unbound. One of 3 copies on Imperial Japanese Paper. 923. GROLIER CLUB. The Etched Work of Whistler. Illustrated by "Repro- ductions in Collotype of the different states of the plates. Compiled, arranged and described by Edward G. Kennedy. With an introduction by Royal Cortissoz. New York, 1910 1 vol. of text, unth 3 portfolios of plates reproducing tin various states of the etchings; folio. Original boards, cloth back, uncut. One of 402 copies. Yery scarce. 294. GROLIER CLUB. A Catalogue of the First Editions of the Works of Alexander Pope (1688-1744). Together with a collection of the engraved portraits of the Poet and of his friends. New York, 1911 8vo, original boards, uncut. Engraved portraits and facsimile. 925. GROLIER CLUB. Depositio Cornuti Typographic! ; That is A Comi- cal or Mirthful Play Which can be performed without any offence, at the Reception and Confirmation of a Journeyman who has learned honestly the Noble Art of Book-Printing . . . By* John Rist. Originally Printed at Liineburg: Reprinted as acted at The Grolier Club, January 28, 1909. New York, 1911 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Title within ornamental border. One of 250 copies. 926. CROLTER CLUB. Reading a Poem. By Wm. Makepeace Thackeray. 8vo, original boards, uncut. One of 250 copies. New York, 1911 927. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the birth of William Makepeace Thackerav (1811- 1863). New York, 1912 8vo, boards, uncut. Portrait, facsimiles. One of an edition of 260 copies; printed at the DeYinne Press. 928. GROLIER CLUB. The Writers of Knickerbocker New York. By Hamilton W. Mabie. Illustrations engraved by Walworth St' ; 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. One of 300 conies. New York, 1912 88 929. GKOLIEE CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of Charles Dickens. With an Introduction by Royal Cortissoz. New Fork, 1913 8vo, boards, uncut. Facsimiles; portraits, our colored; plat's. One of 300 copies. 930. GROLIER CLUB. BAZILIfiLOGIA. A Booke of Kings. Notes on a rare series of engraved English Royal Portraits from William the Conqueror to James I. Published under the above title in 1618. By H. C. Levis. 4to, boards, uncut. One of 300 copies on Japanese vellum. New York, 1913 931. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Works' by John Leech (1817-1864) held at the Grolier Club from January 22 until March 8, 1914. With an Introduction by Stanley Kidder Wilson. New York, 1914 8vo, boards, uncut. Portrait; plates, some colored. One of 240 copies. 932. GROLIER CLUB. First Editions of the Works of Robert Louis Steven- son, 1850-1894, and Other Stevensoniana. Exhibited at the Grolier Club from November 5 to November 28, 1914. New York, 1915 8vo, boards, uncut. Facsimiles ; plates, some colored. One of 180 copies. 933. GROLIER CLUB. A Catalogue of Books Illustrated by Thomas Row- landson. Together with a collection of original drawings by him, exhibited at the Grolier Club, in November, 1916. New York, 1916 8vo, original boards, uncut. Title vignette and plates in colors. One of 200 copies. 934. GROLIER CLUB. Wood-Engraving: Three Essays by A. V. S. Anthony, Timothy Cole, and Elbridge Kingsley. With a list of American Books. Illustrated with Woodcuts. New York, 1916 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. One of 260 copies. 935. GROLIER CLUB Catalogues of Books, Prints, Etchings, Fans, Bind- ings, Bookplates, etc. New York, v. d. 62 vols., 18mo, paper wrappers. 936. GROLIER CLUB. Exhibition Catalogues. Chaucer, Tennyson, Alchemy and Chemistry, Stevenson, and others. New York, v. d. 11 vols., 12mo, wrappers, uncut. 937. GEOLIER CLUB Year Books. From 1884 to 1919. New York, v. .1. 45 vols., 16mo, boards, vellum backs. Some volumes in duplicate and others missing. 938. GROLIER CLUB. Trial Proofs', in various states, of the covers for Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 15 folio sheets, showing the separate printings of gold and colors. 939. GROLIER CLUB. Bronze Portrait Medallion of Edgar Allan Poe. 940. GROLIER CLUB. Bronze Portrait Medallion of Ralph Waldo Emer son, by V. D. Brenner. 941. GROLIER CLUB. Bronze Portrait Medallion of James Russell Lowell, by Chas. Calverley. 1895. 942. GROLIER CLUB. Bronze Portrait Medallion of Nathaniel Eawthorne, by Ringel Dillzach. Issued in 1892. 942a. GROLIER CLUB. Etched portrait of Benjamin Franklin, by lb in: Lefoit from an original painting by Puplessis, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Remarque Proof, signed by Lewis Lefort. Framed. 942b. GROLIER CLUB. Etching: Yisit of Grolier to the Press of Aldn>. Autographed by Francois and Leopold Flameng. Framed. 89 !»i.".. GROLIEE (JEAN). Recherchee Bur Jean Grolier, but sa Vie el Ba Bibliotheque ; suivies d'un catalogue dee livrea qui lui ont appartenu; par M. Le Uuiix de Lincy. Pai is, I B66 s \n, half morocco, uncut, liiih portfolio of plates and foe-similes. 944. GROLIEE (JEAN). Jean Grolier de Sender, Viscount d'Aguisy. Some account of his life and of bis famous library, by William Loring Ana NCw York, The DeVinne Press, L892 BvOj cloth, uncut. Colored />ie Maribus. Lugd. Batavorum. Ex Officina Elzeviriana, Anno 1633. Leyden, 1633 16mo, calf, rebacked; engraved title. 947. GEOUCHY (EMMANUEL, Marquis de). Marshal Grouchy ? s own Account of the Battle of Waterloo. Printed for private distribution only from the originals in the collections of W. K. Bixby. St. Louis, W. K. Bixby, 1915 8vo, boards, uncut. Portrait engraved by Charon; facsimiles. One of 200 copies, this copy not numbered. Presentation inscription from W. K. Bixby to T. B. DeVinne. 948. CEOWOLL (A.). Book-Trade Bibliography in the United States in the XlXth Century ... To which is added A Catalogue of all the Books printed in the United States with the prices, and places where published, an- nexed, Published by the Booksellers in Boston, January, 1804. New York, Dibdin Club, 1898 12mo, boards, leather back, uncut. Portrait of Frederick Leypoldt. 100 copies for non-members of the Dibdin Club; "Subscriber's Copy" No. Special 6. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeVinne. 049. GEOWOLL (A.). Three Centuries of English Booktrade Bibliography; An Essay on the Beginnings of Booktrade Bibliography since the Introduc- tion of Printing and in English since 1595, by A. Growoll . . . Also A List of the Catalogues, &c., published for the English Booktrade from 1595- 1902, by Wilberforce Eames . . . New York, The Dibdin Club, 1903 8vo, cloth, leather back, uncut. Portrait of Georg Wilier. Editorial copy, The Evening Post, unnumbered copy of an edition of 550 copies. 950. Another copy. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeVinne. No. 16 of 550 copies. 951. GRUNDTVIG (NIKOLAI FEEDEEIK SEYFK1X). Den Gamle Dag- vise den Signede Day. Med Tegninger af Joakim Skovgaard. (Xo place.) Trvkt i Pagskolen for Boghaandvaerk i det Danske Kunstindustrimuseum, 1911. Atlas folio, original paper covers. Title in red and black, within orna- mental border; plates and text within ornamental border of gilt and green. Xo. 45 of 450 copies. 952. GUICCIARDINI (FRANCESCO). The Maxims of Francis Guiceiar- dini. Translated by Emma Martin. . . London. 1^4."i Square l8mo, half morocco, uncut, by Launder Macdonald & Co. Portrait. Printed at Cluswick Press. 953. GUIDE PBATIQFF de la Fabrication du Papier et du Carton , Pro- teaux), Paris, n. d.; [mprimerie Paul Dupont. Oompte Rendu, du Mai 14. 1863 et Juin 4, 1S65; and others. 7 vols. 12mo annd Svo, half morocco. 90 954. GUNN (ALEXANDER). The Hermitage-Zoai Note-Book and Journal of Travel. \,. w York, 1902 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. No. 325 of a privately printed edition. 955. GUNN (ALEXANDER). Letters. \,w York, 1902 8vo, full blue levant morocco iglt top, uncut. No. 325 of a privately printed edition. 956. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Hochverdiente und aus bewahrten Orkun- den wohlbeglaubte Ehren-Rettung Johann Guttenbergs, eingebohrnen BiL in Mayntz . . . von .Johann David Kohler. Leipzig, C. Fritschen, 17 I I First Edition. 4to, half morocco, uncut, by B. W. Smith. PlaU and folded tables. 957. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Essai but les Monuments Typographiques de Jean Gutenberg Mayencais Inventeur de 1 Tmprimerie. Par Gotthelf Fischer. Mayenee, An X [1802] 4to, half morocco, by Stikeman. Engraved title by Jo. Lindenschmii ; frontia piece portrait of Gutenberg, engraved b\f Franz Cdmtgen; plates. The entire work, from the casting of the type to the engraving of the plates, was done in Maintz, by native workers. 958. Another copy. In original paper covers, with presentation in- scription to Citoyen Lacepede, Membre du Senat, from the author. Bookplate of Bibliotheque Deprins. 959. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Essai d'Annales de la Vie de Jean Guten- berg, Inventeur de la Typographic; par Jer. Jacques Oberlin. Strasbourg, Levrault, An IX de la Republique (1801) (Reimprinie en - 8vo, half calf. Title in colors; frontispiece portrait in bronze. 960. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Jean Gutenberg, ne en 1412 a Kutteuber- en Boheme . . . Essai Historique et Critique, par le Reverend Charles Wina- ricky. . . Traduit du manuscrit allemand par le Chevalier .lean de Carro. 12mo, half calf, uncut. Bruxelles, A. Vandale, I s 17 961. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Ses faits & discours les plus dig d 'admiration, & sa mort. Ce recit fidele, ecrit par Fr. Dingelstedt, est Lei traduit de rallemand en francois par Gustave Revilliod. Etching. A Geneve: Par Jules G. Frick, 1858 Small folio, boards, vellum back, uncut. 962. Another copy. Small folio, red morocco back. 963. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, His Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death. From the German, by C. W. London, I860 8vo, cloth, morocco back, uncut. One of 100 copies With bookplate of . S. Alofsen. 964. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Gutenberg, and the Art of Printing. Bj Emily C. Pearson. Boston, 1^71 12mo, cloth. Plates, some colored; illustrations. 965. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Gutenberg. Geschichte und Erdichtong aus den Quellen Nachgewiesen von dr. A. v. d. Linde. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Stuttgart, W. Bpemann, 1878 966. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Gutenberg: Was he the [nvento Printing? An Historical Investigation Embodying a Criticism on Dr. Van der Linde 's " Gutenberg. " By J. H. llessels. London, B. Quaritch, 1882 8vo, cloth, leather hack, uncut. Facsimile, folded plate. Some marginal notes. One of 200 copies. Presentation copy from < '. W. II. Wyman to T. L DeVinne. 91 967. GUTENBEBG (JOHANN). Beu Leben, sein V7erk, sein Ruhm. Zur Erinnerung an die 500 jahrige Geburl Erflndera der Buchdruckerkunat (flr tveitere ECreiae dargeatelll von Alfred Borckel. Gieaaen, E. Both. Imp. 8vo, cloth, red edges. Portrait, illustrations. 968. GUTENBEBG (JOHANN). Festschrift zum Fuuihundertjah] Geburtstage von Johann Gutenberg. Jm Auftrage der Btadt Main/, hera geben von Otto Eartwig. Leipzig, 1900 4to, cloth, uncut. Facsvnvilea and plates. 969. GUTENBEBG (JOHANN). Guttcmberg ct Faust.'. On !.<• Premier [mprimeur; Comedie Anccdotique en Cinq actes et en prose. No place, no date Polio, boards. Manuscript of the early part of the Nineteenth Century. 970. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Denkinal in Stereotypen, den Manen Gutenberg's geweiht von Vincenz von Pallhausen im Jahre 1805 and zur \ icrten Sacularfeier der Buehdruckerkunst mit lithograph irten Federzeioh- nungen zu Johannis 1836, herausgegeben von Progel. [Miinehen], n. d. 4to, morocco, original paper covers bound in. Marginal decorations; initial letters in colors. Reprint of Von Pallhausen 's work published in ] 805. 971. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). The Signature of Gutenberg, by P; De Yilliers, M.D. London, Kerby and Endean [n. d.] Large 8vo, half calf, uncut. Facsimile of supposed signature of Gutenberg. One of 300 copies. 972. GUTENBERG (JOHANN). Gutenberg (Jean ou Hans Gensfleisch), par M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographie Generale, publiee par MM. Firmin Didot Freres et Fils. 8vo, half calf. Paris, F. Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., n. d. 92 FOURTH SESSION LOTS 973-1291 973. GUTENBERG-FEST ZU MAINZ IM JAHEE L900 zugleicb Erinnei inigs-Gabe an die Eroffnung, des Gutenberg-Museums am 23. Juni 1901. 8vo, paper covers. Plates. Mainz, H. Quasthoff, L90] 974. GUTENBERG-GESELLSCHAFT. Jahresbericht, nos. ]-4, 7-8, and one duplicate. Mainz, 1902-1905, L908-1909 7 nos., 4to, paper covers. 975. GUTENBERG-GESELLSCHAFT. Veroffentlichungen del Gutenberg Gesellschaft. Nos. 1-7. Mainz, Verlag der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1902-1908 7 nos. in five, paper covers. 4to. Facsimiles. 976. GYPSIES (The), by Charles G. Leland, Boston, 1886; Paris in Peril, 2 vols., Vizetelly, London, 1882; The Trip to England (Winter), Boston, 1881; and others. 20 vols., 12mo and 8vo, various bindings. 977. HAEBLER (CONRAD). The Early Printers of Spain and Portugal. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1897 4to, half morocco, uncut. Plates. 978. HAEBLER (CONRAD). Typographic Iberique du QuinziSme Siecle. Reproduction en facsimile de tous les caracteres typographies employee en Espagne et en Portugal jusqu'a l'annee 1500. Avec notices critiques et biographiques. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1902 Folio, boards, morocco back, uncut. Facsimiles. 979. HAGUE, ROYAL LIBRARY. Catalogus Librorum Saeeulo XY<> 1m pressorum, quotquot in Bibliotheca Regia Hagana asservantur. Editit Joh. Guil. Holtrop. Hagae-Comitum, M. Nijhoff, L856 8vo, half morocco, worn. 980. HAIN (LUDOVIC). Repertorium Bibliographicum . . . Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, L826 L838 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. With many manuscript notrs. 981. Indices Uberrimi, opera Conradi Burger. 8vo, half morocco, yellow edges, by Stikeman. Lipsia?, O. Harrassowit /., L891 982. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). The Famous Historie of the [ndies: Declar- ing the aduentures of the Spaniards, which haue conquered these Countries . . . Comprised into sundry Decads. Set forth first by Mr. Hackluyt, and DOT! published by L. M. Gent. The second Edition. London; 'Printed for Michael Sparke dwelling at the signe of the blue Bible in Green-Arbor, 1628. Small 4to, brown morocco, gilt tooling, by F. Bedford; title mended leaves extended on lower margin injuring some letters). Bookplate of Henry Stevens. 983. HALE VY (LUDOVIC). The Abbe Constantin. Illustrated Madame Madeleine Lemaire. London, 1888 Folio, half blue morocco. Plates. No. 37 of 250 copies. 984. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Etching & Etchers, llhistrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, Roberts Bros., 1876 93 us.-,. hamlkton (I'lfiLir OTLBBBT). Drawing & Engraving; A Brief Exposition of Technical Principles & I 'r.nt i<<-. i\'nu numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1 S!r_: 986. HAMILTON (('mint A.NTHONY). Fairy Tales and Romances. Trans- lated front the French by M. Lewis, II. T. Byde, and C, Kenney. London, n. d. I2ra0j half leather, uncut. "Portrait and plates. Bohn Extra Volume. its*. II ANDBUL'II dor Buchdruckerkunsl in Frankreich (Hasper), Carlsruhe, 1828; Collegium Curiosum Privatissimum Physiognom-Chiromant-Metoposcop Antbropologicum (Prsetorius), Frankfort, 171.'!; Uber den Ursprung der Sprache (Bleek), Weimar, 1868; and others. L3 vols., various sizes and bindings. 988. HANOVER KoNIGLICH 5FFENTLICHE BIBLIOTHEK. Xylo graphische und Typograpbische Incunabeln der Koniglichen offentliehen Bibliothek zu Hannover. Beschrieben von Eduard Bodemann . . . Folio, boards. Facsimiles. Hannover, Hahn, 1866 989. HANSARD (THOMAS CURSON). Typographic : An Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing; with practical directions for conducting every department in an office: with a description of Stereotype and Lithography. Illustrated by Engravings, Biographical notices, and Portraits. London, 1825 8vo, half morocco, by Stikeman. Portraits and illustrations. 990. Another copy. Half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. 991. HARING (JAN). Kabinet der Schrijfkunst door Jan Haring, Schoon- schrijver te Utrecht. Amsterdam, S. L. van Looy, n. d. Oblong folio, unbound in portfolio, uncut. Title from cover. 992. HARPEL (OSCAR H.). Harpel's Typograph; or, Book of Specimens, containing Useful Information, Suggestions and a Collection of Examples of Letterpress Job Printing . . . Cincinnati, 1870 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges. Title in colors, margins lined in colors; plates and illustrations, some in color. " Theo. L. DeVinne, from his obliged friend and -well-wisher, Oscar H. Harpel" in gilt on front cover. 993. HARPEL (OSCAR H., Editor). Poets and Poetry of Printerdom : a Collection of Original, Selected, and Fugitive Lyrics, Written by Persons Connected with Printing. Cincinnati, 1875 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Portraits. No. 194 of 600 copies printed. 994. HARPER (HENRY H.). A Journey in Southeastern Mexico; Narra- tive of experiences, and observations on agricultural and industrial conditions. New York, Printed Privately, 1910 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. Frontispiece etched by Bkknell. 995. HARPER'S WEEKLY. A Journal of Civilization. Illustrated with woodcuts. New York, 1859-81 19 vols. Folio, half leather. From 1862 to 1881 inclusive, (lacking 1S74 and L878) and with the addition of part of 1859. Presumed to be perfect, but not returnable. 996. HART (HORACE). Notes on a Century of Typography at the Uni- versity Press, Oxford, 1693-1794. With Annotations and Appendixes. Oxford, Printed at the University Press, 1900 Folio, boards, uncut. One of 150 copies. 997. II ARTE (BRET). A Waif of the Plains. Boston, 1890 First Edition. 16mo, cloth, red edges. 998. HARTE (BRET). Cressy. Boston, 1889 First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. 94 999. HAWKINS (RUSH C). Titles of the first books from the earliest presses established in different cities, towns, and monasteries in Europe, before the end of the fifteenth century, with brief notes upon their printers. ]\\u< trated with reproductions of early types and first engravings of the printing press. New York, J. W. Bouton. 1—7 4to. Facsimile*. Cloth, uncut. No. 2 of edition of 300 copies; with autograph inscription from General Hawkins. 1000. Another copy. No. 3. 1001. 11AWKWOOD (SIR JOHN). Sir John Hawkwood (L'Acuto). Story of a Condottiere, translated from the Italian of John Temple-Leader, & - Giuseppe Marcotti by Leader Scott. Florence 1889 8vo, cloth, uncut. Fron-tispieci , /dales. 1002. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Marble Faun, Or, The Romance of Monte Beni, illustrated with photogravures. Boston. L890 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1003. HECKETIIORN (CHARLES WILLIAM). The Printers of Basle In the XV. & XVI. Centuries: Their Biographies, Printed Books annd Devices. Folio, cloth, ancut. PUitis. facsimiles, etc. London,, l s :>7 1004. HEINECKEN (KARL IIKIXRICH von). Idee Generale d'une Col lection Complete' d 'Estampes. Avec une Dissertation sur I'origine 'I'- la Gravure & sur les premiers Livres d 'Images. Leipzig et Vienne, J. P. Kraus, 1771 8vo, old mottled calf, gilt tooling on back. Full size facsimile* of woodcuts from the linage Books. A highly esteemed work. Bookplate of the Bibliotheca Sobolewskiana. 1005. HEITZMANN (C). Microscopical Morphology of the Animal body in health and disease. With 380 original engravings. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, J. II. Vail & Co., 1883 1006. HELBIG (HENRI). Une Deeouverte pour l'Histoire de I 'Imprimerie. Le plus anciens caracteres de Gutenberg et ce qui en est advenu. — Albert Pfister Imprimeur a Bamberg. — La Bible de 36 lignes. 8vo, half morocco. Bruxelles, F. Eeussner, 1855 1007. Another copy. Half calf, uncut. 1008. HELBIG (HENRI). Notes et dissertations relatives a l'Histoire de 1 'Imprimerie. Bruxelles, I'. Eeussner, n. '1. 4to, half calf, uncut. Extract from the Bulletin du Bibliophile beige, \ 61. I s . Another copy. Half brown morocco. 1009. HELLER (JOSEPH). Geschiehte der Eolzschneidekunsl von den altesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwei Beilagen, enthaltend den Ursprung der Spielkarten und ein Verzeiehniss der sammtlichen xylographischen Werke. Bamberg, C. F. Kim/.. J B23 First Edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Plates. 1010. HENRIADE (LA), by Voltaire, Geneve, 1776; A Monograph on Privatclv printed Books (Tredwell), Brooklyn, 1881; The World's Christmas Hymn, N. Y., n. d.; and others. 22 vols., various sizes and bindings. 1011. HERBERT (GEORGE). Jaeula Prudentum. Or Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, &c. Selected By Mr. George Herbert, Late Orator of the Universitie of Cambridg. London, Printed by T. Maxey for T. Garthwait, 1651 First separate edition, L2mo, boards. Title within ornamental woodeui border; margins clipped, injuring some catch words: manuscripl notes on fly- leaf First published as part of "Wits Recreations, ' ' 1640, where it was entered under Herbert's initials only; this edition (1651) was the first issued separately; it was reissued with Herbert's "Bemains" in 1652 and later editions. 95 L012. HEBBEBT (ll. W.). Frank Forester's Fish and Pishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. . . New edition . . . together with A Treatise on Ply-Fishing liy "Minks."' Bvo, cloth. Illustrations. New Fork, W. A. Townsend, i k -",!i km::. HEBBEBT ill. w.,. The Morning Glory, a Gifl for all Seasons. New Fork, a. d. Il'mki, original leather, gill edges. Tith and plates engraved. mil. HEBBICB (BOBEBT). The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Edited by Allied Pollard with a Preface by A. C. Swinburne. London, Lawrence <.V Mullen, 1891 il Mils., L6mo, cloth, uncut. Plate. With appendix of Derrick's coarser epigrams laid in. 1015. Another copy of the Appendix. MUG. HERRING (RICHARD). Paper & Paper Making, Ancient and Modern. With an Introduction by the Rev. George Croly. London, 1855 First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Plates; specimen sheets of papers at end. 1017. Another copy. 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 1018. HESSELS (J. H.). Haarlem the Birth-Place of Printing, not Mentz. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1887 1019. HILDEBURN (CHARLES R,). Sketches of Printers and Printing in Colonial New Yoork. . . New York, 1895 Fiest Edition. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portraits. No. 25 of 375 copies. 1020. HINDLEY (CHARLES). The History of the Catnach Press, at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London. London, 1886 8vo, boards, uncut. Illustrations in text. No. 97 of 250 large paper copies, signed by Charles Hindley. HISPANIC SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS 1021. ACCOUNT of the Departure which the Most Serene Prince of Wales Made from the City of Madrid, on the ninth of September of the Present Year of 1623. (Colophon) : En Barcelona, en casa de Sebastian v Iayme Matevad. Ano. 1623. Reprinted New York, 1902 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Title in red and black. Translation followed by Spanish Text Printed in Facsimile from the Copy in the Library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1902. 1022. ARS MOBIENDI. Are Moriendi. [New York, The DeVinne Press, 1902] 4to, original paper covers, uncut; manuscript notes, in facsimile, by Ferdi- nand Columbus. One of 100 copies printed in facsimile at the DeVinne Press from the copy in the Columbine Library, in Seville by Archer M. Huntington, 1902. Presentation copy to Mr. DeVinne from Archer M. Huntington. 1023. BARAHONA DE SOTO (LUYS). Primera Parte de la Angelica de Lvys Barahona de Soto. . . Impresso en Granada en casa de Hugo de Mena, a costa de loan Diaz mercader de libros. Ano de. 1586. Reprinted, New Y T ork, 1904 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile for Archer M. Huntington, from the copy in his library, at the DeVinne Pre—, nineteen hundred and four. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 96 1024. BIAS CONTRA FORTUNA. hecho poi eoplas: por el marques de Satillana enderee,ado alduque dalua. (Colophon) Esta obra fue ymprimida. Seuilla por Stanislao polono. Afio d. M. y qnietos y dos afios. Reprinted, New York, 1902 8vo, parchment covers, uncut. Printed in facsimile al the DeVinne P from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington 1902. 1025. CAMOENS (LUISDE). Os Lvsiadas de Lvys de Camoes. Em Lisboa, Por Pedro Crasbeeck, An. 1626. Reprinted New Sork, L903 24mo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1026. CANCIONERO GENERAL NUEUAMETE ANAPIDO Otravez ym presso con adieion de muchas y muy escogidas obras . . . (Colophon) Toledo por Juan de villaquiran . . . de mil y quinientos y veynte Anos. Reprinted, New York, 1904 Folio, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile for Archer M. Huntington, from the copy in his library, at the DeVinne Pros. 1904. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1027. CANCIONERO LLAMADO VERGEL AMORES recopilado deloa mas excelentes poetas Castellanos assi antiguos como modernos: y con diligecia corregide. En Caragoc,a, por Steuan H. de Nagera. Ann. M.P.L.F. Reprinted, New York. 1 903 24mo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1028. CANERIO JANUENSIS (NICOLO DE). Marine "World Chart, 1502 (circa) ; by Nicolo de Canerio Januensis. Edited by Edward Luther Steven- son. Facsimile, issued under the joint auspices of The American Geographi- cal Society and The Hispanic Society of America. New York, 1907 Atlas folio; unbound plates in portfolio. 1029. CARTILLA PARA ENSENAR aler a los ninos. Con la doctrina Christiana que se canta, Amados hermanos . . . Pamplona, Mathias Ms Ano de M.DC.VI. Reprinted, New Fork, L902 8vo, parchment covers, uncut. Printed in facsimile at the DeVinne Press from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, 1902. 1030. CERYANTES SAAYEDRA (MIGUEL DE). El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Qvixote de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel do Ceruantes Saauedra . . . En Madrid, Por Iuan de la Cuesta, 1605-1615. [Reprinted, New York, 19— f J 2 vols., 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. One of 100 copies. Facsimile of the Genuine Fikst Edition 1031. CERYANTES SAAYEDRA (MIGUEL DE). El Ingonioso Hidalgo Don Qvixote de la Mancha. Compuesto por Miguel de Ceruantes Saauedra . . . En Madrid, Por Iuan de la Cuesta, Ano 1605. [Reprinted New York, 19-?] 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. 4th edition on back. One of 100 copies'. 1032. CTD (The). Cronica del famoso cavaliero Cid Ruydiez eampeador. New V«.rk, 1903 4'i(i. vellum, uncut. One of 200 copies. With presentation inscription from Mr. Huntington to Mr. DeVinne. 1033. CTD (The). Coronica del muy effor^ado y inuencible eauallero e al Cid ruy diaz eampeador delas Espanas. [Colophon:] . . . por Miguel de Eguia . . . de Toledo. Enel ano . . . mil v quinientos y veynte j L526; reprinted, New York, 1903 Folio, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at tin- DeVinne I' 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 97 L034. CID (The). Poem of the Cid, Text reprinted from the unique Manu- script al Madrid, with notes, by Archer M. Huntington. New ^'' ra enla muj noble y leal cibdad de Burgos n sxv, .lias del mea de mayo Ano de aueatra redempcion mil. cccc.xc.ix. Reprinted, New York, 1902 itu Fork, 1903 24rno, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne P 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1061. SEPULVEDA (LORENQO DE). Romances Nueuamente facados de historias antiguas de la cronieade Espafia compuestos por Lorenco de Sepul Anadiose el Romance de la conquista de la ciudad de Africa en Berueria, en el afio M.D.L. y otros diuersos, como por la Tabla parece. En Anvers, En casa de Iuan Streelsio, M.D.LI. Reprinted, New York, L903 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, a1 the DeVinne Press, 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1062. SUARES (VICENTE DE GUZMAN). Rimas Varias en alabanca del Nacimiento del Principe N. S. Don Balthazar Carlos Domingo. . . En o Porto, Por Iuan Roiz Ano de 1630. Reprinted, New Fork, 1902 8vo, parchment covers, uncut. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne I' .1902. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1063. TAMARIZ (NICOLAS). Cartilla, y lvz en la Verdadera Destreza, Sacada de los Escritos de D. Lvis Pacheco y Narvaez, y de Ins Autores que refiere. En Sevilla, por los Herederos de Thomas Lopez de Haro, Ano de 1696. Reprinted, New York, 1902 8vo, parchment covers, uncut. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1902. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1064. TIMONEDA (JUAN). Cancionero llamado Villete de Amor cdpuesto por Baptista Montidea. En el qual se contienen Canciones, Villancicos, y otras obras diuersas. . . Vende se en casa de Joan Timoneda, Mercador de libros. No place, no date. (Valencia, ca. 1495.) Reprinted, New Fork, 190.'l 8vo, parchment covers, uncut. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press. 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1065. TORRE (FRANCISCO DE LA). Obras del Bachiller Francisco de la Torre. En Madrid en la Imprenta del Reyno, A costa de Domingo Gonzalez, Ano de M.DC.XXXI. Reprinted, New Fork, L903 24mo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press. 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1066. TORRES (HIERONYMO). Conversion y Arrepentimiento muy deuoto para el pecador, y para qualquier a que se quisiere entrar en Religion. Com puesto por el P. Fr. Hieronymo Torres. . . En Barcelona, en la Enprenti Lorenco Du, Ano 1632. Reprinted, New York, 1903 24mo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1067. VEGA (LOPE FELIX DE). Kntremes de los Sordos. New Fork, 1903 4to, parchment covers, uncut. Reproduced in facsimile from the original Manuscript in the Library of Archer M. Huntington. Presentation copy from Mr. Huntington. 1068. VEGA (LOPE FELIX DE). Rimas de Lope de Vega Carpio. \"ia de nvevo anadidas. Con el nvevo Arte de hazer Comedias deste tiempo. En Madrid. Por Alonso Martin, Ano 1609. Reprinted, New York, L903 2 vols., square 18mo, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 101 1069. VEGA (LOPE FELIX DE). Bomancero Espiritval, para recreai :'ilni.i con I'ios. . . En Pamplona, [><>r Euan de Oteyza, Ann 1624. Reprinted, New Fork, L903 24mo, parchmenl covers, uncut. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in th<' Library of Archer M. Euntington, at the DeVinne Pi 1D03. Presentation copy from Archer M. Euntington. 1070. VENERIS TBIBUNAL [udovico BCriva eavallero ralenciano. M . i ».x X X \' 1 1. [Colophon] [mpressa en la uobilissima Ciudad de Venecia: alus doze dias del mes de April: del ano de auestra redempcion de M.D.XXXVII. per Aurelio pincio Venecia, no publico impn Reprinted, New Fork, L902 8vo, parchmenl covers, uncut. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Euntington, at the DeVinne I L902. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. L071. VERA Y ORDONES DE VILLAQUIRAN (DIEGO DE). Cancionero llamado Danea de Galanes, en el qual se contienen inumerables canciones para cantar, y baylar, con fus respuestar, y para desposoriis, y itros plazeres. Kecopilados por Diego de Vera. En Barcelona, Por Geronymo Margarit. . . Ano 1625. Reprinted, New York, 1903 s \u, vellum, uncut, with ties. This edition of 200 was printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, 1903. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1072. EISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA. (Constitution and by-laws.) 8vo, cloth, uncut. Plate, plans. New York, 1904 l(i73. HISTOIRE de L 'Invention de L'lmpriinerie par Les Monuments. Paris, De L 'Imprimerie Rue de Verneuil, 1840 Folio, half morocco. Illustrated. 1U74. HISTOIRE de l'Origine et des Premiers Progres de 1 'Imprimerie. A la Haye, 1740 4to, full old calf, with crowned arms on sides (worn). Engraved frontispiece. 1075. HISTOIRE du Comte Gerard de Nevers, Paris, 1827; Chansoms (Beranger), Paris, 1863; ffiuvres de Moliere, N. Y., n. d.; and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, various bindings. 1076. HITCHCOCK (FREDERICK H, Editor). The Building of a Book, a Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing. With an Introduction by Theodore L. DeVinne. New York, Grafton Press, [1906] L2mo, cloth, uncut. Plates. 1077. HODGKIN (JOHN ELIOT). Rariora: Being notes of some of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Historical Documents', Medals, Engravings, Pot- tery, etc., etc., collected (1858-1900) by John Eliot Hodgkin, F.S.A. London, n. d. 2 vols., 4to, buckram, uncut. Title within ornamental border: plates, fac- similes. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeVinne, 1903. 1078. HODGSON (THOMAS). An Essay on the Origin and Progress of Stereotype Printing; Including a Description of the various processes. Newcastle, 1820 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Tout & Sons. Title engraved; plates. One of 270 copies, autographed by the author. "To Mrs. D'Almaine. With Hodgson's Compliments," inscribed on fly-leaf. 1079. Another copy. Half calf, uncut, by Larkins. One of 270 copies, autographed by the author. 102 1080. HODSON (JAMES SHIRLEY). An Historical an.! Practical Guide to Art Illustration, in connection with Books, Periodicals, and general decora- tion . . . London, 8vOj cloth, uncut. Plates, some colored. 1081. HOE (RICHARD M.). The Literature of Printing. A Catalogue of the Library Illustrative of the History and Art of Typography, Chalcography and Lithography of Richard M. Hoe. London, Privately Printed al the Cnis wick Press, 1877. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Plate. 1082. Another copy. 1083. Another copy. Presentation copy from R. M. Hoe to T. L. DeVinne. Large Paper copy. 1084. HOE (RICHARD M.). Catalogue of the Library of Richard M. Hoe. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, Privately Printed, 187S L085. HOE (ROBERT). The Library of Robert Hoe: A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America, by O. A. Bierstadt. With 11" illus- trations taken from manuscripts and books in tin coUt ct ion. New York, Duprat & Co., 1895 8vo, cloth, uncut. One of 350 copies on Japan Paper. 1086. HOE (ROBERT). One Hundred and Seventy-six Historic and Artistic Book-Bindings dating from the Fifteenth Century to the present time, pictured by etchings, artotypes, and lithographs after the originals selected from the Library of Robert Hoe. New York, 1895 2 vols., folio, boards, levant morocco back, uncut. Facsimiles. One of 200 copies on Imperial Japanese Paper. 1087. HOFFMANN (E. T. A.). Wierd Tales by E. T. W. Hoffmann. A new translation from the German with a biographical memoir by J. T. Bealby. With 11 etchings by Ad. Lalause. New York, 1890 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portrait; plates. 1088. HOFFMAN (WALTER JAMES). The Graphic Art of the Eskimos. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1897 8vo, cloth, uncut. (United States National Museum. Annual Report for 1895, pages 739-968.) Plates, some folded. 1089. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). The Works of William Eogarth, In a Series of 150 Steel Engravings, by the first artists: With Descriptions and a comment on their moral tendency, by the Rev. John Trusler. To which are added, Anecdotes of the Author and his works, by J. Hogarth and .1. Nichols. London, [no date] 2 vols., 4to, cloth, gilt edges, worn. Several extra plates by Hogarth laid in. 1090. HOLBEIN (HANS). Icones Veteris Testamenti; Illustrations of the Old Testament, engraved on wood, from designs by Hans Holbein. London. W. Pickering, 1S30 12mo, calf antique. Woodcuts, with Scriptural verse in English, Latin, French, Italian and Spanish. Bookplate of C. W. Prederickson. 1091. HOLBEIN (HANS). L'Alphabet de la Mort de Hans Holbein. Entoure de bordures du XVIe si&cle ct suivi d'anciens poemes fran$ais but le sujet des trois mors et and Onimmi Edition.*. Edited by Dr. P. Lippmann. London, B. Quaritch, 1886 iiiiuo, boards, morocco back, uncut. L 095. HOLBEIN'S Dance of Death, London, 1S90; Monuments of the Barlj Printers (Quaritch), London, 1888; The New Republic (Mallock), X. V. Is7s ; and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. L096. BOLMES (OLIVER W.). The Poet at the Breakfast Tabic; The AniiMiat (if the Breakfast Table; The Professor at the Breakfast Table; Over the Teacups. Boston, 1893-1894 1 \uls., l2mo, half maroon morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Vauthain. River- side Edition. 1097. HOLTROP (J. W.). Thierry Martins d'Alost. Etude Biblio- graphique. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1867 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 1098. HOLTROP (J. W.). Monuments Typographiques des Pays-Bas au Quinzieme Siecle. Collection de fac-simile d'apres les originaux conserves a. la Bibliotheque Royalc ablea. I. (union, G. Soutledge .- < 1 1 • 1 - 5 vols., r< > \ :i J Bvo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations. 1121, Another copy. Cloth. l 122. iir<;<> (VKToin. The Novels of, iiujro, fully translated. Illustration}! by MM. LurOliricr Mcrson, ./. /•'. Hull ai'lli, (i. ,[ranniot, etc. New York, <;. II. Richmond & Co., oo date 31 parts, paper covers, uncut. No. 524 of 1000 copies, with name of rob BCriber, T. L. DeVinne, printed in first number. 1123. HUME (DAVID) and SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George the Second. A New Edition, with the Authors' last Corrections and Improvements. Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1841 A fine set. 1124. HUMPHREYS (ARTHUR L.). The Private Library: What we do know, What we don't know, What we ought to know about our books. New York, J. W. Bouton, 1897 8vo, cloth, uncut. Presentation copy from the publisher to T. L. DeVinne. 1125. HUMPHREYS (HENRY NOEL). The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing. London, Day and Son, 1855 4to, bound in black composition boards, leather back, gilt edges (worn). Plates, some colored. 1126. HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). A History of the Art of Printing . . . preceded by a short account of the Origin of the Alphabet. With 100 illustra- tions, produced in Photo-Lithography by Day 4' Son. Folio, half morocco, uncut, by Larkins. London, B. Quaritch, 1867 1127. HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). A History of the Art of Printing from its invention to its wide-spread development in the middle of the Sixteenth Century. . . Illustrated by 100 facsimiles in photolithography. . . Folio, half calf, by Stikeman. London, B. Quaritch, 1868 1128. HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). Masterpieces of the Early Printer & Engravers. A Series of Facsimiles from rare and curious books. . . London, H. Sotheran & Co., 1870 Folio, half calf, by Stikeman. Plates and facsimiles. 1129. HURD (RICHARD M.). Principles of City Land Arabics. Second edition. New York, The Record and Guide, 1905 8vo, buckram. Plates, plans. 1130. HURTADO DE MEXDOZA (DIEGO). Aventurea de Lazarille de Tormes ecrites par lui-meme. Gravures de A. Eobida. 24mo, levant morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris, P. Arnould [n. d. J 1131. HUTTON (LAURENCE, and ELEANOR). Their books of associa- tion; catalogued, compiled, and collated by M. E. Wood. New York, Privately printed, 1905 8vo. Illustrated. Boards with gilt lettering: "Affectionately Inscribed to the Many Good Friends With Whom We are Associated In Books;" uncut. No. 120 of an edition of 152 copies; with autograph inscription from Laurence Hutton to T. L. DeVinne. 106 1132. HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLIPHILI. The Dream of Poliphilus Facsimiles of one hundred and sixty-eight woodcuts in the "Hypnerotoma Poliphih," Venice, 1499. With an [ntroduetory Notice, and Descriptions to J - W ;. A PP el L L v . , [London I, 1889 Folio, buckram. Facsimiles. 1133. IMPRESSIONS MICROSCOPIQUES (Des), par Louis Mohr Paris 1879; Guide Pratique de l'lmposeur (Laynaud), Monteliniar, ]S9n : I., Li en Italie (Barbera), L907; and other pamphlets. 20 pieces. 1134. IMPRIMERIE EX CARACTERES. Contcnant dix-neuf planches. | No place, no date. I Folio, half leather. Title-page lacking; title t'n,m first leaf of text. //raved plates. With this is bound: Imprimerie en taille-douce, eontenant deux plane Last plate mended in margin. 1135. IMPRENTA REAL. Reglamento para la Direccion y Gobierno de (a Imprenta Real y Demas Ramos. Madrid,enla Misma [mprenta Real. L799 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges, bound by Carsi. 1136. IMPRIMERIE ROYALE. Specimen Typographique de I 'Imprimerie Royale. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1842 Folio, boards, worn. Stamp of Ministere de l'Interieur. 1137. INDIAN FABLES (Raju), London, 1901; Wessex Tales (Hardy), N. Y., n. d.; Dickens' Christmas Talcs, I vols.; and others. 2l aainly 12mo, cloth. 1138. INDIVIDUALISM (Donisthorpe), London, 18S9; The Growth of the English Nation (Coman), Meadville, 1894; Europe during the Middle (Hallam), London, n. d.; and others. 20 vols., mainly ll'nio, cloth. 1139. INITIALS AND MINIATURES of the IXth, Ml,, and Xltii Cen turies from the Mozarabic Manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos in thi British Museum. With Introduction by Archer M. Euntington. \Y\\ York, L904 Folio, cloth, uncut. Illustrations in color. One of 350 copies. Presentation copy from Archer M. Huntington. 1140. [IRELAND (WILLIAM EENRY).] Chalcographimania ; or. The Portrait-Collector and Printseller 's Chronicle, with Infatuations of every De- scription. A Humorous Poem. In Four Looks. With Copious Notes Explana- tory. By Satiricus Sculptor, Esq. London, 1814 First Edition. 8vo, half calf, uncut, by Larkins. Frontispiece. 1141. [IRELAXD (WILLIAM EENRY).] Scribbleomania ; Or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon. A Sublime Poem. Edited by Anser Pen-D On Esq. London, 8vo, half calf, uncut and unopened, by Larkins. First Edition. Choice copy. 1142. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The sketch-Hook of Geoffrey Crayon, Esq. New edition. London, 1834 2 vols., 24mo, morocco, gill edges. Plates. With 1 b plate of Josiah Spode. 1143. ISEGHEM (ANDRE F. van). Biographic de Thierry Mai d'Alost, Premier [mprimeur de la Belgique, suivie de la Bibliographic di Editions. Malines, P. J. Banicq, 1852 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman, original fronl paper cover hound in. Folded shed of facsimiles of Martens' types. 1144. 1SRALLS (JOZEF). Spain, The sinn of a Journe: H HI PI gravure Portrait and Thirty-nine Eeproductions of Drawings by th< I Trans, from the Dutch by Alexander Teixeira De Mattes. Imp. 8vo, (doth, uncut. 107 in;,. [YES (BRAYTON). [Facsimiles of leavee of Old Books in the library of Brayton [ves. Made bj Bierstadl to be used as illustrations of a lecture to be delivered bj Mr. [ves before the Grolier Club in No place, ao date Ho; facsimile plates in linen portfolio. Title taken from note in M'. I >eVinne 'a u nt ing, laid In. 1 1 16. Another copy. 1117. JACKSON (ANDREW). Life of Andrew Jackson. By James Parton. New Fork, 1860 :: vols., 8vo, polished calf, mottled edges. Portraits. First Edition. Ills. .JACKso.X (JOHN I'.AI'TIST). An Kss.-iy on the [nvention of En- graving and Printing in Chiaro Oscuro, as practised by Albert Durer, Hugo di Carpi, &c. And The Application of it to the Making Paper Hangings of 'I Duration, and Elegance, By Mr. Jackson, of Battersea. London, 17.", j 4to, contemporary red morocco, gilt tooling, uncut, in style of Roger Payne. With full-page colored plates and serrral jilntrs ins< rt< i 1201. KNIGHT (CHARLES). Sim, lows of the Old Booksellers. l2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1885 1202. KNIGHT (CHAELES). Charles Knight: A Sketch. By his Grand- daughter, Alice A. Clowes. London, 1892 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portraits. 1203. KOBELL (FRANZ VOX). Die Galvanographie, ebne Methode, gemalte Tuschbilder durch galvanische Kupferplatten im Drucke zu verviol- faltigen. Miinchen, 1842 tto, half morocco, uncut. Plates. 1204. KOENIG (FREDERIC). Frederic Koenig et 1 'Invention de la Presse MtVanique, par Theodore Goebel; Traduit de l'Allemand avec 1 'autorisation et I 'approbation de l'auteur, par Paul Schmidt. Paris, P. Schmidt, 1885 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Portrait of Koenig engraved by Huthstemer. 1205. Another copy. Half morocco. 1206. KOENIG (FRIEDRICH). Friedrich Koenig und die Erfindung der Schnellpresse. Ein biographisches Denkmal. Yon Theodor Goebel. Stuttgart, F. Krais, 1906 8vo, cloth. Facsimile; portraits; plates. Presentation copy from Theodor Goebel to T. L. DeVinne. 1207. Another copy. 1208. KONING (JACQUES). Dissertation sur l'Origine, 1 'Invention et If Perfectionnement de 1 'Imprimerie. Traduite du Hollandois. Amsterdam, S. Delaehaux, 1819 8vo, half morocco, red edges. With folded facsimiles of early printing. 1209. LABORDE (LEON E. S. J., Comte de). Debuts de l'lmprimerie a Mayence ct a Bamberg. Ou Description des 1 Lettres d 'Indulgence du Pape Nicolas V, Pro Regno Cypri, Imprimees en 1454. Paris, 1840 4to, boards, calf back. Facsimiles. 1210. Another copy. Half cloth. 1211. LaBORDE (LEON E. S. J., Comte de). Debuts de l'lmprimerie a St rasbourg, Ou, Recherches sur leg Travaux Mysterieux de Gutenberg dans cette Yille, et sur le Proces qui lui intente en 1439 a cette occasion. Paris, 1840 8vo, half calf, uncut. Plates and facsimiles. With specimen leaves from his " Ilistoire de la Decouverte de 1 'Impression et de son Application a la Gravure," inserted at end. 1212. Another copy. Boards, leather back. 1213. — — Another copy. Boards. 1214. LA BRUYERE (JEAN DE). Le3 Caracteres de Theophraste, Avec les Caracteres ou les Mceurs de ce Siecle, Par M. de La Bruyere. Nouvelle Kilition augmented de la Defense de M. de La Bruyere, & de ses Caracteres. Par M. Coste. Amsterdam, 1741 2 vols., 12mo, old calf. Bookplate of unidentified armorial bearings. 112 1215. LA BRUYERE (JEAN DE). The "Characters" of Jean de La Bruyere. Newly Rendered into J]nglish by Henri Van Laun; with an I duction, a Biographical Memoir and Notes; Illustrated with :i etchings by B. Damman and V. Foulquier. New York 188? 8vo, cloth, uncut. One of 500 copies printed. 1216. LA CAILLE (JEAN DE). Histoire de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, oti Ton voit son origine & son progres, jusqu'en 1689. DiviSfe'e en deux livres. First Edition. 4to, old calf (worn). Paris, J. de La Caille, 1689 1217. LACROIX, PAUL (and others). Le Livre d'Or des Metiers. Hifl toire de l'Imprimerie et des Arts et Professions qui se rattachent a la Typo- graphic . . . comprenant l'histoire des anciennes corporations et conlV . . . de la France, depuis leur fondation jusqu'a leur suppression en 1789. par Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob), Edouard Fournier et Ferdinand Sere\ Paris, Sere, 1852 4to, half calf. Frontispiece in colors, plates and facsimiles. With duplicate copy of last plate laid in. 1218. Another copy. Half morocco, uncut. Plates, sown colored, hound in at end. 1219. LA FAROE (JOHN). An Artist's Letters from Japan. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations. New York, 1897 1220. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). The Fables of La Fontaine. Trans lated into English Verse by Walter Thornbury. With Illustration* by Gustavi Vore. London, Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, n. d. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges. 1221. LA GIRONIERE (PAUL P. DE). Twenty Years in the Philippines. Translated from the French . . . revised and extended by the author, expressly for this edition. New York, 1854 12mo, cloth. 1222. LAIRE (FRANCOIS XAVIER). Specimen Historicum Typographic Romanae XV. Sagculi Opera et Studio P. Francisei Xaver. Laire Sequano- Burgundin familia minimorum S. T. Lectoris' Et Serenissimi Principis De Salm Salm Bibliothecarii. Roma? MDCCLXXVIII. Sumptibus Venantii Monaldini 12mo, boards. Title vignette engraved by C. Giordunof. 1223. LAKESIDE CLASSICS. Memorial American Speeches. 4 vols.; Reminiscences of Chicago. 4 vols.; Life of Black Hawk; Fruits of Solitude (Penn) ; and others. Frontispieces. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, v. d. 18 vols., 12mo, cloth. Some duplicates. 1224. LALANNE (LUDOVIC). Curiosites Bibliographiques. Paris, l v -"7 12mo, cloth, morocco back, uncut, original paper covers bound in. 1225. LA MARCHE (OLIVER DE). Le Chevalier Delibere. The Illustra- tions of the edition of Schiedam reproduced, with a preface by P. Lippmann, and a reprint of the text. London, the Bibliographical Society, l s i ,s 4to, half morocco, uncut. Facsimiles. 1226. LAMB (CHARLES). Prince Poms. With 9 illustration* fo faosmile (liand-coloured) . London, 1889 Small 4to, boards, uncut. No. 332 of 500 copies printed. The type and illustration of this edition follow as closely as possible the original edition of 1811. 1227. LAMBINET (P.). Recherches Historiquea, Litteraires et Critiques, sur 1 'Origine de l'Imprimerie; Particulierement Sui ses premiers gtabliasemener, au XVme. siecle. Ornees des portraits < / des ecussons des premu rs Imp rimt urs beiges. Bruxelles, E. Plon, An \11 | L799] 8vo, boards, roan back, uncut. 113 1228. LAMBOBN (BOBEBT ll. >. Mexican Painting and Painters. A Brief Sketch of the Developmenl of the Spanish School of Painting in \L New York, L801 ito, white c-lntii, uncut. No. 206 of ■" l| " copies. Presentation copy to T. L. DeVinne Prom the author, Nov. 20, 1893. elates. 1229. LANCIAN] (BODOLFO). Ancient Rome in the Light of recent Dis- coveries. With 100 illustrations. Boston. 8vo, cloth. Plates. 1230. LANG (ANDBEW). Aucassin & Nicolete, Hone into English by Andrew Lang. London, [Printed by the Chiswieh Press] 1887 Kikxt Edition. 16mo, full blue levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt top, uncut. By R. W. Smith, finished by F. Mansell; with original papers co liouml in. Etched title. One of 550 copies on Japanese paper. L231. LANG (ANDREW). Euterpe: Being the Second Book of the Famous History of Eerodotus. Englished by B. R. 1584. Editerl by Andrew Lang London. I). Nutt, First Edition - . 12mo, half levant morocco, by Stikemah. Plate. Limited to 550 copies. 1232. LANGLAND (WILLIAM). The Vision and the Treed of I Ploughman newly imprinted. London, W. Pickering. l x L.' 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Folded plate, colored. 1233. LANGSTON (JOHN). Lusus Poeticus Latino-Anglicanus. In usum Scholarum. Or The more eminent sayings of the Latin Poets Collected; and for the service of Youth in that Ancient exercise, commonly called Capping of Verses, Alphabetically digested; and for the greater benefit of young beginners in the Latin Tongue, rendred into English. By John Langston . . . London, Printed for Henry Eversden, 1675 Small 8vo, old calf. Signature of John Varney on title-page. 1234. LANIER (SIDNEY). Shakspere and his Forerunners: Studies in Elizabethan Poetry and its Development from Early English. New York, 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portraits of Shakespeare; and facsimiles. 1235. LA PREMIERE PRESSE A PARIS. [Paris, Chamerot et Renouard, 1898?] 4to, paper covers, uncut. Extract from La Tvpologie-Tucker et Circulaire Caslon. Vol. VII, nos. 339-342, 1898. One of 100 copies. 1236. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (FRANCOIS, Duke de). Maximes et Re- flexions Morales du Due de La Rochefoucauld. Panne, L'Imprimerie Bodoni. I s 11 Folio, half levant morocco, uncut. Beautifully printed. 1237. LASTEYRIE DU SAILLANT (CHARLES PHILIBERT, Compte de). 'typographic economique, ou 1 'art de l'imprimerie mis a la portee de tous, et applicable aux differens besoins sociaux. 'ouvrage compose et imprime par 'le 'ce 'c. 'p. de 'last eyrie, 'paris. 'chez l'auteur, 1837. 8vo, morocco, uncut. Printed entirely in lower case type. Plates, portrait of Tissot, engraved by Blanehard, Junior, inserted. 1238. LATHAM (R. G.). The English Language. London. 1855 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Signature of Alexr. J. Ellis on title-] Fourth edition, enlarged. 1239. LATHROP (GEORGE PARSONS). Dreams and Days, Poems. 8vo, boards, leather back, uncut. New Vork, 1892 1240. LATOUCIIE (JOHN). Travels in Portugal. With illustrations h>i the Eiaht Eon. T. S. Estcourt. London, n. d. 8vo, cloth. 114 1241. LAXDAELA SAGA. The Story of the Laxdalers done into English by Kobert Proctor. London, Chiswich Preset, 1903 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Map of tin country of tJu Laxdaela Saga on second leaf. The Laxdaela Saga is one of the great Historical Sagas of Iceland. 1242. LAYS OF ROME (Macaulay), London, 1847; Milton's Poetical Works, 3 vols. London, 1852; Heine's Book of Songs, N. Y., 1887; and others. Square 8vo and smaller, all in bindings. 1243. LE BRUN (PIERRE). Histoire Critique des Pratiques Supei 1ieuses, Qui out seduit les Peuples, & embarrasse les Savans. Avec J. a Methode et les Principes pour discerner les effets uaturels d'avec ceux qui ne le sont pas. Nouvelle edition augmented. Paris, Poirion, L750 12mo, 4 vols., old mottled calf, red edges. Frontispiece vol. 1, engraved by C. B. Cochin. 1244. LECERF (JULIEN). Guide Pratique du Conseiller PrudTiomme, suivi d'une Codification complete de tous les articles des lois el den,! vigueur concernant 1 'Institution des (Jonseils de Prud '1 mes. Rouen, lss'.i 12mo, half morocco. 1245. LECHI (LUIGI). Delia Tipografia Bresciana nel Secolo Dedmo- quinto, Memorie di Luigi Lechi Presidente dell' Ateneo di Brescia. Brescia, Tipografia Venturini, 1854 4to, half calf, uncut, by Stikeman. Original paper covers bound in at end. Plates. 1246. LEE PRIORY PRESS. A Brief Statement of the Dispute between the Printers of the Lee Priory Press: Chiefly explained by documents of the late Earl Stanhope, Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Bart., the Creditors, John Warwick and John Johnson. Dedicated to the Creditors. London, John Johnson, 1818 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lined margins, printed on one side of leaf only. 1247. LEFEYRE (THEOTISTE). Guide Pratique du Compositeur d'lni- primerie. Paris, F. Didot Freres, 1855 72 2 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates, sown folded, showing specimens of engravings, etc. 1248. Another copy. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. 1249. LEFORESTIER (J.). Manuel Pratique et Bibliographique du Cor- recteur. Paris, Quant in, 1890 12mo, half morocco. Frontispiece engraved by Rousseau. 1250. LELAXD (CHARLES GODFREY). Hans Breitmann's Party. With Other Ballads. New and Enlarged edition. Philadelphia, [1869] 8vo, half morocco, red edges. 1251. LELAND (CHARLES GODFREY). Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. Illustrated by numerous incantations, specimens of medical magi , anecdotes and tales by C. G. Leland. Copiously illustrated by the author. Imp. Svo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1891 1252. LELAND (CHARLES GODFREY). Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition. Profusely illustrate!. New Fork, 1892 Imp. Svo, cloth, uncut. 1253. LEMOINE (HENRY). Typographical Antiquities. Eistory, Origin, and Progress, of the Art of Printing . . . with chronological Lists ,,f Eminent Printers In England, Scotland, and Ireland . . . also a . . . history of the Walpolean Press, Established at Strawberry Mill. London. L797 16mo, half morocco. 1254. LEMONNYER (J.). Pes Journaux de Paris pendant I. a Commune. Revue Bibliographique complete de la Presse Parisienne du 19 Mar- an 27 Mai. avec P'lndication detaillee des Titres, Sous-titres, Devises, Formats . . . etc. et une table alphab6tique donnanl le prix-couranl de chaque collection. SvoThalf calf, uncut. Paris, J. Lemonnyer [1871] 115 ii'.-.:.. LENOX (JAMES). Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York, and the formation of his Library. By Henry Stevens of Vermont. London, i* v '"> L2mo, boards, uncut. Portraits. "Prom W. [rving Way" inscribed on fly leaf. L256. LE8NE (MATHURIN MARIE). La Beliure, Poeme Didactique en six chants; PrecfidG d'une Ld6e analytique de eel art, suivi de notes I el critiques, e1 d'un Memoire soumis a la Society d 'Encouragement, .- ■ in-: qu'an Jury d 'exposition de 1819, relatif a des moyens de perfectionnement, proprea k retarde le renouvellemenl des reliures. Paris, Lesn6, 1820 8vo, boards, morocco back, uncut. Copyrighl notice signed in autograph by Lesne. 1257. L 'ESTRANGE (SIR ROGER). Considerations and Proposals [n Order to the Regulation of the Press: Together with Diverse Instances of Treasonous, and Seditious Pamphlets, Proving the Necessity thereof. By Roger L 'Estrange. London, Printed by A. C. .June 3d., 1663 ltd, half morocco. L'Estrange was for some years Licenser of the I' A book opposed to the liberty of the press, and giving "Instances of Treason- ous and Seditious Pamphlets." The author claims that neither the printers nor the stationers are fit to be entrusted with the care of the press. (Sec under " Liberty of the Press" for other pieces.) L258. LETTERS of Brunswick and Hessian Officers during the American Revolution. Translated by William L. Stone. (Assisted by August Iluiul.) Albany, J. MunseU's Sons 1891 Square 8vo, original boards, uncut. Portrait. 1259. LEVY (ARMAND). Proces des Ouvriers Typographies. Appendiee: ,1a Question Typographique. Paris, 1862 First Edition. 4to, boards, roan back. 1260. LHOTE (AMEDEE). Histoire de I'Imprimerie a Chalons sur-Marne. Notices Biographiques et Bibliographiques sur les [mprimeurs, Libraires, Relieurs et Lithographes (1488-1894) avec Marques Typographiques ei Illustra- tions. Chalons-sur-Marne, Martin Freres, 1894 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery, with original paper covers bound in. Title in red and black, frontispiect facsvmih page from an old manuscript in colors, plates, facsimiles, some folded. No. 03 of 200 copies, autographed by the author. L261. LIBER REGUM. Liber Regum; Nach dem in dor K.K. Dniversitats- Bibliothek zu Innsbruck befindlichen Exemplare zum ersten Male heraus^ ben, mit einer historisch-kritischen und bibliographischen Einleitung und Erlauterung, von Dr. Rudolf Ilochegger. Mit 20 Facsimile-Tafeln. Leipzig, O. Harrassowitz, l v !»2 Folio, cloth, uncut, with original paper covers bound in. 1262 LIBER SCRIPTORUM. The First Book of the Authors Club. Liber Scriptorum. New York. Authors Club. 1-93 4to, brown straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut. Office copy for the DeVinne Press (in addition to 251 numbered copies). Each article is signed IX MAM'SCKllTT WITH THE AUTHOR'S NAME. 1263. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Seasonable Memorial in some Bistorical Notes upon the Liberties of the Presse and Pulpit: With the Effects of Popular Petitions, Tumults, Associations, Impostures, and Disaffected Common Councils. To all Good Subjects and True Protestants. London, Printed for Henry Bromi . Small ltd. half morocco. With slip of Errata pasted on verso of E4. 1264 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Reasons Humbly Offered for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing. To which is Subjoin 'd, The Just and True Character of Edmund Bohun, The Licenser of the Press. In a Letter from a Gentleman in the Country, to a Member of Parliament. 4to, half morocco. London, Printed in the Year M D< -V TIL 116 1265. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. A Letter to a Member of Parliament, Shewing, that a Restraint On the Press Is inconsistent with the Prob Religion, and dangerous to the Liberties of the Nation. London: Printed by J. Darby, and sold by Andr. Bell at the Cross-Kevs and Bible in Cornhil MDCXCVIII. Small 4to, half morocco. 1266. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Faithful Report of a Genuine Debate concerning the Liberty of the Press, Addressed to A Candidate at the ei Election. . . London, I'rint.d for .1. Roberts, MDCCXL. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. 1267. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS, [mportance of the Liberty of the Pn Shewing, how greatly it affects all Degrees of Men, as well with respeel to Religion, as Private Property and National Liberty. Being Six Papers, pub- lish 'd in the Old England, began November 28, 1747; and now reprinted. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, Printed for M. Cooper, L748 1268. LICHTENBERGER (J01IANN FRIEDRICH). [nitia Typographic niustravit To. Frid. Lichtenberger. . . Argentorati, Sumptibus Bibliopolii Sociorum, Treuttel e1 Wiirtz, 1811 4to, half morocco. 1269. Another copy. Boards, roan back. 1270. LICHTENBERGER (JOIIANN FRIEDRICH). Eistoire de I'lnven- tion de l'Imprimerie pour servir de defense a la Ville de Strasbourg contn pretentions de Harlem. . . Avec une Preface de M. J. G. Schweighaeuser. Accompagnee d'un portrait de Guteubeig e1 de huit planches originales gri sur bois. Strasbourg, J. 11. Heitz; Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1825 8vo, half calf, uncut. Frontispiece portrait of Ghitenbi rg. Woodcuts showing specimens of early type at end. Original paper covers bound in. 1271. Another copy. Boards, morocco back. 1272. L'IMPRIMERIE et la Librairie Centrales des Chemins de Per. [Paris, A. Chaix et Cie, n. d.] Imp. 8vo, half morocco, by Stikeman. Title-page lacking, title from halt -title. Plates. 1273. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Abraham Lincoln. A History. By J. G. Nicolay and John Hay. New York, 1890 10 vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. With purl,. maps, etc. 1274. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Selections from the works of Abraham Lincoln. A souvenir of the Seventh Annual Lincoln Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York, at Delmonico 's, February 11, 1893. 16mo, vellum, uncut. Portraits. New York, Compiled by the Committee, l v '-'.': 1275. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Complete works. Edited by Nicolay and Hay. Not Fork, 1894 2 vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 1276. LINDE (ANTONIUS VAN DER). The Haarlem Legend of the In vention of Printing by Lourens Janszoon Coster, critically examined bj Dr. V. Van Der Linde. From the Dutch by J. II. Hessels, with an introduction, ami a classified list of the Costerian Incunabula. 1. on. Ion. 1^71 8vo, half morocco, red edges. Genealogical table. 1277. LTNDE (ANTONIUS VAN DER). Gesehichte der Erfindung Buchdruckkunst. Berlin, A. Asher & Co., L886 3 vols., 4to, half levant morocco, uncut. Portraits . DeVinne; with five proof prints on China paper, engraved by W. .1. Linton, laid in. 1279. LINTON (W. J.). Thirty Pictures by deceased British Artists; en- graved expressly for the Ait Union of London, l>y W. J. Linton. I860 Polio, cloth. Plates. Presentation copy from \v. J. Linton and 8. P. Avery to T. L. DeVinne. 1280. LINTON (W. J.). The History of Woo. I Engraving in America. Boston, 1882 First Edition. 4to, cloth, leather back. Plates and illustrations. One of 1,000 copies, autographed by the author. 1281. l.INTON (W. J.). The Masters of Wood-Engraving. New Haven, the Author, London, B. P. Steven-. Atlas folio, cloth, uncut. Colored frontispiect : facsimiles; folded plati in pocTct i at end of book. One of 100 copies on Large Paper, signed by the author. 1282. LINTON (W. J.). Four pamphlets by W. J. Linton, author and artist. Darwin's Probabilities; Darwiniads; Times and Seasons; A Christmas Carol. Hamden, Conn., 1892-1S95 8vo, 16mo and 24mo. Paper covers. Vignettes. Privately printed at the Appledore Press. Three of the pamphlets have presentation inscriptions by Linton. 1283. LINTON (W. J.). Three score and Ten Years. 1820 to 1890. Recol- lections, by W. J. Linton. New York. 1894 Svo, cloth, uncut. Frontispiece portrait of the author. 1284. LINTON (W. J.). Love-Lore and Other Early and Late Poems'. Hamden, Conn., Appledore Press, 1895 ' Svo, cloth, gilt edges. No. 6 of 100 copies printed. 1285. LIPPMANN (FRIEDRICH). The Art of Wood-Engraving in Italy in the Fifteenth Century. English Edition, with extensive corrections and additions . . . London, 1888 4to. boards, leather back, uncut. Title within ornamental border and plates. 1286. LISBON NATIONAL PRESS. Volumes printed for presentation to Theodore L. DeVinne, with leaf of printed inscription. As follows: 1. A Lyrica de Anacreonte vertida por Antonio Feliciano de Castilho. 1891. 2. As' Georgicas de Virgilio Transladadas a Portuguez por Antonio Feliciano de Castilho. 1892. 2 cops. 3. Entalhos E Camafeos (1874-1894) por Jose de Sousa Monteiro. 1895. 4 vols., 32mo, original boards, uncut. Printed on China paper. 1287. LLOYD (LODOWICK). The Pilgrimage of Princes. Newly pub- lished; by Lodowicke Lloid Esquire, one of her Maiesties Sergeants at Armes. [Printer's device.] London: Printed by W. White, 1607 First Edition. Small 4to, pigskin. Dddl and Ddd2 lacking (probably Index) ; Ccc4 backed and mended. 1288. LOCKER (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. N. Y., Printed for the Book Fellow's Club, 1883 12nio, cloth, uncut. Portrait and woodcut vignettes. 1289. Another copy. One of 104 copies'. 1290. LOFTIE (W. J.). Kensington: Picturesque & Historical. With up- wards of 300 illustrations (some in colours) bu William Luker. London, Field and Tuer, 1888 First Edition. Royal 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from And. W. Tuer. 1291. LOFTIE (W. J.). London City: Its History— Streets— Traffic- Buildings — People. By W. J. Loftie, illustrated by W. Luker. Jr. [London City Suburbs as thev are to-day, by Percy Fitzgerald, illustrated by W. Luker, Jr.) "London. Leadenhall Press. 1S91-1S93 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. Plates. Large paper copies. 118 FIFTH SESSION LOTS 1292-1612 1292. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Kavanagh, a Tale. Boston, Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1849 First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. 1293. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). Prose Works. Boston, 1857 2 vols., 24mo, cloth, gilt edges. Portrait. First collected edition. 1294. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Works of Eenrj Wadsworth Longfellow. Illustrated. Boston, 1879- [83] 3 vols., folio, full morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. Portraits, illustrai 1295. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Song f Hiawatha. with illustrations from designs by Frederic Remington. ' Boston, 1891 8vo, leather, uncut. 1296. LONDON COMPANY OF STATIONERS. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London. Edited by Edward Arbor. London, Privately printed, 1 ^ 7 ~ - 7 7 4 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. "This copy is the property of William Chappell" printed on title of vols. 1 and 4, name of J. Payne Collier on title of vols. 2 and 3. Limited edition. Signed by E. Arber. 1297. LONDON GAZETTE. The London Gazette. Number 2894, 2910, 2926, 3001, 3763(?), for Aug. 3-7, 1693, Sept. 28-Oet. 2, 1693, Nov. 23 27, L693, Aug. 13-16, 1694, and Dec. 1-4, 1701. London, 1693-1701 5 numbers, bound together; half morocco. Xo. 3763 cropped at upper and lower margins, injuring some words. 1298. LONDON LYRICS (Locker), N. Y. 1883; Love Songs (De Vere), N. Y. 1870; Ballads and Barrack Room Ballads (Kipling), N. V. 1892, and others. 20 vols., various sizes, mainly cloth. 1299. LONGUS. Daphnis et Chloe; Traduction d'Amyotj Preefidee d'une Preface par Alexandre Dumas fils. Londres, 1^7^ 16mo, full light levant morocco, gilt tooling, doublures of green levant morocco, gilt tooling, green silk fly-leaves, gill edges, bound by K. W. Smith, finished by F. Mansell. Title and text in blue and red type, with added title on vellum bound in at end; colophon autographed by Louys Glady; printed at the Chiswick Press. No. 57 of 333 copies, being one of 25 copies on Chinese paper. 1300. LOOSJES (VINCENT). Gedenkschriften wegens net Vierde Eeuwgi tijde van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster, van Stadswege Gevierd te Haarlem den 10 en 11 Juliy 1823; Bijeenverzameld door Vincent Loosjes. Haarlem. V. 1 sjes 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Title vignette, portrait and plates, engra Folded plan, colored. 1301. LORCK (CARL B.). Die Drm-kkunst and der Buchhandel in Leipzig durch Vier Jahrhunderte. . . Leipzig, J. .1. Weber, L879 8vo, cloth, red edges. Title in red and black. 1302. LORILLKUX (CH., Fils aim'). Specimen des couleura broyeea de Ch. Lorilleux, fils aine, ehromo-lithographie. Couleurs Beches. Paris, n. d 12mo, unbound sheets in portfolio. Cover title. 119 1303. LOT] (PIERRE). Madame Chrysanthdme, Translated by Laura Elisor. /( ith Design* by Rossi and Myrbach, Reproduced by GuUlatitnt I Paris, E. Guillaume el I He., 1889 8vo, half morocco, uncut. No. 162 of louu copies. Original paper co bound in. L304. LOUBAT (J. P.). The Medallic Bistory of the United States of America, 1776 1876. With 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart. New Fork, The Author, l^7s 2 vols.. Polio, cloth, uncut. Presentation copy t<> T. L. DeVinne from the author. L305. LOUVET DE COUVRAY (JEAN BAPTI8TE). Lee Amours du Chevalier de Faublas. Nbuvelle fidition, precedee de Considerations sur li et les ouvrages de J.-B. Louvet. OrnSe 378 II vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. 1308. LUCE (L.). Essai d'une Nouvelle Typographic, Ornee de Vignel Fleurons (etc.) inventes, dessines & executes par L. Luce, Graveur du Eoi. . . (to, old calf, red edges. Folded plates. Paris, J. Barbou, 1771 1309. LUCIAN. Certaine select Dialogues of Lucian: Together with His True Historie, Translated from the Greek into English By Mr. Francis Eiekes. Whereunto is added the life of Lucian gathered out of his owne writings . . . by T. H. Mr of Arts Christ-Church in Oxford. Oxford, Printed by William Turner. 1634 4to, contemporary calf, last leaf blank and genuine. Scarce. 1310. LUCIAN. Lucian of Samosata. From the Greek. With the com- ments and illustrations of Wieland and others. By William Tooke. . . London. 1-20 2 vols., 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Tout. Portrait of Toole engraved by J. Collyer. 1311. LUCIAN. Dialogues des Courtisanes; Traduction et notices par A. J. Pons; Illustrations par H. Scott it F. MSdulle, in color. Paris, A. Quantin, 1881 LUino, full red levant morocco, gilt tooling, with small oval inlays of green morocco at corners and back, gilt edges, by Emile Rousselle. 1312. LUCIAN. L'Ane; Traduction de Paul Louis Courier. Paris, Quantin, 1S87 24mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges, by Pagnant. Plates and vignettes colored by hand. 1313. LUCILLE (Meredith). Boston, 1868; Where Beauty Is (Johnson). Brunswick, Maine, 1898; Poems of Fitz-Greene Halleck, X. Y. 1^7.": and others. 2d vols., various sizes and bindings. 1314. [LUCKOMBE (PHILIP).] A Concise History of the Origin and Progress of Printing; with Practical Instructions to the Trade in General. Compiled from those who have wrote on this curious art. London, W. Adlard and J. Browne. 1770 8vo, half calf, mottled edges. With frontispiea portrait, supposed to be of Gutenberg, but really om of Roster, Published anonymously: another edition, published the next year, under Luckombe's name, has title: The History and Art of Printing, the text being identical, and only the title rhanged. 120 1315. LUCKOMBE (PHHJP). The History and Art of Printing. In Two p a i- ts. . . London, W. Adlard and J. Browne, for J. Johnson, 177] 8vo, calf. Frontispiece, called a portrait of Gutenberg, but th, supposed portraits of Koster. 1316. MABERLY (J.). The Print Collector, an Introduction to the knowl- edge necessary for forming a collection of ancient [Hints. . . With an Appendix containing Fielding's Treatise on the Practice of engraving. Edited with notes, an account of Contemporary etching and etchers, and a Bibliography of engraving, by Robert Hoe, Jr. \Yu York, 1880 4to, half morocco, uncut. LARGE PAPEE EDITION, one of 50 copies. 1317. MABIE (HAMILTON WEIGHT). Backgrounds of Literature. I trated. New Y,, r k, 1903 4to, half vellum, uncut. One of 125 copies, signed by the author. 1318. McCREERY (JOHN). The Press, A Poem. Published as a specimen of Typography. Both parts. Liverpool, J. McCreery, L803-1827 2 vols., 4to, half calf, and boards: Part 2, uncut. Titlt vignette, plat,, illustrations. Part 2 published at London, 1827. "A. W. 1804 A present from Mr. Roscoe of Liverpool" [to whom the poem is dedicated] inscribed on flyleaf of Part 1. "Mr. Blackwood with Compts From the Author" inscribed on fly deaf of Part 2. 1319. Another copy. 2 parts bound in 1 volume. 4to, cloth, roan back, uncut. Note at foot of title says thai ''The publishing of this book gave Mr. McCreery such a reputation as a good printer, that he was Benl for from London and placed at the head of the Craft. ' ' 1320. McCULLOUGH (HUGH, Jr.) The Quest of Heracles and other Poems. Cambridge, I s '-' 1 12mo, original vellum, uncut. One of 60 copies. On Large Paper. 1321. MACFARLANE (JOHN). Antoine Verard. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1900 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates. 1322. MACGEORGE (ANDREW), old Glasgow: The Place and the People. From the Roman occupation to the Eighteenth Century. Glasgow, Blackie and Son, 1880 Polio, cloth, morocco ba«fc, uncut. Flutes. Special Larue PAPER Copy. L323. MACHIAVELLI (NICCOLO). Lasino Doro Pi Nicolo Macchiavelli, Con Tutte Laltre Sue Operette. La contenenza delle quali hauerai nella seguente facciata. [Woodcut.] '" Roma, Small 8vo, old vellum, rebacked. 1324. MACHIAVELLI (N1CCOLO). Le Prince de Nicolas Machiavel, Secre taire & Citoien De Florence. Traduit ,V. Comments par A. \. Amelot, Sieur de la Houssaie. A Amsterdam, L683 16"mo, calf. Frontispiece portrait of Machuirelli. 1325. MACHIAVELLI (NICCOLO). The Life and Times of Niccolo Machiavelli, by Pasquale Villari, translated by Madame Linda Villari. A New edition (Augmented by the author. Revised by the translator). I trated. London, T. Fisher Dnwin, 1892 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf-. 1326. McKERROW (R. P.. Editor). A Dictionary of Printers and Book sellers in England, Scotland and [reland, and of Foreign Printers oi Books 1557-1640. By IP G. Aldis (and others). General editor: R. B. Mc- Kerrow. ' P.m. Ion. Bibliographical Bociety, 1910 Square 8vo, paper covers, uncut. 121 1327. McKERRCW (RONALD B.). Printers' & Publishers' Devices in England & Beotland I 185 1640. London. Printed for the Bibliographical Society al the Chiswick Press, L013 Ho, boards, linen back, uncut. 1328. MACLISE (DANIEL). The Story of The Norman Conquesl [pictured] by Daniel Maclise, B.A. London, 1866 Oblong 8vo, cloth, loose. -' plates engraved by /. Gruner. 1329. McNAUQHTON (J. II. I. Onnalinda; A Romance. Illustrated. London, 1 VS6 tto, full olive morocco, gilt tooling, gill edges. Plates, drawn by W. T. Smedley, on rice paper; head-pieces. Large Paper. One of ill copies. 1330. MADAN (FALCONER). A Chart of Oxford Printing '1468'-1900. With Notes and Illustrations. Oxford, The Bibliographical Society, 1904 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates, some folded. 1331. MADDEN (J. P. A.). Lettres d'un Bibliographe. [Serie 1-6, with atlas.] Versailles, K. Aubert, 1SHS-1S8*! 7 vols., 8vo and folio, half morocco, uncut, by B. W. Smith. Facsimiles, plates, tables. Vols. 1-4 published anonymously; Vols. 4-6 published by E. Leroux, Paris; the atlas contains the plates, etc., for Vols. 5-6. 1332. MAFFEt (COUNT). Brigand life in Italy: a history of Bourbonist reaction. London, L865 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bookplate of Edward Wilmington. 1333. MAGINN (WILLIAM). Miscellanies: Prose and Verse. Edited by R. W. Montagu. London, 1885 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. 1334. MAHONY (REV. FRANCIS). The Reliques of Father Prout . . . collected and arranged by Oliver Yorke, Esq. (Rev. Francis Mahony). Illus- trated bit Alfred Croguis, Esq. (D. Maclise, R.A.). New edition. 12 mo, cloth. London, 1866 1335. MAILLARD (FIRMIN). Histoire anecdotique et critique de la Presse Parisienne. 2e et 3e annees. 1857 et 185S. Revue des Journaux de l'Annee. Paris, 1859 12mo, half calf, uncut, by Larkins. 1336. MAILLARD (FIRMIN). Histoire des Journaux publies a Paris pendant le Siege et sous la Commune. 4 septembre 1870 an 28 mai 1871. First Edition. 12mo, half calf, uncut, by Larkins. Paris, E. Dentu, 1871 1337. MAILLARD (FIRMIN). Les Publications de la Rue pendant le Siege et la Commune. Satires — Canards — Complaintes — Chansons — Placards et Pamphlets. Bibliographic Pittoresque et Anecdotique. Paris, 1^74 12mo, half red levant morocco, uncut. 1338. MAIOLICA (Fortnum), London, n. d. ; L'Art Japonais (Gonse), Paris, n. d. ; Le Livre (Bouchot), Paris, n. d., ami others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 1339. MAITTAIRE (MICHAEL). Historia Typographorum Aliquot Paris- iensium. Vitas et Libros eomplectens. Londini, C. Bateman, 1717 2 vols, in one: 4to, half calf, size of leaf: S% x5%." With plates showing printer's devices. Large Paper copies are scarce. Clean and in good con- dition, with wide margins. 1340. MAITTAIRE (MICHAEL). Annates Typographic! ab Artis [nventae Origine ad Annum M.D.LVI1. Hagse-Comitum, 1719 First Edition. 3 vols, in four, 4to, full vellum. Portraits, by Houbraken and Coster. Fine copy. 122 1341. MALLINCKRODT (BERNARD von). De Ortu Ac Progresso Artis Typographieae Dissertatio Historica, in qua Praetor alia pleraque Ad Calco graphices Negocium Speetantia de Auctoribus et Loco inuentionifl pracipud inquiritur, Proque Moguntinis Contra Harlemenses concluditur: A Bernardo A Mallinkrot Decano Monasteriensi ac C. Mindensi. Colonic Agrippinse; Apud loannem Kinehium, Sub Monocerote veteri, 1640 4to, cloth, roan back. Lacks engraved title; signature of Eenricua Josephus Wittfeldt on title; manuscript note regarding book on fly-leaf. Bookplate of Anselm Vanden Bogaerde. With this is bound his De Natura & Usu Literarum Disceptatio Philologica. . . Minister, L638 1341a. Another copy, small 4to, half morocco. 1342. MAME (ALFRED, ET FILS). rmprimerie -Librairie -ReUure. Alfred Maine et Fils a Tours. Notice et Catalogue lllustre des Principales Publications. Tours, L878 Royal 8vo, cloth. Plates. 1343. MANDEVILLE (SIR JOHN). The Voiage And Travayle Of Sir John Maundeville Knight Which Treateth Of The Way Toward Bierusalem And Of Marvayles Of Inde With Other Hands And Countreys. Edited, Anno- tated, and Illustrated in Facsimile by John Ashton. London, l"- s T 8vo, original boards, uncut, vellum back. One of 100 large paper CO] printed at the Chiswick Press. 1344. MANSFIELD (RICHARD). Don Juan. A Play in Four Acts. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. New York, Published for the Author, 1891 1345. MANUAL OF HERALDRY; being a concise description of the several terms used, and containing a dictionary of every designation in the science. Illustrated by 400 engravings on wood. New edition. Edinburgh, J. Grant, 1894 12mo, cloth. With plate of shields in color inserted. 1346. MANUEL-ANNUAIRE de L'Imprimerie de la Librairie et de la Presse. Par Ferdinand Grimont. Paris, P. Jannet, 1855 12mo, half morocco, by Stikeman. 1347. MANUTIUS (ALDUS, Pauli Alius). Orthographies Ratio Ah. Aldo. Manutio Paulli. F. Collecta. Ex Libris antiquis Grammaticis Etymologia Greca consuetudine Nummis ueteribus Tabulis aereis Lapidibus amjdius M 1> Inter- pungendi ratio Notarum ueterum explanatio Kalendarium net us Bomanum, e marmore descriptum, cum Paulli Manutij, Patris, commentariolo, de ueterum dierum ratione & Kalendarij explanatione Aldi Manutij, Aui, de uitiata Vocalium, ac Diphthongorum prolatione, rrapepyov. Cum priuilegio Senatus Veneti A 1. [Printer's device.] dus. Venetiis, L566 Small 8vo, original vellum; signature on title; some leaves uncul at bottom. De Veterum Notarum has special title-page and separate pagination. PlBST complete edition, considered very good. 1348. MANUTIUS (ALDUS). Aide Manuce et l'llellenisnie a Venise, par Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Orne de quatre portraits et d'un facsimile. Paris, A. F. Didot, 1875 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Portraits and facsimiles. 1349. MAPPA (A. G.). Proeven van Letteren die gevonden worden in da van Ouds beroemde Lettergieterye van wylen de Eeeren Voskens en Clerk, nu van A. G. Mappa. Botterdam, ao date 8vo, half calf. Printed on one side of leaf only. With manuscripl note in Mr. DeVinne's hand, regarding Mappa, laid in. 1350. MARAHRENS (AUGUST). VoUstandiges theoretisch-praktiaches Handbuch der Typographic nacli ihrem heutigen Standpunkt. Leipzig, 1870 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 123 L'351. MABCEL (J. J.). Alphabet Mandais, precede" d'une Notice His torique Litte'raire el Tjpographique. Paris, ur cet ouvrage (by Merrier, Abbe de St. Leger). Paris, l'. l». Pierrea (etc.), 1 ~~ r ' First Edition. 2 vols., 4to, half red morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Title with vignette, ami engraved frontispiece by J. V. Schley. I.:.".,',. MARCHAND (PROSPER). Dictionnaire Hiatorique, on M, ■moires Critiques et Litteraires, concernant la Vie et led Ouvrages de 'livers Per- sonnages Distingues ... La Haye, Pierre de Ilomlt, ]7~>H-~j9 - vols., in folio, old calf. 1354. MARCO Y (PAUL). Travels in South America from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Illus. by 525 engravings mt wood, drawn by E. Riou, and 10 maps from, draivimgs by the author. 2 vols., folio, cloth (hinges split). London, Blackie & Son, 1875 1355. MARGUERITE of Navarre. The Life of Marguerite d'Angouleme, Queen of Navarre, Duchess d 'Alencxm and de Berry, Sister of Francis I., King of France, and author of "The Heptameron. " By Martha Walker Freer. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portraits. Cleveland, 1895 1356. MARIUS-MICHEL. La Reliure Franchise depuis PInvention de 1 'Imprimerie jusqu 'a, la fin du XVIIIe siecle, par MM. Marius Michel. Paris, Morgand & Fatout, 1880 Folio, half red morocco, uncut, by Haddon. Engraved frontispiece by Ed. Hed; plates showing reproductions of bindings. Their La Reliure Franchise, Commerciale et Industrielle. Paris, 1881, is a continuation of this work. See next number. 1357. MARIUS-MICHEL. La Eeliure Francaise, Commerciale et Indus- trielle, Depuis 1 'Invention de I'Imprimerie jusqu 'a nos jours, par MM. Marius Michel. Paris, Morgand & Fatout, 1881 Folio, half red morocco, uncut, by Haddon. Plates, reproductions of bind- ings, some colored. Continuation of their La Reliure Francaise. Paris, 1880. 1358. MARS, pseud. Plages de Bretagne & Jersey, par Mars. Folio, cloth. Colored illustrations. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie [n. d.] 1359. MARTHENS (JOHN F.). Typographical Bibliography: A List of Books in the English Language on Printing and its Accessories. 16mo, morocco. Pittsburgh, 1875 1360. MARTIALIS (VALERIUS). M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammata. London, 1716 12mo, old coif, with engraved frontispiece by Lurt Du Guernier. With annotations on margins and on slips bound in between some leaves. Bookplate of Air. de Bruyn Kops. 1361. MARVELL (ANDREW). The Works of Andrew Marvell . . . London, Printed for E. Curll, 1726 2 vols., 16mo, calf. Portrait. Signature of W. Pennington on title-page. 1362. MARVELL (ANDREW). Poems and Satires of Andrew Marvell, some time Member of Parliament for Hull: Edited by G. A. Aitken. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1892 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, vellum back, uncut. Portraits. No. 116 of 200 copies. 124 1363. MASSEY (WILLIAM). The Origin and Progress of Letters. An Essay, In Two Parts . . . The Whole Collected from undoubted Authorities, By W. Massey . . . London, Printed for .1. Johnson, 1703 8vo, old calf, rebacked. Plates, .some folded. Inscribed at bead of title: ^'Susanna Barclay This Book was given her by W. Massey." 1364. Another copy. Old calf. Inscribed on fly-leaf: "Nic: B ex dono Authoris, Ap. 28. 1764," "Ex Bibl Ramirez" stamped on title. 1365. Another copy. Half calf, uncut (broken). 1366. MATHER (COTTON). Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Eccle- siastieal History of New-England, from Its First Planting in the Fear 1620. unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books . . . By the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, M.A. And Pastor of the North Church in Boston. New-England. London: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, L702 First Edition. Folio, paneled calf. With double page map of A < /. land and New York in Boole I. Each Book has special title and separate pa s ation. The page numbering of Book 4 begins with page 125, instead of page 1. 1367. MAUNDRELL (HENRY). A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A. D. 1697. The Third Edition, To which is now added an Account of the Author's Journey to the Banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the Country of Mesopotamia. Oxford, 1711 8vo, old calf; engraved plates and plans by M. Burgher. Bookplate of Alexander Young, Writer. 1368. MAXIMUS TYRIUS. Maximi Tyrii Philisophi Platonici Sermones siue Disputationes XLI. Graece nunc primum edita?. [Printer's device.] Ex Officina Henrici Stephani Parisiensis typography 1557 First Edition. 8vo, calf. Printed in Greek. With very wide hum With this is bound his Sermones (with notes by H. Estienne), and Sexfus, Pyrrhoniarum . . . 1369. MAYER (ALFRED M.). Sport with gun and rod in A. no woods and waters. New York, The Century Co. [1883] 4to. 10 plates and title vignette are India proofs. Bound in stamped mo- rocco. 1370. Another edition, in 2 vols. 1371. MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. By Henry Glassford Bell. Edinburgh, 1831 2 vols., 16mo, half morocco. Portraits. 1372. MEERMAN (GERARD). Origines Typographica?. Gerardo V man Auctore. Haga? Comitum, Apud Nicolaum van Daalen. Parisiis, A pud ■ Guil. Franc, de Bure, Juniorem. Londini, Apud Thomam Wilcox, L765 2 vols, in one, 4to, old calf. Frontispiier portrait of Mrcrman, engraved by J. Daidle ; portrait of Laurenz Janszoon engravid by I. Ifoubraken, folded pedigree chart, engraved facsimiles, some fold* d. 1373. Another copy. 2 vols., mottled calf. 1374. Another copy. 2 vols., mottled calf, mottled edges. Bookplate of Augustini Legillon, Brugensis, 1809. 1375. MEERMAN (GERARD). Gerardi Meerman el Doctorum Virorum \ Eum Epistola? Atque Observationes de Charts? Vulgaris sou Lines Origine. Editit Ac Prsefatione Instruxit Jacobus van Vaassen. Small 8vo, calf. EagsB-Comitum, Apud Nicolaum van Daalen, 1767 1376. MEERMAN (GERARD). De PInvention de I 'Imprimerie, ou Analyse des deux Ouvrages publics sur cette matiere par M. Meerman . . . suivi d 'inn- Notice Chronologique el Baisonnee des Livres avec e1 sans Date, [mprimes avant l'annee 1501, dans les dixsept Provinces des Pays Bas, par M. Jacques Visser, et augmentee d'environ deux-cents articles par I'fiditeur. dvet planche. Paris, I s "'-' 8vo, calf. 125 L377. MEER8CH (P. C. van der). Recherchea bui la Vie el lea Travatu [mprimeun Beiges el Neerlandais, etablis a L'6tranger. . . Tome premier. Bvo, li.ilf calf, uncut, by Btikeman. Gaud, U Bebbelynck, 1856 L878. MELLOTTEE (PAUL). Histoire Gconomique de I'lmprimerie. Paris, Saehette & Cie, L905 First Edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Btikeman. Plates. Three ; iii I vol., paged continuously. No. <)0,M5L' of !>S0 copies. 1379. MEMOIRS de Philippe de ComineB, •': vols. Brusselle, 1714; Proefne- mingen en Monster-bladen om Papier te Maaken (Schaffer), Amsterdam, L770j and others. 8 vols., various sizes and bindings. 1380. MEMOIRS OF ****, Commonly known by the Name of n Large Paper. 1402. MITCHELL (DONALD G.). Dream Life: A Fable of the Seat 4to, boards, uncut. No. 142 of 250 copies. New Fork, 38 1403. MITCHELL (DONALD G.). Works. Edgetfood edition. \,u STork, Scribner, L907 15 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. I'm/mils and Mustrai 127 [404. MITCHELL (8. WEIR). Engl Wynne: Free Quaker. Illustrated. 2 \<>is., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Continental illustrated edition. New fori i in."). Another copy. 1406. MOENS (W. .1. <'.i. English Travellers and [taliau Brigands. A narrative of capture and captivity, London, 1866 First Edition. - vols., i2mo, cloth. 1407. MOLLETT (.1. W.). An rHustrated Dictionary of words used in Art and Archeology. I. on. ion, 1883 Square 8vo, cloth. 1 ins. MOMOHo (AXTOINE FRANCOIS). Traitc fflementaire de l'lro- primerie, ou Le Manuel de I'lmprimeur; avec 36 planches en taille-douce. Paris, Veuve Tilliard & Fils, 1796 8vo, old calf. Plates i mirn n,l hi/ Delattoe. L409. MOMORO (ANTOINE FRANCOIS). Le Manuel dee [mposrMona Typographique . . . Extrait du grand ouvrage De M. Momoro. Troisi&me Edition eorrigee et augmentee. Bruxelles, 1819 Svo, paper covers, uncut. Plates. 1410. MONETARY Systems of the World (Muhleman) ; Short History of the English People (Green), London, 1875; Educational Reform (Eliot), X. \\, 1898; and others. 20 vols., 12mo and 8vo, mainly cloth. 1411. MONTAIGNE (MICHEL EYQUEM DE). Essays of Michael, Lord of Montaigne. Written by him in French and done into English by John Florio. Boston, 1902-04 3 vols., folio, boards, uncut. Portraits. No. 51 of 265 copies printed at the Riverside Press. 1412. MONTESQUIEU (BARON CHARLES DE SECONDAT). Grandeur et Decadence des Romains, Politique des Romains, Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate, Lysimaque, et Pensees. Lettres Persanes, et Temple de Guide. Paris, F. Didot Freres, 1851 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. Frontispiect portrait of Montesquieu engraved by Hopioood. 1413. MONTESQUIEU (BARON CHARLES DE SECONDATL Lettres Persanes, suivies de Arsace et Ismenie, et de Pensees Diverses. Paris, n. d. 12mo, boards, morocco back, uncut. 1414. MOON (GEORGE WASHINGTON). The Oldest Type-Printed Book in Existence: A Disquisition on the Relative Antiquity of the Pflster and Mazarin Bibles and the "05-line A" Catholieon: Prefaced by a brief History of the Invention of Printing. London, Privately Printed, 1901 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. One of 241 copies. 1415. Another copy. Paper covers. One of 241 copies. 1416. MORELLUS (FED.). De Numerorum Historia. Fed. Morellus Pro- fessor. . . Lutetiae, Apud Federicmn Morellum, Arehitypographum Regium. M.DCIX. [Colophon] Ex Typographia Ioannis Iannon. . . Paris, 1609 < Svo, vellum. Latin and Greek text. Very Rare. 1117. MORES (EDWARD ROWE). A Dissertation- upon Bnglisli Typo- graphical Founders and Founderies. [With Appendix by John Nichols.] [London], 177S Svo, half morocco, uncut. One of 100 copies of the Dissertation, and of 80 copies of the Appendix. With manuscript notes on inserted leaf, on fly lent and margins. 1418. Another copy. Boards, leather back, uncut. Lacks the Appendix by Nichols. 128 1419. MOEIONDO (LUIGI). La Stampa in America. Note Tecniehe Raecolte all' Esposizione di Filadelfia. . . Svo, half morocco. Torino, Stamperia dell 'Unione Tipografieo-Editrice, 1876 142(1. MORRIS (WILLIAM). William Morris, Bis Art. [lis Writings, and His Puhhe Life. A Record by Aymer Vallance. London 1897 First Edition. Imp. Svo, cloth, uncut. lUustrations and facsin 1421. MORRIS (WILLIAM i. An Address delivered by William Moi the distribution of prizes to students of the Birmingham Municipal Bchoi Art on Feb. 21. 1894. [London, Chiswick Pres • • Svo, boards, uncut. Printed with the Kelmseott type. 1422. MORRIS (WILLTAM). child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. Cortland, Me., Thomas B. Mosl er, 1900 4to, original boards, uncut. One of 450 copies. 1423. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Art of the People. An Address delivered before the Birmingham Society of Arts, February Hull, 1879. Chicago, Ralph Fletcher Seymour, L902 4to, boards, calf back, uncut. One of 215 copies. 1424. MOSHER PRESS. The City of Dreadful NigW by James Thou with Introduction by E. Oavazza. Portland, t. B. Mosher, 1892 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Xo. 91 of 400 copies. Presentation copy from Thomas B. Mosher. 1420. MOTHERWELL (WILLIAM). Poetical works, with Memoir by James M'Conechy. A new edition, with large additions. Svo, cloth, uncut. Portrait. Paisley, A. Gardner, 1881 1426. MOTLEY (JOHN LOTHROIC. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols.; History of the United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce— 1609. 4 vols.; The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland. 2 vols. Together 9 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1880 Library Edition. Illustrated with portraits and maps. 1427. MOTTELEY (J. CHARLES). Aperc,u sur les Erreurs de la Bibli- ographic Speciale des Elzevirs et de leurs Annexes, avec nuelques Deeouvertes Curieuses sur la Typographi Hollandaise et Beige du XVTlo Si.Vle. Bruxelles, Imprimerie do la Society des Beaux-Arts, 1848 16mo, half calf. 1428. MOTTEROZ. Essai sur les Gravures Chimiques en Relief. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1^71 1429. MOTTEROZ. Essai sur la Mise en Train Typographique. Paris, May et Motteroz, 1S91 Svo, half morocco, uncut. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeYinne, with long autograph inscription. 1430. MOXON (JOSEPH). Regulae Trium Ordinum Literarum Typo- graphicarum: Or the Rules of the Three Orders of Print Letters: vi/.: The Roman, Italick, English Capitals and Small . . . By Joseph Moxon, II grapher to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Louden, Joseph Moxon, 1676 4to, half morocco. Plates showing specimen alphabets in the three typ< end. 1431. MOXON (JOSEPH). Mechanic* Kx.-ciscs, Or, The Doctrine of Handy-works. Began Jan. I. 1<>77. And intended to be Month!} continued. Bv Joseph Moxon Hydrographer to the Kin-', mosl Excellenl Majesty. No& 1-14: Nos. 1-24 London, Joseph Moxon, 1677 H>33 2 vols., 4to; Vol. 1, old calf; Vol. 2, old vellum. Plut.s. VoL 2 title reads: Applied to the Art of Printing . . . With portrait and 129 - plates showing presses, etc. Portrail and title mounted, i oj . margins torn off, injuring Borne words; plates mounted, some torn; first 20 pages rein- forced :it top. L432. Moxox (JOSEPH). Moxon's Mechanic* Exercises'; Or, The Doc trine of Handy Works applied to the Art of Printing. A Literal Reprint in two volumes of the First Edition Published in the year L683, with pn .'iml notes liv Theo. L. DeVinne. New York, The Typotheta of the City of New York, 1896 2 vols., tto, half morocco, uncut. I'uri mils, plutcs. No. ill of 150 eopi Holland paper. L433. MOZET (CLAUDE). Epreuves des Caracteres de la Fonderie de < llaude Mozet. Paris, 1 71:; Small tto, contemporary calf, gilt edges. Printed on one side of the leaf. Very Scarce. L434. Another copy of the same. 1435. MUIR (JOHN). The Mountains of California. New Fork, 1894 First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Illustrations. 1436. MUMFORD (JOHN KIMBERLY). Oriental Bugs. New York. 1900 First Edition. 4to, cloth, uncut. Phil is, somt colored. 1437. MUNSELL (JOEL). A Chronology of Paper and Paper-Making. Fourth edition. Albany, 37 svo, cloth. Plates. 1438. MTJSEE PLANTIN (LE). Description sommaire des Batiments et des Collections par Max Rooses. An vers, 1878 Svo, half morocco. 1439. MUSEE PLANTIN. Catalogue euxieme edition. Anvers, 1883 12mo, half morocco, uncut. 1440. MUYDEN (EVERT VAN). Catalogue of the Etched Work of Evert van Muyden; by Atherton Curtis. Willi a portrait of flu artist and ten head- pieces etched expressly for the catalogue, and on< unpublished plate. 4to, cloth, uncut. 'One of 230 copies. New York, F. Keppel & Co., 1894 1441. MUSEE PLANTIN. Index Characterum Architypographiae Plantini- ana-. Specimen des Caracteres employes dans 1'Imprimerie Plantinienne avec une I 'ret ace par Max Rooses. Antwerp, 1905 Folio, half morocco, uncut. One of 200 numbered copies'. 1442. MUSEE PLANTIN. Le Musee Plantin-Moretus a Anvers. Texte par M. Max Rooses, Eaux-Fortes et Dessins par M. B. Krieger. Bruxelles, Lyon-Claesen [n. d.] Atlas folio, in board portfolio, uncut. Engraved plates. With sonnet. Le Bonheur de ce Monde, printed at the Plantin Press, and English translation of the same, tipped to back cover. 144::. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). Oeuvres. Ornees -~ 4to, cloth, morocco back. Printed in the style of the illuminated manuscripts, with marginal decorations, initials, miniatures, and full-page illustration*. 1453. NEW TESTAMENT IN GREEK. Novum Testamentum. Juxta Ex- emplar Millianum. Typis Joannis Baskervillo. Oxonii: E Typographeo Clarendoniano, L763 4to, calf. "Jo. Brereton Coll: Nov: Oxon: Soc: 1768" on fly-leaf. 1454. NEW TESTAMENT IN GREEK. Novum Testamentum. Juxta Es emplar Joannis Millii Aceuratissime Impressum. Editio Prima Americana, Wigornia?, Massachusettensi: Excudebat [saias Thomas, Jun. Singulation el Numerose eo Vendita Officinal suae. April, 1800 Small 12mo, half calf. First American Edition of the New Testament in Greek. 1455. NEW TESTAMENT IN GREEK. Novum Testamentum Grsecum Editio Hellenistica ; Scholia Eellenistica in Novum Testamentum Philon Josepho Patribus Apostolicis Aliisq. Ecclesise Antiquaa Scriptoribus Necnon Libris Apocryphis Maxime Depromta. Instruxil atque Ornavil Novi Testamenti Hellenistice Illustrati Recens Editor. Londini, G. Pickering, L843 18 4 vols., 8vo, half calf, red edges. 1456. NEW TESTAMENT. MATTHEW IN JAPANESE. The Gospel of Matthew in Japanese. Japan? Printed for the Ameri.-an Bible Society, Svo, original paper covers. Title in black on yellow paper. Text in Japanese. 131 ! i:.7. NEW TESTAMENT l\ TURKISH, Domini Nostri !• I- ( .inii'iit urn Novum. Turcice Redditum. Open! Gu: Seaman. Oxoniee, Excudebal II. Hull Academies Typographus Ito, old calf. Tit le •■mil texl in Turkish. 1458. NEWTON (SIB [SAAC). A Bibliography of tin' Works of Si I Newton; Together with .-i List of Books illustrating his Works. With notes by George .1. Gray. Second edition, Revised and Enlarged. Cambridge, Square 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Frontispiece. L459. NEW-YORE WEEKLY JOURNAL. Number XXI. Mundaj March 25th, 1734. .\V» 5Tork: Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger, I7:;i Ho, unbound, laid in portfolio. Very rase. 1460. NICHOLS (JOHN). Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century. don, L812 L5; Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th Century. London, 1817-1858. London: Printed tor the Author, L812 1858 17 vols., 8vo, calf. Facsimiles, plates and portraits. Fine copy of this mo3t interesting and important work. 1461. NICHOLS (JOHN). The Bise ami Progress of the Gentlem Magazine, with Anecdotes of the Projector and his early Associates. B a Prefatory Introduction to the General Index to that Work, from 1787 to 1818. London, 1821 First Edition. 8vo, boards, uncut. Portrait of Edward Cave. 1462. NIJHOFF (WOUTER). L'Art Typographique dans les Pays (1500-1540). Livraison 1-19. La Have, M. Nijhoff, 19 vols., unbound, folio. Facsimiles. One of 200 copies. Unfinished, No. 19 last number published. 1463. NILES (HEZEKIAH). Centennial Offering. Eepublicatiou of the Principles and Acts of the Eevolution in America. Dedicated to the Younj Men of the United States, fifty-four years ago, by the late Hezekiah Nile-. 4to, cloth. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co.. 1S76 1464. NISAED (CHABLES). Histoire des Livres Populates. Ou, De la Litterature du Colportage. . . Paris, Amyot, ' v ~> I 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Large Paper, with numerous prints on Japanese paper set into text, and woodcut reprodm from old almanacs, etc. 1465. Second edition. Paris. E. Dentu. 1864 2 vols., 12mo, half red morocco, uncut, by J. Macdonald. Woodcuts. 1466. NOBLE DE LA LAUZIEEE (J. F.). Abrege Chronologique de 1 'Histoire d 'Aries. . . Ouvrage enrichi du Eecueil complet des Inscriptions et de Planches des Monumens antiques. Par Mr. De Noble Lalauziere. . . Aries. G. Mesnier, 1808 Square 4to, half calf (covers loose). Plates, some folded, engraved by J. B. Guilbert and others. 1467. NOBDHOFF (CHABLES). Whaling and Fishing! Cincinnati. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. 1468. NOBTHCOTE (JAMES). 100 Fables, Original and Selected. Embel- lished with 280 engravings on. wood. First and Second Series. London, 1829-1 833 2 vols., 12mo, half morocco, uncut. Title in red and black. Portrait, wood- cuts in text. 1469. Another copy of second series. 12mo, cloth. 1470. NOS AMIS LES LIYBES (Fzanne), Paris, 1886. First Edition; Bibliotheque d'un Bibliophile, Lille, 1S85. One of 200 copies: Cer.le de la Librairie, Paris, 1880; Catalogue de Exposition de Gravures, Anciennes Modernes, Paris, 1881. Plates. 4 vols, various sizes and bindings. 132 1471. NUYTS (MARTIN). Essai sur l'Imprimerie des Nutius, par C .1 N Seconds edition. Bruxelles, J. Vandereydl 8vo, half morocco. 1472. SETTE OP ODD VOLUMES. London, L880 Contents : No. 1. B. Q., a Biographical & Bibliographical Fragment. 2 copi No. 2. Glossographia Anglicana. No. 3. Ye Boke of Ye Odd Volumes. No. 4. Loves Garland. No. 5. Queen Anne Musick. No. 8. Intaglio Engraving. No. 9. Eights, Duties, Obligations, and Advantages of Eospitality. No. 14. Short Sketch of Liturgical History and Literature. 1472a. Miscellanies. London, Contents : No. 1. Inaugural Address of W. M. Thompson. No. 3. A President 's Persiflage. No. 4. Inaugural Address of E. P. Wyman. No. 5. Musical London A Century Ago. No. 6. Unfinished Eenaissance. No. 10. Catalogue of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books. 15 vols., 24mo, paper and boards, uncut. Printed in very small numbers, for members of the ' ' Sette. ' ' 1473. ODD VOLUMES. Macaulay's History of England, Vols. 2-5, .\ . V.. d. d. ; Burns' Works. Vols. 2-8, London, 1834; Dramatic Works of Sheridan, Vol. 2, N. Y. 1883; and others. 20 vols. 8vo and smaller, various bindings. 1474. OFFICIUM B. Maria? Virg. Xuper reformatum, & Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum; Ad instar Breuiarij Romani sub Urbano VIII. recogniti. Obi omnia suis locis sunt extensa. Cum Indulgentiis & Orationibus :'i I'io V*. natis, & Hymnis ab Urbano VIII. correctis. . . [Copperplate.] Antuerpiae, Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud Viduam & Heredes Baltli. Moreti, 1677 Small 8vo. Typed page 1%" x 2%". Original vellum and unopened; plates. In most unusual condition. A VALUABLE COLLECTION 1475. OLD TITLE-PAGES, PRINTERS' DEVICES, ETC. A Collection of Title-Pages, Dedications, Printers' Devices, etc., etc., cut from books pub- lished throughout Europe, from 1500 to 1800. 2 vols., folio, full brown morocco, gilt and blind tooling, by Townsen.l. \ unusual and valuable collection, comprising over 1,000 separate pieces, which have been lightly tipped in. It includes a remarkable number of im- portant titles, etc., most desirable for completing imperfect copies, and as specimens of the engraving and printing during 300 years. 1476. OLDE TAYLES NEWLYE RELAYTED. Enryched with all ye Ancyente Embellvshmentes . . . Imprynted att ye Leadenhall Presse, Lon- don, by Field & Tuer . . . M.D.CCC.LXXXIII. 4to, cloth, uncut. Title im red and black; illustrations vn tlu text; plates. 1477. OLIPHANT (Mrs. MARGARET WILSON). Eistorical Characters of the Reign of Queen Anne. New York. Century Co., 1894 Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Portraits, plates, < tc. 1478. OLMER (GEORGES). Du Papier Mecanique el de ses ApprSts les Diverses Impressions. Paris 8vo, half morocco. 133 1479. ONGANLA (PERD). L'Arl de l'lmprimerie J Venire. Venae, p. Ongania, 1898 97 Polio, half morocco, by Btikeman. Portrait; frontiapiect portrait of Aldus} facsimiles in colors. I isii. OOMKENS, (J.). Proef vraii Letteren, Bloemen, Enz, der Boekdruk- kery van J. Oomkens J. Zoon. Te Groningen, 1807 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed on one side of leaf only. 1481. ORTELITJS (ABRAHAM). Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. [colophon:] Antverpise, In Officina Plantiniana, Auctoris are «v. cura. M.D.XU11. Polio, half pigskin by Stikeman. Engraved title, fi/ne portrait, nun" double-page maps (Nos. 24 and 25 of the Becond pari wanting). Bound in at the end is "nomenclator Ptolemaicvs, ' ' 1591. Of equal importance with tlic I'nst Edition, if it be not indeed more valuable. L482. OTTLET? (WILLIAM YOUNG). An Enquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving, upon Copper and in Wood, with an Account of Engravers and their Works, from the Invention of Chalcography by Maso Finiyiiorra, to the Time of Mare' Antonio Raimondi. London, 1816 First Edition. 2 vols., 4to, contemporary calf, gilt tooled. Plates, some folded. 1483. OTTLEY (WILLIAM YOUNG). An Inquiry concerning the In- vention of Printing: In which the Systems of Moorman, Heinecken, Bantander, and Koning are reviewed . . . With an Introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau . . . 4to, cloth, half morocco. Facsimiles. London, 186.3 1484. Another copy. Half morocco, uncut. 1485. OUT OF BOHEMIA (Fosdick), N. Y., 1894; The Man who Married the Moon (Lummis), N. Y., 1894; The Standard Operas (Upton), Chicago, 1S86; and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 1486. OVID. Pub: Ovidii Nasonis Opera. Daniel Heinsius textum reeen- suit. Accedunt Breves Notas ex collatione codd. Scaligeri et Palatinis lani Gruteri. [With vols. 2 and 3.] Lugd. Batavorum, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1629 3 vols., 16mo, cloth, engraved title in Vol. 1. (Ee6 blank and lacking.) Very good edition. 1487. PAAR (LUDWTG). Katalog der reichhaltigen Sammlungen weiland Sr. Excellenz des Herrn Grafen Ludwig Paar k. and k. Ost.-ung. Botschafters beim Vatican etc. enthaltend: Seltene Erstlingsdrucke, Ineunabeln . . . etc. Hit 13 IAchtdrucktafeln und 24 TextUlustrationen . . . 8vo, cloth. Original paper covers bound in. Wien, S. Kende, 1896 1488. PACHECO PEKEIRA (DUARTE). Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis. Edi- cao Commemorativa da Descoberta da America por Christovao Colombo no seu Quarto Centenario sob a Direccao de Raphael Eduardo de Azevedo Basto. Lisboa, Imprensa National, 1892 Folio, half morocco, uncut. Title in red and black. Facsimiles; plaf'*. colored. Printed from original manuscript. L489. PAGE (WILLIAM). A Study of Shakespeare's Portraits. Re- printed from ' ' Scribner's Monthly." New York, n. d. 8vo, paj)er covers. 1490. PAITONI (J. M.). Venezia, la prima Citta \ fuori della Germania Dove si esercito' l'Arte della Stampa. Venezia, 1756 First Edition". Small 4to, boards. 1491. PALAIS de Justice de Paris; Son Monde et ses Mceurs, par La Presse Judiciaire Parisienne. 150 dessins inedits. Preface de M. Alexandre Dumas fils. Paris, 1892 Imp. 8vo, half morocco, original paper covers bound in. Plates, portraits, etc. 134 1492. PALATINO (GIOVANNI BATTISTA). Libro di M. Giovanbatl Palatino Cittadino Romano, he] qua] e-'insegna a scrivere ogni sorte letl antica, et moderna, di qual un que natione, eon le sue regole el misui essempi: et con un breve, et util discorso de le cifre; Eiveduto auovamei corretto dal proprio Autore. Con la Giunta di Quindici Tavole Bellist [Portrait.] In Roma in Campo di Piore. Con gratia & Privil< Rome. 1545 Small 4to, old half calf, with the title of the 1556 or 1561 edition, containing portrait of the author. Illustrations and initial letters including one portray- ing "Leda and the Swan." 1493. PALFREY (JOHN GORHAM). History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty. Boston, 1859-1864 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Maps, illustrations. Volumes 1-3 of his History of New England in 5 volumes. Boston, 1858-1890. 1494. PALMER (SAMUEL). A General History of Printing; From Th.- first Invention of it in the City of Mentz, to its Propagation and Progress Thro' most of the Kingdoms in Europe . . . London, 1733 4to, contemporary stamped calf, mottled edges, hinges weak. Title in red and black. In the compilation of this' work Palmer was greatly assisted by George Psalmanazar. ' ' — Lowndes. 1495. PALTOCK (ROBERT). The Life and Adventures of Peter Wil kins. With a preface by A. H. Bullen. London, l v vl 2 vols., l2mo, boards. Plates engraved by Boitard. Reproductions of title-pages of first edition, London, 1751. 1496. PANCTROLLUS (GUIDO). The History of Many memorable Ti lost, Which were in Use among the Ancients: And An Accounl of many excellent Things found, now in Use among the Moderns', both Natural and Artificial. Written Originally in Latin . . . And now done into English . . . To this English Edition is added, First, A Supplement to the Chapter of Printing, shewing the Time of its Beginning, and the first Boob printed in each City before the Year 1500 . . . London, John Nicholson, 1715 2 vols, in one, 12mo, mottled calf, gilt tooled, by Cecil & Lai kins. 1497. PANEGYRICI VETERES. Interpretation et Not is Illustravit Jacobus de la Baune Soc. Jesu, Jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad iisuni Serenis simi Delphini. Editio Altera Italica, cui accedunt observationes eriticae in Latinum pacatum V. C. Christiani Sehuuarzii Profess. Altorfini. Venetiis, Apud Bartolomaeum Javarina. in rica Sancti Joannis Chrysostomi. 1728. 4to, contemporary red morocco. Engraved frontispiea >>,u A. Zvi small engravings at head of some <-litcrs. Bookplate of John Timbrel] Mil ward Pierce. 1498. PAPILLON (JEAN BAPTISTE MICHEL). Trait.' Bjstoriqn Pratique de la Gravure en Bois. Paris, I'. <:. Simon, 1766 2 vols., 8vo, old mottled calf, mottled edges. Portrait, tith vignettes, plates. 1499. PARIS AND VIENNE. Thystorye Of The Noble Ryghl Valyaunt And Worthy Knyght Parys And Of The Fayr Vyenne The Daulphyns Doughter Of Vyennoys. From the unique copy printed by William Caxton at Westminster in the Year M.CCCC.LXXXV. With a preface, glossary, and notes. Printed for the Roxburghe Library, W> N 8vo, cloth, leather back. Facsimile of first page of Caxton's text. 1500. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Works. Boston, L886 10 vols., 12mo, cloth. Maps. 1501. PATER (PAUL). De Germanise Miraculo Optimo, Maximo Typia literarum, Earumque differentiis, Dissertatio, qua simnl Artis Typographicaa universam rationem explicat Paulus Pater, PP. Lipsiae, Apud Jo. Prider. GleditBch el Pilium, 1710 4to, boards, calf back. Woodcut m, title. Title and preface are uncul at bottom, and folded up to size of book. 135 1502. PATEB (WALTER). I says from the "Guardian." Portland, T. B. Kosher, l -mo, boards, uncut. Portrait. One of 100 copies. L503. PEARSON (EDMUND LESTER). The Old Librarian's Umai by >\>i'/nAiA'/,„. a very rare pamphlet first published in New Haven, Connec- ticut, in 177.'; and nun reprinted for the flrsl time. 8vo, original boards. Woodstock, Vermont, Elm Tree Press, 1909 L504. PEQGE (SAMUEL). Anecdotes of the English Language: chiefly regarding the local Dialed of London and its Environs. First Edition. 8vo, half calf. 1505. PELLEGRINI (ERA DOMINICO M.). Dells prima Origine della Stamps in Venezia per opera
  • 137 iiimii by c. nullum /n, rimi/in i,i 1564 and nevci used; portrait "I Planti/n engraved by ./. />'. Michiels; decorated Initials} reproductions of woodcuts, initials, etc., from the Planti/n books; plates; portraits; facisi/miles. L530. PLANTIN (CHRISTOPHER). Correspondence de Christophe Plantin, publiee par Maa Rooses. Antwerpen, J. E. Buschmann [&C.J i y - 2 vols., 8vo, half dark blue morocco, uncut. L531. PLANTIN (CHRISTOPHER). Christophe Plantin bnprimeui An versois, par M.-ix Rooses. Deuxiei jdition. Anvers, .1. Riaes, 1890 4to, half morocco, uncut, with original paper covers bound in. Illustrated titli from n design made by God. BaUavn for Plantin in 1564, never used; frontispiece portrait of Planti/n engraved in/ -/. /•'. Michiels; decorated initials; reproductions "/' woodcuts, initials, etc., I'rt'in tlir I'liiiiiin books; plates, por- traits, facsimiles. L532. PLANTIN (CHRISTOPHER). Los Rimes de Christophe Plantin, publiees par Max Rooses. Lisbonne, [mprimerie Nationale, 1890 Tinj). 8vo, original boards, uncut. With vignette portrait of Plantin; decora- tive initials. " Exemplaire Reserve - Imprimi' pour Monsieur Theo. L. DeVinne'' printed on flydeaf. 1533. PLANTIN PRESS. Epigrammatum Eistoricus Liber; Continens Encomia Herouni, Imperatorum, & Ducum, superioribus, & nostro seeulo, vir- tnte belliea maxime illustrium, (|iios' in arce sua Bredenberga depingi, & versi- bus partiin a seipso eompositis, partini nine indc collectis ornari eurauit llenricus Ranzovius. [Printer's device.] Antverpise, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Regij, 1581 4to, calf; engraved portrait of Ranzovius on verso of title. With a genealogy of the Ranzovius family, n. p., n. d., 12 leaves 4to, containing a portrait of Henry Ranzovius, bound in at end. Last leaf blank and genuine. 1534. PLANTIN PRESS. Iusti Lipsi ad Armales Corn. Taciti Liber Com- mentarius, sive notae. Antverpia?, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Regij. 1581 8vo. Bound in original vellum. With folded genealogical chart : ' ' Stemma Augusta? Domus, ' ' laid in at end. 1535. PLANTIN PRESS. Hadrian! Iunii Hornani, Medici, Batavia. In qua praeter gentis & insula? antiquitatem, originem, decora, mores, aliaque ad earn historiam pertinentia, declaratur qua? fuerit vetus Batavia, qua? Plinio, Tacito, & Ptolema?o cognita: qua? item genuina inclyta? Francorum nationis fuerit seiles. [Printer's device.] Lugduni Batavorum, Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelen- gium, 1588 4to, vellum. Contains an account of Roster's claims to the invention of printing. 1536. PLANTIN PRESS. Hadriani Ivnii Hornani, Medici, Batavia. Lugduni Batavorum: Ex officina Plantiniana, 1588 Small 4to, vellum. Fine copy from the Plantin Press. 1537. PLANTIN PRESS. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica, Auc- tore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, poetarum nostri saeculi facile prineipe. Ad- notata ubique diligenter carminum genera. Eiusdem Buchanani tragoedia quae insetibitur [ephthes. [Printer's device.] Lugduni Batavorum, Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelen- gium, 1595 ltimo. Col.: A-Z, a, S leaves each. Original vellum; with portrait of Buch- anan pasted on inserted fly-leaf. Some lines underlined in red ink on various pages. Bookplate of Charles T. Congdon. 138 1538. PLANTIN PEESS. Occasio Arrepta. Negleeta. Huius Commoda: Tllius Incommoda. Auctore R. P. Ioanne David, Societatis Iesu Bacerdote. Antverpiae, Ex offieina Plantiniana, apud loannem Moretum, LI 4to. Plantin Press device on verso of t3. Bound in pigskin by Stikeman ; engraved tith and copper-plates by Theo. Colli. Fine wide margins. Scarce. Last leaf blank and genuine. 1539. PLANTIN PEESS. L. Annas Seneca; Philosophi Opera qua? BsBtanl Omnia: a Iusto Lipsio emendate el scholiis illustrate . . . Antverpiae, Ex officina Plantiniana, Balthasaris Moreti, 1632 Folio, calf, blind tooled, with gill medallion on covers, red edg of Lipsius engraved by Corn. Galle; engraved title, and portrait of Seneca, Inscription on title. 1540. PLANTIN PEESS. Missale Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosanct i Ooncilii Tridentini Restitution, S. Pii V. Pont. Max. Jussu Editum, et dementis VIII. Primum, nunc denuo Urbani Papae Octavi Auctoritate Recognitum, Et novis Missis ex Indulto Apostolico hue usque concessis auctum. Antverpise, Ex Architypographia Plantiniana, 1765 4to, mottled calf, gilt tooling, red edges (covers loose). Vignetti on title, engraved plates. 1541. PLANTIN PEESS. Titels en Portretten gesneden aaar P. P. Rnbena voor de Plantijnsehe Drukkerij . . . Antwerpen, Plantijnsehe Drukkerij, L877 Atlas' folio; original boards, uncut. Title and text in Dutch and French. Plates. 1542. PLATT (CHARLES A.). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Charles A. Piatt, by Richard A. Rice. New York. L8f 8vo, boards, uncut. One of 100 copies, unnumbered. 1543. PLAYS in the Market Place (Burr); English Prose Writings John Milton, London, 1889; A Bookseller of the Last Century (Welsh . [ don, 1885; and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 1544. PLINY, the younger. C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolse el Pane- gyricus. Editio nova. Marcus Zuerius Boxhornius recensuit, & passim emen- I'avit. Lugd. Batav. Apud Joan. & Danielem Elsevier, 1653 12mo, original vellum. Beprint of 1640 edition, but in which mistake in pagination 289-300 has been corrected. 1545. DLOMEB (HENRY R.). A Short Eistory of English Printing 1476-1898. Edited by Alfred Pollard. London, li Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portrait of William Morris; title, within ornamt bordt r. 1540. Another copy. 1547. PLOMER (HENRY R.). A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from L641 to L667. London. Printed I'm the Bibliographical Society, I90'i 8vo, paper cover, uncut. 1548. POEMS AND DKWMAs ( Browning i . 2 vols., Boston, 1869; Five Books of Song (Gilder), N. Y., 1894; CCC English Sonnets, Edinb. 1884; and others. 1'U vols., 12mo and smaller, mainly cloth. 1549. POEMS of American Patriotism (Matthews), X. V.. 1882; Pra< Poems, 2 vols., N. Y., 1865; Lyrics (Gilder), London. L8863 and others. 20 vols, various sizes and bindings. 1550. POETRY OF NATURE. Comprising a Selection of the most Sublime and Beautiful Apostrophes, Songs, Histories, Elegies, &c., from the works of the Caledonian Bards. The Typographical Execution in a style entirely New, and Decorated with the Superb Ornaments, of the Celebrated Caslon. | l dini : Typis J. P. < looke, n. d. ] Square 8vo, boards, oneut. Printed in script imitation of early NTineti Century hand-writing. 139 1551. POE (EDGAR ILLAN). The Talea and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe with biographical esBay by John II. [ngram, and 14 original etchings, S photo- gravures, nit, I a new etched portrait. London I \uis., ii'nui, cloth, uncut. 1552. POLIZIANO (ANGELO). Le Stanze di Messer Angelo Poliziano di Nuovo Pubblicate. Parma, Co' Tipi Boboniani, L792 ltd, boards, roar back, uncut. L553. POLLARD (ALFRED W.). Lasl Words on the History of the Title- Page with Notes on some Colophons and Twenty-seven Facsimiles >>\ Title- London, l-!»l Polio, buckram, uncut. Frontispiece facswnUt in color; facsimiles. One of 260 copies. L554. POLLARD (ALFRED W.). Italian Bonk Illustrations, Chiefly of the Fifteenth Century. London, l-'.»! Royal Svo, cloth, uncut. Plates. 1555. Another copy. L556. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. London, 1 70" I 6 vols., 12mo, full red morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges. J'lutrs engraved In J. Kornlein, X. von Frankendaal and others. 1557. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Edited by Robert Carruthers. Illustrated by Portraits and Original Designs. 4 vols., 12mo, half calf, uncut. London, 1853-1854 1558. POPE (JOHN). A Tour through the Southern and Western Terri- tories of the United States of North-America ; the Spanish Dominions on the River Mississippi, and the Floridas; the Countries of the Creek Nations; and Manv Uninhabited Parts. Richmond, J. Dixon, 1792. (Reprinted N. V., C. L. Woodward, 1888) 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1559. PORPHYRTUS. Parphyrii Philosophy Pythagorici. De non necandis ad epulandum animantibus Libri IIII. Lugduni, Sumptibus Claudia Morillon, Typographi Sereniss. Ducis Montis- penserij, 1620 4to, original vellum, some leaves uncut at bottom. Text in two columns, one Greek and one Latin. 1560. PORTALIS (LE BARON ROGER). Bernard De Eequeleyne Baron de Longepierre (1659-1721). Avant-propos par M. Stephen Liegeard. Paris, 1905 Royal 8vo, half red morocco, uncut, by Stikeman, with original paper covers bounil in at end. Frontispiece portrait of Longepierre. One of 30 Large Paper copies. Presentation copy from the author, Baron Roger Portalis, to T. L. DeVinne. 1561. PORTER (REV. J. L.). Five years in Damascus: including an account of the history, topography, and antiquities of that city; with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, and the Hauran. With maps and illus- trations. London, 1855 2 vols., Svo, cloth. 1562. PORTO (LUIGI DA). Juliette et Romeo. Traduction de Jacques Soldanelle. Illustrations de Marold. Paris, E. Dentu, 1892 24mo, full red levant morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges, by Stikeman. 1563 PORTRAITS. Plaster Plaques of Carlyle, Tennyson, Dickens, and Bryant, by Goddard. Deads in high relief. Size 7 by 10 inches. 4 pii 1564 PORTUG ALLI A. Sive De Regis Portugallise. Regnis et Opibus Com- mentarins. Lugd. Batavor: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1641 First Elzevir Edition. Svo, old calf, rebacked; engraved title. Bookplate of Richard Rawlinson. 140 1565. POSTERS. The Modern Poster, by Arsene Alexandre, M. II. Spiel- mann, H. C. Bunner, and August Jaceaci. y,,rk 1895 Svo, cloth. Frontispiece in red; illustrations ; with pen-and-ink sk\ added by hand. No. 207 of 250 copies on Imperial Japan paper. 1566. POTE (WILLIAM, Jr.). The Journal of Captain William Pote, Jr.. during his captivity in the French and Indian War from Ma v. 17 1.-, to August, 1747. New Vork, 1896 Svo, boards, leather back, uncut. With reproduction of tht folding engraved by Charles Harris, in 1749, bound separately. No. 39 of 37:. copies. 1567. POUY (F.). Eecherches sur les Almanachs & Calendriers artistiques, a estampes, a vignettes, a caricatures, etc. principalenient due XVIe au XIXe sieele, avec notices bibliographiques sur les almanachs divers, aotamment a l'epoque de la Bevolution. Amicus 1874 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Facsimile. 1568. POWELL (J. W.). Explanation of the Colorado Eiver of the West and its Tributaries. Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872, under the direc tion_of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1875 Folio, cloth. Plates, 2 folded maps in pocket. 1569. POWEE (JOHN). A Handy-Book about Books, for Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers. London, First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Title in red and bind:. 1570. POZZOLI (GJULIO). Manuale di Tipografia owero Guida Pratica pei Combinatori di Caratteri, pei Torcolieri a pei Legatori di Libri. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Portrait and illustrations. Milano, L. Cioffi, 1861 1571. PEALOEAN (GIOVANNI). Delle Origini a del Primato della Stampa Tipografica. Milano, Tipografia della Societa Cooperativa fra Tipografi ed A it i Affini, 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery. Original paper covers bound in. Portrait and colored plate. 1572. PRAYER BOOK. The Altar Book: Containing the Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist according to the use of the American Church: MDCCCXCII. By Authority. [New York, D. B. Updike, 1896] Folio; stamped pigskin, uncut, with metal clasps. Contains the Collets, etc., the Order for the Holy Communion, Collects, etc., tor the Communion of the Sick, for the Visitation of Prisoners, etc., and the Musical Notation of Mich parts of these Services as may be said or sung by the 1'ricst. Rubricated; woodcuts and some pages within ornamental borders. With Notes to the Altai- Book, 6 leaves, laid in. One of 350 copies. 1573. PEIDEAUX (S. T.). An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. With a Chapter on Early Stamped Bindings by E. Gordon Duff. London, L893 12mo, cloth, uncut. Plate. 1574. PEIME (WENDELL). Fifteenth Century Bil.les: A in Bib liography. New Vlllk - |ssv Svo, cloth, uncut. 1575. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. Memorial Book of the SesquicentenniaJ Celebration of the founding of the College of New Jersey and of the Ceremonies inaugurating Princeton University. Numerous illustrati New York, 1898 4to, cloth, uncut. One of 500 copies. 1576 PRINTERS' HANDBOOK of Trade Recipes (Jacobi), London. 1887- The Printer's Dictionary of Technical Terms (Stewart), Boston, 1912; Printing (Jacobi), London, L893; and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 1177 PRINTERS' PRICE LIST (DeVinne), N. V. 1871; Workshop Man agemenl (Smith), London, a. .1.; Typography (DeVinne), V W 1894; and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 141 L578. PRINTING (Jacobi) London, 1904; Don Quixote, I vols., Exeter, 1827; The Practical Colorisl (Sheldon), Burlington, 1900; and others. 20 \ :i rious sizes and bind ings. 1579. PROCTOE (ROBERT). Jan van Doesborgh, Printer al Antwerp: An Essay in Bibliography. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1894 Ito, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Plates. L580. PROCTOR (ROBERT). An fades to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum . . . with Notes <>f those in tin- Bodleian Library. With Supplements Cor L899 1900, L902. London, 1898 1903 6 \cls., Imp. 8vo, cloth, morocco back, uncut. (Supplements are unbound.) Vol. 3 is "in' of edition of .':."",(> copies. P.ookplate of Laurence W. Sodson in Vols. 1-2. 1581. PROOF-RLAPIXfi ami Punctuation (Smith), Phila. 1902; Stereotyp- ing and Electrotyping (Wilson), London, n. d.; Problems of Pressmanship, X. Y., n. (I.; and others. 20 vols., various si/.cs and loadings. L582. PUCKLE (JAMES). The Club; in a Dialogue between Father and Son. London, 1817 Royal 8vo, half straight-grain morocco. Laiu;k Pai-kk. Enf/rared title; illustrations, proofs engraved on India paper; portrait. One of 200 copies. 1583. PUGINI (AUGUSTUS). Specimens of Gothic Architecture; Selected from various ancient edifices in England: Consisting of plans, elevations, sec- tions, and parts at large . . . accompanied by Historical and Descriptive Ac- counts. By A. Pugin, the literary part by E. J. Willson. Edinburgh, 1895 2 vols., cloth, uncut. Colored half-titles, plates engraved by E. TurreU and others. 1584. PUTNAM (GEORGE EAVEN). Books amid Their .Makers During the Middle Ages. . . New York, 1896 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. L585. PUTNAM (GEORGE HAVEN) axd PUTNAM (J. B.). Authors and Publishers: A Manual of Suggestions for Beginners in Literature. Seventh Edition, Rewritten, with Additional Material. New York, 1904 8vo, boards, calf back, uncut. 15S6. PUTNAM (GEORGE IIAVKX). Memories of a Publisher 1865-1915. First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Frontispiece portrait. New York, 1915 1587. QUARITCH (B.). Catalogues of Monuments of the Early Print, s; Fine Arts, Books of Prints, etc. (2) Loudon. 1883-8? •". vols. 8vo, cloth. L588. QUARITCB (B.). A short sketch of Liturgical History and Litera- ture Illustrated by Examples Manuscript and Printed. London, 1887 24mo, limp boards, uncut. (Sette of odd Volumes. Xo. 14.) Presentation eopj from the author to T. L. PeVinne. 1589. QUARITCB (B.). A Catalogue of Fifteen Hundred Books remarkable for the beauty or the aye of their Bindings, or as bearing indication- of former Ownership by great Book-Collectors and famous Historical Person. ■_ - Ito, half morocco, uncut. London, l ss s» 1590. QUARITCH (B.). A Collection of Facsimiles from Examples of His- toric or Artistic Book-Binding, Illustrating the History of Binding as a branch of the Decorative Arts. London, 38 Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Plates, showing fac- similes of bindings, in colors. Issued in II parts, with original paper .-overs bound in. 142 1591. QUARITCH (B.). Facsimiles of Illustrations in Biblical and Litur- gical Manuscripts executed in various countries during the \ I XV] centuries, now in the possession of Bernard Quaritch. With an (introduction. London, 1892 4to, half brown morocco, uncut, by Club Bindery. Original paper ei bound in. Facsimiles in color. Issued in 10 parts. 1592. QUARITCH (B.). Palaeography; Notes upon the Historj of writing and the Medieval Art of Illumination. London, Privately Printed, 1894 Royal 8vo, half leather. Colored plates. No. 180 of 199 copies. Presentation copy from the author to T. L. DeYinne. Facsimile page of illuminated Missal, with presentation note of W. L. Andrews, laid in. 1593. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Emblemes by Pra: Quarles. London Printed for William Freeman at the Bible in Fleet Street. London, no date Small 8vo, calf, rebaeked. With reprints of original plates by Marshall mid others, coined in part from Hugo and Alciatus. " Eieroglyphikes of tin- Life of Man," page 311 to end. 1594. QUINET (MADAME EDGAR). Paris: Journal du Siege par Mme. Edgar Quinet, precede d'une preface d 'Edgar Quinet. Paris, F. Dentu, 1873 12mo, half calf, uncut. 1595. RABELAIS (FRANCOIS). The Works of Francis Rabelais. Trans lated from the French, by Sir Thomas Urquhart ami Motteux; with explanatory notes, by Duchat, Ozell, and others. A new edition, revised, ami with additional notes. London, 1863 2 vols., 12mo, half calf. Portraits. Bohn 's Extra volume. 1596. RABELAIS (FRANCOIS). The Works of Rabelais, faithfully ti lated from the French, with variorum notes, and numerous illustrations by Gustave Bore. London, n. d. 12mo, cloth, uncut. 1597. RACINE (JEAN). (Euvres de Jean Racine. Paris, Pierre Didot l'Aine, 1801 3 vols., folio, half morocco, uncut. Plates. No. 127 of '-'50 copies signed by Didot. Clipping inserted in each volume. 1598. RADEN (WOLDEMAR). Switzerland: Its Mountains and Valleys. With 418 illustrations . . . engraved by A. Closs. London, l s 7s Folio, cloth. 1599. RAFFAELLO SANZTO. Raphael sa vie, son oeuvre el son temps, pai Eugene Muntz. Ouvrage contenant 7/7.5 reproductions de tableau.'- on facsmuh's de dessins inseres dans le texte et 11 planches tirSes a part. Paris, l ss i 4to, full straight-grain morocco, stamped, with gill medallion portrait of Raffaello on sides, gilt edges. 1600. RAFFAELLO SANZIO. Raphael: His Life and Works. By .1. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle. London. 1882 85 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1601. RALEIGH (SIR WALTER). A Report of the truth concerning the last sea-fight of the Reuenge. By Sir Waiter Ralegh, Knight. The Riverside Press. | Boston, L902] Folio, original boards, uncut, in box. Woodcut by Hoirant I'ylc. inthin ornamental border on title. Edition of 300 numbered copies, printed at Riverside Press. 1602. RAMM (AXEL). Nar Goteborg var Frihamm. Goteborg, II Folio, original boards, uncut. One of 99 copies. 143 1603. RANGOUZE (SB. DE). Lettrea Beroiquea, aux Grande de I'Estat. [mprimerie . . . :i Paris, de I'Imprimerie dea uouueaus Caractheree par P. Moreau, 1 6 1 1 First Edition. l2mo, in a flue old French red morocco, yilt back, richlj gilt sides, with n crowned monogram within ;i cartouche of laurel sprays, gilt edges. Vkky Scarce. The first portion of the work consists of shorl letterc to various royal .•mil other personages, without pagination, and with genuine blank leaves; the latter portion consists of "Lettrea Missiues, " 298 aumbered pages, with leaf of Privilege du Roy. Ki04. RARKKKS (II.). Alge >ne ophelderende verklaring van bet oud Letterschrift, in steenplaatdruk. Leyden, 1818 l6mo, with 18 plates of facsimiles, half roan. L605. RAYMOND (HENRY J.). Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for Thirty Years. Progress of American Journalism from 1840 to 3870. With Portrait, Illustrations, and Appendix. By Augustus Maverick. Published by Subscription only. Hartford, Conn., 1870 8vo, cloth. 1606. RECUEIL de Pieces sur les' Mceurs Galantes. Paris, Chez Tous les Libraires, 1844-1874 (i vols., 24mo, boards, roan backs, uncut. Plates, portraits. 1607. REDGRAVE (GILBERT R.). Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice. A Paper read before the Bibliographical Society, Nov. 20, 1893. London, The Bibliographical Society, 1891 4to, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Facsimiles. 1608. REED (TALBOT BAINES). A History of the Old English Letter Foundries, with notes, Historical and Bibliographical, on the Rise, and Pro- gress of English Typography. London, 1887 4to, cloth, leather back, uncut. Plates, portraits and facsimiles. 1609. Another copy. 1610. REID (GEORGE WILLIAM). Works of the Italian Engravers of the Fifteenth Century reproduced in facsimile by Photo-intaglio. With an introduction by George William Reid . . . First Series. London, 1884 Folio, boards, uncut, loose in covers. Kin/ravings. 1611. RELIURE MODERNE (LA). Critique d'un praticien. Etude sur les relieurs et sur la reliure en general destinee aux amateurs de livres. 12mo, boards, calf back, uncut. Paris, O. Marpon et F. Flammarion, 1882 1612. REMBRANDT: His Life, his Work, and his Time. By Eniile Michel: from the French by Florence Simmonds; edited by Frederick Wedmore. London, W. Heinemann ; New York, 1903 4to, cloth, uncut. Plates, portraits, etc. 144 SIXTH SESSION LOTS 1613-1945 1613. RENOUARD (ANTOINE AUGUSTIN). Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aide, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Paris, A. A. Renouard, XTI— 1803 First Edition. 8vo, half morocco. Portrait of Pavius Manutim engraved by Aug. St. Aubin. Two volumes and Supplement bound in one volume: Sup- plement dated 1812. 1614. RENOUARD (ANTOINE AUGUSTIN). Annales de rimprimerie des Aide, Ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de Leurs Editions . . . Seconde Edition. Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1825 3 vols., 8vo, bound by J. Larkins in blue half calf, gilt tooled back, t, r ilt top, uncut. Engraved portraits by Aug. St. Aubin as frontispieces; facsimile. 1615. Another copy. 8vo, half morocco. 1616. RENOUARD (ANTOINE AUGUSTIN). Annales' de l'Imprimerie des Estienne, ou Histoire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses Editions. Paris, J. Renouard, 1837 2 vols, in one, 8vo, boards, calf back. Folded genealogical chart. Book- plate of "Ex Bibliotheca Sobolewskiana. " 1617. RENOUARD (PHILIPPE). Imprimeurs Parisiens; Libraires, fondeurs' de caracteres et correcteurs d'imprimerie depuis 1 'introduction de l'Imprimerie a Paris (1470) jusqu'a la fin du XVIe siecle . . . Paris, Librairie A. Claudin, 1898 12mo, bound in half morocco by Stikeman ; folded map. 1618. RENOUYIER (JULES). Des Portraits d'Auteurs dans les Livres du XVe siecle. Avec un Avant-Propos par Georges Duplessis. Paris, A. Aubry, 1863 8vo, half calf, uncut. One of 200 copies on antique paper. 1619. REQUIN (L'ABBE). L'Imprimerie a Avignon en 1444. Paris, 1890 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by R. W. Smith, with original paper covers bound in. Facsimile. 1620. RESPUBLICA ET STATUS REGNI HUNGARLE. Ex officina Elzeviriana. Cum M.DC.XXXIV. Priuilegio. Leyden, 1634 16mo. C3 has been transposed by binder and placed between As and Bl. Old calf, rebacked ; engraved title. Margins ruled in red. Privilege is dated 15 May 1626. Bookplate of Richard Rawlinson. 1621. RETZSCH (MORITZ). Explanations of the Outlines of Morita Retzsch to Shakespeare's Dramatic Works . . . by C. A. Boettiger . . . C. Borromseus von Miltitz . . .II. TJlrici. Complete in one solum.'. Leipsic, E. Fleischer; London, Ihilau & Co., 1847 [and | Gallery to Shakespeare's Dramatic Works. In Outlines Invented ami Engraved by Moritz Retzsch. Complete in one volume. Leipsic, E. Fleischer; London, Dulau & Co., 1 S I7 2 parts in one vol., oblong 8vo; half morocco. Titles and text in German and English. The "Gallery" consists of a frontispiece and 100 plates. 145 1622. RICCARD] PRESS. The Heroes; or, Greek Fairy Tales for my Children. By Charles Kingsley. Illustrated after drawings by W. !:•■ Flint. London, P, I.. Warner, 1912 itn, boards, cloth back, uncut. No. 109 of 500 copies. 1623. BICE (GEORGE EDWARD). An Old Play in a New Garb; (Hamlet, Prince of Denmark;) In Three Acts. Boston, 1853 L2mo, boards. Plates. A travesty on Shakespeare's Hamlet. 1624. RIVERSIDE ALDINE SERIES. Boston, v. d. FlR&T Editions. I:: vols., l-nm, original red '-loth, p:i |»r*r labels, uncut. Comprising: Fireside Travels; The Gray Champion; Walden, 2 vols.; Tali New England; Wake Robin; Backlog Studies; The Biglow Papers, both Beries; Venetian Life, 2 vols.; The Luck of Roaring Camp; Mtarjorie Daw. 1625. KM\ KI.'SI HI-: PRESS. Specimens of type, ornaments, borders, and corners in use in the Composing Room of the Riverside Press. Cambridge, ls*7 8vo, paper covers, uncut. 1626. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Songs & Sonnets of Pierre »ard. Selected & Translated into English verse by Cnrtis II. Page. Boston, 1903 12mo, boards, uncut. One of 425 copies'. 1627. RIVERSIDE PRESS. The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey; written by George Cavendish; illustrated with portraits by Holbein. Boston, 1905 Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. Portraits. Limited Edition'. 1628. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Geofroy Tory, Painter and Engraver? First Royal Printer : Reformer of Orthography and Typography under Francois I. An Account of his Life and Works, by Auguste Bernard, Translated by George B. Ives. No place, Riverside Press 1 , 1909 Royal 8vo, original boards, gilt decoration, uncut. Titlt in red and bind,. With reproductions of borders and woodcuts from Tory's work. One of 37" copies. 1629. RIVOLI (DUC DE). Bibliographie des Livres a Figures Venitiei - la Fin du XVe Sieele et du Commencement du XVIe, 1469-1525. Paris. 1892 8vo, half morocco. 1630. ROBERTS (W., Editor). Printers' Marks, a Chapter in the History of Typography. London, 1903 12mo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations. 1631. ROBIDA (A.). Mesdames Nos Ai'eules, Dix Siecles d 'Elegances. Text et Dessins. Paris, A La Librairie Illustree, n. d. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations, some in colors. 1632. ROBIN (CHARLES). Histoire Illustree de l'Exposition universale par Categories d 'industries avec notices sur les exposants. Paris, Furne. 35J 4to, half morocco, uncut. Includes printing, typecasting, illustration and binding. 1633. ROCKHILL (WILLIAM WOODVILLE). The Land of the Lamas. Notes of a Journev through China, Mongolia, and Tibet. With Maps ami Illustrations. New York. 1^91 First Edition. 8vo, cloth. 1634. ROE (EDWARD P.). Success with Small Fruits. With Illustra- tions. New York, Dodd. Mead, 1880 8vo, half levant morocco. 1635. Another copy. 1636. ROEMER (JEAN). Origins of the English People and of the Eng- lish Language. Compiled from the Best and Latest Authorities. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Facsimiles and map. New York, Appleton, 1888 146 1637. EOGERS (JAMES E.). Six Centuries of Work and Wages. The history of English labour. London, 1884 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1638. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Italy, a Poem. London, Printed for T. Cadell, and B. Moxon, 1835 8vo, morocco (pp. foxed). Illustrations. With book-plate of James Thom- son. L639. ROGERS (WALTER T.). A Manual of Bibliography, being Introduction to the Knowledge of Books, Library Management, and the Art of Cataloguing. London, 1891 Svo, cloth, uncut. Illustration*. 1640. ROMAIN (GEORGES). Le Moyen Age, fut-il une gpoque de tenebres & de servitude. Ktmies par G. Romain. Paris, a. .1. Svo, half morocco, uncut, original paper cov< rs bound in. 1641. ROME. Collection of 1.". photographic views of the City of Rome. No place, no date Oblong 4to, in half morocco box, book fashion (cover loose). 1642. ROOSES (MAX). Compte-Rendu de la Premiere Session de la •'(in- ference du Livre tenue a Anvers au mois d'aout 1890, public an aom de la Commission d 'Organisation par le Secretaire General Max Rooses. Folio, half morocco. Anvers, J. E. Buschmann, 1891 1643. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. Illustrated by Frederic Eemmgton. New York. Century, [cop. 1888 4i-o, cloth, gilt edges. Illustrations. 1644. ROSTAND (EDMOND). L'Aiglon; Drame en Six Actes, or. Vers . . . 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. Paris, 1900 1645. ROTH-SCHOLTZIUS (FRIDERICUS). [ohannis Conradi S| lii Introduetio in Notitiam Insigniuin Typographicorum. Dissortatione Episto lari ad Fridericum Roth-Scholtzium Proposita. Nuremberg and Altorff, L730 4to, half calf. 1646. ROUSSEAU (JEAN JACQUES). La Nouvelle Heloise, on Lettres Deux Amans Habitans d'une petite Ville an pied des Alpes: Recueillii Publiees par J. J. Rousseau. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigee & augmented de Figures en taille douce, & d'une Table des Matieres. A Neuehatel el se trouve a Paris, ('ho/. Duchesne, I7«ii 4 vols., 12mo, calf, red edges. Plates, engraved. 1647. ROUSSEAU (JEAN JACQUES). Les Confessions do .1. .1. Roussi Paris, F. Didol Freres, 1*1 I 12mo, half moroceo, uncut. Frontispieci portrait of Bousseau. 1648. ROUSSELET (LOUIS). India and its aative Princes: Travels in Central India and in the Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal. Revised and edited by Lieut. -Pol. Buckle. Containing 317 [llustrations and 6 Map-. Polio, cloth, uncut. Frontispiea and illustrations. I en. ion, I s 7- 1649. ROUVEYRE ( EI>< )P ARI> ). < 'onnaissancos Xocessaires a nn Biblio phile. Troisieme edition revue, corrigee el augmeritee. Ouvrage a< om] de sepl planches e1 do einq specimens de papier. Paris, P. Rouvi 3d edition, 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. Title in r< : Names of Members, Fellowes, Officers, and the Personnel of the Committi Cleveland, Rowfanl Club, 12mo, eloth, gilt edges. Plate, colored. I7ii copies printed; binderj a ] 17 L652. RUDOLPH (Archduke of Austria). Voyage en Orienl par 1'Arehiduc Rodolphe d'Autriche. Traduil de l'Allemand. [frustrations d'apres lee di originaua de Franz von Pausinger, eaux-fortes de J. Klaus, bois graves par P. w. Bader. Vienne, [mprunerie 1 1 « - el Rle de la Cour el de J'Ktat. 1885 Folio, cloth. Poi trait and plates. L653. RUDOLPH (Archduke of Austria). Die ofterreichisch-ungarische Monarchic in Worl and Mil. I. Wien, A. Bolder, I • 2 vols., ito, cloth. Illustrations, L654. RUELENS (CHARLES). Bur le Speculum Humana? Salvationis. s \o, half calf, uncut. Our of 50 copies. Bruxelles, P. Beussner, 1855 1655. RUELENS (C.) .\.\i> BACKER (A. DE). Annales Plantiniennes depuis la Pondatiou de I 'Imprimerie Plantinienne a Anvers jusqu'a la Mori de Chr. Plantin (1555-1589), par C. Rueleus & A. de Backer. Paris, T 1866 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Portrait. One of 200 copies. 1656. RUINS OF ATHENS, with remains and other valuable antiquities in Greece. London, 1759 Polio, boards, leather back, uncut, worn. Engraved plates. 1657. RUSKIN (JOHN). Lectures on Art, delivered before the Onivi of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1870 First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. L658. RUSKIN (JOHN). Ariadne Plorentina. Sunnyside, Opington, Kent, 1672. SAMPSON (HENRY). A History of Advertising p r0 m the Earliest Times. With Illustrations and facsimiles. London, l y 7l 12mo, cloth. 1673. SANDYS (GEORGE). A Relation of a [ourney begun An: Horn: 1610. Poure Bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of -"Egypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote parts of Italy, and Hand- adioyning. The second edition. London: Printed for W: Barrett, 1621 Folio (one leaf wanting). Old calf, rebacked; engraved title by Francisco Delaram ; engraved maps, runs, t oi Printing. 8vo, cloth, uncut (worn). London, L841 1677. Another copy. Half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. 1 Pi 1678. SAVIGNY (J. B. HENRI) \m» COBREARD (ALEXANDRE). Naufrage de la Fregate la M6duBe. faisanl partie de I 'expedition do Senegal, en 1816 . . . Tims i|.iix ii:i ii I'i a g6S du li:i< lc;i II. f '.'iris, Ho<'<|llH [&C.] 1 S I7 8vo, mottled calf. Engraved plan by I. CorrSard. Copyrignl autographed l>\ A. Corrfiard. Title cul away al t . etage, I \ Klin g em. Dusseldorf, R. Rangette & Sohne, 1882 4to, bound in brown sackcloth. Printed on thick paper intended to present the appearance of a damaged papyrus. Burlesque of the Storj of the thief, in Herodotus. II, 122. 1702. SEYPPEL (KARL MARIA), lie she It. Egyptian Court Chron icle B.C. 1302. A veracious and truthful version Preserved and transcribed for general use By The Peerless Poet Laureate of His late Majesty Rhamp sinnit III. Memphis Pyramid Row No. 36 Fifth floor. <'lnse on Saturdays 2 P.M. Designed by <'. M. Seyppel. [Dusseldorf, P. Rangette *v Sohne], 1884 4to, bound in brown sackcloth. Printed on thick paper intended to present the appearance of a damaged papyrus. L703. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare, from Mr. Pope's edition. Birmingham, Printed and sold by R. Martin, 17os 9 vols., l2mo, contemporary calf, gill tooled, gilt edges. Note in Mr. DeVinne's hand in vol. I: "This edition was printed with Baskerville 's I at the suggestion of Garrick, and sold at Stratford during the Jul 151 1704. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Dramatic Work , from the Texl ol the Corrected Copies of Steevena and Malone, with :i Life of the Poet, Charles Symmons, The Seven Ages of Man . . . and a Glossary. Hartford, 1849 ilium, full blue morocco, gill edges. Frontispied and woodcuts. L705. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Shakespeare Cyclopaedia and WW Glossary . . . with the Variorum Readings . , . by John Phin. . . With an Introduction by Edward Dowden. New Fork, 1902 ^\ o, cloth, uncut. L 706. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Elizabethan Shakapere. The Tempest. With notes by Mark II. Ldddell. New York. 1903 4to, half cloth, uncut. One of 240 copies. 1707. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Elizabethan Shakapere. The Tragedie of Macbeth. With notes hv Mark II. Liddell. New York, 1903 4to, half cloth, uncut. One of 240 copies. L708. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Oxford Miniature Shakespeare. The Complete Works. Edited, by W. .1. Craig. Oxford, < 'larenden Press, n. d. (> vols., .".L'mo, flexible morocco. 1709. SHAW (HENRY). The Band Book of Mediaeval Alphabets and Devices. London, 1 853 4to, cloth, uncut. Facsimiles. First Edition. 1710. Another copy. 1711. SHAW (HENRY). The Encyclopedia of Ornament. Edinburgh, 1898 Ito, (doth, uncut. Plates, some colored. 1712. SHELDON (FREDERICK). The Minstrelsy of the English Border. Being a Collection of Ballads, Ancient. Remodelled, and Original, Founded on the Well Known Border Legends. London, 1847 12mo, morocco, gilt edges. 1713. SHERIDAN (RICHARD BRINSLEY). The Dramatic Works of Sheridan; with an Introduction by Richard Grant White. Xew York, Dodd, Mead, 1883 3 vols., 8vo, full red levant morocco, ^ilt tooled, uncut, by Matthews. Por- traits, engraved by Eitehic, in tiro states. One of 30 copies on Japan paper. 1714. SHERMAN (WILLIAM TECUMSEH). Personal Memoirs of Gen. W. T. Sherman. Third edition, revised and corrected. Xew York, 1890 2 vols., 8vo, pigskin. Portrait and maps. 1715. SIEGE OF LUCKNOW (Inglis), London, 1893; A White Umbrella in Mexico (Smith), Boston, 1889; Heine's Pictures of Travel (Leland), Phila. 1869; and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 1716. SI LIES 1TALICUS. Silii Italici Clarissimi Poeto de Bello Punico libri septemdecim. Cum Argumentis Hermanni Buschij, & scholijs in margine adiectis, quae vice vberis commentarij esse possunt. [Printer's device.] Small 8vo, old mottled calf. Parisiis Apud Simonem Colinseum 1531 1717. SILVESTRE (ARMAXD). Le Conte de EArcher. Aquarelles de A. Poirson, gravies par Gillot. Impression chromotifpographiqut par A. Lahure. Paris, A. Lahure, 1883 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt edges. Tith in nil and black. Illustrations in color. Original paper covers bound in. L718. SILVKSTKE (JOSEPH BALTHAZAR). Universal Palaeography: Or, Facsimiles of Writings of all nations and periods. . . Translated from the Preach, and edited, with corrections and notes, by Sir Frederic Madden. . . First ENGLISH EDITION; 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, IMS) 1719. Another edition. London. 1850 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges, by J. Wright. 152 1720. SILVESTEE (JOSEPH BALTHAZAR). Palaeographical Albun Facsimiles of Writings of all nations and periods . . . accompanied l'\ An His torieal and Descriptive Text and Introduction, by Champollion Figeac and Champollion, Fils. Translated from the French, and edited, with corrections and notes, by Sir Frederic .Madden. London and Paris, L850 Atlas folio; cloth. Facsimile plates. Sample signature from Spenser's Faerie Queen, folio, and proofs of cover designs in color for the Rubaiyat, Grolier Club edition, laid in. 1721. SILVESTEE (LOUIS CATHERINE). Marques Typographiques ; Ou, Recueil des Monogrammes, Chiffres, Enseignes, Emblemes, Devises, Rebus el Fleurons des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui out exerce en France, depuis I'intro duction de 1 'Imprimerie, en 147h, jusqu'a la fin dn seizieme siecle. . . Pa i is, Reiiou et Maulde, ] 867 2 parts in 1 vol., Svo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Paged continu- ously. Probably the First Edition with new title. 1722. Another copy. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Probably the First Edition with new title. 1723. SINGEB (SAMUEL WEI LER). Some Account of the Book Printed at Oxford in MCCCCLXVIII, under the title of Exposicio Sancti [eronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum. In which is examined its claim to lie considered First Book Printed in England. London, 1812 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Engraved frontispiece. One of 50 copies, privi printed for presentation. See Lowndes. 1724. SINISTEABI (LOUIS MAETE). De la Demonialite et des Ani Incubes et Succubes . . . Par Le E. P. Louis Marie Sinistral i d'Ameno . . . Ouvrage inedit publie d 'apres le Manuscrit original et traduil dn Latin pai Isidore Liseux. Paris, I. Liseux, 1875 First Edition. Svo, half blue levant morocco, uncut, by Thierry, Sr. I le Petit-Simier. One of 598 copies. Original paper covers bound in. 1725. SKETCHES from Venetian History, X. Y. ls72; White's Si Edinb. 1834; Maud (Tennyson), Boston, 1855; and others. 20 vols., various sizes and bindings. 17°6 SKETCHES OF CBEATION (Wiuchell), X. Y. L876; The Land and the Book, 2 vols. (Thomson), N. Y. 1876; Parish Problems, N. \., n. d.; and others. 20 vols. 12mo and larger, mainly cloth. 1727 SLATEE (J. H.). Book Collecting. A Guide for Amati 12mo, cloth, uncut. Illustrations. One of 500 copies. London. 1892 172S. SLAVE SONGS of the United states. Xew York. L867 First Edition. Svo, cloth. Music in text. L729 SMITH (FEAXXTS HOPKINSON). A Day at Laguerre's and Other Days; Nine Sketches. Boston, U92 svo, boards, uncut. One of 25(1 copies printed. Complimentary copj with inscription. mo SMITH (GEORGE). The Chaldean Account of Genesis. Contai the Desertion of the Creation, the Fall of Man. the Deluge the Tower of Babel the Times of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod; Babylonian Fables, and Legends o the Gods; from the Cuneiform Inscription. With Mvfn " mo, cloth. Bookplate of Richard Vary Campbell. London, 1731 SMITH (Captain JOHN). The Adventures and Discourses of < tain Iohn Smith, sometime Preside* of Virginia, and Admiral oi Ne* Eng- land. Newly Ordered by lohn Ashton, With Illustrate _J^^ »J" Original Sources. 12mo, boards, uncut. 153 L732. SMITB (JOHN). The Printer's Grammar: Wherein are Exhibited, Examined, anil Explained, The Superficies, Gradation, and Properties of The differenl Sorts and Sizes of Metal Types, eaal by Letter Pounders: Sundry Alphabets . . . London, | 1755 First Edh i" . 8v0j old calf, red edges. 1733. SMITH (.mux. Printer). The Printer's Grammar: Containing a Concise History of the Origin of Printing; AJso, an Examination of the . . . Differenl Sizes of Types cast by Letter Founders . . . Chiefly collected from Smith 's Edil ion ... ■ London, 1 787 8vo, half calf. Pages 273-316 contain: A Specimen of Printing Types, by Edmund Pry and Co. Letter Pounder to the Prince of Wales. London, 1787 I7:i4. Another copy. 8vo, half calf, gilt back, gilt top. London, 1787 1735. SMITH (JUSTIN FL, Editor). The Kistori* Booke, Done to keep in lasting remembrance the joyous meeting of the Honourable Artillery Company of London and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of the Massa chusetts in the Towne of Boston, A. 1). 1903. [Norwood, Mass. I Privately printed [1903] Polio, cloth, gilt edges. Decorative title; marginal decorations, plates, soim colored, facsimiles, portraits. Presentation copy to T. L. DeVinne from Capt. J. Steams Cushing, for the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. 1736. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. The Smithsonian Institution 1846-1896. The History of its first half century. Edited by George Brown Goode. Washington, l v i'7 4to, half straight-grain morocco, uncut. Portraits; plaits. 1737. SOCIETE DES BIBLIOPHILES. Melanges de Litterature et d'His- toire recueillis et publics par La Soeiete des Bibliophiles Francois. Paris. Crapelel 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges, by Petit Succr. De Simier. Title vignette portrait of .1 . AugusU Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Engraved front, and portraits. 1775. STOUPE (M.). Memoire but le Retablissement de la Communaute des Imprimeurs de Paris. Paris, L806 8vo, boards. 1776. STOWER (C). The Compositor's and Pressman's Guide to thi of Printing . . . London, 1808 First Edition. 12mo, half cloth. Folded plate. 1777. STOWKR (C). The Printer's Grammar; Or, Introduction to the Art of Printing: containing a concise history of the art, with the improvements in the practice of printing, for the last fifty years. London, B. Crosby and Co., L808 8vo, calf, rebacked. With plates and facsimiles. 1778. STOWER (C). The Printer's Price Hook, Containing the Blaster Printer's Charges to the Trade tor Printing . . . al>o, a new, easy, and correct Method of Casting Off Manuscripl and other Copy, Exemplified in Specimen Pages . . . London. 1814 8vo, half Cloth and boards, uncut. 157 1779. STRANGE (EDWARD P.)- Alphabets. A Manual of Lettering for the use of Students, with Historical and Practical D< econd edition, with WO illustration*, London, iL'iini, cloth. Presentation copy from T. W. Smith, Caslon Foundry, 1 *s f » 7 . L 780. STRANGE [EDWARD P.). Alphabets \ Handbook of Lettering with Historical, Critical .v Practical Descriptions. London, 8vo, half morocco, ^ili top, by Stikeman. Plates, <'<-. One of ~~< co printed on Japanese vellum. 1781. STRANSKY PAVEL). Re publica Bojema :> M. Paulo Stranaky, Z. I ii scripta, recognita, el aucta. Lugd. Batavorum, Ex Officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1643 l2mo, old '-.'ilf rebacked; engraved hi/,. Bookplates of Alfred Cock, and Thro. Blackall. 1782. STRAFSS il'AFL). Paris [gnore: 550 dessms inedits d'apres nature. Paris, Quantin [n. d. ] Folio, cloth, uncut. 1783. STRAWBERRY HTLL PRESS. Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Mill Press 1757-1789, by Munson Aldrich Havens. Canton, I'm., Lewis Buddy 3rd, The Kirgate Press, 1901 12mo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Portraits and facsimiles. One of 300 copies. Presentation copy from Lewis Buddy III, to T. L. DeVinne. 1784 STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, From the Norman Conquest. With portraits of the Queens. London, 1882 v vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt tooling. 17s.-,. STUART (GILBERT). The Life and Works. Br George C. Mason. With selections from. Stuart's Portraits Reproduced on Steel and by Photo- gravure. New York, 1879 4to, cloth, uncut. With the compliments of the Publishers. 1786. STUDIES IN ENGLISH (De Vere) ; Every Day English (White); Errors in the L T se of English (Hodgson) ; and others. 20 vols. 12mo and smaller, mainly cloth. 1787. SUETONIUS. Caius Suetonius Tranquillus. Cum annotationibus diversorum. Amsterodami, Typis Danielis Elzevirii. Sumptibua Societatis, 1671 16mo, mottled calf; engraved title. 1788. SULTZBERGER (HARTMANN HENRY, Editor). All about Opium. London, 1884 8vo, cloth. 1789. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In 1 parts. By Lemuel Gulliver. The second edition. London, Printed for B. Motte, 1727 I parts in - vols., l2mo, half morocco (different, sides). Portrait of author iiiiiravcd bit N. Six ppard. With bookplate of Richard Chase Sidney. 1700. TATNE (H. A.). History of English Literature. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. Edinburgh, 1873-4 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Macdonald. 1701. TAISNIER (JOANNIS). Astrologies Iudieiarise Ysagogica et Totius Divinatricis art is Encomia, cum nonnullis Habrahami Iudei Servio: lodoco<|. I'.adio Ascesio, < 'u in fi^uris aptissimis: multisq. in locis adiunctis dictionibus grawis qua? de erant. Nee non _> ornatissimus index t.-i vocabuloru q. A.dagiorum: qua? digna annotatu visa sunt. Nouiter impress©. [Colophon:] Venetiis in .Kdiluis [oannia Tacuini de Tridino. Anno dni. M.I'.W 1 1. Die.V] II. Julii . . . Folio, half vellum. Title within ornamental woodcut border; woodcuts in Numerous manuscript note-, in an old hand. Nol n rded by Hrunet. but is probably a reissue of the edition by Badius, printed in Paris iy Trechsel in 1493, which is much sought for the woodcut^-. Bookplates of J, Ladimir Fran- cois; Baron de Warenghien; and another. IS9 1802. TEEENOE, Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae Ad optimorum Exeaaa planum ndem recensitee &c. A.ccesserun1 Variaa Lectiones, Quaa in Lib] el Krndiloium < 'oin nun I ;i )i is QOtatU di^ninres 0CCU1 runt . Londini, [mpensis J. el P. Knnpton, el G. Sandey. I7.~,i •_' Mils, ii s ; red morocco. VignetU on title-page engraved by /. S. Miller. L803. TERENCE. Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae. ii'iim, old calf. Birminghamiae : Typia Jobannis Baskerville. 1772 1804. TERENCE. The Comedies of Terence, translated into Familiar Blank Verse. By George Colman. London, 1810 8vo, half calf, uncut, by Btikeman. Frontispiect engraved by Jos. Mopwood; plates by />'. Picart on thin hand-made paper, inlaid mi heavy .shuts. L805. TEWRDANNCKH. The Adventures and a portion of the Story ol the Praiseworthy, Valiant, and High Renowned Hero and Knight, Lord Tewrdannckh. A Reproduction of the Edition Printed a1 Augsburg, in 1 ."3 1 i * . Edited by W. Harry Rylands. With an Introduction by George Bullen. Polio, cloth, uncut. Woodcuts. London, 1 4 M L806. THACKERAY (W. M.). Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand < nil. >, by way of Lisbon, Athens, Constantinople, and Jerusalem . . . by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Second edition. London, 1846 12mo, cloth. Colored frontispiece. 1807. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Chronicle of the Drum. New York, 1882 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Plates; illustrations. 1808. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Mahogany Tree. New York, Privately Printed, Christmas, 1910 12mo, mahogany boards, vellum back, uncut. Frontispiect sketch of Thackeray from (inuring by Edmund Dulac. One of 200 copies printed for Thomas Nasi Fairbanks by Hal Marchbanks in December, 1910. 1809. THIERRY-POUX (O.). Premiers Monuments de l'Imprimerie eu France au XVe Sieele. Paris, Haehette et Cie, 1890 Atlas folio, unbound, in board portfolio, uncut. With (0 plates of facsimiles of early printing. 1810. THOINAN (ERNEST). Les Relieurs Francais (1500-1800). Biog- raphie critique et aneedotique, precedee de l'Histoire de la Cominunaute des Relieurs et Doreurs de Livres de la Ville de Paris et d'une etude sur les styles de Relieurs. caris, 1893 4to, half blue morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. Facsimiles. One of (550 copies. 1811. THOMAS CARLYLE (Froude), 2 vols., X. Y. 1882; The Popular Life of Buddha (Lillie), London, 1883; Private Life of an Eastern King, X. Y. 1S55; and others. 20 vols., mainly 12mo, cloth. 1812. THOMAS (ISAIAH). The History of Printing in America. With a Biography of Printers, and Au Account of Newspapers. To which is prefixed A Concise View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art in other parts of the World. In two volumes. Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, dun., Isaac Sturtevant, Printer, 1810 First Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, sprinkled calf. Frontispiece portrait of the author, and facsimile*. 1813. THOMAS (ISAIAH). The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. . . Second edition. With the Author's Corrections and Additions, and a Catalogue of American Publications previous to the Revolution of 1776. Published under the super- vision of a Special Committee of the American Antiquarian Society. Albany, 1874 2 v.ds., half morocco, uncut, by Neumann. Portrait, double plate. 160 1814. THOMAS ilSAIAH). Memoir of [saiah Thomas, by his grandson Benjamin Franklin Thomas. Boston, 1874 8vo, boards, calf back, uncut. 1815. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. Chiswick, Prom the Press of C. Whittingham, 1820 L2mo, boards, uncut. Illustrations. 1816. TIDSSEEIFTET BOGVENNEN Udgivel af Forening for Bogbaand- vaerk MDCCCXCIII. Kj0benhavn: P. G. Philipsen, a. d. Folio, half morocco, uncut, by Btikeman. Original paper covers bound in. Illustrations. 1817. TIMl'.s (JOHN). English Eccentrics and Eccentricities. 2 vols., i-niii, half morocco. First Edition. London, - 181,8. TIMPERLEY (C. II., Editor). Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typo graphical Anecdote . . . compiled and condensed from Nichols's Literary A ■ dotes, and numerous other authorities. Second edition, to which are added, a Continuation to the present time . . . and a Practical manual of printing. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. . London, 1 s 12 1819. TISSANDIEE (GASTON). Histoire de la Gravure Typograpbiqne. ( onference faite au Cerele de la Librairie . . . 29 Janvier 1875. Paris | l s 7-"| 4to, red morocco, original paper covers bound in. "Extrait de la Chroniqne du Journal General de la Librairie, de 1 'Imprimerie, etc., du 6 Fevrier l s 7A 1820. TITIAN. The Life and Times of Titian. With some account of his family. By J. A. Crowe and G. B. ( 'a\ a icaselle. Second edition. Portrait and illustrations. London, l ss i 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portrait, illustrations. 1821. TITUS LI VI US. Titi I.ivii Historiarum Libri, quol extant. Ex re censione I. F. Gronovii. Amstelodami, Apud Danielem Elzevirium. A°. 1.678 ll'mo. halt calf, engraved title. Late edition, but tall copies are rare and valuable. This copy in good condition, wide margins, height 5% inches. 1822. TOCQUEVILLE (ALEXIS DE). Democracy in America; translation ly Henry Reeve, as revised ami annotated from the author's last edition by Francis Bowen. With an introduction by Daniel C. Gilman. New York, 1898 2 vols., 8vo, (doth, gilt top, uncut. Portrait, map. L823. TODD (THOMAS). Some Specimens of Book Types from the Print shop of Thomas Todd, Boston. [No place, no date] Royal 8vo, half red morocco, uncut, by Hathaway, Boston. Presented by the author. L824. TOMAHAWK (Til Hi. Edited by Arthur a 'Beckett; illustrated by Matt Morgan. Vol. 1-3. London, 1st;: L868 3 vols., Ho, 2 vols, in original boards (worn); one vol. unbound. Ittustrated. 1825. '1 KE i. ln||\ HOBNE). \.\W.\ [ITEPOENTA; Or, The Diversions of Purley. With Numerous Additions from the Copy Prepared by the Author tor Republication: to which is Annexed his Letter to John Dunning, Revised and Corrected, with Additional Notes, by Richard Taylor. London, 1857 8vo, halt calt'. Plate, engraved by /P. sharp. 1826. Tory (GEOFROY). L 'art & science de la Vraye Proportion des Lei ties Antiques, on Antiques, autremet dictes, Romaines, Etelon !<• cor] risaige humain . . . Par maistre Geoffroy Tory de Bourges. <>n lev vend a Paris a I 'enseigne sainct Martin. \i\\r Bainct [acques, par Viuant Gaultherot. 1 549. 8V0. Bound in full levant moroCCO, gilt edges, l>\ Dm u, 1855. 'I ith numir- mis woodcuts iii text. Second edition of his < 'hamptleii ry. with the same cuts. Pine copy. For tie First Edition, see under "Early Printed Books." 161 L827. TORY (GEOFBOY). Geofroj Tory, Peintre el Graveur, Premie* [mprimeur Royal, Beformateui de I'Orthographe el de la Typographic Francois [•». Par Aug. Bernard. Paris, A, Aubry, First Edition. Bvo, half morocco. Facsimiles in text, Manuscripl - laid in. L828. TOBY (GEOFROY). Geofroy Tory, Peintre el Graveur, Premier [mprimeur Royal, Eleformateur de I'Orthographe el de la Typographic sous Francois lor; par Auguste Memard. Deuxieme Edition, entidremenl refondua Pari i ■■- 1865 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Facsimiles wi text. is29. ■ Another copy. Half calf, uncut, by Larking. 1830. TRIBUNE ESSAYS (Congdon), \. Y. L889; The Mentor ios. 185s. VENETTE (N.). Tableau dc l'Amour Conjugal, par X. Ven Docteur en Medeeine. Nouvelle Edition, ornee de sieze Gravures. Paris, l v 2 1 vols, in 2, 24mo, half calf, uncut. Plates. 1859. VENUTI (EIDOLFINO). Accurata, e Buccinta Descrizione To o- grafica delle Antichita di Boma. . . Roma, 1763 First Edition. 2 vols., 4to, half calf (one cover loose). Tith Plates and engraved vignettes. Bookplate of Ealph William Grey. 1860. VENUTI (EIDOLFINO). Accurata, e Succinta Descrizione T< grafica e Istorica di Eoma Moderna. . . Eonia, 1766 2 vols., 4to, half russia, worn. Title vignettes and engraved i>l PiRST EDITION. 12ino, half morocco, uncut. 1877. Another copy. FlBST Edition. is?s | WALPOLE (HORACE).] II Castello di Otranto. Storia Gotica. London, 1795 8vo, red morocco, gold tooling, gilt edges. Frontispiece and plates. Book- plate of <;. ('. Greenwsll. 1879. f WALPOLE (HORACE).] Jeffery's edition of The Castle of otranto, a Gothic Story. Translated by William Marshal, Gent from the original Italian of Qnuphrio Muralto, ('anon of the Churcb of St. Nicholas ai Otranto. London. 1796 8vo, calf (cover loose). Frontispiea and 6 pint's hand-colored, with decorativi borders dravm and colored by im-nd. 188(1. WALPOLE (HORACE). Wisdom of Horace Waipole, with B I word. r^° plaee] Privately Printed, 1905 8vo, half vellum, uncut. One of 75 copies, signed by Lewis Buddy [II. Presentation copy from Lewis Buddy III, the publisher, to T. L. DeVinne. 165 L881. WALTERS (HENRY). [ncunabula typographica. A descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in The Fifteenth Century (1460 L500) in the Librarj of Henry Walters. Baltimore, 1906 it.., pigskin, embossed, i ut, by Legatoria C. Tartagli Po., Firenze. Foe- simih 8. 1882. WALTON (ISAAC) and COTTON' (CHARLES). The Complete Angler of [zaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Chiswick, C. and C. Whittingham, L826 •2 Mils., 24mo, lull red morocco, gilt tops by Stikeman. Portraits, and vignettes; edited, with aotesi and lives of the authors, by Sir John Hawkins. 1883. WARD (MRS. HUMPHRY). Robert Elsmere. PlRST EDITION. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, Macmillan, 1888 L884. WATERTON (CHARLES). Wanderings in South America, the North west of the United States, And the Antilles, in the Years 1S12, 1816, 1820, & 1S24 . . . London, 1828 3vo, cloth. Engraved frontispiece by J. Westley. 1885. WATKINS (GEORGE T., Compiler). Bibliography of Printing in America: Books, Pamphlets and Some Articles in Magazines Relating to the Historv of Printing in the New World. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Boston, Published by the Compiler, 1906 L886. WATT (ALEXANDER). The Art of Paper-Making: A Practical Handbook . . . London, C. Lockwood and Son, 1890 L2mOj cloth, uncut. Plates, some folded; illustrations. 1887. WEBER (JOHANN JAKOB). Katechismus der Buehdrucker- kunst . . . Leipzig, 1901 16mo, cloth. Illustrations. 1888. WEEKLY MEMORIALS FOR THE INGENIOUS: or, An Account of Books Lately set forth in Several Languages. With Other Accounts relat- ing to Arts and Sciences. London, Printed for Henry Faithorne and John Kersey, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-yard. M.DC.LXXXIII. 4to, calf (worn). No. 1, Jan. 16, 1681/2, to No. 50, Jan. 15, 1683. Many of the articles are translations from foreign periodicals. Bookplate of "ETV": signature of John Fleming on title. 1889. WEIGEL (T. O. and ZESTERMANN (AD.). Die Anfiinge der Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrift. An deren Friihesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigel 'schen Sammlung, erlautert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zestermann. .!//? 145 Facsimiles und vielen in den Text gedruckten Holzschnittcn. Leipzig, T. O. Weigel, 1866 2 vols., folio, morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges. Portrait, and facsimiles, many in color. 1S90. WESTREENEN VAN TIELLANDT (WTLLEM H. J. Baron de). Yerslag der Naspooringen, omtrent de Oorspronkelijke Uitvinding en het Vroegste Gebruik der Stereotypische Drukwijze, gedaan, op Uitnoodiging van hel Gouvemement, door den Baron van Westreenen van Tiellandt. 's Gravenhage, 1833 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Folded facsimiles. Text in Dutch and French on opposite pages. 1891. WETTER (J.). Kritische Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst durch Johann Gutenberg zu Mainz . . . Mit dreizehn grossen Tafeln voll sehr genauer Fa-csimiles. Bfains, J. Wirth. 1836 8vo, and oblong 4to, half morocco, uncut, by R. W. Smith. Engraved [dates in separate atlas. 166 1892. WHARTON (EDITH). Italian Villas and their Gardens. Illus- trated by Maxfield Parrish. New York, 1904 First Edition. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Plates, some colored. 1893. WHEATLEY (HENRY B.). Bookbinding considered as a Fine Art, Mechanical Art, and Manufacture. London, 1880 First Edition. Imp. 8vo, boards, morocco back. Presentation copy from the author to George Bullen. 1894. Another copy. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 1895. WHISTLER (J. A. McNEILL). The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. Edited by Sheridan Ford. Paris: Delabrosse et Cie, 1890 12mo, original dark gray wrappers, uncut. The EXCESSIVELY rake Paris edition, issued after Mr. Ford's Antwerp edition was seized. This edition was printed at the same time, on the same paper, as the edition with the imprint "Frederick Stokes and Brother, 1890," only the imprints varying. Both editions were ordered destroyed, and only a few copies have survived. 1896. WHISTLER (J. A. McNEILL). Homes of the Passing Show. Sketches written by Beatty Kingston, Robert Hichens . . . and others. Draw- ings and Illustrations by J. McNeill Whistler, Joseph Pennell, Dudley Hardy, and others. London, Savoy Press, 1900 8vo, boards. Plates and illustrations (part colored). 1897. WHITE (ANDREW DICKSON). Autobiography. . . With portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1905 1898. WHITE (CHARLEY). Ethiopian dramas. New York [1856] 12mo, full red morocco, gilt tooling, gilt edges. Plates. A collection of 3hort plays written or arranged by C. White. 1899. WHITE (HENRY). The Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Preceded bv a History of the Religious Wars in the Reign of Charles IX. With illus- trot ions. New York, 1871 8vo, half calf. 1900. WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). Poetical Works. Boston, 1864 2 vols., 24mo, cloth, gilt edges. Portrait. 1901. WHY WE PUNCTUATE. By a Journalist, St. Paul, 1897; Origin and History of the English Language (Marsh), N. Y. 1867; Parts of Speech (Matthews), N. Y. 1901; and others. 20 vols., various sizes. 1902. WILDRIDGE (T. TINDALL). The Dance of Death in painting and in print. London, l sv . Small 4to, cloth. Plates, some colored. One of 400 copies. 190::. WTLKES (JOHN). The Life and Times of John Wilkes, M.l'., Lord Mayor of London, and Chamberlain. By Percy Fitzgerald. With four iUustra- . tions. London, 1888 First Edition. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. 1904. WILKIN'S (JOHN). An Essny Towards a Real Character, And a Philosophical Language. iM "- uu '^ Folio, half russia, broken. Title vignette and folded table. "To James Priestley from his Friend Jno. Thomas River, April 9th, L793" inscribed on title. Pages 377-8 lacking. 167 L905. WILKINSON (SIR JOHN GARDNER). Topography of Thebes,- and Genera] View of Egypt. . . With remarks on the Manners and Customs of the \iMHMit Egyptians and the productions of the Country. London, is:;.", 8vo, red calf, gill tooling. Plates. L906. \Vll.Kl.\so\ (SIR .DUN GARDNER). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. . . Illustrated by drawings. 3 vols. "Plates, some colored; Second Scries. 2 vols., and a volume of plates. Together 6 vols., 8vo, red calf, gill tooling, uncut. Folded i< ! "^ i. Loud.,,,. L837-42 L907. wiLLKMs (ALPHONSE). Les Elzevier, Bistoire et Annales Typo- graphiques. Bruxelles [etc.] G. A. Van Trigt, 1880 First Edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Arms of Elzevir family, in colors; genealogical chart, plates, facsimiles. 1908a. Another copy. First Edition. Original boards, uncut (back si rip loose). 1908. WILLIAMS (HUGH W.). Select views in Greece. Loudon, lSi 34 plates with text; 4to, full In-own morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. Title lacking. Large Paper copy, mth proofs on- India paper. The work was originally issued in 12 parts, containing H4 plates with descriptive text; this is probably the first half of the work. Bookplate of Mr. A. B. Tod. 1909. WILLOUGHBY (ELIZABETH). So much of the Diary of Lady Willoughby as relates to her Domestic History, & to the Eventful Period of the Reign of Charles the First. London, 1844 Square Svo, cloth, with slip cover of red morocco, uncut. Coat of arms on verso of title. Manuscript note by Thomas W. Smith, 1892, regarding type used, on fly-leaf. Printed in the Caslon Old face type after the matrices had lain unused for a hundred years, by Charles Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 1910. WILSON (FRANCIS). Recollections of a Player. New York, 1897 4to. Fine illustratio-ns. Original boards; uncut. One of 120 copies, printed at the DeVinne Press for Frank E. Hopkins. Presentation copy from F. Hop- kins to T. L. DeA'inne. 1911. WILSON (H. SCHUTZ). Studies in History, Legend and Literature. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1884 1912. WILSON (JAMES GRANT). The memorial history of the city of New-York. Profusely illustrated. [N. T.] New-York history Co., 1892-3 4 vols., 4to, morocco. Vol. 4, half morocco, and Vol. 2 in different color. 1913. WINDUS (THOMAS). A New Elucidation of the subjects on the celebrated Portland Vase, formerly called the Barberini: And the Sarcophagus, in which it was discovered. London, 1845 Folio, cloth, uncut. Colored frontispiece, plates. 1914. WINFIELD (CHARLES ID. History of the County of Hudson, New Jersey, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. New York, 1874 First Edition. 8vo, half morocco. Illustrations. 1915. WINSHIP (GEORGE PARKER, Editor). Sailors Narratives of Voyages along the New England Coast 1524-Hi24. With notes by G. P. Winship. Boston, 1905 mo. cloth, uncut. Plates, some folded. One of 440 copies printed at Riverside Press. 168 1916. WINSHIP (G. P.). A List of Books Printed in the Fifteenth I tnr\ in the John Carter Brown Library and the General Library of B University, Providence, Rhode Island. Oxford, University Pn 4 to, boards, uncut. Plates. Prepared as a Supplement to the G compiled by A. W. Pollard of the Fifteenth Century Books in the Annmary Brown Memorial. L917. WINSOR (JUSTIN, Editor). Narrative and Critical Ili-torv of America. Boston, (cop. 1S84-89) 8 vols., Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portrait; maps; illustrations. 1918. WITHER (GEORGE). Abuses Stript, and Whipt. Or Satirical Essayes. By George Wyther. Divided into two Bookes . . . At London, Printed by G. Eld, for Francis Burton, and are to be Bolde at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Green-Dragon. 1613. First Edition. Small 8vo, calf, by P. Bedford; Ki extended and strength- ened top ami bottom, headings and last four lines in facsimile. 1019. WOLF (JOANNES CHRISTIANUS). Monuments Typographica, quae Artis Ilnjus Prsestantissimse Originem, Laudem et Abusum Posteris Produnt, Instavrata Studio et Lahore do. Christian! Wolfii . . . 2 vols., small Svo, old ealf. Hamburgi: Sumtibus C. Heroldi, L740 1920. Another set. Bound in half vellum. MSS. notes on fly-leaves. 1921. WONDERS OF XTKKO, Pictured by the Arto-Type Process. Tokyo, Seishi Bunsha [no date] Oblong 4to, flexible white brocade, tied with silk cords at back. Plates, with rice-paper guard-sheets. 1922. WOOLNOUGH (C. W.). The Whole Art of Marbling .-is applies paper bookedges, etc. . . . London, 1881 8vo, (doth, uncut. Fac8vmU( letter; colored plaits showing specimens of marbled papt rs. 1923. WORCESTER (EDWARD SOMERSET, Becond Marquis of). The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the second Marquis of Worcester. To which is added, a reprint of his Century of Inventions, 1663, with a commen- tary thereon, by Henry Dircks. London, B. Quaritch, 1865 First Edition. Svo, cloth, uncut. Portraits, plans. L924. WRIGHT (Rev. JOHN). Early Bibles of America; being a descrip- tive account of Bibles published in the United States, Mexico mid Can Third edition, revised and enlarged. New Fork, 1S94 8vo, cloth, leather back. Facsimiles. 192;",. WRIGHT (THOMAS, Editor). A Contemporary Narrative of the Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for Sorcery in 1324, by Richard de Ledrede, Bishop of Ossory. Edited by Thomas Wright. London, Printed for the Camden Bociety, 1843 Square Svo, cloth. (Camden Soc. Publ. No. 24.) 1926. WRIGHT (THOMAS). A Eistory of Caricature & Grotesque In Literature and Art. With Illustrations from carious souroes, drawn engraved by F. W. Favrholt. London, [1864] Svo, half calf, rubbed. 1927. WURDTWEIN (STEPHANO ALEXANDBO). Bibliotheca Wfogun tina. Libris Saeculo Primo Typographico Moguntiee [mpressis bistructa. Mine inde Addita Invenbe Typographic Historic . . . Augusta' Vindelicorum, [mpensis < '. I'. Biirglen, MDCCLXXXVII. 4to, half morocco. Facsimiles. 169 1928. WYCHERLET (WILLIAM). Plays written by Mr. Wm. Wycherley. Containing The Country Wife. The Plain Dealer. Gentleman Dancing-Mi l,o\ e in :i W i. London, 1 735 ■I parts in one vol., L6mo, old calf. Plates engraved by G. King. Bach play baa Bpecial title-page and separate pagination. L929. YALE I'NIVKK'SITV. The record of the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of Pale College, held al Pale Uni- versity , . . nineteen hundred and one. Frontispiece. New Haven, Pub. by the university, 1902 4to, half crinkled calf, gilt top, uncut. 1930. YOUNG CLERKS ASSISTANT; Or, Penmanship made easy, In- structive urn] Entertaining: Being a Compleat Poeket-Copy-Book, Curiously Engrav'd For the Practice of Youth in the Art of Writingi London, Printed for Richard Ware (1733) 8vo, cloth. Plates and text engraved, printed on one side of leaf only. Leaves 38-61 contain : The Virgin Muse; Or, Select Poems on Several Occasions Moral ami Divine: Engrav'd For the particular Practice and Amusement of the Fair Bex. Lon- don, R. Ware, n. d. With this is bound: A New Drawing Book of Modes. By Mons. B. Picart. London, R. Ware, n. d. Title and 12 plates, engraved. Also: .A Discourse on the Use of the Pen, Containing Observations on "Writing in General . . . By William Leekey. London, R. Ware, n. d. 1931. YRIARTE (CHARLES). Florence: Its History— the Medici— the Humanists — Letters — Arts. Illustrated ivith 500 engravings. Translated bv •C. B. Pitman. New York, 1882 Folio, full morocco, gilt edges. Illustrations. 1932. Another copy. 1933. ZANOTTO (FRANCESCO). Pinacoteca della Imp. Reg. Accademia Veneta delle Belle Arti Illustrata da Francesco Zanotto. Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1834 2 vols., folio, half calf, uncut. Title vignette engraved by A. I'iviani, plates and illustrations. 1934. ZAPF (GEORG WILHELM). Augsburgs Buehdruckergeschichte nebst den Jahrbiiehern derselben. Arster Theil. Yom Jahre 1468 bis auf das Jahr 1500. Augsburg, C. F. Burglen, 1786 8vo, boards, cloth back. Title vignette and plates. 1935. ZELLER (EDUARD). Socrates and the Socratic Schools. London, 1868; The Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. London, 1870. Translated from the German by Oswald J. Beichel. London, 1868-70 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. 1936. ZELTNER (JOHANN CONRAD). C. D. Correctorum in Typo- graphies Eruditorum centuria Speciminis loco collecta a Johanne Conrado Zeltnero . . . Norimberga?, Sumtibus & Typis Adami Jonathan. Felseckeri. 1716 Small Svo, half morocco. 1937. ZELTNER (JOHANN CONRAD). Jo. Conr. Zeltneri . . . Theatrum Virorum Eruditorum qui Speciatim Typographic Laudabilem Operam Prsesti- terunt. Praemissa est Vita Zeltneri descripta per Fridericum Roth-Scholtzium jdles. Norimberga?, Sumptibus et Typis Adami Jonathan Felseckeri. 1720 Small 8vo, half morocco. Engraved portrait of Zeltner. 1938. ZEXGER (JOHN PETER). The Trial of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer: Who was charged with having printed and published a Libel against the Government; and acquitted. With a Narrative of his < ase. London. 1765 8vo, old sprinkled calf. Bound in with the above are: "A Defence of the 170 Minority in the House of Commons on the Question relating to General Warrants," London, 1764; "A Defence of the Majority, etc." London, 1765; "A Letter concerning Libels, Warrants, etc."; and 3 other pieces .similar. 1939. Another copy, without any other pieces. 8vo, half red moro by R. W. Smith. 1940. ZENGER (JOHN PETER). John Peter Zenger, His Press, His Trial and a Bibliography of Zenger Imprints, by Livingston Rutherford; Also a Reprint of the First Edition of the Trial. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1904 8vo, cloth, uncut. Portraits, facsimiles. One of 325 copies. L941. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society delineated. Published, with the sanction of the council under the superintendence of the Secretary and Vice-Secretary of tin- Society. Chiswick: Printed by Charles Whittingham, 1831 First Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, full calf, gilt tooiing, gilt edges, by Mathews. Choice copy. LIBRARY FURNITURE 1942. FOUR LIBRARY CHAIRS, oak, upholstered in leather (one seal ripped), with book rests for two of the chairs. 194:;. UHKAIi'Y RKVOFVIXO (iLOBF, IS inches iii diameter, bronzed metal stand. Complete. 1944. OAK PILING CABINET. 26 inches high; 22 inches long; 13 in deep. 12 drawers, with spring clips. Made by the Library Bureau. 194.1. OAK MAGAZINE STAND, 4 shelves. Top shelf 36 inches long, balance of shelves 20 inches. 27 inches high. PR] SS "I DOUGLAS X.w LOB NEW VORK TO THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK PLEASE BUY FOR ME AT YOUR SALE NO ON. 19 THE FOLLOWING LOTS AT NOT EXCEEDING THE PRICES NAMED, WHICH ARE SO MUCH PER LOT. THESE BIDS ARE MADE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF SALE PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE OF THIS SALE. NAME ADDRESS. SHIPPING DIRECTIONS LOT FIRST WORD BID LOT FIRST WORD BID MAKE YOUR BIDS ON THIS SHEET FOR ONE SALE ONLY. TERMS CASH. REFERENCES OR CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED WITH ORDERS FROM STRANGERS. 71 rm'i . . . . ■ M . .. . ■ i . . ■ . 1 1 1 1 1 1 m , 1 1 . ttti ' ■ ■ r i ; r n 1 1 , ; i : ; r rrrT~- THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Inc. [Ml r< JHELl U.NNkRU., i', i mm . PARK AVENUE 6s? FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK SALES BY AUCTION OF BOOKS AUTOGRAPHS * PAINTINGS * PRINTS * FURNITURE OBJECTS OF ART COLLECTIONS CATALOGUED AND APPRAISED FOR INSURANCE AND INHERITANCE TAXES ALL WORK IS DONE BY RELIABLE EXPERTS AT REASONABLE CHARGE: TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 k c\ A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below IB jUL 2 9 1983 DEC 18198$ umrmsn y of cauforhu AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY Zll7 D49 1 t)e Vinne - The l ibrary of .. 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