UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY LAW TRACTS, IN TWO VOLUMES, By WILLIAM BLACKSTONE, ESQ^ VOL. IL Oxford, AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. M. DCC. LXIL U.' ^^ CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME^ THE GREAT CHARTER, ETC. WITH THE HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. "7 Q I T^ ? THE GREAT CHARTER AND CHARTER OF THE FOREST, WITH OTHER AUTHENTIC INSTRUMENTS i TO WHICH IS PREFIXED AN INTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE, CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF THE CHARTERS. • INTRODUCTION. THERE is no tranfadtlon In the an- tient part of our engllfh hiftory more interefling and important, than the rife and progrefs, the gra- dual mutation, and final eftablifliment of the charters of liberties, emphatically ftiled the GREAT CHARTER and CHARTER OF THE FOREST; and yet there is none that has been tranfmitted down to us with lefs accuracy and hiftorical precilion. There is not hitherto extant any full and corred: copy of the char- ter granted by king John, M. Pine's engraving excepted, v/hich, on account of the antiquit)j of it's character, is not fitted for general pe- rufal : and the charters of king Henry the third have always been printed, even in our (latute-books, not from the originals them- felves, but from an Injpeximns of king Ed- ward the iirft. This want of authentic ma- terials, or negle(ft of recurring to fuch as might be eafily had, (of which the foregoing are two very glaring inftances) has often be- a 2 trayed IV INTRODUCTION, trayed our very bell hiftorians and moft pain- ful antiquarians into grofs and palpable er- rors, as will in fome meafure appear from the following deduction; to adjuft and remedy which, as well as our remaining evidences and the diftance of five centuries will allow, is the principal end of the prefent publica- tion. What therefore the reader may expedt in the following fheets is an authentic and cor- re(5t edition of the great charter and CHARTER OF THE FOREST, with fomC Other auxiliary charters, ftatutes, and corroborating inftruments; carefully printed from the ori- ginals themfelves, or (where thofe are not at prefent in being) from cotemporary inroll- ments and records. And herein it will be proper to begin with the original articles or heads of agreement at the congrefs in Run- ingmede in the fifteenth year of king John, w^hereupon his great charter was founded; and to trace them, though their feveral varia- tions and amendments during the infancy of king Henry the third, to the dangers which they underwent and the timely fupports which they received during his riper age; and at length to their final and peaceful eilablifh- ment in the twenty ninth year of king Ed- ward INTRODUCTION. v ward the firfl. Thefe will be illuftrated, in the following introdudlory difcourfe, by fuch fi\dbs and records as have fallen within the ob- fervation of the editor; who hopes he fhall be able to afcertain the hiftory of this inte- refting branch of our laws with fbme little degree of exadlnefs. But it is not in his pre- fent intention, nor (he fears) within the reach of his abilities, to give a full and explanatory comment on the matters contained in thefe charters. This, he hopes, and has reafon to believe, has long been meditated, and is in part already executed, by a gentleman whofe learning, experience, and abilities are every way fuited to the performance : and is a work, which, when properly executed, muft include little lefs than a complete hiflory of the feodal tenures, fo far as they were re- ceived in this kingdom ; together with an ex- a6l and comprehenfive view of our antient conftitution in ecclefiaflical matters as well as in civil government. With regard to the original of the GREAT CHARTER, Matthew Paris (or rather Roger Wendover ^ ) hath recorded a tradition a The former part of the hiflory Wtndovcr j though, in compliance which goei under the name of Mat- with cuflcm, it will generally be here thcw Paris, to the year 123 5, is fup- referred to as the work of Muttlicw pv44 to luve been written by Roger Paris. that vi INTRODUCTION. that it was formed upon the accidental dilco- very of that granted by king Henry the firft. To this end he relates, that on the 20^^ of July 1213, when king John was abfolved at Winchefcer by archbifhop Langton from the excommunication under which he laboured, he was fworn to abolifh fuch laws as were unjuft, and to reftore the good laws of king Edward ; and that on the 4'^- of Auguft fol- lowing, in a council holden at S. Alban's, it was commanded on the part of the king that the laws of king Henry fhould be obferved. He farther relates, that at a meeting of the prelates and nobility at S. Paul's on the 25^^ of Auguft the archbidiop privately informed them, that he had found a certain charter of king Henry the firft, by which ( if they plea- fed) they might re-eflabliih their antient li- berties : upon reading and underftanding of which the barons, being greatly rejoiced, bound themfelves with an oath in the pre- fence of the archbifhop, that whenever an opportunity offered they would contend for thofe liberties even to death itfelf. The fame charter, he tells us, was produced a twelve- month afterwards at the meeting of the earls and barons at S. Edmund's Bury; where they all fwore at the high altar to make war upon the kin^, if he refufed to grant them the li- berties INTRODUCTION. vii berties therein contained : and that accord* ingly they demanded of their fovereign a con- firmation of that very charter, when they addrefTed him in a menacing manner at Chrift- mas following. He, laftly, relates that the king, having obtained a refpite till after Eafter to confider of their demands, defired then to be informed what laws and liberties they were which they fo earneftly required ; whereupon they fent him a fchedule, partly confifting of , the articles of king Henry's charter, and part- ly of other laws of king Edward, upon which he infinuates that the great charter was after- wards formed. This traditional account has been adopted by all our modern hiftorians; and from thence too fir Roger Twyfden ** apprehends, that this charter of king Henry the firft may be called the bafis and founda- tion of the fubfequent great charter of liber- ties. I T muft be acknowleged, that very many of the articles, contained in the charter of king Henry the firft, were in fubftance after- wards repeated in that of king John -, as will appear by a comparifon of the latter, in the prefent edition, with the former as inferted ^ L^mb, ArtbalorKm, 157. in viii INTRODUCTION. in the notes '. Yet it cannot but feem very extraordinary, that fince Matthew Paris him- c Matthew Paris has twice recited five alldrurt qui derm tene-ntmonumfue- this charter of king Henry the firft. rhbereijuuinonredimetterramfuamjl' (A.D. 1 TOO and 1213 J There are cut facubat tempore fratrh me'i Jed jitf:a alfo two copies of it entered in the red et legitma yde-rjat'wnc rdcvahh earn tii- boDk of the exchequer at Weftminfter, militcr et homines baronum meorum jujla one of which i* prefixed to king Hen- et kgitima rek'vatione rek'vabunt tirras r5''s laws jnibllfhed by Lombard fA-- jua% de dominh fuis Et fi quis bart- fhaionotii. 175.^ and Wilkins. (LL. nvm -vel ollorum hominvm incorum f- Anglo-Sax. 233 J It is likewife print- Ham fuam nuptum traders voluerit Jit'!' €d in Richard of Haguftald's hiflory fororemjive reptimjive cognatam mecim of king Stephen. (310.) But the fol- inde loauatur Jed neque ego aUquid de lowing copy is taken from the I'cxtus Juo pro hac Ikentla accipiam neque dc- Koffenfn publifhed by Hearne ^ (c. 3J . fcr.dam ei qu'in earn dct excepto ft ea f-^T.J which is acknowleged to be -vcUct jutigere inimico tneo Et ft mortuo the moll: antient of any, the boolc be- bar,->iie five alio hmiine mco fJ:a heres ing compiled by Ernulf bi/hot) of Re- remarjcrit illam daho confdio barcr.v.m chefter, who died yl.D, 11 14. The tneorum cum terra Jua Et ft mortua procme, as well as the conclufion, are '^'"'O «'^''"' ejus nmanjerit et fine libcris materially different in the feveral copies fuerit dotemjuant et maritationem habs- •we have of it j but the body of the char- bit et earn i:o>i dabo marito r.iji Jecuvdnm ter is in moft refpeds much the fame. "vclle Juum Si vera uxor cUm Uheris rt' Injlitutiones Henrici regis. manjerit dotem quidefn ct -.naritationcm Anno incarnationis doniinicc JIICI habebit dum corpus Juum legitime Jer- iienricus Jihus Willelmi regis pojl obi- "va-vcrit et earn non dabo nifi Jecundurrt turn fratris Jui Willelmi Dei gracia rex "^'^^^^ J'^"^" -Ef '^'"'''^ '^' Uberorum cujlos jir.glorum oTnmbus f.dclibus Jalutcm erit five uxor fi-vc alius prcpinquariui Sciatis me Dei Kijericordia et communi qui jujlius efe debeat Et precipio quod corfdio baronum totiiis rcgrii j^nglie cjuj- barones mei fimiUlcr Jc contincant erga dem regcm coronatum eJJ'e Et quia reg- fiHo^ it filias -vel uxorcs bomirum Juo- rum cpprefjum erat injujlis exaSiiciiibus rum Monetagium commune quod capic- ego Dei reJpeBu et amore quern errra I'os batur per ci-vitates ct comiiatus quod non habeo JanElam Dei ecclejiam ir.primis U- f^'^ tempore regis Eduuardi hoc ne amo~ beram facio ita quod nee 'vcndam ad do fit cmnino dcj'evdo Si quis captui ponam nee mbrtuo archiepifcopo fuerit ffue monetarius fii)e alius cum fi-ve cpijcrpofne abbate aliquid accipiam falja moneta jufiicia reSia indtfiat Ctn- de dominico ecclefie iiel de kominibus ejus placita et omnia debita que fratri dcncc Juccejj'or in earn ingrediaiur Et >neo debebantur cor.dor.o exceptis reciii cmncs malas ccrjuetudines auibus rerrnum firmis mcis et exceptis illis que pacla Anglic injiifie opprimcbatur inde aufero erant pro alioruin hcreditatibus -vel pro quas malas conjuetudines ex parte hie eis rebus que jujlius aliis contingebant pom Si quis baronum ccmitum meorum Et fi quis hereditate Jua aliquid pcpi- gerat INTRODUCTION. IX felf informs us, that copies of king Henr)' the firfl's charter were fent (A.D. 1100^ fftrai Ulud csndono et crr.nes reki^tlonts que pro reSlls hered'itatibus fa^e fuemnt F.t Ji quit larcnun: -vel tncorum injirmabhiir fiait ifje dabit vel dart dij- tenet fecurtam fuam ita da:sm ejjc con- cedo Shiod ji ipfe frevcntui arm'n vel infirmilate pecunlam fuam ron dederit tjfl dare dif^'ofuerit uxor fua Jiiie Uteri Out farentes et kgltimi bominei ejus cam fro anvma ejus dividant ficut eis melius "vifum fuerit Si quis forhfeccrit non dabit vadium in mifericcrdia fecunie fi- cut faciebat tempore patris met 'vcl fra- tris mei fed fecundum modum forisfafli ita emendabit ficut emendaJJ'et retro a tempore patris mei in tempore aliorum anteeefihrum mcorum S^uod fi perfidic 'jelfccleris con-viEius fuerit ficut jupum fuerit fie emendet Murdra etiam retro ab illo die qua in regem coronatus fui omnia eondono Et ea que amodo facia fuerint jufle emendentur fecundum la- fam regis Eduuardi Forefias omni con- fenfu barcnum mcorum in manu m;a re- tinui ficut pater meus eas habuit MiU- tlbus qui per loricas terras fuas defen- dunt terras dominicarum carrucarum fuarum quietas ab omnibus gildis et omni opere propria dono meo concede ut ficut tarn magna alkvamine alU'viati fint ita fe equis et armis bene inflruant ad fcr-vi- tium meum et ad dcfcnfionem regni met Pacem firmam in toto regno meo pcno et teneri amodo precipio Lagam Eduuardi regis -vabis rcdda cum illis emendationi- bus quibui pafer meus earn emcnda-vit csnfilio baronum fuorum Si quis aliquid do rebus meis vel de rebus alicujus pofi tbitum UVklmi regis fratris m'i cepit tttum Clio fine emcndat'ionc reddatur et i auis aliquid retinuerit Hit fupcr quern inventum fuerit michi grat'iter »- mendaiit Tefiibus M. Lundcnie epifcep^ et Cundulfo epifcopo et JVillilmo clefio cplLopo ft II nrico ecmite et Sim^ comite et IValtcro Giffardo et Rodberto de Mon- fort et Rogtro Bigoto (t Henrico de Pertu jpud Londoniam quando fui coronatus. To this it may not be amif"; to fub- jo!i» the charters of king Stephen and king Henry the fecond, in order to throw together in one view the feveral grants of liberties which have been made by our antient monarchs, (ince the conqucft and prior to the great charter of king John, Of king Stephen's there are two extant ; one of which is faid, in a MS collcftion of charters by fir Symonds Dewes, (Ihrl. MSB. num. 311. fcl. 243 J to be entered in the red book of the ex- chequer at Weftminfter ; but upon a diligent fearch was not to be met with therein : a copy of it however is prn- ferved in an antient MS in the Cotton librar}', (Claud. D. 2. fol, -j^.J which is as follows ; Dei gratia rex Anglic juf- ticiariis 'vicccomitibus baronibus et omni- bus miuiflris et fidelibus fuis Francis et ylnglicis falutem Sciatis me concejfiffe et prcfcnti carta confirmajfe omnibus ba- ronlhut et kiminibus mcis de Anglia cm- nes tibcrtates et bonas leges quas Henri' cus rex AngHe avunculus meus eis dedit et conecffit et cmne: bonas leges et bonas eonfiietudincs eis concede quas iabuerunt trmpcre regis Edtvardi Square volo tt firmitcr principio quod habcant et te- neant omnes illas bonas leges et libertJtet di m; et heredibut tr.ds ipfi et tcredes fui iibcrt jmkW et fierKirie ct preillco r.e fuit % INTRODUCTION. to all the counties in England, and depofited in the principal monafteries ; fince the fame ^uis ess Jttper h'lh molejilam vd Imped't- tuendum -vel difcuthr.ium refervo ^e- pier.tum a/el diminutionem facial fuper cunque vera poji mortem ifjius regis lihe- forhfaSiunim meam Tejle W'tllhlmo ralitate regum largttione frincipum obla- Martel apud London. tione comparatione -vel qualihet tranfmu- The other, which chiefly refpedls taiione f.dtlnim eis ccllata funt conjirtno ecclcTiaftical matters, is fomewhat Ion- Tacem et jujliciam ms in omnibus faBu- ger j and is w^t only recited by Richard rum et pro pojfj'e met confervaturum eis of HaguftaJd, the hiftorian of this promifto Fcrejias quas IVillelmus rex prince, (314.) but the original itlelf avusmeus et V/ille!mus fecutidus amm- under fcal was formerly in the hands cuius mens infiituerunt et tenuerunt mihi of M. Hearne j (Not, ad Guil, Ne'uj- refervo Ceteras -vera omnes quas Henri' brig. -J 11.) though what is now be- cus nx fuperaddidit ecc/efiis et regno come of it is uncertain. The follow- quietas reddo et concede Si quis epifcopus Lng is the copy which he gives of it. vel abbas -vel alia ecclefiajlica perjona Ego Stepbanus Dei gratia affaiju cleri ante mortem fuam Jua rationabiter dif- et populi i« regcm Anglarum eleSlus et a tribuerit fcl dijiribuenda Jiatuerit Jir- JVilUlmo Cantuaricri/t archiepijcopo et mum tr.anere concedo. Si "vero morte JanSie Romans ecclejlc legato conjecratus preoccupatus fuerit pro falute anime ejus et ab Innocentio fancie Ronuine fedis pon- ecclejie coi'Jilio eadcm Jiat dijlributio ilfice pojimodum conf.rmatus rejpeSlu et Dum -vera Jcdes propriis pajioribus va- amore Dei JanBam ecclejiam liberam ejje cue fuerint ipfe et omnes earum pojj'ejfjo- concedo et debitam re-vercntiam illi conjirmo ties in manu et cujlodia clcricorum "vel Nichil me in ecclejta -vel rebus ccclejiafli- proborum hotninum ejufdem ecclejie com- ets Jimoniace aSiurum -vel permijfurum effe mittantur donee pajlor canonice Jubftitua- fromitto Ecclejlajlicarum pcrfirarum et tur Omnes exaEiioncs et injtijlicias et cmnium clericorum et rerum eorum jujii- mefcheningas Ji-ve per -vicecomites vel a- ciam et potejlatem et dijlributioncm ho- lios quojlibet male induElas funditus ex- norum ecclejtajlicorum in manu epifcopo- tirpo Bonas leges et antiquas et jujias rum eJJ'c pcrhibeo ct conjirmo Dignitatis confuetudines in murdris et placitis et a- tccUfiarum privilegiis earum conjirmatas His caufis objervabo et obfervari precipio et confuetudines earum antique tenore ka- et conjiituo Hec vera omnia concedo et hitas inviolate manere jiatwi et concedo conjirmo fal-ua regia et jujla dignitate Omnes eccltjiarum pojj'ejf.ones et tenuras mea T. IV. archiepOcopo Cant'' et H. quas die ilia habuerunt qua pyHlelmus archiepijcopo RotW et 11. epijcopo Wint* avus mens rex AngT fuit vivus et mor- et R. epifcopo Sar' et A. epijcopo Line' tuus fine omnium calumpn'iantium recla- et E. epijcopo Nortvic^ et S. epifcopo matione eis liberas et abfoluias ejj'e con- Wirec" et B. epijcopo JanEii David' et cedo Si quid vera de hahitis vel pof- A. epifcopo Ebr^ et R. epifcopo Abr et Jejfis ante mortem ejufdem regis quibus R. epifcopo Here/' et Jobanne epifcopo mcdo careat ecchfta deinceps repecierit Roucc^ et A. epifcopo CarV et R. Cane'' et indulgemie et difpenfat'uni mee vel rejii' H. nep' rcg et R, de F'lfc' et R, comite '. . Chcc INTRODUCTION. xi was exprellly confirmed by his grandlbn king Henry the fecond, as appears from his charter below i and fince the laws of king Henry the firft were commanded to be obfcrved by king John's own authority, on the 4*^ of Auguil; this charter fliould notwithilanding have been fo totally forgotten by all the prelates and barons aiicmbled at S. Paul's, within three weeks afterwards, that it's difcovery by the archbifliop fliould be a matter of fuch novelty and triumph : nay, that the king himfelf, at Eafter 12 15, fliouid want information what thofe laws and liberties were, that were then fo earneflly demanded of him. Nor indeed, if this charter was thus uppermoft in the Gloic' et W, amite War et R. ccmite ememiat'ionc totius regni md ccncejjijje et Cejlr et R, ccmite Wariu'tc'' et Roberta reddid'iJJ'e et prefenti carta mea conjir- de Ver et M. Glocc" et B. Jilio Com" a tnajje Deo et fanBe ccdefic ct omnibus co- R. de Oilli coneJT et IVillelmo Mart'' et mitibus et baronibui ct omnibus hcminibus H, Big" et V. de Buh' et S. de Belloc^ meis omnes confuetudines quas Her.ricui dap' et W, dt Alb'' et Eud'' MarC 'Line a-vus mcus eis ded'it et concejfit Similiter Ferr et JVillelmo Penr^ et S. de etiam omnes malas ccnjiietudincs quas ipfe fa/iBo Licio et W, de Albam'' et P, filio deh"' de CogiJh\ cui fuccejjit dcim- which has never yet been printed in nui Radulfui monacbus cjitjdem Joci, qui England. There are extant two MSS hanc cronkam a cafiione Jan&c cruch of this chronicle, which begins A. D. ujque ad annum undecimum Henrici rt^it 1066, and was originally compiled by Hj fi'ti regh Johanr.'n dcjcriffil. Two Ralph Niger a monk of the abbey of impcrfcft fragments of this chronicle, Coggc/hale ; one in the Cotton library, from a MS in the library of S, Viftur (Veffaf. D. 10. J the other in the he- at Paris are printed in the fifth volume raids' office among the duke of Nor- oi p'tttrum Scr'iptorum tt MoHumenl'irum folk's colle£lion ; (numb, ii.) in both dlhSi-.o by Martene and Duraiid. Tar. of which it tic year 1107 is the fcl- 1729. /*/• 801 Sf 871. fcifed XIV INTRODUCTION. leifed their lands, and had demoliflied their caftles; but alfo from a mandate, which was font by pope Innocent the third to Euftace de Vcfci, 5 November 12 14, and is preferved in Rymer's Foedera% requiring him to ceafe from troubhng the king by any farther con- fcderncies or confpiracies againft him, fmce the differences between the kingdom and the priefthood were now providentially allayed. But the annals of Waverley, (which are alfo apparently cotemporary with thcfe tumults) bcfides the opprefTion and incontinence of the king himfelf, afcribe the anger of the barons to the ill ufe which Peter bifhop of Win- chcfter, who in 12 13 ^ was conftituted chief judiciary, made of his newly acquired power during the abfcnce of king John in France. And this appears the more probable, becaufc the nobility were from the firft extremely difgurted at his promotion, taking it very ill that a foreigner fliould be preferred above them all ^ -, and becaufe in the great charter we find the power of the chief jufticiary con- fiderably curbed in many inftances, and a ftrong innuendo given ^ that the officers of iurtice had been deficient in the knowleee, or at Icaft in the obfervance of the laws of the f > Rym. 195. E R. de Coggefh. f UJ. 181. h M/). 45. land. INTRODUCTION. xV land. PolTibly indeed thefe motives did all of them concur to animate the condud: of the difcontented barons : domeflic injuries re- ceived from the king in perfon, coupled with fome grofs adts of national opprefTion by his minifter, might whet their private refentment as well as roufe their public fpirit, to demand a new fecurity againft fuch tyrannical proceed- ings for the future. But whatever were the provocations that^.z).rir4. incited them, it appears that a league of the w^ barons was formed at S. Edmund's Bury ', towards the clofe of the year 1 2 14, when they affembled together under pretence of devo- tion, and therefore probably (as M. Carte has conje(ftured'') on the 20"" of November, which was S. Edmund's day. They there folemnly fwore upon the high altar, to wage war with the king, and withdraw themfelves from his fealty, till he fliould confirm by a charter under feal the feveral liberties w^hich they demanded : and to that end they engaged, to go in a body to the king immediately after Chriftmas to make their requeft in form, and in the mean time to provide themfelves v/ith horfes and arms, that (in cafe he receded from his former engagements) they might i iM»Cth. Paris, k j Hift, of Engl, 828, compel XVI INTRODUCTION. A.D.MH- compd him to give them fatisfacflion by at- v!^v-^ tacking his caftles. ^ Accordingly, on the day of the Epi- phany ', they came to the king at London, in a manner that feemed to denounce hoftilitics in cafe of oppofition '", and demanded a con- firmation of the Hbcrties which they fo often had claimed. John at firft made a fliew of refinance, abfokitely refufed their demands, and endeavoured to extort a promife from the barons that they would never renew this re- queft : but, finding them refolute in their purpofe, he thought it beft to gain time ; and therefore at length it v»'as agreed that the king's anfv/er Ihould be rcfpited till the clofe of Eafter. I N the mean time both parties took their feveral meafures to accomplifh the very diffe- rent ends which they had in view. The king, in order to gain the churchmen to his inte- reAs, gave up by a charter (dated the 15*^ of January") to all the monafteries and cathe- drals in the kingdom the free right of electing their prelates, referving only the form of a conge d'elire beforehand, and of the royal af- 1 I Rym. 185. n Matth. Paris, W. Thorn, i Rym. ^ Mitth, Paris. jgg, fent INTRODUCTION. xvii fent afterwards; but exprefsly declaring that, ^.^1214. if both or either were arbitrarily withheld by ww the crown, the eledlion notwithftanding (hould be valid °. This charter he immediately tranf- mitted to Rome by an agent of his, one W. Mauclere, who arrived there on the 17*" of February. The barons alfo difpatched Euftace de Vefci, and one or two more, to make good their flory to the pope ; and to implore the interpofition of his holinefs, as the feodal lord of the kingdom, in order to admonifh and (if neceflary) to compel his royal valal to the faithful obfer\'aRce of thofe antient liber- ties, which had been confirmed by the char- ters of his anceftors, and the oath of the king himfelf. Thefe embaffadors arrived at Rome on the 28"^ of February following p. The king alfo, farther to infure both himfdf and his poileffions from violence, on the 2"* of February'' took upon him the crofs and vow- ed an expedition to the holy land againfl the infidels : it being, according to the romantic o In I Wilk. Corci/. M. 5. 545, of 15 January, iT,ight be only are- there is a tranfcript of this charter from fealiiig or freih promulgation of the for- thc regifter of the church of Canter- mi-r charter, for the purpofe of tranf- bury, Jated 21 Nov. 12 14 ; about the mitting it to the pope, fame time tliat the king granted to the p i Rym. 184. archbilhop of Canterbury the entire q According to Matth, Parls^ but and abfolute patronage of the birtiop- Matth. Wcrtm. and T. Wykes fay it rick of Rocheftcr. (2 I'ryn. Rcc.339.) was the 4H1 of Mardi. It is poflible therefore that this grant, b fuperl^ition xviii INTRODUCTION. .fr)..M4. fiiperftltion of the times, to the higheft de- ^1^ grce profane and irrchgious to offer any per- fonal in kilt to fuch heroical votaries, or even to attack their property. But this fit of de- votion, arifing more from his apprehenfions than his zeal, proved very ineffedual to his purpofes ; fince archbiiliop Langton was, though fecretly, at the head of the confede- racy againft him. .-7K A.D.^^^^. Th E popc howcvcr, willing to favour his new vafal, (whofe charter concerning eled:ions he accepted very graciouily, and confirmed on the 30'" of March %) fent letters to the bi- fhops and barons* dated the iq"" of March, 1 2 1 4 J difapproving of the condu6t of the latter, in endeavouring to extort by force what they rather Ihould have requefted with reve- rence, and exhorting the former to interpofe their good offices, in order to preferve the peace of the kingdom j to which end he con- cluded with recommending it to the king to deal gracioufly with his nobles, and to grant them their juft petitions. These letters did not arrive till after Barter, which happened this year on the 19"* of April ', INTRODUCTION. xlx April ', and was the time when the king had /^.d.hts, engaged to give in his anfwer to the barons, w-v^. They therefore in the Eafter-week, before the receipt of the pope's letters ", aifembled at Stamford in Lincolnlliire with a numerous army of their dependants, among whom were reckoned no lefs than two thoufand knights ; and from thence marched to Brackley in Nor- thamptonlliire on Monday the 27"" of April; the king being then about fifteen miles dif- tant, at Oxford. Upon news of their ap- proach the king fent to them the archbill^op, the earl of Pembroke, and fome others, to learn an exacfl account of the laws and liber- ties which they required him to confirm : to which they replied by fending a written fchedule containing the whole of their de- mands, and fubjoined a menace that, unlefs thefe were immediately granted under feal, they would feife the king's caftles and other pofTeflions till they compelled him to do them juftice. Ralph of Coggelhale mentions this as the time of their producing the charter of Henry the firfi: -, which was probably now appealed to by way of precedent, in order to demonftrate to the king, that their demands were neither in fubflance nor in form fo en- ' Dufiefnc. Glufs. /. Annui. « i Rym. 204, b 2 lirely XX INTRODUCTION, ^£).,.i;.tircly new as he might choofe to reprefent vl!^^ them. Matthew Paris relates, that the king received thefe overtures with great indigna- tion, afking why the barons did not alfo de- mand of him to furrender his kingdom, and protcfling with an oath that he never would grant fuch liberties to them as muft render himfelf a flave ; and he adds, that upon this mcllagc being returned the barons kept no fiirther mcafures, but broke out into open war. But king John himfelf, in his account of thefe tranfadions to the pope % complains that the barons and even the prelates had paid no regard to his holinefs's letters; (which feem to have arrived during this fruitlefs negotia- tion ) nor to the pleas which he had alleged for his fecurity, that the kingdom was now (by his late refignation of his crown to the pope) become S. Peter's patrimony, and that he himfelf had taken the crofs for the holy land : he moreover declares, that he had of- fered to abolifli all evil cufloms that had ari- fcn in his own time, or in the time of his brother king Richard, and to refer any grie- vances introduced in his father's reign to the advice and determination of his faithful fub- jeds ; that at the inftigation of the archbifhop (who, INTRODUCTION. xxi (who, till that fliould be done, refufed to ex- y^.D.y.v^. communicate the infiirgents according to the v^v— ' pope's direaions) he had difmilled all the fo- reign mercenaries that were in his own army; and had afterwards by letters patent offered to refer all differences to the holy fee and eight other arbitrators, four to be named by each party ; or to the judgment of their own peers ; oi", laftly, to the fole judgment of the pope alone: but that the barons refufed all propofals of accomm.odation. That fome credit may be given to this account, though proceeding from an intereft- ed party, is certain, becaufe the letters patent relating to the laft offer are ftill extant upon the rolls at the tower % conceived in very fi- milar terms to thofe of the thirty ninth chap- ter of the fubfequent charter at Runingmede. But whether it was that the barons fufpeded * Pat. i6 Job. part. i. m. '^. d. fua et Jcnniitum papam qui faptrior frit n. 2. fupra eos et de hoc fecuritatcm cis fade- Rex omn'thus ad quos littere prefentes mits quam poter'imui et quam dcheb'mui fervenerint jalutem Sciatis nos concef- per ba>on£i noflroi et Interim -volumut Jijp baronihus nojlr'n qui contra nos funt quod epifcopi Lor.dcn M'ygtrn Cefirem' ^•jod nee eos nee homines fuos capicmus Roffenfis et JV. comes f^arain interim eoi n-x dijfaijiemus nee fuper eos per I'lm njcl fecuros faciant de prcdi8is et ft forte pir arma ihimus mfi per legem rcgni contra aliquod interciptum fuerit infra nojiri -vel ptr judicium par'ium fuorum competcns tempus per prediRos eSio emen~ in curia nofira donee confidtratio faEla dctur Et in hujus &c eis fieri ficimus fuerit per iiij'" quos elegimus ex parte yipud Jf']ndeJorum X die Mali a. r. n. Vifra et ptr iiij"' quos digcnt ex p»rte x-vi"', the XX 11 INTRODUCTION. A.D.^^^^. thc kiiig's fincerlty, or diiliked the umpimgs CS-^ of the holy fee, they determined not to hazard by any treaty what they thought they were flrong enougli to obtain by force; and ac- cordingly now chofe them a general in form, namely Robert Fitzwalter beforementioned, whom they entitled the marefcall of the army of God and of holy church. They next in the moil: folemn manner on the 5"^ of May, at Wallingford % difclaimed all allegiance to the king, and were abfolved from their oath of fealty by one of the canons of Derham. Immediately after which they began their attack upon the king's caftles; and, though they were repulfed at Northampton, yet the fortrefs of Bedford furrendered upon their firft approach, and they took poiTeffion of London without any oppofition, by private agreement with the citizens, on Sunday the 24"^ of May \ Th e king, who had retired to Odiham m IIampfhire% finding himfelf deferted by al- moft all his followers, and that he had only ieven lords who remained in his court ^ was 7 Chron. Dunftapl. But Thomas inflcad of the 241'', fay it was on Sun- W^Ifingham ffZ/c^ii^^w. A«//?r J places day the 17th. this tranfaftion at Reading. a i Rym. 20T. z So Matth. Paris; but the chro- b R. Cog^eili. nick cf Dunflaple hnd R. Co^geflijiJej obliged INTRODUCTION. xxiii obliged to give way to the ftorm; and there- ^.D.tuj. fore difpatched William Marefcall earl of '3^ Pembroke to London, to inform the difcon- tented barons that he was ready to comply with their demands, and to defire that a place and time of meeting might be fixed for that purpofe \ Accordingly a large meadow be- tween Windfor and Stanes (about half way from Odiham to London) was appointed tor the place of conference ; which meadow was denominated Runingmede or Runemede, fig- nifying ( according to Matthew of Weflmin- fter) pratum conJUii, becaufe he fays it had heretofore been frequently ufed for holding great councils of the realm : and the Tuefday in Whitfonweek, or 9'" of June, was firfl agreed on as the time of the congrefs ; for which purpofe the king came to Merton in Surry the day before, and there granted let- ters of fafecondud: to the barons **. But the meeting was afterwards deferred till the Monday following, and the fafeconduds were c Matth. Paris. ibidem moram facundo ad paccm fac'un- ri rat, 17 "[job. m. 24. dam et firmandam inter no% et ipfos baio- Rex omti'ihus has Ihcras hif^efliiris tics Dunt antiin conduBus ijle uj'quc ad falutcin Sdat'is quod fufctp'imus in fa I- dietn 'jfo'vis proximo ftquentan compL turn ■vum conduElum nojirum omties illcs qui Et in htijus &c 'vobis mittinnis T. nieipfa ■venUnt ex parte baronum ujque Stan die apud Mcretoii -viij die Junii a, r, «, Martis in ftptim' P^ntecojics anno ngni xijij"', n'ljlri xvij"" in cundo Uluc et redeunde et continued xxiv INTRODUCTION. continued to that time % the king being then at Wind for. On which laft mentioned day, being Trinity-Monday the 15'" of June, the barons came to the place appointed in great numbers, and the king attended by a very few (and thofe only feeming) friends from among the prelates and temporal lords. They encamped apart from each other ^ like decla- red enemies, and then opened the conference, which laftcd for feveral d-ays and did not come to a concluiion till Friday the 19"" of June. When preliminaries were adjufted, they firrt: drew up certain articles or heads of agree- ment, which were afterwards to be reduced to the form of a charter ; and to thefe the king affixed his great feal. A copy of thefe is entered in a book belonging to the archbi- ihop's library at Lambeth ^ -, from whence fir Henry Spelman tranfcribed them into his Coi/ex '•ccteriun legurrij which is publifhed by ' E':d. Rctttlr, mcmbr. cad. 'f. d'lerr. I.une in crajl'ir.o Trlnhath mane M^ndatum tjl comiti Sar'' So'V^a-'ic: d( tt quod freugas illas interim jidelitcr et Mtd'j Lane Ricardo filio Rtgis IfiHidmo frmiter interim teneant r,tc trtalum -vel Bri-.oirr IP'iUidmo de Caniiliip' JVale- dan-pnum «i vel aUquihus de fuis infe- randiTtutotnc: yobantl'i de Bafingelii>n rant T. R. apud JVlr.dcJorum x dlt rfVitilir.o de Ihrecurt Rcgero dc Ni-viir Jfnii anno tit fufra, Sttfkjtt Haringot' tt Gaufrido de Mar- f R. Coggefh. f'-jy qu:d tnuge frtdiHe prorogate Junt t 3 Sclden. 1 995. a dtt ymii in feptim Fintecojits ujque ,do(5tor c INTRODUCTION. jfxv dod:or Wilkins at the end of h.\s Leges Anglo- a.d.jz^^. Saxonicac ^ : but the original articles them- vLlJt* felves are ftill in being, and from them the following copy ' is exacStly printed. Thefe were formerly in the poUeffion of dod:or Burnet billiop of Salifburyj who in his fa- mous pafloral letter, which was burnt by the order of the houfe of commons, having vouched a particular claufe in them the exif- tence of which was doubted by fome of his antagonifls, the whole was thereupon printed (though fomewhat incorred:ly) from the Lam- beth manufcript, in the appendix to a trad: of thofe times ". How the articles came to the biihop's hands, he himfelf will beft in- form us '. From him they devolved to his fon the late fir Thomas Burnet ; and are now fc pag. 356. ' pag. I. k This traft was entitled, "Re- " fleftions upon the opinions of fome "modern divines concerning the na- " ture of government in general, and " that of England in particular." 4^0. Lond. 1689. 1 Hiftory of his own times, pag. 32. " When archbiftiop Laud's impeach- " ment was brought to the lords' bar, " he apprehending how it would end " fent over Warner bi/hop of Rochcf- " ter with the keys of his clofct and " cabinet, that he might deftroy or " put out of the way all papers that " might either hurt himfelf or any '' body elfe. He was at work for three "hcurs, till upon Laud's being com- *' mitted to the black rod a mefTenger " went over to feal up his clofet, who " came after all was withdrawn. A- " mong tlie writings he took away it •' is believed the original magna charta " pafTcd by king John in the mead " near Stains was one. This was " found among Warner's papers by " his executor ; and that defcended to " his fon and executor, colonel Lee " who" [by the intervention of M. Gcddis, according to the author of the Reflexions before mentioned] "gave " it to me. So it is now in my hands j " and it came very fairly to me. For " thi: conveyance of it wc have no- " thing but conjcilure." in 1 • y /• xxvi INTRODUCTION. x/;.Mi5. in the hands of David Mitchell, efquire, the executor of Sir Thomas; who with the ut- niofl: poHtencfs permitted the editor to correct the quarto cilition, as it came from the prefs, by this original. The articles are written on parchment, ten inches and three quarters broad, and twenty one inches and an half in length in-r eluding the fold for receiving the label. To this label, which is alfo of parchment, is ap- pendant the great feal of king John, of a whitilh yellow wax and but little injured by time. It is rcprefented (with the imperfedions fhaded) in the plate, page 13, and the coun- terfcal in page 37. The articles are thus en- dorfed in a cotemporary hand, Articidi magne carte libertatum fub figillo regis yohannis ; and they arc in all refpeds legible and perfed, except that in fedlion 32'" a few letters are " Though the fcflions are diftin- to th? carelefrnefs of the prefs, muft guifhed in the original, yet they are not be attributed fuch grois faults as p-ub- numbercd; but the numeration is bike in page 1 2, fitatim in page ig, added in this edition both to this and concejfjjfmus in page 32, and the like. the fubfequent charters, for the more The editor however hath made no eify comparing of one with the other, fcruple to exprefs at full length all fuch *5 will be more fully explained in the abbreviations in the origiHals, which fcquel. The reader is alfo dcfired (once are commonly known to thofe who are for all) to take notice that, in the converfant in records, or where the printing both of this and the reft, the terminations of the words were fuffi- originals have been literally and fcru- ciently afcertained by the grammar pulouny copied even where there was and fcnfe of the context. Where they an apparent error j to which, and not tould not be fo afcertained he hath left them INTRODUCTION. xxvii worn out by the folding of the original, which ad.jh^. are therefore here printed in itaUc chara(fters. »— v^ Though the hand is very much ahke through- out the whole, yet it fcems to be perceivable, that a few parts of it were written at fome little interval of time from the reft ; particu- larly after fedtions 45 and 46, which com- pofe each of them one lliort line not extend- ing the whole breadth of the parchment, the exception fiifi alitery &c, is fubjoined at the end of them in a more hafty hand, and con- neded to them by a kind of angular brace, as if added at the inftance of the king's com- miffioners upon more mature deliberation. Wh e n thefe articles were agreed upon and fealed, the next employment feems to have been to reduce them to the form of a char- ter J of which fuch a number of originals were made that one was depofited in every county ", or at leaft in every diocefe °. Two, if not three, of thefe originals are flill exifl- ing : the two are in the Britifli Mufcum, lately removed thither with the reft of fir them abbreviated as he found them^ thefe note?, the fame has been exami- by adding a comma or apoflrophe at ncd with the rolls at the tower by the the end to denote the ehfion. To this editor himfeif, unlefs where fome other account of the method purfued in this book, is exprcfsly referred to as con. work, with a view to preferve it's ac- taining it. curacy, may be alfo fubjoined, that " R. Coggelh. Vherevcr any record is vcucJieJ in « Ciiron. Dunftapl. Robert xxvlil INTRODUCTION. Robert Cotton's invaluable coUedion, from whence M. Pine's engraved copy was taken ; and the third was collated by M. Tyrrel «• with Matthew Paris's copy about fixty years ago, being then in the archives of the dean and chapter of Salifbury; but, upon diligent enquiry made at that cathedral in April A.D. 1759, nothing of this fort could be found ^ There is alfo a pretty accurate french tranf- lation of this charter among the records of France, probably carried over by prince Louis, which Dachierie has publifhed in his Spicile- gium\ The following edition* is carefully printed from M. Pine's engraving of the Cot- tonian original, with which it has been alfo compared. The original is in breadth four- teen inches and an half, and in length twenty inches and an half including the fold for the label ; and was undoubtedly fealed with the fame feal as the articles, but the waxen im- preffion was melted and defaced by the un- fortunate fire that happened ^.jD.1731 '. P I Hift. of Engl. 821. and Ap- * The other Cottonian original is p;nd. 9. much fairer than that under feal, from 1 This was owing in part to the v.hich M. Pine's engraving was ta- repairs then making in the library, ken ; and having been collated, fince which had thrown the books and MSS the quarto edition was publifted, by into feme diforder: but it is alfo .'. 27, baronibus de quibus men- -vicecomes pacem nojlram per totam balli- tio ft in carta prediFia ad mandatum rjam tuam clunar] facias et firmitcr teneri leorurdem -jel majoris partis corum coram precipias Et in hujus &c f/ olfidum captorum et dctentorum occafione for an x, (x'vii'i for xxiijj fince the hujufmodi guerre -vel Jiniumvel tenjeria- writ entered immediately before it on ri:m prrdiB arum fine dilatione deliheretis the roll is teftcd on the 23'' of June. Hu omtiia prcdiBa Jicut corpus noftrum See note (k) below, diUgitis fada;is Et in hujus &c -vobit Pat. ij Job. w. 23. «. III. mittiiKUi Tcjic mcipfa apud Runemed^ Rex Stephana Hareng'.d &c Sciatis x-viij die Junii anno regn'i nojlri xvlj'. qu'jd frma pax faBa cjl pir Dei gratiam The tcnjlriac here fpoken of were a inter nos et baroms noftros die V,ncyis kind of tax or military contribution ; proximo pojlfejlum fanfleTrinitaiis apud and are twice mentioned as fuch by Runemed^ prope Stanes ita quod c.rum Matth. Paris, in his life of William iomagia eodem die ibidem cepimus Unde the twenty fcconJ abbot of S. Albans. -z'dis mandamus frmiter freeipiente: f R, Ctjijgefh. I'hron. Dunflapl. after xxxviii INTPvODUCTION. yf.£).i:i5. after which the afTembly was difibhxd. But sl^ though the barons did not fcruple to give the king this outward token of their allegiance, yet they fomewhat unaccountably refufed to certify it under their feals S which could not but raife fome fufpicions and jealoufies in the king. He however proceeded to perform his part of the agreement with great apparent iincerity : he continued encamped at Runing- mede till Tuefday the 23'' of June ; and there not only ifllied writs to his englifh officers to put a ftop to all farther hoftilities, to fet at liberty the prifoners, and to levy no farther contributions ^ but alfo fent diredions to Hugh de Bova, a french exile ' and one of his foreign captains, to convey his mercenary forces home Z This appears from a protcft of the habere -veUet ah eis de pace ilia obfer-van- prelates entered on the rolls in the da ipji ei habere facerent preter caftella et tower : obf.dei Pojiea 'vcro quando dominus rex Pat. 1 7 Job. m.zi. d, petiit ab eis ut talun cartam ci faccnnt Omnibus Chrijii Jidelibus ©"f Stepha- Omnibus &c Sciatis nos aftriftos effe rus Del gratia Canf archiep'ifcopus totius per facrament' et homagia domino nof- Anglie primal ct JanBe Rcmane ccckfu tro Johanni regi Anghe de fide ei fer- cardinalii Henricus Dublin' archicpifcopus vanda de vita et menbris et tcrreno ho- JVitliiimus London'' Petrtii JVinton Jof- nore fuo contra omnes homines qui vi- cehma Baihon et Glaflon Hugo Lincoln vere poflint et mori et ad jura fua et Walterus JVigcrnic/ifis Ccucntr heredum fuorum et ad regnum fuum Ricardus Cicejlr cpifc-.,pi et magijiir Pan- cuftodiendum et defendendum ipji id domini pape fubdiaconus etfami/ia- faccre noluenint Et in hujus rei teflimo- ris Jalutan Noven't unliicrjltas i/ejira nium id ipjum per hoc Jcriptum protejla- juoJ q'jaido faSla fuit pax inter dormnum mur. regem Johannem et baroncs ^rgl:e de dif- h See note ( e ) immediately precer cord'ia inter ess orta idan baroncs nobis ding, frepntV-us et audicntilus promiferunt do- i R, Coggefli. m-iK regi jucd quamcunjue fecuritatem to INTRODUCTION, xxxix to their refpeaive countries \ After this he '^f;:]^- retired firft to Odihain and then to Winchel- v—v— ' ter ; where, by the advice of archbilhop Langton and the barons, he on Saturday the 27'' of June iflued out writs to all the fheriffs in England, and to the twelve knights eledted in every county, direding them to compel all perfons to take the oath of obedience to the twenty five barons, which the charter had prefcribed j and, in default thereof, to feife their lands, tenements, and chattels into the king's hands, and to convert the latter into money towards the relief of the holy land '. k Pat. 17 -job. m.23. «. no. Etf,jurarenoluen„tptmtcJ}quirdcdm Rex Hugoni de Ecrja JaluUm Mar.- dies ccmpUto^ tretcrqvam urre ct to.:mcr.ta dan-Mi -vobh quod m fide a^ua nobis ten- et catalla in mam nojlra frifita fat. mim ncr, ret.r.eatis aliquem de miMhm fita fuerint omnia catalla fua -vendi facta- I'd fervientibus quifucrurJ apud Do-ver' lis et d^narios irJe teraftos fa!fo cuflo- fedinpatriam fuaminpaafwcdHationc diatis dcp„ia»dos fuhfidio terre fariHe in faciatn Et in hujus '^c T. map^o terras autan et temmcnta eorum w rrnru apud Runmed' xxiij die Junii anno noflra tcneatis quoujquc jura-vermt £< regni noftri x^ij-"'. hcc pr'.-vijumcjl per judicium domini Cant I Pat. \iJoh. m.zu «. 105. anhiepifcopi et regni r.ojln £r Rex -viccccmiti JVarewic' et duodecim in hujrs &c Tefie meipjo etpud m,i:on miittibus ekfiii in eodem comitatu ad in- xxi'ij die Junii a. r. n. xvij'"'. quirendum et ddendum pra-vas tonfuctudi- Id, m mandatum ejl omnibus licccomiti' nes de viceccmitibus et eorum mini/iris fa- bus Anglic, rcftis et fi^ejiariis warennis et -warenna- At the end of the great charter in riis ripariis el earum cufiodibus Jalutem Duchicrie's Spidlrgiurn before mcntion- Mandamus -vobis qur.d ftatm et fir.e dila- cd (xii. 573.) there is a frcnch tranHa- tione faifiatis in manum no/tram terras ct tion of one of thcfe writs, dircftcd to tenementa et caialla omnium illonm de co- the fhcriff of Sutharteftre, and dated mitatu fVarcioic' qui jurare cor.tradixe- Odtbaam, (i. c Odiham) k I'ir.t ct fip- rint -viginti quinque baronibus fecur.dum tain jor de 'ji'ig Ian dc n-ftre r^gne dis et formam contentam in carta mjira dc liber- feptaw. :atilus vei eis quct ad /joc atcrnat'crini But xl INTRODUCTION. *— v-J But the king, who appears at firft view of thefe concefTions to have furrendered at difcretion to his barons, in reahty only dif- fembled, in order to gain time to deceive them. Before the congrefs at Runingmede he had written to the pope an account of the ftraits to which he was reduced ; and imme- diately afterwards ( as may be collected from the event) he difpatched a meffenger to Rome with a copy of the charter which he had granted. Pope Innocent was not of a temper to put up with any flight on his authority, which the whole of this tranfad:ion (confi- dering the former applications of both parties to the holy fee) appears very evidently to have been. He therefore on the 24''' of Augufl iflued out a thundering bulle '% which vacated m This bullc, which isvciylong, " ;ia ut ci-elliu et Jijlruas cdifces et plan- ftatcs the former reconciliation of king " tes^^ hemque per alium prophetam John to the holy fee ; hif furrender fif 'f DlJJ'dw colUgationa impiaa'.h fol-ve h;s kingdoms, anJ becoming a vafal t.o ^^ fajc'icuhi depiimtrtes''' Nas (ante ma- the pope ; his taking the crofs for the hgnitath audaciam dijpmularc nolentes in holy Jand ; the pope's late interpofiriop apoJioUce fedis contmptum regain juris E? mediator; the king's offer of a difpindiutn Jnglicane gaitis opprobrium a compromife ; the obftinacy of the ba- gra-vr pmculum totiui ncgotii Cnicifixi rpns i and the fupinenefs of the bi/hcrs ; quod uhique mmincret nift per authorita- and that therefore the king had betn tcm noftnvn rc-vocarcntur omma que a - compejied to enter into a bafe and vile tanto p,in:ipe crucefigr.ato taliter furt cx- compofition, to the great derogation of torta ct ipfi -voknte ea firvare ex parts Ills rights and the hononr of his rrorvn ; Da cmipotems patris et flii et fpiritus and then proceeds in thefe words : fanF!i authmiate qmquc apofiolorum ejui Slum vera nobis a Domino diBvm eft in Pari ct Pauli ac nofira de commur.i fra- frcfbtta "Cipjiitui tcjuper gcntes et rcg- trim noftrerum conRlio cmpofuknem hu- jufmodi INTRODUCTION. xli the whole charter as unjuft and obtained by^.D.1215. compulfion, and prohibited the king to ob- v-^v^ ferve it or his barons to require fuch obfer- vance. This determination of the holy father was eagerly embraced by the king and his ad- herents ; who now thought themfelves relea- fed (fuch was the logic, and fuch the religion of the times) from every engagement into which they had entered, and empowered to trample on thofe liberties which they had fo- lemnly fworn to maintain. The fubfequent proceedings of the king and his barons being foreign to the purpofe of this difcourfe, (which is only to trace the hiftory and progrefs of the charters) it may fuffice to obferve in brief, that, the barons ftill proving refractory, the pope excommu- nicated them, firfl generally, and afterwards fpecially by name, as being worfe than the Saracens themfelves in obftrucfting the king's expedition to the holy land : that the king hired a body of foreign troops, and gained fuch advantages over his barons, that they jufmceli reprcbamus peniif:: et damnatrui ipfti funt faf},. itrUantcs feiiiin et cajfim- fuh intfrminatktit anathtmalts prob'ibenlei ta ut r.ullo unquam Utuf-crc aUqitam ha- nt didui rex earn objctvaic aut leant frmuatcni Datam yhagme non» bfirones cum ccmiplidlui fui\ ipfam cxiganc uhndai Scpuihhris poiit'if.^atui nujiri de- tbjir'vari tarn cartam quam cLligatloms chr.o -Mjix, I Ryni. 204. 2l'iyn.342. Jeu iaut'unes quecunaue ^fg hja vel (If had xlii INTRODUCTION. ,>?./).i2-6, had recourfe to the defperate expedient of w^ calling over Louis, the eldeft fon of king Philip the fecond of France, to accept their * allegiance : that he according landed in Eng- land on the 21'' of May 1216, and reduced king John to great difficulties : but that in the midft of thefe commotions the king died unexpectedly on the i g'^ of October at New- ark ; from whence his body was carried to Worcefter, and there interred. iihr.m. His fon Henry the third, being then only ^^ ' nine years old, was on the 28"' of the fame month crowned at Gloucefter by Gualo the pope's legate, in the prefence of a few fpiri- tual and temporal lords who adhered to him. Among thefe the principal was William Ma- refcall earl of Pembroke, who was foon af- ter " made guardian or protestor of the king and kingdom, and immediately fummoned a great council to meet at Briftol on the ii"* of November °, being the feftival of S. Mar- tin. At this council a vaft concourfe of the prelates, nobility, and others attended; and there the legate abfolved them all from their n M. Carte afferts, f 2 Kift. 2, 3.) Briftol, (fee page 55) wherein he is fp that he did not affume this title till the ftiled on the izth. 29th of November, or thereabouts ; o i Leland. CollcBan. 535. Ann. but the contrary is evident from the Waverl. Rob. Glouc. clofe cf the great charter granted at allegiance INTRODUCTION. xliii •alleeiance to prince Louis, and made them ,i.d.\z\6. 1 . XT 11 iHen.JJJ. fwear fealty to king Henry: and the next v^v--' day, being the 12'^ of November, the king by the advice of his council renewed the great charter which was granted by his father, with fuch alterations and amendments as the circumftances of the times had made necef- faryP. P An authentic account of all thefe tranfaftions is preferved upon record, in a letter from the king to the chief jufticiary of Ireland, of which the fol- lowing is a faithf j1 copy : C/auf. iHcti.IJI. OT.14. d. et W.25. d. Rex G'. de Marifc'' jujikiario fuo H't- bernle falutem Muh'iplices 'vobh gra- tiarum referimui aciiones de bcno et fiaeli fer-vkio "vejiro filk'n memork J. quondam regi yinglk fatti nojlro exhibito nobijque txhibcndo et dc hits que per fidelcm nof- trum Radulfum de Nor^vk' c/erkum no- bis Jignificajlis Cum igitur jubcnte ipfo eujus famulantur imperio mors et -vita dcminus et pater nojler ex hac lucefelici- ter migra'verit cujus anima in ceUJlibus collocetur -vos Jcire 'uolumus quod cekbra~ tis fohmpniter ex more debito regalibus exequiis in ecdcfia beate Marie Wygorn con-venerunt apud Glouc' plures rcgni noflri magnates epifccpi albates comites et barones qui patri nojiro 'viventi femper ajiiterunt fdeliter et devote et alii ijtiam- plurimi ubi in feflo apojlolorum Simcnis et Jude in ecckfia bMti PLtri Glcuc'' applaudcntibus clero et pi/pulo per tr.anus domini G. tituU fanfii Martini prejl'y- teri cardinalis et apoJl'Jlce jedis Ugati in Anglia et epifcaporum tunc prefentium ^m/acata fpiritus JanFli gratia puplicc Jupnus m regem ^r.giit inunii'f et t«r«- nati fidelirate et hcmagio omnium illorum nobis exhibitis i^od i;obis ut Jidel'i twftro duxiimts intimandum ut de honore et fucceju nojiro felici glcrlemini Sam cum audierimus indignatiomm quandam inter memoratum dominum patrem nojirum et qucfdam nobiles regni nofiri exortam utrum cum cauja -velfinc catifa nos neja- mus fic agitatam extitiJJ'e ct illam "volu- mus bnperpttuum aholeri et obli-vijci qt:od nunquam menti nojire adhereat et ut crf- Jante caufa cejfet cffeBus quicquid cxti- terit erga ipfum ccncepte indigna'Acnis parati fiimus et -volumus pro wribus nojiris expiare Jingulis prebcndo quod ratio diBa'verit cum fubdltvrutn conjilio ct deletis de regno prai'is conjuetudimbus in libertatum et Uhcrarunt confuetudinum innovatime dies nobdium patrum nojlro- rum reformare graliojcs unlcuique tribu- cndo quodjibi dcbebit cum raticne compe- tere Ad hoc fciatis quod celcbrato nuper Concilia apud BriJloW ubi connenerunt uninjcrfi Anglic prclati tarn cpifcopi ab- batcs quam prions et multi tam comites quam barones qui etiam um-verfaliler Ji- dditatcm nobis puplice facientcs conccjfis eis llbertatibus ct libcris conjuctudinibus ab eis prius pojiulatis et ipfts approbatis prompti et proni ad mamhuum n'ftrum in partes j'uas cum gatidio funt retriji aperamus quidcm et in Domino corfdimus qucd xlvi INTRODUCTION. >^.D.n-i6. the charter concerning ecclefiaftical eleftions : '""'■"^- in chap. 3, the additions concerning the duration and the right of wardfhip : — in chap. 5, the indulgence to guardians, by only diredino- them to deliver up the land to their wards (when of age) in as good condition as they found it, not in as good as it would bear j and the extenfion of the fame rule to the cuftody of the temporalties of church - preferments : — in chap. 6, the ftill farther encreafe of the power of the lords with re- fpedl to the marriage of their wards, by ma- king it no longer necelTary even to apprize their relations of the intended marriage, but only in general prohibiting the difparagement of the heir : — in chap. 7, the farther provi- iions on behalf of widows claiming dower : — in chap. 9, the putting unwiUIng debtors upon the fame footing, with refpedl to the remedy of their creditors, with thofe that are actually infolvent : — and, immediately after, the total omiffion of three chapters of king John's charter, (x, xi, xil, ) concerning debts to Jews, fcutages, and aids : alfo the omiflion of two others, (xiv, xv,) concerning the man- ner and reafons of levying fuch aids and fcut- ages ; and of another, (xxv,) concerning the farming of counties, hundreds, &c ; and again, of another, ( xxvii, ) concerning the difpolition 1 Her. HI. INTRODUCTION, xlvii difpofition of inteftates eilates : — in chap. 21 ^.o.irie. of king Henry's charter, the fixing a ftated time wherein conftables keeping caftle- guard fhould pay for the provifions, &c, taken up for their ufe : — in chap. 23, the reducing to a certainty the hire of carriages taken by the king's purveyors : — the omillion of another chapter of king John's charter, ( xUi, ) con- cerning the general leave which was therein given to depart from or return to the realm ; and of another, (xlv,) concerning the making of judges and other officers out of fuch only, as were (killed in the law of the land and defirous to obferve it; and of another, (xlviii,) concerning the abohtion of evil cuilioms rela- ting to forefts, warrens, fheriifs, and rivers : — the omiffion of fix more, (xlix,l,h, lii, liii, Iv,) concerning the re -delivery of hoflages, the fending home the foreign mercenaries, the reftitution of fuch englifli fubje(fts as had been difTeifed or eloigned by king John, or his father, or brother, the refpite of de-afforeft- ing the new forefls, the fettling certain dif- puted wardships of lands and religious houfes, and the adjufting certain arbitrary fines and amercements ; all which were in fome mea- fure of a perfonal nature, and related princi- pally to king John himfelf: — the oniilfion of three others, (Ivii, Iviii, lix,) concerning the I INTRODUCTION. /f.D.i2i6. faithful fubjedis there 5 with fome few altera- v-C-^ tions which the local neceffities of that ifland required. The original of this irilli charter is not perhaps now extant ; but there is an antient entry of it in the red book of the ex- chequer at Dublin, which M. Tyrrel appears to have been in fome degree acquainted with ^, and of which the various readings are given at the bottom of the page in the following edition \ A.D.iziy. On the 23'' of June following writs were ilTued to the feveral flieriffs in England, com- rtiandino; them to caufe the charter of liber- ties to be publickly read in full county-court, and to fee that the liberties therein contained were firmly obferved in their bailiwicks. The inaccuracy with which thefe writs are entered on the roll might occafion a doubt, ( if the contrary were not extremely clear) whether Henry did not alfo at this time grant a char- z 2 Hift. of Engl. S28. 3 Hift. of of the bifhops (of S. David's and Ban- Eng!. Append. 17, gor) who were prefent at the granting a The copy of this entry was taken of this charter. But as the fcribe was and tranfmittcd to the editor by the probably an Engliihnjan, end the kind afliflance of dotlor Lyon preben- names of the prelates were pure Welfti, dary of S. Patrick's, and dcftor Flet- Jorwerth being then bifhop of S, Da- cher reiflcr of S. Mary's, Dublin. It vid's, and Cadwgan bi/hop of Bangor, may feem fomcwhat fingular, that, (Godw. de Fraejul. edit. Richardfon.) both in the original at Durham and it may in fome fort account for the this entry at Dublhi, a blank /hould omifRon, be left for the chriftian names of tv.'o ter 7. 1 Hen. 11 1. INTRODUCTION. li ter of the foreft, as well as a great charter o£a.d.mi liberties j for they fpeak, in the beginning, of charters in the plural number, though, toward the end, of only one charter in the lingular ^ I T is not to our purpofe to recount the other tranfadtions of this fummer, whereof our hiftories in general are full. We have only to remark, that prince Louis, after a feries of ill fuccefs, was conftrained to make peace with king Henry ; and to that purpofe a congrefs was held in a little ifland of the Thames adjoining to Kingilon in Surry on the ii'^ of September'. This congrefs was probably not finilhed till the 13"', being Ho- lyrood-eve, which Matthew of Weftminfter and Ralph of Coggefhale have fixed for the time of concluding the treaty. The articles of peace (dated on the 11"* of September at Lamcth) are extant in the colledions of Ry- mer **, Dachierie % and alfo of Martene and Durand, whofe copy confiderably differs from b Clauf. I Hen. III. m. lo. d. tcr.tas cmn'ilus Jidelibut noJ}rh ffmfef Rex v'tcecomiti JVigorn' falutcm Pre- facias obferfiari in baUiva tua ^ia ehiffiiis t'lbi quod die et h:a comitatui tui vero tiondam &c Tcjle comite afuJ" legi facias cartas lihtrtatum baro- Ccrtcs" xxiij die yunii. tiibus et omnibus aliis de regno nojlro per c Liber de antiqu, leg. London. 38. i. commune conciFtuni regni nop ri cov.cejfimus ^ \Focd.zzi. et quant dominus legatus figdlo juo con- * zoSclit.apudLamecb.^^piiil.'i'Jl, frmavi! ct libertatet in carta ij>fa con- d 2 the lii INTRODUCTION. /f.z).i2t7.the others; particularly in the infertion of 'w-J this remarkable article, that prince Louis fliould reftore to the king, among other wri- tings and records, the charters of liberties granted by king John ^ Thefe writings and records had probably been placed in his hands by the difcontented barons ; nor is it an ex- travagant conjedure to fuppofe, that the ca- pitula of king John's charter were among them, and that, as this tranfadion was brought to a period at Lambeth, they thence came to be depofited in the archiepifcopal library there. I T is obfervable that in this treaty, of the ii"' of September, there does not appear to have been any oath or engagement on the part of the king to confirm the charter of his father; which moft of the monaftic writers have Hated as a principal part of it, probably confounding this with the enfuing congrefs which was held on the 23^ For, the treaty of peace being ratified, the king on the 14''' of September granted letters of prote(5tion and fafecondudt to prince Louis dated at Kingefton ", and others on the 19'^ to his f hem d'jmnui Lodcvicus rcddat do- omma alia fcrlfta de fcacario quod ha- mlrro fcg! ronilos de fcacario, cartas "Ju- let bona jide. i Thefaur. no-v. Anu- dcorum, et cartjs fa-Eias de Uhsrtatibuz «^ of their moveables. New as this account may appear and un- poticed by all our hiftorians, except very im- perfedly by Tyrrel ^, it is however inconteft- ably confirmed by the original charter itfelf now preferved in the Bodleian library at Ox- ford ; from which the following copy ' is ve- ry carefully and exadliy printed. This char- ter is in breadth feventeen inches, and in length ( including the fold for the label ) twenty three. It has the following endorfe- ment on it in a cotemporary hand. Magna Carta Cap^. xiiij de Lane. te. whioh feems to have been a mark denoting the capfule or drawer, wherein it was depofited at the ab- bey of Glouceiler, to which religious houfe it is thought to have once belonged. In a fomewhat later but very antient hand it is alfo thus endorfed. Carta H. regis de libertattbus magne carte H. reg. avi nojiri. Regijlratur W at. There Hill remain affixed to it by parchment labels the feals of Gualo the legate and William Marefcall earl of Pem- broke, the former in white wax, the latter in green; both which are exhibited with 5f jHift, of Engl S28. J page 56. their INTRODUCTION. Iv their feveral imperfedtions in the plate, ^•/'^•'y^j. page 71'^. ^-^ The variations of this charter from the preceding one, of the 12'^ of November 12 1 6, will be found in the fame manner as before ; by comparing the feveral fedions or chapters, which are marked with ciphers in numerical order, with the correfponding fec- tions of the other, referred to by the numeral m This invaluable piece of antiquity was bequeathed (among others) to the univerfit)' of Oxford by the late reve- rend Richard Furncy, M. A. arch- deacon of Surry. And it were much to be wiflied that all gentlemen, who are poilcfTcd of fimilar curiofities, would follow fo laudable an cxainple, by placing them in fome public rcpofi- tary. The colleding and hoarding of antiquities, which, when confined to private amufement and fclf-fatisfadlion only, are too juftly the objedl of ridi- cule, would then be of Angular advan- tage to the public. However, we may congralahue the prefent age on the profpe£V there is of feeing the paths to thefc hidden treafures made fufficiently eafy and commofliou?, not only by the immtnfc fund of antient learning which the wifdom of the Icgiflaturc has amaflT- ed together and depofited in the Britifli Mufeum ; but alfo by a plan which has long employed the attention of the noble and honourable truftces of the Radcliffc library in Oxford, for transfer- ring to that auguft edifice all the MSS which are at prefent the property of the univerfity, and appropriating it for the future to the reception of MSS only : a dcfign, which will exhibit in one view, and prefervc with the utmoft fe- curitv. that ineftimable treaf^.'.rc which now lies inconveniently difpcrfed j will give room for the daily acceffions of printed books to the Bodleian library ; will perpetuate, by a proper arrange- ment, the memory of former benefac- tors to loiters, and be the m.cans of exciting new ones ; and will in the end do the liigheil honour to the name of the munificent founder, by ftamping a peculiar and mofl ufeful chara(fter of its own on that noble ftrui^urc, which it ever muft want if confidercd only as a fupplement to former libraries. How far this plan will be adopted, is not hitherto fully determined ; yet it can- not but fecm an aufpicious omen, that the ample firft-fruits of dodor Rad- clifFe's cmlowment have been lately applied with the utmoft propriety to the purchafe of M. Frafcr's very curious and numerous colleftion of oriental MSS. letters. Ivi INTRODUCTION. ^.z).i2 17. letters. The principal are thefe : — in chap. 7, V— V — ' the additional claufes allowing widows to re- main in the capital meiTuage, and to have their eflovers, during their quarentine ; and fixing their dower in general to be the third part of their huihand's lands : — in chap, i 3, the omiffion of affifes of darrein prefentmenty the leaving indefinite the number of the knights and the juflices of affife, the abolish- ing the eled:ion of the former, and the redu- cing the times of taking affifes to once in e very- year: — in chap. 14, the total change of the manner of determining fuch afiifes as remain- ed undecided beyond the ftated time, either by referring them to the juftices themfelves in other parts of their eyre or circuit, or in cafes of difficulty by adjourning them into bank : — in chap. 15, the confining affifes of darrein prefentment to be taken in bank only : — in chap. 16, the difiiindlion between the amerce- ment of the king's villeins and thofe of other lords : — in chap. 18, the more clear and ex- prefs definition of ecclefiafiical privilege with refpe(5l to amercements : — the addition of chap. 20, concerning the defence or appro- priation of rivers : — in chap. 22, the omiffion of the reafonable parts of the children ; unlefs (as is probable) that omiffion mufl be charged 0X\ the fcribe, and not on the makers of the (:harter ; INTRODUCTION. Ivli charter: — in chap. 23, the allowing forty ^^-D.jiTf. days, inflead of three weeks, for the pay » v-*-/ ments to be made by conftables keeping caftle- guard : — in cliap. 24, the confining the ex- emption of knights in the king's army, from the duty of caftleguard, to be only in refpecfl of thofe fees for which they do acflual fervice : — the addition of chap. 26, which privileges the carriages of ecclefiaftics , knights, and ladies : — in chap. 34, the diflindtion between /ex manifejia and jur amentum : — in chap. 35, the more ample provifion againll unlawful dif- feifms : — in chap. 38, the additional fecurity againft the claim of efcheats and wardships, by reafon of tenure under baronies efcheated to the crown : — the omiffion of the two fo- refl claufes, (xxxvi, xxxviii,) remaining in the former charter of the 12'^' of November: — the addition of chap. 39 in the prefent char- ter, againft alienations in prejudice of the fer- vices due to fuperior lords: — in chap. 40, the allowing the cuflody of vacant abbeys not only to the founders ,of them, but alfo to other patrons : — the omiffion of a claufe, (xl,) of the former charter concerning the diileifins of the WelOi : — the total addition of chap. 42, 43, and 44, in the prefent charter, concern- ing the holding of county courts, flierifF's tpuro'5, and views of frank-pledge, alienations in Iviii INTRODUCTION. -^•^•"^7- in mortmain, and levying of fcutages : — the * — ^r^ omiffion of the refpiting clanfe, (xHi,) in the former charter; provifion being made in this and the charter of the foreft for the feveral articles then refpited, except the debts to the Jews, and the liberty of palling and repaffing into and out of the kingdom : — the addition of chap. 46 in the prefent charter, containing the general faving of liberties ; and, laftly, of chap. 47, containing the very remarkable pro- vifion for demolilhing all the adulterine caftles built fince the commencement of the barons' wars. Walter Hemingford in his chronicle, A.D. 1224, ^^s given us the two charters of the 9'^' of Henry the third, with the preamble of that now before us, ftating them to be granted by the advice of the legate, the earl of Pembroke, and others : — thus confound- ing the two fets of charters together, which is a fpecies of inaccuracy very frequent in the monkiili hirtorians, or in the regifters of thofe abbeys from whence they drew their materials. But there is a much more exacft and authentic entry of the great charter now granted, writ- ten by a cotemporary hand in a very antient book prefcrved in the town-clerk's office at London, entitled Capitula laudum et nobilita- turn INTRODUCTION. llx fum in fide Brifannie'', but more ufually known a.d.iii% there by the name of Lil^er cuftumanwi et re- >— v^> gum antiquorum. The charter is therein ftiled, Carta regis H. de libertate AngV ; and it's various readings, which appeared on col- lation with the Oxford original, are inferted at the foot of the page in the following edi- tion. There is unfortunately no date either to the Oxford original, or the entry in the book at Guildhall ; and there is the like omifTion in a very fair copy of it extant in the public library at Cambridge ° ; in another very an- tient one in the library of C. C, C. in that univerfity ^ ; and in a french tranflation of the fame, in a cotemporary hand, in the library of Trinity college there''. This raifes fome uncertainty w^ith regard to the exa6t time of granting it; and our hiflorians have rather encreafed than removed the difficulty. The chronicle of London before cited fixes it to the ^f of September, A.D. 12 17: the an- nals of Waverley tell us that after Michael- mas, A.D. 121B, the council met at London, and renewed the charter of king John, under the feals of the legate, William Marefcall, * fol. 27. b. p r). r. » LI, 1 , 10. S O, 1,76. and Ix INTRODUCTION. ^.D.xzxf. and others ' : Robert of Gloucefler alfo fixes V— v^^ the fame year, 1218, for the king's granting the great charter and charter of the foreft : and, to complete our fufpenfe, there are ex- tant many antient copies ' of both the char- ters, with the following or a nearly fimilar conclufion ; Daf per maniis ijenerabilh pair is domini R. T)iinelmmfis epifcopi cancellarii nofirt apud fanBum Paulum Londo?i fexto die No- vemhris anno regni nojiri fecundo^ which was A. D. 1217. In this ftate of uncertainty we may be al- lowed to entertain a conjecture, (for it cannot amount to more ) that when the peace was now throughly eftabliflied, the king's minif- f ^ Z). 1218. Poji fejium Janai Michaelis convenerunt apud London fa- fientes yingllae, et rencvwucrunt leges ct Itbertatei fecundum cartam regis 'Johan- n'ls, quam fcccrat baron'ibus, et in modum chirogrtiphi Jcripjerunt, et Jigillo Gualo- nis Ugati, et Simonis arcbiepifcopi Can- tuarienjis, et Walteri arcbiepifcopi Ebo- racenjis, etlVtUiclmi epifcopi Londonienfn et JViUielmi Marefcalli conjirmaverunt, donee rex juvenis Jigillum curfale habere •videretur, s In the Bodleian library, three j Marrti.132. Hatton.28. NE. F. 2.4. In the public library at Cambridge, three; Ee. i. i. Hh. 3. ii. LI, 4.18. In the Britifh Mul'cum, among the Harleian MSS, eight ; numb, 493, fol.42 5 746, (ol, 59 ; 867 i 869 j 946; 1033; H2o; 4975. In the Inner -Temple library, one 5 MSS Petyt.g. None of thclj have the claufe relating to the adulterine caftles ; \A-hich indeed is to be found in one other copy in the Bodleian library. Laud. F. 119, and in another in the Cambridge li- brary, Ee. 2. 19 ; but both of them are fo incorreft in other refpecls that nothing can be gathered from them with any certainty. For the examina- tion of the MSS (above cited) at Cam- bridge, the editor is obliged to the very learned and communicative doctor Ri- chardfon, maflcr of Emanuel college, and doiflor Mafon of Trinity college, the Woodwardian profeffor of foffils : thofc at Oxford and London were ex- amined by himfclf. ters. INTRODUCTION. Ixi ters, in purfuance of their engagement in the^-Amr. clofe of the former charter, reconiidered the UC-J whole, and granted that now before us under the legate's and protedlor's feals at Merton on the 23^^ of September, in the great council or parliament mentioned by the chronicle of London ; for the claufe of the adulterine caftles is exprefsly declared in the charter to have been inferted de commiini confilio iocius regni nojlri ^ : that in recompenfe for this, and to aiTifi: him in fettling the kingdom, the par- liament afterwards gave the king a fifteenth of their moveables ; which is recited in moft of the copies that are dated on the 6^*" of November, in the fame words that are after- wards made ufe of at the clofe of the charter of 9 Hen. III. and that the fame charter was more folemnly publillied, and many dupli- cates thereof dilbibuted to the people, at * The aflembliiig of a parliament fi non quod ilia ajfifa feme! interm'inata about this time, wherein the great fuh coram jujlkiarns. Fitz, Ahr. part charter was confirmed, though it has 2. fol. 120. b. ~tit. rr.ordaunc. pi. (;3. cfcaped the notice of all our antient The reader will obfcrve, that as this hiftorinns, (as doubtlefs many others cannot refer to the charter of gHen.III, have done) is farther evidenced by the by reafon of it's earlier date, fo neither report of a cafe determined in Eafter can it refer to the charter of kirigjolin, term yl.D tjz', 5 Hen. III. wherein nor to that of 12 Nov. I Hen. Ill ■ the great charter is vouched as a ftatutc for in them there was no provifion for or adl of parliament. P. 5 Ihn. III. adjourning aiTifes into bank, if left on Nota que home ne fuer morJaunceJIcr account of their difficulty undetcrmin- apud WiPm'wfter dex tores en auter ed by the juftices of r./Tife j but Ciunrc. yijuge par k court, fur ceo que claiifc was firft adJcd in the charter of jer rix tr.cnr.tre l" ejiatut de magna carta ; j4. D, iiij, S. Paul's Ixii INTRODUCTION. ^.D.1217. s. Paul's on the 6'^ of November, by the '•^v-*^ hands of Richard de Marifco then bifhop of Durham and chancellor \ But, as this is en- tirely guefs-work, the editor has avoided af- fixing any year of the king's reign to this charter : for, if it was granted in September, it was in the clofe of the firfl year of Henry the third; if in November, it was then in the beginning of the fecond, which com- menced on the 19^^ of October. He has therefore rather chofen to diftinguifh it by the year of our Lord, 12 17, in which it mull in- difputably be placed : for it cannot in any reafon be placed earlier than the peace be- tween Henry and Louis, on the 11^^ of Sep- tember 1 217; nor later than the 22'^ of Fe- bruary following, (notvvdthftanding the au- thority of the Waverley annaliil, and Robert of Gloucefter, who are plainly a year behind- hand) fmce there are writs of that date upon the rolls directed to all the flieriffs of Ene- land, commanding th-em to publlfh in full county-court the two charters, and to caufe them to be obferved in all points ; particu- « There is a blank in the clofe of the fuppofition that the Oxford origi-. the charter, page 70, which feems to nal was the very firft draught of the have arifen from the uncertainly of the charter in September, which was af- fecretary how to entitle this JnfErument; terwards more fully attefted and dated and this may give fome countenance to in November following. larly INTRODUCTION. Ixiii larly in that which relates to the demolition of ^^g:;.';;.* the adulterine caftles ". ^"^'^ I N thele writs, of the 22^ of February ^-^^ 1 2 17, we find the firft authentic mention of a feparate charter of the foreft ; which, as was before obferved, was now for the firft time drawn up : and therefore in the preamble or diredion of the great charter the word forefiariis is now alfo for the firft time omit- ted, and the few foreft-claufes which remain- ed in the charter of the 12^^ of November 1 2 16, are likewife omitted in this; plainly becaufe the forefters had now a diftindt char- of their own. And accordingly we find, in w ClauL zHen.IIJ. m.iJ. d. nojlram ct rcgni nojir\ €iu}a -vera^c RexfkecomiuEhrumfalutcvi M\t- Tcftc covzite afud Sturmlmjicr xx,j d:r thnus tlbi cartas de Ixbertanbui conuffn FebruarU. omnibus de regno nojiro tarn ae jorcjta Lonjimi^c^ " j & quam aliis Mandantes quatemis eas plene Jnghe. kg, fadas fubli» in plcno comtatu tuo M. Tyrrcl (2 Hift. of Engl. 837.) (onvocath barcnlbus mUltlbus ct omnibus his very unaccountably furmifc-d, that liber, tenendbus ejufdem comitatu, qui the preceding writ contains a direaion mdern jurm Jldditatem nofiram Et tu to rebuUd fuch lawful caftlcs as had diligenter attcndens fngula punFta car- been ruined during the civil wars ; tarum ca per omnia facias jurari et ob- vsbereas it U moft manifcfyy the diveft frvari et id maximc quod in fine magr.e rcverfe. Nor was either the precept carte appofitum eji de caftris adulterinis itfelf, or the name of adulterine caftlcr, que ab iritio gvtrrc confiruBa fuerunt an unprecedented thing 5 fmcc we find wl recdiflcata dirucndis omni occafione an article finailar to this in the treaty of fojlpofita fieri facias fecundum quod c^n- Wallijigford, after the civil wars be- tinetur in tadem carta quia id per eonfi- t'.vecn the cnjpvcli Matilda and king Hum doniini Lgati it fidclium wflronim Stephen. Caficlla adulterina, quae tem- provifum flit et in carta pofituttt ad pore regis a quocunque eonfiruBa fur.t, maximam utilitatem ct tranquilRtattn: dirucntur. (Matth. Paris. yf./?.t 153.) tlic Ixiv INTRODUCTION. "^-Henni' ^^^ Several manufcript copies below-cited *, a ^"•'^^ charter of the forefl dated the 6^'^ of Novem- ber, A.D. 121 J, almoft conftantly fubjoined to the great charter which bears the fame date. Nor indeed is it poffible to conceive, as was formerly hinted \ that the charter of the forefl attributed to king John could be originally made in his reign. For in the fif- teenth chapter the outlawry of all perfons is reverfed, who had fuffered for offences againfl the foreil before the firft coronation of the king ; fo that thofe who were outlawed fmce were left at the mercy of the crown. Now it cannot be believed, that when a remedy was obtained fword in hand from king John, to redrefs the opprefiions that had prevailed in the foreft as well as elfewhere during his tyrannical reign, thofe perfons fliould be ex- cluded from it's operation, who had fuffered under thofe oppreilions during the fixteen years next immediately preceding : w^hereas the provifion is fair and reafonable, if we re- fer it's original to the charter made now by king Henry's miniflers, within a year after fuch his coronation, which happened ( we may remember) upon the 28'*^ of Ocflober. And this leads us to obferve another inter- X See note ( s ) immediately prece- f See p ac,e xxxv. ding. nal INTRODUCTION. Ixv nal mark, which will nearly fix the firft rife ^•^•";7- of this foreft charter; viz. the pardon grant- ""-^r-^, ed, in chap. 4, of all purpreflures, waftes, and affarts, committed in the foreft to the beginning of the fecond year of the king's coronation ; which time exadly coincides with the 6'^ of November A.D. 1217, when (according to the fuppofition before adopted) the charter of the foreft was firft publickly promulged to the people. This original charter of the foreft, and all authentic records of it, are at prefent lofl : but that fuch a one did adually exift we may be alTured, not only from the evidence before ftated, but alfo from a writ recorded in the patent rolls, dated the 24^^' of July following i/y.D.i:i3. which direds a perambulation to be made, and the bounds of the foreft to be fettled, ac- cording to the tenor of the charter of forefl- liberties which the king hr.d granted ^. And 2 Pat. 1 Hen. III. p.z, tn.Z. llbertat'ihus forcflarum quas conccjjimm Rex &c otnmbuz •vkecomil'ibus Angl'ie probh hominibus nojiris per rcgnum nof^ per quoyum ballivas 'Johannn Mar ca- trum Angl'ie adhibith cum unoqiwque phalli jujlidariui deforejia Anglie !ran- 'vejlrum in fingulh ccmitatibus quatuor Jiturus cfl falutem Precipimus -vobh quod kgalibus et dijcretli rn'dUibus qui eligant Jlatim cum dile^us etfdcHs nojler Jehan- xij de legalionbui et difcrctioribus mUlti- net Mar' capita/is jujjiciarius iwjler de bus cujujl'ibet comitatus ad facitnd' per- forefta Anglie tratifitum fecerit per balli- ambulatwnem per wfum prefat'i J. Mar' -vas -vejlrai ad dtafforejlar.d ' ptr prccep- forejiar'ii nofiri inter partes illas qw dc- turn nojfrum forejlas illas que deafforcjiari afforejiandc funt et illas que forefic pcy dthent et feparari ab hiit queforejle per- manebunt ct metas foriftarum et terminos munebunt fecundum tenorm carte nojlre dt fmiliter partium deafforeJUirum dijlinfle a. tt Ixvi INTRODUCTION. ^.D.tzts. in the fame year the computed expenfes of ' — /-w this perambulation were charged and levied on the feveral counties concerned \ In which year alfo, about the 6'^ of November **, a new great feal was made for king Henry, and then began to be ufed in fealing writs of courfej but was forbidden to be put to any thing which might tend to perpetuity, till the king lliould arrive to full age'. And cardinal Gualo, whofe name has fo often occurred in thefe tranfadtions, left England about three weeks afterwards ^. el aperie fac'iath irrotulari et metas ct Henrkus Dei gratia rex Anglie &c terminos eojdem irrotulatos et nomina mili- Omnibus has litteras infpeffuris falutem turn qui prefate perambulate faciende in- Sciatis quod pro-vijum eji per commune terfuerunt nobis fub figillis -vcjlris et f.- confiUum regni nojlri Anglie quod nulla gillis illorum qui intcrfuerint inqiiijitioni carta nil lie tittere patent cs de conjirma- faciend: tranftnittatis Tejle comite apud tione alienaticnc -venditione -vel donaticne Leic' xxiiij die yulii anno &c fecundo. feu de aliqua re que cedere pojfit in per- 2 Homines de Dorset et Somerfct C I. pctuitatcm figilUntur magno JigiUo noflro pro perambulatione facienda in partes il- ujque ad etatem nojiram complctam Tcfr ^as in comitatibus de Dorfet et Sumerfat tibus Gualone titulo fanEli Martini prcf- qtie deafforcflande fiint et illas que forejle bitero cardinalc et apojlotice fedis legato remanebunt fecundum tenorem carte regis domino S.CanC archiepifcopo domino JVal- de liberta.'ibus forejie et pro metis et ter- tero Ebor archiepifcopo PFitlielmo Ma- minis ponendis inter utrajque partes illas refcallo comite Penb/ Huberto .de Burgo et pro dcafforejlatione parcium illarum que jujiiciario r.njlro Anglie coram W, London deafforeflande funt Jicut prediFium ejl Je- f^j/fcyio [et aliis quamplurimis] Proui- dundum metas et termitios prediEios, Mag. fum ejl etiam per commune conJlUum. regni Ret, 3 Hen. HI, rot, 14. b. cited in nojlri et coram prediHis omnibus quod ft Madox's hiftory of the exchequer, aliqua carta -vel alique littere patentes pag, 285, note (g), faRe fxundum aliquam prediclarumfor- b Ahnal. Waverl. y^.D, III 8, marv.m JigiUate inveniantur prediElo ]i- c Pat. 2 Hen. HI, m.6. gil'o irrite habeantur et inanes Tejiibus Prime iitterc no-vi JigiUi domini regis prcnominatis et multis aliis. de cartis "vel litteris patentibus non fact- d Ann. Waved. A.D,il.\%. R. endis Et hie incipit fgillum domini regit Ccggefli. currere. We INTRODUCTION, Ixvii We find no farther mention of the char- 7//'«./^-f* ters for fome time , but in the latter end of the year 1222 there happened a circumflance, upon which a confiderable flrefs is laid by Matthew Paris, and thofe of our hifiorians who (following his authority) fuppofe that no charter of liberties was hitherto granted by king Henry ; as if it were produdiive of the grant, which was made about two years afterwards. This was the ifTuing of writs to all the fheriffs in England, to make an en- quiry (as he tells us) by the oath of twelve knights in each county, what were the liber- ties ufed in England in the reign of king, Henry the fecond : which enquiry he fup- pofes to have arifen from a demand of the prelates and barons, that the young king fliould confirm the liberties for which the war was begun againfi: his father. But the writs them- felves, when infpedled % import nothing lefs than what he has dilliorted them to prove; being only a command to enquire what cuf- toms and liberties king John, not the people, had enjoyed before the commencement of the barons' wars ; which rights of the crown had probably fallen into difufe and oblivion during thofe intefHne commotions. = Clauf. -J Hfn.III. m. 14. d. dated i Brad. Append, i63. the 30'*^ of January, and printed in c 2 But Ixviii INTRODUCTION. But there was another clrcumftance^ which happened in the fucceeding year, and feems of much greater importance : the bulle of pope Honorius the third, which Hubert de Burgh the jufliciary had obtained, de- claring king Henry of full age in many re- fpeds \ though then only in his feventeenth year; and commanding all thofe who had polTeffion of the king's caftles, honors, and lands, to deliver them up to him, upon pain of ecclefiaftical cenfures. What thefe were, had probably been afcertained by the inquifi- sHcn.iii. tions of the preceding year 3 but the difcon- ^"'"'''^ tents of thofe barons, who had ufurped thefe poiTeffions of the crown, and were now com- pelled to reftore them, occafioned no fmall diilurbance. They feem to have feared a ge- neral refumption even of the liberties con- ceded by the two facred charters, now the king was declared of full age by the papal power ; and therefore infufed into the minds of the people the neceffity there was, that he fliould now confirm in his majority the liber- ties which he had granted in his childhood ^. Accordingly they took an opportunity in the fucceeding year, when the king had an ur- f Matth. Paris. Cbron. Dunftapl. fusro concejfas, jam majcr fa5us indul- g — i^ccl r:x libtrtaUt, frius ah ca fcrit, Chion. Dunflapl. A.D.112S. gent INTRODUCTION. Ixix Kent occafion for a prefent fupply, to demand ^.^.'2^4. a renewal of the charters ; which was agreed <— v^^ to and performed in parhament, on the 1 1'*' of February, the king being then in the eighteenth year of his age ; and a fifteenth was thereupon granted for the recovery of his ducal dominions in France \ Matthew Paris informs us, that an ori- ginal great charter under feal was fent to every county in England, and to thofe which had forefts within them a charter of the fo- reft alfo; notwithilanding which it is fur- prizing how few of thefe originals are at pre- fent extant. That hiftorian himfelf, it is plain, had never {t^n one of them ; elfe he could not have afferted, that they agreed fo entirely in every point with the charters of king John ' ; the truth of which aflertion a very flight infpedion will eafily decide. M. Selden, notwithflanding his extenfive refearch- es, appears to have been ignorant that any originals of king Henry's charters were in be- ing " : and the only one referred to by fir Edward Coke', as being at Lambeth with h Matth. Paris. Chron. Dunftapl. ^ TItl. of Hon. b. 2. 0,5. §. ii. H. Knyghton. Not, onDrayt, f.17, Tablc-talk.2058. ». Chartae utnrumqut regum in nulla ' 2 Inft. proem. iftl-eniuntur diJfimiUs, the Ixx INTRODUCTION. ^.D.1224. the archbifliop of Canterbury, was poflibly 'i^ii the capitiila of king John's beforementioned ; fince no original of Henry the third's has ever yet been produced from thence. Dodor Brady, mifled by Matthew Paris, even doubts whether Henry granted any charter in other form than that of Runingmede 3 and thinks the great charter, commonly attributed to that prince in our flatute books, was properly the charter of Edward the firlf, or perhaps rather his explication and enlargement of that charter of king John and Henry the third " : not being aware of the exprefs provifion in one of Edvv^ard's own flatates, which diredts that in all exemplifications of former char- ters the original fhall be faithfully tranfcri- bed ". M. Tyrrel tells us °, that fir Natha- niel Powel (who was king's counfel ) had a fair original, which was fuppofed to have be- longed to Battel abbey, and which he himfelf had feen : but what is now become of this, the editor has not been able to learn. M. Carte fpeaks ^ of two originals, flill preferved under feal -, one in the church of Norwich, (which enabled, he fays, do6tor Prideaux to corre(ft fir Edward Coke's miftake in the m Introduiflicn. 210, 2ir. o 2 Hift. of Engl. 1104, 3 Hift. of n De verba ad vcrburr,fne addUione, Eng. Append. 17. nutatktie, tranjtnutatione, 'ucl al'iqua P 2 Hift, of Engl.29. i'im\nut\one, jenlatur. ijEJw. I. fl.6. arch- INTRODUCTION. Ixxi archbifhop of Canterbury's name put to it as ^.0.1224. one of the witnefles) the other in the church L-vw' of Durham. But, upon enquiry at the church of Norwich, the editor is alTured from un- queftionable authority, that there is no fuch original there, but only a very antient co- py \ That at Durham is indeed an original, of ineftimable value ; with the great feal ftill remaining to it, imprefled upon green wax, and entirely perfed;, as reprefented in the plates, page 91 and 107, inclufive of the fliaded parts \ But the charter from whence the q If the pafTage in doaor Prldeaux, hitnfelf ( in the procmc to his frcond referred to by M. Carte, be that in his inftitute ) very accurately reckons. Original and Right of Tithes, (p.268.) among the witneffes to the great char- as may well be prefumed ; it will be ter, Stephen Langton archbjihop of found that he cxprefsly mentions only Canterbury. Nor indeed was dodlor *' the copy of nia^na charta which we Pridcaux the firft correftor of this ana- "have here at Norwich, in the ar- chronifm; for otherf, ^d particularly « chives of the cathedral church," and M. Selden, ( Not. on Drayton, f. 16. ) therein he obferves that the archbi- had obferved it long before hun. fhcp's name is not Boniface, as in the r This charter has been carefully common printed copies, but Stephen, collated for the editor by the two gen- He pretends not to correal fir Edward tlcmcn beforcmentioncd, duftor Coke in particular ; to whom not even ens and M, Bowlby ; and he has alfo the blame of continuing, much lefs the been favoured with the examination of blame of beginning, this miftakc can a very cxaft copy taken for fir Martin with juftice be imputed ; but to the Wright, late one of the jufticcs of the editors of hispofthumous work, (2 Inft. court of king's-bench, under the In- 76.) who copied the blunder from our fpccf^ion of dodor Bland, then dean of moft antient ftaf.ite books. In thofe Durham ; which copy is the more cu- 215. was at firft printed, by miftake cf rious and valuable, as fincc it was la- the conipofitor, inftcad of Q. and in ken the charter itfelf has been in fome fubfcquent editions the error ex- degree defaced and obliterated, by the tended into OiSOltlfaCC at full length, unfoitunatc accident of overturning a who was not made archbifhop till bottle cf ink. >f. D. 1245. ^"' '''^ Edward Coke following oHen.III. Ixx INTRODUCTION. ^.D.1224. the archbifliop of Canterbury, was pofTibly the capitula of king John's beforementioned -, fmce no original of Henry the third's has ever yet been produced from thence. Dodor Brady, mifled by Matthew Paris, even doubts whether Henry granted any charter in other form than that of Runingmede 3 and thinks the great charter, commonly attributed to that prince in our flatute books, was properly the charter of Edward the firft, or perhaps rather his explication and enlargement of that charter of king John and Henry the third " : not being aware of the exprefs provifion in one of Edvv^ard's own flatutes, which direds that in all exemplifications of former char- ters the original fhall be faithfully tranfcri- bed ". M. Tyrrel tells us \ that fir Natha- niel Powel ( who was king's counfel ) had a fair original, which was fuppofed to have be- longed to Battel abbey, and which he himfelf had feen : but what is now become of this, the editor has not been able to learn. M. Carte fpeaks ^ of two originals, flill preferved under feal ; one in the church of Norwich, ( which enabled, he fays, dodor Prideaux to corred fir Edward Coke's miflake in the m Introdufticn. 210, 2ir. o 2 Hift. of Engl. 1104, 3 Hift. of n Dcverbo ad-verbuni, addit'wne, Eng. Append, 17. fftutatkne, tranjmutat'ione, iid al'iqua P 2 Hift, of Engl, 29. diminuticne, Junlatur. i 3 EJw, I, {1.6, arch- INTRODUCTION. Ixxi archbifhop of Canterbury's name put to it as ^.0.1224. one of the witneiles) the other in the church L-v^' of Durham. But, upon enquiry at the church of Norwich, the editor is afTured from un- queftionable authority, that there is no fuch original there, but only a very antient co- py ^ That at Durham is indeed an original, of ineftimable value ; with the great feal ftill remaining to it, impreffed upon green wax, and entirely perfed:, as reprefented in the plates, page 91 and 107, inclufive of the lliaded parts \ But the charter from whence the q If the pafTage in do£lor Prideaiix, referred to by M. Carte, be that in his Original and Right of Tithes, fp.268.) as may well be prefumed ; it will be found that he exprefsly mentions only " the copy of magna charta which we " have here at Norwich, in the ar- " chives of the cathedral church," and therein he obferves that the archbi- flicp's name is not Boniface, as in the common printed copies, but Stephen. He pretends not to corred fir Edward Coke in particular ; to whom not even the blame of continuing, much Icfs the blame of beginning, this miftake can with juftice be imputed 5 but to the editorsof hispofthumous work,(2 Inft. 76.) who copied the blunder fiom our moft antient ftatiite books. In thofe 215. was at firft printed, by miOake of the compofitor, inftead of Q. and in fubfcquent editions the error v.'as ex- tended into Boniface at full length, who was not made arthbifhop till A, D. 1245. But fir Edward Coke hlmfelf (in the proemc to his fccond inftitute) very accurately reckons, among the wltnefles to the great char- ter, Stephen Langton archbjihop of Canterbui-y. Nor indeed was doftor Prideaux the firft correftor of this ana- chronifm ; for other?, and particularly M. Seldcn, ( Not. on Drayton, f. 16.). had obferved it long before him. r This charter has been carefully collated for the editor by the two gen- tlemen beforcmentioncd, dcdlor ens and M. Bowlby ; and he has alfo been favoured with the examination of a very cxaft copy taken for fir Martin Wright, late one of the jufticcs of the court of king's -bench, under the in- fpef^ion of do^or Bland, then dean of Durham ; which copy is the more cu- rious and valuable, as fiiice it was ta- ken the charter itlelf has been in fomc degree defaced and obliterated, by the unfoi lunate accident of overturning a bottle cf ink. following Ixxii INTRODUCTION. y?.z).ia24. followine edition ' is taken (the ilieets being gHen.III. ° - . . ^ - ^ ° " — v^ corredled by the original as they came from the prefs ) is one with which the editor was favoured by John Talbot, efquire, of Lacock ' in the county of Wilts ; and which, by the misfortune which has happened to that of Durham, now remains a lingular curiolity; as being the only fair and perfectly complete original of this date at prefent known to be extant. It is in breadth twelve inches and three quarters, and in length ( including the fold) twenty inches and an half. The feal is of green wax, pendent by a fkein of green filk; and is fomewhat defaced, as may ap- pear from the plates, page 9 1 and 1 07, where- in it's imperfed:ions are fliaded. It has the following endorfement on it in a cotemporary hand : Ex depofito militum Wiltijir , Henrici regis Jilii 'Johannis regis de libertatibus et qui- bufdam confuetiidinibus per Angliam conjiitutis. Of which the former part probably iignifies, that, as one charter was fent to every county, this was the charter defigned for the ufe of the knights or military tenants of Wiltihire j and it feems to have been depofited for that purpofe in the monaftery of Lacock by the gallant foundrefs, Ela countefs of Salifbury^ whofe hufband William Lungefpee was fhe- s pag. 73. riff INTRODUCTION. Ixxiii rifF of Wiltfhire from the fifteenth year of yi.D.m^. king John till his death in the tenth of ^^^v-^ Henry the third, (during which period this charter was granted ) and flie herfelf exe^- cuted the fame office for the two fucceeding years '. Next to thefe originals, the authentic entry of the great charter in the red book of the exchequer at Weftminfter " deferves to be particularly taken notice of, which the editor has carefully collated : and next to that the charters of Infpeximus, 28 Edw. I; of which there is one under feal in the ar- chives of Oriel college in Oxford, indorfed in a cotemporary hand, De libertatibiis ecclefie Anglicane ; and another in the archives of the collegiate church of Weftminfter, the feal whereof is loll, but the flit for the label re- mains. This lafl is now parted on cloth for it's better prefervation ; and till that was done the word " /F////' was to be feen at the bot- tom, (according to the information of the re- verend M. Widmore the librarian) which was then unwarily cut off; but at firft denoted, it fhould feem, a like depofit of this exem- plification as of M. Talbot's original char- f I Dugd. p^r* *75» '77' " '"'• clxxxiij. tcr\ Ixxiv INTRODUCTION. /f.D.1224. ter ^. Both thcfe have been collated by the gHei.m. / ^-^v^ editor, as have alfo tvi^o enrollments in the tower of London ; one in the flatute roll, of an Infpeximus 25 Edw. I, the other in the charter roll, of the Infpeximus 28 Edw. I, beforementioned : and the various readings of all of them are here printed as faithfully as he can prefume to warrant in a matter fo li- able to error and diftrad:ion. It has not been thought neceflary to remark mere tranfpofi- tion of words, occafioned by the hafte of the antient amanuenfes ; nor every minute Angu- larity in fpelling the names of the witnefTes, which are in fome meafure different in every copy extant "'. The variations of this charter from that of A.D> 1 2 17, will be found in the fame manner as thofe of that charter from former V There is likewife preferved, in the ^ The editor has alfo been favoured town-cheft of Appleby in "Weftmor- with the collation of a very curious and land, an extremely fair Infpeximus of apparently cotcmporary roll, containing 28 Mar. 28Edw. I. under feal; a copy both the great charter and that of the of which was fent to the editor, fince foreft, of 9 Hen. Ill ; which formerly the publication of the quarto edition, belonged to the abbey of Hales-Owen hy the reverend and learned doctor in Shropfhire, and is now in tlie pofl'el- Eurn. It in general agrees, in its fion of the right honourable the lord various readings, with the other char- Lyttelton. But as the plan of this edi- ters of Injpex'mus of the fame date ; tion is confined to charters which but has the peculiar local diftinftion of have paffed the great feal, or elfe to au- being marked at the bottom' (near the thentic entJ-ies and enrollments of re- feal) with the words. Exam . J-Feflmcrr-, cord, under neither of which clafTes lord as the charter at Weftminfter was for- Lyttelton's roll can be ranged, it's va- merly marked with Wiks\ rious readings are not inferted. ones, INTRODUCTION. Ixxv ones, by comparing it's feveral chapters ( ac- ^^•^;;j;,); cording to the vulgar, though fometimes im- w— '. proper, divilion in our ftatute books ) which are herein diftinguifhed by ciphers, with the correfponding fedions of the charter imme- diately preceding, pointed out by the nume- ral letters \ The chief alterations are thefe : in the preamble, the infertion of the words fpontanea et bona 'voluntate nofira, inflead of confilio Gualonisy &c; occafioned perhaps by fome jealoufy, that the king might declare his former charters to have been granted by others, who made ufe of his name in his mi- nority, and therefore not binding upon him- felf : — in chap. i8, the infertion of the words ef pueris fuis, omitted { as it feems ) by mif- take in the preceding charter : — after chap. 37, the tranfpofition of chap, xlv and xlvi of the former charter, for the fake of more re- gular order : — the omiflion of chap, xlvii of the fame, concerning the adulterine caftles; x Thus (in page 85) chap. 31 is alfo fliews that this anfwers to §.43 of marked with number xxxviii, which king John's charter ; and by the fame ihcws that §.31 of the 9 Hen. III. cor- rule it will be found that §.43 of king refponds with §.38 of the charter John's ch.-irtcr {nn page 27) being A.D.x^\■7 ; which §.38 of the char- marked with numbcr^xxxvi,corrcfponds ter A.D.iz^y (in page 67) being aifo witli §. 36 of the preceding r.rticles in marked with number xxxv, rtiews it page 8 : fo that, by thii method of to correfpond with §. 35 of the charter double numeration, any claufc in any I Hen. Ill ; and this §. 35 of the of the charters may be traced back, charter i Hen. III. (in page 53) being through it's feveral mutations, to the »lio marked with number xliii, it original draught in Runinjrmcde. that Ixxvi INTRODUCTION, /f z).i224. that matter being now probably fettled, and IJ^* the claufe conlidered as temporary only: - — the mention of the fifteenth being given as a confideration for the grant of thefe liberties ; — the addition of the king's engagement (taken from chap. 6 1 of king John's char- ter) not to procure any thing to be done, which might infringe or weaken the prefent grant ; and the declaring all fuch to be void : -— and, finally, the atteftation of this charter by fo great a number of witnefies, both fpi- ritual and temporal lords ; whereas none are fubjoined to the charter immediately prece^^ ding. The charter of the foreft, which follows next in this edition '', is printed from an ori- ginal in the archives of the cathedral at Dur- ham ; the feal whereof, being of green wax, is fbill perfedl, but the body of the charter has been unfortunately grawn by rats, which has occafioned pretty great mutilations. Thefe are fupplied from a cotemporary entry in the leger-book of the chapter, according to the accurate copy tranfmitted by dean Bland to fir Martin Wright ; the infertions being here printed in italic charadters. It was judged proper in the prefent imprefiion to make this y pag. 93. the INTRODUCTION. Ixxvii the text or flandard, becaufe, imperfect as it^.^'sv. is, there is no other original charter ot the ' — ^-» foreft now known to be extant. This origi- nal has been collated for the editor, by the gentlemen at Durham beforementioned, with a perfedtly complete Infpexhmis of 28 Edw. I, preferved in the fame archives ; and by him- felf with another of the fame date belonging to Oriel college j both under the great feal : and he has alfo collated it with two enroll- ments in the tower of London; one in the ftatute roll, of an Infpexbnus 25 Edw. I, the other in the charter roll, of the Infpeximus 28 Edw. I, beforementioned. Of each of which the various readings are printed at the foot of the page. i T . will eafily be perceived, that the firft chapter of this foreft-charter has refpedt to chap. 53 of king John's ; the execution where- of was refpited by the firft charter of Henry III : — that the fecond chapter is in a man- ner tranfcribed from chap. 44 of king John's, and chap. 36 of i Hen. Ill : — that the third and fourth chapters are an execution of chap. 47 and part of chap. 53 in king John's, and of chap. 36 in i Hen. Ill : — and that the reft are an amplification and cxtenfion of chap. 48 of Ixxvlil INTRODUCTION. AD.izz^. of kins: John's charter, for abolifhing evil ^-^ — ' cuiloms refpe^ting the forell ^. ^.D.1225. When thefe charters were thus renewed, Matthew Paris relates that, about a month after the enfuing Eafter, a perambulation was made of the bounds of the forefts throughout England, and all the new-made forefts were actually de-afforefted ; all perfons, both great and fmall, being fo fond of exerting the li- berties which were granted them, that not an iota contained in the king's charter was over- ^.z). 1226. looked. But, towards the end of the next »— v-^ year, in February 1226, the king, bemg now in the twentieth year of his age, called a council or parliament to meet at Oxford ; and therein, declaring himfelf of full age to all intents and purpofes, took the adminiftration of affairs into his own hands ' : which decla- ration of his was immediately afterwards con- firmed and feconded by a bulle of pope Gre- ^.D. 1 227. gory the ninth, dated the i^'^ of April 1227, and recorded in the red book of the exche- z It fhould not be omitted that in tor has had opportunity to confult j lord Lyttelton's roll, at the end of but, which is fomewhat fingular, the chap. 14, the following claufe occurs; fame claufe is to be met with in De hojcis autem sliorum milium detur that charter of the foreft which Mat- chuignagi-.imforeflarVisnoftriiprcterquam thew Paris has adopted for king de dominlch bofc'is nojlris. This is not John's. to be found in any of the authentic a Matth, Paris. Matth. Weftm. charters or enrollments v>'hich the edi- quer \ INTRODUCTION. Ixxlx quer ^ At the fame time the king is fald to AD.zz^y. have revoked all the charters of the foreft, '^J!l^' as being granted when he had no power over himfelf or his feal ; which occafioned great murmurs, and at lafl: menaces from divers of the nobility aifembled at Stamford in the en- fuing fummer, who gave out that unlefs the king renewed the fame without delay, they would compel him with their fwords to give them the fatisfadlion required. But Henry found means, by yielding up fome lands which were claimed by the earl of Cornwall their leader, to pacify this oppofition without any renewal of the charters ". And the annals of Waverley, A, D. 1232, take notice, that ^.^.,23=. though this was the eighth year fince the grant of two charters was purchafed by the parliament from king Henry, and though the archbifhop and his fuffragans, in the prefcncc of the king and his nobles, had pronounced their anathemas againft all who fliould pre- fume to infringe them, yet the yoke of 11 a very was now heavier than ever, efpecially with regard to the foreft \ fol. clxxi. jugum ftr-vilutis, et maxime de forrjia fit c Malth, Paris. mvijjlmum i^rjus privii. <• — Frck doki, oigiavatum eft jam However, ibHin.III. Ixxx INTRODUCTION. y?.Z).I236; »— v^ However, about tour years afterwards^ a parliament being fummoned to meet at Weftminfter on the 20''* of January 1236 % when the government had a neceffity for a large fupply, the nation took that opportu- nity to demand a confirmation of the two charters, now the king was undoubtedly of full age. He complied with their requeft by a charter dated the 2%'^ of January; of which there is an original extant under feal in the Bodleian library among M. Furney's collec- tion, perfectly fair and complete, being fix inches and three quarters broad, and nine inches and an half long, including the fold for the label ; from whence the following edi- tion ^ is taken. There is alfo an enrollment of the fame in the charter roll ^ and a very antient copy of it in the Cottonian library ^ ; and it is likewife inferted by Hemingford in his chronicle *, fubjoined to an hifpexmus of the great charter. The parliament as a proof ^,0.1237. of their fatisfadtion upon this concefiion, grant- ^'''^' ' ed the king a thirtieth of their moveables ^ ; whereupon, in May following, he fent the e Matlh. Pari?. Ivlatth. Weftiti. ^ Galb. E./\..^-j. T. Wikes. i pig. 570- f pag. 104. ^ Chron. Dunftapl. Matth. Paris, g Cart, XI Hen, ill. m.j. n,4. Ann. Waverl. &c. charter INTRODUCTION. Ixxxi charter to all the flieriffs in En2;land, com- ^.D.rar. manding them by \vrit to read it in full coim- ' — ^^^ ty court, and caufe it to be firmly obfcrved '. We hear nothing: farther of the ch.arters^.D.n^-?. till the year 1253 ; when the king, havmg ' — /-^ occafion for another fupply to fupport his pro- jected expedition into Gafccgne and the holy land, fammoned a parliament to meet on the 5"" of May '" J wherein the laity gave him a fcutage of forty iliillings upon every knight's fee, and the clergy three years tenths of their eccleliaftical revenues. The latter however complained much of the infractions of the great charter, particularly with regard to the Drivileges of the church : whereupon the charters were re-publilhed " j and the fen- tence of excommunication, which had before been more privately denounced A.D. 1224 and 1237°, was again renewed on the 13'" of May with very great magnificence and folemnity in Weftminfter-hall, the king him- felf and his nobles attending in perfon. Mat- 1 Clauf. il Hen. til. w. 15. Wcjim'' xx'vi dk Mali. Mandatum ejl 'vicccomiti Cornub^ quod ™ S^iindetra P^^fchac^ (Matth. Paris.) carta regis quarn fitri fecit archiefifcopis Ejftcr falling that on the 20''' i)f (tifcopii &c et omnibui alii s de regno fuo April. (Duucfne, t. yinnus.) Anglic de libcriatibiiset (juictancisicis con- n Matth. Paris. Ann.^Vavc^I. Hf- (tjjit per oUam cartam regis as faSiam mingford. Trivet. &c. dbm infra etattmfuit in plena comitatu fuo ° Ma'th. Paris. T. V.'iJcc!. Ann, legi faciat ct frmitcr tencri T, R, apud Burt, f thew Ixxxii INTRODUCTION ^.D.1253. thew Paris relates, that at the end of this "■"^ — ' fentence, when the prelates caft down their tapers extinguilhed and fmoking, with this execration, " fo may all that incur this fen- " tence be extinguiflied and ftink in hell," the king immediately fubjoined, " fo help me ** God, I will keep all thefe things inviolate, ** as I am a man, as I am a chriflian, as I am ** a knight, and as I am a king crowned and " anointed." Th ere are many copies of this fentence extant; in Matthew Paris, the annals of Burton, Walter Hemingford, Matthew of Weftminfter, and moft of the antient manu- fcript collecPcions of flatutes in our public li- braries ', no two of which in all points agree. The copy printed in the following edition '' is taken from what feems to be the moft au- thentic extant, a coeval entry in the red book of the exchequer at Weftminfter '^, which yet is not without it's inaccuracies. The wording of fome part of this fen- tence is extremely peculiar, and feems art- fully calculated to affert all the liberties claim- ed by the church, whether contained in the charters or not : particularly, the including P pag, 109, q ftl. c iiijxxiiij, under INTRODUCTION. Ixxxili under this curfe even the legiflature itfelf if /^.d.^s?. it makes or hath made any ll:atute, and the ^LC^' judges if they prefume to give judgment in confequence of any flatute, infringing fuch ecclefiaftical Hberties. As, befides the gene- ral independence of the civil ftate which was affecfled by the popiih clergy, this feems to have a fpecial reference to the tranfa(5lions before, at, and after the parliament of Mer- ton, A.D, 1235, in the 20"" of Henry the third, concerning the matter of fpecial baftar- dy, it may not be amifs to look back a few years, and give a fhort explication of that controverfy, A SPECIAL baflard, that is, one born be- fore marriage of parents who intermarry af- terwards, is for very good reafons not ad- mitted to inherit lands by the law of Eng- land ; but by the roman civil law he was capable of fuccefnon % and therefore the ca- non law allowed him to be legitimate with refpedt to orders and other eccleliaflical mat- ters. In the year 11 80, 26 Hen. II, pope Alexander the third took upon him to publilli a decretal letter % direding children thus cir- cumftanced to be admitted to the fecular in- heritances of their parents, under pain of Ipi- ' Inft, 1. 10. §. 13. 5 D?creta?. IV. 17. i. f 2 ritual Ixxxlv INTRODUCTION. j.D.Hs^. ritual cenfures. Hereupon, as may be col- lecfled from Glanvil ', a queftion began to be moved, even in the time of Henry the fe- Gond, how far fuch child was now made in- heritable in England j which he clearly de- cides in the negative. But as the trial, whe- ther baflard or not, in cafe of a difputed fuc- ceffion, ( being ufually a queflion relating to the marriage of the parents ) had hitherto been always had before the bifliops, and cer- tified by them to the king's jufticiaries, there- fore inquilitions of this kind ftill continued to be fent to their courts. To thefe the bifhops made returns, fometimes evafive and cavilling, fometimes in conformity to the canonical no- tion of baftardy, though diredtly contradic- tory to the law of the land. To remedy which, it was ordained in a Darliament held ji at Tewkeibury, 12 Odober A. D. 1234, 18 Henry III, that for the future, whenever fpecial baftardy was pleaded, the form of the inquifition directed to the bifhop fliould be to enquire, not *^ whether baftard or no," but " whether born before nuptials or no ;" to which the ordinary fhould return a plain and categorical anfwer : that, accordingly as this faa INTRODUCTION. Ixxxv fad: was certified, the king's courts might de- ^-f ;";i- termlne the legitimacy ". ^-v^ Th I s cut off all hopes of introducing the canonical doctrine of legitimation into the englifh law ; and therefore at the parliament of Merton, which was held the next year^ (23 January ^. D. 1235, 20 Henry III) the prelates determined to make one bold effort to carry their point, by openly avowing that they neither would nor could; v/ithout dero- gating from their ecclefiaftical dignity, make any return to the king's courts upon the writ of inquifition thus newly altered ; becaufe that would be to the prejudice of holy church*. u Die Jwii proxime poft fcfium jar.Eli fo, by an unwary reference to the pre- Dkmfii, anno regr't Ucnrici Jiiii regis Jo- ceding context, feems to place this or- banr.n x-jiii, coram ipfo domino regc ct dinancc in the 20'h of Hen. Ill, fub- fub'icnptii , con-jrjcato ccnfiHo prcinfim fequent to the parliament of Merton ; full ct ancejD'um quod de cattero cum Lcif- although the proceedings there have an tardij ohjcSiafuerh a/icui de tail caufn in evident relation to fomething of tills curia dom'ir.i regis quod bajiardus fit, ct kind that had paffcd before. M. Scldcn idea baftardus quia natus ante fponfa/ia however, (Tit. of Hon. b. 2. t. 5. -vel matr'monium contraBum inter palrcm §.23.) has produced an original record, (uum ct matron fiicm, mUtati'.r Icquela ad v,hich Bradtgn appears to have alinoft trdinanum loci ct fat Inquifu'w per kiec verbatim tranfcribcd, ( Plucita apvd •verba, utrum 'videlicet talis r.atus fiierit Tbeoktjhunam \%lhn.JU. d. rcf. 15.^ ante fponfalia fmt matrimonium vel poft, excepting only the date of it, \,r'.ith is et rcjcr'ibat ordinarius per eadetn -verba in the roll according to what is here dimino regi fine aliqua ca-VtHationc. pi:nted, Brailon. b.5. de exceptknibus. c. 19. * Nee 'voluirunt, poluettirt, fine §. 2. This paJFajje is her.; cited ac- pnjudieiu ccckfaftlctie digniiatit, rfpor.- Cording to M. Seldcn's emendation j due adbrcfc fuper hiijufmcdi inqmfttione not according to the vulgar reading, faciir.da, &ff ; quia hoc ef}\t in prcjudi- which inftead of anno rcgni Hcnrici filii cium fantiae Brafton. ibid, ngis Jobannii xviii has anno eodem ; and § • ' • And, Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION. AD.iir^^. And, as they were thus refolved not to de- '^■jH.v.lII. / . nil ^-v-^ part from their own law, they requelted tne temporal lords for the fake of uniformity to confent to the reception of pope Alexander's canon, which legitimated fuch fpecial baftards even with refpe6t to inheritances : but the nobility rejeded their propofal with a fpirit that does honour to their m.emory *, . Upon this refufal of the bifhops to anfwer the king's writ, in open defiance of the lav/s '*, the fecular judges began to confider, what method was proper to be taken to afcertain the fad: of fpecial baftard)^ when brought in queflion before the king's courts. And they foon perceived, that when fpecial baftardy was pleaded m bar of a defcent or the like, it was not properly a queflion of a fpiritual nature ; for the legality of the marriage (which. 'f Stat. Merton, 20 Hen. III. cap. 9. r.olunt leges AngVu mutare quae bucujque yld breve dornim regis de baftcvdia ufttate funt et approbate, utrum aliquis natt/s ante matrimorium ha- In fome very antlcnt copies of this here poterit hcreditatem Jicut ille qui na- ftatnte (particularly in MS. Bodl. NE. tus eji p^H rejponderunt omnes epifcopi F, 2. 4.) this claufe is immediately fub- ^uod rfliint nee poffunt ad ijlttd rejpan- joined to the foregoing : dere quia hoc ejjet contra coramuntm for- Et idea doininus rex balet conjilium rta-ni ecclefie Ac rogaverunt omms epif- Juum fub qua forma procedcre-vclucrit ad (Dpi magnates 1^: ccnjentircnt quod nari irquifiiionem .in curia jua de talibiis Jit a'nte rr.atrimonizim effcr.t kguimi ficut illi natii. - . W qui nati funt p',fi jnatrimonium quantum Y L: dcfeElum epi\copoyum{:-^fmtf con- ad [uccejponem leieditariam quia ecckfia trarVt funt legibui et conft.ctudinibus An- tales kabet pro legitimis Et omnes cc mi- gliae. BliCion. ibid. (a St baroncs utfi vsce njpirderun: jieff being INTRODUCTION. Ixxxvii being fuppofed a facrament, was under the^.^.'^^^- « ■• f-fj'f III biihop's cognizance) was confefTed on both ^vl-v— »* fides, and the difpute could only be concern- ing the priority or pofteriority of the birth ^, which was a matter whereof the laity were as competent judges as the clergy. They therefore held that this queftion might well be determined in the king's courts by jury, without reforting to the ordinary ' : and fo it came to be eftablidied law ", that, though general baftardy (liall be tried by the biihop's certificate, yet fpecial baftardy fliall be tried by a jury ". ^ Nihil fertlnct ad judlctm ecchficifii- Georgius de Lc^JcW nobis ex parte I'cf- cum cognofcereJe piieritatc-vel pojieriori- tra fupplkaiiit ut •vobis fare facer einut tate natini'itaUs ejus cin oppomtur baflar- quid juris Jit fcuiidum confut'tudinem dia, ciiM fponfal'ia -vel matrimonium hinc Anglie in cafibui fulfcripns -viddici-t cum jnde CQKieJJ'a fitit. Bradton, ihid. contingat fHium ahcujus nobilis na'um ex s Bradlon. Ibid. Flct. b. 6. c. 39. matrimonlo miyz>ere qufflii^nem fra'ri fuo §.4. in fornicaticm ante tr.atrimomum de ea- ^ Dyer 70. 2 Inft. 99. dim matre progcr.ito juper faterr.a l.cre- ^ The progrefs of this afFair is alfo ditate hem fi contingat quod f rater natus very folly and authentically ftated ii» ante matrimonium defendtndo fe dicat fe the following entries upon the roll : cjjc hgittimiim utrum in tali afu Jit init- Claiif 20 Hen. III. m.lT,- '^' tendus ad forum tcckfiafiicum (s'c It an Cor.fiitutionesfaBeapudMcrtonfupe- fi miitendus fit in qua formate .... riui inrotulate [yet none futh appear Ad hec "vobis f.gnifcamus de prima capi- upon the roll] fcVlcet xli'f die FcbruarVi tulo quod f natus ante matrimorhm cut figjllatefuernntfigillodcminiregjitranf- movitur queflio cogncfat Jl' natum eije miffe funt in Hybirniam ut current in ante m:itrimonium nee petere potcfl bere- partlbiis iii'iS et tencantur ficut in /Ingli.t dltatem nee petit am retinere fcur.dum At: • ct de hoc fit mentio in brcn dircHo jtfii - g'ic confuttudincm Nee talis Ji dicat fe ciario I'ybernie inferius inrctulato. nutum e[fe p'fi non if mittcr.dusad curiam' Htnrkus Dei gratia rex Anglic &c chrifianitMis co quod clcrus talcm habct venerabX pairi L. eadem gratia archie- pro Icgilimo Cum autcm de cafu iUo arj-.o fifcopo Dublin ct dlUfiti et f dill fuo M. prctcrlto traflatum cJJ'ct coram •vcnerjliTi filio Ceroldi juficiarh fuo Hibcrnu fa!u- patre archiepif opo Cant^ et coepifcopis fuis /i-TB Acecdens nuper ad curiam ticfiram it tnagnaiibus noftris Anglk fcilicet urrum 2lH:n.IIL Ux-^vm INTRODUCTION. T H fe bifhops, being thus abridged of one branch of their fpiritual jurifdidion, were doubtlefs not a little chagrined at the unexr peded turn v/hich this matter had taken, and the lofs of that authority which their own obftinate politics had brought upon them : which v/ill afford us the proper key to thofe obfcure and extraordinary claufes in the fen- tence of excommunication now before us j whereby they tacitly meant to fubje6t to the curfe of God the makers of the flatutes of Tewkefbury and Merton, as well as the tem- poral judges who had fo far improved upon thofe itatutes, as to eiliablifh a new tribunal for deciding this queftion in exclulion of the fpiritual courts. But of this the king, his no- bility, and the people, appear to have been well aware ^ and therefore entered upon the public records ^ the remarkable proteft, which in the following edition is printed immedi- inqu'ijit'io dc tail naio deheret fieri in curia nobis et curh noftre hoc inquirendum et mfira -uel in curia cbrifiianitatis tandem terminandum Et nondum provifum cjl in frcdiflus nrchiepifcjpus et epijccpi petie- curia r.ojlra fvb qua firitia hoc debcat in- runt fill dari fofefiatcm inquircndi Pof- quiri •vel per Jacramentum xii juratorum tea vera procejju temporis quia in forma -vel per probationem a partibus prcduccn- brevii nojlri tis fuper hoc tranfmijft con- dam, , , . Hiis igilur intellefiis Jecur.- t^ntumfuit quod refpondere deberent ulrum dum quoi prcdiBun: tfl in partibus 'uejlris , iati: naius cjjlt ante malrimonium "vcl pofl faciatis ^ejle rege apud Mortclac'' ix die •vider.tes hoc ejje contrarium kgihus Jvis Mail. itjiucrun! (id bo: rtfpendcre et reliquerunt ^ Pat, ^y H:t}, III, w, 13. d. INTRODUCTION. Ixxxix ately after the fentence % as a perpetual me- ^-^J^^Jjj qporlal what part of it was inferted by gene- ^-v— ^. ral confent, aud what other wife. The pope however by his bulk, on the 21'' of Septem- ber following \ confirmed this anathema in totidem verbis \ and it was afterwards made a part of the englifh canon law by a provincial conftitutlon of archbiihop Peckham, A. D. 1281, 9 Edw. I ^. Our hiftories and records continue filent^.O'264. in regard to the charters, a few^ general con- ^-v-*^ firmatory writs and proclamations excepted, till A.D. 1264, the forty-ninth of Henry the third -, when the king and his fon prince Edv/ard were in cuftody of Simon Montfort earl of Leicefter, and in order to obtain the prince's enlargement the king was obliged to fet his feal ^ to the charter of the 34'^ of March, which is publiflied from the original record ' in the enfuing collection ''. There is an antieat manufcript in the Cottonian library, « pag. HI . fceptre with a dove inftc-ad of a fword f Ann. Burt. Hemingford. finr the ornament of his right hand, f- Lyndewode. b 5. 1,17. pag.354. and abridging hi^ ftilc by the ominiori zWllk. Ccr.c'il. M. B. 57. of the words, dux Normannit et comes f» The king, about five years before, Andcganjie, as in the plate, page (having renounced his title to Norman- 121. ( Sandford's gcncal. Hiftor. 90. «iy, Anjou, &c, in favour of the king Walfingh, t^o4. not only of this charter, but alfo of a fimilar one fealed by prince Edward at London on the 10*'' of March preceding ; (at which time and place he was fet at liberty ' ) and between them an Infpeximus and confirmation of the great charter dated the fame 14'^ of March ". A copy alfo of this laft Infpeximus and confir- mation ( comprizing both the charters ) is to be met with in the Harleian library ", dated the 1 3'^ of March, and witnefi^ed by nine bi- fnops, Simon Montfort earl of Leicefter, Hugh le Defpenfer the chief jufi:iciary, and fifteen other temporal barons. The moil obfervable part of the new char- ter here printed, befides it's confirmation of the two charters, (which alone would entitle it to a place in this colledion ) is the claufe giving liberty to the king's fubjeds to rife againfl: and diftrein him to the utmoft of their power, notwithftanding the allegiance which they owed him, in cafe he fhould tranfgrefs the conditions therein agreed on. This feems to be plainly copied from king John's great charter, chapter 61, with fome alterrations ; particularly in that here there is no exception in refpedt of the fafety of the king's royal 1 Pat. A^ m.19. in I Brad. m Claud. D.z. fol. 137, &c. Append. 243. n numb. 489. - perfon INTRODUCTION. xci nerfon and family. And yet in both thcfe /^.z>.i264; cafes, the iniiant tliey got out or the hands < — v— * of their refped:ive enemies, neither father nor fon paid any regard to conceflions thus com- pulfively extorted. So impradticable is the attempt to reftrain even hmited monarchs by any exprefs provifions which argue a degree of diftrufl inconfillent Vv^ith monarchy itfelf. There occurs nothing farther worth con- ^.D.^zf,-;. fidering, in relation to the charters, durmg ' — .«-* the reign of this unfortunate prince ; except the general provifion for their obfervance in the fifth chapter of the ftatute made at Marle- berge, the i8^'' of November A.D. 1267, which is printed in the following collecflion % but needs no comment or hiflorical illustra- tion. Henry the third died the 16'^ of Novem- ber A.D, 1272, and was fucceeded by his fon Edward the firft, a prince of a very difte- rent charadler ; in whofe reign, glorious as it was to himfcif and advantageous to his people in general, we find little mention of the char- ters, till the year 1297. The kjng then ""^e- -^-^^j^^j?- ditating an expedition into Flanders, the earl ^-^^^^ pf Hereford lord high conflable and the carl 9 pag. ii3 ; frcip the Ccttcn MSS, Chud, D. z. of xcii INTRODUCTION. A.'D.xi^-i. of Norfolk earl marefcal refufed to attend ^"^--^ him in perfon, according to the duty of their ilations, for which they were fufpended from their offices. This occalioned them to raife a very formidable oppofition to his meafures, and to publifh a kind of manifefto in the name of the prelates and barons, complaining among other things of the negled into which the two charters of liberties had fallen ^, King Edward, alarmed at their proceedings, feems to have privately engaged to renew and confirm the charters on the ufual condition of a fupply : for archbifliop Winchelfey on the 1 6^^ of July furnmoned the fynod of his province to meet on the lo^'' of Auguft, in order to confider of fuch renovation "^ ; but the clergy then declined granting any thing till the leave of the pope fhould be obtained. Whereupon the king upon the 1 2"* of Auguft publifhed an anfwer to the manifefto of the earls, dated at Odymere near Winchelfey, which he fent to all the fheriifs in England ; promifmg ( among other things ) to confirm at his return from Flanders the two charters, if the people would grant him an aid to fup- ply his prefent neceillties ' : and foon after, P Knyghton. Walfingham. ' Pat. 25 Edw. I. />. 2. w. 7. q zWilk. Concil. M. 8,226, printed in 2 Brad. Append, so. on INTRODUCTION. xciii on the 22'' of Auguft % he embarked for the^-^"«^* continent; leaving his fon prince Edward, '-'>'--', then thirteen years old, regent of the realm in his abfence. A PARLIAMENT was foon after called, to meet on the 6''' of Odtober ; mention being made in the writs of fummons, that the pur- pofe of the meeting was principally to con- firm the two charters, and to grant a fecurity that the late levy of an eighth ( which in many of it's circumftances was illegal) fhould not be made a precedent, nor in any other fhape fhould turn to the prejudice of the kingdom '. At this parliament, on the lo"* * 2 Rym. 791. gentcs quod Jlne dllauor.c al'iqua quatuar f Clauf. 25 Ednv. I. m,6. d, in de jirchior'ibus et legalior'ibus militibus co- 2 Rym. 793, and 3 Pryn. 736. ' m'ltatuum tuorum -videricet de quoHb-S cO' Ediuardus Dei gra'.ia rex Anglie do- mitatu duos eligi et evs flcnam poteJiaterfC miiiui Hibernie ct dux ^juitanie -viceco- pro ipjli et tola conimunitatc diHoi-um co- mti Bed' et Buki' falurem ^da in re- mitatuum babentes ad Ednvardum fliutfi L-vathnem omnium incolar:tm et populi nojirum carijfimum tenentem in Anglia regni noflri pro cfia-va omnium bonorum locum nojirum -venire facias ita quodjint^ fingularum lakcrum per totum idem reg- London ad eundcm jilium nojh-iim modii Tium pro urgtntijfima nunc diBi regni omnibus in oBabis fanSli Michae/is prox* contra GalHcos vecejfttate levanda concejji- imo futuri ad ultimum cartas fuper co»- tnus pro nobis et beredibus nojiris confir- firmatione ncjira cartarum prediErarum ct mare et Jirmiter teneri facere magnam htteras noflras fuper diEla concejftonc pro cartam de libertatibus Anglte et cartam ipfa communitate in forma prediHa recep- di libertatibus fofefte et concedere omnibus turi ct faBuri ulterius qucd per diiium et Jingulis iji'Jdem regni littcras noflras Jilium et cor.filium noflrum ibidem fucrit fatentts quod diBe bBai;e Icvatio non ce- ordinatum Et hoc nulla modo omina:rs Jet eifdtm in prejudiclum fcrvitutem ex- Et habeas ibi hoc breve Tejie Edivardo heredalior.em ujum vcl ccnfuetudinem in flio noflro apud JanBum Paulum London" fut.irum Tibi prcclpimus Jirmiter irijun- x-v die StpicTr.Lrh anno rc^r.i n^^ri xxv. of xciv INTRODUCTION. ^.£>.i297. of October, the prince pafTed the ftatute ufu- »— V— ' ally called Conjirmatio cartarum, in the name of his father, and in the form of a charter. This is entered on record at the tower ", and differs in nothing material from the copy which is printed in the following edition, fave only in the atteftation, which runs thus ; Tejmoigiie Edward nojire Jitz a hondres le difme jour de OSlobre Ian de ?ioJfre regne vin- tifme quynt. He alfo on the fame day granted a pardon to the conftable and earl marefcall, together with John de Ferrers and all others who had refufed to go into Flanders, in two inflruments \ one fealed with his own feal, the other with the feals of his council "" ; and engaged to procure the king his father's rati- fication of both the charter of confirmation and that of pardon : upon which condition the two earls declared that they would fupport him to the utmofl of their power not only in Flanders, but in Scotland i for in the latter a formidable force was now afiembled under the command of William Waleys, which had defeated the king's army on the 1 1**" of Sep- tember preceding ''. On the 1 2'*" of Odlober the great charter and charter of the forefl were both of them recited and confirmed by w Stat. 25 "Edtc. I. m. 38. cited in 2 Brad. 60. ■w Regift. Winchelfey. 227, 228. » Knyghton, Infpeximus INTRODUCTION. xcv Infpexi?nuSi tefled in the name of prince Ed- ^.zj.ngr. ward; the various readings of which exem- ^L-^^ plification are given in the following edition ^. And for thefe important conceffions the clergy of the province or Canterbury gave a tenth, and thofe of York a fifth of their annual re- venue, and the laity a ninth of their move- ables *. A s foon as the aflembly broke up, the prince and his council fent over to the king in Flanders a copy of the charter of confir- mation fo granted in parliament, and alfo of the pardon to the two great earls and their adherents. The king, after fome days delibe- ration, alTented to both ; and at Ghent on the 5^ of November afiixed his great feal to the refpedtive inflruments, as is witneiled in re- gard to the Confirmatio cartariun by this me- morandum inferted in the record immediately after that enrollment : R fet a reinembrer qe meifme cejie chartre futh meifmes les paroles de tnot en mot fuji fele en Flaundres de futh le grant feal le roy ceji afaver a Gaunt le quint jour de Novemhre Ian del rcgne lava?itdit noftre feignur le roy vintijme quint e efivee en Engle- terre. This original charter of king Edward is flill extant among the Cotton charters in y pag. 73 and 93. t Kryghton, HemingforJ. the xcvl INTRODUCTION. ^.D.1297. the Britifh Mufeum % being fixteen inches wyZj' and a quarter broad, and fix inches and a quarter in length including the fold for the label; part of which, being of parchment, is ftill remaining, but the feal is entirely gone. It was confiderably fhrivelled by the fire A.D. 173 1 ; but, as the whole is ftill legi- ble, though in fome parts with difficulty, it was judged proper to take the following copy " from this the moft authentic original. This charter not only re-eflabliflies the two charters of king Henry, but provides for their eftedtual pubhcation ; and particularly dired:s the great charter to be allowed in all points as the common law of the land. It declares all judgments contrary to them to be utterly void; and ordains them to be read twice a year in all cathedrals, and fentence of excommunication to be as often denounced againft all that endeavour to infringe them. And at the end it is provided, that fucji aids as had been given to the king in times of public neceffity, in whatever manner they were raifed, fhould not be drawn into a pre- cedent ; and that no fuch manner of aids fliould be taken for the future, unlefs by the common aiTent of the whole realm ; with an a Lecul. 7. num. 9, ^ pag. IH* exception INTRODUCTION. xcvii exception to thofe which were antiently due ^.n.'a^r. and accullomed. A releafe is alfo fubjoined s— v^' of the new tax of forty fhilHngs on every wool-fack exported, which had been irregu- larly granted, and therefore illegally taken, in the preceding year % inftead of the tax of one noble, granted to the king ^.D. 1275 "^ : which impolition was commonly known by the name of the maletoute *. The king's pardon to the earls and their adherents is entered on record, immediately after prince Edward's charter of confirmation, and the memorandum thereunto fubjoined} of which an exa^l copy will be found in the notes ^ And, foon after the tranfmillion of <^ Hemingfor<3. ^.D, 1296. qt ccmt de par nos amcz & feaux Hum- .t en n Ergl'ttrri xcviii INTRODUCTION. .f z).i297. both into England, the two earls with the reft ^■^v— ' of the nobility affembled at York, on the 20'** of January ; where the old charters and new articles were folemnly read to the whole com- mons, and the bifliop of Carliile denounced fentence of excommunication againfh all who fhould infringe them ^. Much doubt has been raifed, whether what is ufually printed in our ftatute-books, under the name of Statutum de tallagio non concedendo ^ was really a feparate thing from Enghterre et des honurahles peresWillame conccv -vers eui per cek enche'ijon En cvejk de Ely JVill'uim cvefqi; de Ba £f de tej'moignance des queux chofei nous a-voms Welles Richard evcfq de Londr'' Jf'autcr fait fane cejles nos lettres overtcs Donas cvefqe de Co-ventr^ & de Lychefdd & a G aunt le quint jour de Novemhr Ian di Henry (lit Evcrtvyk & des nos amez, £? mflre regne vititifme quint, fcaux Edmond come de Cornwall Johan g Hemingford. yl.D.lz^j, de Garenn conte dc Surreyc et de S-'Jex h Of this Hemingford has given us ly'ilLme de Beauchamp conte dc War- the moft intelligible copy of any extant j rcwyk it des autres de mflre conjeil de- that printed in our ftatute books being ■Korantx en Engleterrc pres de lavantdit in fome parts fo mutilated, as totally ncflrefmx relci£oms& pardonoms pleine- to obfcure the fenfe. His is as follows : ment as ditx: contes et a Johar^ de Ferrers Nullum talliagium ticI auxllium per nos & a toutx Icur menengs & toutz leur -vel heredcs nojlros de cetera in regno noflro aliex tote tnanere dt rancour et de inaig- imponatur feu lexetur fini-voluntate et af- nation qui nous a-voms conccv 'vers ens fi fenju communi archiepifcoporum epifcopO' mile enfoit per les cnchejons at.'antdites ou rum et aliorum prelatorum comitum baro- nule de eles IJfnt qe nul de ditz, contes num nnlitum hurgcnfium et aliorum libera- ne fohan de Ferrers ne nul de leur mcnngs rum homimim in regno noflro Nullus mi- ■ne de leur aliex a-var.tditx ne fsiient cha- nifler noflcr vd heredum noflrorum capiat rengcx cncheifoKcz ne gre-vcz pas nous ne bldda larias coria aut aliqua alia bone par ncs heirs en nul temps pur nule des cujifcunquc fine voluntate et affenfu illius chafes avantdites E auji pardcnoms et ctijus fucrint hujufmodi bona Nichil ca- rclitfj'oms a toutz autres de noflre i-oiaume piatur dc cetera nomine njel iccafiane male qui furent fomonx ou priez dc paj/er take defacco lane Volumus etiam et con- ovefqe nous et ne pajjaent totes mancres cedimus pro nobis et Lcredibus noflris quod de rancour ct de indignation fi nule eufjicis onnes clcrici et lajci dt rrgfic noflrc ha- ieent INTRODUCTION, xcix this confirmation enabled in the padiament at a.d.ii()J, London, and afterwards confirmed at Ghent ; <— y-w or whether it was only an abftradt of it in another language. It is certainly very fimilar in it's contents to that confirmation and the fubfequent charter of pardon ; except that it is fhorter, and that in this there is a fignal omifiion of the reftridtive word fieu, or /uc/j, in the claufe relating to aids, and alfo as fig** nal an omifiion of the faving in refpedl: of the antient aids which were formerly due and accuftomed : which omifiions leave the pro- hibition of impofing and raifing any taxes or leant omnes leges liheriates et liheras con- di^h erga eos hahuimus Et ec'tam tranf- fuetudines fuat ita libere et integre ficut grcjfionu Ji quas nobis vel ncjlris fecer'wt eas al'iquo tempore pkmus et melius ha- ufque ad prefcntis carte coftfrcchnetn Et here conjuiverunt Et Ji contra tllas -vel ad nhijorim bujus ret Jecuritatem i/olumui quemcunque artkulum in prefenti carta et conced'imus pro nobis et heredibus r.ef- Ccntentum jlutula fuerint ed'tta per nos "uel tris quod cnines archiepifccpi et epifcepi per antecejfores nojiros vel Anglie in perpetuum in fuis catkedrali- imroduEie •volumus et concedimus quod bus ccclejiis hsbita prefenti carta et leilA iujufmidi confuetudines tt Jlatuta vacua excommuniccntpvbliccetinjlfigtilisparii- tt nulla fint in perpetuum Remifimus chialibus ccclejiis Juaram dioces' exctn- eciam Humfrido de Boiun comiti Here- mur.icare feu excomTr.unicatos dcnunciare ford^ et EJfex' ccnjlabulsrio Anglie Ro- faciant bis in anno cmr.a qui contra teno- gero Byg9t comiti Ncrff'' marefcallo An- rem prefentis carte vim et effedum in glie et aliis comiribus baronibus militibus quocunque articult fcier.tcf feccrifit Out armigcris 'Johcmnt de Ferrarixi ac omni- Jieri procurtr.erint qttoqunmcdo In cnjut bus aliis de eorum focictate confederacione ret tejiimoniam prefenti carte fgillum nof' et Concordia exijlentihts necnon omnibus (rum cfi appenfurft una eum Jigiliis arthi'' Xx'' libratas terre tenentibus in regno epifcoporum epifcoporum ccmituHh baronkm ttcjiro five de nobis in capite five de alio et aliorum qui fpsntc jiiravcrunt quod te' quocunque qui ad tramfretandum nobif' r.orcm prefer.' is carte quatinus in eis cfi iH cum in Flandriam cert^ die n:ta:o vuati omnib'is et finguHs articulis ob'trvabi^rt fueiunt et mn vmcrunt rar.ccrcm ncfirtim ct ad ejus cbferzacior.em conftltun fuum c: et malam voluntaicm quarf. ex cauf.: pre- auxiliumfid'U priflalunt in pt'peiuum. g 2 aid« c INTRODUCTION. j.D.-iz97' aids without the univerfal confent of the realm »— v-^ entirely general and abfolute. This matter was very learnedly debated in M. Hampden's great cafe relating to fhipmoney, A. D. 1637 ' ; when the judges determined it to be a fepa- rate adl of parliament, principally becaufe it was recited as fuch about nine years before, \n tlie preamble to the petition of right**. And their determination feems to be juft, for this was certainly fufEcient to give it for the future the binding force of a ftatute in point of law ; though it hardly will be allowed as a conclufive proof of a difputed fact in point of hiftory. T o fay the truth, there feem to be flrong reafons for fuppofmg it only a kind of abftraft or tranllation by a cotemporary hand j which probably was inferted at the end of the great charter in the regifter of fome monafteries, whence it was tranfcribed by Trivet and Hemingford, who are copied by Knyghton and Wallingham. For it cannot be of fo late a date as the 34"" of Edw. I, wherein our ftatute-books and fir Edward Coke ' have placed it j fince Humfrey Bohun earl of He- reford, whofe pardon is therein granted, died J I State Trials. 510, 5365 551, &c. 'zlnft. 532. k li.-d, rimlromt • fol. 39. firfqe par ammurc affuU dc tout le roy- t Under i\\\t Laborers. alme jal'vfz. let aun.icr.s a'tdem duez & % Under title Taxes, — qe fur null cujiumez, that cii INTRODUCTION. ^.D.i207. that not quite fp much flrefs was laid upon 'vt-v^' upon it antiently, as at the time of M. Hamp- den's trial. And with regard to the omifTion of the faving claufe, (which muft certainly be underftood to relate to the antient feodal aids, pur file marier, pur /aire fit z chivalier, ^Cy) we may obferve that, notwithftanding this fuppofed flatute which is conftrued by fuch omiffion to have abridged them all, king Ed- ward himfelf in the year 1306 impofed an aid on his fubjeds for knighting his eldeft fon ; and in the writs of fummons to the par- liament, which he held to confult about the manner of levying it, he exprefsly claims it to be due in right of his crown'. In like manner the faving in the Confirmatio cartarwn of the cufloms on wool, fkins, and leather, before granted, is omitted in the fuppofed ftatute de tallagio ; and yet there is no doubt but that thefe were hereditary in the crown for ages after Edward the firfl '. Wherefore it feems upon the whole that there is great reafon to queftion the authenticity of this du- bious a(5t of parliament, otherwife than as a cotemporary latin abftradt of the two french charters, intended (however imperfedlly cxe- r De Jurs corone in Lujufmadi cafw in 2Rym. 986,987, fiuxilium fieri nobis debet. ClauJ. s Dyer. 43. 165. a Iiifi. 59. ^^Ed-M.J. m. 15. d, cedula, fnctcd cuted) INTRODUCTION. ciii cuted) to exprefs the felf-fame meaning in an-^^f. Other language. s--v--' However, notwithflanding the fecurity thus given, the two earls feem ftill to have retained their fufpicions of the king's lince- rity; and therefore at Carlifle, about Whit- fontide A. D. 1298, they demanded that the a.d.i2C)%. kine fhould renew his confirmation of the charters at home; left, as the former was fealed in a foreign country, a pretence fliould be thence formed for breaking through it ; and they alfo infifted, that a perambulation (hould be appointed to fettle the boundaries of the foreft. Both thefe the king's friends engaged fhould be done on his return from the expedition into Scotland ' : and accord- ingly he confirmed the charters in a parlia- ment holden the 8'^ of March, being the firft t-jEd'-.v.L Sunday in the lent following, at London % ' ^^^ with a faving of the rights of his crown ^' ; and directed writs to the feveral flieriffs, on the 26^ of March and 2^ of April, reciting ,/./). t^q,. all the articles of the foreft charter vcr/fafwit ( the five firft chapters relating to the deaffo- reftations excepted) commanding thofe articles and the great charter in all points to be ob- " t Hcmingf. WalfmEh. ■w Hcminpf. Walfingh, Trivet, u Clauf. ly Edw.i. m.iS. d. Matth. Wcftm, ferved. civ INTRODUCTION. /f.D.1299. ferved, and promifing that a perambulation fhould be had, as foon as his affairs were fet- tled at the court of Rome. Thefe related to the pope's award between him and king Phi- lip of France ; and were fo arduous, he faid, as entirely to employ his attention, fince they affeded himfelf, his whole realm, and all chriftendom '', But, finding the people dif- contented at this partial and referved confir- mation, he is faid to have at length confirm- ed the two charters, abfolutely and without any reflridiion, in another parliament holdeu about the beginning of the enfuing May ^, The people, notwithftanding, being dif- fatisfied that thefe confirmations were hitherto only verbal, while the promifed perambula- tion was delayed, (without which it was im- pra61:icable to deafforeft the former encroach- ments) the king iffued writs in the french or vulgar tongue, dated the 25*^ of June ; com- plaining that he was too hardly preffed ; de- claring the reafons of his delay through the great and urgent bufinefs in which he was necelTarily engaged, which would be finifhed in the middle of July j obferving that it would ^ Clauf. z-j Ediv. J.m.\j. d. Stat. Y a Brad. 65, Trivet. Hemingf. ^-jEdiv. I. m. 37. printed in 3 Pryn. V/alfingh, H^> 843, 844, be INTRODUCTION. cv be inconvenient to the public to fet about the adaz^o. '■ zjEd'uj.J. perambulation in the time of harveft -, but s-^v^ promifing that the perambulators fhould ren- dezvous at Northampton by Michaelmas day at fartheft ; and therefore requeuing the people not to believe any malicious reports to the contrary, vs^hich were only calculated to fow ftrife and debate between the king and his fubjecfls. Thefe writs were fent to every fhe- riff in England, inclofed in another in latin, oommanding him to publifli them in every city, borough, market-town, and other place of public refort *# In the next fpring, at another parliament ^sejiv.i. holden at London on the 1 6'^ of March, the two charters were again confirmed by the ftatute called Articuli fuper cartas -, wherein it was provided that three knights or principal freeholders fhould be eleded in every county, who, or any two of them, were empow- ered to fee the charters duly executed, and to puniih offenders againft them by imprifon- ment, ranfom, and amercement : for which purpofe writs were iflued on the 27"' oi ad.x'.vo. March to every county in England, com- manding them to proceed to fuch eledlion \ * B-undcl bre-u, \-]Edi»A. printed * Clau^. ilEdiu.J. m.w. d. piiiilcd in 3Pryn, 8x0. in 3 Pryn. 8^3 . Many cvi I NTRODUCTION. ^'■sEdi^i' ^^^y additional liberties were alfo granted by this flatute, extending the whole to the number of twenty chapters ; which, bearing little or no relation to thofe which were be- fore granted in the two charters, are not comprized in the enfuing colledtion ; wherein the firft part, which alone has refpedt to the charters, is printed from the flatute-roll in the tower of London *. In this there is a dire£lion, that the chap- ters fhall be fent to the fheriffs of every coun- ty under the king's feal, and be read in full county court four times in every year. In order to which the charters of Infpexmus, 28 March A. D. 1300, 28 Edw. I, were made; of which fome ftill remain at Dur- ham, Weftminfter, and Oriel college, and they are alfo upon record at the tower; from whence the various readings are taken which are fubjoined to each charter refpedively ^ And writs of the fame date, for that purpofe, were fent with them to every fheriff in Eng- land ^ ; as likewife on the 1 5^^ of April were other writs, for proclaiming the new articles *" *> ^tat, 7.%'Edio.J. w. 35. See which an account is given in fol.lxxiv. pag. 128. note v. f pag. 73 and 93, There is alfo d C/«k/. 28 £i/w. /, m, S, ' &c faciin- frimo die Afriln. dam VobiimandamuiqMdJiihLichfcld' K P*;;. a8£" It may be matter of curiofity to 3c Stok' Rohcrt't de Rcmetjy junkr'is Ri- obferve the form of thcfe perambula- canU de Cornetaell Radulfi de Suttott tions to eftablifli the bounds of the Henrki le Efpker de Cheping - Nortsn forcfts ; for which purpofe a forcft is Walterl Hefel dc LiU'ingeJion Robert} Neet here fe!e(fledj which has no longer any exiftcnce, but is now converted into private property. Rot. FeranAulat'ionum forejlarum 29 Ed-w. J, m, 8. de Wodc Pyrte Nichelat Broun junloris Radulfi de la Hide WtUklmi Bernard Johanrii de llotiyngfon de Cbadelyngton Ade de DfSunhalle et Roberti de AJiote Slui dkunt fuper facramentum fuum quod Rex omn'thus ad quos Gfc ^ciatti quod forejla de Schofo-vere incipit ad tnolefi- cum coramunitas rcgni nojiri nobis coMcf- dinum quod vacatur Sotclefcote MuV.e et Jerit qu'intam decimam omnium bonorum fie per le Meredicb' quod ejl inter dom'ini- fuorum mohilium que habebunt in fefiu '^"'^ hofcum domni regis de Hedingdon et JanHi Michaelis proximo futuro extunc terram Jobannii de Ellesfeld includendt taxandorum que quidcm quintadcciwa pgfi forefiatn ex parte dextra per omnes bundas hujufmcdi taxationem coHig'i debet le-vari ft rr.etas fubfcriptat et excludendc extra et fideliter nobis foM Volumus et con- for eft am ex parte finiftra totum refiduupt cedimus pro nobis et heredibus nofiris quod tt fiic ufquc Stonlbrigge et fie per le fcrambulationcs faEic coram dile^o et fi- Meredich ujque Edcnebrok et fiic ujqui deli ntftro Rogero le Brabazon et fociis If bunderC quod 'vacatur Enjegro-vemere fuis ad hoc ajfignatis per preceptum nof- quod efi infer carr.pum de ElfefJd et trum de forcfiis noftris in comitatu Oxon" campum de Wyk et fie ufqne Stodfold et de cetera tcncantur et obferi'entiir per me- fie ufque le Bred}' et fie ufque le Breche- tas et bundas contentas in eifdem peram- burnt quod efi inter bofcum domini regis intlationibus quaru/n tenor de t-erbo ad quod t'ocatur Stowode et le Breche de "verbum fequltur in hur.c modmn Elfefeld et fie per fofj'atum ufque Elden- Perambulatio forejlarum Comitatus don et fie ufque Bich;iueyefende et fie uf- Oxon^ faHa coram dominis Rogero le Bra- que Beckeleflilc et fi^c per haiam ufque baxun Radulfo de Hengham et Willlelmo Hangerefende per bofcum de Elfefeld etfic Inge jufliciariis domini regis ad diflam '"^f bofcum de Wode Eton et Sfoivode perambulationem ficiendam affignatis in ufque KingefoK' etfic ufque prefentia forefiariorum et wridariorum apud la lake que 'vacatur IVode Eton Ho foreftarum prediSlarum die dominica in it fie ufque Longerudyngefende que efi in- -vigdia beati Petri in cathedra anno regni icr Stoivcde et Co'iv Ali-x. et fie ufque regis Ediuardi •vicefimo oSlava per fa- Braddcr.ebrigg et fie ufque Thremeren cramentum Johannis filii Guidonis Ful- inter Stoivode et bofcum Henrici Tyeys et conis de Rucote Thome de Par Co TViUicl- bofcum abbatis de Wcftm^ etfic ufque cor- mi de Sharcbroke Henrici de Bruylly Gil- nerum del Parkeres Breche de Beckcle et berti de Gaye Ricardi de Caur.e Johannis fie ufque le Dichende de Beckcle et fie di. de la Hide Hugonis de Barton Stephani reBe per hayam perfone de Beckcle ufque de Abendm Johannis de Haddon Roberti Stoivcde mere etfic ufjue Beckekhacb et INTRODUCTION, cxi At the fame time the king, by his letters ^^Ed-wj. patent, confirmed the two charters; with a JkftrbayamBanterepaketficptrbayam cus de Wode Eton qui ejl Math de nfque U Brechejburn ad cafud bojci Jo- Eynepam et bojcus dc Coiv-Allz qui tjl hannii de Janao Jihennt et fc ufque It abhath de Wejim et bofeas del Hok" qui Mcre:horn inter camfum de Staunton et efi Uenrki Tycys et bcfcus de Forfthull fTik etjic ufque BaJiardt:croft dc Stoford qui eft abbatis de Ofeneye et prioriffe de tt Jic fer foJJ'atum diHi crofti ufque ad Stodleye et bofcus de Scbawe qui cji ab' fontem de Stoford et fic per fojfatum in- batis de Abendon tt bofcus de Ucrfpatht ter campum de Hedindcn et campum de qui efi magipi mlicie tmplt in Anglia Forfihull et fic ufque Sandsn et fic per et bcfcus de Chaljie qui efi ejufjem magif- fsfjatum inter campum de Forfihull et tri nilick et bofci de Hornle et Sydele in Schotovere ufque Lynbale et fic ufque Stanton qui funt Jobannis de fanSlo Jo- Blyottdebrok inter b'.fcum demini regis et banne fuerunt afforefiati pofi coronatitnem brfcum de ForfikuH et fic ufque JVodeman- domini H. regis proa-vi domini regis nunc nefhull et fic ufque Farnivellebrok atte ad tale dampnum videlicet quod nee ipfi Grovepend et fic ufque Halenghtonbach nee arum anteceffores feu predeeeffores ptifl et fic ufque Mintenhale et fic ufque Ban- ttmpus prediEJum ufque nunc r.ichil de flakcbrob Netherende et fic per fojfatum bafcis predi^is capere pctuerunt nifi per ufque Kingefiuodebrok etfic ufque ad ca- liherationem forcftariortim et ad eorunderfi pud inferius de Akemerejuxta Kingivode- forefiariorum -voluntattm nee aliud profi- brok ufque le Rededich afcendendo ufque tuum de eifdem hofcis recipere ficut pritts ad bofcum de Templo et fic defcendendo habere et facere confueverunt ante tempvt per bofcum Templi ufque le Mercwcye que ccronatisnis domini H. regis prediBi abf- txtendit juxta Schottovere et fic ufque ?"« attachiamento tt impedimentoforefia- Akemerebrok etfic ufque dlBum le Rede- riorum prediaorum Et dicuvt mncs dich inter bofcum Joharmis de Scaccio et frediBos bofcos effe afforefiatos pofi coro - bofcum de Templo ufque Rededicbefende et "ationem domini H. regis proa-vi dmini fic defcendendo ufque Akcmerewelle etfic *-'&" »«"«■ f""^ ir.telkxerunt et intelli- ufque le Mereiueye juxta bofcum de gunt ex relatu antecejforum fuorum et alio- Schatowre et fic per le Meretveye inter fum proborum hominum tt pet communsi* bofcum de Scbstovere et Hcrfpathe et fic farram patrie et per cmncs wllatas cidem ufque ad fummum capud de Akcmcre et forcfle propirquius adjacenles In cujut fic ufque Ckalfie per ic Merehegg inter ni tefiimonium prediai jurati figilla fttd P^riehale et Cbalfie et fie ufque viam re- appofuerimt giam que ducit verfus Oxon et fic per Iia quod quicquid per iftas pcramhu- eandcm I'iam regiam ufqtu par-vum pon- latior.cs ponitur extra fcrefiam remanicu tern de Oxon et fic ufque Charsiucll et fic extra forefiam ct rcfiduum remansat fo- per Charcivelle ufque ad molendinum quod refta fecundum metas et bundas prediftat vocatur Sotelefccte Mulle Et dicunt pre-- impcrpetuum In cujus rei tefiimontum has diflt juratores qucj bcfcus de Elflfcld literas r.ofiras fieri fccimus paienies Tefie qui modo efi fohannii dt Elffeld ct l/ff- rcge apud Lincoln xiiij die Ftbruarii. fpecial cxii INTRODUCTION. AD.iioo. fnecial provlfo, that, if any thing had been ena(5ted contrary to their true lenle and mean- ing, it fliould be remedied or even annulled by the common confent of the realm. An original of this charter, with the great feal in white wax appendant thereto, ( being in breadth nine inches and an half, and in length five inches and a quarter including the fold for the label ) is extant in the Bodleian li- brary among M. Furney's charts, from whence the following copy " is exadly printed ; and the device of the feal, with the imperfections fhaded, may be feen in page 133, and of the counter- feal in page 135. There is another of thefe charters in the archives of Ch rift- church in Oxford ; and M. Prynne mentions ^ four^ that he had found in the tower of London. This feems to have been the final and complete eflablifhment of the two charters, of liberties and of the forefl : which, from their firfl: conceflion under king John A.D, 12 15, had been often endangered, and under- gone very many mutations, for the fpace of near a century 3 but were now fixed upon an eternal bafis, having in all, before and fince this time, ( as fir Edward Coke obferves " ) * pag. 131. sn zlafl, proem, 1 3Pryn.855, been INTRODUCTION. cxlii been eflabliflied, confirmed, and commanded to be put in execution, by two and thirty fe- veral adts of parliament \ And, having thus traced the two charters from their original in Runingmede ( if not earlier) to this their lafting fettlement, it is now time to put a period to this hiftorical difcourfe; which, through the multitude of fadts and records appealed to, hath fwoln to a greater bulk than the editor expected when firil: he undertook to compile it. In confequence of thofe fadts and records he hath been obliged to differ very frequently, (more frequently indeed than is taken notice of) not only from the monaftic writers and fuch as have implicitly followed them, but alfo from later hiftorians of a very different charadter; " It is true, that the appreher.fions he thought proper of his own frccvvillj of the people were again raifeJ, when and without any compuifion, to con- king Edward, 29 Dec, A. D. 1305, firm and enlarge very many of thclif obtained a bulle from pope Clement toncciTions by the ordinance of the fo- the fifth, annulling all the conceflions reft, which he publifhed on the 27th of that had been extorted from him with May in the following year. And yet relation to the forefts and other liber- (as Tyrrcl very juftly obl'crvcs, 3 Hift. ties J (aRym. 97?.) and rclcafing him 170.) he, by chapter 5 of this very from his oaths, and other fpiritual tics, ordinance, abfolutcly revoked and an* by which he was engaged to obfervc nulled the deaffbrcftation, v.hich was them. But the only ufe he made of it before fo folemnly agreed to j though (according to Brady, 2 Hift. 84. j and it docs not appear that he ever in fail Carte, zllift. 292.) was to (hew his attempted any thing afterwards, in rTiagnanimity ; in that being now ab- breach of the two charters granted by folvcd from all manner of obligation, his father, and fo often confirmed by iccordinj to the c»fuiftry cf the timci, himTclf. h who cxiv INTRODUCTION. who were endued with more learning and induftry, and wrote from more authentic ma- terials. The reflexion which mufi: naturally arife from hence is this ; that, iince men of great abilities have failed in point of accu- racy through the extenfivenefs of the plan which they have purfued, we may conclude that the compiling and digefting of a general and complete hiflory of England is a burthen too heavy to be undertaken by any -lingle man, however fupereminently qualified ; but that, if ever fuch a work is fuccefsfully per- formed, it muft be carried on by the joint endeavours of individuals, each of them, at- tentive to detached parts of it, which may afterwards be woven together into one uni- form whole. That tafk may be referved for fome mafterly and comprehenfive genius, ele- gant in his flile, faithful in his narration, able and impartial in his judgment : who, being pofTeiTed of a thorough iniight into the rife and gradual improvements of the conftitu- tion and laws of this kingdom, the frequent revolutions of it's ecclefiaftical and civil po- lity, the different manners of it's people at different periods of time, and it's general con- nexions and commerce with foreign nations, and being accurately fupplied with particular fad:s and occurrences by the laborious re- fearches INTRODUCTION. cxv fearches of others, might regulate and bring to perfection in a finilhed degree this great and extenfive work ; though he wanted that critical attention to dates, and names, and other minuter circumflances, which would be requifite in thofe who fliould ad: in the fub- ordinate departments. If what the editor of thefe flieets has colleded, with regard to the original, progrefs, and eftablifhment of the two great charters of liberties, can in any fhape contribute to illuflrate this important part of our englifh juridical hiftory, he fliall think that he has not altogether thrown away the labour and time, which have been be- llowed upon thcfe enquiries. MAGNA CARTA, CARTA DE FORESTA, ETC. TABULA. ArtkuJi magne carte Ubcrtatum fub figUlo regis Johannis. Pag. I. Magna carta y \sju7i. MCCXV, i-jjoh. 15. Cowventio inter regem Johannem et bar ones. 39. Magna cart a ^ 12 Novemb. MCCXVI, I Hen. Ill, 42- Magna carta. MCCXVII. 56. Magna carta, 1 1 Febr. M C C X X I V, 9 Hen. III. 7T>' Carta de foreftay 1 1 Febr. M C C X X I V, 9 Hen. III. 93- Carta confinnationisy i^'Jan. MCCXXXVI, 21 Hen. III. 104, Sententia exco?nmunicatiomSy &c. 13 Mait MCCLIII, 37 Hen. III. 109. Carta co7ifirtnatiomSy i^Mar. MCCLXIV, 49 Hen. III. 1 14. Statutum de Marleberge, 18 Nov. MCCLXVII, ^2 Hen. III. f. 5. 123. Conjirmatio cartariiniy ^Nov. MCCXCVII, 2^Ed.l. 124. Jrticuli/uper cartas, 6 Mar. MCCXCIX, iSEd.l 128. Carta conjirmationisy 14 Febr. MCCC, 29 E/ I. 131. A R T I C U L I MAGNE CARTE LIBERTATUiM SUB SIGILLO REGIS J O H A N N I S. I S T A funt capitula que barones petunt et dominus rex concedit POST decelTum antecellbrum here- i des plene etatis habebunt heredita- tem fuam per antiquum relevium exprimendum in carta §. Heredes qui infra etatem funt et fue- 2 rint in cuflodia cum ad etatem pervenerint habebunt hereditatem fuam fine relevio et line §. Cuftos terre heredis capiat rationabi- 3 les ,exitus confuetudines et fervitia line de- ftru(flione et vafto hominum et rerum fua- rum et fi cuflos terre fecerit deftrudtionem A et 2 ARTICULI CARTE et vaftum amittat cuflodiam et cuftos fuf- tentabit domos parcos vivaria (lagna molen- dina et cetera ad terram illam pertinentia de exitibus terre ejufdem et ut heredes ita ma- ritentur ne dilparagentur et per confilium propinquorum de confanguinitate fua 4 §. Ne vidua det aliquid pro dote fua vel maritagio pofl decellum mariti fui fed ma- neat in domo fua per xl dies poft mortem ipiius et infra terminum ilium affignetur ei dos et maritagium ilatim habeat et heredi- tatem fuam 5 §. Rex vel ballivus non faiiiet terram aliquam pro debito dum catalla debitoris fufliciunt nee plegii debitoris diftringantur dum capitalis debitor fufficit ad folutionem fi vero capitalis debitor defecerit in folutio- ne fi plegii voluerint habeant terras debito- ris donee debitum ilium perfolvatur plene nifi capitalis debitor monftrare poterit fe ef- fe inde quietum erga plegios 6 §. Rex non concedet alicui baroni quod capiat auxilium de liberis hominibus fuis nili ad corpus fuum redimendum et ad fa- ciendum primogenitum iiiium fuum mili- tem et ad primogenitam iiliam fuam femel maritandam et hoc faciet per rationabile au- xilium 7 §. Ne aliquis majus fervitium faciat de feodo militis quam inde debetur §. Ut REGIS JOHANNIS. 3 §. Ut communia placita non fequantur 8 curiam domini regis fed affignentur in ali- quo certo loco et ut recognitiones capiantur in eifdem comitatibus in hunc modum ut rex mittat duos jufticiarios per iiij" vices in anno qui cum iiij°' militibus ejufdem comi- tatus eledis per comitatum capiant affifas de nova diflailina morte anteceflbris et ultima prefentatione nee aliquis ob hoc fit fummo- nitus nifi juratores et due partes §. Ut liber homo amercietur pro parvo o delicflo fecundum modum delicti et pro magno delidio fecundum magnitudinem de- lidi falvo continemento fuo villanus etiam eodem modo amercietur falvo waynagio fuo et mercator eodem modo falva marcandihi per facramentum .proborum hominum de vifneto §. Ut clericus amercietur de laico feodo 10 fuo fecundum modum aliorum predi<5torum et non fecundum beneficium ecclefiallicum §. Ne aliqua villa amercietur pro ponti- n bus faciendis ad riparias nili ubi de jure an- tiquitus elfe folebant §. Ut menfura vini bladi et latitudines 12 pannorum et rerum aliarum emendetur et ita de ponderibus §. Ut affife de nova dilTaifma et de mor- 13 te antecefforis abbrevientur et limiliter de aliis affifis A 2 §. Ut 4 ARTICULI CARTE 14 §. Ut nuUus vicecomes intromittat fe de placitis ad coronam pertinentibus fine coro- natoribus et ut comitatus et hundreda fint ad antiquas firmas abfque nullo incremento^ exceptis dominicis maneriis regis 15 §• Si aliquis tenens de rege moriatur li- cebit vicecomiti vel alii ballivo regis feifire et imbreviare catallum ipfius per vifum le- galium hominum ita tamen quod nichil in- de moveatur donee plenius fciatur fi debeat aliquod liquidum debitum domino regi et tunc debitum regis perfolvatur refiduum ve- ro relinquatur executoribus ad faciendum teftamentum defunfti et fi nichil regi debe- tur omnia catalla cedant defundlo 16 §• Si aliquis liber homo inteftatus decef- ferit bona fua per manum proximorum pa- rentum fuorum et amicorum et per vifum ecclefie diftribuantur 17 §. Ne vidue diftringantur ad fe maritan- dum dum voluerint line marito vivere ita ta- men quod fecuritatem facient quod non mari- tabunt fe fine aflenfu regis fi de rege teneant vel dominorum fuorum de quibus tenent 18 §• Ne conftabularius vel alius ballivus capiat blada vel alia catalla nifi flatim de- narios inde reddat nili refpedtum habere pof- fit de voluntate venditoris i^ §. Ne conftabularius pofTit diftringere aliquem militem ad dandum denarios pro cuflodia REGIS JOHANNIS. 5 cuftodia caftri fi voluerit facere cuflodiam illam in propria perfona vel per alium pro- bum hominem li ipfe earn facere non pollit per rationabilem caufam et fi rex eum duxe- - rit in excercitum fit quietus de cuftodia fe- cundum quantitatem temporis §. Ne vicecomes vel ballivus regis vel 20 aliquis alius capiat equos vel carettas alicu- jus liberi hominis pro cariagio faciendo nifi ex voluntate ipfius §. Ne rex vel ballivtis fuus capiat alienum 21 bofcum ad caftra vel ad alia agenda fua nifi per voluntatem ipfius cujus bofcus ille fuerit §. Ne rex teneat terram eorum qui fuerint 22 convidti de felonia nifi per unum annum et unum diem fed tunc reddatur domino feodi §. Ut omnes kidelli de cetero penitus 23 deponantur de Tamiiia et Medewaye et per totam Angliam §. Ne breve quod vocatur Precipe de ce- 24 tero fiat alicui de aliquo tenemento unde li- ber homo amittat curiam fuam §. Si quis fuerit diffeifitus vel prolonga- 25 tus per regem fine judicio de terris liberta- tibus et jure fuo ftatim ei reftituatur et 11 contentio fuper hoc orta fuerit tunc inde difponatur per judicium xxv baronum et ut illi qui fuerint diifaifiti per patrem vel fra- trem regis rectum habeant fine dilatione per judicium parium fuorum in curia regis et fi rex 6 ARTICULI CARTE rex debeat habere terminum aliorum crucc fignatorum tunc archiepifcopus et epifcopi faciant inde judicium ad certum diem ap- pellatione remota 26 §. Ne aliquid detur pro brevi inquifitio- nis de vita vel membris fed libere conceda- tur fine precio et non negetur 27 §• Si aliquis tenet de rege per feodi fir- mam per fokagium vel per burgagium et de alio per fervitium militis dominus rex non habebit cuflodiam militum de feodo alterius occaiione burgagii vel fokagii nee debet ha- bere cuftodiam burgagii fokagii vel feodi firme et quod liber homo non amittat mili- tiam fuam occaiione parvarum fergantifa- rum ficuti de illis qui tenent aliquod tene- mentum reddendo inde cuttellos vel fagittas vel hujufmodi 28 ^ §• Ne aliquis ballivus poflit ponere ali- quem ad legem fimplici loquela fua fme tef- tibus iidelibus 29 §. Ne corpus liberi hominis capiatur nee imprifonetur nee diffaifietur nee utlagetur nee exuletur nee aliquo modo deftruatur nee rex eat vel mittat fuper eum vi niii per judicium parium fuorum vel per legem terre 20 §. Ne jus vendatur vel difi'erratur vel ve- titum lit 31 §• Qil^d mercatores habeant falvum ire et venire ad emendum vel vendendum fine omni- REGIS JOHANNIS. 7 omnibus malis toltis per antiquas et redtas confiietudines §. Ne fcutaglum vel auxilium ponatur in 32 regno nili per commune confilium regni niii ad corpus regis redimendum et primogeni- tum iilium fuum militem faciendum et fi- liam fuam primogcnitam femel maritandam et ad hoc fiat rationabile auxilium fimili modo fiat de taillagiis et auxiliis de civitate London' et de aliis civitatibus que inde ha- bent libertates et ut civitas London' plene habeat antiquas libertates et liberas confiie- tudines fiias tam per aquas quam per terras §. Ut liceat unicuique exire de regno et 33 redire falva fide domini regis nifi tempore werre per aliquod breve tempus propter communem utilitatem regni §. Si quis mutuo aliquid acceperit a Ju- 34 deis plus vel minus et moriatur antequam debitum illud folvatur debitum non ufiarabit quamdiu heres fuerit infra etatem de quo- cumque teneat et fi debitum illud inciderit in manum regis rex non capiet nifi catallum quod continetur m carta §. Si quis moriatur et debitum debeat 35 Judeis uxor ejus habeat dotem fuam et fi li- beri remanferint provideantur eis necefiaria fecundum tenementum et de refiduo folva- tur debitum falvo fervitio dominorum fimili modo fiat de aliis debitis et ut cufi:os terre rcddat 8 ARTICULI CARTE reddat heredi cum ad plenam etatem perve- nerit terram fuam inflauratam fecundum quod rationabiliter poterit fuftinere de exiti- bus terre ejufdem de carucis et wainnagiis 36 §• Si quis tenuerit de aliqua eikaeta licut de honore Walingeford Notingeham Bonon' et Lankaftr' et de aliis efkaetis que funt in manu regis et funt baronie et obierit heres ejus non dabit aliud relevium vel faciet regi aliud fervitium quam faceret baroni et ut rex eodem modo earn teneat quo baro earn tenuit 07 §. Ut fines qui fadi funt pro dotibus ma- ritagiis hereditatibus et amerciamentis injuf- te et contra legem terre omnino condonen- tur vel fiat inde per judicium xxv baronum vel per judicium majoris partis eorumdem una cum archiepifcopo et aliis quos fecum vocare voluerit ita quod fi aliquis vel aliqui de xxv fuerint in fimili querela amoveantur et alii loco illorum per refiduos de xxv fub- ftituantur 38 §. Quod obfides et carte reddantur que liberate fuerunt regi in fecuritatem 39 §• Ut illi qui fuerint extra foreftam non veniant coram jufticiariis de forefla per com- munes fummonitiones nifi fint in placito vel plegii fuerint et ut prave confuetudines de foreflis et de foreftariis et warrenniis et vice- comitibus REGIS JOHANNIS. 9 comitibus et rivariis emendeatar per xii mi- lites de quolibet comitatu qui debent eligi per probos homines ejudem comitatus §. Ut rex amoveat penitus de balliva pa- 40 rentes et totam fequelam Gerardi de Atyes quod de cetero balliam non habeant fcilicet Engelardum Andream Petrum et Gyonem de Cancel!' Gyonem de Cygon' Matlieum de Martiny et fratres ejus et Galfridum nepo- tem ejus et Phillppum Mark §. Et ut rex amoveat alienigenas milites 41 ftipendiarios baliftarios et ruttarios et fer- vientes qui veniunt cum equis et armis ad nocumentum regni §. Ut rex faciat jufticiarios conftabularios 42 vicecomites et ballivos de talibus qui fciant legem terre et earn bene velint obfervare §. Ut barones qui fundaverunt abbatias 43 unde habent cartas regum vel antiquam te- nuram habeant cuftodiam earum cum vaca- verint §. Si rex Walenfes diffaifierit vel elonga- 44 verit de terris vel libertatibus vel de rebus ahis in Anglia vel in Wallia eis ftatim fine piacito reddantur et fi fuerint diffaifiti vel e- longati de tenementis fuis Anglie per patrem vel fratrem regis fine judicio parium fuorum rex eis fine dilatione jufliciam exhibebit eo modo quo exhibet Anglicis jufliciam de te- nementis luis Anglie fecundum legem Anglie et 10 ARTICULI CARTE > et de tenementis Wallie fecundum legem Wallie et de tenementis marchie fecundum legem marchie idem facient Walenfes regi et fuis 4? §• Ut rex reddat fi- lium Lewelini et pre- terea omnes obfides de Wallia et cartas que ei liberate fuerunt in fe- curitatem pacis - - 46 §• Ut rex faciat regi Scottorum deobfidibus reddendis et de liberta- tibus fuis et jure fuo fe- cundum formam quam facit baronibus Anglie_ 47 §• Et omnes forefle que funt aforeftate per regem tempore fuo deafforeflentur et ita iiat de ripariis que per ipfum regem funt in defenfo 48 §. Omnes autem iftas confuetudines et li- bertates quas rex conceffit regno tenendas quantum ad fe pertinet erga fuos omnes de regno tam clerici quam laici obfervabunt quantum ad fe pertinet erga fuos nifi aliter efle de- beat per cartas quas rex habet per judici- um archiepifcopi et aliorum quos fecum vocare voluerit 49 §. Hec eft forma fecuritatis ad obfervan- dum pacem et libertates inter regem et reg- num REGIS JOHANNIS. ii num Barones eligent xxv barones de regno quos voluerint qui debent pro totis viribus fuis obfervare tenere et facere obfervari pa- cem et libertates quas dominus rex eis con- ceffit et carta fua confirmavit ita videlicet quod fi rex vel jufticiarius vel ballivi regis vel aliquis de miniftris fuis in aliquo erga aliquem deliquerit vel aliquem articulorum pacis aut fecuritatis tranfgrefTus fuerit et de- li(5lum oftenfum fuerit iiij°' baronibus de predid:is xxv baronibus illi iiij°' barones ac- cedent ad dominum regem vel ad jufticia- rium fuum fi rex fuerit extra regnum propo- nentes ei exceffum petent ut exceflum ilium fine dilatione faciat emendari et fi rex vel juf- ticiarius ejus illud non emendaverit fi rex fuerit extra regnum infra rationabile tempus determinandum in carta predicSti iiij°' refe- rent caufam illam ad refiduos de illis xxv baronibus et illi xxv cum communa totius terre diflringent et gravabunt regem modis omnibus quibus poterunt fcilicet per captio- nem caftrorum terrarum poffeflionum et aliis modis quibus poterunt donee fuerit emen- datum fecundum arbitrium eorum falva per- fona domini regis et rcgine et liberorum fuo- rum et cum fuerit emendatum intendant domino regi ficut prius et quicumque volue- rit de terra jurabit fe ad predidta exequenda pariturum mandatis predidorum xxv baro- num 12 ARTICULI CARTE num et gravaturum regem pro pofie fuo cum > ipfis et rex pubblice et libere dabit licentiam jurandi cuilibet qui jurare voluerit et nulli umquam jurare prohibebit omnes autem il- los de terra qui fponte fua et per fe nolue- . rint jurare xxv baronibus de diftringendo et gravando regem cum eis rex faciet jurare eofdem de mandate fuo ficut predid:um eft Item fi aliquis de predidtis xxv baronibus decelTerit vel a terra recefTerit vel aliquo mo- do alio impeditus fuerit quo minus ifta pre- didta poflint exequi qui refidui fuerint de xxv eligent alium loco ipfius pro arbitrio fuo qui limili modo erit juratus quo et ceteri In omnibus autem que iftis xxv baronibus com- mittuntur exequenda fi forte ipfi xxv pre- fentes fuerint et inter fe fuper re aliqua dif- cordaverint vel aliqui ex eis vocati nolint vel nequeant intereffe ratum habebitur et fir- mum quod major pars ex eis providerit vel preceperit ac fi omnes xxv in hoc confenfif- fent et predidti xxv jurabunt quod omnia an- tedidla fideliter obfervabunt et pro toto pofle fuo facient obfervari Preterea rex faciet eos fecuros per cartas archiepifcopi et epifcopo- rum et magiftri Pandulfi quod nichil impe- petrabit a domino papa per quod aliqua if- tarum conventionum revocetur vel minuatur et fi aliquid tale impetraverit reputetur irri- tum et inane et nunquam eo utatur. • REGIS JOHANNIS. 13 MAGNA CARTA REGIS JOHANNIS, XV DIE juNii, MCCXV, ANNO REGNI XVII. JOHANNES 'Dei gratia rex Anglie eJ dominus Hybernie dux Normannie '' Aquitanie et comes Andegavie archiepif- copis epifcopis abbatibus comitibus baroni- VARlAE LECTIONES, defumptae ex Libra rubra Scaccharii Wejim. (fol. ccxxxiiij.) Jignanfur Litera R : ex Carta autographa altera in Bib- Uatheca Cattoniana, Litera et Numero C 2. » Omnibus Chrifti fidelibus ad quos prefens fcriptum pervenerit Ste- phanus Dei gratia Cantuar' archiepif- copus totius Anglic primas et fande Romane ecclefie cardinalis Henricus eadem gratia Dublin' archiepifcopus Willielmus London' Petrus Winton' Jofcelinus Bathoji' et Glafton" Hugo Line' Waltcrus Wigorn' Willieljnus Coventr' et Benedidlus Roff ' divina miferatione epifcopi ct juagiftcr Pan- dulfus domini pape fubdiaconus et fa- miliaris falutem in Domino Sciatis nos infpexifle cartam quam dominus nofter Johannes illuftris rex Anglie fecit comitibus baronibus et liberis hominibus fuis Anglie dc libertate fanfte ecclefie et libertatibuset liberis confuetudinibus fuis eifdem ab eo con- cefTis fub hac forma Johannes Sec, R. b et Aquitanie com«. R. bus i6 MAGNA CARTA bus jufticiariis foreftarils vicecomitibiis pre- pofitis miniftris et omnibus ballivis et fide- libus fuis falutem Sciatis nos intuitu Dei et pro falute anime noftre et omnium ante- ceflbrum et heredum noftrorum ad honorem Dei et exaltationem fanfte ecclefie et emen- dationem regni noftri per confilium venera- bilium patrum noflrorum Stephani Cant' ar- chiepifcopi totius Anglie primatis et fandle Romane ecclefie cardinalis Henrici Dublin' archiepifcopi Willielmi London' Petri Win- ton' Jofcelini Bathon' et Glafton' Hugonis Lincoln' Walteri Wygorn' Willielmi Co- ventr' et Benedicfli Roff' epifcoporum ma- giftri Pandulfi domini pape fubdiaconi et familiaris fratris ' Eymerici magiftri militie templi in Anglia et nobilium virorum Wil- lielmi Marifcalli comitis Penbrok Willielmi comitis Sar' Willielmi comitis Warenn' Willielmi comitis Arundell' Alani de Gal- weya conftabularii Scottie Warini filii Ge- roldi Petri filii Kereberti Huberti de Burgo fenefcalli Pidavie Hugonis de Nevill' Mathei filii Hereberti Thome BalTet Alani BafTet Philippi de Albin' Roberti ^ de Roppel' Jo- hannis Marifcalli Johannis filii Hugonis et I aliorum fidelium noflrorum In primis con- cefTifTe Deo et hac prefenti carta noflra con- VARIAE LECTIONES, e Emerlci. R. d Jeeji de. R. firmafTe REGIS JOHANNIS. ij firmalle pro nobis et heredibus noftris In perpetuum quod Anglicana ecclefia libera lit et habeat jura lua integra et libertates fuas illefas et ita volumus obfervari quod apparet ex eo quod libertatem eledionum que maxima et magis neceflaria reputatur ecclefie Anglicane mera et fpontanea volun- tate ante difcordiam inter nos et barones noftros motam concefTimus et carta noftra confirmavimus et earn optinuimus a domino papa Innocentio tertio confirmari quam et nos obfervabimus et ab heredibus noftris in perpetuum bona fide volumus obfervari ConcefTimus etiam omnibus liberis homini- bus regni noftri pro nobis et heredibus nof- tris in perpetuum omnes Ubertates fubfcrip- tas habendas et tenendas eis et heredibus i. fuis de nobis et heredibus noftris Si quis comitum vel baronum noflrorum five aUo- rum tenentium de nobis in capite per fervi- tium mihtare mortuus fuerit et cum decef- ferit heres fi^us plene etatis fuerit et relevium debeat habeat hercditatem fuam per anti- quum relevium fcilicet heres vel heredes comitis de baronia comitis integra per cen- tum libras heres vel heredes baronis de ba- ronia integra per centum = libras heres vel heredes militis de feodo militis integro per VARIAE LECTIO NES. <^ lil'iiim. R, B 2 centum i8 MAGNA CARTA centum folidos ad plus et qui minus debue- rit minus det fecundum antiquam confuetu- 3 dinem feodorum Si autem heres alicujus iJ. talium fuerit infra etatem et fuerit in cufto- dia cum ad etatem pervenerit habeat here- 4 ditatem fuam fine relevio et fine fine Cuf- »i. tos terre hujufmodi heredis qui infra etatem fuerit non capiat de terra heredis nifi ratio- nabiles exitus et rationabiles confuetudines et rationabilia fervitia et hoc fine deftruc- tione et vafto hominum vel rerum et fi nos commiferimus cuflodiam alicujus talis terre vicecomiti vel alicui alii qui de exitibus il - lius nobis refpondere debeat et ille deftruc- tionem de cuftodia fecerit vel vaflum nos ab illo capiemus emendam et terra committa- tur duobus legalibus et difcretis hominibus de feodo illo qui de exitibus refpondeant nobis vel ei cui eos affignaverimus et fi de- derimus vel vendiderimus alicui cuftodiam alicujus talis terre et ille deftru^tionem inde fecerit vel vaftum amittat ipfam cuftodiam et tradatur duobus legalibus ct difcretis ho- minibus de feodo illo qui fimiliter nobis re- 5 fpondeant ficut predidum eft Cuftos autem quamdiu cuftodiam terre habuerit fuftentet domos parcos vivaria ftagna molendina et cetera ad terrain illam pertinentia de exiti- bus terre ejufdem et reddat heredi cum ad^cxxv. plenam etatem pervenerit terram fuam to- tam REGIS JOHANNIS. 19 tarn inftauratam de carrucis et wainna^iis fecundum quod tempus wainnagii exiget et exitus terre rationabiliter poterunt fuftinere iii. Heredes niaritentur abfque difparagatlone 6 ita tamen quod antequam contrahatur ma- trimonium oftendatur propinquis de confan- iv. guinitate iplius heredis Vidua poft mortem 7 mariti fui ^ fltatim et fine difficultate habeat maritagium et hereditatem fuam nee aliquid det pro dote fua vel pro maritagio fuo vel hereditate fua quam hereditatem maritus fuus et ipfa ^ tenuerint die cbitus ipfius ma- riti et maneat in domo mariti fui per qua- draginta dies poft mortem ipfius infra quos hoc. R. don* REGIS JOHANNIS. 21 don' habeat omnes antlquas libertates et li- beras confuetudines fuas tarn per terras quam " per aquas Preterea volumus et con- cedimus quod omnes alie civitates et burgi et ville et portus habeant omnes libertates et liberas confuetudines fuas Et ad habendum 14 commune confilium regni de auxilio aifi- dendo aliter quam in tribus cafibus predidis vel de fcutagio afOdendo fummoneri facie- mus archiepifcopos epifcopos abbates comi- tes et majores barones figillatim per litteras noflras et preterea faciemus fummoneri in generali per vicecomites et ballivos noftros omnes illos qui de nobis tenent in capite ad certum diem fcilicet ad terminum quadra- ginta dierum ad minus et ad certum locum et in omnibus litteris illius fummonitionis caufam fummonitionis exprimemus et fic fa<5ta fummonitione negotium ad diem affig- natum procedat fecundum confilium illorum qui prefentes fuerint quamvis non omnes ^■i- fummoniti venerint Nos non concedemus 1 5 de cetero alicui quod capiat auxilium de liberis hominibus fuis nifi ad corpus fuum redimendum et ad faciendum primogenitum filium fuum militem et ad primogenitam iiliam fuam femel maritandam et ad hec non vii.iiat nifi rationabile auxilium Nullus dif- 16 VARIAE LECTION Eg. k prolulemuE, R. C " noluerint j4 MAGNA CARTA " noluerint jurare viginti quinque baronibus de diftringendo et gravando nos cum eis fa- ciemus jurare eofdem de mandato noilro li- cut predid:um eft Et li aliquis de viginti quinque baronibus decefTerit vel a terra re- CeiTerit vel aliquo alio modo impeditus fue- rit quo minus ifla predid:a poilent exequi qui reiidui fuerint " de predid:is viginti quinque baronibus eligant alium loco ipiius pro arbitrio fuo qui fmiili modo erit juratus quo et ceteri In omnibus autem que iilis viginti quinque baronibus committuntur ex-' equenda fi forte ipfi viginti quinque prefen- tes fuerint et inter fe fuper re aliqua difcor- daverint vel aliqui ex eis fummoniti nolint vel nequeant interelle ratum habeatur et firmum quod major pars eorum qui prefen- tes fuerint providerit vel preceperit ac fi omnes viginti quinque in hoc confenfiiTent et predidi viginti quinque jurent quod om- nia antedidta fideliter obfervabunt et pra p toto pofTe fuo facient obfervari Et nos nichil impetrabimus ab aliquo per nos nee per alium per quod aliqua ifharum conceffi- onum ''et libertatum revocetur vel minuatur et ii aliquid tale impetratum fuerit irritum fit et inane et numquam eo utemur per nos V A p. I A E L E C T I O N E S. O' volueiint. R. P tote. R. <» de iliis viginti quinque. R. a veU R. nec REGIS JOHANNIS. 35 hec per alium Et omncs malas voluntates 62 indignationes et rancores ortos inter nos et homines noftros clericos et laicos a tempore difcordie plene omnibus remifimus et con- donavimus Preterea omnes tranf^relliones fadtas occafione ' ejufdem difcordie a pafcha anno regni noftri fextodecimo ufque ad pa- cem reformatam plene remifimas omnibus clericis et laicis et quantum ad nos pertinet Hx. plene condonavimus Et infuper fecimus eis fieri litteras teftimoniales patentes domini. Stephani Cant' archiepifcopi domini Henrici Dublin' archiepifcopi et epifcoporum pre^ didlorum et magiflri Pandulli fuper fecuri- tate ifta et conceflionibus prefatis Quare 63 volumus et firmiter precipimus quod Angli- cana ecclefia libera fit et quod homines in regno nofiiro habeant et teneant omnes pre- fatas libertates jura et concefilones bene et in pace libere et quiete plene et integre fibi et heredibus fuis de nobis et heredibus nof- tris in omnibus rebus et locis in perpetuum ficut prcdiftum eft Juratum eil autem tarn ex parte noftra quam ex parte baronum quod hec omnia fupradidta bona fide et fine malo ingenio obfervabuntur Tellibus fijpradicHiis et multis aliis Data per manum noftram VAR lAE LECTIONS*, r hujus, R, C 2 in 36 MAGNA CARTA in prato quod vocatur ' Runingmed' inter • Windeleforum et Stanes quinto decimo die Junii anno regni noilri feptimo decimo. " VARIAE LECTIONES. * RunJgmed'. R. Ronimed'. " Et ne huic forme predifle aliquid G ». poflit addi vel ab eadem aliquid poflif fubtrahi vel minui huic fcripto figilla t Windelefore, R. noftra appofuimus. R, REGIS JOHANNIS. 'i^l CONVENTIO INTER REGEM JOHANNEM E T B A R O N E S. J_T E C eft conventio fad;a inter domi- A. num Johannem regem Anglie ex una parte et Robertum filium Walter! maref- callum excercitus Dei et fand:e ecclefie in Anglia et Ricardum comitem de Clara Gau- fridum comitem EfTex' et Glouc' Rogerum Bigot comitem Northfolc' et Suthfolc' Sahe- rum comitem Wint' Robertum comitem Oxon' Henricum comitem Hereford' et ba- rones fubfcriptos fcilicet Willielmum Ma- rl fcallum juniorem Euftachium de Vefcy Willielmum de Mobray Johannem filium Jloberti Rogerum de Monte Begonis Wil- lielmum 40 CONVENTIO INTER lielmum de Lanvalay et alios comites et barones et liberos homines totius regni ex altera parte videlicet quod ipfi comites et barones et alii prefcripti tenebunt civitatem London' de baillio domini regis falvis inte- rim domino regi firmis redditibus et claris debitis fuis ufque ad alTumptionem beats Marie anno regni ipfius regis xvii""' et do- minus Cant' tenebit limiliter de baillio do- mini regis turrim London' ufque ad predic- tum terminum falvis civitati London' liber- tatibus fuis et liberis confuetudinibus fuis et falvo cuilibet jure fuo ia cuflodia turris London' et ita quod interim non ponat do- minus rex munitionem vel vires alias in ci- vitate predida vel in turri London' Fiant etiam infra predidtum terminum facramenta per totam Angliam viginti quinque baroni- bus ficut continentur in carta de libertatibus et fecuritate regno concellis vel attornatis viginti quinque baronum ficut continentur in Uteris de duodecim militibus eligendis ad delendum malas confuetudines de foreftis et aliis Et preterea infra eundem terminum omnia que comites et barones et alii liberi homines petunt a domino rege que ipfe dixerit effe reddenda vel que per xxv baro- nes aut per majorem partem eorum judicata fuerint efle reddenda reddantur fecundum fofm^m predicte carte Et fi hec fad^ fye- rint REGEM JOHANNEM, &c. 41 rint vel per domlnum regem non ileterit quo minus ifta fada fuerint infra predidlum terminum tunc civitas et turris London' ad eundem terminum fhatim reddantur domino regi falvis predidle civitati libertatibus fuis et liberis confuetudinibus fuis ficut prefcrip- tum eft Et fi hec fada non fuerint et per dominum regem fteterit quod ifta non iiant infra predidum terminum barones tenebunt civitatem predidam et dominus archiepif- copus turrim London' donee predida com-* pleantur Et interim omnes ex utraque parte recuperabunt caftra terras et villas quas habuerunt in initio guerre orte inter domi- num regem et barones. MAGNA CARTA REGIS .HENRICI III, XII DIE NOVEMBRIS, MCCXVI, ANNO REGNI I. ENRICUS Dei gratia rex Anglie dominus Hybernie dux Normannie ' Aquitanie et comes Andegavie archiepif- copis epifcopis abbatibus comitibus baroni- bus jufticiariis foreftariis vicecomitibus pre- pofitis miniftris '' ballivis et ' omnibus fide- libus fuis ialutem Sciatis nos intuitu Dei et pro falute anime noilre et omnium ante- cefTorum et fucceflbrum noflrorum ad bono- rem Dei et exaltationem fande ecclefie et emendationem regni noftri per conlilium VARIAE LECTIONES, defumptae ex Libra rubra Scaccharii Dublin, fignantur Liter a D. a et Aquitanie comes. D. c deeji omnibus. D. *> civlbus ballivis. D, venerabilium MAGNA CARTA, &c. 43 vcnerabillum patrum noftrorum domiiii Gua- lonis titulo Tandti Martini preibiteri cardi- nalis apoilolice fedis legati Petri Wint' ^ R. de faxido Afapho J. Bathon' et Glafhon' S. Exon R. Ciceftr' W. Coventr' «= B. Roff' H. ^ Landav' Menevens' Bangor' et S. Wygorn' epifcoporum et nobilium virorum Willielmi Marefcalli comitis Penbroc' Ra- nulii comitis Ceftr' Willielmi de Ferrar' co^ mitis ^ Dereb' Willielmi comitis ^ Albemarle Huberti de Burgo jufticiarii noflri ' Savarici de Malo Leone Willielmi " Brigwerr' patris Willielmi ' Bris^werr' filii Roberti de Curte- nai Falkeiii de Breante Reginaldi de Vautort Walteri de "" Lafcy Hugonis de Mortuo Mari Jobannis de Monemute Walteri de " Bello Campo Walteri de Clifford Roberti de Mor- tuo Mari Willielmi de Cantilup' Mathei filii Hereberti Johannis Marifcalli Alani BalTet Philippi de Albiniaco Johannis Extranei et >• aliorum fidelium noflrorum Inprimis con- ceflifle Deo et hac prefcnti carta noftra con- firmaiTe pro nobis et heredibus noftris inper- petuum quod ° Anglicana ecclefia libera fit VARIJVii LECTIONES. <* L. dc. D. k Bruerie, D. <= W. Rofi'cn. D. 1 Bruerie. D. ^ London. D. m Laci. D. g de Derbia. D. n Bcuchamji. D. h de Aubomurlc. D. o liybcrnleana. D. i Savantii. D. ct 44 MAGNA CARTA et habeat jura fua Integra et libertates fuas illefas Conceffimus etiam omnibus liberis hominibus ^ regni noflri pro nobis et here- dibus "" noflris imperpetuum omnes liberta- tes fubfcriptas habendas et tenendas eis et heredibus fuis de nobis et heredibus noflris 2 Si quis comitum vel baronum noftrorum ij, live aliorum tenentium de nobis in capite per fervicium militare mortuus fuerit et cum deceiTerit heres fuus plene etatis fuerit et re- levium ' debeat babeat hereditatem fuam per antiquum relevium fcilicet heres vel he- redes comitis de baronia comitis integra per centum libras heres vel heredes baronis de * baronia integra per centum libras heres vel heredes militis de ' feodo militis integro per centum folidos ad plus et qui minus debue- rit minus det fecundum antiquam confuetu- 3 dinem feodorum Si autem heres alicujus i". talium fuerit infra etatem dominus ejus non habeat cuftodiam " ejus nee terre fue ante^ quam homagium ejus ceperit et poilquam talis heres fuerit in cullodia '^'cum ad etatem pervenerit fcilicet viginti " unius ann' habeat hereditatem fuam line relevio et fine fine ita tamen quod fi ipfe dum infra etatem fuerit VARIAE LECTIONES. P de regno noftro. 15. t feudo. D. intcrfuerunt, D. in XX. xxa I HENRICI III. 49 In mifericordiam noftram et nulla predidta- rum mifericordiarum ponatur nili per facra- mentum proborum et legalium hominum de vilheto Comites et barones non amer- i6 cientur nifi per pares fuos et non nifi fecun- dum modum delidii Nullus clericus amer- 17 cietur nifi fecundum formam predidorum et non fecundum quantitatem beneficii fui «iii. ecclefiaftici Nee villa nee homo "" diftrin- 1 8 gatur facere pontes ad riparias nifi qui ab xxiv. antiquo et de jure facere "debet Nullus 19 vicecomes conflabularius coronatores vel alii ballivi noflri teneant placita corone noftre f*v-. Si aliquis tenens de nobis laicum feodum 20 moriatur et vicecomes vel ballivus nofler oflendat literas nostras patentes de fummo- nitione noftra de debito quod defundius no- bis debuit liceat vicecomiti vel ballivo noftro attachiare et imbreviare catalla defundti in- venta in laico feodo ad valentiam illius de- bit! per vifum legalium hominum ita tamen quod nichil inde amoveatur donee perfolva- tur nobis debitum quod clarum fuerit et . refiduum relinquatur executoribus ad faci- endum teftamentum defund:i et fi nichil * nobis debeatur ab ipfo omnia catalla cedant defundo falvis uxori ^ ipfius et pueris fuis V A R 1 A £ I. E C T I O N E S. n> dlftringetur. D. o Jer/} ncliu. D. n delcnt. D. p fuc. D. D rationa- 50 MAGNA CARTA 21 rationabilibus partibus fuls Nullus conila- xxviii. bulariiis vel ejus ballivus capiat blada vel alia catalla alicujus qui non fit de villa ubi caftrum fuum eft nifi ftatim inde reddat de- narios "^ aut refped:um inde habere poflit de voluntate venditoris fi autem de villa fuerit teneatur infra tres feptimanas precium red- 22 dere Nullus conflabularius diflringat ali-xxix. quern militem ad dandum denarios pro cuf- todia caftri fi ipfe earn facere voluerit in pro- pria perfona fua vel per alium probum ho- minem fi ipfe earn facere non poffit propter rationabilem caufam et fi nos duxerimus vel miferimus eum in excercitum erit quietus de cuftodia fecundum quantitatem temporis 23 quo per nos fuerit in excercitu Nullus x» vicecomes vel ballivus nofter vel alius capiat equos vel care(fl:as alicujus pro cariagio fa- ciendo nili reddat liberationem antiquitus ftatutam fciiicet pro care6la ad duos equos decern denarios per diem et pro care6ta ad tres equos quatuordecim denarios per diem 24 nos nee ballivi noftri capiemus alienum bofcum ad cailra vel alia agenda noftra nifi per voluntatem ipfius cujus bofcus ille fuerit 25 Nos non tenebimus terras "■ eorum qui con- vi(fli fuerint de felon ia nil! per iinum annum et unum diem et tunc reddantur terre do- V^KIAE LECTIO NES. berniam. D. ' aatca, D« ^^ terras. D. terr^ I HENRICI III. 53 terre noftre tradentur qui tunc invenientur in terra contra nos guerrina et li noftri lalvi xiiii. fint ibi alii lalvi fint in terra noftra Si quis 35 tenuerit de aliqua efcaeta licut de honore Walingeford Notingeham Bolon' Lancaftr' vel ' de aliis efcaetis que funt in manu noftra et funt baronie et obierit heres ejus non det aliud relevium nee faciat nobis aliud fervi- cium quam faceret baroni fi terra ilia eflet in manu baronis et nos codem modo earn te- xiiv. nebimus quo baro earn tenuit Homines qui 36 manent extra foreftam non veniant de cetero coram jufticiariis noitris de forefla per com- munes fummonitiones nifi fmt in placito vel plegii alicujus vel aliquorum qui attachiati xivi. "ifunt pro forefta Omnes "barones qui fun- 37 daverint abbatias unde habent cartas regum Anglie vel antiquam tenuram habeant earum cullodiam cum vacaverint licut habere de- xKii. bent et ficut fupra declaratum eft Omnes 38 forefle que afforeftate funt tempore regis Johannis patris noflri flatim deafforeftentur et ita fiat de ° ripariis que per eundem Jo- hannem tempore fuo p pofite funt in defenfo liv. NuUus capiatur vel imprifonetur propter ap- 39 pellum femine de morte alterius quam viri VARIAE LECTIONES. 1 deeji de. D. yruariis qui. D. m fmt. D. r pofiti. D, T< hamincs qui fundavcrint. D. fui 54 MAGNA CARTA 40 fui "^ Et fi rex Johannes pater nofcer dilTal- ivj. lierit vel elongaverit Wallenfes de terris vel libertatibus vel aliis rebus fine legali judicio parium fuorum in Anglia vel in Wallia eis ftatim reddantur et fi contentio fuper hoc orta fuerit tunc inde fiat in marchia per ju- dicium parium fuorum de tenementis Anglic fecundum legem Anglie de tenementis Wal- lie fecundum legem Wallie de tenementis marchie fecundum legem marchie idem fa- 41 cient Wallenfes nobis et noftris Omnes ix. autem iilas confuetudines predi6las et liber- tates quas ' nos conceffimus in regno noftro tenendas quantum ad nos pertinet erga nof- tros omnes de regno noflro tam clerici quam laici ' obfervent quantum ad fe pertinet erga 4^ fuos Quia vero quedam capitula in ' priore carta continebantur que gravia et dubitabilia videbantur fcilicet de fcutagiis et auxiliis af- fidendis de debitis Judeorum et aliorum et de libertate exeundi de regno noftro " vel redeundi in '" regnum et de foreflis et foref- tariis "^ warennis et warennariis ^ et de con- fuetudinibus comitatuum et de ripariis et earum cufiodibus placuit fupradi<5tis prelatis VARIAE LECTIONES. q defunt Et fi rex, Qjfc, ujque ad " et, D. pobis et noftris. D, "^ regnum noftrum de. D. r (/«•/? nos. D. ^ de warennis, D. -s coTifcrvent. P, y deeji et. D, t prior;. D, I HENRI CI III. 55 et magnatibus ea efTe in refpecftu quoufque plenius confilium habuerimus et tunc facie- mus pleniffime tarn de hiis quam de aliis que occurrerint emendanda ^ que ad com- munem omnium utilitatem ' pertinuerint et pacem et ftatum noftrum et regni noftri Quia vero figiljum nondum habuimus pre- fentem cartam figillis venerabilis patris nof- tri domini Gualonis titulo fand:i Martini prefbiteri cardinalis apoftolice fedis legati et Willielmi Marifcalli comitis Penbrok' rec- toris noftri et regni noflri fecimus figillari Teftibus omnibus prenominatis et aliis mul- tis Dat' per ^ manus predidorum domini legati et Willielmi Marifcalli ^comitis Penbr' apud BriftoUum duodecimo die Novembrls anno regni noftri primo. VARIAE LECTIONES. z id quod ad. D. b manum. D. * pertinuerit. D, c (fcfunt comitis Pcubr', D. MAGNA CARTA REGIS HENRICI III ALTERA, ANNO DOMINI MCCXVIL IlENRICUS Dei gracia rex * Anglic A dominus Hibernie dux Normannie Acquitanie et comes Andegavie archiepil- copis epifcopis abbatibus prioribus comiti- bus baronibus vicecomitibus prepofitis mi- niilris et omnibus baillivis et iidelibus fuis prefentem cartam xnfpe6turis falutem Sciatis quod intuitu Dei et pro falute anime noflre et animarum antecefTorum et fuccefTorum noflrorum ad exaltationem ^ fand:e ecclefie VARIAE LECTIONES, dejumptae ex Libra Cujiumarum et Regum ajitiq^uorum London.* Jjgnantur Litem L. » Anglie, &c, archiepifcopis. L. b J^iji fdn£U. I«. et MAGNA CARTA, 6cc. S7 et emendationem regni noflri ^ concenimus et hac prefenti carta confirmavimus pro no- bis et heredibus noftris in perpetuum de confilio venerabilis patris nollri domini'^Gua- lonis titulo fand:i Martini prefbiteri cardi- nalis et apoftolice fedis legati domini Wal- teri Eborum archiepiicopi Willielmi Lon- don' epifcopi et alioruni cpiicoporum Anglie et Willielmi ' Marifcalli comitis Pembr' redloris noftri et regni noftri et aliorum fi- delium comitum et baronum noftrorum Anglie has libertates fubfcriptas tenendas in j. regno noftro Anglie in perpetuum In pri- mis ^ conceflimus Deo et hac prefenti carta noftra confirmavimus pro nobis et heredibus noftris in perpetuum quod Anglicana eccle- fia libera fit et habeat jura fua Integra et li- bertates fuas illefas Conceffimus etiam omnibus liberis hominibus regni noftri pro nobis et heredibus noftris in perpetuum om- nes libertates fubfcriptas ^ tenendas eis et heredibus fuis ^ de nobis et heredibus noflris >'• Si quis comitum vel baronum noftrorum five aliorum tenentium dc nobis in capitc per fervicium militare mortuus fuerit et cum decelTerit heres ejus plene etatis fuerit ct VAH1AE LECTIONES. « conceJimus L. ^ lonrcdimui. I.. * Gwalloni';. L. 8 habendas ct tcnciidaf . L. « Marcfcalli comitis dc Penbrok'. ^ defunt de nobis et heredibus nof- X. tris, L. relevium 58 MAGNA CARTA relevium debeat habeat hereditatem fuam per antiquum relevium fcilicet heres vel he- redes comitis de ' baronia comitis integra per centum libras heres vel heredes baronis de baronia integra ""per centum 'libras heres , vel heredes militis de feodo *" militis integro " per centum folidos ad plus et qui minus debuerit minus det fecundum antiquam con- 3 fuetudinem feodorum Si autem heres ali- »i. cujus talium fuerit infra etatem dominus ejus non habeat cuftodiam ejus nee terre fue . antequam homagium ejus ceperit et poft- quam talis heres ° fuerit in cuftodia cum ad etatem pervenerit fcilicet viginti et unius anni. habeat hereditatem fuam line relevio et fine fine ^ ita tamen quod fi ipfe infra e- tatem fuerit fiat miles nichilominus terra re- maneat in cuftodia dominorum fuorum uf- 4 que ad terminum predidtum Cuftos terre iv. hujufmodi heredis qui infra etatem fuerit non capiat de terra heredis nifi rationabiles exitus et rationabiles confuetudines et ratio- nabilia fervicia et hoc fine deftrudiione "^ et vailo hominum vel rerum et fi ' nos com- miferimus cuftodiam alicujus ' alicujus talis VARIAE LECTIONES. i comitatu integro centum. L. P d^fti/it ita tamen, &"(, ufque ad ^ detft per. L. terminum prediclum. L. I niarcas, L. 1 vel. L. I" militari, L. • dafl nos. L. n deefl per, L. s deefi alttrum alicujus. L, , dejunt fuerit in cuftodia cum, L. terre ANNO DOMINI MCCXVII. 59 terre vicecomiti vel alicui alii qui de exiti- bus terre ' illius nobis debcat relpondcre et ille dcftrucftionem dc cuftodia fecerit vel vaftum nos ab illo capiemus " emendam et terra * committatur duobus legalibus et dif- cretis hominibus de feodo illo qui de exiti- bus nobis refpondeant vel " ei cui eos affig- naverimus et (i dederimus vel vendiderimus alicui cuftodiam alicujus talis terre et ille deilrudlionem inde fecerit vel vaftum amit- tat ipfam cuftodiam et tradatur duobus lega- libus et difcretis hominibus de feodo illo qui fimiliter nobis refpondeant ficut predit^lum V. eft Cuftos autem quamdiu cuftodiam terre 5 habuerit fuftentet domos parcos ^ vivarios ftagna molendina et cetera ad terram illam pertinentia de exitibus terre ejufdem et red- dat heredi cum ad plenam etatem pcrvene- rit terram faam ^ totam inftauratam de ca- rucis et omnibus aliis rebus ad minus ' fe- cundum quod illam rccepit Ilec omnia obferventur de cuftodiis archicpifcopatuum epifcopatuum abbaciarum prioratuum eccle- fiarum et dignitatum vacantium " que ad nos pertinent excepto quod cuftodie hujul- V'- modi vendi non debent Ileredcs maritcn- 6 VARIAE LECTIO NES. * daft illius. L. >' viviria. L. " crKCiidis. L. 2 detft totam. L. »' committabitur. L. " ficut illam. L. )i ijji c^i iiJo«, I,, b (^ui. L. tur 6o MAGNA CARTA 7 tur abfque difparagationc Vidua poft mor- vii, tern mariti fui ftatim et fine difficultate ali- qua habeat maritagium fuum et hereditatem fuam nee aliquid det pro dote fua et pro maritagio fuo ' vel hereditate fua quam he- reditatem maritus fuus et ipfa tenuerint die obitus "^ ipfius mariti et maneat in capitali • mefuagio mariti fui per xl dies poll obitum ipfius mariti ^ fui infra quos affignetur ei dos fua nili prius fuerit ei affignata vel nifi do- mus ilia s fit caflrum et '' fi de caftro ' recef- ferit ^ ftatim provideatur ei domus compe- tens in qua pofiit honefte morari quoufque dos fua ei affignetur fecundum quod predic- tum efl et habeat rationabile efluverium fuum interim de communi Affignetur ' au- tem ei pro dote fua tercia pars totius terre mariti fui que fua fuit in vita fua nifi de mi- 8 nori dotata fuerit ad '"oftium ecclefie Nulla viii. " vidua diftringatur ad fe maritand' dum vo- luerit vivere fine marito ita tamen quod fe- curitatem faciat quod fe non maritabit fine affenfu noftro fi de nobis tenuerit vel fine 9 aifenfu domini fui fi de alio tenuerit Nos ix. VARIAE LECTIONES. c er, L. i decedent, L. ^ mariti fui. L. ^ dcejl ftatim. L, c mefuagio fuo per. L, ' /ifffl autem. L. f deeft fui. L. ^ hoftium. L. S fuerit. L. " dedfi viJua. L. h dujl n. L. vero ANNO DOMINI MCCXVII. 6l vero vel baillivi noftri non faifiemiis terram aliquam nee redditum pro debito aliquo quamdiu catalla debitoris prefentia fufficiunt ad debitum reddendum et iple debitor pa- ratus lit inde fatisfacere nee plegii iplius de- bitoris diftringantur quamdiu ipfe capitalis debitor fufficiat ad folutionem debiti et fi capitalis debitor defecerit in Iblutione debiti non habens unde reddat aut reddere nolit cum pofTit plegii refpondeant pro debito et fi voluerint habeant terras et redditus debi- toris quoufque fit eis fatisfadum de debito quod ante pro eo Iblverint nili capitalis de- bitor monftraverit fe inde cffe quietum ver- X. fus eofdem plegios Civitas London' habeat lo omnes antiquas libertates et libsras confue- tudines fuas Preterea volumus et concedi- mus quod omnes alie civitates et burgi et ville et barones de quinque ° portibus et omnes portus habeant omnes libertates et xi. liberas confuetudines fuas NuUus diflrin- 1 1 gatur ad faciendum majus fervicium de feodo militis nee de alio libero tenemento quam xii. inde debetur Communia placita non fe- 1 2 quantur curiam nortram fed teneantur in ali- xiii. quo loco certo Recognitiones de nova dif- 1 3 faifina de morte antecefforis non capiantur nifi in fuis comitatibus '' et hoc modo Nos VAR.1AE LECTIONES. portubHt. L, P <^/«"" ct hoc mcdo. L. ^vel 62 MAGNA CARTA ^vel ii extra regnum fuerimus ''capitalis juf- ticiarius nofter mittemus jufticiarios per unumquemque comitatum femel in anno qui cum militibus ' comitatuum capiant in i4comitatibus affifas predi6tas Et ea que in xiv. iilo adventu fuo in comitatu per jufticiarios predidlos ad di6tas affifas capiendas miflbs terminari non poiTunt per eofdem terminen- tur alibi in itinere fuo et ea que per eofdem propter difficultatem aliquorum articulorum * terminari non poiiunt referantur ad julliici- arios noftros de banco et ibi terminentur 1 5 Affife de ultima prefentatione femper " ca- piantur coram julliciariis de banco et ibi 1 6 terminentur Liber homo non amercietur xv. pro parvo deli6lo nili fecundum modum ip- fius delicti et pro magno deli6:o fecundum magnitudinem delicti falvo contenemento fuo et mercator eodem modo falva mercan- difa fua et villanus alterius quam nofler eo- dem modo amercietur falvo "^ wainagio fuo li inciderit in mifericordiam nofbram et nulla predidiarum mifericordiarum pcnatur nill per facramenta proborum et legalium homi- i^num de vifneto Comites et barones non xvi. amercientur nifi per pares fuos et non niii VARIAE LECTIONE3. 4 deeji vel. L. t terminare. L. «■ (t capitalis, L. " capientur. L. * comitatus. L. w vvaynagio. L. fecundum ANNO DOMINI MCCXVII. 63 xvii. fecundum modum delidti Nulla ecclefiaf- 1 8 tica perfona amercietur fecundum quantita- teni beneiicii fui ecclefiaftici fed fecundum laicum tenementum fuum et fecundum «^'"- quantitatem delid:i Nee villa nee homo 1 9 diftringatur facere pontes " ad riparias niii qui ab antique et de jure facere debet Nulla 20 riparia de cetero defendatur nil! ^ ille que faerunt in defenfo tempore Henrici regis avi noflri per eadem loca et eofdem terminos -"'i^- ficut eile confueverunt tempore fuo Nullus 2 1 vicecomes conflabularius coronatores vel alii baillivi noftri teneant placita corone noflre "»• Si aliquis tenens de nobis laicum feodum 22 moriatur et vicecomes vel baillivus nofter oflendat literas noftras patentes de fummo- nitione noftra de debito quod defundtus no- bis debuit liceat vicecomiti vel baillivo nof- tro attachiare et inbrcviare catalla defun(51:i inventa in laico feodo ad valentiam illius debiti per vifum legalium hominum ita ta- men quod ^ nichil inde amovcatur donee perfolvatur nobis debitum quod clarum fue- fit et refiduum rclinquatur executoribus ad faciendum teftamentum defuncfli et fi * nichil nobis debeatur ab ipfo omnia catalla cedant defundto falvis uxori ipiius ^ rationabilibus VARIAB LECTIONES. X a-Jt. L. a nil. L. y iUi que fucrit, L. ^ tt pucrJ; fuis rationabilibus, L. -< istic nil. L. partibus 64 MAGNA CARTA 23 partibus fuis Nullus conftabularius vel bail- xxi. livus ejus capiat blada " aut alia catalla ali- cujus qui non fit de villa ubi caftrum fitum eft nili ftatim inde reddat denarios aut re- fpe<5tum inde habere pofTit de voluntate ven- ditoris 11 autem de villa ipfa fuerit infra xl 24 dies precium reddat Nullus conftabularius xxii; diftringat aliquem militem ad dandum de- narios pro cuftodia caftri fi ipfe earn facere voluerit in propria perfona '^ fua vel per alium probum hominem fi ipfe earn facere non poffit propter rationabilem caufam et li nos duxerimus eum vel miferimus in " exercitum erit quietus de cuftodia fecundum quantita- tem temporis quo per nos fuerit in ^exercitu de feodo pro quo fecit fervicium in ^ exer- 25citu Nullus vicecomes vel baillivus nofterxxiii. vel alius capiat equos vel " carettas alicujus pro cariagio faciendo nifi reddat liberationem antiquitus ftatutam fcilicet pro ' caretta ad duos equos decern denarios per diem et ''pro caretta ad tres equos quatuordecim denarios 26 per diem Nulla caretta dominica alicujus ecclefiaftice perfone vel militis vel alicujus 27 domine capiatur per baillivos predidlos Nee xxir. nos nee baillivi noftri nee alii capiemus alie- V A R I A E L E C T I O N E S. "= vel. L. h careftas. L. d r/f cfchaete. L. e guernni, L. " cfchaetam. L. h cfchaeta. L. - ° efchaelam. L. E 2 quam 68 MAGNA CARTA quam ut de refiduo terre fue poflit fufficien- ter fieri domino feodi lervicium ei debitum 40 quod pertinet ad feodum illud Omnes pa- xxxvH, troni abbaciarum qui habent cartas regum Anglic de advocatione p vel antiquam tenu- ram vel poireflionem habeant earum cufto- diam cum vacaverint licut habere debent et 41 ficut ^ fupra declaratum eft Nullus capia-xxxix, tur vel imprifonetur ' propter appellum fe- 42 mine de morte alterius quam viri fui Nul- < • lus comitatus de cetero teneatur nili de menle in menfem et ubi major terminus efife folebat major fit Nee aliquis vicecomes vel baillivus fuus ' faciat turnum fiium per hundr' nifi bis in anno et non nifi in loco debito et confiieto videlicet femel pofi: Paf- cha et iterum pofl feflum fandii Michaelis Et vifi-is de franco plegio tunc fiat ad ilium tefminum fandli Michaelis fine occafione ita fcilicet quod quilibet habeat libertates fuas quas habuit et habere confuevit tempore Henrici regis avi nofi:ri vel quas pofi:ea per- ♦. quifivit Fiat autem vifus de franco plegio fie videlicet quod pax noflra teneatur et quod tethinga integra fit ficut efle confuevit et quod vicecomes non qutrat occafiones et quod contentus fit de eo quod vicecomes VARIAE LECTIONES, p ct per antiquam. L, . r per. L. q fuperius. L. s ficiant. L. habere ANNO DOMINI MCCXVII. 69 habere confuevlt de vilu fuo faciendo tem- pore Henrici regis avi nolliri Non liceat 43 alicui de cetero dare terram fuam alicui do- mui religiofe ita quod illam refumat tenen- dam de eadein domo nee liceat alicui domui religiofe terrain alicujus lie accipcre quod tradat earn illi a quo earn receperit tenendam Si quis autem de cetero terram fuam alicui domui religiofe fic dederit et fuper hoc con- vincatur donum fuum penitus calletur et terra ilia domino fuo illius feodi incurratur Scutagium capiatur de cetero ficut capi con- 44 fuevit tempore Henrici regis avi noftri -xii. Omnes autem iilas confuetudines predidtas 4^ et libertates quas conceflimus in regno nol- tro tenendas quantum ad nos pcrtinet erga noftros omnes de regno noflro tarn clerici quam laici ' obfervent quantum ad fe perti- net erga fuos Sal vis archiepifcopis epifco- 46 pis abbatibus prioribus templariis " hofpita- lariis comitibus baronibus et omnibus aliis tarn eccleliafticis perfonis quam fecularibus libertatibus et liberis confuetudinibus quas prius habuerunt Statuimus etiam de com- 47 muni confilio tocius regni noftri quod om- nia caftra adulterina ^ videlicet ea que a principio guerre mote inter dominum "^ Jo- V A R J A E L E C T I O N F. S. « obfc-rvant. L. w ftiliict. L. u holVlUiaii;s, L. < rcjrcni. L. hanncm 70 MAGNA CARTA hannem patrem nollrum et barones ^' fuos Anglie conftruda fuerint vel ^ reedificata ftatim diruantur "" Quia vero nondum ha- buimus figillum banc figillis do- mini legati predidi ct comitis Willielmi Marifcalli redoris et regni noflri fecimus figillari. VARIAE LECTIONES. y deft fuos. L. dinalis et apoftolice fedis legati et z cdificata. L. Willielmi Marefcalli reclorjs noftri a Quia nondum figillum habuimus et regni noftri fecimus figillari Teili- prefentem cartam figillo venerabilis bus prenomiiiatis et aliis. L. patris noftri G. titulo prefbiteri car- ANNO DOMINI MCCXVII. 71 MAGNA CARTA REGIS HENRICI III, XI DIE FEBRUARII, MCCXXIV, ANNO REGNI IX. H ENRICUS *Dci gracia rex Anglie dominus *" Hybernie dux Normannie Aquitanie et comes Andegavie archiepifco- VARIAE LECTIO NES, defumptae ex Carta autographa, in Ecclejia cathcdrali Dunel- menfi ajfer-vata, Jignanttir Litera D : ex Carta de In- fpeximus, in Collegia Orielenfi, Litera O : ex Intratione m Libra rubra Scaccharii Wepn. (fbl. clxxxiij.) Litera R ; ex Rotulo Stat, in Turri Lotidon. 25 Ed. I. m. 39, 40, Litera et Numero T 25 : ex Rotuk Cart. ibid. 28 Ed. I. m.6,'j, Litera et Numera T 28 : ex utroque Rotulo^ Literis TT : ■ ex Carta de Infpeximus, in Eulejia cclle- giata Wcjlmonajlerienjt, Litera W. a Env/ARDUS Dei gratia rex An- qucs prcfcntcs litcre pcrvenerint. glie dominus Hybernie et dux Aqui- T25.] fdutcm Infpeximus magnam tanie [archiepifcopis epifcopis abbati- cartam domini H, quondam regis bus prioribus comitibus baronibui juf- Anglie patris noftri de libcrtatibus ticiariis vicecomitibus prepofitis mi- Anglie in l»cc verba Hen r icus &i;. niflris et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus O.TT.W. (uU. Q.T28.W. omnibus ad b Hibcrnir, &c. R.W, pis 74 MAGNA CARTA pis " epifcopis abbatibus prioribus comitibus baronibus vicecomitibus prepofitis miniftris et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus fuis prefen- tem cartam infpedluris falutem Sciatis quod nos intuitu Dei ** et pro falute anime noftre ' et animarum anteceflbrum et fucceflbrum noftrorum ad exaltationem fandle ecclefie et emendationem regni noftri fpontanea et bo- na voluntate noftra dedimus et conceflimus ' archiepifcopis epifcopis abbatibus prioribus comitibus baronibus et omnibus de regno noftro has libertates fubfcriptas tenendas in 1 regno noftro Anglie ^ in perpetuum Inpri- ;. mis conceffimus Deo et hac prefenti carta s noftra confirmavimus pro nobis et heredi- bus noftris ^ in perpetuum quod Anglicana ecclefia libera fit et habeat ' omnia jura fua Integra et libertates fuas illefas Concefli- mus etiam " omnibus liberis hominibus reg- ni noftri pro nobis et heredibus noftris ' in perpetuum "omnes libertates fubfcriptas ha- bendas et tenendas eis et heredibus fuis de nobis et heredibus noftris " in perpetuum VARIAE LECTIONES. c epifcopis comitibus baronibus, ' i/i?f/? omnia. R, Sec, falutem. R. ^ et dedimus omnibus. O.R.TT. tl dee/1 et. R. W. e archiepifcopis, &c, et omnibus. ' imperpetuum. D.O.R.TT.W. p.. m has libertates. O.TT.W. f imperpetuum. D.O.R.TT.W. " imperpetuum. O.TT.W. dcfunt g Jf.^ noftra. R. in perpetuum. D.R. fc imperpetuum. D.O.R.TT.W. Si IX HENRI CI III. 75 »• Si quis comitum vel baronum noftrorum 2 " five aliorum tenencium de nobis in capite per fervicium militare mortuus fuerit et cum decefTerit heres ejus plene etatis fuerit ct re- levium debeat habeat hereditatem fuam per antiquum relevium fcilicet heres vel hercdes comitis de '' baronia comitis intcgra per cen- tum libras heres vel heredes baronis de ba- ronia integra per centum ^ libras heres vel heredes militis de feodo militis integro per centum folidos ad plus et qui minus ' de- bucrit minus det fecundum antiquam con- "i. fuetudinem feodorum Si autem heres ali- 3 cujus talium fuerit infra etatem dominus ejus non habeat cuflodiam ejus nee terre fue antequam homagium ejus ceperit et poft- quam talis heres fuerit in cuflodia cum ad etatem pervenerit fcilicet viginti et unius ' anni habeat hereditatem fuam fme relevio et fme fine ita tamen quod fi ipfe dum infra etatem fuerit fiat miles nichilominus terra remaneat in cuftodia dominorum fuoruni iv. ufque ad terminum predidum Cuflos terre 4 hujufmodi heredis qui infra etatem fuerit non capiat de terra heredis nifi rationabilcs exitus et rationabiles confuetudines et ra- tionabilia fervicia et hoc fine defirudtione VARIAE LECTIONES. e feu. R. r habuerit. O.TT.W. P comitatu integro. O.TT.W, » annorum. O. S ojarcas, O.TT.V/. et ^(^ MAGNA CARTA et vafto hominum ' vel rerum et fi nos commiferimus cuflodiam alicujus talis terre vicecomiti vcl " alicui alii qui de exitibus terre illius nobis debeat refpondere et " ille deftrudiioncm de cuflodia fecerit vel vaftum nos ab '^ illo capiemus emendam et terra y committetur duobus legalibus et difcretis hominibus de feodo illo qui de exitibus "^ nobis refpondeant vel ^ ei cui eos alTigna- verimus et fi dederimus vel vendiderimus alicui cuflodiam alicujus talis terr^ et ille deftrucftionem ^ inde fecerit vel vaftum amit- tat *" ipfam cuflodiam et tradatur duobus le- 2:alibus et difcretis hominibus de feodo illo qui fmiiliter nobis refpondeant ficut predic- 5 turn eft Cuflos autem quamdiu cuflodiam v. terre '' habuerit fuftentet domos parcos * vi- varia flagna ^ molendina et cetera ad ter- ram illam pertinencia de exitibus terre ejuf- dem et reddat heredi cum ad plenam eta- tem pervenerit terram fuam totam inflaura- tam de carucis et ^ omnibus aliis rebus ad minus ^ fecundum quod illam recepit Hec VARIAE LECTIONES. t et. O.TT.W. b aVr/2 inde. R. « de<-fi alicui. R. c iUam, O.R.TT.W. w detfi'^z. R. d hujufmodi habuerit. O TT.W. X eo. O.TT.W. e dteji vivaria. D. y committatur. O.R.TT.W. f et molendina. R. ^ terre illius nobi<;. O.T T.V/. g de omnibus. TT.W. a dc:fi ei. R. illi cui iiios, O. h ficut iilam. O.TT.W, TT.W. omnia IX HENRI CI III. 77 omnia obferventur de cuflodiis archicplfco- patuum epifcopatULim abbaciarum priora- tuum ecclefiarum et dignitatum vacancium que ad nos pertinent excepto quod hujuf- vi. modi cuftodie vendi non debent Heredes 6 viu maritcntur abfque difparagatione Vidua 7 pofi: mortem mariti fui ftatim et fine diffi- cultate aliqua habeat maritagium fuum et hereditatem fuam nee aliquid ' det pro dote fua " vel pro maritagio fuo ' vel pro here- ditate fua quam hereditatem maritus fuus et ipfa tenuerunt "' die obitus ipfius mariti " et maneat in capitali "mefagio ipfius mariti fui per quadraginta dies poil obitum ^ ipfius mariti '^ fui infra quos ' alTignetur ei dos fua nili prius ei fuerit afllgnata vel nifi domus ilia fit cailrum et li de caftro recelTerit fta- tim provideatur ei domus competens in qua pofTit honefte morari quoufque dos fua ei affignetur 'fecundum quod predicftum eft et habeat rationabile eftoverium fuum interim de communi AfTignctur autem ei pro dote ' fua tercia pars tocius terre mariti fui que faa fuit in vita fua nil! de minori dotata fue- VARIAE LECTIONES. i lircfl A?t. W. p JceJ} ipfius. O.R.TT.W. ^ ncc. O.R.IT.W. q daj} fvii. R. 1 nee. R. f dies affignetur. O.TT.W. m fimul Jif. O.TT.W. s ficut prediftum. D.O. n fuicr. O.R.TT.W. ' J-./.'iu.x O.K. o raefuagio mariii. O.R.TT.W. nt yS MAGNA CARTA rit ad " hoftiiim ecclefie Nulla vidua dif- viii, tringatur ad fe "^ maritandum dum vivere vo- luerit fine marito ita tamen quod fecuritatem " faciet quod fe non maritabit fine alTenfu noilro fi de nobis tenuerit vel ^ fine alTenfu 8 domini fui fi de alio tenuerit Nos vero vel ix. ballivi noflri non feifiemus terram aliquam ^ nee redditum pro debito aliquo quamdiu catalla debitoris prefencia ' fufficiant ad de- bitum reddendum et ipfe debitor paratus fit inde fatisfacere nee plegii " ipfius debitoris diftringantur quamdiu ipfe capitalis debitor fufficiat ad folutionem ' debiti et fi capitalis debitor defecerit in folutione debiti non ha- bens unde reddat aut reddere nolit cum pof- fit plegii refpcndeant '' pro debito et fi vo- luerint habeant terras et redditus debitoris quoufque lit eis fatisfa(5lum de debito quod * ante pro eo ^ folverunt nili capitalis debi- tor monilraverit fe inde eife quietum verfus 9 eofdem plegios Civitas London' habeat om- x. nes s antiquas libertates et '' libetas confue- tudines fuas Preterea volumus et concedi- mus quod omnes alie civitates et burgi et VARIAE LECTIONES. " cftinm. O.R. c ipfius debiti. O.TT.W. w maritandum, W. J dc, O.R.TT.W. X faciat. O.R.TT.W. e antea. O.R.W. y dedft fine. R. f falverunt. O. z vci. O.R.TT.V/. z libertates fuas antiquas. O.TT. a fufficiunt. O.R.TT. W. b (ic<;/i ipf:us. O. h deej} liberas. O.TT.W. ^ ville IX HENRICI III. 79 ville et barones de quinque portubus et om- nes portus habeant omnes libertates ' et U- xi. liberas confuetudines fuas Nullus diftrlnga- lo tur ad faciendum ma] us fervicium de feodo militis nee de alio libero tenemento quam x!i. inde debetur Communia placita non le- ii quantur curiam noflram ^ fet teneantur in »Hi. aliquo loco certo Recognitiones de nova 1 2 diiTeifina et de morte anteceflbris non capi- antur niii in fuis comitatibus et hoc modo Nos ' vel fi extra regnum fuerimus capita- ls jufticiarius noflier "* mittemus jufticiarios " per unumquemque comitatum femel in anno qui cum militibus comitatuum capiant »iv. in comitatibus aflifas predid:as Et " ea que in illo adventu fuo in '' comitatu per jultici- arios "^ predidlos ad dicflas affilas capiendas miflbs terminari non poflunt per eofdem terminentur alibi in itinere fuo et ea que per eofdem propter difficultatem aliquorum ar- ticulorum terminari non poiTunt refcrantur ad jufticiarios noftros de banco et ibi tcrmi- Tiv. nentur AfTife de ultima prcfentatione fern- 1 3 per capiantur coram jufticiariis ' nofrris de xvi. banco et ibi terminentur Liber homo non 14 VARIAE LECTIONES. » fuas et. TT. ' o jjla. TT.W. k fed. O.R. P comiutus. O.TT. 1 Jer/l vel. R. 1 noftros preJiaos. O.TT.W. m mittct. R. ^ «/.v/? noftris. O.R.TT.W. n noftros per. O.TT.W. amcrcictur 8o MAGNA CARTA amercletur pro parvo delidlo ' nili fecundum modum ipfius delid:i et pro magno delid:o fecundum magnitudinem deli Munemulli. O.W. Muncmue. a W. comite. P. TT. c ampo 90 MAGNA CARTA Campo Willielmo de fandto Johanne Petro de "" Mala Lacu Briano de Infula Thoma de Muleton' Ricardo de Argentein Gaufrido de Neviir Willielmo Mauduit Johanne de Baa- lun' " Dat' apud Weftmon' undecimo die Februarii anno regni noftri nono \ V A R I A E L b Malo. O.TT.W. c et aliis Dat'. O.TT.W. d Nos autem donationes et con- ccflioncs prediftas ratas habentes et gratas eas pro nobis et heredibus nof- tris concedimus et confirmamus eaf- que tenore prefentium innovamus vo- lentes et conccdcntes pro nobis et he- redibus noftris quod carta prcdifta in omnibus et fingulis fuis articulis im- perpetuum firmiter et inviolabiliter obfei-vetur ctiainft aliqui articuli in eadem carta content! hucufque forfi- tan non fuerint obfervati. O.TT.W. [Incujus rci teftimonium has litteras noftras fieri fecimus patentes T. Ed- wardo filio noftro apud Weftm' duo- decimo die 0£lobris anno regni nof- tri vicefimo quinto. T^^. — Hiis tcf- tibus venerabilibus patrlbus R. Can- tuar' archiepifcopo totius Anglie pri- ^Dunolm, O. . . . mjteA.< Dunelm. W. . . . (^ Dunelm.epifcopo.T:?. R, London' R. Elyen' Th. Exon' W. Ccveiitv' et Lychefeld' S. Sar' J. Roff' J. Norwycen' et J. LanJaven' cpifcopis J. Lincoln' elefto Johanne deWarcnn' comite Surr' Thcma co- E C T I O N E S. mite Lancaftr' Rogero le Bygod co- mite Norff' et marefcallo Anglie Henrico de Lacy comite Lincoln' Radulpho de Monte Hermer comite Glouceftr' et Hertford' Humfrido de Bohun comite Hereford' et Eflex' Guydone de Bello Campo comite Warr' Ricardo filio Alani comite Arundel' Reginaldo de Grey Johanne de Haftinges Heprico de Percy Hu- gone le Defpenfcr Hugone de Veer Roberto de Tatefhalc Hugone Bar- dolf Hugone de Curteney Johanne de Segrave Henrico de Grey Willielmo {S-Rc'sdeHelmefleye de. T 28 .W.J Alano la Zufche Roberto de Tony Roberto de Monte Alto Willielmo de Bieus Thoma de Furnivall Johanne {Engayne. O. . . ") Engaigne. T28.W. 3 bet Willielmo de Leyburne Williel- mo le Latimer Waltero de Bello Campo fenelcallo hofpitii noftri Wal- tero de Huntercumbe et aliis Dat' per manum noftram apud Weftm' vicefimo oclavo die Martii anno regni noftri vicefimo oclavo. O.TaS.W.J . Petro Cor- IX HENRI CI III. 91 CARTA DE FORESTA REGIS HENRICI III, XI DIE FEBRUARII, MCCXXIV, ANNO REGNI IX. HENRICUS *Dei gracia rex Anglie dominus Hybernie dux Normannie Aquitanie et comes Andegavie archiepif- VARIAE LECTIONES, dejumptae ex Carta de hfpeximus^ in Ecclejia cathedrali Du" nelmenfi ajfervata^ figmntur Literis DJnfp. ex Carta de hj'peximus, in Collegia Orieknfi, Lilera O : ex RotuloStat. 2^ Ed. I. in Turri London, m. 38,39, Litera et Numero T25 : ex Rotulo Cart. 28 Ed. I. ibid, m.6, Litera et Numero T28 : ex ut rogue Rotulo, Literis TT. a Edwardus Dei gratia rex An- glie dominus Hybernie et dux Aqui- tanie [archiepifcopis epifcopis abbati- bus prioribus comitibus baronibus jufticiariis vicecomitibus prepo/itis miniflris et omnibus baliivis et fide- libus fuis, D,Infp.O. archiepif- copis &c jufticiarii* foreflariis vice- comitibus prepofitis et omnibus bal- iivis et fidclibus fuis prefcntem cartam infpedluris. TzS, omnibui ad quos prefcntcs littcrc petvcncrint. T2C.] falutem Infpeximus cartam domini H. quondam regis Anglic patrij noflri de forefla in lice verba HiNHicus&c, D,Infp.O.TT. copis 94 CARTA DE FORESTA • copis epifcopis abbatibus prioribus coml- tibus baronibus jufticiariis forejiariis vice- comitibus prepofitis miniftris et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus fuis prefentem cartam infpedluris falutem Sciatis quod nos in- tuitu Dei et pro falute anime nollre et animarum anteceflbrum et fucceiTorum nof- trorum ad exaltationem fan<£te ecclefie et emendationem regni noflri fpontanea et bona voluntate noftra dedimus et conceffi- mus archiepifcopis epifcopis ^ comitibus baronibus et omnibus de regno nof- tro has libertates fubfcriptas tenendas in 1 regno noflro Anglie imperpetuum Inpri- mis omnes forefte quas Henricus rex avus nofter afforeftavit videantur per bonos et legales homines et fi bofcum aliquem alium quam fuum dominicum afforeflaverit ad dampnum ' ilUus cujus bofcus ille fuerit deafforeftetur et li bofcum fuum proprium afForeftaverit remaneat forefta falva ^ com- muna de herbagio et aliis in eadem forefta iUis qui prius eam habere confueverunt 2 Homines vero qui manent extra forefham non veniant de cetero coram jufticiariis nof- tris de forefta per communes fummonitiones nifi fmt in placito vel plegii alicujus vel ali- \'ARIAE LECTIONES. b abbatibus prioribus coiBitibus. c ip£us. D,Infp.O, D,Tnfp.O. d commuma. D,Infp.O. quorum IX HENRICI III. 95 quorum qui attachiati funt propter foreftam Omnes autem bofci qui ^ fuerint afforeftati 3 per regem Ricardum avunculum nolbum vel per regem Johannem patrem noflrum ufque ad primam coronationem noftram fta- tim deafforeftentur niii fit dominicus bofcus noiler Archiepilcopi epifcopi abbates prio- 4 res comites barones milites ^ libere tenentes qui habent bofcos fuos in foreftis habeant hojcos, fuos licut eos habuerunt tempore pri- me coronationis regis Henrici avi noftri ita quod quieti lint imperpetuum de omnibus ^ purpreiluris vaftis et ^ ellartis fadlis in illis bofcis pofl illud tempus ufque ad principium fecundi anni coronationis noftre et qui de cetera vajhi77i vel purprefturam fme licentia noflra in illis fecerint vel 'eifartum de vaftis purprefturis et " elTartis refpondeant Re- 5 gardatores noftri eant per foreftas ad facien- dum regardum ficut fieri confuevit tempore prime coronationis regis Henrici avi ?2oJiri et non aliter Inquifitio vel vifus dc expedi- 6 tatione canum exiftentium in forefta de ce- tero fiat quando fieri debet regardum fcilicet de tertio anno in tertium annum et tunc fiat per vifum et tejlimonium legalin?n ho?ni?2imi et var:ae lfctiones. c f.ienint. D.Iiifp.O.TT. ^ afTart.s. D.Iiifp.O.TT. f ct libere. D,Infp.O. ' aflartum. D.liilp.O.TT. E r"r«'''J"'- O. ^ aflartis. D,Infp.O.TT. ?ion 96 CARTA DE FORESTA no?i aliter et ilk ciijiis canis /;^i;entus fuerit tunc non expeditatus det pro mifericordia tres folidos et de cetero nullus bos capiatur pro expeditatione ' Talis autem ^ fit expedi- tatio per affifam communiter " quod tres or- telli ° ahfcindantur fine pelota de pede anteriori nee P expediteninv canes de cetero niii in locis ubi confueverunt expeditari tempore prime coronationis predidi regis Henrici avi noflri 7 Nullus foreftarius vel bedellus de cetero fa- ciat fcotallas vcl coUigat garbas vel aveiiam vel bladiim aliquod vel agnos vel porcellos nee aliquam colledam faciat et per vifum et fa- cramentum duodecim regardatorum quando '^ facient regardum tot foreftarii ponantur ad foreftas cuftodiendas o^iiot ad illas ciijlodi-^ 8 endas rationabiliter viderint fufficere A^ullum "■ fwanimotum de cetero teneatur in regno noilro nifi ter in anno videlicet in principio quindecim dierum ante feflum fand:i Mi- chaelis quando agiHatores noiliri conveniunt ad agijlandum dominicos bo/cos nojtros et circa fejium fanBi Martini quando ^^/ftatores nof- tri debent recipere ' pannagium noftrum et VARIAE LECTIONES. I canum Talis. D,Infp.O. P expidltentur. O, m fiat. D,Infp.O,TT. ^ faciunt. D,Infp. faciant. O. 1 uficatam quod. D,Infp.TT, ufi- >■ fwaynmotum. D,Infp.O. fvvai- tatem quod. O. nlmotum. T 28. o abcidaiUur five. O. abfcindan- s paunaeium. D,Infp.O, turfive. Djnfp.TT. ad IX HENRI CI III. 97 ad ifla duo ' fwanimota conveniant foreftarii " viridarii et agiftatores et non alii per dif- tridtionem et terthwi " fwanimotum te?icatur in initio quindecim dierum a?ite fijlum fan^li yohannis baptifte pro feonatione beftiarum noftrarum et ad illud " fwanimotum tenen- dum ^ convenient foreftarii viridarii et non alii per diftri(ftionem Preterea fingu/is qua- draginta diebus per totum ajinum cnnveniarit forejlarii et viridarii aA ''faciendum attachia- menta de forefta tam de viridi quam de ve- natione per prefentationem foreftariorum ipforum et coram ipfis attachiatis Predidta autem ^fivanifnota 7i07i teneantur nifi in comi-^ tatibus in quibus teneri confueverunt Unuf- 9 quifque liber homo agiflet bofcum fuum " quem habet in forefta pro voluntate fua ct habeat ' pannagium fuum Concedimus etiam quod unufquifque liber homo ducere poffit porcos iuos per dominicum bofcum nof- trum liber e et Jine i??jpedimento ad agijiandu?n eos in bofcis fuis propriis vel alibi ubi volue- rit et ii porci alicujus liberi hominis una node pernodaverint in forefta noftra non VARIAE LEGTIONES. t fwaynmota. DjInfp.C fwaini- * vidcTidum. D,Infp.O.TT. n-.ota. T28. * fwaynmou. D,Infp, fwainimo- u ^«y? viridarii. T28. ta. T28. wxfwaynmotum.D^Infp.O.fwai- b dcfur.t qucm habct. D>fp.O. niiTiota. T28. TT. y conveniant. TT. " paunaEium. D,Infp.O. _ G indc 98 CARTA DE FORESTA inde occafionetur unde aliquid de fuo perdat 10 Nuilus de cetera amittat vifam 'uel me?nbra pro venatione nojira ^ fet Ji qiiis captus fuerit et convid:us de captione venationis graviter redimatur fi habeat unde redimi poffit li au- tem non habeat unde redimi poffit jaceat in prifona noftra per unum annum et iimim diem et fi poji unum annwji et unu77i diem plegios in-' venhc poffit exeat de prifona fin autem ab- 1 1 juret regnum Anglie ^ Quicunque archie- pifcopus epifcopus comes vel baro veniens ad nos ad mandatum noftrum tranfierit per foreilam noftram liceat ei capere imam hejiiam ijel diias per vijum forejlarii Ji prefens fuerit iin autem faciat cornari ne '^videatur furtive hoc facere Idem liceat eis ^ in redeun- 1 2 do facere licut predidlum eft Unufquifque Hber homo de cetero fine occafione faciat in bofco fuo 'uel in terra fua quam habet in fo- rejia molendinum vivarium ftagnum marleram foffiatum vel terram arabilem extra cooper- tum in terra arabili ita quod non fit ad no- 13 cumentum alicujus vicini Unufquifque li- ber homo habeat in bofcis fuis aereas anci- pitrum efpervariorum falconum aquilarum et ^ de heyrinis et habeat fimiliter mel quod in- VARIAE LECTIONES. • d» foieila et. D.Infp.O. D.Infp.O.TT. turn IX HENRICl III. loi turn ad fe pertinet erga fuos Pro l\ac ^ igi- tur conceflione et donatione libertatum ilia- rum et allarum ■" libertatum contentarum in majori carta noftra de aliis libertatibus archi- epijfcopi epifcopi abbates priores comites ba- rcmes milites ' libere tenentes et omnes de regno noftro dederunt nobis quintamdeci- mam partem omnium mobilium luorum Conceflimus ^ etiam eifdem pro nobis et he- redibus noftris quod nee nos nee heredcs noftri aliquid perquiremus per quod liberta- tes in hae earta contente infringantur vel infirmentur et li ab aliquo aliquid contra hoc perquifitum fuerit nichil valeat ct pro nullo habeatur Hii^ teftibus domino S. Cantuar' archiepifcopo ' R. London' J. Ba- thon P. Winton H. Lincoln' R. Sar' - B. RoiFen' W. Wigorn' J. Elien' H. Hereford' R. Ciceflr' W. Exon' epifcopis abbate flindti Edmundi abbate fan6ti Albani abbate de Bello abbate fan6ti Auguftini Cantuar' ab- bate de Evefiiam abbate de Weftmon' ab- bate de burgo fandti Petri abbate de Railing' abbate de Abendon' abbate de " Maumcbir' abbate de Winchecumb' abbate de Ilyda ftbbate de Certes' abbate de Sireburn' abbate VARIAE LECTIONES, Z autcm, D,Infp.O.TT. 1 S. London' cpiftopo. T28. E. *1 i/cc/? libertaium. O. London* i-pifcopo. D.Infp.O.Tzj. i et libere. D,lnl'p.O. m W. Roft'". O. k iidji ctiani. IT. t Mjlmenjury. O.TT. dc 102 CARTA DE FORESTA de Cern' abbate de ° Abotebir' abbate ds Middleton' abbate de Seleby abbate de Wy- teby abbate de Cirenceftr' H. de Burg' juf- ticiario R. comite Ceftr' et Line' W, comite Sarr' W. comite Warenn' G. de Clar' co- mite Glouceftr' et Hertford' W. de Ferrar' comite de Derby W. de Mandevill' comite EfTex' H. le Bigod comite Norff' W. comite Aubemarl' H. comite Hereford' Johanna conflabulario Ceflr' Roberto de Ros Roberto filio Walteri Roberto de Veteri Ponte Wil- lielmo P Bigv/err' Ricardo de Munfich' Petro filio Herberti Mattheo filio Herberti WiU lielmo de Aibiniaco Roberto Greil' Reginal- do de 1 Brahus Johanne de ' Munem' Jo- hanne filio Alani Hugone de Mortuo Marj Waltero de ^ello Cam.po Willielmo de fan(5to Johanne Petro de ' Mala Lacu Briano ^de Infula Thoma de Muleton' Ricardo de Ar- gentein Gaufrido de Nevill' Willielmo ' Mauduit Johanne de Baalun " Dat' apud Weftmon' undecimo die Februarii anno reg- ni noflri nono "", VAP. lAE L. ECTIONES. o Abbotelfcury. O. Abbotcfijir'. cefiiones predidas haben'c? ft 'Tj', gratas eas pro nobis et Jieredlbus naf* p Bygwerr'. TT. de Bruera. O, tiis concedimus et confirir.amus eai- q Breus. O.TT. que tenore prefcntiiim innovamus vo- T Monemue. TT. kntes et ccncedentcs pro nobis et he - s Malo. D,lnrp.G.TT, rcdibns noftris quod carta predifla ii? t MaVidut et Johanne. TT. omnibus et fingulis fuis articulis im- «i et alii? Dat.' DJnfp.O TT. perpetuum firmiter et inviolabiliter w NcE autem donationes et con- cbrervetur Sic in Rotuli. In A'fS. Cittort. obfen'ctur, PI 2 btcr ii6 CARTA CONFIRMATION IS liter obfervabimus et ab aliis pro poiTe nof- tro faciemus obfervari Volentes et confen- tientes expreffe quod li nos vel did:us Ed- wardus filius nofter contra predid:am ordi- nationem provilionem noftram feu juramen- turn quod abfit in aliquo venire feu pacem et tranquillitatem regni noftri turbare feu occaiione fad:orum precedentium tempore turbationis ac guerre precedentis aliquem de predi(5lis aut de parte predicflorum quos dif- iidavimus occafionare feu alicui de eis damp- num facere aut fieri procurare prefumpferi- mus liceat omnibus de regno noftro contra nos infargere et ad gravamen noftrum opem et opera dare juxta polTe ad quod ex prefenti precepto noftro omnes et fingulos volumus obligari fidelitate et homagio nobis fa(ftis non obftantibus ita quod nobis in nullo in- tendant fet omnia que gravamen noftrum relpiciunt faciant ac li in nullo nobis tene- rentur donee quod in hac parte tranfgreftiim fuerit feu commiiTum fatisfadione congrua in ftatum debitum fecundum predicftorum ordinationis et provifionis noftre feu jura- menti formam fuerit refomiatum quo fa(5lo nobis ficut prius intendentes exiftant Et li aliquis alius de regno noftro contra predidta venire feu pacem et tranquillitatem regni noftri turbare prefumpferit feu nobis vel Edwardo XLIX HENRICI III. 117 Edwardo filio noflro aut alicui altcri contra predidta vel aliquod predidiorum venientibus opem confilium conlenlum vel auxilium quoquo modo prelHterit li hoc notorium fuerit aut de hoc per confiderationem conli- lii noftri et magnatum terre noflre convidus fuerit ' five non tarn ipfe quam heredes fui imperpetuum exheredentur et de terris et tenementis ipforum fiat prout de terris eo- rum qui de felonia convid:i funt lecundum leges et confuetudines regni noftri fieri con- fuevit Ad hec de unanimi allcnlu et vo- luntate noftri Edvvardi filii noftri prelato- runi comitum baronum et communitatis regni noftri concorditer proviftim eft quod carte antique communium libertatum et fo- refte communitati regni noftri per nos du- dum concefle in quarum violatores ad peti- tionem noftram fententia excommunicatio- nis dudum lata eft et per fedem apoftolicain fpecialiter confirmata necnon et omnes arti- culi de noftro et magnatum terre noftrc communi afl'enfti dudum provifi quos nuper apud Wigorn' exiftentes per fingulos comi- c Sic Rctulus, tnanifejlb (ut -vid^tur) miinitatis regni noflri proviAim eft mcnJo. In MS. Cotton, p'jjl "verha con- et fiatiitum quod corpus ipfiui fi in- viclus fuerit hate clausula jequitur ; vcntuni fuerit capiatur alioquin a de unanimi aflenfu noftro Edwardi fi- regno noftro utlagetur ct five invcnlui lii noftri comitum baronum cl com- fuerit five non, &c. tatu< ii8 CARTA CONFIRMATION IS tatus fub figillo noftro tranfmifimus invio- labiter obferventur imperpetuum ad quorum obfervationem facramento ad fandla Dei ewangelia corporaliter preftito fponte nos obligavimus et omnes juiliciarios vicecomi- tes et quofcunque ballivos de regno noflro tarn noflros quam aliorum fimili facramento volumus obligari ita quod nullus teneatur alicui ballivo obedire donee facramentum prefliterit Et fi quis contra cartas iplas vel articulos predidios in aliquo venire pre- fumpferit pretcr periurii reatum et excom- municationis fententiam que incurret per confiderationem curie noflre graviter punia- tur Salvo in premiffis prout decet privile- gio clericali Et quia volumus quod hec omnia iirmiter et inviolabiliter obferventur univerlitati veflre firmiter injungendo ac pre- cipiendo mandamus quatinus vos omnes et fmguli predid:a omnia et fingula ficut fupe- rius fcripta funt faciatis teneatis et inviola- biliter obfervetis et ad ea omnia facienda te- nenda et obfervanda ad fan(fla Dei ewange- lia facramento corporaliter preftito ad invi- cem vos obligetis In cujus rei teftimonium cartas et ordinationes predidlas cum prefen- tibus Uteris patentibus vobis fub figillo nof- tro tranfmittimus in comitatum noftrum fub cuftodia ndedignorum ad hoc eledorum ad rei XLIX HENRICI III. 119 rei memoriam falvo cuflodiendas Contra quas ne quis ignorantiain pretenderc pofiit in futurum ad minus bis in anno in pleno comitatu ipfas precipimus publican ita quod fiat prima publicatio in proximo comitatu poft inflans feftum Pafche fecunda vcro fiat in proximo comitatu pofl fcftum fandli Mi- chaelis et fic deinceps fiat annuatim Volu- mus infuper quod falvis omnibus lupradidtis omnes alie ordinationes et articuli per nos et conjQlium noftrum had:enus proviii qui poterunt ad honorem Dei et ecclefie fidem noftram et regni noftri commodum obler- vari inviolabiliter obferventur et teneantur Ut autem premiffa omnia et fingula firma maneant et inconcuiTa reverendi patres epif- copi per regnum noftrum conflituti ad in- flantiam noftram fententiam excommunica- tionis fulminarunt in omnes illos qui contra premifla vel aliquid premiflbrum fcienter venerint aut venire temptaverint cum eftedlu quorum jurifdidtioni feu cohercioni fponta- nea voluntate quantum ad premiiTa nos fub- mittimus privilegiis noftris omnibus inipe- tratis aut impetrandis feu proprio motu do- mini pape nobis concefTis aut in pofterum concedendis in hoc pure renunciantcs prout in litteris fuper hoc confcdis penes di(5tos prelates refidentibus plcnius continctur In tiijus I20 CARTA CONFIRMATION IS cujus rei teftimonium has litteras noftras fieri fecimus patentes Tefle meipfo apud Weftm' \ d Sic explicit Rotulus. In MS. die Martii anno regni noftri xlix°, Comn, hate fequitur Claujula ; xiiijo XLIX HENRICI III. 121 STATUTUiM DE MARLEBERGE, SUB REGE HENRICO III, XVIII DIB NOVEMBRIS, MCCLXVII, ANNO REGNI LII. Capitulian qtihitmn. AGNA carta In fingulis fuis artlculls teneatur tarn in hiis que ad regem pertinent quam ad alios et hoc coram julU- ciariis itinerantibus in fuis itineribus et vice- comitibus in comitatibus fuis cum opus fu- erit demandetur et brevia verfus eos qui contravenerint gratis concedantur coram re- ge vel coram jufticiariis de banco vcl coram jufticiariis itinerantibus cum in partes illas venerint Similiter carta de forcfta in fin- gulis fuis articulis teneatur et contravenicn- tes per dominum regem cum convidti tue- rint gravitcr puniantur modo fupradidto. CONFIRMATIO CARTA RUM REGIS EDWARDI I, V Dl^ NOVEMBRIS, MCCXCVII, ANNO REGNI XXV. E DWARD par le grace de Dieu roi J dEngleterre feygneur dirlaunde e dues dAquitanie a toutz ceuz qui ceftes prefentes lettreS verrount ou orrount faluz Sachiez nous al honeur de Dieu e de feinte eglife e au profift de tout noftre roiaume avoir graunte pur nous e pur nos heyrs ke la sraunt chartre de fraunchifes e la chartre de la forefte les queles feurent faites par com- mun afent de tout le roiaume en le temps le roi Hanry noftre pere foient tenues en touz leur XXV EDWARD I I. i±S leur polntz laiinz nul blemifTement E vo- lums ke meilmes celes chartres delbuz nof- tre feal Ibicnt envieez a noz juflices auli bien de la foreft cume as autres e a touz les vil- countes des counteez e a toutz nos autres miniftres e a toutes noz cyteez par my la terre enfemblement ove noz brefs en les quieux ferra countenu kil facent les avaunt- dites chartres puplier e ke il facent dire au pueple ke nos les avums grauntees de tenir les en toutz leur pointz E a nos juflices vil- countes e maires e autres miniftres qui la loy de la terre defoutz nous e par nous ount a guier meifmes les chartres en toutz lur pointz en pledz devaunt eaux e en juge- mentz les facent alower ceil a favoir la graunt chartre des fraunchifes cume loi com- mune e la chartre de la forefl folunc lafife de la foreft al amendement de noftre pueple E volums ke li nuls jugementz foient do- nez defore mes encountre les pointz des chartres avauntdites par juftices e par nos autres miniftrcs qui countre les pointz des chartres tienent pledz devaunt eaux foient defez e pur nyent tenuz E voloms ke micf- mes celes chartres defoutz noflre feal foient envieez as eglifes cathcdrales parmi nollre roiaume e la demoergent e foient deus ficz par an lues devaunt le poeple E ke arcce- veefqucs evefqucs doingncnt fentenccs du graunt 126 CONFIPvMATIO CART ARUM graunt efcumeng' countre touz ceauz qui countre les avauntdites chartres vendrount ou en fait ou en ayde ou en confai ou nul poynt enfreindrent ou encountre vendrount e ke celes fentences foient denunciez e pup- liez deux foyz par an par les avantditz pre- las e ii nieifmes les prelas evefques ou nul deux foient necgligentz a la denunciaciun fufdite faire par les arceevefques de Caunter- bire e de Everwyk qui pur temps ferrount ficume covyent foient repris e diflreinz a meifmes cele denunciaciun fere en la fourme avauntdite E pur coe ke aukune gentz de nofbre roiaume fe doutent que les aides e les mifes les queles il nous unt fait avaunt ces houres pur nos guerres e autres bu- foiofnes de leur o;raunt e de leur bone vo- lente en quele manere qe fez foient peuffent tourner en fervage a eux e a leur heyrs par coe quil ferroient autrefoyz trovez en roulle e aulint prifes que unt efle faites par my le roiaume par nos miniftres en noflre noun avums graunte pur nous e pur nos heyrs que mes teles aydes mifes ne prifes ne trer- roms a couftume par nule cliofe qe foit fayte ou ke par roulle ou en autre manere puft eilre trovee E aufmt avums graunte pur nous e pur nos heyrs as arceevefques evefques abbees priours e as autre gentz de feint eglife e as countes e barouns e a toute la XXV EDWARDI I. 127 la communaute de la terre que mes pur nule bufoignie tieu manere des aydes mifes ne prifes de noftre roiaume ne prendrums fors ke par commun aflent de tut le roiaume e a commun profift de meifmes le roiaume fauve les auncienes aydes e prifes dues e a couftumees E pur coe ke tout le plus de la communaute del roiaume fe fentent dure- ment grevez de la male toute des leynes ceft afaver de chefcun fac de leyne quarante fous e nous unt prie ke nous les voufiiTums re- lelTer nous a leur priere les avums pleine- ment relefle e avums graunte que cele ne autre mes ne prendroms fauntz leur com- mun aflent e lur bone volente fauve a nous e a nos heyrs la couftume des leynes peaux e quirs avaunt grauntez par la communaute du roiaume avauntdit Et tefmoinaunce des quieux chofes nous avums fait faire ceftes nos lettres overtes Donees a Gaunt le quint jour de Novembre Ian de noftre rcgne vin- tifme quint. A R T I C U L I SUPER CARTAS, REGIS EDWARDI I, VI DIE MARTII, MCCXCIX, ANNO REGNI XXVIII. PU R ceo qe les poyntz de la grant chartre des franchifes & la chartre de la foreft les quieus le roy Henri pere le roi qe ore eft granta a foen poeple pur le pru de foen roiaume ne unt pas efte tenuz ne gardez avant ces heures pur ceo qe peyne ne fuft avant eftablie en les trefpaflburs contre les poyntz des chartres avantdites noftre feigneur le roi les ad de novel grante reno- vele e conferme et a la requefte des prelatz contes & barouns en foen parlement a Weft- monfter ARTICULI SUPER, &c. 129 monfter en quaremme Lm de foen reo-ne vynt et utifme ad certeine fourme & peyne ordene e eftabli encontre tuz iceaus qe cen- tre les poyntz des avantdites chartres ou nul poynt de eles en nule manere vendront en la fourme qe fenfuit cefl afavoir Qe de ci enavant la grant chartre des franchiles dEn- gleterre grantee a tote la commune dEngle- terre e la chartre de la foreft en meifme la manere grantee foient tenues gardees e mein- tenues en chefcun article & chefcun poynt aufi pleynement come le roi lad grante re- novele & par fa chartre conferme E qe celes chartres foient baillees a chefcun vif- cont dEngleterre defoutz le feal le roi a lire quatre foiz par an devant le poeple en plein conte ceil afavoir a prochein conte apres la feint Michel al prochein conte apres le Noel al prochein conte apres la Pafqe et al pro- chein conte apres la feint Johan Et a celes deus chartres en chefcun poynt & en chefcun article de eles fermement tenir ou remedie ne fuft avant par la commune ley foient eflus en chefcun conte par la commune de meifme le conte trois prodes hommes chi- valiers ou autres loiaux fages 6c avifes qui foient juftices jures & affignes par les Icttrcs le roi overtes de foen grant feal de oyr 6c determiner fantz autre href qe leur commun garant les pleintes qe fe fcrront de touz iceaus 130 ARTICULI SUPER, &c. qe vendront ou mefprendront en nul des ditz poyntz des avantdites chartres ,es con- tetz ou il font affignes aufibien dedenz fran- chifes come dehors e aufibien des miniftres le roi hors de leur places come des autres et les pleintes oyes de jour en jour fantz delay les terminent fanz alluer les delais qe font allues par commune ley E qe meifmes ceaus chevaliers eient poer de punir touz ceaus qe ferront atteintz de trefpas fait en- contre nul point des chartres avantdites ou remedie ne fuft avant par commune ley aufi comme avant eft dit par enprifonement ou par ranceoun ou par amerciement felonc ceo qe le trefpafs le demande Et par ceo nen- tent pas le roi ne nul de ceaux qe fuft a ceft ordenement fere qe les chivaliers avantditz tiegnent nul play par le poer qe done leur ferra encas ou avant ces houres fuft remedie purveu folonc la commune lay par bref ne qe prejudice enfoit fet a la commune ley ne a les chartres avantdites en nul de leur pointz E voet le roi qe fi touz treis ne foient prefentz ou ne purront as totes les foiz entendre a faire leur office en la fourme avantdite qe deus des trois le facent E or- dene eft qe les vifcontes e les baillifs le roi foient entendantz as les comandementz des avantdites juftices en quantqe apent a leur office - • CARTA CONFIRMATIONIS REGIS EDWARDl I, XIV DIE FEBRUARII, MCCC, ANNO REGNI XXIX. EDWARDUS Del gratia rex Anglic dominus Hibernle et dux Aquitannle omnibus ad quos prefentcs littere pervcne- rint falutem Sciatis quod cum nos magnam cartam domini HenricI quondam regis An- glic patris noftri de libertatibus Anglic una cum carta de forefla conccfferimus ct con- firmaverimus ac innovavcrimus per cartam noftram preceperlmufquc quod carte ille in fmgulis fuis articulis tencantur et firmitcr obH-rvcntur 132 CARTA CONFIRMATIONIS obferventur volumus et concedimus pro no- bis et heredibus noftris quod ii que ftatuta fuerint contraria di(5lis cartis vel alicui arti- culo in eifdem cartis contento ea de com- muni confilio regni noftri modo debito e- mendentur vel eciam adnullentur In cujus rei teftimonium has litteras noflras fieri fe- cimus patentes Tefte meipfo apud Lincoln- jam quartodecimo die Februarii anno regni noilri vicefimo nono. XXIX EDWARDI I. 133 »» 134 CARTA CONFIRMATIONIS XXIX EDWARDI I. 135 INDEX. ABbotfbury, Abbot of. 89, 1 02. Abendon, Stephen de. ex. Abingdon, Abbot of. cxi. 89, loi. Abr', R. Bifliop of. x. Adulterine CalUes. Iviii, Ix, Ixi, Ixiii, Ixxv. 69. Akemere. cxi. Akemerc-brok. cxi. Akemere-welle. cxi. Alb', xi. Albam', W, de. xi. Albemarle, Aubcmarle, or Aubcrmalc, William Earl of. xxxii. 4-5, 89, 102. Albiniaco, or Aubenie, Philip de. 16, 43. William de. xxxii. 89, 102. Alexander II, King of Scots, xiviii. i°'3i- , ... Alexander III, Pope. Ixxxui. Almain, King of, his Son Henrj'. 1 1/. Ana?nia. xli. Appleby. Ixxiv, cvi. Argentein, Richard de. 90, 102. Articles previous to King John's Char- ter, xxiv. I. A-ticuli fuper Cartas, A. D. 1299. cv. 128. Arundel, William Earl of. 16. Ri- chard Fitzalan Earl of. 90, 103. Afrcotc, Robert de. ex, Atycs, Gerard de. 9, 2S. B. Eaalun, John de. 90, 102. Bangor, Cadwgan Biftiop o(. 1. 43. Banftakebrok Netherendc. cxi. Baiitercihale. cxi. Bardolf, Hugh. 90, 103. Barons, their League at St. Edmund's Bury. XV. - - - demand a Confirmation of Li- berties, xvi. Barons fend EmbafTidors to Rome, xvii. - - - aflcmble at Stamford and Brackley. xix. - - - treat with King John at Ox- ford, xix. - - - break off the Treaty, xx, rxi. - - - choofe a General, and take Bedford and London, xxii. - - - meet the King at Runingmede, xxiv, - - - twenty five, Guardians of the Realm, xxxii, xxxix. j 1,32. - - - their Convention with King John, xxxvi. 30. - - - make Peace with him, and do him Homage, xxxvii. - - - refufe to certify it under Seal. xxxviii. - - - excommunicated by the Pope. xli. - - - invite over Prince Louis of France, xlii. Barton, Hugh dc. ex. Bafmgcburn, John de, xxiv, Bani't, Alan. 16,43. Thomas. 16. Gilbert. To6. Baf»ardd'.;roft. cxi. Bath, W. Birtiop of. no. Batli and Glaftonbury, Jofccline Bifli^^p of xxxiii, xxxviii. 15, 16, 43, 88, loi, 101;. ^ Bath and Wells, William BlAop of. xcviii. Battel Abbey. Ixx. Banc!, Abbot of. 89, loi. Ecauchamp, Earl of Warwick, Wil- liam dc. xcvii:. Guy Jc. 90,103. Bcauchamp, Wal.erdc, 43,'59,90,IJJ# 103. Beckclc. ex. - - - - Parfon of. cr, Bcckclthatb, ^x. , , , , l^ Betktleftile. INDEX. Beckeleftile. ex. Bedford, xxii. Belloc', S. de. xi. Bernard, William, ex. Berthelet, Thomas, ci, Bichevveyiende. ex. Big', H, xi. Bigod, H. le. Earl of Norfolk. 89,102. Bigot, Hugh, xxxii. Bigot, Roger, ix. Bigot, Roger, Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, xxxii. 39. Biyondebrok. cxi. Bodleian Library, liv, Ix, Ixxx, cxii. Bohun, Humphrey de. Earl of Here- ford and ElTex. xci, xciv, xcv, xcvii, xcix, c, ciii. 90, 103, 105, 1 1 1. Bologne. 8,27,53,67,85. Boniface VIII, Pope. civ. Bova, Hugh de. xxxviii, xxxix. Boys, Robert de. xxxii. Brabazon, Roger de, cvii, ex. Brackley, xix. Braddenebrigg'. ex. Brahus, Reginald de. 89, 102. Breante, Falkefius de. 43. Brech', le. ex. Brecheburne, le. ex, cxi. Bretagne, Count of. liii. Breus, William de. 90, 103. Brigwerr', William de. xxiv. 43, 89, 102. Briftol. xlii, xliii. 55. Britifh Mufeum. xxvii, xxxii, Iv, Ix, xcvi. Broun, Nicholas, ex. Bruylly, Henry de. ex. Buh", V. de. xi. Burgh, Hubert de. lxv!,lxviii. 16,43, S9, 102. Burnet,Gilbert,Bi/hopofSalifbury.xxv. Burnet, Sir Thomas, xxv. Bygod, Roger le, Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, xeii, xciv, xcv, xcvii, xcix, ciii, 90, 103. Byfet, John. 105. C. Cambridge public Library, lix, !x. Cane', R. x. C^ceir, Andrew de. o, 28. Engelard de. 9. Gyo de. 9, 28. Peter de. 9, 28. Canterbury, ArchbiiTiop of, W. X: Stephen Langton. vi, Scviii, xix, XX, xxxiii, xxxviii, xxxix, Ixvi, Ixxj. 15, 16, 30, 35, 88, 101. Simon. Ix, E. Ixxxvii. 105. Boni- face. Ixxi. 109, 113. John Peck- ham. Ixxxix. R.. Winchclfey. xcii. 90, 103. William Laud. xxv. Cantilupe, William de, xxiv. 43, 105. Carlifle. ciii. Carlifle, Bifhop of. xcviii. A. x. W. 105. S. 110. Caune, Richard de. ex, Cerne, Abbot of. 89, i02. Chadelyngton. ex. Chalfle. cxi. Charewelle. exi. Cheping-Norton, ex. Chertfey. li. Chertfey, Abbot of. 89, loi. Chefter, Bifhop of. xxi. Chefter, Conftable of. xxxii. John, 89,102. John Earl of Lincoln. 105. Chefter, Earl of, R. xi. Randal, 43, Chefter and Lincoln, R. Earl of. 89, 102. Chefter and Huntingdon, J. Earl of, 105. Chichefter, Richard Bifliop of. xxxviii. 43, 88, loi, 106. Chrift-Church in Oxford, cxii. Cirencefter, Abbot of. 8g, 102. Clare, Gilbert de. xxxii. Earl of Gloucefter and Hertford. 89, 102. Clare, Earl of, Richard, xxxii. 39. Clement V, Pope, exiii. Cliftbrd, Walter de. 43, 105. Coggeftiale, Ralph of. xiii. Coke, Sir Edward. Ixx, Ixxi. CcnfiimatioCartarum, A,D,ivyj< xciv, 124. Conge (Telire. xvi. Corbet, Peter. 90, 103. Cornevvcll, Richard de. ex. Cornwall, Earl of. Ixxix. Edmund, xcviii. Cornwall and Poiftou, R. Earl of. 105, 109. Corpus Chrifti College, Cambridge, lix. Cotton Library. ix,xxviii,lxxx,lxxxix, xci, xrv. Coventry, William Bi/hop of. xxxiii, xxxviii. 15, 16,43. Coventry and Lichfield, Biftiop of, Walter, xcviii. 90, 103. A. 105. Co-,v-Aliz. ex, cxi. Cromwell, Oliver, xlv. Cromwell, Richard, xlv. Curtenai, Robert de. 43. Curteney, Hugh de. 90, 103. Cygony, Engelard de. 28. Cygcny, Gyo de. 9, 28, D. INDEX. D. Dclaval, Robert, xxxli. Derby, William de Fcrrars Earl of. 43,89, 102. Derham. xxii. Defpcnfer, Hugh le. xc. 90, 103. Dewes, Sir Symonds. ix. Dichende de Beckelc. ex. Dounhalle, Adam de. ex. Dublin, Archbi/hop of. xiix. Henry. xxxiji, xxxviii, 15, 16, 35. L. Ixxxvii, Dudeweyfende. ex. Durham, xliv, Ixxi, Ixxvi, Ixxvii, cvi. Durham, Bifhop of, Richard dc Ma- rifco. Ix, Ixii. R. 105. W. 110. A. 90, 103. Enfcgrovemere. ex. Efpiccr, Henrv le. ex. Eflex, W. dc MandcvIUe, Earl of. 89, 102. Efiex and Glouccfter, Geoffrey Earl of. xxxii. 39, Eflex and Hereford, Humphrey dc Bo- hun, Earl of. xci, xciv, xcv, xcvii, xcix, e, ciii. 90, 103, 105, Ml. Evtrtiam, Abbot of. 89, loi. Excommunication againll the Trinf- erellbrs of the Chartars, W.D. 1253. Ixxxi. T09. Exeter, Biihop of, S. 43. W. 89, loi, 105. R. MO. Thomas. 90, 103. Extraneus, John. 43. Eymericus, Martcr of the Temple. iG. Eyneftiam, Abbot of. cxi. E. Ebr', A. Bi/hop of. x. Edenebrok. ex. Edward the Ccnfefior, his Laws, vi, vii, ix, xii. Edward, Prince, Son of Henry III. Ixxxix, xc. 114,115,116,117. Edward I, King of England, fuccccds to the Crown, xci. . . . . . his Expedition to Flanders, xci. _ . _ — his Charter of Confirma- tion, ^. D, 1297. xciv, xcv. 124. ----•• pardons the Conftiblc and Marefcal. xcvii. ----- levies an Aid pi/r Jaire fix cLizaltet-. cii. ----- confirms the Charters a- frefn. eiv. ----- his ylrticuli fuper Cartas, A.D. 1299. ev. 128. ----- confirms the Perambula- tions of the Forefts. eix. . - . . . Ijis Charter of Confiima- tion, A. D. 1300. exii. - - - ~ - his great Seal. 133. - his Counter-Seal. 135. Edward, Prince, Son of Edward I. xciii, xciv, xcv, xcvii. IC3, Eldendon. ex. EUcsfcld, John dc. ex, cxi. Elfefeld. ex, cxi. - - - -, le Breche de. ex. Ely, Bifhop of, J. 88,101. H. 105, 109. William, xtviii. R. 90,11-3. Engaync, John. 90, 103, Farnewcllcbrok. cxi. Ferr', R. de, xi. Ferrars, W. Earl of. loj. Ferrars, William dc. 105. Ferrars, William de. Earl of Dcrfcy, 43,89, 102. Ferrers, John de. xciv, xcviii, xcix. Fife', R. de. X. Fitzalan, John. 89, 102. Fitzalan, Richard, Earl of Arundel, 90,103, Fitzcount, B. xi. Fitzgcrold, M. Ixxxvii. Fitzgerold, Warin. 16. Fitzguy, John. ex. Fitzherbcrt, Matthew. 16, 43, 89, J02. Fitzherbcrt, Peter. 16, 89, 102. Fitzhugh, John. 16. Fitzjohn, P. xi. Fitzrobert, John, xxxii. 39. Fitzroy, Richard, xxiv. Fitzwaltcr, Robert, xiii, xxii, xxxii. 39, 89, ro2. Forfthull. cxi. Frafer. Iv. Furney, Richard. Iv, Ixxx, cxii. Furnival, Thomas dc. 90, 103. Galway, Alan de. 16. Gaye, Gilbert *le. ex. Gfddis. XXV. Germany, King of, lu. Son Ifcnty. "5- Ghent, xcv, xcvm. 177. Giflaid, Walter, ix. G'.iftcnbuiy INDEX. • Glaftontury and Bath, Jofceline Ei- /hop of. xxxiii, xxxviii. 15,16,43, 88, lor, 105. Cloec', M. xi. Gloucefter. xlii, xliii, xlix, Gloucefter, Abbey cf. liv. Gloucefter, Earl of. 115. R. x. Gloucefter and Eftex, Geoffrey Earl of. xxxii. 39. Gloucefter and Hertford, G. de Clare Ear) of. 8oj 102. Gloucefter and Hertford, Ralph de Monte Hermcr Earl of. 90, 103. Gregory IX, Pope. Ixxviii. Gref]', Robert. 89, 102. Grey, Henry de. 90, 103. Grey, Reginald de. 90, 103. Groveftiend. cxi. Gualo, Cardinal, xlii, xliii, xlix, liii, lix, Ix, Ixvi, Ixxv. 43, 5 5, 57> 70. - - - his Seal, xlv, liv. 71. Guildhall, LonJon. liii, Iviii, lix, Cundult^ Biftiop. ix. H. H. Nephew to King Stephen, x. Haddon, John de. ex. Halenghtonhach. cxi. Hales-Gwen. Ixxiv. Hampden, c, cii. Hangerefende. ex. Harecurt, William de. xxiv. Harengod, Stephen, xxxvii. Haringot, Stephen, xxiv. Harleian MSS. xxxii, Ix, xc. Haftinges, John de. 90, 103. Hcarne, Thomas, x. Hedingdun. ex, cxi. Kelmeneye,William le Ros de. 90, T 03 . Hengham, Ralph de. ex. flenry I, King of England, his Char- ter, vi, vii, viii, xix. Henry II, King of England, his Char- ter, xi. Henry III, King of England, crov/n- ed at Gloucefter. xlii. .. _ holds a Council at Briftol. xlii. _ , , — his great Charter, A. D. 1216. xliii. 42. _.__-_..- tranfmit- ted to- Ireland, xlix, _ » - _ - makes Peace with Prince Louis, li. p. > — - his great Charter, ji. D. 1217. liii, liv. 56, Henry III, grants a Charter of the Foreft, liii, Ixiii. _ _ _ . - his great Seal. Ixvi. 91. ----- his Counter-Seal. 107. ----- is declared of full Age by the Pope. Ixviii. r - - - - his great Charter, A, D, 1224. Ixix. 73. — -_ — -... tranfmit- ted to Ireland, xlix. — - - - his Charter of the Foreft, A. D. 1224. lxxvi.93. ----- declares himfelf of full Age. Ixxviii. ----- revokes the Charter of the Foreft. Ixxix. ----- confirms both the Charters, Ixxx. 104. ----- confirms the Excommuni- cation,^./). 1253. Ixxxii. ' III. ----- protefts againft it's Form. Ixxxviii. 1 1 T. ----- renounces Normandy and Anjou. Ixxxix, ----- his new great Seal. Ixxxix, 121. ----- confirms the Charters again. Ixxxix. 1 14. ----- dies. xci. Henry, Earl. ix. Henry, Son of the King of Almaln, 115. Hereford, Biihop of, R. x. H. 88, loi. R. T05. P. 1 10. Hereford, Henry Earl of. xxxii. 39, 89, 102. Hereford and EfTex, Humphrey Bohun, Earl of. xci, xciv, xcv, xcvii, xcix, c, ciii. 90, 103, 105, III. Hertford and Gloucefter, G. de Clare Earl of. 89, 102. Hertford and Gloucefter, Ralph de Monte Hermer Earl of. 90, 103. Hcfel, Walter, ex. Hide, Abbot of. 89, 101. " Hide, John de la. ex. Hide, Ralph dc la, ex. Hok'. cxi. Honorius III, Pope. Ixviii. Honyngton, John de. ex. Hornle. cxi. Horfpathe. cxi, Huntercurnbe, Walter de. 90, 103. Huntingdon and Chefter, J, Earl of. 105. Huntingfeld, William de. xxxii. \' INDEX. I, Tews. 7, 20, 54. Inge, Wiiliam. ex. Inner Temple Library. ]x. Innocent II, Pope, x. Innocent III, Pope, xiv, xviji. 17. ------ his Bullc, annulling King John's great Charter, xl. -__-_. excommunicates the Ba- rons, xli. Innocent IV, Pope. Ixxxix. Infula, Brian de. 90, 102. John^ King of England, abfolved at Winchefter, vi. - - - his Debaucheries, xiii. T - - receives the Complamts of his Barons, xvi. - - - his Charter of Elcflions. xvi. - - - fends an Agent to Rome. xvii. - - - takes the Crofs. xvii. - - - goes to Oxford, and treats with h'.s Barons, xix. - — retires to Odiham, xxii. - - - complies with his Barons, and g^:es to Merton. xxiii. - - - meets them at Runingmede. xxiv. - - - feals Articles for a Charter. xxiv, lii. I. - - - his great Charter, xxvii, lii. 15. " - - never granted any Charter of the Foreft, xxxiv, Ixiv. - - - his Convention with his Barons. xxxvi. 3g. - - - delivers up the Tower of Lon- don, xxxvi. - - - concludes a Peace, xxxvii. - - - hires foreign Troops and dil- treffes his Barons, xli. - - - is diftreffcd by Prince Louis, xlii. - - - dies at Newark, xlii. - - - buried at Worcefter. xlii. - - - his Seal. 13. - - - his Counter-Seal. 3-. Jufticiary, cluef, his Power reduced. xiv. Karleol, Bi/hop of, W. 105. S. 1 10. Kent, H. Earl of. 105. Kinecfok'. ex. Kinp'.lwodcbrok. cxi. Kin^lton, li, lii, liii. ^acock. Ixxii. Lacy, Henry de, Earl of Lincoln. 90, 103. Lacy, J. de. xi. Laffidell, George de. Ixxxvij. Lambeth, xxiv, xxv, lii. Lamech. li. Lameth. li. Lancafter. 8, 27, 53, 67, 85. Lancaftcr, Thomas Earl of. 90, 103. Lancafter, William de. 105. Landafl', Bilhop of, H. 43. J. 90,103. Langton, Archbifhop. vi, xviii, xix, XX, xxxiii, xxxviii, xxxix, Ixvi, Ixxi. 15, 16, 30, 35, S8, loi. Lanvalay or Lanvalcr, William dc. xxxii. 40. Lafcy, Walter dc. 43. Latimer, William le. go, !03. Laud, Archbifliop. xxv. Lee, Colonel, xxv, Leicefter. Ixvi. Lcicefter, Simon Montfort Eail of. Ixxxix, xc. 1 15. Lettou. ci. Lewelin, Prince of Wales, xlviii. 10, 31- Lcyburnc, William dc. 90, 103, Lichfield, cvii. Lichfield and Coventry, Biftiop of, Walter, xcviii. 90, 103. A. 105. Lillingcfton. ex. Line', Odo Mart', xi. Lincoln. c\iii, cix, cxi. 132. Lincoln, Biihop of, A. x. Hugh. xxxiii, xxxvni. 15, 16,88, xoi. K. 105, 109. J. 90, 103. Lincoln, J. Earl of. 105. Henry dc Lacy Earl of. 90, 103. Lincoln and Chcrtcr, R. Earl of. So, 102. LiOe, Brian dc. 9c, 102. London, ix, x, xxii, lix, Ix, xc, xciii, xciv, ciii, cv. 7, 20, 25, 40, 41,47, A 51,61, 65, 7!J, 83-. ^ London, Bifhop of. xxi. M. ix. Wil- li..m. xxxiii, xxxviii, Ix, Ixvi. 15,16, 5-. E. S8. R. 101. f. 109. Ri- chard, xcvjii. (lo, 103, 105. London, Mayor of. xxxii. London, Ordinance of, yj. D. ii.j"'. 115. Lonp.erudyngcfcnde. ex. Loui*;, Ptinrc of Frame, xxviii, xlii, xliii, li, lii, 1>». Luci, Richard de. xi. l.ungifpce, William. 105. Lungtfpcc, William, liarl uf Silisbur^-. Ixxii. 16, S9, 102. Lyrihnlc. rxi. Lyttclton, Lord. Ixxjv, Ixxviii. M. INDEX. M, Machiinia. ci. Mala Lacu, Peter de. 90, 102, Malet, William, xxxii. Maletoute. xcvii, xcviii. Malmesbury, Abbot of. 89,101. Malo Leone, Savaricus de. xxiv, 43. Mandeville, William de. Earl of Eflex. S9, 102. Mar', John. Ixv. Marefcall, ov Marifcall, William, Earl of Pembroke, xix, xxiii, xlii, xlix, liii, lix, Ix, Ixvi. 16, 43, 55, 57, 70. ----- his Seal. xlv,liv. 71, Marefcall, G. Earl of Pembroke. 105. Marifc', G. de. xiiii. Marifcall, John. 16,43, Marifcall, William, junior, xxxii, 39. Marifco, Richard de, Bifhop of Dur- ham. Ix, Ixii, Mark, Philip. 9, 28. Marleberge, Statute of, 52 Hen. III. c. 5. xci. 123. Mart', Odo, Line' xi. Mart', William, xi. Martel, William, x. Marteny or Martiny, Geoffrey dc, xxiv. 9, 28. Martiny, Matthew de. 9. Matilda, Emprefs. Ixiii. Mauclere, William, xvii. Mauduit, William, 90, 102, 106. Aleredich, le. ex. Merehegg', le. cxi. Merethovn, le. cxi, Mereweye, le. cxi. Merton. xxiii, liii, Ixi, Ixxxv. Merton, Statute of, 2oHen. IIL c.9. Ixxxvi. Middleton, Abbot of. 8g, 102. Mintenhale, cxi. Mitchell, David, xxvi, Mobray, William de. xxxii. 39. Monemute, John de. 43, 89, 102, 105. Monfort, Robert de, ix, Monte alto, Robert de, 90, 103, Monte Begcnis, or Mumbezon, Ro- ger de. xxxii. 39. Monte Hetmer, Ralph de. Earl of Gloucefter and Hertford. 90,103. Montfort, Simon de. 105. Earl of Leiccfter. Ixxxix, xc. 115. Mortdac'. Ixxxviii. Mortimer, Hugh de. 43,89, 102. Mortimer, Ralph de, 106. Mortimer, Robert de. 43. Muleton, Thomas de. 90, 102. Mumbray, Williajn de. xxxii. Munbray, Roger de. xxxii, Munfichet, Richard de, xxxii, 89, 102, 105. N. Neel, Robert, ex. Nevill, Geoffrey de, 90, 102, NeviU, Hugh de. t6. Nevill, Roger de, xxiv. Newark, xlii. Niger, Ralph, xili. Norfolk, H. le Bigod Earl of, 89, 102. Norfolk and Suffolk, Roger Bigot, Earl of. xxxii. 39. Norfolk and Suffolk, R. Earl of. 109, lit. Norfolk and Suffolk, Roger le Bygod Earl of. xcii, xciv, xcv, xcvii, xcix, ciii. 90, 103. Northampton, xxii, cv, cvii. Norwich. Ixx, Ixxi. Norwich, Bifhop of, E. x. W. 109, J. 90, 103. Norwich, Ralph de. xliii, xliv. Nottingham, 8, 27, 53, 67, 85. O. Odiham. xxii, xxiii, xxxix, Odymere. xcii. Oilli, Robert de. xi. Old Abridgment of the Statute;, ci. Oriel College. Ixxiii, Ixxvii, cvi, Ofeneye, Abbot of. cxi. Oxford, xi, xix, Ixxviii, cxi. Oxford, Earl of, Robert de Veer, xxxii. 39. H. log. P. Pandulph, the Pope's Legate, xxxviii. 12, 15, 16, 35. Parco, Thomas de. ex. Paris, Matthew, v, Parkeres Breche. ex, Peckham, Archbifhop. Ixxxix, Pembroke, G. Marefcall, Earl of. 105. Pembroke, William Marefcall, Earl of. xix, xxiii, xlii, xlLx, liii, lix, Ix, Ixvi. 16,43, 55, 57,70. ----- his Seal, xlv, liv. 71. Penr', William, xi. Perambulation of the Forefts. Ixv, Ixvi, Ixxviii, ciii, civ, cv, cvii, cviii, ex. Percy, INDEX. Percy, Henry de. 90, 103. Saint John, John dc. cxI. Percy, Richard de. xxxii. 10?. Saint John, William ds. 90, 102, Peterborough, Abbot of. 89, lor. Saint Licius, John de. xi. Petition of Right, c. Saint Paul's London, vi, Ix, Ixii, xciii. Philip II, King of France. xJii. Saliftjury. xxviii. Philip IV, King of France, civ. Sali/bur)-, Bifhop of, R. x. lot, loc. Pine's great Charter, iii, xxviii. W. no. S. 90, 103. Gilbert Bur- Poiftcu and Cornwall, Richard Earl net. xxv. of. lO), 109. Sali/bury, Earl of. xxiv. William Portu, Henry de. ix. Lungcfpee. Ixxii. 16, 89, ro2. EU Powel, Sir Nathaniel. Ixx. Countefs of. Ixxii. Prideaux, Doftor. Ixx, Ixxi. Savoy, Peter dc. 112. Pyriehale. cxi. Say, Geoffrey de. xxxii. Scacch'io, John dc. cxi. Schawe. cxi. R. Schotovere. ex, cxi. Segrave, John de. 90, 103. Radcliffe Librar)-. Iv. Seleby, Abbot of. 89, 102. Reading, xxii. Sharebrokc, William dc. ex. Reading, Abbot of. 89,101. Shcrborn, Abbot of. 89, 101. RedBookof the Exchequer, Dublin. 1. Simon, Esrl. ix. Weftminfter. viii,ix, xi,xxxi, Ixxiii, Sotelefcote MuUe. ex, cxi. Ixxviii, Ixxxii. Special Baftardy. Ixxxiii. Rededich, le. cxi. Stamford, xix, Lxxix. Rededichefende. cxi. Stanes. xxiii, xxxvii. 36. Roan, H. ArchbiAop of. x. Sutute of Tewkfbury, 18 Hen. III. Rochefter. xvii. Ixxxiv, Ixxxv. Rochefter, Bifhopof, xxi. Eniulf. viii. ----- Merton, 2oHen.lII. c. 9. Bcnedift. 15,16,43,88,101. L.iio. xxxvi. J. 90, 103.^ Warner, xxv. ■ . _ . - Marlebergc. 52 Hen. III. RcffenfaTixtu'.. viii. c. 5. xci. 123. Romeney, Robert de. ex. ^ . - . - . Winchefter, 1 3 Edw. I. Roppel, Robert de. 16. '' cvii, Ros, Robert de. xxxii. 89, 102. - Ccnfrmatlo Carterutn, 25 Ros, William de. 105. Ed. I. xciv. 124. Ros, William le, de Helmefleye. 90, t!e Tallagio non ccHCtdcrJ$. 103. xcviii. Rcfe, la. cix. A'ticuli fupcr Cartas, 2S Rouec', John Biihop of. x. Ed. I. cv. 128. Rucote, Fulk de. ex. Staunton, cxi. Rumougrend. Iii. Stephen, King of England. Ixiii. Runemede, Runimede, or Runing- - - - - his Charters, ix, x. mede. xxiii, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, Stod»old. ex. xxxix, Iii. 36. Stodlcye, Priorcfs of. cxi. Stoford. cxi. Stoke, Robert dc. ex. S. Stonibrigge. tx. Stowode. ex. Saint Alban's. vi. Stowode mere. ex. Sjint Alban's, Abbot of. 89, loi, Stnnge, John. 43. Saint Afapb, R. Bifhop of. 43. Sturminiflcr. Ixiii. Saint Auguftin's, Canterbury, Abbot Suffolk and Norfolk, Earl of, Rogfr of. 80, lor. ' Bigot. xxxii.39. R.iog,! II. Roger Saint Clare, H. dc. xi. Ic Bygod. xcii,xc;v,XLV,xtvii, xt;x. Saint David's, Bifhop of, B. x. Jor- ciii. 90, 103. wcrth. 1.43. Thomas, no. Surry and Suflirx, John dc Warcnnr, Saint Edmunds Bury, vi, xv. Earl of. xcviii. 90, 103. Saint Edmund's Buiv, Abbot of. 89, Sutton, Ralph dc. cx. 101. Syddc. cxi. INDEX. Talbot, John, hxl'i. ^ailagio non concedcndo. Statute Je, xcviii. Tate/hale, Robert de. 90,103. Temple^ Mafter of the. cxi. 16. Temple -Wood. cxi. Tenfaiae. xxxvii. Teftimonial of the Bifliops to King John's great Charter, xxxi. 15, 35, TeutonicuE, Walerandus. xxiv. Tewkfburj-, Statute of, iS Hen. III. Ixxxiv, Ixxxv, Thremeren. ex. Tony, Robert de, 90, 103. Tovvnclerk's Office, London. llii,lviii, ]ix. Trinity College, Cambridge, lix. Tyeys, Henry, ex, cxi. V. Valenc', William Bifliop uf. 105. Vallibus, Oliver de. 106, Vautort, Reginald de, 43. Veer, Hugh de. 90, 103. Veer, Robert de. xi. Veer, Robert de. Earl of Oxford. xxxii. 39. Vefcy, Euftace de. xiii, xiv, xvii.xxxii. 39- Vefcy, William de. 105. Vipont, Robert de. 89, 102. Umframvill, Gilbert de. 105. Warwick, Earl of, R. x\. J. 109, III. William de Beauchamp. xcviii, Guy de Beauchamp. 90, 103. Wells and Bath, William Bi/hop of. xcviii, Wendover, Roger, v. Weftminfter, Ixxiii, Ixxx, Ixxxi, cvi, cvii, 90. 102, 103, 106, 109, 112, 120, 128. Weftminfter, Abbot of. ex, cxi. 89, 101. Whitby, Abbot of. 89,102. William, Biihop. ix, William, King of Scots. 32. Winchecumb, Abbot of. 89, lor. Winchelfey. xcii. Winchelfey, R. Archbifliop of Can* terbury. xcii, 90, 103. Winchefter. xxxix, , Winchefter, Bi/hop of, H. x, Peter. xiv, xxxiii, xxxviii. 15, 16, 43, 88, 101, 105. Winchefter, Saher Earl of. xxxii. 39. Winchefter, Statute of. 13 Edw. I. cvii. Windfor, xxi, xxiii, xxiv. 3G. Wode Eton, ex, cxi. Wode Eton Ho. cx.^ Wodemanneftiulle. cxi. Wode Pyrte. ex. Wcrcefter. xlii, xliii. Worcefter, Articles of. i ! 7. Worcefter, Bifticip of, S. x. xxi, xxxiii, xxxviii. 15, 16. W. 88, loi, 105, 109. Wyk. ex, cxi. Walter. S.4J. W. Walerandus Teutonicus. xxiv. Waleys, William, xciv, Wallingford. xxii,lxiii. 8,27,53,67,85. Warenne, John de. Earl of Surry and Suflex. xcviii. 90, 103. Warenne, William Earl of. xi, xxi. 16, 89, loz, 105. Warner, Biihop of Rochcfter. xxv. York, xcviii. York, Archbilhop of, Walter. Ix, Ixvl, 57. Heniy. xcviii. 2luche, Roger la. ic6. Zufche, Alan la, 90, 103. THE END. f SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AA 000 719 207 L'NIVERSITV OF CALIFORNIA LlllRAR\ Los Angelas This book is DUE on the last date stamped l)elow. JUN 1 3 1980 Form L9-Serieg 4939