EXCHANGE MCGILL UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS sEmEsr^uT (library). No. 4. Catalogue of Books in the Gordon Home Bhckader Library of Architecture ^^ >A5t»3:^ Ijl ■■jm^i^: ^i^Jlo U -Sir • CATALOGUE^OF'BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE AND'THE'FINE-ARTS IN-THE GORDONHQME-BIACKADER LIBRARY AhD'IN'THE LIBRARYOF'M^GLL UNIVERSITY 1922 ^^;2»'5^^ MONTREAL, 1922. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE^OF^BOOK5 ON ARCHITEaURE AND'THE-FINE-ARTS IN'THE GORDONHCMBIACKADER LIBRARY AND'IN'THE UBRARYOFAfGILL UNIVERSITY 1922 "h^ ^ .rH ■.l.ii"Oi^M!v'A PREFACE The Blackader Library of Architecture was established in honour of Captain Gordon Home Blackader, a Bachelor of Architecture of McGill University, who on the outbreak of the War volunteered for overseas service, was given command of a Company in the 42nd Battalion of the Royal High- landers of Canada, C.E.F., and, after serving vaHantly in France, was wounded near Ypres on June 2, 1916, and died in London on August 10th of the same year. The founding of this special collection by Captain Blackader's family and friends has begun to supply a definite need in the University Library and will provide a working collection of books on architecture and art for students as well as a reference library for architects in the city. Thanks are due to the following for contributions to the Blackader Lib- rary of Architecture : Dr. and Mrs. Alex. D. Blackader, Mr. W. B. Blackader, Miss Alice H. Blackader, Miss Helen B. Blackader, Mrs. Colin Kemp, Mr. George H. Smithers, Dr. Francis McLennan, Senator J. S. McLennan, the late Lieut-Col. Bartlett McLennan, Dr.WiUiam Gardner, Mr. Lawrence Grant White, Mr. F. Cleveland Morgan, Mr. Ernest I. Barott, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Benson, Dr. F. D. Finley, Mrs. A. F. Gault, Mr. Hamilton Gault, Professor Ramsay Traquair, and John Hope & Company. This catalogue gives a classified list of the books on the shelves up to December 31, 1921. Subsequent lists will make available later additions. The arrangement of books under general subject headings was made by Professor Traquair of the Department of Architecture with the needs of his students particularly in mind, and does not, therefore, correspond in all de- tails to the Library of Congress subject headings used in the Library Card Catalogue. The call numbers are those of the Modification of the Seventh Cutter Expansive Classication in use in the Library. 542114 .::':;V::: TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Theory of Art 9 Kncyclopedias and Dictionaries: Architecture 11 " " " Art and Artists 11 Periodicals and Societies: Architecture 12 " " " Archaeology 12 " " Graphic Arts 13 British Artists 13 French Artists 16 Italian Artists 17 German, Dutch and Flemish Artists 19 American Artists 19 Artists, General 20 Catalogues of Art Galleries, Exhibitions, and Collections 20 Painting: Technique and Criticism 22 History » 23 Italian 23 British 24 Sculpture : General 24 Classic 24 Architecture: Design, Composition and General Principles '. 25 " The Classic and Italian Orders 26 Pubhc Buildings '. 2S " Domestic Buildings 27 " Construction 28 " Heating and Sanitation 28 " Specification 29 Law 30 Arms and Armour 30 Artistic Anatomy. 30 Colour 30 Decorative Design 31 Dress 31 Forms used in Design 32 Furniture and Woodwork 32 Glass 33 Heraldry 34 House Decoration 34 Iconography 35 Lettering 35 Manuscripts, Miniatures, and Illumination 35 Metal Work: Iron, Bronze, Brass, and Lead 36 " " The Precious Metals 33 Mosaic 37 Plaster Work 37 Pottery and Porcelain 37 Prints and Engravings 39 Textiles and Weaving 41 Drawing 41 TABLE OF CONTENTS— Coni. General Histories of Art 42 " " " Architecture 43 Ancient Egypt 43 Early Mediterranean, Crete, Troy, and Mycenean Greede 44 Mesopotamia, Ancient Chaldea, Babylonia, Assyria, and Persia 44 Greece and Rome: Architecture 45 " " " Art and Archaeology 46 Early Christian Art and Architecture 47 Byzantine Art and Architecture ^. . 48 European Art and Architecture: General, Renaissance, and Modern 48 " " " " Mediaeval 49 Africa 49 America : Since European Occupation 50 " Modem 51 Asia, India, and the Far East 54 The Near East 52 Levant, Switzerland, Dalmatia, Balkan States 52 t France : Architecture and Art 52 " Mediaeval Architecture and Art .^ 53 " Mediaeval Buildings 53 " The Renaissance 54 " Renaiss ance Buildings 54 " Modern Architecture and Art ' 54 Germany: Historical Architecture and Art ' .« 55 " Modern Architecture and Art • 55 Great Britain: Architecture and Art 55 " " Mediaeval Architecture and Art 56 " " Renaissance Architecture and Art 58 Modern „ 59 Cathedrals 59 " " Cathedrals, Churches, and Abbeys 60 " " PubHc and Domestic Buildings 61 Italy: Architecture and The Arts , 61 " Mediaeval Architecture and The Arts 61 " Renaissance Architecture and Art 62 Netherlands 63 Scandinavia, Russia, Denmark 63 Spain and Portugal .' 63 Garden Design 64 Town Planning and Civic Art 64 Parks 65 M C G I L L UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE AND THE FINE ARTS IN THE GORDON HOME BLACKADER LIBRARY AND IN THE LIBRARY OF McGILL UNIVERSITY THEORY OF ART Adams, E. K. The aesthetic experience; its meaning in a functional psychology. Chic- ago, 1907. 114 p. O. W.1A211 Alison, Sir Archibald. Essays on the nat- ure and principles of taste. Edin., 1815. 2 vols. O. W.1A413 Art and Life, and the building of cities; lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition vSociety. Lond.. 1897. 260 p. D. W.1A78 Babbit, Irving. The new Laokoon; an essay on the confusion of the arts. Bost., 1910. 258 p. D. W.lBll Balfour, A. J. Criticism and beauty. Ox- ford, 1910. 48 p. O. W.1B19 Bayliss, WykE. The witness of art; or the legend of beauty. London, 1876. 214 p. O. W.B34 BosANQUET, Bernard. History of aesthetic. Lond., 1910. 502 p. O. W.1B65.2 BosANQUET, Bernard. Three lectures on aesthetic. Lond., 1915. 118 p. D. W.lB65t Brown, G. B. The fine arts. Lond., 1916. 419 p. ill. pi. D. W.B81.4 Burke, Edmund. On the subHme and beau- tiful. N.Y., 1859. 219 p. D. W.1B915.2 Carr, J. W. Essays on art. Lond., 1879. 253 p. O. W.G23 CarrierE, Moriz. Aesthetik. Leip., 1885. 2 vols. O.- W.1C23 Carritt, E. F. The theory of beauty. Lond., 1914. 304p. D. W.1C235 ChErbuliEz, Victor. L'art et la nature. Paris, 1892. 322 p. D. W.1C42 CoRTissoz, Royal. Art and common sense. N.Y., 1913. 445 p. O. W.C81 Crane, Walter. William Morris to Whistler. Lond., 1911. 277 p. ill. D. W.C85 CrocE, Benedetto. Aesthetic, tr. by Doug- las Ainslie. Lond., 1909. 403 p. O. W.1C87 Da VIES, Henry. Art in education and life; a plea for the more systematic culture of the sense of beauty. Columbus, Ohio, 1914. 334 p. D. W.1D28 Eastlake, Sir C. I,. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts; with a memoir by Lady Eastlake. Lond., 1870. 346 p. O. W.E13 Elster, Ernst. wissenschaft. O. Prinzipien der Litteratur- Halle, 1897-1911. 2 vols. W.1E49 Erckmann-ChaTrian. L'art et les grands idealistes. Paris, n.d. 338 p. D. W.1E65 FarnsworTh, E. C. Ideals and tendencies of modem art. Portland, Me., 1917. 118 p. D. W.1F23 Fenn, Amor. Design and tradition; a short account of the principles and development of architecture and the applied arts. Lond., 1920. 376p. ill. pi. O. (Universal Art ser.) WS.F36 FoNSECA, Lionel dE. On the truth of de- corative art. N.Y., 1913. 134 p. D. W.1F734 Harris, James. Three treatises; concerning art . . . poetry . . . hapniness. Lond., 1792. 377 p. pi. O. W.H24 Hegel, G. W. F. The philosophy of fine art ; tr. fr. the German by F. P. B. Osmaston Lond., 1920. 4 vols. por. D. W.1H36.E HildEbrand, Adolf. The problem of form in painting and sculpture. N.Y., 1907. 141 p. ill. O. W.lH54p.E Hirn, Yrjo. The origins of art. Lond., 1900. 331 p. O. W.1H61 Hoppin, J. M. The early renaissance and other essays on art subjects. Bost., 1892. 306 p. O. W16.H77 HuNEKER, James. " Promenades of an im- pressionist. N.Y., 1910. 390 p. D. W.H89 JARVES, J. J. Art thoughts. Bost., 1870. 379 p. O. W.J297 JouFFROY, T. S. Cours d'esthdtique. Paris, 1845. 372 p. O. W.1J82 Kant, ImmanuEL. Beobachtungen uber das Gefuhl des Schonen imd Erhabenen. Riga, 1771. 110 p. D. W.1K13 La Faroe, John. The higher fife in art N.Y., 1908, 187 p. O. WP10.L13 Langfeld, H. S. The aesthetic attitude. N.Y., 1920. 287 p. pi. O. W.1L26 Lessing, G. E. Laokoon. Berlin, 1880. 756 p. pi. O. W.1L563 Lessing, G. E. Laocoon: tr. by Ellen Frotli- ingham, Bost.. 1877. 250 p. D. W.1L563.E BLACKADER LIBRARY ' Theory of Art— Cont. LiPPS, Theodor. Aesthetik. Hamburg, 1903-06., 2 vols. ill. O. W.1L66 LoTZE, Herma>^n. Geschichte der Aesthetik in Deutschland. Munich., 1868. 672 p. O. W.1L91 LoTzE, Hermann. Outlines of aesthetics; tr. by G. T. Ivadd. Bost., 1886. 113 p. D. W.1L910 LuDovici, A. M. Nietzsche and art. Lond.» 1911. 236 p. pi. D. W.1L96 Marshall, H. R. Aesthetic principles. N.Y., 1901. 201 p. D. W.lM35a Marshall. H. R. Pain, pleasure and aesthet- ics. Lond., 1894. 364 p. O. W.1M35 McDowALL, S. A. Beauty and the Beast; an essay in revolutionary aesthetic. Camh., 1920. 93 p. O. W.1M14 Mengs, a. R. Works, tr. fr. the Italian- London, 1796. 3 vs. in 2. O. (Wanting y. 1; V. 3 imperfect). W.M52 Montalembert, C. F. R. de. Du vandal- isme et du catholisme dans I'art. Paris, 1839. 264 p. pl. O. W.1M76 Morris, William. Hopes and fears for art- Lond., 1882. 217 p. D. W.M83.2 Morris William. Hopes and fears for art. London., 1911. 218 p. D. W.M83 Morris, William. Hopes and fears for art. N.Y., 1917. 217 p. D. W.M83.3 Morris, W. The decorative arts; their re- lation to modem life and progress. Lond., 1878. 32 p. D. WS.M83 Paget, Violet, (pseud. Vernon Lee.) Bel- caro; essays on aesthetical questions. London., n.d. 285 p. D. W.1P145 Paget, Violet, (pseud. Vernon Lee.) Laurus nobilis: chapters on art and life. Lond., 1909. 316 p. D. W.1P1451 Paget, Violet, (pseud. Vernon Lee.) The beautfiul; an introduction to psychological aesthetics. Camb., 1913. 158 p. S. W.lP145b Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. Lond., 1866. 315 p. D. W.P175 Parker, de W. H. The principles of aesthetics. Bost., 1920. 374 p. D. W.1P223 Parker, Henry. The nature of the fine arts. Lond., 1885. 359 p. O. W.1P22 Pater^, Walter. Miscellaneous studies. Lond.. 1896. 22 p. D. W.1P27 Poole, R. S. and others. Lectures on art- (Society for the protection of ancient buildmgs). Lond., 1882. 232 p. O. W.S678 Raymond, G. L. The essentials of aesthetics. N.Y., 190o. 404 p. O. W.1R21 Raymond, G. L. Art in theory; introduction to the study of comparative aesthetics. N.Y., 1904. 286 p. O. W.lR21a Raymond, G. L. The genesis of art form. ,N.Y., 1908. 311 p. ill. O. W.lR21e Ra\tviond, G. L. Rhythm and harmony in poetry and music. N.Y., 1904. .344 p. ill. O. W.lR21f Raymond, G. L. Proportion and harmony of line and colour. N.Y., 1899. 4.59 p. ill. pl. O. W.lR21g Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Discourses delivered at the Royal Academy. Lond., 1820. 2 vols, in 1. ill. T. W.R33 Rodin, Augusts. L'art; entretiens reunis par Paul Gsell. Paris, 1911. 318 p. ill. pl. O. W.R61 RoTHENSTEm, WiLLiAM. A pica for a wider use of artists and craftsmen. Lond., 1916. 28 p. O. W.R74 Rowland, E. H. The significance of art; a study in analytical aesthetics. Bost., 1913. 189 p. D. W.1R79 RusKiN, John. The eagle's nest; ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art. Orpington, 1894. 297 p. D. W.lR89e RusKiN, John. Frondes agrestes. Orpington, 1897. 184 p. S. W.lR89g RuSKiN, John. A joy for ever; the substance of two lectures on the political economy of art. Orpington, 1893. 274 p. D. W.R89J RusKiN, John. Lectures on art. Oxford, 1870. 189 p. O. W.1R891.2 RusKiN, John. Mornings in Florence. Orpington, 1890. 207 p. D. W36.R89m RusKiN, John. Political economy of art. Lond., 1857. 248 p. D. W.R89 RusKiN, John. The seven lamps of architect- ure. Orpington, 1898. 444 p. pl. D. WF. R898.2 RusKiN, John. Studies in both arts. Orping- ton, 1895. 72 p. W.R89a RusKiN, John. The two paths; lectures 9n art and its application to decoration and manufacture. Orpington, 1896. 299 p. WS.R89 RuSKiN, John. Val d'Amo; ten lectures on the Tuscan art. Orpington, 1890. 256 p. W36.R89 RusKiN, John. Art culture; handbook of art technicalities and criticisms, selected from his works, arranged and supplemented by Rev. W. H. Piatt. -N.Y.. 1874. 485 p. ill. pl. D. W.R89.9P RuSKiN, John. Works, ed. by E. J. Cook and Alex. Wedderbum. Lond., 1903. 39 vols, ill. por. pl. facsim. Q. Y-|-R89.3 Santa yana, George. The sense of Ijeauty; being the outlines of aesthetic theory. N.Y.; 1896. 275 p. D. W.1S233 Santa yana, George. The life of reason; or the phases of human progress. Lond., 1905. 230 p. D. W.lS233k SchimmElpEnnick, M. a. G. Theory on the classification of beauty and deformity, and their correspondence with physionomic ex- pression. Lond., 1815. 440 p. pl. Q. W-I-1S335 Scott, Geoffrey. The architecture of human- ism; a study in the history of taste. Bost., 1914. 272 p. O. W.1S426 Seddon, J. P. Progress in art and archi- tectyre. Lend., 1852. 62 p. pi. Q. W+S447 Symons, Arthur. Studies in seven arts. Lond., 1906. 394 p. O. W.1S9883 Symonds, J. A. The principles of beauty. Lond., 1857. 72 p. pl. O. W.1S988 Tolstoi, Count L. N. What is art ? tr. fr. the Russian by Aylmer Maude. Lond., 1898. 237 p. D. W.T58 10 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Theory of Art— Cent. Vabnio, Ernesto, Tractatus physiologicus de pulchritudine. Bruxellis, 1502. 60 p. ill. S. W.1V15 Van dyke, J. C. Art for art's sake; seven university lectures on the technical beauties of painting. N.Y., 1805. 249 p. pi. D. W.V28 ViscHER, F. T. Aesthetik. Rcutlingen, 1846. O. 4 vols. W.1W82 Vasari, Giorgio. On technique; tr. fr. the Italian by L. S. Maclehose. Lond., 1907. 328 p. Ul. pi. O. W.V44 VoLKELT, J. I. Aesthetik der Tragischcn. Munchen, 1897. 445 p. O. W.1V88 Wright, W. H. The creative will. N.Y., & Lond., 1916. 288 p. D. W.1W93 Wright, W. H. Modern painting, N.Y., & Lond., 1915. .352 p. pi. O. WP.W93 WvNDHAM, Lewis. The Caliph's design. Architects! Where is your Vortex ? Lond., 1919. 70 p. O. W.lLSa ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES— Architecture Architectural Publication Society. Die tionary of architecture. Lond., 1887-92 4 vols, and 3 vols. WF.5A673 AuDSLEY, W. J. and G. A., eds. Popular dictionary of architecture and allied arts. Liverpool, n.d. ill. Q. WF+5A915 AuDSLEY, W. J. and G. A., eds. Popular dictionary of architecture and allied arts. N.Y., 1881, 2 vols. WF+5A915 Bauchal, Charles. Nouveau dictionnaire . . des architectes francais. Paris, 1887. 842 p. Q. WF10+B32 Brodrick, M. & Morton, A. A. Concise dictionary of Egyptian archaeology. Lond., 1902. 198 p. ill. D. WFY1.5B7 Calliat, V. & Lance, A. Encyclopedic d'- architecture ; journal mensuel. Paris, 1851-62. pi. F. WF||7E56 FelibiEN, J. F. Recueil historique de la vie . . des plus celebres architectes. n.p., n.d. 466 p. S. WF10.F33 GwiLT, Joseph. Encyclopaedia of architect- ure. Lond., 1894. 1443 p. ill. O. WF.5G99 Lance, E. A. Dictionnaire des architectes francais. Paris, 1872. 2 vols. pi. O. WF10.L22 Longfellow, W. P. P. Cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece and the Levant. N.Y., 1895. 546 p. ill. pi. Q. WF-f5L86 MollETT, J. W., ed. Illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archaeology. Lond., 1883. 350 p. ill. pi. O. W.5M73 Nicholson, Peter. Encyclopaedia of archi- tecture. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. pi. Q. WF+5N52 Parker, J. H., ed. Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. Oxford, 1845. 4th ed. 2 vols. ill. pi. O. WF.5P22 Parker, J. H., ed. Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. Oxford, 1850. 5th ed., 3 vols. ill. pi. O. WF.5P22.2 Parker, J. H., ed. Concise glossary abridged fr. 4 ed. Oxford, 1846. 297 p. ill. pi. S. WF.5P22a QuatrEmErE de Quincy, a. C. Dictionnaire historique d'architecture. Paris, 1832. 2 vols. Q. WF+502' Sturgis, Russel, ed. Dfctionary of archi- tecture and building, biographical, historic- al and descriptive. N.Y., 1901-2. 3 vols. Q. WF-J-5S935 Sturgis, Russel & Krehbiel,H.E. Annotat- ed bibliography of fine art, ed. by George lies. Bost., 1897. 89 p. Q. W-f2S935 ViOLLET LE Duc, E. L. N. Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture francaise du lie au 16e siecle. Paris, 1875. 10 vols. O. WF39.V51 ViOLLET LE Due. E. L. N. Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier francais. Paris, 1874. 6 vols. O. WS.V81 ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES— Art and Artists. Adeline, L. J. Art dictionary; tr. fr. the French . . . N.Y., 1891, 422 p. O. W.5A229 Basan, p. F. Dictionnaire des graveurs. Paris, 1767. pt. 1. S. WO10.B29 Bryan, Michael, ed. Biographical diction- ary of painters and engravers. Lond., 1816. Q. W10+5B84 Bryan, Michael, ed. Biographical diction- ary of painters and engravers. Lond., 1899, Q. W10-I-5B84.2 Champlin, J. D. AND Perkins. C. C. Cy- clopaedia of painters and painting. N.Y., 1913. 4 vols. ill. pi. facsim. Q. WIO -(-C35 Daryl," Philippe, pseud. Dictionary of painters. Lond., 1877, 252 p. D. WP10.G915 Gould, John. Biographical dictionary of painters, sculptors and architects. Lond., 1839. 2 vols. S. W10.5G73 Grousset, Paschal, see Daryl, Philippe. Lampe. Louis, ed. Signatures et mono- grammes des peintres de toutes les ccoles. Bruxelles, 1895. pt. 1. Q. W10.5L19 Pilkington, Rev. Matthew. General dictionary of painters. Lond., 1852. 623 p. O. WF10.P64 Seguier, F. p. Critical and commercial dictionary of the works of painters. Lond., 1870. 241 p. O. WF10.S456 Sturgis, Russel & Krehbiel, H. E. Anno- tated bibliography of fine art; ed. by George lies. Bost., 1897. 89 p. Q. W-f2S935 11 BLACKADER LIBRARY PERIODICALS & SOCIETIES— Architecture American architect and Architectural REVIEW. Lond., 1889-99. vols. 1-16 Q. WF-f7A168 AmBricam architect. Architectural annual- Phila., 1900-01. 2 vols. F. WF117A663 Architectural record. Quarterly. N.Y., 1891-1909. vols. 1-26. O. WF.7A67 Architectural, record. Index, 1891-1906. O. WF.7A67.2 Architecjural review; for the artist and craftsman. Monthly. Lond., 1897-99. vols. 1-8. F. WF.7A672 Architectural review. A magazine of architecture and the arts of design. Month- ly. Lond., 1905. WF.7A672.2 L'Architecture aux salons. Paris. 1908-14. 7 vols. F. & O. (after 1914 Salons d'architecture.) WF39|1A6731 Architectural publication society. De- tached essays and illustrations. Lond., 1848-52-53. 258 p. F. WF||8A673 Architectural association of London. Sketchbook. Lond., 1895-1913. ed. by W. G. B. Lewis and others. Series 3. vols. 1-17. F. WF1I8A6734 L'Architecture francaisE; monuments HISTORIQUES DEPUIS LE llE SIECLE JUSQU'a Nos JOURS. Paris, n.d. F. WF39||A673 Associated architectural societies. Re- ports and papers. Lond., n.d. O. (imper- fect). WF.8A849 Association of architects of the province OF Quebec. Year-book, 1905-7. Montreal, n.d. 2 vols. O. WF.8A85 (Le) Batiment; journal des travaux publics et particuliErs. Paris, 1905. 1 vol. F. WF||7B32 (Der) BaumEister; MonatshEFTE fur Architektur und Baupraxis. Munchen, 1910-11. F. vol. 9. WFII7B325 Brickbuilder; an architectural monthly. Bost., 1906. F. WF1I7B76 American Institute of architects. Journal 1913-20. Wash., 1920. vol. 1-8. ill. F. (v. 3, 5, 7-8 w. index; v. 5, no. 11 incom- plete) WFII8A512 British architect; a journal of architec- ture and the accessory arts. Weekly. Lond., 1899-1901. F. WF||7B77 Builder; an illustrated weekly magazine for the architect, engineer, operative AND ARTIST. Lond., 1842-1904. F. WFII7B86 Builder's journal and architectural RECORD. Weekly. 1901-02. Lond., 1901-02. Vols. 13-14. P. WFII7B863 Boston architecturai, club. 1911. Year-book, WF117B65 Canadian architect and builder. Monthly. Toronto, 1889-1903. F. WF]i7C16 Daly, Cesar, ed. Revue g6ncrale de I'ar- chitecture et des travaux publics. Paris, 1842-1885. F. WF39|!D17 Form. A quarterly journal containing poet- ry, sketches, articles of literary and critical interest, etc., ed. by A. O. Spare and Fran- cis Marsden. Lond., 1916-17. 2 vols, in 1. Ul. pi. F. AP11F76 Illinois University. Architectural year- book. Urbana, 1915-16. Q. WF+8I29 International congress of architects. Transactions, 1906. Lond., 1908, 1 vol. O. WF.8I61 National builder. 1885-94. F. Monthly. Chicago, WFII7N21 Ontario association of architects. Pro- ceedings. Toronto. 1901-12. O. & Q. WF.8059 Royal institute of British architects; Kalendar. ■ Lond., 1885-1916. 32 vols. O. WF.8R795k Royal institute of British architects; Transactions, journal, etc., Lond., 1836- 1916. Q. WF-}-8R81 Royal institute of British architects; List of Members, 1883-4, Lond., 2 vols. Q. WF-I-8R811; Royal institute of British architects Proceedings, 1878-92. Lond., 1879-84. Q. WF+8R81p ShoppEll's modern houses; an illustrated architectural quarterly. N.Y., 1886- 95. F. WF1I7S559 (The) studio. Old houses in Holland by S. R. Jones; ed. by Charles Holme. Lond., 1913. 152 p. ill. pi. Q. WIM467+S933 T SQUARE club; catalogue of the annual ex- hibition of architecture and the allied arts of the Pennsylvania academy of the fine arts and the T square club. Phila., 1906- 10. 2 vols. Q. WF-I-8T ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BILDENDE KUNST. Oct. 1909— Sept. 1, 1910. Bonn, 1917. F. W|!7Z3 PERIODICALS & SOCIETIES- Archaeology. Archaeological Institute Bulletin, Wash., 1909-14. OF America. vols. 1-5. O. FF.BA669b American journal of archaeology. Nor- wood, Mass., 1897. O. FF.8A669 British school at Athens. Annual. Lond., 1898-1919. vols. 3-22 Q. FF32-f7J82 British school at Rome. Papers. Lond., 1902-16. vols. 1-8. Q. FF35-i-B77a Journal of Hellenic studies. Lond., 1880-1918. vols. 1-37 in 31 O, Q. & F. FF32+7J825 TouRN.'VL OF Hellenic Studies 1918-9. Lond., Q. FF32.7J825 Journal of Roman studies. Lond., 1911-15. vols. 1-8 Q. FF35-f7J82 Liverpool Institute op Archaeology. Annals. Liverpool, 1908-14. vols. 1-7. ill. pi. maps O. FF+8L75 12 MCGILL UNIVERSITY PERIODICALS & SOCIETIES— Graphic Arts. L'AnnKE arTistiquE, par Victor Champicr. Paris, 18*1-2. vol. 4. O. W.7A613 (The) Art Journal 1852-3. Lond.. 1891. F. WII7A7848 (The) Art journal monthly. Lond., 1849- 1905. ill. pi. F. Wi|7A7848 (L')Art pour Tous; bi-mensuel Encyclopedic de I'art industriel et decoratif. Paris, 1861-93. vols. 1-32. F. W|l7A784 (The) art union; monthly journal of the fine arts. Lond.. 1847-48. Q. W+7A7848 (The) journal of design and manufac- tures; March-Aug. 1849. Ix)nd., 1849. 1 vol. ill. pi. WS.J82 Canada, Women's Art association of. Annual report. Toronto, 1894-99 D. W.8.84 Canadian art. Yearbook op. Compiled by the Arts and letters club of Toronto, 1913. Lond.. n.d. 1 vol. O. W.Y31 Canadian handicrafts guild. Annual re- port. 1905-12. Montreal, n.d. 2 vols, in 1. O. WS82.C16 (The) Connoisseur; a magazine for collectors. Monthly. Lond., 1922. ill. Q. W-f7C76 (The) house beautiful, monthly. Concord, N.H., 1922. ill. F. WF||7H81 Gazette des beaux arts; courier curopeen de I'art et de la curiosite. Paris, 1870-82, 97-99. ill. Q. W|i7G25 House and garden, monthly. N.Y., 1922. ill. F. WFII7H812 Indian art, journal op. Colonial and Indian exhibition, India, by Sir George Birdwood. Lond., 1886. 1 vol. F. W||7J82 (Die) Kunst fur AllE. Oct. 1885 to Sept. 1900. Munchen, 1886-1900. F. W|!7K96 (The) magazine of art. Lond., 1878-1902. ill. Q. & F. W1I7M27 Montreal, Art association of. Report of the Council to the Association. Montreal, 1880-1919. O. WG82.A78 (The) portfolio; an artistic periodical; ed. by P. G. Hamerton.' Lond., 1870-93. Vols. 1-24. ill. F. W||7P83 (The) Studio; an illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. Lond.. 1893-1918. vols. 7-30. Q. W+7S933 Studio, The international; an illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. N.Y.. 1898-1910. m. Q. W+7I61 (The) year's art. D. Lond., 1905. vol. 26. W.Y3 BRITISH ARTISTS Adams, Robert. Robert Adams and his brothers ; their lives, work and influence on English architecture, decoration and furn- iture; by John Swarbrick. Lond., 1915. 316 p. ill. pi. Q. WF45+S973 Beardsley, Aubrey. Salome; by Oscar Wilde; tr. fr. the French with 16 drawings by Aubrey Beardsley. Lond., 1912. 66 p. ill. pi. O. YD.W64S.2 Beerbohm, Max. Fifty caricatures. Lond., 1914. 50 pi. O. WMV.B39 Belcher, John. The institute of chartered accountants in England and Wales. Lond., 1893. 10 p. +20 pi. F. WFZ||B41 BentlEy, J. F. Westminster Cathedral and its architect; by Winifride de I'Hopital. Lond., 1919. 2 vols. ill. por. pi. Q. WGK45+L61 Bewick, Thomas. Memoir. Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1862. 344 p. ill. O. W10.B468 Bewick, Thomas. Thomas Bewick and his pupils, by Austin Dobson. Lond., 1884. 232 p. D. W10.B468d Bewick Thomas, his life and times, by Robert Robinson. Newcastle, 1887. 328 p. m. por. pi. Q. W10-fB468r Blake, William. by G. K. Chesterton. Lond., n.d. 210 p. iU. O. W10.B58c Blake, William. Letters, together with a life of, by Frederick Tatham, ed. Lond., 1906. 237 p. O. W10.B58 Blake, William. Life of, by Alexander Gilchrist, with selections from his poems and other writings. Lond., 1863. 2 vols, ill. O. W10.B58g BraxVgwyn, Frank. Frank Brangwyn and his work, by W. S. Sparrow. Lond., 1910. 259 p. Q. W10.B736S Breton, J. A. The life of an artist; an auto- biography; tr. fr. the French by M. J. Serrano. N.Y.. 1890. 350 p. D. W10.B75.E Brown, Ford Madox. A record of his life and work, by F. M. Hueffer. Lond., 1896. 459 p. O. W10.B812h Browne, H. K. Racing and chasing; the road, the river and the hunt; ill. in fifty drawings by "Phiz". Lond., n.d. 50 pi. Q. WN-fB81 CaldEcott, Randolph. Sketches. Lond., 1912. 125 p. Q. W10-fC121 Caxton. William. William Caxton, by E. G. Duff". Chic, 1905. Z1||D87 Constable, John. English landscape scenerv. Lond.. 1855. 40 pi. F. W10||C76 Copley, J. S. Domestic and artistic life of John Singleton Copley, R.A., by Mrs. M. B. Amory. Bost., 1882. 478 p. O. W10.C78 CorELLI, Marie. The devil's motor, a fan- tasy; ill. by Arthur Severn, n.p., n.d. Q. W10+S498 Cottingham. L. N. (Technical Journals, Ltd. pubs.) Library of plates for architects. Westminster, Lond. 1822-9, 2 vols. F. WGK45i|C825 Cox, David. Biography of David Cox by William- Hall. Lond.. 1881. 268 p. O. W10.C836h Cox. David. Memoir of the life of David Cox. by N. N. Solly. Lond., 1873. 339 p. Q. W10-I-C8368 Crane, Walter. An artist's reminiscences. Lond., 1907. 520 p. iU. O. W10.C85 13 BLACKADE"R LIBRARY British Artists— Cont. Crane, Walter. Bases of design. Lond., 1898. 365 p. ill. O. WS.G85 Crane, Walter. Line and form. Lond., 1900. 282 p. ill. O. WS.C851 Crane, Walter. Of the decorative illustra- tion of books, old and new. Lond., 1916. 341 p. ill. O. W<5W.C85 Crane, Walter. William Morris to Whistler. Lond., 1911. 277 p. ill. D. W.C85 Cruikshank, George., Life of, by W. B JERROLD. Lond., 1883. 392 p. ill. D. W10.C887J Cruikshank, George, Memoir of. by F. G. Stevens. Lend., 1891. 144 p. ill. D. W10.C8878 DaviEs, Randall, and Hunt, C. A. Stories of the English artists from Vandyck to Turner, lOCO-1851. Lond., 1908. 288 p. por. pi. O. W10.D28 Day, L. F. Anatomy of pattern. Lond., 1894. 54. p. ill. D. WS.D33 Day, L. F. Everyday art. Lond., 1882. 283 p. ill. D. WSH.D33 Day, L. F. Nature in ornament. I^ond., 1896. 260 p. ill. D. WS.D33n Day, L. F. The planning of ornament. 3. ed. rev. Lond., 1893. 49 p. pi. D. (Textbooks of ornamental design) WS.D33p Doyle, John. Political sketches of H. B. Lond., 1827-49. 2 vols. F. WOV||D77 Du Maurier. G. L. p. George Du Maurier, the satirist of the Victorians, by T. M. Wood. Lond., 1913. 198 P.O. W10.D89w Du Maurier, G. L. P. In Bohemia with, by Felix Moschelles. Lond., 1896. 146 p. ill. O. W10.D89m Du Maurier, G. L. P. Social pictorial satire. N.Y., 1898. 100 p. D. WOW.D89 Eastlake, Sir C. L., Pictures by; with biographical and critical sketch of the artist by W. C. Monkhouse. Lond., n.d. 69 p. ill. F. WP45||E13 Foster, Birkett. Summer scenes; a series of photographs from some of his choice watcrcolour drawings. Lond., 1867. 60 p. ill. F. ' W10||F81 Frith, W. P. My autobiography and re- miniscences. N.Y.. 1888. 2 vols. O. W10.F91 FuRNiss, Harry. The confessions of a caricaturist. Toronto, 1902. ill. O. W10.F98 GiBBS, Janes. A book of architecture con- taining designs of buildings and ornament. 2. ed., Lond., 1739. 26 p.-|-150 pi. F. WFIIG35 Gibson, John, Life of, by Lady Eastlake. Lond., 1870. 255 p. O. W10.G35 Graham, Peter, The life and work of, by W. M. Gilbert. (The art annual 1899.) Lond., 1899. 32 p. ill. F. W10|!G76 GrEENaway, Kate. By M. H. Spielman & G. S. Layard. Lond., 1905. 301 p. ill. O. W10.G82S HamerTon, p. G. Autobiography and a memoir by his wife. Lond., 1897. 641 p. O. W10.H17 Hamerton, p. G. Etching and etchers. Lond., 1876. 459 p. O. W0T.H17 Hamerton, P. G. The graphic arts. Bost., 1882. 508 p. D. WL.H17 Hamerton, P. G. Landscape. Bost., 1885. 440 p. D. WPV.H17 Hamerton, P. G. Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A., Lond., 1879. 598 p. ill. D. W10.T855h Hardie, Martin. English coloured books. Lond., 1906. 339 p. O. W0W.H21 Haydon, B. R., Life of, from his autobio- graphy and journals; ed. by Tom Taylor. Lond., 1853. D. W10.H328 Healy, G. p. a. Reminiscences of a por- trait painter. Chic, 1894. 221 p. D. W10.H34 Henley, W. E. A century of artists. Glasg., 1889. 192 p. ill. F. W10||H38 Hepplewhite, a. and Co. The cabinet maker and upholsterer's guide. Lond., 1897. 24p.+124pl. F. WW||H415 Herkomer, Sir Hubert von. My school and my gospel. Lond., 1908. 223 p. Q. W10-I-H42 Herkomer, SrR Hubert von. The Herkomers. Lond., 1910. 2 vols. por. pi. O. WI0.H42h Hind, C. L. The post -impressionists. Lond., 1911. 94 p. Q. W10-I-H58 Hogarth, William. Complete works, in 150 engravings; with intro. essay by James Hannay. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. F. W10I1H675 Hogarth, William. Works, in a series of 150 steel engravings by the first artists; by Rev. John Trusler, to which are added anecdotes by J. Hogarth & J. Nichols. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. Q. W10-|-H675 Hogarth, William. Works, from the original plates restored by James Heath, to which is prefixed a biographical essay by John Nichols. Lond., 1822. 42 p. F. W10||H675.2 Hogarth, William. Works; with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures, by J. Ireland & J. Nichols. Ser. 1-3. Edin., 1883. 3 vols. O. W10.H675.1883 Hogarth, William, Hogarth's froUc. Lond., n.d. 42 p. Q. W10.H675f Hunt, W. Holman. Pre-raphaelitism. N.Y., 1905. 2 vols. ill. O. WI0.H91 Hunt, W. Holman. William Holman-Hunt, his life and work; by F. W. Farrar & Mrs. Meynell. Lond., 1893. 32 p. ill. F. (The Art Annual). W10||H91f Hunt, W. Holman, by Mary E. Coleridge, in The leaders of the Pre-Raphaelite 5 ; ed. by T. Leman Hare. Lond., n.d., 76 p. ill. O. (Masterpieces in colour series). W10.H9IC Jones, Sir E. C. Burne-, Memorials of, by Mrs. G. Bume-Jones. Lond., 1906. 2 vols, ill. O. W10.J71 Jones, Sir E. C. Burne-, The beginning of the world; twenty-five pictures. Lond., 1903. 23 p. iU. F. W10||J71b 14 MCGILL UNIVERSITY British Artists— Cont. Kay, John. A series of original portraits ami caricature etdiings. Edin., 1S77. 2 vois. Q. WO10+J18 Kennion, Edward. Essay on trees in lands- cai>e. Lend., 1844. 48 p. F. WM||K39 Lafpan, W. M. Engravings on wood. N.Y., 1887. 26 p. +25 pi. F. WO||S578 Landseer, Sir Edwin, Memoirs of; by F. G. Stepliens. Lond., 1874. 184 p. Q. W10+L238 LA^fDSEfiR, John. Lectures on tlie art of engraving. Lond., 1807. 341 p. O. WO.L235 Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Sir Tliomas Law- rence's letterbag, ed. by G. S. Layard. Lond., 1906. 296 p. O. WO.L43 Lawren'ce, Sir Thomas. An artist's love storj- told in the letters of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Mrs. Siddons and her daughters, ed. by O. G. Knatt, N.Y., 1904. 238 p. O. W10.L431C Lawson, Cecil. A memoir; by E. W. Gosse. Lond., 1883. 381 p. P. W10!|L44g Lear, Edward. Journal of a landscape painter in Corsica. Lond., 1870. 272 p. Q. W10+L476 Lear, Edward. Later letters; ed. by Lady Strachey. Lond., 1911. 392 p. O. W10.L4761 Leech, John. Pictures of life and character. Lond., 1855. 2 vols. 94 p. F. W10l|L51 Leslie, C. R. Autobiographical recollections; ed. by Tom Taylor. Lond., 1860. 2 vols. D. W10.L56 Low, W. H. A chronicle of friendship. N.Y., 1908. 507 p. O. W10.L95 Lutvens, E. L. Houses and gardens by. Lawrence Weaver. Lond., 1914. 344 p. F. WIM45i|L96w Maclise, Daniel. Memoir of; by W. J. O'DriscolI. Lond., 1871. 264 p. D. W10.M34 Maclise, Daniel. Portrait gallery of illus- trious literary characters. Lond., 1883. 540 p. pon D. E.M22.3 Marking, Yoshio. A Japanese artist in London. Lond., 1910. 200 p. D. W10.M34 May, Phil. Sketchbook. Lond., 1903. 50 p. F. W10||M45 Merritt, Henry. Art criticism and rom- ance. Lond., 1879. 2 vols. O. WP.M55 Millais, Sir J. E., Life and letters of. By J. G. MiUais. Lond., 1905. 416 p. O. W10.M613m Millais, Sir J. E., Life and Letters of. By J. G. Millais. N.Y., 1899. 2 vols. Q. W10+M613m Millais, Sir J. E-, by A. Lys Baldry, in The leaders of the Pre-Raphaelites ; ed. by T. Leman Hare. Lond., n.d. ill. O. (Master- pieces in colour series) W10.H91C Morris, William. Hopes and fears for art; five lectures. Lond., 1911. 218 p. D. W.M83 Morris, William. William Morris; his work and influence; by A. C. Brock. Lond., 1914. 256 p. S. Y.M835.Yb Morris, William. The decorative arts; their relation to modern life and progress. Lond., 1878. 32 p. D. WS.M83 NoRTHCoTE, James & Ward, James. Con- versations on art and artists, ed. by Ernest Fletcher. Lend., 1901. 258 p. O. W10.N8I3 OpiE, John and his circle, by Ada Earland. Lond., 1911. 376 p. por. pi. O. W10.0619 Pennell, Joseph. Modem illustration. Lond., 1895. 146 p. D. WOW.P385 Poynter, Sir E. J. Ten lectures on art. Lond., 1879. 283 p. O. W.P875 PuGiN, A. W. N. Fifteenth and sixteenth century ornaments. Edin., 1904. 102 pi. F. WS||P99 Reid, Sir G. W. The River Tweed from its source to the sea. Text by Prof. Veitch. Edin., 1884. 32 p. F. WN||H2 Reynolds, Sir Joshua and his circle; by J. F. MoUoy. Lond. 1906. 2 vols. O. W10.R332m Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Discourses deliver- ed at the Royal Academy. Lond., 1820. 2 vols, in 1. T. W.R33 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, by Claude Phillips. N.Y., 1894. 415 p. O. W10.R332p Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Memoirs of; by Joseph Farrington. Lond., 1819. 183 p. O. W10.R332f Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Memoirs of; by James Northcote. Lond., 1813-15. 781 p. Q. Wlfi R332n Rob Roy, six engravings in illustration of. Royal association for the promotion of the fine arts in Scotland, n.p., 1868. 6 pi. F. W10.R81 RossETTi, D. G., by A. C. Benson. (EngHsh men of letters, new ser.) Lond., 1906. 238 p. D. W10.R735b RossETTi, D. G. Letters to WilUam AUing- ham. Lond., 1897. 303 p. O. W10.R735h RossETTi, D. G. Life of; by Joseph Knight. Lond., 1887. 186 p. O. W10.R735k RossETTi, D. G. by W. M. Rossetti. Lond., 1889. 302 p. D. W10.R735r Rossetti, by Lucien Pissaro, in The leaders of the Pre-Raphaelites; ed. by T. Leman Hare. Lond., n.d., ill. O. (Masterpieces in colour series). W10.H91c Rossetti, W. M. Pre-Raphaelite diaries and letters. Lond., 1900, 328 p. D, W10.R737 Rothenstein, Willlam. Plea for a wider use of artists and craftsmen. L ond., 1916 28 p. O. W.R74. Rothenstein, William. Twenty-four port- raits ; with critical appreciations by various hands. Lond., 1920. 56 p. 24 por. Q. W10-I-R74.2 Russell, John. Letters from a young painter abroad to his friends in England. Lond., 1750. vol. 2. O. W10.R91 Sandys, Mary, ed. Reproduction of wood- cuts, by F. Sandys, 1860-66. Lond., n.d. 12 p.-f21 pi. F. W10+S222 15 BLACKADER LIBRARY British Artists— Cont. Sedding, J. D. A memorial. Arch. ass. comp. Lond., 1892. F. W10|1S447 Severn, Arthur. See Corelli, Marie. Shields, F. J. Life and letters; ed. by Ernestine Mills. Lond., 1912. 36S p. O. W10.S555 Storey, G. A. Sketches from memory. Lond., 1899. 401 p. O. W10.S884 Storey, W. W. Reminiscences of; by Mary E. Phillips. Chic. 1897. 305 p. D. W10.S888 Street, G. E. Memoir of; by Arthur Ed- mund Street. Lond., 1888. 441 p. O. W10.S915 Street, G. E. Brick and marble in the middle ages. Lond., 1874. 415 p. ill. O. I WF36.S91 TennanT, Mrs. D. S. London Street Arabs. Lond., 1890. 28 pi. Q. ■WP10+S787 ThaddEUS, H. J. Recollections of a court painter. Lond., 1912. 323 p. O. W10.T32 Turner, J. M. W. New series of original illustrations to the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott. Lond., 1833-34. 6 pts. O. (wanting pts. 3-6). W10.T855 Turner, J. M. W. Life of; by P. G. Hamer- ton. Lond., 1879. 398 p. ill. D. W10.T855h Turner, J. M. W. Turner's golden visions; by C. L. Hind. Lond., 1910. 286 p. Q. W10+T855hi Turner, J. M. W. The liber studiorum. Lond., 1899. 2 vols. Q. W10+T8551 Turner, J. M. W. The watercolours of Tumeni RawHnson. Lond., 1909. Q. W10.T855ra Turner, J. M. W. Harbours of England. Ruskin. W10.T855rh Turner, J. M. W. Life of; by G. W. Thorn- bury. Lond., 1877. 636 p. D. W10.T855t Turner, J. M. W. The Turner gallery; a series of 120 engravings from his works; the descriptive text by W. C. Monkhouse. N.Y., n.d. 2 vols.* por. pi. F. W1011T855m Walcot, William. Architectural water-col- ours and etchings. Lond., 1919. 139 p. ill. pi. por. F. W0RI1W14 Ward, Leslie. Forty years of 'Spy.' Lond., 1915. 352 p. O. W10.W21 Watts, G. F. Life and work; Mrs. J. M. Ady. Lend., 1896. 32 p. F. W10||W346a tl^ATTs, G. F. Life and writings; Mrs. M. S. Watts. Lond., 1912. 3 vols. O. W10.W346W Watts, G. F. by G. K. Chesterton. Lonl.. 1904. 174 p. Ul. pi. por. S. 10.W34&W Wedge WOOD, Josiah. The life of; by Eliza Mete yard. Lond., 1865. 2 vols. O. W10.W4l5m Wedgewood, Josiah. A group of English- men, 1795-1815; being records of the younger Wedgewoods and their friends. Lond., 1871. 416 p. O. W10.W415m Wedgewood, Josiah. The personal life of Josiah Wedgewoad, the potter, by Julia Wedgewood. Lond., 1915. 388 p. O. W10.W416W West, Benjamin. Gallery of pictures paint- ed by him, engraved in outline bv Henry Moses, n.p., n.d., 34 p. F. W101iW52 Whistler, James McN. The gentle art of making enemies. Lond., 1904. 340 p. O. W10.W575 Whistler, James McN. Life of; by Mrs. E. R. Pennell and Joseph Pennell. Phila., 1908. 2 vols. Q. W10-fW575p Whistler, James McN. Hans Wolfgang Singer. N.Y., 1905. 83 p. S. W10.W575S (The Langham ser. of art monographs) . WiLKiE, Sir David. The Wilkie gallexy; a selection of his best pictures. Lond.. n.d. F. W10IIW645 Wilkie, Sir David. Life of; by Allan Cunningham. Lond., 1 843. 3 vols. O. W10.W645C Wilkie, Sir David, by Lord R. C. S.Gower. Lond., 1902. 134 p. O. W10.W645g (Great masters in painting and sculpture ser.) WooDViLLE, R. Caton. Random recollec- tions. Lond., 1914. 264 p. O. W10.W86 WooLNER, Thomas. Thomas Wo3ln?r, R.A. sculptor and poet; by Amy Wooln^r. Lond., 1917. por. pi. O. W10.W88w Wren, Sir Christopher. Towers and steeples designed by Sir Christopher Wren; descriptive, historical and critical essuy; by A. T. Taylor. Lond., 18S1. 47 p. pi. O. WGK45L.T21.4 YEats, J. B. His pictorial and dramatic art; by Ernest Marriott. Load., n.d. 24 p. m. S. Wl».Y3m Yeats, J. B. Life in the west of Irela-id. Dublin, 1912. 112 pi. O. WlO.Vi FRENCH ARTISTS. Bosschere, Jean dE. The closed door; with a tr. fr. the French by F. S. Flint. (Poems illustrated by the author). Lond., 1917. 131 p. ill. por. pi. O. Y39p.B65 Breton, J. A. The life of an artist; an autobiography; tr. fr. the French by M. J. Serrano. N.Y., 1890. 350 p. D. W10.B75.E Chavannes, Puvis db, by Andr6 Michel. Lond., 1912. 94 p. O. W10.P9Jm Chavannes, puvis de. A sketch; by L. L. Rood. Bost., 1895. 30 p. O. W10.P99r Clouet, Francois. Portraits by; autolitho- graphed from the originals at Castle How- ard, Yorkshire; by Lord Ronald Gower. Lend., 1875. 2 vols. P. W10||G62 16 MCGILL, UNIVERSITY French Artists— Cont. Dor6, Gustav. Atala, by F. A. Chateau- briand; tr. fr. the French by J. S. Harry; ill. by Gustav Dor6. Lond., n.d. Sfi p. ill. pi. F. Y39F||C39a.E Ff-UBiEN, ANDRft. Entretiens sur Ics vies dcs pcintres, etc. Trevou.\, 1725. 5 vols, (vols. 1-4 S: 6 ) S. WI0.F335 Fox, Shirley. An art student's reminis- cences of Paris in the eighties. Lond., 1909. 229 p. O. W10.F83 Gell £e, Claude. fLAP, William. William Dunlap; painter and critic; by T. S- Woolsey. n.p., 1914. 32 p. O. W10.D923W Falardeau, LE Chevalier. Eugene de Rives. Quebec, 1862. 36 p. O. W10.F18 Hows, J. A. In the woods with Bryant, Longfellow and Halleck. N.Y., 1863. 28 p. m. O. W10.H84 HuNEKER, J. G. Promenades of an impres- sionist. N.Y., 1910. 390 p. D. W.H89 La Faroe, John. John La Farge, a memoir and a .study, by Royal Cortissoz. Bost., 1911. 268 p. por. pi. O. W10.L13c Levussove, M. S. The new art of an an- cient people; the work of E- M. Lilien. N.Y., 1906. 51 p. O. W10.L621 Pennell, Joseph. Modem illustrations. Lond., 1895. 146 p. D. WOW.P385 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus. Catalogue of a memorial exhibition of the works of Aug- ustus Saint-Gaudens; by C. L. Hind. N.Y., 1908. 48 p. Q. W10-f-S139h Tiffany, L. C. The art work of L. C. Tiffany. Garden City, 1914. 92 p. F. W10IIT446 Whistler, J. McNeill. The Whistler book ; a monograph of the life and position in art of James McNeill Whistler, together with a careful study of his more important works, by Sadakichi Hartmann. Bost., 1920. 272 p. por. pi. O. WI0.W575 White, Stanford. Sketches and designs; with an outline of his career; by his son, L. G. White. N.Y., 1920. 34p.-|-56pl. ill. F. W10W58 19 BIvACKADER LIBRARY ARTISTS— General. Baehkirtseff, Marie. Journal of a young artist; tr. fr. the French by M. J. Serrano. N.Y., 1889. 434 p. O. W10.B296.E Cunningham, Allan. The cabinet gallery of pictures. Lend., 1836. 2 vols. Q. WP10+C913 Gems of ancient art. Old masters. Lond., 1827. 40 pi. F. WP G285 Maxwell, Sir W. S. Stories of the Spanish artists until Goya. Lond., 1910. 30!) p. por. pi. O. W10.M453 NoTMAN, WiLLLVM, & SoN. Photographic selections. Montreal, 1863-65. 2 vols. F. (Ser. 1 . has descriptive letter-press by T D.King.) WRA1IN84. Witt, R. C. One hundred masterpieces of painting. Lond., 1910. 194 p. O. W10.W78 CATALOGUES of ART GALLERIES, EXHIBITIONS & COLLECTIONS BrEra. Notes on the principal pictures in the Brera gallery at Milan; by C. L. East- lake. Lond., 1882. 121 p. D. WC36.E132 Canada, The National gallery of. Sup- plement to catalogue. Ottawa, 1913. 58 p. D. WC82.N21 Canada, The National gallery of. Sup- plement to catalogue 1918. Canada. Laval University. Catalogue of paintings. Quebec, 1908. 230 p. Q. WC82-I-L38 Canada. Montreal Art Association. Re- ports. Montreal, 1880-1919. 39 vols. O. WC82.A78 Academy notes. Lond., 1875-7, 81-3, 87-9 in 7 vols. Wc45L.A168 Academy sketches. Lond., 1888-9, 1885-7, 2 vols. O. WC45L.A168a Acropolis Museum, Athens. Catalogue. Camb., 1921. vol. 2. ill. D. WC34.A187 Amsterdam et la Ha ye. Souvenir des musses. 12 photographic reproductions of Dutch paintings. WP46.S72 Annales du Musee et de l'Ecole moderne DES BEAUX ARTS. ed. by C. P. Landoh. Paris, 1815. 21 vols. O. WC.L235 AnvERS. Musee Royale. Haarlem, n.d. 4 pts. F. WC468||A636 AquarEllistES francaisES, Societe d'. Cat- alogue. Paris, 1887. 1 vol. Q. WPH-I-S678 Berlin's antike BildwerkE: by Edward Gerhard. Berlin, 1836. 392 p. O. WC47.G31 BosTpN MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. Catalogue of paintings and drawings. Bost., 1902. 132 p. I). WC83.B65 Boston museum of fine arts. 'Catalogue of Greek and Roman casts; by Edward Rob- - inson. Bost., 1900. pt. 3. D. WJ.B65 British museum. Descriptive and historical catalogue of Chinese and Japanese paintings; by William Anderson. Lond., 1886. 554 p. Q. WP67-f2B British museum. Catalogue of engraved British portraits; by Freeman O'Donoghue. Lond., 1908-14. 4 vols. Q. WO10-I-B77 British museum. A catalogue of Chinese and Japanese woodcuts; by R. L. Binyon. Lond., 1916. 605 p. Q. . W0+B51 British museum. Schools of Illumination; reproductions from mss. in the British Museum. Lond., 1914-15. 2 vols. F. WSIIIB778 British museum. Egyptian sculptures in the British Museum; ed. by E. A. W. Budge. Lond., 1914. 54 pi. F. WJ121||B77 British museum. Wall decorations of Egyp- tian tombs. Lond., 1914. 16 p. 8 pi. Q. W121-i-B77 British museum. Carchemish. Report on Djerabis. Lond., 1914. pi. F. FF606i|B77 British museum. The British Museum; its history and treasures, by Henry C. Shelley. Bost., 1911. 355 p. por. pi. facsim. O. AM.S545 Canada. Montreal Art Association. Catal- ogue. Montreal, 1916. 83 p. O. WC82.A78C Canada. Catalogue of Toronto Architectural Club. Toronto, 1901. 1 vol. O. WC82.T63 Cassel, John. Art Treasurers Exhibition. Lond., 1858. 512 p. ill. Q. WPlO-f C275 Chicago. World's Columbian exhibition, 1893. Official catalogue of the British sec- tion. Lond., 1893. 544 p. D. WC45.W89 Chicago. World's Columbian exhibition, 1893. Official catalogue of the fine arts section. Chic, 1893. 141 p. O. WC45.W89f DresdENER K. GallERIE. Katalog von Karl Woermann, Dresden, 1905. 927 p. D. WC47.D81 Dresdener K. GalleriE. Galerie Royale; by J. Huebner; tr. de J. Grangier. Dresden, 1872. 428 p. S. WC47.D81.F France. Bibliothdque Nationale, Paris, Guide illustr^ au cabinet des medailles et antiques. Paris, 1900. 368 p. O. WC39.P213 France. Soci6t6 nationale des baaux arts. Catalogue illustre des ouvrages de painture, sculpture et gravure. Paris, 1890-2. 2 vols. O. WC39.S678 France. Inventaire gdn^rale des richesses d'art de la France; Paris: monuments civils. Paris, 1880-1913. 3 vols. Q. WC39-|-F84b France. Paris: monuments rehgieux. Paris, 1876-1901. 3 vols. Q. WG39-|-F84c France. Province: monuments civils. Paris, 1878-1908. 9 vols. Q. WC39-f-F84d 20 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Catalogues of Art Galleries, Exhibitions and Collections — Cent. France. Louvre. Notes on the principal pictures in the Louvre gallcr>' at Paris and the Brera gallery at Milan; by C. L. Eastlake. Bost., 1S83. 322 p. D. WC30.E132 France. Louvre. Sculpture antique; par W- Froehner. Paris, n.d.. vol. 1. D. WC39.L93f France. Le nius6e francais; byS. C. Croze- Magnan. Paris. 1803-09. 4 vols. F. WC39pl|L938c France. Musce des monuments francais; by M.A.Lenoir. Paris, LSOO. G vols. O. WC.L545 France. Galerie du palais royale; Jacques Couche & others. Paris, 1786-1808. 3 vols. F. WC39p!lC83 France. Paris: Exhibition inteniationale, 1889. Catalogue illustre des beaux arts, 1789-1889. Lille, 1889. 365 p. O. WC39p.I France. Paris: Exhibition intemationale, 19C0. Report on British fine arts section. Westminster, n.d. 44 p. O. WC45.E58 France. Paris Salon, 1879-93. Catalogue il- lustr6. Paris, 1882-93. 12 vols, in 9. O. WC39p.P21 Germany. Exhibition of contemporary Ger- man art. N.Y., 1909. 72 p. O. WC47.G314 Glasgow. International exhibition, 1901; ofRcial catalogue of the fine art section. Glasgow, 1901. 234 p. O. WC47.G314 GoNcouRT, E. H. DE. La maison d'un artiste. Paris, 1881. 2 vols. D. WC36.G5S Hague, Musee royal. Catalogue raisonne des tableaux et des sculptures. I^a Haye, 1914. 528 p. ill. pi. D. WC46.H12 Houghton Haxl. Description of pictures at; by Sir Robert Walpole. Lond., 1752. 143 p. Q. WC452-fW165 Hampton Court. Guide and catalogue of pictures; by Ernest Law. Lond., 1899. 191 p. S. WIP45.L41 Leipzig. Studien und Entwurfe aelterer meister im statdischen Museum, mit Text von Julius Vogel. Leip., n.d., 35 pi. F. WC47||L53 London. Art Union Prize Annual. Lond., 1845. 48 pi. F. WC45L||L84 London. Great Exhibition Catalogue. Lond., 1851. 328 p. F. WC45Li|A784 London. Imperial Institute; Gifts of Duke of Cornwall. Lond., 1902. 144 p. D. WC45L.I34 London. National Gallery. British School. Lond., 1900. 163 p. D. WC45L.N21b London. National Gallery. Spanish School, n.p. 1901. 176 p. D. WC45L.L84 London. National Gallery. Foreign School. Lond., 1898. 650 p. D. WC45L.N21f London. National Gallery. Engravings Lond., 1849. F. WC45L|!N21e London. National Gallery. Handbook by E. T. Cook. Lond., 1888. 703 p. D. WC45L.C77 London. National Gallery of British Art. (Tate) Lond.. 1900. 216 p. D. WC45L.N21 London. National portrait gallery' Lond., 1900., 591 p. D. WC45L.N212 London. Wallace collection; provisional cat- alogue. Lond.. 1891. 152 p. D. WC45L.W15 London. Wallace collection; by A. L. Baldry. Lond., 1904. 302 p. F. WC45L|iW15q London. Wallace collection; Arms and armour. Lond., 1891. 368 p. D^ FVA.W15 London. South Kensington, Travels in. by M. D. Conway. N.Y.. 1882. 234 p. O. WC45L.C767 London. Grosvenor notes. 1879-9^. Incom- plete. WC45L.G91 London. Royal Society, see Watercolours. New York. National Academy notes. N.Y. 1885-9. 2 vols. D. WC83.N482n New York. Metropolitan Cat. of paintings, 1896. New York. Metropolitan Handbook 1-3. 1896. New York. Metropolitan Handbook 4. New York. Metropolitan Handbook 8-9 museum of art. WC83.N48 museum of art. WC83.N4S museum of art. WC33.N43 museum of art. WG33.N43 New York. Metropolitan museum of art. Guide. WC83.N4S2n New York. Art Commission. Catalogue. N.Y., 1909. 241 p. Q. WG83-I-N481 New York. Joan of Arc loan exhibition. N.Y., 1913. 128 p. O. WG83.J57 New York. Metropolitan museum of art; Guide to Pierpont Morgan collectioi, 1918. 159 p. O. WC83.N48m Naples. Real museo Borbonico di belle arti di Napoli. Napoli, 1853. 50 pi. Q. WC36-|-B645m Omaha. Society of fine arts. Exhibition 1911. WC33.054 Oxford historical society. Illustrated catalogue of a loan collection of portraits exhibited in the examination school, Ox- ford, 1904-05. Oxf.. 1904-05. 2 vols, por. Q. WP45+093 Paris. See France. Perrins, C. W. D. Descriptive cat- alogue of illuminated manuscripts in his library, by vSir George Warner. Oxf., 1920. 2 vols. pi. F. ZN11P42 PiTTi Palace; the art of the; by J. de W Addison. Bost.. 1904. 389 p. O. WC35.A225 Rome. Vatican, Paintings in the; by Hercules Massi. Rome. 1881. Pt. 2. D. WC36.M3S Rome. Roma illustrata; by Robsrt Satnber. Lond.. 1722. 186 p. S. WC36.S187 Rome. Real museo Borbonico. Roma, 1838-44. 8 vols. Q. WC35-[-B545 Rome. Real museo Borbonico. Raccolta del R. Mus. Napoli, 1825. 160 p. Q. WC36+B645r 21 BLACKADER LIBRARY Catalogues of Art Galleries, Exhibitions and Ck)llection8 — Cent. Scottish Academy, Royal. Illustrated cat- alogue reproduced by Theodore Guyot. Edin., 1884-85. 2 vols, in 1, O. WC43.R81 SecrETan, E. Catalogue of his celebrated collection of paintings by modern and old masters, comp. by Albert Wolff. Paris, 1899. 180 p. F. WC39ZIIS445 Siren, Oswald. A descriptive catalogue of the pictures in the Jarves collection be- longing to Yale University. New Haven, 1916. 292 p. pi. Q. WC83-J-Y1 United Kingdom, art treasures of the; from the Art treasures exhibition, Man- chester, ed. by J. B. Waring. Lond., 1858. 230 p. F. WC45!|MW Venice Gallery, The. Notes on the prin- cipal pictures in the Royal Gallery at Venice; by C. L. Eastlakc. Lond., 1888. 210 p. D. WC36.E132V Vienna. Kunsthistori.sches Hofmuseum. Fuehrer dutch die Gemalde-Galerie; alte Meister. Wien, 1904-06. 2 vols, in 1, S. WG47.V67 Victoria and Albert Museum, South Ken- sington. Catalogue of tapestries, by A. F. Kendrick. I.ond., 1914. 104 p. pi. O. WUA.V66 Watercolours, Royal society of painters in. Illustrated catalogue. Lond., 1885-90. 6 vols, in 4. O. WC45L.R81 PAINTING— Technique and Criticism Aglionby, William. Painting illustrated in three dialogues. Lond., 1685. 379 p. O. WP.A269 AloaroTTi, Francesco. Essay on painting; tr. fr. the ItaHan. Lond., 1764. 186 p. S. WP.A394.E BarsTow, C. L. Famous pictures described, with anecdotes of the painters. N.Y., 1916. 243 p. ill. pi. O. WP.B28 Blashfield, E. H. Mural painting in Amer- ica. N.Y., 1914. 312 p. pi. O. WSH.B61 Burnet, John: An essay on the education of the eye with reference to painting; ill. by copper plates and wood cuts. Lond., 1837. 73 p. ill. pi. Q. WPD+B93 Dolce, Ludovico. Dialogo della pittura. Florence, 1735. 308 p. D. WP.D68 Du Fresnoy, C.A. Art of painting; tr. fr. the French by John Dryden; with an ac- count of eminent painters, by Richard Graham. Lond., 1716. 397 p. D. WP.D87.E GrEEnshiELDS, E. B. Landscape painting and modem Dutch artists. Toronto, 1906. 229 p. O. WPV.G851 GrEEnshiELDS, E. B. Subjective view of landscape painting. Montreal, 1904. 58 p. pi. O. WPV.G85.2 Guest, T. D. Inquiry into the causes of the decHne of historical painting. Lond., 1829. 61 p. O. WP.G93 Hamerton, p. G. The graphic arts. Bost., 1882. 508 p. D. WL.H17 Hamerton, P. G. Landscape. Lond., 1885. 386 p. F. WPVIIH17 La Faroe, John. The higher life in art; a series of lectures on the Barbizon school of France. N.Y., 1908. 187 p. O. WP10.L13 Laurie, A. P. The materials of the paint- er's craft in Europe and Egypt from earliest times to the end of the- 17th century, with some account of their preparation and use. Lond., 1910. 443 p. ill. pi. O. WPD.L37 Leslie, C. R. Handbook for young painters. Lond., 1855. 313 p. O. WP.L56 Marriott, C. Modem movements in paint- ing. Lond., 1920. 268 p. pi. O. WP.M34 Moore, George. Modem painting. Lond., 1893. 248 p. D. WP.M78 Opie, John. Lectures on painting; delivered at the Royal Academy of Arts; with a memoir of Mrs. Opie. Lond., 1809. 186 p. Q. WP-I-061 Piles, R. dE. Cours de peinture par prin- cipes. Paris, 1708. 493 p. S. WP.P64 Raspe, R. E. Critical essay on oil painting. Lond., 1781. 148 p. Q. WPG-^R185 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Works; with an ac- count of his life and writings; by Edmond Malone. Lond., 1798. O. WP.R33 Richardson, Jonathan. On painting. Lond., 1725. 2 vols. D. WP.R39 Robert, Karl. L'aquarelle (Paysage). Paris, 1902. 76 p. ill. D. (Petite bibl. illus. des beaux arts) WPH.R54 RusKiN, John. On painting; with biographic- al sketch. N.Y., 1879. 210 p. S. (Appleton's new handy volume ser.) WP.R89 RusKiN, JcHN. Lectures on architecture and painting. Orpington, 1891. 256 p. D. W.R891 Sturgis, Russell. The appreciation of pic- tures. N.Y., 1905. 308 p. O. WP.S935 TyrwhiTT, R. St. J. Our sketching clu;b letters and studies on landscape art. Bost., 1875. 374 p. O. WPV.T985 Van Dyke, J. C. How to judge a picture. N.Y., 1891. 168 p. S. WP.V28h WaTELET, C. H. L'art de pelndre. (Poeme.) Amsterd., 1761. 312 p. S. WP.W26 Webb, Daniel. Inquiry into the beauties of painting. Lond., 1761. 200 p. S. WP.W38 Wright, W. H. Modem painting; its ten- dency and meaning. N.Y., 1915. 352 p. O. WP.W93 22 MCQILL UNIVERSITY PAINTING— History . Bacon, Henry. Parisian art and artists. Bost., 1S83. 238 p. ill. O. WP39.B13 Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures, described with anecdotes of the painters. N.Y., 1916. 243 p. ill. pi. O. WP.P28 Benois, a. N. The Russian school of paint- ing; tr. fr. the Russian by Abraham Yar- molinksy. N.Y.. 1916. 199 p. por. pi. Q. WP54+B44 Cumberland, Richard. Anecdotes of Span- ish painters. Lond., 1787. vol. 2. D. WP10.C91 CuNDALL, Frank. Landscape painters of Holland. Lond.. 1891. 176 p. D. WP10.C915 (Illus. biography of great artists).^ Davies, Randall. Six centuries of painting. Lond., n.d. 339 p. pi. Q. WP+D28 Dickinson, Mrs. Helen A. German masters of art. N.Y., 1914. 286 p. por. pi. Q. W47+D56 Fairholt, F. W. Homes and haunts of foreign artists. Lond., 1871. 266 p. O. WP10.F166 Fromentin, Eugene. Les maitres d'autre- fois. Paris, 1896. 448 p. D. WP46.F92 Fromentin, Eugene. Old masters of Belgium and Holland; tr. fr. the French by M. C. Robbins. Bost., 1882. 339 p. O. WP46.F92.E Fromentin, Eugene. The masters of past time; or criticism on the old Flemish and Dutch painters. Lond., 1913. O. WP46.F92.E2 GoNcouRT, E. H. de. L'art du 18e siecle. Paris, 1893. 3 vols. D. WP10.G58 HotTBRAKEN, Arnold. De groote Schou- burgh der nederlandsche Konst-schilders en Schilderssen. w^mst., 1718-21. 3 vols. O. WPI0.H81 Hourticq, Louis. Art in France. Lond., 1911. 444 p. iU. D. W39.H81 KuGLER, Franz. Handbook of painting; Lond., 1854. 2 vols. D. WP.K95.E Lanzi, Luigi. History of painting in Italy; tr. fr. the Italian by Thomas Roscoe. Lond.. 1847. vol. 3. O. WP36.L298.E (Bohn's Lib.) Laurie, A. Greek and Roman methods of painting. Camb., 1910. 124 p. D. WP31.L37 LepiciE. N. B. Vie des premiers peintres du roi. Paris. 1752. 2 vols. S. WP10.L555 Marius, G. H. Dutch painting in the 19th century; tr. fr. the Dutch by A. T. de Mattos. Lond., 1908. 203 p. O. WP46.M33 Oxford Historical Society. Illustrated catalogue of a loan collection of portraits exhibited in the examination schools, Ox- ford, 1904-05. Oxf., 1904-05. 2 vols. por. Q. WP45+098 Radcliffe, a. G. Schools and masters of painting. N.Y., 1876. 575 p. O. WP.R115 Redgrave, Richard. A century of painters of the English school. Lond., 186G. 2 vols. O. WP10.R245 Sharp, W. Progress of art in the century. Toronto, 1906. 456 p. O. W13.S531 Van Dyke, J. C. Text-book of the history of painting. N.Y., 1894. 289 p. D. WP.V28 VenTO, Claude. Les peintres de la femme. Paris, 1888. 403 p. ill. por. pi. Q. WP39+V55 Viardot, Louis, and others. Brief history of the painters of all schools. Lond., 1877. 467 p. Q. WP10-f-V65 Ward, James. History and methods of an- cient and modem painting. Lond., 1913- 20. Vols. 1-3. pi. O. WP.W21 Woltmann, a. & Woermann, H. History of painting; tr. fr. the German by Clara Bell, and ed. by Sidney Colvin. Lond., 1880-87. 2 vols. Q. WP-I-W83.E PAINTING— Italian. Attwell, Henry. Italian masters; with special reference to the Italian painters in the National Gallery. Lond., 1888. 125 p. O. WP36.A886 Bayliss, Sir Wyke. Seven angels of the Re- nascence. The story of art from Cimabue to Claude. N.Y., 1905. 238 p. ill. por. p '. O. WP36.B34 Berenson, Bernhard. Central Italian painters of the Renaissance. N.Y., 1897. 205 p. D. WP36.B45 Berenson, Bernhard. Florentine painters. N.Y., 1898. 141 p. D. WP36.B45f Berenson, Bernhard. North Italian paint- ers. N.Y., 1907. 341 p. D. WP36.B45m Cartwright, Mrs. J. M. The painters of Florence from the 13th to the 16Ui century. N.Y., 1901. 373 p. D. WP10.A245 Cavalcaselle, G. B. and Crowe. J. A. Storia della pittura in Italia dal secolo II al secolo XVI. Firenz^, 1875-85. 3 vols, por. pL O. WP36.C:315 Crowe, Sir Joseph Archer, and Caval- caselle, G. B. A history of paint- ing in North Italy from the 14th to the 16th century; ed. by Tancred Borenius. Lond., 1912. 3 vols. pi. O. WP36.C885.2 Gruner, W. H. L. Fresco decorations and stuccoes in Italy. Lond., 1854. 1 vol. pi. and descriptions. F. WPL||G92 James, J. T. Italian schools of painting. Lond., 1820. 307 p. O. WP36.J23 Jameson, Mrs. A. B. Memories of the early Italian painters. Bost.. 1859. 352 p. T. WP36.J232 MoRELLi, Giovanni. Italian masters in Ger- man galleries, tr. fr. the German by Mrs. L. M. Richter. Lond., 1883. 449 p. D. WP36.M81.E RpUskin, John. Relation between Michel- angelo and Tintoret. Orpington, 1887. 45 p. O. WP36.R89 23 B h A C K ADER tIBRARY PAINTING— British. Chesne^u, ERNiiST. Tiic English school of painting; tr. fr. the French by Lucy IT. Etherington. Lond., 1891. 337 p. D. WP45.C42 Cook, E. D. Art in England. Lond., 1869. 359 p. D. WP45.G77 Hare, T. Leman, ed. The leaders of the Pre-Raphaelites: — Holman Hunt, by Mary E. Coleridge; Rossetti, by Lucien Pissaro; Millais, by A. Lys Baldry. 3 pts. in 1. Lond., n.d., ill. O. Masterpieces in colour series) Wie.H91c Holme, Charles, ed. Art of the British Empire overseas. Lond., 1917. 144 p. pl. Q. WP+KH73 Hunt, William Holman- Preraphaelitism, and the Preraphaelite brotlierhood. N.Y., 1905-06. 2 vols. O. W10.H91 Kempt, Robert. Pencil and palette. Lond., 1881. 214 p. S. WP10.K32 Lucas, E. V. The British School. Lond., 1913. 264 p. S. WP45.L96 Modern British watercolour drawings. Special summer number of the "Studio." Lond., 1900. 90 p. Q. WPH+M72 RusKiN, John. Modem painters. Orpington, 1897. 5 vols. & Index. D. WP.R89m The art of England. Or- Q. WP10+R89 Short history of the British Lond., 1881. 194 p. WP45.S548 RusKiN, John. pington, 1893. Shepherd, G. H. school of painting. D. SCULPTURE— General. Balcarres, Lord D. A. E. L. The evolu- tion of Italian sculpture. I,ond., 1909. 348 p. Q. WJ36+B18 Bennett, T. P. The relation of sculpture to architecture. Camb., 1916. 204 p. O. WJ.B43 Bode, Wilhelm. Florentine sculptors of the 1 Renaissance; tr. fr. the German, by Jessie Haynes. Lond., 1908. 240 p. Q. WJ36+B63 Cawin, C. H. American masters of sculp- ture. Garden City, 1913. 234 p. pl. O. WJ83.C11 Canova, Antonio. Canova's works in sculp- ture and modeUing; engraved by Henry Moses, with a biog. memoir by Count Ciccquara. Lond., 1824. 207 p. Q. WJ36-f-C16 Cchn, William. Indische Plastik. (Die Kunst des Ostens). Berlin, 1921. v.p. ill. Q. WJ69+C65 CcRTi£EOZ, Royal. John La Farge; a memoir and a study. Bost., 1911. 268 p. por. pl. O. W10.L13C Cruttwell, Maud. Lucca and Andrea della Robbia and their successors. Lond., 1902. 363 p. pl. Q. WJ36+C88 Hayley, William. Essay on sculpture; a poem. Lend., 1800. 358 p. Q. WJ-fH335 Langeehn, Julius. Flugelgestalten der altcsten griechischen Kmist. Munchen, 1881. 144 p. O. WJ127.L25 Mabquand, Allen & Frothingham, A. L. Tcxt-tcok of the history of sculpture. N.Y., 18C6. 2{;3 p. D. College histories of art ser.) WJU.M34 MesTrovic Ivan; a monograph. Lond., 1919. 94 p. ill. pl. Q. W10-f-M56 Mullins, E. R. a primer of sculpture. Lond., 1889. 108 p. D. WJ.M91 Prior, Edward, and Gardner, Arthur. An account of mediaeval figure-sculpture in England. Camb., 1912. 734 p. Q. WJ45-1-P93 Reymond, Marcel. Les Delia Robbia. Florence, 1897. 278 p. O. WJ3&.R33 RusKiN, John. Aratra Pentelici; seven lec- tures on the elements of sculpture. Or- pington, 1890. 283 p. D. WJ.R89 Robinson, Sir J. C. Italian sculpture of the middle ages. 14th century. A descrip- tive catalogue of the above section of the South Kensington Museum. Lond., 1862. 192 p. Q. WJ16-I-R55 Scott, Leader (pseud). Mrs. L. E. Baxter. Sculpture — Renaissance and mal^rn. Lond.. 1891. 286 p. D. (Handbook of art education). WJ.B33 Short, E. H. History of sculpture. Lond., 1907. 327 p. O. WJ11.S.>59 Seals, Catalogue of: In British Museum; by W. de G. Birch. Lond., 1887-1900. 6 vols. Q. WKJ-hB77 Seals, Great, of England; by Alfred Ben- jamin Wyon & Allan Wyon. Lond., 1887. 217 p. F. WKJI1W99 Trocadero, Palais du. Le mus6e de sculpture compar6e. Paris, n.d. 5 vols. F. WJ39||P21 Thorwaldsen, his life and works; by Eugene Plon; tr. fr. the French by T. M. Luyster. Bost., 1874. 320 p. O. W10.T39P Waring, F. B. ed. Art treasures of th2 United Kingdom; fr. the Art treasures ex- hibition, Manchester. Lond., 1858. 230 p. F. WC451IMW SCULPTURE— Classic. Boston Museum of fine arts. Catalogue of casts of Greek and Roman sculpture; by, Edward Robinson. Bost., 1900. pt. 3. D. WJ.B65 Bosworth, Wells, ed. The Altoviti Aph- rodite. Baltimore, 1920. 121 p. iU. Q. WJ127+B655 24 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Sculpture — Classic. — Cont. British Muset-'M. Catalogue of scultpture in the department of Greek and Roman antiquities; by C. A. Smith. I.ond., 1892. V. 1. pi. O. WJ127.B775 British museum. -Guide to the sculptures of the Parthenon in the department of Greek and Roman antiquities. 3rd. ed. Lond., 1886. 6 + 107 p. pi. D. WJ127.B775£ British Museum. The sculptures of the Parthenon; with an intro. and commentary by A. H. Smith. Lond., 1910. 8+70+2p. +921 pi. ill. F. WJ127||B775 British Museum. Guide to the Graeco- Roman sculptures in the department of Greek and Roman antiquities. Lend., 1874-76. 188 p. D. WJ127.B7758 British Museum. The Townley gallery. by Sir Henry Ellis. Lond.. 1836. 2 vols. ill. S. WJ.E47t BullE, Heinrich. Der schone Mensch im Altertum. 2 vols. ill. pi. F. Munchen, 1912. WJ||B87 Carr£y, Jacques. Athenes au 17e si^cle; dessins des sculptures du Parthenon, ac- ccmpagnes de vue et plans d'Athenes et de I'Acropole, publics par Henri Omont. Paris, 1898. 241 p. pi. F. WJ127||C23 CoLLiGNON, L. M. Histoire de la sculpture Grecque. Paris, 1892-97. 2 vols. iU. pi. Q. WJ127+C69 DiCKiNS, Guy. Hellenistic sculpture. Oxf., 1920. 99 p. pi. O. WJ127.D56 Ellis, Sir Henry. British Museum; Elgin and Phigaleian marbles. Lond., 1833. 2 vols. ill. pi. S. (Library of entertain- ing knowledge.) WJ.E47e Furtwangler, Adolf. Masterpieces of Greek sculpture; tr. fr. the German, by Eugenie Sellers. Lond., 1895. 24+487 p. F. WJ127!IF98 Gardner, E. A. Handbook of Greek sculp- ture. Lond.. 1896. 15+3+552 p. iU. O. (Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities) WJ127.G17 Gardner, Percy. Sculptured tombs of Hellas. I.ond., 1896. 259 p. Q. WJ127+G137 Tones, H. S. tr. Select passages from ancient writers on Greek sculpture; ed. with trans- lation and notes. Lond., 1895. 231 p. O. WJ127.J72 Langl, Josef. Gricchische Goetter uiul Hel- dengcstalten, nach antiken Bildwerken. Wien. 1887. 156 p. F. WJ127|jL27 Mach, E. R. O. von. Greek sculpture, its spirit and principles. Bost., 1903. 357 p. 0. WJ127.M18 Macpherson, Robert. Vatican sculptures, selected and arranged in the order ift which they are found in the galleries. Lond., 1863. 158 p. T. WJ.M24 Michaelis, a. T. F. Ancient marbles in Great Britain; tr. fr. the German by C. A. M. Fennell. Camb., 1882. 834 p. Q. WJ129+M58.E Mitchell, Mrs. L. M. History of ancient sculpture. N.Y.. 1888. 2 vols. O. WJ12.M695 Murray, A. J. History of Greek sculpture to the age of Phidias. Lond., 1880-83. 2 vols. O. WJ127.M95 Redford, George. Sculpture: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman. Lond., 1892*. 245 p. D. (Handbooks of art education). WJ.R245 Reinach, Salomon. Repertoire de la statu- aire grecque et Romane. Paris, 1897. vol. 1, D. . WJ127.R27 RusKiN, John. Aratra Pentelici; seven lec- tures on the elements of sculpture. Or- pington, 1890. 283 p. D. WJ.R89 ScHREiBER, Theodore, ed. Der Gallier- kopf des Museums in Gize bei Kairo. Lpz., 18S6. 30 p. F. WJ121IIS378 Strong, Mrs. Eugenie. Roman sculpture from Augustus to Constantine. Lond., 1907. 408 p. O. WJ35.S923 Upcott, L. E. Introduction to Greek sculp- ture. Oxf., 1887. 135 p. D. WJ127.U65 Uxkull-Gyllenband, W. Archaische Plast- ik der Griechen. (Orbis pictus vol 3.) Ber- lin, n.d. 48 p. Q. WJ127+U96 Waldmann, Emil. Griechische Originale. Lpz., 1914. 80 p. pi. O. WJ127.W14 ARCHITECTURE— Design, Composition and General Principles. Aldrich, Henry. Elementa architecturae civiUs. Oxon. 1789. 54 p. O. WF.A365 Be.\lE, S. S. The amateur's guide to arch- itecture. Edin., 1896. 180 p. D. WF.B36 Belcher, John. Essentials in architecture. Lond. 1907. 171 p. O. WF.B41 Bennett, T. P. (The) relation of sculpture to architecture. Camb.. 1916. 20 p. O. WJ.B43 BlomfiEld, R. T. The mistress art. Lond., 1908. 303 p. D. WF.B622 Blondel, J. F. Cours d 'architecture. Paris, 1771-77. 6 vols. O. WF.B62 Chambers, Sir W. Treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. 5th ed. Lond., 1836. 222 p. F. WF||C355 DuRAND, D. N. L. Pr6cis des lecons d'archi- tecture donnees k I'ecole Polytechnique. Paris, 1809. 2 vols. Q. WF+D932 ESQUIE, PrERRE. Traite elementaire d'archi- tecture. Paris, 1897. 76 pi. F. WFliE77 EssENWEiN, AuGU ST. Atlas der Architectur. Lpz., 1875. 67 p. Q. WF+E78 Grasset, Eugene. Methode de composition omementale. Paris, n.d. 2 vols. F. WFO||G76 Gromort, G. Choix d'elements empruntes d. 1 'architecture classique et donnant des exemples connus de I'application des ordres. Paris, 1904. 45 pi. F. WF||G89 25 BLACKADER LIBRARY Architecture— Design, Composition, and General Principles— Cent. GaudET, JuLiEN. Elements et thdorie de rarchitecture. 3e 6d. augmentee d'une notice sur la vie et les oeuvres de Julien Gaudet, par J. L. Pascal. Paris, 1909. vols. 1-4. ill. Q. WF-i-G93 Paris. Ecole nationale des beaux arts. Les esquisses d'admission; section d'architect- ure; programmes, ser. 1-3, 5. Paris. 1893- 97. 4 vols, in 1.. O. WF.8P21 Paris. Ecole National des beaux arts. Es- quisses d'admission : S6r. 1-3. Paris, 1893- 19. ser. 11-20. 1893-20. 2 vols. O. WF.8P21 Paris. Ecole nationale des beaux arts. Les grands prix de Rome d 'Architecture. Paris, 3 vols. F. WF||G76.2 Paris. Ecole nationale des beaux arts. Con- cours d 'architecture 1906-1919. Paris, 10 vols. F. WF||8P21c Paris. Ecole nationale des beaux arts. Les concours d'architecture, 1919-20. Paris, 1919. F. WFi|8P21c Reynaud, LeoncE. 4e6d. Paris, 1894. Trait6 d'architecture. 2 vols.and atlas. F. WF|iR33 RusKiN, John. Seven lamps of architecture. Orpington, 1889. 222 p. F. WF||R89s RuSKiN, John. The seven lamps of architec- ture. Orpington, 1898. 414 p. pi. D. WF.R898.2 Statham,' H. H. Architecture for general readers. Lond., 1896.. 332 p. O. WF.S797 StaTham, H. H. Modem architecture. Lond. 1897. 281 p. ill. O. WF13.S797 Sturgis, Russell. How to judge architec- ture. 4th. ed. N.Y., 1903. 221 p. O. WF.S935 , Van PEi.T, J. V. A discussion of composi- tion, especially as applied to architecture. N.Y., 1902. 275 p. O. WF.V35 Vasari, Giorgio. On technique; being the introduction to the three arts of design, architecture, sculpture and painting, pre- fixed to the lives of the most excellent painters, sculptors and architects; tr. fr. the Italian hy L. S. Maclehose, ed. with introd. and notes by G. B. Brown. Lond., 1907. 328 p. ill. O. W.V44 ViOLLET LE Due, E. E. Lectures on archi- tecture; tr. fr. the French by Benjamin Bucknall. Lond., 1877-81. 2 vols. Q. WF-f-V81 ARCHITECTURE— The Classic and Italian Orders. American school of correspondence. The orders; fifty-eight plates illustrating the five orders of architecture. Chic, 1904. 58 pi. F. WF!|A512 ESPOUY, H. d'.Ed. Fragments d'architecture antique. Paris, n.d., 103 pi. in 2 portfolios. F. WF129IIE77 GouRLAY, Charles. The Italian orders of architecture. Lond., 1917. 32 p. F. WFG1IG72 Gromort, G. Choix d'616ments empruntes ^ I'architecture classique. Paris, 1904. 45 pi. F. WFIIG89 LoHDE, L. Die architectonischen Ordnun- gen der Griechen und Romer. ed. by J. M. von Mauch, re-ed. by R. Borrmann. Berlin, 1896. 70 p. 60 pi. F. WFG|1L83 Mitchell, C. F. & Mitchell, G. A. Classic architecture; a series of ten plates illustrat- ing typical examples of the Grecian and Roman orders. Lend., 1901. 10 pi. F. WF12 7||M69 Normand, C. p. G. Nouveau parallele des ordres d'architecture des Grecs.des Romains et des auteurs modemes. Paris, 1852. 37 p. +67 pi. F. WFGIIN78 Spiers, R. P. ed. Orders of architecture; Greek, Roman and Italian. Lond., 1893. F. WF||GS755 UhdE, Constantin. Architecturformen des klassischen Altertums. Berlin, n.d. 70 pi. F. WF127IIU29 ViTRUVius PoLLio, Marcus. The ten books on architecture; tr. fr. the Latin by M. H. Morgan. Camb., Mass., 1914. 331 p. ill. Q. WF129+V83.E Ware, W. R. The American Vignola. Bost., 1902. F. WF||W22 ARCHITECTURE— Public Buildings. BirkmirE, W. H. Planning and construction of high office buildings. N.Y., 1898. 345 p. O. WIA.B53 BURDETT, H. C. Cottage hospitals in Great Britain and the United States. Lond., 1896. 379 p. D. WH.B89 BurgoynE, F. J. Library construction, archi- tecture, fittings and furniture. Lond., 1897, 336 p. ill. pi. D. ZPG.B91 Clay, Felix. Lend., 1906. Modern school buildings. 555 p. Q. WHU+G57 Cram, R. A. Church building. Bost., 1914. 271 p. O. WGD.C84 Cross, A. W. S. Public baths and wash- houses; a treatise on their planning, design, arrangement and fitting. Lond., 1906. 281 p. Q. WHB+C88 Durm, J. W. & OTHERS, EDS. Handbuch der Architectur. Darmstadt, 1880-1907. vols. 1-7 Q. WF+D94 Galton, Sir D. Healthy hospitals. Oxon., 1893. 287 p. O. WH.G13 26 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Architecture— Public Buildings— Cont. Gardner, K. C. Town and country scliool buildings. N.Y., 1888. 128 p. O. WHU.G17 Garnier, J. L. C. Monographic de I'obscrva- toire de Nice. Paris, 1892. 35 pi. F. WHOIIG18 GiLMAN, B. M. Museum ideals of purpose and method. Carab., Mass., 1918. 434 p. ill. O. WC.G42 Marks, P. L. Principles of planning; an analytical treatise for the use of architects. Lond., 1901. 126 p. O. WFD.M34 Meloy, a. S. Theatres and motion picture houses; a practical treatise on tlic proper planning and construction of such buildings. N.Y., 1916. 121 p. iU. pi. Q. WHT+M49 Mouat, F. J. & S>nSLL, H. S. Hospital con- struction and management. Lond., 1883. 435 p. Q. WHH+M86 RaguenET, a. Gares. Paris, n.d., 20 p. ill. F. (Extraits des monographies de bati- ments modemes.) WIK||R12 Raguenet, a. Hotels de ville. Paris, n.d. iU. F. WHJ|iR12 Raguenet, A. Musees.. Paris, n.d. 20 p. ill. F. WHZ1IR12 Raguenet, A. Monuments comm^-moratifs. Paris, n.d. 8 p. ill. F. WHA||R12 Raguenet, A. Hospices. Paris, n.d.. 36 p. ill. F. WHH|iR12 Raguenet, A. Pavilions d'exposition. Paris, n.d. ill. F. WIE||R12 Raguenet, A. Theatres. Paris, n.d. ill. F. WHTIIR12 Raguenet, A. Palais de justice. Paris, n.d- 16 p. F. (Extraits des monographies de batiments modemes.) WHK||R12 SnELL, H. S. Charitable and parochial es- tablishments. Lond., 1851. 70 p. F. WHHIIS671 SouLE, C. C. How to plan a library building for library work. Post., 1912. 404 p. O. ZOF.S722 Technical Journals Ltd. Library of plates for architects, ser. 4. Westminster, n.d. 8 vols. F. ■ WF|!T22 (Shop fronts-modern.) Weaver, Lawrence. Memorials and monu- ments old and new. Lond., 1915. 479 p. iU. pi. Q. WGS.L96 WyliE, W. G. Hospitals, their history, or- ganization and construction. N.Y., 1877. 240 p. ill. O. WHH.W97 ARCHITECTURE— Domestic Buildings. American country houses op today. N.Y., 1913-17. vols. 2-4. ill. Q and F. WIM83IIA512 Apartment houses op the metropolis. N.Y., 1909. 298 p. ill. F. WIM83||A639s Apartment houses of The metropolis. N.Y., 1908. 298 p. F. WIM83i!A639 Architectural Review Recent English domestic architecture. Lond., 1909-12. vols. 2, 4, 5. ill F. WLM45||A673 Barker, Lady. The bedroom and boudoir. Lond., 1912. 116 p. ill. pi. D. WSH.B24 Brees, S. C. Rural architecture; a series of drawings in the Italian style. Lond., 1843. 16 p. -1-15 pi. F. WJ36}!B74 Briggs, R. a. Homes for the country. Lond., 1904. 48 pi. Q. WiM-|-B76 Cornes, James. Modern housing in town and country. Lond., 1905. 198 p. F. WIM||G81 Dean, G. A. Essays on the construction of farm buildings and labourers' cottages. Stratford, 1849. 74 p. F. WIMi|D34 DrysdalE, J. J. and Hayward, J. W. Health and comfort in house building. Lond., 1872. O. SGSH.DS4.2 Drysdale, J. J. & Hayward J. W. Health and comfort in house building. Lond., 1876. 8-|-129p. pi. O. SGSH.D84 EassiE, W. Healthy houses. N.Y.. 1872. 228 p. D. WIM.E13 Gardner, E. C. Homes and how to make them. Bost.. 1874. 314 p. S. WIM.G17 Gardner, E. C. Illustrated homes; a series of papers describing real houses and real people. Bost., 1875. 287 p. ill. S. WIM.G17i Haweis, Mrs. M. E.- Beautiful houses. Lond., 1882. 115 p. D. WIM.H31 Holly, H. H. Modem dwellings in town and country. N.Y., 1878. 219 p. ill. O. WIM.H72 Kerr, Robert. The gentleman's house. Lond., 1871. 3 vols. O. WIM45.K46 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm and villa architecture and furniture, Lond., 1846. 1317 p. O. WIM.L92 Newhall, Louis C. Minor chateaux and manor houses of France, of the 15th and 16th centuries. N.Y., 1914. 10 p. 60 pi. Q WIM39-f-N45.2 Oakey, a. F. Building a home. N.Y., 1881. 115 p. ill. D. WIM.Oll Perks, Sydney. Residential flats of all classes. Lond., 1905. 267 p. Q. WIM-I-P41 Rappalovich, Arthur. Housing of the work- ing classes, (in Thomas Mackay's "A plea for liberty.") Lond., 1891. p. 273-301 JAX.M19 Raguenet, A. Maisons 4 loyer. Paris, n.d. F. WLM39IIR12 Richardson, C. J. The Englishman's house. Lond., n.d. 504 p. O. WIM.R39 Shaw, R. N. Sketches for cottages and other buildmgs. Lond., 1878. 28 pi. F. WIMIIS535 27 BLACKADER LIBRARY Architecture — Domestic Buildings. — Cont. ShoppEll's modern HOUSES; an illustrated architectural quarterly. N.Y., 1886-95. F. WFJI7S559 Sparrow, W. S., Ed., & others. The mod- em home. N.Y., n.d. 176 p. Q. WIM+S737m Stevenson, J. J. House architecture. Lond., 1880. 2 vols. Q. WIM+S847 Strickland, C. W. Cottage construction and design. Lond., 1864. 121 p. O. WIM.S917 SuTCLiFFE, G. L. Principles and practice of modern house construction. Lond., n.d. 2 vols, in 6. Q. WIM.S%5 TuTHiLL, W. B. The city residence. N.Y., 1890. 183 p. O. WIM.T88 Vaux, Calvert. Villas and cottages. N.Y., 1857. 318 p. O. WIM83.V46 Weaver, Lawrence. Houses and gardens, by E. L. Lutyens described and criticised. Lond., 1914. 344 p. ill. K. WIM45|;L96w Wheeler, Gervase. The choice of a dweUing. Lond., 1871. 299 p. D. WIM.W56 ARCHITECTURE— Construction. Anglin, Samuel. Design of structures; a practical treatise on the building of bridges, roofs, etc. Lond., 1895. 503 p. O. SBLA589.2 BirkmirE, W. H. Planning and construction of high office buildings. N.Y., 1898. 345 p. O. WIA.B53 Canada — Railways and Canals, Dept of. The Quebec Bridge. Ottawa, 1919. 259 p. pi. F. SBM||C16 Freitag, J. K. Architectural engineering. N.Y., 1909. 407 p. O. WIA.F88.2 Freitag, J. K. Fireproofing of steel build- ings. N.Y.. 1909. 319 p. O. SALF88 Freitag, J. K. Fire prevention. N.Y., 1912. 1038 p. D. T.F88 FryE, a. I. Civil engineer's pocketbook. N.Y., 1913. 1611 p. D. S.6F94.2 HoOL, G. A. & OTHERS. Concrete engineer's handbook. N.Y.. 1918. 885 p. O. SAC.H76C Jacoby, H. S. Structural details; or elements of design of heavy framing. N.Y., 1909. 368 p. O. T.J15 Keep, W. J. Cast iron; a record of original research. N.Y., 1906. 225 p. O. TK.K255 Ketchum, M. L- Design of steel mill build- ings. N.Y., 1907. 464 p. O. SALK49.2 Lowe, Houston. Paints for steel structures. N.Y., 1910. 115 p. D. ROBP.L95 Main, C. T. Notes on mill construction. Bost., 1886. 60 p. O. T.M28 Marsh, C F. & Dunn, William. Manual of reinforced concrete. Lond., 1908. 290 p. S. SAC.M35 MiddlETOn, G. a. T., Stresses and Thrusts. Lond., 1911. 209 p. D. SBIT.M58.2 New York City. Heights of buildings com- mission. Reports to the Committee. N.Y., 1913. 295 p. O. T.N48 Pencoyd iron works. Steel in construction. Tables, etc., TK.P37 PiLLET, Jules. structions. Traits de stability des con- TIIP64 Potter, Thomas. Concrete; its use in build- ing from foundations to finish. Lond., 1908. 328 p. O. SAC.P85 Singer manufacturing co. A history of the Singer building, ed. by O. F. Semsch. N.Y., 1908. 117 p. F. TIIS617 SkELTon, R. a. & Co. Structural steel hand- book No. 14. Lond., 1910. 254 p. O. SAI.S627 Stock, C. H. A treatise on shoring and underpinning. Lond., 1902. 76 p. O. SE.S64 Taylor, F. W. & Thompson, S. E. Treatise on concrete — plain and reinforced. N.Y., 1919. 885 p. O. SAC.T21.4 Thayer, H. R. Structural design. N.Y., 1913. vol. 1. O. SA.T33 White, Lazarus & Prentis, E. A. Modem underpinning; development, methods and typical examples. N.Y., 1917. 94 p. O. T.W58 ARCHITECTURE— Heating and Sanitation. American Society of heating and ventila- ting Engineers. Journal. N.Y., 1915-20. O. » SGSH.A512J Baldwin, W. J. 365 p. D. On heating. N.Y., 1897. SJ.B19 Bernan, Walter. On the history and art of warming and ventilating rooms and build- ings. Lond., 1845. 2 vols, in 1, ill. S. SGSH.B45 Carpenter, R. C. buildings. N.Y. Heating and ventilating 1900. 411 p. O. SG.C225 Dye, F. Practical treatise upon steam heat- ing. Lond., 190L 233 p. O. SGSH.D98 Starbuck, R. M. Questions and answers on the practice and theory of sanitary plumb- ing. Hartford, 1909. 2 vols. S. SGSB.S795 28 MCGILL UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE— Specification. ARCHrrBcTURAL Service Corporation. Ser- vice sheets. Phila., 1916-17. vol. 1. pi. F. WFD||A673 Atlas Portlaj^j Cement co. Concrete houses and cottages. N.Y., 1909. vol 2, F. WIMIIA831 Baker, I. O. A treatise on masonry con- struction. N.Y., 1909. 745 p. O. SAM.B17 BLAGROyp, G. H. Dangerous stnictures and how to deal with them. Lond., 1906. 153 p. O. T.B57 Bower, W. F. Specifications. N.Y., 1898. 229 p. F. TXB57 Boxer, F. N. Book of plates to accompany the architect and artizan's permanent price book. Montreal, n.d. 44 pi. F. WF||B69 Burrell, E. J. Elementary building con- struction and drawing. Lond., 1895. 260 p. D. T.B94 Canada: Department of Mines. Report on the building and ornamental stones of Canada; by W. A. Parks. Ottawa, 1912-17. vols. 1-5 Q. RD82.C16+P2 Clark, T. M. Building superintendents. N.Y., 1903. 306 p. O. T.C54 DoBSON, Edward. Rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. 8th ed. Lond., 1886. 276 p. ill. D. TN.D65 DoBSON, Edward. Rudiments of the art of building. Lond., 1890. 168 p. D. T.D65 Daujat, and Dumont, Georges. Cours normal de travaux manuels. Paris, n.d. 320 p. ill. O. T.D26 Donaldson, T. L. Handbook of specifica- tion. Lond., 1860. 2 vols. O. T.D71 Downing, Samuel. Elements of practical construction. Lond., 1875. Pt. 1. O. SAA.D75 Ellis, George. Modem practical carpentry. Lond., 1906. 379 p. Q. T-f-E47 Fleming, J. A. Electric lamps and electric Ughting. N.Y., 1894. 228 p. ill. O. STL.F62.2 Fletcher, Banister. Quantities; a text- book for surveyors. Lond., 1877. 192 p. D. T.F635 Franklin, W. S. Electric lighting and mis- cellaneous applications of electricity. N Y 1912. 299 p. m. O. STL.F85 GoLTiLAY, Charles. The construction of a house. Lond., 1910. 22 p. F. WIM|]G74 Howe, J. A. The geology of building stones. Lond., 1910. 455 p. D. MGNS.H83 Innocent, C. F. The development of English building construction. Camb., 1916. 294 p. O. (Camb. technical ser )' T.158 Jaggard, W. R. & Drurv. F. E. Architectur- al building construction. Camb., 1916. vol. 1. ill. pi. O. (Camb. technical ser.) T.ji82 Kidder, F. E. Architect's and builder's pocketbook. N.Y., 1911. 1661 p. ill T.6k538 Kidder, F. E. Building construction and superintendence. 9th ed. N.Y., 1915-17. vols. 1-2, ill. O. T.K538.3 Leaning, John. Building specifications for the use of architects, surveyors, builders, etc. Lond., 1901. 641 p. O. T.L47 Lodge, O. J. Lightning conductors and lightning guards. Lond., 1892. 544 p. ill. pi. D. MHE.L82 Longman's Manuals. Advanced building construction. Lond., 1893. 164-239 p. ill. D. SG.A244 Lowe, Houston. Paints for steel structures. N.Y., 1910. 115 p. D. ROBP.L95 Martin, C. A. Details of building construc- tion,. Bost., 1908. 33 pi. F. TiiM361.2 Martin, P. Cours normal de travail manuel. Paris, 1894. 286 p. D. T.M36 Merrill, G. P. Stones for building and dec- oration. 3 ed. rev. N.Y., 1910. 551 p. ill. pi. maps. O. MCNS.M558.2 Mitchell, C. F. Forty plates on building construction. Lond., 1891. 40 pi. F. T||M69f Mitchell, C. F. Brickwork and masonry. Lond., 1908. 496 p. O. SAM.M695 OsLET, J. AND JEANNIN, JuLES. Traite de menuiserie. Paris, n.d. vol. 1. ill. Q. (Encyclopedic theor. et prat, des connais- sances civiles et militaires.) WFW-|-D82 PaTTon, W. M. a practical treatise on foundations. N.Y., 1909. 549 p. O."' SAY.P27 PiLLET, Jules. Traite de stereotomie. Paris, 1887. 167 p. F. WFD||P64 PiLLET, Jules. Geometric descriptive. Paris, 1887. 272 p. F. WMK||P64 PiTE, BerEsford, AND OTHERS. Building construction. Lond., 1910-13. 2 vols. O. T.P68 PouTiERS, ArisTidE. Cours de menuiserie pratique. Anger, 1916. 100 pi. F. WFW||P86 Powell, G. T. Foundations and foundation walls. N.Y., 1896. 166 p. O. SAY.P87 RiviNGToN, Notes on building con- struction; ed. by W. N. Twelvetrees. Lond., new ed. 4 vols. Lond., 1915-20. O. T.N845.2 ScHULTZ, R. W., AND OTHERS. The arts connected with building; lectures on crafts- manship and design; ed. by T. R. Davison. Lond., 1909. 224 p. O. T.S387 SiEBERT & Biggin. Modem stone-cutting and masonry. TN.S571 Snyder, F. M. Building details; drawings from the architect's working drawings, and verified with the work as executed. N.Y., 1906-07. pts. 1-2. F. T||S675 Specification for architects, surveyors AND engineers. Lond., 1898-1918. nos. 1-4, 20. iU. F. T||7S741 SuTcLiFFE, G. B. Principles and practice of modem house construction. Lond., n.d., 2 vols, in 6. Q. WIM-HS965 29 BLACKADER LIBRARY Architecture — Specification — Cont. Tarn, E. W. Lond., 1882. The science of building. 211 p. D. T.T17 Tredgold, Thomas. Elementary principles of carpentry. Lond., 1888. 627 p. ill. D. T.T71 ARCHITECTURE— Law. American Institute of Architects. Hand- book of architectural practice. Wash., n.d. 203 p. ill. Q. WF.8A512 Chauss^, Alcide, ED. Code of building laws and regulations of the City of Montreal. Montreal, 1906. 488 p. D. KMS.C39c Leaning, John. Building specifications for the use of architects, surveyors, builders, etc. Lond., 1901. 641 p. O. T.L47 Macassey, L. L. & Strahan, J. A. Law re- lating to civil engineers, architects and contractors. Lond., 1897. 352 p. O. KMS.Mll Mead, D. W. Contracts, speciliAtions and engineering relations. N.Y., 1916. 535 p. O. , KMS.M46 National Board Building code. OF Fire-underwriTers. N.Y., 1907. 266 p. O. T.N21 New York City. Building and health laws. Brooklyn, 1911. 96 p. Q. KMS+M42 ARMS AND ARMOUR. Dean, Basphord. Helmets and body armour in modem warfare. New Haven, 1920. 325 p. m. pi. Q. UMA+D34 Ffoulkes, C. J. European arms and armour in the University of Oxford (principally in the Ashmolean and Pitt-Rivers museums) catalogued with introductory notes. Oxf. 1912. 64 p. iU. pi. F. UMA||F43e EfoulkES, C. J. Armour and weapons; with a preface by Viscount Dillon. Oxf., 1909. 112 p. Q. UMA-fF43 LacombE, Paul. Arms and armour in an- tiquity and the middle ages ; also a descrip- tive notice of modern weapons; tr. fr. the French by Rev. Charles Boutell. Lond., 1869. 296 p. O. FVA.L11 Laking, G. F. a record of European armour and arms through seven centuries. Lond., 1920. 3 vols. ill. pi. F. FVA||L41 Meyrick, Sir S. R. A critical inquiry into ancient armour. Lond., 1842. 2 vols. F. FVAI1M57 New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. The collection of arms and armour of Rutherford Stuyvesant; by Bashford Dean, n.p., 1914. 174 p. F. FVAiiN48 Wallace collection. Catalogue of Euro- pean arms and armour; ed. by G. F. Laking. Lond., 1891. 368 p. D. FVA.W15 Williams, Rev. John ab Ithel. Glossary of terms used for articles of British dress and armour. Lond., 1851. 68 p. O. WV45.W67 ARTISTIC ANATOMY Bell, Charles. Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting. Lond., 1806. 186 p. Q. WJA-hB41 Duval, M. M. Artistic anatomy; tr. fr. the French by F. E. Fenton. Lond., 1895. 324 p. D. WJA.D955 Hatton, R. G. Figure drawing. Lond., 1917. 350 p. ill. O. WM.H28 HaTTon, R. G. Figure composition. Lond., 1910. 298 p. ill. O. WM.H28f Sparkes, J. C. L. Manual of artistic anatomy. Lond., 1888. 66 p. Q. WJA-fS736 Thomson, Arthur. for art students. HandbocJk of anatomy Oxf., 1896. 415 p. O. WJA.T38 COLOUR. AudslEY, W. J. & AuDSLEY, G. a. Poly- chromatic decoration (mediaeval). Lond., 1882. 64 p. F. WS15||A915 ChevrEuil, M. E. Principles of harmons^ and contrast of colours, tr. fr. the French by Charles Martel. Lond., 1860. 465 p. O. WPC.C46 Church, A. H. Colour; an elementary manual. Lond., 1891. 192 p. D. WPG.C47 Jones, Owen. Grammar of ornament, illus. by examples drawn on stone by F. Bedford, and printed in colours by Day & Son. Lond., 1856. 112 p. F. WS||J72 Mau, August. Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeii. Berlin, 1882. 462 p. O. WPD||M44 Racinet, a. C. a., ED. L'omement poly- • chrome; cent planches en couleurs, or, et argent. Paris, n.d. 2 vols, in 3. F. WSIIRll RiDGEWAY, Robert. Nomenclature of colours for naturalists. Bost., 1886. 129 p. O. WPC.R43 RucKWARDT, Hermann, ed. Malerische Architektur-Studien von Rothenburg ob der Tauber; photographische Original- Aufnahmen nach der Natur in Lichtdruck. Berlin, 1894. 30 pi. F. WF47||R83 30 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Colour — Cont. SpEltz, a. The coloured ornament of all historical styles, vol 1. Antiquity. Lpz., 1915. pi. F. WS||S743c Vandbrpoel,, E. N. Colour problems; a practical manual for the lay student of colour. N.Y., 1902. 137 p. O. WPC.V28 Ward, James. Colour decoration of architec- ture. Lond., 1913. 136 p. pi. Q. WFK+W21 Watt, J. C. Examples of Greek and Pompeian decorative work. Lond., 1897. 60 pi. F. WS127IIW34 DECORATIVE DESIGN. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Grammaire des arts decoratifs. Paris, n.d., 392 p. Q. WS+B59 Blount, Godfrey. Arbor vitae; a book on the nature and development of imagina- tive design. Lond., 1904. 240 p. Q. WS+B62 Cook, T. A. Spirals in nature and art. N.Y., 1903. 200 p. O. W1X.G77 Crane, Walter. Of the decorative illustra- tion of books old and new. Lond., 1916. 341 p. O. , WOWG85 Crane, Walter. Bases of design. Lond., 1898. 365 p. O. WS.C85 Crane, Walter. Line and form. Lond., 1900. 282 p. O. WS.G851 Colonna, E. Essay on Broomcorn. Dayton, Ohio, 1887. 12 pi. T. WS.C69 Colonna, E. Materiae Signa; alchemistic signs of various materials in common use, ornamentally belaboured, n.p. 1888. 32 pi. D. WS.C69m Day, L. F. Anatomy of pattern. Lond., 1894. 54 p. D. WS.D33 Day, L. F. Everyday art. Lond., 1882. 283 p. D. WSH.D33 Day, L. F. Nature in ornament, Lond., 1896. 260 p. D. WS.D33n Day, L. F. f he planning of ornament. 3rd ed. rev. Lond., 1893. 49 p. pi. D. (Textbooks of ornamental design.) WS.D33p Dresser, Christopher. Principles of de- corative design. Lond., n.d. 167 p. Q. WS-I-D916 Fairholt, F. Lond., n.d. W. Rambles of an artist. 259 p. O. WS.F165 Fonseca, Lionel de. corative art. N.Y., On the truth of de- 1913. 134 p. D. W.1F734 Grasset, Eugene. Methode de composition omementale. Paris, n.d., 2 vols. F. WFOIIG76 Hatton, R. G. Text-book of elementary design. Lond., 1895. 118 p. D. GScience and art ser.) WS.H28 Jackson, F. G. Lessons on decorative de- sign. Lond., 1894. 173 p. O. WS.J13 Jackson, F. G. Theory and practice of design. Lond., 1894. 216 p. O. WS.JlSt Jones, Owen. Grammar or ornament il- lustrated by examples, drawn on stone by F. Bedford, and printed in colours by Day & Son. Lond., 1856. 112 p. F. WS|iJ72 Knight, F. Vases and ornaments designed for the Use of architects, silversmiths, etc. Lond., 1833. 50 pi. Q. WS-t-K74 Mayeux, Henri. La composition decora- tive. Paris, n.d. 318 p. O. (Bibliogra- phic de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) WS.M45 Meyer, F. S. Handbook of ornament. Lond., 1896. 548 p. O. WS.M54 Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Egyptian de- corative art. Lond., 1895. 128 p. D WS.P443 Pfnor, Rodolphe. Omementation usuelle de toutes les epoques. Paris, 1866-67. 80 p. F. WSi]P48 Recy, Georges de The decoration of leather; tr. fr. the French by Maude Nathan. Lond., 1905. 104 p. ill. pi. O WSL.R24 Redgrave, Richard. Manual of design, comp. from his writings and adresses by G. R. Redgrave. Lond., 1890. 173 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbooks ser) WS.R245 Ward, James. Principles of ornament. Lond., 1896. 207 p. D. WS.W21 White, GlEEson, ed. Practical designing. Lond., 1894. 327 p. D. WS.W58.2 DRESS Ashdown, Mrs. E. J. British costume dur- ing nineteen centuries; civil and ecclesias- tical. Lond., 1910. 376 p. O. WV45.A823 Bennet, H. G. ed. Dress worn by gentlemen at His Majesty's court. Lond., 1903. 90 p. O. WV45.B43 Blanc, A. A. P. C. Art and ornament in dress; tr. fr. the French. Lond., 1877. 274 p. O. WV.B59.E Bloxam. M. H. .Vestments in use in the Church. Lond., 1882. 403 p. D. WVR.B62 EarlE, Mrs. Alice. costume in America. 2 vols." O. Two centuries of New York, 1903. WV83.E12t Earle, Mrs. Alice. Costume of colonial times. N.Y., 1894. 264 p. D. WV83.E12 Evans, Lady M". M. Chapters on Greek dress. Lond., 1893. 84 p. O. WV32.E92 Flower, Sir W. H. Fashion in deformity N.Y., 1882. 49 p. O. WV.F665 Grand-Carteret, John La femme en culotte. Paris, n.d. 393 p. D. WV.G7S 31 BLACKADER LIBRARY Dress — Cont. Grindlay, R: M. Scenery, costumes and architecture, chiefly on the western side of India. Lond., 1830. 105 p. pi. F. WF69IIG88 Gromort, G. Choix de plans de grandes compositions, presentant avec leurs jardins ou leur entourage, une s6rie d'ensemble de I'antiquite, de la renaissance et des temps modernes. Paris, 1910. 29 plans. F. WFi[G89c Haweis, Mrs. M. E. The art of beauty. N.Y., 1878. 298 p. D. WV.H31 Manoni, Alessandro. II costume a I'arte delle acconciature nell' antichita. Milano, 1895. 278 p. O. WVH.M31 Michel, F. F. F. The story of the stick in all ages and lands; by Anthony Real; tr. fr. the French. N.Y., 1875. 254 p. D. WV.M58 Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret. Dress. Lond., 1878. 103 p. ill. pi. D. (Art at home ser.) WV.047 QuENNELL, Marjorie AND C. H. B.. A his- tory of everyday things in England. Lond., n.d. 2 pts. ill. O. F4599.03 RacinET, a. C. a. Le costume historique. Paris, 1888. 6 vols. O. WV.Rll Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek female costume. Lond., 1882. 112 pi. D. WV32.S552 Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Guide to the EngUsh cos- tumes presented by Mes.srs. Harrods. Lond., 1913. 20 p. pi. O. WV45.V66 Webb, W. M. The heritage of dress; being notes on the history and evolution of clothes. Lond., 1912. 299 p. O. WV.W38 Williams, Rev. John ab Ithel. Glossary of terms used for articles of British dress and armour. Lond., 1851. 68 p. O. WV45.W67 Wood, Rev. T. W. Ecclesiastical and aca- demic colours. Lend., n.d. 72 p. S. WV.W85 WooLSON, Mrs. A. Bost., 1874. 286 p. L., ED. D. Dress reform. WV.W88 FORMS USED IN DESIGN. Plant Form ColE, R. V. The artistic anatomy of trees; their structure and treatment in painting. Lond., 1916. 347 p. ill. pi. O. WPV.G57 Henshaw, Mrs. J. W. Mountain and wild flowers of Canada. Toronto, 1903. 384p. O. NGF82.H39 Hooker, Sir W. J. Flora borealis Americana. Lond., 1840. 2 vols. F. NS|1H76 HuLME, F. E. Plant form — Sketches from nature. Lond., 1868. 54 p. F. NM||H87 HuLME, F. E., AND OTHERS. Art studies from nature as applied to design. Lond., 1S72. 212p. O. WL.H875 SowERBV, James. English botany. Lond. 1832-46. 12 vols. 2,580 pi. O. DGF45.S731.2 Animal Form. Cornish, C. J. & others Eds. Living animals of the world; a popular natural history. Lond., 1914. 2 vols. Q. 0-|-C811 Herrick, F. R. Home life of wild birds. N.Y., 1901. 148 p. ill. pi. Q. ORHH-I-H43 Mehuet, M. Etudes d'animaux. 2 vols. F. Paris, n.d. WSIIM47 Mehuet, M. Etude de la mer; faune et flore de la Manche et de I'ocean. Paris, n.d. 2 vols. iU. pl. F. WS||M47e Porter, J. 380 p. H. O. Wild beasts. N.Y., 1894. OTC.P83 Seton, E. T. Life histories of northern animals. N.Y., 1909. 2 vols. Q. OT+S495 (For other works, see The Blacker Library of Zoology and the Emma Shearer Wood Library of Ornitholog3fc) Artificial Form. Chatterton, E. K. Sailing ships; the story of their development from the earliest times to the present day. Lond., 1909. 362 p. O. UH.C39 Chatterton, E. K. Ships and ways of other days. Lond., 1913. 308 p. ill. pl. Q. UN-}-C398 FURNITURE AND WOODWORK. Arnott, J. A. & Wn,soN, J. The Petit , Trianon, Versailles. Lond., 1907. 3 pts. F. WIP39!|A76 Blake, J. P. & Hopkins, A. E. R. Little books about old furniture; English furni- ture. Lond., 1912-14. 4 vols. D. WW.B58 Bond, Francis. Screens and galleries in English churches. O.xf., 1908. 192 p. O. WGKC.B64 BtTRGESs, F. W. Antique furniture. Lond., 1921. 499 p. pl. O. WW.B91 Cooper, H. J. The art of furnishing on rational and aesthetic principles. Lond., 1879. 116 p. S. WW.C77 Ferrari, Giulio. II legno nell'arte Italiana. Milan, n.d. 94 pl. F. WD36||F41 GuELDV, Henry. Le Palais du Louvre. Dourdan, 1905. F. 8-f 4p. pl. WF39i|G93 HepplEwhite, a. & Co. The cabinet maker and upholsterer's guide. Lond., 1897. 24 p.-fl24 pl. F. WW||H415 Hodges, C. C. On some mediaeval carved chests. Newcastle-upon-T)Tie, 1891. 15 p. O. FF45.H66C Hooper, John,& Shirley, A. J. Handicaraft in wood and metal. Lond., 1913. 240 p. Q. WS-I-H76 32 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Furniture and Woodwork — Cent. Interiors of the T^-rol, sixty plates pub. by William Helbuni. N.Y., n.d. F. WIM30||I61 Industrial arts; historical sketches with illustrations. Lond., 1876. 276 p. D. (South Kensington Museum Art handbook ser.) WD.I42 Tacqubmart, Albert. Histoire du mobilier. Paris. 1876. 665 p. ill. Q. WW+J162 Interiors, decorations and furnlshings op Lo.vDON Guild Halls., N.Y., n.d., 40 pi. F. WHIII61 Lenygon, Francis. Furniture in England from 1660 to 1760. Lond., 1914. 300 p. Ul. pi. F. WWIIL545 Lockwood, L. V. Colonial furniture in America. Lond., 1902. 352 p. ill. pi. Q. WW+L81 LouvTiE ET TuilEriES. L' Architecture et la decoration aux Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries. Paris, 1906. 2 vols. F. WIP39IJA673 Mediaeval woodwork, see under countries. Macquoid, Percy. A history of English furniture. Lond., 1904-08. 4 vols. F. WW||M24 MallETT, W. E. An introduction to old English furniture. Lond., n.d., 144 p. Q. WW-fM29 MoliniEr, EmilE. La collection Wallace; meubles et objets d'art francais des 17e et 18e sidcles. Paris, n.d. 100 pi. F. WWI!M73 MoLiNiER, EmilE. Mus6e du Louvre; le mobiUer francais de 17e et du 18e siecle. Paris, n.d. 100 pi. F. WWl|M73m MoLiNiER, EmilE. Les meubles du moyen age et de la renaissance. Paris, n.d. 244 p. iU. F. WW|lM74me MoLiNiER, EmilE. Le mobilier au 17e et au 18e siecle. Paris, n.d. 273 p. ill. F. WW[iM73mo MooRE, Mrs. N. H. The old furniture lx)ok, with a sketch of past days and ways. N.Y., 1903. 254 p. O. WW.M78 Odom, W. M. a history of Italian furniture from the 14th to the earlv 19th century. Garden City, n.d. 2 vols. ill. F. WW|!025 Percival, MacIvEr. Old English furniture and its surroundings from the Restoration to the Regency. N.Y., 1920. 203 p. ill. pi. Q. , WW+P41 Pfnor, RodolphE. Monographic du palais de Fontainebleau, accompagn6e d'un te.xte historique et descriptif par M. Champollin- Figeac. Paris, 1863. 2 vols. F. WIP39|!P48 Pollen, J. H. Ancient and modem furniture and woodwork. Lond., n.d., 143 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) * WW.P76 RoBiE, V. H. Historic styles in furniture. Post., 1916. 196 p. ill. pi. Q. WW+R55 Roe, Fred. A history of oak furniture. Lond., 1920. 44+34 p. ill. pi. Q. (The Connoisseur series.) WW4-R62 Simon, Constance. EngHsh furniture de- signers of the 18th century. Lond., 1905. 216 p. Q. WW+S59 SoDERHOLTz, E. E. Colonial architecture and furniture. Post., 1895. 60 pi. F. WF16IIS679 Spofford, Mrs. H. E- Art decoration applied to fumiure. N.Y., 1878. 237 p. O. WSH.S762 Symonds, R. W. The present state of old English furniture. Lond., 1921. 132 p. pi. F. WWI1S988 Tanner, Henry Jr. Eughsh interior wood- work of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Lond., 1902. 50 pi. F. WF45,iT15 ViOLLET LE Due, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier frangais de I'epoque carlovin- gienne a la renaissance. Paris, 1874. 6 vols. O. WS.V81 GLASS. Arnold, Hugh. Stained glass in the middle ages. Lond., 1913. 269 p. pi. O. WIX.A755 Blxjmner, Hugo & Schorn, Otto von. Die Kunsterzeugnisse aus Thon und Glas. Lpz. , 1885-88. vol. 4. D. WS.B625 BallanTine, James. A short history of church stained glass ; a lecture delivered be- fore the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1911. Edin.. n.d. 16 p. pi. Q. WlX-f B21 BuRTY, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the in- dustrial arts; ed. by W. Chaffers; tr. fr. the French. Lond., 1869. 391 p. O. WS.B95.E BusHNELL, A. J. DE H. vStoricd windows; a traveller's introduction to the study of old church glass. N.Y.. 1914. 338 p. pi. O. WIX.B96 Day, L. F. Windows; a book about stained and painted glass. Lond., 1909. 420 p. O. WIX.D33 Drake, Maurice. A history of English glass painting. Lond., 1912. 226 p. F. WPP1ID78 Hucher, E. F. F. Vitraux peints de la cathedrale de Mans. Paris, 1865. F. WIX1IH86 Merson, L. O. Les vitraux. Paris, n.d. 314 p. O. (BibUo. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) WIX.M55 Nesbitt, Alexander. Glass. Lond., n.d. 143 p. D. (Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WKR.N36 Waring, J. B. Art treasures of the United Kingdom; from the Art Treasure Exhibi- tion, Manchester. Lond., 1858. 230 p. F. WC45flMW 33 BLACKADER LIBRARY HERALDRY. BouTELL, Rev. Charles. A manual of her- aldry, historical and popular. Lond., 1863. 427 p. O. FV.B66 Burke, John, & Burke, Sir J. B. Encyclo- pedia of heraldry; or general armory of England, Scotland and Ireland. Lond., n.d. 1.108 p. Q. FW45-|-B91k Chadwick, E. M. Ontarian families. Toronto 1895-98. 2 vols. F. FV82||C34 Cumberland, F. B. The story of the Union Tack. Toronto, 1897. 231 p. D. FVF.C91 DaviES, a. C. F. ED. Art of heraldry, an encyclopedia of armory, hand., 1904. 503 p. F. FV1ID28 DaviES, A. C. F. ed. The book of public arms; a complete encyclopedia. Lond., 1915. 876 p. Q. FV-t-D28b DebreTT, John. Peerage, baronetage, knightage and companionage. Lond., 1890- 1914. 4 vols. O. FW45.D35 Dorling, E. E. Leopards of England. Lond., 1912. 136 p. O. FV.D73 England. Flags, badges and arms of the British Dominions beyond the seas. Lond., 1910-17. Q. FV-hE58 England — ^Admiralty. Drawings of the flags in use at the present time by various nations. Lond., 1916. 200 pi. Q. FVF+E58 Eve, G. W. Decorative heraldry. Lond., 1897. 281 p. D. FV11E93 Fairbairn, James. Crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland; rev. by Law- rence Butters & ed. by Joseph Maclaren. Edin., 1860. 2 vols. O. FV.F15 Garter, Order op the. The statutes of the most noble order of the Garter, n.p. n.d. 54 p. O. FV.G19 GoxntDON DE Genouillac, N. J. H. L'art heraldique. Paris, n.d. 290 p. O. (Biblio. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) FV.G74 GkiFFiN, James, comp. Flags, national and mercantile. Portsmouth, 1895. 36 p. O. FVF.G87 Hope, St. John. Heraldry for craftsmen and designers. N.Y., 1913. 426 p. D. FV.H77h Hope, St. John. Stall plates of the Knights of the Garter. Westminster, 1901. 1 vol. in 2. F. .. FV.H77 HuLME, F. E. History, principles and prac- tice of heraldry. Lond., 1897. 281 p. O. FV.H87 Knight, Frederick, & Butters, Lawrence. Crests of Great Britain and Ireland, Dom- inion of Canada, 'India and Australasia; ed. by Joseph Maclaren. Lond., 188;i. 2 vols. Q. FV45-I-K74 Massicotte, E. Z. & Roy. Regis. Armorial du Canada frangais. Montreal, 1918. 151 p. O. FV82.M58 Montagu, J. A. Guide to the study of her- aldry. Lond., 1840. 76 p. Q. FV-I-M76 Morgan. J. P. Armorial bindings from the libraries of the kings and emperors of France from Francis II to Napoleon III. Lond.. 1902. 34 fol. pi. F. ZKSi|M82 National Geographic Magazine. Oxu- flag number. October. 1917. Wash., 1917. 139 p. Q. FVF.N21 Palliser. Mrs. Fanny. Historic devices, badges and war-cries. Lond.. 1870. 435 p. O. FVD.P18 Parker, J. H. ed. Glossary of terms used in British heraldry. Oxf., 1847. 360 p. O. FV.P22 Preble. G. H. History of the flag of the United States of America. Boston, 1880. 815 p. Q. FVF-I-P91 Seton, George. The law and practice of heraldry in Scotland. Edin., 186^^. 548 p. O. FV43.S495 WildebrandT, A. M. Heraldische Meister- werke von der Internationalcn Ausstellung fur Heraldik zu Beriin im Jahre 1882. Ber- lin, 1882. 24 p. 100 pi. F. W15|1W64 Wyon, a. B. & Wyon, Allan. The great seals of England. Lond., 1887. 217 p. F. WKJ11W99 'X'. The right to bear arms. Lond., 1900. 246 p. D. FV.X HOUSE DECORATION. Barker. Lady. The bedroom and boudoir. Lond., 1912. 116 p. ill. pi. D. WSH.B24 Cook. C. C. What shall we do with bur waUs? N.Y., 1880. 35 p. O. WSH.C77W Cook, C. C. The house beautiful; essays on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. N.Y., 1878. 336 p. Q. WSH-fC77 Day, L. F. Everyday art. Lond., 1882. 283 p. D. WSH.D33 EasTlake, C. L. Hints on household taste. Lond., 1868. 269 p. O. WSH.E132 Eberlein, H. D., and others. The practical book of interior decoration. Phila., 1919. • 451 p. pi. O. WSH.E16 Edis, R. W. Decoration and furniture of town ^ houses. Lond., 1881. 292 p. O. WSH.E235 Garrett, Rhoda, AND others. Art at home; papers on house decoration, music, dress* etc. Phila.. n.d. 4 pts. in 1. pi. D. W.9G195 Haweis. Mrs. M. E. The art of decoration. Lond.. 1881. 407 p. D. WSH.H31 Jennings, A. S. Renovation of the home in war time, with special reference to house- painting, decorating, etc. Lond., 1917. 86 p. D. WSH.J44 Lenygon, Francis. Decoration in England from 1660 to 1770. Lond., 1914. 296 p. ill. pi. F. WSH!(L545 LoFTiE, Mrs. The dining room. Lond., 1878. 128 p. ill. pi. D. (Art at home ser.) WSH.L82 34 MCGILL UNIVERSITY House Decoration — Cent. OrrinsmiTh, Mrs. Lucy. The drawing room; its decorations and furniture. Lond., 1877. 145 p. ill. pi. D. (Art at home ser.) WSH.075 Pbrcter. Charles. Recueil de decorations interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport k I'ameublement. Paris, 1801. 73 p. F. WS|^P41 Stratton, Arthur. The English interior; a review of the decoration of Knglish homes from Tudor times to the 19th century. Lond., 1920. 86 p. ill. pi. F. WSH||S911 Wharton, Mrs. E. N. & CodMAN, Ogden, Jr. The decoration of houses. N.Y.. 1897. 204 p. O. WSH.W55 ICONOGRAPHY. Bayliss, Sir Wyke. Rex regum; a painter's study of the likeness of Christ. Lond. 1902. 212 p. O. W145.B34 Crosnier, Augustin, Abb6. Iconographie chr^tienne. Paris. 1848. 344 p. O. W144.C885 DiDRON, A. N. Christian iconography; tr. fr. the French by E. J. Millington. Lond., 1851-91. 2 vols. D. W144.D56.E Flbury, Jules (dit ChampflEury.) Histoire de la caricature antique. Paris, n.d. 348 p. D. WMV.F63, Fleury, Jules (dit ChampflEury.) Histoire de la caricature au moyen age. Paris, n.d. 352 p. ill. D. WMV.F63m Fleury, Jules (dit Champfleury.) Histoire de la caricature modeme. Paris, n.d. 522 p. D. WMV.F63mo Hill, G. F. Medallic portraits of Christ, the false shekels, the thirty pieces of silver. Oxf., 1920. 123 p. ill. pi. Q. W1454-H55 HuLME, F. E. History and principles and practice of symbolism in Christian art. Lond., 1892. 234 p. iU. D. W144.H955 LuNDY, Rev. J. P. Monumental Christian- ity; or the art and symbolism of the prim- itive Church. N.Y., 1876. 453 p. O. W144.L975 PeraTE, Andre. L'arch6ologie chretienne Paris, n.d. 368 p. O. (Biblio. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W14.P41 Pfleiderer, Rudolf. Die Attribute der Heiligen; ein alphabetisches Nachschlage- buch zum Verstandnis kirchlicher Kunst- werke. Ulm, 1898. 206 p. D. W14.P48 Smith, H. J. Illustrated symbols and em- blems of the Jewish, early Christian, Greek, Latin and modern churches. Phila., 1900. 224 p. ill. Q. •W144+S649 Twining, Louisa. Symbols and emblems of early and mediaeval Christian art. Lond., 1885. 220 p. D. W144.T92 TyrwhiTT, Rev. R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism. Lond., 1872. 292 p. D. W14.T985 Waters. Mrs. Clara. Handbook of legend ary and mythological art. Bost., 1879. 541 p. D. W14.W315 LETTERING. Brown. F. C. Letters and lettering; a treatise with 100 examples. Bost., 1912. 214 p.- O. WSA.B81 Day, L. F. Alphabets, old and new. Lond., 1898. 161 p. D. (Text-books of ornamental design.) WSA.D33 Form: A quarterly journal containing poetry, sketches, articles of literary and critical interest, etc. ed. by A. O. Spare and Francis Marsden. Lond., 1916-17. 2 vols, in 1. iU. pi. F. AP||F76 Heyney, William. Modem lettering, artistic and practical. N.Y., 1909. 136 p. D. WSA.H51 Jacoby, H. S. Textbook on plain lettering. N.Y.. 1906. 82 p. D. WSA.J15 Reinhard, C. W. Lettering for draftsmen. engineers and students. N.Y., 1912. 34p. 13 pi. D. WSA.R27 Shaw, Henry, Alphabets, numerals and de- vices of the middle ages. Lond., 1845. 6 p. +48 pi. Q. WSA+S534 Sherman, C. E. Theory and practice of letter- ing designed for the use of engineers and draftsmen. Columbus, 1904. 49 p. Q. WSA+S553 Strange, E. F. Alphabets; a manual of let- tering with historical and practical descrip- tions. Lond., 1896. 294 p. D. WSA.S897 Williams, H. S. Manuscripts, inscriptions and muniments. Lond., 1902. 4 vols. F. ZE||W67 Wilson, V. T. Freehand lettering; being a treatise on plain lettering. N.Y., 1903. 95 p. O. WSA.W69 MANUSCRIPTS, MINIATURES AND ILLUMINATION. Bradley, J. W. A manual of illumination. • Lond., 1860. 76 p. D. WSLB72 British Museum. Schools of illumination; reproductions from MSS. in the British Museum. Lond., 1914-15. 2 vols. F. Vol. 1, Hiberno-Saxon and early English - schools, A.D. 700—1100. Vol. 2, English 12th and 13th centuries. WSIIIB778 Humphreys, H. N. The illuminated books of the middle ages; illustrated by examples selected by Owen Jones. Lond., 1849. 16 p. +40 pi. F. WSI||H88 Huntington. A. M. Initials and miniatures of the 9tli, 10th and 11th centuries from the Mozarabic manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos in the British Museum. N.Y.. 1904. unp. F. WSII|H92 35 BLACKADER LIBRARY Manuscripts — Miniatures — Illumination — Cont. Lecoy de la Marche, Albert. Les manu- scripts et la miniature. Paris, n.d. 3.57 p. O. WPT.L49 MiDDLETON, J. H. Illuminated manuscripts . in classical and mediaeval times, their art and their technique. Camb., 1892. 270 p. Q. WSI+M58 Parsey, Arthur. Art of miniature painting on ivory. Lond., 1831. 184 p. D. WPM.P21 Perrins, C. W. D. Descriptive catal- ogue of illuminated manuscripts in his library, by Sir George Warner. O.xf., 1920. 2 vols. pi. F. ZN|iP42 R., F. M. Emblematic illumination. Lend., n.d. 24 p. O. WSI.R Shaw, Henry. The art of illumination, as practised during the middle ages. 2nd ed. Lond., 1870. 8+66 p. ill. Q. WSI+S534.2 Tymns, W. R. and Wyatt, M. D. The art of illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times. Lond., 1800. F. WSIIiT974 Williams, H. S. and muniments. Manuscripts, inscriptions Lond., 1902. 4 vols. F. ZE1IW67 METAL WORK— Iron, Bronze, Brass and Lead. Belcher, W. D. Kentish brasses. Lond., 1888. vol. 1. Q. WGS45-)-B41 BouTELL, Rev. Charles. Monumental brasses and slabs; an historical and de- scriptive notice of the incised monumental memorials of the Middle Ages. Lond., 1847. 235 p. Q. WGS+B66 BuRTY, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the in- dustrial arts; ed. by W. Chaffers, tr. fr. the French. Lond., 1869. 391 p. O. WS.B95.E CoTTiNGHEM. Library of plates for architects, vol. 3, Iron. Lond., 1910. WF||T22 Ferrari, Giulio. II ferro nell'Arte Italiana. Milano, 1910. 221 p. F. WY||F41 ForTnum, C. D. Bronzes. Lond., 1877. 162 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WKP.F77 Gardner, J- S. English ironwork of the 17th and 18th centuries. Lond., 1911. 336 p. O. ^ WY+G17 Gardner, J. S. Ironwork. Lond., 1893-96. 2 vols. D. WY.G17 Gardner, J. S. Ironwork. Lond., 1914. ill. pi. D. 3 ed. WY.G17.2 Haines, Herbert. A manual of monumen- tal brasses. Oxf., 1861. 2 vols. ill. pi. O. WGS.H12 Hefner- Alteneck, J. H. Eisenwerke; oder omamentik der Schmiedkunst des Mittel- alters und der Renaissance. Frankfurt- a-m.. 1885-86. 2 vols. F. WY||H36 Hendley, T. H. Damascening on steel or iron, as practised in India. Lond., 1892. 32 pi. F. WYIIH69 Industrial Arts; historial sketches. Lond., 1876. 276 p. D.* (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WD. 142 Lethaby, W. R. Leadwork, old and orna- mental, and for the most part English. Lond., 1893. 148 p. D. WY.L565 LuER, H. and CreuTz, M. Geschichte der Metallkunst. (vol. 1. Luer: Kunstgeschichte der unedlen Metalle; v. 2. Cruetz: Kunst- geschichte der edlen Metalle.) vStuttg., 1904-9. 2 vols. ill. Q. WY+L96 Masse, H. T. L- F. Chats on old pewter. Toronto, n.d. 422 p. pi. O- WY.M38 McLachlan, R. W. Artistic historic medals struck in Canada in 1915. n.p., n.d. 4 p. Q. Meyer, F. S. Handbook of art smithing; ill. fr. the German. Lond., 1896. 207 p. O. WY.M575 MooRR, Mrs. N. H. Old pewter, brass, cop- per and Sheffield plate. N.Y., 1905. 229 p. O. WY.M78 Murphy, B. S. English and Scottish wrought iron work. Lond., 1904. 80 pi. F. WYIIM95 Peters, Lond., Charles. 1890. 160 Home p. O. handicrafts. WS.P44 RiANO, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain. Lond., 1890. 276 p. D. (South Kensington art handbook ser.) WS40.R35 SCHULTZ; R. W. AND OTHERS. (The) arts con- nected with building; lectures on craftsman- ship and design delivered at Carpenter's Hall, London. Lond., 1909. 224 p. O. T.S387 Semper, Gottfried. Der Stil in den tech- nischen und tektonischen Kunsten; oder praktische Aesthetik. Munchen, 1878-79. 2 vols. Q. WS.S473 METAL WORK— Precious Metals. ASHBEE, C. R. Modem English silverwork; an essay together with a series of designs by the author. Lond., 1909. 100 pi. F. WX||A819 Blume, Theodor. The silver treasure- trove of Hildesheim; a description based on the writings of Heinrich Holzer and others. Hildesheim, n.d. 47 p. O. WX.B62 British MusEt;M. Catalogue of the jewelry, Greek, Etruscan and Roman, in the de- partments of antiquities; by F. H. Marshall. Lond., 1911. 400 p. iU. Q. WX-t-B77 Burns, Rev. Thomas. Old Scottish Com- munion plate. Edin., 1892. 615 p. Q. WWC-I-B93 36 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Metal Work— The Precious Metals— Cent, Hooper, John, & Shirley, A. J. Handicraft in wood and metal. Lond., 191.3. 240 p^ Q. WS+H76 Jones, E. A. Old English plate of the Em- peror of Russia. Letchworth, 1909. 115 p. F. WX!|J71 Jones, E. A. Old royal plate in the Tower of London. Oxf., 1908. 115 p. Q. WX+J71 Jones, E. A. Gold and silver of Windsor Castle. Letchworth, 1911. 241 p. F. WXIIJ719 King, Rev. C. W. The handbook of en- graved gems. Lond., 1866. 396 p. D. WKH.K58 KuNZ, G. F. Gold ornaments from the United States of Columbia. Repr. from Amer. antiquarian. Sept. 1887. 4 p. O. WX.K96 Labordb. L. E- S. J. CoMTE DE. Notice des emaux etc. du Louvre. Paris, 1853. pt. 1. 441 p. D. WZ.Lll Landrum, R. O. Enamels. Cleveland, 1918. 106 p. O. RQG. L23 LuER, H. AND CreuTz, M. Geschichte der Metallkunst. (v: 1. Luer: Kunstgeschiv^hte der unedlen Metalle: v. 2. Creutz: Kunst- geschichte der edlen Metalle.) Stuttg., 1904-9. 2 vols. ill. Q. WY-1-L96 MooRE, Mrs. N. H. Old pewter, brass, cop- per and Sheffield plate. N.Y., 1905. 229 p. O. WY.M78 Osborne, Duffield. Engraved gems, sig- nets, talismans and ornamental intaglios ancient and modem, N.Y., 1916. 424 p. ill. pi. Q. WKH-fOSl Perry, J. T. Dinanderie; a history and de- scription of mediaeval art work in copper, brass and bronze. Lond., 1910. 238 p. Q. W15-I-P42 Peters, Charles. Home Lond., 1890. 160 p. O. handicrafts. WS.P44 Pollen, J. H. Gold and silversmith's work. Lond., 1879. 160. p. D. (South Kensington Museum Art handbook ser.) WX.P76 South Kensington Museum. Report on the analysis of various examples of metal- Work, etc. Lond., 1892. 54 p. O. WY.S726 Tiffany & Co. Catalogue of their collection of jade and rockcrystal, by G. F. Kunz. N.Y., 1899. 87 p. D. WZ.T44 Waring, J. B. Art treasures of the United Kingdom, from the Art treasures exhibi- tion, Manchester. (Gold, silver, tapestry, inlay.) Lond., 1858. 230 p. F. WC45|!Mw MOSAIC. George, W. S. The Church of St. Eirene at Constantinople. Lond., 1913. 88 p. F. WGK29IIG29 Morgan, Thomas. Romano-British mosaic pavements. Lond., 1886. 323 p. O. WT.M82 PeraTE, Andre. L'archeologie chretienne. Paris, n.d. 368 p. O. (Biblio. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W14.P41 RiCHTER, J. P., and Taylor, A. C. Golden age of classic Christian art. Lond., 1904. 428 p. pi. F. W14||R41 ScHULTz, R. W., & Barnsley, S. H. British school at Athens. Monastery of St. Luke at Stiris. Lond., 1901. 76 p. ill. F. WF145!|B77 PLASTER WORK. Bankart, G. p. The art of the plasterer; an account of the decorative development of the craft. Lond., 1908. 350 p. F. WDJIB22 Colasanti, Arduino. Ceilings of the Italian Renaissance, from the 14th to the 15th century. N.Y., n.d. 892 p. pi. F. (Binder's title reads: volte e sofTitti Italiani) WIXIIC67 Ferrari, Giulio. Stucco nell'arte Italiana. Milan, n.d. 205 pi. F. WD36||F41 Millar, William. Plastering, plain and decorative; a practical treatise. Lond., 1897. 604 p. Q. WD-I-M61 ScHULTz, R. W., & others. The arts con- nected with building; lectures on craftman- ship and design, delivered at Carpenter's Hall, London, ed. by T. R. Davison. Lond., 1809. 224 p. O. T.S387 POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Barber. E- A., ed. Catalogue of Mexican majolica. N-Y., 1911. 151 p. O. WKT.B23 British Museum. Catalogue of the collection of EngUsh porcelain. Lond., 1905. 162 p. Q WPN-I-B77 British Museum. Catalogue of the collection of EngUsh pottery. Lond., 1903. 310 p. Q. WPN -f-B77 Bronquiart.Alexandre. Traite des arts cer- amiques- Paris, 1844. 2 vols. & Atlas. O. WKT.E785 BuRTv, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the in- dustrial arts; ed. by W. ChafTers, tr. fr. the French. Lond., 1869. 391 p. O. WRT.B95.3 Chaffers, William- The ke ramie gallery. Lond., 1872. 2 vols. iU. Q. WKT-|-C34 37 BLACKADER LIBRARY Pottery and Porcelain — Cont. Chaffers, William. The collector's hand- book of marks and monograms on pottery and porcelain of the Renaissance and modem periods- Lond.. 1908. 234 p. , D. WKT.G34C CoNZE, A. C. L- Melische Thongefasse. Lpz., 1862.- 8 p. +5 pi. F. WPN!|C76 Cox, George J- Pottery for artists, crafts- men and teachers. N.Y., 1914. 200 p. ill. D. (Technical art ser.) WKT.G83 EarlE, Mrs. Alice, China collecting in America. N.Y., 1892. 429 p. O. WKV.E125 Elliott, C. W. Pottery and porcelain. N.Y. 1878. 358 p. Q. WKT.E46 Fairbanks, Arthur. Athenian Lckythoi. N.Y., 1907-14. vols. 6 & 7. Q. WKT-t-F15 Gargiulo, RaFFAELE. Cenni sulla maniera di rinvenire i vasi fittili Italo-Greci. Napoli, 1843. 40 p. Q. WKT-HG18 Harrison, J- E- & Maccoll, D. S- Greek vase paintings. Lond., 1894. 86 p. F. WPNIIH24 HavdEN, Arthur. Chats on old china. N.Y., 1906. 288 p. O. WKT.H32 Herford, MAkY. A handbook of Greek vase painting. Manchester, 1919. 125 p. ill. pi. Q. , W127+H42 HoppiN, J. C A handbook of Attic red- figured vases, signed by, or attributed to the various masters of the 6th and 5th centuries B.C. Camb., Mass., 1919. 2 vols. ill. O. WKT.H77 Jacquemart, Albert, and LE Blanc, E. F. Histoire artistique, industrielle et com- mercial de la porcellaine. Paris, 1862. 690 p. ill. pi. F. WKTIIJ165 Janvier, C A. Practical keramics for stu- dents. N.Y., 1880. 258 p. O. WKT.J267 Japan Society. Chinese, Corean and Japan- ese potteries; descriptive catalogue of loan exhibition of selected examples. N.Y., 1914. 129 p. F. WKT-f J557 IeweTT, L. F. W. Ceramic art in Great Britain, from prehistoric times to the present day. !Lond., 1878. 2 vols. Q. WKT-I-J557 Lau, Theodor. Die griechischen Vasen; ihr Former und Decorations System; mit ciner historischen Einleitung. Lpz.,' 1877. 44 pi. F. WPNIIL35 LauFER, BerThold. Chinese pottery of the Han Dynasty. Leiden, 1909. 339 p. ill. O. WKT-hL36 Mayer, Joseph. Art of pottery. Liverpool, 1871. 42 p. O. WKT.M455 Milliet, Paul. Etudes sur les premieres periodes de la ceramique grecquc. Paris. « 1891. 169 p. O. WKT.M62 MiLLiNGEN, James. Painted Greek vases from collections in various countries, prin- cipally in Great Britain. Lond., 1822. 105 p. F.V. (Ancient unedited monuments.) WKT M62 Moore, Mrs. N. H. Delft ware; Dutch and English. N.Y., 1908. 78 p. O. WKT.M78d Moore, Mrs. N. H. The old china book. N.Y., 1603. 300 p. D. WKT.M78o OliveiRa, L- a. de. Exposi^ao retrospectiva de ceramica nacional em Vianna do Castello No anno de 1915. Breves estudos- Porto, 1920. 201 p. pi. Q. WKT+048 Pezard, M. La ceramique archaique de rislam et ses origines. Paris, 1920. 1 vol. in 2. pi. F. WKTIIP46 Prime, W. C. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations. N.Y., 1878- 531 p. O. WKT.P93 RiANO, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain. Lond., 1890. 276 p. D. WKT.P93 ScHORN, OTTO VON. Die Kunsterzeugnisse aus Thon und Glas. . . vom fruhen Mirrel- alter bis zur Gegenwart. Lpz., 1888. 216 p. D. (In Blummer, H. & Schorn, O. Geschichte des Kunstgewerbes.) WS.B625 Semper, Gottfried. Der Stil in den tech- nischen und tektonischen Kunsten; oder praktische Aesthetik. Munchen, 1878-79. 2 vols. O. WS.S473 South Kensington Museum. Pottery and Porcelain, pt. 2. Lond., n.d. ill. D. WKT.S725P South Kensington Museum. Descriptive catalogue of the maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus and Rhodian vases in the Museum. Lond., 1873. 699 p. Q. WKT-f-S726 Walters, H. B. History of ancient pottery. Lond., 1905. 2 vols. D. WKT.W17 Waring, J. B. Art treasures of tlie United Kingdom; from the art treasures exhibi- tion, Manchester. Lond., 1858. 230 p. F. WC45!|MW Westropp, H. M. Handbook of pottery and porcelain. N.Y., n.d. 171 p. D. WKT.W52 WheaTlEY, H. B. Handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. Lond. 1886. 124 p. O. WKT.W56 Worcester Royal Porcelain Company. Catalogue of a collection of Worcester porcelain in the museum at the Royal Porcelain Works, by R. W. Binns. Worces- ter, 1882. 183 p. O. WKT.WSV Young, J. J. Ceramic art; history and manu- facture of pottery and porcelain. NY,. 1878. 499 p. O. WKT.Y85 3S MCGILL UNIVERSITY PRINTS AND ENGRAVINGS, Anderson, William. Japanese wood en- gravings; their history, tccfinique and characteristics. Lond., 1908. 219 p. ill. pi. S. WO.A552 BEardslBy, AxjbrEy. Salora6; by Oscar Wilde; tr. fr. the French with 10 drawings by Aubrey Beardsley. Lond., 1912. 6(5 p. ill. pi. O. YD.W64S.2 BEERBohm, Max. Fifty caricatures. I^nd., 1914. 50 pi. O. WMV.B39 Bewick, Thomas, and others. Impressions from wood blocks engraved by them, form- erly in the possession of T. and J. Hodgson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1865. 44 pi. por. Q. WO+B465 Binyon, R. L. a catalogue of Japanese and Chinese woodcuts. . .in the British Mus- eum. Lond., 1916. 605 p. Q. W0+B51 BosschErE, Jean dE. The closed door; with a tr. fr. the French by F. vS. Flint. (Poems illustrated by the author). Lond., 1917. 131 p. ill. por. pi. O. Y39p.B65 Bradley, W. A. Dutch landscape etchers of the XVII century. Newhaven, 1918. 12S p. ill. D. WOT.B72 British Museum. Reproductions of the prints in the British Museum. New ser. n.p., 1890-98. F. WOi|B77 British Museum. Catalogue of engraved British portraits preserved in the depart- ment of prints and drawings; by Freeman O'Donoghue. Lond., 1908-14. 4 vols. O. WO10-I-B77 Browne, H. K. Racing and chasing; the road, the river and the hunt; illustrated in fifty drawings by "Phiz". Lond., n.d. 50 pi. Q. WN-1-B81 CaldEcoTT, Randolph. Sketches; with an introduction by Henry Blackburn. Lond., 1912. 125 p. Q. W10+G121 CasTlE, EgERTon. English bookplates, an- cient and modern. Lond., 1893. 352 p. ill. pi. D. ZU.C275.2 Caxton, William, by E- G. Duff. Chicago, 1905. 118 p. F. ZI||D87 CharnlEy, Emerson, Specimens of ear- ly wood engraving; being impressions of wood-cuts from his collection. Newcastle- upon-Tyne. 1858. 90 pi. Q. WO+G38 ChaTTo, W. a. a treatise on wood engrav- ing, historical and practical; with ill. en- graved on wood by John Jackson. Lond., 1839. 749 p. ill. pi. Q. WO+C39 Clark,' W. A., Jr. The Library of W. A. Clark, Jr. The Kelmscott and Doves presses, in 2 parts; collated and comp. by R. E. Cowan and others, with anintro. by A. W. PoUard. San Francisco, 1921. 123 p. Q. ZN-f-C55k CockErEll, Douglas. Bookbinding and the care of books. Lond., 1901. 342 p. ill. pi. D. (Artistic crafts ser.) ZK.C64 Craig, E. G. Bookplates designed and cut on wood. Hackbridge, 1900. 4 p.-f-lO pi. S. ZU.C84 Gust, L. H. The master "E.S." and the "Ats moriendi"; a chapter in the history of engraving during the 15th century. Oxf., 1898. 21 p. F. WOIIC96 DoDD, William. Specimens of early wood engraving; being impressions of wood-cuts in the possession of the publisher. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1862. 120 pi. Q. WO+D66 Dor6, GusTav. Atala, by F. A. Chateau- briand; tr. fr. the French by J. S. Harry; ill. by Gustav Dore. Lond., n.d. 86 p. ill. pi. F. Y39Fi|C39a.E Doyle, John. Political sketches of H. B. Lond., 1827-49. 2 vols. F. W0V||D77 DurER, AlbrEchT. Designs of the Prayer- book. Lond., 1817. 43 pi. F. W10||D865 DuRER, AlbrEchT. Die geheime Offen- barung Johannis; 15 Vollbilder nach seinen Handzeichnungen . . .Munchen, n.d., 16 pi. F. W0A||D865 Ellis, E. J. Seen in three days, written, drawn and tinted by E- G. E- Lond., 1893 59 pi. ill. F. YPIIE47 FindEn, William, & Finden, E. F. Land- scapes of the Waverley novels. Lond , 1830-31. 80 pi. O. WOA.F49 Flelry, Jules, dit Chamfleury. Histoire de la caricature antique. Paris, n.d. 348 p. m. D. WMV.F63 FlElry, JtLEs, dit ChampflEury. Histoire de la caricature au moyen age et sous la Renaissance. Paris, n.d. 352 p. ill. D. WMV.F63m FlEury, Jules, dit Champfleury. Histoire de la caricature modeme. Paris, n.d. 522 p. iU. D. WMV.F63mo FociLLON, Henri. Giovanni-Battista Piran- esi. Paris, 1918. 324 p. Q. W10+P66f FociLLON, Henri. Giovanni-Battista Piran- esi; essai de catalogue raissoime de son oeuvre. Paris, 1918. 76 p. Q. W10-FP66fg Flaxman, John. La divina comedia di Dante Alighieri, coie I'lnferno, il Purgatorio ed il Paradiso. n.p., 1802. Ill pi. Q. Y36-hDRf Form : a quarterly journal containing poetry, sketches, articles of literary and critical interest, etc., ed. by A. O. Spare and Francis Marsden. Lond., 1916-17. 2 vols, in 1. ill. pi. F. APIIF76 FoRRER, Robert. Unedirte Federzeich- nungen, Miniaturen und Initialen des Mittelalters. Strassburg, 1902-07. 2 vols. F. WSl||F77 Foster, BifkeT. Summer scenes; a series of photographs from some of his choice water- colour drawings. . . Lond., 1867. 60 p. F. W10.F81 Gell6e, Clalde, called Claude de Lor- RAiN. Liber veritatis; or a collection of prints after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain, in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire, executed by Richard Earlom. Lond., 1777. 3 vols. F. W10||G28 Gilpin, William. Essay on prints. Lond., 1781. 244 p. D. WO.G42 Goncolrt, E. H. de. Hokousai. Paris, 1896. 386 p. D. WP10.H68 GONCOURT, E. H. DE. 1891. 265 p. D. Outamaro. Paris, WP10.094 39 I BLACKADER LIBRARY Prints and Engravings — Cont. HamERTon, p. G. Etching and etchers. Lond., 1876. 459 p. O. W0T.H17 Hardie, Martin, and Sabin, A. K. Eds. War posters issued by belligerent and neutral nations. 1914-19. Lond., 1920. 46 p. +79 pi. Q. F30809+H215 Heller, Joseph. Lexicon fur Kupferstich- sammler... Bamberg, 1838. 226 p. D. WOE.H365 Hind, A. M. Hans Holbein the Younger; his Old Testament illustrations. Dance of death and other woodcuts. Lond., 1912. 16 pi. O. (Great engravers ser.) WO10.H69h Hind, A. M. Marcantonio and Italian en- gravers and etchers of the 16th century. Lond., 1912. 16 p. O. (Great engravers ser.) WQlO.RlSli Kay, John. A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. . . Edin., 1877. 2 vols. Q. WO10.K18 Koch, T. W. Concerning bookplates. Chic- ago, 1915. 20 p. pi. O. ZV.K81 LandsEER, John. Lectures on the art of engraving. Lond., 1807. 341 p. O. WO.L235 Leech, John. Pictures of life and character; from the collection of Mr. Punch. Lond., 1855. 94 p. F. W10||L51 LEvussovE, M. S. The new art of an ancient people; the work of E. M. Lilien. N.Y., 1906. 51 p. O. W10.L611 LeydEn, Lucas van. Works. Haarlem, n.d. 50 pi. F. W10i!J15 LinTon, W. J. Masters of wood-engraving. New Haven, 1889. 229 p. ill. pi. F. WOIIL65 LuiKEN, Jan. Theatre des martyrs repre- sente en tailles douces. n.p., 1738. 89 pi. O. W10.L96 MacFall, Major Haldane. Beautiful child- ren immortalised by the masters; ed. by T. L. Hare. N.Y.. 1909. 318 p. Q. WP+M16 McLennan, William. An outline of the history of engraving, n.p., n.d., 20 p. O. WO.M22 Maurier, George du. Social pictorial satire. N.Y.. 1898. 100 p. D. WOW.D89 May, Phil. Phil May's sketchbook. Lond. 1903. 50 p. F. W10IIM45 Morgan, J. P. Amorial bindings from the libraries of the kings and emperors of France from Francis I to Napoleon III. Lond., 1902. 34 pi. F. ZKS|!M82 Morgan, J. P. English royal bindings in the Pierpont Morgan Library, ZKS||M82e Paris. Biblioth^que nation ale — De- PARTEMENT des estampes. Livres et albums illustrds du Japon; rdunis et cata- logues par Theodore Buret. Paris, 1900. 322 p. ill. pi. Q. ZS39.P212.2 PaTon, Hugh. Etching, drypoint, mezzotint. Lend., 1895. 182 p. O. WQT.P27 Pearson, Edwin. Banbury Chapbooks and nursery toy book literature of the 18th and early 19th centuries, with impressions from several hundred wood-cut blocks by T. and J. Bewick and others. Lond., 1890. 116 p. ill. pi. Q. ZJ-fP315 Pennell, Joseph. Modem Illistration. Lond., 1895. 146 p. D. WOW.P385 Print Collector's Quarterly. N.Y., 1912 = 17. vols. 2-7. D. W.7P93 PuTman, G. H. Books and their makers during the middle ages. N.Y., 1896. 2 vols. O. ZH+P98 QuARiTCH, Bernard. Facsimiles of choice examples of historic and artistic book- binding and of specimens of book-illimina- tion. Lond., 1889. 11 pts. in 1 vol. pi. Q. ZK+02 Retzsch, Moritz. Shakespeare, Goethe and Schiller illustrated. Lond., n.d. 84 p. T. W10.R318 RichTER, a. L. Fur's Haus. Dresden, n.d. 4 vols. ill. F. W10i|R41 RiCKETTs, E. B. Composite bookplates, 1897-8. Lond., 1898. 55 pi. Q. ZU.R42 Royal Association for Promotion of the FINE arts in Scotland. Six engravings in illustration of Rob Roy. n.p., 1868. 6 pi. F. W10RII81 RusKiN, John. Ariadne Florentina; six lectures on wood and metal engraving. Orpington, 1890. 298 p. D. WO.R89 Sandys, Mary. ed. Reproductions of wood- cuts by F. Sandys. Lond., n.d. 21 pi. F. W10-fS222 Sawyer, J. R- The autotype process; being a practical manual of instruction in the art of printing in permanent pigments. Lond., 1877. 6. ed. 110 p. pi. O. WRN.S271 Sculptura-historico-technica; or the his- tory and art of engraving. . .Lond.. 1747. 225 p. S. WQ.S437 Schottenlohr, Karl. Das alte Buch. Berlin, 1921. 432 p. ill. O. ZH.S375 Severn, Arthur. The Devil's motor; by Marie Corelli; a fantasy, n.p., n.d. Q. W10+S498 Society of American Wood-engravers. Engravings on wood; with an intro. and descriptive text by W. M. Laffan. N.Y., 1887. 26 p. 25 pi. F. WOrS678 The Studio. Modem woodcuts; Geoffrey Holme, ed. Lond., 1919. 204 p. ill. pi. Q. - WO+S933 Westwood, J. O. Palaeographia sacra pic- toria; being a series of illustrations of the ancient versions of the Bible, copied from the illuminated mss. executed between the 4th and 5th centuries. Lond., 1843-45. F. WSIIIW52 Veen, Otto Van. Quinti Horatio Flacci emblemata. Bruxellis, 1683. 205 p. ill. Q. W10-I-V51 Waddy, Frederick. Cartoon portraits and biographical sketches of men of the day. Lond., 1873. 147 p. pi. Q. WMV-t-W113 Walcot, William. Architectural watercolours and etchings. Lend., 1919. 139 p. ill. pi. por. F. W0RIIW14 40 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Prints and Engravings — Cont. WiLLSHiRE, W. H. Introduction to the study and collection of ancient prints. Lond., 1874. 569 p. O. WO.W58 Yearbook op American Etching. N.Y., 1914. 1 vol. pi. Q. W0T+Y31 Yeats. J. B. Life in the west of Ireland; drawn and painted by Jack B. Yeats. Dublin. 1912. 112 pi. O. W10.Y3 TEXTILES AND WEAVING. Baker. W. D. & Baker, Ida S. Batik and other pattern dyeing. Chicago, 1920. 139 p. ill. D. WS.B17 Belloc, J. H. P. The book of the Bayeux tapestry. Lond., 1913. 76 p. ill. map. Q. WUA+B41 Burty, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the in- dustrial arts; ed. by W. Chaffers; tr. fr. the French. Lend., 1869. 391 p. O. WKT.B95.E ChampEaux, Alfred de. Tapestry". Lond,. 1887. 78 p. D. WUA.C355 Channer, C. C, & Roberts, M. E- Lace making in the midlands, past and present. Lond., 1900. 80 p. D. WUL.C36 Davenport, C. J. H. English embroidered bookbindings. N.Y.. 1899. 113 p. ill. pi. O. ZKS.D27 FowKE, F. R. The Bayeux tapestry. Lond., 1898. 139 p. D. WUA.F82 Harrison, Mrs. Constance Woman's handiwork in modern homes. N.Y.,1881. 242 p. O. WSH.H24 HawlEy, W. A. Oriental rugs, antique and modem. N.Y., 1913. 320 p. ill. pi. map Q. WUV-I-H31 Hunter, G. L. Decorative textiles. Phila. 1918. 458 p. ill. F. WUT||H91 Hunter, G. L. Tapestries; their origin, history and renaissance. N.Y., 1912. 438 p. O. WUA.H91 Jackson, Mrs. F. Nevill. A history of hand-made lace... Lond., 1900. 245 p. Ul. pi. Q. WUL.J13 Jourdain, M. The history of English secular embroidery. Lend., 1910. 202 p. pi. O. WU.J82 Mason, O. T. Indian basketry; studies in a textile art without machinery. N.Y., 1904. 2 vols. O. WSBA-fM38 Pesel, L. F. Stitches from Eastern embroid- eries. Lend., 1913. 6 p.+48 pi. Q. WU-I-P43 Pesel, L. F. Stitches from old English em- embroideries, Lond., 1912. 12 p. -f^ .36 pi. Q. WU-1-P430 Pesel, L. F. Stitches from Western em- broideries. Lond., n.d. 47 p. pi. Q. WU-1-P43W Rock, Rev. Daniel. Textile fabrics. Lond., 1876. 116 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WUT.R59 ScHMiTz, H. Bildteppiche; Geschichtq der Gobelin wirkerei. Berlin, n.d. 352 p. ill. O. WUA.S355 Schorn, Otto von. 1885. 260 p. D. Otto von Schom: stgewerbes, vol. 3.) Die.Textilkunst. Lpz., (In Hugo Blumner und Geschichte des Kun- WS.B625 Semper, Gottfried. Der Stil in den tech- nischen und tektonischen Kunsten; oder Praktische Aesthetik. Muncheft, 1878-79. 2 vols. Q. WS.S473 Victoria and Albert Museum. Notes on carpet knotting and weaving. Lond., 1920. 26 p. D. WUV.V66 Victoria and Albert Museum. Catalogue of tapestries, by A. F. Kendrick. Lend., 1914. 104 p. pi. O. WUA.V66 Waring, J. B. Art treasures of the United Kingdom; from the Art treasures exhibition. Manchester, Lond., 1858. 230 p. F. WC45IIMW DRAWING. Armstrong, H. P. Geometrical drawing for use in schools and colleges. Montreal, 1920. 47 p. ill. O. LdE.A735 Andre, G. G. Draughtsman's handbook of plan and map drawing. Lond., 1891. 150 p. Q. WMN-I-A555 Augsburg, DeR. L. Augsburg's Drawing books, I, II, and III. Bost., 1901-02. 3 vols. D. WM.A921 Blomfield, Reginald T. Architectural drawing and draftsmen. Lond., 1912. 96 P Pl Q WFD-I-B62 Cole, R. V. Perspective; the practice and theory of perspective as applied to pictures, with a section dealing with its application to architecture. Phila., 1921. 279 p. ill. pl- O. WMB.C67 Gill, B. A. Perspective dehneation. N.Y., 1921. 48 p. -1-41 pl. Q. WMB-I-G41 Goodhue, B. G. Book of architectural and decorative drawings. N.Y., 1914. 104 p. F. W10IIG61 Hamerton, p. G. Graphic arts. Bost., 1882. 508 p. D. WL.H17 Harvard University. Examples of the work of students in architecture and land- scape architecture. Camb., 1903. unp. ill. Q. WF-I-H26 HaTTon, R. G. Figure drawing. Lend., 1917. 350 p. O. WM.H28 HaTTon, R. G. Figure composition. Lond., 1910. 298 p. O. WM.H28f Hays, F. A. Architectural rendering in pen and ink. n.p., n.d., 45 pl. F. WFilH33 HayTer, Charles. An introduction to perspective drawing and painting in a series of pleasing and familiar dialogues between the author's children. Lond., n.d. 300 p. pl. O. 4 ed. WMB.H33 41 BLACKADER LIBRARY Drawing — Cont. Hicks, I. P. A simple treatise on architect- ural perspective for beginners. N.Y., 1909. 36 p. D. WFD.H52 KiRBY, J. J. Brook Taylor's method of per- spective made easy. Ipswich, 17.55. 2 pts. in 1vol. Q. WMB-hK63 Longfellow, W. P. P. Applied perspective for architects and painters. Bost., 1901. 95 p. Q. WMB-I-L86 Macartney, M. E. The practical exernplar of architecture . . . Westminster, n.d. 4 vols. F. WF45||Mllp McGooDWiN, Henry. Architectural shades and shadows. Bost., 1904. 188 p. F. WMH+M17 MegedE, a. Zur. Wie fertigt man technische Zeichnungen? Berlin, 1890. 118 p. D. WMK.M83 Morris, I. H. Geometrical drawing for art students. Lond., 1897. 188 p. D. WMK.M83 Parrish, Maxfield, & GuERiN, Jules. Water-colour rendering suggestions. Cleve- land, O., n.d. 45 pi. O. WPH.P24 PiLLET, Jules. Tralt6 de geometric descrip- tive. Paris. 1887. 272 p. F. WMK||P64 PilsworTh, E. S. Technique of practical drawing for teachers, students and pro- fessionals. N.Y., 1920. 1.50 p. ill. pi. D. WM.P64 Pozzo, Andrea. Rules and examples of per- spective... Lond., 1707. unp. F. WMBIIP87 PucKETT, R. C. Sciography; or, Radical pro- jection of shadows. Lond., 1877. .53 p. O. WMH.P96 Reichold, K. Skizzenbuch griechischer Meister. Munchen, 1919. 166 p. ill. pi. Q. W127-fR27 Roret, N. E- Nouveau manuel complet du dessinateur. Paris, 1842. 514 p. T. WM.R69 RusKiN, John. Elements of drawing; three letters to beginners. Orpington, 1895. 380 p. D. WM.R89 Spiers, R. P. Architectural drawing. Lond., 1887-92. 67 p. Q. WFD-f-S755 Varon, D. J. Indication in architectural de- sign; with bibliography. N.Y., 1916. 48 p. +50 pi. F. Walcot, William. ours and etchings pi. por. F. White, Stanford. with an outline son, L. G. White). 56 pi. ill. F. WORTHEN, W. E. architectural drawing. p. Q. WFDIIV43 Architectural watercol- Londr, 1919. 139 p. ill. W0RIIW14 Sketches and designs; of his career, (by his N.Y., 1920. 34 p.+ W10i|W58 Practical treatise on N.Y., 1862. 209 WFD+W89 GENERAL HISTORIES OF ART. Bayet, Charles. Paris, n.d. 352 p des beaux arts.) Precis d'histoire de I'art. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne W12.B34 Bromley, Rev. R. A. Philosophical and crit- ical history of the fine arts. Lond., 1793. 2 vols. Q. W1H-B787 FlEury, Jules, dit ChampflEury. Histoire de la caricature antique. Paris, n.d. 348 p. ill. D. • WMV.F63 Fleury, Jules, dit ChampflEury. Histoire de la caricature au moycn age et sous la renaissance. Paris, n.d. 352 p. ill. D. WMV.F63m Fleury, Jules, dit ChampflEury. Histoire de la caricature moderne. Paris, n.d. 522 p. ill. D. WMV.F63mo Forest, Julia de. A short history of art. N.Y., 1881. 365 p. O. W11.D365 Gailhabaud, Jules. Monuments anciens et modemes. . . Paris, 1853. 4 vols. F. WF11||G12 Grosse, Ernst. The beginnings of art. N.Y., 1897. 327p. D. (Anthropological ser.) W119.G91 Henley, W. E. A century of artists; a memorial of the Glasgow International ex- hibition. Glasgow, 1889. 192 p. F. W10I1H38 Holme, Charles, ed. Art of the British Empire overseas. Lond., 1917. 144 p. O. FF.H67 Knackfuss, H. & others. Allgemeine Kunst- geschichte. Bielefeld, 1897-98. vols. 1-2 Q. W11+K72 LuBKE, Wilhelm. History of art; tr. fr. the German by F. E. "Bunnett. Lond., 1868. 2 vols. Q. Wll-f-L.69E LuBKE, Wilhelm, & others. Monuments of art. N.Y., n.d. 3 vols. O & F. W|iL96 Michel, Andre. Histoire de I'art depuis les premiers temps chr6tiens jusqu'd nos jours. Paris, 1905-12. 10 vols. Q. W13+M58 Parkyn, E. a. An introduction to the study of prehistoric art. Lend., 1915. 350 p. O. W119.P23 ScHNAASE, Karl. Geschichte der bildenden Kunste. Dusseldorf, 1866-79. 8 vols, in 7. O. Wn.S357 SpEltz, Alexander. Styles of ornament from prehistoric times to the middle of the 19th century; tr. fr. 2nd German ed. and edited by R. P. Spiers. N.Y., 1919. 647 p. ill. O. WS.S743.E Wyatt, Sir M. D. Fine art; a sketch of its history. . . Lond., 1870. 357 p. O. W11.W97 42 MCGILL UNIVERSITY GENERAL HISTORIES OF ARCHITECTURE. ATTlEE, T. S. Man and his buildings. Lond.,n.d. 178 p. pi. D. (The Christian Revolution ser.) WF.A881 Choisy, AucJusTB. Histoire de I'architccture. Paris. 1899. 2 vbls. Q. WF11+C45 DoLMETSCH, Heinrich. The historic styles of ornament; with historial and descriptive te.\t; tr. fr. the German. Lond., 1912. 92 p. ill. pi. F. WSIID69 DuRM, J. W. & OTHERS, EDS. Handbuch der Architektur. Darmstadt. 1894-95. 7 vols. Q. WF+D93 Fergusson, James. History of architecture in all countries. Lond., 1891-3. 3 vols. O. WF11.F38 Fergusson, James. History of architecture in all countries. Lond., 1873-6. 4 vols. O. WF11.F38.3 Fergusson, James. History of the modem styles of architecture. Lond., 1891. 2 vols. O. WF17.F38 Fergusson, James. Rude stone monuments in all coimtries. Lond., 1872. 559 p. O. WGC.F38 Fletcher, Banister & Fletcher, B. F* History of architecture from the earliest period. Lond., 1896. 313 p. D. WF11.F63 Fletcher, Banister & Fletcher, B. F. History of architecture on the comparative method. Lond., 1901. 1 vol. in 3 pts. O. WF11.F63.3 Fletcher, Banister & Fletcher, B. F. History of architecture on the comparative method. Lond., 1905. WF11.F63.6 Freeman, E. A. History of architecture. Lond., 1849. 456 p. O. WF11.F87 Gailhabaud, Jules. Architecture du 5e au 17e siecle... Paris, 1869-72 4 vols. F. WF13IIG12 Hamlin, A. D. F. Textbook of the history of architecture. N.Y., 1898-1900. D. WFU.H18 Langl, Josef. Bilder zur Geschichte. Wien, 1884. 132 p. O. WG.L264 Longfellow, W. P. P. The column and the arch; essays on architectural history. N.Y., 1899. 301 p. O. WFI1.L86 LuBKE, WiLHELM. Ge.schichte der Archi- tectur; von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Lpz., 1884-86. 2 vols. Q. WFn-f-L96 Parker, J. H. ed. Glos.sary of terms used ^ in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. O.xf., 1850. 3 vols. ill. pi. O. WF.5P22.3 Perry, J. T. Chronology of mediaeval and renaissance architecture. Lond., 1893. 290 p. O. WF13.P425 Pfnor, RodolphE. Ornementation usuelle de toutes les epoques dans les arts indus- triels et en architecture. Paris, 1866-67. 80 p. F. WSIIP48 RosengarTen, Albert. Handbook of archi- tectural styles; tr. fr. the German by W. CoUett-Sandars. N.Y., 1876. 501 p. O. WF.R72.E Scott, Geoffrey. The architecture of humanism; a study in the history of taste. Bost., 1914. 272 p. O. W.1S426 Simpson, F. N. M. A history of architect- ural devdopment. Lond., 1913. 3 vols. O. WFU.S613 SiNGL'STON, Esther, ed. Turrets, towers and temples... N.Y., 1899. 317 p. O. WF.S617 StaTham, H. H. a short critical history of architecture. Lond., 1912. 586 p. O. WF11.S797 StaTham, H. H. Architecture for general readers. Lond., 1896. 332 p. O. WF.S797 Sturgis, Russell. European architecture; a historical study. N.Y., 1896. 578 p. O. WF30.S935 Sturgis, Russell. A history of architec- ture. N.Y., 1915-17. 4 vols. Q. WFll-f-S935 ViOLLET LE Due, E- E- Habitations of man in all ages; tr. fr. the French by Benjamin Bucknall. Bost., 1876. 394 p. D. WIM.V81.E ANCIENT EGYPT. AvENNES, Prisse d'. Histoire de I'art egyptien... Paris, 1879. 444 p. F. W1211IP93 Bell, Edward. The architecture of an- cient Egypt. Lond., 1915. 225 p. D. WF71.B41 Bertrand, Arthur, ed. ChapiteauK de la galerie du Dromos k Philae. n.p., n.d. WF121||B46 Bertrand, Arthur, ed. Necropole de The- bes, n.p., n.d. WF121||B46n BoNwiCK, James. Pyramid facts and fancies. Lond., 1877. 224 p. D. FF71P.B64 Breasted, J. H. A. A history of Egypt from the earliest times to the Persian con- quest. N.Y., 1909. 634 p. O. F71.B74.2 British Museum. Carchemish. Report at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum. Lond., 1914. vol 1. F. FF606||B77 British Museum. Egyptian sculptures. Londyl914. 24 p. -[-54 pi. F. WJ121||B77 BRiTisrf Museum. Wall decorations of Egyptian tombs. Lond., 1914. 16p.-|-8pl. Q. » W121-I-B77 Broderick, M. & Morton, A. A. Concise dictionary of Egyptian archaeology. Lond., 1902. 198 p. D^ WF71.5B7 Egypt Exploration Fund Publications. Lond., 1886-1906. vols. 1-17, 24, 27. F. FF71|iE325 FechhEimer, Hedwig. Die Plastik der Aegypter. (Die Kunst des Osten). Ber- lin, 1920. 168 p. iU. Q. W121+F31 43 BLACKADER LIBRARY Ancient Egypt — Cont. Francis, Rene. Egyptian aesthetics. Chic- ago, 1912. 276 p. pi. O. W121.F84 lyEPSius, K. R. Denkmaler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien . . . Lpz., 1897-1913. 5 vols. F. WF71||L555d Lepsius, K. R. Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sinai ... tr. fr. the German by L. & J. B. Horner. Lond., 1853. 578 p. D. WF71.L5551 LiEBLEiN, J. D. K. Die aegptischen Denk- maler in St. Petersburg. . . Christiania, 1873. 82 p. O. W121.L62 Louvre, Paris. Notice des monuments exposes dans la galerie des antiquit6s 6gyptiennes par le Vicomte E. de Rouge. Paris, n.d., 212 p. S. WC121.L93 Fechheimer, Hedwig. Kleinplastik der Aegypter. Berlin, 1921. 40 p. + 158 pi. O. W121-1-F31k MaspERO, G. C. Egyptian archaeology; tr. fr. the French by Amelia Edwards. Lond., 1887. 328 p. O. W121.M38.E Maspero, G. C. Archeologie egyptienne. Paris, n.d. 318 p. O. W121.M38 Maspero, G. C. Art in Egypt. Lond., 1912. 314 p. ill. D. W121.M38a Maspero, G. C. Egyptian art; studies tr. fr. the French by Elizabeth Lee. Lond., 1913. 223 p. Q. W121-fM38 Perring, J. S. The pyramids of Gizeh. . . with sketches by J. E. Andrews. Lond., 1839. vol. 1, F. FF71PIIP42 Perrot, Georges & Chipiez, Charles. History of ancient art; tr. fr. the French and ed. by Walter Armstrong & others. Lond., 1883-94. 12 vols. Q. W12-i-P24 Petrie, W. M. F. Arts and crafts of ancient Egypt. Edin., 1909. 157 p. O. W121.P44 Petrie, W. M. F. Egyptian decorative art. Lond.-, 1895. 128 p. D. WS.P443 Petrie, W. M. F. History of Egypt. . Lond., 1895. 262 p. D. F71.P44 Petrie, W. M. F. Pyramids and temples of Gizeh. Lond., 1883. 250 p. O. FF71P.P442 Petrie, W. M. F. Ten years digging in Egypt. Lond., 1893. 201 p. D. FF71.P44 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Lond., 1878. 3 vols. O. FF71.W655 EARLY MEDITERRANEAN, CRETE, TROY, & MYCENEAN GREECE. British Museum. Excavations in Cyprus. Lond.,' 1900. 126 p. F. FF279|iB76 Burrows, R. M. The discoveries in Crete. . Lond., 1907. 244 p. O. FF32c.B94 Cesnola, L- p. di. Cyprus; its ancient cities, tombs and temples. N.Y., 1878. 448 p. O. G279.C33 Marshall, F. H. Discoveries in Greek lands. Camb., 1920. D. FF32.M35 Perrot, Georges & Chipiez, Charles. History of ancient art.; tr. fr. the French and ed. by Walter Armstrong & others. Lond., 1883-94. 12 vols. Q. W12-f-P42.E Schliemann, Heinrich. Ilios; the city and country of the Trojans. . . N.Y., 1881. 800 p. ill. Q. FF32T+S344 Schliemann, Heinrich. Mycenae ; narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. N.Y., 1878. 384 p. ill. Q. FF32-I-S344 Schliemann, Heinrich. Tiryns; prehistoric palace of the kings of Tiryns. N.Y., 1885. 385 p. ill. Q. FF32-|-S344t Schliemann, Heinrich. Troy and its re- mains; tr. fr. the German; ed. by P. Smith. Lond., 1875. 392 p. ill. O. FF32T.S344 MESOPOTAMIA, ANCIENT CHALDEA, BABYLONIA, ASSYRIA, AND PERSIA. Budge, E. A. T. W. By Nile and Tigris; a narrative of journeys in Egypt and Meso- potamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1866 and 1913. Lond., 1920. 2 vols. ill. pi. diag. map. O. G71.B85b DiEULAFOv, M. A. L'art antique de la Perse . . . Paris, 1884-85. 5 vols. F. W123f|D56 Jastrow, Morris. The civilisation of Babylonia and Assyria, ... Phila. and Lond., 1915. 615 p. O. FF634.J31 Lavard, Sir A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. . . N.Y., 1853. 586 p. ill. pi. maps. O. FF726.L45 Perrot, Georges & Chipiez, Charles. History of ancient art; tr. fr. the French and ed. by Walter Armstrong and others. Lond., 1883-94. l5 vols. ill. Q. W12-I-P42E Sarzec, G. C. E. Ddcouvertes en Chaldde. (Incomplete). Paris, 1889-1900. 2 vols. F. FF632IIS243 44 MCGILL UNIVERSITY GREECE AND ROME— Architecture. Acropolis Museum, Athens. Catalogue. Camb.. 1921. vol. 2. ill. D. WC34.A187 Anderson. W. J. & Spiers, R. P. Architect- ure of Greece and Rome; a sketch of its historic development. Lond., 1902. 3tX) p. O. WFI27.A552 BarbaulT, Jean. Les plus beaux monu- ments de Rome ancienne. Rome, 1761. 90 p. F. FF35IIB23 B6TTICHER, Karl. Die Tektonik der Hellenen. Potsdam, 1852. 2 vols. Q & 1 vol. F. WF 127+863 BouRGEREL. G. Fragments d 'architecture et de sculpture. Paris, 1863. 101 pi. F. WFIIB66 British Museum. A guide to the mausoleum room in the department of Greek and Roman antiquities. Lond., 1886. 87 p. D. WGS.B77 Chipiez, Charles. Histoire critique des origines et de la formation des ordres grecs. Paris, 1876. 384 p. F. WFG||C44 Carrey, Jacques. Athenes au 17e siecle; dessins des sculptures du Parthenon . . Paris, 1898. 24 p. F. WJ127I1C23 Choisv, Augusts. L'art de batir chez les Remains. Paris, 1873. 220 p. F. WF129i|C:45 Dennison, Walter. Studies in East Chris tian and Roman art. N.Y., 1918. 176 p. Q. W14+D42 EspoiTY, H. d', ED. Fragrments d'architecture antique. . . Paris, n.d. 103 pi. F. WF1291IE77 Espoiry, H. d', ED. Monuments historiques. . Paris, n.d.. Pts. 1-8. F. WF129|iE77m Dyer, Thomas Henry, ed. The ruins of Pompeii; a series of photographic views, with an account of the destruction of the city. Lond., 1867. Ill p. ill. phot. Q. FF36P+D98 Fergusson, James. The Parthenon; an essay on the mode by which light was in- troduced into the Greek and Roman temples. Lond., 1883. 135 p. Q. WF127+F38 (Die) Funde Von Olympia; herausg. von dem Direktorium det Ausgrabungen zu Olympia. Beriin, 1882. 30 p. F. WJ127IIF96 Goodyear, W. H. Greek refinements; studies in temperamental architecture. Lond., 1912. 227 p. ill. pi. F. WF127||G63 Hogarth, D. G. and others. The archaic Artemisia. Lond., 1908. 2 vols. ill. F. FF32|!H673 HuELSEN, Christian. The Roman forum; its history and its monuments; tr. fr. the German by J. B. Carter. Rome, 1909. 271 p. S. FF35.H87 HuloT, Jean. Selinonte; colonic dorienne en Sicile; la ville, I'acropole, et les temples. (Texte par Gustave Fougeres.) Paris, 1910. 317 p. F. FF36.S566||F82 Laloux, V. L'architecture grecque. Paris, n.d. 304 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts') WF127.L15 Lanciani, Rodolfo. Ruins and excavations of ancient Rome. Bost., 1897. 619 p. O. FF35.L22r Lanciani, Rodolfo. Forma urbis Romae. . . Mediolani, n.d. 46 p. F. FF35||L22f Lethaby, W. R.. Greek buildings represented by fragments in the British Museum. Lond., 1908. 218 p. O. WF127.L56 LohdE, L. Die architectonischen Ordnun- gen der Griechen und Romer. ed. by J. M. von Mauch, re-ed. by R. Borrmann. Ber- lin, 1896. 70 p. + 60 pi. F. WFG||L83 Mar^chal, p. S. Antiquites d'Herculanum; engr. by F. A. David. Paris, 1781. 7 vols. Q. FF36P+M33 MiDDLETON, J. H. Plans and drawings of Athenian buildings; ed. by E. A. Gardner. Lond., 1900. 24 p. Q. WF127+M58 MiDDLETON, J. H. Ancient Rome in 1888. Edin., 1888. 522 p. O. FF35.M58a MiDDLETON, J. H. Remains of ancient Rome. Lond., 1892. 2 vols. O. FF35.M58r Mitchell, C. F. & Mitchell, G. A. Classic architecture. Lond., 1901. 10 pi. F. WF127IIM69 MoRELL, Andr6. Columna Trajana; ed. by A. F. Gori. Amstel, 1752. 56 p. -f 14 pi. F. WGCIIM815 NORMAND, C. P. J. Nouv6au parallele des ordres... d'architecture des Grecs, des Romains et des auteurs modernes. Paris, 1852. 37 p. + 67 pi. F. WFG||N78 OvERBACK, Johannes. Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthumen und Kunstwerken. Lpz., 1884. 876 p. Q. WF129+096 Pennethorne, John. Geometry and optics of ancient architecture. . . Lond., 1878. 249 p. F. W12||P385 Roux, Henri. Herculanum et Pompei; re- cueil des peintures, bronzes, mosaiques etc; accompagne d'un texte explicatif; par L. Barre. Paris, 1840. vols. 1-7. Q. FF36P-fR76 Smith, T. R. & Slater, John. Architecture: classic and early Christian. Lond., 1896. 272p. D. (Handbooks of art education.) WF11.S662 Society OF dillETTanti. Unedited antiquities of .Attica... Lond., 1833. 59 p. F. WF1271IS678 Society OF DILLETTANTI. Antiquities of Ionia. Lond., 1797-1881. 4 vols. F. WF127||S678i Spiers, R. P., ed. Orders of architecture: Greek, Roman and Italian. Lond., 1893. 20 p. F. WFGIIS755 Strack, J. H. Baudenkma'icr des alten Rom. Beriin, 1890. 37 p. + 40 pi. F. WF129||S89 Stuart, James & Revett, Nicholas. An- tiquities of Athens measured and delin- eated. Lond., 1762-1830. 5 vols. F. WI27IIS93 Taylor, G. L. & Cressy, Edward. Archi- tectural antiquities of Rome measured and delineated. Lond., 1821. 2 vols. F. WF129I1T21 45 BLACKADER LIBRARY Greece and Rome — Architecture — Cont. Uhde, Constantin. Architecturformen des classischen Alterthums. Berlin, n.d. 70 pi. F. WF127||U29 ViTRUvius, P. M. De architectura Libri X. Lipsiae-, 1836. 250 p. T. WF129.V83 ViTRUVius, P. M. De architectura Libri X. Lipsiae, 1867. 319 p. F. WF129||V83.3 ViTRUVius, P. M. De architectura Libri X. Siena, 1790. 272 p. F. WF129.V83.I ViTRUVius, P. M. De architectura libri X; illustravit Augustus Rode. Berolini, 1800. 2 vols, in 1. Q. WF129+V83r ViTRUVius, P. M. The ten books on archi- tecture; tr. fr. the Latin by M. H. Morgan. Camb., Mass., 1914. 331 p. ill. Q. WF1294-V83.E ViTRUVius, P. M. Architecture; tr. fr. the original Latin by W. Newton. Lond., 1791. 2 vols. F. WF129IIV83.E ViTRUVius, P. M. Kupfer von der Baukunst mehrenteils nach antiken Denkmalern gezeichnet; mit kurzen lateinischcn und deutschen Erklarungen von August Rode. Berlin, 1801. 57 p. F. WF129||V83k ViTRUVius, P. M. Maximilian Thiel. Quae ratio intercedat inter Vitruvium et Athen- aeum mechanicum. Lipsiae, 1895. 60 p. O. WF129.V83.Yt Views in Greece and Sicily. 2 large Portfolios Photoes. Warren, H. L. The foundations of classic architecture. N.Y., 1919. 357 p. ill. pi. Q. WF12+W25 (3 copies) Wood, Robert. The ruins of Palmyra and Baalbec. Lond., 1827. 80 p. F. WF127IIW85 GREECE AND ROME— Art and Archaeology. Blume, Theodor, pub. The solver treasure- trove of Hildesheim. . . Hildesheim, n.d. 47 p. O. WX.B62 Blumner, Hugo. Kunstgewerbe im Alter- thum. Lpz., 1885. 2 vols. D. W12.B62 BLiiMNER, Hugo.' Technologic der Gewerbe und Kf^nste bei Griechen und Romem. Lpz., 1875-87. 4 vols. O. W12.B62t BojESEN, B. F. C. A handbook of Roman antiquities, with a short history of Roman literature; tr. fr. the German version of Dr. HofTa, by R. B. Paul. Lond., 1848. 172 p. D. FF35.B64,E Botsford, G. W. a history of Rome for high schools and academies. N.Y., 1901. 396 p. O. F35.B65 British School AT Athens. Annual. Lond., 1898-1919. Q. FF32+B77 British School at A^thens. Journal of Hellenic studies. Lond., 1880-1918. Q. FF32-I-7J825 British School at Rome. Papers. Lond.. 1902-16. vols. 1-8. ill. Q. FF35 B77 British School at Rome. Annual report of the managing committee. Lond., 1906- 18. 14 vols, in 1, Q. FF35 B77a Brunn, Heinrich. Geschichte der griechis- chen Kt)nstler. Braunschweig, 1853-59. 2 vols. O. W127.B83 BucHON, J. A. (La) Grece continental et la Moree... Paris, 1843. 567 p. D. G32.B85 Burn, Rev. Robert. Roman literature in relation to Roman art. Lond., 1888. 315 p. O. W129.B93 COLLIGNON, L. M. Manuel d'archeologie grecque. Paris, n.d. 368 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W127.C69 Cumberland, George. Outlines from the antients. Lond., 1829. 81 pi. Q. W127+C91 Dennison, Walter & Marev, C. R. Studies in East Christian and Roman art. N.Y., 1918. 176 p. Q. W14-I-D42 DiCKiNS, Guy. Hellenistic sculpture. Oxf , 1920. 99 p. pi. O. WJ127.D56 Dyer, T. H. Pompeii; its history, buildings and antiquities. Lond., 1875. 587 p. ill. pi. diag. D. FF36p.D98p Fabretti, RaffellE. De aquis et aqueducti- bus veteris Romae. (In Graevius, J. G. Thes. antiq. Rom. v. 4., col. 1677.) FF35IIG75 FroThingham, a. L. Roman cities in Italy and Dalmatia. N.Y., 1910. .343 p. O WF129.F93 Gardner, E. A. Ancient Athens. Lond., 1902. 579 p. O. FF32.G17a Gardner, E. A. ReHg^on and art in ancient Greece. Lond.. 1910. 133 p. §. W127.G17 Gardner, Percy. The principles of Greek art. N.Y., 1914. 352 p. O. W127.G173 Harrison, J. E. Introductory studies in Greek art. Lond., 1885. 312 p. D. W127.H24 Helbig, WoLifGANG. Guide to the public collections of classical antiquities in Rome; tr. fr. the German by J. F. and Findlay Muirhead. Lpz., 1895-96. 2 vols. S. FF35.H365.E Herford, Mary. A handbook of Greek vase painting. Manchester, 1919. 125 p. ill. pl. Q. W127-f-H42 Hogarth, D. G. ED. Authority and archaeol- gy, sacred and profane... Lond., 1899. 440 p. O. FF.H67 HoppE, Feodor, ED. Bilder zur mythologie der Griechen und Romer. Wien, 1896. 30 pts. in 5. F. WJ31||H77 HoppiN, J. C. A handbook of Attic red- figured vases, signed by, or attributed to the various masters of the 6th and 5th centuries B.C. Camb., Mass., 1919. 2 vols. m. O. WKT.H77 HuGUES, P. F. DiT d'Hancarville. Antiqui- tes etrusques, grecques et romaines. Paris, 1785. 4 vols. Q. FF31+H875 46 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Greece and Rome. Art and Archaeology — Cent. Journal op Hellenic Studies, 1918-9. Lend., Q. FF32.7J825 Lanciani, see under Classic architecture. Laurie. A. P. Greek and Roman methods of painting. Camb., 1910. 124 p. D. WP31.L37 Mar6chal. p. S. Antiquites d'Herculanum; engr. by F. A. David. Paris. 1781. 7 vols. Q. FF36P+M33 Marshall, F. H. Discovery in Greek lands. Camb.. 1920. 127 p. pi. D. FF32.M35 Martha, Jules. Manuel d'arch6ologie 6trusque et romaine. Paris, n.d. 318 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W128.M36 Mau, August. Pompeii; its life and art; tr. fr. the German by F. W. Kelsey. N.Y., 1899. 509 p. O. WF36P.M44.E Mau, August. Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeii. Berlin, 1882. 462 p. O. WPD.M44 Menge, Rudolf. Introduction to anciant art; tr. fr. the German by Lilian B. Worth- ington. Lond., 1887. 206 p. O. W12.M575 MiLCHHOEFER, Arthur. Die Anfange der Kunst in Griechenland. Lpz., 1883. 247 p. O. W127.M59 MiiLLER, K. O. Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst. Breslau, 1848. 778 p. O. W12.M88 MiiLLER, K. O. Denkmaler der alten Kunst« Gottingen. 1835. 2 vols. O. W12.M88d Murray, Alexander. Handbook of Greek archaeology. Lond., 1892. 483 p. O. FF32.M96.2 OehlER, Raimund. Klassisches Bilderbuch* Lpz., n.d. 105 p. Q. W12+028 Overbeck, Johannes. Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthuraen und Kunstwerken. Lpz., 1884. 676 p. Q. WF129+096 Parker, J. H. Archaeology of Rome. Oxf.. 1874. 5 vols. O. FF35.P22 REber, Franz Von. History of ancient art; tr. fr. the German by J. T. Clarke. N.Y., 1882. 482 p. O. W12.R24.E Reichhold, K. Skizzenbuch griechi5«:her Meister. MCnchen, 1919. 166 p. ill. pi. O. W127+R27 Roller, Th6ophile. Les catacombes de Rome... Paris. 1881. 2 vols. F. W141IIR64 Roux, Henri. Herculanum et Pompei; re- cueil g6neral des peintures, bronzes, mos- aiques etc., accompagne d'un texte ex- plicatif par L. Barre. Paris, 1840. vols. 1-7 Q. FF36P-fR76 SpelTz, a. The coloured ornament of all historical styles. Vol. 1. Antiquity. Lpz., 1915. pi. F. ' WS||S743c TrollopE, E. Illustrations of ancient art discovered at Pompeii and Herculanum. Lond., 1854. 96 p. Q. W12+T74 Uxkull-Gyllenband, W. Archaische Plastik der Griechen. (Orbis pictus vol. 3.) Ber- lin, n.d. 48 p. Q. WJ127+U96 Watt, J. C. Examples of Greek and Pompei- an decorative work. Lond., 1897. 60 pi. F. WS127IIW34 Welcker, F. G. Alte Denkmaler. Gottingen, 1849-64. 5 vols. O. W12.W44 WiCKHOFF, Franz. Roman art; some of, its principles and their application to early Christian painting; tr. fr. the German by Eugenie Strong. Lond., 1900. 198 p. F. W129|lW633 Winckelmann, J. J. Geschichte der Kunst. Wien, 1776. 2 vols. Q. W127+W72 Winckelmann, J. J. Histoire de I'art chez les anciens; tr. de I'allemand. Paris, 1766. 2 vols. O. W12.W72.F Winckelmann, J. J. Storia. . del disegno. . . Roma, 1783-4. 3 vols. Q. W127+W72.I Winckelmann, J. J. Reflections on the painting and sculpture of the Greeks; tr. fr. the German by Henry Fusseli. Lond., 1765. 288 p. O. W.1W745.E EARLY CHRISTIAN ART AND ARCHITECTURE. American archaeological expedition to Syria, 1899-1900. Architecture and other arts; by H. C. Butler. N.Y., 1903-14. 4 vols. ill. F. FF61||A512 Brown, G. B. From schola to cathedral; a study of early Christian architecture and its relation to the life of the Church. Edin., 1886. 231 p. O. WF.B81 Dennison, Walter, & Morev, C. R. Stud- ies in East Christian and Roman art. N.Y., 1918. 176 p. ill Q. (Michigan University Studies: Humanistic ser.) W14-|-D42 Frothingham, A. L. Monuments of Christian Rome from Constantine to the Renaissance. N.Y., 1908. 412 p. O. WFI29.F93m Kaufman, C. M. Die Menasstadt und das Nationalheiligtum der altchristlichen Aeg- ypter in der westalexandrinischen Wiiste. Lpz., 1910. vol. 1. ill. pi. diag. F. FF71IIK16 Parker, J. H. The catacombs of Rome. Oif., 1877. 202 p. O. W141.P22 Ramsay, Sir W. M., & Bell, G. R. The thousand and one churches. Lond., 1909. 580 p. O. FF606.R14 Richter, J. P., & Taylor, A. C. Golden age of classic Christian art. Lond., 1904. 428 p. pi. F. W14||R41 Rossi, G. B. de. Roma sotterranea ; or. The Roman catacombs. Comp. by Rev. J. S. Northcote & Rev. W. R. Brownlow. Lond., 1869. 414 p. O. W141.R73.E Smith, T. R. & Slater, John. Architecture; cla.ssic and early Christian. Lond., 1896. 272 p. D. WF11.S622 Stokes, M. M. Early Christian art in Ire- land. Lond., 1894. 138 p. D. W14.S874 WiTHROw, Rev. W. H. The catacombs of Rome. Lond., 1890. 560 p. D. W141.W77 Zestermann, a. C. a. Die Antiken und die Christlichen Basiliken. Lpz., 1847. 175 p. Q. WF.Z5 47 BLACKADER LIBRARY BYZANTINE ART AND ARCHITECTURE. Bayet, Charles. n.d. 320 p. O. beaux arts.) L'art Byzantin. Paris (Bibl. de I'enscigne des W15.B34 British School at Athens. The monast- ery of St. Luke of Stiris... by R. W. Schultz & S. H. Barnsley. Lond., 1901. 76 p. F. WF145IIB77 Choisy, Auguste. L'art de batir chez les Byzantins. Paris, 1883. 187 p. F. WF145IIC43 Dalton, O. M. Byzantine art and archaeol- ogy. Oxf., 1911. 727 p. Q. W15+D17 DiEHL, Charles. L'Afrique byzantine . . . Paris. 1896. 6i4 p. O. F3255.D563 DiEHL, Charles. Manuel d'art byzantin. Paris, 1910. 837 p. O. F3255.D56 Freshfield, E. H. Celiac trichorae: Sicily, Calabria, etc. Lond., 1913. vols. 1-2. O. WGD.F89 George, W. S. The Church of St. Eirene, Constantinople. . . Lond., 1913. 88 p. F. WGK29||G29 Harvey, William, and others. The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem. Lond., 1910. 76 p. ill. pi. F. (Byzantine Research Fund). WGK61||H263 HuTTON, Edward. Ravenna; a study. Lond., 1913. 300 p. ill. pi. O. F36.R19.H97 Jackson, T. G. Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. Camb., 1913. 2 vols. O. WF145.J13 Jewell, H. H., and Hasluck, F. W. Church of Our Lady of the Hundred Gates ... in Paris. Lond., 1920. 78 p. ill. pi. F. WGK276IIJ54 LabarTE, C. J. Histoire des arts industr^els au moyen dge et d I'epoque de la renaiss- ance. Paris, 1872. 3 vols. F. W15||L11 Lethaby, W. R., & SwAiNSON, Harold. Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople. Lond., 1894. 307 p. Q. WGK29-|-L56 Miller, William, Latins in the Levant. . . Lond., 1908. 675 p. O. F33.M61 MiLLiNGEN, A VAN. Byzantine churches in Constantinople. Lond., 1912. 352 p. Q. WF145-I-M62 MiLLiNGEN, A VAN. Byzantine Constantinople; the walls of the city and adjoining historical sites. Lond., 1899. 361 p. O. WFl45.M62b Ongania, Ferdinando. La Basilica di S. Marco in Venezia. . . Venezia, 1881-8 16. vols. F. WGK36VII058 Sazenberg, W.T Altchristliche Baudenk- male von Constantinople. . . Berlin, 1854. 140 p. F. WGDIIS186 Schioppalaba, J. B. In perantiquam sacram tabulam Graecam . . . Venetiis, 1777. 154 p. Q. W14-hS336 Schultz, R. W.,& Barnsley, S. H. St. Luke of Stiris. See Brsh School at iS Athens. Texier, &GharlES, Pullan, R. P. Byzan- tine architecture. . . Lond., 1864. 218 p. F. WF145IIT13 EUROPEAN ART AND ARCHITECTURE— General, Renaissance and Modem. Academy Architecture and Architectur- al Review, half-yearly. Lond., 1920. vols. ^ 1-16. ill. O. & Q. WF+7A168 BlorE, Edward. Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons. Lond., 1829. 28 pi. Q. WGC-J-B62 Boutell, Charles. Monumental brasses and slabs... Lond., 1847. 235 p. Q. WGS-I-B66 Briggs, M. S. Baroque architecture. Lond., 1913. 238 p. ill. pi. Q. WF+B76 BrindlEy, William, & Weatherley, W. S. Ancient sepulchral monuments. Lond. 1887. 212 p. F. WGSIIB775, Brown, G. B. Arts and crafts of our Teutonic forefathers. Lond., 1910. 250 p. O. W.BSla Burckhardt, Jacob, & Lt)BKE, Wilhelm. Geschichte der neueren Baukunst. Stuttgart. 1891. vol. 1. O. WF11.B895 Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military architect- ure. Lond., 1884. 2 vols. ill. pi. O. WHM.C54 CrEENY, W. F. Illustrations of incised slabs on the continent of Europe. Lond., 1891. 76 p. F. WGSIIG86 Freeman, E. A. Historical and architectural sketches, chiefly Italian. Lond., 1876. 316 p. D. WF.F87 Jackson, Sir T. G. Modem Gothic archi- tecture. Lond., 1873. 203 p. D. WF15.J13 LabarTE, C. J. Histoire des arts industriels au moyen dge et k I'epoque de la renais- sance. Paris, 1872. 3 vols. F. W15|!L11 Palustre, L6on. L'architecture de la renais.sance. Paris, n.d. 352 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) WF16.P18 Pater, W. H. Studies in the history of the Renaissance. Lond., 1873. 213 p. O. W16.P27 Perry, J. T. Chronology of mediaeval and renaissance architecture. Lond., 1893. 290 p. O. WF13.P425 Singleton, Esther. Romantic castles and palaces. N.Y., 1901. 395 p. O. WIP.S617 Spring Gardens Sketchbook, 1866-69. Lond., 1874-78. 8 vols, in 6. F. WFIIS769 Statham, H. H. Short critical history of architecture. Lond., and N.Y., 1912. 586 p. D. WF35.S896 StaTham, H. H. Modem architecture. Lond., 1897. 281 p. O. WF13.S797 Wold, Charles. Select examples of archi- tectural grandeur in Belgium, Germany and France. Lend., 1843. 16 p. 24 pi. F. WF30I1W64 48 MCGILL UNIVERSITY EUROPEAN ART AND ARCHITECTURE— Mediaeval. AuDSLEY, W. J. Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles. Lond.. 18S2. 04 p. F. WS13!!A915 Baxter, Mrs. L. E. (Leader Scott, pseitd.) The cathedral builders. Lond., 1S99. 435 p. O. WF11.B33 BouTBLL, Rbv. Charles. Monumental bras- ses and slabs. . . Lend., 1847. 23.5 p. Q. WGS+B56 Caumont, Arcisse de. Abecedaire ou rudi- ment d'archeologie, architecture religi- euse. Paris, 1854. 614 p. ill. O. WG.C31 Caumont, Arcisse de. Abec6daire ou rudi- ment d'archeologie, architecture religi- ment d'archdologie, architectures civile et militaire. Paris, 1853. 494 p. ill. O. WHM.C31 Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military architect- ure. Lond.. 1884. 2 vols. ill. O. WHM.C54 Corrover, E. J. L'architecture gothique. Paris, n.d. 382 p. O. WF15.C81 Corrover, E. J. Gothic architecture; ed. by Walter Armstrong. Lond., 1893. 388 p. D. WF15.C81.E Corrover, E. J- L'architecture romane. (Bibl. de WF14.C81 N.Y., 1916. G30.C84 Paris, n.d. 320 p. ill. O. I'enseigne des beaux arts.) Cram, R. A. Heart of Europe. 325 p. O. Cram, R. A. The substance of Gothic; six lectures on the development of architecture from Charlemagne to Henry VIII. Bost., 1917. 200 p. por. O. WF15.C84 CreENY, Rev. W. F. Illustrations of incised slabs on the Continent of Europe. Lond., 1891. 76 p. F. WGS||C86 Dehio, G. G.,& Bezold, G. Von. Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes. Stuttgart, 1887-1907. 2 vols. 8 atlases. Q. & F. WGK30-I-D36 Gailhabaud, Jules, ed. L'architecture du 5e au 17e siecle, et les arts qui en depend- ent. Paris, 1858. 4 vols. F. WF13.G12.2 GoNSE, Louis. L'art gothique; l'architect- ure, la peinture, la sculpture, le decor. Paris, n.d. 478 p. F. WF15|!G74 HOLBORN, J. B. S. Introduction to thearchi-. tectures of European religions. Edin., 1909. 264 p. D. WGKOH 366 Honnecourt, Villars de. Facsimile of the sketchbook of. ed. by R. Willis. Lond., 1859. 243 p. F. W10||V71 Jackson, T. G. Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. Camb., 1913. 2 vols. ill. 165 pi. O. WF145.J13.2 Jackson, Sir T. G. Gothic architecture in France, England and Italy. Camb., 1915. 2 vols. O. WF15.J13g King, T. H. Study-book of mediaeval archi- tecture and art... Lond., 186S. 4 vols F. WPBIIK58 Lacroix, Paul. Arts in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance. Lond., 1870. 520 p. Q. W15+L115 Lenoir, A. A. Architecture monastique. Paris, 1852-56. 2 vols. Q. WGM-fL54 Moore, C. H. Development and character of Gothic architecture. Lond., 1890. 333 p. O. WF15.M78 Moore, C. H. Development and character of Gothic architecture. 2nd ed. N Y 1899. 554 p. O. WF15.M78.2 Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church- building in the middle ages. N.Y., 1880 331 p. O. WGK36.N825 Owen, A. C. Art schools of mediaeval Christendom, ed. by John Ruskin. Lond., 1876. 502 p. D. , W15.097 Porter, A. K. The construction of Lom- bard and Gothic vaults. New Haven, 1911 29 p. Q. WGKV+P83 P6rat6, Andr^. L'archeologie chretienne. Paris, n.d., 368 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W14.P41 Reber, Franz Von. History of mediaeval art; tr. fr. the German by J. T. Clarke. N.Y., 1895. 743 p. O. W15.R24.E Ruprich-RoberT, v. M. C. Architecture normande aux lie et 12e siecles, en Nor- mandie et en Angleterre. Paris, n.d. 2 vols. F. WF39||R87 Seroux d'Agincourt, J. B. Histoire de l'art par les monuments. Paris, 1823. 6 vols, in 4. F. W11||S486 Shaw, R. N. Architectural sketches from the Continent. Lond., 1858. 100 pi. F. WF13]|S53^ Simpson, Francis Jr. A series of ancient baptismal fonts chronologically arranged. Lond., 1828. 66 p. pi. Q. WWC+S613 Smith, f. R. Architecture— Gothic and Re- naissance. Lond., 1896. 236 p. D. (Handbooks of art education.) WF15.S662 Viollet le Due, E. E. Military architect- ure; tr. fr. the French by M. Macdermott. Oxf., 1907. 274 p. O. WHM.V81 Ward, Clarence. Mediaeval church vault- ing. Princeton, 1915. 192 p. Q. WGKV4-W21 AFRICA. Bent, J. T. Ruined cities of Mashonaland; a record of excavation and exploration. Lend., 1892. 376 p. O. FF742.B44 DiBHL, Charles. L'Afrique byzantine. Paris. 1896. 644 p. O. F3255.D563 Hall, R. N.. & Neal, W. G. The ancient ruins of Rhodesia. Lend., 1902. 396 p.. O. FF74.H14 Trotter, A. F. Old colonial houses of the Cape of Good Hope. Lond.. 1900. 16 p. F. WIMIIT75 Todd, M. L. Tripoli the mysterious. Lend., 1912. 214 p. por. pi. O. G791.T56 49 BLACKADER LIBRARY AMERICA— Since European Occupation. Barber, E. A., Ed. Catalogue of Mexican majolica... N.Y., 1911. 151 p. O. WKT.B23 Barber, E. A., ed. Anglo-American pottery » a manual for collectors. Indianopolis, 1899- 162 p. O. WKT.B23a Benjamin, Asher. A reprint of The Count- ry builder, etc.; ed. by Aymar Embury. N.Y., 1917. 169 p. ill. F. WF83||B43 BowEN, NoEi^ H. Historical sketch of the Isle of Orleans. Quebec. 1860. 40 p. O. 270. B67 Browne. G. W. The St. Lawrence River, historical, legendary, picturesque. N.Y., 1905. 365 p. O. 545+B81 Caffin, C. H. American masters of sculpture. Garden City. 1913. 234 p. pi. O. WJ83.C11 Coffin. L. A., and Holden, A. C. Brick architecture of the Colonial period in Mary- land and Virginia. N.Y., 1919. 30 p. + 118 pi. ill. F. WIM83||C65 Crawford, M. C. The romance of old New England roof-trees. Bost., 1902. 381 p. D. F8399.C85 Cunningham, H. F., & others. Measured drawings of Georgian architecture in Col- umbia. N.Y., 1914. 66 pi. F. WF83IIG91 Dow, J. A. American renaissance; a review of domestic architecture. N.Y., 1904. 180 p. pi. Q. WIM83+D75 Downing, A. J. Cottage residences. Pt. 1. N.Y., 1844. 187 p. O. WE.D755 DucHARME, Gonzague. Histoire de Saint- Gabriel de Brandon et de ses demembre- ments; Saint-Damien, Saint-Didace, Saint- Charles de Mandeville. etc. Montreal, 1917. 236 p. por. pi. maps. O. 112.D85 Dunlap. William. A history of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the • United States. Bost.. 1918. 3 vols. O. W83.D92 Embury. Aymar. Early American churches. Garden City, 1914. 189 p. Q. WGK83-fE53 Girouard, D6sir6. Les anciens forts de Lachine et Cavelier de Lasalle. Montreal, 1891. 57 p. O. 280L2.G44 Girouard, D6sirj&. Lake St. Louis, old and new, and Cavelier de Lasalle; tr. fr. the French. Montreal, 1893. 298 p. Q. 280L1+G44 Gow, J. M. Cape Breton; historic, pictures- que and descriptive. Toronto, 1893. 424 p. D. 236.G74 Hammond, John Martin. Quaint and his- toric forts of North America. Phila., 1915. 809 p. pi. O. G81.H18 Hopkins, J. C. French Canada and the St. Lawrence. Phila., 1913. 431 p. O. 550.H77 Howe. L. L. . and Fuller, Constance. De- tails from old New England houses. N.Y., 1913. 50 pi. F. WIM83!|H83 Jefferson, Thomas. Thomas Jeflfersonf architect; original designs in the collection of Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, jr.. with an essay and notes by Fiske Kimball. Bost., 1916. 206 p. F. W10IIJ35 Kingman, R. C.* New England Georgian architecture. N.Y., 1913. 55 pi. F. WF83IIK61 Kunz, G. F. Gold ornaments from the United States of Columbia. Reprint from American Antiquarian. Sept. 1887. O. WX.K96 La BeaumE, L. E., & Papin, W. B. The picturesque architecture of Mexico. N.Y.. 1915. 118 p. F. WF95!iLll Leclaire, J. V. A. Le St. Laurent; his- torique, legendaire et topographique . . . 1906. 304 p. Q. 545-}-L49 Millar, Donald. Measured drawings of some Colonial and Georgian houses. N.Y., 1916. 2 vols. F. WIM83|!M61 Newcomb, Rexford. Franciscan Mission architecture of Califorina. N.Y., 1916. 41 pi. F. WF83i|N43 Powell, L. P., ed. Historic towns of New England. N.Y., 1898. 599 p. D. F831.P87 Preble, G. H. History of the flag of the United States of America. . . Bost., 1880. 815 p. Q. FVF+P91 Rogers and Manson Co. Selected interiors of old houses in Salem and vicinity. Bost., 1916. 55 p. ill. Q. (Monograph ser.) WIM83+R635 Rogers and Manson Co. Old colonial brick houses of New England. Bost.. 1917. 52 p. Q. WIM83+R63t RoutlEdge, Mrs. Scoresby. The mystery of Easter Island; the story of an expedi- tion. Lond., n.d., 404 p. ill. O. G16.R76 Sims, J. P. Old Philadelphia colonial details. N.Y., 1914. 55 pi. F. WF83|!S614 Soderholtz, E. E. Colonial architecture and furniture. Bost., 1895. 60 pi. F. WF16||S679 Terhume, Mary V. Some colonial home- steads and their stories; by Marion Harland {pseud.) N.Y., 1897. Slip. O. F8399.T27 Tetu, Henri. Histoire du palais Episcopal de Quebec. Quebec, 1896. 304 p. O. 280O.T29 Trotter, A. F. Old colonial houses of the Cape of Good Hope. Lond., 1900. 16 p. F. WIMIIT75 VaillancourT, E. Une maitrise d'art en Canada. 1800-23. Montreal. 1920. 112 p. pi. D. WGK82.V19 Vaux. Calvert. Villas and cottages; a series of designs prepared for execution in the United States. N.Y.. 1857. 318 p. O. WIM83.V46 Ware, W.R., ed. The Georgian period ; a coll- ection of papers dealing with colonial or XVIII. century architecture in the United States. N.Y., 1901-8. 3 vols, in 12 pts. F. WIM83 W22 Wise, H. C, & Beidleman, H. F. Colonial architecture, for those about to build. PhUa., 1913. 270 p. Q. WIM83+W75 50 McGIIvL UNIVERSITY AMERICA— Modern. American CHURCHES. Introduction by R. A. Cram. N.Y.. 1915. 2 vols. F. WGK83IIA49 American Country Houses of today. NY., 1913-17. 3 vols. Q. & F. WIM83!|A512 American 'Cojn»BTiTioNS. Phila., 1907-13. 3 vols. F. WFIIA512 Badgley, S. R. Architectural souvenir of work done during twenty years. Cleveland, 1896. 53 pi. Q. WF10-I-B14 California University. International com- petition... n.p., n.d., 152 p. O. WHU.C12 Elliott, C. W. The book of American in- teriors. Bost., 1876. 135 p. F. WSHIIE44 Elwell, N. W. The Boston public library. Bost., 1896. 25 pi. F. ZPG||E52 McKiM, Mead & White. A monograph of the work of McKim, Mead &. White. N.Y., 1914-19. 4 vols, in 10 portfolios. F. WF83|iM21 Morris, Edmund. Art in Canada — the early painters, n.p., n.d. 40 p. O. W10.M83 New York. Competition for the New York court house. N.Y., 1913. F. 88 pi. WHKI1N48 PlaTT, C. a. Monograph of his work, with an introduction by Cortissoz. N.Y., 1913. 183 pi. F. W10||P69c U. S. Supervising architect: — Annual re- port. 1896. Washington, 1897. 1 vol. O. WHG.U58 ASIA, INDIA, AND THE FAR EAST Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Art and art in- dustries in Japan. Lond., 1878. 292 p. O. W67.A354 Anderson, William. Descriptive and his- torical catalogue of Japanese and Chinese paintings in the British Museum. Lond., 1886. 554 p. Q. WP67+2B Anderson, William. Japanese wood engrav- ings; their history, techinque and charact- eristics. Lend., 1908. 219 p. ill. pi. S. WO.A552 Barnett, L. D. Antiquities of India; an account of the history and culture of an- cient Hindustan. N.Y., 1914. 306 p. ill. pi. map. O. FF69.A26 Bhagwanlal, Indraji. Antiquarian remains at Sopara and Padana;. . . Bombay, 1882. 56 p. O. FF69.B46 Binyon, R. L. Catalogue of Japanese and Chinese woodcuts in the British Museum. Lond., 1916. 605 p. Q. W0+B51 Birdwood, G. C. M. Industrial arts of India. Lond., 1880. 344 p. O. WD69.B53 Bowes, J. L. Japanese marks and seals. Lond., n.d., 379 p. ill. pi. map. Q. WSM+B67 Brown, Percy. Indian painting. Calcutta, n.d. 115 p. por. pi. D. WP69.B81 Burgess, J. W. Handbook of old shrines and temples. . . in Japan. Tokyo, 1920. 144 p. ill. pi. map. D. FF67.H19 CoHN, William. Indische Plastik. (Die Kunst des Ostens) Berlin. 1921. v. p. ill. Q. WJ69+C66 Cram, R. A. Impressions of Japanese archi- tecture and the allied arts. Lond., 1906. 227 p. pi. O. . WF67.C84 Fenollosa, E. F. Review of the chapter on painting in Gonse's "L'art japonais". Bost., 1885. 54 p. O. W67.F35 Fenollosa, E. F. Epochs of Chinese and Japanese art; an outline history of East Asiatic design. Lond-, 1912. 2 vols. Q. W66-I-F36 Giles, H. A. An introduction to the history of Chinese pictorial art. 2 ed. Lond., 1918. 218 p. ill. pi. O. WP66.G398 Goncourt, E. H. de. Hokousai. Paris, 1896. 386 p. D. 'WP10.H68 Goncourt, E. H. d^. Outamaro, le peintre des maisons vertes. Paris, 1891. 265 p. D. WP10.O94 Grindlay, R. M. Scenery, costumes and architecture, chiefly on the western side of India. Lond., 1830. 105 p. pi. F. WF69IIG88 HarTmann, Sadakichi. Japanese art. Bost., 1904. 288 p. D. W67.H25 HavELL, E- B. Ideals of Indian art. Lond., 1911. 188 p. Q. W69-1-H29 Havell, E. B. a handbook of Indian art. Lond., 1920. 222 p. pi. O. W69.H29h Havell, E. B. Indian architectures, its psychology, structure, and historj from the first Muhamedan invasion to the present day. Lend., 1913. 260 p. ill. 139 pi. Q. WF69-f-H29 HendlEy, T. H. Damascening on steel or iron as practised in India. . . Lond., 1892. 32 pi. F. WYi|H69 India — Archaeological Survey. Archaeo- logical Survey of Western India. Lond., 1900-05. vols. 7-9. F. FF69||139w Jacob, S. S. Jeypore portfolio of architectural details. Lond., 1890. 6 vols. F. FF691IJ15 Jarves, J. J. A glimpse at the art of Japan. N.Y., 1876. 216 p. D. W69.J295 Journal op Indian art. . . ed. by Sir George Birdwood. Lond., 1886. 6 nos. in 1 vol. F. ■ 'yV||7J82 KtJMMEL, Otto. Die Kunst Ostasiens. Berlin, 1921. 168 p. Q. W66-|-K95 Mitton, G. E. Lost Cities of Ceylon. Lond., 1916. 256 p. O. G699.M69 Paris. Biblioth^que nationalE-Departe- ment des estampes. Livres et albums illustres du Japon; reunis et catalogues par Theodore Duret. Paris, 1900. 322 p. ill. pi. O. ZS39.P212.2 Petrucci, Raphael. Chinese painters; a critical study; tr. fr. the Fr. by Frances Seaver. N.Y., 1920. 155 p. pi. O. WP66.P44.3 51 BLACKADER LIBRARY Asia, India, and the Far East — Cont. Salmony, Ai^fred. schaftsmalerei. Berlin, n.d. 48 Die chinesische Land- (Orbis pictus vol. 4.) p. ill. Q. WP66+S172 Smith, V. A. A history of fine art in India and Ceylon from the earliest times to the present day. Oxf., 1911. 516 p. ill. pi. Q. W69+S652. SmiTher. J. G. Architectural remains; Am- radhapura, Ceylon. Lond., n.d. 64 p. F. WF699ilS654 Westheim, PaVl. Indische Baukunst (Orbis pictus vol. 1.) Berlin, n.d., 4S p. ill. Q. WF69+Wi52 With, Karl. Java; brahmanische, budd- histische und eigenlebige Architektur und Plastik auf Java. Hagen iiW.. 1920. ill. pi. Q. WF68+W77 THE NEAR EAST. Arabic, Saracenic, Persian. See also Spain. Babelon, E. C. F. Manuel d'archeologie orientale. . . Paris, n.d., 318 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W12.B11 Bell, G. L. The desert and the sown. Lond., 1907. 347 p. O. G607.B41 Bell, G. L. Palace and mosque at Ukhaidir. . . Oxf., 1914. 180 p. F. WF122|!G41 Budge. E. A. T. W. By Nile and Tigris; a narrative of journeys in Egypt and Meso- potamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1889 and 1913. 2 vols. Lond., 1920. ill. pi. diag. map O. G71.B850 Butler, H. C. American archaeological ex- pedition to Syria, 1899-1910. Pt. II. Ar- chitecture. WF125||B97 Carne, John. Syria, the Holy Land and Asia Minor, illustrated by W. H. Bartlett & others. . . with descriptions by J. C. Lond., n.d. 3 vols, in 1. Q. G60-|-C215. DwighT, H. G. Constantinople, old and new. N.Y., 1915. 567 p. O. G59.G76.D96 Fellows, Sir Charles. Travels and re- searches in Asia Minor. Lond., 1852. 510 p. ill. pi. maps D. G606,F33 Gavet, Al. L'art Arabe. Paris, n.d. 316 p. O. (Bibl. de I'enseigne des beaux arts.) W125.G25 Lewis, T. H. Lond., 1888. Lynch, H. F. B. Lond., 1901. Holy places of Jerusalem. 130 p. O. WF125.L58 Armenia; travels and studies. 2 vols. O. G604.L99 NissEN, Heinrich. Das Templum; anti- quarische Untersuchungen. Berlin, 1869. 249 p. O. WGB.N63 Petrie, W. M. F. Researches in Sinai; Lond., 1906. 280 p. pi. maps, Q. FF609-fP44.2 P6zard, M. La ceramique archaique de rislam et ses origines. Paris, 1920. 1 vol. in 2. pi. F. WKTIIP46 Poole, S. L. Art of the Saracens in Egypt. Lond., 1886. 312 p. iU. D. W62.P78 Prisse d'Avennes, A.C. L'art Arabe... Paris, 1877. 296 p. pi. F. W125!lP93 Schmidt, Emanuel. Solomon's temple in the light of other oriental temples. Chic, 1902. 65 p. O. WGB.S349 Smith, Maj. Gen. Sir R. M. Persian art. Lond., n.d., 103 p. D. (South Ken- sington Museum art handbook ser.) WD635.S658 South Kensington Muselth. Report on the analysis of various examples of oriental metalwork, etc. by Arthur Wingham. Lond., 1892. 64 p. O. WY.S726 Stassop, V. AND GuNZBURG, D. L'omc- raent hebraique. Berlin, 1905. 13 p.' -f- 27 pi. F. WS|lS796 LEVANT, SWITZERLAND, DALMATIA, BALKAN STATES. Belabre, F. DE. Rhodes of the Knights. Oxf., 1908. 196 p. ill. F. WF145|lB41 Frothingham, a. L. Roman cities in Italy and Dalmatia. N.Y., 1910. 343 p. O. WF129.F93 Jackson, F. H. The shores of the Adriatic (Austrian side), Lond., 1908. 420 p. O. G56.D16.J13 KowALCZYK, Georg. Denkmaler der Kunst in Dalmatien, mit einer Einleitung von Cornelius GurlittT Berlin, 1910. 2 vols. F. WF56IIK84 Longfellow, W. of architecture Levant. N.Y., P. Cyclopedia of works in Italy, Greece and the 1895. 546 p. Q. WF-}-5L86 Miller, William. The Latins in the Le- vant. Lond., 1908. 675 p. O. F33.M61 Millet, G. L'ancien art serbe; les ^glises. Paris, 1919. 208 p. ill. pi. F. WGK594!|M61 FRANCE— Architecture and Art. (L')architecture fran^aise; monuments his- toriques d^puis le lie siecle jusqu'^ nos jours. Paris, n.d. vols. 2, 4, 6, F. WF39||A673 Bauchal, Charles. Nouveau dictionnaire biographique des architectes fran^aise. Paris, 1887, 842 p. Q. WF10-t-B32 Baudot, J. E. A. de,& Perrault-Dabot, A. Les cath6drales de France. Paris, n.d 5 portfolios. F. " WGK39||B32 Cook, Sir T. A. Twenty-five great houses Of France. Lond., n.d. 436 p. ill. pi. F. WIM39IIC79 52 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Prance — Architecture and Art — Cont. F^LiBiEN, J. F. Rccucil historique de la vie et dc I'ouvrage dcs plus' ceK'bres archi- tectes. 466 p. S. WF10.F33 France: Commission des monuments his- TORiQUES. Archives. Paris, 1S55-72. 4 vols. F. WF39liF839 France: Commission des monuments his- TORiQUES. Archives. . . Paris, 1898. 5 vols, in 20 pts. F. WF39IIF84 Hessling, Egon, & Hessling, Waldemar. Le vieux Paris; recueil de vucs de ses monuments. Berlin, 1907-12. Vols. 2-3. ill. F. WF39PIIH46 HouRTiCQ, Louis. Everyone's history of French art; tr. fr. the French by M. Her- bert. Paris, 1919. 191 p. ill. S. W39.H81h.E HuNNEWELt,, J. F. Historical monuments of France. Bost., 1884. 336 p. O. WF39.H89 Inkersley, Thomas. An inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles of Romanesque and pointed architecture in France; with notices of some of the prin- cipal buildings on which it is founded. Lond., 1850. 358 p. O. WF39.I56 Labarte, C. J. Histoire des arts industriels au moyen age et d I'epoque de la re^ naissance. Paris, 1872. 3 vols. F. W15I1L11 Lechevallier-Chevignard, E- Les styles frangais. Paris, n.d., 382 p. O. WF39.L49 Macgibbon, David. Architecture of Pro- vence and of the Riviera. Edin., 1888. 467 p. O. WF39.M17 Male, E. Religious art in France, XIIT. century; a study in mediaeval iconography and its sources of inspiration; tr. fr. the French. 3 ed. by Dora Mussey. Lond., 1913. 414 p. ill. Q. W144-I-M29.E Newhall, Louis C. Minor chateaux and manor houses of France of the loth and 16th centuries. N.Y., 1914. 10 p. 60 pi. Q. WIM39-I-N45.2 PetiT, Rev. J. L. Architectural studies in France. Lond., 1890. 402 p. O. WF39||P44 I*ugin, a. C. Paris and its environs. Lond., 1833. 2 vols. pi. F. G39P||P96 Saint-Paul, A. Histoire monumentale de la France. Paris, 1895. 302 p. Q. WF39-I-S149 VacquiER, J. Les anciens chateaux de France. Paris, 1920. 3 vols. pi. F. (L'ile de France ser.) WIP39|1V1 FRANCE— Mediaeval Architecture and Art. Baudot, J. E- A. de, & Perrault-Dabot, A. Les cathedrales de France. Paris, n.d. 5 portfolios — photographs and plates. F. WGK39||B32 Belloc, J. H. P. The book of the Bayeux tapestry. Lond., 1913. 76 p. ill. map. Q. WUA+B41 Bushnell, a. J. DE H. Storied windows; a traveller's introduction to the study of old church glass. N.Y., 1914. 338 p. pi. O. WIX.B96 Caumont, Arcisse de. Cours d'antiquites monumentales; histoire de I'art dans I'ouest de la France. Paris, 1830-41. 6 vols. O. W39.C31 Caumont, Arcisse de. Abcedaire ou rudi- ment d'archeologie. Paris, 1851. 504 p. O. WF.C31 Caumont, Arcisse de. Architecture civile et militaire. Paris, 1853. 494 p. O. WF.C31C DiCTlONNAIRE RAISONN6 DE L'aRCHITECTURE francais du XIe — XVIe siEcle. Paris, 1867-8. 10 vols. O. WF39.V81.2 France — Commission des monuments his- TORiQUES. Archives de la commission. . . Paris, 1898. 5 vols, in 20 pts. F. WF39IIF94 Gailhabaud, Jules, ed. L'architecture du 5e au 17e siecle et les arts qui en dependent. Paris, 1869-72. 4 vols. F. WF13||G12 Larned, W. C. Churches and castles of mediaeval France. N.Y., 1895. 236 p. O. WF39.L32 Pugin, a. C, & Le Keux, John. Specimens of the architectural antiquities of Nor- mandy. Lond., 1827-33. 64 p. Q. WF39-I-P96 Rejvoil, H. a. Architecture romane du Midi de la France. Paris, 1867-74. 3 vols. F. WF39i|R32 Turner, Dawson. Account of a tour in Normandy. . . Lond., 1820. 2 vols. O. WF39.T85 Villard d'HonnecourT. Facsimile of the sketchbook of, ed. by R. WiUis. Lond., 1859. 243 p. F. W10||V71 Viollet le Due, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne de I'arcitecture fran^aise du lie au 16e siecle. Paris, 1875. 10 vols. O. WF39.V81 FRANCE— Mediaeval Buildings. Amiens, Cathedral Church of. A short history and description of its fabric, by Rev. Thomas Perkins. . . Lond., 1902. 112 p. D WGK39.P415a Arques, Castle of . . Description et histoire du Chateau d'Arques, par Viollet le Due. Paris, n.d., 16 p. O. WIP39.V81 Bayeux, CaTHEDRAL. Lond., 1904. 80 p. by Rev. R. S. Mylne. O. WGK39.M99 Cathedrals op Northern France, by Francis Miltoun. Bost., 1904. 400 p. ill. D. WGK39.M64 53 BLACKADER LIBRARY France — Mediaeval Buildings — Cont. Cathedrals and Cloisters of Midland France, by E- W. Rose. N.Y., 1907. 2 vols. ill. O. , WGK39.R72 Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South OF France, by E. W. Rose. N.Y., 1906. 2 vols. ill. O. WGK39.R728 Charente — Architectural Association. A visit to the domed churches of Charente, France. Lond., 1875. 48 p. F. WGK39||A673 Chartres, City of; its Cathedral and Churches, by H. J. L- J- Masse. Lond., 1900. 120 p. D. WGK39.M38 CoucY, Description du Chateau de, par VioUet le Due. Paris, n.d. 31 p. O. WIP39.V18C Mont St. Michel, Short history and descrip- tion of, by H. J. h. J. Mass^. Lend., 1900. 120 p. D. » WGK39.M38m Paris, Notre Dame de, by Charles Hiatt. Lond., 1902. 101 p. D. WGK39.H52 PlERREFONDS, DESCRIPTION ET HiSToiRE DU Chateau de, par Viollet le Due. Paris, 1891. 48 p. O. WIP39.V81p Reims, CaTh6drale de, par Eticnne Moreau- Nelaton. Paris, 1915. 109 p. 135 pi. Q. WGK39+M81 Rouen, Churches of, by Rev. Thomas Per- kins. Lond., 1900. 125 p. D. WGK39.P415 Wilson, Epiphanius. Cathedrals of France; popular studies of the most interesting French cathedrals. N.Y., 1900. 208 p. ill. F. WGK39IIW69 FRANCE— The Renaissance. Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques. Les plus excellents bastiments de France. . . Paris, 1868-70. 2 vols. F. WF39||A576 Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques. French chateaux and gardens in the 16th century. Lond., 1909. 36 p. ill. pi... F. WF39||A576f BlomfiELD, R. T. History of French archit- ure from the reign of Charles VIII till the death of Mazarin. Lond., 1911. 2 vols. Q. WF39-I-B62 Daly, C. D. Motifs historiques d'architecture et de sculpture d'omement. Paris, 1880-81. 4 vols. F. WSIID17 DiLKE, Lady E. F. S. French architects and sculptors of the 18th centurv. Lond., 1900. 217 p. Q. W10+D57 France — Commission des monuments his- toriques. Archives de la commission . . . Paris, 1898. 5 vols, in 20 pts. F. WF39IIF84 Newhall, L. C. Minor chateaux and manor houses of France, 15th and 16th centuries. N.Y., 1914. 60 pi. Q. WIM39+N45 Sauvageot, Claude. Palais, chateaux, hotels et maisons de France du 15e au 18e siecle. Paris, 1867. 4 vols. F. WF39|1S262 Ward, W. H. Architecture of the renais- sance in France... Lond., 1911. 2 vols. O. WF39.W21 FRANCE— Renaissance Buildings. Blois, Le Chateau de, par Ernest Le Nail. (Architecture de la renaissance). Paris, 1875. 60 pi. ■ F. WF39I1L54 Fontainebleau; Monographie du palais DE„ par Rodolphe Pfnor. . Paris, 1863. 2 vols. F. WIP39|)P48 Louvre ET TuilERiES. L'architecture et la decoration aux palais du Louvre et des Tuileries. Paris, 1906. 2 vols. F. WIP39||A673 Louvre, le palais DU,-par Henry Gueldy. Dourdan, 1905. F. WF39||G93 Versailles et les Trianons. Uarchitect- ure et la decoration aux palais de Versailles et des Trianons, par Paul Favier. Paris, n.d. 120 pi. F. W1P391IF27 Versailles et Trianon. Palais et jardins de Versailles et de Trianon; 26 vues des- sin6es par Jaime. Versailles, n.d. 26 pi. WIP39.P175 Versailles et Petit Trianon. The Petit Trianon, Versailles ,by J. A. Arnott & John Wilson. Lond., 1907. 3 pts. F. W1P3911A76 FRANCE— Modem Architecture and Art. Daly, C6sar, Ed. Revue generale de l'archi- tecture et des travaux publics. Paris, 1840-85. Vols. 1-42 in 21 vols. F. WF39||D17 Garnier, J. L. C. Monographie de I'obser- vatoire de Nice. Paris, 1892. 35 pi. F. WHOIjGlS N6noT, H. p. Monographie de la nouvelle Sorbonne. Paris, 1893. 50 pi. F. WF39||N34 Percier, Charles, & Fontaine, P. F. L- Receuil de decorations interieures. Paris, 1801. 44 p. 73 pi. F. WS||P41 Viollet le Dug, E- E. How to build a' house; tr. fr. the French by Benjamin BucknaU. Lond., 1874. 268 p. O. WIM.VSlh.E U MCGILL UNIVERSITY GERMANY— Historical Architecture and Art. FriTsch, K. E- O. Denkmiiler deutscher Re- naissance. Berlin, 1891. 4 vols. 300 pi. F. WF47IIF91 Gerlach, Martin: Altc Grabmalkunst ; cine Sammlung kunstlerischer, charakterist is chcr Grabmaler Deutschlands und Oester- reichs aus der Zeit Anfang dcs 15tcn bis Anfang des lOtcn Jahrhunderts; photo- graphische Naturaufnahmen. Wicn, 1920. 52 pi. Q. WGS30+G31 GoTTLOB, Fritz. Formenlehre dcr nord- deutschen .Backsteingotik . . . Lpz., 1907. 78 pi. F. WF15IIG71 Hefner-Alteneck, J. H. Von. Eisenwerke, Oder Ornamentik der Schmiedekunst des Mittelalters under der Renaissance. Frank- furt a.M., 1885-6. 2 vols. F. WY||H36 Interiors op the Tyrol; pub. by William Helburn. N.Y., n.d. GO pi. F. WIM30i|I61 KuTscHMANN, ThEodor. Romanische Bau- kunst in Deutschland . . . Berlin, n.d. 30 pi. F. WF47|iK96 Langl, Joseph. Die Hapsburg und die denkwiirdigen Statten ihrer Umgebung. Wien, n.d. 84 p. Q. WIP38+L26 LucHNER, O. F. Die Tiroler Stadt. Miin- chen., 1914. ill. pi. O. WF47.L96 NeuwirTh, Joseph. Wochenrechnungen und Betrieb des Prager Dombaues. Prag., 1890. 509 p. Q. WGK58P+N39 Paulus, Edouard. Abtei, Maulbronn. F. Die Cisterzienzer- Stuttg., 1889. 114 p. WGM47IIP28 Pfnor, Rodolphe. Monographic du Chateau de Heidelberg. . . Paris, 1859.] Kijp. F. WIP47||P48 REbEnsburg, Heinrich. Das deutsche Dorf. Muuchen, 1914.<;;vol. 1. ill. pi. O. WF47.R24 Rt)CKWARDT, Hermann. Malerische Architck- tur-Studien von Rothenburg ob der Tauber ; photographische Original-Aufnahmen nach der Natur in Lichtdruck. Berlin, 1894. 30 pi. F. WF471IR83 Sauermann, E. E. F. Alt-Schleswig-Holstein und die freie und Hansastadt Liibeck; heimische Bau- und Raumkunst aus fiinf Jahrhunderten. Berlin, n.d. 178 p. ill. F. WF47IIS255 Schmidt, Otto: Kunstschiitze aus Tirol; Hcliogravuren nach photographischen Auf- nahmen; mit erlautemdem Texte von J. W. Deininger. 3te Aufl. Wien, 1896. vols. 1-3. pi. F. WIM30||S353 Die Schone deutsche Stadt. 1. Mittel- deutschland 1911. 2. Siiddeutschland 1912. Miinchen. 2 vols. ill. pi. O. WF47.S365 Semper, Gottfried. Der Stil in den tech- nischen und tektonischen Kiinsten; oder praktische Aesthetik. Miinchen, 1878-9. O. WS.S473 Schorn, Otto Von. Die Kunsterzeugnisse aus Thon und Glas. . . Lpz., 1888. 216 p. D. WS.B625 Schorn, Otto Von. Die Tektilkunst. Lpz., 1885. 260 p. D. (In Blumner, Hugo; & Schorn, Otto von Geschichte des Kunstgewerbes.) WS.B625 GERMANY— Modem Architecture and Art. Der Baumeister; Monatsheft fiir Architec- tur und Baupraxis. Miinchen, 1910-11. vol. 9 F. WF||7B325 DCrm, J. W., AND OTHERS, EDS. Handbuch der Architectur. Darmstadt, 1880. vols. 1-7. Q. WF+D93 Hoffman, Ludwig. Neubauten der Stadt Berlin. BerHn, 1907-11. 5 vols. F. WIM47|[H67 Neue Architectur aus Deutschland und Oesterreich. Ser. 6. Wien, n.d. 60 pi. F. WIM47IIN39 I Schmohl, Paul deutsche Haus. & Stachelin, G. Das Stuttg., n.d. 1 vol. F. WIM47IIS356 GREAT BRITAIN— Architecture and Art. Architectural Review. 1906. Lond., 1906. Congress Number 160 p. F. WF45IIA673 Armstrong, Sir Walter. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1909. 332 p. D. W.A739 BaTsford, Herbert, comp. English mural monuments and tombstones, with an intro. by W. H. Godfrey. Lond., 1916. 8 + 15 p. + 79 pi. Q. WGS45+B32 Billings, R. W. The baronial and eccles- iastical antiquities of Scotland. Lond., 1852. 4 vols. pi. Q. WF43+B49.2 Brown, G B. The arts in early England Lend., 1903-15. 4 vols. - O. W45.B81 Chancellor, E. B. Lives of the British architects from William of Wykeham to Sir William Chambers. Lond., 1911. 337 p. O. WF10.C36 Clapham, a. W., & Godfrey, W. H. Some famous buildings and their story. . . West- minster, n.d. 276 p. O. WF45.C53 Davie, W. G. Old cottages and farmhouses in Kent and Sussex. Lond., 1907. 28 p.-f- 100 pi. Q. WIM+D28 Dollman, F. T., & JoBBiNS, J. R. Analysis of ancient domestic architecture in Great Britain. Lond., 1861. 2 vols. F. WIM45JID69 55 BIvACKADER LIBRARY Great Britain — Architecture and Art — Cont. Grose, Francis. Antiquities of Englanti and Wales. Lond., n.d. 8 vols, in 4. Q. FF45+G91 Grose, Francis. Antiquities of Ireland. Lond., 1791. 2 vols. Q. FF42+G91 Grose, Francis. Antiquities of Scotland. Lond., 1797. 2 vols. Q. FF43+G91 Innocent, C. F. Development of English building construction. Camb., 1916. 294 p. O. T.I58 Johnson, Walter. Byways in British archae- ology. Camb., 1912. 529 p. ill. O. FF45.J63 JouRDAiN, M. The history of English secular embroidery. Lond., 1910. 202 p. pi. O. WU.J82 Macartney, Mervvn, E- The practical exemplar of architecture . . . Westminster, n.d. Ser. 1-5. 5 vols. F. WF451|Mllp Nichols, J. G. Ancient allegorical, historical and legendary paintings in fresco at Strat- ford - upon -Avon, from drawings by Thomas Fisher. Lend., 1838. 56 pi. F. FF451IN51 RiMMER, Alfred. Ancient halls of Lanca- shire, n.p., n.d. ;20 pi. Q. WIM45-f R46 Scotland, National art survey. E.xamples of Scottish architecture from the 12th to the 17th century; a series of reproductions from the National art survey drawings, pub. by a joint committee of the board of trustees for the National Galleries of Scot- land and the Institute of Scottish archi- tects, n.p., 1921. pi. F. WF43|!S424 ScoTT, Geoffrey. The national character of English architecture. 0.\f., 1908. 46 p. O. WF45.S426 StraTTon, Arthur. The English interior; a review of the decoration of English homes from Tudor times to the 19th century. Lond., 1920. 86 p. ill. pi. F. WSH|!S911 Technical Journals Ltd. Library of plates for architects. Westminster, n.d. 8 vols. F. WFIIT22 Uhde, ConsTanTin. Baudenkmaler in Gros^- britannien. Berlin, 1894. 2 vols. F. WF45jiU29 GREAT BRITAIN— Mediaeval Architecture and Art. ArmiTage, Ella S. Early Norman castles of the British Isles. Lond., 1912. 408 p. pi. O. WIP45.A732 Belcher, W. D. Kentish brasses. Lond., 1888. Vol. 1. Q. WGS45-I-B41 Billings, R. W. Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland; historical descrip- tions by J. H. Burton. Edin., 1901. 4 vols. F. WF43IIB49 Bond, Francis. Fonts and font covers* Lond., 1908. 347 p. Ul. O. WGKC.B64f Bond, Francis. Gothic architecture in England... Lond., 1906. 782 p. ill. Q. WGK45+B64 Bond, Francis. An introduction to English Church architecture from the 11th to the 16th century. Lond., 1913. 2 vols. ill. Q. WGK45-|-B64i Bond, Francis. Screens and galleries in English churches. Oxf., 1908. 192 p. ill. O. WGKC.B64 Bond, Francis. Wood carvings in English churches. Lond., 1910. vols. 1-2. ill. O. WGKG.B64W Bond, F. B., & Camm, Rev. Bede. Rood screens and rood lofts. Lond., 1909. 2 vols. ill. Q. WGKC+B642 Bloxam, M. H. Principles of Gothic eccles- iastical architecture. Lond., 1882. 2 vols. D. WF15.B62.3 Bowman, Henry, & CrowTher, J. S. The churches of the middle ages. Lond., 1855. 2 vols. F. WGD||B68 Brandon, J. R. Open timber roofs of the middle ages. Lond. 1860. 87 p. F. WF15||B735o Brandon, J. R., & Brandon, J. A. Parish churches; perspective views of English structures with plans and descriptions. Lend., 1851. 2 vols. Q. WGK45-|-B73 Brandon, J. R., & Brandon, J. A. Analysis of Gothic architecture. Lond., 1874. 2 vols. F. WF15||B735 BriTTon, John. Cathedral antiquities; his- torical and descriptive account of English cathedrals. Lond., 1836. 5 vols. Q. WGK45-I-B775 BriTTon, John. Chronological history of Christian architecture in England. Lond., 1827. 260 p. F. WGK45IIB775 Brown, W., & Hodges, C. C. Kirkconnell— Sweetheart Abbey - Lincluden Abljcy - Caelaberock Castle - The Ruthwell Cross. Hexham, 1894. 8 p. pi. O. WGM43.B81 Carter, John. Ancient architecture of England. Lond., 1887. 74 p. F. WF45||C24 Champneys, a. C. Irish ecclesiastical archi- tecture, with some notice of similar or related work in England, Scotland and elsewhere... Lond., 1910. 258 p. pi. Q. WGK42-fC35 Colling, J. K. Details of Gothic architecture. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. F. WF15-f-C69 Colling, J. K. Examples of English mediae- val foliage and decoration. 15th century. Lond., 1874. 72 p. 76 pi. F. WFO||G69 Crallan, F. a. Details of Gothic wood carv- ing. Lond., 1896. 34 pi. F. WKDliG84 Crossing, William. The old stone crosses of the Dartmoor borders; with notices of the scenery and traditions of the district. Exeter, 1892. 152 p. ill. pi. map O. WGS45.C88 Dallaway, James. Observations on English architecture, military, ecclesiastical and civil, compared with similar buildings on the continent. Lond., 1806. 318 p. Q. WF45.DI6 DiTchfield, Rev. P. H. EngHsh villages. Lond., 1901. 308 p. D. FF45.D63 56 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Great Britain— Mediaeval Arcliitecture and Art — Cont. DoLLMAN, F. T., & JoBBiNS, I. R. Analysis of ancient domestic architecture in Great Britain. Lond., 1861. 2 vols. F. WIM45||D69 (The) Ecclesiological (late Cambridge) Camden Society, ed. Instrumenta eccles- iastica. Lond.. 1847. 72 pi. Q. WGKC+E17 Farrar, F. W. Our English minsters. Lond. n.d. 2 vols. D. WGK45.F24o Freeman, E. A. Essay on the origin and development of window tracery in England. Lond., 1851. 305 p. O. WIX.F87 Garner, Thomas, & Stratton, Arthur. Domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. F. WIM45||G18 Gasquet, F. A. English monastic life. Lond., 1905. 326 p. O. DM.G21 Hodges, C. C. Sepulchral slabs, ... of the middle ages. . . in the County of Durham, n.p., 1884. Pts. 1-2. Q. WGM.H66 Howard, F. E., & Crossley, F. H. English church woodwork; a study in craftsman- ship during the mediaeval period. Lond., 1917. 370 p. ill. Q. WGKC-f H83 Hunt, T. F. Exemplars of Tudor architec- ture adapted to modern habitations. Lond., 1841. 200 p. F. , WF45HH915 Innocent, C. F. Development of English building construction. Camb., 1916. 294 p. O. T.I58 LiNGARD, Rev. John. The history and anti- quities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Lond., 1845. 2 vols. O. DD45.L64 Macgibbon, David, & Ross, Thomas. Cas- tellated and domestic architecture of Scot- land. Edin., 1887-92. 5 vols. Q. WF43+M17 Macgibbon, David, & Ross, Thomas. Ec- clesiastical architecture of Scotland. Edin., 1896-97. 3 vols. Q. WF43-f M17e MackinlEy, J. M. Ancient church dedica- tions in Scotland. Edin., 1914. 552 p. O. CRD.M19 Milner, Rev. John. A treatise on the ecclesiastical architecture of England dur- ing the middle ages. Lond., 1811. 135 p. pi. Q. WGK45-I-M63 Morgan, Thomas. Romano-British mosaic pavements. Lond., 1886. 323 p. O. \VT.M82 MuiR, T. S. Descriptive notices of ancient parochial and collegiate churches of Scot- land. Lond., 1848. 148 p. O. WK43.M895 Nichols, J. G. Ancient allegorical, historical and legendary paintings in fresco upon Stratford-upon-Avon, from drawings by Thomas Fisher. Lond., 1838. 56 pi. F. FF45IIN51 PalEy, F. a. Manual of Gothic mouldings. Lond., 1891. 5th ed. 100 p. O. WF15.P175.2 Parker, J. H. Introduction to the study of Gothic architecture. Oxf., 1867. 276 p. S. WF15.P22 Power, C. E. English mediaeval architect- ure. Lond., 1912. 2 vols. S. WF45.P87 Prior, E. S. History of Gothic art in Englmid. Lond., 1900. 465 p. Q. WF15+P93 Pugin, a. C. Specimens of Gothic archi- tecture. Lond., 1821-6. 2 vols. Q. WF45-I-P96.3 Pugin, A. C. Examples of Gothic architect- ure. Lond.. 1895. 3 vols. Q. WF45-f-F96 Pugin, A. W. N. Fifteenth and sixteenth century ornaments. Edin., 1904. 102 pi. F. WS||P99 QuENNELL, MarjoriE, & C. H. B. A history of everyday things in England. Lond., n.d. 2 pts. ill. O. F4599.03 RiCKMAN, Thomas. Attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, 1006- 1547. Oxf., 1862. 464 p. O. WF15.R42 RiMMER, Alfred. Ancient stone crosses of England. Lond., 1875. 159 p. ill. O. WGS45.R46 RiMMER, Alfred. Ancient halls of Lancashire. n.p.., n.d., 20 pi. Q. •WIM45-f-R46 Rogers & Manson Co. Parish churches of England... Bost., 1915. 32 pi. Q. WGK45-I-R63 Scott, Sir G. G. Essay on the history of English church architecture . . . Lond., 1881. • 195 p. F. WGK45IIA426 Sharpe, Edmund. Architectural parallels. Lond.. 1848. 2 vols. F. WF45!|S532 Sharpe, Edmund. Seven periods of English architecture... Lond., 1888. 40 p. Q. WF45+S532 SharpE; Edmund. Treatise on the rise and progress of decorated window tracery in England. Lond., 1849. 2 vols. O. WIX.S532 Stokes, M. M. Early Christian art in Ireland. Lond., 1894. 138 p. D. (vSouth Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WIA.S874 Turner, T. H. Some account of domestic architecture in England, 1066-1509. Lond., 1859-82. 3 vols, in 4. O. WF45.T84 Vallance, Aymer. Old crosses and lych- gates. Lond.. 1920. 198 p. ill. pi. O. • WGS45.V25 Walker. J. R. Pre-reformation churches in Fifeshire. Edin., 1895. F. WGK43!!W15 WarTon, Thomas. Essays on Gothic archi- tecture. Lond.. 1808. 3 ed. 176 p. pi. Q. WF15+Wi6 West, Rev. G. H. Gothic architecture in England and France. Lond., 1911. 349 p. D. WF15.Wb2 WiCKES, Charles. Memorials of English mediaeval churches. Lond., 1857. 37 pi. F. WGK45IIW63 57 BLACKADER LIBRARY GREAT BRITAIN— Renaissance Architecture and Art. Adams, Robert & James. Decorative work. Lond., 1901. 45 pi. F. WSJIA195 Belcher, John, & Macartney, M. E., eds. Later renaissance architecture in England. Lond., 1901. 2 vols. F. WF45!|B41 Birch, G. H. London churches of the 17th and 18th centuries. Lond., 1896. 165 p. F. WGK45LI1B53 BLOMi'iELD, Reginald. History of renais- sance architecture in England. Lond., 1897. & 1900. 2 vols. Q. WF45+B62 Blomfield, Reginald. Short history of re- naissance architecture in England. Lond., 1904. 323 p. ill. O. WF45.B62.3 Carter, John. Ancient architecture of Eng- land. Lond., 1887. 74 p. F. ■ WF45||C24 Clapham, a. W. & Godfrey, W. H. Some famous buildings and their story. West- minster, n.d. 276 p. O. WF45.G53 Davie, W. G. Old cottages and farmhouses in Kent and Sussex. . . Lond., 1900. 100 p. Q. WIM-I-D28 DiTCHFiELD, P. H. The manor houses of England; illus. by S. R. Jones. Lond., 1910. 210 p. Q. WIM45-1-D63 Dollman, F. T., & JoBBiNS, I. R. Analysis of ancient domestic architecture. Lond., 1861. 2 vols. F. WIM45||D69 Field, Horace, and Bunney, Michael. English domestic architecture of the XVII and XVIII. centuries. Lond., 1905. 118 pi. F. WIM45IIF45 Garner, Thomas, & Stratton, Arthur. Domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period. Lond., n.d. 2 pts. F. WIM45||G18 GiBBS, James, A book of architecture con- taining designs of buildings and orna- ment. 2 ed. Lond., 1739. 26 p. -|- 150 pi. F. WFIIG35 GoTch, J. A. Architecture of the renaissance in England. Lond., 1894. 2 vols. F. WF45||G71 GoTCH, J. A. Early renaissance architecture in England. Lond., 1901. 281 p. O. WF45.G71 GoTch, J. A. The growth of the English house... Lond., 1909. 336 p. O. WIM45.G71 Gould, Rev. S. Baring. An old English , home and its dependencies. Lond., 1898. 336 p. D. WIM.G73 Hoare, Prince. Epochs of the arts; includ- ing hints on the use and progress of paint- ing and sculpture in Great Britain. Lond., 1813. 366 p. O. W45.H65 Home, B.J. Old houses in Edinburgh. Edin., 1905-7. 2 vols. F. WIM43||H75 Hunt, T. F. Exemplars of Tudor archi- tecture adapted to modem habitations. Lond., 1841. F. WF45||H915 Interiors, decorations and furnishings of London Guild Halls. N.Y., n.d. 40 pl F. WHIII61 Jones, Inigo. Designs, pub. by W. Kent. Lond., 1835. 2 vols, in 1. F. WF||J71 Jones, Inigo. Some architectural works. . . Lond., 1901. 36 p. ill. F. WFiiJ7l8 Langley, Batty. The city and country builder's and workman's treasury of de- signs; or, The art of drawing and working the ornamental parts of architecture. Lend.. 1740. 24 p. -f- 184 pl. Q. WF-1-L26 Latham, Charles. In English homes; the internal character, furniture and adorn- ments of some notable houses of England, historically depicted from photographs. Lond., 1907-09. 3 vols. ill. F. WIM45||L34 Longman, William. History of the three cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London. Lond., 1873. 226 p. O. WGK45L.L865 Malan, a. H. More famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. N.Y., 1901. 337 p. Q. WIM45.M29 Mylne, Rev. R. S. The master masons to the Crown of Scotland, and their works. Edin., 1893. 307 p. F. WF43||M99 Nash, Joseph. Mansions of England in the olden time; re-edited by J. C. Anderson. Lond.. 1869-72. 4 vols. F. WIM45iiN17 Prout, Samuel. Series of views of rural cottages in the west of England, n.p., n.d. 12 pl. F. WIM45IIP94 QuENNELL, Marjorie & C. H. B. A history of everyday things in England. Lond., 1918 2 pts. ill. O. (pt. 2 Renaissance.) F4599.03 Richardson, A. E. Monumental classic architecture, in Great Britain and Ireland during the 18th and.l9th centuries. Ix)nd., 1914. 124 p. F. WF45||R39 Richardson, C. J. Specimens of the Tudor and Elizabethan styles of architecture. . . n.p., n.d. 39 pl. F. WF45-fS741 Sadleir, T. U. & Dickinson, P. L. Georgian mansions in Ireland; with some account of the evolution of Georgian architecture and • decoration. Dublin, 1915. 104 p. ill. F. WIM42IIS126 Scott, Sir Walter. Border antiquities of England and Scotland. Lond., n. d. 2 vols. F. FF45IIS431 Tanner, Henry. English interior woodwork of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Lond., 1902. 50 pl. F. WF45[|T15 Taylor, A. T. Towers and steeples designed by Sir Christopher Wren. Lond.. 1881. 47 p. O. WGK45L.T21 Technical Journals Ltd. Library of plates for architects. Westminster, n.d. 8 vols. F. WF||T22 Turner, T. H. Some account of domestic architecture in England, 1066-1509. Lond., 1859-82. 3 vols, in 4. O. WF45.T85 58 MCGILL UNIVERSITY GREAT BRITAIN— Modem. Architbcturai. Association. A memorial of the late J. D. Sedding, being illustra- tions from some of his works, with a short sketch of his life by H. Wilson. Lond.. 181)2. 33 pi. F. WIO IS447 Architectural Review. Recent English domestic architecture. Lond., 1909,- 11-12. F. WIM45IIA673 Belcher, John. Institute of chartered ac- countants in England and Wales. Lond., 1893. 20 pi. F. WPZIIB41 Carev, W. p. Exposition of an anti-British system to sacrifice the interests of British artists. Lond., 1819. 349 p. O. W10.H328c EasTlake, Sir C. L. History of the Gothic revival. Lond., 1872. 427 p. O. WF45.E13 Hamilton, Walter. Aesthetic movement in England. Lond., 1882. 127 p. O. W10.H18 Holme, Charles. Modern British domestic architecture and decoration. Lond., 1901. 212 p. ill. pi. Q. WIM45|!H73 Hunt, T. F. Exemplars of Tudor architect- ure adapted to modern habitations. Lond., 1841. 200 p. pi. F. WF45IIH915 L'Hopital, WinefridE de. Westminster Cathedral and its architect. Lond., 1919. 2 vols. ill. por. pi. Q. WGK45+L61 Macartney, M. E. Standard examples of architectural details. Westminster, n.d. 25 pi. F. WF45IIM11 Muirhbad, Findlav. London and its envir- ons. Lond., 1918. 502 p. S. GD45L.M89 MuTHBSius, Hermann. Die englischc Bau- kunst der Gegenwart. Lpz., 1900. 4 vols. F. WF45IIM98 MuTHESius, Hermann. Die neuere kirch- liche Baukunst in England. Berlin,/ 1901. 176 p. F. WGK45IIM98 Nicholson, Sir Charles, & Spooner, Charles. Recent English ecclesiastical architecture... Lond., 1911. 250 p. F. WGK45IIN52 PuGiN, A. W. N. Apology for the revival of Christian architecture in England. Lond., 1843. 52 p., pi. Q. WGK45-I-P95 PuGiN, A. W. N. True principles of pointed Christian arcltecture. Lond., 1841. WGD P96 Richardson, A. E. Monumental classic architecture in Great Britain and Ireland during the 18th and 19th centuries. Lond., 1914. 124 p. F. W?45||R39 Swarbrick, John. Robert Adams and his brothers; their lives, work and influence on English architecture, decoration and furni- ture. Lond., 1915. 316 p. ill. pi. Q. WF45+S973 Technical Journals Ltd. Library of plates for architects. Westminster, n.d., 8 vols, pi. F. WFI|T22 GREAT BRITAIN— Cathedrals. BriTTon, John. Cathedral antiquities. . . Lond., 1836. 5 vols. pi. Q. WGK45-|-B257 Farrar, F. W. Out English minsters. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. D. WGK45.F24o Kimball, Kate F. An English cathedral journey. N.Y., 1913. 304 p. ill. pi. phot. maps. O. WGK45.K56 StaTham, H. H. Cathedrals of England and Wales. Lond., 1894. 80 p. pi. ("Builder" ser.) F. WGK45IIS797 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Mariana. English cathedrals; illus. by Joseph Penncll. N.Y., 1892. 395 p. Q. WGK45+V35 Winkles, Benjamin. Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral churches of England and Wales. Lond., 1851. .3 vols. Q. WGK45+W72 Bell's Cathedral series: ed. by Gleeson White and E. F. Strange: Bath and Malmesbury Abbey Churches, by Rev. Thomas Perkins, Lond., 1901. 115 p. D. WGK45.P41 Beverley Minster, by Charles Hiatt. Lond., 1898. 135 p. D. WGK45.H52b Bristol Cathedral, by H. J. L. J. Masse. Lond., 1901. 112 p. D. WGK45.M38b Canterbury Cathedral, by Hartley Withers Lond., 1897. 129 p. D. WGK45.W77 CarHsle Cathedral, by C. K. Eley. Lond., 1900. 92 p. D. WGK45.E39 Chester Cathedral, by Charles Hiatt. Lond., 1897, 96 p. D. WGK45.H52 Chichester Cathedral, by H. ,C. Corlette. Lond., 1901. 128 p. D. WGK45.C81 Durham Cathedral, by J. E- Bygate. Lond., 1900. 117 p. D. WGK45.B99 Ely Cathedral, by W. D. Sweeting. Lond., 1901. 136 p. D. WGK45.S974C Exeter Cathedral, by Percy Addleshaw. Lond., 1898. 133 p. D. WGK45.A227 Gloucester Cathedral, by H. J. L. J. Masse. Lond., 1898. 112 p. D. WGK45.M38 Hereford Cathedral, by A. H. Fisher. Lond., 1898. 112 p. D. WGK45.F53 Lichfield Cathedral, by A. B. Clifton. Lond., 1898. 135 p. D. WGK45.C51 Lincoln Cathedral, by A. F. Kendrick. Lond., 1898. 149 p. D. WGK45.K34 Manchester Cathedral, by Rev. Thomas Per- kins. Lond., 1901. 88 p. D. WGK45.P4Im Norwich Cathedral, by C. H. B. Quennell. Lond., 1898. 112 p. D. WGK45.03 Oxford Cathedral, by Rev. Percy Dearmer. Lond., 1897. 136 p. D. WGK45.D34 Peterborough Cathedral, by Rev. W. D. Sweeting. Lond., 1898. 134 p. D. WGK45.S9r4 Ripon Cathedral, by C. W. C. Hallett. Lond., 1901. 146 p. D. WGK45.H15 Rochester Cathedral, by G. H. Palmer. Lond., 1897. 128 p. D. WGK45.P18 St. David's Cathedral, by P. A. Robson. Lond., 1901. 104 p. D. WGK44.R57 59 BLACKADER LIBRARY Great Britain— Cathedrals— Cont. St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, by C. F. Routledge. Lond., 1901. 101 p. D. WGK45.R76 St. Patrick's Cathedral, by Rev. J. H. Bern- ard. Ivond., 1903. 88 p. D. WGK42.B45 St. Paul's Cathedral, by Rev. Arthur Dimock. Lond., 1900. 148 p. D. WGK45.D595p Salisbury Cathedral, by Gleeson White ed. Lond., 1896. 115 p. D. WGK45.W58 Southwell Cathedral, by Rev. Arthur Dimock, Lond., 1891. 130 p. D. WGK45.D59 Stratford-on-Avon Cathedral, by Harold Baker. Lond., 1902. 92 p. D. WGK45.B17 Tewkesbury Abbey and Deerhurst Priory by H. J. L. J. Masse. Lond., 1900. 126 p. D. WGK45.M38t Wells Cathedral, by Rev. Percy Dearmer- Lond., 1898. 158 p. D. WGK45.D34w Westminster Abbey, by Charles Hiatt. Lond., 1902. 140 p. D. WGK45.H52w Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory by Rev. Thomas Perkins. Lond., 1899. 134 p. D. WGK45.P41W Winchester Cathedral, by P. W. Sergeant. Lond., 1898. 132 p. D. WGK45.S484 Worcester Cathedral, by E. F. Strange. Lond., 1900. 115 p. D. WGK45.S587 York Minster, by A. C. Brock. Lond., 1899. 156 p. D. WGK45.B78 ISBisTER Cathedral series: illus. by Herbert Railton. Canterbury Cathedral, by W. H. Fremantle. Lond., 1897. 62 p. S. WGK45.F88 Carlisle Cathedral, by R. S. Ferguson. Lond., 1898. 64 p. S. WGK45.F38 Chester Cathedral, by J. L. Darby. Lond., 1898. 66 p. S. WGK45.D24 Durham Cathedral, by Rev. J. J. Fowler. Lond., 1898. 66 p. S. WGK45.F82 Ely Cathedral, by W. E- Dickson. Lond., 1897. 60 p. S. WGK45.D56 Exeter Cathedral, by W. J. Edmonds. Lond.. 1898. 61 p. S. ^ WGK45.E24 Gloucester Cathedral, by H. D. M. Spence. Lond., 1897. 59 p. S. WGK45.S744 Lichfield Cathedral, by Rev. Charles Boding- ton. Lond., 1899. 64 p. S. WGK45.B63 Lincoln Cathedral, by Rev. Edmund Venablcs Lond., 1898. 64 p. S. WGK45.V55 Norwich Cathedral, by William Lefroy. Lond., 1897. 62 p. S. WGK45.L52 Peterborough Cathedral, by W. C. Ingram. Lond., 1898. 64 p. S. WGK45.I54 Ripon Cathedral, by Rev. William Danks. Lond., 1897. 66 p. S. WGK45.D23 Rochester Cathedral, by Rev. William Ben- ham. Lond., 1900. 64 p. S. WGK45.B43r St. Alban's Abbey, by Rev. Edward Liddell. Lond., 1897. 59 p. D. WGM45.L615 St. Paul's Cathedral, by Rev. W. C. Newbolt. Lond., 1897. 66 p. S. WGK45.N42 Salisbury Cathedral, by G. D. Boyle. Lond., 1897. 64 p. S. WGK45.B69 Wells Cathedral, by Rev. C. M. Church. Lond., 1897. 64 p. S. WGK45.C47 Winchester Cathedral, by Rev. William Ben- ham. Lond., 1897. 64 p. S. WGK45.B43 Worcester Cathedral, by Rev. T. T. vShore. Lond., 1899. 64 p. S. WGK45.S559 York Minster, by Rev. A. P. Cust. Lond., 1897. 66 p. D. WGK45.C95 Birkenhead Priory. The history and anti- quities of Birkenhead Priory, together with views of the churches formerly connected with the Priory, by W. I. Mason 8c A. W. Hunt. Oxf., 1854. 16 p. F. WGK45||M383 Canterbury, Historical memorials of:, by A. P. Stanley. N.Y., n.d. 361 p. O. G45.C16.S787.2 Carlisle Cathedral. Architectural illustra- tions, history and description of, by R. W. BUlings. Lond., 1840. 92 p. F. WGK451IB49 GREAT BRITAIN— Cathedrals, Churches and Abbeys. Durham. Description of all the ancient monuments, rites and customs belonginge or beinge within the monastical church of Durham, 1593. Lond., 1842. 144 p. O. WGK45.D346 Ely Cathedral. Historical memorials of Ely Cathedral; by Rev. C. W. Stubbs. Lond., 1897. 166 p. ill. pi. O. WGK45.S932 Fountains — St. Mary., by J. A. Reeve. Lond., 1892. 52 p. 52 pi. F. WGM45|)R25 Hexham Abbey. Ecclesia Hagustaldensis. by C. C. Hodges, n.p. 1888. 62 p. 60 pi. F. WGK45||H66 Lincoln Cathedral and Lincoln, by F. A. Lincoln, 1899. 84 p. D. WGK45.L63 RiPON, Fountains, Studley Royal, Brim- ham Rocks, Newby, Hackpall, Tanfield etc., Guide to. by J. R. Walbran, ed. by Rev. J. T. Fowler. Ripon, 1S90. 112 p. D. WGM45.W14 Sedgefield Church, Newcastle, by C. C. Hodges, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1892. 18 p. O. WGK45.H668 Selby Abbey, Architectural hlstory of. by C. C. Hodges, n.p., n.d. 60 p. O. WGK45.H66se St. Alban's Cathedral, Handbook to, by R. J. Kind. Lond., 1877. 96 p. D. (Murray's handbook to the cathedrals of England). GD45.M96a Westminster Cathedral, and its architect, by Winefride de I'Hopital. Lond., 1919. 2 vols. ill. por. pl. Q. WGK45+L61 Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church, by A. E. Bullock. Lond.. 1920. 2 vols, in 1. pl. F. WGK45JIB87 Westminster Abbey, Roll-call of, by E- T. Bradley. Lond., 1902. 418 p. D. WGK45.B72 60 McGILL UNIVERSITY Great Britain: Cathedrals, Churches and Abbeys — Cont. Westminster Abbey, Handbook of. by Sir Henry Cole. Lend., 1842. 14S p. S. WGK45.C67 Westminster Abbey, Plans, etc. of Henry VII Chapel, by L. N. Cottinghain. Lond.. 1822-29. 2 vols. F. WGK45|lC825 Westminster Abbey, by F. W. Farrar. Lond., 1898. 82 p. S. WGK45.F24 Westminster Abbey, by John Fulleylove. Lond., 1904. 147 p. O. WGK45.F95 Westminster Abbey and the King's crafts- men; a study of mediaeval building, by W. R. Lethaby. Lond., 1906. :W2 p. ill. O. WGK45.L56 Westminster Abbey; romance of our an- cient church, by Sarah Wilson. Westmins- ter, 1899. 184 p. ill. D. WGK45.W59 GREAT BRITAIN— Public and Domestic Buildings. Beck, John. Guide to Kenilworth Castle. Leamington, n.d. 56 p. S. WIP43.B38 BEtCHER, JopN. Institute of chartered ac- countants in England and Wales. Lond., 1893. 10 p. 20 pi. F. WFZIIB41 Cole, Sir Henry. Handbook of Hampton Court. Lond.. 1843. 143 p. S. WIP45.C67 Dunnage, H. & Laver, C. Plans, etc., of the great hall of the royal palace of Eltham in Kent. Lond., 1828. 22 p. F. WIP45IID92 Law, Ernest. New historical guide to Hampton Court. Lond., 1899. 191 p. S. WIP45.L41 Mackenzie, Sir J. D. Castles of England; their story and structure. Lond., 1897 2 vols. Q. ^ WIP45+M19 Technical Journals Ltd. Library of plates for architects. The old town hall, Manchester. Westminster, n.d. F. WFIIT22 ITALY — Architecture and the Arts. Bell, John. Osservazioni sull'Italia riguard- danti principalmente le belle arti; tr. fr. the English. Siena, 1828. 368 p. O. W36.B41.I Blashfield, E- H. & Blashfield, Mrs' Evangeline. Italian cities. N.Y., 1900' 2 vols. D. W36.B61 Brockedon, William. Italy; classical, his- torical and picturesque; illustrated and described. Lond., n.d. 2 vols. F. W101IB78 CoRRADO, Ricci. Art in Northern Italy. Lond., 1911. 372 p. D. W36.C81 EbhardT. Bodo. Die Burgen Italiens. Berlin. 1909-17. vols. 1, 3-4 ill. pi. F. WIP361IE16 Ferrari, E. A. II ferro nell'arte Italiana. Milan, 1910. 100 pi. F. WYi|F41 Ferrari, E. A. II legno nell'arte Italiana. Milan, n.d. 94 pi. F. WKD||F41 Ferrari, E. A. Lo stucco nell'arte Italiana. Milan, n.d. 205 p. F. WD36||F4l Freeman, E. A. Historical and architectural sketches; chiefly Italian. Lond., 1876. 315 p. D. WF.F87 Geffroy, Au'guste. Etudes italiennes. Paris, 1898. 309 p. D. W36.G275 Kinross, John. Details from Italian build- ings, chiefly renaissance. Edin., 1882. 48 p. F. WF36IIK62 Lowell, Guy. Smaller Italian villas and farmhouses. N.Y., 1916. 125 p. F. WIM36||L95 Mills, Charles. The travels of Theodore Ducas in various countries in Europe at the revival of letters and art. Lond., 1822. Pt. 1 in 2 vols. O. W36.M62 Odom, W. M. a history of Italian furniture from the 14th to the early 19 century. Garden City, n.d. 2 vols. ill. F. WW||025 Raschdorff, J. C. & others EDS. Palast Architcctur von Oberitalien und Toscana. Berlin, 1882-1903. Vols. 1-3. F. WIP36IIR18 Urmeneta, R. E. Florenda y el arte. Rome, 1910. 547 p. pi. O. W36.U775 ITALY — Medaeval Architecture and the Arts. Cattaneo, RaffaELE. Architecture in Italy; 6th to 11th century; tr. fr. the Italian. Lond, 1896. 363 p. Q. WF36+C295 Cummings, C. a. a history of architecture in Italy. Bost., 1901. 2 vols. O. WF36.C9I Dehli, Arne and Chamberlin, G. H. Norman monuments of Palermo and en- virons. Bost.. 1892. 30 p. + 50 pi. ill. F. WF36IID36 EbhardT, Bodo. Die Berlin, 1909. vol. 1. Burgen Italiens. F. WIP36IIE16 EnlarT, D. L. C. Origines fran^aises de I'architecture gothique et Italic. Paris, 1894. 335 p. O. WF15.E58 Freeman, E. A. Historical and architectural sketches, chiefly Italian. Lend., 1876. 315 P- D. WF.F87.2 61 BL, ACKADER LIBRARY Italy, Mediaeval Architecture and the Arts. — Cont. HuTToN, Edward. Ravenna; a study. Lond., 1913. 300 p. ill. pi. O. F36.R19.H97 Knight, H. G. Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy. Lond.. 1843. Vol. 1. P. WGK36IIK74 Knight, H. G. Saracenic and Norman re- mains in Sicily. Lond., 1840. 6 p. F. WF36||K74s Magenta, Carlo. La Certosa di Pavia. Milano, 1897. 488 p. F. WF36PA||M27 MoTHES, Oskar. Die Baukunst des Mittel- alters in Italian. Jena, 1884. 2 vols. Q. WF36+M855 Ongani, Ferdinando. Basilica di San Marco, in Venezia. Venezia, 1881-8S. 16 vols. F. WGK36VII058 RivoiRA, G. T. Lombardic architecture; its origin, development and derivatives; tr. fr. the Italian. Lond., 1910. 2 vols. F. WF36||R52o.3 RusKiN, John. Examples of the architecture of Venice. Orpin'&ton, 1887. 42 p. F. WF36VIIR89 RuSKiN, John. Mornings in Florence. Orp- ington, 1894. 207 p. D. W36||R89m RusKiN, John. St. Mark's rest; the history of Venice. Orpington, 1884. 170 p. D. WGK36V.R89 RusKiN, John. Stones of Venice. Lond., 1874-93. 3 vols. Q. WF36V-t-R89 RuSKiN, John. The shepherd's tower; a series .of photographs of the sculptures of Giotto's tower to illustrate pt. 6 of "Morn- ings in Florence." 1881. 19 pi. F. W36llR89m • Street, G. E- Brick and marble in the middle ages (North Italy). Lond., 1874. 415 p. O. WF36.S91 ITALY — Renaissance Architecture and Art. Anderson, W. J. Architecture of the re- naissance in Italy. Lond., 1896. 155 p. O. WF36.A552 Barocchio (or Barozzi) Giacomo; called Da Vignola. The five orders of archi- tecture; tr. fr. the Italian. Norwood, Mass., 1889. 35 p. O. WF.B26 Briggs, M. S. Baroque architecture. Lond.' 1913. 238 p. ill. pi. Q. WF+B76 Burckhardt, Jacob. Geschichte der Re- naissance in Italien. Stuttg., 1891. 404 p. O. (In Burckhardt, Jacob & Lubke., Wil- helm: Geschichte der neueren Baukunst.) WF11.B894 Castellini, T. II palazzo municipale di Brescia. Brescia, 1862. 4 p. F. WF36B||C27 CellESI, DonaTo. Sei fabriche di Firenze. Firenze, 1851. 24 pi. F. WF36F||C33 CoLASANTi, Arduino. Ceilings of the Italian Renaissance, from the 14th to the 15th century. N.Y., n.d. 892 p. pi. F. WIX||C67 Cruttwell, Maud. Lucca and Andrea della Robbia and their successors. Lond., 1902. 363 p. pi. Q. WJ364-C88 Ferrari, E. A. II ferro nell'arte italiana. Milan, 1910. 100 pi. F. WY||F41 Ferrari, E. A. II legno nell'arte italiana. Milan, n.d. 94 pi. F. WKD||F41 Ferrari, E. A. Lo stucco nell'arte italiana. Milan, n.d. 205 p. F. WD36||F41 Francescini, Pietro. Per I'arte Fiorentina; dialoghi critici. Firenze, 1895. 260 p. Q. W36+F84 Francescini, Pietro. La tomba di Lor- enzo dei Medici, detto il Magnifico. Fir- enze, 1897. 62 p. O. WGG-f-F84 Forbes, A. H. ed. Architectural gardens of Italy; a series of photogravure plates. N.Y., 1902. 3 vols. F. ■WE36|1F74 Gruner, W. H. L- Fresco decorations and stuccoes in Italy, 1400-1600. Lond., 1854. 1 vol. F. WF35IIG92 Hirschfeld, C. C. L. Teoria dell'arte de'- giardini; tradotta da Luigi Mabil. Bass- ano, 1801. 309 p. O. WE.H61.I KiNROSE, John. Details from Italian build- ings, chiefly renaissance. Edin., 1S82. 48 P F. WF36IIK62 Le Tarouilly, p. M. Edifices de Rome moderne. Paris, 1860. 4 vols. pi. Q. & F. (See Strack) WF36+L56 Lowell, Guy. Smaller Italian villas and farmhouses. N.Y., 1916. 125 pi. F. WIM36IIL95 Magenta, Carlo. La Certosa di Pavia. Milano, 1897. 488 p. F. WF36PA||M27 Magni, G. II barocco a Roma. . . Torino, 1911-3. 3 vols. WF36Ri|M27 Milano. Raccolta delle migliori fabbriche, monumenti, ville, antichita di Milano e suoi dintorni. Milano, 1820. 112 p. F. WF36MI1R11 MoNTiGNY, G. DE & Famin, A. Renaissance italienne; architecture toscane; etc. Paris, n.d. 109 pi. F. WF36IIM76.2 Norton, Richard. Bernini and other studies in the history of art. N.Y., 1914. 217 p. Q. W11-I-N82 OakshoTT, G. J. Detail and ornament of the Italian renaissance. Lond., 1888. 40 pi. F. WSII0115 Okey, T. The old Venetian palaces and old Venetian folk, illus. by Trevor Haddon. Lond., 1907. 322 p. ill. pi. O. WIP36.041 I PALAZZI E le ville CHE NON SONO PIN DEL RE; con pref. del Ugo Ojetti. Milano, 1921. 214 p. ill. F. WF36||P176 Palladio, Andrea. Fabbriche e disegni, raccolti ed illustrati da Scamozzi, O. B. Vicenza, 1786. 4 vols, in 2. F. WF16||P17 Palladio, Andrea. Oeuvres completes... Paris, 1842. pi. F. 2 vols. WF16||P17.F 62 McGILL UNIVERSITY Italy— Renaissance architecture and Arts — Cont. Palladio, Andrea. I quattro libri dell' architccttura . . . Venezia, 1570. 4 vols, in 1. F. WF16IIP17.2 PronTi, Domenico. Nuova raccolta di ve- dutine antiche e modeme dcUa citt^ di Roma. . . e sua vicenanze. Roma, n.d. 2 vols, in 1. Q. WF36R+P94 Raschdorfp*, J. C. & OTHERS. Palast-archi- tectur von Oberitalien und Toscana. Ber- lin, 1882-1903. 3 vols. F. WIP36IIR18 Strack, J. H. Baudenkraaler Roms des loten -19ten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1891. 32 p. 100 phot. F. (Illustrative of Letarmouilly's Edifices de Rome moderne.) WF35j|S896 SvMONDS, J. A. Life of Michelangelo Buon- arotti. Lond., 1893. 2 vols. O. W10.B886a Symonds, J. A. Life of Benvenuto Cellini; tr. fr. the Italian by J. A. vSynionds, N.Y., 1888. 2 vols. D. W10.C33.E8 Thode, Henry. Michelangelo und das Ende der Renaissance. Berlin, 1902. 2 vols. Q. W10+B886tm Triggs, H. I. Art of garden design in Italy. Lond., 1906. 135 p. F. WE36j|T73 Vasari, Georgio. Lives of the painters, sculptors and architects. Lond., 1900. 8 vols. S. W10.V44.E Vignola, B. G. da. Five orders of architect- ure; tr. fr. the Italian. Norwood, Mass. 1889. 35 p. O. WF.B26 Note. Woodwoik, Ironwork, Plaster, etc. see index. NETHERLANDS Bradley, W. A. Dutch landscape etchers of the 17th century. New Haven, 1918. 128 p. ill. D. WOT.B72 Casier, Joseph, and Bergmans, Paul. L'art ancien dans les Flandres. Bruxelles, 1914. vol. 1. ill. pi. F. W468|iC26 RooSES, Max. Art in Flanders. Lond., 1914. 341 p. D. W468.R67 Sluyterman, K. Ancient interiors in Bel- gium. Lond., 1915. 100 pi. F. WF468!iS63 Sluyterman, K. La Belgique monument- ale. The Hague, 1915. 100 pi. F. WF468|IB41 Sluyterman, K. Old interiors in Holland. The Hague, 1908. 100 pi. F WF67I1S63 SCANDINAVIA, RUSSIA, DENMARK Halle, F. W. n.d. 24 p. Alt-Russische Kunst. Berlin, + 48 p. ill. Q. W54+H15 Hildebrand, H. O. Industrial arts of Scandinavia in the Pagan times. Lond., 1892. 150 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WD48.H54 Jones, E. F. Old English plate of the Em- peror of Russia. Letchworth, 1909. 115 p. F. WXIIJ71 Leger, L. p. M. Moscou P- Q. Maskell, Alfred. objects in Russia Paris, 1904. 135 W54-1-L52 Russian art and art Lond., 1884. 278 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WD54.M37 Worsaae, J. J. A. Industrial arts of Den- mark. Lond., 1882. 131 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) FF50.W89 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Amador de los Rios y VoLlalta, Rodrigo. Toledo. Madrid, 1905. ill. pi. F. WF40IIA481 Byne, Arthur and Stapley, Mildred. Spanish architecture of the 16th century. N.Y.. 1917. 436 p. ill. pi. Q. WF40+B99 Calvert, A. F. Spain. Lond., 1911. 2 vols. F. G40IIG13 DiEULAFOY, M. A. Art in Spain and Portugal. Lond., 1913. 376 p. D. W40.D56 GouRY, Jules & Jones, Owen. Plans elevations, sections and details of the Alhambra. Lond., 1842-45. 2 vols. F. WF41PG745 Murphy, J. C. The Arabian antiquities of Spain. Lond., 1815. 97 pi. F. WF40|1M95 Prentice, A. N. Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain, 1500-1560. Lond., 1893. 60 pi. F. WF40!|P91 Prentice, A. N. Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain, 15(X)-1560. New edition. N.Y., n.d. 10 p.+60 pi. F. WF40|iP91.2 RiANO, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain. Lond., 1890. 276 p. D. (South Kensington Museum art handbook ser.) WS40.R35 Street, G. E. Some account of Gothic archi- tecture in Spain. Lond., 1869. 527 p. O. WF15.S915 Uhde, ConstanTin. Baudenkmaler in Spanien und Portugal. Berlin, 1892. 2 vols. F. WF40IIU29 Waring, J. B. Architectural, sculptural and picturesque studies in Burgos and its neighbourhood. Lond., 1852. 42 pi. F. WD40IIW23 Watson, W. C. Portuguese architecture. Lone'., 1908. 280 p. Q. WF41-fW33 63 BLACKADER LIBRARY GARDEN DESIGN. Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques. French chateaux and gardens in the IGth century. Lond., 1909. 36 p. ill. pi. F. WF39||A576f Downing, A. J. Treatise on land.scape gar- dening. . . N.Y., 1844. 497 p. O. WE.D755 Earle, Mrs. Alice. Old time gardens. N.Y., 1902. 489 p. D. WE.E12 Ferrari, T. B. Flora. Rome, 1638. 520 p. O. WE.F41 Forbes, A. H. ed. Architectural gardens of Italy; a series of photogravure plates, N.Y., 1902. 3 vols. F. WE361IF74 Gilpin, W. S. Practical hints upon landscape gardening. Lond.. 1835. 235 p. O. WE.G425 HiRSCHFELD, C. C. L. Teoria dell'arte de'- giardini; tradotto da Luigi Mabil. Bassano, 1801. 309 p. O. WE.H61.I Hole, S. R. Our gardens. Lond., 1901. 304 p. O. WE45.H71 Horticulturist, The. Monthly. Albany, 1846-50. Vols. 1-5. O. WE.7H78 JEKYLL, Gertrude & Weaver, Lawrence. Gardens for small country houses. Lond., 1914. 262 p. Q. WE45-I-J385 Jekyll, Gertrude. Garden ornament. Lond., 1918. 460 p. ill. pi. F. WE||J38 Mawson, T. H. The art and craft of garden making. Lond., 1907. 310 p. F. WE||M44 Nichols, R. S. English pleasure gardens. N.Y., 1902. 324 p. O. WE.N51 Parsons, Samuel jr. How to plan the home grounds. N.Y., 1899. 249 p. D. WE.P25 Price, Sir V. On the picturesque; with an essay on the origin of taste, by Sir T .D. Lauder. Edin., 1842. 586 p. O. WE.P93 SiEVEKiNG, A. F. The praise of gardens .. . Lond., 1899. 423 p. O. WE.S573 Triggs, H. I. Art of garden design in Italy. Lond., 1906. 135 p. F. WE36||T73 Warwick, F. E-, Countess of 1898. 71 p. nard). An old English garden. Lond., F W145IIW26 TOWN PLANNING AND CIVIC ART. Art and Life and the building of cities . . ; lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Lond., 1897. 200 p. D. W.1A76 Carnegie Dumfreline Trustees. City development; a study of parks, gardens and culture-institutes, by Patrick Geddes. Edin., 1904. 232 p. Q. WEC-f-C21 Geddes, Patrick. Cities in evolution; an introduction to the town-planning move- ment and to the study of civics. Lend., 1915. 409 p. ill. pi. O. WEC.G26 Great streets of the world. N.Y., 1892. 253 p. ill. Q. G26-I-G795 Hammond, G. T. The problem of city beautification as observed in Europe. Albany, 1915. 42 p. O. WEC.H182 Hampstead garden suburb. Unwin, R. & Scott, M. H. B. Lond., 1909. 96 p. ill. pi. Q. WEC-flJ54 HaverfiELD, F. J. Ancient town planning. Oxf., 1913. 152 p. O. WEC.H29 Howard, Ebenezer. Garden cities of to- morrow. Lond., 1902. 167 p. D. WEC.H83 Association of municipal Housing and town planning Load., 1911. 429 p. O. WEC.I37 Lewis, N. P. The planning of the modern city. N.Y., 1916. 424 p. O. WEC.L58 LucHNER, O. F. Die Tiroler Stadt. Miin- chen, 1914. ill. pi. O. WF47.L96 Mawson, T. H. Civic art; studies in town- planning, parks,boulevards and open spaces. Lond., 1911. 376 p. F. WEC.M44 Incorporated engineers. conference. . Newark, N. J. City planning for Newark. Newark, 1913. 163 p. O. WEC.N42 PuGiN, A. C. Paris and its environs. Lond., 1833. 2 vols. F. G39PIIP96 Purdon, C. B. The garden city; a study in the development of a modern town. Lond., 1913. 330 p. O. WEC.P97 Rebensburg, Heinrich. Das deutsche Dorf. Munchen, 1914. vol. 1. ill pi. O. WF47.R24 SciioNE DEUTSCHE Stadt, Die. 1. Mittel- deut.scheland 1911, 2. Suddeutschland 1912. Munchen. 2 vols. ill. pi. O. WF47.S365 Robinson, C. M. Modern civic art; or the city made beautiful. N.Y., 1909. 381 p. O. WEC.R56 Sennett, a. R. Garden cities in theory and practice. Lond., 1905. 2 vols. O. WEC.S478 Technical Journals Ltd. Library of plates for architects. Charts of town planning. Westminster, n.d. F. WF||T22 Town Planning Review, The, (Quarterly). Liverpool, 1910-16. O. WEC.7T66 Triggs, H. I. Town planning, past, present and possible. Lond., 1909. 334 p. Q. WEC.T73 Tyrrell, H. G. History of bridge engineer- ing. Chic, 1911. 478 p. O. SB.T98 Unwin, Raymond. Town planning in prac- tice. Lond., 1909. 416 p. Q. WEC.Ui54t Unwin, Raymond & Scott, M. H. Town planning and modem architecture. Lond., 1909. 96 p. Q. WEC+U54 64 McGILL UNIVERSITY PARKS. Canada — Conservation, Commission of. Report of preliminary' anrf second confer- ence of the Civic Improvement League of Canada. Ottawa, 1915-16. 2 vols, in 1. Q. HCA-f8cl6.C4 National Park Conference Proceedings, 1911. Wash., 1912. vol. 1. O. WE83.N21 New York. 1860. Central Park. Annual report, WE83.N48C New York. Department of Parks. Annual Eeport. 1902-16. WE83.N48 U. S. — Gettysburg National Military Park. Annusfl Report. Washington, 1905. 1 vol. O. WE83.U581 U.S. — Interior, Dept. of National Parks, portfolio. Wash., 1916. ill. pi. O. WE83.U582 U. S. — Yellowstone National Park. Annual Report. Washington, 1881. 1 vol. O. WE83.U58 Vancouver — Board of Park Commissioners. Annual Report on Parks. Vancouver, 1912. 1 vol. O. WE82.V27 65 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fine schedule: 23 cents on first day overdue 50 cents on fourth day overdue One dollar on seventh day overdue. im23 1947 1 ■ LD 21-100m-12,'46(A20128 16)4120 Dominion Pnrss MONTRC«l ^hotomount Pamphlet Binder xaylord Broa. Makers ^acuse, N. Y. PAT.JM 21, im VD 02029 / 5421 i 1 /A5 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY ■m2:^mzmmim0mmmmf3^