ATERIAI4SM HEOLOGY AND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. FROM THE LIBRARY OF DR. JOSEPH LECONTE. GIFT OF MRS. LECONTE. No. ' r ' fc/^< MODERN MATERIALISM IN ITS RELATIONS TO KEUGION AND THEOLOGY COMPRISING AN ADDRESS DELIVERED IN MANCHESTER NEW COL- LEGE, OCTOBER GTII, 1874, AND Two PAPERS REPRINTED PROM " TUB CONTEMPORARY REVIEW" JAMES MARTIXEAU, LL.D \\ WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HENRY W. BELLOWS, D.D UNIVERSITY OF ^ YORK .G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS No. 182 FIFTH AVENUE 1877 PEEFACE. THE following Address, published by desire of my College, was much curtailed in oral delivery. As somewhat more patience may be hoped for in a reader than in a hearer, it now appears in full. The position assumed in it, of resistance to some speculative tendencies of modern physical research, is far from congenial to me: for it seems to place me in the wrong camp. But the exclusive pretension, long set up by Theology, to dominate the whole field of knowledge, seems now to have simply passed over to the material Sciences ; with the effect of inverting, rather than removing, a mischievous intellectual con- fusion, and shifting the darkness from outward Nature to Morals and Eeligion. I cannot admit that these are conquered provinces : and to re-affirm their independence, and protest against; their absorption in a universal material empire, appears to me a pressing need alike for true philosophy and for the future of human char- acter and society. , Oct. 12, 1874. 186703 mTKODTJOTKMr. Is the mind of man only the last product of the matter and force of our system of Nature, having its origin in the blind or purposeless chance which drifts into order and intelligence under a self-executing mandate or necessity, called the survival of the fittest ? The alleged discovery and partial verification of the method by which Nature works, has aroused sus- picions in many leading scientific minds that Nature is the only and the final reality ; that we cannot get behind her phenomena or rather, that there is nothing behind them ; that matter and force are all we know or need to know, and that they have answered so many of our questions in regard to the origin of ani- mal existence and instincts, and even human intelligence, that they need only to be persist- ently pressed in the same direction to tell us 6 INTRODUCTION. all we can ever know and all we ought to believe. It is certain that a spirit older than matter, an intelligence other than human, a will freer than necessity, does not enter into the causes of things contemplated by the new science. It studies a mindless universe with the sharp- ened instincts of brutes who have slowly grad- uated into men themselves the most intelli- gent essences in existence. Consciousness, reason, purpose, will, are results of blind, undesigning, unfeeling forces, inherent in mat- ter. God is an unknown and unknowable Being, if He exists; but He is a needless hypothesis, and really only the reflection of man's own God-like thoughts and feelings. In its childhood humanity invented Him as the hiding-place of its own ignorance ! It is against this hypothesis that Mr. Martineau directs his battery in the discourse which fol- lows. It is refreshing, in the midst of the crude replies which alarmed religionists are hastily hurling at the scientific assailants of faith in a INTRODUCTION. 7 living God, to hear one thoroughly furnished scholar, profound metaphysician, and earnest Christian, entering his thoughtful and deeply- considered protest against the tendencies or conclusions of modern Materialism. Through- out the whole discussion of tho last ten years, between utilitarian philosophers and scientific materialists, on one side, and believers in intuitive morals and spiritual realities on the other, Mr. Martineau has confessedly been the leading champion of faith. No writer has ren- dered, in this generation, such service to Eeligion, assailed in its vital assumptions by the arrogance -of science, drunk with the new wine of its recent victories. Happily unham- pered with theological anachronisms or ecclesi- astical entanglements ; free to acknowledge all that science and experience can justly allege against dogmatic inventions or out-lived tra- ditions; a frank confessor of whatever new facts in the genesis of Nature modern science has established ; tied to no creed and confess- ing no intellectual accountableness to any power less than the Eternal Keason Mr. 8 INTRODUCTION. Martineau, by his nature, culture, age, position, and character, is, of all living men, the best fitted to speak with the scientific mind of the day in the interests of religious faith, and more likely to be listened to by it with respect than any other voice. It is not as an enemy of science, much less as a friend of superstition ; not as a disputer of the method of the Evolutionists, far less as a defender of bibliolatry or popular theology, that Mr. Martineau appears, but as one who hails and blesses all new truth derived from scientific sources, and especially in its influ- ence in dispelling theological assumptions and time-hardened errors, himself a firm believer in spiritual realities and in a personal God. It is instructive to find the disowned leaders in theological reform among the stoutest defenders of the essential postulates of reli- gious faith, and to recognize in the foremost champions of spiritual realities against the assaults of modern Materialism, the knights who have swung the most ponderous battle- axes at the errors and exaggerations of what INTRODUCTION. 9 is called "orthodoxy." It must bo a great puzzle to the English people to discover, in the stoutest, keenest, and most competent defender of essential Religion, openly assailed by the most gifted scientific minds, the person of a non-conformist Minister, representative of a body more neglected, disfellowshiped, and popularly associated with the enemies of faith, than any other in Christendom. It is a noble return to the church for the life-long suspicion and alienation it has visited upon one of its purest and most enlightened sons. James Martineau needs no introduction to American thinkers, and I have not the pre- sumption, in writing at the request of the American publishers this preface to his latest work, to hope to add anything to the attention this profound and brilliant paper will receive. I seek rather to avail myself of its attraction to ivin a little notice to suggestions that would find small audience out of such company. RELIGION AS AFFECTED BY MODERN MATERIALISM. THE College wliicli places me here to-day professes to select and qualify suitable men for the Nonconformist Ministry ; that is, the headship of societies voluntarily formed for the promotion of the Christian life. In car- rying out its work, two rules have been invariably observed : (1) the Special Studies which deal with our sources of religious faith whether in the scrutiny of nature or in the interpretation of sacred books have been left open to the play of all new lights of thought and knowledge, and have promptly reflected every well-grounded intellectual change ; and (2) ihe General Studies which give the balanced aptitudes of a cultivated 12 RELIGION AS AFFECTED Y mind have been made as extensive and thorough as the years at disposal would allow. In both these rules there is apparent a genuine thirst for a right apprehension of things, a contempt for the dangers of possible discovery, a persuasion that in the mind most large and luminous the springs of Religion have the freshest and the fullest flow ; together with the idea that the Preacher, instead of being the organ of a given theology, should himself, by the natural influence of mental superiority, pass to the front and take the lead in a regu- lated growth of opinion. There have never been wanting prophets of ill who distrusted this method as rash. So much open air does not suit the closet divine ; such liability to change disappoints the fixed idea of the partisan ; and the " practical man" does not' want his preacher's head made heavy with too much learning, or his faith attenuated in the vacuum of metaphysics. At the present moment these partial distrusts are superseded by a deeper and more com- prehensive misgiving, affecting not the method MODERN MATERIALISM. \ simply, out the aim and function of our Institution. Side by side with the literary pursuits of the scholar, the study of external nature has always had a place of honor in our traditions and our estimates of a manly edu- cation ; and there is scarcely a special science which has not some brilliant names that range not far from the lines of our history ; and from the favorite shelf of all our libraries, the Principia of Newton, the Essays of Franklin, the Papers of Priestley and Dalton, the " Principles " of Lyell, the Biological Treatises of Southwood Smith and Carpenter, and the records of Botanical research by Sir James Smith and the Hookers, look down upon us with something of a personal interest. The successive enlargements given by these skilled interpreters to our earlier picture of the world the widening Space, the deepen- ing vistas of Time, the new groups of chemi- cal elements and the precision of their com- binations, the detected marvels of physio- logical structure, and the rapid filling-in of missing links in the chain of organic life 14. RELIGION AS AFFECTED BY have been eagerly welcomed as adding a glory to the realities around, and, by the erection of fresh shrines and cloisters, turning the simple temple in which w r e once stood into a clustered magnificence. Thus it was, so long as discoveries came upon us one by one ; nor did any biblical chronology or Apocalypse interfere with their proper evi- dence for an hour. But now must we not confess it ? certain shadows of anxiety seem to steal forth and mingle with the advancing light of natural knowledge, and temper it to a less genial warmth. It comes on, no longer in the simple form of pulse after pulse of positive and limited discovery, but with the ambitious sweep of a universal theory, in which facts given by observation, laws gathered by induction, and conceptions fur- nished by the mind itself, are all wrought up together as if of homogeneous validity. A report is thus framed of the Genesis of things, made up, indeed, of many true chapters of Science, but systematized by the terms and assumptions of a questionable, if not an un- MODERN MATERIALISM. J5 tenable, philosophy. To the inexpert reader this report seems to be all of one piece ; and he is disturbed to find an account apparently complete of the "Whence and the "Whither" of all things without recourse to aught that is divine ; to see the refinements of organism and exactitudes of adaptation disenchanted of their wonder ; to watch the beauty of the flower fade into a necessity ; to learn that Man was never intended for his place upon this scene, and has no commission to fulfill, but is simply flung hither by the competitive passions of the most gifted brutes ; and to be assured that the elite beings that tenant the earth tread each upon an infinite series of failures, and survive as trophies of immeasur- able misery and death. Thus an apprehension has become widely spread, that Natural History and Science are destined to give the coup de grace to all theology, and discharge the religious phenomena from human life ; that churches and their symbols must disap- pear like the witches' chamber and the astrologists' tower ; and that, as everything 16 RELIGION AS AFFECTED BY above our nature is dark and void, those w 10 affect to lift it lead it nowhither, and must take themselves away as " blind leaders of the blind." Whether this 'apprehension is well founded or not is a very grave question for society in many relations; and is emphatically urgent for those who educate men as spiritual guides to others, and who can invest ther? with no directing power except the native force of a mind at one with the truth of things and a heart of quickened sympathies. Hitherto, they have been trained under the assumptions that the Universe which includes us and folds us round is the Life-dwelling of an Eternal Mind ; that the World of our abode is the scene of a Moral Government incipient but not yet complete ; and that the upper zones of Human Affection, above the clouds of self and passion, take us into the sphere of a Divine Communion. Into this over-arching scene it is that growing thought and enthusiasm have expanded to catch their light and fire. And if " the new faith '* is to carry in it the contradictories of 31 ODERX MA TERIALIS1L J7 these positions if it leaves us to make what we can of a simply molecular universe, and a pessimist world, and an unappeasable battle of life it will require another sort of Apos- tolate, and would make such a difference in the studies which it is reasonable to pursue, that it might be wisest for us to disband, and let the new Future preach its own gospel, and devise, if it can, the means of making the tidings " glad. 19 J3etter at once to own our occupa- tion gone than to linger on sentimental sufferance, and accept the indulgent assurance that, though there is no longer any truth in religion, there is some nice feeling in it ; and that while, for all we have to teach, we might shut up to-morrow, we may harmlessly keep open still, as a nursery of "Emotion.'"* I trust that, when " emotion " proves empty, we shall stamp it out, and get rid of it. Though, however, no partnership between the physicist and the theologian can be formed on these terms of assigning the intellect to * See Professor TyndalFs Address before tlie British. Association ; with Additions, p. 61. 2 13 RELIGION AS AFFECTED 7 the one and the feelings to the other, may it not be that, in the flurry of exultation and of panic, they misconstrue their real position ? and that their relations, when calmly sur- veyed, may not be in such a state of tension as each is ready to believe ? Looking on their respective contentions from the external position of logical observation, and without presuming to call in question the received inductions of the naturalist, I believe that both parties mistake the bearing of those in- ductions upon Religion ; and that, although this bearing is in some aspects serious, it is neither of the quality nor of the magnitude frequently ascribed to it. I venture to affirm that the essence of Religion, summed up in the three assumptions already enumerated, I is independent of any possible results of the natural sciences, and stands fast through the various readings of the Genesis of things. / The unpracticed mind of simple times goes / out, it is true, upon everything en masse, and ) indeterminately feels and thinks about itself and the field of its existence, the inner and MODERN MATERIALISM. jg the outer, the transient and the permanent, the visible and the invisible : its knowledge and its worship, the pictures of its fancy and the intuition of its faith, are as yet a single tissue, of which every broken thread rends and deforms the whole. Hence the oldest sacred traditions run into stories of world-building ; and the earliest attempts at a systematic in- terpretation of nature, in which physical ideas were clothed in mythical garb, are regarded by Aristotle as " theological." It must be ad- mitted that our own age has not yet emerged from this confusion. And in so far as Church belief is still committed to a given cosmogony and natural history of Man, it lies open to scientific refutation, and has already received from it many a wound under which it visibly pines away. It is needless to say that the new " book of Genesis," which resorts to Lucretius for its "first beginnings," to protoplasm for its fifth day, to " natural selection " for its Adam and Eve, and to evolution for all the rest, con- tradicts the old book at every point ; and inas- much as it dissipates the dream of Paradise, 20 RELIGION AS AFFECTED JST and removes the tragedy of the Fall, cancels at once the need and the scheme of Redemption, and so leaves the historical churches of Europe crumbling away from their very foundations. If any one would know how utterly unpro- ducible in modern daylight is the theology of the symbolical books, how absolutely alien from the real springs of our life, let him fol- low for a few hours the newest movement of ecclesiastical reform, and listen to tlie reported conferences at Bonn on the remedies for a divided Christendom. Scarcely could the personal reappearance of Athanasius or Cyril on the floor of the council-hall be more start- ling, or the cries of anathema from the voices of the ancient dead have a more wondrous sound, than tha reproduction, as hopes of the future, by men of Munich, of Chester, of Pitts- burg, and of the Eastern Church, of formulas without meaning for the present, the eager discussion of subtle varieties of falsehood, and the anxious masking of their differences by opaque phrases under which everybody man- ages to look. Such signs of strange intellectual MODERN MA TERIALISM. 21 anachronism excuse the aversion 'with which many a thoughtful man, with a heart still full of reverence, turns away from all religious association, and lives without a church. It has been the infatuation of ecclesiastics to miss the inner divine spirit that breathes \ through the sources of their faith, and to seize, as the materials of their system, the perishable conceptions and unverified predic- tions of more fervent but darker times ; so that, in the structure they have raised, all that is most questionable in the legacy of the past obsolete Physics, mythical History, Messianic Mythology, Apocalyptic prognosti- cations have been built into the very walls, if not made the corner-stone, and now by their inevitable decay threaten the whole with ruin. Why, indeed, should I charge this infatuation on councils and divines alone ? It is not pro- fessional, but human ; it is a delusion which affects us all. We are forever shaping our ( representations of invisible things, in com- parison with other men's notions, into forms of definite opinion, and throwing them to the 22 RELIGION AS AFFECTED BY front, as if they were the photographic equiv- alent of our real faith. Yet somehow the essence of our religion never finds its way into these frames of theory : as we put them to- gether it slips away, and, if we turn to pursue it, still retreats behind;, ever ready to work with the will, to unbind and sweeten the affec- tions, and bathe the life with reverence ; but refusing to be seen, or to pass from a divine hue of thinking into a human pattern of thought. The effects of this infatuation in the founders of our civilization are disastrous on both sides, not only to the Churches whose system is undermined, but to the spirit of the Science which undermines it. It turns out that, with the sun and moon and stars, and in and on the earth both before and after the appearance of our race, quite other things' have happened than those which the conse- crated cosmogony recites : especially Man, instead of falling from a higher state, has risen from a lower, and inherits, instead of a uniform corruption, a law of perpetual im- provement; so that the real process has the MODERN MATERIALISM. 23 effect, not only of an enormous magnifier, but of an inverting mirror, on the theological picture. Yet, notwithstanding the deplorable appearance to which that picture is thus re- duced, it is exhibited afresh every week to millions still taught to regard it as divine. This is the mischief on the theologic side. On the other hand, Science, in executing this merited punishment, has borrowed from its opponents one of their worst errors, in identi- fying the anomalous or lawless with the divine, ( and assuming that whatever falls within the province of nature drops thereby out of rela- tion to God. As the old story of Creation called in the Supreme Power only by way of supernatural paroxysm, to gain some fresh start beyond the resources of the natural order, so the new inquirers, on getting rid of these crises, fancy that the Agent who had been invoked for them is gone, and proclaim at once that Matter without Thought is com- petent to all. In thus confounding the idea / of the Divine Mind with that of miracle-tcorker, ^ * they do but go over to the theological camp, 24 RELIGION AS AFFECTED BY and snatch tlience its oldest and bluntest weapon, which in modern conflict can only burden the hand that wields it. How runs the history of their alleged negative discovery ? The Naturalist was told in his youth that at certain intervals at the joints, for instance, between successive species of organisms acts of sudden creation summoned fresh groups of creatures out of nothing. These epochs he attacks with riper knowledge ; he finds a series of intermediary forms, and fragmentary lines of suggestion for others ; and when the affin- ities are fairly complete, and the chasm in the order of production is filled up, he turns upon us, and says, " See, there is no break in the chain of origination, however far back you ( trace it; we no more want a Divine Agent [ there and then, than here and now" Be it so ; but it is precisely here and now that He is needed, to be the fountain of orderly power, and to render the tissue of laws intelligible by his presence : his witness is found not only in the gaps, but in the continuity of being not in the suspense, but in the everlasting flow MODERN MATERIALISM, 25 of change ; for the universe as known, being throughout a system of Thought-relations, can subsist only in an eternal Mind that thinks it. In the whole history of the Genesis of things Keligion must unconditionally surrender to the Sciences. Not indeed that it is without share in the great question of Causality ; but its concern with it is totally different from theirs ; for it asks only about the " Whence" } of all phenomena, while they concentrate their scrutiny upon the " How :" by which I J mean that their end is accomplished as soon as it has been found in what groups phenom- ena regularly cluster, and on what threads of succession they are strung, and into what classification their resemblances throw them. These are matters of fact, directly or circu- itously ascertainable by perception, and re- maining the same, be their originating power what it may. On that ulterior question the Sciences have nothing to say. And, on the other hand, when Beligion here takes up her word and insists that the phenomena thus re- duced to system are the product of Mind, she 20 KELIGIOX AS AFFECTED BY in no way prejudges the modus operand^ but is ready to accept whatever affinities of aspect, whatever adjustments of order, the skill of ob- servers may reveal. On these investigations ^ she has nothing to say. If indeed you could ever show that the method of the universe is one along which no Mind could move that it is absolutely incoherent and unideal you would destroy the possibility of Religion as a doctrine of Causality: only, however, by simultaneously discovering the impossibility of Science which wholly consists in organ- izing the phenomena of the world into an in- tellectual scheme reflecting the structure of its archetype. That those who labor to render the universe !nfcUi, ^ '3/ a: the dissimilars are not : and if neither can prefer the claim, the atomic doctrine, when pushed into an ultimate theo- ry of origination, extravagantly violates the first condition of a philosophical hypothesis. Nor is its series of assumed data even yet complete. For these sixty kinds of atoms are not at liberty to be neutral to one an- ITS A TTITUDE TO WARDS THEOLOG Y. J 29 other, or to run an indeterminate round of experiments in association, within the limits of possible permutation. Each is already provided with its select list of admissible companions ; and the terms of its partner- ship with every one of. these are strictly pre- scribed ; so that not one can modify, by the most trivial fraction, the capital it has to bring. Vainly, for instance, does the hydrogen atom, with its low figure and light weight, make overtures to the more considerable oxygen element: the only reply will be, Either .none of you or two of you. And so on through- out the list. Among the vast group of facts represented by this sample I am not aware of more than one set the union of the same combining elements in multiple doses for the production of a scale of compounds of which the atomist hypothesis can be said to render an account. Everything else the existence of "affinity" at all, its limitation to particular cases so far short of the whole, the original cast of its definite ratios, its pref- erence for unlike elements, stands unex- 9 130 MODERN MA TERIAL1SM: pained by it, or must be carried into it as a new burden of primordial assumptions. This chasm between the facts of chemistry and its speculations is clearly seen by its best teachers. Kekule treats the symbolic notation of chemical formulas as a means of simply expressing the fact of numerical pro- portion in the combining weights. " If to the symbols in these formulas " (he adds) " a different meaning is assigned, if they are regarded, as denoting the atoms of the elements with their weights, as is now most common, the question arises, ' AY hat is the relative size or weight of the atoms?' Since the atoms can be neither measured nor weighed, it is plain that to the hypothetical assumption of de- terminate atomic weights we have nothing to guide us but speculative reflection." * The more closely we follow the atomist doc- trine to its starting-point, and spread before us the necessary outfit for its journey of de- duction, the larger do its demands appear : and when, included in them, we find an un- limited supply of absolutely like objects, all repeating the same internal movements ; an * Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie, ap. Lange, Geschichte des Materialismus', ii. p. 191. ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. arbitrary number of unlike types, in each of which this demand is reproduced ; and a definite selection of rules for restrict- ing the play of combination among these elements, we can no longer, in the face of this stock of self-existent originals, allow the pretence of simplicity to be anything but an illusion. Large as the atomist's assumptions are, they do not go one jot beyond the requirements of his case. He has to deduce an orderly and determinate universe, such as we find around us, and to exclude chaotic system where no equilibrium is established. In or- der to do this he must pick out the spe- cial conditions for producing this particular kosmos and no other, and must provide against the turning up of any out of a host of equally possible worlds. In other words he must, in spite of his contempt for final causes, himself proceed upon a preconceived world-plan, and guide his own intellect as, step by step, he fits it to the universe, by the very process which he declares to be 132 MODERN MATERIALISM: absent from the universe itself. If all atoms were round and smooth he thinks no such stable order of things as we observe could ever arise ; so he rejects these forms in favor of others. By a series of such re- jections he gathers around him at last the select assortment of conditions which will work out right. The selection is made, how- ever, not on grounds of a priori necessity, but with an eye to the required result. Intrin- sically the possibilities are all equal, (for in- stance) of round and smooth atoms, and of other forms ; and a problem therefore yet re- mains behind, short of which human reason will never be content to rest, viz.: How come they to be so limited as to fence off competing possibilities, and secure the actual result ? Is it an eternal limitation, having its " ratio sufficiens " in the uncaused essence of things ; or superinduced by some power which can import conditions into the uncon- ditioned, and mark put a determinate chan- nel for the " stream of tendency " through the open wilds over which else it spreads ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. and hesitates ? It was doubtless in view of this problem, and in the absence of any theoretic means of excluding other atoms than those which we have, that Herschel declared them to have the characteristics of " manufactured articles." This verdict amuses Dr. Tyndall ; nothing more. He twice * dismisses it with a supercilious laugh ; for which perhaps, as for the atoms it concerns, there may be some suppressed "ratio sufficiens." But the problem thus pleasantly touched is not one of those which solventur risu; and, till some better-grounded answer can be given to it, that on which the large and balanced thought of Herschel and the master- ly penetration of Clerk Maxwell have alike settled with content, may claim at least a provisional respect. Having confined myself in this paper to the Atomic Materialism, I reserve for an- other the consideration of the Dynamic Mate- rialism, and the bearings of both on the * Belfast Address, p. 26. For '.nightly Review, No- vember, 1875, p. 598. MODERy MA TERIA LISM : primary religious beliefs. To those doubt- less the majority in our time who have made up their minds that behind the jurisdic- tion of the natural sciences no rational ques- tions can arise, and from their court no ap- peal can be made, who will never listen to metaphysics except in disproof of their own possibility, I cannot hope to say any useful word; for the very matters on which I speak lie either on the borders of their sphere, or in quite another. I am profoundly con- scious how strong is the set of the Zeit-geist against me, and should utterly fail before it, did it not sweep by me as a mere pulsation of the Ewiglceits-geist that never sweeps by. Nor is it always, even now, that physics shut up the mind of their most ardent and suc- cessful votary within their own province, rich and vast as that province is. "It has been asserted," says Professor Clerk Maxwell, " that metaphysical speculation is a thing of the past, and that physical science has extir- pated it. The discussion of the categories of existence, however, does not appear to be ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. in clanger of coming to an end in our time ; and the exercise of speculation continues as fascinating to every fresh mind as it was in the days of Thales." * JAMES MARTINEATJ. * Experimental Physics, Introductory Lecture, ad Jinem. MODERN MATERIALISM : ITS ATTI- TUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. PART II. IT is curious to observe how little able is even exact science to preserve its habit- ual precision, when pressed backward past its processes to their point of commencement, and brought to bay in the statement of their " first truth." The proposition which sup- plies the initiative is sure to contain some term of indistinct margin or contents: and usually it will be the term least suspected because most familiar. The student of na- ture takes as his principle that all phenomena arise from a fixed total of force in a given quantity of matter ; and assumes that, in his explanations, he must never resort to any supposed addition or subtraction of either 138 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. element. In adopting this rule lie must know, you would say, what he means by "matter," and what by "force," and that he means two things by the two words. Ask him whence this principle has its authority. If he pronounces it a metaphysical axiom, you may let him go till he can tell you how there can be not simply an d priori notion of matter and notion of force, but also an d priori measure of each, which can guarantee you against increase or diminution of either. As standards of quantity are found only in experience, he will come back with a new an- swer, fetched from the text-books of science : that his principle is inductively gathered ; in one half of its scope viz., that neither mat- ter nor force is ever destroyed proved by positive evidence of persistence ; in the other half viz., that neither is ever created proved by negative evidence, of non-ap- pearance. If now you beg him to exhibit his proof that matter is indestructible, he will in some shape reproduce the old experi- ment of weighing the ashes and the smoke, MODERN MA TERIALISM : 139 and re-finding in them the fuel's mass : his appeal will be to the balance, his witnesses the equal weights. Weight, however, is force: and thus, to establish the perseverance of matter, he resorts to equality of force. Again, when invited to make good the cor- responding position, of the conservation of force, he will show you how, e.g., the chemi- cal union of carbon and oxygen in the fur- nace is followed by the undulations of heat, succeeded in their turn by the molecular separation of water into steam, the expansion of which lifts a piston, and institutes mecha- nical performances : i.e., he traces a series of movements, each replacing its predecessor, and leaving no link in the chain detached. Movements, however, are material phenomena : so that to establish the persistence si force he steps over to the counsel of matter. He makes assertions about each term, as if it were an independent subject: but if his as- sertion respecting either is challenged, he in- vokes aid from the other : and he holds, log- ically, the precarious position of a man rid- 140 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. ing two horses with a foot on each, hiding his danger by a cloth over both, and saved from a fall by dexterous shifting and exchange. Nothing can be more unsatisfactory than a scientific proposition, the terms of which stand in this variable relation to each other. The first of them has been sufficiently fixed in discussing the Atomic conception. It re- mains to give distinctness to the second. In order to do so, it will be simplest to follow into their last retreats of meaning the paral- lel doctrines of the "Indestructibility of Matter" and of the "Conservation of En- ergy." If our perceptions were so heightened * and refined that nothing escaped them by its minuteness or its velocity, what should we see, answering to those doctrines, during a course of perpetual observation ? 1. We should see the ultimate atoms ; and if we singled out any one of them, and kept it ever in view, we should find it in spite of "change of form," " always the same." "A simple elementary atom," says Professor Bal- four Stewart, "is a truly immortal being, .and MODERN MATERIALISM: enjoys the privilege of remaining unaltered and .essentially unaffected by the powerful blows that can be dealt against it." *. Here, then, we have alighted upon the " Matter " which is " indestructible." 2. These atoms might have been station- ary ; and we should still have seen them in their " immortality." But they are never at rest. They fly along innumerable paths : they collide and modify their speed and their direction : they unite : they separate. How- ever long we look, there is no pause in this eternal dance : if one figure cease, another claims its place. As in the atoms, so in the molecules which are their first clusters, there is a " state of continual agitation," " vibra- tion, rotation, or any other kind of relative motion ; " f " arid uninterrupted warfare go- ing on a constant clashing together of these minute bodies." J In this unceasing move- ment among the " immortal" atoms we alight * The Conservation of Energy, p. 7. t Theory of Heat, by J. Clark Maxwell, p. 306. t Conservation of Energy, by Dr. Balfour Stewart, p. 7. 142 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. upon the phenomenon, or series of pheno- mena, described by the phrase " Conservation of Energy." So far as the law thus desig- nated claims to be an observed law, gathered by induction from experience, this is its last and whole meaning. We have only to scru- tinize its evidence with a little care, in order to see that it simply traces a few transmuta- tions of the perpetual motions attributed to atoms and molecules. If we chose to shape it thus : " For every cancelled movement or element of movement there arises another, which is equivalent ; " everything would be expressed to which the evidence applies. Had we to look out for a proof of such a proposition, we should first consider what it is that makes two movements equivalent : and in the simplest case, of homogeneous elements, we should find it in equal numbers with the same velocity ; so that the direct demonstration would require that we should count the atoms and estimate their speed. As we cannot count them one by one, we weigh them in their masses; an MODERN MATERIALISM: 143 operation which has the advantage of reckon- ing at one stroke, along with their relative numbers, also the most important of their velocities. The atoms being all equal, the greater mass expresses the larger number. And weight is only the arrested velocity with which in free space, they move to one an- other : it is prevented motion, in the shape of pressure. In order to measure it, i.e. to express it in terms of space and time, we might withdraw the prevention, and address ourselves to the path that would then be described. But it is more convenient to test it by taking it in reverse, and trying what other prevented motion will avail ,to stop it and hold it ready to turn back. Thus even statical estimates of equilibrium are but a translation of motion into more compendious terms. If this is a true account of common weights, it still more evidently applies to the process which gives us the foot-pound, or " unit of work : " for this is found by the actual lifting ofong_ggund through one ver- 144 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. tical foot, i.e. by moving it through a space in a time. And as in this, which is the stand- ard, so in all the changes which it is employ- ed to measure, the fundamental quantity is simply movement, performed, prevented, or reversed. This fact is easily traced through the proofs usually offered of the Conservation of Energy. The essence of them all is the same: for each extinguished " unit of work" they find a substituted equivalent movement, molar or molecular. Dr. Joule, for instance, estab- lishes for us a common measure of heat and mechanical work. How does he accomplish this ? By applying the descent of a weight to create in moving water friction enough to raise the temperature 1 Fahrenheit; and finding that this result corresponds with a fall of the water through 772 feet. Here, on one side of the equation, we have the move- ment of the mass through its vertical path ;. on the other, the molecular movement that constitutes heat ; measured by a third move- ment of an expanded liquid in the thermom- MODERN MA TERIALISM: 145 eter. Where the first is arrested, the sec- ond takes its place : and to double one would be to double both. If heat is made to do chemical work, its undulations are similarly expended in setting up a fresh order of movements ; of atomic combination, when burning coal unites with oxygen ; of separation, when the fire of a lime-kiln drives its carbonic acid from the chalk. The friction which parts the electric- ities, the spark which attends their reunion ; the crystallization of liquids by loss of tem- perature, and their vaporization by its in- crease ; the waste of animal tissue by action, and its replacement by food ; all reduce themselves to the same ultimate rule, the exchange of one set of movements or resist- ances (which are stopped movements) for another, which, wherever calculable, is found to be an equivalent. To a perfect observer, then, able to follow the changes of external bodies, in themselves, and among one another, to their last haunts, nothing would present itself but consecutions 10 146 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. and assortments of phenomena, and arrests of phenomena. And if he had noticed, and could name, what on the subsidence of each group would emerge to replace it, he would be master of the law of Conservation. The sciences would distinguish themselves for him by taking cognizance each of its special set of phenomena ; as acoustics tell the story of one kind of undulations, optics of another, thermotics of a third. And the law in ques- tion would only carry his glance, as it chased the flight of change, across the lines of this divided work, and show him on the desertion of this field, a new stir in that. Though the whole objective world has thus been laid bare before him, and he has read and registered its order through and through, he has not yet, it will be observed, alighted on a single dynamic idea : all that he has seen (and nothing has been hid from him) may be stated without resort to any term that goes beyond the relations of co-existence and sequence. The whole vocabulary of causality may absent itself from the language MODERN MA TERIALISM : of such an observer. Were it even given to him, it would carry no new meaning, but only tell over again in fresh words the old story of regular time succession. He might, as Comte and Mill and Bain truly contend, command the whole body of science, including its latest law, without ever asking for the origin (other than the phenomenal predecessor) of any change. By no such ideal interpreter of nature, however, have our actual books of science been written. Never more than now have they abounded in the language which, we have seen, would be superfluous for him. The formula of the new law contains it : for it is the conservation of " Energy," or the correl- ation of " Forces," which it announces. Are these then some new-comers that we have got to know ? or, have we encountered them be- fore under other names, and only found out some new thing about them ? " Energy," says Professor Balfour Stewart, is the "power of overcoming obstacles or of doing work." * * Conservation of Energy, p. 13. 148 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. I see a flash of lightning pierce a roof and kill a man and plunge into the earth : the obstacles overcome, the work done, are visi- ble enough; but where is the "power?" what does it add to the phenomenon, over and above these elements ? Besides the flash of lightning first, and then the changes in the roof and the man, is there some- thing else to be searched for, and entered, as an object of knowledge, under a sepa- rate name? If there be such a thing, by what sense am I to apprehend it ? through w r hat aids of art, can I penetrate to it ? It is obvious that it has no perceptible presence at all : and that its name stands in the defi- nition and in every inductive equation, as an x, an unknown quantity, which itself has to be found before it can add any new relation to the known. "Force," says Professor Clerk Maxwell, "is whatever changes or tends to change the motion of a body, by altering either its direction or its magni- tude." * The shot fired from a gun at a * Theory of Heat, p. 83. MODERN MA TERIALISM: moderate elevation is scarcely out of the muzzle before it quits the straight line for the parabola, and slackens its initial velocity, and soon alights upon the ground. We say the deflection is due to " gravitation." But, if so, this is an invisible part of the fact : no more is observable than the first direction and subsequent curvature of the ball's path, the changing speed, and the final fall, in presence of the earth. The u force " which we superadd in thought is not given in the phenomenon as perceived : and if we know the movements accomplished, prevented, modi- fied, we know everything that is there. One interpretation, indeed, may be given to these mysterious words which makes them not superfluous, in a methodized account of the order of nature. " Gravitation " perhaps may mean only the rule of happening which along with the deflection of the shot, describes also several other cases of movement ; and if it enables us to advert to these, while in presence of the immediate fact, it performs a truly scientific function. It is plain, however, 150 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. that this is not what our Dynamic writers mean. A rule does not " change the motion of a body," does not " overcome obstacles and do work ; " nor would any one dream of attaching such predicates to mere similarities of occurrence. Our instructors then suppose themselves acquainted with more than phenomena, more than the laws of them ; and believe that inductive analysis has carried them behind these to " the hiding-place of power" They tell us, with much ease and unanimity, what they have found there : so that the story is familiar to every advanced schoolboy, and re- produced in hundreds of examination papers every year. They have found, as sources .of the phenomena, a considerable number of " Energies " of nature, which they distinguish from one another in various ways, as " strong " or " weak " as stretching far or keeping near, as demanding the unlike or content with any- thing, as single or splitting into opposites, as inorganic or organic. In every text-book of science a complete list of these is presented : MODERN MATERIALISM: and the student, as he learns how to discrim- inate them, cannot doubt that he is dealing, in each instance, with a separate unit of ob- jective knowledge, which is the inner fountain of a definite set of outward changes. He thus is brought to conceive of nature as having many springs. Its multitudinousness is com- manded by a senate of powers. Further, it is impossible, on looking at the faces of these assembled forces, to assign the same rank to all, or miss the traits of grad- uated dignity which make them rather a hierarchy than a committee. The delicate precision with which chemical affinity picks its selecting way among the atoms is an advance upon the indiscriminate grasp of gravitation at them all. The architecture of a crystal cannot vie with that of a tree. The sentiency of the mollusk is at an immeasur- able distance from the thought which produces the Mechanique Celeste. Hence, in the company of powers that conduct the business of nature a certain order of lower and higher establishes itself, which, without settling every point of 152 IT $ ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. precedency, at least marks a few steps of ascent, from the mechanical at the bottom to the mental at the top. All equally real, all equally old, they are differenced by the quality of the work they have to do. On the imagination thus prepared a new discovery is now flung. Keenly watch the face of any one of these forces ; its features will change into those of another. You can- not fix its identity in permanence ; it migrates from species to species. Now it is mechanical energy; in a minute it will be heat; if a tourmaline is near it will turn up as elec- tricity ; and so on, for no part of the cycle is closed against it. You look, in short, upon a row of masks, behind which the "unknown power," slipping away from one to another with magic agility, seems to mul- tiply itself, but is found on closer scrutiny, never to quit its unity. The senate of nature does but administer a monarchy. And so, the plurality of forces disappears from the ultimate background, and comes to the front as a mere semblance. This brings up MODERN MA TERIALISM : 153 a new problem. What stands in the dynamic place thus vacated? How is it related to the disguises it assumes ? Do they in any way represent it ? or do they only hide it ? To this question there are three answers given. (1.) The One Power is indifferently related to all its masks, but is like none of them ; they are opaque and let no lineament shine through. (2.) The " phases " are not on an equal footing, but consecutive in their genesis, the lowest being the oldest. With that the One Power was at first identical, and that is what truly represents its essence. (3.) The "phases " are Consecutive in their genesis, the highest being the oldest. With that the One Power is forever identical ; all else is its action but not its image. The second of these is the materialist's answer. His preference for it is mainly determined by two reasons. In the first place, since the several forces, A, B, C, D, &c., are all inter- changeable, it suffices to allow A (the me- chanical), and all the rest are provided for. In the second place, the traces of actual 154 IT ^ ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. evolution follow this order, conducting us back past the dawn of life, and even the combinations of chemistry, to a period of purely mechanical energy. In estimating these reasons I will step for a moment on to their own ground, and postpone all objection to the theory of " energies " on which they rest. It is true that, among a number of inter- changeables, if the first be given, the others are potentially there. But it is no less true that if the last be given, or any intermediate, there is provision for the rest. The possibility of reciprocal transmutation all round deter- mines no preference of any member as having priority over the rest, and cannot be pleaded as an excuse for selecting the rudest mask of nature as the most faithful likeness of its inner essence. The law of Conservation is impartial, and tells in both directions, exhib- iting the elements of the world, here living up into the self-conscious, there dying down into the inorganic, and suggesting, rather than any initial point, circling currents of crossing change. MODERN MA TERIALISM: 155 But further, there is not the slightest ground, in the present transmutations, for treating the lowest phase of force as adequate to the production of the highest. Though mechanical energy, now that it stands in presence of the several chemical elements, may pass into chemical form, it does not follow that it could do so in their absence ; for this would be tol predicate of homogeneous atoms what we know only of heterogeneous. And the same consideration applies to the phases higher in the scale. Given, the exist- ing materials and conditions of life and mind, and the circulation and equivalence of forces may take place as alleged ; but that the order could be inverted, and the equivalence avail to provide the conditions, cannot be inferred. Take on the other hand, any higher " phase " as first, and it carries all below it. Chemical force pre-supposes mechanical (as cohesion), and acts at its expense ; and vital pre-supposes and modifies the inorganic chemical. In this order of derivation, there- fore, the original datum would yield what is 156 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. required by divesting itself of certain con* ditions admitted to be there, while in the opposite order it would have to take on fresh conditions assumed to be absent at its start. If, in choosing from the phases of force the fittest representative form, we are to be guided by the possibility of deduction, the supreme term must surely be taken as First. The second plea of the " materialist," viz. that the vista of evolution recedes into the simply mechanical, and is intersected at dimly seen stages by entering lights, first of chemi- cal affinity, then of life, and finally of con- sciousness, it is the less necessary to qualify as a statement of fact, because it is destitute of logical cogency. Granted that at succes- sive eras these new forces appeared upon the scene, this supplies the "when," but not* the " whence " of each. Something more is need- ful, if you would show that it is the product of its predecessor. Instead of advancing from behind, it may have entered from the side. You cannot prove a pedigree by offering MODERN MATERIALISM: 157 a date. Since these several forces are but secondary phases of a Unitary Power, what obliges us to derive them one from another, instead of letting them all stand in equal and direct relation to their common essence ? On this point the first answer to the inquiry after the One Power has a conclusive advantage over the second. Such, it seems to me, would be the logical position of the materialist's case, on the as- sumption that separate kinds and transmuta- tion of energy are known to us, ; over and above the resulting phenomena, as discoveries of natural science. That assumption, hitherto conceded, I must now withdraw. No " en- ergy " has ever come under human notice, and disclosed its marks, so as to discriminate itself from others, similarly apprehended. This is not simply true thus far as a matter of fact : it is true permanently as a matter of neces- sity. We might watch for ever the relations of bodies and their parts inter se^ and though we had eyes that ranged from the microscopic minimum to the analysis of the milky way. 158 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. we should fetch no force into the field of view: and the whole story of what was laid open to us would be a record of interminable series and eddies of change. What are called the " transmutations of energy " are nothing but transitions from one chapter of that record to another. A certain catena of phenomena runs to an end ; the first link of a new one is ready to take its place : a body's fall is stopped ; its temperature rises : the thermometer in the ket- tle ascends to 212 Fahrenheit and stays there ; the water turns to steam : this is ob- served, and no more than this. And the list of metamorphosed energies deceives us, if we take it for anything beyond an enumeration of these junctures between class and class of consecutive movements. Did we bring to the contemplation of nature no faculties but those which constitute our scientific outfit, I see no reason to believe that it would come before us under any other aspect ; or that we should ever be tempted to paint its picture or tell its history in dynamic terms. Are such terms then illusory? Are they MODERN MA TERIALISM: 159 susceptible of no meaning ? or of only a false meaning ? Far from it. The thought that is in them we cannot indeed fetch out of nature : but we are obliged to carry it into nature. To witness phenomena and let them lie and dispose themselves in the mere order of time, space, and resemblance, is to us impossible. By the very make of our understanding we refer them to a Power which issues them : and no sooner is percep- tion startled by their appearance than the in- tellect completes the act by wonder at their source. This " power " however, being a postulate intuitively applied to phenomena, and not an observed function found in them, does not vary as they vary, but mentally re- peats itself as the needed prefix to every order of them : and though it may thus mi- grate, now into this group, now into that, it is the dwelling alone which changes, and that which, is immanent is ever the same. You can vary nothing in the total fact, except the collocations of material conditions ; out of which, as each new adjustment emerges, the 160 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. persistent power elicits a different result. In- stead of first detecting many forces in nature and afterwards running them up into identity, the mind imports one into many colloca- tions ; never allowing it to take different names, except for a moment, in order to study its action now here, now there. If this be true, if causality be not seen, but thought, if the thought it carries belongs to a rule of the understanding itself, that every phenomenon is the expression of power, two consequences follow : the plurality of forces disappears : and, to find the true interpretation of the One which, remains, we must look not without but within ; not on the phenomena presented, but on the rational relations into which they are received. Power is that which we mean by it ; nor have we any other way of determin ing its nature than by resort to our self-knowl- edge. The problem passes from the jurisdic- tion of natural science to that of intellectual philosophy. Thither let us follow it. I have already hinted that if we were mere passive, though thinking, observers of the MODERN MA TERIALISM: world around us, we should witness phenom- ena without asking for a power : the princi- ple of causality would remain latent in the intellect : the occasion would be wanting < which permits it to awake. That occasion is furnished by the active side of our nature, by our own spontaneous movement from its inner centre out upon objects near its circum- ference. Being conscious as originators of the exercise of power, we admit as recipi- ents its exercise upon us : nor is causality conceivable except upon these meeting lines of action and reaction ; any more than, in the case of position, a here is conceivable without a there. Both pairs, the dynamic and the geometrical, are functions of the same fundamental antithesis, of subject and object, which is involved in every cogni- tive act. Till we disengage ourselves from nature, we do not think though we may feel : and when we disengage ourselves from na- ture, we are self-conscious subjects and ob- jects of casual operation. The idea of power coming in this dual form, as out from us and 11 162 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEO )GY. on to us, its two sides are reciprocally re- lated : and that which the inner side is to the object^ the same is the outer side to the sub- ject. With the inner side, however, we are intimately familiar : it is the one thing which we immediately know ; unless, indeed, it sits so near our centre as rather to regulate our knowing than stand off enough to become it- self the known : but in any case we have to mark it by a name, as the inmost nucleus of dynamic thought : and we call it living Will. This is our causality ; and it is what we mean by causality : in the absence of this, no other source for the idea, in the presence of this, no other meaning for it, can be found. It is true that of the reciprocal propositions, "We push against the wind," "The wind pushes against us," we know the force named in the first with a closeness not be- longing to our knowledge of the other. We cannot identify ourselves with the wind as our own nisus is identified with us. We go out on an energy: we return home on a thought. But that thought is only the re- MODERN MA TERIALISM : 163 flex of the energy ; it has, and can have, no other type. Our whole idea of Power is identical with that of Will, or reduced from it. That which, in virtue of the principle of causality, we recognize as immanent in na- ture, is homogeneous with the agency of which we are conscious in ourselves. Dynam- ic conceptions have either this meaning, or no meaning : cancel this, and you cut them at the root, and they wither into words ; and your knowledge, cast out into dry places, has to take refuge again with co-existences and successions. Whatever authority attaches to the law of causality at all attaches to it, pre- sumably at least, in its intuitive form, phenomena are the expression of living ener- gy ; and cannot be reduced within narrower limits, unless by express disproof of coinci- dence between its natural range and its real range. Till that disproof is furnished, the One Power stands as the Universal Will. I am aware what courtesy it woiild require in a modern savant, whether of the Nescient or of the Omniscient school, to behave civilly 164 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. to such folly as this must seem to him : nor can I pretend to find his laughter a pleasant sound : for I honor his pursuits, and sorrow- fully dispense with his sympathy. It makes amends, however, that even among the most rigorous scientific thinkers, some curious testimony or other from time to time turns up to the correctness of the interpretation just given of the idea of power. Even Gas- sendi, the modern Epicurus, the eager dis- ciple of Copernicus and Galileo, cannot re- frain from resorting to living and conscious action in explanation of physical. To render the earth's attraction intelligible he has two favorite devices. He lays it down that every whole nature has a sort of clinging af- fection for all its parts, and resists their being torn or kept away from it ; so that the earth sends out invisible arms or tentacula to fetch back objects detached from it : and hence the fall of the rain, the hail, the stone from the sling.* And he institutes a double compari- * De motu impresso a Mo tore translate, xii. Opera, Lugd. 165, torn. iii. p. 491. MODERN MA TEEIALISM: 165 son ; first assimilating the earth to a mag- net ; and then the magnet's force to the fascinating or repulsive influence of objects upon the senses, the sweetness of the rose, which draws us to it, the noisomeness of a drain, that drives us away.* In this appeal to " sympathy " and " antipathy " we see again, as already in the dfa of Democritus, how inevitably the imagination, even when most intent on keeping within physical limits, is betrayed into mental analogies. Not a few indeed, of the most clearsighted men of science have been well aware of the real source of our dynamic conceptions ; in some cases accepting it as authoritative, in others being ashamed of it as a mere occasion of superstition. Redtenbacher, in his " Princi- ples of Mechanical Physics," refers our knowl- edge of " the existence of forces to the various effects which they produce, and es- pecially to the feeling and consciousness of our # Syntagma Philos. Phys. sect. iii. mem. I. lib. iii. p. ii. Op. 132 ; and De motu impresso xiii. torn. iii. p. 492. 106 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. own forces." * And in conversation with Feehner, Professor E. H. Weber laid stress on the fact that in the will to move the body occurs the only case of immediate conscious- ness of power operative on matter, and ac- cordingly identified the essence of power with that of will, and from this principle worked out his religious ideas.f That it is not, however, in the mere interest of a reli- gious theory that this doctrine finds its strength, it is evident from its hold on Schop- enhauer, who, in virtue of it, would call the inward principle of nature nothing but will, though striking out from that name what- ever makes its meaning divine. Herschel's judgment, often criticized but never shaken, was deliberately pronounced : "That it is our own immediate consciousness of effort when we exert force to put matter in motion, or * Das Dynamidensystem, Grundziige einer mechan- ischen Physik, p. 12, ap. Lange; Gesch. d. Material- ismus, ii. p. 205. f Fechner, Ueber die physikalische und pliilosoph ische Atomenlehre; 2te Aufl., p. 132 (note). MODERN MA TERIALISM : 167 to oppose and neutralize force, which gives us this in- ternal conviction of power and causation so far as it re- fers to the material world, and compels us to believe that whenever we see material objects put in motion from a state of rest, or deflected from their rectilinear paths and changed in their velocities if already in mo- tion, it is in consequence of such an effort somehow exerted, though not accompanied with our conscious- ness."* With the tone of this memorable statement it is interesting to compare the feeling of one who, owning the same psychological fact, treats it as an infirmity, instead of accepting it as a guide. " Power, regarded as the cause of motion, is noth ing," says Du Bois-Reymond, " but a more recondite product of the irresistible tendency to personify which is impressed upon us ; a rhetorical artifice, as it were, of our brain, snatching at a figurative turn of thought, because destitute of any conception clear enough for literal expression. In the notions of Power and Mat- ter we find recurring the same dualism which presents itself in the ideas of God and the world, of soul and body ; the same want which once impelled men to people bush and fountain, rock, air and sea with * Treatise on Astronomy, 1833. Ch. vii. 370. 168 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. creatures of their imagination. What do we gain by saying it is reciprocal Attraction whereby two parti- cles of matter approach each other ? Xot the shadow of any insight into the nature of tlie process. But, strangely enough, our inherent quest of causes is in a manner laid to rest by the involuntary image tracing itself before our inner eye, of a hand which gently draws the inert matter to it, or of invisible tentacles, with which the particles clasp together, try to seize each other, and at last twine together into a knot." * This outburst of exasperation against all dynamic conception, for to that length it really goes, is justified if the human mind has nothing to do but to become an accom- plished Naturforscher. It is quite true that " insight into the nature of the process " is gained only by a closer reading of its steps in their series and in their analogies, and is in no way aided by passing behind the move- ments they comprise. What then? Shall we be angry at our propensity to look behind them, and tear it from our nature under vows * Untersuchungen iiber thierische Electricitat. I. Bd. Berlin, 1848. Vorrede, S. xi. ap. Lange's Gesch. d. Mat. ii. 204. MODERN MA TERIALISM : 169 to reach a stainless intellect ? We shall but emasculate the mind we wish to purify : for what is the nerve of its vigor but the very Wonder which is for ever seeking an unat- tainable rest ? If we incessantly press into nature, it is in hope of finding what is be- yond nature : and all that we have learned of the finite world indirectly comes from our affinity with the embracing Infinite. It would be strange if the Causal appetency which no disappointment wears out, should be at once our greatest strength and our most fatal illusion. It is admitted to be " ir- resistible: " it is admitted to carry the belief of personality : but these features, which in- duced Herschel to yield to it and trust in it, are reasons with Du Bois-Reymond for re- sisting and despising it. I need hardly say that, when he calls its language u figurative " and its conception a "personification," he oracularly assumes the very point at issue. "To "personify " is to invest with personality that which has it not : and to tell any one with Herschel's belief that he does this is 170 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. only to contradict him. So again, if you know that there are two things of different type, living power and dead power, and then transfer to the second the marks of the first, your language is "figurative:" but if to you the types are identical, the second co- inciding with the first, you speak with literal exactitude ; and to charge you with rhetoric is only to beg the question in dispute. Prob- ably the writer was the less conscious of any dogmatism here, from his thoughts al- ready running upon the stock example of be- lief in the Pagan gods of " rock and air and sea," fairly enough adducible as a departed superstition. But the dying out of Poly- theism is misconceived if it be regarded as an expulsion of every Conscious Presence from venerated haunts, and the substitution of a dead for a living world. It was a fusion, not an extinction, of Will ; as the little cantons of nature, once under independent guardians, melted into ever wider provinces, and clans of men clustered into confederated nations, the detected harmony of the kosmos and the MODERN MATERIALISM: felt unity of humanity carried with them the enthronement of a single Divine Mind in place of the vanished local gods. It is not that other' and other powers have been dis- covered, but that fewer and fewer have been needed, till the plurality is lost in One Supreme. And as, with the widening scope of the natural order, the many wills lapsed into one, so, among monotheists, did the many motives of that One, once so freely at- tributed, more and more merge themselves in the recognition of an all-comprehending scheme, whose thoughts were not acts but laws, and whose purpose flowed into the in- lets of individual life from an ocean of uni- versal relations. By this surrender of provi- dence in exig.uis we drop the quest of design in events taken one by one, and learn to speak of the power which produces them, and to divide it into lots, not according to their supposed aims, but according to their visible kinds : and thus it is that by suspend- ing the idea of an end in view the full-bodied notion of Will is attenuated to that of Force. 172 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. How imperfectly, even then, the life is driven out of it, may be seen from Dn Bois-Rey- mond's expostulation with it. And the sus- pended idea only flits away to settle upon a higher point. Instead of having discovered that purpose is not there, we have simply learned that purpose takes in more ; and the little pulses of separate volition are lost in the mighty movements of Eternal Thought. In the remarkable passage which I have quoted, and in the argument of which it forms a part, Du Bois-Reymond puts Matter and Force on the same footing, and dischar- ges the former as well as the latter from the realm of reality, by reducing it also to an empty abstraction. He is led to this position by that just logical appreciation which gives to his writings, as to those of HelmhoLtz, a high philosophical rank, in addition to their value as models of scientific exposition and research. The equipoise, true enough, is perfect, in respect, to validity, between the ideas of Matter and of Power : and the only question is, whether both are to be dismissed MODERN MATERIALISM: 173 as illusions, or both retained as intuitive data of thought, the conditions of all construed experience. To reject them both is practi- cally impossible, though logically necessary if you part with either. To retain them both is simply to accept the fundamental relation of object and subject under its two constitu- tive functions, instead of treating our only modes of knowing as snares of ignorance. The existence of a Universal Will and the existence of Matter stand upon exactly the same basis, of certainty if you trust, of un- certainty if you distrust, the principia of your own reason. For my part, I cannot hesitate. Shall I be deterred by the reproach of " anthropomorphism ? " If I am to see a ruling Power in the world, fy ^ folly to pre- - fer a man-like to ,a brute-like power, a see- ing to a blind? The similitude to man means no more and goes no further than the supremacy of intellectual insight and moral ends over every inferior alternative : and how it can be contemptible and childish to derive everything from the highest known order of IT S ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. power rather than the lowest, and to con- verse with Nature as embodied Thought, in- stead of taking it as a dynamic engine, it is difficult to understand. Is it absurd to sup- pose mind transcending the human ? or, if we do so, to make our Reason the analogical base for intellect of wider sweep? How is it possible to look along any line of light traced by past research, and, estimating the contents which it reveals, and leaves still un- revealed, to remember that along all radii to which we may turn a similar infinitude pre- sents itself to airf faculty that seeks it, and yet to conceive that this mass of truth to be known has only our weak intelligence to know it ? And if two natures know the same thing, how can they be other than like ? Nay, Du Bois-Reymond himself takes up the magnificent fancy of Laplace, of a "mind cognizant of all forces operating in nature at a given moment, and all mutual relations among the beings, composing it. Such a mind, if in other respects capacious enough to subject these data to analysis, would com- MODERN MATERIALISM: 175 prise in the same formula the movements of the greatest masses in the universe, and of the lightest atom. Nothing would be un- certain to him ; and to his glance future and past would alike be present. The human understanding presents, in the perfection to which it has brought astronomy, a feeble image of such a mind/' * Here is reproduced the very thought which, in his ignorance of differential equations, Plato expressed by saying that God was the supreme Geometer ; simply taking to the summit-level the analogy which Laplace leaves floating at some in- definite height above the human. Is the conception, then, vitiated because it is " an- thropomorphic ? " Let Du Bois-Reymond answer, " Wir gleichen diesem Geist, denn wir begreifen ihn." f If to have the idea of a diviner nature is to resemble him, and if re- semblance must be reciprocal, what can be more futile than the reproach that men at- tribute to God what is highest in humanity. *Ueber die Grenzen des Naturerkennens, p. 6. flbid. p. 10. 176 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. It may be doubted, indeed, whether the analogy might not be pressed further, with- out overstraining its truth. If the collective energies of the universe are identified with Divine Will, and the system is thus animate with an eternal consciousness as its moulding life, the conception we frame of its history will conform itself to our experience of in- tellectual volition. Its course is ever from the indeterminate to the determinate ; and as the passage is made by rational preference among possibilities, thought has its intensity at the outset, and action in the sequel. It is in origination, in disposing of new condi- tions, in setting up order by differentiation, that the mind exercises its highest function. When the product has been obtained, and a definite method of procedure established, the strain upon us is relaxed, habit relieves the constant demand for creation, and at length the, rules of a practised art almost execute themselves. As the intensely voluntary thus works itself off into the automatic, thought, Liberated from this reclaimed and settled MODERN MA TERIALISM: province, breaks into new regions, and as- cends to ever higher problems : its supreme life being beyond the conquered and legis- lated realm, while a lower consciousness, if any at all, suffices for the maintenance of its ordered mechanism. Yet all the while it is one and the same mind that, under different modes of activity, thinks the fresh thoughts and carries on the old usages. Does any- thing forbid us to conceive similarly of the kosmical development ; that it started from the freedom of indefinite possibilities and the ubiquity of universal consciousness ; that, as intellectual exclusions narrowed the field, and traced the definite lines of admitted movement, the tension of purpose, less need- ed on these, left them as the habits of the universe, and operated rather for higher and ever higher ends not yet provided for ; that the more mechanical, therefore, a natural law may be, the further is it from its source ; and that the inorganic and unconscious portion of the world, instead of being the potentiality of the organic and conscious, . is rather its 12 178 IT S ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. residual precipitate, formed as the Indwelling Mind of all concentrates an intenser aim on the upper margin of the ordered whole, and especially on the inner life of natures that can resemble him? I am aware that this speculation inverts the order of the received kosmogonies. But, in advancing it, I only follow in the track of a veteran physiologic fc and philosopher, whose command of all the materials for judgment is beyond question, the author of "Psychophysik." Fechner in- sists that protoplasm and zoophyte structure, instead of being the inchoate matter of organ- ization, is the cast-off residuum of all pre- vious differentiation, stopping short of the separation of animal from plant and of sex from sex, and no more capable of further de- velopment than is inorganic matter, without powers beyond its own, of producing organi- zation.* And, far from admitting that the primordial periods had few organisms, which time increased in number, he contends that * Einige Ideen zur Schopfungs-und Entwickelungs- geschichte der Organismen, p. 73. MODERN MATERIALISM: 1ft) 4 the earth was formerly more rich in organ- isms than now, and that the inorganic realm has grown at the expense of the organic." * The resolution of all power into Will is met by the thorough-going objection, that Mind is not energy at all, and can never stir a particle of matter. " Were it possible," says Lange, " for a single cerebral atom to be moved by c thought' so much as the millionth of a millimetre out of the path due to it by the laws mechanics, the whole ' formula of the universe ' (i.e., as imagined by Laplace) would become inapplicable and senseless." f "Suppose," he adds, "two worlds, both oc- cupied by men and their doings, with the same course of history, with the same modes of expression by gesture, the same sounds of voice, for him who could hear them i.e., not simply have their vibrations conveyed through the auditory nerve to the brain, but be self-conscious of them. The two worlds are therefore to be absolutely alike, * Einige Ideeii zur Schopfangs-uud Ent vvickelungs- geschichte der Organismen, p. 73. f Gescldchte des Materialismus, ii. p. 155. 180 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. with only this difference : that in the one the whole mechanism runs down like that of an automaton, without anything being felt or thought, whilst the other is just our world ; then would the formula for these two worlds be completely the same. To the eye of exact research they would be indistinguishable." * So much the worse, are we not tempted to say, for " exact research ? " If, with all its keenness and precision it misses half the universe, and identifies diametrical opposites, it will be perhaps, a calamity rather for it than for us, that its " formula " should prove less applicable than had been supposed. The extension to man, in an exaggerated form of Descartes' doctrine of animal automatism marks, perhaps, the lowest point which the falling barometer of philosophy has reached. By him it was propounded for the express purpose of finishing off the mechanical modes of action, even when strained to their maxi- mum, short of the human characteristics; and of opening in these a second and sharply *Ibid. ii. p. 156. MODERN MA TERIALISX: contrasted world, containing another hemi- sphere of phenomena, with their own lines of causality and relations of affinity. Though by his absolute separation of matter and mind he cut the problem of the world in two, he at least embraced the whole of it, and at- tempted to solve it by a double formula. But his modern interpreters do not see why one half of his theory should not be stretch- ed to do the work of the whole : they have only to ignore his unmechanical part of the world and leave it out in the cold, and in place of his contrast they will get an identity. For his maxims, Movement is the cause of movement, Thought of thought, but neither of the other, they substitute the rule that Movement is the cause of both, but Thought of neither: so that there is no longer any counterpart to the mechanism of nature, or any work done beyond it; and whatever puffs of thought and screeches of feeling there may be, it is only that the engine is blowing off its steam : nothing comes of it, and it may be treated as waste. This theory ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. is founded on the analysis of reflex action in the nervous apparatus, in which the sensory conductor having delivered its stimulus in the ganglion, the motory takes up the sequence and contracts the muscles requisite for ac- tion in response. If the brain be kept from interfering the circuit is completed in uncon- sciousness; and its series, though determin- ing the subject to all sorts of clever and con- gruous movements, is composed of molecular changes unattended by feeling or design. When the scene is transferred to the brain or connected with it, the story, we are as- sured, is still the same, only with the added phenomenon of consciousness. In the one case, the subject acts : in the other, he acts and knows it. But this new fact is inoper- ative, and leads to nothing: were it absent, he would figure away as a molecular automa- ton all the same, and not a scene or a word would be altered in the five-act comedy of life. Comparing in this view the reflex and the cerebral activities, we might say that the former resembles a clock with one beat viz., MODERN MA TERIALISM: 1 S3 movement only ; the latter, a clock with two beats viz., movement plus consciousness. By the extent of this increment, the second does more work than the first. What, then, becomes of the difference ? Where are we to look for it at the next stage? We are ex- pressly told it has no next stage, and things will go on exactly as if it had not been there. Then a portion of work has perished, and the Conservation of energy is contradicted. The only escape from this conclusion would be by denying that consciousness pro- duced is " work done." This, however, is to admit that it is not an effect of molecular forces ; to exempt it altogether from the range of physical law ; and to throw it into an independent world of its own, beyond the jurisdiction of the natural philosopher. Such a position would be an unconditional relapse into the two-armed embrace of Descartes, from which the whole doctrine is a struggle to escape. It is said that if thought can move a single molecule, the law of causality is at an end. ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY, Why is it not equally at an end if, conversely, molecular movement can wake a single f thought ? Either way, causality alike steps out of the material series, and crosses over to the other, now last, now first. And it is only on the assumption that it cannot do this, be- ing a monopoly of Physics, that the objec- tion has any sense. This doctrine, that the most important elements of life, all that constitute exper- ience, and embody themselves in language, art, religion, are so much surplusage, that the mental phenomena are collectively a cul- de-sac, leading nowhither, comes with a singular irony from men who by force of in- tellect, knowledge and character are in many ways changing the conceptions, of their time, and whose most signal triumph it will be to convince us that, if they never felt or thought at all, or stirred emotion and idea in us, it would make no difference to our his- tory, and the senseless pantomime of our life would fit into the same niche in the world's " formula." Such paradoxical triumphs are MODERN MATERIALISM: 135 occasionally won by planting the old night- mare of necessity closely on our breast. But not for long : and the first of us that, feeling cold, spreads his hands before the fire, or, struck with grief, wrings them over the life- less features of a friend, will here break the spell, and restore the faith that to be con- scious, to think, to love, is to have power. But then, it is said, this mental power, even if we concede it, is found only in con- nection with definite material conditions ; in the absence of which, as in the structure of plants, we have no grounds for admitting any conscious life. " What can you say then to the student of nature if, before he allows a Psychical principle to the universe, he asks to be shown, somewhere within it, embedded in neurine and fed with warm arterial blood under proper pressure, a convolution of ganglionic globules and nerve-tubes proportioned in size to the faculties of such a Mind? "* " What can we say ? " I say, first of all, that * DuBois-Reymond, Ueber die Grenzen des Naturer- kennens, p. 37. 1S6 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. this demand for a Divine brain and nerves and arteries comes strangely from those who reproach the Theist with '" anthropomorph- ism." In order to believe in God, they must be assured that the plates in " Quain's An- atomy " truly represent him. If it be a dis- grace to religion to take the human as meas- ure of the Divine, what place in the scale of honor can we assign to this stipulation? Next, I ask my questioner, whether he sus- pends belief in his friends' mental powers till he has made sure of the contents of their crania ? and whether in the case of ages be- yond reach, there are no other adequate vestiges of intellectual and moral life in which he places a ready trust ? Immediate knowledge of mind other than his own he can never have : its existence in other cases is gathered from the signs of its activity, whether in personal lineaments or in pro- ducts stamped with thought : and to stop this process of inference with the discovery of human beings is altogether arbitrary, till it is shown that the grounds for extending it MODERN MA TERIALISM : 187 are inadequate. Further, I would submit that, in dealing with the problem of the Uni- versal Mind, this demand for organic central- ization is strangely inappropriate. It is when mental power has to be localized, bounded, lent out to individual natures and assigned to a scene of definite relations, that a focus must be found for it and a molecular structure with determinate periphery be built for its lodgment. And were Du Bois-Rey- mond himself ever to alight on the porten- tous cerebrum which he imagines, I greatly doubt whether he would fulfil his promise and turn theist at the sight : that he had found the Cause of causes would be the last in- ference it would, occur to him to draw; rather would he look round for some mons- trous creature, some kosmic megatherium, born to float and pasture on the fields of space. The great " energies " which we recognize as modes of the Universal Power are not central but ubiquitous : gravitation reports itself whenever there is a particle of. matter ; heat and light spread with the 188 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. ether whose undulations they are ; and elec- tricity, at one moment gathered into poles, at another sweeps in the aurora over half the heavens. But if still my questioner cannot dispense with some visible structure as the organ of the Ever-living Mind, I will ask him, in his conception of the brain to take into account these words of Cauchy's : " Ampere has shown . . . that the molecules of different bodies may be regarded as composed each of several atoms, the dimensions of which are infinitely small relatively to their separating distances. If then we could see the constituent molecules of the different bodies brought under our notice, they would present to our view sorts of constellations; and in passing from the infinitely great to the infinitely small we should find, in the ultimate particles of matter, as in the immensity of the heavens, central points of action distributed in presence of each other."* If then the invisible molecular structure and movement do but repeat in little those of the heavens, what hinders us from invert- * Cited from Moigno's Cosmos, torn. ii. p. 374, by Fechner : Atomenlehre, xxvi. p. 232. MODERN MATERIALISM: 1 89 ing the analogy, and saying that the ordered heavens repeat the rhythm of the cerebral particles? You need an embodied mind? Lift up your eyes, and look upon the arch of night as the brow of the Eternal, its constel- lations as the molecules of the universal con- sciousness, its space as their possibility of change, and the ethereal waves -as the affer- ents and efferents of Omniscient Thought. Even in the human nerves, the solid lines are but conductors, and the granules but media of movement ; and science is ever on the search for some subtler essence that is thus sheathed and transmitted. In the kosmos, then, think of that essence as unsheathed and omnipresent, with light for its messenger and space for its scope of perception, and your material requisition is not wholly a dream. Quite in the sense of Du Bois-Reymond's objection was the saying of Laplace, that in scanning the whole heaven with the telescope he found no God ; which again has its paral- lel in Lawrence's remark that the scalpel, in 190 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. opening the brain, came upon no soul.* Both are unquestionably true, and it is pre- cisety the truth of the second which vitiates the intended inference from the first. Had the scalpel alighted on some perceptible vyji, we might have required of the telescope to do the same ; and, on its bringing in a dumb report, have concluded there was only mechanism there. But, in spite of the knife's failure, we positively know that con- scious thought and will were present, yet no more visible, yesterday: and so, that the telescope misses all but the bodies of the universe and their light avails nothing to prove the absence of a Living Mind through all. If you take the wrong instruments, such qusesita may well evade you. The test- tube will not detect an insincerity, or the microscope analyze a grief. The organism * Both these dicta I quote from memory, without at the moment being able to verify the citations. An equivalent passage to the latter occurs in the "Lec- tures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man," p. 8, 1819. MODERN MA TERIALISM : ]_ 9 ]_ of nature, like that of the brain, lies open in its external features, to the~ scrutiny of sci- ence : but, on the inner side, the life of both is reserved for other modes of apprehension, of which the base is self-consciousness and the crown is religion. The contempt or sorrow with which the claim of design is struck out from the inter- pretation of the world results in like manner from a false start in construing the dynamic idea. We are supposed to have made ac- quaintance, in the laboratory, the botanic garden, the aquarium, and among the stars, with a set of blind forces to which a happy hit and a stupid blunder are indifferent and possible, alike ; and then by way of supple- ment to these, to introduce into the thus pre- pared scene the action of intellectual pur- pose. The former is treated as the sphere of determinate causality ; the latter of teleologi- cal government. It is plain that, under these conditions, nothing is left to the second agency except the residue unexplained by the first ; nor does anything suit its character 192 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. except the fitness which (inter alia) are not impossible to the other also. Unless there- fore it invades and interrupts the series other- wise inevitable, it is liable to be deposed and " mediatized " by advancing knowledge ; its troop of anomalies filing off by degrees into the drilled army of necessity ; and the adap- tations it had claimed being traced to the forces which cannot think. With these logi- cal preconceptions, it is no wonder that the naturalist directs a professional enmity against the doctrine of design, and meets it as the opponent he is for ever beating back : and as he is certainly not only in his right, but at his duty, in pushing to the utmost his researches into the physical history of the forms and phenomena he studies, it is a venial impatience with which he resents at- tempts to stop him by " supernatural phan- toms " across his path. If he can display the mechanism by which the heliotrope turns to the sun, or the chemistry by which in a few hours the turbot assumes the color of the ground over which it swims, or tell the MODERN MATERIALISM: 193 whole story which, beginning with a jelly- point tingling in the sunshine, ends with the completed human eye, let his work have all sympathy and honor. But if he imagines that he is displacing Thought from nature by dis- covering causality, he is the subject of the very same illusion which would cry him down and arrest his course. The cases do but present the two sides of one supersti- tion. The dispute between acting Force and in- tending Mind is as unmeaning as the quarrel of a man with his own image. The two are identical, expressions, now in all dimen- sions, now in some, of the same nature. Causal power other than Will being an un- known quantity, nay, absolutely out of the sphere of thought, teleology and causality are incorporated in one; and mechanical necessity, instead of being the negation of purpose, is its persistence, the declining, no doubt, of this or that possible diversion to minor ends, but in subservience to the sta- ' bility of a more comprehensive order. The ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. . inexorability of nature is but the faithful- ness of God, the maintenance of those un- swerving habits in the universe, without which it could train no mind and school no character : and that it is hard and unbend- ing to us does not prevent its being fluid to Him. To affirm purpose therefore in the ad- justments of the world is not to set up a rival principle outside their producing force, but to plant, or rather to leave, an integrating thought within it. And, conversely, to trace those adjustments to their " physical causes," is not to withdraw them from their ideal origin, but only to detect the method of carrying the inner meaning to its realization. Who will venture to say, what nevertheless is constantly imagined, that to find how a change comes about is to prove that it was never contemplated? If it were contemplated it would have to be executed somehow ; if ', the moment you read the machinery provid- ed for this purpose, the purpose itself is quenched from your view, is this the dis- covery or the loss of a reality ? MODERN MATERIALISM: ^95 This treatment of determinate causation as incompatible with conscious aims is the more curious, as proceeding from a school which, as necessarian, is constantly laboring to show the co-existence of the two in human nature. If man is only a sample of the uni- versal determinism, yet forms purposes, con- trives for their accomplishment, and executes them, definite causality and prospective thought can work together, and the field which is occupied by the one is not preoccu- pied against the other. The frequent pleas, " See, there is no mind here, for all is necessary causation," tacitly concedes that, in order to have mind, there must be exemption from necessity ; and can be consistently urged only by one who attri- butes this exemption to the human will. Is the argument conclusive from his point of view? It would be so, were it possible to prove his premiss, viz., the universality in the kosmos of necessary causation. But this is plainly out of the question, because his am- plest science carries the induction, such as it 196 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. is, only skin-deep into the universe ; because he would have to show that the present fixity was not determined by a past exercise of will ; because Mind, in proportion as it is orderly and exact in its methods, may assume the semblance of necessity, and be the less suspected that its freedom works by rule. He knows how he himself, though conscious of self-disposal as well as of subjection to nature, presents to the determinist the aspect of a machine ; and how can he be secure against a similar illusion in his interpretation of the world ? What is to prevent the same combination of free and necessary causality which he finds in himself from existing also beyond? Nay, if there were only mind-ex- cluding force in nature, how could there arise a force-resisting mind in him ? He could not carry in himself new causal beginnings, if in the kosmos whence he comes the lines of possibility were definitely closed. I revert, then, after weighing these objec- tions, to my " unwiderstehlicher Hang zur Personification," and persist in regarding MODERN MATERIALISM : that which the natural philosopher calls force, and Professor Tyndall raises to an immanent life, as Causal Will, manifesting itself, not in interference with an established order, but in producing it. As it builds and weaves and quickens all matter, and could not otherwise work before us at all, the structures and growths of the material world are its seat, and their phenomena its witnesses : so that the very story, of saline crystals, and ice- stars, and fernfronds, and human birth, which Professor Tyndall tells in order to ex- clude it, is to me a continuous report of its agency and laws. He asks, what else is there here than matter ? I answer, the movement of matter, with their disposing and " forma- tive power, 7 the attracting and repelling energies, which, dealing with molecules and cells, are not molecules and cells. " Mens agitat molem." Whoever finds this incredi- ble will soon have to make friends with some abstraction which is but a ghastly mimicry of it ; for some conception over and above that of "pure matter," is indispensable to the ae- ]L9S ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. curate representation of the simplest facts. If in the typical u oak-tree '' the vitality sud- denly ceased, the " matter " of it would at the next moment still be there, as certainly as that of a clock which had run down : it would weigh the same as before, and so stand the admitted test of the indestructi- bility of matter. Yet something is gone which was previously there, and that some- thing has to be described otherwise than in terms of " matter." The droll " hypothesis " which my critic amuses himself with con- jecturally attributing to me, " of a vegetable soul," wedded to the tree at a definite date, and quitting it when its term was up, cer- tainly does not help us ; and is set up on my behalf, I presume, simply from the facility of knocking it down. But are we any better served by the " alternative " conception of a " formative power," long latent and " po- tential," i.e. not forming anything, but only going to do so? I see that the conception contradicts Biichner's dictum, " A power not expressing itself has no existence ; " yet am MODERN MATERIALISM: 199 at a loss to know how, during its latency, its presence is ascertained, and to exercise with regard to it "that Vorstellungs-fahigkeit with which, in my efforts to think clearly, I can never dispense." Whilst it lies in wait behind the scenes, before the time for the deposit of the crystal or the germination of the acorn, where is it ? behind what mole- cules does it hide ? through what space is it invisibly present ? What shape has it, ena- bling it to lay its building particles and to agglutinate cells ? How does it know the right moment of temperature for stepping on to the stage, and declaring itself without further reserve ? In short, all the questions addressed to me respecting the "formative soul " invented for me, I refer back to be answered on behalf of my critic's " potential power." "Potentiality" is an intelligible fact in a being consciously able to act or to refrain. But when the idea is carried into a system of necessitated phenomena, it means nothing in them, but something in us, as their observers viz., that we conditionally antici- 200 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. pate a future change, forseeing a distant term of a series which would be certain, pro- vided the nearer ones were not obscure. To plant this subjective suspense out into the field of nature to do objective work there, now alighting visibly upon the earth, and then hidden again in " an ambrosial cloud," is a sort of intellectual illusion which modern logic might have been expected to cast out. In truth, the nearer I approach the Power which Professor Tyndall pursues through nature with so subtle and brilliant a chase, and the more I try, by combining the predi- cates which he gives and withholds, to think it out into the clear, the less distinct does this " ideal somewhat " become, not simply to the imagination, but to intellectual appre- hension. A power which is not Mind, yet may be "potential " and exist when and where it makes no sign ; which is " imma- nent" in matter, yet is matter; which " is manifested in the universe," yet is not " a Cause," therefore has no effects ; presents to me, I must confess, not an overshadowing MODERN MATERIALISM: 2Q1 mystery, but an assemblage of contradictions. I have always supposed that " Power " was a relative word, and that the correlative was found in the " work done : " take away the latter by denying the causation, and the term drops into five letters which might as well be arranged in any other order. Yet elsewhere this negative language is balanced by such large affirmative sugges- tions that I almost cease to feel the interval between my critic's thought and my own. Of the inorganic, the vegetable, and the animal realms, he says u From this point of view all three worlds would constitute a unity, in which I picture life as immanent everywhere. Nor am I anxious to shut out the idea that the life here spoken of may be but a subordinate part and function of a higher life, as the living, moving blood is subordinate to the living man. I resist no such idea, as long as it is not dogmatically imposed. Left for the human mind freely to operate upon, the idea has ethical vitality ; but stiffened into a dogma, the inner force disappears, and the outward yoke of a usurping hierarchy takes its place." * * Fortnightly Revieio, November, 1875, p. 596. 202 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY Bidding God-speed to this sudden flank-at- tack upon usurping hierarchies and dogmas, I pursue only the main line of march in the free " idea." Whither does it lead me ? It shows me the three provinces which make up our kosmos blended into one organism by an all-pervading life, which conducts all their processes, from the flow of the river to the dynamics of the human brain. This alone brings me to a pause of solemn wonder, a single power through the whole, and that a living one ! But there is more behind. This power, co-extensive though it is with nature, is not all : beyond her level we are to think of a " higher life," to which her laws and history do but give functional expression. May we then really think out this " idea " of a life " higher " than what is supreme in the world, higher, therefore, than the human? But scale of height above that point we do not possess, except in gradation of intellectual and moral sublimity; and either that Ideal Life must cease to live, or must come before our thought as transcen- MODERN MA TERIALISM : 203 dent Mind and Will, on a scale comprehending as well as permeating the universe. With any guide who brings me hither I sit down with joy and rest. It is the mountain-top, which shows all things in larger relations and through a more lustrous air ; and every feature, the great build of the world close at hand; the thinning of the everlasting snows, as they stoop and melt towards human life ; the opening of sweet valleys below the earlier and wilder pines ; and the final plains, teeming in their silence with industry and thought, is better understood than from level points of view, where the scope is nar- rowed or the calm is lost. But my guide seems less content than I to rest here, and deserts me, not, so far as I can trace him, to reach a brighter point, but rather to descend into the mists. To the "higher life," trans- cending our highest, he dares not give the predicate " Mind," or apply the pronoun of Personality.* On what scale, then, is ifc " higher ? " If not on the intellectual and * Fortnightly Review, November, 1875, p. 596. 204: ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. moral, then there is that in man which rises above it ; for the power of attaining truth and goodness is ideally supreme. If Professor Tyndall can reveal to us something which is higher than Mind and Free Causality, by all means let us accept it at his hands and assign it to God. But in order to profess this, and therefore to deprecate as an " anthropomor- phism," the ascription of a mind to Him, one would have, I think, to be one's self some- thing more than man. Only such a one could cast a look above the level of Reason, to see whether it was overtopped : and so, this fashionable reproach against religion is virtu- ally an arrogating of a superhuman position. As we cannot overfly our own zone, no beat of our wings availing to lift us out of the atmosphere they press, surely, if that " high- er life " speaks to us in idea at all, it can only be as Perfect Reason and Righteous Will. Those who find this type of concep- tion not good enough for them, do they succeed in struggling upwards to a better? Rather, I should fear, does a persistent gravi- MODERN MA TERIALISM: 205 tation gain upon them, till they droop and sink into the alternative faith of blind force which leaves their own rank supreme. Professor Tyndall sets the belief in " un- broken causal connection" and the "theo- logic conception " over against each other as " rivals ; " 'and says that an hour's reasoning will give the first the victory.* The victory is impossible, because the rivalry is unreal. Why should not a Mind of illimitable re- sources, such as " the theologic conception " enthrones in the universe, conduct and maintain " unbroken causal connection ? " Ts not such connection congenial with the relations of thought and the harmony of in- tellectual life? Do not you, the student of nature, yourself admire it ? Is it not the theme of your constant praise ? Do you not speak with contemptuous aversion of alleged deviations from the steadfast tracks of order ? and would you not yourself maintain those tracks, if you were at the head of things ? To this attitude you are impelled by a just * Fortnightly Review, November, 1875, p. 596. 206 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. jealousy for the coherent beauty and worth of science as a whole. If, then, these un- swerving Unas so dignify the investigating intellect which regressively traces them up, how can it be out of character with the Mind of minds to think them progressively forth? In the discussion which here reaches its close my object has been simply defensive, to repel the pretension of speculative mat- erialism to supersede " the theological con- ception," by tracing the pretension to an im- perfect appreciation of the ultimate logic of science. But the idea of Divine Causality which is thus saved, though an essential con- dition, is not the chief strength of religion ; giving perhaps its measure in breadth, but not in depth. Were the physical aspect of the world alone open to us, we should doubt- less gain, by reading a divineness between the lines, for beauty a new meaning, for poetry a fuller music, for art a greater eleva- tion ; but hardly a better balance of the af- fections or more fidelity of will. It is not MODERN MA TERIALISM : 207 till we cross the chasm which stops the scien- tific continuity, not till we make a new be- ginning on the further side, that the " idea of a higher life," emerging now in a far dif- ferent field, can claim its " ethical value/' The self-conscious hemisphere of inner ex- perience, which natural philosophy leaves in the dark, this it is which turns to its Divine Source ; and finds, not in any vacant " myster}V but in the living sympathy of a supreme Perfection, " the lifting power of an ideal element in human life." Only by con- verse with our own minds can we to use the words of Smith of Cambridge " steal from them their secrets," and " climb up to the contemplation of the Deity." * It is but too natural that this inner side of knowledge, this melior pars nostri, should be unheeded by those who look on it as the mere accessory fringe of an automatic life, gracefully hang- ing from the texture, but without a thread of connection beyond ; and that with them the * Discourse iii., p. 66. ap. Tulloch's Kational Theo- logy, vol. ii. p. 158. 208 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. word "subjective*' should be tantamount to " groundless." They confess the " mystery " of this interior experience only to fly from it and refuse its light. Yet here it is that at last light and vision lapse into one, and sup- ply the TjhnstSiffTarov rcvv dpfdvujv * for the ap- prehension of the first truths of physical and the last of hyperphysical knowledge. Till we accept the "faiths " which our faculties postulate, we can never know even the sen- sible world ; and when we accept them, we shall know much more. Short of this firm trust in the bases whereon our nature is ap- pointed to stand, a trust which, if destroy- ed by a half-philosophy, must be restored by a whole one, the grandest " ideas " flung out to play with and turn about in the kaleidoscope of possibilities, or work up as material of poetry and rhetoric, can no more " lift " a human will than the gossamer pluck up the oak on which it swings. Unless your "ideal" reveals the real, it has no power, and its " ethic value " is that of a dissolving * Plato de Rep., 508, A. MODERN MA TERIALISM: 209 image or a passing sigh. You must " be- lieve," ere you can "remove mountains : " if you only fancy, they sit as a nightmare on your breast. And if man does nothing well, till he ceases to have his vision, and his visi on rather has him and wields him for action or repose ; and if then he astonishes you with his triumphs over " nature " and her appar- ent real, is he the only being who thus rides out upon a thought, and makes the elements embody it ? Have not these elements already learned their obedience, and grown familiar with the intellectual mandate to which they yield ? A man truly possessed, ethically moulded by the pressures of reverence and love, you can never persuade that the beauty, the truth, the goodness which kindles him is but his private altar-lamp : it is an eternal, illimitable light, pervading and consecrating the universe. Unless it be so, it fires him no more : and, instead of utterly surrendering his will to it in trust and sacrifice, he begins to admire it as a little mimic star of his own, a phosphorescence of matter set up by the 14 210 ITS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEOLOGY. chemistry of nature, not to see things by, but to glisten on the darkness of himself. It is vain to expatiate on the need of religion for our nature, and on the elevation of character which it can produce, and in the same breath bid it begone from the home of truth and seek shelter in the tent of romance. If its power is noble, its essence is true. And what that essence comprises has been worked fairly out in the long experiment of Christi- anity on human nature ; which has shown that in its purest and strongest phase, religion is a variety and last sublimity of personal af- fection and living communion with an Infi- nitely Wise and Good and Holy. The ex- pectation that anything will remain if this be dropped, and that by flinging the same sacred vestments of speech round the form of some empty abstraction you can save the con- tinuity of piety, is an illusion which could never occur except to the outside observer Look at the sacred poetry and recorded de- votion of Christendom : how many lines of it would have any meaning left, if the con- MODERN MA TERIALISM. % 1 1 ditions of conscious relationship and imme- diate converse between the human and the Divine Mind were withdrawn ? And where- ever the sense of these conditions has been enfeebled, through superficial "rationalism " or ethical self-confidence, "religious sterili- ty " has followed. To its inner essence, thus tested by positive and negative experience, Religion will remain constant, taking little notice of either scientific forbearance or critical management; and, though left, per- haps, by temporary desertion to nourish its life in comparative silence and retirement, certain to be heard, when it emerges, still speaking in the same simple tones, and breathing the old affections of personal love, and trust, and aspiration. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. I (RENEWALS ONLY - T si. No. 642-3405 ^ f ^ f ': : r -9A* JUN19S8-8AM NO' tt 50 jy NOV a 1999 l-f ^55 ED BAM ;- > - ~m -IOC